diff --git "a/aligned_eng_tsn.csv" "b/aligned_eng_tsn.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/aligned_eng_tsn.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,6718 @@ +src_text,tgt_text,cosine_score +"building a nation that cares for children vukuzenzele unnamed there is a proverb common to many african cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child. +","go aga setšhaba se se kgathalelang bana vukuzenzele unnamed go na le seane se se tlwaelegileng go bontsi ba ditso tsa maaforika se se reng ngwana sejo o a tlhakane lwa. +",0.86463845 +"this idea – that the broader community has a responsibility for the development, wellbeing and safety of each child – comes to mind when i think about the tragic and deeply upsetting death of 13yearold enock mpianzi on a school camp recently. +","kakanyo eno – ya gore setšhaba ka bophara se na le maikarabelo go kgolo, tshiamelo le pabalesego ya ngwana yo mongwe le yo mongwe – e mo monaganong fa ke nagana ka loso lo lo utlwisang botlhoko le go feretlha maikutlo la ga enock mpianzii wa dingwaga di le 13 kwa khempeng ya sekolo sešweng jaana. +",0.89149964 +"sadly, enock is not the only child to lose his life for reasons that were entirely preventable, if only adults had exercised due care and responsibility. +","ka kutlobotlhoko, enock ga se ngwana a le nosi go latlhegelwa ke botshelo jwa gagwe e le ka ntlha ya mabaka ao a ka neng a ka thibelwa, fa fela bagolo ba ne ba nnile kelotlhoko le go nna le maikarabelo. +",0.8971097 +"one thinks of another 13yearold, keamohetswe shaun seboko, who recently drowned in the swimming pool of a magaliesburg primary school, and the two children who died at the lekgolo primary school in limpopo when a truck crashed into a wall that collapsed on them. +","motho o nagana ka yo mongwe yo o dingwaga di le 13, keamohetswe shaun seboko, yoo sešweng jaana a sa tswang go nwela mo letamong la bothumelo kwa sekolong se se potlana sa magaliesburg, le bana ba babedi bao ba tlhokafetseng kwa sekolo se se potlana sa le kgolo kwa limpopo fa llori e thu la lebota leo le neng la ba wela. +",0.8993417 +"one thinks also about the many children, like 6yearold nathlia pienaar, who are killed in the crossfire of gang wars on the cape flats. +","gape ke iphitlhela ke nagana le ka bontsijwba bana, jaaka na thlia pienaar wa dingwaga di le 6, yoo o neng a bolawa ke lerumo la tlhobolo le le neng le sa mo lebana la dintwa tsa digongwana tsa disenyi kwa cape flats. +",0.86911595 +"we remember also the tragic deaths of michael komape and lumka mkethwa, both of whom died after falling into pit latrines. +","re gopola le dintsho tse di botlhoko tsa michael komape le lumka mkethwa, bao ka bobedi ba tlogetseng lefatshe le le ka kwano morago ga go wela mo mesi meng ya dintlwanaboithusetso. +",0.8083074 +"all of those young lives, and the lives of many others, need never have been lost. +","matshelo a bana botlhe bano, mmogo le matshelo a ba bangwe ba le bantsi, go ne go sa tlhokege gore re a latlhegelwe. +",0.8566706 +"all these tragedies could have been prevented if measures had been taken to keep these children out of harm’s way. +","masula otlhe ano a ka bo a thibetswe fa go ka bo go tserwe dikgato go faposa bana bano mo kotsing. +",0.8642397 +"it seems to me that, as a society, we are failing our children. +","mo go nna go lebega o kare, jaaka baagi, re foseditse bana ba rona. +",0.78517985 +"too many children find themselves in dangerous situations, whether it is on a make shift raft on a river or being left alone in a shack with a paraffin lamp. +","bana ba le bantsi ba iphitlhela ba le mo maemong a a kotsi, e ka nna mo mokorwaneng oo ba o itiretseng go kgabaganya noka kgotsa ba tlogetswe ba le nosi mo mokhukhung ka lebone la parafene. +",0.8855693 +"when contractors leave excavations unprotected or school infrastructure is not maintained or school transport is overcrowded, the lives of children are put at risk. +","fa boradikonteraka ba tlogela mafelo ao ba a epileng a sa sireletswa kgotsa mafaratlhatlha a sekolo a sa tlhokome lwe kgotsa sepalangwa sa sekolo se tletse go feta selekanyo, ma tshelo a bana a bewa mo kotsing. +",0.88754666 +"but there is more than negligence and neglect at work. +","fela kwa tirong botlhaswa le boitlhokomoloso di kwa pele. +",0.71914655 +"many children are targeted by sexual predators, criminal gangs and drug sellers precisely because they are vulnerable. +","bana ba le bantsi ba beilwe le itlho ke basotlakaki ka thobala no, digongwana tsa disenyi le barekisi ba diritibatsi ka tlhamalalo gonne ba le ba le loko la batho ba ba tshelang mo tlalelong. +",0.8525342 +"as a society, we need to be more diligent and more active in protecting our children from these and other dangers. +","jaaka baagi, re tlhoka go nna tlhaga le go bonala thata mo go sireletseng bana ba rona go tseno le dikotsi tse dingwe. +",0.8915651 +"as a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility. +","jaaka baagi, re tlhoka go dira gore e nne setlwaedi go nna le maikarabelo. +",0.7656114 +"we need to be responsible for ourselves, for our children and for others. +","re tlhoka go ikemela, re emelele bana ba rona le bathoba bangwe. +",0.84893215 +"just as we need to ensure that children are able to grow up in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment, so too must we feel a duty to protect and care for all those who we know and interact with. +","fela jaaka re tlhoka go netefatsa gore bana ba golela mo tikologong e e sireletsegileng, e e nonotshang le e e kgatlhisang, re tlhoka go dira fela jalo le rona go dira tiro ya go sireletsa le go tlhokomela botlhe bao re ba itseng le bao reamanang le bona. +",0.8993412 +"we must feel this duty of care on the road. +","re tshwanetse go bona kgato eno ya tlhokomelo le mo ditseleng tsa rona, le fa re amogela kwelotlase ya dintsho tsa mo mebileng, nnete e e ngomolang pelo ke gore batho ba feta 1,600 ba latlhegetswe ke matshelo mo mebileng ya rona mo sebakeng sa kgwedi le halofo. +",0.5535697 +"while we welcome the drop in road fatalities over this festive season, the grim reality is that over 1,600 people died on our roads in just a month and a half. +","go swabisa nko go feta molomo gore bakgweetsi ba dikoloi ba feta 9 000 ba ne ba tlhatlhelwa mabapi le ditlolomolao tse di tsenyeletsang go kgweetsa o nole nnotagi, go kgweetsa ka lobelo le le kwa godimo, go kgweetsa botlhaswa le go itlhokomolosa melawana ya go kgweetsa mo tseleng. +",0.64514 +"it is disturbing that over 9,000 motorists were arrested for offences including drunk driving, speeding, and reckless and negligent driving. +","kgato eno ya go itlwaetsa go rwalwa maikarabelo e kaya gore rotlhe re tshwanetse go kgweetsa ka pabalesego le go tlotla ditshwanelo tsa batsamaakadinao le badirisi ba bangwe ba tsela. +",0.6206348 +"a culture of responsibility means that we should all drive safely and respect the rights of pedestrians and other road users. +","kgato ya go itlwaetsa go rwala maikarabelo e kaya gore borre ba tlhoka go godisa le go nna teng mo matshelong a bana ba bona. +",0.69687796 +"a culture of responsibility means that fathers need to be present in the lives of their children. +","basadi ba le bantsi ba iphitlhela ba lebanwe ke go godisa bana ka bobona, mme seno go le gantsi se ba kgoreletsa go ka atlega mo matshelong a bona le bana ba bona. +",0.6580472 +"too many women have to raise children on their own, which often limits their prospects and those of their children. +","kgato ya go itlwaetsa go rwala maikarabelo gape e kaya gore re tshwanetse go ikamanya le merero ya thobalano e e sireletsegileng le go sa fetelwe ke mogare wa hiv kgotsa go o fetisetsa go ba bangwe. +",0.6243162 +"a culture of responsibility also means that we should practice safe sex and not expose ourselves or others to hiv . +","ga re a tshwanela go dirisa nnotagi kgotsa diritibatsi botlhaswa. +",0.55900353 +"we should not abuse alcohol or use drugs. +","re tshwanetse go nna le phisegelo ya go tshela botshelo jo bo itekanetseng gore re tle re fapoge malwetse ao a kgonang go thibelwa le go tshela matshelo a maleele. +",0.60728985 +"we should seek to live healthy lives so that we avoid diseases that are largely preventable and live longer lives. +","dikgato tsa mothale ono di tshwanetse go amogelwa bogolosegolo ke botlhe mo setšhabeng ba ba nang le maemo a taolo le tshosometso, e ka nna baeteledipele ba sedumedi kgotsa boradipolotiki, baeteledipele ba setso kgotsa batho ba ba itsegeng. +",0.6209583 +"such a culture should be embraced in particular by all those in society who occupy positions of authority and influence, whether they are religious leaders or politicians, traditional leaders or celebrities. +","ka mafoko a bona le ditiro, ba tshwanetse go batla go aga setšhaba se se botoka seo mo go sona botlhe ba tlotliwang le go tlhokomelwa. +",0.65068156 +"through their words and actions, they should seek to build a better society in which all are appreciated and cared for. +","batlhankedi ba ba tlhophilweng le badiredipuso ba rwesitswe maikarabelo a go netefatsa pabalesego le tshiamelo ya baagi. +",0.57521105 +"elected officials and public servants are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens. +","ba tshwanetse go netefatsa gore go na le mafaratlhatlha a a lekaneng le a go babalesega kwa dikolong. +",0.61965007 +"they must ensure that there is adequate and safe infrastructure in schools. +","ba tshwanetse go tsiboga ka bonako fa go na le kgoreletsego ya kelelo ya metsi mo baaging kgotsa fa go begiwa mabone a mo mebileng a a sa direng. +",0.64206 +"they must act quickly when there is an interruption to water supply in a communities or when faulty streetlights are reported. +","ba tshwanetse go netefatsa gore melao ya boitekanelo le pabalesego e a obamelwa le gore go na le molao. +",0.586377 +"they must ensure that health and safety regulations are enforced and that the rule of law is maintained. +","mo godimo ga tiro e e tswele tseng eo e diragalang go ralala le maphata a puso ka bophara, go diragatsa maikarabelo ano, ka dinako tse dingwe re ne re tshwanelwa ke go tsaya dikgato tse di kgethegileng go gaisa. +",0.56352484 +"in addition to the ongoing work that is taking place across government, at all levels, to give effect to this responsibility, we have sometimes had to take extraordinary measures. +","mo go samaganeng le dintsho le dikotsi tse di bakilweng ke bana ka go wela mo mesimeng ya dintlwanaboithusetso, re ne ra thankgolola letsholo la safe go itlhaganedisa go neelana ka dintlwanaboithusetso tse di maleba mo dikolong tsotlhe mo nageng. +",0.6528853 +"in response to the deaths and injury caused by children falling into pit latrines, we launched the safe initiative to accelerate the provision of appropriate toilets to all schools in the country. +","re rometse sesole sa tshireletso sa bosetšhaba sa aforka borwa kwa mafelong a mangwe a a kwa motse kapa go tshegetsa tiro ya mapodisa mo maitekong a bona a go fokotsa dikhuduego tsa digongwana tsa bosenyi. +",0.67755985 +"we deployed the south african national defence force to parts of cape town to support the police in their efforts to reduce gang violence. +","sešweng jaana, re le mmogo le mekgatlho ya baagi, re simolotse leano la tshoganyetso la tsibogelo go fedisa tirisodikgoka e e totileng basadi le bana. +",0.65691054 +"more recently, we have, together with civil society, embarked on an emergency response plan to end violence against women and children. +","le fa go le jalo, go tlhamaletse gore go santse go le go gontsi go re tlhokang go go dira, jaaka puso le setšhaba. +",0.55271953 +"yet, there is clearly much more that we need to do, as government and as a society. +","re akgola mekgatlho mmogo le batho b aba ikemetseng ka bobobna bao ba tsereng maikarabelo a go tlhokomela ba bangwe. +",0.49473354 +"we applaud those individuals and organisations who have taken upon themselves responsibility for the wellbeing of others. +","go na le batho ba tshwana le ralph bouwers le mark nicholson, bao ba rulagantseng ditiro tsa boitapoloso tsa bašwa kwa lavender hill kwa motse kapa e le go ba tlosa mo go ka ikamanyeng le digongwana tsa basenyi. +",0.5895611 +"there are people like ralph bouwers and mark nicholson, who organise recreation activities for young people in lavender hill in cape town to keep them from turning to gangsterism. +","go na le bomme, boausi le bana ba basetsana bao ba dirang jaaka baithaopi ba baithuti mo mo kgatlhong wa operation bobbi bear, kwa amanzimtoti kwa kwazulunatal o o tlamelang bana ba bannye bao ba sotlakakilweng ka marobalo. +",0.7778833 +"there are the mothers, sisters and daughters who work as student volunteers with operation bobbi bear, an organisation in amanzimtoti in kwazulunatal that offers shelter to young children who have been abused. +","go na le ditlhopha tse dintsi tsa sedumedi jaaka southern african catholic bishops’ conference, bao ke kopaneng le bona sešweng jaana bao ba mpoleletseng ka ga tiro e ba e dirang go samagana le ditlhoko tsa bahumanegi, go tshegetsa malapa go nna le tlhokomelo e e tseneletseng le go nonotsha le go thusa bašwa go mekana le dikgwetlho tse di fa pele ga bona. +",0.6963705 +"there are many faithbased groups like the southern african catholic bishops’ confer ence, who i met recently who told me about the work they are doing to respond to the needs of the poor, to support families to be more caring and nurturing and to assist young people in confronting the many challenges before them. +","maaforika borwa ano a re bontsha tsela le nnete. +",0.50117743 +"these south africans are showing us the way. +","ka ditiro tsa bona, ba re gopotsa gore go kaya eng go nna motho yo o maikarabelo le go rwala ma ikarabelo mo go ba bangwe. +",0.49892455 +"through their example, they are reminding us of what it means to take responsibility for ourselves and for others. +","naga eno ya rona e ipone tse matlhotlhapelo a se kana ka sepe. +",0.40238672 +"this country has witnessed far too many tragedies. +","re latlhegetswe ke matshelo a bašwa ba rona a le mantis tota, ban aba rona ba le bantsi tota ba utlwisitswe botlhoko le go kgoberega maikutlo. +",0.56893885 +"too many young lives have been lost, too many children hurt and traumatised. +","go aga setšhaba se se kgathalelang bana vukuzenzele unnamed go na le seane se se tlwaelegileng go bontsi ba ditso tsa maaforika se se reng ngwana sejo o a tlhakane lwa. +",0.56893885 +"the ins and outs of adhd and add silusapho nyanda there is help available for children who suffer from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. +","dintlha tse di feletsengka ga adhd le add silusapho nyanda go na le thuso go bana ba ba nang le bokoa jwa go sisibala le go tlhwaya tsebe le go nna le matlhagatlhaga a a feteletseng. +",0.844759 +"the brains of preschool children grow at an incredible rate and help lay the foundations of language, thinking and social and emotional development. +","fa ngwana yo a nang le bokoa jwa go sisibala le go tlhwaya tsebe le go nna le matlhagatlhaga a a feteletseng (adhd) kgotsa bokoa jwa go sa kgone go tlhwaya tsebe (add) bo sa alafiwe, maemo a ka nna le ditlamorago tse di sa siamang tsa paka e telele mo boitekanelong jwa gagwe. +",0.68435585 +"children from upington in the northern cape are benefiting from 10 early childhood development (ecds) centres recently launched by the department of social develop ment (dsd). +","seno ke go ya ka ngaka khatija jhazbhay, yoo a etele tseng pele yuniti ya child and adolescent psychiatry kwa townhill hospital kwa pietermaritzburg, kwazulunatal. +",0.6992704 +"fiveyearold lithemba bacela, who lives with cerebral palsy and has a speech impairment, is better able to indicate what she feels and needs, thanks to her time at one of these centres, oasis skills development centre’s ecd unit. +","o tlhalositse gore jaaka bagolo, bana bano ba ka nna le kotsi e e oketsegileng ya malwetse a mangwe a tlhaloganyo, jaaka matshwenyego le kgatelelo ya maikutlo, mme gape ba ka dirisa diritibatsi botlhaswa. +",0.6614561 +"lithemba lives in paballelo with her mother, elizabeth bacela, who says her child’s communication skills have improved since she started at the centre last year. +","adhd le add e ama tswelopele ya dithuto tsa bana mme maitsholo a bona a ka tena ba bangwe. +",0.63484967 +"elizabeth said the stimulation area has been particularly beneficial. +","bana bano ba ka nna ba se ratiwe, ba tsena mo mathateng le go tshabelelwa ke dikotsi. +",0.49879384 +"""lithemba can now indicate when she is thirsty, hungry or has wet herself. +","""maemo a ngwana yo mo ngwe le yo mongwe a tshwana a le nosi mme a tswelela go nna a ntse a gola, ka jalo go bo tlhokwa go dira tlhatlhobo e e feletseng ya kalafi go lemoga mabaka a mangwe ao a ka amang tswelopele ya bona, gammogo le maatla ao a ka agelelwang go ba thusa go fi tlhelela bokgoni jo bo feletseng jwa bona,"" go rialo ngaka jhazbhay. +",0.60470176 +"""the oasis ecd centre is one of 10 that received new buildings from the national lotteries commission (nlc) as part of the commission’s legacy project. +","o tlhalositse gore adhd le add ke makoa a kgolo le tswelopele ya boboko eo e tlhagelelang ka mathata a maitsholo, jaaka go sa kgone go tlhwaya tsebe. +",0.6506947 +"this countrywide initiative is aligned with the national development plan’s commitment to improving education, innovation and training, and ensuring that all children have at least two years of preschool education. +","seno se bonala ka mokgwa wa: go dira diphoso tse di botlhaswa go sa fetse ditiro go timetsa dilwana go kgoreletsega bonolo le go lebala. +",0.60160416 +"the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome. +","dikao tsa go nna matlhagatlhaga a a feteletseng kgotsa go dira o sa akanye go tsenyeletsa: go etsaetsega go phophotha diatla kgotsa dinao go tlhonatlhona mo mannong a bona go phantsha dikarabo le go emelela ka dinao fa go solofetswe gore ba nne fa fatshe. +",0.6772734 +"each of the four classes at the ecd centre has 10 to 15 pupils, says acting chairperson of oasis skills development centre marina johannesen. +","""matshwao a tlhagelela ka maemo a mabedi kgotsa go feta – kwa gae, kwa sekolong, le fa a na le ditsala kgotsa balosika kgotsa ka nako ya ditirwana tse dingwe – le go tsenagare ditiro tsa loago, tsa kwa tirong kgotsa tsa kwa sekolong. +",0.65864456 +"the department contributes a subsidy of r20 per child, which covers children between the ages of two and seven and those who are 18 years of age and above. +","matshwao a a tseneletseng go gaisa a tlhagelela pele ga dingwaga di le 12 mme a tshwanetse go nna teng sebaka sa bonnye jwa dikgwedi di le thataro. +",0.6438316 +"in 2015, the dsd donated a stimulation centre, computer lab and a bus to transport pupils to and from school. +","barutabana ba kgona go bona mathata a maitsholo mme ba ka romela ngwana go ka dirwa tlhatlhobo e e tseneletseng ya ngaka. +",0.63346994 +"""once a week, therapists from the local hospital come to the centre to assess and treat the children,""says johannesen. +","dintlha tse di feletsengka ga adhd le add silusapho nyanda go na le thuso go bana ba ba nang le bokoa jwa go sisibala le go tlhwaya tsebe le go nna le matlhagatlhaga a a feteletseng. +",0.63346994 +"young people are sa's real jewels vukuzenzele unnamed engaging with young people always leaves me energised. +","bašwa ke bokamoso jwa naga ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed gangwe le gape fa ke buisana le bašwa ka gale go ntira gore ken ne le matlhagatlhaga. +",0.8016446 +"it is exciting to gain insight into their struggles and triumphs and their vision for what can be done to improve this country. +","go a itumedisa go tlhaloganya dikgaratlho le diphenyo tsa bona le ponelopele ya bona go seo se ka dirwang go tokafatsa naga eno. +",0.89703476 +"there is no denying that youth are a significant presence in our nation’s psyche and fabric. +","ga go nnete e e fetang eno gore bašwa ke karolo e e botlhokwa thata e e tla tswelelang go nna teng mo mookong le mo popegong ya setšhaba sa rona. +",0.8075384 +"far from the perception that they are complacent, politically apathetic or selfabsorbed, local and international studies consistently affirm that young people around the globe are always more positive about their prospects. +","le fa re itse sentle gore ka gale ba rata go tsaya dilo bobebe, ga ba na kgatlhego mo dipolotiking kgotsa ebile ba itebeletse ba le nosi, dithuto tsa bo ditšhabatšhaba le tsa selegae ka gale di totobatsa gore bašwa go dikologa lefatshe ka gale ba na le tsholofelo e e namatshang ka ga bokamoso jwa bona. +",0.8406646 +"according to the findings of an ipsos pulse of the people poll released in january, 61% of south africans aged 15 to 17 feel optimistic about 2020. i have no doubt this is a sentiment shared by youth in general and especially the cohort born at the turn of the millennium who are now beginning their adult life, the ones the youth call ama2000. +","go ya ka dipoelo tsa ditlhopho tsa ipsos pulse of the people e e golotsweng ka ferikgong, 61% ya maaforika borwa a dingwaga di le 15 go ya go di le 17 ba na le tsholofelo ka ga 2020. ga ke na pelaelo gore seno ke maikutlo a a leng mo bašweng ba ba farologaneng ka kakaretso, bogolosegolo setlhopha sa bašwa ba ba belegweng mo tshimologong ya ngwagakete bao ga jaana ba simololang bo tshelo, bao bašwa ba ba bitsang ma2000. +",0.9074781 +"they are the sons and daughters born after democracy. +","bano ke barwa le barwadi ba ba belegweng morago ga gore naga ya rona e iponele temokerasi. +",0.8398605 +"while they have no direct experience of the atrocities of apartheid, they continue to live with its legacy of racial inequity, spatial injustice and poverty. +","le fa bona ba sena maitemogelo a bosetlhogo jwa tlhaolele, ba tswelela go tshelela mo ditlamo ragong tsa yona tse di ka ga go se lekalekaneng ga lotso, tshokelelo ya bonno le lehuma. +",0.82921886 +"these young people are confident, selfassured and brimming with ambition. +","bašwa bano ba a itshepa, ga ba ikobonye mme e bile gape ba phophoma ka maikemisetso. +",0.8380781 +"they know their rights and aren’t afraid to demand them. +","bašwa bano ba itse ditshwanelo tsa bona sentle mme ga ba tshabe go di lwela. +",0.8073389 +"our country’s youth represent energy, hope, fun, poten tial, future and freedom. +","bašwa ba naga ya rona ba bo ntsha matlhagatlhaga, tsholofe lo, boitumelo, bokgoni, bokamo so le kgololesego. +",0.844909 +"they are digital natives fluent in the use of modern technologies and look to enter careers that did not even exist at the time of their parents. +","ke ba ba tsaletsweng mo nakong ya didirisiwa tsa di dijithale mme ke dikgeleke mo tirisong ya dithekenoloji tsa sešweng mme ba ipona ba dira ditiro tseo di neng di se teng ka nako ya batsadi ba bona. +",0.84334874 +"on the eve of the state of the nation address i had the privilege of interacting with a group of such dynamic young people at an intergenerational dialogue convened by the national youth development agency. +","letsatsi pele ga puo ya maemo a setšhaba (sona) ke ne ka nna le tšhono ya go buisana le setlhopha se se jalo sa bašwa ba ba matlhaga tlhaga kwa puisanong e e ka ga ditshika tsa dingwaga tse di farologaneng tsa ka fa nageng ya rona e e neng e rulagantswe ke setheo sa bosetšhaba sa tlhabololo ya bašwa (nyda). +",0.8587071 +"we discussed the issues that are most important to young people and examined ways in which we could align our perspectives and actions. +","re sekasekile dintlha tseo di leng botlhokwa thata go bašwa le go lebisisa ditsela tseo ka tsona re ka lolamisang dintlhapono le ditiro tsa rona. +",0.88027465 +"naturally, access to employment and opportunities dominated the agenda. +","jaaka setlwaedi, go bona tiro le ditšhono go ne go le kwa setlhoeng mo lenanetemeng. +",0.77898616 +"of the 1.2 million young people entering the labour market each year, almost twothirds remain neither working nor studying. +","mo bašweng ba le 1.2 milione ba ba iponelang ditiro ngwaga mongwe le mongwe, ba ka nna ba le babedi mo go ba le bararo ba iphitlhela ba latlhegetswe ke ditiro, ba sena dithuto le dikatiso tse di maleba. +",0.85045755 +"the participants in the dialogue welcomed the fact that the issue of youth employment was receiving attention at the highest levels of government. +","batsayakarolo mo puisanong ba itumeletse gore ntlha ya go thapiwa ga baswa e tsibogelwa le kwa maemong a a kwa go dimo a puso. +",0.7772933 +"but the refrain was familiar: they were ready and able to contribute to the economy in various ways, including as entrepreneurs, but bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding prevents them from doing so. +","fela dikgoreletsi tse ba di tlhagisitseng ke se re se itseng: ba tlhagisitse gore bona bae me sejaro mo go nneng le seabe mo ikonoming ka ditsela tse di farologaneng, go tsenyele tsa jaaka tsa go nna borakgwebo, fela dithulaganyo tsa tsamaiso tse di tlhokang dintsanantsana di sena palo mmogo le tlhokego ya ketleetso ka matlole e ba thibela go dira jalo. +",0.82692 +"as bright hlongwane from youth in business south africa told me, there needs to be more funding extended to young entrepreneurs. +","jaaka bright hlongwane wa mokgatlho wa bašwa mo kgwebong ya aforika borwa a mpoleletse, go tlhokega gore go nne le matlole a a okeditsweng go borakgwebo ba bašwa. +",0.89736354 +"they would like to see a variety of financial institutions, developmental financial institutions, angel investors, private equity firms as well as commercial banks extending credit and taking a bet on young entrepreneurs. +","ba ka rata go bona mefutafuta ya ditheo tsa ditšhelete, ditheo tsa tlhabololo ya ditšhelete, babeeletsi ba ba etleetsang ka matlole go dikgwebopotlana, difeme tsa matlole tsa poraefete gammogo le dibanka tsa kgwebo tse di itekang lesego ka go oketsa sekoloto le go lekeletsa go bagwebi ba bašwa. +",0.8897282 +"for our country to prosper and thrive we must do all within our means to ensure young people can participate in our economy in a meaningful way, whether it is in formal employment or selfemployment. +","gore naga ya rona e gole ka katlego re tshwanetse rotlhe re dire ka gotlhe ka moo re ka kgonang go netefatsa gore bašwa ba ka tsaya karolo mo ikono ming ya rona ka tsela e e nang le mosola, e ka nna ka ditsela tse di tlwaelegileng tsa go ba thapa mo ditirong kgotsa ka go ba bulela ditšhono tsa gore bona k abo bona ba kgone go itirela ditiro le go ithapa. +",0.8323655 +"it was therefore fitting that i could use this platform to launch the presidential youth employment intervention, which is a strategic national vision and plan which sets out priority actions to address youth unemployment. +","ka jalo, go ne go le maleba gore nka dirisa serala seno go tlhama tsenogare ya moporesitente mo go thapiweng ga bašwa, eo e leng tomagano ya leano le pono ya bosetšhaba eo e tlhalosang ditiro tse di kwa setlhoeng go samagana le botlhokatiro jwa bašwa. +",0.8605989 +"this includes a national pathway management network that matches candidates with work opportunities. +","seno se tsenyeletsa tsela ya bosetšhaba go mafaratlhatlha a botsamaisi eo e nyalanyang bakopatiro le ditšhono tsa tiro. +",0.83040595 +"this will enable young people to have access to opportunities as some of them do not have the networks that make easy access to opportunities possible. +","seno se tla kgontsha bašwa go fitlhelela ditšhono jaaka ba ba ngwe ba bona ba sena mafara tlhatlha ao a dirang gore go nne bonolo go fitlhelelela ditšhono tse di ka ba siamelang. +",0.8472282 +"specialised short focused courses in skills that employers need now will be organ ised. +","go tla rulaganngwa dikhosokhutshwe tse di kgethegileng tse di totileng bokgoni jo bo rileng joo ga jaana bathapi ba bo tlhokang. +",0.7345616 +"this aims to address the problem of a mismatch between the existing educational, training and develop ment programmes and the requirements of the economy. +","maikaelelo a seno ke go samagana le bothata jwa go sa nyalane magareng ga mananeo a thuto, katiso le tlhabololo a ga jaana le ditlhokego tsa ikonomi. +",0.86000323 +"we welcome the work already being done in this area, such as the programme currently underway through the departments of agriculture, land reform and rural development and cooperative governance and traditional affairs to train 1,000 young students in the free state in agricultural and other skills. +","re nesetsa pula tiro e e setseng e dirilwe mo ntlheng eno, jaaka lenaneo le ga jaana le setse le rebotswe mo lefapheng la temothuo, phetolo ya lefatshe le tlhabololo ya magae mmogo le mo go la pusotshwaraganelo le merero ya setso go ka katisa baithuti ba bašwa ba le 1 000 kwa foreisetata mo go tsa temothuo le bokgoni jo bongwe. +",0.86889774 +"many young people want to start their own businesses. +","bašwa ba le bantsi ba batla go itshimololela dikgwebo tsa bona. +",0.89627093 +"they lack the technical skills that can help them start their own businesses. +","ba tlhaela bokgoni jwa setegeniki joo bo ka ba thusang go simolola dikgwebo tsa bona. +",0.8873514 +"the intervention will support the growth of youth entrepreneurs. +","tsenogare eno e tla tshegetsa kgolo ya borakgwebo ba bašwa. +",0.8312956 +"entrepreneurship is certainly not a panacea, but i am convinced that it is one effective and proven way to confer identity and purpose, a sense of belonging, and hope for the future for the youth. +","boammaruri ke gore bogwebi ga se tharabololo ya mathata otlhe, fela ke dumela gore ke tse la e e nonofileng le go rurifadiwa go neela boitshupo le mosola, maikutlo a go nna le tshwanelo, le tsholofelo go isago ya bašwa. +",0.86720455 +"the presidential youth service programme provides opportunities for young people to give back to their communities. +","lenaneo la tirelo ya bašwa la moporesitente le neelana bašwa ditšhono tse di tla tswelang metse e ba tswang kwa go yona mosola. +",0.84289414 +"this initiative is designed to effect change and make an impact at scale, as opposed to fragmented programmes that have had limited impact. +","boitshimoledi jono bo dirilwe go tsenya phetogo le go dira tshusumetso mo sekaleng, go na le mananeo a a kgaoganeng ao a nang le tshosometso e e lekanyeditsweng. +",0.8255425 +"i also announced in the state of the nation address that we will set aside 1% of the national budget for a youth employ ment initiative. +","gape ke tlhalositse mo sona gore re tla beela kwa thoko 1% ya tekanyetsokabo ya bosetšhaba go dirisediwa mabapi le mananeo a a tla tlholelang bašwa ditiro. +",0.83145916 +"a number of programmes and projects are being designed to address this national challenge. +","mananeo a le mantsinyana mmogo le diporojeke a a tlha miwa go samagana le kgwetlho eno e e leng ka fa nageng. +",0.82222015 +"the youth of our country clearly see this as a land of opportunity and promise, despite the obstacles they encounter. +","bašwa ba naga ya rona ba bona seno e le tšhono le tsholofetso, le fa tota ba tlhomerwe ke dikgoreletsi tse ba kopanang le tsona. +",0.8876467 +"in the past week alone i have met several young south africans who make me proud of just how far we have come and what we have achieved. +","mo bekeng e e fetileng fela ke kopane le bašwa ba le mmalwa ba maaforika borwa bao ba ntirileng motlotlo ka bokgakala jo re re tswang kw go jona le seo seo re se fitlheletseng ga jaana. +",0.91022587 +"there are young sports people like golfing prodigy sim ‘tiger’ tshabalala who is racking up international golfing awards at the tender age of 8. he is ranked 7th in the world in his age group and has won the us kids golf tournament twice. +","ga jaana re na le borame tshameko ba bašwa jaaka mo itseanape wa motshameko wa kolofo sim ‘tiger"" tshabalala yoo o kokoanyang dikgele tsa kolofo tsa boditšhatšhaba ka fa la ka fa ka a na fela le dingwaga di le robedi. +",0.820875 +"my spirits were lifted when grade 11 learner sinoyolo qumba from orange farm wrote to me about what should be in this year’s sona. +","o mo maemong a bosupa mo lefatsheng mo se tlhopheng sa dithaka tsa gagwe le go fenya metseletsele ya me tshameko ya kolofo go tsenye letsa us kids golf tournament gabedi. +",0.6402079 +"she actually joined our speechwriting team in the drafting process. +","mowa wa me o ne wa ya kwa godimo fa moithuti wa mophato wa bo 11 sinoyolo qumba go tswa kwa orange farm a nkwalela ka ga seo se tshwane tseng go akarediwa mo go sona ya monongwaga. +",0.5850421 +"there are passionate activists like ayakha melithafa from eerste rivier in the western cape, who attended this year’s world economic forum in davos to call on world leaders to stand firmly for climate justice. +","sentlentle e ne e le karolo ya setlhopha sa bakwadi sa rona mo tsamaisong ya go tlhama puo eno. +",0.5450283 +"i was bowled over when i met michelle nkamankeng who, at 11 years old, is africa’s youngest author and is ranked among the top ten youngest writers in the world. +","go na le bakgaratlhi ba ba matlhagatlha ga ba ba jaaka ayakha melithafa go tswa kwa eerste rivier kwa kapa bophirima, yoo a neng a tsenetse foramo ya ikonomi ya lefatshe kwa davos go ipiletsa go baeteledipele ba lefatshe go ema nokeng bosiamisi jwa tlelaemete. +",0.6730015 +"the author of seven books and wrote her first book at the age of 6 years old. +","ke ne ke gakgame tse thata fa ke ne ke kopana le michelle nkamankeng yoo, ka dingwaga di le 11, e leng mo kwadi yo monnye mo aforika le go nna mo maemong a ba kwadi ba ba lesome ba ba kwa setlhoeng mo lefatsheng. +",0.64401996 +"as professor jonathan jansen said: ""she is confident, articulate, insightful and passionate."" +","mo kwadi yono o kwadile dibuka di le supa le go kwala buka ya gagwe ya ntlha a le dingwaga di le 6 fela. +",0.4951649 +"it is these young people who are the real jewels of our country’s future and who remind us that our freedom was won through the sacrifices of the young men and women who were determined that not only they, but those who came after, should live in the light of freedom. +","jaaka moporofesara jonathan jansen a buile: ""o a itshepa, o tlhamaletse sentle mo puong ya, o na le kitso le lerato la se a se dirang"". +",0.60836494 +"we must continue to work together as government, business, labour and civil society to ensure that the burden of unemployment does not continue to weigh down our young people, crush their spirits and cause them to become despondent. +","ke bašwa bano bao e leng dibenyane tsa mmatota tsa isago ya naga ya rona le go re gakolola gore kgololesego ya rona e fe ntswe ka go ikentsha ditlhabelo ga makau le makgarebe ao a neng a ikaeletse gore eseng fela bona, fela le bao ba tlang kwa morago ga bona, ba tshwanetse go tshela mo leseding la kgololesego. +",0.71394575 +"i am confident that the actions we outlined in the sona will represent a new frontier for youth development as frantz fanon said, it is to each generation to discover its mission. +","re tshwanetse go tswelela go dira mmogo re le puso, kgwebo, mekgatlho ya badiri le ya baagi go netefatsa gore mokgweleo wa botlhokatiro o se tswelele go ketefalela bašwa ba rona, go tšhwatlaganya mewa ya bona le go ba dira gore ba tlhoke tsolofelo. +",0.64202267 +"this generation has discovered theirs. +","ke na le tshepo ya gore ditiro tse di tlhalositsweng mo sona di tla emela molelwane o montšhwa wa tlhabololo ya bašwa. +",0.49099946 +"it is now up to us to support them to fulfil it. +","jaaka frantz fanon a buile, ke go losika lengwe le lengwe go iponela moono wa lona. +",0.4698601 +it is a historical fact that a nation’s failure to successfully nurture and enhance the capabilities of its youth spells doom for the future of that country.,"bašwa ke bokamoso jwa naga ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed gangwe le gape fa ke buisana le bašwa ka gale go ntira gore ken ne le matlhagatlhaga. +",0.4698601 +"bmw joins the fight against gbv vukuzenzele unnamed bmw group south africa has handed over five bmw i3 cars that will be used by communitybased care workers to reach victims of genderbased violence. +","bmw e tsenela ntwa ya go lwantshana le gbv vukuzenzele unnamed setlamo sa bmw group south africa se neelane ka dija naga tsa bmw i3 tse di tla dirisiwang ke mekga tlho ya baagi go ka fitlhe lela batswasetlhabelo ba tirisodikgoka e e totileng basadi le bana (gbv). +",0.84933335 +"the vehicles were received by president cyril ramaphosa and german chancellor angela merkel before being hand ed over to the south african business coalition on health and aids (sabcoha) to manage on behalf of the multisectoral interim steering committee on genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). +","dijanaga tseno di amogetswe ke diatla tsa ga moporesitente cyril ramaphosa mmogo le mokhanselara wa naga ya jeremane angela merkel. +",0.7473813 +"the automotive group’s contribution demonstrates the growing partnership between government and civil society, which includes the business sector and international partners, in the fight against gbvf. +","di ne tsa neelwa ba mokgatlho wa dikgwebo tsa aforika bo rwa malebana le merero ya boitekanelo le ya bolwetse jwa phate (sabcoha) gore ba di tlhokomele mo legatong la bolaodi jwa komiti e e digogang kwa pele ya na kwana ya makala a mantsi a a farologaneng a a samaganeng le merero ya tirisodikgoka e e totileng basadi le bana mmogo le dipolao tsa basadi (gbvf). +",0.71896327 +"the initiative is part of the automotive industry transformation fund (worth r6 billion), which was established to increase participation in the sector by previously and historically disadvantaged groups, including women, youth and people with disabilities. +","thuso eno go tswa kwa setlamong sa dijanaga e toto batsa tirisanommogo e e tswe letseng go gola magareng ga puso le mekgatlho ya baagi, e e tsenyeletsang makala a di kgwebo le badirisanimmogo ba maphata a boditšhabatšhaba, mo go ka lwantshaneng le gbvf. +",0.7377211 +"speaking at the vehicle handover ceremony, held at the bmw group production plant in rosslyn, tshwane, president ramaphosa said the vehicles will help to save lives. +","letsholo leno ke karolo ya letlole la phetolothefosano la diintaseteri tsa dijanaga (le le jang bokanaka r6 bilione), le le tsentsweng tirisong gore le tlise diphetogo mabapi le go refosana maemo mo lekaleng la dijanaga le go kgontsha gore bao mo malobeng ba neng ba sa letlelelwa go nna le seabe mo go lona ba neelwe ditšhono tsa go nna le seabe, go akarediwa le basadi, bašwa le batho ba ba tshelang ka bogolofadi. +",0.6823436 +"he expressed his gratitude to bmw for being the first company to donate the vehicles, and encouraged others to follow suit. +","fa a ne a bua kwa moketeng wa semmuso wa go neelana ka dijanaga, o o neng o tshwaretswe kwa lefelong le go agiwang dijanaga tsa setlamo seno sa tlhagiso ya dijanaga tsa bmw kwa rosslyn, tshwane, mo malobeng moporesitente ramaphosa o rile dijanaga tseno di tla thusa go boloka matshelo. +",0.68914306 +"""this practical expression of good corporate citizenship is sending a very good and clear message that we would like many other companies to also notice and adopt,president ramaphosa said. +","o lebogile ba bmw go bo e le setlamo sa ntlha go neelana ka dijanaga, mme o ne a rotloetsa tse dingwe gore le tsona di gate mo motlhaleng wa bona. +",0.6444739 +"emergency response plan to address gbvfgovernment has been im plementing an emergency response plan to address gbvf. +","""kgato eno ya gonna le tirisanommogo e e edileng magareng ga dikoporasi le baagi ke sekai se sentle se se tlhamaletseng seo re batlang go se bona mo ditlamong tse dingwe gape tse dintsi gore le tsona di tsee malebela mme di diragatse fela jaaka seno. +",0.6293882 +"a national strategic plan on gbvf, which outlines a range of measures to tackle gbvf, has also been developed. +","""go nneng teng ga bmw mo nageng ya aforika borwa go supa kamano ya tirisanommogo mmogo le ya ikonomi e e leng kgale e le teng magareng ga naga ya jeremane le ya aforika borwa,"" ga rialo moporesitente ramaphosa. +",0.6552087 +"""the plan focuses on strengthening prevention efforts, and ensuring safety and justice for the women and children of our country. +","maano a tshoganye tso a go tsibogela gbvleanotlhomo la naga mabapi le gbvf, le le tlhalosang dikgato tse dintsi tse di farologaneng go samagana le gbvf, le lona le setse le tlhomilwe. +",0.57975113 +"the plan also touches on economic empowerment, an area that is so important that we, as government, will be focusing on,"" president ramaphosa said. +","""leano leno le tsepamisitse mogopolo mo go matlafatseng dikgato tsa thibelaketegelo, mmogo le go netefatsa gore basadi le bana ba naga ya rona ba nna ka fa tlase ga moriti wa tshireletsego le bosiamisi. +",0.6193142 +"group head of production and chairman of bmw south africa, dr milan nedeljkovic, said 4 000 people in south africa are directly employed at bmw group, and four out of five managers are local. +","leano leno gape le umaka ntlha ya matlafatso mo mererong ya ikonomi, e leng karolo e e botlhokwa thata mo go rona jaaka re le puso, re tla bo re tsepamisitse megopolo ya rona mo go yona,"" ga rialo moporesitente ramaphosa. +",0.62668586 +"in addition to this, more than 40 000 people are employed indirectly through the company’s utilities in south africa. +","tlhogo ya karolo ya tlhagiso ya dijanaga ya setlamo sa bmw south africa, ngaka milan nedeljkovic, a re palogotlhe ya batho ba le 4 000 mo nageng ya aforika borwa ba thapilwe ke setlamo sa bmw, go tsenyeletsa le mo diphatlhatirong tsa bolaodi moo ba le bane mo go ba le batlhano ba setlamo seno e leng ba ka fa nageng eno. +",0.65057635 +"""our first formal training facility in bmw sa opened its doors in 1978 and since then, more than 2 000 have gone through training with bmw and received jobs at bmw,"" nedeljkovic said. +","mo godimo ga seno, nede ljkovic o rile batho ba ba ngwe gape ba feta ba le 40 000 ba thapilwe ka fa nageng ke ditlamo tse di tlamelang se tlamo seno ka ditirelo ka fa nageng ya aforika borwa. +",0.70250463 +"he said the company’s philosophy underlines that education is the key to success, and ""lifelong learning through bmw group is part of that success"". +","""lefelo la katiso la rona la ntlha mo setlamong sa bmw south africa le simolotse go dira ka ngwaga wa 1978 mme go tloga ka ona motsi oo, batho ba feta ba le 2 000 ba setse ba katisitswe ke bmw le go bona diphatlhatiro gona ka fa setlamong sa bmw. +",0.65694994 +"""by 2025, we will support one million children and young people globally through targeted education programmes, focusing on skills programmes.""","bmw e tsenela ntwa ya go lwantshana le gbv vukuzenzele unnamed setlamo sa bmw group south africa se neelane ka dija naga tsa bmw i3 tse di tla dirisiwang ke mekga tlho ya baagi go ka fitlhe lela batswasetlhabelo ba tirisodikgoka e e totileng basadi le bana (gbv). +",0.65694994 +"let us work together to fix our finances vukuzenzele unnamed the budget presented by finance minister tito mboweni presents a sobering assessment of the state of our economy. +","tla re direng mmogo go fetola seemo sa rona sa ga jaana sa matlole vukuzenzele unnamed tekanyetsokabo jaa ka e tlhagisitswe ke tona ya matlole tito mboweni e tlhagisa tsheka tsheko e e fodileng tlhogo e e ka ga maemo a ikonomi ya rona. +",0.83874273 +"the figures make it plain that unless we act now to turn things around, there will be even more difficult times ahead. +","dipalopalo tse di rebotsweng di baya mo phatlalatseng gore fa re sa dire sengwe gona jaanong go fetola maemo a re leng mo go ona, go tla nna boima le go feta mo tsamaong ya nako. +",0.85660297 +"put simply, we are spending far more than we are earning. +","fa re bua puo phaa, re dirisa madi a le mantsi go feta a re nang le ona. +",0.7560596 +"as a result, we are borrowing more and more, and the cost of servicing that debt is rising. +","ka ntlha ya seno, re iphitlhela gangwe le gape re adima madi, mme dinamane tsa madi a re a adimang di tswelela go susu moga. +",0.7481602 +"in fact, debt service costs are now the fastestgrowing area of expenditure. +","nnete tota ke gore madi a dinamane a re a duelelang ke a mantsi tota mme re iphitlhela re duelela dinamane fela go na le go fokotsa dikoloto. +",0.70555544 +"we spend more on debt repayments than we do on health; only education and social development get more. +","re iphitlhela re isa madi a a boi tshegang kwa dikolotong go feta a re a isang kwa mererong ya tsa boitekanelo; ke fela merero ya thuto le ya loago e e bonang madi a mantsinyana. +",0.8502167 +"this position is precarious and unsustainable. +","seemo seno se kotsi thata ebile se ka se re ise gope. +",0.7641169 +"we need to make significant changes and we need to make them now. +","re gapeletsega gore re tsaye dikgato mme re gapeletsega go di tsaya gone jaanong. +",0.751639 +"there are several reasons for the position we’re now in. +","go na le mabaka a le mantsi nyana a a dirileng gore re iphi tlhele re le mo re leng ga jaana. +",0.76096374 +"our economy has not grown much over the last decade, mainly due to the 2008 global financial crisis and a decline in demand for the minerals that we export. +","ikonomi ya rona ga e ise e gole go le kalo mo dingwageng di le lesome tse di fetileng, mme seno se tlhodilwe bogolosegolo ke matsapa a matlole mo lefatsheng a go itemogetsweng ona ka ngwaga wa 2008 mmogo le kwelotlase ya go rekiwa ga dime nerale tsa rona tse re di rekisang kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle. +",0.82950616 +"as a result, revenue collection has been weak and we have had to borrow more to sustain spending on development, infrastructure and wages. +","ka ntlha ya mabaka ano, pokeletso ya lekgetho la naga ya rona e nnile e e bokoa mme re ne ra iphitlhela re gapeletsega go adima madi a mangwe gape go tshegetsa tiriso ya madi mo mererong ya tlhabololo, ya mafaratlhatlha a setšhaba le mo go dueleleng megolo. +",0.84791666 +"at the same time, state capture and corruption has affected governance, operational effectiveness and financial sustainability at several public institutions, including stateowned enterprises (soes). +","dithulaganyo tsa go goga puso ka nko mmogo le tsa bonweenwee le tsona di ne tsa ama tsamaiso ya puso ka tsela e e maswe, tsa kgoreletsa tiragatso e e lolameng, mmogo le ya taolo e e lolameng ya matlole mo di theong di le mmalwa tsa puso, go akaretsa le tsa dikgwebokgolo tsa puso (disoe). +",0.8246928 +"efforts over the last two years to revive the economy and rebuild institutions have now been undermined by the electricity crisis, further constraining growth and placing an additional burden on public finances. +","matsapa a go leka go tsosolosa ikonomi ya rona mo pakeng ya dingwaga di le pedi tse di fetileng mmogo le a go tsolosola ditheo tsa rona jaanong a ntse a kgoreledi wa ke matsapa a kgaolo ya mo tlakase, a gape a kgoreletsang kgolo ya ikonomi mme seno se tlhola gape morwalo o mongwe gape o o bokete tota mo tirisong ya matlole a puso. +",0.86732596 +"our priorities in this budget therefore are to put the economy back on a path of growth, constrain public spending and stabilise our debt. +","go ya ka tekanyetsokabo ya ga jaana se se botlhokwa thata mo go rona ke go busetsa sekeng maemo a ikonomi gore e tswelele go gola, go fokotsa tiriso ya matlole mo ditheong tsa puso le go ritibatsa dikoloto tsa rona. +",0.8241881 +"the budget is an integral part of our drive for inclusive growth, job creation, investment and a capable state. +","tekanyetsokabo eno ke karolo e e botlhokwa thata mo letsholong la rona la kgolo e e akaretsang botlhe, go tlhola ditiro, go dira dipeeletso le go busa puso e e nang le bokgoni. +",0.8586854 +"we have made a deliberate decision not to pursue a path of austerity. +","re dirile ditshwetso tsa go se kgaole matlole a puso. +",0.6709472 +"such a route would have seen deep cuts in spending on the social services that poor people rely on. +","tshwetso ya go a kgaola e ne e tla nna le ditlamorago tse dikgolo tota mo ditirelong tsa loago tse batho ba ba humanegileng ba ikaegileng ka tsona thata. +",0.7920158 +"it could have involved dramatically reducing the salaries of civil servants, the size of the public service, cutting bonuses and pensions, raising taxes and selling off key state assets. +","e ne gape e ka tshela peterole mo molelong ka e ne e tla dira gore go fokodiwe megolo ya badiredipuso, e ne e tla dira gore go ngotliwe ditirelo tsa puso ka go fokotsa ditheo le makala a mangwe a puso, e ne e tla dira gore go ngotliwe seatla mo dituelelong tsa madi a go leboga badiredipuso bao ba dirileng ka boineelo mmogo le go fokotsa madi a go rola tiro a badiredipuso, go akaretsa le go okediwa gape le tuelelo ya lekgetho mmogo le go rekisa dithoto tse di botlhokwa tsa puso. +",0.8273495 +"an austerity budget would have damaged our growth prospects further and weakened the ability of the state to stimulate economic activity and meet people’s needs. +","tekanyetsokabo e e ka ga go kgaolwa ga madi e ne e tla rutlomolola dikgato tsotlhe tsa kgolo ya ikonomi le go koafatsa bokgoni jwa puso jwa go tlho tlhetsa dikgato tse di ikaegileng ka ikonomi le go fitlhelela ditlhokwa tsa batho. +",0.8172745 +"we have instead presented a budget that contains a range of balanced and wellconsidered measures to contain spending, increase revenue and encourage growth. +","mo boemong jwa tshwetso ya mothale oo, re tlhagisitse teka nyetsokabo e e tsayang tsia dikga to di le dintsi tse di farologaneng tse di sekasekilweng tota go ka fokotsa tiriso ya madi, tsa oketsa letseno le go tlhotlhetsa kgolo mo ikonoming. +",0.827048 +"over the next three years, we expect to achieve savings of around r261 billion by cutting the budgets of several departments and reducing the rate at which the public service wage bill increases. +","mo dingwageng di le tharo tse di tlang, re solofela go boloka madi a le kanaka r261 bilione ka go kgaola ditekanyetsokabo tsa a mangwe a mafapha a le mantsinyana le go fokotsa le belo leo dituelelo tsa megolo ya badiredipuso le golang ka lona. +",0.8774054 +"at the same time, however, we will need to spend more to support the restructuring of soes like eskom and saa. +","le fa go le jalo, re tla tlhoka go dirisa madi a le mantsi gore re kgone go atlega mo go tshege tseng theosešwa ya disoe tse di jaaka eskom le setlamo sa difo fane tsa aforika borwa (saa). +",0.7809391 +"as a result, we expect a net reduction of r156 billion in noninterest spending over the medium term. +","ka ntlha ya seno, re solofela go nna le phokotso ya go se duelele dinamane ya bokanaka r156 bilione mo pakagareng ya monongwaga. +",0.7839685 +"this will help to narrow the deficit and reduce our borrowing needs. +","seno se tla re thusa go fokotsa dikoloto le go fokotsa dikadimo tsa madi. +",0.81999624 +"a large part of the savings will come from reducing the rate at which our wage bill grows. +","karolo e kgolo ya dipoloko tsa rona e tla tlhaga mo go fokotseng lebelo leo dituelelo tsa megolo le golang ka lona. +",0.78309923 +"this will require focused discussions among all social partners, but particularly with public sector unions. +","seno se tla tlhoka gore re nne fatshe re tšhotlhe kgang eno re le mmogo le bannaleseabe botlhe, bogolosegolo ba mekgatlho ya badiri. +",0.8153002 +"these engagements need to be conducted in a spirit of seeking solutions. +","dipuisano tsa mothale ono di tlhoka go tshwariwa ka maitlhomo a go batla ditha rabololo. +",0.71314955 +"i am heartened by the willingness of all parties to engage in serious negotiations aimed at finding a solution. +","ke itumedisitswe ke phisegelo ya maphata otlhe ya go dumela go nna karolo ya dipui sano tse di botlhokwa thata tseo maitlhomo a tsona e leng go bona ditharabololo. +",0.7994288 +"our approach is not to dramatically cut the size of the public service, but to examine the rate at which wages grow. +","maitlhomo a rona ga se go kgaolo palo ya badiredipuso, ke go tlhatlhoba lebelo leo megolo ya bona e golang ka lona. +",0.8203148 +"public service wages have on average increased at a much higher rate than inflation over many years, and we need to fix this if we are to get public finances under control. +","megolo ya badiredipuso e tlhatlogile ka lebelo le le kwa godimo tota go gaisa la infleišene mo dingwageng di le dintsi tse di fetileng, ka jalo, re tlhoka go baakanya kgang eno fa e le gore re batla go busetsa mo taolong tsamaiso ya matlole a puso. +",0.80929285 +"this also applies to the management of people’s personal finances, where if any expenditure item that rises at a rate more than inflation – be it electricity tariffs, mobile tariffs or food – will always put any individual person’s budget and finances under strain and out of kilter. +","seno se akaretsa le taolo ya matlole a batho ka bobona, moo dituelelo tsa sengwe se ba se reka ng di golang ka lebelo le le fetang la infleišene – e ka tswa e le tsa motlakase, tsa mogala wa seatla tse di jaaka tsa go reka metsotso le data kgotsa tsa dijo – ka ntlha ya gore ka gale di tla imetsa dipatana tsa bona le go dira gore ba tlhoke tsetsepelo mo mading a bona. +",0.84317786 +"the wage bill remains the largest component of spending by economic classification. +","megolo ya badiredipuso ke yona karolo e e kwa godimo e go sengwang madi mo go yona fa re baya dilo ka lenaneo la merero ya ikonomi. +",0.7572222 +"growth in the wage bill has begun crowding out spending on capital projects for future growth and items that are critical for service delivery. +","kgolo ya megolo ya badiredipuso e setse e feta ti riso ya matlole mo diporojekeng tse digolo go lebilwe kgolo mo isagong le didirisiwa tse di bo tlhokwa mo kabong ya ditirelo. +",0.8324915 +"the public service wage bill is by no means the only area where we are cutting costs. +","megolo ya badiredipuso ka jalo e tla nna yona karolo e le nngwe fela e re tla fokotsang tirisomadi mo go yona. +",0.7019044 +"i have decided that there will be no increase in the salaries of senior public office bearers this year. +","ke tsere tshwetso ya gore re ka se oketse megolo ya batlhankedi ba bago lwane ba puso monongwaga. +",0.81528735 +"this follows a reduction in benefits stemming from changes to the ministerial handbook. +","seno se tla morago ga gore re fokotse dikungwelo tse dingwe tse ba neng ba na le tsona fa re kwalola sešwa bukana ya diti relo tsa batlhankedi ba bago lwane ba puso ya ministerial hand book. +",0.7744031 +"we will publish a new law this year introducing a remuneration framework for public entities and state owned companies to prevent excessive pay for board members and executives. +","monongwaga re tla phasala tsa molao o mošwa o o tla tsenyang tirisong letlhomeso la megolo mo ditheong tsa puso le mo ditlamo ng tsa puso (disoc) go thibela dituelelo tse di boitshegang tse di duelelwang ditokololo tsa diboto mmogo le bakhuduthamaga ba tsona. +",0.857229 +"our trade union compatriots are right in saying that we should in a demonstrable way prevent leakages of public funds by addressing corruption, ending irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. +","bakaulengwe ba rona ba me kgatlho ya badiri ba bua nnete fa ba re re tshwanetse go tsaya dikgato go bontsha gore re ema kgatlhanong le tirisobotlhaswa ya madi a puso ka go samagana le bonweenwee, go kgutlisa tiri somatlole e e botlhaswa, e e seng mosola e bile e se mo molaong. +",0.8582816 +"we will do this and much more. +","re tla diragatsa seno le go dira go tlala seatla. +",0.67402935 +"as much as containing the public wage bill is critical to stabilising public finances, improving public sector performance is imperative if we want to build a more capable, efficient state. +","le fa go busetsa mo taolong megolo ya badiredipuso e le sengwe se se botlhokwa thata go ka tsepamisa matlole a puso, go baakanya ka fao maphata a puso a diragatsang tiro ya ona ka teng ke sona sa botlhokwa go gaisa fa re batla go aga puso e e nang le bokgoni le e e dirang tiro ya yona sentle. +",0.8266874 +"we need more of the right people in the right positions. +","re tlhoka go tsenya batho ba ba maleba mo dipha tlhatirong tse di tshwanetseng. +",0.7017405 +"as we contain public spending, we are pursuing growth. +","jaaka re simolola go boloka tiriso ya matlole mo ditheong tsa puso, re samagana le leeto la rona la go godisa ikonomi. +",0.7556258 +"it is for this reason that, despite the fiscal gap, there are no major tax increases. +","ke ka ntlha ya kgang eno e leng gore, le fa go na le sekgala se segolo mo matloleng, re ka se tsenyeng tirisong koketso ya lekgetho e e kwa godimo. +",0.81383145 +"instead, there is some relief for individual tax payers and several measures to broaden the corporate tax base. +","boemong jwa seno, baduelalekgetho ba tla utlwelwa botlhoko mme go tla nna le di kgato di le dintsinyana go atolosa lekgetho la dikoporasi. +",0.81572545 +"we are also pushing ahead with farreaching reforms in areas like electricity provision, ports and rail and telecommunications to reduce the cost of doing business. +","re gatela pele gape le mo di kgatong tsa go busetsa maemo sekeng mo makaleng a a jaaka a tlamelo ya motlakase, mafelo a boemakepe le a diterene mmogo le a mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano ka maitlhomo a go fokotsa ditshe nyegelo tsa go bula dikgwebo ka fa nageng. +",0.8852144 +"through the infrastructure fund we aim to mobilise financing from a range of sources to invest in a massive build programme. +","ka setheo sa tlamelo ka matlole a mafaratlhatlha a ditheo tsa puso maitlhomo a rona ke go bokeletsa tlamelo ka matlole go tswa mo ditheong tse dintsi tse di farologaneng gore di tle go beeletsa mo lenaaneng la rona le legolo la dikago. +",0.81459945 +"through our industrial strategy and investment drive we are unlocking vital areas of growth. +","ka go dirisa togamaano ya rona ya dii ntaseteri mmogo le letsholo la rona la go ngoka dipeeletso re bulela dikgoro tsa dikarolo tse di bo tlhokwa thata mo kgolong ya ikonomi. +",0.8335214 +"we are fixing our public finances to make inclusive growth and job creation possible. +","re baakanya taolo ya ma tlole a puso gore re kgone go di ragatsa kgolo e e akaretsang botlhe mmogo le go tlhola ditiro. +",0.81579924 +"such times call for us to be realistic, not dogmatic. +","maemo fa a le jaana a tlhoka gore re se ikaketse. +",0.5929334 +"they call for cooperation, not conflict. +","a tlhoka gore re di risane mmogo, go na le go fetlha dikgogakgogano. +",0.75408983 +"compromises and tradeoffs will have to be made. +","go na le mo re tla tshwanelwang ke go ikentsha setlhabelo le mo re tla tshwanelang ke go naganelana gone. +",0.6387274 +"we are all in this together, and we share a collective responsibility to take the oars, to row in unison and steer our country through these stormy waters.","tla re direng mmogo go fetola seemo sa rona sa ga jaana sa matlole vukuzenzele unnamed tekanyetsokabo jaa ka e tlhagisitswe ke tona ya matlole tito mboweni e tlhagisa tsheka tsheko e e fodileng tlhogo e e ka ga maemo a ikonomi ya rona. +",0.6387274 +"patient support crucial for fighting tb dale hes the usaid tuberculosis south africa project is proving to be a perfect example of how government, communities and ngos can partner together to combat tuberculosis (tb) by providing proper support to patients. +","go naya molwetse tshegetso go botlhokwa thata mo go lwantsheng bolwetse jwa tb dale hes porojeke ya aforika borwa e e ka ga bolwetse jwa lehuba (tb) e e dirang mo go yona mmogo le setheo sa amerika sa tlhabololo ya dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba (usaid) ke sekao se se siameng se se bontshang gore puso, baagi le mekgatlho e e seng ya puso (dingo) ba ka dira mmogo go lwantsha tb ka go tshegetsa balwetse ka tsela e e siameng. +",0.8854428 +"south africa has taken a position of leadership in the global fight against tb, and the united states agency for international development (usaid) has stepped in to provide assistance. +","aforika borwa e tsere maemo a ketapele mo lefatsheng a go lwantshana le tb, mme ba us aid ba tsentse seatla go neelana ka thuso. +",0.87692165 +"the fiveyear project, which started in 2016, is being carried out in partnership with the national department of health in eight of south africa’s provinces. +","porojeke ya dingwaga di le tlhano eno, eo e simolotseng ka 2016, e ntse e dirwa ka bolekane le lefapha la bosetšhaba la boitekanelo mo diporofenseng di le robedi tsa aforika borwa. +",0.9217653 +"one of the most important parts of the project is to support communitybased ngos. +","e nngwe ya dikarolo tse di botlhokwa go gaisa tsa porojeke eno ke go tshegetsa matsholo a dingo tse di leng mo metseng. +",0.8016224 +"the project provides funding to 21 ngos who have supported more than 3 500 patients, the majority based in rural areas. +","porojeke e neelana ka matlole go dingo di le 21 tseo di tshe geditseng balwetse ba feta ba le3 500, mme bontsi jwa tsone ke tseo di leng kwa dikgaolong tsa metseselegae. +",0.87654245 +"free state progressbased in mangaung, mosamoria is one of the ngos which has received funding from the project. +","mosamaria kwa porofenseng ya foreisetatamokgatlho wa mosamari o o fitlhelwang kwa mangaung, ke o mongwe wa dingo tse di amogetseng matlole go tswa mo porojekeng eno. +",0.7941481 +"the organisation has a team of community health workers, a project manager and a data capturer who all work towards ensuring that patients stay on treatment so that they can be cured in a six month period. +","mokgatlho ono o na le setlhopha sa badiredi ba tsa boitekanelo, motsamaisi wa porojeke le motsayatshedi mosetso bao botlhe ba dirang go netefatsa gore balwetsi ba nwa melemo ya bona gore ba tle ba fole mo sebakeng sa dikgwedi di le thataro. +",0.8886365 +"""we employ 74 care givers for this project. +","""re thapile batlhokomedi ba le 74 mo porojekeng eno. +",0.7762165 +"initially we worked with 200 patients, then 400 patients, and in our current contract we have 500 patients who we work with on a daily basis. +","fa re simolola re ne re dira le balwetse ba le 200, morago ya nna balwetse ba le 400, mme konterakeng ya rona ya ga jaana re na le balwetse ba le 500 bao re dirang le bona letsatsi le letsatsi. +",0.92321765 +"the patients are referred to us when they have been diagnosed as having tb from nine different clinics in the mangaung metro,"" says mosamaria coordinator trudie harrison. +","balwetse ba romelwa mo go rona fa ba sena go bonwa gore ba tshwaeditswe ke mogare wa tb go tswa kwa dikliniking di le ro bongwe tse di farologaneng mo toropokgolo ya mangaung,"" go bua jalo motsamaisi wa mosa maria trudie harrison. +",0.8772528 +"mosamaria conducts monthly doortodoor screening campaigns to find new tb patients and get them on treatment immediately. +","kgwedi le kgwedi mosamaria e tsamaya ntlo le ntlwana go dira ditlhatlhobo tsa go bona balwetse ba tb ba ba ntšhwa le go ba naya kalafi ka gangwe. +",0.8497551 +"harrison says that mosamoria’s work has reduced the stigma around tb, built close relationships with the community and also led to much better rates of successful treatment. +","harrison a re tiro ya mosa maria e fokoditse kgethololo le mamudu e e ntseng e le teng ka ga tb, e gagamaditse dikamano magareng ga baagi mmogo le go tlhatlosa dipalopalo tsa katlego tse di ka ga pholo ya kalafo. +",0.84962404 +"""for example, in 2018, 514 of our patients were cured,"" harrison says. +","""sekao, ka ngwaga wa 2018, balwetse ba rona ba le 514 ba bone pholo go tswa mo kalafong eno,"" go rialo harrison. +",0.91985923 +"harrison shares the story of one of mosamaria’s patients. +","harrison o arolelana kgang ya yo mongwe wa balwetse ba mosamaria. +",0.8682657 +"he was given daily support by a mosamaria caregiver, who ensured that he swallowed his tablets every day and also assisted with maize meal and new clothes. +","o ne a bona tshe getso letsatsi le letsatsi go tswa go motlhokomeding wa mosa maria, yo a neng a netefatsa gore o nwa dipilisi tsa gagwe letsatsi le letsatsi mme mo godimo ga foo re netefaditse gape gore re mo rekela bupi le diaparo tse dintšhwa. +",0.8625815 +"""he completed the treatment and was cured. +","""o ne a kgona go konosetsa kalafi mme ga jaanong o fodile. +",0.7331008 +"he went back to work as his employer had kept his job for him,"" says harrison. +","o ne a boela tirong ya gagwe ka mothapi wa gagwe a ne a mo e beetse,"" ga rialo harrison. +",0.8701136 +"know the symptoms of tb if you have some of the following symptoms, then you should visit your nearest clinic or hospital to be tested for tb: coughing that lasts three or more weeks; coughing up blood; chest pain, or pain when breathing or coughing; unintentional weight loss; fatigue; fever. +","itse matshwao a tb fa o na le mangwe a matshwao a a latelang, o tshwanetse go etela kliniki e e gaufi le wena kgotsa bookelo go tlhatlhobelwa bolwetse jwa tb: go gotlhola lobaka lwa dibeke di le tharo kgotsa go feta; go ntsha segotlhola se se nang le madi fa o gotlhola; ditlhabi mo sehubeng, kgotsa setlhabi fa o hema kgotsa o gotlhola; go fokotsega mmele e se ka maikaelelo; letsapa le le feteletseng; letshoroma . +",0.9240752 +"healthfor more information about the usaid tb south africa project, contact 012 484 9300.","go naya molwetse tshegetso go botlhokwa thata mo go lwantsheng bolwetse jwa tb dale hes porojeke ya aforika borwa e e ka ga bolwetse jwa lehuba (tb) e e dirang mo go yona mmogo le setheo sa amerika sa tlhabololo ya dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba (usaid) ke sekao se se siameng se se bontshang gore puso, baagi le mekgatlho e e seng ya puso (dingo) ba ka dira mmogo go lwantsha tb ka go tshegetsa balwetse ka tsela e e siameng. +",0.9240752 +"together we can fight the impact of covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed the world is in the throes of a public health emergency on a scale not witnessed in over a century. +"," fa re tshwaragane re ka lwantshana le leuba la covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe le dubana le thankga e e seng kana ka sepe ka matsapa a tshoganyetso mo boitekanelong jwa setšhaba mo palo e e amegang e leng kwa godimo mo e iseng e bonwe mo sebakeng sa dingwagakete. +",0.8607595 +"the spread of the coronavirus, which causes the disease known as covid19, has been alarmingly swift and widescale, and is now defined as a global pandemic. +","go anama ga mogare wa corona, e leng ona yo o bakang bolwetse jo bo bidiwang covid19 , go nnile ka bonako le go anama ka bophara, mme ga jaanong bo bidiwa gore ke leuba le le aparetseng lefatshe. +",0.8900867 +"it knows no geographical or territorial boundaries, has infected both young and old, and is on the rise in developed and developing countries alike. +","ga bo kgetholole ka dinaga kgotsa melelwane, bo fetela botlhe bana le bagolo mme e bile bo tsweletse go anama mo dinageng tse di gatetseng pele le tseo di santseng di iketetsa. +",0.85819423 +"as screening and testing is scaled up, the number of infections in south africa is expected to rise. +","jaaka go lekola le go dira diteko ka bolwetse jono go tsweletse go atolosiwa, palo ya bao ba tshwaeditsweng ka fa nageng ya aforika borwa go solofetswe gore e tla tswelela go oketsega. +",0.88702184 +"i recently declared a national state of disaster, a measure proportionate to the severity of the threat to our people, to our society and to our economy. +","sešweng jaana ke sa tswa go tsibosa bolwetse jono jaaka seemo sa masetlapelo a naga, e leng kgato e e lekaneng matshosetsi a batho ba rona ba tobaneng le ona, mo setšhabeng sa rona le mo ikonoming ya rona. +",0.8734331 +"this will enable us to have an integrated and coordinated disaster management mechanism and to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems. +","seno se tla re kgontsha go nna le thulaganyo ya taolo ya masetlapelo e e golaganeng le e e tsamaisiwang ka tshwanelo mmogo le go tlhoma tsamaiso ya tsibogelo ka potlako e e nang le mosola ya dikgetse tsa tshoganyetso. +",0.8654119 +"this virus will be extremely disruptive, and our priority is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all south africans. +","mogare ono o santse o tla tlhola mathata a a seng kana ka sepe, se se kwa setlhoeng mo go rona ke go boloka boitekanelo jwa maaforika borwa otlhe. +",0.81894565 +"we also have to address the inevitable economic fallout. +","re tshwanetse gape go samagana le phutlhamo ya ikonomi e re ka se kgoneng go e efoga. +",0.8285763 +"we must expect a decline in exports, a drop in tourist arrivals and a severe impact on production, business viability and job creation and retention. +","re tshwanetse go itse gore go tla nna le kwelotlase mo ditlhagisiweng tse di romelwang kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle, phokotsego mo bojanaleng mo batho ba tswang kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle mmogo le seabe se se seng kana ka sepe mo tlhagisong ya dilo, mo tsamaisong ya dikgwebo le mo go tlhodiweng ga ditiro le mo go fokodiweng ga batho kwa ditirong. +",0.83741885 +"cabinet is in the process of finalising a comprehensive package of interventions to mitigate the expected impact of covid19 on our economy. +","kabinete e samagane le go konosetsa maano a go tsereganya go samagana le seabe seo covid19 e tla nnang le sona mo ikonoming ya naga ya rona. +",0.7897767 +"this is being done in consultation with business, labour and other relevant institutions. +","maano ano a logiwa ka go buisana le badikgwebo, mekgatlho ya badiri mmogo le ditheo tse dingwe tse di maleba. +",0.82461596 +"it was louis pasteur who said that fortune favours the prepared mind. +","louis pasteur o ne a bua mafoko a gore letlhogonolo le tswela molemo bao megopolo ya bona e ipaakanyeditseng lona. +",0.82184964 +"south africa is prepared, and has been so for some time. +","aforika borwa e setse e ipaakantse, e bile ga e a bolo go ipaakanya. +",0.83711076 +"since the outbreak was first reported we have acted to put screening and containment measures in place. +","fa e sale bolwetse jono bo rupoga le go begiwa lwantlha re ne ka gang ra tsaya dikgato ka go tsenya tirisong dikgato tsa tekolo. +",0.7708992 +"our national response has been driven by an interministerial committee (imc) chaired and ably led by the minister of health, dr zweli mkhize. +","tsibogelo ya naga ya rona mo bolwetseng jono e tsweletse go gogwa kwa pele ke komiti ya ditona tsa naga (imc) e monnasetulo wa yona le moeteledipele wa yona e leng tona ya boitekanelo, ngaka zweli mkhize. +",0.801332 +"the manner in which the imc and the support teams have responded to this emergency has been both exemplary and reassuring, particularly in helping to quell public panic. +","tsela eo imc ya rona mmogo le ditlhophatshegetso tsa yona di e tsereng mo go tsibogeleng kgang eno ya tshoganyetso e nnile sekai le go re tiisa mmooko, bogolosegolo mo go thibeleng gore go nne le letshogo le le seng kana ka sepe mo nageng. +",0.85684407 +"i will be chairing a national command council to coordinate all aspects of our national response. +","ke tla tsaya maemo a modulasetilo wa lekgotlataolo la naga go tsamaisa dithulaganyo tsotlhe tse di amanang le tsibogelo ya naga mo mererong eno. +",0.7710091 +"south africa has a positive track record in managing public health emergencies. +","aforika borwa e na le di kgetse tse dintsi tsa katlego mo go samaganeng le malwetse a tshoganyetso a a amang boitekanelo jwa baagi. +",0.8128753 +"we have the knowledge, the means and the expertise. +","re na le kitso, bokgoni le boitseanape. +",0.7952268 +"our scientists and epidemiologists are worldclass. +","borrasaense ba rona mmogo le babatlisisi ba malwetse ba naga ya rona ke ba ba leng mo maemong a a kwa godimo mo lefatsheng. +",0.77859914 +"we have put a raft of emergency measures in place, and will make funding available to support their implementation. +","re tsentse tirisong metseletsele ya dikgato tsa tshoganyetso, mme re tla tsenya tirisong matlole a a tla thusang go tshegetsa dikgato tseno. +",0.8524358 +"they include travel bans on visitors from highrisk countries; mandatory testing, selfisolation or quarantine for south african nationals returning from these countries; and strengthening surveillance, screening and testing at ports of entry into the republic. +","tsona di akaretsa dikgato tsa go kgaoletsa baeti ba ba tswang kwa dinageng tse di amegileng bogolo go tla ka fa nageng; go dira diteko mo bathong botlhe go sa kgathalesege gore ke bo mang, go ikgoga mo bathong kgotsa go ikalafa tebang le baagi ba naga ya aforika borwa ba ba tswang kwa dinageng tse di amegileng bogolo; mmogo le go gagamatsa matsholo a go disa maemo, a go dira ditekolo le a go dira diteko mo mafelong a go tsena ka fa nageng ya rephaboliki. +",0.8670037 +"social distancing is critical if we are to contain the spread of covid19. +","go botlhokwa gore re se kgobokane mo lefelong le le lengwe