diff --git "a/aligned_afr_eng.csv" "b/aligned_afr_eng.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/aligned_afr_eng.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,6901 @@ +src_text,tgt_text,cosine_score +"bou n nasie wat omgee vir kinders vukuzenzele unnamed geagte me desuidafrika ners, daar is n gesegde in baie afrikakulture wat stel dat dit n ge meenskap vat om n kind groot te maak. +","building a nation that cares for children vukuzenzele unnamed there is a proverb common to many african cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child. +",0.8042032 +"dié idee — dat die breër gemeen skap vir die ontwikkeling, welstand en veiligheid van elke kind verantwoordelik is — gaan deur my gedagtes wanneer ek aan die onlangse tragiese en hoogs ontstellende dood, op n skoolkamp, van 13jarige enock mpianzi, dink. +","this idea – that the broader community has a responsibility for the development, wellbeing and safety of each child – comes to mind when i think about the tragic and deeply upsetting death of 13yearold enock mpianzi on a school camp recently. +",0.92750895 +"enock is nie die enigste kind wat sy lewe verloor het in omstandighede wat voorkom kon word as volwassenes die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls getref en verantwoordelikheid geneem het. +","sadly, enock is not the only child to lose his life for reasons that were entirely preventable, if only adults had exercised due care and responsibility. +",0.82897013 +"dit laat n mens dink aan n ander 13jarige kind, keamohetswe shaun seboko, wat onlangs in n magaliesburgse laerskool se swembad verdrink het, en die twee kinders wat by laerskool lekgolo in limpopo oorlede is toe n trok in n muur vasgery het wat op hulle geval het. +","one thinks of another 13yearold, keamohetswe shaun seboko, who recently drowned in the swimming pool of a magaliesburg primary school, and the two children who died at the lekgolo primary school in limpopo when a truck crashed into a wall that collapsed on them. +",0.91296655 +"n mens dink ook aan die talle kinders, soos sesjarige nathlia pienaar, wat in die kruisvuur van ’n bendeoorlog op die kaapse vlakte gesterf het. +","one thinks also about the many children, like 6yearold nathlia pienaar, who are killed in the crossfire of gang wars on the cape flats. +",0.8786043 +"ons onthou ook die tragiese dood van michael komape en lumka mkethwa wat dood is toe hulle in puttoilette geval het. +","we remember also the tragic deaths of michael komape and lumka mkethwa, both of whom died after falling into pit latrines. +",0.91758144 +"dit was heeltemal onnodig dat al hierdie jongmense, en baie ander, hul lewens verloor het. +","all of those young lives, and the lives of many others, need never have been lost. +",0.7751813 +"al dié tragedies kon voorkom word as die nodige maatreëls om die kinders se veiligheid te verseker, getref was. +","all these tragedies could have been prevented if measures had been taken to keep these children out of harm’s way. +",0.8366096 +"dit lyk vir my asof ons, as n samelewing, ons kinders in die steek laat. +","it seems to me that, as a society, we are failing our children. +",0.6906259 +"te veel kinders bevind hulself in gevaarlike situasies, hetsy op n tydelike vlot op n rivier of alleen in n gehuggie met n paraffienlamp. +","too many children find themselves in dangerous situations, whether it is on a make shift raft on a river or being left alone in a shack with a paraffin lamp. +",0.8897667 +"ons kinders se lewens word in gevaar gestel wanneer kontrakteurs opgrawings onbeskerm laat, skoolinfrastruktuur nie onderhou word nie, of skoolvervoer oorlaai word. +","when contractors leave excavations unprotected or school infrastructure is not maintained or school transport is overcrowded, the lives of children are put at risk. +",0.84409356 +"daar kom egter nog meer nalatigheid en verwaarlosing voor. +","but there is more than negligence and neglect at work. +",0.7809498 +"baie kinders word deur seksuele prooisoekers, kriminele bendes en dwelmverkopers geteiken, juis omdat hulle kwesbaar is. +","many children are targeted by sexual predators, criminal gangs and drug sellers precisely because they are vulnerable. +",0.89245844 +"as n samelewing, moet ons meer toegewyd wees en aktief betrokke wees by die beskerming van ons kinders teen dié en ander gevare. +","as a society, we need to be more diligent and more active in protecting our children from these and other dangers. +",0.7884504 +"ons moet gesamentlik n verantwoordelikheidskultuur opbou. +","as a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility. +",0.7796571 +"ons moet vir onsself, ons kinders en ander verantwoordelikheid aanvaar. +","we need to be responsible for ourselves, for our children and for others. +",0.8619387 +"ons moet verseker dat ons kinders in n veilige, versorgende en stimulerende omgewing kan grootword; ons moet ook besef dat dit ons plig is om almal wat ons ken en die mense met wie ons omgaan, te beskerm en versorg. +","just as we need to ensure that children are able to grow up in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment, so too must we feel a duty to protect and care for all those who we know and interact with. +",0.8767098 +"ons moet ook hierdie verpligting op ons land se paaie voel. +","we must feel this duty of care on the road. +",0.70526254 +"ons verwelkom die afname in padsterftes oor die feesseisoen, maar die aaklige werklikheid is dat meer as 1 600 mense in net n maand en n half op ons paaie gesterf het. +","while we welcome the drop in road fatalities over this festive season, the grim reality is that over 1,600 people died on our roads in just a month and a half. +",0.8899764 +"dit is kommerwekkend dat meer as 9 000 motoriste vir oortredings, insluitend dronkbestuur, oorskryding van die spoedgrens en roekelose en nalatige bestuur in hegtenis geneem is. +","it is disturbing that over 9,000 motorists were arrested for offences including drunk driving, speeding, and reckless and negligent driving. +",0.8894374 +"n verantwoordelikheidskultuur beteken dat ons almal die verkeersreëls moet nakom en voetgangers en ander padgebruikers se regte moet respekteer. +","a culture of responsibility means that we should all drive safely and respect the rights of pedestrians and other road users. +",0.87221014 +"n verantwoordelikheidskultuur beteken dat pa’s by hulle kinders se lewe ns betrokke moet wees. +","a culture of responsibility means that fathers need to be present in the lives of their children. +",0.82712555 +"te veel vroue moet hulle kinders alleen grootmaak, wat dikwels hulle en hul kinders se moontlikhede beperk. +","too many women have to raise children on their own, which often limits their prospects and those of their children. +",0.86264926 +"n verantwoordelikheidskultuur beteken ook dat ons veilige seks moet hê en nie onsself of ander aan miv moet blootstel nie. +","a culture of responsibility also means that we should practice safe sex and not expose ourselves or others to hiv . +",0.9083593 +"ons moenie alkohol en dwelms misbruik nie. +","we should not abuse alcohol or use drugs. +",0.75602746 +"ons moet gesonde lewens leef sodat ons siektes wat grootliks voorkombaar is kan vermy en langer kan leef. +","we should seek to live healthy lives so that we avoid diseases that are largely preventable and live longer lives. +",0.8419347 +"sodanige kultuur behoort veral deur diegene in posisies van gesag en invloed, hetsy godsdienstige leiers of politici, tradisionele leiers of beroemdes, omarm te word. +","such a culture should be embraced in particular by all those in society who occupy positions of authority and influence, whether they are religious leaders or politicians, traditional leaders or celebrities. +",0.8634615 +"hulle behoort, deur hulle woorde en dade, daarna te streef om n beter samelewing te skep waarin almal waardeer en versorg word. +","through their words and actions, they should seek to build a better society in which all are appreciated and cared for. +",0.83697116 +"dit is verkose amptenare en staatsamptenare se verantwoordelikheid om die veiligheid en welstand van burgers te verseker. +","elected officials and public servants are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens. +",0.83460665 +"hulle moet seker maak dat daar voldoende en veilige skoolinfrastruktuur is. +","they must ensure that there is adequate and safe infrastructure in schools. +",0.8501539 +"hulle moet vinnig optree wanneer daar n onderbreking in watertoevoer in gemeenskappe is of wanneer foutiewe straatligte aangemeld word. +","they must act quickly when there is an interruption to water supply in a communities or when faulty streetlights are reported. +",0.89297295 +"hulle moet seker maak dat gesondheidsen veiligheidsregulasies toegepas word en dat die oppergesag van die reg gehandhaaf word. +","they must ensure that health and safety regulations are enforced and that the rule of law is maintained. +",0.8455716 +"ons moes soms uitermatige stappe neem, bykomend tot die werk wat steeds regoor die regering — op alle vlakke — gedoen word, om uiting te gee aan dié verantwoordelikheid. +","in addition to the ongoing work that is taking place across government, at all levels, to give effect to this responsibility, we have sometimes had to take extraordinary measures. +",0.746678 +"ons het, as antwoord op die kinders wat gesterf het of seergekry het toe hulle in puttoilette geval het, die safeinisiatief geloods om die voorsiening van behoorlike toilette aan alle skole in die land, te bespoedig. +","in response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the safe initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country. +",0.8506352 +"ons het die suidafrikaanse nasionale weermag na dele van kaapstad ontplooi om die polisie in hul pogings om bendegeweld te verminder, te ondersteun. +","we deployed the south african national defence force to parts of cape town to support the police in their efforts to reduce gang violence. +",0.8792527 +"ons het, meer onlangs en saam met die burgerlike gemeenskap, n noodreaksieplan geloods om geweld teen vroue en kinders te beëindig. +","more recently, we have, together with civil society, embarked on an emergency response plan to end violence against women and children. +",0.8548225 +"dit is egter duidelik dat daar baie meer is wat ons, as regering en samelewing, moet doen. +","yet, there is clearly much more that we need to do, as government and as a society. +",0.85446644 +"ons prys die individue en organisasies wat die verantwoordelikheid vir ander se welstand op hulself neem. +","we applaud those individuals and organisations who have taken upon themselves responsibility for the wellbeing of others. +",0.80073595 +"daar is mense soos ralph bouwers en mark nicholson, wat ontspanningsaktiwiteite vir jongmense in lavender hill in kaapstad reël om te verhoed dat hulle na die bendewêreld terugkeer. +","there are people like ralph bouwers and mark nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in lavender hill in cape town to keep them from turning to gangsterism. +",0.93116283 +"daar is moeders, susters en dogters wat as vrywilligers diens doen by operation bobbi bear, n organisasie in amanzimtoti, kwazulunatal wat toevlug aan mishandelde kinders bied. +","there are the mothers, sisters and daughters who work as student volunteers with operation bobbi bear, an organisation in amanzimtoti in kwazulunatal that offers shelter to young children who have been abused. +",0.9163186 +"daar is talle geloofsgebaseerde groepe, soos die konferensie van suiderafrikaanse katolieke biskoppe, met wie ek vergader het, wat my vertel het van die werk wat hulle doen in antwoord op die armes se behoeftes, om gesinne te ondersteun om meer om te gee en versorgend te wees en ook om jong mense te help om die talle uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar, te hanteer. +","there are many faithbased groups like the southern african catholic bishops’ confer ence, who i met recently who told me about the work they are doing to respond to the needs of the poor, to support families to be more caring and nurturing and to assist young people in confronting the many challenges before them. +",0.89801335 +"dié suidafrikaners wys vir ons die weg. +","these south africans are showing us the way. +",0.7924874 +"hulle herinner ons, deur hul voorbeeld, wat dit beteken om verantwoordelikheid vir onsself en ander te neem. +","through their example, they are reminding us of what it means to take responsibility for ourselves and for others. +",0.88025975 +"ons land het heeltemal te veel tragedies ervaar. +","this country has witnessed far too many tragedies. +",0.86208296 +"te veel jongmense is oorlede, te veel kinders het seergekry en is getraumatiseer. +","too many young lives have been lost, too many children hurt and traumatised. +",0.84692216 +"ons kan hierdie tragedies beëindig as ons almal, ieder en elk van ons, die verantwoordelikheid neem om die kinders in ons wonderlike suidafrikaanse gemeenskap, te help grootmaak.","building a nation that cares for children vukuzenzele unnamed there is a proverb common to many african cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child. +",0.84692216 +"die besonderhede van aahv en aav silusapho nyanda daar is hulp vir kinders wat aan aandagafleibaarheiden hiperaktiwiteitsversteurings lei. +","the ins and outs of adhd and add silusapho nyanda there is help available for children who suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. +",0.86517596 +"the brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. +","the brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. +",1.0 +"children from upington in the northern cape are benefiting from 10 early childhood development (ecds) centres recently launched by the department of social develop ment (dsd). +","children from upington in the northern cape are benefiting from 10 early childhood development (ecds) centres recently launched by the department of social develop ment (dsd). +",0.9999999 +"fiveyearold lithemba bacela, who lives with cerebral palsy and has a speech impairment, is better able to indicate what she feels and needs, thanks to her time at one of these centres, oasis skills development centre’s ecd unit. +","fiveyearold lithemba bacela, who lives with cerebral palsy and has a speech impairment, is better able to indicate what she feels and needs, thanks to her time at one of these centres, oasis skills development centre’s ecd unit. +",0.9999999 +"lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who said her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year. +","lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who says her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year. +",0.9977391 +"elizabeth said the stimulation area has been particularly beneficial. +","elizabeth said the stimulation area has been particularly beneficial. +",0.99999976 +"""lithemba can now indicate when she is thirsty, hungry or has wet herself"". +","""lithemba can now indicate when she is thirsty, hungry or has wet herself. +",0.99010026 +"the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received a new building from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project. +","""the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received new buildings from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project. +",0.9745465 +"this countrywide initiative is aligned with the national development plan’s commitment to improving education, innovation and training, and con tributing to the goal of ensuring that all children have at least two years of preschool education. +","this countrywide initiative is aligned with the national development plan’s commitment to improving education, innovation and training, and ensuring that all children have at least two years of preschool education. +",0.9706321 +"the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome. +","the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome. +",1.0 +"each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen. +","each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen. +",0.99999994 +"the department contributes a subsidy of r20 per child, which covers children between the ages of two and seven and those who are 18 years of age and above. +","the department contributes a subsidy of r20 per child, which covers children between the ages of two and seven and those who are 18 years of age and above. +",1.0000001 +"in 2015, the dsd donated a stimulation centre, computer lab and a bus to transport pupils to and from school. +","in 2015, the dsd donated a stimulation centre, computer lab and a bus to transport pupils to and from school. +",0.9999999 +"""once a week, therapists from the local hospital come to the centre to assess and treat the children,""says johannesen. +","""once a week, therapists from the local hospital come to the centre to assess and treat the children,""says johannesen. +",0.9999998 +"the new building, donated recently is an additional blessing for the centre. +","the new building, donated recently is an additional blessing for the centre. +",1.0 +"speaking at the launch, department of social development deputy minister hendrietta bogopanezulu called on the public to include children living with disabilities in dialogues about issues that affect them. +","speaking at the launch, social development deputy minister hendrietta bogopanezulu called on the public to include children living with disabilities in dialogues about issues that affect them. +",0.99360156 +"silusapho nyandaas n kind wat aan aandagafleibaarheidhiperaktiwi teitsversteuring (aahv) of aandagafleibaarheidsversteuring (aav) lei, nie behandel word nie, kan dit langtermyn negatiewe gevolge vir sy/haar gesond heid hê. +","silusapho nyandaif a child who suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) or attention deficit disorder (add) is not treated, the conditions could have longterm negative impacts on their health. +",0.88279164 +"dit is volgens dr khatija jha zbhay, hoof van die eenheid vir kinderen adolessentepsigiatrie by townhill hospitaal in pietermaritzburg, kwazulunatal. +","this is according to dr khatija jhazbhay, who heads up the child and adolescent psychiatry unit at townhill hospital in pietermaritzburg, kwazulunatal. +",0.9249375 +"sy verduidelik dat dié kin ders as volwassenes n hoër risiko loop om aan ander geestestoestande, soos angs en depressie, te ly en om middels te misbruik. +","she explained that as adults, these children could be at an increased risk of other mental conditions, such as anxiety and depression, and could also misuse substances. +",0.8226018 +"aahv en aav beïnvloed kinders se akademiese vordering en hulle gedrag kan ander pla. +","adhd and add affect children’s academic progress and their behaviour could annoy others. +",0.8570483 +"sulke kinders is dikwels ook ongewild, beland gereeld in die moeilikheid en is geneig tot ongelukke. +","children could also be disliked, get into trouble and be prone to accidents. +",0.79238474 +"""elke kind se omstandighede is uniek en nog besig om te ontwikkel. +","""each child’s circumstances are unique and developing, so it’s important to do a comprehensive clinical assessment to recognise other factors that could be impacting their development, as well as the strengths that can be built on to assist them to reach their full potential,"" said dr jhazbhay. +",0.65582764 +"dit is dus belangrik om n omvattende kliniese assessering te doen om vas te stel of daar ander faktore is wat hulle ontwikkeling kan beïnvloed, asook die sterk punte waarop daar gebou kan word om hulle te help om hul volle potensiaal te bereik,"" sê dr jhazbhay. +","she explained that adhd and add are neurodevelopmental disorders that present with behavioural difficulties, such as inattention. +",0.6022223 +"sy verduidelik dat aahv en aav neuroontwikkelingsversteurings is met gedragspro bleme, soos onoplettendheid. +","this shows in the form of: making careless mistakes not completing tasks losing things being easily distracted and forgetful examples of hyperactivity or impulsiveness include: fidgeting tapping hands or feet squirming in their seat blurting out answers and getting up when expected to remain seated. +",0.6615049 +"dit word aangedui deur: agterlosige foute te maak take nie te voltooi nie goed te laat wegraak maklik afleibaar en vergeetagtig te wees. +","""symptoms present in two or more settings – at home, school, with friends or relatives or during other activities – and interfere with social, occupational or school functioning. +",0.5682152 +"voorbeelde van hiperaktiwiteit of impulsiwiteit slu it in: rusteloosheid voete wat beweeg en hande wat trommel gekriewel op hul stoel antwoorde uit te blaker en opstaan wanneer daar van hulle verwag word om te bly sit. +","severe symptoms present before the age of 12 and must be present for at least six months. +",0.57662046 +"""simptome kom op twee of meer plekke voor – by die huis, by vriende of familie of tydens ander aktiwiteite – en meng in met sosiale, beroepsen skoolfunksionering. +","teachers are able to pick up behaviour difficulties and can refer a child for clinical assessment. +",0.58871 +"errnstige simptome wat voor die ouderdom van 12 voorkom, moet vir minstens ses maande teenwoordig wees. +","the ins and outs of adhd and add silusapho nyanda there is help available for children who suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. +",0.58871 +"die jeug is die toekoms van ons land vukuzenzele unnamed om met jong mense gesprek te voer, laat my altyd energiek voel. +","young people are sa's real jewels vukuzenzele unnamed engaging with young people always leaves me energised. +",0.8012465 +"dit is opwindend om insig te kry in hul strewes en oorwinnings en hul visie oor wat gedoen kan word om hierdie land te verbeter. +","it is exciting to gain insight into their struggles and triumphs and their vision for what can be done to improve this country. +",0.91849864 +"ons kan nie ontken dat die jeug 'n belangrike teenwoordigheid in die psige en weefsel van ons land is nie. +","there is no denying that youth are a significant presence in our nation’s psyche and fabric. +",0.8642764 +"in teenstelling met die persepsie dat hulle selfvoldaan, polities apaties of selfbehep is, bevestig plaaslike en internasionale studies dat jongmense regdeur die wêreld altyd meer positief is oor hul vooruitsigte. +","far from the perception that they are complacent, politically apathetic or selfabsorbed, local and international studies consistently affirm that young people around the globe are always more positive about their prospects. +",0.8705381 +"volgens die bevindinge van 'n peiling deur ipsos pulse of the people, wat in januarie vrygestel is, voel 61% van suidafrikaners tussen 15 en 17 jaar optimisties oor 2020. ek twyfel nie dat dit 'n sentiment is wat gedeel word deur die jeug in die algemeen nie, en veral die groep wat aan die begin van die millennium gebore is en nou hul volwasse lewe begin; diegene wat die jeug ama2000 noem. +","according to the findings of an ipsos pulse of the people poll released in january, 61% of south africans aged 15 to 17 feel optimistic about 2020. i have no doubt this is a sentiment shared by youth in general and especially the cohort born at the turn of the millennium who are now beginning their adult life, the ones the youth call ama2000. +",0.9384172 +"dit is die seuns en dogters wat ná demokrasie gebore is. +","they are the sons and daughters born after democracy. +",0.88260347 +"hoewel hulle nie persoonlike ervaring van die gruweldade van apartheid het nie, leef hulle saam met die nalatenskap van rasseongelykheid, ruimtelike onreg en armoede. +","while they have no direct experience of the atrocities of apartheid, they continue to live with its legacy of racial inequity, spatial injustice and poverty. +",0.8891052 +"hierdie jongmense is vol vertroue, selfversekerd en vol ambisie. +","these young people are confident, selfassured and brimming with ambition. +",0.8573307 +"hulle ken hul regte en is nie bang om daarop aan te dring nie. +","they know their rights and aren’t afraid to demand them. +",0.83661604 +"die jeug van ons land verteenwoordig energie, hoop, pret, potensiaal, toekoms en vryheid. +","our country’s youth represent energy, hope, fun, poten tial, future and freedom. +",0.9194272 +"hulle is digitale boorlinge wat vlot is in die gebruik van moderne tegnologieë en loopbane wil betree wat nie eens bestaan het toe hul ouers jonk was nie. +","they are digital natives fluent in the use of modern technologies and look to enter careers that did not even exist at the time of their parents. +",0.84846544 +"aan die vooraand van die staatsrede het ek die voorreg gehad om met 'n groep sulke dinamiese jongmense te gesels tydens 'n intergenerasiedialoog wat deur die nasionale agentskap vir jeugontwikkeling belê is. +","on the eve of the state of the nation address i had the privilege of interacting with a group of such dynamic young people at an intergenerational dialogue convened by the national youth development agency. +",0.8702043 +"ons het kwessies wat vir die jeug baie belangrik is bespreek, en maniere ondersoek om ons perspektiewe en optrede te belyn. +","we discussed the issues that are most important to young people and examined ways in which we could align our perspectives and actions. +",0.82717746 +"uiteraard het toegang tot werk en geleenthede die agenda oorheers. +","naturally, access to employment and opportunities dominated the agenda. +",0.8346236 +"van die 1,2 miljoen jongmense wat elke jaar tot die arbeidsmark toetree, is daar byna twee derdes wat nie werk of studeer nie. +","of the 1.2 million young people entering the labour market each year, almost twothirds remain neither working nor studying. +",0.8946176 +"die deelnemers aan die dialoog het die feit verwelkom dat die kwessie van jeugindiensneming op die hoogste regerings vlakke aandag geniet. +","the participants in the dialogue welcomed the fact that the issue of youth employment was receiving attention at the highest levels of government. +",0.8300178 +"maar die refrein was welbekend: hulle was op verskillende maniere gereed en kon bydra tot die ekonomie, onder meer as entrepreneurs, maar burokratiese rompslomp en 'n gebrek aan finansiering verhoed hulle om dit te doen. +","but the refrain was familiar: they were ready and able to contribute to the economy in various ways, including as entrepreneurs, but bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding prevents them from doing so. +",0.9311601 +"in dié verband het bright hlongwane van youth in business south africa vir my gesê daar moet meer geld vir jong entrepreneurs beskikbaar gestel word. +","as bright hlongwane from youth in business south africa told me, there needs to be more funding extended to young entrepreneurs. +",0.89346486 +"hulle wil graag sien dat 'n verskeidenheid finansiele instellings, soos instellings wat ontwikkelingsfinansiering voorsien, private beleggers en privateekwiteitsfirmas, sowel as kommersiële banke, krediet aan ons jong entrepreneurs verleen en vertroue in hulle stel. +","they would like to see a variety of financial institutions, developmental financial institutions, angel investors, private equity firms as well as commercial banks extending credit and taking a bet on young entrepreneurs. +",0.8887353 +"om ons land te laat vooruitgaan en floreer, moet ons alles in ons vermoë doen om te verseker dat jongmense op 'n betekenisvolle manier aan ons ekonomie kan deelneem, hetsy in formele indiensneming of in eie diens. +","for our country to prosper and thrive we must do all within our means to ensure young people can participate in our economy in a meaningful way, whether it is in formal employment or selfemployment. +",0.8991311 +"dit was dus gepas dat ek hierdie platform kon gebruik om die presidensiële intervensie vir jeugindiensneming te loods, wat 'n strategiese nasionale visie en plan is waarin prioriteitsoptredes uiteengesit word om jeugwerkloosheid die hoof te bied. +","it was therefore fitting that i could use this platform to launch the presidential youth employment intervention, which is a strategic national vision and plan which sets out priority actions to address youth unemployment. +",0.94413185 +"dit sluit 'n nasionale loopbaannetwerk in wat kandidate met werksgeleenthede verbind wat by hulle vermoëns pas. +","this includes a national pathway management network that matches candidates with work opportunities. +",0.79823935 +"dit stel jongmense in staat om toegang tot geleenthede te kry, aangesien sommige van hulle nie toegang tot netwerke het wat geleenthede vir hulle ontsluit nie. +","this will enable young people to have access to opportunities as some of them do not have the networks that make easy access to opportunities possible. +",0.80909896 +"gespesialiseerde kort gefokusde kursusse in vaardighede waaraan werkgewers tans ’n behoefte het, word gereël. +","specialised short focused courses in skills that employers need now will be organ ised. +",0.7887649 +"dit is daarop gerig om aandag te gee aan die probleem van 'n wanverhouding tussen die bestaande opvoedkundige, opleidingsen ontwikkelingsprogramme en die vereistes van die ekonomie. +","this aims to address the problem of a mismatch between the existing educational, training and develop ment programmes and the requirements of the economy. +",0.8890361 +"ons verwelkom die werk wat reeds op hierdie gebied gedoen word, soos die program wat tans deur die departemente van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwik keling asook samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake onderneem word om 1 000 jong studente in die vrystaat op te lei in landbouen ander vaardighede. +","we welcome the work already being done in this area, such as the programme currently underway through the departments of agriculture, land reform and rural development and cooperative governance and traditional affairs to train 1,000 young students in the free state in agricultural and other skills. +",0.8971524 +"talle jongmense wil hul eie ondernemings begin. +","many young people want to start their own businesses. +",0.81801796 +"hulle het egter nie die tegniese vaardighede wat hulle kan help om dit te doen nie. +","they lack the technical skills that can help them start their own businesses. +",0.7021774 +"hierdie ingryping sal die groei van jong entrepreneurs ondersteun. +","the intervention will support the growth of youth entrepreneurs. +",0.9094136 +"entrepreneurskap is beslis nie 'n wondermiddel nie, maar ek is oortuig daarvan dat dit een doeltreffende en bewese manier is om identiteit en doel, 'n gevoel dat hulle êrens behoort en hoop vir die toekoms aan die jeug te verleen. +","entrepreneurship is certainly not a panacea, but i am convinced that it is one effective and proven way to confer identity and purpose, a sense of belonging, and hope for the future for the youth. +",0.91008776 +"die presidensiële jeugdiensprogram bied aan jongmense geleenthede om iets terug te gee aan hul gemeenskappe. +","the presidential youth service programme provides opportunities for young people to give back to their communities. +",0.8051851 +"hierdie inisiatief is daarop gerig om veranderinge te bewerkstellig en ’n grootskaalse uitwerking te hê, in teenstelling met gefragmenteerde programme wat ’n beperkte uitwerking het. +","this initiative is designed to effect change and make an impact at scale, as opposed to fragmented programmes that have had limited impact. +",0.8570648 +"ek het ook in die staatsrede aangekondig dat ons 1% van die nasionale begroting opsy sal sit vir 'n jeugindiensnemings inisiatief. +","i also announced in the state of the nation address that we will set aside 1% of the national budget for a youth employ ment initiative. +",0.868589 +"'n aantal programme en projekte word ontwerp om hierdie nasionale uitdaging aan te pak. +","a number of programmes and projects are being designed to address this national challenge. +",0.92347026 +"die jeug van ons land sien dit duidelik as 'n land van geleenthede en belofte, ondanks die struikelblokke wat hulle teëkom. +","the youth of our country clearly see this as a land of opportunity and promise, despite the obstacles they encounter. +",0.88294774 +"die afgelope week alleen het ek verskeie jong suidafrikaners ontmoet wat my trots maak op hoe ver ons gekom het en wat ons bereik het. +","in the past week alone i have met several young south africans who make me proud of just how far we have come and what we have achieved. +",0.909577 +"daar is jong sportmense soos gholfwonderkind sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala, wat net net agt jaar oud is en reeds internasionale gholftoekennings inpalm. +","there are young sports people like golfing prodigy sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala who is racking up international golfing awards at the tender age of 8. he is ranked 7th in the world in his age group and has won the us kids golf tournament twice. +",0.8279073 +"hy is in sy ouderdomsgroep sewende in die wêreld en het die us kidsgholftoernooi twee keer gewen. +","my spirits were lifted when grade 11 learner sinoyolo qumba from orange farm wrote to me about what should be in this year’s sona. +",0.5621823 +"ek was verheug toe graad 11leerder sinoyolo qumba van orange farm aan my skryf oor wat in die sona van hierdie jaar moet wees. +","she actually joined our speechwriting team in the drafting process. +",0.5531527 +"sy het eindelik by ons toespraak skryfspan aangesluit in die konsepfases. +","there are passionate activists like ayakha melithafa from eerste rivier in the western cape, who attended this year’s world economic forum in davos to call on world leaders to stand firmly for climate justice. +",0.54715407 +"daar is passievolle aktiviste soos ayakha melithafa van eerste rivier in die weskaap, wat vanjaar die wêreld ekonomiese forum in davos bygewoon het om 'n beroep op wêreldleiers te doen om vas te staan vir klimaatgeregtigheid. +","i was bowled over when i met michelle nkamankeng who, at 11 years old, is africa’s youngest author and is ranked among the top ten youngest writers in the world. +",0.6527047 +"toe ek kennis gemaak het met michelle nkamankeng, wat op 11jarige ouderdom afrika se jongste skrywer is en onder die tien voorste jongste skrywers ter wêreld is, was ek verstom. +","the author of seven books and wrote her first book at the age of 6 years old. +",0.5986487 +"sy het sewe boeke geskryf, waarvan die eerste een reeds op die ouderdom van ses jaar die lig gesien het. +","as professor jonathan jansen said: ""she is confident, articulate, insightful and passionate."" +",0.4982409 +"soos professor jonathan jansen gesê het: 'sy is selfversekerd, welsprekend, insigryk en passievol'. +","it is these young people who are the real jewels of our country’s future and who remind us that our freedom was won through the sacrifices of the young men and women who were determined that not only they, but those who came after, should live in the light of freedom. +",0.5970068 +"dit is hierdie jongmense wat die ware juwele van ons land se toekoms is, en wat ons daaraan herinner dat ons vryheid gewen is deur die opofferings van die jong mans en vroue wat vasberade was dat nie net hulle nie, maar ook diegene wat na hulle sou kom, in die lig van vryheid moet lewe. +","we must continue to work together as government, business, labour and civil society to ensure that the burden of unemployment does not continue to weigh down our young people, crush their spirits and cause them to become despondent. +",0.6859395 +"ons moet aanhou om saam te werk as regering, die sakewêreld, die arbeidsektor en die burgerlike samelewing om te verseker dat die las van werkloosheid nie ons jongmense neerdruk, hul gees verpletter en hulle moedeloos maak nie. +","i am confident that the actions we outlined in the sona will represent a new frontier for youth development as frantz fanon said, it is to each generation to discover its mission. +",0.61516905 +"ek is vol vertroue dat die aksies wat ons in die sona uiteengesit het, 'n nuwe mylpaal vir jeugontwikkeling sal verteenwoordig. +","this generation has discovered theirs. +",0.45713806 +"soos frantz fanon gesê het, dit is elke generasie se taak om sy missie te ontdek. +","it is now up to us to support them to fulfil it. +",0.47552282 +"hierdie generasie het hulle s'n ontdek. +","young people are sa's real jewels vukuzenzele unnamed engaging with young people always leaves me energised. +",0.47552282 +"bmw sluit aan by die geveg teen ggg vukuzenzele unnamed bmw groep suidafrika het vyf bmw i3motors oorhandig, wat deur gemeenskapsgebaseerde sorgwerkers gebruik sal word om slagoffers van geslagsgebaseerde geweld te bereik. +","bmw joins the fight against gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa has handed over five bmw i3 cars that will be used by communitybased care workers to reach victims of genderbased violence. +",0.90291566 +"die voertuie is deur president cyril ramaphosa en duitse kanselier, angela merkel ontvang. +","the vehicles were received by president cyril ramaphosa and german chancellor angela merkel before being hand ed over to the south african business coalition on health and aids (sabcoha) to manage on behalf of the multisectoral interim steering committee on genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). +",0.7381116 +"hulle is aan die suidafrikaanse sakekoalisie oor gesondheid en vigs (sabcoha) oorhandig om dit namens die multisektorale tussentydse loodskomitee vir geslagsgebaseerde geweld en vrouemoord (gggv) te beheer. +","the automotive group’s contribution demonstrates the growing partnership between government and civil society, which includes the business sector and international partners, in the fight against gbvf. +",0.6418365 +"die motorgroep se bydrae demonstreer die ontwikkelende vennootskap in die stryd teen gggv tussen die regering en burgerlike samelewing, wat die sakesektor en internasionale vennote insluit. +","the initiative is part of the automotive industry transformation fund (worth r6 billion), which was established to increase participation in the sector by previously and historically disadvantaged groups, including women, youth and people with disabilities. +",0.7068432 +"die inisiatief is deel van die motorindustrie se transformasiefonds (wat r6 miljard werd is), wat gestig is om die motorwaardeketting te transformeer en deelname aan die sektor deur voorheen en histories benadeelde groepe te bevorder, insluitend vrouens, die jeug en mense met gestremdhede. +","speaking at the vehicle handover ceremony, held at the bmw group production plant in rosslyn, tshwane, president ramaphosa said the vehicles will help to save lives. +",0.6631393 +"president ramaphosa het onlangs by die voertuigoorhandiging wat by bmw groep se produksieaanleg in rosslyn, tshwane, gehou is, gesê dat die voertuie sal help om lewens te red. +","he expressed his gratitude to bmw for being the first company to donate the vehicles, and encouraged others to follow suit. +",0.63107216 +"hy het sy dank teenoor bmw uitgespreek omdat hulle die eerste maatskappy is om voertuie te skenk en het ander aangemoedig om hulle voorbeeld te volg. +","""this practical expression of good corporate citizenship is sending a very good and clear message that we would like many other companies to also notice and adopt,president ramaphosa said. +",0.61055017 +"""dié praktiese uitdrukking van goeie korporatiewe burgerskap stuur n baie goeie en duidelike boodskap wat ons wil hê baie ander maatskappye ook moet opmerk en aanvaar. +","emergency response plan to address gbvfgovernment has been im plementing an emergency response plan to address gbvf. +",0.6294625 +"""die bestaan van bmw suidafrika demonstreer gevestigde en sterk ekonomiese verbintenisse tussen [duitsland en sa],"" sê president ramaphosa. +","a national strategic plan on gbvf, which outlines a range of measures to tackle gbvf, has also been developed. +",0.62273824 +"noodreaksieplan om gggv die stryd aan te sêdie regering is besig om n noodreaksieplan om gggv die stryd aan te sê, in werking te stel. +","""the plan focuses on strengthening prevention efforts, and ensuring safety and justice for the women and children of our country. +",0.630877 +"n nasionale strategiese plan oor gggv , wat n reeks maatreëls om gggv aan te pak uiteensit, is ook ontwikkel. +","the plan also touches on economic empowerment, an area that is so important that we, as government, will be focusing on,"" president ramaphosa said. +",0.5991018 +"""die plan fokus op die versterking van voorkomingspogings en om die veiligheid van en geregtigheid vir die vrouens en kinders van ons land te verseker. +","group head of production and chairman of bmw south africa, dr milan nedeljkovic, said 4 000 people in south africa are directly employed at bmw group, and four out of five managers are local. +",0.5433227 +"die plan het ook te make met ekonomiese bemagtiging, n gebied wat só belangrik is dat ons, as die regering, daarop gaan fokus,"" sê president ramaphosa. +","in addition to this, more than 40 000 people are employed indirectly through the company’s utilities in south africa. +",0.46661484 +"produksiegroephoof en voorsitter van bmw suidafrika, dr milan nedeljkovic, sê dat n totaal van 4 000 mense in suidafrika direk deur die bmwgroep in diens geneem word, insluitend vier uit vyf bestuurders wat plaaslik is. +","""our first formal training facility in bmw sa opened its doors in 1978 and since then, more than 2 000 have gone through training with bmw and received jobs at bmw,"" nedeljkovic said. +",0.72076154 +"nedeljkovic sê dat daar ook meer as 40 000 mense indirek, deur die maatskappy se nutsmaatskappye in suidafrika, in diens geneem word. +","he said the company’s philosophy underlines that education is the key to success, and ""lifelong learning through bmw group is part of that success"". +",0.61091805 +"""ons eerste formele opleidingsfasiliteit in bmw sa het sy deure in 1978 geopen en sedertdien het meer as 2 000 mense opleiding deur bmw ondergaan en werk by bmw gekry. +","bmw joins the fight against gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa has handed over five bmw i3 cars that will be used by communitybased care workers to reach victims of genderbased violence. +",0.61091805 +"kom ons werk saam om ons finansies reg te ruk vukuzenzele unnamed die begroting wat deur tito mboweni, mi nister van finansies, voorgelê is, bied 'n nugtere oorsig oor die stand van ons ekonomie. +","let us work together to fix our finances vukuzenzele unnamed the budget presented by finance minister tito mboweni presents a sobering assessment of the state of our economy. +",0.90436333 +"dit is duidelik uit die syfers dat, tensy ons nou optree om dinge om te keer, daar nog moeiliker tye voorlê. +","the figures make it plain that unless we act now to turn things around, there will be even more difficult times ahead. +",0.7841862 +"eenvoudig gestel, ons bestee baie meer as wat ons verdien. +","put simply, we are spending far more than we are earning. +",0.7503315 +"as gevolg hiervan, leen ons al hoe meer terwyl die koste om skuld te betaal styg. +","as a result, we are borrowing more and more, and the cost of servicing that debt is rising. +",0.7854413 +"trouens, skuldkoste is nou die vinnigste groeiende vlak van besteding. +","in fact, debt service costs are now the fastestgrowing area of expenditure. +",0.8255069 +"ons bestee meer aan skuldte rugbetalings as aan gesondheid; slegs onderwys en maatskapli ke ontwikkeling kry meer. +","we spend more on debt repayments than we do on health; only education and social development get more. +",0.8535489 +"hierdie posisie is onseker en onvolhoubaar. +","this position is precarious and unsustainable. +",0.8880389 +"ons moet aansienlike veran deringe aanbring en dit moet nou aangebring word. +","we need to make significant changes and we need to make them now. +",0.7620851 +"daar is verskeie redes vir die posisie waarin ons tans is. +","there are several reasons for the position we’re now in. +",0.6992742 +"ons ekonomie het die afgelope de kade nie veel gegroei nie, veral weens die wêreldwye finansiële krisis in 2008 en 'n afname in die vraag na die minerale wat ons uitvoer. +","our economy has not grown much over the last decade, mainly due to the 2008 global financial crisis and a decline in demand for the minerals that we export. +",0.88637435 +"as gevolg hiervan was die invordering van inkomste swak en moes ons meer leen om besteding aan ontwikke ling, infrastruktuur en lone te kon volhou. +","as a result, revenue collection has been weak and we have had to borrow more to sustain spending on development, infrastructure and wages. +",0.83557504 +"terselfdertyd het staatskaping en korrupsie 'n invloed gehad op bestuur, bedryfsdoeltreffendheid en finansiële volhoubaarheid by verskeie openbare instellings, insluitend ondernemings in staatsbesit (soe's). +","at the same time, state capture and corruption has affected governance, operational effectiveness and financial sustainability at several public institutions, including stateowned enterprises (soes). +",0.90199274 +"pogings wat die afgelope twee jaar aangewend is om die ekonomie te laat herleef en instellings te herbou, word nou ondermyn deur die elek trisiteitskrisis, wat groei verder beperk en 'n bykomende las op openbare finansies plaas. +","efforts over the last two years to revive the economy and rebuild institutions have now been undermined by the electricity crisis, further constraining growth and placing an additional burden on public finances. +",0.88053036 +"ons prioriteite in hierdie be groting is dus om die ekonomie weer op 'n groeipad te plaas, openbare besteding te beperk en ons skuld te stabiliseer. +","our priorities in this budget therefore are to put the economy back on a path of growth, constrain public spending and stabilise our debt. +",0.9072659 +"die begroting is 'n integrale deel van ons strewe na inklu siewe groei, werkskepping, belegging en 'n bekwame staat. +","the budget is an integral part of our drive for inclusive growth, job creation, investment and a capable state. +",0.8983497 +"ons het 'n doelbewuste besluit geneem om nie die pad van besnoeiingsmaatreëls te volg nie. +","we have made a deliberate decision not to pursue a path of austerity. +",0.8471765 +"op so 'n roete sou die uitga wes aan maatskaplike dienste waarop arm mense staatmaak, heelwat besnoei moes word. +","such a route would have seen deep cuts in spending on the social services that poor people rely on. +",0.7320145 +"dit kon daartoe gelei het dat staatsamptenare se salarisse dramaties sou verminder; die omvang van die staatsdiens, bo nusse en pensioene gekortwiek word; belasting verhoog word en die belangrikste staatsbates verkoop moes word. +","it could have involved dramatically reducing the salaries of civil servants, the size of the public service, cutting bonuses and pensions, raising taxes and selling off key state assets. +",0.861943 +"'n besnoeiingsbegroting sou ons groeivooruitsigte verder benadeel het en die staat se ver moë om ekonomiese aktiwiteite te stimuleer en in die behoeftes van mense te voorsien, verswak het. +","an austerity budget would have damaged our growth prospects further and weakened the ability of the state to stimulate economic activity and meet people’s needs. +",0.84056365 +"ons het in plaas daarvan 'n begroting voorgelê wat verskeie gebalanseerde en weldeurdagte maatreëls bevat om besteding in toom te hou, omset te verhoog en groei aan te moedig. +","we have instead presented a budget that contains a range of balanced and wellconsidered measures to contain spending, increase revenue and encourage growth. +",0.8265206 +"oor die volgende drie jaar ver wag ons om ongeveer r261 mil jard te bespaar deur verskillen de departemente se begrotings te besnoei en die koers waarteen die staatsdiens se loonrekening verhoog, te verlaag. +","over the next three years, we expect to achieve savings of around r261 billion by cutting the budgets of several departments and reducing the rate at which the public service wage bill increases. +",0.8861136 +"terself dertyd sal ons egter meer moet bestee om die herstruk turering van soe's soos eskom en die sal te ondersteun. +","at the same time, however, we will need to spend more to support the restructuring of soes like eskom and saa. +",0.834656 +"as gevolg hiervan, verwag ons 'n netto vermindering van r156 miljard in nierenteuitgawes oor die mediumtermyn. +","as a result, we expect a net reduction of r156 billion in noninterest spending over the medium term. +",0.90281594 +"dit sal help om die tekort te verklein en ons leningsbehoef tes te verminder. +","this will help to narrow the deficit and reduce our borrowing needs. +",0.9196162 +"'n groot deel van die bespa ring sal uit die vermindering van die koers waarteen ons loonrekening groei, spruit. +","a large part of the savings will come from reducing the rate at which our wage bill grows. +",0.8289856 +"dit sal verg dat gefokusde bespre kings tussen alle maatskaplike vennote, maar veral met vak bonde in die openbare sektor, gehou moet word. +","this will require focused discussions among all social partners, but particularly with public sector unions. +",0.77439505 +"hierdie be sprekings moet plaasvind met die wil om oplossings te vind. +","these engagements need to be conducted in a spirit of seeking solutions. +",0.7600643 +"ek is bemoedig deur die bereid willigheid van alle partye om oplossings deur daadwerklike onderhandelinge te vind. +","i am heartened by the willingness of all parties to engage in serious negotiations aimed at finding a solution. +",0.82412964 +"ons benadering is nie om die grootte van die staatsdiens dramaties te verminder nie, maar om te kyk na die tempo waarteen lone groei. +","our approach is not to dramatically cut the size of the public service, but to examine the rate at which wages grow. +",0.8238455 +"staats dienslone het oor baie jare ge middeld teen 'n baie hoër koers gestyg as inflasie, en ons moet dit regstel om die openbare finansies onder beheer te kry. +","public service wages have on average increased at a much higher rate than inflation over many years, and we need to fix this if we are to get public finances under control. +",0.82383245 +"dit geld ook vir die bestuur van mense se persoonlike finansies, waar enige uitgawes wat meer as inflasie styg of dit nou elektrisiteitstariewe, mobiele tariewe of kos is die begroting en finansies van elke individu altyd onder druk sal plaas. +","this also applies to the management of people’s personal finances, where if any expenditure item that rises at a rate more than inflation – be it electricity tariffs, mobile tariffs or food – will always put any individual person’s budget and finances under strain and out of kilter. +",0.88411057 +"die loonrekening is volgens ekonomiese klassifikasie die grootste bestedingskom ponent. +","the wage bill remains the largest component of spending by economic classification. +",0.7514558 +"die toename in die loonrekening het begin om die besteding aan kapitaalprojekte vir toekomstige groei en items wat van kritieke belang is vir dienslewering, te verdring. +","growth in the wage bill has begun crowding out spending on capital projects for future growth and items that are critical for service delivery. +",0.88124526 +"die staatsdiens se loonreke ning is geensins die enigste gebied waar ons koste besnoei nie. +","the public service wage bill is by no means the only area where we are cutting costs. +",0.7612879 +"ek het besluit dat die sala risse van senior openbare amps draers nie vanjaar verhoog sal word nie. +","i have decided that there will be no increase in the salaries of senior public office bearers this year. +",0.7558121 +"dit volg op 'n vermin dering in voordele wat spruit uit wysigings aan die ministe riële handboek. +","this follows a reduction in benefits stemming from changes to the ministerial handbook. +",0.76184124 +"ons sal vanjaar 'n nuwe wet publiseer waarin 'n vergoedingsraamwerk vir openbare entiteite en onder nemings in staatsbesit bekend gemaak sal word om buitenspo rige betaling aan raadslede en bestuurders te voorkom. +","we will publish a new law this year introducing a remuneration framework for public entities and state owned companies to prevent excessive pay for board members and executives. +",0.82733893 +"ons vakbondgenote is reg wanneer hulle sê dat ons op 'n bewysbare manier lekkasies van openbare fondse moet voorkom deur korrupsie uit te roei, en onreëlmatige, nuttelose en verkwistende uitgawes te beëindig. +","our trade union compatriots are right in saying that we should in a demonstrable way prevent leakages of public funds by addressing corruption, ending irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. +",0.9058353 +"ons sal dit, en nog baie meer doen. +","we will do this and much more. +",0.9166314 +"net so belangrik as wat dit is om die openbare loonrekening in toom te hou om openbare finansies te stabiliseer, is dit noodsaaklik om die prestasie van die openbare sektor te verbeter om 'n meer bekwame, doeltreffende staat te bou. +","as much as containing the public wage bill is critical to stabilising public finances, improving public sector performance is imperative if we want to build a more capable, efficient state. +",0.88901496 +"ons het meer van die regte mense in die regte posisies nodig. +","we need more of the right people in the right positions. +",0.878045 +"deur openbare besteding in toom te hou, streef ons daarna om groei te verbeter. +","as we contain public spending, we are pursuing growth. +",0.78149104 +"dit is om hierdie rede dat daar geen groot belastingverhogings is nie, ondanks die fiskale tekort. +","it is for this reason that, despite the fiscal gap, there are no major tax increases. +",0.8261074 +"in plaas daarvan is daar 'n mate van verligting vir individuele belastingbetalers en verskeie maatreëls om die korporatiewe belastingbasis te verbreed. +","instead, there is some relief for individual tax payers and several measures to broaden the corporate tax base. +",0.8467634 +"ons gaan ook voort met verreiken de hervormings in gebiede soos elektrisiteitsvoorsiening, hawens en spooren telekom munikasie om die koste van saketransaksies te verlaag. +","we are also pushing ahead with farreaching reforms in areas like electricity provision, ports and rail and telecommunications to reduce the cost of doing business. +",0.8868943 +"deur die infrastruktuurfonds wil ons finansiering vanuit 'n verskei denheid bronne mobiliseer om in 'n massiewe bouprogram te belê. +","through the infrastructure fund we aim to mobilise financing from a range of sources to invest in a massive build programme. +",0.84744334 +"deur ons industriële stra tegie en beleggingsaansporing, ontsluit ons belangrike groei gebiede. +","through our industrial strategy and investment drive we are unlocking vital areas of growth. +",0.8542387 +"ons herstel ons openbare finansies om inklusiewe groei en werkskepping moontlik te maak. +","we are fixing our public finances to make inclusive growth and job creation possible. +",0.8983333 +"in sulke omstandighede moet ons realisties wees, nie dogmaties nie. +","such times call for us to be realistic, not dogmatic. +",0.7980088 +"dit verg same werking, nie konflik nie. +","they call for cooperation, not conflict. +",0.758806 +"daar moet kompromieë en aanpas sings gemaak word. +","compromises and tradeoffs will have to be made. +",0.76543134 +"ons is almal saam in dieselfde bootjie, en ons deel 'n gesament like verantwoordelikheid om die roeispane te neem, om as ’n eenheid saam te roei en ons land deur hierdie stormagtige waters te stuur.","let us work together to fix our finances vukuzenzele unnamed the budget presented by finance minister tito mboweni presents a sobering assessment of the state of our economy. +",0.76543134 +"steun aan pasiënte noodsaaklik in stryd teen tb dale hes die usaid tuber kulose suidafrika projek is ‘n perfek te voorbeeld van hoe die regering, gemeenskappe en nro's kan saamwerk om tuberkulose (tb) te bestry. +","patient support crucial for fighting tb dale hes the usaid tuberculosis south africa project is proving to be a perfect example of how government, communities and ngos can partner together to combat tuberculosis (tb) by providing proper support to patients. +",0.8601438 +"suidafrika het n leierskap sposisie in die globale stryd teen tb ingeneem en die ver enigde state se agentskap vir internasionale ontwikkeling (usaid) het ingetree om hulp aan te bied. +","south africa has taken a position of leadership in the global fight against tb, and the united states agency for international development (usaid) has stepped in to provide assistance. +",0.84592295 +"die projek wat oor vyf jaar strek en in 2016 begin het, word saam met die nasionale depar tement van gesondheid in agt van suidafrika se provinsies uitgevoer. +","the fiveyear project, which started in 2016, is being carried out in partnership with the national department of health in eight of south africa’s provinces. +",0.8195288 +"een van die belangrikste dele van die projek is om gemeenskapsgebaseerde nro's te on dersteun. +","one of the most important parts of the project is to support communitybased ngos. +",0.9093846 +"die projek voorsien befondsing aan 21 nro's, wat meer as 3 500 pasiënte, meest al vanuit landelike gebiede, ondersteun. +","the project provides funding to 21 ngos who have supported more than 3 500 patients, the majority based in rural areas. +",0.881168 +"mosamaria in die vrystaatmosamaria in mangaung, is een van die nro's wat fondse van die projek ontvang het. +","free state progressbased in mangaung, mosamoria is one of the ngos which has received funding from the project. +",0.8417729 +"die organisasie het n span gemeenskapsgesondheidswer kers, n projekbestuurder en n datavaslegger wat saamwerk om te verseker dat pasiënte op behandeling bly sodat hulle oor n tydperk van ses maande genees kan word. +","the organisation has a team of community health workers, a project manager and a data capturer who all work towards ensuring that patients stay on treatment so that they can be cured in a six month period. +",0.85069066 +"""ons het 74 versorgers in diens vir dié projek. +","""we employ 74 care givers for this project. +",0.8028545 +"ons het aanvanklik met 200 pasiënte gewerk, toe 400 pasiënte en in ons huidige kontrak het ons 500 pasiënte waarmee ons op n daaglikse basis werk. +","initially we worked with 200 patients, then 400 patients, and in our current contract we have 500 patients who we work with on a daily basis. +",0.89121044 +"die pasiënte word vanaf nege kli nieke in die mangaung metro na ons verwys wanneer hulle met tb gediagnoseer word,"" sê mosamariakoördineerder, trudie harrison. +","the patients are referred to us when they have been diagnosed as having tb from nine different clinics in the mangaung metro,"" says mosamaria coordinator trudie harrison. +",0.85991204 +"mosamaria onderneem maan delikse deurtotdeur siftings veldtogte om nuwe tbpasiënte op te spoor en hulle dadelik te begin behandel. +","mosamaria conducts monthly doortodoor screening campaigns to find new tb patients and get them on treatment immediately. +",0.8528797 +"harrison sê dat mosamaria se werk die stigma van tb vermin der het en hegte verhoudings met die gemeenskap gesmee het. +","harrison says that mosamoria’s work has reduced the stigma around tb, built close relationships with the community and also led to much better rates of successful treatment. +",0.82241595 +"dit het ook baie meer suk sesvolle behandelingskoerse tot gevolg gehad. +","""for example, in 2018, 514 of our patients were cured,"" harrison says. +",0.44282848 +"""514 van ons pasiënte is by voorbeeld in 2018 genees,"" sê harrison. +","harrison shares the story of one of mosamaria’s patients. +",0.5776247 +"harrison deel die storie van een van mosamaria se pasiënte. +","he was given daily support by a mosamaria caregiver, who ensured that he swallowed his tablets every day and also assisted with maize meal and new clothes. +",0.61098945 +"hy is daagliks deur n mosama riaversorger ondersteun, wat seker gemaak het dat hy elke dag sy medikasie neem en hom ook van mieliemeel en nuwe klere voosien het. +","""he completed the treatment and was cured. +",0.47325054 +"""hy het die behandeling voltooi en is genees en hy kon teruggaan werk toe, aangesien sy werkgewer sy werk vir hom gehou het,"" sê harrison. +","he went back to work as his employer had kept his job for him,"" says harrison. +",0.81106067 +"wees bewus van tbsimptome jy behoort jou naaste kliniek of hospitaal te besoek om vir tb getoets te word as jy van die volgende simptome het: hoes wat vir drie of meer weke aanhou bloed uithoes borspyn of pyn het wanneer jy hoes of asemhaal onopsetlike gewigsverlies uitgeput voel koors. +","know the symptoms of tb if you have some of the following symptoms, then you should visit your nearest clinic or hospital to be tested for tb: coughing that lasts three or more weeks; coughing up blood; chest pain, or pain when breathing or coughing; unintentional weight loss; fatigue; fever. +",0.8922808 +"gesondheidkontak die usaid tb suidafrika projek by 012 484 9300, vir meer inligting oor die projek.","patient support crucial for fighting tb dale hes the usaid tuberculosis south africa project is proving to be a perfect example of how government, communities and ngos can partner together to combat tuberculosis (tb) by providing proper support to patients. +",0.8922808 +"saam kan ons die impak van covid19 beveg vukuzenzele unnamed die wêreld is in die wurggreep van 'n noodsituasie vir openbare gesondheid op 'n skaal wat meer as 'n eeu laas beleef is. +","together we can fight the impact of covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed the world is in the throes of a public health emergency on a scale not witnessed in over a century. +",0.86907125 +"die verspreiding van die koronavirus, wat die siekte bekend as covid19 veroorsaak, is skrikwekkend vinnig en wyd, en word nou as 'n wêreldwye pandemie gedefinieer. +","the spread of the coronavirus, which causes the disease known as covid19, has been alarmingly swift and widescale, and is now defined as a global pandemic. +",0.92950636 +"dit het geen geografiese of territoriale grense nie, het sowel jonk as oud besmet en is aan die toeneem in sowel ontwikkelde as ontwikkelende lande. +","it knows no geographical or territorial boundaries, has infected both young and old, and is on the rise in developed and developing countries alike. +",0.8836018 +"namate die sifting en toetsing verskerp word, sal die aantal infeksies in suidafrika na verwagting toeneem. +","as screening and testing is scaled up, the number of infections in south africa is expected to rise. +",0.8477742 +"ek het onlangs 'n nasionale ramptoestand verklaar, 'n maatstaf wat ooreenstem met die erns van die bedreiging vir ons mense, ons samelewing en ons ekonomie. +","i recently declared a national state of disaster, a measure proportionate to the severity of the threat to our people, to our society and to our economy. +",0.9051608 +"dit sal ons in staat stel om 'n geïntegreerde en gekoördineerde rampbestuursprogram te bedryf en om vinnige en doeltreffende noodreaksiestelsels in plek te stel. +","this will enable us to have an integrated and coordinated disaster management mechanism and to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems. +",0.8707541 +"hierdie virus sal uiters ontwrigtend wees, en ons priori teit is om die gesondheid en welstand van alle suidafrikaners te beskerm. +","this virus will be extremely disruptive, and our priority is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all south africans. +",0.9134687 +"ons moet ook die onvermydelike ekonomiese nadraai aanpak. +","we also have to address the inevitable economic fallout. +",0.8509301 +"ons moet 'n afname in uitvoere verwag, 'n daling in toeristeaankomste en 'n ernstige impak op produksie en sakelewensvatbaarheid, sowel as werkskepping en die behoud van werk. +","we must expect a decline in exports, a drop in tourist arrivals and a severe impact on production, business viability and job creation and retention. +",0.9083148 +"die kabinet finaliseer tans 'n omvattende pakket van ingrypings om die verwagte impak van covid19 op ons ekonomie te verminder. +","cabinet is in the process of finalising a comprehensive package of interventions to mitigate the expected impact of covid19 on our economy. +",0.88889194 +"dit word in oorleg met sake, arbeidsen ander relevante instellings gedoen. +","this is being done in consultation with business, labour and other relevant institutions. +",0.8074601 +"dit was louis pasteur wat gesê het dat rykdom die voorbereide gees bevoordeel. +","it was louis pasteur who said that fortune favours the prepared mind. +",0.8809003 +"suidafrika is voorbereid, en is reeds 'n geruime tyd voorbereid. +","south africa is prepared, and has been so for some time. +",0.81974804 +"sedert die uitbreek van die virus aangemeld is, het ons opgetree om maatreëls vir sifting en inperking in plek te stel. +","since the outbreak was first reported we have acted to put screening and containment measures in place. +",0.8236437 +"ons nasionale reaksie is gedryf deur 'n interministeriële komitee (imk) onder die voorsitterskap en bekwame leiding van die minister van gesondheid, dr zweli mkhize. +","our national response has been driven by an interministerial committee (imc) chaired and ably led by the minister of health, dr zweli mkhize. +",0.92726815 +"die manier waarop die imk en die ondersteuningspanne op hierdie noodtoestand gereageer het, is doeltreffend en gerusstellend, veral omdat dit help om die openbare paniek te onderdruk. +","the manner in which the imc and the support teams have responded to this emergency has been both exemplary and reassuring, particularly in helping to quell public panic. +",0.86822855 +"ek sal voorsitter wees van 'n nasionale opdragraad om alle aspekte van ons nasionale reaksie te koördineer. +","i will be chairing a national command council to coordinate all aspects of our national response. +",0.8970601 +"suidafrika het 'n positiewe prestasierekord in die bestuur van noodgevalle. +","south africa has a positive track record in managing public health emergencies. +",0.8354281 +"ons het die kennis, die middele en die kundigheid. +","we have the knowledge, the means and the expertise. +",0.8663141 +"ons wetenskaplikes en epidemioloë is wêreldklas. +","our scientists and epidemiologists are worldclass. +",0.9110373 +"ons het 'n reeks noodmaatreëls ingestel en sal finansie ring beskikbaar stel om die implementering daarvan te ondersteun. +","we have put a raft of emergency measures in place, and will make funding available to support their implementation. +",0.8568778 +"dit sluit ’n reisverbod op besoekers uit lande met 'n hoë risiko in, sowel as verpligte toetsing, selfisolasie of kwarantyn vir suidafrikaanse burgers wat uit hierdie lande terugkeer; asook die versterking van waarneming, sifting en toetsing by die hawens van toetrede tot die republiek. +","they include travel bans on visitors from highrisk countries; mandatory testing, selfisolation or quarantine for south african nationals returning from these countries; and strengthening surveillance, screening and testing at ports of entry into the republic. +",0.91234034 +"sosiale distansiëring is van kritieke belang om die verspreiding van covid19 te stuit. +","social distancing is critical if we are to contain the spread of covid19. +",0.8895761 +"byeenkomste van meer as 100 mense is verbode en die massaviering van nasionale dae word gekanselleer. +","gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited and mass celebrations of national days are cancelled. +",0.8654311 +"besoeke aan alle korrektiewe sentrums word onmiddellik vir 30 dae opgeskort. +","visits to all correctional centres are being suspended for 30 days with immediate effect. +",0.8210372 +"nienoodsaaklike internasionale reis vir regeringsamptenare is verbied en nienoodsaaklike reis binne die land word ontmoedig. +","nonessential international travel for government officials has been proscribed and nonessential domestic travel discouraged. +",0.83521247 +"altesaam 35 binnelandse plekke van toetrede in die land en twee hawens sal gesluit wees. +","a total of 35 land ports and two sea ports will be closed, as will schools from the 18th of march until after the easter weekend. +",0.6496992 +"skole sal ook vanaf 18 maart tot na die paasnaweek gesluit wees. +","we will soon be announcing measures with regards to universities and colleges. +",0.5188469 +"ons sal binnekort maatreëls rakende universiteite en kolleges aankondig. +","next month will be easter, a sacred period for a number of faiths and a time in which mass services and gatherings will take place. +",0.54327023 +"volgende maand is paasfees, 'n heilige tyd vir verskeie gelowe en 'n tyd waarin massadienste en byeenkomste gewoonlik plaasvind. +","the faith community should take decisions in this regard in the best interests of the health of their congregants and the country as a whole. +",0.5899084 +"die geloofsgemeenskap moet besluite neem in dié verband in die belang van hul gemeentes se gesondheid en dié van die land as ’n geheel. +","hygiene control should be intensified in all sectors. +",0.5229255 +"die beheer van higiëne moet in alle sektore versterk word. +","every citizen should take charge of their own safety by observing measures such as frequent handwashing with soap or handsanitizers and covering their nose or mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. +",0.49961472 +"elkeen van ons moet beheer neem oor ons eie veiligheid deur maatreëls soos om gereeld jou hande met seep te was of handontsmetmiddels te gebruik en jou neus en mond met 'n snesie of elmboog te bedek wanneer jy hoes of nies. +","as part of our national effort the department of health will continue with an intensive and ongoing campaign to raise awareness about prevention, transmission and infection symptoms. +",0.64242417 +"as deel van ons nasionale poging sal die departement van gesondheid voortgaan met 'n intensiewe en deurlopende veldtog om bewustheid oor simptome, voorkoming, oordrag en infeksie te verhoog. +","i encourage all south africans to acquaint themselves with the relevant preventative material. +",0.5539752 +"ek moedig alle suidafrikaners aan om hulle te vergewis van die toepaslike voorkomende maatreëls. +","these measures are similar to those in other countries, and it is important we all understand that they are not punitive but a matter of public safety. +",0.5705209 +"hierdie maatreëls is soortgelyk aan dié in ander lande, en dit is belangrik dat ons almal verstaan dat dit nie ’n straf is nie, maar 'n kwessie van openbare veiligheid. +","one of the greatest dangers at this time is ignorance and misinformation. +",0.5327315 +"een van die grootste gevare op die oomblik is onkunde en verkeerde inligting. +","we should stop spreading fake and unverified news, especially on social media. +",0.5874518 +"ons moet ophou om vals en ongeverifieerde nuus te versprei, veral op sosiale media. +","this can exacerbate an already tense national mood and damage the national effort. +",0.5672226 +"dit kan 'n reeds gespanne nasionale stemming vererger en die nasionale poging skade berokken. +","we must also not give in to the expressions of bigotry that we have seen in other countries directed at nationals of countries from where the outbreak began or the current epicenter in europe. +",0.5929227 +"ons moet ook nie toegee aan die uitdrukking van vooroordeel wat ons gesien het in ander lande wat gerig is op burgers van lande waar die uitbreek begin het of die huidige episentrum in europa nie. +","this is clearly a virus that affects people of all nationalities. +",0.5775015 +"dit is duidelik dat die virus mense van alle nasionaliteite aantas. +","let us lower the wing of compassion to those who are infected, and to those who have returned home from highrisk countries. +",0.589856 +"laat ons diegene wat besmet is, sowel as dié wat uit hoërisikolande teruggekeer het, met deernis behandel. +","let us assist those in need and those more vulnerable, instead of shunning them. +",0.60670567 +"laat ons hulp verleen aan mense in nood en dié wat meer kwesbaar is, in plaas daarvan om hulle te vermy. +","we will remain faithful to the values of tolerance and respect that define us as a people. +",0.5905953 +"ons sal getrou bly aan die waardes van verdraagsaamheid en respek wat ons as 'n volk definieer. +","on behalf of all the people of south africa i thank the team who repatriated our compatriots from wuhan, china, as well as the leadership and people of limpopo who are assisting with the quarantine process. +",0.59971404 +"namens al die inwoners van suidafrika bedank ek die span wat ons landgenote uit wuhan, china, gerepatrieer het, asook die leierskap en mense van limpopo wat help met die kwarantynproses. +","this is a difficult time. +",0.2008459 +"dit is 'n moeilike tyd. +","and yet it is in times of adversity that our strength is revealed. +",0.43703616 +"en tog is dit in tye van teëspoed dat ons krag open baar word. +","we will act decisively, with determination and with purpose. +",0.51797736 +"ons sal beslissend optree, met vasberadenheid en doelgerigtheid. +","we will act as a collective, for it is upon the actions of every south african that the success of our efforts depend. +",0.5993942 +"ons sal gesamentlik optree, want dit is die optrede van elke suidafrikaner wat die sukses van ons pogings bepaal. +","the thuma mina moment is upon us, perhaps as never before. +",0.4832874 +"die thuma minaoomblik is op ons, miskien soos nog nooit tevore nie. +","this too shall pass. +",0.29101026 +"dit sal ook verbygaan. +","we shall overcome. +",0.67377853 +"ons sal oorwin. +","together we can fight the impact of covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed the world is in the throes of a public health emergency on a scale not witnessed in over a century. +",0.67377853 +" hulp aan ons kwesbare burgers vukuzenzele unnamed baie lande regoor die wêreld het koronavirusinperkings ingestel om die lewens van hulle burgers te red. +","help for our vulnerable citizens vukuzenzele unnamed many countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. +",0.901628 +"ons het dieselfde hier gedoen, maar ons inperking het 'n baie betreurenswaardige foutlyn in ons samelewing onthul, wat aandui hoe uiterste armoede, ongelykheid en werkloosheid die struktuur van ons gemeenskappe uitmekaar skeur. +","we have done the same in our country, but our lockdown has revealed a very sad fault line in our society that reveals how grinding poverty, inequality and unemployment is tearing the fabric of our communities apart. +",0.90355647 +"daar kan geen groter foltering wees as dié van ouers wie se kinders by hulle huil omdat hulle nie kos het nie, maar hulle het niks om te gee nie. +","there can be no greater anguish than that of a parent whose children cry out to them for food, but they have none to give. +",0.8542032 +"daar kan geen groter onreg bestaan as 'n samelewing waar sommiges in gemak en oorvloed leef, terwyl ander sukkel om met min of niks te oorleef nie. +","there can be no greater injustice than a society where some live in comfort and plenty, while others struggle at the margins to survive with little or nothing at all. +",0.85075057 +"ja, dit is die hartseer nagevolge van 'n gebroke en ongelyke verlede. +","yes, these are the residual effects of a fractured and unequal past. +",0.8144525 +"maar dit is ook 'n simptoom van 'n fundamentele mislukking in ons samelewing ná apartheid. +","but they are also a symp tom of a fundamental failing in our postapartheid society. +",0.8414253 +"die landwye inperking in reaksie op die koronavirus het 'n jarelange probleem aansienlik vererger. +","the nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus has gravely exarcerbated a longstanding problem. +",0.8272093 +"die afgelope paar weke is ons gekonfronteer met ontstellende beelde van desperate mense wat mekaar vir kospakkies by verspreidingsentrums vertrap en gemeenskappe wat protesoptogte hou teen voedseltekorte. +","over the past few weeks, we have been confronted with distressing images of desperate people clamouring for food parcels at distribution centres and of community protests against food shortages. +",0.84387124 +"ons het ook bewerings gehoor wat ontstellend en walglik is. +","we have also had to contend with allegations both disturbing and disgusting. +",0.8233008 +"verskeie provinsies het berigte ontvang van gewetenlose individue, sommige van hulle na bewering regeringsamptenare, wat kospakkies wat vir die behoeftiges en kwesbares bestem is opgaar of verkoop, of vir hul vriende en familie gee. +","a number of provinces have received reports that callous individuals, some of them allegedly government officials, are hoarding or selling food parcels earmarked for the needy and destitute, or diverting them to their friends and families. +",0.8535018 +"as daar bevind word dat daar enige waarheid in hierdie bewerings steek, sal ons baie streng teen die betrokke individue optree. +","if there is found to be substance to these allegations we will deal with the individuals concerned harshly. +",0.78861904 +"met die verklaring van 'n nasionale ramptoestand en die instelling van 'n landwye inperkingstoestand het ons ’n onbekende terrein betree. +","with the declaration of a national state of disaster and the imposition of a nationwide lockdown we entered uncharted waters. +",0.8329668 +"dit was nog nooit voorheen vir suidafrika nodig om 'n openbare gesondheidsnoodsituasie van hierdie omvang te hanteer nie. +","south africa has never had to deal with a public health emergency of this magnitude. +",0.83635986 +"ons moes vinnig optree om lewens te red. +","we had to act quickly to save lives. +",0.83762294 +"en ons moet erken dat die voorsiening van ondersteuning aan die land se kwesbaarste burgers in die dae en weke wat hierop gevolg het, stadiger was as wat dit moes wees, en dat sekere probleme oor die hoof gesien is. +","and we must acknowledge that in the days and weeks that have followed, the provision of support to our country’s most vulnerable citizens has been slower than required, and that lapses have occurred. +",0.82690144 +"die uitbetaling van maatskaplike toelaes het egter betreklik glad verloop, en ná 'n aantal tegniese uitdagings word die voedselverspreidingstelsel nou gestroomlyn. +","however, the payment of social grants has proceeded relatively smoothly, and after a number of technical challenges, the food distribution system is being streamlined. +",0.82218224 +"die instelling van 'n landwye inperkingstoestand op baie kort kennisgewing het tot verskeie uitdagings gelei. +","imposing a nationwide lockdown at very short notice presented several challenges. +",0.7767012 +"ons moes die relatiewe uitwerking van die nasionale reaksie opweeg teenoor die omvang van die beperkings wat ons sou moes instel. +","we have had to weigh up the proportionality of the national response and the extent of restrictions we would need to impose. +",0.8553774 +"ons het oplaas die roete van omsigtigheid gekies. +","we ultimately chose to err on the side of caution. +",0.641629 +"en soos die ministerie van gesondheid se voorlegging onlangs aangedui het, het die inperking wat ons die afgelope tyd afgedwing het die infeksiekoers vertraag en, selfs belangriker, vir ons tyd gekoop om voor te berei op 'n moontlike toename in infeksies in die komende weke en maande. +","and as the presentation by the ministry of health indicated recently, enforcing a lockdown at the time we did has slowed down the rate of infection and, more importantly, bought us time to prepare for a probable surge in infections in the coming weeks and months. +",0.91801095 +"ons moes die impak op 'n reeds sukkelende ekonomie op die lang en kort termyn oorweeg, en ons moes die uitwerking van hierdie wesenlike ontwrigting op die lewensbestaan van miljoene mense in oënskou neem. +","we had to consider the impact on an already floundering economy in both the long and short term, and the impact of this substantial disruption on the livelihoods of millions of people. +",0.87230736 +"ons moes nadink oor wat weke se inperking by die huis sou beteken vir werkers wat nie gereelde salarisse kry nie, vir werkloses en mense wat werk soek, vir mense wat informele of seisoenale werk doen, vir diegene in die informele sektor, vir die behoeftiges en vir die kwesbares. +","we had to consider what weeks of confinement to the home would mean for the employed not paid regular salaries, for the unemployed and those seeking work, for those in casual or seasonal employment, for those in the informal sector, for the indigent and for the vulnerable. +",0.8983608 +"die kabinet gaan 'n stel maatreëls fi naliseer om te reageer op die uitwerking van die inperking op die lewensbestaan van ons mense. +","cabinet will finalise a set of measures to respond to the impact of the lockdown on the livelihoods of our people. +",0.8153943 +"dit is voorafgegaan deur 'n reeks samesprekings met verskeie belanghebbendes, waaronder die sakesektor, georganiseerde arbeid, godsdienstige organisasies, die burgerlike samelewing en die presidensiële ekonomiese adviesraad. +","this has been preceded by a range of engagements with a number of stakeholders including business, labour, religious organisations, civil society and the presidential economic advisory council. +",0.92142856 +"die maatskaplike vennote het verskeie voorstelle ingedien oor ingrypings wat die onmiddellike kwesbaarheid van die armstes van die armes, waarvan die meeste staatmaak op maatskaplike hulp om te oorleef, kan verlig. +","the social partners have put forward a number of proposals on interventions that could address the immediate vulnerability of the poorest of the poor, most of whom rely on social assistance to survive. +",0.79355496 +"ons sal die voorsiening van welsynsdienste in hierdie tydperk opskerp om huishoudings wat onder die armoedegrens leef, te help. +","we will scale up welfare provision during this period to help households living below the poverty line. +",0.86358047 +"selfs as die landswye inperkingstoestand opgehef word, sal die gevolge daarvan nog 'n geruime tyd gevoel word. +","even when the nationwide lockdown is lifted, its effects will continue to be felt for some time to come. +",0.8283433 +"diegene wat bevoorreg is om 'n bestendige inkomste te verdien, sal na hul werk kan terugkeer; maar vir miljoene ander sal dit 'n verlore maand wees waar hulle andersins tydelike werk kon gehad het, in die informele sektor sake sou gedoen het of geld kon gespaar het om hul gesinsverantwoordelikhede na te kom. +","those fortunate to have a steady income will be able to return to their jobs; but for millions of others this will be a lost month where they would otherwise have found temporary work, done business in the informal sector or saved money earned to meet their family responsibilities. +",0.8944534 +"voedselondersteuning is 'n noodmaatreël op die kort termyn. +","food support is a shortterm emergency measure. +",0.84804296 +"dit moet gepaard gaan met volhoubare oplossings wat ons kwesbaarste burgers help om in die moeilike tye wat nog voorlê, te oorleef. +","it will need to be matched by sustainable solutions that help our most vulnerable citizens weather the difficult times that are still to come. +",0.84888715 +"ek wil die talle nro's, godsdienstige groepe en gewone burgers bedank wat geld skenk en as vrywilligers help om honger en behoeftige mense te voed. +","i wish to thank the many ngos, religious groups and ordinary citizens who are donating money and volunteer ing to help feed the hungry and destitute. +",0.9027734 +"om honger te verlig, is nie 'n daad van barmhartigheid nie. +","alleviating hunger is not an act of charity. +",0.86336255 +"dit is 'n noodsaaklikheid vir enige samelewing wat gegrond is op respek vir menseregte. +","it is an imperative for any society that is founded on respect for human rights. +",0.7797611 +"ons is op 'n punt in ons stryd teen die pandemie waar oorgerustheid rampspoedig kan wees. +","we are at a point in our battle with the pandemic where complacency could prove disastrous. +",0.89479315 +"ek doen 'n beroep op elkeen om waaksaam te bly, om steeds die regulasies na te kom, om veilig te bly en om ander veilig te hou. +","i call on each and every one to remain vigilant, to continue to abide by the regulations, and to keep safe and keep others safe. +",0.8667264 +"as regering sal ons inligting voorsien oor die direkte ingrypings wat ons onderneem om ons kwesbaarste burgers teen die skrikwekkende vooruitsig van honger te beskerm. +","as government we