Riparian areas are lands adjacent to a body of water. They are transition zones between the water and the upland. When in healthy condition, they are often noticeable as narrow strips of lush and green vegetated natural areas along streams (rivers and creeks) or around lakes. Riparian areas may range from narrow valleys to wide floodplains. In a semi-arid climate such as the SEAWA watershed, these naturally green areas contrast vividly in appearance with the drier upland. The soil moisture gradient, from the wet water’s edge to the upland, creates zones of differing riparian vegetation. On the shoreline where the water is not too deep, wetland plants are found. This portion of the riparian area is also known as a shoreline wetland. Farther away from the shoreline wetland is a zone of grasses and grass-like plants (sedges and rushes) and forbs (herbaceous plants – not grass or woody plants). Still farther away is a zone of shrubs, and finally there is a zone of trees bordering the upland. Some riparian areas may not have all of these vegetation zones. The physical forces of moving water (stream flow or wave action) and the water depth also determine what plants can grow on the shoreline. For example, cattails (Typha latifolia) and hardstem bulrushes (Schoenoplectus acutus) are both wetland plants, but hardstem bulrushes are more tolerant of wave action and streamflow and can grow in deeper water. That’s why along a lakeshore, bulrushes are often the only vegetation with their shoots above water, farthest from the shore. Learn more about riparian plants below:Riparian Areas and Riparian Plants in the Seven Persons Creek Watershed (18.80 MB) Healthy riparian areas are essential components of a healthy aquatic ecosystem, or water body. A river, creek, or lake is ecologically incomplete without a healthy riparian area. Riparian areas benefit people, wildlife, and the overall environment. They reduce the adverse effects of floods and drought and help regulate streamflow. They help improve water quality by trapping sediments and processing nutrients and other potential contaminants. They provide habitat and food for fish and wildlife, and the woody vegetation found growing in riparian areas stores carbon, helping in the global effort of reducing carbon dioxide emissions to combat climate change. In agricultural areas, such as those found in the SEAWA watershed, riparian areas provide important habitat for pollinators such as bees. Additionally, riparian areas provide people with the opportunity to enjoy nature’s beauty. To learn more about the functions of Riparian areas, see the document below:Recognizing Riparian Ecological Services (1.03 MB) Our Call to Action: Conservation of healthy riparian areas. Restoration of degraded riparian areas. Control of invasive trees and weeds. The condition of riparian areas can be assessed to provide ratings such as: Healthy, Healthy with Problems (problems are usually about the presence of invasive weeds), and Unhealthy (or degraded). A Riparian Health Assessment method is available at Health Assessment and Inventory Forms - Cows and Fish Riparian Health Assessment of the Seven Persons Creek and its tributaries and lakes is available here: Riparian Health Assessment of the Seven Persons Creek Riparian Health Assessments of the South Saskatchewan River at Medicine Hat is available here: Riparian Health Assessment 2015 - 2016 - South Saskatchewan River at Medicine Hat, Alberta. According to the Society of Ecological Restoration (SER), ecological restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed. For sensitive ecosystems, such as riparian areas, restoration is crucially important as they are unlikely to return to a healthy state through natural succession alone. Woody vegetation such as shrubs and trees are key green structural elements that generate riparian functions. SEAWA has been working on riparian restoration projects in the watershed since 2018, in an attempt to re-establish native plant communities by planting native shrubs and trees, and controlling invasive weeds. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 is a global effort aimed at restoring the planet and ensuring One Health for people and nature. Restoration of ecosystems provides resiliency to the effects of climate change on people and the overall environment. SEAWA’s riparian restoration projects in partnership with landowners, St. Mary River Irrigation District, and the city of Medicine Hat are in alignment with this global effort. THINK GLOBALLY; ACT LOCALLY Restoration Project Team: Project Lead & Restoration Ecologist - Marilou Montemayor Project Team Members: - 2022 - Ben White, Andrea Perez, Matthew Hoffart - 2021 - Ben White, Alexi Nelson, Ian Mahon, Larry Paik, Sydney Taplin - 2020 - Ben White, Alexi Nelson, Hannah Sabatier, Chris Beck, Larry Paik - 2019 - Brooklyn Neubeker, Amy Adams, Ben White, Brandon Jarvis, Sheldon Gill - 2018 - Natasha Rogers, Seline Solis, Patrick Jablowski Some of the native species planted by SEAWA are: SEAWA currently has restoration projects at four sites, each with its own host of challenges, and techniques for making restoration successful. These sites are: - Yeast (Seven Persons, AB) - In partnership with David Yeast - Sauder Reservoir (County of Forty Mile, AB) - In partnership with the Saint Mary River Irrigation District (SMRID) - Connaught Pond (Medicine Hat, AB) - In partnership with the City of Medicine Hat - Saratoga Park (Medicine Hat, AB) - In partnership with the City of Medicine Hat Riparian restoration involves partnership with landowners or land managers. SEAWA has been fortunate in securing partnerships and implementing riparian restoration projects at various sites in the SEAWA watershed. This video shows some of what SEAWA has done with the co-operation of local landowners. In its restoration efforts, SEAWA has implemented two approaches. The first is passive restoration – isolating the cause or causes, for example, through installation of barriers (fences). The second is active restoration – replacing lost and damaged elements, maintaining them, and preventing further damage or degradation. Fencing off livestock Fencing off pets & people Livestock off-stream watering systems Revegetation with native species In recent years, SEAWA has had opportunities to work with post-secondary students seeking work experience credit in their environment related programs. This kind of relationship is mutually beneficial, and SEAWA is glad to participate in such arrangements. To date, SEAWA has worked with: - Amy Adams, University of Calgary: Bachelor's Degree Co-op Program (2019) - Ben White, Medicine Hat College: Reclamation Technician Practicum (2019) - Keely Gilham, Royal Roads University: Master's Degree Field Work (2020)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "url": "https://seawa.ca/take-action/riparian-restoration", "date": "2022-08-18T14:03:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882573197.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20220818124424-20220818154424-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9201021194458008, "token_count": 1488, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Unit 6 Numbers 0–20 (Family Materials) In this unit, students answer “How many?” questions and count out groups within 20. They understand that numbers 11 to 19 are made of ten ones and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. They also write numbers up to 20. Throughout the unit you can support your student by finding everyday opportunities to practice counting groups of up to 20 objects. For example: Questions to ask your student: How many oranges do you think are in the bag? What can you do to figure out how many oranges there are? Section A Count Groups of 11-20 Objects In this section, students count groups of 11–20 objects using strategies they developed in earlier units with smaller sets of objects. Students may use a counting mat or a 10-frame and think about how organizing can help them count the objects accurately. Section B 10 Ones and Some More In this section, students see the numbers from 11 to 19 as 10 ones and some more ones. Students use fingers and 10-frames to represent these numbers with more emphasis on the 10-frame as the section progresses. As students represent these numbers, they fill a 10-frame and show some more ones. Students may show these ones in different ways. Students use objects, draw pictures, and fill in equations to show teen numbers as While not required in kindergarten, this work encourages students to count on from 10. Section C Count Groups of 11–20 Images In this section, students count groups of up to 20 images. Students work with images arranged in lines, arrays, circles, and on 10-frames. Images arranged in a circle can be tricky for students as it becomes very important to keep track of which images have been counted. Students write numbers to show how many images there are.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://access.openupresources.org/curricula/our-k5-math/grade-k/unit-6/family_en.html", "date": "2022-10-04T17:28:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337516.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20221004152839-20221004182839-00052.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9389336109161377, "token_count": 385, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Before doing word problems the student must appreciate the variable concept. One strategy to show students a use of the variable concept is the pick a number game. The class has writing materials, the teacher tells them to pick a number and then dictates some operations for the class to perform on their numbers. When the students are finished, the teacher asks each one for a result and quickly tells the value of the original number. Interest will be aroused by the difference in time taken by the students to get the second number and the speed at which the teacher gets all the original numbers. Students will want to know the trick, “How was it done?” If the teacher wants to avoid mental arithmetic the operations can be selected to give a common result for any initial number. Pick a whole number bigger than two. Multiply it by three. Subtract five from that answer. Circle that answer. Take your number again, and multiply it by eight, and add six. Add the new answer to the circled answer. (Algebraically 3x5 + 8x + 6 = 11x + 1) Then the teacher asks for the result and gives the first number. Students should be asked for suggestions on how this is done. Suggestions the teacher should be ready for are ones such as “You have them all worked out ahead of time.” So be prepared to make up new examples. This activity will allow for arithmetic practice. Some numbers offered as results by students will be incorrect and the teacher will ask them to check their work. Before the students become frustrated it is time to show how variables are used to solve the problem. I hear a dialogue such as this. “Problem says pick a number. We don’t know what it is so let us use a letter in its place. (That is the variable concept.) Let x be the number. Next we are to multiply the number by 3 that gives 3x. Then we are to subtract 5 which we indicate by 3x5. We were told to circle it so its underlined. Now take the number again and multiply by 8 getting 8x. Next add 6 for a result of 8x+6. Finally, add the result to the circled answer. 3x5+8x+6= 11x+1. (Here is a use of a manipulative skill.) So what does all this mean? Well, if we took your original number multiplied it by eleven and then added one, we would get the same result as all those other operations give. So to get your number all that needs to be done is to reverse the last two steps: subtract one from your answer and divide by eleven.” I see this shown in two columns the words on one side the algebra on the other. Since one less than the student’s result should be divisible by eleven, this is an opportunity to practice arithmetic.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://teachersinstitute.yale.edu/curriculum/units/1980/7/80.07.09/2", "date": "2022-09-25T11:39:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030334528.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20220925101046-20220925131046-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9621660709381104, "token_count": 591, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
On April 8, 1950, the Delhi Pact was signed. It was the outcome of six days of talks between India and Pakistan. The Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan, Jawaharlal Nehru and Liaquat Ali Khan wanted to ensure the rights of minorities in both countries. Most importantly, they wanted to avert another war, which seemed to be brewing since the partition in 1947. The partition of the subcontinent into Pakistan and India in 1947 resulted in communal riots. In December 1949, trade and industry between the two countries was cut off. In 1950, an estimated one million people — Hindus from East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh, was a provincial state of Pakistan that existed in the Bengal region from 1955 until 1971) and Muslims from West Bengal — crossed the borders. A violent atmosphere was prevalent, with lethal attacks on women and children. The brutal killings had left a deadly impact on the minorities in both the countries leaving them insecure. Many Hindus and Sikhs left Pakistan and came to India. However, those who did not migrate were looked upon with suspicion. In India, the same situation prevailed. A wave of fear spread among the people. The then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan decided to solve the issue. He issued a statement stating the need for an immediate solution and also proposed that his Indian counterpart hold a meeting to look into the problem. The two Prime Ministers met in Delhi on, April 2, 1950. They signed an agreement to safeguard the rights of the minorities. This pact, came to be known as the Liaquat-Nehru Pact. Some of the objectives of this pact were to lessen the fear of religious minorities, to put an end to communal riots and to create an atmosphere of peace. It was agreed that both governments would ensure complete and equal right of citizenship and security of life and properties to their minorities. Ensuring full fundamental human rights which included the rights of freedom of movement, freedom of thoughts and expression and the right of religion, was part of the deal. A minorities commission was to be set up to make sure that they would be represented. They vowed to not violate the rules of the pact and to make all efforts to reinforce it. If the minorities faced any problem, it would be the duty of both the governments to redress their problems without delay. In short, this pact agreed to guarantee full right to their minorities and to accord them the status of citizens.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.thehindu.com/features/kids/delhi-pact-was-signed-between-india-and-pakistan-on-april-8-1950/article8446823.ece", "date": "2022-12-08T23:01:08", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711368.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20221208215156-20221209005156-00852.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.97590571641922, "token_count": 493, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
The Trans-Mississippi American West went through many changes between 1860 and 1900. Some of the most significant changes involved transportation, communications, settling, mining, ranching, farming, and the treatment of Native Americans. One of the greatest contributors to change in the American west was the railroad. Before the railroad, people had to travel west by wagon and by boat. After the passage of the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862, a transcontinental railway line was initiated from Omaha, Nebraska, to Sacramento, California. The railroad compressed a months-long journey into days. The railroad brought many settlers west. Towns sprang up along the way, and goods could be shipped back and forth quickly and much less expensively. For the increased population, new lines of communication had to be opened. In 1860, the Pony Express began to transport mail between Missouri and California. However, this was arduous and dangerous, and it was soon supplanted by telegraph lines, which were established in 1861. The Homestead Act of 1862 attracted millions of settlers, also known as homesteaders, to the American West. According to this law, the US government awarded homesteads, or plots of land of about 160 acres in size, to any adult American citizens who would farm the land for at least five years. After the end of the Civil War and the passing of the Fourteenth Amendment, this included African Americans. Many of them moved from the Deep South to settle in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kansas. They became known as exodusters, after the Biblical exodus and the dusty conditions of the Midwestern plains. The discovery of gold and other valuable minerals transformed the Trans-Mississippi west. The Comstock Lode was discovered in Nevada in 1859, the Big Bonanza of gold and silver in Nevada in 1873, and also in the mid-1870s, a rush on gold began in the Black Hills of South Dakota. This brought riches but also lawlessness and decadence to these areas. After the Civil War, cattle ranching became a huge business, especially in Texas. Cattle drives took millions of cattle up to 1,000 miles from Texas to Kansas, from where the cattle would be sent farther east. Hostilities often broke out between ranchers and farmers vying for land. As settlers moved westward, farming expanded throughout the American west from the Great Plains to the West Coast. Homesteaders settled on many small farms. For many of them, it was a rough, harsh existence. In the late nineteenth century, small farmers had to contend with competition from farming monopolies with access to advanced equipment such as combines and tractors. By the end of the century, many of the small farmers found it difficult to compete and faced debt and bankruptcy. Native Americans suffered as increasing numbers of settlers moved west. Most white people saw Native Americans as hindrances. Native Americans were forced out of their homelands and made to settle in the Indian Territory and other designated reservations. There were several massacres of Native Americans, and their numbers and influence drastically declined.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-are-some-of-the-most-important-ways-in-which-2904057", "date": "2022-11-30T18:38:06", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710765.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20221130160457-20221130190457-00772.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9807373285293579, "token_count": 624, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
104 search results Lines of Symmetry Students will work collaboratively with a partner to discover what is a line of symmetry. Comparing Fractional Parts Using Pizza Students will compare fractional parts in a real-world situation using play dough as a model for pizza. Composing and Decomposing a Number In this lesson, students will learn how to compose a number with base 10 blocks, decompose a ten, and then compose the same number a different way. Courts of Measure Students will use measurement tools to measure the dimensions of the basketball court and calculate the area of the court. Solving Equations and Inequalities Students will be divided into four groups and work on their assigned task to become an expert. They will match vocabulary terms with definitions and examples, use the “Pass the Pen” strategy to create and solve equations or inequalities, or write a real-world problem for an equation given. The experts will then teach these concepts to their peers. Mission Possible—The Hierarchy of Polygons The students participated in three missions that required them to independently classify two-dimensional quadrilaterals in a hierarchy of sets and subsets using a graphic organizer based on their attributes and properties. Math at the Carnival As students rotate through engaging learning stations, they utilize concrete objects, pictorial models, mnemonic devices, and strip diagrams to solve real-world, two and three-digit subtraction word problems, with and without regrouping. Keeping it Concrete with Candy Students will work collaboratively to apply and use digits, value, greater than/less than and base 10 knowledge to communicate numbers up to 1200 with a Halloween theme. Perfectly Proportional Percents Students will collaborate to explain verbally how to solve percent proportions and scaling while showing their thinking. One-Step Word Problems Students participate in a teacher-created three-act task in order to solve math word problems. They reactivate their prior knowledge and determine the question to solve the main problem during Act One. Act Two engages students in a differentiated, rich task. During Act Three, students compare and discuss their work with peers outside their original groups. Solve Problems using Place Value Strategies with a Carnival Theme Students will work collaboratively through a fictitious real-world scenario to solve one‐step and multi‐step word problems. The lesson will involve solving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value. In these segments, artist Mark Ecko discusses what motivates him to create his art, and what "creativity" means to him. This resource teaches students what "motivation" and "creativity" mean, and empowers students to create their own art. Shop 'til You Drop Students will identify the value of coins and determine the total value of a group of coins to select items to purchase from a given list. Math Problem Solving CAN DRIVE good problem solvers!: 1st grade CAN Drive Students will help the principal collect cans for a can food drive. The students will be able to solve math word problems using the UPS✓ (UNDERSTAND what the problem is asking, make a PLAN, SOLVE the problem, and then CHECK to see if the answer makes sense) song/strategy, draw to show their work, and write a number sentence to go with their problem. Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series This resource contain links to video resources that demonstrate strategies for teaching mathematics concepts. Building Stamina During Stations Students will participate in differentiated stations based on counting coins, comparing values, and purchasing items within various wants and needs. Students will self-assess their stamina development throughout the lesson.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://texasgateway.org/resource-index?search=&sort_by=search_api_relevance&sort_order=DESC&items_per_page=20&f%5B0%5D=audience%3AStudents&f%5B1%5D=audience%3ATeachers&f%5B2%5D=content_type%3Alesson_study&f%5B3%5D=content_type%3Aresource&f%5B4%5D=grade_range%3A1&f%5B5%5D=grade_range%3A2&f%5B6%5D=grade_range%3A5&f%5B7%5D=grade_range%3A6&f%5B8%5D=subject%3AFine%20Arts&f%5B9%5D=subject%3AMath&f%5B10%5D=subject%3ASocial%20Studies", "date": "2022-12-01T23:14:15", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710870.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20221201221914-20221202011914-00852.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9232666492462158, "token_count": 772, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Transformations Geometry Worksheet Answers – This page has a number of worksheets to help your child identify the different ways an object can change from one shape to another. Children also begin to look more closely at the properties of shapes in order to classify them. At this level, symmetry is introduced and children learn to find lines of symmetry by making shapes or using mirrors. Children are encouraged to take a closer look at the shapes to recognize the differences in how they are made. Curved sides and straight sides are defined in 2 dimensions, and curved and flat surfaces are defined in 3 dimensions. Transformations Geometry Worksheet Answers At this point, the most important thing children can do is notice when the shape has been transformed and which transformation was used. Practice Identifying Basic Transformations Worksheet At the 2nd grade level, it is not important for children to be able to make conversions, they just need to be able to spot them! A congruent shape is a shape that is identical to another shape, but has been rotated, flipped, or moved to a different position. All the geometry worksheets in this section will help your child learn more about how shapes can be transformed. Shape matching worksheets explore shape congruence and discover when a shape is identical to another that is reversed or reversed. Geo_luriemst: Chapter 4 Practice Test Here you will find our 3D Shapes worksheets for second grade. Sheets involve naming and observing some properties of three-dimensional shapes. All the sheets in this section will help the child get to know the many three-dimensional shapes around him and learn more about some of their properties. Using puzzles is a fun and engaging way to see if your child can apply their knowledge of geometry to solve problems. The puzzles in this section involve 2D and 3D shapes, and your child must identify the correct shape from a selection based on the information in the puzzle. Here you will find a selection of 2D shapes worksheets to help your child learn the names and properties of 2D shapes. Unit 1 Transformations Here you will find a selection of 3D worksheets to help your child learn the names and properties of 3D shapes. Whether you’re looking for a collection of free homeschool math worksheets, a bank of useful math resources for teaching kids, or just want to improve your child’s math learning at home, Math Salamanders has something for you! Math Salamanders hopes you enjoy these free printable math worksheets and our other math games and resources. We welcome any comments about our website in the Facebook comment box at the bottom of every page. Our Math Transformations PDF worksheets are designed to help middle and high school students master the art of translating, mapping, rotating, and expanding shapes. Use our reflection worksheets, rotation worksheets, translation worksheets, and expansion worksheets to help your child or student understand all types of conversions. Our PDF worksheets ensure students are confident with all types of transformations, including X and Y mapping, rotating shapes around a given point, moving shapes, describing transformations in the coordinate plane, and more. Our conversion worksheets with answers allow you to see how well your students are doing and identify areas for revision. After using Cazoom, their hard work will be reflected in their grades! Transformations Vocabulary Worksheet Geometry is everywhere and we start learning it when we are small children. Children love to look at patterns, shapes and patterns. Many children’s toys often include various forms of geometry. So why is geometry one of the subjects that students struggle with the most? One of the most likely reasons is that this branch of mathematics requires students to use their spatial skills more than their analytical skills. Geometry is actually a branch based on creativity rather than analysis, and some students have not developed these skills as much. Algebra has a given formula and method for solving each problem, but geometry requires some built-in spatial concepts and knowledge to be able to use formulas to solve problems. Many geometry concepts also involve the ability to visualize certain aspects of a problem. This is the case with transformations. Translations, reflections, extensions and rotations involve visualizing a problem to find an answer. These are all different types of transformation. The good news is that students (and parents) no longer have to struggle with different types of conversions. The conversion worksheets available through can help focus these more abstract 8th grade math concepts. Combined Transformations Worksheet Pdf Answer Key Each transformation worksheet starts with a basic concept and then moves on to more complex questions. Color swatches and graphics come with each conversion worksheet, helping to engage students as they do their work. For parents, there are answer keys for each worksheet. This allows work to be checked and helps students to be more efficient. For a small monthly fee, students and parents can access a large database of PDF geometry worksheets with answers that can serve as the basis for math interventions or enrichment programs to help students improve their math achievement levels and achieve greater success in school to achieve Translations are essentially moving a point, segment, line or shape to another position without changing it in any way. Translations take place on a coordinate grid, so it is essential that students understand how a grid works before tackling the subject of translations. The coordinate grid is divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant has a set of points that help define specific points on the grid. The X and Y axes run vertically and horizontally on the grid, forming the basis for placing and naming points. When students understand how to find and label points on a grid, translations will be easier to understand. Quiz & Worksheet It is best to start with translations – work with dots. A point can be labeled by a given coordinate pair, and students can be given instructions on how to translate it. For example, they could be told to translate the item called (-4, 6). This would mean that students take the starting point and move it four points to the left and six positions. A new point will be placed at this location and the translation will be completed. This type of work can be done using one of the many transformation sheets available at. Once the students can convey the point, it’s time to move on to segments. The line segments are called the two endpoints that re-enter the coordinate grid. Students can then receive instructions to move the segment under the translation (7, -3). Students must take each endpoint of the original segment and move it seven points to the right and three points down. The two new endpoints will be connected and a new segment will be formed. This is another skill that can be practiced with geometry worksheets to reinforce the concept and see where students continue to go wrong. Using a conversion worksheet is good practice because it allows students to go through the iterative process of solving a specific type of 8th grade math problem. Many mathematical concepts are learned by looking at one or two examples, practicing on your own several times, checking your work and correcting mistakes. Completing the worksheets is also a task that parents can help with, especially if the answer key is given as included. The final stage of mastering translations is working with polygons. Any quadrilateral can be drawn on a coordinate grid by four points and lines connecting those points. To translate the entire polygon is simply to translate the points and segments. Once students have mastered points and line segments, polygons should be very easy to understand. Math concepts are always easier when the basic building blocks are understood, and using the site’s library of transformation worksheets is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to get lots of quality practice with students. Easy Activities For Teaching Effects Of Transformations Translations, rotations and reflections are all important parts of learning geometry, and now we will discuss reflections and rotations in more detail. When we look in a mirror and see the reflection, we see a version of the original image that has been reversed. In mathematics, this reversal occurs over a mapping line located on a coordinate grid. When a shape is drawn on a grid by assigning three or more endpoints, that shape can be mapped by declaring a mapping line. The mapping line is often the X or Y axis, but this need not always be the case. To create a new shape, all pairs of points that call the endpoints of the shape must be moved to the exact opposite side of the mapping line. Students who have difficulty with this concept may do well to start over by mapping one point to a Geometry worksheet answers, kuta software infinite geometry all transformations worksheet answers, function transformations worksheet answers, geometry simplifying radicals worksheet answers, geometry transformations worksheet answers, graphing transformations worksheet answers, geometry transformations worksheet pdf, transformations worksheet answers, geometry 5.3 worksheet answers, transformations worksheet geometry, parent functions and transformations worksheet with answers, geometry circles worksheet answers
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://sportstvinfo.com/transformations-geometry-worksheet-answers/", "date": "2022-11-29T22:03:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710711.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20221129200438-20221129230438-00052.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9278419613838196, "token_count": 1879, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Language Puzzles to help Students Understand Verb Tenses 7th - 10th - Word Document File This activity presents a made up language that is based on Swahili. Students look at examples of how verbs show tense and must decipher what word makes a verb in the past, present, or future. This is a great exercise to help students understand the abstract concept of verb tenses. By using an artificial language students will be able to create phrases in the past, present, and future without resorting to grammar rules. You will find yourself referring back to exercise throughout the year as students struggle with understanding verb tense. This great for a language arts class or any foreign language class. this document includes two different puzzles to work through. Report this resource to TPT Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Language-Puzzles-to-help-Students-Understand-Verb-Tenses-36819", "date": "2023-03-31T02:26:12", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949533.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20230331020535-20230331050535-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9054310321807861, "token_count": 185, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
As I mentioned before, equations behave a lot like sentences, as they are statements that give you information. In this video, you will learn what a linear equation is, and what a system of linear equations is. As a matter of fact you will be solving your first system of linear equations. Which is extracting all the possible information from that system. Just like with systems of sentences, systems of linear equations can also be singular or non-singular based on how much information they carry. And as you already learned these concepts of real life sentences, you are more than ready to tackle them with equations. In the previous video, you saw sentences such as between the dog and the cat, one is black. For the rest of the course, you'll focus on sentences that carry numerical information such as this one. The price of an apple and a banana is $10. This sentence can easily be turned into equations as follows. If a is the price of an apple, and b is the price of a banana, then the equation stemming from the sentence is a + b = 10. Now, here's the first quiz in which you will be solving the first system of linear equations in this class. The problem is the following, you are going to a grocery store, but this is a very peculiar grocery store. In this store, the individual items don't have information about their prices. You only get the information about the total price when you pay in the register. Naturally, being a math person as you are, you're interested in figuring out the price of each item. So you keep track of the total prices of different combinations of items in order to deduce the individual prices. So the first day that you go to the store you bought an apple and a banana and they cost $10. The second day you bought an apple and two bananas and they cost $12. And the question is, how much does each fruit cost? So several things may happen, you may be able to figure out the price of the apple and banana. Or you may conclude that you don't have enough information to figure this out. Or even more, you may conclude that there was a mistake with the prices giving this information, all of these are options in the quiz. And the solution is that apple's cost $8 and bananas cost $2 each, why? Well, from day 1 you can see that an apple plus a banana is $10, from day 2, you can see that an apple plus two bananas is $12. So what was the difference between day 1 and day 2? Well in day 2 you bought one more banana than day 1. Also in day 2 you pay $2 more than in day 1. Thus you can safely conclude that that extra banana you bought on day 2 cost $2. The extra $2 you paid on day 2 were because of that extra banana you bought on day 2. And now that you know that bananas cost 2, well how much do apples cost? Well from day 1, you can see that an apple and a banana cost $10. So if a banana cost $2 then the remaining $8 must correspond to the apple. Thus, each apple costs $8 and each banana costs $2. Now here's quiz 2, the scenario is the same except the prices in the store are a little different, and you also bought different quantities of fruits. On day 1, you bought an apple and a banana and they cost $10. On day 2 you bought two apples and two bananas and they cost $20. The question is how much does each fruit cost? Remember that the options of not having enough information or having a mistake in the information given are both valid as well. For this problem, the solution is that there is not enough information to tell the actual prices, and why is this? Well you can use a similar reasoning than before. From day 1, you can deduce that an apple and a banana cost $10 from day 2, you can deduce that two apples and two bananas cost $20. But these two equations are the same thing. They may not look the same, but in disguise, they're the exact same thing. Because you see if one apple and one banana cost $10, then twice of one apple and one banana cost twice of $10, which is $20. So two apples and two bananas cost $20. Therefore the system is redundant because it basically has the same equation twice. It's like that system of sentences where both sentences stated that the dog was black, the system didn't carry enough information. Now what are the solutions to the system? Well, because the system doesn't carry enough information, the system has infinitely many solutions. Any two numbers that had to add to ten are a solution to the system. So for example if the apple's 8 and the banana's 2, then that works because apple plus bananas, 10 and two apples plus two bananas is 20. But if they're 5 and 5 that also works. If they're 8.3 and 1.7 that also works. And even then saying that the apples are free and the bananas are 10, works too. So this system has infinitely many solutions because you simply don't have enough information. You don't have the two equations to narrow it down to one single solution like you had with the complete system. And now, you're ready for a final quiz. Similar scenario except the first day you bought an apple and banana and they cost $10 and the second day you bought two apples and two bananas and they cost $24. Can you figure out how much each fruit costs? And remember there's still the options of not enough information or a mistake in the information. And the answer here is that there's no solution, why? Well in the same fashion as before, if one apple and one banana cost $10, then two apples and two bananas must cost $20. But the store charged you $24 for two apples and two bananas where are those four extra dollars? If you assume that there are no extra fees for buying more than one fruit or discounts or anything of that sort. Then you must conclude that that extra money must be due to a mistake with the register when you checked out in at least one of the two days. This means that these two equations contradict each other, just like the two sentences, the dog is black and the dog is white contradicted themselves. And this concludes that the system has no solutions. So here's our recap, in the previous three quizzes, you solved three systems of equations. The first one has the equations a + b = 10 and a + 2b =12. Because the price of an apple and banana was 10, and the price of apple and two bananas were 12. The second one has the equations a + b = 10 and 2a + 2b = 20. And the third one has the equations a + b = 10 and 2a + 2b = 24. The first one had a unique solution which was a = 8 and b = 2. For a is the price of an apple and b the price of banana. The reason this system has a unique solution is because both equations give you one different piece of information. Thus you're able to narrow down the solution to one unique solution. For this reason the system is complete and non-singular. The second system, has infinitely many solutions, which are any two numbers that add to 10. In this system, the two equations are the exact same one. So you never had a second equation to help you narrow down the solution to a unique one. This means the system is redundant and singular. And finally, the third system has no solution because the two equations contradict each other. Therefore, the system of equations is contradictory and singular. So as you see, we're using the same terminology as with systems of sentences and everything works in the exact same way. And finally, some clarification, you may have noticed the words linear equation several times, what does that mean? Well linear equation can be anything like a + b = 10, 2a + 3b = 15, 3.4a- 48.99b +2c = 122.5, anything like that. And notice that it can have as many variables as we want. But there's a special rule that must be followed, in a linear equation, variables a, b, c etc were only allowed to have numbers or scalar is attached to them. And there's also an extra number all by itself like the 122.5 here allowed to be in the equation. So in short, you can multiply the variable by scalars and then add them or subtract them and then add a constant and that's it. So what's an equation that's non-linear? Well, non-linear equations can be much more complicated. They can have squares like a squared b squared. They can have things like sine, cosine, tangent arctan, anything like that powers like b to the 5. They can have powers like 2 to the a or 3 to the b. And furthermore, you can actually multiply the a's and b's. In linear questions you can only add them, but in a non-linear equation you can have ab squared, b divided by a, 3 divided by b, things like logarithms, anything along those lines. So linear algebra is the study of linear equations like the ones in the left. And since they're much simpler then there are many things you can do with them, such as manipulating them and extracting information out of them. So we're only going to worry about the linear equations in the left. And the reason it's called linear algebra its because it's the study of linear equations.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://de.coursera.org/lecture/machine-learning-linear-algebra/system-of-equations-COB7L", "date": "2023-03-20T15:00:58", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943484.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20230320144934-20230320174934-00452.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9746659398078918, "token_count": 1981, "score": 4.9375, "int_score": 5 }
Lesson Plan: Adding Three Numbers Mathematics • 1st Grade This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to use different strategies to add three 1-digit numbers in any order. Students will be able to - add three 1-digit numbers, - explain that numbers can be added in any order, - choose which two numbers to add first, - identify when they can use strategies like making 10 or adding doubles. Students should already be familiar with - number bonds to 10, - adding in any order, - doubles to 10, - adding using near doubles. Students will not cover - word problems, - additions with a total greater than 20.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.nagwa.com/en/plans/790104508429/", "date": "2023-03-21T23:39:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296943747.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20230321225117-20230322015117-00452.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8064375519752502, "token_count": 153, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Suppose that two people, Michelle and James each live alone in an isolated region. They each have the same resources available, and they grow potatoes and raise chickens. If Michelle devotes all her resources to growing potatoes, she can raise 200 pounds of potatoes per year. If she devotes all her resources to raising chickens, she can raise 50 chickens per year. (If she apportions some resources to each, then she can produce any linear combination of chickens and potatoes that lies between those extreme points. If James devotes all his resources to growing potatoes, he can raise 80 pounds of potatoes per year. If he devotes all his resources to raising chickens, he can raise 40 chickens per year. (If he apportions some resources to each, then he can produce any linear combination of chickens and potatoes that lies between those extreme points.) The opportunity cost represents the amount of a certain good that one party is forced to forgo in favor of producing another good (Bowles, 2006). Accordingly, in this scenario Michelle’s opportunity cost for producing potatoes is 50 chickens because this is the precise number of chickens she would be giving up by growing only potatoes. Conversely, Michelle’s opportunity cost for growing chickens is 200 potatoes because this is the precise number of potatoes she would be forgoing by growing chickens. James’ opportunity cost for growing potatoes is 40 chickens because this is the precise number of chickens he would be giving up in order to grow only potatoes. Conversely, his opportunity cost for growing chickens is 80 potatoes because this is the precise number of potatoes he would be forgoing in order to grow only chickens. The absolute advantage refers to the party with the greatest capacity to produce (Bowles, 2006). In other words, an entity with an absolute advantage can produce the greatest quantity. However, it is important to note that an absolute advantage does not take into account productive efficiency (Bowles, 2006). Thus, in this case, Michelle has the absolute advantage in producing both goods because she has the capacity to produce more of both chickens and potatoes. Comparative advantage refers to one party’s ability to produce relative to another party’s ability to produce (Bowles, 2006). This concept aims to determine which producer is more efficient at producing a certain good. In the above example, Michelle would possess the comparative advantage in the production of potatoes because she is capable of producing more than two times the amount of potatoes that James is capable of producing, while only forgoing 50 chickens. Thus she would have a larger supply of potatoes and could sell them at a lower price than James and potentially realize an even greater profit. Conversely, James possesses the comparative advantage when it comes to chickens because while he is only capable of producing 40 chickens (which is less than the amount Michelle is capable of producing) he would only be forgoing profits attainable from 80 potatoes. Whereas if Michelle were to produce chickens she would be forgoing the profits attainable from 200 potatoes, thus it would be highly inefficient for her to only produce chickens. Specialization and Exchange If each party mentioned above were to specialize in producing the selected good in which they each possess a comparative advantage and then engage in exchange, they would certainly be better off (Crockett, Smith, & Wilson, 2010). By trading at a rate of 2.5 pounds of potatoes per 1 chicken both Michelle and James would ultimately benefit. If James were to trade all of the chickens he produced (40) for potatoes, he would have more potatoes than he would normally be capable of producing (100). The same would be the case if Michelle were to trade the maximum number of potatoes. Many business, nations and economies engage in this type of activity. In fact, the entire foundation of modern world trade revolves around these principles (Crockett, Smith, & Wilson, 2010). Businesses trade resources, information, customers and capital with one another all the time. Nations with a comparative advantage in one economic field often specialize in that product or service and engage in trade with other economies (Bowles, 2006). The agriculture and manufacturing industries provide perfect examples of this type of specialization, whereby “producer” countries will specialize in production and exportation of specific items and import others (Bowles, 2006). While this is the basis of the current global system, it certainly has its shortcomings. For instance, producer countries that wish to serve the needs of major importers (like the United States) and constantly pressured to keep costs (like labor) down in order for their goods to remain fiscally attractive to foreign buyers. This reality has lead to quite a bit of human exploitation and neglect. Bowles, S. (2006). Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Crockett, S., Smith, V., & Wilson, B. (2010). Exchange and Specialization as a Discovery Process. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from http://ideas.repec.org/p/gms/wpaper/1001.html
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.assignmenthelpguru.com/exchange-and-specialization-as-a-discovery-process/", "date": "2023-03-24T03:46:25", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296945242.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20230324020038-20230324050038-00652.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9478951096534729, "token_count": 1031, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Quadratic Inequalities Worksheets What are Quadratic Inequalities? A function with a degree of 2 and wen y is not equal to the function is known as the quadratic function. These functions utilize the symbols of greater than or equal to and less than or equal to. That means in a quadratic function instead of seeing an equal to sign; we will notice the inequality symbols. Generally, quadratic inequalities are written in the form of ax2+ bx+ c, where a, b, and c represent the numbers. However, the numbers b and c can be equal to zero, but the number 'a' needs to be a non-zero. This is because our quadratic inequality must have an x2 value. The remaining two values may or may not be present. For solving an inequality, you need to follow these steps. Remember to solve the inequality like any other algebraic equation. Write the inequality in the standard form. Figure out the two factors whose products are equal to the first terms of the inequality. Next, you need to figure out the two factors whose product is equal to the third term of the standard form of inequality. Guides students solving equations that involve an Quadratic Inequalities. Demonstrates answer checking. Replace the inequality symbol with an equal sign and solve the resulting equation.View worksheet Demonstrates how to solve more difficult problems.View worksheet Independent Practice 1 A really great activity for allowing students to understand the concepts of Quadratic Inequalities.View worksheet Independent Practice 2 Students find a series of Quadratic Inequalities in assorted problems. The answers can be found below.View worksheet Students are provided with problems to achieve the concepts of Quadratic Inequalities.View worksheet This tests the students ability to evaluate Quadratic Inequalities.View worksheet Answers for math worksheets, quiz, homework, and lessons.View worksheet Ironic Isn't It? Q: Do you already know the latest Statistics jokes?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.mathworksheetscenter.com/mathskills/trigonometry/QuadraticInequalitiestrig/", "date": "2023-06-04T22:56:53", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224650409.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20230604225057-20230605015057-00652.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9144434332847595, "token_count": 431, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Expressions are a fundamental concept in mathematics, often utilized to represent and solve mathematical problems. While expressions can sometimes appear daunting with their complex combinations of numbers, variables, and operations, simplifying them can make the process much more manageable. In this article, we will delve into the basics of simplifying expressions to help you tackle mathematical problems with confidence. At its core, simplifying an expression involves reducing it to its most concise form by combining like terms and applying mathematical operations in the correct order. This process not only allows us to make sense of complicated expressions but also enables us to solve equations more efficiently. To begin simplifying an expression, it is crucial to understand key concepts such as variables and constants. Variables are symbols that represent unknown quantities or values that can vary. On the other hand, constants are fixed values that do not change. By identifying these elements within an expression, we can start organizing and simplifying it step by step. The first step in simplification is combining like terms. Like terms are those that have the same variable raised to the same power. For example, in the expression 3x + 2y – 2x + 5y, the terms 3x and -2x are like terms because they both have x as their variable with a power of 1. Similarly, 2y and 5y are like terms because they have y as their variable with a power of 1. To combine like terms, we add or subtract their coefficients while keeping the variables unchanged. In our example expression above, combining like terms yields x + 7y since (3x – 2x) results in x and (2y + 5y) gives us 7y. The next step involves simplifying any remaining numerical operations such as addition or subtraction within the expression using standard rules of arithmetic. It is important to follow the correct order of operations, commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right). This ensures that every operation is performed accurately. Additionally, if there are parentheses within the expression, we apply the distributive property to remove them. By multiplying each term inside the parentheses by a common factor outside the parentheses, we can simplify further. Let’s consider an example: 2(x + 3) – 4(2x – 1) To simplify this expression, we first distribute the coefficients: 2(x) + 2(3) – 4(2x) + 4(-1) This simplifies to: 2x + 6 – 8x – 4 Now we can combine like terms: -6x + 2 In summary, simplifying expressions is an essential skill in mathematics that allows us to solve problems more efficiently. By combining like terms and following the order of operations, we can modify complex expressions into simpler forms that are easier to work with. Remembering these basic principles will boost your confidence when facing mathematical challenges.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://schoolans.com/simplifying-expressions-unveiling-the-basics/", "date": "2023-10-02T12:20:52", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510994.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20231002100910-20231002130910-00052.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9302416443824768, "token_count": 611, "score": 4.875, "int_score": 5 }
United States Constitution The creation of the United States Constitution was a pivotal moment in American history, resulting from the collaborative efforts of visionary leaders who sought to establish a stronger framework for governance. Following the American Revolutionary War and the challenges posed by the Articles of Confederation, a Constitutional Convention was convened in Philadelphia in 1787. This gathering aimed to address the inadequacies of the Articles and devise a new governing document that would balance the powers of the federal government while safeguarding individual liberties. The Constitutional Convention, held from May 25 to September 17, 1787, brought together delegates from twelve of the thirteen states (Rhode Island abstained). Notable figures like George Washington, who presided over the Convention, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison were among the prominent voices shaping the Constitution. The delegates engaged in intense debates, considering various proposals and compromises to draft a document that would establish the framework for the new nation. The Convention's proceedings took place in the Pennsylvania State House, now known as Independence Hall, in Philadelphia. The delegates' discussions and disagreements led to a series of compromises, including the Great Compromise that established a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in the House of Representatives and equal representation in the Senate. The Constitution addressed the balance of power between the federal and state governments, the separation of powers, and the protection of individual rights through amendments. After months of deliberation, the United States Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787. Its ratification process required approval from nine out of the thirteen states, achieved through state conventions. The Constitution's adoption in 1788 led to the establishment of the new federal government, with George W ashington becoming the first President under its provisions in 1789. The Constitution's creation and ratification laid the foundation for the modern American government, embodying the principles of democracy, checks and balances, and the protection of citizens' rights that continue to shape the nation to this day.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://www.flagdaymonument.com/united-states-constitution", "date": "2023-10-02T17:15:38", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233511002.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20231002164819-20231002194819-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9438405632972717, "token_count": 391, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Inclusive education is an educational approach that aims to ensure all students, regardless of any perceived differences or abilities, have an equal opportunity for academic and social achievement. This approach involves adjusting and enhancing educational systems, methodologies, and policies to eliminate barriers and create an environment where all students can fully participate and thrive in the learning process. Inclusive education embraces the diversity of the student population and sees it as a strength that can enhance and enrich learning for everyone. It emphasises the need for educators to provide tailored instruction and necessary support for each student, considering their individual learning styles, abilities, and needs. The focus of inclusive education is not only on students who might have special needs or disabilities but also on any students who might be marginalised or at risk of exclusion, such as those from different cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds. Inclusive education fosters a sense of belonging, promotes social cohesion, and helps students to develop empathy and mutual respect. By adopting an inclusive education approach, educational institutions signal their commitment to equality and diversity, teaching students the value of inclusivity, and preparing them for a diverse and interconnected world. As we seek to prepare our students for a diverse and interconnected world, the concept of inclusive education has become more critical than ever. Inclusive education provides a learning environment where everyone, irrespective of their abilities, is valued, respected, and given equal opportunities to thrive. Inclusive education is a teaching approach that adapts to the diverse range of needs among students. It aims to eliminate exclusion that may be a result of abilities, gender, language, socio-economic status, or other factors. In the most fundamental sense, inclusive education is about ensuring that no learner is left behind. Contrary to traditional models that segregate students with different needs, inclusive education promotes a learning environment where every student learns alongside their peers in supportive, engaging, and collaborative ways. It champions the idea that diversity is not a challenge to be overcome but a strength to be celebrated. The Core Principles of Inclusive Education Inclusive education is underpinned by several key principles. Understanding these can help us implement this approach more effectively and foster a learning culture that embraces diversity. Respect for Diversity: This advocates for acceptance and appreciation of differences, acknowledging that every student has unique learning styles and capabilities. Diversity in an inclusive setting is viewed as a resource for learning, rather than a problem to be solved. Equal Opportunities for Learning: Inclusive education ensures that all students have equal access to educational opportunities. This is not about treating every student in exactly the same way, but rather recognising their individual needs and ensuring they have the necessary resources and support to succeed. Full Participation: Inclusive education emphasises the active participation of all students in the learning process. It fosters a sense of belonging and community, ensuring that every student has a voice and is actively engaged in classroom activities. Community and Collaboration: Inclusive education is not just the responsibility of the teacher. It involves collaboration among teachers, students, parents, and the broader community. It encourages shared decision-making and cooperative efforts to meet the needs of all students. Inclusive education presents a transformative vision for education—one that champions diversity, equality, and universal access to learning. It is an approach that not only benefits students with diverse needs, but also enriches the educational experience for all learners, fostering empathy, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of the world around us. Portobello Institute Inclusive Education Students Anna Dunlevy White worked as a financial underwriter before changing her career to become a Montessori teacher and an SNA. “My role is constantly evolving so in order to best support the individual needs of the children I work with I decided to challenge myself, for my own personal development, to become a better practitioner and pursue my goal of becoming a special education teacher. “I have seen how the traditional academic approach to education in Ireland has not evolved quickly enough to fully and inclusively support SEN students, so I want to develop and broaden my skillset in order to become a better educator and advocate more effectively for the children in my care,” she said. “I completed my leaving certificate in June 2019. During the pandemic, I started an SNA course and I started subbing in a primary school ASD unit straight away as I could not return to work with the pandemic. “This experience changed my mind completely, and I decided I would follow the career path to become a Special Educational Needs (SEN) teacher. “As I did not have the qualifications to be an SEN teacher, I began my search for the right course for me. Having looked at many different courses, I found that the Inclusive Education Practice course with Portobello was the course for me. “I spent months looking at different courses to find one that suits my already busy schedule. Studying in a blended learning course, I believe was the best choice, as it allows me to continue to work helping pay for my expenses and fees. “I currently work as an SNA which means while studying to become an SEN teacher, I will be gaining invaluable experience right up until I qualify,” he said. Choose the course for the career you want As we continue to strive for a more equitable society, understanding and implementing the principles of inclusive education is a vital step forward.
