diff --git "a/aligned_eng_nso.csv" "b/aligned_eng_nso.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/aligned_eng_nso.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,6821 @@ +src_text,tgt_text,cosine_score +"building a nation that cares for children vukuzenzele unnamed there is a proverb common to many african cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child. +","ho aha naha e kgathallang bana vukuzenzele unnamed hona le maele a tlwaelehileng sethong sa afrika a reng ngwana o hodiswa ke setjhaba. +",0.8312774 +"this idea – that the broader community has a responsibility for the development, wellbeing and safety of each child – comes to mind when i think about the tragic and deeply upsetting death of 13yearold enock mpianzi on a school camp recently. +","mohopolo ona wa hore setjhaba ka bophara se ikarabella ntshetsopeleng, paballe hong le tshireletsong ya ngwana e mong le e mong – o a mphihlela ha ke nahana ka tlokotsi e utlwisang bohloko ya lefu la enock mpianzi ya dilemo tse 13, ya sa tswa hlokahalla ka mpong ya leeto la sekolo. +",0.88354105 +"sadly, enock is not the only child to lose his life for reasons that were entirely preventable, if only adults had exercised due care and responsibility. +","ka maswabi, enock ha se yena feela ngwana ya ileng a hloka hala ka mabaka a ka thibelwang ka botlalo, ha feela batho ba baholo ba ka ba le tlhokomelo le boikarabelo ka tshwanelo. +",0.89595383 +"one thinks of another 13yearold, keamohetswe shaun seboko, who recently drowned in the swimming pool of a magaliesburg primary school, and the two children who died at the lekgolo primary school in limpopo when a truck crashed into a wall that collapsed on them. +","ke boele ke nahane ka keamohe tswe shaun seboko, ya dilemo tse 13, ya ileng a kgaqwa ke metsi haufinyane letamong la ho sesa la sekolo poraemare sa magaliesburg, le bana ba babedi ba hlokahaletseng sekolong sa poraemare sa lekgolo mane limpopo ha lori e ne e thula le bota le ileng la ba wela hodimo. +",0.89485383 +"one thinks also about the many children, like 6yearold nathlia pienaar, who are killed in the crossfire of gang wars on the cape flats. +","ha motho a nahana ka bana ba bangata, ba jwalo ka nathlia pienaar, ya dilemo tse tsheletseng, ya ileng a bola uwa dintweng tsa ho thunyana ha maqulwana a dinokwane cape flats. +",0.8939383 +"we remember also the tragic deaths of michael komape and lumka mkethwa, both of whom died after falling into pit latrines. +","re boela re hopola ho shwa ka sehloho ha michael komape le lumka mkethwa, ba ileng ba hlokahala ka bobedi ba bona kamora ho wela ka hara mekoti ya matlwana. +",0.8851057 +"all of those young lives, and the lives of many others, need never have been lost. +","maphelo a bana bohle, le maphelo a ba bang ba bangata, a ne a sa tlameha ho feela ho hang. +",0.82779133 +"all these tragedies could have been prevented if measures had been taken to keep these children out of harm’s way. +","ditlokotsi tsena tsohle di ka be di thibetswe haeba mekgwa ya thibello e ne e sebedi sitswe ho tshireletsa bana bana ba kotsing. +",0.8485707 +"it seems to me that, as a society, we are failing our children. +","ke bona eka, jwalo ka se tjhaba, re hloleha ho hlokomela bana ba rona. +",0.7195397 +"too many children find themselves in dangerous situations, whether it is on a make shift raft on a river or being left alone in a shack with a paraffin lamp. +","ke bana ba bangata ba iphumanang ba le kotsing, hore na e ne e le ho etsa lewala nokeng kapa ba siilwe ba le bang ka mokhukhung le lebone la para fini. +",0.8534956 +"when contractors leave excavations unprotected or school infrastructure is not maintained or school transport is overcrowded, the lives of children are put at risk. +","kapa ka mohlomong bo radikonteraka ba siya mekoti e epilweng e sa tshireletseha kapa meaho ya sekolo e sa hloko melwa, kapa dipalangwang tsa sekolo tseo ho tsona ho pete tswang bana, maphelo a bana a ba kotsing. +",0.8644539 +"but there is more than negligence and neglect at work. +","empa ho na le bohlaswa le ho se tsotelle mosebetsing. +",0.7847523 +"many children are targeted by sexual predators, criminal gangs and drug sellers precisely because they are vulnerable. +","bana ba bangata e ba mahlatsipa a dilalome tsa tlhekefetso ya motabo, ditlolo tsa molao tsa maqulwana a dinokwane le barekisi ba dithethefatsi hobane ba ka ba kotsing ha bonolo. +",0.86827826 +"as a society, we need to be more diligent and more active in protecting our children from these and other dangers. +","jwalo ka setjhaba, re tshwanela ho ba sedi re be re ipabole ntlheng ya ho tshireletsa bana ba rona dikotsing tsena esita le tse ding. +",0.85256475 +"as a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility. +","jwalo ka setjhaba, re tshwanela ho thea tlwaelo ya ho ba le boikarabelo. +",0.81833583 +"we need to be responsible for ourselves, for our children and for others. +","re tshwanela ho ba le bo ikarabelo, molemong wa bana ba rona le ba bang. +",0.854208 +"just as we need to ensure that children are able to grow up in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment, so too must we feel a duty to protect and care for all those who we know and interact with. +","jwaloka ha re tshwanela ho netefatsa hore bana ba kgona ho holela tikolohong e bolokehileng, ba baletswe mme re hahamalle boemong ba hore re tle re kgone ho ikutlwa re na le boikarabelo ba ho tshireletsa le ho kgathalla bohle bao re ba tsebang, esita le ho buisana le bona. +",0.8986562 +"we must feel this duty of care on the road. +","re tlameha ho ikutlwa re na le boikarabelo le tsotello mebileng. +",0.75100106 +"while we welcome the drop in road fatalities over this festive season, the grim reality is that over 1,600 people died on our roads in just a month and a half. +","leha re amohela phokotseho ya dikotsi mebileng nakong ya sehla sa matsatsi a phomolo a phethelang selemo, se nyarosang ke hore ke batho ba fetang 1,600 ba ileng ba hlo kahalla mebileng ya rona na kong ya kgwedi le halofo feela. +",0.89358234 +"it is disturbing that over 9,000 motorists were arrested for offences including drunk driving, speeding, and reckless and negligent driving. +","se tshosang ke hore bakga nni ba fetang 9,000 ba ile ba kwalelwa ditlolo tsa molao tse kenyeletsang ho kganna tlasa ba tahilwe, lebelo le hodimo, ho kganna ha bohlaswa le ho se tsotelle. +",0.9043063 +"a culture of responsibility means that we should all drive safely and respect the rights of pedestrians and other road users. +","tlwaelo ya ho nka boikarabelo e bolela hore re tlameha ho dula re kganna hantle re bile re hlompha ditokelo tsa ditaaso le basebedisi ba bang ba mebila. +",0.84305245 +"a culture of responsibility means that fathers need to be present in the lives of their children. +","tlwaelo ya ho ba le boikarabelo e bolela hore bontate ba hloka ho ba teng maphelong a bana ba bona. +",0.9031526 +"too many women have to raise children on their own, which often limits their prospects and those of their children. +","ke basadi ba bangata ba tlamehang ho hodisa bana ba le bang, e leng ntho e fokotsang makgabane a bona le a bana ba bona. +",0.8305007 +"a culture of responsibility also means that we should practice safe sex and not expose ourselves or others to hiv . +","tlwaelo ya ho ba le boikarabelo e boela hore re tlameha ho ba le thobalano e bolokehileng hore re se ke ra iphumana re le kotsing ya ho tshwaetswa ke hiv kapa ho tshwaetsa ba bang ka yona. +",0.8609088 +"we should not abuse alcohol or use drugs. +","ha re a tlameha ho sebedisa jwala le dithethefatsi hampe. +",0.86087584 +"we should seek to live healthy lives so that we avoid diseases that are largely preventable and live longer lives. +","re tlameha ho pheella ho phela maphelo a matle hore re tle re pheme mahloko ao e leng hore a ka thibelwa ka hohlehohle, re be re phele maphelo a malelele. +",0.863029 +"such a culture should be embraced in particular by all those in society who occupy positions of authority and influence, whether they are religious leaders or politicians, traditional leaders or celebrities. +","tlwaelo e jwalo ka ena e tlameha ho ananelwa, haholoholo ke bohle ba nang le tshusumetso esita le ba apesitsweng matla a bolaodi setjhabeng, hore na ke baetapele ba sedumedi kapa ba dipolotiki, ba setso kapa dikgalala tse tummeng. +",0.86326396 +"through their words and actions, they should seek to build a better society in which all are appreciated and cared for. +","ka mantswe le diketso tsa bona, ba tlameha ho batla ho aha setjhaba se betere, seo bohle ba ka se ananelang ba be ba se kgathalle. +",0.89768 +"elected officials and public servants are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens. +","baetapele ba kgethilweng hammoho le basebetsi ba mmuso, ba tshepetswe boikarabelo ba ho netefatsa hore ho ba le tshireletso le paballo ya baahi. +",0.89123845 +"they must ensure that there is adequate and safe infrastructure in schools. +","ba tlameha ho netefatsa hore ho na le meaho ya sekolo e lekaneng mme e bolokehileng. +",0.8550513 +"they must act quickly when there is an interruption to water supply in a communities or when faulty streetlights are reported. +","ba tlameha ho potlakela ho tlaleha haeba ho na le tshitiso phepelong ya metsi dibakeng tsa rona, kapa ha mabone a mebileng a sa sebetse hantle. +",0.86071086 +"they must ensure that health and safety regulations are enforced and that the rule of law is maintained. +","ba tlameha ho netefatsa hore melao ya bophelo bo botle le ya tshireletso, e a hlokomelwa. +",0.835551 +"in addition to the ongoing work that is taking place across government, at all levels, to give effect to this responsibility, we have sometimes had to take extraordinary measures. +","hodima mosebetsi o ntseng o tswelapele mmusong ka bophara, mekgahlelong yohle, ho phethahatsa boikarabelo bona, re ile ra tlameha hore ka dinako tse ding re nke dikgato tse sa tlwaelehang. +",0.87126124 +"in response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the safe initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country. +","ho arabela mafung le dikotsing tsa bana tse bakilweng ke ho wela ha bana ka mekoting ya matlwana, re ile ra thakgola lenaneo la safe ho potlakisa phano ya matlwana a tshwanetseng dikolong tsohle naheng. +",0.8909986 +"we deployed the south african national defence force to parts of cape town to support the police in their efforts to reduce gang violence. +","re ile ra romela sesole sa naha sa aforika borwa dibakeng tsa motse kapa e le ho tshehetsa sepolesa matsapeng a sona a ho fokotsa merusu ya maqulwana a dinokwane. +",0.8542627 +"more recently, we have, together with civil society, embarked on an emergency response plan to end violence against women and children. +","haufinyane tjena, re ile, mmoho le ditho tsa setjhaba, ra kena leanong la karabelo ya tshohanyetso ya ho fedisa dikgoka kgahlano le basadi le bana. +",0.8770361 +"yet, there is clearly much more that we need to do, as government and as a society. +","empa, ho ntse ho ena le tse ngata tse tshwanelang ho etswa, ke mmuso le setjhaba. +",0.7872852 +"we applaud those individuals and organisations who have taken upon themselves responsibility for the wellbeing of others. +","re thoholetsa batho le mekgatlo eo e itlammeng ka ho nka boikarabelo molemong wa paballo ya ba bang. +",0.8934196 +"there are people like ralph bouwers and mark nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in lavender hill in cape town to keep them from turning to gangsterism. +","ho na le batho ba kang ralph bouwers le mark nicholson, ba hlophisang diketsahalo tsa boithapollo molemong wa batjha mane lavender hill e motse kapa, ho etsetsa hore ba se ke ba kena boqulwaneng ba dinokwane. +",0.90830266 +"there are the mothers, sisters and daughters who work as student volunteers with operation bobbi bear, an organisation in amanzimtoti in kwazulunatal that offers shelter to young children who have been abused. +","ho na le bomme, dikgaitsedi le baradi ba sebetsang e le baithuti ba baithaopi ba operation bobbi bear, mokgatlo o amanzimtoti mane kwazulunatal o fang batjha ba bao e leng mahlatsipa a tlhekefetso lehae. +",0.8684935 +"there are many faithbased groups like the southern african catholic bishops’ confer ence, who i met recently who told me about the work they are doing to respond to the needs of the poor, to support families to be more caring and nurturing and to assist young people in confronting the many challenges before them. +","dihlopha tsa tumelo tse kang seboka sa babishopo ba katolike sa aforika borwa, seo ke ileng ka kopana le sona haufinyane,se ile sa mphetela ka mosebetsi oo se o etsang ho arabela ditlhokong tsa bafutsana, ho tshehetsa ma lapa hore a be le tlhokomelo, a hodise a be a thuse batjha hore ba tobane le diphepetso tseo ba kopanang le tsona. +",0.89616275 +"these south africans are showing us the way. +","maaforika borwa ana a re bontsha tsela. +",0.8461932 +"through their example, they are reminding us of what it means to take responsibility for ourselves and for others. +","ka mehlala ya bona, ba re hopotsa hore na ho bolelang ho nka boikarabelo esita le ho ikarabella ho ba bang. +",0.88965017 +"this country has witnessed far too many tragedies. +","naha ena e bile le ditlokotsi tse ngata haholo. +",0.77677655 +"too many young lives have been lost, too many children hurt and traumatised. +","batjha ba bangata ba ile ba lahlehelwa ke maphelo a bona, le bana ba bangata ba ile ba hlokofala ba ba ba tshoha haholo. +",0.7539424 +"we can bring these tragedies to an end if we all, each one of us, take responsibility for raising the children in our great south african village.","ho aha naha e kgathallang bana vukuzenzele unnamed hona le maele a tlwaelehileng sethong sa afrika a reng ngwana o hodiswa ke setjhaba. +",0.7539424 +"the ins and outs of adhd and add silusapho nyanda there is help available for children who suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. +","dintlha tse tebileng ka adhd le add silusapho nyanda thuso e a fumaneha molemong wa bana ba nang le mahloko a kgaello ya tsotello le ya mafolofolo a feteletsengthe brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. +",0.79402506 +"the brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. +","silusapho nyanda haeba ngwana ya tshwerweng ke bohloko ba kga ello ya ho tsotella le ya mafolofolo a fetele tseng (adhd) le bohloko ba kgaello ya ho tsote lla (add) ha a alafshwe, mahloko ana a ka nna a ba le ditlamorao tse mpe ka nako e telele bophelong ba hae bo botle. +",0.7105553 +"children from upington in the northern cape are benefiting from 10 early childhood development (ecds) centres recently launched by the department of social develop ment (dsd). +","sena ke ho ya ka ngaka khatija jhazbhay, eo e leng hlooho ya yuniti ya twantsho ya mahloko a kelello ya bana le batjha mane sepetleleng sa townhill se pietermaritzburg. +",0.7039621 +"fiveyearold lithemba bacela, who lives with cerebral palsy and has a speech impairment, is better able to indicate what she feels and needs, thanks to her time at one of these centres, oasis skills development centre’s ecd unit. +","o hlalositse ka hore ha bana bana ba se ba hodile, ba ka iphumana ba le kotsing e tomanyana ya mahloko a mang a kelello, a jwalo ka pherekano le tshithabelo ya maikutlo, mme ba ka boela ba sebedisa dithethefatsi hampe. +",0.7082136 +"lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who says her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year. +","adhd le add di ama tswelopele ya ngwana di thutong mme le boitshwaro ba hae bo ka nna ba tshwenya batho ba bang. +",0.63095057 +"elizabeth said the stimulation area has been particularly beneficial. +","bana ba ka qetella ba hloilwe, ba iphumane ba kene dikgathatsong mme ba dule ba ameha dikotsing. +",0.5308749 +"""lithemba can now indicate when she is thirsty, hungry or has wet herself. +","""maemo a ngwana ka mong a qollehile mme a ntse a tswelapele, kahoo ho bohlokwa hore ho etswe dithlahlobo tsa bongaka ka botlalo ho hlwaya dintlha tse ding tse ka sitisang tswelopele ya bona, hammoho le makgabane a ka ntlafatswang ho ba thusa ho fihlella bokgoni ba bona bo feletseng,"" ho rialo ngaka jhazbhay. +",0.60651916 +"""the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received new buildings from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project. +","o hlalositse hore adhd le add ke phokolo ya tswelopele ya kelello e iponahatsang ka mathata a boitshwaro, a jwalo ka ho se tsotelle. +",0.66146916 +"this countrywide initiative is aligned with the national development plan’s commitment to improving education, innovation and training, and ensuring that all children have at least two years of preschool education. +","hona ho bonahala ka mo kgwa wa: ho etsa diphoso tse bohla swa ho se phethele mesebetsi ho lahla dintho ho sitiseha ha bobebe le bolebadimehlala ya mafolofolo a feteletseng kapa diketso tse sa laoleheng e akga: ho tshwaratshwara ho opaka matsoho kapa ho qhomaqhoma ho hloka botsitso setulong sa bona ho phatloha ka dikarabo le ho raoha ha a tshwanetse hore a dule fatshe. +",0.65898776 +"the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome. +","""matshwao a iponahatsa ka mekgwa e mmedi kapa e me ngata – lapeng, sekolong, le ho metswalle kapa ba leloko kapa nakong ya diketsahalo tse ding tse itseng – a ka sitisa ditshebetso tsa phedisano, mosebetsing kapa sekolong. +",0.6927571 +"each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen. +","dintlha tse tebileng ka adhd le add silusapho nyanda thuso e a fumaneha molemong wa bana ba nang le mahloko a kgaello ya tsotello le ya mafolofolo a feteletsengthe brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. +",0.6927571 +"young people are sa's real jewels vukuzenzele unnamed engaging with young people always leaves me energised. +","batjha ke bokamoso ba naha ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed ho phura lepshetla le batjha ho dula ho ntshiya ke le mafolofolo. +",0.753442 +"it is exciting to gain insight into their struggles and triumphs and their vision for what can be done to improve this country. +","ho a thabisa ho fumana maikutlo a bona ka mathata a teng ditshotlehong tsa bona, esita le tjhe belopeleng ya bona ka se ka etsuwang ho ntlafatsa naha ena. +",0.83175206 +"there is no denying that youth are a significant presence in our nation’s psyche and fabric. +","ha ho potang hore boteng ba batjha ke ntho ya bohlokwa botebong le boitshwarong bo botle naheng ya rona. +",0.80858654 +"far from the perception that they are complacent, politically apathetic or selfabsorbed, local and international studies consistently affirm that young people around the globe are always more positive about their prospects. +","ntle le mohopolo wa hore ba ipona ba kgotsofetse, e bile ba se na thahasello dipolotiking, boithuto ba kwano lapeng le ba matjhabeng bo ntse bo netefa tsa hore batjha lefatsheng lohle ba dula ba thahasella tseo ba di bonang di le molemo ho bona. +",0.85437155 +"according to the findings of an ipsos pulse of the people poll released in january, 61% of south africans aged 15 to 17 feel optimistic about 2020. i have no doubt this is a sentiment shared by youth in general and especially the cohort born at the turn of the millennium who are now beginning their adult life, the ones the youth call ama2000. +","ho ya ka diphumano tsa boithuto tsa ipsos pulse of the people tse ntshitsweng ka pherekgong, 61% ya ma aforika borwa a dipakeng tsa dilemo tse 15 ho isa ho tse 17 a ikutlwa a na le tshepo mabapi le 2020. ha ke na qeaqeo ya hore ana ke maikutlo ao batjha ka kakaretso ba nang le ona, haholo holo sehlopha se tswetsweng mothinyeng wa selemokgolo, bao jwale ba qalang ho kena bophelong ba bona ba boholo, ke bona bana bao le ba bitsang ma2000. +",0.91898704 +"they are the sons and daughters born after democracy. +","ke bara le baradi ba tswe tsweng kamora demokrasi. +",0.8839365 +"while they have no direct experience of the atrocities of apartheid, they continue to live with its legacy of racial inequity, spatial injustice and poverty. +","leha ba se na malebela a mahlo noko a puso ya kgethollo ka kotloloho, ba ntse ba tswelapele ho phela le masalla a yona a ho se lekane ha merabe, tlhokeho ya toka esita le bofuma. +",0.8503257 +"these young people are confident, selfassured and brimming with ambition. +","batjha bana ba a itshepa ebile ba na le dithahasello. +",0.78743196 +"they know their rights and aren’t afraid to demand them. +","ba tseba ditokelo tsa bona ebile ha ba tshabe ho di tseka. +",0.86329603 +"our country’s youth represent energy, hope, fun, poten tial, future and freedom. +","batjha ba naha ya rona ba emetse mafolofolo, tshepo, monate, bokgoni, bokamoso le tokoloho. +",0.8710295 +"they are digital natives fluent in the use of modern technologies and look to enter careers that did not even exist at the time of their parents. +","ke matswallwa a disebedi swa tsa dijithale mme ba a the lla tshebedisong ya dithe knoloji tsa sejwalejwale, ebile ba habile ho kena mesebetsing e neng e le siyo ho hang dinakong tsa batswadi ba bona. +",0.8347928 +"on the eve of the state of the nation address i had the privilege of interacting with a group of such dynamic young people at an intergenerational dialogue convened by the national youth development agency. +","letsatsing le etellang la puo ya boemo ba naha (sona) pele, ke bile le monyetla wa ho buisana le sehlopha sa batjha ba mahlahahlaha motshetshe thong wa meloko e kopantswe ng o neng o epilwe ke lekgo tla la naha la ntshetsopele ya batjha (nyda). +",0.8477533 +"we discussed the issues that are most important to young people and examined ways in which we could align our perspectives and actions. +","re tshohlile ka dintho tse bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa batjheng ra ba ra hlahloba mekgwa eo ka yona re ka di amanyang le maikutlo a rona esita le diketso tsa rona. +",0.8746344 +"naturally, access to employment and opportunities dominated the agenda. +","ka tlwaelo, ho fumana mesebetsi le menyetla ke tsona dintho tse neng di kgurume ditse motshetshetho oo. +",0.76643103 +"of the 1.2 million young people entering the labour market each year, almost twothirds remain neither working nor studying. +","ba thong ba batjha ba 1.2 milione ba kenang letsholong la ho ba tla mesebetsi selemo le se lemo, e ka ba karolo ya pedi borarong ya ba dulang ba sa sebetse kapa ba sa ithute. +",0.87167144 +"the participants in the dialogue welcomed the fact that the issue of youth employment was receiving attention at the highest levels of government. +","ba neng ba nka seabo mo tshetshethong oo ba amohetse nnete ya hore taba ya mese betsi ya batjha e nketswe hloo hong maemong a hodimodi mo mmusong. +",0.73230267 +"but the refrain was familiar: they were ready and able to contribute to the economy in various ways, including as entrepreneurs, but bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding prevents them from doing so. +","empa mohoo oo o ne o tlwaelehile: ba ne ba le malalaalaotswe ba bile ba na le bokgoni ba ho kenya letsoho moruong ka mekgwa e fapaneng, ho akga le ho ba bahwebi, empa ditshita tsa bo tsamaisi le kgaello ya ditjhe lete di ba thibela ho etsa jwalo. +",0.80947816 +"as bright hlongwane from youth in business south africa told me, there needs to be more funding extended to young entrepreneurs. +","jwaloka ha bright hlongwa ne wa batjha ba kgwebong aforika borwa a ile a mpole lla, ho hlokeha hore ho be teng dithuso tse ngatanyana tsa ditjhelete tse lebiswang ho batjha ba bahwebi. +",0.8714881 +"they would like to see a variety of financial institutions, developmental financial institutions, angel investors, private equity firms as well as commercial banks extending credit and taking a bet on young entrepreneurs. +","ba lakatsa ho kopana le ditheo tse fapafapaneng tsa ditjhelete, ditheo tsa ditjhelete tsa ntshetsopele, batsetedi ba adimanang ka tjhelete, batsetedi ba tsetelang dikhamphaneng tsa poraefete esita le dibanka tse kgolo tse fanang ka sekoloto di be di ikakgele lerapo molaleng ka batjha ba bahwebi. +",0.88333774 +"for our country to prosper and thrive we must do all within our means to ensure young people can participate in our economy in a meaningful way, whether it is in formal employment or selfemployment. +","hore naha ya rona e atlehe e be e tswelepele, re tlameha ho etsa makgobonthithi ohle ao re ka a kgonang ho netefatsa hore batjha ba kgona ho kenya letsoho ka mokgwa o bona halang moruong wa rona, le haeba e le mesebetsing eo ba hirilweng semmuso ho yona kapa moo ba itshebetsang. +",0.87561506 +"it was therefore fitting that i could use this platform to launch the presidential youth employment intervention, which is a strategic national vision and plan which sets out priority actions to address youth unemployment. +","kahoo, ho ne ho ntokela hore nka sebedisa lepatlelo lena ho kgakola bokenadipakeng ba moporesidente ba mesebetsi ya batjha, boo e leng tjhebelopele le morero wa lewa la naha le thathamisang diketso tsa ho rarolla leqeme la mesebetsi ya batjha. +",0.8397664 +"this includes a national pathway management network that matches candidates with work opportunities. +","sena se kenyeletsa mahokedi a botsamaisi ba metjha ya naha a nyalanyang baiketi le menyetla ya mesebetsi. +",0.78420496 +"this will enable young people to have access to opportunities as some of them do not have the networks that make easy access to opportunities possible. +","sena se tla thusa batjha ho fumana menyetla kaha ba bang ba bona ba se na mahokedi a ba nolofaletsang hore ba fumane menyetla ya mesebetsi. +",0.8270246 +"specialised short focused courses in skills that employers need now will be organ ised. +","dithuto tsa nako e kgutshwane tse tsepameng makgabaneng ao bahiri ba a hlokang, jwale di tla hlophiswa. +",0.7885572 +"this aims to address the problem of a mismatch between the existing educational, training and develop ment programmes and the requirements of the economy. +","sena se habile ho rarolla bothata ba ho se nya lane dipakeng tsa mananeo a seng a le teng a thuto, thupelo le ntshetsopele hammoho le ditlhoko tsa moruo. +",0.8555771 +"we welcome the work already being done in this area, such as the programme currently underway through the departments of agriculture, land reform and rural development and cooperative governance and traditional affairs to train 1,000 young students in the free state in agricultural and other skills. +","re amohela mosebetsi o seng o etsuwa karolong ena, jwaloka lenaneo le tswelang pele hona jwale ka mafapha a temo, tlhabollo ya mobu le ntshe tsopele ya mahae esita le puso ya kopanelo le merero ya setso, ho rupella baithuti ba batjha ba 1 000 freistata ka boqhetseke ba temo le tse ding. +",0.88797903 +"many young people want to start their own businesses. +","batjha ba bangata ba batla ho iqalla dikgwebo. +",0.85977536 +"they lack the technical skills that can help them start their own businesses. +","ba haellwa ke boqhetseke bo ka ba thusang ho iqalla tsona. +",0.7099937 +"the intervention will support the growth of youth entrepreneurs. +","bokenadipake ng bona bo tla tshehetsa kgolo ya batjha ba bahwebi. +",0.8230277 +"entrepreneurship is certainly not a panacea, but i am convinced that it is one effective and proven way to confer identity and purpose, a sense of belonging, and hope for the future for the youth. +","bohwebi ha se yona feela tharollo, empa nna ke kgodisehile hore ke mokgwa o le mong o sebetsang hantle o bile o ananetswe re o fana ka boitsebahatso le sepheo, botsitso ba seo motho a leng sona, le tshepo bakeng sa bokamoso ba batjha. +",0.8595221 +"the presidential youth service programme provides opportunities for young people to give back to their communities. +","lenaneo la moporesidente la tshebeletso ya batjha le fana ka menyetla bakeng sa ba tjha hore ba busetse ho hong dibakeng tseo ba tswang ho tsona. +",0.85511446 +"this initiative is designed to effect change and make an impact at scale, as opposed to fragmented programmes that have had limited impact. +","kgato ena e raletswe ho fetola ka bokgabane le ho etsa phapang e ntle, ho e na le mananeo a lobokaneng a nang le phetoho e notlehileng. +",0.83879054 +"i also announced in the state of the nation address that we will set aside 1% of the national budget for a youth employ ment initiative. +","ke ile ka boela ka tsebisa ho sona hore re tla beella ka thoko 1% ya bajete ya naha bakeng sa kgato ya kgiro ya batjha. +",0.8382554 +"a number of programmes and projects are being designed to address this national challenge. +","mananeo a mangatanya na le diprojeke a raletswe ho rarolla phephetso ena ya naha. +",0.86298084 +"the youth of our country clearly see this as a land of opportunity and promise, despite the obstacles they encounter. +","batjha ba naha ya rona ba bona naha ena e le ya menyetla le tshepiso, ntle le ditshita tseo ba thulanang le tsona. +",0.811992 +"in the past week alone i have met several young south africans who make me proud of just how far we have come and what we have achieved. +","bekeng e fetileng feela ke teane le ba tjha ba bangatanyana ba afori ka borwa, ba nketsang hore ke be motlotlo ka bohole ba moo re tswang teng hammoho le seo re se fihlelletseng. +",0.8218437 +"there are young sports people like golfing prodigy sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala who is racking up international golfing awards at the tender age of 8. he is ranked 7th in the world in his age group and has won the us kids golf tournament twice. +","ho na le batho ba batjha dipapading ba kang kgalala ya kolofo sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala, ya hapang dikgau tsa matjhaba tsa kolofo a le dilemo di robedi feela. +",0.82406723 +"my spirits were lifted when grade 11 learner sinoyolo qumba from orange farm wrote to me about what should be in this year’s sona. +","o boemong ba bosupa lefa tsheng dithakeng tsa hae, mme o se a hapile thonamente ya kolofo ya us kids habedi. +",0.63468504 +"she actually joined our speechwriting team in the drafting process. +","ke ile ka tsoha molota ha moithuti wa mophato wa 11 sinoyolo qumba wa orange farm a ne a nngolla ka seo sona ya monongwaha e lokelang ho ba sona. +",0.5656878 +"there are passionate activists like ayakha melithafa from eerste rivier in the western cape, who attended this year’s world economic forum in davos to call on world leaders to stand firmly for climate justice. +","hantlentle o ile a ikamahanya le setlamo sa rona se ngolang puo ha se ntse e rala. +",0.556697 +"i was bowled over when i met michelle nkamankeng who, at 11 years old, is africa’s youngest author and is ranked among the top ten youngest writers in the world. +","ho na le baitseki ba nang le tjheseho ba kang ayakha melithafa wa eerste rivier kapa bophirimela, ya neng a ile foramong ya moruo wa lefatshe ya monongwaha e neng e le davos, ho ya etsa kgoeletso baetapeleng ba lefatshe hore ba lomahanye meno bakeng sa toka ho tsa tlelaemete. +",0.7054894 +"the author of seven books and wrote her first book at the age of 6 years old. +","ke ile ka nyakalla haholo ha ke ne ke teana le michelle nkamankeng eo e bang ka dilemo tse 11 feela, ke mongodi ya monyenyane ka ho fetisisa aforika mme o beilwe e le e mong wa bangodi ba banyenyane ka ho fetisisa ba leshome ba kahodimo lefatsheng. +",0.6329192 +"as professor jonathan jansen said: ""she is confident, articulate, insightful and passionate."" +","enwa ke mongodi wa dibuka tse supileng ya ngotseng buka ya hae ya pele a le dilemo di 6. jwaloka ha moprofesara jonathan jansen a boletse: ""o na le boitshepo, bokgeleke, kutlwisiso e tebileng le tjheseho. +",0.78890914 +"it is these young people who are the real jewels of our country’s future and who remind us that our freedom was won through the sacrifices of the young men and women who were determined that not only they, but those who came after, should live in the light of freedom. +","""ke batjha bana bao e leng mahakwe a sebele a bokamoso ba naha ya rona, ba re hopotsang hore tokoloho ya rona e fumanwe ka boitelo ba bahlankana le barwetsana ba neng ba iki tlaelleditse hore e se be bona feela, empa le bao ba tlang kamorao, ba tshwanelang ho phela leseding la tokoloho. +",0.882724 +"we must continue to work together as government, business, labour and civil society to ensure that the burden of unemployment does not continue to weigh down our young people, crush their spirits and cause them to become despondent. +","re tlameha ho tswelapele ka ho sebetsa mmoho re le mmuso, dikgwebo, bosebetsi le mekgatlo ya setjhaba, ho netefatsa hore morwalo wa leqeme la mesebetsi ha o tswele pele ho tetebetsa batjha ba rona, ho tuba meya ya bona le ho ba nyahamisa. +",0.9278762 +"i am confident that the actions we outlined in the sona will represent a new frontier for youth development as frantz fanon said, it is to each generation to discover its mission. +","ke a tshepa hore dikgato tseo re di talotseng ho sona di tla emela moedi o motjha wa ntshetsopele ya batjha. +",0.6754332 +"this generation has discovered theirs. +","jwaloka ha frantz fanon a boletse, ho molemong wa moloko ka mong ho utolla mosebetsi wa ona wa bohlokwa. +",0.516307 +"it is now up to us to support them to fulfil it. +","moloko ona o utollotse wa ona mose betsi. +",0.50341296 +it is a historical fact that a nation’s failure to successfully nurture and enhance the capabilities of its youth spells doom for the future of that country.,"batjha ke bokamoso ba naha ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed ho phura lepshetla le batjha ho dula ho ntshiya ke le mafolofolo. +",0.50341296 +"bmw joins the fight against gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa has handed over five bmw i3 cars that will be used by communitybased care workers to reach victims of genderbased violence. +","bmw e ya kenella ntweng kgahlanong le gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa e fane ka dikoloi tsa bmw i3 tse tla sebediswa ke basebeletsi ba tlhokomelo ya badudi bakeng sa ho fihlella diphofu tsa tlhekefetso ya dikgoka e amang basadi le bana (gbv). +",0.8870511 +"the vehicles were received by president cyril ramaphosa and german chancellor angela merkel before being hand ed over to the south african business coalition on health and aids (sabcoha) to manage on behalf of the multisectoral interim steering committee on genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). +","dikoloi tsena di amohetswe ke moporesidente cyril ramaphosa le motjhanselara wa jeremane angela merkel. +",0.7600255 +"the automotive group’s contribution demonstrates the growing partnership between government and civil society, which includes the business sector and international partners, in the fight against gbvf. +","di fuwe mokgatlo wa dikgwebo tsa aforika borwa mererong ya boitekanelo le ya phamokate (sabcoha) bakeng sa ho di laola lebitsong la komiti ya tsamaiso ya nakwana ya makala a mangata a tlhekefetso ya dikgoka e amang basadi le bana le dipolao tsa basadi (gbvf). +",0.7033924 +"the initiative is part of the automotive industry transformation fund (worth r6 billion), which was established to increase participation in the sector by previously and historically disadvantaged groups, including women, youth and people with disabilities. +","nyehelo ena ya sehlopha sena sa tlhahiso ya makoloi e bontsha semphato se ntseng se hola pakeng tsa mmuso le setjhaba ka kakaretso, se kenyeletsang lekala la dikgwebo le balekane ba matjhaba, ntweng e kgahlanong le gbvf. +",0.7333077 +"speaking at the vehicle handover ceremony, held at the bmw group production plant in rosslyn, tshwane, president ramaphosa said the vehicles will help to save lives. +","boikitlaetso bona ke karolo ya letlole la diphethoho la indaseteri ya tlhahiso ya makoloi (ya boleng ba r6 bilione), le ileng la thehwa bakeng sa ho fetola lethathama la boleng la tlhahiso ya makoloi le ho thusa ka bonkakarolo ho ba ba neng ba tinngwe menyetla pele le ho kotelwa ho ya ka nalane, ho kenyeletswa basadi, batjha le ba phelang ka boqhwala.. ha a ne a bua moketeng wa ho nehelana ka makoloi, o neng o tshwaretswe polanteng ya tlhahiso ya sehlopha sa bmw rosslyn, tshwane, haufinyana, moporesidente ramaphosa o itse makoloi ana a tla thusa ho pholosa bophelo. +",0.75352407 +"he expressed his gratitude to bmw for being the first company to donate the vehicles, and encouraged others to follow suit. +","o ile a hlahisa teboho ya hae ho bmw ka ho ba khamphani ya pele ya ho nyehela ka makoloi, mme o ile a kgothaletsa tse ding ho etsa jwalo. +",0.9069303 +"""this practical expression of good corporate citizenship is sending a very good and clear message that we would like many other companies to also notice and adopt,president ramaphosa said. +","""pontsho ena e bonahalang ya boahi bo botle ba kgwebo e romela molaetsa o hlakileng le ho ba motle wa hore re lakatsa eka dikhamphani tse ding tse ngata di ka o lemoha le ho o latela. +",0.86172974 +"emergency response plan to address gbvfgovernment has been im plementing an emergency response plan to address gbvf. +","""boteng ba bmw afrika borwa bo bontsha maqhama a ka nako e telele le a matla pakeng tsa jeremane le afrika borwa,"" ho ile ha rialo moporesidente ramaphosa. +",0.6059903 +"a national strategic plan on gbvf, which outlines a range of measures to tackle gbvf, has also been developed. +","moralo wa karabelo ya tshohanyetso bakeng sa ho tobana le gbvmmuso esale o kenya tshebetsong moralo wa karabelo ya tshohanyetso bakeng sa ho tobana le gbvf. +",0.8032063 +"""the plan focuses on strengthening prevention efforts, and ensuring safety and justice for the women and children of our country. +","moralo wa lewa wa naha wa gbvf, o tekang letoto la mekgwa ya ho lwantsha gbvf, le ona o se o hlahisitswe. +",0.55936944 +"the plan also touches on economic empowerment, an area that is so important that we, as government, will be focusing on,"" president ramaphosa said. +","""moralo o tsepamisa maikutlo hodima ho matlafatsa maiteko a thibelo, le ho netefatsa polokeho le toka bakeng sa basadi le bana ba naha ya bo rona. +",0.6000391 +"group head of production and chairman of bmw south africa, dr milan nedeljkovic, said 4 000 people in south africa are directly employed at bmw group, and four out of five managers are local. +","moralo o boetse o ama ntlha ya matlafatso moruong, e leng karolo e bohlokwa haholo eo rona, re le mmuso, re tla tsepamisa maikutlo hodima yona,"" ho ile ha rialo mopresidente ramaphosa. +",0.6108335 +"in addition to this, more than 40 000 people are employed indirectly through the company’s utilities in south africa. +","hlooho ya sehlopha sa tlhahiso le modulasetulo wa bmw south africa, ngaka milan nedeljkovic, o itse batho ba 4 000 ka hara afrika borwa ba hirilwe ka kotloloho ke sehlopha sa bmw south africa, ho kenyeletswa le balaodi ba bane ba lehae ho ba bahlano. +",0.62189305 +"""our first formal training facility in bmw sa opened its doors in 1978 and since then, more than 2 000 have gone through training with bmw and received jobs at bmw,"" nedeljkovic said. +","hodima sena, nedeljkovic o itse batho ba fetang 40 000 ba hirilwe ka tsela eo e seng ya kotloloho ke ditheo tse ding tsa khamphani ka hara afrika borwa. +",0.7078347 +"he said the company’s philosophy underlines that education is the key to success, and ""lifelong learning through bmw group is part of that success"". +","""setsha sa pele sa thupello sa semmuso sa bmw south africa ka hara aforika borwa se butswe ka selemo sa 1978 mme esale ho tloha moo, ba fetang 2 000 ba fumane thupello ya bmw le ho thola mesebetsi khamphaning ya bmw. +",0.62517023 +"""by 2025, we will support one million children and young people globally through targeted education programmes, focusing on skills programmes.""","bmw e ya kenella ntweng kgahlanong le gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa e fane ka dikoloi tsa bmw i3 tse tla sebediswa ke basebeletsi ba tlhokomelo ya badudi bakeng sa ho fihlella diphofu tsa tlhekefetso ya dikgoka e amang basadi le bana (gbv). +",0.62517023 +"let us work together to fix our finances vukuzenzele unnamed the budget presented by finance minister tito mboweni presents a sobering assessment of the state of our economy. +","ha re tshwaraneng ka matsoho mme re lokise ditjhelete tsa rona vukuzenzele unnamed bajete e tekilweng ke letona la tsa ditjhelete tito mboweni e bontsha tshekatsheko e hlokolotsi ya boemo ba moruo wa rona. +",0.85899615 +"the figures make it plain that unless we act now to turn things around, there will be even more difficult times ahead. +","manane a talola hore haeba re sa nke dikgato tsa ho fetola mawala hona jwale, pele kwa na ho tla ba le maima a toma le ho feta. +",0.8342328 +"put simply, we are spending far more than we are earning. +","ka mantswe a mang, re sebe disa tjhelete e ngata ho feta eo re e amohelang. +",0.82901514 +"as a result, we are borrowing more and more, and the cost of servicing that debt is rising. +","kahoo, re kadima le ho feta, mme ditjeo tsa ho lefa sekoloto seo di hlwa mekwalaba. +",0.7764972 +"in fact, debt service costs are now the fastestgrowing area of expenditure. +","hantlentle, ditjeo tsa ho pa tala sekoloto jwale ke tsona tse etsang karolo e holang ka potlako e kgolo tshebedisong ya tjhelete. +",0.8138648 +"we spend more on debt repayments than we do on health; only education and social development get more. +","re sebedisa tjhelete e ngata haholo ho pataleng dikoloto, ho feta kamoo re e sebedisetsang tsa bophelo bo botle; ke mafapha a thuto le ntshetsopele ya setjhaba fela a tholang tjhelete e ka hodimo nyana. +",0.8604802 +"this position is precarious and unsustainable. +","boemo bona bo kotsinyana ebile bo ke ke ba tshwarella haleletsana. +",0.77466476 +"we need to make significant changes and we need to make them now. +","re tlameha ho etsa diphetoho tse bonahalang, mme re tlame ha ho di etsa hona jwale. +",0.8531779 +"there are several reasons for the position we’re now in. +","ho na le mabaka a manga tanyana a entseng hore re be boemong boo re leng ho bona hona jwale. +",0.7148045 +"our economy has not grown much over the last decade, mainly due to the 2008 global financial crisis and a decline in demand for the minerals that we export. +","moruo wa rona ha o a hola hakaalo nakong ya dilemo tse leshome tse fetileng, haholoholo ka lebaka la koduwa ya tsa ditjhelete lefatsheng lohle ya 2008 esita le ho nyotobelo ha tlhokahalo ya dirafshwa tsa diyantle. +",0.87120324 +"as a result, revenue collection has been weak and we have had to borrow more to sustain spending on development, infrastructure and wages. +","kahoo, pokello ya lekgetho e ile ya fokola haholo mme re ile ra tlameha ho kadima haho lwanyane e le ho tsitsisa maemo tshebedisong ya tjhelete ntshe tsopeleng, meralong ya motheo le meputsong ya basebetsi. +",0.8557974 +"at the same time, state capture and corruption has affected governance, operational effectiveness and financial sustainability at several public institutions, including stateowned enterprises (soes). +","ka yona nako eo, tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa mmuso esita le bonyofonyofo di amme puso, makgabane a ditshebetso le botsitso ba tsa ditjhelete ba nako e telele ditheong tse nga tanyana tsa setjhaba, ho akga le dikgwebong tsa mmuso (disoe). +",0.84656096 +"efforts over the last two years to revive the economy and rebuild institutions have now been undermined by the electricity crisis, further constraining growth and placing an additional burden on public finances. +","matsapa a ho tsosolosa moruo le ho aha botjha ditheo nakong ya dilemo tse pedi tse fetileng, a hatiketswe ke ko duwa ya motlakase, e leng ntho e sithabetsang kgolo le ho feta, ebile e eketsa morwalo o boima ditjheleteng tsa setjhaba. +",0.8750149 +"our priorities in this budget therefore are to put the economy back on a path of growth, constrain public spending and stabilise our debt. +","kahoo, lethathama la rona le ka sehloohong bajeteng ena ke ho busetsa moruo motjheng wa kgolo, ho kgina tshebediso ya ditjhelete tsa setjhaba esita le ho tsitsisa maemo a dikoloto tsa rona. +",0.84027815 +"the budget is an integral part of our drive for inclusive growth, job creation, investment and a capable state. +","bajete ena ke karolo ya bohlokwa ya tjantjello ya rona ya kgolo e kenyeletsang bohle, tlhahiso ya mesebetsi, botsete di esita le mmuso o nang le bokgoni. +",0.84328675 +"we have made a deliberate decision not to pursue a path of austerity. +","re nkile qeto ya kabomo ya hore re se ke ra hahamalla motjheng wa ho tiisa letsoho. +",0.7721144 +"such a route would have seen deep cuts in spending on the social services that poor people rely on. +","motjha o jwalo o ne o tla ba le phokotso e kgolo tshebedisong ya tjhelete ditshebeletsong tsa setjhaba tseo bahloki ba tshepetseng ho tsona. +",0.83786505 +"it could have involved dramatically reducing the salaries of civil servants, the size of the public service, cutting bonuses and pensions, raising taxes and selling off key state assets. +","o ne o tla tsamaisana le phokotso e mpe ya meputso ya basebetsi ba mmuso, boholo ba tshebe letso ya setjhaba, ho pukutla dibonase le dipenshene, ho nyolla lekgetho esita le ho re kisa dithepa tsa bohlokwa tsa mmuso. +",0.87096316 +"an austerity budget would have damaged our growth prospects further and weakened the ability of the state to stimulate economic activity and meet people’s needs. +","bajete e pukutlilweng ditsiane e ne e tla ruthutha menyetla ya kgolo ya rona le ho feta, ebile e ne e tla tsheremisa bokgoni ba mmuso ba ho tsosolosa diketsahalo tsa moruo esita le ho fihlella ditlhoko tsa batho. +",0.851811 +"we have instead presented a budget that contains a range of balanced and wellconsidered measures to contain spending, increase revenue and encourage growth. +","re tekile bajete e nang le lethathama la mekgwa e tsitsitseng ebile e le e nke tsweng hloohong ka bokga bane ho kgina tshebediso ya tjhelete, ho eketsa tjhelete ya pokello ya lekgetho esita le ho kgothaletsa kgolo. +",0.85082906 +"over the next three years, we expect to achieve savings of around r261 billion by cutting the budgets of several departments and reducing the rate at which the public service wage bill increases. +","nakong ya dilemo tse tharo tse tlang, re lebelletse ho fihle lla poloko ya tjhelete e ka etsang r261 bilione ka ho pukutla dibajete tsa ma fapha a mangatanyana, esita le ho fokotsa sekgahla seo meputso ya basebetsi ba mmu so e nyolohang ka sona. +",0.86072886 +"at the same time, however, we will need to spend more to support the restructuring of soes like eskom and saa. +","ka yona nako eo, leha ho le jwalo, re tla tlameha ho sebe disa tjhelete e ngata le ho feta ho tshehetsa tlhophobotjha ya disoe tse kang eskom le tshe beletso ya difofane ya aforika borwa (saa). +",0.82406163 +"as a result, we expect a net reduction of r156 billion in noninterest spending over the medium term. +","kahoo, re lebe lletse palo yohle ya phokotso ya r156 bilione tshebedisong ya ditjhelete e se nang phaello nakong e bohareng. +",0.80942774 +"this will help to narrow the deficit and reduce our borrowing needs. +","sena se tla thusa ho notla sekoloto le ho fokotsa ditlhoko tsa rona tsa ho kadima. +",0.87730443 +"a large part of the savings will come from reducing the rate at which our wage bill grows. +","karolo e kgolo ya dipoloko e tla hlaha phokotsong ya se kgahla seo meputso ya base betsi se holang ka sona. +",0.75894797 +"this will require focused discussions among all social partners, but particularly with public sector unions. +","sena se tla hloka dipuisano tse tsepameng balekaneng bohle ba setjhaba, empa haholoholo ba mekgatlong ya basebetsi e lekaleng la setjhaba. +",0.8659736 +"these engagements need to be conducted in a spirit of seeking solutions. +","dipuisano tsena di tlameha ho tsama iswa ka moya o tsetselelang ditharollo. +",0.82010204 +"i am heartened by the willingness of all parties to engage in serious negotiations aimed at finding a solution. +","ke kgothatswa ke thahasello ya mekgatlo yohle, hore e kene ditherisanong tsa makgonthe tse reretsweng ho tla le tharollo. +",0.83508444 +"our approach is not to dramatically cut the size of the public service, but to examine the rate at which wages grow. +","mothati oo re o latelang ha se wa ho fokotsa boholo ba tshebeletso ya setjhaba, empa ke wa ho hlahlobisisa sekgahla seo meputso ya basebetsi e nyolohang ka sona. +",0.8708952 +"public service wages have on average increased at a much higher rate than inflation over many years, and we need to fix this if we are to get public finances under control. +","meputso ya tshebeletsong ya setjhaba e nyolohile ka sekgahla se kahodimo ho sa infleishene ka dilemo tse ngata, mme re tlameha ho lokisa ntho ena haeba re batla ho bea ditjhelete tsa rona taolong. +",0.8382459 +"this also applies to the management of people’s personal finances, where if any expenditure item that rises at a rate more than inflation – be it electricity tariffs, mobile tariffs or food – will always put any individual person’s budget and finances under strain and out of kilter. +","sena se boela se sebetsa tsamaisong ya ditjhe lete tsa batho ka bomong, moo e bang haeba theko ya ntho efe kapa efe e nyoloha ka sekgahla se kahodimo ho sa infleishene – e ka ba sekepele sa motlakase, ditefello tsa difonofono tse kang tsa metsotso le tsa data kapa tsa dijo – se tla dula se ntse se thefula se bile se tshwephola bajete le ditjhelete tsa motho ofe kapa ofe ka bomong. +",0.8760357 +"the wage bill remains the largest component of spending by economic classification. +","meputso ya setjhaba e dula e le yona karolo e kgolohadi ya tshebediso ya tjhelete ho ya ka manollo ya moruo. +",0.77332187 +"growth in the wage bill has begun crowding out spending on capital projects for future growth and items that are critical for service delivery. +","kgolo e meputsong ya basebetsi e se e qadile ho sitisa tshebediso ya tjhelete diprojekeng tsa motheo, bakeng sa kgolo ya ka moso le dinthong tsa bohlokwa phanong ya ditshebeletso. +",0.844874 +"the public service wage bill is by no means the only area where we are cutting costs. +","meputso ya basebetsi tshe beletsong ya setjhaba ke sona feela sebaka seo ho sona jwang kapa jwang re tla fokotsa ditjeo. +",0.7527788 +"i have decided that there will be no increase in the salaries of senior public office bearers this year. +","ke nkile qeto ya hore monongwaha ho ke ke ha eba teng nyollelo meputsong ya bahlanka ba baholo ba kanto rong ya setjhaba. +",0.7261969 +"this follows a reduction in benefits stemming from changes to the ministerial handbook. +","sena se latela phokotso e dilopotsieng, ka lebaka la diphetoho tse minis terial handbook . +",0.8341886 +"we will publish a new law this year introducing a remuneration framework for public entities and state owned companies to prevent excessive pay for board members and executives. +","monongwaha re tla phatlala tsa molao o motjha o lelekelang moralo wa meputso bakeng sa ditheo tsa setjhaba le dikgwe bo tsa mmuso, ho thibela ho lefshwa ha meputso e fetang tekanyo ya ditho tsa diboto esita le baphethahatsi. +",0.88679075 +"our trade union compatriots are right in saying that we should in a demonstrable way prevent leakages of public funds by addressing corruption, ending irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. +","bomphato ba rona mekga tlong ya basebetsi ba nepile ha ba re re tshwanela ho fokotsa, ka mokgwa o bonahalang, ntho ya ho dutla ha ditjhelete tsa setjhaba ka hore re rarolle mathata a bonyofonyofo, re fedise tshenyo le tshebediso e mpe ya ditjhelete. +",0.851439 +"we will do this and much more. +","re tla di etsa tsena, le tse ding tse ngata. +",0.87664723 +"as much as containing the public wage bill is critical to stabilising public finances, improving public sector performance is imperative if we want to build a more capable, efficient state. +","leha e le hore ho tsitsisa meputso ya basebetsi ba se tjhaba ho bohlokwa botsitsong ba ditjhelete tsa setjhaba, ho ntlafatsa tshebetso lekaleng la poraefete le hona ho bohlokwa haeba re batla ho aha mmuso o nang le bokgoni ebile e le o sebetsang hantle. +",0.85905886 +"we need more of the right people in the right positions. +","re hloka ba tho ba bangata ba nepahetseng ba ditulong tse nepahetseng. +",0.7923 +"as we contain public spending, we are pursuing growth. +","jwaloka ha re kgina tshebedi so ya tjhelete ya setjhaba, ka ho le leng re hahamalla kgolongke ka lebaka lena, ntle le se kgeo sa ditjhelete, ho seng dikeke tso tse kaalo tsa lekgetho. +",0.62663805 +"it is for this reason that, despite the fiscal gap, there are no major tax increases. +","ho fapana le moo, ho na le kimo llonyana e teng bakeng sa balefi ba lekgetho ka bomong, esita le mekgwa e mengatanyana ya ho atolla motheo wa lekgetho la dikgwebo. +",0.67659205 +"instead, there is some relief for individual tax payers and several measures to broaden the corporate tax base. +","re boela re hahama lla pele ka ditlhabollo tsa nako e telele dinthong tse kang mo tlakase, madiboho le tsa diterene le tsa dikgokahano tsa mehala, e le ho fokotsa ditjeo tsa ho etsa kgwebo. +",0.6731321 +"we are also pushing ahead with farreaching reforms in areas like electricity provision, ports and rail and telecommunications to reduce the cost of doing business. +","ka letlole la meralo ya motheo, re habile ho bokella tjhelete e tswang lethathameng la mehlodi, ho tsetela lenaneong la tonanahadi la ho aha. +",0.67899793 +"through the infrastructure fund we aim to mobilise financing from a range of sources to invest in a massive build programme. +","ka lewa la rona la diindasteri le tjantjello ya botsetedi, re katolla dikgoro tsa bohlokwa tsa kgolo. +",0.6873801 +"through our industrial strategy and investment drive we are unlocking vital areas of growth. +","re tsitsisa ditjhelete tsa rona tsa setjhaba e le ho etsa kgonahalo ya kgolo e kenye letsang bohle esita le ho thea mesebetsi. +",0.6712321 +"we are fixing our public finances to make inclusive growth and job creation possible. +","maemo a jwalo a re kgothaletsa hore re be le nnete, re se ke ra satalatsa melala. +",0.6351355 +"such times call for us to be realistic, not dogmatic. +","a re qosa hore re be le tshebedisa nommoho, e seng dikgohlano. +",0.7166393 +"they call for cooperation, not conflict. +","ho tla tshwanela hore ho etswe boitelo le dikananyetsa no. +",0.60006547 +"compromises and tradeoffs will have to be made. +","ha re tshwaraneng ka matsoho mme re lokise ditjhelete tsa rona vukuzenzele unnamed bajete e tekilweng ke letona la tsa ditjhelete tito mboweni e bontsha tshekatsheko e hlokolotsi ya boemo ba moruo wa rona. +",0.60006547 +"patient support crucial for fighting tb dale hes the usaid tuberculosis south africa project is proving to be a perfect example of how government, communities and ngos can partner together to combat tuberculosis (tb) by providing proper support to patients. +","tshehetso ya mokudi e molemo bakeng sa ho fedisa tb dale hes projeke ya afrika borwa ya lefuba ( tb) eo e sebetsang ho yona mmoho le bosebeletsi ba dinaha tse kopaneng bakeng sa ntshetsopele ya matjhaba (usaid) e ipaka hore ke mohlala o nepahetseng wa kamoo mmuso, ditjha ba le mekgatlo eo eseng ya mmuso (dingo) ba ka ko panang hammoho ho fedisa tb ka ho fana ka tshehetso e tshwanelehang ho bakudi . +",0.8859801 +"south africa has taken a position of leadership in the global fight against tb, and the united states agency for international development (usaid) has stepped in to provide assistance. +","afrika borwa ke yona e boemong bo ka pele ho etella pele twantsho ya tb ka lefatsheng lohle, esita le usaid le bona bo kene ho fana ka tshehetso. +",0.83952606 +"the fiveyear project, which started in 2016, is being carried out in partnership with the national department of health in eight of south africa’s provinces. +","projeke ena ya dilemo tse hlano, e qadileng ka selemo sa 2016, e etswa ka kopane lo le lefapha la naha la tsa bophelo diprovenseng tse robedi tsa afrika borwa. +",0.9010198 +"one of the most important parts of the project is to support communitybased ngos. +","e nngwe ya dikarolo tsa bohlokwa tsa projeke ena ke ho tshehetsa dingo tse teng setjhabeng. +",0.76684916 +"the project provides funding to 21 ngos who have supported more than 3 500 patients, the majority based in rural areas. +","projeke ena e fana ka tshehetso ya ditjhelete ho dingo tse 21 tse thusang bakudi ba fetang 3 500, bongata bo phela dibakeng tsa mahaeng. +",0.87994856 +"free state progressbased in mangaung, mosamoria is one of the ngos which has received funding from the project. +","mosamaria provenseng ya freistatamosamaria ke e nngwe ya dingo tse fumanwang mangaung tse fumaneng tshe hetso ya ditjhelete tse tswang projekeng ena. +",0.7649393 +"the organisation has a team of community health workers, a project manager and a data capturer who all work towards ensuring that patients stay on treatment so that they can be cured in a six month period. +","mokgatlo o na le sehlopha sa basebeletsi ba setjhaba ba bophelo bo botle, molaodi wa projeke esita le mmoloki wa dintlha tsa bohle ba sebeletsang ho etsa bonnete ba hore bakudi ba dula ba sebedisa pheko e le hore ba fole nakong ya dikgwedi tse tsheletseng. +",0.88939786 +"""we employ 74 care givers for this project. +","mohokahanyi wa mosama ria e leng trudie harrison o re: ""re hirile bahlokomedi ba 74 bakeng sa projeke ena. +",0.6874548 +"initially we worked with 200 patients, then 400 patients, and in our current contract we have 500 patients who we work with on a daily basis. +","qalong re sebeditse le baku di ba 200, hamorao bakudi ba 400, ka hara kontraka ya jwale re na le bakudi ba 500 bao re sebetsang le bona ka letsatsi le letsatsi. +",0.8793366 +"the patients are referred to us when they have been diagnosed as having tb from nine different clinics in the mangaung metro,"" says mosamaria coordinator trudie harrison. +","bakudi ba fetisetswa ho rona ha ba se ba lekotswe mme ho tiisitswe hore ba na le tshwaetso ya tb ditleliniking tse robong tsa masepalamoholo wa mangaung"". +",0.81022435 +"mosamaria conducts monthly doortodoor screening campaigns to find new tb patients and get them on treatment immediately. +","mosamaria e etsa matsho lo a ho kena ntlo le ntlo ho fumana bakudi ba batjha ba tb le ho ba kenyeletsa phe kolong ena ka potlako. +",0.80268455 +"harrison says that mosamoria’s work has reduced the stigma around tb, built close relationships with the community and also led to much better rates of successful treatment. +","harrison o re mosebetsi wa mosamaria o fokoditse sekgobo se mabapi le tb, o theile dikamano tse tiileng le setjhaba o bile wa lebisa ho ditekanyetso tse betere tsa phekolo e atlehileng. +",0.89555085 +"""for example, in 2018, 514 of our patients were cured,"" harrison says. +","harrison o re: ""ha re tea ka mohlala, selemong sa 2018 re bile le bakudi ba 514 ba ileng ba fodiswa"". +",0.8515302 +"harrison shares the story of one of mosamaria’s patients. +","harrison o pheta pale ya e mong wa bakudi ba mosa maria. +",0.81490743 +"he was given daily support by a mosamaria caregiver, who ensured that he swallowed his tablets every day and also assisted with maize meal and new clothes. +","o ile a tshehetswa ka letsatsi le letsatsi ke mo hlokomedi wa mosamaria, ya ileng a etsa bonnete ba hore o nwa dipidisi tsa hae ka letsatsi le letsatsi, a bile a mo thusa ka phofo le diaparo tse ntjha. +",0.8933432 +"""he completed the treatment and was cured. +","harrison o re: ""o ile a sebedisa pheko yohle mme a fola. +",0.65729433 +"he went back to work as his employer had kept his job for him,"" says harrison. +","o ile a kgutlela mose betsing ka lebaka la hobane ramosebetsi a mmoloketse mosebetsi wa hae"". +",0.77091765 +"know the symptoms of tb if you have some of the following symptoms, then you should visit your nearest clinic or hospital to be tested for tb: coughing that lasts three or more weeks; coughing up blood; chest pain, or pain when breathing or coughing; unintentional weight loss; fatigue; fever. +","tseba matshwao a tb haeba o na le a mang a matshwao ana a latelang, o lokela ho etela tleliniki ya heno e haufi kapa sepetlele bakeng sa ho etsa diteko tsa tb: ho kgohlela sebaka sa dibeke tse tharo kapa ho feta moo; ho tswa madi ha o kgohle la; mahlaba ka sefubeng, kapa ho utlwa bohloko ha o phefumoloha kapa o kgohlela; ho fokollwa ke boima ba mmele o sa ikemisetsa; mokgathala; feberu/mokgohlane. +",0.9415722 +"healthfor more information about the usaid tb south africa project, contact 012 484 9300.","tshehetso ya mokudi e molemo bakeng sa ho fedisa tb dale hes projeke ya afrika borwa ya lefuba ( tb) eo e sebetsang ho yona mmoho le bosebeletsi ba dinaha tse kopaneng bakeng sa ntshetsopele ya matjhaba (usaid) e ipaka hore ke mohlala o nepahetseng wa kamoo mmuso, ditjha ba le mekgatlo eo eseng ya mmuso (dingo) ba ka ko panang hammoho ho fedisa tb ka ho fana ka tshehetso e tshwanelehang ho bakudi . +",0.9415722 +"together we can fight the impact of covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed the world is in the throes of a public health emergency on a scale not witnessed in over a century. +","mmoho re ka lwantsha sekgahla sa covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe le ditleneng tsa tshohanyetso ya bophelo bo botle ba setjhaba boemong bo so kang bo bonwa nakong e fetang dilemo tse lekgolo. +",0.8768481 +"the spread of the coronavirus, which causes the disease known as covid19, has been alarmingly swift and widescale, and is now defined as a global pandemic. +","ho ata ha kokwanahloko ya corona, e bakang lefu le tsejwang e le covid19, ho bile ka lebelo le tshosang le ho nama, mme jwale e hlaloswa e le sewa. +",0.89229095 +"it knows no geographical or territorial boundaries, has infected both young and old, and is on the rise in developed and developing countries alike. +","ha e tsebe meedi ya naha kapa ya bodulo, e tshwaeditse batjha le ba baholo, mme e ntse e phahama ka ho tshwana dinaheng tse tswetseng pele le tse ntseng di tswela pele. +",0.8792424 +"as screening and testing is scaled up, the number of infections in south africa is expected to rise. +","leha ho ntse ho eketswa ditekolo, palo ya ditshwaetso aforika borwa e lebeletswe ho phahama. +",0.8519134 +"i recently declared a national state of disaster, a measure proportionate to the severity of the threat to our people, to our society and to our economy. +","haufinyana ke ile ka tsebahatsa boemo ba koduwa, boemo bo tsamaelanang le botebo ba tshoso bathong ba bo rona, setjhabeng sa rona le moruong wa rona. +",0.8756277 +"this will enable us to have an integrated and coordinated disaster management mechanism and to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems. +","sena se tla re thusa ho ba le tsela e kopanetsweng le e hokahantsweng ya taolo ya koduwa ena le ho teka ditsamaiso tsa tshohanyetso, tsa potlako le karabelo e hlwahlwa. +",0.8650597 +"this virus will be extremely disruptive, and our priority is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all south africans. +","kokwanahloko ena e tla lobokanya dintho haholo, mme taba ya rona e ka sehlohlolong ke ho baballa bophelo bo botle le boitekanelo ba maaforika borwa kaofela. +",0.8774315 +"we also have to address the inevitable economic fallout. +","re boetse re lokela ho sebetsana le bothata bo kekeng ba qojwa ba moruo. +",0.85014427 +"we must expect a decline in exports, a drop in tourist arrivals and a severe impact on production, business viability and job creation and retention. +","re lokela ho lebella ho theoha ha diyantle, ho theoha ha bahahlaudi le kgahlamelo e matla tlhahisong, phallo e ntle ya kgwebo le tlhahiso ya mesebetsi le ho e baballa. +",0.8989097 +"cabinet is in the process of finalising a comprehensive package of interventions to mitigate the expected impact of covid19 on our economy. +","kabinete e motjheng wa ho phethela mekgwa e pharalletseng ya boitshunyako bakeng sa ho bebofatsa kgahlamelo e lebeletsweng ya covid19 moruong wa rona. +",0.88103074 +"this is being done in consultation with business, labour and other relevant institutions. +","sena se etswa ka ditherisano le dikgwebo, mekgatlo ya basebetsi le ditheo tse ding tse amehang. +",0.8735775 +"it was louis pasteur who said that fortune favours the prepared mind. +","ke louis pasteur ya neng a re lehlohonolo le tswela molemo kelello e itokiseditseng. +",0.88974833 +"south africa is prepared, and has been so for some time. +","aforika borwa e itokiseditse, mme e se e le nako e itokisitse. +",0.7810676 +"since the outbreak was first reported we have acted to put screening and containment measures in place. +","esale ho runya ha lefu lena ho tlalehwa lekgetlo la pele re ikitlaeditse ka ho tla ka mekgwa ya tekolo le ya thibelo. +",0.801944 +"our national response has been driven by an interministerial committee (imc) chaired and ably led by the minister of health, dr zweli mkhize. +","karabelo ya rona ya naha e kgannwa ke komiti e kopanetsweng ya matona (imc) tlasa bodulasetulo le ketapele ya letona la bophelo bo botle, ngaka zweli mkhize. +",0.87377566 +"the manner in which the imc and the support teams have responded to this emergency has been both exemplary and reassuring, particularly in helping to quell public panic. +","mokgwa oo imc le meifo ya tshehetso e arabetseng ka ona o bile ka bobedi o teyang mohlala le o tshepisang, ka ho qolleha ho thusa ho tlosa letshoho la setjhaba. +",0.8581166 +"i will be chairing a national command council to coordinate all aspects of our national response. +","ke tla ba modulasetulo wa lekgotla la naha la taolo bakeng sa ho hokahanya dintlha kaofela tsa karabelo ya rona ya naha. +",0.861846 +"south africa has a positive track record in managing public health emergencies. +","aforika borwa e na le nalane e ntle haholo ya ho laola ditshohanyetso tsa kalafo ya setjhaba. +",0.8385912 +"we have the knowledge, the means and the expertise. +","re na le tsebo, disebediswa le boitsebelo. +",0.8028729 +"our scientists and epidemiologists are worldclass. +","borasaense le ditsebi tsa rona tsa mafu a sewa ke tsa maemo a hodimo lefatsheng. +",0.8109666 +"we have put a raft of emergency measures in place, and will make funding available to support their implementation. +","re na le maiteko a mekgwa e matla ya tshohanyetso, mme re tla fana ka thuso ya tjhelete bakeng sa ho a kenya tshebetsong. +",0.81752753 +"they include travel bans on visitors from highrisk countries; mandatory testing, selfisolation or quarantine for south african nationals returning from these countries; and strengthening surveillance, screening and testing at ports of entry into the republic. +","a kenyeletsa thibelo ya baeti ho tswa dinaheng tse nang le kokwanahloko ena ka bongata; ho etsa diteko tse tlamang bathong kaofela, ho ikwalla kapa ho behwa ditulong tse kgethehileng bakeng sa maaforika borwa a tswang dinaheng tsena; le ho matlafatsa ho beha leihlo, ho lekola le ho etsa diteko madibohong a ba kenang ka hara rephabliki. +",0.8855574 +"social distancing is critical if we are to contain the spread of covid19. +","ho sielana sebaka ha setjhaba ho hlokolosi haeba re batla ho laola ho ata ha covid19. +",0.843385 +"gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited and mass celebrations of national days are cancelled. +","diboka tsa batho ba fetang 100 di thibetswe le mekete e meholo ya matsatsi a naha e fedisitswe. +",0.89412665 +"visits to all correctional centres are being suspended for 30 days with immediate effect. +","diketelo tsa ditsi tsa tlhabollo ya batshwaruwa di fanyehilwe hanghang bakeng sa matsatsi a 30. maeto ao e seng a bohlokwa a matjhabeng bakeng sa bahlanka ba mmuso a thibetswe mme ha ho kgothaletswe le maeto a ka lapeng ao e seng a bohlokwa. +",0.7010386 +"nonessential international travel for government officials has been proscribed and nonessential domestic travel discouraged. +","madiboho a 35 kaofela le dikou tse pedi tsa lewatle di tla kwalwa, jwalo feela le dikolo ho tloha ka la 18 tlhakubele ho fihlela kamora mafelo a beke ya paseka. +",0.5379805 +"a total of 35 land ports and two sea ports will be closed, as will schools from the 18th of march until after the easter weekend. +","haufinyana re tla tsebisa ka ditharollo tse mabapi le diyunivesithi le dikoletjhe. +",0.5898235 +"we will soon be announcing measures with regards to universities and colleges. +","kgwedi e tlang ke paseka, e leng nako e halalelang ya ditumelo tse ngata le ho ba nako eo ka yona ho tla ba le ditshebeletso le dikopano tsa batho ba bangata. +",0.6052114 +"next month will be easter, a sacred period for a number of faiths and a time in which mass services and gatherings will take place. +","badumedi ba lokela ho nka diqeto tabeng ena molemong wa bophelo bo botle ba diphutheho tsa bona le naha ka kakaretso. +",0.6289402 +"the faith community should take decisions in this regard in the best interests of the health of their congregants and the country as a whole. +","taolo ya bohlweki e lokela ho matlafatswa ke makala ohle. +",0.52869785 +"hygiene control should be intensified in all sectors. +","moahi e mong le e mong o lokela ho nka boikarabelo ba polokeho ya hae ka ho ipapisa le ditsela tse kang ho dula o hlapa matsoho ka sesepa kapa ka sebolayadikokwa sa matsoho le ho kwahela nko kapa molomo ka thishu kapa ka setswe se kobehileng ha o kgohlela kapa o thimola. +",0.48979434 +"every citizen should take charge of their own safety by observing measures such as frequent handwashing with soap or handsanitizers and covering their nose or mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. +","jwaloka mosebetsi wa rona wa naha, lefapha la bophelo bo botle le tla tswella ka letsholo le keneletseng le le tswellang la ho hlahisa temoso ka thibelo, phetisetso le matshwao a tshwaetso. +",0.70385563 +"as part of our national effort the department of health will continue with an intensive and ongoing campaign to raise awareness about prevention, transmission and infection symptoms. +","ke kgothaletsa maaforika borwa ohle ho tseba ka thepa e amehang ya thibelo. +",0.55873513 +"i encourage all south africans to acquaint themselves with the relevant preventative material. +","mekgwa ena e a tshwana le ya naha tse ding, mme ho bohlokwa hore re utlwisise hore ha se kotlo empa e le taba ya polokeho ya setjhaba. +",0.59352565 +"these measures are similar to those in other countries, and it is important we all understand that they are not punitive but a matter of public safety. +","e nngwe ya dikotsi tse kgolo nakong ena ke ho hloka tsebo le tlhahisoleseding e fosahetseng. +",0.5996747 +"one of the greatest dangers at this time is ignorance and misinformation. +","re lokela ho emisa ho hasa ditaba tsa leshano le tse sa tiisetswang, ka ho qolleha ho marangrang a setjhaba. +",0.6597667 +"we should stop spreading fake and unverified news, especially on social media. +","sena se ka mpefatsa maikutlo a seng a tsitsipane a setjhaba le ho senya boiteko ba naha. +",0.6304222 +"this can exacerbate an already tense national mood and damage the national effort. +","re boetse ha re a lokela ho inehella ho pontsho ya maikutlo a kgethollo ao re a boneng dinaheng tse ding a lebisitsweng ho baahi ba dinaha tseo lefu lena le runtseng ho tsona le motsong wa hajwale o yuropa. +",0.636844 +"we must also not give in to the expressions of bigotry that we have seen in other countries directed at nationals of countries from where the outbreak began or the current epicenter in europe. +","ho hlakile hore kokwanahloko ena e ama batho ba dinaha kaofela. +",0.5823292 +"this is clearly a virus that affects people of all nationalities. +","ha re bontsheng kutlwelobohloko ho ba tshwaeditsweng, le ho ba kgutletseng lapeng ho tswa dinaheng tse kotsing haholo. +",0.5961757 +"let us lower the wing of compassion to those who are infected, and to those who have returned home from highrisk countries. +","ha re thuseng ba hlokang thuso le bohle ba kotsing haholo, ho e na le ho ba nena. +",0.70275426 +"let us assist those in need and those more vulnerable, instead of shunning them. +","re tla dula re tshepahetse dintleng tsa rona tsa mamellano le hlompho tseo re tsebahalang ka tsona jwaloka batho. +",0.57897913 +"we will remain faithful to the values of tolerance and respect that define us as a people. +","lebitsong la batho bohle ba aforika borwa ke leboha moifo o latileng baahi ba bo rona wuhan, tjhaena, hammoho le ketapele le batho ba limpopo ba thusang ka motjha wa ho ba beha tulong e kgethehileng. +",0.5947385 +"on behalf of all the people of south africa i thank the team who repatriated our compatriots from wuhan, china, as well as the leadership and people of limpopo who are assisting with the quarantine process. +","ena ke nako e boima. +",0.06853186 +"this is a difficult time. +","mme leha ho le jwalo ke nakong tsa mathata moo matla a rona a pepesehang. +",0.5882208 +"and yet it is in times of adversity that our strength is revealed. +","re tla sebetsa ka matla, ka maikemisetso le sepheo. +",0.50711 +"we will act decisively, with determination and with purpose. +","re tla sebetsa re le ngatana nngwe, hobane maiteko a rona a itshetlehile hodima diketso tsa moaforika borwa e mong le e mong. +",0.61204135 +"we will act as a collective, for it is upon the actions of every south african that the success of our efforts depend. +","motsotso wa thuma mina o mahetleng a rona, mohlomong ho feta pele. +",0.5420766 +"the thuma mina moment is upon us, perhaps as never before. +","ntho ena le yona e tla feta. +",0.2757449 +"this too shall pass. +","re tla hlola. +",0.5553194 +"we shall overcome. +","mmoho re ka lwantsha sekgahla sa covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe le ditleneng tsa tshohanyetso ya bophelo bo botle ba setjhaba boemong bo so kang bo bonwa nakong e fetang dilemo tse lekgolo. +",0.5553194 +"help for our vulnerable citizens vukuzenzele unnamed many countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. +","thuso bakeng sa baahi ba habo rona ba tlokotsing vukuzenzele unnamed dinaha tse ngata lefatsheng ka bophara di qobelletse ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha, ka sepheo sa ho pholosa maphelo a baahi ba tsona. +",0.8472525 +"we have done the same in our country, but our lockdown has revealed a very sad fault line in our society that reveals how grinding poverty, inequality and unemployment is tearing the fabric of our communities apart. +","le rona re entse jwalo naheng ena ya rona, empa ho kgina ha rona ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha ho senotse diphoso tse bohloko haholo setjhabeng sa habo rona, tse utollang kamoo bofuma, ho se lekane le leqeme la mesebetsi di ruthuthang maphelo a baahi ba habo rona ka teng. +",0.86302644 +"there can be no greater anguish than that of a parent whose children cry out to them for food, but they have none to give. +","ha ho ntho e sithabetsang maikutlo ho feta ha bana ba lla ka tlala ho motswadi, empa yena a hloka dijo tseo a ka ba fepang tsona. +",0.8084196 +"there can be no greater injustice than a society where some live in comfort and plenty, while others struggle at the margins to survive with little or nothing at all. +","ha ho tlhokeho ya toka e kgolo ho feta eo ho yona ba bang setjhabeng ba phelang ka boiketlo mme ba hafa ka nkatana, ha ba bang ba hula ka falese ho iphedisa ka bonyane boo ba nang le bona, kapa ba se na letholetho. +",0.8551699 +"yes, these are the residual effects of a fractured and unequal past. +","ehlile, tsena ke ditlamorao tsa masalla a nako e fetileng e neng e le ya bohanyapetsi le ho se lekane. +",0.8228668 +"but they are also a symp tom of a fundamental failing in our postapartheid society. +","empa hape ke letshwao la bohlokwa le bontshang ho hloleha ha setjhaba sa habo rona kamora ho fela ha puso ya kgethollo. +",0.8264005 +"the nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus has gravely exarcerbated a longstanding problem. +","ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha naha ka bophara e le karabelo ho kokwanahloko ya corona , ho mpefaditse le ho feta mathata ana a neng a se a le teng ka nako e telele. +",0.8028697 +"over the past few weeks, we have been confronted with distressing images of desperate people clamouring for food parcels at distribution centres and of community protests against food shortages. +","dibekeng tse mmalwa tse fetileng, re ile ra bona ditshwantsho tse sithabetsang maikutlo tsa batho ba mathateng ha ba ne ba seohela diphuthelwana tsa dijo ditsing tsa nanabetso, hammoho le boipelaetso ba setjhaba kgahlanong le kgaello ya dijo. +",0.86274993 +"we have also had to contend with allegations both disturbing and disgusting. +","re ile ra boela ra utlwa ka diqoso tse sisimosang di bile di nyarosa. +",0.7740761 +"a number of provinces have received reports that callous individuals, some of them allegedly government officials, are hoarding or selling food parcels earmarked for the needy and destitute, or diverting them to their friends and families. +","diprovense tse ngata di fumane ditlaleho tsa hore batho ba kgopo, bao ba bang ba bona ho thweng ke bahlanka ba mmuso, ba a inyafela kapa ba rekisa diphuthelwana tsa dijo tse reretsweng bahloki le bafumanehi, kapa ba di fetisetse ho metswalle le ba malapa a bona. +",0.9224971 +"if there is found to be substance to these allegations we will deal with the individuals concerned harshly. +","haeba ho ka fumanwa hore diqoso tsena ke nnete, re tla itoma o katlase ha re sebetsana le bao ba amehang. +",0.81762916 +"with the declaration of a national state of disaster and the imposition of a nationwide lockdown we entered uncharted waters. +","ka ho tsebahatsa maemo a koduwa ya naha le ho kenngwa tshebetsong ha ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha naha ka bophara, re kene mothating o motjhatjha ho rona. +",0.778301 +"south africa has never had to deal with a public health emergency of this magnitude. +","afrika borwa ha e so ka e iphumana e tlameha ho sebetsana le maemo a toma hakana a tshohanyetso ya bophelo bo botle ba setjhaba. +",0.8454017 +"we had to act quickly to save lives. +","re ile ra tlameha ho phahamela mapoqo e le hore re pholose maphelo. +",0.7755233 +"and we must acknowledge that in the days and weeks that have followed, the provision of support to our country’s most vulnerable citizens has been slower than required, and that lapses have occurred. +","ebile re tshwanela le ho ananela hore matsatsing le dibekeng tse ileng tsa latela, phano ya tshehetso baahing ba habo rona ba tlokotsing ka ho fetisisa e bile monyebe ho feta kamoo ho hlokehang ka teng, mme ho na le moo ho bileng le difanya teng. +",0.8577768 +"however, the payment of social grants has proceeded relatively smoothly, and after a number of technical challenges, the food distribution system is being streamlined. +","leha ho le jwalo, ditefello tsa ditjhelete tsa dithuso tsa mmuso di batla di tsamaile hantle, mme kamora diqholotso tse ngatanyana tsa setekgeniki, tsamaiso ya nanabetso ya dijo e ntse e tjhoriswa. +",0.8384166 +"imposing a nationwide lockdown at very short notice presented several challenges. +","ho qobella ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha ka nako e kgutshwane naha ka bophara, ho bile le diqholotso tse ngatanyana. +",0.76505023 +"we have had to weigh up the proportionality of the national response and the extent of restrictions we would need to impose. +","re ile ra lokela ho sekaseka sekgahla sa karabelo ya naha le hore na ke dithibelo tse toma hakae tseo re tla tshwanela ho di qobella. +",0.8867376 +"we ultimately chose to err on the side of caution. +","qetellong re ile ra kgetha hore re mpe re nke lehlakore la ho ipaballa. +",0.7505076 +"and as the presentation by the ministry of health indicated recently, enforcing a lockdown at the time we did has slowed down the rate of infection and, more importantly, bought us time to prepare for a probable surge in infections in the coming weeks and months. +","jwaloka ha pehelo ya lefapha la bophelo bo botle e sa tswa bontsha, ho qobella ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha ka nako eo re ho entseng ka yona, ho fokoditse sekgahla sa tshwaetso mme ntho e leng ya bohlokwahlokwa, ke hore ho re file nako e ntle ya ho itokisetsa ho eketseha ha ditshwaetso ho ka nnang ha etsahala dibekeng le dikgweding tse tlang. +",0.8882557 +"we had to consider the impact on an already floundering economy in both the long and short term, and the impact of this substantial disruption on the livelihoods of millions of people. +","re ile ra tshwanela ho e nkela hloohong mabapi le nako e telele le e kgutshwane taba ena ya thefuleho e tla ba teng moruong ona o seng o thekesela, esita le sefutho sa tshitiso ena maphe long a matle a dimilione tsa batho. +",0.8471811 +"we had to consider what weeks of confinement to the home would mean for the employed not paid regular salaries, for the unemployed and those seeking work, for those in casual or seasonal employment, for those in the informal sector, for the indigent and for the vulnerable. +","re ile ra tshwanela ho e nkela hloohong taba ya hore ebe dibekeng tsena tsa ho ikwalla ka malapeng, ho tla bolela eng ho ba sebetsang empa ba sa amohele meputso ya bona ya kamehla, ho ba sa sebetseng ho hang le ba tsomang mesebetsi, ho ba sebetsang mesebetsi ya nakwana kapa ya dihla tse itseng, ho ba lekala la baitshokodi, ho bahloki le bao ba tlokotsing. +",0.883813 +"cabinet will finalise a set of measures to respond to the impact of the lockdown on the livelihoods of our people. +","kabinete e tla phethela mekgwa ya ho arabela thefulehong ena ya ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha, maphelong a batho ba habo rona. +",0.8096986 +"this has been preceded by a range of engagements with a number of stakeholders including business, labour, religious organisations, civil society and the presidential economic advisory council. +","sena se ile sa etellwa pele ke letoto la dipuisano hammoho le ba bangatanyana ba amehang, ho akga ba dikgwebo, bosebetsi, mekgatlo ya bodumedi, setjhaba ka kakaretso esita le lekgotla la boeletsi ba moruo la moporesidente. +",0.8941977 +"the social partners have put forward a number of proposals on interventions that could address the immediate vulnerability of the poorest of the poor, most of whom rely on social assistance to survive. +","balekane ba kahisanong ba tlile le ditshisinyo tse ngata mabapi le bokenadipakeng bo ka thusang ho rarolla tlokotsi e renang ya ba kojwana di mahetleng, bao boholo ba bona bo tshepetseng dithusong tsa mmuso hore ba phele. +",0.8220946 +"we will scale up welfare provision during this period to help households living below the poverty line. +","re tla ntlafatsa phano ya thekolohelo nakong ena, e le ho thusa malapa a kollang ntsi hanong. +",0.8079899 +"even when the nationwide lockdown is lifted, its effects will continue to be felt for some time to come. +","leha ho kginwa hona ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha ho ka emiswa, ditlamorao tsa teng di tla nne di tswelepele ho utlwahala ka nako e telele e tlang. +",0.7247124 +"those fortunate to have a steady income will be able to return to their jobs; but for millions of others this will be a lost month where they would otherwise have found temporary work, done business in the informal sector or saved money earned to meet their family responsibilities. +","bao ba nang le lehlohonolo la hore ba na le lekeno le tsitsitseng ba tla kgona ho kgutlela mesebetsing ya bona; empa bakeng sa dimilione tse ding ena e tla ba kgwedi ya ho qetela moo ka mohlomong ho yona ba neng ba ka iphumanela mesebetsi ya nakwana, ba iketsetsa dikgwebo lekaleng la baitshokodi kapa ba boloke tjhelete eo ba e amohetseng e neng e tla ba thusa ka maikarabelo a malapa a bona. +",0.89915425 +"food support is a shortterm emergency measure. +","tshehetso ya ho fana ka dijo ke tharollo ya nako e kgutshwane ya tshohanyetso. +",0.7942246 +"it will need to be matched by sustainable solutions that help our most vulnerable citizens weather the difficult times that are still to come. +","e tla tshwanela ho nyalanngwa le ditharollo tsa nako e telele tse thusang baahi ba habo rona ba tlokotsing ka ho fetisisa, hore ba lebahanye thebe le dinako tse boima tse ntseng di tla latela. +",0.84617966 +"i wish to thank the many ngos, religious groups and ordinary citizens who are donating money and volunteer ing to help feed the hungry and destitute. +","ke batla ho leboha mekgatlo e mengata eo e seng ya mmuso (dingo), mekgatlo ya bodumedi le baahi ka kakaretso ba nyehelang ka tjhelete le boithaopo ba ho thusa ho fepa bao maphako a bona a ubang esita le ba kojwana di mahetleng. +",0.87614805 +"alleviating hunger is not an act of charity. +","ho fedisa tlala ha se ketso ya thekolohelo. +",0.82479143 +"it is an imperative for any society that is founded on respect for human rights. +","ke tshwanelo bake ng sa setjhaba sefe kapa sefe se bopelletsweng ka tlhompho ya ditokelo tsa botho. +",0.7631878 +"we are at a point in our battle with the pandemic where complacency could prove disastrous. +","re mothating oo kgotsofalo ya rona e ka bang masisapelo ntweng ena ya rona le sewa sena. +",0.7508153 +"i call on each and every one to remain vigilant, to continue to abide by the regulations, and to keep safe and keep others safe. +","ke etsa kgoeletso ho e mong le e mong hore a dule a fadimehile, a tswelepele ho ikobela melawana, a ipoloke a bolokehile a be a boloke le ba bang ba bolokehile. +",0.8912997 +"as government we will be providing information on the direct interventions we are taking to shield our most vulnerable citizens from the grim prospect of starvation. +","re le mmuso re tla dula re ntse re fana ka lesedi le mabapi le bokenadipakeng boo re bo etsang ka kotloloho ho sireletsa baahi ba bo rona ba tlokotsing ka ho fetisisa kgahlanong le sekoboto. +",0.81457436 +"among the many difficulties our people face at this time, wondering where their next meal will come from should not be one of them.","thuso bakeng sa baahi ba habo rona ba tlokotsing vukuzenzele unnamed dinaha tse ngata lefatsheng ka bophara di qobelletse ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha, ka sepheo sa ho pholosa maphelo a baahi ba tsona. +",0.81457436 +"let us unite in our fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed the entire world is in the unrelenting grip of the coronavirus pandemic, whose spread has been rapid. +","ha re ipopeng ngatana ntweng ya rona kgahlanong le covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe lohle le kakatletswe ke sewa se hanang ho fela sa kokwanahloko ya corona , e atileng ka potlako. +",0.8919175 +"a vaccine has yet to be found. +","ho ntse ho batlanwa le ente ya pheko. +",0.68728405 +"across the world, over 3.4 million people are known to be infected and more than 240,000 have died. +","ho phatlalla le lefatshe, ke batho ba fetang 3.4 milione ba tsejwang ba tshwaeditswe mme ba fetang 240 000 ba hlokahetse. +",0.9375708 +"these are indeed desperate times. +","ruri tsena ke dinako tsa tsitsipano. +",0.488456 +"when the national state of disaster was declared six weeks ago, south africa only had 61 confirmed coronavirus infections. +","ha ho ne ho tsebahatswa maemo a naha a koduwa dibekeng tse tsheletseng tse fetileng, afrika borwa e ne e na le ditlaleho tse tiiseditsweng tse 61 tsa tshwaetso ya kokwanahloko ya corona . +",0.89863753 +"despite the relatively low number, expert opinion and international experience indicated that infec tions would rise exponentially. +","ho sa natswe palo e batlang e le tlase, mmono wa ditsebi le boiphihlelo ba matjhabeng di bontshitse hore ditshwaetso di tla eketseha ka matla. +",0.8909312 +"i said that urgent and drastic measures would need to be taken. +","ke boletse hore mehato e potlakileng le e matla e tla nkuwa. +",0.7863481 +"those measures – which included a nationwide lockdown and the closure of our borders – have proved to be effective in delaying the spread of the disease. +","mehato eo – e neng e kenyeletsa ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso le metsamao ya batho hammoho le ho kwalwa ha madiboho a rona – e bonahetse e beha ditholwana mabapi le ho fokotsa ho ata ha lefu lena. +",0.8243817 +"this has been possible because most south africans have adhered to the lockdown provisions, practising social distancing and wearing face masks. +","sena se kgonahetse hobane boholo ba maafrika borwa bo ikobetse dipehelo tsa ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso le motsamao wa batho, ho sielana sebaka le ho kenya dimaske tsa sefahleho. +",0.8401208 +"i applaud you for this and for all the other sacrifices you have made. +","ke a le thoholetsa ka sena le ka maitelo ao le a entseng. +",0.7678386 +"at this stage in the progress of the pandemic, other countries had far more infections than we do. +","nakong ena ka hara kgatelopele ya sewa sena, dinaha tse ngata di na le ditshwaetso tse fetang tsa rona. +",0.8079399 +"as of now – which is 46 days since we recorded our 100th coronavirus case – we have 6,783 confirmed cases. +","ho fihlela hajwale – e leng matsatsi a 46 esale re rekota tlaleho ya rona ya bo100 ya kokwanahloko ya corona – re na le ditlaleho tse 6 783 tse tiiseditsweng. +",0.89755154 +"italy, which has a similar size population to ours, had more than 140,000 cases and the united states had around 700,000 confirmed cases at the 46day mark. +","italy, e nang le palo e lekanang le ya setjhaba sa bo rona, e bi le le ditlaleho tse 140 000 mme amerika e bile le ditlaleho tse ka bang 700 000 tse tiiseditsweng letsatsing la bo46. +",0.9041819 +"but