go thusa go fokotsa go anama ga covid19. +",0.79588044 +"gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited and mass celebrations of national days are cancelled. +","go kgobokana ga batho ba ba fetang ba le 100 go kganetswe mme e bile gape meletlo e e ketekang matsatsi a a botlhokwa ka fa nageng e emisitswe. +",0.8663472 +"visits to all correctional centres are being suspended for 30 days with immediate effect. +","go etela batshwarwa le gona go emisitswe sebaka sa matsatsi a le 30 go simolola gona mo motsotsong yono. +",0.71796536 +"nonessential international travel for government officials has been proscribed and nonessential domestic travel discouraged. +","maeto a a seng botlhokwa a badiredipuso go etela dinaga tsa kwa ntle a emisitswe mme le maeto a a seng botlhokwa a ka fa nageng le ona ga a rotloediwe gore le ona a tsewe. +",0.8105912 +"a total of 35 land ports and two sea ports will be closed, as will schools from the 18th of march until after the easter weekend. +","mafelo a go tsena ka fa nageng a le 35 a dinaga tse di katogileng mawatle mmogo le mafelo a le mabedi a go tsena ka fa nageng a a kwa mawatle a tla tswalelwa, mmogo le dikolo go tloga ka la bo 18 mopitlwe go fitlha ka matsatsi a khunologo ya tsogo ya morena. +",0.87529135 +"we will soon be announcing measures with regards to universities and colleges. +","mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo re tla tsibosa dikgato tse re di tsereng tebang le diyunibesiti le dikholeje. +",0.86839306 +"next month will be easter, a sacred period for a number of faiths and a time in which mass services and gatherings will take place. +","mo kgweding e e tlang re tla bo re keteka tsogo ya morena, e leng paka e e botlhokwa thata mo badumeding ba le bantsi e bile gape ke nako eo dikereke ka mefuta di nnang le meletlo e megolo ya go kopana. +",0.8406043 +"the faith community should take decisions in this regard in the best interests of the health of their congregants and the country as a whole. +","dikereke e tla nna tsona tse di itseelang tshwetso ka botsona ka phuthego ya tsona mabapi le merero ya boitekanelo e e tla amang bona le baagi naga ka bophara. +",0.7777569 +"hygiene control should be intensified in all sectors. +","phepafatso e tshwanetse go nna kwa setlhoeng thata mo makaleng otlhe. +",0.7105125 +"every citizen should take charge of their own safety by observing measures such as frequent handwashing with soap or handsanitizers and covering their nose or mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. +","moagi mongwe le mongwe o tshwanetse go tsaya tshwetso ka pabalesego ya bona ka go obamela dikgato di tshwana le go tlhapa diatla gangwe le gape ka metsi a sesepa kgotsa go itshasa diatla ka sebolayamegare kgotsa go thiba nko kgotsa molomo ka thišu kgotsa ka sejabana fa ba ethimola kgotsa fa ba gotlhola. +",0.8843337 +"as part of our national effort the department of health will continue with an intensive and ongoing campaign to raise awareness about prevention, transmission and infection symptoms. +","jaaka karolo ya matsapa a rona ka fa nageng lefapha la boitekanelo le tla tswelela ka letsholo la lona le legolo le le tsweletseng la go bula baagi matlho ka thibelaketegelo, go anama le go tshwaetswa ke matshwao. +",0.86386335 +"i encourage all south africans to acquaint themselves with the relevant preventative material. +","ke rotloetsa maaforika borwa otlhe go ikamanya le metswedi e e matshwanedi ya thibelaketegelo. +",0.821254 +"these measures are similar to those in other countries, and it is important we all understand that they are not punitive but a matter of public safety. +","dikgato tseno di tshwana le tse dingwe tse di tsewang kwa dinageng tse dingwe, mme rotlhe re tshwanetse go tlhaloganya gore ga di dirisediwe go otlhaya motho ope mme ke dikgato fela tsa go babalela setšhaba sa rona. +",0.8507706 +"one of the greatest dangers at this time is ignorance and misinformation. +","kotsi e kgolo go gaisa fa maemo a le jaana ke go tlhoka kitso le go nna le tshedimosetso e e fosagetseng. +",0.81586313 +"we should stop spreading fake and unverified news, especially on social media. +","re tshwanetse go kgaotsa go phasalatsa maaka le dikgang tse boammaruri jwa tsona bo sa totobadiwang, bogolosegolo mo mafaratlhatlheng a ditlhaeletsano. +",0.84598744 +"this can exacerbate an already tense national mood and damage the national effort. +","seno se ka fetlha mai kutlo a a sa iketlang a re setseng re le mo go ona mmogo le go dubakaka maiteko a naga a go ritibatsa maemo. +",0.8050121 +"we must also not give in to the expressions of bigotry that we have seen in other countries directed at nationals of countries from where the outbreak began or the current epicenter in europe. +","re tshwanetse gape go se ikamanye le dipuo tse di bosula tse re di boneng mo dinageng tse dingwe tse di lebisitsweng kwa batswantle ba dinaga tseo bolwetse jono bo runtseng kwa go tsona kgotsa kwa dinageng tse ga jaana bolwetse jono bo lautsang batho gone kwa bogareng jwa yuropa. +",0.8690314 +"this is clearly a virus that affects people of all nationalities. +","go totobetse gore selo seno ke mogare yo o aparelang batho ba merafe yotlhe. +",0.8470931 +"let us lower the wing of compassion to those who are infected, and to those who have returned home from highrisk countries. +","tla re nneng le kutlwelobotlhoko mo go batho bao ba aparetsweng ke leru leno, mmogo le bao ba sa tswang go goroga fa gae go tswa kwa dinageng tseo di aparetsweng bogolo ke bolwetse jono. +",0.8449871 +"let us assist those in need and those more vulnerable, instead of shunning them. +","tla re thusaneng le bao ba tlhokang thuso le bao ba leng mo tlalelong thata, go na le go ba naya mokwatla. +",0.815663 +"we will remain faithful to the values of tolerance and respect that define us as a people. +","re tla tswelela go somarela metheo ya go itshokelana le go tlotlana e leng yona e e re dirang gore re nne batho bathong. +",0.8249996 +"on behalf of all the people of south africa i thank the team who repatriated our compatriots from wuhan, china, as well as the leadership and people of limpopo who are assisting with the quarantine process. +","mo legatong la baagi botlhe ba aforika borwa ke leboga setlhopha seo se latileng baagi ba naga ya rona kwa wuhan, china, mmogo le baeteledipele le batho ba ba kwa porofenseng ya kwa limpopo ba ba samaganeng le dithulaganyo tsa tlhatlhobo ya bolwetse jono. +",0.8875611 +"this is a difficult time. +","tseno ke dinako tse di bokete tota. +",0.7545574 +"and yet it is in times of adversity that our strength is revealed. +","fela ke fa matsapa a re farafere jaana moo re ntshang ga tshwene. +",0.54843134 +"we will act decisively, with determination and with purpose. +","re tla tsaya ditshwetso tse di sa etsaetsegeng, ka maikemisetso le ka mafolofolo. +",0.7716392 +"we will act as a collective, for it is upon the actions of every south african that the success of our efforts depend. +","re tla tsaya ditshwetso tse re di utlwanetseng, go nne ke dikgato tsa moaforika borwa mongwe le mongwe tse di tla thusang gore re atlege mo matsapeng a re a tsayang. +",0.8088671 +"the thuma mina moment is upon us, perhaps as never before. +","jaanong re aparetswe ke motsi wa thuma mina, mme jaanong o re tlhoka go feta mo malobeng. +",0.6137459 +"this too shall pass. +","leru leno le le re aparetseng ga jaana le lona le tla feta. +",0.5077255 +"we shall overcome. +","re tla supoga mo dinaleng tsa phage. +",0.4906605 +we are south africans.," fa re tshwaragane re ka lwantshana le leuba la covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe le dubana le thankga e e seng kana ka sepe ka matsapa a tshoganyetso mo boitekanelong jwa setšhaba mo palo e e amegang e leng kwa godimo mo e iseng e bonwe mo sebakeng sa dingwagakete. +",0.4906605 +"help for our vulnerable citizens vukuzenzele unnamed many countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. +","go tswa thuso baagi ba naga ya rona ba ba leng mo tlalelong vukuzenzele unnamed dinaga di le dintsi mo lefatsheng di swedi tse go tsenya tirisong dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng mabapi le mogare wa corona e le go ka leka go boloka matshelo a baagi ba yona. +",0.8571159 +"we have done the same in our country, but our lockdown has revealed a very sad fault line in our society that reveals how grinding poverty, inequality and unemployment is tearing the fabric of our communities apart. +","le rona re dirile fela jalo mo nageng ya rona, ka bo madimabe dikgato tseno tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng di utulotse matshwenyego a magolo mo setšhabeng sa rona a a bontshang ka fao lehuma, tlhokotekatekano le botlhokatiro di tsweletseng go duba le go kgaoganya setšhaba sa rona. +",0.8534797 +"there can be no greater anguish than that of a parent whose children cry out to them for food, but they have none to give. +","ga go kutlobotlhoko e e tshwanang le ya motsadi yo e reng bana ba lela ka tlala a bo a sena sepe se a ka se ba neelang. +",0.80284715 +"there can be no greater injustice than a society where some live in comfort and plenty, while others struggle at the margins to survive with little or nothing at all. +","ga go setšhaba se se tlhokang tekatekano go gaisa seo e reng fa baagi ba bangwe ba tshelela mo lefureng ba na le go le gontsi, ya bo ba bangwe bona e le ba nta e e motopo ba na fela le tsa go tsitlolelana fa ba bangwe ba sena le sepe. +",0.8024313 +"yes, these are the residual effects of a fractured and unequal past. +","ee ke boammaruri gore dilo tseno di tlhodilwe ke ditlamorago tsa go tlhoka tekatekano ga mo malobeng. +",0.6711558 +"but they are also a symp tom of a fundamental failing in our postapartheid society. +","e bile gape ke ditlamorago tsa go se direle baagi ba rona sentle mo pusong e e tlileng morago ga ya tlhaolele. +",0.7431297 +"the nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus has gravely exarcerbated a longstanding problem. +","go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng go gagamaditse thata botlhoko jwa mmutla yo re sa bolong go o rwalelela le setlhako. +",0.7318541 +"over the past few weeks, we have been confronted with distressing images of desperate people clamouring for food parcels at distribution centres and of community protests against food shortages. +","mo dibekeng di le mmalwa tse di fetileng, re bone ditshwantsho tse di utlwisang botlhoko thata tsa baagi ba ba leng mo tlalelong ba kgakgauthanelana dijo tse ba neng ba di neelwa kwa mafelong ao ba neng ba amogela dijo gone mmogo le tse di bontshang ditshupetso tsa baagi ba ba neng ba lela ka gore dijo di ba tlhaetse. +",0.8458457 +"we have also had to contend with allegations both disturbing and disgusting. +","mo godimo ga seno re ne gape ra tshwanelwa ke go dubana le thankga ya ditatofatso tse di gagamatsang le tse di re tlhabisang ditlhong. +",0.8059825 +"a number of provinces have received reports that callous individuals, some of them allegedly government officials, are hoarding or selling food parcels earmarked for the needy and destitute, or diverting them to their friends and families. +","diporofense di le dintsinyana di amogetse dipegelo tse di reng batho bangwe ba maitsholo a a bodileng, ba bangwe ba bona ke batlhankedipuso, ba utswa le go rekisa dijo tsa puso tseo di tshwanetseng go neelwa batho ba ba tlhokang le bao ba leng mo tlalelong, mme e bile gape ba bangwe ba di neela ditsala tsa bona le ba masika a bona. +",0.8844413 +"if there is found to be substance to these allegations we will deal with the individuals concerned harshly. +","fa go ka fi tlhelwa gore ditatofatso tseno di na le boammaruri, re tla apara koobo e le nngwe le batlhankedipuso bano. +",0.7898444 +"with the declaration of a national state of disaster and the imposition of a nationwide lockdown we entered uncharted waters. +","ka kgoeletso ya maemo a masetlapelo a naga mmogo le go tsenya tirisong naga ka bophara dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng re ne ra dubana le thankga e re iseng re tsamaye re kopane le yona. +",0.80314773 +"south africa has never had to deal with a public health emergency of this magnitude. +","naga ya aforika borwa ga e ise e tsamaye e kopane le tiro e kgolo jaana ya matshosetsi a boitekanelo jwa setšhaba. +",0.79330903 +"we had to act quickly to save lives. +","re ne ra tshwanelwa ke gore re tseye dikgato ka bonako gore re kgone go boloka matshelo a batho. +",0.8870506 +"and we must acknowledge that in the days and weeks that have followed, the provision of support to our country’s most vulnerable citizens has been slower than required, and that lapses have occurred. +","mme re a dumela gore mo matsatsing le mo dibekeng tse di latelang morago ga dikgato tseno , tlamelo ya tshegetso ya baagi ba naga ya rona ba ba leng mo tlalelong e ne e goga maoto thata, mme go nnile le diphoso tse di dirilweng. +",0.828786 +"however, the payment of social grants has proceeded relatively smoothly, and after a number of technical challenges, the food distribution system is being streamlined. +","le fa go le jalo, tuelo ya megolo ya loago yona e tsamaisitswe ka tshwanelo, mme jaanong morago ga go tsamaya re kopana le dikgwetlho di le dintsi, tsamaiso ya dijo e boetse sekeng. +",0.831815 +"imposing a nationwide lockdown at very short notice presented several challenges. +","go tsenya tirisong ka lepotlapotla dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng go nnile le dikgwetlho di le dintsinyana. +",0.74772584 +"we have had to weigh up the proportionality of the national response and the extent of restrictions we would need to impose. +","re ne ra tshwanelwa ke go meta sekgala sa tsibogelo ya naga mo bolwetseng jono mmogo le sebaka se re tla se tlhokang mo go emiseng ditiro tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.80306125 +"we ultimately chose to err on the side of caution. +","mme kwa bokhutlhong re ne ra swetsa go tsaya letlhakore la go iphemela. +",0.67933285 +"and as the presentation by the ministry of health indicated recently, enforcing a lockdown at the time we did has slowed down the rate of infection and, more importantly, bought us time to prepare for a probable surge in infections in the coming weeks and months. +","jaaka setshwantshiso sa ga tona ya boitekanelo se bontshitse mo malobeng, gore go diragatsa dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng mo nakong e re di tsereng ka yona go fokoditse thata lebelo la tshwaetsego, mme se se botlhokwa go gaisa ke gore, go re thusitse gore re kgone go ipaakanyetsa ditshwaetso tse re tla itemogelang tsone mo dibekeng le mo dikgweding tse di tlang. +",0.87785035 +"we had to consider the impact on an already floundering economy in both the long and short term, and the impact of this substantial disruption on the livelihoods of millions of people. +","re ne ra tshwanelwa ke go tsaya tsia seabe seo re tla itemogelang sone mo ikonoming ya rona e e setseng e kgwetlha mo pakakhutshweng le mo pakateleleng, mmogo le seabe se segolo seo re tla itemogelang sone mo matshelong a dimilione tsa baagi ba rona. +",0.7794564 +"we had to consider what weeks of confinement to the home would mean for the employed not paid regular salaries, for the unemployed and those seeking work, for those in casual or seasonal employment, for those in the informal sector, for the indigent and for the vulnerable. +","re ne ra tshwanelwa ke go tsaya tsia seabe seo dibeke tsa go kganetsa ditiro ka fa nageng se tla nnang le sona mo badiring bao ba sa amogeleng merokotso ya ka gale, mo go bao ba batlanang le ditiro, mo go bao ba dirang ditiro tsa nakwana, mo go bao ba dirang ditiro tse di sa kwadisiwang semmuso, mo go bahumanegi mmogo le mo go bao ba leng mo tlalelong. +",0.8720877 +"cabinet will finalise a set of measures to respond to the impact of the lockdown on the livelihoods of our people. +","kabinete e tla konosetsa dikgato tse di tla samaganang le seabe seno se se bakilweng ke go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng se se amileng matshelo a batho ba borona. +",0.78290987 +"this has been preceded by a range of engagements with a number of stakeholders including business, labour, religious organisations, civil society and the presidential economic advisory council. +","seno se tla latelwa ke dipuisano di le dintsinyana le bannaleseabe go akaretsa ba dikgwebo, ba mekgatlho ya badiri, ba mekgatlho ya dikereke, ba mekgatlho ya baagi mmogo le ba lekgotla la moporesitente la dikeletso tsa merero ya ikonomi. +",0.8623673 +"the social partners have put forward a number of proposals on interventions that could address the immediate vulnerability of the poorest of the poor, most of whom rely on social assistance to survive. +","badirisanimmogo ba rona mo mererong ya loago ba kopantse ditlhogo mme ba tlhagisitse ditsela di le dintsinyana tse di ka thusang go rarabolola ka bonako tlalelo e bahumanegi ba rona ba tobaneng le yona, mme bontsi jwa bona ke batho ba ba iphedisang ka megolo ya loago. +",0.8307338 +"we will scale up welfare provision during this period to help households living below the poverty line. +","re tla oketsa dithuso tsa loago mo pakeng eno go ka thusa malapa a a gogang boima. +",0.7389635 +"even when the nationwide lockdown is lifted, its effects will continue to be felt for some time to come. +","le fa re setse re fedisitse paka ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng, seabe sa yona se tla tswelela go re aparela sebaka le mo nakong e e tlang. +",0.72839725 +"those fortunate to have a steady income will be able to return to their jobs; but for millions of others this will be a lost month where they would otherwise have found temporary work, done business in the informal sector or saved money earned to meet their family responsibilities. +","bao ka lesego ba nang le letseno le le sa kgaotseng ba tla kgona go boela kwa ditirong tsa bona; mme ka bomadimabe bontsi jwa batho ba bangwe kgwedi eno ke ya ditatlhegelo mo ba ka bong ba kgonne go iponela diphatlhatiro tsa nakwana, ba ithekiseditse mo mebileng kgotsa ba ipoloketse madi a ba iponetseng one go ka thusa malapa a bona. +",0.85426587 +"food support is a shortterm emergency measure. +","go abela ka dijo ke tharabololo ya nakwana. +",0.7144839 +"it will need to be matched by sustainable solutions that help our most vulnerable citizens weather the difficult times that are still to come. +","kgato eno e tla tshwanelwa ke go bapisiwa le ditharabololo tsa leruri tse di tla thusang baagi ba naga ya rona ba ba leng mo tlalelong gore ba kgone go samagana le dinako tse di boima tse di santseng di tla. +",0.82836616 +"i wish to thank the many ngos, religious groups and ordinary citizens who are donating money and volunteer ing to help feed the hungry and destitute. +","ke batla go leboga mekgatlho e e seng ya puso (dingo), dike reke ka go farologana mmogo le baagi ba ka fa nageng ba ba tsweletseng go tsenya letsogo ka fa pataneng le go ithaopa go thusa go apeela le go fepa baagi ba rona ba ba leng mo tlaleng le bao ba leng mo tlalelong. +",0.84502864 +"alleviating hunger is not an act of charity. +","go fedisa tlala ga se kgato ya kutlwelobotlhoko. +",0.83587086 +"it is an imperative for any society that is founded on respect for human rights. +","ke selo se se botlhokwa thata mo setšhabeng se sengwe le se sengwe se se reng se tlotla ditshwanelo tsa batho. +",0.800889 +"we are at a point in our battle with the pandemic where complacency could prove disastrous. +","ka leuba leno, re mo maemong a a diphatsa mo go tsaya dilo botlhofo go tla re bontshang matsapa a a seng kana ka sepe. +",0.7257528 +"i call on each and every one to remain vigilant, to continue to abide by the regulations, and to keep safe and keep others safe. +","ke ikuela mo go batho botlhe go ntsha matlho dinameng, go tswelela go obamela melawanataolo, mmogo le go itlhokomela le go tlhokomela ba bangwe gore rotlhe re nne mo polokegong. +",0.84593743 +"as government we will be providing information on the direct interventions we are taking to shield our most vulnerable citizens from the grim prospect of starvation. +","jaaka mmuso re tla neelana ka tshedimosetso e e tlhalosang ditharabololo tse re tla di tsayang go inola baagi ba rona ba ba leng mo tlalelong mo tlaleng e ba leng mo go yona. +",0.8096605 +"among the many difficulties our people face at this time, wondering where their next meal will come from should not be one of them.","go tswa thuso baagi ba naga ya rona ba ba leng mo tlalelong vukuzenzele unnamed dinaga di le dintsi mo lefatsheng di swedi tse go tsenya tirisong dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng mabapi le mogare wa corona e le go ka leka go boloka matshelo a baagi ba yona. +",0.8096605 +"let us unite in our fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed the entire world is in the unrelenting grip of the coronavirus pandemic, whose spread has been rapid. +","tla re lwantshaneng le covid19 re le seoposengwe vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe lotlhe le kakatletse dingana tsa leuba la mogare wa corona , leo le tshwaetsanang ka lebelo le le seng kana ka sepe. +",0.87347883 +"a vaccine has yet to be found. +","ente ya thibelaketegelo le yona ga e ise e bonwe. +",0.6790096 +"across the world, over 3.4 million people are known to be infected and more than 240,000 have died. +","batho ba feta ba le 3.4 milione mo lefatsheng lotlhe go itsege gore ba tshwa etsegile fa ba feta ba le 240 000 bona ba thutse botala ka tlhogo. +",0.8849373 +"these are indeed desperate times. +","eno ke nako ya selelo sa khurano ya meno. +",0.32533312 +"when the national state of disaster was declared six weeks ago, south africa only had 61 confirmed coronavirus infections. +","mo dibekeng di le thataro tse di fetileng, fa go ne go goelediwa gore re mo motsing wa maemo a masetlapelo mo nageng, aforika borwa o ne a na fela le dikgetse di le 61 tse di netefaleditsweng tsa batho ba ba tshwaeditsweng ke mogare wa corona . +",0.8873101 +"despite the relatively low number, expert opinion and international experience indicated that infec tions would rise exponentially. +","le fa palo ya rona e ne e le kwa tlase, ditshitshinyo tsa baitseanape mmogo le maitemogelo go tswa mo go seo re se boneng kwa dinageng tsa boditšhabatšhaba re ne re itse gore maemo a tshwaetsego a tla tlhatloga le go anama. +",0.83560514 +"i said that urgent and drastic measures would need to be taken. +","ke ne ka itsese gore re tla tlhoka go tsaya dikgato ka bonako le tse di sa tlwaelegang. +",0.8124095 +"those measures – which included a nationwide lockdown and the closure of our borders – have proved to be effective in delaying the spread of the disease. +","dikgato tseno – tse gare ga tsona di tsenyeletsang go sekega nakwana ga ditiro tsa ka fa nageng naga ka bophara mmogo le go tswalelwa ga melelwane – di nnile mosola mo go fokotseng lebelo la go anama ga bolwetse jono. +",0.8541002 +"this has been possible because most south africans have adhered to the lockdown provisions, practising social distancing and wearing face masks. +","seno se kgonagetse ka ntlha ya gore maaforika borwa a le mantsinyana a obametseng melawana ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng, ba itlwaetsa go katoga batho ba bangwe gore ba se kgotlagane mmogo le go itlwaetsa go apara dimaseke tsa go hema. +",0.8219356 +"i applaud you for this and for all the other sacrifices you have made. +","ke le rolela hutshe mo go seno mmogo le mo dikgatong tsotlhe tsa go ikentsha setlhabelo tseo le di tsereng. +",0.86071134 +"at this stage in the progress of the pandemic, other countries had far more infections than we do. +","mo nakong ya ga jaanong ya fa e sale re aparelwa ke leuba leno, dinaga tse dingwe ditshwaetsego tsa tsona di ne di le kwa godimo thata go gaisa ya rona. +",0.82878274 +"as of now – which is 46 days since we recorded our 100th coronavirus case – we have 6,783 confirmed cases. +","go fitlha mo motsing wa jaanong – mo e setseng e le matsatsi a le 46 fa e sale re nna le kgetse ya bo 100 ya mogare wa corona – jaanong re na le dikgetse di le 6 783 tse di netefaleditsweng. +",0.8904127 +"italy, which has a similar size population to ours, had more than 140,000 cases and the united states had around 700,000 confirmed cases at the 46day mark. +","naga ya italy, e palo ya baagi ba yona e lekanang le ya baagi ba rona, e ne e setse e begile dikgetse di le 140 000 fa amerika yona e begile dikgetse di le 700 000 tse di netefaleditsweng mo matsatsing a le 46 a a tshwailweng. +",0.8865067 +"but this does not mean that the danger has passed. +","fela seno ga se raye gore re dule mo kotsing. +",0.7238024 +"we have not nearly reached the peak of infections in south africa. +","tota ga re ise e bile re fitlhe mo maemong a a gagametseng a tshwaetsego mo nageng ya aforika borwa. +",0.7842512 +"all the scientific models show that the infection rate will continue to rise at a much faster rate in the next few months. +","mefuta yotlhe ya saense e supa gore lebelo la go tshwaetsega le tla tswelela go oketsega mo dikgweding tse di tlang di le dintsinyana. +",0.86508477 +"however, the speed with which the virus spreads and the number of people who are ultimately infected will be determined by what we do now. +","le fa go le jalo, lebelo leo ka lona mogare ono o anamang ka lona mmogo le palo ya batho ba go fitlhelwang ba tshwaetsegile di tla itshetlega mo dikgatong tseo re tla di tsayang ga jaana. +",0.8470057 +"that is why the easing of the lockdown needs to be gradual and cautious. +","ke ka ntlha ya seno go tswa mo dikgatong tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng go tshwanetse go diragadiwa ka iketlo le ka kelotlhoko. +",0.7657278 +"it is for this reason that many regulations need to remain in place and why it is absolutely essential that people observe them. +","ke a itse gore seno se bokete jang e bile ke tlhaloganya le matshwenyego a bontsi jwa bakaulengwe ba rona ba a tlhagisitseng ka ga mekgwa eo melawanataolo eno e kgoreletsang le go fokotsa ditshwanelo tsa bona. +",0.6298244 +"i know how difficult this is and i understand the concern that many of our compatriots have about how these regulations are interfering and limiting their rights. +","fela dikgato tseno tsotlhe tse re di tsayang di botlhokwa. +",0.41317302 +"but all this is necessary. +","maikarabelomagolo a rona ke go boloka matshelo a batho. +",0.4407802 +"our overriding objective is the preservation of life. +","go katoga batho mmogo le go itlhokomela ka go iphepafatsa ka tshwanelo e santse e le ditsibogelo tsa rona tse di kwa setlhoeng tsa go ipabalela mo kgaratlhong e re tobaneng le yona. +",0.63413036 +"social distancing and proper hygiene are still our best and only defences in this struggle. +","dikgato tseno ke tsona tse di kaelang melawanataolo e re e tsentseng tirisong mabapi le kgato ya bone ya go samagana le bolwetse jono. +",0.58318484 +"this is what informs the regulations we have put in place for level 4 of our response. +","ditshwetso tsa rona di ikaegile ka bopaki jo bo sa itayeng sefoletsa, tshedimosetso e e ikaegileng ka dikeletso tsa saense le tsa ikonomi mmogo le ditshwetso tse di mosola tse di ntseng di tsewa mo maemong a boditšhabatšhaba. +",0.55623853 +"our considerations are based on empirical evidence, scientific and economic data and international best practice. +","ka ngwaga wa 1995 katlholo e e fedisitseng dithata tsa batho gootlhaya ba bangwe ka polao kgotsa ka go kgwatisiwa e e rebotsweng ke moatlhodi wa kgotlatshekelo ya molaotheo, rre arthur chaskalson e ne e re: ""ditshwanelo tsa botshelo jwa motho mmogo le tsa seriti sa motho di botlhokwa go le maswe go gaisa ditshwanelo tse dingwe tse di leng teng tsa batho mme e bile ditshwanelo tseno ke tsona moodi wa ditshwanelo tse dingwe tsotlhe tsa batho. +",0.6182749 +"in the 1995 judgment of the constitutional court that outlawed capital punishment, jus tice arthur chaskalson wrote: ""the rights to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights and the source of all other personal rights. +","ka go ikana go nna setšhaba se se itshetlegileng mo ditshwanelong tsa batho re gapeletsega go tlotlomatsa ditshwanelo tseno di le pedi go gaisa tse dingwe tsotlhe. +",0.6338811 +"by committing ourselves to a society founded on the recognition of human rights we are required to value these two rights above all others. +","""melawanataolo e re e tsentseng tirisong ga jaana e itshetlegile ka maikano ano a go tlotlomatsa ditshwanelo tsa botshelo jwa motho mmogo le tsa seriti sa motho, mme seno se tota se bonagala – mo dikgatong tse di sa tlwaelegang – mo go kganetseng nakwana ditshwanelo tse dingwe tsa batho, tse di jaaka ditshwanelo tsa motsamao le tsa go ikamanya le batho ba bangwe. +",0.66578794 +"""the regulations we have put in place are founded on that commitment to life and dignity, and which justify – in these extreme circumstances – temporary restrictions on other rights, like freedom of movement and association. +","mo go direng seno, naga ya aforika borwa e dirile fela jaaka dinaga tse dingwe le tsona di dirile. +",0.46510038 +"in doing this, south africa is not unlike many other countries. +","palo e e ka balelwang go a le mongwe go ba le batlhano mo palong ya baagi botlhe mo lefatsheng ba katogisitswe mo bathong ba bangwe kgotsa ba santse ba le ka fa tlase ga dikgatotsamaiso tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng, mme palo eno e tswelela go gola ka lebelo ka ntlha ya lebelo leo bolwetse jono bo tlhatlogang ka lona. +",0.48050684 +"an estimated onefifth of the world’s population is under quarantine or nationwide lockdown, with this number growing rapidly in response to rising infections. +","tsona di tsenyeletsa le dinaga tseo palo ya baagi ba yona e leng kwa godimo go re gaisa, tse di jaaka naga ya india e e nang le baagi ba le 1.5 bilione. +",0.638828 +"this includes countries with substantially larger populations than ours, like india with its 1.5 billion people. +","bontsintsi jwa dinaga tse dingwe tsona di dirisitse dikgato tsa dinakokiletso tse di jaaka tse ga jaana re nang le tsona le rona. +",0.611031 +"dozens of countries have imposed curfews such as the one that is now in place here. +","batho ba ileditswe go tsamaya sekgala se se rileng mo dinageng tse dingwe. +",0.49789914 +"limitations on movement are in place in a number of countries. +","kwa uk le kwa teropokgolong ya naga ya fora, paris, go ikotlolola go ileditswe mo diureng tse di rileng mme le teng motho ga a tshwanela go tsamaela kgakala le legae la gagwe. +",0.5258391 +"in the uk and the french capital, paris, public exercise is limited to certain hours and within a certain distance of one’s home. +","dikgato tsa go thibela le go thibelaketegelo tse di jaaka tse le rona re nang le tsona le tsona di tsentswe tirisong kwa dinageng di le dintsinyana. +",0.49117637 +"containment and prevention measures similar to ours are in place in a number of countries. +","go naya sekai, thekiso ya notagi mo pakeng ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng e ileditswe kgotsa e thibetswe mo ditikologong le mo dipusoselegaeng di le dintsinyana, go tsenyeetsa le mo dikarolong tsa mexico, hong kong le greenland, mo go tserweng dikgato mo kgwe ding e e fetileng tsa go thibela go rekisa notagi e le go leka go fokotsa tshwaetsego mmogo le ‘go thibela tirisodikgoka mo basading le mo baneng.’go nnile le dipuopuo di gana go fela mabapi le tshwetso ya puso ya go oketsa dikgatokiletso go iletsa le thekiso ya motsoko fa re tsena mo kgatong ya maemo a bone. +",0.63174164 +"for example, alcohol sales during lockdown have been either restricted or banned in a number of territories and by local governments, including parts of mexico, hong kong and greenland, which last month imposed a ban on alcohol sales during lockdown to limit infection but also ‘to curb violence against women and children.’there has been much public comment on government’s decision to extend the prohibition on the sale of tobacco products into level 4. a decision like this is bound to be controversial, but it is wrong to suggest that there are ministers or a president doing and saying whatever they want on this matter. +","tshwetso ya mothale o o ntseng jaana ga gona gore e ka se fetlhe maikutlo a batho, fela ga se nnete gore ditona kgotsa moporesitente ba itirela boithatelo le go ipuela feela jaaka ba rata ka kgang eno. +",0.6981543 +"on 23 april, i announced that cigarette sales would be permitted during level 4. this was based on the view of the national coronavirus command council (nccc), and which was contained in the draft framework that was published for consulation. +","ka la bo 23 moranang 2020, ke ne ka itsese setšhaba gore thekiso ya motsoko e tla letlelelwa fa re tsena mo kgatog ya bone. +",0.71109784 +"after careful consideration and discussion, the nccc reconsidered its position on tobacco. +","eno e ne e le kakanyo ya lekgotla la naga le le jarileng maikarabelo a mogare wa corona (nccc), e e neng e le mo letlhomesotlhomong le le phasaladitsweng gore baagi ba ntshe maikutlo a bona ka ga lona. +",0.6898845 +"as a result, the regulations ratified by cabinet and announced by minister nkosazana dlaminizuma on 29 april extended the prohibition. +","morago ga gore re nne le dipuisano le go sekaseka ka kelotlhoko dintlha tsotlhe, nccc e ne ya fetola mogopolo wa yona ka ga go rekisiwa ga motsoko. +",0.64722085 +"this was a collective decision and the public statements by both myself and the minister were done on behalf of, and mandated by, the collective i lead. +","mme ka ntlha ya seno, melawanataolo e e kwalolotsweng sešwa ke kabinete mme ya phasaladiwa ke tona nkosazana dlaminizuma ka la bo 29 moranang 2020 e ne ya iletsa gareng ga tse dingwe le thekiso ya motsoko. +",0.6273585 +"every regulation we have put in place has been carefully considered. +","eno ke tshwetso e re e tsereng rotlhe mme dipuo tsa phatlalatsa tse nna mmogo le tona re nnileng le tsona di dirilwe mo legatong la rona rotlhe, e bile ke go sekegela thomo ya ditokololo tsa setlhopha seo ke se eteletseng kwa pele. +",0.5885938 +"along the way there has been consultation with medical experts, various constituencies and different industries. +","molawanataolo mongwe le mongwe o re o tsentseng tirisong o sekasekilwe ka kelotlhoko. +",0.46319023 +"we have been guided by international bodies and the experience of other countries. +","re tsamaile re ntse re batlana le maikutlo a dingaka, a mekgatlho e e farologaneng mmogo le a diintaseteri tse di farologaneng. +",0.70897675 +"the reality is that we are sailing in unchartered waters. +","re ntse re fatlhosiwa le ke mekgatlho ya boditšhabatšhaba mmogo le maitemogelo a re a bonang kwa dinageng tse dingwe. +",0.5710232 +"there is still a great deal about the epidemiology of the virus that is unknown. +","boammaruri ke gore re mo maemong a a diphatsa e le ruri. +",0.40589046 +"it is better to err on the side of caution than to pay the devastating price of a lapse in judgment in future. +","go santse go le go gontsi go re santseng re sa go tlhaloganye ka mogare ono. +",0.4359398 +"while there are differing views on some of the decisions we have taken – and in some instances these have polarised opinion – government is making every effort to act in a way that advances the rights to life and dignity of all our people. +","ka jalo go botlhokwa go tsaya dikgato tse di ikaegileng ka pabalasego go na le go duela tlhotllhwa e e boitshegang mo isagong ka ntlha ya go itlhokomolosa kotsi re e lebile. +",0.6349338 +"listening to our people and their concerns during this period has been one of the distinguishing features of how we as government have managed this pandemic. +","le fa re sa dumelane ka ditshwetso tse dingwe tse re di tsereng – mme mo mabakeng a mangwe mabaka a a newang ga se a a utlwalang – puso e dira matsapa otlhe a e ka a kgonang mo matleng a yona go tsaya ditshwetso tse di tla thusang go somarela ditshwanelo tsa matshelo a batho le tsa seriti sa batho botlhe. +",0.6379677 +"we continue to listen to the concerns of our people and are prepared to make adjustments that balance people’s concerns about the challenges they face with the need to save lives. +","go reetsa batho ba rona mmogo le matshwenyego a bona mo nakong eno ke e nngwe ya dikarolo tse di itlhophileng tse di supang ka fao re leng puso re tsweletseng go samagana le leuba leno. +",0.76302123 +"at this difficult time, our collective energies must be focused on ensuring that health and life is preserved, that the delivery of food, water, health care, social security and social support is not disrupted. +","re tsweletse go reetsa matshwenyego a batho ba rona mme e bile re ipaakanyeditse go ka mekamekana le matshwenyego a bona le dikgwetlho tse ba kopanang le tsona fa re ntse re leka go pholosa matshelo a batho. +",0.66695035 +"under these extraordinary circumstances, as government, as individuals and as society we will at times make mistakes. +","mo dinakong tseno tse di bokete, re tshwanetse go tsepamisa megopolo ya rona mo go netefatseng gore re boloka matshelo le boitekanelo, re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore ga go nne le kgoreletsego epe mo tlamelong ya dijo, metsi, ditirelo tsa kalafi, pabalesego ya loago mmogo le tsa tshegetso ya loago. +",0.6305393 +"when these occur, we will correct them. +","mo go samaganeng le ditlamorago tseno tse di sa tlwaelegang, re le puso, re le batho e bile re le setšhaba ka dinako dingwe re tla dira diphoso. +",0.48916978 +"but we must carry on, losing neither our nerve nor our resolve. +","re tla siamisa fao re dirileng diphoso gone. +",0.44495076 +"the situation in which we find ourselves demands courage and patience. +","fela re tshwanetse go gatelapele, ntle le go felelana pelo kgotsa go felelwa ke matla. +",0.64405155 +"it requires goodwill and trust between you, the citizen, and your government, and between each other. +","maemo a re iphitlhelang re le ka fa gare ga ona a tlhoka gore re nne le sebete le pelotelele. +",0.5784631 +"from the union buildings 3 vuk’uzenzelehelp for our vulnerable citizensmany countries around the world have imposed coronavirus lockdowns with a view to saving the lives of their citizens. +","tla re lwantshaneng le covid19 re le seoposengwe vukuzenzele unnamed lefatshe lotlhe le kakatletse dingana tsa leuba la mogare wa corona , leo le tshwaetsanang ka lebelo le le seng kana ka sepe. +",0.5784631 +"our democracy will help us overcome covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed we often take our healthy and robust democracy for granted. +","temokerasi ya rona ke yona e e tla re thusang gore re tšhwemoge mo dinaleng tsa covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed go le gantsi ga re ke re bona mosola wa temokerasi ya rona. +",0.8382045 +"yet it is probably our greatest asset in our momentous struggle to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. +","fela ke yona selo se se botlhokwa thata fa re le mo kgaratlhong ya go fenya leroborobo la mogare wa corona. +",0.79780686 +"we have among the most politicallyengaged citizenry in the world. +","mo lefatsheng re e nngwe ya dinaga tse di nang le baagi ba bantsi ba ba rarabololang matsapa a bona ka ditsela tsa sepolotiki. +",0.77128506 +"a poll in 2018 by the pew research center shows south africans are strongly inclined to take political action about issues they feel most strongly about, such as health care, education, freedom of speech and corruption. +","dipatlisiso tsa ngwaga wa 2018 tse di dirilweng ke pew research center di ribolotse gore maaforika borwa a itshepetse thata mo ditharabololong tsa sepolotiki fa go tla mo mererong eo ba dumelang thata mo go yona, e e jaaka ya tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo, ya thuto, ya kgololesego mmogo le ya bonweenwee. +",0.9056511 +"the poll confirms much that we already know about ourselves. +","dipatlisiso tseno di supa seo re se itseng ka rona. +",0.7850835 +"we enjoy nothing more than robust engagement with our government and among ourselves on the burning issues of the day. +","ga go sepe se re se ratang thata go tshwana le go bontshana mabaka le puso mmogo le batho ba borona fa go tla mo mererong e e botlhokwa. +",0.7472238 +"we have an active civil society ever ready to safeguard our fundamental freedoms and rights. +","re na le baagi ba ba matlhagatlhaga mo setšhabeng bao ka dinako tsotlhe ba emeng sejaro go emelela dikgololesego le ditshwanelo tsa rona tse di botlhokwa. +",0.8230256 +"one of the triumphs of our democracy is that every south african believes the constitution protects them and that the courts are a fair and impartial arbiter of their interests. +","e nngwe ya dilo tse re di fitlheletseng ka temokerasi ya rona ke gore moaforika borwa mongwe le mongwe o dumela gore molaotheo o a mo sireletsa le gore dikgotlatshekelo tsa rona ga di tsaye letlhakore e bile di tlhokomela dikgatlhegelo tsa bona. +",0.8816086 +"i got thinking on these matters during a recent visit to the eastern cape to assess the province’s coronavirus state of readiness. +","ke gopoditswe seno fa ke ne ke le kwa kapa botlhaba go tlhatlhoba maemo a porofense gore a tsamaya kae mo go ipaakanyetseng go samagana le mogare wa corona. +",0.7981118 +"i was asked by a journalist whether i was concerned at the pending litigation challenging certain provisions of the disaster management act. +","yo mongwe wa babegadikgang o ne a mpotsa gore a ga ke tshwenngwe ke dikgetse tse di leng teng ga jaana tsa go nkisa kgotlatshekelo tse di emang kgatlhanong le dikarolo tse di rileng tsa molao wa tsamaiso ya masetlapelo. +",0.8569232 +"this law is the basis for all the regulations promulgated under the national state of disaster we declared to combat coronavirus. +","molao ono ke ona o melawanataolo e mengwe e tswang ka leina la ona go latela fa re ne re begela baagi gore naga e tsene mo kgatong ya maemo a masetlapelo e le go lwantshana le mogare wa corona. +",0.79125977 +"since the start of this crisis, a number of people have exercised their right to approach the courts. +","go tloga motsing o matsapa ano a simolotseng ka ona, batho ba le bantsinyana ba diragaditse ditshwanelo di le dintsinyana mme ba re isa kwa kgotlatshekelo. +",0.7700417 +"the lockdown regulations were challenged in the very first week of the lockdown by a private citizen from mpumalanga who wanted an exemption from the travel prohibition to attend a funeral. +","kgetse ya ntlha ya go lwantshana le melaokiletso ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng e ne ya isiwa kwa kgotlatshekelo mo bekeng ya ntlha re simolotse ka dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng re isiwa ke moagi wa kwa mpumalanga yo a neng a batla gore a se ilediwe go tsaya leeto go ya lesong. +",0.7867361 +"in the seven (7) weeks that have followed, there have been legal challenges from a number of individuals, religious bodies, political parties, ngos and from business organisations against one measure or more of the lockdown provisions they were unhappy with. +","mo dibekeng di le supa tse di latetseng re bone dikgetse di le dintsinyana tse di re isang kwa kgotlatshekelo go tswa mo bathong ba le bantsinyana, dikereke, mekgatlho ya sepolotiki, mekgatlho e e seng ya puso (dingo) mmogo le go tswa le mo dikgwebong di le dintsinyana tse di ganetsanang le kiletso e e rileng kgotsa dikiletso tse di rileng tsa melaokiletso e e sa ba itumediseng ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.85144615 +"some have succeeded in their legal challenges and some have not. +","ba bangwe ba fentse dikgetse tseo fa ba bangwe bona ba reteletswe. +",0.79616237 +"some had approached the courts on the basis of the urgency of their cases had their urgency arguments dismissed and others have found other avenues for the relief they sought. +","ba bangwe ba tlhaloseditse kgotlatshekelo gore dikgetse tsa bona di tlhoka go rarabololwa ka lepotlapotla mme dikgetse tsa bona di ne tsa tshololwa ka mabaka a gore ga di a potlaka fa ba bangwe ba atlegile go bona ditharabololo tseo ba neng ba di lebeletse. +",0.84070706 +"others have subsequently withdrawn their applications following engagement with government. +","ba bangwe bona ba ne ba gogela dikgetse tsa bona kwa morago go latela go buisana le puso. +",0.81981766 +"while we would prefer to avoid the need for any legal action against government, we should accept that citizens who are unhappy with whatever action that government has decided on implementing have a right to approach our courts for any form of relief they seek. +","le fa tota re batla go efoga dikgato tsa go isa puso kwa kgotlatshekelo, re tshwanetse re amogele gore baagi ba ba sa itumedisiwang ke dikgato tse di rileng tse puso e di tsereng ba na le tshwanelo ya go leba kwa dikgotlatshekelo tsa rona go kopa katlholo nngwe le nngwe e e ka ba kgotsofatsang. +",0.8699659 +"this is a normal tenet of a constitutional democracy and a perfectly acceptable practice in a country founded on the rule of law. +","tseno ke dikgato tse di tlwaelegileng mo molaotheong wa temokerasi e bile ke seo se amogetsweng ka diatla tsoopedi mo nageng eo e obamelang go busiwa ka molao. +",0.8114867 +"we have checks and balances in place to ensure that every aspect of governance is able to withstand constitutional scrutiny. +","re tsentse tirisong dikgato tsa maikarabelo go netefatsa gore karolo nngwe le nngwe ya puso e ikarabela ka tshwanelo mo diphuruphutsong tse di mabapi le molaotheo. +",0.7677874 +"where we are found wanting, we will be held to account by our courts and, above all, by our citizens. +","fa re fitlhelwang e le gore re sitetse batho, re tla rwesiwa maikarabelo ke dikgotlatshekele, mme go feta moo, baagi ba rona le bona ba tla tlhoka gore re ikarabele mo go seo. +",0.7913668 +"besides our courts, our chapter 9 institutions exist to advance the rights of citizens, as do the bodies tasked with oversight over the law enforcement agencies. +","ntle le dikgotlatshekelo tsa rona, re ikarabela gape le mo go ditheo tse di sireletsang molaotheo wa temokerasi tse di netefatsang gore ditshwanelo tsa baagi ba rona di a diragadiwa mmogo le ditheo tsotlhe tse di leng teng tse di samaganang le ditiro tsa go ikgatolosa molao ga puso e leng tseo di netefatsang fa molao o obamelwa. +",0.8131186 +"as i told the journalist, every south african has a right to approach the courts and even i, as president, could never stand in the way of anybody exercising that right. +","jaaka ke boleletse mmega dikgang yono gore, moaforika borwa yo mongwe le yo mongwe o na le tshwanelo ya go re bulela kgetse kwa kgotlatshekelo, mme le nna, jaaka ke le moporesitente, ga ke na tshwanelo ya go ka ema fa pele ga ope go mo thibela go diragatsa tshwanelo ya gagwe. +",0.88567114 +"there has been, and will continue to be, robust and strident critique of a number of aspects of our national response to coronavirus, from the data modelling and projections, to the economic effects of the lockdown, to the regulations. +","go ntse go na le dipuo tse di ganetsanang le melaokiletso e e galefileng ya ka fao re tsibogelang mogare wa corona ka yona, mme di tla tswelela go nna teng, go simolola ka ditsela tseo re bokeletsang le go dirisa tshedimosetso eno ka yona go phopholetsa, go tsenyeletsa le seelo se se sa itumediseng se se tlhodilweng ke go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng, mmogo le melaokiletso e e leng teng. +",0.79510266 +"as government we have neither called for such critique to be tempered or for it to be silenced. +","re le puso ga re ise re ikuele gore dikganetsano tsa mothale ono di tshosediwe kana di fedisiwe. +",0.7780545 +"to the contrary, criticism, where it is constructive, helps us to adapt and to move with agility in response to changing circumstances and conditions. +","boammaruri tota ke gore, dikganetsano dingwe le dingwe, fa di le mosola, di re thusa gore re fetole ditsela tsa rona gore re kgone go tsamaya ka lebelo mo diphetogong le mo dikgatong tse re di tsayang. +",0.79735565 +"it enriches public debate and gives us all a broader understanding of the issues at play. +","e re bula matlho mo go tseo re neng re sa di bone gore re kgone go tlhaloganya dikgwetlho tse re tobaneng le tsona botoka. +",0.72829056 +"we have consistently maintained that we rely on scientific, economic and empirical data when it comes to making decisions and formulating regulations around our coronavirus response. +","ke kgale re ntse re bua gore fa go tla mo ditshwetsong tse re di tsayang mo go samaganeng le mogare wa corona mmogo le mo go kwaleng melaokiletso ya teng, re kaelwa ke tshedimosetso e e leng teng ya saense, ikonomi le e nngwe e e botlhokwa e e leng teng. +",0.80153483 +"to the greatest extent possible under these challenging circumstances, we aim for consultation and engagement. +","fa go kgonegang mo dikgwetlhong tseno tse re tobaneng le tsona, re ikemiseditse go batla maikutlo a batho mmogo le go utlwa se se leng mo mafatlheng a bona. +",0.719448 +"we want all south africans to be part of this national effort. +","re batla gore maaforika borwa otlhe e nne karolo ya dikgato tseno tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.8565917 +"the voices of ordinary citizens must continue to be heard at a time as critical as this. +","maikutlo a baagi a tlhoka go sekegelwa tsebe le mo dinakong tse di boima di tshwana le tseno. +",0.7447755 +"the coronavirus pandemic and the measures we have taken to combat it have taken a heavy toll on our people. +","leroborobo la mogare wa corona mmogo le dikgato tse re di tsereng go lwantshana le lona di tlisitse maima mo matshelong a batho ba borona. +",0.8650324 +"it has caused huge disruption and hardship. +","di tlhotlhile dikgoreletsi di thiba letsatsi le tshotlego e e seng kana ka sepe. +",0.64394623 +"although we can point to the progress we have made in delaying the transmission of the virus, there is still a long way to go. +","le fa tota re ka supa dikgato tse re di tsereng go fokotsa lebelo la gore mogare ono o aname, go santse go le go gontsi go re tlhokang go go dira. +",0.85708785 +"the weeks and months ahead will be difficult and will demand much more from our people. +","dibeke le dikgwedi tse di tlang di tla re ketefalela mme di tla tlhoka gore batho ba borona ba itime go le gontsi go feta mo malobeng. +",0.8431247 +"the pandemic will therefore continue to place an enormous strain on our society and our institutions. +","ka jalo leroborobo leno le tla tswelela go ketefaletsa setšhaba sa rona le ditheo tsa rona. +",0.7977078 +"even as we gradually open up the economy, the impact on people’s material conditions will be severe. +","le fa re tla bo re bulela ditiro tsa ikonomi kgato ka kgato, maemo a ditlhokwa tsa batho ona a tla amega tota. +",0.8423002 +"for as long as this is the case, the potential for conflict, discord and dissatisfaction will remain. +","fa re santse re samagana le bothata jono, re tla tswelela go thulana ka ditlhogo, go se dumelane le go ganetsana. +",0.7619258 +"as we navigate these turbu lent waters, our constitution is our most important guide and our most valued protection. +","jaaka re tla bo re mekamekana le seemo se se sa iketlang, molaotheo wa rona e tla nna sekaedi se segolo se se re supetsang tsela le go re sireletsa. +",0.77770615 +"our robust democracy provides the strength and the resilience we need to overcome this deep crisis. +","temokerasi ya rona e e matlhagatlhaga e re naya matla le tsetsepelo e re e tlhokang gore re supuge mo boteng jwa mathata ano. +",0.8431783 +"just as government appreciates that most court appli cants are motivated by the common good, so too should we recognise that the decisions taken by government are made in good faith and are meant to advance, and not to harm, the interests of south africans. +","fela jaaka puso e dumela gore dikgetse tsotlhe tse di isitsweng kwa kgotlatshekelo ke baagi ga di a tlhotlhelediwa ke bolotsana bope, le rona re tshwanetse go dumela gore ditshwetso tse di tsewang ke puso le tsona di tsewa go sena bolotsana bope e bile maitlhomo a tsona ke go tsholetsa dikgatlhegelo tsa maaforika borwa go na le go tlisa dikgotlang. +",0.8636421 +"our foremost priority remains to save lives. +","maitlhomomagolo a rona e santse e le ona a go boloka matshelo a batho. +",0.81321144 +"our every decision is informed by the need to advance the rights to life and dignity as set out in our constitution. +","tshwetso nngwe le nngwe e re e tsayang e ikaegile ka tlhokego ya go babalela matshelo le seriti sa batho jaaka go tlhalositswe mo molaotheong. +",0.8401365 +"we will continue to welcome different – even dissenting – viewpoints around our national coronavirus response. +","re tla tswelela go amogela dikakanyo tse di farologaneng le tsa rona – tota le tse di re tlontlololang – tse di mabapi le ka fao re samaganang le mogare wa corona. +",0.8292215 +"all viewpoints aid us and help us to work better and smarter. +","dikakanyo tsotlhe di a re fatlhosa le go re thusa gore re dire dilo botoka le ka botlhale. +",0.86138874 +"the exercise of the fundamental freedoms of expression, association and speech is a barometer of the good health of our democracy. +","go diragatsa ditshwanelo tsa kgololesego ya go ntsha maikutlo a gago, go ikamanya le batho ba bangwe le go bua jaaka o rata ke ditshupetso tse di supang ka fao temokerasi ya rona e dirang sentle ka teng. +",0.8259975 +"but much more than that, these rights are essential to the success of our national and collective struggle to overcome the coronavirus.","temokerasi ya rona ke yona e e tla re thusang gore re tšhwemoge mo dinaleng tsa covid 19 vukuzenzele unnamed go le gantsi ga re ke re bona mosola wa temokerasi ya rona. +",0.8259975 +"sa moves to alert level 3 vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril rama phosa has announced that south africa has moved to level 3 with effect from 1 june with more sectors of the economy opening and the removal of a number of restrictions on the movement of people. +","aforika borwa e tsena mo kgatong ya boraro vukuzenzele unnamed moporesidente cyril ramaphosa o itsisitse gore aforika borwa e tla tsena mo kgatong ya boraro go tloga ka la 1 seetebosigo 2020 – ka go bula bontsi ba makala a ikonomi le go tlosa palo ya dithibelo tsa motsamao wa batho. +",0.87843454 +"addressing the nation re cently on the developments in south africa’s riskadjusted strategy to manage the spread of the coronavirus (covid19), the president says the country will have a differentiated approach to deal with areas that have far higher levels of infection and transmission. +","fa a bua le setšhaba pejana ka ga tswelopele mo togamaanong e e baakantsweng ya maemo a a masisi a aforika borwa a go laola go anama ga mogare wa covid19, moporesitente a re naga e tla nna le mekgwa e e farologaneng go mekana le dikgaolo tse di nang le maemo a a kwa godimo go gaisa a tshwaetsego le phetalano. +",0.890509 +"covid19 hotspotsthese areas have been de clared as coronavirus disease hotspots. +","mafelo ao mo go ona tshwaetsego ya covid19 e leng kwa godimodikgaolo tseno di supilwe e le mafelo a a nang le tshwaetsego e e kwa godimo ya bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona. +",0.8543755 +"they include the following metros: city of tshwane city of johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city cape town. +","tsona di tsenyeletsa ditoropokgolo tse di latelang:: city of tshwane city of johannesburg ekurhuleni ethekwini nelson mandela bay buffalo city le cape town. +",0.87677 +"other areas that have been identified as hotspots are the west coast, overberg and cape winelands district municipalities in the western cape, chris hani district in the eastern cape and ilembe district in kwazulunatal. +","dikgaolo tse dingwe tse di supilweng e le mafelo a a nang le tshwaetsego e e kwa godimo ke didika tsa bommasepala tsa west coast, overberg le cape winelands kwa kapa bophirima, sedika sa chris hani kwa kapa botlhaba, le sedika sa ilembe kwa kwazulunatal. +",0.89599764 +"a hotspot is defined as an area that has more than five infected people per every 100 000 people or where new infections are increasing at a fast pace. +","lefelo le le nang le tshwaetsego e e kwa godimo ke fa go na le go feta batho ba le batlhano ba ba tshwaetsegileng go batho ba le 100 000 kgotsa fao ditshwaetsego tse dintšhwa di oketsegang ka lobelo. +",0.8759258 +"to deal with the virus in these areas, government will implement intensive interventions aimed at decreasing the number of new infections. +","go mekana le mogare mo dikgaolong tseno, puso e tla tsenyatirisong ditsenogare tse di tseneletseng tseo maikaelelo a tsona e leng go fokotsa palo ya ditshwaetsego tse dintšhwa. +",0.8897041 +"""we are putting in place enhanced measures of surveillance, infection control and management. +","""re tlile go dirisa mekgwa e e oketsegileng ya patlisiso, taolo ya mogare le tsamaiso. +",0.8293019 +"we will assign a fulltime team of experienced personnel to each hotspot,"" the president says. +","re tla neela lefelo le lengwe le le lengwe le le nang le tshwaetsego e e kwa godimo setlhopha sa leruri sa badiri ba ba nang le maitemogelo,"" moporesitente a rialo. +",0.84148467 +"this team will include epidemiologists, family practition ers, nurses, community health workers, public health experts and emergency medical services, to be supported by cuban experts. +","setlhopha seno se tla tsenyeletsa dingaka tsa kanamo ya malwetse, dingaka, baoki, badiri ba tsa boitekanelo jwa baagi, baitseanape ba boitekanelo jwa baagi le ditirelo tsa tshoganyetso tsa boitekanelo, di tshegediwa ke baitseanape go tswa kwa nageng ya cuba. +",0.87778544 +"""we will link each hotspot to testing services, isolation facilities, quarantine facilities, treatment, hospital beds and contact tracing. +","""re tla gokaganya mafelo a tshwaetsego e e kwa godimo le ditirelo tsa tlhatlhobo, mafelo a phapho, mafelo a tswalelo, kalafi, malao a bookelo le go gata motlhala bao ba kileng ba kopana le batho bao go fitlhetsweng ba tshwaetsegile. +",0.8604418 +"""should it be necessary, any part of the country could be returned to alert levels 4 or 5 if the spread of infection is not contained despite our interventions and there is a risk of our health facilities being overwhelmed,"" he says. +","""fa go ka tlhokega, karolo nngwe le nngwe ya naga e ka busediwa mo kgatong ya bone kgotsa ya botlhano fa go anama ga tshwaetsego go sa nne ka fa tlase ga taolo le fa re dirile ditsenogare mme go na le kotsi ya gore didiriswa tsa rona tsa boitekanelo di tlala go feta selekano,"" a rialo. +",0.90039146 +"the list of hotspot areas will be reviewed every two weeks depending on the progression of the virus. +","mafelo a a nang le tshwaetsego e e kwa godimo a tla sekasekiwa gangwe le gape mo sebakeng sa morago ga dibeke tse dingwe le tse dingwe di le pedi, mme seno se tla diriwa go ikaegilwe ka lebelo leo mogare ono o golang ka lona. +",0.8699078 +"opening the economythe implementation of alert level 3 which started at the beginning of june, involved the return to operation of most sectors of the econo my, subject to observance of strict health protocols and social distancing rules. +","go bulwa ga ikonomigo tsena mo kgatong ya boraro fa e sale seetebosigo a roga, go raya gore makala a le mantsi a ikonomi a boela sekeng, mme seno se tla bo se ikokotletse ka go obamela ditsamaiso tsa boitekanelo tse di gagametseng le melao ya go katogana. +",0.8321458 +"more public servants have also returned to work in accordance with provisions of the occupational health and safety act and as guided by the department of public service and administration, working together with all other departments in government. +","badiredipuso ba le bantsi le bona ba boetse tirong go ya ka metheo ya molao wa pabalesego le boitekanelo kwa tirong jaaka e kaelwa ke lefapha la tirelo tsa setšhaba le tsamaiso, le dira mmogo le mafapha a mangwe a puso. +",0.8748765 +"protocols and workplace plansas more sectors of the econ omy open, government will rely on social compacts with all key role players to address the key risk factors at the workplace and in the interface between employees and the public. +","ditsamaiso le maano a lefelotirofa makala a mangwe a mantsi a ikonomi a bulwa, puso e tla ikaega ka ditumelano tsa tirisano tse e di utlwanetseng le batshameka karolo botlhe ba ba botlhokwa tse di ka ga go samagana le mabaka a a botlhokwa a a ka ga dikotsi tsa kwa mafelong a tiro le a a ka bakang dikgoreletso magareng ga badiri le setšhaba. +",0.88274 +"""we will therefore be finalising a number of sector protocols and will require every company to develop a workplace plan before they reopen,"" he says. +","""ka jalo re tla konosetsa palo e le ntsinyana ya ditsamaiso mo makaleng mme re tla kopa khamphani e nngwe le e nngwe go tlhama leano la lefelotiro pele e bulwa gape,"" a rialo. +",0.89146066 +"according to these plans, companies will need to put in place sanitary and social distancing measures and facilities; they will need to screen workers on arrival each day, quarantine those who may be infected and make arrangements for them to be tested. +","go ya ka maano ano, dikhamphani di tla tlhoka go tsenya dikgato tsa itekanelo le sekgala sa kamano le didiriswa; ba tla tlhoka go tlhatlhoba badiri letsatsi le letsatsi fa ba tla tirong, ba beele kwa thoko bao ba ka bong ba tshwaetsegile le go dira dithulaganyo tsa go ba tlhatlhoba. +",0.9034592 +"""they also need to assist with contact tracing if employees test positive. +","""gape ba tlhoka go thusa ka dikgato tsa go gata motlhala bao ba kopaneng le bao ba tshwaetsegileng fa badiri ba fitlhelwa ba na le mogare. +",0.7758658 +"because of their vulnerability, all staff who are older than 60 years of age and those who suffer from underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer should ideally stay at home,"" the president says. +","ka ntlha ya bokoa jwa bona, badiri botlhe bao ba nang le dingwaga di feta 60 le bao ba nang le malwetse a a jaaka bolwetse jwa pelo, bolwetse jwa sukiri, bolwetse jo bo sa foleng jwa mafatlha le kankere ba tshwanetse sentle sentle ba nne kwa gae,"" go bua jalo moporesitente. +",0.9174113 +"employees who can work from home should be allowed to do so. +","badiri bao ba kgonang go dira ba ntse ba le kwa gae ba tshwanetse go letlwa go dira jalo. +",0.7545984 +"subject to these measures, all manufacturing, mining, construction, financial services, professional and business services, information technology, com munications, government services and media services, reopened from 1 june. +","go ikaegile ka dikgato tseno, batlhagisi botlhe, dimaene, kago, ditirelo tsa ditšhelete, ditirelo tsa boporofešenale le kgwebo, thekenoloji ya tshedimosetso, ditlhaeletsano, ditirelo tsa puso le ditirelo tsa bobegakgang, di butswe go tloga ka la bo 1 seetebosigo 2020. dithulaganyo tse di maleba tsa dikgato tsa go bulwa di tlhokwa go tsenngwa tirisong go lefelotiro lengwe le lengwe. +",0.85427827 +"the appropriate restart and phasing in arrangements will need to be put in place for every workplace. +","""dikgwebo tsa marekelomagolo le a diaparo a tla bulwa ka gotlhe, go tsenyeletsa mabenkele, dispaza le barekisi ba mo mebileng. +",0.65808153 +"""wholesale and retail trade will be fully opened, including stores, spaza shops and informal traders. +","kgwebo ka inthanete e tla nna e butswe. +",0.48133856 +"ecommerce will continue to remain open. +","makala a mangwe a a ntseng a butswe, a a jaaka temothuo le dikgwa, dilwana tsa botlhokwa, ditirelo tsa bongaka, tlhagiso ya dijo le tlhagiso ya dikuno tsa itekanelo, a tla nna a butswe ka gotlhe,"" a rialo. +",0.46772447 +"other sectors that opened previous ly, such as agriculture and forestry, utilities, medical services, food production and manufacture of hygiene products, will remain fully opened,"" he says. +","ditiro tsa ikonomi tse di nang le kgonagalo e e kwa godimo ya go anamisa mogare di tla nna di tswaletsweditiro tsa ikonomi tse di nang le kgonagalo e e kwa godimo ya go anamisa mogare di tla nna di tswaletswe. +",0.6458834 +"highrisk economic activities prohibitedhighrisk economic activi ties will remain prohibited. +","tseno di tsenyeletsa: ditirelo tsa mafelo a dijo, tsa dibara le tsa marekisetso a bojalwa, ntle le ditirelo tsa go isetsa moreki dijo kgotsa tsa gore moreki a tle go itseela otara ya gagwe ya dijo ka boene. +",0.61380833 +"these include: restaurants, bars and taverns, except for delivery or collection of food. +","ditirelo tsa mafelo a marobalo le tsa maeto a selegae ka sefofane, ntle le tsa maeto a kgwebo, ao a tla tsenngwang tirisong mo matlheng a a tla itsiseweng. +",0.71791 +"accommodation and domestic air travel, except for business travel, which will be phased in on dates to be announced. +","ditirelo tsa dikhomferense, tsa ditiragalo, tsa ditiro tsa boitapoloso le tsa metshameko. +",0.54606545 +"conferences, events, entertainment and sporting activities. +","ditirelo tsa tlhokomelo ya batho, go tsenyeletsa ditirelo tsa ntlafatso ya meriri le ya mmele. +",0.6732194 +"personal care services, including hairdressing and beauty services. +","motsamao wa batho le thekiso ya nnotagibatho ba tla kgona go ikatisa nako nngwe le nngwe mo letsatsing, fela eseng ka ditlhopha. +",0.5876688 +"movement of people and sale of alcoholpeople will be able to exer cise at any time during the day, provided this is not done in groups. +","melaokiletso ya taolo ya nako ya motsamao wa batho e tla khutlisiwa. +",0.42773473 +"the curfew on the movement of people will be lifted. +","""nnotagi e ka rekiswa go nowa kwa gae fela ka fa tlase ga maemo a a gagametseng, ka matsatsi a a rileng le ka diura tse di lekanyeditsweng. +",0.507397 +"""alcohol may be sold for home consumption only under strict conditions, on specified days and for limited hours. +","dikitsiso mo ntlheng eno di tla dirwa fela fa dipuisano di weditswe le lekala leno ka ga maemo a a farologaneng,"" go rialo moporesitente. +",0.6310281 +"announcements in this regard will be made once we have concluded discussions with the sector on the various conditions,"" the president says. +","thekiso ya dikuno tsa motsoko e tla nna e sa letlelelwa mo kgatong ya boraro, ka ntlha ya dikotsi tse di amanang le go tsuba. +",0.51786655 +"the sale of tobacco products will remain prohibited in alert level 3, due to the health risks associated with smoking. +","""dikopano tsotlhe di tla nna di sa letlelelwe, ntle le diphitlho ka palo e e sa feteng 50 ya batho kgotsa dikopano kwa lefelotirong tebang le mabaka a tiro,"" a rialo. +",0.59128654 +"""all gatherings will remain prohibited, except for funerals with no more than 50 people or meetings in the workplace for work purposes,"" he says. +","baagi ba solofele go tlhatloga ga ditshwaetsegomoporesitente ramaphosa a re, mo dipaakanyetsong tsa koketsego e e solofetsweng ya ditshwaetsego tsa covid19 mo nageng, bokana ka malao a bookelo a le 20 000 a baakantswe le go baakanyediwa go dirisetswa dikgetse tsa bao ba nang le covid19, le maokelo a nakwana a le 27 a agiwa go ralala naga. +",0.6519641 +"expect rise in infectionspresident ramaphosa says, in preparation for the expected increase in covid19 infections in the country, around 20 000 hospital beds have been, and are being, repurposed for covid19 cases, and 27 field hospitals are being built around the country. +","""palo ya maokelo ano a siametse go amogela balwetse ba mogare wa corona."" +",0.5870129 +"""a number of these hospitals are ready to receive coronavirus patients."" +","moporesitente a re puso e lebogela tiro e e tsweletseng go dirwa ke badiredipuso, bogolosegolo bao ba leng kwa pele mo ntweng kgatlhanong le covid19. +",0.5861567 +"the president says government appreciates the work that continues to be done by public servants, especially those in the front line in the fight against covid19. +","""pabalesego ya badiri botlhe, go tsenyeletsa badiredipuso, ke ntlha e e re tlhobaetsang. +",0.52947164 +"""the safety of all workers, including public servants, is a matter of concern to us. +","re tla tswelela go dira matsapa otlhe go neelana ka didiriswa tsa itshireletso go netefatsa gore mongwe le mongwe o babalesegile fa a le kwa tirong. +",0.60927266 +"we will continue to make all efforts for the adequate provision of personal protection equipment to ensure safety for everyone while at work. +","""se se botlhokwa mo go rona ke go fokotsa tšhono ya tshwaetso ya mogare le go dira tikologo e e babalesegileng,"" a rialo. +",0.5939193 +"""our priority is to reduce the opportunities for the transmission of the virus and create a safe environment for everyone,"" he says. +","maele a o ka a latelang go efoga go ka tshwaetswa ke bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona »nna kwa gae ka moo o ka kgonang. +",0.6379514 +"tips to follow to avoid being infected by the coronavirus disease. +","»gakologelwa go katoga batho ba bangwe. +",0.4378169 +"»stay at home as much as you can. +","»apara maseke wa gago wa go hema. +",0.32952943 +"»remember to social distance. +","»tlhapa diatla tsa gago ka metsi a sesepa. +",0.38365597 +"»wear your face mask. +","tlhapa bokwantle jwa matsogo a gago, magareng ga menwana le ka fa tlase ga dinala. +",0.4988746 +"»wash your hands with soap thoroughly. +","ka gale tlhapa diatla tsa gago ka metsi a sesepa pele o ja le fa o tswa kwa ntle. +",0.68088436 +"wash the back of your hands, between the fingers and under the nails. +","»tswalela molomo wa gago ka thišu fa o gotlhola kgotsa o ethimola. +",0.6189495 +"always wash your hands with soap before you eat and after being out in public. +","efoga go itshwara sefatlhego ka diatla tse di leswe ka nako tsotlhe. +",0.5704522 +"»cover your mouth with a tissue paper when you cough and sneeze. +","»senka thuso ya kalafi fa o sa ikutlwe sentle. +",0.5769877 +"avoid touching your face with dirty hands at all times. +","ma tshwao a a tlwaelegileng a covid19 mo mmeleng a tsenyeletsa go gotlhola, go elela ga mamina mo dinkong, letshoroma le go retelelwa ke go hema. +",0.5296103 +"»seek medical help if you feel unwell. +","fa o itemogela nngwe ya matshwao ano, senka kalafi ka bonako. +",0.57761633 +"typical symptoms of covid19 include coughing, runny nose, fever and shortness of breath. +","go bona tshedimosetso ka botlalo letsetsa mogala o o dirang bosigo le motshegare wa setheo sa bosetšhaba sa malwetse a a tshelanang mo go 0800 029 999 kgotsa tsena mo go www. +",0.67159367 +"if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek medical attention promptly. +","health. +",0.21255141 +"for more information, call the national institute of communicable diseases’ 24hour hotline at 0800 029 999 or visit www. +","gov. +",0.12336759 +"health. +","za le mo go www. +",0.35565713 +"gov. +","nicd. +",0.63186455 +"za and www. +","ac. +",0.5338082 +"nicd. +","aforika borwa e tsena mo kgatong ya boraro vukuzenzele unnamed moporesidente cyril ramaphosa o itsisitse gore aforika borwa e tla tsena mo kgatong ya boraro go tloga ka la 1 seetebosigo 2020 – ka go bula bontsi ba makala a ikonomi le go tlosa palo ya dithibelo tsa motsamao wa batho. +",0.5338082 +"sa youth are a source of inspiration and hope vukuzenzele unnamed the words of frantz fanon that ‘each generation must discover its mission’ come to mind every time i have an opportunity to speak with young south africans. +","bašwa ba naga ya aforika borwa ke bona moodi wa thotloetso le tsholofelo vukuzenzele unnamed mafoko a ga frantz fanon a gore ‘kokoma nngwe le nngwe e tshwanetse go ipatlela seo maitlhomo a yona a leng ka ga sona’ ke mafoko a a ntlelang gangwe le gape fa ke neelwa tšhono ya go buisana le bašwa ba naga ya aforika borwa. +",0.8749697 +"no matter where they live and no matter what they do, they each have a burning desire to change the world. +","go sa kgathalesege gore ba nna kae le gore ba dira eng, se se mo pelong tsa bona ke go fetola lefatshe. +",0.82281923 +"while they certainly want to improve their own lives, they also want to achieve a better society and a better world. +","le fa e le boammaruri gore ba batla go fetola matshelo a bona, ba batla gape le gore ba age setšhaba se se botoka le lefatshe le le botoka. +",0.89435005 +"they see themselves as agents for fundamental transformation. +","ba ipona e le baronngwa ba ba ka tlisang phetogo e e botlhokwa thata. +",0.75985014 +"throughout history young people have been a driving force for change. +","go tswa kgale kwa loe bašwa ba ntse e le bona ba ba lwelang phetogo. +",0.74440706 +"in just the last few decades, young people have waged numerous struggles against injustice, from the 1968 student uprising in paris, to the antiwar movement in the united states in the 1960s, to the anticolonial struggle in many african and asian countries, to the fight against apartheid, to the arab spring. +","mo dingwagasomeng di le mmalwa tse di fetileng, bašwa ba ne ba