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What is a cone? A line, whose one end is fixed and the other end is a closed curve is a place, generates a cone. The fixed point is called the vertex or apex. To create a cone - Take a circle and a point, called the vertex, which lies above or below the circle. - Join the vertex to each point on the circle to form a solid. A Right cone is a cone whose vertex lies directly above or below the centre of the circular base. It is a cone whose base is a circle and whose axis is perpendicular to the base. A right circular cone can be constructed by rotating a right-angled triangle 360 degrees about one of the sides other than the hypotenuse. A perpendicular line dropped from the vertex of the cone to the circular base, is called the height h of the cone. The length of any of the straight lines joining the vertex to the circle is called the slant height of the cone. s2 = h2 + r2 where r is the radius of the circular base and h is the height of length of the perpendicular line. Surface Area of a Cone Altitude: As defined earlier as the height “h”, It is the perpendicular distance from the apex to the circular base of the cone. Lateral surface of a Cone It is the curved surface area. If a hollow cone is made a cut along a straight line from the vertex to the circumference of the base, the cone is opened out and a sector of a circle with radius is produced. Since, the circumference of the base of the cone is 2π r , therefore the arc length of the sector of the circle is 2π r Lateral surface area of a cone = 1/2 x radius x arc length = 1/2 x s x 2π r s= slant height ; s2 = h2 + r2 Lateral surface = 1/2 of Perimeter of the base x slant height = 1/2 x 2 x π x r x s Total surface area = Lateral surface area + area of the base π r + π r π r( + r) Volume of a Right Circular Cone If r is the radius of the base, h is the height and is the slant height Volume of the cone = 1/3 x area of the base x height = 1/3 π r2 h - Find the volume and the total surface area of a cone of radius 6.6cm and height of 12.5cm. Here r = 6.6cm, h = 12.5cm Volume = 1/3 π r2 h = 1/3 π(6.6)2 x 12.5 = 570.199 cu. cm Since, s2 = h2 + r2 = 12.522+ 6.622 = 156.25 + 43.56 s2 = 199.81 s = 14.14cm Total surface area = π r (s+r) =π 6.6 (14.14 + 6.60) = 430.03 sq. cm. - The height of a cone is 16 cm and its base radius is 12 cm. Find the curved surface area and the total surface area of the cone (Use π = 3.14). Solution : Here, h = 16 cm and r = 12 cm. So, from s2 = h2 + r2, we have s2 = 162 + 122 So, curved surface area = πrs = 3.14 × 12 × 20 cm2 = 753.6 cm2 Further, total surface area = πrs + πr2 = (753.6 + 3.14 × 12 × 12) cm2 = (753.6 + 452.16) cm2 = 1205.76 cm2 - A corn cob (see Fig. 13.17), shaped somewhat like a cone, has the radius of its broadest end as 2.1 cm and length (height) as 20 cm. If each 1 cm2 of the surface of the cob carries an average of four grains, find how many grains you would find on the entire cob. Since the grains of corn are found only on the curved surface of the corn cob, we would need to know the curved surface area of the corn cob to find the total number of grains on it. In this question, we are given the height of the cone, so we need to find its slant height.Here, s2 =r2+h2 = 2.12 + 202 = 404.41 cm = 20.11 cm Therefore, the curved surface area of the corn cob = πrs = 22/7 × 2.1 × 20.11 cm2 = 132.726 cm2 = 132.73 cm2 (approx.)Number of grains of corn on 1 cm2 of the surface of the corn cob = 4Therefore, number of grains on the entire curved surface of the cob = 132.73 × 4 = 530.92 = 531 (approx.)So, there would be approximately 531 grains of corn on the cob. You can check out solutions of NCERT class 9 Maths here!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.toppr.com/bytes/cone/", "date": "2023-12-06T01:16:12", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100575.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20231206000253-20231206030253-00652.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8974413275718689, "token_count": 1123, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
What are Noroviruses? Noroviruses are a group of related viruses that cause acute gastroenteritis in humans. These viruses are characterized by their non-enveloped structure and single-stranded RNA genome. They belong to the Caliciviridae family and are highly contagious, with as few as 10 virus particles being sufficient to infect a person. - Genome: Single-Stranded RNA - Capsid: Non-enveloped - Strains: Multiple, with GII.4 being the most predominant - Stability: Resilient to environmental stresses Classification and Strains Noroviruses are classified into seven genogroups (GI to GVII), of which GI, GII, and GIV affect humans. The GII.4 strain has been associated with the majority of norovirus outbreaks, and its ability to frequently mutate makes it particularly concerning from a public health standpoint. What Foods Can Be Contaminated? Commonly Affected Foods Noroviruses have the potential to contaminate a wide variety of foods. However, certain types of food are more susceptible to contamination: - Shellfish: Especially oysters and clams, filter large volumes of water, concentrating pathogens like noroviruses. - Fresh Produce: Leafy greens, fruits, and root vegetables can be contaminated during growth or post-harvest processing. - Ready-to-Eat Foods: Foods that require minimal to no additional cooking or preparation, such as deli meats and salads. - Water: Contaminated water can transmit noroviruses, affecting all foods prepared with it. Modes of Contamination Occurs when the food comes into direct contact with fecal matter or vomit. This is common in the case of shellfish harvested from contaminated waters. Occurs during the handling or preparation of food. An infected food handler can easily spread the virus to the food items they are in contact with. In some cases, noroviruses can be airborne, especially if there is vomiting or diarrhea in the surrounding environment, leading to contamination of exposed foods. How Do They Affect Human Health? Once ingested, noroviruses target the gastrointestinal system, primarily infecting the epithelial cells lining the small intestine. The symptoms usually appear 12 to 48 hours after exposure and may include: - Nausea: A feeling of unease in the stomach that often precedes vomiting. - Vomiting: Expulsion of stomach contents. - Diarrhea: Frequent loose or watery stools. - Stomach Cramps: Pain or discomfort in the abdominal area. - Fever and Malaise: Less common but may occur in some cases. Duration and Complications The symptoms typically last for 24–72 hours and are self-limiting. However, in certain vulnerable populations, such as infants, elderly people, and immunocompromised individuals, norovirus infection can lead to severe dehydration, requiring hospitalization. Generally, norovirus infection does not have long-term health implications for otherwise healthy individuals. However, repeated bouts of infection can contribute to malnutrition and developmental delays in children. - Age: Infants and elderly people are more susceptible to complications. - Immunity: Those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk. - Pre-existing conditions: Gastrointestinal disorders can exacerbate the impact of norovirus infection. How Common is Illness? Prevalence and Incidence Norovirus is considered the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis across age groups worldwide. In the United States alone, noroviruses are responsible for approximately 21 million illnesses annually. Globally, noroviruses cause an estimated 200,000 deaths each year, with a higher mortality rate observed in developing countries. - Healthcare Facilities: Noroviruses are commonly reported in healthcare settings like hospitals and nursing homes. - Cruise Ships: Closed environments with shared facilities are particularly conducive to the rapid spread of norovirus. - Educational Institutions: Schools and universities often experience outbreaks due to the high-density population. - Community Gatherings: Events where food is shared can become sites of outbreaks if contamination occurs. The economic burden of norovirus illnesses is significant. In the United States, the total estimated annual cost, including healthcare expenditures and productivity loss, is approximately $2 billion. Where Do They Come From? Noroviruses are primarily spread from person to person, often through fecal-oral routes. Infected individuals can shed billions of virus particles but only a few are needed for infection. Contaminated Water Sources Water sources contaminated with sewage are another common origin. This is particularly relevant for shellfish that may filter and concentrate the virus. Animals and Pets There is currently no definitive evidence to suggest that animals play a significant role in transmitting noroviruses to humans. Reservoirs and Persistence - Human Intestine: The primary reservoir for noroviruses is the human intestine. - Environment: Noroviruses can survive on surfaces for days to weeks, making environmental contamination a concern. While some noroviruses have been detected in animals, their zoonotic potential, i.e., their ability to transmit from animals to humans, is still not clearly established. How Are They Affected by Environmental Factors? Noroviruses are notably resilient and can survive a wide range of temperatures. They have been found to be stable at temperatures as low as -20°C and as high as 60°C. Noroviruses can survive in acidic conditions, remaining stable in pH levels as low as 3. This contributes to their persistence in acidic foods and beverages. Disinfectants and Sanitizers Traditional sanitizers like alcohol-based hand rubs are less effective against noroviruses. Chlorine-based disinfectants are generally more effective but require higher concentrations for full efficacy. Moisture and Humidity Noroviruses can survive for extended periods in both wet and dry conditions, although they tend to be more stable in moist environments. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Exposure to UV radiation can inactivate noroviruses, but it requires specific doses and exposure times to be fully effective. Food Processing Methods - Cooking: High temperatures can inactivate noroviruses, but some foods like shellfish may require extended cooking times. - Freezing: Freezing does not effectively inactivate noroviruses. - Pasteurization: Effective for liquid foods but not always practical for solid foods. How Can They Be Controlled? Personal Hygiene Measures - Handwashing: Soap and water are more effective than alcohol-based hand sanitizers for removing noroviruses. - Avoid Food Handling: Infected individuals should not handle food for at least two to three days after symptoms subside. Food Preparation and Storage - Thorough Cooking: Cooking food to a minimum internal temperature of 75°C can effectively inactivate noroviruses. - Safe Water: Use water that has been properly treated and is free from contamination. - Cross-Contamination: Use separate cutting boards and utensils for different food types to prevent cross-contamination. - Disinfection: Use chlorine-based disinfectants for surface cleaning. - Air Filtration: In enclosed spaces, use HEPA filters to reduce the risk of airborne transmission. Surveillance and Monitoring - Rapid Detection: Utilize molecular diagnostic methods like RT-PCR for prompt identification of norovirus outbreaks. - Public Reporting: Timely reporting of cases to health authorities can help in the initiation of appropriate control measures. Vaccines and Therapeutics As of now, there is no commercially available vaccine or antiviral treatment for norovirus. However, several candidates are in clinical trials. Are There Rules and Regulations? Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The FDA has established guidelines for the safe harvesting and processing of seafood, including testing protocols for noroviruses. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC provides guidelines for controlling and preventing norovirus outbreaks, especially in healthcare settings. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) The USDA sets standards for the safe handling and preparation of meats and poultry but does not specifically address noroviruses. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) EFSA provides scientific advice on noroviruses in food and has issued guidelines for the monitoring and control of noroviruses in shellfish and fresh produce. World Health Organization (WHO) WHO offers guidelines on the safe preparation and handling of food to prevent norovirus outbreaks. These guidelines are globally recognized and adopted by many countries. Some states and local governments may have additional regulations or guidelines specific to noroviruses, particularly related to local food markets and public gatherings. Compliance and Enforcement Non-compliance with established guidelines can result in fines, penalties, and even closure of food establishments.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.foodsafetywatch.org/factsheets/noroviruses/", "date": "2023-11-28T23:31:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100016.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20231128214805-20231129004805-00452.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9195221662521362, "token_count": 1878, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Operators and Expressions In this lesson, we will learn how to use operators with variables and literal constants to build expressions. Operators behave differently depending on the data type of the operands. for example the expression 1 + 1 uses the + operator to add two integers together. Here are some examples of how the + operator behaves for different data types: # integer addition print(1 + 1) # 2 print(2 + 300) # 302 You can see that the + operator for float and integers performs addition. You can even mix the types, but the result will always be a float. + operator performs concatenation for strings, which is the process of joining two strings together. When we think about operators, we normally think about the operators that we use in math: * multiplication, and / division. These are the same operators that we use in Python to work with numbers. print(1 + 1) # 2 print(1.5 + 1.5) # 3.0 print(1.5 + 1) # 2.5 There are also a few other operators that also work with numbers, but you might not be familiar with: // integer division(floor), # divide the first operand by the second then round down print(4 // 2) # 2 print(1.5 // 1.1) # 1.0 print(1.5 // 1) # 1.0 print(10 // 3) # 3 There is one operator that we have seen already. The = operator is used to assign a value to a variable. We can expand on our expression using assignment to store the result of an expression in a variable. one_plus_one = 1 + 1 and then we can use the variable in other expressions. two_plus_two = one_plus_one + one_plus_one print(two_plus_two) # 4 Given the variable x and the variable y which have been set for you, write the following - Print the value of - Print the value of the output of step 1 divided by - Print the value of the output of step 2 plus by - Print the value of the output of step 3 minus Arithmetic Operators Exercise An operation and assignment can be combined into a single step. For example, we can use the += operator to add a value to a variable and assign the result to the variable. x = 1 x += 1 print(x) # 2 This is equivalent to the following code: x = 1 x = x + 1 print(x) # 2 This shortcut works for all of the math operators we have seen so far: = to the end of the operator. Given the variable x, use the assignment shortcuts to modify its value with the following operations: Assignment Shortcuts Exercise Order of Operations Operations inside an expression are evaluated in the order of their precedence. If there are multiple operations with the same precedence, they are evaluated from left to right. It's important to know this order because it can affect the result of an expression. The order of operations is as follows: - Multiplication and Division - Addition and Subtraction In the expression 2 + 3 * 4, the multiplication happens before the addition. However, We can use parentheses to change the order of operations. print(2 + 3 * 4) # 14 print((2 + 3) * 4) # 20 print(2 * 3 ** 2) # 18 print((2 * 3) ** 2) # 36 Using parentheses change the order of operations in the following expressions to get the desired result. You can run help('+') in Python to see more details on operator precedence.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "http://learn-python.adamemery.dev/operators_and_expressions", "date": "2023-12-02T20:47:22", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100452.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20231202203800-20231202233800-00352.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8452247977256775, "token_count": 797, "score": 4.96875, "int_score": 5 }
Mental math is the ability to calculate math in the head without tools. To practice it, you need to understand basic number structures to complete calculations quickly. Children with strong mental mathematical abilities generally exhibit a high level of accuracy and speed in their thinking. Would you like your children to develop brilliant mental math skills? There are several ways to achieve this. Read Math Books Begin with a book on the fundamental principles of number theory. A solid foundation in number theory is the cornerstone for mental calculations, enabling the discernment of patterns and relationships that make arithmetic more intuitive. Train your children to memorise the multiplication table of single-digit numbers of 2 to 9. This provides a roadmap to break down large multiplication problems into manageable steps, fostering a quicker and more efficient mental multiplication process. For added enjoyment, explore books that present mathematical puzzles and challenges. These offer enjoyable exercises and cultivate problem-solving skills and logical thinking. Puzzle-solving sharpens children’s minds, reinforcing mental math abilities by encouraging them to approach calculations from different angles. Introduction to Real-World Scenarios As our children grow, honing their logical thinking becomes a pivotal aspect of their development. This skill empowers them to perceive and understand the world around them based on what they hear, see and feel. The ability to think logically equips them with a comprehensive understanding of various subjects, laying the foundation for independent problem-solving in their future. It is important to cultivate this logical thinking in our children actively. One effective method involves exposing them to real-world scenarios that challenge them to overcome problems. For instance, when we are in the kitchen cooking together, encourage them to double the quantity of each ingredient. During grocery shopping trips, ask them to divide the food into three equal groups or round up the prices after we finish shopping. The beauty of it is that there are countless daily activities we can incorporate to stimulate children's logical thinking. By integrating these approaches into their routine, we not only enhance their cognitive abilities but also make learning a fun and engaging experience. Learn with Flashcards Repetition is the key to mastering any skill; mental math holds the same. Flashcards are a valuable tool for mastery and you can easily create them yourself, involving your child in the process. Create personalised flashcards featuring addition, subtraction, multiplication or division problems tailored to your child's numeracy level. The beauty of flashcards lies in their versatility; they are compact, portable and perfect for on-the-go learning, making them an ideal companion for trips and outings. Add an extra dose of fun and challenge by introducing a timer for an exhilarating time trial. Alternatively, spark a friendly competition between siblings or friends of similar skill levels. This not only adds an element of excitement but also motivates your child to push their limits and conquer mental math with enthusiasm. Make learning an adventure with flashcards and witness your child transform into a confident math whiz, armed with the essential skills for a lifetime of success! Play the Numbers Game The foundation for conquering a myriad of mental math challenges lies in number bonds, empowering young minds to tackle mathematical hurdles with confidence. Take the first step by encouraging your budding mathematicians to explore various addition combinations that sum up to 10. From '5 + 5' to '7 + 3', let their imagination run wild as they uncover the magic within these number bonds. This delightful journey sharpens their mental math skills and deepens their comprehension of number relationships. Once they have mastered the art of perfecting number bonds to 10, propel them into the next level of mathematical mastery. Encourage them to venture into the realms of 20, 50 or even 100! Witness their mathematical prowess grow, paving the way for a strong foundation in mental math. This game makes learning an adventure! How We Can Help At Mentalmatics, we seamlessly blend the process of solving school-related mathematical problems with the practice of mental arithmetic. Emphasised on practical application, ensuring that the knowledge gained during the course becomes a valuable tool for tackling various mathematical challenges. By integrating problem-solving techniques with mental arithmetic, we aim to empower students with the ability to address mathematical problem-sum questions confidently and proficiently in their academic endeavours. To find out more, make a reservation to talk to us from the link below!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.mentalmatics.com.sg/post/encouraging-math-and-critical-thinking", "date": "2024-02-21T01:06:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947473360.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20240221002544-20240221032544-00152.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.929815411567688, "token_count": 887, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Polar coordinates are just another way to describe locations. For instance, how do you describe the location to a coffee shop from a given location? You say “go 3 blocks north, then 4 blocks east”. Assuming your current location is mapped to the origin, this will look like the following: As you can see, the point with (x,y) = (4,3) is plotted on the map. The first value is the x-coordinate (i.e., the value in the east/west direction) and the second value is the y-coordinate (i.e., the value in the north/south direction). This is called the cartesian coordinate system. This is how we describe locations in real life, so it comes naturally. The polar coordinate system is a different way to describe the same location. Here is how that works. Instead of saying the distance to travel north/south vs east/west, you say something like the following: “go a distance of 5 to the right and rotate 36.87 degrees counter-clockwise around the x-axis”. You will get to the same location! Instead of specifying x and y values, polar coordinates specify a radius and an angle (to rotate around the x-axis). Thus, polar coordinates represent points as (radius, angle) pairs instead of (x-coordinate, y-coordinate) pairs. To understand this, you can use Desmos to change the frame of reference from the default cartesian coordinate system to a polar coordinate system. Click the wrench icon in the upper right hand corner, and the choose the polar coordinate system. The figure will now look like: Note that the grid is laid out not in terms of rectangles but in terms of concentric circles around the origin. The values marked as the different radii. The angles are marked in terms of radians (so that the positive x-axis starts at 0, and then slowly increases counterclockwise to reach 12*pi/6, or 2*pi). The same point as before continues to be plotted and you can now clearly see that it lies on a radius of 5, and it is at an angle of between pi/6 and pi/4, which earlier we described as 36.87 degrees. Thus, the polar coordinate system is simply a different way to arrive at the same point unambiguously. Polar coordinates are thus a way to describe where a point is located by using a distance and an angle. Instead of using x and y coordinates like in the usual coordinate system, we use "r" and "theta” in polar coordinates. The "r" tells us how far the point is from the center, and the "theta" tells us the angle the line makes with the positive x-axis. So, if you want to tell someone where a point is located, you can use polar coordinates to describe its distance and the angle it makes with the positive x-axis. This sounds like a lot of trouble! Why should we use polar coordinates, or when should we use polar coordinates? Drawing a circle in Desmos using polar coordinates Polar coordinates are very useful when the concept you are thinking of is naturally described in terms of radii and angles rather than perpendicular x and y directions. For instance, suppose we wish to draw a circle centered at the origin and radius of 5. We can do this in cartesian coordinates as: In polar coordinates, this is even simpler: All we had to say was “r=5”! Desmos interprets the “r” for the radius in polar coordinates and assumes that because theta is not specified, all values of theta are applicable. We can use this idea to easily create a set of concentric circles, like so: Converting from cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates To convert from cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, you can use the equations as shown below: Converting from polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates To do the reverse, we need to just invert the calculations above: Drawing a sector in Desmos using polar coordinates Furthermore, it is easy to create a “sector” of a circle by specifying the range of angles (instead of the default 0 to 360 degrees, or 0 to 2 pi radians). Below is an example: Here we are really interested in radius = 12. But we also need to specify a range of theta, so we add a dummy theta/theta as a term. It really doesn’t modify the radius but it adds a slider/range for us for theta. In the range for theta, we say we want only a sector from 0 to 180 degrees (here, specified as 0 to pi radians), and thus we get a semicircle. Try other ranges to get interesting sectors! Drawing a spiral in Desmos using polar coordinates To draw a spiral, use the simple equation r = theta: Why does this simple equation return a spiral? This is because as the angle θ increases, the distance from the origin (r) also increases. This creates a spiral pattern as you move around the center. In polar coordinates, the angle θ is paired with the distance r from the origin, and as θ increases, r also increases, resulting in the formation of a spiral pattern. This behavior is specific to the polar coordinate system, where the combination of r and θ produces various spiral shapes and other polar patterns. We hope all the above examples give you a great taste of polar coordinates! Kodeclik is an online coding academy for kids and teens to learn real world programming. Kids are introduced to coding in a fun and exciting way and are challeged to higher levels with engaging, high quality content.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.kodeclik.com/desmos-polar-coordinates/", "date": "2024-02-29T12:49:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474808.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20240229103115-20240229133115-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8825635313987732, "token_count": 1211, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Differentiated Instruction: Meeting the Needs of Every Student In the traditional classroom setting, educators often follow a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching. However, every student is unique and possesses different learning styles, interests, and abilities. This is where differentiated instruction comes into play, a teaching approach that acknowledges and responds to these individual needs in order to create a more inclusive and effective learning environment. Differentiated instruction is the practice of tailoring instruction and providing multiple avenues for students to acquire knowledge and demonstrate their understanding. It embraces the belief that learning is not a linear process, but rather a complex and multifaceted journey. One of the key principles of differentiated instruction is understanding that every student learns differently. Some may excel in visual learning, while others are more auditory or kinesthetic learners. By offering a variety of teaching methods such as visual aids, hands-on activities, and verbal instructions, educators can engage all students and ensure they absorb the material. This personalized approach enables students to access the curriculum in a way that suits their learning style, enhancing their comprehension and retention. Another important aspect of differentiated instruction is recognizing that students enter the classroom with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and prior knowledge. Rather than starting with a blank slate, educators should tap into this existing knowledge and build upon it. By incorporating pre-assessments or diagnostic tests, teachers can identify students’ strengths and areas for growth, allowing them to tailor instruction accordingly. This approach helps to engage and challenge all students at their individual level, ensuring that no one is left behind or held back. Differentiated instruction also involves the provision of various resources and materials to support student learning. This includes offering alternative texts at different reading levels, providing multimedia resources for visual learners, and accommodating different learning preferences. Furthermore, technology can play a significant role in differentiated instruction, allowing students to access online resources, interactive lessons, and virtual simulations that cater to their specific needs and interests. In addition to accommodating different learning styles and prior knowledge, differentiated instruction also considers students’ interests and passions. Incorporating student choice and allowing them to explore topics that align with their interests not only increases engagement but also fosters a love for lifelong learning. By giving students the freedom to pursue topics they are passionate about, educators create a sense of ownership and investment in their own education. Finally, differentiated instruction emphasizes the importance of ongoing assessment and feedback. Rather than relying solely on traditional exams or quizzes, educators can implement a range of formative assessments, including projects, presentations, and group discussions. These assessments not only provide teachers with valuable insights into students’ understanding but also allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in various ways, tapping into their unique strengths and talents. Differentiated instruction recognizes and values the diverse range of learners in the classroom. It promotes a student-centered approach that empowers each individual to reach their maximum potential. By tailoring instruction, offering various resources, providing choice, and constantly assessing student progress, educators ensure that every student receives a meaningful education that meets their needs and sets them up for success. In conclusion, differentiated instruction is a powerful tool that enables educators to meet the needs of every student. By personalizing instruction, accommodating different learning styles and preferences, incorporating prior knowledge and student interests, and providing ongoing assessment and feedback, educators can create a truly inclusive learning environment. Embracing differentiated instruction not only enhances student learning and engagement but also cultivates a love for learning that extends far beyond the classroom.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://globalvoicemag.com/differentiated-instruction-meeting-the-needs-of-every-student/", "date": "2024-03-01T22:20:03", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947475701.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20240301193300-20240301223300-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9460253715515137, "token_count": 705, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Polynomials are expressions that include more than one term. These terms can be numbers or variables. For example, the term 9×2 + 8x is a polynomial consisting of two terms, 9×2 and + 8x. The first term, 9×2, is called the leading term or the highest degree term. The second term, + 8x, is called the trailing term or the lowest degree term. The coefficient of the leading term is also the degree of that polynomial. So in this case, the degree of this polynomial is 2. Polynomials can either be linear or quadratic depending on the degrees of the terms. Linear polynomials only have degrees 1 and 0, where quadratic polynomials have degrees 2 and 1. The number of terms When comparing polynomials, the first step is to look at the degrees of each polynomial. The degree of a polynomial is how many roots or values the polynomial has. For example, the polynomial x2 + 2x + 1 has degree two because it can be solved by the roots x = 0 and x = 1. The term count of a polynomial depends on its degree. A linear (1st degree) polynomial has one term per variable, a quadratic (2nd degree) has two terms per variable, and so on. Then, compare the largest term of one polynomial with the smallest term of the other polynomial. If one does not have any terms in common then compare the greatest factor of one with the smallest factor of the other. How are the terms arranged? The order or arrangement of the terms in a polynomial determines what kind of function it is. A polynomial can be a linear term, quadratic term, or cubic term depending on how the terms are arranged. A linear polynomial is one where the coefficients of the variables are constant. For example, 2x + 4y is a linear polynomial because the coefficients of the variables are 2 and 1, and they do not change when we solve for them. A quadratic polynomial is one where the highest coefficient of any of the variables is 2. For example, x2 + 3x + 5 is a quadratic polynomial because the highest coefficient of any variable is 2. A cubic polynomial is one where the highest coefficient of any variable is 3. For example, x3 + y3 − z3 is a cubic polynomial because the highest coefficient of any variable is 3. Example of subtracting polynomials Polynomials can be subtracted just like linear functions can. The difference is that the coefficients and variables change. When subtracting polynomials, the larger coefficient variable is what changes. To subtract polynomials, you must first find the common denominator between the two monomials. In this example, the common denominator is 8. Then, you would subtract the second term of one polynomial from the first term of the other polynomial and then add the opposite of that result in the second polynomial. This process is easy to remember because you are simply switching the letters of the variables and coefficients. You are also simply switching which variable is greater or lesser than another variable. You can also subtract ungraded polynomials but must keep in mind how many zeroes are in each coefficient. When doing algebra, it is important to know how to work with polynomials Polynomials are mathematical expressions that contain more than one term. These terms can be constants, variables, or summations and divisions of variables. Like all algebraic expressions, polynomials can be written in different forms. The form in which you see a polynomial does not necessarily represent its structure. For example, the polynomial 2×2 + 3x − 1 can be written as 2×2 + (3x − 1), (2×2 + 3x) − 1, or 2×2+(3x−1)−1. When working with polynomials, it is important to know how to differentiate and integrate them. To differentiate a polynomial, you must first divide it by the leading term of the expression-the term that is multiplied the most times by other terms in the expression. Then, you must subtract the constant term of the expression from the rest of the terms to get just a variable. What is a polynomial? A polynomial is a finite expression that consists of the sum of multiple terms, each consisting of a constant and a variable raised to a constant. For example, the term 4×2 is a polynomial consisting of the sum of 4x and 2, where x is raised to the power 2. The term (3x + 1)2 is also a polynomial, consisting of the sum of 3x and 1 squared. Here, both 3x and 1 are constants, and the latter is raised to the power 2. There are many uses for polynomials, but one common use is solving linear equations using linear algebra. To do this, you must first rewrite your equation as a linear equation using coefficients from polynomials. How do you tell the difference between two polynomials? Polynomials are algebraic expressions that consist of constants and multiples of constants and variables. They can also consist of negative constants and variables. There are two ways to differentiate between two polynomials. The first way is to examine the coefficients of the variables. The second way is to look at the degree of the polynomials. Examining the coefficients of the variables means looking at how many times each variable occurs as a coefficient. For example, if one variable occurred as a coefficient twice, then that variable is in the polynomial twice. The degree of a polynomial refers to how many constant and/or variable terms it has. For example, 9×2 + 8x is a polynomial of degree 2, because it has two constant terms and one variable term. What is the difference between the two polynomials? (9×2 + 8x)-(2×2 + 3x) There are two main differences between the two polynomials. The first is how many variables are in the equation. The second is the degree of the polynomial, which is how many levels or steps it takes to get to the top. The first difference is easy to explain. A linear equation has one variable, a quadratic has two variables, a cubic has three variables, and a quartic has four variables. The second difference requires more explanation. The degree of a polynomial refers to how many times the variable changes value before reaching the top. For example, in 9×2 + 8x-2×2 + 3x, x changes twice before reaching the top, so this polynomial is of degree two. In general, linear equations have degree one, quadratic equations have degree two, cubic equations have degree three, and quartic equations have degree four.