this does not mean that the danger has passed. +","feela sena ha se bolele hore kotsi e fetile. +",0.8870807 +"we have not nearly reached the peak of infections in south africa. +","nnete ke hore ha re so fihlelle sehlohlolo sa ditshwaetso afrika borwa. +",0.828292 +"all the scientific models show that the infection rate will continue to rise at a much faster rate in the next few months. +","dimotlolo tsohle tsa saense di bontsha hore sekgahla sa tshwaetso se tla tswella ho phahama ka lebelo le ka matla dikgweding tse mmalwa tse tlang. +",0.8959158 +"however, the speed with which the virus spreads and the number of people who are ultimately infected will be determined by what we do now. +","leha ho le jwalo, lebelo leo kokwanahloko e atang ka lona le palo ya batho ba tla tshwaetswa e itshetlehile hodima seo re se etsang hajwale. +",0.8138596 +"that is why the easing of the lockdown needs to be gradual and cautious. +","ke kahoo ho theolwa ha ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso ho lokela hoetswa butlebutle le ka hloko. +",0.8602328 +"it is for this reason that many regulations need to remain in place and why it is absolutely essential that people observe them. +","ke ka lebaka lena melawana e mengata e lokelang ho dula e ntse e sebetsa le hore hobaneng ho le bohlokwa hore batho ba ikobele yona. +",0.8695668 +"i know how difficult this is and i understand the concern that many of our compatriots have about how these regulations are interfering and limiting their rights. +","ke a tseba hore ho boima hakae le ho utlwisisa matshwenyeho a boholo ba batho ba bo rona ba nang le ona a kamoo melawana ena e sitisang le ho ngotla ditokelo tsa bona. +",0.8554919 +"but all this is necessary. +","feela sena kaofela se a hlokahala. +",0.87678427 +"our overriding objective is the preservation of life. +","morero o moholo ke paballo ya bophelo. +",0.8078853 +"social distancing and proper hygiene are still our best and only defences in this struggle. +","ho sielana sebaka le bohlweki bo nepahetseng e sa le tsona tsa bohlokwahadi le boitshireletso ntweng ena. +",0.80295575 +"this is what informs the regulations we have put in place for level 4 of our response. +","sena ke lebaka le entseng hore re theohele ho mohato wa bone wa karabelo ya rona. +",0.7215315 +"our considerations are based on empirical evidence, scientific and economic data and international best practice. +","mabaka a rona a itshetlehile hodima bopaki bo tshwarehang, ba saense le lesedi la tsa moruo le ditlwaelo tse hlwahlwa ka ho fetisisa tsa matjhaba. +",0.85826564 +"in the 1995 judgment of the constitutional court that outlawed capital punishment, jus tice arthur chaskalson wrote: ""the rights to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights and the source of all other personal rights. +","ka selemo sa 1995 kahlolo ya lekgotla la molaotheo e ile ya e ba ho fedisa kahlolo ya lefu, moahlodi arthur chaskalson o ile a ngola hore: ""tokelo ya ho phela le seriti ke tsa bohlokwahadi tsa ditokelo tsa botho le mohlodi wa ditokelo tse ding tsa motho. +",0.91189003 +"by committing ourselves to a society founded on the recognition of human rights we are required to value these two rights above all others. +","ka boitlamo ba rona bakeng sa setjhaba se thehilweng hodima kananelo ya ditokelo tsa botho, re loketse ho nkela ditokelo tsena tse pedi hloohong ho feta tse ding. +",0.8372306 +"""the regulations we have put in place are founded on that commitment to life and dignity, and which justify – in these extreme circumstances – temporary restrictions on other rights, like freedom of movement and association. +","""melawana eo re e behileng e thehilwe hodima boitlamo boo ba bophelo le seriti, mme e le se tiisetsang – maemong ana a sa tlwaelehang ka ho fetisisa – a ho thibelwa nakwana ha ditokelo tse ding, tse kang bolokolohi ba motsamao le ba boipapiso. +",0.8989991 +"in doing this, south africa is not unlike many other countries. +","ka ho etsa sena, afrika borwa ha e ya fapana le boholo ba dinaha tse ding. +",0.85173976 +"an estimated onefifth of the world’s population is under quarantine or nationwide lockdown, with this number growing rapidly in response to rising infections. +","ho akanngwa hore nngwe bohlanong ya setjhaba sa lefatshe e ka tlasa ho kwallwa kapa ho kginwa ho phatlaletseng ha ditshebeletso, moo palo ena e holang ka potlako mabapi le karabelo ho ditshwaetso tse ntseng di phahama. +",0.84574413 +"this includes countries with substantially larger populations than ours, like india with its 1.5 billion people. +","sena se kenyeletsa dinaha tse nang le setjhaba se sengata haholo ho feta sa bo rona, se kang sa india ka batho ba 1.5 bilione. +",0.8867605 +"dozens of countries have imposed curfews such as the one that is now in place here. +","dinaha tse ngata tsa lefatshe di behile dithibelo tsa motsamao tse tshwanang le tse teng hajwale mona. +",0.7790566 +"limitations on movement are in place in a number of countries. +","dithibelo tsa motsamao di teng dinaheng tse ngata. +",0.8271266 +"in the uk and the french capital, paris, public exercise is limited to certain hours and within a certain distance of one’s home. +","engelane le motsemoholo wa fora, paris, ho ikwetlisa ha batho ho kginnwe bakeng sa dihora tse itseng le bakeng sa bohole bo itseng ho tloha lapeng la motho. +",0.86957 +"containment and prevention measures similar to ours are in place in a number of countries. +","mehato ya ho kginwa le thibelo e tshwanang le ya rona e teng dinaheng tse ngata. +",0.8209262 +"for example, alcohol sales during lockdown have been either restricted or banned in a number of territories and by local governments, including parts of mexico, hong kong and greenland, which last month imposed a ban on alcohol sales during lockdown to limit infection but also ‘to curb violence against women and children.’there has been much public comment on government’s decision to extend the prohibition on the sale of tobacco products into level 4. a decision like this is bound to be controversial, but it is wrong to suggest that there are ministers or a president doing and saying whatever they want on this matter. +","mohlala, thekiso ya tahi nakong ya ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso le metsamao ya batho e thibetswe dibakeng tse ngata le ke mebuso ya lehae, ho kenyeletswa dikarolo tsa mexico, hong kong le greenland, tseo kgweding e fetileng di kentseng thibelo ya thekiso ya tahi nakong ya ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso ho fokotsa ditshwaetso empa hape le ‘ho thibela dikgoka kgahlanong le basadi le bana.’ho bile le dipuopuo ho tswa setjhabeng mabapi le qeto ya mmuso ya ho atolosa thibelo ya dihlahiswa tsa kwae ho ya ho mohato wa bone. +",0.8920684 +"on 23 april, i announced that cigarette sales would be permitted during level 4. this was based on the view of the national coronavirus command council (nccc), and which was contained in the draft framework that was published for consulation. +","qeto e tshwanang le ena e tshwanetse ho baka dikgang, empa ho fosahetse ho sisinya hore ho na le matona a etsang le ho bua seo a se ratang tabeng ena kapa moporesidente ya etsang jwalo. +",0.6004985 +"after careful consideration and discussion, the nccc reconsidered its position on tobacco. +","ka la 23 mmesa 2020, ke ile ka tsebisa hore thekiso ya sakerete e tla dumellwa nakong ya mohato wa bone. +",0.5525986 +"as a result, the regulations ratified by cabinet and announced by minister nkosazana dlaminizuma on 29 april extended the prohibition. +","sena se ne se itshetlehile hodima mohopolo wa lekgotla la naha la taolo ya kokwanahloko ya corona (nccc), le o neng o le teng ka hara moralo o neng o phatlaladitsweng bakeng sa ditherisano. +",0.6959803 +"this was a collective decision and the public statements by both myself and the minister were done on behalf of, and mandated by, the collective i lead. +","kamora tshekatsheko e tebileng le dipuisano, nccc e ile ya sheba botjha qeto ya yona e mabapi le kwae. +",0.61231273 +"every regulation we have put in place has been carefully considered. +","ka lebaka leo, melao e ileng ya amohelwa ke kabinete le letona nkosazana dlaminizuma ka la 29 mmesa e ile ya atolosa thibelo ena. +",0.45287108 +"along the way there has been consultation with medical experts, various constituencies and different industries. +","ena e bile qeto e kopanetsweng mme dipehelo tsa setjhaba tsa ka bobedi nna le letona di entswe lebitsong la, le ka thomo ya boetapele bo kopanetsweng. +",0.6922679 +"we have been guided by international bodies and the experience of other countries. +","molawana ka mong oo re o behileng o shebilwe ka hloko. +",0.4576697 +"the reality is that we are sailing in unchartered waters. +","ka ho le leng ho bile le ditherisano le ditsebi tsa bongaka, bankakarolo ba fapafapaneng le diindaseteri tse fapaneng. +",0.51506877 +"there is still a great deal about the epidemiology of the virus that is unknown. +","re tataisitswe ke mekgatlo ya matjhaba le boiphihlelo ba dinaha tse ding. +",0.5491076 +"it is better to err on the side of caution than to pay the devastating price of a lapse in judgment in future. +","nnete ke hore re iphumana re le ka hara ntho eo re qalang ho e bona. +",0.49441794 +"while there are differing views on some of the decisions we have taken – and in some instances these have polarised opinion – government is making every effort to act in a way that advances the rights to life and dignity of all our people. +","ho sa na le ho hongata ho sa tsejweng ka nalane ya kokwanahloko ena. +",0.47174442 +"listening to our people and their concerns during this period has been one of the distinguishing features of how we as government have managed this pandemic. +","ho betere ho etsa phoso o itlhokemetse ho e na le ho lemala ka lebaka la ho iphapanya kotsi kamoso. +",0.5683022 +"we continue to listen to the concerns of our people and are prepared to make adjustments that balance people’s concerns about the challenges they face with the need to save lives. +","leha ho e na le mehopolo e fapanang mabapi le diqeto tse ding tseo re di nkileng – mme mabakeng a mang mehopolo e ba e hananang – mmuso o etsa boiteko bohle ho sebetsa ka tsela e ntlafatsang tokelo ya ho phela le seriti sa batho ba bo rona kaofela. +",0.6961459 +"at this difficult time, our collective energies must be focused on ensuring that health and life is preserved, that the delivery of food, water, health care, social security and social support is not disrupted. +","ho mamela le ho utlwa dingongoreho tsa batho ba bo rona nakong ena e bile le leng la matshwao a ikgethang a kamoo rona jwaloka mmuso re kgonneng ho laola sewa sena. +",0.6560428 +"under these extraordinary circumstances, as government, as individuals and as society we will at times make mistakes. +","re tswella ho mamela dingongoreho tsa batho ba bo rona mme re ikemiseditse ho etsa ditokiso tse tsitsisang dingongoreho tsa bona tse mabapi le diphephetso tseo ba di tobileng mabapi le tlhokeho ya ho baballa maphelo. +",0.5973686 +"when these occur, we will correct them. +","nakong ena e boima, re lokela ho kopanela ho tsepamisa maikutlo tabeng ya ho netefatsa hore boitekanelo le bophelo di a baballwa, hore phano ya dijo, metsi, tlhokomelo ya kalafo, tshireletso ya setjhaba le tshehetso ya sona ha di sitisehe. +",0.3836628 +"but we must carry on, losing neither our nerve nor our resolve. +","tlasa maemo ana a sa tlwaelehang, re le mmuso, re le batho ka bo mong le setjhaba ka nako e nngwe re tla etsa diphoso. +",0.5853174 +"the situation in which we find ourselves demands courage and patience. +","ha tsena di etsahala, re tla di lokisa. +",0.5593164 +"it requires goodwill and trust between you, the citizen, and your government, and between each other. +","feela re lokela ho hahamalla pele, re sa lahlehelwe ke tjantjello kapa maikemisetso a rona. +",0.5916127 +"from the union buildings 3 vuk’uzenzelehelp for our vulnerable citizensmany countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. +","maemo ao re iphumanang ka hara ona a batla sebete le mamello. +",0.44116288 +"we have done the same in our country, but our lockdown has revealed a very sad fault line in our society that reveals how grinding poverty, inequality and unemployment is tearing the fabric of our communities apart. +","ha re ipopeng ngatana ntweng ya rona kgahlanong le covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe lohle le kakatletswe ke sewa se hanang ho fela sa kokwanahloko ya corona , e atileng ka potlako. +",0.44116288 +"our democracy will help us overcome covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed we often take our healthy and robust democracy for granted. +","demokerasi ya rona e tla re thusa ho hlola covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed hangata re nka demokerasi ya rona e hlwahlwa le e matla hanyane. +",0.89866376 +"yet it is probably our greatest asset in our momentous struggle to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. +","feela e batla e le sesebediswa sa rona se seholo ka ho fetisisa mabapi le ntwa ya rona ya ho hlola sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.82799214 +"we have among the most politicallyengaged citizenry in the world. +","re na le baahi ba tsebang haholo ka dipolotiki lefatsheng. +",0.80968165 +"a poll in 2018 by the pew research center shows south africans are strongly inclined to take political action about issues they feel most strongly about, such as health care, education, freedom of speech and corruption. +","diphuputso tse entsweng ke setsi sa diphuputso sa pew ka 2018 se bontsha hore maafrika borwa a kgona ho nka kgato ya sepolotiki ka matla mabapi le dintlha tse ba ngongorehisang haholo, tse kang tlhokomelo ya kalafo, thuto, bolokolohi ba puo le bobodu. +",0.9195918 +"the poll confirms much that we already know about ourselves. +","diphuputso di thathiselletsa haholo ka seo re seng re se tseba ka rona. +",0.7341056 +"we enjoy nothing more than robust engagement with our government and among ourselves on the burning issues of the day. +","re thabela ho buisana ka matla le mmuso wa rona le ka bo rona mabapi le ditaba tse tjhesang tsa letsatsi. +",0.7665856 +"we have an active civil society ever ready to safeguard our fundamental freedoms and rights. +","re na le setjhaba se itahlelang ka setotswana ditabeng tsa letsatsi ka leng, se dulang se ikemiseditse ho sireletsa ditokoloho le ditokelo tsa rona tsa mantlha. +",0.83498466 +"one of the triumphs of our democracy is that every south african believes the constitution protects them and that the courts are a fair and impartial arbiter of their interests. +","e nngwe ya ditlholo tsa rona tsa demokerasi ke hore moafrika borwa e mong le e mong o dumela hore molaotheo o a mo sireletsa le hore makgotla a dinyewe a hloka leeme le ho ba moahlodi ya sa nkeng lehlakore mabapi le dikgahlehelo tsa bona. +",0.8859428 +"i got thinking on these matters during a recent visit to the eastern cape to assess the province’s coronavirus state of readiness. +","ke ile ka nahana ka ditaba tsena moraorao tjena ha ke ne ke etetse kapa botjhabela ho ya lekola boemo ba boitokisetso ba provense eo mabapi le kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.84040266 +"i was asked by a journalist whether i was concerned at the pending litigation challenging certain provisions of the disaster management act. +","moqolotsi wa ditaba o ile a mpotsa haeba ke tshwenyehile ka qoso e motjheng ya ho phephetsa dipehelo tse ding tsa molao wa taolo ya dikoduwa. +",0.8555857 +"this law is the basis for all the regulations promulgated under the national state of disaster we declared to combat coronavirus. +","molao ona ke motheo wa melawana yohle e phatlaladitsweng tlasa maemo a koduwa ya naha ao re a tsebahaditseng ho lwantsha kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.87758267 +"since the start of this crisis, a number of people have exercised their right to approach the courts. +","esale koduwa ena e qala, batho ba bangata ba sebedisitse tokelo ya bona ya ho leba makgotleng a dinyewe. +",0.8658134 +"the lockdown regulations were challenged in the very first week of the lockdown by a private citizen from mpumalanga who wanted an exemption from the travel prohibition to attend a funeral. +","melawana ya ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso le metsamao ya batho e ile ya phephetswa bekeng ya pele feela ya ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso ke moahi wa mpumalanga ya neng a batla ho kotelwa thibelong ya ho ya lepatong. +",0.83243537 +"in the seven (7) weeks that have followed, there have been legal challenges from a number of individuals, religious bodies, political parties, ngos and from business organisations against one measure or more of the lockdown provisions they were unhappy with. +","dibekeng tse supileng tse latelang, ho bile le diphephetso tsa semolao ho tswa bathong ba bangata, mekgatlong ya bodumedi, mekgeng ya dipolotiki, mekgatlong eo e seng ya mmuso (dingo) le mekgatlong ya dikgwebo kgahlanong le tsela e le nngwe kapa ho feta ya dipehelo tsa ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso tse neng di sa ba thabisi. +",0.9032223 +"some have succeeded in their legal challenges and some have not. +","ba bang ba atlehile diphephetsong tsa bona tsa semolao mme ba bang ha ba a atleha. +",0.88706666 +"some had approached the courts on the basis of the urgency of their cases had their urgency arguments dismissed and others have found other avenues for the relief they sought. +","ba bang ba ile ba leba kgotla ka le reng mabaka a bona a potlakile mme diphephetso tsa mabaka a bona a potlakileng di ile tsa qhalwa mme ba bang ba ile ba fumana metjha e meng bakeng sa thuso eo ba neng ba e batla. +",0.8756152 +"others have subsequently withdrawn their applications following engagement with government. +","ba bang ba qetelletse ba hutse dikopo tsa bona ho latela dipuisano tsa bona le mmuso. +",0.8213323 +"while we would prefer to avoid the need for any legal action against government, we should accept that citizens who are unhappy with whatever action that government has decided on implementing have a right to approach our courts for any form of relief they seek. +","leha re ne re rata ho phema tlhokeho ya diqoso kgahlanong le mmuso, re lokela ho amohela hore baahi ba sa kgotsofalang ke mohato ofe kapa ofe oo mmuso o entseng qeto ya ho o kenya tshebetsong ba na le tokelo ya ho leba makgotleng bakeng sa thuso leha e le efe eo ba e batlang. +",0.8866367 +"this is a normal tenet of a constitutional democracy and a perfectly acceptable practice in a country founded on the rule of law. +","sena ke tokelo e tlwaelehileng ya demokerasi ya molaotheo mme ke tlwaelo e amohelehang ka ho phethahala naheng e thehilweng hodima tshebetso ya molao. +",0.8861337 +"we have checks and balances in place to ensure that every aspect of governance is able to withstand constitutional scrutiny. +","re na la ditsela tsa tekolo le tlhahlobo ya ho netefatsa hore ntlha leha e le efe ya puso e kgona ho emela ho shebisiswa ha molaotheo. +",0.83949834 +"where we are found wanting, we will be held to account by our courts and, above all, by our citizens. +","moo re nang le dikgaello, re tla lebellwa ho ikarabella makgotleng a rona a dinyewe mme, hodima tsohle, ke baahi ba rona. +",0.8064281 +"besides our courts, our chapter 9 institutions exist to advance the rights of citizens, as do the bodies tasked with oversight over the law enforcement agencies. +","ntle le makgotla a rona a dinyewe, ditheo tse tshehetsang puso tsa rona di teng bakeng sa ho matlafatsa ditokelo tsa baahi, jwalo feela ka ha ho etswa ke makala a fuweng mosebetsi wa ho beha leihlo makala a qobello ya molao. +",0.8553656 +"as i told the journalist, every south african has a right to approach the courts and even i, as president, could never stand in the way of anybody exercising that right. +","jwaloka ha ke ile ka jwetsa moqolotsi eo wa ditaba, moafrika borwa e mong le e mong o na le tokelo ya ho leba makgotleng a dinyewe mme le nna, jwaloka moporesidente, nkeke ka ema tseleng ya mang kapa mang ya sebedisang tokelo eo. +",0.9123423 +"there has been, and will continue to be, robust and strident critique of a number of aspects of our national response to coronavirus, from the data modelling and projections, to the economic effects of the lockdown, to the regulations. +","ho bile le, mme ho tla dula ho na le, ditlhaselo le ho se utlwane ho matla ka dintlha tse ngata tsa karabelo ya rona ya naha ho kokwanahloko ya corona, ho tloha ho dimotlolo le bolepi tsa tlhahisoleseding, ho ya ho ditlamorao tsa moruo tsa ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso le ho ya melawaneng. +",0.8826635 +"as government we have neither called for such critique to be tempered or for it to be silenced. +","re le mmuso ha re so ka re thibela hore ho be le ditlhaselo mme di sitiswe kapa di kgutsiswe. +",0.7736051 +"to the contrary, criticism, where it is constructive, helps us to adapt and to move with agility in response to changing circumstances and conditions. +","ka nqae nngwe, tlhaselo, ha e le e ahang, e re thusa ho amohela le ho nka mehato ka potlako karabelong ya maemo a fetohang. +",0.79072165 +"it enriches public debate and gives us all a broader understanding of the issues at play. +","e matlafatsa dingangisano tsa phatlalatsa le ho re neha kutlwisiso e batsi ya maemo a ditaba. +",0.8369731 +"we have consistently maintained that we rely on scientific, economic and empirical data when it comes to making decisions and formulating regulations around our coronavirus response. +","esale re ikema ka hore re tshepetse hodima tlhahisoleseding ya saense, moruo le e tshwarehang ha re tla tabeng ya ho etsa diqeto le ho bopa melawana e mabapi le karabelo ho kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.88445073 +"to the greatest extent possible under these challenging circumstances, we aim for consultation and engagement. +","re leka ka matla kahohle kamoo re ka kgonang tlasa diqholotso tsena tse boima, ho kena ditherisanong le dipuisanong. +",0.76165867 +"we want all south africans to be part of this national effort. +","re batla hore maafrika borwa kaofela e be karolo ya boiteko bona ba naha. +",0.92498255 +"the voices of ordinary citizens must continue to be heard at a time as critical as this. +","maikutlo a moahi e mong le e mong a lokela ho mamelwa nakong e hlokolosi jwaloka ena ho sa natswe maemo a hae. +",0.7218518 +"the coronavirus pandemic and the measures we have taken to combat it have taken a heavy toll on our people. +","sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona le mehato eo re e nkileng ya ho e lwantsha se thefutse batho ba bo rona haholo. +",0.87825346 +"it has caused huge disruption and hardship. +","se bakile tshitiso le mathata a maholo. +",0.831316 +"although we can point to the progress we have made in delaying the transmission of the virus, there is still a long way to go. +","leha re ka supa kgatelopele eo re e entseng mabapi le ho diehisa ho nama ha kokwanahloko ena, tsela ya rona e sa le telele. +",0.83781934 +"the weeks and months ahead will be difficult and will demand much more from our people. +","dibeke le dikgwedi tse tlang e tla ba tse boima mme ho tla batleha hore batho ba bo rona ba sebetse haholo ho feta. +",0.88147235 +"the pandemic will therefore continue to place an enormous strain on our society and our institutions. +","kahoo sewa sena se tla dula se behile kgatello hodima setjhaba le ditheo tsa bo rona. +",0.77103424 +"even as we gradually open up the economy, the impact on people’s material conditions will be severe. +","leha re ntse re bula moruo butlebutle, kgahlamelo ya sona hodima maemo a ditlhoko tsa batho e tla ba e bohloko. +",0.84611064 +"for as long as this is the case, the potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain. +","ha feela maemo a ntse a le tjena, kgonahalo ya diqhwebeshano, ho se utlwane le ho se kgotsofale e tla ba dintho tsa kamehla. +",0.8003168 +"as we navigate these turbu lent waters, our constitution is our most important guide and our most valued protection. +","ha re ntse re lwantshana le maqhubu ana a matla, molaotheo wa rona ke ona motataisi wa rona wa bohlokwa le tshireletso e babatsehang. +",0.8332242 +"our robust democracy provides the strength and the resilience we need to overcome this deep crisis. +","demokerasi ya rona e matla e fana ka matla le boitseko boo re bo hlokang bakeng sa ho hlola koduwa ena. +",0.84695435 +"just as government appreciates that most court appli cants are motivated by the common good, so too should we recognise that the decisions taken by government are made in good faith and are meant to advance, and not to harm, the interests of south africans. +","jwalo feela kaha mmuso o ananela hore bongata ba ba hlahlelang dinyewe kgotla ba etsa seo molemong wa bohle, le rona re lokela ho ananela hore diqeto tse nkuweng ke mmuso di entswe ka maikemisetso a matle mme di reretswe ho ntshetsapele, mme e seng ho thunthetsa, dikgahlehelo tsa maafrika borwa. +",0.8885302 +"our foremost priority remains to save lives. +","taba ya rona e ka sehlohlolong ke ho baballa maphelo. +",0.83309495 +"our every decision is informed by the need to advance the rights to life and dignity as set out in our constitution. +","qeto ka nngwe ya rona e bakwa ke tlhokeho ya ho ntshetsapele ditokelo tsa bophelo le seriti jwaloka ha di tekilwe ka hara molaotheo wa rona. +",0.8721882 +"we will continue to welcome different – even dissenting – viewpoints around our national coronavirus response. +","re tla tswella ho amohela mehopolo – leha e fapana – e mabapi le karabelo ya rona ya naha ho kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.86236155 +"all viewpoints aid us and help us to work better and smarter. +","mehopolo kaofela e re thusa ho sebetsa betere le ka bokgabane. +",0.8695983 +"the exercise of the fundamental freedoms of expression, association and speech is a barometer of the good health of our democracy. +","ho sebedisa ditokelo tsa mantlha tsa ho itseka, tsa boikamahanyo le puo ke sekala sa boitekanelo ba demokerasi ya rona. +",0.84893054 +"but much more than that, these rights are essential to the success of our national and collective struggle to overcome the coronavirus.","demokerasi ya rona e tla re thusa ho hlola covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed hangata re nka demokerasi ya rona e hlwahlwa le e matla hanyane. +",0.84893054 +"sa moves to alert level 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa has announced that south africa has moved to level 3 with effect from 1 june with more sectors of the economy opening and the removal of a number of restrictions on the movement of people. +","afrika borwa e fetela mokgahlelong wa 3 vukuzenzele unnamed mopresidente cyril ramaphosa o phatlaladitse hore afrika borwa e fetetse mo kgahlelong wa 3 ho tloha ka la 1 phuptjane 2020 – mme dikarolo tse ngata tsa moruo di tla bula esita le ho fedisa dithibelo tse ngata tsa me tsamao ya batho. +",0.86966556 +"addressing the nation re cently on the developments in south africa’s riskadjusted strategy to manage the spread of the coronavirus (covid19), the president says the country will have a differentiated approach to deal with areas that have far higher levels of infection and transmission. +","ha a ne a bua le setjhaba haufinyana mabapi le tse etsahalang ka hara afrika borwa mabapi le mokgwa o hlophiseditsweng ho thibela kotsi tse ka hlahang e le ho thibela ho ata ha covid19, mopresidente o re naha e tla ba le mokgwa ona o ikgethileng ho sebetsana le dibaka tse nang le sekgahla se phahameng sa tshwaetso le katiso ya yona. +",0.87423074 +"covid19 hotspotsthese areas have been de clared as coronavirus disease hotspots. +","dibaka tse kotsing e kgolo ya covid19dibaka tsena di phatlaladitswe e le dibaka tse kotsing e kgolo ya tshwaetso ya kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.85572624 +"they include the following metros: city of tshwane city of johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city cape town. +","di kenyeletsa metsemeholo ena e latelang: motsemoholo wa tshwane motsemoholo wa johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city le motse kapa dibaka tse ding tse hlwailweng e le dibaka tse kotsing e kgolo ke west coast, overberg le cape winelands ditereke tsa mmasepala mane kapa bophirimela, setereke sa chris hani se kapa botjhabela, le setereke sa ilembe se kwazulunatala. +",0.8061969 +"other areas that have been identified as hotspots are the west coast, overberg and cape winelands district municipalities in the western cape, chris hani district in the eastern cape and ilembe district in kwazulunatal. +","sebaka se kotsing e kgolo se hlaloswa e le sebaka se nang le palo e fetang bohlano ya batho ba tshwaeditsweng hara batho ba 100 000 ba bang le ba bang kapa moo ditshwaetso tse ntjha di eketsehang ka potlako. +",0.6271942 +"a hotspot is defined as an area that has more than five infected people per every 100 000 people or where new infections are increasing at a fast pace. +","ho laola kokwanahloko dibakeng tsena, mmuso o tla sebedisa mekgwa e matla e hlwahlwa ho fokotsa palo ya ditshwaetso tse ntjha. +",0.69738847 +"to deal with the virus in these areas, government will implement intensive interventions aimed at decreasing the number of new infections. +","mopresidente o re: ""re sebedisa mekgwa e matlafaditsweng ya tekolo, taolo ya tshwaetso esita le bolaodi. +",0.6079669 +"""we are putting in place enhanced measures of surveillance, infection control and management. +","re tla sebedisa sehlopha sa basebetsi ba nako tsohle ba nang le boiphihlelo bo hlwahlwa sebakeng ka seng se nang le kotsi e phahameng ya tshwaetso. +",0.64718014 +"we will assign a fulltime team of experienced personnel to each hotspot,"" the president says. +","""sehlopha sena se tla kenyeletsa ditsebi tsa ho ata ha malwetse, dingaka tsa malapa, baoki, basebeletsi ba tsa setjhaba ba tsa bophelo bo botle, ditsebi tsa bophelo bo botle ba setjhaba le ditshebeletso tsa bongaka tsa tshohanyetso, mme bona ba tshehetswe ke ditsebi tsa naha ya cuba. +",0.63646007 +"this team will include epidemiologists, family practition ers, nurses, community health workers, public health experts and emergency medical services, to be supported by cuban experts. +","re tla hokela sebaka ka seng se kotsing le ditshebeletso tsa ho etsa diteko, disebediswa tsa pehellothoko ya ba tshwaeditsweng, pehellothoko ya ba nahanelwang hore ba tshwaeditswe, kalafo, dibethe tsa sepetlele esita le ho batlana le ba bang bao ba kopaneng le ba ho fihletsweng ba kula. +",0.76859826 +"""we will link each hotspot to testing services, isolation facilities, quarantine facilities, treatment, hospital beds and contact tracing. +","o re: ""haeba ho hlokeha, karolo efe kapa efe ya naha e ka kgutlisetswa mokgahlelong wa 4 kapa wa 5 haeba ho ata ha tshwaetso ho sa laolehe ho sa natswe thuso ya rona mme ho na le kgonahalo ya kotsi ya tshubuhlellano ditsing tsa rona tsa bophelo bo botle."" +",0.66796345 +"""should it be necessary, any part of the country could be returned to alert levels 4 or 5 if the spread of infection is not contained despite our interventions and there is a risk of our health facilities being overwhelmed,"" he says. +","lenane la dibaka tse nang le kotsi e kgolo ya tshwaetso le tla boela le lekolwa ka diveke tse ding le tse ding tse pedi ho ya ka tswelopele ya kokwanahloko ena. +",0.6041745 +"the list of hotspot areas will be reviewed every two weeks depending on the progression of the virus. +","ho bulwa ha dikgweboho sebediswa ha mokgahlelo wa 3 ho qadileng qalong ya kgwedi ya phuptjane, ho kenyeleditse ho kgutla ha tshebetso ya dikarolo tse ngata tsa kgwebo, empa sena se tla etsuwa ka ho ikobela melao e thata ya bophelo bo botle esita le melawana ya ho sielana sebaka pakeng tsa batho. +",0.647452 +"opening the economythe implementation of alert level 3 which started at the beginning of june, involved the return to operation of most sectors of the econo my, subject to observance of strict health protocols and social distancing rules. +","basebetsi ba bang ba bangata haholwanyane le bona ba kgutletse mesebetsing ho ya ka dipehelo tsa molao wa bophelo bo botle mesebetsing esita le boipaballo esita le ditaelo tsa lefapha la mesebetsi ya setjhaba le botsamaisi, ka ho sebetsa hammoho le mafapha ohle a mmuso. +",0.7103398 +"more public servants have also returned to work in accordance with provisions of the occupational health and safety act and as guided by the department of public service and administration, working together with all other departments in government. +","melao le meralo ya sebaka sa tshebetsoha e le mona dikarolo tse ngata tsa moruo di bulwa, mmuso o tla itshetleha ka dikamano tse tiileng tsa setjhaba le bankakarolo ba baholo e le ho sebetsana le dintlha tsa sehlooho tsa kgonahalo ya kotsi dibakeng tsa tshebetso esita le kamano pakeng tsa basebetsi le setjhaba. +",0.73011756 +"protocols and workplace plansas more sectors of the econ omy open, government will rely on social compacts with all key role players to address the key risk factors at the workplace and in the interface between employees and the public. +","o re: ""ka lebaka leo, re tla qetela melao e mengata ya mekga mme re tla batla hore khamphani ka nngwe e iketsetse moralo wa sebaka sa tshebetso pele e bula. +",0.6875918 +"""we will therefore be finalising a number of sector protocols and will require every company to develop a workplace plan before they reopen,"" he says. +","""ho ya ka meralo ena, dikhamphani di tla tshwanela ho hlwekisa, ho sebedisa dinyanyatsi tsa thibelo esita le ho hlokomela ho arohana ha batho esita le disebediswa, ba tla be ba hlwele basebetsi ha ba fihla mosebetsing ka letsatsi le letsatsi, ba behelle thoko ba nahanelwang hore ba tshwaeditswe mme ba etse ditlhophiso tsa hore ba etswe diteko. +",0.7137414 +"according to these plans, companies will need to put in place sanitary and social distancing measures and facilities; they will need to screen workers on arrival each day, quarantine those who may be infected and make arrangements for them to be tested. +","mopresidente o re: ""ba bile ba loketse ho thusa ka ho fuputsa le ho fumana batho ba ileng ba kopana le basebetsi ba bona haeba basebetsi bana ba fumanwa ba na le tshwaetso. +",0.68494165 +"""they also need to assist with contact tracing if employees test positive. +","ka lebaka la bofokodi ba bona, batho ba nang le dilemo tse fetang 60 esita le bao ba nang le mafu a tshiretseng jwaloka malwetse a pelo, lefu la tswekere, malwetse a sa foleng kapele a phefumoloho esita le kankere, ba lokela hore ba hle ba mpe ba itulele lapeng. +",0.5481988 +"because of their vulnerability, all staff who are older than 60 years of age and those who suffer from underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer should ideally stay at home,"" the president says. +","""basebetsi ba ka sebeletsang lapeng ba lokela ho dumellwa ho etsa jwalo. +",0.48392907 +"employees who can work from home should be allowed to do so. +","ho ya ka dipehelo tsena, ditshebeletso tsohle tsa tlhahiso, merafo, kaho, ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete, tsa seprofeshenale esita le tsa kgwebo, theknoloji ya dintlha tsa tsebo, dikgokahano, ditshebeletso tsa mmuso esita le ditshebeletso tsa bophatlalatsi di boetse di butswe ka la 1 phuptjane 2020. ho qala ka nepo esita le ho qala ka mekgahlelo ya ditlhophiso ho tla lokela ho sebetsa bakeng sa sebaka se seng le se seng sa tshebetso. +",0.43491626 +"subject to these measures, all manufacturing, mining, construction, financial services, professional and business services, information technology, com munications, government services and media services, reopened from 1 june. +","o re: ""mabenkele a maholo a phepelo le a thekiso a tla bulwa ka botlalo, ho kenyeletswa le mabenkele, mabenkele a manyenyane a dispaza esita le baithekisetsi. +",0.70688057 +"the appropriate restart and phasing in arrangements will need to be put in place for every workplace. +","kgwebo ka dikgokahano tsa mehala e tla tswela pele e ntse e butswe. +",0.55616564 +"""wholesale and retail trade will be fully opened, including stores, spaza shops and informal traders. +","mekga e meng e butsweng esale pele, jwaloka temo le meru, disebediswa, ditshebeletso tsa bongaka, tlhahiso ya dijo esita le tlhahiso ya dihlahiswa tsa tlhokomelo ya bohlweki, di tla dula di butswe ka botlalo. +",0.7357465 +"ecommerce will continue to remain open. +","""mesebetsi ya kgwebo e nang le kgonahalo e phahameng ya kotsi ha e a dumellwamesebetsi ya kgwebo e nang le kgonahalo e phahameng ya kotsi ha e a dumellwa. +",0.5456675 +"other sectors that opened previous ly, such as agriculture and forestry, utilities, medical services, food production and manufacture of hygiene products, will remain fully opened,"" he says. +","mesebetsi ena e kenyeletsa: mabenkele a dijo, dibara le ditamene, ntle le ha ho tlisitswe kapa ho ilo latwa dijo. +",0.7212354 +"highrisk economic activities prohibitedhighrisk economic activi ties will remain prohibited. +","bodulo le maeto a difofane tsa lehae, ka ntle le ho tsamaya ka mabaka a mosebetsi, e leng tse tla kena ka matsatsi a tla bolelwa. +",0.6626322 +"these include: restaurants, bars and taverns, except for delivery or collection of food. +","diboka, diketsahalo, mesebetsi ya boithabiso le dipapadi. +",0.69646114 +"accommodation and domestic air travel, except for business travel, which will be phased in on dates to be announced. +","ditshebeletso tsa boitlhokomelo, ho kenyeletswa ho loha moriri le ditshebeletso tsa bointlafatso. +",0.65309393 +"conferences, events, entertainment and sporting activities. +","metsamao ya batho le thekiso ya tahibatho ba tla dumellwa ho etsa dihlakiso tsa mmele ka nako efe kapa efe nakong yohle ya letsatsi, haese ha di sa etswe ka dihlopha. +",0.602043 +"personal care services, including hairdressing and beauty services. +","nako e itseng e baletsweng motsamao wa batho e tla fediswa. +",0.47123766 +"movement of people and sale of alcoholpeople will be able to exer cise at any time during the day, provided this is not done in groups. +","mopresidente o re: ""tahi e ka rekiswa bakeng sa ho nwella feela lapeng ka tlasa maemo a ditaelo tse thata, ka matsatsi a itseng le ka dihora tse itseng. +",0.6757873 +"the curfew on the movement of people will be lifted. +","ditsebiso tsa sena di tla etswa hang ha re se re qetile ka dipuisano le mokga mabapi le maemo ana a fapaneng. +",0.60437036 +"""alcohol may be sold for home consumption only under strict conditions, on specified days and for limited hours. +","""thekiso ya dihlahiswa tsa kwae e tla dula e thibetswe mokgahlelong ona wa 3, ka lebaka la kotsi ya ho tsuba mmeleng. +",0.66496956 +"announcements in this regard will be made once we have concluded discussions with the sector on the various conditions,"" the president says. +","o re: ""dikopano tsohle di tla dula di thibetswe, ntle le mapatong moo batho ba tlamehileng hore ba se ke ba feta palo ya 50 kapa dikopano tsa mesebetsi mererong ya mosebetsi. +",0.63592416 +"the sale of tobacco products will remain prohibited in alert level 3, due to the health risks associated with smoking. +","""lebella ho phahama ha ditshwaetsomopresidente ramaphosa o re, bakeng sa boitokisetso bakeng sa ho eketseha ho lebeletsweng ha ditshwaetso tsa covid19 ka hara naha, ekaba tsa dibethe tse 20 000 tsa dipetlele tse seng kapa tse ntseng di lokisetswa diketsahalo tsa tshwaetso ya covid19, le dipetlele tse hojana le moo batho ba dulang teng tse 27 di se dintse di ahwa ho potoloha naha. +",0.61905086 +"""all gatherings will remain prohibited, except for funerals with no more than 50 people or meetings in the workplace for work purposes,"" he says. +","""palo e kgolo ya dipetlele tsena e se e loketse bakudi ba kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.58441293 +"expect rise in infectionspresident ramaphosa says, in preparation for the expected increase in covid19 infections in the country, around 20 000 hospital beds have been, and are being, repurposed for covid19 cases, and 27 field hospitals are being built around the country. +","""mopresidente o re mmuso o babatsa mosebetsi o ntseng o tswela pele ho etswa ke basebeletsi ba setjhaba, haholoholo bao ba leng moleng o ka pele twantshong ya covid19. +",0.72804785 +"""a number of these hospitals are ready to receive coronavirus patients."" +","""polokeho ya basebetsi bohle, ho kenyeletswa le basebeletsi ba setjhaba, ke taba e re tshwenyang haholo. +",0.538618 +"the president says government appreciates the work that continues to be done by public servants, especially those in the front line in the fight against covid19. +","re tla tswela pele ho etsa mekutu yohle bakeng sa ho fana ka thepa ya boitshireletso ba motho e le ho etsa bonnete ba polokeho ya motho e mong le e mong ha a le mosebetsing. +",0.55205244 +"""the safety of all workers, including public servants, is a matter of concern to us. +","""o re: ""taba ya pele ya bohlokwa ho rona ke ho fokotsa menyetla bakeng sa ho fetisa kokwanahloko le ho theha tikoloho e bolokehileng bakeng sa motho e mong le e mong."" +",0.6257999 +"we will continue to make all efforts for the adequate provision of personal protection equipment to ensure safety for everyone while at work. +","dikeletso tseo o lokelang ho di latela e le ho qoba ho tshwaetswa ke bolwetse ba kokwanahloko ya corona »dula lapeng haholo kamoo o ka kgonang ka teng. +",0.6261406 +"""our priority is to reduce the opportunities for the transmission of the virus and create a safe environment for everyone,"" he says. +","»hopola ho arohana, ho ema thokwana le batho ba bang. +",0.45783308 +"tips to follow to avoid being infected by the coronavirus disease. +","»ithwalle maske ya hao. +",0.26861337 +"»stay at home as much as you can. +","»hlatswa matsoho a hao ka sesepa ka botlalo. +",0.4384746 +"»remember to social distance. +","hlatswa bokahodimo ba matsoho a hao, pakeng tsa menwana le ka tlasa manala. +",0.41807336 +"»wear your face mask. +","kamehla hlatswa matsoho a hao ka sesepa pele o ja le kamora ho ba bathong. +",0.48259717 +"»wash your hands with soap thoroughly. +","»kwahela molomo wa hao ka thishu ha o kgohlela leha ho thimola. +",0.68695265 +"wash the back of your hands, between the fingers and under the nails. +","qoba ho tshwara sefahleho sa hao ka matsoho a ditshila ka nako tsohle. +",0.6467376 +"always wash your hands with soap before you eat and after being out in public. +","»batla thuso ya bongaka ha o ikutlwa o sa phela hantle. +",0.5244699 +"»cover your mouth with a tissue paper when you cough and sneeze. +","matshwao a tlwaelehileng a covid19 mmeleng a kenyeletsa ho kgohlela, nko e dutlang mamina, feberu le ho sokola ho phefumoloha. +",0.63458586 +"avoid touching your face with dirty hands at all times. +","haeba o na le a mang a matshwao ana, batla thuso ya bongaka ka potlako. +",0.50777674 +"»seek medical help if you feel unwell. +","bakeng sa dintlha tse ding tse ngatanyana letsetsa mohala o sebetsang bosiu le motshehare wa national institute of communicable disease ho 0800 029 999 kapa o hokele ho www. +",0.4183692 +"typical symptoms of covid19 include coughing, runny nose, fever and shortness of breath. +","health. +",0.18382107 +"if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical attention promptly. +","gov. +",0.19999173 +"for more information, call the national institute of communicable diseases’ 24hour hotline at 0800 029 999 or visit www. +","za le ho www. +",0.38691798 +"health. +","nicd. +",0.6064245 +"gov. +","ac. +",0.57522935 +"za and www. +","afrika borwa e fetela mokgahlelong wa 3 vukuzenzele unnamed mopresidente cyril ramaphosa o phatlaladitse hore afrika borwa e fetetse mo kgahlelong wa 3 ho tloha ka la 1 phuptjane 2020 – mme dikarolo tse ngata tsa moruo di tla bula esita le ho fedisa dithibelo tse ngata tsa me tsamao ya batho. +",0.57522935 +"sa youth are a source of inspiration and hope vukuzenzele unnamed the words of frantz fanon that ‘each generation must discover its mission’ come to mind every time i have an opportunity to speak with young south africans. +","batjha ba afrika borwa ke mohlodi wa kgothatso le tshepo vukuzenzele unnamed ka dinako tsohle ha ke fumana monyetla wa ho bua le batjha ba maafrika borwa ke hopola mantswe a frantz fanon ha a re ‘moloko ka mong o tlameha ho utolla sepheo sa ona'. +",0.86439615 +"no matter where they live and no matter what they do, they each have a burning desire to change the world. +","ho sa natsehe hore na ba dula hokae le hore na ba etsa eng, batjha ka bomong ba na le tjheseho ya ho fetola lefatshe. +",0.8693179 +"while they certainly want to improve their own lives, they also want to achieve a better society and a better world. +","leha jwang kapa jwang ba batla hore ba ntlafatse maphelo a bona, ba boetse ba batla ho fi hlella boemong ba setjhaba se betere le lefatshe le betere. +",0.86632645 +"they see themselves as agents for fundamental transformation. +","ba ipona e le bona balwanedi ba diphetoho tsa bohlokwa. +",0.76781636 +"throughout history young people have been a driving force for change. +","nalaneng yohle ya rona haesale batjha e le bona ba susumetsang diphetoho. +",0.76724976 +"in just the last few decades, young people have waged numerous struggles against injustice, from the 1968 student uprising in paris, to the antiwar movement in the united states in the 1960s, to the anticolonial struggle in many african and asian countries, to the fight against apartheid, to the arab spring. +","dilemong tse mashome a mmalwa tse fetileng, batjha ba ile ba lwana dintwa tse ngatanyana kgahlanong le tlhokeho ya toka, ho tloha boipelaetsong ba baithuti ba paris ka 1968, ho ya ntweng e kgahlanong le bokoloniale dinaheng tse ngata tsa afrika le asia, e be ntwa e kgahlanong le kgethollo, hammoho le mehwanto e kgahlanong le mebuso ya maarab. +",0.9128114 +"most recently, young people have been at the forefront of the #blacklivesmatter movement that has gained global support in the wake of the killing of george floyd in the united states. +","haufinyane, batjha ba ne ba di hula pele mohwantong wa #blacklivesmatter o fumaneng tshehetso lefatsheng lohle kamora ho bolauwa ha george floyd dinaheng tse kopaneng tsa amerika. +",0.915174 +"over the past few weeks, activists around the world have also been demanding the removal of symbols that glorify the barbarity and violence of the slave trade and colonialism. +","dibekeng tse mmalwa tse fetileng, baitseki ba lefatshe ka bophara ba ne ba tseka hore ho tloswe matshwao a tlotlang bohanyapetsi le botlatlapi ba thekisetsano ya makgoba le bokoloniale. +",0.86832297 +"at an oxford university demonstration recently a protestor carried a placard with the words ‘rhodes must fall’, the rallying cry of students in our own country five years ago. +","dipontshong tsa nyatso tsa moraorao tsa yunivesithi ya oxford, moipelaetsi e mong o ne a tshwere polakathe e ngotsweng mantswe a reng ‘rhodes must fall’, e le ho tshehetsa seboko sa baithuti ba naheng ya habo rona sa dilemong tse hlano tse fetileng. +",0.91008276 +"young people across the world have found common cause. +","batjha ba fumane mabaka a tshwanang lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.7973099 +"they are tearing down statues and symbols of racism, demanding the decolonisation of educational curricula, and calling for institutions to address racism and social exclusion. +","ba heletsa diemahale le matshwao a semorabe, e le ho tseka hore ho tloswe bokoloniale dikharikhulamong tsa thuto, ba bile ba etsa kgoeletso ditheong tsa thuto hore di rarolle bothata ba semorabe le ho kotelwa ha setjhaba se itseng. +",0.8810867 +"and so, as we paid tribute to the generation of 1976 on 16 june 2020, we also salute the youth of postapartheid south africa, the worthy inheritors of this noble legacy. +","jwale, ha re hlompha moloko wa 1976 ka la 16 phuptjane 2020, re boela re tlotla batjha ba kamorao ho puso ya kgethollo afrika borwa, bao e leng bona bajalefa ba bohlokwa ba lefa lena le kgabane. +",0.88761604 +"the mission of 1976 generation was to dismantle bantu education; that of today’s youth is to take forward the project of national reconciliation and transformation. +","sepheo sa moloko wa 1976 e ne e le ho fedisa thuto e neng e reretswe batho ba batsho feela; mme sepheo sa batjha ba kajeno ke ho ntshetsa pele letsema la naha la poelano le diphetoho tsa bohlokwa. +",0.858646 +"in time to come it will be said that this year, 2020, marked the start of a new epoch in human history. +","mengwaheng e tlang ha ho buuwa ka selemo sena sa 2020, ho tla thwe e bile letshwao la qaleho ya sehla se setjha nalaneng ya botho. +",0.8403745 +"not only has coronavirus had a momentous impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, it has also shaken up the global social order. +","kokwanahloko ya corona ha e a thefula maphelo a batho le mesebetsi ya bona feela, empa e boetse e hlokotse botsitso ba kahisano ya lefatshe lohle. +",0.8565122 +"the manner in which the pandemic has taken hold has been a reminder of the interconnectedness of the human race and of the deep inequalities that exist between countries and within countries. +","mokgwa oo sewa sena se ropohileng ka wona ebile sehopotso sa ho amana ha batho bohle, le botebo ba ho se lekane ho teng dipakeng tsa dinaha tse fapaneng esita le kahare ho dinaha ka botsona. +",0.84459984 +"the pandemic presents an opportunity to ‘reset’ a world that is characterised by crass materialism, selfishness and selfabsorption not just on the part of individuals but whole societies. +","sewa sena se fana ka monyetla wa ho ‘hlophabotjha’ lefatshe lena le kgurumeditsweng ke bowatla ba maruo, boikgohomoso le boikakaso e seng lehlakoreng la batho ka bomong feela, empa le la ditjhaba tsohle. +",0.8589524 +"young people are telling us that the essential values of integrity, compassion and solidarity must be the hallmarks of the new society that will emerge, and that they are determined to be the champions of this new, better world. +","batjha ba re bolella hore makgabane a mantlha a seriti, kutlwelanobohloko le tshehetsano di tlameha ho ba matshwao a boitsebahatso a setjhaba se setjha se tla bitoha, mme bona ba ikemiseditse ho ba bopulamadiboho ba lefatshe leo le letjha le betere. +",0.89132786 +"in the discussions i have had with young people i have said that we should never underestimate the power of an idea, because ideas can and have changed the world. +","metshetshethong eo ke bileng le yona le batjha, ke ile ka re ha re a tshwanela ho hang ho nyatsa matla a maikutlo, hobane maikutlo a ka fetola ebile a se a kile a fetola lefatshe. +",0.8320898 +"ideas have spurred human progress and they are what will enable us to chart a new path in the postcoronavirus era. +","maikutlo a ne a susumetse kgatelopele ya batho mme ke ona a tla re thusa ho kutla tsela ya rona ka nqane ho sehla sa kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.82732433 +"these young people have turned their ideas into action. +","batjha bana ba kgonne ho fetola maikutlo a bona hore e be diketsahalo. +",0.81671685 +"they have not let a lack of resources hinder them. +","ha ba a dumella kgaello ya mehlodi hore e ba sitise. +",0.792185 +"they have carved a niche for themselves in a number of sectors from hightech to environmental sustainability. +","ba ikgahetse diqhobosheane makaleng a mangatanyana, ho tloha boitjarong ba nako e telele ho tsa theknoloji ya maemo a hodimo hammoho le tsa tikoloho. +",0.81489384 +"now more than ever we will look to the innovative and pioneering spirit of our youth to come up with solutions to the unemployment crisis that benefit them, their communities and society. +","mothating wa jwale, ho feta neng kapa neng, re tla lelaletsa mahlo a rona tjantjellong ya bosibolli le botshwarateu ba batjha ba habo rona hore ba tle le ditharollo dikoduweng tsena tsa leqeme la mesebetsi tse tla thusa bona, dibaka tsa habo bona esita le setjhaba sa habo bona. +",0.85974896 +"at the same time, i challenge our country’s youth to craft and design programmes that will enable us to meet our developmental goals. +","ka ho tshwanang, ke qholotsa batjha ba naha ya habo rona hore ba rale mananeo a tla re thusa ho fi hlella dipheo tsa rona tsa dintshetsopele. +",0.81194925 +"in 1961, revolutionary cuba sent legions of young student volunteers into the mountains and villages to construct schools, teach literacy and train new educators. +","ka 1961, cuba e neng e fetotse puso e ile ya romela matshweletshwele a batjha ba baithuti ba baithaopi dithabeng le metsaneng hore ba ilo aha dikolo, ba ilo ruta ho bala le ho ngola ba be ba rupelle le dititjhere tse ntjha. +",0.9183996 +"it is still held up as one of the most successful literacy campaigns in modern history. +","le kajeno letsholo leo le ntse le nkuwa e le lona le atlehileng ka ho fetisisa matsholong a ho bala le ho ngola nalaneng ya moraorao. +",0.83398736 +"our young people must develop social upliftment initiatives and they must lead them. +","batjha ba habo rona ba tlameha ho ntshetsa pele mehato ya ntlafatso ba be ba e etelle pele. +",0.7254016 +"just as they took up the struggle for equality in higher education, the considerable energies of our youth must also be brought to bear to fight for equitable access to health care, for the transformation of land ownership and, most importantly, for gender justice. +","jwaloka ha ba ile ba e nkela matsohong a bona ntwa ya tekano thutong e phahameng, makgabane a mangatanyana a batjha ba habo rona a tlameha ho tataisetswa ho lwaneleng phihlello e lekanang tlhokomelong ya tsa bophelo bo botle, diphetohong tsa bohlokwa boithuelong ba mobu, esita le ya bohlokwahlokwa, e leng bakeng sa toka ya bong. +",0.86468625 +"like all south africans, i have been deeply disturbed by a surge in the murder of young women at the hands of men. +","jwaloka maafrika borwa a mang ohle, ke tshwenyehile haholo ke sekgahla sa diphenetho tsa basetsana ba fenethwang ke banna. +",0.851508 +"these are shocking acts of inhumanity that have no place in our society. +","tsena ke diketso tse nyarosang tsa bosoto tse sa batleheng ho hang setjhabeng sa habo rona. +",0.8139088 +"youthled civic activism, awareness raising and peer counselling are vital tools in our efforts to eradicate genderbased violence from society. +","boitseki ba setjhaba bo etelletsweng pele ke batjha, ho etsa tlhokomediso le tlhabollano, ke disebediswa tsa bohlokwa mawaleng a rona a ho fedisa ditlhekefetso tse amanang le bong (gbv) setjhabeng sa habo rona. +",0.8485706 +"at the same time, we must strengthen our justice system, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book, bail and parole conditions are tightened and that those sentenced to life spend the rest of their lives behind bars. +","ka ho tshwanang, re tlameha ho matlafatsa tsamaiso ya rona ya toka, re netefatse hore babolai ba a tshwarwa, ho be ho thatafatswe maemo a beili le parola, le hore bao ba ahloletsweng lefu ba qete dilemo tsohle tsa bophelo ba bona ba le tjhankaneng. +",0.89083016 +"while this needs societywide action, i call on young men in particular to take up the struggle against genderbased violence. +","leha taba ena e hloka hore setjhaba sohle se nke dikgato, ke etsa kgoeletso haholoholo ho bahlankana, hore ba e nkele ho bona ntwa e kgahlanong le gbv . +",0.8207626 +"unless we end the war that is being waged against south african women, the dream of a new society will remain elusive. +","ho fi hlela re fedisa ntwa e latilweng letailana kgahlanong le basadi ba afrika borwa, tabatabelo ya rona ya hore ho be teng kahisano e ntjha e tla dula e le lelea. +",0.87874717 +"those of us who were part of student movements during the apartheid era are often asked what we think of the young people of today. +","bao ba rona ba neng ba le karolo ya mekgatlo ya baithuti nakong ya puso ya kgethollo, ba atisa ho botswa hore na ba nahana eng ka batjha ba kajeno. +",0.8652335 +"there is a temptation to retreat into nostalgia about ‘the glory days’ of student politics and youth struggle, never to be replicated. +","ho na le takatso ya hore eke ho ka kgutlelwa morao ‘matsatsing a tlotla’ ya dipolotiki tsa baithuti le ntwa ya batjha, empa tseo di ke ke tsa hlola di phetwa hape. +",0.8491254 +"but just as the youth of yesteryear defined their mission, today’s youth have defined theirs. +","empa he, jwaloka ha batjha ba maoba ba ile ba talola sepheo sa bona, le batjha ba kajeno ba talotse sa bona. +",0.8073003 +"south african youth of 2020 more than meet the high standard set by their predecessors. +","maemo a batjha ba afrika borwa ba 2020 a ka nqane ho maemo a hodimo a siilweng ke batjha ba tlileng pele ho bona. +",0.81685096 +"they are optimistic, resilient and courageous, often in the face of the harshest of circumstances. +","ba na le tshepo, ba matla ebile ba sebete, hangata ba tobana le maemo a boima ka ho fetisisa. +",0.9063807 +"they are a source of inspiration and hope. +","ke bona mohlodi wa kgothatso le tshepo. +",0.8374138 +"through their actions, they are building a world that is more just, equal, sustainable and at peace. +","ka diketso tsa bona, ba aha lefatshe le nang le toka e tomanyana, tekano, boitjaro ba nako e telele le bile le na le kgotso. +",0.8672861 +young people across the world are calling on institutions to stop racism and social exclusion.,"batjha ba afrika borwa ke mohlodi wa kgothatso le tshepo vukuzenzele unnamed ka dinako tsohle ha ke fumana monyetla wa ho bua le batjha ba maafrika borwa ke hopola mantswe a frantz fanon ha a re ‘moloko ka mong o tlameha ho utolla sepheo sa ona'. +",0.8672861 +"mom with comorbidity beats covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed says it is very important for south africans, especially those with comorbidities, to take responsibility for their health. +","mme ya nang le lefu la diqebo o hlola covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed o re ho bohlokwa haholo hore maafrika borwa, haholoholo ao a nang le mafu a diqebo, a nke boikarabelo ka maphelo a bona. +",0.90636325 +"people with comorbidities – such as asthma, hypertension, chronic kidney disease and diabetes – could experi ence more severe coro navirus (covid19) symptoms, and may even die as a result of the strain the virus puts on their bodies. +","batho ba nang le mafu a diqebo a kang letshweya, kgatello e hodimo ya madi, lefu la diphio le sa foleng le lefu la tswekere, ba ka nna ba ba le matshwao a kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19) a mpefetseng le ho feta, ebile ba ka nna ba shwa ka lebaka la kgatello eo kokwanahloko ena e e etsang mebeleng ya bona. +",0.9075014 +"fortunately, when cape townbased occupational therapist and mother of three insaaf mohammed (40) tested positive for covid19 while ill with asthma, she was able to manage both conditions and did not become seriously ill. mohammed contracted covid19 from her husband, who works at the groote schuur hospital’s laboratory. +","ka lehlohonolo, ha mohlabolli wa motse kapa eo e leng mme wa bana ba bararo insaaf mohammed (40) a fumana sephetho sa diteko se re o na le covid19 mme e le motho ya kulang ke letshweya, o ile a kgona ho laola maemo ao ka bobedi ba ona mme a se ke a kula haholo. +",0.85542035 +"mohammed’s sevenyearold son also tested positive. +","mohammed o fumane tshwaetso ya covid19 monneng wa hae, ya sebetsang laboratoring ya sepetlele sa groote schuur. +",0.5651349 +"after testing positive, all three selfisolated at home. +","mora wa mahommed ya dilemo di supileng le yena diteko di mo fumane a tshwaetsehile. +",0.56074935 +"""we selfisolated in our bedroom, while my motherinlaw – who has diabetes and hypertension and thankfully didn’t contract the virus – took care of our other two children,"" says mohammed. +","kamora hore diteko di ba fumane ba tshwaetsehile, ba ile ba itsheka thajana ka boraro ba bona lapeng. +",0.5669035 +"according to the western cape department of health, people with hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are among the most common comorbidity sufferers of covid19. +","""re ile ra itsheka thajana ka phaposing ya rona ya ho robala, ha ka ho le leng mme matsale wa ka, ya nang le lefu la tswekere le kgatello e hodimo ya madi empa ka lehlohonolo ha a ka a tshwaetseha ke kokwanahloko ena, o ile a hlokomela bana ba bang ba rona ba babedi,"" ho rialo mohammed. +",0.67748225 +"as of 25 may, people with the following comorbidities showed serious symptoms of covid19; hypertension, 58 percent diabetes, 56 percent chronic kidney disease, 17 percent hiv , 16 percent asthma or chronic respiratory disease, 15 percent cardiac disease, 11 percent obesity, 13 percent tb, 13 percent cancer, two percent other chronic illnesses, 16 percent. +","ho ya ka lefapha la bophelo bo botle la kapa bophirimela, batho ba nang le kgatello e hodimo ya madi, lefu la tswekere le lefu la diphio le sa foleng, ke ba bang ba bakudi ba nang le mafu a diqebo ba tlwaelehileng ka ho fetisisa ho covid19. +",0.75220597 +"mohammed says her worst fear was experiencing serious respiratory complications from covid19. +","ho tloha mohla la 25 motsheanong, batho ba nang le mafu a diqebo a latelang ba bontshitse matshwao a mpefetseng: kgatello e hodimo ya madi, ke 58% lefu la tswekere, ke 56% lefu la diphio le sa foleng, ke 17% hiv , ke 16% letshweya kapa lefu le sa foleng le amanang le ho phefumoloha, ke 15% lefu la pelo, ke 11% botenya bo fetisisang, ke 13% lefuba, ke 13% mofetshe, ke 2% mafu a mang a diqebo, ke 16%. +",0.5785585 +"""i experienced tiredness, coughing and tightness of the chest, which my asthma pump resolved. +","mohammed o re ntho eo a neng a e tshaba ka ho fetisisa e ne e le ya ho thatafallwa ke ho phefumoloha ka lebaka la covid19. +",0.66490424 +"my symptoms were not as severe as my husband’s, who had body aches, nausea, a tight chest, shortness of breath, blocked sinuses, thick phlegm on his chest and a fever. +","""ke ile ka ba le mokgathala, ka hohlola ka ba ka bipetsana sefuba, e leng mathata a ileng a rarollwa ke peipi ya ka ya letshweya. +",0.7400028 +"my son had a fever for three days, but recovered quite fast once he overcame his symptoms,"" she says. +","matshwao a ka a ne a se mabe jwaloka a monna wa ka, ya neng a opelwa ke mmele, a nyekelwa ke pelo, a bipetsane sefuba, a fellwa ke moya, a kwalehile dinko, a na le leleta ka sefubeng esita le feberu. +",0.6661118 +"mohammed’s family had been following protocols at work and home, to avoid contracting the virus. +","mora wa ka yena o bile le feberu ka matsatsi a mararo, empa a hlaphohelwa ka potlako hang ha a se a hlotse matshwao ana,"" o rialo. +",0.60679704 +"""my family was understanding, caring and supportive, and brought us supper every evening, but sometimes your community can be uncaring and the harm caused on social media is scary,"" says mohammed. +","ba lelapa la mahommed ba ne ba tsitlallela ditsamaiso tsohle tsa bohlweki ha ba le mosebetsing le lapeng, e le ho qoba ho tshwaetseha ke kokwanahloko ena. +",0.66502005 +"the western cape department of health says that keeping hydrated and monitoring your blood glucose, blood pressure and temperature are key to managing covid19, especially for patients with comorbidities. +","""ba leloko ba ne ba utlwisisa, mme ba re tsotella ba bile ba re tshehetsa, ebile ba ne ba re tlisetsa selallo phirimaneng enngwe le enngwe, empa ka dinako tse ding setjhaba sa heno se ka nka dintho hanyane mme tshenyo e etswang ho marangrang a dikgokahano tsa setjhaba e a tshosa,"" ho rialo mohammed. +",0.7204145 +"in addition, the department advises people with comorbidities to: take medication correct ly, as prescribed by your healthcare practitioner. +","lefapha la bophelo bo botle la kapa bophirimela le re ho nwa metsi a lekaneng le ho alosa tswekere e mading, kgatello ya madi le motjheso ke dintho tsa bohlokwa taolong ya covid19, haholoholo bakuding ba nang le mafu a diqebo. +",0.68321794 +"wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before you touch any medication. +","ho eketsa moo, lefapha le eletsa batho ba nang le mafu a diqebo: ho nwa dipidisi le meriana ka nepo, jwaloka ha o laetswe ke ngaka. +",0.6209487 +"do not stop taking medication unless a healthcare practitioner tells you to and never share medication with anyone. +","ho hatlela matsoho a hao kgafetsa ka sesepa le metsi ka metsotswana e 20 bonnyane, pele o tshwara dipidisi kapa meriana. +",0.64242995 +"try to do physical exercise for 30 minutes a day. +","ho se tlohele ho nwa dipidisi le meriana, ntle le ha ngaka e o laela jwalo, mme o se ke wa arolelana dipidisi le meriana le mang kapa mang. +",0.4380674 +"the department says that people with diabetes face a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from covid19, but the risk of getting very sick is lower if one’s diabetes is well managed. +","ho leka ho kwetlisa mmele ka metsotso e 30 ka letsatsi. +",0.45106968 +"""in general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complications when infected with a virus. +","lefapha le re batho ba nang le lefu la tswekere ba kotsing e kgolo ya ho ba le matshwao a mpefetseng a covid19, empa kotsi ya hore ba kule haholo e a fokola haeba lefu la bona la tswekere le le taolong e ntle. +",0.7574476 +"as diabetic individuals are at increased risk of severe covid19, ongoing social or physical distancing is recommended where possible. +","""ka kakaretso, batho ba nang le lefu la tswekere ke bona ba kotsing e kgolo ya ho ba le matshwao a mpefetseng haeba ba tshwaetsehile ke kokwanahloko ena. +",0.69204974 +"being overweight is also a risk factor for severe covid19. +","jwaloka ha batho ba nang le lefu la tswekere ba le kotsing e kgolo ya covid19 e mpefetseng, ho kgothalletswa hore ba tsitlallele ho qaqolohana le batho ba bang moo ho kgonehang. +",0.69383204 +"weight loss, if possible, is therefore recommended. +","ho nona haholo ke enngwe ntho e kotsi bakeng sa covid19 e mpefetseng. +",0.50286126 +"""clean bill of healthafter being in isolation for 14 days, mohammed returned to work. +","ho kgothalletswa hore ho fokotswe mmele, haeba ho kgoneha. +",0.40290588 +"she says recovering from the virus changed her thought processes and perspective on life. +","""bopaki ba ho phela hantlekamora boitsheko ba matsatsi a 14, mohammed o ile a kgutlela mosebetsing. +",0.6028694 +"""you appreciate your family and the small things in life even more. +","o re ho hlaphohelwa kokwanahlokong ena ho ile ha fetola mokgwa oo a nahanang ka wona le oo a shebang bophelo ka wona. +",0.5698385 +"i want people in any working environment to take responsibility for their health and to educate their families and children, especially now that kids are back at school. +","""o bo bona hantle le ho feta bohlokwa ba lelapa la hao esita le dintho tse nyane bophelong. +",0.5234759 +"""help your child find creative ways to show affection to their friends, without going close and touching each other. +","ke batla hore batho ba tikolohong efe kapa efe ya mosebetsing ba nke boikarabelo ka maphelo a bona ba be ba rute ba malapa a bona le bana, haholoholo nakong ena hobane bana ba kgutletse dikolong. +",0.59798515 +"get your family to sterilise themselves before entering the home, leave your shoes in the garage if you can, take all your clothes off and shower before greeting your family and be more health conscious to protect them,"" she says. +","""thusa ngwana wa hao hore a fumane mekgwa e hlamaselang ya ho bontsha mosa metswalleng ya hae, ntle le ho atamelana kapa ho thetsana le bona. +",0.7049032 +"the department advises people with comorbidities to eat healthily, get regular exercise, manage their stress, adhere to their medical treatment plan and follow all necessary preventative measures. +","kgothalletsa ba lelapa la hao ho bolaya dikokwanahloko pele ba kena ka tlung, siya dieta ka karatjhe haeba o kgona, hlobola diaparo tsohle mme o itlhatswe pele o dumedisa ba lelapa la hao mme o be sedi le ho feta e le ho ba tshireletsa,"" o rialo. +",0.73466396 +"insaaf mohammed who suffers from asthma, has beaten covid19. +","lefapha le kgothalletsa batho ba nang le mafu a diqebo hore ba je dijo tse nang le phepo e ntle, ba ikwetlise kgafetsa, ba laole dikgatello tsa bona maikutlo, ba tsitlallele tshebediso ya dipidisi le meriana ya bona ka nepo, ba be ba ipapise le mehato yohle e hlokehang ya boipaballo. +",0.60256195 +"if you are showing any symptoms, such as a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, contact the covid19 hotline on 0800 029 999 or whatsapp the word ‘hi’ to 0600 123 456.","mme ya nang le lefu la diqebo o hlola covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed o re ho bohlokwa haholo hore maafrika borwa, haholoholo ao a nang le mafu a diqebo, a nke boikarabelo ka maphelo a bona. +",0.60256195 +"a special tribute to our healthcare vukuzenzele unnamed the number of deaths from coronavirus recently passed the 2000 mark. +","tlotlo e kgethehileng ho basebetsi ba habo rona ba tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle vukuzenzele unnamed lenane la batho ba bolailweng ke kokwanahloko ya corona le sa tswa feta ho 2 000. ho bao ba hlokahetseng, ho teng basebetsi ba tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle, le baporofeshenale ba tswileng matsoho ba neng ba hlokomela bakudi, bao e neng e le batshehetsi le batshedisi ho bao ba dipetlele ba tshekilweng ho ba malapa a bona. +",0.7506144 +"among those who have lost their lives are healthcare workers, consummate professionals who cared for the ill, and were a support and comfort to those in hospital isolated from their families. +","taba ya hore banna le basadi ba sebetsang mosebetsi ona o babatsehang ba qetella ba kula ba be ba shwe, ke ntho e thefulang haholo. +",0.65659547 +"that the men and women carrying out this most noble and sacred of duties are themselves falling ill and dying is a devastating blow. +","ke bona ba tshwereng teu twantshong ya sewa sena. +",0.52571464 +"they are on the frontline of fighting this pandemic. +","ba sebetsa tlasa kgatello e kgolo ba bile ba tlameha le ho jara morwalo o boima maikutlong a bona, morwalo wa ho tseba hore ba kotsing ya ho tshwaetswa ke kokwanahloko ena. +",0.5830945 +"they are working under great pressure and must carry the psychological strain of knowing they are at risk of contracting the virus. +","ba fela e le bahale ba sebele lepatlelong la twantsho ya kokwanahloko ena ya corona . +",0.64692634 +"they are the true heroes and heroines of our battle against coronavirus. +","re a rolela kgaebana maafrika borwa a sebete a siyang metse ya ona, ba malapa le baratuwa ba bona e le hore ba ilo itlaleha mesebetsing kamehla ditleliniking, dipetlele le ditsing tse ding tsa kokelo ntle le tikatiko. +",0.63847685 +"we salute these brave south africans who leave their homes, families and loved ones to report without fail for duty every day in clinics, hospitals and other health facilities. +","dibakeng tseo ba sebetsang ho tsona ba fana ka tlhokomelo ya bongaka, tshehetso ya botsamaisi le ditshebeletso tse ding tse kang tsa tlhwekiso le mepheo. +",0.67633486 +"there they provide medical care, administrative support and other services like cleaning and catering. +","jwaloka ha ba phetha mesebetsi ya diporofeshene tsa bona, le rona re na le boikarabelo ba rona ho bona le ba malapa a bona. +",0.6032089 +"just as they perform what is their professional duty, we too have a duty to them and to their families. +","bophelo ba bona le polokeho ya bona di tlameha ho bewa ka sehlohlolong. +",0.534207 +"their health and their safety must be paramount. +","re a ba tlotla ebile re a ba tshehetsa e le banna le basadi ba bontshitseng hore ba ikemiseditse ho bea maphelo a bona kotsing ho etsetsa hore rona re phele. +",0.5636156 +"we honour them and uphold them as the men and women who have demonstrated they are prepared to risk their lives so that we may live. +","bakeng sa hore ba phethe mosebetsi ona wa bona o boimahadi, ba hloka tshehetso ya rona esita le tshireletso ka hore ba fuwe disebediswa tsa boitshireletso (dippe). +",0.6375803 +"for them to do their herculean work they need our support as well as protection through the provision of personal protective equipment (ppe). +","ka tshehetso ya letlole la tshe hetsano le dinyehelo tse tswang ho maafrika borwa a mangata ka bomong, dikgwebong, matloleng a ikemetseng le mebusong e meng, re kgonne ho reka dippe bakeng sa basebetsi bana ba sebete ba tshwereng teu. +",0.66357684 +"with the support of the solidarity fund and donations from many individual south africans, businesses, foundations and other governments, we have been able to procure personal protective equipment for these brave frontline workers. +","moo ho bileng le kgaello ya dippe, dipetlele tsa rona di phahametse mapoqo ho netefatsa hore di a fumaneha. +",0.67681503 +"where there have been shortages of ppe our hospitals are urgently attending to ensuring that they are available. +","re a tseba hore phihlello ya dippe ha se yona feela qholotso eo basebetsi ba habo rona ba bophelo bo botle ba tobaneng le yona. +",0.65196204 +"we know that access to ppe is not the only challenge our healthcare workers face. +","ditleliniki le dipetlele naha ka bophara di tobane le kgaello ya basebetsi. +",0.5683508 +"across the country clinics and hospitals are facing staff shortages. +","ho se ho ntse ho henahenanwa le bothata bona. +",0.39079 +"this problem is being attended to. +","e le ho tshehetsa mosebetsi oo basebetsi ba habo rona ba tshwereng teu ba o etsang naha ka bophara, re romela matona le batlatsi ba matona seterekeng ka seng naheng ena hore ba ilo inwesa ka nkgo ka diqholotso tse qollehileng tse teng diterekeng tseo, esita le ho sebetsa le ba apesitsweng matla ho tsa bophelo bo botle diprovenseng. +",0.29605997 +"to support the work that our frontline workers are performing around the country we are deploying ministers and deputy ministers to each of the districts in the country to get a line of sight of specific challenges in these districts and to work with provincial health authorities. +","re tshwanela ho sebetsa mmo ho hore re tshireletse bophelo bo botle e seng ba basebetsi ba habo rona ba tshwereng teu feela, empa ba basebetsi ka kakaretso. +",0.66379744 +"we need to work together to safeguard the health of not just our frontline workers but the entire workforce. +","ho se ho e na le mosebetsi o kgabane o entsweng ke mekgatlo ya basebetsi, wa ho ruta ditho tsa yona ka taolo ya kokwanahloko ena le thibelo ya yona le bohlweki. +",0.6744375 +"there has already been sterling work done by unions in educating members around infection control and prevention and hygiene. +","mekgatlo ena e boetse e tshehetsa mosebetsi wa lefapha la kgiro le bosebetsi ho phetheng bohlahlobi dibakeng tsa tshebetso, e le ho netefatsa hore ditsamaiso tsa bophelo bo botle le polokeho di kentswe tshebetsong molemong wa basebetsi ba kgutlelang mesebetsing. +",0.7212925 +"they are also supporting the work of the department of employment and labour in conducting workplace inspections to ensure health and safety protocols are in place for returning workers. +","boholo ba mekgatlo ya basebetsi bo boetse bo fana ka lesedi le amanang le kokwanahloko ya corona ho ditho tsa yona, athe le basebetsi le bona ba etsa matsholo a tlhokomediso. +",0.68764544 +"many of our trade unions are also providing coronavirus information to their members and employers are running awareness campaigns. +","enngwe ya diqholotso tse ropohileng naheng ya rona ke ya ho bewa sepha ha batho ba nang le tshwaetso ya kokwanahloko ya corona . +",0.72609675 +"one of the challenges that has emerged in our country is the stigmatisation of people who have proven positive with coronavirus. +","re le setjhaba re na le boikarabelo ka kopanelo, ba ho fedisa ho bewa sepha ha batho ba tshwaetsehileng ke kokwanahloko ya corona . +",0.75914484 +"as a society, we have a collective responsibility to stamp out the stig matisation of people infected with the coronavirus. +","ho bile le ditlaleho tse nyarosang tsa batho ba hoboswang dibakeng tseo ba dulang ho tsona, esita le tsa setjhaba se ipelaetsang kgahlanong le bakudi ba kokwanahloko ya corona ba amohelwang dipetleleng le ditleliniking. +",0.73234767 +"there have been disturbing reports of individuals being ostracised from their communities and of communities protesting against coronavirus patients being admitted to local hospitals and clinics. +","ntho ena e tlameha ho fela. +",0.14121398 +"this must stop. +","jwaloka ha re ile ra ipopa ngatana nngwe ho kgothaletsa kamohelo ya batho ba nang le hiv ra ba ra lomahanya meno kgahlanong le hore batho ba etswe diphofu, re tshwanela ho bontsha kutlwisiso, mamello, mosa le kutlwelanobohloko ho bao ba tshwaetsehileng ke kokwanahloko ena le bakeng sa malapa a bona. +",0.18732616 +"just as we came together to promote acceptance of people living with hiv and stood firm against victimisation, we must show understanding, tolerance, kindness, empathy and compassion for those who are infected with this virus and for their families. +","ho utlwisa bohloko ho tseba hore taba ena ya ho bewa sepha e susumetswa ke tshabo ya ho tshwaetswa ke lefu lena esita le ke kgaello ya kutlwisiso. +",0.6979828 +"it is said that this stigmatisation is driven by fear of con tracting the disease and lack of understanding. +","mokgwa o motle ka ho fetisisa wa ho fenya tlholeho ya rona ya ho tshaba mafu le ditshwaetso, ke ho ikobela ditsamaiso tse teng tsa bohlweki. +",0.7038126 +"the best way to overcome our instinctive fear of illness and contagion is to observe the hygiene protocols that are in place. +","tshabo ya tshwaetso e na le mabaka a utlwahalang ebile ke nnete. +",0.63742 +"the fear of infection is wellfounded and real. +","ka ho tshwanang, re tseba seo re tshwanelang ho se etsa hore re itshireletse re be re sireletse le ba bang. +",0.44952118 +"at the same time, we know what we have to do to protect ourselves and others. +","re a tseba hore na kokwanahloko ena e bakwa ke eng, esita le seo re ka se etsang ho itshireletsa hore re se ke ra tshwaetseha. +",0.699184 +"we know what causes the virus and what we can do to protect ourselves from becoming infected. +","re a tseba hore re tshwanela ho dula re qaqolohane re le batho, le hore re itsheke thajana haeba re ile ra atamelana le bao ba tshwaetsehileng esita le hore re itlalehe dipetlele haeba re na le matshwao. +",0.6977052 +"we know we have to maintain social distancing, to selfisolate if we have come into contact with those infected and to present to a hospital if we have symptoms. +","re tlameha hore re nne re tswele pele ho tataiswa ke nnete, e seng ke hlokwana la tsela. +",0.59182227 +"we must continue to be guided by facts and not rumours. +","e fetile nako eo ka yona mang kapa mang a neng a ka re ha ho motho eo a mo tsebang ya tshwaetsehileng kapa ya anngweng ke kokwanahloko ya corona . +",0.5625876 +"the time when anyone could say they do not know anyone who is infected or affected by coronavirus has long passed. +","mothating wa jwale, ho feta neng kapa neng pejana, metswalle ya rona, ba leloko, basebetsimmoho le baahisane, ba hloka kutlwelobohloko le tshehetso ya rona. +",0.5680228 +"now, more than ever, our friends, families, colleagues and neighbours need our empathy and support. +","matsatsing a tlang, dibekeng tse tlang le dikgweding tse tlang, ka dinako tse ding re tla iphumana re nyahame re bile re tshohile ha re ntse re bona manane a batho ba tshwaetsehang le ba shwang a ntse a tswelapele ho eketseha. +",0.6377216 +"in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we will at times find ourselves despondent and fearful as we see the numbers of people infected and dying continue to rise. +","ho ka nna ha etsahala hore jwale dintho di mpefetse le ho feta, empa re na le bonnete ba hore di tla boela di ntlafala. +",0.63995314 +"it may be that things have gotten worse, but we are certain that they will get better. +","baeletsi ba rona ba tsa saense le tsa bongaka ba re bolelletse hore sekgahla sa ditshwaetso se tla nyoloha ha re ntse re atamela qhoweng ya rona. +",0.568763 +"our scientists and medical advisers told us that the rate of infections will go up as we move towards our peak. +","empa qetellong se tla boela se theoha. +",0.29505235 +"but it will certainly come down. +","re tlotla basebetsi ba tsa bophelo bo botle ba lahlehetsweng ke maphelo a bona ka lebaka la ho hlokomela bakudi. +",0.32343248 +"we pay tribute to the healthcare workers who lost their lives caring for the sick. +","e le ho ba hopola, ha re ipolokeng re be re boloke le baahi ba habo rona ka ho nka boikarabelo. +",0.61867183 +"in their memory, let us keep ourselves and our fellow citizens safe by playing our part. +","re tla e fenya kokwanahloko ena re be re se ahe botjha setjhaba sa habo rona. +",0.63246274 +"we shall overcome this virus and rebuild our society. +","re ile ra feta dinakong tsa lefifi la bonkantjana empa re ile ra di hlola. +",0.60769594 +"we have seen darker times and we have prevailed. +","tlotlo e kgethehileng ho basebetsi ba habo rona ba tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle vukuzenzele unnamed lenane la batho ba bolailweng ke kokwanahloko ya corona le sa tswa feta ho 2 000. ho bao ba hlokahetseng, ho teng basebetsi ba tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle, le baporofeshenale ba tswileng matsoho ba neng ba hlokomela bakudi, bao e neng e le batshehetsi le batshedisi ho bao ba dipetlele ba tshekilweng ho ba malapa a bona. +",0.60769594 +"young farmer receives covid19 support vukuzenzele unnamed nomagcinandile suduka (27) is growing her family’s legacy and wealth by investing in agriculture. +","motjha wa sehwai o fumana tshehetso ya covid19 silusapho nyanda sehwai se thuthuang sa kapa botjhabela ke e mong wa ba fotseng molemo letloleng la mmuso la kimollo ya kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.79287493 +"the o wner of 4 u and 4 me primary cooperative in mooiplaas village received support from the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development’s coronavirus (covid19) relief fund for her egg, livestock and vegetable farm. +","nomagcinandile suduka (27) o hodisa lefa le maruo a habo ka ho itahlela ka setotswana temothuong. +",0.77030015 +"the department has awarded r1.2 billion worth of vouchers to farmers in need. +","monga 4 u and 4 me primary cooperative motsaneng wa mooiplaas o fumane tshehetso letloleng la kimollo ya kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19) la lefapha la temothuo, tlha bollo ya mobu le ntshetsopele ya mahae bakeng sa temothuo ya hae ya mahe, diphoofolo le meroho. +",0.6212041 +"suduka says her vouchers will help her grow the egg producing side of her business. +","lefapha le nanabeditse divaotjhara tsa boleng ba r1.2 bilione ho dihwai tse hlokang ka sebele. +",0.60461617 +"""i received three vouchers totalling r19 000. a voucher for r12 000 to buy layer egg chickens, a voucher for r6 500 to buy feed and a r500 voucher to buy medicines. +","suduka o re divaotjhara tsa hae di tla mo thusa ho hodisa karolo ya tlhahiso ya mahe kgwebong ya hae. +",0.6532297 +"""she started her egg production farm by feeding her family’s traditional chickens with layer grower feed, which enables them to produce eggs without mating. +","""ke fuwe divaotjhara tse tharo tse etsang r19 000 ha di kopane. +",0.6040603 +"her chickens now produce 50 eggs a day, which she sells weekly. +","ke vaotjhara ya r12 000 ya ho reka dikgoho tsa mahe tse 100, ebe vaotjhara ya r6 500 ya ho reka dijo tsa dikgoho le vaotjhara ya r500 ya ho reka meriana"". +",0.6508007 +"suduka, who also farms with 73 goats, 25 sheep and 25 cows, started farming in 2015 after obtaining a public management n6 certificate from ikhala training and vocational education and training college. +","o qadile kgwebo ya hae ya tlhahiso ya mahe ka ho fepa dikgoho tsa habo tsa setho ka phepokgodiso e ntlafatsang ho behela, e di thusang hore di behele mahe le ha di sa kopana le mekoko. +",0.692032 +"after realising that there were not a lot of job opportunities out there, she decided to take over the family’s then subsistence farm and turn it into a profitable business. +","dikgoho tsa hae tse 50 jwale di behela mahe a 50 ka letsatsi mme o a rekisa ka beke le beke. +",0.55801016 +"suduka says: ""we grew up practising farming, so after graduating i decided to farm rather than look for a job."" +","suduka, ya ruileng le dipodi tse 73, dinku tse 25 le dikgomo tse 25, o qadile thuo ena ya hae ka 2015 kamora ho phethela dithuto tsa public management n6 certificate kholejeng ya thupelo le thuto ya mesebetsi ya matsoho (tvet) ya ikhala. +",0.6750572 +"this proved to be an inspired decision, as she has grown the number of goats and cows. +","kamora ho elellwa hore ho na le leqeme la menyetla ya mesebetsi, o ile a qeta ka hore a nke temothuo ya habo ya ho jela hanong mme a e fetole hore e be kgwebo e nang le phaello. +",0.68150973 +"suduka’s sixhectare vegetable farm produces maize, potatoes, peas and beans. +","suduka o re: ""re hotse re sebetsa mesebetsi ya temo thuo, kahoo, kamora ho qeta dithuto ke ile ka qeta ka hore ke kene temothuong ho e na le ho tsoma mosebetsi."" +",0.61777544 +"the maize is planted on four hectares, the potatoes on one hectare and the peas and beans share the last hectare. +","ena e ile ya bonahala e le qeto e kgothatsang hobane jwale o se a ekeditse lenane la dipodi le la dikgomo. +",0.65938747 +"suduka has learnt a lot from covid19, especially that her best assets are her hands and hard work. +","polasi ya suduka ya dihekthara tse tsheletseng e hlahisa poone, ditapole, dierekisi le dinawa. +",0.6396563 +"tips on how to start a garden: make sure you know which plants your soil will support. +","poone e lengwa dihekthareng tse nne, ebe ditapole hekthareng e lenngwe mme dinawa le dierekisi di kopantswe hekthareng ya ho qetela. +",0.5853685 +"ready your garden by first ploughing the land more than once without planting. +","suduka o ithutile boholo ka covid19 , haholoholo ka hore matlotlo a hae a bohlokwahlokwa ke matsoho a hae esita le ho sebetsa ka thata . +",0.4762099 +"add fertiliser. +","motjha wa sehwai o fumana tshehetso ya covid19 silusapho nyanda sehwai se thuthuang sa kapa botjhabela ke e mong wa ba fotseng molemo letloleng la mmuso la kimollo ya kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.4762099 +"south africa acts to address ventilator shortage silusapho nyanda a locally developed ventilator will help patients with mild covid19 symptoms to breathe easier. +"," afrika borwa e nka dikgato tsa ho rarolla qaka ya kgaello ya dithusaphefumoloho silusapho nyanda sethusaphefumoloho se entsweng kwano lapeng se tla thusa bakudi ba nang le matshwao a fokolang a covid19 ho phefumoloha habobebe. +",0.86627805 +"the fight against the coronavirus disease (covid19) in south africa has been boosted with the production of the first ventilator made in the country. +","twantsho ya lefu la kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19) afrika borwa e matlafaditswe ke sethusaphefumoloho sa pele se entsweng kahara naha. +",0.87374187 +"the continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) ventilator helps patients with mild symptoms of covid19 to breathe easier by providing a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep their airways open. +","sethusaphefumoloho sa continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) se thusa bakudi ba nang le matshwao a fokolang a covid19 ho phefumoloha habobebe, ka ho fana ka kgatello e tlase ya moya o nang le oksijene e le ho boloka dipeipi tsa bona tsa moya di bulehile. +",0.9107808 +"the ventilator was designed by the council for scientific and industrial research (csir) in collaboration with a number of local partners and will be rolled out nationwide to patients showing respiratory distress in the early phase of covid19 infection. +","sethusaphefumoloho sena se radilwe ke lekgotla la diphuputso tsa saense le indasteri (csir) ka kopanelo le balekane ba bangatanyana ba kwano lapeng, mme se nanabetswa naha ka bophara ho bakudi ba bonahalang ba na le mathata a phefumoloho qalehong ya tshwaetso ya covid19. +",0.89772016 +"""the air a person normally breaths has a 23 percent concentration of oxygen. +","""moya oo ka tlwaelo motho a o phefumolohang o na le sekepele sa dipheresente tse 23 tsa oksijene. +",0.8778731 +"the cpap ventilator can pump a higher amount of oxygen, helping a person breathe. +","sethusaphefumoloho sa cpap se ka pompa sekepele se phahameng sa oksijene e le ho thusa motho hore a phefumolohe. +",0.878405 +"the cpap pumps continuous concentrated oxygen. +","cpap e pompa motswako wa oksijene motjhaotjhele. +",0.8239847 +"you can increase or decrease the amount of oxygen one is breathing in,"" says executive manager of csir future production: manufacturing martin sanne. +","o ka eketsa kapa wa fokotsa sekgahla sa oksijene eo motho a e phefumolohang,"" ho rialo molaodi wa phethahatso wa tlhahiso ya kamoso ya csir: manufacturing martin sanne. +",0.92251295 +"patients using the ventilator are connected via a face mask. +","bakudi ba sebedisang sethusaphefumoloho ba hokahantswe ke sekwahelasefahleho. +",0.77475214 +"oxygen is drawn from an oxygen gas tank and is mixed with natural air in the ventilator, from where it is transmitted to the mask and breathed in by the patient. +","oksijene e hulwa tankeng ya gase ya oksijene mme e tswakwa le moya wa tlhaho o kahara sethusaphefumoloho ebe ho tloha moo e fetisetswa ho sekwahelasefahleho mme mokudi o e phefumolohelwa kahare. +",0.88531846 +"sanne says that in addition to pumping