thankgolola matsholo a kgaratlho kgatlhanong le botlhoka bosiamisi jo bo neng bo le teng, re simolola fela ka go melela puso meno ga baithuti ka ngwaga wa 1968 kwa paris, go leba kwa mogwantong o o kgatlhanong le ntwa kwa nageng ya amerika mo dingwageng tsa bo 1960, go ya kwa ditiragalong tse di neng di ema kgatlhanong le dipuso tsa bokoloniale mo dinageng di le dintsi tsa aforika le tsa asian, go akaretsa gape le ntwa kgatlhanong le puso ya tlhaolele, mmogo le megwanto ya go ema kgatlhanong le mebuso ya maarab. +",0.88446295 +"most recently, young people have been at the forefront of the #blacklivesmatter movement that has gained global support in the wake of the killing of george floyd in the united states. +","go sa le sešweng jaana, bašwa ba ntse ba goga kwa pele mogwanto wa #blacklivesmatter o ga jaanong o tshegediwang lefatshe ka bophara go latela go bolawa ga george floyd kwa nageng ya amerika. +",0.8856745 +"over the past few weeks, activists around the world have also been demanding the removal of symbols that glorify the barbarity and violence of the slave trade and colonialism. +","mo dibekeng di le mmalwanyana fela tse di fetileng, balwelakgaratlho go ralala le lefatshe ka bophara ba ntse ba lwela gore matshwao otlhe a a babatsang ditiragalo tse di setlhogo le tse di renang tirisodikgoka mo go rekisiweng ga makgoba le mo dipusong tsa bokoloniale a thubakakiwe. +",0.8780029 +"at an oxford university demonstration recently a protestor carried a placard with the words ‘rhodes must fall’, the rallying cry of students in our own country five years ago. +","kwa yunibesiting ya oxford go runtse megwanto mo malobeng moo batsholeditseng melaetsa e e neng e re ‘rhodes must fall’, e leng go supa tshegetso mo go seo se neng se lwelwa ke baithuti ka fa nageng ya rona mo dingwageng di le tlhano tse di fetileng. +",0.87104714 +"young people across the world have found common cause. +","bašwa go ralala le lefatshe ka bophara ba kopanngwa ke mogopolo o o tshwanang. +",0.7765771 +"they are tearing down statues and symbols of racism, demanding the decolonisation of educational curricula, and calling for institutions to address racism and social exclusion. +","ba ruthaganya difikantswe le matshwao a mangwe otlhe a a ka ga ditiragalo tsa go nyefola merafe e mengwe, ba batla gore kharikhulamo mo ditheong tsa thuto e rutlomololwe gore e se nne ya bokoloniale jaaka e ntse, e bile ba batla gore ditheo tse di leng teng di rutlumolole dikgato tsa tlhaolele tse di leng teng mo ditheong mmogo le tsa go tlodisa batho ba bangwe matlho. +",0.83717537 +"and so, as we paid tribute to the generation of 1976 on 16 june 2020, we also salute the youth of postapartheid south africa, the worthy inheritors of this noble legacy. +","ka jalo, jaaka re tla bo re tlotla bašwa ba 1976 ka letsatsi la bo 16 seetebosigo 2020, re batla gape le go supa tlotlo mo go bašwa ba ba tlileng morago ga puso ya tlhaolele mo nageng ya aforika borwa, e leng bona bajalefa ba ba matshwanedi ba lefa leno la tlotlo. +",0.86924314 +"the mission of 1976 generation was to dismantle bantu education; that of today’s youth is to take forward the project of national reconciliation and transformation. +","maitlhomomagolo a bašwa bano ba 1976 e ne e le go rutlumolola thuto ya bathobantsho; mme a bašwa ba gompieno ke go tsweletsa porojeke ya tshwarelano le poelano ya naga. +",0.8676818 +"in time to come it will be said that this year, 2020, marked the start of a new epoch in human history. +","mo dinakong tse di tlang e tla re fa go buiwa ka monongwaga, ngwaga wa 2020, ga ‘twe ke ngwaga o o rebotseng dikgato tse dintšhwa mo hisetoring ya batho. +",0.8033432 +"not only has coronavirus had a momentous impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, it has also shaken up the global social order. +","ga se fela seabe se segolo se mogare wa corona o nnileng le sona mo matshelong a batho le ka fao ba itshedisang ka gone, o kgotlhokgoditse gape le ka fao lefatshe le neng le dira dilo ka gone. +",0.8539938 +"the manner in which the pandemic has taken hold has been a reminder of the interconnectedness of the human race and of the deep inequalities that exist between countries and within countries. +","tsela eo leroborobo leno le dirileng dilo ka gone ke segakolodi sa ka fao batho mo lefatsheng ba golaganeng ka teng le tlhokotekatekano e e tseneletseng eo e leng teng gareng ga dinaga le gareng ga batho ka fa nageng e le esi. +",0.82799613 +"the pandemic presents an opportunity to ‘reset’ a world that is characterised by crass materialism, selfishness and selfabsorption not just on the part of individuals but whole societies. +","leroborobo leno le re naya tšhono ya go rulaganya sešwa lefatshe le le senang dinaga tse di batlang go huma di le esi go gaisa tse dingwe, le go senang go inaganela o le esi e bile go sena go ipona o le motho o le esi gareng ga batho ba bangwe, e seng fela mo bathong ka esi fela le mo ditšhabeng tsotlhe. +",0.8359913 +"young people are telling us that the essential values of integrity, compassion and solidarity must be the hallmarks of the new society that will emerge, and that they are determined to be the champions of this new, better world. +","bašwa ba re bolelela gore metheo ya botlhokwa ya go nna le botho, kutlwelobotlhoko le go nna ngatana e le nngwe e tshwanetse go nna selo se se botlhokwa thata mo setšhabeng se sentšhwa se se tla supologang, le gore ba na le maikemisetso a go etelela pele lefatshe le lentšhwa le le botoka. +",0.87892777 +"in the discussions i have had with young people i have said that we should never underestimate the power of an idea, because ideas can and have changed the world. +","mo dipuisanong tse ke di tshwereng le bašwa ke ba boleletse gore ba se tsee botlhofo maatla a dikakanyo di nang le ona, ka ntlha ya gore ke dikakanyo tse di ka fetolang lefatshe e bile ke dikakanyo tse di fetotseng lefatshe. +",0.8348986 +"ideas have spurred human progress and they are what will enable us to chart a new path in the postcoronavirus era. +","ke dikakanyo tse di fetlhileng kgatelopele ya motho e bile ke tsona tse di tla re kgontshang gore re simolole tsela e ntšhwa fa re sena go tsena mo pakeng e ntšhwa ya morago ga paka ya mogare wa corona. +",0.85879225 +"these young people have turned their ideas into action. +","bašwa bano ba fetotse megopolo ya bona go kaela dikgato tse ba di tsayang. +",0.81633496 +"they have not let a lack of resources hinder them. +","ga ba a ke ba letlelela go tlhoka didirisiwa go ba ema ka fa pele. +",0.7450755 +"they have carved a niche for themselves in a number of sectors from hightech to environmental sustainability. +","ba ipuletse ditšhono mo makaleng a le mantsinyana go tloga mo go a dithekenoloji tsa maemo a a kwa godimo go tsenyeletsa le a tshomarelo ya tikologo. +",0.8253504 +"now more than ever we will look to the innovative and pioneering spirit of our youth to come up with solutions to the unemployment crisis that benefit them, their communities and society. +","ke mo nakong eno go feta mo malobeng mo re solofelang go le gontsi mo bašweng ba naga eno go tla ka ditharabololo tse di tla ba unngwelang mmogo le go unngwela metse e ba tswang kwa go yona mabapi le kgwetlho ya botlhokatiro. +",0.77032316 +"at the same time, i challenge our country’s youth to craft and design programmes that will enable us to meet our developmental goals. +","mme go ntse go le jalo, ke gwetlha bašwa ba naga eno go tla ka manaane a a tla re kgontshang go fi tlhelela dipeelo tsa rona tsa tlhabololo. +",0.7843485 +"in 1961, revolutionary cuba sent legions of young student volunteers into the mountains and villages to construct schools, teach literacy and train new educators. +","ka ngwaga wa 1961, cuba e ne ya romela baromiwa ba yona ba bašwa ba baithuti bao ba ithaopileng go ya kwa dithabeng le kwa metseng ya kwa magaeng go ya go thusa go aga dikolo, go ruta go buisa le go kwala le go katisa barutabana ba bantšhwa. +",0.90702975 +"it is still held up as one of the most successful literacy campaigns in modern history. +","letsholo la bona la go buisa le go kwala le santse le tsewa jaaka la a mangwe a a atlegileng thata mo hisetoring ya segompieno. +",0.78889567 +"our young people must develop social upliftment initiatives and they must lead them. +","bašwa ba rona ba tshwanetse go ithuta matsholo a go ithuta go itirela dilo ka bobona le go etelela kwa pele matsholo ano. +",0.7803607 +"just as they took up the struggle for equality in higher education, the considerable energies of our youth must also be brought to bear to fight for equitable access to health care, for the transformation of land ownership and, most importantly, for gender justice. +","fela jaaka ba ne ba ema ba kgaratlhela go tlhoka tekatekano mo ditheong tse dikgolwane, matlhagatlhaga a bašwa ba rona a tshwanetse go dirisiwa go lwela tekatekano mo ditirelong tsa tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo, go refosana maemo a beng ba lefatshe mmogo le se se botlhokwa go gaisa, go lwela bosiamisi mo bathong ba bong jo bo farologaneng. +",0.85977924 +"like all south africans, i have been deeply disturbed by a surge in the murder of young women at the hands of men. +","fela jaaka maaforika borwa a mangwe otlhe, le nna ke yo mongwe wa batho ba ba gagamaditsweng ke dipolao tse dintsi tsa makgarebe a a bolawang ke batho ba borre. +",0.8364971 +"these are shocking acts of inhumanity that have no place in our society. +","tseno ke ditiro tse di gagamatsang mo go maswe tse di senang botho e bile ka fa nageng ya rona ga go foo re di bayang. +",0.8114586 +"youthled civic activism, awareness raising and peer counselling are vital tools in our efforts to eradicate genderbased violence from society. +","matsholo a kgaratlho ya baagi a a eteletsweng pele ke bašwa, matsholo a temososetšhaba le a go thobiwa maikutlo ke bankane ba gago a botlhokwa mo go maswe mo go fediseng tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng (gbv) mo baaging ba rona. +",0.83112323 +"at the same time, we must strengthen our justice system, ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book, bail and parole conditions are tightened and that those sentenced to life spend the rest of their lives behind bars. +","go santse go le jalo, re tshwanetse go gagamatsa thulaganyo ya naga ya rona ya bosiamisi, re netefatse gore ditlhokotsebe tseno di a golegwa, dikgato tsa kgonagalo ya gore ditlhokotsebe tseno di ntshiwe mo kgolegelong ka beili kgotsa ka parola di a gagamadiwa le go netefatsa gore batho bao ba atlholelwang botshelo jwa bone jotlhe kwa kgolegelong ba golegwa koo matshelo a bona otlhe. +",0.8113526 +"while this needs societywide action, i call on young men in particular to take up the struggle against genderbased violence. +","le fa kgato eno e tlhoka setšhaba sotlhe go nna le seabe, ke ikuela bogolosegolo mo makaung a naga eno go samagana le gbv . +",0.7830998 +"unless we end the war that is being waged against south african women, the dream of a new society will remain elusive. +","fa re sa fenye ntwa eno e basadi ba naga ya aforika borwa ba tobaneng le yona, toro ya rona ya go aga setšhaba se sentšhwa e tla nna e e letobo. +",0.8409784 +"those of us who were part of student movements during the apartheid era are often asked what we think of the young people of today. +","batho ba ba jaaka nna ba e neng e le karolo ya mogwanto wa baithuti mo nakong ya tlhaolele gantsi ba botsisiwa gore re nagana eng ka bašwa ba mo matsatsing ano. +",0.84897447 +"there is a temptation to retreat into nostalgia about ‘the glory days’ of student politics and youth struggle, never to be replicated. +","ka dinako dingwe motho o ikutlwa e kete o ka boela morago ‘ko matsatsing a phenyo’ fa dipolotiki tsa baithuti le kgaratlho, di neng di dira semaka mo seo se ka se tlholeng re se bone gape. +",0.8454931 +"but just as the youth of yesteryear defined their mission, today’s youth have defined theirs. +","fela jaaka bašwa ba mo malobeng ba itshupile seo ba se emetseng, le ba gompieno le bona ba itshupile seo ba se emetseng. +",0.74502593 +"south african youth of 2020 more than meet the high standard set by their predecessors. +","bašwa ba naga ya aforika borwa mo ngwageng wa 2020 ba tlhatlositse maemo go gaisa a ba mo malobeng. +",0.77059776 +"they are optimistic, resilient and courageous, often in the face of the harshest of circumstances. +","ba na le tsholofelo, ba kakatletse e bile ba na le sebete, e bile mo dinakong ka bontsi ba iphitlhela ba tobane le mathata a a seng kana ka sepe. +",0.8591299 +"they are a source of inspiration and hope. +","ke bona moodi wa thotloetso le tsholofelo. +",0.8260098 +"through their actions, they are building a world that is more just, equal, sustainable and at peace. +","bašwa ba naga ya aforika borwa ke bona moodi wa thotloetso le tsholofelo vukuzenzele unnamed mafoko a ga frantz fanon a gore ‘kokoma nngwe le nngwe e tshwanetse go ipatlela seo maitlhomo a yona a leng ka ga sona’ ke mafoko a a ntlelang gangwe le gape fa ke neelwa tšhono ya go buisana le bašwa ba naga ya aforika borwa. +",0.8260098 +"mom with comorbidity beats covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed says it is very important for south africans, especially those with comorbidities, to take responsibility for their health. +","mme wa bana yo a nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng o paletse covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed a re go botlhokwa thata gore maaforika borwa, bogolosegolo ao a nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng, a rwale maikarabelo fa go tla mo itekanelong ya maphelo a bona. +",0.86942315 +"people with comorbidities – such as asthma, hypertension, chronic kidney disease and diabetes – could experi ence more severe coro navirus (covid19) symptoms, and may even die as a result of the strain the virus puts on their bodies. +","batho ba ba nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng – a a jaaka bolwetse jwa go hupelana, bolwetse jwa kgatelelo ya madi a magolo, malwetse a diphio le bolwetse jwa tshukiri – ba ka itemogela matshwao a a bogale a mogare wa corona (covid19), mo ba ka feletsang ba thutse botala ka tlhogo ka ntlha ya kgatelelo eo mogare ono o e dirang mo mebeleng ya bona. +",0.89029443 +"fortunately, when cape townbased occupational therapist and mother of three insaaf mohammed (40) tested positive for covid19 while ill with asthma, she was able to manage both conditions and did not become seriously ill. mohammed contracted covid19 from her husband, who works at the groote schuur hospital’s laboratory. +","ke ka lesego fa ngaka ya boitseanape jwa dikgobalo le bogolofadi e e nnang kwa motsekapa e ne e welwa ke leru la go fi tlhelwa a na le covid19, mme mmemotsadi yono wa bana ba le bararo insaaf mohammed, wa dingwaga di le 40, ka a ne a ntse a tshwenngwa ke bolwetse jwa go hupelana, o ne a kgona go laola malwetse ano ka bobedi mme ga a a ke a iphitlhela a gatelegile. +",0.8233458 +"mohammed’s sevenyearold son also tested positive. +","mohammed o tshwaeditswe ke monna wa gagwe ka covid19, yo a dirang kwa laboratoring ya sepetlele sa groote schuur. +",0.56802803 +"after testing positive, all three selfisolated at home. +","ngwana wa mosimanyana wa mohammed yo a nang le dingwaga di le supa le ene go ne ga fi tlhelwa gore o tshwaetsegile. +",0.5023941 +"""we selfisolated in our bedroom, while my motherinlaw – who has diabetes and hypertension and thankfully didn’t contract the virus – took care of our other two children,"" says mohammed. +","morago ga gore go fi tlhelwe ba tshwaetsegile, boraro jono bo ne ba nnela kgakala le batho mme ba itswalela mo ntlong. +",0.6376682 +"according to the western cape department of health, people with hypertension, diabetes and chronic kidney disease are among the most common comorbidity sufferers of covid19. +","""re ne ra inotlelela ka fa kamoreng ya rona, mme mmatsale wa me – yo le ene a nang le bolwetse jwa tshukiri le bolwetse jwa kgatelelo ya madi a magolo ka lesego ene o ne a sa tshwaetswa ke mogare ono – o ne a re tlhokomelela bana ba bangwe ba rona ba le babedi,"" ga rialo mohammed. +",0.6498437 +"as of 25 may, people with the following comorbidities showed serious symptoms of covid19; hypertension, 58 percent diabetes, 56 percent chronic kidney disease, 17 percent hiv , 16 percent asthma or chronic respiratory disease, 15 percent cardiac disease, 11 percent obesity, 13 percent tb, 13 percent cancer, two percent other chronic illnesses, 16 percent. +","go ya ka lefapha la boitekanelo la porofense ya kapa bophirima, batho ba ba nang le bolwetse jwa kgatelelo ya madi a magolo, bolwetse jwa tshukiri le malwetse a diphio ke ba bangwe ba batho ba ba nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng ba ba tlhorontshiwang ke covid19. +",0.7464043 +"mohammed says her worst fear was experiencing serious respiratory complications from covid19. +","go tloga ka la bo 25 motsheganong, batho ba ba nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng a a latelang ba bontshitse ba na le matshwao a a bogale: bolwetse jwa kgatelelo ya madi a magolo, 58% bolwetse jwa tshukiri, 56% malwetse a diphio, 17% bolwetse jwa mogare wa lebolelateng (hiv), 16% bolwetse jwa go hupelana kgotsa malwetse a go sitisa go hema, 15% bolwetse jwa pelo, 11% go nona pheteletsa, 13% bolwetse jwa lehuba (tb), 13% bolwetse jwa kankere, 2% malwetse a mangwe a mantsi a a iphitlhileng, 16%. +",0.56918585 +"""i experienced tiredness, coughing and tightness of the chest, which my asthma pump resolved. +","mohammed a re se se mo tshositseng thata ke fa a ne a hupelana le go feta ka ntlha ya covid19. +",0.643085 +"my symptoms were not as severe as my husband’s, who had body aches, nausea, a tight chest, shortness of breath, blocked sinuses, thick phlegm on his chest and a fever. +","""ke ne ke ikutlwa ke lapile mo go maswe, ke gotlhola le mafatlha a me a hupelane, mme seno se ne se thusiwa ke peipi ya me ya bolwetse jwa go hupelana. +",0.7423951 +"my son had a fever for three days, but recovered quite fast once he overcame his symptoms,"" she says. +","matshwao a me a ne a sa tshwane le a monna wa me yo ene a neng a opelwa ke mmele, a silega, a hupelane mafatlha, a hupela mowa, a thibana diphatlhana tsa nko tsa go hema, a na le sehuba se se humileng mo mafatlheng a gagwe mmogo le go opiwa ke tlhogo. +",0.6703861 +"mohammed’s family had been following protocols at work and home, to avoid contracting the virus. +","ngwana wa me wa mosimanyana ene o ne a opiwa ke tlhogo matsatsi a le mararo, fela o ne a itharabologelwa ka bonako fa matshwao a gagwe a okobala,"" o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.5949983 +"""my family was understanding, caring and supportive, and brought us supper every evening, but sometimes your community can be uncaring and the harm caused on social media is scary,"" says mohammed. +","ba lelapa la ga mohammedba ne ba obamela dikgato tsotlhe tsa boitekanelo tse di ka ga go itisa kwa gae le kwa tirong, go efoga go tshwaetswa ke mogare ono. +",0.6662713 +"the western cape department of health says that keeping hydrated and monitoring your blood glucose, blood pressure and temperature are key to managing covid19, especially for patients with comorbidities. +","""ba lelapa la me ba ne ba tlhaloganya, ba na le tlhokomelo e bile ba re tlhokometse, ba ne ba re tlisetsa dijo tsa dilalelo bosigo jo bongwe le jo bongwe, fela baagisani ba rona ka dinako dingwe ba ne ba sa kgathale mme e bile kutlobotlhoko e e tlhodiwang ke mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano ke e e boitshegang tota,"" ga rialo mohammed. +",0.67804277 +"in addition, the department advises people with comorbidities to: take medication correct ly, as prescribed by your healthcare practitioner. +","lefapha la boitekanelo la porofense ya kapa bophirima la re fa o phela ka go nwa metsi le go ela tlhoko maemo a tshukiri mo mmeleng wa gago, go tlhokomela maemo a gago a madi le a go fi sa ga mmele ke tsona dikgato tse di botlhokwa thata mo go laoleng covid19, bogolosegolo mo balwetseng ba ba nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng. +",0.7044171 +"wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before you touch any medication. +","mo godimo ga seno, lefapha le eletsa batho ba ba nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng: go nwa melemo ya bona ka tshwanelo, jaaka o laetswe ke modiredi wa tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo. +",0.5708518 +"do not stop taking medication unless a healthcare practitioner tells you to and never share medication with anyone. +","go tlhapa diatla tsa bone ka metsi a sesepa sebaka sa disekono di le 20, pele ba ka kgoma melemo ya bona. +",0.6169735 +"try to do physical exercise for 30 minutes a day. +","go se kgaotse go nwa melemo ya bona ntle fa e le gore ngaka ya bona e ba laetse jalo e bile ba seke ba nwa melemo ya bona le ope. +",0.45079517 +"the department says that people with diabetes face a higher chance of experiencing serious complications from covid19, but the risk of getting very sick is lower if one’s diabetes is well managed. +","go leka go ikatisa mebele sebaka sa metsotso e le 30 ka letsatsi. +",0.35443333 +"""in general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complications when infected with a virus. +","lefapha la re batho ba ba nang le bolwetse jwa tshukiri ke bona ba leng mo kotsing thata ya go ka itemogela matsapa a magolo ka ntlha ya covid19, fela fa e le gore motho o tlhokometse bolwetse jwa tshukiri sentle kgonagalo ya gore a gatelege ke e e kwa tlase thata. +",0.7551163 +"as diabetic individuals are at increased risk of severe covid19, ongoing social or physical distancing is recommended where possible. +","""ka kakaretso, batho ba ba nang le bolwetse jwa tshukiri ba na le kgonagalo e ntsi ya gore ba ka itemogela matshwao a a bogale le matsapa a magolo fa ba ka tshwaetswa ke mogare ono. +",0.7007191 +"being overweight is also a risk factor for severe covid19. +","ka ntlha ya fa batho ba ba nang le bolwetse jwa tshukiri ba le mo kotsing e e kwa godimo ya go gatelelwa ke covid19, go tshwaelwa gore go tswelelwe ka dikgato tsa go katogana fa go kgonagalang. +",0.68859756 +"weight loss, if possible, is therefore recommended. +","go nona pheteletsa le yona ke e nngwe ya dikotsi tse dikgolo mo bathong ba ba gateletsweng ke covid19. +",0.51756287 +"""clean bill of healthafter being in isolation for 14 days, mohammed returned to work. +","fa go kgonagalang batho bano ba elediwa gore ba fokotse bokete jwa mebele ya bona. +",0.43861902 +"she says recovering from the virus changed her thought processes and perspective on life. +","""go alafegamorago ga go nna kgakala le batho sebaka sa matsatsi a le 14, mohammed o ne a boela kwa tirong. +",0.5835227 +"""you appreciate your family and the small things in life even more. +","a re go fola ga mogare ono mo go ene go fetotse ka fao a naganang ka teng le ka fao a bonang botshelo ka teng. +",0.5730597 +"i want people in any working environment to take responsibility for their health and to educate their families and children, especially now that kids are back at school. +","""o simolola go bona sentle botlhokwa jwa balelapa la gago le dilo tse dinnye tse o di itemogelang tsone mo botshelong. +",0.6254599 +"""help your child find creative ways to show affection to their friends, without going close and touching each other. +","ke batla batho mo mafelong otlhe a tiro go tsaya maikarabelo mo boitekanelong jwa bona le go ruta bamalapa le bana ba bona, bogolosegolo jaanong ka bana ba boetse kwa dikolong. +",0.62439096 +"get your family to sterilise themselves before entering the home, leave your shoes in the garage if you can, take all your clothes off and shower before greeting your family and be more health conscious to protect them,"" she says. +","""thusa ngwana wa gago gore a batle ditsela tse dingwetse dintšhwa tsa go bontsha fa a santse a na le lerato mo ditsaleng tsa gagwe, ntle le gore ba atumelane le go kgomana. +",0.69677365 +"the department advises people with comorbidities to eat healthily, get regular exercise, manage their stress, adhere to their medical treatment plan and follow all necessary preventative measures. +","dira gore ba lapa la gago ba iphepafatse ka go bolaya megare pele ba tsena ka ntlo, a ba apolele ditlhako tsa bona ka fa karatšheng mme ba di sie foo fa go kgonega, apola diaparo tsotlhe tse o neng o di apere fa o ne o le mo bathong mme o tsene mo metsing pele o ka dumedisana le ba lelapa la gago mme o ipabalele mo boitekanelong gore o kgone go ba sireletsa,"" o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.7323004 +"insaaf mohammed who suffers from asthma, has beaten covid19. +","lefapha le eletsa batho ba ba nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng go ja dijo tse di nang le dikotla, ba ikatise gangwe le gape, ba tlhokomele maemo a bona a kgatelelo ya monagano, ba obamele melao ya ka fao ba tshwanetseng go nwa melemo ya bona ka teng le go latela dikgato tsotlhe tsa go thibela kgonagalo ya go tshwaetsega. +",0.60862076 +"if you are showing any symptoms, such as a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, contact the covid19 hotline on 0800 029 999 or whatsapp the word ‘hi’ to 0600 123 456.","mme wa bana yo a nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng o paletse covid19 silusapho nyanda insaaf mohammed a re go botlhokwa thata gore maaforika borwa, bogolosegolo ao a nang le malwetse a a iphitlhileng, a rwale maikarabelo fa go tla mo itekanelong ya maphelo a bona. +",0.60862076 +"a special tribute to our healthcare vukuzenzele unnamed the number of deaths from coronavirus recently passed the 2000 mark. +","molaetsa wa tlotlomatso go badiredi ba rona ba tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo vukuzenzele unnamed se šweng jaana, palo ya dintsho tsa mogare wa corona e fetile 2 000. gareng ga bao ba latlhegetsweng ke matshelo go na le badiredi ba tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo, baitseanape ba ba neng ba tlhokomela balwetse, mme e bile ba tshegetsa le go okobatsa maikutlo a bao ba leng mo maokelong mme ba le kgakala le bamalapa a bona. +",0.7653059 +"among those who have lost their lives are healthcare workers, consummate professionals who cared for the ill, and were a support and comfort to those in hospital isolated from their families. +","go utlwisa botlhoko go bona banna le basadi bao ba dirang ditiro tse tsa boineelo e bile di tlhophegile ba lwala le go tlhokafala. +",0.69570124 +"that the men and women carrying out this most noble and sacred of duties are themselves falling ill and dying is a devastating blow. +","ba di goga kwa pele go lwantshana le leroborobo leno. +",0.49768966 +"they are on the frontline of fighting this pandemic. +","ba dira ka thata le ka fa tlase ga kgatelelo e e seng kana ka sepe ya maikutlo ka kitso ya gore ba ka tloga ba tshwaetsega ka mogare. +",0.5756324 +"they are working under great pressure and must carry the psychological strain of knowing they are at risk of contracting the virus. +","ke bagaka ba mmatota ntweng kgatlhanong le mogare wa corona . +",0.60713005 +"they are the true heroes and heroines of our battle against coronavirus. +","re rolela hutshe maaforika borwa a a pelokgale, a a tlogelang magae, malapa le bao ba ba ratang go leba kwa tirong letsatsi le letsatsi ntle le go sitwa go dira kwa ditleliniking, maokelong le ditheong tse dingwe tsa tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo. +",0.6449152 +"we salute these brave south africans who leave their homes, families and loved ones to report without fail for duty every day in clinics, hospitals and other health facilities. +","ke teng koo ba neelanang ka tirelo ya tlhokomelo go boitekanelo, tshegetso ya botsamaisi le ditirelo tse dingwe jaaka go phepafatsa le go baakanya diyamaleng. +",0.6574428 +"there they provide medical care, administrative support and other services like cleaning and catering. +","fela jaaka ba dira tiro ya bona, le rona re na le boikarabelo mo go bona le go bamalapa a bona. +",0.56184995 +"just as they perform what is their professional duty, we too have a duty to them and to their families. +","boitekanelo le pabalesego ya bona di botlhokwa. +",0.37622193 +"their health and their safety must be paramount. +","re ba neela tlotla le thoriso jaaka banna le basadi bao ba bontshitseng gore ba ikaeletse go baya matshelo a bona mo kotsing gore re kgone go phela. +",0.5424733 +"we honour them and uphold them as the men and women who have demonstrated they are prepared to risk their lives so that we may live. +","gore ba kgone go dira tiro e ya bopelokgale ba tlhoka tshegetso ya rona mmogo le tshireletso ka go ba tlamela ka didirisiwa tsa go itshireletsa (dippe). +",0.65774083 +"for them to do their herculean work they need our support as well as protection through the provision of personal protective equipment (ppe). +","ka tshegetso ya letloletshwa raganelo le meneelo go tswa go maaforika borwa ka bontsi, dikgwebo, mekgatlho le mebuso e mengwe, re kgonne go senkela badiredi ba rona ba ba di gogang kwa pele dippe. +",0.6616473 +"with the support of the solidarity fund and donations from many individual south africans, businesses, foundations and other governments, we have been able to procure personal protective equipment for these brave frontline workers. +","fao go nnileng le tlhaelo ya dippe, maokelo a rona a mekamekane le go netefatsa gore di nna gona. +",0.66778725 +"where there have been shortages of ppe our hospitals are urgently attending to ensuring that they are available. +","re a itse gore go fitlhelela dippe ga se yona fela kgwetlho eo badiredi ba tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo ba itemogelang yona. +",0.6291051 +"we know that access to ppe is not the only challenge our healthcare workers face. +","ditleliniki le maokelo go ralala naga di itemogela tlhaelo ya badiredi. +",0.5849168 +"across the country clinics and hospitals are facing staff shortages. +","re mekamekane le bothata jo. +",0.23697874 +"this problem is being attended to. +","go tshegetsa tiro ya bomasu patsela ba rona go dikologa naga, re romela ditona le batlatsatona go didika dingwe le dingwe tsa naga go ya go iponna ka matlho dikgwetlho tse di rileng mo didikeng tse le go dirisana mmogo le bolaodi jwa boitekanelo jwa porofense. +",0.35384685 +"to support the work that our frontline workers are performing around the country we are deploying ministers and deputy ministers to each of the districts in the country to get a line of sight of specific challenges in these districts and to work with provincial health authorities. +","re tlhoka go dira mmogo go sireletsa boitekanelo jwa bomasupatsela ba rona le jwa badiredi botlhe. +",0.64982814 +"we need to work together to safeguard the health of not just our frontline workers but the entire workforce. +","mekgatlho ya badiri le yone e dirile tiro e e duleng diatla ka go ruta maloko ka ga go laola tshwaetsego, go e thibela le go latela mekgwa ya bophepa. +",0.6415696 +"there has already been sterling work done by unions in educating members around infection control and prevention and hygiene. +","gape, ba tsweletse go tshegetsa tiro ya lefapha la merero ya ditiro le badiri mo go tsweletseng ditlhatlhobo tsa mafelotiro go netefatsa gore diphorotokholo tsa boitekanelo le pabalesego di a latelwa go badiri ba ba boelang ditirong. +",0.7260686 +"they are also supporting the work of the department of employment and labour in conducting workplace inspections to ensure health and safety protocols are in place for returning workers. +","bontsi jwa mekgatlho ya rona ya badiri bo neelana ka tshedimosetso mabapi le mogare wa corona fa bathapi bona ba tsweletse ka matsholo tsiboso. +",0.67004466 +"many of our trade unions are also providing coronavirus information to their members and employers are running awareness campaigns. +","nngwe ya dikgwetlho tse di runtseng mo nageng ya rona ke go tlhaolwa ga batho bao go netefaditsweng ba tshwaetsegile ka mogare wa corona . +",0.66277134 +"one of the challenges that has emerged in our country is the stigmatisation of people who have proven positive with coronavirus. +","go nnile le dipegelo tse di tlhobang boroko ka ga bangwe bao ba tlhopololwang ke baagi mmogo le baagi ba bangwe ba ipelaetsa kgatlhanong le go amogelwa ga balwetse ba mogare wa corona mo maokelong le mo ditleliniking tsa selegae. +",0.71652865 +"as a society, we have a collective responsibility to stamp out the stig matisation of people infected with the coronavirus. +","ba tshwanetse go emisa se. +",0.12796412 +"there have been disturbing reports of individuals being ostracised from their communities and of communities protesting against coronavirus patients being admitted to local hospitals and clinics. +","fela jaaka re nnile seoposengwe mo go amogeleng batho bao ba tshelang ka hiv mme ra ema kgatlhanong le kgobelelo, re tshwanetse go bontsha kutlwisiso, kutlwelobotlhoko, itshokelano le bopelonomi go bao ba tshwaeditsweng ke moga re ono le go ba malapa a bona. +",0.7165597 +"this must stop. +","ga twe go tlhaolana gono go fetlhiwa ke letshogo la go tshaba go tshwaetsiwa ke bolwetse jono le go tlhoka go tlhaloganya go go tletseng ka ga jone. +",0.32021385 +"just as we came together to promote acceptance of people living with hiv and stood firm against victimisation, we must show understanding, tolerance, kindness, empathy and compassion for those who are infected with this virus and for their families. +","tsela e e siameng go fenya tshabo ya bolwetse le go tshwaetsega ke go latela diphorotokholo tsa bophepa tse di tsentsweng tirisong. +",0.67163336 +"it is said that this stigmatisation is driven by fear of con tracting the disease and lack of understanding. +","letshogo le le a tlhaloganyega e bile ke la boammaruri. +",0.52012575 +"the best way to overcome our instinctive fear of illness and contagion is to observe the hygiene protocols that are in place. +","go le jalo, re itse se re tshwanelang go se dira go itshireletsa mmogo le ba bangwe. +",0.47718343 +"the fear of infection is wellfounded and real. +","re itse gore mogare ono o tlholwa ke eng le gore re ka dirang go itshireletsa mo go tshwaetsegeng. +",0.59376776 +"at the same time, we know what we have to do to protect ourselves and others. +","re a itse gore re tshwanetse go katoga batho ba bangwe, re itlhaole fa re ka nna le kgokagano le bao ba nang le tshwaetso le go iponatsa kwa bookelong fa re na le matshwao. +",0.6131408 +"we know what causes the virus and what we can do to protect ourselves from becoming infected. +","re tshwanetse go kaelwa ke dintlha tsa boammaruri e seng magatwe. +",0.5412438 +"we know we have to maintain social distancing, to selfisolate if we have come into contact with those infected and to present to a hospital if we have symptoms. +","nako ya gore mongwe a nnele gore ga a itse ope yo o nang le tshwaetso kgotsa yo a amilweng ke mogare wa corona e fetile bogologolo. +",0.68151367 +"we must continue to be guided by facts and not rumours. +","gajaana, ditsala, bamalapa, badirammogo le baagisani ba rona ba tlhoka boutlwelobotlhoko le tshegetso ya rona. +",0.5225395 +"the time when anyone could say they do not know anyone who is infected or affected by coronavirus has long passed. +","mo malatsing, dibekeng le dikgweding tse di tlang, re tla iphitlhela nako dingwe re wele mowa e bile re tshogakakile fa re bona dipalo tsa batho ba ba tshwaetsegileng le go tlhokafala di tsweletse go tlhatloga. +",0.65529 +"now, more than ever, our friends, families, colleagues and neighbours need our empathy and support. +","e ka nna ka lebaka la gore go maswemaswe, fela re na le tshepo ya gore go tla siama. +",0.42894363 +"in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we will at times find ourselves despondent and fearful as we see the numbers of people infected and dying continue to rise. +","borasaense le bagakolodi ba bongaka ba rona ba re boleletse gore kelo ya ditshwaetsego e tla tlhatloga fa seemo se tswelela go rotoga. +",0.68950087 +"it may be that things have gotten worse, but we are certain that they will get better. +","fela se se totobetseng ke gore a tla boela a ya kwa tlase gape. +",0.5493312 +"our scientists and medical advisers told us that the rate of infections will go up as we move towards our peak. +","re tlotlomatsa badiredi ba tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo bao ba latlhegetsweng ke matshelo a bona ba tlhokometse balwetse. +",0.57448184 +"but it will certainly come down. +","a re ba gopoleng ka go tsaya karolo go itlhokomela mmogo le baagimmogo ka rona. +",0.33918184 +"we pay tribute to the healthcare workers who lost their lives caring for the sick. +","re tlile go fenya mogare o mme ra aga sešwa setšhaba sa rona. +",0.538959 +"in their memory, let us keep ourselves and our fellow citizens safe by playing our part. +","re fetile maimeng a a fetang ano mme ra a fenya. +",0.4666644 +"we shall overcome this virus and rebuild our society. +","molaetsa wa tlotlomatso go badiredi ba rona ba tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo vukuzenzele unnamed se šweng jaana, palo ya dintsho tsa mogare wa corona e fetile 2 000. gareng ga bao ba latlhegetsweng ke matshelo go na le badiredi ba tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo, baitseanape ba ba neng ba tlhokomela balwetse, mme e bile ba tshegetsa le go okobatsa maikutlo a bao ba leng mo maokelong mme ba le kgakala le bamalapa a bona. +",0.4666644 +"young farmer receives covid19 support vukuzenzele unnamed nomagcinandile suduka (27) is growing her family’s legacy and wealth by investing in agriculture. +","molemi yo mošwa o amogela tshegetso ya covid19 silusapho nyanda molemirui yo o runyang wa kapa botlhaba ke mongwe wa baungwamelemo ba letlole la puso la namolo go mogare wa corona . +",0.7681527 +"the o wner of 4 u and 4 me primary cooperative in mooiplaas village received support from the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development’s coronavirus (covid19) relief fund for her egg, livestock and vegetable farm. +","nomagcinandile suduka (27) o godisa boswa le khumo ya balelapa la gagwe ka go beeletsa go temothuo. +",0.74666077 +"the department has awarded r1.2 billion worth of vouchers to farmers in need. +","mong wa 4 u and 4 me primary cooperative kwa motseng wa mooiplaas o amogetse tshegetso go tswa go lefapha la temothuo, tlhabololo ya mafatshe le tlhabololo ya magae ya letlole la namolo go mogare wa corona (covid19) go polase ya gagwe ya merogo, mae le diphologolo. +",0.6150844 +"suduka says her vouchers will help her grow the egg producing side of her business. +","lefapha le neelane ka di boutšhara di ka nna bokana ka r1.2 bilione go balemirui ba ba tlhokang thuso. +",0.57966316 +"""i received three vouchers totalling r19 000. a voucher for r12 000 to buy layer egg chickens, a voucher for r6 500 to buy feed and a r500 voucher to buy medicines. +","suduka a re diboutšhara tsa gagwe di tla mo thusa go godisa tlhakore la tlhagiso ya mae mo kgwebong ya gagwe. +",0.5962486 +"""she started her egg production farm by feeding her family’s traditional chickens with layer grower feed, which enables them to produce eggs without mating. +","""ke amogetse diboutšhara di le tharo tsa bokana ka r19 000. ya r12 000 go reka dikgogo di le 100 tsa mae, ya r6 500 go di rekela dijo mme ya r500 ke ya go di rekela melemo. +",0.6852246 +"her chickens now produce 50 eggs a day, which she sells weekly. +","""o simolotse polase ya go tlhagisa mae ka go fepa dikgogo tsa legae tsa balelapa ka dijo tsa moalo kgodiso, tseo di kgontshang dikgogo gotlhagisa mae ntle le go kopana le mekoko. +",0.6322155 +"suduka, who also farms with 73 goats, 25 sheep and 25 cows, started farming in 2015 after obtaining a public management n6 certificate from ikhala training and vocational education and training college. +","gajaana, dikgogo tsa gagwe di le 50 di tlhagisa mae a le 50 ka letsatsi, mme o a rekisa ka beke le beke. +",0.6517129 +"after realising that there were not a lot of job opportunities out there, she decided to take over the family’s then subsistence farm and turn it into a profitable business. +","suduka, yo o ruileng gape le dipodi di le 73, dinku di le 25 le dikgomo di le 25, o simolotse temothuo ka 2015 morago ga go amogela setifikeiti sa botsamaisi jwa ditheo tsa puso sa n6 go tswa kwa kholejeng ya thuto ya tiro ya diatla le ikatiso ya ikhala. +",0.6319401 +"suduka says: ""we grew up practising farming, so after graduating i decided to farm rather than look for a job."" +","morago ga go lemoga gore ga gona ditšhono di le dintsi tsa ditiro, o ne a swetsa go tsamaisa polasi ya temo ya gaabo ya go itshidisa mme a e fetola go nna motswedi wa kgwebo e e nang le poelo. +",0.6715515 +"this proved to be an inspired decision, as she has grown the number of goats and cows. +","suduka a re: ""re godile re lema le go rua, jalo morago ga go aloga ke ne ka swetsa go lema go na le go ya go batlana le tiro."" +",0.6256442 +"suduka’s sixhectare vegetable farm produces maize, potatoes, peas and beans. +","se se bontshitse e le tshwetso e e nang le thotloetso, jaaka ga jaanong a setse a okeditse palo ya dipodi le dikgomo. +",0.6049285 +"the maize is planted on four hectares, the potatoes on one hectare and the peas and beans share the last hectare. +","polase ya merogo ya ga suduka ya dihektara di le thataro, e tlhagisa mmopo mo dihektareng di le nne, ditapole mo hektareng e le nngwe mme diphisi le dinawa di jadilwe mmogo mo hektareng ya bofelo. +",0.8472081 +"suduka has learnt a lot from covid19, especially that her best assets are her hands and hard work. +","suduka o ithutile go le gontsi ka mo pakeng ya covid19 , segolobogolo gore diatla le go dira ka thata ga gagwe, ke tsona dithoto tsa botlhokwa mo go ene. +",0.89295244 +"tips on how to start a garden: make sure you know which plants your soil will support. +","molemi yo mošwa o amogela tshegetso ya covid19 silusapho nyanda molemirui yo o runyang wa kapa botlhaba ke mongwe wa baungwamelemo ba letlole la puso la namolo go mogare wa corona . +",0.89295244 +"south africa acts to address ventilator shortage silusapho nyanda a locally developed ventilator will help patients with mild covid19 symptoms to breathe easier. +","aforika borwa e tsaya dikgato go samagana le tlhaelo ya metšhini ya go thusa go hema silusapho nyanda motšhini wa go thusa go hema o o dirilweng ka fa nageng o tla thusa balwetse ba ba nang le matshwao a a seng bogale a covid19 go hema botoka. +",0.8727548 +"the fight against the coronavirus disease (covid19) in south africa has been boosted with the production of the first ventilator made in the country. +","ntwa kgatlhanong le bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona (covid19) ka fa nageng ya aforika borwa e tshegeditswe ka tlhagiso ya metšhini ya go thusa go hema e e dirilweng ka fa nageng. +",0.87038314 +"the continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) ventilator helps patients with mild symptoms of covid19 to breathe easier by providing a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep their airways open. +","motšhini wa go thusa go hema o o bidiwang continuous positive airway pressure (cpap) o thusa balwetse ba ba nang le matshwao a a seng bogale a covid19 go hema botoka ka go ba bodulolela mowa o o itekanetseng mo dikarolong tsa bona tsa go hema gore di se tswalege. +",0.88190794 +"the ventilator was designed by the council for scientific and industrial research (csir) in collaboration with a number of local partners and will be rolled out nationwide to patients showing respiratory distress in the early phase of covid19 infection. +","metšhini ya go thusa go hema eno e dirilwe ke lekgotla la dipatlisiso tsa saense le intaseteri (csir) mmogo le badirisani mmogo ba yona ba le bantsinyana ba ka fa nageng mme e tla phasaladiwa naga ka bophara go thusa balwetse ba ba nang le matshwao a go sokodisiwa ke go hema fa ba le mo tshimologong ya go tshwaediwa ke covid19. +",0.89518654 +"""the air a person normally breaths has a 23 percent concentration of oxygen. +","""mowa o gantsi batho ba o hemang o na le diphesente di le 23 tsa oksijene. +",0.8738131 +"the cpap ventilator can pump a higher amount of oxygen, helping a person breathe. +","metšhini ya go thusa go hema ya cpap e kgona go pompa palo e e kwa godimo ya oksijene, mme seno se kgona go thusa motho go hema. +",0.88277274 +"the cpap pumps continuous concentrated oxygen. +","cpapa e pompa oksijene e e sa feleng e e humileng. +",0.7750034 +"you can increase or decrease the amount of oxygen one is breathing in,"" says executive manager of csir future production: manufacturing martin sanne. +","o ka kgona go oketsa kgotsa go fokotsa oksijene e motho a e hemang,"" ga rialo molaodikhuduthamaga wa csir mo ditlhagisweng tsa mo isagong: tlhagisodikuno e bong martin sanne. +",0.88012826 +"patients using the ventilator are connected via a face mask. +","balwetse ba ba dirisang metšhini ya go thusa go hema ba e dirisa ka go apara maseke wa go thusa go hema. +",0.74489313 +"oxygen is drawn from an oxygen gas tank and is mixed with natural air in the ventilator, from where it is transmitted to the mask and breathed in by the patient. +","oksijene e tswa mo tankeng ya oksijene mme e tswakwa le mowa o o tlwaelegileng o o leng mo motšhining wa go thusa go hema mme go tsweng foo e fetela mo masekeng moo e tla hemiwang ke molwetse. +",0.87637174 +"sanne says that in addition to pumping oxygenated air, the cpap also helps patients exhale. +","sanne a re mo godimo ga go thusa go pompa mowa o o fetlhilweng ka oksijene, cpap e thusa gape balwetse gore ba kgone go hemela kwa ntle mowa o o tswang ka fa teng ga matshwafo a bona. +",0.8713881 +"the cpap device can be used in both hightech clinical environments and temporary settings, such as field hospitals and quarantine facilities. +","didirisiwa tseno tsa cpap di ka dirisiwa mo mafelong a bookelo a a dirisang thekenoloji ya maemo a a kwa godimo le mo maokelong a nakwana, a a jaaka dipetlele tse di leng kgakala le baagi mmogo le mafelo a go katosa bao ba nang le mogare. +",0.87906116 +"sanne says the csir will have produced 10 000 ventilators by the end of august. +","sanne a re csir e tla re kwa bokhutlong jwa kgwedi ya phatwe monongwaga ya bo e tlhagisitse metšhini ya go thusa go hema e le 10 000. ka tirisanommogo le siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya le yunibesiti ya motse kapa, csir e kgonne go tlhagisa dicpap ka go ikamanya le metheo ya mokgatlho wa lefatshe wa merero ya boitekanelo (who). +",0.73662555 +"working with siemens, simera, akacia, gabler, umoya and the university of cape town, the csir produced the cpap according to world health organisation standards. +","metšhini ya go thusa go hema ya ntlha e tla neelwa dipetlele tsa puso tse di tobaneng le matsapa a go tlhoka didirisiwa tsa go samagana le covid19. +",0.61585975 +"the first batch of ventilators will be given to state hospitals experiencing pressure due to the unavailability of equipment to deal with covid19. +","csir e simolotse ka tiro ya go dira dicpap morago ga gore go nne le tlhaelo ya metšhini ya go thusa go hema mo lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.71539694 +"the csir started working on the cpap after the world began experiencing an extreme shortage in ventilators. +","""mo kgweding ya mopitlwe le moranang, go ne ga nna le tlhaelo ya metšhini ya go thusa go hema mo batlameding ba rona ba boditšhabatšhaba. +",0.6380137 +"""around march and april, there suddenly became a short supply of ventilators from our international suppliers. +","fao e neng e le teng gone e ne e rekisiwa ka madi a a boitshegang mme puso e ne ya rebola thendara ya gore go tlhagisiwe metšhini ya go thusa go hema,"" ga rialo sanne. +",0.64491236 +"where you could get them, they were very expensive so government issued a tender for the production of ventilators,"" says sanne. +","thendara eno e ne e le karolo ya porojeke ya puso ya naga ya metšhini ya go thusa go hema e e neng e laolwa ke lefapha la kgwebisano, intaseteri le dikgaisano tsa dikgwebo. +",0.6368563 +"the tender was part of the government’s national ventilator project within the department of trade, industry and competition. +","csir e samagane gape le go dira motšhini wa go thusa go hema wa bilevel positive airway pressure (bpap) o maitlhomo a ona e leng go thusa balwetse ba ba leng mo maemong a a tlhobaetsang a covid19. +",0.6609907 +"the csir is also working on a bilevel positive airway pressure ventilator aimed at helping patients with more severe symptoms of covid19. +","aforika borwa e tsaya dikgato go samagana le tlhaelo ya metšhini ya go thusa go hema silusapho nyanda motšhini wa go thusa go hema o o dirilweng ka fa nageng o tla thusa balwetse ba ba nang le matshwao a a seng bogale a covid19 go hema botoka. +",0.6609907 +"help stop the spread of covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed our nation is con fronted by the gravest crisis in the history of our democracy. +","thusa go emisa go anama ga covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed setšhaba sa rona se tobane le matlhotlhapelo a se kana ka sepe fa e sale re nna le temokerasi ya rona. +",0.8532771 +"for more than 120 days, we have succeeded in delaying the spread of a virus that is causing devastation across the globe. +","sebaka sa matsatsi a feta a le 120, re atlegile mo go diegiseng go anama ga mogare ono o o dubang matlhotlhapelo lefatshe ka bophara. +",0.84270847 +"but now, the surge in infections that we had been advised by our medical experts would come, has arrived. +","fela ga jaanong, tlhatlogo ya ditshwaetso e re sa bolong go lemosiwa ka yona ke baitseanape ba rona ba tsa boitekanelo gore e mo tseleng, e re aparetse. +",0.8332584 +"more than a quarter of a million south africans have been infected with coronavirus, and we know that many more infections have gone undetected. +","palo ya maaforika borwa a feta kotara ya milione jaanong e tshwaeditswe ke mogare wa corona, e bile re a itse gore batho ba bangwe gape ba le bantsi go santse go sa itsiwe fa ba tshwaetsegile kgotsa jang. +",0.90062594 +"we are now recording over 12,000 new cases every day. +","jaanong re iphitlhela re bega dikgetse tse dintšhwa di feta di le 12 000 letsatsi le lengwe le le lengwe. +",0.9224824 +"since the start of the outbreak in march, at least 4,079 people have died from covid19. +","fa e sale mogare ono o supotsa tlhogo ka kgwedi ya mopitlwe monongwaga, batho ba feta ba le 4 079 ba setse ba tlhokafetse ka ntlha ya covid19. +",0.8560226 +"like the massive cold fronts that sweep into our country from the south atlantic at this time of year, there are few parts of the country that will remain untouched by the coronavirus. +","fela jaaka ditsuatsue tse di maatla tse di tsubutlang naga ya rona go tswa kwa karolong ya borwa jwa lewatle la atlelanta mo pakeng eno ya ngwaga, le ka mogare ono wa corona go tla nna le dikarolo tsa naga eno tse di ka se tsubutlweng ke mogare wa corona. +",0.87188566 +"the coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more destructive than any we have known before. +","setsuatsue sa mogare wa corona se bogale thata e bile se senya tota go gaisa ditsuatsue tse dingwe tse re kileng ra sutlha mo go tsona. +",0.84077513 +"it is stretching our resources and our resolve to their limits. +","se tlhotlhora metswedi le maitlhomo a rona tota. +",0.6961598 +"the surge of infections that our experts and scientists predicted over 3 months ago has now arrived. +","tlhatlogo ya ditshwaetso e re sa bolong go lemosiwa ka yona dikgwedi di le tharo tse di fetileng ke baitseanape ba rona ba tsa boitekanelo le ba tsa saense gore e mo tseleng, e re aparetse. +",0.83300775 +"it started in the western cape and is now underway in the eastern cape and gauteng. +","e simolotse kwa kapa bophirima mme jaanong e tsweletse go tsubotla kapa botlhaba le gauteng. +",0.8145255 +"yet, while infections rise exponentially, it is important to note that our case fatality rate of 1.5 percent is among the lowest in the world. +","le fa tota ditshwaetso di tsweletse go tlhatloga ka bontsi, go botlhokwa thata go nopola gore palo ya tlhatlogo ya dikgetse tsa dintsho ya phesente e le nngwe le halofo ke e nngwe ya dipalo tse di kwa tlase thata mo lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.8452311 +"this is compared to a global average case fatality rate of 4.4 percent. +","eno ke fa re e bapisa le palo ya tlhatlogo ya dikgetse tsa dintsho e e tletseng mo lefatsheng ya diphesente di le 4.4. re tshwanetse go leboga batlhankedi ba rona ba boitekanelo ka maitemogelo le boineelo jwa bona mmogo le dikgato tse re di tsereng go ithulaganya sentle mo tsamaisong ya boitekanelo go bo re na le palo eno e e kwa tlase ya dintsho mo nageng ya rona. +",0.6292614 +"we owe the relatively low number of deaths in our country to the experience and dedication of our health professionals and the urgent measures we have taken to build the capacity of our health system. +","le fa tota go na le batho ba le bantsi ka fa nageng ba ba tsereng dikgato go thibela go anama ga mogare ono, go santse go na le ba bangwe ba le bantsi ba ba sa direng jalo. +",0.5999328 +"even as most of our people have taken action to prevent the spread of the virus, there are others who have not. +","go na le ba bangwe mo go rona ba ba itlhokomolosang melaokiletso eno e e neseditsweng pula gore e ka dirisiwa go lwantshana le bolwetse jono. +",0.6765337 +"there are some among us who ignore the regulations that have been passed to combat the disease. +","mo nakong eo re aparetsweng ke leroborobo leno, go namela thekesi o sa apara maseke wa go hema, go kokoana go etela ditsala, go ya meketeng kgotsa go etela balelapa, go dira gore go nne bonolo gore mogare o aname mme seno se ka tlhola dintsho. +",0.6122436 +"in the midst of such a pandemic, getting into a taxi without a face mask, gathering to meet friends, attending parties or even visiting family, can too easily spread the virus and cost lives. +","jono e ka tswa e le bolwetse jo bo tlhodiwang ke mogare, fela bo anama ka ntlha ya maitsholo a batho. +",0.63553196 +"this may be a disease that is caused by a virus, but it is spread by human conduct and behaviour. +","ka maitsholo a rona – re le batho ka borona, re le masika, re le baagi – re ka fetola ka fao leroborobo leno le itirelang ka teng boithatelo e bile re tshwanetse go dira jalo. +",0.64146674 +"through our own actions – as individuals, as families, as communities – we can and we must change the course of this pandemic in our country. +","re tshwanetse go apara maseke wa lesela o o thibang nko le molomo fa re tswa ka malapa a rona. +",0.6009126 +"we need to wear a cloth mask that covers our nose and mouth whenever we leave home. +","re tshwanetse go tswelela go tlhapa diatla tsa rona ka gale ka metsi a sesepa kgotsa ka go a tlotsa ka sebolayamegare. +",0.64837664 +"we must continue to regularly wash our hands with soap and water or sanitiser. +","re tshwanetse go tswelela go phepafatsa mafelo otlhe a a dirisiwang ka gale ke batho. +",0.6670867 +"we must continue to clean and sanitise all surfaces in all public spaces. +","se se botlhokwa go fetisisa, re tshwanetse go katogana – go katoga motho yo mongwe sekgala sa dimitara di le pedi. +",0.58512414 +"most importantly, we must keep a safe distance – of at least 2 metres – from other people. +","jaanong go na le bopaki jo bo supologang jo bo reng mogare ono o ka tsamaya ka dikarolo tse dinnye thata tse di leng mo moweng mo mafelong a go nyeumang batho mo go ona, a a tswalegileng kgotsa ao a sa tsenelweng ke phefo. +",0.56392485 +"there is now emerging evidence that the virus may also be carried in tiny particles in the air in places that are crowded, closed or have poor air circulation. +","ka ntlha ya seno re tshwanetse gore ka gangwe fela re tokafatse mafelo a batho ba tsenang ka fa gare ga ona ao mo go ona kgonagalo ya go anama ga mogare ono e leng teng. +",0.67300606 +"for this reason we must immediately improve the indoor environment of public places where the risk of infection is greatest. +","tshwetso ya rona ya go tsena mo kgatong ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng e re thusitse gore re se gosomelwe ke ditshwaetsego tse dintsi re santse re le mo tshimologong fao ka nako eo maokelo a rona a neng a santse a ise a ithulaganye, e leng seo se ka bong se bakile dintsho tse di seng kana ka sepe. +",0.68087834 +"our decision to declare a nationwide lockdown prevented a massive early surge of infections when our health services were less prepared, which would have resulted in a far greater loss of lives. +","mo nakong eo re nnileng le yona, re tsere dikgato tse di botlhokwa thata go matlafatsa maokelo a rona gore a kgone go samagana le mogare ono. +",0.654626 +"in the time that we had, we have taken important measures to strengthen our health response. +","re setse re dirile diteko tsa mogare wa corona di feta di le dimilione di le pedi mme ka fa letlhakoreng le lengwe batlhankedi ba boitekanelo ba ba tsenang ntlwana ka ntlwana bona ba setse ba dirile ditlhatlhobo tsa boitekanelo di feta di le dimilione di le 20re beetse thoko malao a ka nna 28 000 kwa dipetlele go thusa balwetse ba covid19 mmogo le go tlhoma dipetlele tsa nakwana tse di leng kgakala le baagi tse di dirang go ralala le naga. +",0.5801286 +"we have conducted more than two million coronavirus tests and community health workers have done more than 20 million screenings. +","ga jaana re na le malao a feta a le 37 000 kwa maokelong a puso le a poraefete go ralala le naga a a beetsweng balwetse ba ba nang le mogare ono mme ba tlhoka go katosiwa, a a letetseng fela go amogela balwetse bao ba batlang go ka katosiwa mo bathong ba bangwe mme ba se na ditlogo tsa go ka ikatosa ka bobona fa ba le kwa malapeng a bona. +",0.6749123 +"we have made available almost 28,000 hospital beds for covid19 patients and have constructed functional field hospitals across the country. +","re rekile ra bo ra romela dimilionemilione tsa didirisiwa tsa ipabalesego kwa dipetlele, ditleliniki le kwa dikolong go ralala le naga e le go ka babalela batlhankedi ba rona ba ba kopanang le badirelwa. +",0.7316395 +"we now have over 37,000 quarantine beds in private and public facilities across the country, ready to isolate those who cannot do so at home. +","re thapile e bile re tsweletse go thapa baoki, dingaka le batlhankedi ba tirelo ya tshoganyetso ya boitekanelo. +",0.5763308 +"we have procured and delivered millions of items of personal protective equipment to hospitals, clinics and schools across the country to protect our frontline workers. +","re tsweletse go nna le kgatelopele mo matsapeng a rona a go samagana le covid19, le fa go le jalo, kgwetlho ya rona e e namagadi e santse e tla. +",0.60732543 +"we have recruited and continue to recruit additional nurses, doctors and emergency health personnel. +","go ralala le diporofense tsotlhe, re samagane le go oketsa palo ya diphaposibookelo tse di amogelang balwetse ba malwetse a a farologaneng mmogo le malao a a tlhokegang go amogela balwetse ba covid19. +",0.6783383 +"we continue to make progress in our efforts to deal with covid 19, but our greatest challenge still lies ahead. +","mo dipetleleng di le dintsinyana balwetse ba ba sa tlhokeng kalafo ya tshoganyetso ba fokodiwa mo diphaposing tsa bookelo go romelwa kwa malapeng a bona, dikarolo dingwe tsa dipetlele di fetolwa go nna diphaposi tsa balwetse e bile go tlhomiwa kgotsa go okediwa gape le dipetlele tsa nakwana tse di leng kgakala le baagi. +",0.5571368 +"across all provinces, we are working to further increase the number of general ward and critical beds available for covid19 patients. +","re samagane le go oketsa tlamelo ya oksijene, metšhini ya go thusa go hema mmogo le didirisiwa tse dingwe gape tse di botlhokwa tse di tla tlhokagalang go thusa bao ba leng mo maemong a a tlhobaetsang, go tsenyeletsa go tlamela ka oksijene mabapi le ditirelo tse di rileng. +",0.6976048 +"ward capacity is being freed up in a number of hospitals by delaying nonurgent care, the conversion of some areas of hospitals into additional ward space and the erection or expansion of field hospitals. +","re dirisa thekenoloji ya dijithale go gagamatsa matsholo a go nopola, go gata motlhala le go beela kwa thoko batho bao ba kopaneng le bao ba tshwaetsegileng, mmogo le go tshegetsa bao diteko di fitlhetseng ba na le mogare ono. +",0.709839 +"we are working to increase supplies of oxygen, ventilators and other equipment for those who will need critical care, including by diverting the supply of oxygen from other purposes. +","jaanong jaaka re tsena mo maemong ao ditshwaetso di tla bong di le kwa godimo, re tlhoka go tsaya dikgato tse di gagametseng tsa polokesego mmogo le go gagamatsa dikgato tse ga jaana di leng teng go ka fokotsa lebelo la ditshwaetsego. +",0.7030595 +"we are deploying digital technologies to strengthen the identification, tracing and isolation of contacts, and to provide support to those who test positive. +","melawanataolo ya gore batho ba apare dimaseke e tla gagamadiwa. +",0.48558885 +"as we now approach the peak of infections, we need to take extra precautions and tighten existing measures to slow down the rate of transmission. +","bathapi, beng ba mabentlele le balaodi, beng ba dipalangwa tse di dirisiwang ke baagi, mmogo le balaodi le beng ba meago yotlhe e e dirisiwang ke baagi jaanong ke molao gore motho mang le mang yo a tsenang mo mafelong a bona kgotsa yo a namelang dipalangwa tsa bona o tshwanetse go bo a apere maseke. +",0.6324588 +"regulations on the wearing of masks will be strengthened. +","dithekesi tse di tsayang maeto a fa gautshwana di tla letlelelwa gore di ka tlatsa banamedi, mme tseo di tsayang maeto a maleele tsona di tla tshwanelwa ke go pega fela 70% ya banamedi, mme seno se tla letlelelwa fa fela ba ikamanya le dikgato tsa tsamaisokgwebo tse di ikamanyang le tiriso ya dimaseke, go tshela sejanaga seo ka sebolayamegare mmogo le go bula a mangwe a matlhabaphefo a sejanaga seno. +",0.5353706 +"employers, shop owners and managers, public transport operators, and managers and owners of any other public building are now legally obliged to ensure that anyone entering their premises or vehicle must be wearing a mask. +","jaanong go bopaki jo bo totobetseng gore go letlelelwa gore notagi e ka simolola go rekisiwa go nnile le ditlamorago tse di seng kana ka sepe mo dipetleleng, go tsenyeletsa le mo ditirelong tsa dikgobalo tse di masisi le mo ditirelong tsa diyuniti tsa balwetse ba ba lwelang botshelo le badimo, mme seno ke ka ntlha ya dikotsi tsa dijanaga, tirisodikgoka mmogo le ditiragalo tsa mothale ono tse di tlholang dikgobalo tse di masisi. +",0.7222277 +"taxis undertaking local trips will now be permitted to increase their capacity to 100 percent, while long distance taxis will not be allowed to exceed 70 percent occupancy, on condition that new risk mitigation protocols related to masks, vehicle sanitising and open windows are followed. +","ka ntlha ya seno, re tsere tshwetso ya gore, gore re kgone go somarela bokgoni jwa dipetlele go ka samagana le matsapa a re tobaneng le ona, thekiso, kabelano le phasalatso ya notagi e tla tshwanelwa ke go kgaotswa go tloga mo motsing one o. go tsaya kgato e nngwe gape go ka fokotsa boima jo dipetlele di bo rweleng, re tla tsenya gape le dikiletso tsa go tsamaya masigo magareng ga ura ya bo robongwe mo maitsiboeng le ura ya bone mo matsheng. +",0.7447481 +"there is now clear evidence that the resumption of alcohol sales has resulted in substantial pressure being put on hospitals, including trauma and icu units, due to motor vehicle accidents, violence and related trauma. +","re tsaya dikgatokiletso tseno re itse sentle gore ke tseo batho ba sa itumeleleng tsone mo matshelong a bona. +",0.551561 +"we have therefore decided that in order to conserve hospital capacity, the sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol will be suspended with immediate effect. +","fela di botlhokwa thata mo pakeng eno gore re kgone go kgabaganya paka eno eo bolwetse jono bo tlhatlogelang kwa godimo mo go yona. +",0.6033716 +"as an additional measure to reduce the pressure on hospitals, a curfew will be put in place between the hours of 9pm and 4am. +","ga go tsela e nngwe e re ka efogang setsuatsue seno sa mogare wa corona. +",0.5381141 +"we are taking these measures fully aware that they impose unwelcome restrictions on people’s lives. +","fela re ka fokotsa bogale jwa tshenyo eo e ka bo dirang mo matshelong a rona. +",0.62997794 +"they are, however, necessary to see us through the peak of the disease. +","re le naga kgetse eno ya tsie re e kgona ka go e tshwaraganela, ka go thoba matswalo a bao ba gateletsweng mmogo le go rotloetsana gore re amogele bao ba tshelang ka mogare ono. +",0.5617678 +"there is no way that we can avoid the coronavirus storm. +","mo motsing ono, go feta mo malobeng, re na le maikarabelo a go sireletsa matshelo a bao re tshelang le bona. +",0.54179835 +"but we can limit the damage that it can cause to our lives. +","re tla se sutlha setsuatsue seno. +",0.40810072 +"as a nation we have come together to support each other, to provide comfort to those who are ill and to promote acceptance of people living with the virus. +","re tla busetsa naga ya rona mo maemong a itekanelo le a khumo. +",0.54776764 +"now, more than ever, we are responsible for the lives of those around us. +","thusa go emisa go anama ga covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed setšhaba sa rona se tobane le matlhotlhapelo a se kana ka sepe fa e sale re nna le temokerasi ya rona. +",0.54776764 +"celebrating women through economic inclusion vukuzenzele unnamed in august south africa celebrates women’s month. +","go keteka basadi ka go dira ikonomi e botlhe ba nang le seabe mo go yonae botlhe ba nang le seabe mo go yona vukuzenzele unnamed ka kgwedi ya phatwe aforika borwa e keteka kgwedi ya basadi. +",0.8459116 +"this occasion marks the anniversary of the day in 1956 when 20,000 women marched to the union buildings – a great sea of womankind speaking many languages, from different places and of all races. +","mokete ono ke segopotso sa letsatsi la ngwaga wa 1956 mo basadi ba le 20 000 ba neng ba bolotsa mogwanto go leba kwa union buildings – mo matšhwititšhwiti a basadi ba dipuo tse dintsi tse di farologaneng, go tswa kwa mafelong a a farologaneng le mo merafeng ka go farologana ba neng ba le gone. +",0.8964657 +"they were united in their demand for an end to the dreaded pass laws and for their right to live in freedom. +","ba ne ba kopane foo ka lentswe le le lengwe ba batla gore molao o o setlhogo wa go kaila ka dipasa o fedisiwe mmogo le gore ba neelwe ditshwanelo tsa go tshela mo kgololesegong. +",0.81730855 +"the status and position of women in south africa today is vastly different to that faced by our mothers and grandmothers in 1956. we have come a long way in realising a south africa that is nonracial, nonsexist, democratic, prosperous and free. +","maemo a basadi mo motsing ono mo nageng ya aforika borwa a farologane thata le a bomme le bonkoko ba rona mo motsing wa 1956. re tswa kgakala go iponela aforika borwa yo a senang tlhaolo go ya ka mmala, yo a senang tlhaolo go ya ka bong, yo a renang ka temokerasi, yo a humileng e bile a rena ka kgololesego. +",0.8714775 +"there has been real progress in improving the lives of south african women in the economy, in the political sphere and in public life. +","go setse go nnile le kgatelopele e e bonagalang mo go tokafatseng matshelo a basadi ba maaforika borwa mo maemong a ikonomi, a dipolotiki le mo matshelong a bona. +",0.8458594 +"at the same time, we know there is so much further we still have to go. +","le fa go le jalo re itse sentle gorekgakala e santse e le ko re lebileng gone. +",0.6794938 +"women still face discrimination, harassment and violence, and bear the greatest brunt of poverty. +","basadi ba santse ba tobana le ditiragalo tsa go tlhaolwa, go tlhokofadiwa mo maikutlong le tsa go otlakakiwa, e bile ke bona gape ba ba tobaneng le khumanego e e seng kana ka sepe. +",0.85518277 +"if we are to truly realise the promise of our constitution we have to tackle the economic and financial exclusion that makes women more vulnerable to abuse and violence. +","fa tota re batla go fitlhelela ditsholofetso tse di leng mo molaotheong wa rona re tshwanetse go samagana le dikgato tse di dirang gore basadi ba se kgone go itirela letseno le ditšhelete tse di dirang gore ba iphitlhele ba itshoketse go bogisiwa. +",0.82506347 +"we have joined a groundbreaking campaign that links us to global efforts to achieve gender equality by 2030. generation equality is an ambitious and transformative agenda to end discrimination and violence against women and for their equal participation in political, social and economic life. +","ga jaanong re tsenetse letsholo le le botlhokwa thata le le re golaganyang le matsapa a a tsewang gore re kgone go fitlhelela tekatekano mo bathong ba bong jo bo sa tshwaneng mongwageng wa 2030. setšhaba sa batho ba ba lekalekanang ke mogopolo o o nang le diphisegelo tse di namagadi tsa go fetola maemo le go fedisatlhaolele le tirisodikgoka mo bathong ba bomme gore le bone ba nne le seabe mo mererong ya dipolotiki, loago le ikonomi go tshwana fela le batho ba bangwe. +",0.8645055 +"as part of this campaign, we have joined two ‘action coalitions’, one for economic justice and rights and another against genderbased violence. +","jaaka e le karolo ya letsholo leno, re tsenetse ‘matsholo a tirisanommogo’ a le mabedi, le le lengwe le mabapi le bosiamisi mo mererong ya ikonomi le mo ditshwanelong fa le lengwe le le mabapi le go ema kgatlhanong le tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng (gbv). +",0.8691132 +"both of these themes are critical to our own national agenda. +","bobedi jwa meano eno e botlhokwa mo mogopolong wa naga ya rona. +",0.75391483 +"eleven months since the emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide was implemented we have made progress in expanding support and care to survivors, and progress is being made in legal reforms to afford them greater protection. +","e setse e le dikgwedi di le 11 fa e sale re tsenya tirisong leanotiro la tsibogelo ya maemo a tshoganyetso la go lwantshana le tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng le dipolao tsa basadi (gbvf) mme re setse re dirile kgatelopele mo go atoloseng tshegetso le tlhokomelo ya batswasetlhabelo, mme go na le kgatelopele e e setseng e diriwa mo go baakanyeng melao gore ba kgone go bona pabalesego e kgolo. +",0.877705 +"during the month of august, we begin the implementation of the national strategic plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide. +","mo kgweding ya phatwe, re simolotse go tsenyatirisong leanotlhomo la naga la go mekamekana le gbvf. +",0.7140654 +"a key aspect of the plan is on ensuring greater women’s financial inclusion. +","karolo e e botlhokwa ya leano leno ke go netefatsa gore basadi ka bontsi ba neelwa ditšhono tsa matlole. +",0.7688557 +"this is because economic inequality and social inequality are interconnected. +","seno ke ka ntlha ya gore go tlhoka tekatekano mo maemong a ikonomi mmogo le go tlhoka tekatekano mo maemong a loago ke dilo tse di golaganeng. +",0.8577635 +"the economic status of women in south africa makes them more vulnerable to abuse. +","maemo a go tlhoka ga basadi mo nageng ya aforika borwa a dira gore ba iphitlhele ba itshoketse go bogisiwa. +",0.7779594 +"we must therefore scale up support for women to enable them to become financially independent. +","ka jalo re tshwanetse go tlhatlosa tshegetso ya basadi go ba kgontsha gore ba itirele madi a bona. +",0.80522436 +"we have made a number of commitments under generation equality that will be given effect to through the national strategic plan. +","re setse re tlhomilemaikemisetso a le mantsinyana ka letsholo la setšhaba sa batho ba ba lekalekanang a a tla tsenngwang tirisong ka leanotlhomo la naga. +",0.7265848 +"firstly, we are going to drive women’s economic inclusion through public procurement. +","sa ntlha, re tla tsenyeletsa basadi go nna le seabe mo ikonoming ka go ba neela dithendara. +",0.8026031 +"we have set the target of ensuring that at least 40 percent of goods and services procured by public entities are sourced from womenowned businesses. +","re beile dipeelo tsa gore bonnye 40% ya ditlamo tse di rebolelwang dithendara tsa go tlamela ditheo tsa puso ka ditlhagisiwa kgotsa ka ditirelo e nne tse di leng ka fa tlase ga taolo ya basadi. +",0.80641854 +"secondly, we are going to scale up support for womenowned smmes and for women who work in the informal sector or are unemployed. +","sa bobedi, re tla tlhatlosa tshegetso ya dikgwebopotlana, tsa mo