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The U.S. Constitution is one of the world’s most enduring symbols of democracy. It is also the oldest, and shortest, written constitution of the modern era still in existence. Its writing was by no means inevitable, however. In many ways, the Constitution was both the culmination of American (and British) political thought about government power as well as a blueprint for the future. It is tempting to think of the framers of the Constitution as a group of like-minded men aligned in their lofty thinking regarding rights and freedoms. This assumption makes it hard to oppose constitutional principles in modern-day politics because people admire the longevity of the Constitution and like to consider its ideals above petty partisan politics. However, the Constitution was designed largely out of necessity following the failure of the first revolutionary government, and it featured a series of pragmatic compromises among its disparate stakeholders. While addressing an audience of about 600 at the newly constructed Corinthian Hall, Frederick Douglass, an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman, acknowledged that the signers of the Declaration of Independence were “brave” and “great” men, and that the way they wanted the Republic to appear was in the right spirit. But, he said, speaking more than a decade before slavery was ended nationally, a lot of work still needed to be done so that all citizens could enjoy “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” It is therefore quite appropriate that more than 225 years later the U.S. government still requires compromise to function properly. How did the Constitution come to be written? What compromises were needed to ensure the ratification that made it into law? This chapter addresses these questions and also describes why the Constitution remains a living, changing document.
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🎓 Education is a journey of discovery, and every student embarks on this journey with a unique set of abilities, preferences, and learning styles. In the realm of teaching, one size does not fit all. This is where differentiated instruction comes into play. By acknowledging and addressing the individual needs of students, educators can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment. Understanding Differentiated Instruction 🔍 Differentiated instruction is an approach that recognizes the diversity of learners in a classroom and adjusts teaching methods to cater to their individual strengths and weaknesses. This pedagogical philosophy acknowledges that students have different learning styles, intelligences, and paces of learning. The goal is to create a flexible and responsive curriculum that ensures every student can grasp and apply the concepts being taught. ✅ The main principle of differentiated instruction is inclusivity. It ensures that all students, regardless of their background, abilities, or challenges, have access to quality education. By providing multiple pathways to understanding and mastery, educators can tap into each student's potential. The Power of Making 🛠️ Enter the concept of making – a hands-on, experiential approach to learning that engages students in creating, building, and problem-solving. Making taps into diverse learning styles, from visual and kinesthetic to auditory and tactile. This approach transcends traditional classroom boundaries and empowers students to explore and apply concepts in a practical context. 🌟 Making projects encourage critical thinking and creativity. They foster collaboration and communication among students as they work together to solve real-world challenges. These projects are not only enjoyable but also instill a sense of ownership and pride in one's work. Customizing Projects for Diverse Learning Styles 🧩 Differentiated instruction through making involves tailoring projects to match the various learning styles present in a classroom: - Visual Learners: Visual learners benefit from diagrams, charts, and images. For these students, making projects could involve creating infographics, designing posters, or building models. - Kinesthetic Learners: Kinesthetic learners thrive on hands-on activities. Crafting prototypes, conducting experiments, or building structures cater to their learning preferences. - Auditory Learners: Auditory learners absorb information through sound. Assigning tasks that involve storytelling, podcast creation, or oral presentations can engage these students. - Tactile Learners: Tactile learners learn by touching and manipulating objects. Crafting, assembling, and building physical artifacts align with their strengths. 🔑 The key is to offer a variety of project options that allow students to choose projects that resonate with their learning styles. By embracing this approach, educators honor the diversity of their students and empower them to take ownership of their learning journeys. Benefits and Future Implications 📈 The benefits of differentiated instruction through making are far-reaching: - Improved Engagement: Tailored projects pique students' interest and motivation, leading to higher levels of engagement and participation. - Enhanced Understanding: When students learn in alignment with their preferred styles, they absorb and retain information more effectively. - Individualized Growth: Differentiated instruction supports students' individual growth trajectories, allowing them to progress at their own pace. 🚀 As technology and society continue to evolve, the skills cultivated through making projects – critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and adaptability – will be increasingly essential. By incorporating making into differentiated instruction, educators prepare students for a dynamic future. 🎉 Differentiated instruction through making bridges the gap between diverse learning styles and educational outcomes. By recognizing the uniqueness of each student and providing tailored projects, educators create a more inclusive and effective learning environment. As we move forward, embracing this approach will not only nurture individual growth but also cultivate a generation of lifelong learners prepared to tackle the challenges of an ever-changing world.
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Define integrity as being true to yourself and what you value. The learners explore examples of being true to self. Filter by subjects: Filter by audience: Filter by unit » issue area: find a lesson In the first lesson, the learners analyzed the meaning of integrity as it reflects being true to themselves and reflecting honestly who they are in their actions. In this lesson, we expand the definition to include being true to oneself and others. Learners use a decision-making model to identify the issues they feel most concerned about. With those in mind, they explore how perseverance and doing their personal best are more effective ways to address needs than looking at the short term. The classroom is matched up with another classroom (or any group of people) in the country or the world. The students communicate by letter or e-mail and compare characteristics of place such as methods of transportation, weather, resources, and culture. Students will eventually work with their... In this activity, the learners get character snapshots of several different real-life heroes and look for patterns and lessons they can take away. Learners define caring through discussion of examples and writing an acrostic.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/lessons-units?search_api_views_fulltext_1=Experiential%20Education&page=16", "date": "2024-02-22T01:00:34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947473598.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20240221234056-20240222024056-00852.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9562570452690125, "token_count": 241, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Drawing Teacher Resources Find Drawing educational ideas and activities Showing 1 - 20 of 60,566 resources Model for young readers how to use illustrations, chapter titles, and events in a story to draw inferences and make predictions. Learners then practice these essential comprehension strategies by drawing inferences for another section of a text. In addition, they validate their assumptions with specific references. There are four interactive, online games that pupils can access in order to gain further practice. A fine language arts lesson for elementary schoolers! Students recognize and imitate Leonardo da Vinci's unique artistic style. Through observation and practice, students capture the look of real things from many angles in actual space. They attempt their own still life drawing. A well-developed art lesson is always great to have around. This lesson on portrait drawing includes a full procedure, modifications, background information on artist Chuck Close, recommended websites, and a few thoughts from the lesson's developer. Portrait drawing using the grid method can be your next great art project. Teachers can use drawing conclusions lesson plans to help students learn how to connect their background knowledge to text. Students examine the correct proportions of the human face. They create a blind contour drawing and a self-portrait. They view portraits and discuss their significance. Students explore drawing based on two sets of directions. In this drawing lesson, students draw a portrait or still life based on a verbal description (left brain). Students then use drawing techniques that access the right side of their brain. This lesson is designed for mature art students. Learners hone their drawing techniques to create a nature-inspired piece of art. They practice hatching, cross hatching, stippling, and shading. They discuss how each method is better suited for creating specific elements in nature such as grass, water, and leaves. A well-outlined procedure and vocabulary list make this a good art lesson. Students create a collaborative drawing. In this cooperation skills lesson, students are divided into small groups and are given art supplies. Students decide on a topic for their illustration and create the drawing on large paper. Students work together to complete the project. As an extension activity, students can create a collaborative story about their drawing. Kids create a clown out of shapes. They work to show emotions while practicing their drawing skills. Pupils use circles, triangles, squares, oil pastels, and their imagination to draw, color, and decorate a sad or happy clown. Tip: Have each child write two simple sentences describing the shapes used in creating the clown. Students draw a map. In this map drawing lesson students draw a map to show where a character is from and where they are going in the story. Students are writing an odyssey. Students discover how to sketch a face. In this sketching lesson, students explore the steps to construct a facial drawing. Spacing and symmetry of facial features are explored. Students practice the higher order thinking skill of drawing conclusions. In this language lesson, students use the Miss Navajo pageant to discuss the role of language in selecting a winner. They view portions of the pageant, and try to draw conclusions about the effect of the language portion on the overall outcome of the pageant. Students use the information from the video segment to complete graphic organizers. Gesture drawing is many things: a way to see, a technique of drawing, an exercise, a defined scribble, and a finished style. In the activities that follow, gesture drawing will be demonstrated in many of its facets. Drawing with linear perspective requires spacial and mathematical reasoning as well as an understanding of the Renaissance period. Fifth graders discuss the first painting created with linear perspective, then analyze several others found throughout history. They use the very specific geometric formula, their rulers, lines and rays to compose a piece full of perspective. Second graders look at the difference between explicit information and drawing conclusions. In this drawing conclusions instructional activity, 2nd graders read a passage and find areas where information is given and others where they have to think to find what happened. First graders discuss what they know about birds and share picture books. They read text on the page and discuss the question and draw the flying bird on their paper by having them look at the color drawing of the bird. Students listen to the story "Art Lesson" by Tomie dePaola, and discuss the importance of reaching for their dreams. They then use an "I Can Draw" book to help aid their drawing. Finally, they use Kidspiration to list what they learned about art and drawing. Students draw conclusions based on a video they watch about towns that thrive on Polka music. For this drawing conclusions lesson plan, students discuss the conclusions with each other based on the implied information they see in the video. Students complete activities to compare, contrast, and draw conclusions for a lesson about the Florida Everglades. In this drawing conclusions lesson, students watch videos about a scientists study of pig frogs that live in the Florida Everglades and complete a note taking worksheet. Students draw conclusions, read independently, and draw conclusions. Students plein air drawing. In this drawing skills lesson, students follow the provided steps that require them select natural objects and utilize plein air skills to complete their drawings.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-15", "url": "http://www.lessonplanet.com/lesson-plans/drawing", "date": "2014-04-18T23:16:56", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-15/segments/1397609535535.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20140416005215-00072-ip-10-147-4-33.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9366908073425293, "token_count": 1081, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Convection occurs in the aesthenosphere. The aesthenosphere lies directly beneath the lithosphere at depths of between 62 and 124 miles.Know More The aesthenosphere is a layer of solid rock that is so hot, the rock melts and flows like a liquid, easily breaking apart. The most dramatic earthquakes are caused by rocks in the aesthenosphere breaking apart. Large convection currents transfer heat to the surface of the Earth, and these currents cause the magma to break apart. When this happens, it creates divergent plate boundaries. When the plates separate, they cool down and get reabsorbed back into the aesthenosphere. Because the aesthenosphere is so deep, scientists cannot really study it until an earthquake or volcano occurs. They know that earthquakes change speed and direction when there is a change in the density of the rocks being affected. Rocks in the aesthenosphere rise up to the surface of the planet where there is evidence of tectonic plates separating. Scientists cannot tell how deep the aesthensosphere goes. Some think it is a layer that delves around 434 miles into the Earth. Until better technology is built to help them study this layer, they have to study things like earthquakes, volcanoes and magma chambers in the world's oceans.Learn more about Layers of the Earth Mantle conviction is the process in which heat is transferred from the Earth's core to its surface; heat is released from the core and rises, causing temperature fluctuation where the excess temperature from the hot magma is transferred to the colder areas above it and eventually to the Earth's surface. An everyday example of this process is boiling water; hot water from the bottom of the pot rises to transfer energy to the cooler water at the top, which sinks to the bottom.Full Answer > Convection currents in Earth's mantle are caused by the rise of hot material rising towards the crust, becoming cooler and sinking back down. This process occurs repeatedly, causing the currents to constantly flow. The movement of the currents plays a factor in the movement of the mantle.Full Answer > The thickness of the Earth's crust varies with location and ranges from 1 to 80 kilometers thick. The continental crust is 50 kilometers thick on average, while the oceanic crust typically reaches no more than 20 kilometers thick.Full Answer > The Earth's magnetosphere protects the planet from solar winds and high-energy particles by redirecting this energy around the planet. When charged particles approach the Earth, the magnetosphere affects them due to their magnetic properties. Particles blown by the solar wind simply sweep around the Earth, while slower radioactive particles may become part of the Earth's radiation belts, held safely above the surface by the magnetosphere.Full Answer >
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-18", "url": "http://www.ask.com/science/layer-earth-convection-occur-adbb25e11cc1a96f", "date": "2015-04-25T04:22:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-18/segments/1429246646036.55/warc/CC-MAIN-20150417045726-00275-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9257692098617554, "token_count": 558, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Representing Half of a Circle Geometric shapes make great visual models for introducing young mathematicians to the concept of fractions. Looking at a series of four circles, students are asked to determine whether or not one half of each circle is shaded. To support... 2nd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed Locating Fractions Greater than One on the Number Line Supplement your instructional activity on improper fractions with this simple resource. Working on number lines labeled with whole numbers between 0 and 5, young mathematicians represent basic improper fractions with halves and thirds.... 3rd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed Multiplication & Division Word Problems Show your class all the hard work you have put into their lesson by showing this PowerPoint presentation. They will not only be proud of you, but it will help them solve multiplication and division word problems using the algorithms. 3rd - 5th Math CCSS: Adaptable Recognize Fractions: Breaking Shapes into Equal Parts Introduce young mathematicians to the concept of fractions by cutting shapes into pieces. The first video in this eight-part series starts by making a clear distinction between whole numbers and fractions. A circle is then used to... 5 mins 2nd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed What Members Say - Kelly W., Student teacher - Independence, IA
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-44", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/nuts-about-halves", "date": "2016-10-22T23:57:25", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-44/segments/1476988719079.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00012-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9165921211242676, "token_count": 276, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Presentation on theme: "Relative and Absolute Location Where Are WE?. How Do We Get There? There are two ways to answer this question….if you would like to determine a place’s."— Presentation transcript: Relative and Absolute Location Where Are WE? How Do We Get There? There are two ways to answer this question….if you would like to determine a place’s location relative to someplace else, then you are looking at its RELATIVE LOCATION. For Example: Kentucky is south of Ohio. OR Meet me at the Starbucks that is next to Izzy’s on Mall Road. Relative Location We are going to focus on Relative Location for a moment. I would like for you to be able to refer to places on a map in terms of where they are located relative to other places….. And I want you to use your cardinal and intermediate directions correctly. Let’s Review Cardinal Directions NORTH South East West Intermediate Directions Northeast Southeast Northwest Southwest Your Task Open you textbook to pages R46-R47. Use the map on those pages and answer the following five questions: – 1. China is ________________of Thailand. – 2. Libya is _________________ of Egypt. – 3. Peru is _______________ of Brazil. – 4. Spain is _________________ of France. – 5. Yemen is ______________ of Saudi Arabia. Your Task Using the maps in the back of our textbook write three statements using Cardinal directions and three statements using intermediate directions. Make sure you write the page number of the map you are using next to each sentence. Example: Map Page R49……Honduras is southwest of Cuba. Absolute Location Where a place is SPECIFICALLY located. This is done in one of two ways. 1. A person given you an exact address. For example: 2304 Oakview Court Hebron, KY 41048 2.Using imaginary lines of Latitude and Longitude For example: 65°N / 32°W Understanding Latitude and Longitude Let’s SEE what we can LEARN! System of Imaginary Lines Now let’s look at the grid system that has been created to help us locate any point on a map. To do this we used lines of Latitude and lines of Longitude. Latitude and Longitude The earth is divided into lots of lines called latitude and longitude. North, South, East and West on The Earth Let the X axis be the Equator. Let the Y axis be the Prime Meridian that runs through Greenwich outside of London. Latitude and Longitude are the 2 grid points by which you can locate any point on earth. Y X East West, North South on the Earth That means all points in North America will have a North latitude and a West longitude because it is North of the Equator and West of the Prime Meridian. (N, W) Prime Meridian East West, North South on the Earth What would be the latitude and longitude directions in Australia? Prime Meridian ? Lines of Latitude Lines that run east and west but measure distance north and south of the equator. Latitudes lines are always written first when given the coordinates of a place. They will always be either North or South. Where is 0 degree Latitude? The equator is 0 degree latitude. It is an imaginary belt that runs halfway point between the North Pole and the South Pole. Equator What is Latitude? Latitude is the distance from the equator along the Y axis. All points along the equator have a value of 0 degrees latitude. North pole = 90°N South pole = 90°S Values are expressed in terms of degrees. Y X 90°S 90°N Lines of Longitude Lines that run north and south around the earth, but measure distance east and west of the Prime Meridian. They will always be either east or west Where is 0 degree Longitude? The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. This imaginary line runs through the United Kingdom, France, Spain, western Africa, and Antarctica. PRIMEPRIME MERIDIANMERIDIAN What is Longitude? Longitude is the distance from the prime meridian along the X axis. All points along the prime meridian have a value of 0 degrees longitude. The earth is divided into two parts, or hemispheres, of east and west longitude. Y X 180°W 180°E What is Longitude? The earth is divided into 360 equal slices (meridians) 180 west and 180 east of the prime meridian Y X 180°W 180°E So Where is (0,0)? The origin point (0,0) is where the equator intersects the prime meridian. (0,0) is off the western coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. East West, North South on the Earth Let each of the four quarters then be designated by North or South and East or West. N S EW East West, North South on the Earth The N tells us we’re north of the Equator. The S tells us we’re south of the Equator. The E tells us that we’re east of the Prime Meridian. The W tells us that we’re west of the Prime Meridian. (N, W) (N, E) (S, W) (S, E) See If You Can Tell In Which Quarter These Latitude and Longitude Are Located 1. 41°N, 21°E 2. 37°N, 76°W 3. 72°S, 141°W 4. 7°S, 23°W 5. 15°N, 29°E 6. 34°S, 151°E AB C D
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-09", "url": "http://slideplayer.com/slide/3371298/", "date": "2017-02-25T15:30:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-09/segments/1487501171775.73/warc/CC-MAIN-20170219104611-00325-ip-10-171-10-108.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.876227080821991, "token_count": 1192, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Start a 10-Day Free Trial to Unlock the Full Review Why Lesson Planet? Find quality lesson planning resources, fast! Share & remix collections to collaborate. Organize your curriculum with collections. Easy! Have time to be more creative & energetic with your students! Students investigate friction force on a variety of objects such as bricks and cardboard boxes. They use a force probe to collect data on the changes in force required to drag the objects across a variety of surface types. 3 Views 1 Download Typical Numeric Questions for Physics I - Forces Let's get moving! Newton juniors solve 19 problems using force, speed, and acceleration equations. This is a nifty worksheet that includes a few diagrams and multiple choice selections for each question. It provides the straightforward... 7th - 12th Science Ramp and Review (for High School) Rolling for momentum. As part of a study of mechanical energy, momentum, and friction, class members experiment rolling a ball down an incline and having it collide with a cup. Groups take multiple measurements and perform several... 9th - 11th Science CCSS: Designed New Review Forces in 1 Dimension A realistic simulation uses charts to show forces, position, velocity, and acceleration versus time based on how the simulation is set up. Once those concepts are mastered, scholars use free body diagrams to explain how each graph... 6th - Higher Ed Science CCSS: Adaptable
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-13", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/friction-force", "date": "2017-03-25T06:44:50", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-13/segments/1490218188824.36/warc/CC-MAIN-20170322212948-00433-ip-10-233-31-227.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8837599754333496, "token_count": 298, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Until about 1980, geologists concentrated on defining the main strata and their corresponding geologic eras and periods. The five geologic eras end in the suffix "-zoic," referring to life, because they are defined by the types of life forms found within those strata. Geologists didn’t pay much attention to the transitions from one geological period to another, which showed marked changes in the relative numbers of different species. No one knew if these changes occurred gradually or abruptly. Earth's Geological Timescale with Milestones. Click here for original source URL As fossil and geological evidence accumulated, geologists decided that some of the changes were very dramatic. Modern studies show that the Paleozoic Era ended in a huge catastrophe about 250 million years ago, when about 90% of the existing plant and animal species died out in less than half a million years. After that, reptiles rose rapidly and dominated the ensuing 200 million years. Then, about 65 million years ago, another catastrophe wiped out about the majority of existing species, including the giant reptiles, or dinosaurs. Because this occurred between the Cretaceous and Tertiary geologic periods, it is referred to as the K/T boundary extinction (where K is from the German spelling for Cretaceous). Similarly, the end of the Paleozoic Era is also called the Permian-Triassic boundary. These events are mass extinctions: relatively brief intervals in which a large fraction of species vanish. The end of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras are the two best examples of mass extinctions. They mark such dramatic breaks in the fossil record that geologists define geologic eras as beginning or ending with them. Smaller examples of mass extinctions define boundaries between other geologic periods as well. For a long time, the two largest mass extinctions got surprisingly little attention in geology textbooks. Part of the reason was the fragmentary nature of the fossil record. The layering of rocks and fossils is not neat and orderly throughout geological time. Volcanism, erosion, or metamorphosis of rocks can destroy some of the fossil evidence. Also, radioactive dating has limits. Let’s say we could determine the age of 100 million year old rocks with a precision of 0.1%. The measurement error is still 100,000 years. This means that 100,000 years is the limit of our ability to resolve time. If we see the disappearance of many species over that interval, should we consider it gradual or catastrophic change? But as geologists found more fossils, their precision improved, and the extinctions seemed to be more dramatic. The first mass extinction to be explained by direct scientific evidence was the one at the end of the Mesozoic, 65 million years ago. Approximately 75% of all species of plants and animals disappeared within a few million years, including the dinosaurs! In the early 1980s, geochemists made an interesting discovery about the thin layer of sediments at the boundary between Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks. It contained an excess of iridium, an element that is extremely rare in Earth’s crustal rocks, but present in higher levels in meteorites. This discovery suggested that a giant meteorite impact might have been connected with the end of the Mesozoic. Further evidence supported this theory: the iridium layer was mixed in with glassy spheres formed by melted rock and quartz grains that had been heated and shocked suddenly. The extreme pressures required to do this can only be reached during a high-velocity impact. Scientists also discovered concentrations of soot that indicated worldwide forest fires. For years, scientists argued about how to interpret this evidence. The father and son team of Walter Alvarez, a geologist, and Luis Alvarez, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, advocated the hypothesis that an impact from space killed off the dinosaurs and other species. This was a controversial idea. In the scientific method, there are almost always rival explanations for any set of data. Because radioactive dating has limited time resolution, scientists could not prove that the extinction was catastrophic - occurring over a period of days or years rather than tens of thousands of years. Volcanism could have produced the glassy spheres of melted rock, and it could have triggered forest fires. But volcanism can’t produce the high pressures needed to shock quartz. The "smoking gun" in this detective story was still missing. If an impact was to blame for a mass extinction, where was the impact crater? In what is now North America, scientists found that the 65 million-year-old layer contained deposits from large tsunamis, or tidal waves. The tsunami deposits suggested an impact near the Gulf of Mexico. Eventually scientists discovered a large crater completely buried under sediments, straddling the coastline of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. The crater, named Chicxulub after a nearby town, had a diameter of about 160 to 180 kilometers (100 to 110 miles) from rim to rim. It was created by impact of an asteroid about 10 kilometers across (6 miles) — the size of a small town! But did the crater have the right age? After a delicate period of negotiations involving core samples taken by a Mexican oil company, scientists had the evidence they needed. The age of the crater was indeed 65 million years. What happened after the asteroid hit, to cause the extinction of so many species? The details are exceedingly complex, and they’re still poorly understood. The huge impact probably blasted a cloud of dust and other debris into space, which then fell back into the atmosphere and spread all over the world in the following hours. If you were standing on the Earth a few minutes after the impact, you would have observed the sky light up as falling debris formed brilliant fireballs and shooting stars. The molten debris caused a strong heat pulse that may have killed many land animals instantly and ignited forest fires. This injected an enormous amount of fine soot into the stratosphere, which probably floated there for some time and blocked sunlight for weeks or months. Sediments at the site of the crater were rich in carbonates and sulfur, and these materials were vaporized by the impact. Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere may have resulted in long-term global warming. The sulfur would have combined with water in the atmosphere to form acid rain. All of these changes would have wreaked havoc on the entire food chain. Reptiles had ruled the Earth for 150 million years. Now they died out due to a catastrophic change in their environment. Previously minor species, including certain small mammals, had less competition. They proliferated into this ecological vacuum, evolving into new species, including a certain upright mammal that has evolved to be able to study astronomy. In the spectacular mass extinction that ended the Paleozoic Era roughly 250 million years ago, even more of the existing species were destroyed. In the oceans, the fraction has been estimated to be as high as 95% of all species! This event was so dramatic, geology textbooks refer to it as "The Great Dying.” The cause is still uncertain. No positive proof of an impact has been found. Most hypotheses center on internally-caused geological events. One leading hypothesis is that large plumes of hot magma rise from the mantle sporadically, like blobs rising in a lava lamp. Upon reaching the crust, they may have caused major episodes of volcanism and considerable plate tectonic shifts, altering the Earth’s climate. An alternate hypothesis involves a sudden turnover or disturbance in the ocean, which brought oxygen-poor water to the surface and increased CO2 concentrations in the air. These might not be sudden disasters like the transient climate effects of large impacts, but they could still increase the rates of extinction and emergence of new species in new environmental niches. In 1996, Oregon paleontologist Gregory Retallack presented evidence of shocked quartz grains from the layer at the end of the Paleozoic. Shocked quartz grains are usually accepted as evidence of an impact. Conceivably, an impact in the oceans or continental margins might have disturbed the oceans, and the crater could have been subsequently destroyed by plate tectonic activity. The fossil record this far back in time is quite patchy. Also, since radioactive techniques cannot date rocks with very high precision, it’s difficult to distinguish between the rival hypotheses of a sudden catastrophe and a somewhat slower geological change. Even the story of the K-T extinction has got muddier in recent years. Geologists have pointed to a surge in volcanism that slightly preceded the imact, and other craters of similar age have been found, so life may have been subject to multiple &quo;punches.&quo; It's a lesson in the scientific method not to confuse correlation with causation. The race to explain the most dramatic episodes of dying in Earth’s history continues.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-47", "url": "https://phys.libretexts.org/TextMaps/Astronomy_and_Cosmology_TextMaps/Map%3A_Astronomy_(Impey)/5%3A_The_Earth_-Moon_System/5.18_Mass_Extinctions", "date": "2017-11-22T20:04:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-47/segments/1510934806660.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20171122194844-20171122214844-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9610594511032104, "token_count": 1805, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Below is a diagram representing an enzyme, its special shape designed to hold its reacting chemicals. You can see that it is a long chain bent and twisted into the necessary shape. How does it get bent in just the right places so that its unique chemicals fit exactly into this ‘jig?’ |Diagram to show how amino acids with different ‘shapes’ are joined together to produce the unique three-dimensional structure of an enzyme.| If you placed a row of square bricks end to end they would obviously form a straight line. If you introduced into the row a brick with a triangular cross-section, a bend in the row would be obtained. An enzyme molecule is constructed on this principle, using chemicals called amino acids as its ‘bricks’. There are about 20 different amino acids and in effect, they are all different ‘shapes.’ Also, some amino acids have the property of ‘clipping on’ to others further down the chain, thus creating a loop. By careful selection of the various amino acids (and there are usually many hundreds in the enzyme chain) the molecule can be bent into the requisite three-dimensional shape. Now the important thing! Obviously, to produce a given enzyme there is only one correct sequence of amino acids. The substitution of just one amino acid in the sequence could produce a ‘bend’ in the wrong place, with the result that the enzyme would be unable to hold its particular chemicals and would thus be useless. So the cell in some way has to remember the correct sequence of amino acids in every one of the hundreds of different enzymes it needs, so that it can make them when required. If it gets even one amino acid in the wrong place in the line, the enzyme might not work properly. How does the tiny cell ensure this correct sequence?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-47", "url": "http://biblebasics.co.uk/creation/creat8.htm", "date": "2017-11-24T09:19:53", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-47/segments/1510934807344.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20171124085059-20171124105059-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9596713781356812, "token_count": 380, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
- read to find answers to questions they have on snails. - respond to literature that is read to them by the teacher. - discern if information is fact or fiction. - take a poll, graph the results using Graph Club software (or a regular Spreadsheet), and interpret the information. - use the Internet as a source of information. Time required for lesson - Computer with internet access - Graph Club software by Tom Snyder productions, 1996 or you can use something like Microsoft Works Spreadsheet - Some prior experience using Graph Club software or Spreadsheets would be helpful. - You may want to review with students the difference between fiction and nonfiction (make-believe and reality). - On chart paper, draw a K-W-L chart. Explain to students what each section means. Begin by activating prior knowledge and asking students what they know about snails. Fill in this information on the “K” column of the chart. - Introduce The Biggest House in the World. Discuss cover and make predictions. Tell students that it is a fiction story about a snail. As you read, discuss which aspects of the story are make-believe and which may be real. - To close the activity, have students brainstorm a list of questions about snails that they would like answered. Fill questions in on the “W”column on the chart. Tell students that they will be using the internet to help answer questions tomorrow (or whenever your next lesson will be). - Begin by reviewing your K-W-L chart. What do we already know about snails? What do we still want to learn? Remind students that the internet is a good resource for finding information. Tell them this what we will use to research snails. - Bring students in small groups to the computer with you to look at the Snails for Kids website. Skim through the information together and find answers to your questions. The material on the website is written above a second grade level so they will need lots of teacher guidance with this. - Once all the students have had a chance to look at the website, come back together as a whole group to record what you have learned on the K-W-L chart. - Give students a piece of drawing paper and tell them to fold it in half. Tell them that on one side you want them to draw something make-believe about snails from the story and write a caption. On the other side, they will draw something real and write 2 true facts about snails. - Begin telling students that some people have pet snails or keep them in their aquariums. Take a class poll. After all we have learned, who would like a pet snail? Record yes, no, and maybe responses with tally marks. (To go along with this, students could even do a journal response explaining their answer.) - Then using Graph Club or a spreadsheet. Let students make some different graphs with this information. - Print graphs and display them. Have students analyze the data. Which answer got the greatest response? The least? etc. Students will be assessed in three different areas. First , while you read the story aloud to them, ask questions to monitor their comprehension. Second, when filling in the “learn” column on your chart, you’ll get an indication of how much they learned by what they share. The final project (Telling something make-believe and factual) will let you know how each individual child grasped the information. What did he/she recall about the story? Did he/she come up with 2 solid facts that they learned? Finally, to assess the Math portion, you’ll need to observe as they graph their information and look at the final product. Also, see if they can answer questions by reading the information on the graph. - Snailology by Michael Elsohn Ross. This book is a great resource if you don’t have access to the internet. You can use it in place of the snail’s website. - The Adventures of Snail at School by John Stadler is good tie-in story You can extend this lesson in many ways. To incorporate more technology, students can draw a snail picture on Kid Pix and type a sentence or two telling what they have learned about them. If you you find snails in your garden, bring them to school. Let students record observations in a Science journal. Another possibility is to let students write fictional stories about a snail. As I mentioned earlier to tie in with the graphing activity, have students write a journal entry on whether or not they would like a pet snail and explain why.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-51", "url": "http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/3349?style=print", "date": "2017-12-17T19:55:06", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-51/segments/1512948597485.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20171217191117-20171217213117-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.949833869934082, "token_count": 968, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
A point represents a position in a plane (2D) or space (3D). Given an origin, axes, and scale, we can assign coordinates to each point. Changing the origin translates the coordinate system. The same points now have new coordinates. Changing the axes rotates the coordinate system, once again changing the coordinates of the points. A vector is an object with a direction and a magnitude (length), but not a location. These represent the same vector These also represent the same vector These vectors have different directions These vectors also have different directions These vectors have different lengths Analogous to points, given axes and a scale, we can assign components to vectors. Changing the origin (translation) does not affect the components of a vector. Rotating the axes does change vector components. By anchoring the vectors at the origin, we can associate vectors with points. The coordinates of the end-points equal the components of the corresponding vectors. As long as we keep the origin fixed, we can often ignore the distinction between points and vectors. Given the coordinates of a vector, we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to compute its length: |v|2 = vx2 + vy2. |v| = sqrt( vx2 + vy2 ). For example, if v = [ 4, 3 ], then |v| = sqrt( 4×4 + 3×3 ) = sqrt( 16 + 9 ) = sqrt( 25 ) = 5. Multiplying a vector by a scalar multiplies the length of the vector. If the scalar is negative, the direction is reversed. The sum of v and w is formed by placing the beginning of w at the end of v and drawing a new vector from the beginning of v to the end of w.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-05", "url": "http://epsilondelta.us/UW_GameplayHTML5/Lectures/Vectors.html", "date": "2018-01-18T01:32:15", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-05/segments/1516084887054.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20180118012249-20180118032249-00253.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8719791173934937, "token_count": 387, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Valentine Heart Coloring In this Valentine worksheet, students examine a detailed black line drawing of a decorated Valentine heart. Students color the picture any way they wish. 3 Views 0 Downloads Common and Proper Nouns for Valentine's Day Common or proper noun, that is the question. With a Valentine's Day coloring page, class members decipher whether the word they read is a common or proper noun. Once they determine which type of nouns they see, theycolor the heart red or... K - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable New Review Valentine’s Counting and Color Sorting Activity Reinforce the concept of one-to-one correspondence with a Valentine's Day-themed counting and color sorting activity. Scholars sort foam hearts by color—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple—then count and place them on a number... Pre-K - 1st Math CCSS: Adaptable
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-09", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/worksheet-valentine-heart-coloring", "date": "2018-02-22T23:20:44", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891814292.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20180222220118-20180223000118-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8667700290679932, "token_count": 198, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
UEN Security Office Technical Services Support Center (TSSC) Eccles Broadcast Center 101 Wasatch Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 585-6105 (fax) This activity will help students understand what an equation is and what it is not. In order to solve equations a student must understand that an equation includes an equal sign and two expressions (that may involve a math operation) of equal value. Teach your students to identify unknowns as missing information. It can be the same information, many different numbers, or just one value. A variable is a way to explain a value that students are not sure of. 1. Demonstrate a positive learning attitude toward mathematics. 2. Reason mathematically. 3. Make mathematical connections. Invitation to Learn Explain to students that you need their help because your calculator is broken. Tell the students that you are trying to get the answer of 35, but the three and five keys are not working. Ask the students how they can get an answer of 35. You can limit it to sums if your students arent comfortable with multiplication yet. Moyer, P.S. (2000). Communicating mathematically: Childrens literature as natural connection. The Reading Teacher, Volume 54 (Issue 3), Page 246-255. Monroe, E. E. & Panchyshyn, R. (1995-96). Vocabulary considerations for teaching mathematics. Childhood Education. Volume 72 (Issue 2), Page 80-83. Monroe, E. E. & Orme, M. P. (2002). Developing mathematical vocabulary. Preventing School Failure, Volume 46 (Issue 3), Page 139-142. Because vocabulary is an essential part of reading comprehension, we should incorporate it into our math comprehension. By using literature and vocabulary organizers we can help students incorporate abstract and unfamiliar math terms into useful daily language. Students need to be exposed to the vocabulary through direct instruction and meaningful activities. Literature and group provide those opportunities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-09", "url": "https://www.uen.org/lessonplan/view/16330", "date": "2018-02-26T01:55:13", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891817908.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20180226005603-20180226025603-00653.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8719325661659241, "token_count": 421, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Promoting Knowledge of Letters and Words In this literacy worksheet, students benefit from the research displayed in this activity. Teachers read the information concerning the instruction of the alphabet. 3 Views 20 Downloads Word Blending Boxes Get all your blends organized into neat little boxes! This resource provides pages and pages of words that you can print out and place into labeled boxes so that you can find the exact words you want to work on with your class quickly... K - 2nd English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable It's no secret that children can be very opinionated, but rather than fight against this natural tendency, embrace it with this primary grade writing project. After a shared reading of a children's book about persuasion, young learners... 1st - 3rd English Language Arts CCSS: Designed Using the Sounds of Words Reading Task Young readers demonstrate phonemic awareness in words and blends, and recognize 100 high-frequency words. Use a nursery rhyme to point out rhyming words, and change the words by putting a new letter at the beginning. Each learner will... K - 2nd English Language Arts No More Monsters for Me: Building Words with Prefixes and Suffixes Pull a root word from a hat and make new words by adding prefixes and suffixes. After a read aloud of the Peggy Parish book No More Monsters for Me and whole group practice identifying root words and affixes, youngsters play a game to... 1st - 2nd English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Language Arts: Scavenger Word Hunt Participate in a scavenger hunt to find objects beginning with a particular letter sound and take digital photos of them with your scholars. Using software, they find word pictures beginning with particular letters and locate picture... K - 1st English Language Arts