oxygenated air, the cpap also helps patients exhale. +","sanne o re kahodimo ho ho pompa moya o nang le oksijene, cpap e boela e thusa bakudi ho phefumolohela ka ntle. +",0.86008066 +"the cpap device can be used in both hightech clinical environments and temporary settings, such as field hospitals and quarantine facilities. +","""sesebediswa sa cpap se ka sebediswa ditikolohong tsa bongaka ba botekgeniki bo phahameng esita le dibakeng tsa nakwana, tse kang dipetlele tse thokwana le metse esita le ditsheng tsa tshekeho. +",0.8652918 +"sanne says the csir will have produced 10 000 ventilators by the end of august. +","sanne o re csir e tla be e se e hlahisitse dithusaphefumoloho tse 10 000 mafelong a phato. +",0.81461424 +"working with siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya and the university of cape town, the csir produced the cpap according to world health organisation standards. +","ka ho sebedisana hammoho le siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya le yunivesithi ya cape town, csir e hlahisitse cpap ho ya ka maemo a beilweng ke mokgatlo wa lefatshe wa bophelo bo botle. +",0.9336532 +"the first batch of ventilators will be given to state hospitals experiencing pressure due to the unavailability of equipment to deal with covid19. +","lefupe la pele la dithusaphefumoloho le tla abelwa dipetlele tsa mmuso tse nang le kgatello ka lebaka la kgaello ya disebediswa tsa ho lwantsha covid19. +",0.8928988 +"the csir started working on the cpap after the world began experiencing an extreme shortage in ventilators. +","csir e qadile ho sebetsana le cpap kamora hore lefatshe lohle le qale ho ba le kgaello e kgolo ya dithusaphefumoloho. +",0.88691485 +"""around march and april, there suddenly became a short supply of ventilators from our international suppliers. +","""e ne e ka ba nakong ya tlhakubele le mmesa moo ka tshohanyetso ho bileng le phepelo e fokolang ya dithusaphefumoloho ho tswa ho bafepedi ba rona ba matjhaba. +",0.8455354 +"where you could get them, they were very expensive so government issued a tender for the production of ventilators,"" says sanne. +","moo o neng o ka di fumana teng, di ne di le theko e phahameng haholo mme ka hona mmuso wa ntsha thendara ya tlhahiso ya dithusaphefumoloho,"" ho rialo sanne. +",0.8903231 +"the tender was part of the government’s national ventilator project within the department of trade, industry and competition. +","thendara e ne e le karolo ya projeke ya naha ya dithusaphefumoloho kahare ho lefapha la kgwebisano, indasteri le tlhodisano. +",0.883554 +"the csir is also working on a bilevel positive airway pressure ventilator aimed at helping patients with more severe symptoms of covid19. +","csir e boetse e sebetsana le ho fumana sethusaphefumoloho sa bilevel positive airway pressure, se reretsweng ho thusa bakudi ba nang le matshwao a mpefetseng a covid19. +",0.8978888 +"the ventilator will assist with both inhalation and exhalation, either in fixed pressure modes or by sensing the oxygen supply required by a patient and adjusting the pressure accordingly."," afrika borwa e nka dikgato tsa ho rarolla qaka ya kgaello ya dithusaphefumoloho silusapho nyanda sethusaphefumoloho se entsweng kwano lapeng se tla thusa bakudi ba nang le matshwao a fokolang a covid19 ho phefumoloha habobebe. +",0.8978888 +"help stop the spread of covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed our nation is con fronted by the gravest crisis in the history of our democracy. +","thusa ho thibela ho ata ha covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed setjhaba sa habo rona se hlahetswe ke koduwa e kgolo ka ho fetisisa nalaneng ya demokrasi ya rona. +",0.8871074 +"for more than 120 days, we have succeeded in delaying the spread of a virus that is causing devastation across the globe. +","ka matsatsi a kahodimo ho 120, re ile ra atleha ho diehisa ho ata ha kokwanahloko ena e bakang qomatsi lefatsheng lohle. +",0.86232173 +"but now, the surge in infections that we had been advised by our medical experts would come, has arrived. +","empa jwale nako ya ho eketseha ha ditshwaetso tseo re ileng ra eletswa ka tsona ke ditsebi tsa rona tsa bongaka hore e tla fihla, jwale e fihlile. +",0.86822665 +"more than a quarter of a million south africans have been infected with coronavirus, and we know that many more infections have gone undetected. +","maafrika borwa a kahodimo ho kotara ya milione a se a tshwaeditswe ke kokwanahloko ya corona, mme re a tseba le hore ditshwaetso tse ding tse ngata ha di a utollwa. +",0.92182004 +"we are now recording over 12,000 new cases every day. +","ha jwale re ba le ditshwaetso tse ntjha tse kahodimo ho 12 000 letsatsi le letsatsi. +",0.8712696 +"since the start of the outbreak in march, at least 4,079 people have died from covid19. +","haesale lefu lena le ne le qale ho ropoha ka tlhakubele, ke bonnyane ba batho ba 4 079 ba shweleng ka lebaka la covid19. +",0.9180105 +"like the massive cold fronts that sweep into our country from the south atlantic at this time of year, there are few parts of the country that will remain untouched by the coronavirus. +","jwaloka maqhubu a mangata a mohatsela a parolang naha ya rona a hlaha ka borwa ho atlantic nakong ena ya selemo, ho na le dikgutlwana tse mmalwa naheng ya rona tseo kokwanahloko ya corona e sa tlo fihla ho hang ho tsona. +",0.88260704 +"the coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more destructive than any we have known before. +","sefefo sa kokwanahloko ya corona se kotsi ebile se ruthutha le ho feta kokwanahloko efe kapa efe eo re kileng ra e tseba. +",0.87354064 +"it is stretching our resources and our resolve to their limits. +","e monyolla mehlodi le ditjhelete tsa rona ho isa moo di fellang teng. +",0.7669265 +"the surge of infections that our experts and scientists predicted over 3 months ago has now arrived. +","keketseho ya ditshwaetso tseo ditsebi le boramahlale ba rona ba ileng ba e lepa dikgweding tse kahodimo ho tse tharo tse fetileng, jwale e fihlile. +",0.9054995 +"it started in the western cape and is now underway in the eastern cape and gauteng. +","e qadile kapa bophirimela mme jwale e ntse e ata kapa botjhabela le gauteng. +",0.7326354 +"yet, while infections rise exponentially, it is important to note that our case fatality rate of 1.5 percent is among the lowest in the world. +","empa leha ditshwaetso di eketseha ka potlako hakaalo, ho bohlokwa ho tseba hore sekgahla sa ho shwa ha batho ba habo rona sa 1.5% ke se seng sa tse tlase ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng. +",0.8909552 +"this is compared to a global average case fatality rate of 4.4 percent. +","sena ke papisong le sekgahla se tlwaelehileng lefatsheng lohle sa 4.4% ya batho ba shwang. +",0.8573592 +"we owe the relatively low number of deaths in our country to the experience and dedication of our health professionals and the urgent measures we have taken to build the capacity of our health system. +","re na le palo ena e tlase ya mafu naheng ya rona ka lebaka la boiphihlelo le boikitlaetso ba diporofeshenale tsa rona tsa bophelo bo botle, esita le mehato ya tshohanyetso eo re e nkileng ho aha bokgoni ba tsamaiso ya rona ya bophelo bo botle. +",0.87124246 +"even as most of our people have taken action to prevent the spread of the virus, there are others who have not. +","leha boholo ba batho ba habo rona ba nkile dikgato tsa ho thibela ho ata ha kokwanahloko ena, ho na le ba bang ba sa itshwenyang ka ho etsa jwalo. +",0.8278134 +"there are some among us who ignore the regulations that have been passed to combat the disease. +","ho na le ba bang kahara rona mona ba sa natseng melawana e beilweng ya ho kgina lefu lena. +",0.8099123 +"in the midst of such a pandemic, getting into a taxi without a face mask, gathering to meet friends, attending parties or even visiting family, can too easily spread the virus and cost lives. +","setsiketsing sa sewa sena, ho kena ka tekesing ho sa kenngwa sekwahelanko le molomo, mmoka wa ho teana le metswalle, ho ya meketjaneng kapa hona ho etela ba leloko, ho ka akofisa ho ata ha kokwanahloko ena habobebe ho be ho fete le maphelo a batho. +",0.85986036 +"this may be a disease that is caused by a virus, but it is spread by human conduct and behaviour. +","lena e ka nna ya eba lefu leo sesosa sa lona e leng kokwanahloko, empa lona le ata ka lebaka la boitshwaro ba batho. +",0.83084846 +"through our own actions – as individuals, as families, as communities – we can and we must change the course of this pandemic in our country. +","ka diketso tsa rona, re le batho ka bomong, re le malapa, re le setjhaba, re ka kgona ebile re tlameha ho fetola ho ata ha sewa sena naheng ya rona. +",0.8584142 +"we need to wear a cloth mask that covers our nose and mouth whenever we leave home. +","re lokela ho rwala sekwahelanko le molomo sa lesela se kwahelang nko le molomo kgafetsa ha re tloha malapeng. +",0.83288515 +"we must continue to regularly wash our hands with soap and water or sanitiser. +","re lokela ho tswela pele ho hatlela matsoho a rona ka metsi le sesepa kapa ka sebolayadikokwanahloko kgafetsa . +",0.87734014 +"we must continue to clean and sanitise all surfaces in all public spaces. +","re tlameha ho tswela pele ho hlwekisa le ho nyanyatsa bokahodimo ba dibaka tsohle, dibakeng tsohle tseo ho phetheselang setjhaba ho tsona. +",0.7650223 +"most importantly, we must keep a safe distance – of at least 2 metres – from other people. +","taba ya bohlokwa ka ho fetisisa ke ya hore re tlameha ho siya sebaka se bolokehileng sa bonyane ba dimithara tse pedi dipakeng tsa rona le batho ba bang. +",0.8623778 +"there is now emerging evidence that the virus may also be carried in tiny particles in the air in places that are crowded, closed or have poor air circulation. +","jwale ho na le bopaki bo botjha ba hore kokwanahloko ena e ka nna ya fetiswa ka dikarolwana tse nyenyane haholo tse moyeng dibakeng tseo ho tsona ho subuhlellaneng batho, tse kwalehileng kapa tse nang le lephallo le fokolang la moya. +",0.8355602 +"for this reason we must immediately improve the indoor environment of public places where the risk of infection is greatest. +","ka lebaka lena, re tlameha ho ntlafatsa bokahare ba tikoloho ya dibaka tse phetheselang batho, moo kotsi ya tshwaetso e leng kgolo ka ho fetisisa. +",0.86661005 +"our decision to declare a nationwide lockdown prevented a massive early surge of infections when our health services were less prepared, which would have resulted in a far greater loss of lives. +","qeto ya rona ya ho phatlalatsa ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha naha ka bophara, e ile ya thibela sekgahla se hodimo sa keketseho ya ditshwaetso di sa tloha ha ditshebeletso tsa rona tsa bophelo bo botle di ne di so loke hantle, e leng ntho e neng e ka baka ho shwa ha batho ba bangata le ho feta. +",0.87122905 +"in the time that we had, we have taken important measures to strengthen our health response. +","ka nako eo re bileng le yona, re nkile mehato ya bohlokwa ya ho matlafatsa karabelo ya rona mabapi le bophelo bo botle. +",0.89053357 +"we have conducted more than two million coronavirus tests and community health workers have done more than 20 million screenings. +","re se re entse diteko tsa kokwanahloko ya corona tse kahodimo ho dimilione tse pedi mme basebeletsi ba setjhaba ba tsa bophelo bo botle ba se ba entse ditlhahlobo tse kahodimo ho dimilione tse 20. re fumane dibethe tse ka bang 28 000 tsa dipetlele bakeng sa bakudi ba covid19 ra ba ra aha dipetlele tse sebetsang tse thokwana le metse ho pharalla le naha. +",0.8018191 +"we have made available almost 28,000 hospital beds for covid19 patients and have constructed functional field hospitals across the country. +","jwale re na le dibethe tsa tshekeho tse kahodimo ho 37 000 ditsing tsa kokelo tsa poraefete esita le tsa setjhaba ho pharalla le naha, mme di malalaalaotswe ho tsheka bao ba sa kgoneng ho itsheka malapeng a bona. +",0.76685727 +"we now have over 37,000 quarantine beds in private and public facilities across the country, ready to isolate those who cannot do so at home. +","re ile ra fumana ra ba ra fana ka dimilione tsa thepa ya boitshireletso dipetleleng, ditleliniking le dikolong ho pharalla le naha ho basebetsi ba habo rona ba tshwereng teu. +",0.6701109 +"we have procured and delivered millions of items of personal protective equipment to hospitals, clinics and schools across the country to protect our frontline workers. +","re thaothile ebile re ntse re tswela pele ho thaotha baoki ba tlatsetso, dingaka le basebetsi ba ditshebeletso tsa tshohanyetso tsa bophelo bo botle. +",0.74765885 +"we have recruited and continue to recruit additional nurses, doctors and emergency health personnel. +","re tswela pele ho etsa kgatelopele mekutung ya rona ya ho lwantsha covid 19, empa phephetso ya rona e kgolo e sa ntse e tla. +",0.5835475 +"we continue to make progress in our efforts to deal with covid 19, but our greatest challenge still lies ahead. +","diprovenseng tsohle, re sebeletsa hore re boele re eketse lenane la diphaposi tse akaretsang tsa bakudi esita le hore dibethe tsa bohlokwa di fumanehe bakeng sa bakudi ba covid19. +",0.6656709 +"across all provinces, we are working to further increase the number of general ward and critical beds available for covid19 patients. +","bokgoni ba diphaposi tsa bakudi bo ekeditswe dipetleleng tse ngata ka hore ho diehiswe tlhokomelo e sa potlakang hakaalo, le ho fetola dikarolo tse ding tsa sepetlele hore e be diphaposi tse ding tsa bakudi esita le ho aha kapa ho atolosa dipetlele tse thokwana le metse. +",0.68166876 +"ward capacity is being freed up in a number of hospitals by delaying nonurgent care, the conversion of some areas of hospitals into additional ward space and the erection or expansion of field hospitals. +","re sebetsana le ho eketsa phepelo ya oksijene, ya dithusaphefumoloho le thepa e nngwe bakeng sa bao ba tla hloka tlhokomelo e hlokolotsi, ho akga le ya ho faposwa ha phepelo ya oksijene e reretsweng mabaka a mang. +",0.7218547 +"we are working to increase supplies of oxygen, ventilators and other equipment for those who will need critical care, including by diverting the supply of oxygen from other purposes. +","re sebedisa mekgwa ya theknoloji ya dijithale ho matlafatsa boitsebahatso, ho fofonela le ho kgethela ba ileng ba atamelana le batshwaetsuwa, esita le hona ho fana ka tshehetso ho bao diteko di reng ba fela ba na le tshwaetso. +",0.78838694 +"we are deploying digital technologies to strengthen the identification, tracing and isolation of contacts, and to provide support to those who test positive. +","ha e le mona re atamela sehlohlolong sa ditshwaetso, re lokela ho ba sedi haholo re be re tiise mehato e seng e le teng ya ho sisithehisa sekgahla sa tshwaetsano. +",0.7256066 +"as we now approach the peak of infections, we need to take extra precautions and tighten existing measures to slow down the rate of transmission. +","melawana ya ho kenya dikwahelanko le molomo e tla matlafatswa. +",0.55507505 +"regulations on the wearing of masks will be strengthened. +","bahiri, beng ba mabenkele le baokamedi, balaodi ba dipalangwang tsa setjhaba, le baokamedi kapa beng ba moaho ofe kapa ofe oo ho phetheselang setjhaba ho ona, jwale ba tlangwa ke molao hore ba etse bonnete ba hore mang kapa mang ya kenang meahong kapa makoloing a bona, o tlameha ho kenya sekwahelanko le molomo. +",0.486134 +"employers, shop owners and managers, public transport operators, and managers and owners of any other public building are now legally obliged to ensure that anyone entering their premises or vehicle must be wearing a mask. +","ditekesi tse potolohang haufinyane jwale di tla dumellwa ho eketsa sekepele sa bapalami hore di tlale tswete, ha ditekesi tsa maeto a malelele tsona di sa tlo dumellwa ho palamisa bapalami ba kahodimo ho lenane le etsang 70%, ha feela ho latelwa ditsamaiso tse ntjha tsa thibelo ya kotsi tse amanang le dikwahelanko le molomo, ho nyanyatsa makoloi ka dibolayadikokwanahloko le ho bula difenstere. +",0.7092087 +"taxis undertaking local trips will now be permitted to increase their capacity to 100 percent, while long distance taxis will not be allowed to exceed 70 percent occupancy, on condition that new risk mitigation protocols related to masks, vehicle sanitising and open windows are followed. +","jwale ho na le bopaki bo totobetseng ba hore ho bulelwa ha thekiso ya jwala ho bakile kgatello e matla dipetleleng, ho kenyeletswa le diyuniting tsa dikotsi le tsa ba kulang haholo tsa icu, ka lebaka la dikotsi tsa makoloi, dikgoka le dikotsi tse amanang le tseo. +",0.73210126 +"there is now clear evidence that the resumption of alcohol sales has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals, including trauma and icu units, due to motor vehicle accidents, violence and related trauma. +","kahoo re entse qeto ya hore, hore re boloke bokgoni ba dipetlele, thekiso, le thomello le kanetso ya jwala e tla kwalwa hanghang. +",0.7353339 +"we have therefore decided that in order to conserve hospital capacity, the sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol will be suspended with immediate effect. +","e le mohato o ekeditsweng wa ho fokotsa kgatello dipetleleng, ho tla ba le thibelo ya motsamao dipakeng tsa hora ya borobong bosiu le hora ya bone hoseng. +",0.63751984 +"as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals, a curfew will be put in place between the hours of 9pm and 4am. +","re nka mehato ena re tseba hantle hore e qobella dithibelo tse sa amohelehang maphelong a batho. +",0.55993664 +"we are taking these measures fully aware that they impose unwelcome restrictions on people’s lives. +","empa leha ho le jwalo, mehato ena e a hlokeha hore re ipone re fetile sehlohlolong sa lefu lena. +",0.68289584 +"they are, however, necessary to see us through the peak of the disease. +","ha ho kamoo re ka se qobang kateng sefefo sena sa kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.574868 +"there is no way that we can avoid the coronavirus storm. +","empa re ka e fokotsa tshenyo eo se ka e bakang maphelong a rona. +",0.6299427 +"but we can limit the damage that it can cause to our lives. +","re le setjhaba re ikentse kgokanyana phiri ka sepheo sa ho tshehetsana, ho tshedisa bao ba kulang esita le ho kgothaletsa kamohelo ya batho ba seng ba tshwaeditswe ke kokwanahloko ena. +",0.57056034 +"as a nation we have come together to support each other, to provide comfort to those who are ill and to promote acceptance of people living with the virus. +","hona jwale, ho feta neng kapa neng, re na le boikarabelo ka maphelo a bao ba mathokong a rona. +",0.62663054 +"now, more than ever, we are responsible for the lives of those around us. +","re tla atleha ho a hlola maemo ana a boima. +",0.46798384 +"we will weather this storm. +","re tla kgutlisetsa naha ya habo rona bophelong bo botle le katlehong. +",0.4971557 +"we will restore our country to health and to prosperity. +","thusa ho thibela ho ata ha covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed setjhaba sa habo rona se hlahetswe ke koduwa e kgolo ka ho fetisisa nalaneng ya demokrasi ya rona. +",0.4971557 +"celebrating women through economic inclusion vukuzenzele unnamed in august south africa celebrates women’s month. +","re keteka basadi ka kenyeletso re keteka basadi ka kenyeletso ya bona moruongya bona moruong vukuzenzele unnamed ka phato afrika borwa e keteteka kgwedi ya basadi. +",0.83808225 +"this occasion marks the anniversary of the day in 1956 when 20,000 women marched to the union buildings – a great sea of womankind speaking many languages, from different places and of all races. +","keteko ena e tshwaya sehopotso sa letsatsi la 1956 ha basadi ba 20 000 ba ne ba hwanta mane union buildings – phallo e kgolokgolo ya batho ba basadi ba neng ba bua dipuo tse fapaneng, ba tswa dibakeng tse fapaneng mme e le ba merabe e fapaneng. +",0.9008378 +"they were united in their demand for an end to the dreaded pass laws and for their right to live in freedom. +","ba ile ba kopana boitsekong ba bona ba ho fedisa melao ya dipasa e nyarosang le ho fumana tokelo ya bona ya ho phela tokolohong. +",0.857012 +"the status and position of women in south africa today is vastly different to that faced by our mothers and grandmothers in 1956. we have come a long way in realising a south africa that is nonracial, nonsexist, democratic, prosperous and free. +","boemo le maemo a basadiafrika borwa kajeno a se a fapane haholo ha o a bapisa le ao a neng a tobane le bomme le bonkgono ba rona ka 1956. re tswa hole hore re fihlelle afrika borwa e hlokang kgethollo ya merabe, kgethollo ya bong, e nang le demokrasi, e nang le katleho mme e lokolohile. +",0.90716255 +"there has been real progress in improving the lives of south african women in the economy, in the political sphere and in public life. +","ho bile le kgatelopele ya nnete ntlafatsong ya maphelo a basadi ba afrika borwa moruong, lekaleng la dipolotiki le phedisanong ya setjhaba. +",0.84404415 +"at the same time, we know there is so much further we still have to go. +","le ha ho ntse ho le jwalo, re a tseba hore ho ntse ho ena le tse ngata tseo re tlamehang ho di fihlella. +",0.798596 +"women still face discrimination, harassment and violence, and bear the greatest brunt of poverty. +","basadi ba ntse ba tobana le kgethollo, tlhekefetso le ho ketekwa, mme ke bona ba futsanehileng ka ho fetisisa. +",0.87218785 +"if we are to truly realise the promise of our constitution we have to tackle the economic and financial exclusion that makes women more vulnerable to abuse and violence. +","haeba ka nnete re batla fihlella tshepiso ya molaotheo wa rona re tlameha ho lwantshana le dikgato tse etsang hore basadi ba se kgone ho iketsetsa lekeno le dijthelete e leng tsona etseng hore basadi ba iphumane ba mamelletse tlhekefetso ho ketekwa. +",0.84317464 +"we have joined a groundbreaking campaign that links us to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030. generation equality is an ambitious and transformative agenda to end discrimination and violence against women and for their equal participation in political, social and economic life. +","re kene letsholong le itlhommeng pele le re kopantshang le maiteko a matjhabeng a ho fihlella tekatekano ya bong ka 2030. tekatekano ya moloko ke tabatabelo le phethoho ya ajenda ya ho fedisa kgethollo le dikgoka kgahlano le basadi le ho ba le seabo se tshwanang dipolotiking, le maphelong a bona le moruong. +",0.89533174 +"as part of this campaign, we have joined two ‘action coalitions’, one for economic justice and rights and another against genderbased violence. +","jwalo ka karolo ya letsholo lena, re kopantshitse ‘diketso tsa tshebedisano’ tse pedi, ya pele e leng ya tokoloho ya moruo le ditokelo mme enngwe ke e kgahlano le dikgoka ho basadi (gbv). +",0.8723088 +"both of these themes are critical to our own national agenda. +","bobedi mekotaba ena e hlokolotsi ho ajenda ya naha ya rona. +",0.7617836 +"eleven months since the emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide was implemented we have made progress in expanding support and care to survivors, and progress is being made in legal reforms to afford them greater protection. +","dikgwedi tse 11 esale re phethahaditse moralo wa ketso tsa karabelo ya tshohanyetso ho lwantsha dikgoka tsa bong le dipolao tsa basadi (gbvf) re se re bile le kgatelopele ho atoloseng tshehetso le ho tsotella mahlatsipa, mme kgatelopele e entsweng ho tsa tlhabollo ya molao e ba nehela tshireletso e ngata haholo. +",0.8830035 +"during the month of august, we begin the implementation of the national strategic plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide. +","kgwedi ya phato, re qala ka phethahatso ya moralo wa lewa la naha la ho lwantsha gbvf. +",0.7885121 +"a key aspect of the plan is on ensuring greater women’s financial inclusion. +","ntlha e ka sehlohlolong ya moralo ona ke ho netefatsa hore basadi ba bangata ba kenyeletswa boholo mo moruo. +",0.818017 +"this is because economic inequality and social inequality are interconnected. +","sena ke hobane tlhokeho ya tekatekano ya moruo le tlhokeho ya tekatekano ya phedisano di a nyallana. +",0.8069131 +"the economic status of women in south africa makes them more vulnerable to abuse. +","maemo a ditjhelete a basadi afrika borwa a ba beha kotsing e kgolokgolo ya tlhekefetso. +",0.81154644 +"we must therefore scale up support for women to enable them to become financially independent. +","ka hoo, re tlameha ho tshehetsa basadi ho etsa hore ba kgone ho ikemela le ho iketsetsa tjhelete ya bona. +",0.8041291 +"we have made a number of commitments under generation equality that will be given effect to through the national strategic plan. +","re entse boitlamo bo mmalwa tlasa tekatekano ya moloko e tla phethahatswang ka moralo wa lewa la naha. +",0.84033865 +"firstly, we are going to drive women’s economic inclusion through public procurement. +","ya pele, re tlo kenyeletsa seabo sa basadi moruong ka diphu mantsho tsa mmuso. +",0.83336055 +"we have set the target of ensuring that at least 40 percent of goods and services procured by public entities are sourced from womenowned businesses. +","re entse boipehelo ba ho netefatsa hore bonyane 40% ya dihlahiswa le ditshebeletso tse fumantshwang ke dikgwebo tsa mmuso di tswa dikgwebong tsa basadi. +",0.8705791 +"secondly, we are going to scale up support for womenowned smmes and for women who work in the informal sector or are unemployed. +","ya bobedi, re tlo eketsa tshehetso ya dikgwebo tse nyanyane, tse bohareng le tse kgolo (dismme) tse laolwang ke basadi mmoho le dikgwebo tse thuthuhang tse laolwang ke basadi kapa tsa basadi ba sa sebetseng. +",0.8117626 +"this will include engagement with the financial sector to make financial services accessible and affordable for women. +","hona ho tla kenyeletsa dipuisano le lekala la ditjhelete ho etsa hore ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete di fumanehe ha bobebe ka theko e tlase ho basadi. +",0.8427309 +"thirdly, we want to ensure more women have access to productive assets such as land. +","ya boraro, re batla ho netefatsa hore basadi ba bangata ba fumana thepa ya bohlokwa e jwalo ka lefatshe. +",0.78555244 +"it is essential that women are beneficiaries of the accelerate land reform programme. +","ho bohlokwa hore basadi ba fumane molemo ho tswa potlakisong ya ho kgutlisetswa lefatshe. +",0.79501957 +"it is significant that of the r75 million in covid19 relief earmarked for farming input vouchers 53 percent of the beneficiaries will be rural women. +","ho tshwanehile hore karolo ya r75 milione ya divaotjhara tsa matlole a dithuso a covid19 a tshwaetsweng tlhahiso ya temo 53% e be molemong wa basadi ba mahaeng. +",0.8713976 +"we must ensure that women subsistence and smallscale farmers continue to receive support beyond the pandemic. +","re tlameha ho netefatsa hore tshehetso ya basadi le rapolasi/mmapolasi ba ithuthuhang ba tswella ho fumantshwa tshehetso le ka mora sewa sena. +",0.7898669 +"fourthly, we want to ensure that women are protected from genderbased violence in the workplace. +","ya bone, re batla ho netefatsa hore basadi ba tshireletsehile kgahlano le gbv mesebetsing. +",0.82492983 +"in this regard, we will be working at a national and regional level towards the ratification of the ilo convention on violence and harassment in the workplace. +","ntlheng ena, re tla tswella ho sebetsa boemong ba naha le lebatowa ho tshwaela monwana seboka sa mokgatlo wa matjhaba (ilo) wa mosebetsi sadikgako le tlhekefetso mesebetsing. +",0.8424319 +"it is said that freedom is not given, but taken. +","ho thwe tokoloho ha e nehelwe, e ya nkwa. +",0.7940691 +"the emancipation of women is only words on paper unless it is matched by commitment from all sectors of society. +","tokollo ya basadi ke mantswe feela a pampering ntle le haeba e tsamaelana le boitlamo bo tswang ho makala ohle a setjhaba. +",0.8617097 +"as we prepare for the reconstruction of our economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we have said that we cannot simply return to where we were before the outbreak of the virus. +","ha re itukisetsa kahobotjha ya moruo wa rona hara sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona , re itse ha ho sa kgonanahale hore re ka kgutlela setlwaeding sa pele kokwanahloko e phahlalla. +",0.8188073 +"we must build a fundamentally different economy which, among other things, substantially improves the material position of women. +","re tlameha ho theha moruo o motheo wa ona o fapaneng ka, ho tse ding tsa dintho, ho ntlafatsa boemo ba leruo la basadi. +",0.79570204 +"this means that our investment in infrastructure must support not only the development of local industry, but also womenowned businesses. +","hona ho bolela hore botsetedi ba moralo wa motheo bo tlameha ho tshehetsa eseng feela ntshetsopele ya indastri ya lehae, empa le dikgwebo tsa basadi. +",0.8352159 +"it must deliberately create employment opportunities for women in all stages of planning, financing, building and maintaining infrastructure. +","e tlameha ho ikemisetsa ho theha menyetla ya mesebetsi molemong wa basadi mekgahlelong kaofela ya ho rala, ya ditjhelete, ya kaho le ya ho disa meralo ya motheo. +",0.86679703 +"by the same measures, as we scale up our public employment programmes, we must ensure that young women in particular are identified as participants. +","ka mekgwa e tshwanang, re tla phahamisa mananeo a rona a khiro makaleng a mmuso, re tlameha ho netefatsa hore boholo ba dikgarabe e ba tsona tse thongwang.. hodima lekeno, mananeo ana a tla ba nehela monyetla wa ho fumana boitsebelo le boiphihlelo bo hlokehang ho kena moruong wa sehlohlolo. +",0.7523701 +"in addition to an income, these programmes will provide them with an opportunity to acquire some of the skills and experience necessary to enter the mainstream economy. +","le ha feela e le maikarabelo a mmuso ho nehela ka menyetla ya moruo ho basadi ho theha leano la tshebetso le tla bakang hore ho ntlafatswe tekatekano ya bong, bohle setjhabeng ba tlameha ho bapala karolo ya bona. +",0.69445574 +"as much as it is government’s responsibility to provide economic opportunities for women and create an enabling framework for advancing gender equality, everyone in society needs to play their part. +","dikgwebo di tlameha ho tshehetsa dikgwebo tsa basadi ka ho reka dihlahiswa le ditshebeletso dikgwebong tsa bona. +",0.647346 +"businesses must support womenowned enterprises in the procurement of goods and services. +","ba tlameha ho hira basadi ba bangata le ho thonya basadi ba bangata maemong a bolaodi. +",0.6410777 +"they should employ more women and appoint more women to management positions. +","sena se bohlokwa haholoholo ha o sheba direkoto tsa lekala la poraefete boemong ba kemedi ya bong e saletseng morao ha o bapisa le lekala la mmuso. +",0.5989399 +"this is all the more important considering that the private sector’s record on genderrepresentation at management level lags behind that of the public sector. +","bona ke bothata bo hlahellang kgafetsa dipuisanong tseo ke bileng le tsona le boholo ba mekgatlo ya dikgwebo tsa basadi. +",0.6071816 +"this is an issue that is repeatedly raised in engagements i have had with a number of women’s business organisations. +","hore ho be le tekatekano re tshwanetse ho fedisa setlwaedi sa mekgolo e e sa lekalekaneng ho ya ka hore motho ke monna kapa mosadi, mme re itlwaetse ho lefa batho ba entseng mosebetsi o tshwanang ka ho lekalekana jwalo ka ho totobaditswe molaong wa tekatekano ya mese betsing. +",0.6320162 +"by equal measure, we must eliminate gender disparities in pay for men and women, and give effect to the principle of equal pay for equal work contained in the employment equity act. +","basadi ba tlameha ho tshireletswa kgahlano le tlhekefetso le kgethollo mosebetsing. +",0.6618266 +"women must also be protected from harassment and discrimination in the workplace. +","ke boikarabelo ba batsamaisi ba dipalangwang, ba tsamaiso ya diyunivesithi, makgotla a taolo ya dikolo le mekgatlo ya tumelo ho theha maemo a tshireletsehileng molemong wa basadi le bananyana ha ba le maetong, dithutong le dikerekeng. +",0.6015947 +"it is up to transport operators, university administrators, school governing bodies and religious organisations to create conditions for women and girls to travel, study and worship in safety. +","re tlameha ho hatelapele ka maiteko a rona a ho qeta kgatello ka banna, kgethollo ya basadi le ho fa banna maemo a ho ba dihloho. +",0.7202753 +"we must forge ahead with our efforts to eradicate chauvinism, sexism and patriarchy. +","ke mehopolo ena e bakang kgatello ya basadi. +",0.53575146 +"it is these attitudes that enable the oppression of women. +","ho ho rona – banna le basadi bobedi – ho netefatsa hore boleng ba mosadi, boemo le maikutlo a hae ha a ka tlase ho a monna. +",0.5264908 +"it is up to us – both men and women – to affirm that a woman’s value, position and opinions are no less than that of a man. +","ke boikarabelo ba rona jwalo ka batswadi le bonkgono le bontatemoholo ho tshwarwa le ho hodisa bara le baradi ka mokgwa o tshwanang. +",0.69031876 +"it is up to us as parents and grandparents to treat and raise our sons and our daughters the same. +","ho ho rona jwalo ka banna ho hana le ho bua kgahlano le diketso tsa gbv moo re di bonang, le haeba ke kgahlano le metswalle, bontate le boabuti ba rona. +",0.68423456 +"it is up to us as men to reject and speak out against genderbased violence wherever we see it, even if it is against our friends, fathers or brothers. +","ha re beng moloko o tla fedisang kgatello ya basadi ka tsela efe kapa efe, nakong ya rona. +",0.63739765 +"let us be the generation that ends the oppression of women in all its forms, in our lifetime. +","moloko wa 1956 o ile wa itseka molemong wa rona bohle. +",0.55655086 +"the brave generation of 1956 marched for us all. +","re keteka basadi ka kenyeletso re keteka basadi ka kenyeletso ya bona moruongya bona moruong vukuzenzele unnamed ka phato afrika borwa e keteteka kgwedi ya basadi. +",0.55655086 +"back to work after covid19 a full guide allison cooper when can you return to work if you have tested positive for the coronavirus (covid19)? +","ho kgutlela mosebetsing ka mora ho tshwarwa ke covid19 allison cooper ka kgutlela mosebetsing neng ka mora ho tshwarwa ke kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19)? +",0.8780038 +"the national institute for communicable diseases has the answers you need. +","institjhuti ya naha ya mahlo ko a tshwaetsanang e na le dikarabo tseo o di hlokang. +",0.82080936 +"when i test positive for covid19, how long do i have to stay in isolation? +","ha ke fumana sephetho se ha ke fumana sephetho se reng ke na le reng ke na le covid19covid19 , ke , ke tlamahe ho dula boikgethotlamahe ho dula boikgethollong nako e kae? +",0.85756123 +"people who test positive for covid19, but don’t have any symptoms, must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day they receive their positive test result. +","llong nako e kae? +",0.074102744 +"those who have mild symptoms must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day their symptoms start. +","batho ba fumanang sephetho se reng ba na le covid19 , empa ba sena matshwao ho hang, ba tlameha ho dula boikgethollong lapeng kapa ditsing tsa boikge thollo tsa mmuso ka matsatsi a 10, ho tloha ka letsatsi leo ba fumaneng sephetho sa bona se reng ba tshwaetsehile. +",0.8211552 +"those who have severe disease, who have to go to hospital, must remain in isolation for 10 days, from when they are stable and don’t need oxygen anymore. +","bao ba nang le matshwao mahareng ba tlameha ho tswella ho dula boikgethollong lapeng kapa setsing sa boikgethollo ba mmuso ka matsatsi a 10, ho tloha ka letsatsi leo matshwao a bona a qalang ho bonahala. +",0.75300515 +"how can a covid19 positive people transfer the disease to others? +","bao ba nang le tshwaetso e mpehadi, ba tlamehang ho ya sepetlele, ba tlameha ho dula boikgethollong ka matsatsi a 10, ho tloha ha ba se ba ena le botsitsa mme ba se ba sa hloke ho fepelwa oksejene. +",0.5673748 +"according to health minister zweli mkhize, most people who have a mild infection can spread the virus for between seven to 12 days. +","batho ba nang le batho ba nang le covid19covid19 ba ka tshwaetsa ba bang ka ba ka tshwaetsa ba bang ka lefu lena jwang? +",0.6491904 +"however, people who become very sick could be infectious and be able to transmit the virus to others for a longer period of time. +","lefu lena jwang? +",0.26335427 +"do i have to have another covid19 test, proving that i am negative, before i return to work? +","ho ya ka letona la bophelo bo botle ngaka zweli mkhize, boholo ba batho ba nang le tshwaetso e mahareng ba ka atisa kokwanahloko dipakeng tsa matsatsi a supileng ho ya ho a 12. empa, batho ba kulang haholo ba ka tshwaetsa ba bang le ho kgona ho fetisetsa kokwanahloko ho ba bang ka nako e telele. +",0.57041264 +"no. +","na ke tlameha ho etsa teko na ke tlameha ho etsa teko enngwe hape ya enngwe hape ya covid19covid19 , , ho bontsha hore ha ke sana ho bontsha hore ha ke sana tshwaetso, pele nka kgutlela tshwaetso, pele nka kgutlela mosebetsing? +",0.028772425 +"retesting people who have experienced mild illness and have recovered is not recommended. +","mosebetsing? +",0.01633013 +"a person is considered safe to return to work and come out of isolation if they are no longer infectious. +","tjhe. +",0.059633616 +"this means they developed their first symptoms more than 10 days ago and have not had any symptoms for at least three days. +","ho hlahloba lekgehlo la bobedi batho ba neng ba ena le bohloko bo mahareng mme ba fodile ha ho kgothaletswe. +",0.6051053 +"in most cases, employees can return to work without testing again if: they have completed 10 days of mandatory quarantine or selfisolation. +","motho o nkwa a bolokelehile ho kgutlela mosebetsing le ho tswa boikgethollong haeba a se a sena tshwaetso. +",0.6751679 +"those who had moderate or severe symptoms undergo a medical evaluation. +","hona ho bolela hore ba bile le matshwao a bona a pele matsatsing a fetang a 10 a fetileng mme ha ba soka ba eba le matshwao afe kapa afe ka matsatsi a mararo bonyane. +",0.58601654 +"they continue to practice personal hygiene and social distancing. +","boholo ba nako, basebetsi ba ka kgutlela mosebetsing ntle le ho etsa diteko lekgehlo la bobedi haeba: ba phethetse matsatsi a 10 a setlamo a khwarantine kapa a boikgethollo. +",0.58454627 +"the employer monitors the worker to ensure they do not regress. +","bao ba bileng le matshwao a mahareng kapa a mpehadi mme ba kena tlasa tekolo ya bongaka. +",0.5347456 +"they wear a mask, from the date of diagnosis for at least 21 days. +","ba tswella ho ikamantsha le boitlhwekiso le ho sielana sebaka. +",0.5217931 +"i have tested negative but i still have symptoms. +","bahiri ba beha mosebetsi leihlo ho netefatsa hore ha ba kule hape. +",0.50709474 +"what now? +","ba rwala maske, ho tloha ka letsatsi la ho etsa diteko ho fihla matsatsi a 21 bonyane. +",0.13531946 +"it is possible to get a false negative test result. +","sephetho sa diteko tsa ka ha sephetho sa diteko tsa ka ha sena tshwaetso empa ke ntse sena tshwaetso empa ke ntse ke ena le matshwao. +",0.5703912 +"this means that your first test could be negative, but you could test positive at a later stage. +","jwale ho ke ena le matshwao. +",0.2853757 +"if you continue to have covid19 symptoms contact your healthcare professional. +","jwale ho etswa jwang? +",0.107041925 +"what if i am still showing symptoms after 10 days? +","etswa jwang? +",0.29589504 +"it is common for patients to continue to have symptoms for longer than 10 days. +","ho na le kgonahalo ya hore o fumane sephetho sa diteko se fosahetseng se senangtshwaetso. +",0.5504773 +"full recovery may take several weeks. +","hona ho bolela hore sephetho sa hao sa pele se ka tla se sena tshwaetso, empa ha mmamora sephetho sa tla se ena le tshwaetso. +",0.50932395 +"if you still have symptoms, seek advice from your healthcare professional. +","haeba o ka tswella ho bontsha matshwao a covid19 ikopantshe le mosebetsi wa tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle. +",0.73367155 +"for more information about covid19, visit the national institute for communicable diseases’ website at www. +","jwale haeba ke ntse ke jwale haeba ke ntse ke bontsha matshwao ka morabontsha matshwao ka moramatsatsi a 10? +",0.41493434 +"nicd. +","matsatsi a 10? +",0.3455159 +"ac. +","ho tlwaelehile hore bakudi ba tswelle ho bontsha matshwao ka mora matsatsi a fetang 10. ho fola ka phethahalo ho ka nka dibeke tse mmalwa. +",0.21070382 +"za, the covid19 free website at coronavirus. +","haeba o ntse o ena le matshwao, kopa keletso ho mosebetsi wa tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle. +",0.47466373 +"datafree. +","mabapi le tlhahisoleseding e batsi ka covid19 , etela websaete ya institjhuti ya naha ya mahloko a tshwaetsanang howww. +",0.46250564 +"co, call the covid19 hotline number at 0800 029 999 or send a whatsapp to 0600 12 3456.","ho kgutlela mosebetsing ka mora ho tshwarwa ke covid19 allison cooper ka kgutlela mosebetsing neng ka mora ho tshwarwa ke kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19)? +",0.46250564 +"let’s keep each other safe vukuzenzele unnamed our country has moved to alert level 2 in our response to the coronavirus pandemic. +","ha re bolokaneng vukuzenzele unnamed naha ya bo rona e se e fetetse mo hatong wa bobedi wa tlhokomediso karabe long ya rona ho sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona . +",0.8222675 +"this has come as a relief to all south africans who have had to live under stringent restrictions for the last five months. +","sena se tlile e le kimollo ho maafrika borwa ka ofela a neng a tshwanela ho phela tlasa dithibelo tse matla bakeng sa dikgwedi tse tsheletseng tse fetileng. +",0.86213624 +"it is a sign of the progress we are making in reducing new infections and demand on our health facilities. +","ke letshwao la kgatelopele eo re e etsang mabapi le ho fokotsa ditshwaetso tse ntjha le boima hodima ditsha tsa rona tsa kalafo. +",0.85733634 +"it is also a very important development as we strive to restart our economy. +","e boetse ke ntshetsopele ya bohlokwa jwaloka ha re tsitlallela ho qala botjha moruo wa rona. +",0.8114812 +"but it is too soon to celebrate. +","feela e sa le hoseng hore re ka keteka. +",0.68752503 +"we are still very much in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has taken over 11,000 lives in south africa alone. +","re ntse re le mahareng haholo a sewa sena se bolayang se seng se fetile ka maphelo a fetang 11 000 ka hara afrika borwa feela. +",0.8874192 +"at more than half a million confirmed cases, we still have the fifth highest number of infections in the world. +","re iphumana re na le di tlaleho tse etsang halofo ya milione tse tiiseditsweng, re ntse re na le ditshwaetso tse maemong a bohlano tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng. +",0.8842973 +"and there is always a chance of a resurgence of the disease. +","ho ntse ho na le monyetla wa hore lefu lena le ropohe botjha. +",0.78765213 +"if we ever need a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, we should look to recent events thousands of kilometres away in new zealand. +","haeba re batla se re hopo tsang ka botlalo hore re lokele ho fadimeha, ke hore re shebe se etsahetseng dikilomithara tse dikete hole le rona e leng naheng ya new zealand. +",0.8391253 +"three months since the country was declared coronavirusfree, new zealand is once again under lockdown. +","dikgwedi tse tharo esale naha eo e tsebahatsa hore ha e sa na kokwanahloko ya corona , new zealand e boetse e hlasetswe ke ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso hape. +",0.8979169 +"although the latest outbreak was of relatively few cases, the government swiftly reimposed lockdown restrictions. +","leha ho ropoha ha moraorao e ne e le ha ditlaleho tse mmalwa, mmuso oo o ile wa potlakela ho kenya dithibelo tshebe tsong hape. +",0.8687586 +"similar restrictions have had to be reimposed in several parts of europe as they experience a ‘second wave’ of infections. +","dithibelo tse tshwanang le tseo di ile tsa lokela ho kenngwa tshebetsong hape dikarolong tse mmalwa tsa yuropa kaha di ile tsa hlaselwa ke ‘leqhubu la bobedi’ la ditshwaetso. +",0.8893597 +"these experiences show just how swiftly things can change when it comes to covid19. +","diketsahalo tsena di bontsha feela kamoo dintho di ka fetohang ka potlako ha re tla tabeng ya covid19 . +",0.89571476 +"it is a wakeup call to any among us who may harbour illusions that we are even close to seeing the end of this grave public health emergency. +","sena ke tlhokomediso ho rona ba ntseng ba ithetsa ka hore re se re le haufi le ho bona pheletso ya bothata bona ba maemo a hlobae tsang bophelong ba setjhaba. +",0.799863 +"certainly, there are signs of hope. +","ehlile ho na le matshwao a tlisang tshepo. +",0.87290657 +"the number of new confirmed cases in south africa continues to decline. +","palo ya ditlaleho tse ntjha tse tiiseditsweng ka hara afrika borwa e ntse e tswella ho theoha. +",0.86102426 +"at the peak of the disease just one month ago, we were recording around 12,000 new cases a day. +","sehlohlolong sa lefu lena kgweding e le nngwe feela e fetileng, re ne re ba le ditlaleho tse ntjha tse ka fihlang ho 12 000 ka letsatsi. +",0.8994654 +"this has dropped to an average of around 5,000 a day over the past week. +","sena se theohetse ho palohare ya bonyane 5 000 ka letsatsi bekeng ena e fetileng. +",0.89367217 +"our recovery rate stands at 80 percent. +","sekgahla sa rona sa ho hlaphohelwa se eme ho 80%. +",0.89137125 +"as the country moves to alert level 2, many restrictions on social and economic activity have been lifted. +","jwaloka ha naha e fetela mohatong wa bobedi wa tlhokomediso, dithibelo tse ngata tsa diketsahalo tsa kahisano le tsa moruo di nyehlisitswe. +",0.8670723 +"with this comes increased risk of transmission. +","sena se tla tla ka kotsi ya ho eketseha ha ditshwaetso. +",0.7856027 +"we now need to manage this risk and ensure the gains we have made thus far in containing the pandemic’s spread are not reversed. +","jwale re lokela ho laola kotsi ena le ho netefatsa hore seo re se fihletseng ho fihlela mona mabapi le ho laola ho ata ha sewa sena ha se re kgutlisetse morao. +",0.8646703 +"the greatest threat to the health of nation right now is complacency. +","tshoso e matla ka ho fetisisa bophe long ba setjhaba hajwale ke ho itebala. +",0.7437724 +"it may be that we are now permitted to meet friends and family, to visit entertainment venues, to travel for leisure and to consume alcohol in restaurants, bars and taverns. +","e ka nna ya ba re dumeletswe ho etela me tswalle le ba malapa, ho ya dibakeng tsa boithabiso, ho tsamaela monate le ho nwa tahi le ho ya direstjhure nteng, dibareng le ditame neng. +",0.888546 +"but as the old adage goes, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. +","feela maele a kgale a re, ho kgona, ha ho bolele ho tlameha. +",0.71611166 +"many people who have the coronavirus do not have symptoms and may not even know they are infected. +","batho ba bangata ba nang le kokwanahloko ya corona ha ba na matshwao mme ha ba tsebe le hore ba na le tshwaetso. +",0.8958334 +"this is a sobering reality because it means that any of us could be infected right now and could unwittingly infect others. +","sena ke nnete e tshosang hobane se bolela hore mang le mang e ka nna ya ba o na le tshwaetso mme a ka tshwaetsa ba bang ntle le maikemisetso. +",0.8615734 +"this is particular the case when visiting relatives, especially the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions that render them vulnerable to infection. +","sena e ka ba ntho e etsa halang ha motho a etela ba leloko, haholoholo ba seng ba hodile le ba ntseng ba tshwerwe ke mafu a mang a ka etsang hore ba tshwae tsehe ha bonolo. +",0.84388494 +"it is also true for attending religious services or cultural activities. +","ho boetse ho jwalo ka ho ya ditshebe letsong tsa bodumedi kapa mesebetsing ya botjhaba. +",0.81974417 +"the ‘second wave’ of infections that several other countries have experienced is an everpresent possibility for us too. +","‘leqhubu la bobedi’ la ditshwaetso leo dinaha tse ding tse mmalwa di bileng le lona ke kgonahalo e dulang e le teng ya hore le rona le ka re fihlela. +",0.88707006 +"although many restrictions have been lifted, it does not mean they will not return should we experience a significant rise in infections. +","leha ho nyehlisitswe dithibelo tse ngata, ha ho bolele hore di keke tsa kgutla haeba ho ka ba le ho phahama ho matla ha ditshwaetso. +",0.87711656 +"this pandemic is a matter of life and death. +","sewa sena ke taba ya bophelo le lefu. +",0.8572185 +"we need to adapt and we need to be vigilant. +","re lokela ho se tlwaela le ho dula re fadimehile. +",0.82695484 +"in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we must urgently focus our efforts on recovery. +","matsatsing a tlang, dibekeng le dikgweding tse tlang, re lokela ho tsepamisa maikutlo ka matla maite kong a ho hlaphohelwa. +",0.87473154 +"our economy and our society has suffered a great deal. +","moruo wa rona le setjhaba di thefulehile haholo. +",0.77890384 +"as we return to economic activity across almost all industries – and work to repair the damage done – we have a responsibility to not let our guard down as individuals, employers, communities, families, professionals, workers and citizens. +","jwalo ka ha re kgutlela mesebe tsing ya moruo ho phatlalla le diindasteri kaofela – mme re ilo sebetsa le ho lokisa moo ho senyehileng – re na le boikarabelo ba hore re se itebale jwaloka batho ka bo mong, bahiri, badudi, malapa, ditsebi, basebetsi le baahi. +",0.902707 +"none of us wants a return to the early days of extreme lockdown restrictions. +","ha ho le ya mong wa rona ya batlang ho kgutlela ma tsatsing a pele a ho kginwa ho matla ha ditshebeletso le metsamao ya batho. +",0.81087875 +"we want to move on with our lives. +","re batla ho tswela pele ka maphelo a rona. +",0.72746503 +"we want our friends and loved ones to remain healthy and safe. +","re batla ho bona me tswalle le baratuwa ba phe tse hantle le ho bolokeha. +",0.788314 +"as a nation, let us continue to work together to ensure that we progress. +","jwaloka setjhaba, ha re tswe lleng ho sebetsa mmoho ho netefatsa hore re hatela pele. +",0.8604009 +"the move to alert level 2 of the lockdown is not a ‘free for all.’ the rules on social distancing, mask wearing, social gatherings and international travel remain. +","ho fetela mohatong wa bobedi wa ho kginwa ha ditshebeletso ‘ha se ma ntlwane.’ melawana ya ho sielana sebaka, ho kenya di maske, dikopano tsa setjhaba le maeto a matjhabeng e ntse e dutse e le jwalo. +",0.8430151 +"our success rests on our ability to abide by these regulations and to ensure that we each behave carefully and responsibly. +","katleho ya rona e itshetle hile hodima bokgoni ba rona ba ho ikobela melawana ena le ho netefatsa hore bohle re itshwara ka hloko le ka boikarabelo. +",0.893471 +"every time we are considering any form of nonessen tial activity, we should ask: what is the risk of infection to ourselves and to others? +","kamehla ha re nahana ka ho etsa mosebetsi o sa hlokeheng, re lokela ho ipo tsa hore: kgonahalo e ka ba efe ya ho tshwaetsa ba bang kapa ho tshwaetswa? +",0.84038913 +"where there is a risk, even a slight one, it is better not to do it. +","moo ho ka bang kotsi, leha e ka ba e nyane, ho molemo hore o se be moo. +",0.83707917 +"let us proceed, as ever, with caution. +","ha re tswelleng, jwaloka kamehla, re fadimehe. +",0.7494868 +let us keep each other safe.,"ha re bolokaneng vukuzenzele unnamed naha ya bo rona e se e fetetse mo hatong wa bobedi wa tlhokomediso karabe long ya rona ho sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona . +",0.7494868 +"protect our women and children vukuzenzele unnamed a year ago, almost to the day, thousands of wom en, men and children marched to parliament to protest against a spate of rapes and killings of women and girls. +","sirelletsa basadi le bana ba rona vukuzenzele unnamed selemo se fetileng, hantle letsatsing lena, diketekete tsa basadi, banna le bana ke ha ba kgwantela palamenteng ho itseka kgahlanongle leqeme la dipeto le dipolao tsa basadi le barwetsana. +",0.8763769 +"at the time, the nation was reeling from the murders of uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess and a number of other women who had lost their lives at the hands of brutal men. +","nakong eo setjhaba se ne se llela mafu a uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess le ba babang ba basadi ba bangata ba lahlehetsweng ke maphelo a bona matsohong a banna ba kgopo. +",0.8669749 +"from all social backgrounds, young and old, students and working women, the peaceful protesters held aloft placards that read ‘enough is enough’ and ‘am i next?’. +","ho tswa mahlakoreng ohle a setjhaba, basadi ba batjha le ba baholo, ba baithuti le ba sebetsang, baitseki bana ba itsekileng ho sena merusu ba ne ba tshwere dipolakhathe tse neng di ngotswe jwana ‘enough is enough ’ le ‘am i next?’. +",0.9041331 +"the anguish and the anger was palpable that day. +","bohloko le ho tetebela ha maikutlo ho ne ho phahame letsatsing leo. +",0.80579984 +"as i received their clearly articulated demands, it was clear to me that we needed to act urgently and with determination. +","ha ke ne ke fumana ditletlebo tsa bona tse hlakileng, ho ne ho hlakile ho nna hore re lokela ho nka dikgato ka nako le ka boitelo. +",0.83364046 +"it was important to me that i did not respond with hollow words and empty promises. +","ho ne ho le bohlokwa ho nna hore ha ke araba ke se arabele ka mantswe a fofotsang le ka ditshepiso tse kekeng tsa phethahatswa. +",0.8934597 +"a few days later, i called a joint sitting of parliament, where we announced a r1.6 billion emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). +","matsatsing a mmalwa a latelang, ke ile ka bitsa kopano ya komiti ya palamente, moo ho ileng hatlalewa leano la tshohanyetso la mohato wa boikarabelo la r1.6 billion ho lwatshana le tshebediso ya dikgoka e itshetlehileng hodima bong le dipolao tsa basadi (gbvf). +",0.86639464 +"over the six months of its implementation, public spending in various government departments was reprioritised to support interventions for care and support for survivors, for awareness and prevention campaigns, to improve laws and policies, to promote the economic empowerment of women, and to strengthen the criminal justice system. +","nakong ya yona ya dikgwedi tse tsheletseng tsa ho kena tshebetsong, tshebediso ya ditjhelete tsa setjhaba mafapheng a fapaneng a mmuso e ne ya suthiswa ho tshehetsa matsholo a ho hlokomela le ho tshehetsa bapholohi, le bakeng sa matsholo a tshedimoso le a temoso, ho ntlafatsa melao le mananeo, ho ntlafatsa boimatlafatso ba moruo ba basadi le ho matlafatsa disesitimi tsa botlokotsebe. +",0.9053159 +"and now we are on the cusp of the most farreaching legislative overhaul in the fight against gbvf. +","jwale re nakong eo ho yona re leng mothating wa ho fetola maano a ho lwantsha ntwa kgahlanong le gbvf. +",0.75355613 +"three key bills relating to gbvf have been introduced in parliament recently. +","dibili tse tharo tse amanang le tshebediso ya dikgoka e itshetlehileng hodima bong (gbv) di se di hlahisitswe palamenteng haufinyana tjena. +",0.80210125 +"through the introduction of these bills, we are honouring the promise we made to the protestors last year and to all the women of this country. +","ka tlhahiso ya dibili tsena, re hlompha tshepiso eo re e entseng ho batletlebi selemong se fetileng le ho basadi kaofela naha ka bophara. +",0.87407225 +"the three amendment bills are designed to fill the gaps that allow some perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children. +","dibili tse tharo tse hlomathisitsweng di etseditswe ho kwala dikgeo tse dumellang batlodi ba molao ba diketso tsena hore ba se kgone ho baleha molao mmoho le ho nehelana ka ditokelo tsa setjhaba tsa basadi le bana. +",0.8466642 +"these bills, once finalised, will help to restore the confidence of our country’s women that the law is indeed there to protect them. +","hang feela ha dibili tsena di phethelwa, di tla thusa ho busetsa serithi sa basadi ba naha le ho etsa hore ba dumele hore molao ka nnete o tla ba tshirelletsa. +",0.8515662 +"the first is the bill to amend the criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act. +","ntlha ya pele ya bili ke ho fetola molao wa botlokotsebe wa (ditlolo tsa motabo le dintlha tse amanang le tsona). +",0.8563445 +"this creates a new offence of sexual intimidation, extends the ambit of the offence of incest, and extends the reporting duty of persons who suspect a sexual offence has been committed against a child. +","hona ho tlisa tlolo ya molao e ntjha ya letshoho la motabo, le atollohelang ho tlolo ya molao ya batho ba amanang haholo ka leloko, mme ho tlalehwa lokela ho tlalehwa batho ba belaellwang hore ba entse ditlolo tsena kgahlanong le bana. +",0.8466997 +"it expands the scope of the national register for sex offenders (nrso) to include the particulars of all sex offenders. +","hona ho atolosa letlowa larejistara ya setjhaba ya batlodi ba motabo (nrso) ho kenyelletsa dintlha tsohle tsa batlodi bohle ba ditlolo tsa motabo. +",0.82954204 +"until now, it has only applied to sex offenders convicted of sex crimes perpetrated against children or persons with mental disabilities. +","ho fihlela jwale, bili ena e kentse feela ho batlodi ba molao wa motabo ba ahlolelwang ditlolo tsa molao tse etsahalang baneng le kapa bathong ba phelang ka bohole ba monahano. +",0.8520684 +"the time an offender’s particulars must remain on the register has been increased, and those listed on the register will have to disclose this when they submit applications to work with vulnerable persons. +","nako eo dintlha tsa motlodi wa molao di tla beng di le rejisitareng e ekeditswe, mme bao mabitso a bona a leng lenaneng la rejisitara ba tla lokela ho senola tsena ha ba etsa dikopo tsa ho sebetsa le batho ba se nang matla a ho itwanela. +",0.8835292 +"the bill also provides for the names of persons on the nrso to be publicly available. +","hape bili ena e etsa sebaka sa mabitso a batho ba hlahellang ho nrso hore a behwe pepeneneng. +",0.79945934 +"the criminal and related matters amendment bill tightens, among others, the granting of bail to perpetrators of gbvf, and expands the offences for which minimum sentences must be imposed. +","bili ya botlokotsebe le dintlha tse amanang le bona e matlafatsa hara tse ding, ho nehelwa ka beili ha batlodi ba molao wa gbvf, hape o nehelana ka katoloso ya hore ditlolo tsena di behelwe bonyane bo itseng ba dikotlo. +",0.8692261 +"the amendments impose new obligations on lawenforcement officials and on our courts. +","ntjhafatso ya molao ona e fana hape le ka boitlamo bo botjha ho diofisiri tse phethahatsang molao le makgotleng a rona a dinyewe. +",0.79376876 +"when a prosecutor does not oppose bail in cases of gbv, they have to place their reasons on record. +","ha motjhutjhisi a sa hanele beili dinyeweng tsa gbv , o lokela ho hlakisa mabaka a hae mme ba a rekote. +",0.8395202 +"unless a person accused of gbv can provide exceptional circumstances why they should be released on bail, the court must order their detention until the criminal proceedings are concluded. +","ntle le ha motho ya qoswang ka gbv a ka nehelana ka mabaka a ikgethileng a hore hobaneng a lokela ho ntshwa ka beili, lekgotla la dinyewe le lokela ho laela hore ba dule tjhankaneng ho fihlela diqoso le nyewe e phethelwa. +",0.8797657 +"in reaching a decision on a bail application, the courts are compelled to take a number of considerations into account. +","ho fihlelleng qeto ya kopo ya beili, dinyewe di tlangwa ho shebisisa mabaka a itseng. +",0.7887903 +"they include pretrial reports on the desirability of releasing an accused on bail, threats of violence made against a survivor, and the view of the survivor regarding his or her safety. +","a knyelletsa raporoto ya pele ho nyewe e nehelang ka bohlokwa ba ho lokolla moqosuwa ka beili, ditshoso tsa dikgoka tse ka etswang ho mopholohi, le ntlha ya mopholohi mabapi le tshireletseho ya hae. +",0.88137054 +"when it comes to parole, a complainant or a relative of a deceased victim must be able to make representation to the parole board. +","ha ho tluwa tabeng ya parola, motletlebi kapa e mong wa leloko la lehlatsipa le hlokahetseng o lokela ho ba kemeding ya lekgotla la parola. +",0.8645309 +"given the unacceptably high levels of intimate partner violence in our country, we have tightened the provisions of the domestic violence act. +","ho lebelletswe sekgahla se hodimo sa tshebediso ya dikgoka e ka hare ho naha ya rona balekaneng, re matlafaditse mehato ya molao wa tshebediso ya dikgoka malapeng. +",0.8275281 +"domestic violence is now defined to cover those in engagements, dating, in customary relationships, and actual or perceived romantic, intimate or sexual relationships of any duration. +","tshebediso ya dikgoka malepeng jwale e se e hlaloswa ho kenyelletsa batho ba tshepisaneng lenyalo, ba ntshananng, dikamanong tsa setso tabeng tsa marato, dikamano tse kenelletseng, kapa dikamanong tsa motabo tsa nako efe kapa efe. +",0.86402494 +"the bill also extends the definition of ‘domestic violence’ to include the protection of older persons against abuse by family members. +","bili ena hape e atollotse tlhaloso ya yona ya ‘tshebediso ya dikgoka malapeng’ ho kenyelletsa tshirelletso ya batho ba baholo kgahlanong le tlhekefetso matsohong a maloko a malapa a bona. +",0.8992528 +"complainants will be able to apply for a protection order online. +","batletlebi ba tla fumana monyetla wa ho etsa kopo ya taelo ya tshirelletso ka inthanete. +",0.8377501 +"to prevent a scenario where perpetrators can hide past histories of domestic violence, an integrated repository of protection orders will be established. +","ho thibela maemo ao ho ona batlodi ba molao ba ka patang nalane ya bona e fetileng ya tshebediso ya dikgoka malapeng, ho tla thehwa sesiu sa ditaelo tsa lekgotla tsa tshireletso. +",0.8710289 +"the proposed amendments also oblige the departments of social development, basic education, higher education and health to provide certain services to survivors where needed and to refer them for sheltering and medical care. +","dintjhafatso tse entsweng tsa molao hape di tlama lefapha la ntshetsopele ya setjhaba, lefapha la thuto ya motheo, lefapha la thuto e hodimo le lefapha la bophelo bo botle ho nehelana ka ditshebeletso ho bapholohi moo ho hlokahalang le ho ba romela bodulong bo bolokehileng le ho ba nehela kalafo. +",0.8964821 +"the circumstances under which a prosecutor can refuse to institute a prosecution when offences have been committed under the amended act or to withdraw charges when it involves the infliction of bodily harm or where a weapon was used to threaten a complainant have been limited. +","mabaka ao motjhutjhisi a ka hanang ho ka hlahlela nyewe ha ditlolo tsa molao di entswe tlasa molao wa ntjhafatso kapa a qhala nyewe eo ho yona ho nang le diketsahalo tsa ho lematswa kapa eo ho yona ho sebedisitsweng sebetsa ho tshosa motletlebi a le tshopodi. +",0.87098706 +"in perhaps the most groundbreaking proposed amendment to the act, if someone has knowledge, reasonable belief or suspicion that an act of domestic violence has been committed against a child, a person with disability or an older person and fails to report it to a social worker or police officer they can be fined and even imprisoned. +","moo ho nang le mehato e sisintsweng ya ntjhafatso ya molao, ha motho a na le tsebo, tumelo e sa belaetseng kapa kgwao ya hore ketso ya tshebediso ya dikgoka malapeng e entswe kgahlanong le ngwana, motho ya phelang ka bohole kapa ho leqheku, mme a hloleha ho e tlaleha ho mosebelletsi wa setjhaba kapa tshebeletsong ya sepolesa sa afrika borwa (saps) motho eo a ka fuwa kotlo kapa a kwallwa. +",0.8646667 +"similarly, failure by a member of the saps to comply with their obligations under the act will be regarded as misconduct and must be reported to the civilian secretariat for police service. +","ka lehlakoreng le leng, ha leloko la saps le hloleha ho ikamahanya le boitlamo ba mosebetsi wa bona, tlasa molao ona, hono ho tla nkuwa e le tlolo ya molao mme ho tla lokelwa ho tlelehuwa ho tshebeletso ya sepolesa ya mongodi wa setjhaba. +",0.8302308 +"the law is the one sure protector of all of society, but especially its most vulnerable. +","molao ke ona feela o tshirelletsang setjhaba kaofela, haholoholo bathong ba senang matla a hoitwanela. +",0.7663879 +"when diligently and fairly applied, it is the most powerful guarantor of justice. +","ha molao o ka sebediswa ka tshwanelo le ka toka, ke sebetsa sa bohlokwa sa toka. +",0.78521 +"the women of south africa have had enough of lukewarm actions that do not address one of the most fundamental rights of all – to live in freedom from fear. +","basadi ba aforika borwa bautlwile ke dikgato tse sesane tse sa arabeleng dillo tsa bona ha ho tluwa ditokelong tsa batho bohle tsa motheo – ho phela ka bolokolohi ntle le letshoho. +",0.8556253 +"this government and its partners will make good by the women of south africa. +","mmuso ona mmoho le basebetsi ba ona o tla etsa bonnete ba hore toka e phethahatswe basading ba aforika borwa. +",0.8167428 +we will not let them down.,"sirelletsa basadi le bana ba rona vukuzenzele unnamed selemo se fetileng, hantle letsatsing lena, diketekete tsa basadi, banna le bana ke ha ba kgwantela palamenteng ho itseka kgahlanongle leqeme la dipeto le dipolao tsa basadi le barwetsana. +",0.8167428 +"woza matrics launched dale hes this year’s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19). +","loetse 2020 kgatiso 2woza matrics e thakgotswe dale hes baithuti ba mopa to wa metiriki ba selemo sena ba ile ba tlameha ho teana le diphephetso tse ngata ka lebaka la kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19). +",0.8454836 +"the department of basic education (dbe) has ensured that the safe reopening of schools is one of its top priorities, along with supporting learners with various programmes to help them successfully complete the academic year. +","lefapha la thuto ya motheo le entse bonnete ba hore ho bulwa hape ha dikolo ka tshireletseho ke enngwe ya dintlha tse ka sehlohong lenaneng la bona, mmoho le ho tshehetsa baithuti ka mananeo a fapafapaneng hoba thusa ho ka qeta selemo sa dithuto ka katleho. +",0.8911439 +"one of these is the woza matrics programme, which was launched on 1 september in collaboration with a number of broadcasting partners and educational experts. +","le leng la mananeo ana ke la woza matrics , le thakgotsweng ka la 1 loetse mmoho le ditshebeletso tse itseng tsa kgaso le ditsebi tsa thuto. +",0.8571817 +"as part of the programme, catchup lessons on six key matric subjects are being aired on sabc, dstv and openview (channel 122) every day for 12 weeks, from 8am to 10am and 1pm to 3pm. +","jwaloka karolo ya lenaneo la ho kwala sekgeo dithutong tse tsheletseng tsa metiriki tse haswang ho sabc, dstv le openview (channel 122) letsatsi le leng le le leng ho isa dibekeng tse 12, ho tloha ka hora ya borobedi hoseng ho isa ka hora ya leshome hoseng le ka hora ya bong motshehare ho isa ka hora ya boraro mantsibuya. +",0.9133283 +"the goal is to help learners to prepare for their final exams. +","sepheo ke ho thusa baithuti ho itokisetsa dihlahlobo tsa bona tsa makgaola kgang. +",0.91660464 +"the platform also provides live lessons, during which learners can ask teachers questions. +","polatefomo ena e nehelana hape le ka dithuto tse phelang, tseo ho tsona baithuti ba ka botsang matitjhere dipotso. +",0.8539427 +"exam tips are also provided. +","dikeletso tsa dihlahlobo le tsona di a fumaneha woza matrics e amohela hore le ha baithuti kaofela ba senyehetswe ke nako ya sekolo, baithuti ba mophato wa 12 ke bona ba amehileng haholo, ka ha dimaraka tsa bona di le bohlokwa haholo bakeng sa ho fumana mesebetsi le ho amohelwa diyunivesithing. +",0.4484629 +"woza matrics recognises that while all learners have lost school time, grade 12s have been the most severely affected, as their marks are extremely important for their career and university acceptance. +","letona la thuto ya motheo angie motshekga o itse lenaneo lena ke la bohlokwa haholo, ho sa lebalwe hore ho bile le ditshetiso tsa dithuto tse bakilweng ke covid19 . +",0.7330993 +"basic education minister angie motshekga says the programme is vital, considering the disruption to learn ing caused by covid19. +","""metiriki hangata e ba thata, empa 2020 e bile boima haholo. +",0.54762566 +"""matric is always stressful, but 2020 has been filled with unusual stresses. +","ke rata ho tlotla baithuti bohle ba mophato wa 12 le ba malapa a bona bakeng sa mamello le boitelo ba bona. +",0.5072583 +"i want to congratulate all our grade 12 learners and their families for their perseverance and determination. +","ho pepeneneng hore tshehetso e eketsehileng e a hlokeha bakeng sa baithuti mme re tla tswella pele ho ba neha yona. +",0.5756149 +"it is abundantly clear that additional support is required for learners and we will continue to provide this. +","ho se ho setse dikgwedi tse mmalwa feela hore selemo se fele mme woza matrics e tla neha baithuti tshehetso eo ba e hlokang ho itokisetsa dihlahlobo tsa makgaola kgang,"" o buile jwalo. +",0.6258179 +"there are a few months left before the end of the year and woza matrics will give learners the support they need to prepare for the final exams,"" she says. +","lenaneo le ikgethile ka ha le tobane le boholo ba baithuti ba mophato wa 12 naheng ka bophara mme ba se nang phumano ya inthanete ebile ba se na disebediswa tsa dijithale. +",0.6101645 +"the programme is unique in that it targets the majority of grade 12s in the country who do not have regular access to the internet and connected digital devices. +","dikgaso tsa dithuto di tla fumanwa ke baithuti ba fetang dimiliyone tse 1.2 ba ngolang dihlahlobo tsa metiriki ka kgwedi ya pudungwana. +",0.5868751 +"broadcasts will be available to view by most of the 1.2 million learners who are writing matric exams in november. +","lekgotla la matona a thuto le kgothalleditse baithuti le batswadi kaofela ho sebedisa polatefomo ena. +",0.59081024 +"the council of education ministers has urged all learners and parents to make use of the platform. +","mookamedi e moholo (ceo) wa lekgotla la kgaso la afrika borwa (sabc) madoda mxakwe o itse kgaso e motlotlo ka hoba karolo ya lenaneo lena. +",0.66441524 +"sabc ceo madoda mxakwe says the broadcaster is proud to be part of the initiative. +","""re thabile ho ba ba bang ba banka karolo ba bohlokwa ba ho pholosa selemo sa 2020 sa meteriki. +",0.5779718 +"""we are pleased to be one of the key roleplayers in saving the 2020 matric year. +","jwaloka kgaso ya tshebeletso ya setjhaba re tlamehile ho etsa bonnete ba hore mananeo a rona a kenyelletsa mananeo a thuto, haholo nakong ena eo e hlokahalang haholo. +",0.6167977 +"as a public service broadcaster, we are dutyb ound to ensure that our content includes a significant number of educational programmes, particularly during a period when it is most needed. +","dipotso tsa hao di a arajwake dithuto dife tse tla akaretswa? +",0.4232047 +"""your questions answeredwhat subjects will be covered? +","maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. +",0.3918875 +"maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. +","hobaneng ho kgethilwe dinako tsena ka hobane baithuti ba tla be ba le sekolong? +",0.56715274 +"why were these time slots chosen, because learners could be at school? +","dinako tsa ho ya sekolong di a fapana ho ya ka dikgaolo le ho ya ka diporovinsi, jwaloka ha ho imatahanngwa le mehato ya ho se atamelane. +",0.60187495 +"school attendance times vary across districts and provinces, due to social distancing measures. +","baithuti ba bangata ba metiriki ba tla be ba le hae ha mananeo ana a haswa. +",0.61256945 +"many matrics will be at home at the time of broadcasting. +","palo e nngwe hape e nyane feela le yona ke ya baithuti ba ithutelang lapeng. +",0.60928017 +"a small percentage of learners are also being homeschooled. +","dikgaso tse kgolo di tla phetwa ka hora ya bone mantsibuya ho openview mme di fumanwe hape ho dstv catchup . +",0.5601443 +"the main broadcasts will be repeated after 4pm on openview and are available on dstv catchup. +","hobaneng ho thusiwa barutwana ba metiriki feela? +",0.4033112 +"why only matrics? +","mametiriki a ka tlase ho kgatello e kgolo ya ho nka diqeto tse amang maphelo a bona ha ba se ba qetile ho kena sekolo. +",0.41266626 +"matrics are under the most pressure to plan their postschool lives. +","mametiriki a kopane le ditshitiso tse ngata tse kgolo dithutong tsa bona tsa sekolo ho tloha ka hlakubele 2020 ka lebaka la hore kharikhulamo ya bona ha e soka e kgutsufatswa. +",0.6622209 +"matrics have faced more significant disruption to their schooling since march 2020 because their curriculum was not shortened. +","mametiriki a saletse morao dithutong tsa bona. +",0.588727 +"matrics have fallen the furthest behind on curricu lum learning. +","sekejule sa ho sheba mananeo ke se fumana kae? +",0.43834397 +"where can i find the viewing schedule? +","sekejule sa ho sheba mananeo se teng sekejuleng sa tataiso ya tv le ho wepsaete ya woza matrics ho wozamatrics.co.za. +",0.47282815 +"the viewing schedule is available in tv guides and on the woza matrics website at wozamatrics.co.za. +","mananeo a phetwang le ona a teng moo. +",0.3768859 +"repeat broadcasts will be available. +","na e teng tshehetso e nehwang batswadi le matitjhere? +",0.48350027 +"is support being provided to parents and teach ers? +","ee. +",0.10977908 +"yes. +","sekejule sa ho sheba mananeo se tla ba le mananeo a nang le dikeletso ho thusa batswadi ka hore ba ka tshehetsa bana ba bona ba etsang metiriki jwang. +",0.03329315 +"the broadcast schedule will have some sessions on tips for parents on ways to support their matric children. +","mananeo a mang a tla eletsa matitjhere mme lefapha la thuto ya motheo le polatefomo ya lona ya teacher connect ya whatsapp le tla e sebedisa ho romella matitjhere melaetsa ya bohlokwa. +",0.73086023 +"some sessions will focus on teachers and the dbe's teacher connect whatsapp platform will communicate key messages to teachers. +","na ho tla ba le tsepamiso mabapi le ho lwantshana le kgatello e tobileng mametiriki? +",0.5433615 +"will there be a focus on dealing with the stresses faced by matrics? +","ee. +",0.08446522 +"yes. +","ho tla ba le mananeo a tla tobana ka ho otlolloha le phano ya dikeletso bakeng sa boitekanelo ba baithuto, ho emelana le kgatello ya monahano le ho laola letshoho. +",0.015324858 +"there will be several sessions focused on providing tips for student wellbeing, coping with stress and managing anxiety. +","loetse 2020 kgatiso 2woza matrics e thakgotswe dale hes baithuti ba mopa to wa metiriki ba selemo sena ba ile ba tlameha ho teana le diphephetso tse ngata ka lebaka la kokwanahloko ya corona (covid19). +",0.015324858 +"sa media is a key pillar of our democracy vukuzenzele unnamed in many countries around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has required the limita tion of many civil liberties and put social cohesion to the test. +","boqolotsi ba ditaba afrika borwa ke tshiya e kgolo ya demokrasi ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed dinaheng tse ngata tsa lefatshe lohle, sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona se thibetse bolokolohi ba ditjhaba tse ngata le ho sitisa dikamano tsa setjhaba ka bosona. +",0.8562416 +"but countries with strong institutions, vigilant judicial systems and a robust media have been able to prevent human rights from being undermined and the authority of the state being abused. +","empa dinaha tse nang le diinstitjushene tse matla, ditshebetso tse hlwahlwa tsa toka esita le boqolotsi bo tjhatsi ba ditaba di bile le hona ho sireletsa ditokelo tsa botho hore di se ke tsa halalwa le bolaodi ba naha hore bo se ke ba sebediswa hampe. +",0.8715142 +"it has been six months since the national state of disaster was proclaimed. +","e se e le dikgwedi tse tshe letseng esale maemo a naha a tlokotsi a phatlaladitswe. +",0.7391552 +"despite the unprecedented nature of the disease and the immense challenge of placing a country of 58 million people under lockdown, we have fared well. +","le ka ntle le hore boleng ba bolwetse bona ha bo a ka ba tloha bo tsebilwe pele esita le yona phephetso e matla ya ho etsa hore naha ya batho ba dimiliyone tse 58 ba dule ba le malapeng ba thibetswe metsamao, re sebeditse ha ntle. +",0.8910403 +"we have managed to contain the spread of the disease primarily because of the cooperation and vigilance of all citizens. +","re kgonne ho laola ho ata ha bolwetse bona ka lebaka la tshebedisano le bohlwahlwa ba baahi bohle. +",0.7732946 +"this is in no small part due to the sterling work of our media. +","hona ho bakilwe haholo ke mosebetsi o kgabane wa boqolotsi ba rona ba ditaba. +",0.7822914 +"we owe a debt of gratitude to south africa’s hardworking and tenacious journalists. +","re lokela ho leboha haholo baqolotsi ba ditaba ba afrika borwa ba sebetsang ka matla ba bileng ba nang le boitelo bo matla. +",0.83730555 +"they have kept our people informed by disseminating key health messages about social distancing and hygiene. +","ba ile ba etsa hore setjhaba se dule se na le tsebo ka ho fana ka melaetsa ya bohlokwa ya bophelo bo botle mabapi le ho sielana sebaka dipakeng esita le tlho komelo ya mmele. +",0.8484858 +"they have done so under extremely trying conditions, often with limited resources. +","ba entse tseo tsohle maemong a thata haholo, ebile hangata ba se na le mehlodi e lekaneng. +",0.85157055 +"they have told the stories of the effects of lockdown on the lives of people and their businesses. +","ba ile ba pheta dipale tsa batho tse buang ka hore se kgahla sa ho dula malapeng se amile jwang bophelo le dikgwebong tsa bona. +",0.84225774 +"they have been out in the villages, towns and cities, bringing stories of ordinary people and drawing national attention to problems being experienced in hospitals and clinics, prompting government action. +","ba ile ba etela metsana, ditoropo le metse e meholo mme ba tla ka dipale tsa batho ba sa tsebahaleng hakaalo mme ba bile ba hlokomedisa naha ka mathata ao setjhaba se nang le ona dipetlele le ditleliniking, mme hona ho bakile hore mmuso o etse ho hong. +",0.8963777 +"our media have also shone a light on excesses that perhaps would not have ordinarily come to light. +","boqolotsi bona ba rona ba ditaba bo ile ba hlahisa dintlha tse ding tse ngata tseo ka mohlomong di neng di ke ke tsa hlahiswa tsa tsebahala. +",0.7876153 +"they have fulfilled their watchdog role by unearthing acts of corruption and maladministration, sparking a massive national debate and leading to a number of highprofile investigations. +","ba ile ba phethahatsa seabo sa bona sa ho ba dihlwela ka ho sibolla diketso tsa bobodu le tsamaiso e fosahetseng, mme hona ha tsosa dinga ngisano tse matla ka hara setjhaba tse ileng tsa etsa hore qetellong ho be le dipatlisiso tsa boemo bo phahameng. +",0.852785 +"through this reporting they have earned people’s trust. +","ka lebaka la dipehelo tsena tsa bona, ba ile ba ikgapela tshepo ho tswa ho setjhaba. +",0.61083543 +"a free press is not an end in itself. +","boqolotsi ba ditaba bo loko llohileng ha bo bolele hore ke qetello ya bona. +",0.77169716 +"it is a means by which democracy is secured and upheld. +","ke mokgwa oo ka ona demokrasi e fihle llwang le ho baballwa. +",0.7605361 +"during this pandemic, our media has played not just its traditional watchdog role, but exercised its civic duty in supporting the national effort to contain the coronavirus. +","nakong ena ya sewa sena, boqolotsi ba rona ba ditaba ha bo a phetha feela seabo sa bona se tlwaelehileng sa bohlwela, empa bo ile ba etsa mosebetsi wa bona wa setjhaba ka ho tshehetsa me kutu ya setjhaba ya ho laola kokwanahloko ena ya corona . +",0.8767065 +"given the importance of the media to the health of our democracy, it is a great concern that like all other sectors of the economy, the coronavirus crisis has hit our media houses hard. +","ha re tadima bohlokwa ba boqolotsi ba ditaba bakeng sa bophelo bo botle ba demokra si ya rona, ke tletlebo e kgolo e bonahalang hore jwaloka dikarolo tse ding tsa moruo, tlokotsi ena ya kokwanahloko ya corona e thefutse matlo a boqolotsi ba ditaba haholo. +",0.86919254 +"some publications lost as much as 60 percent of their income in the early days of the lockdown. +","diphatlalatso tse ding di lahlehetswe ke lekeno la tsona le ka etsang 60% matsatsing a ha re qala feela ka thibelo ya metsamao. +",0.85257465 +"a number of companies have had to implement salary cuts, reduce staff numbers or reduce hours worked. +","dikhamphani tse ngata di ile tsa lokela ho fokotsa meputso ya basebetsi, ho fokotsa palo ya basebetsi kapa hona ho fokotsa dihora tse sebeditsweng. +",0.89267063 +"regrettably, some publications have even been forced to close, among them some of south africa’s most established and wellknown magazine titles. +","ka maswa bi, tse ding tsa diphatlalatso di ile tsa qobeleha ho kwalwa, hara tsona ho na le tse ding tsa mabitso a dikgatiso a tsebisa halang haholo a dimakasine tsa afrika borwa. +",0.868387 +"the job losses that have resulted from the lockdowns have exacerbated a crisis for media companies already facing challenges like loss of advertising revenues, falling circulation and market share being taken by mobilefirst news and other technologies. +","ditahlehelo tsa mesebetsi tse bakilweng ke thibelo ya metsamao di bakile tlokotsi ho dikhamphani tsa boqolotsi ba ditaba tse seng di ntse di na le mathata a jwaloka tahlehelo ya ditjhelete tsa dipapatso, kabo e ntseng e theoha e qepha esita le me baraka e ileng ya nkuwa ke dikhamphani tsa ditaba tse rekisang ditaba ka difono fono esita le mekgwa e meng ya theknoloji. +",0.8611518 +"these financial difficulties are being faced across the board, from online titles to traditional broadsheets to the public broadcaster. +","mathata ana a ditjhelete a ile a ba teng hohle dikhamphaning tsa ditaba, ho kenyeletsa tsa mabitso a di kgatiso tsa mo inthaneteng le tsa mangolo a ditaba ao a tlwaelehileng mmoho le tsa kgaso ya setjhaba. +",0.79040587 +"this was one of the issues that was raised sharply during my engagement with the south african national editors’ forum recently. +","ena e bile e nngwe ya di taba tse ileng tsa hlahiswa ka matla nakong eo ke buisa nang le south african national editors’ forum haufinyana. +",0.9118047 +"instead of lamenting their fate, however, the media industry is working hard to refine business models, to drive innovation and to retain staff as much as possible. +","ho na le ho dulela ho nna ba ingamangama, leha ho le jwalo, indasteri ya boqolotsi ba ditaba e sebetsa ka matla ho hlabolla mekgwa ya yona ya kgwebo, ho ntshetsa pele boitshimollelo le ho baballa basebetsi kamoo ba ka kgo nang ka teng. +",0.87377787 +"at the same time, the media is a unique entity in any society because its practitioners fulfil a role that is so essential to our democratic order. +","ka tsela e jwalo, boqolotsi ba ditaba ke setheo se ikgethi leng ka hara setjhaba sefe kapa sefe hobane baphethahatsi ba na le seabo sa bohlokwa ba keng sa taolo ya demokrasi ya rona. +",0.8515973 +"they work to keep the public informed and to keep power in check. +","ba hlaha setjhaba lese ding ka tse etsahalang esita le ho disa hore batho ba fuweng matla ha ba iketsetse kamoo ba ratang ka teng. +",0.6915012 +"we need more journalists, not less. +","re batla baqolotsi ba banga ta ba ditaba, eseng ba fokoditsweng. +",0.83318305 +"that is why the loss of even a single journalist is not just a loss to the industry but to the country. +","ke ka hona tahlehelo ya moqolosi a le mong feela wa ditaba eseng feela ya indasteri empa e le tahlehelo ho naha kaofela. +",0.8704405 +"we need our media veterans, who bring with them vast experience and institutional memory, and are able to offer critical reportage and informed analysis. +","re batla diqhoku tsa me kaubere ya baqolotsi ba di taba, ba tlisang boiphihlelo bo bongata le dikgopolo tsa kgale tsa institjushene, mme ba kgona ho fana ka dipehelo tsa mahlakore ohle le tshe katsheko e theilweng hodima dintlha. +",0.8419481 +"at the same time we need more young journalists in the profession who are techsavvy, abreast with new trends in storytelling and in touch with the concerns of a youthful population. +","ka ona mokgwa o jwalo, re batla batjha ba eketsehileng ba baqolotsi ba ditaba ka hara mosebetsi ona mme e le batjha ba nang le boitsebelo ba theknoloji, ba na le tsebo ya mekgwa e metjha ya ho pheta dipale le tsebo ya ditletlebo tsa batjha. +",0.83471 +"as a society we owe the media our full support. +","jwaloka setjhaba, re lokela ho fa boqolotsi ba ditaba tshe hetso ka botlalo. +",0.6894627 +"whether it is electing to pay for content, supporting crowdfunded journalism, paying our sabc license fees or simply buying a newspaper, we can all play our part to support this industry in crisis. +","e ka ba ka ho ikgethela ho lefela mananeo a ditaba, ho tshehetsa pokele tsong ya ditjhelete tsa ho thu sa ho boloka mesebetsi ya bo qolotsi, ho lefella ditefello tsa laesense ya sabc kapa hona ho reka koranta feela, bohle re ka ba le seabo ho tshehetsa indasteri ena e nang le mathata. +",0.8932672 +"as government, despite the gloomy economic climate we will continue to extend advertising spend to publications and broadcasters, especially community media. +","jwaloka mmuso, le ka ntle ho maemo a kganyang a atle hileng a moruo, re tla tswe la pele ho eketsa dipapatso tse etsetswang diphatlalatso le kgaso, haholoholo boqolotsi ba ditaba tsa setjhaba. +",0.84356755 +"the private sector must also continue to support the industry through advertising and working with media houses in the production of innovative content in line with global media trends. +","makala a poraefete le ona a lokela ho tswela pele ho tshehetsa indasteri ka ho etsa dipapatso le ho sebedi sana le matlo a boqolotsi ba ditaba bakeng sa tlhahiso ya mananeo a boitshimollelo a tsamaelanang le metjha ya tsamaiso ya boqolotsi ba ditaba lefatsheng. +",0.8341042 +"local philanthropic and donor organisations should also come on board and support public interest journalism ventures, as is the case in many democracies. +","bafani ba ditjhelete ba ka naheng le banyehelani ba mekgatlo le bona ba lokela ho hlahella mme ba tshehetse mekutu ena ya boqolotsi ba ditaba e mo lemong wa setjhaba, jwaloka ha ho etswa jwalo mererong e mengata ya demokrasi. +",0.8503227 +"the proliferation of fake news during the pandemic, primarily on social media platforms, has added to the urgency for more news that is accurate, fair and impartial. +","ho ata ha ditaba tseo eseng tsa nnete tsa boiqapelo nakong ya sewa sena, haholoholo ho ya ka tshebediso ya ma rangrang a dikgokahano tsa setjhaba, ho ekeditse tlhoke ho ya ditaba tse ngata tse nepahetseng, tse tshepa halang le tse sa yeng ka leeme. +",0.85055566 +"during this time our people have relied on our established media houses for information, once again underscoring their importance as pillars of our democracy. +","nakong ena batho ba rona ba itshepetse ho lesedinyana le tswang ma tlong a rona a tsebahalang a boqolotsi ba ditaba bakeng sa phumano ya dintlha tse tshepahalang, hape e le ntho e supang bohlokwa ba tsona demokrasi ya rona. +",0.84009767 +"as we begin the great task of rebuilding our economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, the media industry will need our support more than ever. +","ha re qala mosebetsi wa ho aha botjha moruo wa rona kamora maputula ana a sewa sena, indasteri ya boqolotsi ba ditaba e tla batla tshehetso ya rona haholo le ho feta mehla yohle. +",0.8345773 +"the free press was once described as ‘the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men and women prize’. +","boqolotsi ba ditaba bo lokolohileng bo kile ba hla loswa e le ‘mohlokomedi ya sa otseleng wa tokelo efe kapa efe eo e leng kgau e lokollang banna kapa basadi’. +",0.863432 +"as we salute their role in this pandemic, let us do what we can to ensure that the free and diverse media in our country is able to survive and thrive.","boqolotsi ba ditaba afrika borwa ke tshiya e kgolo ya demokrasi ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed dinaheng tse ngata tsa lefatshe lohle, sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona se thibetse bolokolohi ba ditjhaba tse ngata le ho sitisa dikamano tsa setjhaba ka bosona. +",0.863432 +"transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces. +","re fetola lekala la temo vukuzenzele unnamed lefapha la temo thuo, tlhabollo ya mobu le ntshetsopele ya mahae (dlrd) le sa tswa tsebisa hore ditho tsa setjha ba di tla kgona ho etsa kopo ya ho hira mobu wa mmuso wa dihekthara tse 700 000 o sa sebedisweng ka botlalo kapa o disa busabu diprovenseng tse supileng. +",0.90368104 +"agricultural land is the mainstay of our natural resource base. +","mobu wa temo ke seikoko tlelo sa motheo sa dihlodi lweng tsa habo rona. +",0.78889215 +"the availability and sustainable use of farmland to grow crops and for animal husbandry is key to our very