will be providing information on the direct interventions we are taking to shield our most vulnerable citizens from the grim prospect of starvation. +",0.87213445 +"die talle probleme wat ons mense tans in die gesig staar, moet nie nog verder vererger word deur onsekerheid oor waar hulle volgende maaltyd vandaan sal kom nie.","help for our vulnerable citizens vukuzenzele unnamed many countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. +",0.87213445 +"kom ons staan saam in ons stryd teen covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed die hele wêreld is in die meedoënlose greep van die koronaviruspandemie, wat vinnig versprei het. +","let us unite in our fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed the entire world is in the unrelenting grip of the coronavirus pandemic, whose spread has been rapid. +",0.9253282 +"daar is nog nie n entstof nie. +","a vaccine has yet to be found. +",0.64498115 +"meer as 3,4 miljoen mense wêreldwyd het die virus en meer as 240 000 het reeds daaraan gesterf. +","across the world, over 3.4 million people are known to be infected and more than 240,000 have died. +",0.90015084 +"ons beleef werklik wanhopige tye. +","these are indeed desperate times. +",0.33171552 +"toe die nasionale rampstaat ses weke gelede verklaar is, het suidafrika slegs 61 bevestigde koronavirusinfeksies gehad. +","when the national state of disaster was declared six weeks ago, south africa only had 61 confirmed coronavirus infections. +",0.92329 +"ondanks die betreklike klein hoeveelheid, het deskundiges se menings en internasionale ervaring, aangedui dat infeksies eksponensieel gaan styg. +","despite the relatively low number, expert opinion and international experience indicated that infec tions would rise exponentially. +",0.87685615 +"ek het gesê dat dringende en drastiese stappe geneem sou moes word. +","i said that urgent and drastic measures would need to be taken. +",0.78650904 +"daardie maatreëls, insluitend n landwye staat van inperking en die sluit van ons grense, was doeltreffend om verspreiding van die siekte te vertraag. +","those measures – which included a nationwide lockdown and the closure of our borders – have proved to be effective in delaying the spread of the disease. +",0.8283656 +"dit was moontlik omdat die meeste suidafrikaners die inperkingsreëls, soos die toepas van sosiale afstand en die dra van gesigmaskers, nagekom het. +","this has been possible because most south africans have adhered to the lockdown provisions, practising social distancing and wearing face masks. +",0.8660466 +"ek prys julle hiervoor, asook vir al die ander opofferings wat julle gemaak het. +","i applaud you for this and for all the other sacrifices you have made. +",0.81115526 +"ander lande het in dié stadium van die pandemie se verloop, baie meer infeksies as ons gehad. +","at this stage in the progress of the pandemic, other countries had far more infections than we do. +",0.8743482 +"tot op hede, 46 dae sedert ons ons 100ste koronavirusgeval aangeteken het, het ons 6 783 bevestigde gevalle. +","as of now – which is 46 days since we recorded our 100th coronavirus case – we have 6,783 confirmed cases. +",0.9178022 +"op die 46dae merk het italië, met n soortgelyke bevolkingstal as ons, meer as 140 000 gevalle en die verenigde state ongeveer 700 000 bevestigde gevalle, gehad. +","italy, which has a similar size population to ours, had more than 140,000 cases and the united states had around 700,000 confirmed cases at the 46day mark. +",0.8520658 +"dit beteken egter nie dat die gevaar nou verby is nie. +","but this does not mean that the danger has passed. +",0.85703206 +"ons het nog glad nie die toppunt van infeksies in suidafrika bereik nie. +","we have not nearly reached the peak of infections in south africa. +",0.82137144 +"al die wetenskaplike modelle toon dat die infeksiekoers in die volgende paar maande steeds teen n baie vinniger koers kan styg. +","all the scientific models show that the infection rate will continue to rise at a much faster rate in the next few months. +",0.8343334 +"die tempo waarteen die virus versprei en die aantal mense wat uiteindelik die virus gaan opdoen, sal egter bepaal word deur wat ons nou doen. +","however, the speed with which the virus spreads and the number of people who are ultimately infected will be determined by what we do now. +",0.88616014 +"dit is waarom die staat van inperking geleidelik en versigtig verslap moet word. +","that is why the easing of the lockdown needs to be gradual and cautious. +",0.8233899 +"dit is om dié rede dat baie regulasies steeds gehandhaaf moet word en waarom dit absoluut noodsaaklik is dat mense dit nakom. +","it is for this reason that many regulations need to remain in place and why it is absolutely essential that people observe them. +",0.86512625 +"ek weet hoe moeilik dit is en ek verstaan die besorgdheid van baie van ons landgenote oor hoe dié regulasies inbreuk maak op hulle regte en dit beperk, maar dit is alles noodsaaklik. +","i know how difficult this is and i understand the concern that many of our compatriots have about how these regulations are interfering and limiting their rights. +",0.87296164 +"ons oorheersende doelwit is om lewens te red. +","but all this is necessary. +",0.39496547 +"sosiale afstand en behoorlike higiëne is steeds ons beste en enigste beskerming in dié stryd. +","our overriding objective is the preservation of life. +",0.56656814 +"dit is wat die regulasies wat ons vir vlak 4 van ons reaksie ingestel het, teweegbring. +","social distancing and proper hygiene are still our best and only defences in this struggle. +",0.51511765 +"ons oorwegings is gegrond op empiriese bewyse, sowel as wetenskaplike en ekonomiese data en internasionale beste praktyk. +","this is what informs the regulations we have put in place for level 4 of our response. +",0.50562876 +"regter arthur chaskalson het in 1994 in die uitspraak van die grondwetlike hof wat die doodstraf as onwettig verklaar het, geskryf: ""die regte tot lewe en waardigheid is die belangrikste menseregte en die bron van alle ander persoonlike regte. +","our considerations are based on empirical evidence, scientific and economic data and international best practice. +",0.5862343 +"deur onsself aan n samelewing wat op die erkenning van menseregte gegrond is, te verbind, word daar van ons vewag om dié twee regte bo alle ander te stel. +","in the 1995 judgment of the constitutional court that outlawed capital punishment, jus tice arthur chaskalson wrote: ""the rights to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights and the source of all other personal rights. +",0.66809523 +"""die regulasies wat ons ingestel het, is gegrond op daardie toewyding aan lewe en waardigheid en dit regverdig, in dié uiterste omstandighede, tydelike beperkings op ander regte, soos vryheid van beweging en assosiasie. +","by committing ourselves to a society founded on the recognition of human rights we are required to value these two rights above all others. +",0.6305971 +"deur dit te doen, het suidafrika nie anders as baie ander lande opgetree nie. +","""the regulations we have put in place are founded on that commitment to life and dignity, and which justify – in these extreme circumstances – temporary restrictions on other rights, like freedom of movement and association. +",0.53630704 +"daar word beraam dat n vyfde van die wêreld se bevolking onder kwarantyn of in n nasionale staat van inperking is, terwyl dié getal vinnig styg in reaksie op toenemende infeksies. +","in doing this, south africa is not unlike many other countries. +",0.5101395 +"dit sluit lande met aansienlik groter bevolkings as ons s'n in, soos indië, met 1,5 miljard mense. +","an estimated onefifth of the world’s population is under quarantine or nationwide lockdown, with this number growing rapidly in response to rising infections. +",0.6355933 +"tientalle lande het aandklokreëls ingestel, soos wat nou hier ingestel is. +","this includes countries with substantially larger populations than ours, like india with its 1.5 billion people. +",0.5787748 +"beperkings op beweging is in verskeie lande ingestel. +","dozens of countries have imposed curfews such as the one that is now in place here. +",0.61970186 +"in brittanje en die franse hoofstad, parys, is openbare fisiese oefening tot sekere ure en binne n sekere afstand van n mens se huis af, beperk. +","limitations on movement are in place in a number of countries. +",0.45536667 +"inperkingen voorkomingsmaatreëls wat soortgelyk aan ons s'n is, is in verskeie lande ingestel. +","in the uk and the french capital, paris, public exercise is limited to certain hours and within a certain distance of one’s home. +",0.56006277 +"byvoorbeeld, die verkoop van alkohol tydens die inperking is in verskeie grondgebiede en deur plaaslike regerings beperk of verbied, insluitend dele van meksiko, hongkong en groenland, wat verlede maand n verbod op alkoholverkope tydens die inperking ingestel het om infeksies asook ‘geweld teen vroue en kinders' te beperk. +","containment and prevention measures similar to ours are in place in a number of countries. +",0.58868337 +"die regering se besluit om die verbod op tabakprodukte in vlak 4 te verleng, het heelwat openbare kommentaar uitgelok. +","for example, alcohol sales during lockdown have been either restricted or banned in a number of territories and by local governments, including parts of mexico, hong kong and greenland, which last month imposed a ban on alcohol sales during lockdown to limit infection but also ‘to curb violence against women and children.’there has been much public comment on government’s decision to extend the prohibition on the sale of tobacco products into level 4. a decision like this is bound to be controversial, but it is wrong to suggest that there are ministers or a president doing and saying whatever they want on this matter. +",0.6595496 +"n besluit soos hierdie gaan omstrede wees, maar dit is verkeerd om te beweer dat ministers of die president net sê en doen wat hulle wil oor hierdie saak. +","on 23 april, i announced that cigarette sales would be permitted during level 4. this was based on the view of the national coronavirus command council (nccc), and which was contained in the draft framework that was published for consulation. +",0.58074856 +"ek het op 23 april aangekondig dat die verkoop van sigarette tydens vlak 4 toegelaat sou word. +","after careful consideration and discussion, the nccc reconsidered its position on tobacco. +",0.51897377 +"dit was gegrond op die mening van die nasionale koronavirusbeheerraad (nkb) soos vervat in die konsepraamwerk wat vir konsultasie gepubliseer is. +","as a result, the regulations ratified by cabinet and announced by minister nkosazana dlaminizuma on 29 april extended the prohibition. +",0.6227864 +"die nkb het na deeglike oorweging en bespreking, sy posisie oor tabak heroorweeg. +","this was a collective decision and the public statements by both myself and the minister were done on behalf of, and mandated by, the collective i lead. +",0.57771564 +"dit het daartoe gelei dat die die regulasies wat deur die kabinet bekragtig is en op 29 april deur minister nkosazana dlaminizuma aangekondig is, die verbod verleng het. +","every regulation we have put in place has been carefully considered. +",0.43500084 +"dit was n gesamentlike besluit en die openbare verklarings deur my en die minister is namens en volgens die mandaat van die kollektief wat ek lei, gedoen. +","along the way there has been consultation with medical experts, various constituencies and different industries. +",0.59338456 +"elke regulasie wat ons ingestel het, is deeglik oorweeg. +","we have been guided by international bodies and the experience of other countries. +",0.5204787 +"ons het voortdurend mediese deskundiges, verskeie kiesafdelings en verskillende industrieë geraadpleeg. +","the reality is that we are sailing in unchartered waters. +",0.5544507 +"ons is deur internasionale instansies en die ervaring van ander lande gelei. +","there is still a great deal about the epidemiology of the virus that is unknown. +",0.53191686 +"die werklikheid is dat ons in onbekende waters vaar. +","it is better to err on the side of caution than to pay the devastating price of a lapse in judgment in future. +",0.56752425 +"daar is steeds baie dinge oor die virus se epidemiologie wat onbekend is. +","while there are differing views on some of the decisions we have taken – and in some instances these have polarised opinion – government is making every effort to act in a way that advances the rights to life and dignity of all our people. +",0.5288102 +"dit is beter om nou versigtig wees as om die rampspoedige prys vir n toekomstige oordeelsfout te betaal. +","listening to our people and their concerns during this period has been one of the distinguishing features of how we as government have managed this pandemic. +",0.58776355 +"hoewel daar uiteenlopende menings oor sommige van die besluite is wat ons geneem het – en dit in sommige gevalle opvattings gepolariseer het – doen die regering alles moontlik om op n manier op te tree wat die reg tot lewe en waardigheid van al ons mense bevorder. +","we continue to listen to the concerns of our people and are prepared to make adjustments that balance people’s concerns about the challenges they face with the need to save lives. +",0.6577964 +"een van die onderskeidende kenmerke van hoe ons, as die regering, dié pandemie hanteer, is dat ons tydens dié tydperk na ons mense en hulle bekommernisse luister. +","at this difficult time, our collective energies must be focused on ensuring that health and life is preserved, that the delivery of food, water, health care, social security and social support is not disrupted. +",0.6446558 +"ons sal steeds na ons mense se bekommernisse luister en is bereid om wysigings te maak wat mense se besorgdheid oor die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar, met die behoefte om lewens te red, balanseer. +","under these extraordinary circumstances, as government, as individuals and as society we will at times make mistakes. +",0.57299 +"in dié moeilike tyd, moet ons ons gesamentlike krag daarop rig om te verseker dat ons mense gesond bly en dat lewens gered word, asook dat die voorsiening van kos, water, gesondheidsorg, maatskaplike sekerheid en maatskaplike ondersteuning nie onderbreek word nie. +","when these occur, we will correct them. +",0.3906407 +"onder hierdie uitsonderlike omstandighede, sal ons as die regering, individue en die samelewing, soms foute maak. +","but we must carry on, losing neither our nerve nor our resolve. +",0.5422108 +"en wanneer dit gebeur, sal ons dit regstel, maar ons moet voortgaan sonder om moed te verloor en ons voornemens prys te gee. +","the situation in which we find ourselves demands courage and patience. +",0.6285547 +"die situasie waarin ons onsself bevind vereis moed en geduld, sowel as goedgesindheid en vertroue tussen jou, die mense, en jou regering, en tussen mekaar.","let us unite in our fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed the entire world is in the unrelenting grip of the coronavirus pandemic, whose spread has been rapid. +",0.6285547 +"ons demokrasie sal ons help om covid19 te oorwin vukuzenzele unnamed ons aanvaar dikwels ons gesonde en lewenskragtige demokrasie as vanselfsprekend. +","our democracy will help us overcome covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed we often take our healthy and robust democracy for granted. +",0.9172356 +"dit is egter waarskynlik ons belangrikste bate in ons gewigtige stryd om die koronaviruspandemie te oorwin. +","yet it is probably our greatest asset in our momentous struggle to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. +",0.83505905 +"ons het van die mees polities betrokke burgery ter wêreld. +","we have among the most politicallyengaged citizenry in the world. +",0.74520767 +"'n opname wat in 2018 deur die pew navorsingsentrum gedoen is, dui daarop dat suidafrikaners besonder geneig is om politieke stappe te doen oor kwessies waaroor hulle baie sterk voel, soos gesondheidsorg, onderwys, vryheid van spraak en korrupsie. +","a poll in 2018 by the pew research center shows south africans are strongly inclined to take political action about issues they feel most strongly about, such as health care, education, freedom of speech and corruption. +",0.92653704 +"die opname bevestig heelwat van wat ons reeds oor onsself weet. +","the poll confirms much that we already know about ourselves. +",0.86558247 +"ons geniet niks meer as om in robuuste gesprekke oor aktuele sake met ons regerings en ons medeburgers te tree nie. +","we enjoy nothing more than robust engagement with our government and among ourselves on the burning issues of the day. +",0.7737002 +"ons het 'n aktiewe burgerlike samelewing, wat immer gereed staan om ons fundamentele vryhede en regte te beskerm. +","we have an active civil society ever ready to safeguard our fundamental freedoms and rights. +",0.8521277 +"een van die oorwinnings van ons demokrasie is dat elke suidafrikaner glo dat die grondwet hulle beskerm en dat die howe 'n regverdige en onpartydige arbiter van hul belange is. +","one of the triumphs of our democracy is that every south african believes the constitution protects them and that the courts are a fair and impartial arbiter of their interests. +",0.89798814 +"tydens 'n onlangse besoek aan die ooskaap om die provinsie se koronagereedheidstoestand te evalueer, het ek al hoe meer oor hierdie kwessies begin nadink. +","i got thinking on these matters during a recent visit to the eastern cape to assess the province’s coronavirus state of readiness. +",0.76905906 +"'n joernalis het my gevra of ek bekommerd is oor die hangende hofsaak wat verskeie bepalings van die wet op rampbestuur uitdaag. +","i was asked by a journalist whether i was concerned at the pending litigation challenging certain provisions of the disaster management act. +",0.83144665 +"hierdie wet is die basis vir al die regulasies wat ingevolge die nasionale ramptoestand uitgevaardig is om die koronavirus te bestry. +","this law is the basis for all the regulations promulgated under the national state of disaster we declared to combat coronavirus. +",0.8716397 +"sedert die begin van hierdie krisis het verskeie mense al hul reg uitgeoefen om hof toe te gaan. +","since the start of this crisis, a number of people have exercised their right to approach the courts. +",0.804217 +"die inperkingsmaatreëls is reeds in die eerste week van die inperking deur 'n inwoner van mpumalanga uitgedaag, wat van die reisverbod vrygestel wou word om 'n begrafnis te gaan bywoon. +","the lockdown regulations were challenged in the very first week of the lockdown by a private citizen from mpumalanga who wanted an exemption from the travel prohibition to attend a funeral. +",0.8856828 +"in die sewe (7) weke wat daarop gevolg het, is 'n hele aantal hofaansoeke deur verskeie individue, godsdiensliggame, politieke partye, nro’s en sakeorganisasies gebring teen een of meer van die inperkingsmaatreëls waarmee hulle ontevrede was. +","in the seven (7) weeks that have followed, there have been legal challenges from a number of individuals, religious bodies, political parties, ngos and from business organisations against one measure or more of the lockdown provisions they were unhappy with. +",0.859888 +"party was suksesvol en ander nie. +","some have succeeded in their legal challenges and some have not. +",0.66618186 +"sommige het die howe op 'n dringende basis genader, en hul argumente is verwerp, terwyl ander weer alternatiewe regshulp gevind het. +","some had approached the courts on the basis of the urgency of their cases had their urgency arguments dismissed and others have found other avenues for the relief they sought. +",0.7738042 +"ander het later besluit om hul aansoeke terug te trek ná gesprekke met die regering. +","others have subsequently withdrawn their applications following engagement with government. +",0.757491 +"hoewel ons natuurlik eerder regstappe teen die regering wil vermy, moet ons aanvaar dat inwoners wat ontevrede is met watter stappe die regering ook al besluit om te implementeer, altyd die reg het om ons howe met die oog op regshulp te nader. +","while we would prefer to avoid the need for any legal action against government, we should accept that citizens who are unhappy with whatever action that government has decided on implementing have a right to approach our courts for any form of relief they seek. +",0.8433573 +"dit is 'n normale beginsel van 'n grondwetlike demokrasie en 'n totaal aanvaarde praktyk in 'n land wat op regsoewereiniteit gegrond is. +","this is a normal tenet of a constitutional democracy and a perfectly acceptable practice in a country founded on the rule of law. +",0.917256 +"ons het wigte en teenwigte van toepassing om te verseker dat elke aspek van ons bestuur en beheer noukeurige grondwetlike ondersoek kan slaag. +","we have checks and balances in place to ensure that every aspect of governance is able to withstand constitutional scrutiny. +",0.83504677 +"waar ons te kort skiet, sal ons deur ons howe – en bowenal deur ons burgery – aanspreeklik gehou word. +","where we are found wanting, we will be held to account by our courts and, above all, by our citizens. +",0.6763658 +"benewens ons howe, is ons hoofstuk 9instellings ook daarop gerig om ons landsburgers se regte te bevorder en beskerm, net soos die liggame wat met die oorsigfunksie van die wetstoepassingsagentskappe belas is. +","besides our courts, our chapter 9 institutions exist to advance the rights of citizens, as do the bodies tasked with oversight over the law enforcement agencies. +",0.77787256 +"soos ek vir die joernalis gesê het, elke suidafrikaner het die reg om die howe te nader en selfs ek, as president, kan nooit in die pad staan van enigiemand wat daardie reg uitoefen nie. +","as i told the journalist, every south african has a right to approach the courts and even i, as president, could never stand in the way of anybody exercising that right. +",0.86663365 +"daar was robuuste en skerp kritiek teen verskeie aspekte van ons nasionale reaksie op die koronaviruspandemie, van die datamodellering en projeksies en die ekonomiese gevolge van die inperking, tot die regulasies – en hierdie kritiek sal ongetwyfeld in die toekoms voortduur. +","there has been, and will continue to be, robust and strident critique of a number of aspects of our national response to coronavirus, from the data modelling and projections, to the economic effects of the lockdown, to the regulations. +",0.84069175 +"ons as die regering het nog nooit gevra dat sulke kritiek onderdruk of stilgemaak moet word nie. +","as government we have neither called for such critique to be tempered or for it to be silenced. +",0.835115 +"inteendeel, waar kritiek opbouend is, help dit ons om aan te pas en vinnig op veranderende omstandighede en toestande te reageer. +","to the contrary, criticism, where it is constructive, helps us to adapt and to move with agility in response to changing circumstances and conditions. +",0.82979465 +"dit verryk openbare debatvoering en gee vir ons almal 'n breër begrip van die kwessies wat ter sprake is. +","it enriches public debate and gives us all a broader understanding of the issues at play. +",0.869365 +"ons het deurentyd volgehou dat ons op wetenskaplike, ekonomiese en empiriese data steun wanneer ons besluite neem en regulasies as deel van ons koronavirusreaksie formuleer. +","we have consistently maintained that we rely on scientific, economic and empirical data when it comes to making decisions and formulating regulations around our coronavirus response. +",0.8765129 +"ons het onder hierdie uitdagende omstandighede sover moontlik daarna gestreef om met belanghebbers oorleg te pleeg. +","to the greatest extent possible under these challenging circumstances, we aim for consultation and engagement. +",0.73718333 +"ons wil hê dat alle suidafrikaners deel van hierdie nasionale poging is. +","we want all south africans to be part of this national effort. +",0.9205923 +"gewone landsburgers se stemme moet altyd steeds tydens hierdie kritieke tyd gehoor word. +","the voices of ordinary citizens must continue to be heard at a time as critical as this. +",0.86075395 +"die koronaviruspandemie en die maatreëls wat ons getref het om dit te bestry, het reeds 'n massiewe negatiewe impak op ons mense gehad. +","the coronavirus pandemic and the measures we have taken to combat it have taken a heavy toll on our people. +",0.8096881 +"dit het geweldige ontwrigting en ontbering veroorsaak. +","it has caused huge disruption and hardship. +",0.8014442 +"hoewel ons beduidende vordering gemaak het om die oordrag van die virus te vertraag, is daar steeds 'n lang en moeilike pad voor. +","although we can point to the progress we have made in delaying the transmission of the virus, there is still a long way to go. +",0.7912681 +"die volgende weke en maande sal nie maklik wees nie, en sal nog meer van ons mense verg. +","the weeks and months ahead will be difficult and will demand much more from our people. +",0.82405436 +"die pandemie sal dus in die toekoms steeds enorme druk op ons samelewing en ons instellings uitoefen. +","the pandemic will therefore continue to place an enormous strain on our society and our institutions. +",0.8745848 +"die uitwerking op mense se materiële omstandighede sal ingrypend wees, selfs terwyl ons die ekonomie geleidelik ontsluit. +","even as we gradually open up the economy, the impact on people’s material conditions will be severe. +",0.7232696 +"en solank dit die geval is, bestaan die potensiaal vir konflik, onenigheid en ontevredenheid. +","for as long as this is the case, the potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain. +",0.9130614 +"maar terwyl ons ons pad deur hierdie troebel waters vind, bly ons grondwet ons heel belangrikste riglyn en ons waardevolste beskermingsmaatreël. +","as we navigate these turbu lent waters, our constitution is our most important guide and our most valued protection. +",0.8640476 +"ons robuuste demokrasie verskaf die krag en die veerkragtigheid wat ons benodig om hierdie diepgaande krisis te oorkom. +","our robust democracy provides the strength and the resilience we need to overcome this deep crisis. +",0.8936482 +"net soos die regering besef dat die meeste hofaansoeke deur mense se algemene welstand gemotiveer word, moet ons ook insien dat die besluite wat die regering neem in goeie trou geneem word en daarop gerig is om die belange van alle suidafrikaners te bevorder, en nie te benadeel nie. +","just as government appreciates that most court appli cants are motivated by the common good, so too should we recognise that the decisions taken by government are made in good faith and are meant to advance, and not to harm, the interests of south africans. +",0.89153415 +"ons allerbelangrikste prioriteit is om lewens te red. +","our foremost priority remains to save lives. +",0.8030995 +"elke besluit wat ons neem, berus op die strewe om die reg op lewe en waardigheid soos dit in ons grondwet uiteengesit word, te bevorder. +","our every decision is informed by the need to advance the rights to life and dignity as set out in our constitution. +",0.8464895 +"ons sal in die toekoms steeds verskillende – selfs afwykende – sienings oor ons nasionale koronavirusreaksie verwelkom. +","we will continue to welcome different – even dissenting – viewpoints around our national coronavirus response. +",0.8593037 +"al hierdie sienings en menings help ons om beter en slimmer te werk. +","all viewpoints aid us and help us to work better and smarter. +",0.8708009 +"die uitoefening van ons fundamentele vryhede van uitdrukking, assosiasie en spraak is 'n barometer van ons demokrasie se welstand. +","the exercise of the fundamental freedoms of expression, association and speech is a barometer of the good health of our democracy. +",0.9113632 +maar dit is veel meer – hierdie regte is noodsaaklik vir die sukses van ons nasionale en kollektiewe stryd om die koronavirus te oorwin.,"our democracy will help us overcome covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed we often take our healthy and robust democracy for granted. +",0.9113632 +"sa beweeg na waarskuwingsvlak 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa het aangekon dig dat suidafrika met ingang van 1 junie na vlak 3 beweeg het – met die gepaardgaande ontsluiting van meer sektore van die ekonomie en die opheffing van 'n aantal beperkings op mense se bewegings. +","sa moves to alert level 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa has announced that south africa has moved to level 3 with effect from 1 june with more sectors of the economy opening and the removal of a number of restrictions on the movement of people. +",0.9248147 +"tydens sy toespraak oor die ontwikkelings in suidafrika se risikoaangepaste strategie om die verspreiding van covid19 te bestuur, het die president gesê dat die land 'n gedifferensieerde benadering volg in die hantering van gebiede met veel hoër infeksieen oordragvlakke. +","addressing the nation re cently on the developments in south africa’s riskadjusted strategy to manage the spread of the coronavirus (covid19), the president says the country will have a differentiated approach to deal with areas that have far higher levels of infection and transmission. +",0.88709855 +"covid19 brandpuntehierdie gebiede is tot korona virusbrandpunte verklaar, en sluit die volgende metro's in: stad tshwane stad johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandelabaai buffalo city en kaapstad. +","covid19 hotspotsthese areas have been de clared as coronavirus disease hotspots. +",0.6890632 +"ander gebiede wat as brandpunte geïdentifiseer is, is die weskus, die overberg en die kaapse wynlanddistriksmunisipaliteite in die weskaap, chris hanidistrik in die ooskaap, en ilembedistrik in kwazulunatal. +","they include the following metros: city of tshwane city of johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city cape town. +",0.747753 +"'n brandpunt word omskryf as 'n gebied met meer as vyf besmette mense per elke 100 000 mense, of waar nuwe infeksies teen 'n vinnige tempo toeneem. +","other areas that have been identified as hotspots are the west coast, overberg and cape winelands district municipalities in the western cape, chris hani district in the eastern cape and ilembe district in kwazulunatal. +",0.60666835 +"ten einde die virus in hierdie gebiede te hanteer, sal die regering intensiewe ingrypings maatreëls implementeer, wat daarop gerig is om die aantal nuwe infeksies te verminder. +","a hotspot is defined as an area that has more than five infected people per every 100 000 people or where new infections are increasing at a fast pace. +",0.6491125 +"""ons implementeer beter maatreëls vir waarneming, infeksiebeheer en bestuur. +","to deal with the virus in these areas, government will implement intensive interventions aimed at decreasing the number of new infections. +",0.59033644 +"ons sal 'n voltydse span bestaande uit ervare personeel aan elke brandpunt toewys,"" het die president verduidelik. +","""we are putting in place enhanced measures of surveillance, infection control and management. +",0.59655786 +"hierdie spanne sal bestaan uit epidemioloë, huisartse, verpleegpersoneel, gemeen skapsgesondheidswerkers, kenners op die terrein van openbare gesondheid asook mediese nooddienste, en sal deur kubaanse spesialiste bygestaan word. +","we will assign a fulltime team of experienced personnel to each hotspot,"" the president says. +",0.6061491 +"""elke brandpunt gaan aan toetsdienste, isolasieen kwarantynfasiliteite, behandeling, hospitaalbeddens en kontak opsporing gekoppel word. +","this team will include epidemiologists, family practition ers, nurses, community health workers, public health experts and emergency medical services, to be supported by cuban experts. +",0.72504616 +"""indien die verspreiding van die infeksie ondanks ons ingrypings nie beheer word nie en die gevaar ontstaan dat ons gesondheidsgeriewe oorweldig kan word, kan enige deel van die land weer na vlak 4 of 5 terugkeer, het hy gesê. +","""we will link each hotspot to testing services, isolation facilities, quarantine facilities, treatment, hospital beds and contact tracing. +",0.64020765 +"die lys van brandpuntgebiede sal elke twee weke hersien word, afhangend van die vordering van die virus. +","""should it be necessary, any part of the country could be returned to alert levels 4 or 5 if the spread of infection is not contained despite our interventions and there is a risk of our health facilities being overwhelmed,"" he says. +",0.5952731 +"ontsluiting van die ekonomiedie implementering van waarskuwingsvlak 3, wat aan die begin van junie in werking getree het, beteken dat die meeste ekonomiese sektore hul bedrywighede kon hervat, onderhewig aan die nakoming van streng gesondheidsprotokols en reëls oor sosiale afstand. +","the list of hotspot areas will be reviewed every two weeks depending on the progression of the virus. +",0.60895956 +"al hoe meer staatsamptenare het ook teruggekeer werk toe ooreenkomstig die bepalings van die wet op beroepsgesondheid en veiligheid, en die riglyne van die departement van staatsdiens en ad ministrasie in samewerking met al die ander regeringsdepartemente. +","opening the economythe implementation of alert level 3 which started at the beginning of june, involved the return to operation of most sectors of the econo my, subject to observance of strict health protocols and social distancing rules. +",0.6648923 +"protokols en werkplekplannenamate al hoe meer sektore van die ekonomie weer begin sake doen, sal die regering sterk op sosiale kompakte met alle sleutelrolspelers steun om die sleutelrisikofaktore by die werkplek en in die kontakpunte tussen werknemers en die publiek nougeset te bestuur. +","more public servants have also returned to work in accordance with provisions of the occupational health and safety act and as guided by the department of public service and administration, working together with all other departments in government. +",0.6788486 +"""ons sal dus 'n aantal sektorprotokols finaliseer en van ondernemings verwag om 'n werkplekplan op te stel voordat hulle mag heropen,"" het hy gesê. +","protocols and workplace plansas more sectors of the econ omy open, government will rely on social compacts with all key role players to address the key risk factors at the workplace and in the interface between employees and the public. +",0.67268527 +"volgens hierdie planne moet ondernemings higiëneen sosialeafstandmaatreëls en fasiliteite implementeer; werkers elke dag skandeer wanneer hulle by die werkplek aanmeld, diegene wat moontlik besmet is in afsondering plaas en reëlings maak om hulle te laat toets. +","""we will therefore be finalising a number of sector protocols and will require every company to develop a workplace plan before they reopen,"" he says. +",0.6367819 +"""hulle moet ook help met kontakopsporing indien werknemers positief toets. +","according to these plans, companies will need to put in place sanitary and social distancing measures and facilities; they will need to screen workers on arrival each day, quarantine those who may be infected and make arrangements for them to be tested. +",0.6151451 +"omdat personeel ouer as 60, en diegene wat aan onderliggende toestande soos hart siekte, diabetes, chroniese lugwegsiekte en kanker ly meer kwesbaar is, moet hulle verkieslik tuis bly,"" het die president verduidelik. +","""they also need to assist with contact tracing if employees test positive. +",0.57304937 +"werknemers wat van die huis af kan werk, moet toegelaat word om dit te doen. +","because of their vulnerability, all staff who are older than 60 years of age and those who suffer from underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer should ideally stay at home,"" the president says. +",0.5034178 +"onderhewig aan hierdie maatreëls het alle vervaardiging, mynbou, kon struksie, finansiële dienste, professionele en sakedienste, inligtingstegnologie, kommunikasiedienste, regerings dienste en mediadienste op 1 junie heropen. +","employees who can work from home should be allowed to do so. +",0.4268148 +"die toepaslike heropeneningsen infaseringsreëlings sal vir elke werkplek gespesifiseer moet word. +","subject to these measures, all manufacturing, mining, construction, financial services, professional and business services, information technology, com munications, government services and media services, reopened from 1 june. +",0.56719345 +"""grooten kleinhandel kan ten volle heropen, insluitend winkels, spazawinkels en informele handelaars. +","the appropriate restart and phasing in arrangements will need to be put in place for every workplace. +",0.6006896 +"ehandel sal steeds oop bly. +","""wholesale and retail trade will be fully opened, including stores, spaza shops and informal traders. +",0.5685845 +"ander sektore wat reeds heropen het, soos landbou en bosbou, nutsdienste, mediese dienste, voedselproduksie en vervaardiging van higiëneprodukte, sal oop bly,"" het hy gesê. +","ecommerce will continue to remain open. +",0.42049706 +"hoërisikoekonomiese aktiwiteite verbiedhoërisikoekonomiese ak tiwiteite bly steeds verbode tydens vlak 3. dit sluit in: restaurante, kroeë en tavernes, behalwe vir aflewering of afhaal van kos. +","other sectors that opened previous ly, such as agriculture and forestry, utilities, medical services, food production and manufacture of hygiene products, will remain fully opened,"" he says. +",0.6779127 +"akkommodasie en binnelandse vlugte, behalwe vir sakereise, wat ingefaseer sal word op datums wat nog aangekondig sal word. +","highrisk economic activities prohibitedhighrisk economic activi ties will remain prohibited. +",0.6260499 +"konferensies,funksies, vermaak en sportaktiwiteite. +","these include: restaurants, bars and taverns, except for delivery or collection of food. +",0.6600329 +"persoonlike sorgdienste, insluitend haarkapperen skoonheidsdienste. +","accommodation and domestic air travel, except for business travel, which will be phased in on dates to be announced. +",0.6019579 +"beweging van mense en verkoop van alkoholmense mag enige tyd van die dag oefening doen, mits dit nie in groepsverband is nie. +","conferences, events, entertainment and sporting activities. +",0.52512574 +"die aandklokreël op die beweging van mense is opgehef. +","personal care services, including hairdressing and beauty services. +",0.47808847 +"""alkohol mag vir tuisverbruik slegs onder streng voorwaardes verkoop word, op spesifieke dae en vir 'n beperkte aantal uur. +","movement of people and sale of alcoholpeople will be able to exer cise at any time during the day, provided this is not done in groups. +",0.65940493 +"aankondigings in hierdie verband sal gedoen word sodra besprekings oor die spesifieke omstandighede met die sektor afgehandel is,"" het die president verduidelik. +","the curfew on the movement of people will be lifted. +",0.5260344 +"die verkoop van tabakprodukte bly verbode op waarskuwingsvlak 3, weens die gesondheidsgevare wat met rook gepaardgaan. +","""alcohol may be sold for home consumption only under strict conditions, on specified days and for limited hours. +",0.6117049 +"""alle byeenkomste bly verbode, buiten begrafnisse met hoogstens 50 mense, of vergaderings in die werkplek vir werksdoeleindes. +","announcements in this regard will be made once we have concluded discussions with the sector on the various conditions,"" the president says. +",0.57042634 +"""verwag toename in infeksies""volgens president rama phosa is ongeveer 20 000 hos pitaalbeddens vir covid19gevalle opsygesit, en 27 veldhospitale word regoor die land gebou. +","the sale of tobacco products will remain prohibited in alert level 3, due to the health risks associated with smoking. +",0.6029244 +"""sommige van dié hospitale is nou gereed om koronaviruspasiënte te ontvang."" +","""all gatherings will remain prohibited, except for funerals with no more than 50 people or meetings in the workplace for work purposes,"" he says. +",0.56255615 +"die president het gesê dat die regering die werk van staatsamptenare hoog op prys stel, veral diegene in die voorste linie in die stryd teen covid19. +","expect rise in infectionspresident ramaphosa says, in preparation for the expected increase in covid19 infections in the country, around 20 000 hospital beds have been, and are being, repurposed for covid19 cases, and 27 field hospitals are being built around the country. +",0.70366335 +"""die veiligheid van alle werkers, ook staatsamptenare, is vir ons uiters belangrik. +","""a number of these hospitals are ready to receive coronavirus patients."" +",0.5090792 +"ons sal alles moontlik doen om voldoende persoonlike beskermingstoerusting te voorsien om almal se veiligheid te verseker terwyl hulle werk. +","the president says government appreciates the work that continues to be done by public servants, especially those in the front line in the fight against covid19. +",0.54492885 +"""ons prioriteit is om die geleenthede vir oordrag van die virus te verminder en 'n veilige omgewing vir almal te skep,"" het hy afgesluit. +","""the safety of all workers, including public servants, is a matter of concern to us. +",0.5470969 +"– sanews. +","we will continue to make all efforts for the adequate provision of personal protection equipment to ensure safety for everyone while at work. +",0.3378906 +"gov. +","""our priority is to reduce the opportunities for the transmission of the virus and create a safe environment for everyone,"" he says. +",0.25285617 +"za vervolg van bladsy 1coronavirusupdatecovid19 jongste nuusvuk’uzenzele 2 junie 2020 uitgawe 2wenke om besmetting met die koronavirus te voorkom: »bly sover moontlik by die huis. +","tips to follow to avoid being infected by the coronavirus disease. +",0.60756814 +"»onthou om sosiale afstand te handhaaf. +","»stay at home as much as you can. +",0.47288334 +"»dra jou gesigmasker. +","»remember to social distance. +",0.5506297 +"»was jou hande deeglik met seep. +","»wear your face mask. +",0.57945096 +"was die agterkant van jou hande, tussen jou vingers en onder jou naels. +","»wash your hands with soap thoroughly. +",0.44139567 +"was altyd jou hande met seep voordat jy eet en nadat jy in die openbaar beweeg het. +","wash the back of your hands, between the fingers and under the nails. +",0.5973053 +"»bedek jou mond met 'n sneesdoekie wanneer jy hoes of nies. +","always wash your hands with soap before you eat and after being out in public. +",0.63791794 +"moet onder geen omstandighede met vuil hande aan jou gesig raak nie. +","»cover your mouth with a tissue paper when you cough and sneeze. +",0.54665226 +"was jou hande eers deeglik met seep en water indien jy wel aan jou gesig moet raak. +","avoid touching your face with dirty hands at all times. +",0.6459663 +"»kry mediese hulp as jy siek voel. +","»seek medical help if you feel unwell. +",0.80524445 +"tipiese simptome van covid19 sluit in 'n gehoes, loopneus, koors en kortasem. +","typical symptoms of covid19 include coughing, runny nose, fever and shortness of breath. +",0.8403839 +"kry onverwyld mediese hulp indien jy enige van hierdie simptome ervaar. +","if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical attention promptly. +",0.6360206 +"vir meer inligting, skakel die nasionale instituut vir aansteeklike siektes se 24uurblitslyn by 0800 029 999 of teken aan op www. +","for more information, call the national institute of communicable diseases’ 24hour hotline at 0800 029 999 or visit www. +",0.9086464 +"health. +","health. +",0.9999998 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.99999994 +"za en www. +","za and www. +",0.890996 +"nicd. +","nicd. +",1.0000002 +"ac. +","ac. +",1.0000002 +za,"sa moves to alert level 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa has announced that south africa has moved to level 3 with effect from 1 june with more sectors of the economy opening and the removal of a number of restrictions on the movement of people. +",1.0000002 +"sajeug is n bron van inspirasie en hoop vukuzenzele unnamed elke keer wat ek die geleentheid het om met jong suidafrikaners te praat, kom frantz fanon se woorde, naamlik dat 'elke generasie sy missie moet ontdek', by my op. +","sa youth are a source of inspiration and hope vukuzenzele unnamed the words of frantz fanon that ‘each generation must discover its mission’ come to mind every time i have an opportunity to speak with young south africans. +",0.8605137 +"elkeen het n brandende begeerte om die wêreld te verander, ongeag waar hulle woon en wat hulle doen. +","no matter where they live and no matter what they do, they each have a burning desire to change the world. +",0.7023356 +"hulle wil ook, terwyl hulle beslis hulle eie lewens wil verbeter, n beter samelewing en wêreld tot stand bring. +","while they certainly want to improve their own lives, they also want to achieve a better society and a better world. +",0.7924796 +"hulle sien hulself as agente vir fundamentele transformasie. +","they see themselves as agents for fundamental transformation. +",0.8843181 +"jong mense was nog altyd regdeur die geskiedenis n dryfkrag vir verandering. +","throughout history young people have been a driving force for change. +",0.7093674 +"jong mense het die afgelope paar dekades verskeie veldtogte teen ongeregtigheid gevoer, van die 1968studenteopstand in parys, tot die teenoorlogbeweging in die verenigde state in die 1960's, tot die teenkoloniale stryd in baie afrikaen asiatiese lande, tot die stryd teen apartheid, tot die arabiese lente. +","in just the last few decades, young people have waged numerous struggles against injustice, from the 1968 student uprising in paris, to the antiwar movement in the united states in the 1960s, to the anticolonial struggle in many african and asian countries, to the fight against apartheid, to the arab spring. +",0.9045112 +"jong mense was mees onlangs aan die spits van die #blacklivesmatterbeweging, wat wêreldwyd steun verwerf het nadat george floyd in die verenigde state vermoor is. +","most recently, young people have been at the forefront of the #blacklivesmatter movement that has gained global support in the wake of the killing of george floyd in the united states. +",0.92271936 +"aktiviste van regoor die wêreld het ook die afgelope paar weke die verwydering van simbole wat die barbaarsheid en geweld van die slawehandel en kolonialisme verheerlik, geëis. +","over the past few weeks, activists around the world have also been demanding the removal of symbols that glorify the barbarity and violence of the slave trade and colonialism. +",0.8768543 +"n betoger het onlangs by n betoging by oxford universiteit n plakkaat gedra met die woorde 'rhodes moet val', 'n strydkreet van studente in ons eie land vyf jaar gelede. +","at an oxford university demonstration recently a protestor carried a placard with the words ‘rhodes must fall’, the rallying cry of students in our own country five years ago. +",0.86125946 +"jong mense regoor die wêreld het n gemeenskaplike doelstelling gevind. +","young people across the world have found common cause. +",0.74648225 +"hulle breek standbeelde en simbole van rassisme af, eis die dekolonisasie van opvoedkundige kurrikula en vereis van instansies om rassisme en maatskaplike uitsluiting aan te pak. +","they are tearing down statues and symbols of racism, demanding the decolonisation of educational curricula, and calling for institutions to address racism and social exclusion. +",0.92263794 +"ons het op 16 junie 2020 hulde aan die generasie van 1976 gebring en bring ook hulde aan die jeug van postapartheid suidafrika, die waardige erfgename van dié edele nalatenskap. +","and so, as we paid tribute to the generation of 1976 on 16 june 2020, we also salute the youth of postapartheid south africa, the worthy inheritors of this noble legacy. +",0.89266336 +"die 1976generasie se missie was om bantoeonderwys af te breek; die missie van vandag se jeug is om die projek van nasionale versoening en transformasie voort te sit. +","the mission of 1976 generation was to dismantle bantu education; that of today’s youth is to take forward the project of national reconciliation and transformation. +",0.8916281 +"daar sal mettertyd gesê word dat dié jaar, 2020, die begin van n nuwe epog in menslike geskiedenis was. +","in time to come it will be said that this year, 2020, marked the start of a new epoch in human history. +",0.84984267 +"die koronavirus het nie net n enorme impak op mense se lewens en bestaan gehad nie, maar ook die globale maatskaplike orde verander. +","not only has coronavirus had a momentous impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, it has also shaken up the global social order. +",0.872102 +"die wyse waarop die pandemie toegeslaan het, is n herinnering aan die onderlinge verbintenisse van die mensdom en die diep ongelykhede wat tussen lande en in lande bestaan. +","the manner in which the pandemic has taken hold has been a reminder of the interconnectedness of the human race and of the deep inequalities that exist between countries and within countries. +",0.8443458 +"die pandemie bied n geleentheid om n wêreld wat deur erge materialisme, selfsugtigheid en selfbeheptheid van individue en hele samelewings gekenmerk is, te 'herstel' . +","the pandemic presents an opportunity to ‘reset’ a world that is characterised by crass materialism, selfishness and selfabsorption not just on the part of individuals but whole societies. +",0.8467736 +"jongmense sê vir ons dat die noodsaaklike waardes van integriteit, deernis en eensgesindheid die kenmerke van die nuwe samelewing moet wees wat na vore sal kom en dat hulle vasbeslote is om die kampvegters vir dié nuwe, beter wêreld te wees. +","young people are telling us that the essential values of integrity, compassion and solidarity must be the hallmarks of the new society that will emerge, and that they are determined to be the champions of this new, better world. +",0.89505774 +"ek het in my gesprekke met jongmense gesê dat ons nooit die mag van n idee moet onderskat nie, want idees kan en het die wêreld verander. +","in the discussions i have had with young people i have said that we should never underestimate the power of an idea, because ideas can and have changed the world. +",0.8849181 +"idees het menslike vooruitgang aangewakker en dit is wat ons in staat stel om n nuwe pad in die postkoronavirusera uit te stippel. +","ideas have spurred human progress and they are what will enable us to chart a new path in the postcoronavirus era. +",0.9091337 +"dié jongmense het hulle idees in optrede omgeskakel. +","these young people have turned their ideas into action. +",0.79038906 +"hulle het nie toegelaat dat n tekort aan hulpbronne hulle kniehalter nie. +","they have not let a lack of resources hinder them. +",0.8550279 +"hulle het in n hele aantal sektore, van hipertegnologie tot omgewingsvolhoubaarheid, vir hulself n nis uitgekerf. +","they have carved a niche for themselves in a number of sectors from hightech to environmental sustainability. +",0.76510674 +"ons sal nou, meer as ooit, ons op die innoverende en baanbrekersgees van ons jeug beroep om oplossings vir die werkloosheidskrisis te vind wat vir hulle, hulle gemeenskappe en die samelewing voordelig sal wees. +","now more than ever we will look to the innovative and pioneering spirit of our youth to come up with solutions to the unemployment crisis that benefit them, their communities and society. +",0.89377594 +"ek daag terselfdertyd ons land se jeug uit om programme te prakseer en ontwerp wat ons in staat sal stel om ons ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik. +","at the same time, i challenge our country’s youth to craft and design programmes that will enable us to meet our developmental goals. +",0.8367727 +"revolusionêre kuba het in 1961 talryke jong studentevrywilligers na die berge en dorpies toe gestuur om skole te bou, geletterdheid te onderrig en nuwe opvoeders op te lei. +","in 1961, revolutionary cuba sent legions of young student volunteers into the mountains and villages to construct schools, teach literacy and train new educators. +",0.89897984 +"dit word steeds as een van die suksesvolste geletterdheidsveldtogte in die moderne geskiedenis beskou. +","it is still held up as one of the most successful literacy campaigns in modern history. +",0.8129281 +"ons jongmense moet maatskaplike opheffi ngsinisiatiewe ontwikkel en aan die stuur daarvan staan. +","our young people must develop social upliftment initiatives and they must lead them. +",0.79778075 +"die aansienlike energie van ons jeug moet, net soos wat hulle die stryd vir geslagsgelykheid in hoër onderwys aangedurf het, ook vir die stryd vir gelyke toegang tot gesondheidsorg, die transformasie van grondeienaarskap en, die belangrikste, vir geslagsgeregtigheid, aangewend word. +","just as they took up the struggle for equality in higher education, the considerable energies of our youth must also be brought to bear to fight for equitable access to health care, for the transformation of land ownership and, most importantly, for gender justice. +",0.8551621 +"ek, soos alle suidafrikaners, is diep ontsteld oor n opwelling in die aantal moorde op jong vrouens deur mans. +","like all south africans, i have been deeply disturbed by a surge in the murder of young women at the hands of men. +",0.8890002 +"dit is skokkende, onmenslike dade wat nie in ons samelewing tuishoort nie. +","these are shocking acts of inhumanity that have no place in our society. +",0.7516507 +"burgerlike aktivisme, bewusmaking en portuurberading wat deur die jeug gelei word, is kernbelangrike hulpbronne in ons poging om geslagsgebaseerde geweld in ons samelewing uit te roei. +","youthled civic activism, awareness raising and peer counselling are vital tools in our efforts to eradicate genderbased violence from society. +",0.8691042 +"ons moet terselfdertyd ons regstelsel versterk en verseker dat oortreders aan die pen sal ry, dat borgtogen paroolvoorwaardes opgeskerp word en dat diegene wat tot lewenslange tronkstraf gevonnis is, die res van hulle lewens agter tralies sal spandeer. +","at the same time, we must strengthen our justice system, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book, bail and parole conditions are tightened and that those sentenced to life spend the rest of their lives behind bars. +",0.86363137 +"alhoewel dit optrede van regoor die samelewing vereis, vra ek vir jong mans in besonder om die stryd teen geslagsgebaseerde geweld aan te pak. +","while this needs societywide action, i call on young men in particular to take up the struggle against genderbased violence. +",0.8508396 +"die droom van n nuwe samelewing sal ons bly ontwyk, tensy ons die oorlog wat teen suidafrikaanse vrouens woed, beëindig. +","unless we end the war that is being waged against south african women, the dream of a new society will remain elusive. +",0.7076537 +"diegene van ons wat tydens die apartheidsera deel van die studentebewegings was, word gereeld gevra wat ons van vandag se jongmense dink. +","those of us who were part of student movements during the apartheid era are often asked what we think of the young people of today. +",0.8733755 +"daar is n versoeking om in nostalgie oor die 'glorieryke dae' van studentepolitiek en jeugstryd wat nooit herhaal kan word nie, te verval. +","there is a temptation to retreat into nostalgia about ‘the glory days’ of student politics and youth struggle, never to be replicated. +",0.8702948 +"net soos wat die jeug van die verlede hulle missie bepaal het, bepaal vandag se jeug egter ook hulle sn. +","but just as the youth of yesteryear defined their mission, today’s youth have defined theirs. +",0.8146807 +"die suidafrikaanse jeug van 2020 voldoen beslis aan die hoë standaard van hulle voorgangers. +","south african youth of 2020 more than meet the high standard set by their predecessors. +",0.86507684 +"hulle is optimisties, lewenskragtig en dapper, dikwels in die moeilikste omstandighede denkbaar. +","they are optimistic, resilient and courageous, often in the face of the harshest of circumstances. +",0.88500285 +"hulle is n bron van inspirasie en hoop. +","they are a source of inspiration and hope. +",0.9359062 +"hulle bou, deur hulle dade, n wêreld wat meer regverdig, gelykwaardig, volhoubaar en vreedsaam is.","sa youth are a source of inspiration and hope vukuzenzele unnamed the words of frantz fanon that ‘each generation must discover its mission’ come to mind every time i have an opportunity to speak with young south africans. +",0.9359062 +"ma met onderliggende siektetoestand oorwin covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed sê dit is baie belangrik vir suidafrikaners, veral diegene met onderliggend siektetoestande, om verantwoordelikheid vir hulle gesondheid te aanvaar. +","mom with comorbidity beats covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed says it is very important for south africans, especially those with comorbidities, to take responsibility for their health. +",0.9174415 +"mense met onderliggende siektetoestande — soos asma, hoë bloeddruk, kroniese niersiekte en diabetes — kan ernstiger koronavirussimptome (covid19simptome) ervaar en kan selfs as gevolg van die spanning wat die virus op hulle liggame plaas, sterf. +","people with comorbidities – such as asthma, hypertension, chronic kidney disease and diabetes – could experi ence more severe coro navirus (covid19) symptoms, and may even die as a result of the strain the virus puts on their bodies. +",0.9293556 +"toe die arbeidsterapeut van kaapstad en ma van drie, insaaf mohammed (40) positief vir covid19 getoets is terwyl sy siek was met asma, was sy gelukkig in staat om beide toestande te hanteer en nie ernstig siek te word nie. +","fortunately, when cape townbased occupational therapist and mother of three insaaf mohammed (40) tested positive for covid19 while ill with asthma, she was able to manage both conditions and did not become seriously ill. mohammed contracted covid19 from her husband, who works at the groote schuur hospital’s laboratory. +",0.863988 +"mohammed het covid19 by haar man, wat by die groote schuur hospitaal se laboratorium werk, aangesteek. +","mohammed’s sevenyearold son also tested positive. +",0.5502449 +"mohammed se sewejarige seun het ook positief getoets. +","after testing positive, all three selfisolated at home. +",0.5226436 +"al drie het hulself tuis geisoleer nadat hulle positief getoets het. +","""we selfisolated in our bedroom, while my motherinlaw – who has diabetes and hypertension and thankfully didn’t contract the virus – took care of our other two children,"" says mohammed. +",0.55006695 +"""ons het onsself in ons slaapkamer geïsoleer terwyl my skoonma —wat diabetes en hoë bloeddruk het, en gelukkig nie die virus gekry het nie — na ons ander twee kinders omgesien het,"" sê mohammed. +","according to the western cape department of health, people with hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are among the most common comorbidity sufferers of covid19. +",0.62231266 +"mense met hoë bloeddruk, diabetes en kroniese niersiekte is onder diegene met die mees algemene onderliggende siektetoestande van covid19, volgens die departement van gesondheid. +","as of 25 may, people with the following comorbidities showed serious symptoms of covid19; hypertension, 58 percent diabetes, 56 percent chronic kidney disease, 17 percent hiv , 16 percent asthma or chronic respiratory disease, 15 percent cardiac disease, 11 percent obesity, 13 percent tb, 13 percent cancer, two percent other chronic illnesses, 16 percent. +",0.7159321 +"mense met die volgende onderliggende siektetoestande het, soos op 25 mei, ernstige simptome getoon: hoë bloeddruk, 58 persent diabetes, 56 persent kroniese niersiekte, 17 persent miv , 16 persent asma of kroniese asemhalingsiekte, 15 persent hartsiekte, 11 persent vetsug, 13 persent tb, 13 persent kanker, twee persent ander kroniese siektes, 16 persent. +","mohammed says her worst fear was experiencing serious respiratory complications from covid19. +",0.55733 +"mohammed het gesê dat haar grootste vrees was om ernstige asemhalingskomplikasies as gevolg van covid19 te ervaar. +","""i experienced tiredness, coughing and tightness of the chest, which my asthma pump resolved. +",0.66490793 +"""ek het moegheid, 'n gehoes en 'n toe bors ervaar, wat met my asmapomp opgelos is. +","my symptoms were not as severe as my husband’s, who had body aches, nausea, a tight chest, shortness of breath, blocked sinuses, thick phlegm on his chest and a fever. +",0.6844306 +"my simptome was nie so erg soos my man sn nie, wat liggaamspyne, naarheid, n toe bors, kortasemrigheid, verstopte sinusse, dik slym in sy bors en n koors gehad het. +","my son had a fever for three days, but recovered quite fast once he overcame his symptoms,"" she says. +",0.61112916 +"my seun het vir drie dae n koors gehad, maar het redelik vinnig herstel nadat hy sy simptome oorkom het,"" sê sy. +","mohammed’s family had been following protocols at work and home, to avoid contracting the virus. +",0.57762116 +"mohammed se gesin het by alle higiëneprotokolle by die huis en by die werk gehou om nie die virus op te doen nie. +","""my family was understanding, caring and supportive, and brought us supper every evening, but sometimes your community can be uncaring and the harm caused on social media is scary,"" says mohammed. +",0.6202174 +"""my familie het begrip getoon, omgegee en was ondersteunend en het elke aand vir ons aandete gebring, maar n mens se gemeenskap kan soms afsydig wees en die skade wat op sosiale media veroorsaak word, is skrikwekkend,"" sê mohammed. +","the western cape department of health says that keeping hydrated and monitoring your blood glucose, blood pressure and temperature are key to managing covid19, especially for patients with comorbidities. +",0.6647974 +"die departement van gesondheid sê dat dit belangrik is om gehidreer te bly en jou bloedsuiker en temperatuur te kontroleer ten einde covid19 te hanteer, veral vir pasiënte met onderliggende siektetoestande. +","in addition, the department advises people with comorbidities to: take medication correct ly, as prescribed by your healthcare practitioner. +",0.69040245 +"die departement raai ook mense met onderliggende siektes aan om die volgende voorsorgmaatreëls te tref: neem jou medisyne korrek, soos deur jou gesondheidsorgpraktisyn voorgeskryf. +","wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before you touch any medication. +",0.61449945 +"was jou hande vir minstens 20 sekondes met seep en water voordat jy aan enige medikasie raak. +","do not stop taking medication unless a healthcare practitioner tells you to and never share medication with anyone. +",0.5948606 +"moenie ophou om medisyne te neem tensy n gesondheidsorgpraktisyn vir jou so sê nie en moet nooit medisyne met enigiemand te deel nie. +","try to do physical exercise for 30 minutes a day. +",0.5024755 +"probeer om elke dag vir 30 minute te oefen. +","the department says that people with diabetes face a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from covid19, but the risk of getting very sick is lower if one’s diabetes is well managed. +",0.39547807 +"die departement sê dat mense met diabetes meer geneig is om ernstige komplikasies weens covid19 te ervaar, maar die risiko om baie siek te word is baie laer as n mens se diabetes goed hanteer word. +","""in general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complications when infected with a virus. +",0.73336995 +"""mense met diabetes is in die algemeen meer geneig om ernstige simptome en komplikasies te ervaar wanneer hulle n virus onder lede het. +","as diabetic individuals are at increased risk of severe covid19, ongoing social or physical distancing is recommended where possible. +",0.6871 +"voortdurende sosiale of fisiese distansiëring word, waar moontlik, aanbeveel, aangesien diabetiese individue meer geneig is om covid19 op te doen. +","being overweight is also a risk factor for severe covid19. +",0.6189474 +"om oorgewig te wees, is ook n risikofaktor vir ernstige covid19. +","weight loss, if possible, is therefore recommended. +",0.49903193 +"gewigsverlies, indien moontlik, word dus aanbeveel."" +","""clean bill of healthafter being in isolation for 14 days, mohammed returned to work. +",0.21925792 +"gesond verklaarmohammed het ná 14 dae se isolasie teruggekeer werk toe. +","she says recovering from the virus changed her thought processes and perspective on life. +",0.552184 +"sy sê dat haar denkprosesse en perspektief oor die lewe verander het namate sy van die virus herstel het. +","""you appreciate your family and the small things in life even more. +",0.534873 +"""jy waardeer jou gesin en die klein dingetjies in die lewe selfs nog meer. +","i want people in any working environment to take responsibility for their health and to educate their families and children, especially now that kids are back at school. +",0.52999425 +"ek wil hê dat mense in enige werksomgewing verantwoordelikheid vir hulle gesondheid moet aanvaar en hulle gesinne en kinders daaroor moet opvoed, veral noudat kinders teruggekeer skool toe. +","""help your child find creative ways to show affection to their friends, without going close and touching each other. +",0.6234439 +"""help jou kind om kreatiewe maniere te kry om liefde teenoor hulle vriende te betoon sonder om naby aan mekaar te gaan en aan mekaar te raak. +","get your family to sterilise themselves before entering the home, leave your shoes in the garage if you can, take all your clothes off and shower before greeting your family and be more health conscious to protect them,"" she says. +",0.6990434 +"oortuig jou gesin om hulself te ontsmet voordat hulle in die huis ingaan, los jou skoene in die motorhuis as jy kan, trek al jou klere uit en stort voordat jy jou gesin groet en wees meer gesondheidsbewus om hulle te beskerm,"" sê sy. +","the department advises people with comorbidities to eat healthily, get regular exercise, manage their stress, adhere to their medical treatment plan and follow all necessary preventative measures. +",0.6790222 +"die departement raai mense met onderliggende siektetoestande aan om gesond te eet, gereeld te oefen, hulle spanningsvlakke te hanteer, by hulle mediese behandelingsplan te hou en alle nodige voorkomingsmaatreëls na te kom. +","insaaf mohammed who suffers from asthma, has beaten covid19. +",0.6188211 +"vtwee kinders omgesien het,"" sê mohammed. +","mom with comorbidity beats covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed says it is very important for south africans, especially those with comorbidities, to take responsibility for their health. +",0.6188211 +"n spesiale huldeblyk aanons gesondheidswerkers vukuzenzele unnamed die aantal sterftes weens die koronavirus het onlangs 2 000 oorskry. +","a special tribute to our healthcare vukuzenzele unnamed the number of deaths from coronavirus recently passed the 2000 mark. +",0.8372139 +"onder diegene wat hul lewens verloor het, is gesondheidsorgwerkers en toe gewyde professionele mense wat nie net na die siekes omgesien het nie, maar ook on dersteuning en vertroosting aan pasiënte wat geïsoleer en sonder hul geliefdes in die hospitaal was, gebied het. +","among those who have lost their lives are healthcare workers, consummate professionals who cared for the ill, and were a support and comfort to those in hospital isolated from their families. +",0.84999967 +"dit is n verpletterende terugslag dat die mans en vroue wat dié edelste en heiligste plig uitvoer, self siek word en sterf. +","that the men and women carrying out this most noble and sacred of duties are themselves falling ill and dying is a devastating blow. +",0.8013494 +"hulle staan aan die voorpunt van die stryd teen dié pandemie. +","they are on the frontline of fighting this pandemic. +",0.7957163 +"hulle werk onder erge druk en dra ook die sielkundige las van die wete dat hulle self die risiko loop om die virus op te doen. +","they are working under great pressure and must carry the psychological strain of knowing they are at risk of contracting the virus. +",0.83922946 +"hulle is die ware helde en heldinne van ons stryd teen die koronavirus. +","they are the true heroes and heroines of our battle against coronavirus. +",0.87320304 +"ons bring hulde aan dié dap per suidafrikaners wat hulle woonplekke, gesinne en geliefdes agterlaat om elke dag getrou vir diens by klinieke, hospitale en ander gesondheidsfasilite ite, aan te meld. +","we salute these brave south africans who leave their homes, families and loved ones to report without fail for duty every day in clinics, hospitals and other health facilities. +",0.85414416 +"hulle verskaf mediese sorg, administratiewe ondersteuning en ander dienste soos skoonmaakdienste en spyseniering. +","there they provide medical care, administrative support and other services like cleaning and catering. +",0.88345176 +"net soos hulle hul profes sionele plig uitvoer, het ons ook n plig teenoor hulle en hul gesinne. +","just as they perform what is their professional duty, we too have a duty to them and to their families. +",0.7412447 +"hulle gesondheid en veiligheid is van die uiterste belang. +","their health and their safety must be paramount. +",0.8774529 +"ons bring hulde aan hulle en ondersteun hulle as die mans en vroue wat wys dat hulle bereid is om hul lewens in gevaar te stel, sodat ons kan lewe. +","we honour them and uphold them as the men and women who have demonstrated they are prepared to risk their lives so that we may live. +",0.92561066 +"om hulle reusetaak te kan uitvoer, het hulle nie net ons ondersteuning nodig nie, maar hulle moet ook beskerm word deurdat persoonlike beskermende toerusting (pbt) aan hulle voorsien word. +","for them to do their herculean work they need our support as well as protection through the provision of personal protective equipment (ppe). +",0.78710574 +"deur die ondersteuning van die solidariteitsfonds en donasies van talle individuele suidafrikaners, besighede en stigtings, sowel as ander regerings, kon ons die nodige beskermende toerusting vir dié dapper frontliniewerkers, aanskaf. +","with the support of the solidarity fund and donations from many individual south africans, businesses, foundations and other governments, we have been able to procure personal protective equipment for these brave frontline workers. +",0.8817781 +"waar daar ’n tekort aan pbt in hospitale is, skenk ons hospitale dringend aandag aan die tekorte om seker te maak dat daar voldoende voorraad is. +","where there have been shortages of ppe our hospitals are urgently attending to ensuring that they are available. +",0.8292234 +"ons weet dat toegang tot pbe nie die enigste uitdaging is wat ons gesondheidsorgwerkers in die gesig staar nie. +","we know that access to ppe is not the only challenge our healthcare workers face. +",0.87992525 +"die land se klinieke en hospitale ervaar ook landwyd n tekort aan personeel. +","across the country clinics and hospitals are facing staff shortages. +",0.7845315 +"daar word aandag aan dié probleem geskenk. +","this problem is being attended to. +",0.8142671 +"ter ondersteuning van die werk wat ons frontliniewerkers regdeur die land doen, word ons ministers en adjunkministers na elk van die distrikte ontplooi sodat hulle n idee kan kry van spesifieke uitdagings in die verskillende distrikte en om met provinsiale gesondheidsowerhede saam te werk. +","to support the work that our frontline workers are performing around the country we are deploying ministers and deputy ministers to each of the districts in the country to get a line of sight of specific challenges in these districts and to work with provincial health authorities. +",0.9002757 +"ons moet saam werk om nie net die gesondheid van ons frontliniewerkers nie, maar ook dié van die hele werkerskorps te beskerm. +","we need to work together to safeguard the health of not just our frontline workers but the entire workforce. +",0.882048 +"die vakbonde het reeds deeglike werk gedoen om hul lede oor infeksiebeheer en voorkoming, sowel as higiëne, in te lig. +","there has already been sterling work done by unions in educating members around infection control and prevention and hygiene. +",0.8136456 +"hulle ondersteun ook die werk van die departement van indiensneming en arbeid betreffende werkplekinspeksies om te verseker dat gesondheidsen veiligheidsprotokolle vir terugkerende werkers, ingestel is. +","they are also supporting the work of the department of employment and labour in conducting workplace inspections to ensure health and safety protocols are in place for returning workers. +",0.89064676 +"baie van ons vakbonde verskaf ook koronavirusinligting aan hul lede en werkgewers hou bewustheidsveldtogte. +","many of our trade unions are also providing coronavirus information to their members and employers are running awareness campaigns. +",0.8838843 +"een van die uitdagings wat in ons land vorendag gekom het is die stigmatisering van mense wat positief vir die koronavirus getoets het. +","one of the challenges that has emerged in our country is the stigmatisation of people who have proven positive with coronavirus. +",0.89090466 +"as n samelewing, het ons die gemeenskaplike verantwoordelikheid om die stigmatisering van mense wat die koronavirus het, met wortel en tak uit te roei. +","as a society, we have a collective responsibility to stamp out the stig matisation of people infected with the coronavirus. +",0.82505095 +"daar is ontstellende berigte van individue wat uit hul gemeenskappe verstoot word en van gemeenskappe wat teen koronaviruspasiënte wat by plaaslike hospitale en klinieke opgeneem is, betoog. +","there have been disturbing reports of individuals being ostracised from their communities and of communities protesting against coronavirus patients being admitted to local hospitals and clinics. +",0.8121088 +"dit moet stopgesit word. +","this must stop. +",0.9079213 +"net soos wat ons saamgestaan het om die aanvaarding van mense wat met miv lewe te bevorder en ons teen viktimisering verset het, moet ons nou begrip, verdraagsaamheid, welwillendheid, empatie en deernis teenoor diegene wat die virus het, asook vir hulle gesinne, toon. +","just as we came together to promote acceptance of people living with hiv and stood firm against victimisation, we must show understanding, tolerance, kindness, empathy and compassion for those who are infected with this virus and for their families. +",0.88392305 +"daar word gesê dat stigma tisering aangehits word deur die vrees om die siekte te kry en n gebrek aan begrip. +","it is said that this stigmatisation is driven by fear of con tracting the disease and lack of understanding. +",0.88461053 +"die beste manier om ons instinktiewe vrees vir siekte en aansteeklikheid te oorkom is om die higiëneprotokolle wat ingestel is, na te kom. +","the best way to overcome our instinctive fear of illness and contagion is to observe the hygiene protocols that are in place. +",0.90451145 +"die vrees vir aansteeklikheid is gegrond en werklik. +","the fear of infection is wellfounded and real. +",0.82197917 +"ons weet egter wat ons moet doen om onsself en ander te beskerm. +","at the same time, we know what we have to do to protect ourselves and others. +",0.9233677 +"ons weet wat die virus veroorsaak en wat ons kan doen om te keer dat ons dit opdoen. +","we know what causes the virus and what we can do to protect ourselves from becoming infected. +",0.85765445 +"ons weet dat ons sosiale distansiëring moet handhaaf, onsself moet isoleer as ons kontak gehad het met iemand wat die virus het, en na n hospitaal moet gaan as ons simptome het. +","we know we have to maintain social distancing, to selfisolate if we have come into contact with those infected and to present to a hospital if we have symptoms. +",0.8755772 +"ons moet steeds gelei word deur feite en nie deur gerugte nie. +","we must continue to be guided by facts and not rumours. +",0.7984656 +"die tyd toe mense kon sê dat hulle niemand ken wat die koronavirus het of daardeur geraak word nie, is lankal iets van die verlede. +","the time when anyone could say they do not know anyone who is infected or affected by coronavirus has long passed. +",0.81245273 +"ons vriende, families, kollegas en bure het ons empatie en ondersteuning nou, meer as ooit, nodig. +","now, more than ever, our friends, families, colleagues and neighbours need our empathy and support. +",0.86591196 +"ons sal soms in die dae, weke en maande wat voorlê, wanhopig en angstig word namate ons sien dat die aantal mense wat die virus onder lede het en wat daaraan sterf, toeneem. +","in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we will at times find ourselves despondent and fearful as we see the numbers of people infected and dying continue to rise. +",0.8562428 +"dinge het dalk vererger, maar ons is seker dat dit weer beter sal word. +","it may be that things have gotten worse, but we are certain that they will get better. +",0.8767216 +"ons wetenskaplikes en mediese raadgewers sê vir ons dat die infeksiekoers sal styg namate ons nader aan die hoogtepunt beweeg. +","our scientists and medical advisers told us that the rate of infections will go up as we move towards our peak. +",0.8554666 +"dit sal egter beslis weer daal. +","but it will certainly come down. +",0.52967924 +"ons bring hulde aan die gesondheidsorgwerkers wat hulle lewens verloor het terwyl hulle na siekes omgesien het. +","we pay tribute to the healthcare workers who lost their lives caring for the sick. +",0.8300186 +"ter nagedagtenis aan hulle, moet ons onsself en ons medeburgers veilig hou deur ons deel te doen. +","in their memory, let us keep ourselves and our fellow citizens safe by playing our part. +",0.84450614 +"ons sal hierdie virus oorwin en ons samelewing herbou. +","we shall overcome this virus and rebuild our society. +",0.7619966 +"ons het donkerder tye beleef en ons het geseëvier. +","we have seen darker times and we have prevailed. +",0.68335 +kom ons bl y sterk en dap per terwyl ons saam werk omlewens te red.,"a special tribute to our healthcare vukuzenzele unnamed the number of deaths from coronavirus recently passed the 2000 mark. +",0.68335 +"jong boer ontvang covid19steun silusapho nyanda 'n opkomende ooskaapse boer is een van die begunstigdes van die regering se koronavirusverligtingsfonds. +","young farmer receives covid19 support vukuzenzele unnamed nomagcinandile suduka (27) is growing her family’s legacy and wealth by investing in agriculture. +",0.7890112 +"nomagcinandile suduka (27) ontwikkel haar gesin se nalatenskap en welvaart deur in landbou te belê. +","the o wner of 4 u and 4 me primary cooperative in mooiplaas village received support from the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development’s coronavirus (covid19) relief fund for her egg, livestock and vegetable farm. +",0.71027935 +"die eienaar van 4 u and 4 me primêre koöperasie in die mooiplaasgemeenskap, het ondersteuning van die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling se koronavirus(covid19) verligtingsfonds vir haar eier, veeen groenteplaas, ontvang. +","the department has awarded r1.2 billion worth of vouchers to farmers in need. +",0.5824759 +"die departement het r1.2 miljard se ontvangsbewyse aan behoeftige boere toegeken. +","suduka says her vouchers will help her grow the egg producing side of her business. +",0.51995325 +"suduka sê dat haar ont vangsbewyse haar sal help om haar onderneming se eierproduksie te verbeter. +","""i received three vouchers totalling r19 000. a voucher for r12 000 to buy layer egg chickens, a voucher for r6 500 to buy feed and a r500 voucher to buy medicines. +",0.5648658 +"""ek het drie ontvangsbewyse van altesaam r19 000 ontvang. +","""she started her egg production farm by feeding her family’s traditional chickens with layer grower feed, which enables them to produce eggs without mating. +",0.49366197 +"dit sluit in n ontvangsbewys van r12 000 om hoenders wat eiers lê, aan te koop, n ontvangsbewys van r6 500 om voer te koop en n r500ontvangsbewys om medisyne te koop. +","her chickens now produce 50 eggs a day, which she sells weekly. +",0.57707286 +"""sy het haar eierboerdery begin deur haar gesin se tradisionele hoenders lêmeel te voer, wat hulle in staat stel om eiers te lê sonder om te paar. +","suduka, who also farms with 73 goats, 25 sheep and 25 cows, started farming in 2015 after obtaining a public management n6 certificate from ikhala training and vocational education and training college. +",0.65340436 +"haar 50 hoenders produseer nou 50 eiers per dag, wat sy weekliks verkoop. +","after realising that there were not a lot of job opportunities out there, she decided to take over the family’s then subsistence farm and turn it into a profitable business. +",0.5641077 +"suduka, wat ook met 73 bok ke, 25 skape en 25 koeie boer, het in 2015 begin boer nadat sy haar n6sertifikaat vir openbare bestuur by ikhala oplei dingsen beroepsonderwys en opleidingskollege, verwerf het. +","suduka says: ""we grew up practising farming, so after graduating i decided to farm rather than look for a job."" +",0.67197347 +"toe sy besef het dat daar nie baie werksgeleenthede is nie, het sy besluit om haar gesin se destydse bestaansboerdery oor te neem en dit in n winsgewende onderneming te verander. +","this proved to be an inspired decision, as she has grown the number of goats and cows. +",0.61071503 +"suduka sê: ""ons het met boerdery grootgeword; ek het dus nadat ek gegradueer het, besluit om te boer, eerder as om werk te soek."" +","suduka’s sixhectare vegetable farm produces maize, potatoes, peas and beans. +",0.60343605 +"dit was n geïnspireerde be sluit, aangesien sy die aantal bokke en koeie vermeerder het. +","the maize is planted on four hectares, the potatoes on one hectare and the peas and beans share the last hectare. +",0.619823 +"suduka se groenteplaas van ses hektaar, lewer mielies, aartappels, ertjies en boontjies. +","suduka has learnt a lot from covid19, especially that her best assets are her hands and hard work. +",0.63291454 +"die mielies word op vier hektaar geplant, die aartappels op een hektaar en die ertjies en boontjies deel die laaste hektaar. +","tips on how to start a garden: make sure you know which plants your soil will support. +",0.5663951 +"suduka het baie van covid19 geleer, veral dat haar beste bates haar hande en harde werk is. +","ready your garden by first ploughing the land more than once without planting. +",0.47074482 +nomagcinandile suduka het haar gesin se bestaansboer dery in 'n klein besigheid omskep.,"young farmer receives covid19 support vukuzenzele unnamed nomagcinandile suduka (27) is growing her family’s legacy and wealth by investing in agriculture. +",0.47074482 +" suidafrika gee tekort aan ventilators ’n hupstoot silusapho nyanda die stryd teen koronavirussiekte (covid19) in suidafrika het ’n hupstoot gekry met die eerste ventilator wat in die land gemaak is. +","south africa acts to address ventilator shortage silusapho nyanda a locally developed ventilator will help patients with mild covid19 symptoms to breathe easier. +",0.7974126 +"die cpapventilator (continuous positive airway pressure) help pasiënte met ligte simptome van covid19 om 'n plaaslik ontwikkelde ventilator help pasiënte met ligte covid19 simptome om makliker asem te haal. +","the fight against the coronavirus disease (covid19) in south africa has been boosted with the production of the first ventilator made in the country. +",0.72127855 +"makliker asem te haal deur 'n beperkte hoeveelheid suurstofhoudende lugdruk te voorsien wat hul lugweë oop hou. +","the continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) ventilator helps patients with mild symptoms of covid19 to breathe easier by providing a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep their airways open. +",0.7054192 +"die ventilator is deur die wetenskaplike nywerheidsnavorsingsraad (wnnr) in samewerking met 'n aantal plaaslike vennote ontwerp, en sal landwyd versprei word vir die behandeling van pasiënte met respiratoriese nood in die vroeë fase van die covid19infeksie. +","the ventilator was designed by the council for scientific and industrial research (csir) in collaboration with a number of local partners and will be rolled out nationwide to patients showing respiratory distress in the early phase of covid19 infection. +",0.87079096 +"""die lug wat ’n persoon normaalweg inasem, het 'n suurstofkonsentrasie van 23 persent. +","""the air a person normally breaths has a 23 percent concentration of oxygen. +",0.8255021 +"die cpapventilator kan meer suurstof pomp en sodoende 'n pasiënt help om asem te haal. +","the cpap ventilator can pump a higher