magareng le tse dikgolwane (dismme) tse di laolwang ke basadi mmogo ledikgwebo tsa mo mebileng tse di laolwang ke basadi kgotsa tsa basadi bao ba sa direng. +",0.8035328 +"this will include engagement with the financial sector to make financial services accessible and affordable for women. +","tshegetso eno e tla tsenyeletsa dikgato tsa go buisana le makala a matlole go dira gore go nne le ditirelo tsa matlole tseo basadi bano ba ka di fitlhelelang mmogo le go di duelela. +",0.7764709 +"thirdly, we want to ensure more women have access to productive assets such as land. +","sa boraro, re batla go netefatsa gore basadi ba bantsi ba fitlhelela dithoto tse di tla ba tswelang molemo tse di jaaka lefatshe. +",0.8454734 +"it is essential that women are beneficiaries of the accelerate land reform programme. +","go botlhokwa gore basadi e nne bajalefa ba letsholo la pusetso ya dinaga. +",0.7056416 +"it is significant that of the r75 million in covid19 relief earmarked for farming input vouchers 53 percent of the beneficiaries will be rural women. +","go botlhokwa gore madi a a kana ka r75 milione a diboutšhara tsa go fokoletsa batho boima jwa covid19 a a tla thusang balemirui 53% ya ona e nne ya bajalefa ba basadi ba kwa metseselegae. +",0.86701554 +"we must ensure that women subsistence and smallscale farmers continue to receive support beyond the pandemic. +","re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore ditemothuo tsa go itshedisa mmogo le balemirui ba ba potlana ba tswelela go bona tshegetso eno le fa leroborobo leno le setse le re tlogetse. +",0.81108594 +"fourthly, we want to ensure that women are protected from genderbased violence in the workplace. +","sa bone, re batla go netefatsa gore basadi ba babalesegile mo ditiragalong tsa gbv fa ba le kwa ditirong. +",0.82307255 +"in this regard, we will be working at a national and regional level towards the ratification of the ilo convention on violence and harassment in the workplace. +","montlheng eno, re tla samagana le maphata a naga le a kgaolo gore re kwalole tumelano ya ilo mabapi le dintlha tsa tirisodikgoka le go tlhokofadiwa mo maikutlong kwa ditirong. +",0.845256 +"it is said that freedom is not given, but taken. +","go swabisa nko go feta molomo gore kgololesego ke selo se batho ba sa faneng ka sone mme ba tshwanetse go itseela sona ka kgang. +",0.707611 +"the emancipation of women is only words on paper unless it is matched by commitment from all sectors of society. +","kgaratlho ya basadi e tla nna mafoko fela a a sa reng sepe mo pampitshaneng fa re ka se a tseele matsapa le maikano go tswa mo makaleng otlhe a setšhaba. +",0.81077415 +"as we prepare for the reconstruction of our economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we have said that we cannot simply return to where we were before the outbreak of the virus. +","jaaka re ipaakanyetsa go aga sešwa ikonomi ya rona fa re itharabologelwa mo leroborobong la mogare wa corona, re ntse re eme ka le lereng ga re kitla re kgona go boela mo maemong a re neng re le mo go ona mo matsatsing a pele mogare ono o re aparela. +",0.85395813 +"we must build a fundamentally different economy which, among other things, substantially improves the material position of women. +","re tshwanetse go aga ikonomi e e sa tshwaneng le ya mo malobeng eo, gareng ga tse dingwe, e tokafatsang bogolo gonneng le dithoto ga basadi. +",0.85676956 +"this means that our investment in infrastructure must support not only the development of local industry, but also womenowned businesses. +","seno se raya gore dipeeletso tsa rona mo mafaratlhatlheng a setšhaba a tshwanetse go tshegetsa e seng fela tlhabololo ya diintaseteri tsa ka fa nageng, mme e tshegetse gape letlhabololo ya dikgwebo tse di leng mo taolong ya basadi. +",0.87469923 +"it must deliberately create employment opportunities for women in all stages of planning, financing, building and maintaining infrastructure. +","e tshwanetse go tlhama ka bomo ditšhono tsa diphatlhatiro tse di tla unngwelang basadi mo maphateng otlhe a go loga maano, a matlole, a dikago le a go tlhokomela mafaratlhatlha. +",0.8511982 +"by the same measures, as we scale up our public employment programmes, we must ensure that young women in particular are identified as participants. +","ka mafolofolo ona ao, jaaka re tokafatsa matsholo a go tlhola ditiro mo maphateng a puso, re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore makgarebe ke ona bogolosegolo a a thapiwang. +",0.84309953 +"in addition to an income, these programmes will provide them with an opportunity to acquire some of the skills and experience necessary to enter the mainstream economy. +","mo godimo ga megolo e ba tla e duelelwang mo ditirong tseno, matsholo ano a tla ba neela gape le ditšhono tsa go iponela bokgoni le maitemogelo a a tlhokegang gore ba kgone go nna le seabe mo ikonoming e kgolo. +",0.85918605 +"as much as it is government’s responsibility to provide economic opportunities for women and create an enabling framework for advancing gender equality, everyone in society needs to play their part. +","le fa tota e le maikarabelo a puso go tlholela basadi ditšhono tsa ikonomi le go tlhama letlhomeso le le kgontshang gore go nne le tekatekano magareng ga batho ba bong jo bo farologaneng, batho botlhe mo setšhabeng ba tshwanetse go tshameka karolo ya bona. +",0.8924498 +"businesses must support womenowned enterprises in the procurement of goods and services. +","lephata la dikgwebo le tshwanetse go tshegetsa dikgwebo tse di laolwang ke basadi ka go reka ditlhagisiwa le ditirelo mo go tsona. +",0.8048182 +"they should employ more women and appoint more women to management positions. +","le tshwanetse go thapa basadi ba bantsi le go tsenya basadi ba bantsi mo diphatlhatirong tsa botsamaisi. +",0.7980484 +"this is all the more important considering that the private sector’s record on genderrepresentation at management level lags behind that of the public sector. +","eno ke ntlha e e botlhokwa e e tshwanetsweng go tsewa tsia bogolo jang ka lephata la poraefete le santse le saletse morago le siilwe le ke lephata la puso fa go tla mo ntlheng eno ya go thapa basadi mo diphatlhatirong tsa botsamaisi. +",0.75749063 +"this is an issue that is repeatedly raised in engagements i have had with a number of women’s business organisations. +","eno ke ntlha e gangwe le gape e tlhagelelang mo dipuisanong tsa me le mekgatlho e mentsinyana ya dikgwebo tsa basadi. +",0.83621925 +"by equal measure, we must eliminate gender disparities in pay for men and women, and give effect to the principle of equal pay for equal work contained in the employment equity act. +","gore re nne le tekatekano re tshwanetse go fedisa setlwaedi sa megolo e e sa lekalekaneng go ya ka gore motho ke monna kgotsa mosadi, mme re itlwaetse go duela batho ba ba dirileng tiro e e tshwanang ka go lekalekana jaaka go totobaditswe mo molaong wa tekatekano mo ditirong. +",0.8357066 +"women must also be protected from harassment and discrimination in the workplace. +","basadi ba tshwanetse go babalelwa kgatlhanong le go tlhokofadiwa mo maikutlong le go tlhaolwa fa ba le kwa tirong. +",0.8658973 +"it is up to transport operators, university administrators, school governing bodies and religious organisations to create conditions for women and girls to travel, study and worship in safety. +","ke maikarabelo a bakganni ba dipalangwa tsa botlhe, botsamaisi jwa diyunibesiti, makgotlataolong a dikolo (disgb) mmogo le dikereke go dira gore maemo a babalesege mo a letlang basadi le basetsana go tsaya maeto, go ya dikolong le go ya dikerekeng ba phuthologile. +",0.8945414 +"we must forge ahead with our efforts to eradicate chauvinism, sexism and patriarchy. +","re tshwanetse go phunyeletsa ka matsapa a rona a go fedisa mafega a banna, kgatelelo ya basadi le go tsholetsa banna go ba dira ditlhogo. +",0.772893 +"it is these attitudes that enable the oppression of women. +","ke maitsholo a mothale ono a a dirang gore basadi ba tshelele mo kgatelelong. +",0.7821065 +"it is up to us – both men and women – to affirm that a woman’s value, position and opinions are no less than that of a man. +","go mo magetleng a rona – banna le basadi – go totobatsa gore boleng jwa mosadi, maemo a gagwe le maikutlo a gagwe ga a farologane ka gope le a monna ka ene. +",0.8713405 +"it is up to us as parents and grandparents to treat and raise our sons and our daughters the same. +","go mo magetleng a rona re le batsadi le bonkoko le bontatemogolo go godisa bana ba rona ba basetsana le ba basimane ka go tshwana. +",0.8499977 +"it is up to us as men to reject and speak out against genderbased violence wherever we see it, even if it is against our friends, fathers or brothers. +","go mo magetleng a rona re le banna go gana nang ya banyana le go ema kgatlhanong le ditiragalo tsa gbv go sa kgathalesege gore re di bona di diriwa ke bo mang, le fa e le gore re tshwanetse go ema kgatlhanong le ditsala tsa rona, borre ba rona kgotsa bo abuti ba rona. +",0.84173137 +"let us be the generation that ends the oppression of women in all its forms, in our lifetime. +","a re nneng setšhaba se mo botshelong jwa sone se tla fedisang dikgatelelo tsa methale yotlhe mo basadi. +",0.7784021 +"the brave generation of 1956 marched for us all. +","setšhaba sa mo ngwageng wa 1956 se rebotse megwanto gore rona rotlhe re tshelele mo kgololesegong. +",0.77516294 +"we owe it to them, to ourselves and to future generations to not betray this noble legacy.","go keteka basadi ka go dira ikonomi e botlhe ba nang le seabe mo go yonae botlhe ba nang le seabe mo go yona vukuzenzele unnamed ka kgwedi ya phatwe aforika borwa e keteka kgwedi ya basadi. +",0.77516294 +"back to work after covid19 a full guide allison cooper when can you return to work if you have tested positive for the coronavirus (covid19)? +","go boela tirong morago ga go itharabologelwa mo bolwetseng jwa covid19 allison cooper o k ka boela neng kwa tirong fa diteko di ribolotse gore o na lemogare wa corona (covid19)? +",0.87773955 +"the national institute for communicable diseases has the answers you need. +","setheo sa naga sa malwetse a a fetelanang se na le dikarabo ka ga seno. +",0.77128136 +"when i test positive for covid19, how long do i have to stay in isolation? +","fa ke sena go dira diteko mme di ribolotse gore ke na le covid19 , ke tshwanetse go nna sebaka se le kanakang ke itlhaotse mo bathong ba bangwe? +",0.83488494 +"people who test positive for covid19, but don’t have any symptoms, must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day they receive their positive test result. +","batho ba go fitlhelwang ba na le covid19 morago ga go diriwa diteko, mme ba sena matshwao ape a yona, ba tshwanetse goitlhaola ba nne kwa magaeng a bona kgotsa kwa ditheong tsa puso tsa go itlhaola sebaka sa matsatsi a le 10, go tloga ka motsi o ba itsitseng ka dipholo tsa bona tsa diteko gore ba na le mogare ono. +",0.886329 +"those who have mild symptoms must remain in isolation at home or in a government isolation facility for 10 days, from the day their symptoms start. +","batho bao ba nang le matshwao a a seng bogale ba tshwanetse go itlhaola mo bathong ba bangwe mme ba nne kwa magaeng a bona kgotsa kwa ditheong tsa puso tsa go itlhaola sebaka sa matsatsi a le 10, go tloga ka motsi o matshwao a bona a simolotseng go iponagatsa ka ona. +",0.8768364 +"those who have severe disease, who have to go to hospital, must remain in isolation for 10 days, from when they are stable and don’t need oxygen anymore. +","batho bao ba nang le matshwao a a bogale, bao ba tshwanetseng go ya kwa sepetlele, ba tshwanetse go nna mo mafelong a go itlhaola sebaka sa matsatsi a le 10, go tloga ka motsi o ba kokotletseng e bile ba sa tlhole ba tlhoka metšhini ya oksijene go ba thusa go hema. +",0.87869924 +"how can a covid19 positive people transfer the disease to others? +","batho ba ba nang le covid19 ba ka tshwaetsa batho ba bangwe ka bolwetse jono jang? +",0.8182324 +"according to health minister zweli mkhize, most people who have a mild infection can spread the virus for between seven to 12 days. +","go ya ka tona ya boitekanelo zweli mkhize, batho ba le bantsi ba ba nang le matshwao a a seng bogale ba ka tshwaetsa ba bangwe ka mogare ono sebaka sa matsatsi a le supa go ya go a le 12. fa go le jalo, batho ba ba gateletsweng ke bolwetse jono bona ba ka bo gasa thata mme ba ka tshwaetsa batho ba bangwe ka mogare ono sebaka se se telele. +",0.8077588 +"however, people who become very sick could be infectious and be able to transmit the virus to others for a longer period of time. +","a ke tlhoka go dira diteko tse dingwe gape tsa covid19 , go netefatsa gore ga ke sa lwala, pele nka boela tirong? +",0.56817234 +"do i have to have another covid19 test, proving that i am negative, before i return to work? +","nnyaa. +",0.0042483136 +"no. +","ga re eletse gore batho ba ba neng ba na le matshwao a a seng bogale a bolwetse jono mme ba alafegile go dira diteko lekgetlho la bobedi. +",0.122277 +"retesting people who have experienced mild illness and have recovered is not recommended. +","motho o tsewa gore o siametse go ka boela tirong le go tswa mo thulaganyong ya go itlhopha mo bathong ba bangwe fa a sa tlhole a na le twatsi e e fetelang batho ba bangwe. +",0.68839055 +"a person is considered safe to return to work and come out of isolation if they are no longer infectious. +","seno se raya gore ba tshwanetse ba bo ba iponetse matshwao a bona a ntlha a bolwetse jono matsatsi a le 10 a a fetileng mme ba setse ba na le sebaka sa matsatsi a ka nna a mararo ba sa itemogele matshwao ape. +",0.6197429 +"this means they developed their first symptoms more than 10 days ago and have not had any symptoms for at least three days. +","go le gantsi badiredi ba ka boela kwa ditirong tsa bona ntle le go dira diteko lekgetlo la bobedi. +",0.57698524 +"in most cases, employees can return to work without testing again if: they have completed 10 days of mandatory quarantine or selfisolation. +","fa ba weditse matsatsi a le 10 ba itlhaotse mo bathong ba bangwe. +",0.49083182 +"those who had moderate or severe symptoms undergo a medical evaluation. +","bao ba bontshitseng matshwao a a bogalenyana kgotsa a a bogale thata ba tshwanetse go isiwa bookelong. +",0.7801322 +"they continue to practice personal hygiene and social distancing. +","ba tshwanetse go tswelela go itlhokomela ka go tlhapa le go katoga batho ba bangwe. +",0.6864437 +"the employer monitors the worker to ensure they do not regress. +","mothapi o tshwanetse go ela tlhoko modiredi yono gore ga a boele mo bolwetseng jono. +",0.7935778 +"they wear a mask, from the date of diagnosis for at least 21 days. +","ba apara dimaseke sebaka sa matsatsi a ka nna a le 21, go tloga ka motsi o diteko di ribolotseng gore ba a lwala. +",0.7173083 +"i have tested negative but i still have symptoms. +","ke dirile diteko mme di ribolotse fa ke sa lwale mme ke santse ke itemogela matshwao a bolwetse. +",0.8098854 +"what now? +","ke dira jang fa go le jaana? +",0.56101316 +"it is possible to get a false negative test result. +","go a kgonagala gore dipholo tsa diteko di ka go aketsa. +",0.6844654 +"this means that your first test could be negative, but you could test positive at a later stage. +","seno se raya gore dipholo tsa diteko tse o di dirileng lwantlha di ka re ga o lwale, fela mo tsamaong ya nako di ka tla di re o a lwala. +",0.7702223 +"if you continue to have covid19 symptoms contact your healthcare professional. +","fa e le gore o tswelela go itemogela matshwao a covid19 ikopanye le modiredi wa boitekanelo. +",0.87417686 +"what if i am still showing symptoms after 10 days? +","go diragala eng fa e le gore ke santse ke itemogela matshwao ano fa morago ga sebaka sa matsatsi a le 10? +",0.8517567 +"it is common for patients to continue to have symptoms for longer than 10 days. +","ke setlwaedi gore balwetse ba tswelele go nna le matshwao sebaka se se fetang matsatsi a le 10. go fola fodi fodi go tla diragala morago ga dibeke di le mmalwa. +",0.84729385 +"full recovery may take several weeks. +","fa e le gore o santse o na le matshwao ano, bona modiredi wa tsa boitekanelo go go naya kgakololo. +",0.39535022 +"if you still have symptoms, seek advice from your healthcare professional. +","go bona tshedimotsetso ka botlalo ka ga covid19 , etela webesaete ya setheo sa naga sa malwetse a a fetelanang mo go www. +",0.58120817 +"for more information about covid19, visit the national institute for communicable diseases’ website at www. +","nicd. +",0.29855987 +"nicd. +","ac. +",0.6097562 +"ac. +","za, webesaete ya mahala ya covid19 mo go coronavirus . +",0.39228302 +"za, the covid19 free website at coronavirus. +","datafree. +",0.385831 +"datafree. +","go boela tirong morago ga go itharabologelwa mo bolwetseng jwa covid19 allison cooper o k ka boela neng kwa tirong fa diteko di ribolotse gore o na lemogare wa corona (covid19)? +",0.385831 +"let’s keep each other safe vukuzenzele unnamed our country has moved to alert level 2 in our response to the coronavirus pandemic. +","tla re babalelaneng vukuzenzele unnamed naga ya rona e tsene mo kgatong ya bobedi ya go sa magana le leroborobo la mogare wa corona . +",0.82634664 +"this has come as a relief to all south africans who have had to live under stringent restrictions for the last five months. +","seno se rotse boima jo maaforikaborwa otlhe a neng a bo rwele jwa go tshelela ka fa tlase ga dikiletso tse di boima mo matshelong a bona sebaka sa dikgwedi di le tlhano tse di fetileng. +",0.8369577 +"it is a sign of the progress we are making in reducing new infections and demand on our health facilities. +","seno ke sesupo sa kgate lopele e re e dirang mo go fokotseng palo ya ditshwae tso tse dintšhwa le go fokotsa motlalo wa kwa dipetleleng. +",0.828453 +"it is also a very important development as we strive to restart our economy. +","e bile gape ke selo sa botlho kwa thata jaaka re leka go ka simolola sešwa ikonomi ya rona. +",0.84950066 +"but it is too soon to celebrate. +","fela go santse go le gale go ka keteka. +",0.6403051 +"we are still very much in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has taken over 11,000 lives in south africa alone. +","re santse re le ka fa ganong la leroborobo le le setlhogo le le setseng ga jaana le komedi tse matshelo a maaforika borwa a feta a le 11 000 mo nageng ya aforika borwa ka nosi. +",0.83256924 +"at more than half a million confirmed cases, we still have the fifth highest number of infections in the world. +","le fa re na le palo e e fetang halofo ya milione ya batho ba go totobaditsweng fa ba tshwaetsegile, re santse re na le palo e e kwa godimo ya batho ba ba tshwaetsegi leng ka re le mo maemong a botlhano mo lefatsheng. +",0.85720986 +"and there is always a chance of a resurgence of the disease. +","e bile go santse go na le kgona galo ya gore bolwetse jono bo ka ipoa sebedi. +",0.7609426 +"if we ever need a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, we should look to recent events thousands of kilometres away in new zealand. +","fa e le gore re tlhoka sega kolodi gore re ntshe matlho dinameng, ga re tlhoke go leba kae, re ka lebelela ditiragalo tsa sešweng mo nageng e e leng kgakala le rona ka dikhilomitara di le diketekete ya new zealand. +",0.80814964 +"three months since the country was declared coronavirusfree, new zealand is once again under lockdown. +","morago fela ga dikgwedi di le tharo fa e sale go twe naga ga e sa na dikgetse tsa bao ba nang le mogare wa corona , naga eno ya new zealand e boetse mo dikgatong tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.84255743 +"although the latest outbreak was of relatively few cases, the government swiftly reimposed lockdown restrictions. +","le fa tota dikgetse tsa sešweng di le mmalwanyana fela, puso e tsere ka bonako dikgato tsa go busetsa tirisong gape di kgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.80041575 +"similar restrictions have had to be reimposed in several parts of europe as they experience a ‘second wave’ of infections. +","dikiletso tsa mothale oo di ne tsa tshwanelwa ke go tse nngwa gape tirisong mo di kgaolong di le mmalwa tsa naga ya yuropa jaaka di ite mogela ditiragalo tsa go ipoa sebedi ga ditshwaetsego. +",0.7771387 +"these experiences show just how swiftly things can change when it comes to covid19. +","maitemogelo ano a bo ntsha sentle fela ka fao dilo di kgonang go fetoga ka ponyo ya leitlho fa go tla mo go covid19 . +",0.8553201 +"it is a wakeup call to any among us who may harbour illusions that we are even close to seeing the end of this grave public health emergency. +","tseno ke ditiragalo tse di dirang gore botlhe gareng ga rona bao re iphorang gore re gaufi le go furalela bothata jono jo bo setlhogo jwa malwetse a boitekanelo re itsotsorope. +",0.79526556 +"certainly, there are signs of hope. +","ee ke nnete gore go na le ditiragalo tse di dirang gore re nne le tsholofelo. +",0.82121545 +"the number of new confirmed cases in south africa continues to decline. +","palo ya batho ba ba tshwaetsegileng e e rebolwang e tswelela go wela kwa tlase. +",0.7026649 +"at the peak of the disease just one month ago, we were recording around 12,000 new cases a day. +","fa bolwetse jono bo ne bo simolola go gatelela mo kgwedinyaneng e e fetileng, re ne re rekota dikgetse tse dintšhwa di le 12 000 ka letsatsi tsa bao ba tshwaetsegileng. +",0.87041795 +"this has dropped to an average of around 5,000 a day over the past week. +","palo eno e wetse kwa tlase mo re iphi tlhelang re rekota palo e e kanaka 5 000 ka letsatsi mo bekeng e e fetileng. +",0.81528014 +"our recovery rate stands at 80 percent. +","palo ya batho ba ba setseng ba itha rabologetswe mo bolwetseng jono e tsamaya mo go 80%. +",0.7629008 +"as the country moves to alert level 2, many restrictions on social and economic activity have been lifted. +","jaaka naga e tsena mo mae mong a bobedi, dikiletso di le dintsi mo ditiragalong tsa loago le tsa ikonomi di fedi sitswe. +",0.8049512 +"with this comes increased risk of transmission. +","mme ka kgato eno kgonagalo ya ditshwaetsego le yona e a tlhatloga. +",0.70169675 +"we now need to manage this risk and ensure the gains we have made thus far in containing the pandemic’s spread are not reversed. +","jaanong re tlhoka go me kamekana le matshosetsi ano le go netefatsa gore tsotlhe tse di molemo tse re di fitlhele tseng go fitlheng mo motsing ono mo go thibeleng gore leroborobo leno le aname ga e nne lefelafela. +",0.84418416 +"the greatest threat to the health of nation right now is complacency. +","leso legolo mo motsing ono fa go tla mo boitekanelong jwa setšhaba ke go goga dinao. +",0.6787126 +"it may be that we are now permitted to meet friends and family, to visit entertainment venues, to travel for leisure and to consume alcohol in restaurants, bars and taverns. +","le fa tota jaanong re letleletswe go ka etela ditsala tsa rona le ba masika a rona, go etela mafe lo a boitapoloso, go tsaya maeto a go tlhaba kgobe ka mmutla le go ka nwa bojalwa kwa direstšurenteng, kwa dibareng le kwa dithabeneng. +",0.88094413 +"but as the old adage goes, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. +","jaaka leele la bogolotala le tlhalosa, ka ntlha ya gore o neetswe tetla ya go dira jalo, ga go raye gore o tshwanetse go dira jalo. +",0.6972458 +"many people who have the coronavirus do not have symptoms and may not even know they are infected. +","batho ba le bantsi ba ba nang le mogare wa corona ga ba na matshwao ape e bile le bona ba ka tswa ba sa itse gore ba tshwaetsegile. +",0.9009842 +"this is a sobering reality because it means that any of us could be infected right now and could unwittingly infect others. +","eno ke nnete e e senang tshutiso e e dirang gore o ipatle o ipa tlisise gonne e raya gore yo mongwe le yo mongwe mo go rona a ka tswa a tshwae tsegile gona jaanong e bile a ka tshwaetsa ba bangwe e se maikaelelo a gagwe. +",0.85626864 +"this is particular the case when visiting relatives, especially the elderly and those with preexisting medical conditions that render them vulnerable to infection. +","seno se ka diragala bogolo fa motho a etela balosika, bogolo jang ba ba tsofetseng le ba ba nang le malwetse a a sa foleng a a ba dirang gore ba nne mo kotsing e e kwa godimo ya go ka tshwaetsega. +",0.86771905 +"it is also true for attending religious services or cultural activities. +","go fela jalo le fa o ya meletlong ya sedumedi kgotsa ya setso. +",0.7780949 +"the ‘second wave’ of infections that several other countries have experienced is an everpresent possibility for us too. +","leru le le wetseng dinaga tse dingwe tse dintsinyana la go tshwaetsega lekgetlo la bobedi ke kotsi e le rona go nang le kgonagalo ya gore e ka re wela. +",0.79128957 +"although many restrictions have been lifted, it does not mean they will not return should we experience a significant rise in infections. +","le fa tota dikiletso di le dintsi di tlosi tswe, ga go raye gore ga di kitla di busediwa tirisong fa re ka itemogela tlhatlogo e e namagadi ya ditshwaetsego. +",0.8376031 +"this pandemic is a matter of life and death. +","leroborobo leno le tsho setsa tota matshelo a rona. +",0.62317675 +"we need to adapt and we need to be vigilant. +","re tlhoka go fetola ka fao re tshelang ka teng le go ntsha matlho dinameng. +",0.7785907 +"in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead, we must urgently focus our efforts on recovery. +","mo matsatsing a a tlang, dibekeng tse di tlang le dikgweding tse di tlang re tshwanetse go tsepamisa mogopolo wa rona mo ma tsholong a itharabologelo. +",0.77928376 +"our economy and our society has suffered a great deal. +","ikonomi ya rona mmogo le setšhaba sa rona di bogile tota. +",0.8384852 +"as we return to economic activity across almost all industries – and work to repair the damage done – we have a responsibility to not let our guard down as individuals, employers, communities, families, professionals, workers and citizens. +","fela jaaka re busetsa sekeng ditiragalo tsa ikono mi go ralala le diintaseteri tse di batlang e ka nna tsotlhe – le go samagana le go baaka nyana le ditshenyegelo tse di nnileng teng – re na le mai karabelo a go netefatsa gore yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa rona e ka tswa e le batho ka bo bona, bathapi, baagi, bamalapa, baporofeshenale, badiri le baagi ga a goge maoto. +",0.8683995 +"none of us wants a return to the early days of extreme lockdown restrictions. +","ga go ope gareng ga rona yo a batlang go boela mo matsatsing a fa re ne re si molola go tseno mo dikga tokiletsong tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa na geng. +",0.781557 +"we want to move on with our lives. +","re batla go gatelapele ka matshelo a rona. +",0.83573765 +"we want our friends and loved ones to remain healthy and safe. +","re batla gore ditsala tsa rona le bao re tshelang le bona ba nne ba ntse ba itekanetse e bile ba babalesegile. +",0.80311656 +"as a nation, let us continue to work together to ensure that we progress. +","re le setšhaba, tla re nete fatseng gore re tswelela go dirisana mmogo go netefatsa gore re nna le kgatelopele. +",0.86834013 +"the move to alert level 2 of the lockdown is not a ‘free for all.’ the rules on social distancing, mask wearing, social gatherings and international travel remain. +","go tseneng mo kgatong ya bobedi ga go raye gore jaanong re kwa 'mme ga a mpone.' +",0.57304406 +"our success rests on our ability to abide by these regulations and to ensure that we each behave carefully and responsibly. +","melao e e laolang gore re se atamelane, re apare dimaseke, melao e e mabapi le go kgobokana le ya go tsaya maeto go etela dinaga tse dingwe e santse e le mo tirisong. +",0.61996377 +"every time we are considering any form of nonessen tial activity, we should ask: what is the risk of infection to ourselves and to others? +","gore re atlege re tlhoka go obamela melawanataolo eno le go netefatsa gore botlhe ba rona re itshwara sentle le go nna le maikarabelo. +",0.6454162 +"where there is a risk, even a slight one, it is better not to do it. +","nako le nako fa re tlhoka go dira tiro nngwe fela e e seng botlhokwa, re tlhoka go ipotsa gore: a go na le kgona galo ya gore tiro eno e ka dira gore ke iphitlhele ke tshwae tsegile kgotsa ke tshwaeditse batho ba bangwe naa? +",0.6052941 +"let us proceed, as ever, with caution. +","fa e le gore go na le kgonagalo e kgolo ya seno, le fa tota e le e e potlana, go botoka gore o itunne o seke wa e diragatsa. +",0.50467634 +let us keep each other safe.,"tla re babalelaneng vukuzenzele unnamed naga ya rona e tsene mo kgatong ya bobedi ya go sa magana le leroborobo la mogare wa corona . +",0.50467634 +"protect our women and children vukuzenzele unnamed a year ago, almost to the day, thousands of wom en, men and children marched to parliament to protest against a spate of rapes and killings of women and girls. +","sireletsa basadi le bana ba rona vukuzenzele unnamed ngwaga o o fetileleng, mo letsatsing la gompieno, diketekete tsa basadi, banna le bana di ne tsa gwantela kwa palamenteng go ipelaetsa kgatlhanong le ditiragalo tsa dipetelelo le dipolao tsa basadi le basetsanyana. +",0.8770571 +"at the time, the nation was reeling from the murders of uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess and a number of other women who had lost their lives at the hands of brutal men. +","mo nakong eo, naga ya rona e ne e santse e le mo kutlobotlhokong ya go bolawa ga uyinene mrwetyana, leighandre jegels, jesse hess mmogo le basadi ba bangwe ba le bantsi ba ba latlhegetsweng ke matshelo a bona ba bolawa ke banna ba ba setlhogo. +",0.8977305 +"from all social backgrounds, young and old, students and working women, the peaceful protesters held aloft placards that read ‘enough is enough’ and ‘am i next?’. +","badiraditshupetso bano botlhe ba ba neng ba dira ditshupetso ka mowa o o edileng, ba ba nang le maemo a a farologaneng mo setšhabeng, ba ba potlana le ba bagolo, baithuti le basadi ba ba dirang, ba ne ba tsholeditse dipolakata tse di neng di kwadilwe melaetsa e e reng ‘enough is enough ’ le e e reng ‘am i next? +",0.86300755 +"the anguish and the anger was palpable that day. +","’. +",0.19804154 +"as i received their clearly articulated demands, it was clear to me that we needed to act urgently and with determination. +","mo motsing oo badiraditshupetso ba ne ba fegetswe tota. +",0.52459645 +"it was important to me that i did not respond with hollow words and empty promises. +","fa ke ne ke amogela tokomane ya ditlhokwa tsa bona tse di neng di tlhalositswe ka tlhamalalo, go ne tota go tlhamaletse gore re tlhoka go tsaya dikgato ka ponyo ya leitlho le ka matlhagatlhaga. +",0.61957854 +"a few days later, i called a joint sitting of parliament, where we announced a r1.6 billion emergency response action plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf). +","go ne go le botlhokwa mo go nna gore fa ke tsibogela ditlhokwa tsa bona ke se dire jalo ka go ba solofetsa lefelafela le go dirisa mafoko a a sa reng sepe. +",0.5672867 +"over the six months of its implementation, public spending in various government departments was reprioritised to support interventions for care and support for survivors, for awareness and prevention campaigns, to improve laws and policies, to promote the economic empowerment of women, and to strengthen the criminal justice system. +","mo matsatsing a le mmalwa morago ga seno, ke ne ka kopa kopanotshwaraganelong ya palamente, mo re neng ra tsibosa fa re tla tlhoka bokanaka r1.6 bilione ya leanotiro la tsibogelo ya ditiragalo tsa tshoganyetso e e tla dirisediwang go lwantshana le tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng le dipolao tsa basadi (gbvf). +",0.69299704 +"and now we are on the cusp of the most farreaching legislative overhaul in the fight against gbvf. +","mo dikgweding di le thataro tse di fetileng tsa go tsenngwatirisong, tiriso ya madi a puso mo mafapheng a puso a a farologaneng e ne ya retololwa go tshegetsa dikgato tsa tlhokomelo le tshegetso ya batswasetlhabelo, tsa matsholo a thibelaketegelo mmogo le matsholotemoso, go tlhabolola melao le dipholisi, go tsholetsa matlafatso ya basadi go ikemela mo mererong ya ikonomi, mmogo le go matlafatsa tsamaiso ya tirelo ya bosiamisi. +",0.6084149 +"three key bills relating to gbvf have been introduced in parliament recently. +","mme ga jaanong re fa gare mo dikgatong tsa rona tsa go fetola molao mo go lwantshaneng le gbvf. +",0.5700378 +"through the introduction of these bills, we are honouring the promise we made to the protestors last year and to all the women of this country. +","go melaotlhomo e e botlhokwa e le meraro e e amanang le tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng (gbv) e e rometsweng kwa palamenteng mo malobeng. +",0.572953 +"the three amendment bills are designed to fill the gaps that allow some perpetrators of these crimes to evade justice and to give full effect to the rights of our country’s women and children. +","ka go tsenya tirisong melaotlhomo eno, re tla bo re diragatsa seo re se solofeditseng badiraditshupetso ba mo mogwantong wa mo ngwageng o o fetileng mmogo le basadi botlhe ba naga ya rona. +",0.69715726 +"these bills, once finalised, will help to restore the confidence of our country’s women that the law is indeed there to protect them. +","melaotlhomo e meraro eno e e kwalolotsweng sešwa maitlhomo a yona ke go thiba diphatlha tse di leng teng ga jaana tse di kgontshang ditlhokotsebe tsa bosenyi jono go tshabela go atlholwa ka tshwanelo mmogo le go dira gore ditshwanelo tsa basadi le bana ba ka fa nageng ya rona di nne le mosola. +",0.6853387 +"the first is the bill to amend the criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act. +","melaotlhomo eno, fa go setse go feditswe ka yona go ka sekasekiwa, e tla thusa gore basadi mo nageng ya rona ba boelwe ke tshepo gore tota molao o teng e bile o a ba sireletsa. +",0.5976733 +"this creates a new offence of sexual intimidation, extends the ambit of the offence of incest, and extends the reporting duty of persons who suspect a sexual offence has been committed against a child. +","ya ntlha molaotlhomo ono o tla kwalola sešwa molao wa bosenyi (ditlolo tsa molao wa thobalano le melato ya mothale ono) molao o o kwalolotsweng sešwa. +",0.6798341 +"it expands the scope of the national register for sex offenders (nrso) to include the particulars of all sex offenders. +","ona o tlhagisa dikgato tse dingwe tse dintšhwa tse di tsewang e le ditlolomolao tsa go bogisa ka thobalano, o atolosa melato eno go tsenyeletsa le e e diriwang le mo bathong bao le amanang ka tshika, mmogo le go atolosa maikarabelo a go bula dikgetse tsa thobalano go tsenyeletsa go letlelela le batho ba ba belaelang fa bana ba bogisiwa ka ditiragalo tsa thobalano. +",0.7385783 +"until now, it has only applied to sex offenders convicted of sex crimes perpetrated against children or persons with mental disabilities. +","o atolosa tiro ya rejisetara ya naga ya batho ba go fitlhetsweng ba le molato mo ditatofatsong tsa thobalano (nrso) gore mo go yona go kwalwe dintlha tsa botlhe ba go fitlhetsweng ba le molato mo ditatofatsong tsa thobalano. +",0.717003 +"the time an offender’s particulars must remain on the register has been increased, and those listed on the register will have to disclose this when they submit applications to work with vulnerable persons. +","go fitlheng mo motsing ono, dintlha tse di neng di tlhagisiwa mo rejisetareng eno e ntse e le fela tsa batho bao go fitlhetsweng ba le molato mo ditatofatsong tsa thobalano tseo di amang bana kgotsa batho ba ba nang le bogolofadi mo tlhaloganyong. +",0.6859884 +"the bill also provides for the names of persons on the nrso to be publicly available. +","sebaka seo dintlha tsa bao go fitlhetsweng ba le molato mo ditatofatsong tsa thobalano di ka gatisiswang mo rejisetareng eno se okeditswe, mme bao ba tlhagelelang mo rejisetareng eno ba tla tshwanelwa ke go tlhagisa ntlha eno fa ba dira dikopo tsa diphatlhatiro mo ba tla bong ba dira le batho ba ba leng mo tlalelong. +",0.6757332 +"the criminal and related matters amendment bill tightens, among others, the granting of bail to perpetrators of gbvf, and expands the offences for which minimum sentences must be imposed. +","molaotlhomo ono o dira gape gore bao maina a bona a tlhagelelang mo go nrso setšhaba se a fitlhelele bonolo. +",0.60109496 +"the amendments impose new obligations on lawenforcement officials and on our courts. +","molaotlhomo o o kwalolotswe sešwa wa bosenyi le melato ya mothale ono o gagamatsa, gareng ga tse dingwe, go rebolela ditlhokotsebe tsa gbvf beile, mmogo le go atolosa paka ya katlholelo kwa kgolegong mo paka e khutshwane ya eno e tla nnang segapeletsa. +",0.6609726 +"when a prosecutor does not oppose bail in cases of gbv, they have to place their reasons on record. +","dikarolo tse di kwalolotsweng sešwa tseno di gapeletsa gore batlhankedi ba ditheo tsa go disa kobamelomo lao mmogo le dikgotlatshekelo tsa rona di nne le maikano a mantšhwa. +",0.6716975 +"unless a person accused of gbv can provide exceptional circumstances why they should be released on bail, the court must order their detention until the criminal proceedings are concluded. +","fa motšhotšhisi a sa ganetse beile mo dikgetseng tsa gbv , o tshwanetse go tsenya mabaka a go dira jalo mo rekotong. +",0.753671 +"in reaching a decision on a bail application, the courts are compelled to take a number of considerations into account. +","ntle le fa e le gore motho yo a latofadiwang ka gbv a ka neela mabaka a a utlwagalang gore goreng a tlhoka go gololwa ka beile, kgotlatshekelo e tshwanetse go laola gore motho yoo a golegwe go fitlha dikgato tsa molao di konosediwa. +",0.7182772 +"they include pretrial reports on the desirability of releasing an accused on bail, threats of violence made against a survivor, and the view of the survivor regarding his or her safety. +","pele go ka tsewa ditshwetso mabapi le dikopo tsa dibaile, dikgotlatshekelo di tshwanetse go sekaseka mabaka a le mantsinyana. +",0.60105115 +"when it comes to parole, a complainant or a relative of a deceased victim must be able to make representation to the parole board. +","ona a akaretsa dipegelo tsa pele go lebiwa kwa kgotlatshekelo mabapi le kgonagalo ya go golola molatofadiwa ka beile, ditiragalo tsa go tshosetsa motswasetlhabelo ka tirisodikgoka, mmogo le maikutlo a motswasetlhabelo fa go tla mo pabalesegong ya gagwe. +",0.689791 +"given the unacceptably high levels of intimate partner violence in our country, we have tightened the provisions of the domestic violence act. +","fa go tla mo go reboleng parola, mongongoregi kgotsa wa losika la moswi yo e leng motswasetlhabelo o tshwanetse go nna teng jaaka kemedi mo botong e e rebolang parola. +",0.6253201 +"domestic violence is now defined to cover those in engagements, dating, in customary relationships, and actual or perceived romantic, intimate or sexual relationships of any duration. +","ka ntlha ya ditiragalo tse di kwa godimo tsa ka fa nageng tsa tirisodikgoka mo bathong ba ba ratanang, re gagamaditse dikarolo tsa molao wa thibelo ya tirisodikgoka magareng ga batho ba ba leng mo kgolaganong ya lorato. +",0.69563377 +"the bill also extends the definition of ‘domestic violence’ to include the protection of older persons against abuse by family members. +","tirisodikgoka magareng ga batho ba ba leng mo kgolaganong ya lorato jaanong e tlhalosiwa gore jaanong e tsenyeletsa le batho ba ba tshepisaneng lenyalo, ba ba ntshanang, ba ba leng mo manyalong a setso, le ba ba ratanang kgotsa ba ba leng mo kgolaganong ya lerato le le tukang malakabe, ba ba utlwanang kgotsa ba utlwanetse tsa thobalano go sa kgathalesege gore ke sebaka se se kanakang ba le mo kgolaganong eno. +",0.6666804 +"complainants will be able to apply for a protection order online. +","molaotlhomo ono gape o tlhalosa gape le gore ‘tirisodikgoka magareng ga batho ba ba leng mo kgolaganong ya lorato’ e tsenyeletsa gape le batho ba ba tsofetseng bao ba bogisiwang ke ditokololo tsa malapa. +",0.49422514 +"to prevent a scenario where perpetrators can hide past histories of domestic violence, an integrated repository of protection orders will be established. +","bangongoregi ba tla kgona go dira kopo ya lekwalo la semolao la go thibela motho yo a go bogisang go se tlhole a go atumela ba dira jalo ka inthanete. +",0.67507875 +"the proposed amendments also oblige the departments of social development, basic education, higher education and health to provide certain services to survivors where needed and to refer them for sheltering and medical care. +","go thiba diphatlha tse di kgontshang ditlhokotsebe go fitlha ditiro tsa bona tse di leswe tsa go gesela baokapelo ba bona, go tla tlhomiwa sefalana se se golagantsweng sa makwalo ano otlhe a a rebotsweng kgatlhanong le setlhokotsebe. +",0.6640039 +"the circumstances under which a prosecutor can refuse to institute a prosecution when offences have been committed under the amended act or to withdraw charges when it involves the infliction of bodily harm or where a weapon was used to threaten a complainant have been limited. +","dikarolo tse di kwalolotsweng sešwa tseno di rwesa gape le lefapha la tlhabololo ya loago, lefapha la thuto ya motheo, lefapha la thuto e kgolwane mmogo le lefapha la boitekanelo maikarabelo a go tlamela batswasetlha ka ditirelo tsa mothale o o rileng foo di tlhokegang mmogo le go ba romela kwa ditheong tse ditlhokomelang batswasetlhabelo mmogo le kwa maokelong. +",0.6917338 +"in perhaps the most groundbreaking proposed amendment to the act, if someone has knowledge, reasonable belief or suspicion that an act of domestic violence has been committed against a child, a person with disability or an older person and fails to report it to a social worker or police officer they can be fined and even imprisoned. +","mabaka a motšhotšhisi a ka ganang go tšhotšhisa setlhokotsebe ka ona fa se dirile melato go ya ka dikarolo tse di kwalolotsweng sešwa tsa molao ono kgotsa a go busetsa morago kgetse fa e tsamaelana le go gobatsa motho mo mmeleng kgotsa a amana le tiriso ya sebetsa go tshosetsa mongongoregi a fokoditswe. +",0.760017 +"similarly, failure by a member of the saps to comply with their obligations under the act will be regarded as misconduct and must be reported to the civilian secretariat for police service. +","mo go tse dingwe tsa dikarolo tse di kwalolotsweng sešwa tse di botlhokwa thata mo molaong ono, ke karolo e e reng fa go na le motho yo a nang le kitso, a dumela kgotsa a belaela gore go na le ngwana, motho yo a tshelang ka bogolofadi kgotsa motho yo a tsofetseng yo a bogisiwang ka pogiso ya tirisodikgoka magareng ga batho ba ba leng mo kgolaganong ya lorato mme a nna kgang eno ka marago a sa begele motlhankedi wa loago kgotsa tirelo ya sepodisi sa aforika borwa (saps) motho yoo a ka tlhaodisiwa kgotsa a tswalelwa kwa kgolegelong. +",0.6825754 +"the law is the one sure protector of all of society, but especially its most vulnerable. +","go fela jalo le ka lepodisi la saps le le sa ikamanyeng le maikarabelo a lona a molao ono ka maitsholo ao a tla tsewa e le a a sa amogelegeng mme a ka begiwa kwa lephateng la mokwaledi wa baagi mabapi le ditirelo tsa sepodisi. +",0.60459864 +"when diligently and fairly applied, it is the most powerful guarantor of justice. +","molao ke konokono e go ka ikanngwang yona fa go tla mo tshireletsong ya baagi, bogolo jang bao ba leng mo tlalelong. +",0.6092451 +"the women of south africa have had enough of lukewarm actions that do not address one of the most fundamental rights of all – to live in freedom from fear. +","fa o dirisiwa ka manontlhotlho le ka go se tseye letlhakore, ke modiredi yo o boikanyego wa bosiamisi. +",0.5509465 +"this government and its partners will make good by the women of south africa. +","basadi ba naga ya aforika borwa ba nkgetswe ke dikgato tse di yang di boa tse di sa diragatseng e nngwe ya ditshwanelo tse di botlhokwa go gaisa – go tshela mo kgololesegong ntle le go boifa sepe. +",0.56680787 +we will not let them down.,"sireletsa basadi le bana ba rona vukuzenzele unnamed ngwaga o o fetileleng, mo letsatsing la gompieno, diketekete tsa basadi, banna le bana di ne tsa gwantela kwa palamenteng go ipelaetsa kgatlhanong le ditiragalo tsa dipetelelo le dipolao tsa basadi le basetsanyana. +",0.56680787 +"woza matrics launched dale hes this year’s ma triculants have to faced considerable challenges because of the coronavirus disease (covid19). +","woza matrics e thankgolotswe dale hes maitlhomo a letsholo la woza matrics ke go thusa baithuti botlhe ba mophato wa bo 12 gore ba kgone go falola ditlhatlhobo tsa bona tsa bokhutlo jwa ngwaga. +",0.750492 +"the department of basic education (dbe) has ensured that the safe reopening of schools is one of its top priorities, along with supporting learners with various programmes to help them successfully complete the academic year. +","barutwana ba materiki ba monongwaga ba tobane le dikgwetlho tse di seng kana ka sepe ka ntlha ya mogare wa corona (covid19). +",0.6696589 +"one of these is the woza matrics programme, which was launched on 1 september in collaboration with a number of broadcasting partners and educational experts. +","lefapha la thuto ya motheo le netefaditse gore go bulwa sešwa ga dikolo ka tsela e e babalesegileng ke sengwe sa tse dingwe tse di leng kwa selthoeng, mmogo le go tshegetsa barutwana ka matsholo a a farologaneng go ba thusa gore ba atlege mo go konosetseng dithuto tsa bona tsa monongwaga. +",0.6994058 +"as part of the programme, catchup lessons on six key matric subjects are being aired on sabc, dstv and openview (channel 122) every day for 12 weeks, from 8am to 10am and 1pm to 3pm. +","le lengwe la matsholo ano ke lenaane la woza matrics , le le thankgolotsweng ka la bo01 lwetse 2020 ka tirisanommogo le badirisanimmogo ba le bantsinyana ba kgaso mmogo le baitseanape ba thuto. +",0.6920378 +"the goal is to help learners to prepare for their final exams. +","jaaka karolo ya lenaane leno, go gasiwa dirutwana di le thataro tse di botlhokwa tsa materiki mo dikanaleng tsa sabc, dstv le openview (channel 122) letsatsi le letsatsi sebaka sa dibeke di le 12 go tloga ka ura ya borobedi mo mosong go fitlha ka ura ya bo lesome mo mosong e bo e tshameka gape go tloga ka ura ya bongwe mo motshegareng go fitlha ka ura ya boraro mo motshegareng go thusa barutwana go se salele morago. +",0.548706 +"the platform also provides live lessons, during which learners can ask teachers questions. +","maitlhomo a lona ke go thusa barutwana gore ba kgone go ka ipaakanyetsa ditlhatlhobo tsa bona tsa bofelo jwa ngwaga. +",0.64564574 +"exam tips are also provided. +","serala seno gape se na le mananeo a dirutwa a a diragalang ka ona motsotso oo, moo barutwana ba ka kgonang go botsa barutabana dipotso mo ba sa tlhaloganyeng. +",0.5630172 +"woza matrics recognises that while all learners have lost school time, grade 12s have been the most severely affected, as their marks are extremely important for their career and university acceptance. +","go na gape le dikeletso mabapi le tseo barutwana ba tshwanetseng go di tlhokomela mo ditlhatlhobong tsa bona. +",0.50676984 +"basic education minister angie motshekga says the programme is vital, considering the disruption to learn ing caused by covid19. +","woza matrics e a itse gore le fa tota e le barutwana botlhe ba ba reteletsweng ke go tsena sekolo ka tshwanelo, barutwana ba mophato wa bo 12 ke bona ba ba amegileng bobe go gaisa, ka ntlha ya fa dipholo tsa bona di le botlhokwa thata mo go ba kgontsheng go ka bona ditiro le mo go amogelweng kwa yunibesiti. +",0.71406937 +"""matric is always stressful, but 2020 has been filled with unusual stresses. +","tona ya thuto ya motheo mme angie motshekga a re lenaane leno le botlhokwa thata bogolojang ka ntlha ya fa dithuto di kgoreleditswe ke covid19 . +",0.63661754 +"i want to congratulate all our grade 12 learners and their families for their perseverance and determination. +","""materiki ka gale o na le ka fao o gatelelang maikutlo ka teng, fela ngwaga wa 2020 one o tlile ka kgatelelo ya maikutlo e e neng e sa solofelwa. +",0.52252215 +"it is abundantly clear that additional support is required for learners and we will continue to provide this. +","ke rata go kaakgola bathuti botlhe ba mophato wa bo 12 mmogo le ba malapa a bona ka go ikatlapela le go nna le maikemisetso jaaka ba dirile. +",0.55655134 +"there are a few months left before the end of the year and woza matrics will give learners the support they need to prepare for the final exams,"" she says. +","go totobetse jaanong gore baithuti ba tlhoka tshegetso e nngwe le e nngwe e ba ka e neelwang mme re tla tswelela go ba neela yona. +",0.58420736 +"the programme is unique in that it targets the majority of grade 12s in the country who do not have regular access to the internet and connected digital devices. +","go setse fela dikgwedi di le mmalwanyana gore ngwaga o ye bokhutlong mme lenaane la woza matrics le tla neela barutwana tshegetso e ba e tlhokang gore ba kgone go ipaakanyetsa ditlhatlhobo tsa bofelo jwangwaga,"" o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.6375606 +"broadcasts will be available to view by most of the 1.2 million learners who are writing matric exams in november. +","lenaane leno ke motshwananosi gonne le totile baithuti ba mophato wa bo 12 ka bontsi ka fa nageng bao ka gale ba senanginthanete le didirisiwa tsa dijithale tse di dirisang inthanete. +",0.65895784 +"the council of education ministers has urged all learners and parents to make use of the platform. +","dikgaso tseno di tla kgona go bogelwa ke baithuti ka bontsi ba le dimilione di le 1.2 ba ba tla bong ba kwala ditlhatlhobo tsa bona tsa materiki mo kgweding ya ngwanaitseele. +",0.6256653 +"sabc ceo madoda mxakwe says the broadcaster is proud to be part of the initiative. +","lekgotla la thuto la ditona le ikuetse mo baithuting le mo batsading botlhe go sola serala seno mosola. +",0.631712 +"""we are pleased to be one of the key roleplayers in saving the 2020 matric year. +","mokaedikhuduthamagamogolo (ceo) wa lekgotlakgaso la aforika borwa (sabc) madoda mxakwe a re lekgotlakgaso le motlotlo go nna le seabe mo letsholong leno. +",0.57682145 +"as a public service broadcaster, we are dutyb ound to ensure that our content includes a significant number of educational programmes, particularly during a period when it is most needed. +","""re motlotlo go bo re le yo mongwe wa batshamekakarolo ba ba botlhokwa mo go babaleleng ngwaga wa materiki wa 2020. re le tirelokgaso ya puso, go mo magetleng a rona go netefatsa gore mananeo a tirelokgaso a tsenyeletsa manaane a thuto a le mantsintsi, bogolo jang mo motsing ono o a tlhokagalang e le ruri. +",0.79437256 +"""your questions answeredwhat subjects will be covered? +","""re araba dipotso tsa gagoke dirutwa dife tse di tla rutiwang? +",0.7131313 +"maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. +","maths geography life sciences physical sciences accounting maths literacy. +",0.9194362 +"why were these time slots chosen, because learners could be at school? +","goreng go tlhophilwe dinako tse di beilweng ka barutwana ba tla bo ba le kwa sekolong? +",0.5978001 +"school attendance times vary across districts and provinces, due to social distancing measures. +","dinako tsa go ya sekolong ga di tshwane mo dikgaolong le mo diporofenseng tse di farologaneng ka ntlha ya maemo a go obamela melawana e e iletsang go atumelana. +",0.8222894 +"many matrics will be at home at the time of broadcasting. +","barutwana ba materiki ka bontsi ba tla bo ba le kwa magaeng a bona fa mananeo ano a gasiwa. +",0.74199975 +"a small percentage of learners are also being homeschooled. +","palo ya barutwana ba le mmalwanyana fela le bona ba kwadise ditswe go rutiwa ba le kwa magaeng a bona. +",0.79515374 +"the main broadcasts will be repeated after 4pm on openview and are available on dstv catchup. +","kgaso e kgolo e tla boelediwa morago ga ura ya bone maitseboa mo kanaleng ya openview le go tshamekiwa mo go dstv catchup . +",0.85180384 +"why only matrics? +","goreng go rutiwa fela barutwana ba materiki? +",0.68340915 +"matrics are under the most pressure to plan their postschool lives. +","barutwana ba materiki ke bona ba leng ka fa tlase ga kgatelelo e e seng kana ka sepe ka ba tshwanetse go batlana gape le diphatlha tsa fa ba sena go konosetsa dithuto tsa bona. +",0.7669302 +"matrics have faced more significant disruption to their schooling since march 2020 because their curriculum was not shortened. +","barutwana ba materiki ke bona ba kgoreletsegileng thata mo dithutong tsa bona fa e sale go tloga ka kgwedi ya mopitlwe 2020 ka ntlha ya gore kharikhulamo ya bona ga e a ke ya ngotliwa go tshwana le tse dingwe. +",0.8227471 +"matrics have fallen the furthest behind on curricu lum learning. +","barutwana ba materiki ke bona ba saletseng morago go gaisa mo dithutong tsa kharikhulamo ya bona. +",0.67889726 +"where can i find the viewing schedule? +","nka fitlhela lenaneothulaganyo la mananeokgaso ano fa kae? +",0.7420529 +"the viewing schedule is available in tv guides and on the woza matrics website at wozamatrics.co.za. +","lenaneothulaganyo la mananeokgaso ano le teng mo mananeothulaganyong a thelebišene mmogo le mo webesaeteng ya woza matrics ya wozamatrics.co.za. +",0.87264615 +"repeat broadcasts will be available. +","mananeokgaso a a ipoeletsang le one a teng foo. +",0.6459387 +"is support being provided to parents and teach ers? +","a go na le tshegetso e e neelwang batsadi le barutabana? +",0.78377336 +"yes. +","ee e teng. +",0.88925856 +"the broadcast schedule will have some sessions on tips for parents on ways to support their matric children. +","lenaneothulaganyo la mananeokgaso le tla bo le na le mananeo a go eletsa batsadi ka ditsela tse ba ka tshegetsang bana ba bona ba ba dirang materiki. +",0.85582614 +"some sessions will focus on teachers and the dbe's teacher connect whatsapp platform will communicate key messages to teachers. +","mananeo a mangwe a tla tlhaba barutabana botlhale mme serala sa lefapha la thuto ya motheo sa go golagana le barutabana sa whatsapp se tla dirisiwa go romela melaetsa e e botlhokwa kwa barutabaneng. +",0.8796046 +"will there be a focus on dealing with the stresses faced by matrics? +","a go na le se se tla diriwang go samagana le kgatelelo ya mai kutlo e barutwana ba materiki ba leng mo go yona ga jaana ? +",0.74692476 +"yes. +","ee se teng. +",0.8873212 +"there will be several sessions focused on providing tips for student wellbeing, coping with stress and managing anxiety. +","go tla diriwa mananeo a le mmalwa a a tla tsepamisang mogopolo mo go tlhabeng barutwana botlhale gore ba tshele ka itekanelo jang, ba mekamekane jang le kgatelelo mo maikutlong mmogo le go etsaetsega. +",0.85549974 +"for more information, visit the woza matrics website at wozamatrics.co.za or email info@wozamatrics.co.zathe woza matrics programme aims to help all grade 12 learners pass their final examinations.","woza matrics e thankgolotswe dale hes maitlhomo a letsholo la woza matrics ke go thusa baithuti botlhe ba mophato wa bo 12 gore ba kgone go falola ditlhatlhobo tsa bona tsa bokhutlo jwa ngwaga. +",0.85549974 +"sa media is a key pillar of our democracy vukuzenzele unnamed in many countries around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has required the limita tion of many civil liberties and put social cohesion to the test. +","bobegakgang jwa aforika borwa bo botlhokwa mo temokerasing ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed mo dinageng di le dintse go ralala le lefatshe, lerobo robo la mogare wa corona le dirile gore ditshwanelo di le dintsi di ilediwe mmogo le go gapeletsa gore batho e nne seoposengwe. +",0.84394795 +"but countries with strong institutions, vigilant judicial systems and a robust media have been able to prevent human rights from being undermined and the authority of the state being abused. +","fela dinaga tse di nang le ditheo tse di nang le matla, thulaganyo ya bosiamisi e e etseng maemo tlhoko mmogo le bobegakgang jo bo sa etsae tsegeng di kgonne go thibela ditiragalo tse di gatakakang ditshwanelo tsa batho mmogo le tirisobotlhaswa ya matla a puso. +",0.86571944 +"it has been six months since the national state of disaster was proclaimed. +","jaanong re setse re na le dikgwedi di le thataro fa e sale go goelediwa gore naga e mo maemong a masetlapelo. +",0.8017469 +"despite the unprecedented nature of the disease and the immense challenge of placing a country of 58 million people under lockdown, we have fared well. +","ntle le seemo se se sa tlwaelegang sa go samagana le bolwetse jono mmogo le dikgwetlho tse dintsi tse di tsamaisanang le go baya naga ya batho ba le dimilione di le 58 ka fa tlase ga taolo ya go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa na geng, re kgabotse ka matsadi a se kae. +",0.8495405 +"we have managed to contain the spread of the disease primarily because of the cooperation and vigilance of all citizens. +","re kgonne go thibela go anama ga bolwetse jono segolobogolo ka ntlha ya gore re nnile le tirisanommogo le tlhokomelano mo baaging ba naga ya rona botlhe. +",0.8470398 +"this is in no small part due to the sterling work of our media. +","eno tiro e tona tota mme re e kgonne ka ntlha ya tiro e e tswileng diatla e e dirilweng ke ditheo tsa rona tsa bobe gakgang. +",0.7546098 +"we owe a debt of gratitude to south africa’s hardworking and tenacious journalists. +","re leboga go menagane ba begadikgang ba naga ya rona ya aforika borwa ba ba seme letseng ka natla e bile ba sa nyeme mooko. +",0.79128975 +"they have kept our people informed by disseminating key health messages about social distancing and hygiene. +","e ne e le bona ba kakatletse go sedimosetsa batho ba rona ka melaetsa e e botlhokwa ya dikgato tsa go tlhokomela boitekanelo jwa bona ka go katogana le go iphepafatsa. +",0.8288385 +"they have done so under extremely trying conditions, often with limited resources. +","ba ne ba dira tiro eno ka fa tlase ga maemo a a neng a le bokete thata, mme go le gantsi ba ne ba e dira le fa ba ne ba tlhaela didirisiwa. +",0.80513644 +"they have told the stories of the effects of lockdown on the lives of people and their businesses. +","ba ne ba gasa dinkgang tse di ka ga ditlamorago tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng mo matshelong a batho le mo dikgwebong tsa bona. +",0.8366096 +"they have been out in the villages, towns and cities, bringing stories of ordinary people and drawing national attention to problems being experienced in hospitals and clinics, prompting government action. +","ba ne ba sasanka le metseselegae, diteropo le diteropokgolo, go kwala maitemogelo a batho le go supetsa naga matsapa a a leng teng kwa dipetlele le kwa ditleliniking, e leng seo se tlhotlheletsang gore puso e tsaye dikgato. +",0.8924577 +"our media have also shone a light on excesses that perhaps would not have ordinarily come to light. +","bobegakgang jwa rona gape bo phuntse sekaku seo tota fa e ne e le mo matsatsing a mo malobeng se neng se ka bo se itlhokomolositswe. +",0.7229867 +"they have fulfilled their watchdog role by unearthing acts of corruption and maladministration, sparking a massive national debate and leading to a number of highprofile investigations. +","bo tota bo diragaditse tiro ya jona ya go nna leitlho la setšhaba ka go utolola ditiragalo tsa bonweenwee le tsa tsamaiso e e sa lolamang, e leng seo se tlhotlhileng dikganetsano tse dikgolo tsa mo phasalatseng tsa ka fa nageng mme seo se dirile gore go rebolwe di phuruphutso mo bathong ba ba okameng maemo a a kwa godimo. +",0.84415525 +"through this reporting they have earned people’s trust. +","ka go bega dikgang tsa mothale ono bo kgonne go dira gore batho ba nne le tshepo mo go jona. +",0.7741873 +"a free press is not an end in itself. +","go nna le bobegakgang jo bo sa gatelelweng ga go raye gore ke bokhutlho. +",0.7244537 +"it is a means by which democracy is secured and upheld. +","ke tsela eo temokerasi e bonwang le go tsholediwa ka yona. +",0.66154265 +"during this pandemic, our media has played not just its traditional watchdog role, but exercised its civic duty in supporting the national effort to contain the coronavirus. +","mo pakeng ya leroborobo leno, bobegakgang jwa rona bo ne bo sa diragatse fela tiro ya jona ya go nna leitlho la setšhaba, bo ne gape go diragatsa tiro ya yona mo setšhabeng ka go tshegetsa matsapa a puso a go thibela go anama ga mogare wa corona . +",0.8530359 +"given the importance of the media to the health of our democracy, it is a great concern that like all other sectors of the economy, the coronavirus crisis has hit our media houses hard. +","re lebile seabe se bobega kgang bo nang le sona mo temokerasing ya rona, re tshwenyegile tota gore fela jaaka makala a mangwe a ikonomi ya rona, matsapa a a tlileng le mogare wa corona a amile ditlamo tsa rona tsa bobegakgang ka tsela e e sa jeseng diwelang. +",0.83122015 +"some publications lost as much as 60 percent of their income in the early days of the lockdown. +","ditlamo tse dingwe tsa makwalodikgang di latlhegetswe ke 60% ya letseno mo matsatsing a fa re ne re le gone re tsena mo kgatong ya go sekega nakwa na ditiro tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.8121809 +"a number of companies have had to implement salary cuts, reduce staff numbers or reduce hours worked. +","ditlamo di le dintsinyana di ne tsa gapeletsega gore di ngotle megolo ya badiredi ba tsona, go fokotsa badiri mo tirong kgotsa go fokotsa diura tseo ba di dirang. +",0.8567269 +"regrettably, some publications have even been forced to close, among them some of south africa’s most established and wellknown magazine titles. +","ka bo madimabe ditlamo tse dingwe tsa makwalodikgang di ne tsa gapeletsega gore di tswalele, mme mo gare ga tsona di tsenyeletsa le ditlamo tse di tlotlegang tsa aforika borwa tse di phasalatsang dimaka sine tse di itsegeng thata. +",0.82781136 +"the job losses that have resulted from the lockdowns have exacerbated a crisis for media companies already facing challenges like loss of advertising revenues, falling circulation and market share being taken by mobilefirst news and other technologies. +","tatlhegelo ya ditiro e e tlho dilweng ke dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng e tlhotlheleditse mathata ano mo ditlamong tsa bobegakgang tse di neng di setse di tobane le dikgwetlho tsa go tshwana le tsa go latlhe gelwa ke letseno leo ba neng ba le dira ka dipapatso, dikgwe tlho tsa go fokotsega ga go re kisiwa ga makwalodikgang le go tseelwa bareki ke ditlamo tse di rekisang dikgang ka megala ya mo seatleng le ka didirisiwa tse dingwe gape tsa thekenoloji. +",0.85418093 +"these financial difficulties are being faced across the board, from online titles to traditional broadsheets to the public broadcaster. +","dikgwetlho tsa matlole tseno go tobanwe le tsona mo lephateng leno lotlhe, mo ditlamong tsa dikgatiso tsa mo inthaneteng go tsenyeletsa ditlamo tse di gatisang makwalodikgang ka mokgwa o o tlwaelegileng mmogo le mo ditheong tsa kgaso tsa setšhaba. +",0.7945776 +"this was one of the issues that was raised sharply during my engagement with the south african national editors’ forum recently. +","eno ke e nngwe ya dintlha tse di atlhaatlhilweng ka tsenelelo mo ditherisanong tsa me le mokgatlo wa naga wa barulaganyi ba dikgatiso ba aforika borwa. +",0.80157804 +"instead of lamenting their fate, however, the media industry is working hard to refine business models, to drive innovation and to retain staff as much as possible. +","go na le go itatswa matsadi, intaseteri ya bobegakgang e semeletse mo go kwaloleng sešwa me kgwataolo ya dikgwebo, go tlhotlheletsa boitshimololedi le go leka ka natla ka moo ba ka kgonang go boloka ditiro tsa badiredi ba bona. +",0.8436579 +"at the same time, the media is a unique entity in any society because its practitioners fulfil a role that is so essential to our democratic order. +","le fa go le jalo, ka mo letlhakoreng le lengwe bobegakgang ke setheo se se itlhophileng mo setšhabeng se sengwe le se sengwe ka ntlha ya gore batlhankedi ba jone ba dira tiro e e botlhokwa thata mo temokerasing ya rona. +",0.8341468 +"they work to keep the public informed and to keep power in check. +","ba leka ka natla go netefatsa gore setšhaba se nna mo dinakong ka seo se diragalang mmogo le go netefatsa gore bao ba filweng maatla ba se a dirise boatla. +",0.7712581 +"we need more journalists, not less. +","re tlhoka go nna le babe gadikgang ba bangwe ba le bantsi, e seng ba ba fokotse gileng. +",0.70315397 +"that is why the loss of even a single journalist is not just a loss to the industry but to the country. +","ke ka ntlha ya seo go latlhegelwa le ke mmegadi kgang a le mongwenyana fela e seng fela tatlhegelo mo intase tering eno mme e le tatlhe gelo le mo nageng yotlhe. +",0.80879927 +"we need our media veterans, who bring with them vast experience and institutional memory, and are able to offer critical reportage and informed analysis. +","re tlhoka botlhogoputswa ba rona, ba ba nang le maite mogelo a magolo le kitso e e tseneletseng ya ka fao ditheo di dirang ka gone, mme e bile ba kgona go sekaseka dikgang ka tsenelelo e bile ba atlhaatlha dintlha ba na le tshedimosetso e e tletseng. +",0.8049964 +"at the same time we need more young journalists in the profession who are techsavvy, abreast with new trends in storytelling and in touch with the concerns of a youthful population. +","le fa go le jalo, re tlhoka gape le babegadikgang ba ba santseng ba le bannye mo tirong eno ba ba nang le kitso e ntsi ka didirisiwa tsa thekenoloji, ba ba nang le kitso e e tletseng ka mekgwa e mentšhwa ya go bega di kgang e bile ba na le kitso e e tletseng ka ga dingongorego tsa bašwa. +",0.82209474 +"as a society we owe the media our full support. +","re le baagi re tlhoka go tshegetsa bobegakgang ka botlalo. +",0.7340021 +"whether it is electing to pay for content, supporting crowdfunded journalism, paying our sabc license fees or simply buying a newspaper, we can all play our part to support this industry in crisis. +","e ka tswa e le ka go duelela mananeo ao ba a gasang, go duelela madi a go tshegetsa babegadikgang, ka go duelela dilaesense tsa rona tsa sabc kgotsa ka go reka makwalodikgang, re ka tshameka karolo ya rona go inola intaseteri eno mo matsapeng a e leng ka fa teng ga ona. +",0.8764319 +"as government, despite the gloomy economic climate we will continue to extend advertising spend to publications and broadcasters, especially community media. +","re le puso, le fa tota re aparetswe ke leru le letsho mo ikonoming ya rona, re tla tswelela go duelela dipapatso mo makwalodikganyeng le mo mananeokgasong, bo golojang mo diyalemoweng tsa baagi. +",0.8297541 +"the private sector must also continue to support the industry through advertising and working with media houses in the production of innovative content in line with global media trends. +","lekala la poraefete le lona le tshwanelwa ke go tswelela go tshegetsa intaseteri eno ka go duelela dipapatso mmogo le go dirisanammogo le ditlamo tsa bobegakgang mo go tlha giseng mananeo a mantšhwa a a tsamaelanang le maemo a bobegakgang mo lefatsheng. +",0.83656657 +"local philanthropic and donor organisations should also come on board and support public interest journalism ventures, as is the case in many democracies. +","mekgatlho ya ka fa nageng e e tlamelang ka matlole le yona e tshwanetse go tsaya karolo ka go tshegetsa bobegakgang jo bo tswelang baagi mosola, jaaka go ntse mo dinageng tse dintsi tse di busiwang ka temokerasi. +",0.79594535 +"the proliferation of fake news during the pandemic, primarily on social media platforms, has added to the urgency for more news that is accurate, fair and impartial. +","koketsego ya dikgang tsa maaka mo pakeng ya lerobo robo leno, bogolo jang mo diraleng tsa mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano, di tlhodile gore go nne le tlhokego e kgolo ya dikgang tsa boammaruri, tse di sa tseeng letlhakore e bile di sa emelele ope. +",0.8347751 +"during this time our people have relied on our established media houses for information, once again underscoring their importance as pillars of our democracy. +","mo nakong eno batho ba rona ba ne ba itshepetse mo ditlamong tse di itsegeng tsa bobegakgang gore ba bone tshedimosetso e e tshepagalang, e leng seo gape se supang botlhokwa jwa bone mo temokerasing ya rona. +",0.82946855 +"as we begin the great task of rebuilding our economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, the media industry will need our support more than ever. +","jaaka re simolola tiro e e tona ya go aga sešwa ikonomi ya rona go latela ditlamorago tsa leroborobo leno, intaseteri ya bobegakgang e tla tlhoka tshegetso ya rona go feta mo malobeng. +",0.88322705 +"the free press was once described as ‘the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men and women prize’. +","bobegakgang jwa makwalodikgang jo bo golo legileng bo ne bo tlhalosiwa e le 'modisi yo a sa robaleng wa ditshwanelo tsotlhe tse monna le mosadi yo a gololegileng a di tlotlomatsang'. +",0.84688085 +"as we salute their role in this pandemic, let us do what we can to ensure that the free and diverse media in our country is able to survive and thrive.","bobegakgang jwa aforika borwa bo botlhokwa mo temokerasing ya rona vukuzenzele unnamed mo dinageng di le dintse go ralala le lefatshe, lerobo robo la mogare wa corona le dirile gore ditshwanelo di le dintsi di ilediwe mmogo le go gapeletsa gore batho e nne seoposengwe. +",0.84688085 +"transforming the agricultural sector vukuzenzele unnamed recently, the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) announced that members of the public will be able to apply to lease 700 000 hectares of underutilised or vacant state land in seven of the provinces. +","go fetola lephata la temothuo vukuzenzele unnamed lefapha la temo thuo, ntšhwafa tso ya mafatshe le tlhabololo ya magae (dlrd le itsisitse bosheng jaana gore maloko a setšhaba ba tla kgona go dira dikopo tsa go hira diheketara di le 700 000 tsa lefatshe la puso le le sa dirisiweng kgotsa le le lolea mo diporofenseng di le supa. +",0.9098644 +"agricultural land is the mainstay of our natural resource base. +","lefatshe la temothuo ke pi lara ya motheo wa motswedi wa tlhago wa rona. +",0.8135085 +"the availability and sustainable use of farmland to grow crops and for animal husbandry is key to our very survival. +","go nna gona le tiriso e e tswelelang ya lefatshe la temo go jala le ka leruo ke ntlha e e botlhokwa ya matshelo a rona. +",0.79334944 +"south africa has vast tracts of land suitable for agricultural production, with 37,9% of our total land area currently being used for commercial agriculture. +","aforika borwa e na le karolo e kgolo ya lefatshe le leng maleba go tlhagiso ya temothuo, ka 37,9% ya palogotlhe ya lefatshe e dirisetswang kgwebo ka temothuo. +",0.8570204 +"like many other countries, our arable land is under threat from land degradation, water scarcity and urban encroachment. +","jaaka bontsi jwa dinaga tse dingwe, lefatshe la rona le le siametseng temo le ka fa tlase ga matshosetsi a tshenyego le tatlhegelo ya bokgoni go ka lengwa, tlhaelo ya metsi le patiko ya setoropo. +",0.8796601 +"we are also losing prime agricultural land through landuse changes. +","gape re latlhegelwa ke lefatshe la temo ka ntlha ya diphetogo go tiriso ya lefatshe. +",0.82716227 +"given our history, broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a national priority. +","fa re lebelela hisetori ya rona, go atolosiwa ga phitlhelelo go lefatshe la temothuo go kgwebo le temo e e tswelelang ke ntlhakgolo ya bosetšhaba. +",0.8507587 +"although the post1994 land reform process has resulted in more land being restored and restituted to black south africans, the pernicious effects of the 1913 natives land act continue to be in patterns of farmland ownership. +","le fa tsamaiso ya ntšhwafatso ya lefatshe ya morago ga 1994 e bakile bontsi jwa lefatshe go baakanngwa le go busediwa bantsho ba maaforikaborwa, ditlamorago tsa bopelomaswe jwa molao wa lefatshe la bathobantsho wa 1913 di tswelela go nna mo dipateroneng tsa beng lefatshe la temo. +",0.88736403 +"the act went far beyond dispossessing millions of people of their ancestral land. +","molao o ka kwa go amoga dimilione tsa batho lefatshe la borrabonamogolo. +",0.8143409 +"with land ownership still concentrated in the hands of the few, and agriculture primary production and value chains mainly owned by white commercial farmers, the effects of our past remain with us today. +","jaaka benglefatshe bo santse bo le mo diatleng tsa ba le mmalwa,tlhagiso ya motheo ya