survival. +","boteng le tshebediso ya nako e telele ya mobu wa temo bakeng sa ho lema dijalo le thuo ya mehlape ke ntho ya bohlokwa maphelong a rona. +",0.83960956 +"south africa has vast tracts of land suitable for agricultural production, with 37,9% of our total land area currently being used for commercial agriculture. +","afrika borwa e na le mobu o mongata o loketseng dihlahiswa tsa temo, moo hajwale 37,9% ya kakaretso ya mobu wa habo rona e sebedise tswang temo ya kgwebo. +",0.89715004 +"like many other countries, our arable land is under threat from land degradation, water scarcity and urban encroachment. +","jwaloka dinaha tse ding tse ngata, mobu wa habo rona o manoni o tlokotsing ya ho nyotobela ha boleng, ya kgaello ya metsi le ho ata ha metse ya ditoropo. +",0.89668405 +"we are also losing prime agricultural land through landuse changes. +","re boetse re lahlehelwa ke mobu wa bohlokwa wa temo ka lebaka la diphetoho tshebedisong ya mobu. +",0.86604965 +"given our history, broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a national priority. +","ka lebaka la nalane ya habo rona, ho pharalatsa phihlello ya mobu wa temo bakeng sa tlhahiso ya kgwebo le bohwai ba ho iphedisa ke taba e ka sehlohlolong mererong ya naha. +",0.84675765 +"although the post1994 land reform process has resulted in more land being restored and restituted to black south africans, the pernicious effects of the 1913 natives land act continue to be in patterns of farmland ownership. +","leha tsamaiso ya tlhabollo ya mobu ya kamora 1994 e bakile hore mobu o tomanyana o busetswe ho maafrika borwa a batho ba batsho, ditlamorao tse bohloko tsa molao wa mobu wa batala wa 1913 di ntse di tswelapele ka sebopeho se ammeng boithuelo ba mobu wa bohwai. +",0.89764297 +"the act went far beyond dispossessing millions of people of their ancestral land. +","molao ona o ile wa fetella ka hore o amohe dimilione tsa batho naha ya baholoholo ba bona. +",0.8621119 +"with land ownership still concentrated in the hands of the few, and agriculture primary production and value chains mainly owned by white commercial farmers, the effects of our past remain with us today. +","ka boholo ba boithuelo ba mobu bo ntseng bo le matsohong a ba mmalwa, le boholo ba dihlahiswa tsa motheo tsa temo le mathathamo a kgwebo e ntse e le tsa bahwebi ba dihwai tsa ba basweu, ditlamorao tsa nalane ya habo rona di ntse di re maname le kajeno. +",0.87378263 +"the continued monopolization of a key means of production like land is not just an obstacle to advancing a more egalitarian society; it is also a recipe for social unrest. +","tswelopele ya ho bokella mehlodi e ka sehloohong ya tlhahiso e kang ya mobu o matsohong a ba mmalwa ha se feela tshita ya ho ntshe tsapele setjhaba se lekanang; e boetse e hlohlelletsa merusu setjhabeng. +",0.8674321 +"the hunger for land to farm is growing, especially amongst the rural poor. +","tabatabelo ya mobu wa ho lema e ntse e tota, haholoholo hara bafutsana ba dibakeng tsa mahae. +",0.87397563 +"and for a number of reasons, the pace of land reform in this particular sector has been slow and unsatisfactory. +","ka mabaka a mangatanyana, sekgahla sa tlhabollo ya mobu lekaleng lena haesale le le monyebe le bile le sa kgotsofatse. +",0.8292192 +"transforming patterns of agricultural land ownership is vital not just to address the historical injustices of the past, but to safeguard our nation’s food security. +","ho fetola meralo ya boithuelo ba mobu wa temo ho mo lemo e seng feela bakeng sa ho lokisa bosiyo ba toka ba nako e fetileng, empa le ho sireletsa kanetso ya dijo setjhabeng sa habo rona. +",0.8729276 +"as noted in the 2019 report of the presidential advisory panel on land reform and agriculture, ""whilst we export food, back home 41% of people in rural areas and 59,4% in urban areas have severely inadequate access to food."" +","jwaloka ha ho ile ha lemohuwa tlalehong ya 2019 ya phanele ya boeletsi ya moporesidente ya tlhabollo ya mobu le temothuo, e reng ""leha re na le diyantle tsa dijo, morao lapeng 41% ya batho ba mahaeng le 59,4% ya ba ditoropong ba ntse ba na le kgaello e kgolo ya phihlello ya dijo."" +",0.91053605 +"agrarian reform has been a priority of successive administrations since democracy. +","haesale tlhabollo ya temo e le taba e ka sehlohlolong ya ditsamaiso ka tatelano ya tsona ho tloha tshimolohong ya demokrasi. +",0.7955552 +"between 1994 and march 2018 the state has delivered 8,4 million hectares of land to previously disadvantaged individuals under the land reform programme. +","dipakeng tsa 1994 le tlhlakubele 2018, katlasa lenaneo la tlhabollo ya mobu, mmuso o se o fane ka mobu wa dihekthara tse 8,4 milione bathong ba neng ba kote tswe nakong e fetileng. +",0.86765933 +"but this progress amounts to less than 10% of all commercial farmland. +","empa kgatelopele ena e ka tlase ho 10% ya mobu ohle wa temo ya kgwebo. +",0.8941868 +"in my state of the nation address earlier this year i committed that stateowned agricultural land would soon be released for farming. +","puong ya ka ya boemo ba naha pejana monongwaha ke ile ka etsa boitlamo ba hore haufinyane mobu wa temothuo oo e leng wa mmuso o tla lokollelwa temo. +",0.8997791 +"this is a major milestone in the agrarian reform process, and gives effect to the promise of the freedom charter that the land shall be shared among those who work it. +","ena ke katleho e kgolo tsamaisong ya tlhabollo ya tsa temo, e bile e fana ka tshehetso tshepisong ya tokomane ya tokoloho ya hore mobu o tla arolelanwa le bohle ba o sebetsang. +",0.9048946 +"our redistributive vision aims to strike a balance between social justice and redress, and enhancing agricultural output by bringing more black farmers into the mainstream of the economy. +","tjhebelopele ya rona ya ho aba botjha e habile ho tlisa tekano dipakeng tsa toka le tokisobotjha kahisanong, esita le ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso ya temothuo ka ho kenya dihwai tse ngatanyana tsa batho ba batsho moruong o moholo. +",0.8804612 +"land is a productive asset that generates profit and can be used for collateral to secure other assets. +","mobu ke ntho ya boleng ba bohlokwa e nang le tlhahiso le phaello mme o ka sebediswa e le tshireletso e tiisang hore motho o tla lefa mokitlane wa hae ka wona haeba a sa kgone ho lefella sekepele seo a se kolotang. +",0.83511025 +"we have to ensure that land acquired for farming purposes is productively used. +","re lokela ho netefatsa hore mobu o reretsweng temo o sebediswa ka nepo. +",0.80753064 +"to safeguard the allocated state land for farming purposes, the lease is not transferrable. +","e le ho sireletsa mobu wa mmuso o abilweng bakeng sa temo, kgiro ya wona e ke ke ya fetisetswa ho e mong. +",0.8640921 +"beneficiaries will sign a lease agreement with the state and pay a rental fee consistent with the land value. +","bakgola molemo ba tla tekena tume llano le mmuso mme ba lefe rente e tsamaelanang le boleng ba mobu oo. +",0.849488 +"we must also ensure that farmers are supported along the road to sustainability and profitability. +","re tlameha le ho netefatsa hore dihwai di a tshehetswa tseleng ena e lebisang boi tjarong ba nako e telele esita le ya bokgoni ba ho etsa phaello. +",0.807498 +"as part of this programme, beneficiaries will be trained in financial management and enterprise development. +","e le karolo ya lenaneo lena, bakgolamolemo ba tla rupe llwa ka bolaodi ba ditjhelete le ntshetsopele ya kgwebo. +",0.8586097 +"experience has shown that emerging and smallscale farmers often lack the financial skills to exploit market opportunities and integrate with value chains. +","malebela a re rutile hore hangata dihwai tse ntseng di thuthua di haellwa ke boqhetseke ba tsa ditjhelete bakeng sa ho utolla menyetla ya mebaraka le ho itahlela ka setotswana mathathamong a dikgwebo tse kgolwanyane. +",0.83380044 +"we are prioritizing women, youth and persons with disabilities as beneficiaries. +","re beile basadi, batjha le dikowa hore e be bona ba kgolamolemo ba ka sehloo hong. +",0.7960924 +"there has been demonstrable success with empowering women farmers under the existing proactive land acquisition strategy. +","ho bile le katleho e bonahalang mabapi le ho matlafa tsa basadi tlasa lewa le ma tla la phumantsho ya mobu (plas) le teng hajwale. +",0.764827 +"in a number of provinces, women who have been allocated farms by the dalrrd have been able to run them successfully and even move into commercial production. +","diprovenseng tse ngatanyana, basadi ba abetsweng mapolasi ke dlrd ba kgonne ho a sebetsa ka katleho le ho a phahamisetsa tlhahisong ya kgwebo. +",0.85925484 +"in addition to the land acquisition itself, the department continues to invest in infrastructure, equipment and machinery to enable these entrepreneurs to run successful businesses. +","ho eketseng hodima phumantsho ya mobu ka bo yona, lefapha le tswelapele ka ho tsetela meralong ya motheo, disebedisuweng le metjhineng e le ho thusa bahwebi bana ho tsamaisa dikgwebo tsa bona ka katleho. +",0.86619294 +"broadening access to land and opportunities for farming will support job creation and enterprise development, and improve the market for food, agricultural goods and services. +","ho pharalatsa phihlello ya mobu le menyetla ya temo ho tla tshehetsa tlhahiso ya mesebetsi le ntshetsopele ya dikgwebo, ho be ho ntlafatse mebaraka bakeng sa dijo, dihlahiswa le ditshebeletso tsa temothuo. +",0.8953893 +"the ultimate goal of releasing these land parcels is to transform the agricultural landscape by growing a new generation of farmers. +","sepheopheo sa ho neelana ka dikarolo tsena tsa mobu ke ho fetola lepatlelo la temothuo ka ho phahamisa moloko o motjha wa dihwai. +",0.8815335 +"leasing land under such favourable conditions must spur them to think big; to not just grow their own businesses but to advance shared wealth and prosperity in the communities in which they farm. +","ho hirisa mobu katlasa maemo a matle jwaana ho lokela ho ba fa morolo wa ho ja masapo a hlooho; e seng feela ho hodisa dikgwebo tseo e leng tsa bona empa le ho ntshetsapele karolelano ya moruo le nala dibakeng tseo ba lemang ho tsona. +",0.85016274 +"they must heal the deep divisions of our past. +","ba tlameha ho fodisa maqeba a tebileng a dikarohano tsa nako e fetileng. +",0.8319582 +"they must dispel the stereotype that only white farmers are commercially successful in south africa, and that black farmers are perpetually ‘emerging.’in working this land; in turning it to productive use, they will indeed turn swords into ploughshares. +","ba tlameha le ho nyahlatsa ditumelokgwela tsa hore ke dihwai tsa ba basweu feela tse atlehileng ho tsa kgwebo afrika borwa, le hore dihwai tsa batho ba batsho tsona di tla dula e ntse e le ‘tse thuthuang.’ho sebetsaneng le mobu ona; ho o fetoleng hore o sebedisetswe tlhahiso e ntle, ba tla fela ba fetole disabole hore e be mehoma. +",0.8920316 +they will become the faces of national reconciliation.,"re fetola lekala la temo vukuzenzele unnamed lefapha la temo thuo, tlhabollo ya mobu le ntshetsopele ya mahae (dlrd) le sa tswa tsebisa hore ditho tsa setjha ba di tla kgona ho etsa kopo ya ho hira mobu wa mmuso wa dihekthara tse 700 000 o sa sebedisweng ka botlalo kapa o disa busabu diprovenseng tse supileng. +",0.8920316 +"building a society that works vukuzenzele unnamed the launch of the presidential employment stimulus last week marks a fundamental shift in our ap proach to tackling unem ployment. +","ho susumetsa moruo o sebetsang vukuzenzele unnamed ho thakgolwa ha letsholo la tshusumetso ya mesebetsi ya mopresidente bekeng e fetileng ho tshwaya phetoho ya mo kgwa oo re neng re o sebedisa ho lwantshana le tlhokeho ya mesebetsi. +",0.8550288 +"we are undertaking a farreaching and ambitious public investment in human capital, with the state as both a creator and an enabler of jobs. +","re ikana le ho ikemisetsa ho tsetela letsete le ngatangata ho tjhoriseng boiphihlelo ba batho ba rona, le mmusong jwalo ka mothehi le mophethahatsi wa mesebetsi. +",0.7884892 +"the presidential employment stimulus is unprecedented in its scale and breadth, involving a public investment of r100 billion over the next three years. +","letsholo la tshusumetso ya mesebetsi ya mopresidente e ipabolapele ka bophara le boholo ba bo tsetedi, ho kenyeletsa letsete la mmuso la r100 bilione nakong ya dilemo tse fetang tse tharo tse tlang. +",0.82290715 +"we will protect and create directlyfunded jobs and livelihood support interventions while the labour market recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. +","re tla tshireletsa le ho theha matlole a mesebetsi le bonamodi bo tshehetsang maphelo a batho ka kotloloho ha di mmaraka tsa mesebetsi di ntse di ntlafatswa ka lebaka la tshenyo ya sewa sa ko kwanahloko ya corona. +",0.8471123 +"each of these is ready for implementation, and is additional to existing commitments. +","tsena tsohle di se di loketse ho phethahatswa, mme sena ke tlatselletso hodima boitlamo bo seng bo le teng. +",0.7708 +"while some of the interventions build on the strengths of existing programmes, the stimulus also includes new and innovative approaches. +","le ha feela tse ding tsa bonamodi bona di thehilwe hodima matla a mananeo a seng a le teng, tshusumetso ena e boela e kenyeletsa mekgwa ya tshebetso e metjha e nang le tshibollo. +",0.8346963 +"this includes a focus on what we have termed ‘social employment’. +","sena se kenyeletsa ho tsepama ho seo re se bitsang ‘mese betsi ya setjhaba’. +",0.80559695 +"we are working from the premise that there is no shortage of work to be done to address the many social problems in our society. +","re sebetsa ho tswa ho boemong ba hore ha hona kgaelo ya mesebetsi e hlokehang ho phethahatsa ho tobana le mathata a mangata ao batho ba rona ba nang le ona. +",0.8714973 +"the aim is to support the considerable creativity, initiative and institutional capabilities that exist in the wider society to engage people in work that serves the common good. +","maikemisetso a rona ke ho tshehetsa bonono bo bongata, boiteko le boiphihlo ba ditheho bo teng boholong ba batho ba rona ho kgothaletsa batho ho sebetsa mesebetsi e tswelang bohle melemo. +",0.8408023 +"this work cuts across a range of themes, including food security, ending genderbased violence, informal settlement upgrading and much more. +","mesebetsi ena e akaretsa meokotaba e me ngata, e kenyeletsang phepelo ya dijo, ho fedisa tlhekefetso ya basadi le bana, ho ntjhafatsa dibaka tsa baipei le tse ding tse ngata. +",0.81736153 +"this will supplement the efforts of the public sector, allowing for greater scale and social impact as well as new forms of partnership with diverse social actors. +","sena se tla tlatseletsa boiteko ba lekala la mmuso, le ho dumella kgahlamelo ya setjhaba e kgolokgolo ha mmoho le mekgwa ya bolekane e metjha le makala a setjhaba a fapafapaneng. +",0.8403238 +"the stimulus includes a new national programme to employ teaching and school assistants in schools. +","tshusumetso ena e kenyele tsa lenaneo la naha le letjha la ho hira bathusi ba matitjhere dikolong. +",0.8403455 +"schools are making these appointments right now, delivering new opportunities in every community across the length and breadth of the country. +","dikolo di se di qadile ho hira bathusi bana ha jwale, mme di nehela ka menyetla e ya mesebetsi e metjha bathong bohle ka bophara naheng ya rona. +",0.77501285 +"public employment is not just for unskilled work. +","mesebetsi ya setjhaba ha se ya batho ba senang bokgoni feela. +",0.7835936 +"there is a crosscutting focus on graduates, with opportunities for nurses, science graduates, artisans and others. +","e kenyeletsa batho ba nang le mangolo a thuto e phahameng, menyetla ya mesebetsi ya baoki, batho ba nang le mangolo a saense, diathesine le e meng. +",0.87155324 +"the stimulus will also protect jobs in vulnerable sectors that have been hit hard by the pandemic. +","tshusumetso e tla boele e tshireletsa mesebetsi makeleng a hlokolotsi ao a hahlame tsweng ke sewa sena ka se kgahla. +",0.7672971 +"support will be provided to early childhood development practitioners, mainly selfemployed women. +","tshehetso e tla ne helwa ke basebetsi ba dikolo tsa thuto ya dikonyana (ecd), haholoholo basadi ba itshebetsang. +",0.79931825 +"over 74,000 small farmers will also receive production input grants. +","borapolasi le mmapolasi ba thuthuhang ba fetang 74 000 le bona ba tla boela ba fumantshwa matlole a tlhahiso. +",0.83957946 +"as a nation, we need arts and culture to lift our spirits once more – the stimulus provides new funding to help the sector back onto its feet, including support to digital contentcreation and expansion of ecommerce platforms. +","jwalo ka naha, re hloka bonono le setso ho phahamisa meya ya rona hape – tshusumetso e nehela ka letlole le letjha ho thusa lekala lena ho ikemela hape, ho kenyeletsa ho tshehetsa ditlhahiso tse entsweng ka mokgwa wa dijithale le katoloso ya dipolatefomo tsa hwebisano ya elektroniki. +",0.88559246 +"this will enable artists to adapt to the new market conditions that the pandemic has imposed on us all and to seize new opportunities for growth. +","sena se tla thusa dinono hore di itlwaetse maemo a dimmaraka a matjha ao sewa sena se re kentseng ho ona mme ba sebedise monyetla ona o motjha wa kgolo. +",0.8351444 +"a critical enabler for wider job creation, made more important by the pandemic, is connectivity. +","mophethehatsi wa bohlo kwahlokwa ho theha mesebe tsi, o entsweng bohlokwahlo kwa ka ho fetisisa ke sewa sena, ke kgokahanyo. +",0.7898618 +"to overcome the digital divide, the stimulus will provide affordable, highspeed broadband to lowincome households through innovative connection subsidies and the expansion of free public wifi. +","ho fedisa karohano ya dikgokahanyo disebedisweng tsa dijithale, tshusumetso e tla nehela malapa a nang le lekeno le tlase phepelo ya inthanete e theko e tlase, e potlakang ka ho a lefella karolo e itseng ya dikgokahanyo mmoho le ho eketsa wifi ya mahala setjhabeng. +",0.83592856 +"as our country recovers from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, we are in no doubt as to the size of the task before us. +","ha naha ya rona e ntse e intlafatsa ho tswa ho thefulong e bakuweng ke sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona, ha o qeaqeo hore mosebetsi o re o tobileng o mongata haholo. +",0.84975237 +"we have to achieve an economic recovery that is swift and inclusive. +","re tlameha ho fihlella ntlafa tso ya moruo e potlakileng le ho kenyeletsa bohle. +",0.7584201 +"we have to get as many of our people as possible working again. +","re tlameha ho fumantsha boholo ba batho ba rona mesebetsi hape. +",0.74270254 +"we also have to regain lost ground in the provision of basic services and critical infrastructure, addressing social challenges and transforming townships and rural communities too. +","re boela re tlameha ho fumana botsitso hape ho phanong ya ditshebeletso tsa mantlha le meralo ya motheo e bohlo kwahlokwa, ho lwantshana le diphepetso tse tobaneng le setjhaba sa rona le ho fetola makeishene le metse ya mahaeng. +",0.8766985 +"public employment is an instrument that can do all of the above: creating jobs at scale in the short term while markets recover, and creating social value in the process. +","mesebetsi ya setjhaba ke sesebediswa se ka kgonang ho phethahatsang tsena tsohle: ho theha mesebetsi ka bophara ka nako e kgutshwane ha di mmaraka di ntse di ntlafatswa, le ho theha boleng ba setjhaba ka yona nako eo. +",0.8591702 +"the example is often cited of the massive public works programme undertaken by the united states after the great depression in the 1930s. +","hangata mohlala o yeng o qotswe wa lenaneo le leholo la ditshebeletso tsa setjhaba ke le ileng la phethahatswa ke amerika ka morao sewa sa kgatello e kgolokgolo ya moruo dilemong tsa bo1930. +",0.9158739 +"this was not just a stimulus, but also promoted social participation and inclusion. +","sena e ne e se tshusumetso feela, empa se ne se kgotha lletsa hoba le seabo ha batho le ho kenyeletswa ha bona moruong. +",0.8210005 +"there are several examples of innovative public employment programmes in the developing world, including in india, ethiopia and here in south africa. +","e mmalwa mehlala ya mananeo a tshibollo ya mesebetsi ya setjhaba dinaheng tse ntseng di ntshetswapele, ho kenyeletsa india, ethiopia le mona afrika borwa. +",0.8975873 +"these programmes make a direct investment in local economies, reaching poorer areas first, supporting local small enterprises and trickling up into the wider economy from there. +","mananeo ana a kenya letsete ka kotloloho ho meruo ya selehae, ho fihlella ditulo tse futsanehileng ka ho fetisetsa pele, le ho tshehetsa dikgwebo tse thuthuhang tsa selehae mme ho tloha moo e qhekelle le meruong e meholo. +",0.8268275 +"they also promote social participation and inclusion, providing communities with the means to change their lives as they undertake new forms of work. +","mme e boela e kgothaletsa ho ba le seabo le ho kenyeletswa ha setjhaba moruong, ka ho nehela batho mekgwa ya ho fetolo maphelo a bona ha ba ntse ba batlana le mesebetsi e metjha. +",0.8642899 +"in doing so, they contribute to transformation both at a local level and within broader society. +","ka ho etsa jwalo, ba kgona ho ba le seabo phetolong ya moruo naheng le setjhabeng ka kakaretso. +",0.73433435 +"direct public investment to support employment and create economic opportunities that generate social value does more than just tackle the unemployment crisis. +","ho kenya letsete ka kotloloho setjhabeng ho tshehetsa mesebetsi le ho theha menyetla ya moruo e nang le hlompho hona ho molemo haholo ho feta ho lwantshang feela le qaka ya tlhokeho ya mesebetsi setjhabeng. +",0.8363706 +"it is responsive, because it uses the state’s resources to respond to local community needs, be it for greener spaces, food security, more early childhood development centres, or for better and more accessible roads. +","le ya sebetsa hobane le sebedisa mehlodi ya mmuso ho arabela ditlhoko tsa setjhaba tsa naheng, ekaba molemong wa ho boloka tlhaho, phepelo ya dijo, ditsi tse ding hape tsa diecd, kapa ho ntlafatsa le ho etsa hore ditsela di be betere le tse ding tse ngata. +",0.88097787 +"it is progressive, because it offers social protection and income security to those who face destitution because they are unable to find work. +","le hatetsepele, hobane le nehela ka matlole a setjhaba le phano ya makeno ho ba futsanehileng ka lebaka la hore ba hloka mesebetsi. +",0.7086334 +"it is an investment in the future, in that it supports the broader economic recovery agenda by urgently getting our people to work on improving our national and municipal infrastructure. +","ke letsete ho bokamoso, ka ha le tshehetsa ajenda ya ntlafatso ya moruo ka bophara ka ho potlakisa ho netefatsa hore batho ba rona ba sebetsana le ho ntlafatsa meralo ya motheo ya rona ya naha le ya dimmasepaleng. +",0.85960823 +"through the interventions in the stimulus, we are creating work for those who need it, while leaving a lasting impact on entire communities. +","ka bonamodi ba tshusumetso, re tlo theha mesebetsi molemong wa ba hlokang mesebetsi, re ntse re theha kgahlamelo e matla ho batho bohle. +",0.7631341 +"like public employment programmes across the world, this employment stimulus supports and complements the critical role of the private sector in creating jobs. +","jwalo ka mananeo a mesebetsi lefatsheng ka bophara, tshusumetso ena e tshehetsa le ho tshwanela karolo e bohlo kwahlokwa eo lekala la porae fete le nang le yona ho theheng mesebetsi. +",0.8327564 +"it is countercyclical, in that as the recovery advances, the scale of public employment will decline. +","e hlwahlwa, kaha ha ntlafatso e phahama, bo phara ba tlhokeho ya mesebe tsi ya setjhaba e tla fokotseha. +",0.7783309 +"the work experience and skills acquired by beneficiaries of the presidential employment stimulus will improve their prospects of securing formal employment. +","boiphihlello ba mesebetsi le bokgoni bo fumanweng ke ba uneng molemo ho letsholo la tshusumetso ya mesebetsi ya mopresidente ba tla ntlafatsa menyetla ya bona ya ho fumana mesebetsi ka semmuso. +",0.90473807 +"the experience gained is also a pathway to entrepreneurial activity. +","boiphihlelo boo ba bo fumaneng bo ka boela e le mokgwa wa ho iqalla dikgwebo. +",0.83241403 +"participants will improve their skills and capabilities to start their own businesses, and can use the steady income provided by public employment to branch out into other incomegenerating activities. +","bankakarolo ba tla ntlafatsa bokgoni ba bona le boiphihlelo ba ho iqalla dikgwebo tseo e leng tsa bona, mme ba ka sebedisa makeno a tsitseng a tswang ho mesebetsi ya setjhaba ho etsa mekgwa e meng ya ho iketsetsa lekeno. +",0.8641392 +"i have consistently affirmed that the covid19 crisis is also a window of opportunity to build back better. +","ke ntse ke hatella ntlha ya hore qaka ya covid19 e boela e le monyetlo wa hore re ntlafatse moruo wa rona hape. +",0.86385494 +"at this time of great upheaval, we would be doing ourselves no favours by making unrealistic promises that raise expectations, only to come short when they are not met. +","nakong ena ya mathata a maholoholo ha kaale, re tlabe re sa ithuse ka letho ha re ka etsa ditshepiso tseo re senang ho kgona ho di phethahatsa, sena se tla re nyahamisa feela ha re sa kgone ho di fihlella. +",0.8460261 +"this is why each of the jobs and livelihood support interventions is fully funded, with a clear implementation plan. +","ke ka hoo bonamodi bofe kapa bofe ba mosebetsi le tshehetso ya maphelo a batho bo tshehetswang ka matlole ka bo tlalo, ka leano la phethahatso le qaqileng. +",0.8457873 +"the employment stimulus is not about vague commitments for some time in the future, but about jobs being created right here and now. +","tshusumetso ya mesebetsi ha se boitlamo ba ho theha mesebetsi bo fokaelang feela bo tla phethahatswa mmamorao, empa ke leano la ho thehwa ha mesebetsi hona tjena. +",0.75592995 +"the stimulus is the result of extensive consultation with national departments, provinces and metros to rapidly design employment pro grammes that can be rolled out or expanded within six months. +","tshusumetso ena ke se phetho sa dipuisano ka botebo le mafapha a naha, a diprofe nse le metse toropo ka ho po tlakisa ho theha mananeo a tla kengwa tshebetsong kapa a tla atoloswa nakong ya dikgwedi tse tshelela. +",0.84990716 +"the implementing departments and other stakeholders were rigorously assessed on their capacity to implement. +","mafapha a phethahatso le bohle ba nang le seabo ba ile ba hlahlojwa hore na ba na le boiphihlelo ba ho phethahatsa mesebetsi ka kelahloko. +",0.84472466 +"in every one of the programmes that fall under the stimulus, opportunities will be widely advertised and recruitment will be fair, open and transparent. +","ho lenaneo le leng le le leng le ka tlasa tshusumetso ena, menyetla ya ona e tla bapa tswa hohle mme le tsamaiso ya khiro e tla hloka leeme, e be pepeneneng le ho bonahala ho bohle. +",0.84166205 +"the goals we have set ourselves are realistic, measura ble and achievable, and draw lessons from past experience and international best prac tice. +","maikemisetso ao re ipehe tseng ona ke a nnete, ke ao re tla kgonang ho a fihlella le ho a phethahatsa, mme hape re ithutile ho tswa ho tse etsahetseng nakong e fetileng le ho mekgwa ya tshebetso e metle ya matjhabeng. +",0.83573437 +"our people are ready and willing to work. +","batho ba rona ba itukisitse ebile ba ikemiseditse ho sebe tsa. +",0.7138455 +"this vast potential must be harnessed, and our collective skills and capabilities brought to bear in rebuilding our country in the wake of the coronavirus. +","bokgoni bona bo bongata bo tlameha ho tjhoriswa, mme le bokgoni le boiphihlelo ba rona bohle bo lokela hore tswela molemo kahongbotjha ya naha ya rona nakong ena ya kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.85665315 +"the presidential employment stimulus provides a respite for families who have endured a long hard winter with greatly reduced income, and for individuals who have spent many years without work. +","letsholo la tshusumetso ya mesebetsi ya mopresidente e nehela ka matlole a dithuso ho malapa a ileng a tobana le mariha a boima haholo ka lebaka la phokoletsohadi ya makeno a bona, le ho batho ba qedileng dilemo tse ngatangata ba sa sebetse. +",0.86888313 +"real, decent work is the right of every human being. +","mesebetsi ya nnete, e nang le seriti, ke tokelo ya motho e mong le emong. +",0.843442 +"it is a precondition for economic growth and social stability. +","ke karolo ya pehelo ya sethathu ya kgolo ya moruo le botsitso ba setjhaba. +",0.5938962 +"by giving effect to this fundamental right, the presidential employment stimulus is making a decisive contribution to building a society that works.","ho susumetsa moruo o sebetsang vukuzenzele unnamed ho thakgolwa ha letsholo la tshusumetso ya mesebetsi ya mopresidente bekeng e fetileng ho tshwaya phetoho ya mo kgwa oo re neng re o sebedisa ho lwantshana le tlhokeho ya mesebetsi. +",0.5938962 +"recovery on the horizon for sa vukuzenzele unnamed the jacaranda trees are in full bloom across the nation’s capital, heralding the start of summer. +","tsosoloso e motjheng bakeng sa afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed difate tsa jacaranda di thuntse hohle motsemoholong wa naha ena, e leng letshwao la hore ho kena lehlabula. +",0.8681071 +"after a long and difficult winter, the beginning of a new season should fill us with optimism. +","kamora hore ho fete mari ha a malelele a bile a le boima, mathwaso a sehla se setjha a tshwanela ho re fa tshepo . +",0.8134031 +"when the national state of disaster was declared in march, our immediate priority was to contain the spread of the virus and provide emergency relief to citizens, communities, workers and businesses. +","ha ho ne ho tsebahatswa ka maemo a koduwa ya naha ka tlhakubele, ntho e neng e le ka sehloohong di sa tloha e ne e le ya hore re kgine ho ata ha kokwanahloko ena re be re fane ka kimollo ya tshoha nyetso ho baahi, setjhabeng, ho basebetsi le dikgwebong. +",0.8744019 +"over the course of eight months and with the support of our social partners, we rolled out a comprehensive set of measures to limit the social and economic impact of the pandemic. +","nakong ya dikgwedi tse robedi, ebile e le ka tshehetso ya balekane ba rona kahisa nong, re ile ra anetsa mehato e phethahetseng ya ho kgina sefutho sa kokwanahloko ena setjhabeng le moruong. +",0.85958403 +"we massively expanded social protection on a scale that has never been attempted before in this country. +","re ile ra nanabetsa tshire letso ya setjhaba ka sekgahla se neng se e so ka se bonwa naheng ena. +",0.7304945 +"we are one of the few countries in the world where the right of access to social security is enshrined in the constitution, and we can be proud that during this grave crisis we gave practical expression to this right in many ways. +","re enngwe ya dinaha tse mmalwa lefa tsheng moo ho yona tokelo ya phihlello ya tshireletso ya setjhaba e fuperweng ke molaotheo, ebile re ka ba motlotlo ka hore nakong ya koduwa ena e mpehadi re ile ra fana ka mohlala o tshwarehang wa tokelo ena ka mekgwa e mengatanyana. +",0.8802159 +"in addition to our existing social grants, which reach more than 17 million people every month, we toppedup the old age, disability and child support grants. +","ho eketsa hodima dithuso tse seng di le teng tsa ditjhe lete tsa setjhaba, tse fihlellang bathong ba kahodimo ho 17 milione kgwedi le kgwedi, re ile ra eketsa dithuso tsa ditjhelete tsa metsofe, tsa dikowa le tsa tshehetso ya bana. +",0.8756743 +"we rolled out a special coronavirus disease (covid19) social relief of distress grant, which has reached some six million people to date. +","re ile ra nanabetsa dithuso tsa ditjhelete tse kgethehileng tsa kimollo ya setjhaba matshwenyehong a covid19 , tse fihlelletseng bathong ba dimilione tse tsheletseng ho fihlela jwale. +",0.857659 +"this was done within weeks of the national state of disaster being declared. +","sena se ile sa etsuwa na kong ya dibeke tse mmalwa kamora ho phatlalatswa ha maemo a koduwa ya naha. +",0.7767811 +"the scale of such an undertaking cannot be understated. +","sefutho sa boikitlaetso boo se ke ke sa shebelwa fatshe. +",0.80483 +"to bring this system online there was extensive collaboration between the south african social security agency, south african revenue service, home affairs and many others. +","ho kopanya tsamaiso ena inthaneteng e ne e le mose betsi o boima wa kopane lo dipakeng tsa lekgotla la tshireletso ya setjhaba la afrika borwa (sassa), tshebeletso ya pokello ya lekgetho ya afrika borwa (sars), lefapha la merero ya lehae le tse ding tse ngata. +",0.85561085 +"we set up a fully automated application and disbursement process, and integrated multiple databases, including the national population register and the unemployment insurance fund (uif) database. +","re ile ra qala mosebetsi o phethahetseng wa ho etsa dikopo le wa ditefo, le ho kopanngwa ha mehlodi e mengatanyana ya dideitha, ho akga le ngodiso ya naha ya palo ya setjhaba le mohlo di wa deitha wa inshorense ya ho fellwa ke mosebetsi (uif). +",0.8761583 +"we set up new application channels like whatsapp and ussd, and created systems with the commercial banks to enable banking detail verification. +","re ile ra qala methati e metjha ya ho etsa dikopo e kang ya whatsapp le ussd, ra ba ra thea mekgwatsamaiso le dibanka tse kgolo hore di thuse ka tiiseletso ya dintlha tsa motho tsa ho banka. +",0.8798901 +"this is a remarkable achievement in a very short space of time. +","ena ke katleho e kgolo ka nako e kgutshwane. +",0.8218912 +"alongside the measures we took to protect and sustain livelihoods, we also supported ailing businesses. +","ntle le mehato eo re ileng ra e nka ya ho sireletsa le ho baballa mesebetsi, re ile ra boela ra tshehetsa dikgwebo tse neng di tsherema. +",0.8519157 +"we provided relief to small businesses in the form of debt relief, finance, tax payment deferrals and other instruments. +","re ile ra fana ka kimollo dikgwebong tse nyenyane ka mokgwa wa ho di imolla dikolotong, wa ho di tshehetsa ka ditjhelete, wa ho diehisa ditefo tsa le kgetho le mekgwa e meng. +",0.88161314 +"we implemented a covid19 loan guarantee scheme to enable businesses to meet their operational expenses during the lockdown, and are currently looking at how this scheme can reach more companies in need. +","re ile ra kenya tlhophiso ya tiiseletso ya kadimo ya ditjhelete ya covid19 tshebetsong, e le ho thusa dikgwebo hore di kgone ho fihlella ditshenyehelo tsa tsona tsa tshebetso nakong ya ho kginwa ha metsamao ya batho le ditshebeletso tseo e seng tsa mantlha, mme ha jwale re ntse re sheba hore na tlhophiso ena e ka di fihlella ha jwang dikhamphane tse ngata le ho feta tse hlokang. +",0.8798977 +"we provided income protection to workers and relief to business owners through the temporary employer relief scheme administered by the uif. +","re ile ra fana ka tshireletso ya meputso ya basebetsi le ki mollo ho beng ba dikgwebo ka hore ho etswe tlhophiso ya nakwana ya kimollo ya basebetsi e neng e disitswe ke uif. +",0.88841933 +"these were all in direct response to an emergency and were by nature temporary. +","tsena tsohle di ne di arabe la ka kotloloho maemo a tshohanyetso mme e ne e le tsa nakwana feela. +",0.7964062 +"some are now coming to an end, while others have been extended as the labour market recovers. +","tse ding jwale di tla pheletsong, ha tse ding ho atollotswe nako ya tsona jwaloka ha mebaraka ya bosebetsi e ntse e hlapho helwa. +",0.8477155 +"the measures we implemented went a long way towards protecting our society from the harsh winds of covid19. +","mehato eo re ileng ra e kenya tshebetsong e thusi tse haholo ho sireletseng setjhaba sa habo rona hore se se ke sa tsukutlwa ke maemo a covid19 . +",0.8387997 +"the additional grants helped to prevent millions of people from falling below the food poverty line. +","dithuso tsa ditjhelete tse ekeditsweng di thusitse ho thibela hore dimilione tsa batho di se ke tsa kodumela mosimeng wa bofuma ba lephako. +",0.84862274 +"had we not intervened to secure livelihoods and save businesses, the living conditions of our people and the circumstances of thousands of businesses would have been considerably worse. +","ha re ne re sa ka ra kena dipakeng ho sireletsa mese betsi le ho pholosa dikgwebo, maemo a ho phela a batho ba habo rona le maemo a dikete kete tsa dikgwebo a ka be a mpefetse le ho feta. +",0.9069809 +"now we are in a transition from relief to recovery. +","jwale re mothating wa phetoho ya ho tloha kimo llong ho ya boiphumanong. +",0.72615147 +"the emergency measures we put in place have laid a firm foundation on which to rebuild our economy. +","mehato ya tshohanyetso eo re ileng ra e kenya tshebe tsong e radile motheo o ti ileng oo re tla ahella moruo wa habo rona hodima ona. +",0.8339443 +"as our focus now shifts to the implementation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, our priority will be to stimulate growth and create jobs. +","jwaloka ha tsepamiso ya rona ya maikutlo jwale e feto hetse ho kenngweng tshebe tsong ha leano la kahobotjha le ntlafatso ya moruo, ntlha ya rona e ka sehloohong e tla ba ho susumetsa kgolo le ho thea mesebetsi. +",0.84891677 +"there has already been progress in a number of areas. +","ho se ho e na le kgatelopele mapatlelong a mangata nyana. +",0.84538543 +"we are seeing new funding commitments for infrastructure development following an infrastructure project roundtable last week. +","re bona boitlamo bo botjha ba ho kenya tjhelete bakeng sa kaho ya meralo ya motheo kamora motshetshetho o bileng teng bekeng e fetileng o neng o le mabapi le projeke ya meralo ya motheo. +",0.82052004 +"a number of employment programmes under the presidential employment stimulus have started. +","mananeo a mangatanyana a kgiro a katlasa ditsiane tsa kgiro tsa moporesidente a se a qadile. +",0.7553908 +"we are pushing ahead with economic reforms in areas such as energy and telecommunications. +","re hahamalla pele ka ditlhabollo tsa moruo mapatlelong a kang a eneji le a dikgokahanyo tsa mehala. +",0.8522244 +"plans are being converted to action and commitments are being reflected in jobs and opportunities. +","merero e fetolwa hore e be diketso ha boikitlaetso bona bo bonahala mesebetsing le menyetleng. +",0.81986105 +"it is all the more critical at this time, more so with the festive season approaching, that we do not become the architects of our own undoing. +","tsohle di hlokolotsi haho lwanyane mothating wa jwale, haholoholo jwaloka ha ho atamela sehla sa monyaka wa mafelo a selemo, hore re se ke ra fetoha baitshenyetsi. +",0.8358805 +"the greatest vigilance is required from us all to keep the virus at bay. +","phadimeho e kgolo e a hlokeha ho rona bohle, re tsebe ho boloka kokwanahlo ko ena e le hojana le rona. +",0.7468114 +"a resurgence at any scale will not just dramatically reverse our health gains. +","ho ropoha botjha ha yona neng kapa neng ha ho no busetsa morao dikatleho tsa rona tsa bophelo bo botle feela, empa ho tla kwebetella makgabane a tsosoloso ya moruo a seng a hlahelletse, ho be ho re tlose mathwasong a selemo ho re busetse morao mariheng. +",0.7430378 +"it will choke the green shoots of economic recovery that have emerged, and take us back from spring to winter. +","ho thibela leqhubu la bobedi la ditshwaetso tsa covid19 , re tlameha ho ikamahanya le ditataiso tse ntseng di le teng tsa bophelo bo botle ba setjhaba. +",0.66078115 +"to prevent a second wave of covid19 infections, we must observe the public health guidelines that remain in place. +","haeba re hloleha ho kgwesa sekwahelanko le molomo moo ho kgobokaneng batho, haeba re ya diketsahalong tseo ho tsona ho subuhle llaneng batho, ha re ipee borona le ba bang feela tlokotsing, re boela re bea le tsosoloso ya moruo wa habo rona kotsing. +",0.66076046 +"when we fail to wear a mask at a social gathering, when we attend crowded events, we are not only putting ourselves and others at risk. +","bohle ha re nneng re tswe lepele ho etsa letsoho la monna. +",0.49608952 +"we are also putting our economic recovery in jeopardy. +","diketso tse ntle tsa ho kgwe sa sekwahelanko le molomo, tsa ho qaqolohana le tsa ho hatlela matsoho kgafetsa di re thusitse ho fenya ditla morao tse mpempe tsa sewa sena. +",0.49696523 +"let us all continue to play our part. +","e ntse e le tsona tseo e leng thebe ya rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa. +",0.5532981 +"the positive actions of wearing a mask, of maintaining social distancing and of regular hand washing helped us overcome the worst effects of the pandemic. +","ha re hopoleng boitelo boo bohle re ileng ra tlameha ho bo etsa e le ho kgina ho ata ha kokwanahloko ena ma tsatsing a yona a pele. +",0.6289074 +"they are still our best defence. +","esita leha boholo ba dike tsahalo tsa kahisano le tsa moruo di thakgohile hape, re ntse re tshwanela ho hlo mpha mehato yohle ya bophelo bo botle. +",0.5183977 +"let us remember the sacrifices we all had to make to contain the spread of the virus in the early days. +","tsosoloso e motjheng bakeng sa afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed difate tsa jacaranda di thuntse hohle motsemoholong wa naha ena, e leng letshwao la hore ho kena lehlabula. +",0.5183977 +"sa overcoming hiv and aids vukuzenzele unnamed as we continue our efforts to manage the devastating coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the other public health challenges that our country faces. +","afrika borwa e hlola hiv le aids vukuzenzele unnamed ha re ntse retswella ka maiteko a rona a ho laola sewa sena se re thefutseng sa kokwanahloko ya corona , ha hona hore re ka iphapanyetsa diphephetso tse ding tsa bophelo bo botle tseo naha ya rona e kopanang le tsona. +",0.8849709 +"for more than three dec ades, our country has been engaged in an ongoing struggle against hiv and aids, which has cost many lives and caused great hardship and suffering. +","ka dilemo tse fetang mashome a mararo, esale naha ya rona e ntse e lwantshana le bothata ba phamokate (hiv) le lefu la phamokate (aids), bo ileng ba baka tahlahelo ya maphelo a mangata le ho baka ditsietsi le tshotleho e kgolohadi. +",0.8616098 +"since the outbreak of cov id19 in the country, with the nationwide lockdown and the pressure on our health facilities, many hiv , aids and tuberculosis services have suffered. +","ho tloha maqalong a sewa sa covid19 naheng, le ho kwalwa ha naha ka kakaretso le kgatello ho ditsha tsa bophelo bo botle, boholo ba ditshebeletso tsa hiv , aids le lefuba (tb) di ile tsa kgahlamelwa hampe. +",0.87218654 +"this has posed a challenge for people testing and starting antiretroviral treatment. +","sena se bakile phephetso ho batho ba etsang diteko le ho qala ka pheko ya meriana ya arv . +",0.87933326 +"many people found it difficult to collect their medicines and fewer people accessed other services, such as voluntary male medical circumcision. +","boholo ba batho ba fumane ho le boima ho phaka meriana ya bona mme ke batho ba mmalwa feela ba ileng ba kgona ho fumantshwa ditshebeletso tse itseng, tse jwalo ka ho bolotswa ha banna ka bongaka ka boithaupi. +",0.87913877 +"at the same time, there are many lessons that have been learnt from our public health response to the coronavirus pandemic that can strengthen our fight against hiv and tb. +","ka mokgwa o tshwanang, re boetse re ithutile dintho tse ngata ho tswa ho karabelo ya rona ya ditshebeletso tsa bophelo bo botle ka sewa sa kokwanahloko ya corona tse ka matlafatsang ntwa ya rona kgahlano le hiv le tb. +",0.9049815 +"south africa continues to have the largest number of people living with hiv in the world. +","afrika borwa e tswella ho ba le palo e kgolo ya batho ba phelang ka hiv lefatsheng. +",0.8801921 +"it is encouraging, however, that over the last decade we made progress in reducing the number of new hiv infections in the population by nearly 60%. +","feela, ho a kgothatsa hore dilemong tse leshome tse fetileng re fi hletse kgatelopele ho fokotseng palo e ntjha ya ditshwaetso tsa hiv setjhabeng sa rona ka boholo bo batlileng bo lekana le 60%. +",0.9170808 +"it is also encouraging that hiv infections in adolescent girls and young women have significantly declined in the last decade. +","ho boela ho kgothatsa hore tshwaetso ya hiv barwetsaneng le dikgarebe e theohile haholo dilemong tse leshome tse fetileng. +",0.9025145 +"this is a crucial group because they are much more likely to be at risk of getting hiv . +","sena ke sehlopha sa baahi se bohlokwa haholo hobane ke bona ba ka bang kotsing e kgolokgolo ya ho tshwaetswa ke hiv . +",0.8231627 +"our treatment programme has contributed to a reduction in the number of deaths due to aids by 60%. +","lenaneo la rona la pheko le bile le seabo ho fokotseng palo ya mafu a bakwang ke aids ka 60%. +",0.91257674 +"there has been a greater reduction in hivrelated deaths among young people. +","ho bile le phokotseho e kgolo mafung a amanang le hiv batjheng. +",0.7736878 +"it was possible to reduce the number of deaths because we, together with our partners, have rolled out an extensive antiretroviral programme reaching millions of people living with the disease. +","re ile ra kgonahala ho fokotsa dipalo tsa mafu hobane, ha mmoho le balekane ba rona, re ile ra kenya lenaneo le leholo la meriana ya arv le ileng la fi hlella dimilione tsa batho ba phelang ka lefu lena. +",0.9054021 +"at the beginning of the decade, our programme to prevent mother to child transmission (pmtct) of hiv had very low coverage. +","maqalong a dilemo tse leshome, lenaneo la rona la ho thibela tshwaetso ya mme leseeng (pmtct) ka hiv le ne le sa phatlalatswa haholo. +",0.86158097 +"now we have one of the highest rates of coverage of pmtct in southern africa, which has substantially reduced rates of infection among children. +","ha jwale re se re ena le palo e hodimodimo ka ho fetisisa dinaheng tsa borwa ba afrika, e leng se fokoditseng haholo dipalo tsa tshwaetso baneng. +",0.87435967 +"while we have reduced deaths and new infections, we still are far from reaching the goal we committed ourselves in 2016 of achieving a 75% reduction in hiv infections by 2020. if we succeed in doing so, we are likely to end aids as a public health threat by 2030. unfortunately, we are not there yet. +","le ha feela re fokoditse mafu le ditshwaetso tse ntjha, re ntse re le hole le ho fi hlella maikemisetso a rona ao re ikanneng ka ona ka 2016 a ho fi hlella 75% ya phokotso ya ditshwaetso tsa hiv ka 2020. ha re ka atleha ho etsa sena, re ka kgona ho fedisa aids jwalo ka kotsi e kgahlano le bophelo bo botle ka 2030. ka maswabi, ha re so fi hle moo. +",0.9025068 +"we have to do far more to ensure that young people are empowered to prevent infections, including through changing behaviour, accessing condoms and testing regularly. +","re tlameha ho etsa dintho tse ding tse ngata ho netefatsa hore batjha ba rona ba matlafaditswe ka ho thibela ditshwaetso, ho kenyeletsa ho fetola maitshwaro a bona, ho fumantshwa dikgohlopo le ho etsa diteko kgafetsa. +",0.88100183 +"we need to make sure that everyone who is infected has access to treatment and care. +","re hloka ho netefatsa hore bohle ba nang le tshwaetso ba fumantshwa pheko le tlhokomelo. +",0.831781 +"we need to work harder on hiv prevention among key populations, including sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs. +","re hloka ho sebetsa ka thatathata ho thibela tshwaetso ya hiv haholoholo ho ditho tsa setjhaba tse nang le kgonahalo e hodimo ya ho tshwaetseha, tse kenyeletsang basebetsi ba rekisang mmele, banna ba etsang thobalano le banna ba bang, le batho ba itlhabang ka dithethefatsi. +",0.85435236 +"we must end the stigma and discrimination towards these populations. +","re tlameha ho fedisa sekgobo le kgethollo e kgahlano le batho bana. +",0.8363297 +"we cannot hope to end hiv if we ignore the needs, concerns and rights of any part of our population. +","re ka se tshepe feela hore re tla fedisa hiv haeba re iphapanyetsa ditlhoko, dingongoreho le ditokelo tsa karolo e fe kapa e fe ya setjhaba sa rona. +",0.9096345 +"south africa needs to increase efforts to medically circumcise young men to reduce their risk of acquiring hiv . +","afrika borwa e hloka ho eketsa maiteko a ho bolotsa bahlankana ka bongaka ho fokotsa kotsi ya bona ya ho tshwaetswa ke hiv . +",0.91090107 +"unsafe circumcision should not leave young men with lifelong health problems, and no one should die from circumcision. +","ho bolotswa ho sa bolokehang ha ho a tlameha ho siya bahlankana ba rona ba ena le mathata a bophelo bo botle ka ho sa feleng, mme ha ho motho ya tlameha ho hlokahala ka lebaka la ho bolotswa. +",0.85998666 +"we must make sure that young men have safe circumcision. +","re tlameha ho netefatsa hore bahlankana ba rona ba bolotswa ka tsela e bolokehileng. +",0.7881649 +"we are encouraged by findings of a recent study on preexposure prophylaxis (prep). +","re kgothaditswe ke sephetho sa diphuputsu tsa haufi nyana tjena tse buang ka meriana ya ho thibela tshwaetseha (prep). +",0.8618553 +"unlike antiretroviral treatment that is given to people who are hiv positive, prep involves the regular use of antiretroviral drugs by hiv negative people to prevention infection. +","e fapane ho arv ka ha pheko ya arv e fuwa batho ba nang le tshwaetso ya hiv , prep yona e le pheko e sebediswang kgafetsa ke batho ba senang hiv ho thibela tshwaetso. +",0.87982965 +"the study, conducted by scientists from the hiv prevention trials network, found that longacting injections once every eight weeks was better than the daily tablet used for hiv prevention. +","diphuputsu tsena, tse entsweng ke ditsebi tsa saene tsa marangrang a diteko tsa thibelo ya hiv , di fumane hore ho hlajwa ha nngwe ka mora dibeke tse robedi ha diente tse sebetsang ka nako e telele ho betere ho feta ho nwa pidisi e thibelang hiv e nwewang letsatsi le letsatsi. +",0.8842015 +"these findings have the potential to significantly strengthen our response to the epidemic. +","diphetho tsena di na le bokgoni bo boholo ba ho ka matlafatsa karabelo ya sewa sena. +",0.8141349 +"if we are to succeed in ending aids as a public health threat within the next decade, we need to combine these medical breakthroughs with fundamental changes in behaviour. +","haeba re ikemiseditse ho atleha ho fedisa aids jwalo ka kotsi e kgahlano le bophelo bo botle dilemong tsena tse leshome, re hloka ho kopantsha ditshibollo tsa bongaka le ho fetola maitshwaro ka botebo. +",0.8705218 +"we also need to tackle the economic and social conditions that contrib ute to high rates of infection. +","re boela re hloka ho lwantshana le maemo a moru le a bophelo a bakang dipalo tse hodimo tsa tshwaetso. +",0.8427744 +"one of our central tasks is to empower adolescent girls and young women, educationally, economically and socially. +","e nngwe ya dithomo tsa rona e ka sehlohlong ke ho matlafatsa barwetsana le dikgarebe, ka thuto, moruo le maemo a bophelo setjhabeng. +",0.9057771 +"they need to be able to make their own decisions about every aspect of their lives, including their sexuality and sexual behaviour. +","ba hloka ho kgona ho inkela diqeto ka karolo e nngwe le e nngwe ya maphelo a bona, ho kenyeletsa maikutlo le maitshwaro a bona ka thobalano. +",0.8857132 +"ultimately, we will achieve the end of aids through the empowerment of young people, women and other people at risk. +","qetellong, re tla fi hlella phediso ya aids ka ho matlafatsa batjha, basadi le batho ba bang ba kotsing. +",0.9110091 +"this includes empowerment through access to information, advice and support. +","sena se kenyeletsa matlafatso ka phumantsho ya lesedi, dikeletso le tshehetso. +",0.7501743 +"it includes access to education and economic opportunities, especially for young women. +","se kenyeletsa phumantsho ya thuto le menyetla ya moruo, haholoholo ho barwetsana. +",0.9007929 +"empowerment also means that every person must have access to testing, treatment and other health services. +","matlafatso e boela e bolela hore motho e mong le e mong o tlameha ho fumantshwa diteko, pheko le ditshebeletso tse ding tsa bophelo bo botle. +",0.90926754 +"the people of south africa have come so far, endured so much and made such great progress in the fight against hiv , aids and tuberculosis. +","ho fihlela ha jwale, batho ba afrika borwa ba fi hleletse kgatelopele e ngata, ba mamella tse ngata le ho fi hlella kgatelopele e kgolo twantshong ya hiv , aids le tb. +",0.9018432 +let us intensify both our resolve and our actions to confront and overcome aids once and for all.,"afrika borwa e hlola hiv le aids vukuzenzele unnamed ha re ntse retswella ka maiteko a rona a ho laola sewa sena se re thefutseng sa kokwanahloko ya corona , ha hona hore re ka iphapanyetsa diphephetso tse ding tsa bophelo bo botle tseo naha ya rona e kopanang le tsona. +",0.9018432 +"a better 2021 for all south africans the first weeks of the year have been difficult for all south africans. +","2021 e betere ho maafrika borwa ohledibeke tsa pele tsa selemo e bile tse boima ho maafrika borwa ohle. +",0.8996102 +"vukuzenzele unnamed the coronavirus pandemic has gotten worse, with new infections increasing far faster and far higher than before. +","vukuzenzele unnamed koduwa ya kokwanahloko ya corona e ile ya mpefala haholo, mme le tshwaetso tse ntjha tsa eketseha ka sekgahla se seholo se fetang sa pele. +",0.8625076 +"hospitals have been under great strain as more people have needed medical attention. +","dipetlele di ile tsa ba tlasa kgatello e kgolo jwalo ka ha bongata ba batho bo ile ba hloka tlhokomelo ya bongaka. +",0.86487603 +"while most economic sectors have been able to operate again for several months, it will take some time for the economy to recover and for lost jobs to be restored. +","leha dikarolo tse ngata tsa moruo di kgonne ho sebetsa hape dikgwedi tse mmalwa, ho sa tla nka nako hore moruo o boele o setlele esitana le yona mesebetsi e lahlehileng hore e boele e fumanehe. +",0.912043 +"as the new year starts, many families are still feeling the effects of the pandemic on their lives and livelihoods. +","jwalo ka ha selemo se setjha se qala, malapa a mangata a ntse a utlwela ditlamorao tsa koduwa ena maphelong a ona le moo a phelang teng. +",0.8699397 +"the world is now entering the second year of the coronavirus pandemic. +","lefatshe ka bophara jwale le kena selemong sa bobedi sa koduwa ena ya kokwanahloko ya corona. +",0.8551443 +"for south africa, as for most countries around the world, the year 2021 will be extremely challenging. +","afrika borwa jwalo ka dinaha tse ding tse ngata tsa lefatshe, selemo sa 2021 e tla ba se nang le phephetso e kgolo haholo. +",0.8583095 +"the second wave of covid19 infections may well be followed by further waves, which will threaten both the health of our people and the recovery of our economy. +","leqhubu la bobedi la tshwaetso ya covid19 le ka latelwa ke a mang a ka kgahlapetsang maphelo a batho ba rona le yona tsoseletso ya moruo wa rona. +",0.8902408 +"difficult as this year will be, i am certain that we will overcome the pandemic and set our country firmly on the path to recovery. +","selemo sena se le boima se le jwalo, empa ke na le tshepo ya hore re tla e hlola koduwa ena mme re thehe tsela e yang tsoseletsong. +",0.80375195 +"my confidence comes from the south african people. +","tshepo ya ka e tswa ho maafrika borwa. +",0.8608148 +"if i look at how south africans responded to this crisis from the moment the virus arrived on our shores, i have no doubt that we have the resilience, discipline and ability to defeat this disease. +","ha ke sheba tsela eo maafrika borwa a ileng a arabela ka yona bothateng bona ho tloha ha kokwanahloko ena e ne e fihla naheng ya habo rona, ha ke qeaqee hore re na le mamello, tiisetso esitana le bona bokgoni ba ho hlola bohloko bona. +",0.8342552 +"certainly there were exceptions, but the vast majority of south africans understood the need for restrictions on their movement and activities, and complied with the regulations that we had to put in place. +","teng ho bile le phapang moo le moo, empa bongata ba maafrika borwa bo utlwisisitse tlhokeho ya ho kginwa ha metsamao le mesebetsi ya ona, mme a ikobela le melao e behilweng. +",0.8458852 +"even more important than compliance, most south africans took responsibility for themselves and for others, following advice on issues like social distancing, wearing a mask and hand washing. +","se bileng bohlokwa haholo le ho feta ho ikobela melao, ke hore maafrika borwa a mangata a ile a nka boikarabelo bakeng sa ona le ba bang, a latela dikeletso mabapi le dintlha tse kang ho se atamellane le batho ba bang, ho apara sefonyo esitana le ho hlapa matsoho. +",0.8827363 +"and where we fell short, we have, sadly, seen the consequences. +","moo re ileng ra haellwa teng, ka bomadimabe, re bone ditlamorao tse bosula. +",0.7809541 +"we now know about the risks of closed spaces and crowded gatherings, of not wearing masks and not keeping our distance from others. +","re a tseba jwale kotsi ya tshubuhlellano le ho ba mokguping, ho se apare sefonyo le ho se ipehe thoko le ba bang. +",0.7896968 +"this bodes well for the year ahead. +","sena ke tlhokomediso bakeng sa selemo sena seo re leng ho sona. +",0.639698 +"we now know much more about the disease and how to prevent its spread. +","jwale se re tseba haholwanyane ka bohloko bona le hore re ka thibela ho ata ha bona jwang. +",0.8650168 +"and despite what one could call ‘pandemic fatigue’, we are no less determined as south africans to do what needs to be done. +","le ho siya taba ya hore re se re 'kgathetse ke koduwa' ena, jwalo ka maafrika borwa, re na le tshepo ya ho etsa se tlamehang ho etswa. +",0.7982091 +"as we adhere even more rigorously to the basic prevention measures, we will also be rolling out a mass vaccination campaign. +","jwalo ka ha re ntse re ikobela ka thata dipehelo tsa ho thibela bohloko bona, re boetse hape re kena letsholong le leholo la ho hlaba setjhaba ka ente e thibelang bohloko bona. +",0.8228891 +"as more and more people are vaccinated, we will both save lives and progressively reduce the risk of infection across the population. +","ho entwa ha batho ka bongata, ho tla pholosa maphelo a mangata, ho boele hape ho theole kotsi ya tshwaetso setjhabeng. +",0.79249835 +"getting enough vaccines as quickly as possible – and making sure that they reach the people who need them – will be one of the biggest tasks of the year. +","ho fumana ente e lekaneng ka potlako – le ho netefatsa hore e finyella bathong ba e hlokang – e tla ba o mong wa mesebetsi e meholo selemong sena. +",0.86977124 +"this will be particularly challenging as every country in the world is clamouring to secure a limited supply of vaccines. +","sena e tla ba bothatanyana jwalo ka ha dinaha tsohle tsa lefatshe di leka ho fumana ente ena e so kang e fumaneha ka bongata. +",0.8216677 +"but we are hard at work with partners in business, labour and civil society to make this happen. +","leha ho le jwalo, re sebetsa mmoho le mahlahana a rona ho tsa kgwebo, mekgatlo ya basebetsi le ya setjhaba ho fihlela sena. +",0.80039734 +"we are working on several fronts to get vaccines, including through the global covax facility, the african union initiative and through our own engagements with vaccine manufacturers. +","re leka ho fumana ente ena dibakeng tse fapafapaneng tse kenyeletsang mokgatlo wa matjhaba wa covax, mokgatlong wa dinaha tsa afrika re boetse hape re buisana ka kotloloho le bahlahisi ba diente tsena. +",0.8319013 +"as we act together to overcome the pandemic, we will need to work together to rebuild and transform our economy. +","jwalo ka ha re sebetsa mmoho ho lwantsha koduwa ena, re tlameha ho boela re sebetsa mmoho ho tsoseletsa le ho fetola moruo wa rona. +",0.8636347 +"we have both the ability and the will to stimulate economic activity, grow our economy and create jobs. +","re na le bokgoni le tabatabelo tsa ho tsosolosa le ho nyolla moruo esitana le hona ho theha mesebetsi. +",0.8499832 +"and to do so in the midst of a pandemic. +","re tlameha ho etsa sena re ntse re tjamelane le koduwa ena. +",0.67485625 +"public finances are under extreme strain, now even more so because of the cost of our health response to covid19 and the social and economic relief measures we put in place to assist businesses and poor households. +","ditjhelete tsa setjhaba di tlasa kgatello e kgolo, haholoholo ka lebaka la ditjeho tsa bophelo bo botle twantshanong le covid19 esitana le tshehetso eo re fanang ka yona dikgwebong le malapeng a futsanehileng. +",0.86514866 +"the contraction of the economy also meant that tax revenue has declined significantly. +","ho putlama hona ha moruo ho boetse ho bolela le ho theoha haholo ha lekgetho le kenang. +",0.8304862 +"there are some parts of the economy that will take longer to recover due to lower global demand generally and restrictions on international travel. +","ho na le dikarolo tse ding tsa moruo tse tla nka nako ho tsoseletseha ka lebaka la sekgahla se tlase sa tlhokeho ya ditshebeletso tsa tsona lefatsheng ka bophara, le ka lebaka la ho kginwa ha maeto a matjhaba. +",0.7932259 +"that is why we need to be innovative and focused in our plans to rebuild the economy. +","ke ka hona re tlamehang ho shebana le ntjhafatso esitana le ona maano a rona a ho aha moruo botjha. +",0.76392233 +"significantly, the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we announced in october last year is based on broad consensus among all social part ners on the actions needed to rebuild the economy. +","hantlentle, leano la tsoseletso ya moruo leo re le phatlaladitseng ka mphalane ngwahola, le thehilwe tumellanong le mahlahana a rona ka mehato e hlokahalang kahong botjha ya moruo. +",0.7967072 +"this lays a firm basis for effective cooperation that draws on the resources, capabilities and energies of all sections of society. +","sena ke motheo o matla wa tshebedisano mmoho e radilweng ka disebediswa, bokgoni le matla dikarolong tsohle tsa setjhaba. +",0.8711514 +"we are seeing this in various practical ways. +","re bona sena se etsahala ka ditsela tse fapafapaneng. +",0.81759423 +"for example, we have been working closely with private funders and multilateral development institutions to prepare infrastructure projects in areas like transport, human settlements, water and telecommunications. +","mohlala, haesale re sebedisana mmoho le batshehetsi ba ikemetseng ba ditjhelete le mekgatlo e fapafapaneng ya ntshetsopele ho rala diprojeke tsa dibopeho tsa motheo dikarolong tse kang tsa dipalangwang, ho dudiswa ha batho, metsi le tsa kgokahano. +",0.88198644 +"using the infrastructure fund as one of the vehicles, we are developing funding models for these projects that draw on several sources in both the public and private sectors. +","ka ho sebedisa letlole la dibopeho tsa motheo jwalo ka o mong wa mekgwa ya tshebetso, re theha mekga ya diprojeke mehloding e fapafapaneng ho tswa ka bobedi, mmusong le makaleng a ikemetseng. +",0.80716777 +"this is particularly important at a time when public finances are limited. +","sena se bohlokwa haholo nakong eo ditjhelete tsa setjhaba di fokolang. +",0.79287624 +"the presidential employment stimulus is another example of partnership in action. +","o mong wa mehlala ya tshebedisano mmoho ena ke leano la kgiro la mopresidente. +",0.744552 +"understanding that it will take time for economic growth to translate into private sector employment, we have launched the employment stimulus to start creat ing work opportunities now. +","jwalo ka ha re utlwisisa hore ho tla nka nako e telele hore kgolo ya moruo e thehe menyetla ya mesebetsi lekaleng le ikemetseng, re thehile leano la kgiro ho qala ho theha menyetla ya mesebetsi hona jwale. +",0.85774153 +"this programme is being coordinated from the presiden cy, but is being implemented by a range of government departments and different spheres. +","leano lena le laolwa ke kantoro ya mopresidente, empa le kengwa tshebetsong ke mafapha a fapafapaneng maemong a fapafapaneng a mmuso. +",0.80147386 +"through this programme, tens of thousands of unemployed people are able to both earn and learn as they provide valuable social services. +","ka lona leano lena, dikete tse balwang ka mashome tsa batho ba sa sebetseng di kgona ho fumana manyane le hona ho ithuta jwalo ka ha ba fana ka ditshebeletso tsa bohlokwa setjhabeng. +",0.8809745 +"in time, this programme will include a ‘social employment’ part, where we will partner with other social actors to employ people in a variety of activities – from improving food security, to tackling genderbased violence to upgrading informal settlements – that all contribute to the common good. +","ha nako e ntse e tsamaya, leano lena le tla kenyeletsa karolo ya 'kgiro ya setjhaba' moo re tlang ho sebedisana mmoho le basebeletsi setjhabeng ho hira batho ho etsa mesebetsi e fapafapaneng – ho tloha ntlafatsong ya pokeletso ya dijo ho ya twantshong ya tlhekefetso ya bonng ho isa ntlafatsong ya bodulo dibakeng tsa baipehi – tseo kaofela e leng ketso tse molemo haholo. +",0.8820541 +"all this work is being reinforced by an aggressive focus on those economic reforms that will have the greatest focus on growth. +","mosebetsi ona kaofela o matlafaditswe ke ho shebana ka matla le dintlafatso tsa moruo tse tla shebana le kgolo ya ona. +",0.8260818 +"these include the expansion of electricity generation capacity, making our ports more efficient and competitive, improving access to affordable broadband, and improving turnaround times for water, mining and other licenses. +","tsona di kenyeletsa kgudiso ya ho fehlwa ha motlakase, ho etsa boemakepe bo sebetsang ka nepo le bo maemong, ho ntlafatsa kgokahano e ditjeho di fihlellehang ya inthanethe, mmoho le kgutsufatso ya nako ya ho fumana dilayesense tsa phepelo ya metsi, merafo le tse ding. +",0.8769901 +"these efforts are being coordinated and monitored jointly by my office and national treasury. +","maano ana a laolwa le hona ho behwa leihlo ka kopanelo ke kantoro ya ka esitana le kantoro ya naha ya matlotlo. +",0.7570566 +"there is much to be done in the year ahead. +","mosebetsi o tlamehang ho etswa o sa le moholo ha selemo se ntse se tsamaya. +",0.77910525 +"and we should be in no doubt that we will have to confront many daunting challenges. +","ka hodimo ho moo, re tlameha ho tseba hore ha ho qeaqeo, re tla teana le diphephetso tse ngata. +",0.8277397 +"but we have shown that, as a nation, we are able to succeed when we work together in pursuit of a common purpose. +","leha ho le jwalo, jwalo ka setjhaba re a kgona ho fihlela maikemisetso a rona ha feela re sebedisana mmoho. +",0.7693363 +"if we remember that, and if we put our unity into action, we will ensure that 2021 brings better health and better lives to all our people. +","ha re ka hopola seo, mme ra sebedisana mmoho, re ka netefatsa hore 2021 e tlisetsa batho bohle maemo a betere a tsa bophelo bo botle esitana le a moo ba phelang teng. +",0.8468703 +i wish you all the best for the new year.,"2021 e betere ho maafrika borwa ohledibeke tsa pele tsa selemo e bile tse boima ho maafrika borwa ohle. +",0.8468703 +"an honour to lead the african union vukuzenzele unnamed south africa’s term as chair of the african union has come to an end. +"," ke tlotla hore re ile ra fuwa monyetla wa ho etella pele mokgatlo wa dinaha tsa afrika (au) vukuzenzele unnamed sehla sa afrika bo rwa sa ho ba moe tapele wa au se fi hlile pheletsong. +",0.82775235 +"as we reflect on our year in this position, i am reminded of the old saying that ‘in crisis lies opportunity’. +","ha re hetla morao moo selemo sa rona se qadileng teng re le maemong ana, ke hopola mantswe a kgale a reng ‘ka hara bobe bo bong le bo bong ho na le botle’. +",0.83118546 +"ours was a baptism of fire, having assumed the chairship in the same month the first case of coronavirus was reported on the continent. +","rona re bile le kolobetso ya mollo, jwalo ka ha re bile badulasetulo ka kgwedi e ho bileng le tlaleho ya pele ya motho a nang le kokwanahloko ya corona ka hara kontinente. +",0.8716097 +"the priorities we outlined for our term, among them furthering peace and security, the economic empowerment of women and deepening economic integration, had to be immediately and dramatically reoriented to deal with the pandemic. +","maano ao re neng re a beile ka pele sehleng sa rona, a a kgang ntshetsopele ya kgotso le tshireletso, matlafatso ya basadi moruong le ho tebisa ho kopana ha moruo, a ile a tlameha ho phephethwa hanghang ho sa lebellwa, hore fela ho tsebe ho mekamekanwa le sewa sena. +",0.8829387 +"our most pressing task was to steer the focus of the african union to addressing the worst global emergency in over a century. +","mosebetsi o neng o re peteditse haholo e bile wa ho tsepamisa maikutlo a au ho phumano ya tharollo ya koduwa ena e mpehadi ka ho fetisisa lefatshe ka bophara dilemong tse fetang tse le kgolo tse fetileng. +",0.80815214 +"covid19 has affected all the countries on the continent. +","covid19 e amme dinaha tsohle kontinenteng. +",0.9216982 +"to date there are more than 3.5 million confirmed cases in africa, and more than 88,000 people have died. +","ho fihlela hajwale, ho na le batho ba dimiliyone tse tharo le halofo ba ho tsejwang hore ba na le covid19 ka hara afrika, mme ba fetang 88 000 ba hlokahetse. +",0.85886014 +"it has been a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis for african countries, most of whom are inadequately resourced to manage a health emergency of this size. +","e bile bothata bo boholo ditheong tsa bophelo, botho, phedisano le moruo bakeng sa dinaha tsa afrika, tseo bongata ba tsona di hae llwang ke disebediswa tsa ho laola koduwa ya bophelo e kgolo ha kana. +",0.8328836 +"and yet, as unprecedented as the nature of the pandemic has been, so too has been the manner in which african countries have come together to fight it. +","le ha e le mona sewa sena se bile seholo ha kana, ho bile jwalo fela le ka mokgwa oo dinaha tsa afrika di ileng tsa ipopa ngatana nngwe twantshong ya sona ka teng. +",0.75545573 +"in doing so we have drawn principally on the continent’s own expertise, capabilities and institutions such as the africa centres for disease control and prevention (africa cdc). +","ka ho etsa seo, haholoholo re tshepetse tsebong, bokgo ning le ditheong tsa konti nente tse jwalo ka ditheo tsa afrika tsa taolo le thibelo ya mahloko (africa cdc). +",0.8670026 +"africa did not sit by passively as the true extent and danger of the pandemic unfurled. +","afrika ha e a ka ya iketla ya phutha matsoho ya shebella ha sewa sena se kotsi se ntse se nama. +",0.7683587 +"from the earliest days of the pandemic and led by the au, we swiftly developed a continental response strategy, driven by the africa cdc and regional task forces. +","ho tloha qalong ya sewa sena re ntse re etelletswe pele ke au, re ile ra etsa leano la ho se phallela ka potlako ka thuso ya africa cdc mmoho le dihlopha tsa tshebetso tsa mabatowa a kontinente. +",0.8453126 +"we realised that every country on the continent would be severely affected by the pandemic. +","re ile ra elellwa hore naha enngwe le enngwe kontinenteng e tlo angwa hampe ke sewa sena. +",0.8566307 +"most would not have the resources needed to meet the public health challenge or to protect their economies. +","bongata ba tsona di ne di ke ke tsa ba le disebediswa tse hlokahalang bakeng sa ho rarolla mathata a bophelo a setjhaba kapa ho tshireletsa meruo ya tsona. +",0.8765299 +"we therefore agreed as african countries to appoint several prominent africans as special envoys, who would engage with international funders and multilateral institutions to make the case for financial support and debt relief on africa’s behalf. +","ka hoo, jwalo ka dinaha tsa afrika re dumellane ho kgetha maaforika a hlaheletseng ka mahetla jwalo ka baemedi ba kgethehileng, ba tla bua le batshehetsi ba tjhelete ba matjhabatjhaba le ditheo tsa dipuso tse fapaneng bakeng sa ho tshehetsa ka tjhelete le kimollo ya mekitlane ya afrika. +",0.88424325 +"in this way, working as a one continent, we were able to achieve debt relief for many countries and financial assistance towards our covid response and economic recovery. +","ka mokgwa ona wa ho sebetsa mmoho jwalo ka kontinente, re kgonne ho fihlella kimollo ya mekitlane bakeng sa dinaha tse ngata le ho fumana thuso ya tjhelete bakeng sa ho lwantsha covid19 le ho thusa ho tsosa moruo. +",0.85569996 +"but much as african countries went to the international community for support, we first helped ourselves – establishing and capitalising a continental covid19 response fund. +","empa le ha e le mona dinaha tsa afrika di kopile thuso ho matjhabatjhaba, re ithusitse ka borona pele – ra aha latlole la ho lwantsha covid19 a kontinente. +",0.86587805 +"for every partnership forged with betterresourced nations and the international donor community, we set up our own innovative and groundbreaking african medical supplies platform to enable all african countries to quickly secure personal protective equipment and other medical supplies in an equitable, affordable manner. +","ka lebaka la tshebedisano mmoho enngwe le enngwe e etswang le dinaha tse nang le disebediswa tse betere mmoho le batshehetsi ba dinaha tsa matjhabatjhaba, re sibollotse motjha wa afrika wa phepelo ya disebediswa le meriana o tswetseng pele, bakeng sa ho thusa dinaha tsohle tsa afrika ho fumana disebediswa tsa tshireletso le phepelo ya meriana ka ho tshwana le ka ditjeho tse tlase. +",0.86847156 +"and now that the covid19 vaccine is available, we have worked as a collective to ensure that the continent gets its fair share, working with the covax facility and led by our own african vaccine acquisition task team. +","mme jwalo ka ha ente e thibelang covid19 e se e le teng, re sebeditse mmoho ho netefatsa hore kontinente e fumana karolo ya yona e e tshwanetseng, ka tshebedisano mmoho le setheo sa covax le ketello pele ya sehlopha sa afrika sa tshebetso ya phumano ya ente. +",0.8946615 +"vaccine rollout has already commenced on the continent and we aspire to have the majority of the continent’s population vaccinated by the end of 2021 to achieve herd immunity. +","ente e se e qadile ho fihla ka hara kontinente mme re labalabela ho bona boholo ba batho ba kontinente ba entile mafelong a 2021, hore re fihlelle setjhaba se sengata se entileng se seng se sa tshwaetsehe. +",0.8696801 +"we have acted as one to protect health, people and livelihoods on the continent. +","re sebeditse mmoho bake ng sa ho tshireletsa bophelo, batho le tshehetso ya bophe lo kontinenteng. +",0.86945677 +"in doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for selfreliance and our ability to be the drivers of our own development. +","ka ho etsa jwalo, re bontshitse bokgoni ba ho ikemela le ho intshetsa pele. +",0.7932105 +"despite the dominance of covid19, we have still managed to make advances in several of our key priorities. +","le ha e le mona covid19 e re hlwele setha, re ntse re kgonne ho ntshetsa pele maano a rona a mmalwa a ka sehlohong. +",0.8462434 +"during our term, the africa continental free trade area (afcfta) was finally launched, heralding a new era of intraafrican trade and economic integration. +","sehleng sa rona ho ile ha sibollwa letsholo la kgwebisano ya dinaha tsa konti nente ya afrika ntle le dite fello (afcfta), e bontshang nako e ntjha kgwebisanong ya dinaha tsa afrika le kopanelong ya moruo. +",0.85365176 +"even under the difficult conditions posed by the pandemic, the continent has pushed ahead with towards the goal of ‘silencing the guns’ on the continent. +","le maemong a thata a tlisitsweng ke sewa sena, kontinente e ntse e kgonne ho tswela pele ka leano la ho ‘kgutsisa dithunya’ ka hara kontinente. +",0.86362255 +"the au has been actively involved in negotiations around the grand ethiopian renaissance dam, in achieving a ceasefire in libya and promoting peace in south sudan. +","au e ile ya nka karolo dipuisanong tsa grand ethiopian renai ssance dam mme ya fihlella ho kgutsisa dithunya libya le ho tlisa kgotso naheng ya south sudan. +",0.8724863 +"another focus of our term has been on the economic empowerment of women, which we will continue to champion even beyond our term and throughout the decade of african women’s financial and economic inclusion to 2030. as we hand over the baton to the democratic republic of congo (drc) we leave this preeminent continental body in a position of greater strength. +","nqa enngwe eo re neng re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho yona sehleng sa rona ke ho matlafatso ya basadi moruong, eo re tla tswela pele ho e kenya tshebetsong le ka mora sehla sa rona le nakong ya dilemo tse leshome tsa kenyeletso ya basadi ba afrika ditjheleteng le moruong ho leba ho 2030. jwalo ka ha re fetisetsa boetapele ho naha ya democratic republic of congo (drc), re tlohela ketapele ena e kgabane ya kontinente e le maemong a matle ho feta pele. +",0.90351915 +"south africa will continue to play its part to foster integration on the continent, and support the incoming chair and the organisation in its efforts to meet the aspirations of the au’s agenda 2063. when the organisation for african unity was founded in 1963, member states planted the seeds of cooperation and solidarity in pursuit of a better life for all the peoples of africa. +","afrika borwa e tla tswela pele ho nka karolo ho tlisa kopano ka hara kontinente, le ho tshehetsa ketapele e ntjha le matsapa a au a ho phethahatsa ditabatabelo tsa ona tsa agenda 2063. ha mokgatlo wa dinaha tsa afrika o ne o thewa ka 1963, dinaha tseo e leng ditho mokgatlong ona di ile tsa jala peo ya tshebedisano mmoho le bonngwe ntshetsopeleng ya bophelo bo botle bakeng sa batho bohle ba afrika. +",0.9019095 +"they affirmed that african unity was paramount if the welfare and wellbeing of africa’s people was to be assured. +","di ile tsa bolela hore kopano ya afrika e bohlokwa haholo bakeng sa ho netefatsa the kolohelo le bophelo bo botle ba maafrika. +",0.83003104 +"history bears witness that these seeds have not always fallen on fertile ground, and over the years the continental unity project has experienced many hurdles and false starts. +","nalane e paka hore ha se ka mehla moo peo ena e ileng ya wela mobung o nonneng, mme dilemong tse ngata tse fetileng, porojeke ya kopano ya kontinente e bone ditshita tse ngata le qalo tse fosahe tseng. +",0.90738106 +"but the grave threat posed by this pandemic has galvanised african countries to collective action. +","empa kotsi e tlisitsweng ke sewa sena e qobelletse dinaha tsa afrika ho sebetsa mmoho. +",0.81505394 +"in the hothouse of the covid19 crisis, the seeds of unity and cooperation planted by our pioneering forebears have come to life and flourished. +","thuto eo re ithutileng yona bothateng ba covid19 e entse hore peo ya kopano le ya tshebedisano mmoho tse jetsweng ke baholoholo ba rona e mele mme e behe tholwana tse molemo. +",0.8356228 +"this time of great trial and difficulty has been among the au’s finest hours. +","nako ena ya teko ya tonanahadi le mathata e bile enngwe ya dinako tse babatsehang tsa au. +",0.8308 +"we are honoured to have been given the opportunity to lead the organisation through this period, when it practically demonstrated the true meaning of the words african union. +","ke tlotla hore re ile ra fuwa monyetla wa ho etella mokgatlo pele ka nako ena e bontshitseng hantle hore lentswe ‘kopano ya afrika’ le bolelang. +",0.850971 +this is an accomplishment for which all the citizens of our continent africa should feel proud and from which they should draw encouragement.," ke tlotla hore re ile ra fuwa monyetla wa ho etella pele mokgatlo wa dinaha tsa afrika (au) vukuzenzele unnamed sehla sa afrika bo rwa sa ho ba moe tapele wa au se fi hlile pheletsong. +",0.850971 +" steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country. +","mehato ya ho tsosolosa moruo vukuzenzele unnamed e se e tla ba selemo jwale re bile le ke tsahalo ya pele ya kokwanahloko ya khorona e ileng ya tlalehwa naheng ya rona. +",0.8344915 +"the pandemic has come at a great cost to both public health and the livelihoods of millions of our people. +","sewa sena se bakile ditshenyehelo tse kgolo bophelong ba setjhaba esita le maphelong a dimilione tsa batho ba habo rona. +",0.82333803 +"many workers lost part of their income as their work hours were reduced with many being retrenched. +","basebetsi ba bangata ba lahlehetswe ke karolo ya meputso ya bona ha dihora tsa bona tsa tshebetso di fokotswa, mme ba bangata ba fokotswa mesebetsing. +",0.891739 +"several businesses have incurred heavy losses from scaledback operations. +","dikgwebo tse ngata di bile le tahlehelo e boima ka lebaka la ditshebetso tse fokoditsweng. +",0.79120195 +"others have had to close. +","tse ding di ile tsa tlameha ho kwalwa. +",0.72704184 +"people working in the informal sector have also suffered. +","batho ba sebetsang karolong ya moruo e sa hlophiswang le bona ba amehile habohloko. +",0.78542244 +"most difficult of all, the pandemic has claimed the lives of breadwinners in many families, leaving them destitute and fearful for the future. +","ntlheng e boima ka ho fetisisa, sewa sena se nkile maphelo a bafepi malapeng a mangata, mme ba malapa ba sala ba itlhophere, hape ba tsielehille bakeng sa bokamoso. +",0.8494209 +"this is why the extensive relief measures we put in place were both necessary and urgent. +","ke ka lebaka lena mehato e pharaletseng ya diphallelo eo re e nkileng e neng e hlokeha e bile e le e potlakileng. +",0.8776661 +"and, now that nearly a year has passed, we can say that these measures have proved effective. +","hape, jwalo ka ha ho batla ho fetile selemo, re ka re mehato ena e atlehile. +",0.75326216 +"of the full package of relief measures that we introduced, perhaps the two measures that had the greatest impact were the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and the unemployment insurance fund's (uif) covid19 temporary employer/employee relief scheme, generally known as covid ters. +","kakaretsong ya yona mehato ena ya diphallelo tseo re di entseng mohlomong e mmedi e bileng le tshusumetso e matla haholo ke phallelo ya setjhaba e ikgethileng ya covid19 le ya uif, ya leano la diphallelo tsa basebetsi la nakwana, le tsejwang feela e le covid ters. +",0.85709304 +"we would not have been able to roll out these measures in such a short space of time if we had not had an extensive social security infrastructure already in place. +","re ne re ke ke ra atleha ho qala mehato ena ka nako e kgutshwane hakana haeba re ne re se na dibopeho tsa motheo tsa tshireletseho ya setjhaba tse pharaletseng tse neng di se di sebetsa. +",0.8426868 +"we were able to respond to this huge and immediate need in our society thanks to the substantial nationwide infrastructure and systems of the south african social security agency and the uif. +","re ile ra kgona ho arabela tlhoko ena e kgolo e bileng e le e potlakileng setjhabeng sa rona, re leboha dibopeho tsa motheo tse kgolo naheng ka bophara le ditsamaiso tsa setsi sa afrika borwa sa tshireletso ya botjhaba (sassa) le letlole la inshorense ya batho ba feletsweng ke mosebetsi (uif). +",0.8818166 +"there were certainly technical and other glitches along the way, but most of these were speedily resolved. +","kantle ho qeaqeo, a bile teng mathatanyana a setekgeniki le a mang boleleng ba nako, empa tsena tsohle di ile tsa rarolleha kapele. +",0.8327179 +"these government agencies did outstanding work to enroll millions of new beneficiaries and ensure they were paid. +","diagente tsena tsa mmuso di entse mosebetsi o babatsehang wa ho ngodisa dimilione tsa baamohedi ba batjha le ho netefatsa ho lefuwa ha bona. +",0.8934741 +"the support provided by the uif was a lifeline to struggling businesses and employees. +","tshehetso e fanweng ke uif e inotse dikgwebo tse thekeselang esita le basebetsi. +",0.82862043 +"it made the difference between companies remaining open and being forced to close, between jobs saved and jobs lost. +","e entse phapang pakeng tsa dikhampani tse setseng di sebetsa le tse ileng tsa tlameha ho kwalwa, pakeng tsa mesebetsi e ileng ya bolokeha le e ileng ya lahleha. +",0.87475634 +"this benefited businesses like sihle’s brew, a restaurant in gauteng, which was able to retain its 18 employees because of the ters scheme. +","sena se ile sa tswela molemo dikgwebo tse jwalo ka sihle’s brew, kgwebo ya dijo gauteng, e ileng ya kgona ho boloka basebetsi ba yona ba 18 ka lebaka la morero wa ters. +",0.87746143 +"thanks to government support, mamoshal agae trading and projects, an autoelectrical business in mokopane, was able to pay its workers as well as its rent and rates during the lockdown. +","re leboha tshehetso ya mmuso, mamoshalagae trading and pojects, kgwebo ya motlakase wa dipalangwang mokopane, e ile ya kgona ho lefa basebetsi ba yona esita le ho lefella rente, le ditefiso tsa thepa nakong ya ho kginwa ha tshebetso le maeto. +",0.8481711 +"employees in dire straits were able to receive a portion of their salaries. +","basebetsi ba maqakabetsing ba ile ba kgona ho amohela karolo ya meputso ya bona. +",0.8380406 +"lindiwe ntuli, a paralegal in centurion, has told how receiving her benefits enabled her to work from home and be able to afford her rent. +","lindiwe ntuli, molaodi wa molao, centurion, o boletse kamoo ho fumana ha hae meropotso ho ileng ha mo thusa hore a tsebe ho sebeletsa hae mme a kgonane le rente ya hae. +",0.86315084 +"there are many stories of companies that have been able to stay afloat over the past year because of the support they received from the uif. +","di ngata dipale tsa dikhampani tse ileng tsa qoba ho teba nakong ya selemo sena se fetileng ka lebaka la tshehetso eo di e fumaneng ho uif. +",0.8231374 +"the same can be said of the small businesses helped by the various grants and loans provided by a number of departments. +","ho ka phetwa tse tshwanang le dikgwebong tse nyenyane tse thusitsweng ke diphallelo tse fapafapaneng esita le dikadimo tse fanweng ke mafapha a mangata. +",0.87523866 +"these measures greatly helped our people in their time of need. +","mehato ena e thusitse batho ba habo rona haholo nakong ya bona ya tlhoko. +",0.852599 +"as we transition from relief to recovery, we have to shift gear. +","jwalo ka ha re fetoha ho tloha ho diphallelo ho ya ho tsosoloso, re tlameha ho fetola mokgwa wa rona wa tshebetso. +",0.8635831 +"while these relief measures were designed to be temporary, the economy will continue to feel the effects of the pandemic for some time. +","le hoja mehato ena ya kokobetso e ne e raletswe ho ba ya nakwana, moruo o tla tswela pele ho utlwa maoma a sewa sena nako e itseng. +",0.84692276 +"even as lockdown restrictions have been eased, many companies are struggling to cope with the fallout of months of diminished operations and lost revenue. +","le ha e le mona dipehelo tsa ho kginwa ha tshebetso le maeto di nyenyisitswe, dikhampani tse ngata di fumana ho le thata ho emelana le ditlamorao tsa dikgwedi tse ngata tsa ditshebetso tse fokotsehileng esita le kuno e lahlehileng. +",0.86454064 +"it is for this reason that, following extensive discussion with social partners at the national economic development and labour council the covid ters benefit has been extended until 15 march 2021 for sectors that have not been able to fully operate. +","ke ka lebaka lena, kamorao ho dipuisano tse pharaletseng le balekane ba rona ba tswang setjhabeng ho lekgotla la naha la ntshetsopele ya moruo le basebetsi (nedlac), meropotso ya covid ters e atolotswe ho ya ho 15 tlhakubele 2021 bakeng sa dikarolo tse sa kang tsa kgona tshebetso ka botlalo. +",0.8723327 +"the special covid grant has been extended for another three months. +","tshehetso e ikgethileng ya covid e atolotswe ka dikgwedi tse ding tse tharo. +",0.86664236 +"these remain shortterm measures. +","ena e ntse e le mehato ya nako e kgutshwane. +",0.81054443 +"our focus now must be on creating an enabling environment for businesses to recover, and for economic growth that spurs job creation and attracts invest ment. +","re tlameha ho tsepamisa maikutlo a rona ho bopeng tikoloho e fang dikgwebo bokgoni ba tsosoloso, hape le kgolo ya moruo e tla kenya ho thewa ha mesebetsi merebele, hape e hohele matsete. +",0.87147355 +"the recovery will be difficult and will take time, not least because we are still in the midst of the pandemic. +","tsosoloso e tla ba boima mme e tla nka nako, hakaakang re sa ntse re le ka hara sewa. +",0.80592287 +"important as these relief measures are now, we will not be able to sustain them indefinitely. +","le ha e le ya bohlokwa jwalo, mehato ena ya diphallelo, re ke ke ra kgona ho di ntshetsa pele molebe. +",0.7877368 +"we need to make sure that these relief measures provide a firm foundation for a broader recovery without driving the country deeper into debt. +","re tshwanela ho etsa bonnete ba hore mehato ena ya diphallelo e fana ka motheo o tiileng bakeng sa tsosoloso e batsi kantle ho ho kgannela naha tebetebeng ya dikoloto. +",0.8986633 +"unless we can bring our national debt down to sustainable levels no meaningful economic recovery will be possible. +","kantle ho ha re ka theolela mokitlane wa naha ya rona methathing e laolehang, ha ho tsoloso e bonahalang e ka kgonehang. +",0.82845336 +"our national consciousness must now move beyond the realm