amount of oxygen, helping a person breathe. +",0.79600596 +"die cpap kan deurlopend gekonsentreerde suurstof pomp. +","the cpap pumps continuous concentrated oxygen. +",0.74679506 +"’n mens kan die hoeveelheid suurstof wat ’n pasiënt inasem, verhoog of verlaag,"" sê die uitvoerende bestuurder van die wnnr se future production manufacturing, martin sanne. +","you can increase or decrease the amount of oxygen one is breathing in,"" says executive manager of csir future production: manufacturing martin sanne. +",0.87748045 +"pasiënte wat met die ventilator behandel word, word deur 'n gesigmasker aan die ventilator gekoppel. +","patients using the ventilator are connected via a face mask. +",0.7852336 +"suurstof word uit 'n suurstoftenk gepomp en met natuurlike lug in die ventilator gemeng, waarvandaan dit na die masker oorgedra word en deur die pasiënt ingeasem word. +","oxygen is drawn from an oxygen gas tank and is mixed with natural air in the ventilator, from where it is transmitted to the mask and breathed in by the patient. +",0.8764017 +"sanne sê benewens die inpomp van suurstofhoudende lug, help die cpap pasiënte ook om uit te asem. +","sanne says that in addition to pumping oxygenated air, the cpap also helps patients exhale. +",0.80369395 +"die cpapventilator kan in hoëtegnologie kliniese omgewings, sowel as tydelike instellings soos veldhospitale en kwarantyngeriewe gebruik word. +","the cpap device can be used in both hightech clinical environments and temporary settings, such as field hospitals and quarantine facilities. +",0.82468545 +"sanne sê die wnnr sal teen einde augustus 10 000 ventilators kan vervaardig. +","sanne says the csir will have produced 10 000 ventilators by the end of august. +",0.91261905 +"in samewerking met siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya en die universiteit van kaapstad, het die wnnr die cpap volgens die standaarde van die wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie vervaardig. +","working with siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya and the university of cape town, the csir produced the cpap according to world health organisation standards. +",0.9535678 +"die eerste stel ventilators sal aan staatshospitale voorsien word wat onder druk is weens die tekort aan toerusting om covid19 te hanteer. +","the first batch of ventilators will be given to state hospitals experiencing pressure due to the unavailability of equipment to deal with covid19. +",0.88982904 +"die wnnr het aan die cpap begin werk nadat daar wêreldwyd 'n ernstige tekort aan ventilators ontstaan het. +","the csir started working on the cpap after the world began experiencing an extreme shortage in ventilators. +",0.88447094 +"""teen ongeveer maart en april was daar skielik ’n tekort aan ventilators van ons internasionale verskaffers. +","""around march and april, there suddenly became a short supply of ventilators from our international suppliers. +",0.90384865 +"as ’n mens dit in die hande kon kry, was dit baie duur; die regering het daarom ’n tender vir die vervaardiging van ventilators uitgereik,"" sê sanne. +","where you could get them, they were very expensive so government issued a tender for the production of ventilators,"" says sanne. +",0.8819058 +"die tender was deel van die regering se nasionale ventilatorprojek in die departement van handel, nywerheid en mededinging. +","the tender was part of the government’s national ventilator project within the department of trade, industry and competition. +",0.8867092 +"die wnnr werk ook aan 'n tweevlakpositiewe lugwegdrukventilator wat daarop gerig is om pasiënte met meer ernstige covid19simptome te behandel. +","the csir is also working on a bilevel positive airway pressure ventilator aimed at helping patients with more severe symptoms of covid19. +",0.85198164 +"die ventilator sal met inaseming sowel as uitaseming help, hetsy in vaste drukmodusse of deur die suurstoftoevoer wat deur die pasiënt benodig word, te bepaal en die druk dienooreenkomstig aan te pas.","south africa acts to address ventilator shortage silusapho nyanda a locally developed ventilator will help patients with mild covid19 symptoms to breathe easier. +",0.85198164 +"help om die verspreiding van covid19 te stuit vukuzenzele unnamed ons nasie staar die ernstigste krisis in die geskiedenis van die land se demokrasie in die gesig. +","help stop the spread of covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed our nation is con fronted by the gravest crisis in the history of our democracy. +",0.89571935 +"ons het meer as 120 dae lank daarin geslaag om die verspreiding van 'n virus wat verwoesting oor die hele wêreld saai, te verlangsaam. +","for more than 120 days, we have succeeded in delaying the spread of a virus that is causing devastation across the globe. +",0.87211055 +"maar die styging in infeksies wat deur ons mediese spesialiste voorspel is, het nou begin. +","but now, the surge in infections that we had been advised by our medical experts would come, has arrived. +",0.7922332 +"meer as 'n kwartmiljoen suidafrikaners het die koronavirus opgedoen, en ons weet dat baie meer infeksies nie aangemeld word nie. +","more than a quarter of a million south africans have been infected with coronavirus, and we know that many more infections have gone undetected. +",0.9088166 +"meer as 12 000 nuwe gevalle word nou daagliks aangeteken. +","we are now recording over 12,000 new cases every day. +",0.826111 +"sedert die begin van die uitbreking in maart, het minstens 4 079 mense weens covid19 gesterf. +","since the start of the outbreak in march, at least 4,079 people have died from covid19. +",0.9205042 +"soos die massiewe koue fronte wat hierdie tyd van die jaar ons land vanuit die suidatlantiese oseaan binnestroom, is daar min dele van die land wat nie deur die koronavirus geraak word nie. +","like the massive cold fronts that sweep into our country from the south atlantic at this time of year, there are few parts of the country that will remain untouched by the coronavirus. +",0.8864788 +"die koronavirusstorm is baie feller en meer vernietigend as enigiets wat ons voorheen beleef het. +","the coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more destructive than any we have known before. +",0.9110419 +"dit plaas ongekende druk op ons hulpbronne en ons vasberadenheid. +","it is stretching our resources and our resolve to their limits. +",0.7399666 +"die styging van infeksies wat ons deskundiges en wetenskaplikes meer as drie maande gelede voorspel het, is nou met ons. +","the surge of infections that our experts and scientists predicted over 3 months ago has now arrived. +",0.90362394 +"dit het in die weskaap begin en na die ooskaap en gauteng uitgebrei. +","it started in the western cape and is now underway in the eastern cape and gauteng. +",0.81169987 +"hoewel infeksies eksponensieel styg, is dit belangrik om daarop te let dat ons sterftesyfer van 1,5 persent onder die laagste ter wêreld is. +","yet, while infections rise exponentially, it is important to note that our case fatality rate of 1.5 percent is among the lowest in the world. +",0.88401735 +"dit word vergelyk met 'n wêreldwye gemiddelde sterftesyfer van 4,4 persent. +","this is compared to a global average case fatality rate of 4.4 percent. +",0.83371884 +"ons kan die betreklik lae aantal sterftes in ons land toeskryf aan die ervaring en toewyding van ons gesondheidswerkers en die dringende maatreëls wat ons getref het om die kapasiteit van ons gesondheidstelsel op te bou. +","we owe the relatively low number of deaths in our country to the experience and dedication of our health professionals and the urgent measures we have taken to build the capacity of our health system. +",0.88482225 +"hoewel die meeste van ons mense voorkomingsmaatreëls om die verspreiding van die virus te beperk, nakom, is daar ander wat dit nie doen nie. +","even as most of our people have taken action to prevent the spread of the virus, there are others who have not. +",0.8387095 +"daar is mense in ons geledere wat die regulasies wat ingestel is om die siekte te bestry, ignoreer. +","there are some among us who ignore the regulations that have been passed to combat the disease. +",0.838876 +"te midde van so 'n pandemie, kan mense se optrede soos om in 'n taxi te klim sonder 'n gesigmasker; saam met vriende te kuier; partytjies by te woon of selfs familie te besoek, die virus maklik laat versprei en lewens in gevaar stel. +","in the midst of such a pandemic, getting into a taxi without a face mask, gathering to meet friends, attending parties or even visiting family, can too easily spread the virus and cost lives. +",0.87581134 +"hoewel dit 'n siekte is wat deur 'n virus veroorsaak word, word dit deur menslike optrede en gedrag versprei. +","this may be a disease that is caused by a virus, but it is spread by human conduct and behaviour. +",0.8727182 +"deur ons eie optrede – as individue, as gesinne, as gemeenskappe – kan en moet ons die verloop van hierdie pandemie in ons land verander. +","through our own actions – as individuals, as families, as communities – we can and we must change the course of this pandemic in our country. +",0.9082996 +"elke keer as ons uit ons huise gaan, moet ons 'n materiaalmasker dra wat ons neus en mond bedek. +","we need to wear a cloth mask that covers our nose and mouth whenever we leave home. +",0.7439642 +"ons moet steeds gereeld ons hande met seep en water of ontsmetmiddel was. +","we must continue to regularly wash our hands with soap and water or sanitiser. +",0.88590693 +"ons moet aanhou om alle oppervlakke in alle openbare ruimtes te reinig en te ontsmet. +","we must continue to clean and sanitise all surfaces in all public spaces. +",0.8763089 +"die belangrikste is dat ons 'n veilige afstand – minstens 2 meter – van ander mense af moet hou. +","most importantly, we must keep a safe distance – of at least 2 metres – from other people. +",0.9390877 +"daar kom tans bewyse aan die lig dat die virus ook in klein deeltjies deur die lug oorgedra kan word in plekke wat oorvol of toe is, of waar die lugsirkulasie swak is. +","there is now emerging evidence that the virus may also be carried in tiny particles in the air in places that are crowded, closed or have poor air circulation. +",0.8174137 +"om dié rede moet ons die binnenshuise omgewing onmiddellik verbeter op openbare plekke waar die risiko vir besmetting die grootste is. +","for this reason we must immediately improve the indoor environment of public places where the risk of infection is greatest. +",0.9035647 +"ons besluit om 'n landwye inperking te verklaar toe ons gesondheidsdienste nog nie voldoende voorberei was nie, het ’n massiewe aanvanklike styging in infeksies sowel as meer lewensverliese voorkom. +","our decision to declare a nationwide lockdown prevented a massive early surge of infections when our health services were less prepared, which would have resulted in a far greater loss of lives. +",0.8302953 +"ons het in die tyd wat ons tot ons beskikking gehad het, belangrike maatreëls getref om ons gesondheidsrespons te versterk. +","in the time that we had, we have taken important measures to strengthen our health response. +",0.8717231 +"ons het meer as twee miljoen koronavirustoetse gedoen en gemeenskapsgesondheidswerkers het meer as 20 miljoen siftings voltooi. +","we have conducted more than two million coronavirus tests and community health workers have done more than 20 million screenings. +",0.8608458 +"ons het bykans 28 000 hospitaalbeddens beskikbaar gestel vir covid19 pasiënte en het funksionele veldhospitale regoor die land opgerig. +","we have made available almost 28,000 hospital beds for covid19 patients and have constructed functional field hospitals across the country. +",0.8301647 +"ons het nou meer as 37 000 kwarantynbeddens in private en openbare fasiliteite regdeur die land, wat gereed is om mense te isoleer wat dit nie tuis kan doen nie. +","we now have over 37,000 quarantine beds in private and public facilities across the country, ready to isolate those who cannot do so at home. +",0.88656366 +"om ons frontliniewerkers te beskerm, het ons miljoene artikels persoonlike beskermende toerusting by hospitale, klinieke en skole regdeur die land aangekoop en afgelewer. +","we have procured and delivered millions of items of personal protective equipment to hospitals, clinics and schools across the country to protect our frontline workers. +",0.7985634 +"ons het ook bykomende verpleegkundiges, dokters en noodgesondheidspersoneel gewerf en werf steeds meer. +","we have recruited and continue to recruit additional nurses, doctors and emergency health personnel. +",0.8296454 +"ons maak vordering met ons pogings om covid19 te hanteer, maar ons grootste uitdaging lê nog voor. +","we continue to make progress in our efforts to deal with covid 19, but our greatest challenge still lies ahead. +",0.9297339 +"ons werk in al die provinsies daaraan om meer beddens in die algemene sale, sowel as vir kritieke covid19pasiënte beskikbaar te stel. +","across all provinces, we are working to further increase the number of general ward and critical beds available for covid19 patients. +",0.8063177 +"kapasiteit in algemene sale word in verskeie hospitale geskep deur gevalle wat minder dringend is tot later uit te stel, sommige hospitaalruimtes in bykomende sale te omskep en veldhospitale op te rig of uit te brei. +","ward capacity is being freed up in a number of hospitals by delaying nonurgent care, the conversion of some areas of hospitals into additional ward space and the erection or expansion of field hospitals. +",0.82705 +"ons werk daaraan om groter hoeveelhede suurstof, ventilators en ander toerusting vir diegene wat kritieke sorg verg beskikbaar te stel, deur onder meer die toevoer van suurstof vanaf ander bronne te herlei. +","we are working to increase supplies of oxygen, ventilators and other equipment for those who will need critical care, including by diverting the supply of oxygen from other purposes. +",0.88064843 +"ons gebruik digitale tegnologieë om die identifisering, opsporing en isolasie van kontakte uit te brei en om ondersteuning te bied aan diegene wat positief toets. +","we are deploying digital technologies to strengthen the identification, tracing and isolation of contacts, and to provide support to those who test positive. +",0.926131 +"namate ons die hoogtepunt van infeksies nader, moet ons meer voorsorg tref en bestaande maatreëls verskerp om die oordragtempo te vertraag. +","as we now approach the peak of infections, we need to take extra precautions and tighten existing measures to slow down the rate of transmission. +",0.8560767 +"die regulasies oor die dra van maskers word verskerp. +","regulations on the wearing of masks will be strengthened. +",0.75772685 +"werkgewers, winkeleienaars en bestuurders, openbare vervoeroperateurs en bestuurders, sowel as eienaars van enige ander openbare gebou is nou wetlik verplig om te sorg dat elkeen wat hul perseel of voertuig betree, 'n masker moet dra. +","employers, shop owners and managers, public transport operators, and managers and owners of any other public building are now legally obliged to ensure that anyone entering their premises or vehicle must be wearing a mask. +",0.9241526 +"taxi’s wat plaaslike reise onderneem, sal nou toegelaat word om hul kapasiteit tot 100 persent te verhoog, terwyl langafstandtaxi's nie toegelaat sal word om 70 persent besetting te oorskry nie, op voorwaarde dat nuwe protokolle vir risikovermindering wat met maskers, ontsmetting van voertuie en oop vensters verband hou, gevolg word. +","taxis undertaking local trips will now be permitted to increase their capacity to 100 percent, while long distance taxis will not be allowed to exceed 70 percent occupancy, on condition that new risk mitigation protocols related to masks, vehicle sanitising and open windows are followed. +",0.92113245 +"duidelike bewyse het nou aan die lig gekom dat die hervatting van alkoholverkope daartoe gelei het dat hospitale, insluitend traumaen intensiewesorgeenhede, onder aansienlike druk geplaas is weens motorongelukke, geweld en ander alkoholverwante trauma. +","there is now clear evidence that the resumption of alcohol sales has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals, including trauma and icu units, due to motor vehicle accidents, violence and related trauma. +",0.85899884 +"ons het derhalwe besluit om die verbod op die verkoop en verspreiding van alkohol weer in te stel om die druk op hospitaalkapasiteit te verlig. +","we have therefore decided that in order to conserve hospital capacity, the sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol will be suspended with immediate effect. +",0.76536465 +"as 'n bykomende maatreël om die druk op hospitale te verminder, sal 'n aandklokreël tussen 21:00 en 04:00 van krag wees. +","as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals, a curfew will be put in place between the hours of 9pm and 4am. +",0.85537887 +"ons is ten volle bewus daarvan dat die instelling van hierdie maatreëls onwelkome beperkings op mense se alledaagse lewens plaas. +","we are taking these measures fully aware that they impose unwelcome restrictions on people’s lives. +",0.8279693 +"dit is egter noodsaaklik om ons deur die hoogtepunt van die siekte te dra. +","they are, however, necessary to see us through the peak of the disease. +",0.76980865 +"daar is geen manier hoe ons die aanslag van die koronavirus kan vryspring nie. +","there is no way that we can avoid the coronavirus storm. +",0.81445324 +"maar ons kan die skade wat dit in ons lewens kan aanrig, beperk. +","but we can limit the damage that it can cause to our lives. +",0.8557055 +"ons het as 'n nasie saamgestaan om mekaar te ondersteun, om troos te bied aan siekes en om aanvaarding vir dié wat nog die virus het, te bevorder. +","as a nation we have come together to support each other, to provide comfort to those who are ill and to promote acceptance of people living with the virus. +",0.8521439 +"nou, meer as ooit tevore, is ons verantwoordelik vir die lewens van diegene rondom ons. +","now, more than ever, we are responsible for the lives of those around us. +",0.9160461 +"ons sal hierdie storm oorleef. +","we will weather this storm. +",0.8657419 +"ons sal toesien dat ons land weer gesond en voorspoedig word. +","we will restore our country to health and to prosperity. +",0.79959875 +ons sal oorwin.,"help stop the spread of covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed our nation is con fronted by the gravest crisis in the history of our democracy. +",0.79959875 +"vereer vroue deurvereer vroue deurekonomiese insluitingekonomiese insluiting vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika vier in augustus vrouemaand. +","celebrating women through economic inclusion vukuzenzele unnamed in august south africa celebrates women’s month. +",0.8019766 +"dié geleentheid is die herdenking van die dag in 1956 toe 20 000 vroue na die uniegebou opgemars het — n see van vroue van alle rasse, wat verskillende tale gepraat het en uit verskillende oorde gekom het. +","this occasion marks the anniversary of the day in 1956 when 20,000 women marched to the union buildings – a great sea of womankind speaking many languages, from different places and of all races. +",0.8476854 +"hulle was verenig in hulle aandrang op die einde van die aaklige paswette en vir hulle reg om in vryheid te lewe. +","they were united in their demand for an end to the dreaded pass laws and for their right to live in freedom. +",0.84512687 +"die huidige status en posisie van vroue in suidafrika is heeltemal anders as wat ons ma's en ouma's in 1956 in die gesig moes staar. +","the status and position of women in south africa today is vastly different to that faced by our mothers and grandmothers in 1956. we have come a long way in realising a south africa that is nonracial, nonsexist, democratic, prosperous and free. +",0.7875807 +"ons het ver gekom om n suidafrika te verwesenlik wat nierassig, nieseksisties, demokraties, vooruitstrewend en vry is. +","there has been real progress in improving the lives of south african women in the economy, in the political sphere and in public life. +",0.6647798 +"daadwerklike vordering is gemaak om suidafrikaanse vroue se lewens ekonomies, politieties en in die openbare lewe te verbeter. +","at the same time, we know there is so much further we still have to go. +",0.38346308 +"maar ons is bewus daarvan dat daar nog heelwat vordering gemaak moet word. +","women still face discrimination, harassment and violence, and bear the greatest brunt of poverty. +",0.46628302 +"vroue staar steeds diskriminasie, teistering en geweld in die gesig en dra die grootste las van armoede. +","if we are to truly realise the promise of our constitution we have to tackle the economic and financial exclusion that makes women more vulnerable to abuse and violence. +",0.656656 +"as ons die belofte wat in ons grondwet vervat is wil verwesenlik, moet ons die ekonomiese en finansiële uitsluiting wat vroue meer kwesbaar vir mishandeling en geweld maak, die hoof bied. +","we have joined a groundbreaking campaign that links us to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030. generation equality is an ambitious and transformative agenda to end discrimination and violence against women and for their equal participation in political, social and economic life. +",0.6882526 +"ons het by ’n baanbrekerveldtog aangesluit wat ons met globale pogings om teen 2030 geslagsgelykheid te bereik, verbind. +","as part of this campaign, we have joined two ‘action coalitions’, one for economic justice and rights and another against genderbased violence. +",0.61020505 +"generation equality is n vooruitstrewende en transformatiewe agenda om diskriminasie en geweld teen vroue te beëindig en te verseker dat hulle gelyke deelname in die politieke, maatskaplike en ekonomiese sfere het. +","both of these themes are critical to our own national agenda. +",0.49984974 +"ons het, as deel van die veldtog, by twee 'aksiekoalisies' aangesluit; een vir ekonomiese geregtigheid en n ander een teen geslagsgebaseerde geweld. +","eleven months since the emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide was implemented we have made progress in expanding support and care to survivors, and progress is being made in legal reforms to afford them greater protection. +",0.60419285 +"albei is kernbelangrik vir ons eie nasionale agenda. +","during the month of august, we begin the implementation of the national strategic plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide. +",0.5440248 +"elf maande sedert die toepassing van die noodreaksieaksieplan om geslagsgebaseerde geweld en vrouemoord te bekamp, het ons vordering gemaak met die uitbreiding van ondersteuning en sorg vir oorlewendes. +","a key aspect of the plan is on ensuring greater women’s financial inclusion. +",0.55954957 +"daar is ook vordering gemaak met regshervormings wat aan hulle meer beskerming sal bied. +","this is because economic inequality and social inequality are interconnected. +",0.54572916 +"ons het in augustus begin om die nasionale strategiese plan vir die bekamping van geslagsgebaseerde geweld en vrouemoord, uit te voer. +","the economic status of women in south africa makes them more vulnerable to abuse. +",0.5053179 +"n kernaspek van die plan is om die finansiële insluiting van vroue te verseker. +","we must therefore scale up support for women to enable them to become financially independent. +",0.66170096 +"dit is omdat ekonomiese en maatskaplike ongelykheid onderling verbind is. +","we have made a number of commitments under generation equality that will be given effect to through the national strategic plan. +",0.54487956 +"die ekonomiese status van vroue in suidafrika maak hulle meer kwesbaar vir mishandeling. +","firstly, we are going to drive women’s economic inclusion through public procurement. +",0.60343266 +"ons moet dus ondersteuning vir vroue verskerp om hulle in staat te stel om finansieel onafhanklik te word. +","we have set the target of ensuring that at least 40 percent of goods and services procured by public entities are sourced from womenowned businesses. +",0.5846729 +"ons het verskeie beloftes onder gene ration equality gemaak, wat deur die nasionale strategiese plan nagekom sal word. +","secondly, we are going to scale up support for womenowned smmes and for women who work in the informal sector or are unemployed. +",0.5752487 +"ons gaan eerstens vroue se ekonomiese insluiting deur openbare verkryging verbeter. +","this will include engagement with the financial sector to make financial services accessible and affordable for women. +",0.6400449 +"ons doelwit is om te verseker dat minstens 40 persent van goedere en dienste wat deur openbare entiteite verkry word, van besighede wat deur vroue besit word verkry sal word. +","thirdly, we want to ensure more women have access to productive assets such as land. +",0.6565661 +"tweedens, gaan onsondersteuning vir kmmo's in vroue se besit, en vir vroue wat in die informele sektor werk of wat werkloos is, verskerp. +","it is essential that women are beneficiaries of the accelerate land reform programme. +",0.56532276 +"dit sal medewerking met die finansiële sektor insluit om finansiële dienste meer toeganklik en bekostigbaar vir vroue te maak. +","it is significant that of the r75 million in covid19 relief earmarked for farming input vouchers 53 percent of the beneficiaries will be rural women. +",0.6109528 +"derdens, wil ons verseker dat meer vroue toegang tot produktiewe bates, soos grond, het. +","we must ensure that women subsistence and smallscale farmers continue to receive support beyond the pandemic. +",0.6709362 +"dit is noodsaaklik dat vrouebegunstigdes van die versnelde grondhervormingsprogram is. +","fourthly, we want to ensure that women are protected from genderbased violence in the workplace. +",0.5573245 +"dit is beduidend dat 53 persent van die begunstigdes van die r75 miljoen vir covid19noodleniging wat vir boederyinsetbewyse opsy gesit is, landelike vroue sal wees. +","in this regard, we will be working at a national and regional level towards the ratification of the ilo convention on violence and harassment in the workplace. +",0.58335835 +"ons moet verseker dat vroulike bestaansboere en kleinskaalse boere steeds na afloop van die pandemie ondersteun word. +","it is said that freedom is not given, but taken. +",0.48102003 +"vierdens, wil ons verseker dat vroue teen geslagsgebaseerde geweld in die werkplek beskerm word. +","the emancipation of women is only words on paper unless it is matched by commitment from all sectors of society. +",0.5643737 +"ons sal in dié opsig op nasionale en streeksvlak vir die regstelling van die iaokonvensie oor geweld en teistering in die werkplek werk. +","as we prepare for the reconstruction of our economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we have said that we cannot simply return to where we were before the outbreak of the virus. +",0.57694834 +"daar word gesê dat vryheid nie gegee word nie, maar geneem word. +","we must build a fundamentally different economy which, among other things, substantially improves the material position of women. +",0.4891253 +"die emansipasie van vroue is slegs woorde op papier, tensy dit met n verbintenis deur alle sektore van die samelewing gepaardgaan. +","this means that our investment in infrastructure must support not only the development of local industry, but also womenowned businesses. +",0.57697535 +"wanneer ons ná die koronaviruspandemie vir die herbou van ons ekonomie voorberei, kan ons nie bloot terugkeer na waar ons voor die uitbreking van die virus was nie. +","it must deliberately create employment opportunities for women in all stages of planning, financing, building and maintaining infrastructure. +",0.5693877 +"ons moet n ekonomie bou wat wesentlik anders is, wat onder meer die materiële posisie van vroue daadwerklik verbeter. +","by the same measures, as we scale up our public employment programmes, we must ensure that young women in particular are identified as participants. +",0.65182596 +"dit beteken dat ons beleggings in infrastruktuur nie net die ontwikkeling van plaaslike nywerhede moet ondersteun nie, maar ook ondernemings wat deur vroue besit word. +","in addition to an income, these programmes will provide them with an opportunity to acquire some of the skills and experience necessary to enter the mainstream economy. +",0.6394941 +"dit moet doelbewus werksgeleenthede vir vroue op alle vlakke van beplanning, finansiering, konstruksie en die onderhoud van infrastruktuur skep. +","as much as it is government’s responsibility to provide economic opportunities for women and create an enabling framework for advancing gender equality, everyone in society needs to play their part. +",0.64289534 +"net soos die maatreëls vir die verskerping van ons openbare indiensnemingsprogramme, moet ons ook seker maak dat veral jong vroue as deelnemers aangewys word. +","businesses must support womenowned enterprises in the procurement of goods and services. +",0.5941422 +"benewens ’n inkomste, sal die programme hul ook geleenthede bied om vaardighede en ervaring te verkry wat nodig is om die hoofstroomekonomie te betree. +","they should employ more women and appoint more women to management positions. +",0.55741644 +"hoewel dit die regering se verantwoordelikheid is om ekonomiese geleenthede vir vroue en n bemagtigende raamwerk vir die bevordering van geslagsgelykheid te skep, moet almal in die samelewing hul deel doen. +","this is all the more important considering that the private sector’s record on genderrepresentation at management level lags behind that of the public sector. +",0.6590276 +"die sakesektor moet ondernemings wat deur vroue besit word ondersteun wanneer goedere en dienste verkry word. +","this is an issue that is repeatedly raised in engagements i have had with a number of women’s business organisations. +",0.6353142 +"hulle behoort meer vroue in diens te neem en meer vroue in bestuursposisies aan te stel. +","by equal measure, we must eliminate gender disparities in pay for men and women, and give effect to the principle of equal pay for equal work contained in the employment equity act. +",0.5847781 +"dit is veral belangrik as mens in ag neem dat die privaat sektor se rekord oor geslagsverteenwoordiging op bestuursvlak agter dié van die staatsdiens is. +","women must also be protected from harassment and discrimination in the workplace. +",0.5629966 +"hierdie kwessie word herhaaldelik in gesprekke wat ek met verskeie sakeorganisasies vir vroue gehad het geopper. +","it is up to transport operators, university administrators, school governing bodies and religious organisations to create conditions for women and girls to travel, study and worship in safety. +",0.5913201 +"net so moet ons ongelykheid ten opsigte van vergoeding vir mans en vroue uit die weg ruim en uiting gee aan die beleid van gelyke vergoeding vir gelyke werk soos in die wet op gelyke indiensneming vervat word. +","we must forge ahead with our efforts to eradicate chauvinism, sexism and patriarchy. +",0.61309147 +"vroue moet ook teen teistering en diskriminasie in die werkplek beskerm word. +","it is these attitudes that enable the oppression of women. +",0.5369344 +"dit is vervoeroperateurs, universiteitsadministrateurs, skoolbeheerliggame engodsdienstige organisasies se plig om omstandige te skep waarin vroue en meisies veilig kan reis, studeer en aanbid. +","it is up to us – both men and women – to affirm that a woman’s value, position and opinions are no less than that of a man. +",0.615726 +"ons moet ons pogings om chauvinisme, seksisme en patriargie uit te roei, met mening voortsit. +","it is up to us as parents and grandparents to treat and raise our sons and our daughters the same. +",0.5741171 +"dit is hierdie opvattings wat die onderdrukking van vroue in staat stel. +","it is up to us as men to reject and speak out against genderbased violence wherever we see it, even if it is against our friends, fathers or brothers. +",0.51831263 +"dit is die plig van beide mans en vroue om te bevestig dat vroue se waarde, posisie en opinies nie minder as mans sn is nie. +","let us be the generation that ends the oppression of women in all its forms, in our lifetime. +",0.56912374 +"dit is ons plig as ouers en grootouers om ons seuns en dogters dieselfde groot te maak. +","the brave generation of 1956 marched for us all. +",0.48760602 +"dit is ons plig as mans om geslagsgebaseerde geweld te verwerp en ons daarteen uit te spreek waar ons dit ook al sien, selfs al is dit teen ons vriende, pa's of broers. +","celebrating women through economic inclusion vukuzenzele unnamed in august south africa celebrates women’s month. +",0.48760602 +"terugkeer werk toe nadat jy van covid19 herstel het allison cooper wanneer kan jy te rugkeer werk toe as jy positief vir die koronavirus (covid19) getoets het? +","back to work after covid19 a full guide allison cooper when can you return to work if you have tested positive for the coronavirus (covid19)? +",0.9311326 +"die nasionale instituut vir oordraagbare siek tes het die nodige antwoorde. +","the national institute for communicable diseases has the answers you need. +",0.8434152 +"hoe lank moet ek in iso lasie bly as ek positief vir covid19 getoets het? +","when i test positive for covid19, how long do i have to stay in isolation? +",0.7370765 +"mense wat positief vir co vid19 getoets het maar nie simptome het nie, moet vir 10 dae, vanaf die dag wat hulle die positiewe toetsresultaat ontvang het, in isolasie by die huis of in n regeringsisolasiefasiliteit bly. +","people who test positive for covid19, but don’t have any symptoms, must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day they receive their positive test result. +",0.8663018 +"diegene met matige simptome moet vir 10 dae, vanaf die dag wat hulle simptome begin het, in isolasie by die huis of in n regeringsisolasiefasiliteit bly. +","those who have mild symptoms must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day their symptoms start. +",0.8193519 +"diegene wat ernstig siek is en hospitaal toe moet gaan, moet vir 10 dae, vanaf die dag wat hulle stabiel is en nie meer suurstof nodig het nie, in isolasie bly. +","those who have severe disease, who have to go to hospital, must remain in isolation for 10 days, from when they are stable and don’t need oxygen anymore. +",0.8809621 +"hoe kan mense wat co vid19positief is die siekte aan ander oordra? +","how can a covid19 positive people transfer the disease to others? +",0.7890326 +"volgens die minister van gesondheid, zweli mkhise, kan die meeste mense met n matige infeksie die virus vir tussen sewe en 12 dae oordra. +","according to health minister zweli mkhize, most people who have a mild infection can spread the virus for between seven to 12 days. +",0.9123201 +"mense wat baie siek word kan egter aansteeklik wees en kan die virus vir n langer tydperk aan ander oordra. +","however, people who become very sick could be infectious and be able to transmit the virus to others for a longer period of time. +",0.83260584 +"moet ek nog 'n covid19toets doen om te bewys dat ek negatief is voordat ek kan terugkeer werk toe? +","do i have to have another covid19 test, proving that i am negative, before i return to work? +",0.919675 +"nee. +","no. +",0.9921523 +"daar word nie aanbeveel dat mense wat matig siek was en gesond geword het, weer getoets moet word nie. +","retesting people who have experienced mild illness and have recovered is not recommended. +",0.8186704 +"n persoon word as veilig geag om terug te keer werk toe en uit isolasie te kom wanneer hulle nie meer aansteeklik is nie. +","a person is considered safe to return to work and come out of isolation if they are no longer infectious. +",0.86698943 +"dit beteken dat hulle die eerste simptome meer as 10 dae gelede ontwikkel het en vir minstens drie dae geen simptome gehad het nie. +","this means they developed their first symptoms more than 10 days ago and have not had any symptoms for at least three days. +",0.92055124 +"werknemers kan in die meeste gevalle terugkeer werk toe sonder om weer getoets te word as: hulle 10 dae van verpligte kwarantyn of selfisolasie voltooi het. +","in most cases, employees can return to work without testing again if: they have completed 10 days of mandatory quarantine or selfisolation. +",0.9080627 +"diegene wat matige tot ernstige simptome gehad het, medies ondersoek is. +","those who had moderate or severe symptoms undergo a medical evaluation. +",0.78676844 +"hulle steeds persoonlike higiëne en sosiale distansiering handhaaf. +","they continue to practice personal hygiene and social distancing. +",0.9029211 +"die werkgewer die werker monitor om te verseker dat hy/sy nie agteruitgaan nie. +","the employer monitors the worker to ensure they do not regress. +",0.7897452 +"hulle vir minstens 21 dae ná die diagnose n masker dra. +","they wear a mask, from the date of diagnosis for at least 21 days. +",0.78335357 +"my toets was negatief maar ek het steeds simptome. +","i have tested negative but i still have symptoms. +",0.82044566 +"wat nou? +","what now? +",0.8915236 +"dit is moontlik om n vals ne gatiewe toetsresultaat te kry. +","it is possible to get a false negative test result. +",0.7812716 +"dit beteken dat jou eerste toets negatief kan wees, maar dat jy in n later stadium positief kan toets. +","this means that your first test could be negative, but you could test positive at a later stage. +",0.94066834 +"kontak n professionele gesondheidsorgwerker as jou covid19 simptome voortduur. +","if you continue to have covid19 symptoms contact your healthcare professional. +",0.7522306 +"en as ek na 10 dae steeds simptome het? +","what if i am still showing symptoms after 10 days? +",0.85058993 +"dit is algemeen vir pasiënte om vir meer as 10 dae simptome te ervaar. +","it is common for patients to continue to have symptoms for longer than 10 days. +",0.7475719 +"dit kan ’n paar weke neem om ten volle te herstel. +","full recovery may take several weeks. +",0.7693763 +"raadpleeg jou gesondheidsorgwerker as jy steeds simptome het. +","if you still have symptoms, seek advice from your healthcare professional. +",0.658229 +"vir meer inligting oor covid19, besoek die nasionale instituut vir oordraagbare siektes se webwerf by www. +","for more information about covid19, visit the national institute for communicable diseases’ website at www. +",0.8866588 +"nicd.co.za , die gratis covid19 webwerf by coronavirus. +","nicd. +",0.49381715 +"datafree. +","ac. +",0.5698724 +"co , skakel die covid19blitslynnommer by 0800 029 999, of stuur 'n whatsapp na 0600 12 3456.","back to work after covid19 a full guide allison cooper when can you return to work if you have tested positive for the coronavirus (covid19)? +",0.5698724 +"laat ons mekaar veilig hou vukuzenzele unnamed in ons reaksie op die koronaviruspande mie, het ons land na waarskuwingsvlak 2 be weeg. +","let’s keep each other safe vukuzenzele unnamed our country has moved to alert level 2 in our response to the coronavirus pandemic. +",0.8094881 +"dit is 'n verligting vir alle suidafrikaners wat die afgelope vyf maan de onder streng beperkings moes leef. +","this has come as a relief to all south africans who have had to live under stringent restrictions for the last five months. +",0.8023759 +"dit is 'n teken van die vordering wat ons maak om nuwe infeksies te laat afneem en die eise wat dit aan ons gesondheidsinstellings stel te verlig. +","it is a sign of the progress we are making in reducing new infections and demand on our health facilities. +",0.7853879 +"dit is ook 'n baie belangrike ontwikkeling vir ons ekonomie, omdat ons daarna streef om ekonomies weer op dreef te kom. +","it is also a very important development as we strive to restart our economy. +",0.83738774 +"maar ons moet dit nie te gou vier nie. +","but it is too soon to celebrate. +",0.544587 +"ons is steeds middein 'n dodelike pandemie wat meer as 11 000 lewens in suidafrika geëis het. +","we are still very much in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has taken over 11,000 lives in south africa alone. +",0.8681311 +"met meer as 'n halfmiljoen bevestigde ge valle het ons steeds die vyfde grootste aantal infeksies ter wêreld. +","at more than half a million confirmed cases, we still have the fifth highest number of infections in the world. +",0.8566282 +"en daar is altyd 'n kans dat die siekte weer sal opvlam. +","and there is always a chance of a resurgence of the disease. +",0.8258002 +"as ons ooit ’n sterk herinne ring nodig het hoe belangrik dit is om waaksaam te bly, hoef ons net te kyk na die onlangse gebeure, duisende kilometers ver in nieusee land. +","if we ever need a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, we should look to recent events thousands of kilometres away in new zealand. +",0.8582721 +"drie maande nadat die land koronavirusvry verklaar is, het nieuseeland weer eens ’n staat van inperking aangekondig. +","three months since the country was declared coronavirusfree, new zealand is once again under lockdown. +",0.8607971 +"hoewel daar tydens die jongste uitbre king betreklik min gevalle was, het die regering vinnig beperkings heringestel. +","although the latest outbreak was of relatively few cases, the government swiftly reimposed lockdown restrictions. +",0.7732367 +"soortgelyke beperkings moes in verskillende dele van europa heringestel word, aangesien hulle 'n 'tweede golf' van infeksies ervaar. +","similar restrictions have had to be reimposed in several parts of europe as they experience a ‘second wave’ of infections. +",0.8673341 +"hierdie ervarings wys hoe vinnig covid19 dinge kan laat verander. +","these experiences show just how swiftly things can change when it comes to covid19. +",0.8412468 +"dit is 'n wekroep vir ons almal wat moontlik dink dat ons selfs naby die einde van hierdie ernstige openbare gesondheidskrisis is. +","it is a wakeup call to any among us who may harbour illusions that we are even close to seeing the end of this grave public health emergency. +",0.8799051 +"maar daar is beslis tekens van hoop. +","certainly, there are signs of hope. +",0.81768215 +"die aantal nuwe bevestigde gevalle in suidafrika neem steeds af. +","the number of new confirmed cases in south africa continues to decline. +",0.8793149 +"op die piek van die siekte, net ’n maand gelede, het ons onge veer 12 000 nuwe gevalle per dag aangeteken. +","at the peak of the disease just one month ago, we were recording around 12,000 new cases a day. +",0.8677314 +"dit het die afgelope week tot gemiddeld ongeveer 5 000 per dag ge daal. +","this has dropped to an average of around 5,000 a day over the past week. +",0.8030026 +"ons herstelpersentasie staan op 80 persent. +","our recovery rate stands at 80 percent. +",0.81365 +"namate die land na vlak 2 beweeg, is baie beperkings op sosiale en ekonomiese aktiwi teite opgehef. +","as the country moves to alert level 2, many restrictions on social and economic activity have been lifted. +",0.849023 +"hiermee saam kom 'n verhoogde risiko van oordrag. +","with this comes increased risk of transmission. +",0.85625494 +"ons moet nou hierdie risiko bestuur en seker maak dat die vooruitgang wat ons tot dus ver gemaak het om die ver spreiding van die pandemie te stuit, nie omgekeer word nie. +","we now need to manage this risk and ensure the gains we have made thus far in containing the pandemic’s spread are not reversed. +",0.88712347 +"die grootste bedreiging vir die nasie se gesondheid is nou 'n oorgeruste selfvol daanheid. +","the greatest threat to the health of nation right now is complacency. +",0.8155902 +"ons mag wel weer vriende en familie besoek, by kuierplekke bymekaar kom, reis vir ontspanning en alko hol in restaurante, kroeë en tavernes gebruik. +","it may be that we are now permitted to meet friends and family, to visit entertainment venues, to travel for leisure and to consume alcohol in restaurants, bars and taverns. +",0.8402907 +"maar soos die gesegde lui, beteken dit nie net omdat jy dit kan doen, jy dit moet doen nie. +","but as the old adage goes, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. +",0.80698323 +"baie mense wat die korona virus het, het nie simptome nie en weet dalk nie eens dat hulle besmet is nie. +","many people who have the coronavirus do not have symptoms and may not even know they are infected. +",0.9007398 +"dit is 'n ontnugterende werklikheid, want dit beteken dat enigeen van ons nou besmet kan wees en ander onbewustelik kan besmet. +","this is a sobering reality because it means that any of us could be infected right now and could unwittingly infect others. +",0.8806877 +"dit is veral die geval wan neer ons familielede besoek, veral bejaardes en diegene met bestaande mediese toe stande wat hulle kwesbaar maak vir infeksie. +","this is particular the case when visiting relatives, especially the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions that render them vulnerable to infection. +",0.8069582 +"dit geld ook vir godsdienstige by eenkomste of kulturele akti witeite. +","it is also true for attending religious services or cultural activities. +",0.7625246 +"die 'tweede golf' van in feksies wat verskeie ander lande ervaar het, is vir ons ook 'n moontlikheid. +","the ‘second wave’ of infections that several other countries have experienced is an everpresent possibility for us too. +",0.8078909 +"hoewel verskeie beperkings opgehef is, beteken dit nie dat dit nie heringestel kan word as ons 'n beduidende toename in infeksies ervaar nie. +","although many restrictions have been lifted, it does not mean they will not return should we experience a significant rise in infections. +",0.86501145 +"hierdie pandemie is 'n saak van lewe en dood. +","this pandemic is a matter of life and death. +",0.9395751 +"ons moet aanpas en ons moet waaksaam wees. +","we need to adapt and we need to be vigilant. +",0.7976836 +"in die dae, weke en maande wat voorlê, moet ons pogings daadwerklik op herstel toe gespits wees. +","in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we must urgently focus our efforts on recovery. +",0.86708856 +"ons ekonomie het heelwat skade gely en ons samelewing het swaargekry. +","our economy and our society has suffered a great deal. +",0.7009654 +"namate ons ekonomiese ak tiwiteite in byna alle nywer hede hervat word – en ons daaraan werk om die skade wat aangerig is te herstel – is dit ons verantwoordelikheid as individue, werkgewers, gemeenskappe, gesinne, professionele mense, werkers en landsburgers om steeds waaksaam te bly. +","as we return to economic activity across almost all industries – and work to repair the damage done – we have a responsibility to not let our guard down as individuals, employers, communities, families, professionals, workers and citizens. +",0.8721283 +"nie een van ons wil na die dae van uiterste inperking te rugkeer nie. +","none of us wants a return to the early days of extreme lockdown restrictions. +",0.7661048 +"ons wil aangaan met ons lewens. +","we want to move on with our lives. +",0.8642289 +"ons wil hê dat ons vriende en geliefdes gesond en veilig moet bly. +","we want our friends and loved ones to remain healthy and safe. +",0.89226973 +"laat ons as ’n volk steeds saamwerk om te verseker dat ons vordering maak. +","as a nation, let us continue to work together to ensure that we progress. +",0.8323227 +"die skuif na waarskuwingsvlak 2 van die inperking, beteken nie dat almal nou kan doen net wat hulle wil nie. +","the move to alert level 2 of the lockdown is not a ‘free for all.’ the rules on social distancing, mask wearing, social gatherings and international travel remain. +",0.61139774 +"die reëls oor sosiale afstand, die dra van maskers, sosiale by eenkomste en internasionale reise is steeds van krag. +","our success rests on our ability to abide by these regulations and to ensure that we each behave carefully and responsibly. +",0.5630386 +"ons sukses berus op ons vermoë om hierdie regulasies na te kom en dat elkeen van ons waaksaam en verant woordelik moet optree. +","every time we are considering any form of nonessen tial activity, we should ask: what is the risk of infection to ourselves and to others? +",0.6196753 +"elke keer as ons enige vorm van nienoodsaaklike akti witeite oorweeg, moet ons onsself afvra: wat is die risiko van besmetting vir onsself en ander? +","where there is a risk, even a slight one, it is better not to do it. +",0.55731696 +"waar daar 'n risiko is, selfs 'n geringe risiko, is dit beter om dit nie te doen nie. +","let us proceed, as ever, with caution. +",0.41852394 +"laat ons, soos altyd, met omsigtigheid voortgaan. +","let’s keep each other safe vukuzenzele unnamed our country has moved to alert level 2 in our response to the coronavirus pandemic. +",0.41852394 +"beskerm ons vroue en kinders vukuzenzele unnamed duisende vroue, mans en kinders het n jaar gelede, amper tot op die dag, na die parlement opgeruk om teen n stortvloed van verkragtings en moorde op vroue en kinders te betoog. +","protect our women and children vukuzenzele unnamed a year ago, almost to the day, thousands of wom en, men and children marched to parliament to protest against a spate of rapes and killings of women and girls. +",0.8652377 +"suidafrikaners het in daardie stadium onder die moorde van uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess en verskeieander vroue wat hulle lewens deur die toedoen van wreedaardige mans verloor het, gesteier. +","at the time, the nation was reeling from the murders of uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess and a number of other women who had lost their lives at the hands of brutal men. +",0.87167597 +"die vreedsame betogers uit alle vlakke van die samelewing, jonk en oud, studente en werkende vroue, het plakkate omhoog gehou met 'genoeg is genoeg' en 'is ek volgende?' +","from all social backgrounds, young and old, students and working women, the peaceful protesters held aloft placards that read ‘enough is enough’ and ‘am i next?’. +",0.8777862 +"die angs en woede was daardie dag tasbaar. +","the anguish and the anger was palpable that day. +",0.88330483 +"toe ek hulle duidelik uitgespelde eise ontvang het, het ek besef dat ons dringend en met vasberadenheid moesoptree. +","as i received their clearly articulated demands, it was clear to me that we needed to act urgently and with determination. +",0.80804527 +"dit was vir my belangrik om met opregtheid te reageeer en nie leë beloftes te maak nie. +","it was important to me that i did not respond with hollow words and empty promises. +",0.8380146 +"n paar dae later het ek n gesamentlike sitting van dieparlement belê waartydens ons n noodreaksieplan van r1.6 miljard om geslagsgebaseerde geweld (ggg) en vrouemoord te bestry, aangekondig het. +","a few days later, i called a joint sitting of parliament, where we announced a r1.6 billion emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). +",0.85386837 +"oor die ses maande waartydens die plan in werking gestel is, is staatsbesteding in verskeie regeringsdepartemente herprioritiseer om ingrypings vir die beskerming en ondersteuning van oorlewendes, bewustheidsen voorkomingsveldtogte, sowel as wette en beleide te verbeter, en om die ekonomiese bemagtiging van vroue te bevorder en die strafregstelsel te versterk. +","over the six months of its implementation, public spending in various government departments was reprioritised to support interventions for care and support for survivors, for awareness and prevention campaigns, to improve laws and policies, to promote the economic empowerment of women, and to strengthen the criminal justice system. +",0.8672905 +"nou is ons op die spits van die verreikendste wetgewende hersiening in die stryd teen ggg en vrouemoord. +","and now we are on the cusp of the most farreaching legislative overhaul in the fight against gbvf. +",0.7995574 +"drie sleutelwetsontwerpe wat met ggg verband hou is onlangs by die parlement ingedien. +","three key bills relating to gbvf have been introduced in parliament recently. +",0.8697468 +"deur hierdie wetsontwerpe in te dien, kom ons die belofte wat ons verlede jaar aan die betogers en alle vroue in die land gemaak het, na. +","through the introduction of these bills, we are honouring the promise we made to the protestors last year and to all the women of this country. +",0.9072697 +"die drie wysigingswetsontwerpe is daarop gerig om die gapings wat sommige oortreders van hierdie misdade toelaat om geregtigheid te ontwyk, te vul, asook om uiting te gee aan die regte van ons land se vroue en kinders. +","the three amendment bills are designed to fill the gaps that allow some perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children. +",0.86511004 +"wanneer hierdie wetsontwerpe gefinaliseer is, sal dit help om die vertroue van ons land se vroue, dat die wet hulle inderdaad sal beskerm, te herstel. +","these bills, once finalised, will help to restore the confidence of our country’s women that the law is indeed there to protect them. +",0.86881137 +"die eerste is die wetsontwerp wat die wysigingswet op die strafreg (seksuele misdrywe en verwante aangeleenthede) wysig. +","the first is the bill to amend the criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act. +",0.7987702 +"dit skep n nuwe oortreding van seksuele intimidasie; dit brei die omvang van die bloedskandeoortreding uit en brei ook die aanmeldingsplig van persone wat vermoed dat n seksuele oortreding teen n kind gepleeg is, uit. +","this creates a new offence of sexual intimidation, extends the ambit of the offence of incest, and extends the reporting duty of persons who suspect a sexual offence has been committed against a child. +",0.8590662 +"verder brei dit ook die omvang van die nasionale register vir seksuele oortreders uit om alle seksuele oortreders se besonderhede in te sluit. +","it expands the scope of the national register for sex offenders (nrso) to include the particulars of all sex offenders. +",0.8114672 +"tot op hede, was dit slegs van toepassing op seksuele oortreders wat aan seksuele misdade teen kinders of mense met geestesongesteldhede skuldig bevind is. +","until now, it has only applied to sex offenders convicted of sex crimes perpetrated against children or persons with mental disabilities. +",0.85628927 +"die tydperk wat oortreders se besonderhede op die register moet bly, is verleng en oortreders wat op die register gelys is, sal hierdie feit bekend moet maak wanneer hulle aansoek doen om werk met kwesbare mense. +","the time an offender’s particulars must remain on the register has been increased, and those listed on the register will have to disclose this when they submit applications to work with vulnerable persons. +",0.87714666 +"die wetsontwerp maak ook voorsiening dat die name van persone op die nasionale register vir seksuele oortreders aan die publiek beskikbaar moet wees. +","the bill also provides for the names of persons on the nrso to be publicly available. +",0.7657208 +"die wysiginswetsontwerp op die strafreg en verwante aangeleenthede sal onder meer die toestaan van borgtog aan oortreders van ggg en vrouemoord verstewig, en oortredings waarvoor minimum vonnisse opgelê moet word, uitbrei. +","the criminal and related matters amendment bill tightens, among others, the granting of bail to perpetrators of gbvf, and expands the offences for which minimum sentences must be imposed. +",0.86360747 +"die wysigings stel nuwe verpligtinge op wetstoepassings amptenare en op ons howe in. +","the amendments impose new obligations on lawenforcement officials and on our courts. +",0.78863937 +"wanneer n aanklaer nie in sake van geslagsgeweld en vrouemoord borgtog teenstaan nie, moet hulle hul redes op rekord plaas. +","when a prosecutor does not oppose bail in cases of gbv, they have to place their reasons on record. +",0.7779443 +"tensy die beskuldigde uitsonderlike omstandighede kan gee waarom hy/sy op borgtog vrygelaat moet word, moet die hof beveel dat die beskuldigde in aanhouding bly totdat die strafregverrigtinge afgehandel is. +","unless a person accused of gbv can provide exceptional circumstances why they should be released on bail, the court must order their detention until the criminal proceedings are concluded. +",0.8285906 +"die howe word verplig om met verskeie oorwegings rekening te hou wanneer daar oor n borgtogaansoek besluit word. +","in reaching a decision on a bail application, the courts are compelled to take a number of considerations into account. +",0.6405052 +"dit sluit in voorverhoorverslae oor die wenslikheid daarvan om die beskuldigde op borgtog vry te laat, dreigemente van geweld teen n oorlewende en die oorlewende se opinie oor haar of sy veiligheid. +","they include pretrial reports on the desirability of releasing an accused on bail, threats of violence made against a survivor, and the view of the survivor regarding his or her safety. +",0.7964198 +"wat parool betref, moet n klaer of familielid van n oorlede slagoffer n voorlegging aan die paroolraad kan lewer. +","when it comes to parole, a complainant or a relative of a deceased victim must be able to make representation to the parole board. +",0.7760489 +"gegewe die onaanvaarbare hoë vlakke van geweld op intieme maats in ons land, het ons die bepalings van die wet op huishoudelike geweld, verskerp. +","given the unacceptably high levels of intimate partner violence in our country, we have tightened the provisions of the domestic violence act. +",0.75999296 +"huishoudelike geweld word nou omskryf om diegene wat vir enige tydsduur verloof is, in n verhouding is, in ’n gewoonteverhouding is of ’n werklike of skynbaar romantiese, intieme of seksuele verhouding is, in te sluit. +","domestic violence is now defined to cover those in engagements, dating, in customary relationships, and actual or perceived romantic, intimate or sexual relationships of any duration. +",0.87306803 +"die wetsontwerp brei ook die omskrywing van 'huishoudelike geweld' uit om die beskerming van ouer persone teen mishandeling deur familielede, in te sluit. +","the bill also extends the definition of ‘domestic violence’ to include the protection of older persons against abuse by family members. +",0.87725383 +"klaers sal aanlyn om n beskermingsbevel aansoek kan doen. +","complainants will be able to apply for a protection order online. +",0.6820337 +"om n scenario te voorkom waar oortreders n vorige geskiedenis van huishoudelike geweld kan wegsteek, sal n geïntegreerde bewaarplek van beskermingsbevele tot stand gebring word die voorgestelde wysigings verplig ook die departemente van maatskaplike ontwikkeling, basiese onderwys, hoër onderwys en gesondheid om, waar nodig, sekere dienste aan oorlewendes te voorsien, en om hulle vir beskerming en mediese sorg te verwys. +","to prevent a scenario where perpetrators can hide past histories of domestic violence, an integrated repository of protection orders will be established. +",0.739884 +"die omstandighede waaronder n aanklaer kan weier om vervolging in te stel wanneer oortredings ingevolge die gewysigde wet gepleeg is, of om klagtes terug te trek wanneer dit liggaamlike besering behels, of waar n wapen gebruik is om n klaer te bedreig, word beperk. +","the proposed amendments also oblige the departments of social development, basic education, higher education and health to provide certain services to survivors where needed and to refer them for sheltering and medical care. +",0.6513763 +"die voorgestelde wysiging tot die wet wat moontlik die beduidenste pionierswerk inlui, is dat as iemand kennis, n redelike oortuiging of vermoede het dat huishoudelike geweld teen n kind, persoon met n gestremdheid of ouer persoon gepleeg is en dit nie by n maatskaplike werker of polisiebeampte aanmeld nie, hulle n boete of tronkstraf opgelê kan word. +","the circumstances under which a prosecutor can refuse to institute a prosecution when offences have been committed under the amended act or to withdraw charges when it involves the infliction of bodily harm or where a weapon was used to threaten a complainant have been limited. +",0.7386981 +"versuim deur n lid van die sapd om hulle verpligtinge ingevolge die wet na te kom sal ook as wangedrag geag word en moet by die burgerlike sekretariaat vir polisiediens, aangemeld word. +","in perhaps the most groundbreaking proposed amendment to the act, if someone has knowledge, reasonable belief or suspicion that an act of domestic violence has been committed against a child, a person with disability or an older person and fails to report it to a social worker or police officer they can be fined and even imprisoned. +",0.6918831 +"die reg is die een onfeilbare beskermer van ons samelewing, maar veral vir die kwesbaarste mense. +","similarly, failure by a member of the saps to comply with their obligations under the act will be regarded as misconduct and must be reported to the civilian secretariat for police service. +",0.5989212 +"wanneer dit toegewyd en regverdig toegepas word, is dit die magtigste waarborger van geregtigheid. +","the law is the one sure protector of all of society, but especially its most vulnerable. +",0.6226052 +"die vroue van suidafrika het genoeg gehad van louwarm optrede wat een van die fundamen teelste regte van almal, naamlik die reg om sonder vrees te leef, nie aanspreek nie. +","when diligently and fairly applied, it is the most powerful guarantor of justice. +",0.5656996 +"die regering en sy vennote sal die regte ding doen om die vroue van suidafrika te beskerm. +","the women of south africa have had enough of lukewarm actions that do not address one of the most fundamental rights of all – to live in freedom from fear. +",0.5645089 +ons sal hulle nie in die steek laat nie.,"protect our women and children vukuzenzele unnamed a year ago, almost to the day, thousands of wom en, men and children marched to parliament to protest against a spate of rapes and killings of women and girls. +",0.5645089 +"woza matrics program geloods dale hes die woza matricsprogram poog om alle graad 12 leerders te help om hulle finale eksamen te slaag. +","woza matrics launched dale hes this year’s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19). +",0.72678316 +"vanjaar se matri kulante staar wesenlike uitdagings in die gesig as gevolg van die koronavirus (covid19). +","the department of basic education (dbe) has ensured that the safe reopening of schools is one of its top priorities, along with supporting learners with various programmes to help them successfully complete the academic year. +",0.61574167 +"die departement van basiese onderwys het verseker dat die veilige heropening van skole, sowel as bystand aan leerders deur verskeie programme wat hulle help om hul akademiese jaar suksesvol te voltooi, een van die departement se topprioriteite is. +","one of these is the woza matrics programme, which was launched on 1 september in collaboration with a number of broadcasting partners and educational experts. +",0.6519253 +"een so ’n program is die woza matricsprogram wat op 1 september, in samewerking met verskeie uitsaaivennote en opvoedkundige deskundiges, geloods is. +","as part of the programme, catchup lessons on six key matric subjects are being aired on sabc, dstv and openview (channel 122) every day for 12 weeks, from 8am to 10am and 1pm to 3pm. +",0.65568566 +"opvanglesse oor ses matriekvakke word elke dag vir 12 weke, van 8vm. +","the goal is to help learners to prepare for their final exams. +",0.47990313 +"tot 10vm. +","the platform also provides live lessons, during which learners can ask teachers questions. +",0.3340504 +"en 1nm. +","exam tips are also provided. +",0.37750587 +"tot 3nm.,as deel van die program op sabc, dstv en openview (kanaal 122), uitgesaai. +","woza matrics recognises that while all learners have lost school time, grade 12s have been the most severely affected, as their marks are extremely important for their career and university acceptance. +",0.6131912 +"die doelwit is om leerders te help om vir hulle finale eksamen voor te berei. +","basic education minister angie motshekga says the programme is vital, considering the disruption to learn ing caused by covid19. +",0.5883666 +"die platform maak ook voorsiening vir regstreekse lesse, waartydens leerders aan onderwysers vrae kan vra. +","""matric is always stressful, but 2020 has been filled with unusual stresses. +",0.5539688 +"eksamenwenke word ook verskaf. +","i want to congratulate all our grade 12 learners and their families for their perseverance and determination. +",0.4022456 +"woza matrics erken dat, terwyl alle leerders skooltyd verloor het, graad 12's die ergste beïnvloed is, aangesien hulle punte uiters belangrik vir hul beroep en universiteitstoelating is. +","it is abundantly clear that additional support is required for learners and we will continue to provide this. +",0.56364435 +"die minister van basiese onderwys, angie motshekga, sê die program is noodsaaklik as die onderbreking in onderrig weens covid19, in ag geneem word. +","there are a few months left before the end of the year and woza matrics will give learners the support they need to prepare for the final exams,"" she says. +",0.6311484 +"""matriek is altyd stresvol, maar 2020 het buitengewone spanning meegebring. +","the programme is unique in that it targets the majority of grade 12s in the country who do not have regular access to the internet and connected digital devices. +",0.57647544 +"ek wens al ons graad 12 leerders en hulle gesinne geluk met hul deursettingsvermoë en vasberadenheid. +","broadcasts will be available to view by most of the 1.2 million learners who are writing matric exams in november. +",0.57103044 +"dit is glashelder dat bykomende ondersteuning vir leerders nodig is en ons sal dit steeds voorsien. +","the council of education ministers has urged all learners and parents to make use of the platform. +",0.58688885 +"daar is n paar maande oor voor die einde van die jaar en woza matrics sal leerders die ondersteuning bied wat hulle nodig het om vir hul finale eksamens voor te berei,"" sê sy. +","sabc ceo madoda mxakwe says the broadcaster is proud to be part of the initiative. +",0.64160204 +"die program is uniek in die sin dat dit die meeste graad 12's in die land teiken wat nie gereelde toegang tot die internet en digitale dienste het nie. +","""we are pleased to be one of the key roleplayers in saving the 2020 matric year. +",0.51744986 +"die meeste van die 1,2 miljoen leerders wat in november matriek skryf, sal na die uitsendings kan kyk. +","as a public service broadcaster, we are dutyb ound to ensure that our content includes a significant number of educational programmes, particularly during a period when it is most needed. +",0.57695127 +"die raad vir opvoedkundige ministers het alle leerders en ouers aangespoor om van die platform gebruik te maak. +","""your questions answeredwhat subjects will be covered? +",0.43311536 +"die sabc se hoof uitvoerende beampte, madoda mxakwe, sê die uitsaaier is trots daarop om deel van die inisiatief te wees. +","maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. +",0.5934238 +"""ons is verheug om as een van die sleutelrolspelers te kan help om die 2020matriekjaar te red. +","why were these time slots chosen, because learners could be at school? +",0.49366128 +"as n openbare diensuitsaaier, is ons verplig om te verseker dat ons inhoud n beduidende aantal opvoedkundige programme bevat, veral in n tydperk waar dit die nodigste is. +","school attendance times vary across districts and provinces, due to social distancing measures. +",0.5627167 +"jou vrae beantwoordjou vrae beantwoordwatter vakke sal gedek word? +","many matrics will be at home at the time of broadcasting. +",0.4673031 +"watter vakke sal gedek word? +","a small percentage of learners are also being homeschooled. +",0.38040826 +"wiskunde aardrykskunde lewenswetenskappe natuurwetenskappe rekeningkunde wiskundegeletterdheid. +","the main broadcasts will be repeated after 4pm on openview and are available on dstv catchup. +",0.5662302 +"hoekom is hierdie tydgleuwe gekies, want leerders hoekom is hierdie tydgleuwe gekies, want leerders kan by die skool wees? +","why only matrics? +",0.50090754 +"kan by die skool wees? +","matrics are under the most pressure to plan their postschool lives. +",0.39222986 +"skoolbywoningstye verskil as gevolg van sosiale distansiëringsmaatreëls in verskillende distrikte en provinsies. +","matrics have faced more significant disruption to their schooling since march 2020 because their curriculum was not shortened. +",0.61490834 +"baie matrieks sal ten tye van die uitsendings, tuis wees. +","matrics have fallen the furthest behind on curricu lum learning. +",0.615591 +"n klein persentasie leerders ontvang ook tuisonderrig. +","where can i find the viewing schedule? +",0.43276536 +"die hoofuitsendings sal na 4nm. +","the viewing schedule is available in tv guides and on the woza matrics website at wozamatrics.co.za. +",0.5648642 +"op openview herhaal word en op dstv catchup beskikbaar wees. +","repeat broadcasts will be available. +",0.55113614 +"hoekom net matrieks? +","is support being provided to parents and teach ers? +",0.46443254 +"hoekom net matrieks? +","yes. +",0.31358537 +"matrieks is onder die meeste druk om hul lewens na skool te beplan. +","the broadcast schedule will have some sessions on tips for parents on ways to support their matric children. +",0.6224699 +"matrieks het sedert maart 2020 meer beduidende onderbrekings in hulle onderrig ervaar omdat hul kurrikulum nie verkort is nie. +","some sessions will focus on teachers and the dbe's teacher connect whatsapp platform will communicate key messages to teachers. +",0.57895887 +"matrieks het die verste agter geraak met hulle kurrikulumonderrig. +","will there be a focus on dealing with the stresses faced by matrics? +",0.58582014 +"waar kan ek die uitaaiskedule kry? +","yes. +",0.24668324 +"waar kan ek die uitaaiskedule kry? +","there will be several sessions focused on providing tips for student wellbeing, coping with stress and managing anxiety. +",0.41650927 +"die uitsaaiskedule is in tvgidse en op die woza matricswebwerf, by wozamatrics.co.za, beskikbaar. +","woza matrics launched dale hes this year’s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19). +",0.41650927 +"sa media n steunpilaar vir ons demokrasie vukuzenzele unnamed die koronaviruspan demie het in baie lande regoor die wêreld n beperking van burgerlike vryhede geverg en sosiale samehorigheid op die proef gestel. +","sa media is a key pillar of our democracy vukuzenzele unnamed in many countries around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has required the limita tion of many civil liberties and put social cohesion to the test. +",0.85988665 +"lande met sterk instellings, waaksame regstelsels en n gesonde media kon egter verhoed dat menseregte on dermyn en die gesag van die staat misbruik word. +","but countries with strong institutions, vigilant judicial systems and a robust media have been able to prevent human rights from being undermined and the authority of the state being abused. +",0.84668636 +"dit is ses maande sedert die nasionale ramptoestand verklaar is. +","it has been six months since the national state of disaster was proclaimed. +",0.9299662 +"ons het goed ge vaar, odanks die ongekende aard van die siekte en die ontsaglike uitdaging om n land van 58 miljoen mense in n staat van inperking te plaas. +","despite the unprecedented nature of the disease and the immense challenge of placing a country of 58 million people under lockdown, we have fared well. +",0.79454696 +"ons kon die verspreiding van die siekte, hoofsaaklik danksy al ons landsburgers se same werking en waaksaamheid, in bedwang hou. +","we have managed to contain the spread of the disease primarily because of the cooperation and vigilance of all citizens. +",0.7636168 +"dit is tot ’n groot mate ook te danke aan ons media se deeglike werk. +","this is in no small part due to the sterling work of our media. +",0.76638967 +"ons is dank verskuldig aan suidafrika se hardwerkende en volhardende joernaliste. +","we owe a debt of gratitude to south africa’s hardworking and tenacious journalists. +",0.7685064 +"hulle het ons mense inge lig gehou deur belangrike gesondheidsboodskappe oor sosiale distansiëring en higiëne te versprei. +","they have kept our people informed by disseminating key health messages about social distancing and hygiene. +",0.88186777 +"hulle het dit onder uiters moeilike omstandighede, dikwels met beperkte hulpbronne, gedoen. +","they have done so under extremely trying conditions, often with limited resources. +",0.8915198 +"hulle het stories oor die uitwerking wat die inper king op mense se lewens en besighede gehad het, vertel. +","they have told the stories of the effects of lockdown on the lives of people and their businesses. +",0.734864 +"deur gemeenskappe, dorpe en stede te besoek om gewo ne mense se stories na vore te bring en mense se aandag landwyd op probleme wat in hospitale en klinieke ervaar word, te vestig, het hulle regeringsoptrede aangehits. +","they have been out in the villages, towns and cities, bringing stories of ordinary people and drawing national attention to problems being experienced in hospitals and clinics, prompting government action. +",0.86059624 +"ons media het ook die aandag op uitspattighede ge vestig wat normaalweg dalk nie vorendag sou gekom het nie. +","our media have also shone a light on excesses that perhaps would not have ordinarily come to light. +",0.81738204 +"hulle het hul waghondrol vervul deur korrupsie en wanadministrasie openbaar te maak, wat n omvattende nasionale debat aangehits het en tot verskeie hoëpro fielondersoeke gelei het. +","they have fulfilled their watchdog role by unearthing acts of corruption and maladministration, sparking a massive national debate and leading to a number of highprofile investigations. +",0.8316271 +"deur hierdie soort verslaggewing het hulle mense se vertroue gewen. +","through this reporting they have earned people’s trust. +",0.8236766 +"n vrye pers is nie n doel op sigself nie. +","a free press is not an end in itself. +",0.87249035 +"dit is n manier om te versker dat demokrasie uit geleef en gehandhaaf word. +","it is a means by which democracy is secured and upheld. +",0.8268293 +"ons media het tydens dié pandemie nie net sy tradisio nele waghondrol vervul nie, maar ook sy burgerlike plig nagekom deur die nasionale poging om die koronavirus in toom te hou, te ondersteun. +","during this pandemic, our media has played not just its traditional watchdog role, but exercised its civic duty in supporting the national effort to contain the coronavirus. +",0.8587744 +"gegewe die belangrikheid van die media vir ons demo krasie se gesondheid, is dit n ernstige bron van kommer dat, soos alle ander sektore van die ekonomie, die ko ronavirus ook ’n negatiewe uitwerking op ons media huise gehad het. +","given the importance of the media to the health of our democracy, it is a great concern that like all other sectors of the economy, the coronavirus crisis has hit our media houses hard. +",0.8402156 +"sommige publikasies het aan die begin van die inperking soveel as 60 persent van hul inkomste verloor. +","some publications lost as much as 60 percent of their income in the early days of the lockdown. +",0.7993371 +"verskeie maatskap pye moes salarisse besnoei, en personeel of werksure verminder. +","a number of companies have had to implement salary cuts, reduce staff numbers or reduce hours worked. +",0.6853086 +"ongelukkig is sommige publikasies waar onder van suidafrika se mees gevestigde en bekende tydskriftitels, genoodsaak om toe te maak. +","regrettably, some publications have even been forced to close, among them some of south africa’s most established and wellknown magazine titles. +",0.78061104 +"die werksverliese as gevolg van die inperking het n kri sis vir mediamaatskappye wat reeds uitdagings soos die verlies aan advertensieinkomste, dalende sirkulasie en markaandeel wat deur vars nuus op mobiele toestelle en ander tegnologieë vervang is, vererger. +","the job losses that have resulted from the lockdowns have exacerbated a crisis for media companies already facing challenges like loss of advertising revenues, falling circulation and market share being taken by mobilefirst news and other technologies. +",0.8702588 +"sulke finansiële hindernisse word algemeen, van aanlynpublikasies en tra disionele breëbladkoerante, tot die openbare uitsaaier, in die gesig gestaar. +","these financial difficulties are being faced across the board, from online titles to traditional broadsheets to the public broadcaster. +",0.78767085 +"dit was een van die sleu telkwessies wat tydens my vergadering met die suidafrikaanse nasionale redakteursforum geopper is. +","this was one of the issues that was raised sharply during my engagement with the south african national editors’ forum recently. +",0.8256414 +"in plaas daarvan dat hul le hul lot betreur, werk die mediabedryf egter hard om besigheidsmodelle te verfyn, om innovering aan te dryf en soveel personeel as moontlik te behou. +","instead of lamenting their fate, however, the media industry is working hard to refine business models, to drive innovation and to retain staff as much as possible. +",0.86636704 +"die media is terselfdertyd n unieke entiteit in enige same lewing omdat sy praktisyns n rol vervul wat noodsaaklik vir ons demokratiese orde is. +","at the same time, the media is a unique entity in any society because its practitioners fulfil a role that is so essential to our democratic order. +",0.86496437 +"hulle werk om die publiek in te lig en die mag in toom te hou. +","they work to keep the public informed and to keep power in check. +",0.78058845 +"ons het meer joernaliste nodig, nie minder nie. +","we need more journalists, not less. +",0.80096674 +"dit is waarom die verlies aan selfs n enkele joernalis nie net n verlies vir die bedryf is nie, maar ook vir die land. +","that is why the loss of even a single journalist is not just a loss to the industry but to the country. +",0.8101681 +"ons het ons mediaveterane nodig omdat hulle wye erva ring en institusionele geheue, sowel as kritiese verslag gewing en ingeligte analise kan bied. +","we need our media veterans, who bring with them vast experience and institutional memory, and are able to offer critical reportage and informed analysis. +",0.7982935 +"ons het terself dertyd meer jong joernaliste in die beroep nodig wat tegnologieslim is, op hoogte is van nuwe tendense rakende storievertelling en in voeling is met n jeugdige bevolking se belange. +","at the same time we need more young journalists in the profession who are techsavvy, abreast with new trends in storytelling and in touch with the concerns of a youthful population. +",0.8454118 +"ons, as n samelewing, is ons volle ondersteuning aan die media verskuldig. +","as a society we owe the media our full support. +",0.70417035 +"ons kan almal ons deel doen om dié bedryf wat n krisis ervaar, te ondersteun, hetsy deur te kies om vir inhoud te betaal, skare befondsde joernalisme te ondersteun, ons sauklisen siefooie te betaal of eenvou dig n koerant te koop. +","whether it is electing to pay for content, supporting crowdfunded journalism, paying our sabc license fees or simply buying a newspaper, we can all play our part to support this industry in crisis. +",0.7637801 +"as die regering, sal ons ondanks die somber ekonomiese klimaat, steeds adverteringbesteding aan publikasies en uitsaaiers, veral gemeenskapsmedia, uitbrei. +","as government, despite the gloomy economic climate we will continue to extend advertising spend to publications and broadcasters, especially community media. +",0.8692056 +"die privaatsektor moet ook steeds die bedryf ondersteun deur advertensies en deur saam met mediahuise te werk rakende die produksie van innoverende inhoud, in ooreenstemming met globale mediatendense. +","the private sector must also continue to support the industry through advertising and working with media houses in the production of innovative content in line with global media trends. +",0.8838618 +"plaaslike filantropiese en skenkersorga nisasies behoort ook betrokke te raak en openbare belange joernalismeondernemings te ondersteun, soos wat die geval in baie demokrasieë is. +","local philanthropic and donor organisations should also come on board and support public interest journalism ventures, as is the case in many democracies. +",0.88684744 +"die verspreiding van vals nuus tydens die pandemie, hoofsaaklik op sosiale me diaplatforms, het bygedra tot die noodsaaklikheid vir meer nuus wat akkuraat, regverdig en onpartydig is. +","the proliferation of fake news during the pandemic, primarily on social media platforms, has added to the urgency for more news that is accurate, fair and impartial. +",0.8441819 +"ons mense het in dié tyd staatgemaak op ons gevestigde mediahuise vir inligting, wat weereens hul noodsaaklike rol as steun pilare vir ons demokrasie beklemtoon. +","during this time our people have relied on our established media houses for information, once again underscoring their importance as pillars of our democracy. +",0.83772135 +"namate ons die groot taak aanpak om ons ekonomie in die nadraai van die pandemie te herbou, sal die mediabedryf ons ondersteuning meer as ooit tevore nodig hê. +","as we begin the great task of rebuilding our economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, the media industry will need our support more than ever. +",0.8984514 +"die vrye pers is al beskryf as 'die waaksame beskermer van elke reg wat vrye mans en vroue op prys stel.' +","the free press was once described as ‘the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men and women prize’. +",0.86054015 +"terwyl ons hulde bring aan die vrye en diverse media se rol in hierdie pandemie, moet ons doen wat ons kan om te verse ker dat hulle in ons land kan oorleef en floreer.","sa media is a key pillar of our democracy vukuzenzele unnamed in many countries around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has required the limita tion of many civil liberties and put social cohesion to the test. +",0.86054015 +"transformasie van die landbousektor vukuzenzele unnamed die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling (dlglo) het onlangs aangekondig dat lede van die publiek aansoek sal kan doen om 700 000 hektaar onderbenutte of leë staatsgrond in sewe van die provinsies te huur. +","transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces. +",0.89299214 +"landbougrond is die hoof steun van ons natuurlike hulpbronbasis. +","agricultural land is the mainstay of our natural resource base. +",0.8878956 +"die beskikbaarheid en volhoubare gebruik van landbougrond waarop gewasse aangeplant kan word en vir veeteelt is van kardinale belang vir ons oorlewing. +","the availability and sustainable use of farmland to grow crops and for animal husbandry is key to our very survival. +",0.8364317 +"suidafrika het wyd uitgestrekte grondoppervlakke wat geskik is vir landbouproduksie, met net 37,9% van ons totale landoppervlakte wat tans vir kommersiële landbou gebruik word. +","south africa has vast tracts of land suitable for agricultural production, with 37,9% of our total land area currently being used for commercial agriculture. +",0.9013922 +"ons bewerkbare grond word, soos in baie ander lande, bedreig deur grondverswakking, waterskaarste en stedelike indringing. +","like many other countries, our arable land is under threat from land degradation, water scarcity and urban encroachment. +",0.81882405 +"ons verloor ook puik landbou grond deur veranderings in grondgebruik. +","we are also losing prime agricultural land through landuse changes. +",0.82825756 +"gegewe ons geskiedenis, is die verbreding van toegang tot landbougrond vir kommersiële produksie en bestaansboerdery, n nasionale prioriteit. +","given our history, broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a national priority. +",0.89135617 +"hoewel die grondhervormingsproses na 1994 daartoe gelei het dat meer grond aan swart suidafrikaners teruggegee en herstel is, leef die skadelike uitwerking van die wet op naturelle grond van 1913 steeds voort in patrone van landbougrondeienaarskap. +","although the post1994 land reform process has resulted in more land being restored and restituted to black south africans, the pernicious effects of the 1913 natives land act continue to be in patterns of farmland ownership. +",0.8957384 +"die wet het baie verder gestrek as die onteiening van miljoene mense se voorvadersgrond. +","the act went far beyond dispossessing millions of people of their ancestral land. +",0.83090377 +"die uitwerking van ons verlede duur steeds voort deur grondeienaarskap wat steeds meestal in besit van die