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-13", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/promoting-knowledge-of-letters-and-words", "date": "2018-03-18T02:33:08", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-13/segments/1521257645413.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20180318013134-20180318033134-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8920825719833374, "token_count": 372, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Mesopotamian villages and towns eventually evolved into independent and nearly self-sufficient city-states. Although largely economically dependent on one another, these city-states were independent political entities and retained very strong isolationist tendencies. This isolationism hindered the unification of the Mesopotamian city-states, which eventually grew to twelve in number. By 3000 B.C., Mesopotamian civilization had made contact with other cultures of the Fertile Crescent (a term first coined by James Breasted in 1916), an extensive trade network connecting Mesopotamia with the rest of Ancient Western Asia. Again, it was the two rivers which served as both trade and transportation routes. The achievements of Mesopotamian civilization were numerous. Agriculture, thanks to the construction of irrigation ditches, became the primary method of subsistence. Farming was further simplified by the introduction of the plow. We also find the use of wheel-made pottery. Between 3000 and 2900 B.C. craft specialization and industries began to emerge (ceramic pottery, metallurgy and textiles). Evidence for this exists in the careful planning and construction of the monumental buildings such as the temples and ziggurats. During this period (roughly 3000 B.C.), cylinder seals became common. These cylindrical stone seals were five inches in height and engraved with images. These images were reproduced by rolling the cylinder over wet clay. The language of these seals remained unknown until to 20th century. But, scholars now agree that the language of these tablets was Sumerian. Ancient Sumer The Sumerians inhabited southern Mesopotamia from 3000-2000 B.C. The origins of the Sumerians is unclear -- what is clear is that Sumerian civilization dominated Mesopotamian law, religion, art, literature and science for nearly seven centuries. The greatest achievement of Sumerian civilization was their CUNEIFORM ("wedge-shaped") system of writing. Using a reed stylus, they made wedge-shaped impressions on wet clay tablets which were then baked in the sun. Once dried, these tablets were virtually indestructible and the several hundred thousand tablets which have been found tell us a great deal about the Sumerians. Originally, Sumerian writing was pictographic, that is, scribes drew pictures of representations of objects. Each sign represented a word identical in meaning to the object pictured, although pictures could often represent more than the actual object. The pictographic system proved cumbersome and the characters were gradually simplified and their pictographic nature gave way to conventional signs that represented ideas. For instance, the sign for a star could also be used to mean heaven, sky or god. The next major step in simplification was the development of phonetization in which characters or signs were used to represent sounds. So, the character for water was also used to mean "in," since the Sumerian words for "water" and "in" sounded similar. With a phonetic system, scribes could now represent words for which there were no images (signs), thus making possible the written expression of abstract ideas. The Sumerians used writing primarily as a form of record keeping. The most common cuneiform tablets record transactions of daily life: tallies of cattle kept by herdsmen for their owners, production figures, lists of taxes, accounts, contracts and other facets of organizational life in the community. Another large category of cuneiform writing included a large number of basic texts which were used for the purpose of teaching future generations of scribes. By 2500 B.C. there were schools built just for his purpose. The city-state was Sumer's most important political entity. The city-states were a loose collection of territorially small cities which lacked unity with one another. Each city-state consisted of an urban center and its surrounding farmland. The city-states were isolated from one another geographically and so the... Please join StudyMode to read the full document
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-17", "url": "http://www.studymode.com/essays/Mesopotamian-Civilization-1013655.html", "date": "2018-04-24T23:40:46", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-17/segments/1524125947421.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20180424221730-20180425001730-00573.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9721360206604004, "token_count": 811, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Students examine various types of angles while building and manipulating angles using Zome System. Students look for different types of angles in their structures and relate them to the angles in their surroundings. 3 Views 1 Download - Activities & Projects - Graphics & Images - Handouts & References - Lab Resources - Learning Games - Lesson Plans - Primary Sources - Printables & Templates - Professional Documents - Study Guides - Graphic Organizers - Writing Prompts - Constructed Response Items - AP Test Preps - Lesson Planet Articles - Interactive Whiteboards - All Resource Types - Show All See similar resources: Lesson Plan: I Can Name That Angle in One Measure! In this angle lesson, eighth and ninth graders explore angles made using parallel lines and a transversal. They identify the types of angles and the characteristics of each one. Puils create drawings that illustrate angle relationships... 8th - 9th Math Geometry: Complementary and Supplementary Angles Introduce your learners to angles using the Leaning Tower of Pisa for inspiration and focus. Small groups work together to determine if pairs of angles are complementary or supplementary.They view drawings of angles (vertical, adjacent,... 6th - 8th Math I Can Name that Angle in One Measure! - Grade Eight Collaborative groups work with geometry manipulatives to investigate conjectures about angles. They create a graphic organizer to use in summarizing relationships among angles in intersecting, perpendicular and parallel lines cut by a... 7th - 9th Math CCSS: Adaptable Pythagorean Theorem: Triangles and Their Sides Students investigate triangles and their relationship to each other. In this geometry lesson, students solve right triangles using the properties of the Pythagorean Theorem. They differentiate between right, acute, straight and oblique... 8th - 10th Math Write and Solve Equations Using Complementary and Supplementary Angles How can geometry students find out how much the Leaning Tower of Pisa is leaning? The activity in this resource uses the complementary angle to write an equation and solve for the unknown angle. It is the second video on solving for... 3 mins 6th - 8th Math CCSS: Designed Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles and Related Students classify angles. In this angles lesson, students explore the characteristics of angles, triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. They identify polygons and sing a classifying angles song. Students participate in a manipulative... 6th - 8th Math
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/attentionangles", "date": "2018-08-18T14:16:04", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213689.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818134554-20180818154554-00373.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8730241656303406, "token_count": 541, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
The velocity of an object is the rate of change of its position with respect to a frame of reference, and is a function of time. Velocity is equivalent to a specification of an object's speed and direction of motion (e.g. to the north). Velocity is a fundamental concept in kinematics, the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of bodies. Velocity is a physical vector quantity; both magnitude and direction are needed to define it. The scalar absolute value (magnitude) of velocity is called, being a coherent derived unit whose quantity is measured in the SI (metric system) as metres per second (m/s) or as the SI base unit of (m⋅s−1). For example, "5 metres per second" is a scalar, whereas "5 metres per second east" is a vector. If there is a change in speed, direction or both, then the object has a changing velocity and is said to be undergoing an acceleration. To have a constant velocity, an object must have a constant speed in a constant direction. Constant direction constrains the object to motion in a straight path thus, a constant velocity means motion in a straight line at a constant speed. For example, a car moving at a constant 20 kilometres per hour in a circular path has a constant speed, but does not have a constant velocity because its direction changes. Hence, the car is considered to be undergoing an acceleration. Speed describes only how fast an object is moving, whereas velocity gives both how fast it is and in which direction the object is moving. If a car is said to travel at 60 km/h, its speed has been specified. However, if the car is said to move at 60 km/h to the north, its velocity has now been specified. The big difference can be noticed when we consider movement around a circle. When something moves in a circular path (at a constant speed, see above) and returns to its starting point, its average velocity is zero but its average speed is found by dividing the circumference of the circle by the time taken to move around the circle. This is because the average velocity is calculated by only considering the displacement between the starting and the end points while the average speed considers only the total distance traveled. See main article: Equation of motion. Velocity is defined as the rate of change of position with respect to time, which may also be referred to as the instantaneous velocity to emphasize the distinction from the average velocity. In some applications the "average velocity" of an object might be needed, that is to say, the constant velocity that would provide the same resultant displacement as a variable velocity in the same time interval,, over some time period . Average velocity can be calculated as:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-26", "url": "http://everything.explained.today/Velocity/", "date": "2019-06-16T15:35:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-26/segments/1560627998250.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20190616142725-20190616164539-00050.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9526588320732117, "token_count": 566, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Scientists have uncovered the most comprehensive simulation of a black hole till the date. With the efforts, scientists have solved a mystery dating back more than 40 years over how black holes consume matter. Thanks to the latest findings around the first ever black hole photographed earlier, astrophysicists are now inching closer to understanding how black holes form and develop. So, how are black holes born? Black holes are born out of giant stars that fail to withstand the compressing force of their own gravity and ultimately collapse in on themselves. Eventually, black holes become incredibly dense objects with a strong, powerful gravitational pull that nothing may escape them. As black holes consume more of gas, dust and space debris, they take a form and increasingly develop into a gigantic accretion disk, which was a blurry halo around first ever image of the black hole released in April from the Event Horizon Telescope. However, accretion disks are almost invariably bent at an end to the introduction of the black hole, identified as its equatorial plane. In 1975, Nobel Prize-winning physicist John Bardeen and astrophysicist Jacobus Petterson hypothesised that a rotating black hole would let the inner precinct of a tilted accretion disk to line up with the black hole's equatorial plane. But no model could demonstrate ever how. However, it changes going forward. Astrophysicists from Northwestern University, Oxford University and the University of Amsterdam, used large sets of data using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) and simulate how black holes interact with their accretion disks. Their strategy provided them with the computing power to estimate magnetic turbulence, which befalls when several particles churn at different speeds within the accretion disk. It is specifically this electromagnetic force that makes matter come to the centre of the black hole. In 2016, an MIT graduate student in electrical engineering and computer science Katie Bouman led the development of the new algorithm that helped astronomers product the first image of a black hole. The image if the black hole was subsequently released in April. (With agency inputs)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-39", "url": "https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/science/black-hole-mystery-solved-after-40-years-scientists-uncover-the-most-comprehensive-simulation-ever", "date": "2019-09-20T10:57:01", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-39/segments/1568514573988.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20190920092800-20190920114800-00453.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9343895316123962, "token_count": 417, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns In these common and proper activity nouns worksheets, students review the definitions for common and proper nouns and complete three pages of activities to help identify and use the nouns. 109 Views 263 Downloads - Folder Types - Activities & Projects - Graphics & Images - Handouts & References - Lab Resources - Learning Games - Lesson Plans - Primary Sources - Printables & Templates - Professional Documents - PD Courses - Study Guides - Performance Tasks - Graphic Organizers - Writing Prompts - Constructed Response Items - AP Test Preps - Lesson Planet Articles - Interactive Whiteboards - Home Letters - Unknown Types - All Resource Types - Show All See similar resources: Common and Proper Nouns for Valentine's DayLesson Planet Common or proper noun, that is the question. With a Valentine's Day coloring page, class members decipher whether the word they read is a common or proper noun. Once they determine which type of nouns they see, theycolor the heart red or... K - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Proper + CapitalizationLesson Planet Using capital letters in English can seem arbitrary if you don't know the capitalization rules. Guide English learners through the concept of common nouns and proper nouns using the English alphabet with a helpful practice packet. 4th - 12th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Nouns in a StoryLesson Planet Students, assessing a variety of formatting tools with Microsoft Word, utilize a bank of vocabulary words to make a personal dictionary of nouns. They classify nouns for people, places, things and ideas and separate them into common and... 3rd - 6th English Language Arts Common and Proper Nouns | Parts of Speech AppLesson Planet Enhance instruction with a video focusing on common and proper nouns. Go in depth into the types of nouns and the difference between common and proper. Follow up the learning portion of the video with an interactive pop quiz, and end the... 4 mins 3rd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Introduction to Grammar: Common and Proper NounsLesson Planet Challenge your middle schoolers to distinguish between common and proper nouns. Test takers identify and then label the nouns in a series of sentences as either common or proper. The resource could be used as an assessment or as an... 6th - 8th English Language Arts Editing for Common and Proper NounsLesson Planet Fifth graders edit a story. In this nouns lesson, 5th graders learn about common and proper nouns and how each noun is used. Students use what they've learned to edit their papers looking for character names and specific places. 5th English Language Arts
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-05", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/grammar-common-and-proper-nouns", "date": "2020-01-28T13:15:09", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579251778272.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20200128122813-20200128152813-00213.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8847238421440125, "token_count": 605, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Letter writing is an engaging and important writing format for third graders to master. You can support the development of letter writing expertise with this lesson that provides guidance on the structure and anatomy of a letter. Written by curriculum experts, this lesson will teach kids the various features that make a letter easier to read, and will also offer plenty of opportunities to practice. Use this template as a starting place for your students to hone their writing and editing skills. First, they'll have to convince someone to take a trip to a place of their choosing, then they'll edit their piece before rewriting. Writing reports and other kinds of informational pieces is a skill unto itself. It requires an understanding of organizing and sequencing thoughts, tying them together in a way that makes sense to the reader and sometimes a bit of research. It is recommended that students participate in writing their own informational essay on a topic of their choice. This will allow them to apply all that they are learning through the exercises in this unit. In this unit, students are encouraged to write letters to family and friends about a book they are reading. In the letters the will apply the skills learned in this unit, including how to structure a letter, punctuating titles of books and short stories, using possessives (in reference to the characters or ideas in the book), contractions and addressing an envelope. Don’t forget to request a response - getting a personal letter in the mail in this electronic age can be a thrill! This lesson covers everything that young writers need to know about titles. Students will learn about the purpose of titles, strategies for creating a great title, and familiarize themselves with punctuation and capitalization conventions of titles. This handy checklist will be useful when editing all kinds of writing! Have your students use this helpful writing aid to make their writing even better as they check for correct capitalization, punctuation, neatness, and more.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-16", "url": "https://www.education.com/resources/capitalizing-titles/", "date": "2020-04-04T21:54:02", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585370525223.55/warc/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00133.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9491208791732788, "token_count": 387, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
In this unit students make and investigate a variety of three dimensional shapes. By examining a wide range of shapes and looking at the relationship between the numbers of faces, edges and vertices they see whether they can “discover” Euler’s famous formula. - Construct models of polyhedra using everyday materials. - Use the terms faces, edges and vertices to describe models of polyhedra. A polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid object which consists of a collection of polygons, usually joined at their edges. Terms commonly used to describe the attributes of polygons include: Vertex: a point of intersection of two or more lines – a corner Edge: A line that connects 2 vertices Face: One surface of a solid figure In the 1750’s Leonhard Euler discovered a famous relationship between these three attributes. The number of vertices, plus the number of faces take away two equals the number of edges. E = V + F - 2 The platonic solids are one group of polyhedra, they are polyhedra all of whose faces are congruent regular polygons, and where the same number of faces meet at every vertex. In other words, a platonic solid is a three dimensional shape where each face is an identical flat shape with all sides and angles the same, and the same number of these faces meet at each corner. There are 5 platonic solids, the cube (6 squares, 3 meeting at each vertex), the tetrahedron (4 triangles, 3 meeting at each vertex), the octahedron (8 triangles, 4 meeting at each vertex), the dodecahedron (12 pentagons, 3 meeting at each vertex), and the icosahedron (20 triangles, 5 meeting at each vertex). This unit involves a lot of exploration with three dimensional shapes and would be ideal as a lead in to the unit Building with Triangles, a level four unit which goes on to look at a group of polyhedra, the platonic solids, in more detail. - Cube models (dice or similar) - Play-dough, blu-tack (or similar) - Variety of polyhedra models: a polyhedron dice set is ideal if it is available - Straws, Toothpicks or Pipecleaners - Paper and pens for recording Invite the students to look at one of the dice or other cube models that you have available. Show them the materials they have to work with and ask Can you make a model of this shape using these straws (or toothpicks) and play dough? Students work in pairs to explore the materials and make models of cubes. Once most groups have made a cube model successfully hold a group discussion, focusing on attributes of the shape. What is one part of this shape we could count? What are the other parts of this shape we can count? Accept the terminology the students use and introduce the mathematical terms vertex, edge and face as needed. Construct a chart to record results for the cube. This chart will be used further as the week's investigations continue. Cube 8 12 6 Ask the students to make some more shapes with the materials available, making it clear that they can cut the straws to make polyhedra with shorter sides. Some of the simpler examples are shown below. Record results for some of the other shapes students create on the chart and discuss. Does anyone have one with the same numbers that looks different? Can we see a pattern in these numbers? Who has a polyhedron with the same number of edges? faces? vertices? Who has a different polyhedron? What did you discover as you made your polyhedron? Over the next few days have students use the materials to create a variety of polyhedra. Students can use the geoblocks or polyhedra dice as models for the shapes they build or create their own unique examples. If you are using a dice set remove the icosahedron as this shape will be the focus for the last session of work. As they work record some of the shapes created on the chart and encourage them to look at the numbers of faces edges and vertices each shape has. Can anyone find a pattern with these numbers? Explain that over 250 years ago a famous mathematician named Euler discovered there was a relationship between these numbers and challenge them to see if they can find it. As a variety of shapes are made ask students to name their shapes and introduce the mathematical terminology. Each shape has a prefix according to the number of faces it has, followed by “hedron.” Number of faces Students can use these names for their shapes or create their own. Students could also use the internet to research the names of other larger polyhedra. There is a systematic naming system and many good sites outline this. One good example is: Throughout each session find one model to use as a focus for discussions at the end of the session. To conclude the session, hide the model from the students and tell them the number of edges and vertices. Challenge them to predict the number of faces. Who can work out how many faces this mystery shape will have? How could you work it out? Can you see a pattern in the numbers of other shapes that could help you? Have students build models to help them as they try to predict the number of faces. Show them the model at the end to confirm the correct number of faces. Who predicted the correct number of faces? How did you work out your answer? Encourage students to explain their thinking. To conclude the week's investigations show students a model of an icosahedron. If you don’t have a set of polyhedron dice containing this model you could build one using the copymaster. As you show them the model explain that they are going to predict the number of faces this shape has and then build a model to check whether they are right. Tell them the shape has 30 edges and 12 vertices. Discuss. Look at the other numbers on our chart. See if you can find a relationship between these numbers that will help you make your prediction. Students write down their prediction of the number of faces before they construct their model to check results. Hide the model as they work. If students have trouble building an icosahedron, remind them that the faces are made of triangles and there are five triangles meeting at each vertex. Once students have finished working, have a class discussion to compare results: Did you manage to build an icosahedron? How many faces did you predict it would have? Was your prediction correct? How did you make your prediction? What pattern can you see in the numbers of edges, faces and vertices ? If students have not come up with Euler’s Formula to describe the relationship between these numbers, tell them what it is and have them check whether it works for some of the shapes on the chart. To conclude the session have students choose and photograph their favourite model from the ones they have constructed this week, and write down what they have learnt about it. These could form a class book of polyhedra.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-16", "url": "https://nzmaths.co.nz/resource/shapes-sticks", "date": "2020-04-04T03:20:02", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-16/segments/1585370519111.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20200404011558-20200404041558-00493.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9413783550262451, "token_count": 1512, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
After World War II in the South the blacks still lived in a segregated society, with separate schools, theatres and even bus seats for black and white people. Many Southerners argued that segregation at schools was constitutional, calling it “separate but equal”. But the blacks started fighting for their rights. Segregation was challenged in court by the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), while in every-day life black students practiced boycotts and sit-ins (refused to leave public places for whites). In 1954, NAACP won a historic victory against segregation – the Supreme Court decided that doctrine “separate but equal” should not take place in public education. The wave of black protests reached Alabama, where in December 1955 a black woman Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white passenger on a public bus. After Mrs. Parks was arrested, the blacks started a boycott of the city’s bus system. The boycott was inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr. – a black Baptist minister, who later became the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. “This is not a war between the white and the Negro, but a conflict between justice and injustice”. The blacks won – in 1956 the Supreme Court announced bus segregation unconstitutional. In August 1963, 250.000 Americans (both blacks and whites) marched to Washington D. C. to demand equal rights to African Americans. There Martin Luther King made his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.” As a result, in 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and other laws that guaranteed equal civil rights to blacks. The same year Dr. Martin Luther King won the Nobel Prize for his civil rights work. At the same time many black people felt that the Civil Rights Movement had only changed, no revolutionized the situation, for most people conditions were improving very slowly. This disappointment was expressed in the “Black Power”, an ideology suggested by Malcolm X, a former drug dealer. He encouraged African Americans to be proud of their roots, and “to see themselves with their own eyes, not white man’s”. This teaching gave rise to all-black groups defending racial separatism and Black Power. It urged African Americans to see that “black is beautiful”. Step by step African Americans began to take pride in their identity. In the 1950’s the US government provided a policy of assimilation towards Indians – they were forced to move to cities to adjust to American style of living. The policy proved to be a failure – the uprooted Indians had difficulties adjusting to urban life and suffered from the loss of land. By 1961 the United States Commission on Civil Rights noted that for Indians “poverty and deprivation are common”. Inspired by the Civil Rights Movement and dissatisfied with the life conditions, in the 1960’s Indians began to demonstrate their cultural pride demanding “Red Power” and insisting on the name “Native Americans”. They claimed that Indians suffered the worst poverty, and the poorest housing and education in the USA. They practiced “fish-in” – they fished in the Columbia River and transformed Thanksgiving Day into a National Day of Mourning. In 1922 the first Native American member was elected to the Senate. Ethnicity and Activism Whites’ dominance was also challenged by Mexican-Americans, who were led by Cesar Chavez – a migrant farm worker. Chavez created the National Farm Workers Association, which aimed to improve working conditions for Mexican-American farm labourers. By the mid-1960’s young Hispanic activists insisted on using the term “Chicano” to name the people of Latin-American decent. The same kind of movement was founded by Asian Americans, who rejected the term “Oriental”. Like other “minority” groups of the period, women started to resent their secondary roles in the working places, homes and government. They faced barriers in getting jobs and being paid. In 1960 women earned 60 cents for every dollar paid to a man. Married women could not get credits in their own names. In 1963 Betty Friedan published the book The Feminine Mystique, describing narrow roles imposed on women by society. Her critique of middle-class society encouraged many women to seek professional growth and development. The movement gained power after the National Organization of Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 and the women’s rights demonstrations were organized all over the country. In 1965 the Affirmative Action policy was started to prevent discrimination based on gender. The Rise of Feminism
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-29", "url": "https://naurok.com.ua/prezentaciya-the-civil-rights-movement-171281.html", "date": "2020-07-04T22:03:00", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655886706.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20200704201650-20200704231650-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9676015377044678, "token_count": 979, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Subtract 9 from both sides of the inequality as follows: The Division Properties of Inequality work the same way. Student View Task Fishing Adventures rents small fishing boats to tourists for day-long fishing trips. That is the inequality that is depicted in this graph, where this is just the line, but we want all of the area above and equal to the line. So first we just have to figure out the equation of this line. If we take the same two numbers and multiply them by Let us go through one last simple example. The numbers in interval notation should be written in the same order as they appear on the number line, with smaller numbers in the set appearing first. That group would be described by this inequality: At Wyzant, connect with algebra tutors and math tutors nearby. You are starting a new business in which you have decided to sell two products instead of just one. Notice that there is a square, or inclusive, bracket on the left of this interval notation next to the 5. You could have said, hey, what happens if I go back 4 in x. If we move 2 in the x-direction, if delta x is equal to 2, if our change in x is positive 2, what is our change in y. If we divide both sides by a positive number, the inequality is preserved. Write a function for your classmates to. So it's all the area y is going to be greater than or equal to this line. So we arrive at the following inequality: Now, this inequality includes that line and everything above it for any x value. That's the point 0, negative 2. Its y-intercept is right there at y is equal to negative 2. She plots the following points: It is often used to state the set of numbers which make up the domain and range of a function. For example, solve the inequality below for x Solution: So if I went back 4, if delta x was negative 4, if delta x is equal to negative 4, then delta y is equal to positive 2. Here is what the union symbol looks like: And let's think about its slope. In interval notation this set of numbers would look like this: What happens if we multiply both numbers by the same value c. On this number line, points B and A are our original values of 2 and 5. Our change in y is equal to negative 1. The exercise below will let us find out. The stocks were not worth the same amount in the beginning, so if each stock loses half its value, the new values will not be equal either. That's all free as well. Then show by substitution that the coordinate satisfy both equations. Create an inequality describing the restrictions on the number of people possible in a rented boat. Or use it to upload your own PowerPoint slides so you can share them with your teachers, class, students, bosses, employees, customers, potential investors or the world. What happens if we multiply both numbers by the same value c. The I have a graph that has the top corner shaded the point is on 1 going off the side Math What are the similarities and differences between functions and linear equations. How do you graph functions on a coordinate plane. Determine a business you could start and choose two products that you could sell. We will consider a group of numbers containing all numbers less than or equal to 5 and also those numbers that are greater than 7 but less than or equal to The stocks were not worth the same amount in the beginning, so if each stock loses half its value, the new values will not be equal either. Denote this with a closed dot on the number line and a square bracket in interval notation. The parenthesis to the left of 5 is called a round bracket or an exclusive bracket. Apr 21, · Best Answer: PROBLEM 1: Just look at the line first. It has a slope of You can use the two intercept points to figure the slope, or Status: Resolved. Graphing Linear Inequalities. After we are comfortable with solving basic inequalities and graphing linear equations, we can move on to solving linear inequalities in two variables and graphing janettravellmd.comg linear equalities is just combining the concepts of inequalities and linear equations. Notice that the y±intercept of the graph is at 5. Since the half±plane above the y±intercept is shaded, the solution is.),1$1&,$/ /,7(5$&Write an inequality to represent the number of skimboards and longboards the shop sells each week to make a. It contains the symbols, ≤, or ≥. To write an inequality, look for the following phrases to determine where to place the inequality symbol. Key Vocabulary inequality, p. solution of an inequality, p. solution set, p. graph of an inequality, p. EXAMPLE 1 Writing Inequalities Write the word sentence as an inequality. a. Since the inequality symbol is. All the points above the line y = 1 are represented by the inequality y > 1. All the points below the line are represented by the inequality y.Write an inequality of the graph shown above describes
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-50", "url": "https://vexexuwefybikys.janettravellmd.com/write-an-inequality-of-the-graph-shown-above-describes-9141jj.html", "date": "2020-11-29T01:44:25", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141195967.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20201129004335-20201129034335-00653.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9377187490463257, "token_count": 1077, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Students will be able to - recognize the relationship between the roots of a quadratic equation and its coefficients, - identify the sum and product of the roots using the formulae and , respectively, for a quadratic equation , - form a quadratic equation given its roots, including when the roots are integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers, and solve related problems. Students should already be familiar with - how to find the roots of quadratic equations, including the quadratic formula, - complex roots of quadratic equations. Students will not cover - roots of higher-order functions, - forming a quadratic equation given the roots of another quadratic equation, - nonconjugate complex roots.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-50", "url": "https://www.nagwa.com/en/lessons/610192539638/", "date": "2020-12-02T21:59:13", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-50/segments/1606141716970.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20201202205758-20201202235758-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.880031406879425, "token_count": 161, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Some of Euclid’s axioms were: - Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another. - If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal. - If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. - Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another. - The whole is greater than the part. - Things which are double of the same things are equal to one another. - Things which are halves of the same things are equal to one another. Euclid’s postulates were: 1. A straight line may be drawn from any one point to another point. 2. A terminated line can be produced infinitely. 3. A circle can be drawn with any centre and any radius. 4. All right angles are equal to one another. 5. If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which the sum of angles is less than two right angles.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-21", "url": "https://mycollegebag.in/cbse-class-9-maths-notes-for-chapter-5-introduction-to-euclids-geometry", "date": "2021-05-15T05:54:55", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-21/segments/1620243989812.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20210515035645-20210515065645-00613.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.920796275138855, "token_count": 238, "score": 4.78125, "int_score": 5 }
Who Makes Up The Judicial Branch?: Members of the Judicial Branch are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, in contrast to the executive and legislative branches, which are both elected by the people of the country. When it comes to establishing the Judicial Branch, Article III of the Constitution provides Congress with substantial latitude in determining the size, composition, and organization of the federal court. Aside from the number of Supreme Court Justices, which has fluctuated between six and nine over the years, the number has only been in place since 1869. The current number (nine, with one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices) has only been in existence since 1869. According to the Constitution, Congress also has the authority to establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court, and to that end, Congress has established the United States district courts, which try the vast majority of federal cases, as well as 13 United States courts of appeals, which review district court decisions that have been appealed to the Supreme Court. It is only via impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate that federal judges can be removed from their positions. Judges and Justices are not appointed for a specific period of time; instead, they serve until their death, retirement, or conviction by the Senate. By design, this shields them from the whims of the public and allows them to apply the law only in the interest of justice, rather than electoral or political considerations. Generally speaking, Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts and the federal courts’ jurisdiction. In some instances, however — such as in the case of a dispute between two or more states in the United States — the Constitution grants the Supreme Court original jurisdiction, which means that Congress cannot take away the court’s authority. The courts only hear and decide on actual issues and disagreements; a party must demonstrate that it has been harmed in order to file a lawsuit in court. In practice, this means that the courts will not offer advisory opinions on the constitutionality of legislation or the legitimacy of activities if the judgment would have a little practical impact on the parties involved. Cases brought before the judiciary frequently progress from district court to appellate court and, in some cases, all the way to the Supreme Court, despite the fact that the Supreme Court hears only a small number of cases each year. Federal courts are the only ones with the authority to interpret the law, assess whether the law is constitutional, and apply it to specific instances of conduct. Subpoenas are used by the courts to compel the production of evidence and testimony, just as they are used by Congress to do so. Lesser courts are constrained by Supreme Court rulings, which means that if the Supreme Court interprets a statute, lesser courts are required to apply the Supreme Court’s interpretation to the facts of a specific case.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://skinnyninjamom.com/who-makes-up-the-judicial-branch/", "date": "2021-10-25T17:02:28", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323587719.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20211025154225-20211025184225-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9649245142936707, "token_count": 577, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