of relief into that of recovery, and we must all be part of this effort. +","phadimehelo ya rona re le setjhaba e tlameha ho sutha mothathing wa diphallelo e habele ho wa tsosoloso, mme bohle re tshwanela ho ba karolo ya boiteko bona. +",0.83342826 +"as government, hard decisions on public spending will need to be made and implemented this year. +","re le mmuso, diqeto tse boima malebana le tshebediso ya ditjhelete tsa setjhaba di tla tshwanela ho nkuwa le ho sebediswa selemong sena. +",0.8160039 +"companies will need to be innovative in driving methods and processes that secure their sustainability and profitability, with job retention being their foremost consideration. +","dikhampani di tla tshwanela ho hlahisa dintjhafatso ho ntshetseng pele mekgwa le ditshebetso tse netefatsang mokoka le bokgoni ba ho etsa phaello, poloko ya mesebetsi e le monahanong o ka sehloohong. +",0.86239636 +"we must put our money back into our economy by buying local products, supporting local businesses and industrie and procuring from local suppliers. +","re tlameha ho busetsa tjhelete ya rona moruong wa rona ka ho reka dihlahiswa tsa ka hara naha, re tshehetse dikgwebo tsa ka hara naha le bahlahisi ba ka hara naha, re reke ho bafepi ba ka hara naha. +",0.8861344 +"an injured patient with strong prospects for recovery is given regular phys ical therapy to help them get stronger until they can stand unaided. +","mokudi ya lemetseng mme a bonahala a na le menyetla e meholo ya ho kgutlela boemong ba hae ba pele o fumantshwa phekolo ya mmele e sa thiseng e le ho mo thusa ho matlafala ho fihlela a ka ikemela a sa thuswe. +",0.8819066 +"so must these temporary relief measures be seen as the means to get our economy back on its feet. +","ka mokgwa o jwalo mehato ena ya diphallelo ya nakwana e tlameha ho bonwa e le mokgwa wa ho etsa hore moruo wa rona o boele o ikemele ka maoto. +",0.8824682 +"our ultimate goal is to walk again. +","sepheo sa rona sa qetello ke sa hore re boele re tsamaye. +",0.8319087 +"as a nation, let us all lend a hand. +","re le setjhaba, kaofela ha rona ha re thuseng. +",0.7115096 +"let us be part of our own development and progress. +","ha re beng karolo ya ntshetsopele le tswelopele ya rona. +",0.8783089 +let us use the extended relief to drive a stronger recovery.,"mehato ya ho tsosolosa moruo vukuzenzele unnamed e se e tla ba selemo jwale re bile le ke tsahalo ya pele ya kokwanahloko ya khorona e ileng ya tlalehwa naheng ya rona. +",0.8783089 +"a professional public service vukuzenzele unnamed when i was elected to the position of president of south africa, i said that building an efficient, capable and ethical state free from corruption was among my foremost priorities. +","tshebeletso ya setjhaba e profeshenale vukuzenzele unnamed ha ke ne ke kgethwa ho ba mopresi dente wa afrika borwa, ke itse ho aha naha e sebetsang hantle, e nang le bokgoni le boitshwaro, le ho hloka bobudu, ke ya tse ding tsa dintlha tsa ka tse bohlokwahlokwa tse ka sehlohlolong. +",0.8767563 +"only a capable, efficient, ethical and developmentoriented state can deliver on the commitment to improve the lives of the people of this country. +","ke naha feela e nang le bokgoni, e sebetsang hantle, e maitshwaro a matle mme e tsepameng ntshetsopeleng e tla kgona ho phethahatsa boitlamo ba yona ba ho ntla fatsa maphelo a batho ba naha ena. +",0.89229864 +"this means that the public service must be staffed by men and women who are professional, skilled, selfless and honest. +","hona ho bolela hore tshe beletso ya setjhaba e tlameha ho hirelwa banna le basadi ba profeshenale, ba nang le tsebo, ba sa inahaneleng ba le bang mme ba nang le botshepehi. +",0.8864807 +"they must be committed to upholding the values of the constitution, and must, as i said in my inaugural speech, ""faithfully serve no other cause than that of the public"". +","ba tlameha ho itlama ka ho phahamisa ditekanyetso tsa molaotheo, mme ba tlame hile, jwalo ka ha ke ile ka hla losa puong ya ka ya pele ya bopresidente, ""ho sebeletsa setjhaba sa naha ena feela ka botshepehi"". +",0.8546659 +"over the past two weeks, public consultations have been underway on an important policy document that will give greater impetus to our efforts to bolster, strengthen and capacitate the civil service. +","dibekeng tse pedi tse feti leng, dipuisano le setjhaba di ile tsa nka sebaka ma bapi le tokomane ya leano le bohlokwa le tla fana ka matla boitekong ba rona ba ho nolofatsa, ho matlafatsa le ho fana ka bokgoni ho tshebeletso ya setjhaba. +",0.87438977 +"the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalisation of the public service aims to build a state that better serves our people, that is insulated from undue political interference and where appointments are made on merit. +","moralo wa naha wa tshe betso wa nakwana o mabapi le ho phahamisa botsebi ba tshebeletso ya setjhaba o ike miseditse ho aha naha e tla fa batho ba rona ditshebeletso tse betere, tse tshireletsehi leng kgahlano le kgahlamelo ya dipolotiki mme le moo batho ba hirwang ho ya ka makgabane a bona. +",0.84675777 +"the framework was approved by cabinet in november last year and structured consultation with various sectors of society are now underway. +","moralo ona o ananetswe ke kabinete ka pudungwana selomong se fetileng mme le dipuisano tse hlophisitsweng le makala a mmalwa a setjha ba, se dintse di tswelapele. +",0.8051669 +"twentyseven years into democracy, it can be said of the public service that while several pockets of excellence exist, we have serious challenges in many government departments with regards to skills, competence and professionalism. +","dilemo tse 27 ho kenwe demokrasing, ho ka tjho ka tshebeletso tsa setjhaba hore le ha feela ho ena le tse mmalwa tse hlwahlwa, re na le diphepetso tse ngatangata ho a mang mafapha mabapi le botsebi, tshebetso e nang le boiphihlelo le profeshenale. +",0.8875684 +"all too often, people have been hired into and promoted to key positions for which they are neither suitable nor qualified. +","boholo ba nako, batho ba hirwa le ho phahamisetswa maemong a hodimo ao a sa ba tshwaneleng kapa ao ba senang mangolo a ona. +",0.82562834 +"this affects government performance, but also contributes to nepotism, political interference in the work of departments, lack of accountability, mismanagement and corruption. +","sena se hahlamela tshebetso ya mmuso hampe, empa se boela se eba le seabo ho bolesafo, boitshunyakgare ba dipolotiki mesebetsing ya mafapha, ho hloka boika rabelo, tsamaiso e bohlaswa le bobodu. +",0.8950378 +"there is also the related problem of political and executive interference in the administration of the public service. +","ho boela ho ena le bothata bo amanang le boitshunya kgare ba sepolotiki le bolaodi ba phethahatso tsamaisong ya tshebeletso ya setjhaba. +",0.83563477 +"one need only to look at the instability in government departments when senior managers are swopped or replaced each time a new minister is appointed. +","motho o hloka feela ho she ba tlhokeho ya botsitso e ba teng mafapheng a mmuso ha balaodi ba ka sehloohong ba fapantshwa kapa ho kengwa ba batjha ha ho hirwa letona le letjha. +",0.83818454 +"directorsgeneral (dgs) and provincial heads of departments (hods) are particularly affected. +","balaodi ba baholo (didg) le dihlooho tsa mafapha (dihod) a diprofense ke tsona tseya amehang haholo. +",0.8540622 +"in some departments, dgs, hods and executive managers have had stability of tenure, enabling the departments to function with little disruption. +","mafapheng a mang, didg, dihod le batsamaisi ba phethahatso ba bile le bo tsitso ka nako ya tshebetso e telele, sena se ile sa dumella mafapha ho sebetsa hantle ntle le tshitiso e ngata. +",0.8747051 +"in most of these departments where there is leadership stability, audit outcomes tend to be positive and public funds can be accounted for. +","boho long ba mafapha ana ho ne ho ena le ketapele e tsitsitseng, diphetho tsa bohlakisi tse hlwekileng mme le matlole a setjhaba a ne a sebediswa ka maikarabelo. +",0.7642529 +"where there is a high turnover of heads of department, there is often administrative turmoil. +","moo ho nang le tahlehelo e hodimo ya dihlooho tsa mafapha, ha ngata ho ba le pherekano e ngata tsamaisong. +",0.82579106 +"one of the key recommendations made in the draft framework is that the public service must be depoliticised and that government departments must be insulated from politics. +","e nngwe ya ditshisinyo tse ka sehlohong e entsweng ho moralo ona ke hore tshebe letso ya setjhaba ha ya tla meha ho amana le dipolotiki mme mafapha a mmuso a tlameha ho ntshwa dipolo tiking. +",0.8144927 +"professionalisation is necessary for stability in the public service, especially in the senior ranks. +","boprofeshenale bo bohlo kwa hore ho tle ho be le botsitso tshebeletsong ya setjhaba, haholoholo ho ba maemong a hodimo tshebetsong. +",0.8575361 +"public servants must be able to continue doing their jobs ""regardless of any changes of ministers, members of the executive council or councillors within the governing party in charge of the administration, or changes to political parties after elections"". +","basebetsi ba setjhaba ba tlameha ho tswe lapele ho etsa mosebetsi wa bona ""ho sa kgathalatsehe hore na ho na le phetholo ya matona, ditho tsa lekgotla la phethahatso kapa balekgotla mokgatlong o busang o ika rabellang tsamaisong, kapa ha mekgatlo ya dipolotiki e fetoha ka mora dikgetho"". +",0.8690461 +"we are proposing a number of farreaching reforms, such as extending the tenure of hods based on merit and performance, doing occupationbased competency assessments and involving the public service commission in the interviews of dgs and deputy dgs. +","re sisinya palo ya diphe toho tse tla finyellang hole, tse jwalo ka ho atolosa nako ya tshebetso ya dihlooho tsa lefapha ho ya ka makgabane le tshebetso ya bona, ho etsa dihlahlobo tsa bokgoni ba ho phethahatsa tshebetso le ho mema komishini ya tshe beletso ya setjhaba ho ba le seabo diinthaviung tsa mese betsi ya didg le batlatsi ba balaodi ba moholo (diddg). +",0.8705601 +"introducing integrity tests for all shortlisted individuals will help so that we can recruit civil servants who can serve honestly. +","ho kenya tshebetsong di teko tsa seriti ho batho bohle ba hlwahilweng ho lenane la diinthaviu ho tla thusa hore re kgone ho fumana basebetsi ba mmuso ba tla sebetsa ka botshepehi. +",0.8585914 +"we also need to extend the compulsory entrance exams that we introduced in april 2020 beyond senior management. +","re boela re hloka ho atolosa ditlhahlobo tsa di kamohelo tse tlamang bohle tseo re ileng ra di tsebahatsa ka mmesa 2020 tseo ha jwale di tobaneng le bahlanka ba mmuso ba baholo hore jwale di etswe le ke basebetsi ba mmuso kaofela. +",0.7964637 +"successful developmental states have similar measures which help advance professionalism within the public service. +","dinaha tse tswelang pele tse atlehileng di ile tsa kenya mekgwa e jwalo ho di thusa ho ntshetsa pele boprofeshenale lekaleng la ditshebeletso tsa setjhaba. +",0.82375705 +"as we note in the draft framework, ""the bureaucracy must continue to loyally and diligently implement the political mandate set by voters and the party, but to refrain from being political actors themselves. +","jwalo ka ha re hlalositse ho moralo wa nakwana, ""tsamaiso ya naha e tlameha ho tsamaiswa ka botshepehi le ho phethahatsa thomo ya sepolotiki ka mahlahahlaha ho ya ka taelo ya bakgethi le mokgatlo, mme ho hlokahala hore ho ikgulwe dipoloti keng ha ho tla ntlheng ya ditshebeletso. +",0.83155197 +"""we are suggesting a more rigorous approach towards recruitment and selection of public servants, induction and performance management. +","""re sisinya mokgwa o mong o hlwahlwa wa ho hira le ho kgetha basebetsi ba setjhaba, tsamaiso ya kamohelo ya basebetsi ba batjha le tshe betso. +",0.8382045 +"this includes continuous learning and a clear professional development path for every public servant. +","sena se kenyeletsa ho ithuta ho tswelapele le tsela e hlakileng ya ntshetsopele ya boprofeshenale ba mosebetsi e mong le mong wa setjhaba. +",0.82600445 +"the draft framework puts emphasis on the need to hold public servants accountable for irregularities, to do away with a culture of impunity in the mismanagement and misappropriation of state resources. +","moralo wa nakwana o ha tella tlhokeho ya ho netefatsa hore basebetsi ba mmuso ba ikarabella tshebedisong e bohlaswa ya ditjhelete tsa setjhaba, ho fedisa tlwaelo ya ho se fumantshwe kotlo tsamaisong e bohlaswa ya ditjhelete le e sa tshwanelang ya mehlodi ya mmuso. +",0.8356467 +"professionalising the public service involves training for accounting officers across all spheres of government on the applicable legislative provisions. +","boprofeshenale tshebe letsong ya mmuso bo kenye etsa kwetliso ya basebetsi ba diakhaonto makaleng a mmuso ka bophara ho ya ka ditekanyetso tse ikamaha ntsha le ketsamolao. +",0.82136106 +"the national school of government (nsg) has a vital role to play in this regard. +","sekolothupello sa naha sa mmuso (nsg) se bapala ka rolo e bohlokwa ntlheng ena. +",0.8556467 +"professionalism is not only about having the right qualifications and technical skills, but also about having appropriate standards of respect, courtesy and integrity in dealing with members of the public. +","boprofeshenale ha bo bolele ho ba le mangolo a tshwanetseng le botsebi ba matsoho feela, empa le ho ba le maemo a tshwane tseng a maitshwaro a nang le hlompho, boitlhompho, le seriti ha o sebetsa le ditho tsa setjhaba. +",0.8732428 +"the public service is diverse, with a huge range of skills, qualifications and capabilities. +","tshebeletso ya setjhaba e fapane, e na le mekgahlelo e mengata e kenyeletsang bo tsebi, mangolo a boiphihlelo le bokgoni. +",0.86450803 +"many public servants have specialised skills that are necessary for the effective provision of services. +","boholo ba basebetsi ba setjhaba bona le botsebi bo ikgethileng bo hlokehang phanong ya kabelo ya ditshe beletso e tshwanetseng. +",0.8266511 +"it is therefore not necessarily the case that we need a smaller public service: what we actually need is a fitforpurpose public service with suitable skills, a professional ethic and a commitment to serving the people. +","ka hoo, ha se hore re hloka tshe beletso ya setjhaba e nyenya ne: seo re feela re se hloka ke tshebeletso ya setjhaba e nang le mehlodi yohle e tshe betso e nang le boitsebi bo tshwanetseng, maitshwaro a boprofeshenale le boitlamo ba ho sebeletsa setjhaba. +",0.8425248 +"the men and women of the public service need to be capacitated to play their role in driving development and consolidating democracy. +","banna le basadi ba tshebe letso ya setjhaba ba hloka ho fumantshwa bokgoni hore ba kgone ho bapala dikarolo tsa bona ho kganneng ntshe tsopele le ho matlafatsa de mokrasi ya rona. +",0.8619038 +"this is our best guarantee of a capable state that serves the interests of citizens. +","hona ke netefaletso ya rona e kgolo ya naha e nang le bokgoni e sebeletsang ditlhoko tsa baahi ba yona. +",0.8256309 +"i call on you to be part of the public consultation process around this draft framework, which is available on the nsg's website, and to make your voice heard. +","ke ipiletsa ho lona hore le nke karolo ho tsamaiso ya dipuisano le setjhaba tse ma bapi le moralo wa nakwana, o fumanehang websaeteng ya nsg, ho etsa hore lentswe la hao le utlwahale. +",0.84938276 +"the public service does not belong to any one party, nor should it be the domain of any particular interest group. +","tshebeletso ya setjhaba ha se ya mokgatlo ofe kapa ofe o le mong feela, kapa ha ya tlameha ho laolwa ke mokgatlo o nang le ditabatabelo tse itseng. +",0.8288674 +"it should not be a law unto itself. +","ha ya tlameha ho iketsa molao ka bo yona. +",0.73934793 +"the public service belongs to the people of south africa. +","tshebeletso ya setjhaba ke ya batho bohle ba afrika borwa. +",0.6203557 +it must serve them and them alone.,"tshebeletso ya setjhaba e profeshenale vukuzenzele unnamed ha ke ne ke kgethwa ho ba mopresi dente wa afrika borwa, ke itse ho aha naha e sebetsang hantle, e nang le bokgoni le boitshwaro, le ho hloka bobudu, ke ya tse ding tsa dintlha tsa ka tse bohlokwahlokwa tse ka sehlohlolong. +",0.6203557 +"traditional leaders key to recovery efforts vukuzenzele unnamed in the last few months, we have had to bid a sad farewell to two of our country’s most respected traditional monarchs. +","marena a bohlokwa mehatong ya tsoseletso ya moruo vukuzenzele unnamed dikgweding tse mma lwa tse fetileng, marena a mabedi a neng a hlomphuwa haholo naheng ena a iketse badi mong. +",0.81188345 +"the zulu people recently laid to rest his majesty king goodwill zwelithini ka bhekuzulu who reigned for half a century. +","setjhaba sa mazulu se sa tswa boloka morena wa sona morena goodwill zwelithini ka bhekuzulu ya busitseng dilemo tse 50 kaofela. +",0.79327476 +"in january, the bapedi people buried kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii, who passed away less than a year after his inauguration. +","ka phe rekgong, setjhaba sa bapedi le sona se bolokile morena wa sona kgoshikgolo thulare thulare wa boraro, ya ileng badimong ho so fele le selemo a kotsometse sa borena. +",0.7349796 +"with their passing, we have lost champions of the preservation of our heritage, and revered custodians of the histories of their respective peoples. +","re lahlehetswe haholo ke dikakapa tsena paballong ya setso le nalane ya ditjhaba tsa tsona ka ho fapana. +",0.6733402 +"at the same time, they were vital players in rural development, and were committed to driving programmes to uplift the material conditions of their people. +","marena ana a ne a boetse a bapala karolo ya bohlokwa ntshetsong pele ya dibaka tsa mahaeng mme a le ka pele mananeong a ntlafatso ya maemo a ditjhaba tsa ona. +",0.78958976 +"with the advent of democracy in 1994, it was a priority of the new government to restore the integrity and legitimacy of traditional leadership in line with indigenous law and customs and subject to the constitution of the republic. +","ha demokrasi e qala ka sele mo sa 1994, mmuso o motjha o ile wa beha pele taba ya ho kgutlisa seriti le tlhompho ya marena le ho netefatsa hore melao e laolang ditaba tsa setso le meetlo e ikamahanya le molaotheo wa naha ena. +",0.8618021 +"the institution of traditional leadership continues to play an important role in the lives of millions of people around our country, especially in rural areas. +","marena a bapala karolo e kgolo maphelong a dimilione tsa batho naheng ena, haholo holo dibakeng tsa mahaeng. +",0.82088363 +"traditional leaders support and drive development in their communities. +","marena a tshehetsa le hona ho ntshetsa pele ntlafatso ditjhabeng tsa ona. +",0.71699095 +"recently, i had the opportunity to participate in the debate on the opening of the national house of traditional leaders, which was concerned with the most pressing issues currently facing the country. +","haufinyane ke sa tswa fumana monyetla wa ho kopana le ona marena ha ho ne ho bulwa palamente ya marena moo ho neng ho tshohlwa ditaba tsa bohlokwa tsa naha ena. +",0.81272554 +"what was particularly refreshing about the robust engagement was that traditional leadership has a keen appreciation of the difficult economic conditions facing our country, and want to be part of addressing the many challenges of underdevelopment and poverty in their areas. +","se ileng sa nkgahla haholo puisanong ya rona ke ho hlokomela hore le marena a ngongorehile ka maemo a boima a moruo naheng ena mme le ona a batla ho ba ka rolo ya tharollo ya mathata le bofuma dibakeng tsa ona. +",0.81896174 +"i have consistently said that our economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic must be inclusive, and that nobody must be left behind. +","ke dutse ke bolela hore tso seletso ya moruo ka lebaka la sewa sa khorona, e tlameha ho kenyeletsa motho ohle, ho se be le ya siuwang kantle. +",0.85161436 +"the success of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan rests on forging strong partnerships between not just government, business and labour, but also with traditional leadership and other societal formations. +","katleho ya leano la tsose letso le kahobotjha ya moruo ha e a tlameha ho ba letsema la mmuso, borakgwebo le basebetsi feela, empa marena le mekgatlo e meng ya setjha ba e tlameha ho kenyeletswa. +",0.8368796 +"a constant refrain from participants in the debate recently was that they do not want to be dependent on handouts or for their communities to perpetually look to government for financial assistance. +","maikutlo a hlahelletseng hangata a ho emisa ho llela mmusong a bontsha hore ma rena a ne a sa rate ho phutha matsoho mme a thabele taba ya ho kgaketswa ke mmuso kapa hona hore setjhaba sa ona se nne se shebe mmuso mahlong bakeng la thuso ya ditjhelete. +",0.8061495 +"they want to be provided with the necessary support, training and enabling environment to allow rural communities to be selfsufficient. +","a batla hore a fuwe tshe hetso le thupello a e hlokang mmoho le tikoloho e tla dumella setjhaba sa ona ho ikemela. +",0.8055722 +"they want to bridge the urbanrural divide in access to government services and private sector resources. +","a batla ho qeta phapang e teng pakeng tsa dibaka tsa mahaeng le tsa ditoropong ha ho tluwa tabeng ya ho fumana ditshebeletso tsa mmuso le dithuso lekaleng le ikemetseng. +",0.84783983 +"what they would like to see is for rural areas to become centres of economic activity, industry and employment opportunity. +","a batla ho bona dibaka tsa mahaeng e ba dibaka tsa kgiro, ditsi tsa tlhahiso le ntshetso pele ya moruo. +",0.8368076 +"this mirrors the aspirations of the district development model (ddm), which was launched in 2019. traditional leaders are well positioned to ensure that district plans are informed by and respond to the real needs of communities and that they reflect the lived reality in rural areas. +","sena se tshwantshwa hantle le le ano la ntlafatso ya ditereke (ddm), le neng le thehwe ka 2019. marena a maemong a nepahetseng a ho netefatsa hore maano ana a ntlafatso ya ditereke a sebetsa hantle le hore a atlehisa ditlhoko tsa setjhaba sa ona dibakeng tsa mahaeng. +",0.86513776 +"just as the ddm supports localised programmes that focus on the needs, strengths and opportunities in specific areas, traditional leaders have pioneered their own approach to local economic development. +","jwalo ka ha leano la ddm le tshehetsa maano a ntlafatsang ditlhoko le menyetla diba keng tse itseng, marena le ona a na le tsela ya ona e pele ya ho ntlafatsa moruo dibakeng tsa ona. +",0.84215975 +"they have developed the investrural masterplan, which was launched in north west last month. +","a thehile leano la ntlafatso ya dibaka tsa mahaeng, le hlomamisitsweng leboya bophirima kgweding e feti leng. +",0.8505776 +"it is greatly encouraging that traditional leaders have rallied behind the plan and want to work with local authorities to ensure it is a success. +","ke ntho e kgothatsang ho bona hore marena kaofela a tshehetsa leano lena mme a batla ho sebetsa mmoho le makgotla a metsaneng ho netefatsa katleho ya lona. +",0.8415394 +"during the debate in the national house of traditional leaders it was proposed that a major success factor for the investrural programme is that traditional structures are trained, strengthened and capacitated. +","puisanong ya rona pala menteng ya marena, ho ile ha hlahella hore leano lena la ntlafatso ya dibaka tsa mahaeng le ka atleha ha feela dikomiti tsa marena di fumana tshehetso le thupello. +",0.79245967 +"a number of participants outlined economic plans that are already in advanced stages of development. +","bankakaroloba mmalwa ba ile ba hlahisa maano a kgo diso ya moruo a seng a hatetse pele haholo. +",0.74812543 +"these range from agricultural projects to bioprospecting to renewable energy. +","hara ona re ka bala a tsa temo, tshebediso ya dimela le diphoofolo ho etsa meriana esitana le tsoseletso ya matla a motlakase. +",0.75014925 +"what was evident is that the institution of traditional leadership understands that professionalisation is necessary for rural businesses in the form of small, medium and micro enterprises and cooperatives to become part of the mainstream economy. +","se ileng sa hlokomeleha ke hore marena a elellwa taba ya hore ho tle dikgwebo tsa mahaeng di atlehe mme e be karolo ya moruo wa naha ena, di tlameha ho sebetsa ka tsela ya profeshenale ho sa natsehe hore ke tse thuthuhang, tse mahareng, tse hodileng kapa tsa matsema. +",0.7910634 +"the traditional leaders who spoke presented their vision of ‘developmental monarchs’, who see themselves as not just custodians of heritage but also as drivers of economic prosperity and progress. +","marena ohle a buileng mona, a bontshitse taba ya hore ona ha se marena a she bileng paballo ya setso feela, empa a ntshetsa pele le taba ya moruo dibakeng tseo a busang ho tsona. +",0.7857549 +"they have identified several projects and economic opportunities that will create jobs and improve livelihoods in rural areas. +","a hlwahile diprojeke tse ngatanyana le menyetla ya moruo e tla theha menyetla ya mesebetsi le ho ntlafatsa maphelo a batho ba mahaeng. +",0.8920158 +"traditional leaders have also expressed their willingness to play an active part in the land reform process. +","marena a boetse a ikemise ditse ho nka karolo kabong botjha ya mobu. +",0.72343343 +"since 2018, traditional leaders have made around 1 500 000 hectares of communal land available for development, and it is hoped this will increase in future. +","ho tloha ka selemo sa 2018, marena a se a nehelane ka mobu o ka bang dihektara tse 1 500 000 bakeng sa ntshetsopele, mme re tshepa hore a tla fana ka o mong nakong e tlang. +",0.8637847 +"to develop a coordinated and sustainable strategy, we have agreed to hold a presidential land summit in the next year. +","hore re tle re be le leano le tiileng ka taba ena, re du mellane ka ho ba le pitso ya mopresidente ya ditaba tsa mobu isao. +",0.69752127 +"this will discuss pressing issues around land reform and its impact on communal land, much of which is located in rural areas. +","pitsong ena, ho tla tshohlwa ditaba tsa kabo ya mobu le kgahlamelo ya sena mobung wa marena o dibakeng tsa mahaeng. +",0.7633364 +"the tone of the debate in the national house was a fitting reflection of a climate in which economic recovery is foremost among our considerations. +","se bonahetseng haholo puisanong ya palamente ena ya marena, ke hore tsoseletso botjha ya moruo e ne e le yona ntlhakgolo. +",0.7580348 +"at the same time it was a promising signal that traditional leaders appreciate their role in being part of the national recovery effort through being proactive and innovative. +","ka ho le leng, sena e ne e le sesupo sa hore marena a thabela ho ba karolo ya tsoseletso ya moruo ka mahlale le maano a ona. +",0.7904595 +"the most fitting legacy of great leaders is that the seeds of development they sow during their tenure grow into mighty trees that protect and shelter their communities for posterity. +","sa bohlokwa haholo ke hore seo marena a se etsang hona jwale se tla tswela setjhaba sa ona molemo le melokong e tlang. +",0.697199 +"as we work together as a country to rebuild our economy, we will continue to count on the support of the institution of traditional leadership, which is an inextricable part of our past, our present and our future.","marena a bohlokwa mehatong ya tsoseletso ya moruo vukuzenzele unnamed dikgweding tse mma lwa tse fetileng, marena a mabedi a neng a hlomphuwa haholo naheng ena a iketse badi mong. +",0.697199 +"religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances. +","badudi ba ditumelo tse fapaneng ba bohlokwa ntweng e kgahlanong le covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed moraorao tjena maafrika bo rwa a mangata a ipapisitse le ba bang ho phatlalla le lefatshe dike tsahalong tsa bohlokwa tsa bodumedi. +",0.87419534 +"members of the jewish faith celebrated pesach, chris tians observed easter and muslims will soon be observing the holy month of ramadan. +","ditho tsa bodu medi ba sejuda haufinyane tjena di sa tswa keteka pa seka, bakreste ba ketekile labohlano le halalelang ha mamoselemo haufinyane a tla keteka kgwedi e halale lang ya ramadan. +",0.84405375 +"for the second year, these occasions have been marked in the midst of a devastating global pandemic that has cost the lives of more than 2.5 million people across the world. +","jwale re se re le selemong sa bobedi bobedi, diketsahalo tsena di ketekwa hara sewa sena se thefutseng lefatshe se qositseng maphelo a batho ba fetang dimilione tse pedi le halofo ho phatlalla le lefatshe. +",0.86842203 +"faithbased organisations have been vital to our national response to the disease, not only providing spiritual comfort and guidance, but also by caring for those most vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic, including through the provision of food, shelter and other social services. +","mekgatlo ya ditumelo tse fapaneng esale e le bohlokwa ho karabelo ya rona lefung lena, e ne e sa fane feela ka matshediso a semoya le ta taiso, empa e ne e boetse e hlokomela ba neng ba ame hile haholo ke ditlamorao tsa sewa, ho kenyeletswa phano ya dijo, bodulo le ditshebe letso tse ding tsa kahisano. +",0.89009184 +"religion plays an important role in the lives of millions of south africans, and congregational worship forms a vital part of their religious practice. +","bodumedi bo bapala karolo ya bohlokwa maphelong a di milione tsa maafrika borwa, le ho kenela tshebeletso e le phutheho ke ka karolo ya bohlokwa ya ditlwaelo tsa bona tsa bodumedi. +",0.91907895 +"being able to gather for religious services is also a welcome respite from a period of great hardship for individuals, families and communities. +","ho kgona ho bokana ba keng sa ditshebeletso tsa bodumedi kamora ho tswa nakong ya mathata a maholo, e boetse e ba kgefu bakeng sa batho ka bo mong, malapa le badudi. +",0.8716668 +"it is understandable that after more than a year of labouring under restrictions on religious gatherings that the faith community are keen for a return to a semblance of normality. +","ho a utlwahala hore ka mora nako e fetang selemo ya ho sotleha tlasa dithibelo tsa dipokano tsa bodumedi, badumedi ba tjhesehela ho kgutlela maemong a setlwa eding. +",0.86256826 +"in recognition of the importance of congregational worship to the lives of our people, government has been engaging with the faith community. +","ka kananelo ya bohlokwa ba ho kena tshebeletsong e le phutheho maphelong a batho ba bo rona, mmuso esale o buisana le badumedi. +",0.8401483 +"leaders of the faith community understand and appreciate the very real danger of a new wave of covid19 infections. +","baetapele ba badumedi ba utlwisisa le ho ananela kotsi ya sebele ya ditshwaetso tsa leqhubu le le letjha la covid19 . +",0.88581073 +"since the outbreak of the pandemic, religious organisations have taken proactive and positive measures to limit the spread of the disease among worshippers. +","esale sewa sena se ropoha, mekgatlo ya bo dumedi e nkile mehato ya phadimeho le e hlwahlwa ya ho fokotsa ho nama ha lefu lena hara barapedi. +",0.89929235 +"another important factor is that during the various alert levels, religious organisations have incurred substantial financial losses that threaten their sustainability. +","ntlha e nngwe ya bohlokwa ke hore nakong ya mehato ya tlhokomediso e fapafapa neng, mekgatlo ya bodumedi e bile le ditahlehelo tse kgolo tsa ditjhelete tse tshosetsang boemo ba yona ba ho ite kanela. +",0.8836429 +"as government we remain committed to working with the faith community to find workable solutions. +","jwaloka mmuso re dula re itlamme ho sebetsa le badumedi bakeng sa ho thola ditharollo tse tla ba tswelang molemo. +",0.84204376 +"at the same time, public health and safety must be our paramount consideration. +","re sa le hona moo, boiteka nelo le polokeho ya setjhaba di lokela ho ba ka sehlohlo long. +",0.7933983 +"the religious community has shown innovation and initiative in the holding of worship at a time when there was a great deal of uncertainty over the trajectory of the pandemic. +","badumedi ba bontshitse ntjhafatso le boikitlaetso mabapi le ho tshwara di tshebeletso ha ho ne ho na le qeaqeo e kgolo mabapi le boemo ba sewa sena. +",0.7541505 +"congregational services were held online and worshippers were encouraged to pray in their homes instead of attending services. +","ditshebeletso tsa diphu theho di ne di tshwarwa ka marangrang a inthanete mme barapedi ba ne ba kgothale tswa ho rapella malapeng ho e na le ho ya ditshebeletsong. +",0.90566 +"this greatly aided the national effort to contain the spread of the disease. +","sena se thusitse haholo me kutung ya naha ya ho ngotla ho nama ha lefu lena. +",0.80369276 +"religious leaders played a pivotal role in encouraging public adherence to health measures around important customary and cultural rituals like burials. +","baetapele ba bodumedi ba bapetse karolo ya bohlokwa mabapi le ho kgothaletsa setjhaba ho ikobela mehato ya bophelo bo botle mabapi le ditlwaelo tsa meetlo le tsa botjhaba tse akgang mapato. +",0.86676556 +"by equal measure, our people have demonstrated their commitment to adhering to public health protocols and to social distancing. +","ka tsela e tshwanang, batho ba bo rona ba bontshitse boi tlamo ba ho ikobela melawa na ya boitekanelo ba setjhaba le ho sielana sebaka. +",0.8042013 +"and they correctly appreciate that they must continue to avoid large gatherings . +","mme ruri ba ananela hore ba lokela ho tswella ho phema dipokano tse kgolo. +",0.8013359 +"we are now at a time where precaution is needed above all. +","hajwale re nakong moo re hlokang ho itlhokomela. +",0.7558383 +"the coronavirus pandemic has not been eliminated, either in our own country or around the world. +","kokwanahloko ya sewa sa corona ha e so fediswe, naheng ya bo rona kapa le fatsheng ho pota. +",0.8654984 +"the threat of a third wave is real and everpresent. +","ketsahalo ya hore re be le leqhubu la boraro e teng mme e tla dula e le teng. +",0.7802483 +"international experience has taught us that we should not tempt fate. +","boiphihlelo ba matjhabeng bo re rutile hore re seke ra leka modimo tumelo. +",0.7448999 +"many countries have eased restrictions, only for there to be resurgences, necessitating the imposition of even harsher restrictions. +","dinaha tse ngata di nyehlisitse dithibelo, kanthe ke feela moo ho bileng le ho ropoha botjha, ho ileng ha baka dithibelo tse matla le ho feta. +",0.8395646 +"large gatherings, whether religious or otherwise, have the potential to spread the virus, despite the application of measures around social distancing and sanitising. +","dipokano tse nang le batho ba bangata, e ka ba e le tsa bodumedi kapa tse ding, di na le bokgoni ba ho atisa kokwanahloko ena, ho sa natswe tshebediso ya ditsela tse amanang le ho sielana se baka le ho hlapa matsoho ka sebolayadikokwanahloko. +",0.8724383 +"millions of south africans have been observing an important tenet of their faith. +","dimilione tsa maafrika borwa esale di kenela di ketsahalo tsa bohlokwa tsa tumelo ya bona. +",0.8499197 +"in a country that enshrines the right to religious freedom, all effort must be made to support our people in the exercise of this right. +","naheng ena e amohelang tokelo ya bolokolohi ba bodumedi, ho lokelwa ho etswa mekutu yohle ya ho tshehetsa batho ba bo rona ha ba sebedisa to kelo ena. +",0.8359955 +"and in exercising this right, we need to make sure that we do not place the rights or the lives of others at risk. +","mme ha re sebedisa tokelo ena, re lokela ho etsa bonnete ba hore ha re behe ditokelo le maphelo a ba bang kotsing. +",0.893982 +"this is a principle that the religious leaders i met with fully support and appreciate. +","ena ke pehelo eo baetapele ba bodumedi bao ke kopa neng le bona ba e tshehetsang le ho e ananela. +",0.8178686 +"they understand the responsibility of all people of faith – indeed of all south africans – to observe the practical measures put in place to protect people’s health and save lives. +","ba utlwisisa boikarabelo ba batho bohle ba ditumelo – hantlentle ba maafrika borwa kaofela – ho ikobela ditsela tse kgonehang tse behilweng bakeng sa ho sireletsa boitekanelo ba batho le ho boloka maphelo. +",0.8999568 +"for more than a year, we have worked together as a society to contain this pandemic. +","bakeng sa nako e fetang selemo, re sebeditse mmoho re le setjhaba ho ngotla sewa sena. +",0.78152776 +"now as we work to overcome it, we need to reaffirm our shared determination to act responsibly and cautiously. +","jwaloka ha re sebeletsa ho se hlola, re lokela ho tii setsa boikemisetso ba rona ba ho sebetsa ka boikarabelo le ka hloko. +",0.83658695 +"in doing so, we will be giving practical effect to the universal messages of hope, salvation, freedom and solidarity that will be spoken of in the churches, synagogues, mosques and homes of our land in the days and weeks ahead.","badudi ba ditumelo tse fapaneng ba bohlokwa ntweng e kgahlanong le covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed moraorao tjena maafrika bo rwa a mangata a ipapisitse le ba bang ho phatlalla le lefatshe dike tsahalong tsa bohlokwa tsa bodumedi. +",0.83658695 +"port of durban creates a sea of opportunities for sa vukuzenzele unnamed recently, i visit ed the port of durban to see for myself the work being done to make the port more efficient and competitive. +","boemakepe ba durban bo thehela aforika borwa menyetla e thibang letsatsi vukuzenzele unnamed haufinyane tjena, ke sa tswa etela boe makepe ba durban ho ilo bona mosebetsi o etswang bakeng sa ho ntla fatsa tshebetso ya bona le ho bo etsa hore bo be le tlhodisano. +",0.87704587 +"after a briefing with the senior management of transnet, i toured the harbour in a pilot boat, which is usually used to guide large ships through the entrance channel to the pier. +","kamora ho buisana le balaodi ba phahameng ba transnet, ke ile ka hahlaula boemakepe ka seketswana se tsamaisang ba kganni ba dikepe, se atisang ho sebediswa ho tataisa dikepe tse kgolo ho kena moo di emang teng. +",0.90240306 +"seeing the workings of the port from the water, one is reminded of its vast scale and complexity. +","ho bona mosebetsi wa boema kepe o le ka metsing, o hopola ka moo o leng moholo le ho ra rahana ka teng. +",0.81293607 +"if the port does not function efficiently, the entire economy suffers, from importers and exporters to consumers. +","ebang boemakepe bo sa sebe tse ka nepo, moruo ohle o hula ka thata, ho tloha ho barekisi ba thepa e hlahang dinaheng tse ka ntle le ba rekisang thepa dina heng tse ka ntle ho ya ho bareki. +",0.8191824 +"on the other hand, if the port works well it can drive economic growth and position our country as a gateway to the region and the continent. +","ka lehlakoreng le leng, ha eba boemakepe bo sebetsa hantle bo ka hodisa moruo le ho etsa hore naha ya rona e be monyako wa lebatowa le kontinente ya rona. +",0.8815617 +"when i visited durban in october 2019, many local businesses and port users raised concerns with me about the performance of the durban port. +","ha ke ne ke etetse durban ka kgwedi ya mphalane 2019, dikgwebo tse ngata tsa lehae le basebedisi ba boemakepe ba ile ba hlahisa dingongoreho tsa bona tse amanang le tshebetso ya boemakepe ba durban ho nna. +",0.914822 +"shipping companies, in particular, expressed concern about truck congestion and waiting times, ship berthing delays and anchorage times, poor maintenance of equipment and generally low productivity in the port. +","ka ho kgetheha, dikhampha ni tse tsamaisang thepa di bontshitse ho tshwenyeha ka tshubuhlellano ya diteraka le nako eo di e emang, tiehiso ya ho emiswa le ho faswa ha dikepe, tlhokomelo e mpe ya disebe diswa le tlhahiso e tlase ka kakaretso boemakepeng. +",0.8789849 +"my recent visit to the port was to check whether the commitments made in response to these concerns had been implemented. +","ketelo ya ka e sa tswa feta boe makepeng e ne e le ho ilo lekola hore na boitlamo bo entsweng bakeng sa ho rarolla matshwe nyeho ana bo phethahaditswe. +",0.8483844 +"there has indeed been great progress over the past year in turning around the performance of the port, despite the impact of covid19. +","ka nnete ho bile le kgatelopele e kgolo ya ho ntlafatsa tshebetso ya boemakepe selemong se fetileng, ho sa natse karolo e bapetsweng ke covid19 . +",0.86358035 +"these efforts are already showing results in improved maintenance of equipment, reduced congestion, quicker turnaround times and increased use of rail instead of road transport. +","matsapa ana a se a ntse a bo ntsha sephetho sa tlhokomelo ya disebediswa, ho fokotseha ha tshubuhlellano, tshebetso e potlakileng le tshebediso e eke tsehileng ya diterene ho fapana le dipalangwang tsa mmileng. +",0.8670932 +"while this is important progress, there is still much work to be done to position durban as a worldclass port and as a hub port for the southern hemisphere. +","le ha hona e le kgatelopele ya bohlokwa, ho sa na le mosebetsi o moholo o tlamehang ho etswa bakeng sa ho etsa hore durban e be boemakepe ba maemo a hodimo lefatsheng le hore e be boemakepe ba mantlha ba karolo e ka borwa ya lefatshe. +",0.8771131 +"in recent years, the port has slipped from its position as first in africa to third, behind tangier in morocco and port said in egypt. +","dilemong tsa morao tjena, boemakepe bona bo theohile ho tloha maemong a bona a pele ho ya ho a boraro aforika, bo ka morao ho tangier ya morocco le port said ya egypt. +",0.9223889 +"truck turnaround times have greatly improved. +","nako eo diteraka di e emang pele di thuswa e ntlafetse ha holo. +",0.70341575 +"similarly, the reliability of cargo handling equipment has improved to 80% and is heading towards at least 95% to meet international benchmarks. +","ka mokgwa o tshwanang, tshepahalo ya disebediswa tsa ho tsamaisa thepa e ntlafetse ho fihla ho 80% mme e ya e lebile bonyane ho 95% hore e fihlele boemong ba matjhaba. +",0.8985877 +"ship waiting times have reduced to impressive levels. +","nako eo dikepe di e emang e fokotsehile ho fihlela maemong a kgahlang. +",0.86336756 +"these statistics may seem technical and obscure, but they have a direct impact on the growth of our economy and on the prices we pay as consumers. +","dipalopalo tsena di ka nna tsa bonahala di le thata ebile di sa tsejwe, empa di na le tshusumetso e kgolo kgolong ya moruo wa rona le ho ditheko tseo re di lefang jwalo ka bareki. +",0.87053716 +"we have made improving the efficiency of our ports a priority of operation vulindlela and have focused on rebuilding transnet, which is one of our valued stateowned enterprises. +","re behile ho ntlafatsa bohlwa hlwa ba ditsha tsa rona tsa boe makepe ka hodimo ho letsho lo la vulindlela mme ra tsepa misa maikutlo kahong botjha ya transnet, e leng enngwe ya dikgwebo tsa mmuso tse anane lwang haholo. +",0.83607435 +"the new management of transnet and its operating divisions are resolutely focused on turning the performance of the port around. +","botsamaisi bo botjha ba tran snet le dikarolo tsa yona tsa tshebetso di tsepamisitse mai kutlo ho fetolweng ha tshebetso ya boemakepe. +",0.8656789 +"the management has ambitious and exciting expansion plans for all five of the port’s precincts. +","botsamaisi bo na le tjantjello le merero e kgahlisang ya ho eketsa dibaka tsohle tse hlano tsa boemakepe bona. +",0.864454 +"these include the deepening of the maydon wharf channel to allow larger, modern vessels to enter the port, the infill of pier 1 and pier 2 to create additional capacity for con tainers and the development of a new container terminal in the point precinct. +","morero ona o kenyeletsa ho tebisa lekgalo la maydon wharf hore e tsebe ho amohela dikepe tse kgolo tsa sejwalejwale ho kena boemakepe, ho tshela sekgutlo sa pele le sa bobedi sa moo dikepe di emang le ho faswa teng bakeng sa ho eketsa sebaka se behang dikhontheina le ho sibolla sebaka se setjha se behang dikhontheina ho point precinct. +",0.8893435 +"altogether, the expansion of infrastructure at the port will require r100 billion in new investment over the next decade and more. +","ka kakaretso, katoloso ya mo ralo wa motheo ya boemakepe e hloka matsete a matjha a dibili yone tse 100 tsa diranta dile mong tse leshome le ho feta tse tlang. +",0.79258764 +"this will completely transform the port, expanding its capacity for container handling from 2.9 million units to more than 11 million units. +","hona ho tla fetola boemakepe ka botlalo, ho tla hodisa sebaka sa polokelo ya dikhontheina ho tloha ho tse dimiliyone tse 2.9 ho isa ho tse dimiliyone tse 11. merero ena e tla hloka matsete le tshehetso e kgolo ya makala a poraefete. +",0.8151148 +"these ambitious plans will require greater private sector participation and investment. +","transnet, ho kenye letsa le boemakepe ba durban, ke letlotlo la bohlokwa la naha la setjhaba sa aforika borwa. +",0.57310086 +"transnet, including the durban port, is an important national asset belonging to the people of south africa. +","tshebetso mmoho le makala a poraefete e bohlokwa bakeng sa ho tlisa matsete a matjha, the knoloji le botsebi tshebetsong ya boemakepe le ho ntjhafatsa di sebediswa le meralo ya motheo. +",0.6704595 +"partnerships with the private sector are crucial to bring new investment, technology and expertise to port operations and to modernise equipment and infrastructure. +","mohlala, transnet e rera ho bapatsa leano la ho aha le ho sebedisa kou e ntjha ha nako e ntse e tsamaya selemong sena. +",0.66293836 +"transnet is planning, for example, to advertise a concession later this year to build and operate the new point terminal. +","hona ho tla tlisa matsete ho tswa makaleng a poraefete le ho ntlafatsa tshebetso le polokelo ya dikhontheina. +",0.6495441 +"this will bring in private investment and improve the efficiency of container handling. +","ka tshebetso ya rona ya ntjhafatso re ntse re ntlafatsa bohlwa hlwa ba ditsha tsa rona tsa boemakepe, diporo tsa diterene le ho bulela matsete a maholo a meralo ya motheo. +",0.6585498 +"through our reform process we are steadily improving the efficiency of our ports and railways and unlocking massive investment in infrastructure. +","hona ho ke ke ha theola ditheko fela le ho ntlafatsa bokgoni ba tlhodisano ya diyantle tsa rona, empa ho tla theha hape le mesebetsi e me tjha. +",0.65170145 +"this will not only lower costs and improve the competitiveness of our exports, but will create thousands of new jobs in the process. +","ka ho ntlafatsa tshebetso le ho fetola sebopeho, boemakepe ba durban bo tla kgutlela mae mong a bona a ho ba boemakepe bo sebetsang ka boqetseke bo fetisisang mona aforika. +",0.6100821 +"through both operational improvements and structural reforms, durban port will reclaim its place as the bestperforming port in africa. +","jwalo ka karolo ya morero wa rona wa kaho le tsosoloso ya moruo, re tla tswela pele ho sebetsa re sa kgathale ho hodisa meralo ya motheo ya matsete le ho ntlafatsa diindasteri tsa rona tsa marangrang. +",0.7044476 +"as part of our reconstruction and recove ry plan, we will continue to work tirelessly to expand infrastructure investment and transform our network industries. +","ha eba ketelo ya ka ya durban e sihile ntho e le nngwe ka kele llong ya ka, ke hore maaforika borwa a kgona ho atleha mere rong e meholo ya bohlokwa. +",0.63381034 +"if my visit to durban left one thing in my mind, it is that we south africans are capable of succeeding in projects of vast importance and scale. +","ditabatabelo tsa rona di tla meha ho lekana le boholo ba diphephetso tsa rona. +",0.5878236 +"our ambitions should match the size of our challenges. +","ka kgatelopele eo re e etsang boemakepeng ba durban, ka boiphihlelo le tsebo e matla bo re nang le bona transnet, re tshwere morethetho. +",0.5432555 +"with the progress we are making at the durban port, with the reinvigorated skills and capabilities that we have in transnet, we now have the wind in our sails. +","boemakepe ba durban bo thehela aforika borwa menyetla e thibang letsatsi vukuzenzele unnamed haufinyane tjena, ke sa tswa etela boe makepe ba durban ho ilo bona mosebetsi o etswang bakeng sa ho ntla fatsa tshebetso ya bona le ho bo etsa hore bo be le tlhodisano. +",0.5432555 +"robust media more critical than ever vukuzenzele unnamed we live in a country where not just journalists but any member of the public is able to freely articulate their views, their opinions and indeed their dissatisfaction without fear of retribution. +","boraditaba ba hlwahlwa ba bohlokwa le ho feta pele vukuzenzele unnamed re phela naheng eo ho yona e seng ba qolotsi ba ditaba feela empa setho le ha e le sefe sa setjhaba se kgo nang hore, ka bolokolohi, se hlahise mehopolo ya sona, maikutlo a sona, ho se kgotsofale ha sona ka ntle le ho tshaba ho nkelwa bohato ba kgalemo. +",0.896957 +"we have come a long way from the days where social protest by artists attracted banning orders, and critical reporting by journalists risked imprisonment or the closure of publications. +","re tsamaile leeto le letelele ho tloha matsatsing ao ho ona boipelaetso ba setjhaba ba ba nono bo neng bo kgahlame tswa ke ditaelo tsa thibelo, ditlaleho tse mahlonoko tsa baqolotsi di neng di ba beha kotsing ya ho hlahlelwa te ronkong kapa ho kwalwa ha diphatlalatso/dikgatiso. +",0.87236345 +"recently, the organisation reporters without borders published the 2021 world press freedom index, a barometer of the state of media freedom across the globe. +","haufinyane, mokgatlo wa batlalehi ba hlokang moedi o phatlaladitse tlaleho ya bolokolohi ba dikgatiso lefatsheng ya selemo sa 2021, eo e leng semethakgatello sa boemo ba bolokolohi ba mo kgwaphatlalatso lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.8815868 +"overall, it was found that there has been a decline in public access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage in a number of countries. +","ka kakaretso, ho ile ha fu maneha hore ho bile teng ho fokotseha ha phumantsho ya tlhahisoleseding ho setjhaba, hape le ho eketseha ha dithi bello kanetsong ya ditaba dinaheng tse ngata. +",0.83603 +"the report said that journalism is ""totally blocked or seriously impeded"" in 73 countries and ""constrained"" in 59 others. +","tlaleho ena e itse boqolotsi bo ""thibetswe ka botlalo kapa bo sitisitswe haholo"" dinaheng tse 73, mme ba ""kginwa"" ho tse 59. ho ngongorehisang ke hore bolokolohi ba mokgwaphatla latso bo theohile tlasa maemo a sewa sa covid19 , moo dithibelo tse fapafapaneng tse kentsweng tshebetsong ho bonahalang e ka di ile tsa sebedisetswa ho kgina tshe betso ya mekgwaphatlalatso dibakeng tse ngata. +",0.79655194 +"what is worrying is that media freedom has deteriorated under the covid19 pandemic, with the various restrictions put in place having seemingly been used to curtail media activity in several places. +","tlalehong ena ya moraorao tjena afrika borwa e bo emong ba 30 palong ya dinaha tse 108. tlaleho ena e hlalosa boemo ba bolokolohi ba mokgwaphatlalatso afrika borwa e le ""bo netefaleditswe ng empa bo tetemang"". +",0.68580383 +"in this latest report south africa ranked 32nd out of 180 countries. +","e supa hore le ha molao wa motheo wa afrika borwa o tshireletsa bolokolohi, hape re ena le tlwaelo e tsitsitseng ya boqolotsi ba bofuputsi, ditshitiso tse ngata di sa ntse di thibela baqolotsi ho phetha mosebetsi wa bona. +",0.5591847 +"the index describes the state of media freedom in south africa as ""guaranteed but fragile"". +","hona ho kenyeletsa ditaelo tsa makgotla tse molaong tse thibelang batho ho nka ditshwantsho tsa dibaka tsa tshireletso tsa naha, kapa ho fana ka tlaleho tabeng tse amanang le polokeho ya mmuso. +",0.60813946 +"it notes that while the south african constitution protects freedom and we have an established culture of investigative journalism, a number of impediments still hinder journalists in the performance of their duties. +","tlaleho ena e boetse e supa keketseho selemong sa 2021 ya diketsahalo tsa ditshoso tsa baqolotsi, haholoholo baqolotsi ba batshehadi mekgwaphatlalatsong ya setjhaba. +",0.6763598 +"this includes legal injunctions against taking images of national key points or reporting on matters involving state security. +","ditshoso tsena ha di a amoheleha ho hang, empa di kotsi ka ho kgethehileng ha di lebisitswe ho baqolotsi ba ba tshehadi, hape, ka dinako tse ding di tsamaya le ditshoso tsa dikgoka tsa tsa motabo. +",0.68477285 +"the report also notes an increase during 2020 of the intimidation of journalists, especially female journalists on social media. +","taba ena e tlisa ngongoreho e kgolo, mme e ke ke ya amo heleha. +",0.49890083 +"such intimidation is totally unacceptable, but is particularly harmful when it is directed at female journalists and is occasionally accompanied by threats of sexual violence. +","ka nqa e nngwe, re kgotha tswa haholo ke ho tseba hore re na le mokgwaphatlalatso o lokolohileng, o hlwahlwa o kgonang ho tlaleha kantle ho leeme ka bao ba matleng a puso, ka ditaba tse hlokolosi tsa setjhaba tsa nakong ena ya rona, le ho fana ka tlhahi soleseding e nepahetseng, e hlokang leeme ho setjhaba. +",0.69912225 +"this is a matter of great concern and cannot be allowed. +","nakong ena eo re sebetsang mmoho ho aha botjha moruo, esita le setjhaba sa rona, tlasa maemo a sewa sa kokwana hloko ya khorona, mokgwa phatlalatso o hlwahlwa ke wa bohlokwa le ho feta pele. +",0.43847805 +"at the same time, we take great comfort in the knowledge that we have a free, robust media that is able to report without fear or favour about those in power, about the most pressing social issues of our time, and to provide accurate, impartial information to the public. +","boraditaba ba afrika borwa ba bile le tema ya bohlokwa hlokwa karolong e kgolo ya seo kajeno re se tsebang ka bonnete ba ho phatlalla ha kgapo ya mmuso ke batho ba itshebeletsang bo bona, ba diketso tsa bobodu, esita le dikhamphani tseo ba di sebeletsang. +",0.7045826 +"at a time when we are working together to rebuild our economy and our society in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a robust media is more critical than ever. +","ba tswetse pele ka botlalehi ba bona le tlasa maemo a ditshoso, ho newa kantle ho letsoho le ho hlaselwa. +",0.59840083 +"the south african media has played a pivotal role in uncovering much of what we know today about the true extent of capture of the state by selfserving, corrupt individuals and entities. +","bobodu ha se yona feela phephetso eo re tobaneng le yona re le naha. +",0.531127 +"they sustained their reporting even in the face of intimidation, disinformation and attacks on their person. +","maphelo a mehla le mehla a maafrika borwa a mangata a ntse a angwa ke bofutsana, ho hloka tekatekano le kgaello ya ntshe tsopele, phano e hlokang boleng ya ditshebeletso le kgaello ya ho fumana me nyetla. +",0.67185044 +"corruption is by no means the only challenge we face as a country. +","haeba mokgwaphatlalatso wa rona o tla tshepahalla boikarabelo ba ho tshehetsa demokrasi, baqolotsi ba rona ba tlameha ho tswela pele ba tlaleha kantle ho leeme ditabeng tse ding hape tsa letsatsi. +",0.55059874 +"the daily lives of many south africans are still affected by poverty, inequality and underdevelopment, poor service delivery and lack of access to opportunities. +","kanetso ya bona e nang le mokoka e tlameha ho kenye letsa tshebediso ya dikgoka tseo motheo wa tsona e leng bong, botlokotsebe metseng ya rona le boitshwaro bo sa lokang ba baahi bo kang tshebediso e mpe ya dithe thefatsi. +",0.7278553 +"if the media is to remain true to its responsibility to support democracy, our journalists must continue to report without fear or favour on the other issues of the day. +","boraditaba ba rona ba tshwanela ho fana ka tlha hisoleseding e nepahetseng, hape e hlokang leeme, e thu sang setjhaba ho etsa diqeto tse nang le tsebo, molemong wa ho nanabetsa menyetla le ho ntlafatsa maphelo a bona. +",0.7243895 +"their sustained coverage must include genderbased violence, crime in our communities and social ills like substance abuse. +","ba tshwanela ho tswela pele ho hlahisa boqolotsi bo phunyeletsang ka nqane ho dihlooho tsa ditaba le maqephe a ka pele a ditaba, hape bo nang le seabo ntla fatsong ya setjhaba. +",0.72341704 +"our media should provide accurate and impartial information, enabling the public to make informed decisions, to access opportunities and to improve their lives. +","ba tshwanela ho tlaleha bobedi ditaba tse molemo le tse mpe, tswelopele eo re e etsang le diphephetso tseo re tadimaneng le tsona. +",0.71348035 +"they should continue to produce journalism that goes beyond the headlines and front pages and that contributes to human development. +","ho tshepahala ke ntho ya bohlokwa ntlheng ya ho boloka ho tshepana pakeng tsa baqolotsi le setjhaba. +",0.6282714 +"they should report both the good news and the bad news, the progress we make and the challenges we face. +","ha baqolotsi ba itumella kapa ba dumella dipolate fomo tsa bona hore di sebedi setswe ho lwana dintwa tsa sepolotiki kapa di etse boi phetetso lebitsong la ba nang le kgahleho, botshepehi ba bona bo a lemala. +",0.5927626 +"credibility is key to sustaining trust between journalists and the public. +","ha boraditaba ba hasanya ditaba tse sa nepahalang kapa tseo ba tsebang hore ke tsa leshano, setjhaba se fellwa ke tshepo ho bona. +",0.64988744 +"when journalists allow themselves or their platforms to be used to fight political battles or settle scores on behalf of vested interests, their credibility suffers. +","ho molemong wa bohle ba ratang naha ena, hape ba lakatsa hore e atlehe, hore boraditaba ba rona ba tshehetswe, mme ba se ke ba sitiswa mosebetsing wa bona. +",0.7095304 +"when media disseminate stories that are inaccurate or that they know to be false, the public loses faith in them. +","re le setjhaba, ha re tswe leng pele ho sebetsa mmoho re boulele ho tshireletsa bolokolohi ba mokgwapha tlalatso naheng ya rona. +",0.60924286 +"it is in the best interests of all who love this country and wish for it to succeed that our media is supported, and not hindered in its work. +","bo ile ba unwa ka boima, mme kantle ho bona, re ke ke ra tshepa hore re tla atleha. +",0.62158406 +"as a society, let us continue to work together to jealously safeguard our country’s media freedom. +","boraditaba ba hlwahlwa ba bohlokwa le ho feta pele vukuzenzele unnamed re phela naheng eo ho yona e seng ba qolotsi ba ditaba feela empa setho le ha e le sefe sa setjhaba se kgo nang hore, ka bolokolohi, se hlahise mehopolo ya sona, maikutlo a sona, ho se kgotsofale ha sona ka ntle le ho tshaba ho nkelwa bohato ba kgalemo. +",0.62158406 +"israel, palestine urged to emulate sa by pursuing peace vukuzenzele unnamed our experience with the democratic transition is a lesson about the power of empathy, negotiation and compromise. +","ho ipiletswa dinaheng tsa iseraele le palestina ho nka mohlala ho afrika borwa ka ho tsitlallela kgotso vukuzenzele unnamed boiphihlelo ba rona ka ho kena mmu song wa demokra si bo re rutile ka matla a kutlwelano, ditherisano le tshebedisano. +",0.8463559 +"the escalating situation in israel and palestine affirms once more what we south africans know too well, that intractable conflicts can only be solved through peaceful negotiation. +","maemo a ntseng a tota na heng tsa iseraele le palestina ke bopaki ba tseo rona ma afrika borwa re di tsebang ha ntle, e leng hore dikgohlano tse sa feleng di ka rarollwa ka ditherisano tsa kgotso feela. +",0.88742286 +"it also demonstrates that unless the root causes of a conflict are addressed, in this case the illegal occupation by israel of palestinian land and the denial of the palestinian people’s right to selfdetermination, there will never be peace. +","maemo ana a boetse a bo ntsha hore ebang ho sa toba nwe le sesosa sa dikgohlano tsena e leng ho nkuwa ha naha ya palestina ke iseraele ka tsela e seng molaong, le ho amohuwa ha mapalestina boikemelo ba bona, kgotso e ke ke ya ba teng. +",0.83728063 +"the latest violence was sparked by an israeli court decision to evict a group of families from their homes in the sheikh jarrah neighbourhood in east jerusalem to make way for israeli settlements. +","dintwa tsa morao tjena di bakilwe ke qeto ya lekgotla la dinyewe la iseraele e itseng ho ntshuwe malapa moo a dulang teng motseng wa sheikh jarrah, botjhabela ba jerusalema, hothwe a suthele maiseraele. +",0.8869483 +"the sight of men, women and children being evicted from the homes their families have lived in for generations brings back painful collective and personal memories for the majority of south africans – of forced removals and land dispossession. +","ho bona banna, basadi le bana ba ntshuwa mahaeng ao meloko ya malapa a bona e phetseng ho ona ho hopotsa bongata ba maafrika borwa tse bohloko tsa kgale tsa ho lelekwa dibakeng tsa ona le ho nkelwa naha. +",0.86769485 +"it was a pain and humiliation faced by my own family, and by many south african families. +","ke bohloko le tlontlollo eo lelapa leso le ileng la tobana le tsona, le malapa a mang a mangata a afrika borwa. +",0.89356387 +"my family was forcibly moved to different parts of the country on two occasions. +","baheso ba ile ba qobellwa ho fallela dibakeng tse fa paneng naheng ena makgetlo a mabedi. +",0.79894114 +"being forced from one’s home at gunpoint is a trauma not easily forgotten and is carried across generations. +","ho lelekwa haeno o su pilwe ka sethunya ke ketso e bohloko e sa lebaleheng mme e dula e le menahanong ya meloko e latelang. +",0.8254571 +"as a country, we are still living with the residual effects of the callous acts carried out in the name of apartheid spatial planning. +","re naha e ntseng e ikoka maqeba a diphetho tsa diketso tse mahlonoko tse neng di amana le ho beha baahi dibakeng tse itseng ho ya kamoo mmuso wa kge thollo o neng o batla kateng. +",0.7862616 +"for all who believe in equality, justice and human rights, we cannot but be moved and indeed angered, at the pain and humiliation being inflicted on the palestinian people; for it echoes our own. +","jwalo ka batho ba dume lang tekanong, tokeng le ditokelong tsa botho, re a kgathatseha le ho halefa ha re bona bohloko le tlontlollo ya mapalestina hoba ke dintho tse re hopotsang nalane ya rona. +",0.8277266 +"israel’s actions are a violation of international law. +","diketso tsa iseraele ke tlolo ya molao wa matjhaba. +",0.7878252 +"they show a total disregard for successive united nations security council reso lutions that call for an end to the occupation of palestinian land and for the fulfilment of the rights of the palestinian people. +","di bontsha ho se hlomphe ka hohlehohle dipehelo tsa lekgotla la tshireletseho la matjhaba a kopaneng, tse reng palestina e se ke ya amo huwa naha mme le baahi ba naha eo ba nkuwe e le batho ba nang le ditokelo. +",0.8182301 +"since israeli security forces launched assaults on worshippers at alaqsa mosque in jerusalem, the violence has now engulfed the gaza strip, large parts of the west bank and a number of israeli cities. +","ditlhaselo di se di aparetse motjhophoro wa gaza, diba ka tse kgolo tsa west bank le metse e meholo ya iseraele esale mabotho a tshireletseho a iseraele a hlasela badumedi sebakeng sa borapedi sa al aqsa,jerusalema bekeng e fetileng. +",0.8029526 +"it has claimed the lives of dozens of people, including children. +","batho ba bangata ba hlokahetse ho kenyeletsa le bana. +",0.6440915 +"it is also deeply troubling that israeli forces destroyed a multistorey building that housed a number of media organisations, sending a chilling message to media reporting on the violence. +","ho bile bohloko ho bona masole a iseraele a heletsa moaho wa mekato e mengata oo ho ona ho neng ho dula mekgatlo ya ditaba, mme sena se rometse molaetsa o tshosang ho ba ditaba ba tlalehang ka dikgoka tsena. +",0.87782216 +"the senseless and continued israeli bombardment of gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal israeli blockade for 14 years. +","tlhaselo e sa hlokeheng le e ntseng e tswela pele ya ise raele baahing ba gaza e tla ba le diphetho tse mpe bakeng sa batho ba fetang dimili yone tse pedi bao esaleng ba sotleha ka dilemo tse 14 tsa dithibelo tsa iseraele. +",0.887429 +"we call on all parties involved to show restraint, to respect human life and to cease the current hostilities. +","re ipiletsa ho bohle ba amehang ho itshwara, ho hlompha maphelo a ba bang, leho beha marumo fatshe. +",0.8104351 +"as south africa, we are committed to being part of international efforts aimed at reviving a political process that will lead to the establishment of a viable palestinian state existing sidebyside in peace with israel and within internationally recognised borders. +","rona re le afrika borwa re ikemiseditse ho ba karolo ya maiteko ohle a dinaha tsa matjhaba ao sepheo sa ona e leng ho tsoseletsa motjha wa sepolotiki o tla lebisa ho thehweng ha palestina e phethahetseng e ikemetseng, eo baahi ba yona ba tlang ho phela ka kgotso le naha ya iseraele, meeding e tsejwang tlasa melao ya matjhaba. +",0.867943 +"the twostate solution remains the most viable option for the peoples of israel and palestine and must continue to be supported. +","tharollo ya dinaha tse pedi ke yona e tla tswela baahi ba iseraele le ba palestina mo lemo mme e lokela ho nna e tshehetswa. +",0.8156998 +"just as israeli security forces were attacking worshippers at the alaqsa mosque, we in south africa were preparing to commemorate the centenary of the bulhoek massacre at a religious site in ntabelanga in the eastern cape. +","nakong eo mabotho a ise raele a neng a hlasela badu medi sebakeng sa borapedi sa al aqsa, afrika borwa mona re ne re itokisetsa ho hopola polao ya batho ya bulhoek ya dilemong tse lekgolo tse fetileng sebakeng sa borapedi sa ntabelanga provenseng ya kapa botjhabela. +",0.884385 +"on 24 may 1921, colonial security forces armed with machine guns and artillery opened fire on worshippers, killing more than 160 people and wounding nearly 130. the massacre laid bare the brutality not only of the police force of the union of south africa, but also the racist system that it was charged to uphold. +","ka la 24 motsheanong 1921, masole a mmuso wa mehleng a neng a hlometse ka dithu nya a ile a hlasela badumedi a bolaya batho ba fetang 160 ka palo ha tswa dikotsi ba batlang ba ba 130. ketsahalo ena e sehloho e ile ya hlakisa bokgopo ba mapolesa a union of south africa , le kgethollo eo mmuso wa nakong eo o neng o kge thetswe ho e netefatsa. +",0.8772516 +"just like the dispute in the sheik jarrah neighbourhood, the atrocity at bulhoek was not just about a local dispute; it was fundamentally about the forced dispossession of land, about colonial occupa tion, about racial discrimi nation and about the violent suppression of dissent. +","jwalo ka qhwebeshano ya motseng wa sheik jarrah, sehloho sa bulhoek e ne e se feela hobane batho ba motse ba ne ba hulela nxane ka me hopolo; se ne se amana le ho amohuwa naha, ho nkelwa lefatshe ka leano la bokolo neale, kgethollo ya mmala le dikgoka kgahlano le ba sa dumellaneng le mmuso. +",0.8882339 +"as we reflect on the crisis in the middle east and particularly on the suffering of the palestinian people, we would do well to recall the words of selby msimang, a founding member of the african national congress. +","nakong eo re tsepamisang maikutlo bothateng ba dinaha tsa botjhabela bo bohareng, haholoholo tsho tlehong ya mapalestina, re ka ikgopotsa mantswe a selby msimang, e mong wa bathehi ba african national congress. +",0.8909483 +"in the aftermath of the bulhoek massacre he wrote: ""history has shown that the human soul naturally revolts against injustice"". +","kamora polao e sehloho ya batho bulhoeko ile a ngola mantswe ana: ""nalane e bontshitse horebatho ba qe tella ba lwantsha kgethollo."" +",0.8288145 +"the protests and the revolt of the oppressed people of south africa against colonialism and apartheid proved the veracity of this prophecy. +","boipelaetso ba batho ba neng ba hatelletswe ba afrika borwa kgahlano le bokolo neale le mmuso wa kgethollo bo bontshitse matla a sena seileng sa porofetwa. +",0.8279108 +"as lovers of freedom and of justice, we stand with the palestinian people in their quest for selfdetermination, but also in their resistance against the deprivation of their human rights and the denial of their dignity. +","re le baboulelli ba tokoloho le toka, re ema nokeng ma palestina leetong la ona la ho batla boipuso, le ntweng ya bona kgahlano le ba ba amohang ditokelo tsa bona tsa botho le ho hatikellwa ha seriti sa bona. +",0.86901474 +"as citizens of a country that was able to turn its back on racehatred and bloodshed, and build an inclusive society rooted in human rights for all, it is our collective hope that the people of israel and palestine will follow a similar path; that they will find each other and that they will find peace.","ho ipiletswa dinaheng tsa iseraele le palestina ho nka mohlala ho afrika borwa ka ho tsitlallela kgotso vukuzenzele unnamed boiphihlelo ba rona ka ho kena mmu song wa demokra si bo re rutile ka matla a kutlwelano, ditherisano le tshebedisano. +",0.86901474 +"sa strives to realise the vision of the constitution vukuzenzele unnamed sixty years ago, on 31 may 1961, apartheid south africa became a republic, cutting its ties with the british empire. +","afrika borwa e ikemiseditse ho phethahatsa pono ya molaotheo vukuzenzele unnamed dilemong tse 60 tse fetileng, ka la 31 motsheanong 1961, afrika borwa e ile ya fetoha rephaboliki ya kgethollo, ya kgaola dikamano tsa yona le mmuso wa brithani. +",0.90160036 +"while a ‘republic’ is generally defined as a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, this was not the case in south africa. +","empa le ha ‘rephaboliki’ e hlaloswa e le naha eo e laolwang ke batho ba yona le bakgethwa ba bona, hone ho se jwalo afrika borwa. +",0.8262267 +"the constitution of the apartheid republic pledged allegiance to god, ""who gathered our forebears together from many lands and gave them this as their own"". +","molaotheo wa rephaboliki ya kgethollo o ne o ena setlamo le modimo, ""ya ileng a jara baholoholo ba bona mmoho ho tswa mafatsheng a mangatangata a ba fa lena lefatshe ho ba la bona"". +",0.88652897 +"it was a constitution written by and for a racial minority, and it used faith to justify tyranny. +","e ne e le molaotheo o ngotsweng le ho ngollwa ba morabe o monyane, mme o ne o sebedisa tumelo ho buella bohanyapetsi. +",0.8585483 +"it outlined the administration of government, providing that only white people were eligible to vote and serve as public representatives. +","o ne o totobatsa tsamaiso ya mmuso, o dumellang batho ba basweu feela ho kgona ho kgetha le ho eba baemedi ba setjhaba. +",0.85905135 +"it contained no bill of rights. +","o ne o sa kenyeletsa bili ya ditokelo. +",0.8068038 +"the country’s majority was relegated to a footnote towards the end of its 121 provisions, in a section titled ‘administration of bantu affairs, etc.’. +","boholo ba batho ba naha bo ne bo wela tlasa mongolong o tlase leqepheng pheletsong ya diphumantsho tsa ona tse 121, mokgahlelong wa sehlooho sa ‘tsamaiso ya ditaba tsa bathobatsho, jwalojwalo.’molaetseng o neng o haswa telebesheneng, tonakgolo hf verwoerd o ile a re: ""re hloka ntshetsopele ya merabe ya rona ka tsela e itseng. +",0.7662893 +"in a televised message, prime minister hf verwoerd said: ""we seek the gradual development of each of our groups in a certain direction. +","morerong ona ho totobetse hore re tlameha ho tswella ka ho buswa ke motho ya mosweu. +",0.510285 +"here the solution is openly sought by retaining the white man’s guiding hand. +","""""re thabetse haholo ho ba batho ba kopaneng,"" o ile a tsebisa lefatshe. +",0.48839593 +"""we are very happy to be a united people,"" he declared to the world. +","empa nnete ke hore re ne re se batho ba kopaneng. +",0.5244685 +"but the reality was that we were not a united people. +","re ne re le baahi ba naha eo ditokelo tsa motho, katleho ya hae le bophelo ba hae bo leng matsohong a motho wa morabe o mong. +",0.51743996 +"we were inhabitants of a country where one’s rights, prospects and life expectancy was determined by one’s race. +","ka dilemo tse mashome a mabedi, molao wa molaotheo wa rephaboliki ya afrika borwa wa 1961 e ne e le tshusumetso ya semolao ya mola wa kgatello ya batho ba kabang 90% wa setjhaba sa afrika borwa. +",0.57496727 +"for two decades, the republic of south africa constitution act of 1961 was the legal impetus for the repression of nearly 90% of the south african population. +","sehopotso sena se sa thabiseng se nkile sebaka hona kgweding eo re ketekang sehopotso sa dilemo di 25 tsa phatlalatso ya seboka sa molaotheo sa molaotheo wa rona o motjha wa demokrasi, o ileng wa ba bopaki ba tswalo e ntjha ya nnete ya naha e kopaneng. +",0.6583974 +"this unhappy anniversary took place in the same month that we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the constitutional assembly of our new democratic constitution, which became the birth certificate of a real united nation. +","ha jwale re na le molao o le mong o laolang setjhaba se le seng. +",0.42102098 +"now we have one law for one nation. +","mmoho, re ikgethetse tsamaiso ya mmuso e fanang ka tlhaloso ya nnete ya mohopolo wa rephaboliki. +",0.6037307 +"together, we have chosen for ourselves a system of government that gives true meaning to the concept of a republic. +","re ile ra re ka hara rephaboliki ya rona ya demokrasi, bohle ba ya lekana ka pela molao mme ba na le tokelo ya tshireletso le ho una molemo molaong ka ho lekana. +",0.6365309 +"we have said that in our democratic republic, everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. +","kajeno afrika borwa ke naha eo tsamaiso ya toka e tsetetsweng makgotleng a ikemetseng le tsa toka tse ikamahantshang le molaotheo feela. +",0.6428584 +"south africa today is a country where the administration of justice is vested in independent courts and a judiciary that is subject only to the constitution. +","re phela naheng eo bohle ba nang le tokelo ya ho ya makgotleng ho ya phethahatsa ditokelo tsa bona. +",0.64760876 +"we live in a country where everyone has the right to approach the courts for the fulfilment of their rights. +","re phela naheng eo ditjhaba di ka kenyang kopo ya molao ho tseka mobu oo ba ileng ba tloswa ho ona ka dikgoka, mme moo batho kapa malapa ba tshireleditsweng kgahlano le ho lelekwa malapeng a bona. +",0.73425555 +"we live in a country where communities can stake a legal claim on land they were forcefully moved from, and where individuals or families are protected against arbitrary eviction from their homes. +","re phela nahaneg eo bohle ba dumeletsweng ho phethahatsa setso le meetlo ya bona ka bolokolohi. +",0.7130462 +"we live in a country where everyone is permitted to freely practise their culture and traditions. +","ke naha eo mang kapa mang a ka ipiletsang ka bolokolohi ho tshehetsa matsholo a setjhaba, a dipolotiki kapa a mang kae kapa kae. +",0.7073951 +"it is a country where anyone can freely protest in support of social, political and other causes anywhere. +","motheo wa molaotheo wa rona o thehilwe hodima mmuso o ikarabella, moo komiti ya phethahatso e ikarabellang komiting ya palamente e leng kemedi ya batho. +",0.55859953 +"our constitutional dispensation is premised on accountable government, where the executive is answerable to the people and where parliament is representative of the people. +","ke naha eo molao o akaretsang moahi ofe kapa ofe ka ho lekana. +",0.60642004 +"it is a country where the law applies equally to any citizen. +","ha jwale re se re ena le mmuso wa batho, o busang batho, o buswang ke batho. +",0.567998 +"we now have a government of the people, for the people and by the people. +","ha mmuso wa kgethollo o ne o bapatsa molaotheo wa ona o nang le kgethollo ka sebete lefatsheng dilemong tse 60 tse fetileng, o ne o ena le tshepo e fosahetseng ya hore o tlo kgona ho tshwarella. +",0.5319607 +"when the apartheid regime triumphantly paraded its racist constitution to the world 60 years ago, it had misplaced confidence that it would endure. +","lengolong le ileng la se arabelwe ke verwoerd kgwedi pele rephaboliki e phatlalatswa, nelson mandela o ile a tiisa tatolo ya mokgatlo wa tokoloho ya rephaboliki ya ba basweu e kentsweng pusong ka qobello. +",0.66266096 +"in an unanswered letter to verwoerd a month before the republic was declared, nelson mandela affirmed the liberation movement’s rejection of the forcibly imposed white republic. +","o itse ha hona molaotheo kapa karolo ya mmuso e phethahaditsweng ntle le ho nka karolo ha batho ba maafrika o ka netefallwang ke boitshwaro ba nnete. +",0.6590428 +"he said that no constitution or form of government decided without the participation of the african people would enjoy moral validity. +","ka nnete, ha ho mmuso o thehilweng ka tsamaiso e iphapanyetsang ditokelo tsa batho o ka bang wa mokoka. +",0.69306135 +"indeed no system that entrenches the systematic denial of people’s rights can be sustained. +","le ha feela ho nkile dilemo tse fetang mashome a mararo pele dikopo tsa mokgatlo wa tokoloho di phethahatswa, re ile ra qetella re hlotse tokoloho ya rona. +",0.5710287 +"though it would be over three decades before the demands of the liberation movement were met, we eventually won our freedom. +","ho theoleng molaotheo wa kgethollo ho ya moqomong wa nalane, re itlamme ka molaotheo o motjha le ditekanyetso tse nang le boleng tse ntjha. +",0.595709 +"in relegating the apartheid constitution to the dustbin of history, we committed ourselves to a new constitution and a new set of values. +","ha ke ne ke fana ka puo ya seboka sa molaotheo dilemong tse 25 tse fetileng, ke ile ka re molaotheo wa rona o tlameha ho ba hofeta mantsweng a leqhepeng; o tlameha ho fetolwa nnete maphelong a batho ba rona. +",0.6759525 +"when i addressed the constitutional assembly 25 years ago, i said our constitution must become more than words on a page; it must become a reality in the lives of our people. +","ntle le ha re ka etsa jwalo, tokomane ena ya kgatelopele le phetoho e keke ya re tswela molemo mme e tlabe e sena le moelelo. +",0.5201647 +"unless we do so, this progressive and revolutionary document will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless. +","re ile ra nka qeto ya hore re batla ho ba setjhaba se jwang kgale kwana. +",0.5520068 +"we have long decided what kind of society we want to be. +","re batla ho ba setjhaba se tsepameng hodima seriti sa botho, se nang le tekatekano, se nang le tokoloho le ho hloka kgethollo. +",0.51259637 +"it is a society rooted in human dignity, equality, freedom and nondiscrimination. +","re na le kotara ya dilemo tse lekgolo re sebetsa ka thata ho aha setjhaba se jwalo. +",0.4754041 +"for a quarter of a century we have worked to build such a society. +","re fihleletse kgatelopele e ngata, empa re ntse re ena le diphepetso tse mmalwa mme ho ntse ho setse mosebetsi o mongata o hlokang ho phethahatswa. +",0.48558173 +"we have made undeniable progress, but we still have many challenges and there is much work still to be done. +","ha re tshwaya keteko ya kamohelo ya molaotheo wa demokrasi, ha re hopoleng hore re tswa hole jwang mmusong o neng o tsamaiswa ka kgethollo, bohanyapetsi, kamoho ya mobu le kgatello tsa nako e fetileng. +",0.58664495 +"as we mark the anniversary of the adoption of our democratic constitution, let us remember what a decisive break it was with the system underpinned by racism, exploitation, dispossession and oppression that had come before. +","ha re boeleng re hopole hore ho rona re tlameile ho phethahatsa pono e leng ka hara molaotheo wa rona. +",0.59091926 +"let us also remember that it is up to us to make the vision contained in our constitution a reality. +","afrika borwa e ikemiseditse ho phethahatsa pono ya molaotheo vukuzenzele unnamed dilemong tse 60 tse fetileng, ka la 31 motsheanong 1961, afrika borwa e ile ya fetoha rephaboliki ya kgethollo, ya kgaola dikamano tsa yona le mmuso wa brithani. +",0.59091926 +"the youth are our greatest asset vukuzenzele unnamed on june 16th 1976, the youth of soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of bantu education. +","batjha ba bohlokwa haholo ho rona vukuzenzele unnamed ka la 16 phupjane 1976, batjha ba soweto le ba dikarolo tse ding tsa naha ba ile ba tsohela matla bo kgopo bo neng bo amana le thuto e neng ereretswe batho ba batsho. +",0.8629134 +"on that day and in the days that followed, many lost their lives. +","letsatsing leo le matsatsing a latelang batho ba bangata ba ile ba timela. +",0.77587813 +"they were killed by a callous regime that had little regard for black lives and thought nothing of opening fire on unarmed, uniformed schoolchildren. +","ba bolawa ke mmuso o kgopo o neng o sa kgathalle maphelo a batho ba batsho mme o sa qeaqee ho thunya barutwana ba sa hlomelang ba apereng yunifomo. +",0.86978626 +"these events hardened international opinion against the apartheid regime and gave further impetus to the liberation struggle. +","diketsahalo tsena di ile tsa baka hore dinaha tsa matjhaba di be le kgalefo kgahlano le mmuso wa kgethollo mme tsa matlafatsa le ntwa ya tokoloho. +",0.8510197 +"young people have always been at the forefront of social protest, from the antiauthoritarian protests in latin america in the late 1950s, to the protests across africa in the late 1960s. +","batjha esale ba itlhomme pele boipelaetsong ba batho, ho tloha boipelaetsong kgahlano le bokgehlepetsi dinaheng tsa latin america ho ella mafelong a bo 1950, le mehwantong ya boipelaetso ho phatlalla le afrika ho ella mafelong a bo 1960. seabo sa moloko wa 1976 boipelaetsong ba baithuti boemong ba matjhaba le ntwa ya bona kgahlano le kgatello le tlhokeho ya toka di ke ke tsa lebalwa. +",0.8413041 +"history faithfully records the contribution of the generation of 1976 to the international student movement and its stance against oppression and injustice. +","ketsahalo ena ya bohlokwa ya dilemong tse 45 tse fetileng e ntse e hopolwa afrika le lefatsheng. +",0.5312841 +"this historic event 45 years ago continues to be commemorated across africa and the world. +","ka hona ho a swabisa ho bona letsatsi la la 16 phupjane le ntse le lebaleha batjheng ba afrika borwa. +",0.6350249 +"it is therefore disturbing that knowledge of june 16th is diminishing among young south africans. +","sena se jele setsi batjheng ba generation z e leng ba hlahileng pakeng tsa 1997 le 2005. lekgotla la diphuputso tsa mahlale a batho le phatlaladitse diphuputso tsa maiku tlo a setjhaba afrika borwa tsa 2019/2020 tse fumaneng hore batjha ba batlang ba etsa 40% ba generation z ha ba tsebe letho ka diketsahalo tsa la 16 phupjane. +",0.65625006 +"this is particularly so among the socalled generation z, or young people born between 1997 and 2015. the 2019/2020 south african social attitudes survey published by the human sciences research council found that close to 40% of generation z has not heard of the historical events of june 16th. +","ba bang ba ballwang persenteng eo ba utlwile ka letsatsi lena empa ba tseba hanyenyane kapa ha ba tsebe letho ka lona. +",0.5886773 +"a similar percentage has heard about it but knows very little or nothing about it. +","leha ho le jwalo phuputso ena e boetse e fumane hore batjha ba moloko ona ba na le thahasello ya ho ithuta ka diketsahalo tsa kgale tsa bohlokwa mme ba dumela hore di molemo. +",0.6014332 +"nevertheless, the survey also found that young people of this generation are open to learning about key historical events and believe in their continued importance. +","re lokela ho sebetsa ka matla re le naha ho netefatsa hore molaetsa wa 1976 o fetiswa hantle. +",0.5697428 +"we need to do more as a country to ensure that the message of 1976 is transmitted faithfully. +","bona ke boikarabelo ba bohle ho kenyeletsa mmuso, dikolo, ditheo tsa thuto e phahameng, batswadi, malapa, dibini, ba tsa bono no, le setjhaba ka kakaretso. +",0.5172338 +"this is a collective responsibility of government, schools, tertiary institutions, parents, families, musicians, artists, and all of society. +","moloko o hlahileng kamora ho putlama ha mmuso wa kgethollo o tswaletswe naheng e nang le molao wa motheo wa demokrasi le moo bolokolohi bo sireletswang. +",0.64331794 +"the generation that was born after apartheid ended inherited a country with a democratic constitution and where fundamental freedoms are protected. +","menyetla eo batjha ba kajeno ba nang le yona e fapane haholo ha e bapiswa le ya ba kgale. +",0.57305944 +"the opportunities young black people have today are both vastly different and greatly improved. +","ho bua ka letsatsi la la 16 phupjane ke sehopotso ho batjha ba kajeno, sa sehlabelo se seholo seo ba intshitseng sona molemong wa tokoloho. +",0.63873386 +"keeping the story of june 16th alive is a reminder to today’s generation of the great sacrifices made to secure their freedom. +","letsatsi la batjha ke sehopotso se matla ho batjha le hore ba lokela ho nka bohato ho ipetlela bokamoso bo botle. +",0.7034112 +"youth day is a reminder of the immense power and agency that young people have to create a better future for themselves. +","a mangata mathata a batjha ba afrika borwa kajeno. +",0.5150964 +"the struggles of young people in south africa today are many. +","batjha esale ba itlhomme pele matsholong a ho tseka thuto e sa lefellweng,le kgahlano le mathata a setjhabeng a kang dikgoka haholoholo kga hlano le basadi le banana. +",0.6125946 +"young people have remained at the forefront of activism, whether in pursuit of free education or against social ills like genderbased violence. +","ntwa eo batjha ba e lwanang kajeno e kgahlano le tlhokeho ya mosebetsi, e mpefadi tsweng ke sewa sa covid19. +",0.6692983 +"today the greatest struggle young people wage is against unemployment, which has worsened under the covid19 pandemic. +","mosebetsi wa bohlokwa wa mmuso ke ho bulela batjha menyetla le ho netefatsa hore ba a e fihlella. +",0.64159703 +"creating more opportunities for young people, and access to these opportunities, is government’s foremost priority. +","sepheo ka tsohle tseo re di etsang re le mmuso ke ho kenya letsoho ntlafatsong ya maphelo a batjha. +",0.6732538 +"everything that we do as a government contributes towards improving the lives of young people. +","ntwa kgahlano le tlhokeho ya mosebetsi batjheng e hloka hore ho potlakiswe kgolo ya mosebetsi, haholoholo makaleng a hlokang basebetsi ba bangata, ho ahwe bokgoni ba mmuso ba ho phethahatsa mosebetsi wa ona wa ho hodisa moruo le ho lwantsha bofuma. +",0.60533744 +"tackling youth unemployment requires accelerating economic growth, particularly in labourintensive sectors, and building the capability of the state to fulfil its developmental role. +","re tsamaisa leano lena ka matsholo a kgethehileng. +",0.4816283 +"we are also driving this agenda through targeted interventions. +","a kenyeletsa letsholo la mmuso la presidential employment stimulus le nehang batho menyetla ya mosebetsi le le thusang batjha ba bangata ho iphedisa. +",0.5663227 +"these include the presidential employment stimulus, which has provided work opportunities and livelihoods support for many young people. +","re thakgotse mehato e meng e mengata ya ho theha menyetla, ya ho ntlafatsa ntshetsopele ya tsebo ya mosebetsi, ya ho tshehetsa beng ba dikgwebo ba banyenyane le ho thusa batjha ho kena moruong ka botlalo. +",0.72398317 +"we have launched a range of additional measures to create opportunities, enhance skills development, support young entrepreneurs and enable the full participation of young people in the economy. +","sena se kenyeletsa ho thehwa ha national pathway management network, sa youth, ho thusa batjha ho bona le ho fihlella menyetla le ho fumana tshehetso le ho kgona ho kena mosebetsing. +",0.74107075 +"this includes the establishment of a national pathway management network, sa youth, to make it easier for young people to view and access opportunities and receive active support to find pathways into the labour market. +","tsena ke tse ding tse behilweng pele ke presidential youth employment interve ntion, e thakgotsweng dibeke pele ho kwalwa ditshebeletso naheng ngwahola, eo jwale e kenang tshebetsong ka ho phethahala. +",0.72097456 +"these are among the priorities of the presidential youth employment intervention, which was launched just weeks before we entered a national lockdown last year and which is now entering full implementation. +","presidential youth emplo yment intervention e thehilwe ho utlwisiswa hore ho lwa ntshwaha bothata ba tlhoke ho ya mosebetsi batjheng ho hloka mawa a matjha le tshebedisano pakeng tsa bohle setjhabeng. +",0.7073461 +"the presidential youth employment intervention was built on the understanding that addressing the youth unemployment crisis requires innovative thinking and strong partnerships across society. +","maikemisetso a ka sehloohong ka lenaneo lena ke ho sibolla mekgwa e sebe tsang hantle, ntshetsopeleng ya tsebo ya mosebetsi kapa maanong adibakeng tsa mosebetsi, le ho hlophisa tsena ka potlako hore di finyelle batjheng ba bangata kamoo ho ka kgonehang kateng. +",0.69997644 +"its ultimate objective is to find models that work, whether in skills development or active labour market policies, and to scale these rapidly to reach as many young