temothuo le ditirelo tsa metseletsele ya dikuno tseo beng e leng basweu, diabe tsa rona tsa maloba di santse di na le rona le gompieno. +",0.8519274 +"the continued monopolization of a key means of production like land is not just an obstacle to advancing a more egalitarian society; it is also a recipe for social unrest. +","taolo e e tsweletseng ya ntlhakgolo ya tlhagiso jaaka lefatshe ga se sekgoreletsi fela go tswelediso setšhaba se se gololosegileng; ke resepe ya khuduego ya loago. +",0.849445 +"the hunger for land to farm is growing, especially amongst the rural poor. +","keletso e e tseneletseng ya go bona lefatshe go lema e a gola, bogolosegolo gareng ga magae a a humanegileng. +",0.8373118 +"and for a number of reasons, the pace of land reform in this particular sector has been slow and unsatisfactory. +","mme ka mabaka a le mmalwa, sekgala sa ntšhwafatso ya lefatshe bogolosegolo mo lephateng leno e ntse e le bonya ebile e sa kgotsofatse. +",0.80163336 +"transforming patterns of agricultural land ownership is vital not just to address the historical injustices of the past, but to safeguard our nation’s food security. +","go fetola dipaterone tsa go nna mong wa lefatshe la temo go botlhokwa go samagana le tshokelelo ya paka e e fetileng, fela go sireletsa go nna gona ga dijo go setšhaba sa rona. +",0.84177613 +"as noted in the 2019 report of the presidential advisory panel on land reform and agriculture, ""whilst we export food, back home 41% of people in rural areas and 59,4% in urban areas have severely inadequate access to food."" +","jaaka go etswe tlhoko ka pegelo ya 2019 ya phanele ya bogakolodi ya moporesidente ka ga ntšhwafatso ya lefatshe le temothuo, ""le fa tota re romelantle dijo, fa gae 41% ya batho kwa dikgaolong tsa selegae le 59,4% kwa dik gaolong tsa toropo ga ba fitlhelele tse di lekaneng."" +",0.90043783 +"agrarian reform has been a priority of successive administrations since democracy. +","phetolo ya temothuo e ntse e le ntlha e e kwa godimo ya batsamaisi ba ba latelanang e sale temokerasi. +",0.75473166 +"between 1994 and march 2018 the state has delivered 8,4 million hectares of land to previously disadvantaged individuals under the land reform programme. +","magareng ga 1994 le mopitlwe 2018 puso e neetse ka diheketara di le dimilione di le 8,4 tsa lefatshe go bang bao mo malobeng ba neng ba tlhokomologilwe ka fa tlase ga lenaneo la ntšhwafatso ya lefatshe. +",0.8698416 +"but this progress amounts to less than 10% of all commercial farmland. +","fela tswelopele eno e dira fela diperesente tse di kwa tlase ga 10 ya kgwebo ya temothuo. +",0.8362762 +"in my state of the nation address earlier this year i committed that stateowned agricultural land would soon be released for farming. +","mo puong ya maemo a setšhaba go sale gale mono ngwaga ke itlamile gore le fatshe la temothuo leo eleng la puso le tla gololwa go dirisetswa temo. +",0.7831083 +"this is a major milestone in the agrarian reform process, and gives effect to the promise of the freedom charter that the land shall be shared among those who work it. +","seno ke kgato e kgolo go tsamaiso ya phetolo ya temothuo, le go diragatsa tsholofetso ya tšhata ya kgololosego ya gore lefatshe le tla arolelanwa magareng ga bao ba le dirisang. +",0.88251245 +"our redistributive vision aims to strike a balance between social justice and redress, and enhancing agricultural output by bringing more black farmers into the mainstream of the economy. +","pono ya rona ya neelo e ikaelela go dira maleka magareng ga bosiamisi jwa loago le paakanyo, le go oketsa tlhagiso ya temothuo ka go lere bontsi jwa balemi ba batho bantsho go ikonomi ya bogareng. +",0.90883696 +"land is a productive asset that generates profit and can be used for collateral to secure other assets. +","lefatshe ke letlotlo le le nang le kuno eo e dirang morokotso mme le ka dirisiwa jaaka sethusi go bona matlotlo a mangwe. +",0.8721765 +"we have to ensure that land acquired for farming purposes is productively used. +","re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore lefatshe le le bonweng ka maikalelo a go lema le dirisiwa sentle. +",0.75510675 +"to safeguard the allocated state land for farming purposes, the lease is not transferrable. +","go sireletsa lefatshe le le neetsweng ke puso ka maikaelelo a go lema, ga go na tetla go fetisetsa khiro go yo mongwe. +",0.841712 +"beneficiaries will sign a lease agreement with the state and pay a rental fee consistent with the land value. +","baamogeladitshwanelo ba tla saena tumelano ya khiriso le puso le go duela tlhotlhwa ya go renta e e tsamaisanang le boleng jwa lefatshe. +",0.84213024 +"we must also ensure that farmers are supported along the road to sustainability and profitability. +","re tshwanetse gape go netefatsa gore balemi ba a tshege diwa mo leetong la tsweletso le morokotso. +",0.8011676 +"as part of this programme, beneficiaries will be trained in financial management and enterprise development. +","jaaka karolo ya lenaneo leno, baamogeladitshwanelo ba tla bona katiso go tsamaiso ya ditšhelete le tlhabololo ya kgwebo. +",0.8803416 +"experience has shown that emerging and smallscale farmers often lack the financial skills to exploit market opportunities and integrate with value chains. +","maitemogelo a bontshitse gore balemi ba ba tlhagelelang ba tlhaela dikgono go ditšhelete le go dirisa ditšhono tsa mmaraka le go tsenyeletsa metseletsele ya dikuno. +",0.84962887 +"we are prioritizing women, youth and persons with disabilities as beneficiaries. +","basadi, bašwa le batho ba ba nang le dikgwetlho tsa mmele ke bona ba ba leng kwa godimo mo lenaneong la baamogeladitshwanelo. +",0.78656006 +"there has been demonstrable success with empowering women farmers under the existing proactive land acquisition strategy. +","go nnile le katlego e e bonalang ka go matlafatsa balemi ba basadi ka fa tlase ga togamaano e e malalaotswe go phitlhelelo ya lefatshe (plas). +",0.7921716 +"in a number of provinces, women who have been allocated farms by the dalrrd have been able to run them successfully and even move into commercial production. +","go palo ya diporofense, basadi bao ba neng ba neetswe dipolase ke dlrd ba kgonne go di tsamaisa ka katlego le go fetela kwa tlhagisong ya kgwebo. +",0.8465927 +"in addition to the land acquisition itself, the department continues to invest in infrastructure, equipment and machinery to enable these entrepreneurs to run successful businesses. +","mo godimo ga go bona lefatshe, lefapha le tswelela go beeletsa go ma faratlhatlha, didiriswa le metšhini go kgontsha bagwebi bano go tsamaisa dikgwebo tse di atlegileng. +",0.8647195 +"broadening access to land and opportunities for farming will support job creation and enterprise development, and improve the market for food, agricultural goods and services. +","go oketsa phitlhelelo ya lefatshe le ditšhono tsa go lema go tla tshegetsa go tlhamiwa ga ditiro ka go godisa losika le le ntšhwa la balemi le tlhabololo ya kgwebo, le go tokafatsa mmaraka wa dijo, dithoto tsa temothuo le ditirelo. +",0.8947419 +"the ultimate goal of releasing these land parcels is to transform the agricultural landscape by growing a new generation of farmers. +","maikaelelo a a botlhokwa a go golola diphasele tseno tsa lefatshe ke go fetola selebego sa temothuo ka go godisa losika le le ntšhwa la balemi. +",0.8817384 +"leasing land under such favourable conditions must spur them to think big; to not just grow their own businesses but to advance shared wealth and prosperity in the communities in which they farm. +","go hirisa lefatshe ka fa tlase ga maemo a a siameng jaana go tshwanetse go ba thusa go nagana; eseng fela go godisa dikgwebo tsa bona fela go tsweledisa khumo e e arole lwanang le katlego go baagi bao ba lemang gona. +",0.86080647 +"they must heal the deep divisions of our past. +","ba tshwanetse go fodisa dikarogano tse di tseneletseng tsa rona tsa nako e e fetileng. +",0.80631566 +"they must dispel the stereotype that only white farmers are commercially successful in south africa, and that black farmers are perpetually ‘emerging.’in working this land; in turning it to productive use, they will indeed turn swords into ploughshares. +","ba tshwanetse go ntsha tumelo e e rileng ya gore ke balemi ba batho basweu fela bao ba atlegileng mo kgwebong mo aforika borwa, le gore balemi ba bathobantsho ka nako tso tlhe ‘ke ba ba tlhagelelang’. +",0.8295913 +they will become the faces of national reconciliation.,"go fetola lephata la temothuo vukuzenzele unnamed lefapha la temo thuo, ntšhwafa tso ya mafatshe le tlhabololo ya magae (dlrd le itsisitse bosheng jaana gore maloko a setšhaba ba tla kgona go dira dikopo tsa go hira diheketara di le 700 000 tsa lefatshe la puso le le sa dirisiweng kgotsa le le lolea mo diporofenseng di le supa. +",0.8295913 +"building a society that works vukuzenzele unnamed the launch of the presidential employment stimulus last week marks a fundamental shift in our ap proach to tackling unem ployment. +","go tsosolosa ikonomi e e re tswelang mosola vukuzenzele unnamed go thankgololwa ga letsholo la madi tshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente mo bekeng e e fetileng ke sesupo se segolo mo dikgatong tsa rona tsa go samagana le botlhokatiro. +",0.8233714 +"we are undertaking a farreaching and ambitious public investment in human capital, with the state as both a creator and an enabler of jobs. +","re samagana le dipeeletso tse dikgolo tse di mosola tota tsa setšhaba tsa go beeletsa matlole mo bathong, mo puso e leng yona e tsayang dikgato tsa go kgontsha gore go nne le ditiro e bile gape e le yona e e tlholang ditiro. +",0.7811003 +"the presidential employment stimulus is unprecedented in its scale and breadth, involving a public investment of r100 billion over the next three years. +","letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente ka bogolo jwa lona ga le ise le ke le diragadiwe fa e sale, moo le tsenyeletsang dipeeletso tsa puso tsa bokanaka r100 bilione mo dingwageng di le tharo tse di tlang. +",0.80059814 +"we will protect and create directlyfunded jobs and livelihood support interventions while the labour market recovers from the coronavirus pandemic. +","re tla babalela le go tlhola ditiro tse di tlamelwang ka matlole mmogo le matsholo a a tshegetsang ka fao batho ba iphedisang ka teng go kgontsha maphata a ditiro go itharabologelwa ka bo ona mo leroborobong la mogare wa corona. +",0.8336357 +"each of these is ready for implementation, and is additional to existing commitments. +","e nngwe le e nngwe ya dikgato tseno e letetse fela go tsenngwa tirisong, e bile ke tse dingwe tsa dikgatotlaleletso mo ditsholofetsong tse di leng teng ga jaana. +",0.8053116 +"while some of the interventions build on the strengths of existing programmes, the stimulus also includes new and innovative approaches. +","le fa tota a mangwe a ma tsholo a agelela mo godimo ga manaane a a leng teng ga jaana, letsholo la maditshege tso leno gape le na le dikgato tse dintšhwa tsa boitshimololedi. +",0.7966151 +"this includes a focus on what we have termed ‘social employment’. +","seno se tsenyeletsa go tsepamisa mogopolo mo go seo re se bitsang 'go tlhola ditiro mo mererong ya loago'. +",0.857213 +"we are working from the premise that there is no shortage of work to be done to address the many social problems in our society. +","re dira tiro eno re tsaya gore go santse go na le namane e tona ya tiro e e santseng e tlhoka go diriwa go ka samagana le matsapa a mantsi a loago a re tobaneng le ona mo setšhabeng sa rona. +",0.80459356 +"the aim is to support the considerable creativity, initiative and institutional capabilities that exist in the wider society to engage people in work that serves the common good. +","maitlhomo a seno ke go tshegetsa matsholo a mantsi a boitlhamedi, boitshimololedi le a bokgoni jwa ditheo jo bo leng teng mo setšhabeng ka bophara go dira gore batho ba iponele ditiro tse di tswelang batho botlhe mosola. +",0.830798 +"this work cuts across a range of themes, including food security, ending genderbased violence, informal settlement upgrading and much more. +","tiro eno e samagana le mathata a mantsi a a farologaneng, go tsenyeletsa a go nna le tlamelo e e lekaneng ya dijo, go fedisa tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng (gbv), go ntšhwafatsa mafelo a baipei mmogo le tse dingwe gape tse dintsintsi. +",0.8536865 +"this will supplement the efforts of the public sector, allowing for greater scale and social impact as well as new forms of partnership with diverse social actors. +","seno se tla tlaleletsa matsapa a lekala la puso, e leng seo se tla kgontshang kgolo e kgolo mmogo le seabe mo loagong go tsenyeetsa le dikgato tse dintšhwa tsa tirisanommogo le bannaleseabe ba ba farologaneng mo loagong. +",0.8805655 +"the stimulus includes a new national programme to employ teaching and school assistants in schools. +","letsholo la maditshegetso leno le tsenyeletsa le leano la naga le lentšhwa le ka lona go tla thapiwang barutabana le bathusi ba barutabana mo dikolong. +",0.8458423 +"schools are making these appointments right now, delivering new opportunities in every community across the length and breadth of the country. +","kwa dikolong go tsweletswe ka go thapa batho bano, go bulela ditšhono tse dinšhwa mo nageng eno ka bophara. +",0.76808214 +"public employment is not just for unskilled work. +","tirelopuso ga se fela ya batho ba ba senang bokgoni. +",0.7607368 +"there is a crosscutting focus on graduates, with opportunities for nurses, science graduates, artisans and others. +","go na gape le ditiro tse di batlang batho ba ba alogileng, mo ditirong tsa booking, tsa dialogane tsa dithuto tsa saense, tsa badiri ba ditiro tsa diatla mmogo le ditiro tse dingwe gape tse dintsi. +",0.8041668 +"the stimulus will also protect jobs in vulnerable sectors that have been hit hard by the pandemic. +","letsholo la maditshegetso leno le tla tshegetsa gape le ditiro mo makaleng a a ntseng a le mo ketsaetsegong a leroborobo leno le sa a direlang molemo le e seng. +",0.76617324 +"support will be provided to early childhood development practitioners, mainly selfemployed women. +","go tla tshegediwa badiredi ba mafelo a thuto ya bomapimpana (ecd), bogolosegolo basadi ba ba ithapileng mo mafelong ano. +",0.7840045 +"over 74,000 small farmers will also receive production input grants. +","balemirui ba ba potlana ba feta ba le 74 000 le bona ba tla neelwa madithuso a go ba thusa ka tlhagiso ya ditsweletswa tsa bona. +",0.85357654 +"as a nation, we need arts and culture to lift our spirits once more – the stimulus provides new funding to help the sector back onto its feet, including support to digital contentcreation and expansion of ecommerce platforms. +","re le naga re tlhoka gore ba ditirelo tsa botsweretshi le setso ba tsosolose mewa ya rona – mme letsholo leno la maditshegetso le tlamela ka matlole go thusa lekala leno gore le boele le ikemele ka maoto a lona a mabedi, go tsenyeletsa le go tshegetsa tlhagiso ya mananeo a dijithale mmogo le go atolosa mabe ntlele a a rekisang dilwana mo diraleng tsa inthanete. +",0.8523113 +"this will enable artists to adapt to the new market conditions that the pandemic has imposed on us all and to seize new opportunities for growth. +","seno se tla kgontsha badiragatsi gore ba itlwaetse maemo a mantšhwa mo marakeng ao a tlisitsweng ke leroborobo leno mo go rona rotlhe mmogo le go ithopela ditšhono tse dintšhwa tsa kgolo ya ikonomi. +",0.87326974 +"a critical enabler for wider job creation, made more important by the pandemic, is connectivity. +","mobuladikgoro yo o botlho kwa thata mo go tlholeng ditiro, yo leroborobo leno le dirileng gore a nne botlhokwa le go gaisa, ke kgokelelo ya inthanete. +",0.776747 +"to overcome the digital divide, the stimulus will provide affordable, highspeed broadband to lowincome households through innovative connection subsidies and the expansion of free public wifi. +","gore re fedise go tlhoka tekatekano mo go fitlheleleng didirisiwa tsa dijithale, letsholo la maditshegetso leno le tla tlamela malapa a a iponelang merokotso e mennye ka porotebente e e rekegang e e nang le lebelo le le kwa godimo ka go dirisa mekgwa ya boitshimololedi ya go duelela karolo nngwe ya dituelelo tsa dikgokagano tsa inthanete mmogo le go atolosa wifi e e sa duelelweng e e dirisiwang ke baagi mo setšhabeng. +",0.8514459 +"as our country recovers from the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic, we are in no doubt as to the size of the task before us. +","jaaka naga ya rona e itharabologelwa mo matsading a le roborobo la mogare wa corona, ga re na ketsaetsego epe fa go tla mo bogolong jwa tiro e re tobaneng le yona. +",0.8229517 +"we have to achieve an economic recovery that is swift and inclusive. +","re tshwanetse go tlhola itharabologelo ya ikonomi ya ka bonako e bile e tsenyeletsa bo tlhe. +",0.7156416 +"we have to get as many of our people as possible working again. +","re tshwanetse go tlholela batho ba borona ba bantsi ditiro. +",0.6751467 +"we also have to regain lost ground in the provision of basic services and critical infrastructure, addressing social challenges and transforming townships and rural communities too. +","re tlhoka gape le go boela sekeng fa go tla mo kabelong ya ditirelo tsa motheo mmogo le mo kabelong ya mafaratlha tlha a setšhaba a a botlhokwa, fa go tla mo go samaganeng le dikgwetlho mo loagong mmogo le mo go tlhabololeng makeišene le metse ya selegae. +",0.859609 +"public employment is an instrument that can do all of the above: creating jobs at scale in the short term while markets recover, and creating social value in the process. +","tirelopuso ke sedirisiwa se se ka dirisiwang go samagana le tsotlhe tse di fa godimo: ka go tlhola ditiro tse dintsi mo nakong e khutshwane fa mo letlhakoreng le lengwe dimaraka di itharabologelwa, mmogo le go tlhola ditlhokwa tsa loago. +",0.85581326 +"the example is often cited of the massive public works programme undertaken by the united states after the great depression in the 1930s. +","gantsi go a tle go dirisiwe seka sa go dirisa lenaane la ditiro tsa puso jaaka naga ya amerika e ne ya dira morago ga gore e itemogele phutlhamo ya muruo mo dingwageng tsa bo 1930. eno e ne e se fela kgato ya letsholo la maditshegetso, e ne gape e le kgato ya go tsholetsa go nna le seabe mo loagong ga batho botlhe. +",0.74367714 +"this was not just a stimulus, but also promoted social participation and inclusion. +","go na le dikao di le dintsinyana tsa boitshimololedi fa go tla mo manaaneng a ditiro tsa puso mo dinageng tse di tlhabologang, go tsenyeletsa naga ya india, ya ethiopia mmogo le e re leng mo go yona eno ya aforika borwa. +",0.5490496 +"there are several examples of innovative public employment programmes in the developing world, including in india, ethiopia and here in south africa. +","manaane ano a beeletsa ka tolamo mo diikonoming tsa ka fa nageng, mo di tswelang mosola pele mafelo a go nnang batho ba ba humanegileng mo go ona, a tshegetsa dikgwebopotlana tsa ka fa nageng mmogo le go tsena mo ikonoming e e bulegileng go tloga fano. +",0.6889773 +"these programmes make a direct investment in local economies, reaching poorer areas first, supporting local small enterprises and trickling up into the wider economy from there. +","a tshegetsa gape le go nna le seabe mo mererong ya loago le eo e tsenyeletsang batho botlhe, e leng seo se kgontshang baagi go fetola matshelo a bona jaaka ba tsaya ditiro tse dingwe tse dintšhwa. +",0.69204485 +"they also promote social participation and inclusion, providing communities with the means to change their lives as they undertake new forms of work. +","ka go dira jalo a nna le seabe mo go refosaneng maemo mo maemong ka bobedi a ka fa nageng le a mo setšhabeng ka kakaretso. +",0.6433666 +"in doing so, they contribute to transformation both at a local level and within broader society. +","dipeeletso tse di lolameng tsa puso tse di tshegetsang ditiro le go tlhola ditšhono tsa ikonomi tse di nang le boleng mo loagong di na le mosola o mogolo go gaisa wa go samaganana le matsapa a botlhokatiro. +",0.6203487 +"direct public investment to support employment and create economic opportunities that generate social value does more than just tackle the unemployment crisis. +","di a tsibogela, ka ntlha ya gore di dirisa metswedi ya puso go samagana le ditlho kwa tsa baagi, e ka tswa e le mabapi le go somarela tlhago, go tlhagisa dijo tse di sa tlhaeleng, go bula mafelo a mangwe gape a ecd, kgotsa e ka tswa e le mabapi le go aga ditsela tse dingwe gape tse di botoka tse di fitlhelesegang. +",0.70058787 +"it is responsive, because it uses the state’s resources to respond to local community needs, be it for greener spaces, food security, more early childhood development centres, or for better and more accessible roads. +","di tlisa kgatelopele gonne di dira gore batho ba ba humanegileng ba iponele tlhokomelo ya loago le go itirela megolo ka ntlha ya fa ba sa kgone go ka bona ditiro. +",0.7011355 +"it is progressive, because it offers social protection and income security to those who face destitution because they are unable to find work. +","ke dipeeletso tsa mo isagong gonne di tshegetsa mogopolo o mogolo wa itharabologelo ya ikonomi ka go dira gore ka ponyo ya leitlho batho ba borona ba bone ditiro tsa go tokafatsa mafaratlhatlha a rona a naga le a mebasepala. +",0.67706704 +"it is an investment in the future, in that it supports the broader economic recovery agenda by urgently getting our people to work on improving our national and municipal infrastructure. +","ka ditharabololo tse di tlisiwang ke letsholo leno la ma ditshegetso, re tlholela batho ba ba senang ditiro ditiro, fa ka fa letlhakoreng le lengwe baagi botlhe ba tla bona mosola wa go ya go ile mo go seno. +",0.6544211 +"through the interventions in the stimulus, we are creating work for those who need it, while leaving a lasting impact on entire communities. +","fela jaaka lenaane la ditiro tsa puso mo lefatsheng ka bophara, letsholo leno la maditshegetso a ditiro le tshegetsa le go thusana le seabe se se botlhokwa se makala a poraefete a nang le sona mo go tlholeng ditiro. +",0.66554314 +"like public employment programmes across the world, this employment stimulus supports and complements the critical role of the private sector in creating jobs. +","kgato eno e a kgarametsana ka ntlha ya gore fa itharabologelo ya ikonomi e ntse e gola, ditiro tsa puso le tsona di tla fokotsega. +",0.63320994 +"it is countercyclical, in that as the recovery advances, the scale of public employment will decline. +","fela maitemogelo le bokgoni jo bajalefa bano ba letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente ba tla bong ba iponetse one a tla ba thusa mo go iponeleng ditiro tsa semmuso. +",0.66633487 +"the work experience and skills acquired by beneficiaries of the presidential employment stimulus will improve their prospects of securing formal employment. +","maitemogelo a ba iponetseng ona gape a ka ba tswela mosola mo go itlhameleng dikgwebo. +",0.64041364 +"the experience gained is also a pathway to entrepreneurial activity. +","bannaleseabe ba tla tokafatsa bokgoni jwa bona gore ba kgone go itshimololela dikgwebo tsa bona, mmogo le go dirisa mogolo o o sa kgaotseng o ba tla bong ba o amogela go tswa mo ditirong tsa puso go itshimololela ditiro tse di tla ba tlisetsang letseno. +",0.6284592 +"participants will improve their skills and capabilities to start their own businesses, and can use the steady income provided by public employment to branch out into other incomegenerating activities. +","ke tsweletse go totobatsa ka tolamo gore matsapa a a tlisi tsweng ke covid19 re tshwanetse go a bona gape jaaka tšhono ya go aga sešwa sentle. +",0.6457323 +"i have consistently affirmed that the covid19 crisis is also a window of opportunity to build back better. +","mo nakong e tshwana le e, e e aparetsweng ke mathata a gana go fela, re tla bo re sa itirele molemo go dira ditsholofetso tse re itseng gore di ka se kgonagale ka go dira gore batho ba nne le tsholofelo mo go rona, mme re bo re retele lwa ke go diragatsa jaaka re solofeditse. +",0.5924116 +"at this time of great upheaval, we would be doing ourselves no favours by making unrealistic promises that raise expectations, only to come short when they are not met. +","ke ka ntlha ya seo re dirileng gore tharabololo ya tshegetso ya tiro nngwe le nngwe e tlamelwe ka matlole ka botlalo, mme go nne le leano le le tlhamaletseng la tiragatso. +",0.6137918 +"this is why each of the jobs and livelihood support interventions is fully funded, with a clear implementation plan. +","letsholo la maditshegetso a ditiro ga se maikano a a loleya a re sa itseng gore a tswa kae a lebile kae a a tla diragadiwang mo isagong, fela le ka ga ditiro tse di tlhamiwang jaanong mo re leng teng jaana mo motsing o re leng mo go ona. +",0.61282766 +"the employment stimulus is not about vague commitments for some time in the future, but about jobs being created right here and now. +","letsholo la maditshegetso leno le nnile teng go latela dikgato tse di telele tse di tseneletseng tsa go bontshana le mafapha a naga, a porofense le a dimasepala tse dikgolo gore di tlhole ka bonako manaane a ditiro a a ka tlhagisiwang kgotsa a tlhatlosiwa mo pakeng ya dikgwedi di le thataro. +",0.6705759 +"the stimulus is the result of extensive consultation with national departments, provinces and metros to rapidly design employment pro grammes that can be rolled out or expanded within six months. +","mafapha a a tshwanetseng go goga manaane ano kwa pele a ne a sekasekiwa ka tsenelelo go bona fa a na le bokgoni jwa go ka diragatsa tiro eno. +",0.64741933 +"the implementing departments and other stakeholders were rigorously assessed on their capacity to implement. +","mo lenaaneng le lengwe le le lengwe le le welang mo letsholong la maditshegetso leno, ditšhono tsa teng di tla phasaladiwa ka botlalo mme dikgato tsa go thapa batho e tla nna tse di sa tseeng letlhakore, tse di buletsweng batho botlhe e bile di sena lehunelo. +",0.64464283 +"in every one of the programmes that fall under the stimulus, opportunities will be widely advertised and recruitment will be fair, open and transparent. +","dipeelo tse re ipeetseng tsone ke tsa nnete, di a kgwanthisisega e bile di a kgonega, e bile re ithutile mo diphosong tsa mo malobeng le go tswa mo ditirong tsa boditšhabatšhaba tsa go dira tiro sentle. +",0.69637513 +"the goals we have set ourselves are realistic, measura ble and achievable, and draw lessons from past experience and international best prac tice. +","batho ba rona ba eme sejaro e bile ba ikemiseditse go dira. +",0.6043805 +"our people are ready and willing to work. +","maikemisetso ano a mantsi a tshwanetse go solwa mosola, mme bokgoni jwa rona botlhe bo tshwanetse bo re tswele mosola mo go age sešwa naga ya rona fa re itharabologelwa mo mogareng wa corona. +",0.54877794 +"this vast potential must be harnessed, and our collective skills and capabilities brought to bear in rebuilding our country in the wake of the coronavirus. +","letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente le neelana ka phimolakeledi mo malapeng a a itshoketseng mariga a matelele a a boima ka mogolo o o neng o ngotlilwe thata, mmogo le mo baaging ba ba ntseng ba sena ditiro sebaka sa dingwaga di sena palo. +",0.63967687 +"the presidential employment stimulus provides a respite for families who have endured a long hard winter with greatly reduced income, and for individuals who have spent many years without work. +","tiro ya nnete e e nang le seriti ke tshwanelo e motho mang le mang a nang nayo. +",0.43713138 +"real, decent work is the right of every human being. +","ke selo sa ntlha mo kgolong ya ikonomi le mo tsetsepelong ya loago. +",0.49332383 +"it is a precondition for economic growth and social stability. +","go tsosolosa ikonomi e e re tswelang mosola vukuzenzele unnamed go thankgololwa ga letsholo la madi tshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente mo bekeng e e fetileng ke sesupo se segolo mo dikgatong tsa rona tsa go samagana le botlhokatiro. +",0.49332383 +"recovery on the horizon for sa vukuzenzele unnamed the jacaranda trees are in full bloom across the nation’s capital, heralding the start of summer. +","itharabologelo ya ikonomi ya aforika borwa e a solofetsa vukuzenzele unnamed ditlhare tsa jakaranta di thuntse go ralala le teropokgolo ya naga eno, e leng sesupo sa gore selemo se gorogile. +",0.83676124 +"after a long and difficult winter, the beginning of a new season should fill us with optimism. +","morago ga mariga a a go gileng sebaka a a neng a le bokete, go goroga ga setlha se sentšhwa go tshwanetse go re rotloetsa. +",0.7872758 +"when the national state of disaster was declared in march, our immediate priority was to contain the spread of the virus and provide emergency relief to citizens, communities, workers and businesses. +","fa naga e ne e tsena mo mae mong a masetlapelo a naga ka kgwedi ya mopitlwe, tiro ya rona ya ntlha e ne e le go thibela go anama ga mogare le go thusa baagi, badiri le dikgwebo. +",0.86461115 +"over the course of eight months and with the support of our social partners, we rolled out a comprehensive set of measures to limit the social and economic impact of the pandemic. +","mo sebakeng sa dikgwedi di le robedi ka tshegetso ya badirisanimmogo ba rona mo mererong ya loago, re tlha gisitse dikgato tse di nang le mmoko di le dintsinyana go fokotsa bogale jwa lero borobo leno mo loagong le mo ikonoming. +",0.8392101 +"we massively expanded social protection on a scale that has never been attempted before in this country. +","re diragaditse letsholo le legolo thata la tlhokomelo ya loago le naga eno e iseng e le bone. +",0.7265389 +"we are one of the few countries in the world where the right of access to social security is enshrined in the constitution, and we can be proud that during this grave crisis we gave practical expression to this right in many ways. +","re e nngwe ya dinaga di le mmalwa mo lefatsheng mo tshwanelo ya go amo gela tlhokomelo ya loago e tsholeditsweng ke molao theo, e bile re tshwanetse go ipela gore mo nakong eno e e neng e le bokete re kgonne go diragatsa tshwanelo eno ka ditsela tse di farologaneng. +",0.8427155 +"in addition to our existing social grants, which reach more than 17 million people every month, we toppedup the old age, disability and child support grants. +","mo godimo ga megolo ya loago e re nang le yona, e e neelwang kgwedi le kgwe di go batho ba feta ba le 17 milione, re ne ra oketsa megolo ya bagodi, megolo ya batho ba ba tshelang ka bogolofadi le megolo ya tshegetso ya bana. +",0.87437254 +"we rolled out a special coronavirus disease (covid19) social relief of distress grant, which has reached some six million people to date. +","re ne ra tlhagisa mogolo wa go thusa baagi wa mogolo o o itlhophileng wa covid19 , o o setseng o thusitse batho ba le dimilione di le thataro go fitlha mo motsing ono. +",0.8220659 +"this was done within weeks of the national state of disaster being declared. +","seno se diragaditswe mora gonyana fela ga dibeke di se kae go tloga mo motsing o re itsisitseng fa re tsena mo maemong a masetlapelo a naga. +",0.7399742 +"the scale of such an undertaking cannot be understated. +","matsapa a a tserweng mo go diragatseng ntlha eno ga se a mannye. +",0.55877846 +"to bring this system online there was extensive collaboration between the south african social security agency, south african revenue service, home affairs and many others. +","gore re tsenye ti risong thulaganyo eno ya mo inthaneteng go nnile le tirisa nommogo e kgolo magareng ga setheo sa tshireletso ya loago sa aforika borwa (sassa), tirelo ya lekgetho la aforika borwa (sars), lefapha la merero ya sele gae mmogo le maphata a mangwe a mantsi. +",0.86314356 +"we set up a fully automated application and disbursement process, and integrated multiple databases, including the national population register and the unemployment insurance fund (uif) database. +","re ne ra tlhoma thulaganyo ya go araba dikopo e e ara biwang ka botlalo ke kho mphiutara mmogo le ya go duelela megolo eno, ra gokelela difalanatshedimo setso di le dintsi mo go yona, go tsenyeletsa le rejisetara ya baagi ba ka fa nageng mmo go le sefalanatshedimoso sa ba letlole la go kgaolwa kwa tirong (uif). +",0.8532389 +"we set up new application channels like whatsapp and ussd, and created systems with the commercial banks to enable banking detail verification. +","re ne ra tsenya tirisong mekgwa e mešwa ya go dira dikopo e e jaaka whatsapp le ussd, mmogo le go tlhoma dithulaganyo tsa dibanka tsa tirelo ya baagi go kgontsha gore dintlha tsa baagi tsa kwa bankeng di tlhotlhomisiwe bonolo. +",0.89114976 +"this is a remarkable achievement in a very short space of time. +","eno ke tiro e ntle e le ruri e e dirilweng ka katlego mo nakong e khutshwane thata. +",0.8283787 +"alongside the measures we took to protect and sustain livelihoods, we also supported ailing businesses. +","fela jaaka go le mo dikga tong tsa rona tsa go babalela le go tshegetsa ka fao batho ba itshedisang ka teng, re dira fela jalo le mo dikgwebong tse di kgobang ka mpa. +",0.7550496 +"we provided relief to small businesses in the form of debt relief, finance, tax payment deferrals and other instruments. +","re thusa dikgwebopotlana ka go di kgaotsetsa sekoloto, ka go di tlamela ka matlole, ka go diegisa paka ya gore di duelele lekgetho le ka go dirisa e mengwe ya mekgwa ya mothale ono. +",0.8088179 +"we implemented a covid19 loan guarantee scheme to enable businesses to meet their operational expenses during the lockdown, and are currently looking at how this scheme can reach more companies in need. +","re tsentse tirisong sekema sa tshegetso sa madikadimo sa covid19 go kgontsha dikgwebo gore di kgone go iponela madi a go tsamaisa dikgwebo mo pakeng ya fa re ne re le mo dikgatong tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng, mme jaanong re atlhaatlhaa ntlha ya gore sekema seno se ka dirisiwa jang go thusa tse dingwe tsa ditlamo tse dintsi tse di tlhokang thuso eno. +",0.8506198 +"we provided income protection to workers and relief to business owners through the temporary employer relief scheme administered by the uif. +","re neile beng ba dikgwe bo madi a a tla thusang gore badiri ba se felelwe ke mogolo ka go neelana ka sekema sa nakwana sa go thusa bathapi se se laolwang ke uif. +",0.8301269 +"these were all in direct response to an emergency and were by nature temporary. +","tseno tsotlhe di dirilwe e le maiteko a go samagana le maemo a tshoganyetso a re neng re tobane le one ao boammaruri e leng a nakwana. +",0.7452922 +"some are now coming to an end, while others have been extended as the labour market recovers. +","tse dingwe tsa dikema tseno di felelwa ke nako fa gautshwane, mme tse dingwe di okeleditswe nako jaaka maphata a badiri a itharabologelwa. +",0.8155438 +"the measures we implemented went a long way towards protecting our society from the harsh winds of covid19. +","dikgato tse re di tsereng di nnile mosola thata mo go sireletseng baagi ba rona mo matlhotlhapelong a a tlisi tsweng ke covid19 . +",0.8223796 +"the additional grants helped to prevent millions of people from falling below the food poverty line. +","madithuso a mangwe gape a tlaleletso a thusitse batho ba le dimilionemilione gore ba se gosomele mo lehumeng. +",0.8208295 +"had we not intervened to secure livelihoods and save businesses, the living conditions of our people and the circumstances of thousands of businesses would have been considerably worse. +","fa re ne re ka bo re sa tsaya dikgato mo go tshegetseng ka fao batho ba iphedisang ka teng mmogo le go thusa gore dikgwebo di se phu tlhame, maemo a batho ba rona mmogo le a diketekete tsa dikgwebo a ne a ka bo a le maswe go feta a ga jaanong. +",0.88623893 +"now we are in a transition from relief to recovery. +","jaanong re samagane le go fetola maemo go tloga mo a go thusa mme re lebile a go itharabologelwa ga ikonomi. +",0.7296802 +"the emergency measures we put in place have laid a firm foundation on which to rebuild our economy. +","dikgato tsa tshoganye tso tse re di tsereng di agile motheo o o tsetsepetseng o mo go ona re tla agang sešwa ikonomi ya rona. +",0.8559877 +"as our focus now shifts to the implementation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, our priority will be to stimulate growth and create jobs. +","jaanong jaaka maitlhomo a rona a fetoga go samagana le leano la itharabologelo le kagosešwa ya ikonomi, maitlhomo a rona e tla nna a go tlhotlheletsa kgolo ya ikonomi le go tlhola ditiro. +",0.8518244 +"there has already been progress in a number of areas. +","go setse go na le kgatelopele e e dirilweng mo dikarolong di le dintsinyana. +",0.8569802 +"we are seeing new funding commitments for infrastructure development following an infrastructure project roundtable last week. +","re bona maikano a mangwe a mantšhwa a go tlamela di kgato tsa tlhabololo ya mafa ratlhatlha ka matlole go latela dipuisano tse di tshwerweng mo bekeng e e fetileng tse di ka ga diporojeke tsa mafa ratlhatlha. +",0.8180462 +"a number of employment programmes under the presidential employment stimulus have started. +","manaane a le mantsinyana a letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesi tente a setse a simolotse. +",0.706207 +"we are pushing ahead with economic reforms in areas such as energy and telecommunications. +","re gatela pele ka mananeo a go busetsa sekeng maemo a ikonomi mo dikarolong tse di jaaka tsa motlakase le tsa mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaele tsano. +",0.85583633 +"plans are being converted to action and commitments are being reflected in jobs and opportunities. +","maano jaanong a setse a diragadiwa mme maikano a a dirilweng re a bona mo ditšhonong tsa ditiro. +",0.76577353 +"it is all the more critical at this time, more so with the festive season approaching, that we do not become the architects of our own undoing. +","go botlhokwa mo nakong e re leng mo go yona eno, bo golo jang ka re atumela paka ya melemo ya bokhutlho jwa ngwaga, gore re se itobele dintshi. +",0.7551074 +"the greatest vigilance is required from us all to keep the virus at bay. +","go tlhokega gore re itlho komele thata gore mogare ono o tshamekele kgakala le rona. +",0.7037237 +"a resurgence at any scale will not just dramatically reverse our health gains. +","go runyasešwa ga bolwetse jono ga go kitla go ama fela bogolosegolo tseo re di di rileng mo maemong a boite kanelo. +",0.7197237 +"it will choke the green shoots of economic recovery that have emerged, and take us back from spring to winter. +","go tla gatelela gape le dikgato tsa rona tsa itha rabologelo ya ikonomi tse re setseng re di simolotse, mme tsa re busetsa kwa morago kwa lowe mo letlhafuleng le mo marigeng a re fitileng mo go ona. +",0.7916826 +"to prevent a second wave of covid19 infections, we must observe the public health guidelines that remain in place. +","fa re batla go efoga ditira galo tsa go runya lekgetlo la bobedi ga ditshwaetso tsa covid19 , re tshwanetse go obamela dikaelo tsa setšhaba tsa boitekanelo tse di sa ntseng di le mo tirisong. +",0.902606 +"when we fail to wear a mask at a social gathering, when we attend crowded events, we are not only putting ourselves and others at risk. +","fa re sa apare dimaseke mo go nang le batho, fa re tsena mo go tletseng matšhwititšhwiti a batho gone, ga re baye rona le batho ba bangwe fela mo kotsing. +",0.86464775 +"we are also putting our economic recovery in jeopardy. +","re baya gape mo kotsing le dikgato tsa rona tsa go tso solosa ikonomi ya rona. +",0.76231694 +"let us all continue to play our part. +","a rotlhe re tsweleleng go tshameka karolo ya rona. +",0.8738453 +"the positive actions of wearing a mask, of maintaining social distancing and of regular hand washing helped us overcome the worst effects of the pandemic. +","dikgato tse di nang le mo sola tsa go apara dimaseke, tsa go katogana le tsa go tlhapa diatla ka gale di re thusitse go finyelela mo bogaleng jwa ditlamorago tsa leroborobo leno. +",0.8328065 +"they are still our best defence. +","le mo motsing ono di santse di le botlhokwa go ka itshireletsa ka tsona. +",0.6256584 +"let us remember the sacrifices we all had to make to contain the spread of the virus in the early days. +","a rotlhe re gakologelweng gore re ikentshitse setlhabelo go le kanakang gore re kgone go thibela go anama ga mo gare ono kwa tshimologong. +",0.8200415 +"even as most social and economic activity has resumed, we must still observe all the health measures. +","le fa bontsi jwa ditiragalo tsa loago le tsa ikonomi di buletswe go simolola go dira, re tshwanetse go tswelela go obamela dikgato tsotlhe tsa boitekanelo tse di santseng di le mo tirisong. +",0.8459558 +this is absolutely necessary if we are to rebuild our economy and put this crisis behind us.,"itharabologelo ya ikonomi ya aforika borwa e a solofetsa vukuzenzele unnamed ditlhare tsa jakaranta di thuntse go ralala le teropokgolo ya naga eno, e leng sesupo sa gore selemo se gorogile. +",0.8459558 +"sa overcoming hiv and aids vukuzenzele unnamed as we continue our efforts to manage the devastating coronavirus pandemic, we cannot ignore the other public health challenges that our country faces. +","aforika borwa e itharabologelwa mo bolwetseng jwa hiv le aids vukuzdenzele unnamed jaaka re tswelela ka matsapa a rona go samagana le leroborobo leno le le dirang tlhakantsuke la mogare wa corona , re ka se ikgatolose dikgwetlho tse dingwe tse re tobaneng le tsona mo laphateng la boitekanelo ka fa nageng ya rona. +",0.8799003 +"for more than three dec ades, our country has been engaged in an ongoing struggle against hiv and aids, which has cost many lives and caused great hardship and suffering. +","e setse e le sebaka sa dingwagasome di le tharo naga ya rona e kgaratlha ka ntlha ya mogare wa lebolelateng (hiv) le lebolelateng (aids), e leng seo se dirileng gore re latlhegelwe ke matshelo a batho ba le bantsi le go tlisa dikhuduego le tshotlego e e seng kana ka sepe. +",0.8243904 +"since the outbreak of cov id19 in the country, with the nationwide lockdown and the pressure on our health facilities, many hiv , aids and tuberculosis services have suffered. +","fa e sale covid19 e runya ka fa naegeng, mmogo le dikgato tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng naga ka bophara go tsenyeletsa le kgatelelo mo maokelong a rona, ditirelo di le dintsi tsa kalafi ya hiv , aids le tsa bolwetse jwa lehuba (tb) di gogile boima. +",0.8812245 +"this has posed a challenge for people testing and starting antiretroviral treatment. +","seno se tlhodile matsapa mo bathong gore ba se kgone go dira diteko le go simolola ka melemo ya thibelaketegelo ya kokwanatlhoko ya lebolelateng (arv). +",0.81329405 +"many people found it difficult to collect their medicines and fewer people accessed other services, such as voluntary male medical circumcision. +","batho ba le bantsi ba paletswe ke go lata melemo ya bona mme ba bangwe ba le mmalwanyana fela ba kgonne go bona ditirelo tse dingwe, tse di jaaka go ithaopa go rupisiwa sekgowa ga banna. +",0.84635735 +"at the same time, there are many lessons that have been learnt from our public health response to the coronavirus pandemic that can strengthen our fight against hiv and tb. +","le fa go le jalo, go gontsi go re go ithutileng gone mo dikgatong tseo di tserweng ke maokelo a puso mo go samaganeng le leroborobo la mogare wa corona e leng botlhale jo re ka bo dirisang go samaganang le hiv le tb. +",0.825976 +"south africa continues to have the largest number of people living with hiv in the world. +","aforika borwa e santse e na le palo e e kwa godimo ya batho ba ba tshelang ka hiv lefatshe ka bophara. +",0.88027656 +"it is encouraging, however, that over the last decade we made progress in reducing the number of new hiv infections in the population by nearly 60%. +","le fa go le jalo, go a rotloetsa gore mo ngwagasomeng yo o fetileng re nnile le kgatelopele mo go fokotseng dipalo tsa dikgetse tse dintšhwa tsa batho ba ba tshwaetsegang mo baaging ka palo e e atumetseng go 60%. +",0.8787664 +"it is also encouraging that hiv infections in adolescent girls and young women have significantly declined in the last decade. +","go a rotloetsa gape le gore ditshwaetso tsa hiv mo barwetsaneng le mo makgarebeng le teng di fokotsegile thata go ne mo ngwagasomeng yo o fetileng. +",0.8768354 +"this is a crucial group because they are much more likely to be at risk of getting hiv . +","setlhopha sa batho bano se botlhokwa thata gonne ke sone gantsi se leng mo kotsing ya go tshwarwa ke hiv . +",0.81331253 +"our treatment programme has contributed to a reduction in the number of deaths due to aids by 60%. +","lenaane la rona la go okobatsa bolwetse jono le nnile mosola thata mo go fokotseng dipalo tsa dintsho tse di tlhodiwang ke aids ka palo e e kanaka 60%. +",0.8661411 +"there has been a greater reduction in hivrelated deaths among young people. +","go nnile le phokotsego e kgolo mo bašweng ba ba tlhokafalang ka ntlha ya hiv . +",0.72958577 +"it was possible to reduce the number of deaths because we, together with our partners, have rolled out an extensive antiretroviral programme reaching millions of people living with the disease. +","go ne go tshwanetse gore re kgone go fokotsa dipalo tsa dintsho ka ntlha ya gore rona, mmogo le badirisanimmogo ba rona, re thankgolotse lenaane le legolo la diarv le le thusang dimilione tsa batho ba naga ya rona ba ba nang le bolwetse jono. +",0.86552876 +"at the beginning of the decade, our programme to prevent mother to child transmission (pmtct) of hiv had very low coverage. +","kwa tshimologong ya ngwagasome ono, lenaane la rona la go thibela bolwetse jono go fetela mo baneng ba ba iseng ba belegwe (pmtct) le ne le thusa palo e nnye ya batho. +",0.8240392 +"now we have one of the highest rates of coverage of pmtct in southern africa, which has substantially reduced rates of infection among children. +","jaanong re na le batho ba le bantsi thata ba re ba thusang ka pmtct mo karolong ya borwa jwa aforika, e leng seo se fokoditseng thata dipalo tsa bana ba ba iseng ba belegwe ba ba tshwaetsegileng. +",0.86854297 +"while we have reduced deaths and new infections, we still are far from reaching the goal we committed ourselves in 2016 of achieving a 75% reduction in hiv infections by 2020. if we succeed in doing so, we are likely to end aids as a public health threat by 2030. unfortunately, we are not there yet. +","le fa re fokoditse dipalo tsa dintsho le tsa ditshwaetsego tse dintšhwa, re santse re le kgakala le go fi tlhelela dipeelo tsa rona tseo re ipeetseng tsona ka ngwaga wa 2016 fa re ne re re re batla go fokotsa sekgala sa ditshwaetso tsa hiv ka 75% fa re tsena mo ngwageng wa 2020. fa re ka atlega mo go direng seno, go na le kgonagalo ya gore mo ngwageng wa 2030 re tla bo re fedisitse aids gore e se tlhole e nna setshosetsi mo boitekanelong jwa setšhaba. +",0.88600135 +"we have to do far more to ensure that young people are empowered to prevent infections, including through changing behaviour, accessing condoms and testing regularly. +","fela ka bomadimabe ga re ise re fi tlhe foo. +",0.18711182 +"we need to make sure that everyone who is infected has access to treatment and care. +","re tshwanetse go dira go tlala seatla go netefatsa gore bašwa ba matlafadiwa gore ba kgone go iphemela gore ba se tshwaetsege, go tsenyeletsa le ka go fetola maitsholo a bona, go neelwa mesomelwana le go dira diteko gangwe le gape. +",0.70217973 +"we need to work harder on hiv prevention among key populations, including sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs. +","re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore motho mongwe le mongwe yo a tshwaetsegileng bolwetse jwa gagwe bo a okobadiwa mme o a tlhokomelwa. +",0.6109357 +"we must end the stigma and discrimination towards these populations. +","re tshwaetse go dira ka natla mo go thibeleng hiv mo baaging bao ba leng mo kotsing e e kwa godimo mo setšhabeng, go akaretsa gape le batho ba ba gwebang ka thobalano, banna ba ba robalanang le banna ba bangwe, mmogo le mo bathong ba ba dirisang diritibatsi ka gotlhabana ka lemao le le lengwe. +",0.63116837 +"we cannot hope to end hiv if we ignore the needs, concerns and rights of any part of our population. +","re tshwanetse go fedisa mamodula mmogo le go tlhaola batho bano. +",0.55335814 +"south africa needs to increase efforts to medically circumcise young men to reduce their risk of acquiring hiv . +","ga gona gore re ka solofela go fedisa hiv fa re itlhokomolosa ditlhokwa, matshwenyego le ditshwanelo tsa baagi ba ba rileng ba naga ya rona. +",0.6099696 +"unsafe circumcision should not leave young men with lifelong health problems, and no one should die from circumcision. +","aforika borwa e tshwanetse go oketsa matsapa a yona a go rupisiwa sekgowa ga basimanyana go fokotsa dikotsi tsa gore ba ka topa hiv . +",0.6258403 +"we must make sure that young men have safe circumcision. +","go rupisiwa go go sa babalesegang ga go a tshwanela go tlogela makau ka mathata a boitekanelo a go ya go ile, e bile ga go motho yo a tshwanetseng go tlhokafala ka ntlha ya go rupisiwa. +",0.6561338 +"we are encouraged by findings of a recent study on preexposure prophylaxis (prep). +","re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore makau a tsenela thobalano e e babalesegileng. +",0.4857238 +"unlike antiretroviral treatment that is given to people who are hiv positive, prep involves the regular use of antiretroviral drugs by hiv negative people to prevention infection. +","re rotloeditswe ke dipoelo tse di sa tswang go ribololwa tsa dipatlisiso tsa melemo ya thibelotshwaetso (prep). +",0.66116357 +"the study, conducted by scientists from the hiv prevention trials network, found that longacting injections once every eight weeks was better than the daily tablet used for hiv prevention. +","jaaka yona e dira go farologana le melemo ya arv e e neelwang batho ba ba nang le hiv , prep e nwewa gangwe le gape ke batho ba ba senang hiv go ba thibela gore ba se tshwaetsege. +",0.74517345 +"these findings have the potential to significantly strengthen our response to the epidemic. +","dipatlisiso tseno, tse di dirilweng ke borasaense ba setlamo sa diteko tsa go thibela hiv , di ribotse gore go itlhaba lemao gangwe le gape gangwe mo dibekeng di le robedi go botoka go na le go tsaya melemo letsatsi le lengwe le le lengwe go thibela hiv . +",0.63117164 +"if we are to succeed in ending aids as a public health threat within the next decade, we need to combine these medical breakthroughs with fundamental changes in behaviour. +","diphitlhelelo tseno di na le bokgoni jo bogolo jwa go matlafatsa ka fao re tsibogelang leroborobo leno. +",0.6145127 +"we also need to tackle the economic and social conditions that contrib ute to high rates of infection. +","fa e le gore re batla go atlega mo go fediseng aids jaaka e le selo se se tshosetsang tirelo ya boitekanelo mo pusong mo sebakeng sa ngwagasome se se latelang, re tshwanetse go dirisa mmogo diphitlhelelo tseno tsa dipatlisiso tsa melemo le maitsholo a mašwa. +",0.6245344 +"one of our central tasks is to empower adolescent girls and young women, educationally, economically and socially. +","re tlhoka gape go samagana le seemo sa loago le sa ikonomi e leng tse dingwe tsa dilo tse di tlholang ditshwaetso tse dintsi. +",0.6378844 +"they need to be able to make their own decisions about every aspect of their lives, including their sexuality and sexual behaviour. +","e nngwe ya ditiro tsa rona tse di botlhokwa ke go matlafatsa basetsanyana le makgarebe a rona, ka thuto, ka go itirela letseno le ka go ikemela mo loagong. +",0.6313536 +"ultimately, we will achieve the end of aids through the empowerment of young people, women and other people at risk. +","ba tlhoka go itseela ditshwetso ka bobona ka ga ntlha nngwe le nngwe mo matshelong a bona, go tsenyeletsa le go itlhophela gore ba ratana jang le go itlhophela gore ba diragatsa thobalano ya mofuta o o ntseng jang. +",0.615333 +"this includes empowerment through access to information, advice and support. +","kwa bokhutlong re tla kgona go fedisa aids fa fela re matlafatsa bašwa, basadi le batho ba ba leng mo kotsing ya go ka tshwaetsega. +",0.6597612 +"it includes access to education and economic opportunities, especially for young women. +","matlafatso eno e raya gore ba se timiwe tshedimosetso, ba tlhabiwe botlhale le go tshegediwa. +",0.6459899 +"empowerment also means that every person must have access to testing, treatment and other health services. +","go raya gore ba tshwanetse go isiwa sekolong le go bulelwa ditšhono tsa go itirela letseno, bogolojang makgarebe a rona. +",0.6588374 +"the people of south africa have come so far, endured so much and made such great progress in the fight against hiv , aids and tuberculosis. +","go matlafadiwa gape go tlhalosa gore motho mongwe le mongwe o tshwanetse go diriwa diteko, a okobaletswe bolwetse jwa gagwe mme a neelwe le ditirelo tse dingwe gape tsa boitekanelo. +",0.652583 +let us intensify both our resolve and our actions to confront and overcome aids once and for all.,"aforika borwa e itharabologelwa mo bolwetseng jwa hiv le aids vukuzdenzele unnamed jaaka re tswelela ka matsapa a rona go samagana le leroborobo leno le le dirang tlhakantsuke la mogare wa corona , re ka se ikgatolose dikgwetlho tse dingwe tse re tobaneng le tsona mo laphateng la boitekanelo ka fa nageng ya rona. +",0.652583 +"a better 2021 for all south africans the first weeks of the year have been difficult for all south africans. +","ngwaga wa 2021 o o botoka go maaforika borwa otlhe dibeke tsa ntlha tsa monongwaga di nnile bokete thata go maaforika borwa otlhe. +",0.8790986 +"vukuzenzele unnamed the coronavirus pandemic has gotten worse, with new infections increasing far faster and far higher than before. +","vukuzenzele unnamed leroborobo la mogare wa corona le etegetse, ka ditshwaetsego tse dintšhwa tse di oketsegang ka bonako le seelo se se fetang sa pele. +",0.86501944 +"hospitals have been under great strain as more people have needed medical attention. +","maaokelo a nnile ka fa tlase ga kgatelelo e kgolo ka ntlha ya fa batho ba bantsi ba ne ba tlhoka tlhokomelo ya kalafi. +",0.81129503 +"while most economic sectors have been able to operate again for several months, it will take some time for the economy to recover and for lost jobs to be restored. +","le fa tota bontsi ba makala a ikonomi bo ne ba kgona go dira gape dikgwedi di le mmalwa, go tla tsaya nako gore ikonomi e boele mannong le gore ditiro tse di latlhegetseng batho di busediwe mannong. +",0.9120051 +"as the new year starts, many families are still feeling the effects of the pandemic on their lives and livelihoods. +","jaaka ngwaga o mošwa o simolola, malapa a mantsi a santse a itemogela ditlamorago tsa leroborobo le mo matshelong a bona le mo ditseleng tseo ba iphedisang ka tsona. +",0.8884301 +"the world is now entering the second year of the coronavirus pandemic. +","ga jaana lefatshe le tsena mo ngwageng wa bobedi wa leroborobo la mogare wa corona. +",0.87834525 +"for south africa, as for most countries around the world, the year 2021 will be extremely challenging. +","mo aforika borwa, fela jaaka dinaga di le dintsi go ralala lefatshe, 2021 e tla nna ngwaga o o bokete tota. +",0.8491132 +"the second wave of covid19 infections may well be followed by further waves, which will threaten both the health of our people and the recovery of our economy. +","lekhubu la bobedi la ditshwaetso tsa covid19 le ka latelwa ke makhubu a mangwe gape, a a tla nnang matshosetsi mo boitekanelong jwa batho ba rona gammogo le mo tsosolosong ya ikonomi. +",0.91691893 +"difficult as this year will be, i am certain that we will overcome the pandemic and set our country firmly on the path to recovery. +","le fa tota ngwaga o o tla nna bokete, ke na le bonnete jwa gore re tla fenya leroborobo le, le go tlhoma naga ya rona mo tseleng ya tsosoloso. +",0.85572404 +"my confidence comes from the south african people. +","ke na le tshepo e e tletseng mo bathong ba aforika borwa. +",0.75548506 +"if i look at how south africans responded to this crisis from the moment the virus arrived on our shores, i have no doubt that we have the resilience, discipline and ability to defeat this disease. +","fa ke leba ka moo maaforika borwa a tsibogetseng bothata jo, go simolola ka nako ya fa mogare o o goroga mo nageng ya rona, ga ke na pelaelo ya gore re na le tlhotlheletsego, tlhomamo le bokgoni jwa go fenya bolwetse jo. +",0.885599 +"certainly there were exceptions, but the vast majority of south africans understood the need for restrictions on their movement and activities, and complied with the regulations that we had to put in place. +","ke nnete gore go nnile le matlhaodi, fela bontsi jwa maaforika borwa bo ne bo tlhaloganya tlhokego ya dikiletso mo motsamaong le mo ditirong tsa bona, mme ba ikobela melawana e re neng ra tshwanelwa ke go e tlhoma. +",0.90763 +"even more important than compliance, most south africans took responsibility for themselves and for others, following advice on issues like social distancing, wearing a mask and hand washing. +","tota se se nnileng botlhokwa go feta go ikobela melawana ka gore, maaforika borwa a ne a rwala maikarabelo ka bobona le boemong jwa ba bangwe, morago ga maele a a jaaka gore ba se atamelane, ba apare dimmaseke le go tlhapa diatla. +",0.8716876 +"and where we fell short, we have, sadly, seen the consequences. +","kwa re tlhaetseng teng, ka bomadimabe, re ne ra bona ditlamorago. +",0.8126448 +"we now know about the risks of closed spaces and crowded gatherings, of not wearing masks and not keeping our distance from others. +","ga jaana re itse ka ga dikotsi tsa mafelo a a sa tsenelweng ke mowa le dikokoano mo batho e leng ba bantsi mo go tsona, dikotsi tsa go se apare mmaseke le go se katologane ka tolamo le ba bangwe. +",0.83501244 +"this bodes well for the year ahead. +","se ke sesupo se se siameng sa ngwaga o re leng mo go ona. +",0.68772805 +"we now know much more about the disease and how to prevent its spread. +","ga jaana re itse go le gontsi ka ga bolwetse jo le gore re ka thibela jang kanamo ya bona. +",0.89230263 +"and despite what one could call ‘pandemic fatigue’, we are no less determined as south africans to do what needs to be done. +","mme le fa tota go na le se se ka bidiwang 'letsapa la leroborobo', seno ga se kae gore re le maaforika borwa ga re na maikemisetso a go dira tse di tshwanetseng go dirwa. +",0.84229815 +"as we adhere even more rigorously to the basic prevention measures, we will also be rolling out a mass vaccination campaign. +","jaaka re ikobela mekgwathibelo ya motheo go gaisa pele, re tla bo re thankgolola letsholo le legolo la meento. +",0.8229445 +"as more and more people are vaccinated, we will both save lives and progressively reduce the risk of infection across the population. +","fa batho ba bantsi ba ka entiwa, re tla kgona go boloka matshelo le go tswelela go fokotsa seelo sa tshwaetso go ralala naga. +",0.84136546 +"getting enough vaccines as quickly as possible – and making sure that they reach the people who need them – will be one of the biggest tasks of the year. +","go bona meento e e lekaneng ka bonako le go netefatsa gore e fitlhelela batho ba ba e tlhokang e tla nna nngwe ya ditirokgolo tsa monongwaga. +",0.8292736 +"this will be particularly challenging as every country in the world is clamouring to secure a limited supply of vaccines. +","se e tla nna kgwetlho gonne naga nngwe le nngwe mo lefatsheng e lwela go fitlhelela palo e e rileng ya meento. +",0.8398527 +"but we are hard at work with partners in business, labour and civil society to make this happen. +","fela re semeletse mmogo le balekane ba rona ba kgwebo, mekgatlo ya badiri le baagi go netefatsa gore se se a diragala. +",0.8462977 +"we are working on several fronts to get vaccines, including through the global covax facility, the african union initiative and through our own engagements with vaccine manufacturers. +","re dira mo maphateng a a farologang go bona meento e, go akaretsa setheo sa boditšhaba sa covax, letsholo la dinagatshwaraganelo tsa aforika gammogo le ditherisano tsa rona le batlhagisi ba meento e. jaaka re dira mmogo go fenya leroborobo le, re tla tlhoka go dira mmogo go aga sešwa ikonomi ya rona le go e tlhabolola. +",0.81996775 +"as we act together to overcome the pandemic, we will need to work together to rebuild and transform our economy. +","re na le bokgoni le maikemisetso a go tsosolosa tsamaiso ya ikonomi, go godisa ikonomi ya rona le go tlhola ditiro. +",0.6936049 +"we have both the ability and the will to stimulate economic activity, grow our economy and create jobs. +","re ikemiseditse go dira se re ntse re le mo teng ga leroborobo. +",0.49576992 +"and to do so in the midst of a pandemic. +","matlole a bosetšhaba a ka fa tlase ga kgatelelo e kgolo, segolo ga jaana ka ntlha ya tsibogo ya rona ya boitekanelo kgatlhanong le covid19 gammogo le ditsereganyo tsa kimololo ya loago le ikonomi tse re di dirileng go thusa dikgwebo le malapa a a humanegileng. +",0.4670771 +"public finances are under extreme strain, now even more so because of the cost of our health response to covid19 and the social and economic relief measures we put in place to assist businesses and poor households. +","kwelotlase ya ikonomi e kaya gore le lotseno lwa lekgetho le lona lo ile tlase thata. +",0.5143281 +"the contraction of the economy also meant that tax revenue has declined significantly. +","go dikarolo dingwe tsa ikonomi tse di tla tsayang sebaka go boela mannong ka ntlha ya kwelotlase ya tlhokego ya ditlhagisiwa tsa bona go ralala lefatshe ka kakaretso, gammogo le ka ntlha ya dikiletso mo maetong a boditšhaba. +",0.61681515 +"there are some parts of the economy that will take longer to recover due to lower global demand generally and restrictions on international travel. +","ke ka moo re tlhokang go nna manontlhotlho le go tsepama mo maanong a rona a go bopa ikonomi ya rona sešwa. +",0.5721577 +"that is why we need to be innovative and focused in our plans to rebuild the economy. +","sa botlhokwa, leano la poposešwa le tsosoloso ya ikonomi le le neng la itsisiwe mo kgweding ya diphalane ngogola le ikaegile ka tumalano e e anameng magareng ga balekane ba loago ka ga dikgato tse di tlhokang go tsewa go tsosolosa ikonomi. +",0.6577489 +"significantly, the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we announced in october last year is based on broad consensus among all social part ners on the actions needed to rebuild the economy. +","se se tlhoma motheo o o tsepameng wa tirisanommogo e e nang le maungo, e e ikaegileng ka metswedithuso, bokgoni le maatla a maphata otlhe a setšhaba. +",0.6445388 +"this lays a firm basis for effective cooperation that draws on the resources, capabilities and energies of all sections of society. +","re bona se ka ditsela tse di farologaneng tse di diregang. +",0.36094522 +"we are seeing this in various practical ways. +","sekao, re ntse re dirisana mmogo le batlamedi ba matlole ba makala a poraefete le ditheo tsa tlhabololo ya maphatamantsi go baakanyetsa diporojeke tsa mafaratlhatlha mo makaleng a a jaaka dipalangwa, mafelobonno a batho, metsi le mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano. +",0.41325122 +"for example, we have been working closely with private funders and multilateral development institutions to prepare infrastructure projects in areas like transport, human settlements, water and telecommunications. +","go dirisa letlole la mafaratlhatlha jaaka sengwe sa dikgontshi, re tlhola ditsela tsa kabomatlotlo ya diporojeke tse di nang le metswedi e e farologaneng mo lekaleng la puso le la poraefete. +",0.6882425 +"using the infrastructure fund as one of the vehicles, we are developing funding models for these projects that draw on several sources in both the public and private sectors. +","se, se botlhokwa thata segolo jaaka matlole a puso a tlhaela. +",0.4664632 +"this is particularly important at a time when public finances are limited. +","lenaneo la ga moporesitente la tsosoloso ya ditiro ke sekao se sengwe sa semphato se se dirang. +",0.4851916 +"the presidential employment stimulus is another example of partnership in action. +","ka go tlhaloganya gore go tla tsaya nako gore kgolo ya ikonomi e bake diphatlhatiro mo lekaleng la poraefete, re thankgolotse tsosoloso ya ditiro go simolola go tlhola ditšhono tsa ditiro ga jaana. +",0.6493294 +"understanding that it will take time for economic growth to translate into private sector employment, we have launched the employment stimulus to start creat ing work opportunities now. +","lenaneo le, le eteletswe pele ke kantoro ya moporesitente, fela le tsenngwa tirisong ke mafapha a a farologaneng a puso le makala a a farologaneng. +",0.5685955 +"this programme is being coordinated from the presiden cy, but is being implemented by a range of government departments and different spheres. +","ka lenaneo le, dikete tsa batlhokatiro di kgona go nna le lotseno le go ithuta jaaka ba rebola ditirelo tse di botlhokwa tsa loago. +",0.6375445 +"through this programme, tens of thousands of unemployed people are able to both earn and learn as they provide valuable social services. +","mo tsamaong ya nako, lenaneo le, le tla akaretsa karolo ya 'ditiro tsa loago', mo re tla dirisanang le ba lekala la loago go thapa batho mo ditirong tse di farologaneng go akaretsa le mo maphateng a tlhagiso ya dijo tse di sa tlhaeleng, mo maphateng a a samaganang le tirisodikgoka mo bathong ba bong jo bo rileng, le mo maphateng a a tlhabololang mafelobonno a a sa tlhomamang e leng se se nang le seabe se se molemo go botlhe. +",0.6543395 +"in time, this programme will include a ‘social employment’ part, where we will partner with other social actors to employ people in a variety of activities – from improving food security, to tackling genderbased violence to upgrading informal settlements – that all contribute to the common good. +","tiro yotlhe e, e kgontshiwa ke tsepamo e e tseneletseng mo diphetogong tsa ikonomi tse di tla nnang le tsepamo e kgolo mo kgolong. +",0.6023378 +"all this work is being reinforced by an aggressive focus on those economic reforms that will have the greatest focus on growth. +","tsona di akaretsa go okediwa ga mothamo wa go fetlhiwa ga motlakase, go dira gore magorogelo a naga ya rona a nonofe le go nna a maemo a a gaisang, go tokafatsa phitlhelelo ya mafaratlhatlha a tlhaeletsano a a tlhwatlhwatlase, le go tokafatsa nako ya thebolo ya dilaesense tsa metsi, meepo le tse dingwe. +",0.6424001 +"these include the expansion of electricity generation capacity, making our ports more efficient and competitive, improving access to affordable broadband, and improving turnaround times for water, mining and other licenses. +","maiteko a, a laolwa le go bewa leitlho ke kantoro ya me mmogo le lefapha la matlotlo a bosetšhaba. +",0.5769562 +"these efforts are being coordinated and monitored jointly by my office and national treasury. +","go na le tse dintsi tse di ka dirwang mo ngwageng o. le fa go le jalo, ga re a tshwanela go lebala gore re tlile go samagana le dikgwetlho tse dintsi tse di masisi. +",0.42597336 +"there is much to be done in the year ahead. +","fela re setse re supile gore jaaka naga, re kgona go atlega fa re dira mmogo go fitlhelela maitlhomo a a tshwanang. +",0.4777204 +"and we should be in no doubt that we will have to confront many daunting challenges. +","fa re ka gakologelwa seno, mme ra semelela mmogo, re tla netefatsa gore 2021 e tlisa boitekanelo le matshelo a a botoka go batho ba rona botlhe. +",0.54784906 +"but we have shown that, as a nation, we are able to succeed when we work together in pursuit of a common purpose. +","ngwaga wa 2021 o o botoka go maaforika borwa otlhe dibeke tsa ntlha tsa monongwaga di nnile bokete thata go maaforika borwa otlhe. +",0.54784906 +"an honour to lead the african union vukuzenzele unnamed south africa’s term as chair of the african union has come to an end. +","e nnile tlotla e kgolo go bo re neetswe tšhono ya go etelela pele mokgatlhotshwaraganelo wa aforika (au) vukuzenzele unnamed paka ya naga ya afo rika borwa go nna monnasetulo wa au e fitlhile kwa bofelong. +",0.8456868 +"as we reflect on our year in this position, i am reminded of the old saying that ‘in crisis lies opportunity’. +","jaaka re ikgopotsa tseo re di dirileng mo ngwageng ono fa re ne re le mo maemong ao, ke gopola puo e e reng 'mo mathateng o ka iponela tšhono'. +",0.8282853 +"ours was a baptism of fire, having assumed the chairship in the same month the first case of coronavirus was reported on the continent. +","naga ya rona e kolobeditswe ka molelo jaaka e tsere setulo mo kgweding eo ka yona mogare wa corona o simolotseng go begiwa ka yona mo kontinenteng eno. +",0.8498613 +"the priorities we outlined for our term, among them furthering peace and security, the economic empowerment of women and deepening economic integration, had to be immediately and dramatically reoriented to deal with the pandemic. +","ditiro tseo re neng re ipeetse tsona gore re tshwanetse go di dira mo pakeng ya rona ya go nna mo setulong, gareng ga tse dingwe tse dintsi, e ne e le go atolosa kagiso le pabalesego, go matlafatsa basadi mo mererong ya ikonomi le go tsenyeletsa kgolaganyo ya ikonomi, ka ponyo ya leitlho ka ntlha ya go samagana le leroborobo di ne tsa tshwanelwa ke go emisiwa. +",0.8418776 +"our most pressing task was to steer the focus of the african union to addressing the worst global emergency in over a century. +","tiro e kgolo e e neng e re farafere e ne e le go tsepamisa mogopolo wa au mo go samaganeng le kotsi e kgolo eo re nang le sebaka sa ngwagakete re sa e bone. +",0.761971 +"covid19 has affected all the countries on the continent. +","covid19 e amile dinaga di le dintsi mo kontinenteng ya rona. +",0.8378235 +"to date there are more than 3.5 million confirmed cases in africa, and more than 88,000 people have died. +","go fitlha mo nakong e re leng mo go yona e go setse go fitlhetswe batho ba le dimilione di le tharo le halofo mo aforika ba ba nang le bolwetse jono mme ba bangwe ba ba fetang ba le 88 000 ba tlhokafetse ka ntlha ya bone. +",0.8819796 +"it has been a health, humanitarian, social and economic crisis for african countries, most of whom are inadequately resourced to manage a health emergency of this size. +","seno e nnile tlhobaboroko e e seng kana ka sepe mo dinageng tsa aforika tseo bontsi jwa tsone bo senang metswedi e e lekaneng go samagana le bogolo jo bo kana jwa mathata mo maphateng a boitekanelo, a go phuta batho, a loago le a ikonomi. +",0.7713057 +"and yet, as unprecedented as the nature of the pandemic has been, so too has been the manner in which african countries have come together to fight it. +","le fa tota leroborobo leno le sa tlwaelega, go nnile fela jalo le ka ditsela tse dinaga tsa aforika di di dirisitseng mo go lwantsheng mmogo bolwetse jono. +",0.82103413 +"in doing so we have drawn principally on the continent’s own expertise, capabilities and institutions such as the africa centres for disease control and prevention (africa cdc). +","re dirile jalo re itshepile bodiba jwa botlhogoputswa jwa kontinente, bokgoni jo re nang le bona le ditheo tse di jaaka ditikwatikwe tsa kontinente ya aforika tse di mabapi le go thibelaketegelo ya malwetse (africa cdc). +",0.8877451 +"africa did not sit by passively as the true extent and danger of the pandemic unfurled. +","aforika ga e a ke ya phuta diatla ya lebelela fela fa leroborobo leno le le kotsi le tsweletse go iponagatsa le go gola mo setšhabeng. +",0.7606738 +"from the earliest days of the pandemic and led by the au, we swiftly developed a continental response strategy, driven by the africa cdc and regional task forces. +","go simolola kwa tshimologong ya leroborobo leno mme re eteletswe pele ke au, ka ponyo ya leitlho re ne ra loga leano la kontinente la go samagana le bolwetse jono, mme le ne la etelelwa pele ke ditlhophatiro tsa dikgaolo tsa kontinente mmogo le africa cdc. +",0.8640877 +"we realised that every country on the continent would be severely affected by the pandemic. +","re a itse gore leroborobo leno le tla ama dinaga tsotlhe mo kontinenteng ya rona ka tsela e e sa itumediseng. +",0.74572 +"most would not have the resources needed to meet the public health challenge or to protect their economies. +","bontsi jwa tsona ga bona metswedi yotlhe e e tlhokagalang go ka samagana le dikgwetlho tsa maokelo a setšhaba le go ka babalela diikonomi tsa tsona. +",0.7985086 +"we therefore