minderheid is, en landbou primêre produksie en waardekettings wat hoofsaaklik deur wit kommersiële boere besit word. +","with land ownership still concentrated in the hands of the few, and agriculture primary production and value chains mainly owned by white commercial farmers, the effects of our past remain with us today. +",0.77098274 +"die voortgesette monopolisasie van n belangrike produksiemetode soos grondverwerking, is nie net n hindernis tot die bevordering van n meer gelykmakende samelewing nie; dit is ook n resep vir maatskaplike onrus. +","the continued monopolization of a key means of production like land is not just an obstacle to advancing a more egalitarian society; it is also a recipe for social unrest. +",0.87984633 +"die hunkering na grond om te bewerk neem toe, veral onder arm landelike mense. +","the hunger for land to farm is growing, especially amongst the rural poor. +",0.67959166 +"en die tempo van grondhervorming in dié spesifieke sektor is, om verskeie redes, stadig en onbevredigend. +","and for a number of reasons, the pace of land reform in this particular sector has been slow and unsatisfactory. +",0.74932516 +"transformerende patrone van landbougrondeienaar skap is noodsaaklik om nie net die geskiedkundige ongeregtighede van die verlede die hoof te bied nie, maar ook om ons nasie se voedselsekerheid, te beveilig. +","transforming patterns of agricultural land ownership is vital not just to address the historical injustices of the past, but to safeguard our nation’s food security. +",0.86518645 +"volgens die 2019 verslag van die presidensiële raadgewende paneel oor grondhervor ming en landbou, ""het 41% van mense in ons landelike gebiede en 59,4% in stedelike gebiede in ons land ernstige onvoldoende toegang tot voedsel, hoewel ons voedsel uitvoer"". +","as noted in the 2019 report of the presidential advisory panel on land reform and agriculture, ""whilst we export food, back home 41% of people in rural areas and 59,4% in urban areas have severely inadequate access to food."" +",0.8577776 +"landbouhervorming was sedert demokrasie n prioriteit van opeenvolgende regerings. +","agrarian reform has been a priority of successive administrations since democracy. +",0.85247827 +"tussen 1994 en maart 2018, het die staat deur die grondhervormingsprogram 8,4 mil joen hektaar grond aan voor heen benadeelde individue gelewer. +","between 1994 and march 2018 the state has delivered 8,4 million hectares of land to previously disadvantaged individuals under the land reform programme. +",0.8447263 +"vordering beloop egter minder as 10% van alle kommersiële landbougrond. +","but this progress amounts to less than 10% of all commercial farmland. +",0.8950406 +"in my staatsrede vroeër vanjaar, het ek my daartoe verbind om landbougrond wat deur die staat besit word binnekort vir boerdery beskikbaar te stel. +","in my state of the nation address earlier this year i committed that stateowned agricultural land would soon be released for farming. +",0.7795154 +"dit is n belangrike mylpaal in die landbouhervormingsproses en gee uitvoering aan die vryheidsmanifes se belofte dat die grond onder diegene wat dit bewerk, verdeel sal word. +","this is a major milestone in the agrarian reform process, and gives effect to the promise of the freedom charter that the land shall be shared among those who work it. +",0.8742794 +"ons herverspreidingsvisie poog om die regte balans tussen maatskaplike ongeregtigheid en regstelling te vind en om landbouuitsette te bevorder deur meer swart boere tot die hoofstroomekonomie te laat toetree. +","our redistributive vision aims to strike a balance between social justice and redress, and enhancing agricultural output by bringing more black farmers into the mainstream of the economy. +",0.8670674 +"grond is n produktiewe bate wat wins genereer en vir kollateraal gebruik kan word om ander bates te verkry. +","land is a productive asset that generates profit and can be used for collateral to secure other assets. +",0.87037873 +"ons moet ook verseker dat grond wat vir boerderydoeleindes verkry word, produktief gebruik word. +","we have to ensure that land acquired for farming purposes is productively used. +",0.8865335 +"om die toegekende stuk grond vir boerderydoeleindes te beskerm, is die huurreg nie oordraagbaar nie. +","to safeguard the allocated state land for farming purposes, the lease is not transferrable. +",0.8757584 +"begunstigdes sal n huurkontrak met die staat teken en n huurfooi wat in ooreenstemming met die grondwaarde is, betaal. +","beneficiaries will sign a lease agreement with the state and pay a rental fee consistent with the land value. +",0.81920636 +"ons moet ook verseker dat boere op die pad na volhoubaarheid en winsgewend heid ondersteun word. +","we must also ensure that farmers are supported along the road to sustainability and profitability. +",0.87289995 +"as deel van die program, sal begunstigdes opleiding in finansiële bestuur en ondernemingsontwikkeling ontvang. +","as part of this programme, beneficiaries will be trained in financial management and enterprise development. +",0.9165344 +"ervaring het getoon dat opkomende en klein skaalse boere dikwels nie die finansiële vaardighede het om markgeleenthede te benut en met waardekettings te integreer nie. +","experience has shown that emerging and smallscale farmers often lack the financial skills to exploit market opportunities and integrate with value chains. +",0.9087734 +"ons prioritiseer vroue, die jeug en mense met gestremdhede as begunstigdes. +","we are prioritizing women, youth and persons with disabilities as beneficiaries. +",0.8350098 +"daar is bewysbare sukses met die bemagtiging van vroulike boere onder die bestaande proaktiewe grondverkrygingstrategie (pgvs). +","there has been demonstrable success with empowering women farmers under the existing proactive land acquisition strategy. +",0.8539181 +"vroue aan wie plase in verskeie provinsies deur die dlglo toegeken is, kon dit suksesvol bestuur en kon selfs na kommersiële produksie oorskakel. +","in a number of provinces, women who have been allocated farms by the dalrrd have been able to run them successfully and even move into commercial production. +",0.8307985 +"die departement belê ook, buiten grondverkryging self, in infrastruktuur, toerusting en masjinerie om dié entrepreneurs in staat te stel om suksesvolle besighede te bedryf. +","in addition to the land acquisition itself, the department continues to invest in infrastructure, equipment and machinery to enable these entrepreneurs to run successful businesses. +",0.8261311 +"verhoging van toegang tot grond en boerderygeleenthede sal werkskepping en ondernemingsontwikkeling ondersteun en die mark vir voedsel, landbougoedere en dienste, verbeter. +","broadening access to land and opportunities for farming will support job creation and enterprise development, and improve the market for food, agricultural goods and services. +",0.91388655 +"die uiteindelike doelwit van die beskikbaarstelling van dié grond, is om die landboulandskap te transformeer deur n nuwe generasie boere te ontwikkel. +","the ultimate goal of releasing these land parcels is to transform the agricultural landscape by growing a new generation of farmers. +",0.88365936 +"die verhuring van grond onder sulke gunstige toestande moet hulle aanspoor om groot planne te hê; om nie net hul eie ondernemings te ontwikkel nie, maar om gedeelde rykdom en voorspoed in die gemeenskappe waar hulle boer, te bevorder. +","leasing land under such favourable conditions must spur them to think big; to not just grow their own businesses but to advance shared wealth and prosperity in the communities in which they farm. +",0.88501096 +"hulle moet die ernstige verdeling van ons verlede genees. +","they must heal the deep divisions of our past. +",0.8420896 +"hulle moet die stereotipe siening dat net wit boere in suidafrika kommersieel suksesvol is en dat swart boere aanhoudend ‘opkomend’ is, uit die weg ruim. +","they must dispel the stereotype that only white farmers are commercially successful in south africa, and that black farmers are perpetually ‘emerging.’in working this land; in turning it to productive use, they will indeed turn swords into ploughshares. +",0.8516528 +"deur die grond te bewerk en dit produktief te maak, sal hulle inderdaad swaarde in ploegskare verander. +","transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces. +",0.8516528 +"stimulering van n ekonomie wat werk vukuzenzele unnamed die bekendstelling van die presidensiële indiensne mingstimulus verlede week, dui op n fundamentele verskuiwing in ons benadering om werkloosheid aan te pak. +","building a society that works vukuzenzele unnamed the launch of the presidential employment stimulus last week marks a fundamental shift in our ap proach to tackling unem ployment. +",0.84301066 +"ons onderneem n verryken de en ambisieuse openbare belegging in menslike kapitaal, met die staat as beide die skepper en instaatsteller van werksgeleenthede. +","we are undertaking a farreaching and ambitious public investment in human capital, with the state as both a creator and an enabler of jobs. +",0.86506355 +"die presidensiële indiensnemingstimu lus is ongeëwenaar in skaal en omvang, en behels n openbare belegging van r100 miljard oor die volgende drie jaar. +","the presidential employment stimulus is unprecedented in its scale and breadth, involving a public investment of r100 billion over the next three years. +",0.8951142 +"ons sal werksgeleenthede wat direk befonds word en bestaansondersteuningsingrypings beskerm en skep, terwyl ons arbeidsmark ná die koronaviruspandemie herstel. +","we will protect and create directlyfunded jobs and livelihood support interventions while the labour market recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. +",0.8538848 +"elkeen hiervan is gereed om geïmplementeer te word en is bykomend tot bestaande verpligtinge. +","each of these is ready for implementation, and is additional to existing commitments. +",0.867579 +"terwyl sommige van die ingrypings voortbou op die sterkpunte van bestaande programme, sluit die stimulus ook nuwe en innoverende benaderings in. +","while some of the interventions build on the strengths of existing programmes, the stimulus also includes new and innovative approaches. +",0.8967532 +"dit sluit n fokus in op wat ons 'maatskaplike indiensneming' noem. +","this includes a focus on what we have termed ‘social employment’. +",0.78220296 +"ons gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat daar geen tekort aan werk is wat gedoen moet word om die magdom maatskaplike probleme in ons samelewing op te los nie. +","we are working from the premise that there is no shortage of work to be done to address the many social problems in our society. +",0.8211577 +"die doelwit is om die aansienlike kreatiwiteit, inisiatief en institusionele vermoëns te ondersteun wat in die breër samelewing bestaan, om mense te betrek by werk wat die algemene belang dien. +","the aim is to support the considerable creativity, initiative and institutional capabilities that exist in the wider society to engage people in work that serves the common good. +",0.8727621 +"dié werk dek n wye verskeidenheid temas, insluitend voedselsekerheid, die beëindiging van geslagsgebaseerde geweld, opgradering van informele nedersettings en baie meer. +","this work cuts across a range of themes, including food security, ending genderbased violence, informal settlement upgrading and much more. +",0.88320327 +"dit sal die openbare sektor se pogings aanvul om groter omvang en maatskaplike impak te verseker, asook nuwe tipes vennootskappe met diverse maatskaplike rolspelers. +","this will supplement the efforts of the public sector, allowing for greater scale and social impact as well as new forms of partnership with diverse social actors. +",0.8735 +"die stimulus sluit n nuwe nasionale program in om onderrigen skoolassistente in skole aan te stel. +","the stimulus includes a new national programme to employ teaching and school assistants in schools. +",0.84363234 +"skole doen nou reeds dié aanstellings en bied nuwe geleenthede in elke gemeenskap oor die lengte en breedte van die land. +","schools are making these appointments right now, delivering new opportunities in every community across the length and breadth of the country. +",0.8722178 +"openbare indiensneming het nie net op ongeskoolde werk betrekking nie. +","public employment is not just for unskilled work. +",0.82542187 +"daar is n geïntegreerde fokus op graduandi, met geleenthede vir verpleërs, wetenskapgraduandi, ambagsmanne en ander. +","there is a crosscutting focus on graduates, with opportunities for nurses, science graduates, artisans and others. +",0.8601844 +"die stimulus sal ook werksgeleenthede in kwesbare sektore, wat hard deur die pandemie getref is, beskerm. +","the stimulus will also protect jobs in vulnerable sectors that have been hit hard by the pandemic. +",0.8808971 +"ondersteuning sal aan vroeë kinderontwikkelingspraktisyns, hoofsaaklik vroue in eie diens, verskaf word. +","support will be provided to early childhood development practitioners, mainly selfemployed women. +",0.7954768 +"meer as 74 000 kleinboere sal ook produksieinsettoelae ontvang. +","over 74,000 small farmers will also receive production input grants. +",0.8642836 +"as n nasie benodig ons kuns en kultuur om ons gemoedere weer te lig — die stimulus verskaf nuwe befondsing om die sektor weer op sy voete te kry, insluitend ondersteuning aan digitale inhoudskepping en uitbreiding van ehandelplatforms. +","as a nation, we need arts and culture to lift our spirits once more – the stimulus provides new funding to help the sector back onto its feet, including support to digital contentcreation and expansion of ecommerce platforms. +",0.9225736 +"dit sal kunstenaars in staat stel om aan te pas by die nuwe marktoestande wat die pandemie op ons afgedwing het en om nuwe geleenthede vir groei aan te gryp. +","this will enable artists to adapt to the new market conditions that the pandemic has imposed on us all and to seize new opportunities for growth. +",0.8952373 +"n kritieke instaatsteller vir breër werkskepping, wat selfs belangriker gemaak is deur die pandemie, is konnektiwiteit. +","a critical enabler for wider job creation, made more important by the pandemic, is connectivity. +",0.86645025 +"die stimulus sal bekostigbare, hoëspoedbreëbandkonnektiwiteit aan laeinkomste huishoudings verskaf deur innoverende verbindingsubsidies en die uitbreiding van openbare wifi, ten einde die digitale kloof te oorbrug. +","to overcome the digital divide, the stimulus will provide affordable, highspeed broadband to lowincome households through innovative connection subsidies and the expansion of free public wifi. +",0.85405546 +"ons betwyfel geensins die omvang van die taak wat voorlê namate ons land herstel van die verwoesting van die koronaviruspandemie nie. +","as our country recovers from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, we are in no doubt as to the size of the task before us. +",0.7319912 +"ons moet n ekonomiese herstelpunt bereik wat vinnig en inklusief is. +","we have to achieve an economic recovery that is swift and inclusive. +",0.9049072 +"ons moet soveel moontlik van ons mense weer aan die werk kry. +","we have to get as many of our people as possible working again. +",0.8341191 +"ons moet ook verlore veld herwin betreffende die verskaffing van basiese dienste en kritieke infrastruktuur, wat maat skaplike uitdagings aanpak en townships en landelike gemeenskappe transformeer. +","we also have to regain lost ground in the provision of basic services and critical infrastructure, addressing social challenges and transforming townships and rural communities too. +",0.8608624 +"openbare betrokkenheid is n instrument wat dit alles kan doen: werkskepping op skaal op kort termyn terwyl markte herstel, met die skepping van maatskaplike waarde in die proses. +","public employment is an instrument that can do all of the above: creating jobs at scale in the short term while markets recover, and creating social value in the process. +",0.887463 +"die voorbeeld word dikwels genoem van die massiewe openbarewerkeprogram wat deur die verenigde state onderneem is ná die groot depressie in die 1930's. +","the example is often cited of the massive public works programme undertaken by the united states after the great depression in the 1930s. +",0.89483654 +"dit was nie net n stimulus nie, maar het ook maatskaplike deelname en insluiting behels. +","this was not just a stimulus, but also promoted social participation and inclusion. +",0.8619473 +"daar is verskeie voorbeelde van innoverende openbare werkskeppingsprogramme in die ontwikkelende wêreld, insluitend indië, etiopië en hier in suidafrika. +","there are several examples of innovative public employment programmes in the developing world, including in india, ethiopia and here in south africa. +",0.9317235 +"dié programme maak n direkte beleg ging in plaaslike ekonomieë, wat eerstens armer gebiede bereik en plaaslike klein ondernemings ondersteun en van daar af deursyfer na die breër ekonomie. +","these programmes make a direct investment in local economies, reaching poorer areas first, supporting local small enterprises and trickling up into the wider economy from there. +",0.8649515 +"sulke programme bevorder ook maatskaplike deelname en insluiting, wat aan gemeenskappe die middele verskaf om hulle lewens te verander namate hulle nuwe tipes werk onderneem. +","they also promote social participation and inclusion, providing communities with the means to change their lives as they undertake new forms of work. +",0.8386352 +"sodoende dra hulle by tot die transformasie op beide plaaslike vlak en in die breër samelewing. +","in doing so, they contribute to transformation both at a local level and within broader society. +",0.7429359 +"direkte openbare belegging om indiensneming te ondersteun en ekonomiese geleenthede te skep wat maatskaplike waarde genereer, doen meer as om net die werkloosheidskrisis aan te pak. +","direct public investment to support employment and create economic opportunities that generate social value does more than just tackle the unemployment crisis. +",0.8950373 +"dit is responsief, want dit gebruik die staat se hulpbronne om op plaaslike gemeenskapsbehoeftes te reageer, hetsy vir groener ruimtes, voedselsekerheid, nog meer vroeë kinderontwikkelingsentrums, of beter en meer toeganklike paaie. +","it is responsive, because it uses the state’s resources to respond to local community needs, be it for greener spaces, food security, more early childhood development centres, or for better and more accessible roads. +",0.8819352 +"dit is progressief, want dit bied maatskaplike beskerming en inkomstesekerheid aan diegene wat armoede in die gesig staar omdat hulle nie werk kan kry nie. +","it is progressive, because it offers social protection and income security to those who face destitution because they are unable to find work. +",0.90393704 +"dit is n belegging in die toekoms, omdat dit die breër ekonomie se herstelagenda ondersteun deur dringend ons mense aan die werk te kry om ons nasionale en munisipale infrastruktuur te verbeter. +","it is an investment in the future, in that it supports the broader economic recovery agenda by urgently getting our people to work on improving our national and municipal infrastructure. +",0.8689162 +"deur middel van die ingrypings in die stimulus skep ons werk vir diegene wat dit nodig het, terwyl dit n blywende impak op gemeenskappe laat. +","through the interventions in the stimulus, we are creating work for those who need it, while leaving a lasting impact on entire communities. +",0.8139907 +"net soos openbare diensprogramme wêreldwyd, ondersteun en vul die indiensnemingstimulus die kritieke rol van die privaatsektor in werkskepping aan. +","like public employment programmes across the world, this employment stimulus supports and complements the critical role of the private sector in creating jobs. +",0.8466638 +"dit is teensiklies omdat, namate die herstelproses vorder, die skaal van openbare indiensneming sal afneem. +","it is countercyclical, in that as the recovery advances, the scale of public employment will decline. +",0.8172541 +"die werkservaring en vaardighede wat deur begunstig des van die presidensiële in diensnemingstimulus benodig word, sal hulle vooruitsigte om formele werk te verkry, verbeter. +","the work experience and skills acquired by beneficiaries of the presidential employment stimulus will improve their prospects of securing formal employment. +",0.8204868 +"die ervaring wat opgedoen word, bied ook n pad na entrepreneursaktiwiteit. +","the experience gained is also a pathway to entrepreneurial activity. +",0.7852942 +"deelne mers sal hulle vaardighede en vermoëns om hulle eie besighede te begin, verbeter en kan die vaste inkomste wat deur die openbare indiensneming verskaf word gebruik om na ander inkomstegenererende aktiwiteite uit te brei. +","participants will improve their skills and capabilities to start their own businesses, and can use the steady income provided by public employment to branch out into other incomegenerating activities. +",0.8454654 +"ek het deurentyd bevestig dat die covid19krisis ook n geleentheid bied om ons samelewing weer beter op te bou. +","i have consistently affirmed that the covid19 crisis is also a window of opportunity to build back better. +",0.8309795 +"ons sal, in hierdie tyd van groot omwenteling, onsself geen guns bewys deur onrealistiese beloftes te maak wat verwagtinge skep, net om tekort te skiet wanneer dit nie realiseer nie. +","at this time of great upheaval, we would be doing ourselves no favours by making unrealistic promises that raise expectations, only to come short when they are not met. +",0.8501085 +"dit is waarom elkeen van die betrekkings en bestaansondersteuning ten volle befonds word, tesame met n duidelike implementeringsplan. +","this is why each of the jobs and livelihood support interventions is fully funded, with a clear implementation plan. +",0.838035 +"die indiensnemingstimulus gaan nie oor vae verpligtinge vir eendag in die toekoms nie, maar oor werk wat hier en nou geskep word. +","the employment stimulus is not about vague commitments for some time in the future, but about jobs being created right here and now. +",0.8083172 +"die stimulus is die resultaat van uitgebreide oorlegpleging met nasionale departemente, provinsies en metrorade om vinnig indiensnemingprogramme te skep wat binne ses maande bekendgestel en uitgebrei kan word. +","the stimulus is the result of extensive consultation with national departments, provinces and metros to rapidly design employment pro grammes that can be rolled out or expanded within six months. +",0.88911116 +"die implementeringsdepartemente en ander belanghebbendes is streng geassesseer op grond van hulle implementeringskapasiteit. +","the implementing departments and other stakeholders were rigorously assessed on their capacity to implement. +",0.8573487 +"in elkeen van die programme wat deel uitmaak van die stimulus, sal geleenthede wyd geadverteer word en werwing sal regverdig, oop en deursigtig wees. +","in every one of the programmes that fall under the stimulus, opportunities will be widely advertised and recruitment will be fair, open and transparent. +",0.836767 +"die doelwitte wat ons vir onsself gestel het is realisties, meetbaar en bereikbaar en put uit vorige ervaring en internasionale beste praktyk. +","the goals we have set ourselves are realistic, measura ble and achievable, and draw lessons from past experience and international best prac tice. +",0.88022345 +"ons mense is gereed en gewillig om te werk. +","our people are ready and willing to work. +",0.9467788 +"hierdie geweldige potensiaal moet benut word en ons kollektiewe vaardighede en vermoëns moet aangewend word om ons land in die nasleep van die koronavirus te herbou. +","this vast potential must be harnessed, and our collective skills and capabilities brought to bear in rebuilding our country in the wake of the coronavirus. +",0.927304 +"die presidensiële indiensnemingstimulus verskaf verligting aan gesinne wat n lang, moeilike winter verduur het, met inkomste wat baie verminder het en vir individue wat reeds baie jare sonder werk moes oorleef. +","the presidential employment stimulus provides a respite for families who have endured a long hard winter with greatly reduced income, and for individuals who have spent many years without work. +",0.86419 +"regte, behoorlike werk is elke mens se reg. +","real, decent work is the right of every human being. +",0.80917907 +"dit is n voorwaarde vir ekonomiese groei en maatskaplike stabiliteit. +","it is a precondition for economic growth and social stability. +",0.9275251 +"die presidensiële indiensnemingstimulus lewer n deurslaggewende bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van n samelewing wat werk, deur uiting aan dié fundamentele reg te gee.","building a society that works vukuzenzele unnamed the launch of the presidential employment stimulus last week marks a fundamental shift in our ap proach to tackling unem ployment. +",0.9275251 +"herstel in die vooruitsig vir sa vukuzenzele unnamed jakarandabome is oral in die land se hoof stad in volle blom, wat aandui dat die somer aangebreek het. +","recovery on the horizon for sa vukuzenzele unnamed the jacaranda trees are in full bloom across the nation’s capital, heralding the start of summer. +",0.83453095 +"na 'n lang en moeilike winter behoort die begin van 'n nuwe sei soen ons met optimisme te vervul. +","after a long and difficult winter, the beginning of a new season should fill us with optimism. +",0.8891865 +"toe die nasionale ramptoe stand in maart afgekondig is, was ons onmiddellike prioriteit om die versprei ding van die virus te beperk en noodleniging aan burgers, gemeenskappe, werkers en sakeondernemings te bied. +","when the national state of disaster was declared in march, our immediate priority was to contain the spread of the virus and provide emergency relief to citizens, communities, workers and businesses. +",0.8983643 +"deur die loop van agt maan de en met die ondersteuning van ons maatskaplike ven note het ons 'n omvattende stel maatreëls ingestel om die sosiale en ekonomiese impak van die pandemie te beperk. +","over the course of eight months and with the support of our social partners, we rolled out a comprehensive set of measures to limit the social and economic impact of the pandemic. +",0.8752936 +"ons het maatskaplike steun op ’n ongekende skaal wat nog nooit voorheen in die land gesien is nie, uitgebrei. +","we massively expanded social protection on a scale that has never been attempted before in this country. +",0.7901497 +"ons is een van die min lande ter wêreld waar die reg op toegang tot maatskaplike se kerheid in die grondwet ver vat is, en ons kan trots wees dat ons gedurende hierdie ernstige krisis op baie ma niere praktiese uitdrukking aan hierdie reg gegee het. +","we are one of the few countries in the world where the right of access to social security is enshrined in the constitution, and we can be proud that during this grave crisis we gave practical expression to this right in many ways. +",0.9082129 +"benewens ons bestaande maatskaplike toelaes, wat elke maand meer as 17 mil joen mense bereik, het ons die ouderdoms, ongeskiktheidsen kinderonderhoudstoelae aangevul. +","in addition to our existing social grants, which reach more than 17 million people every month, we toppedup the old age, disability and child support grants. +",0.83359426 +"ons het ook 'n spesiale covid19 maats kaplike noodverligtingstoe lae ingestel, wat tot dusver ses miljoen mense bereik het. +","we rolled out a special coronavirus disease (covid19) social relief of distress grant, which has reached some six million people to date. +",0.80037516 +"dit is gedoen binne ’n paar weke nadat die ramptoestand verklaar is. +","this was done within weeks of the national state of disaster being declared. +",0.8172634 +"die omvang van so 'n on derneming kan nie onderskat word nie. +","the scale of such an undertaking cannot be understated. +",0.79714245 +"om hierdie stelsel aanlyn te bring, het omvat tende samewerking tussen die suidafrikaanse agents kap vir maatskaplike seker heid, die suidafrikaanse inkomstediens, binnelandse sake en talle ander instansies geverg. +","to bring this system online there was extensive collaboration between the south african social security agency, south african revenue service, home affairs and many others. +",0.8264258 +"ons het 'n ten volle outomatiese aansoekenuitbetalingsproses opgestel en veelvuldige databasisse geïntegreer, insluitend die nasionale bevolkingsregister en die databasis van die werk loosheidsversekeringsfonds (uif). +","we set up a fully automated application and disbursement process, and integrated multiple databases, including the national population register and the unemployment insurance fund (uif) database. +",0.90838397 +"ons het nuwe toepas singskanale soos whatsapp en ussd ingestel en met die handelsbanke stelsels geskep om die verifikasie van bank besonderhede moontlik te maak. +","we set up new application channels like whatsapp and ussd, and created systems with the commercial banks to enable banking detail verification. +",0.88460547 +"dit is 'n merkwaardige prestasie in 'n baie kort tyd. +","this is a remarkable achievement in a very short space of time. +",0.8446213 +"behalwe die maatreëls wat ons getref het om lewenson derhoud te beskerm en te onderhou, het ons ook suk kelende ondernemings on dersteun. +","alongside the measures we took to protect and sustain livelihoods, we also supported ailing businesses. +",0.8165927 +"ons het steun aan klein ondernemings verleen in die vorm van skuldver ligting, finansiering en die uitstel van belastingbetaling, sowel as ander hulpmiddels. +","we provided relief to small businesses in the form of debt relief, finance, tax payment deferrals and other instruments. +",0.8773319 +"ons het 'n covid19leningwaarborgskema geïmplementeer om onder nemings in staat te stel om hul bedryfsuitgawes tydens die inperking te dek, en ons is tans besig om te kyk hoe hier die skema meer behoeftige ondernemings kan bereik. +","we implemented a covid19 loan guarantee scheme to enable businesses to meet their operational expenses during the lockdown, and are currently looking at how this scheme can reach more companies in need. +",0.8443593 +"ons het inkomstebes kerming aan werkers en verligting aan sakeeienaars verskaf deur middel van die hulpskema vir tydelike werkgewers wat deur die uif bestuur word. +","we provided income protection to workers and relief to business owners through the temporary employer relief scheme administered by the uif. +",0.85839075 +"al hierdie maatreëls was ’n regstreekse reaksie op 'n noodgeval en was van nature tydelik. +","these were all in direct response to an emergency and were by nature temporary. +",0.83045137 +"sommige kom nou tot 'n einde, terwyl ander verleng is terwyl die arbeidsmark herstel. +","some are now coming to an end, while others have been extended as the labour market recovers. +",0.8536546 +"die maatreëls wat ons geïm plementeer het, het daartoe bygedra om ons samelewing te beskerm teen die felle aan slae van covid19. +","the measures we implemented went a long way towards protecting our society from the harsh winds of covid19. +",0.78400946 +"die by komende toelaes het gehelp om te voorkom dat miljoene mense tot onder die voedselarmoedegrens daal. +","the additional grants helped to prevent millions of people from falling below the food poverty line. +",0.84521705 +"as ons nie ingegryp het om lewensonderhoud te verseker en sakeondernemings te red nie, sou die lewensomstan dighede van ons mense en die omstandighede van duisende ondernemings aansienlik er ger gewees het. +","had we not intervened to secure livelihoods and save businesses, the living conditions of our people and the circumstances of thousands of businesses would have been considerably worse. +",0.86921144 +"nou is ons in 'n oorgang van verligting na herstel. +","now we are in a transition from relief to recovery. +",0.7604903 +"die noodmaatreëls wat ons ingestel het, het 'n stewige grondslag gelê waarop ons ekonomie herbou kan word. +","the emergency measures we put in place have laid a firm foundation on which to rebuild our economy. +",0.8266898 +"aangesien ons fokus nou na die implementering van die ekonomiese heropbouenherstelplan verskuif, is ons prioriteit om groei te stimu leer en werk te skep. +","as our focus now shifts to the implementation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, our priority will be to stimulate growth and create jobs. +",0.85358715 +"daar is reeds op verskeie gebiede vordering gemaak. +","there has already been progress in a number of areas. +",0.7521299 +"na afloop van ons infra struktuurprojektafelronde verlede week, het ons nuwe finansieringsverbintenisse vir infrastruktuurontwikkeling verkry. +","we are seeing new funding commitments for infrastructure development following an infrastructure project roundtable last week. +",0.77820086 +"verskeie werkpro gramme onder die president se indiensnemingstimulus het reeds begin. +","a number of employment programmes under the presidential employment stimulus have started. +",0.66215014 +"ons sit ook ekonomiese hervormings voort op gebiede soos energie en telekommunikasie. +","we are pushing ahead with economic reforms in areas such as energy and telecommunications. +",0.93013006 +"planne word omgeskakel na aksie en verbintenisse word weerspieël in werkskepping en geleenthede. +","plans are being converted to action and commitments are being reflected in jobs and opportunities. +",0.8102446 +"dit is soveel te meer krities in hierdie tyd, veral met die feestyd wat aanbreek, dat ons nie ons eie ondergang moet bewerkstellig nie. +","it is all the more critical at this time, more so with the festive season approaching, that we do not become the architects of our own undoing. +",0.77927274 +"ons moet almal die uiterste waaksaamheid aan die dag lê om die virus te stuit. +","the greatest vigilance is required from us all to keep the virus at bay. +",0.714463 +"'n oplewing op enige skaal sal nie net ons gesondheids voordele dramaties omkeer nie. +","a resurgence at any scale will not just dramatically reverse our health gains. +",0.7752265 +"dit sal die groen lote van ekonomiese herstel wat ont kiem het, doodwurg en ons van die lente na die winter terugneem. +","it will choke the green shoots of economic recovery that have emerged, and take us back from spring to winter. +",0.8274822 +"om 'n tweede vlaag van covid19infeksies te voor kom, moet ons die riglyne vir openbare gesondheid wat in plek is, getrou nakom. +","to prevent a second wave of covid19 infections, we must observe the public health guidelines that remain in place. +",0.8273171 +"as ons nie 'n masker dra tydens sosiale byeenkomste nie, of geleenthede bywoon waar mense saamdrom, stel ons nie net onsself en ander in gevaar nie. +","when we fail to wear a mask at a social gathering, when we attend crowded events, we are not only putting ourselves and others at risk. +",0.84069717 +"ons stel ook ons ekonomiese herstel in gevaar. +","we are also putting our economic recovery in jeopardy. +",0.92781585 +"laat ons almal steeds ons kant bring. +","let us all continue to play our part. +",0.68781006 +"die positiewe optrede om 'n masker te dra, om sosiale afstand te hou en gereeld ons hande te was, het ons gehelp om die ergste gevolge van die pandemie te oorkom. +","the positive actions of wearing a mask, of maintaining social distancing and of regular hand washing helped us overcome the worst effects of the pandemic. +",0.89194643 +"dit is steeds ons beste beskerming. +","they are still our best defence. +",0.82688504 +"laat ons die opofferings onthou wat ons almal aan die begin van die inperking moes maak om die verspreiding van die virus te beperk. +","let us remember the sacrifices we all had to make to contain the spread of the virus in the early days. +",0.8258436 +"hoewel die meeste sosiale en ekonomiese aktiwiteite hervat is, moet ons steeds alle gesondheidsmaatreëls nakom. +","even as most social and economic activity has resumed, we must still observe all the health measures. +",0.89163923 +dit is absoluut nood saaklik as ons ons ekonomie wil herbou en hierdie krisis te bowe wil kom.,"recovery on the horizon for sa vukuzenzele unnamed the jacaranda trees are in full bloom across the nation’s capital, heralding the start of summer. +",0.89163923 +" sa is besig om miv en vigs te oorwin vukuzenzele unamed kan nie te midde van ons pogings om die verwoestende koronaviruspandemie te beheer, ander openbare gesondheidsuitdagings wat ons land in die gesig staar, ignoreer nie. +","sa overcoming hiv and aids vukuzenzele unnamed as we continue our efforts to manage the devastating coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the other public health challenges that our country faces. +",0.84849846 +"die land is al vir meer as drie dekades in n voortdurende stryd teen miv en vigs gewikkel, wat baie lewensverliese, swaarkry en lyding veroorsaak. +","for more than three dec ades, our country has been engaged in an ongoing struggle against hiv and aids, which has cost many lives and caused great hardship and suffering. +",0.8208772 +"baie miv, vigsen tuberkulosedienste is swaar getref deur die uitbreek van covid19, die landwye grendeltydperk en die druk op ons gesondheidsfasiliteite. +","since the outbreak of cov id19 in the country, with the nationwide lockdown and the pressure on our health facilities, many hiv , aids and tuberculosis services have suffered. +",0.7449701 +"dit hou n uitdaging in vir mense wat getoets is en met antiretrovirale behandeling begin het. +","this has posed a challenge for people testing and starting antiretroviral treatment. +",0.870463 +"baie mense sukkel om hulle medisyne te gaan haal en minder mense het toegang tot ander dienste, soos vrywillige manlike mediese besnyding. +","many people found it difficult to collect their medicines and fewer people accessed other services, such as voluntary male medical circumcision. +",0.8639829 +"ons het terselfdertyd baie lesse uit ons openbare gesondheid se reaksie op die koronaviruspandemie geleer, wat ons stryd teen miv en tb kan versterk. +","at the same time, there are many lessons that have been learnt from our public health response to the coronavirus pandemic that can strengthen our fight against hiv and tb. +",0.8739172 +"suidafrika het steeds die grootste aantal mense ter wêreld wat met miv leef. +","south africa continues to have the largest number of people living with hiv in the world. +",0.83760715 +"dit is egter bemoedigend dat ons oor die afgelope dekade vordering gemaak deur die aantal nuwe mivinfeksies in die bevolking met byna 60% te verminder. +","it is encouraging, however, that over the last decade we made progress in reducing the number of new hiv infections in the population by nearly 60%. +",0.8428198 +"dit is ook bemoedigend dat mivinfeksies in tienermeisies en jong vroue oor die afgelope dekade aansienlik afgeneem het. +","it is also encouraging that hiv infections in adolescent girls and young women have significantly declined in the last decade. +",0.8578412 +"dit is n deurslaggewende groep, want hulle is baie meer geneig om in gevaar te wees om miv te kry. +","this is a crucial group because they are much more likely to be at risk of getting hiv . +",0.80506206 +"ons behandelingsprogram het tot n afname van 60% in die aantal sterftes as gevolg van vigs, bygedra. +","our treatment programme has contributed to a reduction in the number of deaths due to aids by 60%. +",0.84968704 +"daar is ook n groter afname in mivverwante sterftes onder jongmense. +","there has been a greater reduction in hivrelated deaths among young people. +",0.84400177 +"dit was moontlik om die aantal sterftes te verminder omdat ons, saam met ons vennote, n uitgebreide antiretrovirale program vanstapel gestuur het, wat miljoene mense wat met die siekte lewe, bereik het. +","it was possible to reduce the number of deaths because we, together with our partners, have rolled out an extensive antiretroviral programme reaching millions of people living with the disease. +",0.8926869 +"ons program om moedernakindoordrag (pmnko) van miv te voorkom het aan die begin van die dekade baie lae dekking gekry. +","at the beginning of the decade, our programme to prevent mother to child transmission (pmtct) of hiv had very low coverage. +",0.7889837 +"ons het nou een van die hoogste dekkingskoerse van pmnko in suiderafrika, wat die infeksiekoers onder kinders beduidend laat afneem het. +","now we have one of the highest rates of coverage of pmtct in southern africa, which has substantially reduced rates of infection among children. +",0.9019319 +"hoewel sterftes en nuwe infeksies afgeneem het, is ons steeds ver van die doelwit af waartoe ons onsself in 2016 verbind het, naamlik om teen 2020 n afname van 75% in mivinfeksies te bereik. +","while we have reduced deaths and new infections, we still are far from reaching the goal we committed ourselves in 2016 of achieving a 75% reduction in hiv infections by 2020. if we succeed in doing so, we are likely to end aids as a public health threat by 2030. unfortunately, we are not there yet. +",0.8247888 +"indien ons sukses behaal, sal ons vigs as n bedreiging vir openbare gesondheid waarskynlik teen 2030 kan beëindig. +","we have to do far more to ensure that young people are empowered to prevent infections, including through changing behaviour, accessing condoms and testing regularly. +",0.6059173 +"ons is ongelukkig nog nie daar nie. +","we need to make sure that everyone who is infected has access to treatment and care. +",0.35317323 +"ons moet baie meer doen om te verseker dat jongmense bemagtig word om infeksie te voorkom, insluitend deur gedragsverandering, toegang tot kondome en gereelde toetsing. +","we need to work harder on hiv prevention among key populations, including sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs. +",0.76380706 +"ons moet ook seker maak dat almal wat die siekte het, toegang tot behandeling en sorg het. +","we must end the stigma and discrimination towards these populations. +",0.6044619 +"ons moet harder werk aan die voorkoming van miv onder die sleutelbevolkings, waaronder sekswerkers, mans wat seks met mans het en mense wat dwelms inspuit. +","we cannot hope to end hiv if we ignore the needs, concerns and rights of any part of our population. +",0.61223745 +"ons moet die stigma en diskriminasie teen dié bevolkingsgroepe stopsit. +","south africa needs to increase efforts to medically circumcise young men to reduce their risk of acquiring hiv . +",0.5721336 +"ons kan nie poog om miv te beëindig as ons die behoeftes, belange en regte van enige deel van ons bevolking ignoreer nie. +","unsafe circumcision should not leave young men with lifelong health problems, and no one should die from circumcision. +",0.59089124 +"suidafrika moet sy pogings om jong mans medies te besny uitbrei, om hul risiko om miv op te doen, te verminder. +","we must make sure that young men have safe circumcision. +",0.6242983 +"onveilige besnyding behoort nie vir jong mans lewenslange probleme te veroorsaak nie en niemand behoort as gevolg van besnyding te sterf nie. +","we are encouraged by findings of a recent study on preexposure prophylaxis (prep). +",0.52972317 +"ons moet seker maak dat daar veilige besnyding vir jong mans is. +","unlike antiretroviral treatment that is given to people who are hiv positive, prep involves the regular use of antiretroviral drugs by hiv negative people to prevention infection. +",0.5537839 +"ons is bemoedig deur die bevindings van n onlangse studie oor voorblootstellingsprofilakse (vbp). +","the study, conducted by scientists from the hiv prevention trials network, found that longacting injections once every eight weeks was better than the daily tablet used for hiv prevention. +",0.6555165 +"vbp behels die gereelde gebruik van antiretrovirale middels deur mivnegatiewe mense om infeksie te verhoed, anders as antiretrovirale behandeling wat aan mivpositiewe mense gegee word. +","these findings have the potential to significantly strengthen our response to the epidemic. +",0.5646782 +"die studie, wat deur wetenskaplikes van die netwerk vir mivvoorkomingsproewe uitgevoer is, het bevind dat langwerkende inspuitings, een keer elke agt weke, beter werk as die daaglikse pil wat vir mivvoorkoming gebruik word. +","if we are to succeed in ending aids as a public health threat within the next decade, we need to combine these medical breakthroughs with fundamental changes in behaviour. +",0.6297226 +"dié bevindings het die potensiaal om ons reaksie op die epidemie aansienlik te versterk. +","we also need to tackle the economic and social conditions that contrib ute to high rates of infection. +",0.593012 +"as ons vigs binne die volgende dekade as n bedreiging van openbare gesondheid wil beëindig, moet ons dié mediese deurbrake met fundamentele gedragsveranderinge kombineer. +","one of our central tasks is to empower adolescent girls and young women, educationally, economically and socially. +",0.5831876 +"ons moet ook die ekonomiese en gemeenskaplike toestande wat tot hoë infeksiekoerse bydra, aanpak. +","they need to be able to make their own decisions about every aspect of their lives, including their sexuality and sexual behaviour. +",0.58090174 +"een van ons belangsrikste take is om tienermeisies en jong vroue opvoedkundig, ekonomies en maatskaplik te bemagtig. +","ultimately, we will achieve the end of aids through the empowerment of young people, women and other people at risk. +",0.65544987 +"hulle moet in staat gestel word om hul eie besluite oor elke aspek van hulle lewens te maak, insluitend hulle seksualiteit en seksuele gedrag. +","this includes empowerment through access to information, advice and support. +",0.5936434 +"ons sal uiteindelik die einde van vigs bereik deur die bemagtiging van jongmense, vroue en ander mense wat in gevaar is. +","it includes access to education and economic opportunities, especially for young women. +",0.611698 +"dit sluit bemagtiging deur toegang tot inligting, raad en ondersteuning in sowel as toegang tot onderrig en ekonomiese geleenthede, veral vir jong vroue. +","empowerment also means that every person must have access to testing, treatment and other health services. +",0.6850133 +"bemagtiging beteken ook dat elke persoon toegang tot toetsing, behandeling en ander gesondheidsdienste moet hê. +","the people of south africa have come so far, endured so much and made such great progress in the fight against hiv , aids and tuberculosis. +",0.58348626 +"die mense van suidafrika het so ver gekom, soveel verduur en soveel vordering in die stryd teen miv , vigs entuberkulose gemaak. +","sa overcoming hiv and aids vukuzenzele unnamed as we continue our efforts to manage the devastating coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the other public health challenges that our country faces. +",0.58348626 +"beter 2021 vir alle suidafrikaners die eerste weke van die nuwe jaar was maar moeilik vir alle suidafrikaners. +","a better 2021 for all south africans the first weeks of the year have been difficult for all south africans. +",0.9029332 +"vukuzenzele unnamed die koronaviruspandemie het vererger, met nuwe infeksies wat baie vinniger gestyg en groter getalle bereik het as ooit vantevore. +","vukuzenzele unnamed the coronavirus pandemic has gotten worse, with new infections increasing far faster and far higher than before. +",0.874395 +"hospitale is onder baie druk geplaas, met al hoe meer mense wat mediese aandag benodig het. +","hospitals have been under great strain as more people have needed medical attention. +",0.85297585 +"alhoewel die meeste van die land se ekonomiese sektore nou al vir n hele paar maande weer in staat was om handel te dryf en te produseer, gaan dit tyd neem vir die ekonomie om te herstel, en werkskepping en indiensname om weer op die been te kom. +","while most economic sectors have been able to operate again for several months, it will take some time for the economy to recover and for lost jobs to be restored. +",0.81127846 +"met die begin van die nuwe jaar is daar baie gesinne en families wie se lewens en lewensbestaan steeds deur die pandemie geraak word. +","as the new year starts, many families are still feeling the effects of the pandemic on their lives and livelihoods. +",0.79380846 +"die wêreld betree nou die tweede jaar van die koronaviruspandemie. +","the world is now entering the second year of the coronavirus pandemic. +",0.8659052 +"vir suidafrika, soos ook vir die meeste lande regoor die wêreld, gaan die jaar 2021 vol uitdagings wees. +","for south africa, as for most countries around the world, the year 2021 will be extremely challenging. +",0.8829658 +"die tweede vlaag kovid19infeksies kan heel moontlik deur nóg vlae gevolg word, wat bedreiging vir beide ons mense se gesondheid en die herstel van ons ekonomie inhou. +","the second wave of covid19 infections may well be followed by further waves, which will threaten both the health of our people and the recovery of our economy. +",0.8796254 +"ek is seker daarvan, so moeilik soos wat vanjaar gaan wees, dat ons die pandemie te bowe sal kom en saam ons land koersvas op die herstelpad sal plaas. +","difficult as this year will be, i am certain that we will overcome the pandemic and set our country firmly on the path to recovery. +",0.7813842 +"dié vertroue wat ek het, is te danke aan die mense van suidafrika. +","my confidence comes from the south african people. +",0.7384237 +"as ek kyk na hoe suidafrikaners van meet af op die krisis reageer het, vandat die eerste koronageval op eie bodem bevestig is, twyfel ek nie vir n oomblik dat ons die deursettingsvermoë, dissipline en vermoëns het om die virus te klop nie. +","if i look at how south africans responded to this crisis from the moment the virus arrived on our shores, i have no doubt that we have the resilience, discipline and ability to defeat this disease. +",0.8645725 +"die volstrekte meerderheid van suidafrikaners het begryp dat dit noodsaaklik was om hul daaglikse doen en late en aktiwiteite te beperk en die maatreëls wat in plek gestel is, te gehoorsaam — natuurlik was daar n paar uitsonderings. +","certainly there were exceptions, but the vast majority of south africans understood the need for restrictions on their movement and activities, and complied with the regulations that we had to put in place. +",0.720895 +"inteendeel, dié maatreëls is getrou gevolg en die meeste suidafrikaners het voorts ook die verantwoordelikheid vir hulself en diegene om hulle op hulself geneem deur ag te slaan op voorkomingsmaatreëls soos sosiale distansiëring, die dra van maskers en gereelde handewas. +","even more important than compliance, most south africans took responsibility for themselves and for others, following advice on issues like social distancing, wearing a mask and hand washing. +",0.85369277 +"waar dié voorkomende maatreëls egter nie gevolg is nie, was die nagevolge ongelukkig ooglopend. +","and where we fell short, we have, sadly, seen the consequences. +",0.67624617 +"ons besef nou die risiko’s verbonde aan samedromming in geslote spasies en tussen n groot aantal mense, noue kontak met ander mense en wat gebeur as mense nie maskers dra nie en n gesonde afstand van ander mense handhaaf nie. +","we now know about the risks of closed spaces and crowded gatherings, of not wearing masks and not keeping our distance from others. +",0.8152906 +"dit is goeie tekens vir die jaar vorentoe — ons weet immers nou baie meer van die koronavirus en hoe om die verspreiding daarvan te bekamp en, ten spyte van sogenaamde ""pandemiemoegheid"", is ons, as suidafrikaners, meer vasberade as ooit om te doen wat van ons vereis word. +","this bodes well for the year ahead. +",0.46695855 +"ons gaan ook, benewens dat ons die basiese voorkomingsmaatreëls selfs nog meer pligsgetrou gaan handhaaf, n reuse inentingsveldtog van stapel stuur. +","we now know much more about the disease and how to prevent its spread. +",0.5259576 +"ons gaan, namate daar meer en meer mense ingeënt word, lewens red en boonop voortskrydend die risiko van infeksie onder die bevolking verminder. +","and despite what one could call ‘pandemic fatigue’, we are no less determined as south africans to do what needs to be done. +",0.5600738 +"een van die jaar se grootste uitdagings gaan wees om genoeg inentings te bekom — en seker te maak dat dit die mense wat dit benodig, bereik. +","as we adhere even more rigorously to the basic prevention measures, we will also be rolling out a mass vaccination campaign. +",0.59882385 +"wat dit verder bemoeilik, is dat al die lande regoor die wêreld meeding vir die beperkte voorraad inentings wat beskikbaar is. +","as more and more people are vaccinated, we will both save lives and progressively reduce the risk of infection across the population. +",0.6218171 +"ons werk egter saam met handelsvennote, asook vennote in die arbeidsektor en die burgerlike samelewing, hard daaraan om soveel moontlik inentings te bekom. +","getting enough vaccines as quickly as possible – and making sure that they reach the people who need them – will be one of the biggest tasks of the year. +",0.61776376 +"ons is tans op n hele paar fronte besig om inentings te probeer kry, insluitend die globale covaxfasiliteit, die inisiatief van die afrikaunie asook deur ons eie samesprekings met entstofvervaardigers. +","this will be particularly challenging as every country in the world is clamouring to secure a limited supply of vaccines. +",0.59956396 +"ons gaan ook kragte moet saamsnoer om ons ekonomie te herbou en transformeer, namate ons saamstaan om die pandemie die hoof te bied. +","but we are hard at work with partners in business, labour and civil society to make this happen. +",0.6377093 +"ons het beide die vermoëns en die wil om ekonomiese aktiwiteite te stimuleer, die ekonomie te ontwikkel en sodoende werkskepping te bevorder; dít alles te midde van n pandemie. +","we are working on several fronts to get vaccines, including through the global covax facility, the african union initiative and through our own engagements with vaccine manufacturers. +",0.6629088 +"staatsfinansies is erg onder druk, nou meer as ooit vantevore, weens die koste van ons gesondheidsaksieplan met betrekking tot kovid19 en die maatskaplike en ekonomiese verligtingsmaatreëls wat ons in plek gestel het om besighede en armoedige huishoudings te steun. +","as we act together to overcome the pandemic, we will need to work together to rebuild and transform our economy. +",0.63408184 +"die krimping in die ekonomie beteken dat belastinginkomste ook noemenswaardig afgeneem het. +","we have both the ability and the will to stimulate economic activity, grow our economy and create jobs. +",0.5298455 +"daar is sommige dele van die ekonomie wat langer gaan neem om te herstel, danksy die daling in die algemene wêreldwye aanvraag, asook die beperkings op internasionale reis. +","and to do so in the midst of a pandemic. +",0.5082101 +"ons gaan juis daarom innoverend moet wees en ons moet toespits op ons planne om die ekonomie te herbou. +","public finances are under extreme strain, now even more so because of the cost of our health response to covid19 and the social and economic relief measures we put in place to assist businesses and poor households. +",0.61066186 +"dit is noemenswaardig dat die ekonomiese herkonstruksieen herstelplan wat ons laasjaar in oktober aangekondig het, gebaseer is op die breë konsensus onder alle maatskaplike vennote rakende die aksies wat geneem moet word om die ekonomie te herbou. +","the contraction of the economy also meant that tax revenue has declined significantly. +",0.58621824 +"dit skep n vaste basis vir doeltreffende samewerking gestel in die hulpbronne, vermoëns en kragte van alle dele van die samelewing. +","there are some parts of the economy that will take longer to recover due to lower global demand generally and restrictions on international travel. +",0.60641277 +"dié is merkbaar op verskeie praktiese maniere. +","that is why we need to be innovative and focused in our plans to rebuild the economy. +",0.56431395 +"ons is, byvoorbeeld, in noue samewerking met verskeie privaat befondsers en multilaterale ontwikkelingsinstellings met betrekking tot infrastruktuurprojekte in gebiede soos vervoer, menslike nedersettings, water en telekommunikasie. +","significantly, the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we announced in october last year is based on broad consensus among all social part ners on the actions needed to rebuild the economy. +",0.62849736 +"ons is besig om befondsingsmodelle vir dié projekte te ontwikkel wat van verskeie bronne in beide die openbare en privaat sektor gebruik sal maak en wat die infrastruktuurfonds as middel gebruik. +","this lays a firm basis for effective cooperation that draws on the resources, capabilities and energies of all sections of society. +",0.6810666 +"dit is veral van belang gegewe die huidige beperkings op staatsfinansies. +","we are seeing this in various practical ways. +",0.5171291 +"die presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus is nog n voorbeeld van sulke vennootskappe in aksie. +","for example, we have been working closely with private funders and multilateral development institutions to prepare infrastructure projects in areas like transport, human settlements, water and telecommunications. +",0.58150405 +"ons het, met die verstandhouding dat dit tyd gaan neem vir ekonomiese groei om n styging in werkskepping in die privaat sektor te toon, die ekonomiese stimulus geloods om onmiddellik te begin om werksgeleenthede te skep. +","using the infrastructure fund as one of the vehicles, we are developing funding models for these projects that draw on several sources in both the public and private sectors. +",0.6476607 +"die presidensie koördineer dié program, maar dit word deur n verskeidenheid staatsdepartemente en verskillende staatsfere geïmplementeer. +","this is particularly important at a time when public finances are limited. +",0.5406628 +"derduisende werklose mense is, danksy dié program, nou in staat om beide geld te verdien asook om nuwe vaardighede aan te leer terwyl hulle waardevolle maatskaplike dienste lewer. +","the presidential employment stimulus is another example of partnership in action. +",0.5800467 +"dié program sal mettertyd ook n 'maatskaplike' indiensnamegedeelte insluit, waar ons saam met ander maatskaplike rolspelers bande gaan smee om mense in n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite in diens te stel — wat wissel van die bevordering van voedselsekuriteit tot die aanspreek van geslagsgebaseerde geweld en die opgradering van informele nedersettings — alles in die belang van die samelewing. +","understanding that it will take time for economic growth to translate into private sector employment, we have launched the employment stimulus to start creat ing work opportunities now. +",0.64360356 +"al dié werk word benadruk met n aggressiewe fokus op die ekonomiese hervormings wat tot die grootste mate op groei gefokus is. +","this programme is being coordinated from the presiden cy, but is being implemented by a range of government departments and different spheres. +",0.5951495 +"dit sluit in om elektrisiteitsopwekkingkapasiteit te verhoog, om ons hawens meer doeltreffend en mededingend te maak, om toegang tot bekostigbare breëband te verbeter, en om die omkeertye van water, mynbouen ander lisensies te verbeter. +","through this programme, tens of thousands of unemployed people are able to both earn and learn as they provide valuable social services. +",0.6194611 +"dié werk word gesamentlik deur my kantoor en die nasionale tesourie gemonitor en gekoördineer. +","in time, this programme will include a ‘social employment’ part, where we will partner with other social actors to employ people in a variety of activities – from improving food security, to tackling genderbased violence to upgrading informal settlements – that all contribute to the common good. +",0.61825085 +"daar is soveel wat ons in die jaar wat voorlê te doen staan en ons gaan sonder twyfel teen baie steil uitdagings te staan kom. +","all this work is being reinforced by an aggressive focus on those economic reforms that will have the greatest focus on growth. +",0.59734166 +"ons het egter getoon dat ons as n nasie sukses kan behaal, mits ons saamwerk in die strewe na n gemeenskaplike doel. +","these include the expansion of electricity generation capacity, making our ports more efficient and competitive, improving access to affordable broadband, and improving turnaround times for water, mining and other licenses. +",0.59839004 +"ons kan verseker, solank ons dit onthou en verenig optree, dat 2021 net beter gesondheidheid en beter lewens vir ons almal sal inhou. +","these efforts are being coordinated and monitored jointly by my office and national treasury. +",0.57288724 +ek wens julle net die beste toe vir die nuwe jaar.,"a better 2021 for all south africans the first weeks of the year have been difficult for all south africans. +",0.57288724 +"'n eer om die au te lei vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika se ter myn as voorsitter van die afrikaunie het ten einde geloop. +","an honour to lead the african union vukuzenzele unnamed south africa’s term as chair of the african union has come to an end. +",0.8417152 +"wanneer ons oor ons jaar in hierdie posisie besin, onthou ek die ou spreekwoord wat lui: ""van die nood ‘n deug maak. +","as we reflect on our year in this position, i am reminded of the old saying that ‘in crisis lies opportunity’. +",0.8127163 +"""dit was ’n vuurdoop, omdat ons die voorsitterskap oorgeneem het in dieselfde maand as wat die eerste geval van die koronavirus op die kontinent aangemeld is. +","ours was a baptism of fire, having assumed the chairship in the same month the first case of coronavirus was reported on the continent. +",0.8791639 +"die prioriteite wat ons vir ons termyn gestel het, waaronder die uitbreiding van vrede en sekuriteit, die ekonomiese bemagtiging van vroue en ’n verdieping van ekonomiese integrasie, moes onmiddellik en ingrypend aangepas word om ons op die pandemie toe te spits. +","the priorities we outlined for our term, among them furthering peace and security, the economic empowerment of women and deepening economic integration, had to be immediately and dramatically reoriented to deal with the pandemic. +",0.9017185 +"ons dringendste taak was om die fokus van die afrikaunie te rig op die hantering van die ergste wêreldwye noodsituasie in meer as ‘n eeu. +","our most pressing task was to steer the focus of the african union to addressing the worst global emergency in over a century. +",0.8307562 +"covid19 het al die lande op die kontinent geaffekteer. +","covid19 has affected all the countries on the continent. +",0.9060255 +"tot op hede is daar meer as 3,5 miljoen bevestigde gevalle in afrika, en meer as 88 000 mense het gesterf. +","to date there are more than 3.5 million confirmed cases in africa, and more than 88,000 people have died. +",0.9480414 +"dit was ’n gesondheids, humanitêre, sosiale en ekonomiese krisis vir afrikalande, en die meeste van hierdie lande beskik nie oor voldoende hulpbronne om ‘n gesondheidskrisis van so ‘n omvang te hanteer nie. +","it has been a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis for african countries, most of whom are inadequately resourced to manage a health emergency of this size. +",0.91266465 +"en tog, so ongeëwenaard as wat die aard van hierdie pandemie tot dusver was, so ongeëwenaard was ook die wyse waarop afrikalande saamgestaan het om dit te beveg. +","and yet, as unprecedented as the nature of the pandemic has been, so too has been the manner in which african countries have come together to fight it. +",0.8418849 +"ons het hoofsaaklik op die kontinent se eie kundigheid, vermoëns en instellings gesteun, waaronder die afrika sentrum vir siektebeheer en voorkoming (africa cdc). +","in doing so we have drawn principally on the continent’s own expertise, capabilities and institutions such as the africa centres for disease control and prevention (africa cdc). +",0.8642027 +"afrika het nie net passief sit en toekyk hoe die werklike omvang en gevaar van die pandemie ontvou nie. +","africa did not sit by passively as the true extent and danger of the pandemic unfurled. +",0.88961416 +"sedert die vroegste dae van die pandemie is daar onder leiding van die au spoedig ’n kontinentale reaksiestrategie ontwikkel wat aangedryf is deur die afrika cdc en streekstaakmagte. +","from the earliest days of the pandemic and led by the au, we swiftly developed a continental response strategy, driven by the africa cdc and regional task forces. +",0.8565431 +"ons het besef dat elke land op die kontinent ernstig deur die pandemie geraak sou word. +","we realised that every country on the continent would be severely affected by the pandemic. +",0.9198507 +"die meeste lande sou nie oor die nodige hulpbronne beskik om die uitdagings van die openbare gesondheidsektor te hanteer of hulle ekonomieë te beskerm nie. +","most would not have the resources needed to meet the public health challenge or to protect their economies. +",0.86838514 +"ons het daarom as afrikalande ooreengekom om verskeie prominente afrikane aan te wys as spesiale verteenwoordigers om met internasionale befondsers en multilaterale instellings in gesprek te tree om afrika se saak vir finansiële ondersteuning en skuldverligting te stel. +","we therefore agreed as african countries to appoint several prominent africans as special envoys, who would engage with international funders and multilateral institutions to make the case for financial support and debt relief on africa’s behalf. +",0.9127214 +"op hierdie wyse was ons, deur as ‘n kontinent saam te werk, in staat om skuldverligting en finansiële hulp vir baie lande ten opsigte van ons covidrespons en ekonomiese herstel te beding. +","in this way, working as a one continent, we were able to achieve debt relief for many countries and financial assistance towards our covid response and economic recovery. +",0.8903794 +"maar al het afrikalande hulle na die internasionale gemeenskap gewend vir hulp, het ons eers onsself gehelp – deur ‘n kontinentale covid19reaksiefonds op te rig en te kapitaliseer. +","but much as african countries went to the international community for support, we first helped ourselves – establishing and capitalising a continental covid19 response fund. +",0.85319483 +"vir elke vennootskap wat met lande met meer hulpbronne asook die internasi onale skenkergemeenskap aangegaan is, het ons ons eie innoverende en baanbreker afrikamediesevoorraadportaal gevestig om alle afrikalande in staat te stel om vinnig persoonlike beskermende toerusting en ander mediese voorraad op ’n billike en bekostigbare wyse te bekom. +","for every partnership forged with betterresourced nations and the international donor community, we set up our own innovative and groundbreaking african medical supplies platform to enable all african countries to quickly secure personal protective equipment and other medical supplies in an equitable, affordable manner. +",0.903504 +"en nou dat die covid19entstof beskikbaar is, het ons as ‘n kollektief saamgewerk om te verseker dat die kontinent sy regverdige deel kry deur saam met die covaxfasiliteit te werk, gelei deur ons eie entstoftaakspan (african vaccine acquisition task team). +","and now that the covid19 vaccine is available, we have worked as a collective to ensure that the continent gets its fair share, working with the covax facility and led by our own african vaccine acquisition task team. +",0.8879177 +"ontplooiing van die entstof het reeds ’n aanvang geneem op die konti nent en ons streef daarna om die meerderheid van die kontinent se bevolking teen die einde van 2021 ingeënt te hê om kuddeimmuniteit te bereik. +","vaccine rollout has already commenced on the continent and we aspire to have the majority of the continent’s population vaccinated by the end of 2021 to achieve herd immunity. +",0.8608521 +"ons het soos een mens opgetree om gesondheid, mense en mense se bestaansmiddele op die kontinent te beskerm. +","we have acted as one to protect health, people and livelihoods on the continent. +",0.8818363 +"deur dit te doen, het ons gewys dat ons die kapasiteit het om na onsself te kyk en oor die vermoë beskik om ons eie ontwikkeling aan te dryf. +","in doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for selfreliance and our ability to be the drivers of our own development. +",0.7936166 +"ongeag die oorheersing van covid19, het ons nog steeds daarin geslaag om in talle van ons sleutelprioriteite vordering te maak. +","despite the dominance of covid19, we have still managed to make advances in several of our key priorities. +",0.875085 +"tydens ons termyn is die afrika kontinentale vryehandelsgebied (afcfta) uiteindelik bekendgestel, wat ’n nuwe era van intraafrika handelen ekonomiese integrasie inlui. +","during our term, the africa continental free trade area (afcfta) was finally launched, heralding a new era of intraafrican trade and economic integration. +",0.87293494 +"selfs onder die moeilike omstandighede weens die pandemie het die kontinent voortgestu om die ""gewere op die kontinent stil te maak."" +","even under the difficult conditions posed by the pandemic, the continent has pushed ahead with towards the goal of ‘silencing the guns’ on the continent. +",0.8576423 +"die au was onder andere aktief betrokke in onderhandelinge rakende die groot ethiopiese renaissancedam, die bewerkstelliging van ’n skietstilstand in libië sowel as die bevordering van vrede in suidsoedan. +","the au has been actively involved in negotiations around the grand ethiopian renaissance dam, in achieving a ceasefire in libya and promoting peace in south sudan. +",0.8507581 +"nog ‘n fokuspunt van ons termyn was die ekonomiese bemagtiging van vroue, waarmee ons sal voortgaan al het ons termyn verstryk, en ook regdeur die afrikavroue se dekade van finansiële en ekonomiese insluiting tot 2030. wanneer ons dan nou die stokkie oorgee aan die demokratiese republiek van die kongo (drc), laat ons hierdie voortreflike kontinentale liggaam in ’n sterker posisie. +","another focus of our term has been on the economic empowerment of women, which we will continue to champion even beyond our term and throughout the decade of african women’s financial and economic inclusion to 2030. as we hand over the baton to the democratic republic of congo (drc) we leave this preeminent continental body in a position of greater strength. +",0.9243052 +"suidafrika sal voortgaan om sy kant te bring om integrasie op die kontinent te bewerkstellig, en sal die inkomende voorsitter sowel as die organisasie ondersteun in sy pogings om die aspirasies van die au se agenda 2063 te bereik. +","south africa will continue to play its part to foster integration on the continent, and support the incoming chair and the organisation in its efforts to meet the aspirations of the au’s agenda 2063. when the organisation for african unity was founded in 1963, member states planted the seeds of cooperation and solidarity in pursuit of a better life for all the peoples of africa. +",0.827773 +"toe die organisasie vir afrikaeenheid in 1963 gestig is, het lidstate die saadjies van samewerking en solidariteit in navolging van ‘n beter lewe vir al die mense van afrika gesaai. +","they affirmed that african unity was paramount if the welfare and wellbeing of africa’s people was to be assured. +",0.6541842 +"hulle het bevestig dat afrikaeenheid van die grootste belang is om die welsyn en welvaart van afrika se mense te verseker. +","history bears witness that these seeds have not always fallen on fertile ground, and over the years the continental unity project has experienced many hurdles and false starts. +",0.6049688 +"die geskiedenis kan getuig dat hierdie saadjies nie altyd in vrugbare grond geval het nie en deur die jare het die kontinentale eenheidsprojek baie struikelblokke teëgekom of onsuksesvolle wegspringpogings gehad. +","but the grave threat posed by this pandemic has galvanised african countries to collective action. +",0.6434378 +"maar die groot bedreiging wat hierdie pandemie ingehou het, het afrikalande tot kollektiewe aksie saamgesnoer. +","in the hothouse of the covid19 crisis, the seeds of unity and cooperation planted by our pioneering forebears have come to life and flourished. +",0.6456927 +"in die kweekhuis van die covid19krisis het die saadjies van eenheid en samewerking wat deur ons baanbrekervoorvaders geplant is, lewe gekry en geblom. +","this time of great trial and difficulty has been among the au’s finest hours. +",0.58548427 +"hierdie tydperk van groot beproewing en swaarkry was van die au se beste tye. +","we are honoured to have been given the opportunity to lead the organisation through this period, when it practically demonstrated the true meaning of the words african union. +",0.58819175 +"ons is geëerd om die geleentheid te kon hê om die organisasie deur hierdie tydperk te lei toe dit die ware betekenis van die woorde afrikaunie prakties kon demonstreer. +","an honour to lead the african union vukuzenzele unnamed south africa’s term as chair of the african union has come to an end. +",0.58819175 +"stappe om die ekonomie weer op die been te bring vukuzenzele unnamed dit sal binnekort n jaar wees sedert die eerste koronavirusgeval in ons land aangeteken is. +"," steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country. +",0.83824337 +"die pandemie het n hewige tol geëis in beide openbare gesondheid en die lewensbestaan van miljoene van ons mense. +","the pandemic has come at a great cost to both public health and the livelihoods of millions of our people. +",0.84787464 +"baie werknemers het deel van hul inkomste verloor met die afskaal van hul werksure, met baie ander wat hul werk heeltemal kwyt is weens afleggings. +","many workers lost part of their income as their work hours were reduced with many being retrenched. +",0.7886126 +"verskeie ondernemings het groot verliese gely weens werksaamhede wat afgeskaal is. +","several businesses have incurred heavy losses from scaledback operations. +",0.69925016 +"ander besighede moes heeltemal sluit. +","others have had to close. +",0.6848731 +"werkers in die informele sektor het ook hieronder gely. +","people working in the informal sector have also suffered. +",0.8064785 +"die ergste van alles is dat die pandemie die broodwinners in baie gesinne geëis het, wat dié gesinne behoeftig en vol vrees vir die toekoms laat. +","most difficult of all, the pandemic has claimed the lives of breadwinners in many families, leaving them destitute and fearful for the future. +",0.82905746 +"dít is hoekom die omvattende verligtingsmaatreëls wat ons in plek gestel het beide broodnodig en baie dringend was. +","this is why the extensive relief measures we put in place were both necessary and urgent. +",0.8080679 +"en nou, n jaar later, is die doeltreffendheid van dié maatreëls bewese. +","and, now that nearly a year has passed, we can say that these measures have proved effective. +",0.7317399 +"van al die verligtingsmaatreëls wat ons in plek gestel het, is die twee met die grootste impak bes moontlik die spesiale kovid19toelae en die wvf se kovid19 tydelike werkgewerwerknemerverligtingskema, algemeen bekend as kovid ters. +","of the full package of relief measures that we introduced, perhaps the two measures that had the greatest impact were the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and the unemployment insurance fund's (uif) covid19 temporary employer/employee relief scheme, generally known as covid ters. +",0.87665176 +"ons sou nie hierdie maatreëls so vinnig kon uitrol as ons nie reeds n omvattende maatskaplike sekerheidsinfrastruktuur in plek gehad het nie. +","we would not have been able to roll out these measures in such a short space of time if we had not had an extensive social security infrastructure already in place. +",0.8922989 +"ons was in staat om vinnig op dié dringende en reuse behoefte in ons samelewing te reageer danksy die wesenlike landswye infrastruktuur en stelsels van die suidafrikaanse maatskaplike sekerheidsagentskap (sassa) en die werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds (wvf). +","we were able to respond to this huge and immediate need in our society thanks to the substantial nationwide infrastructure and systems of the south african social security agency and the uif. +",0.8771989 +"daar het ongetwyfeld hier en daar n paar tegniese en ander foute ingeglip, maar meeste hiervan is sommer gou reggestel. +","there were certainly technical and other glitches along the way, but most of these were speedily resolved. +",0.73093605 +"dié staatsagentskappe het uitstekende werk verrig om miljoene mense te registreer en seker te maak dat hulle hul uitbetalings ontvang. +","these government agencies did outstanding work to enroll millions of new beneficiaries and ensure they were paid. +",0.8559704 +"die steun wat deur die wvf gelewer is, was n lewenslyn aan ondernemings en individue in nood. +","the support provided by the uif was a lifeline to struggling businesses and employees. +",0.77956927 +"dit was die verskil tussen ondernemings wat hul deure kon oophou of moes sluit; tussen werke wat behou is en wat verlore gegaan het. +","it made the difference between companies remaining open and being forced to close, between jobs saved and jobs lost. +",0.79464686 +"dit het besighede soos sihle’s brew, n restaurant in gauteng, bevoordeel; die restaurant was in staat om sy 18 werknemers te behou, danksy die tersskema. +","this benefited businesses like sihle’s brew, a restaurant in gauteng, which was able to retain its 18 employees because of the ters scheme. +",0.92804694 +"danksy staatsondersteuning kon mamoshalagae trading and projects, n outoelektriese onderneming in mokopane, sy werkers betaal asook die besigheid se huurgeld en uitgawes tydens die inperking dek. +","thanks to government support, mamoshal agae trading and projects, an autoelectrical business in mokopane, was able to pay its workers as well as its rent and rates during the lockdown. +",0.8729677 +"werknemers in nood was in staat om n deel van hul salarisse te ontvang. +","employees in dire straits were able to receive a portion of their salaries. +",0.80130196 +"lindiwe ntuli, n regsassistent in centurion, het getuig hoe die toelae wat sy ontvang het, dit vir haar moontlik gemaak om van die huis af te kon werk en haar huur te kon bekostig. +","lindiwe ntuli, a paralegal in centurion, has told how receiving her benefits enabled her to work from home and be able to afford her rent. +",0.8842851 +"daar is baie verhale van ondernemings wat die afgelope jaar danksy die steun wat hulle van die wvf ontvang het hul deure kon oophou. +","there are many stories of companies that have been able to stay afloat over the past year because of the support they received from the uif. +",0.79532295 +"dit geld ook vir kleinhandelsake wat deur die verskeie toelae en lenings wat deur verskillende departemente toegestaan is, geholpe is. +","the same can be said of the small businesses helped by the various grants and loans provided by a number of departments. +",0.7775389 +"dié maatreëls het ons mense in tye van nood bygestaan. +","these measures greatly helped our people in their time of need. +",0.7097908 +"soos wat ons beweeg van verligting na herstel, moet ons van rat verander. +","as we transition from relief to recovery, we have to shift gear. +",0.77743626 +"terwyl hierdie verligtingsmaatreëls van tydelike aard is, gaan die ekonomie steeds vir n hele ruk die nagevolge van die pandemie ervaar. +","while these relief measures were designed to be temporary, the economy will continue to feel the effects of the pandemic for some time. +",0.7566792 +"selfs met die verslapping van baie van die inperking se beperkings, sukkel vele ondernemings steeds met die nagevolge van maande en maande se beperkte werksaamhede en verlore inkomste. +","even as lockdown restrictions have been eased, many companies are struggling to cope with the fallout of months of diminished operations and lost revenue. +",0.8358433 +"daar is dus besluit, na aanleiding van omvattende gesprekvoering met maatskaplike vennote by nedlac, dat die kovid tersvoordele met drie maande verleng sal word tot 15 maart 2021 in sektore wat nog nie ten volle operasioneel is nie. +","it is for this reason that, following extensive discussion with social partners at the national economic development and labour council the covid ters benefit has been extended until 15 march 2021 for sectors that have not been able to fully operate. +",0.85025924 +"die spesiale kovidtoelae is met drie maande verleng. +","the special covid grant has been extended for another three months. +",0.79593146 +"dit bly egter korttermynmaatreëls. +","these remain shortterm measures. +",0.5644654 +"ons moet nou daarop begin fokus om n omgewing te skep waarin besighede kan herstel en wat werkskepping en belegging aanmoedig. +","our focus now must be on creating an enabling environment for businesses to recover, and for economic growth that spurs job creation and attracts invest ment. +",0.82340264 +"die herstel gaan moeilik wees en tyd neem, veral synde ons steeds te midde van die pandemie is. +","the recovery will be difficult and will take time, not least because we are still in the midst of the pandemic. +",0.84526336 +"so belangrik soos die verligtingsmaatreëls is, kan ons dit nie onbepaald in plek hou nie. +","important as these relief measures are now, we will not be able to sustain them indefinitely. +",0.74816656 +"ons moet seker maak dat hierdie verligtingsmaatreels n stewige basis vorm vir die breër herstel van die ekonomie sonder om die land verder in die skuld te dompel. +","we need to make sure that these relief measures provide a firm foundation for a broader recovery without driving the country deeper into debt. +",0.8709935 +"tensy ons ons nasionale skuld kan afbring na onderhoubare vlakke, sal geen betekenisvolle herstel moontlik wees nie. +","unless we can bring our national debt down to sustainable levels no meaningful economic recovery will be possible. +",0.86483455 +"ons nasionale bewussyn moet nou verby verligting na herstel strek, en ons moet almal ons deel bring om dit te bewerkstellig. +","our national consciousness must now move beyond the realm of relief into that of recovery, and we must all be part of this effort. +",0.8310947 +"as die staat gaan ons vanjaar moeilike besluite oor openbare besteding moet neem en implementeer. +","as government, hard decisions on public spending will need to be made and implemented this year. +",0.77104795 +"maatskappye gaan innoverend moet wees met be stuursmetodes en prosesse om hul volhoubaarheid en winsgewendheid te verseker, met die voorkoming van werksverlies as hul grootste oorweging. +","companies will need to be innovative in driving methods and processes that secure their sustainability and profitability, with job retention being their foremost consideration. +",0.8707804 +"ons moet geld in ons ekonomie terugplaas deur plaaslike produkte te koop, plaaslike besighede en bedrywe te ondersteun en by plaaslike verskaffers te aan te koop. +","we must put our money back into our economy by buying local products, supporting local businesses and industrie and procuring from local suppliers. +",0.844401 +"n beseerde pasiënt met goeie kanse vir herstel ontvang gereelde fisioterapie om hom te help om sterker te word sodat hy gou weer op sy eie voete kan staan. +","an injured patient with strong prospects for recovery is given regular phys ical therapy to help them get stronger until they can stand unaided. +",0.83912784 +"so ook moet dié tydelike verligtingsmaatreëls beskou word as n manier om ons ekonomie weer op die been te bring. +","so must these temporary relief measures be seen as the means to get our economy back on its feet. +",0.8714856 +"ons uiteindelike doel is om weer self te kan loop. +","our ultimate goal is to walk again. +",0.826329 +"kom ons almal strek as n nasie n helpende hand uit. +","as a nation, let us all lend a hand. +",0.7077675 +"kom ons wees saam deel van ons eie ontwikkeling en vordering. +","let us be part of our own development and progress. +",0.87502074 +laat ons gebruik maak van dié verlengde verligtingsmaatreëls om sterk ekonomiese herstel te bewerkstellig.," steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country. +",0.87502074 +"'n professionele staatsdiens vukuzenzele unnamed met my verkiesing