people as possible. +","sa bohlokwa haholo ke hore ka lenaneo lena ho dumelwa hore batjha ba lokela ho ba pele matsapeng afe kapa afe a ho matlafatsa khiro ya bona. +",0.6559533 +"most importantly, it recognises that young people must be at the centre of any effort to boost youth employment. +","batjha ba bohlokwahlokwa ho rona, mmeke sebetsa se seholo sa rona ntweng ena. +",0.62608933 +"young people are our greatest asset, and our greatest weapon in this fight. +","re tlotla batjha ka ho bontsha sebete,le ka seabo sa bona kahong le ntshetsopeleng ya naha ena. +",0.6569105 +"we salute the resilience of every young person playing their part to build and develop this country. +","ke batjha bao e leng baithaopi metseng ya rona, ba aha naha ena ka lenaneo la mmuso la presidential employment stimulus la ho thusa batho ho iphedisa, ba tsamaisale dikgwebo tsa bona, ba boetse ba shebane le dithuto tsa bona ka sepheo sa ho ntlafafatsa maphelo a bona. +",0.6766652 +"they are the young people volunteering in our communities, building our country through the presidential employment stimulus, running their own businesses and studying to better themselves. +","ke batjha ba ipetlelang tsela ya bona ba sa siye morao beng ka bona. +",0.6563798 +"they are the young people who are forging their own path and bringing their families along with them. +","re tlotla batjha ba rona ba ntseng ba sebeletsa ho ntshe tsa pele maphelo a bona. +",0.6769255 +"we salute young people who keep working to improve their lives. +","batjha ba kenya letsoho temeng; ba hloka mmuso le setjhaba sohle ho kenya letsoho. +",0.5673752 +"young people are doing their part; they need government, and indeed all of society, to do ours. +","naha ya rona e tobane le diphephetso tse matla, empa re sebetsa ka matla kamehla ho fa batho tshepo. +",0.6410223 +"our country is going through the most difficult of times, but we are working daily to expand the frontiers of hope. +","ke bona mahlomela a kgolo moruong wa rona, mme re na le tshepo ya hore sena se tla lebisa menyetleng bakeng sa bohle. +",0.6603259 +"we are seeing the green shoots of growth in our economy, and are confident this will translate to better opportunities for all. +","batjha ba bohlokwa haholo ho rona vukuzenzele unnamed ka la 16 phupjane 1976, batjha ba soweto le ba dikarolo tse ding tsa naha ba ile ba tsohela matla bo kgopo bo neng bo amana le thuto e neng ereretswe batho ba batsho. +",0.6603259 +"soes must drive economic growth and transformation vukuzenzele unnamed for some years now, south africa’s stateowned enterprises (soes) have mostly been associated in the public eye with state capture, financial mismanagement and inefficiency. +","dikhampani tsa mmuso di tlameha ho ntshetsa pele kgolo ya moruo le diphetoho vukuzenzele unnamed e se e le dilengwana jwale dikgwebo tsa mmuso (disoe) tsa afrika borwa, mahlong a setjhaba, di amahanngwa le ho hulwa ha puso ka nko, tshebediso e mpe ya ditjhelete le ho se sebetse hantle. +",0.85915923 +"in addition to needing regular bailouts from government, some of the country’s biggest and most important stateowned companies have been struggling to meet their mandates. +","hodima hore mmuso o nne o di ntshe dikolotong hangatangata, tse ding tsa dikhampani tsa mmuso, tse kgolo ka ho fetisisa, tse bileng di le molemo ka ho fetisisa, di nnile tsa hloleha ho phetha merero ya tsona. +",0.8255675 +"these soes should be at the forefront of economic and social transformation. +","dikgwebo tsena tsa mmuso di tshwanela ho ba tsona tse hulang ka pele phetolo ya moruo le ya setjhaba. +",0.77903515 +"they are responsible for providing the infrastructure and the services on which the economy depends, whether it be in the generation of electricity, commuter transport, water provision, freight logistics or telecommunications. +","ke boikarabelo ba tsona ho fana ka dibopeho tsa motheo le ditshebeletso tseo moruo o itshetlehileng ho tsona, le ha e ka ba lekaleng la phehlo ya motlakase, la dipalangwang tsa setjhaba, la phepelo ya metsi, la ho thothwa ha thepa kapa la dibopeho tsa motheo tsa dikgokahanyo. +",0.8767021 +"our approach to state ownership is informed by the need for the effective functioning of key network industries, such as energy and ports, and by the need to ensure that the basic needs of all south africans, particularly the poor, can be met. +","ditsela tseo re di sebedisang ha mmuso o rua thepa di shebane le tlhoko ya tsamaiso e ntle ya diindasteri tsa sehlooho, tse kang tsa motlakase le tsa madiboho, hape le tlhoko ya ho netefatsa hore ditlhoko tse mahlonoko tsa maafrika borwa wohle, haholoholo bafumanehi, di ka phethwa. +",0.8897263 +"we firmly believe that public ownership is necessary in critical sectors of the economy and that the country needs robust soes that are able to drive economic growth and transformation. +","re kgodisehile haholo hore thuo ya thepa ya mmuso e a hlokeha makaleng a hlokolosi a moruo le hore naha ya rona e hloka dikhampani tsa mmuso tse matla tse nang le bokgoni ba ho ntshetsa pele kgolo ya moruo le diphetoho. +",0.8836319 +"this is particularly the case in the delivery of public goods such as electricity and water, where soes are able to pursue a developmental mandate in the public interest as opposed to a purely commercial one. +","ena ke ntlha e tobileng phano ya thepa ya setjhaba e kang motlakase le metsi, moo dikhampani tsa mmuso di kgonang ho phetha morero wa tsona wa ntshetsopele molemong wa setjhaba, e seng feela ho phetha morero wa ho fumana kuno. +",0.81583786 +"that is why we have made it a priority of this government to turn these companies around to root out corruption, improve their governance and enable them to play the role they should in driving economic growth and employment creation. +","ke ka lebaka lena re entseng hore morero o ka sehloohong wa mmuso ona e be ho hlophisa botjha dikhampani tsena le ho tsomula bobodu, ho ntlafatsa makgotla a tsona a taolo le ho di fa bokgoni ba ho phetha tema e di tshwanelang morerong wa kgodiso ya moruo le ho thewa ha mesebetsi. +",0.87574273 +"to this end, we have embarked upon a number of reforms to strengthen these soes so that they can produce the results that the country needs and expects. +","morerong wa ho fihlela tsena, re tshebetsong ya ho tlisa diphetoho tse ngata tse reretsweng ho matlafatsa dikgwebo tsena tsa mmuso, e le hore di hlahise diphetho tseo naha e di hlokang, le tseo e di lebeletseng. +",0.8270429 +"one of the most important reforms is in the energy sector. +","e nngwe ya ditlhoko tsa bohlokwahlokwa e lekaleng la motlakase. +",0.70069504 +"we have begun the process of restructuring eskom into three different soes, responsible for generation, transmission and distribution, respectively. +","re se re qadile tshebetso ya ho hlopholla eskom re e etsa dikgwebo tsa mmuso tse tharo, moo e nngwe e tla ikarabella ho phehlo ya motlakase, e nngwe e tla ikarabella ho kgokelo ya motlakase, ha ya ho qetela e tla ikarabella phepelong ya motlakase. +",0.8022531 +"this is because the previous structure of eskom was illsuited for a changing energy landscape. +","sena se etsuwa ka lebaka la hobane sebopeho sa pele sa eskom se ne se sa lokela dinako tse fetohang tsa phepelo ya motlakase. +",0.8459686 +"it had become inefficient and costly and was not sufficiently transparent. +","eskom e ile ya hloleha ho sebetsa hantle, ya eba le ditshenyehelo tse fetang tekano, hape ya hloka ponahaletso e anetseng. +",0.73364186 +"the establishment of a transmission entity in particular will mean that eskom will be able to purchase power from a broader range of providers, both private and public. +","ho thewa ha khampani e ikarabelang kgokellong ya motlakase ho tla bolela hore eskom e tla kgona ho reka motlakase ho tswa mefuteng e fapafapaneng ya barekisi, ba ikemetseng le ba puso. +",0.8473817 +"this will improve transparency, increase competitiveness and promote the purchase of lowestcost electricity. +","hona ho tla ntlafatsa ponahaletso, ho eketse maemo a tlhodisano, hape ho kgothaletse ho rekwa ha motlakase o theko e fihlellehang. +",0.8701798 +"through the renewable energy independent power producers programme, there has been significant private investment in energy generation. +","ka lenaneo la renewable energy independent power producers programme, ho bile le matsete a eneji a mangata ho tswa lekaleng la poraefete. +",0.84511274 +"with the proposal to raise the licencing exemption for embedded generation – where companies produce electricity for themselves and other commercial users – from 1mw to 100mw, we can expect even more private investment. +","ka ditshitshinyo tsa ho phahamisa sekgeo se hlokang laesense bakeng sa phehlo e etswang ke dikhampani tse nyenyane – moo dikhampani di itlhahisetsang motlakase, hape di hlahisetsang dikgwebo tse ding – ho tloha tekanyong ya megawate e le nngwe ho isa ho tse lekgolo, re ka lebella hore matsete a poraefete a tla eketseha ho feta mona. +",0.8610687 +"this is vital at a time when the country is suffering from severe and sustained electricity shortages and where neither eskom nor the state is able to invest in new generation capacity. +","sena ke sa bohlokwa haholo nakong ena eo naha ya rona e tshwenngwang ke kgaello e kgolo ya motlakase, ka nako e telele, hape e le moo eskom kapa naha e sa tsebeng ho tsetela mokgweng o motjha wa phehlo ya motlakase. +",0.85392004 +"importantly, these reforms will give eskom the space to address its financial and operational challenges. +","seo e leng sa bohlokwa ke hore diphetoho tsena di tla neha eskom sebaka sa ho shebana le diphephetso tsa yona tsa ditjhelete le tsa tshebetso. +",0.8715278 +"another critical reform is the establishment of the national ports authority as an independent subsidiary of transnet. +","phetoho e nngwe ya bohlokwahlokwa ke ya ho thewa ha national ports authority, eo e leng lekala le ikemetseng la transnet. +",0.8743273 +"this a crucial part of transnet’s broader strategy to revitalise our logistics infrastructure. +","ena ke karolo ya bohlokwa ya leano le batsi la transnet la ho tsosolosa dibopeho tsa rona tsa motheo tsa ho thothwa ha thepa. +",0.826318 +"transnet plans to invest r100 billion over the next five years in upgrading its infrastructure across the ports system. +","transnet e rerile ho tsetela dibilione tse lekgolo tsa diranta nakong ya dilemo tse hlano tse tlang ho ntlafatseng dibopeho tsa yona tsa motheo ka bophara ba tshebetso ya madiboho. +",0.8390165 +"this will make our ports more efficient and our exports more competitive, and benefit the entire economy. +","sena se tla etsa hore madiboho a rona a sebetse hantle, mme dihlahiswa tsa rona tse romelwang dinaheng tse ding di emelane le tlhodisano, me di tswele molemo moruo wohle wa naha. +",0.81726444 +"for the ordinary consumer, it will mean reduced prices in the long term for many of our goods. +","hona ho bolela hore ho tsamayeng ha nako moreki o tla iphumana a reka thepa ka ditheko tse theohileng. +",0.7026416 +"for our exporters, it will mean greater competitiveness in global markets. +","bakeng sa bahwebi ba rona ba romelang thepa dinaheng tse ding, hona ho tla eketsa dimmaraka tseo ba di rekisetsang, jwalo ka ha ba tla rekisetsa dimmaraka tse kgolo tsa matjhaba. +",0.76931995 +"as our exports grow, our economy will expand and create more jobs. +","ha dithomello tsa rona di hola, moruo wa rona le ona o tla hola, mme ho eketsehe mesebetsi. +",0.84061813 +"more efficient ports will make the entire economy work better – and as port volumes increase, jobs will be created at the ports themselves. +","madiboho a sebetsang hantle ho feta pele a tla etsa hore moruo wohle o eketse ho sebetsa hantle – mme ha methamo ya madiboho e eketseha, mesebetsi e tla thewa madibohong moo. +",0.8295338 +"establishing the national ports authority as a transnet subsidiary with its own board will, among other things, mean that revenues generated by the ports can be used to replace old equipment and upgrade and expand our ports, work which has been delayed for more than a decade. +","ho thewa ha national ports authority e le lekala la transnet le nang le lekgotla la lona la taolo, hara tse ding, ho bolela hore kuno e hlahiswang ke madiboho ana e ka sebedisetswa ho reka thepa e ntjha le ho ntlafatsa katoloso ya madiboho a rona, e leng mosebetsi o diehisitsweng ka dilemo tse fetang leshome. +",0.89612544 +"among other things, these reforms will encourage greater private investment in the country’s economic infrastructure. +","hara tse ding, diphetoho tsena di tla kgothaletsa keketseho ya matsete a poraefete dibopehong tsa motheo tsa moruo wa naha ya rona. +",0.79734975 +"some people have expressed concerns that this will diminish the importance or reduce the value of soes. +","ho na le batho ba hlahisitseng dingongoreho tsa hore sena se tla nkela mmuso matla le ho fokotsa bohlokwa ba dikgwebo tsa mmuso. +",0.8111768 +"in fact, the contrary is true. +","empa, nnete ke hore sena ha se tlo etsahala. +",0.61564153 +"these reforms will ensure that while strategic infrastructure remains firmly in state hands, our soes will become more efficient and the industries they support will become more competitive. +","diphetoho tsena di tla netefatsa hore le ha meralo ya metheo ya leano e ntse e le matsohong a mmuso ka thata, dikgwebo tsa rona tsa mmuso di tla sebetsa hantle le ho feta pele, mme diindasteri tseo di di tshehetsang di tla emelana le tlhodisano ho feta pele. +",0.85586387 +"equally, these reforms are important to ensure that soes implement their broader developmental mandates to support all citizens and the economy. +","ka mokgwa ona wona, diphetoho tsena di bohlokwa ho netefatsa hore dikgwebo tsa mmuso di phetha merero ya tsona e pharaletseng ya ntlafatso molemong wa ho tshehetsa baahi bohle le moruo. +",0.8360008 +"our policy remains that soes must play a crucial developmental role in supporting the growth of our economy. +","leano la rona e ntse e le la hore dikgwebo tsa mmuso di tlameha ho phetha tema ya bohlokwahlokwa ya ho tshehetsa kgolo ya moruo wa rona. +",0.823833 +"our task is to place them on a sound footing, so that they can serve their ultimate shareholders – the south african people.","dikhampani tsa mmuso di tlameha ho ntshetsa pele kgolo ya moruo le diphetoho vukuzenzele unnamed e se e le dilengwana jwale dikgwebo tsa mmuso (disoe) tsa afrika borwa, mahlong a setjhaba, di amahanngwa le ho hulwa ha puso ka nko, tshebediso e mpe ya ditjhelete le ho se sebetse hantle. +",0.823833 +"support for businesses and workers vukuzenzele unnamed starting and building a business is a lot like raising a family. +","tshehetso ya dikgwebo le basebetsi vukuzenzele unnamed ho qala le ho aha kgwebo ho tshwana haholo le ho hodisa lelapa. +",0.8645506 +"it takes time, patience, con stant support and consistent nurturing from infancy to maturity. +","ho nka nako, mamelo, le tshehetso ya kamehla le phepo e sa fetofetong ho tloha boseyeng ho isa boholong. +",0.8673715 +"for many business owners, seeing a business that you grew from scratch struggling to survive, or even being forced to close its doors, is heartbreaking. +","ho beng ba dikgwebo ba ba ngata, ho bona kgwebo eo ba iqaletseng yona fatshe e sokola, kapa e qobellwa ho kwala ma mati a yona, ho utlwisa bohloko. +",0.8149707 +"since the onset of the covid19 pandemic, this has sadly been the situation facing many businesses both large and small, not just in our country but around the world. +","ho tloha qalehong ya sewa sa covid19, ka maswabi bona ebile boemo boo bo tobaneng le dikgwebo tse ngata tse kgolo le tse nyane ka bobedi, eseng feela naheng ya rona empa lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.92550695 +"the pandemic and the meas ures we have had to take to contain the spread of the virus have had a detrimental impact on businesses. +","sewa le mehato eo re ileng ra tlameha ho e nka ho laola ho ata ha kokwanahloko ena e bile le kgahlamelo e senya ng dikgwebong. +",0.8430964 +"in dealing with the pandemic we have sought to adopt an evidencebased approach in both policy and practice, con sidering scientific research, clinical expertise and capabil ities, and impact on all sectors of the population. +","ho lwantsheng sewa re ile ra batla ho sebedisa mokgwa o nang le bopaki ba tshebetso ho leano le tshebetsong ka bobedi, ho nahanisa diphuputso tsa saense, tsebo le bokgoni ba bongaka, le kgahlamelo makaleng ohle a setjhaba. +",0.8862014 +"we have sought to have a balance between saving lives and preserving livelihoods. +","re ile ra batla ho lekalekanyana ho boloka maphelo le ho boloka mekgwa ya ho iphedisa. +",0.85541177 +"we have sought to mitigate the impact of the successive lockdown restrictions on people’s livelihoods, or risk a second and possibly worse epidemic of poverty and hunger in future. +","re ile ra batla ho fokotsa kgahla melo ya dithibelo tsa ho kwala tse hlahlamanang ho mekgwa ya batho ya ho iphedisa, kapa ho ba kotsing ya sewa sa bobedi sa bofuma se ka bang mpehadi le tlala kamoso. +",0.87144303 +"in the earliest days last year, we introduced measures such as the covid temporary employer/employee relief scheme (ters), the covid19 loan guarantee scheme and various mechanisms to support small businesses to provide immediate and shortterm relief to burdened employees and business owners. +","matsatsing a pelepele a selemo se fetileng, re ile ra kenya mehato e jwalo ka ya morero wa kimollo wa nakwana wa mohiri/mosebetsi (ters) wa covid19 , le morero wa netefaletso ya loune ya covid19 le mekgwa e meng e fapaneng ya ho tshehetsa dikgwebo tse thuthuhang ka ho di fa kimollo ya hanghang ya nako e kgutshwanyane ho basebetsi le beng ba dikgwebo ba imetsweng. +",0.89987516 +"in addition, the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and broadening access to existing social grants provided lifelines to indigent individuals and families. +","hodimo ha moo, le letlole la kimollo la thuso ya setjhaba la covid19 le ikgethileng le ho atolosa phumantsho ya matlole a setjhaba a seng a le teng di fanne ka bophelo ho batho ba futsanehileng le ho malapa a bona. +",0.88129175 +"through these interventions we were able to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic, preventing the closure of many businesses and the loss of even further jobs. +","ka bonamodi bona re ile ra kgona ho fokotsa kgahlamelo e mpehadi ya sewa, ho thibela ho kwalwa ha dkgwebo tse ngata le tahlehelo ya mesebetsi ho ya pele. +",0.843485 +"they pro vided a firm foundation for the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we launched in october last year. +","bo ile ba re neha motheo o tiileng wa leano la hlaphohelo le kahobotjha ya moruo leo re le thakgotseng selemong se fetileng ka mphalane. +",0.8611808 +"as part of that plan, we introduced the presidential employment stimulus to provide income and livelihood support to millions of beneficiaries. +","jwalo ka karolo ya leano, re kentse dihlasimollo tsa mosebetsi tsa bopresidente ho fana ka lekeno le tshehetso ya mekgwa ya ho iphe disa ho dimilione tsa ba tla unang molemo. +",0.87087816 +"through the stimulus, over 300 000 young people have been placed as school assistants. +","ka dihlasimollo tsena, batjha ba fetang 300 000 ba ile ba hirwa e le bathusi ba dikolong. +",0.8956157 +"more than 100 000 subsistence farmers are registered on the firstever database of its kind where they have access to technical support. +","dihwai tse iphedisang tse fetang 100 000 di ngodisitswe pokellotshedimo setsong ya pelepele ya mofuta wa yona moo di tla fuma ntshwang tshehetso ya dikeletso ka dihlahiswa tsa tsona. +",0.82148975 +"more than 30 000 young people have been given opportunities in the cultural, creative and sports sectors. +","batjha ba fetang 30 000 ba fuma ntshitswe menyetla ho makala a setso, boqapi le dipapadi. +",0.87758756 +"young professionals have been given opportunities in infrastructure development, healthcare, environmental conservation and a number of other sectors. +","ditsebi tsa batjha di ile tsa fuwa menyetla ho makala a ntshetsopele ya meralo ya metheo, tlhokomelo ya bophelo bo botle, paballo ya tikoloho le ho makala a mang hape a mmalwa. +",0.8830742 +"there are promising indi cations that our economy is steadily recovering, with growth and job creation in a number of sectors, from manufacturing to mining to agriculture. +","ho na le disupo tse tshepi sang tsa hore moruo wa rona o ntse o hlaphohelwa butlebutle, ka kgolo le ho thehwa ha mesebetsi ho makala a mmalwa, ho tloha ho la tlhahiso ho ya ho la merafong le la temothuo. +",0.84707665 +"at the same time we know that this ‘bigger picture’ is cold comfort to workers and business owners who have suffered immeasurably over the past year and a half, and were hoping to see their situa tions improve as the economy slowly opened up. +","ka mokgwa o tshwanang re a tseba hore ‘se bohlokwahlokwa’ ke matshediso a sa lekaneng ho basebetsi le beng ba dikgwebo ba ileng ba sotleha haholo nakong ya selemo se feti leng le halofo, ba neng ba tshepile hore maemo a bona a ntlafala ha moruo o ntse o buleha hanyanehanyane. +",0.8841059 +"the rapid rise in infections being fueled by the new delta variant necessitated the imposing of tighter restric tions on the movement of persons, on the operation of certain businesses and on public gatherings, among others. +","ho phahama ka potlako ha tshwaetso e atiswang ke mofuta o motjha wa tshwaetso wa delta o ile wa baka tlhokeho ya di thibelo tse matla tsa motsamao wa batho, le tshebetso ya di kgwebo tse itseng le dikopano tsa setjhaba, ho tse ding. +",0.87787384 +"these were not been easy decisions to make, mindful of their impact on people’s livelihoods. +","tsena e ne e se diqeto tse bobebe ho di nka, haholo ha re shebile kgahlamelo ya tsona ho mekgwa ya batho ya ho iphedisa. +",0.8519896 +"just as we did at the beginning of the pandemic, we engaged in deliberations with all social partners, business, labour and civil society to see what financially sustainable measures we could intro duce to support businesses and individuals in distress at this time. +","jwalo ka ha re ile ra etsa maqalong a sewa, re ile ra buisana dipuisanong le balekane ba rona ba tshebetso, kgwebo, mosebetsi le setjhaba ho bona hore na ke mehato e fe e tshwarellang ya ditjhelete eo re ka e kenyang ho tshehetsa dikgwebo le batho ba tlasa matshwenyeho nakong ena. +",0.8815541 +"the negotiations at the national economic development and labour council resulted in consen sus that the most practical and financially sustainable measure that can provide urgent relief is extending the covid19 ters scheme to sectors that have been affected by the adjusted level 4 restrictions. +","dipuisano le lekgotla la ntshetsopele ya moruo le mosebetsi la naha di ile tsa phethela ka tumellano ya hore mehato e ka tshwarellang ya ditjhelete e ka fanang ka kimollo ka potlako ke ho atolosa moremo wa ters wa covid19 ho makala a mang a ileng a hahlamelwa ke dithibelo tse feto tsweng tsa boemo ba bone. +",0.86699754 +"to support businesses whose operating licenses and per mits expired between march 2020 and june 2021, we are extending their validity until 31 december 2022. in addition, new business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1 july will also be valid until 31 december 2022, and no license fee will be payable. +","ho tshehetsa dikgwebo tseo dilaesense le diphemiti tsa tsona tsa tshebetso tse fele tsweng ke nako dipakeng tsa tlhakubele 2020 le phuptjane 2021, re atolosa nako ya tsona ya tshebetso ho fihlela ka la 31 tshitwe 2022. hodima moo, dilaesense tsa kgwebo kapa diphemiti tse ntjha tse ntshi tsweng ho tloha ka la 1 phupu le tsona di tla sebetsa ho fihlela ka la 31 tshitswe 2022, ntle le ho lefiswa tefiso ya laesense. +",0.9085471 +"over the past year, we have also been working consist ently to protect vulnerable workers whose jobs were at risk, particularly in hardhit sectors like retail, food and beverage and the metals industry. +","selemong se fetileng, re ne re sebetsa ntle le ho fetofe toha ho tshireletsa basebetsi bao mesebetsi ya bona e leng ko tsing, haholoholo ba maka leng a thefulehileng haholo a jwalo ka a thekiso, dijo le dino le indastri ya tshepe. +",0.8914124 +"through processes facili tated by the commission for conciliation, mediation and arbitration, some 58 000 jobs have been saved. +","ka ditsa maiso tse tsamai swang ke komishene ya poelano le bonamodi (ccma), mesebetsi e ka bang 58 000 e ileng ya bo lokwa. +",0.79265845 +"with the pandemic show ing no immediate signs of ending, businesses and work ers remain vulnerable. +","ka sewa se sa bontsheng matshwao a ho fela hanghang, dikgwebo le basebetsi ba ntse ba le kotsing. +",0.81106555 +"it is thanks to the social com pacts we continue to forge that government, business and labour have been able to work together to buffer work ers and businesses from the pandemic’s harsh economic impacts. +","ke ka lebaka la ditumellano le setjhaba re ntse re tswella ho theha hore mmuso, kgwebo le basetsi ba ntse ba kgona ho sebetsa mmoho ho tshireletsa basebetsi le dikgwebo kgahlano le kgahlamelo e boima ya sewa moruong. +",0.86863446 +"for now, our priority is saving lives, and ensuring that we provide the necessary support, within our means, to prevent more businesses closing down and more jobs being lost. +","ho fihlela ha jwale, se ka pelepele ke ho boloka maphelo, le ho netefatsa hore re fana ka tshehetso e hloke hang, eo re e kgonang, ho thi bela hore boholo ba dikgwebo di kwalwe le hore ha re lahlehelwe ke mesebetsi e meng hape. +",0.8449533 +"as we did with the covid19 ters scheme, government is firmly committed to con tinue its engagements with business and labour to find a way through these distressing times that both saves lives and protects livelihoods.","tshehetso ya dikgwebo le basebetsi vukuzenzele unnamed ho qala le ho aha kgwebo ho tshwana haholo le ho hodisa lelapa. +",0.8449533 +"inclusive communities critical to sa’s success vukuzenzele unnamed while the violence and destruction that engulfed parts of kwazulunatal and gauteng recently caused much damage to property and livelihoods, it also had a huge impact on the cohesion of our communities. +","setjhaba se momahaneng se bohlokwa katlehong ya afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed leha diketso tsa di kgoka le tshenyo tse sa tswa aparela dikarolo tse ding tsa kwa zulunatal le gauteng di bakile tshenyo thepeng le mekgweng ya ho iphedisa, di boetse di bile le tshu sumetso e kgolo moma hanong ya setjhaba. +",0.8485105 +"this was most evident in the tragic events that took place in and around phoenix in ethekwini. +","sena se bonahetse hantle diketsahalong tsa mahlo mola tse etsahetseng phoenix ethekwini. +",0.792637 +"during some of the worst unrest in our democracy, and in a climate already thick with suspicion and paranoia, people that had lived sidebyside in relative peace turned on each other. +","nakong ya merusu e matla e kileng ya bonahala mmusong ona wa demo krasi, le nakong eo moya e leng wa ho se tshepane o renang, batho bao esaleng ba phela mmoho ka kgotso ba ile ba tsohelana matla. +",0.82815707 +"there is still much we have to unearth about the events that took place. +","ho sa na le tse ngata tseo re lokelang ho di fatisisa ka diketsahalo tsena tse bi leng teng. +",0.8018652 +"the proliferation of fake news, doctored images and incorrect information has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction. +","ho haseha ha ditaba tseo e seng tsa nnete, ditshwantsho tse feto tsweng le tlhahisoleseding e fosahetseng di bakile hore ho be boima ho arola dintlha tsa nnete ho tse iqapetsweng. +",0.8819531 +"but we do know from official reports and personal accounts that people were racially profiled at illegal roadblocks, some people were pulled out of cars and beaten, and some were humiliated and degraded. +","leha ho le jwalo ditlaleho tsa semmuso le batho ba ipone tseng ba re bolelletse hore batho ba ne ba kgethollwa ka mmala dithibelong tse seng molaong tsa mebi leng, ba bang ba ntshuwa ka dikoloing ba otlwa ha ba bang ba ne ba tlontlollwa ba tlatlapuwa. +",0.8784177 +"several people were killed. +","batho ba bang ba ile ba bolawa. +",0.82510877 +"much of what has happened is the inevitable outcome when people take the law into their own hands. +","tse ngata tse etsahetseng ke sephetho se ke keng sa qojwa ha batho ba inkela molao matsohong. +",0.8698201 +"vigilantism will not be tolerated in this country. +","ho inkela molao matsohong ho ke ke ha mamellwa naheng ena, ke ketso ya tlolo ya molao mme ho kotsi. +",0.6023626 +"it is criminal and it is dangerous. +","leha dintho di se di boetse setlwaeding dibakeng tse amehileng, bahlanka ba rona ba molao ba fuputsa diketso tsohle tsa tlolo ya molao. +",0.47881874 +"now that calm has been restored to the affected areas, our law enforcement agencies are investigating all acts of criminality. +","sehlopha sa mafokisi se kgethetswe ho sebetsana le dipolao tsena mme se sebetsa le baahi ba motse. +",0.673632 +"a team of detectives has been assigned to deal with the murders and are working closely with local communities. +","ho se ho tshwerwe babelaellwa mme ba nang le boikarabelo ketsong tsena ba tla shebana le molao. +",0.71935344 +"there have been arrests and those responsible will face the full might of the law. +","pheto ya pale ya tse etsahetseng motseng wa phoenix e tletse boiteko ba ho qabanya merabe. +",0.57928085 +"much of the narrative around the events in phoenix has been dominated by attempts to turn one race against another. +","e rotelletswa ke batho ba sa tsejweng diwebsaeteng tsa ho etsa setswalle le dihlopheng tse romella nang melaetsa tse iqape lang ditaba le ho kgothaletsa boiphetetso. +",0.67130214 +"it has been stoked by anonymous people on social media and in messaging groups making outrageous claims and calling for revenge. +","ho na le ba lekang ho bontsha diketsahalo tsena e le letshwao la ho se utlwane ha serabe pakeng tsa batho ba batsho le maindiya. +",0.6550838 +"there is an attempt to present this as a sign of imploding race relations between african and indian communities. +","jwalokaha ho bile le batho ba neng ba leka ho sebedisa bofokodi ba batho le ho baka meferefere, ho na le ba batlang ho kwahela ketso tsa tlolo ya molao ka ho di etsa tsa kgethollo ya mmala hobane ba na le merero e itseng. +",0.68201214 +"just as there were people who tried to exploit people’s vulnerability and cause mayhem, there are those who want to present criminal acts in racial terms to serve their own purposes. +","ba ke ke ba tswella. +",0.11353037 +"they will not succeed. +","afrika borwa e motlotlo ka nalane ya yona ya makgabane a ho se kgetholle ka mmala le tshe bedisano ya basebetsi. +",0.26082164 +"south africa has a proud history of principled nonracialism and working class solidarity. +","batho ba batsho le maindiya ba ne ba sebetsa mmoho ba lwantsha mmuso wa kgethollo, mme bona le ditjhaba tse ding ba ntse ba inehetse setjha beng se kopaneng sa demokrasi. +",0.6990187 +"african and indian communities were united in the struggle against apartheid and, together with other communities, remain committed to a united and democratic society. +","batho ba phoenix le metse ya boahelani ya bhambayi, zwe litsha le amaoti ba sebetsa mmoho ho lokisa tshenyo e bakilweng ke dikgohlano, ho fedisa tshabo le ho se tshe pane. +",0.6970867 +"in response to the fear and mistrust, the people of phoenix and the neighbouring areas of bhambayi, zwelitsha and amaoti are working to repair the damage. +","ka thuso ya sehlopha sa tshebetso se thehilweng ke tshebeletso ya sepolesa sa afrika borwa ka tshebedisano le baetapele ba baahi, baahi ba kopane ho tshehetsa ba anngweng ke merusu le ho bula metjha ya pontshano. +",0.69564867 +"aided by a peace forum established by the south african police service in partnership with community leaders, the communities have come together to support those affected by the unrest and to open channels of dialogue. +","ena ha se yona fela karolo ya afrika borwa e shebaneng le mathata a kang ana. +",0.543344 +"this is not the only part of the country that is confronted with such challenges. +","maiteko a rona a ho kgothaletsa momahano ya baahi a sitiswa ke meralo e sii lweng ke mmuso wa kgethollo le ho se lekane ho phehelletseng. +",0.55722505 +"our efforts to build integrated communities are frustrated by the legacy of apartheid planning and persistent inequality. +","metsemeholo ya rona, ditoropo le metse ya mahae di ntse di arotswe ho ya ka merabe le maemo a batho. +",0.6664647 +"our cities, towns and rural areas are still all divided by both race and class. +","sena ha se kgothalletse tshebedisano le kutlwisisano, mme se boetse se sitisa mose betsi oo re o qadileng wa ho aha setjhaba se kopaneng. +",0.604565 +"this discourages cooperation and understanding, and hampers the work we have undertaken to build a nonracial society. +","ho lokisa meralo ena ya tsa bodulo ho lokela hore e be karolo ya mosebetsi wa rona wa ho aha moruo o akaretsang bohle le ho ntlafatsa maemo a ho phela a maafrika borwa ohle. +",0.63903755 +"correcting these spatial distortions must be part of our work of building an inclusive economy and improving the living conditions of all south africans. +","ke ka hona re sebetsang ka matla ho theha dikgwebo tse atlehang makeisheneng le metseng ya mahae, re tsepa misang maikutlo kgolong ya dikgwebo tse nyenyane. +",0.6913387 +"it is why we are working to build flourishing township and rural economies, and focusing on the growth of small businesses. +","ke ka hona re tsetelang meralong ya ditshebeletso dibakeng tsena mme re sebe letsang ho ntlafatsa phano ya ditshebeletso. +",0.72569907 +"it is why we are investing in infrastructure in these areas and working to improve the provision of services. +","re boetse re lokela ho lebana le kgethollo ya mmala setjhabeng sa rona. +",0.5528011 +"at the same time, we need to confront racism in our society. +","re tlameha ho ba le dipuisano tsa nnete ka maikutlo a rona ka ba bang, le ka maemo a bophelo a re arolang. +",0.5785446 +"we need to have honest conversations not only about our attitudes to one another, but also about the material conditions that divide us. +","ha fela qeto ka kabo ya moruo le menyetla afrika borwa e ntse e nkuwa ho itshitlehilwe ntlheng tsa morabe le bong, re ke ke ra kgona ho aha setjhaba se kopaneng e le kannete. +",0.6266129 +"for as long as the division of wealth and opportunity in south africa is largely still determined by race and gender, we will not be able to build a truly united nation. +","diketsahalo tsa phoenix ke kgopotso e bohloko ya mose betsi o mongata o ntseng o lokela ho etswa wa ho aha setjhaba se momahaneng se atlehileng ho tlosa meedi ya nako e fetileng. +",0.69390553 +"the events in phoenix are a painful reminder of how much work we still need to do to build inclusive communities that have successfully broken down the boundaries of the past. +","diketsahalo tsena di bontsha kamoo batho ba bang ba ikemiseditseng ho re arola, le hore re lokela ho leka ka hohle ho hanyetsana le sena. +",0.6709639 +"these events also demonstrate how determined some people are to divide us, and how we need to do everything we can to resist them. +","ke boikarabelo ba rona bohle ho tshehetsa baahi bana ba ethekwini le ba diba keng tse ding leetong la bona le lebisang poelanong le boiphekolong. +",0.66218996 +"it is our collective responsibility to support these communities in ethekwini and elsewhere in their journey towards reconciliation and healing. +","demokrasi ya rona e ahilwe ke barati ba kgotso le batho ba neng ba labalabela kopano ya merabe e fapaneng. +",0.6730051 +"our democracy was built by peacemakers and bridgebuilders. +","batho ba radileng tokoloho ya rona e ne e le banna le basadi ba sebete ba batho ba batsho, maindiya, makhalate le ba basweu ba ileng ba kgetha poelano eseng boiphetetso, le kgotso bakeng sa ntwa. +",0.63858473 +"the architects of our freedom were african, indian, coloured and white men and women of great courage who chose the path of reconciliation over retribution, and of peace over war. +","ha re tsitlallela ho ikoka maqeba a tsietsi e sa tswa re hlahela re le setjhaba, a re kopaneng. +",0.62469727 +"as we strive to heal from this collective national trauma, let us stand as one. +","re hlole diphapano tsa rona re tsitlallele tse tla re tswela molemo re le mmoho. +",0.6760099 +"let us overcome our differences in pursuit of the common good. +","setjhaba se momahaneng se bohlokwa katlehong ya afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed leha diketso tsa di kgoka le tshenyo tse sa tswa aparela dikarolo tse ding tsa kwa zulunatal le gauteng di bakile tshenyo thepeng le mekgweng ya ho iphedisa, di boetse di bile le tshu sumetso e kgolo moma hanong ya setjhaba. +",0.6760099 +"building a society free of state capture vukuzenzele unnamed the scheduled hearings of the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the public sector, including organs of state, recently ended, more than 1 000 days after the first witness testimony was heard. +","re aha setjhaba se lokolohileng ditleneng tsa tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso vukuzenzele unnamed ho mamelwa ho neng ho rerilwe ha dipatlisiso tsa komishene ya boahlodi e mabapi le tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso ho sa tswa phethelwa moraorao tjena, e leng se fetang matsatsi a 1 000 kamora ho mamelwa ha bopaki ba paki ya pele. +",0.84779775 +"while the commission’s chairperson, deputy chief justice raymond zondo has said it may be necessary for a few more witnesses to testify, the work of the commission is now one step closer to completion. +","leha modulasetulo wa khomishene, motlatsi wa moahlodi e moholo raymond zondo a itse ho ka nna ha hlokahala hore ho be le dipaki tse mmalwa hape tse lokelang ho paka, mose betsi wa khomishene jwale o haufi haholo le ho phethelwa. +",0.91431355 +"this is a significant milestone that brings us ever closer to a reckoning with one of the most ruinous episodes in the history of our democracy. +","sena ke mokolokotwane wa bohlokwa o re tli sang haufi le ho tobana le dikgaolo tse thefulang ka ho fetisisa nalaneng ya demokerasi ya rona. +",0.81456465 +"even before judge zondo submits his findings and recommendations to the president, we can all agree that the commission’s work has been invaluable. +","le pele moahlodi zondo a nehelana ka diphetho le dikgothaletso tsa hae ho moporesidente, bohle re ka dumellana hore mosebetsi wa khomishene e bile wa bohlokwa. +",0.9073961 +"over the course of three years, we have heard testimony detailing alleged acts of corruption on a massive scale. +","nakong ya dilemo tse tharo, re utlwile bopaki bo neng bo hlalosa diketsa halo tse belaellwang e le tsa bobodu ba boemo bo phahameng. +",0.8183543 +"we have heard about actions that resulted in the theft of billions of rands of public money. +","re utlwile ka diketso tse bakileng boshodu ba dibilione tsa diranta tsa tjhelete ya setjhaba. +",0.83101785 +"we have heard how many public institutions and stateowned companies were deliberately weakened. +","re utlwile kamoo ditheo tse ngata tsa mmuso le dikhamphani tsa mmuso di neng di putlamiswa ka boomo kateng. +",0.8668721 +"this exposure of the nature, extent and depth of state capture did not take place behind closed doors, but was broadcast to the entire country. +","pepeso ena ya sebopeho, ho nama le botebo ba tshusumetso e bolotsana di qetong tsa puso e ne e sa etsahale sephiring, empa e ile ya hasetswa naha kaofela. +",0.85107434 +"by allowing all south africans to follow the commission’s proceedings, it has helped to instil public confidence in our democracy in the way it promotes openness and transparency. +","ka ho etsa hore maafrika borwa kaofela a latele ditsamaiso tsa khomishene, ho thusitse ho tlisa tshepo ya setjhaba demoke rasing ya rona ka mokgwa o kgothaletsang ponaletso. +",0.870121 +"the country owes a debt of gratitude to all who were involved in the work of the commission; from those who investigated, researched and compiled a huge amount of information; to the many witnesses who testified and provided evidence; to the journalists who diligently reported on the proceedings; to the lawyers who helped present evidence. +","naha e lokela ho leboha haholo bohle ba neng ba ameha mosebetsing wa khomishene ena; ho tloha ho ba neng ba batlisisa, ba fuputsa le ho hlophisa tlha hisoleseding e ngata; ho ya ho dipaki tse ngata tse pakileng le ho fana ka bopaki; ho ya ho baqolotsi ba ditaba ba tlalehileng ka bokgabane ka ditsamaiso tsena; ho ya ho maqwetha a thusitseng ka ho nehelana ka bopaki. +",0.92835486 +"we also owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals, some of whom remain unknown, whose actions led to the establishment of the commission in the first place. +","re boetse re lokela ho leboha haholo batho ba ba ngata ka bo mong, bao bang ba bona ba ntseng ba sa tsejwe, bao diketso tsa bona di lebisitseng tabeng ya ho thehwa ha khomishene. +",0.8746521 +"these are the people who unearthed these alleged criminal acts, who resisted, who spoke out and who took up campaigns – both public and behind the scenes – to end state capture. +","bana ke batho ba utullutseng diketso tsena tse belaellwang e le tsa botlokotsebe, ba nganngeng, ba buileng le ba entseng matsholo – ka bobedi phatlalatsa le ka potelleng – ho fedisa tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso. +",0.8706169 +"it is thanks to them that we now speak of state capture in the past tense. +","re leboha bona ha e le mona jwale re bua ka tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso e le taba e fetileng. +",0.7543762 +"state capture did not end of its own accord. +","tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso ha e a iphella ka bo yona. +",0.68520147 +"it was brought to an end by the concerted actions of south africans from all walks of life, working in various areas to restore the values of our constitutional democracy. +","e fedisitswe ke diketso tse kopanetsweng tsa maafrika borwa ho tswa ka makgalo ohle, a sebetsa dibakeng tse fapaneng ho busetsa makgabane a demokerasi ya rona ya molaotheo. +",0.8960288 +"and it is up to all of us to ensure that these practices are never allowed to happen again. +","mme ho matsohong a rona bohle ho netefatsa hore ditlwaelo tsena di keke tsa dumellwa ho etsahala hape. +",0.8964229 +"over the past three years, we have taken several important steps to tackle corruption and state capture. +","dilemong tse tharo tse fetileng, re nkile mehato e mmalwa ya bohlokwa ya ho sebetsana le bobodu le tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso. +",0.86582994 +"we have been painstakingly rebuilding bodies like the national prosecuting authority (npa), the south african police service, the south african revenue service and others. +","re ne re sebetsa ka thata ho aha botjha makala a akgangbolaodi ba botjhutjhisi ba naha (npa), tshebeletso ya sepolesa ya afrika borwa (saps), tshebeletso ya lekgetho ya afrika borwa (sars) le a mang. +",0.89249015 +"we have set up new structures, like the investigating directorate in the npa to prosecute highlevel corruption and the special investigating unit (siu) special tribunal to recover stolen public funds. +","re thehile makala a matjha, a kang botsamaisi ba dipa tlisiso ka hara npa bakeng sa ho tjhutjhisa boemo bo pha hameng ba bobodu, lekgotla le ikgethang la yuniti e ikge thang ya dipatlisiso (siu) bakeng sa ho busetsa matlole a setjhaba a utswitsweng. +",0.8669014 +"we have improved our crimefighting capacity through the establishment of the fusion centre, which brings together various lawenforcement agencies to share information and coordinate the investigation and prosecution of crime. +","re ntlafaditse bokgoni ba rona ba twantsho ya botloko tsebe ka ho theha setsi sa kopanelo, se boka nyang mmoho makala a fapafapaneng a qobello ya molao bakeng sa ho aro lelana tlhahisoleseding le ho hokahanya dipatlisiso le botjhutjhisi ba botlokotsebe. +",0.8694131 +"we have changed the leadership at several strategic stateowned enterprises (soes), and begun the process of restoring them to financial and operational health. +","re fetotse boetapele dikgwebong tse mmalwa tsa lewa tsa mmuso (disoe), le ho qala motjha wa ho di tsoseletsa hore di itekanele ho tsa ditjhelete le tshebetso. +",0.85579276 +"we are working towards a new soe model that promotes greater transparency, accountability and sustainability. +","re sebeletsa ho ba le motlolo o motjha wa disoe o kgothaletsang ponaletso, boikarabelo tse toma le ho ba tsa moshwelella. +",0.7943918 +"much of this work is ongoing. +","boholo ba mosebetsi ona bo a tswella. +",0.8674749 +"there are areas where progress has been far slower than we would have hoped, and these are now receiving closer attention. +","ho na le dibaka moo kgatelopele e bi leng monyebe ho feta ka moo re neng re tshepile kateng, mme tsena re di she bile ka tjantjello e kgolo. +",0.8601285 +"the findings and recommendations of the commission will undoubtedly strengthen these efforts. +","sephetho le dikgotha letso tsa khomishene ntle le qeaqeo di tla matlafatsa mekutu ena. +",0.8753592 +"we expect that the commission will identify some of the systemic weaknesses that allowed state capture to take place. +","re lebeletse hore khomishene e tla hlwaya bofokodi ba tsamaiso bo entseng hore tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso e etsahale. +",0.81642413 +"this will empower us to take further corrective measures. +","sena se tla re thusa ho nka mehato e meng ya ditokiso. +",0.8558561 +"while we can say that the era of state capture is over, we have not defeated corruption. +","leha re ka re nako ya tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso e fetile, ha re so hlole bobodu. +",0.8010092 +"fraud and corruption remain pervasive and deeply entrenched in both the public and private sectors. +","bobodu le boqhekanyetsi bo dula bo le teng le ho teba makaleng ka bobedi a mmuso le a poraefete. +",0.86451364 +"although it may not be on the scale of state capture, such criminal activities cost our country greatly, weaken our institutions and deprive south africans of many basic needs. +","leha e keke ya ba boe mong ba tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso, mesebetsi e jwalo ya botlokotsebe e thefula naha ya bo rona haholo, e fokodisa ditheo tsa rona le ho hlotha maafrika borwa ditlhoko tse ngata tsa mantlha. +",0.8825655 +"corruption is deeply immoral at the best of times, but takes on a greater depravity in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. +","bobodu ke ntho e mpe haholo ka dinako tsohle, e hlotha batho tse molemo hodima ba le ka hara koduwa e teng hajwale ya botho. +",0.7583027 +"one speaks here of the despicable acts of corruption last year in the procurement of goods and services needed for our fight against the covid19 pandemic. +","mona re bua ka diketso tse nyonyehang tsa bobodu selemong se feti leng mabapi le ho rekwa ha thepa le ditshebeletso tse neng di batleha bake ng sa ntwa ya rona kgahlanong le sewa sa covid19. +",0.91870797 +"we acted swiftly to stop such corruption, to identify those responsible and to take action against them. +","re arabetse ka potlako bakeng sa ho kgina bobodu bo jwalo, ho hlwaya ba ikarabellang le ho nka bohato kgahlanong le bona. +",0.8658471 +"this is proof of our commitment to root out corruption. +","sena ke bopaki ba boitlamo ba rona ba ho fedisa bobodu ka metso. +",0.85652035 +"we tightened up treasury regulations, established the fusion centre and gave the siu a wideranging mandate to investigate all covid19related corruption allegations. +","re tiisitse melawana ya lefapha la matlotlo, ra theha setsi sa ditheo tsa molao tse kopanetseng mosebetsi le ho neha siu thomo e batalletseng ya ho batlisisa dipelaelo tsohle tse amanang le bobodu ba dithendara tsa covid19. +",0.87604505 +"in a first for the country, we also published online the details of all covid19 procurement contracts across all public entities. +","re phatlaladitse inthaneteng dintlha kaofela tsa dikonteraka tse amana ng le ditheko tsa mabaka a covid19 ditheong kaofela tsa mmuso, e leng ntho e neng e qala ho etsahala ka hara naha. +",0.8305707 +"the damage done to our country by state capture is deep. +","tshenyo e entswe ng naheng ya rona ke tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso e tebi leng. +",0.72264 +"its effects will be felt for many years to come. +","ditlamorao tsa yona di tla utlwahala bakeng sa dilemo tse ngata tse tlang. +",0.84044385 +"but, working together, we have started to put things right. +","feela, ka ho sebetsa mmoho, re qadile ho lokisa dintho. +",0.8357689 +"we have started to rebuild and restore. +","re qadile ho aha botjha le ho tsoseletsa. +",0.7890197 +"we can expect that the outcomes of the zondo commission will immeasurably strengthen these efforts. +","re ka lebella hore sephetho sa khomishene ya zondo se tla matlafatsa maiteko ana haholo. +",0.8551215 +"they will give us an opportunity to make a decisive and lasting break with the state capture era. +","se tla re neha monyetla wa hore re qete le ho lebala ka ho phe thahala ka dinako tsa tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso. +",0.7739339 +"much work lies ahead, and many challenges must still be confronted. +","ho sa na le mosebetsi o mongata o re emetse ng, mme ho sa na le diqholotso tse ngata tseo ho lokelwa ng ho tobanwa le tsona. +",0.84624094 +but we are on our way to building a society that is free from the evils of state capture and corruption.,"re aha setjhaba se lokolohileng ditleneng tsa tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso vukuzenzele unnamed ho mamelwa ho neng ho rerilwe ha dipatlisiso tsa komishene ya boahlodi e mabapi le tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa puso ho sa tswa phethelwa moraorao tjena, e leng se fetang matsatsi a 1 000 kamora ho mamelwa ha bopaki ba paki ya pele. +",0.84624094 +"sa salutes whistleblowers vukuzenzele unnamed over the course of the three years, since the commission of inquiry into state capture started its work, we have heard of the lengths to which the perpetrators of corrupt acts have gone to conceal their misdeeds. +","afrika borwa e tlotla baphahlamakunutu vukuzenzele unnamed nakong ya dilemo tse tharo ho tloha ha khomishene ya diphuputso tse amanang le tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa mmuso e ne e qala mosebetsi wa yona, re utlwile ka matsapa ao baetsi ba diketso tsa bobodu ba a entseng ha ba pata diketso tsa bona tsa ditlolo tsa molao. +",0.86053634 +"it has been an extremely complex undertaking to unravel the networks of influence that enabled corruption. +","e bile mosebetsi o thata haholo wa ho qhaqholla marangrang a tshusumetso a ileng a atlehisa bobodu. +",0.7801223 +"among other things, vast webs of front companies were established to move funds around and disguise payments made to politicallyconnected individuals. +","hara tse ding, matanta a dikhamphani tsa bolotsana a ile a thehelwa ho potolo hisa ditjhelete e le ho timeletsa ditefello tse etsetswang batho ba amanang le batho ba nang le matla a sepo lotiki. +",0.8187487 +"the same patterns have been seen in a number of investigations into corruption being undertaken by the special investigating unit (siu) the directorate for priority crime investigation, the national prosecuting authority's (npa) investigating directorate and others. +","dipaterone tse kang tsena di bonahetse diphuputsong tse ngata tse fatang bobodu tse entsweng ke lekala le ikge thang la diphuputso (spu), le lekala la diphuputso tse lenaneng le ka pele la ditlolo tsa molao (dpci), le bolaodi ba naha ba botjhutjhisi (npa) le makala a mang. +",0.8570268 +"as these investigations progressed and the net began to close on implicated individuals, we have seen witnesses being threatened, their families intimidated, being forced into hiding, and even killed. +","ha diphuputso tsena di ntse di tswela pele ho atleha, mme ho atamelwa ho fumaneheng ha batlodi ba molao ba belaellwang, re bone dipaki di fumantshwa ditshoso, ba malapa a tsona le bona ba etsetswa ditshoso, hape di iphumane di tlameha ho ipata, kapa di be di bolawe. +",0.8976035 +"the murder of babita deokaran, a senior finance official in the gauteng health department, is a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in our collective quest to remove this cancer from our society. +","polao ya babita deokaran, mohlanka ya ka sehlooho ng wa lekala la ditjhelete lefapheng la bophelo bo botle provenseng ya gauteng, ke temoso e kgolo ya phephetso e kgolo eo re shebaneng le yona letsholong la rona la ho ripitla mofetshe ona setjhabeng sa bo rona. +",0.8846457 +"while we do not yet know the motive for her murder, she was a key witness in a siu investigation into the procurement of personal protective equipment in the department. +","leha e le mona re eso tsebe sesosa sa polao ya hae, re ka bolela hore e ne e le paki ya sehlooho diphuputsong tsa siu tse fuputsang ho rekwa ha thepa ya boitshireletso ba batho (ppe) hona lefapheng lena. +",0.8205148 +"the saps and the private security teams who apprehended seven suspects recently are to be commended for their work. +","mmuso o thoholetsa tshe beletso ya sepolesa ya afrika borwa (saps) le dihlopha tsa balebedi ba poraefete tse ileng tsa tshwara babelaellwa ba supileng haufinyane. +",0.8088957 +"the docket has been transferred to the hawks, and the investigation will yield further information on why ms deokaran was murdered. +","dokethe ya nyewe ena e se e fetiseditswe lekaleng la dihawks, mme diphuputso di tla tla le tlhahisoleseding e eketsehileng malebana le hore na mofumahadi deokaran o bolaetsweng. +",0.89211965 +"regardless of the circumstances behind this tragedy, ms deokaran was a hero and a patriot. +","ho sa natswe mabaka a susumeditseng polao ena, ha re qeaqee hore mofumahadi deokaran e ne e le mohale le seratanaha. +",0.8598107 +"as are the legions of whistleblowers who, at great risk to themselves, help to unearth instances of misdeeds, maladministration, cronyism and theft. +","ho jwalo feela le ka mabotho a baphahla makunutu ba bang, bao ka ho beha maphelo a bona tsietsing, ba thusang ho qhibolla diketso tsa ditlolo ya molao, tsa tsamaiso e mpe, tsa khiro ya metswalle le tsa boshodu. +",0.8643618 +"without their brave and principled interventions, we would be unable to unmask those committing corruption. +","ka ntle ho matsapa a bona a ho ba bahale le a kgabane, re ne re ke ke ra kgona ho pepesa batho bano ba etsang diketso tsa bobodu. +",0.8377041 +"though much focus in recent times has been on whistleblowers in the public sector, we also owe a debt of gratitude to those in the private sector whose actions receive less attention, but are equally important. +","leha haufinyane tjena ho tsepamisitswe maikutlo ho baphahlamakunutu ba lekaleng la mmuso, empa re tshwanela le ho leboha baphahlamakunutu ba leka leng la poraefete, bao diketso tsa bona di sa nkelweng hloko jwalo ka tsa tse lekaleng la mmuso, empa le tsona, ka mokgwa o tshwanang, e ntse e le tsa bohlokwa . +",0.8594078 +"whistleblowers are important guardians of our democracy. +","baphahlamakunutu ke basireletsi ba bohlokwa ba demokerasi ya rona. +",0.84770983 +"they raise the alarm against unethical acts and practices in government and organisations. +","ba pe pesa diketso le mekgwa ya bobodu e etsahala ng mmusong le mekgatlong e ikemetseng. +",0.84371006 +"they speak out in good faith and with a reasonable expectation not only that action will be taken on their disclosures, but that they will be protected and not suffer victimisation or prejudice. +","batho bana ba hlahisa taba tsena ka morero o motle, hape ba sa lebella feela hore mmuso o tla nka mehato ka dite moso tsa bona, empa le hore ba tla fumana tshireletso hore ba se ke ba iphumana ba ntshitswe kotsi kapa ba kgeswa ka baka la ketso ena ya bona. +",0.85598755 +"in south africa there is extensive legislative protection for whistleblowers, including through the protected disclosures act, labour relations act, companies act, protection against harassment act, and the constitution itself. +","mona afrika borwa ho na le melao e matla ya tshireletso ya baphahlamakunutu, e kenyeletsang e fumanehang molaong wa tshireletso ya bapepesi, molaong wa dika mano tsa bahiri le basebetsi, molaong wa dikhamphani, molaong o kgahlano le tlhekefetso, le molaong wa motheo ka bowona. +",0.8685024 +"in addition, the department of justice and correctional services, working with other lawenforcement agencies, administers the office of witness protection to provide support to vulnerable and intimidated witnesses in any judicial proceedings. +","ka hodima mona, lefapha la toka le ditshebeletso tsa tlhabollo ya batshwaruwa, ka ho sebetsa mmoho le makala a qobello ya molao, le tsamaisa ofisi ya tshireletso ya dipaki molemong wa ho fana ka tshehetso ho dipaki tseo bophelo ba tsona bo leng kotsing le tse etsetswang di tshoso tsamaisong le ha e le efe ya phethahatso ya toka. +",0.8678424 +"entering witness protection is voluntary, and neither the saps nor the npa can compel a witness to do so. +","ho kena lenaneong la tshireletso ya dipaki ke ka boithaopo, mme saps kapa npa e keke ya qobella motho ho etsa jwalo. +",0.87081295 +"should a witness receive threats to their life or feel unsafe, they have to inform investigators and apply for admission to the programme. +","haeba paki e ka fumana ditshoso tse behang bophelo ba yona kotsing, kapa ya ikutlwa e sa bolokeha, e tshwanela ho tlalehela bafuputsi ba nyewe taba ena, mme e etse kopo ya ho kenngwa lenaneong la tshireletso. +",0.91451824 +"this successful programme has played a key role in securing successful prosecutions since its inception, particularly with regards to organised crime. +","lenaneo lena le atlehileng le bile le tema e kgolo ntlheng ya ho hlahisa botjhutjhisi bo atlehileng ha esale le thewa, haholoholo ditabeng tsa ditlolo tsa molao tse hlophisitsweng. +",0.8875928 +"it is clear that as the fight against corruption gathers momentum, we need to urgently review our current approach not only to witness protection, but also to the broader protection of whistleblowers. +","ho hlakile hore ha ntwa kgahlanong le bobodu e ntse e loela, re tshwanela ho lekola botjha ka potlako mokgwa wa rona wa jwale, e seng feela o malebana le tshireletso ya dipaki, empa le tshireletsong ya baphahlamakunutu ka bophara. +",0.8787429 +"while numerous systems are in place to enable whistleblowers to report anonymously, we need to tighten up existing systems and provide greater support to those who publicly come forward with information. +","leha re na le ditsamaiso tse ngata tse thusang ba phahlamakunutu ho tlaleha ka sekgukgu, re tlameha ho tiisa ditsamaiso tsena tse teng, mme re fane ka tshe hetso e matla haholo ya batho ba tlisang tlhahisoleseding pontsheng. +",0.86780936 +"as society, we need to identify where existing laws and policies are inadequate in protecting the livelihoods, reputations and safety of whistleblowers – and work together to address these. +","re le setjhaba, re tshwanela ho totobatsa moo melao le maano a jwale a haellang ho tshireletsa boiphediso, seriti le polokeho ya baphahlamaku nutu – mme re sebetse mmoho ho di kwala. +",0.85994893 +"the intent of the criminals who target whistleblowers is not only to silence particular individuals – it is also to send a message to other potential whistleblowers. +","morero wa ditlokotsebe tse lwantshang baphahlamaku nutu ha se feela ho kwala batho ba itseng molomo – hape ke ho etsa ditshoso le ho ba ka nahang ho ba baphahlamakunutu kamoso. +",0.82490766 +"day by day, brave south africans like babita deokaran are standing firm that they will not be party to corruption and they are prepared to bear witness against it. +","ka letsatsi le letsatsi, maafrika borwa a sebete jwalo ka babita deokaran a tsepame ntlheng ya hore a keke a ina matsoho a ona diketsong tsa bobodu, hape a ikemiseditse ho ba dipaki kgahlanong le bona. +",0.9185419 +"as the south african people, we salute her and all the whistleblowers in the public and private sectors who are exposing corruption to the harshest of glares. +","re le batho ba afrika borwa re a mo tlotla le baphahla makunutu ba bang bohle ba makaleng a mmuso le a poraefete ba behang diketso tsa bobodu pepeneneng. +",0.84487057 +"they are doing so without expectation of acknowledgement or reward. +","batho bana ba etsa hona ba sa lebella thoriso kapa moputso. +",0.87271464 +"theirs is the highest form of public service. +","ketso ya bona ke sehlohlolo sa bosebeletsi ba setjhaba. +",0.805406 +"we cannot let them down. +","re ke ke ra ba swabisa. +",0.7355388 +"we must, and we will, ensure that their disclosures result in prosecutions and do much more to ensure that they are protected from harm. +","re a tlameha, ebile re netefatsa hore dipepeso tsa bona di tla fihlella makgotleng a dinyewe, mme batlodi ba molao ba tla ahlolwa, hape re tla sebetsa ka matla re netafatsa hore baphahlamakunutu bana ba tla tshireletswa, ka hona ba keke ba ntshuwa kotsi. +",0.8285351 +"as south africans, we want to send a strong a message that we will not be intimidated. +","re le maafrika borwa, re lakatsa ho totobatsa hore hare tlo nyahamiswa ke ditshoso. +",0.77614456 +"those behind the killing of witnesses and whistleblowers will be arrested and face the might of the law, as will all who are found guilty of the very corruption these assassins are trying to cover up.","afrika borwa e tlotla baphahlamakunutu vukuzenzele unnamed nakong ya dilemo tse tharo ho tloha ha khomishene ya diphuputso tse amanang le tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa mmuso e ne e qala mosebetsi wa yona, re utlwile ka matsapa ao baetsi ba diketso tsa bobodu ba a entseng ha ba pata diketso tsa bona tsa ditlolo tsa molao. +",0.77614456 +"brics key to sa's growth vukuzenzele unnamed a year before the first democratic elections, president nelson mandela wrote an article in foreign policy magazine on the new south africa’s future foreign policy. +","brics ke ya mantlha kgolong ya afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed selemo pele ho di kgetho tsa pele tsa demokrasi, mopre sidente nelson mandela o ne a ngole taba ka leano le letjha la afrika borwa la nako e tlang la dikamano tsa matjhabeng makasi ning ya foreign policy . +",0.90556395 +"reflecting on the shifts in global alliances brought about by the end of the cold war, he wrote that countries would have to ""recast their nets"" if they were to reap any benefit from international affairs. +","e ne e re ha a lekola tsela eo dikamano tsa matjhaba di neng di fetohile ka teng ka mora ntwa ya tsitsipano pakeng tsa naha ya amerika le mahlahana a yona mmoho le ya russia le mahlahana a yona, ya ba o ngola hore dinaha di tla tlameha ho ""qala botjha"" haeba di batla ho una molemo ditabeng tsa matjhaba. +",0.81651604 +"since the tectonic shift of 1994 when we made a decisive break with not just apartheid but the international relations outlook of its architects, south africa’s foreign policy continues to be characterised by this ""recasting the net"". +","haesale dintho di fetoha ka 1994, ha re a ka ra fella ka ho hlola kgethollo ya mmala feela, empa re ne re fetole dintho le matjhabeng ka hore leano la afrika borwa la dika mano tsa matjhabeng e be la ho ""qala botjha"". +",0.84142303 +"our foreign policy priorities are regional political and economic integration, pursing african development, multilateral engagement and the promotion of democracy, peace and human rights. +","maano a rona le dikamano tsa matjhaba a kopantse tsa moruo le dipolotiki a ke nyeletse le ntshetsopele ya afrika, tshebedisanommoho, ho pepeswa ha demokrasi, kgotso le ditokelo tsa botho. +",0.85736537 +"to this end, we have forged strategic alliances with both the countries of the global south and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the north. +","ho fihlela ha jwale, re kgonne ho theha setswalle le dinaha tsohle tsa matjhaba tse ka borwa le tse ka leboya. +",0.7928479 +"joining the brics group of countries in 2010 was a milestone in our quest to advance our own national development priorities by forging stronger ties with the important emerging economies of brazil, russia, india and china. +","ho ba setho sa dinaha tsa brics ha rona ka 2010 e ne e be mohato o pele wa ntshetsongpele ya naha ya rona ka ho tihisa maqhama le dinaha tse setletseng mo ruong tsa brazil, russia, india le china. +",0.87916636 +"put into context, brics countries comprise roughly 41% of the world’s population and account for around 24% of global gdp and some 16% of global trade. +","ha re akaretsa, re ka re palo ya batho ba dinaha tsena tsa brics e etsa persente tse ka bang 41 tsa palo ya batho ba lefatshe ka bophara mme tlhahiso ya tsona ya thepa ke persente tse 24 tsa tlhahiso ya lefatshe mme e be persente tse 16 tsa kgwebisano ya lefa tsheng ka bophara. +",0.8901741 +"we have reaped the benefits of membership of this important bloc, most notably in the area of economic cooperation. +","ho ba setho sa mokgatlo ona ho re unetse molemo o moholo haholo ho tsa moruo. +",0.6505614 +"bilateral trade has grown, particularly with china and india, with commodity exports and manufactured goods imports featuring strongly. +","kgwebisano le dinaha tsena e hotse haholo, haholoholo le china le india ka dihla hiswa tse romelwang kantle le thepa e kenang. +",0.82656115 +"the brics countries continue to be important sources of foreign direct investment in key such as mining, automotive, transportation, clean energy, financial services and it. +","dinaha tsa brics di ntse di tswela pele ho ba mohlodi wa matsete ho tsa matjhaba haholoholo makaleng a kang la dirashwa, makoloi, ho thothwa ha thepa, motlakase wa letsatsi, metsi le moya, la ditjhelete le la thekenoloji ya dikhomputara. +",0.87039614 +"a 2018 review of our brics membership by professional services firm deloitte noted that brics partners ""invested three times more capital in the country compared to the seven years prior to 2011"". +","tekolobotjha ya botho ba naha ena ho brics ka 2018 ke khampane ya tshebe letso tsa profeshenale e leng deloitte, ho ile ha hlahisa hore dinaha tsena di se di tsetetse ho phetilweng hararo ho feta dilemong tse supileng pele ho 2011"". +",0.8730757 +"these investments and projects have in turn led to significant job creation. +","matsete ana mmoho le diprojeke tsa ona a thehile menyetla e mangata ya mese betsi. +",0.7262125 +"since the formation of the new development bank, whose regional office is located in johannesburg, south africa has been a beneficiary of financing and technical support for projects in transportation, clean energy, environmental protection, water infrastructure and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. +","haesale ho ne ho thehwe banka e ntjha ya ntshe tsopele, eo kantoro tsa yona tsa lebatowa di leng johanne sburg, afrika borwa haesale e fumana tshehetso ya ditjhe lete ho yona bakeng sa projeke tse kang ho thothwa ha thepa, motlakase wa letsatsi, metsi le moya, tshireletso ya tikoloho, dibopeho tsa motheo tsa metsi mmoho le ho fokotsa kgase tse silafatsang moya. +",0.86560607 +"since the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, south africa has received $2 billion in funding from the new development bank under the covid19 emergency loan programme to fight the pandemic and to support our economic recovery. +","haesale ho qala koduwa ena ya covid19 , afrika borwa e se e fumane tjhelete e ballwang ho r28 billione ho tswa bankeng ena ya ntshetsopele e le karolo ya lenaneo la tshohanyetso la tshehetso ya ditjhelete ho thusa ho lwantsha koduwa ena le ho tsoseletsa moruo. +",0.8714429 +"there has also been substantial cooperation with our brics partners in securing personal protective equipment and cooperation around vaccine access and distribution. +","re boetse ra sebedisana hantle haholo le mahlahana a rona ho brics bakeng sa theko ya thepa ya tshireletso ho covid19 le ente ya yona. +",0.80058146 +"we recently participated in the 13th brics summit, where brics countries agreed to deepen cooperation to fight covid19 and mobilise the political support and financial resources needed to respond to future pandemic preparedness. +","re boetse ra nka karolo kopanong ya bo 13 ya brics e sa tswa tshwarwa eo ho yona ho dumellanweng hore dinaha tsena di tla sebedisana twantshong ya covid19 le ho tshehetsana ho tsa dipolo tiki mmoho le ditjhelete ho ba malalaalaotswe ho lwantsha dikoduwa tsa nakong e tlang. +",0.87314737 +"this includes the establishment of a virtual brics vaccine research and development centre and a brics integrated early warning system to forecast future outbreaks of infectious diseases. +","sena se kenyeletsa ho thehwa ha setsi sa ntshe tsopele ya dipatlisiso ka ente le leano la tlhokomediso leo mosebetsi wa lona e tlang ho ba ho fana ka tlhokomediso ka mafu a tshwaetsanang a ka hlahang nakong e tlang. +",0.8476343 +"another important area of agreement was on mutual recognition of national documents of vaccination and systems of covid19 testing – something that will be vital to crossborder travel in the future. +","e nngwe ntlha eo ho dumellanweng ka yona ke ya ho amohelwa ha ma ngolo a bopaki ba ho entelwa covid19 – ao e tlang ho ba setlamo ho ba le lona ha o etela dinaheng tsa matjhaba nakong e tlang. +",0.8297725 +"the concept of mutually beneficial cooperation will be particularly important in the global economic recovery, where unequal development means that some countries will bounce back quickly, while others will lag behind. +","taba ena ya tshebedisano e tla ba molemo haholo tsoseletsong ya moruo jwalo ka ha re tseba hore ho na le dinaha tseo moruo wa tsona o tlang ho tsoseletseha ka potlako ho ena le tse ding. +",0.7730272 +"in support of economic recovery, brics partners agreed to strengthen collaboration in catalytic sectors such as energy, it, science, technology and innovation, agriculture and the green economy. +","bakeng sa tshehetsano tso seletsong ya moruo, dinaha tsena tsa brics di dumellane ka ho sebedisana makaleng a bohlokwa a kang la motlakase, thekenoloji ya dikhomputara, la mahlale, thekenoloji le bonono, la temo le phokotso ya tshilafalo ya moya. +",0.8737768 +"these are all important sectors identified in our economic reconstruction and recovery plan announced last year. +","ana ke makala a bohlokwa a badilweng leanong la rona le phatlaladitsweng ngwahola la kahobotjha le tsoseletso ya moruo. +",0.7494508 +"cooperation with other brics countries, particularly in the field of innovation research, will help to accelerate our country’s industrialisation and help us meet our fourth industrial revolution aspirations. +","tshebedisanommoho le dinaha tse ding tsa brics haholoholo lekaleng la dipa tlasiso ka tsa bonono e tla potlakisa tshebediso ya the kenoloji e leng se tla thusa ho fihlela dipehelo tsa tshebediso ya thekenoloji e pele dikgwe bong le tlhahisong ya thepa. +",0.8058194 +"in this regard, discussions were held around the creation of formal brics platforms to share best practice, knowledge and expertise, including the use of open source technology platforms. +","ka lebaka lena, ho ile ha dumellanwa ka ho thehwa ha setsi se molaong sa brics seo ho sona dinaha tsena di tla arorelanang teng ka tsebo, bokgoni le boiphihlelo ho ke nyeletsa le yona thekenoloji. +",0.8132516 +"the brics partners agreed that developing countries need assistance to achieve the un sustainable development goals, and that donor countries should honour their commitments in this regard. +","dinaha tsa brics di dume llane ka hore dinaha tse ntseng di thuthuha di hloka thuso hore di kgone ho finye lla maemo a ntshetsopele a behilweng ke mokgatlo wa dinaha tsa matjhaba le hore dinaha tse tshepisitseng tshehetso di tswele pele ho etsa jwalo. +",0.83065057 +"this is particularly important within the context of climate action. +","sena se bohlokwa mabapi le ho fetofetoha ha maemo a lehodimo. +",0.77315724 +"like most countries, south africa seeks to move towards a lowcarbon development path that is inclusive, sustainable and that takes into account our status as a developing country. +","jwalo ka dinaha tse ding, afrika borwa le yona e rata ho finyella maemong a tsi tsitseng a ho fokotseha ha ho silafala ha moya le hoja e sa ntsa neng e le naha e thuthuhang. +",0.7563771 +"the brics energy research cooperation platform will be valuable as we move to diversify our energy sources. +","setsi sa brics sa tshebedisanommoho ka dipatlisiso tsa eneji, se tla thusa haholo ho fumaneng mehlodi e fapafapaneng ya eneji. +",0.798317 +"in the 11 years since we joined brics, our membership has substantially advanced our national interest. +","dilemong tse leshome le motso tseo ka tsona re bileng setho sa brics, naha ya rona e hatetse pele haholo. +",0.83734274 +"being a member of brics has enhanced our position as an important emerging economy. +","ho ba setho sa brics ha rona ho ntlafaditse maemo a naha ya rona e ntseng e thuthuha. +",0.8229475 +"it has given us access to policy and technical expertise of larger and established economies, as well as access to the support of the national development bank. +","ho boetse ha re fa le monye tla wa ho fumana tsebo le maano a dinaha tse hatetseng pele moruong le ho fumana tshehetso bankeng ya naha ya ntshetsopele. +",0.7901553 +"it has strengthened our activism on the global stage, particularly around reform of multilateral institutions. +","ho boetse hape ha matlafatsa le tshebetso ya rona matjha beng haholoholo ntlafatsong ya makala a fapafapaneng. +",0.70571136 +"we have benefitted from being part of a collective voice striving to advance a world order based on mutual respect and the equal sovereignty of nations. +","re unne molemo o moholo ka ho ba karolo ya tshebedi sanommoho ya dinaha tsa matjhaba tse tsitlallelang ntshetso pele ya matjhaba le ho hlompha tekatekano ya dinaha tse ding le mebuso ya tsona. +",0.8151158 +brics is of immense strategic importance to our country and will continue to be so for some time to come.,"brics ke ya mantlha kgolong ya afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed selemo pele ho di kgetho tsa pele tsa demokrasi, mopre sidente nelson mandela o ne a ngole taba ka leano le letjha la afrika borwa la nako e tlang la dikamano tsa matjhabeng makasi ning ya foreign policy . +",0.8151158 +"ending corruption in the public service vukuzenzele unnamed the revelation in parliament that thousands of public servants have been illegally receiving social grants every month shows we still have a long way to go towards instilling a culture of ethics in the public service. +","ho fedisa bobodu tshebeletsong ya setjhaba vukuzenzele unnamed tshenolo ya pala menteng ya hore basebetsi ba mmu so ba diketekete ba ntse ba fumana matlole a dithuso tsa setjhaba ka bokunyata kgwedi le kgwedi e bo ntsha hore re ntse re sa na le leeto le le telele leo re lokelang ho le nka ho ke nya tlwaelo ya maitshwa ro a matle tshebeletsong ya setjhaba. +",0.86094224 +"earlier this year, it was also found that around 16,000 employees on the government payroll were irregularly paid the covid19 social relief of distress grant. +","pejana selemong sena, ho ile ha boela ho fumanwa hore basebetsi ba kabang 16 000 ba fumanang mokgolo mmusong ba ile ba fuma ntshwa letlole la dithuso la kimollo ya matshwenyeho la covid19 ka bokunyata. +",0.900563 +"it is common knowledge that applicants with other sources of income do not qualify for this grant. +","mang le mang o a tseba hore bakopi ba nang le mehlodi e meng ya lekeno ha ba tshwa nelehe ho fumantshwa letlole lena. +",0.81515837 +"it is also selfevident that those who receive an income from the state are not eligible to apply. +","ho boetse ho a tsebahala hape le hore ba fumanang lekeno ho tswa mmusong ha ba tshwanelehe ho kenya dikopo. +",0.79661334 +"and yet they did. +","le ha hole jwalo ba ile ba di kenya. +",0.60631835 +"some 17,000 people employed at national and provincial government submitted applications in a bid to top up their salaries with money meant for the poor. +","batho ba kabang 17 000 ba hirilweng mmusong wa naha le wa profense ba kentse dikopo molemong wa ho eketsa meputso ya bona ka tjhelete e reretsweng mafutsana. +",0.8872815 +"given the extent of need in the country, one that our public servants know too well, this wilful intent to steal from the public purse is unforgivable. +","ha re nahana ka sekgahla sa tlhoko naheng ena, seo basebetsi ba rona ba mmuso ba se tsebang hantle, maikemisetso ana a ka boomo a ho utswetsa setjhaba ha a tshwarelehe ho hang. +",0.8590144 +"government is now stepping up its efforts to prevent this kind of abuse and act against anyone in the public service involved in wrongdoing. +","mmuso jwale o tiisa letsoho boitekong ba ona ba ho thibela tlhekefetso ya mofuta ona le ho nka kgato kgahlano le mang kapa mang ya tshebeletsong ya setjhaba ya amehang tlo long ena ya molao. +",0.88275087 +"recently, government launched a new public administration ethics, integrity and disciplinary technical assistance unit. +","ha morao tjena, mmuso o phatlaladitse yuniti e ntjha ya ho thusa ka merero ya mai tshwaro, botshepehi le di kgato tsa kgalemelo ya ba sebetsi tshebeletsong ya setjhaba. +",0.8252115 +"the unit will build capacity within public bodies to institute disciplinary proceedings in cases of misconduct and cooperate with other organs of state in holding those responsible to account. +","yuniti e tla thusa mafapha a mmuso ho theha tsamaiso ya dinyewe tsa kga lemelo mabapi le maitshwaro a mabe le ho sebedisana le makala a mang a mmuso ho ahlola ba ikarabellang bobo dung. +",0.84168917 +"the unit will refer corruption cases to government’s anticorruption task team and follow up with departments to ensure criminal cases involving public servants translate into disciplinary cases. +","yuniti e tla lebisa dinyewe tsa bobodu ho sehlopha sa tshebetso se lwantsha ng bobodu mme e latele mafapha ho etsa bonnete ba hore dinyewe tsa tlolo ya molao tse kenyeletsang basebetsi ba mmuso di kenye letswa le dinyeweng tsa kga lemelo. +",0.85587525 +"working with the multiagency fusion centre, the unit will help identify employees in priority cases investigated by law enforcement authorities. +","ka ho sebedisana mmoho le kemedi ya setsi se kopanetsweng ke ditheo tsa diphuputso tsa melato e meholo, yuniti e tla thusa ho hlwaya basebetsi ba nkgang lefotha dinyeweng tsa melato e meholo tse fuputswang ke maponesa. +",0.82342196 +"the unit will monitor the conduct of lifestyle audits of public service employees. +","yuniti e tla shebana le boitshwaro ba ditlhahlobo tsa bophelo ba basebetsi ba setjhaba. +",0.8139223 +"where departments identify corruption and unexplained wealth, the cases will be referred to the south african police service. +","moo mafapha a tshwayang bobodu le leruo le sa hlaloseheng, dinyewe di tla fetisetswa ho tshebeletso ya sepolesa sa afrika borwa. +",0.88926315 +"the new unit has already begun its work in earnest, helping to identify public servants involved in cases related to covid19 procurement, the special covid19 grant and unemployment insurance fund fraud. +","yuniti ena e ntjha e se e qadile ka mosebetsi wa yona ka mafolofolo, e thusa ho futulla basebetsi ba mmuso ba amehang dinyeweng tse amanang le dithendara tsa covid19 , le bobodu ba letlole le ikgethileng la covid19 le letlole la inshorense ya ho fellwa ke mosebetsi. +",0.88445526 +"the cases of government officials referred by the special investigating unit for disciplinary action will be monitored by the unit to assess their progress. +","dinyewe tsa basebetsi ba mmuso tse fetisitsweng ke yuniti e ikgethileng ya di phuputso bakeng sa dikgato tsa kgalemo di tla lekolwa ke yuniti ho lekola hore na di a phethahatswa kapa tjhe. +",0.8047308 +"another important aspect of the unit’s work will be institutionalising ethics and integrity in the ranks of the public service. +","karolo e nngwe ya bohlokwa ya mosebetsi wa yuniti e tla ba ho tiisa melao ya mai tshwaro a matle le botshepehi maemong a tshebeletso ya setjhaba. +",0.8323108 +"a few public servants have over the years taken the view that doing business with or unduly benefiting from the state is permissible for them, their friends and their families, provided there has been no illegality. +","dilemong tse feti leng basebetsi ba mmalwa ba mmuso ba bile le mohopolo wa hore ho etsa le kgwebo le mmuso kapa ho una molemo o sa hlokahaleng ho tswa mmusong ho dumeletse hile molemong wa bona, wa metswalle le wa ba malapa a bona, ha feela ho se tlolo ya molao. +",0.8968707 +"we must do everything we can to change this attitude. +","re tlameha ho etsa tsohle tse matleng a rona ho fetola mohopolo ona. +",0.8616215 +"as we work to end corruption, there must be equal focus on inculcating ethical behaviour, because what may not necessarily be illegal can be unethical and unbecoming of a public servant. +","ha re ntse re sebetsa ho fedisa bobodu, ho tlameha hore ho shejwe ka ho lekana ho ruta maitshwaro a matle, hobane se ka nnang sa se ke sa ba tlolo ya molao e kanna ya ba se fosahetseng ebile se sa tshwanele mosebetsi wa setjhaba. +",0.66195375 +"the new unit will set norms and standards on ethics, integrity and conduct. +","yuniti e ntjha e tla beha mekgwa le maemo hodima maitshwaro a matle, botshe pehi e boitshwaro. +",0.79155004 +"it will also build the capacity of departments to discipline officials found guilty of misconduct. +","e tla boela e thusa mafapha mererong ya ho kgalema basebetsi ba mmuso ba fumanwang ba bile le boitshwaro bo bobe. +",0.8568702 +"last year more than 200 employees were trained as presiding officers and initiators. +","selemong se fetileng base betsi ba fetang 200 ba ile ba kwetlisetswa ho ba baofisiri ba okametseng le bathakgodi. +",0.8883242 +"building an ethical, capable state continues to be a focus of this administration. +","ho aha naha e nang le mai tshwaro a matle, le bokgoni e ntse e le sepheo sa puso ena. +",0.8075203 +"as a number of scandals involving public servants illegally benefiting from the state have shown, the process will be difficult and will take some time. +","jwalo ka mahlabisadihlong a mangata a kenyeletsang basebetsi ba mmuso ba unang molemo o seng molaong ho tswa mmusong a bontshitse, motjha ona o tla ba boima mme o tla nka nako. +",0.83733404 +"we are nonetheless committed to stay the course. +","le ha ho le jwalo, re ikemiseditse ho dula temeng ya rona. +",0.74787444 +"a capable state is the foundation for the attainment of all our national priorities. +","naha e nang le bokgoni ke motheo wa phihlello ya dintho tsohle tse tlang pele setjhabeng. +",0.7884049 +"without improving accountability and promoting ethical conduct, none can be achieved. +","ntle le ho ntlafatsa boikarabello le ho kgothaletsa boitshwaro bo botle, ha ho letho le tla fihlellwang. +",0.878591 +"the vast majority of our public servants are committed, lawabiding and ethical. +","boholo ba basebetsi ba rona ba mmuso ba sebatsa ka boi nehelo, ba hlompha molao ebile ba na le maitshwaro a matle. +",0.80055094 +"the task before us is to work together to root out those who are not, and correct the misconception that all those employed in government are either selfserving or corrupt. +","mosebetsi o ka pele ho rona ke ho sebetsa mmoho ho fothola ba sa ikamantshe ng, le ho lokisa mohopolo o fosahetseng wa hore bohle ba hirilweng mmusong ba itjhe bile bo bona kapa ba tletse bobodu. +",0.8712716 +"ai call on all the men and women who serve our country every day to recommit themselves to the values of selflessness and service, and to recall that their conduct must at all times be both legal and ethical. +","re ipiletsa ho banna le basadi bohle ba sebeletsang naha ya rona letsatsi le leng le le leng hore ba itlame botjha boleng ba ho beha batho pele le tshebeletsong ya setjhaba, le ho hopola hore boitshwaro ba bona bo tlameha ho dula bo le molaong le boitshwarong bo botle ka dinako tsohle. +",0.8849756 +the establishment of this unit is another one of the ways that we are working on to end corruption in government and indeed in all spheres of south african life.,"ho fedisa bobodu tshebeletsong ya setjhaba vukuzenzele unnamed tshenolo ya pala menteng ya hore basebetsi ba mmu so ba diketekete ba ntse ba fumana matlole a dithuso tsa setjhaba ka bokunyata kgwedi le kgwedi e bo ntsha hore re ntse re sa na le leeto le le telele leo re lokelang ho le nka ho ke nya tlwaelo ya maitshwa ro a matle tshebeletsong ya setjhaba. +",0.8849756 +"presidential employment stimulus drives job creation vukuzenzele unnamed the recent launch of the second phase of the presidential employment stimulus represents great progress in our quest to create job opportunities for unemployed south africans. +","letsholo la ho bopa menyetla ya mesebetsi la boporesidente le kgothaletsa tlhahiso ya mesebetsi vukuzenzele unnamed ho thakgolwa ha moraorao ha mo kgahlelo wa bobe di waletsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporeside nte ho bontsha kgatelopele e kgolo morerong wa rona wa ho bopa menyetla ya mesebetsi bakeng sa ma afrika borwa a hlokang mosebetsi. +",0.87395054 +"we established the employment stimulus last year to create as many opportunities as possible in the shortest possible time. +","re thehile letsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporesi dente gwahola bakeng sa ho hlahisa menyetla e mengata kamoo ho ka kgonehang ka nako e kgutshwane kamoo ho ka kgonehang. +",0.7907905 +"this required new and innovative ways of working to implement programmes at an unprecedented speed and scale. +","sena se qositse ditsela tse ntjha le tsa ntjhafatso tsa ho sebeletsa ho kenya tshebetsong mananeo ka lebelo le bongata bo so kang bo bonwa. +",0.8378451 +"the recruitment process of the many people who were unemployed made use of digital platforms to reach as many eligible participants as possible. +","motjha wa ho thaotha batho ba bangata ba sa sebetseng o ne o sebedisa mapatlelo a dijithale bakeng sa ho fihlella bankakarolo ba tshwanele hang ba bangata kamoo ho ka kgonehang. +",0.841288 +"for example, smallscale farmers were able to apply for support via ussd and receive input vouchers to their cellphones. +","ka mohlala, dihwai tse nyane di kgonne ho etsa dikopo tsa tshehetso ka ho romela sms le ho fumana divaotjhara tsa ho sebedisa diselfounu tsa tsona. +",0.8391575 +"since the department of basic education opened applications for the next cohort of school assistants recently, over 940 000 young people have applied via the zerorated recruitment platform called sayouth. +","esale lefapha la thuto ya motheo le bulela dikopo tsa lebotho le latelang la bathusi ba matitjhere haufinyana tjena, batjha ba fetang 940 000 ba entse dikopo ka ho sebe disa lepatlelo la ho thaotha le sa lefellweng le bitswang sa youth. +",0.8866285 +"mobi, which forms part of the national pathway management network. +","mobi, le bopang karolo ya naha ya marangrang a motjha wa bolaodi. +",0.73980844 +"the use of new technologies in offering employment opportunities has made recruitment much easier, quicker and more transparent. +","tshebediso ya dithekenoloji tse ntjha mabapi le ho fana ka menyetla ya khiro e entse hore ho thaotha ho be bonolo, ho potlake le ho ba le ponaletso. +",0.86294806 +"the presidential employment stimulus has enabled and facilitated cooperation in the public sector. +","letsholo la ho bopa mese betsi la boporesidente le thusitse le ho akofisa tshebedi sano ka hara lekala la mmuso. +",0.79638314 +"programmes in phase one were implemented by 11 national departments. +","mananeo a mokgahlelo wa pele a ile a kenngwa tshe betsong ke mafapha a naha a 11. mesebetsi ya ona e ne e momahantswe bakeng sa ho phema ho iphetapheta le tshenyo le ho matlafatsa ho ithuta ka boiphihlelo ba a mang. +",0.64519656 +"their activities were aligned to avoid duplication and wastage and enhance learning from the experience of others. +","letsholo la ho bopa mese betsi la boporesidente le boetse e bontshitse bohlokwa ba ho sebedisana ha baahi se tjhabeng mmuso, dikgwebo, mekgatlo ya basebetsi le se tjhaba ka kakaretso di ipopile mmoho bakeng sa ho thusa ba hlokang mesebetsi ho ba le seabo moruong. +",0.6592873 +"the employment stimulus has also shown the importance of social partnership. +","se ka fetang halofo ya milione ya maafrika borwa e se e kgotse molemo mokgahlelong wa pele, moo ho ntseng ho na le mananeo a mang a mo tjheng. +",0.5394032 +"government, business, labour and civil society have come together to bring those who are unemployed into the economy. +","bankakarolo ba ile ba nehwa monyetla wa ho una boiphediso, ho ithuta maitse belo a matjha le ho ntlafatsa a ntseng a le teng, le ho sebedisa boiphihlelo ba bona jwaloka motheo wa ho thola mesebetsi e meng kapa ho itshebetsa. +",0.66072935 +"more than half a million south africans have already benefitted from the first phase, with several programmes still underway. +","ka mohlala, palo e ngata ya bankakarolo ba hirilweng ke lefapha la mesebetsi ya setjhaba le infrastraktjha mokgahlelong wa lona wa pele wa mananeo a lona ba ile ba hirwa lekaleng la poraefete mafelong a tlhakubele 2021. bongata ba lebotho la pele la bathusi ba matitjhere, le bona, ba kgona ho thola mesebetsi, ba hlometse ka boiphihlelo, thupello le ditshupiso. +",0.65128493 +"participants were given the opportunity to earn a livelihood, to learn new skills and upgrade existing ones, and to use their experience as a springboard to get another job or to selfemployment. +","mananeo a kentsweng tshe betsong ka letsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporesidente a boetse a tswetse badudi ka bophara molemo. +",0.59091246 +"for example, a number of participants appointed by the department of public works and infrastructure in its phase one programmes were able to secure private sector employment by the end of march 2021. many of those in the first cohort of school assistants, similarly, have found their way into employment, armed with experience, training and references. +","tjantjello e ne e le hodima tlhahiso ya mesebetsi makaleng a nang le kgahlamelo e otlolohileng hodima setjhaba a kang thuto, kanetso ya dijo, tokiso ya infrastraktjha ya setjhaba le tshireletso ya tikoloho. +",0.7180004 +"the programmes implemented through the presidential employment stimulus have also benefited communities more broadly. +","ka letsholo la ho bopa mese betsi la boporesidente batjha ba ile ba hirelwa ho tshehetsa le ho thusa matitjhere diko long tsa rona. +",0.6756973 +"the focus has been on job creation in sectors with direct social impact such as education, food security, public infrastructure maintenance and environmental protection. +","ba bang ba ile ba hirelwa ho aha marokgo metseng ya mahae. +",0.59072423 +"through this presidential employment stimulus young people were employed to support and assist teachers in our schools. +","ditsi tse ngata tsa dikolo tsa dikonyana di ile tsa thuswa ho phela le ho bula botjha. +",0.6977311 +"others were employed to build bridges in rural communities. +","dihwai tse sebeletsang ho iphedisa di ile tsa tshehetswa mabapi le ho ntlafatsa tlhahiso, mme dithepa tsa tikoloho tse kang dinoka le mekgwabo di ile tsa tsosoloswa le ho baballwa. +",0.6246961 +"many early childhood development centres were helped to survive and reopen. +","jwaloka karolo ya mo kgahlelo wa bobedi, re theha letsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporesidente le tla tshe hetsa mosebetsi molemong wa bohle le eteletsweng pele ke mekgatlo ya badudi dibakeng tse fapafapaneng tse kang temo ya metse ya ditoropo, bonono ba setjhaba, ntlafatso ya dibaka tsa mekhukhu le boipaballo ba badudi. +",0.5905282 +"subsistence farmers were supported to expand production, and environmental assets such as rivers and wetlands were restored and maintained. +","hara bothata bo matla ba moruo bo bakilweng ke sewa sa lefu la kokwanahloko ya corona, khiro ya setjhaba le kahisano di fanne ka tlhasi mollo ya bohlokwa mabapi le tlhahiso ya mesebetsi. +",0.69341695 +"as part of phase two, we are establishing a social employment fund that will support work for the common good led by community organisations in areas as diverse as urban agriculture, public art, informal settlement upgrading and community safety. +","sena ke ho kenngwa tshebetsong ha boitlamo ba rona ba hore puso e lokela ho tshehetsa khiro ka mafolofolo ha mmaraka wa basebetsi o ntse o hla phohelwa. +",0.71451783 +"in the midst of the severe economic setback caused by the coronavirus disease pandemic, public and social employment has provided an important stimulus to job creation. +","ka letsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporesidente re kentse palo e ngata ya batjha ka hara lebotho la basebetsi ka tsela e so kang e bonwa ka nakwana e nyane. +",0.6825052 +"this is the implementation of our commitment that the state should actively support employment while the labour market recovers. +","se ka etsang 84% ya bankakarolo mokgahlelong wa pele e bile batjha ba ka tlasa dilemo tse 35, mme nngwe tharong ebile basadi. +",0.47904903 +"through the presidential employment stimulus we have brought young people into the labour force in far greater numbers in an unprecedented manner in a short space of time. +","mokgahlelong wa bobedi re lebeletse hore palo ena e batle e phahama, kaha letsholo le tla fana ka se ka etsang r1 bilione ya thuso ya matlole bakeng sa boitshunyako ba khiro ya batjha ke boporesidente. +",0.68894416 +"some 84% of the participants in phase one were young people under the age of 35, and twothirds were women. +","jwaloka karolo ya boi tshunyako, batjha ba seng bakae ba tla thaothelwa ka hara tshebeletso ya naha ya batjha e hlabolotsweng botjha. +",0.60524637 +"in phase two we expect this number to be even higher, as the stimulus will provide almost r1 billion in funding for the presidential youth employment intervention. +","batjha ba tla fumana thu pello ya maitsebelo a dijithale mme dikgwebo tseo e leng tsa batjha di tla thola tshehetso ya ho hola le ho hira. +",0.6601179 +"as part of the intervention, several young people will be recruited into a revitalised national youth service. +","tlhokeho ya mesebetsi ka hara naha ya bo rona ke tlokotsi. +",0.51289225 +"young people will receive training in digital skills and youthowned enterprises will receive support to expand and hire. +","re keke ra kgona ho mamella ditiehiso tse sa feleng mabapi le ho tobana le bothata bona ka lebaka la melao e mengata, metjha ya ho thaotha e siilweng ke nako, kgaello ya bokgoni le meralo, kapa mananeo a sa re iseng pele kapa ao e seng a moshwelella. +",0.6795776 +"unemployment in our country is a crisis. +","katleho ya letsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporesi dente le bontshitse hore ha re sebetsa mmoho, re potlaka, re nahana hantle le ho laola mehlodi ya rona ka nepo, re ka ba le kgahlamelo e matla. +",0.47716296 +"we cannot afford endless delays in addressing this problem because of bureaucratic redtape, outdated recruitment processes, lack of capacity and planning, or programmes that are shortlived or unsustainable. +","letsholo la ho bopa mese betsi la boporesidente e bontshitse hore re ka hlahisa mesebetsi haeba re sebetsa mmoho jwaloka lekala la mmuso, mekgatlo ya basebetsi, badudi le mmuso. +",0.67133355 +"the success of the presidential employment stimulus has shown that when we work together, move with speed, think creatively and manage our resources well, we can make a huge impact. +","letsholo la ho bopa menyetla ya mesebetsi la boporesidente le kgothaletsa tlhahiso ya mesebetsi vukuzenzele unnamed ho thakgolwa ha moraorao ha mo kgahlelo wa bobe di waletsholo la ho bopa mesebetsi la boporeside nte ho bontsha kgatelopele e kgolo morerong wa rona wa ho bopa menyetla ya mesebetsi bakeng sa ma afrika borwa a hlokang mosebetsi. +",0.67133355 +"report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it. +","tlaleha bobodu ka mohala o tobaneng le thibelo ya bobodu silusapho nyanda haeba o belaella diketso tsa bobodu, boqhekanyetsi, boshodu kapa diketso tse sa lokang tshebeletsong ya mmuso, o kopuwa ho di tlaleha. +",0.8647735 +"curbing corrup tion in the public service remains a government priority and the national anticorruption hotline makes it easy for members of the public to report suspected acts of corruption. +","tshitwe 2021o e tlisetswa ke dikgokahano tsa mmuso (gcis)o e tlisetswa ke dikgokahano tsa mmuso (gcis) ho fediswa ha bobo du tshebeletsong ya mmuso ho tla dula ho le lenaneng le ka pele la tshe betso ya mmuso, mme mohala wa naha o otlolohileng wa twantsho ya bobodu o nolo fatsa mokgwa wa hore baahi ba tsebe ho tlaleha diketso tse belaellwang tsa bobodu. +",0.81140125 +"the hotline was launched by the public service commission (psc) in 2004 and since then, more than 100 000 calls reporting allegations of corruption and maladministration have been received. +","mohala ona o ne o thakgolwe ke khomishene ya tshebeletso ya mmuso (psc) ka selemo sa 2014, mme ho tloha hona hoo, ho se ho amohetswe ditlaleho tse fetang 100 000 tsa bobodu le diqoso tsa tsamaiso e mpe. +",0.8950304 +"these calls by whistleblowers have resulted in 24 035 cases of corruption, fraud and other crimes being investigated, says public service commissioner michael seloane, who oversees all the work done by the commission. +","ditlaleho tsena tse entsweng ke dihlabamokgosi di thusitse hore ho be le dinyewe tse 24 035 tsa bobodu, boqheka nyetsi le ditlolo tse ding tsa molao tse fuputswang, ho rialo mokomishenara wa tshebeletso ya mmuso michael seloane, ya okamelang mosebetsi wohle o etswang ke khomishene. +",0.91015714 +"between 2020 and 2021, 337 cases were reported via the hotline. +","pakeng tsa selemo sa 2020 le 2021, diqoso tse 337 di tlale hilwe ka mohala ona. +",0.8656443 +"thirtyfive of these involve appointment and procurement irregularities that are being investigated by the psc. +","tse 35 tsa tsona tse fuputswang ke psc di amana le ho hirwa le ho rekwa ha thepa ho sa etswang ka nepo tse setseng ho tsena di ile tsa fetisetswa mafapheng a mang a mmuso kapa sepoleseng bakeng la dipatlisiso. +",0.78569317 +"the remaining cases were referred to other government departments or law enforcement agencies for investigation. +","ho abuwa ha matlo a rdp, dithendara le diphallelo tsa se tjhaba ke tse ding tsa diketso tse seng setlwaeding tse ngata ka ho fetisisa tse tlalewang. +",0.65205514 +"the reconstruction and development programme (rdp) housing, tender and social grant irregularities are among the most common allegations made. +","""nakong ya ho kginwa ha maeto re amohetse ditlhoko mediso tse ngata ka imeile. +",0.57656103 +"""during the lockdown we received a lot of tipoffs through email. +","re boetse re na le sistimi e itshe betsang ya ho hatisa melaetsa bakeng sa batho ba lakatsang ho letsetsa mohala ona wa rona ka morao ho dinako tsa mose betsi,"" o rialo seloane. +",0.6644157 +"we also have an automatic message recording system for those who wish to call our hotline after hours,"" seloane says. +","o boela a re ho tloha ho nyehlisweng ha dikgato tsa ho kginwa ha maeto, ho bonahala ho bile le keketseho e tsitsitseng ya ho tlalewa ha boqhekanyetsi bo amanang le diphallelo tsa setjhaba, haholoholo diphallelo tsa kimollo ya setjhaba. +",0.6306002 +"he adds that since the lowering of lockdown levels, there has been a steady increase in the reporting of social grantrelated fraud, especially social relief of distress grants. +","ho matlafatsa mekutu ya ho lwantsha bobodu, mmuso o ntlafaditse makala a phetha hatso ya molao ka basebetsi ba nang le tsebo, le ka ho theha fusion centre. +",0.720673 +"to strengthen efforts to curb corruption, the state has capacitated law enforcement agencies with skilled personnel, and established the fusion centre. +","setsi sena ke lemulwana la makala a phethahatso ya molao a abelanang tlhahisoleseding le disebediswa ntweng ya boqhekanyetsi le bobodu bo etsahalang thekong ya thepa le ditshebeletsong tse ama nang le covid19 . +",0.7179531 +"the centre is a grouping of law enforcement agencies that share information and resources in the fight against fraud and corruption in the procurement of covidrelated goods and services. +","ho etsahala eng ka morao ho ho etswa ha tlhokomediso? +",0.33193648 +"what happens after a tipoff is made? +","seloane o re ha tlhokomediso e tlalehilwe ka mohala ona, basebetsi ba tharollo ya se thato ba netefatsa hore dintlha tsa bohlokwa tsa tlhahisolese ding ena di a fanwa. +",0.5462953 +"seloane says when a case is reported via the hotline, early resolution officers check that all the relevant information is provided. +","tsena di kenyeletsa dintlha tsa hore mang o entse eng, tsa hore na ketso ena e tlalewang e etsahetse hokae, le hobaneng. +",0.5909964 +"this includes the details of who did what, when the alleged act took place, and why. +","o re haeba tlolo ya molao e fumanwa – le ha e ka ba diketso tse fosahetseng tsa ho reka kapa ho hira, tjotjo, bobodu bo amanang le matlo a rdp, boqhekanyetsi bo di phallelong tsa setjhaba, phallo e seng molaong, ho otla, bo shodu kapa boqhekanyetsi bo bong feela – psc e kgothaletsa bohato ba tokiso bo tshwane lang ho nkuwa ke lefapha le amehang kapa e fetisetse qoso ena ho the hawks, sepolesa kapa sehlopha sa tshebetso sa twantsho ya bobodu. +",0.51427484 +"he says if wrongdoing is found – be it procurement and appointment irregularities, bribery, rdp housing related corruption, social grant fraud, illegal migration, assault, theft or fraud – the psc either recommends remedial action to the relevant department or refers the case to the hawks, saps or anticorruption task team for further investigation. +","diqoso tseo psc e di feti setsang mafapheng bakeng la dipatlisiso, di kenyeletsa: basebetsi ba mmuso ba etsang mesebetsi e meng e ka thoko e ba kenye tsang tjhelete kantle ho tumello ya mafapha a ba a sebe letsang; ditabatabelo tse etsang kgohlano tse sa kang tsa totobatswa le; boitshwaro bo sa lokang. +",0.77652276 +"cases the psc refers to departments for investigation, include: public servants doing extra work for money without consent of the departments undeclared conflicts of interests, and unethical behaviour. +","seloane o re psc e neha mafapha a mmuso matsatsi a 60 a ho etsa dipatlisiso le ho kwala nyewe. +",0.6928903 +"seloane says the psc gives government departments 60 days to investigate and close a case. +","o re jwale lefapha le fa psc tlaleho ya tseo le di fumaneng. +",0.66455835 +"he says the department then informs the psc of its findings. +","""haeba re kgotsofatswa ke mehato eo lefapha le e nkileng, re tla e kwala nyewe ena, empa haeba re sa kgotsofala, re kgutlela ho bona. +",0.53604937 +"""if we are happy with the steps taken by the department, we will close the case, but if we are not satisfied, we revert back to them. +","""re o netefaletsa hore ha o tlo tsejwahaeba sehlabamokgosi se sa rate hore boitsebiso ba sona bo tsejwe, mosebeletsi wa psc ya mohaleng ona o tla nka feela nomoro ya hae ya mohala. +",0.668957 +"""anonymity guaranteedwhen a whistleblower does not want his/her identity revealed, the psc hotline officer takes down only their contact details. +","sena ke sa bohlokwa hobane haeba ho ka ha hlokeha tlha hisoleseding e eketsehileng, psc e tla tlameha ho ikopanya le yena. +",0.6870198 +"this is important because if extra information is needed, the psc must be able to contact them. +","dihlabamokgosi tse tla lehang dinyewe ka mohala ona o otlolohileng wa psc di netefaletswa hore boitsebiso ba tsona bo tla pateha, haeba di lakatsa jwalo, ho rialo selo ane. +",0.6864337 +"whistleblowers who report cases to the psc hotline are assured protection if they want to remain anonymous, says seloane. +","o hlalosa hore basebetsi ba tharollo ya sethatho ba rupeletswe ho netefatsa hore boitsebiso ba sehlabamokgosi bo dule bo tshireletsehile. +",0.7422005 +"he explains that early resolution officers have been trained to ensure that a whistleblower’s identity remains protected. +","tlaleha bobodu ka mohala o tobaneng le thibelo ya bobodu silusapho nyanda haeba o belaella diketso tsa bobodu, boqhekanyetsi, boshodu kapa diketso tse sa lokang tshebeletsong ya mmuso, o kopuwa ho di tlaleha. +",0.7422005 +"lodging gepf complaints made easy vukuzenzele unnamed members, pen sioners and beneficiaries of the government employees pension fund (gepf) now have recourse when unhappy with the service they receive. +","ho kenya ditletlebo ka gepf ho nolofaditswe vukuzenzele unnamed ditho, batho ba pentjheleng le ma jalefa a letlole la dipentjhele tsa basebetsi ba mmuso (gepf) jwale ba se ba fumana thuso ha ba ikutlwa ba sa sebeletswa hantle. +",0.85196674 +"to ensure the gepf members and their families are treated fairly, the board recently established an office to handle disputes. +","ho netefatsa hore ditho tsa gepf le ba malapa a tsona ba sebeletswa kantle ho leeme, boto e sa tswa theha ofisi e sebetsanang le ditletlebo. +",0.8962418 +"the government employees pension ombud (gepo) is an internal but independent office of the gepf. +","monamodi wa dipentjhele tsa basebetsi ba mmuso (gepo) ke ofisi e ka hare ho gepf, empa e e ikemetse. +",0.85151654 +"the gepf is among the largest pension funds in the world, with over 1.2 million active members and more than 450 000 pensioners and beneficiaries. +","gepf ke le leng la ma tlole a dipentjhele a maholo ka ho fetisisa lefatsheng, le na le ditho tse ntseng di le mosebetsing tse fetang dimi lione tse 1.2, le tse seng di le pentjheleng mmoho le bajalefa ba 450 000. letlole lena le ne le thewe ho latela molao wa dipentjhele tsa basebetsi ba mmuso, hape le laolwa ka ona molao ona. +",0.8475112 +"the fund was founded and is regulated in terms of the government employees pension law. +","moadvokate makhado ramabulana o hlomamisitswe jwalo ka monamodi. +",0.6379225 +"advocate makhado ramabulana has been appointed as the ombud. +","o re ofisi ena e thehetswe ho thusa batho ba tletlebiswang ke ditshebeletso tsa gepf. +",0.61658996 +"he says the office was established to assist people who are unhappy with the services of the gepf. +","e tla tswela molemo haholo holo batho ba hlokang tjhelete ya ho hira maqwetha a ka ba thusang. +",0.6591669 +"it will be especially beneficial to people who cannot afford legal recourse. +","pele batho ba ka isa ditletlebo tsa bona ofising ya mosireletsi wa setjhaba kapa makgotleng a dinyewe ba ka batla bonamodi ba mona modi. +",0.62274706 +"before people take their disputes to the office of the public protector or to the courts, they can seek mediation from the ombud. +","ofisi ya monamodi e tla thusa haeba ho na le tiehiso e sa hlokahaleng tshebetsong ya ho ntsha ditjhelete tse yang ho baikopedi ba lokelang. +",0.69160867 +"the ombud will intervene in matters that lead to unreasonable delays in the processing of payments due to claimants. +","e ka thusa ho rarolla ditletlebong tse etsahetseng nakong e sa feteng dilemo tse tharo tse fetileng. +",0.52580297 +"it may only mediate in complaints that have arisen within the past three years. +","ditaba tse ding tse matleng a gepo di kenyeletsa: ho hloleha ha basebe letsi ho etsa mesebetsi ya bona ho latela molao le melawana ya letlole; ho hloleha ho lefa moikopedi kantle ho mabaka a utlwahalang le; tlhahisoleseding e fosahetseng kapa e lahlehisang e fanweng ke basebetsi ba gepf. +",0.46153226 +"other issues within the gepo’s scope include: the failure of officials to perform their duties in terms of the fund’s law and rules; breaking a commitment without a justifiable reason; and incorrect or misleading information provided by the gepf employees. +","pele a kenya tletlebo ya hae ho gepo, motho o tlameha ho romela tletlebo e ngo tsweng ho gepf, ho lekala la tsamaiso ya dipentjhele tsa mmuso (gpaa) kapa ho mohiri wa hae, mme a ba fe nako ya ho lokisa taba eo. +",0.7579544 +"before lodging a complaint with the gepo, a person must send a written complaint to either the gepf, the government pensions administration agency (gpaa) or their employer, and give them a chance to settle the matter. +","o tlameha ho ba fa nako ya matsatsi a 30 ho lokisa ditaba tseo o ipelaeditseng ka tsona. +",0.5078151 +"""you must allow them 30 days to correct the issues that you identified. +","haeba, ka morao ho matsatsi a 30, ditaba tsa hao di sa raro lleha, o ka romela tletlebo ya hao ho ofising ya monamodi"" o hlalosa jwalo ramabulana. +",0.6535672 +"if, after 30 days, your issues remain unresolved, you can submit a complaint to the ombud,"" explains ramabulana. +","ofisi ya monamodi e ke ke ya amohela tletlebo e seng e ntse e fuputswa semolao me tjheng e meng esele. +",0.6270926 +"the ombud cannot accept a case if there is already an official investigation underway elsewhere. +","""nakong ya dibeke tse pedi ho tloha letsatsing leo tletlebo e amohetsweng ka lona, ofisi ya monamodi e tla sheba tletlebo ena e be e tsebise motletlebi hore na e ka tswela pele ho e fuputsa mme e etse qeto ka yona, kapa tjhe. +",0.64835423 +"""within two weeks from the date that the complaint is received, the gepo will consider [the case] and inform the complainant whether it can investigate and decide on the matter."" +","ho kenya ditletlebo ka gepf ho nolofaditswe vukuzenzele unnamed ditho, batho ba pentjheleng le ma jalefa a letlole la dipentjhele tsa basebetsi ba mmuso (gepf) jwale ba se ba fumana thuso ha ba ikutlwa ba sa sebeletswa hantle. +",0.64835423 +"asidi fast tracks school infrastructure more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school is a good example of how positive results can be achieved when communities and government work together. +","letsholo la asidi le potlakisa ho phethahatsa phano ya ditshebeletso tsa bohlokwa dikolong more matshediso sekolo sa nkululeko ralo sa primary school ke mohlala o motle o bontshang ka moo diphetho tse ntle di ka fihlelwang ha setjhaba le mmuso di sebedisana mmoho. +",0.8314134 +"the school, based in mthatha in the eastern cape, first started operating in a garage at the home of community member nkululeko ralo, who it is named after. +","sekolo sena, se mthatha kapa botjhabela, se qadile ka karatjheng lapeng la e mong wa ditho tsa setjhaba, nkululeko ralo, eo se reheletsweng ka yena. +",0.8059198 +"over the years, the school moved a number of times as it expanded. +","dilemo tse fetileng, sekolo se ile sa falleswa ka makgetlo a mmalwa ha se ntse se hola. +",0.85822535 +"however, learners and teachers never had the benefit of proper facilities until recently, when they walked through the doors of their new, stateoftheart school. +","leha ho le jwalo, baithuti le mati tjhere ba ne ba soka ba eba le disebediswa tse nepahe tseng ho fihlela ha morao tjena, ha ba kena menyakong ya sekolo sa bona se setjha, sa maemo a hodimo. +",0.8440275 +"the school was completed as part of the accelerated schools infrastructure delivery initiative (asidi), which was launched by the department of basic education in 2011. the initiative aims to replace schools that compromise the safety of learners and staff, due to a lack of proper infrastructure, water, sanitation and electricity. +","sekolo sena se ile sa phethelwa ka karolo ya letsholo la potlakiso ya tshebetso ya phano ya ditshebeletso tsa motheo tsa dikolo (asidi), e ileng ya thakgolwa ke lefapha la thuto ya motheo ka 2011. letsholo lena le ikemiseditse ho ntlafatsa dikolo tse behang baithuti le basebetsi kotsing, ka lebaka la kgaello ya meralo ya motheo, metsi, matlwana le motlakase. +",0.90356064 +"to date, asidi has built 266 schools, provided 886 schools with sanitation, 1 030 with water and 372 with electricity. +","ho fihla ha jwale, asidi e se e ahile dikolo tse 266, ya kenyetsa dikolo tse 886 matlwana, ya kenyetsa tse 1030 metsi le tse 372 ka motlakase. +",0.92771345 +"the learners of nkululeko ralo primary school now have proper classrooms and access to a resource centre, science laboratory, multipur pose and a nutrition centre. +","ha jwale baithuti ba sekolo sa nkululeko ralo primary school ba se ba ena le diphaposi tsa borutelo tse nepahetseng le setsi sa disebediswa t se hlokehang dithutong tsa bona, laboratori ya saense, le setsi sa merero e mengata le sa phepo. +",0.8669498 +"a shared vision principal koleka gilman is passionate about improving education in mthatha. +","ho ba le pono e tshwanang moswehlooho koleka gilman o na le lerato la ho ntlafatsa thuto mthatha. +",0.8246278 +"her dream to start a school for her community began in 1988, and the following year, she began sharing her vision with the community. +","toro ya hae ya ho theha sekolo mole mong wa setjhaba sa habo e qadile ka 1988, mme sele mong se latelang, a qala ho arolelana pono ya hae le se tjhaba sa ha habo. +",0.8653134 +"""our community was highly populated with a lot of children of schoolgoing age who had nowhere to go for education. +","""setjhaba sa rona se ne se tletse bana ba bangata ba dilemong tsa ho kena sekolo mme ho sena moo ba ka yang teng bakeng sa thuto. +",0.87877667 +"my vision was welcomed by community member nkululeko ralo, who offered his home garage to be used as a school,"" says gilman. +","pono ya ka e ile ya ananelwa ke setho sa setjhaba, nkululeko ralo, ya ileng a nehela ka karatjhe ya hae ya lapeng hore e sebediswe e le sekolo,"" ho rialo gilman. +",0.86192036 +"she adds that ralo went on to organise a container from telkom and it was used as an additional classroom. +","o tlatsetsa ka hore ralo o ile a boela a tswela pele ka ho hlophisa khontheinara ya telkom mme ya sebediswa e le phaposi ya borutelo ya tlatsetso. +",0.85181147 +"ralo also arranged with two members in his community to offer their garages as additional classrooms. +","ralo o ile a hlophisa le ditho tse pedi tsa setjhaba sa habo ho nehela dikaratjhe tsa tsona ho ba diphaposi tsa borutelo tsa tlatsetso. +",0.81225705 +"ralo sadly passed away in 2004. in 1994, the school moved to the eli spilkin hall, which was built by local businessman eli spilkin. +","ka maswabi ralo o ile a hlokahala ka 2004. ka 1994, sekolo se ile sa fallela holong ya eli spilkin, e hahilweng ke rakgwebo wa motse, eli spilkin. +",0.8792888 +"""in the same year, we received mobile toilets from the provincial department of education. +","""sona selemong seo, lefapha la thuto le ile la re rekela matlwana a boithusetso. +",0.7903852 +"i then looked [for] and applied for a site where we would eventually build our school. +","mme ke ile ka batlana le ho kenya kopo ya setsha moo re neng re tla qetella re ahile sekolo sa rona teng. +",0.810915 +"we received five hectares of land in 1998,"" says gilman. +","re ile ra fumana dihektra tse hlano tsa mobu ka 1998,"" ho rialo gilman. +",0.9303994 +"three temporary classrooms were donated to the school by a nonprofit organisation called kats and spaks, and the community built five mud classrooms. +","diphaposi tsa borutelo tse tharo tsa nakwana di ile tsa nehelwa sekolong ke mokgatlo o sa etseng phaello o bitswang kats and spaks, mme setjhaba se ile sa aha diphaposi tsa borutelo tsa mobu tse hlano. +",0.8925253 +"throughout the years, gilman continued to advocate for the school to be improved and eventually, five classrooms were received from the eastern cape premier’s office. +","ka dilemo tsena tsohle, gilman o ile a tswela pele ho buella hore sekolo se ntlafatswe mme qete llong, diphaposi tsa borutelo tse hlano di ile tsa fumanwa ho tswa ho kantoro ya tonakgolo ya kapa botjhabela. +",0.92195696 +"in 2014, things took a positive turn when the department of basic education, through asidi, issued a tender to build nkululeko ralo primary school. +","ka 2014, dintho di ile tsa ntlafala haholo ha lefapha la thuto, ka asidi, le fana ka thendara ya ho ahela sekolo sa nkululeko ralo primary school moaho wa sekolo. +",0.8534354 +"""construction started in 2018 and the school was completed in 2021, thanks to asidi,"" says gilman. +","""ka lebaka la asidi, sekolo se qadile ho ahwa ka 2018 mme sa phethelwa ka 2021,"" ho rialo gilman. +",0.8800936 +"inspiring teaching and learning basic education deputy minister reginah mhaule says the department wants to ensure that the physical infrastructure of every school inspires learners to attend school and learn, and educators to teach. +","ho kgothaletsa ho ruta le ho ithuta motlatsi wa letona la thuto ya motheo, reginah mhaule, o re lefapha le batla ho netefatsa hore meralo ya motheo ya sekolo se seng le se seng e kgothaletsa baithuti ho kena sekolole ho ithuta, le matitjhere ho ruta. +",0.9032476 +"""the building of this school is government’s way of restoring dignity to rural and underprivileged schoolgoing children and their teachers,"" she adds. +","""kaho ya sekolo sena ke mokgwa wa mmuso wa ho kgutlisetsa seriti ho bana ba kenang sekolo ba mahaeng le ba futsanehileng le matitjhere a bona,"" o rialo. +",0.8870877 +"a member of the school governing body, nomuntu dlengane, says the new school will motivate tea chers and learners to reach their full potential. +","setho sa lekgotla la bolaodi ba sekolo, nomuntu dlengane, o re sekolo se setjha se tla kgothaletsa mati tjhere le bana ho fihlella bokgoni ba bona ba nnete. +",0.8149788 +"""our learners’ attitudes and selfconfidence have already improved due to the new infrastructure. +","""maikutlo le ho itshepa ha bana ba rona ho se ho ntlafetse ka lebaka la meralo ya motheo e metjha. +",0.797308 +"this will also help us maintain social distancing in our classrooms so that we can eliminate the spread of the coronavirus disease,"" says dlengane. +","sena se tla re thusa ho qoba katamelano ka diphaposing tsa borutelo tsa rona e le hore re ka fedisa ho ata ha lefu la kokwanahloko ya corona,"" ho rialo dlengane. +",0.90251136 +"the school has 489 learners, 14 teachers, and two administration clerks. +","sekolo se na la baithuti ba 489, matitjhere a14, le ditlelereke tsa tsamaiso tse babedi. +",0.9082676 +it caters for grades r to 7 and is a nonfee paying school.,"letsholo la asidi le potlakisa ho phethahatsa phano ya ditshebeletso tsa bohlokwa dikolong more matshediso sekolo sa nkululeko ralo sa primary school ke mohlala o motle o bontshang ka moo diphetho tse ntle di ka fihlelwang ha setjhaba le mmuso di sebedisana mmoho. +",0.9082676 +"nsfas funding deadline looms sphelele ngubane students and youth from disadvantaged and workingclass backgrounds are encouraged to apply for funding from the national student financial aid scheme (nsfas). +","nako ya ho kwalwa ha dikopo tsa ditjhelete tsa nsfas e atometse sphelele ngubane baithuti le batjha ba tswang malapeng a hlokang le ba batswadi ba sebetsang ba kgothalletswa ho kenya dikopo tsa ditjhelete ho tswa ho nsfas. +",0.81368446 +"according to the department of higher education and training, nsfas funding is available to youth who have already completed their schooling or are already studying at any level in a higher education institution. +","ho ya ka lefapha la thuto e phahameng le kwetliso, ditjhelete tsa nsfas di fumaneha ho batjha ba seng ba phethetse dithuto tsa bona tsa sekolo kapa ba seng ba ithuta ditsheng tsa thuto e phahameng. +",0.87774396 +"they can apply for funding from nsfas to study at a public university or a technical and vocational education and training (tvet) college, but must do so before the closing date on 7 january 2022. applicants must be: south african citizens or permanent residents who want to register or are already studying at a public university or tvet college; south african social security agency grant recipients; from households with a combined household income not exceeding r350 000 per year. +","ba ka kenya dikopo tsa di tjhelete ho nsfas ho ya ithuta yunivesithing ya mmuso kapa koletjheng ya tvet, empa ba tlameha ho etsa jwalo pele ho nako ya ho kwalwa ka la di 7 pherekgong 2022. bakopi ba tlameha ho ba: baahi ba afrika borwa kapa baahi ba moshwelella ba batlang ho ingodisa kapa ba seng ba ithuta yunivesithing ya mmuso kapa kholetjheng ya tvet; baamohedi ba letlolo la kemedi ya afrika borwa ya dithuso tsa tshireletso ya setjhaba ya afrika borwa; ba tswang ho malapa a nang le lekeno la kopanelo le sa feteng r350 000 ka selemo. +",0.90898436 +"a brighter future nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is a qualified electrician, thanks to nsfas funding, which paid for his studies at umfolozi tvet college in kwazulunatal. +","bokamoso bo kganyang nhlakanipho mkhize (26) ke elektrishiane e nang le mangolo, ka diteboho ho tjhelete tsa nsfas, e ileng ya lefella dithuto tsa hae mane kholetjhe ya tvet ya umfolozi e kwazulunatal. +",0.85749686 +"mkhize, from richards bay, obtained a national certificate (vocational) electrical infrastructure construction in 2017. in addition to campusbased learning, he also had to complete workplace training and pass a trade test. +","mkhize, ya tswang richards bay, o ile a fumana setifikeiti sa naha (sa kwetliso ya mosebetsi wa matsoho) sa kaho ya moralo wa motheo wa motlakase ka 2017. hodima ho ithutela setsheng sa borutelo, o la boela a tlameha ho phethela kwetliso ya hae mosebetsing le ho pasa teko ya ho sebetsa. +",0.9095458 +"early on in his studies, mkhize had the opportunity to put what he learnt into practice, ensuring that he gained confidence in the basic skills he was developing. +","maqalong a dithuto tsa hae, mkhize o ile a ba le monyetla wa ho sebetsa ka seo a ithutileng sona,ho netefatsa hore o ile a fumana boitshepo ka tsebo ya motheo eo a neng a e ntshetsa pele. +",0.88590634 +"""as a firstyear student, i was already attending to electricity problems in my community. +","""jwalo ka moithuti wa selemo sa pele, ke ne ke se ke lokisa mathata a amanang le motlakase motseng wa heso. +",0.86729753 +"umfolozi tvet college provided us with both theory and practice. +","kholetjhe ya tvet ya umfolozi e ile ya re neha tsebo ya theori le ya tshebetso. +",0.81821626 +"""the advantage tvet students have is not just exposure, but also a compulsory workplacebased learning component to certify that they are competent before receiving their qualification,"" he says. +","""molemo oo baithuti ba tvet ba nang le ona ha se feela monyetla wa ho ithuta mosebetsi, empa ba boela ba tlamehile ho fumana monyetla wa ho ithuta mosebetsi tulong ya tshebetso ho tiisa hore ba fela ba tseba mosebetsi pele ba fumana mangolo a bona"" o rialo. +",0.88988215 +"like many south african youth who come from underprivileged backgrounds, mkhize knew he wanted to pursue a career in engineering, but no one in his family could afford college fees. +","jwalo ka batjha ba bangata ba afrika borwa ba tswang malapeng a hlokang, mkhize o ne a tseba hore o batla ho sebetsa mokgahlelong wa mosebetsi wa boenjenieri, empa ho ne ho se mang kapa mang lelapeng la habo yaneng a ka kgona ho lefella ditefiso tsa kholetjhe. +",0.9026339 +"""when i became aware of the nsfas funding, i knew it would lead to where i wanted to go – being an engineer,"" he says. +","""itse ha ke se ke tseba hore ho na le letlolo la nsfas, ke ile ka tseba hore le tla nkisa moo ke neng ke batla ho ya teng – ho ba moenjenieri,"" o rialo. +",0.90396935 +"mkhize’s threeyear nsfas funding paid for his books, tuition and transport, and he received a personal care allowance.","nako ya ho kwalwa ha dikopo tsa ditjhelete tsa nsfas e atometse sphelele ngubane baithuti le batjha ba tswang malapeng a hlokang le ba batswadi ba sebetsang ba kgothalletswa ho kenya dikopo tsa ditjhelete ho tswa ho nsfas. +",0.90396935 +"work together to strengthen democracy vukuzenzele unnamed as south africa entered the new year, we were confronted by two pro found events that remind ed us, in different ways, of what brings us together as a people. +","ho sebetsa mmoho bakeng sa ho hodisa demokerasi vukuzenzele unnamed ha afrika borwa e ne e kena selemong se setjha, re ile ra teana le le diketsahalo tse pedi tse hlokolosi tse re hopoditseng, ka di tsela tse fapaneng, hore ke eng se re kopanyang re le batho. +",0.8982363 +"on the first day of 2022, the nation gathered in spirit to bid farewell to arch bishop desmond tutu at st george’s cathedral in cape town. +","ka letsatsi la pele la selemo sa 2022, setjhaba se ile sa bokana ka moya o le mong bakeng sa ho dumedisa moarekabishopo desmond tutu st george’s cathedral ho la motse kapa. +",0.91338396 +"it was a moment of great sadness as we recalled the life and contribution of a beloved compatriot who was, in many ways, the moral conscience of our nation. +","e ne e le motsotso wa tsharelo e kgolo ha re ne re hopola bophelo le nyehelo ya morati wa naha eo, ka ditsela tse ngata, e neng e le mosupatsela wa boitshwaro wa setjhaba sa rona. +",0.8580059 +"at the same time, his funeral was a celebration of the values he stood for. +","hona moo, lepato la hae e ne e le keteko ya dintle tseo a neng a di phelela. +",0.7772558 +"it was a celebration of the great unity and diversity of our people, and a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many to achieve our democracy. +","e ne e le keteko ya bonngwe bo matla le ho fapana ha batho ba bo rona, le kgopotso ya boitelo bo entsweng ke batho ba bangata bakeng sa ho fihlella demokerasi ya rona. +",0.90804243 +"on the second day of 2022, the country watched on in horror as a huge fire engulfed our parliament, just a hundred metres from where we had gathered the day before to pay our last respects to archbishop tutu. +","ka letsatsi la bobedi la selemo sa 2022, naha e ile ya boha ka ho hlollwa ha mollo o moholo o ne o aparetse pala mente ya rona, e leng feela dimithara tse lekgolo ho tloha moo re neng re bokane teng letsatsi pele ho moo bakeng sa ho bontsha tlhompho ya ho qetela ho moarekabishopo tutu. +",0.9285498 +"we are relieved that there was no loss of life and that noone was injured in the fire. +","re phuthulohile kaha ha ho a ba le tahlelo ya bophelo le hore ha ho motho ya ileng a lemala mollong oo. +",0.78394556 +"we are extremely gra teful to the firefighters who battled the blaze and finally extinguished it. +","re leboha haholo ditimamollo tse ileng tsa lwantsha mollo mme qetellong tsa o tima ka ho phethahala. +",0.8705003 +"the investigations into the cause of the fire are now underway. +","dipatlisiso tsa sesosa sa mollo hajwale di motjheng. +",0.77767015 +"we need to ensure that these investigations are thorough and concluded without delay. +","re lokela ho netefatsa hore dipatlisiso tsena ke tse tebileng mme di tla phethelwa ntle le tshenyo ya nako. +",0.8870854 +"the country needs to know what happened. +","naha e lokela ho tseba ho re na ho etsahetseng. +",0.887727 +"arrangements are being made to ensure that the work of parliament can continue even if the buildings cannot be used. +","ho ntse ho etswa ditlhophiso tsa ho netefatsa hore mosebetsi wa palamente o ka tswella le haeba meaho eo e sa tlo kgona ho sebediswa. +",0.8895721 +"it is vital that parliament continues to consider and pass laws that will transform society and continues to provide oversight and ensure accountability as government works to implement the mandate it received from the people. +","ho bohlokwa hore palamente e tswelle ho shebana le ho tswellisa melao e tla fetola setjhaba le ho tswella ka bodisa le ho netefatsa boikarabelo ha mmuso o ntse o sebeletsa ho kenya tshebetsong thomo e tswang setjhabeng. +",0.8744893 +"apart from the close proximity of st george’s cathedral and parliament, what connects these two events is that each reminds us of what brings us together as south africans: our democracy. +","ntle le ho bapa ha st geo rge’s cathedral le palamente, se kopanyang diketsahalo tse pedi tsena ke hore e nngwe le e nngwe ya tsona e re hopotsa se re kopanyang mmoho re le maafrika borwa: demokerasi ya rona. +",0.921016 +"we mourn desmond tutu because he was the spiritual father of our democracy. +","re llela desmond tutu hobane e ne e le ntate wa semoya wa demokerasi ya rona. +",0.918681 +"we despair at the devas tation of our parliamentary buildings because they are the seat of our democracy. +","re utlwile bohloko ke tshenyo ya meaho ya rona ya palamente hobane ke bodulo ba demokerasi ya rona. +",0.8453512 +"they are the place where our new democratic constitution was adopted just over 25 years ago, and where hundreds of trans formative laws have been passed. +","ke sebaka moo molaotheo wa rona wa demokerasi o ileng wa amohelwa teng dilemong tse ka fetang tse 25 tse fetileng, le moo makgolo a melao ya diphethoho e fetisitsweng teng. +",0.85078716 +"we may not always recognise it, but the fire at parliament demonstrated how strongly south africans feel about their democracy. +","re ka nna ra se lemohe sena hangata, empa mollo o bileng palamenteng o bo ntsha haholo kamoo ma afrika borwa a boulelang ka demokerasi ya ona. +",0.8676287 +"it is a reminder also of how important it is that we work to strengthen and defend that democracy. +","ke kgopotso hape ya kamoo ho leng bohlokwa hore re sebe letsa le ho matlafatsa le ho sireletsa demokerasi eno. +",0.868973 +"while the parliamentary buildings have been damaged beyond use, the institution of parliament continues its work in the service of the people. +","leha meaho ya palamente e sentswe hoo e kekeng ya sebediswa, setheo seo e leng palamente se tswella ka mosebetsi wa sona wa tshebeletso ya setjhaba. +",0.83391875 +"this is an important reminder that our democratic institutions are not defined by the buildings that house them, but by the work they do and by the confidence that the people have in them. +","sena ke kgopotso ya bohlokwa ya hore ditheo tsa rona tsa demokerasi ha di hlaloswe ke meaho, empa di hlaloswa ke mosebetsi oo di o etsang le tshepo eo batho ba nang le yona ho tsona. +",0.88094914 +"this is true of all the institutions of our democracy. +","sena ke nnete ka ditheo tsohle tsa demokerasi ya rona. +",0.8741592 +"just as the fire in parliament was finally being extinguished, acting chief justice raymond zondo submitted the first part of the report of the commission of inquiry into state capture. +","jwalo feela kaha mollo o bileng palamenteng o ile wa qetella o tinngwe, motlatsi wa moahlodi e moholo ya tshwereng mokobobo ra ymond zondo o nehelane ka karolo ya pele ya tlaleho ya khomishene ya dipatlisiso ya tshusumetso e bolotsana diqetong tsa mmuso. +",0.8778349 +"this part of the report details how several public institutions were infiltrated, looted and severely damaged. +","karolo ena ya tlaleho e teka ka botlalo kamoo ditheo tse ding tsa mmuso di ileng tsa kenakenwa, tsa utswetswa le ho senngwa hampempe. +",0.8717584 +"these include stateowned enterprises like south african airways, the government communication and information system and the south african revenue service. +","tsena di kenyeletsa dikgwe bo tsa mmuso tse kang tshe beletso ya difofane ya afrika borwa, tsamaiso ya dikgoka hanyo le tlhahisoleseding ya mmuso le tshebeletso ya lekgetho ya afrika borwa. +",0.8630004 +"this part of the report paints a deeply disturbing picture of how key instituti ons of our democracy were compromised and undermined with criminal intent. +","karolo ena ya tlaleho e fana ka setshwantsho se hlobaetsang sa kamoo ditheo tse ka sehlohlolong tsa demokerasi ya rona di neng di behilwe tsietsing le ho nyatsuwa ka maikemisetso a botlokotsebe. +",0.8880412 +"not only were significant amounts of money stolen, but these institutions were not able to properly fulfil the functions for which they were established. +","ha ho a utsuwa feela tjhelete e ngata, empa ditheo tsena di ne di sa kgone ho sebetsa ka tshwanelo bakeng sa ho fihlella mesebetsi eo di neng di e reretswe ha di thehwa. +",0.86662585 +"the findings and recommendations of the zondo commission will help the country to rebuild these institutions and to hold those responsible to account. +","diphetho le dikgothaletso tsa khomishene ya zondo di tla thusa naha ho aha botjha ditheo tsena le ho etsa hore ba ikarabellang ba jariswe molato. +",0.8917121 +"we must ensure that we use them to safeguard these institutions into the future so that they may never be captured again. +","re lokela ho netefatsa hore re ba sebedisa ho sireletsa ditheo tsena ho isa bokamosong hore di se hlole di haptjwa hape. +",0.87486106 +"we must safeguard against any and all efforts to diminish our hardwon democracy – whether these efforts take the form of corruption in stateowned enterprises, the subversion of our law enforcement agencies, the sabotage of our economic infrastructure, or attacks on the independence and integrity of our judiciary. +","re lokela ho ema kgahlanong le maiteko kaofela leha e le afe a ho nyenyefatsa demokerasi ya rona e lwanetsweng ka thata – e ka ba hore maiteko ana a nka sebopeho sa bobodu dikgwebong tsa mmuso, ho thunthetsa makala a rona a qobello ya molao, sabotasi ya infrastraktjha ya rona ya moruo, kapa ditlhaselo tsa boikemelo le boitlhompho ba makgotla a rona a dinyewe. +",0.87992775 +"we need to protect our constitution, our democratic state and the electoral process from anyone who wants to weaken our democracy and deny the south african people of their hardwon freedom. +","re lokela ho sireletsa mola otheo wa rona, puso ya rona ya demokerasi le tsamaiso ya dikgetho kgahlanong le mang kapa mang ya batlang ho fokodisa demokerasi ya rona le ho hanela batho ba rona ba afrika borwa ka toko loho ya bona e lwanetsweng ka thata. +",0.8964093 +"there are many challenges that we must confront as we work to rebuild and recover from the effects of the covid19 pandemic. +","ho na le diqholotso tse ngata tseo re lokelang ho tobana le tsona ha re ntse re sebeletsa ho aha botjha le ho hlaphohelwa ditlamoraong tsa sewa sa covid19. +",0.8971267 +"as we do so, let us draw strength and encouragement from our deep dedication to our democracy and our common desire to build a nation that is united, free and equal. +","ha re etsa seo, ha re tholeng matla a rona le kgothatso boi telong ba rona bo tebileng demokerasing ya rona le takatsong ya rona ya ho aha setjhaba se ipopileng, se lokolohileng le se lekalekanang. +",0.90273136 +i wish you all the best for the year ahead.,"ho sebetsa mmoho bakeng sa ho hodisa demokerasi vukuzenzele unnamed ha afrika borwa e ne e kena selemong se setjha, re ile ra teana le le diketsahalo tse pedi tse hlokolosi tse re hopoditseng, ka di tsela tse fapaneng, hore ke eng se re kopanyang re le batho. +",0.90273136 +"covid19 corruption perpetrators brought to book vukuzenzele unnamed individuals and companies who were involved in corruption relating to the gov ernment’s procurement of coronavirus disease (covid19) goods and services are being held accountable for their actions. +","ba entseng bobodu ka covid19 ba nkelwa mehato ya molao vukuzenzele unnamed batho le dikhampani tse bileng le seabo dike tsong tsa bobodu tse amanang le dithendara tsa thepa le ditshebele tso tsa lefu la coronavi rus (covid19) ba nkelwa mehato ya molao. +",0.8675152 +"the special investigation unit’s (siu) final report on its probe into allegations relating to any misuse of covid19 funds, across all spheres of government and the private sector was recently authorised for release to the public by president cyril ramaphosa. +","tlaleho ya ho qetela ya yuniti e ikgethang ya diphuputso (siu) e batlisitseng ka dipelaelo ka tshebediso e mpe ya ditjhelete tsa covid19, makaleng ohle a mmuso le a poraefete e sa tswa tjhaelwa monwana ke presidente cyril ramaphosa hore e phatla latswe. +",0.88395405 +"the report is an important step in the fight against corruption and maladministration in the public and private sectors, he said. +","tlaleho ena ke mohato wa bohlokwa twantshong ya bobodu le tsamaiso e mpe makaleng a setjhaba le a poraefete, ho boletse yena. +",0.8282648 +"in july 2020, president ramaphosa authorised the investigation by the siu. +","ka phupu 2020, presidente ramaphosa o dumelletse phuputso ya siu. +",0.8009466 +"at the time, he gave his commitment that if the siu found evidence that a criminal offence had been committed, it would be obliged to refer the evidence to the national prosecuting authority (npa). +","nakong eo o ile a itlama ka hore eba ng siu e fumana bopaki bo reng ho tlotswe molao, e tla tlameha ho fetisetsa bopaki boo ho bolaodi ba naha ba botjhutjhisi (npa). +",0.8696782 +"the siu was also aut horised to institute civil proceedings for the recovery of any damages or losses incurred by the state. +","siu e ile ya boela ya dumellwa ho nka mehato ya molao molemong wa ho kgutlisa ditshenyehelo kapa ditahlehelo tsa mmuso. +",0.8204433 +"report findings the siu investigated 5 467 contracts awarded to 3 066 service providers, worth a total of r14.3 billion. +","diphetho tsa tlaleho siu e fupuditse dikontraka tse 5 467 tse nehilweng bafani ba ditshebeletso ba 3 066, tsa boleng ba dibiliyone tse r14.3. +",0.88693374 +"the investigation into 4 549 contracts have been finalised, and 2 803 of these were found to be irregular. +","phuputso ya dikontraka tse 4 549 e phethetswe, mme tse 2 803 tsa tsona di fumanwe ka tsela e seng molaong. +",0.90779823 +"this amounts to 62% of the finalised investigations. +","ena ke 62% ya diphuputso tse phethetsweng. +",0.8651123 +"""this investigation targeted individuals and institutions who believed they could exploit a moment of national vulnerability to enrich themselves and those with whom they colluded to abuse public resources,"" the president said. +","""phuputso ena e ne e tobane le batho le ditheo tse neng di dumela hore di ka sebedisa nako ya bohloko ho rua le ho ruisa bao ba neng ba sebetsa le bona ka ho senya disebediswa tsa setjhaba,"" ho boletse presidente. +",0.87850475 +"he added it was unacceptable that so many contracts associated with saving lives and protecting livelihoods were irregular, unlawful or fraudulent. +","o boetse a re ha ho amoheleha hore dikontraka tse ngata ka mokgwa ona tsa ho pholosa maphelo a batho le ho sireletsa boiphediso ba batho di be le bomenemene, di fapane le molao kapa di be le manyofonyofo. +",0.854248 +"""this investigation demonstrates our determination to root out corruption and to deal with perpetrators,"" said president ramaphosa. +","""phuputso ena e bontsha maikemisetso a rona a ho lwantsha bobodu le ho nkela babelaellwa ba ketso tsena mehato ya molao,"" ho boletse presidente ramaphosa. +",0.87490726 +"the final report details matters that the siu has referred to the npa, departments and entities in the public sector and other parties. +","tlaleho ya makgaolakgang e na le dintlha tseo siu e di isitseng ho npa, mafa pheng le ditheong tse lekaleng la setjhaba le ba bang. +",0.8333407 +"the npa will finalise the process of bringing wrongdoers to book and addressing weaknesses identified by the siu investigation, the president explained. +","npa e tla phethela motjha wa ho qosa ba tlotseng molao le ho sebetsana le bofokodi bo hlwauweng ke phuputso ya siu, ho hlalositse presidente. +",0.8904553 +"action taken since the start of the investigation, the siu, working with other agencies, has made the following progress: 45 matters, with a combined value of r2.1 billion, have been enrolled with the special tribunal on corruption, fraud and illicit money flows. +","mehato e nkilweng ho tloha maqalong a phuputso, siu e entse kgatelopele ena e sebetsa mmoho le mekgatlo e meng: dinyewe tse 45, tsa boleng ba dibiliyone tse r2.1 kaofela, di kentswe lekgotleng le ikgethang la dinyewe tsa bobodu, manyofonyofo le phallo ya tjhelete e fumanweng ka tsela e seng molaong. +",0.88428986 +"the special tribunal has a statutory mandate to recover public funds stolen through corruption, fraud and illicit money flows, and take civil action against perpetrators; 224 cases have been referred for disciplinary action against officials in government departments or entities; 386 cases have been referred to the npa, and three have been referred for executive action; 330 cases have been referred for administrative action, which includes blacklisting (not being able to do work for gov ernment). +","lekgotla lena le ikgethang le na le tumello ya molao ya ho kgutlisa ditjhelete tsa setjhaba tse utswitsweng ka bobodu, manyofonyofo le phallo ya ditjhelete tse fumanweng ka mokgwa o seng molaong, le ho nka mehato ya molao kgahlano le ba belaellwang ka ketso tseo; dinyewe tse 224 di fetiseditswe pele bakeng sa mehato ya kgalemo kgahlano le bahlanka ba mmuso ba mafapheng kapa ditheong tsa mmuso; tse 386 di lebisitswe ho npa, mme tse tharo di tla nkelwa mohato boe mong ba phethahatso; tse 330 di tla nkelwa mohato o kenyele tsang ho thibelwa ha batho kapa beng ba dikhampani tseo ho fumana dithendara (di se hlole di sebeletsa mmuso). +",0.8996099 +"according to the report, a total of r551.5 million (value of cash and assets) is to be recovered, while r34.2 million has been recovered to date. +","ho ya ka tlaleho, ke dimiliyone tse r551.5 kaofela (e leng tjhelete le thepa) e lokelang ho kgutliswa, mme ho se ho fumanwe dimiliyone tse r34.2 ho fihlela jwale. +",0.84450495 +"the investigation prevented a r114.2 million loss, and set contracts aside valued at r170.4 million. +","phuputso e thibetse tahlehelo ya dimiliyone tse r114.2, mme ya behella thoko dikontraka tsa boleng ba dimiliyone tse r170.4. +",0.81997716 +"the siu expects these matters to be completed between march and april 2022, before the submission of a supplementary report to the president at the end of june. +","siu e lebelletse hore ditaba tsena di phethelwe pakeng tsa tlhakubele le mmesa 2022, pele preside nte a nehwa tlaleho ya tlatsetso mafelong a phuptjane. +",0.88029265 +"the report does not include details of ongoing investigations into allega tions received by the siu after the deadline set for the final report. +","tlaleho ena ha e kenyeletse dintlha tse amanang le diphuputso tse ntseng di tswela pele tse mabapi le diqoso tseo siu e di fumaneng ho se ho behilwe letsatsi la ho ntsha tlaleho ya ho qetela. +",0.8631021 +"these include investigations into 476 service providers, linked to 964 contracts, valued at more than r961.6 million. +","tsena di kenyeletsa diphuputso tsa bafani ba ditshebeletso ba 476, ba amahanngwang le diko ntraka tse 964, tsa boleng ba dimiliyone tse r961.6. +",0.87993574 +"the outcomes of these investigations, the presidency said, will also be provided in the june report. +","ho tla fanwa ka diphetho tsa diphuputso tsena tlalehong ya phuptjane, ho boletse ofisi ya presidente. +",0.817408 +"the president thanked the siu for the work done in the past 18 months, and also whistleblowers and other witnesses who provided information to investigators.","ba entseng bobodu ka covid19 ba nkelwa mehato ya molao vukuzenzele unnamed batho le dikhampani tse bileng le seabo dike tsong tsa bobodu tse amanang le dithendara tsa thepa le ditshebele tso tsa lefu la coronavi rus (covid19) ba nkelwa mehato ya molao. +",0.817408 +"cach connects students with learning opportunities silusapho nyanda young people who have not yet secured spots at higher education institutions can turn to the central application clearing house (cach) system for help. +","cach e hokahanya baithuti le menyetla ya ho ithuta silusapho nyanda batjha ba so fumane dibaka dithe ong tsa thuto e phahameng ba ka batla thuso setsing sa dikopo se thusang ho ba fumanela dibaka (cach). +",0.8598454 +"cach is an online government service managed by the department of higher education and training (dhet). +","cach ke tshebeletso ya mmuso e fumanehang inthaneteng e laolwang ke lefapha la thuto e phahameng le thupello (dhet). +",0.90519786 +"the service helps those who need access to university, technical and vocational education and training (tvet) colleges and skills development opportunities. +","e thusa ba batlang ho kena diyunivesithing, dikoletjheng tsa thuto ya tsa matsoho le mesebetsi e itseng le thupello (tvet) le ba batlang ho fumana menyetla ya ntshetsopele ya bokgoni. +",0.8586348 +"""cach services have been available from 24 january 2022, and will close on 31 march, to assist those who need to enter tertiary education but face challenges with getting space,"" says minister of higher education and training dr blade nzimande. +","""ditshebeletso tsa cach di bile teng ho tloha ka la 24 pherekgong 2022 mme di tla kwalwa ka la 31 tlhakubele ho thusa ba hlokang ho kena ditheong tsa thuto e phahameng empa ba tobane le mathata a ho fumana dibaka,"" ho boletse letona la thuto e phahameng le thupello ngaka blade nzimande. +",0.915702 +"cach can help those who applied for admission to a university or a college on time in 2021, but were not offered a place in a programme of their choice. +","cach e ka boela e thuse ba entseng dikopo ka nako tsa ho amohelwa diyunivesithing kapa dikoletjheng ka 2021 empa ba sa fumana dibaka mananeong ao ba a kgethileng. +",0.89152753 +"the dhet explained that this usually happens when the applicant does not meet the necessary requirements or the institution has reached its limit on the number of students it can enrol. +","dhet e hlalositse hore hangata sena se etsahala ha mokopi a se na tsa bohlokwa tse hlokwang kapa setheo se se se amohetse palo e lekaneng ya baithuti bao se ka ba amohelang. +",0.85336673 +"cach can also help those who applied to a higher learning institution and were accepted, but now want to change their courses. +","cach e ka boela e thuse ba neng ba entse kopo ditheong tsa thuto e phahameng ba amohelwa, empa jwale ba batla ho fetola mananeo ao ba neng ba a batla. +",0.89334357 +"cach will refer individuals to career development services and where possible, provide an opportunity for them to be considered for spaces still available at universities, tvet colleges or sector education and training authority (seta) learnerships, without having to travel to any institution. +","cach e romela bakopi moo ho fanwang ka ditshebeletso tsa ho thusa batjha ho kgetha dithuto tse tla ba lokisetsa mosebetsi mme ha ho kgonahala, e ba thuse hore ba fumane dibaka tse ntseng di le teng diyunivesithing le dikoletjheng tsa tvet, kapa e ba fumanele thuto mosebetsing ho bolaodi ba thuto makaleng le thupello (seta), ntle le hore batjha ba ye setheong sa thuto e phahameng. +",0.87638426 +"all public universities, tvet colleges and setas can access the cach database to search for individuals who meet the criteria for available spaces. +","diyunivesithi tsohle tsa setjhaba, dikoletjhe tsa tvet le diseta di ka fihlella dintlha tsa cach ho batla bakopi ba nang le tse batlehang ho tlatsa dikgeo tse ntseng di le teng. +",0.8707415 +"""institutions select individuals from the cach database and make direct contact with those they have selected,"" says dhet spokesperson ishmael mnisi. +","""ditheo di kgetha batjha ho cach mme di ikopanye ka ho otloloha le bao di ba kgethang,"" ho bolela mmuedi wa dhet ishmael mnisi. +",0.8826357 +"applicants who sign up for cach must submit their details, including their preferred fields of study. +","bakopi ba ingodisang ho cach ba tlameha ho kenya dintlha tsa bona, ho kenyeletsa makala ao ba a kgethang a thuto. +",0.83638513 +"applicants have options to accept or reject study offers on the cach system. +","bakopi ba ka dumela kapa ba hane ho bala ditheong tse ba kgethang ho cach. +",0.814723 +"institutions of higher learning will only be able to access applicants’ information from cach once applicants have signed up and uploaded their grade 12 results. +","cach e hokahanya baithuti le menyetla ya ho ithuta silusapho nyanda batjha ba so fumane dibaka dithe ong tsa thuto e phahameng ba ka batla thuso setsing sa dikopo se thusang ho ba fumanela dibaka (cach). +",0.814723 +"sona 2022: bettering lives and livelihoods vukuzenzele unnamed government is committed to putting people first, and has given itself 100 days to finalise a plan to involve all sectors of society in growing south africa’s economy, creating jobs and combating hunger. +","sona ya selemo sa 2022: ho ntlafatsa maphelo le boiphediso vukuzenzele unnamed mmuso o etsa boitlamo ba ho tsotella batho ho feta tsohle, mme o iphile nako ya matsatsi a 100 a ho phetha moralo o amang makala ohle a setjhaba ho hodiseng moruo wa afrika borwa, ho thea mesebetsi le ho lwantsha tlala. +",0.89761853 +"this was emphasised by president cyril ramaphosa in his 2022 state of the nation address. +","ntlha ena e ile ya toboketswa ke mopresidente cyril rama phosa puong ya hae ya boemo ba naha ya selemo sa 2022. +",0.8518541 +"""this work will build on the foundation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, which remains our common programme to rebuild the economy,"" he said. +","""mosebetsi ona o tla tswela pele hodima motheo wa moralo wa kahobotjha le tsosoloso ya moruo, oo e ntseng e le lenaneo la rona la ka mehla la ho aha moruo wa rona botjha,"" o boletse jwalo. +",0.8734102 +"the president said government’s priorities are overcoming the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic, building infrastructure, increasing local production, creating jobs and addressing the energy crisis. +","ha a bua le setjhaba, mopresidente o itse merero e itlhommeng ka pele ya mmuso ke ho hlola sewa sa lefu la khorona (covid19), ho aha metheo ya tshebetso ya moruo, ho phahamisa tlhahiso ya ka hara naha, ho thea mesebetsi le ho sebetsana le mathata a maholo a motlakase. +",0.87919784 +"""if there is one thing we all agree on, it is that the present situation – of deep poverty, unemployment and inequality – is unacceptable and unsustainable."" +","""haeba ho ena le ntho e le nngwe eo bohle re dumella nang ka yona, ke hore maemo a renang ha jwale – a bofutsa na bo matla, tlhokeho ya mesebetsi le ho se lekalekane – ha a amohelehe, hape ha a na mokoka."" +",0.90367115 +"creating jobs last year, the unemployment rate reached its highest recorded level of 34.9% in the third quarter, following the financial devastation caused by covid19. +","tlhahiso ya mesebetsi ngwahola kotareng ya boraro, sekgahla sa tlhokeho ya mesebetsi se fihleletse boemo bo hodimo ka ho fetisisa bo kileng ba tlalewa, moo 34.9% ya batho e ileng ya hloka mesebetsi, e le ka lebaka la mathata a ditjhelete a bakilweng ke covid19. +",0.88554835 +"""we all know that government does not create jobs. +","""bohle re a tseba hore mmuso ha o thehe mesebetsi. +",0.90866137 +"business creates jobs. +","lekala la kgwebo ke lona le hlahisang mesebetsi. +",0.72338367 +"the key task of government is to create the conditions that will enable the private sector – both big and small – to emerge, to grow, to access new markets, to create new products, and to hire more employees,"" he said. +","mosebetsi wa mantlha wa mmuso ke wa ho etsa maemo a tla thusa lekala la poraefete – boemong ba makala a maholo le a manyenyane – ho bitoha, ho hola, ho fumana mebaraka e metjha, ho hlahisa dihlahiswa tse ntjha, le ho hira palo e eketsehileng ya basebetsi,"" o itsatso. +",0.8781526 +"around 80% of employed people work in the private sector. +","karolo e ka etsang 80% ya basebetsi e sebetsa lekaleng la poraefete. +",0.8816816 +"the president said government will introduce a new loan guarantee scheme to help small businesses recover. +","mopresidente o itse mmuso o tla hlahisa sekema se setjha sa netefaletso ya kadimo ya ditjhelete ho thusa lekala la dikgwebo tse nyenyane ho boela di phahama. +",0.89011526 +"the presidential employment stimulus programme, which has already supported over 850 000 employment opportunities, will be stepped up. +","lenaneo la mopresidente la kgothaletso ya ho thewa ha mesebetsi (pesp), le seng le ntse le tsheheditse menyetla ya mesebetsi e 850 000, le tla hodiswa. +",0.89199245 +"most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women. +","bongata ba batho ba unneng molemo ho lona e bile batho ba batjha; hape karolo e etsang 60% e bile basadi. +",0.8646025 +"the employment stimulus will enable the department of home affairs to recruit 10 000 unemployed youth for the digitisation of paper records, and the social employment fund will create another 50 000 work opportunities. +","lenaneo lena la ho ngoka mesebetsi le tla thusa lefapha la tsa lehae ho thaotha batjha ba 10 000 ba sa sebetseng bakeng la ho kenya direkoto tse pampiring tsa lefapha dikhomphuteng, mme letlole la setjhaba la mesebetsi (sef) le tla thea menyetla e meng hape ya mesebetsi e 50 000. lefapha la thuto e phahameng le thupelo le tla kenya mesebetsing batjha ba sa sebetseng ba 10 000 ba nang le mangolo a tekgniki le thuto le thupelo ya mosebetsi (tvet) ho tloha ka kgwedi ya mmesa selemong sa 2022. polatefomo ya sayouth. +",0.8354957 +"the department of higher education and training will place 10 000 unemployed technical and vocational education and training graduates in workplaces from april 2022. the sayouth. +","mobi , eo e thusang batjha ba batlang mesebetsi ho fumana menyetla eo, le ho ba tshehetsa, jwale e se e na le batjha ba dimilione tse 2.3 ba ingodisitseng. +",0.6898268 +"mobi platform, which helps young work seekers to access opportunities and support, now has over 2.3 million youth registered. +","ba ka hodimo ho 600 000 ba bona ba se ba ntse ba kentswe mesebetsing. +",0.46315658 +"of these, over 600 000 have been placed into employment opportunities. +","""tshebeletso e ntjhafadi tsweng ya batjha ya naha e tla thaotha sehlopha sa yona sa pele sa batjha ba yona ba 50 000 selemong se tlang sa 2023, e le ho fumantsha batjha menyetla ya ho ba le seabo metseng ya habo bona, ho ntlafatsa boitsebelo ba bona le ho eketsa menyetla ya bona ya ho ka sebetsa."" +",0.58094144 +"""a revitalised national youth service will recruit its first cohort of 50 000 young people during the next year [2023], creating opportunities for young people to contribute to their communities, develop their skills and grow their employability."" +","diphallelo tsa srd di tswela pele diphallelo tsa covid19 tsa kimollo ya setjhaba (srd), tse seng di thusitse batho ba sa sebetseng ba fetang dimilione tse 10, di ekeleditswe nako ya selemo se seng hape – ho fihlela ka kgwedi ya tlhakubele selemong sa 2023. ka hodima mona, mmuso le balekane ba ona ba tla leka ho fumana mekgwa ya ho tswela pele ho tshehetsa batho ba imetsweng ke mathata a ho hloka tjhelete ka mokgwa oo naha e tla o kgona bakeng sa nako e telele. +",0.7374114 +"srd grant continuesthe covid19 social relief of distress (srd) grant, which has helped over 10 million unemployed people, has been extended for another year – to the end of march 2023. in addition, government and its partners will look at ways to continue to support people in financial distress in a manner that is affordable to the country over the long term. +","phumantsho ya mobu mmuso o tswela pele ka diphetoho tsa mobu mme o lebeletse ka thahasello ho ananelwa ha bili ya ho amo huwa ha mobu. +",0.6308489 +"access to land government is moving ahead with land reform and anticipates the approval of the expropriation bill this year. +","ho thewa ha lekala la ntshetsopele ya temo le diphetoho tsa mobu le hona ho tla phethwa selemong sena. +",0.7117387 +"the establishment of the agriculture and land reform development agency will also be finalised this year. +","""lefapha la mesebetsi ya setjhaba le metheo ya tshe betso ya moruo le tla phetha ho neheletswa ha dihektara tse 14 000 tsa mobu o matsohong a mmuso ho lekala la ntshetsopele ya matlo a bodulo,"" mopresidente o itsatso. +",0.603601 +"""the department of public works and infrastructure will finalise the transfer of 14 000 hectares of state land to the housing development agency,"" the president said. +","o ekeditse ka ho re ho na le mobu o anetseng wa temo malebana le ho tshehetsa dimilione tsa balemi ba banyenyane tlhahisong ya bommaditshibana, mehlape, ditholwana le meroho. +",0.643231 +"he added that there is enough arable land to support millions of thriving smallscale farmers in poultry, livestock, fruit and vegetables. +","hona jwale, balemi ba fetang 100 000 ba se ba fumantshitswe divoutjhara tsa ho kenya letsoho malebana le ho atolla tlhahiso ya bona, mme lenaneo lena le tla atoloswa hore le fihlelle ho balemi ba bangata. +",0.66714054 +"already, over 100 000 farmers have received input vouchers to expand their production and the programme will be expanded to reach more farmers. +","bobodu le ditlolo tsa molao ho tloha ho theweng ha khomishene ya dipatlisiso ho hulweng ha mmuso ka nko, ho isa diphuputsong tsa dikontraka tsa theko ya thepa e amanang le covid19, mopresidente ramaphosa o lomahantse meno mosebetsing wa ho fedisa bobodu. +",0.6255144 +"corruption and crime from instituting the commission of inquiry into state capture, to investigating covid19related procurement contracts, president ramaphosa is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to ending corruption. +","""ha ho matsapa a rona a ho tsosolosa moruo a tla atleha haeba re sa lwantshe sewa sena sa bobodu ka bonnete,"" mopresidente o boletse jwalo. +",0.6520159 +"""none of our efforts to revive our economy will succeed if we do not tackle the scourge of corruption once and for all,"" the president said. +","pele ho letsatsi la 30 phuptjane, o tla teka moralo wa tshebetso o arabelang ditshisinyo tsa khomishene. +",0.5218149 +"by no later than 30 june 2022, he will present a plan of action in response to the commission’s recommendations. +","o hlalositse hore makala a fapafapaneng a mmuso a sebetsa mmoho ho tshwantsha disenyi, le ho di fumantsha kotlo, le ho fumana puseletso ya ditjhelete tsa mmuso tse tlatlapilweng. +",0.5378 +"he explained that various government agencies were working together to identify wrongdoers, punish them, and to get looted state money refunded. +","polokeho le tshireletso di tla matlafatswa ka ho hirwa ha mapolesa a 12 000 le ho theha botjha diforamo tse kopanyang sepolesa le setjhaba (dicpf). +",0.6083131 +"safety and security will be strengthened through the recruitment of 12 000 police personnel and the reestablishment of community policing forums. +","twantsho ya gbvf mmuso o tla tswela pele ho matlafatsa ntwa kgahlanong le dikgoka tse amanang le bong le polao ya ba batshehadi (gbvf) selemong sena ka ho phethahatsa moralo wa leano la naha le malebana le gbvf. +",0.6402542 +"fighting gbvf government will also continue to intensify the fight against genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf) this year, through the implementation of the national strategic plan on gbvf. +","melao e meraro e metjha e se e ntse e le tshebetsong ya ho matlafatsa sistimi ya ho lwantsha ditlolo tsa molao le ho phethahatswa ha toka le tshehetso ya mahlatsipa. +",0.6558566 +"three new laws are already working to strengthen the criminal justice system and support survivors. +","""ho phethahatswa ha melao ena ho tla ba le thuso e kgolo ho netefatseng hore dinyewe di tjhotjhiswa ka katleho, le hore mahlatsipa a tshireletsehe le hore ho be le mekgwa ya thibelo ya ditlolo tsa molao e sebetsang hantle le ho feta. +",0.7069379 +"""the implementation of this legislation will go a long way to ensuring that cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors are protected and that there are more effective deterrents in place."" +","""o mong wa melao eo mopresidente ramaphosa a buang ka yona ke molao o lokisitsweng wa ditlolo tsa molao le ditaba tse ama nang le tsona o tshireletsang ba fokolang diketsong tsa ho boela ba etswa diphofu. +",0.699342 +"one of the new laws that president ramaphosa was referring to is the criminal and related matters amendment act which protects the vulnerable from secondary victimisation. +","molao ona o dumella hore makgotla a dinyewe a kgethe bonamoledi boo ka bona ngwana e monyenyane dilemong, le motho ya nang le bokowa kapa motho ya seng a hodile a ka hlahlojwa tsamaisong ya ditshebeletso tsa toka. +",0.6959518 +"this act allows the courts to appoint intermediaries through which a minor, a disabled person or an elderly person can be examined in proceedings. +","mopresidente o ne a boetse a bua ka molao o motjha o lokisitsweng wa ditlolo tsa molao (ditlolo tsa molao tsa thobalano le ditaba tse amanang le tsona) o thibelang ho qaphatswa ka motabo le ho nyalwa ha batho ba nang le bokowa ba kelello. +",0.68303883 +"the president was also referring to the new criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act which outlaws sexual exploitation and grooming of persons with mental disabilities. +","molao ona o boetse o bolela hore ditlolo tsa molao tsa thobalano kgahlanong le batho ba nang le bokowa ba kelello di tlameha ho tlalewa rejistareng ya naha ya batlodi ba molao wa thobalano. +",0.74822795 +"this act also states that sexual offences against persons who are mentally disabled must be recorded in the national register of sex offenders. +","molao o lokisitsweng wa dikgoka tsa ka malapeng o shebane le tse ding tsa ditharahano tse hlahellang dikamanong tse nang le dikgoka tsa ka malapeng. +",0.677175 +"the domestic violence amendment act takes account of some of the complexities in violent domestic relationships. +","molao ona o dumellana le tshebetso ya ho fumanwa ha taelo ya tshireletso, hape o atolotse maemo ao taelo ya tshireletso e ka kopuwang tlasa ona. +",0.6827031 +"the act allows for the process of obtaining protection orders, and broadened the circumstances under which a protection order can be applied for. +","sona ya selemo sa 2022: ho ntlafatsa maphelo le boiphediso vukuzenzele unnamed mmuso o etsa boitlamo ba ho tsotella batho ho feta tsohle, mme o iphile nako ya matsatsi a 100 a ho phetha moralo o amang makala ohle a setjhaba ho hodiseng moruo wa afrika borwa, ho thea mesebetsi le ho lwantsha tlala. +",0.6827031 +"end of state of disaster in sight for sa vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril ramaphosa recently announced in his 2022 state of the nation address (sona) that government plans to scrap the national state of disaster as the coun try enters a new phase in the management of the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic. +","ho emiswa ha boemo ba koduwa ho se ho le haufi bakeng sa afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed mopresidente cyril ramaphosa o sa tswa phatlalatsa puong ya hae ya boemo ba naha ya selemo sa 2022 (sona) hore mmuso o rera ho suthisa boemo ba naha ba koduwa nakong ena naha e kenang mohatong o motjha wa taolo ya sewa sa lefu la kokwanahloko ya khorona (covid19). +",0.89528817 +"""it is our intention to end the national state of disaster as soon as we have finalised other measures under the national health act and other legislation to contain the pandemic,"" said the president. +","""ke maikemisetso a rona ho emisa boemo ba naha ba koduwa hanghang ha re se re phethile mehato e meng e tlasa molao wa naha wa bophelo le melao e meng e reretsweng ho kgina sewa sena,"" ho boletse mopresidente. +",0.8921329 +"on 15 march 2020, president ramaphosa declared the national state of disaster in terms of the disaster management act and announced a range of measures to contain the covid19 outbreak. +","mohla la 15 tlhakubele selemong sa 2020, mopresidente ramaphosa o ne a phatlalatse boemo ba naha ba koduwa ho latela molao wa taolo ya koduwa, a ba a phatlalatsa mefutafuta ya mehato ya ho kgina ho qhoma ha sewa sa covid19. +",0.8848964 +"president ramaphosa said nearly all restrictions on economic and social activity have already been lifted, which is largely thanks to the vaccination rollout programme. +","mopresidente ramaphosa o itse e batla e le tsohle dithibelo tse amang tshebetso ya moruo le diketsahalo tse amang setjhaba e seng e emisitswe, mme ho lebohuwa lenaneo la ho thakgolwa ha kentelo. +",0.8322883 +"he reminded citizens that vaccines are the best defence against illness, death and covid19, which has claimed close to 100 000 lives locally. +","o hopoditse baahi hore kentelo ke mokgwa o molemo ka ho fetisisa wa ho itshireletsa kgahlanong le ho kula, lefu le covid19, e seng e nkileng maphelo a batlang a etsa 100 000 ka hara naha. +",0.881026 +"""i've always said from a personal point of view, had i have not been vaccinated, in december when i contracted covid19, i probably will not be standing here,"" he reflected. +","""ke hlola ke hlahisitse maikutlo a ka ke re, hoja ke ne ke eso ka ke entwa, ka kgwedi ya tshitwe ngwahola ha ke ne ke tshwaetswa ke covid19, mohlomong nka be ke sa ema mona hona jwale,"" o itsatso. +",0.8690198 +"the president took the time to urge south africans to take the lifesaving jab and continue to observe basic health measures and remain vigilant. +","mopresidente o nkile monyetla wa ho kgothaletsa maafrika borwa ho iphumanela ente ena e pholosang bophelo le hore a tswele pele ho phetha mehato ya mantlha ya bophelo bo botle le ho dula a le sedi ka dinako tsohle. +",0.88441527 +"""we will be able to get on with our lives, even with the virus in our midst,"" he said, adding that the pandemic has exacerbated the divide between those who are employed and those who are jobless. +","""re tla kgona ho tswela pele ka maphelo a rona, le ha re ntse re na le kokwa nahloko ena mehopolong ya rona,"" o boletse jwalo, a boetse a eketsa hore sewa sena se mpefaditse phapang e pakeng tsa ba sebetsang le bao ba hlokang mesebetsi. +",0.87443966 +"solidarity fund president ramaphosa announced that the solidarity fund has raised r3.4 billion from more than 300 000 south africans and companies, while more than 400 individuals and 100 companies volunteered their time and services. +","letlole la mahatammoho mopresidente ramaphosa o phatlaladitse hore letlole la mahatammoho le bokeletse dibilione tse 3.4 tsa diranta ho tswa ho maafrika borwa a fetang 300 000 le dikhampani, ha batho ba fetang 400 le dikhampani tse 100 ba ile ba ithaopela ho nyehela ka nako ya bona le ditshebeletso. +",0.90960413 +"""the fund has played a pivotal role in supporting the national health response and alleviating the humanitarian crisis that confronted our country and our people. +","""letlole lena le phethahaditse tema ya bohlokwahlokwa ka ho tshehetsa karabelo ya naha ya bophelo bo botle le ho fokotsa mathata a setjhaba a ileng a tjamela naha ya rona le batho ba habo rona. +",0.8906915 +"""he thanked everyone who contributed to the fund, including some members of parliament, and other initiatives to support those affected by the pandemic. +","""o lebohile bohle ba kentseng letsoho letloleng lena, ho kenyeletswa ditho tse ding tsa palamente, esita le diketso tse ding tse etseditsweng ho tshehetsa batho ba anngweng ke sewa sena. +",0.8765029 +"the president also paid tribute to the many healthcare and frontline workers who play a key role in the fight against covid19. +","mopresidentse o boetse a thoholetsa basebetsi ba bangata ba tlhokomelo ya bophelo le ba moleng o ka pele ba etsang tema ya bohlokwa ntweng ya covid19. +",0.90274096 +"""the nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the dedicated health workers and to other frontline staff who put their own health and lives at risk to care for the ill and the vulnerable during this period,"" he said. +","""naha ya rona e ke ke ya leboha ka ho anetseng basebetsi ba ikitlaetsang ba bophelo bo botle le basebetsi ba bang ba moleng o ka pele ba behang maphelo a bona kotsing ka ho hlokomela ba kulang le ba fokolang nakong ena,"" o itsatso. +",0.8872262 +"– sanews. +","– sanews. +",0.8195255 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.8917817 +za,"ho emiswa ha boemo ba koduwa ho se ho le haufi bakeng sa afrika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed mopresidente cyril ramaphosa o sa tswa phatlalatsa puong ya hae ya boemo ba naha ya selemo sa 2022 (sona) hore mmuso o rera ho suthisa boemo ba naha ba koduwa nakong ena naha e kenang mohatong o motjha wa taolo ya sewa sa lefu la kokwanahloko ya khorona (covid19). +",0.8917817 +"special tribunal is showing that crime does not pay vukuzenzele unnamed during the recent presidential imbizo in mahikeng, several citizens raised concerns about the pace of the fight against corruption. +","lekgotlana le ikgethileng le bontsha hore bonokwane ha bo na molemo allison cooper pitsong ya mopre sidente e sa tswa tshwarelwa mahikeng, setjhaba se ile sa tletleba ka monyebe oo letsholo la twantsho ya bonokwane le tsamayang ka ona. +",0.78052104 +"they told me what i have heard in many other communities across the country: that the perpetrators of such acts are known, not least because they flaunt the proceeds of their crimes. +","ba mpole lletse seo ke seng ke se utlwileng dibakeng tse ngata tseo ke seng ke fetile ho tsona ho phatlalla le naha: dinokwane di a tsejwa hobane ha ba pate ketso tsena tsa tsona. +",0.83782494 +"but the arm of the law is long. +","leha ho le jwalo, molao o fihlella hohle. +",0.6505877 +"those who have stolen from the state may believe they have gotten away with it. +","bohle ba utsweditseng mmuso, ba se ithetse ba nahane hore ba pholohile. +",0.75796604 +"but their deeds will eventually catch up with them, whoever they are, and whatever position they may hold. +","ba tlameha ho tseba hore diketso tsa bona di tla ba latella, ho sa natsehe hore ke bomang, le hore ba maemong a feng. +",0.45121008 +"they will learn that crime does not pay. +","ba tla lemoha hore bonokwane ha bo na molemo. +",0.77651274 +"in this regard, one of our most effective weapons in the fight against corruption and state capture is the special tribunal of the special investigating unit (siu), which i established in 2019. it adjudicates on matters that the siu institutes for civil litigation after it has concluded its investigations. +","tabeng ena, sebetsa se tla re thusa ho lwantsha bobodu mmoho le kgapo ya puso, ke lekgotlana le ikgethileng la lekala le ikgethileng la mafokisi (siu), le thehilweng ka 2019. lona le shebana le dinyewe tse tswang ho siu ha e se e phethetse diphuputso tsa yona. +",0.84152067 +"the special tribunal was set up to speed up litigation. +","lekgotlana lena le ikgethileng, le ne le thehelwe ho potlakisa diqoso tsa bobodu. +",0.78775024 +"this approach has made it possible for public funds and state assets lost to corrupt acts to be recovered faster, avoiding delays in the high courts, where the siu has to wait its turn together with other litigants. +","mohato ona o potlakisa taba ya ho kgutliswa ha tjhelete le thepa ya mmuso tse lahlehang ka lebaka la bobodu mme hape le thusa ho qoba tiehiso ya diqoso makgotleng a tlwaelehileng a dinyewe moo siu le yona e tlamehang ho emela letsatsi la nyewe jwalo ka motho ohle. +",0.8510487 +"the siu can request preservation orders and the freezing of assets to prevent further losses to the state. +","siu e ka kgona ho kenya kopo ya ho thibela ho fetolwa ha dintho mmoho le ho hapuwa ha thepa ho etsetsa hore mmuso o se tswele pele le ho lahlehelwa. +",0.82894903 +"this is important when considering that per petrators who are under suspicion often go to great lengths to move around, hide or dispose of proceeds of corruption. +","sena se thusa haholo ha dinokwane di ka leka ho pata bopaki ba mehlala ya diketso tsa tsona tsa bobodu. +",0.7173885 +"there can be no doubt the special tribunal has been a game changer. +","ntle le qeaqeo, lekgo tlana lena le ikgethileng le tlisitse diphetoho. +",0.7636827 +"since its establishment, the tribunal has recovered around r8.6 billion from unlawful contracts. +","haesale le thehilwe, le se le kgonne ho kgutlisa tjhelete e fetang dibilione tse 8.6 tsa diranta ho tswa dikonterakeng tse neng di se molaong. +",0.83618337 +"for any fight against corruption to be deemed effective, it is not sufficient that perpetrators are pro secuted. +","katleho ya twantsho ya bobodu ha e a tlameha ho fella feela ha baetsi ba bona ba qoswa, empa tseo ba di utswitseng di tla tlameha ho fumaneha. +",0.72890234 +"the proceeds of their crimes must be recovered. +","tjhelete ena ke ya setjhaba, mme e tlameha ho sebedisetswa molemong wa sona. +",0.539327 +"this money belongs to citizens and should be used to meet their needs. +","hona jwale, lekgotlana lena le ikgethileng le sa tswa laela dikhamphane tse pedi tsa kaho ho kgutlisa phaello eo di e unneng konterakeng tse neng di se molaong tsa ho teratela ledibohong la beit bridge. +",0.5561558 +"the special tribunal recently ordered two construction companies to return the profits they earned from r40 million in contracts to erect the beit bridge border fence. +","sena se latela diphuputso tsa siu tse utullutseng tse ngata tse kenyelletsang ho lefuwa ha dikhamphane pele di etsa mosebetsi ke lefapha la mesebetsi ya mmuso le meralo ya motheo. +",0.70938253 +"this followed an investigation by the siu that uncovered a number of irregularities, including a prepayment to the companies by the department of public works and infrastructure. +","dibekeng tse mmalwa tse fetileng feela, lekgotlana lena le se le lekotse botjha mme la behella ka thoko dikonteraka tse neng di se molaong tse mabapi le covid tse bitsang ka hodimo ho dimilione tse 100 tsa diranta. +",0.6324531 +"over the past few weeks alone, the tribunal has reviewed and set aside more than r100 million worth of irregular and unlawful contracts arising from covidrelated pro curement. +","lekgotlana lena le ikgethileng, le boetse la atleha ho kgutlisa tjhelete ho tswa ho batsamaisi ba ka sehloohong ba dikhamphane tsa mmuso ba neng ba etsa diketso tsa bolotsana. +",0.6639482 +"the special tribunal has also been successful in getting back money from senior executives in stateowned enterprises who conducted irregular business activities. +","mohlala, ngwahola e mong wa batsamaisi ba mehleng ba transnet o ile a laelwa ho kgutlisa dimilione tse 26 tsa diranta tseo a neng a di fumane jwalo ka monga diabo khamphaneng ya dienjiniere e neng e sebedisana le transnet nakong eo yena e sa leng mosebeletsi wa transnet. +",0.7067683 +"for example, last year a former transnet executive was ordered to pay r26 million he received as a shareholder of a firm of consulting engineers contracted to transnet while he was a fulltime employee. +","siu e se e kopile lekgo tlana lena makgetlo a mangata ho emisa hanyane ho lefuwa ha ditjhelete tsa penshene tsa basebeletsi ba mmuso ba amehang diketsahalong tsa tshebediso e bohlaswa le e sa nepahalang ya ditjhelete ho fihlela diphuputso tsa bona di fela. +",0.7221413 +"the siu has in a number of cases approached the tribunal to delay the payment of pension benefits, pending the outcome of its investigations, to public servants implicated in financial irregularities or fruitless and wasteful expenditure. +","lenane la dinyewe tse ho lekgotlana lena le ikgethileng, di bontsha hore mosebetsi o sa le moholo wa ho netefatsa tshebetso e ntle makaleng ohle a mmuso. +",0.6563592 +"the cases before the special tribunal show that much work still needs to be done to strengthen governance and management across all arms of the state. +","ho dinyewe tsena ba fumana tshebetso e bohlaswa ho basebeletsi ba ditjhelete ba sa ikamahanyeng le melawana ya theko ya thepa ya mmuso. +",0.6717799 +"they point to serious lapses on the part of accounting officers and failures to adhere to laws and regulations governing procurement i have said before that winning the war on cor ruption will be difficult, and that it will take time to unravel the vast webs of patronage that had become entrenched. +","ke ile ka bolela hore ntwa kgahlano le bobodu ha se eo re ka e hlolang ha bobebe, ho tla nka nako ho rarolla pharela ena ya bona. +",0.73676234 +"i have also maintained that we must fight private sector corruption with equal vigour, because for every public sector employee willing to be bribed, there is a business person willing to pay a bribe. +","ke boetse ka bolela hore re tla tlameha hape ho lwantsha le bobodu le dikhampaneng tse ikemetseng ka tsela e tshwanang hobane ha mosebeletsi wa mmuso a batla tjotjo, ho ba le motho ya batlang ho etsa kgwebo le mmuso ya tlang ho lefa tjotjo eo. +",0.84898996 +"these corrupt relationships have eroded the capacity of the state to deliver on its mandate. +","bobodu bona bo etsa hore mmuso o se kgone ho etsa seo o tlameha ho se etsa. +",0.78774464 +"they have set back the state’s efforts to provide decent healthcare, to deliver clean water, and to ensure a consistent supply of power to communities and businesses. +","diketso tsena di etsa hore mmuso o hlolehe ho fana ka ditshebeletso tse nepahetseng tsa bophelo bo botle, ho fana ka metsi a hlwekileng le phepelo e otlolohileng ya motlakase setjhabeng le dikgwebong. +",0.8366393 +"but, as the special tribunal has demonstrated, we are steadily turning the tide. +","leha ho le jwalo, lekgo tlana lena le ikgethang, le fetola mawa. +",0.64879614 +"not only are perpetrators being arrested and taken to court; they are also having to forfeit the proceeds of their crimes. +","baetsi bana ba bobe ha ba qetelle feela ka ho tshwarwa ba qoswe, empa ba boela ba amohuwa meputso eo ba e unneng diketsong tseo tsa bona tsa bolotsana. +",0.80404484 +"there is still a long way to go, and there is a huge amount of stolen public funds that still need to be recovered. +","ho sa le hole moo re yang mme e ngata le tjhelete ya setjhaba e tlamehang ho kgutla. +",0.71427345 +"but the siu and the special tribunal have made a good start, and i am confident of many more successes in the months and years ahead.","lekgotlana le ikgethileng le bontsha hore bonokwane ha bo na molemo allison cooper pitsong ya mopre sidente e sa tswa tshwarelwa mahikeng, setjhaba se ile sa tletleba ka monyebe oo letsholo la twantsho ya bonokwane le tsamayang ka ona. +",0.71427345 +"food at school ensures children don’t go hungry vukuzenzele unnamed over nine million children receive a nutritious meal at school thanks to government’s national school nutrition programme (nsnp), which was introduced in 1994. the programme aims to improve children’s ability to learn, by reducing malnutrition and hunger and improving school attendance, especially at disadvantaged schools. +","phepo e ntle ya dijo dikolong e netefatsa hore bana ha ba lape vukuzenzele unnamed bana ba fetang milioni tse robong ba fumana dijo tse nang le phepo e ntle sekolong ka diteboho ho lenaneo la naha la phepo e ntle la dikolo (nsnp), le ileng la thakgolwa ka 1994. lenaneo lena le ikemiseditse ho ntlafatsa bokgoni ba bana ba ho ithuta, ka ho fokatsa kgaello ya phepo e ntle, tlala le ho ntlafatsa palo ya bana ba tlang sekolong, haholoholo ba dikolong tse hlokang menyetla. +",0.914738 +"""the programme is critical for furthering learners’ constitutional rights to basic nutrition and basic education,"" explains deputy minister of basic education dr reginah mhaule. +","""lenaneo lena le bohlokwahlokwa bakeng sa ho ntshetsapele ditokelo tsa baithuti tsa molaotheo tsa phepo e ntle le thuto ya motheo,"" ho hlalosa motlatsi wa letona la thuto ya motheo, ngaka reginah mhaule. +",0.9178129 +"as a result of the nsnp, more children are attending school on time and more regularly, and their concentration in class has improved. +","ka lebaka la nsnp, boholo ba bana ba fihla sekolong ka nako le ho tla sekolong kgafetsa, mme le ho mamela ka hloko ha bona ka phaphosing ya borutelo ho ntlafetse. +",0.8827201 +"according to the department of basic education (dbe), learners are taught good eating and lifestyle habits. +","ho ya ka lefapha la thuto ya motheo (dbe), baithuti ba rutwa mekgwa e metle ya ho ja dijo tse matlafatsang mmele le ditsela tse ntle tsa mokgwa wa ho phela. +",0.9166021 +"schools are also encouraged to set up their own food gardens to supplement the nsnp menu. +","dikolo di kgothaletswa ho lema dirapa tsa tsona tsa dijo ho tlatseletsa lenane la dijo tsa nsnp. +",0.8893552 +"learners, teachers and parents are taught grow