ELEMENTS / PERIODIC TABLE This is a module about the chemical elements, or: the elementary substances of matter. Of these bricks, not even hundred different ones exist. One of the first things you should know: the symbols of these elements. Of course, you can find them in tables, but a chemistry student cannot fail in knowing by heart a good number of the symbols. Who, for example, does not know H2O, water, built up of the two elements: H (Hydrogen) and O(Oxygen)? Then you must know that all these elements can be put toghether in the so called Periodic Table. Every element has its own specific position in this system. That position depends fully of what you met in module 01: the valency electrons and the number of main orbitals per atom. You will see dat in the periodic table, four blocks are present: s, p, d or f (see further in this module) That the Periodic Table (PT) has a simple version; not alle elements are present. This simple PT contains only the blocks s and p, in the so calles main groups. The position of every element in the PT can be determined with the electronic structure of the atom. There are various films to be seen at You-tube; also look at: all elements in position How many different kinds of atoms kan be found in nature? In this module 02 you will read about the history of some elements. Consider the elements als bricks of matter, as elementary substances that have there own specific atom kind. You must be able to determine the position of an element in the PT (the simple as well as the complete one), knowing the electronic structure of the atom. You also will learn in this module about the concenpt 'electronegativity'. This is a very important concept to understand the properties of substances. Think in particular about the chemical bonds that such an element likes to realise (see module 03). You will learn to read the tables and interprete graphics. Of course we will talk about metals and non-metals. The difference between an element and a compound will be discussed later, in module 05. Lets try to define the element: The chemical element is a substance that we cannot - by chemical means - split into other substances. |Every element has its own atom number and its own symbol |Every symbol is a CAPITAL, sometimes with a small letter The Periodic Table / groups and periods As already said in module 01 about atoms: their most characterizing data are the number of electronic main levels and the number of electrns in the outer shell (the valency electrons). The number of main levels can vary from 1 to 7, what coincides with the seven periods of the Periodic Table. The number of valency electrons can vary from 1 to 8, what coincides with the number of main groups of the PT. With these two data you can determine the position of an element in the PT. The Periodic Table with only the main groups: The elements of one and the same group have a same number of valency electrons. From top to bottomthe number of main levels increases, just like the atom number. Make a graphic: Look at group 4 of the PT. the elements of group four are found in the x-axes. The atom rais of the elements of group 4 are found on the y-axes. Use the data from the table, table 5 What conclusion do you draw from this graphic? Explain your asnwer. All elements within one period have a same number of main levels. From left to right the atom number increases. Make a graphic: Look at period 4 of the PT. The elements of period four are fount on the x-axes. The atom rais of the elements of period 4 are found on the y-axes. Use the data from table 5 What conclusion do you draw looking at this graphic? Explain. Look at the Periodic Table in the tables and explain which are the similarities and differences of those two systems. Another Periodic Table,with the opportunity to find data for every element, just by clicking website. Think about the next problem: The main groups do not contain all elements. In da scheme with 7 rows and 8 coloms you can place a maximum of 7 x 8 = 56 elements. We know that there are about hundred different elements. What now? To place the other elements, we must apply a more complete methode; for that, we need a closer look at the electronic structures. You already knew the s- and the p-blocks, but you must know that al toghether there are s, p, d and f-blocks in the complete PT. Please read again the story about electronic structures in module 01. The atom of element Sodium has the following electronic structure in sublevels: 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1. So, the outer sublevel of the Sodikum atom is of the type s and this means that the element belongs to block s, the first block of the complete PT. Is the statement true of false? Explain your answer. The element X must be a metal,because the electron distribution of the element X is: 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2 Goto answer 02-06 Determine the position of atom number 18 in the PT, and give the electronic configuration. idem for number 23 En element is in main group V and in the third period. What is its atom number? Determine the position in the simple PT according to the three simple rules for electron distribution (see module 01), of the elements with the following atom numbers: 32 54 83 56 22 73 44 68 94 Make a data table for this purpose Determine the position of the same elements again for the complete PT, according to the rules for sublevels. Compare the two schemes and draw your conclusions. Do you know the position of an element in the PT, than it is possible to say something usefull about the properties of this element. 1.4 The groups I, II, VII and VIII Having only one valency electron, the atom / element belongs to group I; so also Hydrogen belongs there. But sometimes writers have the tendency to put Hydrogen not in group I, just because of its special character. the speciality is that the one and only electron occurs in the one and only main level of Hydrogen. Normally, one electron in the outer shell is donated easily, but certainly not in the case of Hydrogen. There are only two elements with only one main level, i.e. with only one sublevel 1s. They are: Hydrogen with one electron: 1s1 Helium with two electrons: 1s2 Normally one electron in the outer shell is donated easily (and mostly we have then metals), but not in the case of Hydrogen. Het Hydrogen atom, after losing its electron, would be 'naked'. Only a nucleus of one proton would remain. Well, that is impossible. protons do not exist independently. That's why Hydrogen is not e metal. All other elements in the first main group are (very reactive) metals, easily losing an electron. Hydrogen atoms prefer to look for an electron, to gain an electron, just to have two electrons in the outer shell (what in this case is a noble gas structure). Hydrogen can do this only in cooperation with other atoms, sharing electrons with other atoms. The result is a covalent bonding, but we will talk about that in module 03. In very exceptional cases Hydrogen can make a negative ion, the hydride ion H-. H+ (the result of losing an electron) does not really exists, but very often you will find H+ in literature. It is just easy to use H+, to pretend that is exists. All other elements of group I, Li to Fr, easily form positive ions, and these elements are very reactive. The use of the symbol H+ in fact is kind of illegal. Explain that. Explain which element will be more reactive: Sodium or Potassium? Officially Helium belongs to group II, becaus it has two valency electrons in the outmost orbital. But, as we have seen, Helium has, just like Hydrogen, only one main orbital with these two valency electrons. The first main orbital is full! No more electrons allowed there. Helium cannot have more. In short: Helium is perfectly content with those two electrons and will not have the least tendency to change that. He will not donate nor capture electrons. Helium does not react at all, is a noble gas. That's why we mostly do not place Helium in the second main group of the PT, but in group VIII, toghether with the other noble gases. The second main group contains the elements Be till Ra (2s2). These elements want donate two electrons and are rather reactive, although less than the elements in the first main group. Explain why the elements in the second main group are less reactive than those in the first one. The elements of group VII are called halogenes. They have 7 valency electrons (of course in the outer shell) and they like to have one more, just to have 8 in total. With 8 electrons in the outer level, the atom (ion) becomes a lot more stable. Below some data about group VII Astatium (also a halogene) is radioactive The elements of group VII can be characterised with ns2 np5, n≥2 Explain why Fluorine is the most reactive halogene. Goto answer 02-11 It is said that the element Phosphor is extremely important for the human body. But at the same time we know that Phosphor is very poisonous. There we have the noble gases, including Helium. They are 'inert'. That means that they do not like to react at all. They are inactive. Maybe they are called 'nobel' for that reason!? They all have very stable electronic configurations and not the least tendency to react. Is the following statement true or false? The noble gases have a very low ionisation energy Explain your answer. Goto answer 02-13 Electronegativity is the tendency of a (neutral) atom to attract negative charge (electrons). The electronegativity of the atoms depends on: Here we must apply the Law of Coulomb. In some schools this law is not treated anymore. It used to be part of Physics in secondary education. With the Law of Coulomb you can better understand how forces between atoms and ions take place. - The distance between the nucleus and the outer shell - The (postive) charge of the nucleus (= number of protons) You must just know the Law of Coulomb; no doubt. You must imagine that two charges attract or repell each other twice as hard if a charge becomes twice as big. But if the distance between those charges becomes twice as large, than the attraction of repelling forces become four times smaller. F is the attraction (or repelling) force between charges. Imagine an atom: there is a positive charge and - at some distance - negative electrons. The nucleus attracts the negative charges (consider in particular those charges at the outer side, so at maximum distance from the nucleus). The attraction power depends on Q1, Q2 and r (the charges and the distance) Q symbolises the charges (of the nucleus and the electrons); the value of r in this kind of calculations is about similar withthe atom rays. In atoms with a relative strong postive nuclear charge (G is big) and a relative small atom ray (r is small) the value of F will be big. In the case of atoms you must indicate attraction force F with the E of electronegativity. Analyse the above scheme and give your comment. Use tables. - Explain why the Chlorine atom attracts electrons stronger than the Iodine atom. Use tables. - Explain why the Chlorine atom attracts electrons stonger than the Sodium atom. Use tables. - Control the data from the tables with electronegativity with those three elements. - Make a graphic with the electronegativities of the elements of period 3. - Look at the simple periodic table. Where are the elements with the bigger E-values? Normally an atom has a preference for 8 valency electrons. Knowing that, you must show the electronic formulas of the following molecules / ions: F2 Cl2 ICl HBr CO N2 HS- OH- Also explain if you expect polarity in the molecule. (i.e.: one side of the molecule is a bit negative and the other side is a bit positive) Goto answer 02-16 The molecule of dichloromethane will be polar? Explain. Goto answer 02-17 The phylosophers of the old Greek sciences tried to understand and explain Nature. The introduces the concept "element". Aristoteles said: there are four elements: er zijn vier elementen: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. All substances are built up of these four. Thus: wood must contain a lot of the element Fire, becaus, when burning, lots of Fire comes out. That makes sense, isn't it? Later, in the Middle Ages, the alchemists continued this way of thinking and joined water and earth toghether: 'Mercure'. Air and Fire were joint to the element 'Sulphur'. They tried - in search of the right composition of these two, to make Gold. These are phases in the development of science. Every phase contributed. The choice to give some extra attention to these elements has to do with the fact of their abundancy; they are the most important elements in the outer earth crust of about 40 km thick. Humans have enormous profit from these elements. About 20% of the air is Oxygen; it is number 2 after Nitrogen. In the earth, Oxygen is the champion number one; about half of the substances in the earth is the element Oxygen, mainly in the form of oxydes. The oxyde that occurs the most is Silicium oxyde, SiO2 (sand). This is used, for example, in glass and in very important applications of chips in computers and many other digital apparatus. Aluminium, like many other elements, does not occur in pure form, but only in compounds. Earth contains a high percentage of Al in the form of Bauxite, Aluminium ore, Aluminium oxyde. You must treat that in a proces of electrolysis to get the pure Aluminium (see module 10). It is a very strong en light metal. Iron is known for a very long time and found in iron ore (Iron oxyde of course). They obtain the pure Iron in high furnaces with help of Coal. Calcium is found in stony places, in particular in the form of calcium carbonate. Someone collected a sample of 2 kg of earth. Calculate - knowing the average values - what will be the contribution of Oxygen to these two kilograms of earth.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "http://daanvanalten.nl/chemistry/module02/elementen.html", "date": "2021-11-28T18:20:29", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964358570.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20211128164634-20211128194634-00093.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8837496638298035, "token_count": 3279, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.1a: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g., taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, gaining the floor in appropriate ways). MA Draft STE Standards: Physical Sciences/Matter and Its Interactions/PS4.B: Apply their understanding in their play of how to change volume and pitch of some sounds. Head Start Outcomes: Social Emotional Development/Self-Regulation: Follows simple rules, routines, and directions. Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences. PreK Learning Guidelines: English Language Arts/Language 1: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways). English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 12: Listen to, recite, sing, and dramatize a variety of age-appropriate literature. Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #1 STEM Key Concepts: Sounds vary in three ways: volume, pitch, and timbre ELA Focus Skills: Following Directions, Name Recognition, Speaking and Listening Have children sit together in a circle. Tell children that you are going to sing a song and that each time you sing it, you will name a different child. Introduce the word loud by making your voice loud at the end of the sentence. - Say, When I place this red ball in front of you, I want you to say your name out loud. - Sing “Who Are You?” After singing the second line, place the ball in front of one child and have the child shout out his or her name. - After you sing the last line, have everyone repeat the child’s name. Continue around the circle and repeat the process until each child has had a turn. Who Are You? (sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”) Who, who, who are you? Say it loud and clear. (child says name) Listen, listen, listen, listen, Whose name do you hear? (children repeat name) English Language Learners: Whenever possible, demonstrate word meanings. Say the word loud in a loud voice. Then say the word soft in a soft voice. Have children repeat the words using a loud and soft voice after you.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "http://resourcesforearlylearning.org/educators/activity/394/", "date": "2022-01-29T03:41:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320299927.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20220129032406-20220129062406-00613.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9107553958892822, "token_count": 550, "score": 4.8125, "int_score": 5 }
Unlike terms are two or more terms that are not like terms, i.e. they do not have the same variables or powers. The order of the variables does not matter unless there is a power. For example, 8xyz2 and −5xyz2 are like terms because they have the same variables and power while 3abc and 3ghi are unlike terms because they have different variables. Since the coefficient doesn't affect likeness, all constant terms are like terms. In this discussion, a "term" will refer to a string of numbers being multiplied or divided (remember that division is simply multiplication by a reciprocal) together. Terms are within the same expression and are combined by either addition or subtraction. For example, take the expression: The known values assigned to the unlike part of two or more terms are called coefficients. As this example shows, when like terms exist in an expression, they may be combined by adding or subtracting (whatever the expression indicates) the coefficients, and maintaining the common factor of both terms. Such combination is called combining like terms, and it is an important tool used for solving equations. The first step to grouping like terms in this expression is to get rid of the parentheses. Do this by distributing (multiplying) each number in front of a set of parentheses to each term in that set of parentheses: The expression is considered simplified when all like terms have been combined, and all terms present are unlike. In this case, all terms now have different unknown factors, and are thus unlike, and so the expression is completely simplified.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://dir.md/wiki/Like_terms?host=en.wikipedia.org", "date": "2022-05-19T14:35:29", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662529538.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20220519141152-20220519171152-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9477238655090332, "token_count": 321, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
HOW THE LAYERS WORK When connecting to the internet, most people are only aware of the files or webpage that they are accessing. In a network, a series of processes occur over a set of hardware which makes data communication possible over long distances. With many companies trying to provide a system of interconnecting people from all over the world, there are the issues of making a device compatible, keeping the data secured, sending the file to the correct destination, making transfer of data possible from one platform or operating systems. In order to simplify connection, members of the International Organization for Standardization have provided guidelines for standard design for communication. The components of this standardized architecture are further broken down into seven layers which comprise of the different stages that the data undergoes. The Physical layer is the lowest layer and concerns the kind and specifications of the media over which data is transmitted. Certain standards are implemented to make communication of data and signal possible over the network with the use of standard protocols for controller chips, transceivers, cables and connectors. The Data Layer, or sometimes called Data Link Layer, as suggested by the name, concerns the data being sent over the network. To ensure information is sent properly, a system of encoding and decoding is implemented after the data is systematically broken down into packets. This is where most of the error detection and correction, data synchronization, link layer addressing, and proper identification and access control of the network topology happens. The Network Layer deals with the Internet Protocol. Data is routed between devices using multiple networks and subnetworks. Using different kinds of network configurations and details of the source and destination hosts, connection is established and data is either routed or forwarded from one user to another. This is where IP address is identified and designated. The Transport Layer works hand in hand with the Network Layer. Rather than just codes that are used to check errors with, the end-to-end data tracking, data sequencing, and application addressing and identification ensure the proper delivery and acknowledgement of data between computers. Session Layer is the smallest portion of the OSI model and is the layer that provides information on the presence of connection entities as well as the service request and response at an instance. This is where the availability of the service or connectivity is made apparent to the client device and vice versa. The Presentation Layer provides translation devices that ensure the data being sent from one end of the connection is identical to the one received on the other end. Much of what we have learned about binary conversion, hexadecimal, octal and other base n encoding are utilized in making sure applications on both sending and receiving ends can recognize and access the sent data. Finally, the Application Layer is the topmost and the only visible layer to the individual users. This is where the whole OSI environment is managed and made accessible using different kinds of applications. Application softwares like HTTP, FTP and email are used to prepare communication and initiate data transfer. Dye, Mark A., McDonald, Rick, Rufi, & Antoon W. (c. 2008). Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide. Retrieved from http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9781587132087/samplepages/1587132087.pdf. Costa, Paolo. (2008, April 3). Computer Networks. Retrieved from http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/pcosta/cn_slides/cn_01-handout.pdf. Tomasi, Wayne. (2003, April 20). Advanced Electronic Communications Systems, 6th ed. Retrieved from http://www.gobookee.net/get_book.php?u=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5vcGVuaXNibi5jb20vZG93bmxvYWQvMDEzMDQ1MzUwMS5wZGYKVGl0bGU6IEFkdmFuY2VkIEVsZWN0cm9uaWMgQ29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbnMgU3lzdGVtcyAoNnRoIC4uLg==.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://www.wowessays.com/free-samples/term-paper-on-open-system-interconnection/", "date": "2022-06-26T04:54:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103037089.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20220626040948-20220626070948-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8927996158599854, "token_count": 871, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are more commonly known as the Bill of Rights because they establish specific rights of American citizens to ensure that those rights are not infringed. It is based on many other similar documents, all of which owe their beginning to the Magna Carta, which was written in England in 1215 CE. The Bill of Rights is considered an important part of the Constitution and is also an integral part of popular culture; most Americans, for example, know what someone means when they “advocate the fifth,” a reference to the Fifth Amendment, which protects people from self-recrimination. The Bill of Rights probably would not have existed at all were it not for the actions of the Anti-Federalists. Anti-Federalists strongly opposed the Constitution, fearing that the president might quickly become a king by ruling over a disenfranchised people. Although the Constitution establishes a framework for the American government, it does not grant any specific rights to citizens. While the definition of “citizen” in the 1700s only included white property-owning men, efforts by these men to protect themselves later helped women and people of color in their work for equality. When it became clear that the Constitution was going to be ratified despite the efforts of the Anti-Federalists, the men secured an agreement that a list of amendments to the Constitution would be attached and sent for ratification. James Madison sat down to draft 12 amendments, and after cutting the first two, the Bill of Rights as it is now known was ratified. This document sets many important precedents for American citizens, granting them the right to freedom of speech and religion, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government. It also establishes the rules for due process of law to ensure that citizens are not tried for the same crime twice, unreasonably punished for crimes, or forced to incriminate themselves. In addition, it protected citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures and restricted the military takeover of private homes, a serious problem during the Revolution. The document also specified that civil and military justice would use different codes and that powers not delegated to the federal government belonged to the states or to the people. As with any legal document, the Bill of Rights is subject to interpretation, as can be seen in the ongoing dispute over the content of the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court of the United States is charged with interpreting and defending the Constitution, and Congress occasionally adds amendments to the Constitution as it deems necessary. As of 2007, the most recent amendment was Amendment 27, “Congressman Compensation.” For an amendment to pass, two-thirds of both houses must agree to it, or three-fourths of the states must ratify a proposed amendment as a group. Happy Columbus Day Quotes Every year, the second Monday in October is celebrated as National Columbus Day in the United States of America. This year (2021), National Columbus Day is celebrated on October 11. Columbus Day commemorates the first steps of Christopher Columbus on American soil. He is known as the founder of the United States of America, who discovered the United States in 1492. Nationally, the day was first celebrated in 1937 after the proclamation of the then president, Franklin D. Roosevelt. The day of indigenous peoples is also celebrated on the same day. As Columbus Day is celebrated on October 11. People are exchanging sayings, quotes, wishes and greetings with their near and dear ones. Thousands of people are searching Google for Happy Columbus Day Quotes, HD Images, Messages, Sayings, Greetings, Meme and Stickers. To satisfy your need, here we are with some of the best Happy Columbus Day quotes; these are the best Happy Columbus Day quotes, worth sending to your loved ones to greet them with a happy Columbus Day. Here are the Happy Columbus Day Quotes Tomorrow morning, before I leave, I intend to land and see what can be found in the neighborhood. Christopher Columbus No one need fear to undertake any task in the name of our Saviour, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service. – Christopher Columbus One does not find new land without consenting to discard the shore for an exceptionally long period of time. He was an amazing curious person. Every ship arriving in America got its diagram from Columbus. Leave your mark wherever you go, that’s called success. Why is Idaho called the gem state? Idaho is called the Gem State because of the meaning of the name “Idaho.” In 1860, a mining lobbyist known as George M. Willing proposed this name to Congress as a name for new territory. In the mid-to-late 19th century, Indian names were popular, and Willing had told Congress that Idaho was a Shoshone Indian word that translated as “Gem of the Mountain.” It was eventually discovered that Mr. Willing had made up the name as it was not actually an Indian word. The new territory that William had tried to name Idaho was named Colorado or Idaho by Congress after they discovered that Idaho was not an actual Indian word. Still, the name Idaho stuck, and Congress finally gave the name to another territory in 1863. It is from this translation of the supposed Indian word that the term “gem state” was coined. Gem State is a more appropriate name for Idaho because the state produces more than 240 different types of minerals. These minerals include semi-precious gems such as aquamarine, cerussite, vivianite, pyromorphite, and ilavite. The mountains of Idaho contain vein deposits of gold, zinc, lead, copper, and cobalt. Other gems include opal, tourmaline, topaz, and jasper. The official state gem of Idaho is the star garnet, a gem found only in Idaho and India in appreciable quantities. Another feature that makes the term “gem state” more appropriate is the fact that Idaho is the largest silver mining state in the United States. More than a fifth of the silver mined in the United States is produced in Idaho. Aside from the “Jewel State,” another nickname for Idaho is “The Land of Famous Potatoes,” a name given in response to the state’s famous Idaho potatoes. Idaho also has other symbols such as an official fish, which is the cutthroat trout, and an official flower, which is the syringa. Idaho’s official fossil is the Hagerman horse fossil, the official insect is the monarch butterfly, and the official tree is the white pine. Unsurprisingly, the official vegetable is the potato. Another interesting symbol of the state of gems is their flag. The Idaho state flag is made up of a blue background with the state seal in the middle. A scroll below the seal contains the words “State of Idaho,” while three edges of the flag are bordered by a gold band. Idaho’s state motto is the Latin phrase Esto Perpetua, meaning “Let it be Perpetual.” This motto can be found on the state seal, flag, and barracks. What is the state animal of Washington: Complete information The state animal of Washington is the Olympic marmot. A groundhog is a burrowing animal from the rodent order in the squirrel family. The creature sometimes referred to as a “giant squirrel,” resembles a squirrel with its upturned nose on a narrow face with round glowing dark eyes. The groundhog’s body is rounded, covered with thick light brown or silver-gray fur topped by a bushy reddish-brown tail. Native to Washington state, the Olympic marmot is part of a family of 14 other species of marmots in North America, Europe, and the Siberian region of Russia, including the marmot, marmot, marmot, and hoary marmot. The groundhog was chosen as Washington’s state animal – or, more accurately, the state’s unique or endemic land mammal – on May 12, 2009. The legislation was the fruit of the collaborative efforts of students at Wedgwood Elementary School in Seattle, Washington; Burke Curator of Mammals Jim Kenagy, and Washington Senator Ken Jacobsen. The state of Washington recognizes two-state mammals: the orca, or killer whale, as its marine mammal and the groundhog as the Washington state animal. The Olympic marmot is unique to the alpine region of the Olympic Mountains in Washington. Fewer than 2,000 Olympic marmots live in Olympic National Park, where the animals are protected by state law. Two other species of marmots populate Washington, the hoary marmot, and the yellow-bellied marmot, but these species are also found outside of Washington and are therefore not endemic. Groundhogs are herbaceous mammals that feed voraciously on grasses, mosses, berries, lichens, and flowers during the summer season. They create elaborately complex burrows in the ground or create grass-lined nests within rock piles, always creating an entry point and an exit point for their home. The groundhog is a social animal that lives in colonies, with the typical groundhog family unit generally consisting of one male, several females, and their offspring. A marmot lookout is appointed to keep an eye out for predators; when one is seen, the lookout whistles or screeches loudly to its colony to warn them of danger. The lifespan of the groundhog is usually about six years; it has many carnivorous predators and is sensitive to climate changes. The groundhog hibernates for about eight months, from September to May, losing almost half of its body weight in February. Mild winters interrupt hibernation and threaten the marmot population with starvation and predation early in the season. Common groundhog predators include bears, eagles, bobcats, coyotes, and hawks. Hungry bears or coyotes may hunt groundhogs that hibernate in early spring. Other than warning each other of danger and lurking in their burrows for safety, the groundhog has no defensive tactic to repel predators. The Olympic marmot population has been declining for more than a century. In the early 20th century, there were about 20 colonies of Olympic marmots in Washington state; in 25, there were only 2011. The Washington state animal is, therefore, a protected species, and hunting of the Olympic marmot is prohibited by law. 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{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://newsahi.com/what-is-the-bill-of-rights/", "date": "2022-09-29T08:13:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335326.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20220929065206-20220929095206-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9591573476791382, "token_count": 2387, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
A freedmen is taking part in sharecropping as he gives most of the crops he produced to the land’s owner. He hopes for a better life, but he knows he will be forever indebted to the landowner. While some things changed for the better, the acceptance of African Americans was still scarce. During Reconstruction, the life of freedmen did change politically, but not socially or economically. With the beginning of the Jim Crow Laws in the 1900s to their abolishment in 1965, and even today, America has yet to resolve the issue of “separate but equal.” Throughout the late 1800s, and late 1900’s the “Jim Crow Laws” were a form of enforced segregation against black people in many states all across America. Black segregation was heavy in the southern states especially Alabama, where slavery had been very prevalent. These laws made it legal for people to abuse and punish blacks for consorting with another race. Pertaining to the rights of African Americans a new south did not appear after the reconstruction. While they were “free” they were often treated harshly and kept in a version of economic slavery by either their former masters or other white people in power. Sharecropping and the crop-lien system often had a negative impact on both the black and white tenants keeping them in debt with the owner. Jim Crow laws, vigilantes and various means of disfranchisement became the normal way of life in the South. It was believed that white people were superior to black people and when they moved up in politics or socially they were harassed and threatened. The book even mentions that Blacks were attacked in their housing without having provoked a White at all. In regards to education, the South limited Blacks through prohibitive and regulative actions. Many Whites directly impeded knowledge by making it illegal for Blacks to visit Black libraries (page 84). On another front, they prohibited learning by restricting funding for Black schools and materials. Books and materials were hand-me-downs from White Although slavery was declared over after the passing of the thirteenth amendment, African Americans were not being treated with the respect or equality they deserved. Socially, politically and economically, African American people were not being given equal opportunities as white people. They had certain laws directed at them, which held them back from being equal to their white peers. They also had certain requirements, making it difficult for many African Americans to participate in the opportunity to vote for government leaders. Although they were freed from slavery, there was still a long way to go for equality through America’s reconstruction plan. The Union victory in the Civil War prompted the abolition of slavery and African American’s were granted freedom, along with rights that should have been there from the start, however, white supremacy overpowered in the South, forcing African Americans back into a state of slavery. The Reconstruction era, the postwar rebuilding of the South, proved to be an attempt towards change in the lives of African Americans but the opportunities were only available for a limited time. African Americans had hopes of a new South after the Civil War was fought yet that was only accomplished to a certain extent. African Americans have always faced discrimination in society, for that same reason they weren’t accepted into Congress. The graph shown in Document The novel, The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives by Sasha Abramsky is about how he traveled the United States meeting the poor. The stories he introduces in novel are articles among data-driven studies and critical investigations of government programs. Abramsky has composed an impressive book that both defines and advocates. He reaches across a varied range of concerns, involving education, housing and criminal justice, in a wide-ranging view of poverty 's sections. In considering results, it 's essential to understand how the different problems of poor families intermingle in mutual reinforcement. Sasha Abramsky brings the results of economic disparity out of the shadows and recommends ways for moving toward a Nevertheless, the protracted journey for the African-Americans to achieve equality was far from over. At the end of the Civil War, the Southern states passed “Black Codes” in 1865, restricting the lives of freed slaves and forcing them to work in low wage jobs. It was undoubtedly a slow process but was further hindered by the actions of such groups as the KKK who were involved in lynching This led to continued to tensions between not only the north and south but also the blacks and the whites in America. According to The Unfinished Nation, the per capita income of African Americans increase from about one-quarter to about one-half of the per capita income of White citizens (365). Sadly certain During that time, African Americans were not entirely free with all of their desired rights, as they still did not have complete political, economic, and social rights. Back then, African Americans did not have wholesome political rights. According to document A which shows the voting and jury rights of blacks in the north of 1860, only a few states, the New England states, had rights to suffrage. And this was only the male population of the New England region. And of that region, only one state, Massachusetts had jury rights, and that was only gained in 1860. Annabelle Wintson Bower History 8A March 12, 2018 Title Although the slavery was abolished in 1865, the rights given to African Americans were not nearly equal to those of white Americans. After slavery was abolished, inequality in American society ran high, and many laws were put in place to restrict the rights and abilities of African Americans. Some laws include the Jim Crow Laws (1870 to 1950s) and the Supreme Court Ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that ruled that there could be “separate but equal” facilities and services for people of color and white Americans. The Bureau could not provide African Americans with land, but it did contribute to education. Formerly enslaved African Americans were educated with the help of Northern charities. This was a positive outcome during In the 1930s, many white farm owners would pull black students out of school to work for them even if they did not need them. They did this because they did not think they deserved an education. Many students had to drop out of school to work for their family, because the family was not making enough money to live off of. Many of the African Americans that attended school never got past the fourth grade. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a large portion of Americans were restricted from civil and political rights. In American government in Black and White (Second ed.), Paula D. McClain and Steven C. Tauber and Vanna Gonzales’s power point slides, the politics of race and ethnicity is described by explaining the history of discrimination and civil rights progress for selective groups. Civil rights were retracted from African Americans and Asian Americans due to group designation, forms of inequality, and segregation. These restrictions were combatted by reforms such as the Thirteenth Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment, the Fifteenth amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, etc. Although civil and political
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.ipl.org/essay/Welfare-In-Black-And-White-Summary-FKL3GFHE28VT", "date": "2022-12-05T20:32:35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711045.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20221205200634-20221205230634-00213.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9833487272262573, "token_count": 1466, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
When we type b = r, this means that we are giving the value of the right object reference (r) to the variable in the left of the assignment which is (b). When the statement is executed: b = r What happens is that the value of b, which was originally 'blue', will change to 'red' which is the value of r. Now you have learned how to create an object reference and assign a value to it. Next, you will learn the different commands that assign values to tina the turtle. Turtles can make a stamp of their shape that stays there even if they leave: Turtles can change into all kinds of awesome colors. You guessed it: Turtles have a fill mode that will fill in a shape. Know exactly where you want your turtle to go? Make her go there: See if you can figure out the extent of the coordinate system. Set the x coordinate. Set the y coordinate. Turtles are literate. tina.write("Heck Yeah!", None, "center", "16pt bold") You may have noticed that the turtles draw anywhere they move. We can control that behavior with
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://aeroweb.info/lessons/variables-ii-naming-conventions/", "date": "2022-12-09T16:45:05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711417.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20221209144722-20221209174722-00453.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7594168186187744, "token_count": 249, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Sub routines help avoid repeating your code. They can save you time and simplify your code. There are two types of sub routines we need to know about (at GCSE level): Procedures and Functions. Procedures are sets of instructions that are stored under one name. When you want the program to run that whole list of instructions you just use that name. You call the procedure using its name. Scratch is full of pre-built procedures - consider the "say for 2 sec" command. When it runs it probably does the following instructions (I'm not sure exactly what is coded behind the command): - Calculates where the top of the sprite is on screen - Works out what size speech bubble it needs (probably by counting characters (letters etc)) - Draws the speech bubble - Adds the words you typed into bubble - Checks the current time - Calculates the time to remove the bubble - Removes all the above displayed items Python also has pre built procedures - print() etc. You can also create your own in both languages. Functions are similar to procedure with two key differences: - Functions always return a value procedures can return a value but don't always. - Functions always take at least one parameter (values passed into the function) What that means is when you run a function it will always give you something (a value) at the end. A procedure to count the number of days to a birthday would display the answer - a function to do the same thing would give you the answer to store or use elsewhere (it could display it to). To learn more about how functions work - look at this python skills page.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "http://lakelandscomputing.com/sub-programs.html", "date": "2022-12-07T07:56:52", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711150.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207053157-20221207083157-00413.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9150461554527283, "token_count": 343, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Looking for free content that’s aligned to your standards? You’ve come to the right place! Get Free 2nd Grade Math Content Khan Academy is a nonprofit with thousands of free videos, articles, and practice questions for just about every standard. No ads, no subscriptions – just 100% free, forever. 2.N Number & Operations - 2.N.1 Compare and represent whole numbers up to 1,000 with an emphasis on place value and equality. - 2.N.1.1 Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers up to 1,000. Representations may include numerals, words, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives. - 2.N.1.2 Use knowledge of number relationships to locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line up to 100. - 2.N.1.3 Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1,000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1,000 is 10 hundreds. - 2.N.1.4 Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number - 2.N.1.5 Recognize when to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. - 2.N.1.6 Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,000 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (e.g., 425 > 276, 73 < 107, page 351 comes after page 350, 753 is between 700 and 800). - 2.N.2 Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers in real-world and mathematical problems. - 2.N.2.1 Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to generate basic facts up to 20. - 2.N.2.2 Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts up to 20. - 2.N.2.3 Estimate sums and differences up to 100. - 2.N.2.4 Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to add and subtract two-digit numbers - 2.N.2.5 Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers up to 2 digits. - 2.N.2.6 Use concrete models and structured arrangements, such as repeated addition, arrays and ten frames to develop understanding of multiplication. - 2.N.3 Explore the foundational ideas of fractions. - 2.N.3.1 Identify the parts of a set and area that represent fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths. - 2.N.3.2 Construct equal-sized portions through fair sharing including length, set, and area models for halves, thirds, and fourths. - 2.N.4 Determine the value of a set of coins. - 2.N.4.1 Determine the value of a collection(s) of coins up to one dollar using the cent symbol. - 2.N.4.2 Use a combination of coins to represent a given amount of money up to one dollar 2.A Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra - 2.A.1 Describe the relationship found in patterns to solve real-world and mathematical problems. - 2.A.1.1 Represent, create, describe, complete, and extend growing and shrinking patterns with quantity and numbers in a variety of real-world and mathematical contexts. - 2.A.1.2 Represent and describe repeating patterns involving shapes in a variety of contexts. - 2.A.2 Use number sentences involving unknowns to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems. - 2.A.2.1 Use objects and number lines to represent number sentences. - 2.A.2.2 Generate real-world situations to represent number sentences and vice versa. - 2.A.2.3 Apply commutative and identity properties and number sense to find values for unknowns that make number sentences involving addition and subtraction true or false. 2.GM Geometry & Measurement - 2.GM.1 Analyze attributes of two-dimensional figures and develop generalizations about their properties. - 2.GM.1.1 Recognize trapezoids and hexagons. - 2.GM.1.2 Describe, compare, and classify two-dimensional figures according to their geometric attributes. - 2.GM.1.3 Compose two-dimensional shapes using triangles, squares, hexagons, trapezoids, and rhombi. - 2.GM.1.4 Recognize right angles and classify angles as smaller or larger than a right angle. - 2.GM.2 Understand length as a measurable attribute and explore capacity. - 2.GM.2.1 Explain the relationship between the size of the unit of measurement and the number of units needed to measure the length of an object. - 2.GM.2.2 Explain the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest whole unit. - 2.GM.2.3 Explore how varying shapes and styles of containers can have the same capacity. - 2.GM.3 Tell time to the quarter hour - 2.GM.3.1 Read and write time to the quarter-hour on an analog and digital clock. Distinguish between a.m. and p.m. 2.D Data & Probability - 2.D.1 Collect, organize, and interpret data. - 2.D.1.1 Explain that the length of a bar in a bar graph or the number of objects in a picture graph represents the number of data points for a given category. - 2.D.1.2 Organize a collection of data with up to four categories using pictographs and bar graphs with intervals of 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s. - 2.D.1.3 Write and solve one-step word problems involving addition or subtraction using data represented within pictographs and bar graphs with intervals of one. - 2.D.1.4 Draw conclusions and make predictions from information in a graph
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://blog.khanacademy.org/oklahoma-2nd-grade-math-standards/", "date": "2023-02-01T02:39:51", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499899.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20230201013650-20230201043650-00613.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8391751646995544, "token_count": 1325, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
When we start dealing with mathematics the basic concept we learn is counting. If you don’t know how to count you can’t learn any other concept in mathematics so, we can say that counting constitutes the whole of mathematics. Mathematics has a wide range of applications and affects almost every discipline in some way. If we talk about permutation and combination the knowledge of the fundamental principle of counting is really important. As we have to find a number of ways in which we can select or arrange objects. Even if we talk about probability then knowledge of the fundamental principle of counting is important. The basic rule of counting the total number of possible outcomes in a situation is known as the fundamental counting principle. We have two basic fundamentals of counting i.e. multiplication and addition. What is the fundamental principle of counting? The fundamental counting principle, sometimes known as the basic counting principle, is a method or guideline for calculating the total number of outcomes when two or more events occur simultaneously. The product of the number of outcomes of each individual event is the total number of outcomes of two or more independent occurrences, according to this concept. For example- if we have to do two things, the number of ways to do one is n and the number of ways to do another is m then we n*m ways to do both the things. Law of multiplication Let’s say we have two events, A and B, that are mutually independent, meaning the outcome of one event has no bearing on the outcome of the other. Let E be an event that describes a circumstance in which either event A or event B must happen, i.e. both events A and B must happen. The number of ways in which the event E can happen, or the number of different outcomes of the event E, is then calculated as follows: n(E) = n(A) × n(B). This is known as the law of multiplication. Law of addition Let us consider two events, A and B. The number of ways in which event A can occur/the number of possible outcomes of event A is n(A), and similarly, the number of ways in which event B can occur/the number of possible outcomes of event B is n(B). Furthermore, occurrences A and B are mutually exclusive, meaning they have no common result. Let E be an event that describes a circumstance in which either event A OR event B takes place. The number of ways in which the event E can happen, or the number of different outcomes of the event E, is then calculated as follows: n(E) = n(A) + n(B). This is known as the law of addition. According to the Fundamental Probability of Counting, if a probability scenario exists in which there are x1, x2, x3… xn entity objects, each with y1, y2, y3… yn options available for each entity, then the number of ways = y1, y2, y3,…, yn. If an event A may occur in m ways and an event B can occur in n ways, the occurrence of both occurrences A and B can occur in m * n ways. This is known as the law of multiplication. If an event A can occur in m different ways and an event B may occur in n different ways, then either of them can occur in m+n different ways. The total ways of choosing are calculated by multiplying the possibilities for each available entity.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://unacademy.com/content/cbse-class-11/study-material/mathematics/fundamental-counting-principle/", "date": "2023-02-04T19:50:26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500151.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20230204173912-20230204203912-00853.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9527565836906433, "token_count": 717, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
In Java, operators are special symbols that perform specific operations on one, two, or three operands, and then return a result. There are several types of operators in Java: - Arithmetic operators: These operators perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. - Comparison operators: These operators compare two values and return a boolean value (true or false) based on the result of the comparison. Examples include !=(not equal to), >(greater than), and - Logical operators: These operators perform logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT. - Bitwise operators: These operators perform bitwise operations on the individual bits of an integer value. - Assignment operators: These operators are used to assign values to variables. The most common assignment operator is =, which assigns a value to a variable. - Ternary operator: This operator is a shorthand way of writing an if-else statement. It takes three operands and returns a value based on a boolean expression. - Precedence and associativity: The order in which operators are evaluated is determined by their precedence and associativity. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with lower precedence, and operators with the same precedence are evaluated based on their associativity (either left-to-right or right-to-left). It’s important to understand how these operators work in order to write correct and efficient Java code.