as staatspresi dent het ek des tyds gesê dat die skepping van ’n doeltreffende, be kwame en etiese regering, vry van enige korrupsie, een van my grootste prio riteite is. +","a professional public service vukuzenzele unnamed when i was elected to the position of president of south africa, i said that building an efficient, capable and ethical state free from corruption was among my foremost priorities. +",0.853573 +"slegs ’n bekwame, doeltref fende, etiese en ontwikke lingsgeoriënteerde regering kan die verbintenis tot die verbetering van die lewens van die mense van hierdie land nakom. +","only a capable, efficient, ethical and developmentoriented state can deliver on the commitment to improve the lives of the people of this country. +",0.8488655 +"dit beteken dat die staats diens beman moet word deur mense wat professioneel, vaardig, onbaatsugtig en eerlik is. +","this means that the public service must be staffed by men and women who are professional, skilled, selfless and honest. +",0.87078226 +"hulle moet daartoe verbind wees om die waardes van die grondwet te handhaaf en moet, soos ek in my in huldigingstoespraak gesê het, ""hulself getrou vir geen ander saak as dié van die publiek beywer nie"". +","they must be committed to upholding the values of the constitution, and must, as i said in my inaugural speech, ""faithfully serve no other cause than that of the public"". +",0.8967033 +"tydens die afgelope twee weke het openbare kon sultasies plaasgevind met betrekking tot ’n belangrike beleidsdokument wat groter dryfkrag gaan gee aan ons werk om die staatsdiens te steun, versterk en bevoeg te maak. +","over the past two weeks, public consultations have been underway on an important policy document that will give greater impetus to our efforts to bolster, strengthen and capacitate the civil service. +",0.8123995 +"die konsep vir die nasionale implementeringsraamwerk vir die professionalisering van die staatsdiens is daarop gemik om ’n regering tot stand te bring wat ons volk beter dien, wat geïsoleer is van onbehoorlike politieke inmenging, en waar aanstel lings op meriete plaasvind. +","the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalisation of the public service aims to build a state that better serves our people, that is insulated from undue political interference and where appointments are made on merit. +",0.8711645 +"die raamwerk is in novem ber laasjaar deur die kabinet goedgekeur en gestruktureer de konsultasie met verskeie sektore van die samelewing word tans onderneem. +","the framework was approved by cabinet in november last year and structured consultation with various sectors of society are now underway. +",0.7992078 +"na seweentwintig jaar van demokrasie kan ons die vol gende van die staatsdiens sê: ondanks uitnemendheid op talle terreine, is daar in baie staatsdepartemente steeds ernstige uitdagings met betrekking tot vaardighede, bekwaamheid en professio naliteit. +","twentyseven years into democracy, it can be said of the public service that while several pockets of excellence exist, we have serious challenges in many government departments with regards to skills, competence and professionalism. +",0.880339 +"te dikwels is mense aange stel in en bevorder tot sleutel posisies waarvoor hulle nie geskik of bekwaam was nie. +","all too often, people have been hired into and promoted to key positions for which they are neither suitable nor qualified. +",0.913009 +"dit het die werksprestasie van die regering beïnvloed en ook bygedra tot nepo tisme, politieke inmenging in die werksverrigting van departmente, ’n gebrek aan verantwoordbaarheid, wan bestuur en korrupsie. +","this affects government performance, but also contributes to nepotism, political interference in the work of departments, lack of accountability, mismanagement and corruption. +",0.8889148 +"daar is ook die verwante probleem van politieke en uitvoerende inmenging in die administrasie van die staatsdiens. +","there is also the related problem of political and executive interference in the administration of the public service. +",0.9001847 +"'n mens hoef net te kyk na die onstabiliteit in staatsdepartemente wan neer seniorbestuur verskuif of vervang word elke keer as ’n nuwe minister aangestel word. +","one need only to look at the instability in government departments when senior managers are swopped or replaced each time a new minister is appointed. +",0.8706327 +"direkteursgeneraal en pro vinsiale departementshoofde word veral hierdeur geraak. +","directorsgeneral (dgs) and provincial heads of departments (hods) are particularly affected. +",0.7211381 +"in sommige departemente het dgs, departementshoofde en uitvoerende bestuur die voor deel van 'n stabiele amps termyn geniet, wat sulke departemente in staat gestel het om met min ontwrigting aan te hou funksioneer. +","in some departments, dgs, hods and executive managers have had stability of tenure, enabling the departments to function with little disruption. +",0.85069287 +"in die meeste sulke departemente waar daar stabiele leierskap is, is ouditverslae geneig om positief en openbare be fondsing verantwoordbaar te wees. +","in most of these departments where there is leadership stability, audit outcomes tend to be positive and public funds can be accounted for. +",0.8189751 +"daarenteen is daar dikwels administratiewe onstuimigheid in departe mente met ’n hoë omset van leierskap. +","where there is a high turnover of heads of department, there is often administrative turmoil. +",0.67275226 +"een van die belangrikste voorstelle in die konsepraamwerk is dat die staats diens gedepolitiseer moet word en dat staatsdeparte mente van politiek geïsoleer moet word. +","one of the key recommendations made in the draft framework is that the public service must be depoliticised and that government departments must be insulated from politics. +",0.7862625 +"professionalisering is nood saaklik vir stabiliteit in die staatsdiens, veral in die se nior range. +","professionalisation is necessary for stability in the public service, especially in the senior ranks. +",0.81880844 +"staatsamptenare moet hul pligte kan uitvoer ""ondanks enige veranderinge onder die ministers, lede van die uitvoerende raad of raadslede in die regerende party met betrekking tot die administrasie, of verskui wings van politieke partye na afloop van verkiesings"". +","public servants must be able to continue doing their jobs ""regardless of any changes of ministers, members of the executive council or councillors within the governing party in charge of the administration, or changes to political parties after elections"". +",0.87807506 +"ons stel ’n aantal verrei kende hervormings voor, byvoorbeeld die verlen ging van die ampstermyn van departementshoofde op grond van meriete en prestasie, die instelling van beroepsgebaseerde bekwaamheidsassesserings asook die betrokkenheid van die staatsdienskomis sie wanneer onderhoude met kandidate vir die poste van direkteursgeneraal en adjunkdirekteursgeneraal gevoer word. +","we are proposing a number of farreaching reforms, such as extending the tenure of hods based on merit and performance, doing occupationbased competency assessments and involving the public service commission in the interviews of dgs and deputy dgs. +",0.8637977 +"die instelling van integri teitstoetsing vir alle kandi date wat op die kortlys is, sal daartoe bydra dat ons staatsamptenare kan werf wat met eerbaarheid kan dien. +","introducing integrity tests for all shortlisted individuals will help so that we can recruit civil servants who can serve honestly. +",0.7988788 +"ons moet voorts ook die verpligte intreeeksamens wat ons in april 2020 inge stel het, uitbrei na meer as slegs die senior bestuurders. +","we also need to extend the compulsory entrance exams that we introduced in april 2020 beyond senior management. +",0.8370345 +"suksesvolle ontwikkelende regerings het soortgelyke maatreëls wat professiona lisme onder die staatsdiens bevorder. +","successful developmental states have similar measures which help advance professionalism within the public service. +",0.80217844 +"soos ons in die konsepraamwerk noem, ""moet die burokrasie voortdurend lo jaal en nougeset die politieke mandaat wat deur die kiesers en die party daargestel is, implementeer, maar hulle daarvan weerhou om self politieke rolspelers te wees. +","as we note in the draft framework, ""the bureaucracy must continue to loyally and diligently implement the political mandate set by voters and the party, but to refrain from being political actors themselves. +",0.8661704 +"""ons voorstel is ’n stren ger benadering jeens die werwing en keuring, in duksie en prestasiebestuur van staatsamptenare. +","""we are suggesting a more rigorous approach towards recruitment and selection of public servants, induction and performance management. +",0.7895018 +"dit sluit in volgehoue leer en ’n duidelike professionele ontwikkelingspad vir elke staatsamptenaar. +","this includes continuous learning and a clear professional development path for every public servant. +",0.84562874 +"die konsepraamwerk benadruk die behoefte om staatsamptenare verant woordbaar te hou vir on reëlmatighede en sodoende ’n kultuur van straffeloos heid in die wanbestuur en misbruik van regeringshulp bronne te verhoed. +","the draft framework puts emphasis on the need to hold public servants accountable for irregularities, to do away with a culture of impunity in the mismanagement and misappropriation of state resources. +",0.85355055 +"professionalisering van die staatsdiens behels die opleiding van rekening kundige beamptes oor al die regeringsfere heen met betrekking tot die toepaslike wetlike bepalings. +","professionalising the public service involves training for accounting officers across all spheres of government on the applicable legislative provisions. +",0.8313496 +"die nasionale regerings kool speel ’n sleutelrol in hierdie verband. +","the national school of government (nsg) has a vital role to play in this regard. +",0.7584739 +"professionalisme behels nie net die regte kwalifikasies en tegniese kennis nie, maar ook die toepaslike standaarde van respek, hoflikheid en integriteit in skakeling met lede van die publiek. +","professionalism is not only about having the right qualifications and technical skills, but also about having appropriate standards of respect, courtesy and integrity in dealing with members of the public. +",0.89809 +"die staatsdiens is uiteen lopend, met ’n wye verskei denheid vaardighede, kwa lifikasies en bekwaamhede. +","the public service is diverse, with a huge range of skills, qualifications and capabilities. +",0.7295752 +"baie staatsamptenare het gespesialiseerde vaardig hede wat noodsaaklik is vir doeltreffende dienslewering. +","many public servants have specialised skills that are necessary for the effective provision of services. +",0.7495405 +"dit is dus nie noodwendig die geval dat ons ’n kleiner staatsdiens benodig nie; wat ons wel nodig het is ’n ef fektiewe staatsdiens met die nodige vaardighede, profes sionele etiek en ’n verbintenis om die gemeenskap te dien. +","it is therefore not necessarily the case that we need a smaller public service: what we actually need is a fitforpurpose public service with suitable skills, a professional ethic and a commitment to serving the people. +",0.8754583 +"die mense in die staatsdiens moet in staat gestel word om hul rol te vervul in die strewe na ontwikkeling en die kon solidering van demokrasie. +","the men and women of the public service need to be capacitated to play their role in driving development and consolidating democracy. +",0.78848183 +"dit is ons beste waarborg vir ’n bekwame staat wat die belange van sy landsburgers dien. +","this is our best guarantee of a capable state that serves the interests of citizens. +",0.8621074 +"ek doen ’n beroep op julle almal om deel te neem aan die openbare konsultasie proses vir hierdie konsepraamwerk, wat op die nasionale regeringskool se webwerf beskikbaar is, en om jul stemme te laat hoor. +","i call on you to be part of the public consultation process around this draft framework, which is available on the nsg's website, and to make your voice heard. +",0.7946765 +"die staatsdiens behoort nie aan een spesifieke party nie; en dit behoort ook nie die domein van enige bepaalde belangegroep te wees nie. +","the public service does not belong to any one party, nor should it be the domain of any particular interest group. +",0.8856026 +"dit behoort nie bo die wet te staan nie. +","it should not be a law unto itself. +",0.69905955 +"die staatsdiens behoort aan die mense van suidafrika. +","the public service belongs to the people of south africa. +",0.8170436 +dit moet hulle en slegs hulle dien.,"a professional public service vukuzenzele unnamed when i was elected to the position of president of south africa, i said that building an efficient, capable and ethical state free from corruption was among my foremost priorities. +",0.8170436 +"tradisionele leiers van sleutelbelang tot herstelpogings vukuzenzele unnamed ons moes, in die afgelope paar maande, van twee van ons land se mees gesiene konings afskeid neem. +","traditional leaders key to recovery efforts vukuzenzele unnamed in the last few months, we have had to bid a sad farewell to two of our country’s most respected traditional monarchs. +",0.83252656 +"die zoeloenasie het on langs sy majesteit, koning goodwill zwelithini ka bhekuzulu, wat vir n halfeeu regeer het, ter ruste gelê. +","the zulu people recently laid to rest his majesty king goodwill zwelithini ka bhekuzulu who reigned for half a century. +",0.8451546 +"die bapedivolk het in januarie kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii ter ruste gelê wat minder as n jaar na sy inhuldiging oorlede is. +","in january, the bapedi people buried kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii, who passed away less than a year after his inauguration. +",0.8885486 +"ons het, met hul afsterwe, kampioene van die bewaring van ons land se erfenis en die geskiedenis van hul onder skeie volke verloor. +","with their passing, we have lost champions of the preservation of our heritage, and revered custodians of the histories of their respective peoples. +",0.8066853 +"hulle het terselfdertyd ook wesenlik tot landelike ont wikkeling bygedra en was toegewy aan die steun van programme ter verbetering van hul mense se lewensge halte. +","at the same time, they were vital players in rural development, and were committed to driving programmes to uplift the material conditions of their people. +",0.7835003 +"een van die nuwe regering se prioriteite, met die koms van demokrasie in 1994, was om die integriteit en reg matigheid van tradisionele leierskap in ooreenstemming met tradisionele wette en gebruike, en onderworpe aan die grondwet van die republiek, te hervestig. +","with the advent of democracy in 1994, it was a priority of the new government to restore the integrity and legitimacy of traditional leadership in line with indigenous law and customs and subject to the constitution of the republic. +",0.8655057 +"die tradisionele leierskaps instelling speel steeds n belangrike rol in die lewens van miljoene mense regoor ons land, veral in landelike gebiede. +","the institution of traditional leadership continues to play an important role in the lives of millions of people around our country, especially in rural areas. +",0.8737451 +"tradisionele leiers ondersteun en dryf ontwik keling in hul gemeenskappe. +","traditional leaders support and drive development in their communities. +",0.7493191 +"ek het onlangs die geleent heid gehad om oor die debat van die opening van die na sionale huis van tradisionele leiers deel te neem; dié debat het op die dringende kwes sies wat die land in die gesig staar, gefokus. +","recently, i had the opportunity to participate in the debate on the opening of the national house of traditional leaders, which was concerned with the most pressing issues currently facing the country. +",0.84910405 +"wat juis besonders verfris send van dié kragtige ge sprekvoering was, was dat die tradisionele leierskap n besondere begrip van die moeilike ekonomiese toe stande wat die land in die gesig staar het en graag deel wil wees van die poging om die uitdagings van onderont wikkeling en armoede in hul omgewings aan te spreek. +","what was particularly refreshing about the robust engagement was that traditional leadership has a keen appreciation of the difficult economic conditions facing our country, and want to be part of addressing the many challenges of underdevelopment and poverty in their areas. +",0.82174057 +"ek het nog altyd gesê dat ons ekonomiese herstel na af loop van die koronaviruspan demie inklusief moet wees, en dat niemand agtergelaat moet word nie. +","i have consistently said that our economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic must be inclusive, and that nobody must be left behind. +",0.9063852 +"die sukses van die ekono miese herkonstruksieen her stelplan rus op die smee van sterk vennootskapsbande tussen nie net die staat, han del en arbeid nie, maar ook met tradisionele leierskap en ander gemeenkapsgroepe. +","the success of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan rests on forging strong partnerships between not just government, business and labour, but also with traditional leadership and other societal formations. +",0.844273 +"n deurlopende tema tydens die debat was dat tradisio nele leiers nie van aalmoese nie vir hulle gemeenskappe afhanklik wil wees nie en ook nie wil hê hul gemeenskappe moet die heeltyd van die regering se finansiële steun afhanklik wees nie. +","a constant refrain from participants in the debate recently was that they do not want to be dependent on handouts or for their communities to perpetually look to government for financial assistance. +",0.77684116 +"hulle wil die nodige steun, opleiding en bemagtiging hê om landelike gemeenskappe in staat te stel om selfversor gend te wees. +","they want to be provided with the necessary support, training and enabling environment to allow rural communities to be selfsufficient. +",0.86305904 +"hulle wil die stedelikelandelike skeiding, met be trekking tot staatsdienste en privaat sektorhulpbronne, oorbrug. +","they want to bridge the urbanrural divide in access to government services and private sector resources. +",0.8400172 +"hul wil graag sien dat lande like gebiede omskep word in spoelpunte van ekonomiese aktiwiteit, asook bedryfsen werksgeleenthede. +","what they would like to see is for rural areas to become centres of economic activity, industry and employment opportunity. +",0.7467885 +"dit weer spieël die doelwitte van die distriksontwikkelingsmodel (dom) wat in 2019 geloods is. +","this mirrors the aspirations of the district development model (ddm), which was launched in 2019. traditional leaders are well positioned to ensure that district plans are informed by and respond to the real needs of communities and that they reflect the lived reality in rural areas. +",0.70023245 +"tradisonele leiers is goed geplaas om te verseker dat distriksplanne ingelig word deur en ook spreek tot die ware behoeftes van ge meenskappe en dat hulle die lewensrealiteite in landelike gebiede getrou weerspieël. +","just as the ddm supports localised programmes that focus on the needs, strengths and opportunities in specific areas, traditional leaders have pioneered their own approach to local economic development. +",0.7416276 +"tradisionele leiers het hul eie weg gebaan met hul eie benadering tot plaaslike eko nomiese ontwikkeling, net soos wat die dom plaaslike programme ondersteun wat op die behoeftes, sterkpunte en geleenthede in spesifieke areas fokus. +","they have developed the investrural masterplan, which was launched in north west last month. +",0.55837977 +"hulle het die investrural masterplan ontwikkel wat laasmaand in die noordwes geloods is. +","it is greatly encouraging that traditional leaders have rallied behind the plan and want to work with local authorities to ensure it is a success. +",0.5799228 +"dit is besonders bemoedigend dat tradisio nele leiers hul gewig agter dié plan gooi en saam met plaas like owerhede wil werk om die plan se sukses te verseker. +","during the debate in the national house of traditional leaders it was proposed that a major success factor for the investrural programme is that traditional structures are trained, strengthened and capacitated. +",0.6490474 +"daar is tydens die debat in die nasionale huis van tradisionele leiers voor gestel dat een van die die vernaamste suksesfaktore van die investruralprogram sou behels dat tradisionele strukture opgelei, versterk en bevoeg gemaak word. +","a number of participants outlined economic plans that are already in advanced stages of development. +",0.5724727 +"van die deelnemers aan die debat het ekonomiese planne voorgelê wat reeds in gevorderde stadiums van ontwikkeling is. +","these range from agricultural projects to bioprospecting to renewable energy. +",0.5962106 +"dié planne behels onder meer landbou projekte, bioprospektering en hernubare energie. +","what was evident is that the institution of traditional leadership understands that professionalisation is necessary for rural businesses in the form of small, medium and micro enterprises and cooperatives to become part of the mainstream economy. +",0.63818043 +"dit was ooglopend dat die tradisionele leierskap begryp dat professionalisering nood saaklik is vir landelike besig hede soos klein, mediumen makroondernemings asook koöperasies om deel van die hoofstroomekonomie te word. +","the traditional leaders who spoke presented their vision of ‘developmental monarchs’, who see themselves as not just custodians of heritage but also as drivers of economic prosperity and progress. +",0.670256 +"die tradisionele leiers wat toesprake tydens die debat gelewer het, het hul visie van 'ontwikkelingsheersers' bekend gestel, wat hulself nie net as die bewaarders van erfenis beskou nie, maar ook as drywers van ekonomiese vooruitgang en sukses. +","they have identified several projects and economic opportunities that will create jobs and improve livelihoods in rural areas. +",0.6135676 +"hulle het verskeie projekte en eko nomiese geleenthede geïden tifiseer wat werkskepping en die lewensgehalte in lande like gebiede sal bevorder. +","traditional leaders have also expressed their willingness to play an active part in the land reform process. +",0.5778865 +"tradisionele leiers het ook hul gewilligheid uitgespreek om n aktiewe rol in die grond hervormingsproses te speel. +","since 2018, traditional leaders have made around 1 500 000 hectares of communal land available for development, and it is hoped this will increase in future. +",0.5972089 +"tradisionele leiers het sedert 2018 ongeveer 1 500 000 hektaar gemeenskaplike grond beskikbaar gestel vir ontwikkeling en daar word gehoop dat dit in die toekoms nog meer sal word. +","to develop a coordinated and sustainable strategy, we have agreed to hold a presidential land summit in the next year. +",0.5494854 +"ons het, ten einde n geko ördineerde en volhoubare strategie te ontwikkel, oor eengekom om in die ko mende jaar n presidensiële spitsberaad oor grond te hou. +","this will discuss pressing issues around land reform and its impact on communal land, much of which is located in rural areas. +",0.59252965 +"dié spitsberaad sal dringende kwessies rakende grond hervorming en die impak daarvan op gemeenskaplike grond — waarvan groot dele in landelike omgewings geleë is — bespreek. +","the tone of the debate in the national house was a fitting reflection of a climate in which economic recovery is foremost among our considerations. +",0.64113665 +"die stemming van die debat in die nasionale huis was n gepaste weerspieëling van n klimaat waarin ekono miese herstel bo aan die lys is. +","at the same time it was a promising signal that traditional leaders appreciate their role in being part of the national recovery effort through being proactive and innovative. +",0.63844115 +"dit was terselfdertyd n belowende teken dat tradi sionele leiers hul waardering van hul rol as deel van die nasionale herstelpoging toon deur proaktief en innoverend te wees. +","the most fitting legacy of great leaders is that the seeds of development they sow during their tenure grow into mighty trees that protect and shelter their communities for posterity. +",0.6589461 +"die mees gepaste nalaten skap van groot leiers is dat die saadjies van ontwikkeling wat hulle tydens hul bewind saai, uiteindelik groei tot groot, sterk bome wat hul gemeenskappe veilig hou en koester vir nageslagte daarna. +","traditional leaders key to recovery efforts vukuzenzele unnamed in the last few months, we have had to bid a sad farewell to two of our country’s most respected traditional monarchs. +",0.6589461 +"godsdienstige gemeenskap is onontbeerlik in die stryd teen kovid19 vukuzenzele unnamed baie suidafrikaners het onlangs saam met mense regoor die wêreld belangrike ge wyde feeste gevier. +","religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances. +",0.8910521 +"lede van die joodse geloof het pesach eerbiedig, chris tene vier paasfees en mos lems sal binnekort die hei lige maand van ramadan onderhou. +","members of the jewish faith celebrated pesach, chris tians observed easter and muslims will soon be observing the holy month of ramadan. +",0.8371756 +"vir die tweede agtereen volgende jaar word hierdie geleenthede gevier te midde van ’n vernietigende wêreld wye pandemie wat reeds die lewens van 2.5 miljoen mense regoor die wêreld geëis het. +","for the second year, these occasions have been marked in the midst of a devastating global pandemic that has cost the lives of more than 2.5 million people across the world. +",0.8194023 +"geloofsgebaseerde orga nisasies was sover onont beerlik in ons nasionale reaksie tot die siekte, nie net deur geestelike vertroosting en leiding te bied nie, maar ook deur te sorg vir diégene wat die kwesbaarste is vir die nagevolge van die pandemie, onder meer deur die verskaf fing van kos, huisvesting en ander maatskaplike dienste. +","faithbased organisations have been vital to our national response to the disease, not only providing spiritual comfort and guidance, but also by caring for those most vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic, including through the provision of food, shelter and other social services. +",0.8885013 +"geloof speel ’n belangrike rol in die lewens van mil joene suidafrikaners, en gesamentlike aanbidding as ’n geloofsgemeenskap speel ’n onontbeerlike rol in hulle godsdienstige uitlewing. +","religion plays an important role in the lives of millions of south africans, and congregational worship forms a vital part of their religious practice. +",0.83693004 +"om as ’n geloofsgemeens kap te kan vergader, is ook ’n welkome blaaskans te midde ’n tydperk van erge swaarkry vir individue, gesinne en ge meenskappe. +","being able to gather for religious services is also a welcome respite from a period of great hardship for individuals, families and communities. +",0.76658154 +"dit is te verstane dat na meer as ’n jaar van gebuk gaan onder beperkings op godsdienstige saamtrekke, die godsdienstige gemeens kap uitsien na ’n teken van normaliteit. +","it is understandable that after more than a year of labouring under restrictions on religious gatherings that the faith community are keen for a return to a semblance of normality. +",0.82810426 +"ter erkenning van die belangrikheid van gemeens kaplike aanbidding vir ons mense het die regering met die geloofsgemeenskap in gesprek getree. +","in recognition of the importance of congregational worship to the lives of our people, government has been engaging with the faith community. +",0.8291197 +"leiers van die geloofsge meenskap begryp en voorsien die gevaar van ’n nuwe vlaag van kovid19infeksies. +","leaders of the faith community understand and appreciate the very real danger of a new wave of covid19 infections. +",0.8467785 +"sedert die uitbreek van die pandemie het godsdienstige leiers proaktiewe en posi tiewe maatreëls in plek gestel om die verspreiding van die siekte onder aanbidders te beperk. +","since the outbreak of the pandemic, religious organisations have taken proactive and positive measures to limit the spread of the disease among worshippers. +",0.856861 +"nog ’n belangrike faktor is dat godsdienstige orga nisasies wesenlike verliese tydens die onderskeie inper kingsvlakke gely het, wat gevolglik hul volhoubaar heid bedreig. +","another important factor is that during the various alert levels, religious organisations have incurred substantial financial losses that threaten their sustainability. +",0.7533512 +"as regering bly ons daartoe verbind om saam met die geloofsgemeenskap te werk om werkbare oplos sings te vind. +","as government we remain committed to working with the faith community to find workable solutions. +",0.8537284 +"terselfdertyd moet openba re gesondheid en veiligheid ons belangrikste oorweging bly. +","at the same time, public health and safety must be our paramount consideration. +",0.8507185 +"die geloofsgemeenskap het ondernemingsgees en inisiatief in hul aanbidding getoon in ’n tyd wat daar groot onsekerheid oor die gang van die pandemie was. +","the religious community has shown innovation and initiative in the holding of worship at a time when there was a great deal of uncertainty over the trajectory of the pandemic. +",0.89541835 +"byeenkomste is aanlyn ge hou en aanbidders is aange moedig om tuis te bid eerder as om dienste by te woon. +","congregational services were held online and worshippers were encouraged to pray in their homes instead of attending services. +",0.7988128 +"dit het baie bygedra tot die nasionale poging om die verspreiding van die virus te bekamp. +","this greatly aided the national effort to contain the spread of the disease. +",0.84812725 +"godsdienstige leiers speel ’n deurslaggewende rol daarin om die publiek aan te moedig om gesondheids maatreëls rakende belangrike gebruike en kulturele rituele, soos begrafnisse, na te kom. +","religious leaders played a pivotal role in encouraging public adherence to health measures around important customary and cultural rituals like burials. +",0.8639239 +"net so het ons mense ook hul verbintenis getoon om openbare gesondheidsmaat reëls en sosiale afstand te handhaaf. +","by equal measure, our people have demonstrated their commitment to adhering to public health protocols and to social distancing. +",0.82177883 +"hulle verstaan ook dat hulle moet voortgaan om groot skares te vermy. +","and they correctly appreciate that they must continue to avoid large gatherings . +",0.72264725 +"ons is nou in ’n tyd waar voorsorg belangriker as ooit is. +","we are now at a time where precaution is needed above all. +",0.74039274 +"die koronaviruspande mie is nog nie uitgewis nie, hetsy in ons eie land of in die wêreld. +","the coronavirus pandemic has not been eliminated, either in our own country or around the world. +",0.7954695 +"die gevaar van ’n derde vlaag is ’n werklikheid. +","the threat of a third wave is real and everpresent. +",0.7322128 +"internasionale ondervin ding het ons geleer dat ons nie die noodlot moet tart nie. +","international experience has taught us that we should not tempt fate. +",0.8140929 +"baie lande het hulle maatreëls, verslap, net om daarna weer ’n skerp toe name in infeksies te ervaar, wat dan die instelling van selfs strenger beperkings noodsaak. +","many countries have eased restrictions, only for there to be resurgences, necessitating the imposition of even harsher restrictions. +",0.83082926 +"groot byeenkomste, hetsy godsdienstig of andersins, het die potensiaal om die virus te versprei ongeag die toepassing van maatreëls oor sosiale afstand en ontsmet ting. +","large gatherings, whether religious or otherwise, have the potential to spread the virus, despite the application of measures around social distancing and sanitising. +",0.8427715 +"miljoene suidafrikaners onderhou deurlopend steeds ’n belangrike beginsel van hul geloof. +","millions of south africans have been observing an important tenet of their faith. +",0.8187128 +"in ’n land wat die reg tot godsdiensvry heid verskans, moet alles moontlik gedoen word om ons mense te ondersteun in die uitoefening van hierdie reg. +","in a country that enshrines the right to religious freedom, all effort must be made to support our people in the exercise of this right. +",0.8672793 +"en in die uitoefening van hierdie reg moet ons seker maak dat ons nie die regte of lewens van ander op die spel plaas nie. +","and in exercising this right, we need to make sure that we do not place the rights or the lives of others at risk. +",0.8588541 +"dit is ’n beginsel wat die godsdienstige leiers met wie ek gepraat het, ten volle begryp en ondersteun. +","this is a principle that the religious leaders i met with fully support and appreciate. +",0.84549236 +"hulle verstaan die verantwoorde likheid van alle gelowiges – inderdaad van alle suidafrikaners – om die praktiese maatreëls wat in plek gestel is om mense se gesondheid te beskerm en lewens te red, na te kom. +","they understand the responsibility of all people of faith – indeed of all south africans – to observe the practical measures put in place to protect people’s health and save lives. +",0.8910985 +"vir langer as ’n jaar het ons as samelewing saamgespan om die pandemie in bedwang te hou. +","for more than a year, we have worked together as a society to contain this pandemic. +",0.82242906 +"soos ons nou werk om dit te oorwin, moet ons ons gedeelde vasberadenheid herbevestig om versigtig en verantwoordelik op te tree. +","now as we work to overcome it, we need to reaffirm our shared determination to act responsibly and cautiously. +",0.8525298 +"deur dit te doen, sal ons prakties uitvoering gee aan die universele boodskap van hoop, redding, vryheid en solidariteit waarvan in die kerke, sinagoges, moskees en huise van ons land gepraat sal word in die dae en weke wat kom.","religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances. +",0.8525298 +"durbanhawe skep 'n see vir sa van geleenthede vukuzenzele unnamed ek het onlangs die durbanhawe be soek om te gaan kyk na die werk wat verrig word om die hawe meer doeltreffend en mededin gend te maak. +","port of durban creates a sea of opportunities for sa vukuzenzele unnamed recently, i visit ed the port of durban to see for myself the work being done to make the port more efficient and competitive. +",0.8626478 +"ek het, na n inligtingsessie met transnet se senior be stuur, per sleepboot deur die hawe getoer. +","after a briefing with the senior management of transnet, i toured the harbour in a pilot boat, which is usually used to guide large ships through the entrance channel to the pier. +",0.7774316 +"sleepbote word gewoonlik gebruik om groot skepe deur die ingangskanaal na die dokke te begelei. +","seeing the workings of the port from the water, one is reminded of its vast scale and complexity. +",0.6091168 +"met dié dat ek die bedrywig hede in en om die hawe vanaf die water kon aanskou, het ek weereens die reuse omvang en ingewikkeldheid daarvan besef. +","if the port does not function efficiently, the entire economy suffers, from importers and exporters to consumers. +",0.5669563 +"as die hawe nie doeltreffend funksioneer nie, lei die hele ekonomie daaronder — van invoerders en uitvoerders tot verbruikers. +","on the other hand, if the port works well it can drive economic growth and position our country as a gateway to the region and the continent. +",0.67838037 +"aan die ander kant, as die hawe doeltreffend funksioneer kan dit ekonomiese groei dryf en ons ekonomie posisioneer as n poort tot die streek en ook die kontinent. +","when i visited durban in october 2019, many local businesses and port users raised concerns with me about the performance of the durban port. +",0.56951284 +"toe ek in oktober 2019 durban besoek het, het baie plaaslike besighede en gebruikers van die hawe hul besorgdheid oor die werksver rigting van die durbanhawe met my gedeel. +","shipping companies, in particular, expressed concern about truck congestion and waiting times, ship berthing delays and anchorage times, poor maintenance of equipment and generally low productivity in the port. +",0.635614 +"skeepsmaatskappye, in besonder, het hul kommer uitgespreek oor verkeersop eenhopings met betrekking tot vervoertrokke en wagtye, vertragings in ankerlegging en verankering, swak in standhouding van toerusting en algemene lae produktiwiteit in die hawe. +","my recent visit to the port was to check whether the commitments made in response to these concerns had been implemented. +",0.547561 +"my onlangse besoek aan die hawe was om te gaan kyk of die verbintenisse wat na aanleiding van dié kwessies aangegaan is, wel geïmple menteer is. +","there has indeed been great progress over the past year in turning around the performance of the port, despite the impact of covid19. +",0.5701301 +"daar is werklik oor die afge lope jaar groot vordering ge maak om die werksverrigting van die hawe om te swaai, ten spyte van kovid19 se impak. +","these efforts are already showing results in improved maintenance of equipment, reduced congestion, quicker turnaround times and increased use of rail instead of road transport. +",0.64937305 +"dié harde werk toon reeds resultate in die verbeterde in standhouding van toerusting, verminderde verkeersopeen hopings, korter omkeertye en meer gebruik van spoorver voer eerder as padvervoer. +","while this is important progress, there is still much work to be done to position durban as a worldclass port and as a hub port for the southern hemisphere. +",0.66274303 +"dié vordering is belangrik, maar daar is nog baie werk wat gedoen sal moet word om durban as n wêreldklashawe en middelpunt in die suidelike halfrond te posisioneer. +","in recent years, the port has slipped from its position as first in africa to third, behind tangier in morocco and port said in egypt. +",0.66988635 +"die hawe het oor die afge lope paar jaar van sy posisie as die nommer een hawe in afrika tot nommer drie gedaal; na tangier in morokko en port said in egipte. +","truck turnaround times have greatly improved. +",0.43724495 +"omkeertye in trokvervoer het reuse vordering getoon. +","similarly, the reliability of cargo handling equipment has improved to 80% and is heading towards at least 95% to meet international benchmarks. +",0.56608367 +"so ook het die betroubaarheid van skeepsladingtoerusting tot 80% verbeter en is dit vinnig oppad na minstens 95% om internasionale standaarde te haal. +","ship waiting times have reduced to impressive levels. +",0.58983636 +"skeepswagtye het tot in drukwekkende vlakke gedaal. +","these statistics may seem technical and obscure, but they have a direct impact on the growth of our economy and on the prices we pay as consumers. +",0.50375044 +"dié statistieke mag dalk teg nies en duister voorkom, maar dit het n direkte invloed op ons ekonomiese groei en op die pryse wat ons as verbruikers betaal. +","we have made improving the efficiency of our ports a priority of operation vulindlela and have focused on rebuilding transnet, which is one of our valued stateowned enterprises. +",0.6318759 +"ons het die verbetering van die doeltreffendheid van ons hawens as deel van operasie vulindlela n prioriteit gemaak en fokus daarop om trans net, een van ons waardevolle staatsbeheerde onderne mings, te herbou. +","the new management of transnet and its operating divisions are resolutely focused on turning the performance of the port around. +",0.6917558 +"transnet se nuwe bestuur en hul bedryfsafdelings is spits gefokus op die omkeer van die hawe se werksverrigting. +","the management has ambitious and exciting expansion plans for all five of the port’s precincts. +",0.62404156 +"die bestuur het ambisieuse en opwindende planne vir die uitbreiding vir al vyf van die hawe se pole. +","these include the deepening of the maydon wharf channel to allow larger, modern vessels to enter the port, the infill of pier 1 and pier 2 to create additional capacity for con tainers and the development of a new container terminal in the point precinct. +",0.669544 +"dit sluit in die verdieping van die maydonkaai om groter, meer moderne skepe in staat te stel om die hawe binne te vaar, die invulling van pier 1 en pier 2 om ekstra kapasiteit te skep vir houers, en die ontwikkeling van n nuwe hou erterminaal in die pointpool. +","altogether, the expansion of infrastructure at the port will require r100 billion in new investment over the next decade and more. +",0.61555386 +"die uitbreiding van die hawe sal altesaam r100 miljard in nuwe beleggings oor die volgende dekade en langer benodig. +","this will completely transform the port, expanding its capacity for container handling from 2.9 million units to more than 11 million units. +",0.6696342 +"dit gaan die hawe heeltemal van gedaante laat verwissel en sy kapasiteit vir die hantering van skeepshou ers verhoog van 2.9 miljoen eenhede tot meer as 11 mil joen eenhede. +","these ambitious plans will require greater private sector participation and investment. +",0.5488249 +"dié ambisieuse planne gaan groter deelname en belegging van die privaatsektor vereis. +","transnet, including the durban port, is an important national asset belonging to the people of south africa. +",0.54425 +"transnet, waaronder die durbanhawe, is n belangrike nasionale bate wat aan die mense van suidafrika be hoort. +","partnerships with the private sector are crucial to bring new investment, technology and expertise to port operations and to modernise equipment and infrastructure. +",0.5780032 +"vennootskappe met die pri vaatsektor is noodsaaklik om nuwe beleggings, tegnologie en kundigheid tot hawebedry wighede by te dra en om die toerusting en infrastruktuur te moderniseer. +","transnet is planning, for example, to advertise a concession later this year to build and operate the new point terminal. +",0.62995815 +"transnet beplan byvoorbeeld om later vanjaar n konsessie te adverteer om die nuwe pointterminaal te bou en te bestuur. +","this will bring in private investment and improve the efficiency of container handling. +",0.5856465 +"dit sal privaatbeleg gings lok en die doeltreffend heid van die hantering van skeepshouers verbeter. +","through our reform process we are steadily improving the efficiency of our ports and railways and unlocking massive investment in infrastructure. +",0.6255788 +"ons is, deur middel van ons herbouproses, besig om stel selmatig die doeltreffendheid van ons hawens en spoorweë te verbeter en reuse belegging in infrastruktuur te ontsluit. +","this will not only lower costs and improve the competitiveness of our exports, but will create thousands of new jobs in the process. +",0.6353383 +"dit sal nie net kostes verlaag en die mededingendheid van ons uitvoere verbeter nie, maar ook in die proses duisende werksgeleenthede skep. +","through both operational improvements and structural reforms, durban port will reclaim its place as the bestperforming port in africa. +",0.6287063 +"durbanhawe sal, danksy bedryfsverbeteringe en struk tuurhervorming, weer sy plek as die toppresterende hawe in afrika kan inneem. +","as part of our reconstruction and recove ry plan, we will continue to work tirelessly to expand infrastructure investment and transform our network industries. +",0.65264237 +"ons sal, as deel van ons herbouen herstelplan, voort gaan om onvermoeid te werk om ons infrastruktuur uit te brei en ons netwerkbedryfsektore te hervorm. +","if my visit to durban left one thing in my mind, it is that we south africans are capable of succeeding in projects of vast importance and scale. +",0.60318434 +"as my besoek aan durban my een ding laat besef het, is dit dat ons as suidafrikaners in staat is om projekte van reu se belang en skaal suksesvol uit te voer. +","our ambitions should match the size of our challenges. +",0.51386255 +"ons ambisies behoort die hoogtes van ons uitdagings te ewenaar. +","with the progress we are making at the durban port, with the reinvigorated skills and capabilities that we have in transnet, we now have the wind in our sails. +",0.5917719 +"met die vordering wat ons by durbanhawe maak, met die heropgewekte vaardighede en vermoëns wat ons in transnet sien, het ons nou die wind van agter en ons vaar met gebolde seile na ons bestemming .","port of durban creates a sea of opportunities for sa vukuzenzele unnamed recently, i visit ed the port of durban to see for myself the work being done to make the port more efficient and competitive. +",0.5917719 +"robuuste media nou belangriker as ooit tevore vukuzenzele unnamed ons woon in ‘n land waar nie net joer naliste nie, maar enige lid van die publiek hulle sienings, menings en inderdaad ook hulle onte vredenheid vrylik mag uit spreek – sonder vrees vir vergelding. +","robust media more critical than ever vukuzenzele unnamed we live in a country where not just journalists but any member of the public is able to freely articulate their views, their opinions and indeed their dissatisfaction without fear of retribution. +",0.87953484 +"ons het ‘n lang pad gestap sedert die dae waar sosiale verset deur kunstenaars met inperkingsbevele begroet is, en kritiese verslaggewing deur joernaliste die risiko geloop het van inhegtenisne ming of die sluiting van die betrokke publikasies. +","we have come a long way from the days where social protest by artists attracted banning orders, and critical reporting by journalists risked imprisonment or the closure of publications. +",0.8604028 +"die organisasie verslag gewers sonder grense (rsf) het onlangs die 2021wêreld persvryheidsindeks gepubli seer, ‘n barometer van die toestand van mediavryheid regoor die wêreld. +","recently, the organisation reporters without borders published the 2021 world press freedom index, a barometer of the state of media freedom across the globe. +",0.82010823 +"oor die algemeen het dit bevind dat daar ‘n afname in openbare toegang tot in ligting was en ‘n toename in struikelblokke tot nuusdek king in ‘n aantal lande. +","overall, it was found that there has been a decline in public access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage in a number of countries. +",0.83589625 +"die verslag het gesê dat joer naliste ""heeltemal geblok keer of ernstig aan bande gelê word"" in 73 lande en onder ""streng voorwaardes werk"" in 59 ander lande. +","the report said that journalism is ""totally blocked or seriously impeded"" in 73 countries and ""constrained"" in 59 others. +",0.8777534 +"wat kommerwekkend is, is dat mediavryheid agter uitgegaan het tydens die covid19pandemie, waar die onderskeie beperkinge wat ingestel is skynbaar gebruik is om mediavryheid in verskeie plekke in te perk. +","what is worrying is that media freedom has deteriorated under the covid19 pandemic, with the various restrictions put in place having seemingly been used to curtail media activity in several places. +",0.8525002 +"in hierdie jongste verslag lê suidafrika 32ste uit 180 lande op die ranglys. +","in this latest report south africa ranked 32nd out of 180 countries. +",0.87713003 +"die indeks beskryf die stand van mediavryheid in suidafrika as ""gewaarborg maar broos."" +","the index describes the state of media freedom in south africa as ""guaranteed but fragile"". +",0.8941833 +"dit dui aan dat alhoewel die suidafrikaanse grond wet vryheid beskerm en ons ‘n gevestigde kultuur van ondersoekende joernalistiek het, daar ‘n aantal struikel blokke is wat joernaliste nog steeds in die uitvoering van hulle pligte dwarsboom. +","it notes that while the south african constitution protects freedom and we have an established culture of investigative journalism, a number of impediments still hinder journalists in the performance of their duties. +",0.8428308 +"dit sluit in wetlike beper kinge op die neem van foto’s van nasionale sleutelpunte, of verslaggewing oor sake met betrekking tot staatsvei ligheid. +","this includes legal injunctions against taking images of national key points or reporting on matters involving state security. +",0.8414519 +"die verslag wys ook op ‘n toename gedurende 2020 in die intimidasie van joernalis te, veral vroulike joernaliste, op sosiale media. +","the report also notes an increase during 2020 of the intimidation of journalists, especially female journalists on social media. +",0.799683 +"sodanige intimidasie is totaal onaanvaarbaar, maar is veral skadelik wanneer dit op vroulike joernaliste gemik is, en gaan dikwels gepaard met dreigemente van seksuele geweld. +","such intimidation is totally unacceptable, but is particularly harmful when it is directed at female journalists and is occasionally accompanied by threats of sexual violence. +",0.8992242 +"dit is uiters kommerwekkend en kan nie toegelaat word. +","this is a matter of great concern and cannot be allowed. +",0.8287754 +"terselfdertyd is dit ver troostend om te weet dat ons ‘n vrye, sterk media het wat sonder aansien des persoons kan verslag doen oor diegene aan bewind, oor die dringende maatskaplike kwessies van ons tyd, en wat akkurate, onpartydige inligting aan die publiek kan voorsien. +","at the same time, we take great comfort in the knowledge that we have a free, robust media that is able to report without fear or favour about those in power, about the most pressing social issues of our time, and to provide accurate, impartial information to the public. +",0.868618 +"in ‘n tyd waar ons saam werk om die ekonomie en ons samelewing weer op te bou middein die koronaviruspandemie, is ‘n sterk media belangriker as ooit te vore. +","at a time when we are working together to rebuild our economy and our society in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a robust media is more critical than ever. +",0.8871562 +"die suidafrikaanse media het ‘n kernrol gespeel in dit wat ons vandag weet oor die ware omvang van staatska ping deur selfsugtige, kor rupte individue en entiteite. +","the south african media has played a pivotal role in uncovering much of what we know today about the true extent of capture of the state by selfserving, corrupt individuals and entities. +",0.8757827 +"hulle het voortgegaan met beriggewing, selfs ten spyte van intimidasie, waninlig ting en persoonlike aanvalle. +","they sustained their reporting even in the face of intimidation, disinformation and attacks on their person. +",0.82571876 +"korrupsie is geensins die enigste uitdaging wat ons as ‘n land in die gesig staar nie. +","corruption is by no means the only challenge we face as a country. +",0.81728876 +"baie suidafrikaners se daaglikse lewens word nog steeds beïnvloed deur armoede, ongelykheid en onderontwikkeling, swak dienslewering en ‘n gebrek aan toegang tot geleenthede. +","the daily lives of many south africans are still affected by poverty, inequality and underdevelopment, poor service delivery and lack of access to opportunities. +",0.8997702 +"indien die media getrou wil bly aan sy verantwoor delikheid om demokrasie te ondersteun, moet ons joer naliste voortgaan om sonder aansien des persoons oor die ander kwessies van die dag verslag te doen. +","if the media is to remain true to its responsibility to support democracy, our journalists must continue to report without fear or favour on the other issues of the day. +",0.8378463 +"hulle volgehoue verslag gewing moet geslagsgeba seerde geweld, misdaad in ons gemeenskappe en sosiale euwels soos middelmisbruik insluit. +","their sustained coverage must include genderbased violence, crime in our communities and social ills like substance abuse. +",0.84180415 +"ons media moet akkurate en onpartydige inligting ver skaf wat die publiek in staat stel om ingeligte besluite te neem, geleenthede te benut en hulle lewens te verbeter. +","our media should provide accurate and impartial information, enabling the public to make informed decisions, to access opportunities and to improve their lives. +",0.8925317 +"hulle moet voortgaan om joernalistiek te lewer wat ver der strek as hoofopskrifte op voorblaaie en wat bydra tot menslike ontwikkeling. +","they should continue to produce journalism that goes beyond the headlines and front pages and that contributes to human development. +",0.78616756 +"hulle behoort oor sowel die goeie as die slegte nuus verslag te doen, oor die vor dering wat ons maak en oor die uitdagings wat ons in die gesig staar. +","they should report both the good news and the bad news, the progress we make and the challenges we face. +",0.78411317 +"geloofwaardigheid is die sleutel om vertroue tussen joernaliste en die publiek te behou. +","credibility is key to sustaining trust between journalists and the public. +",0.8578407 +"wanneer joernaliste toelaat dat hulle of hulle platforms gebruik word om ‘n politieke stryd te stry of om met ander af te reken weens hulle ge vestigde belange, ly hulle ge loofwaardigheid daaronder. +","when journalists allow themselves or their platforms to be used to fight political battles or settle scores on behalf of vested interests, their credibility suffers. +",0.85124874 +"wanneer die media stories versprei wat onakkuraat is, of wat hulle weet vals is, verloor die publiek vertroue in hulle. +","when media disseminate stories that are inaccurate or that they know to be false, the public loses faith in them. +",0.92475784 +"dit is in die beste belang van almal wat hierdie land liefhet en wil hê dat dit voor spoedig moet wees, dat ons media ondersteun word en nie verhinder word om hulle werk te doen nie. +","it is in the best interests of all who love this country and wish for it to succeed that our media is supported, and not hindered in its work. +",0.8998281 +"laat ons as samelewing voortgaan om saam te werk en jaloers te waak oor ons land se mediavryheid. +","as a society, let us continue to work together to jealously safeguard our country’s media freedom. +",0.8492479 +ons het dit met groot moeite be kom en daarsonder kan ons nie vooruitgaan nie.,"robust media more critical than ever vukuzenzele unnamed we live in a country where not just journalists but any member of the public is able to freely articulate their views, their opinions and indeed their dissatisfaction without fear of retribution. +",0.8492479 +"israel, palestina word gevra om suidafrika na te boots deur vrede na te streef vukuzenzele unnamed ons ervaring van ons land se demokra tiese oorgang is n les oor die mag van em patie, onderhandeling en kompromie. +","israel, palestine urged to emulate sa by pursuing peace vukuzenzele unnamed our experience with the democratic transition is a lesson about the power of empathy, negotiation and compromise. +",0.85922945 +"die verergerende situasie in israel en palestina bevestig weereens wat ons as suidafrikaners al te goed weet – dat onversetlike konflik slegs deur vreedsame onder handeling opgelos kan word. +","the escalating situation in israel and palestine affirms once more what we south africans know too well, that intractable conflicts can only be solved through peaceful negotiation. +",0.9140111 +"dit demonstreer ook dat tensy die grondoorsake van n konflik aangespreek word – in dié geval, die onwettige okkupasie van palestina deur israel en die weiering van die palestynse mense se reg tot selfbeskikking – vrede en versoening buite bereik sal bly. +","it also demonstrates that unless the root causes of a conflict are addressed, in this case the illegal occupation by israel of palestinian land and the denial of the palestinian people’s right to selfdetermination, there will never be peace. +",0.852706 +"die nuutste geweld is aangewakker deur n israeliese hof se beslissing om in die sheikh jarrahbuurt in oosjerusalem n groep fami lies daar woonagtig te ontset om plek te maak vir israeliese nedersettings. +","the latest violence was sparked by an israeli court decision to evict a group of families from their homes in the sheikh jarrah neighbourhood in east jerusalem to make way for israeli settlements. +",0.86005336 +"om te sien hoe mans, vrouens en kinders verwyder word uit die huise waarin hul families vir geslagte lank gewoon het, bring pynlike gedeelde en persoonlike herinneringe na vore vir die meerderheid suidafrikaners – herinneringe van geforseer de verwyderings en grond onteiening. +","the sight of men, women and children being evicted from the homes their families have lived in for generations brings back painful collective and personal memories for the majority of south africans – of forced removals and land dispossession. +",0.9006034 +"dit was pyn en vernedering wat my eie familie, en baie suidafrikaanse families, deurgegaan het. +","it was a pain and humiliation faced by my own family, and by many south african families. +",0.91475034 +"my gesin is op twee geleenthede geweld dadig na verskillende dele van die land geskuif. +","my family was forcibly moved to different parts of the country on two occasions. +",0.72725165 +"om met n vuurwapen uit jou huis geforseer te word is nie maklik om te vergeet nie en die nagevolge van só ’n trauma duur geslagte lank. +","being forced from one’s home at gunpoint is a trauma not easily forgotten and is carried across generations. +",0.78363246 +"ons, as n land, leef steeds met die blywende nagevolge van die gevoellose dade wat in die naam van apartheid ruimtelike beplanning ge pleeg is. +","as a country, we are still living with the residual effects of the callous acts carried out in the name of apartheid spatial planning. +",0.8553466 +"as mense wat glo in gelyk heid, geregtigheid en mense regte kan ons nie anders as om geroer te word en inderdaad ook kwaad te word oor die pyn en vernedering wat die palestynse mense aangedoen word nie; want dit eggo ons eie geskiedenis van pyn en vernedering. +","for all who believe in equality, justice and human rights, we cannot but be moved and indeed angered, at the pain and humiliation being inflicted on the palestinian people; for it echoes our own. +",0.86406744 +"met hierdie dade oortree israel internasionale wet gewing. +","israel’s actions are a violation of international law. +",0.68861914 +"hulle verontagsaam herhaalde beslissings van die verenigde nasies se veilig heidsraad wat aandring op n einde aan die okkupasie van palestynse grond en die verwesenliking van die palestynse mense se regte. +","they show a total disregard for successive united nations security council reso lutions that call for an end to the occupation of palestinian land and for the fulfilment of the rights of the palestinian people. +",0.821077 +"sedert israeliese magte verlede week aanvalle op aanbidders by die al aqsamoskee in jerusalem geloods het, het die geweld intussen die gazastrook, groot ge deeltes van die wesoewer en n aantal israelitiese stede verswelg. +","since israeli security forces launched assaults on worshippers at alaqsa mosque in jerusalem, the violence has now engulfed the gaza strip, large parts of the west bank and a number of israeli cities. +",0.8599943 +"dit het dosyne mense, waaronder kinders, se lewens geëis. +","it has claimed the lives of dozens of people, including children. +",0.79571927 +"dit is ook baie kommerwek kend dat israeliese magte n multiverdiepinggebou wat n aantal mediaorganisasies ge huisves het, vernietig het en sodoende n kil boodskap aan die media wat oor die geweld verslag doen, gestuur het. +","it is also deeply troubling that israeli forces destroyed a multistorey building that housed a number of media organisations, sending a chilling message to media reporting on the violence. +",0.8600321 +"die sinnelose en voort gesette israeliese bombarder ing van gaza sal verwoes tende gevolge vir die meer as twee miljoen mense hê wat vir die afgelope 14 jaar onder ’n onwettige israeliese blokkade ly. +","the senseless and continued israeli bombardment of gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal israeli blockade for 14 years. +",0.9050044 +"ons doen n beroep op alle betrokke partye om selfbe heersing toe te pas, respek vir menselewens te toon en die huidige aggressie te staak. +","we call on all parties involved to show restraint, to respect human life and to cease the current hostilities. +",0.85590696 +"ons, as suidafrika, is daar toe verbind om deel te wees van internasionale pogings wat ten doel het om weer n politieke proses aan te wak ker wat sal lei tot die vestig ing van n lewensvatbare palestynse staat; ’n palestynse staat wat syaansy in vrede met israel en binne interna sionaal erkende grense kan bestaan. +","as south africa, we are committed to being part of international efforts aimed at reviving a political process that will lead to the establishment of a viable palestinian state existing sidebyside in peace with israel and within internationally recognised borders. +",0.8781016 +"die tweestaatoplossing bly die mees lewensvatbare opsie vir die mense van israel en palestina en moet steeds ondersteun word. +","the twostate solution remains the most viable option for the peoples of israel and palestine and must continue to be supported. +",0.86358845 +"net soos wat israeliese magte aanbidders by die al aqsamoskee aangeval het, is ons besig om voor te berei om die eeufees van die bulhoek slagting by n godsdienstige plek in ntabelanga in die ooskaap te herdenk. +","just as israeli security forces were attacking worshippers at the alaqsa mosque, we in south africa were preparing to commemorate the centenary of the bulhoek massacre at a religious site in ntabelanga in the eastern cape. +",0.8671247 +"op 24 mei 1921 het kolo niale veiligheidsmagte, ge wapen met masjiengewere en artillerie, op aanbidders losgebrand. +","on 24 may 1921, colonial security forces armed with machine guns and artillery opened fire on worshippers, killing more than 160 people and wounding nearly 130. the massacre laid bare the brutality not only of the police force of the union of south africa, but also the racist system that it was charged to uphold. +",0.7472341 +"meer as 160 mense is dood en byna 130 beseer. +","just like the dispute in the sheik jarrah neighbourhood, the atrocity at bulhoek was not just about a local dispute; it was fundamentally about the forced dispossession of land, about colonial occupa tion, about racial discrimi nation and about the violent suppression of dissent. +",0.5623057 +"die slagting het nie net die brutaliteit van die polisiemag van die unie van suidafrika blootgelê nie, maar ook die rassistiese stelsel wat dit moes handhaaf. +","as we reflect on the crisis in the middle east and particularly on the suffering of the palestinian people, we would do well to recall the words of selby msimang, a founding member of the african national congress. +",0.6127429 +"net soos die geskil in die sheik jarrahbuurt, was die gruweldaad by bulhoek nie net weens n plaaslike geskil nie; dit was fundamenteel oor die geforseerde onteien ing van grond, oor koloniale okkupasie, oor rassediskrimi nasie en oor gewelddadige onderdrukking van onenig heid. +","in the aftermath of the bulhoek massacre he wrote: ""history has shown that the human soul naturally revolts against injustice"". +",0.6463884 +"wanneer ons nadink oor die krisis in die middeooste en veral die lyding van die palestynse mense, sal dit vir ons raadsaam wees om die woorde van selby msimang, stigterslid van die african national congress, te her roep. +","the protests and the revolt of the oppressed people of south africa against colonialism and apartheid proved the veracity of this prophecy. +",0.6789956 +"na aanleiding van die bul hoekslagting het hy geskryf: ""geskiedenis dui daarop dat die menslike siel van nature teen ongeregtigheid in op stand kom."" +","as lovers of freedom and of justice, we stand with the palestinian people in their quest for selfdetermination, but also in their resistance against the deprivation of their human rights and the denial of their dignity. +",0.6402259 +"die betogings en die op stand van die onderdrukte mense van suidafrika teen kolonialisme en apartheid het die waarheid van dié woorde bewys. +","israel, palestine urged to emulate sa by pursuing peace vukuzenzele unnamed our experience with the democratic transition is a lesson about the power of empathy, negotiation and compromise. +",0.6402259 +"sa streef daarna om die grondwet se visie te verwesenlik vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika het 60 jaar gelede, op 31 mei 1961, n repu bliek geword en sy bande met die britse ryk ver breek. +","sa strives to realise the vision of the constitution vukuzenzele unnamed sixty years ago, on 31 may 1961, apartheid south africa became a republic, cutting its ties with the british empire. +",0.8736208 +"alhoewel n ""republiek"" algemeen omskryf word as n staat waarin die landsburgers en hul verkose verteenwoor digers die oppermag het, was dit egter nie die geval in suidafrika nie. +","while a ‘republic’ is generally defined as a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, this was not the case in south africa. +",0.8286782 +"die grondwet van die apartheidsrepubliek het trou aan god gesweer ""wat ons voorvaders vanuit baie lande byeengebring het en aan hulle hierdie as hul eie gegee het"". +","the constitution of the apartheid republic pledged allegiance to god, ""who gathered our forebears together from many lands and gave them this as their own"". +",0.8929443 +"dit was n grondwet wat deur en vir die rasseminder heid geskryf is en wat geloof gebruik het om despotisme te regverdig. +","it was a constitution written by and for a racial minority, and it used faith to justify tyranny. +",0.7940184 +"dit het die re gering se administrasie om skryf en voorsiening daarvoor gemaak dat slegs blankes daarop geregtig was om te stem en as staatsamptenare te dien. +","it outlined the administration of government, providing that only white people were eligible to vote and serve as public representatives. +",0.74446386 +"dit het nie n handves van regte bevat nie. +","it contained no bill of rights. +",0.6913556 +"die land se meerderheid is relegeer tot n voetnota aan bykans die einde van hierdie grondwet se 121 voorskrifte, in n afdeling getiteld ""ad ministrasie van bantoesake, ens."". +","the country’s majority was relegated to a footnote towards the end of its 121 provisions, in a section titled ‘administration of bantu affairs, etc.’. +",0.8235212 +"die eerste minister, hf verwoerd, het tydens n tvuitsending gesê: ""ons streef na die geleidelike ontwik keling van elkeen van ons groepe in n sekere rigting. +","in a televised message, prime minister hf verwoerd said: ""we seek the gradual development of each of our groups in a certain direction. +",0.83035904 +"die oplossing word hier openlik nagestreef deur die blanke man se leidende hand te behou. +","here the solution is openly sought by retaining the white man’s guiding hand. +",0.84598947 +"""ons is baie gelukkig om n verenigde volk te wees,"" het hy aan die wêreld verklaar. +","""we are very happy to be a united people,"" he declared to the world. +",0.94966364 +"die realiteit was egter dat ons nie n verenigde volk was nie. +","but the reality was that we were not a united people. +",0.86854476 +"ons was inwoners van n land waar mense se regte, vooruitsigte en lewensver wagting deur hul ras bepaal is. +","we were inhabitants of a country where one’s rights, prospects and life expectancy was determined by one’s race. +",0.8083148 +"die grondwet van die republiek van suidafrika, 1961 was vir twee dekades die wetlike dryfkrag agter die onderdrukking van byna 90% van die suidafrikaanse bevolking. +","for two decades, the republic of south africa constitution act of 1961 was the legal impetus for the repression of nearly 90% of the south african population. +",0.8774542 +"dié ongelukkige herdenk ing het in dieselfde maand plaasgevind as die 25ste herdenking van die grond wetlike vergadering se goedkeuring van ons nuwe demokratiese grondwet, wat die geboortesertifikaat vir n nasie wat waarlik verenig is, geword het. +","this unhappy anniversary took place in the same month that we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the constitutional assembly of our new democratic constitution, which became the birth certificate of a real united nation. +",0.88397896 +"ons het nou een wet vir een nasie. +","now we have one law for one nation. +",0.8661388 +"ons het saam n regering stelsel vir onsself gekies wat ware betekenis aan die kon sep van n republiek gee. +","together, we have chosen for ourselves a system of government that gives true meaning to the concept of a republic. +",0.751176 +"ons het gesê dat almal in ons de mokratiese republiek gelyk voor die gereg is en die reg besit tot gelyke beskerming deur en voordeel uit die reg. +","we have said that in our democratic republic, everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. +",0.79195344 +"suidafrika is vandag n land waar onafhanklike howe en n regsbank wat slegs onderhewig aan die grond wet is, oor die regsbedeling beskik. +","south africa today is a country where the administration of justice is vested in independent courts and a judiciary that is subject only to the constitution. +",0.74541754 +"ons leef in n land waar almal die reg het om die howe te nader ter vervulling van hul regte. +","we live in a country where everyone has the right to approach the courts for the fulfilment of their rights. +",0.72943586 +"ons leef in n land waar gemeenskappe wettig kan aanspraak maak op grond waarvandaan hul geweld dadig verskuif is en waar in dividue of gesinne beskerm is teen arbitrêre uitsetting uit hul huise. +","we live in a country where communities can stake a legal claim on land they were forcefully moved from, and where individuals or families are protected against arbitrary eviction from their homes. +",0.8271725 +"ons leef in n land waar al mal toegelaat word om hul kultuur en tradisies vrylik uit te leef. +","we live in a country where everyone is permitted to freely practise their culture and traditions. +",0.87295187 +"dit is n land waar enig iemand vrylik en op enige plek ter ondersteuning van maatskaplike, politieke en ander sake kan betoog. +","it is a country where anyone can freely protest in support of social, political and other causes anywhere. +",0.83127165 +"ons grondwetlike bedeling is geskoei op n aanspreeklike regering waar die uitvoeren de raad rekenskap aan die mense verskuldig is en waar die parlement verteenwoor digend van die mense is. +","our constitutional dispensation is premised on accountable government, where the executive is answerable to the people and where parliament is representative of the people. +",0.83983266 +"dit is n land waar die reg gelyk op enige burger toepas lik is. +","it is a country where the law applies equally to any citizen. +",0.7834673 +"ons het nou n regering van die mense, vir die mense en deur die mense. +","we now have a government of the people, for the people and by the people. +",0.83284 +"die apartheidsregime het, toe hy triomfantlik sy ras sistiese grondwet 60 jaar gelede voor die wêreld geparadeer het, misplaaste vertroue gehad dat dit in stand sou bly. +","when the apartheid regime triumphantly paraded its racist constitution to the world 60 years ago, it had misplaced confidence that it would endure. +",0.89615345 +"nelson mandela het, n maand voor dat die republiek verklaar is, in n brief aan verwoerd wat nie beantwoord was nie, die bevrydingsbeweging se verwerping van die blanke republiek wat met geweld afgedwing is, verklaar. +","in an unanswered letter to verwoerd a month before the republic was declared, nelson mandela affirmed the liberation movement’s rejection of the forcibly imposed white republic. +",0.84156996 +"hy het gesê dat geen grondwet of vorm van rege ring waarop daar besluit is sonder die deelname van die afrikamense, morele geldig heid sou geniet nie. +","he said that no constitution or form of government decided without the participation of the african people would enjoy moral validity. +",0.88623774 +"trouens, geen stelsel wat die stelselmatige ontkenning van mense se regte verskans, kan volhou word nie. +","indeed no system that entrenches the systematic denial of people’s rights can be sustained. +",0.829106 +"ons het uiteindelik ons vryheid gewen, alhoewel dit meer as drie dekades sou neem voordat daar aan die eise van die bevrydingsbeweging voldoen is. +","though it would be over three decades before the demands of the liberation movement were met, we eventually won our freedom. +",0.7374172 +"ons het, toe ons die apart heidsgrondwet na die asblik van geskiedenis verban het, onsself verbind tot n nuwe grondwet en n nuwe stel waardes. +","in relegating the apartheid constitution to the dustbin of history, we committed ourselves to a new constitution and a new set of values. +",0.84530896 +"toe ek 25 jaar gelede die grondwetlike vergadering aangespreek het, het ek gesê dat ons grondwet meer as woorde op papier moet word; dit moet n werklikheid in ons mense se lewens word. +","when i addressed the constitutional assembly 25 years ago, i said our constitution must become more than words on a page; it must become a reality in the lives of our people. +",0.9133645 +"dié progressiewe en re volusionêre dokument sal ontoepaslik en niksseggend word as ons dit nie doen nie. +","unless we do so, this progressive and revolutionary document will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless. +",0.75962484 +"ons het lank reeds besluit watter tipe samelewing ons wil wees. +","we have long decided what kind of society we want to be. +",0.85785425 +"dit is n samelewing geskoei op menswaardig heid, gelykheid, vryheid en niediskriminasie. +","it is a society rooted in human dignity, equality, freedom and nondiscrimination. +",0.8455051 +"ons het vir n kwarteeu daaraan gewerk om so n sa melewing te ontwikkel. +","for a quarter of a century we have worked to build such a society. +",0.61857605 +"ons het onbetwisbaar gevorder, maar ons het steeds baie uit dagings en daar is baie werk wat nog gedoen moet word. +","we have made undeniable progress, but we still have many challenges and there is much work still to be done. +",0.8742608 +"kom ons dink aan hoe beslissend die breek met die stelsel wat deur rassisme, uit buiting, onteiening en onder drukking onderstut is en wat voorheen geseëvier het, was wanneer ons die herdenking vier van ons demokratiese grondwet se goedkeuring. +","as we mark the anniversary of the adoption of our democratic constitution, let us remember what a decisive break it was with the system underpinned by racism, exploitation, dispossession and oppression that had come before. +",0.72884834 +"kom ons onthou ook dat dit van ons afhang om die visie in die grondwet n werklik heid te maak, want dit is slegs deur te verseker dat alle suidafrikaners in staat is om hul grondwetlike regte vrylik en ten volle uit te leef dat ons werklik n verenigde nasie kan word.","sa strives to realise the vision of the constitution vukuzenzele unnamed sixty years ago, on 31 may 1961, apartheid south africa became a republic, cutting its ties with the british empire. +",0.72884834 +"die jeug is ons grootste bate vukuzenzele unnamed op 16 junie 1976 het die jeug van so weto en ander dele van die land opge staan teen die gru wel van bantoe onderwys. +","the youth are our greatest asset vukuzenzele unnamed on june 16th 1976, the youth of soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of bantu education. +",0.8938376 +"op daardie dag en die dae wat daarop sou volg, het baie mense hulle lewens verloor. +","on that day and in the days that followed, many lost their lives. +",0.859763 +"hulle is vermoor deur ‘n hartelose regering wat bitter min omgegee het vir swart lewens, en wat niks daarvan gedink het nie om met geweervuur los te brand op ongewapende kinders in skoolklere nie. +","they were killed by a callous regime that had little regard for black lives and thought nothing of opening fire on unarmed, uniformed schoolchildren. +",0.8568252 +"hierdie gebeure het die internasionale sentiment teen die apartheidsregering versterk en verdere stukrag aan die bevrydingstryd verleen. +","these events hardened international opinion against the apartheid regime and gave further impetus to the liberation struggle. +",0.8298774 +"jong mense het nog altyd die voortou geneem in sosiale verset van die antioutoritêre optogte in latynsamerika in die laat 1950’s tot die betogings regoor afrika in die laat 1960’s. +","young people have always been at the forefront of social protest, from the antiauthoritarian protests in latin america in the late 1950s, to the protests across africa in the late 1960s. +",0.87252855 +"die geskiedenis het die bydrae van die generasie van 1976 tot die internasionale studentebeweging en sy standpunt teen onderdrukking en onregverdigheid getrou opgeteken. +","history faithfully records the contribution of the generation of 1976 to the international student movement and its stance against oppression and injustice. +",0.86618924 +"hierdie historiese gebeurtenis 45 jaar gelede word nog steeds regoor afrika en die wêreld herdenk. +","this historic event 45 years ago continues to be commemorated across africa and the world. +",0.88519806 +"daarom is dit ontstellend dat kennis oor 16 junie besig is om af te neem onder jong suidafrikaners. +","it is therefore disturbing that knowledge of june 16th is diminishing among young south africans. +",0.89023554 +"dit gebeur veral onder die sogenaamde generasie z, die jong mense wat tussen 1997 en 2015 gebore is. +","this is particularly so among the socalled generation z, or young people born between 1997 and 2015. the 2019/2020 south african social attitudes survey published by the human sciences research council found that close to 40% of generation z has not heard of the historical events of june 16th. +",0.6956212 +"die 2019/2020 suidafrikaanse sosialehoudingsopname wat deur die raad vir geesteswetenskaplike navorsing (rgn) gepubliseer is, het bevind dat byna 40% van generasie z nie weet van die historiese gebeure van 16 junie nie. +","a similar percentage has heard about it but knows very little or nothing about it. +",0.5245298 +"‘n soortgelyke persentasie het daarvan gehoor, maar weet baie min of niks daaromtrent nie. +","nevertheless, the survey also found that young people of this generation are open to learning about key historical events and believe in their continued importance. +",0.60082734 +"desondanks het die opname bevind dat jong mense van hierdie generasie bereid is om meer te leer oor sleutel historiese gebeure en ook glo in die voortgesette belangrikheid daarvan. +","we need to do more as a country to ensure that the message of 1976 is transmitted faithfully. +",0.5828463 +"ons as ‘n land moet meer doen om seker te maak dat die boodskap van 1976 getrou oorgedra word. +","this is a collective responsibility of government, schools, tertiary institutions, parents, families, musicians, artists, and all of society. +",0.5013649 +"dit is die regering, skole, tersiêre instellings, ouers, families, musikante, kunstenaars en die hele samelewing se gesamentlike verantwoordelikheid. +","the generation that was born after apartheid ended inherited a country with a democratic constitution and where fundamental freedoms are protected. +",0.6261085 +"die generasie wat gebore is nadat apartheid beëindig is, het ‘n land geërf met ‘n demokratiese grondwet waar fundamentele vryhede beskerm word. +","the opportunities young black people have today are both vastly different and greatly improved. +",0.54852116 +"die geleenthede wat jong swartmense vandag het, verskil hemelsbreed van die verlede en het groot veran deringe ondergaan. +","keeping the story of june 16th alive is a reminder to today’s generation of the great sacrifices made to secure their freedom. +",0.6836444 +"deur die storie van 16 junie lewendig te hou, dien dit as ‘n herinnering aan vandag se generasie van die groot opofferings wat gemaak is om hulle vryheid te bewerkstellig. +","youth day is a reminder of the immense power and agency that young people have to create a better future for themselves. +",0.65013885 +"jeugdag is ‘n herinnering aan die ontsaglike krag en bemiddeling waaroor jong mense beskik om vir hulleself ‘n beter toekoms te skep. +","the struggles of young people in south africa today are many. +",0.54423016 +"vandag se jong mense beleef baie struikelblokke. +","young people have remained at the forefront of activism, whether in pursuit of free education or against social ills like genderbased violence. +",0.5404806 +"jong mense bly steeds aan die voorpunt van aktivisme, ongeag of dit in die strewe na gratis opvoeding of teen maatskaplike euwels soos geslaggebaseerde geweld is. +","today the greatest struggle young people wage is against unemployment, which has worsened under the covid19 pandemic. +",0.64889836 +"die grootste stryd wat jong mense vandag stry, is teen werkloosheid, wat onder die covid19pandemie toegeneem het. +","creating more opportunities for young people, and access to these opportunities, is government’s foremost priority. +",0.6069886 +"die regering se eerste prioriteit is om meer geleenthede, sowel as toegang daartoe, vir ons jong mense te skep. +","everything that we do as a government contributes towards improving the lives of young people. +",0.6298134 +"alles wat ons as ‘n regering doen, dra by tot die verbetering van die lewens van jong mense. +","tackling youth unemployment requires accelerating economic growth, particularly in labourintensive sectors, and building the capability of the state to fulfil its developmental role. +",0.59794545 +"om werkloosheid onder die jeug aan te pak, vereis versnelde ekonomiese groei, veral in arbeidsintensiewe sektore, sowel as die uitbouing van die staat se vermoë om sy ontwikkelingsrol te vervul. +","we are also driving this agenda through targeted interventions. +",0.50146323 +"ons bevorder hierdie agenda deur teikenintervensies. +","these include the presidential employment stimulus, which has provided work opportunities and livelihoods support for many young people. +",0.5714562 +"dit sluit in die presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus, wat werksgeleenthede en lewensonderhoud aan baie jong mense verskaf het. +","we have launched a range of additional measures to create opportunities, enhance skills development, support young entrepreneurs and enable the full participation of young people in the economy. +",0.6756469 +"ons het ‘n reeks addisionele maatreëls in plek gestel om geleenthede te skep, vaardigheidsontwikkeling te verbeter, jong entrepreneurs te ondersteun en jong mense in staat te stel om ten volle by die ekonomie in te skakel. +","this includes the establishment of a national pathway management network, sa youth, to make it easier for young people to view and access opportunities and receive active support to find pathways into the labour market. +",0.75848854 +"dit sluit in die vestiging van ‘n nasionale roetebestuursnetwerk, sa jeug, wat dit makliker moet maak vir jong mense om geleenthede raak te sien en te benut, en om aktiewe ondersteuning te kry om roetes na die arbeidsmark te betree. +","these are among the priorities of the presidential youth employment intervention, which was launched just weeks before we entered a national lockdown last year and which is now entering full implementation. +",0.69145757 +"laasgenoemde is enkele van die presidensiele jeugindiensnemingsintervensie se prioriteite, wat slegs weke voor die nasionale inperking verlede jaar bekendgestel is en wat tans ten volle geïmplementeer word. +","the presidential youth employment intervention was built on the understanding that addressing the youth unemployment crisis requires innovative thinking and strong partnerships across society. +",0.6915123 +"die presidensiële jeugindiensnemingsintervensie is gebou op die verstandhouding dat die oplossing vir die jeug se werkloosheidskrisis innoverende denke en sterk vennootskappe regoor die samelewing vereis. +","its ultimate objective is to find models that work, whether in skills development or active labour market policies, and to scale these rapidly to reach as many young people as possible. +",0.66480386 +"die uiteindelike doelwit is om modelle te kry wat werk, of dit nou in vaardigheidsontwikkeling is of aktiewe arbeidsmarkbeleide, en om dit vinnig te skaleer sodat soveel as moontlik jongmense bereik word. +","most importantly, it recognises that young people must be at the centre of any effort to boost youth employment. +",0.6406561 +"die belangrikste is dat die presidensiële jeugindiensnemingsintervensie erken dat jong mense sentraal moet staan in enige poging om jeugindiensneming ‘n hupstoot te gee. +","young people are our greatest asset, and our greatest weapon in this fight. +",0.51820546 +"jong mense is ons grootste bate en ons grootste wapen in hierdie stryd. +","we salute the resilience of every young person playing their part to build and develop this country. +",0.61048764 +"ons salueer die veerkragtigheid van elke jong persoon wat hulle deel doen om hierdie land op te bou en te ontwikkel. +","they are the young people volunteering in our communities, building our country through the presidential employment stimulus, running their own businesses and studying to better themselves. +",0.6524627 +"hulle is die jong mense wat vrywilligerwerk in ons gemeenskappe doen en ons land opbou deur die presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus, wat hulle eie besighede bedryf en studeer om hulleself beter te bekwaam. +","they are the young people who are forging their own path and bringing their families along with them. +",0.67087764 +"hulle is die jong mense wat hulle eie paadjie uitkap en hulle gesinne saam met hulle neem. +","we salute young people who keep working to improve their lives. +",0.5519972 +"ons salueer jong mense wat aanhou werk om hulle lewens te verbeter. +","young people are doing their part; they need government, and indeed all of society, to do ours. +",0.552901 +"jong mense doen hulle deel. +","our country is going through the most difficult of times, but we are working daily to expand the frontiers of hope. +",0.42877588 +"hulle het nodig dat die regering, en weliswaar die hele samelewing, hulle deel doen. +","we are seeing the green shoots of growth in our economy, and are confident this will translate to better opportunities for all. +",0.5431139 +"ons land gaan deur een van die moeilikste tye nog, maar ons werk daagliks daaraan om die grense van hoop uit te brei. +","the youth are our greatest asset vukuzenzele unnamed on june 16th 1976, the youth of soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of bantu education. +",0.5431139 +"sterker soe’s moet ekonomiese groei en transformasie aandryf vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika se onder nemings in staats besit (soe’s) word op die voorgrond al jare lank merendeels met staatskaping, finan siële wanbestuur en onbe kwaamheid vereenselwig. +","soes must drive economic growth and transformation vukuzenzele unnamed for some years now, south africa’s stateowned enterprises (soes) have mostly been associated in the public eye with state capture, financial mismanagement and inefficiency. +",0.8497338 +"benewens die gereelde finansiële inspuitings wat sommige van die land se grootste en belangrikste soe’s vanaf die regering benodig, sukkel hulle boonop om hul mandate na te kom. +","in addition to needing regular bailouts from government, some of the country’s biggest and most important stateowned companies have been struggling to meet their mandates. +",0.7915716 +"hierdie soe’s behoort aan die spits van ekonomiese en gemeenskaplike transformasie te staan. +","these soes should be at the forefront of economic and social transformation. +",0.84893954 +"hulle is daarvoor verantwoordelik om die infrastruktuur en dienste te verskaf waarop die ekonomie staatmaak, hetsy dit elektrisiteitsopwekking, pendelaarvervoer, waterverskaffing, vraglogistiek of telekommunikasie is. +","they are responsible for providing the infrastructure and the services on which the economy depends, whether it be in the generation of electricity, commuter transport, water provision, freight logistics or telecommunications. +",0.8887665 +"daar word aan ons benadering tot staatsbesit gestalte gegee deur die behoefte aan belangrike netwerkbedrywe wat doeltreffend funksioneer, soos energie en hawens, en die behoefte om te verseker dat daar aan die basiese behoeftes van alle suidafrikaners, veral die behoeftiges, voldoen kan word. +","our approach to state ownership is informed by the need for the effective functioning of key network industries, such as energy and ports, and by the need to ensure that the basic needs of all south africans, particularly the poor, can be met. +",0.8906345 +"ons glo vas dat staatseienaarskap in kernsektore van die ekonomie nodig is en dat die land sterk soe’s benodig wat ekonomiese groei en transformasie kan aandryf. +","we firmly believe that public ownership is necessary in critical sectors of the economy and that the country needs robust soes that are able to drive economic growth and transformation. +",0.8921742 +"dit is veral die geval in die lewering van staatsgoedere soos elektrisiteit en water waar soe’s in staat is om n ontwikkelingsmandaat in die openbare belang, teenoor n uitsluitlik kommersiële een, na te streef. +","this is particularly the case in the delivery of public goods such as electricity and water, where soes are able to pursue a developmental mandate in the public interest as opposed to a purely commercial one. +",0.8976963 +"dit is waarom ons die ommeswaai van hierdie ondernemings n regeringsprioriteit gemaak het – om korrupsie met wortel en tak uit te roei, hul bestuur te verbeter en hul in staat te stel om hul nodige rol te speel om ekonomiese groei en werkskepping aan te spoor. +","that is why we have made it a priority of this government to turn these companies around to root out corruption, improve their governance and enable them to play the role they should in driving economic growth and employment creation. +",0.8868675 +"ons het, met dié doel voor oë, n aantal verbeterings onderneem om hierdie soe’s te versterk sodat hulle die resultate wat die land benodig en verwag, kan lewer. +","to this end, we have embarked upon a number of reforms to strengthen these soes so that they can produce the results that the country needs and expects. +",0.8693849 +"een van die belangrikste verbeterings is in die energiesektor. +","one of the most important reforms is in the energy sector. +",0.8685131 +"ons het die proses begin om eskom te herstruktureer in drie soe’s wat verantwoordelik is vir onderskeidelik opwekking, geleiding en verspreiding. +","we have begun the process of restructuring eskom into three different soes, responsible for generation, transmission and distribution, respectively. +",0.8662871 +"die rede hiervoor is dat die vorige struktuur van eskom nie gepas was vir die veranderende energielandskap nie – dit het ondoeltreffend en duur geword en was nie deursigtig genoeg nie. +","this is because the previous structure of eskom was illsuited for a changing energy landscape. +",0.74874437 +"die spesifieke vestiging van n geleidingsentiteit sal beteken dat eskom in staat sal wees om krag vanaf n wyer reeks verskaffers, beide privaat en vanaf die staat, aan te koop. +","it had become inefficient and costly and was not sufficiently transparent. +",0.4932633 +"dit sal deursigtigheid verbeter, mededingendheid verhoog en die aankoop van elektrisiteit teen die laagste koste bevorder. +","the establishment of a transmission entity in particular will mean that eskom will be able to purchase power from a broader range of providers, both private and public. +",0.66365767 +"daar was beduidende privaat belegging in kragopwekking as deel van die program vir die verkryging van hernubare energie van onafhanklike kragprodusente (reippp). +","this will improve transparency, increase competitiveness and promote the purchase of lowestcost electricity. +",0.6479817 +"ons kan selfs meer privaat beleggings verwag met die voorstel om lisensiëringsvrystelling vir vasgelegde geleiding – waar maatskappye vir hulself en ander kommersiële verbruikers elektrisiteit vervaardig – van 1mw tot 100mw te verhoog. +","through the renewable energy independent power producers programme, there has been significant private investment in energy generation. +",0.61432207 +"dit is van kernbelang op n tydstip wat die land weens erge en volgehoue elektrisiteitstekorte swaarkry en waar nóg eskom nóg die regering in staat is om in nuwe opwekkingskapasiteit te belê. +","with the proposal to raise the licencing exemption for embedded generation – where companies produce electricity for themselves and other commercial users – from 1mw to 100mw, we can expect even more private investment. +",0.6477024 +"dit is belangrik dat dié verbeterings ook aan eskom die ruimte sal gun om sy finansiële en bestuursuitdagings aan te spreek. +","this is vital at a time when the country is suffering from severe and sustained electricity shortages and where neither eskom nor the state is able to invest in new generation capacity. +",0.638356 +"nóg n belangrike verbetering is die vestiging van die nasionale haweowerheid as n onafhanklike filiaalmaatskappy van transnet. +","importantly, these reforms will give eskom the space to address its financial and operational challenges. +",0.58820575 +"dit is n deurslaggewende deel van transnet se breedvoerige strategie om nuwe lewe te blaas in ons logistiekinfrastruktuur. +","another critical reform is the establishment of the national ports authority as an independent subsidiary of transnet. +",0.67561066 +"transnet beplan om oor die volgende vyf jaar r100 miljard in die opgradering van sy infrastruktuur regoor die hawestelsel te belê. +","this a crucial part of transnet’s broader strategy to revitalise our logistics infrastructure. +",0.6530444 +"dit sal ons hawens meer doeltreffend en ons uitvoere meer mededingend maak en die hele ekonomie bevoordeel. +","transnet plans to invest r100 billion over the next five years in upgrading its infrastructure across the ports system. +",0.5867903 +"vir die gewone verbruiker beteken dit verlaagde pryse op baie van ons goedere oor die langtermyn. +","this will make our ports more efficient and our exports more competitive, and benefit the entire economy. +",0.5812168 +"vir ons uitvoerders sal dit meer mededingendheid in wêreldmarkte beteken. +","for the ordinary consumer, it will mean reduced prices in the long term for many of our goods. +",0.6314587 +"ons ekonomie sal uitbrei en meer werke skep namate ons uitvoere groei. +","for our exporters, it will mean greater competitiveness in global markets. +",0.6258466 +"meer doeltreffende hawens sal die hele ekonomie beter laat werk – ’n styging in hawevolumes sal lei tot groter werkskepping in die hawens self. +","as our exports grow, our economy will expand and create more jobs. +",0.6516894 +"die vestiging van die nasionale haweowerheid as n transnetfiliaalmaatskappy met sy eie raad sal, onder meer, beteken dat inkomste wat deur die hawens gegenereer word, gebruik kan word om ou toerusting te vervang en ons hawens op te gradeer en uit te brei – werk wat vir meer as n dekade vertraag is. +","more efficient ports will make the entire economy work better – and as port volumes increase, jobs will be created at the ports themselves. +",0.6010246 +"dié verbeterings sal onder meer meer privaat belegging in die land se ekonomiese infrastruktuur aanspoor. +","establishing the national ports authority as a transnet subsidiary with its own board will, among other things, mean that revenues generated by the ports can be used to replace old equipment and upgrade and expand our ports, work which has been delayed for more than a decade. +",0.60348785 +"sommige mense het kommer uitgespreek dat dit die belangrikheid of waarde van soe’s sal verminder – inderwaarheid sal dit die teenoorgestelde tot gevolg hê. +","among other things, these reforms will encourage greater private investment in the country’s economic infrastructure. +",0.5427855 +"dié verbeterings sal verseker dat ons soe’s meer doeltreffend sal word en die bedrywe wat deur hulle ondersteun word meer mededingend sal word, terwyl strategiese infrastruktuur steeds stewig in staatsbesit bly. +","some people have expressed concerns that this will diminish the importance or reduce the value of soes. +",0.5810378 +"dié verbeterings is ook belangrik om te verseker dat soe’s hul breër ontwikkelingsmandate implementeer om alle landsburgers en die ekonomie te ondersteun. +","in fact, the contrary is true. +",0.29707703 +"ons beleid bly dat soe’s n belangrike ontwikkelingsrol moet speel in die ondersteuning van ons ekonomiese groei. +","these reforms will ensure that while strategic infrastructure remains firmly in state hands, our soes will become more efficient and the industries they support will become more competitive. +",0.66674584 +ons taak is om hulle op goeie voet te plaas sodat hulle hul uiteindelike aandeelhouers – suidafrikaners – kan dien.,"soes must drive economic growth and transformation vukuzenzele unnamed for some years now, south africa’s stateowned enterprises (soes) have mostly been associated in the public eye with state capture, financial mismanagement and inefficiency. +",0.66674584 +"steun vir besighede en werkers vukuzenzele unnamed om n besigheid te begin en te bedryf is baie soos om n gesin groot te maak. +","support for businesses and workers vukuzenzele unnamed starting and building a business is a lot like raising a family. +",0.8488082 +"dit neem van kleintyd tot volwassenheid tyd, geduld, volgehoue ondersteuning en koestering. +","it takes time, patience, con stant support and consistent nurturing from infancy to maturity. +",0.80620486 +"dit is vir baie besigheidseie naars hartverskeurend om te sien hoe die besigheid wat jy van niks af begin het en opgebou het, nou sukkel om aan die gang te bly of sy deure moet sluit. +","for many business owners, seeing a business that you grew from scratch struggling to survive, or even being forced to close its doors, is heartbreaking. +",0.7558528 +"dit is egter sedert uitbreek van die kovid19pandemie die situasie waarin baie besig hede — groot én klein — hulself bevind; nie net in ons land nie, maar regoor die wêreld. +","since the onset of the covid19 pandemic, this has sadly been the situation facing many businesses both large and small, not just in our country but around the world. +",0.8662761 +"die pandemie en die maatreëls wat ons moes instel om die verspreiding van die virus te bekamp, het n nadelige impak op besighede gehad. +","the pandemic and the meas ures we have had to take to contain the spread of the virus have had a detrimental impact on businesses. +",0.86042154 +"ons het, soos wat ons die pandemie hanteer, gepoog om n bewysgebaseerde benadering te volg, beide in beleid en praktyk, deur wetenskaplike navorsing, kliniese deskundigheid en vermoëns en daarmee saam ook die impak van die pandemie op alle dele van die bevolking, in oorweging te bring. +","in dealing with the pandemic we have sought to adopt an evidencebased approach in both policy and practice, con sidering scientific research, clinical expertise and capabil ities, and impact on all sectors of the population. +",0.88207525 +"ons het gepoog om n balans tussen die red van lewens en die red van mense se lewensbestaan, te handhaaf. +","we have sought to have a balance between saving lives and preserving livelihoods. +",0.8051572 +"ons het gepoog om die impak van die opeenvolgende inper kingbeperkings op mense se lewensbestaan te versag en terselfdertyd die risiko van n tweede en selfs erger armoedeen hongersnoodepidemie in die toekoms te vermy. +","we have sought to mitigate the impact of the successive lockdown restrictions on people’s livelihoods, or risk a second and possibly worse epidemic of poverty and hunger in future. +",0.881963 +"ons het laasjaar, aan die begin van die pandemie, maat reëls soos die kovid19 tydelike werkgewer/werknemerverligtingskema (ters), die kovid19leningswaarborgskema en verskeie ander meganismes ingestel om klein besighede te ondersteun en onmiddellike, korttermynverligting aan werknemers en besigheidseienaars te bied. +","in the earliest days last year, we introduced measures such as the covid temporary employer/employee relief scheme (ters), the covid19 loan guarantee scheme and various mechanisms to support small businesses to provide immediate and shortterm relief to burdened employees and business owners. +",0.8531009 +"daarbenewens het die spesiale kovid19 maatskaplike noodverligtingstoelaag tesame met meer breedvoerige bestaande maatskaplike toelaes n lewenslyn aan behoeftige individue en gesinne gebied. +","in addition, the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and broadening access to existing social grants provided lifelines to indigent individuals and families. +",0.82789207 +"dit was, deur dié ingrypings, vir ons moontlik om die ergste gevolge van die pandemie te versag, die sluiting van baie besighede en daarmee saam ver dere werksverliese, te vermy. +","through these interventions we were able to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic, preventing the closure of many businesses and the loss of even further jobs. +",0.80027395 +"dié ingrypings het n stewige basis vir die ekonomiese heropbouen herstelplan wat ons in oktober laasjaar geloods het, gevorm. +","they pro vided a firm foundation for the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we launched in october last year. +",0.81635725 +"ons het die presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus as deel van daardie plan gestig om inkomsteen lewensbestaansteun aan miljoene begunstigdes te verskaf. +","as part of that plan, we introduced the presidential employment stimulus to provide income and livelihood support to millions of beneficiaries. +",0.8586558 +"meer as 300 000 jongmense is, danksy dié stimulus, as skoolassistente aangestel. +","through the stimulus, over 300 000 young people have been placed as school assistants. +",0.8223814 +"meer as 100 000 bestaansboere is op die eerste databasis van sy soort geregi streer, waar hulle toegang tot tegniese steun het. +","more than 100 000 subsistence farmers are registered on the firstever database of its kind where they have access to technical support. +",0.8971543 +"meer as 30 000 jongmense is geleenthede in die kulturele, kreatiewe en sportsektore gegun. +","more than 30 000 young people have been given opportunities in the cultural, creative and sports sectors. +",0.90941346 +"jong beroepsmense is geleenthede in infrastruktuurontwikkeling, gesondheidsorg, omgewingsbewaring en n aantal ander sektore, gegun. +","young professionals have been given opportunities in infrastructure development, healthcare, environmental conservation and a number of other sectors. +",0.90198386 +"daar is belowende tekens dat ons ekonomie voortdurend herstel, met groei en werkskepping in n aantal sektore, van ver vaardiging tot mynwese en landbou. +","there are promising indi cations that our economy is steadily recovering, with growth and job creation in a number of sectors, from manufacturing to mining to agriculture. +",0.8741092 +"ons weet terselfdertyd dat dié ""groter prentjie"" nie veel van n vertroosting vir werkers en besigheidseienaars is wat in die afgelope jaar en n half vreeslik swaargekry het en gehoop het om n verbetering in hul omstandighede te sien met die stadige heropening van die ekonomie, nie. +","at the same time we know that this ‘bigger picture’ is cold comfort to workers and business owners who have suffered immeasurably over the past year and a half, and were hoping to see their situa tions improve as the economy slowly opened up. +",0.85313976 +"die blitsige styging in infeksies wat deur die nuwe deltavariant aangevuur word, het strenger beperkings op, onder meer, die beweging van mense, die bedryf van sekere soorte besighede en openbare byeenkomste vereis. +","the rapid rise in infections being fueled by the new delta variant necessitated the imposing of tighter restric tions on the movement of persons, on the operation of certain businesses and on public gatherings, among others. +",0.8689729 +"dié besluite was nie maklik om te maak nie, gedagtig aan die impak wat dit op mense se lewensbestaan sou hê. +","these were not been easy decisions to make, mindful of their impact on people’s livelihoods. +",0.8524518 +"ons het, net soos wat ons aan die begin van die pandemie gedoen het, met al ons maatskaplike vennote en die handel, arbeiden burgerlike samelewing beraadslaag om te sien watter vol houbare finansiële maatreëls ons kon instel om besighede en mense in nood in dié tyd te ondersteun. +","just as we did at the beginning of the pandemic, we engaged in deliberations with all social partners, business, labour and civil society to see what financially sustainable measures we could intro duce to support businesses and individuals in distress at this time. +",0.8684931 +"die onderhandelinge by die nasionale ekonomiese, ontwikkelingsen arbeidsraad het tot n konsensus gelei dat die mees praktiese en volhoubare finansiële maatreël wat drin gende verligting kan bring, die verlenging van die kovid19 tersskema in sektore wat deur die aangepaste waarsku wingsvlak 4beperkings geraak word, is. +","the negotiations at the national economic development and labour council resulted in consen sus that the most practical and financially sustainable measure that can provide urgent relief is extending the covid19 ters scheme to sectors that have been affected by the adjusted level 4 restrictions. +",0.8816044 +"ons het, as ondersteuning vir besighede, die geldigheid van hulle bedryfslisensies en per mitte wat tussen maart 2020 en junie 2021 verval het, tot 31 desember 2022 verleng. +","to support businesses whose operating licenses and per mits expired between march 2020 and june 2021, we are extending their validity until 31 december 2022. in addition, new business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1 july will also be valid until 31 december 2022, and no license fee will be payable. +",0.7908243 +"daarbenewens sal alle nuwe besigheidslisensies en permitte wat vanaf 1 julie 2021 uitgereik is, ook tot 31 desember 2022 geldig wees, en geen lisensie fooie sal gehef word nie. +","over the past year, we have also been working consist ently to protect vulnerable workers whose jobs were at risk, particularly in hardhit sectors like retail, food and beverage and the metals industry. +",0.5895488 +"ons het in die afgelope jaar ook deurlopend daaraan gewerk om kwesbare werkers wie se werke in gedrang was, veral in sektore soos kleinhandel, voedsel en drank en die metaalbedryf wat swaar getref is, te beskerm. +","through processes facili tated by the commission for conciliation, mediation and arbitration, some 58 000 jobs have been saved. +",0.6359357 +"sowat 58 00 werke is, deur middel van prosesse wat deur die kommissie vir versoening, bemiddeling en arbitrasie onder steun is, gered. +","with the pandemic show ing no immediate signs of ending, businesses and work ers remain vulnerable. +",0.606331 +"besighede en werkers bly, met geen teken dat die pandemie binnekort te eindig nie, kwesbaar. +","it is thanks to the social com pacts we continue to forge that government, business and labour have been able to work together to buffer work ers and businesses from the pandemic’s harsh economic impacts. +",0.6461226 +"ons kan, danksy die voortdurende maatskaplike ooreenkomste voortgaan om as staat, handel en arbeid saam te werk om n buffer te skep om werkers en besighede teen die pandemie se ergste ekonomiese impakte te beskerm. +","for now, our priority is saving lives, and ensuring that we provide the necessary support, within our means, to prevent more businesses closing down and more jobs being lost. +",0.65622944 +"ons eerste prioriteit bly vir nou om lewens te red en te verseker dat ons die nodige steun, binne ons vermoëns, verskaf om te ver hoed dat meer besighede sluit en meer werksgeleenthede verlore gaan. +","support for businesses and workers vukuzenzele unnamed starting and building a business is a lot like raising a family. +",0.65622944 +"inklusiewe gemeenskappe is noodsaaklik vir sa se sukses vukuzenzele unnamed alhoewel die ge weld en verwoes ting wat dele van kwazulunatal en gauteng onlangs ge teister het, groot skade aan eiendom en mense se lewensbestane be rokken het, het dit ook n reuse impak op die samehorigheid in ons gemeenskappe gehad. +","inclusive communities critical to sa’s success vukuzenzele unnamed while the violence and destruction that engulfed parts of kwazulunatal and gauteng recently caused much damage to property and livelihoods, it also had a huge impact on the cohesion of our communities. +",0.8876396 +"dit was veral ooglopend in die tragiese gebeure wat rondom phoenix en ethekwini afgespeel het. +","this was most evident in the tragic events that took place in and around phoenix in ethekwini. +",0.88624334 +"tydens die ergste onluste in ons demokrasie, en in n klimaat wat reeds gelaai is met agterdog en paranoia, het mense wat voorheen sy aan sy in relatiewe vrede geleef het, teen mekaar gedraai. +","during some of the worst unrest in our democracy, and in a climate already thick with suspicion and paranoia, people that had lived sidebyside in relative peace turned on each other. +",0.9078038 +"daar is nog baie wat aan die lig moet kom oor die gebeure wat plaasgevind het. +","there is still much we have to unearth about the events that took place. +",0.70816183 +"die toe name in vals nuus, gedokterde foto’s en foutiewe inligting het dit moeilik gemaak om tussen feit en fiksie te onderskei. +","the proliferation of fake news, doctored images and incorrect information has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction. +",0.8388761 +"maar ons weet wel, uit die amptelike verslae en persoon like ervarings van mense, dat mense volgens rasseprofiel uitgesonder is by onwettige padblokkades, dat sommige mense uit hul motors geruk en geslaan is, en dat sommige mense verne der en beledig is. +","but we do know from official reports and personal accounts that people were racially profiled at illegal roadblocks, some people were pulled out of cars and beaten, and some were humiliated and degraded. +",0.8531698 +"talle mense is om die lewe gebring. +","several people were killed. +",0.5551401 +"baie van die dinge wat gebeur het, is die onver mydelike uiteinde wanneer mense die reg in eie hande neem. +","much of what has happened is the inevitable outcome when people take the law into their own hands. +",0.8321909 +"eiegeregtigheid en vigilantisme sal nie in hierdie land geduld word nie. +","vigilantism will not be tolerated in this country. +",0.7923181 +"dit is onwettig en dit is gevaarlik. +","it is criminal and it is dangerous. +",0.8574925 +"noudat rus en vrede in die areas herstel is, is ons wetstoepassingsagentskappe besig om alle kriminele dade te ondersoek. +","now that calm has been restored to the affected areas, our law enforcement agencies are investigating all acts of criminality. +",0.83031857 +"n span speurders is aan gestel om die moorde te ondersoek en werk nou saam met die plaaslike gemeenskappe. +","a team of detectives has been assigned to deal with the murders and are working closely with local communities. +",0.72151047 +"daar is al inhegtenisnames uitgevoer en diegene wat verantwoordelik is, sal met die volle mag van die reg te doen kry. +","there have been arrests and those responsible will face the full might of the law. +",0.7574317 +"n groot deel van die relaas rondom die gebeure in phoenix is oorheers deur pogings om een ras teen n ander op te stook. +","much of the narrative around the events in phoenix has been dominated by attempts to turn one race against another. +",0.86920637 +"dit is aangeblaas deur naamlose mense wat buitensporige aantygings op sosiale media en boodskapgroepe ge maak het en wraaklustig heid onder mense gesaai het. +","it has been stoked by anonymous people on social media and in messaging groups making outrageous claims and calling for revenge. +",0.80636996 +"daar is n poging om dit te laat blyk as die ineenstorting van rasseverhoudinge tussen afrikaen indi ërgemeenskappe. +","there is an attempt to present this as a sign of imploding race relations between african and indian communities. +",0.80606115 +"net soos daar mense was wat probeer het om mense se weerloosheid uit te buit en chaos te veroorsaak, is daar diegene wat kriminele dade volgens rasseterme wou voorhou om hul eie agenda te dien. +","just as there were people who tried to exploit people’s vulnerability and cause mayhem, there are those who want to present criminal acts in racial terms to serve their own purposes. +",0.8359576 +"hulle sal nie slaag nie. +","they will not succeed. +",0.8630902 +"suidafrika het n trotse geskiedenis van begin selvaste, nierassige en werkersklassolidariteit. +","south africa has a proud history of principled nonracialism and working class solidarity. +",0.84354347 +"afrikaen indi ërgemeen skappe is verenig in die stryd teen apartheid en, tesame met ander gemeenskappe, bly verbind tot n verenigde en demokratiese samelewing. +","african and indian communities were united in the struggle against apartheid and, together with other communities, remain committed to a united and democratic society. +",0.8458475 +"in antwoord op die vrees en wantroue werk die mense van phoenix en die aan grensende bhambayi, zwelitsha en amaoti hard daaraan om die skade te herstel. +","in response to the fear and mistrust, the people of phoenix and the neighbouring areas of bhambayi, zwelitsha and amaoti are working to repair the damage. +",0.93902326 +"met behulp van n vredes forum wat deur die suid afrikaanse polisiediens op die been gebring is, in vennootskap met gemeenskapsleiers, het die gemeenskappe byeen gekom om diegene te ondersteun wat deur die onrus geraak is en om gesprekskanale te skep. +","aided by a peace forum established by the south african police service in partnership with community leaders, the communities have come together to support those affected by the unrest and to open channels of dialogue. +",0.8320614 +"dit is nie die enigste deel van die land wat voor sulke uitdagings staan nie. +","this is not the only part of the country that is confronted with such challenges. +",0.80699134 +"ons pogings om geïnte greerde gemeenskappe te bou word bemoeilik deur die nalatenskap van die beplanning onder apartheid en voortdurende ongelykheid. +","our efforts to build integrated communities are frustrated by the legacy of apartheid planning and persistent inequality. +",0.8399737 +"ons stede, dorpe en landelike gebiede word steeds verdeel op gronde van ras sowel as klas. +","our cities, towns and rural areas are still all divided by both race and class. +",0.82227147 +"dit ontmoe dig samewerking en begrip, en is n remskoen in ons poging om n nierassige samelewing te bou. +","this discourages cooperation and understanding, and hampers the work we have undertaken to build a nonracial society. +",0.7891495 +"om hierdie ruimtelike verwrongenheid reg te stel, moet n deel van ons werk wees om n inklusiewe ekonomie te bou en die lewenstoestande van alle suidafrikaners te verbeter. +","correcting these spatial distortions must be part of our work of building an inclusive economy and improving the living conditions of all south africans. +",0.88357234 +"dit is waarom ons hard werk om florerende informele nedersettings en landelike ekonomieë te vestig en fokus op die groei van kleinsakeondernemings. +","it is why we are working to build flourishing township and rural economies, and focusing on the growth of small businesses. +",0.8737052 +"dit is waarom ons in infra struktuur in hierdie areas belê en werk om diensver skaffing te verbeter. +","it is why we are investing in infrastructure in these areas and working to improve the provision of services. +",0.83421 +"terselfdertyd moet ons ras sisme in ons samelewing konfronteer. +","at the same time, we need to confront racism in our society. +",0.7470931 +"ons moet eer like gesprekke hê, nie net oor ons gesindhede teenoor mekaar nie, maar ook oor die materiële toestande wat ons verdeel. +","we need to have honest conversations not only about our attitudes to one another, but also about the material conditions that divide us. +",0.8325723 +"solank as wat die verdeling van rykdom en geleenthede in suidafrika nog grootliks deur ras en geslag bepaal word, sal ons nie in staat wees om n werklik verenigde nasie te kan bou nie. +","for as long as the division of wealth and opportunity in south africa is largely still determined by race and gender, we will not be able to build a truly united nation. +",0.88702714 +"die gebeure in phoenix is n pynlike herinnering aan hoe veel werk ons nog moet doen om inklusiewe gemeenskappe te bou waar die grense van die verlede suksesvol afge breek is. +","the events in phoenix are a painful reminder of how much work we still need to do to build inclusive communities that have successfully broken down the boundaries of the past. +",0.881886 +"hierdie gebeure toon ook hoe vasberade sommige mense is om ons te verdeel, en hoe ons alles in die stryd moet werp om hulle te weer staan. +","these events also demonstrate how determined some people are to divide us, and how we need to do everything we can to resist them. +",0.8810221 +"dit is ons gesamentlike ver antwoordelikheid om hierdie gemeenskappe in ethekwini en elders te ondersteun in hul reis na versoening en genesing. +","it is our collective responsibility to support these communities in ethekwini and elsewhere in their journey towards reconciliation and healing. +",0.854587 +"ons demokrasie is gebou deur brugbouers en vrede makers. +","our democracy was built by peacemakers and bridgebuilders. +",0.9076905 +"die argitekte van ons vryheid was waagmoedige afrika, indiër, kleurlingen wit mans en vrouens wat die pad van versoening bo vergelding gekies het, wat vrede bo oorlog gestel het. +","the architects of our freedom were african, indian, coloured and white men and women of great courage who chose the path of reconciliation over retribution, and of peace over war. +",0.86937493 +"soos ons daarna strewe om van hierdie gesament like nasionale trauma te herstel, laat ons soos een mens saamstaan. +","as we strive to heal from this collective national trauma, let us stand as one. +",0.80558944 +"laat ons ons verskille oorkom ter wille van ons almal se wel stand. +","let us overcome our differences in pursuit of the common good. +",0.6774819 +laat ons saamwerk om n gemeenskaplike toekoms te smee waarin almal n gelyke aandeel het.,"inclusive communities critical to sa’s success vukuzenzele unnamed while the violence and destruction that engulfed parts of kwazulunatal and gauteng recently caused much damage to property and livelihoods, it also had a huge impact on the cohesion of our communities. +",0.6774819 +"om n samelewing vry van staatskaping te bou vukuzenzele unnamed die geskeduleerde verhore van die regterlike kommissie van ondersoek na staatskaping het onlangs ten einde geloop, meer as 1 000 dae nadat die eerste getuienis aangehoor is. +","building a society free of state capture vukuzenzele unnamed the scheduled hearings of the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the public sector, including organs of state, recently ended, more than 1 000 days after the first witness testimony was heard. +",0.82927084 +"alhoewel die kommissie se voorsitter, adjunkhoofregter, raymond zondo, gesê het dat dit nodig mag wees dat daar nog n paar persone se getuienis aangehoor word, is die kommissie se werk nou een tree nader aan voltooiing. +","while the commission’s chairperson, deputy chief justice raymond zondo has said it may be necessary for a few more witnesses to testify, the work of the commission is now one step closer to completion. +",0.8939759 +"dit is n belangrike mylpaal wat ons nog nader bring aan afrekening met een van die mees vernietigende episodes in die geskiedenis van ons demokrasie. +","this is a significant milestone that brings us ever closer to a reckoning with one of the most ruinous episodes in the history of our democracy. +",0.9059919 +"selfs nog voordat regter zondo sy bevindings en aanbevelings aan die president voorlê, sal ons almal saam stem dat die kommissie se werk van onskatbare waarde was. +","even before judge zondo submits his findings and recommendations to the president, we can all agree that the commission’s work has been invaluable. +",0.8961945 +"oor die verloop van drie jaar het ons gedetailleerde getuienis aangehoor van beweerde dade van korrupsie op n massiewe skaal. +","over the course of three years, we have heard testimony detailing alleged acts of corruption on a massive scale. +",0.85879767 +"ons het gehoor van aksies wat gelei het tot die diefstal van miljarde rande se staatsgeld. +","we have heard about actions that resulted in the theft of billions of rands of public money. +",0.86544573 +"ons het gehoor hoeveel instansies en staatsbeheerde maatskappye opsetlik verswak is. +","we have heard how many public institutions and stateowned companies were deliberately weakened. +",0.8440438 +"hierdie blootlegging van die aard, omvang en diepte van staatskaping het nie agter geslote deure plaasgevind nie, maar is oor die hele land uitgesaai. +","this exposure of the nature, extent and depth of state capture did not take place behind closed doors, but was broadcast to the entire country. +",0.87869143 +"deur toe te laat dat suidafrikaners die kommissie se verrigtinge volg, het dit gehelp om openbare vertroue in ons demokrasie by die publiek in te boesem deur die wyse waarop dit openheid en deursigtigheid bevorder. +","by allowing all south africans to follow the commission’s proceedings, it has helped to instil public confidence in our democracy in the way it promotes openness and transparency. +",0.8664015 +"die land is groot dank verskuldig aan almal wat betrokke was by die werk van die kom missie — vanaf diegene wat n massiewe hoeveelheid inligting moes ondersoek, navors en saamstel, die talle getuies wat getuig en bewyse voorgelê het, die joernaliste wat ywerig verslaggedoen het oor die verrigtinge tot die prokureurs wat getuienis help aanbied het. +","the country owes a debt of gratitude to all who were involved in the work of the commission; from those who investigated, researched and compiled a huge amount of information; to the many witnesses who testified and provided evidence; to the journalists who diligently reported on the proceedings; to the lawyers who helped present evidence. +",0.8761677 +"ons is ook dank verskuldig aan die talle individue, waarvan sommige onbekend is, wie se optrede in die eerste plek tot die totstandkoming van die kommissie gelei het. +","we also owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals, some of whom remain unknown, whose actions led to the establishment of the commission in the first place. +",0.8147655 +"dit is diegene wat hierdie kriminele dade aan die lig gebring het, wat weerstand gebied het, wat uitgepraat het en veldtogte begin het — sowel in die openbaar as agter die skerms — om staatskaping tot n einde te bring. +","these are the people who unearthed these alleged criminal acts, who resisted, who spoke out and who took up campaigns – both public and behind the scenes – to end state capture. +",0.8535609 +"dit is danksy hulle dat ons nou van staatskaping in die verlede tyd kan praat. +","it is thanks to them that we now speak of state capture in the past tense. +",0.75574994 +"staatskaping het nie vanself tot n einde gekom nie. +","state capture did not end of its own accord. +",0.6993909 +"dit is tot n einde gebring deur die gesamentlike dade van suidafrikaners uit alle vlakke van die samelewing wat op verskeie terreine saamgewerk het om die waardes van ons grondwetlike demokrasie te herstel en die onus rus op ons almal om te verseker dat hierdie praktyke nooit weer herhaal sal word nie. +","it was brought to an end by the concerted actions of south africans from all walks of life, working in various areas to restore the values of our constitutional democracy. +",0.78365374 +"ons het oor die afgelope drie jaar verskeie belangrike stappe geneem om korrupsie en staatskaping aan te pak. +","and it is up to all of us to ensure that these practices are never allowed to happen again. +",0.48366424 +"ons het liggame soos die nasionale vervolgingsgesag (nvg), die suidafrikaanse polisiediens (sapd), die suidafrikaanse inkomstediens (said) en ander met noukeurigheid begin herop bou. +","over the past three years, we have taken several important steps to tackle corruption and state capture. +",0.49974853 +"ons het nuwe strukture opgerig, soos die ondersoek direktoraat van die nvg om hoëvlakkorrupsie te vervolg en die soe se spesiale beslissingsraad om gesteelde staatsfondse terug te win. +","we have been painstakingly rebuilding bodies like the national prosecuting authority (npa), the south african police service, the south african revenue service and others. +",0.71144944 +"ons het ons misdaadbestrydings kapasiteit verbeter deur die totstandkoming van die verbindingsentrum wat verskeie wetstoepassingsagentskappe bymekaar bring om inligting te deel en die ondersoek en vervolging van misdaad te koördineer. +","we have set up new structures, like the investigating directorate in the npa to prosecute highlevel corruption and the special investigating unit (siu) special tribunal to recover stolen public funds. +",0.71854335 +"ons het die leierskap van verskeie strategiese staats beheerde ondernemings verander en het die proses begin om hulle finansiële en operasionele gesondheid te herstel. +","we have improved our crimefighting capacity through the establishment of the fusion centre, which brings together various lawenforcement agencies to share information and coordinate the investigation and prosecution of crime. +",0.68053484 +"ons kyk na n nuwe sbomodel wat groter deursigtigheid, verantwoord baarheid en volhoubaarheid bevorder. +","we have changed the leadership at several strategic stateowned enterprises (soes), and begun the process of restoring them to financial and operational health. +",0.61760384 +"baie van hierdie werk is van voortgaande aard. +","we are working towards a new soe model that promotes greater transparency, accountability and sustainability. +",0.4886433 +"daar is gebiede waar die vorde ring baie stadiger is as wat ons wou hê, en hierdie areas geniet nou groter aandag. +","much of this work is ongoing. +",0.47165233 +"die bevindinge en aanbeve lings van die kommissie sal hierdie pogings ongetwyfeld versterk. +","there are areas where progress has been far slower than we would have hoped, and these are now receiving closer attention. +",0.55676067 +"ons verwag dat die kommissie sommige van die sistemiese swakplekke wat staatskaping moontlik gemaak het, sal identifiseer. +","the findings and recommendations of the commission will undoubtedly strengthen these efforts. +",0.53928196 +"dit sal ons in staat stel om verdere korrektiewe maatreëls te implementeer. +","we expect that the commission will identify some of the systemic weaknesses that allowed state capture to take place. +",0.5805958 +"alhoewel ons kan sê dat die era van staatskaping verby is, het ons nog nie korrupsie oorwin nie. +","this will empower us to take further corrective measures. +",0.53575873 +"bedrog en korrup sie bly diep ingebed in sowel die openbare as die privaat sektor. +","while we can say that the era of state capture is over, we have not defeated corruption. +",0.50907564 +"alhoewel dit nie op die skaal van staatskaping lê nie, kom sulke kriminele aktiwiteite ons land duur te staan, verswak ons instellings en ontneem dit suidafrikaners van baie basiese behoeftes. +","fraud and corruption remain pervasive and deeply entrenched in both the public and private sectors. +",0.5854467 +"korrupsie is ten beste immo reel, maar dit sny nog dieper ten tyde van n humanitêre krisis. +","although it may not be on the scale of state capture, such criminal activities cost our country greatly, weaken our institutions and deprive south africans of many basic needs. +",0.6436975 +"n mens praat hier van die afskuwelike dade van korrupsie, verlede jaar, in die verkryging van goedere en dienste wat nodig was in ons stryd teen die kovid19pandemie. +","corruption is deeply immoral at the best of times, but takes on a greater depravity in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. +",0.6293102 +"ons het vinnig opgetree om sodanige korrupsie te staak, om diegene wat verantwoordelik is te identifiseer en teen hulle op te tree. +","one speaks here of the despicable acts of corruption last year in the procurement of goods and services needed for our fight against the covid19 pandemic. +",0.6185416 +"dit is n bewys van ons toewyding om kor rupsie uit te roei. +","we acted swiftly to stop such corruption, to identify those responsible and to take action against them. +",0.5676935 +"ons het die tesourieregulasies verskerp, die verbindingsentrum gestig en die spesiale ondersoekeenheid (soe) n breë mandaat gegee om alle kovid19ver wante korrupsiebewerings te ondersoek. +","this is proof of our commitment to root out corruption. +",0.59676373 +"in wat as n eerste vir die land beskou word, het ons al die besonderhede van alle kovid19ver krygingskontrakte van alle staatsentiteite aanlyn gepubliseer. +","we tightened up treasury regulations, established the fusion centre and gave the siu a wideranging mandate to investigate all covid19related corruption allegations. +",0.72387826 +"die skade wat aan ons land aangerig is deur staatskaping, is diepliggend. +","in a first for the country, we also published online the details of all covid19 procurement contracts across all public entities. +",0.5666821 +"die nagevolge sal nog vir baie jare gevoel word, maar deur saam te werk, het ons begin om dinge reg te stel. +","the damage done to our country by state capture is deep. +",0.52061546 +"ons het begin om te herbou en te herstel. +","its effects will be felt for many years to come. +",0.40798208 +"ons kan verwag dat die uitkomste van die zondokommissie hierdie pogings oneindig sal versterk. +","but, working together, we have started to put things right. +",0.47569206 +"hier die uitkomste sal aan ons die geleentheid bied om n besliste en blywende breuk met die staatskapingsera te maak. +","we have started to rebuild and restore. +",0.50337183 +"daar is nog baie werk wat voorlê, en baie uitdagings moet nog die hoof gebied word, maar ons is op pad om n samelewing te bou wat vry is van die euwels van staatskaping en korrupsie.","building a society free of state capture vukuzenzele unnamed the scheduled hearings of the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the public sector, including organs of state, recently ended, more than 1 000 days after the first witness testimony was heard. +",0.50337183 +"suidafrika huldig oopvlekkers vukuzenzele unnamed in die afgelope drie jaar sedert die kommissie van ondersoek na staatskaping afgeskop het, het ons te hore gekom van die uiterstes waartoe die oortreders wat korrupsie gepleeg het, gegaan het om hul misdade weg te steek. +","sa salutes whistleblowers vukuzenzele unnamed over the course of the three years, since the commission of inquiry into state capture started its work, we have heard of the lengths to which the perpetrators of corrupt acts have gone to conceal their misdeeds. +",0.8475442 +"dit was n uiterse ingewik kelde taak om die strekking van die netwerke van invloed wat korrupsie bemoontlik het, te ontrafel. +","it has been an extremely complex undertaking to unravel the networks of influence that enabled corruption. +",0.78729534 +"onder meer is talle frontmaatskappye gestig om fondse rond te skuif en beta lings aan politiesinvloedryke individue te verskans. +","among other things, vast webs of front companies were established to move funds around and disguise payments made to politicallyconnected individuals. +",0.7995983 +"dieselfde patrone is gesien in verskeie onder soeke na korrupsie wat onderneem is deur die spe siale ondersoekeenheid, die direktoraat van prioriteitsmis daadondersoek, die nasionale vervolgingsowerheid (nvo) se ondersoekdirektoraat en andere. +","the same patterns have been seen in a number of investigations into corruption being undertaken by the special investigating unit (siu) the directorate for priority crime investigation, the national prosecuting authority's (npa) investigating directorate and others. +",0.8497505 +"namate hierdie ondersoeke gevorder het en die strop al nouer getrek het om individue wat in hierdie misdade ver wikkel is, het ons ook gesien hoe ooggetuies gedreig is, hul families geïntimideer is, hulle geforseer is om weg te kruip, en selfs vermoor is. +","as these investigations progressed and the net began to close on implicated individuals, we have seen witnesses being threatened, their families intimidated, being forced into hiding, and even killed. +",0.8216867 +"die moord op babita deoka ran, n senior finansiesbeampte in die gautengse departement van gesondheid, beklemtoon weereens wát alles op die spel geplaas word in ons gesa mentlike poging om hierdie kanker uit ons samelewing te sny. +","the murder of babita deokaran, a senior finance official in the gauteng health department, is a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in our collective quest to remove this cancer from our society. +",0.8867341 +"alhoewel ons nog nie weet wat die beweegrede agter haar moord is nie, weet ons dat sy n sleutelgetuie was in n soeondersoek na die verkryging van persoonlike veiligheids toerusting in die departement. +","while we do not yet know the motive for her murder, she was a key witness in a siu investigation into the procurement of personal protective equipment in the department. +",0.819931 +"die sapd en privaat sekuri teitspanne wat onlangs sewe verdagtes vasgetrek het, moet geprys word vir hul harde werk. +","the saps and the private security teams who apprehended seven suspects recently are to be commended for their work. +",0.74737084 +"die dossier is oorgegee aan die valke en die ondersoek sal hopelik verdere lig werp op die rede waarom me. +","the docket has been transferred to the hawks, and the investigation will yield further information on why ms deokaran was murdered. +",0.73899174 +"deokaran om die lewe gebring is. +","regardless of the circumstances behind this tragedy, ms deokaran was a hero and a patriot. +",0.4939903 +"ongeag die omstandighede agter hierdie tragedie, is me. +","as are the legions of whistleblowers who, at great risk to themselves, help to unearth instances of misdeeds, maladministration, cronyism and theft. +",0.49778563 +"deokaran n heldin en n patriot, so ook die krygsmag oopvlek kers wat, teen groot eie risiko, help om gevalle van misdaad, wanadministrasie, baantjies vir boeties en diefstal aan die kaak te stel. +","without their brave and principled interventions, we would be unable to unmask those committing corruption. +",0.62205476 +"sonder hul dapper en begin selvaste intrede sou ons nie in staat wees om diegene wat korrupsie pleeg, te ontmasker nie. +","though much focus in recent times has been on whistleblowers in the public sector, we also owe a debt of gratitude to those in the private sector whose actions receive less attention, but are equally important. +",0.6238888 +"alhoewel die aandag die afgelope ruk merendeels op oopvlekkers in die openbare sektor gevestig is, is ons ook dankbaarheid verskuldig aan dié in die privaat sektor wie se optrede minder aandag geniet het, maar net so belangrik is. +","whistleblowers are important guardians of our democracy. +",0.5302478 +"oopvlekkers is belangrike bewakers van ons demokra sie. +","they raise the alarm against unethical acts and practices in government and organisations. +",0.55131054 +"hulle maak alarm teen onetiese dade en praktyke in die regering en organisasies. +","they speak out in good faith and with a reasonable expectation not only that action will be taken on their disclosures, but that they will be protected and not suffer victimisation or prejudice. +",0.61059546 +"hulle kom op en maak stem dik in goedertrou en met die billike verwagting dat daar nie net opgetree sal word na aan leiding van hul onthullings nie, maar dat hulle ook beskerm sal word en nie geviktimiseer of vooroordeel sal word nie. +","in south africa there is extensive legislative protection for whistleblowers, including through the protected disclosures act, labour relations act, companies act, protection against harassment act, and the constitution itself. +",0.66847503 +"in suidafrika is daar breed voerige wetlike beskerming vir oopvlekkers, waaronder by wyse van die wet op beskerm ende bekendmakings, die wet op arbeidsverhoudinge, die maatskappywet, die wet op beskerming teen teistering asook die grondwet self. +","in addition, the department of justice and correctional services, working with other lawenforcement agencies, administers the office of witness protection to provide support to vulnerable and intimidated witnesses in any judicial proceedings. +",0.6452612 +"daarbenewens verskaf die kantoor vir getuiebeskerming wat deur die departement van justisie en korrektiewe diens te in samewerking met ander wetstoepassingsagentskappe bestuur word, steun aan weerlose getuies en getuies wat tydens enige regsprosesse geïntimideer word. +","entering witness protection is voluntary, and neither the saps nor the npa can compel a witness to do so. +",0.67069614 +"om die getuiebeskermingsprogram te betree is vrywillig en nóg die sapd nóg die nvo kan n getuie daarin forseer nie. +","should a witness receive threats to their life or feel unsafe, they have to inform investigators and apply for admission to the programme. +",0.6446871 +"sou n getuie lewensdrei gemente ontvang of onveilig voel, moet hulle die speurders in kennis stel en aansoek om die program doen. +","this successful programme has played a key role in securing successful prosecutions since its inception, particularly with regards to organised crime. +",0.58602935 +"hierdie suksesvolle program het al meermale sedert die stigting daarvan n sleutelrol gespeel om suksesvolle vervolgings te verseker, veral met betrekking tot georganiseerde misdaad. +","it is clear that as the fight against corruption gathers momentum, we need to urgently review our current approach not only to witness protection, but also to the broader protection of whistleblowers. +",0.6490344 +"dit is duidelik dat, soos wat die stryd teen korrupsie momentum bou, ons drin gend ons huidige benadering tot nie slegs die beskerming van getuies nie, maar ook die beskerming van oopvlekkers in die algemeen moet hersien. +","while numerous systems are in place to enable whistleblowers to report anonymously, we need to tighten up existing systems and provide greater support to those who publicly come forward with information. +",0.71485966 +"alhoewel verskeie stelsels in plek gestel is om oopvlekkers toe te laat om inligting ano niem te onthul, moet ons die huidige stelsels verskerp en meer ondersteuning lewer aan diegene wat in die openbaar met inligting na vore kom. +","as society, we need to identify where existing laws and policies are inadequate in protecting the livelihoods, reputations and safety of whistleblowers – and work together to address these. +",0.6563289 +"as samelewing moet ons vasstel waar ons huidige wetgewing en beleide ontoerei kend is om die lewensbestaan, reputasies en veiligheid van oopvlekkers te beskerm en saam werk om dit aan te spreek. +","the intent of the criminals who target whistleblowers is not only to silence particular individuals – it is also to send a message to other potential whistleblowers. +",0.6140759 +"kriminele wat oopvlekkers teiken het nie net ten doel om sekere individue stil te maak nie — hulle wil ook n boodskap stuur aan ander voornemende oopvlekkers. +","day by day, brave south africans like babita deokaran are standing firm that they will not be party to corruption and they are prepared to bear witness against it. +",0.6446831 +"dag na dag staan suidafrikaners soos babita deokaran vas; hulle weier om deel te wees van korrupsie en is bereid om as getuies teen dit te staan. +","as the south african people, we salute her and all the whistleblowers in the public and private sectors who are exposing corruption to the harshest of glares. +",0.67793334 +"as suidafrikaners bring ons hulde aan haar en al die ander oopvlekkers in die openbare en privaat sektor wat korrupsie ontbloot. +","they are doing so without expectation of acknowledgement or reward. +",0.52426124 +"hulle doen dit sonder om erkenning of vergoeding te verwag. +","theirs is the highest form of public service. +",0.43736824 +"dít is die hoogste vorm van openbare diens. +","we cannot let them down. +",0.35882357 +"ons kan hulle nie in die steek laat nie. +","we must, and we will, ensure that their disclosures result in prosecutions and do much more to ensure that they are protected from harm. +",0.3959725 +"ons moet, en ons sal, seker maak dat hul onthullings lei tot vervolgings en ook meer doen om seker te maak dat hulle beskerm word. +","as south africans, we want to send a strong a message that we will not be intimidated. +",0.58821493 +"as suidafrikaners wil ons n sterk boodskap stuur dat ons nie geïntimideer sal word nie. +","sa salutes whistleblowers vukuzenzele unnamed over the course of the three years, since the commission of inquiry into state capture started its work, we have heard of the lengths to which the perpetrators of corrupt acts have gone to conceal their misdeeds. +",0.58821493 +" brics n sleutelfaktor in sa se groei vukuzenzele unnamed n jaar voordat die eerste demokratiese verkiesing plaas gevind het, het president nelson mandela n artikel in die foreign policytyd skrif geskryf oor die nuwe suidafrika se toekomsti ge buitelandse beleid. +","brics key to sa's growth vukuzenzele unnamed a year before the first democratic elections, president nelson mandela wrote an article in foreign policy magazine on the new south africa’s future foreign policy. +",0.91243845 +"in sy nadenke oor die wêreldwye bondgenoot skappe wat gevorm is weens die beëindiging van die koue oorlog, het hy geskryf dat lande ""weer hulle nette sal moet uitgooi"" as hulle enigsins wou baatvind by internasionale sake. +","reflecting on the shifts in global alliances brought about by the end of the cold war, he wrote that countries would have to ""recast their nets"" if they were to reap any benefit from international affairs. +",0.8426069 +"sedert die tektoniese ver skuiwing van 1994 toe ons besluit het om nie net apart heid af te skaf nie, maar ook weg te breek van die inter nasionale opvatting van apartheid se argitekte, word suidafrika se buitelandse beleid gekenmerk deur dié ""heruitgooi van die nette"". +","since the tectonic shift of 1994 when we made a decisive break with not just apartheid but the international relations outlook of its architects, south africa’s foreign policy continues to be characterised by this ""recasting the net"". +",0.87902796 +"ons buitelandse beleidspri oriteite is streeksintegrasie op politieke en ekonomiese gebied, die ontwikkeling van afrika, multilaterale betrok kenheid en die bevordering van demokrasie, vrede en menseregte. +","our foreign policy priorities are regional political and economic integration, pursing african development, multilateral engagement and the promotion of democracy, peace and human rights. +",0.8786046 +"ons het met dié doel ons strategiese alliansies met sowel die lande van die globale suide as wedersyds voordelige samewerking met die lande van die noorde opgebou. +","to this end, we have forged strategic alliances with both the countries of the global south and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the north. +",0.8391746 +"ons inskakeling by die bricslande in 2010 was n mylpaal in ons strewe om ons eie nasionale ontwikkelings prioriteite te bevorder deur sterker bande te smee met die belangrike ontluikende ekonomieë van brasilië, rus land, indië en china. +","joining the brics group of countries in 2010 was a milestone in our quest to advance our own national development priorities by forging stronger ties with the important emerging economies of brazil, russia, india and china. +",0.9197261 +"in konteks gesien, kom 41% van die wêreldbevolking in die bricslande voor en sorg dié lande vir 24% van die glo bale bbp en vir ongeveer 16% van wêreldwye handel. +","put into context, brics countries comprise roughly 41% of the world’s population and account for around 24% of global gdp and some 16% of global trade. +",0.8973044 +"in ons lidmaatskap van dié blok het ons die meeste gebaat op die gebied van ekonomiese samewerking. +","we have reaped the benefits of membership of this important bloc, most notably in the area of economic cooperation. +",0.75825286 +"bilaterale handel het gegroei, veral met china en indië, met kommoditeits uitvoere en die invoer van vervaardigde goedere hoog op die lys. +","bilateral trade has grown, particularly with china and india, with commodity exports and manufactured goods imports featuring strongly. +",0.87639296 +"die bricslande is steeds belangrike bronne van buitelandse direkte beleggings op sleutelgebiede soos mynbou, die motorbe dryf, vervoer, skoon energie, finansiële dienste en it. +","the brics countries continue to be important sources of foreign direct investment in key such as mining, automotive, transportation, clean energy, financial services and it. +",0.91700125 +"n hersiening van ons bricslidmaatskap in 2018 deur die professionele diens temaatskappy, deloitte, het uitgewys dat bricsvennote ""drie keer meer kapitaal in die land belê het as in die sewe jaar voor 2011"". +","a 2018 review of our brics membership by professional services firm deloitte noted that brics partners ""invested three times more capital in the country compared to the seven years prior to 2011"". +",0.8886459 +"dié beleggings en projekte het op hulle beurt tot beduidende werkskepping gelei. +","these investments and projects have in turn led to significant job creation. +",0.8486552 +"sedert die ontstaan van die nuwe ontwikkelings bank, wie se streekkantoor in johannesburg geleë is, is suidafrika n begunstigde van finansiering en tegniese ondersteuning vir projekte in vervoer, skoon energie, omgewingsbeskerming, waterinfrastruktuur en die vermindering van kweek huisgasse. +","since the formation of the new development bank, whose regional office is located in johannesburg, south africa has been a beneficiary of financing and technical support for projects in transportation, clean energy, environmental protection, water infrastructure and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. +",0.9281306 +"sedert die uitbreek van die kovid19pandemie, het suidafrika $2 miljard in befondsing van die nuwe ontwikkelingsbank onder die kovid19noodfinansie ringsprogram ontvang om die pandemie te bestry en om ekonomiese herstel te steun. +","since the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, south africa has received $2 billion in funding from the new development bank under the covid19 emergency loan programme to fight the pandemic and to support our economic recovery. +",0.91065586 +"daar was ook beduidende samewerking met ons bricsvennote om persoonlike beskermende toerusting te bekom, asook ten opsigte van die toegang tot en versprei ding van entstof. +","there has also been substantial cooperation with our brics partners in securing personal protective equipment and cooperation around vaccine access and distribution. +",0.8309745 +"ons het onlangs deel geneem aan die 13de bricsspitsberaad waar bricslande ooreengekom het om nog nouer saam te werk om kovid19 te bestry en om die politieke en finansi ële hulpbronne te mobiliseer wat nodig is vir toekomstige pandemiegereedheid. +","we recently participated in the 13th brics summit, where brics countries agreed to deepen cooperation to fight covid19 and mobilise the political support and financial resources needed to respond to future pandemic preparedness. +",0.919678 +"dit behels die ves tiging van n virtuele bricsentstofnavorsingen ontwikkelingsentrum asook n geïntegreerde vroeë waarskuwingstelsel om toekomstige uitbrekings van aansteeklike siektes in bricslande te voorspel. +","this includes the establishment of a virtual brics vaccine research and development centre and a brics integrated early warning system to forecast future outbreaks of infectious diseases. +",0.82748926 +"nog n belangrike gebied van ooreenkoms was die wedersydse erkenning van nasionale dokumente oor inenting en stelsels vir kovid19toetse — wat noodsaaklik sal wees vir oorgrensreise in die toekoms. +","another important area of agreement was on mutual recognition of national documents of vaccination and systems of covid19 testing – something that will be vital to crossborder travel in the future. +",0.89889216 +"die begrip van wedersyds voordelige same werking sal veral belangrik wees in die globale ekono miese herstelplanne waar ongelyke ontwikkeling beteken dat sommige lande vinnig sal herstel en ander agter sal raak. +","the concept of mutually beneficial cooperation will be particularly important in the global economic recovery, where unequal development means that some countries will bounce back quickly, while others will lag behind. +",0.8722505 +"ter ondersteuning van ekonomiese herstel, het die bricsvennote ooreengekom om hulle samewerking te ver stewig in katalitiese sektore soos energie, it, wetenskap, tegnologie en innovering, landbou en die groen eko nomie. +","in support of economic recovery, brics partners agreed to strengthen collaboration in catalytic sectors such as energy, it, science, technology and innovation, agriculture and the green economy. +",0.90439224 +"dit is almal belangrike sektore wat geïdentifiseer is in ons ekonomiese heropbouen herstelplan wat verlede jaar aangekondig is. +","these are all important sectors identified in our economic reconstruction and recovery plan announced last year. +",0.88469774 +"samewerking met ander bricslande, veral op die terrein van innovasienavors ing, sal help om ons land se industrialisasie te versnel en om ons doelwitte vir die vierde nywerheidsom wenteling te bereik. +","cooperation with other brics countries, particularly in the field of innovation research, will help to accelerate our country’s industrialisation and help us meet our fourth industrial revolution aspirations. +",0.8974712 +"in dié verband is samesprekings oor die vorming van formele bricsplatforms gehou om beste praktyk, kennis en kun digheid te deel, insluitend die gebruik van oopbrontegnolo gieplatforms. +","in this regard, discussions were held around the creation of formal brics platforms to share best practice, knowledge and expertise, including the use of open source technology platforms. +",0.8980899 +"die bricsvennote het saamgestem dat ontwikke lende lande hulp nodig het om die vn se volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik, en dat skenkerlande hulle verantwoordelikhede in dié verband moet nakom. +","the brics partners agreed that developing countries need assistance to achieve the un sustainable development goals, and that donor countries should honour their commitments in this regard. +",0.8340165 +"dit is veral belangrik in die konteks van klimaatsaksie. +","this is particularly important within the context of climate action. +",0.86023337 +"soos die meeste lande, wil suidafrika n laekoolstof ontwikkelingspad volg, wat inklusief en volhoubaar is en wat ons status as n ontwik kelende land in ag neem. +","like most countries, south africa seeks to move towards a lowcarbon development path that is inclusive, sustainable and that takes into account our status as a developing country. +",0.85205305 +"die brics se samewerkingsplat form vir energienavorsing sal baie nuttig wees soos ons poog om ons energiehulp bronne te diversifiseer. +","the brics energy research cooperation platform will be valuable as we move to diversify our energy sources. +",0.81997263 +"in die elf jaar sedert ons by brics aangesluit het, het ons lidmaatskap ons nasionale belang aansienlik bevorder. +","in the 11 years since we joined brics, our membership has substantially advanced our national interest. +",0.9035539 +"deur n lid van brics te wees het ons posisie as n belangrike opkomende ekonomie bevor der. +","being a member of brics has enhanced our position as an important emerging economy. +",0.84389055 +"dit het ons toegang gegee tot beleidsen tegniese kun digheid van groter en meer gevestigde ekonomieë, asook toegang tot die ondersteu ning van die nasionale ontwikkelingsbank. +","it has given us access to policy and technical expertise of larger and established economies, as well as access to the support of the national development bank. +",0.8501768 +"dit het ons aktivisme op die wêreld verhoog versterk, veral wat betref die hervorming van multilaterale instellings. +","it has strengthened our activism on the global stage, particularly around reform of multilateral institutions. +",0.8716482 +"ons het ook voordeel getrek deur deel te wees van n kollek tiewe stem wat daarna streef om n wêreldorde te bevorder wat gebaseer is op weder sydse respek en die gelyke soewereiniteit van nasies. +","we have benefitted from being part of a collective voice striving to advance a world order based on mutual respect and the equal sovereignty of nations. +",0.8140515 +"brics is, en sal nog vir n geruime tyd in die afsienbare toekoms, van onskatbare strategiese belang vir ons land wees.","brics key to sa's growth vukuzenzele unnamed a year before the first democratic elections, president nelson mandela wrote an article in foreign policy magazine on the new south africa’s future foreign policy. +",0.8140515 +"korrupsie in die staatsdiens moet stop vukuzenzele unnamed die onlangse onthul ling in die parle ment dat duisen de staatsamptenare elke maand onwettig maatskap like toelae ontvang, bewys dat ons nog n lang pad het om te stap om n kul tuur van werksetiek in die staatsdiens te vestig. +","ending corruption in the public service vukuzenzele unnamed the revelation in parliament that thousands of public servants have been illegally receiving social grants every month shows we still have a long way to go towards instilling a culture of ethics in the public service. +",0.833536 +"vroeër vanjaar is daar ook bevind dat meer as 16 000 werknemers in diens van die staat onreëlmatige uit betalings van die spesiale kovid19 maatskaplike noodverligtingstoelaag ont vang het. +","earlier this year, it was also found that around 16,000 employees on the government payroll were irregularly paid the covid19 social relief of distress grant. +",0.8174697 +"dit is algemeen bekend dat mense wat om hierdie toelaag aansoek doen terwyl hulle wel n ander bron van inkomste het, nie vir die toelaag kwalifiseer nie. +","it is common knowledge that applicants with other sources of income do not qualify for this grant. +",0.7718848 +"dit is ook vanselfsprekend dat mense wat n inkomste vanaf die staat ontvang, nie in aan merking kom om vir hierdie toelaag aansoek te doen nie. +","it is also selfevident that those who receive an income from the state are not eligible to apply. +",0.75313026 +"en tog het hulle. +","and yet they did. +",0.6114669 +"sowat 17 000 mense werksaam by die staat, op beide nasionale en provinsiale vlak, het aansoeke ingedien met die doel om hul salarisse aan te vul met geld wat vir die behoeftiges bestem is. +","some 17,000 people employed at national and provincial government submitted applications in a bid to top up their salaries with money meant for the poor. +",0.8492464 +"gegewe die omvang van armoede in ons land, iets waarvan ons staatsamptenare maar ál te bewus is, is hierdie doelbewuste diefstal uit die staatskoffers onvergeeflik. +","given the extent of need in the country, one that our public servants know too well, this wilful intent to steal from the public purse is unforgivable. +",0.8572943 +"die staat is nou besig om streng stappe te neem om hier die soort misbruik teen te kant en sal korte mette maak van enige staatsamptenare wat hul skuldig maak aan sulke misdade. +","government is now stepping up its efforts to prevent this kind of abuse and act against anyone in the public service involved in wrongdoing. +",0.7927084 +"die staat het onlangs n nuwe eenheid vir etiek, integriteit en dissiplinêre tegniese bystand in die openbare administrasie gestig. +","recently, government launched a new public administration ethics, integrity and disciplinary technical assistance unit. +",0.82946146 +"die eenheid sal kapasi teit ontwikkel onder openbare instansies om dissiplinêre aksies van stapel te stuur in gevalle van wangedrag en sal met ander staatsinsellings saamwerk om diegene wat hulle aan ongerymdhede skul dig maak, tot verantwoording te bring. +","the unit will build capacity within public bodies to institute disciplinary proceedings in cases of misconduct and cooperate with other organs of state in holding those responsible to account. +",0.8652836 +"die eenheid sal kor rupsiesake na die staat se teenkorrupsietaakmag verwys en opvolg met depar temente om seker te maak dat kriminele sake waarby staatsamptenare betrokke is, tot dissiplinêre aksie lei. +","the unit will refer corruption cases to government’s anticorruption task team and follow up with departments to ensure criminal cases involving public servants translate into disciplinary cases. +",0.81639725 +"die eenheid sal saam met die multiagentskap fusion centre werk om werknemers betrokke in prioriteitsake wat deur die wetstoepassingso werhede ondersoek word, te identifiseer. +","working with the multiagency fusion centre, the unit will help identify employees in priority cases investigated by law enforcement authorities. +",0.8260884 +"die eenheid sal die leefstyl oudits op staatsamptenare monitor. +","the unit will monitor the conduct of lifestyle audits of public service employees. +",0.7010357 +"waar departemente korrupsie en onverklaarbare welgesteldheid identifiseer, sal die sake na die suidafri kaanse polisiediens verwys word. +","where departments identify corruption and unexplained wealth, the cases will be referred to the south african police service. +",0.8364556 +"die nuwe eenheid het reeds in alle erns skouer aan die wiel begin sit en help om staatsamptenare te identifiseer wat betrokke is in sake wat met kovid19verkrygingsbedrog, asook bedrog rakende die spesiale kovid19toelaag en die werkloosheidsversekerings fonds, verband hou. +","the new unit has already begun its work in earnest, helping to identify public servants involved in cases related to covid19 procurement, the special covid19 grant and unemployment insurance fund fraud. +",0.84139925 +"sake waar staatsamptenare deur die spesiale onder soekeenheid vir dissiplinêre aksie verwys is, sal deur die eenheid gemonitor word om hierdie sake se vordering te volg. +","the cases of government officials referred by the special investigating unit for disciplinary action will be monitored by the unit to assess their progress. +",0.7614439 +"nog n belangrike deel van die eenheid se werksaam hede sal wees om etiek en integriteit in die range van die staatsdiens te vestig. +","another important aspect of the unit’s work will be institutionalising ethics and integrity in the ranks of the public service. +",0.8256133 +"n paar staatsamptenare het oor die jare heen die standpunt ingeneem dat dit toelaatbaar is om uitermate voordeel te trek uit die staat of om besigheid met die staat te doen, hetsy deur hulself of hul vriende en familie, mits daar niks onwet tig plaasgevind het nie. +","a few public servants have over the years taken the view that doing business with or unduly benefiting from the state is permissible for them, their friends and their families, provided there has been no illegality. +",0.84889203 +"ons moet alles binne ons vermoë doen om hierdie houding tot niet te bring. +","we must do everything we can to change this attitude. +",0.77435005 +"waar ons daaraan werk om korrupsie hok te slaan, moet ons eweneens fokus op die vestiging van etiese gedrag, want dinge wat nie nood wendig onwettig is nie, kan oneties of onbetaamlik van n staatsamptenaar nie. +","as we work to end corruption, there must be equal focus on inculcating ethical behaviour, because what may not necessarily be illegal can be unethical and unbecoming of a public servant. +",0.87114143 +"die nuwe eenheid sal norme en standaarde met betrekking tot etiek, integriteit en gedrag instel. +","the new unit will set norms and standards on ethics, integrity and conduct. +",0.919744 +"dit sal ook die kapasiteit van departemente ontwik kel om amptenare wat aan wangedrag skuldig bevind word, te dissiplineer. +","it will also build the capacity of departments to discipline officials found guilty of misconduct. +",0.76651657 +"laasjaar is meer as 200 werknemers opgelei as inligtingsbeamptes en inleiers. +","last year more than 200 employees were trained as presiding officers and initiators. +",0.766842 +"die bou van n etiese, bekwame staatsdiens bly steeds n fokuspunt van dié administrasie. +","building an ethical, capable state continues to be a focus of this administration. +",0.798669 +"soos ons kan sien uit n hele paar skandale die afgelope paar jaar waar staatsampte nare onwettig voordeel getrek het uit die regering, sal hier die proses moeilik wees en n hele ruk neem. +","as a number of scandals involving public servants illegally benefiting from the state have shown, the process will be difficult and will take some time. +",0.8137655 +"ons is egter vasbeslote om hierdie doelwit te bereik. +","we are nonetheless committed to stay the course. +",0.62901866 +"n bekwame staat dien as die fondasie om ons nasionale prioriteitsdoelwitte te bereik. +","a capable state is the foundation for the attainment of all our national priorities. +",0.7455694 +"sonder om verantwoordbaar heid te verskerp en etiese gedrag te bevorder, sal hierdie doelwitte buite bereik bly. +","without improving accountability and promoting ethical conduct, none can be achieved. +",0.79067254 +"die oorgrote meerderheid staatsamptenare is pligsge trou, verbind tot etiese gedrag en wetsgehoorsaam. +","the vast majority of our public servants are committed, lawabiding and ethical. +",0.77529174 +"die taak wat ons voorlê is om saam te werk om daardie staatsamptenare wat nie hier die waardes volg nie, uit die staatsdiens te verwyder en die wanbegrip dat almal wat in diens van die staat korrup of selfsugtig is, reg te stel. +","the task before us is to work together to root out those who are not, and correct the misconception that all those employed in government are either selfserving or corrupt. +",0.8310364 +"ek doen n beroep op die mans en vroue wat ons land elke dag dien om opnuut hulself te verbind tot die waar des van onbaatsugtigheid en diens, en om te onthou dat hul gedrag ten alle tye beide wettig en eties moet wees. +","ai call on all the men and women who serve our country every day to recommit themselves to the values of selflessness and service, and to recall that their conduct must at all times be both legal and ethical. +",0.90616286 +"die vestiging van hierdie eenheid is net nog een van die maniere waarop ons hard werk om korrupsie in die rege ring en, inderwaarheid, in alle sfere van ons land se daaglikse bestaan, wil uitroei.","ending corruption in the public service vukuzenzele unnamed the revelation in parliament that thousands of public servants have been illegally receiving social grants every month shows we still have a long way to go towards instilling a culture of ethics in the public service. +",0.90616286 +"presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus gee stukrag aan werkskepping vukuzenzele unnamed die onlangse bekend stelling van die tweede fase van die presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus spreek van groot vordering in ons poging om werk te skep vir werklose suidafrikaners. +","presidential employment stimulus drives job creation vukuzenzele unnamed the recent launch of the second phase of the presidential employment stimulus represents great progress in our quest to create job opportunities for unemployed south africans. +",0.908958 +"ons het die werkskeppingstimulus verlede jaar op die been gebring om soveel moontlik geleenthede in die kortste moontlike tyd te skep. +","we established the employment stimulus last year to create as many opportunities as possible in the shortest possible time. +",0.8342371 +"dit het nuwe en innoverende maniere van doen geverg om programme teen n ongekende pas en skaal te implementeer. +","this required new and innovative ways of working to implement programmes at an unprecedented speed and scale. +",0.8452381 +"die werwingsproses van die talle werklose mense maak gebruik van digitale platforms om soveel moontlik geskikte deelnemers te bereik. +","the recruitment process of the many people who were unemployed made use of digital platforms to reach as many eligible participants as possible. +",0.88693607 +"byvoor beeld, kleinskaalboere kon deur middel van ussd (funk siekodes) vir ondersteuning aansoek doen en insetbewyse op hulle selfone ontvang. +","for example, smallscale farmers were able to apply for support via ussd and receive input vouchers to their cellphones. +",0.79663426 +"sedert die departement van basiese onderwys onlangs aansoeke oopgestel het vir die volgende inname van skoolassistente, het meer as 940 000 jongmense via die nultariefindiensnemingsplat form naamlik sayouth. +","since the department of basic education opened applications for the next cohort of school assistants recently, over 940 000 young people have applied via the zerorated recruitment platform called sayouth. +",0.86266726 +"mobi aansoek gedoen, wat deel uitmaak van die nasionale roetebestuursnetwerk. +","mobi, which forms part of the national pathway management network. +",0.8415732 +"die gebruik van nuwe tegnologieë in die aanbieding van werksgeleenthede, het werwing baie makliker, vinniger en meer deursigtig gemaak. +","the use of new technologies in offering employment opportunities has made recruitment much easier, quicker and more transparent. +",0.8292188 +"die presidensiële indiensnemingstimulus het samewerking in die openbare sektor moontlik gemaak en vergemaklik. +","the presidential employment stimulus has enabled and facilitated cooperation in the public sector. +",0.82521915 +"programme in fase een is deur 11 nasionale departemente geïmplemen teer. +","programmes in phase one were implemented by 11 national departments. +",0.80485797 +"hulle aktiwiteite is in ooreenstemming in gebring om duplisering en vermorsing te voorkom en leer uit ander se ervaring te bevorder. +","their activities were aligned to avoid duplication and wastage and enhance learning from the experience of others. +",0.85828495 +"die indiensnemingstimulus het ook die belangrikheid van maatskaplike vennootskappe getoon. +","the employment stimulus has also shown the importance of social partnership. +",0.7662008 +"die regering, sake wêreld, arbeid en burgerlike samelewing het saamgekom om diegene wat werkloos is, in die ekonomie in te bring. +","government, business, labour and civil society have come together to bring those who are unemployed into the economy. +",0.8755983 +"meer as n halfmiljoen suidafrikaners het reeds baatgevind by die eerste fase, met talle programme wat nog geloods gaan word. +","more than half a million south africans have already benefitted from the first phase, with several programmes still underway. +",0.87976176 +"deelnemers is die kans gegun om n bestaan te maak, nuwe vaardighede aan te leer en bestaande vaardighede te ver beter en om hulle ervaring te gebruik as n wegspringplek vir n ander werk of om vir hulself te werk. +","participants were given the opportunity to earn a livelihood, to learn new skills and upgrade existing ones, and to use their experience as a springboard to get another job or to selfemployment. +",0.89106214 +"byvoorbeeld, n aantal deelnemers wat deur die departement van openbare werke en infrastruktuur in sy programme in fase een aan gewys is, kon teen die einde maart 2021 werk in die privaatsektor bekom. +","for example, a number of participants appointed by the department of public works and infrastructure in its phase one programmes were able to secure private sector employment by the end of march 2021. many of those in the first cohort of school assistants, similarly, have found their way into employment, armed with experience, training and references. +",0.80109984 +"talle van diegene in die eerste inname van skoolas sistente het op soortgelyke wyse werk gekry, gewapen met ondervinding, opleiding en verwysings. +","the programmes implemented through the presidential employment stimulus have also benefited communities more broadly. +",0.54198325 +"die programme wat deur middel van die presi densiële werkskeppingsti mulus geïmplementeer is, het ook die gemeenskappe in die algemeen bevoordeel. +","the focus has been on job creation in sectors with direct social impact such as education, food security, public infrastructure maintenance and environmental protection. +",0.59074306 +"die fokus is op werkskep ping in sektore wat n direkte maatskaplike impak het, waaronder opvoedkunde, voedselsekerheid, onderhoud van staatsinfrastruktuur en omgewingsbeskerming. +","through this presidential employment stimulus young people were employed to support and assist teachers in our schools. +",0.62857383 +"deur middel van hierdie presidensiële werkskepping stimulus is jongmense in diens geneem om onderwysers in ons skole te ondersteun en by te staan. +","others