their own food. +","baithuti, matitjhere le batswadi ba rutwa ho itemela dijo. +",0.88115805 +"nsnp awards thabang primary school in bethlehem, free state, is one of the schools that benefits from the nsnp. +","dikgao tsa nsnp sekolo sa thabang primary se bethlehem, freistata, ke se seng sa dikolo tse unang moleng ho nsnp. +",0.8871561 +"the school recently won the nsnp best school award. +","haufinyane se ile sa hapa kgao ya sekolo se hlwahlwa sa nsnp. +",0.8683064 +"the awards celebrate schools’ nutrition programmes by looking at their hygiene and safety practices, nutritious meals, food gardens and nutrition education. +","dikgao di ne di keteka mananeo a dikolo a phepo e ntle ka ho sheba ditlwaelo tsa tsona tsa bohlweki le boitshireletsi, dijo tse nang le phepo e ntle, dirapa tsa dijo le thuto ya phepo e ntle. +",0.8950133 +"""i am extremely grateful that the school won the award,"" says seyanokeng sejake, the thabang pri mary principal for the past 24 years. +","""ke lebohile haholo hore sekolo se hapile kgao,"" ho rialo seyanokeng sejake, eo a nang le dilemo tse 24 e le mosuwehlooho wa thabang primary. +",0.8413073 +"thabang primary school has been running its nutrition programme since 1994. today, it ensures that its 1 065 learners receive a healthy breakfast daily from a local business. +","sekolo sa thabang primary esale se tsamaisa lenaneo la sona la phepo e ntle ho tloha ka 1994. ha jwale, se netefatsa hore bana ba sona ba 1 065 ba fumana dijo tsa hoseng tse kwenneng letsatsi le letsatsi tse rekwang ho kgwebo ya lehae. +",0.89732945 +"the food is cooked by unemployed members of the community, who are appointed by the school governing body (sgb). +","dijo di phehwa ke ditho tsa setjhaba tse hlo kang mesebetsi, bao ba ileng ba hlwahwa ke lekgotla la tsamaiso ya sekolo (sgb). +",0.8619311 +"""our six employed voluntary food handlers (vfh) make the food provided by the department of basic education through the allocation of funds to the school,"" says sejake. +","""baithaupi ba rona ba tshelela ba hiruweng ba hlophisang dijo (vfh) ba pheha dijo tse fepelwang ke lefapha la thuto ka dikabelo tsa matlole ho sekolo,"" ho rialo sejake. +",0.8527036 +"they vfhs each receive a stipend for preparing the food. +","ka bong, divfh ba fumana meputso bakeng la ho hlophisa dijo. +",0.8475126 +"thabang primary school took top honours at the awards due to the hard work and commitment of its sgb, management team and functional nsnp com mittee, says sejake. +","sekolo sa thabang primary se hapile kgao e ka sehlohlolong dikgaong ka lebaka la ho sebetsa ka thata le boitelo ba sgb ya sona, sehlopha sa tsamaiso le komiti ya nsnp e sebetsang, ho rialo sejake. +",0.884912 +"""punctuality is the order of the day. +","""ho fihla ka nako ke setlwaedi. +",0.7190381 +"we don’t allow absenteeism, without a valid reason, and we have no dropouts. +","ha re dumelle bolofa, ntle le lebaka le utlwahalang, mme ha re na baithuti ba tlohelang sekolo ba soka ba phethela dithuto tsa bona. +",0.79365075 +"our learners’ concentration and general performance have also improved,"" she adds. +","ho mamela ka hloko le ho sebetsa hantle ha baithuti ba rona mesebetsing ya bona kaofela ya sekolo di ntlafetse le tsona,"" o rialo. +",0.8464396 +"as the prize for winning the award is a stateoftheart kitchen built by the tiger brands foundation, the school’s nutrition programme is set to become even better. +","hobane moputso wa ho hapa kgao ke kitjhine ya majabajaba e hauweng ke tiger brands foundation, mme lenaneo la phepo e ntle la sekolo le tla ntlafala le ho feta. +",0.8983873 +"the school also ensures that there are enough food supplies which are managed properly, to ensure there is always food for the programme. +","sekolo sena se netefatsa hore ho na le phepelo e leka neng ya dijo e tla tsamaiswa hantle, ho netefatsa hore ho dula ho ena le dijo bakeng la lenaneo lena. +",0.87671125 +"""for example, we have a food garden that supplies vegetables to supplement the nsnp allocation,"" explains sejake. +","""ho etsa mohlala, re na le serapa sa dijo se fepelang meroho e tlatsele tsang dio tsa nsnp,"" ho hla losa sejake. +",0.8756809 +"award winners in the best schools category, grootdrink intermediate, in the mgcawu district in the northern cape, took second place and aaron gqedu primary school, in nelson mandela bay in the eastern cape, came third. +","bahlodi ba dikgao mokgahlelong wa dikolo tse hlwahlwa, grootdrink inte rmediate, se mane seterekeng sa mgcawu, kapa leboya, se nkile boemo ba bobedi; mme sekolo sa aaron gqedu primary, se nelson mandela bay mane kapa botjhabela, sa nka boemo ba boraro. +",0.90440017 +"they will receive kitchen equipment from the depart ment of basic education. +","di tla fumana disebediswa tsa kitjhine ho tswaho lefapha la thuto ya motheo. +",0.7810502 +"the best district award was won by umzinyathi (kwazulunatal). +","kgao ya setereke se hlwahlwa e hapuwe ke umzinyathi (kwazulunatal). +",0.7492913 +"the zf mgcawu district (northern cape) came second and metro north (western cape) came third. +","le setereke sa zf mgcawu (kapa leboya) se tswileng boemong ba bobedi le metro north (kapa bophirima) se boemong ba boraro. +",0.8830408 +"each district won office and computer equipment. +","setereke kang ka seng se hapile disebediswa tsa dikantorong le disebe diswa tsa dikhomphutha. +",0.836332 +"in 2020/21, the nsnp provided meals to children at 21 189 schools.","phepo e ntle ya dijo dikolong e netefatsa hore bana ha ba lape vukuzenzele unnamed bana ba fetang milioni tse robong ba fumana dijo tse nang le phepo e ntle sekolong ka diteboho ho lenaneo la naha la phepo e ntle la dikolo (nsnp), le ileng la thakgolwa ka 1994. lenaneo lena le ikemiseditse ho ntlafatsa bokgoni ba bana ba ho ithuta, ka ho fokatsa kgaello ya phepo e ntle, tlala le ho ntlafatsa palo ya bana ba tlang sekolong, haholoholo ba dikolong tse hlokang menyetla. +",0.836332 +"keep children safe online vukuzenzele unnamed with the world increasingly moving online, it’s important for children to take advantage these opportunities while also staying safe. +","boloka bana ba sireletshehile inthaneteng vukuzenzele unnamed ha lefatshe le ntse le tswela pele ho potlakisa tshebediso ya inthanete, ho bohlokwa hore bana ba sebedise menyetla ena mme ba etse jwalo ba ihlokometse. +",0.8735437 +"the government communication and information system (gcis) and digify africa recently hosted a webinar with media monitoring africa (mma) and the film and publication board (fpb) to teach children, educators, parents and the public about how to be responsible online. +","haufinyane tsamaiso ya dikgokano le tlhahisoleseding ya mmuso (gcis) le digify africa di ile tsa tshwara kopano ya inthaneteng le media monitoring africa (mma) le film and publication board (fpb) ho ruta bana, matitjhere, batswadi le setjhaba ka mokgwa wa ho ba le boikarabelo inthaneteng. +",0.9228164 +"phakamile khumalo, the programme manager of public and media skills development at mma, said seven out of 10 children who answered questions as part of the sa kids online study said they used the internet without their parents’ permission. +","phakamile khumalo, molaodi wa lenaneo la ntshetsopele ya setjhaba le tsebo ya masedinyana wa mma, o itse bana ba supi leng ho ba 10 ba arabileng dipotso tsa karolo ya diphuputso tsa sa kids online ba itse ba sebedisitse inthanete ntle le tumello ya batswadi ba bona. +",0.91290414 +"only four out of 10 children said they have some sort of information about online safety. +","ke bana ba bane feela ho ba 10 ba boletseng hore ba na le tsebo e itseng ya lesedi le mabapi le polokeho ya inthaneteng. +",0.8835423 +"this shows that children need skills and resources to help them use the internet safely. +","hona ho bontsha hore bana ba hloka tsebo le mehlodi ya ho ba thusa ho sebedisa inthanete ka mokgwa o bolokelehileng. +",0.91783965 +"mmaletjema poto, the fpb’s child protection officer, said parents need to be aware of the dangers their children face online, in cluding viewing child pornography or child sexual abuse, and being groomed by sexual predators. +","mmaletjema poto, moofisiri wa tshireletso ya bana wa fpb, o itse batswadi ba hloka ho ela hloko kotsi eo bana ba bona ba tobanang le yona inthaneteng, ho kenyeletsa ho shebella difilimi tse bontshang thobalano ya bana kapa tlhekefetso ya motabo ya bana, le ho tjhoriswa ke dilalome tsa tlhekefetso ka motabo. +",0.9097744 +"children can become the target of online sexual predators by just conducting an innocent internet search and clicking on the wrong link. +","bana e kaba diphofu tsa dilalome tsa tlhekefetso ka motabo tsa inthane teng ha ba batla ho itseng feela inthaneteng le ho tobetsa lehokanyi le fosahetseng. +",0.85935843 +"offenders then gain their trust and start grooming them. +","ebe batlodi ba molao ba hapa tshepo ya bona mme ba qale ho ba tjhorisa. +",0.85014975 +"""the child is often embarrassed and therefore doesn’t speak about it, which makes it hard for them to get out of the grooming cycle,"" said poto. +","""hangata ngwana o ba le dihlong mme kahoo o tshaba ho bua ka sena, e leng se etsang hore ho be boima ho ba ntsha ho tebetebeng ena ya ho tjhorisetswa diketso tsa thobalano ya bana,"" ho rialo poto. +",0.8805066 +"she also warned against sharing videos or images of child pornography online. +","o boetse a hlokomedisa kgahlano le ho fetisetsana dividio kapa ditshwantsho tsa thobalano ya bana inthaneteng. +",0.8266586 +"""it has become a norm to share content on social media. +","""e se e le tlwaelo jwale ho fetisetsana dintho marangrang. +",0.68335134 +"but sharing this type of content is evidence of child abuse. +","empa, ho fetisetsana dintho tsa mefuta o tjena ke bopaki ba tlhekefetso ya bana. +",0.86343306 +"being in possession of such content or sharing it is a criminal offence,"" added poto. +","ho fumanwa o ena le dintho tsena kapa ho di fetisetsana ke tlolo ya molao,"" ho rialo poto. +",0.8074354 +"help at hand there are various resources available to help children use the internet safely. +","thuso e ya fumaneha ho na le mehlodi e mengata e fumanehang ho thusa bana ho sebedisa inthanete ka mokgwa o bolokehileng. +",0.86214626 +"the mma runs web rangers, a digital literacy programme to upskill learners, teachers and parents. +","mma e laola web rangers, lenaneo la ho ithuta ka tsa dijithale ho ntlafatsa tsebo ya baithuti, matitjhere le batswadi. +",0.8823613 +"educational videos about cyberbullying, sexting and online grooming, are available at www. +","dividio tse hlokomedisang batho ka tlhekefetso ya inthane teng, ho romellana melaetsa ya thobalano ka selefouno le ho tjhorisa bakeng sa thobalano inthaneteng, di fumaneha ho www. +",0.85570043 +"webrangers.co.za the mma also helps children through its hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za) website, which includes a social media platform that allows children to talk to an online consultant about what they are experiencing on social media. +","webrangers.co.za. +",0.6337931 +"digify africa has a free kitso whatsapp bot that helps children develop digital literacy skills. +","mma e boela e thusa bana ka websaete ya yona ya hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za), eo e kenyeletsang mokato wa marangrang a dumella ng bana ho buisana le moeletsi wa inthaneteng ka tseo ba kopanang le tsona ho marangrang. +",0.71552366 +"visit https://digifyafrica. +","digify africa e na le kitso whatsapp bot (platefomo ya dipuisano) ya mahala e thusang bana ho ntshetsa pele tsebo ya ho ithuta ka tsa dijithale. +",0.6041933 +"com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. +","etela https://digifyafrica. +",0.6263187 +"you can report online child sexual abuse or child violence to the fpb by emailing hotline@fpb. +","com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. +",0.43454224 +"org. +","o ka tlaleha tlhekefetso ya bana ka motabo kapa tlhekefetso ya bana ka dikgokaho fpb ka ho romela imeile ho ho tline@fpb. +",0.25268477 +za or calling 012 003 1400. it can be reported anonymously.,"boloka bana ba sireletshehile inthaneteng vukuzenzele unnamed ha lefatshe le ntse le tswela pele ho potlakisa tshebediso ya inthanete, ho bohlokwa hore bana ba sebedise menyetla ena mme ba etse jwalo ba ihlokometse. +",0.25268477 +"flood relief for kzn and e cape allison cooper government will help residents of kwazulunatal and the eastern cape rebuild their lives and homes after floods recently left a trail of death and destruction in the two provinces. +","dithuso tsa phallelo tsa dikgohola kzn le kapa botjhabela allison cooper mmuso o tla thusa baahi ba kwazulunatal (kzn) le kapa botjhabela ho aha maphelo le metse ya bona botjha ka mora hore dikgohola di siye mophula wa lefu le tshenyo diprofenseng tsena tse pedi. +",0.8978055 +"president cyril ramaphosa said national treasury will make money available for relief efforts to help those affected by the floods. +","mopresidente cyril ramaphosa o itse botshwari ba matlotlo ba naha bo tla fana ka tjhelete malebana le matsapa a dithuso tsa phallelo bakeng la ho thusa batho bao ba anngweng ke dikgohola tsena. +",0.8752197 +"""the minister of finance has said that r1 billion is immediately available,"" he said. +","""letona la ditjhelete le itse r1 bilione e tla fumaneha hanghang,"" ho rialo mopresidente. +",0.801176 +"president ramaphosa will also approach parliament for additional resources. +","mopresidente ramaphosa o tla boela a buisana le palamente ho fumana mehlodi ya tlatsetso. +",0.7607094 +"government is working with the solidarity fund, private sector and nongovernmental and communitybased organisations to support victims. +","mmuso o sebetsa mmoho le letlole la mahatammoho, lekala la poraefete le mekgatlo eo e seng ya mmuso le mekgatlo ya setjhaba ho tshehetsa diphofu. +",0.85485524 +"the solidarity fund will set up a separate bank account for the flood disaster for south african and foreign donors to contribute to relief efforts. +","letlole la mahatammoho le tla bula akhaonto ya banka e ka thoko ya koduwa ya dikgohola eo ho yona bafani ba maafrika borwa le ba dinaha tse kantle ba tla kenya letsoho maitekong a dithuso tsa phallelo ena. +",0.88010764 +"government will also provide vouchers to help households rebuild partially damaged houses, the president said. +","mmuso o tla boela o fana ka divaotjhara ho thusa malapa ho aha botjha matlo a senyehileng hanyane, ho rialo mopresidente . +",0.8954443 +"""a comprehensive assessment of the economic cost of these floods still has to be made, but it is clear that it will run into billions of rands for the rebuilding of infrastructure and loss of production."" +","""tlhahlobo e batsi ya ditjeho tsa moruo tse bakilweng ke dikgohola tsena e sa ntse e tla etswa, empa ho hlakile hore e tla qosa dibilione tsa diranta ba keng sa kahobotjha ya meralo ya motheo le bakeng la tahlehelo ya tlhahiso."" +",0.8664207 +"he added that the money set aside for the flood victims must reach those who need it the most. +","o phaelletse ka hore tjhelete ena e behelletsweng ka thoko bakeng sa diphofu tsa dikgohola e tlameha ho finyella ho batho ba e hlokang ka ho fetisisa. +",0.8697216 +"""it will be critical, as we undertake this work, that all the re sources we mobilise are used for their intended purposes and reach the intended recipients. +","""ho tla ba bohlokwahlokwa, hore ha re etsa mosebetsi ona, mehlodi yohle eo re e bokellang e sebedisetswe merero eo e rere tsweng, mme e finyelle ho batho bao e ba tshwanelang. +",0.8700383 +"there can be no room for corruption, mismanagement or fraud of any sort,"" the president stressed. +","re ke ke ra mamella bobodu, taolo e mpe kapa boqhekanyetsi ba mofuta le ha e le ofe"", mopresidente o tiiseditse setjhaba jwalo. +",0.86286294 +"threephased response president ramaphosa said government will respond to the disaster in three phases. +","karabelo ya mekgahlelo e meraro mopresidnte ramaphosa o itse mmuso o tla arabela koduwa ena ka mekgahlelo e meraro. +",0.8428979 +"it will first focus on immediate humanitarian relief, ensuring that everyone affected is safe and their basic needs are met. +","e tla qala ka ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho dithuso tsa phallelo tsa hanghang tsa setjhaba, ho netefatsa hore bohle ba amehileng o bolokehile, mme ditlhoko tsa bona tsa mantlha di a kgahlametswa. +",0.9134175 +"""second, we will focus on stabilisation and recovery, rehousing people who have lost homes and restoring the provision of services. +","""ntlheng ya bobedi, re tla tsepamisa maikutlo mosebetsing wa ho tsitsisa le ho tsosoloso ya maemo, le ho boela ho fumantshwa batho ba helehetsweng ke matlo bodulo le ho busetsa motjheng phano ya ditshebeletso. +",0.8636822 +"""third, we will focus on reconstruction and rebuilding,"" he said. +","ntlheng ya boraro, re tla tsitsisa maikutlo ho kahobotjha ya naha le ya matlo"", o rialo. +",0.80859745 +"the reconstruction and building phase will include the construction of houses in suitable areas. +","mokgahlelo wa kahobotjha ya naha le ya matlo o tla kenyeletsa kaho ya matlo dibakeng tse tshwanelang. +",0.800272 +"the department of human settlements has already begun an assessment of damages to houses across the province. +","lefapha la bodulo le se le ntse le qadile ho hlahloba tshenyo e etsahetseng matlong provenseng ka bophara. +",0.85658073 +"""an immediate task is to house those people who have been displaced by the floods and preparations are underway to provide temporary residential units,"" said president ramaphosa. +","""mosebetsi wa hanghang ke wa ho fumantsha batho ba qhalakantswe ng ke dikgohola bodulo, mme ditokisetso di ntse di etswa tsa hore ba fumantshwe matlo a bodulo ba nakwana"", o boletse jwalo mopresi dente ramaphosa. +",0.86887974 +"the department of public works and infrastructure is identifying suitable state land that can be used for resettlement. +","lefapha la mesebetsi ya setjhaba le infrastraktjha le ntse hlwaya mobu wa mmuso o loketseng ho sebedisetswa dithuso tsa phallelo ya batho hore ho tle ho boele ho fumantshwe batho ba amehang mahae. +",0.81187403 +"extensive damage the rains caused extensive damage to houses; businesses; roads and bridges; water, electricity, rail and telecommunications infrastructure. +","tshenyehelo e kgolo dipula tsena di bakile tshenyo e kgolo matlong; dikgwebong; mebileng le maborokgong, motlaka seng, meralo ya motheo ya diporo tsa diterene le mehala ya dikgokahanyo. +",0.8931487 +"schools, health facilities, police stations and magistrates’ courts were also affected, along with fuel and food supplies. +","dikolo, dipetlele le ditliliniki, diteishene tsa sepolesa, makgotla a bommaseterata le ona a ile a ameha, mmoho le phepelo ya mafura le dijo. +",0.8732486 +"""it is estimated that over 270 000 learners were affected and over 600 schools were damaged, 16 of which cannot be accessed due to damage to connecting roads and bridges. +","ho lekanyetswa hore baithuti ba fetang 270 000 ba amehile, le dikolo tse ka hodimo ho 600 di se nyehile, moo tse 16 tsa tsona di sa fihlelleheng ka lebaka la tshenyo e etsahetseng mebileng le marokgong a hokelang batho le dikolo tsena. +",0.90794134 +"""sixtysix public healthcare facilities were affected, although there has been minimal disruption to health services in most affected districts,"" the president said. +","""ditsi tsa bophelo bo botle tse 66 di amehile, le ha ho mpa ho bile le tshitiso e seng kae feela ditshebeletsong tsa bophelo bo botle ho boholo ba ditereke tse amehileng"", ho rialo mopre sidente. +",0.8781097 +"extensive work is under way to restore basic services to various areas in kzn. +","mosebetsi o moholo o se o ntse o etsuwa ho busetsa tshebetsong ditshebeletso tsa mantlha dibakeng tse fapafapaneng tsa kzn. +",0.8669796 +"more than 400 people have lost their lives in kzn and many people are missing. +","batho ba fetang 400 ba lahlehetswe ke maphelo a bona kzn, mme batho ba bangata ba nyametse. +",0.9147642 +"one death has also been reported in the eastern cape. +","ho boetse ho tlalehilwe lefu la motho ya le mong profenseng ya kapa botjhabela. +",0.83245546 +"over 4 000 homes have been destroyed and 8 300 have been partially damaged, leaving 40 000 people homeless. +","mahae a fetang 4 000 a helehile mme a 8 300 ona a senyehile hanyenyane, sena se entse hore batho ba 40 000 ba sale lepalapaleng. +",0.913254 +"the president said that the south african police service (saps) and the south african national defence force (sandf) have been leading search and rescue efforts. +","mopresidente o itse sepolesa sa afrika borwa (saps) le lebotho la naha la tshireletso la afrika borwa (sandf) e bile tsona tse etellang pele matsapa a ho batla le ho pholosa diphofu. +",0.9033475 +"this includes the deployment of saps personnel, diving teams, canine units and various vessels, helicopters and fixedwing planes to the most affected areas. +","matsapa ana a kenyeleditse ho romelwa ha basebeletsi ba saps, dihlopha tsa baqwedi, makala a dintja le diketswana tse fapafapaneng, dirwalankgwana le difofane tsa mapheo a tsitsitseng ho ya dibakeng tse amehileng ka ho fetisisa. +",0.8854961 +"""aircraft from the sandf have been used both for rescue and for the delivery of relief supplies – such as food, water, tents and blankets – to people in inaccessible areas. +","""difofane tse tswang ho sandf di ile tsa sebedisetswa ho pholosa diphofu le tsamaisong ya diphepelo tsa dithuso tsa phallelo– tse kang dijo, metsi, ditente le dikobo – ho ya bathong ba dibakeng tse sa fihlelleheng ha bonolo. +",0.91772395 +"""i have authorised the sandf to bring in more personnel, water storage and purification supplies and engineering teams to assist with electricity and water restoration,"" he said government departments at national and provincial levels; municipalities; nongovernmental organisations and businesses have been distributing basic relief materials such as food, blankets, mattresses, clothing, chronic medication, toiletries and cooking utensils. +","""ke file sandf matla a ho eketsa masole, phepelo ya ditshelo tsa metsi le ya tlhwekiso ya ona, mmoho le dihlopha tsa diinjinere ho ya thusa ka ho tsosolosa phepelo ya motlakase le ya metsi,"" o rialo. +",0.8332478 +"cabinet recently declared a national state of disaster in response to floods. +","mafapha a mmuso boemong ba naha le ba diprovense; dimmasepala; mekgatlo eo e seng ya mmuso le dikgwebo, haesale di ntse di aba disebediswa tsa mantlha tsa dithuso tsa phallelo tse kang dijo, dikobo, dimaterase, diaparo, meriana ya mafu a sa foleng, dintho tsa ho hlapa le disebediswa tsa ho pheha. +",0.5650711 +"the president described the floods as a humanitarian disaster that called for a ""massive and urgent relief effort. +","kabinete e sa tswa phatlalatsa boemo ba naha ba koduwa ho kgahlametsana le dikgohola. +",0.6256521 +"""""the lives, h ealth and wellbeing of thousands of people are still at risk. +","mopresidente o hlalositse ha dikgohola tsena e le koduwa ya setjhaba e qositseng hore ho be le matsapa ""a maholo le a potlakileng a dithuso tsa phallelo. +",0.6001872 +"the floods have caused great economic and social damage,"" he said. +","""""maphelo, bophelo bo botle le boiphediso ba diketekete tsa batho di kotsing. +",0.55061007 +"the port of durban, which is vital to south africa’s economy and is one of the largest and busiest shipping terminals on the continent, has been severely affected. +","dikgohola tsena di bakile tshenyo e kgolo ya moruo le ya maemo a bophelo ba batho,"" o rialolediboho la thekong, leo e leng la bohlokwahlokwa moruong wa afrika borwa, leo e leng boemakepe bo boholo ka ho fetisisa, hape bo phathahaneng ka ho fetisisa kontinenteng ena, le amehile haholo. +",0.8002783 +"""the significance of the port of durban and rela ted infrastructure for the effective operation of the country’s economy means that this disaster has implications far beyond kzn,"" said the president. +","""bohlokwa ba lediboho la thekong le meralo ya motheo e amanang le lona bakeng la tshebetso e sebetsang hantle ya moruo wa naha bo bolela hore koduwa ena e na le ditlamorao tse fihlellang kantle ho meedi ya kzn,"" ho boletese mopresidente. +",0.87318933 +"progress has already been made in restoring operations at the port of durban, opening alternative routes for trucks to access the port terminals and clean up debris in the harbour.","dithuso tsa phallelo tsa dikgohola kzn le kapa botjhabela allison cooper mmuso o tla thusa baahi ba kwazulunatal (kzn) le kapa botjhabela ho aha maphelo le metse ya bona botjha ka mora hore dikgohola di siye mophula wa lefu le tshenyo diprofenseng tsena tse pedi. +",0.87318933 +"operation vulindlela is opening the path to growth vukuzenzele unnamed the south african economy, like any other economy, cannot function, let alone grow, without efficient and competitive network industries. +","letsholo la operation vulindlela le bula ditsela tse lebisang kgolong vukuzenzele unnamed moruo wa afri ka borwa, jwalo fela ka moruo ofe kapa ofe, o ke ke wa sebetsa, kapa hona ho hola, ntle le tlhodisano e ntle ya marangrang a diindasteri. +",0.8816755 +"these industries – which include electricity, water, transport and telecommunications – are the arteries through which the oxygen of the economy runs. +","diindasteri tsena – tse akgang ya motlakase, metsi, dipalangwang le marangrang a mehala – ke tsona tsa bohlokwa moruong. +",0.8446722 +"structural problems in these areas have long been cited as some of the main constraints on south africa’s economic growth. +","mathata a metjha a lemohilwe kgale dikarolong tsena jwalo ka e meng ya ditshitiso tsa kgolo ya moruo wa afrika borwa. +",0.85690725 +"inefficiency and the high cost of network services are an impediment to doing business in the country. +","ho se sebetse hantle le ditjeho tse hodimo tsa marangrang a ditshebeletso ke tshitiso ya ho etsa kgwebo ka hara naha. +",0.85430706 +"to address and overcome these challenges, we set up operation vulindlela in october 2020 as an initiative of the presidency and national treasury to accelerate structural reforms in these network industries. +","bakeng sa ho rarolla le ho hlola diphephetso tsena, re thehile letsholo la operation vulindlela ka mphalane 2020 e le boikitlahetso ba kantoro ya moporesidente le lefapha la matlotlo a naha ba ho potlakisa phetoho ya meralo diindastering tsena tsa marangrang. +",0.8854281 +"while the responsible government departments and entities drive these reforms, operation vulindlela monitors and identifies challenges and blockages. +","ha mafapha a ikarabellang a mmuso le makala a amehang a etsa dipheto tsena, letsholo la operation vuli ndlela lona le beha leihlo, le ho hlwaya diphephetso le ditshitiso. +",0.8726815 +"where needed, it facilitates technical support to departments. +","moo ho hlokehang, le thusa mafapha ka tshehetso ya setekgeniki. +",0.8106326 +"the recent quarterly report outlines the progress made by operation vulindlela and the departments responsible for these reforms. +","tlaleho ya moraorao ya kotara ka nngwe e hlakisa tema e kgathilweng ke letsholo la operation vulindlela le mafapha a ikarabellang ntlafatsong tsena. +",0.82308733 +"across government, our focus is on reforms that are fundamental and transformative; that reshape the way our economy works. +","ho phatlalla le mmuso, re tsepame hodima ntlafatso tse bohlokwa mme tse etsang phetoho; tse fetolang mokgwa oo moruo wa rona o sebetsang ka ona. +",0.8468487 +"this includes the auction of highdemand spectrum for mobile telecommunications, which was delayed for more than 10 years and finally completed in march. +","hona ho kenyeletsa fantisi e hlokwang haholo bakeng sa marangrang a mehala, e ileng ya diehiswa ka dilemo tse fetang tse leshome mme ya qetella e phethahaditswe ka tlhakubele. +",0.8948178 +"the release of new spectrum will improve connectivity and bring down broadband costs. +","ho fantiswa ha marangrang a mantjha ana ho tla ntlafatsa kgokahano le ho theola ditheko tsa marangrang a inthanete. +",0.8483416 +"the establishment of the national ports authority as a separate subsidiary of transnet last year had been delayed for more than 15 years. +","ho thehwa ha balaodi ba naha ba maemakepe jwalo ka lekala le ikemetseng la transnet ngwahola ho ile ha diehiswa ka dilemo tse fetang tse 15. ona e bile mohato wa pele o hlokahalang wa ho thusa mekgatlo ya poraefete ho ba le seabo le ho eketsa tshebetso ya diteishene tsa rona tsa boemakepe. +",0.791276 +"this was the necessary first step towards enabling private sector participation and increasing the efficiency of our port terminals. +","hape re kgutlisitse le tshebeletso ya blue drop, green drop le no drop lekgetlo la pele ho tlohka 2014 ho etsa bonnete ba hore metsi a hlwekile le hore boleng ba tlhwekiso ya ona bo hodimo. +",0.643654 +"we have also reinstated the blue drop, green drop and no drop system for the first time since 2014 to ensure better monitoring of water and wastewater treatment quality. +","re phatlaladitse letoto le ntjhafaditsweng la bokgoni ba bohlokwa, hape e le lekgetlo la pele ho tloha ka 2014. ena ke emeng ya mehlala moo, ka ho tsepamisa matla le maikutlo ho palo e lekaneng ya dintlafatso tse ka sehloohong, mmuso o busang ha jwale o kgonne ho tlisa tswelopele. +",0.7504314 +"we have published an updated critical skills list, also for the first time since 2014. these are just some examples where, by focusing effort and attention on a limited number of priority reforms, this administration has been able to drive progress. +","ka letsholo la operation vulindlela, re kgonne le ho nka mokgwa o tsepameng o akaretsang wa ntlafatso, ho netefatsa tshebetsommoho e ntle moo ho nang le mafapha a sehlopha le ditheo tse ding. +",0.67391264 +"through operation vulindlela, we have also been able to take a more focused and holistic approach to reforms, ensuring better coordination where multiple departments and entities are involved. +","mohlala o motle wa sena o lefapheng la motlakase moo diphetoho tse mmalwa tsa bohlokwa tse hokahaneng le tse ding di ntseng di tla bakeng sa ho fetola mokgwa o re fehlang le ho sebedisa motlakase. +",0.7073717 +"the best example of this is in the energy sector, where a number of important, interconnected reforms are underway to change the way that we generate and consume electricity. +","phihlello e kgolo ka ho fetisisa e kenyeletsa ho nyollwa ha bonyane ba sekepele sa dilaesense tsa ho fehla motlakase ho isa ho dimekawate tse 100, tse dumellang kgokahano ya diporojeke tsena le ho rekisetsa bareki motlakase. +",0.7020577 +"milestones include the raising of the licensing threshold for new generation projects to 100mw, allowing these projects to connect to the grid and sell power to customers. +","re tsoseleditse lenaneo la theko la bahlahisi ba ikemetseng ba motlakase o ntjhafatswang ka ho bulela dithendara tse ditjha. +",0.6857672 +"we have revived the renewable energy independent power producer procurement programme through the opening of new bid windows. +","diphetoho tsa melawana ya boholo ba tlhahiso e ntjha ya motlakase di dumelletse bommasepala ho ithekela motlakase ka bobona leketlo la pele. +",0.7184036 +"changes to the regulations on new generation capacity have allowed municipalities to procure power independently for the first time. +","mme ntjhafatso ya molao e tla qetella e hlahisitse mmaraka o motjha o qothisang lehlokwa la motlakase, ka tshehetso ya phatlalatso ya sehlomathiso sa bili ya taolo ya motlaka se le mosebetsi o tswelang pele wa ho lokisa molao wa ditheko tsa motlakase. +",0.7085178 +"and legislative reforms will ultimately give birth to a new competitive electricity market, supported by the publication of the electricity regulation amendment bill and the work underway to amend the electricity pricing policy. +","mosebetsi wa ho arola eskom o motjheng, mme setheo se fihlelletse pehelo ya sona ya ho theha khamphani ya naha ya tsa maiso ya motlakase pele ho tshitwe 2021. mono waha ka tshitwe, re tshepa ho qeta ho arola dikarolo tsa eskom tsa tlhahiso le tsa phepelo ya motlakase setjhabeng. +",0.74331474 +"the process of unbundling eskom is on track, with the entity meeting its december 2021 deadline for the establishment of a national transmission company. +","tlaleho ya kotara le kotara e hlakisa diphihlello tse ding tsa bohlokwa, mmoho le dibaka tseo mosebetsi o matla o ntseng o etswa ho tsona. +",0.56250674 +"by december this year we hope to complete the unbundling of eskom’s generation and distribution divisions. +","lefapheng la metsi, ha esale letsholo la operation vulindlela le fana ka tshehetso ya setekgeniki ho lefapha la metsi le dikgwerekgwere bakeng sa ho kenya tshebetsong leano la phetoho la ho fana ka dilaesense tsa tshebediso ya metsi, ka maikemisetso a ho sebetsana le dikopo tse diperesente tse 80 matsatsing a 90. hape mosebtsi o tseleng wa ho theha setheho sa naha sa mohlodi wa ditshebeletso tsa metsi se tla etsa bonnete ba taolo e ntle ya ditshebeletso tsa rona tsa naha tsa metsi. +",0.5992423 +"the quarterly report highlights a number of other important achievements, as well as areas where intensive work is underway. +","lefapheng la dipalangwang, tshebetso e mpe boemakepeng le ditereneng e amme bokgoni ba rona ba ho romela dihlahiswa dina heng tse ka ntle. +",0.6121582 +"in the water sector, operation vulindlela has been providing technical support to the department of water and sanitation to implement a turnaround plan for the granting of water use licences, with a target to process 80% of all applications within 90 days. +","mosebetsi wa ho theha tshebedisano mmoho le basebetsi ba mafapha a poraefete o tseleng bakeng sa ho tsetela ho meralo ya motheho le ho ntlafatsa taolo ya diteishene tsa dikhonthina boemakepeng ba durban le ba ngqura. +",0.70537496 +"work is also underway to establish a national water resources infrastructure agency that will ensure better management of our national water resources. +","pehelo setjhaba ya mmuso ka melawana ya diterene ya naha, e tjhaelletsweng monwana ke kabinete ka tlhakubele, e hlakisa merero ya ho ntjhafatsa meaho le diporo tsa diterene le ho letla dikhamphani tse ikemetseng tsa diterene ho sebedisa diporo tsa diterene. +",0.68364537 +"in the transport sector, inefficiencies in port and rail have severely affected our ability to export goods. +","transnet freight rail e se ntse e le mothating wa ho etsa hore ho be le dibaka tsa bakganni ba diterene ba poraefete ho marangrang a yona. +",0.6683043 +"work is underway to establish partnerships with private sector operators to invest in port infrastructure and improve the management of container terminals at the ports of durban and ngqura. +","ho thakgotswe tsamaiso e sebtsang ka botlalo ya evisa dinaheng tse 14, ho kenyeletsa le dimmaraka tse ding tsa rona tsa bohahlaodi. +",0.6679316 +"the white paper on national rail policy, which was approved by cabinet in march, outlines plans to revitalise rail infrastructure and enables third party access to the freight rail network. +","tshekatsheko e batsi ya tsamaiso ya tokomane e dumellang batho ba dinaha tse ding ho sebetsa ka hara naha ena le yona e motjheng ho etsa hore re kgone ho hohela tsebo e hlokwang ke moruo wa rona. +",0.68558127 +"transnet freight rail is already in the process of making slots available for private rail operators on the network. +","dintlafatso tsena di tliswa ke tshebedisanommoho ya mmuso ohle ka morero o le mong wa ntlafatso. +",0.58081925 +"a fully operational evisa system has been launched in 14 countries, including some of our largest tourist markets. +","letsholo la operation vulindlela le bula ditsela tse lebisang kgolong vukuzenzele unnamed moruo wa afri ka borwa, jwalo fela ka moruo ofe kapa ofe, o ke ke wa sebetsa, kapa hona ho hola, ntle le tlhodisano e ntle ya marangrang a diindasteri. +",0.58081925 +"south africa’s first veterinary nurses graduate allison cooper being one of the country’s first veterinary nurse graduates is a dream come true for randburg resident phumelela mthimkhulu (21), who has been passionate about animals since she was a child. +","baoki ba pele ba diphoofolo ba afrika borwa ba fumana mangolo a thuto allison cooper ho ba dirutehi tsa ho qala ho ba baoki ba diphoofolo ke toro e phethahetseng bakeng sa modudi wa randburg phumelela mthimkhulu (21), eo esale a na le lerato la diphoofolo ho tloha bongwaneng. +",0.8897345 +"mthimkhulu recently graduated from the university of pretoria (up), the only veterinary training facility in sa, with a bachelor of veterinary nursing degree. +","mthimkhulu haufinyana tjena o fumane mangolo a thuto yunivesithing ya pre toria (up), e leng sona feela setheo sa thupello ya bo ngaka ba diphoofolo afrika borwa, ka lengolo la kgerata ya bachelor of veterinary nursing. +",0.879034 +"""it’s crazy to wrap my head around. +","""ke ntse ke sa kgolwe hore ke nna enwa. +",0.4794081 +"to know that i was part of the first class to do the bachelor’s degree, which has been years in the making, is an honour. +","ho tseba hore ke ne ke le karolo ya sehlopha sa pele sa ho etsa lengolo lena, e leng se nkukileng dilemo, ke tlotla. +",0.8419472 +"""i’m grateful for the opportunities and doors that will open for us nurses to further our studies and specialise within our profession, which was hard to do in the past,"" she says. +","""ke lebohela menyetla le mamati a tla buleha bakeng sa rona baoki hore re ntshe tse dithuto tsa rona pele le ho ipabola ka hara lekala la rona, e leng se neng se le boima ho se etsa nakong e fetileng,"" o rialo. +",0.91169274 +"tamarin fisher, the pre sident of the veterinary nurses association of south africa, says this is the biggest milestone in the profession’s 42year history. +","tamarin fisher, e leng moporesidente wa mokgatlo wa baoki ba diphoofolo wa afrika borwa, o re ona ke mokolokotwane o moholo ka ho fetisisa nalaneng ya dilemo tse 42 lekaleng lena. +",0.8228141 +"""the new threeyear degree will give qualified nurses the opportunity to enrol in postgraduate studies, which will hopefully culminate in the awarding of masters and phd degrees."" +","""lengolo lena le letjha la dilemo tse tharo le tla neha baoki ba nang le mangolo monyetla wa ho ingodisetsa dithuto tsa kamora dikgerata, moo re tshepang hore ba tla qetella ba fumane mangolo a honours, masters le a bongaka (phd)."" +",0.89236295 +"veterinarians treat animals’ injuries and illnesses, similar to how a doctor provides health treatment for people. +","baalafi ba diphoofolo ba alafa maqeba a diphoofolo le mahloko, ho tshwana feela jwaloka ha ngaka e fana ka kalafo ya bophelo bo botle bathong. +",0.86142635 +"veterinary nurses are essential in vets’ professional teams, says mthimkhulu. +","baoki ba diphoofolo ba bohlokwa dihlopheng tsa seporofeshenale tsa dingaka tsa diphoofolo, ho rialo mthimkhulu. +",0.85491014 +"""some of the vital skills a nurse has to display are patient care, client communication, assisting veterinarians with procedures, and anything that will help the veterinary hospital to function at its best. +","""a mang a maitsebelo a bohlokwa ao mooki a lokelang ho a bontsha ke tlhokomelo ya bakudi, ho buisana le ditlelaente, ho thusa dingaka tsa diphoofolo ka ditsamaiso, le ntho e nngwe le e nngwe e tla thusa sepetlele sa diphoofolo ho sebetsa ka tsela e hlwahlwa ka ho fetisisa. +",0.90357625 +"""it’s one of the most rewarding professions. +","""ke le leng la makala a putsang ka ho fetisisa. +",0.846965 +"if you want to be a veterinary nurse, don’t allow fear or a lack of knowledge to deter you from trying it out and enjoying it because it will change your life for the better,"" says mthimkhulu. +","haeba o batla ho ba mooki wa diphoofolo, o se ke wa dumella tshabo kapa kgaello ya tsebo ho o thibela ho le leka le ho le thabela hobane le tla fetola bophelo ba hao hore e be bo betere,"" ho rialo mthimkhulu. +",0.92094773 +"bursaries to address skills shortagedue to a severe skills shortage in the sector, mthimkhulu didn’t battle to find a job. +","dibasari bakeng sa ho tobana le kgaello ya maitsebeloka lebaka la kgaello e kgolo ya maitsebelo lekaleng lena, mthimkhulu ha a ka a sokola ho fumana mosebetsi. +",0.8294785 +"""i was lucky enough to secure a job at fourways veterinary hospital during my final year. +","""ke bile lehlohonolo haholo hore ke fumane mosebetsi sepetlele sa diphoofolo sa fourways selemong sa ka sa ho qetela. +",0.8691887 +"i started working there about a month after my final exams and i’ve been enjoying every moment of it,"" she says. +","ke qadile ho sebetsa moo ntho e ka etsang kgwedi kamora ditlhahlobo tsa makgaolakgang mme esale ke thabela motsotso o mong le o mong,"" o rialo. +",0.9030113 +"the health and welfare sector education and training authority (hwseta) is committed to addressing the extreme skills shortage in the veterinary sector and ensuring transformation. +","bolaodi ba lekala la thuto le thupello la kalafo le thekolohelo (hwseta) le itlametse ho tobana le kgaello ya maitsebelo e fetelletseng ka hara lekala la kalafo ya diphoofolo le ho netefatsa diphethoho. +",0.8895448 +"it recently launched a veterinary science career guidance campaign, in partnership with the department of higher education and training, and will be visiting rural schools to encourage learners to consider veterinary services as a career path. +","haufinyana tjena bo tha kgotse letsholo la tataiso ya lekala la saense ya kalafo ya diphoofolo, ka semphato le lefapha la thuto le thupello e phahameng, mme bo tla etela dikolo tsa metseng ya mahae ho kgothaletsa baithuti ho nahana ka ditshebeletso tsa kalafo ya diphoofolo jwaloka motjha wa mosebetsi. +",0.90238214 +"it also announced 60 bursaries to address the critical shortage of veterinarians and paraveterinarians in south africa’s rural areas. +","bo boetse bo tsebisitse dibasari tse 60 bakeng sa ho tobana le kgaello e hlokolosi ya dingaka tsa diphoofolo le bathusi ba dingaka tsa diphoofolo dibakeng tsa mahae tsa afrika borwa. +",0.8854376 +"""the bursaries are specifically aimed at learners in rural areas as they can take their knowledge back to their homesteads,"" says dr nomfundo mnisi, the chairperson of the hwseta. +","""dibasari di reretswe ka ho toba baithuti ba dibakeng tsa metse ya mahae kaha ba ka busetsa tsebo ya bona metseng ya bo bona,"" ho rialo ngaka nomfundo mnisi, e leng modulasetulo wa hwseta. +",0.9144304 +"the deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation, buti manamela, welcomed the bursaries. +","motlatsi wa letona la thuto e phahameng, saense le ntjhafatso, buti manamela, o amohetse dibasari tsena. +",0.8144418 +"the up’s faculty of vete rinary science will assist the hwseta in its marketing, bursary funding and recruitment campaigns. +","lefapha la up la saense ya bongaka ba diphoofolo le tla thusa hwseta ka matsholo a ho ibapatsa, a matlole a dibasari le a ho thaotha. +",0.8476113 +"""we will also assist the hwseta in administering the bursaries, which were allocated for firstyear veterinary science stu dents from the designated groups,"" says chris van blerk, the head of communications and media at up’s faculty of veterinary science. +","""re tla boela re thuse hwseta mabapi le ho tsamaisa dibasari, tse neng di abetswe baithuti ba selemo sa pele sa saense ya kalafo ya diphoofolo ho tswa dihlopheng tse hlokang menyetla,"" ho rialo chris van blerk, hlooho ya dikgokahanyo le merero ya boraditaba lefapheng la saense ya kalafo ya diphoofolo la up. +",0.9226668 +"he says youth hoping to follow in mthimkhulu’s footsteps and register for a first bachelor’s degree at up need to have completed their national senior certificate (nsc), or equivalent qualification, and meet minimum requirements. +","o re batjha ba lakatsang ho latela menyabuketsong ya mthimkhulu le ho ingodisa bakeng sa lengolo la pele la dikgerata up ba lokela hore ba be ba phethetse setifikeiti se phahameng sa naha (nsc), kapa lengolo le tshwanang le lona, le ho kgema le ditlhokeho tsa mantlha. +",0.87437165 +"""for the bachelor of veterinary nursing degree, they need a minimum admission point score of 28 and an nsc with english home language or english first additional language, mathematics, and physical sciences or life sciences,"" he adds. +","""bakeng sa kgerata ya booki ba diphoofolo, ba lokela ho kgema le seahlolo sa dintlha tsa kamohelo sa 28 le nsc ka senyesemane e le puo ya lapeng kapa senyesemane e le puo ya pele ya tlatsetso, mmetse, le saense kapa disaense tsa bophelo,"" o a tlatseletsa. +",0.9001323 +"for more information about the sector, youth can contact private vete rinary practices or speak to compulsory community service (ccs) veterinarians which are part of the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) around the country. +","bakeng sa tlhahisoleseding e eketsehileng ka lekala lena, batjha ba ka iteanya le dibaka tsa bongaka ba diphoofolo kapa ba ka bua le baalafi ba diphoofolo ba tshebeletso e tlamang ya badudi (ccs) bao e leng karolo ya lefapha la temothuo, tlhabollo ya mobu le ntshetsopele ya dibaka tsa mahae (dalrrd) ho phatlalla le naha. +",0.90391064 +"""the ccs programme aims to provide accessible and affordable veterinary services to underserved and poor resourced areas within south africa. +","""lenaneo la ccs le rerile ho fana ka ditshebeletso tse fihlellehang le tse kgonehang tsa bongaka ba diphoofolo dibakeng tse sa fumaneng ditshebeletso tse batlehang le ho haella ka mehlodi ka hara afrika borwa. +",0.8947257 +"as such, vets in the programme will always serve as good information resources,"" says van blerk.","baoki ba pele ba diphoofolo ba afrika borwa ba fumana mangolo a thuto allison cooper ho ba dirutehi tsa ho qala ho ba baoki ba diphoofolo ke toro e phethahetseng bakeng sa modudi wa randburg phumelela mthimkhulu (21), eo esale a na le lerato la diphoofolo ho tloha bongwaneng. +",0.8947257 +"collect your driver's licence card vukuzenzele unnamed motorists who applied for a new or renewal driver’s licence card or professional driving permit (prdp) between october and december last year are being urged to collect them. +","lata karete ya hao ya laesense ya ho kganna vukuzenzele unnamed bakganni ba entseng dikopo tsa dilaesense tsa ho kganna kapa ho ntjhafatsa dikarete kapa diphomete tsa seporofeshenale tsa ho kganna (prdp) pakeng tsa mphalane le tshitwe ngwahola ba kgothaletswa ho ya di lata. +",0.8742142 +"according to the road traffic management corporation (rtmc), only 42% of the 32 748 driver’s licence cards produced during this time have been collected. +","ho ya ka koporasi ya bolaodi ba sephethephethe mebileng (rtmc), ke feela 42% ya dikarete tsa dilaesense tsa ho kganna tse 32 748 tse hlahisitsweng nakong ena tse latuweng. +",0.9213898 +"minister of transport fikile mbalula opened the rtmc licensing centres in midrand and eco park last year, in response to the backlog of expired driver’s licences due to covid19. +","letona la dipalangwang fikile mbalula le butse ditsi tsa phano ya dilaesense tsa rtmc midrand le eco park ngwahola, e le karabelo ya tshallomorao ya dilaesense tsa ho kganna tse felletsweng ke nako ka lebaka la covid19. +",0.88753307 +"the driver’s licence card account, which prints the licences, is working around the clock to fasttrack production and remains on course to clear the backlog by the end of june. +","akhaonte ya dikarete tsa dilaesense tsa ho kganna, e hatisang dilaesense, e sebetsa bosiu le motsheare ho akofisa tlhahiso mme e ntse e le motjheng wa ho fedisa tshallomorao mafelong a phuptjane. +",0.87259614 +"the rtmc says people can check the status of their application before going to the testing centre to collect it. +","rtmc e re batho ba lokela ho lekola boemo ba dikopo tsa bona pele ba leba ditsing tsa diteko ba ilo di lata. +",0.8582864 +"this can be done by sms or online. +","sena se ka etswa ka sms kapa ka inthanete. +",0.7940823 +"driver’s licence sms query for a driver’s licence query, applicants can sms their id number to 33214. they will then receive one of the smses below: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been processed. +","ho lekola ka sms boemo ba dikopo tsa bona tsa dilaesense tsa ho kganna bakeng sa bothata ba dilaesense tsa ho kganna, baikopedi ba ka romela dinomoro tsa bona tsa id ka sms ho 33214. ebe ba tla fumana e nngwe ya disms tse ka tlase mona: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been processed. +",0.91161096 +"production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. +","production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. +",0.9365624 +"produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. +","produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. +",0.9540626 +"however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. +","however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. +",0.9543892 +"problem card: there is a problem with the production of your card. +","problem card: there is a problem with the production of your card. +",0.95094603 +"please return to the testing centre. +","please return to the testing centre. +",0.91371447 +"for a prdp application query, sms your id number to 44220. driver’s licence online query you can also determine the status of your application for free online. +","ho lekola boemo ba kopo ya hao ya prdp, romela nomoro ya id ka sms ho 44220. ho lekola ka inthanete boemo ba dikopo tsa bona tsa dilaesense tsa ho kganna o ka boela wa tseba boemo ba kopo ya hao mahala ka inthanete. +",0.9158695 +"visit online. +","etela online. +",0.88115865 +"natis. +","natis. +",0.87551504 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.8917818 +"za. +","za. +",0.7787434 +"create a profile and log in. +","iketsetse porofaele mme o kene websaeteng. +",0.7602366 +"click the status of your application on the dashboard. +","tobetsa boemo ba kopo ya hao websaeteng. +",0.7178683 +"those whose licences expired between march 2020 and 31 august 2021, who missed the renewal deadline of 5 may, are advised to obtain a tempo rary driver’s licence when applying for their renewal to remain legally compliant. +","bao dilaesense tsa bona di felletsweng ke nako pakeng tsa tlhakubele 2020 le 31 phato 2021, ba tlotsweng ke letsatsi la ho qetela la ho ntjhafatsa la 5 motsheanong, ba eletswa ho iphumanela laesense ya ho kganna ya nakwana ha ba etsa kopo ya ho ntjhafatsa bakeng sa ho dula ba ntse ba imatahantse le molao. +",0.9121103 +"while rtmc centres are open monday to sunday from 7am to 9pm, members of the public are encouraged to take advantage of shorter queues on fridays and the weekend.","lata karete ya hao ya laesense ya ho kganna vukuzenzele unnamed bakganni ba entseng dikopo tsa dilaesense tsa ho kganna kapa ho ntjhafatsa dikarete kapa diphomete tsa seporofeshenale tsa ho kganna (prdp) pakeng tsa mphalane le tshitwe ngwahola ba kgothaletswa ho ya di lata. +",0.9121103 +"black economic empowerment a must for growth vukuzenzele unnamed in april this year, a landmark broadbased black economic empowerment transaction was concluded in the eastern cape that significantly improves the participation of black womenowned businesses in the energy sector. +","matlafatso ya batho ba batsho moruong ke setlamo kgodisong ya moruo vukuzenzele unnamed kgweding ya mmesa selemong sena, kgwebisano eo e leng mohato wa bohlokwahlokwa wa matlafatso e metheo e batsi ya batho ba batsho moruong e phethahaditswe kapa botjhabela. +",0.85138637 +"a liquid bulk fuel terminal operated by bp southern africa in east london has been sold to wasaa, an independent petrochemicals company. +","mohato ona o tla ntlafatsa haholo seabo sa dikgwebo tsa basadi ba batsho lekaleng la eneji. +",0.614303 +"wasaa has acquired all the terminal’s moveable assets and a 20 percent share in berthtoterminal pipelines. +","theminale ya mafura a mangata e sebediswang ke bp southern africa motseng wa east london e rekiseditswe wasaa, eo e leng khampani e ikemetseng ya dihlahiswa tsa dikhemikhale tsa peterole. +",0.688992 +"with the 2020 report by the broadbased black economic empowerment commission showing that most economic sectors are falling short of their black women ownership targets, this acquisition by a black and femaleowned company of a liquid fuel terminal is a historic development. +","wasaa e rekile diasete tsohle tse tsamayang le 20% ya dishere metjheng e kopanyang kou le boemakepe. +",0.68017685 +"it contributes to our national effort to redress inequality and ensure there is meaningful participation by the country’s majority in our economy. +","ho latela tlaleho ya selemo sa 2020 ya khomishene ya matlafatso e metheo e batsi ya batho ba batsho moruong, e bontshitseng hore bongata ba makala a moruo bo hlolehile ho fihlella dipakana tsa ona tsa borakgwebo ba basadi ba batho ba batsho, thekisetsano ena e unnweng ke khampani, eo beng ba yona e leng basadi ba batho ba batsho, ya kou ya mafura ke ya pele paleng ya naha ya rona. +",0.67691064 +"recently, i announced the appointment of the new broadbased black economic empowerment advisory council, which comprises government, business, labour and other stakeholders. +","e thusana le matsapa a rona a naha a ho etsolla ho hloka tekatekano le ho netefatsa hore ho be le seabo se bonahalang sa batho bao e leng bona ba bangata naheng ya rona moruong wa rona. +",0.6289016 +"it was established to champion the cause of economic transformation. +","haufinyane, ke ile ka phatlalatsa kgiro ya lekgotla la boeletsi la matlafatso e metheo e batsi ya batho ba batsho moruong, e thehilweng ka ditho tse tswang lekaleng la mmuso, lekaleng la kgwebo, lekaleng la basebetsi le ho bankakarolo ba bang. +",0.551557 +"the council has its origins in a 2001 report produced by the bee commission. +","e thehetswe ho tshehetsa ka matla morero wa phetolo ya moruo. +",0.6151165 +"this report emanated from an extensive study into the structure of the south african economy, and what was needed to transform the economy, grow black entrepreneurship, ensure greater black management and ownership of busines ses, and bring black women into the mainstream of the economy. +","sesosa sa ho thewa ha lekgotla lena e bile tlaleho ya selemo sa 2001 e ntshitsweng ke khomishene ya bee. +",0.57524157 +"next year, it will be two decades since the broadbased black economic empowerment (bbbee) act – which established the council – was passed. +","tlaleho ena e tswetswe ke diphuputso tse matla tse fupuditseng sebopeho sa moruo wa afrika borwa, le hore na ho ne ho hlokeha eng bakeng sa ho fetola moruo ona, ho hodisa boitsebelo ba kgwebo ho batho ba batsho, ho netefatsa hore ho eketsehe batsamaisi le borakgwebo ba batho ba batsho, le ho tlisa basadi ba batho ba batsho kgubung ya moruo. +",0.65021384 +"our commitment to entrench and deepen economic empowerment is unwavering. +","selemong se tlang, ho tla be ho fela dilemo tse mashome a mabedi tsa ho pasiswa ha molao wa matlafatso e metheo e batsi ya batho ba batsho moruong (bbbee) – o ileng wa theha lekgotla lena. +",0.60294294 +"that is why black economic empowerment is an integral part of our economic reconstruction and recovery in the wake of the covid19 pandemic. +","boitlamo ba rona ba ho tsetselela le ho tebisa matlafatso ya moruo ha bo thekesele. +",0.6439154 +"this is one of the reassurances i articulated to the black business council earlier last month, where we discussed the state of bbbee in the country, the progress that has been made and what we need to do as a collective to build on our gains. +","ke ka hona matlafatso ya batho ba batsho moruong e leng karolo ya bohlokwa ya kahobotjha le tsosoloso ya moruo nakong ena eo re thefutsweng ke sewa sa covid19. +",0.6675968 +"while there has been significant progress over the last two decades, there are some areas where there has been regression. +","ena ke e nngwe ya dinetefaletso tseo ke di etseditseng lekgotla la kgwebo la batho ba batsho pejana kgweding ena, moo re neng re buisana ka boemo ba bbbee ka hara naha, tswelopele e seng e entswe le seo re tshwanelang ho se etsa mmoho ho aha hodima dikatleho tsa rona. +",0.5747659 +"we have gone backwards when it comes to increasing black management control, upscaling skills development, entrenching enterprise deve lopment and broadening procurement to give opportunities to black women and the youth. +","le ha ho ile ha ba le tswelopele e kgolo nakong ya dilemo tsena tse mashome a mabedi, empa ho ntse ho na le dibaka tse ding tseo ho bonahetseng ho ritsa ho tsona. +",0.6255808 +"the apartheid government deliberately built a distorted economy designed to benefit white people. +","dibaka tseo re kgutletseng morao ho tsona di kenyeletsa ho eketswa ha taolo ya botsamaisi ho batho ba batsho, ho ntlafatswa ha ntshetsopele ya bokgoni, ho tsetselela ntlafatso ya dikgwebo le katoloso ya tshebetso ya theko ho fumantsha basadi ba batho ba batsho le batjha menyetla. +",0.63526976 +"the majority of south africans were marginalised from the mainstream economy, with black entrepreneurs confined to small retail industries in the townships. +","mmuso wa kgethollo o ne o ho etse ka boomo ho bopa moruo o sothehileng, e le hore o tswele ba basweu molemo. +",0.69035554 +"at the end of apartheid, black ownership of jselisted companies was less than 1 percent. +","boholo ba maafrika borwa bo ile ba qhelelwa ka thoko ho kgubu ya moruo, e le moo borakgwebo ba batsho ba neng ba qobelletswe dikgutlwaneng tse nyenyane tsa diindasteri tsa thekiso malokeisheneng. +",0.73102367 +"this figure has not improved much in the past 28 years. +","nakong ya ho fela ha kgethollo, dikhampani tsa batho ba batsho tse ngodisitsweng ho jse di ne di le ka tlase ho 1%. +",0.4764399 +"at the same time, there have been important private sector initiatives and deliberate measures by the state to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of black people in the economy. +","lenane lena ha le a eketseha hakaalo dilemong tsena tse 28 tse fetileng. +",0.391518 +"between 2017 and 2020, nearly 500 empowerment transactions were submitted for registration to the bbbee commission. +","le ha ho le jwalo, ho nnile ha eba le boikitlaetso ba bohlokwa ba lekala la poraefete, esita le mehato e bonahalang ya mmuso ya ho thusa hore ho be le seabo se seholwanyane le se bonahalang sa batho ba batsho moruong. +",0.6099829 +"in key sectors such as construction, property, information and communications technology, tourism and transport, black ownership has exceeded targets. +","pakeng tsa selemo sa 2017 le sa 2020, dikgwebisano tse batlang di le 500 di ile tsa romelwa khomisheneng ya bbbee bakeng sa ho ngodiswa. +",0.546811 +"economic transformation and economic growth are intertwined. +","makaleng a sehlooho a kang a kaho, thepa, theknoloji ya tlhahisoleseding le dikgokahano, bohahlaodi le dipalangwang, leruo la batho ba batsho le ile la ba ka hodimo ho dipakana tse behilweng. +",0.63911855 +"there cannot be one without the other. +","phetolo ya moruo le kgolo ya moruo di hokelane. +",0.38976538 +"by integrating transformation into the process of industrialisation, we are advancing a more inclusive growth model that shares, rather than concentrates, wealth. +","ha ho e ka bang teng ha e nngwe e le siyo. +",0.32953984 +"the department of trade, industry and competition (dtic) is pursuing this goal through various programmes. +","ka ho kopanya phetolo le tshebetso ya diindasteri, re ntshetsa pele motlolo wa kgolo o kenyeletsang bohle haholo, o abang, ho ena le o bokellang maruo nqa e le nngwe. +",0.59009206 +"they include a support programme for township businesses, exportrelated training by the industrial development corporation (idc) to black, women and youthowned businesses, and increased infrastructure budget to smmes in the tshwane special economic zone. +","lefapha la kgwebo, diindasteri le tlhodisano (dtic) le ntshetsa pele morero ona ka mananeo a fapafapaneng. +",0.68096256 +"through sectoral masterplans we are driving localisation that benefits black owned businesses. +","ona a kenyeletsa lenaneo la tshehetso bakeng sa dikgwebo tsa malokeisheneng, kwetliso e amanang le thomelontle e fanwang ke koporasi ya ntshetsopele ya diindasteri (idc) dikgwebong tsa batho ba batsho, basadi le batjha, le bajete e eketsehileng ya metheo ya tshebetso ya moruo e fuwang dismme sebakeng se ikgethang sa moruo sa tshwane. +",0.67713743 +"for example, 10 black contract growers have been established with an investment of r336 million as part of the poultry masterplan. +","ka meralo e meholo ya makala re ntshetsa pele leano la ditheko tsa lehae le tla tswela dikgwebo tsa batho ba batsho molemo. +",0.68799317 +"government has also launched a black exporters network that will connect blackowned companies in food, engineering products, auto components, beauty products and other sectors of the economy. +","ho tea mohlala, dikonteraka di nehilwe bahodisi ba bommaditshibana ba 10 ba batho ba batsho moo ho kentsweng matsete a dimilione tse 336 tsa diranta, e le karolo ya moralo o moholo wa thuo ya bommaditshibana. +",0.7012162 +"as part of our drive to create a new generation of black industrialists, last year government approved r2.5 billion in new support to about 180 black industrialists in the form of loans from the idc and national empowerment fund (nef) and grants from the dtic incentive scheme. +","mmuso o boetse o thakgotse marangrang a baromellintle ba batsho a tla hokahanya dihlahiswa tsa dijo, dihlahiswa tsa boinjinere, dikarolo tsa dipalangwang, dihlahiswa tsa botle le dikarolo tse ding tsa moruo. +",0.7032627 +"over the next three years a further r21 billion has been committed by the idc, nef and other institutions to support black industrialists. +","jwalo ka karolo ya letsholo la rona la ho hlahisa moloko o motjha wa boradiindasteri ba batsho, mmuso o ananetse tshehetso e ntjha ya dibilione tse 2.5 tsa diranta ho thusa boradiindasteri ba batho ba batsho ba ka bang 180. tshehetso ena e tla tla ka sebopeho sa dikadimo tsa ditjhelete ho tswa ho idc le letlole la naha la matlafatso (nef) le diphallelo ho tswa morerong wa meropotso wa dtic. +",0.7507645 +"an additional r25 billion has been committed to support black, women, youth and workerowned companies. +","nakong ya dilemo tse tharo tse tlang, boitlamo ba tjhelete e nngwe hape ya dibilione tse 21 tsa diranta bo se bo entswe ke idc, nef le mekgatlo e meng bakeng sa ho tshehetsa boradiindasteri ba batsho. +",0.7730883 +"it is clear that much more work needs to be done to address the many challenges that black businesses face. +","tjhelete e nngwe hape ya dibilione tse 25 tsa diranta e reretswe ho tshehetsa dikhampani tsa batho ba batsho, basadi le basebetsi. +",0.6353053 +"this includes the difficulty of accessing startup and expansion capital and the ability of smmes to find markets for their products. +","ho hlakile hore mosebetsi o sa ntse o le mongata o hlokang ho etsetswa ho kgahlametsana le diphephetso tseo batho ba batsho ba tjamelaneng le tsona. +",0.48162898 +"black womenowned businesses, in particular, encounter difficulties in taking on largescale empowerment transactions. +","tsena di kenyeletsa bothata ba ho fumana ditjhelete tsa ho qala le ho atolla dismme, esita le bokgoni ba tsona ba ho fumana mebaraka bakeng sa dihlahiswa tsa tsona. +",0.6965208 +"breaking the cycle of underdevelopment through black economic empowerment is not just a moral imperative; it also makes business sense. +","dikgwebo tsa basadi ba batho ba batsho, ka ho qoolleha, di thulana le mathata a ho hloka bokgoni ba ho iketela dikgwebisano tsa matlafatso tsa tekanyo e kgolo. +",0.70372486 +"the continued exclusion of the black majority from the economy’s mainstream constrains economic growth, which ultimately impacts all business. +","ho kgaola lebidi la ntshetsopele e tlase ha se feela setlamo sa ho sebeletsa toka; empa ke mohopolo o motle wa kgwebo. +",0.676442 +"expanding the country’s entrepreneurial base is fundamental to growth. +","taba e ntseng e tswela pele ya ho qhelela ka thoko batho ba batsho, bao e leng bona ba etsang palo e kgolo, kgubung ya moruo, ho kgina kgolo ya moruo, e le ntho eo qetellong e amang kgwebo yohle. +",0.6695284 +"we have a shared responsibility to drive the effort to entrench bbbee because it is about eradicating inequality. +","katoloso ya motheo wa kgwebo ke ntho ya bohlokwa kgolong ya moruo. +",0.57463145 +"unequal economies breed unequal societies, and unequal societies don’t grow and flourish. +","re na le boikarabelo boo e leng ba rona bohle ba ho ntshetsa pele matsapa a ho tsetselela bbbee hobane e reretswe ho fedisa ho se lekalekane. +",0.66643226 +"it is not only wrong, but also unsustainable, for businesses to keep their management and ownership structures mostly white or male. +","meruo e hlokang tekatekano e tswala ditjhaba tseo ho seng tekatekano ho tsona, ditjhaba tse hlokang tekatekano ha di hole, mme ha di atlehe. +",0.65707755 +"it is, after all, the south african public that are the primary consumers of their goods and services. +","ha se feela hobane ho le phoso, empa ho boetse ho hloka mokoka, hore e be di kgwebo di bolokile dibopeho tsa tsona tsa botsamaisi le thuo ka kakaretso e le batho ba basweu kapa ba batona. +",0.590866 +"this should be reflected in diversity of hiring and management practices, in ownership and in procurement. +","hantlentle, ke setjhaba sa maafrika borwa seo e leng bona bareki ba mantlha ba thepa le ditshebeletso. +",0.6271739 +"broadbased black economic empowerment will only be achieved through partnership and a shared commitment to transformation. +","sena se tshwanetse ho bonahala ho fapapfapaneng ha ditlwaelo tsa kgiro le botsamaisi, thuong le tshebetsong ya theko. +",0.6970595 +"the appointment of the new bbbee council will help us to expand the frontiers of broadbased black economic empowerment. +","matlafatso e metheo e batsi ya batho ba batsho moruong e tla atlehiswa feela ka bolekane le boitlamo bo kopanetsweng ba ho tlisa diphetoho. +",0.70022786 +"i call on business, labour and industry to work with the council as it undertakes this vital work.","matlafatso ya batho ba batsho moruong ke setlamo kgodisong ya moruo vukuzenzele unnamed kgweding ya mmesa selemong sena, kgwebisano eo e leng mohato wa bohlokwahlokwa wa matlafatso e metheo e batsi ya batho ba batsho moruong e phethahaditswe kapa botjhabela. +",0.70022786 +"rising cost of living calls for a united response over the past few months, south african consumers have been hit by steep price increases that have dramatically affected their quality of life. +","ho nyoloha ha ditjeho tsa ho iphedisa ho hloka karabelo ya kopanelo dikgweding tse mmalwa tse fetileng, bareki ba afrika borwa ba tobane le keketseho ya ditheko e hlweleng mokwalaba e ameng boleng ba maphelo a bona hampe haholo. +",0.8941789 +"it has become increasingly more expensive to buy food and other essentials, to pay for basic services and to use public or private transportation. +","jwale ho se ho tura haholo ho reka dijo le dintho tse ding tsa bohokwa, ho lefella ditshebeletso tsa motheo le ho sebedisa dipalangwang tsa setjhaba kapa tsa poraefete. +",0.89211553 +"while these rising costs affect everyone, lowincome households are feeling them the most. +","le hoja ditjeho tsena tse ntseng di nyoloha di ama motho e mong le e mong, malapa a nang le meputso e tlase ke ona a utlwang ka letlalo ka ho fetisisa. +",0.8304198 +"the latest consumer price index for april 2022 published by stats sa shows there has been little respite for hardpressed south africans. +","tshupane ya moraorao ya ditheko tsa bareki ya mmesa 2022 e phatlaladitsweng ke lekala la dipalopalo tsa afrika borwa (stats sa) e bontsha hore ho bile le kimollo e nyenyane ho maafrika borwa a jereng ka thata. +",0.8707725 +"food inflation was recorded at 6.2 per cent. +","infleishene ya dijo e nyolohetse ho 6.2%. +",0.8510127 +"the most basic foodstuffs cost more than a year ago, with staples like cooking oil recording the highest increases. +","boholo ba dijo tse jewang haholo di bitsa tjhelete e ngata ho feta selemo se fetileng, moo dijo tsa bohlokwa tse kang mafura a phehang di nyolohileng haholo ho feta tse ding kaofela. +",0.8345028 +"the price of fuel, which affects the price of almost everything else, has risen by a third in the twelve months to march 2022. south africa is not alone in this regard. +","theko ya mafura, e amang theko ya ntho e nngwe le e nngwe, e nyolohile ka makgetlo a mararo dikgweding tse 12 tse fetileng ho fihlela ka hlakubele 2022. afrika borwa ha se yona feela e bothateng bona. +",0.8678014 +"a recently published poll for the world economic forum shows that nearly a quarter of people globally, including those in developed economies, are struggling financially due to rising prices. +","hlahlobo e sa tswa phatlalatswa ya foramo ya lefatshe ya moruo e bontsha hore hoo ka bang kotara ya batho lefatsheng ka bophara, ho akarelletsa le dinaha tsa morou o tswetseng pele, di hula ka thata ditjheleteng ka lebaka la ho phahama ha ditheko. +",0.8667723 +"these increases, particularly the price of fuel, are the consequence of events over which we have little control. +","dikeketseho tsena, haholoholo ya theko ya mafura, ke ditlamorao tsa diketsahalo tseo re nang le taolo e fokolang hodima tsona. +",0.904325 +"the ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine has had a significant impact on the price of fuel and food. +","kgohlano e ntseng e tswela pele dipakeng tsa russia le ukraine e bile le kgahlamelo e kgolo ho theko ya mafura le dijo. +",0.8928873 +"both countries are major exporters to international markets of fertilisers, grains and oilseeds that are needed for a range of items such as cooking oil. +","dinaha tsena ka bobedi ke barekisi ba ka sehloohong ho dimmaraka tsa matjhaba tsa menontsha, dijothollo le dipeo tsa mafura tse hlokehang bakeng sa mefutafuta ya dintho tse kang mafura a phehang. +",0.89320725 +"another factor is lower agricultural output due to extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as flooding and droughts. +","lebaka le leng ke la tlhahiso ya temothuo e fokotsehileng ka lebaka la maemo a mabehadi a lehodimo a bakwang ke phetoho ya tlelaemete, jwalo ka dikgohola le komello. +",0.8915278 +"while many of these events are beyond our control, government is doing what it can to shield the south african from current and future price increases. +","le hoja boholo ba diketsahalo tsena di se matleng a rona, mmuso o etsa seo o kgonang ho se etsa ho sireletsa afrika borwa ho nyolloheng ha ditheko hajwale le nakong e tlang. +",0.8946264 +"one of our greatest advantages as a country is a strong, independent reserve bank that has managed to keep inflation within a narrow target range, well below what many other countries are experiencing. +","o mong wa melemo ya rona e meholo re le naha ke banka ya poloko ya ditjhelete e matla, e ikemetseng, e kgonneng ho boloka infleishene e le ka hara tekanyo e tlase haholo ho feta e leng dinaheng tse ding. +",0.8352126 +"we recently announced that the fuel levy will be suspended for another two months to august, which will bring some relief to households. +","re sa tswa phatlalatsa hore lekgetho la lefii ya mafura le tla fanyehwa dikgwedi tse ding tse pedi ho fihlela ka phato, e leng se tla imollang malapa mojaro hanyane. +",0.8798075 +"the suspension of the levy has provided essential relief to south africans since it began in april. +","ho fanyehwa ha lekgetho la lefii ho fane ka kimollo e bohlokwa ho maafrika borwa ho tloha ka mmesa. +",0.8143691 +"since the suspension of the levy comes at a significant cost to public finances, which affects other programmes of government, it will be difficult to continue this indefinitely. +","kaha ho fanyehwa ha lekgetho la lefii ho tla ka ditshenyehelo tse kgolo tsa ditjhelete tsa setjhaba, tse amang mananeo a mang a mmuso, ho tla ba thata ho tswelapele ka sena ka ho sa feleng. +",0.8731098 +"there are, however, other things we can do. +","le ha ho le jwalo, ho na le dintho tse ding tseo re ka di etsang. +",0.8080945 +"improving our nation’s food security is vital to withstanding this and future shocks. +","ho ntlafatsa polokehelo ya dijo tsa naha ya rona ho bohlokwa haholo bakeng sa ho mamella ditshenyehelo tsena le tse tlang. +",0.8247255 +"we have a strong agricultural sector that continues to grow and create jobs. +","re na le lekala le matla la temothuo le ntseng le tswela pele ho hola le ho theha mesebetsi. +",0.8749093 +"to further increase agricultural production and strengthen our food sovereignty, we are investing heavily in improving local capacity, supporting commercial and smallscale farmers alike and helping more people to grow their own food. +","ho eketsa tlhahiso ya temothuo le ho matlafatsa boikemelo ba rona tlhahisong ya dijo, re tsetela haholo ho ntlafatseng bokgoni ba tlhahiso ba lehae, ho tshehetsa dihwai tsa kgwebo le tse nyane ka ho tshwana le ho thusa batho ba bangata ho itemela dijo tsa bona. +",0.910267 +"through the presidential employment stimulus, input vouchers have been given to over 65,000 smallholder farmers, and work is underway to reach 250,000 such farmers. +","ka lenaneo la moporesidente la kgothalletso ya khiro, divautjhara tsa dithuso di fuwe dihwai tse thuthuhang tse fetang 65 000, mme mosebetsi o ntse o tswela pele ho fihella dihwai tse jwalo tse 250 000. mmuso o boetse o fa dihwai tse iphedisang ka thuso ya menotsha le disebediswa tse hlahisang dijo, le ho thusa dihlopha ka batho ho iqella dirapa tsa meroho. +",0.8304522 +"government is also providing subsistence farmers with fertilisers and equipment to produce food, and helping groups or individuals to start their own food gardens. +","diprofenseng tse kang leboya bophirima, dihwai tse thuthuhang di tshehetswa ka ""distarterpack"" tsa temothuo tsa dipeo le dikgoho, tse tswang dikoletjheng tsa moo tsa temothuo tse sebedisanang le mmuso. +",0.7225816 +"in provinces like north west, smallscale farmers are supported with agricultural ‘starterpacks’ of seedlings and poultry, in partnership with local agricultural colleges. +","ka leano le tswelang pele la kabelo ya mobu le phano ya mobu wa mmuso bakeng sa tsa temothuo, re tshehetsa dihwai tse ngata tse thuthuhang ho atolosa dikgwebo tsa tsona le ho di atlehisa kgwebong. +",0.712592 +"through the proactive land acquisition strategy and the release of stateowned land for agriculture, we are supporting more smallscale farmers to expand their businesses and make them commercially successful. +","re boetse re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho theheng dikamano tse ngata tsa setjhaba le tsa poraefete ho tshehetsa katoloso ya bohwai ba batho ba batsho temothuong ya lekeno ka mananeo a kang bomphato ba ditharollo tsa mobu wa temothuo le kemedi ya ntshetsopele ya temothuo. +",0.75752044 +"we are also focusing on establishing more publicprivate partnerships to support the expansion of black commercial farming through initiatives like the partners in agri land solutions and the agricultural development agency. +","ho matlafatsa tshireletso ya tlhaho le ho sireletsa maphelo a diphoofolo kgahlano le mafu a kang mokaka, re matlafatsa mehato ya rona ya taolo ya metsamao wa mehlape le bokgoni ba tlhahiso ya ente. +",0.73727846 +"to enhance biosecurity and safeguard animal health against diseases like footandmouth, we are strengthening our animal movement control measures and vaccine production capabilities. +","ho tlatselletseng matlafatso ya tlhahiso ya dijo tsa lehae, tshebetso e pharelletseng ya dithuso tsa matlole a setjhaba le ho se be le lekgetho ho thepa ya motheo ho thuso ho sireletsa mafutsana kgahlanong le ditshenyehelo tse ntseng di phahama. +",0.73940754 +"in addition to boosting local food production, our extensive social grants system and zerorating of basic goods helps to protect the poor from rising costs. +","ka ditshebeletso tsa motheo tsa mahala tse kang ka metsi le motlakase bakeng sa malapa a hlokang, re ka netefatsa ha ho lelapa le hlokang ditshebeletso tsa motho. +",0.70044065 +"through free basic services like water and electricity for indigent households, we can ensure that no family goes without basic services. +","ho feta nakong ena e boima, setjhaba sohle se lokela ho nka karolo. +",0.45176584 +"to get through this difficult period, all of society should get involved. +","ho tswa lehlakoreng la rona, mmuso o tla tswelapele ho beha maemo leihlo ka kelahloko mme o tla etsa sohle se matleng a ona ho sireletsa maafrika borwa kgahlano le keketseho e sa tsitsang ya ditjeho tsa ho iphedisa. +",0.57249296 +"for our part, government will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do everything within its power to protect south africans from unsustainable increases in the cost of living. +","lekala la koporasi la afrika borwa le hloka ho netefatsa hore bareki ha ba lefelle dijo ho feta kamoo ba tlamehang ho di lefella. +",0.6530237 +"corporate south africa should ensure that consumers do not pay more for food than they have to. +","re amohela ditshupo tse tswang ho bahlahisi le barekisi ba dijo tsa hore ba kenya mehato ya ho thusa barekisi ho fumana tse ngata bakeng sa tjhelete ya bona. +",0.6792726 +"we welcome the indications from food manufacturers and retailers that they are putting measures in place to help consumers get more for their money. +","ka hlakubele monongwaha komishene ya dikgabisano e ile ya lokolla tshwaelo ho ya ka setjhaba ka dipehelo tsa dipatlisiso tsa mmaraka mabapi le mmaraka wa dihlahiswa tse foreshe. +",0.64129865 +"in march this year the competition commission released for public comment the terms of reference for a market enquiry into the fresh produce market. +","e hlokometse hore ditshenyehelo tsa dihlahiswa tse foreshe di ntse di eketseha ho feta infleishene, le hore sena se bile le kgahlamelo e sa lekanyetswang ho ba futsanehileng. +",0.6299364 +"it noted that the cost of fresh produce has been increasing at aboveinflation levels, and that this has had a disproportionate effect on the poor. +","patlisiso e tla hlahloba hore ho na le diphetoho tse seng tsa nnete tsamaisong ya boleng ba tlhahiso le thekiso ya dihlahiswa tse bakang hore dijo di ture. +",0.72504175 +"the inquiry will examine if there are any distortions in the value chain that make food more expensive. +","re tla sebedisa leano la rona la tlhodisano ho sireletsa bareki kgahlano le nyollo ya ditheko e hlokang mabaka le ditlwaelo tse kgahlanong le tlhodisano ya dikgwebo e hantle, jwalo ka ha re entse nakong ya sewa sa covid19. +",0.67377126 +"we will use our competition policy to protect consumers against unjustifiable price increases and anticompetitive practices by businesses, as we did during the covid19 pandemic. +","tshebetso e tswelang pele ya ntlafatso ya sebopeho sa moruo wa rona e tla tshehetsa matsapa ana. +",0.53856087 +"the ongoing process of structural reform of our economy will support these efforts. +","diphethoho makaleng a eneji, dipalangwang le a dikgokahano di ikemiseditse ho fokotsa ditshenyehelo tsa motlakase, thepa le datha nakong e telele ka tlhodisano e kgolokgolo e nang le bokgabane. +",0.5577004 +"reforms in the energy, transport and telecommunications sectors aim to reduce the cost of electricity, logistics and data in the long term through greater competition and efficiency. +","re lokela ho lefa hanyane, eseng ho feta bakeng sa ditshebeletso tsena nakong e tlang. +",0.57891935 +"we should be paying less, not more, for these services in the future. +","ho nyoloha ha ditjeho tsa ho iphedisa ho hloka karabelo ya kopanelo dikgweding tse mmalwa tse fetileng, bareki ba afrika borwa ba tobane le keketseho ya ditheko e hlweleng mokwalaba e ameng boleng ba maphelo a bona hampe haholo. +",0.57891935 +"our nation mourns the young lives lost in enyobeni tavern tragedy vukuzenzele unnamed a few weeks ago the families of a township in scenery park outside east london, received news that every parent prays they never get to hear. +","setjhaba sa rona se iletse koduwa ya ho hlokahala ha batjha tameneng ya enyobeni vukuzenzele unnamed dibekeng tse mmalwa tse fetileng, malapa a lekeishene la scenery park haufi le east london, a ne a fumane ditaba tseo ho seng motswadi ya ratang ho di utlwa. +",0.887275 +"they were told that 21 of their children had been found dead, in a tavern. +","a ne a bolellwe ha bana ba 21 ba fumanwe ba hlokahetse tameneng. +",0.80503297 +"the youngest child was only 13 years old. +","e monyane ho bona kaofela o ne a le dilemo di 13 feela. +",0.89117134 +"the police investigation into the tragedy is proceeding apace. +","diphuputso tsa sepolesa di tswelapele ka potloko e kgolo. +",0.73354876 +"flowing from the investigations, the buffalo city metro is looking into whether the tavern violated any municipal regulations. +","ntle le diphuputso tsena, mmasepala e moholo wa buffalo city, le ona o lekola taba ya hore na e be tamene eo ha e a tlola e meng ya melawana ya mmasepala. +",0.8313011 +"our thoughts and prayers are with the families who are struggling to come to terms with this unspeakable horror. +","malapa ana re tla dula re a hopola mme re tla a beha le dithapelong hore a kgone ho amohela masisapelo ana. +",0.77072155 +"we commend the eastern cape provincial government for assisting the affected families, as well as avbob that has pledged to assist the families with the burials. +","re leboha mmuso wa kapa botjhabela ka ho thusa malapa a amehileng le avbob ka ho thusa malapa ana mabapi le ho boloka bana bana. +",0.83404064 +"even as the relevant authorities deconstruct what happened to ensure there is justice for the victims, there is a conversation we do need to have as a country. +","leha diphuputso di ntse di tswela pele ho netefatsa hore malapa a mahlatsipa a qetella a tsebile se etsahetseng, empa ho na le mathata ao re tlamehang ho tobana le ona jwalo ka setjhaba. +",0.7700901 +"it is the problem of underage drinking. +","mathata ao ke pharela ya tahi baneng. +",0.7261286 +"the footage and images posted online of the socalled ‘pens down’ party at the venue that night show revelling youngsters clutching bottles of alcohol. +","ditshwantsho tse neng di tletse ho inthanete tsa moketjana ona wa ‘ho thabela ho qeta ho ngola ditlhahlobo’, di ne di bontsha batjha ba neng ba phahamiseditse dibotlolo tsa jwalo hodimo. +",0.81054425 +"many of those in the images look barely out of their teens. +","bongata ba bona bo ne bo bonahala hore bo dilemong tse ka tlase ho tse 18. bongata ba batjha ba scenery park ba neng ba bue le boraditaba ba ne ba bolele ha ba ne ba fumane molaetsa metjheng ya kgokahano ya hore bohle ba tla ya moketjaneng oo ba tla fumana jwala ba mahala. +",0.66907024 +"a number of young people from scenery park have told the media of having seen a post circulated on social media, offering free rounds of alcohol to all who attended the event that night. +","ho nwa ha batjha ke pharela e kgolo naheng ena, le mokgatlo wa matjhaba wa tsa bophelo bo botle o bolela ha naha ena e le e nngwe ya tse nwang haholo. +",0.68784326 +"the increased social acceptability of young people drinking alcohol has become a serious problem in a country where the majority of the drinking population are already classified by the world health organization as binge drinkers. +","botahwa batjheng bo tsamaisana le mathata a kang ho thisa sekolong, ho lemala ka lebaka la botahwa bona, ho ba le menahano ya ho ipolaya esitana le boitshwaro bo hlephileng. +",0.69770217 +"alcohol use amongst adolescents is associated with impaired function, absenteeism from learning, alcoholrelated injuries, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and risky behaviour. +","re tlameha ho kopana mmoho re le setjhaba ho lwantsha bothata bona bo senyetsang batjha ba rona maphelo, bo ba etse makgoba a tahi. +",0.7116443 +"we must come together to combat this vice that is robbing our young people of the best years of their lives, and making them susceptible to alcohol addiction. +","jwalo ka malapa, re tlameha ho bua ka bothata bona ba jwala mme re nke le mehato e lokelang. +",0.6556017 +"as families it means having open and frank conversations about alcohol and setting boundaries. +","ke tlolo ya molao ho nwa jwala ha ngwana ya dilemo di ka tlase ho tse 18. jwalo ka batho ba baholo, re tlameha ho kgaotsa mokgwa wa ho roma bana jwala, kapa hona ho ba rekela bona. +",0.65412873 +"children under the age of 18 consuming alcohol is against the law. +","ha se kgetlo la pele re ba le koduwa e kang eo ya scenery park. +",0.5113225 +"as adults we should refrain from practices such as sending minors to buy alcohol for us or capitulating to requests to buy these young people alcohol. +","ho ne ho etsahale se tshwanang tlelapong ya throb mane thekong ka selemo sa 2000, le tameneng ya osi mane khayelitsha ka selemo sa 2015. se tshwanang ka ketsahalo tsena le ena ya tameneng ya enyobeni, ke ho rekisetsa batjha ba tlase dilemong jwala. +",0.66847044 +"it is not the first time we have been confronted with tragic events such as what happened in scenery park last week. +","ho sebetsa leha e le ha jwang ha dibaka tsena ho bontsha ho hloleha ha ba ka taolong ho qobella melao e behilweng. +",0.5328027 +"a common denominator between enyobeni tavern, the throb nightclub disaster in durban in 2000, and the osi’s tavern tragedy in khayelitsha in 2015, is that these establishments were selling liquor to minors. +","ka ho ya ka molao o laolang jwala, beng ba dibaka tse rekisang jwala dilaesense tsa bona ha di ba dumelle ho rekisetsa batjha ba dilemo di ka tlase ho tse 18 jwala. +",0.6490913 +"the proliferation of establishments openly flouting the law points to failings on the part of authorities to enforce regulations. +","re ipiletsa ho setjhaba ho sebedisana le ba ka taolong ho netefatsa hore ditamene, dishibini, dibaka tsa boithabiso le tse rekisang jwala hore di fumana kotlo e di tshwanelang ha di tlola molao. +",0.7041084 +"under the national liquor act, owners of establishments with liquor licenses may not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. they must also take reasonable steps to ensure anyone they are selling alcohol to is of age. +","re ipiletsa le ho mapolesa ho netefatsa hore ha ho dibaka tse rekisang jwala haufi le dikolo le hore ha ho jwala bo rekisetswang bana. +",0.70341945 +"we call on communities to work with authorities to ensure that taverns, shebeens, entertainment venues and outlets breaking the law face the consequences. +","e nngwe ntho eo re e hlokometseng ke hore mathata a tahi batjheng a atile haholo dibakeng tseo dibaka tsa boithabiso tsa batjha di leng mmalwa ho tsona. +",0.6574075 +"we call upon our police to step up the enforcement of laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol close to schools and enhance monitoring of outlets to ensure alcohol is not being sold to minors. +","setjhaba sa scenery park se boletse ha dibaka tsa dipapadi, tsa thuto mmoho le tse thusang kgolong ya batjha e le leqeme feela, e leng se etsang batjha ba qetelle ba ‘kena ditameneng’. +",0.72220993 +"another reality is that alcohol is a form of escapism for young people in communities were opportunities for safe and ageappropriate recreation are few. +","ho latela koduwa ena, setjhaba se boletse ha ho se na mabala a dipapadi scenery park, dilaeborari kapa tsona ditsi tsa batjha. +",0.6812999 +"the scenery park community has pointed to the lack of sports, learning and other developmental facilities for young people, leading them to resort to ‘tavern hopping’. +","jwalo ka mmuso boemong ba naha, profensi le ba mmasepala, re tlameha ho mamela sello sa setjhaba sena, le tse ding, ka hore re ahe dibaka tsa boithabiso, re thehe le mananeo le diprojeke tse tla tswela batjha ba rona molemo profensing. +",0.72707534 +"in the wake of the tragedy, the community has pointed out that there are no viable sports grounds, community libraries or youth centres in scenery park. +","re ipiletsa le ho borakgwebo hore le bona ba kenye letsoho tabeng ena. +",0.47353014 +"as government at national, provincial and local level we need to respond to the pleas of this community and those of other communities by developing more recreational spaces, facilities, programmes, and projects for our young people in disadvantaged areas in the province. +","re le setjhaba, re tlameha ho sebedisana le mekga ya setjhaba e shebaneng le bonokwane mekgatlo ya setjhaba le ya taolo ya dikolo boitekong ba ho netefatsa paballo le tshireletso ya bana ba rona. +",0.731985 +"other social partners such as the business community should also assist with sponsorship. +","re tlameha ho toboketsa mantsweng a reng ""ngwana o hodiswa ke setjhaba"". +",0.5835596 +"as communities we must work with our community policing forums, with our civics organisations and with our school governing bodies and play a more active role in the lives of our children and in ensuring their safety and wellbeing. +","ha re sebetseng mmoho ho sireletsa setjhaba sena sa kamoso ho bolaweng ke dithethefatsi le jwala. +",0.694011 +"as they say in our african indigenous classics ""it takes a community to raise a child"". +","ha re kopaneng ho netefatsa hore bohle ba shebaneng feela le ho etsa tjhelete ba sa kgathalle maphelo a bana ba rona ha ba dumellwe ho rekisa moo re dulang. +",0.58072704 +"let us work together to protect our precious future generation from the ravages of alcohol and drug abuse and their effects. +","le rona ha re beng mohlala o motle tshebedisong ya jwala. +",0.6289248 +"let us work together to ensure that those who put profit before the lives of our children are not allowed to operate. +","setjhaba sa rona se iletse koduwa ya ho hlokahala ha batjha tameneng ya enyobeni vukuzenzele unnamed dibekeng tse mmalwa tse fetileng, malapa a lekeishene la scenery park haufi le east london, a ne a fumane ditaba tseo ho seng motswadi ya ratang ho di utlwa. +",0.6289248