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Number names are simply expressing numbers in words. For example, 1 is written or read as one. Number names make it easier for us to learn and identify numbers. Number names are always written considering the place value of the digit in the given number. Number names from 1 (one) to 10 (ten) are used for writing names of higher numbers. Rules for writing number names : - The place value of the number is always considered when writing numbers in the word form. For example : 4 at ones place is four, 4 at tens place is forty, 4 at hundreds places is four hundred and so on. - Number names from 1 to 9 are used to write the names of higher numbers. - Number names from 13 to 19 have the suffix ‘teen’ for example : 13 – thirteen, 14 – fourteen, 15 – fifteen, and so on. - Number names for multiples of 10 up to 90 use ‘ty’ as a suffix, for example : 20 – twenty, 30 – thirty, 40 – forty, and so on. Let’s begin by discovering some ways to teach number names to our young learners in a fun and interesting ways : Teaching number names with kid friendly, clear and easy to understand posters from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs : Download free printable teaching resources from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs for a better understanding of number names. Teaching number names through stories from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs : The Wheel Of Numbers Teaching number names by play – way method : Number Puzzles : - There are three parts to these Number Puzzles – the Number, the Number Name, and the Number Quantity. - The level of the game is decided as per the age of the child; initially, numbers from 1 to 10 can be taken. - Kids can be instructed to begin with numbers, its name and then the quantity. Teaching number names by hands – on activities : Number Names Bingo : - In this activity, bingo cards are made using number names. - The level of the activity is decided as per the age of the child, initially, for kindergarten kids, numbers from 1 to 20 can be taken. - Rest is just like a classic bingo game, but with number names on the cards instead of numbers. - To start the game, a parent or teacher can be the caller who calls the number name to be struck by each player. - The caller distributes a bingo card to each player. - The caller calls out the number name. - Players then look for the number name on their cards. If the number appears on a player’s card, it is struck off with a shout of “BINGO”. - The player whose only horizontal, vertical, or slanting line is struck off is announced as the winner of the game. Help your kids to practise number names by interesting and fun free printable worksheets and solutions from Uncle Math School by Fun2Do Labs.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "", "date": "2023-06-09T11:28:10", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224656675.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20230609100535-20230609130535-00053.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9123451113700867, "token_count": 640, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Skinners experiment was based on operant conditioning, using the concept of discrimination learning, he carried out experiments on animals with the idea that their behaviour is predetermined by their environment and using a well controlled environment would allow him to in turn control their behaviours using a range of triggers. Using reinforcement and expectancy, the animal associates acting out certain behaviours with rewards. (Toates, F., 2010, pp. 165-167) After performing a number of experiments on rats using mazes, he subsequently designed the Skinner box. This was a box designed to hold animals and giving the animal contained access to food after carrying out a certain response. Using this procedure of reinforcement the animal learned to perform the response to get food as it associates this required behaviour with the reward of food. (Toates, F., 2010, p. 164) This principle can be applied to strengthen any behaviours whether it be positive or negative, and this research is an efficient technique used widely by many Operant conditioning is a condition in which the desired behavior or increasingly closer to the approximations to it are followed by a rewarding or reinforcing stimulus. “The fundamental principle of operant conditioning is that behavior is determined by its consequences. Behavior does not occur as isolated and unrelated events; the consequences that follow the actions of an animal, be they good, bad, or indifferent, will have an effect on the frequency with which those actions are repeated in the future,” (Laule 2). A reinforcement strengthens a response, reinforcement Operant conditioning is a type of learning process where the strength of a client’s behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment. Dr. Foxx’s work with Harry is an example of operant conditioning because of the techniques he used with different levels of consequences, for example time out and physical reinforcements. With that being said Dr. Foxx used Harrys restraints as both positive and negative reinforcements. In addition, some of the examples Dr. Foxx used to work with Harrys problem behavior B.F Skinner was a behaviorist who developed the operant conditioning theory. Operant conditioning is a learning experience which occurs when an action is conducted and is followed by either a positive or negative consequences. The consequence will determine if the individual is likely to repeat the action or not. B.F Skinner believes operant conditioning is crucial for proper language development. When a child speaks for the first time and the parents responds with excitement and smiles this behavior encourages the child to attempt to speak more frequently. The more a child is listened to when he or she speaks the more likely the child will continue to put in the effort to speak. In addition, the more a child is spoken to, and sung to the more advanced their language development will be. In Peppa Pig there is a lot Socio-behaviorists often study how children 's experiences model their behaviors (Nolan & Raban, 2015). Behaviorism believes that what matters is not the development itself, but the external factors that shape children 's behaviors (Nolan & Raban, 2015). This theory demonstrates that teachers and mentors dominate and instruct child-related activities, and they decide what children should learn and how to learn (Nolan & Raban, 2015). Reinforcement, which is an essential factor that helps children to learn particular behaviors, generally refers to rewards and punishments (Nolan & Raban, 2015). Children are more likely to repeat actions that result in receiving praise; in contrast, they may ignore or abandon behaviors that make them get punishment. Nevertheless, Skinner points out that children learn nothing from the punishment. Instead, they may start to work out how to avoid it (Nolan & Raban, 2015). Another concept is classical conditioning (classical behaviorism) that emphasizes on the relation between stimuli and response. This concept embodies in a famous experiment, in which the food is presented to the dog when the bell rings, and the bell becomes a conditioned stimulus for the dog (Nolan & Raban, 2015). Likewise, if children receive toys in the condition that they behave well, then they will probably repeat this behavior to get the toys. Nevertheless, Pavlov 's theory of classical conditioning is somehow extreme, as it reduces Skinner mastered. Some think that using Operant conditioning with positive and negative punishment and negative reinforcement works better than positive reinforcement. The positive reinforcement has consequences and comes with a rewarding outlook. This is a consequence that causes a behavior to increase. It would work out better if the adult explains to the child what was done and how to fix it than to punish with negative reinforcement. Whether you’re applying positive punishment and removing negative reinforcement, these two methods do not last very long and don’t benefit the child in any way. Behavior has consequences and consequences influence behavior. This is a voluntary response strengthened by positive reinforcement to increase and strengthen behavior. This type of response is more likely to happen. If you want the right thing to happen, reward it with positive measures. Repetition with positive rewards always makes out to be a better influence for a child’s upbringing and how they react to the set goal. I would like to say that Operant Conditioning is a better form of learning because it is strengthened by positive consequences or weakened by a negative consequence. You reward to improve behavior, or you take away or time-out to give them time to think about what they did wrong. Classical Conditioning is a learned conditioning stimulus, like conditioning yourself to study for exams in advance to pass classes. Effective planning for study time results in passing grades and passing your classes. The example taken from our textbook, where the dog is salivating and wagging his tail when he hears the bell, associating the bell to meal time mentioned in our psychology textbook (Feldman, R., 2015). Another good example would be to take a child, and present a bowl filled with grapes. The child gets excited because he knows what’s about to happen. The Learning enables you as an individual, to gain more knowledge about something which you have never learned about. Learning also has to do with past experiences which are influenced by behavioural changes (Weiten, 2016). There are different types of ways to learn; through, classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning which will be discussed and analysed in the essay. The first thing we discussed was classical conditioning. It sort of all started after Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs. John B. Watson, a psychologist, began his testing on emotional conditioning. John’s theory was that people are not born with a fear of objects. He persisted to hypothesize that we do have to learn to be surprised or frightened, it happens automatically. John organized tests to reveal that we do not have to learn to be afraid, but what objects we fear must be learned. An unconditioned stimulus is a sudden, loud noise. The unconditioned stimulus is for the unconditioned response of fear. The conditioned response of fear is known as a conditioned emotional response (CER). We then defined important words from this lesson. A stimulus generalization “is the tendency for the conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses In chapter 7, I found the concept of punishment to be most intriguing. Punishment is a part of operant conditioning which was theorized by B.F. Skinner. Punishment is often confused with negative reinforcement. However, the main difference between the two is: while the goal of reinforcement is to increase the likelihood of a behavior, the primary goal of punishment is to reduce the chances of the behavior it follows. In 1938, Skinner concluded that punishment produces only temporary suppression of behavior but later research found that effects may be permanent. In 1966, Azrin and Holz found that there are factors that influence the effectiveness of punishment. Some of the factors include: manner of introduction, immediacy, schedule of punishment, Operant conditioning Operant conditioning (sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning) is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that On the other hand, non-contingent reinforcement (NCR) appears to be an antecedent intervention that will more effectively influence the client. Due to the friendly and easy methodology, this procedure will allow teachers and staff to implement this intervention without being clinically trained. Non-contingent reinforcement will allow the child to frequently gain reinforcement non contingent to the problem behavior. This will enhance the development of a more positive learning environment, along with eventually being able to develop more appropriate behaviors, especially if NCR is combined with other procedures such as differential reinforcement of alternative Have you ever thought on how people explain about behaviour? How do we know when learning process has occurred? Learning is permanent change that happened in the way of your behaviour acts, arises from experience one’s had gone through. This kind of learning and experience are beneficial for us to adapt with new environment or surrounding (Surbhi, 2018). The most simple form of learning is conditioning which is divided into two categories which are operant conditioning and classical conditioning. Both Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning and Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning can be used every day in an ECCE setting. Today many school systems and childhood authorities follow Skinner’s and Pavlov’s theory by using the approach of positive reinforcement. This encourages good behaviour in the child making the behaviour more likely to be repeated again as they are rewarded and praised for their efforts in reading, writing and general learning. It is important that children’s efforts in a learning setting are rewarded as this will encourage the child to perform to the best of their ability. School authorities only use negative reinforcement as a last resort. positive and negative but work in a unique way. Positive means you are adding something so you Positive and negative reinforcements or rewards and punishments are used to modify or shape learner’s behaviour. B. F. Skinner’s entire system is based on operant conditioning. The organism is in the process of "operating" on the environment, which in ordinary terms means it is bouncing around its world, doing what it does. During this "operating," the organism encounters a special kind of stimulus, called a reinforcing stimulus, or simply a reinforcer. This special stimulus has the effect of increasing the operant – that is, the behavior occurring just before the reinforcer. This is operant conditioning: "the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.ipl.org/essay/Negative-Effects-Of-Operant-Conditioning-FCD6ULGYTG", "date": "2023-05-29T12:56:22", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224644855.6/warc/CC-MAIN-20230529105815-20230529135815-00253.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9557187557220459, "token_count": 2154, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
According to a study published in Scientific Reports, the building blocks for life might have been formed around 4.4 billion years ago through chemical reactions triggered by iron-rich particles from meteors or volcanic eruptions on Earth. Past research has hinted that these building blocks – hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and alcohols – might have come from asteroids and comets or produced by reactions in Earth’s early atmosphere and oceans. These reactions could have been powered by energy from lightning, volcanoes, or meteor impacts. But the exact method that led to the creation of these building blocks remains a mystery because of a lack of data. A team led by Oliver Trapp studied if particles from meteorites or volcanic ash, which settled on volcanic islands, could have helped convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into these building blocks. They recreated possible conditions of the early Earth in a heated and pressurized environment (called an autoclave). They varied the pressure and temperature and added either hydrogen gas or water to simulate different climate conditions. To mimic the landing of meteorite or volcanic ash on volcanic islands, they added crushed samples of iron meteorites, stony meteorites, or volcanic ash, along with minerals that might have been present in the early Earth and are found in the Earth’s crust, meteorites, or asteroids. What they found was interesting. The iron-rich particles from meteorites and volcanic ash helped convert carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and alcohols in a variety of early Earth conditions. They saw that aldehydes and alcohols formed at lower temperatures, while hydrocarbons formed at 300 degrees Celsius. As the early Earth’s atmosphere gradually cooled down, the production of alcohols and aldehydes might have increased. These substances could have reacted further to create things like carbohydrates, lipids, sugars, amino acids, DNA, and RNA. By calculating the speed of the reactions they saw and using data from past research, the team estimated that their proposed method could have made up to 600,000 tons of these building blocks per year across the early Earth. The team suggests that their discovered method may have played a part in the origin of life on Earth, along with other reactions happening in Earth’s early atmosphere and oceans.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://knowridge.com/2023/05/how-meteors-and-volcanoes-may-have-kickstarted-life-on-earth/", "date": "2023-06-07T00:14:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224653183.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20230606214755-20230607004755-00453.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9572854042053223, "token_count": 479, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
What our Integers (Multiply & Divide) lesson plan includes Lesson Objectives and Overview: Integers (Multiply & Divide) lesson plan engages students with hands-on activities to understand and practice multiplying and dividing integers. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to multiply and divide integers. This lesson is for students in 6th grade. Every lesson plan provides you with a classroom procedure page that outlines a step-by-step guide to follow. You do not have to follow the guide exactly. The guide helps you organize the lesson and details when to hand out worksheets. It also lists information in the blue box that you might find useful. You will find the lesson objectives, state standards, and number of class sessions the lesson should take to complete in this area. In addition, it describes the supplies you will need as well as what and how you need to prepare beforehand. The supplies needed for this lesson are scissors and the handouts. To prepare for this lesson ahead of time, you can gather the supplies and copy the handouts. Options for Lesson Included with this lesson is an “Options for Lesson” section that lists a number of suggestions for activities to add to the lesson or substitutions for the ones already in the lesson. If you’d like to teach the lesson over two days, you can teach multiplication of integers the first day and division of integers the next. You can also teach negative x negatives at the same time as you teach students about double negatives in language. The teacher notes page includes a paragraph with additional guidelines and things to think about as you begin to plan your lesson. It notes that you should remind students to use the words “positive” and “negative” while teaching this lesson. This page also includes lines that you can use to add your own notes as you’re preparing for this lesson. INTEGERS (MULTIPLY & DIVIDE) LESSON PLAN CONTENT PAGES Integers (Multiply & Divide) The Integers (Multiply & Divide) lesson plan includes one page of content. This lesson begins by reminding students that integers are whole numbers above and below zero. They include positive integers above zero and negative integers below zero (but not zero). We have two main rules that we use when multiplying and dividing integers. These are different from the rules for adding and subtracting integers, so it’s important not to mix them up. The first rule is that if the signs of the integers are the same, the answer is always positive. The lesson includes some examples, like 2 x 5 = 10 and -2 x -5 = 10. The second rule is that if the signs of the integers are different, the answer is always negative. The lesson includes some examples of this as well, like -2 x 5 = -10 and 2 x -5 = =10. If your problem has more than two integers, we count the number of negative signs. If there are an even number of negative signs, the answer will be positive; if there are an odd number of negative signs, the answer will be negative. The lesson includes some examples of this. One of the example problems is -2 x 4 x -3 x -2 x 5 = -240. The answer is negative because there are three negative signs, which is an odd number. To solve these problems, you should count the number of negative signs first, which will allow you to identify whether the answer will be positive or negative. You can then multiply or divide as usual. The good news is that this is much easier than adding or subtracting integers! INTEGERS (MULTIPLY & DIVIDE) LESSON PLAN WORKSHEETS The Integers (Multiply & Divide) lesson plan includes three worksheets: an activity worksheet, a practice worksheet, and a homework assignment. You can refer to the guide on the classroom procedure page to determine when to hand out each worksheet. CREATING PROBLEMS ACTIVITY WORKSHEET For the activity worksheet, students will first cut out the digits, positive and negative signs, and equal sign included on the worksheet. They will then create their own addition and subtraction integers using the digits and signs. They must create problems with a variety of signs (negative/negative, positive/positive, and positive/negative). Students will list their problems on the worksheet and solve, writing neatly. Finally, they will exchange their worksheet with another student to check each other’s problems and answers. Students can work in pairs for this activity if you’d like. MULTIPLY OR DIVIDE PRACTICE WORKSHEET The practice worksheet asks students to multiply or divide the integers. Some of the problems have only two integers, and others have more. This will help students solidify their understanding of the material. INTEGERS (MULTIPLY & DIVIDE) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT For the homework assignment, students will first answer a few questions about the lesson material. Then will then solve numerous multiplication and division problems, making sure their answers have the correct sign (positive or negative). Worksheet Answer Keys This lesson plan includes answer keys for the practice worksheet and the homework assignment. If you choose to administer the lesson pages to your students via PDF, you will need to save a new file that omits these pages. Otherwise, you can simply print out the applicable pages and keep these as reference for yourself when grading assignments.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://learnbright.org/lessons/math/integers-multiply-divide/", "date": "2023-06-01T23:09:54", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648209.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20230601211701-20230602001701-00253.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9175508618354797, "token_count": 1160, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
The partition of India and Pakistan killed thousands and uprooted millions. This event left an indelible mark on the lives of millions, and it still haunts generations of people. Considered an unjust and inhuman act the division of two nations has inflamed communal disharmony between Hindus and Muslims hitherto. With the partition, the British-ruled India was segregated into India, East Pakistan, and West Pakistan. This separation culminated in several wars between Independent India and Pakistan decades later. Furthermore, the rivalry over Kashmir still haunts the people of the valley and remains the bone of contention between the two nations. This Blog Includes: Credit: New York Times (Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos) Indian Independence Act The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act on July 5, 1947. King George VI of Britain gave his approval on July 18, 1947. This Act removed the title “Emperor of India” from the British Crown, as announced by George VI. Furthermore, the Act included the following features: - It recognized India as an independent and sovereign nation. - Also, it provided for the division of the Indian state into two separate dominions, India and Pakistan, due to religious differences. - Furthermore, the position of the Secretary of State for India was abolished. - Besides, the role of the Viceroy was eliminated, and two separate Governor Generals were to be appointed for India and Pakistan based on British Cabinet advice. - In addition, the Indian and Pakistani Constituent Assemblies were authorized by the Act to create their respective constitutions and repeal any British Parliament laws for their countries, including the Independence Act. These Assemblies acted as legislative bodies until their own constitutions were formed. Also Read: What was Khilafat Movement? Radcliffe Commission or Border Commission Following the Indian Independence Act, the British government instituted the Radcliffe Commission in July 1947 to mark the boundaries between India and Pakistan. The commission was headed by Sir Cyril Radcliffe with 4 members each from the Indian National Congress and Muslim League. The commission’s task was to establish borders in the two regions that would preserve cohesive Hindu and Muslim populations within India and Pakistan. As the August 15 independence date approached and with little hope for agreement, Radcliffe took the final decision on the boundaries. Credit: Times of India The Radcliffe Line, which became the border between India and Pakistan, was unveiled on August 17, 1947. This line stretches from the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat to the international border in Jammu & Kashmir, effectively dividing the two countries. Radcliffe’s division of India resulted in the creation of three segments: - West Pakistan - East Pakistan Also Read: Why Did the Indian Mutiny Happen? Partition of India and Pakistan With the demarcation of India and Pakistan through the Radcliffe Line, a territory of 4,50,000 sq km and a population of nearly 88 million was divided on the basis of religion. The provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan, where Muslims formed a substantial majority (over 70% and 90% respectively), were assigned to Pakistan. However, Punjab and Bengal, with slightly more than half Muslim populations (55.7% in Punjab and 54.4% in Bengal), presented a challenge. Although Muhammad Ali Jinnah aimed for these provinces to be part of Pakistan entirely, the Congress Party disagreed, considering the sentiments of the Hindu and Sikh populations. As a result, a decision was reached to partition these provinces, allotting portions to both countries. This division proved to be a daunting task, particularly in Punjab, due to the widespread and mixed population. Drawing a clear religious divide was nearly impossible. Beyond considering the people, the border commissions also had to manage crucial elements such as roadways, railways, power systems, irrigation projects, and individual landholdings. The intention was to minimize the displacement of farmers from their lands and to limit the number of individuals compelled to migrate to the respective sides of the border. However, certain regions posed significant challenges in determining their placement on one side or the other due to unclear majorities, along with factors like cultural ties and irrigation lines. Despite having a Muslim majority, some areas with a narrow margin, like the Muslim-majority tehsils of Gurdaspur district, Ajnala in Amritsar, and Zira and Ferozpur in Ferozpur, were assigned to India. The Chittagong Hill Tracts, mainly inhabited by non-Muslims (primarily Buddhists) and with limited accessibility to India, were granted to East Pakistan. Similarly, the Khulna district, with a slight Hindu majority of 51%, became part of East Pakistan. Conversely, Murshidabad, where Muslims constituted 70% of the population, was given to India.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://leverageedu.com/discover/general-knowledge/indian-history-partition-of-india-and-pakistan-1947/", "date": "2023-10-02T19:16:36", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233511002.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20231002164819-20231002194819-00253.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9610806703567505, "token_count": 996, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
In the realm of programming, especially in Python, understanding the use of variables, constants, and literals is vital. These elements form the building blocks of a program, allowing us to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. This article seeks to provide an in-depth exploration of these foundational components in Python. 1. Python Variables A variable is essentially a name that refers to a memory location where data is stored. As the data changes, the variable name remains consistent, but its value can vary, hence the term “variable”. Assigning values to Variables in Python: In Python, variables are created the moment you first assign a value to them, using the x = 5 name = "John" Variable Naming Rules: - Variables can begin with an alphabet (a-z, A-Z) or underscore (_), but not with a number. - The rest of the name can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. - Names are case-sensitive: - Reserved words or keywords should not be used as variable names. Python uses dynamic typing, which means a variable’s data type can change during execution. x = 5 # x is an integer x = "Five" # Now, x is a string Changing the Value of a Variable in Python In Python, variables are mutable by nature, which means their values can be altered during the program’s execution. This mutability is a powerful feature but also requires attention to ensure data integrity. Let’s delve into how variable values can be changed and some best practices around it. At the simplest level, changing a variable’s value involves reassigning it using the x = 10 # Initial assignment print(x) # Outputs: 10 x = 20 # Reassignment print(x) # Outputs: 20 In the above example, we initially assign the value 10 to the variable x. Later, we change its value to 20 by reassigning it. Modification Through Operators: Python provides a host of operators that can change a variable’s value based on some operation. x = 5 x += 3 # Equivalent to x = x + 3 print(x) # Outputs: 8 x *= 2 # Equivalent to x = x * 2 print(x) # Outputs: 16 In this example, we use the *= operators to increment and multiply the value of Assigning multiple values to multiple variables Python offers a unique and elegant way to assign multiple values to multiple variables in a single line, leveraging its tuple unpacking feature. This not only makes the code concise but also enhances readability. Let’s dive into the nuances of this technique. Basic Multiple Assignment: Python allows you to assign values from a list or tuple to multiple variables simultaneously. This is particularly useful for swapping values or initializing multiple variables at once. a, b, c = 5, 3.2, "Hello" print(a) # Outputs: 5 print(b) # Outputs: 3.2 print(c) # Outputs: Hello In this example, we’ve assigned three values to three variables in a single line. One of the most common applications of multiple assignment is to swap the values of two variables without using a temporary variable. a = 5 b = 10 print(a, b) # Outputs: 5 10 a, b = b, a print(a, b) # Outputs: 10 5 Here, the values of b are swapped in the line a, b = b, a. Ensure the number of variables on the left matches the number of values on the right. Otherwise, Python will raise a 2. Python Constants A constant is like a variable whose value remains consistent throughout the program. Python doesn’t have built-in constant types, but by convention, we use all uppercase letters to denote constants. Let’s delve deeper into how to create and utilize constants in Python. 1. Naming Convention: The most common way to denote a constant is by using an all-uppercase name. This is a convention in Python (and many other programming languages) that signals to developers that the value should not be changed. PI = 3.14159 SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458 # meters/second 2. Separate Module/File: Often, constants are grouped together in a separate module (or file) named constants.py (or something similar). This centralized approach allows them to be easily managed and imported wherever needed. # constants.py MAX_USERS = 100 DATABASE_URL = "http://localhost:5432/mydb" Once constants are defined, they can be utilized just like variables. If they are in a separate module, you’ll need to import them. 1. Direct Import: To use a constant in another module or script, you can directly import the required constants: Create a main.py: from constants import MAX_USERS, DATABASE_URL print(MAX_USERS) # Outputs: 100 print(DATABASE_URL) # Outputs: http://localhost:5432/mydb 2. Module Reference: Another approach is to import the constants module itself and then use the constants with a module reference: import constants print(constants.MAX_USERS) # Outputs: 100 print(constants.DATABASE_URL) # Outputs: http://localhost:5432/mydb 1. Not Truly Immutable: Despite the naming convention, constants in Python are not truly immutable. They can technically be changed, but doing so is against the established convention and could be misleading to other developers. 2. Comments: It’s a good practice to comment constants, especially if their purpose or value might not be immediately apparent. This aids in ensuring clarity for anyone reading the code. # Speed of light in vacuum, meters/second SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458 3. Avoid Magic Numbers: Instead of hardcoding values directly in the codebase (often referred to as “magic numbers”), use constants. This not only gives meaning to those values but also makes the code more maintainable. 3. Python Literals Literals refer to the data given in a variable or constant. In essence, it’s the value that the variable or constant represents. Types of Literals: - Numeric Literals: - Integers: Whole numbers without decimal points. E.g., 5, -7, 1000 - Floats: Numbers with decimal points. E.g., 3.14, -0.001, 1.0 - Complex: Numbers with a real and imaginary part. E.g., 3+4j - String Literals: - Enclosed within single ( '), double ( "), triple single ( ''') or triple double ( """) quotes. E.g., '''This is a long string'''. - Enclosed within single ( - Boolean Literals: - Two values: - Two values: - Special Literal: Nonerepresents the absence of a value or a null value. - Collection Literals: - List: E.g., [1, 2, 3] - Tuple: E.g., (1, 2, 3) - Dictionary: E.g., - List: E.g., Literals can be operated upon using various operators to produce different results. For example, string literals can be concatenated, and numeric literals can be added, subtracted, etc. Variables, constants, and literals form the essence of data representation in Python. Variables offer dynamic storage and retrieval of data, constants provide a static reference that shouldn’t be changed, and literals represent the actual data values. By understanding these elements and their nuances, one can write effective, clear, and efficient Python programs. Remember, while Python offers a lot of flexibility in terms of data representation and manipulation, it’s the responsibility of developers to follow conventions and best practices to ensure clarity and maintainability.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://lifewithdata.com/2023/10/06/python-variables-constants-and-literals/", "date": "2023-11-30T20:55:37", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100232.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20231130193829-20231130223829-00853.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7836177349090576, "token_count": 1746, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Fire is the product of a chemical reaction that releases heat energy. That process is similar to the one that causes metals like rust, except that it happens much faster. The chemicals in the fuel combine with oxygen and rearrange themselves irreversibly. For more information just visit Website. The three things needed for a fire to start are fuel, oxygen, and energy in the form of heat. Fire has gas properties but doesn’t expand to fill containers, so it’s not quite a gas. Combustion is a chemical reaction when oxygen reacts with other elements and emits heat and exhaust gases. It is burning anything from fossil fuels like coal and oil to renewable fuels like firewood. Fire is the most common example of combustion. For combustion to occur, three things must be present: fuel, a source of oxygen, and heat. The fuel needs to be heated to its ignition temperature. This can be done with a match, focused light, friction, or lightning. Once the fuel has reached its ignition temperature, it starts to combust, and the gas it produces (such as carbon dioxide) is released into the atmosphere. The activation energy is the heat source used to start the combustion process. This energy is needed to get the atoms in the fuel to move fast enough to combine with the oxygen molecules. Once this is achieved, the reaction will proceed spontaneously until all the oxygen is used up and it stops emitting gases. This is known as complete combustion. Incomplete combustion, on the other hand, occurs when a fuel burns but fails to combine with oxygen completely and only releases some of the heat it has gained. This leaves behind what is known as soot and produces carbon monoxide, an air pollutant. Once a flame has started to form, its thermal energy vaporizes and burns more fuel, thus perpetuating the combustion reaction. The vaporized fuel is emitted into the atmosphere as smoke and is carried away from the fire by air movement. This is a very simple description of the processes involved in burning, but many other factors affect how a fire behaves and the amount of energy it can produce. For example, if something is too moist, it will not combust and decompose to form ash. This is because the water molecule has more potential energy than the other molecules in the fuel, and it moves faster. Fire is light and heat from a special chemical reaction, which humans figured out how to make hundreds of thousands of years ago. Fires are so hot that they glow and emit radiation (heat waves) in the visible and infrared ranges. This radiation makes the flames look different colors, and it is the same thing that causes the lights in a lamp to glow. The chemical reactions that cause fires can take many different forms, but they all involve similar things: fuel, oxygen, and heat. Fuel is any combustible material, like wood, paper, plastic, or gasoline. Oxygen is an air gas that is produced when the fuel burns. Heat is needed to start the reaction and keep it going and is also used to warm the fuel and surrounding air. This makes the fuel vaporize, which causes it to rise and form a flame. The atoms in the fuel rise and radiate energy, which gives the flame its color and makes it glow. While most people think of a flame as fiery red, it can be any color. This is because the atoms in the fuel are at different temperatures, emitting light at different wavelengths. The hottest atoms are near the center of the flame, which is why they glow brightest. The cooler atoms near the top of the flame glow yellowish or orange. The flame’s color also depends on the fuel type and its temperature. Incandescence is a wonderful thing to witness, as it is hypnotic and fascinating. But it is also dangerous and can cause harm if the proper precautions are not taken. If you use a fireplace, taking precautions is important so the fire doesn’t spread or cause injuries or property damage. The word “fire” has a variety of other meanings in English, including burning, to fire up, and to ignite or rekindle something: The flames that produce fire’s light and heat are the visible part of a series of chemical reactions known as combustion. The reactions take place in the gap between oxygen and fuel molecules. The energy from the reaction spills over into the atoms of those molecules, causing them to change their shape and transfer electrons. This gives the molecules that make up the flame their color and other physical properties, such as movement speed and temperature. Flames are usually seen as glowing tongues that snake upwards. This convection of hot gases results from gravity but can also be influenced by the presence or absence of air vents. Weather conditions such as wind, moisture, and temperature can also affect how fast a fire spreads, its intensity, and the shape of the flames. As a result of the high temperature that is generated during burning, some of the molecules in a flame bleed off light energy. This light energy takes the form of visible, infrared, and sometimes ultraviolet radiation. The frequency spectrum of the radiation is determined by the chemical composition of the reactants and their intermediate reaction products. For example, a sootless hydrocarbon flame produces blue light. For example, burning a piece of wood releases about 80% of its stored energy as heat energy. This energy can be used to do work, such as the mechanical work done by thermal power stations when coal, oil, or natural gas is burned to boil water and generate electricity by spinning turbines. Fire is dangerous, however, because of its heat and the fact that a large proportion of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from burning gases. These gases restrict breathing and can lead to asphyxiation without an emergency air supply. The flammability of a material or mixture can be tested by measuring its ability to sustain a laminar flame in the presence of an oxidizer. The ability of a given material to maintain a flame can be enhanced in several ways: by adding an oxidizer to the mixture, by balancing fuel and oxidizer inputs to stoichiometric ratios, by increasing ambient temperature so that the reactants are better heated, or by providing a catalyst. Smoke is a mixture of airborne particulates and gases generated by the incomplete combustion of organic materials. It is the visible byproduct of fire and contains carbon (soot), tar, oils, other chemicals, and water vapor. The particles in smoke are very small, ranging from a few microns to a few millimeters in size. The opacity of the smoke depends on the concentration and size of these particles. Smoke can be produced in several different ways, depending on the fuel type and the conditions surrounding the fire. For example, when you place a piece of fresh wood or paper on a fire, the first thing that happens is the volatile hydrocarbon compounds in the material start to evaporate, which produces smoke until they reach a high enough temperature where they burst into flames and turn into water and carbon dioxide. After that, the rest of the matter in the material is turned into ash, and the remaining particles are not burned. When a forest is burning, the smoke can travel long distances and affect the air quality for people who live in the area or are downwind from the fire. Exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to a variety of health problems, from minor irritations in the eyes and throat to more serious problems such as worsening heart and lung disease, including asthma. In the case of home fires, the main cause of death is caused by the toxic and irritating effects of smoke inhalation rather than the actual burning of the house. This is why it is so important to have working smoke detectors and to evacuate the home quickly if a fire starts. The main constituents of wildfire smoke are gaseous pollutants (such as carbon monoxide), hazardous air pollutants (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), and water vapor, together with fine particulate pollution, which represents the principal public health concern. The latter consists of particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, also known as PM2.5. These are the most harmful, as they can penetrate the lungs and other organs.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.fargowindowcompany.com/category/disaster-cleanup/", "date": "2023-12-11T18:51:13", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679516047.98/warc/CC-MAIN-20231211174901-20231211204901-00853.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9499227404594421, "token_count": 1680, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Equations and Inequalities Type of Unit: Concept Students should be able to: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Use the symbols <, >, and =. Evaluate expressions for specific values of their variables. Identify when two expressions are equivalent. Simplify expressions using the distributive property and by combining like terms. Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world problems. Order rational numbers. Represent rational numbers on a number line. In the exploratory lesson, students use a balance scale to find a counterfeit coin that weighs less than the genuine coins. Then continuing with a balance scale, students write mathematical equations and inequalities, identify numbers that are, or are not, solutions to an equation or an inequality, and learn how to use the addition and multiplication properties of equality to solve equations. Students then learn how to use equations to solve word problems, including word problems that can be solved by writing a proportion. Finally, students connect inequalities and their graphs to real-world situations. Lesson OverviewStudents apply the multiplication property of equality to solve equations.Key ConceptsIn the previous lesson, students solved equations of the form x + p = q using the addition property of equality. In this lesson, they will solve equations of the form px = q using the multiplication property of equality. They will multiply or divide both sides of an equation by the same number to obtain an equivalent equation.Since multiplication by a is equivalent to division by 1a, students will see that they may also divide both sides of the equation by the same number to get an equivalent equation. Students will also apply this property to solving a particular kind of equation, a proportion.Goals and Learning ObjectivesUse the multiplication property of equality to keep an equation balanced.Use the multiplication property of equality to solve equations of the form px = q for cases in which p, q, and x are all non-negative rational numbers.Use the multiplication property of equality to solve proportions. Students work in pairs to critique and improve their work on the Self Check from the previous lesson.Key ConceptsTo critique and improve the task from the Self Check and to complete a similar task with a partner, students use what they know about solving equations and relating the equations to real-world situations.Goals and Learning ObjectivesSolve equations using the addition or multiplication property of equality.Write word problems that match algebraic equations.Write equations to represent a mathematical situation.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://oercommons.org/browse?f.keyword=addition-property-of-equality", "date": "2023-12-05T21:35:27", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100568.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20231205204654-20231205234654-00553.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9087282419204712, "token_count": 515, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
In grade 8, students learn how to calculate the volume of a cylinder as per the Common Core standards for Volume. "Volume of a Cylinder Practice Problems" are an essential part of this learning process. Math teachers can provide practice problems that require students to use the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder, which is the product of the area of the base and the height of the cylinder. These practice problems help students develop their problem-solving skills and understand the real-world applications of finding the volume of cylinders, such as calculating the amount of liquid that a cylinder can hold. You can take help from our Introduction To Volume Of A Cylinder Lesson Plan perfect for empowering your math students!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.bytelearn.com/math-grade-8/practice-problems/volume-of-a-cylinder", "date": "2023-12-01T10:10:41", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679100286.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20231201084429-20231201114429-00253.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9249483942985535, "token_count": 144, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
Solving equations and graphing This unit explores the solution of basic linear equations, substitution and graphing linear equations. Lesson 1 - Introduce pupils to the concept of an equation being like a balance. For example, if you take a weight off one side of the balance what do you have to do to the other side to keep it balanced? If pupils have access to a computer room or laptops then let them explore this method using the Flash apllication below. This allows them to concentrate on the method without worrying about performing the number calculations correctly. Lesson 2 - USe the creating and solving equations lesson plan to further develop pupils' understanding. Lesson 3 - Use the evaluating algebraic expressions lesson plan to introduce pupils to the concept of substitution. The Flash resource makes a useful plenary to do whole class or in a computer room. Lesson 4 - Give pupils access to computers and let them run through the Flash application on plotting graphs. They can do this as many times as they like until they think they get it. Then ask them to run the application again, but pause at the first step and try to plot the grph in thier books themselves. If they get stuck they can use the application to help them. They should carry on with this unil they can do it unaided. Lesson 5 - Give pupils access to the online plotting tool. Ask them to plot several lines withe the same coefficient of x and ask them to explain what they notice. Do the same for the constant in the eqaution and develop into a disscission about gradient and intercept. For further practice on straight line graphs and substitution use the diamond hunter application. Pupils have to plot several lines to cover as many points on the grid as they can. They may find it useful to use the online plotting tool to help them.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-50", "url": "https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/community/collection/10237/solving-equations-and-graphing", "date": "2023-12-11T10:16:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-50/segments/1700679103810.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20231211080606-20231211110606-00553.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9402725696563721, "token_count": 379, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