were employed to build bridges in rural communities. +",0.60367775 +"ander is in diens geneem om brûe in landelike gemeenskappe te bou. +","many early childhood development centres were helped to survive and reopen. +",0.24312587 +"baie vroeë kinderontwik kelingsentrums is gehelp om te oorleef en te heropen. +","subsistence farmers were supported to expand production, and environmental assets such as rivers and wetlands were restored and maintained. +",0.63532716 +"bestaansboere het ondersteu ning ontvang om produksie uit te brei, en omgewingsba tes soos riviere en vleilande is herstel en word in stand gehou. +","as part of phase two, we are establishing a social employment fund that will support work for the common good led by community organisations in areas as diverse as urban agriculture, public art, informal settlement upgrading and community safety. +",0.66827214 +"as deel van fase twee bring ons n maatskaplike indiensnemingsfonds op die been wat werksgeleenthede sal steun wat die samelewing bevoordeel, onder leiding van gemeenskapsorganisasies, op diverse gebiede soos stedelike landbou, openbare kuns, die opgradering van informele nedersettings en gemeenskapsveiligheid. +","in the midst of the severe economic setback caused by the coronavirus disease pandemic, public and social employment has provided an important stimulus to job creation. +",0.6792638 +"te midde van die erge ekonomiese terugslag weens die koronaviruspandemie, het staatsen maatskaplike indiensneming n belangrike stimulus vir werkskepping voorsien. +","this is the implementation of our commitment that the state should actively support employment while the labour market recovers. +",0.644665 +"dit is die implemen tering van ons verbintenis dat die staat indiensneming aktief moet ondersteun terwyl die arbeidsmark herstel. +","through the presidential employment stimulus we have brought young people into the labour force in far greater numbers in an unprecedented manner in a short space of time. +",0.6150837 +"deur middel van die presidensiële indiensneming stimulus het ons jongmense in die arbeidsmark ingebring in baie groter getalle in n onge kende kort tydperk. +","some 84% of the participants in phase one were young people under the age of 35, and twothirds were women. +",0.5381777 +"ongeveer 84% van die deelnemers aan fase een was jongmense onder die ouderdom van 35, en tweederdes was vroue. +","in phase two we expect this number to be even higher, as the stimulus will provide almost r1 billion in funding for the presidential youth employment intervention. +",0.6137914 +"in fase twee verwag ons dat hierdie getal selfs hoër sal wees, aangesien die sti mulus byna r1 miljard sal voorsien aan befondsing vir die presidensiële jeugindiensnemingsingryping. +","as part of the intervention, several young people will be recruited into a revitalised national youth service. +",0.6261068 +"verskeie jongmense sal as deel van die ingryping gewerf word in n nasionale jeugdiens waarin nuwe lewe geblaas is. +","young people will receive training in digital skills and youthowned enterprises will receive support to expand and hire. +",0.6782557 +"jongmense sal opleiding in digitale vaardighede ont vang en ondernemings wat deur jongmense besit word, sal hulp kry om uit te brei en personeel aan te stel. +","unemployment in our country is a crisis. +",0.44313526 +"werkloosheid in ons land is n krisis. +","we cannot afford endless delays in addressing this problem because of bureaucratic redtape, outdated recruitment processes, lack of capacity and planning, or programmes that are shortlived or unsustainable. +",0.45402938 +"ons kan nie eindelose vertragings bekostig weens burokratiese rompslomp, verouderde indiensnemings prosesse, n gebrek aan kapasiteit en beplanning, of kortstondige of onvolhoubare programme om hierdie pro bleem op te los nie. +","the success of the presidential employment stimulus has shown that when we work together, move with speed, think creatively and manage our resources well, we can make a huge impact. +",0.6719619 +"die sukses van die presidensiële indiensneming stimulus toon dat wanneer ons saamwerk, vinnig beweeg, kreatief dink en ons hulpbronne goed bestuur, ons n massiewe impak kan hê. +","the presidential employment stimulus has demonstrated that we can create jobs if we work together as the public sector, labour, community and government. +",0.7218097 +"die presidensiële indiensnemingstimulus het gedemonstreer dat ons werk kan skep as ons saamwerk as openbare sektor, arbeids mag, die gemeenskap en die regering. +","presidential employment stimulus drives job creation vukuzenzele unnamed the recent launch of the second phase of the presidential employment stimulus represents great progress in our quest to create job opportunities for unemployed south africans. +",0.7218097 +"rapporteer korrupsie via die teenkorrupsieblitslyn silusapho nyanda om korrupsie in die staatsdiens te bekamp, bly n prioriteit vir die regering en die teenkorrupsieblitslyn maak dit maklik vir lede van die publiek om gevalle waar korrupsie vermoed word, te rapporteer. +","report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it. +",0.79927665 +"die blitslyn is in 2004 deur die staatsdienskommis sie (sdk) geloods en het sedertdien meer as 100 000 oproepe met aantygings van korrupsie en wanadministra sie ontvang. +","curbing corrup tion in the public service remains a government priority and the national anticorruption hotline makes it easy for members of the public to report suspected acts of corruption. +",0.6632533 +"dié oproepe deur onthullers het gelei tot die ondersoek van 24 035 sake van kor rupsie, bedrog en ander misdaad, sê die kommissaris van die sdk, michael selo ane, wat toesig hou oor al die werk wat deur die kommissie uitgevoer word. +","the hotline was launched by the public service commission (psc) in 2004 and since then, more than 100 000 calls reporting allegations of corruption and maladministration have been received. +",0.6383373 +"tussen 2020 en 2021 is 337 sake via die blitslyn gerap porteer. +","these calls by whistleblowers have resulted in 24 035 cases of corruption, fraud and other crimes being investigated, says public service commissioner michael seloane, who oversees all the work done by the commission. +",0.59597504 +"vyfendertig van dié het ongerymdhede rakende aanstellings en verkrygings behels wat tans deur die sdk ondersoek word. +","between 2020 and 2021, 337 cases were reported via the hotline. +",0.5434145 +"die oorblywende sake is na ander staatsdepartemente of wetstoepassingsagentskappe vir ondersoek verwys. +","thirtyfive of these involve appointment and procurement irregularities that are being investigated by the psc. +",0.64149064 +"ongerymdhede betref fende behuising, tenders en maatskaplike toelae onder die heropbouen ontwikkelings program (hop) is onder die algemeenste aantygings wat gemaak word. +","the remaining cases were referred to other government departments or law enforcement agencies for investigation. +",0.58657813 +"""ons het tydens die inper kingstydperk baie wenke per epos ontvang. +","the reconstruction and development programme (rdp) housing, tender and social grant irregularities are among the most common allegations made. +",0.567675 +"ons het ook n geoutomatiseerde bood skapopnamestelsel vir die gene wat ons blitslyn naure wil skakel,"" sê seloane. +","""during the lockdown we received a lot of tipoffs through email. +",0.5802114 +"hy voeg by dat daar n bestendige toename in die rapportering van bedrog met betrekking tot maatskaplike toelae was sedert die inper kingsvlakke begin lig is, veral rakende die maatskaplike noodverligtingstoelae. +","we also have an automatic message recording system for those who wish to call our hotline after hours,"" seloane says. +",0.62131613 +"ter versterking van dié pogings om korrupsie te bekamp, het die staat wets toeppassingsagentskappe voorsien van vaardige personeel en n koalisiesentrum gevestig. +","he adds that since the lowering of lockdown levels, there has been a steady increase in the reporting of social grantrelated fraud, especially social relief of distress grants. +",0.675884 +"dié sentrum bring wetstoepassingsagent skappe byeen, waar hulle inligting en hulpbronne deel in die stryd teen bedrog en korrupsie in die verkryging van kovid19verwante goedere en dienste. +","to strengthen efforts to curb corruption, the state has capacitated law enforcement agencies with skilled personnel, and established the fusion centre. +",0.6658635 +"wat gebeur nadat n wenk ontvang word? +","the centre is a grouping of law enforcement agencies that share information and resources in the fight against fraud and corruption in the procurement of covidrelated goods and services. +",0.4472746 +"seloane sê dat wanneer n saak via die blitslyn gerapporteer word, vroeë beslegtingsbeamptes seker maak dat alle betrokke inligting verskaf is. +","what happens after a tipoff is made? +",0.55351114 +"soda nige inligting behels die besonderhede van wie wat gedoen het, wanneer dit na bewering plaasgevind het en die rede daarvoor. +","seloane says when a case is reported via the hotline, early resolution officers check that all the relevant information is provided. +",0.6635761 +"hy sê dat indien enige oortreding bevind word — hetsy ongerymdhede met verkryging of aanstellings, omkopery, korrupsie ver want aan hopbehuising, bedrog met betrekking tot maatskaplike toelae, onwet tige migrasie, aanranding, diefstal of bedrog — die sdk óf remediërende aksie aan die betrokke departement sal voorstel óf die saak na die valke, die sanp of die teenkorrup sietaakmag sal verwys vir verdere ondersoek. +","this includes the details of who did what, when the alleged act took place, and why. +",0.51057106 +"sake wat die sdk na departemente verwys vir ondersoek sluit die vol gende in: staatsamptenare wat ekstra werk doen vir geld sonder toestemming van die departemente; onverklaarde belangebot sings; onetiese gedrag. +","he says if wrongdoing is found – be it procurement and appointment irregularities, bribery, rdp housing related corruption, social grant fraud, illegal migration, assault, theft or fraud – the psc either recommends remedial action to the relevant department or refers the case to the hawks, saps or anticorruption task team for further investigation. +",0.7304311 +"seloane sê dat die sdk die staatsdepartemente 60 dae gee om ondersoek in te stel en n saak af te handel. +","cases the psc refers to departments for investigation, include: public servants doing extra work for money without consent of the departments undeclared conflicts of interests, and unethical behaviour. +",0.652431 +"hy sê dat die departement dan die sdk oor die bevin dinge inlig. +","seloane says the psc gives government departments 60 days to investigate and close a case. +",0.6239775 +"""as ons tevrede is met die stappe wat die departement geneem het, sal ons die saak sluit; maar as ons nie tevrede is nie, word die saak na hulle teruggestuur. +","he says the department then informs the psc of its findings. +",0.53624886 +"""naamloosheid gewaar borgwanneer n onthuller nie sy/haar identiteit wil openbaar nie, neem die sdkblitslyn slegs hul kontakbesonder hede. +","""if we are happy with the steps taken by the department, we will close the case, but if we are not satisfied, we revert back to them. +",0.55143344 +"dit is belangrik sodat die sdk met hulle in kontak kan tree, sou daar meer inligting benodig word. +","""anonymity guaranteedwhen a whistleblower does not want his/her identity revealed, the psc hotline officer takes down only their contact details. +",0.6352923 +"onthullers wat sake via die sdkblitslyn rapporteer, word daarvan verseker dat hulle beskerm sal word as hulle verkies om naamloos te bly, sê seloane. +","this is important because if extra information is needed, the psc must be able to contact them. +",0.5820519 +"hy verduidelik dat die vroeë beslegtingsbeamptes opgelei is om te verseker dat onthullers se identiteit beskerm word. +","whistleblowers who report cases to the psc hotline are assured protection if they want to remain anonymous, says seloane. +",0.67882943 +"seloane sê dat suidafrikaners korrupsie moet rapporteer omdat dit van die armes steel en ontwikkeling belemmer, wat keer dat die land vooruitstrewend kan wees.","report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it. +",0.67882943 +"indiening van klagtes by die gepf vergemaklik vukuzenzele unnamed lede, pensioenaris se en begunstigdes van die pensioen fonds vir staatsampte nare (gepf) het nou af toegang tot hulp indien hul ongelukkig is oor die diens wat hul ontvang. +","lodging gepf complaints made easy vukuzenzele unnamed members, pen sioners and beneficiaries of the government employees pension fund (gepf) now have recourse when unhappy with the service they receive. +",0.88945496 +"om te verseker dat die gepf hul lede en dié se families regverdig behan del, het die raad onlangs n beregtiger aangestel om klagtes te hanteer. +","to ensure the gepf members and their families are treated fairly, the board recently established an office to handle disputes. +",0.7699738 +"die beregter vir pensioenfondse is n interne dog onafhank like kantoor van die gepf. +","the government employees pension ombud (gepo) is an internal but independent office of the gepf. +",0.74505806 +"die gepf is een van die grootste pensioenfondse ter wêreld, met meer as 1,2 mil joen aktiewe lede en meer as 450 000 pensioenarisse en begunstigdes. +","the gepf is among the largest pension funds in the world, with over 1.2 million active members and more than 450 000 pensioners and beneficiaries. +",0.93548036 +"die fonds is ingevolge die wet op pensioene vir staatsamp tenare gestig en word daar volgens gereguleer. +","the fund was founded and is regulated in terms of the government employees pension law. +",0.74261725 +"advokaat makhado rama bulana is as die beregtiger aangestel. +","advocate makhado ramabulana has been appointed as the ombud. +",0.8464917 +"hy sê dat die kantoor ten doel het om hulp en steun te verleen aan mense wat ongelukkig is met die dienste van die gepf. +","he says the office was established to assist people who are unhappy with the services of the gepf. +",0.8731481 +"mense wat nie regsaksie kan bekostig nie, sal veral voordeel trek uit die bereg tigerskantoor. +","it will be especially beneficial to people who cannot afford legal recourse. +",0.60789883 +"voor mense hul klagtes na die kantoor van die openbare beskerm er of na die howe neem, kan hulle bemiddeling deur die beregter versoek. +","before people take their disputes to the office of the public protector or to the courts, they can seek mediation from the ombud. +",0.7802947 +"die beregtiger sal intree in sake wat lei tot onre delike vertragings in die verwerking van betalings verskuldig aan eisers. +","the ombud will intervene in matters that lead to unreasonable delays in the processing of payments due to claimants. +",0.77951527 +"dit mag slegs as bemiddelaar optree in klagtes wat in die afgelope drie jaar ontstaan het. +","it may only mediate in complaints that have arisen within the past three years. +",0.7557685 +"ander sake wat binne die bestek van die gepo val, sluit die volgende in: amptenare wat versuim om hul pligte ingevolge die fonds se wet en reëls uit te voer; die verbreking van n verbintenis sonder n gegronde rede; en verkeerde of misleidende inligting wat deur gepfwerknemers verskaf is. +","other issues within the gepo’s scope include: the failure of officials to perform their duties in terms of the fund’s law and rules; breaking a commitment without a justifiable reason; and incorrect or misleading information provided by the gepf employees. +",0.8576063 +"voordat n persoon ’n klagte by die beregti gerskantoor indien, moet die persoon n skriftelike klag by die gepf, die staatspensioenadministra sieagentskap (gpaa) of hul werkgewer indien en aan hul die geleentheid bied om die saak te besink. +","before lodging a complaint with the gepo, a person must send a written complaint to either the gepf, the government pensions administration agency (gpaa) or their employer, and give them a chance to settle the matter. +",0.85848784 +"""jy moet aan hulle 30 dae gun om aandag te skenk aan die kwessies wat jy geopper het. +","""you must allow them 30 days to correct the issues that you identified. +",0.8326983 +"indien die klagte na 30 dae steeds onopgelos is, kan jy n klagte by die beregtigerskantoor inhandig,"" verduidelik ramabulana. +","if, after 30 days, your issues remain unresolved, you can submit a complaint to the ombud,"" explains ramabulana. +",0.8605717 +"die beregtiger kan nie n saak aanvaar indien daar reeds n amptelike onder soek elders onderweg is nie. +","the ombud cannot accept a case if there is already an official investigation underway elsewhere. +",0.780715 +"""binne twee weke vanaf die datum waarop die klagte ontvang is, sal die gepo [die saak] in oënskou neem en die klaer in kennis stel of hulle die klag kan ondersoek en n besluit daaroor kan maak."" +","""within two weeks from the date that the complaint is received, the gepo will consider [the case] and inform the complainant whether it can investigate and decide on the matter."" +",0.7719703 +"indien die beregtigers kantoor weier om n klag te ondersoek, kan die klaer binne 21 dae n skrywe rig aan die beregtigerskantoor waarin daar redes verskaf word hoekom hy of sy glo dat die klagte binne die gepo se mandaat val.","lodging gepf complaints made easy vukuzenzele unnamed members, pen sioners and beneficiaries of the government employees pension fund (gepf) now have recourse when unhappy with the service they receive. +",0.7719703 +"asidi bespoedig skoolinfrastruktuur more matshediso nkululeko ralo primêre skool is n goeie voorbeeld van die positiewe uitkomste wat bereik kan word wanneer die gemeenskap en regering saamwerk. +","asidi fast tracks school infrastructure more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school is a good example of how positive results can be achieved when communities and government work together. +",0.9448852 +"die skool, wat in mthatha in die ooskaap geleë is, is aanvanklik vanuit n motorhuis van n gemeenskapslid, nkululeko ralo, bedryf – na wie dit ook vernoem is. +","the school, based in mthatha in the eastern cape, first started operating in a garage at the home of community member nkululeko ralo, who it is named after. +",0.86056846 +"soos die skool oor die jare heen gegroei het, het dit n paar keer van adres verwissel. +","over the years, the school moved a number of times as it expanded. +",0.70748186 +"leerders en onderwysers het egter nooit toegang tot voldoende fasiliteite geniet nie ... tot onlangs, toe hul nuwe, moderne skool sy deure geopen het. +","however, learners and teachers never had the benefit of proper facilities until recently, when they walked through the doors of their new, stateoftheart school. +",0.85502243 +"die skool is voltooi as deel van die versnelde skoleinfra struktuurleweringsinisiatief (asidi) wat deur die departement van basiese onderwys in 2011 bekendgestel is. +","the school was completed as part of the accelerated schools infrastructure delivery initiative (asidi), which was launched by the department of basic education in 2011. the initiative aims to replace schools that compromise the safety of learners and staff, due to a lack of proper infrastructure, water, sanitation and electricity. +",0.75884 +"die inisiatief streef daarna om skole op te knap of vervang waar die veiligheid van leerders en personeel in gevaar gestel word weens n gebrek aan behoorlike infrastruktuur, water, sanitasie en elektrisiteit. +","to date, asidi has built 266 schools, provided 886 schools with sanitation, 1 030 with water and 372 with electricity. +",0.6414553 +"tot dusver het asidi 266 skole gebou en sanitasie voor sien aan 886 skole, water aan 1 030 skole en elektrisiteit aan 372 skole. +","the learners of nkululeko ralo primary school now have proper classrooms and access to a resource centre, science laboratory, multipur pose and a nutrition centre. +",0.68176377 +"die leerders van nkululeko ralo primêre skool het nou voldoende klaskamers en toe gang tot n hulpbronsentrum, wetenskaplaboratorium, en ook n veeldoelige sentrum en n voedingsentrum. +","a shared vision principal koleka gilman is passionate about improving education in mthatha. +",0.64574003 +"'n gedeelde visie die skoolhoof, koleka gilman, is passievol oor die verbetering van opvoeding in mthatha. +","her dream to start a school for her community began in 1988, and the following year, she began sharing her vision with the community. +",0.5709075 +"haar droom om n skool vir die gemeenskap op die been te bring het in 1988 ontstaan en die daaropvolgende jaar het sy begin om haar visie met die gemeenskap te deel. +","""our community was highly populated with a lot of children of schoolgoing age who had nowhere to go for education. +",0.5973596 +"""ons gemeenskap was prop vol kinders van skoolgaande ouderdom wat nêrens gehad om te gaan vir skoolopleiding nie. +","my vision was welcomed by community member nkululeko ralo, who offered his home garage to be used as a school,"" says gilman. +",0.64315885 +"my visie is verwelkom deur n gemeenskapslid, nkululeko ralo, wat sy motor huis vir ons aangebied het om as skool te gebruik,"" sê gilman. +","she adds that ralo went on to organise a container from telkom and it was used as an additional classroom. +",0.6608436 +"sy voeg by dat ralo n vraghouer van telkom gereël het om as ekstra klaskamer te dien. +","ralo also arranged with two members in his community to offer their garages as additional classrooms. +",0.70517117 +"ralo het ook met twee lede van die gemeenskap gereël om hul motorhuise as ekstra klaskamers aan te bied. +","ralo sadly passed away in 2004. in 1994, the school moved to the eli spilkin hall, which was built by local businessman eli spilkin. +",0.60261315 +"ralo is ongelukkig oorlede in 2004. in 1994 het die skool na die eli spilkin hall getrek wat deur die plaaslike sakeman, eli spilkin, gebou is. +","""in the same year, we received mobile toilets from the provincial department of education. +",0.57415795 +"""ons het in dieselfde jaar mobiele toilette vanaf die provinsiale departement van onderwys ontvang. +","i then looked [for] and applied for a site where we would eventually build our school. +",0.5266003 +"""ek het toe rondgesoek en aansoek gedoen vir n perseel waar ons uiteindelik n skool sou kon bou. +","we received five hectares of land in 1998,"" says gilman. +",0.500921 +"in 1998 het ons vyf hektaar grond ontvang,"" sê gilman. +","three temporary classrooms were donated to the school by a nonprofit organisation called kats and spaks, and the community built five mud classrooms. +",0.5516553 +"kats en spaks, n niewinsgewende organisasie, het drie tydelike klaskamers aan die skool geskenk en die gemeenskap het vyf klaskamers van klei gebou. +","throughout the years, gilman continued to advocate for the school to be improved and eventually, five classrooms were received from the eastern cape premier’s office. +",0.689183 +"gilman was deur die jare n groot kampvegter vir die opknapping en verbe tering van die skool en uitein delik het hulle vyf klaskamers vanaf die kantoor van die ooskaapse premier ontvang. +","in 2014, things took a positive turn when the department of basic education, through asidi, issued a tender to build nkululeko ralo primary school. +",0.68823695 +"in 2014 het dinge n positiewe wending geneem toe die departement van basiese onderwys deur middel van asidi n tender uitgereik het om die nkululeko ralo primêre skool te bou. +","""construction started in 2018 and the school was completed in 2021, thanks to asidi,"" says gilman. +",0.68214965 +"""bouwerk het in 2018 begin en die skool is in 2021 voltooi, danksy asidi,"" sê gilman. +","inspiring teaching and learning basic education deputy minister reginah mhaule says the department wants to ensure that the physical infrastructure of every school inspires learners to attend school and learn, and educators to teach. +",0.6332656 +"onderrig en leer wat inspireer die adjunkminister van basiese onderwys, reginah mhaule, sê die departement wil seker maak dat die fisiese infrastruktuur van elke skool leerders inspireer om skool by te woon en te leer, en opvoeders inspireer om te onderrig. +","""the building of this school is government’s way of restoring dignity to rural and underprivileged schoolgoing children and their teachers,"" she adds. +",0.67821395 +"""die bou van hierdie skool is die regering se manier om die waardigheid van landelike en minderbevoorregte skoolgaande kinders en hul onderwysers terug te besorg,"" het sy bygevoeg. +","a member of the school governing body, nomuntu dlengane, says the new school will motivate tea chers and learners to reach their full potential. +",0.68851465 +"n lid van die skool se beheerliggaam, nomuntu dlengane, sê die nuwe skool sal onderwysers en leerders motiveer om hul volle poten siaal te bereik. +","""our learners’ attitudes and selfconfidence have already improved due to the new infrastructure. +",0.56856984 +"""ons leerders se gesindheid en selfvertroue het reeds verbeter danksy die nuwe infrastruktuur. +","this will also help us maintain social distancing in our classrooms so that we can eliminate the spread of the coronavirus disease,"" says dlengane. +",0.60154665 +"""dit sal ons ook help om sosiale afstand in ons klaskamers te handhaaf sodat ons die verspreiding van die koronavirussiekte kan voorkom,"" sê dlengane. +","the school has 489 learners, 14 teachers, and two administration clerks. +",0.5060729 +"die skool het 489 leerders, 14 onderwysers en twee administratiewe klerke. +","asidi fast tracks school infrastructure more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school is a good example of how positive results can be achieved when communities and government work together. +",0.5060729 +"sperdatum vir nsfas befondsing kruip nader sphelele ngubane studente en jongmense vanuit voorheen benadeelde en werkersklasgemeenskappe word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen vir befondsing vanaf die nasionale finansiële hulpskema vir studente (nsfas). +","nsfas funding deadline looms sphelele ngubane students and youth from disadvantaged and workingclass backgrounds are encouraged to apply for funding from the national student financial aid scheme (nsfas). +",0.87605274 +"volgens die departement van hoër onderwys en opleiding is nsfasbefondsing beskikbaar aan jongmense wat reeds hul skoolopleiding voltooi het of reeds naskools studeer. +","according to the department of higher education and training, nsfas funding is available to youth who have already completed their schooling or are already studying at any level in a higher education institution. +",0.84807324 +"hulle kan aansoek doen vir befondsing deur nsfas om aan n openbare universiteit of kollege vir tegniese en beroepsgerigte onderwys en opleiding (tvet) te studeer, maar moet aansoek doen voor die sluitingsdatum op 7 januarie 2022. mense wat aansoek doen, moet: suidafrikaanse burgers wees of permanente verblyfreg hê, en wil registreer om aan n openbare univer siteit of tvetkollege te studeer, of reeds studeer. +","they can apply for funding from nsfas to study at a public university or a technical and vocational education and training (tvet) college, but must do so before the closing date on 7 january 2022. applicants must be: south african citizens or permanent residents who want to register or are already studying at a public university or tvet college; south african social security agency grant recipients; from households with a combined household income not exceeding r350 000 per year. +",0.8830644 +"begunstigdes wees van maatskaplike (sassa) toelae. +","a brighter future nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is a qualified electrician, thanks to nsfas funding, which paid for his studies at umfolozi tvet college in kwazulunatal. +",0.25561172 +"uit huishoudings kom met n gekombineerde inkomste van nie meer as r350 000 per jaar nie. +","mkhize, from richards bay, obtained a national certificate (vocational) electrical infrastructure construction in 2017. in addition to campusbased learning, he also had to complete workplace training and pass a trade test. +",0.5943998 +"blinker toekoms nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is n gekwalifiseerde elektrisiën danksy nsfasbefondsing wat vir sy studies aan umfolozi tvetkollege in kwazulunatal betaal het. +","early on in his studies, mkhize had the opportunity to put what he learnt into practice, ensuring that he gained confidence in the basic skills he was developing. +",0.6626229 +"mkhize, van richardsbaai, het n nasionale sertifikaat (beroepsgerig) in elektriese infrastruktuurkon struksie in 2017 verkry. +","""as a firstyear student, i was already attending to electricity problems in my community. +",0.54373884 +"buiten vir kampusgebaseerde onderrig moes hy ook opleiding in die werksplek voltooi en n ambagstoets slaag. +","umfolozi tvet college provided us with both theory and practice. +",0.6055913 +"mkhize het reeds vroeg tydens sy studies die geleent heid gehad om dít wat hy geleer het, in die praktyk toe te pas, wat hom vertroue gegee het in die basiese vaardighede wat hy besig was om te ontwikkel. +","""the advantage tvet students have is not just exposure, but also a compulsory workplacebased learning component to certify that they are competent before receiving their qualification,"" he says. +",0.6696772 +"""as eerstejaarstudent het ek reeds na die elektrisiteitsprobleme in my gemeenskap omgesien. +","like many south african youth who come from underprivileged backgrounds, mkhize knew he wanted to pursue a career in engineering, but no one in his family could afford college fees. +",0.5769502 +"umfolozi tvetkollege het die teorie sowel as die praktiese toepassing vir ons aangebied. +","""when i became aware of the nsfas funding, i knew it would lead to where i wanted to go – being an engineer,"" he says. +",0.5528823 +"""die voordeel van tvetstudente is nie net die blootstelling nie, maar ook die verpligte werkplekgebaseerde leerkomponent wat sertifiseer dat studente bevoeg is voor dat hulle hul kwalifikasie ontvang,"" sê hy. +","nsfas funding deadline looms sphelele ngubane students and youth from disadvantaged and workingclass backgrounds are encouraged to apply for funding from the national student financial aid scheme (nsfas). +",0.5528823 +"werk saam om die demokrasie te versterk vukuzenzele unnamed soos suidafrika die nuwe jaar tegemoet gegaan het, is ons gekonfronteer met twee diepgaande gebeurtenisse wat ons op verskillende maniere herinner aan wat ons as n nasie saamsnoer. +","work together to strengthen democracy vukuzenzele unnamed as south africa entered the new year, we were confronted by two pro found events that remind ed us, in different ways, of what brings us together as a people. +",0.9142884 +"op die eerste dag van 2022 het die nasie in die gees bymekaargekom om afskeid te neem van aartsbiskop desmond tutu by die st. george’s katedraal in kaapstad. +","on the first day of 2022, the nation gathered in spirit to bid farewell to arch bishop desmond tutu at st george’s cathedral in cape town. +",0.9299866 +"dit was n baie hartseer oom blik soos wat ons teruggedink het aan die lewe en bydrae van n geliefde landgenoot wat op verskeie maniere die morele gewete van ons nasie was. +","it was a moment of great sadness as we recalled the life and contribution of a beloved compatriot who was, in many ways, the moral conscience of our nation. +",0.80531204 +"sy begrafnis was terselfdertyd n viering van die waardes wat hy voorgestaan het. +","at the same time, his funeral was a celebration of the values he stood for. +",0.86463 +"dit was n viering van die groot eenheid en diversiteit van ons mense, en n herinnering aan die opofferings wat deur so baie mense gemaak is om ons demokrasie te vestig. +","it was a celebration of the great unity and diversity of our people, and a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many to achieve our democracy. +",0.9236789 +"op die tweede dag van 2022 het die land in afgryse toegekyk hoe n groot vuur ons parlement verswelg, net honderd meter weg van waar ons die vorige dag bymekaarge kom het om ons laaste eer aan aartsbiskop tutu te betoon. +","on the second day of 2022, the country watched on in horror as a huge fire engulfed our parliament, just a hundred metres from where we had gathered the day before to pay our last respects to archbishop tutu. +",0.9240079 +"ons is verlig dat daar geen lewensverlies was nie en dat niemand in die brand beseer is nie. +","we are relieved that there was no loss of life and that noone was injured in the fire. +",0.7802583 +"ons is uiters dankbaar teenoor die brandbestryders wat die brand bestry en uiteindelik geblus het. +","we are extremely gra teful to the firefighters who battled the blaze and finally extinguished it. +",0.83628446 +"die ondersoek na die oorsaak van die brand is tans aan die gang. +","the investigations into the cause of the fire are now underway. +",0.7005963 +"ons moet seker maak dat dié ondersoek deeglik en sonder vertraging afgehandel word. +","we need to ensure that these investigations are thorough and concluded without delay. +",0.8091874 +"die land moet weet wat gebeur het. +","the country needs to know what happened. +",0.8771671 +"daar word reëlings getref om te verseker dat die werk van die parlement kan voortgaan, selfs al kan die gebou nie gebruik word nie. +","arrangements are being made to ensure that the work of parliament can continue even if the buildings cannot be used. +",0.8924639 +"dit is noodsaaklik dat die parlement voortgaan om wette te oorweeg en deur te voer wat die samelewing sal transformeer en wat voortgaan om oorsig te verskaf, en verantwoordbaarheid verseker namate die regering werk om die mandaat wat hy van sy mense ontvang het, te implementeerbehalwe dat die st. george’s katedraal en die parlement naby aan mekaar geleë is, word die twee geboue ook verbind deur die herinnering aan dit wat ons as suidafrikaners bymekaar bring: ons demokrasie. +","it is vital that parliament continues to consider and pass laws that will transform society and continues to provide oversight and ensure accountability as government works to implement the mandate it received from the people. +",0.76861036 +"ons treur oor desmond tutu, want hy was die geestelike vader van ons demokrasie. +","apart from the close proximity of st george’s cathedral and parliament, what connects these two events is that each reminds us of what brings us together as south africans: our democracy. +",0.6186121 +"ons wil wanho pig raak oor die vernietiging van ons parlementsgebou, want dit is die setel van ons demokrasie. +","we mourn desmond tutu because he was the spiritual father of our democracy. +",0.739249 +"dit is die plek waar die nuwe demokratiese grondwet net meer as 25 jaar gelede aanvaar is, en waar honderde transformerende wette goedgekeur is. +","we despair at the devas tation of our parliamentary buildings because they are the seat of our democracy. +",0.5186642 +"ons besef dit nie altyd nie, maar die brand by die parlement het gedemonstreer hoe sterk suidafrikaners oor hulle demokrasie voel. +","they are the place where our new democratic constitution was adopted just over 25 years ago, and where hundreds of trans formative laws have been passed. +",0.5034734 +"dit is ook n herinnering aan hoe belangrik dit is dat ons hard daaraan werk om die demokrasie te versterk en te verdedig. +","we may not always recognise it, but the fire at parliament demonstrated how strongly south africans feel about their democracy. +",0.61467403 +"alhoewel die parlementsgebou so erg beskadig is dat ons nie daar kan werk nie, gaan die parlement as instelling in diens van die mense voort. +","it is a reminder also of how important it is that we work to strengthen and defend that democracy. +",0.6211895 +"dit is n belangrike herinnering dat ons demokratiese instellings nie gedefinieer word deur die geboue wat hulle huisves nie, maar deur die werk wat hulle doen en deur die vertroue wat die mense in hulle het. +","while the parliamentary buildings have been damaged beyond use, the institution of parliament continues its work in the service of the people. +",0.6793927 +"dit geld vir al die instellings van ons demokrasie. +","this is an important reminder that our democratic institutions are not defined by the buildings that house them, but by the work they do and by the confidence that the people have in them. +",0.53119004 +"terwyl die brand in die par lement uiteindelik geblus is, het waarnemende hoofregter, raymond zondo, die eerste deel van die verslag van die kommissie van ondersoek na staatskaping ingehandig. +","this is true of all the institutions of our democracy. +",0.44091785 +"dié gedeelte van die verslag sit uiteen hoe verskeie staatsinstellings geïnfiltreer, geplunder en ernstig benadeel is. +","just as the fire in parliament was finally being extinguished, acting chief justice raymond zondo submitted the first part of the report of the commission of inquiry into state capture. +",0.59106135 +"dit sluit instellings in staatsbesit in soos die suidafrikaanse lugdiens, die regering se kommunikasie diens en die suidafrikaanse inkomstediens. +","this part of the report details how several public institutions were infiltrated, looted and severely damaged. +",0.62418866 +"hierdie gedeelte van die ver slag skets n baie ontstellende prentjie oor hoe sleutelinstel lings van ons demokrasie onder verdenking geplaas en ondermyn is deur kriminele aktiwiteit. +","these include stateowned enterprises like south african airways, the government communication and information system and the south african revenue service. +",0.6083524 +"nie net is beduidende bedrae geld gesteel nie, maar hierdie instellings was nie in staat om die funksies waarvoor hulle opgerig is na behore te verrig nie. +","this part of the report paints a deeply disturbing picture of how key instituti ons of our democracy were compromised and undermined with criminal intent. +",0.64353675 +"die bevindinge en aanbevelings van die zondokommissie sal die land help om dié instellings te herbou en die verantwoordelike per sone verantwoordbaar te hou. +","not only were significant amounts of money stolen, but these institutions were not able to properly fulfil the functions for which they were established. +",0.5830071 +"ons moet seker maak dat ons dié bevindings gebruik om dié instellings in die toekoms te beskerm sodat hulle nooit weer gekaap word nie. +","the findings and recommendations of the zondo commission will help the country to rebuild these institutions and to hold those responsible to account. +",0.6537546 +"ons moet ons demokrasie waarvoor ons so hard gewerk het, beveilig teen enige pogings om dit leed aan te doen – of dié pogings nou die vorm van korrupsie in staatsondernemings, die ondermyning van ons wets toepassingsagentskappe, die sabotasie van ons ekonomiese infrastruktuur, of aanvalle op die onafhanklikheid en integriteit van ons regbank, aanneem. +","we must ensure that we use them to safeguard these institutions into the future so that they may never be captured again. +",0.621841 +"ons moet ons grondwet, ons demokratiese staat en die verkiesingsproses be skerm teen enigeen wat ons demokrasie wil verswak en die suidafrikaanse mense van hulle swaarverdiende vryheid wil ontsê. +","we must safeguard against any and all efforts to diminish our hardwon democracy – whether these efforts take the form of corruption in stateowned enterprises, the subversion of our law enforcement agencies, the sabotage of our economic infrastructure, or attacks on the independence and integrity of our judiciary. +",0.73535514 +"daar is baie uitdagings wat ons in die gesig moet staar namate ons werk om te herbou en van die nagevolge van die kovid19pandemie te herstel. +","we need to protect our constitution, our democratic state and the electoral process from anyone who wants to weaken our democracy and deny the south african people of their hardwon freedom. +",0.6404191 +"soos ons dit doen, laat ons krag en bemoediging put uit ons diepe toewyding aan ons demokrasie en ons gemeen skaplike begeerte om n nasie te bou wat verenig, vry en gelyk is. +","there are many challenges that we must confront as we work to rebuild and recover from the effects of the covid19 pandemic. +",0.6241302 +ek wens u almal net die beste toe vir die jaar komende jaar.,"work together to strengthen democracy vukuzenzele unnamed as south africa entered the new year, we were confronted by two pro found events that remind ed us, in different ways, of what brings us together as a people. +",0.6241302 +"kovid19 korrupsieplegers ry aan die pen vukuzenzele unnamed individue en maatskappye wat betrokke was in die pleeg van korrupsie te make met die regering se verkryging van koronavirus toerusting en dienste, gaan verantwoordbaar gehou word vir hul optrede. +","covid19 corruption perpetrators brought to book vukuzenzele unnamed individuals and companies who were involved in corruption relating to the gov ernment’s procurement of coronavirus disease (covid19) goods and services are being held accountable for their actions. +",0.8833959 +"die spesiale ondersoekeenheid (soe) se finale verslag oor hul ondersoek na aantygings verwant aan die misbruik van kovid19fondse, regoor alle regeringsfere en die privaat sektor, se vrystelling aan die publiek is onlangs deur president cyril ramaphosa goedgekeur. +","the special investigation unit’s (siu) final report on its probe into allegations relating to any misuse of covid19 funds, across all spheres of government and the private sector was recently authorised for release to the public by president cyril ramaphosa. +",0.9044032 +"die verslag is n belangrike stap in die stryd teen korrup sie en wanadministrasie in die staaten privaatsektors, het hy gesê. +","the report is an important step in the fight against corruption and maladministration in the public and private sectors, he said. +",0.8672997 +"president ramaphosa het die ondersoek deur die soe in julie 2020 gemagtig. +","in july 2020, president ramaphosa authorised the investigation by the siu. +",0.76432884 +"destyds het hy hom daartoe verbind dat indien die soe bewyse sou vind dat kriminele oortreding plaasgevind het, die bewyse aan die nasionale vervolgingsgesag (nvg) oorhandig sou word. +","at the time, he gave his commitment that if the siu found evidence that a criminal offence had been committed, it would be obliged to refer the evidence to the national prosecuting authority (npa). +",0.8330882 +"die soe is ook gemagtig om siviele regsaksies in te stel om enige skade of verliese wat deur die staat gely is, te herwin. +","the siu was also aut horised to institute civil proceedings for the recovery of any damages or losses incurred by the state. +",0.7930163 +"bevindinge van die verslag die soe het 5 467 kontrakte ter waarde van r14.3 miljard wat aan 3 066 diensverskaffers toegestaan is, ondersoek. +","report findings the siu investigated 5 467 contracts awarded to 3 066 service providers, worth a total of r14.3 billion. +",0.83974385 +"die ondersoek na 4 549 kontrakte is gefinaliseer en2 803 hiervan is as onreëlma tig bevind. +","the investigation into 4 549 contracts have been finalised, and 2 803 of these were found to be irregular. +",0.87013036 +"dit behels 62% van die afgehandelde ondersoeke. +","this amounts to 62% of the finalised investigations. +",0.8080548 +"""dié ondersoek is gemik op individue en instellings wat geglo het dat hulle n oomblik van nasionale weerloosheid kon uitbuit om hulself te verryk asook diegene met wie hulle saamgesnoer het om die staatskas te misbruik,"" het die president gesê. +","""this investigation targeted individuals and institutions who believed they could exploit a moment of national vulnerability to enrich themselves and those with whom they colluded to abuse public resources,"" the president said. +",0.8718288 +"hy het bygevoeg dat dit onaanvaarbaar is dat soveel kontrakte wat gemik was op die red van lewens en die beskerming van mense se lewensbestaan onreëlmatig, onwettig en bedrieglik was. +","he added it was unacceptable that so many contracts associated with saving lives and protecting livelihoods were irregular, unlawful or fraudulent. +",0.85882455 +"""dié ondersoek demonstreer ons vasberadenheid om korrupsie met wortel en tak uit te roei en met oortreders klaar te speel,"" het president ramaphosa gesê. +","""this investigation demonstrates our determination to root out corruption and to deal with perpetrators,"" said president ramaphosa. +",0.8911627 +"die finale verslag bevat besonderhede oor sake wat die soe na die nvg, departemente en entiteite in die staatsektor asook ander partye verwys het. +","the final report details matters that the siu has referred to the npa, departments and entities in the public sector and other parties. +",0.83965397 +"die nvg sal die proses om oortreders tot verantwoording te roep en swakpunte wat deur die soe geïdentifiseer is, te finaliseer, het die president verduidelik. +","the npa will finalise the process of bringing wrongdoers to book and addressing weaknesses identified by the siu investigation, the president explained. +",0.83135724 +"stappe wat gedoen is sedert die begin van die ondersoek het die soe, in samewerking met ander agentskappe, die volgende vordering gemaak: 45 sake, met n gesamentlike waarde van r2.1 miljard, is aangegee by die spesiale beslissingsraad oor korrupsie, bedrog en ongeoorloofde geldvloei. +","action taken since the start of the investigation, the siu, working with other agencies, has made the following progress: 45 matters, with a combined value of r2.1 billion, have been enrolled with the special tribunal on corruption, fraud and illicit money flows. +",0.8934843 +"die spesiale beslissingsraad het n wetlike mandaat om staatsfondse wat deur middel van korrupsie, bedrog en ongeoor loofde geldvloei gesteel is, te herwin en siviele aksie teen die oortreders te neem; 224 sake is verwys vir dissiplinêre aksie teen amptenare in staatsdepartemente of entiteite; 386 sake is na die nvg verwys en drie is verwys vir aksie op uitvoerende vlak; 330 sake is vir administratiewe aksie verwys, insluitend plasing op die swartlys (nie toegelaat om vir die staat te werk nie). +","the special tribunal has a statutory mandate to recover public funds stolen through corruption, fraud and illicit money flows, and take civil action against perpetrators; 224 cases have been referred for disciplinary action against officials in government departments or entities; 386 cases have been referred to the npa, and three have been referred for executive action; 330 cases have been referred for administrative action, which includes blacklisting (not being able to do work for gov ernment). +",0.9113052 +"volgens die verslag moet n somtotaal van r551.5 miljoen (waarde van kontant en bates) nog herwin word, met r34.2 miljoen wat tot op hede herwin is. +","according to the report, a total of r551.5 million (value of cash and assets) is to be recovered, while r34.2 million has been recovered to date. +",0.8533261 +"die ondersoek het n verlies van r114.2 miljoen verhoed en kontrakte ter waarde van r170.4 miljoene tersyde gestel. +","the investigation prevented a r114.2 million loss, and set contracts aside valued at r170.4 million. +",0.90509367 +"die soe verwag dat dié sake tussen maart en april 2022 afgehandel sal wees, voor die inhandiging van n aanvullende verslag aan die president aan die einde van junie. +","the siu expects these matters to be completed between march and april 2022, before the submission of a supplementary report to the president at the end of june. +",0.8396146 +"die verslag sluit nie besonderhede van die voortgesette ondersoek na aantygings wat na die sluitingsdatum vir die verslag deur die soe ontvang is, in nie. +","the report does not include details of ongoing investigations into allega tions received by the siu after the deadline set for the final report. +",0.78693426 +"dit behels ondersoeke na 476 diensverskaffers wat verband hou met 964 kontrakte ter waarde van meer as r961.6 miljoen. +","these include investigations into 476 service providers, linked to 964 contracts, valued at more than r961.6 million. +",0.9151811 +"die bevindinge van dié ondersoeke sal volgens die presidensie ook in die junieverslag bekendgemaak word. +","the outcomes of these investigations, the presidency said, will also be provided in the june report. +",0.7869135 +die president het die soe bedank vir die werk wat oor die afgelope 18 maande gedoen is en het ook sy dank uitgespreek aan die oopvlekkers en ander getuies wat inligting aan die ondersoekbeamptes verskaf het.,"covid19 corruption perpetrators brought to book vukuzenzele unnamed individuals and companies who were involved in corruption relating to the gov ernment’s procurement of coronavirus disease (covid19) goods and services are being held accountable for their actions. +",0.7869135 +"cach snel studente te hulp met studiegeleenthede silusapho nyanda jongmense wat nog nie toelating by hoëronderwysinstellings gekry het nie, kan die sentrale aansoekklaringshuis (cach) om hulp nader. +","cach connects students with learning opportunities silusapho nyanda young people who have not yet secured spots at higher education institutions can turn to the central application clearing house (cach) system for help. +",0.8747121 +"cach is n aanlynregeringsdiens wat deur die department van hoër onderwys en opleiding (doo) bestuur word en diegene te hulp staan wat toegang tot universiteite, tegniese en beroepsgerigte opleidingskolleges (tvetkolleges) en vaardigheidsontwikkelingsentrums benodig. +","cach is an online government service managed by the department of higher education and training (dhet). +",0.7594681 +"""cach se dienste is vanaf 24 januarie 2022 tot 31 maart 2022 beskikbaar om diegene te hulp te staan wat by n tersiêre instelling wil inskryf, maar sukkel om plek te kry,"" sê die minister van hoër onderwys en opleiding, dr. blade nzimande. +","the service helps those who need access to university, technical and vocational education and training (tvet) colleges and skills development opportunities. +",0.61005485 +"cach kan diegene help wat in 2021 betyds aansoek gedoen het om toelating tot n universiteit of kollege, maar nie plek in hul verkose program gekry het nie. +","""cach services have been available from 24 january 2022, and will close on 31 march, to assist those who need to enter tertiary education but face challenges with getting space,"" says minister of higher education and training dr blade nzimande. +",0.6917913 +"die doo verduidelik dat dít gewoonlik gebeur wanneer die aansoeker nie aan die nodige vereistes voldoen nie of die instelling die maksimum aantal studente wat ingeskryf kan word, bereik. +","cach can help those who applied for admission to a university or a college on time in 2021, but were not offered a place in a programme of their choice. +",0.6391563 +"cach kan ook diegene help wat aansoek gedoen het om toelating tot n hoëronderwysinstelling en aanvaar is, maar nou van studierigting wil verander. +","the dhet explained that this usually happens when the applicant does not meet the necessary requirements or the institution has reached its limit on the number of students it can enrol. +",0.68928486 +"cach sal sulke individue na loopbaanontwikkelingsdienste verwys en, waar moontlik, die geleentheid verskaf vir hulle om in aanmerking te kom vir plek wat steeds beskikbaar is by universiteite en tvetkol leges of leerlingskappe by sektoronderwysen oplei dingsowerhede (seta’s), sonder dat die student self na enige instelling hoef te gaan. +","cach can also help those who applied to a higher learning institution and were accepted, but now want to change their courses. +",0.67456925 +"alle openbare universiteite, tvetkolleges en seta’s het toegang tot die cachdatabasis om na individue te soek wat aan die kriteria voldoen vir die plekke wat steeds beskikbaar is. +","cach will refer individuals to career development services and where possible, provide an opportunity for them to be considered for spaces still available at universities, tvet colleges or sector education and training authority (seta) learnerships, without having to travel to any institution. +",0.6909703 +"""instellings kies individue vanuit die cachdatabasis en kontak dié verkose kandidate direk,"" sê doowoordvoerder, ishmael mnisi. +","all public universities, tvet colleges and setas can access the cach database to search for individuals who meet the criteria for available spaces. +",0.69992256 +"aansoekers wat by die cach aansluit moet hul besonderhede, insluitend hul verkose studierigting, verskaf. +","""institutions select individuals from the cach database and make direct contact with those they have selected,"" says dhet spokesperson ishmael mnisi. +",0.6827458 +"aansoekers het dan die keuse om die studiegeleenthede op die cachstelsel te aanvaar, al dan nie. +","applicants who sign up for cach must submit their details, including their preferred fields of study. +",0.6459376 +"hoëronderwysinstellings verkry slegs toegang tot die kandidate se inligting op die cachdatabasis nadat aansoekers aangesluit het en hul graad 12uitslae op die stelsel gelaai het. +","applicants have options to accept or reject study offers on the cach system. +",0.65978116 +mnisi sê dat cach ook hulp verleen aan voornemende studente wat nog onbeslote oor hul loopbaankeuses is deur hulle na die doo se khethaloopbaanontwikkelingsdiens te verwys.,"cach connects students with learning opportunities silusapho nyanda young people who have not yet secured spots at higher education institutions can turn to the central application clearing house (cach) system for help. +",0.65978116 +"staatsrede 2022: verbeter lewens en lewensbestaan vukuzenzele unnamed die regering is daartoe verbind om die mense van ons land voorop te stel en het aan hulself 100 dae gegee om n plan te finaliseer wat alle sektore van die samelewing betrek in die ontwik keling van suidafrika se ekonomie, werkskepping en die bekamping van hongerte. +","sona 2022: bettering lives and livelihoods vukuzenzele unnamed government is committed to putting people first, and has given itself 100 days to finalise a plan to involve all sectors of society in growing south africa’s economy, creating jobs and combating hunger. +",0.8960425 +"dit is deur president cyril ramaphosa in sy 2022 staatsrede beklemtoon. +","this was emphasised by president cyril ramaphosa in his 2022 state of the nation address. +",0.8883809 +"""dié werk sal voortbou op die grondslag van die ekonomiese heropbouen herstelplan wat ons gemeenskaplike plan bly om die ekonomie te herbou,"" sê hy. +","""this work will build on the foundation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, which remains our common programme to rebuild the economy,"" he said. +",0.8828604 +"die president het gesê dat die regering se prioriteite behels om die koronavirus siektepandemie (kovid19) te oorkom, infrastruktuur te bou, plaaslike produksie te verhoog, werke te skep en die energiekrisis aan te spreek. +","the president said government’s priorities are overcoming the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic, building infrastructure, increasing local production, creating jobs and addressing the energy crisis. +",0.91278124 +"""as daar een ding is waarop ons almal kan ooreenkom, is dit dat die huidige situasie – van uiterse armoede, werkloosheid en ongelykheid – onaanvaarbaar en onvolhoubaar is."" +","""if there is one thing we all agree on, it is that the present situation – of deep poverty, unemployment and inequality – is unacceptable and unsustainable."" +",0.9375285 +"werkskepping na aanleiding van die finansiële verwoesting wat deur kovid19 gesaai is, het die werkloosheidskoers in verlede jaar se derde kwar taal sy hoogste aangetekende vlak van 34.9% bereik. +","creating jobs last year, the unemployment rate reached its highest recorded level of 34.9% in the third quarter, following the financial devastation caused by covid19. +",0.8106642 +"""ons almal weet dat die regering nie werke skep nie. +","""we all know that government does not create jobs. +",0.8042443 +"besighede skep werke. +","business creates jobs. +",0.5528387 +"die regering se sleutelrol behels om toestande te skep wat die privaatsektor – beide groot en klein ondernemings – in staat stel om te ontwikkel, te groei, toegang tot nuwe markte te verkry, nuwe produkte te skep en meer werknemers in diens te neem,"" sê hy. +","the key task of government is to create the conditions that will enable the private sector – both big and small – to emerge, to grow, to access new markets, to create new products, and to hire more employees,"" he said. +",0.9115678 +"ongeveer 80% van werkende mense word deur die privaatsektor in diens geneem. +","around 80% of employed people work in the private sector. +",0.8418389 +"die president sê dat die regering n nuwe leningswaarborgskema bekend sal stel om klein ondernemings te help om te herstel. +","the president said government will introduce a new loan guarantee scheme to help small businesses recover. +",0.8956921 +"die presidensiële werkskep pingstimulusplan, wat reeds meer as 850 000 indiensnemingsgeleenthede ondersteun het, sal opgeskerp word. +","the presidential employment stimulus programme, which has already supported over 850 000 employment opportunities, will be stepped up. +",0.8538343 +"die meeste begunstigdes was jongmense; meer as 60% was vroue. +","most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women. +",0.95347655 +"die werkskeppingstimulus sal die departement van binnelandse sake in staat stel om 10 000 werklose jeugdiges te werf vir die digitalisering van papierargiewe en die maat skaplike indiensnemingsfonds sal n verdere 50 000 werksgeleenthede skep. +","the employment stimulus will enable the department of home affairs to recruit 10 000 unemployed youth for the digitisation of paper records, and the social employment fund will create another 50 000 work opportunities. +",0.8952271 +"vanaf april 2022 sal die departement van hoër onderwys en opleiding 10 000 werklose tegniese en beroepsonderrigen oplei dingsgegradueerdes in werksplekke plaas. +","the department of higher education and training will place 10 000 unemployed technical and vocational education and training graduates in workplaces from april 2022. the sayouth. +",0.85774505 +"die sayouth. +","mobi platform, which helps young work seekers to access opportunities and support, now has over 2.3 million youth registered. +",0.41052806 +"mobiplatform, wat jong werksoekers help om toegang tot geleenthede en ondersteuning te verkry, het nou meer as 2.3 miljoen geregistreerde jeugdiges. +","of these, over 600 000 have been placed into employment opportunities. +",0.58352715 +"meer as 600 000 van hierdie mense is in indiensnemingsgeleenthede geplaas. +","""a revitalised national youth service will recruit its first cohort of 50 000 young people during the next year [2023], creating opportunities for young people to contribute to their communities, develop their skills and grow their employability."" +",0.5360854 +"""n hernude nasionale jeugdiens sal in volgende jaar [2023] sy eerste kohort van 50 000 jongmense werf en geleenthede vir jongmense skep om by te dra tot hul gemeenskappe en hul vaardighede, en hul aanstelbaarheid te ontwikkel."" +","srd grant continuesthe covid19 social relief of distress (srd) grant, which has helped over 10 million unemployed people, has been extended for another year – to the end of march 2023. in addition, government and its partners will look at ways to continue to support people in financial distress in a manner that is affordable to the country over the long term. +",0.7049465 +"mvntoelaag duur voort die kovid19 fonds vir maatskaplike verligting van nood (mvn), wat meer as 10 miljoen werklose mense gehelp het, is vir n verdere jaar verleng, tot einde maart 2023. die regering en sy vennote sal ook na maniere kyk om steeds mense in finansiële nood te ondersteun op n manier wat oor die langtermyn bekostigbaar vir die land is. +","access to land government is moving ahead with land reform and anticipates the approval of the expropriation bill this year. +",0.6026418 +"toegang tot grond die regering gaan voort met grondhervorming en verwag vanjaar die goedkeuring van die wets ontwerp op onteiening. +","the establishment of the agriculture and land reform development agency will also be finalised this year. +",0.572577 +"die stigting van die landbouen grondhervormingsontwik kelingsagentskap sal ook vanjaar gefinaliseer word. +","""the department of public works and infrastructure will finalise the transfer of 14 000 hectares of state land to the housing development agency,"" the president said. +",0.62534046 +"""die departement van openbare werke en infrastruktuur sal die oordrag van 14 000 hektaar staatsgrond aan die behuisingsontwikkelingsagentskap finaliseer,"" sê die president. +","he added that there is enough arable land to support millions of thriving smallscale farmers in poultry, livestock, fruit and vegetables. +",0.60964185 +"hy voeg by dat daar genoeg bewerkbare grond is om miljoene florerende kleinskaalse pluimvee, vee, vrugteen groente boere te ondersteun. +","already, over 100 000 farmers have received input vouchers to expand their production and the programme will be expanded to reach more farmers. +",0.6256194 +"meer as 100 000 boere het reeds insetbewysstukke ontvang om hul produksie uit te brei en die program sal uitgebrei word om meer boere te bereik. +","corruption and crime from instituting the commission of inquiry into state capture, to investigating covid19related procurement contracts, president ramaphosa is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to ending corruption. +",0.61866677 +"korrupsie en misdaad president ramaphosa beweeg hemel en aarde – van die instelling van die ondersoekkommissie oor staatskaping tot die ondersoek van kovid19verwante verkrygingskontrakte – om korrupsie stop te sit. +","""none of our efforts to revive our economy will succeed if we do not tackle the scourge of corruption once and for all,"" the president said. +",0.57101095 +"""geeneen van ons pogings om ons ekonomie te hernuwe sal slaag as ons nie die plaag van korrupsie vir eens en altyd aanpak nie,"" sê die president. +","by no later than 30 june 2022, he will present a plan of action in response to the commission’s recommendations. +",0.4842527 +"hy sal ten laaste teen 30 junie n aksieplan na aanleiding van die kommissie se aanbevelings voorlê. +","he explained that various government agencies were working together to identify wrongdoers, punish them, and to get looted state money refunded. +",0.4899316 +"hy verduidelik dat ver skeie regeringsagentskappe saamgewerk het om oortreders te identifiseer, hulle te straf en die gesteelde staatsgeld terug te kry. +","safety and security will be strengthened through the recruitment of 12 000 police personnel and the reestablishment of community policing forums. +",0.6086 +"veiligheid en sekuriteit sal versterk word deur die werwing van 12 000 polisiepersoneel en die hervestiging van gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums. +","fighting gbvf government will also continue to intensify the fight against genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf) this year, through the implementation of the national strategic plan on gbvf. +",0.63046384 +"bestry ggg die regering sal vanjaar ook steeds die stryd teen geslagsgebaseerde geweld en vrouemoord (gggv) versterk deur die implementering van die nasionale strategiese plan vir ggg. +","three new laws are already working to strengthen the criminal justice system and support survivors. +",0.5938444 +"drie nuwe wette is reeds in werking om die strafregstelsel te versterk en oorlewendes te ondersteun. +","""the implementation of this legislation will go a long way to ensuring that cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors are protected and that there are more effective deterrents in place."" +",0.6049123 +"""die implementasie van dié wetgewing sal van groot hulp wees om te verseker dat sake suksesvol geregtelik vervolg word, dat oorlewendes beskerm word en dat daar doeltref fender afskrikmiddels in plek is."" +","one of the new laws that president ramaphosa was referring to is the criminal and related matters amendment act which protects the vulnerable from secondary victimisation. +",0.63722587 +"een van die nuwe wette waarna president ramaphosa verwys, is die wysigingswet op die strafreg en verwante aan geleenthede wat kwesbare mense teen sekondêre viktimisering beskerm. +","this act allows the courts to appoint intermediaries through which a minor, a disabled person or an elderly person can be examined in proceedings. +",0.6312536 +"dié wet laat die howe toe om tussengangers aan te stel wat minderjariges, persone met gestremdhede en bejaardes in verrigtinge kan ondersoek. +","the president was also referring to the new criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act which outlaws sexual exploitation and grooming of persons with mental disabilities. +",0.66958797 +"die president verwys ook na die nuwe wysigings wet op die strafreg (seksu ele misdrywe en verwante aangeleenthede) wat seksuele uitbuiting en seksuele voorbereiding van mense met geestelike gestremdhede verbied. +","this act also states that sexual offences against persons who are mentally disabled must be recorded in the national register of sex offenders. +",0.6980239 +"dié wet stel ook dat seksuele oortredings teen mense wat geestelik gestremd is op die nasionale register vir seksoortreders (nrso) aangeteken moet word. +","the domestic violence amendment act takes account of some of the complexities in violent domestic relationships. +",0.64361995 +"die wysigingswet op gesinsgeweld neem die gekompliseerdheid van gewelddadige gesinsverhoudings in ag. +","the act allows for the process of obtaining protection orders, and broadened the circumstances under which a protection order can be applied for. +",0.6397356 +"dié wet maak voorsiening vir die proses om beskermingsbevele te verkry en het die omstandighede waaronder daar vir n beskermingsbevel aansoek gedoen kan word, verbreed. +","sona 2022: bettering lives and livelihoods vukuzenzele unnamed government is committed to putting people first, and has given itself 100 days to finalise a plan to involve all sectors of society in growing south africa’s economy, creating jobs and combating hunger. +",0.6397356 +"einde van ramptoestand in sig vir sa vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril ramaphosa het onlangs in sy 2022 staatsrede (sr) aangekondig dat die regering beplan om die nasionale ramptoestand te skrap namate die land n nuwe fase in die hantering van die koronavirussiektepan demie (kovid19) betree. +","end of state of disaster in sight for sa vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril ramaphosa recently announced in his 2022 state of the nation address (sona) that government plans to scrap the national state of disaster as the coun try enters a new phase in the management of the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic. +",0.93721914 +"""ons is van plan om die nasionale ramptoestand te beëindig sodra ons ander maatreëls om die pandemie te bekamp, ingevolge die nasionale gesondheidswet en ander wetgewing, gefinaliseer het,"" sê die president. +","""it is our intention to end the national state of disaster as soon as we have finalised other measures under the national health act and other legislation to contain the pandemic,"" said the president. +",0.8669834 +"president ramaphosa het op 15 februarie 2020 die nasionale ramptoestand ingevolge die wet op ramp bestuur verklaar en n reeks maatreëls aangekondig om die kovid19uitbraak te bekamp. +","on 15 march 2020, president ramaphosa declared the national state of disaster in terms of the disaster management act and announced a range of measures to contain the covid19 outbreak. +",0.8982425 +"president ramaphosa sê dat byna alle beperkings op ekonomiese en sosiale aktiwiteit, grootliks te danke aan die entstofverspreidingsplan, reeds gelig is. +","president ramaphosa said nearly all restrictions on economic and social activity have already been lifted, which is largely thanks to the vaccination rollout programme. +",0.88244736 +"hy het burgers daaraan herinner dat entstowwe die beste verdediging teen siekte, dood en kovid19 is, wat plaaslik nagenoeg 100 000 lewens geëis het. +","he reminded citizens that vaccines are the best defence against illness, death and covid19, which has claimed close to 100 000 lives locally. +",0.90028465 +"""ek het nog altyd volgehou, vanuit n persoonlike standpunt, dat as ek nie ingeënt was toe ek kovid19 in desember opgedoen het nie, ek waarskynlik nie hier sou gestaan het nie,"" stel hy. +","""i've always said from a personal point of view, had i have not been vaccinated, in december when i contracted covid19, i probably will not be standing here,"" he reflected. +",0.88486767 +"die president het die tyd geneem om suidafrikaners aan te moedig om die lewensreddende inspuiting te kry, steeds basiese gesondheidsmaatreëls te volg en waaksaam te bly. +","the president took the time to urge south africans to take the lifesaving jab and continue to observe basic health measures and remain vigilant. +",0.84772265 +"""ons sal kan aangaan met ons lewens, selfs met die virus in ons midde,"" sê hy en voeg by dat die pandemie die skeiding tussen diegene wat werk het en werkloses vererger het. +","""we will be able to get on with our lives, even with the virus in our midst,"" he said, adding that the pandemic has exacerbated the divide between those who are employed and those who are jobless. +",0.9120808 +"solidariteitsfonds president ramaphosa het aangekondig dat die solidariteitsfonds r3.4 miljard vanaf meer as 300 000 suidafrikaners en maatskappye ingesamel het, terwyl meer as 400 individue en 100 maatskappye hul tyd en dienste vrywillig aangebied het. +","solidarity fund president ramaphosa announced that the solidarity fund has raised r3.4 billion from more than 300 000 south africans and companies, while more than 400 individuals and 100 companies volunteered their time and services. +",0.96357965 +"""die fonds het n sentrale rol gespeel in die ondersteuning van die nasionale gesondheidsreaksie en die verligting van die humanitêre krisis wat ons land en ons mense in die gesig gestaar het. +","""the fund has played a pivotal role in supporting the national health response and alleviating the humanitarian crisis that confronted our country and our people. +",0.8892988 +"""hy het almal bedank wat tot die fonds bygedra het, waaronder sommige parlementslede en ander inisiatiewe ter ondersteuning van diegene wat deur die pandemie geraak is. +","""he thanked everyone who contributed to the fund, including some members of parliament, and other initiatives to support those affected by the pandemic. +",0.8970339 +"die president het ook hulde gebring aan die baie gesondheidsorgen frontli niewerkers wat n sleutelrol in die stryd teen kovid19 gespeel het. +","the president also paid tribute to the many healthcare and frontline workers who play a key role in the fight against covid19. +",0.8620773 +"""die nasie is baie dankbaar teenoor die toegewyde gesondheidswerkers en ander frontliniepersoneel wat in dié tydperk hul eie gesondheid en lewens in gevaar gestel het om na siek en kwesbare mense om te sien,"" sê hy. +","""the nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the dedicated health workers and to other frontline staff who put their own health and lives at risk to care for the ill and the vulnerable during this period,"" he said. +",0.88314164 +"– sanews. +","– sanews. +",0.9999999 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.99999976 +za,"end of state of disaster in sight for sa vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril ramaphosa recently announced in his 2022 state of the nation address (sona) that government plans to scrap the national state of disaster as the coun try enters a new phase in the management of the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic. +",0.99999976 +"spesiale tribunaal toon dat misdaad nie lonend is nie allison cooper verskeie burgers het tydens die onlangse presidensiële imbizo in mahikeng hul kommer oor die tempo van die stryd teen korrupsie uitgespreek. +","special tribunal is showing that crime does not pay vukuzenzele unnamed during the recent presidential imbizo in mahikeng, several citizens raised concerns about the pace of the fight against corruption. +",0.82719225 +"hulle het vir my gesê wat ek in baie ander gemeenskappe regoor die land gehoor het – dat die identiteit van oortreders van sodanige misdade bekend is, veral omdat hulle met die opbrengs van hul misdade spog. +","they told me what i have heard in many other communities across the country: that the perpetrators of such acts are known, not least because they flaunt the proceeds of their crimes. +",0.8490875 +"maar die arm van die gereg is lank. +","but the arm of the law is long. +",0.80732405 +"diegene wat by die staat gesteel het, glo dalk dat hulle daarmee weggekom het, maar hulle dade sal hulle uiteindelik inhaal; ongeag wie hulle is en watter poste hulle beklee. +","those who have stolen from the state may believe they have gotten away with it. +",0.6930013 +"hulle sal leer dat misdaad nie lonend is nie. +","but their deeds will eventually catch up with them, whoever they are, and whatever position they may hold. +",0.21764514 +"een van ons doeltreffend ste wapens in die stryd teen korrupsie en staatskaping in dié opsig is die spesiale tribunaal van die spesiale ondersoekeenheid (soe) wat in 2019 van stapel gestuur is. +","they will learn that crime does not pay. +",0.44245327 +"hulle beoordeel sake deur die soe vir siviele regsgeding ingestel nadat laasgenoemde hul ondersoeke afgehandel het. +","in this regard, one of our most effective weapons in the fight against corruption and state capture is the special tribunal of the special investigating unit (siu), which i established in 2019. it adjudicates on matters that the siu institutes for civil litigation after it has concluded its investigations. +",0.6633095 +"die spesiale tribunaal is opgestel om regsgedinge te bespoedig. +","the special tribunal was set up to speed up litigation. +",0.7889072 +"dié benadering het dit moontlik gemaak om staatsfondse en bates wat tydens korrupsie verlore gegaan het, gouer terug te kry en vermy vertragings in hooggeregs howe waar die soe saam met ander gedingvoerders hul beurt moet afwag. +","this approach has made it possible for public funds and state assets lost to corrupt acts to be recovered faster, avoiding delays in the high courts, where the siu has to wait its turn together with other litigants. +",0.8691595 +"die soe kan reddingsbevele en die vries van bates versoek om verdere verliese vir die staat te voorkom. +","the siu can request preservation orders and the freezing of assets to prevent further losses to the state. +",0.7698359 +"dit is van belang, aangesien oortreders wat onder verdenking staan dikwels groot moeite doen om hul korrupsiegewin rond te skuif, weg te steek of daarvan ontslae te raak. +","this is important when considering that per petrators who are under suspicion often go to great lengths to move around, hide or dispose of proceeds of corruption. +",0.86292744 +"die spesiale tribunaal het onbetwyfeld die spel verander. +","there can be no doubt the special tribunal has been a game changer. +",0.6733349 +"die tribunaal het sedert hul stigting ongeveer r8.6 miljard vanuit onwettige kontrakte teruggekry. +","since its establishment, the tribunal has recovered around r8.6 billion from unlawful contracts. +",0.919981 +"die vervolging van oortreders is nie genoegsaam vir die stryd teen korrupsie om as doeltref fend beskou te word nie. +","for any fight against corruption to be deemed effective, it is not sufficient that perpetrators are pro secuted. +",0.7617261 +"die opbrengste van hul misdade moet teruggekry word. +","the proceeds of their crimes must be recovered. +",0.70076597 +"dié geld behoort aan burgers en behoort gebruik te word om aan hul behoeftes te voorsien. +","this money belongs to citizens and should be used to meet their needs. +",0.918753 +"die spesiale tribunaal het onlangs twee konstruksiemaatskappye beveel om die winste wat hulle verdien het vanuit r40 miljoen in kontrakte om die beitbruggrensheining te bou, terug te gee. +","the special tribunal recently ordered two construction companies to return the profits they earned from r40 million in contracts to erect the beit bridge border fence. +",0.90608907 +"dit was na aanleiding van n soeondersoek wat n aantal ongerymdhede ontbloot het, waaronder n voorafbetaling aan die maatskappye deur die departement van openbare werke en infrastruktuur. +","this followed an investigation by the siu that uncovered a number of irregularities, including a prepayment to the companies by the department of public works and infrastructure. +",0.8405106 +"die tribunaal het in net die afgelope paar weke onreëlmatige en onwettige kontrakte na aanleiding van kovidverwante verkryging ter waarde van meer as r100 miljoen hersien en tersyde gestel. +","over the past few weeks alone, the tribunal has reviewed and set aside more than r100 million worth of irregular and unlawful contracts arising from covidrelated pro curement. +",0.8272723 +"die spesiale tribunaal het ook sukses behaal en geld teruggekry by senior uitvoerende beamptes in ondernemings in staatsbesit wat by onreëlmatige sakeaktiwiteite betrokke was. +","the special tribunal has also been successful in getting back money from senior executives in stateowned enterprises who conducted irregular business activities. +",0.87318015 +"byvoorbeeld, n voormalige uitvoerende beampte van transnet is beveel om r26 miljoen te betaal wat hy ontvang het as aandeelhouer van n konsultantingenieursfirma wat aan transnet gekontrakteer was terwyl hy n voltydse werknemer was. +","for example, last year a former transnet executive was ordered to pay r26 million he received as a shareholder of a firm of consulting engineers contracted to transnet while he was a fulltime employee. +",0.915734 +"die soe het die tribunaal in etlike sake genader om die betaling van pensioenvoordele aan staatsamptenare wat by finansiële ongerymdhede of nuttelose en verkwistende besteding verwikkel is, te vertraag hangende die uitslag van hul ondersoeke. +","the siu has in a number of cases approached the tribunal to delay the payment of pension benefits, pending the outcome of its investigations, to public servants implicated in financial irregularities or fruitless and wasteful expenditure. +",0.7978876 +"die sake voor die spesiale tribunaal dui aan dat baie werk steeds gedoen moet word om leiding en bestuur regoor alle takke van die staat te versterk. +","the cases before the special tribunal show that much work still needs to be done to strengthen governance and management across all arms of the state. +",0.8235384 +"dit dui op ernstige foute deur die rekenpligtige beamptes en n versuim om aan die wette en regulasies wat verkryging omskryf, te voldoen. +","they point to serious lapses on the part of accounting officers and failures to adhere to laws and regulations governing procurement i have said before that winning the war on cor ruption will be difficult, and that it will take time to unravel the vast webs of patronage that had become entrenched. +",0.7339339 +"ek het voorheen gesê dat dit moeilik sal wees om die oorlog teen korrupsie te wen en dat dit tyd sal neem om die ontsaglike, verskanste webbe van beskermheerskap los te torring. +","i have also maintained that we must fight private sector corruption with equal vigour, because for every public sector employee willing to be bribed, there is a business person willing to pay a bribe. +",0.6692469 +"ek hou steeds vol dat ons net so hard teen korrup sie in die privaatsektor moet baklei, want vir elke staatsamptenaar wat bereid is om omkoopgeld te ontvang, is daar n sakepersoon wat bereid is om omkoopgeld te betaal. +","these corrupt relationships have eroded the capacity of the state to deliver on its mandate. +",0.57976353 +"dié korrupte verhoudings het die kapasiteit van staat om hul mandate te lewer, verweer. +","they have set back the state’s efforts to provide decent healthcare, to deliver clean water, and to ensure a consistent supply of power to communities and businesses. +",0.6760069 +"dit het die staat se pogings om behoorlike gesondheidsorg te verskaf, skoon water te lewer en n deurlopende kragvoorraad vir gemeenskappe en ondernemings te verseker, vertraag. +","but, as the special tribunal has demonstrated, we are steadily turning the tide. +",0.5249355 +"ons is egter, soos wat die spesiale tribunaal gedemonstreer het, besig om stadig maar seker die deurslag te gee. +","not only are perpetrators being arrested and taken to court; they are also having to forfeit the proceeds of their crimes. +",0.55822104 +"oortreders word nie net in hegtenis geneem en verskyn voor die hof nie – hulle moet ook die opbrengs van hul misdade verbeur. +","there is still a long way to go, and there is a huge amount of stolen public funds that still need to be recovered. +",0.54969084 +"daar is steeds n lang pad vorentoe en daar is n enorme bedrag gesteelde staatsfondse wat nog teruggekry moet word, maar die soe en die spesiale tribunaal het n goeie wegspring gehad en ek is vol vertroue dat daar baie meer sukses in die komende maande en jare behaal sal word.","special tribunal is showing that crime does not pay vukuzenzele unnamed during the recent presidential imbizo in mahikeng, several citizens raised concerns about the pace of the fight against corruption. +",0.54969084 +"voedingsprogram maak seker dat kinders nie honger ly nie vukuzenzele unnamed meer as nege miljoen kinders ontvang n voedsame maaltyd by die skool danksy die regering se nasio nale skoolvoedingsprogram (nsvp) wat in 1994 ingestel is. +","food at school ensures children don’t go hungry vukuzenzele unnamed over nine million children receive a nutritious meal at school thanks to government’s national school nutrition programme (nsnp), which was introduced in 1994. the programme aims to improve children’s ability to learn, by reducing malnutrition and hunger and improving school attendance, especially at disadvantaged schools. +",0.8500393 +"die program is daarop gemik om kinders se leervermoë te verbeter deur wanvoeding en hongerte te verminder en skoolbywoning te verbeter, veral by voor heenbenadeelde skole. +","""the programme is critical for furthering learners’ constitutional rights to basic nutrition and basic education,"" explains deputy minister of basic education dr reginah mhaule. +",0.7176585 +"""die program speel n kritiese rol in die bevordering van leerders se grondwetlike reg tot basiese voeding en basiese onderwys,"" verdui delik die adjunkminister van basiese onderwys, dr. regi nah mhaule. +","as a result of the nsnp, more children are attending school on time and more regularly, and their concentration in class has improved. +",0.6126108 +"weens die nsvp daag meer kinders betyds en ook meer gereeld vir skool op en hulle konsentrasie in die klas het verbeter. +","according to the department of basic education (dbe), learners are taught good eating and lifestyle habits. +",0.6378505 +"volgens die departement van basiese onderwys (dbo) word leerders goeie eeten leefstylgewoontes geleer. +","schools are also encouraged to set up their own food gardens to supplement the nsnp menu. +",0.57561636 +"skole word ook aangemoe dig om hulle eie groentetuine aan te plant om die nsvpspyskaart aan te vul. +","learners, teachers and parents are taught grow their own food. +",0.5979442 +"leerders, opvoeders en ouers word geleer hoe om hulle eie kos te kweek. +","nsnp awards thabang primary school in bethlehem, free state, is one of the schools that benefits from the nsnp. +",0.5631429 +"nsvptoekennings thabang primary school in bethlehem in die vrystaat is een van die skole wat baatvind by die nsvp. +","the school recently won the nsnp best school award. +",0.6523628 +"die skool het onlangs die toekenning as beste skool in die nsvp ontvang. +","the awards celebrate schools’ nutrition programmes by looking at their hygiene and safety practices, nutritious meals, food gardens and nutrition education. +",0.5601944 +"die toekennings vier skole se voedingsprogramme deur na hulle higiëneen veiligheidspraktyke, voedsame maaltye, groentetuine en voedingsopvoeding te kyk. +","""i am extremely grateful that the school won the award,"" says seyanokeng sejake, the