agreed as african countries to appoint several prominent africans as special envoys, who would engage with international funders and multilateral institutions to make the case for financial support and debt relief on africa’s behalf. +","re le dinaga tsa aforika re ne ra utlwana gore re thape maaforika a le mantsinyana a borona go nna baromiwa ba ba botlhokwa,gore ba ye go buisana le batlamedi ba boditšhabatšhaba ba matlole mmogo le ditheo tsa dinaga di le dintsinyana go itlhagisa mo go bona go ba tlhagisetsa mabaka gore ba re thuse ka matlole le go fokotsa sekoloto sa aforika. +",0.8497014 +"in this way, working as a one continent, we were able to achieve debt relief for many countries and financial assistance towards our covid response and economic recovery. +","ka go dira jalo, go dira re tshwaragane jaaka kontinente e le nngwe, re ne ra kgona go dira gore dinaga di le dintsi di imololwe bokete jwa dikoloto le go thusiwa ka matlole a go samagana le covid19 le a go tsosolosa ikonomi. +",0.85960585 +"but much as african countries went to the international community for support, we first helped ourselves – establishing and capitalising a continental covid19 response fund. +","le fa tota dinaga tsa aforika di tswetse kwa dinageng tsa boditšhabatšhaba go batla thuso, re simolotse pele ka go ithusa fa gae ka go tlhoma le go sola mosola letloletlamelo la go samagana le covid19. +",0.8301037 +"for every partnership forged with betterresourced nations and the international donor community, we set up our own innovative and groundbreaking african medical supplies platform to enable all african countries to quickly secure personal protective equipment and other medical supplies in an equitable, affordable manner. +","botsalano bongwe le bongwe jo re nang le jona le dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba tse di nang le metswedi e mentsi mmogo le batlamedi ba matlole ba boditšhabatšhaba, re bo sotse mosola ka gore ba dirisane mmogo le rona mo go tlhomeng ditsela tsa boitshimololedi jwa go tlhoma serala sa tlamelo ya melemo ya aforika go kgontsha gore dinaga tsotlhe tsa aforika di kgone go iponela ka bonako diaparo tsa itshireletso mmogo le melemo e mengwe ka selekano le ka ditlhwatlhwa tse di rekegang. +",0.85327613 +"and now that the covid19 vaccine is available, we have worked as a collective to ensure that the continent gets its fair share, working with the covax facility and led by our own african vaccine acquisition task team. +","mme jaanong jaaka go setse go na le moento wa covid19, re dirile mmogo re le seoposengwe go netefatsa gore kontinente eno le yona e neelwa moento ono, ka go tsaya karolo mo letsholong la covax mmogo le go etelelwa pele ke setlhophatiro sa go reka moento wa aforika. +",0.88732827 +"vaccine rollout has already commenced on the continent and we aspire to have the majority of the continent’s population vaccinated by the end of 2021 to achieve herd immunity. +","letsholo la moento le setse le ragotswe mo kontinenteng mme e bile re batla gore fa 2021 a garela re bo re entile baagi ba le bantsi mo kontinenteng. +",0.8401736 +"we have acted as one to protect health, people and livelihoods on the continent. +","re dirisane re le seoposengwe mo go babaleleng boitekanelo le mo go babaleleng ka fao batho ba iphedisang ka teng mo kontinenteng. +",0.7969421 +"in doing so, we have demonstrated our capacity for selfreliance and our ability to be the drivers of our own development. +","mo go direng seno, re bontshitse bokgoni jwa rona mo go ikanyegeng mmogo le mo bokgoning jwa rona jwa go itsosa rona ka borona. +",0.8456373 +"despite the dominance of covid19, we have still managed to make advances in several of our key priorities. +","le fa tota covid19 e re farafere, re kgonne go nna le kgatelopele e kgolo mo dikarolong di le dintsi tsa dintlha tsa rona tse di botlhokwa. +",0.8411027 +"during our term, the africa continental free trade area (afcfta) was finally launched, heralding a new era of intraafrican trade and economic integration. +","mo pakeng ya fa re ne re santse re le mo setilong sa au, re kgonne go thankgolola letsholo le le sutisang dikgoreletsi mo kgwebisanong ya dinaga tsa aforika (afcfta), e leng seo se tla simololang dikgato tse dintšhwa tsa go kopana ga aforika le go gwebisana ga dinaga tsa bana ba mpa. +",0.8177091 +"even under the difficult conditions posed by the pandemic, the continent has pushed ahead with towards the goal of ‘silencing the guns’ on the continent. +","le fa kontinente e le ka fa tlase ga kgatelelo e e seng kana ka sepe ya leroborobo leno, re kgonne go diragatsa letsholo la 'go fedisa tiriso ya ditlhobolo' mo kontinenteng. +",0.808445 +"the au has been actively involved in negotiations around the grand ethiopian renaissance dam, in achieving a ceasefire in libya and promoting peace in south sudan. +","au e ntse e semeletse ka dipuisano mabapi le ntlha ya grand ethiopian renaissance dam, mabapi le go fedisa ntwa kwa libya le go rotloetsa gore go rene kagiso kwa republic of south sudan. +",0.87576985 +"another focus of our term has been on the economic empowerment of women, which we will continue to champion even beyond our term and throughout the decade of african women’s financial and economic inclusion to 2030. as we hand over the baton to the democratic republic of congo (drc) we leave this preeminent continental body in a position of greater strength. +","ntlha e nngwe e re samaganeng le yona ke matlafatso ya basadi mo mererong ya ikonomi, e leng eo re tla tswelelang go e nesetsa pula le fa re sa tlhole re le mo setilong go ralala le letsholo la ngwagasome la go tsenyeletsa basadi ba maaforika mo mererong ya ikonomi go fitlha mo ngwageng wa 2030. jaaka re sutela democratic republic of congo (drc) go tsorama maemo a re neng re a tsorame, re tlogela setheo seno se se tlotlegang se le mo maemong a a tsetsepetseng go gaisa. +",0.8750672 +"south africa will continue to play its part to foster integration on the continent, and support the incoming chair and the organisation in its efforts to meet the aspirations of the au’s agenda 2063. when the organisation for african unity was founded in 1963, member states planted the seeds of cooperation and solidarity in pursuit of a better life for all the peoples of africa. +","aforika borwa e tla tswelela go tshameka karolo ya yona go atolosa tshwaragano mo kontinenteng, le go tshegetsa monnasetulo yo a tsenang mo maemong ano mmogo le go tshegetsa mokgatlho ono mo matsapeng a ona a go diragatsa diphisegelo tsa leano la au la 2063. fa mokgatlho o o tshwaraganeng wa aforika (oau) o simololwa ka ngwaga wa 1963, dinagaleloko di ne tsa jala peo ya tirisanommogo le kutlwano ka maitlhomo a go dira gore botshelo jwa batho botlhe mo aforika bo nne botoka. +",0.8879855 +"they affirmed that african unity was paramount if the welfare and wellbeing of africa’s people was to be assured. +","ba totobaditse gore tshwaragano ya batho ba aforika e botlhokwa thata fa e le gore re batla gore batho ba aforika ba tshele sentle ntle le go etsaetsega. +",0.7981076 +"history bears witness that these seeds have not always fallen on fertile ground, and over the years the continental unity project has experienced many hurdles and false starts. +","hisetori e ka paka tota gore dipeo tseno di ntse di sa thuthuge ka fao go neng go lebeletswe, e bile mo tsamaong ya nako tshwaragano ya dinaga tsa kontinente e tsamaile e kgopiwa le go fosa dikgato. +",0.80685246 +"but the grave threat posed by this pandemic has galvanised african countries to collective action. +","fela matshosetsi a a tlhodilweng ke leroborobo leno a dirile gore dinaga tsa aforika di tseye dikgato di tshwaragane tsi. +",0.8349117 +"in the hothouse of the covid19 crisis, the seeds of unity and cooperation planted by our pioneering forebears have come to life and flourished. +","fa re ne re tobane le matsapa a covid19 peo e e sa bolong go latlhelwa ke bagolo ba rona ya go tshwaragana le go dirisana mmogo re e bone e simolola go thunya le go ntsha maungo. +",0.8182919 +"this time of great trial and difficulty has been among the au’s finest hours. +","motsotso ono wa diteko le maima ke o mongwe wa metsotso e mentle eo au e itemogetseng yona. +",0.7643859 +"we are honoured to have been given the opportunity to lead the organisation through this period, when it practically demonstrated the true meaning of the words african union. +","re motlotlo go bo re neilwe tšhono ya go etelela kwa pele mokgatlho ono mo nakong eno, e e bontshitseng botlhokwa jwa mafoko tshwaraganelo ya aforika. +",0.84567225 +this is an accomplishment for which all the citizens of our continent africa should feel proud and from which they should draw encouragement.,"e nnile tlotla e kgolo go bo re neetswe tšhono ya go etelela pele mokgatlhotshwaraganelo wa aforika (au) vukuzenzele unnamed paka ya naga ya afo rika borwa go nna monnasetulo wa au e fitlhile kwa bofelong. +",0.84567225 +" steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country. +","dikgato tsa go tsosolosa ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo re tla bo re dira ngwaga e sale go begiwa ga kgetse ya ntlha ya mogare wa corona mo nageng ya rona. +",0.86094666 +"the pandemic has come at a great cost to both public health and the livelihoods of millions of our people. +","leroborobo le bakile ditshenyegelo tse dintsi mo maokelong a naga le mo matshelong a dimilione tsa batho ba rona. +",0.8345576 +"many workers lost part of their income as their work hours were reduced with many being retrenched. +","bontsi jwa badiri ba latlhegetswe ke karolo ya lotseno la bona jaaka diura tsa tiro tsa bona di ne tsa fokodiwa le ba le bantsi ba lebogisitswe tiro. +",0.89288783 +"several businesses have incurred heavy losses from scaledback operations. +","dikgwebo di le mmalwa di itemogetse ditatlhegelo tse dintsi ka ntlha ya go fokotswa ga ditiro tsa tsona. +",0.7960322 +"others have had to close. +","tse dingwe tsona di ne tsa gapeletsega go tswalwa. +",0.6721639 +"people working in the informal sector have also suffered. +","batho ba ba rekisang mo mebileng le bona ba amegile thata. +",0.61076504 +"most difficult of all, the pandemic has claimed the lives of breadwinners in many families, leaving them destitute and fearful for the future. +","se se boima go gaisa ke gore leroborobo leno le fetile ka matshelo a bao mo malapeng a le mantsi e neng e le bona batlamedi, ba a tlogela a humanegile le go sa itse se isago e ba tsholetseng sona. +",0.84030056 +"this is why the extensive relief measures we put in place were both necessary and urgent. +","ke sona seo dikgato tse di anameng tsa namolo tseo di neng tsa diragadiwa di ne di le botlhokwa ebile di le makgabeadipapetla. +",0.7846801 +"and, now that nearly a year has passed, we can say that these measures have proved effective. +","mme, jaanong ka gore go setse go fetile bokana ka ngwaga, re ka re dikgato tseno di itshupile di le molemo. +",0.8104032 +"of the full package of relief measures that we introduced, perhaps the two measures that had the greatest impact were the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and the unemployment insurance fund's (uif) covid19 temporary employer/employee relief scheme, generally known as covid ters. +","mo dikgatong tsa namolo tse di tsenyeletsang tsotlhe tseo di neng tsa itsisiwe, gongwe dikgato di le pedi tseo di nnileng le seabe se segolo e ne e le thuso ya loago e e kgethegileng ya covid19 mmogo le ya sekema sa uif sa go thusa mothapi/modiri sa covid19, seo se itsegeng thata ka covid ters. +",0.87243927 +"we would not have been able to roll out these measures in such a short space of time if we had not had an extensive social security infrastructure already in place. +","re ne re ka se kgone go thankgolola dikgato tseno mo sebakeng sa nako e e khutshwane jaana fa re kabo re sena mafaratlhatlha a magolo a tshireletso ya loago ao a setseng a le gona. +",0.879513 +"we were able to respond to this huge and immediate need in our society thanks to the substantial nationwide infrastructure and systems of the south african social security agency and the uif. +","re ne ra kgona go samagana le tlhoko eno e kgolo ebile e le makgabeadipapetla go setšhaba sa rona ka ditebogo go mafaratlhatlha a magolo naga ka bophara le ditsamaiso tsa setheo sa tshireletso ya loago sa aforika borwa (sassa) le letlole la inšorense ya go kgaolwa kwa tirong (uif). +",0.87731624 +"there were certainly technical and other glitches along the way, but most of these were speedily resolved. +","tota go ne go na le mathata a setegeniki le a mangwe mo tseleng, fela bontsi jwa tseno di ne di rarablolwa ka bonako. +",0.90283626 +"these government agencies did outstanding work to enroll millions of new beneficiaries and ensure they were paid. +","ditheo tseno tsa puso di dirile tiro e e tswileng diatla go kwadisa dimilione tsa baamogeladitshwanelo ba bantšhwa le go netefatsa gore ba duetswe. +",0.8983805 +"the support provided by the uif was a lifeline to struggling businesses and employees. +","tshegetso e e neetsweng ke uif e thusitse dikgwebo le badiri ba ba sokolang. +",0.8386383 +"it made the difference between companies remaining open and being forced to close, between jobs saved and jobs lost. +","e dirile pharologano magareng ga dikhamphani tse di tsweletseng go dira le tseo di pateletsegileng go tswalelwa, magareng ga ditiro tse di bolokilweng le tse di latlhegileng. +",0.87203735 +"this benefited businesses like sihle’s brew, a restaurant in gauteng, which was able to retain its 18 employees because of the ters scheme. +","seno se ungwetse dikgwebo tse di jaaka sihle’s brew, e leng lefelo la borekisetso dijo mo gauteng, leo le neng la kgona go boloka ditiro tsa badiri ba le 18 ba lona ka ntlha ya sekema sa ters. +",0.88046163 +"thanks to government support, mamoshal agae trading and projects, an autoelectrical business in mokopane, was able to pay its workers as well as its rent and rates during the lockdown. +","ka ditebogo go tshegetso ya puso, mamoshalagae trading and projects, kgwebo ya go baakanya dikoloi kwa mokopane, e ne ya kgona go duela badiri ba yona gammogo le go duela rente le direite tsa yona ka nako ya go sekega nakwana ga ditiro tsa ka fa nageng. +",0.8529381 +"employees in dire straits were able to receive a portion of their salaries. +","badiri bao ba neng ba le mo maemong a a masisi ba ne ba kgona go amogela karolo ya megolo ya bona. +",0.81733036 +"lindiwe ntuli, a paralegal in centurion, has told how receiving her benefits enabled her to work from home and be able to afford her rent. +","lindiwe ntuli, mothusa mmueledi kwa centurion, o boletse ka moo go amogela ditshwanelo tsa gagwe go mo kgontshitseng go direla tiro ya gagwe kwa gae le go duela rente. +",0.8664881 +"there are many stories of companies that have been able to stay afloat over the past year because of the support they received from the uif. +","go na le dikgang di le dintsi tsa dikhamphani tse di kgonneng go dira mo sebakeng sa ngwaga e le ka ntlha ya thuso e ba e amogetseng go tswa kwa uif. +",0.82248634 +"the same can be said of the small businesses helped by the various grants and loans provided by a number of departments. +","seno se tsenyeletsa le dikgwebopotlana tse di thusitsweng ke dithusotlole tse di farologaneng le dikadimo tse di neetsweng ke mafapha a le mantsinyana. +",0.8360696 +"these measures greatly helped our people in their time of need. +","dikgato tseno di thusitse batho ba rona thata mo nakong ya fa ba ne ba di tlhoka. +",0.8655329 +"as we transition from relief to recovery, we have to shift gear. +","jaaka re tswa mo matsholong a go thusa baagi mme re tsena mo go a tsosoloso ya ikonomi, re tshwanetse go simolola go nagana ka tsela e nngwe. +",0.772567 +"while these relief measures were designed to be temporary, the economy will continue to feel the effects of the pandemic for some time. +","le fa dikgato tseno tsa matsholo a go thusa baagi e le tsa nakwana, ikonomi e tla tswelela go itemogela ditlamorago tsa leroborobo lobakanyana. +",0.8637713 +"even as lockdown restrictions have been eased, many companies are struggling to cope with the fallout of months of diminished operations and lost revenue. +","le fa dikiletso tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng di repisitswe, dikhamphani tse dintsi di sokola go samagana le ditlamorago tsa dikgwedi tsa phokotso ya ditiro le go sa direng lotseno. +",0.86647236 +"it is for this reason that, following extensive discussion with social partners at the national economic development and labour council the covid ters benefit has been extended until 15 march 2021 for sectors that have not been able to fully operate. +","ke ka ntlha ya lebaka leno, go latela dipuisano tse di tseneletseng le balekani ba loago mo lekgotleng la naga la tlhabololo ya ikonomi le ditiro (nedlac), thuso ya covid ters e atolositswe go fitlha ka 15 mopitlwe 2021 go thusa maphata ao a iseng a kgone go busetsa ditiro tsotlhe tsa one sekeng. +",0.89002013 +"the special covid grant has been extended for another three months. +","thusotlole e e kgethegileng ya covid e atolositswe ka dikgwedi tse dingwe di le tharo. +",0.83356076 +"these remain shortterm measures. +","tseno e sala e ntse e le dikgato tsa paka e khutshwane. +",0.8329301 +"our focus now must be on creating an enabling environment for businesses to recover, and for economic growth that spurs job creation and attracts invest ment. +","seo re tsepamisitseng mogopolo mo go sona ga jaana e tshwanetse go nna mo go tlhameng tikologo e e kgontshang dikgwebo go boela maemong, mmogo le kgolo ya ikonomi eo e tlholang ditiro le go ngoka peeletso. +",0.86480606 +"the recovery will be difficult and will take time, not least because we are still in the midst of the pandemic. +","tsosoloso ya ikonomi e tlile go nna boima mme e tla tsaya nako, bogolo jang ka re santse re le mo gare ga leroborobo. +",0.8714776 +"important as these relief measures are now, we will not be able to sustain them indefinitely. +","le fa tota dikgato tseno tsa go tsosolosa ikonomi di le botlhokwa ga jaana, ga re kitla re kgona go di tsweledisa go ya go ile. +",0.7969725 +"we need to make sure that these relief measures provide a firm foundation for a broader recovery without driving the country deeper into debt. +","re tlhoka go netefatsa gore dikgato tseno tsa tsosoloso ya ikonomi di neelana ka motheo o o tsepameng wa pusetsomaemong e e anameng ntle le go tsenya naga mo sekolotong se segolo. +",0.8727958 +"unless we can bring our national debt down to sustainable levels no meaningful economic recovery will be possible. +","ntle le fa re ka fokotsa sekoloto sa naga ya rona gore maemo a yona a tokafale, ga re kitla re kgona go busetsa ikonomi mo maemong. +",0.8055615 +"our national consciousness must now move beyond the realm of relief into that of recovery, and we must all be part of this effort. +","rele naga re tshwanetse go tswa mo matsholong a go thusa baagi mme re tsena mo go a tsosoloso ya ikonomi, mme rotlhe re tshwanetse go nna karolo ya kgato eno. +",0.7929921 +"as government, hard decisions on public spending will need to be made and implemented this year. +","re le puso, re tlhoka go dira ditshweetso tse di thata ka ga ditshenyegelo tsa puso le go di tsenya tirisong monongwaga. +",0.8687832 +"companies will need to be innovative in driving methods and processes that secure their sustainability and profitability, with job retention being their foremost consideration. +","dikhamphani di tla tlhoka go itshimololela mekgwa le ditsamaiso tseo di sireletsang tswelelo le morokotso wa bona, go boloka ditiro e le ntlha e e kwa pele. +",0.85057247 +"we must put our money back into our economy by buying local products, supporting local businesses and industrie and procuring from local suppliers. +","re tshwanetse go busetsa madi a rona mo ikonoming ya rona ka go reka dikuno tsa ka fa nageng, ka go tshegetsa dikgwebo le diintaseteri tsa ka fa nageng le go rekela batlhagisi ba dikuno le ditirelo ba ka fa nageng. +",0.90895027 +"an injured patient with strong prospects for recovery is given regular phys ical therapy to help them get stronger until they can stand unaided. +","molwetse yo o gobetseng mme a bonagala e le molwetse yo a ka folang o neelwa tshidilommele go mo thusa gore a nonofe go fitlhele a itharabologelwa mo e bileng a ka ema ntle le thuso. +",0.8410107 +"so must these temporary relief measures be seen as the means to get our economy back on its feet. +","go fela jalo le ka matsholo ano a go thusa baagi a a sa tlelang go nnela ruri, a tshwanetse go tsewa jaaka mekgwa ya go thusa ikonomi ya rona go ikemela. +",0.8049896 +"our ultimate goal is to walk again. +","maikaelelo magolo a rona ke go ikemela. +",0.56737465 +"as a nation, let us all lend a hand. +","re le naga, a rotlhe re tsenye seatla. +",0.7074926 +"let us be part of our own development and progress. +","a re nneng karolo ya tlhabololo le tswelopele ya rona. +",0.8238792 +let us use the extended relief to drive a stronger recovery.,"dikgato tsa go tsosolosa ikonomi vukuzenzele unnamed mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo re tla bo re dira ngwaga e sale go begiwa ga kgetse ya ntlha ya mogare wa corona mo nageng ya rona. +",0.8238792 +"a professional public service vukuzenzele unnamed when i was elected to the position of president of south africa, i said that building an efficient, capable and ethical state free from corruption was among my foremost priorities. +","tirelopuso e e dirang ka manontlhotlho vukuzenzele unnamed fa ke ne ke tlhophiwa go okama maemo a moporesitente wa aforika borwa, ke solofedi tse gore tse dingwe tsa dilo tse di botlhokwa ke go aga puso e e dirang ka botswa pelo, ka matsetseleko le ka maikarabelo mme e bile gape e sena bonweenwee. +",0.84618896 +"only a capable, efficient, ethical and developmentoriented state can deliver on the commitment to improve the lives of the people of this country. +","ke fela puso e e dirang ka botswapelo, ka matsetseleko le ka maikarabelo e e ka dira gatsang ditshepiso tsa yona tsa go tokafatsa matshelo a baagi ba naga eno. +",0.8458586 +"this means that the public service must be staffed by men and women who are professional, skilled, selfless and honest. +","seno se raya gore tirelopuso e tshwanetse go nna le badiredi ba ba manontlhotlho, ba ba nang le bokgoni, ba ba sa ite belelang ba le esi e bile ba na le nnete. +",0.8309941 +"they must be committed to upholding the values of the constitution, and must, as i said in my inaugural speech, ""faithfully serve no other cause than that of the public"". +","ba tshwanetse go bo ba na le maikemisetso a go tlotla metheo ya molaotheo, e bile gape, jaaka ke tlhalositse mo puong ya me ya go amogelwa mo setulong, ""ba tshwanetse go direla puso e le nosi ka boikanyego"". +",0.8536768 +"over the past two weeks, public consultations have been underway on an important policy document that will give greater impetus to our efforts to bolster, strengthen and capacitate the civil service. +","mo dibekeng di le pedi tse di fetileng dikgato tsa go batla maikutlo a baagi ka tokomane ya pholisi e e botlhokwa di ntse di tsweletse mme e tla nna le mosola o mogolo mo dikgatong tsa rona tsa go matlafatsa, go gagamatsa le go tlamela tirelopuso ka badiri ba ba maleba. +",0.86965334 +"the draft national implementation framework towards the professionalisation of the public service aims to build a state that better serves our people, that is insulated from undue political interference and where appointments are made on merit. +","sekwalwa sa letlhomeso la naga go tsaya dikgato go dira tirelopuso gore e dire ka manontlhotlho maitlhomo a sona ke go aga puso e e di relang batho ba naga ya rona botoka, e e sa anngweng ke merero ya dipolotiki ka tsela e e sa tshwanelang mmogo le mo batho ba thapiwang go ya ka tiro e ntle e ba e dirang. +",0.8470204 +"the framework was approved by cabinet in november last year and structured consultation with various sectors of society are now underway. +","letlhomeso leno le nese ditswe pula ke kabinete ka ngwanaitseele ngogola mme dikgato tsa go sekegela tsebe maikutlo a a tebileng a makala a mangwe a a farologaneng a setšhaba a setse jaanong a simolotse. +",0.8017732 +"twentyseven years into democracy, it can be said of the public service that while several pockets of excellence exist, we have serious challenges in many government departments with regards to skills, competence and professionalism. +","morago ga dingwaga di le 27 tsa temokerasi, re ka bua ka tirelopuso ra re le fa go na le dikarolo dingwe di le dintsi nyana tse di dirang bontle thata, re santse re na le dikgwe tlho tse dikgolo mo mafa pheng a le mantsi a puso fa go tla mo bokgoning, mo go phadisaneng le mafapha a mangwe le mo go nneng mafapha a a dirang ka mano ntlhotlho. +",0.87100756 +"all too often, people have been hired into and promoted to key positions for which they are neither suitable nor qualified. +","go le gantsi go tha piwa le go tlhatlhosiwa batho ba ba seng maleba mo maemong a diphatlhatiro tse di botlhokwa tseo di sa ba tshwanelang le tseo ba senang le makwalo a thuto a tsona. +",0.7742655 +"this affects government performance, but also contributes to nepotism, political interference in the work of departments, lack of accountability, mismanagement and corruption. +","seno se ama ka fao puso e dirang tiro ya yona ka teng gonne se jala maitsholo a a bodileng a batho ba ba thapa nang ka sebona, a go itshunya nko ga batho ba se polotiki mo mererong ya mafapha, se tlhola maitsholo a go se nne le maikarabelo, a tirisobotlha swa ya didirisiwa tsa puso mmogo le a bonweenwee. +",0.85169137 +"there is also the related problem of political and executive interference in the administration of the public service. +","go na gape le matsapa a a ama nang le ntlha eno ya go itshu nya nko ga batho ba sepolotiki mo mererong ya tsamaiso ya mafapha mo tirelopusong. +",0.7379541 +"one need only to look at the instability in government departments when senior managers are swopped or replaced each time a new minister is appointed. +","motho ga a tlhoke go ya kgakala go bona seno ka se iponagatsa fa mafapha a puso a latlhegelwa ke go tsetsepela ka ntlha ya fa batlhankediba golo ba tsamaiso ya mafapha ba sutisiwa mo maemong a ba a okameng mme go tsena ba bangwe fa tona e ntšhwa e goroga mo lefapheng. +",0.81482685 +"directorsgeneral (dgs) and provincial heads of departments (hods) are particularly affected. +","bakaedikakaretso (didg) mmogo le ditlhogo tsa ma fapha a diporofense (dihod) ke bona ba ba amegang segolo ke ntlha eno. +",0.82818085 +"in some departments, dgs, hods and executive managers have had stability of tenure, enabling the departments to function with little disruption. +","mo mafapheng a mangwe didg, dihod le batsamaisi ba bangwe ba bagolwane ba kgonne go tse tsepela mo pakeng ya bona ya tsamaiso ya lefapha, mme seno se ba kgontshitse go tsamaisa lefapha ntle le kgoreletso epe. +",0.8286512 +"in most of these departments where there is leadership stability, audit outcomes tend to be positive and public funds can be accounted for. +","mo mafapheng ano a le mantsi mo go senang go itshunya nko mo mererong ya tsamaiso ya puso, dipoelothuno go le gantsi di tla e le tse di itumedisang mme botsamaisi bo kgona go ikarabela fa go tla mo tirisong ya madi a puso. +",0.82929754 +"where there is a high turnover of heads of department, there is often administrative turmoil. +","mo ditlhogo tsa mafapha di fetolwang gangwe le gape ka bontsi, ke teng mo tsamaiso e leng matswakabele. +",0.6772061 +"one of the key recommendations made in the draft framework is that the public service must be depoliticised and that government departments must be insulated from politics. +","e nngwe ya ditshitshinyo tse di dirilweng mo letlhome song leno ke gore tirelopuso e tshwanetse go inolwa mo mererong ya itshunyo nko ya dipolotiki le gore mafapha a puso a tshwanetse go sire lediwa gore dipolotiki di se itshunye nko mo go ona. +",0.83840543 +"professionalisation is necessary for stability in the public service, especially in the senior ranks. +","go dira tiro ka manontlho tlho mo tirelopusong go bo tlhokwa mo go direng gore e tsetsepele, bogolo jang mo batlhankeding ba ba okameng maemo a a kwa godimo a taolo. +",0.8388606 +"public servants must be able to continue doing their jobs ""regardless of any changes of ministers, members of the executive council or councillors within the governing party in charge of the administration, or changes to political parties after elections"". +","badiredipuso ba tshwa netse go tswelela go direla setšhaba, ""go sa kgathalesege gore tona, leloko la khudu thamaga kgotsa mokhanselara wa mokgatlho wa dipolotiki o o busang o fetotswe mo tsamaisong, kgotsa mokgatlho wa dipolotiki o o busang o fetotswe mme go busa o mo ngwe morago ga ditlhopho. +",0.82804275 +"we are proposing a number of farreaching reforms, such as extending the tenure of hods based on merit and performance, doing occupationbased competency assessments and involving the public service commission in the interviews of dgs and deputy dgs. +","""re tshitshinya diphetogo tse dikgolo, tse di jaaka go atolosa paka ya go nna mo tirong ya ditlhogo tsa mafapha go ya ka tiro e e tswileng diatla e ba e dirang, ka go dira ditlhatlho bo tse di ikaegileng ka tiro e motho a tlang go e dira mmo go le go laletsa khomišene ya tirelopuso (psc) go nna karolo mo dikopanong tsa go gaisanela tiro ya dg le ya motlatsamokaedikaka retso (ddg). +",0.85366535 +"introducing integrity tests for all shortlisted individuals will help so that we can recruit civil servants who can serve honestly. +","go dira teko ya go sekaseka maitsholo a motho go lekola botlhe ba go nang le kgonagalo ya gore o mongwe wa bona a ka thapiwa, go tla nna le mo sola mo go thapeng badiredi puso ba ba nang le nnete. +",0.7727001 +"we also need to extend the compulsory entrance exams that we introduced in april 2020 beyond senior management. +","re tlhoka gape le go atolosa tlhatlhobo e e tsentsweng ti risong ka moranang 2020, e ga jaana e kwalwang ke batlha nkedipuso ba bagolwane pele ba tsena mo tirelopusong, gore e atolosediwe le mo badire pusong ba bangwe. +",0.7893733 +"successful developmental states have similar measures which help advance professionalism within the public service. +","dipuso tsa dinaga tse di tlhabologang di dirisa dikgato tsa mothale ono mme ke sone seno se se thusang go dira gore mo tire lopusong go nne le tlhabologo mo go direng tiro ya yona ka manontlhotlho. +",0.77845556 +"as we note in the draft framework, ""the bureaucracy must continue to loyally and diligently implement the political mandate set by voters and the party, but to refrain from being political actors themselves. +","jaaka re kwadile mo sekwa lweng sa letlhomeso leno gore, ""ditshwetso tse di tsewang ke batlhankedi ba puso jaaka ba romilwe ke mokgatlho wa sepolotiki o o busang ba tshwanetse go di tsaya ka boi kanyego le ka manontlhotlho jaaka thomo eno e le ya batho ba ba tlhophileng mokgatlho o o busang e bile gape e le thomo ya mokgatlho ka bo ona, mme fela ba tshwanetse go ikgato losa go tsena mo ditlhakong tsa boradipolotiki ka bobona. +",0.79827017 +"""we are suggesting a more rigorous approach towards recruitment and selection of public servants, induction and performance management. +","""re tshitshinya gore go nne le kgato e e matsetseleko fa go tla mo dikgatong tsa go batla motlhankedi wa puso le tsa go mo thapa, tsa go ba ruta ka tirelopuso le tsa go sekaseka ka fao modiredipuso a dirileng tiro ya gagwe ka teng. +",0.8102875 +"this includes continuous learning and a clear professional development path for every public servant. +","seno se tsenyeletsa gape le dikgato tsa go se emise go ithuta le tsa ka fao modiredipuso mongwe le mongwe a tlhabololang bokgo ni jwa gagwe gore a dire tiro ya gagwe ka manontlhotlho. +",0.7612376 +"the draft framework puts emphasis on the need to hold public servants accountable for irregularities, to do away with a culture of impunity in the mismanagement and misappropriation of state resources. +","sekwalwa sa letlhomeso leno se gatelela gore badiredipuso ba tshwanetse go rweswa maikarabelo fa go tla mo tirisobotlhasweng ya didiri siwa tsa puso, se gatelela gore go tshwanetse go fedisiwe setlwaedi sa gore ga gona ditlamorago tsa diphoso tse modiredipuso a di dirang mo go laoleng botlhaswa le mo go diriseng botlhaswa didirisiwa tsa puso. +",0.824934 +"professionalising the public service involves training for accounting officers across all spheres of government on the applicable legislative provisions. +","go dira gore puso e dire tiro ya yona ka manontlhotlho batlhankedi botlhe ba ba jarang maikarabelo mo maphateng otlhe a puso ba tshwanetse go katisiwa ka melao e e leng mo tirisong. +",0.80210626 +"the national school of government (nsg) has a vital role to play in this regard. +","sekolokatiso sa bosetšhaba sa puso (nsg) se na le karolo e e botlhokwa thata mo ntlheng eno. +",0.861594 +"professionalism is not only about having the right qualifications and technical skills, but also about having appropriate standards of respect, courtesy and integrity in dealing with members of the public. +","go nna manontlhotlho ga go bolele fela ka go tshwara makwalo a thuto mmogo le bokgoni jwa setegeniki jo bo nepagetseng, go bua gape le ka go nna le tlotlo e e tshwa netseng, kutlwelobotlhoko le botho fa o thusa baagi. +",0.8615916 +"the public service is diverse, with a huge range of skills, qualifications and capabilities. +","tirelopuso e farologane, e na le bokgoni jo bontsi jo bo farologaneng, mmogo le ma kwalodithuto le bokgoni jo bo farologaneng. +",0.86019653 +"many public servants have specialised skills that are necessary for the effective provision of services. +","bontsi jwa ba diredipuso ba na le bokgoni jo bo itlhophileng jo bo tlhokaga lang go ba kgontsha go tla mela tirelo. +",0.8112602 +"it is therefore not necessarily the case that we need a smaller public service: what we actually need is a fitforpurpose public service with suitable skills, a professional ethic and a commitment to serving the people. +","ka go rialo, ga go jalo gore re tlhoka go fokotsa ditheo tsa tirelopuso: se tota re se tlhokang ke tirelopuso e e kgonang go samagana le tiro e e nang le bokgoni jo bo maleba, maitsholo a mano ntlhotlho mmogo le boikano jwa go direla setšhaba. +",0.8685187 +"the men and women of the public service need to be capacitated to play their role in driving development and consolidating democracy. +","banna le basadi ba ba dire lang puso ba tshwanetse go matlafadiwa gore ba nne le seabe mo go tliseng tlhabologo le go diragatseng temokerasi. +",0.84684443 +"this is our best guarantee of a capable state that serves the interests of citizens. +","eno ke tsholofetso e e gaisang tsotlhe ya gore re puso e e nang le bokgoni e e tlhokomelang dikgatlhegelo tsa baagi ba naga ya yona. +",0.8503744 +"i call on you to be part of the public consultation process around this draft framework, which is available on the nsg's website, and to make your voice heard. +","ke ikuela mo go yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa lona go nna le seabe mo letsholong leno la go batla maikutlo ka sekwalwa sa letlhomeso leno, se ga jaana se leng mo webesaeteng ya nsg mme le ntshe maikutlo a lona ka ga sona. +",0.8390257 +"the public service does not belong to any one party, nor should it be the domain of any particular interest group. +","tirelopuso ga se ya mokga tlho o o rileng wa dipolotiki, e bile ga e a tshwanelwa go tshe getsa setlhopha se se rileng se e leng sona se se busang. +",0.82539093 +"it should not be a law unto itself. +","tirelopuso ga ya tshwanela go itirela fela jaaka e batla. +",0.63389915 +"the public service belongs to the people of south africa. +","tirelopuso ke ya baagi ba aforika borwa. +",0.7898375 +it must serve them and them alone.,"tirelopuso e e dirang ka manontlhotlho vukuzenzele unnamed fa ke ne ke tlhophiwa go okama maemo a moporesitente wa aforika borwa, ke solofedi tse gore tse dingwe tsa dilo tse di botlhokwa ke go aga puso e e dirang ka botswa pelo, ka matsetseleko le ka maikarabelo mme e bile gape e sena bonweenwee. +",0.7898375 +"traditional leaders key to recovery efforts vukuzenzele unnamed in the last few months, we have had to bid a sad farewell to two of our country’s most respected traditional monarchs. +","baeteledipele ba merero ya setso ba na le seabe se se botlhokwa mo go tsosoloseng ikonomi ya rona vukuzenzeke unnamed mo dikgweding di le mmalwa tse di fetileng re ne ra tshwanela ke go laelana le dikgosi di le pedi tse di tlotliwang tsa naga ya rona ka di iketse badimong. +",0.8470451 +"the zulu people recently laid to rest his majesty king goodwill zwelithini ka bhekuzulu who reigned for half a century. +","sešweng jaana morafe wa mazulu o sa tswa go fitlha kgosi ya bona motlotlegi goodwill zwelithini ka bhe kuzulu yo a nang le sebaka sa dingwaga di le masome tlhano a busa. +",0.81921005 +"in january, the bapedi people buried kgoshikgolo thulare thulare iii, who passed away less than a year after his inauguration. +","mo kgweding ya ferikgong morafe wa ba pedi o fitlhile kgosi ya bona e bong kgoshikgolo thulare thulare wa boraro, yo a tlho kafetseng a na le sebaka se se sa feteng ngwaga a busa. +",0.81094074 +"with their passing, we have lost champions of the preservation of our heritage, and revered custodians of the histories of their respective peoples. +","maso a bona e tota e le tatlhe gelo ya basomarelangwao, basomarelahisetori ya merafe eo ba neng ba e busa. +",0.75466895 +"at the same time, they were vital players in rural development, and were committed to driving programmes to uplift the material conditions of their people. +","le fa go le jalo, e ne gape e le banna le seabe ba ba botlhokwa thata mo tlhabo lolong ya metseselegae, e bile ba ne ba ikemiseditse go tlisa tlhabologo mo matshelong a merafe ya bona. +",0.80398303 +"with the advent of democracy in 1994, it was a priority of the new government to restore the integrity and legitimacy of traditional leadership in line with indigenous law and customs and subject to the constitution of the republic. +","fa temokerasi e roga ka ngwaga wa 1994, go ne ga totobala gore puso e ntšhwa e e neng e le gona e tsaya ma rapo e tshwanetse go busetse sekeng seriti sa magosi go ya ka melao ya setso sa batho batsho eo e tsamaelanang le molaotheo wa rephaboliki ya aforika borwa. +",0.8274679 +"the institution of traditional leadership continues to play an important role in the lives of millions of people around our country, especially in rural areas. +","setheo sa baeteledipele ba merero ya setso se tswelela go nna le seabe se se botlho kwa mo matshelong a dimili one tsa batho ba naga ya rona, bogolosegolo kwa metsesele gaeng. +",0.8938824 +"traditional leaders support and drive development in their communities. +","magosi a tswelela go tshegetsa le go tlisa tlhabololo mo metseng eo ba e busang. +",0.792729 +"recently, i had the opportunity to participate in the debate on the opening of the national house of traditional leaders, which was concerned with the most pressing issues currently facing the country. +","mo malobeng ke ne ka nee lwa tšhono ya go tsenela di ngangisano tsa pulo ya ntlo ya bosetšhaba ya dikgosi, moo go samaganweng le dintlha tse di tlhobaetsang tseo naga ya rona e tobaneng le tsona ga jaana. +",0.8455106 +"what was particularly refreshing about the robust engagement was that traditional leadership has a keen appreciation of the difficult economic conditions facing our country, and want to be part of addressing the many challenges of underdevelopment and poverty in their areas. +","se se nthotloeditseng thata ka ga dingangisano tseno tse di neng di runtse ke go tlha loganya ga magosi gore iko nomi ya rona e mo maemong a a tlhobaetsang mme e bile ba batla go nna le seabe mo go rarabololeng dikgwetlho tse dintsi tse di ka ga tlho kego ya tlhabologo le lehuma mo mafelong ao ba a busang. +",0.84251267 +"i have consistently said that our economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic must be inclusive, and that nobody must be left behind. +","ga ke a bolo go nna ke ntse ke re dikgato tsa go tsosolosa ikonomi ya rona go tswa mo leroborobong la mogare wa corona di tshwanetse go tswe la botlhe mosola e bile ga go ope yo re tshwanetseng go mo sia kwa morago. +",0.855306 +"the success of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan rests on forging strong partnerships between not just government, business and labour, but also with traditional leadership and other societal formations. +","go atlega mo go diraga tseng leano la itharabologelo le kagosešwa ya ikonomi go tlhoka gore re nne le tirisa nommogo e e gagametseng e seng fela le puso, dikgwebo le badiri, mme gape le go nna le tirisanommogo le magosi le mekgatlho e mengwe ya baagi. +",0.86119777 +"a constant refrain from participants in the debate recently was that they do not want to be dependent on handouts or for their communities to perpetually look to government for financial assistance. +","maikutlo a mantsi a bao ba neng ba na le seabe mo dinga ngisanong tseno ke gore ga ba batle go itshepela mo go neelweng masaledi kgotsa go bona baagi ba metse ya bona ba iphedisa ka go tlamelwa ke puso ka matlole a go ba thusa. +",0.8270857 +"they want to be provided with the necessary support, training and enabling environment to allow rural communities to be selfsufficient. +","ba batla gore ba emiwe nokeng ka tshegetso e ba e tlhokang, ka go katisiwa le go tlholelwa tikologo e e bulelang batho dikgoro go kgontsha baagi ba kwa metseselegae go itirela ka bobona. +",0.8693122 +"they want to bridge the urbanrural divide in access to government services and private sector resources. +","ba batla go tswalela sekgala se se leng teng magareng ga metseseteropo le metsesele gae fa go tla mo go fitlheleleng ditirelo tsa puso le metswedi ya lekala la poraefete. +",0.83997846 +"what they would like to see is for rural areas to become centres of economic activity, industry and employment opportunity. +","ba batla go bona metse selegae e fetoga go nna mafelo a a nang le ditiragalo tsa ikonomi, a diintaseteri le a a tlholang ditšhono tsa ditiro. +",0.868661 +"this mirrors the aspirations of the district development model (ddm), which was launched in 2019. traditional leaders are well positioned to ensure that district plans are informed by and respond to the real needs of communities and that they reflect the lived reality in rural areas. +","seno se tsamaisana le leano la tiragatso ya kabo ya ditirelo le le ikaegileng ka ditikologo (ddm), le le thankolotsweng ka ngwaga wa 2019. baeteledipele ba merero ya setso maemo a bona a ba kgontsha go latlhela tlhase legong go netefatsa gore maano a tikologo a logiwa go lebilwe dintlha tse di rileng le go a kgontsha go samagana le ditlhokwa tse di kwa se tlhoeng mo tikologong eo le gore maano ano a tsamaisana le maemo a batho ba phelang ka fa tlase ga ona. +",0.85531104 +"just as the ddm supports localised programmes that focus on the needs, strengths and opportunities in specific areas, traditional leaders have pioneered their own approach to local economic development. +","fela jaaka ddm e tshegetsa matsholo a a ditikologo ka go samaganang le ditlhokwa, mafolofolo le ditšhono tsa lefelo le lengwe le le lengwe, baeteledipele ba merero ya setso le bona ba setse ba su tlheletse ka dikgato tsa bona tsa go tlhabolola ikonomi ya ditikologo tsa bona. +",0.85820603 +"they have developed the investrural masterplan, which was launched in north west last month. +","ba tlhomile leanokonokono la dipeeletso mo metsesele gaeng, le le thankgolotsweng kwa porofenseng ya bokone bophirima mo kgweding e e fetileng. +",0.83715343 +"it is greatly encouraging that traditional leaders have rallied behind the plan and want to work with local authorities to ensure it is a success. +","go a itumedisa gore baeteledipele ba merero ya setso ba eme nokeng leano leno mme ba batla go dirisana le dipuso tsa dikgaolo tsa bona go netefatsa gore leano leno le a atlega. +",0.8605433 +"during the debate in the national house of traditional leaders it was proposed that a major success factor for the investrural programme is that traditional structures are trained, strengthened and capacitated. +","mo dingangisanong tseno tsa ntlo ya bosetšhaba ya dikgosi go ne ga tshitshi ngwa gore selo se segolo se se tla dirang gore leanoko nokono leno la dipeeletso mo metseselegaeng le atlege ke go isa baeteledipele ba me rero ya setso katisong gore ba matlafadiwe le go tlamelwa ka bokgoni. +",0.8412711 +"a number of participants outlined economic plans that are already in advanced stages of development. +","bannaleseabe ba le bantsi ba tlhagisitse maano a bona a ikonomi a a setseng a ga tetsepele thata. +",0.7464785 +"these range from agricultural projects to bioprospecting to renewable energy. +","ona a ka ga diporojeke tsa temothuo, tiriso ya dimela le ditshedi tse di farologaneng go tlhagisa melemo le a ntšhwafatso ya motlakase. +",0.779653 +"what was evident is that the institution of traditional leadership understands that professionalisation is necessary for rural businesses in the form of small, medium and micro enterprises and cooperatives to become part of the mainstream economy. +","se se tlhamaletseng ke gore setheo sa boeteledipele jwa merero ya setso se tlhalo ganya sentle gore tiro ya ma nontlhotlho ke seo dikgwe bo tsa metseselegae se e tlho kang mabapi le dikoporasi tsa dikgwebopotlana, tsa mo magareng le tse dikgolwane (dismme), go dira gore di kgone go nna karolo ya iko nomi ya naga. +",0.8406595 +"the traditional leaders who spoke presented their vision of ‘developmental monarchs’, who see themselves as not just custodians of heritage but also as drivers of economic prosperity and progress. +","baeteledipele ba merero ya setso ba ba neng ba latlhela tlhase legong ba tlhagisitse ponelopele ya bona ka 'ma gosi a a tlisang tlhabologo' mme ba itsaya gore ga se fela basomarelangwao mme gape ke bona ba ba ka tlisang ka tlego le kgatelopele mo ikono ming. +",0.8401072 +"they have identified several projects and economic opportunities that will create jobs and improve livelihoods in rural areas. +","ba nopotse diporojeke di le mmalwa le ditšhono tsa ikonomi tse di tla tlholang di tiro le go tokafatsa matshelo a batho ba metseselegae. +",0.87909317 +"traditional leaders have also expressed their willingness to play an active part in the land reform process. +","baeteledipele ba merero ya setso ba tlhagisitse gape gore ba ithaopa go nna le seabe mo dithulaganyong tsa pusetso ya dinaga. +",0.81748223 +"since 2018, traditional leaders have made around 1 500 000 hectares of communal land available for development, and it is hoped this will increase in future. +","fa e sale ngwaga wa 2018, baeteledipele ba merero ya setso ba tlhagisitse bogolo jwa naga ya metsese legae jo bo kanaka diheketara di le 1 500 000 gore e beetswe tlhabologo, mme ba solofela gore mo isagong bogolo jono bo tla okediwa. +",0.873781 +"to develop a coordinated and sustainable strategy, we have agreed to hold a presidential land summit in the next year. +","gore re tlhagise leano le le rulagantsweng sentle le le tla nnelang ruri, re dumelane gore mo ngwageng o o tlang re tla tshwara kopano ya kantoro ya moporesitente e e ka ga merero ya mafatshe. +",0.83469266 +"this will discuss pressing issues around land reform and its impact on communal land, much of which is located in rural areas. +","mo kopanong eno re tla sekaseka dintlha tse di re fa rafareng tse di ka ga pusetso ya dinaga le seabe sa ntlha eno mo dinageng tsa metse selsegae, tse bontsi jwa tsona bo leng mo dinagamagaeng. +",0.79449785 +"the tone of the debate in the national house was a fitting reflection of a climate in which economic recovery is foremost among our considerations. +","lentswe le le neng le rena mo ntlong ya bosetšhaba ya dikgosi le ne le bontsha tota gore tsosoloso ya ikonomi ke selo se se kwa setlhoeng mo dikgatong tsotlhe tsa rona tsa botlhokwa. +",0.8000101 +"at the same time it was a promising signal that traditional leaders appreciate their role in being part of the national recovery effort through being proactive and innovative. +","e bile gape lentswe leno e ne e le sesupo se se re bontshang gore bae teledipele ba merero ya setso ba rata maemo a bona jaaka ba batla go nna le seabe mo dikgatong tsa go tsosolosa ikonomi ya naga ka go nna le matlhagatlhaga le boitshi mololedi mo mererong eno. +",0.80793476 +"the most fitting legacy of great leaders is that the seeds of development they sow during their tenure grow into mighty trees that protect and shelter their communities for posterity. +","se se botlhokwa thata ga jaana ke gore seo baeteledi pele ba merafe ba se dirang jaanong e tshwanetse go nna boswa jo bo tla nnelang ruri jo le dikokoma tsa ka moso di tla unngwelwang mo go sona. +",0.72290474 +"as we work together as a country to rebuild our economy, we will continue to count on the support of the institution of traditional leadership, which is an inextricable part of our past, our present and our future.","baeteledipele ba merero ya setso ba na le seabe se se botlhokwa mo go tsosoloseng ikonomi ya rona vukuzenzeke unnamed mo dikgweding di le mmalwa tse di fetileng re ne ra tshwanela ke go laelana le dikgosi di le pedi tse di tlotliwang tsa naga ya rona ka di iketse badimong. +",0.72290474 +"religious community vital in the fight against covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed recently many south africans of faith have joined others across the world in important religious observances. +","bakereki ba na le seabe se se botlhokwa se ba ka se dirang mo go lwantsheng covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed sešweng jaana maaforika borwa a le mantsi a badu medi ba tshwaragane le ba bangwe mo go ketekeng meletlo e e botlhokwa ya sedumedi. +",0.8496555 +"members of the jewish faith celebrated pesach, chris tians observed easter and muslims will soon be observing the holy month of ramadan. +","badumedi ba tumelo ya sejuta mo ma lobeng ba ne ba keteka pa seka, bakeresete ba ne ba keteka tsogo ya morena mme mamoselema bona e se kgale ba tla bo ba ke teka kgwedi ya boitshepo ya ramadan. +",0.8667476 +"for the second year, these occasions have been marked in the midst of a devastating global pandemic that has cost the lives of more than 2.5 million people across the world. +","e setse e le ngwaga wa bo bedi mekete eno e ketekiwa re aparetswe ke leroborobo le le setlhogo le le aparetseng lefatshe lotlhe le ga jaana le setseng le fetile ka matshelo a batho ba le dimilione di le pedi le halofo mo lefatsheng. +",0.84314466 +"faithbased organisations have been vital to our national response to the disease, not only providing spiritual comfort and guidance, but also by caring for those most vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic, including through the provision of food, shelter and other social services. +","mekgatlho ya badumedi ga e a bolo go nna le seabe se se botlhokwa mo dikgatong tsa naga ya rona tsa go sama gana le bolwetse jono, e seng fela ka go re rapelela, mme gape le ka go tlhokomela bao ba neng ba tlhoka thuso mo ditsuatseng tsa leroborobo leno, mmogo le go fana ka dijo, marobalo le ka ditirelo tse dingwe tsa tlhokomelo ya baagi. +",0.8534965 +"religion plays an important role in the lives of millions of south africans, and congregational worship forms a vital part of their religious practice. +","tumelo e na le seabe se se botlhokwa thata mo ma tshelong a dimilionemilione tsa maaforika borwa, e bile gape go rapela le le setlhopha ke karolo e nngwe gape e e botlhokwa thata mo tume long ya bona. +",0.8662267 +"being able to gather for religious services is also a welcome respite from a period of great hardship for individuals, families and communities. +","go kgona go bokana le le phuthego ke selo se go itumelelwang sona thata fa batho, malapa le baagi ba sena go tswa mo boimeng jo bo seng kana ka sepe. +",0.7920439 +"it is understandable that after more than a year of labouring under restrictions on religious gatherings that the faith community are keen for a return to a semblance of normality. +","go a tlhaloganyega gore morago ga ngwaga bakereki ba ba jarile boima jwa diki letso tsa go ya dikerekeng gore jaanong ba na le phise gelo ya go boela dikerekeng jaaka go tlwaelegile. +",0.7971562 +"in recognition of the importance of congregational worship to the lives of our people, government has been engaging with the faith community. +","ka go tlhaloganya botlho kwa jwa batho ba naga ya rona jwa go boela dikere keng, puso e ntse e buisana le bakereki ba naga ya rona. +",0.79529953 +"leaders of the faith community understand and appreciate the very real danger of a new wave of covid19 infections. +","baruti ba dikereke le bake reki ba tlhaloganya sentle e bile ba itse le kotsi eo e tlisi wang ke lekhubu le lengwe le le lengwe le lentšhwa la ditshwaetso tsa covid19 . +",0.83885807 +"since the outbreak of the pandemic, religious organisations have taken proactive and positive measures to limit the spread of the disease among worshippers. +","fa e sale leroborobo leno le runya, dikereke di tsere dikgato tse di bolokesegileng go fokotsa go anama ga bo lwetse jono mo bakereking ba tsona. +",0.8262528 +"another important factor is that during the various alert levels, religious organisations have incurred substantial financial losses that threaten their sustainability. +","enngwe ya dintlha tse di botlhokwa thata ke gore mo dikgatong tse di farologa neng tsa dikiletso, dikereke di nnile le tatlhegelo e ntsi thata ya ditšhelete e e ka dirang gore di feletse di tswaletse ruri. +",0.8572687 +"as government we remain committed to working with the faith community to find workable solutions. +","re le puso re santse re eme ka le le reng re tla tshwarisana joko eno le bakereki gore re bontshane ditharabololo tse di mosola. +",0.75052625 +"at the same time, public health and safety must be our paramount consideration. +","le fa go le jalo, boitekanelo le pabalesego ya baagi ke selo se re tshwanetseng go se tseela tlhogong. +",0.79712105 +"the religious community has shown innovation and initiative in the holding of worship at a time when there was a great deal of uncertainty over the trajectory of the pandemic. +","bakereki ba tlile ka maano le ditharabololo mo ntlheng ya go tshwara dikereke mo nakong ya fa re ne re sa tlhole re itse gore a re a ya kgotsa re a boa ka leroborobo leno. +",0.7444687 +"congregational services were held online and worshippers were encouraged to pray in their homes instead of attending services. +","dikereke di ne di tshwariwa ka inthanete mme bakereki ba ne ba rotloediwa go rapela kwa malapeng a bona go na le go tla go rapela kwa dike rekeng. +",0.88295877 +"this greatly aided the national effort to contain the spread of the disease. +","seno se nnile mosola thata mo dikgatong tsa ka fa nageng tsa go thibela go anama ga bolwetse jono. +",0.77721274 +"religious leaders played a pivotal role in encouraging public adherence to health measures around important customary and cultural rituals like burials. +","baruti ba nnile le seabe se se botlhokwa thata mo go rotloetseng baagi go ikobela ditaolelo tsa boitekanelo mo mererong e e botlhokwa ya poloko le mo meletlong ya setso. +",0.8388057 +"by equal measure, our people have demonstrated their commitment to adhering to public health protocols and to social distancing. +","go fela jaalo le ka baagi ba naga ya rona ka ba diraga ditse maikano a bona a go ikobela ditaolelo tsa boite kanelo le tsa go katogana. +",0.75999326 +"and they correctly appreciate that they must continue to avoid large gatherings . +","e bile ba itse sentle gore ba tshwanetse go tswelela go itlhokomolosa go kopanela mo go nyeumang ka batho. +",0.73726285 +"we are now at a time where precaution is needed above all. +","jaanong re mo nakong eo motho a tshwanetseng go itlhokomela thata. +",0.73719263 +"the coronavirus pandemic has not been eliminated, either in our own country or around the world. +","lerobo robo la mogare wa corona le santse le re aparetse, mo nageng ya rona le mo lefa tsheng ka bophara. +",0.73670006 +"the threat of a third wave is real and everpresent. +","kgona galo ya gore re welwe ke lekhubu la boraro e teng ya tshela. +",0.69358176 +"international experience has taught us that we should not tempt fate. +","maitemogelo a rona go tswa mo dinageng tsa boditšhabatšhaba ke gore ga re a tshwanela go kgotlha motshitshi wa dinotshe. +",0.78099346 +"many countries have eased restrictions, only for there to be resurgences, necessitating the imposition of even harsher restrictions. +","dinaga di le dintsi di ne tsa repisa dikgatokiletso tsa tsona, fela tsa lelela kgama le mogogorwane ka go iphi tlhela di le ka fa gare ga ditshwaetso tse di runyang sešwa, mme tsa iphitlhela di busetsa sekeng dikgatoki letso tse di bogale go gaisa tsa mo nakong e e fetileng. +",0.77540696 +"large gatherings, whether religious or otherwise, have the potential to spread the virus, despite the application of measures around social distancing and sanitising. +","dikopano tsa go ikentsha bodutu tse di nang le tholo gelo ya batho ba bantsi, e ka tswa e le tsa dikereke kgotsa tsa mefuta e mengwe, di na le kotsi ya go ka gasa mogare, le fa e le gore go ikobelwa ditaolelo tsa boitekanelo tsa go katogana le go itsikitletsa ka sebolayamegare. +",0.8313655 +"millions of south africans have been observing an important tenet of their faith. +","dimilione tsa maaforika borwa di ntse di obamela tumelo e e botlhokwa ya tumelo ya bona. +",0.84109825 +"in a country that enshrines the right to religious freedom, all effort must be made to support our people in the exercise of this right. +","mo nageng eo re tlotlomatsang tshwa nelo ya batho ya kgolole sego ya ditumelo tsa bona, re tshwanetse go tsaya matsapa otlhe go tshegetsa batho ba naga ya rona gore ba keteke tshwanelo eno. +",0.83714694 +"and in exercising this right, we need to make sure that we do not place the rights or the lives of others at risk. +","mme fa ba keteka tshwanelo eno ba tshwanetse go netefatsa gore ga ba tsenye mo kotsing di tshwanelo kgotsa matshelo a batho ba bangwe. +",0.8451448 +"this is a principle that the religious leaders i met with fully support and appreciate. +","eno ke ntlha e baruti ba dikereke ba ke kopaneng le bona ba dumelanang le nna ka yona. +",0.68063104 +"they understand the responsibility of all people of faith – indeed of all south africans – to observe the practical measures put in place to protect people’s health and save lives. +","ba tlhaloganya mai karabelo a bakereki botlhe ba a jarileng mo magetleng a bona – ao boammaruri a ja rilweng ke maaforika borwa otlhe – a go ikobela ditaolelo tse di leng mo tirisong tsa go boloka boitekanelo le ma tshelo a batho. +",0.85341394 +"for more than a year, we have worked together as a society to contain this pandemic. +","sebaka sa ngwaga re ntse re sikere mmogo dikgato tsa go thibela go ijala ga leroborobo leno re le setšhaba. +",0.7751608 +"now as we work to overcome it, we need to reaffirm our shared determination to act responsibly and cautiously. +","jaanong jaaka re lebagane le go fedisa matsapa ano, re tshwanetse go totobatsa maitlhomo a rona a go rwala maikarabelo le go itlhokomela. +",0.8050796 +"in doing so, we will be giving practical effect to the universal messages of hope, salvation, freedom and solidarity that will be spoken of in the churches, synagogues, mosques and homes of our land in the days and weeks ahead.","bakereki ba na le seabe se se botlhokwa se ba ka se dirang mo go lwantsheng covid19 vukuzenzele unnamed sešweng jaana maaforika borwa a le mantsi a badu medi ba tshwaragane le ba bangwe mo go ketekeng meletlo e e botlhokwa ya sedumedi. +",0.8050796 +"port of durban creates a sea of opportunities for sa vukuzenzele unnamed recently, i visit ed the port of durban to see for myself the work being done to make the port more efficient and competitive. +","boemelakepe jwa kwa durban bo bulela ntletsentletse ya ditšhono mo nageng ya aforika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed sešweng jaana ke sa tswa go etela bo emelakepe jwa kwa durban go iponela ka bo nna tiro e go samaganweng le yona mo go direng gore boemelakepe jono bo dire ka botswapelo le ka matse tseleko. +",0.8485028 +"after a briefing with the senior management of transnet, i toured the harbour in a pilot boat, which is usually used to guide large ships through the entrance channel to the pier. +","morago ga kopano le botsa maisibogolo ba transnet, ke ne ka tsena mo seketswaneng se se supetsang dikepe tse dikgolo tsela mo boemakepeng mme ka tsena ke tswa mo dika rolong tse di farologaneng tsa boemelakepe jono. +",0.8272252 +"seeing the workings of the port from the water, one is reminded of its vast scale and complexity. +","go bona ka fao lefelo leno le dirisiwang ka teng o le mo sekepeng, seno se go gopotsa ka fao tiro ya lefelo leno e leng e kgolo ka teng le ka fao tiro ya teng e leng marara ka gone. +",0.7620857 +"if the port does not function efficiently, the entire economy suffers, from importers and exporters to consumers. +","fa boemelakepe jono bo sa dire ka manontlhotlho, lephata lotlhe la ikonomi le ka phu tlhama, re bua ka barekisi ba ditlhagisiwa tsa kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle ka fa nageng ya rona, barekisi ba ditlhagisiwa tsa ka fa nageng ya rona kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle go tse nyeletsa le bareki. +",0.7956356 +"on the other hand, if the port works well it can drive economic growth and position our country as a gateway to the region and the continent. +","fela ka fa letlhakoreng le lengwe ke gore fa boemelakepe jono bo dira ka manontlhotlho, bo ka godisa ikonomi le go dira gore naga ya rona e nne yona e e dirisiwang ke dinaga tse di ka fa kgaolong e e ka fa borwa ya kontinente go tsenya le go ntsha ditlhagisiwa mmogo le go dirisiwa le ke dinaga tsa kontinente ka bophara. +",0.81759155 +"when i visited durban in october 2019, many local businesses and port users raised concerns with me about the performance of the durban port. +","fa ke ne ke etetse durban ka diphalane 2019, dikgwebo di le dintsi mmogo le badirisi ba boemelakepe jono mo kgaolong eo ba ne ba tlhagisa dingo ngorego tsa bona mo go nna mabapi le ka fao boemelakepe jwa kwa durban bo dirang ka gone. +",0.88705945 +"shipping companies, in particular, expressed concern about truck congestion and waiting times, ship berthing delays and anchorage times, poor maintenance of equipment and generally low productivity in the port. +","ditlamo tse di rwalang dithoto di ngongoregile thata ka tshu betlhelano ya diteroko mmogo le sebaka se se engwang, tiegiso ya dikepe pele di ka folosa kgo tsa go pega morwalo mmogo le dinako tse di farologaneng tse di dirisiwang mo mabopong, go se tlhokomelo le go se tsosolose didirisiwa, meago le dithoto ka tshwanelo mmogo le go se dire ka botswapelo ga boemelakepe jono. +",0.8219423 +"my recent visit to the port was to check whether the commitments made in response to these concerns had been implemented. +","leeto la me la sešweng jaana le ne le le mabapi le go lekola gore ditsholofetso tse di neng tsa diriwa go rarabolola dingo ngorego tseno di feleditse di diragaditswe kgotsa jang. +",0.79015476 +"there has indeed been great progress over the past year in turning around the performance of the port, despite the impact of covid19. +","tota go na le kgatelopele e kgolo e e dirilweng mo ngwa geng yo o fetileng mo go toka fatseng tiro ya boemelakepe jono, le fa tota covid19 e re sitisitse. +",0.8422471 +"these efforts are already showing results in improved maintenance of equipment, reduced congestion, quicker turnaround times and increased use of rail instead of road transport. +","matsapa a a tserweng a setse a bonagala fa go tla mo tlhoko melong le mo tsosolosong ya didirisiwa, meago le dithoto, tshubetlhelano e fokotsegile, ga go sa emiwa sebaka mme e beli gape go setse go dirisiwa diterene ka bontsi go na le go dirisa dirori le diteroko. +",0.8279935 +"while this is important progress, there is still much work to be done to position durban as a worldclass port and as a hub port for the southern hemisphere. +","le fa kgatelopele eno e le botlhokwa, go santse go na le namane e tona ya tiro e e santse ng e saletse morago mo go direng gore boemelakepe jwa durban bo nne jwa maemo a a kwa godimo mo lefatsheng le mo maemong a kgaolo ya dinaga tse di ka fa letlhakoreng la borwa mo kontinenteng. +",0.8422861 +"in recent years, the port has slipped from its position as first in africa to third, behind tangier in morocco and port said in egypt. +","mo dingwageng tse di fetileng, boemelakepe jono bo ntshitswe mo maemong a ntlha a bo neng bo le mo go ona mo kontine nteng go ya mo maemong a boraro, mo bo salang morago boemelakepe jwa tangier kwa morocco le boemelakepe jwa said kwa egepeta. +",0.88404596 +"truck turnaround times have greatly improved. +","go diega ga dirori le dite roko le gone go fokotsegile thata. +",0.67734706 +"similarly, the reliability of cargo handling equipment has improved to 80% and is heading towards at least 95% to meet international benchmarks. +","go fela jalo le ka didi risiwa tse di rwalang dithoto le merwalo ka 80% ya tsona di baakantswe mme ga jaa nong go gaufi le go dira gore 95% ya tsona di baakanngwe sentle go fitlhelela maemo a a beilweng a boditšhabatšhaba. +",0.8349342 +"ship waiting times have reduced to impressive levels. +","sebaka se dikepe di se emang se fokotsegile ka mokgwa o o gagamatsang thata. +",0.71597254 +"these statistics may seem technical and obscure, but they have a direct impact on the growth of our economy and on the prices we pay as consumers. +","dipalopalo tseno di ka tswa di bonagala e le tsa setegeniki e bile di sa tlhaloganyege, fela di na le seabe mo kgolong ya iko noming ya rona le mo mading a re a duelelang fa re reka dilo. +",0.8599026 +"we have made improving the efficiency of our ports a priority of operation vulindlela and have focused on rebuilding transnet, which is one of our valued stateowned enterprises. +","re beile kwa setlhoeng dikga to tsa go tlhabolola tiro ya maemelakepe a rona go nna ya maemo a a kwa godimo ka go dirisa letsholo la operation vulindlela mme e bile gape re tsepamisitse mogopolo mo go tsosoloseng transnet, e leng se sengwe sa ditheo tse di botlho kwa tsa puso ya rona. +",0.8453617 +"the new management of transnet and its operating divisions are resolutely focused on turning the performance of the port around. +","ba bolaodi jo bontšhwa jwa transnet mmogo le ba maphata a bona a go diragatsa tiro ba ikemiseditse go fetola tiro e e bokoa ya boemelakepe jono. +",0.822752 +"the management has ambitious and exciting expansion plans for all five of the port’s precincts. +","ba bolaodi ba na le maano a magolo a a itumedisang a go atolosa lefelo leno mo dikaro long tsotlhe di le tlhano tsa lona. +",0.7871158 +"these include the deepening of the maydon wharf channel to allow larger, modern vessels to enter the port, the infill of pier 1 and pier 2 to create additional capacity for con tainers and the development of a new container terminal in the point precinct. +","ona a tsenyeletsa a go atolosa lefelobotseno la maydon wharf go dira gore le dikepe tse dikgo lo le tsa sešweng di kgone go tsena mo boemelakepeng jono, go atolosa lefelopeelo la dithoto le merwalo la lefelopeelo la ntlha le la lefelopeelo la bo bedi go thusa gore a kgone go amogela dikhontheinara di le dintsi tsa dithoto le merwalo mmogo le go aga lefelo le le ntšhwa la pholosetso ya dithoto le merwalo mo lefelong le go folosetswang dithoto le me rwalo mo go lona. +",0.85797346 +"altogether, the expansion of infrastructure at the port will require r100 billion in new investment over the next decade and more. +","madi otlhe a a tla tlhokagalang go tswa mo dipeeletsong tse dintšhwa mo go atoloseng ma faratlhatlha a boemelakepe jono a ka dira r100 bilione mo seba keng sa dingwaga di le lesome kgotsa go feta tse di tlang. +",0.81782836 +"this will completely transform the port, expanding its capacity for container handling from 2.9 million units to more than 11 million units. +","seno se tla fetola boemelakepe jono gotlhelele, mo bogolo jwa bona bo tla amogelang dikhonthei nara tsa dithoto le merwalo di le dimilione di le 11 go gaisa ga jaanong mo bo amogelang dikhontheinara di le dimilione di le 2.9 fela. +",0.84549963 +"these ambitious plans will require greater private sector participation and investment. +","maano a magolo ano a tla tlhoka gore lekala la poraefete le nne le seabe se segolo le go dira dipeeletso. +",0.78071845 +"transnet, including the durban port, is an important national asset belonging to the people of south africa. +","transnet, mmogo le boemelakepe jwa durban ke di theo tse di botlhokwa tsa naga tse e leng tsa baagi ba aforika borwa. +",0.8575963 +"partnerships with the private sector are crucial to bring new investment, technology and expertise to port operations and to modernise equipment and infrastructure. +","tirisanommogo le lekala la poraefete e botlhokwa mo go ngokeleng dipeeletso tse dintšhwa, thekenoloji le kitso e leng tseo di tla dirisiwang mo ditirong tsa boemelakepele mmogo le go tlisa didirisiwa le mafaratlhatlha a segompieno. +",0.84370965 +"transnet is planning, for example, to advertise a concession later this year to build and operate the new point terminal. +","go naya motlhala, transnet monongwaga e ikaelela go phasalatsa lekwalotumelano la go aga le go tsamaisa lefelo le lentšhwa la pholosetso ya dithoto le merwalo. +",0.8423477 +"this will bring in private investment and improve the efficiency of container handling. +","seno se tla ngokela dipeeletso go tswa mo makaleng a poraefete mmogo le go tokafatsa ka fao dikho ntheinara di tlhokomelwang ka teng. +",0.8040035 +"through our reform process we are steadily improving the efficiency of our ports and railways and unlocking massive investment in infrastructure. +","ka dikgato tsa rona tsa go fe tola batsholateu, gannyane ga nnyane re tsweletse go tokafa tsa tiro ya maemelakepe a rona mmogo le ya diterene gore re kgone go bulela dipeeletso tse dintsi mo mafaratlhatlheng a rona. +",0.82297117 +"this will not only lower costs and improve the competitiveness of our exports, but will create thousands of new jobs in the process. +","seno se ka se fokotse fela ditlhwatlhwa tse re di duelelang mmogo le go tokafatsa maemo gore re kgone go gaisana le ma felo a mangwe a diromelantle, mme gape se tla tlhola ditiro di le diketekete. +",0.86066175 +"through both operational improvements and structural reforms, durban port will reclaim its place as the bestperforming port in africa. +","ka go tokafatsa tiro ya boema kepe le go tsosolosa meago ya jona, boemakepe jwa durban bo tla boela mo maemong a bona a go nna boemakepe bo bo dirang sentle thata mo aforika. +",0.8558203 +"as part of our reconstruction and recove ry plan, we will continue to work tirelessly to expand infrastructure investment and transform our network industries. +","jaaka e le karolo ya leano la rona la tsosoloso le kagosešwa ya ikonomi, re tla tswelela go dira ka natla go oketsa di peeletso mo mafaratlhatlheng mmogo le go fetola diintaseteri tsa rona. +",0.8481219 +"if my visit to durban left one thing in my mind, it is that we south africans are capable of succeeding in projects of vast importance and scale. +","fa go na le sengwe se leeto la me kwa durban se setseng mo mogopolong wa me ke gore, re le maaforika borwa re na le bokgoni jwa go ka atlega mo diporojekeng tse dikgolo le tse di botlhokwa thata. +",0.8836545 +"our ambitions should match the size of our challenges. +","maikaelelo a rona a tshwa netse go tsamaelana le bogolo jwa dikgwetlho tsa rona. +",0.7816168 +"with the progress we are making at the durban port, with the reinvigorated skills and capabilities that we have in transnet, we now have the wind in our sails. +","ka kgatelopele e re tsweletse ng go e bona kwa boemelake peng jwa durban, ka bokgoni jo bontšhwa jo re tswelelang go bo bona kwa transnet, jaanong re na le maatla a go diragatsa seo re tshwane tseng go se dira. +",0.8409626 +and we are moving at a rate of knots towards our destination.,"boemelakepe jwa kwa durban bo bulela ntletsentletse ya ditšhono mo nageng ya aforika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed sešweng jaana ke sa tswa go etela bo emelakepe jwa kwa durban go iponela ka bo nna tiro e go samaganweng le yona mo go direng gore boemelakepe jono bo dire ka botswapelo le ka matse tseleko. +",0.8409626 +"robust media more critical than ever vukuzenzele unnamed we live in a country where not just journalists but any member of