A Protective Relay is a crucial component in electrical power systems that is designed to detect abnormal or faulty conditions in the system and initiate appropriate actions to protect the equipment and maintain system stability. Its primary function is to monitor electrical parameters and quickly isolate faults or abnormal conditions, such as short circuits, overloads, voltage imbalances, and other potential hazards. By detecting these issues early and taking corrective actions, protective relays help prevent damage to equipment, reduce downtime, and ensure the safety of personnel. Here's how a Protective Relay operates: Sensing: The relay continuously monitors various electrical parameters, such as current, voltage, frequency, and power factor, at specific locations within the power system. The sensing elements are usually current transformers (CTs) and voltage transformers (VTs) that step down the high voltages and currents to manageable levels for the relay to process. Comparison: The relay compares the measured electrical quantities against predefined thresholds or settings. These settings are determined based on the characteristics of the equipment being protected and the requirements of the power system. For example, if the current flowing through a circuit exceeds a set limit, it might indicate a fault, and the relay will take action accordingly. Decision-making: If the measured parameters exceed the set thresholds, the relay determines whether there is an abnormal condition or fault in the power system. This decision-making process is based on the relay's logic, which is typically implemented using microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs), or programmable logic devices. Tripping: If the relay identifies a fault or abnormal condition, it sends a trip signal to a circuit breaker located in the affected section of the power system. The circuit breaker then opens, disconnecting the faulty portion of the system from the rest, thereby preventing further damage and allowing the fault to be cleared. Communication (optional): In modern power systems, protective relays may be equipped with communication capabilities. They can communicate with a central control system or other devices on the network to share information about the fault, its location, and other relevant data. This communication facilitates faster fault location and system restoration. Protective relays are available in various types, such as overcurrent relays, differential relays, distance relays, and directional relays, each designed to protect against specific types of faults or abnormal conditions. The coordination between different relays and their settings is crucial to ensure that the relay closest to the fault operates first, minimizing the impact on the power system while maintaining selective protection.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://learn-electrical.com/927/function-protective-relay-electrical-power-systems-operate", "date": "2024-02-28T09:36:49", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474700.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20240228080245-20240228110245-00353.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9162120223045349, "token_count": 517, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
The English language is full of words that sound similar but have different meanings, causing confusion for many writers and speakers. One common pair that often leads to mix-ups is “affect” and “effect.” These two words may sound similar, but they have distinct roles and uses in sentences.Wwe will explore the differences between “affect” and “effect” to help you use them correctly and enhance your communication skills. Let’s start by defining each term individually: - “Affect” is primarily used as a verb and refers to the act of influencing or producing a change in something. It describes the action of causing an impact or alteration. For example, you might say, “The music affected my mood,” indicating that the music had an influence on how you felt. - On the other hand, “effect” is primarily used as a noun and represents the result or consequence of an action or event. It signifies the outcome or the impact that follows something else. For instance, you could say, “The medication had a positive effect on her health,” emphasizing the result of the medication’s influence. sage and Examples: To gain a better understanding, let’s look at some usage examples: - Affect (verb): Example 1: Her speech affected the audience, leaving them moved by her words. Explanation: In this sentence, “affect” is used as a verb to describe the action of her speech influencing or producing a change in the audience. It suggests that her words had an emotional impact or influence on the listeners, evoking a response from them. Example 2: The teacher’s feedback affected the student’s confidence, positively influencing their performance. Explanation: Here, “affect” is used as a verb to describe how the teacher’s feedback had an impact on the student’s confidence. The feedback played a role in shaping the student’s mindset and positively influencing their subsequent performance. - Effect (noun): Example 1: The storm had a destructive effect on the town, causing significant damage to buildings and infrastructure. Explanation: In this sentence, “effect” is used as a noun to describe the result or consequence of the storm’s impact on the town. It highlights the negative outcome of the storm, emphasizing the extensive damage caused to buildings and infrastructure. Example 2: The implementation of new safety measures had a significant effect on reducing workplace accidents. Explanation: Here, “effect” is used as a noun to indicate the positive outcome or impact resulting from the implementation of new safety measures. The sentence suggests that the introduction of these measures led to a noticeable decrease in workplace accidents, highlighting the beneficial result of the action taken. By providing these explanations, we can better understand how “affect” and “effect” are used in different contexts and grasp their specific roles in conveying meaning within sentences. The following table summarizes the key differences between Affect and Effect |Part of Speech |To influence or produce a change in something |A result or consequence of an action or event |The music affected my mood. |The medication had a positive effect on her health. |Her speech affected the audience. |The storm had a destructive effect on the town. |Describes the action of influencing or changing something |Describes the outcome or result of an action or event |Influence, impact, alter |Result, outcome, consequence Here are some keywords related to “affect” and “effect”: Keywords for ‘Affect: - Emotional response - Shape behavior Keywords for ‘Effect’:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://grammarguru.org/affect-vs-effect/", "date": "2024-02-25T14:10:40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474617.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225135334-20240225165334-00453.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9149385690689087, "token_count": 802, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Reconstruction was a period after the Civil War, which Northern leaders created plans to reestablish the south and for southern states to rejoin the Union. Presidential reconstruction was more lenient to the south. However, Congressional reconstruction wanted to punish the south for starting the war and for treating African American inequality. They put the South under military control. And allowed African Americans the right to vote, yet, denied the southern political leaders the right to vote. In addition, congressional reconstruction demands the south to agree to follow the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments of the constitution, before joining the Union. William Dunning and Eric Foner’s are two historians who interpreted the causes of congressional …show more content… According to the passage, “as black codes were concerned, it was pointed out that they could not be alleged as evidences of a tendency to restore slavery or introduce peonage.” This is saying that black codes were totally different from slavery and could not be used for evidence that the south was bringing back slavery. Since President Johnson’s presidential reconstruction was so lenient to the south and gave the white southerner to determining whether to abolish slavery or not. As a result, it led to white southerners passing the black codes, which restricted African American’s freedom. In another word, it is same as slavery, just in different word phrase. Dunning’s passage also mentioned that the southerners felt that Congress gave African American the rights to vote was just a way to gain support and wants the new government in the south to support the Republican Party. As it stated in the passage, “ the southerners felt that the policy of Congress had no real cause save the purpose of radical politicians to prolong and extend their party power by means of negro Most exasperating to Radical Republicans was “black codes”; all seven states took steps to ensure a landless, dependent black labor force. Johnson’s plan assured the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment- neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in the United States- but the codes infringed strictly on the freedmen’s behavior. Racial segregation in public places, racial intermarriage, jury service by black and court testimony by black against whites were all popular codes. These black codes left freedmen no longer slaves but not totally liberated either. In December 1865, Congressed refused to seat delegates of ex-Confederate states. The southern states were threatened with losing their congressional representation if they did not vote in favor of the Fourteenth amendment, which forbade the States to infringe upon the basic natural rights of other citizens, including African Americans. DiLorenzo explains this, stating “Congress blackmailed the Southern states into passing the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution by prohibiting congressional representation by those states unless they ratified the amendment.” (207) As Lincoln stated many times, he did not care for blacks. He saw them as inferior and thought it best that whites and blacks had no relations with each other. INTRO: Reconstruction; the most conflicting era in the United States history. Coming directly after the Civil War from 1865 thorough 1877, Reconstruction played a major part in the Land of the Free’s backstory. Throughout Reconstruction many things occurred within the North and South due to chaos within the government system, neighborhoods, and social classes. The creator of Reconstruction and the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln created the idea of Reconstruction in the South while the Civil War was going on. End of Reconstruction in 1877 Reconstruction means the action or process of reconstructing or being reconstructed. Today, when we hear the word reconstruction it is thought of as something that is being built or rebuilding to make new. However in 1877, reconstruction in the south was more a reformation of a way of life rather than a restoration of a building or a highway. Dunning and Beale focused on how the Reconstruction was morally corrupt and disagreed with the freedom the former slaves had received. The majority of other historians to reevaluate the Reconstruction came to an almost unanimous conclusion of it being beneficial for the former slaves to have had this freedom. While there are minor differences in opinions of those writers, more people saw how that small independence for the blacks helped shape the civil rights movements for decades after. Overall, I agree with both general ideas of the Reconstruction being morally corrupt in a business sense and also that the freedom the former slaves received was beneficial for society as a What is Reconstruction? Reconstruction was the restoration of the seceded states and the integration of the freedmen into American society during and especially after the Civil War. (1865-1877) Most people believe that reconstruction started and ended at the same time in all states, but in reality different Southern states had a different start and end time of reconstruction phase. Union imposed the reconstruction policies as and when a particular state was seized from the Confederate control. Reconstruction was concerned with the re-inclusion of former Confederate states into union, safeguarding the civil rights of freed slaves, fate of former Confederate officials and their civil status and the issue of according suffrage to these freed men. The Congress on the other hand wanted to end slavery and allow them the vote right While society did remain very oppressive towards non-white people, the overall actions taken through Congressional Reconstruction emulate a vision of freedom and equality transcending into political, economic, and social life. By expanding and defending individual protections, Congress was able to quell the overt resurgence of a white supremacist order that had precipitated immediately following the Civil War. Despite the relatively successful expansion of freedom and equality achieved during the extensive federal oversight period that is considered Congressional Reconstruction, the conservative elements that had thrived in the pre-war period and during Presidential Reconstruction continued to actively work to restrict progressive actions. Even as Congress passed and ratified the 15th Amendment and expanded voting rights to all U.S. citizens, traditionalist en mass sought to restrict voting rights and implement new methods to disenfranchise African Americans. The American civil war led to the reunion of the South and the North. But, its consequences led the Republicans to take the lead of reconstructing what the war had destroyed especially in the South because it contained larger numbers of newly freed slaves. Just after the civil war, America entered into what was called as the reconstruction era. Reconstruction refers to when “the federal government established the terms on which rebellious Southern states would be integrated back into the Union” (Watts 246). As a further matter, it also meant “the process of helping the 4 million freed slaves after the civil war [to] make the transition to freedom” (DeFord and Schwarz 96). lack of education and social rights were rampant (Murphy, 1987). Despite all of this, the Reconstruction movement went forward at incredible speeds. Voting rights for the new black citizens were part of this new social change. Even in the northern areas, the new social phenomenon posed by black participation in the electoral process, was remarkable, to say the least. Much of this change in social policy can be credited to the Freedmen’s Bureau and the Union League. Reconstruction was a difficult time after the Civil War. Readmitting the former confederate states to the Union is call Reconstruction(History Book). Reconstruction was supposed to bring the North and South together, but that didn't happen because of southerners. Many reasons contribute to the failure of Reconstruction. The South was most responsible for the failure of Reconstruction. Reconstruction is the time period after the Civil War, where the country attempted to improve the Union. There were many successes, but what also comes along with success is failure. During the reconstruction many failures were present; such as the lack of racial equality and blatant racism towards blacks, a failing economy in the South, and tense relations between the North and the South. This created a very intense and challenging period of time for the Union. Reconstruction was successful in the idea that is reunited the United States by the former Confederate states pledging to the United States government and developing a new constitution which embodied the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments. At first, Reconstruction brought numerous job opportunities for black and whites in the South since collaboration was essential for the nation to be whole again. Furthermore, education, Freedmen 's Bureau, and laws were established in order to provide the newly freedmen with any assistance to feel like an American citizen. Some examples of these specific laws or acts are the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments and the Civil Rights Act of 1875 which “required the state governments provide equal Fortunately for some period of time the success of the reconstruction outweigh the negative, these negatives quickly escalated during this important milestone for the country. The process of the reconstruction quickly went downhill, after the positives transformed into negatives, the negatives did not end there and the list continued to grow. The addition of “black codes” began to destroy the newly established freedom of the former slaves. White supremacist congressmen passed the laws known as black codes to forbid “blacks the right to make contracts, testify against whites, marry white women, be unemployed, and loiter in public places”.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2024-10", "url": "https://www.ipl.org/essay/What-Are-The-Causes-Of-Congressional-Reconstruction-0C63CE81E098FBC8", "date": "2024-03-03T11:21:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947476374.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20240303111005-20240303141005-00453.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9700817465782166, "token_count": 1879, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Volume Teacher Resources Find Volume educational ideas and activities Showing 1 - 20 of 9,933 resources Sixth graders, by using the blocks as models of volume, examine how volume can be calculated simply by multiplying the area of the base by the height of the rectangular prism. In this comprehensive worksheet, young geometers solve a number of surface area and volume problems. Problems range from basic formula-based calculations to more challenging geometric figures and word problems. High schoolers find the volume of pyramids and cones. In this volume of pyramids and cones lesson, learners explore the relationship between the volumes of prisms and pyramids. They investigate the relationship between pyramids and cones. Students explore the volume and surface area of three dimensional figures. Through the use of video, students discover three dimensional shapes, their uses in real-life applications, and methods used to calculate their volume and surface area. Students participate in hands-on activities to calculate the volume and surface area of different shapes. Learners explore the concept of volume. In this volume lesson, students try to maximize the volume of a box using their Ti-Nspire. Learners graph the function representing the volume of the box and determine what dimensions yield the maximum volume. Young scholars determine the density of different substances. In this physical science lesson, students rank them according to their density. They discover the relationship between volume and density. Here is an online geometry activity in which learners complete 10 multiplechoice questions where they find the volume of 3D cubes using multiplication. They can check their answers at the end of the worksheet. The volume of various solids is explored in five sections with the last being eight example problems including step-by-step solutions. Using Cavalieri’s principle and easy-to-follow direct instructions with colored pictures, the first section defines volume, the second explores the volume of a right rectangular prism and related solids, expanding to a general formula for the volume of any prism. The third explains the formula used to find the volume of square pyramids by slicing up a right rectangular prism into small pyramids. Finally, the volume formula of a sphere is neatly derived. Fifth graders explore perimeter, volume and area and how they are used in everyday situations. In this geometry lesson students investigate the units of measure and begin to develop meaning for each. Then determine how to use them in everyday life situations. Tenth graders investigate volume in class and in the real world. They explore volume of cylinders and prisms as it relates to different subjects. Pupils also investigate how important volume is in different career field. Learners explore perimeter, area and volume. Using geoboards, toothpicks, and marshmallows, students create specific shapes. They are directed to use formulas to find the volume, area, and perimeter of the created shapes. In groups, learners estimate the number of cubes that will fit in containers. Students build a polyhedron and calculate the perimeter of the base and the volume of the polygon. Pupils explore the concept of dimension and its affect on overall volume. They construct rectangular prisms out of paper, then fill their prisms with popcorn. By transferring the same amount of popcorn to various prisms, they are able to compare the different sizes. This makes the concept of volume not only visual for your class, but also quite tasty! High schoolers solve five problems including finding the cross sectional area of two bodies, determining the swept out volume of a moving body, finding the average particle volume of a body and determining the collision time for a body. Students, after reviewing the measuring of the lengths of sides of different shapes along with the calculation of their perimeters and areas, encounter what it means by the 'perimeter' of a polygon. They practice measuring units of volume as well as strategies to find the volumes of various solids. In this cardiovascular worksheet, students read through notes, fill out a chart, and complete 30 review short answer questions. Calculate the volume for given shapes by having your learners find the volume of triangular, rectangular, and other polygonal prisms. They will use the correct formula to solve for the volume of each solid. A handout is included for this activity. Introduce the procedure needed to find the volume of a rectangular prism. Learners rank various prisms such as cereal boxes and tissue boxes from smallest to largest volume. They use an applet to find the volume and surface area of each rectangular prisms. Sal goes back to a look at the Adiabatic process in this chemistry video. He sets up a Carnot Cycle that occurs within an adiabatic process; meaning there is no transfer of heat. From that problem, Sal constructs Volume Ratios which is a mathematical way of proving that no heat was transferred. Students convert units of area and volume within the metric measurement system. They build models of square and cubic centimeters using centimeter grid paper. Students describe the attributes of the unit and what it measures. Students engage in a lesson that is concerned with finding the volume of a solid. They investigate and describe the characteristics of a favorite food and identify it as metal or non-metal. The lesson includes pictures of different solid shapes that need to be matched with a corresponding food.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-35", "url": "http://www.lessonplanet.com/lesson-plans/volume", "date": "2014-09-02T09:09:14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-35/segments/1409535921872.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20140909030949-00044-ip-10-180-136-8.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.920896053314209, "token_count": 1092, "score": 4.8125, "int_score": 5 }
This lesson focuses on the plans to remove the dams, restore the river, and return salmon to the Elwha River watershed. Managers will have to use different strategies depending on the current population levels, life histories, and habitat requirements for each species of salmon, to ensure recovery. Some species will be able to naturally recolonize the river and return to anadromy. During the dam removal process, there is expected to be great amounts of sediment released from the deltas which have formed at the mouth of the reservoirs. To assure their survival, some salmonid species will be stored and propagated in hatcheries, protected from the high levels of suspended sediment. Some species will need to be out-planted up river to facilitate recolonization following dam removal. In addition, a great deal of ecological work will be necessary post dam removal to restore vegetation, engineer logjams, and return the sediment regime to form spawning beds. Review Essential Question; introduce Guiding Question. Another great animation
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-18", "url": "http://www.nps.gov/olym/learn/education/classrooms/fte-sl16-rer.htm", "date": "2015-04-27T13:42:08", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-18/segments/1429246658376.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20150417045738-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9059717655181885, "token_count": 205, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Researchers from North Carolina State University noticed that a portion of the Appalachian Mountains in western North Carolina near the Cullasaja River basin was topographically quite different from its surroundings. They found two distinct landscapes in the basin: an upper portion with gentle, rounded hills, where the average distance from valley to mountain top was about 500 feet; and a lower portion where the valley bottom to ridgeline elevation difference was 2,500 feet, hills were steep, and there was an abundance of waterfalls. The researchers believed they could use this unique topography to decipher the more recent geologic history of the region. The Appalachian mountain range was formed between 325 to 260 million years ago by tectonic activity – when tectonic plates underneath the earth’s surface collided and pushed the mountains up. Around 230 million years ago, the Atlantic Ocean basin began to open, and this also affected the regional topography. But geologists knew that there hadn’t been any significant tectonic activity in the region since then. “Conventional wisdom holds that in the absence of tectonic activity, mountainous terrain gets eroded and beveled down, so the terrain isn’t as dramatic,” says Sean Gallen, NC State graduate student in marine, earth and atmospheric sciences. “When we noticed that this area looked more like younger mountain ranges instead of the older, rounded, rolling topography around it, we wanted to figure out what was going on.” Gallen and Karl Wegmann, an assistant professor of marine, earth and atmospheric sciences at NC State, decided to look at the waterfalls in the area, because they would have formed as the topography changed. By measuring the rate of erosion for the falls they could extrapolate their age, and therefore calculate how long ago this particular region was “rejuvenated” or lifted up. They found that these particular waterfalls were about 8 million years old, which indicated that the landscape must have been raised up around the same time. But without tectonic activity, how did the uplift occur? Gallen and Wegmann point to the earth’s mantle as the most likely culprit. “The earth’s outer shell is the crust, but the next layer down – the mantle – is essentially a very viscous fluid,” Wegmann says. “When it’s warm it can well up, pushing the crust up like a big blister. If a heavy portion of the crust underneath the Appalachians ‘broke off,’ so to speak, this area floated upward on top of the blister. In this case, our best hypothesis is that mantle dynamics rejuvenated the landscape.” The researchers’ findings appear in Geological Society of America Today. Del Bohnenstiehl, NC State associate professor of marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, contributed to the work. Note to editors: Abstract follows. “Miocene rejuvenation of topographic relief in the southern Appalachians” Authors: Sean F. Gallen, Karl W. Wegmann, and DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl, North Carolina State University Published: Geological Society of America TodayAbstract: Tracey Peake | EurekAlert! Volcanic eruption masked acceleration in sea level rise 26.08.2016 | National Science Foundation Biomass turnover time in ecosystems is halved by land use 23.08.2016 | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Scientists and engineers striving to create the next machine-age marvel--whether it be a more aerodynamic rocket, a faster race car, or a higher-efficiency jet... Waveguides are widely used for filtering, confining, guiding, coupling or splitting beams of visible light. However, creating waveguides that could do the same for X-rays has posed tremendous challenges in fabrication, so they are still only in an early stage of development. In the latest issue of Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances , Sarah Hoffmann-Urlaub and Tim Salditt report the fabrication and testing of... Electrochemists at TU Graz have managed to use monocrystalline semiconductor silicon as an active storage electrode in lithium batteries. This enables an integrated power supply to be made for microchips with a rechargeable battery. Small electrical gadgets, such as mobile phones, tablets or notebooks, are indispensable accompaniments of everyday life. Integrated circuits in the interiors... Recent findings indicating the possible discovery of a previously unknown subatomic particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature, according... A nanocrystalline material that rapidly makes white light out of blue light has been developed by KAUST researchers. 25.08.2016 | Event News 24.08.2016 | Event News 12.08.2016 | Event News 26.08.2016 | Health and Medicine 26.08.2016 | Earth Sciences 26.08.2016 | Life Sciences
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-36", "url": "http://www.innovations-report.com//html/reports/earth-sciences/researchers-find-evidence-geological-facelift-208936.html", "date": "2016-08-27T09:54:24", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-36/segments/1471982298977.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20160823195818-00048-ip-10-153-172-175.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9145227074623108, "token_count": 1051, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
The activities in this book are designed to teach strategies for solving word problems. Your students will use Funtastic Frogs to act out word problems that involve addition and subtraction. They will use the four-step problemsolving process and these strategies: look for a pattern, make or use a picture, make a table, make an organized list, and use logical thinking. Your students will love solving word problems this way!They also use the Lily Pad Number Line (page 31) to solve problems involving comparing numbers and skip counting. Be sure students understand how to count hops on the number line. Activities 11-15: Make a table. Students begin this anbsp;... |Title||:||Funtastic Frogs Word Problems, Grades K - 2| |Author||:||Patricia Cartland Noble| |Publisher||:||Carson-Dellosa Publishing - 2012-10-22|
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-44", "url": "http://www.escort-project.eu/download-pdf-funtastic-frogs-word-problems-grades-k-2-book-by-carson-dellosa-publishing.pdf", "date": "2016-10-23T09:44:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-44/segments/1476988719215.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00178-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8665521144866943, "token_count": 188, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Standard, Expanded, and Written Number Form (P) In this number sense worksheet, learners fill in 14 blanks in a chart with either the standard, expanded, or written form of each of the given numbers. They work with numbers to the hundred thousands place value. 4th - 5th Math 3 Views 19 Downloads Comparing Fractions with the Same Numerators, Assessment Variation Have your class demonstrate their ability to compare fractions with this short multiple-choice assessment. Using the fractions 9/8 and 9/4, the students first make comparisons using both words and the greater than/less than signs. Next,... 3rd - 4th Math CCSS: Designed Twenty Questions: The Hundred Chart Use the 20 Questions game to practice math vocabulary and number properties! Project a hundreds chart and hand one out to learners. Ideally, give them counters (beans would work well) to mark off the chart so you can play multiple times.... 2nd - 6th English Language Arts CCSS: Designed Mayan Mathematics and Architecture Take young scholars on a trip through history with this unit on the mathematics and architecture of the Mayan civilization. Starting with a introduction to their base twenty number system and the symbols they used, this eight-lesson unit... 4th - 8th Math CCSS: Adaptable Water: The Math Link Make a splash with a math skills resource! Starring characters from the children's story Mystery of the Muddled Marsh, several worksheets create interdisciplinary connections between science, language arts, and math. They cover a wide... 1st - 4th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable Grade 4 Lessons for Learning Designed specifically with Common Core standards in mind, this collection of 4th grade math lessons builds the number sense of young mathematicians as they explore the concepts of place value, multiplication of multi-digit numbers,... 4 mins 3rd - 5th Math CCSS: Designed
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-44", "url": "https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/standard-expanded-and-written-number-form-p", "date": "2016-10-25T02:25:43", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-44/segments/1476988719843.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00271-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8902289271354675, "token_count": 403, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
A 2-page worksheet that gives students practice interpreting information on the periodic table . Specifically, this worksheet challenges students to use an element's atomic number and mass number to calculate the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in 1 atom of that element. I use this worksheet to review concepts found in Section 2 of my Atoms and the Periodic Table PPT presentation . This section introduces the basic information found in each element square on the periodic table. Namely, the element's chemical symbol, name, atomic number, and mass number . This worksheet gives student practice performing 2 tasks: (1) locating an element on the periodic table to find its name and chemical symbol; and (2) using the atomic number and mass number of an element to calculate the number of protons, electrons and neutrons. A link to my Atoms and the Periodic Table PPT presentation is found below. PPT - Atoms and the Periodic Table features a short reading exercise on the following topics: - Definition of an element - How elements differ by number of protons - Basic information found in an element's square: name, symbol, atomic number, mass number - What the atomic number represents - What the mass number represents (in basic form) - Calculating the number of protons, neutrons, electrons from the atomic and mass number features 18 element squares that students complete by filling in one or more of the following pieces of information: name, chemical symbol, protons, neutrons, and electrons. is a full answer key for all element squares. Downloadable in 2 Formats: This worksheet comes in 2 formats: a static PDF document and fully-editable WORD document Download the full PDF preview to see EXACTLY what you are getting! Relevant NGSS Core Idea(s) Addressed by This Product: NGSS - MS-PS1.A Physical Science - Matter and its Interactions - Structure and Properties of Matter You Might Also Like the Following Unit Resources: UNIT BUNDLE - Atoms and the Periodic Table PPT - Atoms and the Periodic Table PPT - Jeopardy Game: Atoms & the Periodic Table Review Unit Overview & Key Words - Atoms and the Periodic Table Unit Worksheet - Structure of the Atom Worksheet - Development of the Atomic Model Worksheet - Element Math Worksheet - What are Isotopes? Worksheet - Drawing Bohr Diagrams Worksheet - Drawing Electron Dot Diagrams Worksheet - Mendeleev's Periodic Table of Elements Worksheet - Groups of the Periodic Table Worksheet - Alien Periodic Table Puzzle Worksheet - Elemingo or Element Bingo Game Lab - Isotopes With Beans Lab - Isotopes With M&Ms Quiz - Structure of the Atom Quiz - Drawing Bohr and Electron Dot Diagrams Quiz - Element Names and Chemical Symbols (6 Quiz Bundle) Quiz - Element Groups of the Periodic Table Unit Review - Atoms and the Periodic Table Test - Atoms and the Periodic Table Connect with More Science With Mr. Enns Resources: Be sure to follow my TpT store by clicking on the Follow Me next to my seller picture to receive notifications of new products and upcoming sales. Copyright © Douglas Enns . All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this document are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "url": "https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Worksheet-Element-Math-Calculating-Number-of-Protons-Neutrons-Electrons-3730563", "date": "2018-08-16T02:10:30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221210408.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20180816015316-20180816035316-00694.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7830557823181152, "token_count": 837, "score": 4.71875, "int_score": 5 }
These brainstorm, storyboard, and checklist activities will allow your students to write fabulous Common Core narratives! Items such as sentence length, figurative language, and plot contents are explained in student-friendly language through this lesson plan. Students will be able to write creative narratives that align with the Common Core standards while letting their characters come to life with rich dialogue and details! There is an art extension activity for early finishers to give you time to work with your struggling writers. This lesson can be used with either personal or fictional narratives. Some of the elements included in the development and planning phases of the lesson are: -Transition words and phrases for sequence and order of events -Utilizing specific nouns and verbs -Varying sentence length -Incorporating figurative language This lesson also comes with an anchor paper to read with your class and discuss. It is accompanied by comprehension questions as well! The following Common Core standards are covered in this lesson: **Note: I also sell this lesson bundled with the other 5th grade writing standards. Please click here to see that bundle: 5th Grade Common Core Writing Bundle Please note that I sell this lesson bundled with my other 5th grade writing lessons. Please do not duplicate your purchase! Thank you for visiting my store! :)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-04", "url": "https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/5th-Grade-Common-Core-Narrative-Writing-316812", "date": "2019-01-17T23:24:22", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-04/segments/1547583659417.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20190117224929-20190118010929-00334.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9069831371307373, "token_count": 270, "score": 4.65625, "int_score": 5 }
Writing Balanced Chemical Equations – Worksheet Worksheet to accompany the lesson. Click cover for full preview. Scroll down for product information. - This worksheet covers: - Chemical reactions – reactants and products - Word equations and formula equations - The Law of Conservation of Mass - Using diagrams to represent conservation of mass - Steps for balancing a formula equation - Unit outline. - Cloze activity (fill in the blanks). - Short-answer questions. - Teacher version containing complete answers. - Aligned to the Australian Year 9 Science curriculum. - 9 pages. - By the end of this worksheet students will be able to: - ☑ Define the Law of Conservation of Mass. - ☑ Explain how the Law of Conservation of Mass applies to chemical reactions. - ☑ Balance a chemical equation. This resource is also included in the.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://www.goodscience.com.au/product/writing-balanced-chemical-equations-worksheet/", "date": "2021-01-27T06:38:07", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610704821253.82/warc/CC-MAIN-20210127055122-20210127085122-00014.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.814471423625946, "token_count": 189, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
One of the first questions young readers should ask is, "Who is telling this story?" Here students will practice spotting different points of view by identifying which point of view sentences are written from and then writing sentences of their own. Text dependent questions are reading comprehension questions that can only be answered by referring to the text. Students have to read the text closely and use inferential thinking to determine the answer. Use this list of text dependent questions for you Making inferences is a critical skill for young readers to master, as it helps them look beyond the words on the page to figure out the author's message. Use these simple sentences to get your students started in making their own inferences! Want to help your young readers learn to discern the central message or lesson of fictional stories? Have your students read this short version of the classic fable of the "Lion and the Mouse" by Aesop to practice determining the moral. Learning to read chapter books and summarize the key components is an important skill for young readers. Use this handy guide to assist your child in writing about the characters, setting, conflict, and goals in the book they are reading.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://www.education.com/resources/third-grade/fiction-comprehension/CCSS-ELA-Literacy-RL-3/", "date": "2021-04-20T05:30:45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618039375537.73/warc/CC-MAIN-20210420025739-20210420055739-00334.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9406209588050842, "token_count": 235, "score": 4.6875, "int_score": 5 }
We know many operators from school. They are things like addition -, and so on. In this chapter, we’ll concentrate on aspects of operators that are not covered by school arithmetic. Terms: “unary”, “binary”, “operand” Before we move on, let’s grasp some common terminology. - An operand – is what operators are applied to. For instance, in the multiplication of 5 * 2there are two operands: the left operand is 5and the right operand is 2. Sometimes, people call these “arguments” instead of “operands”. - An operator is unary if it has a single operand. For example, the unary negation -reverses the sign of a number: An operator is binary if it has two operands. The same minus exists in binary form as well: In the above examples, we formally have two different operators sharing the same symbol: the negation operator, a unary operator reversing the sign, and the subtraction operator, a binary operator subtracting one number from another. String concatenation, binary + Usually, the plus operator + sums numbers. But, if the binary + is applied to strings, it merges (concatenates) them: Note that if one of the operands is a string, the other one is converted to a string too. See, it doesn’t matter whether the first operand is a string or the second. The rule is simple: if either operand is a string, the other operand is also converted to a string. Note, though, that operations are running from left to right. If there are two numbers followed by a string, before converting to a list, the numbers will be added: String concatenation and conversion is a special feature of the binary plus +. Other arithmetic operators work only with numbers and always convert their operands to numbers. For instance, subtraction and division: The addition operator + (addition) operator is used for both addition and concatenation of strings. For example, adding two variables is easy: The addition operator is used to combine strings with strings, strings with numbers, and numbers with strings: Use the signs minus-), (asterisk (*) and slash (/) to subtract, multiply and divide two numbers. Advanced mathematical operators
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "https://tristudy.com/operators/", "date": "2021-06-24T05:22:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488551052.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20210624045834-20210624075834-00174.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8701500296592712, "token_count": 517, "score": 4.84375, "int_score": 5 }
V0 V+ + V Lecture 10: Amplifiers and Comparators Today, we will • Learn how to design op-amp circuits to perform a task • Piece together basic op-amp circuits and adjust resistances • D/A converter • Investigate another digital application of the op-amp: the comparator • 1-bit A/D converter Designing Op-Amp Circuits • You can design a new op-amp circuit by connecting our basic op-amp circuits together and selecting resistor values. • Even if there is an element (or another circuit) attached to the output of an op-amp circuit, the op-amp circuit behaves the same. • Break the desired task into smaller pieces which are easily done with one op-amp circuit, then connect the circuits together. Example • Design a circuit whose output is: Number Representation • A computer represents the number “1” (logic 1) by some positive voltage; usually 3 V to 5 V. • The number “0” is represented by 0 V. • A number in the computer is stored in binary, or base two representation. • Each binary digit (bit) is represented by a voltage at a separate point. V2 Memory Chip V1 3-bit memory V0 Number Representation • In the circuit below, V0 could represent the “ones” place, V1 the “twos” place, and V2 the “fours” place. • One can have either a 1 or a 0 in each place. So, the 3-bit memory can store numbers 0 through 7. • The number in each place is represented by a voltage, 0 V for 0 and, say, 5 V for 1. V2 Memory Chip V1 3-bit memory V0 Digital to Analog (D/A) Conversion • The op-amp circuit that we just designed converts the digital number representation in our memory chip to an analog representation. • It takes a number currently represented by three voltages with place values, and reinterprets the number so that “1” is represented by 1 V, “6” is represented by 6 V, etc. The circuit: • Divides each input voltage by 5 so each will have the value 0 V or 1 V • Multiplies by the place value that number represents • Adds up the numbers D/A Conversion • Your stereo speaker has cones in it that vibrate to make the sound. An analog voltage causes the cones to vibrate. • The D/A converter helps translate digitally stored music into an analog voltage for the speakers. • Digital music (CD, MP3) provides a number indicating the sound amplitude at each sample time. These numbers get translated into analog voltage by the D/A converter. • The more bits used to store each sample, the more audio levels represented (better quality) A/D Conversion, Signal Degradation • Naturally, we want to be able to go in the other direction as well, and convert analog representation to digital. • This is useful not only in audio and data acquisition, but within digital computation as well. • As a digital signal propagates, it is degraded by natural resistance and capacitance in circuits. • Pretty soon, the signal is not only 0 or 1 most of the time, but has in-between (nonsense) voltages too. Always 0 or 1 Degraded Signal Comparator The degraded signal can be “cleaned up”, transformed into a signal which is nearly always 0 or 1, using a comparator. To make a comparator, • We set the high rail on the op-amp to the logic 1 voltage, and the low rail to logic 0 (0 V). • We set the threshold voltage VTHR to be around halfway between logic 0 and logic 1. V0 VIN + V0 VIN + Using the Rails • Note that in the linear region, VO = A (VIN – VTHR). • Since A is large, the amplifier will hit the top rail when VIN is just a little above VTHR. • It will hit the low rail when VIN is just a little lower than VTHR. • Only a small range of VIN will leave it in the linear region. • The comparator “decides” whether VIN is logic 0 or logic 1. V0 Slope is A Example • Suppose we have a comparator with: • Logic 1 voltage = 5 V • Logic 0 voltage = 0 V • Threshold voltage = 2 V • Ri = ∞, RO = 0 Ω, A = 1000 • For the input signal VIN(t) = 5 – e-2t V, sketch VO(t) for t between 0 and 3 seconds.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "https://www.slideserve.com/leighanna/lecture-10-amplifiers-and-comparators-powerpoint-ppt-presentation", "date": "2021-06-23T12:54:16", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488538041.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20210623103524-20210623133524-00014.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8796656131744385, "token_count": 992, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