thabang pri mary principal for the past 24 years. +",0.5891607 +"""ek is verskriklik dankbaar dat die skool die toekenning gewen het,"" sê seyanokeng sejake, thabang primary school se hoof van die afgelope 24 jaar. +","thabang primary school has been running its nutrition programme since 1994. today, it ensures that its 1 065 learners receive a healthy breakfast daily from a local business. +",0.6123077 +"thabang primary school se voedingsprogram kom al van 1994 af aan. +","the food is cooked by unemployed members of the community, who are appointed by the school governing body (sgb). +",0.5907832 +"dit maak vandag seker dat sy 1 065 leerders elkeen daagliks n gesonde ontbyt vanaf n plaaslike besigheid ontvang. +","""our six employed voluntary food handlers (vfh) make the food provided by the department of basic education through the allocation of funds to the school,"" says sejake. +",0.6169205 +"die kos word deur werklose persone in die gemeenskap gekook wat deur die skool se beheerliggaam (sbl) aangewys word. +","they vfhs each receive a stipend for preparing the food. +",0.591737 +"""ons ses vrywillige voedselhanteerders (vvh) wat in ons diens is, berei die kos voor wat deur die departement van onderwys verskaf word deur die toekenning van fondse aan die skool,"" sê sejake. +","thabang primary school took top honours at the awards due to the hard work and commitment of its sgb, management team and functional nsnp com mittee, says sejake. +",0.698506 +"die vvh’s ontvang elkeen n toelaag vir die voorberei ding van die voedsel. +","""punctuality is the order of the day. +",0.5074771 +"thabang primary school het met die louere weggestap by die toekennings weens harde werk en toewyding van sy sbl, bestuurspan en funksionele nsvpkomitee, sê. +","we don’t allow absenteeism, without a valid reason, and we have no dropouts. +",0.54057914 +"sejake""stiptelikheid is die wagwoord. +","our learners’ concentration and general performance have also improved,"" she adds. +",0.50736666 +"ons laat nie afwesigheid sonder n geldige rede toe nie en het geen persone wat uitval nie. +","as the prize for winning the award is a stateoftheart kitchen built by the tiger brands foundation, the school’s nutrition programme is set to become even better. +",0.53406024 +"ons leerders se konsentrasie en algemene prestasie het ook verbeter,"" voeg sy by. +","the school also ensures that there are enough food supplies which are managed properly, to ensure there is always food for the programme. +",0.5666702 +"die skool se voedingsprogram gaan nou net verder verbeter aangesien die wenprys n ultramoderne kombuis is wat deur die tiger brandsstigting gebou gaan word. +","""for example, we have a food garden that supplies vegetables to supplement the nsnp allocation,"" explains sejake. +",0.65724295 +"die skool maak seker dat daar genoeg kosvoorraad is wat behoorlik bestuur word, om seker te maak dat daar altyd voedsel vir die program is. +","award winners in the best schools category, grootdrink intermediate, in the mgcawu district in the northern cape, took second place and aaron gqedu primary school, in nelson mandela bay in the eastern cape, came third. +",0.6400945 +"""ons het byvoorbeeld n groentetuin wat groente voorsien om die nsvptoelaag aan te vul,"" verduidelik sejake. +","they will receive kitchen equipment from the depart ment of basic education. +",0.54474616 +"toekenningwenners grootdrink intermediate in die mgcawudistrik in die noordkaap het tweede gekom in die kategorie vir beste skole en aaron gqedu primary school in nelson mandelabaai in die ooskaap derde. +","the best district award was won by umzinyathi (kwazulunatal). +",0.6417826 +"hulle sal kombuistoerusting van die departement van basiese onderwys ontvang. +","the zf mgcawu district (northern cape) came second and metro north (western cape) came third. +",0.5534341 +"die toekenning vir die beste distrik is deur umzinyathi (kwazulunatal) gewen. +","each district won office and computer equipment. +",0.6016976 +"die zf mgcawudistrik (noordkaap) het tweede gekom en metro noord (weskaap) derde. +","food at school ensures children don’t go hungry vukuzenzele unnamed over nine million children receive a nutritious meal at school thanks to government’s national school nutrition programme (nsnp), which was introduced in 1994. the programme aims to improve children’s ability to learn, by reducing malnutrition and hunger and improving school attendance, especially at disadvantaged schools. +",0.6016976 +"hou kinders veilig aanlyn vukuzenzele unnamed met die wêreld wat toenemend aanlyn raak, is dit belangrik dat kinders dié geleenthede aangryp terwyl hulle terselfdertyd veilig bly. +","keep children safe online vukuzenzele unnamed with the world increasingly moving online, it’s important for children to take advantage these opportunities while also staying safe. +",0.86143184 +"die regeringskommunikasie en inligtingstelsel (gcis) en digify africa het onlangs n webinaar tesame met media monitoring africa (mma) en die filmen publikasieraad (fpr) aangebied om kinders, opvoeders, ouers en die publiek te leer hoe om verantwoordelik te wees wanneer hulle aanlyn is. +","the government communication and information system (gcis) and digify africa recently hosted a webinar with media monitoring africa (mma) and the film and publication board (fpb) to teach children, educators, parents and the public about how to be responsible online. +",0.94659626 +"phakamile khumalo, die programbestuurder van die ontwikkeling van openbare en mediavaardighede by mma, sê dat sewe uit 10 kinders wat as deel van die sa kids online study vrae beantwoord het, gesê het dat hulle die internet sonder hulle ouers se toestemming gebruik. +","phakamile khumalo, the programme manager of public and media skills development at mma, said seven out of 10 children who answered questions as part of the sa kids online study said they used the internet without their parents’ permission. +",0.9532961 +"slegs vier uit 10 kinders het gesê dat hulle een of ander vorm van inligting oor aanlynveiligheid het. +","only four out of 10 children said they have some sort of information about online safety. +",0.87277544 +"dit toon dat kinders vaardighede en hulpbronne benodig om hulle te help om die internet op n veilige manier te gebruik. +","this shows that children need skills and resources to help them use the internet safely. +",0.9033203 +"mmaletjema poto, die fpr se kinderbeskermingsbeampte, sê dat ouers bewus moet wees van die gevare wat hulle kinders aanlyn kan teenkom, insluitend die kyk van pornografie of seksuele misbruik van kinders en gereedmaking deur seksuele predatore. +","mmaletjema poto, the fpb’s child protection officer, said parents need to be aware of the dangers their children face online, in cluding viewing child pornography or child sexual abuse, and being groomed by sexual predators. +",0.90851974 +"kinders kan die teiken van aanlyn seksuele predatore word deur net n onskuldige internetsoektog te doen en op die verkeerde skakel te klik. +","children can become the target of online sexual predators by just conducting an innocent internet search and clicking on the wrong link. +",0.88399297 +"oortreders begin dan hulle vertroue wen en begin hulle voorberei. +","offenders then gain their trust and start grooming them. +",0.8154409 +"""die kind is dikwels verleë en praat dus nie daaroor nie, wat dit moeilik maak om uit die gereedma kingsiklus uit te breek,"" sê poto. +","""the child is often embarrassed and therefore doesn’t speak about it, which makes it hard for them to get out of the grooming cycle,"" said poto. +",0.8981774 +"sy het ook daarteen gewaarsku dat mense video’s of foto’s van kinderpornografie aanlyn deel. +","she also warned against sharing videos or images of child pornography online. +",0.8607725 +"""dit het die norm geraak om inhoud op sosiale media te deel, maar om dié soort inhoud te deel, is n bewys van kindermishandeling. +","""it has become a norm to share content on social media. +",0.70735633 +"dit is n kriminele oortreding om in die besit van sodanige inhoud te wees of dit te deel,"" het poto bygevoeg. +","but sharing this type of content is evidence of child abuse. +",0.5858498 +"hulp is beskikbaar daar is verskeie hulpbronne beskikbaar om kinders te help om die internet op n veilige manier te gebruik. +","being in possession of such content or sharing it is a criminal offence,"" added poto. +",0.57100284 +"die mma bedryf web rangers, n digitale geletterdheidsprogram om leerders, onderwysers en ouers se vaardighede op te skerp en uit te brei. +","help at hand there are various resources available to help children use the internet safely. +",0.60260516 +"opvoedkundige video’s oor kuberboeliegedrag, sexting en aanlyn gereed making is beskikbaar by www. +","the mma runs web rangers, a digital literacy programme to upskill learners, teachers and parents. +",0.6957161 +"webrangers.co.zadie mma help ook kinders deur sy hashplaywebblad (https://hashplay.co.za) wat n sosi ale mediaplatform insluit wat kinders toelaat om met n aanlyn konsultant te praat oor dit wat hulle op sosiale media teëkom. +","educational videos about cyberbullying, sexting and online grooming, are available at www. +",0.645227 +"digify africa het n gratis kitso whatsappbot wat kinders help om digitale geletterdheidsvaardig hede te ontwikkel. +","webrangers.co.za the mma also helps children through its hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za) website, which includes a social media platform that allows children to talk to an online consultant about what they are experiencing on social media. +",0.6905887 +"besoek https://digifyafrica. +","digify africa has a free kitso whatsapp bot that helps children develop digital literacy skills. +",0.59907633 +"com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. +","visit https://digifyafrica. +",0.59297276 +"jy kan aanlyn seksuele misbruik van kinders of geweld teenoor kinders by die fpr aanmeld deur n epos te stuur aan hotline@fpb. +","com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. +",0.51951134 +"org. +","you can report online child sexual abuse or child violence to the fpb by emailing hotline@fpb. +",0.2652307 +"za of 012 003 1400 te skakel. +","org. +",0.33022475 +dit kan anoniem aangemeld word.,"keep children safe online vukuzenzele unnamed with the world increasingly moving online, it’s important for children to take advantage these opportunities while also staying safe. +",0.33022475 +"vloedverligting vir kzn en ooskaap allison cooper die regering sal inwoners van kwazulunatal en die ooskaap help om hul lewens en wonings te herbou nadat onlangse vloede in die twee provinsies erge lewensverlies en verwoesting veroorsaak het. +","flood relief for kzn and e cape allison cooper government will help residents of kwazulunatal and the eastern cape rebuild their lives and homes after floods recently left a trail of death and destruction in the two provinces. +",0.90392506 +"president cyril ramaphosa het aangekondig dat die nasionale tesourie fondse vir verligtingspogings beskik baar sal stel om hulp te verleen aan diegene wat deur die vloede geraak is. +","president cyril ramaphosa said national treasury will make money available for relief efforts to help those affected by the floods. +",0.87418115 +"""die minister van finansies het aangedui dat r1 miljard onmiddellik beskikbaar is,"" het die president gesê. +","""the minister of finance has said that r1 billion is immediately available,"" he said. +",0.92000306 +"president ramaphosa sal ook die parlement nader vir bykomende hulpbronne. +","president ramaphosa will also approach parliament for additional resources. +",0.91550076 +"die regering werk saam met die solidariteitsfonds, die privaatsektor en nieregeringsen gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies om slagoffers by te staan. +","government is working with the solidarity fund, private sector and nongovernmental and communitybased organisations to support victims. +",0.9002279 +"die solidariteitsfonds sal n aparte bankrekening vir die vloedramp oopmaak sodat suidafrikaanse en internasionale skenkers tot die verligtingspogings kan bydra. +","the solidarity fund will set up a separate bank account for the flood disaster for south african and foreign donors to contribute to relief efforts. +",0.8608259 +"die regering sal ook geskenkbewyse verskaf om huishoudings te help om gedeeltelikbeskadigde huise te herbou, het die president gesê. +","government will also provide vouchers to help households rebuild partially damaged houses, the president said. +",0.8967471 +"""n omvattende assessering van die ekonomiese koste van dié vloede moet nog gedoen word, maar dit is duidelik dat die herbou van infrastruktuur en verlies aan produksie biljoene rande sal beloop."" +","""a comprehensive assessment of the economic cost of these floods still has to be made, but it is clear that it will run into billions of rands for the rebuilding of infrastructure and loss of production."" +",0.8555963 +"hy het bygevoeg dat die geld wat opsy gesit word vir die vloedslagoffers diegene moet bereik wat dit die meeste benodig. +","he added that the money set aside for the flood victims must reach those who need it the most. +",0.81806475 +"""dit sal krities wees, wanneer ons dié taak onderneem, dat alle hulpbronne wat ons mobiliseer wel aangewend word vir die doel waarvoor dit bestem is en mense vir wie dit bestem is, bereik. +","""it will be critical, as we undertake this work, that all the re sources we mobilise are used for their intended purposes and reach the intended recipients. +",0.8293036 +"daar kan geen ruimte wees vir korrupsie, wanbestuur of bedrog van enige aard nie,"" het die president benadruk. +","there can be no room for corruption, mismanagement or fraud of any sort,"" the president stressed. +",0.9486202 +"driefase reaksie president ramaphosa het gesê dat die regering se reaksie op die ramp in drie fases sal plaasvind. +","threephased response president ramaphosa said government will respond to the disaster in three phases. +",0.93643594 +"daar sal eerstens n fokus wees op onmiddelike humanitêre verligting om te verseker dat almal wat deur die vloede geraak is, veilig is en dat daar aan hul basiese behoeftes voldoen word. +","it will first focus on immediate humanitarian relief, ensuring that everyone affected is safe and their basic needs are met. +",0.8544475 +"""tweedens sal ons fokus op stabilisering en herstel deur behuising te verskaf aan mense wat hul wonings verloor het en die herstel van dienslewering. +","""second, we will focus on stabilisation and recovery, rehousing people who have lost homes and restoring the provision of services. +",0.8591311 +"derdens sal ons fokus op herkonstruksie en herbou,"" het hy gesê. +","""third, we will focus on reconstruction and rebuilding,"" he said. +",0.8676599 +"die herkonstruksieen herboufase sal die oprigting van huise in geskikte gebiede insluit. +","the reconstruction and building phase will include the construction of houses in suitable areas. +",0.7379572 +"die departement van menslike nedersettings het reeds met n assessering van die skade aan behuising regoor die provinsies, begin. +","the department of human settlements has already begun an assessment of damages to houses across the province. +",0.7719708 +"""n onmiddelike taak is om behuising te verskaf aan die mense wat deur die vloede dakloos gelaat is en voorbereiding is onderweg om tydelike behuisingseenhede te verskaf,"" het president ramaphosa gesê. +","""an immediate task is to house those people who have been displaced by the floods and preparations are underway to provide temporary residential units,"" said president ramaphosa. +",0.89464295 +"die departement van openbare werke en infrastruktuur is besig om geskikte staatsgrond te identifiseer wat vir hervestiging gebruik kan word. +","the department of public works and infrastructure is identifying suitable state land that can be used for resettlement. +",0.866202 +"grootskaalse skade die reën het grootskaalse skade aan huise, besighede, paaie en brûe, asook water, elektrisiteit, spooren telekommunikasieinfrastruktuur veroorsaak. +","extensive damage the rains caused extensive damage to houses; businesses; roads and bridges; water, electricity, rail and telecommunications infrastructure. +",0.87957597 +"skole, gesondheidsorgfasiliteite, polisiestasies en land droshowe is ook geraak, asook brandstofen voedselvoorraad. +","schools, health facilities, police stations and magistrates’ courts were also affected, along with fuel and food supplies. +",0.82237554 +"""na beraming is meer as 270 000 leerders geraak en meer as 600 skole beskadig; daar is geen toegang tot 16 van hierdie skole nie weens skade aan paaie en brûe. +","""it is estimated that over 270 000 learners were affected and over 600 schools were damaged, 16 of which cannot be accessed due to damage to connecting roads and bridges. +",0.88079953 +"""sesensestig openbare gesondheidsorgfasiliteite is geraak, alhoewel daar minimale onderbrekings in gesondheidsorgdienste in die meeste van die geraakte distrikte is,"" het die president gesê. +","""sixtysix public healthcare facilities were affected, although there has been minimal disruption to health services in most affected districts,"" the president said. +",0.9034076 +"breedvoerige werk is onderweg om basiese dienste in verskeie dele van kzn te herstel. +","extensive work is under way to restore basic services to various areas in kzn. +",0.8467231 +"meer as 400 mense in kzn het hul lewens verloor en baie mense word vermis. +","more than 400 people have lost their lives in kzn and many people are missing. +",0.89458734 +"een sterfte is ook in die ooskaap aangeteken. +","one death has also been reported in the eastern cape. +",0.73828834 +"meer as 4 000 huise is vernietig en 8 300 is gedeeltelik beskadig, met 40 000 mense wat dakloos gelaat is. +","over 4 000 homes have been destroyed and 8 300 have been partially damaged, leaving 40 000 people homeless. +",0.96725583 +"die president het gesê dat die suidafrikaanse polisiediens (sapd) en die suidafrikaanse nasionale weermag (sanw) reddingsoektogte gelei het. +","the president said that the south african police service (saps) and the south african national defence force (sandf) have been leading search and rescue efforts. +",0.85548764 +"dit sluit in die ontplooiing van sapdpersoneel, duikspanne, hondeeenhede en verskeie vaartuie, helikopters en vastevlerkvliegtuie na meeste van die geraakte gebiede. +","this includes the deployment of saps personnel, diving teams, canine units and various vessels, helicopters and fixedwing planes to the most affected areas. +",0.8678044 +"""lugvaartuie van die sanw is gebruik vir beide redding en die aflewering van noodvoor raad — soos voedsel, water, tente en komberse — aan mense in ontoeganklike areas. +","""aircraft from the sandf have been used both for rescue and for the delivery of relief supplies – such as food, water, tents and blankets – to people in inaccessible areas. +",0.90205824 +"""ek het die sanw gemagtig om meer personeel, waterstoringen watersuiweringsvoorraad en ingenieurspanne in te bring om te help met die herstel van elektrisiteit en watertoevoer,"" het hy gesê. +","""i have authorised the sandf to bring in more personnel, water storage and purification supplies and engineering teams to assist with electricity and water restoration,"" he said government departments at national and provincial levels; municipalities; nongovernmental organisations and businesses have been distributing basic relief materials such as food, blankets, mattresses, clothing, chronic medication, toiletries and cooking utensils. +",0.79196084 +"daarbenewens het staatsdepartemente op nasionale en provinsiale vlak, munisipaliteite, nieregeringsorganisasies en sakelui basiese noodvoorraad soos kos, komberse, matrasse, klere, chroniese medikasie, toiletware en kookgerei versprei. +","cabinet recently declared a national state of disaster in response to floods. +",0.5478363 +"die kabinet het onlangs n nasionale ramptoestand na aanleiding van die vloede verklaar. +","the president described the floods as a humanitarian disaster that called for a ""massive and urgent relief effort. +",0.56175494 +"die president het die vloede as n humanitêre ramp beskryf, wat n ""reuse en dringende verligtingspoging"" noodsaak. +","""""the lives, h ealth and wellbeing of thousands of people are still at risk. +",0.5532367 +"""die lewens, gesondheid en welstand van duisende mense is steeds in gedrang. +","the floods have caused great economic and social damage,"" he said. +",0.54424214 +"die vloede het grootskaalse ekonomiese en maatskaplike skade verrig,"" het hy gesê. +","the port of durban, which is vital to south africa’s economy and is one of the largest and busiest shipping terminals on the continent, has been severely affected. +",0.5951442 +"durbanhawe, wat van sleutelbelang tot suidafrika se ekonomie is en een van die grootste en besigste verskepingsterminale op die kontinent is, is grootliks geraak. +","""the significance of the port of durban and rela ted infrastructure for the effective operation of the country’s economy means that this disaster has implications far beyond kzn,"" said the president. +",0.6730119 +"""die belangrikheid van durbanhawe en die verwante infrastruktuur vir die doeltreffende bedryf van die land se ekonomie beteken dat dié rampe implikasies inhou vir veel meer as net kzn,"" het die president gesê. +","flood relief for kzn and e cape allison cooper government will help residents of kwazulunatal and the eastern cape rebuild their lives and homes after floods recently left a trail of death and destruction in the two provinces. +",0.6730119 +"operasie vulindlela baan die weg na groei vukuzenzele unnamed die suidafrikaanse ekonomie, soos enige ander ekonomie, kan nie sonder doeltreffende en mede dingende netwerknywerhede funksioneer nie, wat nog te sê van groei. +","operation vulindlela is opening the path to growth vukuzenzele unnamed the south african economy, like any other economy, cannot function, let alone grow, without efficient and competitive network industries. +",0.8891328 +"dié nywerhede – wat water, vervoer en telekommunikasie insluit – is die are waardeur die suurstof van die ekonomie vloei. +","these industries – which include electricity, water, transport and telecommunications – are the arteries through which the oxygen of the economy runs. +",0.82950443 +"strukturele probleme op dié gebiede is lank reeds as van die belangrikste beperkinge op suidafrika se ekonomiese groei uitgewys. +","structural problems in these areas have long been cited as some of the main constraints on south africa’s economic growth. +",0.8561058 +"ondoeltreffendheid en die hoë koste van netwerkdienste is n hindernis om sake in die land te doen. +","inefficiency and the high cost of network services are an impediment to doing business in the country. +",0.8653971 +"ons het operasie vulindlela in oktober 2020 op die been gebring om dié uitdagings aan te pak en die hoof te bied as n inisiatief van die presidensie en die nasionale tesourie om strukturele hervorming in dié netwerknywerhede te versnel. +","to address and overcome these challenges, we set up operation vulindlela in october 2020 as an initiative of the presidency and national treasury to accelerate structural reforms in these network industries. +",0.8692563 +"alhoewel die verantwoordelike departemente en entiteite dié hervormings aandryf, monitor en identifiseer operasie vulindlela uitdagings en blokkasies. +","while the responsible government departments and entities drive these reforms, operation vulindlela monitors and identifies challenges and blockages. +",0.8870592 +"dit fasiliteer, waar nodig, tegniese ondersteuning aan departemente. +","where needed, it facilitates technical support to departments. +",0.74465144 +"die onlangse kwartaallikse verslag gee n oorsig van operasie vulindlela en die departemente wat vir dié hervorming verantwoorde lik is, se vordering. +","the recent quarterly report outlines the progress made by operation vulindlela and the departments responsible for these reforms. +",0.8757564 +"ons fokus regoor die rege ring is op hervorming wat fundamenteel en transformerend is; wat die manier hoe ons ekonomie werk, hervorm. +","across government, our focus is on reforms that are fundamental and transformative; that reshape the way our economy works. +",0.87363124 +"dit behels die opveil van hoëaanvraagspektrum vir mobiele telekommunikasie, wat vir meer as 10 jaar vertraag, en uiteindelik in maart voltooi is. +","this includes the auction of highdemand spectrum for mobile telecommunications, which was delayed for more than 10 years and finally completed in march. +",0.9117771 +"die bekendstelling van nuwe spektrum sal konnektiwiteit verbeter en die koste van breëband afbring. +","the release of new spectrum will improve connectivity and bring down broadband costs. +",0.88500357 +"die totstandkoming, verlede jaar, van die nasionale haweowerheid as n aparte filiaalmaatskappy van trans net, is vir meer as 15 jaar vertraag. +","the establishment of the national ports authority as a separate subsidiary of transnet last year had been delayed for more than 15 years. +",0.844795 +"dit was die nodige eerste stap tot die instaatstelling van die deelname van die privaat sektor en toenemende doeltreffendheid in ons haweterminale. +","this was the necessary first step towards enabling private sector participation and increasing the efficiency of our port terminals. +",0.8832617 +"ons het ook die blou druppel, groen druppelen geen druppelstelsel vir die eerste keer sedert 2014 heringestel om beter kontrole van water en die gehalte van afvalwaterbehandeling te verseker. +","we have also reinstated the blue drop, green drop and no drop system for the first time since 2014 to ensure better monitoring of water and wastewater treatment quality. +",0.9051063 +"ons het ook vir die eerste keer sedert 2014, n lys van kritiese vaardighede bygewerk en gepubliseer. +","we have published an updated critical skills list, also for the first time since 2014. these are just some examples where, by focusing effort and attention on a limited number of priority reforms, this administration has been able to drive progress. +",0.6775472 +"dit is net n paar voorbeelde waar dié administrasie, deur moeite en aandag aan n beperkte aantal prioriteitshervormings te bestee, vordering kon bewerkstellig. +","through operation vulindlela, we have also been able to take a more focused and holistic approach to reforms, ensuring better coordination where multiple departments and entities are involved. +",0.6716003 +"ons was ook deur middel van operasie vulindlela in staat om n meer gefokusde en holistiese benadering tot hervorming te volg, wat beter koördinering waar veelvoudige departemente en entiteite betrokke is, tot gevolg het. +","the best example of this is in the energy sector, where a number of important, interconnected reforms are underway to change the way that we generate and consume electricity. +",0.67954206 +"die beste voorbeeld hiervan is in die energiesektor waar n aantal belangrike hervormings wat onderling verbind is besig is om die manier te verander waarop ons elektrisiteit opwek en verbruik. +","milestones include the raising of the licensing threshold for new generation projects to 100mw, allowing these projects to connect to the grid and sell power to customers. +",0.70032763 +"mylpale behels die verhoging van die lisensiëringsdrempel vir nuwe opwekkingsprojekte tot 100mw, wat dié projekte in staat stel om aan die kragnetwerk te verbind en krag aan kliënte te verkoop. +","we have revived the renewable energy independent power producer procurement programme through the opening of new bid windows. +",0.6311646 +"ons het die program vir die verkryging van hernubare krag van onafhanklike kragprodusente (reippp) laat herleef deur die opening van nuwe bodvensters. +","changes to the regulations on new generation capacity have allowed municipalities to procure power independently for the first time. +",0.63605404 +"veranderinge aan die regulasies oor nuwe opwekkingskapasiteit het munisipaliteite in staat gestel om krag vir die eerste keer onafhanklik te bekom en wetgewende hervorming sal uiteindelik oorsprong gee aan n nuwe kompeterende elektrisiteitsmark wat ondersteun word deur die publisering van die wysigingswetsontwerp op elektrisiteitsregulering en die werk wat gedoen word om die beleid op die prysvasstelling van elektrisiteit te wysig. +","and legislative reforms will ultimately give birth to a new competitive electricity market, supported by the publication of the electricity regulation amendment bill and the work underway to amend the electricity pricing policy. +",0.8091872 +"die proses van die ontbondeling van eskom is op koers waar die instansie sy sperdatum van desember 2021 vir die oprigting van n nasionale geleidingsmaatskappy sal haal. +","the process of unbundling eskom is on track, with the entity meeting its december 2021 deadline for the establishment of a national transmission company. +",0.8600432 +"ons hoop om die ontbondeling van eskom se opwekkingsen verspreidingsafdelings teen desember vanjaar te voltooi. +","by december this year we hope to complete the unbundling of eskom’s generation and distribution divisions. +",0.7869761 +"die kwartaallikse verslag lig n aantal ander belangrike prestasies uit, asook gebiede waar intensiewe werk tans aan die gang is. +","the quarterly report highlights a number of other important achievements, as well as areas where intensive work is underway. +",0.86950797 +"operasie vulindlela het in die watersektor tegniese ondersteuning aan die departement van water en sanitasie verleen om n ommekeerplan vir die toestaan van watergebruiks lisensies te implementeer, met die teiken om 80% van alle aansoeke binne 90 dae te verwerk. +","in the water sector, operation vulindlela has been providing technical support to the department of water and sanitation to implement a turnaround plan for the granting of water use licences, with a target to process 80% of all applications within 90 days. +",0.89760625 +"daar word ook tans werk gedoen om n nasionale waterhulpbroninfrastruk tuuragentskap op die been te bring wat beter bestuur van ons nasionale waterhulpbronne sal verseker. +","work is also underway to establish a national water resources infrastructure agency that will ensure better management of our national water resources. +",0.85169315 +"in die vervoersektor het ondoeltreffendheid in haween spoorvervoer ons vermoë om goedere uit te voer, ernstig geknou. +","in the transport sector, inefficiencies in port and rail have severely affected our ability to export goods. +",0.8298725 +"daar word tans werk gedoen om vennootskappe met privaat sektoroperateurs op te rig om in haweinfrastruktuur te belê en die bestuur van vraghouerterminale by die hawe van durban en ngqura, te verbeter. +","work is underway to establish partnerships with private sector operators to invest in port infrastructure and improve the management of container terminals at the ports of durban and ngqura. +",0.8719006 +"die witskrif oor die nasionale spoorbeleid wat in maart deur die kabinet goedgekeur is, gee n oorsig oor planne om spoorinfrastruktuur te laat herleef en maak derdepartytoegang tot die vragspoornetwerk moontlik. +","the white paper on national rail policy, which was approved by cabinet in march, outlines plans to revitalise rail infrastructure and enables third party access to the freight rail network. +",0.8914948 +"transnet freight rail is reeds besig om gleuwe vir private spooroperateurs op die netwerk beskikbaar te stel. +","transnet freight rail is already in the process of making slots available for private rail operators on the network. +",0.90636855 +"n ten volle werkende evisastelsel is in 14 lande bekendgestel, waaronder sommige van ons grootste toeristemarkte. +","a fully operational evisa system has been launched in 14 countries, including some of our largest tourist markets. +",0.9219202 +"n omvattende hersiening van die werkvisumstelsel is ook onderweg om ons in staat te stel om die vaardighede wat ons ekonomie benodig, te lok. +","a comprehensive review of the work visa system is also underway to enable us to attract the skills that our economy needs. +",0.8754111 +"dié hervormings is moontlik gemaak weens beter samewerking regoor die regering, verenig agter n gedeelde hervormingsagenda. +","these reforms have been made possible due to better collaboration across government behind a shared reform agenda. +",0.8910372 +"ons doen n beroep op sakelui en beleggers om voordeel te trek uit die geleenthede wat onderweg is en hulle beloftes en verbintenisse om te skakel in tasbare, werkskeppende beleggings.","operation vulindlela is opening the path to growth vukuzenzele unnamed the south african economy, like any other economy, cannot function, let alone grow, without efficient and competitive network industries. +",0.8910372 +"suidafrika se eerste veeartsenykundige verpleegsters kry graad allison cooper om een van die land se eerste veeartsenykundige verpleegsters te wees, is n droom wat waar geword het vir die randburgse inwoner, phumelela mthimkhulu (21), wat al sedert haar kinderdae passievol oor diere is. +","south africa’s first veterinary nurses graduate allison cooper being one of the country’s first veterinary nurse graduates is a dream come true for randburg resident phumelela mthimkhulu (21), who has been passionate about animals since she was a child. +",0.93976784 +"mthimkhulu het onlangs aan die universiteit van pre toria (up) gegradueer, wat die enigste opleidingsinstansie in sa met n baccalaureusgraad in veeartsenykundige verpleging is. +","mthimkhulu recently graduated from the university of pretoria (up), the only veterinary training facility in sa, with a bachelor of veterinary nursing degree. +",0.91107494 +"""dit is nog moeilik om te glo. +","""it’s crazy to wrap my head around. +",0.51371557 +"om te weet dat ek deel was van die eerste klas om die baccalaureusgraad te voltooi, wat jare geneem het om saamgestel te word, is n eer. +","to know that i was part of the first class to do the bachelor’s degree, which has been years in the making, is an honour. +",0.8767826 +"""ek is dankbaar vir die geleenthede en deure wat vir ons as verpleegsters gaan oopgaan om verder te studeer en in ons beroep te spesialiseer, wat voor heen baie moeilik was om te doen,"" sê sy. +","""i’m grateful for the opportunities and doors that will open for us nurses to further our studies and specialise within our profession, which was hard to do in the past,"" she says. +",0.89377934 +"tamarin fisher, die pre sident van die vereniging van veeartsenykundige ver pleegsters van suidafrika, sê dit is die grootste mylpaal in die beroep se geskiedenis van 42 jaar. +","tamarin fisher, the pre sident of the veterinary nurses association of south africa, says this is the biggest milestone in the profession’s 42year history. +",0.923082 +"""die nuwe drie jaargraad sal aan gekwalifiseerde ver pleegsters die geleentheid bied om vir nagraadse kursusse in te skryf, wat hopelik sal kulmineer in die verkryging van n honneurs, meestersof phdgrade."" +","""the new threeyear degree will give qualified nurses the opportunity to enrol in postgraduate studies, which will hopefully culminate in the awarding of masters and phd degrees."" +",0.8437619 +"veeartse behandel diere se beserings en siektes op dieselfde wyse as wat n dokter gesondheidsorg aan mense verskaf. +","veterinarians treat animals’ injuries and illnesses, similar to how a doctor provides health treatment for people. +",0.82852083 +"veeartsenykundige verpleegsters is noodsaaklike rolspelers in n veearts se professionele span, sê mthimkhulu. +","veterinary nurses are essential in vets’ professional teams, says mthimkhulu. +",0.87570727 +"""sommige van die belangrikste gebiede waarop n verpleegster moet funksioneer, is pasiëntsorg, kommunikasie met kliënte, hulpverlening aan veeartse met prosedures en allerhande ander dinge wat daartoe bydra dat n veeartsenykundige hospitaal op sy beste funksioneer. +","""some of the vital skills a nurse has to display are patient care, client communication, assisting veterinarians with procedures, and anything that will help the veterinary hospital to function at its best. +",0.8972684 +"""dit is een van die mees bevredigende beroepe. +","""it’s one of the most rewarding professions. +",0.38717112 +"as jy n veeartsenykundige ver pleegster wil word, moet jy nie toelaat dat vrees of n gebrek aan kennis jou daar van weerhou om dit na te volg en te geniet nie, want dit sal jou lewe ten goede verander,"" sê mthimkhulu. +","if you want to be a veterinary nurse, don’t allow fear or a lack of knowledge to deter you from trying it out and enjoying it because it will change your life for the better,"" says mthimkhulu. +",0.9193632 +"beurse om die tekort aan vaardighede te verligomdat daar so n tekort aan vaardighede in dié sektor is, het mthimkhulu nie gesukkel om werk te kry nie. +","bursaries to address skills shortagedue to a severe skills shortage in the sector, mthimkhulu didn’t battle to find a job. +",0.8893657 +"""ek was gelukkig genoeg om in my finale jaar n werk by fourways dierehospitaal te kry. +","""i was lucky enough to secure a job at fourways veterinary hospital during my final year. +",0.88959706 +"ek het omtrent n maand na my finale eksamen daar begin werk en ek geniet elke oomblik daarvan,"" sê sy. +","i started working there about a month after my final exams and i’ve been enjoying every moment of it,"" she says. +",0.89636946 +"die onderwysen opleidingsgesagsliggaam vir die gesondheidsen welsynsektor (hwseta) is daartoe verbind om die ekstreme vaardigheidstekort in die veeartsenykundige sektor te verlig en transformasie te verseker. +","the health and welfare sector education and training authority (hwseta) is committed to addressing the extreme skills shortage in the veterinary sector and ensuring transformation. +",0.8360541 +"dié gesagsliggaam het onlangs n beroepsleidingsveldtog in die veeartsenykunde bekendgestel, in vennootskap met die departement van hoër onderwys en opleiding, en sal landelike skole besoek om leerders aan te moedig om veeartsenykundige dienste as n loopbaan te oorweeg. +","it recently launched a veterinary science career guidance campaign, in partnership with the department of higher education and training, and will be visiting rural schools to encourage learners to consider veterinary services as a career path. +",0.8867901 +"hy het ook 60 beurse bekendgestel om die kritieke tekort aan veeartse en paraveeartse in suidafrika se landelike gebiede te takel. +","it also announced 60 bursaries to address the critical shortage of veterinarians and paraveterinarians in south africa’s rural areas. +",0.89470744 +"""die beurse is spesifiek gemik op leerders in landelike gebiede, sodat hulle hulle kennis kan terugneem na hulle plekke van herkoms toe,"" sê dr. nom fundo mnisi, voorsitter van die hwseta. +","""the bursaries are specifically aimed at learners in rural areas as they can take their knowledge back to their homesteads,"" says dr nomfundo mnisi, the chairperson of the hwseta. +",0.91883075 +"die adjunkminister van hoër onderwys, weten skap en innovering, buti manamela, het die beurse verwelkom. +","the deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation, buti manamela, welcomed the bursaries. +",0.90003073 +"die up se fakulteit veearts enykunde sal die hwseta bystaan met sy bemarking, beursbefondsing en werwingsveldtogte. +","the up’s faculty of vete rinary science will assist the hwseta in its marketing, bursary funding and recruitment campaigns. +",0.79893553 +"""ons sal ook die hwseta bystaan met die administrasie van die beurse wat aan die eerstejaarstudente in veeartsenykundige uit die aangewese groepe toegeken is,"" sê chris van blerk, die hoof van kommunikasie en media aan die up se fakul teit veeartsenykunde. +","""we will also assist the hwseta in administering the bursaries, which were allocated for firstyear veterinary science stu dents from the designated groups,"" says chris van blerk, the head of communications and media at up’s faculty of veterinary science. +",0.91017145 +"hy sê dat jongmense wat in mthimkhulu se voetspore wil volg en vir n eerste baccalaureusgraad aan die up wil registreer, oor n nasionale senior sertifikaat (nss) of ekwivalente kwalifikasie moet beskik en aan die minimumvereistes moet voldoen. +","he says youth hoping to follow in mthimkhulu’s footsteps and register for a first bachelor’s degree at up need to have completed their national senior certificate (nsc), or equivalent qualification, and meet minimum requirements. +",0.9128328 +"""n minimum toelatingspunttelling van 28 en n nss met engels huistaal of engels eerste addi sionele taal, wiskunde, en natuurwetenskap of lewenswetenskap word benodig vir die baccalaureus in veeartsenykundige verpleging,"" het hy gesê. +","""for the bachelor of veterinary nursing degree, they need a minimum admission point score of 28 and an nsc with english home language or english first additional language, mathematics, and physical sciences or life sciences,"" he adds. +",0.8428954 +"die jeug kan, vir meer inligting oor die sektor, private veeartspraktyke kontak of met verpligte gemeenskapsdiensveeartse (ccsveeartse) praat wat landwyd deel uitmaak van die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling (dalrrd). +","for more information about the sector, youth can contact private vete rinary practices or speak to compulsory community service (ccs) veterinarians which are part of the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) around the country. +",0.8876978 +"""die ccsprogram mik om toeganklike en bekostigbare veeartsenykundige dienste aan onderbediende en arm gebiede binne suidafrika te verskaf. +","""the ccs programme aims to provide accessible and affordable veterinary services to underserved and poor resourced areas within south africa. +",0.90089047 +"veeartse in dié program sal dus altyd n goeie bron van inligting wees,"" sê van blerk.","south africa’s first veterinary nurses graduate allison cooper being one of the country’s first veterinary nurse graduates is a dream come true for randburg resident phumelela mthimkhulu (21), who has been passionate about animals since she was a child. +",0.90089047 +"gaan haal jou bestuurderslisensiekaart vukuzenzele unnamed motoriste wat tussen oktober en desember verlede jaar aansoek gedoen het vir n nuwe bestuurderslisensiekaart of dit hernu het, of wat aansoek gedoen het vir n professio nele bestuurspermit (prdp), word dringend versoek om dit te gaan afhaal. +","collect your driver's licence card vukuzenzele unnamed motorists who applied for a new or renewal driver’s licence card or professional driving permit (prdp) between october and december last year are being urged to collect them. +",0.8551791 +"volgens die padverkeers bestuurkorporasie (rtmc) is slegs 42% van die 32 748 bestuurderslisensiekaarte wat in dié tyd vervaardig is, reeds afgehaal. +","according to the road traffic management corporation (rtmc), only 42% of the 32 748 driver’s licence cards produced during this time have been collected. +",0.88112587 +"die minister van vervoer, fikile mbalula, het verlede jaar die rtmclisensiëringsentrums in midrand en eco park geopen, na aan leiding van die agterstand in bestuurderslisensies, wat weens kovid19 verval het. +","minister of transport fikile mbalula opened the rtmc licensing centres in midrand and eco park last year, in response to the backlog of expired driver’s licences due to covid19. +",0.91566646 +"die driver’s licence card account wat die lisensies druk, werk onverpoos om die vervaardiging van kaarte te versnel en is op koers om die agterstand teen einde junie uit te wis. die rtmc sê dat mense die vordering van hulle aan soeke kan nagaan voordat hulle na die toetssentrums gaan om dit af te haal. +","the driver’s licence card account, which prints the licences, is working around the clock to fasttrack production and remains on course to clear the backlog by the end of june. +",0.8236469 +"dit kan per sms of aanlyn gedoen word. +","the rtmc says people can check the status of their application before going to the testing centre to collect it. +",0.5206936 +"smsnavrae oor bestuurderslisensies om navraag te doen oor bestuurderslisensies, kan aansoekers hulle idnommer na 33214 sms. +","this can be done by sms or online. +",0.48511928 +"hulle sal dan een van onderstaande sms’e in engels ontvang: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been pro cessed. +","driver’s licence sms query for a driver’s licence query, applicants can sms their id number to 33214. they will then receive one of the smses below: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been processed. +",0.7549357 +"production queue: the card is still being proces sed and manufactured. +","production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. +",0.94123113 +"produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. +","produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. +",0.9999998 +"however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. +","however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. +",1.0000002 +"problem card: there is a pro blem with the production of your card. +","problem card: there is a problem with the production of your card. +",0.91182274 +"please return to the testing centre. +","please return to the testing centre. +",0.99999994 +"vir n navraag oor jou prdpaansoek, sms jou idnommer na 44220. aanlyn navraag oor jou bestuurderslisensie jy kan ook die vordering van jou aansoek gratis aanlyn vasstel. +","for a prdp application query, sms your id number to 44220. driver’s licence online query you can also determine the status of your application for free online. +",0.84493345 +"besoek online. +","visit online. +",0.9279758 +"natis. +","natis. +",1.0 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.99999994 +"za. +","za. +",0.9999997 +"skep n profiel en teken aan. +","create a profile and log in. +",0.7645822 +"kliek op die status van jou aansoek op die paneelbord. +","click the status of your application on the dashboard. +",0.8270413 +"diegene wie se lisensie tussen maart 2020 en 31 augustus 2021 verstryk het en wat die hernuwingsperdatum van 5 mei misgeloop het, word aangeraai om n tydelike bestuurslisensie te kry wanneer jy aansoek doen om hernuwing om sodoende binne die wet te bly. +","those whose licences expired between march 2020 and 31 august 2021, who missed the renewal deadline of 5 may, are advised to obtain a tempo rary driver’s licence when applying for their renewal to remain legally compliant. +",0.8921395 +"alhoewel rtmcsentrums vanaf maandag tot sondag van 7 vm. +","collect your driver's licence card vukuzenzele unnamed motorists who applied for a new or renewal driver’s licence card or professional driving permit (prdp) between october and december last year are being urged to collect them. +",0.8921395 +"swart ekonomiese bemagtiging n vereiste vir ontwikkeling vukuzenzele unnamed n mylpaaltransaksie vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging is in april vanjaar in die ooskaap beklink. +","black economic empowerment a must for growth vukuzenzele unnamed in april this year, a landmark broadbased black economic empowerment transaction was concluded in the eastern cape that significantly improves the participation of black womenowned businesses in the energy sector. +",0.8092941 +"die transaksie sal die deelname van ondernemings wat deur swart vrouens besit word in die energiesektor beduidend verbeter. +","a liquid bulk fuel terminal operated by bp southern africa in east london has been sold to wasaa, an independent petrochemicals company. +",0.6437307 +"n grootmaatterminaal vir vloeistofbrandstof wat in ooslonden deur bp southern africa bedryf is, is aan die onafhanklike petrochemikalieëmaatskappy wasaa verkoop. +","wasaa has acquired all the terminal’s moveable assets and a 20 percent share in berthtoterminal pipelines. +",0.68329537 +"wasaa het die terminaal se roerende bates en n 20% aandeel in ankerpleknaterminaalpyplyne gekoop. +","with the 2020 report by the broadbased black economic empowerment commission showing that most economic sectors are falling short of their black women ownership targets, this acquisition by a black and femaleowned company of a liquid fuel terminal is a historic development. +",0.6756824 +"dié aanskaffing van n vloeistofbrandstofterminaal deur n maatskappy wat deur n swart vrou besit word, is n geskiedkundige ontwikkeling, met die kommissie oor breedgebaseerde swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (bgseb) se 2020verslag wat toon dat die meeste ekonomiese sektore tekortskiet in terme van hul teikens vir eienaarskap deur swart vrouens. +","it contributes to our national effort to redress inequality and ensure there is meaningful participation by the country’s majority in our economy. +",0.62791836 +"dit dra by tot ons nasionale poging om ongelykheid reg te stel en te verseker dat daar sinvolle deelname deur die land se meerderheid in ons ekonomie is. +","recently, i announced the appointment of the new broadbased black economic empowerment advisory council, which comprises government, business, labour and other stakeholders. +",0.5905628 +"ek het onlangs die aanstelling van die nuwe adviesraad vir bgseb – bestaande uit die regering, sakelui, die arbeidsmag en ander belanghebbendes – aangekondig. +","it was established to champion the cause of economic transformation. +",0.5136975 +"die adviesraad is gestig om die saak van ekonomiese transformasie voor te staan. +","the council has its origins in a 2001 report produced by the bee commission. +",0.56620115 +"die raad spruit uit n 2001verslag wat deur die bgsebkommissie saamge stel is. +","this report emanated from an extensive study into the structure of the south african economy, and what was needed to transform the economy, grow black entrepreneurship, ensure greater black management and ownership of busines ses, and bring black women into the mainstream of the economy. +",0.5971471 +"dié verslag is na aanleiding van n omvangryke studie oor die struktuur van die suidafrikaanse ekonomie en wat nodig is om die ekonomie te transformeer, swart entrepreneurskap te ontwikkel, meer swart bestuur en eienaarskap van ondernemings te verseker, en swart vrouens terug te bring na die hoofstroomekonomie toe. +","next year, it will be two decades since the broadbased black economic empowerment (bbbee) act – which established the council – was passed. +",0.6219382 +"dit sal volgende jaar twee dekades wees sedert die wet op breedgebaseerde swart ekonomiese bemag tiging, wat die raad gevestig het, goedgekeur is. +","our commitment to entrench and deepen economic empowerment is unwavering. +",0.5815812 +"ons is koersvas in ons toewyding om ekonomiese bemagtiging te verskans en te verdiep. +","that is why black economic empowerment is an integral part of our economic reconstruction and recovery in the wake of the covid19 pandemic. +",0.62997985 +"dit is waarom swart ekonomiese bemagtiging n integrale deel van ons ekonomiese heropbou en herstel in die nasleep van die kovid19pandemie is. +","this is one of the reassurances i articulated to the black business council earlier last month, where we discussed the state of bbbee in the country, the progress that has been made and what we need to do as a collective to build on our gains. +",0.63702667 +"dit is een van die gerusstellings wat vroeër dié maand duidelik teenoor die swart sakeraad uitgespreek is toe ons die stand van bgseb in die land, die vordering wat gemaak is en wat ons as sakegemeen skap moet doen om op ons vordering voort te bou, bespreek het. +","while there has been significant progress over the last two decades, there are some areas where there has been regression. +",0.5442203 +"oor die afgelope twee dekades is daar beduidende vordering gemaak, alhoewel daar agteruitgang in sommige gebiede was. +","we have gone backwards when it comes to increasing black management control, upscaling skills development, entrenching enterprise deve lopment and broadening procurement to give opportunities to black women and the youth. +",0.56352556 +"ons het agteruitgegaan betreffende die vermeerdering van swart bestuursbeheer, die opskaling van vaardigheidsontwikkeling, die verskansing van ondernemingsontwikkeling en die verbreding van voorraadverkryging om aan swart vrouens en die jeug meer geleenthede te bied. +","the apartheid government deliberately built a distorted economy designed to benefit white people. +",0.6200484 +"die apartheidsregering het opsetlik n verwronge ekonomie gebou wat ontwerp is om blankes te bevoordeel. +","the majority of south africans were marginalised from the mainstream economy, with black entrepreneurs confined to small retail industries in the townships. +",0.65671986 +"die meerderheid suid afrikaners is gemarginaliseer in die hoofstroomekonomie, met swart entrepreneurs wat beperk is tot kleinhandelsakeondernemings in die townships. +","at the end of apartheid, black ownership of jselisted companies was less than 1 percent. +",0.70638174 +"swart eienaarskap van jsegelyste maatskappye was aan die einde van apartheid minder as 1%. +","this figure has not improved much in the past 28 years. +",0.4978652 +"dié syfer het nie veel in die laaste 28 jaar verbeter nie. +","at the same time, there have been important private sector initiatives and deliberate measures by the state to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of black people in the economy. +",0.4707924 +"daar was ook, terselfdertyd, belangrike privaatsektorinisiatiewe en doelbewuste maatreëls deur die staat om groter en sinvoller deelname van swartmense in die ekonomie te fasiliteer. +","between 2017 and 2020, nearly 500 empowerment transactions were submitted for registration to the bbbee commission. +",0.6029152 +"nagenoeg 500 bemag tigingstransaksies is tussen 2017 en 2020 by die bgsebkommissie ingehandig vir registrasie. +","in key sectors such as construction, property, information and communications technology, tourism and transport, black ownership has exceeded targets. +",0.5423046 +"swart eienaarskap het teikens oorskry in sleutelsektore soos die boubedryf, eiendom, inligtingen kommunikasietegnologie, toerisme en vervoer. +","economic transformation and economic growth are intertwined. +",0.56511796 +"ekonomiese transformasie en ekonomiese groei is vervleg. +","there cannot be one without the other. +",0.34085935 +"daar kan nie een sonder die ander wees nie. +","by integrating transformation into the process of industrialisation, we are advancing a more inclusive growth model that shares, rather than concentrates, wealth. +",0.41049522 +"ons bevorder n meer inklusiewe ontwikkelingsmodel, deur transformasie in die industrialisasieproses te integreer, wat welvaart deel eerder as om dit op te hoop. +","the department of trade, industry and competition (dtic) is pursuing this goal through various programmes. +",0.5522202 +"die departement van handel, nywerheid en mededinging (dhnm) streef dié doelwit na deur verskeie programme. +","they include a support programme for township businesses, exportrelated training by the industrial development corporation (idc) to black, women and youthowned businesses, and increased infrastructure budget to smmes in the tshwane special economic zone. +",0.6627145 +"dit behels n ondersteuningsprogram vir townshipondernemings, uitvoerverwante opleiding deur die nywerheids ontwikkelingskorporasie (nok) aan ondernemings wat deur swartmense, vrouens en die jeug besit word en verhoogde infrastruktuurbegroting aan kmmo’s in tshwane se spesiale ekonomiese sone. +","through sectoral masterplans we are driving localisation that benefits black owned businesses. +",0.6277518 +"ons stuur lokalisering deur sektorale meesterplanne wat ondernemings wat deur swartmense besit word, bevoordeel. +","for example, 10 black contract growers have been established with an investment of r336 million as part of the poultry masterplan. +",0.6263153 +"byvoorbeeld is 10 swart kontrakteurtelers gevestig, met n belegging van r336 miljoen as deel van die pluimveemeesterplan. +","government has also launched a black exporters network that will connect blackowned companies in food, engineering products, auto components, beauty products and other sectors of the economy. +",0.6342519 +"die regering het ook n swart uitvoerdersnetwerk geloods wat ondernemings wat deur swartmense besit word in die sektore van voedsel, ingenieursweseprodukte, voertuigkomponente, skoonheidsprodukte en ander sektore van die ekonomie met mekaar verbind. +","as part of our drive to create a new generation of black industrialists, last year government approved r2.5 billion in new support to about 180 black industrialists in the form of loans from the idc and national empowerment fund (nef) and grants from the dtic incentive scheme. +",0.6803433 +"die regering het verlede jaar r2.5 miljard in nuwe ondersteuning aan ongeveer 180 swart nyweraars, in die vorm van lenings deur die nok en die nasionale bemagtigingsfonds (nbf), asook toelaes deur die dhnm se aansporingskema goedgekeur, as deel van ons veldtog om n nuwe generasie swart nyweraars te skep. +","over the next three years a further r21 billion has been committed by the idc, nef and other institutions to support black industrialists. +",0.71209323 +"n verdere r12 miljard is oor die volgende drie jaar deur die nok, nbf en ander instansies belowe om swart nyweraars te ondersteun. +","an additional r25 billion has been committed to support black, women, youth and workerowned companies. +",0.766917 +"n bykomende r25 miljard is belowe om maatskappye wat deur swartmense, vrouens, jeugdiges en werkers besit word, te ondersteun. +","it is clear that much more work needs to be done to address the many challenges that black businesses face. +",0.56284523 +"dit is duidelik dat baie meer werk nog gedoen moet word om die vele uitdagings wat swart ondernemings in die gesig staar, aan te spreek. +","this includes the difficulty of accessing startup and expansion capital and the ability of smmes to find markets for their products. +",0.5901274 +"dit behels die struikelblok van toegang tot aanvangsen uitbreidingskapitaal en die vermoë van kmmo’s om markte vir hulle produkte te kry. +","black womenowned businesses, in particular, encounter difficulties in taking on largescale empowerment transactions. +",0.6415819 +"besighede wat deur swart vrouens besit word, sukkel in besonder wanneer grootskaalse bemagtigings transaksies onderneem word. +","breaking the cycle of underdevelopment through black economic empowerment is not just a moral imperative; it also makes business sense. +",0.63286483 +"om die siklus van onderontwikkeling deur swart ekonomiese bemagtiging te verbreek, is nie net n morele opdrag nie; dit maak ook sakesin. +","the continued exclusion of the black majority from the economy’s mainstream constrains economic growth, which ultimately impacts all business. +",0.6745659 +"die voortgesette uitsluiting van die swart meerderheid uit die hoofstroomekonomie beperk ekonomiese groei, wat uiteindelik alle sakelui beïnvloed. +","expanding the country’s entrepreneurial base is fundamental to growth. +",0.61655027 +"die uitbreiding van die land se entrepreneursbasis is fundamenteel vir ontwikkeling. +","we have a shared responsibility to drive the effort to entrench bbbee because it is about eradicating inequality. +",0.609516 +"ons het n gedeelde verantwoordelikheid om die poging om bgseb te verskans aan te moedig omdat dit oor die uitwissing van ongelykheid gaan. +","unequal economies breed unequal societies, and unequal societies don’t grow and flourish. +",0.58200175 +"ongelyke ekonomieë kweek ongelyke samelewings en ongelyke samelewings ontwikkel en floreer nie. +","it is not only wrong, but also unsustainable, for businesses to keep their management and ownership structures mostly white or male. +",0.6238208 +"dit is nie net verkeerd nie, maar ook onvolhoubaar vir ondernemings om hul bestuursen eienaarskapstrukture meestal blank of manlik te hou. +","it is, after all, the south african public that are the primary consumers of their goods and services. +",0.5347252 +"dit is, per slot van rekening, die suidafrikaanse publiek wat die primêre verbruikers van hul goedere en dienste is. +","this should be reflected in diversity of hiring and management practices, in ownership and in procurement. +",0.5996636 +"dit behoort in die diversiteit van aanstellingsen bestuurspraktyke, in eienaarskap en in verkryging, weerspieël te word. +","broadbased black economic empowerment will only be achieved through partnership and a shared commitment to transformation. +",0.65395653 +"bgseb sal slegs bereik word deur vennootskap en n gedeelde toewyding aan transformasie. +","the appointment of the new bbbee council will help us to expand the frontiers of broadbased black economic empowerment. +",0.6354877 +"die aanstelling van die nuwe bgsebraad sal ons help om die grense van bgseb uit te brei. +","black economic empowerment a must for growth vukuzenzele unnamed in april this year, a landmark broadbased black economic empowerment transaction was concluded in the eastern cape that significantly improves the participation of black womenowned businesses in the energy sector. +",0.6354877 +"stygende lewenskoste vereis n verenigde reaksie suidafrikaners is oor die laaste paar maande hard geslaan deur skerp prysstygings wat hul lewenskwaliteit dramaties beïnvloed het. +","rising cost of living calls for a united response over the past few months, south african consumers have been hit by steep price increases that have dramatically affected their quality of life. +",0.8505665 +"dit word toenemend duurder om kos en ander noodsaaklikhede te koop, vir basiese dienste te betaal en van openbare en private vervoer gebruik te maak. +","it has become increasingly more expensive to buy food and other essentials, to pay for basic services and to use public or private transportation. +",0.92151356 +"alhoewel dié stygende koste almal affekteer, raak dit laeinkomstehuishoudings die meeste. +","while these rising costs affect everyone, lowincome households are feeling them the most. +",0.79587317 +"die jongste verbruikersprysindeks vir april 2022 wat deur statistiek suid afrika gepubliseer is, toon dat daar min verligting vir vuisvoos suidafrikaners is. +","the latest consumer price index for april 2022 published by stats sa shows there has been little respite for hardpressed south africans. +",0.86095726 +"voedselinflasie staan op 6,2%. +","food inflation was recorded at 6.2 per cent. +",0.8658526 +"die mees basiese voedselsoorte kos meer as n jaar gelede, met stapelvoedsel soos kookolie wat die meeste gestyg het. +","the most basic foodstuffs cost more than a year ago, with staples like cooking oil recording the highest increases. +",0.85502815 +"die prys van brandstof, wat omtrent alle ander produkte beïnvloed, het in die twaalf maande tot maart 2022 met n derde gestyg. +","the price of fuel, which affects the price of almost everything else, has risen by a third in the twelve months to march 2022. south africa is not alone in this regard. +",0.79668975 +"suidafrika staan egter nie alleen in dié verband nie. +","a recently published poll for the world economic forum shows that nearly a quarter of people globally, including those in developed economies, are struggling financially due to rising prices. +",0.4943787 +"n onlangse opname vir die wêreldekonomiese forum wat gepubliseer is, toon dat ongeveer ’n kwart van alle mense wêreldwyd, waaronder diegene in ontwikkelde ekonomieë, finansieel sukkel weens stygende pryse. +","these increases, particularly the price of fuel, are the consequence of events over which we have little control. +",0.5706874 +"dié styging in pryse, veral die prys van brandstof, is die gevolg van gebeure waaroor ons baie min beheer het. +","the ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine has had a significant impact on the price of fuel and food. +",0.6140496 +"die voortgaande konflik tussen rusland en die oekraïne het n beduidende impak op die prys van brandstof en voedsel gehad. +","both countries are major exporters to international markets of fertilisers, grains and oilseeds that are needed for a range of items such as cooking oil. +",0.6363579 +"beide lande is groot uitvoerders na internasionale markte van kunsmis, graan en oliesade wat nodig is n vir hele reeks produkte, waaronder kookolie. +","another factor is lower agricultural output due to extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as flooding and droughts. +",0.66666174 +"nog n faktor is laer landbouuitsette weens ekstreme weerstoestande wat veroorsaak is deur klimaatsverandering, waaronder oorstromings en droogte. +","while many of these events are beyond our control, government is doing what it can to shield the south african from current and future price increases. +",0.5930579 +"terwyl baie van dié gebeure buite ons beheer is, doen die regering alles wat hy kan om suidafrikaners teen huidige en toekomstige prysstygings te beskerm. +","one of our greatest advantages as a country is a strong, independent reserve bank that has managed to keep inflation within a narrow target range, well below what many other countries are experiencing. +",0.61889094 +"een van die voordele vir ons as n land, is n sterk, onafhanklike reserwebank wat daarin kon slaag om inflasie binne n nou teikenreeks te hou – heelwat laer as wat baie ander lande kon regkry. +","we recently announced that the fuel levy will be suspended for another two months to august, which will bring some relief to households. +",0.56464505 +"ons het onlangs aangekondig dat die brandstofheffing vir nog twee maande tot augustus opgehef sal word, wat n mate van verligting vir huishoudings sal bring. +","the suspension of the levy has provided essential relief to south africans since it began in april. +",0.5902696 +"die opheffing van die brandstofheffing het noodsaaklike verligting aan suidafrikaners gebring sedert dit in april ingestel is. +","since the suspension of the levy comes at a significant cost to public finances, which affects other programmes of government, it will be difficult to continue this indefinitely. +",0.60532725 +"aangesien die opheffing van die brandstofheffing n beduiende koste vir die staatskas inhou, wat weer ander regeringsprogramme beïnvloed, sal dit moeilik wees om onbepaald daarmee voort te gaan. +","there are, however, other things we can do. +",0.36075765 +"daar is egter ander goed wat ons kan doen. +","improving our nation’s food security is vital to withstanding this and future shocks. +",0.42138365 +"die verbetering van ons land se voedselsekerheid is noodsaaklik om die huidige en toekomstige skokke die hoof te bied. +","we have a strong agricultural sector that continues to grow and create jobs. +",0.5682318 +"ons het n sterk landbousektor wat voortdurend groei en werk skep. +","to further increase agricultural production and strengthen our food sovereignty, we are investing heavily in improving local capacity, supporting commercial and smallscale farmers alike and helping more people to grow their own food. +",0.6683146 +"om landbouproduksie nog meer te laat toeneem en ons voedselonafhanklikheid te versterk, is ons besig om op grootskaal te belê in die verbetering van ons plaaslike kapasiteit, om kommersiële en kleinboere te ondersteun en om meer mense te help om hulle eie voedsel te kweek. +","through the presidential employment stimulus, input vouchers have been given to over 65,000 smallholder farmers, and work is underway to reach 250,000 such farmers. +",0.69595325 +"insetbewyse is deur die presidensiële indiensnemingstimulus aan meer as 65 000 kleinboere gegee, en werk word tans gedoen om 250 000 sodanige boere te bereik. +","government is also providing subsistence farmers with fertilisers and equipment to produce food, and helping groups or individuals to start their own food gardens. +",0.6277846 +"die regering voorsien ook kunsmis en toerusting aan bestaansboere om voedsel te produseer, en help groepe en individue om hulle eie groentetuine te begin. +","in provinces like north west, smallscale farmers are supported with agricultural ‘starterpacks’ of seedlings and poultry, in partnership with local agricultural colleges. +",0.6679457 +"in provinsies soos noordwes word kleinboere ondersteun deur ""landboubeginnerspakkette"" bestaande uit saailinge en pluimvee, in vennootskap met plaaslike landboukolleges. +","through the proactive land acquisition strategy and the release of stateowned land for agriculture, we are supporting more smallscale farmers to expand their businesses and make them commercially successful. +",0.69859135 +"deur middel van die proaktiewe grondverkrygingstrategie en die vrystelling van grond in staatsbesit vir landbou, ondersteun ons meer kleinboere om hulle besighede uit te brei en kommersieel suksesvol te maak. +","we are also focusing on establishing more publicprivate partnerships to support the expansion of black commercial farming through initiatives like the partners in agri land solutions and the agricultural development agency. +",0.72202873 +"ons fokus ook daarop om meer staatprivaat vennootskappe te vestig om die uitbreiding van swart kommersiële boerderye te ondersteun deur inisiatiewe soos die partners in agri land solutions en die landbouontwikkelingsagentskap. +","to enhance biosecurity and safeguard animal health against diseases like footandmouth, we are strengthening our animal movement control measures and vaccine production capabilities. +",0.7165481 +"ons is besig om ons maatreëls vir die vervoer van diere op te skerp en ons vermoë om entstowwe te vervaardiging, uit te brei, om biosekuriteit te bevorder en dieregesondheid teen siektes soos bekenklouseer, te beskerm. +","in addition to boosting local food production, our extensive social grants system and zerorating of basic goods helps to protect the poor from rising costs. +",0.7268739 +"behalwe om die plaaslike vervaardiging van voedselproduksie n hupstoot te gee, help ons ook die armes teen prysstygings beskerm deur ons omvattende maatskaplike toelaagstelsel en die nulgradering van basiese goedere. +","through free basic services like water and electricity for indigent households, we can ensure that no family goes without basic services. +",0.6895876 +"ons kan, deur middel van gratis basiese dienste soos water en elektrisiteit vir behoeftige huishoudings, seker maak dat geen gesin sonder basiese dienste is nie. +","to get through this difficult period, all of society should get involved. +",0.48230776 +"om deur dié moeilike tydperk te kom, moet die hele samelewing betrokke raak. +","for our part, government will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do everything within its power to protect south africans from unsustainable increases in the cost of living. +",0.55221784 +"wat die regering betref, sal ons voortgaan om die situasie fyn dop te hou en alles binne ons vermoë doen om suidafrikaners teen die onvolhoubare styging in lewenskoste te beskerm. +","corporate south africa should ensure that consumers do not pay more for food than they have to. +",0.589746 +"korporatiewe suidafrika behoort seker te maak dat verbruikers nie meer as wat nodig is vir voedsel betaal nie. +","we welcome the indications from food manufacturers and retailers that they are putting measures in place to help consumers get more for their money. +",0.66163206 +"ons verwelkom die aanduiding van voedselvervaardigers en kleinhandelaars dat hulle besig is om maatreëls in plek te stel om verbruikers te help om meer waarde vir hulle geld te kry. +","in march this year the competition commission released for public comment the terms of reference for a market enquiry into the fresh produce market. +",0.6203592 +"mededingingskommissie het in maart vanjaar, die opdrag vir publieke kommentaar vir n markondersoek na die varsproduktemark bekendgestel. +","it noted that the cost of fresh produce has been increasing at aboveinflation levels, and that this has had a disproportionate effect on the poor. +",0.6364695 +"hulle het waargeneem dat die koste van vars produkte bly toeneem het teen vlakke bo inflasie, en dat dit n disproporsionele uitwerking op die armes gehad het. +","the inquiry will examine if there are any distortions in the value chain that make food more expensive. +",0.6515456 +"die ondersoek sal vasstel of daar enige afwykings in die waardeketting is wat voedsel duurder maak. +","we will use our competition policy to protect consumers against unjustifiable price increases and anticompetitive practices by businesses, as we did during the covid19 pandemic. +",0.57070357 +"ons sal ons mededingingsbeleid aanwend om verbruikers teen onregverdige prysverhogings en onmededingende praktyke deur besighede te beskerm, soos wat ons tydens die kovid19 pandemie gedoen het. +","the ongoing process of structural reform of our economy will support these efforts. +",0.52960646 +"dié pogings sal ondersteun word deur die voortgaande proses van strukturele hervorming van ons ekonomie. +","reforms in the energy, transport and telecommunications sectors aim to reduce the cost of electricity, logistics and data in the long term through greater competition and efficiency. +",0.549721 +"hervorming in die energie, vervoer en telekommunikasiesektore poog om die koste van elektrisiteit, logistiek en data oor die langtermyn deur middel van groter mededingendheid en doeltreffendheid te verlaag. +","we should be paying less, not more, for these services in the future. +",0.5510704 +"ons behoort in die toekoms minder, en nie meer nie, vir dié dienste, te betaal. +","rising cost of living calls for a united response over the past few months, south african consumers have been hit by steep price increases that have dramatically affected their quality of life. +",0.5510704 +"ons nasie rou oor die verlies van jong lewens in die enyobeni tavernetragedie vukuzenzele unnamed die gesinne in n township in scenery park buite ooslonden het n paar weke gelede die nuus ontvang waarteen elke ouer bid. +","our nation mourns the young lives lost in enyobeni tavern tragedy vukuzenzele unnamed a few weeks ago the families of a township in scenery park outside east london, received news that every parent prays they never get to hear. +",0.8681375 +"hulle is ingelig dat 21 van hul kinders dood gevind is in n taverne. +","they were told that 21 of their children had been found dead, in a tavern. +",0.85470957 +"die jongste was slegs 13 jaar oud. +","the youngest child was only 13 years old. +",0.8464702 +"die polisieondersoek na die tragedie is onderweg. +","the police investigation into the tragedy is proceeding apace. +",0.72006875 +"as deel van die ondersoek bepaal die buffalo city metro tans of die taverne enige munisipale regulasies oortree het. +","flowing from the investigations, the buffalo city metro is looking into whether the tavern violated any municipal regulations. +",0.80293185 +"ons gedagtes en gebede is met die gesinne wat sukkel om sin te maak van die onbeskryflike skok. +","our thoughts and prayers are with the families who are struggling to come to terms with this unspeakable horror. +",0.78373456 +"ons loof die ooskaapse provinsiale regering vir die ondersteuning wat hulle aan die gesinne verleen asook avbob wat hulself daartoe verbind het om die gesinne met die begrafnisse by te staan. +","we commend the eastern cape provincial government for assisting the affected families, as well as avbob that has pledged to assist the families with the burials. +",0.79829293 +"daar is, selfs terwyl die betrokke owerhede agter die kap van die byl kom oor wat gebeur het sodat geregtigheid vir die slagoffers kan geskied, n gesprek wat ons as land dringend moet voer. +","even as the relevant authorities deconstruct what happened to ensure there is justice for the victims, there is a conversation we do need to have as a country. +",0.77831626 +"dit is die probleem van minderjarige alkoholverbruik. +","it is the problem of underage drinking. +",0.8089904 +"die videoopnames en beelde wat aanlyn versprei is van die sogenaamde ""pens down""partytjie wat daardie aand by die taverne gehou is, toon luidrugtige jongmense wat met bottels alkohol rondkuier. +","the footage and images posted online of the socalled ‘pens down’ party at the venue that night show revelling youngsters clutching bottles of alcohol. +",0.884007 +"baie van diegene in die foto’s lyk skaars ouer as tieners. +","many of those in the images look barely out of their teens. +",0.77980506 +"n aantal jongmense van scenery park het aan die media vertel dat hulle n plasing op sosiale media gesien het wat gratis rondtes alkohol aan almal bied wat die partytjie die aand sou bywoon. +","a number of young people from scenery park have told the media of having seen a post circulated on social media, offering free rounds of alcohol to all who attended the event that night. +",0.88324773 +"die verhoogde maatskaplike aanvaarbaarheid van jongmense wat alkohol gebruik het ontaard in n ernstige probleem in n land waar die meerderheid van die bevolking wat alkohol verbruik reeds deur die wêreldgesondheidorganisasie as fuifdrinkers ( ""binge drinkers"") geklassifiseer word. +","the increased social acceptability of young people drinking alcohol has become a serious problem in a country where the majority of the drinking population are already classified by the world health organization as binge drinkers. +",0.9035189 +"alkoholverbruik onder adolessente gaan gepaard met verswakte funksionering, afwesigheid in skole, alkoholverwante beserings, selfmoordgedagtes en pogings asook waaghalsige gedrag. +","alcohol use amongst adolescents is associated with impaired function, absenteeism from learning, alcoholrelated injuries, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and risky behaviour. +",0.8875413 +"ons moet saamstaan teen dié misdryf wat ons jongmense van die beste jare van hul lewens beroof en hulle ontvanklik maak vir alkoholverslawing. +","we must come together to combat this vice that is robbing our young people of the best years of their lives, and making them susceptible to alcohol addiction. +",0.85927135 +"as gesinne beteken dit dat daar oop en eerlike gesprekke oor die gebruik van alkohol en die stel van perke gevoer moet word. +","as families it means having open and frank conversations about alcohol and setting boundaries. +",0.78941035 +"kinders onder die ouderdom van 18 wat alkohol gebruik is teen die wet. +","children under the age of 18 consuming alcohol is against the law. +",0.84878725 +"ons moet, as volwassenes, onsself weerhou van die gebruik om minderjariges te stuur om alkohol vir ons te gaan koop en weier om namens dié jongmense alkohol te koop. +","as adults we should refrain from practices such as sending minors to buy alcohol for us or capitulating to requests to buy these young people alcohol. +",0.8534639 +"dit is nie die eerste keer wat ons te staan kom voor tragiese gebeure soos wat laasweek in scenery park plaasgevind het. +","it is not the first time we have been confronted with tragic events such as what happened in scenery park last week. +",0.8406402 +"die enyobenitaverne, die throbnagklubramp in durban in 2000 en die osi’stavernetragedie in khayelitsha in 2015 het een ding in gemeen — dié kuierplekke het drank aan minderjariges verkoop. +","a common denominator between enyobeni tavern, the throb nightclub disaster in durban in 2000, and the osi’s tavern tragedy in khayelitsha in 2015, is that these establishments were selling liquor to minors. +",0.87453353 +"die vervuiling van kuierplekke en drankwinkels wat die wet openlik tart toon duidelik hoe die owerhede daarin faal om regulasies af te dwing. +","the proliferation of establishments openly flouting the law points to failings on the part of authorities to enforce regulations. +",0.7788055 +"eienaars van ondernemings met dranklisensies mag, ingevolge die nasionale drankwet, geensins alkohol aan enige persoon onder die ouderdom van 18 verkoop nie. +","under the national liquor act, owners of establishments with liquor licenses may not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. they must also take reasonable steps to ensure anyone they are selling alcohol to is of age. +",0.81478685 +"hulle moet ook redelike stappe neem om te verseker dat enige persoon waaraan hulle alkohol verkoop, mondig is. +","we call on communities to work with authorities to ensure that taverns, shebeens, entertainment venues and outlets breaking the law face the consequences. +",0.6102818 +"ons doen n beroep op gemeenskappe om saam met die owerhede te werk om te verseker dat tavernes, sjebiens, vermaaklikheidsplekke en verkooppunte wat dié wette oortree, die gevolge daarvan dra. +","we call upon our police to step up the enforcement of laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol close to schools and enhance monitoring of outlets to ensure alcohol is not being sold to minors. +",0.6817033 +"ons doen n beroep op ons polisie om strenger op te tree in die toepassing van wetgewing wat die verkoop van alkohol naby skole verban asook om sulke verkoopspunte fyn te monitor om te verseker dat alkohol nie aan minderjariges verkoop word nie. +","another reality is that alcohol is a form of escapism for young people in communities were opportunities for safe and ageappropriate recreation are few. +",0.6869619 +"nog n realiteit is dat alkohol n vorm van ontvlugting vir jongmense is in gemeenskappe waar daar min geleenthede vir veilige en ouderdomsgepaste ontspanning bestaan. +","the scenery park community has pointed to the lack of sports, learning and other developmental facilities for young people, leading them to resort to ‘tavern hopping’. +",0.65003276 +"die scenery parkgemeenskap het die gebrek aan sport, leer en ander ontwikkelingsfasiliteite vir jongmense uitgewys, wat lei tot gedrag van kroegkruip (""tavern hopping""). +","in the wake of the tragedy, the community has pointed out that there are no viable sports grounds, community libraries or youth centres in scenery park. +",0.7254859 +"die gemeenskap het, na die tragedie, die gebrek aan bruikbare sportsgronde, gemeenskapbiblioteke of jeugsentrums in scenery park uitgewys. +","as government at national, provincial and local level we need to respond to the pleas of this community and those of other communities by developing more recreational spaces, facilities, programmes, and projects for our young people in disadvantaged areas in the province. +",0.6782157 +"ons moet, as regering op nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike vlak op die pleidooi van dié gemeenskap en dié van ander gemeenskappe reageer deur meer ruimtes vir ontspanning, fasiliteite, programme en projekte vir ons jongmense in minderbevoorregte gebiede in die provinsie te ontwikkel. +","other social partners such as the business community should also assist with sponsorship. +",0.5711665 +"ander maatskaplike vennote soos sakelui behoort ook bystand te verleen in die vorm van borgskappe. +","as communities we must work with our community policing forums, with our civics organisations and with our school governing bodies and play a more active role in the lives of our children and in ensuring their safety and wellbeing. +",0.58850175 +"as gemeenskappe moet ons in samewerking met ons gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums, ons burgerlike organisasies en skoolbeheerliggame tree en n meer aktiewe rol in die lewens van ons kinders en om hul veiligheid en welstand te verseker, speel. +","as they say in our african indigenous classics ""it takes a community to raise a child"". +",0.60289764 +"soos die klassieke afrika gesegde lui: ""dit verg n gemeenskap om n kind groot te maak"". +","let us work together to protect our precious future generation from the ravages of alcohol and drug abuse and their effects. +",0.52518827 +"kom ons werk saam om ons kosbare toekomsgenerasie teen die verwoesting van alkohol en dwelmmisbruik en die gevolge daarvan te beskerm. +","let us work together to ensure that those who put profit before the lives of our children are not allowed to operate. +",0.6563271 +"kom ons werk saam om te verseker dat diegene wat wins bo die lewens van ons kinders stel nie toegelaat word om dit te doen nie. +","let us also set a positive example in our own relationship with alcohol. +",0.54282075 +"kom ons stel ook n positiewe voorbeeld deur ons eie verhouding met alkohol. +","our nation mourns the young lives lost in enyobeni tavern tragedy vukuzenzele unnamed a few weeks ago the families of a township in scenery park outside east london, received news that every parent prays they never get to hear. +",0.54282075