the public is able to freely articulate their views, their opinions and indeed their dissatisfaction without fear of retribution. +","bobegakgang jwa bogatlhamelamasisi jaanong bo tlhokagala thata go feta mo malobeng vukuzenzele unnamed re tshela mo na geng eo baagi, e seng fela babega kgang, ba gololesegileng go ka ntsha maikutlo a bona, seo ba se akanyang le dingongorego tsa bona ntle le go boifa gore ba ka tle ba gatelelwa. +",0.8711821 +"we have come a long way from the days where social protest by artists attracted banning orders, and critical reporting by journalists risked imprisonment or the closure of publications. +","re tswa kgakala mo badira gatsi ba neng ba ilediwa go diragatsa fa e le gore ba dira ditshupetso mo mererong ya loago, mo babegakgang ba ba neng ba utulola diphiri ba neng ba otlhaiwa ka go tshwariwa kgotsa go tswalela lefelo leo ba neng ba le direla. +",0.8358668 +"recently, the organisation reporters without borders published the 2021 world press freedom index, a barometer of the state of media freedom across the globe. +","sešweng jaana mokgatlho wa babegakgang ba ba sa beelwang melelwane o phasaladitse pegelo ya kgo lolesego ya makwalodikgang mo lefatsheng ya ngwaga wa 2021, e leng pegelo e e bontshang ka fao bobega kgang bo gololesegileng go dira tiro ya jona ka teng mo lefatsheng lotlhe. +",0.85657823 +"overall, it was found that there has been a decline in public access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage in a number of countries. +","go fitlhetswe gore ka gotlhe tshedimosetso ga e sa tswa ka fao e tshwanetseng mme e bile gape dikgoreletsi tsa go bega dikgang di tlhatlogile mo dinageng di le dintsi nyana. +",0.8084273 +"the report said that journalism is ""totally blocked or seriously impeded"" in 73 countries and ""constrained"" in 59 others. +","pegelo eno e re bobega kgang ""bo thibetswe ka go tlhelele go dira tiro ya jona"" mo dinageng di le 73 mme gape mo dinageng di le 59 ""bo a kgorelediwa"". +",0.8254088 +"what is worrying is that media freedom has deteriorated under the covid19 pandemic, with the various restrictions put in place having seemingly been used to curtail media activity in several places. +","se se tshwenyang tota ke gore mo pakeng ya lerobo robo la covid19 kgolo lesego ya bobegakgang go itlhokomolositswe yona thata, mme melaokiletso e e farologaneng e e tsentsweng tirisong e ntse e dirisiwa go thibela tiro ya bobegakgang mo dikgaolong di le dintsi nyana. +",0.8255666 +"in this latest report south africa ranked 32nd out of 180 countries. +","mo pegelong eno ya sešweng aforika borwa e mo maemong a bo 32 mo di nageng di le 180. pegelo eno e tlhalosa gore kgololesego ya bobegakgang mo nageng ya aforika borwa ""e enngwe nokeng fela e santse e na le makoa a yona"". +",0.7352043 +"the index describes the state of media freedom in south africa as ""guaranteed but fragile"". +","e tlhalosa gore le fa mo laotheo wa naga ya aforika borwa o sireletsa kgololesego eno e bile gape e le setlwaedi gore bobegakgang bo dira dipatlisiso, go santse go na le dikgoreletsi di le dintsinyana tse di kgoreletsang babega kgang go dira tiro ya bona. +",0.66481966 +"it notes that while the south african constitution protects freedom and we have an established culture of investigative journalism, a number of impediments still hinder journalists in the performance of their duties. +","tseno di tsenyeletsa go isiwa kwa kgotlatshekelo fa ba tsaya ditshwantsho tsa meago e e botlhokwa ya puso kgotsa fa ba bega ka sengwe se se amanang le tshirele tsego ya puso. +",0.67092574 +"this includes legal injunctions against taking images of national key points or reporting on matters involving state security. +","pegelo eno gape e nopola le matshosetsi a a tlhatlogang a go tshosetsa babegakgang mo ngwageng wa 2020, bogolo jang babegakgang ba bomme a a diriwang mo mafaratlha tlheng a ditlhaeletsano. +",0.65143377 +"the report also notes an increase during 2020 of the intimidation of journalists, especially female journalists on social media. +","ditiragalo tsa matshosetsi tsa mothale ono ga di amo gelesege ka gope, bogolo jang fa di totile babegakgang ba bomme e bile ka dinako dingwe di ba tshosetsa ka go ba betelela. +",0.71326673 +"such intimidation is totally unacceptable, but is particularly harmful when it is directed at female journalists and is occasionally accompanied by threats of sexual violence. +","eno ke ntlha e e re tshwenyang tota mme ga se selo se se tla letlelelwang. +",0.5357673 +"this is a matter of great concern and cannot be allowed. +","le fa go le jalo, re itumelela kitso ya gore mo nageng ya rona re na le bobegakgang jo bo gololesegileng jwa boga tlhamelamasisi jo bo begang dikgang ntle le go tshaba kana go tsaya letlhakore la bao ba busang, bo bega ka dintlha tse di tlhobaetsang tse re tshelang mo go tsona, mmogo le go begela baagi tshedimosetso e e nepileng e e sa sokamang. +",0.4960142 +"at the same time, we take great comfort in the knowledge that we have a free, robust media that is able to report without fear or favour about those in power, about the most pressing social issues of our time, and to provide accurate, impartial information to the public. +","mo nakong eno gore re kgone go thusana go tsoso losa ikonomi ya naga ya rona le setšhaba sa borona mo leroborobong la mogare wa corona , re tlhoka bobe gakgang jo bo gatlhamelang masisi. +",0.68077874 +"at a time when we are working together to rebuild our economy and our society in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a robust media is more critical than ever. +","babegakgang ba aforika borwa ba nnile le seabe se se botlhokwa thata mo go utuloleng kitso e ga jaana re nang le yona ka ga bogolo jwa dikgato tsa go goga puso ka nko tseo di neng di diriwa ke batho ba ba ikgathalelang ba le esi, ba ba bonweenwee mmogo le ditheo tseo ba di direlang. +",0.6724696 +"the south african media has played a pivotal role in uncovering much of what we know today about the true extent of capture of the state by selfserving, corrupt individuals and entities. +","ba ne ba tswelela go bega dikgang tsa bona le fa ba ne ba tshosediwa, ba fiwa tshedi mosetso e e fosagetseng le go sotliwa. +",0.62837166 +"they sustained their reporting even in the face of intimidation, disinformation and attacks on their person. +","bonweenwee ke jone kgwe tlho e le esi e naga ya rona e tobaneng le jone. +",0.50042474 +"corruption is by no means the only challenge we face as a country. +","ka ntlha ya jone, maaforika borwa a le mantsi letsatsi le letsatsi a tshelela mo khumanegong e bile ga ba thusiwe, ga ba lekane e se meno, ba abelwa kabo ya ditirelo e e bokoa e bile ga ba neelwe ditšhono. +",0.5134091 +"the daily lives of many south africans are still affected by poverty, inequality and underdevelopment, poor service delivery and lack of access to opportunities. +","fa bobegakgang bo batla go tswelela ka tiro ya jone ya go tshegetsa temokerasi, babegakgang ba rona ba tshwanetse go se fele lentswe mo go begeng dikgang ntle le go tshaba kgotsa go tsaya le tlhakore ka merero e mengwe e e diragalang e re tshelang mo go yona. +",0.6881994 +"if the media is to remain true to its responsibility to support democracy, our journalists must continue to report without fear or favour on the other issues of the day. +","ba tshwanetse go bega dikgang tse di ka ga pogiso e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng (gbv), bosenyi mo metseng e re nnang mo go yona mmogo le maitshwaro a a bodileng mo baaging a a jaaka tirisobotlhawa ya diritibatsi. +",0.634447 +"their sustained coverage must include genderbased violence, crime in our communities and social ills like substance abuse. +","bobegakgang jwa naga ya rona bo tshwanetse go bega dikgang tse di nang le tshedi mosetso e e nepileng e e sa tseyeng letlhakore, go thusa baagi gore ba kgone go itseela ditshwetso ka tshedimosetso eno, gore ba kgone go iponela ditšhono ba tle ba tokafatse matshelo a bona. +",0.6881545 +"our media should provide accurate and impartial information, enabling the public to make informed decisions, to access opportunities and to improve their lives. +","ba tshwanetse go tswelela go diragatsa bobegakgang jo bo sa lebelelang fela gore ba tlhagise ditlhogo tse di ngokelang le dikgang tse di gatisiwang mo letlakaleng la ntlha la makwalodikgang mme di tswela batho mosola. +",0.7080097 +"they should continue to produce journalism that goes beyond the headlines and front pages and that contributes to human development. +","ba tshwanetse go bega dikgang tse di itumedisang le tseo di sa itumediseng, kgatelopele e re e dirang le dikgwetlho tse re tsamayang re kopana le tsona. +",0.6738383 +"they should report both the good news and the bad news, the progress we make and the challenges we face. +","go tshepagala ke selo se se botlhokwa thata se se dirang gore baagi ba tshepe babe gakgang. +",0.5231877 +"credibility is key to sustaining trust between journalists and the public. +","fa babegakgang ba letlelela go dirisiwa kana gore di rala tsa bona di dirisediwe go emelela boradipolotiki ba ba rileng le go lwantshana le boradipolotiki ba ba rileng kgotsa gona go dirisediwa go ipusuletsana le go betsana ka noga e tshela, baagi ba latlhe gelwa ke tshepo mo go bona. +",0.64734054 +"when journalists allow themselves or their platforms to be used to fight political battles or settle scores on behalf of vested interests, their credibility suffers. +","fa babegakgang ba phasalatsa dikgang tse di senang nnete kgotsa tseo ba itseng sentle gore ga se tsa boammaruri, baagi ba latlhe gelwa ke tshepo mo go bona. +",0.7420066 +"when media disseminate stories that are inaccurate or that they know to be false, the public loses faith in them. +","botlhe ba ba ratang naga eno ya rona mme ba eletsa gore e ka atlega ba tshwanetse go ema nokeng bobegakgang jwa ka fa nageng ya rona, le go netefatsa gore ga bo kgorelediwe mo go direng tiro ya jona. +",0.6391159 +"it is in the best interests of all who love this country and wish for it to succeed that our media is supported, and not hindered in its work. +","re le baagi, tla re tsweleleng go dirisana mmogo gore re sireletse kgololesego ya bobe gakgang ba naga ya rona. +",0.6180252 +"as a society, let us continue to work together to jealously safeguard our country’s media freedom. +","bobegakgang jwa bogatlhamelamasisi jaanong bo tlhokagala thata go feta mo malobeng vukuzenzele unnamed re tshela mo na geng eo baagi, e seng fela babega kgang, ba gololesegileng go ka ntsha maikutlo a bona, seo ba se akanyang le dingongorego tsa bona ntle le go boifa gore ba ka tle ba gatelelwa. +",0.6180252 +"israel, palestine urged to emulate sa by pursuing peace vukuzenzele unnamed our experience with the democratic transition is a lesson about the power of empathy, negotiation and compromise. +","naga ya iseraele le ya palestina di rotloediwa gore di itseele malebela mo nageng ya aforika borwa ka go kgaratlhela kagiso mo dinageng ka bobedi vukuzenzele unnamed maitemogelo a rona mo go nneng le puso ya temokerasi ke seo re ithu tileng sona fa go tla mo ku tlwelobotlhokong, ditheri sanong le mo go ikentsheng setlhabelo. +",0.82795036 +"the escalating situation in israel and palestine affirms once more what we south africans know too well, that intractable conflicts can only be solved through peaceful negotiation. +","ntwa ya matlho a mahibidu e e tsweletseng go tuka ma lakabe magareng ga naga ya palestina le ya iseraele e totobatsa se rona maaforika borwa re se tlhaloganyang sentle mme sona ke gore se tlhare sa dikgogakgogano ke go nna fatshe le buisane le go bontshana mabaka ka kagiso. +",0.814527 +"it also demonstrates that unless the root causes of a conflict are addressed, in this case the illegal occupation by israel of palestinian land and the denial of the palestinian people’s right to selfdetermination, there will never be peace. +","e re bontsha gape le gore fa mmidi wa bothata jo bo leng teng o sa utololwe ga go kitla go rena kagiso, mme jona ke jwa naga ya iseraele ka go thopa ka dikgoka naga ya mapalestina mmogo le go ba tseela ditshwanelo le dithata tsa go itlhophela gore ba batla go busiwa ke mang. +",0.8146749 +"the latest violence was sparked by an israeli court decision to evict a group of families from their homes in the sheikh jarrah neighbourhood in east jerusalem to make way for israeli settlements. +","ntwa ya sešweng jaana e bakilwe ke katlholo ya kgotlatshekelo ya iseraele ya go koba malapa a mapale stina mo nageng ya bona kwa sheikh jarrah e e leng gaufi le botlhaba jwa jerusalema e le maitlhomo a go tsaya naga eo gore maiseraele a age mo nageng eo. +",0.8738805 +"the sight of men, women and children being evicted from the homes their families have lived in for generations brings back painful collective and personal memories for the majority of south africans – of forced removals and land dispossession. +","go bona banna, basadi le bana ba ntshiwa ka dikgoka mo dintlong tseo dikokoma tsa malapa a bona di nnileng mo mafelong ao sebaka sa dijarajara e re gopotsa mahu tsana ao bontsi jwa maaforika borwa a fetileng mo go ona a go ntshiwa mo mafatsheng a rona ka dikgoka. +",0.8384707 +"it was a pain and humiliation faced by my own family, and by many south african families. +","e ne e le lenyatso le le utlwi sang botlhoko leo ba lelapa la gaetsho mmogo le ba malapa a le mantsi a maaforika borwa re itemogetseng lona. +",0.843433 +"my family was forcibly moved to different parts of the country on two occasions. +","ba lelapa la gaetsho ba ne ba ntshiwa ka dikgoka makgetlho a le mabedi mo ba neng ba nna me ba fudusetswa kwa mafelong a a farologaneng ka fa nageng. +",0.7929562 +"being forced from one’s home at gunpoint is a trauma not easily forgotten and is carried across generations. +","go ntshiwa kwa lapeng la gaeno o supilwe ka tlhobolo ke selo se se roromisang mmele e bile ga se selo se se lebalegang, ke selo se se gopolwang le ke dikokoma tse di tlang. +",0.7946398 +"as a country, we are still living with the residual effects of the callous acts carried out in the name of apartheid spatial planning. +","ka fa nageng re santse re tshelela mo ditlamoragong tse di tlhodilweng ke dikgato tsa puso ya tlhaolele tsa go rulaganya mafelo a bodulo. +",0.7506982 +"for all who believe in equality, justice and human rights, we cannot but be moved and indeed angered, at the pain and humiliation being inflicted on the palestinian people; for it echoes our own. +","rotlhe fa re le batho mme re dumela mo go lekalekaneng ga batho, bosiamisi le di tshwanelo tsa batho, re retele lwa ke go itshokela tšhakgalo e re leng mo go yona ya go bona batho ba ba jaaka rona ba mapalestina ba utlwisiwa botlhoko le go sotliwa jaaka go diragala; gonne seno se re gopotsa koo re tswang. +",0.8414804 +"israel’s actions are a violation of international law. +","se iseraele e se dirang ke go gatakaka melao ya boditšhabatšhaba. +",0.80808973 +"they show a total disregard for successive united nations security council reso lutions that call for an end to the occupation of palestinian land and for the fulfilment of the rights of the palestinian people. +","e bontsha lenyatso le le tseneletseng la ditshwetso tse di tserweng ke lekgotla la tshireletso la dinagakopano tse di laelang gore iseraele e kgaotse go tsaya naga ya mapalestina ka dikgoka mmogo le go kgaotsa go gatakaka ditshwanelo tsa mapalestina. +",0.81951547 +"since israeli security forces launched assaults on worshippers at alaqsa mosque in jerusalem, the violence has now engulfed the gaza strip, large parts of the west bank and a number of israeli cities. +","fa e sale sesole sa iseraele se simolola go tlhasela barapedi kwa mosekeng wa al aqsa kwa jerusalema mo bekeng e e fetileng, ntwa eno jaanong e setse e aparetse le gaza strip, dikarolo tse dintsi tsa west bank mmogo le diteropo di le dintsinyana tsa iseraele. +",0.8926223 +"it has claimed the lives of dozens of people, including children. +","ntwa eno e setse e fetile ka bontsi jwa matshelo a batho, go tsenyeletsa le a bana. +",0.7681128 +"it is also deeply troubling that israeli forces destroyed a multistorey building that housed a number of media organisations, sending a chilling message to media reporting on the violence. +","ntlha e nngwe e e tshwe nyang tota ke gore sesole sa iseraele se phutlhamisitse moago o o tlhatlhaganeng o ditlamo di le dintsinyana tsa bobegakgang di neng di direla mo go ona, seno se tsitsibanya mmele mme se re bontsha matshosetsi a bobegakgang bo tobanang le ona fa bo bega ka ntwa eno e e runtseng. +",0.8339044 +"the senseless and continued israeli bombardment of gaza will have devastating consequences for more than two million people who have been suffering under an illegal israeli blockade for 14 years. +","ditlhaselo tse di setlhogo tsa sesole sa iseraele le go pha mphololwa ga gaza go tla nna le ditlamorago tse di sa jeseng diwelang mo bathong ba feta dimilione di le pedi ba ba nang le sebaka sa dingwaga di le 14 ba parakilweng ke iseraele. +",0.8658967 +"we call on all parties involved to show restraint, to respect human life and to cease the current hostilities. +","re ikuela mo dinageng ka bobedi go emisa ntwa, go tlotla matshelo a batho ba bangwe mmogo le go baya marumo fatshe. +",0.803984 +"as south africa, we are committed to being part of international efforts aimed at reviving a political process that will lead to the establishment of a viable palestinian state existing sidebyside in peace with israel and within internationally recognised borders. +","re le naga ya aforika borwa re ema nokeng dikgato tsa dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba tsa maitlhomo a go busetsa sekeng merero ya sepolotiki e e tla busetsang sekeng naga ya mapalestina e e tla dirisanang le ya iseraele, mme go rene kagiso mo melelwaneng ya dinaga ka bobedi e e tla the wang ka melao ya dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba. +",0.85267705 +"the twostate solution remains the most viable option for the peoples of israel and palestine and must continue to be supported. +","ditharabololo tsa dinaga ka bobedi di tshwanetse go tswela melemo baagi ba ise raele le ba palestina, mme ka jalo di tshwanetse go tswelela go tshegediwa. +",0.7903513 +"just as israeli security forces were attacking worshippers at the alaqsa mosque, we in south africa were preparing to commemorate the centenary of the bulhoek massacre at a religious site in ntabelanga in the eastern cape. +","fa sesole sa iseraele se ne se tlhasela barapedi kwa mo sekeng wa al aqsa, rona mo nageng ya aforika borwa re ne re samagane le dithulaganyo tsa go ipaakanyetsa segopotso sa ngwagakgolo sa dipolao tsa batho ba le bantsi kwa bu lhoek mo lefelong le go neng go rapelwa kwa go lona kwa ntabelanga kwa porofenseng ya kapa botlhaba. +",0.8895451 +"on 24 may 1921, colonial security forces armed with machine guns and artillery opened fire on worshippers, killing more than 160 people and wounding nearly 130. the massacre laid bare the brutality not only of the police force of the union of south africa, but also the racist system that it was charged to uphold. +","ka la bo 24 motsheganong 1921, sesole sa puso ya bokoloniale se tlhometse ka ditlhobolo tsa meratlatla le tse di feferang se ne sa fefera barapedi le go ba nesetsa ka dikolo, mo batho ba le kanaka 160 ba neng ba bolawa mme ba ba ka dirang 130 bona ba ne ba gobadiwa. +",0.8088188 +"just like the dispute in the sheik jarrah neighbourhood, the atrocity at bulhoek was not just about a local dispute; it was fundamentally about the forced dispossession of land, about colonial occupa tion, about racial discrimi nation and about the violent suppression of dissent. +","dipolao tseno di ne tsa baya mo pepeneneng setlhogo, e seng fela sa sesole sa puso ya aforika borwa ya bokoloniale, mme gape le sa thulaganyo ya tlhaolele e e neng e e disa. +",0.72133654 +"as we reflect on the crisis in the middle east and particularly on the suffering of the palestinian people, we would do well to recall the words of selby msimang, a founding member of the african national congress. +","fela jaaka se se diragalang mo lefelong la sheik jarrah, dipolao tse di setlhogo tsa kwa bulhoek le tsona di ne di sa ikaega fela ka go se dumele lane ga dikgopolo; mo boteng jwa tsona di ne di ikaegile ka go tseela ba bangwe dithoto le naga, go thopa naga ka dikgoka, go tlhaola batho ba merafe e e rileng le go gatelela ba ba sa dumelaneng le tseno ka go dirisa dikgoka. +",0.6933813 +"in the aftermath of the bulhoek massacre he wrote: ""history has shown that the human soul naturally revolts against injustice"". +","fa re leba tlhakantsuke e e diragalang kwa dinageng tsa botlhabagare bogolosegolo tshotlego e mapalestina a leng ka fa gare ga yona, go tla re tswela molemo go ga kologelwa mafoko a ga selby msimang, yo le ene e leng yo mongwe wa ba ba tlhamileng mokgatlho wa dipolotiki wa african national congress. +",0.6189436 +"the protests and the revolt of the oppressed people of south africa against colonialism and apartheid proved the veracity of this prophecy. +","morago ga setlhogo sa go bolawa ga batho kwa bu lhoek o ne a kwala molaetsa a re: ""hisetori e re bontshitse ka matlho gore fa mowa wa motho o sa dumelane le ditiro tse di makgwakgwa o a tle o thulane le tsona ka tlhogo"". +",0.6512705 +"as lovers of freedom and of justice, we stand with the palestinian people in their quest for selfdetermination, but also in their resistance against the deprivation of their human rights and the denial of their dignity. +","megwanto le ditshupetso tse di rebotsweng ke batho ba ba neng ba gatelelwa mo aforika borwa ba lwantshana le puso ya bokoloniale mmogo le puso ya tlhaolele di paka bokao jwa ponelopele eno. +",0.7163308 +"as citizens of a country that was able to turn its back on racehatred and bloodshed, and build an inclusive society rooted in human rights for all, it is our collective hope that the people of israel and palestine will follow a similar path; that they will find each other and that they will find peace.","naga ya iseraele le ya palestina di rotloediwa gore di itseele malebela mo nageng ya aforika borwa ka go kgaratlhela kagiso mo dinageng ka bobedi vukuzenzele unnamed maitemogelo a rona mo go nneng le puso ya temokerasi ke seo re ithu tileng sona fa go tla mo ku tlwelobotlhokong, ditheri sanong le mo go ikentsheng setlhabelo. +",0.7163308 +"sa strives to realise the vision of the constitution vukuzenzele unnamed sixty years ago, on 31 may 1961, apartheid south africa became a republic, cutting its ties with the british empire. +","aforika borwa e kgaratlhela ponelopele ya molaotheo vukuzenzele unnamed dingwaga tse di fetileng di le 60 ka la bo 31 mo tsheganong 1961 puso ya tlhaolele ya aforika borwa e ne ya tsaya legato la gore e batla go nna naga ya rephaboliki, mme ka go dira jalo e ne ya supoga mo dinaleng tsa go laolelwa ke bogosi jwa britain. +",0.8577529 +"while a ‘republic’ is generally defined as a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, this was not the case in south africa. +","ka bomadimabe le fa re itse gore naga ya 'rephaboliki' e raya gore ke naga e e ikemetseng e e laolwang ke baagi ba yona le batho ba ba ba tlhophileng, mo nageng ya aforika borwa seno se ne se se jalo. +",0.81869364 +"the constitution of the apartheid republic pledged allegiance to god, ""who gathered our forebears together from many lands and gave them this as their own"". +","molaotheo wa rephaboliki ya puso ya tlhaolele o ne o ema nokeng modimo a le mongwe fela, ""yo a kgobokantseng badimo ba bona go tswa kwa dinageng tse dintsi tse di farologaneng mme ba ba neela lefatshe leno go nna la bona ba le esi"". +",0.8576056 +"it was a constitution written by and for a racial minority, and it used faith to justify tyranny. +","ono e ne e le molaotheo yo o kwadilweng ke morafe yo monnye mo merafeng ya ka kwano mme o kwaletswe bona, e bile o ne o dirisa tumelo jaaka segai sa go sireletsa bosula jo ba neng ba bo dira. +",0.8001513 +"it outlined the administration of government, providing that only white people were eligible to vote and serve as public representatives. +","molaotheo ono o ne o tlhomile tsamaiso ya puso e e direlang fela batho ba mmala o mosweu, e bile e ne e le bona fela ba ba letleletsweng go tsenela ditlhopho le go emela baagi mo pusong. +",0.84140015 +"it contained no bill of rights. +","mo go ona go ne go sena molaotlhomo wa ditshwanelo tsa batho. +",0.8091339 +"the country’s majority was relegated to a footnote towards the end of its 121 provisions, in a section titled ‘administration of bantu affairs, etc.’. +","bontsi jwa baagi ba ne ba sa tseelwe tlhogong ka dikgatlhegelo tsa bona di ne di beetswe kwa tlasetlase mo ditaelong tsa motheo di le 121 di felelang teng tsa molaotheo ono, mo kgaolong e e neng e reilwe setlhogo sa 'taolo ya merero ya bathobantsho, jalo le jalo'. +",0.8241148 +"in a televised message, prime minister hf verwoerd said: ""we seek the gradual development of each of our groups in a certain direction. +","mo molaetseng wa thelebišene tonakgolo hf verwoerd o ne a re: ""re tshwanetse go tlhabolola morafe yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa rona ka tsela e e rileng. +",0.8465785 +"here the solution is openly sought by retaining the white man’s guiding hand. +","mo ntlheng eno thuso e re e tlhokang ke go busiwa ke botlhale jwa motho yo mosweu. +",0.71575946 +"""we are very happy to be a united people,"" he declared to the world. +","""o ne a netefaletsa lefatshe gore, ""re ipela go le maswe gore jaanong re setšhaba se le sengwe"". +",0.6823202 +"but the reality was that we were not a united people. +","fela boammaruri tota e ne e le gore seoposengwe se a buang ka sona mo bathong ba naga ya rona se ne se se teng. +",0.7418648 +"we were inhabitants of a country where one’s rights, prospects and life expectancy was determined by one’s race. +","re ne re le baagi mo nageng eo ditshwanelo tsa batho ba bangwe, katlego ya bona le botshelo jwa bona bo neng bo laolwa ke ba morafe yo mongwe. +",0.8421839 +"for two decades, the republic of south africa constitution act of 1961 was the legal impetus for the repression of nearly 90% of the south african population. +","sebaka sa dingwagasome di le pedi, molao wa molaotheo wa rephaboliki ya aforika borwa wa 1961 o ne o dirisiwa jaaka komang kanna ya melao e e neng e gatelela 90% ya baagi ba aforika borwa. +",0.88983214 +"this unhappy anniversary took place in the same month that we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the constitutional assembly of our new democratic constitution, which became the birth certificate of a real united nation. +","segopotso seno se se re gopotsang manyaapelo a a diragetseng se diragetse ka kgwedi e le nngwe le eo re neng re keteka segopotso sa ngwaga wa bo 25 wa fa e sale re tlhoma kokoano ya molaotheo ya molaotheo wa temokerasi ya rona e ntšhwa e e renang ka molaotheo, e leng ona sesupo sa nnete sa merafe e e kopaneng go nna setšhaba se le sengwe. +",0.8750434 +"now we have one law for one nation. +","gompieno re na le molao o le mongwe o o direlang setšhaba se le sengwe. +",0.8830335 +"together, we have chosen for ourselves a system of government that gives true meaning to the concept of a republic. +","rona rotlhe re itlhophetse ka borona thulaganyo ya puso e e supang bokao ba mmatota ba puso ya rephaboliki. +",0.86318034 +"we have said that in our democratic republic, everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. +","mo temokerasing ya rona ya rephaboliki re boletse gore motho mang le mang molao o tla ba direla ka go lekana, wa ba sireletsa ka go lekana le go ba tswela molemo ka go lekana. +",0.84529793 +"south africa today is a country where the administration of justice is vested in independent courts and a judiciary that is subject only to the constitution. +","gompieno mo nageng ya aforika borwa tsamaiso ya molao e mo diatleng tsa 'kgotlatshekelo tse di ikemetseng mme ditheo tsa molao di ikarabela mo molaotheong. +",0.7932543 +"we live in a country where everyone has the right to approach the courts for the fulfilment of their rights. +","re tshelela mo nageng eo mo go yona motho mang le mang a nang le tshwanelo ya go ka leba kwa kgotlatshekelo go sireletsa ditshwanelo tsa gagwe. +",0.88977605 +"we live in a country where communities can stake a legal claim on land they were forcefully moved from, and where individuals or families are protected against arbitrary eviction from their homes. +","re tshela mo lefatsheng leo baagi ba ka tsenyang dikopo tsa semolao tsa go busediwa mafatshe a bokokokhukhu ba bona ba ba kileng ba ntshiwa mo mafatsheng a bona ka dikgoka, mo nageng eo batho le ba malapa a bona ba sireletsegileng go ka ntshiwa mo malapeng a bona ka mabaka a a tsewang ke phefo. +",0.86009127 +"we live in a country where everyone is permitted to freely practise their culture and traditions. +","re tshela mo lefatsheng leo motho mang le mang a letleletsweng go dira sengwe le sengwe se setso sa gagwe se mo laelang go se dira. +",0.8288026 +"it is a country where anyone can freely protest in support of social, political and other causes anywhere. +","eno ke naga e mo go yona motho mang le mang a letleletsweng go ka tsenela mogwanto o mongwe le o mongwe o a batlang go o tsenela a gwantela merero ya leago, dipolotiki le e mengwe le e mengwe e e mo gwetlhang ka fa teng. +",0.8255967 +"our constitutional dispensation is premised on accountable government, where the executive is answerable to the people and where parliament is representative of the people. +","molaotheo wa naga ya rona o kwadilwe ka tsela eo mo go ona puso e tshwanetseng go nna le maikarabelo, mo batlhankedibagolo ba puso ba ikarabelang mo batlhankeding ba palamente ba ba romilweng ke baagi go emela dikgatlhegelo tsa bona. +",0.79630446 +"it is a country where the law applies equally to any citizen. +","eno ke naga e mo go yona molao o dirisiwang ka go lekalekana mo baaging ba yona. +",0.8069365 +"we now have a government of the people, for the people and by the people. +","eno ke puso ya batho, e e direlang batho e bile e laolwa ke batho. +",0.7320554 +"when the apartheid regime triumphantly paraded its racist constitution to the world 60 years ago, it had misplaced confidence that it would endure. +","fa puso ya tlhaolele e ne e pepesa ka makoko molaotheo wa yona mo lefatsheng dingwaga di le 60 tse di fetileng, e ne e ithaa e re e fentse. +",0.8433626 +"in an unanswered letter to verwoerd a month before the republic was declared, nelson mandela affirmed the liberation movement’s rejection of the forcibly imposed white republic. +","mo lekwalong le verwoerd a sa itshwenyang go le araba le nelson mandela a mo kwaletseng lona kgwedi pele naga e tlhomiwa go nna ya rephaboliki, mo teng o ne a eme ka le le reng mekgatlho ya go lwela kgololesego ya re nama ya kgapeletsa e thuba pitsa mme ka jalo e kgatlhanong le dikgato tsa go gapelediwa go busiwa ke puso ya basweu. +",0.8589392 +"he said that no constitution or form of government decided without the participation of the african people would enjoy moral validity. +","o ne a re ga go molaotheo kgotsa mofuta ope wa puso o o tlhophilweng go dirisiwa ntle le go sekegela bana ba mmala wa sebilo tsebe o o tla retiwang gore o na le botho. +",0.8160036 +"indeed no system that entrenches the systematic denial of people’s rights can be sustained. +","ke boammaruri ga go thulaganyo epe e e ganetsang batho ba bangwe go nna le ditshwanelo e e kileng ya tshelela saruri. +",0.7632009 +"though it would be over three decades before the demands of the liberation movement were met, we eventually won our freedom. +","le fa go tsere dingwagasome di le tharo gore mekgatlho ya kgololesego e iponele kgololesego eno, kwa bokhutlhong re e bone. +",0.79592776 +"in relegating the apartheid constitution to the dustbin of history, we committed ourselves to a new constitution and a new set of values. +","fa re konopela molaotheo wa puso ya tlhaolele mo ditlakaleng tsa hisetori ya rona, re ne ra ikana ka molaotheo o montšhwa mmogo le metheo e mengwe e mentšhwa. +",0.8324564 +"when i addressed the constitutional assembly 25 years ago, i said our constitution must become more than words on a page; it must become a reality in the lives of our people. +","fa ke ne ke eme kokoano ya molaotheo ka lefoko dingwaga di le 25 tse di fetileng ke ne ka gatelela gore molaotheo wa rona o tshwanetse go se nne fela bokao jwa mafoko jo bo kwadilweng mo pampitshaneng; o tshwanetse go diragatsa seo re se bonang ka matlho a nama mo matshelong a batho ba naga ya rona. +",0.86205375 +"unless we do so, this progressive and revolutionary document will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless. +","fa re sa dire jalo, tokomane eno ya phetogo le tswelopele mo matshelong a rona e tla felelwa ke mosola le bokao mo bathong ba naga ya rona. +",0.76486063 +"we have long decided what kind of society we want to be. +","ga re a bolo go tsaya ditshwetso tsa gore re batla go ipona re le setšhaba se se ntseng jang. +",0.8177036 +"it is a society rooted in human dignity, equality, freedom and nondiscrimination. +","re batla go nna le setšhaba se se tlotlang seriti sa batho, se go nang le tekatekano mo go sona, se go nang le kgololesego e bile go sena tlhaolele. +",0.81131274 +"for a quarter of a century we have worked to build such a society. +","sebaka sa kotara ya ngwagakgolo re ntse re tsweletse go aga setšhaba se re buang ka sona seno. +",0.830819 +"we have made undeniable progress, but we still have many challenges and there is much work still to be done. +","re dirile kgatelopele e go seng ope yo a ka e ganetsang, mme le fa go le jalo re santse re tobane le dikgwetlho tse di seng kana ka sepe mme e bile gape go santse go le go gontsi go re santseng re tlhoka go go dira. +",0.87895256 +"as we mark the anniversary of the adoption of our democratic constitution, let us remember what a decisive break it was with the system underpinned by racism, exploitation, dispossession and oppression that had come before. +","jaaka re keteka segopotso sa go tsenya tirisong molaotheo wa temokerasi ya rona, re tshwanetse go ikgopotsa gore re tswa kgakala go le kae moo puso ya nako eo e neng e itshametse ka tlhaolele ya bosemorafe, e ja batho ba bangwe ntshu, e tseela batho ba bangwe naga le dithoto le go ba gatelela mme ditiro tseo tsotlhe re ikinotse mo teng ga tsona. +",0.8155403 +"let us also remember that it is up to us to make the vision contained in our constitution a reality. +","re tshwanetse go gopola gape le gore ke rona ba re ka dirang gore ponelopele e e tlhagelelang mo molaotheong wa rona e tshele mme re e bone le ka matlho a rona a namana. +",0.75286674 +"for it is only by ensuring that all south africans are able to freely and fully exercise their constitutional rights, that we will truly become a united people.","aforika borwa e kgaratlhela ponelopele ya molaotheo vukuzenzele unnamed dingwaga tse di fetileng di le 60 ka la bo 31 mo tsheganong 1961 puso ya tlhaolele ya aforika borwa e ne ya tsaya legato la gore e batla go nna naga ya rephaboliki, mme ka go dira jalo e ne ya supoga mo dinaleng tsa go laolelwa ke bogosi jwa britain. +",0.75286674 +"the youth are our greatest asset vukuzenzele unnamed on june 16th 1976, the youth of soweto and other parts of the country rose up against the iniquity of bantu education. +","bašwa ba botlhokwa thata mo go rona vukuzenzele unnamed ka seetebosigo 16 1976, bašwa ba kwa soweto le mafelo a mangwe ka fa nageng ba ne ba duba merusu go ipelaetsa kgatlhanong le thuto ya bathobantsho e e neng e sa tshwane le ya merafe e mengwe. +",0.8593056 +"on that day and in the days that followed, many lost their lives. +","ka letsatsi leo le mo matsatsing a a tla latelang, batho ba bantsi ba ne ba latlhegelwa ke matshelo a bona. +",0.8591331 +"they were killed by a callous regime that had little regard for black lives and thought nothing of opening fire on unarmed, uniformed schoolchildren. +","ba ne ba bolawa ke puso e e neng e sena sepe le botshelo jwa mothomotsho e bile go ne go se sepe se ba boneng e le phoso fa ba ne ba budulela dikolo mo mebeleng ya bana ba sekolo ba ba neng ba apere diaparo tsa sekolo e bile ba sa tlhomela. +",0.83761525 +"these events hardened international opinion against the apartheid regime and gave further impetus to the liberation struggle. +","ditiro tsa mothale ono di ne tsa gagamatsa maikutlo a dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba kgatlhanong le puso ya tlhaolele mme seno se ne sa naya maatla kgaratlhelo ya kgololesego. +",0.8452611 +"young people have always been at the forefront of social protest, from the antiauthoritarian protests in latin america in the late 1950s, to the protests across africa in the late 1960s. +","bašwa ka gale ke bona ba gogang kwa pele ditshupetso mo mererong ya loago, go tloga mo ditshupetsong tsa kwa latin america ka dingwaga tsa bo 1950, go tsenyeletsa le ditshupetso tse di neng di diragala go ralala le aforika kwa bokhutlhong jwa dingwaga tsa bo 1960. hisetori e rekotile ka botswapelo seabe seo bašwa ba 1976 ba nnileng le sona mo megwantong ya boditšhabatšhaba ya baithuti le dikgato tsa bona tsa go ema kgatlhanong le go tshwarwa makgwakgwa. +",0.82324564 +"history faithfully records the contribution of the generation of 1976 to the international student movement and its stance against oppression and injustice. +","tiragalo eno ya hisetori e e diragetseng mo dingwageng di le 45 tse di fetileng e santse e ketikiwa mo kontinenteng ya aforika le mo lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.5584853 +"this historic event 45 years ago continues to be commemorated across africa and the world. +","ka jalo go a gagamatsa gore kitso ka ga ditiragalo tsa june 16 e a nyelela mo bašweng ba naga ya aforika borwa. +",0.603122 +"it is therefore disturbing that knowledge of june 16th is diminishing among young south africans. +","seno se diragala bogolosegolo mo bašweng ba ba ipitsang gore ke generation z, bano ke bašwa ba ba belegweng magareng ga dingwaga tsa 1997 le 2015. dipatlisiso tsa aforika borwa tsa kitso le maitsholo mo mererong ya loago tsa ngwaga wa matlole wa 2019/2020 tse di phasaladitsweng ke lekgotla la dipatlisiso tsa saense le batho (hsrc) di ribolotse gore mo bašweng bano, 40% ya bona ga e itse sepe ka ditiragalo tseno e bile ga ba ise ba utlwele sepe fela ka ga tsona. +",0.6183785 +"this is particularly so among the socalled generation z, or young people born between 1997 and 2015. the 2019/2020 south african social attitudes survey published by the human sciences research council found that close to 40% of generation z has not heard of the historical events of june 16th. +","ba bangwe gape ba phesente e e tshwanang le yona eo ba utlwetse ka tsona mme ba na le kitso e e potlana thata ka ga tsona. +",0.53710854 +"a similar percentage has heard about it but knows very little or nothing about it. +","le fa go le jalo, dipatlisiso tseno gape di ribolotse gore bašwa bano ga ba kgatlhanong le go ithuta ka kitso e e botlhokwa ya hisetori e bile ba dumela gore e botlhokwa e bile e tla tswelela go nna botlhokwa. +",0.6090989 +"nevertheless, the survey also found that young people of this generation are open to learning about key historical events and believe in their continued importance. +","re le naga re tshwanetse go tsaya matsapa go netefatsa gore molaetsa wa ditiragalo tsa 1976 o fetisetswa kwa bathong ba bangwe ka botswapelo. +",0.65826535 +"we need to do more as a country to ensure that the message of 1976 is transmitted faithfully. +","ano ke maikarabelo a rona rotlhe re le puso, dikolo, ditheo tsa thuto e kgolwane, batsadi, malapa le masika, baopedi, badiragatsi le botlhe mo setšhabeng. +",0.48934203 +"this is a collective responsibility of government, schools, tertiary institutions, parents, families, musicians, artists, and all of society. +","bašwa ba ba belegweng morago ga go phutlhama ga puso ya tlhaolele ba iphitlhetse ba le ka fa gare ga puso ya temokerasi e e nang le molaotheo mo ditshwanelo tse di botlhokwa di tsewang tsia. +",0.6440717 +"the generation that was born after apartheid ended inherited a country with a democratic constitution and where fundamental freedoms are protected. +","ditšhono tse bašwa ba mmala wa sebilo ba gompieno ba nang le tsona di farologane thata le tsa ba mo nakong e efetileng e bile di tokafaditswe thata. +",0.6030446 +"the opportunities young black people have today are both vastly different and greatly improved. +","go tswelela go ruta bašwa ka ditiragalo tseno tsa june 16 ke segopotso mo bašweng ba gompieno gore bašwa ba mo malobeng ba ikentshitse setlhabelo go le kanakang gore bašwa ba gompieno ba utlwe monate wa kgololesego. +",0.6227124 +"keeping the story of june 16th alive is a reminder to today’s generation of the great sacrifices made to secure their freedom. +","letsatsi la go keteka mosola wa bašwa ke segopotso sa gore bašwa ba na le maatla a le mantsi bokanakang le gore ba mo lebelong le le kanakang fa go tla mo go direng gore bokamoso jwa bona bo tokafale. +",0.74123 +"youth day is a reminder of the immense power and agency that young people have to create a better future for themselves. +","dikgwetlho tse bašwa ba tobaneng le tsona mo nageng ya aforika borwa di thiba letsatsi. +",0.58782065 +"the struggles of young people in south africa today are many. +","bašwa ga ba bolo go gapa kwa pele dikgato tsa go lwela ditshwanelo, go sa kgathalesege gore di mabapi le go lwela thuto ya mahala kgotsa go ema kgatlhanong le maitshwaro a a bodileng a tirisodikgoka e e totileng batho ba bong jo bo rileng (gbv). +",0.5627724 +"young people have remained at the forefront of activism, whether in pursuit of free education or against social ills like genderbased violence. +","gompieno ntwa e kgolo eo bašwa ba tobaneng le yona e kgatlhanong le botlhokatiro, jo ga jaanong bo tswileng mo taolong fa e sale leroborobo leno la covid19 le runya ka fa nageng. +",0.6734601 +"today the greatest struggle young people wage is against unemployment, which has worsened under the covid19 pandemic. +","tiro e e kwa setlhoeng mo pusong eno ke go tlholela bašwa ditšhono tse dintsi tsa ditiro le go dira gore bašwa bano ba fitlhelele ditšhono tseo. +",0.6044824 +"creating more opportunities for young people, and access to these opportunities, is government’s foremost priority. +","sengwe le sengwe se re se dirang re le puso se na le seabe mo go tokafatseng matshelo a bašwa. +",0.60494304 +"everything that we do as a government contributes towards improving the lives of young people. +","gore re kgone go samagana le botlhokatiro mo bašweng re tlhoka go godisa ikonomi ka lebelo, bogolo jang mo ditirong tse di tlhokang batho ba bantsi, mmogo le go aga bokgoni mo pusong gore e kgone go diragatsa maikarabelo a yona a go tlisa tlhabololo. +",0.6301075 +"tackling youth unemployment requires accelerating economic growth, particularly in labourintensive sectors, and building the capability of the state to fulfil its developmental role. +","re samagane le ntlha eno ka go ipeela dipeelo. +",0.48147148 +"we are also driving this agenda through targeted interventions. +","tsone di tsenyeletsa letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente, le ga jaana le setseng le tlametse bašwa ba le bantsi ka ditšhono tsa ditiro le go tshegetsa le ka fao ba iphedisang ka teng. +",0.54947376 +"these include the presidential employment stimulus, which has provided work opportunities and livelihoods support for many young people. +","re thankgolotse dikgato di le dintsinyana tse di farologaneng tsa go tlhola ditšhono, ra tlhabolola katiso ya bokgoni, ra ema nokeng baitlhamedikgwebo ba bašwa le go kgontsha bašwa go nna le seabe ka botlalo mo ikonoming. +",0.72701406 +"we have launched a range of additional measures to create opportunities, enhance skills development, support young entrepreneurs and enable the full participation of young people in the economy. +","dikgato tseno di tsenyeletsa tsa go tsenya tirisong thulaganyo ya naga ya taolo ya dithulaganyo mmogo le letsholo la bašwa ba aforika borwa e leng se se tla nolofatsang dikgato tsa bašwa tsa go bona le go iponela ditšhono le go iponela tshegetso e e maleba ya go ka iponela ditiro. +",0.73912776 +"this includes the establishment of a national pathway management network, sa youth, to make it easier for young people to view and access opportunities and receive active support to find pathways into the labour market. +","tseno ke tse dingwe tsa dintlha tse di botlhokwa mo letsholong la moporesitente la go bulela bašwa ditiro, leo le thankgolotsweng dibeke di se kae fela pele re welwa ke leru la go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng mo ngwageng o o fetileng mme ga jaanong letsholo leno le diragadiwa ka botlalo. +",0.7065977 +"these are among the priorities of the presidential youth employment intervention, which was launched just weeks before we entered a national lockdown last year and which is now entering full implementation. +","letsholo la moporesitente la go bulela bašwa ditiro le dirilwe go lebeletswe gore go samaganwe le matsapa a botlhokatiro ao bašwa ba tobaneng le ona. +",0.59666884 +"the presidential youth employment intervention was built on the understanding that addressing the youth unemployment crisis requires innovative thinking and strong partnerships across society. +","go tla tlhoka gore go diragadiwe megopolo e e iseng e bonwe mmogo le go dirisana le badirisanimmogo ba ba ikgonang mo setšhabeng. +",0.6871543 +"its ultimate objective is to find models that work, whether in skills development or active labour market policies, and to scale these rapidly to reach as many young people as possible. +","maitlhomomagolo a letsholo leno ke go tlhagisa dithulaganyo tse di nang le mosolo, e ka tswa e le tsa tlhabololo ya bokgoni kgotsa tsa dipholisi tsa ditiro, mmogo le go diragatsa seno ka lebelo gore di thuse bašwa ka bontsi jo go ka kgonagalang. +",0.8309606 +"most importantly, it recognises that young people must be at the centre of any effort to boost youth employment. +","sa botlhokwa go gaisa ke gore letsholo leno la re bašwa e tshwanetse e nne bona ba ba tseelwang kwa godimo mo dikgatong tsotlhe tsa go thapa bašwa. +",0.8267545 +"young people are our greatest asset, and our greatest weapon in this fight. +","bašwa ba botlhokwa thata e bile gape ke bona ba ba mosola thata mo go lwantshaneng le matsapa ano. +",0.7290303 +"we salute the resilience of every young person playing their part to build and develop this country. +","re akgola kakatlelo ya mošwa yo mongwe le yo mongwe ka go nna le seabe mo go ageng le mo go tlhabololeng naga ya rona. +",0.8506406 +"they are the young people volunteering in our communities, building our country through the presidential employment stimulus, running their own businesses and studying to better themselves. +","bano ke bašwa ba ba ithaopang go thusa mo metseng ya rona, ke bona ba ba agang naga ya rona ka go nna le seabe mo letsholong la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente, ke bona ba ba itshimoletseng dikgwebo le bao ba yang dikolong go oketsa kitso ya bona. +",0.8544569 +"they are the young people who are forging their own path and bringing their families along with them. +","bano ke bašwa ba ba ikagelang bokamoso jwa bona mmogo le jwa ba malapa a bona. +",0.78154194 +"we salute young people who keep working to improve their lives. +","re akgola bašwa ba ba tsweletseng go nna mo ditirong tseo ba di dirang gore ba kgone go tokafatsa matshelo a bona. +",0.848614 +"young people are doing their part; they need government, and indeed all of society, to do ours. +","bašwa ba diragatsa tiro ya bona; go setse puso le setšhaba ka bophara gore le tsona di tsenye letsogo. +",0.77978873 +"our country is going through the most difficult of times, but we are working daily to expand the frontiers of hope. +","naga ya rona e rwele boima, fela re dira bosigo le motshegare gore re tlise tsholofelo mo baaging ba naga ya rona. +",0.780343 +"we are seeing the green shoots of growth in our economy, and are confident this will translate to better opportunities for all. +","re bona kgolo e e iketlileng mo ikonoming ya rona, e bile re itse sentle gore seno se tla tlisa ditšhono tse di botoka tse di tla tswelang botlhe molemo. +",0.84282815 +"our task now is to ensure that young people are ready and able to access these opportunities, and to create their own.","bašwa ba botlhokwa thata mo go rona vukuzenzele unnamed ka seetebosigo 16 1976, bašwa ba kwa soweto le mafelo a mangwe ka fa nageng ba ne ba duba merusu go ipelaetsa kgatlhanong le thuto ya bathobantsho e e neng e sa tshwane le ya merafe e mengwe. +",0.84282815 +"soes must drive economic growth and transformation vukuzenzele unnamed for some years now, south africa’s stateowned enterprises (soes) have mostly been associated in the public eye with state capture, financial mismanagement and inefficiency. +","dikgwebo tsa puso e tshwanetse e nne tsona tse di gogang kwa pele kgolo le phetolothefosano mo ikonoming vukuzenzele unnamed e setse e le dingwaga jaanong dikgwe bo tsa puso ya aforika borwa (disoe) mo setšhabeng di bapanngwa le ditiragalo tsa go goga puso ka nko, tirisobotlha swa ya madi a ditheo tseno le go tlhoka maikarabelo. +",0.84497046 +"in addition to needing regular bailouts from government, some of the country’s biggest and most important stateowned companies have been struggling to meet their mandates. +","mo godimo ga go tlhoka go inolwa mo dikolotong gangwe le gape ke puso, tse dingwe tsa ditlamo tseno tsa puso tse dikgolo le tse di botlhokwa mo nageng di ntse di goga boima mo go diragatseng maikarabelo a tsona. +",0.8524116 +"these soes should be at the forefront of economic and social transformation. +","dikgwebo tseno tsa puso e tshwanetse gore e nne tsona tse di gogang kwa pele diphetogo mo mererong ya ikonomi le ya loago. +",0.7758706 +"they are responsible for providing the infrastructure and the services on which the economy depends, whether it be in the generation of electricity, commuter transport, water provision, freight logistics or telecommunications. +","maikarabelo a tsona ke go tlamela ka mafaratlhatlha le ditirelo tseo ikonomi e itshetlegileng ka tsona, go sa kgathalesege gore ke mo lekaleng la tlhagiso ya motlakase, mo lekaleng la dinamelwa, mo lekaleng la tlamelo ka metsi, mo lekaleng la dijanaga tse di rwalang dithoto kgotsa mo lekaleng la mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano. +",0.8570364 +"our approach to state ownership is informed by the need for the effective functioning of key network industries, such as energy and ports, and by the need to ensure that the basic needs of all south africans, particularly the poor, can be met. +","ditsela tse re di dirisang mo taolong ya dikgwebo tsa puso di ikaegile ka go dira gore letlotlo la diintaseteri tse re nang le tsona di nne mosola, tse di jaaka tsa motlakase le tsa kwa mabopong a go tsena le go tswa ka fa nageng, le ka go dira gore ditlhokwa tsa botlhokwa tse maaforika borwa o tlhe a di tlhokang, bogolosegolo ba ba dikobo dikhutshwane, ba a di fitlhelela. +",0.8580561 +"we firmly believe that public ownership is necessary in critical sectors of the economy and that the country needs robust soes that are able to drive economic growth and transformation. +","re dumela ka botlalo gore ke selo se se botlhokwa go dira gore puso e nne le dithoto tseo e leng tsa yona mo makaleng a a botlhokwa a ikonomi le gore mo nageng re tlhoka go nna le dikgwebo tsa puso tse di bogatlhamelamasisi gore di tle di fetole batsholateu mo ikonoming le go e godisa. +",0.8515682 +"this is particularly the case in the delivery of public goods such as electricity and water, where soes are able to pursue a developmental mandate in the public interest as opposed to a purely commercial one. +","seno se botlhokwa thata mo ditlhagisiweng tsa setšhaba tse di jaaka metsi le motlakase, mo dikgwebo tsa puso di salang morago maikarabelo a go tlisa tlhabologo mo baaging go na le a go batla go dira kgwebo fela. +",0.83031225 +"that is why we have made it a priority of this government to turn these companies around to root out corruption, improve their governance and enable them to play the role they should in driving economic growth and employment creation. +","ka ntlha ya seno puso e beile kwa setlhoeng dikgato tsa go fetola ka fao ditlamo tseno di ntseng di dira ka gone gore e utolle bonweenwee, e tokafatse ka fao di busiwang le go di kgontsha gore di kgone go diragatsa maikarabelo a tsona a go godisa ikonomi le go tlhola ditiro. +",0.83907104 +"to this end, we have embarked upon a number of reforms to strengthen these soes so that they can produce the results that the country needs and expects. +","mo go diragatseng seno, re setse re simolotse go diragatsa dikgato di le dintsinyana tsa go fetola batsholateu tse di tla gagamatsang dikgwebo tseno tsa puso gore di tle di diragatse seo naga eno e se solofetseng mo go tsona. +",0.7823407 +"one of the most important reforms is in the energy sector. +","tse dingwe tsa diphetogo tseno di diriwa mo lekaleng le le botlhokwa la motlakase. +",0.7169807 +"we have begun the process of restructuring eskom into three different soes, responsible for generation, transmission and distribution, respectively. +","re setse re simolotse go fetola setheo sa eskom go se arola go nna dikgwebo tse di farologaneng di le tharo tsa puso mo setlamo sengwe se tla nnang sa phetlho ya motlakase, se sengwe ya nna sa tsamaiso ya motlakase fa sa boraro e tla nna sa kabelano ya motlakase. +",0.79268193 +"this is because the previous structure of eskom was illsuited for a changing energy landscape. +","seno ke ka ntlha ya gore setlamo sa mo malobeng sa eskom se ne se rulagantswe ka tsela e e sa kgoneng go emelana le diphetogo mo lephateng la motlakase. +",0.83310235 +"it had become inefficient and costly and was not sufficiently transparent. +","se ne se sa tlhole se le mosola e bile se ne se tlhoka madi a a boitshegang go se laola e bile se ne se tletse lehunelo. +",0.73675174 +"the establishment of a transmission entity in particular will mean that eskom will be able to purchase power from a broader range of providers, both private and public. +","fa re bua fela ka go tlhoma setlamo sa tsamaiso ya motlakase se le esi go tla raya gore eskom e tla kgona go ithekela motlakase mo batlhagising ba bangwe ba le bantsi ba ba farologaneng mo makaleng ka bobedi e leng a poraefete le a puso. +",0.8434936 +"this will improve transparency, increase competitiveness and promote the purchase of lowestcost electricity. +","seno se tla dira gore lekala leno le tlhoke lehunelo, mo lekaleng leno go nne le botswapelo le matsetseleko le go rotloetsa gore setlamo seno se reke motlakase o o sa bitseng go le kalo mo pataneng. +",0.8099083 +"through the renewable energy independent power producers programme, there has been significant private investment in energy generation. +","ka letsholo la batlhagisi ba ba ikemetseng ba motlakase o o ntšhwafaditsweng, lekala la poraefete le setse le dirile dipeeletso tse di boitshegang mo lephateng la phetlho ya motlakase. +",0.7562823 +"with the proposal to raise the licencing exemption for embedded generation – where companies produce electricity for themselves and other commercial users – from 1mw to 100mw, we can expect even more private investment. +","kantlha ya dikarolo tsa ga jaana tse di tshitshinyang gore batho kgotsa ditlamo di se gapelediwe go nna le dilaesense tsa go itlhagisetsa motlakase o o kana ka mekawate o le mongwe go fitlha ka dimekawate di le lekgolo, jaanong re ka solofela gore dipeeletso mo makaleng a poraefete a go tlhagisa motlakase di tla oketsega. +",0.7862183 +"this is vital at a time when the country is suffering from severe and sustained electricity shortages and where neither eskom nor the state is able to invest in new generation capacity. +","ntlha eno e botlhokwa thata jaaka naga e santse e retelelwa ke go tlamela ka motlakase o o sa tshabeng le jaaka eskom le puso ba santse ba palelwa ke go beeletsa mo matsholong a mašwa a phetlho ya motlakase. +",0.81798285 +"importantly, these reforms will give eskom the space to address its financial and operational challenges. +","se se botlhokwa go gaisa ke gore diphetogo tseno di tla thusa eskom gore e kgone go samagana le dikgwetlho tse di leng teng mo matloleng a yona le mo taolong ya yona. +",0.79568213 +"another critical reform is the establishment of the national ports authority as an independent subsidiary of transnet. +","diphetogo tse dingwe gape tse di botlhokwa ke mo go tlhomeng bothati jwa maemelakepe a bosetšhaba jo bo tla ikemelang jo bo tla nnang ka fa tlase ga taolo ya transnet. +",0.8130914 +"this a crucial part of transnet’s broader strategy to revitalise our logistics infrastructure. +","diphetogo tseno di botlhokwa mo leanong le legolo la transnet la go fetola mafaratlhatlha a rona a go rwala dithoto. +",0.76417387 +"transnet plans to invest r100 billion over the next five years in upgrading its infrastructure across the ports system. +","transnet e ikemiseditse go beeletsa madi a le kanaka r100 bilione mo dingwageng tse di tlang di feta di le tlhano go tlhabolola mafaratlhatlha a yona mo mafelong a yona otlhe a boemelakepe a go tsenya le go ntsha dithoto ka fa nageng. +",0.8619159 +"this will make our ports more efficient and our exports more competitive, and benefit the entire economy. +","seno se tla thusa mafelo ano gore a kgone go dira ka botswapelo le ka matsetseleko le go unngwela ikonomi ya rona yotlhe. +",0.73535323 +"for the ordinary consumer, it will mean reduced prices in the long term for many of our goods. +","seno se tla tswela moreki molemo ka se tla dira gore ditlhwatlhwa tsa dilo tse di rekisiwang di rekisiwe ka tlhwatlhwa e e kwa tlase mo nakong e e tlang. +",0.71357405 +"for our exporters, it will mean greater competitiveness in global markets. +","mme barekisi ba ditlhagisiwa tsa ka fa nageng kwa dinageng tsa boditšhaba bona ba tla iponela molemo ka seno se tla ba naya ditšhono tsa go rekisetsa mebaraka e megolo mo lefatsheng ka bophara. +",0.7165288 +"as our exports grow, our economy will expand and create more jobs. +","fa ditlhagisiwa tsa naga ya rona tse di rekisediwang dinaga tsa boditšhaba di tswelela go gola, ikonomi ya rona le yona e tla kgona go gola le go tlhagisa ditšhono tse dingwe tsa ditiro. +",0.8333758 +"more efficient ports will make the entire economy work better – and as port volumes increase, jobs will be created at the ports themselves. +","fa re ka kgona go oketsa mafelo a rona a boemelakepe ikonomi yotlhe ya naga ya rona le yona e tla re tswela mosola – mme fa ditirgalo mo boemelakepeng jwa rona di tswelela go oketsega, ditiro le tsona mo mafelong ano le tsona di tla tswelela go tlhodiwa. +",0.80304766 +"establishing the national ports authority as a transnet subsidiary with its own board will, among other things, mean that revenues generated by the ports can be used to replace old equipment and upgrade and expand our ports, work which has been delayed for more than a decade. +","dikgato tsa go tlhoma bothati jwa maemelakepe a bosetšhaba ka fa tlase ga taolo ya transnet jo le bona bo nang le boto ya jona, gareng ga tse dingwe, di tla dira gore matlole a a diriwang ke maemelakepe ano a dirisediwe go reka didirisiwa tse dintšhwa go tsena mo legatong la tse di robegang le go tlhabolola le go oketsa mafelo ano, e leng tiro e e sa bolong go salela morago thata ka sebaka sa dingwaga di le lesome tse di fetileng. +",0.85777485 +"among other things, these reforms will encourage greater private investment in the country’s economic infrastructure. +","gareng ga tse dingwe di le dintsi, diphetogo tseno di tla tlhotlheletsa lekala la poraefete go beeletsa ka makatlanamane mo mafaratlhatlheng a ikonomi ya naga. +",0.7627777 +"some people have expressed concerns that this will diminish the importance or reduce the value of soes. +","batho ba bangwe ba ngongoregile gore dikgato tseno di tla tseela puso maatla kana go nyeletsa mosola wa dikgwebo tsa puso. +",0.7493255 +"in fact, the contrary is true. +","boammaruri ke gore seno ga se nnete. +",0.70644355 +"these reforms will ensure that while strategic infrastructure remains firmly in state hands, our soes will become more efficient and the industries they support will become more competitive. +","diphetogo tseno di tla netefatsa gore mafaratlhatlha a a botlhokwa a tswelela go nna mo diatleng tsa puso ka botlalo, dikgwebo tsa puso ya naga ya rona di tla nna le mosola thata mo go emeng nokeng diintaseteri tseo di di tlamelang ka tshegetso gore di kgone go dira ka botswapelo le ka matsetseleko. +",0.78974605 +"equally, these reforms are important to ensure that soes implement their broader developmental mandates to support all citizens and the economy. +","mme fela jalo ka go lekana diphetogo tseno di tshwanetse go tswela dikgwebo tseno tsa puso mosola gore di kgone go diragatsa maikarabelo a tsona a magolo a go tlisa tlhabologo ka go ema nokeng baagi botlhe ka fa nageng mmogo le ikonomi ya rona. +",0.8096844 +"our policy remains that soes must play a crucial developmental role in supporting the growth of our economy. +","lefoko le re santseng re eme ka lona ke gore dikgwebo tsa puso di tshwanetse go nna le seabe se segolo mo go tliseng tlhabologo e e tla emang nokeng kgolo ya ikonomi ya rona. +",0.81956834 +"our task is to place them on a sound footing, so that they can serve their ultimate shareholders – the south african people.","dikgwebo tsa puso e tshwanetse e nne tsona tse di gogang kwa pele kgolo le phetolothefosano mo ikonoming vukuzenzele unnamed e setse e le dingwaga jaanong dikgwe bo tsa puso ya aforika borwa (disoe) mo setšhabeng di bapanngwa le ditiragalo tsa go goga puso ka nko, tirisobotlha swa ya madi a ditheo tseno le go tlhoka maikarabelo. +",0.81956834 +"support for businesses and workers vukuzenzele unnamed starting and building a business is a lot like raising a family. +","go ema nokeng dikgwebo le badiri vukuzenzele unnamed go simolola le go aga kgwebo go fela jaaka go tlhokomela lelapa. +",0.85087645 +"it takes time, patience, con stant support and consistent nurturing from infancy to maturity. +","go tsaya nako, go tlhoka pelote lele, go tlhoka kemonokeng e e sa kgaotseng mme e bile gape go tlhoka tlhokomelo e e tse tsepetseng gore e gole e ikemele. +",0.81386685 +"for many business owners, seeing a business that you grew from scratch struggling to survive, or even being forced to close its doors, is heartbreaking. +","mo go beng ba dikgwebo ba le bantsi go bona kgwebo e ba e simolotseng e goga boima kgotsa e gapeletsega gore e phutlhame, ke selo se se hutsafatsang thata. +",0.7783973 +"since the onset of the covid19 pandemic, this has sadly been the situation facing many businesses both large and small, not just in our country but around the world. +","eno ka bomadimabe ke kgwetlho e dikgwebo ka bontsi tse dinnye le tse dikgolo di iphitlhelang di tobane le yona, e seng fela ka fa nageng ya rona mme le mo lefatsheng ka bophara, fa e sale re aparelwa ke leroborobo la covid19. +",0.81088483 +"the pandemic and the meas ures we have had to take to contain the spread of the virus have had a detrimental impact on businesses. +","leroborobo leno mmogo le dikgato tse re di tsereng go thibela go anama ga mogare ono ka bobedi di nnile le seabe se se sa itumediseng mo di kgwebong. +",0.8261187 +"in dealing with the pandemic we have sought to adopt an evidencebased approach in both policy and practice, con sidering scientific research, clinical expertise and capabil ities, and impact on all sectors of the population. +","mo go samaganeng le leroborobo leno re tsere tshweetso ya go dirisa dikgato tse di nang le bopaki mo dipholi sing le mo seo re se dirang, ka go tseela tlhogong dipatlisiso tsa lephata la saense, go tseela tlhogong kitso le bokgoni mo le phateng la maokelo mmogo le seabe seo leroborobo leno le nnang le sona mo makaleng otlhe a setšhaba. +",0.8500432 +"we have sought to have a balance between saving lives and preserving livelihoods. +","re tsere tshweetso ya gore re batla go boloka matshelo le ditselatseo batho ba iphedisang ka tsona. +",0.7693708 +"we have sought to mitigate the impact of the successive lockdown restrictions on people’s livelihoods, or risk a second and possibly worse epidemic of poverty and hunger in future. +","re ne ra tshwanela ke go lekola seabe seo dikgato tse re di tsereng ka tlhomagano tsa go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa na geng se tla nnang le sona mo ditseleng tseo batho ba iphedisang ka tsona, gonne fa re sa dire jalo re tla iphitlhela re wetswe ke leroborobo la bobedi le le setlhogo go gaisa e leng la khumanego le tlala mo isagong. +",0.8207991 +"in the earliest days last year, we introduced measures such as the covid temporary employer/employee relief scheme (ters), the covid19 loan guarantee scheme and various mechanisms to support small businesses to provide immediate and shortterm relief to burdened employees and business owners. +","kwa tshimologong mo ngwageng yo o fetileng re ne ra diragatsa dikgato tsa go sama gana le matsadi a covid19 tsa sekema sa nakwana sa go thusa bathapi/bathapiwa (ters), sekema sa madikadimo a dibanka se se engweng no keng ke puso mmogo le dikgato tse dingwe di le dintsinyana go ema nokeng dikgwebopotlana go di thusa ka thuso ya ka gang le ya nakwana go rwalola badiri le beng ba dikgwebo boima jo ba neng ba bo jarile. +",0.87834084 +"in addition, the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and broadening access to existing social grants provided lifelines to indigent individuals and families. +","mo godimo ga tsona, dikgato tsa madithuso a a itlhophi leng a covid19 go thusa ba ba leng mo tlalelong mmogo le go oketsa megolo ya loago di tswetse batho ba le bantsi molemo mmogo le malapa a le mantsi. +",0.8153442 +"through these interventions we were able to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic, preventing the closure of many businesses and the loss of even further jobs. +","ka dikgato tseno tsotlhe re kgonne go thibela ditlamorago tse di sa jeseng diwelang tse di tlang le leroborobo leno ka go thusa gore dikgwebo di le dintsi di se phutlhame le go thusa gore batho ba bangwe gape ba se latlhe gelwe ke ditiro. +",0.832371 +"they pro vided a firm foundation for the economic reconstruction and recovery plan that we launched in october last year. +","dikgato tseno di dirile gore leano la rona la itharabologelo le kagosešwa ya ikonomi le re le thankgo lotseng ngogola ka kgwedi ya diphalane le kgone go tsetsepela. +",0.7405765 +"as part of that plan, we introduced the presidential employment stimulus to provide income and livelihood support to millions of beneficiaries. +","re ne gape ra diragatsa letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente, leo e leng karolo ya leano leno la rona, maitlhomo e le go thusa dimilione tsa bajalefa ba letsholo leno go tswelela go nna le letseno le go ema nokeng ditsela tseo ba iphedisang ka tsona. +",0.7894291 +"through the stimulus, over 300 000 young people have been placed as school assistants. +","ka letsholo leno bašwa ba feta ba le 300 000 ba thapilwe go thusa mo dikolong. +",0.84553725 +"more than 100 000 subsistence farmers are registered on the firstever database of its kind where they have access to technical support. +","balemirui ba ba potlana ba feta ba le 100 000 ba kwadisitswe mo sefalanatshedimosetsong sa ntlha sa fa e sale sa motshwananosi mo ba fitlhelelang thuso ya botegeniki teng. +",0.8289233 +"more than 30 000 young people have been given opportunities in the cultural, creative and sports sectors. +","bašwa ba bangwe gape ba feta ba le 30 000 ba neetswe ditšhono mo lekaleng la setso, la botaki le la metshameko. +",0.8934312 +"young professionals have been given opportunities in infrastructure development, healthcare, environmental conservation and a number of other sectors. +","bašwa ba ditiro tsa seporofešenale bona ba neetswe ditšhono mo leka leng la tlhabololo ya mafara tlhatlha, mo lekaleng la tlhokomelo ya boitekanelo, mo lekaleng la tlhokomelo ya tikologo le mo makaleng a mangwe a le mantsi. +",0.87360257 +"there are promising indi cations that our economy is steadily recovering, with growth and job creation in a number of sectors, from manufacturing to mining to agriculture. +","go na le matshwao a a bo ntshang gore ikonomi ya rona e tsweletse go itharabologelwa, mo re bonang kgolo le ditiro di tlhodiwa mo makaleng a le mantsinyana a a jaaka la tlha gisodikuno le la meepo mmogo le la temothuo. +",0.7927232 +"at the same time we know that this ‘bigger picture’ is cold comfort to workers and business owners who have suffered immeasurably over the past year and a half, and were hoping to see their situa tions improve as the economy slowly opened up. +","mme go ntse go le jalo re a itse gore 'kgangkgolo' ke gore re ema nokeng jang badiri le beng ba dikgwebo ba ba nang le sebaka sa ngwaga le halofo ba rwele boima, mme ba ne ba solofetse gore jaanong dilo di tla fetoga ka dilo di ne di bontsha di boela sekeng ka iketlo mo ikono ming. +",0.84304655 +"the rapid rise in infections being fueled by the new delta variant necessitated the imposing of tighter restric tions on the movement of persons, on the operation of certain businesses and on public gatherings, among others. +","ka ntlha ya ditshwaetso tse di ragetseng kwa godimo go latela go runya ga mogare wa delta re ne ra gapeletsega go gaga matsa dikiletso mme gareng ga tse dingwe re gagamaditse tsa metsamao ya batho, ra gagamatsa tse di amang dikgwebong dingwe mmogo le tse di amanang le go bokana ga batho. +",0.8116051 +"these were not been easy decisions to make, mindful of their impact on people’s livelihoods. +","ditshweetso tseno di ne di se moroba go tseewa, re ne gape ra lebelela le ka fao di tla amang ditsela tseo batho ba iphe disang ka tsona. +",0.79177153 +"just as we did at the beginning of the pandemic, we engaged in deliberations with all social partners, business, labour and civil society to see what financially sustainable measures we could intro duce to support businesses and individuals in distress at this time. +","fela jaaka re dirile fa leroborobo leno le ne le simolola, re ne ra nna fatshe le maphata otlhe a a amegang e leng a badirisa nimmogo mo mererong ya loago, a kgwebo, a mekgatlho ya badiri le a mekgatlho ya baagi mme ra bontshana gore ke dikgato dife tsa matlole tse re ka di dirisang go ema nokeng batho ba ba leng mo tlalelong mmogo le dikgwebo tse di leng mo tlalelong. +",0.87062216 +"the negotiations at the national economic development and labour council resulted in consen sus that the most practical and financially sustainable measure that can provide urgent relief is extending the covid19 ters scheme to sectors that have been affected by the adjusted level 4 restrictions. +","mo dintlheng tseo di tšhotlhilweng kwa lekgotleng la naga la tlhabololo ya ikonomi le ditiro (nedlac) kwa bokhutlhong go dumelanwe gore se se ka kgonegang go diragadiwa ka bonako mo dikgatong tsa go thusa ka matlole go imolola bao ba rweleng boima ka ntlha ya ditlamorago tse di renang ga jaana ke go atolosa nako ya go nna mo tirisong ga sekema sa covid19 ters go tswelela go thusa makala a a amilweng ke dikiletso tsa kgato e e lekotsweng sešwa ya bone. +",0.8474136 +"to support businesses whose operating licenses and per mits expired between march 2020 and june 2021, we are extending their validity until 31 december 2022. in addition, new business licenses or permits that are issued from the 1 july will also be valid until 31 december 2022, and no license fee will be payable. +","go ema nokeng dikgwebo tseo dilaesense tsa tsona di feletsweng ke nako magareng ga paka ya mopitlwe 2020 le seetebosigo 2021, re atolosa nako ya tsona gore di dumeletswe go tswelela go dira ka dilaesense tseo go fitlha ka la bo 31 sedimonthole 2022. mo godimo ga seno, dilaesense tsotlhe tse di rebolwang ka la bo 1 phukwi le tsona di tla felelwa ke nako ka la bo 31 sedimonthole 2022, e bile ba ka se duedisiwe dituelelo tsa dilaesense. +",0.8773254 +"over the past year, we have also been working consist ently to protect vulnerable workers whose jobs were at risk, particularly in hardhit sectors like retail, food and beverage and the metals industry. +","re na le sebaka sa go feta ngwaga go tloga mo ngwa geng o o fetileng re samagane le dikgato tsa go boloka ditiro tsa badiri ba ditiro tsa bona di sa tshepiseng, bogolo jang mo ditirong tsa makala a a amegi leng tota a a jaaka lekala la mabentlele, dijo le dino mmogo le intaseteri ya tshipi. +",0.85838866 +"through processes facili tated by the commission for conciliation, mediation and arbitration, some 58 000 jobs have been saved. +","ka dithulaganyo tse di dirilweng ke khomišene ya