Storytelling helps student engagement, creates new ways of communicating, helps students look at ideas in a different way, and changes their attitudes toward others. Storytelling allows for an appreciation of culture as students learn and understand other cultures in the classroom. This teaching strategy has proven to be a successful culturally relevant teaching practice. Teachers need professional training and support to effectively implement culturally relevant teaching. I learn from others as well as share my ideas with my peers. This also provides me a way to reflect upon other educator's methods in order to develop my own methods of teaching and practices which improves upon my performance in the classroom. York-Barr et al., (2006) suggests that "Joining with another person in the process of reflection can result in greater insight about one's own practice especially when trust is high and the right combination of support and challenges is present." Ash and Clayton (2004) stated that reflection is "A continual interweaving of thinking and doing," and I could not agree more. It is very important as an educator to reflect both independently and with others in order to grow and develop as an educator. Values are extremely important in understanding and defining particular cultures. Values determine many other aspects of a culture, including norms, beliefs, and behaviors. Due to societal pluralism and subcultures, the values of each person within a particular culture may vary slightly, but it remains true that each dominant culture has its own unique set of core values. The diverse cultures of the world as we know them could not exist without their distinctive values. In today’s classroom it is inevitable that many types of diversity will be present and I believe it is the teacher’s innate responsibility to recognize and support it. Diversity comes in many forms including learning styles and abilities, race, religion and sexual orientation. Any diversity encountered in the classroom should be embraced as a chance to grow and learn for the teacher, the student who is deemed as ‘different’ and the total student body. This personal philosophy has developed within me as a result of my own experiences in a diverse public school system as a student. I intend to both support my diverse classrooms and to help other educators and students to promote, incorporate and develop diversity in their own classrooms. It is important that teachers ensure that the work of each member of the group is significant to the success of the task. Individual accountability refers to the need for each member of the team to receive feedback on his or her own efforts contribute to the achievement of the goal. Cooperative learning permits that students interact in ways that they can enhance and deepen their learning. Students can reflect on the acquired knowledge by talking with and listening to their classmates. It also increases motivation for learning because it encourages responsibility, can improve cognitive and social skills, such as academic engagement, self-esteem, attitudes toward school, and strong kinship with peers. Adaptations to the curriculum will reinforce student learning by creating a positive and engaging experience for students in the classroom. Culturally relevant instructional practices, such as differentiated instruction and storytelling, will help foster culturally diverse students learning by creating a higher level of engagement and a better connection to their culture. Professional training and support will provide all teachers with the knowledge and encouragement that they need to develop culturally relevant pedagogy. Family and community interactions will provide teachers with support to create classrooms conducive to learning. Research proves that if culturally relevant pedagogy is implemented, it will benefit the changing student demographics both academically and I am becoming an educator because I feel that I can positively influence the lives of others. I am confident in my ability to interact with others as I look forward to improving students’ lives through education. I feel that in order for students to prosper they must be comfortable with their learning environment. I plan to have an well-organized classroom with various bulletin boards highlighting current chapters of study, as well as announcements and assignments. I also believe that you must keep students both interested and involved to achieve successful learning. I think in a teacher, that’s a great aspect of having because it makes students feel more comfortable and keeps students more engaged in class with activities and lessons. My educational philosophy contains many things: of course, to get an education, to be active in learning, get feedback on students, steady learning environment, and a student-teacher emotional connection. I would really like my students to be engaged because it shows me if they 're learning. Somehow I would like to get feedback from my students because I would be able to understand where they are at with the learning process. Moreover, I would love that student-teacher emotional connection because I want to be able to relate somehow to my students or just even understand what they been thru in their lives. In my classroom I would allow students to develop their own set of classroom rules and consequences with my guidance. This allows the students to define the meaning of respect and how it applies to our classroom and provides a judicious approach to discipline. Learning to respect one another develops a mutual trust among the classroom community. Learning respect also occurs through an open sharing of ideas. Students become members of the classroom community by using discussion strategies and positive support of others ideas. Teaching is a lifelong learning process. It involves the learning of new strategies, philosophies, and methods. I can learn from colleagues, parents, classes, and from the students themselves. I want my students to take responsibility for their learning. I want to give them the tools to help become successful in their life.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://www.123helpme.com/essay/The-Importance-Of-Cultural-Identity-759035", "date": "2021-09-16T15:37:58", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780053657.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20210916145123-20210916175123-00334.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9710167050361633, "token_count": 1112, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
During class, students should ask themselves: - What are the main ideas of today’s lesson? - Was anything confusing or difficult? - If something isn’t making sense, what question should I ask the teacher? - Am I taking proper notes? - What can I do if I get stuck on a problem? Before a test, students should ask themselves: - What will be on the test? - What areas do I struggle with or feel confused about? - How much time should I set aside to prepare for an upcoming test? - Do I have the necessary materials (books, school supplies, a computer and online access, etc.) and a quiet place to study, with no distractions? - What strategies will I use to study? Is it enough to simply read and review the material, or will I take practice tests, study with a friend, or write note cards? - What grade would I get if I were to take the test right now? After a test, students should ask themselves: - What questions did I get wrong, and why did I get them wrong? - Were there any surprises during the test? - Was I well-prepared for the test? - What could I have done differently?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://www.is234.com/Page/4848", "date": "2021-10-18T10:57:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585201.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20211018093606-20211018123606-00654.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9512597322463989, "token_count": 265, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Roman Senate (Senatus) was a legislative and executive body during the republic, and only a legislative body during the Roman Empire. The Roman Senate was theoretically only an advisory body to officials elected by the people. However, its role expanded significantly during the mature republic. From the 1st century BCE, its importance declined decisively, and eventually, as an organ, it was only relegated to an honourary position during the empire without significant power. Senators were called “fathers” (patres) because of their position in the Republic and their overwhelming importance (auctoritas). The senators wore a purple tunic belt (latus clavus) and a purple leg garment with an ivory crescent-shaped buckle (mullei cum lunula) and a gold ring adorned with a precious stone (cancelus aureus). Senators’ shoes were called calcei. Regardless of the period of your country, senators have always occupied the best places in the theatre and circus. The period of the republic During the early republic, there were 100 senators on the council. However, this number was changed frequently. In the 2nd century BCE, the body was increased to 300. In 80 BCE under Sulla’s dictatorship 600 representatives were appointed, to increase to 900 under Caesar. Senators were elected from adult men from the most influential and wealthiest patrician families of the so-called senatorial families. The senate was open to Roman citizens of impeccable opinion who were over 45 years of age and owned a land estate of at least 400,000 sesterces. The position of a senator was for life unless a given senator was stained with disgrace and was expelled from its composition by the senate. Senators also died often in factional battles. During the early republic, candidates were proposed by the consul and approved by the entire Senate. At the end of the 4th century BCE, the function of the consul was taken over by the censor. The selection was called lectio senatus. Former and present officials, who were entered on the list of senators, sat on the benches of the senate. The list of the senate was drawn up according to the rank of offices, i.e. from the highest one: consuls, praetors, aediles, tribunes and quaestors. The first on the list was always one of the consuls, called princeps senatus. Decisions were made by open voting with a simple majority of votes. Senators, whether or not they walked across a line drawn on the floor of the chamber, were for or against the motion. During some important votes, there were scuffles or forcing reluctant senators to go to the right side. The quorum was different, depending on the matter discussed. If the war was debated, the validity of the deliberations required 1/?of those entitled, and if on the less important topic only 1/?of all senators were needed. Each senator was entitled to speak once on a given matter. By law, he was not allowed to interrupt unless he had stopped giving his speech. He also had the right to say what he wanted and for how long before he got down to it. This was sometimes used to block proceedings with endless speeches. Various factions formed in the Senate, some permanent and others only to support the project. There were two permanent parties in the republic’s political system: Optimates (optimates), or “the best”, who represented the interests of the wealthiest and influential families of Rome. It was established in the second half of the 2nd century BCE. They had support in the Senate and sought to maintain control of the state by overseeing the administration and finances of the state. In order to maintain their position, they resisted any attempts to change (democratize) the republic’s system. This party includes Pompey the Great, Cicero, Brutus. Populares (populares) represented the interests of the commoners and the peasantry. The beginnings of the party’s activities date back to the times of the Grakch brothers (second half of the second century BCE). Its representatives did not manage to create a single program. Initially, the populares used the office of the people’s tribune to submit a veto. Populares opposed the policies of the former aristocracy. They were in favour of: agrarian reforms, the distribution of grain (bribing the proletariat by the state), rights for Italians, cancellation of court debts and the transfer of courts to equites in extortion cases in the provinces. In the later period of the republic, the leaders of the popular figures were people descending from nobles, such as the Grakch brothers, Gaius Marius or Julius Caesar. The optimists fought particularly fierce with the popular during the reforms of the Gracchus (133-121 BCE). The meeting place of the Senate was mainly Curia (Curia Hostilia), although the deliberations were sometimes held at the temple of Jupiter Stator on the Palatine, the temple of Harmony, the temple of Castor and Pollux, as well as in private palaces. Sessions, preceded by fortune-telling, were convened by the praetor, consul or people’s tribune, and it was the official summoning the deliberations who was the senate’s leader. It was he who, with the help of a herald, gave the senators the announcement (edictum). They were held on the first, thirteenth and fifteenth day of each month. It was possible to convene the body additionally, but only in exceptional circumstances, and the sessions could not take place during religious holidays. The assembly of senators usually lasted from sunrise to sunset, but sometimes when an important matter was discussed, the deliberations were extended until the night. Apart from senators, secretaries, messengers and liqueurs could participate in the meetings. The meeting closed with the words: The Senate and the Roman People passed (Senatus populusque Romanus decrevit). Senate resolutions were originally not legally binding (lex or plebiscitum) and were only decisions of the senat (senatus consultum). However, along with the expansion of the senate’s powers, it gained the right to issue resolutions with the force of law. Having secured an advantage in the state, the Senate was able to take care of its interests, ie the group of great landowners whom it represented, without fear. For this purpose, he could have prevented the adoption of a motion that was inconvenient for him. In exceptional circumstances, the Senate had the opportunity to declare a state of emergency in Rome on the basis of a special resolution senatus consultum ultimum. This right suspended the activities of the authorities and allowed the consuls to take appropriate steps to restore order in the city. This facility was used many times by the Senate during the crisis of the republic in the 1st century BCE. After the establishment of the empire, the importance of the Senate declined significantly. It completely lost its political significance, and the election of the senator became only a kind of ennoblement. Over time, the formula of the so-called adlectio, involving the inclusion in the senate of a person who did not hold office, guaranteed entry to this institution. Apart from Rome, other important cities founded by the Romans (municipalities) had their senates. It is worth mentioning here, for example, the senate in Constantinople, which during the fall of the Western Roman Empire gained a significance comparable to its Roman counterpart.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-49", "url": "https://imperiumromanum.pl/en/roman-constitution/roman-republic/roman-offices/roman-senate/", "date": "2021-12-01T22:13:59", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-49/segments/1637964360951.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20211201203843-20211201233843-00094.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9798061847686768, "token_count": 1556, "score": 4.59375, "int_score": 5 }
When two tectonic plates collide, a subduction zone forms if one or both of the plates is oceanic lithosphere. An oceanic plate will re-enter the mantle. Remember that at midocean ridges, oceanic plates are formed from mantle material. Thus, they too must eventually be returned to the mantle. Subduction zones form where two plates converge. One plate goes down into the mantle, while the other plate rises up over its neighbor. Subduction zones occur at convergent boundaries between two plates. These can be either continental plates (which have been pushed together vertically by tectonics) or oceanic plates (which have been pulled toward each other horizontally). It all began with the first observations of volcanoes and earthquakes near modern-day Tokyo made in 1811 by British sailors on board a ship called "Shimpanzee". They observed the new island rising due to volcanic activity and noted that it was being dragged beneath the sea surface by a new type of earthquake activity now known as "subduction". Since then, scientists have learned that subduction is a major force behind creation of islands and ocean trenches around the world. It also plays an important role in determining the appearance of our planet's surface. For example, subduction causes the formation of the Hawaiian Islands by consuming part of the leading edge of the Pacific Plate under the North American Plate. When a tectonic plate's oceanic lithosphere collides with the less dense lithosphere of another plate, the heavier plate dives beneath the second plate and descends into the mantle. This process happens in an area known as a subduction zone, and its surface manifestation is known as an arc-trench complex. The trench forms as the descending plate pulls the surrounding crust with it, deepening the intrusion and creating a valley. As the plate moves deeper into the mantle it melts, producing the volcanic arcs that pepper its upper surface. Subduction occurs at many locations around the world, but it is most prevalent in the Pacific Ocean where two large plates converge. The leading edge of the Pacific Plate plunges beneath Japan and then underneath South America, while the trailing edge underlies North America. The Philippine Sea Plate also engages in subduction, but it does not reach as far south as Asia because it is being overridden by another plate: the Sunda Plate. The result is that the Philippine Sea Plate rises above the surface of Earth's mantle, causing volcanoes to erupt all over the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia. Subduction is one of the main forces behind the formation of continents and oceans. It plays an important role in generating seismic activity, delivering powerful earthquakes, and may even have contributed to the extinction of some dinosaurs. When one oceanic plate is driven beneath another, a subduction zone forms. The descending plate melts at the bottom of the trench and raises up new rock that was once far below the surface. This new rock is called "slate". The remaining part of the old oceanic plate is called "ductile rocks". It tends to be flat or gently sloping. The result is that you have two types of terrain associated with subduction zones: the steep-sided trenches where the plates meet; and the more gradual slopes on either side of the trench. Trenches can reach depths of nearly 5km (3 miles) or more and run for hundreds of kilometers. Slopes often rise only a few meters per kilometer but they extend over very large areas: the Pacific Northwest from Canada to Chile has been formed by subduction erosion of rocks derived from several different sources. Subduction zones are found everywhere that there are oceans. They form the Andaman Islands off India, the Sunda Shelf off Indonesia, the Kaikoura Ridge in New Zealand, and the Diablo Range in California. In addition to these obvious examples, many other islands in the world were probably also created by subduction erosion.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://bartlesvilleschools.org/do-oceanic-plates-subduct", "date": "2022-01-25T22:11:00", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304876.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125220353-20220126010353-00054.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9520202875137329, "token_count": 799, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
What does gender equality mean to your pupils? Activities and lesson plans for children aged 9 and up on the concept of gender equality. This series of activities from the British Council aims to explore gender identities and gender equality, and help pupils learn about female role models. The free pack contains different activity guides to get pupils thinking in more depth about the topic, including a word matching activity and a research task. Using this resource This resource is designed for: - use with children aged 9 and up - use with whole classes or groups Living in the Wider World (KS2) • to value the different contributions that people and groups make to the community • about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community; • about valuing diversity within communities MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING IN THE LOCAL AND WIDER COMMUNITY Pupils should be enabled to explore: • valuing and celebrating cultural difference and diversity; (KS2) • I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all. Humanities - Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs. I can explore my identity and compare it with those of others, recognising that society is made up of diverse groups, beliefs and viewpoints. (Progression step 2) I have explored and am aware of diversity in communities. (Progression step 2) I can describe and explain the ways in which my life is similar and different to others, and I understand that not everyone shares the same experiences, beliefs and viewpoints. (Progression step 3)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/resources/what-does-gender-equality-mean-to-your-pupils/", "date": "2022-05-20T06:44:07", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662531762.30/warc/CC-MAIN-20220520061824-20220520091824-00054.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9135726690292358, "token_count": 354, "score": 4.8125, "int_score": 5 }
By the end of this section, you will be able to: Now that we have located positive and negative numbers on the number line, it is time to discuss arithmetic operations with integers. Most students are comfortable with the addition and subtraction facts for positive numbers. But doing addition or subtraction with both positive and negative numbers may be more difficult. This difficulty relates to the way the brain learns. The brain learns best by working with objects in the real world and then generalizing to abstract concepts. Toddlers learn quickly that if they have two cookies and their older brother steals one, they have only one left. This is a concrete example of 2−1.2−1. Children learn their basic addition and subtraction facts from experiences in their everyday lives. Eventually, they know the number facts without relying on cookies. Addition and subtraction of negative numbers have fewer real world examples that are meaningful to us. Math teachers have several different approaches, such as number lines, banking, temperatures, and so on, to make these concepts real. We will model addition and subtraction of negatives with two color counters. We let a blue counter represent a positive and a red counter will represent a negative. If we have one positive and one negative counter, the value of the pair is zero. They form a neutral pair. The value of this neutral pair is zero as summarized in Figure 3.17. Figure 3.17 A blue counter represents +1.+1. A red counter represents −1.−1. Together they add to zero. Example 3.14 and Example 3.15 are very similar. The first example adds 5 positives and 3 positives—both positives. The second example adds 5 negatives and 3 negatives—both negatives. In each case, we got a result of 8—either8 positives or 8 negatives. When the signs are the same, the counters are all the same color. Now let’s see what happens when the signs are different. Simplify Expressions with Integers Now that you have modeled adding small positive and negative integers, you can visualize the model in your mind to simplify expressions with any integers. For example, if you want to add 37+(−53), you don’t have to count out 37 blue counters and 53 red counters. Picture 37 blue counters with 53 red counters lined up underneath. Since there would be more negative counters than positive counters, the sum would be negative. Because 53−37=16, there are 16 more negative counters. Let’s try another one. We’ll add −74+(−27). Imagine 74 red counters and 27 more red counters, so we have 101 red counters all together. This means the sum is −101. Look again at the results of Example 3.14 – Example 3.17. |both positive, sum positive||both negative, sum negative| |When the signs are the same, the counters would be all the same color, so add them.| |different signs, more negatives||different signs, more positives| |Sum negative||sum positive| |When the signs are different, some counters would make neutral pairs; subtract to see how many are left.| Table3.1 Addition of Positive and Negative Integers The techniques we have used up to now extend to more complicated expressions. Remember to follow the order of operations. Remember that to evaluate an expression means to substitute a number for the variable in the expression. Now we can use negative numbers as well as positive numbers when evaluating expressions. Next we’ll evaluate an expression with two variables. All our earlier work translating word phrases to algebra also applies to expressions that include both positive and negative numbers. Remember that the phrase the sum indicates addition. Recall that we were introduced to some situations in everyday life that use positive and negative numbers, such as temperatures, banking, and sports. For example, a debt of $5$5 could be represented as −$5.−$5. Let’s practice translating and solving a few applications. Solving applications is easy if we have a plan. First, we determine what we are looking for. Then we write a phrase that gives the information to find it. We translate the phrase into math notation and then simplify to get the answer. Finally, we write a sentence to answer the question. Model Addition of Integers In the following exercises, model the expression to simplify. In the following exercises, simplify each expression. In the following exercises, evaluate each expression. In the following exercises, translate each phrase into an algebraic expression and then simplify. In the following exercises, solve. What was the overall change for the week? What was the overall change for the week? Explain why the sum of −8−8 and 22 is negative, but the sum of 88 and −2−2 and is positive.126. Give an example from your life experience of adding two negative numbers. ⓐ After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section. ⓑ After reviewing this checklist, what will you do to become confident for all objectives?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "url": "https://databot.online/topic/3-2-add-integers/", "date": "2022-05-17T16:30:40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662519037.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20220517162558-20220517192558-00254.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9125345349311829, "token_count": 1076, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
Common And Proper Nouns Worksheet 1St Grade. Click on the image to display our pdf worksheet. In fact, proper nouns are specific names for particular things, places, or people. Part of a collection of free grade 1 grammar worksheets from k5 learning. Award winning educational materials designed to help kids succeed. Proper nouns can be easily identified in a sentence. Table of Contents Second, It Always Starts With A Capital Letter. Part of a collection of free grade 1 grammar worksheets from k5 learning. Sometimes a proper noun can contain two. The moffatt girls fall math and literacy packet 1st grade common and proper nouns proper nouns proper nouns worksheet. Beginner First Grade Common And Proper Nouns Worksheets For Grade 1. Browse printable 1st grade common core proper noun worksheets. First grade proper noun worksheets. Award winning educational materials designed to help kids succeed. Learning The Difference Between Common Nouns And Proper Nouns Is Simple With This Set Of 3 Worksheets! Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Plural and possessive nouns are introduced. Sort common and proper nouns first grade worksheets. The Focus Is On Identifying Simple Nouns Either In Isolation Or In A Sentence. 4 practice worksheets covers the first grade language standard l 1 1b each page has. These language worksheets are perfect for students in the first grade. Second it always starts with a capital letter. Worksheets Are Grade 1 Common Proper Nouns B, Grade 1 Nouns Work, First Grade Noun Work For Grade 1, Proper Nouns, Proper Noun Sentences Work, First Grade Proper Nouns Work, Common And Proper Nouns, Work On Proper And Common Nouns For Grade 1. This resource contains everything you need. Common and proper nouns worksheets and printables explore set of free worksheets for elementary grade kids to practice common and proper. This set of noun activities for kindergarten and first grade students includes noun anchor charts, noun games, noun worksheets and pocket chart sorting activities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://frameplay.co/common-and-proper-nouns-worksheet-1st-grade", "date": "2022-06-30T04:27:31", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103661137.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20220630031950-20220630061950-00254.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8523125648498535, "token_count": 459, "score": 4.75, "int_score": 5 }
In geometry, three-dimensional shapes or 3D shapes are bodies that have three dimensions such as length, width, and height. Whereas 2D shapes only have two dimensions, namely length and width. Examples of three-dimensional objects can be seen in our daily life, such as E.g. a cone-shaped ice cream, a cube-shaped box, a ball etc. 3D shapes are shapes with three dimensions such as width, height and depth. An example of a 3D shape is a prism or a sphere. 3D shapes are multidimensional and can be physically captured. 3D shapes are solid shapes or objects with three dimensions (length, width, and height), as opposed to two-dimensional objects, which only have length and width. Other important terms related to 3D geometric shapes are faces, edges, and vertices. They have depth and therefore take up a certain volume. In computers, 3-D (three-dimensional or three-dimensional) describes an image that conveys the perception of depth. When 3-D images are made interactive to make users feel part of the scene, the experience is called virtual reality. “You’re used to seeing depth in objects. This is everyday life to which they are accustomed. (And so) we need to teach them 3D understanding before we move on to 2D.” In fact, creating the right foundation for understanding geometry starts with teaching students spatial awareness, Bobo said. Learning their shapes also helps children understand how to put different letters together into words and simple sentences. Once you explain 3D shapes to your students, they can build on their knowledge while developing important math skills. 2D shapes have areas but no volume. Straight lines form the sides of the 2D shapes. 2D shapes are drawn with X-axes and Y-axes. 3D Shapes: 3D stands for “Three Dimensional”. 3D shapes have three dimensions – length, width, and height or depth. 3D objects include sphere, cube, box, pyramid, cone, prism, cylinder. 2D (two-dimensional) shapes are flat, while 3D (three-dimensional) shapes are solid objects with length, width, and depth. The three important properties of 3D shapes are faces, edges and vertices. The face is called the flat surface of the body, the edge is called the line segment where two faces meet, and the vertex is the point where two edges meet. It goes like this: “3D shapes are solid, not flat. They have corners, edges and faces. What do you think of that?” Using the chant was a quick way to introduce and review vocabulary: solid, flat, corners, faces, and edges. Examples of 3D shapes Cube – Cube. Shoebox – Cuboid or rectangular prism. Ice Cream Cone – Cone. Globe – Sphere.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://intecexpo.com/faqs/what-is-3d-shapes-in-maths/", "date": "2022-09-25T18:22:52", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030334591.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20220925162915-20220925192915-00654.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9451440572738647, "token_count": 608, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Inclusive education is a key part of achieving equal access to education for children with disabilities. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) stipulates that children with disabilities have the right to an education alongside their peers. The convention also calls for the elimination of segregated schools. Many countries have already committed to the goal and have begun to close segregated schools. Italy was one of the first to remove segregated schools in the 1970s. In Sweden, the schooling system includes students with disabilities in general education, with only a small proportion of children in special schools. In Canada, New Brunswick introduced policies for inclusion in 1986 and does not have any segregated settings for children with disabilities. While Australia has numerous examples of integration, it has not yet adopted a full-fledged inclusive education policy. The best way to ensure that students with disabilities receive a quality education is to adapt the classroom to accommodate their needs. This can be done by incorporating the inclusion of special needs students into the main classroom. While students with disabilities may need additional support outside the classroom, this should not prevent them from participating in the mainstream class. In fact, partial inclusion can be a more effective solution for some students. The main goal of inclusive education is to provide equal opportunities for all students. The aim of inclusive education is to create an environment that fosters diversity, equality, and freedom. This is done through inclusive teaching practices, such as peer tutoring, collaborative work, and project work. This creates a supportive environment that encourages students to make decisions and take risks.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://inclusiveprayerday.org/2022/09/16/the-importance-of-inclusive-education/", "date": "2022-12-07T11:21:33", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446711151.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20221207085208-20221207115208-00534.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9682939052581787, "token_count": 314, "score": 4.875, "int_score": 5 }
Students explore the meanings of community and healthy. While moving around the classroom in an organized game, they have conversations about healthy communities and healthy choices for themselves.... Filter by subjects: Filter by audience: Filter by unit » issue area: find a lesson Unit: Cultural Competence One of the keys to unlocking cultural competence is reading diverse books with characters and locations that represent a variety of cultures. In this activity, young people define and discuss the value of representation. They do an audit of a book collection to identify representation and gaps.... One of the ways we identify ourselves is through the culture of our gender identity. This may include our gender and how we express ourselves through our clothing, hair, and what we like to do and who we like to spend time with. This lesson raises awareness of the variety of ways people express... This activity explores the difference between anti-racism, which includes active steps away from injustice, and non-racism, which is a passive description. In this lesson, we broaden our awareness of different cultures and how they celebrate holidays. An optional service project includes writing letters to request diverse holidays be added to the community calendar, if they aren't already observed. This lesson explores the language of disability and the importance of asking people about themselves with curiosity rather than treating disabilities as taboo. We learn to use people-first language. ... Unit: Welcome Home Students learn about the Habitat for Humanity ReStore as a community resource for affordable housing materials for building and home repair. Students use comparison shopping skills and plan a service project that addresses a need in their community. Unit: From Struggle to Success Students follow the example of philanthropists who impacted their community by cooperating rather than competing. Students identify their own giving passions and cooperate with each other and a community organization to plan a project. Examples of "cooperative philanthropists" are taken from the... Unit: Motivated to Give Youth identify motivations for giving and social action in the community. They compare research-based motivations of adults and youth. They write a persuasive call to action for an issue of their choice based on the motivations they learned. To identify the qualities students see in effective leaders and create a life-size picture of a good leader emphasizing the body parts that represent those qualities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/lessons-units?search_api_views_fulltext_1=This%20Land%20Is%20Your%20Land&page=9", "date": "2023-02-08T13:00:50", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500813.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20230208123621-20230208153621-00214.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9450136423110962, "token_count": 469, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
• We have seen that atoms of different elements will react with different numbers of chlorine atoms or oxygen atoms. EXAMPLE: Li LiCl Mg MgCl2 Al AlCl3 C CCl4 EXAMPLE: Li Li2O Mg MgO Al Al2O3 C CO or CO2 WHY IS THIS? **Recall: atoms of different elements have different numbers of PROTONS (ATOMIC NUMBERS)…this means that they also have different numbers of ELECTRONS. **Many properties of elements are determined by the number of electrons in their atoms and how these electrons are arranged. • A major difference between atoms of METALS and NONMETALS is: metal atoms lose some of their electrons much more easily than nonmetal atoms do As a result, metals exhibit certain properties: metal atoms tend to lose 1 or more outer electrons to other atoms or ions…so metallic elements tend to form POSITIVE IONS (CATIONS). Metallic Properties: metal atoms are strongly attracted to one another…this leads to: - higher melting points - solid at room temperature - higher densities than the nonmetals EXAMPLE: Magnesium has a melting point of 651°C and sodium has a melting point of 98°C. What does this mean? • the attractions among the atoms of magnesium metal must be stronger than those in sodium metal PRACTICE: Use your periodic table and the examples provided to PREDICT the chemical formulas for the compounds that would form between the following elements: KNOWN COMPOUNDS: NaI MgCl2 CaO Al2O3 CCl4 PREDICT the formula for a compound formed from: a) C and F: b) Al and S: c) K and Cl: d) Ca and Br: e) Sr and O: KNOWN COMPOUNDS: NaI MgCl2 CaO Al2O3 CCl4 PREDICT the formula for a compound formed from: a) C and F: CF4 b) Al and S: Al2S3 c) K and Cl: KCl d) Ca and Br: CaBr2 e) Sr and O: SrO
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://fr.slideserve.com/tala/notes-a-7-what-determines-properties-powerpoint-ppt-presentation", "date": "2023-01-27T15:14:47", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764494986.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20230127132641-20230127162641-00654.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8757660984992981, "token_count": 455, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
Looking for free content that’s aligned to your standards? You’ve come to the right place! Get Free Pre-Kindergarten Math Content Khan Academy is a nonprofit with thousands of free videos, articles, and practice questions for just about every standard. No ads, no subscriptions – just 100% free, forever. PK.1 Number – Counting and Cardinality - PK.1.1 Develops increased ability to count in sequence to ten and beyond. - PK.1.2 Begins to identify number symbols one to ten. - PK.1.3 Uses one-to-one correspondence in counting objects and matching groups of objects. - PK.1.4 Matches quantity with number symbols. - PK.1.5 Uses comparative words such as more, less, fewer, equal to. - PK.1.6 Begins to recognize the order of numbers, e.g. before, after and between. PK.2 Number – Operations and the Problems they Solve - PK.2.1 Develops increased ability to recognize addition as putting objects together and subtraction as taking objects apart. - PK.2.2 Identifies parts in relationship to the whole. PK.3 Measurement and Data - PK.3.1 Understand that objects have measurable attributes, such as length or weight. A single object might have several measurable attributes of interest. - PK.3.2 Estimates the size of objects in comparison to a common unit of measurement, such as more/less, short/tall, long/short, big/little, and light/heavy. - PK.3.3 Begins to construct a sense of time through participation in daily activities. - PK.3.4 Classify objects according to common characteristics, such as color, size, or shape. - PK.3.5 Begins to incorporate estimating and measuring activities into play. - PK.3.6 Begins to recognize and interpret information presented in tables, graphs and symbols. - PK.4.1 Recognizes, duplicates, and creates simple patterns using a variety of materials. - PK.4.2 Progresses in ability to recognize terms of directionality, order, and positions of themselves and objects in their environment, such as up, down, over, under, top, bottom, inside, outside, in front, and behind. - PK.4.3 Recognizes, describes, compares, and names common shapes. - PK.4.4 Determines whether or not two shapes are the same size and shape.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://blog.khanacademy.org/west-virginia-pre-kindergarten-math-standards/", "date": "2023-02-02T21:56:19", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764500041.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20230202200542-20230202230542-00174.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8854750394821167, "token_count": 540, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: Investigate chemical reactions with this hands-on experiment booklet. Display this water cycle diagram when teaching about the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of the Earth. A 31-slide editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching your students about solids, liquids, and gases. An activity to demonstrate how a change of state between solid and liquid (and back again) can be caused by adding or removing heat. A diverse template to help students craft inquiry questions to produce different types of research projects. A science experiment which investigates the relationship between friction and the properties of various materials. Sequence the steps of the water cycle with a cut and paste worksheet. An activity to demonstrate what happens to a variety of liquids when heat is removed. A hands-on experiment to use when investigating the water cycle. Sequence the steps of the water cycle with a water cycle worksheet. A poster explaining inventions and how they are made! A profile of Alessandro Volta, the scientist who invented the electric battery. This Chemical Sciences unit investigates natural and processed materials. Demonstrations and experimental procedures are explored with particular attention given to the scientific method.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.teachstarter.com/us/teks/science-4-3/", "date": "2023-03-31T03:45:41", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296949533.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20230331020535-20230331050535-00254.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8926737904548645, "token_count": 270, "score": 4.5625, "int_score": 5 }
- Students will begin to learn the basics of grammar and sentence structure. - This includes understanding the use of articles, such as “a” and “the,” and the proper use of adjectives to describe nouns. - Demonstrative pronouns like “this” and “that” will also be covered. - The focus will be on learning to construct simple, error-free sentences using these parts of speech. - Through practice and repetition, students will develop their understanding of how the choices they make with words impact the meaning of their sentences, making them a powerful tool to express their thought and ideas. Num of Sessions
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.doerdo.com/live_courses/grammar-fundamentals-2/", "date": "2023-06-02T15:25:15", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648695.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20230602140602-20230602170602-00254.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9012854695320129, "token_count": 138, "score": 4.625, "int_score": 5 }
Throughout history, Black Americans have faced numerous obstacles that have hindered their progress and pursuit of equality. Some of the key obstacles include: - Slavery: Slavery was the most significant and enduring obstacle for Black Americans. For centuries, millions of Africans were forcibly enslaved and brought to the Americas, enduring inhumane conditions and being treated as property rather than human beings. Slavery denied Black individuals basic human rights, education, and economic opportunities, creating a foundation of systemic oppression. - Jim Crow Laws: After the abolition of slavery, Black Americans faced the imposition of segregation and discriminatory laws known as Jim Crow laws. These laws enforced racial segregation, denying Black individuals equal access to public facilities, education, housing, voting rights, and employment opportunities. - Racial Violence: Black Americans have endured widespread racial violence, including lynchings, race riots, and acts of domestic terrorism. These acts of violence were often perpetrated by white supremacist groups and individuals, aiming to instill fear, maintain white dominance, and discourage progress and empowerment within the Black community. - Institutional Racism: Even after legal measures were taken to end segregation and discrimination, institutional racism persisted. Systemic discrimination in education, employment, housing, criminal justice, and other areas of society has perpetuated racial disparities and hindered the progress of Black Americans. Factors such as racial profiling, biased policies, and inadequate representation have contributed to the ongoing inequality. - Economic Inequality: Black Americans have faced significant economic challenges. Historical disadvantages, limited access to quality education, discriminatory lending practices, and a lack of wealth accumulation have resulted in a persistent wealth gap between Black and white households. Economic inequality limits opportunities for social mobility and perpetuates intergenerational poverty. - Educational Disparities: Education has been a crucial factor in social and economic advancement. However, Black students have historically faced unequal educational opportunities. Segregated schools, underfunding, inadequate resources, and biased disciplinary practices have disproportionately affected Black students, hindering their academic achievement and future prospects. - Limited Political Representation: Black Americans have often faced barriers to political participation and representation. Voter suppression tactics, gerrymandering, and other forms of disenfranchisement have undermined the political power of the Black community. Limited representation in decision-making positions can hinder the progress of policies that address racial disparities and promote equality. - Negative Stereotypes and Bias: Stereotypes and racial bias have perpetuated negative perceptions of Black Americans, affecting their social interactions, employment prospects, and overall well-being. Prejudice and discrimination can create additional obstacles for Black individuals, limiting their opportunities and hindering their progress. It’s important to note that while progress has been made in addressing these obstacles, many of them still persist to varying degrees, and the struggle for racial equality and social justice continues.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.lancescurv.com/obstacles-to-black-progress-neil-frazier-lancescurv-com/", "date": "2023-06-09T22:15:26", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224656833.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20230609201549-20230609231549-00654.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9453093409538269, "token_count": 570, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }
This is a wonderful set of 82 printable black and white worksheets to help students learn and practice numbers to 20. These are perfect for pre-k, kindergarten or first grade. These worksheets include: Number Practice 0-20: Color the number and the number word, Trace and write the number, Trace and write the number word, Fill the number in a 10 frame, Find and circle the number, Tally the number, Color the amount of the number, Find and circle the number word. (21 worksheets) How Many? Count and Circle the correct number – Numbers 1-20 (10 worksheets) Counting to 20: Cut and paste in the correct number order. (1 worksheet) Trace & Count the Numbers: Students will learn to trace, write and count numbers from 0 to 20. (21 worksheets) Color by Number: numbers 0-20 (4 worksheets) Number Sorting: Numbers 1-20 – Count, Cut and sort the pictures. (4 worksheets) Counting Crayon Teeth: Count the teeth. circle the correct number – Numbers 1-20. (2 worksheets) Tracing Numbers 0-20: Trace over the numbers and number names. (3 worksheets) Count and Match Number Words 1-20: Count, Cut and paste the pictures below the correct number word. (2 worksheets) Counting Ten Frames 1-20: Count the number of dots in each ten frames. Color the correct number. (2 worksheets) Matching Number Words 1-20: Cut and paste the word to match the number. (2 worksheets) Counting Tally Marks 1-20: Count the tally marks and write the number. (2 worksheets) Counting Shapes 1-20: Count the shapes and write how many. (3 worksheets) Practice Counting to 20: Fill in the ten frames to match the number. circle the correct number on the number line. (3 worksheets) Cut & Paste Tally Marks 1-20: Cut and paste the Tally Marks underneath the matching number. (2 worksheets) You may also be interested in: – 2D and 3D Shapes Worksheets – Place Value, Comparing and Ordering Numbers (Up to 20) – Math Worksheets Bundle | 2D & 3D Shapes – Place Value – Numbers to 20 By purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Made by Essakhi and licensed to you only for classroom/personal use as a single user. It may not be resold, shared or redistributed in any way. I retain the copyright and reserve all rights to this product. • Use free and purchased items for your own classroom students, or your own personal use. • Purchase licenses at a great discount for other teachers to use this resource. • Share the cover image of this resource on your blog or through social media as long as you link back to the product in my MBT store. YOU MAY NOT: • Claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove/attempt to remove the copyright/watermarks. • Sell the files or combine them into another unit for sale / free. • Post this document for sale / free elsewhere on the internet (this includes Google Doc links on blogs). • Obtain this product through any of the channels listed above. ©Copyright 2023 Made by Essakhi. Thank you for abiding by universally accepted codes of professional ethics while using this product. If you encounter an issue with your file, notice an error, or are in any way experiencing a problem, please contact me and I will be more than happy to help sort it out. You can email me at [email protected]
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://www.madebyteachers.com/products/learning-about-numbers-to-20/", "date": "2023-06-11T01:08:53", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224646652.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20230610233020-20230611023020-00254.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8513867259025574, "token_count": 815, "score": 4.53125, "int_score": 5 }