thuanyo, tsereganyo le katlholelo (ccma) go kgonnwe go boloka ditiro tse dingwe di ka nna 58 000. jaaka go sa bontshe gore lerobo robo leno le tla fela mo na kong e e sa fediseng pelo, dikgwebo le badiri ba tswelela go nna mo tlalelong. +",0.7567589 +"with the pandemic show ing no immediate signs of ending, businesses and work ers remain vulnerable. +","ke ka ntlha ya tirisanommogo e re nnileng le yona maga reng ga puso, dikgwebo le mekgatlho ya badiri mo re kgonneng go fokoletsa badiri le dikgwebo boima jwa mathata a ditšhelete jo ba neng ba bo rwele ka ntlha ya leroborobo leno. +",0.6875331 +"it is thanks to the social com pacts we continue to forge that government, business and labour have been able to work together to buffer work ers and businesses from the pandemic’s harsh economic impacts. +","se se kwa setlhoeng ga jaanong ke go netefatsa gore re boloka matshelo a batho le go ema nokeng ditsela tseo ba iphedisang ka tsona, ka go dira seo re ka se kgonang go thusa gore dikgwebo tse dingwe gape di se phutlhame le batho ba bangwe ba le bantsi ba se felelwe ke ditiro. +",0.7372363 +"for now, our priority is saving lives, and ensuring that we provide the necessary support, within our means, to prevent more businesses closing down and more jobs being lost. +","go ema nokeng dikgwebo le badiri vukuzenzele unnamed go simolola le go aga kgwebo go fela jaaka go tlhokomela lelapa. +",0.7372363 +"inclusive communities critical to sa’s success vukuzenzele unnamed while the violence and destruction that engulfed parts of kwazulunatal and gauteng recently caused much damage to property and livelihoods, it also had a huge impact on the cohesion of our communities. +","gore aforika borwa e atlege e tlhoka go nna le baagi ba ba ipopileng seoposengwe vukuzenzele unnamed le fa merusu e e neng e aparetse dikarolo tsa poro fense ya kwazulunatal le ya gauteng mo malobeng e sentse dithoto le go senye letsa batho ka fao ba iphe disang ka teng, e re senye leditse gape le mo go nneng seoposengwe. +",0.82453036 +"this was most evident in the tragic events that took place in and around phoenix in ethekwini. +","seno se iponagaditse thata mo ditiragalong tse di setlhogo tse di diragetseng kwa phoenix kwa ethekwini. +",0.764876 +"during some of the worst unrest in our democracy, and in a climate already thick with suspicion and paranoia, people that had lived sidebyside in relative peace turned on each other. +","mo nakong ya ditshupetso tse di setlhogo tse re iseng re ke re nne le tsona fa e sale re tsena mo temokerasing, mo maemo a neng a setse a dubegile ka batho ba ba sa tshepaneng le ba ba belaelanang, baagi ba ba sa bolong go tshela mmogo ka kagiso ba ne ba melelana dinaka. +",0.82512224 +"there is still much we have to unearth about the events that took place. +","go gontsi go re santseng re tlhoka go ka go fatolola mabapi le ditiragalo tseno tse di diragetseng. +",0.8083682 +"the proliferation of fake news, doctored images and incorrect information has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction. +","di kgang tsa maaka tse di ga saganeng ka bontsi, ditshwantsho tsa maaka le tshedimosetso e e seng ya boammaruri di dira gore go nne boima go fitlhelela seo e leng boammaruri. +",0.83458877 +"but we do know from official reports and personal accounts that people were racially profiled at illegal roadblocks, some people were pulled out of cars and beaten, and some were humiliated and degraded. +","fela re a itse gore go ya ka tshedimosetso ya semmuso le bopaki jo batho ba bo nei leng ka seo se ba diragaletseng ke gore batho ba ne ba emisiwa mo mapare gong a ditsela ao e seng a sepodisi mme ba emisiwa go ya ka morafe o ba we lang mo go ona, bangwe ba ne ba ntshiwa mo dijana geng tsa bona ka dikgoka mme ba geselwa, ba bangwe ba ne ba tlontlololwa le go tsenngwa matlho a batho. +",0.8679974 +"several people were killed. +","batho ba bangwe ba le mmalwa ba ne ba bolawa. +",0.8633038 +"much of what has happened is the inevitable outcome when people take the law into their own hands. +","bontsi jwa ditiragalo tseno tse di diragetseng ke ditla morago tsa go itseela molao mo matsogong. +",0.6954573 +"vigilantism will not be tolerated in this country. +","ga re kitla re itlhokomolosa ditiragalo tsa batho ba ba itseelang molao mo matsogong ka fa na geng eno. +",0.6091739 +"it is criminal and it is dangerous. +","seo ke tlolomolao e bile se kotsi. +",0.83082426 +"now that calm has been restored to the affected areas, our law enforcement agencies are investigating all acts of criminality. +","jaanong jaaka maemo a boetse sekeng mo mafe long a a neng a wetswe ke leru, mapodisi a rona a phu ruphutsa ditiragalo tsotlhe tsa botlhokotsebe. +",0.8003421 +"a team of detectives has been assigned to deal with the murders and are working closely with local communities. +","setlhopha sa matseka se romilwe gore se phuru phutse dikgetse tsa polao mme ba dirisana le baagi mo motseng oo. +",0.83573025 +"there have been arrests and those responsible will face the full might of the law. +","go setse go tshwerwe babelaelwa bangwe ba ba latofadiwang ka ditiragalo tseno mme ba tla apara kobo e le nngwe le molao. +",0.7204069 +"much of the narrative around the events in phoenix has been dominated by attempts to turn one race against another. +","bontsi jwa dikgang tse di mabapi le ditiragalo tsa kwa phoenix di tletse ka ditiragalo tsa go leka go tlhoboganya merafe. +",0.81246936 +"it has been stoked by anonymous people on social media and in messaging groups making outrageous claims and calling for revenge. +","di tlhotlhelediwa ke melaetsa ya mmaaka a a tse neletseng e e romelwang ke botlhokaina mo mafaratlhatlheng a ditlhaeletsano le mo mafaratlhatlheng a go romela melaetsa mo ditlhopheng mo gape ba tshosetsang ka gore ba tla ipusulosetsa. +",0.78929764 +"there is an attempt to present this as a sign of imploding race relations between african and indian communities. +","go na le maiteko a go dira gore seno se tlhagelele e kete go na le dikgogakgogano mo merafeng ya bana ba thari e ntsho le ba maindia. +",0.8121202 +"just as there were people who tried to exploit people’s vulnerability and cause mayhem, there are those who want to present criminal acts in racial terms to serve their own purposes. +","fela jaaka re bone batho bangwe ba dirisa batho ba bangwe ba ba dikobodikhutshwane go dira merusu le go tlisa tlhakatlhakano, le mo ntlheng eno go na le bao ba lekang go tlhagisa ditiragalo tseno tsa bosenyi e kete e ne e le ditiragalo tsa letlhoo la bosemorafe. +",0.81135654 +"they will not succeed. +","seno ba ka se se bone. +",0.6568005 +"south africa has a proud history of principled nonracialism and working class solidarity. +","afo rika borwa ga e a bolo go ema kgatlhanong le bosemorafe e bile badiri mo nageng eno ba ipopile ngatana e le nngwe e tswa ba tswa mo merafeng e e farologaneng. +",0.7224827 +"african and indian communities were united in the struggle against apartheid and, together with other communities, remain committed to a united and democratic society. +","bana ba mmala wa sebilo mmogo le ba maindia e sa le ba ipopa ngatana mo motsing wa puso ya tlhaolele, e bile bona mmogo le ba merafe e mengwe le gompieno ba santse ba eme ka le lereng ba batla go nna le setšhaba se e leng ngatananngwe se se dumelang mo temokerasing. +",0.7903205 +"in response to the fear and mistrust, the people of phoenix and the neighbouring areas of bhambayi, zwelitsha and amaoti are working to repair the damage. +","mo go samaganeng le matshosetsi a a leng teng le go se tshepane, baagi ba kwa phoenix mmogo le baagisani ba bona mo motseng wa bha mbayi, zwelitsha le wa amaoti ba samagane le go baakanya tseo di ripitlilweng. +",0.8792612 +"aided by a peace forum established by the south african police service in partnership with community leaders, the communities have come together to support those affected by the unrest and to open channels of dialogue. +","ba enngwe nokeng ke foramo ya go tlisa kagiso e e theilweng ke batlhankedi ba tirelo ya sepodisi sa aforika borwa (saps) ba thusiwa ke baeteledipele mo metseng eno, baagi go tswa mo metseng eno ba kopane go thusa bao ba ami lweng ke ditshupetso tseno le go dira gore ba buisane ka seno. +",0.86619747 +"this is not the only part of the country that is confronted with such challenges. +","mafelo ano ga se ona fela a a amilweng ke dikgwetlho tseno ka fa nageng. +",0.75214136 +"our efforts to build integrated communities are frustrated by the legacy of apartheid planning and persistent inequality. +","maitlhomo a rona a go aga mafelo a batho ba merafe e e farologaneng ba ka nnang mo go ona a gwetlhwa ke seo puso ya tlhaolele e se dirileng mmogo le dikgwetlho tsa go tlhoka tekatekano tse di tswelelang go ata. +",0.7633184 +"our cities, towns and rural areas are still all divided by both race and class. +","diteropo tsa rona, ditero pokgolo tsa rona le mafelo a rona a metseselegae a santse a kgaoganngwe go ya ka gore ke batho ba morafe ofe ba ba nnang kae le gore ke ba maemo afe. +",0.8386754 +"this discourages cooperation and understanding, and hampers the work we have undertaken to build a nonracial society. +","seno se thibela gore go nne le tirisanommogo le gore batho ba tlhaloganyane botoka, mme e bile gape seno se kgoreletsa tiro ya rona ya go aga setšhaba se se senang tlhaolele. +",0.85056245 +"correcting these spatial distortions must be part of our work of building an inclusive economy and improving the living conditions of all south africans. +","dikgato tsa go baakanya thulaganyo eno ya bodulo e tshwanetse e nne karolo ya rona ya go aga ikonomi e botlhe ba nang le seabe mo go yona gore re kgone go tokafatsa maemo a botshelo a batho botlhe mo nageng ya aforika borwa. +",0.83985835 +"it is why we are working to build flourishing township and rural economies, and focusing on the growth of small businesses. +","ke ka fao re semeletseng go aga makeišene le metsesele gae e e tla dirang bontle mo ikonoming, mme re sama gane le seno ka go tsepamisa mogopolo bogolosegolo mo go godiseng dikgwebo potlana. +",0.83891445 +"it is why we are investing in infrastructure in these areas and working to improve the provision of services. +","ke ka ntlha ya seo re beeletsang mo mafaratlhatlheng mo mafelong ano le go netefatsa gore re samagana le go tokafatsa tlamelo ya ditirelo mo go ona. +",0.82883894 +"at the same time, we need to confront racism in our society. +","le fa go le jalo, re tshwa netse go tobana le tlhaolele mo ditšhabeng tsa borona. +",0.74221003 +"we need to have honest conversations not only about our attitudes to one another, but also about the material conditions that divide us. +","re tshwanetse go buisana e seng fela ka maitsholo a rona mo bathong ba merafe e mengwe, gape le ka ga seo re se huparetseng re le batho ba merafe e e farolo ganeng. +",0.8096702 +"for as long as the division of wealth and opportunity in south africa is largely still determined by race and gender, we will not be able to build a truly united nation. +","fa e le gore re tswelela ka maemo a ga jaana moo batho ba bantsi mo nageng ba nnang le seo e leng sa bona go ya ka gore ke ba morafe ofe mo aforika borwa le gore ke ba bong bofe, ga re kitla re kgona go nna le setšhaba seo go nneng seoposengwe ga sona e leng ga boammaruri. +",0.8229873 +"the events in phoenix are a painful reminder of how much work we still need to do to build inclusive communities that have successfully broken down the boundaries of the past. +","seo se diragetseng kwa phoenix ke matlhotlhapelo a go re gopot sa gore re santse re emetswe ke tiro e kana kang fa pele ga rona mo go direng gore re nne le metse e e nang le batho ba merafe e e farologaneng moo baagi ba yona ba fedisitseng mele lwane e e saleng e tlhomiwa ke puso ya mo malobeng. +",0.8230537 +"these events also demonstrate how determined some people are to divide us, and how we need to do everything we can to resist them. +","ditiragalo tseno gape di re bontsha ka fao batho ba bangwe ba ikaeletseng go tlisa ditlhobogano magareng ga rona, mme le gore re tshwanetse go dira sengwe le sengwe se re ka se kgo nang go thibela seno go ka diragala. +",0.87908506 +"it is our collective responsibility to support these communities in ethekwini and elsewhere in their journey towards reconciliation and healing. +","ke maikarabelo a rona rotlhe go ema nokeng baagi banoba kwa ethekwini le ba bangwe ba kwa mafe long a mangwe jaaka ba samagane le go itshwarelana le go thobana maikutlo. +",0.76023245 +"our democracy was built by peacemakers and bridgebuilders. +","temokerasi ya naga ya rona e dirilwe ke batho ba ba ratang kagiso le bao ba ratang kgo laganyo ya setšhaba. +",0.7608248 +"the architects of our freedom were african, indian, coloured and white men and women of great courage who chose the path of reconciliation over retribution, and of peace over war. +","banna le basadi ba ba agileng temokerasi eno ya rona ke ba mmala wa sebilo, ba maindia, ba makhalate le ba basweu ba ba neng ba itomile sesino go itshwarelana go na le go ipusulosetsa, ba ba neng ba batla gore go rene kagiso go na le gore go nne le dintwa. +",0.8384448 +"as we strive to heal from this collective national trauma, let us stand as one. +","jaaka re santse re sama gane le go theosa matshwafo go tswa mo ditiraga long tseno tse di dirage tseng ka fa nageng tse di re roromisang kale tshogo, tla re emeng re le ngatananngwe. +",0.72821885 +"let us overcome our differences in pursuit of the common good. +","tla re se itlhaetseng matlho go ya ka seo re farologa neng ka sona mme re dire tse di molemo tse re utlwa nang ka tsona. +",0.71854275 +let us work together to forge a common future in which everyone has an equal share.,"gore aforika borwa e atlege e tlhoka go nna le baagi ba ba ipopileng seoposengwe vukuzenzele unnamed le fa merusu e e neng e aparetse dikarolo tsa poro fense ya kwazulunatal le ya gauteng mo malobeng e sentse dithoto le go senye letsa batho ka fao ba iphe disang ka teng, e re senye leditse gape le mo go nneng seoposengwe. +",0.71854275 +"building a society free of state capture vukuzenzele unnamed the scheduled hearings of the judicial commission of inquiry into allegations of state capture, corruption and fraud in the public sector, including organs of state, recently ended, more than 1 000 days after the first witness testimony was heard. +","re aga setšhaba se ditheo tsa sona tsa puso di sa gogweng ka nko vukuzenzele unnamed khomišene ya di phuruphutso ma bapi le go goga puso ka nko nako ya yona mo malobeng e fedile go latela gore e tlhanasele sebaka sa matsatsi a feta a le 1 000 go tloga mo mo tsing oo paki ya ntlha e fileng bopaki jwa yona. +",0.8250208 +"while the commission’s chairperson, deputy chief justice raymond zondo has said it may be necessary for a few more witnesses to testify, the work of the commission is now one step closer to completion. +","le fa monnasetulo wa khomišene, motlatsamonna setulo wa moatlhodimogolo rre raymond zondo a tlhalo sitse gore go na le tlhokagalo ya gore batho ba bangwe ba le mmalwa ba bidiwe go tla go naya bopaki, khomišene eno e setse e le gaufi le go wetsa tiro ya yona. +",0.87302464 +"this is a significant milestone that brings us ever closer to a reckoning with one of the most ruinous episodes in the history of our democracy. +","tiro eno e botlhokwa thata jaaka e re thusa go baakanya ditshenyo tsa matlho ga di bonwe tse fa e sale temokerasi ya rona e simolola re iseng re di bone. +",0.7475467 +"even before judge zondo submits his findings and recommendations to the president, we can all agree that the commission’s work has been invaluable. +","le fa moatlhodi zondo a ise a rebole pegelo ya gagwe ka seo se fatolotsweng le ditshitshinyo tsa gagwe go moporesitente, rotlhe re a bona gore khomišene eno e ne e tlhanasetse go le kana kang. +",0.815175 +"over the course of three years, we have heard testimony detailing alleged acts of corruption on a massive scale. +","re na le sebaka sa dingwaga di feta di le tharo re ntse re utlwa batho ba latofatsa ba bangwe ka bonweenwee jwa gore ba ne ba utswa ka makatlanamane. +",0.780273 +"we have heard about actions that resulted in the theft of billions of rands of public money. +","re utlwile ka fao go neng go thamu letswa dibilione tsa diranta tsa madi a puso ka gonere utlwile ka fao ditheo le ditlamo tsa puso tse dintsi di neng di phutlhamisiwa ka teng. +",0.7747905 +"we have heard how many public institutions and stateowned companies were deliberately weakened. +","diphiri tse di tswileng mo khomišeneng eno ya go goga puso ka nko ga di a tswa go le mo sephiring, di tswile mo pepeneneng mo di neng di gasiwa ka tlhamalalo gore baagi botlhe ka fa na geng ba iponele le go ikutlwela ka tsa bona. +",0.64371336 +"this exposure of the nature, extent and depth of state capture did not take place behind closed doors, but was broadcast to the entire country. +","naga e leboga go menagane botlhe ba ba neng ba sama gane le tiro ya khomišene eno; botlhe ba ba neng ba phuruphutsha, ba batlisisa le bao ba neng ba boke letsa bopaki jo bontsi jo bo thibang letsatsi; mmogo le dipaki tsotlhe tse dintsi tse di neileng bopaki; le babegakgang ba ba neng ba begela setšhaba ka dikgang tseno ka manontlhotlho; mmogo le babueledi ba ba neng ba goga bopaki jono kwa pele. +",0.66424686 +"by allowing all south africans to follow the commission’s proceedings, it has helped to instil public confidence in our democracy in the way it promotes openness and transparency. +","re leboga gape go mena gane batho ba le bantsi, ba ba bangwe ba bona ke ba ba sa itseweng, ba e leng bona ba kgotlhileng motshitshi gore go tlhomiwe khomišene eno. +",0.59940684 +"the country owes a debt of gratitude to all who were involved in the work of the commission; from those who investigated, researched and compiled a huge amount of information; to the many witnesses who testified and provided evidence; to the journalists who diligently reported on the proceedings; to the lawyers who helped present evidence. +","batho bano ke bona ba ba utolotseng ditatofatso tseno tsa bonweenwee, ke bona ba ba neng ba ema kgatlha nong le seno, ba ntsha musi ka sekhurumelo le go baka mmudubudu ka ditiragalo tseno ba bangwe ke ba ba leng mo pusong fa ba bangwe ba sa itsewe mme ba dirile seno ka ba ne ba leka go fedisa ditiragalo tseno tsa go goga puso ka nko. +",0.76055515 +"we also owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals, some of whom remain unknown, whose actions led to the establishment of the commission in the first place. +","ke ka ntlha ya matsapa a bona gore jaanong re bo re bua ka khomišene eno e e weditseng tiro ya yona. +",0.6107539 +"these are the people who unearthed these alleged criminal acts, who resisted, who spoke out and who took up campaigns – both public and behind the scenes – to end state capture. +","ditiragalo tsa go goga puso ka nko ga di a ikemisa ka botsona. +",0.5172821 +"it is thanks to them that we now speak of state capture in the past tense. +","di emisitswe ke dikgato tse di tshwaraganetsweng ke maaforika borwa a a farologaneng, a a dirang mo ditheong tse di farologaneng tsa temokerasi ya molaotheo wa rona. +",0.5890169 +"state capture did not end of its own accord. +","ke maikarabelo a rona go nete fatsa gore ditiragalo tseno di ka se tlhole di ipoeleditse le ka motsi ope fela. +",0.5506681 +"it was brought to an end by the concerted actions of south africans from all walks of life, working in various areas to restore the values of our constitutional democracy. +","mo dingwageng di le tharo tse di fetileng re dirile go utlwagala go samaganan le bonweenwee le ditiragalo tsa go goga puso ka nko. +",0.5757922 +"and it is up to all of us to ensure that these practices are never allowed to happen again. +","re ntse re samagane le tiro ya go tsosolosa setheo sa bothati jwa bosekisi jwa bosetšhaba (npa), sa tirelo ya sepodisi sa aforika borwa (saps), sa tirelo ya lekgetho la aforika borwa (sars) le tse dingwe. +",0.44255084 +"over the past three years, we have taken several important steps to tackle corruption and state capture. +","re tlhomile ditheo tse dingwe, tse di jaaka lephata la botsamaisi jwa diphuru phutso mo setheong sa npa go tšhotšhisa dikgetse tse dikgolo tsa bonweenwee mmogo le bothati jwa dikgetse tse di itlhophileng jwa setheo sa yuniti ya dipatlisiso tsa dikgetse tse di itlhophi leng (siu) go sala morago madi a a utswitsweng a puso le go a busetsa mo sekgwa meng seo a utswitsweng mo go sona. +",0.6269436 +"we have been painstakingly rebuilding bodies like the national prosecuting authority (npa), the south african police service, the south african revenue service and others. +","re tlhabolotse matsholo a rona a go lwantshana le botlhokotsebe ka go tlhoma tikwatikwe ya ditirelo tse di golaganeng tsa go phuru phutsha bonweenwee, mme yona e golaganya ditheo tse di farologaneng tsa go disa kobamelo ya molao gore di dirisane mmogo ka go arolelana tshedimosetso le go rulaganya dithulaganyo tsa dipatlisiso le tsa go tšhotšhisa diganana tsa bosenyi. +",0.68753076 +"we have set up new structures, like the investigating directorate in the npa to prosecute highlevel corruption and the special investigating unit (siu) special tribunal to recover stolen public funds. +","re fetotse baeteledipele mo dikgwebong di le dintsinyana tse di botlhokwa tsa puso, mmogo le go simolola ka letsholo la go dira gore seemo sa matlole sa tsona se itharabologelwe le gore di boele sekeng mo diti rong tsa tsona. +",0.7325827 +"we have improved our crimefighting capacity through the establishment of the fusion centre, which brings together various lawenforcement agencies to share information and coordinate the investigation and prosecution of crime. +","re samagane le go aga mofuta o montšhwa wa dikgwebo tsa puso tse mo go tsona go nang le botlho kalehunela, go nang le maikarabelo e bile e le tsa go ya go ile. +",0.68521297 +"we have changed the leadership at several strategic stateowned enterprises (soes), and begun the process of restoring them to financial and operational health. +","bontsi jwa tiro eno go santse go samaganwe le yona. +",0.2479629 +"we are working towards a new soe model that promotes greater transparency, accountability and sustainability. +","go na le mo go tsamailweng go gogwa maoto mo tirong e no, mme jaanong tiro eno e lebilwe ka leitlho le le ntšhotšho. +",0.61904716 +"much of this work is ongoing. +","tseo di utololwang le tseo di tla tshitshingwang ke khomišene eno ga go na pelaelo epe ya gore di tla gagamatsa matsapa ano re solofela gore khomišene eno e tla utolola a mangwe a makoa a re nang le ona mo tsamaisong ya dikgwebo tsa rona a a dirileng gore go nne bonolo gore ditheo tse dingwe tsa puso di gogiwe ka nko. +",0.43350682 +"there are areas where progress has been far slower than we would have hoped, and these are now receiving closer attention. +","seno se tla re thusa gore re kgone go tsaya di kgato tse dingwe go baakanya makoa ano. +",0.5602831 +"the findings and recommendations of the commission will undoubtedly strengthen these efforts. +","le fa re ka re go ile fela jalo ka ditiragalo tsa go goga puso ka nko, boammaruri ke gore bonweenwee jona bo santse bo re rotoletse matlho. +",0.53762126 +"we expect that the commission will identify some of the systemic weaknesses that allowed state capture to take place. +","bogodu le bonweenwee bo santse bo ngangabetse e bile bo tseneletse kwa boteng jwa makala a puso le a poraefete. +",0.5702734 +"this will empower us to take further corrective measures. +","le fa tota ditiragalo tseno di ise di ye magoletsa go ka goga puso ka nko, ditiragalo tsa mothale ono di lomele ditse naga ya rona thata, tsa phutlhamisa ditheo tsa rona le go thibela maaforika borwa a mantsi dintšhono tse dintsi tse di ka bong di ba tswetse molemo. +",0.5101839 +"while we can say that the era of state capture is over, we have not defeated corruption. +","bonweenwee bo setlhogo tota mo bathong ba ba tlhokang thuso, bo tseela batho ba ba tlhokang thuso dilo tse dintsi tseo di ka bong di ba tswetse molemo. +",0.5441475 +"fraud and corruption remain pervasive and deeply entrenched in both the public and private sectors. +","fano re bua ka ditira galo tsa bonweenwee tse di tlhabisang ditlhong tse di diragetseng mo ngwa geng yo o fetileng fa go ne go ntshiwa dithendara tsa go reka didirisiwa le go duelela ditirelo tse di neng di tshwanetse go re tswela mosola mo go lwantshaneng le leroborobo la covid19. +",0.6072941 +"although it may not be on the scale of state capture, such criminal activities cost our country greatly, weaken our institutions and deprive south africans of many basic needs. +","re tlotse matlere mme ra thibela ditiragalo tsa mothale ono tsa bonweenwee, ra nopola ba ba molato mo diti ragalong tseno le go ba tseela dikgato. +",0.6785532 +"corruption is deeply immoral at the best of times, but takes on a greater depravity in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. +","jono ke bopaki jwa maikemisetso a rona a go tumola bonweenwee. +",0.55447596 +"one speaks here of the despicable acts of corruption last year in the procurement of goods and services needed for our fight against the covid19 pandemic. +","re ne ra gagamatsa melawanataolo ya setheo sa rona sa matlole, ra tlhoma tikwa tikwe ya rona ya ditirelo tse di golaganeng tsa go phu ruphutsha bonweenwee le go rwesa yuniti e e batlisisang dikgetse tse di itlhophileng (siu) maikarabelo a mantsi a magolo a go phuruphutsa ditatofatso tsotlhe tse di amanang le dithendara tsa covid19. +",0.73511386 +"we acted swiftly to stop such corruption, to identify those responsible and to take action against them. +","re ne gape ra phasalatsa mo inthaneteng dikonteraka tsotlhe tsa dithendara tse maphata otlhe a puso a nang le tsona tse di ama nang le go samagana le covid19, e leng seo mo pusong e leng motlholo. +",0.61779225 +"this is proof of our commitment to root out corruption. +","se ditiragalo tsa go goga puso ka nko se se diri leng ke se segolo thata. +",0.61721444 +"we tightened up treasury regulations, established the fusion centre and gave the siu a wideranging mandate to investigate all covid19related corruption allegations. +","ditshenyo tse ditiragalo tseno di di dirileng di tla nna le rona dijarajara. +",0.45518184 +"in a first for the country, we also published online the details of all covid19 procurement contracts across all public entities. +","ka go dirisana re le seoposengwe, re setse re simolotse go baa kanya mo go senyegileng. +",0.5467384 +"the damage done to our country by state capture is deep. +","re setse re simolotse go aga sešwa le go tsosolosa mo go phutlhameng. +",0.430321 +"its effects will be felt for many years to come. +","re ka solofela gore se khomišene e monnasetulo wa yona e leng moatlhodi rre zondo e tla se atlho lang se tla nna le mosola o mogolo mo go gagama tseng dikgato tseno tsa rona. +",0.4662661 +"but, working together, we have started to put things right. +","di tla re naya tšhono ya gore re tswe tuu mo ditiragalong tsa go goga puso ka nko. +",0.5629737 +"we have started to rebuild and restore. +","tsela e santse e le e e motsopodia, le dikgwetlho go santse go tlhokagala gore re thulana le tsona ka tlhogo. +",0.5930483 +"we can expect that the outcomes of the zondo commission will immeasurably strengthen these efforts. +","re aga setšhaba se ditheo tsa sona tsa puso di sa gogweng ka nko vukuzenzele unnamed khomišene ya di phuruphutso ma bapi le go goga puso ka nko nako ya yona mo malobeng e fedile go latela gore e tlhanasele sebaka sa matsatsi a feta a le 1 000 go tloga mo mo tsing oo paki ya ntlha e fileng bopaki jwa yona. +",0.5930483 +"sa salutes whistleblowers vukuzenzele unnamed over the course of the three years, since the commission of inquiry into state capture started its work, we have heard of the lengths to which the perpetrators of corrupt acts have gone to conceal their misdeeds. +","aforika borwa e tlotlomatsa dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee vukuzenzele unnamed mo sebakeng sa dingwaga di le tharo e sale khomišene ya dipatlisiso tsa go goga puso ka nko e simolola tiro ya yona, re utlwile ka matsapa a ba tlolamolao ba bonwee nwee ba a dirang go fitlha melato ya bona. +",0.8371963 +"it has been an extremely complex undertaking to unravel the networks of influence that enabled corruption. +","e ne e le tiro e e boima tota go ribolola mafaratlhatlha a a susumeditseng ditiragalo tseno tsa bonweenwee. +",0.77478975 +"among other things, vast webs of front companies were established to move funds around and disguise payments made to politicallyconnected individuals. +","gareng ga tse dingwe, go ne ga tlhamiwa molokoloko wa dikhamphani tse tiro ya tsona ya boammaruri e neng e le go tsamaisa matlole ka bokhukhuntshwane le go fitlha dituelo tse di neng di duelwa batho bao ba nang le dikgolagano tsa sepolotiki. +",0.80358744 +"the same patterns have been seen in a number of investigations into corruption being undertaken by the special investigating unit (siu) the directorate for priority crime investigation, the national prosecuting authority's (npa) investigating directorate and others. +","yona mekgwa eo e bona getse mo dipatlisisong tsa bonweenwee di le dintsi nyana tseo di dirilweng ke lephata la dipatlisiso tse di kgethegileng (siu), bothati jwa dipatlisiso tsa dikgetse tsa bosenyi jo bo kwa setlho eng, lephata la dipatlisiso la bothati jwa bosekisi jwa bosetšhaba (npa) le tse dingwe. +",0.86328894 +"as these investigations progressed and the net began to close on implicated individuals, we have seen witnesses being threatened, their families intimidated, being forced into hiding, and even killed. +","fa dipatlisiso tseno di tswe lela e bile di le gaufi le go senola bao ba amegang, re bone dipaki le balosika la bona ba tshosediwa, ba patele tsega go iphitlha, le gona go bolawa. +",0.86146915 +"the murder of babita deokaran, a senior finance official in the gauteng health department, is a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in our collective quest to remove this cancer from our society. +","go bolaiwa ga babita deokaran, motlhankedimo golo wa ditšhelete kwa lefapheng la boitekanelo la porofense ya gauteng, ke seo se re gakololang ka matsho setsi a a masisi a re tobaneng le ona fa rotlhe re sa tlose seso seno mo setšhabeng sa rona. +",0.8807916 +"while we do not yet know the motive for her murder, she was a key witness in a siu investigation into the procurement of personal protective equipment in the department. +","le fa re ise re itse seabe se segolo se se tlhodileng polao ya gagwe, re itse gore e ne e le paki e e botlhokwa thata mo patlisisong ya siu ya go rekiwa ga didiriswa tsa go itshireletsa mo lefapheng le a neng a le direla. +",0.8621636 +"the saps and the private security teams who apprehended seven suspects recently are to be commended for their work. +","setlhopha sa saps le sa lephata la poraefete la pabalesego seo se tshwe reng babelaelwa ba le supa fa gautshwane se tshwanetse go tlotlomadiwa ka tiro ya bona. +",0.8339155 +"the docket has been transferred to the hawks, and the investigation will yield further information on why ms deokaran was murdered. +","dokete e fetiseditswe go di hawks, e bile patlisiso e tla ribolola tshedimosetso e nngwe gape ka ga gore goreng mme deokaran a bolailwe. +",0.9014201 +"regardless of the circumstances behind this tragedy, ms deokaran was a hero and a patriot. +","go sa kgathalesege maemo a a tlhotlheleditseng kutlo botlhoko eno, mme deokaran e ne e le mogaka e bile e le motshepegi. +",0.8195551 +"as are the legions of whistleblowers who, at great risk to themselves, help to unearth instances of misdeeds, maladministration, cronyism and theft. +","jaaka setlhopha sa dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee bao, ka go ipaya mo kotsing, ba thusang go ribolola makgetlo a di tlolomolao, tsamaiso e e sa siamang, go thapiwa ga ditsala mo maemong a a rileng le bogodu. +",0.8463047 +"without their brave and principled interventions, we would be unable to unmask those committing corruption. +","kwa ntle ga seabe sa bona se se bontshang bogatlha melamasisi le go nna le mai tshwaro, re ne re ka se kgone go upolola bao ba dirang bonweenwee. +",0.8458677 +"though much focus in recent times has been on whistleblowers in the public sector, we also owe a debt of gratitude to those in the private sector whose actions receive less attention, but are equally important. +","le fa bontsi ba nako e e sa tswang go feta go ntse go lebeletswe dipaki tse di nee lang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee mo lephateng la puso, re leboga thata gape bao ba leng mo lephateng la poraefete bao ditiro tsa bona di amoge lang tsibogelo e e kwa tlase, fela le bona ba botlhokwa ka go lekana. +",0.8515719 +"whistleblowers are important guardians of our democracy. +","dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee ke ba tlhokomedi ba botlhokwa ba temokerasi ya rona. +",0.7916652 +"they raise the alarm against unethical acts and practices in government and organisations. +","ba opa mokgosi kgatlhanong le ditiro le ditiragatso tse di seng molaong mo pusong le mo mekgatlhong. +",0.8434224 +"they speak out in good faith and with a reasonable expectation not only that action will be taken on their disclosures, but that they will be protected and not suffer victimisation or prejudice. +","ba ntsha mosi ka sekhu rumelo ka botshepegi le ka tsholofelo ya gore go ka se tsewe fela dikgato ka bopaki jo ba bo neelang, mme le gore ba tla sirelediwa e bile ba ka se welwe ke dintelo go latela bopaki jwa bona. +",0.85541505 +"in south africa there is extensive legislative protection for whistleblowers, including through the protected disclosures act, labour relations act, companies act, protection against harassment act, and the constitution itself. +","mo aforika borwa go na le melao e le mentsi ya tshireletso ya dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee e e akare tsang tsotlhe, go tsenyeletsa molao wa tshireletso ya go ribolola diphitlhela, molao wa merero ya badiri, molao wa dikhamphani, molao wa tshireletso ya go tlhokofa diwa, le molaotheo ka bo ona. +",0.8647475 +"in addition, the department of justice and correctional services, working with other lawenforcement agencies, administers the office of witness protection to provide support to vulnerable and intimidated witnesses in any judicial proceedings. +","mo godimo ga moo, lefapha la bosiamisi le ditirelo tsa kgopololo, ba dira mmogo le ditheo tse dingwe tse di dirisang molao, batsamaisi ba kantoro ya tshireletso ya dipaki go tlamela ka tshegetso go bao ba tlhokang kemonokeng le dipaki tse di tshosediwang mo ditsamaisong tsa bosiamisi dingwe le dingwe. +",0.8729631 +"entering witness protection is voluntary, and neither the saps nor the npa can compel a witness to do so. +","go tsena mo lenaneong la dipaki ke ka boithaopo, e bile saps kgotsa npa ba ka se pateletse paki go dira jalo. +",0.8887061 +"should a witness receive threats to their life or feel unsafe, they have to inform investigators and apply for admission to the programme. +","fa botshelo ba paki bo ka tshosediwa kgotsa a ikutlwa a sa sireletsega, o tshwanetse go itsise babatlisisi le go dira kopo ya go amogelwa mo lenaneong. +",0.90383023 +"this successful programme has played a key role in securing successful prosecutions since its inception, particularly with regards to organised crime. +","lenaneo leno le le atlegileng le tshamekile karolo e e botlhokwa mo go boneng dikatlholo tse di atlegileng esale le simolola, bogolosegolo go lebeletswe bonweenwee jo bo rulaga ntsweng. +",0.8595607 +"it is clear that as the fight against corruption gathers momentum, we need to urgently review our current approach not only to witness protection, but also to the broader protection of whistleblowers. +","go bonala sentle gore jaaka ntwa kgatlhanong le bonwe enwee e tia mooko, re tlhoka go lekola sešwa ka bonako tsibogelo ya ga jaana e seng fela go tshireletso ya dipaki, fela gape go tshireletso e e anameng ya dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedi mosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee. +",0.8844129 +"while numerous systems are in place to enable whistleblowers to report anonymously, we need to tighten up existing systems and provide greater support to those who publicly come forward with information. +","le fa ditsamaiso di le mmalwa di le teng go kgontsha dipaki tse di ne elang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee go bega ka sephiri, re tlhoka go thatafatsa ditsamaiso tse di leng gona ga jaana le go tlamela ka tshegetso e kgolo go bao ba tlisang tshedimosetso phatlhalatsa. +",0.8678767 +"as society, we need to identify where existing laws and policies are inadequate in protecting the livelihoods, reputations and safety of whistleblowers – and work together to address these. +","jaaka setšhaba, re tlhoka go supa fao melao le dipholisi tse di leng gona di tlha elang mo go sireletseng matshelo, dirodumo le paba lesego ya dipaki tse di ne elang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee le go dira mmogo go sama gana le tseno. +",0.8527043 +"the intent of the criminals who target whistleblowers is not only to silence particular individuals – it is also to send a message to other potential whistleblowers. +","maikaelelo a dinokwane tseo di tlhaselang di dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedi mosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee ga se fela go didimatsa batho ba ba rileng, gape ke go romela molaetsa go ba bangwe ba ba batlang go nna dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee. +",0.8551234 +"day by day, brave south africans like babita deokaran are standing firm that they will not be party to corruption and they are prepared to bear witness against it. +","tsatsi le letsatsi, maaforika borwa a a nang le sebete jaaka babita deokaran ba eme tsi! +",0.7889596 +"as the south african people, we salute her and all the whistleblowers in the public and private sectors who are exposing corruption to the harshest of glares. +","gore ga ba kitla ba nna karolo ya bonweenweee e bile ba ikaeletse go nna dipaki kgatlhanong le bona. +",0.6149533 +"they are doing so without expectation of acknowledgement or reward. +","re le batho ba aforika borwa re a mo tlotlomatsa le dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee tsotlhe mo maphateng a botlhe le a poraefete bao ba tlhagi sang bonweenwee le go lejwa ka leitlho la kilo. +",0.571723 +"theirs is the highest form of public service. +","ba dira jalo go se sepe kgotsa moputso ope o ba o ntshedi tseng matlho. +",0.47441727 +"we cannot let them down. +","se ba se ba tlang fela ke tirelo ya setšhaba ya maemo a a kwa godimo. +",0.3767979 +"we must, and we will, ensure that their disclosures result in prosecutions and do much more to ensure that they are protected from harm. +","re ka se ba swabise. +",0.17506734 +"as south africans, we want to send a strong a message that we will not be intimidated. +","re tshwanetse, e bile re tla netefatsa gore ditlhagiso tsa bona di tla felela kwa bosekising le go dira go le gontsi go netefatsa gore ga ba kitla ba gobadiwa. +",0.6518662 +"those behind the killing of witnesses and whistleblowers will be arrested and face the might of the law, as will all who are found guilty of the very corruption these assassins are trying to cover up.","aforika borwa e tlotlomatsa dipaki tse di neelang ka tshedimosetso e e masisi ka ga bonweenwee vukuzenzele unnamed mo sebakeng sa dingwaga di le tharo e sale khomišene ya dipatlisiso tsa go goga puso ka nko e simolola tiro ya yona, re utlwile ka matsapa a ba tlolamolao ba bonwee nwee ba a dirang go fitlha melato ya bona. +",0.6518662 +"brics key to sa's growth vukuzenzele unnamed a year before the first democratic elections, president nelson mandela wrote an article in foreign policy magazine on the new south africa’s future foreign policy. +","brics ke karolo e e botlhokwa thata mo kgolong ya ikonomi ya aforika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed ngwaga pele re tse na mo ditlhophong tsa ntlha tsa temo kerasi, moporesitente ne lson mandela o ne a kwa la athikele mo makasineng wa foreign policy e e neng e bua ka pholisi e ntšhwa ya mo isagong ya botsalano le dinaga tsa boditšhaba ya naga ya aforika borwa. +",0.88698506 +"reflecting on the shifts in global alliances brought about by the end of the cold war, he wrote that countries would have to ""recast their nets"" if they were to reap any benefit from international affairs. +","mo a buang ka diphetogo tsa botsalano jwa dinaga tsa boditšhaba tse di tlisitsweng ke cold war fa e ne e fedisiwa, o ne a kwala a re dinaga di tla tshwanelwa ke go ""simolola botsalano sešwa"" fa e le gore di batla go unngwelwa mo dika manong tsa boditšhabatšhaba. +",0.8647329 +"since the tectonic shift of 1994 when we made a decisive break with not just apartheid but the international relations outlook of its architects, south africa’s foreign policy continues to be characterised by this ""recasting the net"". +","fa e sale diphetogo tse di kgolo tse di diragetseng mo ngwageng wa 1994 fa re ne re fenya e seng fela puso ya tlhaolele, mme le go fenya botsalano jwa dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba, pholisi ya botsalano le dinaga tsa boditšhaba ya naga ya aforika borwa e tswelela go itshegetsa ka mogopolo ono yo o reng ""simolola botsalano sešwa"". +",0.85704637 +"our foreign policy priorities are regional political and economic integration, pursing african development, multilateral engagement and the promotion of democracy, peace and human rights. +","dintlha tse di botlhokwa mo pholising ya naga ya rona ya botsalano le dinaga tsa boditšhaba ke tse di buang ka go golaganya dikgaolo, di polotiki le ikonomi, go dira gatsa tlhabololo ya aforika, go atlhaatlhaa matsapa re le dinaga mmogo le go tsholetsa temokerasi, kagiso le ditshwa nelo tsa batho. +",0.85940397 +"to this end, we have forged strategic alliances with both the countries of the global south and mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of the north. +","go fitlha mo motsing ono, re setse re na le botsalano le dinaga tse di ka fa borwa mo lefatsheng le tse di ka fa bokone mo lefatsheng. +",0.7777389 +"joining the brics group of countries in 2010 was a milestone in our quest to advance our own national development priorities by forging stronger ties with the important emerging economies of brazil, russia, india and china. +","ka go nna karolo ya setlho pha sa dinaga tsa brics mo ngwageng wa 2010 re dirile selo se se botlhokwa mo go diragatseng maitlhomo a rona a go gagamatsa dintlha tsa tlhabologo tse di botlhokwa mo nageng ya rona ka go dira botsalano jwa go ntshana se se mo 'inong le dinaga tse ikonomi ya tsona e leng bo tlhokwa e bile e gola tsa brazil, russia, india le china. +",0.88916713 +"put into context, brics countries comprise roughly 41% of the world’s population and account for around 24% of global gdp and some 16% of global trade. +","mo go tlhamalatseng botlho kwa jwa dinaga tsa brics, dinaga tseno mo go tsona go na le baagi ba ka dira 41% ya palo yotlhe ya baagi mo lefa tsheng mme seabe sa tsona mo letsenong la ditlhagisiwa tsa dikuno (gdp) se fitlha go 24% mo lefatsheng mme seabe se sengwe ke sa 16% mo di kgwebong tsa lefatshe. +",0.8925964 +"we have reaped the benefits of membership of this important bloc, most notably in the area of economic cooperation. +","kgwebisano le dinaga e godile, segolobogolo maga reng ga naga ya china le ya india, mo bontsi re gwebi sanang ka dithoto tse re di rekisetsang dinaga tsa kwa ntle le mo re rekang ditlha gisiswa tse di dirilweng kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle. +",0.6391348 +"bilateral trade has grown, particularly with china and india, with commodity exports and manufactured goods imports featuring strongly. +","dinaga tsa brics di tswelela go nna botlhokwa jaaka e le tsona di beeletsang thata mo maphateng a a botlhokwa a a jaaka a meepo, a dijanaga, a dipalangwa, a motlakase o o fetlhiwang ka letsatsi, phefo le metsi, a ditirelo tsa matlole le tsa dikhomphiutara. +",0.68829715 +"the brics countries continue to be important sources of foreign direct investment in key such as mining, automotive, transportation, clean energy, financial services and it. +","tshekatsheko e e dirilweng ka ngwaga wa 2018 ke setlamo sa ditirelo tsa manontlhotlho sa deloitte mabapi le go nneng karolo ga rona mo brics, setlamo seno se nopotse gore dinaga tsa brics ""di beele ditse go utlwagala mo nageng ka bontsi jwa matlole a a mena ganeng ga raro fa go bapisiwa le a mo dingwageng di le supa tsa pele ga ngwaga wa 2011"". +",0.6395755 +"a 2018 review of our brics membership by professional services firm deloitte noted that brics partners ""invested three times more capital in the country compared to the seven years prior to 2011"". +","dipeeletso le diporojeke tseno di tswetse naga mosola ka di tlhodile ditiro di le dintsi. +",0.50113845 +"these investments and projects have in turn led to significant job creation. +","fa e sale go tlhomiwa ba nkatlhabololo e ntšhwa ya kgaolo eno ya setlhopha seno sa brics, eo dikantoro tsa yona di leng kwa teropong ya johannesburg, banka eno e tswetse naga ya aforika borwa mosola ka go e thusa ka matlole le go ema nokeng diporojeke tsa yona tsa dipalangwa, tsa motlakase o o fetlhiwang ka letsatsi, phefo le metsi, tsa tlhokomelo ya tikologo, tsa go aga mafaratlhatlha a metsi le tsa go fokotsa digase tse di kgotlhelang tikologo. +",0.540172 +"since the formation of the new development bank, whose regional office is located in johannesburg, south africa has been a beneficiary of financing and technical support for projects in transportation, clean energy, environmental protection, water infrastructure and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. +","fa e sale re welwa ke leru la leroborobo la covid19 , aforika borwa e setse e amo getse r28 billione go tswa mo bankeng eno e e leng ya madikadimo a go dirisiwa mo maemong a tshoganyetso gore e kgone go lwantshana le leroborobo leno le go ema nokeng matsholo a naga ya rona a go tsosolosa ikonomi ya rona. +",0.73921657 +"since the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, south africa has received $2 billion in funding from the new development bank under the covid19 emergency loan programme to fight the pandemic and to support our economic recovery. +","re bone gape le thuso e kgolo mo dinageng tsa brics fa re ne re rekana le diaparo tsa go ipa balela mo bolwetseng mmogo le tirisanommogo fa go tla mo go rekeng le go abelaneng ka moento. +",0.6856886 +"there has also been substantial cooperation with our brics partners in securing personal protective equipment and cooperation around vaccine access and distribution. +","sešweng jaana re nnile le seabe mo samiting ya bo 13 ya brics, mo dinaga tsotlhe tsa brics di dumelaneng gore di tla oketsa tirisanommogo ya tsona mo go lwantsha neng le covid19 mmogo le mo go emaneng nokeng mo mererong ya dipolotiki le go thusana ka matlole a a tlhokegang go ipaakanyetsa go samagana le maroborobo a re ka nnang le ona mo isagong. +",0.73748446 +"we recently participated in the 13th brics summit, where brics countries agreed to deepen cooperation to fight covid19 and mobilise the political support and financial resources needed to respond to future pandemic preparedness. +","fano go buiwa ka go tlhoma tikwatikwe e e dirisang di tlhaeletsano tsa dibidio ya brics ya go dira dipatlisiso le go dira meento mmogo le go tlhoma thulaganyo ya brics ya ditheo tse di dirisanang mmogo go lomana tsebe ka matshosetsi nako e santse e le teng gore thulaganyo eno e samagane le go disa maemo fa go runya malwetse a mangwe mo isagong. +",0.74669945 +"this includes the establishment of a virtual brics vaccine research and development centre and a brics integrated early warning system to forecast future outbreaks of infectious diseases. +","e nngwe ya dikarolo tse di botlhokwa tsa ditumelano tsa bona ke go tlotla ditokomane tsa dinaga tseno tsa bopaki jwa gore motho o tlhabetse moento le gore o dirilwe diteko tsa go lekola gore o na le covid19 pele a ka tsaya leeto go etela dinaga tse dingwego kgaba ganya melelwane mmogo le tsa go dira diteko le go tlhabela moento wa covid19 e leng ditokomane tse mo isagong di tla nnang botlhokwa thata fa go tla mo go kgabaganyeng melelwane. +",0.77908933 +"another important area of agreement was on mutual recognition of national documents of vaccination and systems of covid19 testing – something that will be vital to crossborder travel in the future. +","ntlha eno ya go unngwelwa ka go lekana mo tirisanommogong e tla nna e e botlhokwa thata fa go tla mo go tsosoloseng ikonomi mo lefatsheng ka bophara, mme seno se raya gore fa dinaga di gola ka go se tshwane seno se tla dira gore dianaga tse dingwe di tsosolose iko nomi ya tsona ka bonako fa tse dingwe tsona di tla salela morago. +",0.6971283 +"the concept of mutually beneficial cooperation will be particularly important in the global economic recovery, where unequal development means that some countries will bounce back quickly, while others will lag behind. +","mo go emeng nokeng tso soloso ya ikonomi, dinaga tse e leng karolo ya brics di dumelane gore di tla oketsa tirisanommogo mo makaleng a a botlhokwa a a jaaka la mo tlakase, la dikhomphiutara, la saense, la boitshimololedi le thekenoloji, la temothuo mmogo le la ikonomi ya tsho marelo ya tlhago. +",0.64051974 +"in support of economic recovery, brics partners agreed to strengthen collaboration in catalytic sectors such as energy, it, science, technology and innovation, agriculture and the green economy. +","ano otlhe ke makala a a nopotsweng a a botlhokwa mo leanong la rona la tsosoloso le kagosešwa ya ikonomi le le itsisitsweng mo ngwageng yo o fetileng. +",0.57674277 +"these are all important sectors identified in our economic reconstruction and recovery plan announced last year. +","go dirisana le dinaga tsa brics, segolo jang mo le phateng la boitshimololedi le dipatlisiso, go tla thusa naga ya rona go diragatsa ka bonako dikgato tsa go bula difeme le go re thusa gore re kgone go fitlhelela diphisegelo tsa naga ya rona tsa diinta seteri tsa thekenoloji. +",0.59434545 +"cooperation with other brics countries, particularly in the field of innovation research, will help to accelerate our country’s industrialisation and help us meet our fourth industrial revolution aspirations. +","mo ntlheng eno go ne ga tshwarwa dipuisano tebang le ka fao brics e ka tlho mang dirala tsa semmuso tsa go abelana botlhale, kitso le bokgoni mo go diragatseng seno mmogo le mo go diriseng dirala tsa thekenoloji ya go itshimololela didirisiwa tsa thekenoloji. +",0.66134584 +"in this regard, discussions were held around the creation of formal brics platforms to share best practice, knowledge and expertise, including the use of open source technology platforms. +","dinaga tsa brics di dume lane gore dinaga tse di santseng di iketetsa di tlhoka go enngwa nokeng gore di kgone go diragatsa dipeelo tsa tlhabololo e e nnelang ruri tsa dinagakopano le gore dinaga tse di ithaopileng go ema nokeng dinaga tseno di tshwanetse go diragatsa maikano a tsona mo ntlheng eno. +",0.6806307 +"the brics partners agreed that developing countries need assistance to achieve the un sustainable development goals, and that donor countries should honour their commitments in this regard. +","ntlha eno e tobane sego lobogolo le ntlha e e mabapi le phetogo ya loapi. +",0.53227466 +"this is particularly important within the context of climate action. +","fela jaaka dinaga tse dingwe tse dintsi, aforika borwa le yona e batla go tsena mo maemong a mo go ona e sa tlholeng e tlhoka go dirisa di dirisiwa tse di kueletsang mesi mo tikologong go tshwana fela le dinaga tse dingwe, maemo a a tla nnelang ruri le go go tseela tlhogong maemo a naga eno jaaka e le naga e e santseng e iketetsa. +",0.49220157 +"like most countries, south africa seeks to move towards a lowcarbon development path that is inclusive, sustainable and that takes into account our status as a developing country. +","serala sa brics sa dipatlisiso le tirisanommogo mo mererong ya motlakase se tla nna le seabe se se botlhokwa thata jaaka re samagane le go aroganya setheo sa naga ya rona sa tlhagiso ya motlakase. +",0.68185747 +"the brics energy research cooperation platform will be valuable as we move to diversify our energy sources. +","mo sebakeng sa dingwaga di le 11 tsa fa e sale re nna karolo ya brics, go nneng karolo ya setlhopha seno go tswetse naga ya rona mosola thata. +",0.6423751 +"in the 11 years since we joined brics, our membership has substantially advanced our national interest. +","go nneng karolo ya brics go gagamaditse maemo a naga ya rona mo go nneng e nngwe ya dinaga tse di botlhokwa tse ikonomi ya yona e santseng e gola. +",0.71057814 +"being a member of brics has enhanced our position as an important emerging economy. +","go dirile gore re bone thuso mo mererong ya dipholisi le ya kitso ya botegeniki go tswa kwa dinageng tse ikonomi ya tsona e leng e kgolo e bile e ike metse, mmogo le go enngwa nokeng ke banka ya tlhabo lolo ya naga. +",0.67933345 +"it has given us access to policy and technical expertise of larger and established economies, as well as access to the support of the national development bank. +","go re thusitse gore re nne le seabe mo lefatsheng, sego lobogolo mo go fetoleng botsalano le dinaga tse dintsi tsa boditšhaba. +",0.65138227 +"it has strengthened our activism on the global stage, particularly around reform of multilateral institutions. +","re unngwetswe gape le mo go bueng ka lentswe le le leng re le dinaga tsa boditšhaba mo go lekeng go dira gore re tshwane mo lefatsheng mme re tlotlane ka go tshwana le go tlotla boipuso jwa dinaga tse dingwe le mebuso ya tsona. +",0.6416694 +"we have benefitted from being part of a collective voice striving to advance a world order based on mutual respect and the equal sovereignty of nations. +","brics ke karolo e e botlhokwa thata mo kgolong ya ikonomi ya aforika borwa vukuzenzele unnamed ngwaga pele re tse na mo ditlhophong tsa ntlha tsa temo kerasi, moporesitente ne lson mandela o ne a kwa la athikele mo makasineng wa foreign policy e e neng e bua ka pholisi e ntšhwa ya mo isagong ya botsalano le dinaga tsa boditšhaba ya naga ya aforika borwa. +",0.6416694 +"ending corruption in the public service vukuzenzele unnamed the revelation in parliament that thousands of public servants have been illegally receiving social grants every month shows we still have a long way to go towards instilling a culture of ethics in the public service. +","go fedisa bonweenwee mo lephateng la tirelopuso vukuzenzele unnamed se se ntshitsweng mo pepeneneng kwa palamenteng gore diketekete tsa badiredipu so ba ntse ba amogela me golo ya puso e e tshwane tseng go thusa baagi ba ba humanegileng kgwedi le kgwedi ke sesupo sa gore re santse re tlhoka go dira go utlwagala go dira gore badiredipuso ba itlwaetse go nna le maitsholo a a si ameng. +",0.8456526 +"earlier this year, it was also found that around 16,000 employees on the government payroll were irregularly paid the covid19 social relief of distress grant. +","fa ngwaga ono o roga go ne ga fitlhelwa gore badiredi puso ba le 16 000 ba dueletswe madithuso a go rola boima mo baaging jo bo tlisi tsweng ke covid19 , e leng selo se se seng mo molaong. +",0.844463 +"it is common knowledge that applicants with other sources of income do not qualify for this grant. +","motho mang le mang o a itse gore badiradikopo ba ba bonang letseno ga ba tshwa nela go neelwa megolo ya madithuso ano. +",0.7846523 +"it is also selfevident that those who receive an income from the state are not eligible to apply. +","gape motho mang le mang o a itse gore fa o amogela mogolo go tswa mo pusong ga o a tshwanela go dira kopo ya go thusiwa ka madithuso ano. +",0.7560897 +"and yet they did. +","badiredipuso bano ba ntse ba itse seno sentle bona ba tsweletse go dira dikopo tseno le go amogela megolo eno. +",0.33490583 +"some 17,000 people employed at national and provincial government submitted applications in a bid to top up their salaries with money meant for the poor. +","badiredipuso ba le 17 000 ba ba direlang mafapha a puso ya naga le a dipuso tsa diporofense ba dirile dikopo tseno maitlhomo e le go iko keletsa megolo ya bona ka madi a a tshwanetseng go thusa baagi ba ba humane gileng. +",0.852854 +"given the extent of need in the country, one that our public servants know too well, this wilful intent to steal from the public purse is unforgivable. +","ka ntlha ya tshotlego e baagi ba naga ya rona ba leng mo go yona, tshotlego e badiredipuso ba naga ya rona ba e itseng e bile ba e tlhalo ganya sentle, ditiro tseno tsa ka bomo tsa go utswa madi a puso ke molato o re ka se ba tshwareleng mo go ona. +",0.8108153 +"government is now stepping up its efforts to prevent this kind of abuse and act against anyone in the public service involved in wrongdoing. +","puso jaanong e samagane le go tsaya dikgato go thibela gore ditiragalo tsa mothale ono di se tlhole di ipoeletsa le go tseela dikgato badire dipuso botlhe ba ba amegang mo ditiragalong tseno tsa bogodu. +",0.82313776 +"recently, government launched a new public administration ethics, integrity and disciplinary technical assistance unit. +","sešweng jaana puso e tha nkgolotse yuniti e ntšhwa ya go thusa ka merero ya maitsholo, botshepegi le di kgatokgalemo tsa badiri mo tsamaisong ya puso. +",0.83078635 +"the unit will build capacity within public bodies to institute disciplinary proceedings in cases of misconduct and cooperate with other organs of state in holding those responsible to account. +","yuniti eno e tla thusa ditheo tsa puso go samagana le dikgatokgalemo tsa badiri fa ba tlotse melao ya mai tsholo mmogo le go thusana le ditheo tse dingwe tsa puso mo go direng gore badiredi ba ba amegang ba rweswe maikarabelo a tlolomolao ya bona. +",0.8313551 +"the unit will refer corruption cases to government’s anticorruption task team and follow up with departments to ensure criminal cases involving public servants translate into disciplinary cases. +","yuniti eno e tla fetisetsa ditatofatso tsa bonweenwee kwa setlhopheng sa tiro ya go lwantsha bonweenwee mmogo le go netefatsa gore e thusa mafapha a badiredi ba ba amegang mo ditirong tsa bonweenwee go netefatsa gore le kwa tirong ba tseelwa dikgatokgalemo. +",0.8667023 +"working with the multiagency fusion centre, the unit will help identify employees in priority cases investigated by law enforcement authorities. +","ka go tshwa risana tiro le tikwatikwe ya ditirelo tse di golaganeng tsa go phuruphutsha bo nweenwee, yuniti eno e tla thusa go nopola badiredi ba ba amegang mo dipatlisisong tse di leng mo diatleng tsa mapodisi. +",0.78464514 +"the unit will monitor the conduct of lifestyle audits of public service employees. +","yuniti eno e tla ela tlhoko ka fao bathapi ba tlhatlhobang botshelo jwa badiredipuso. +",0.7920393 +"where departments identify corruption and unexplained wealth, the cases will be referred to the south african police service. +","mo mafapha a nopolang gore go na le bokhukhu ntshwane teng le khumo e go sa tlhaloganyegeng gore modiredipuso o nnile le yona jang, kgetse eo e tla tlhatlhelwa kwa tirelong ya sepodisi sa aforika borwa (saps). +",0.86054146 +"the new unit has already begun its work in earnest, helping to identify public servants involved in cases related to covid19 procurement, the special covid19 grant and unemployment insurance fund fraud. +","yuniti e ntšhwa eno ga e ake ya senya nako e tsene le go simolola ka tiro ya yona, mo e nnileng le seabe mo go nopo leng badiredipuso botlhe ba ba amegang mo dithendareng tsa didirisiwa tsa covid19, le ba ba amegang mo go utsweng madithuso a go rola boima mo baaging jo bo tlisitsweng ke covid19 le mo go utsweng matlole a go duelela badiredi ba ba kgaotsweng kwa ditirong. +",0.82290584 +"the cases of government officials referred by the special investigating unit for disciplinary action will be monitored by the unit to assess their progress. +","dikgetse tsotlhe tse di amang badiredipuso tse yuniti e e batlisisang dikge tse tse di itlhophileng e di rometseng kwa bathaping go tsaya dikgatokgalemo ka badiredi ba bona, yuniti eno e ntšhwa e tla di lebelela ka leitlho le le ntšhotšho gore di ntse di tsamaya ka tshwanelo kgotsa jang. +",0.7747381 +"another important aspect of the unit’s work will be institutionalising ethics and integrity in the ranks of the public service. +","e nngwe ya dikgato tse di botlhokwa tse yuniti eno e tla samaganang le tsona ke go tlhoma setheo se se tla samaganang le maitsholo mo lephateng la tirelopuso. +",0.7691736 +"a few public servants have over the years taken the view that doing business with or unduly benefiting from the state is permissible for them, their friends and their families, provided there has been no illegality. +","mo dingwageng tse di fetileng badiredipuso ba le mmalwa ba ntse ba nagana gore bona, ba malapa a bona le ditsala tsa bona ba ka gwebisana le puso kgotsa go bona merokotso go tswa mo pusong fa fela e le gore seo ga se tlolomolao. +",0.8374701 +"we must do everything we can to change this attitude. +","re tshwanetse go dira go tlala seatla go fetola maitsholo ano. +",0.77677196 +"as we work to end corruption, there must be equal focus on inculcating ethical behaviour, because what may not necessarily be illegal can be unethical and unbecoming of a public servant. +","fa re tsweletse go samagana le go fedisa bonweenwee, ka fa letlhakoreng le lengwe re tshwanetse go fetola mai tsholo a badiredipuso, gonne selo se se leng mo molaong ga go raye gore se siame go diriwa le fa e le gore go phoso go se dira mme seno e ka nna selo se se sa itumediseng ka badiredipuso. +",0.84158653 +"the new unit will set norms and standards on ethics, integrity and conduct. +","yuniti e ntšhwa eno e tla tlhoma maitsholo a a amo gelesegang. +",0.68179417 +"it will also build the capacity of departments to discipline officials found guilty of misconduct. +","e tla thusa gape le mafapha go dirisa dikga tokgalemo tsa go kgalema badiredipuso ba ba bonweng molato mo ditiragalong tsa maitsholo a a sa amogelese gang. +",0.8385558 +"last year more than 200 employees were trained as presiding officers and initiators. +","mo ngwageng yo o fetileng batlhankedi ba feta ba le 200 ba katisitswe go nna batlhankedi ba ba oka mang dikgatokgalemo le ba ba tlhotlhang ditiragalo tsa dikgatokgalemo. +",0.86451536 +"building an ethical, capable state continues to be a focus of this administration. +","go aga puso e e tshepaga lang, e e nang le maitsholo le bokgoni e santse e le selo se puso eno e samaganeng le sona. +",0.8053627 +"as a number of scandals involving public servants illegally benefiting from the state have shown, the process will be difficult and will take some time. +","dipalopalo tsa borukhutlhi tse badiredipuso ba amegang mo go tsona jaaka ba iponela merokotso mo pusong ka tsela e e seng mo molaong di re bontshitse gore tiro eno ke e e boima tota mme e tla re goga sebakanyana gore re e konosetse. +",0.8057881 +"we are nonetheless committed to stay the course. +","le fa go le jalo re ikemiseditse go diragatsa tiro eno. +",0.7595202 +"a capable state is the foundation for the attainment of all our national priorities. +","puso e e nang le bokgoni ke yona e e tla re kgontshang go fitlhelela dintlha tse di botlhokwa tse naga ya rona e ipeetseng tsona go di fi tlhelela. +",0.7374737 +"without improving accountability and promoting ethical conduct, none can be achieved. +","fa re sa sekaseke kgang ya maikarabelo le go tlotlomatsa maitsholo a a sia meng, dintlha tseno tsotlhe e tla nna digaboi fela. +",0.7558433 +"the vast majority of our public servants are committed, lawabiding and ethical. +","badiredipuso ba rona ka bontsi ba direla puso ka boi neelo, ba obamela molao e bile ba na le maitsholo a a siameng. +",0.78047514 +"the task before us is to work together to root out those who are not, and correct the misconception that all those employed in government are either selfserving or corrupt. +","tiro e e re farafereng jaa nong ke ya go sikara mmogo tiro ya go ntsha bao ba senang mosola mo tirelopusong le go baakanya megopolo ya go nagana gore batlhankedi botlhe ba ba direlang puso ke batho ba ba itebeletseng ba le esi kgotsa ke batho ba ba dirang bonweenwee. +",0.86981547 +"ai call on all the men and women who serve our country every day to recommit themselves to the values of selflessness and service, and to recall that their conduct must at all times be both legal and ethical. +","ke ikuela mo banneng le mo basading botlhe ba ba dire lang naga ya rona letsatsi le letsatsi go tsosolosa boineelo jwa bona mme ba dire ditiro tsa bona ka botswapele, mme ba gakologelwe gape le gore maitsholo a bona ka dinako tsotlhe a tshwanetse go nna a a leng mo molaong e bile gape e se nne a a tswileng mo tseleng. +",0.87612563 +the establishment of this unit is another one of the ways that we are working on to end corruption in government and indeed in all spheres of south african life.,"go fedisa bonweenwee mo lephateng la tirelopuso vukuzenzele unnamed se se ntshitsweng mo pepeneneng kwa palamenteng gore diketekete tsa badiredipu so ba ntse ba amogela me golo ya puso e e tshwane tseng go thusa baagi ba ba humanegileng kgwedi le kgwedi ke sesupo sa gore re santse re tlhoka go dira go utlwagala go dira gore badiredipuso ba itlwaetse go nna le maitsholo a a si ameng. +",0.87612563 +"presidential employment stimulus drives job creation vukuzenzele unnamed the recent launch of the second phase of the presidential employment stimulus represents great progress in our quest to create job opportunities for unemployed south africans. +","letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente le tlhotlheletsa go tlhamiwa ga ditiro vukuzenzele unnamed go tlhomiwa fa gautshwane ga legato la bobedi la letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente go bontsha tswelelopele e kgolo mo maitekong a rona a go tlhamela ma aforika borwa a a sa direng ditšhono tsa ditiro. +",0.86700416 +"we established the employment stimulus last year to create as many opportunities as possible in the shortest possible time. +","re simolotse letsholo leno la go tlhola ditiro ngogola ka maitlhomo a go tlhama ditšhono tse dintsi ka fao go kgonegang mo pakeng e khutshwakhutshwane e e ka kgonegang. +",0.8757752 +"this required new and innovative ways of working to implement programmes at an unprecedented speed and scale. +","seno se ne se tlhoka ditsela tse dintšhwa le tsa boitlhamedi tsa go dira gore go tsenngwe tiri song mananeo ka lebelo le seelo se se sa tlwaelegang. +",0.8111747 +"the recruitment process of the many people who were unemployed made use of digital platforms to reach as many eligible participants as possible. +","tirego ya go ngoka batho ba le bantsi ba ba neng ba sa dire e dirisitse dipolatefomo tsa dijitale go fitlhelela bannaleseabe ba ba nang le tshiamelo ka bontsi jo bo kgonegang. +",0.8410133 +"for example, smallscale farmers were able to apply for support via ussd and receive input vouchers to their cellphones. +","sekai, bale mirui ba ba botlana ba kgonne go dira dikopo tsa tshegetso ka go romela sms le go amogela diboutjahara ka diselefounu tsa bona. +",0.8379431 +"since the department of basic education opened applications for the next cohort of school assistants recently, over 940 000 young people have applied via the zerorated recruitment platform called sayouth. +","fa e sale lefapha la thuto ya motheo le bulela dikopo tsa setlhopha se se late lang sa bathusi ba kwa di kolong fa gautshwane, bašwa ba feta 94 000 ba dirile dikopo ka polatefomo ya go ngoka e e sa duelelweng e e bidi wang sayouth. +",0.87692726 +"mobi, which forms part of the national pathway management network. +","mobi, e e leng karolo ya bosetšhaba ya pathway management network. +",0.8523669 +"the use of new technologies in offering employment opportunities has made recruitment much easier, quicker and more transparent. +","tiriso ya dithekenoloji tse dintšhwa go tlamela ka ditšhono tsa go thapiwa e nolofaditse go ngoka badiri thata, ya dira gore go nne bonako le gore go dirwe mo phasalatseng. +",0.8597612 +"the presidential employment stimulus has enabled and facilitated cooperation in the public sector. +","letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente le kgontshitse le go bebofatsa tirisanommogo mo lepha teng la setšhaba. +",0.72494376 +"programmes in phase one were implemented by 11 national departments. +","mananeo a legato la ntlha a tsentswe tirisong ke mafapha a le 11 a bosetšhaba. +",0.8073419 +"their activities were aligned to avoid duplication and wastage and enhance learning from the experience of others. +","ditiro tsa ona di ne di lepalepane go efoga go dira dilo tse di tshwanang le tshenyo mmogo le go tokafatsa go ithuta ka maitemogelo a ba bangwe. +",0.8655065 +"the employment stimulus has also shown the importance of social partnership. +","thotloetso ya ditiro gape e bontshitse botlhokwa jwa selekane sa loago. +",0.8245768 +"government, business, labour and civil society have come together to bring those who are unemployed into the economy. +","puso, kgwebo, badiri le baagi ba kopane go thusa ba ba sa direng go nna le seabe mo ikonoming. +",0.894712 +"more than half a million south africans have already benefitted from the first phase, with several programmes still underway. +","go feta halofo ya maafo rika borwa ba setse ba ungwetswe mo legato ng la ntlha, mme mana neo a le mmalwa a sa ntse a tsweletse pele. +",0.81295884 +"participants were given the opportunity to earn a livelihood, to learn new skills and upgrade existing ones, and to use their experience as a springboard to get another job or to selfemployment. +","banna leseabe ba neilwe tšhono ya go iponela ditsela tsa go iphedisa, go ithuta bokgoni jo bontšhwa le go tokafatsa jo ba ntseng ba na le bona, le go dirisa maitemogelo a bona go bona tiro e nngwe gongwe go ithapa. +",0.86993164 +"for example, a number of participants appointed by the department of public works and infrastructure in its phase one programmes were able to secure private sector employment by the end of march 2021. many of those in the first cohort of school assistants, similarly, have found their way into employment, armed with experience, training and references. +","sekai, bannaleseabe ba le mmalwa ba ba thapi lweng ke lefapha la ditiro tsa puso le mafaratlhatlha a setšhaba mo mananeong a lona a legato la ntlha ba ne ba kgonne go iponela ditiro mo lephateng la poraefete kwa bokhutlong jwa mopitlwe 2021. bontsi jwa ba ba mo setlhopheng sa ntlha sa bathusi ba kwa diko long, le bona ba kgonne go thapiwa, ba na le mai temogelo, katiso le lenane la ba go ka ikgolaga nngwang nabo go botsa ka maitemogelo a bona. +",0.8772735 +"the programmes implemented through the presidential employment stimulus have also benefited communities more broadly. +","mananeo a a tsentswe ng tirisong ka letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la mopore sidente gape a ungwetse baagi ka bophara. +",0.7626891 +"the focus has been on job creation in sectors with direct social impact such as education, food security, public infrastructure maintenance and environmental protection. +","go ne go totilwe go tlhamiwa ga ditiro mo maphateng a a tobaneng poo le bagi a tshwana le a thuto, a go tlholela baagi dijo, a go tlhokomela mafaratlhatlha a setšhaba le a go tlhoko mela tikologo. +",0.8490278 +"through this presidential employment stimulus young people were employed to support and assist teachers in our schools. +","ka letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente, bašwa ba thapilwe go tshegetsa le go thusa baru tabana kwa dikolong tsa rona. +",0.8766836 +"others were employed to build bridges in rural communities. +","ba bangwe ba tha pilwe go aga maporogo kwa metsemagaeng. +",0.8054315 +"many early childhood development centres were helped to survive and reopen. +","dikolo tsa bomapi mpana di thusitswe gore di se phutlhame le gore di se tswalelwe go ya go ile. +",0.73424757 +"subsistence farmers were supported to expand production, and environmental assets such as rivers and wetlands were restored and maintained. +","balemirui ba ba le mang le go ruela gore malapa a bona a je ba ne ba thusiwa go oketsa tlhagiso, mme dithoto tsa tikologo di tshwana le dinoka le mafelo a a bongola a a nang le letlhaka a ne a baakanngwa le go tlhokomelwa. +",0.85522956 +"as part of phase two, we are establishing a social employment fund that will support work for the common good led by community organisations in areas as diverse as urban agriculture, public art, informal settlement upgrading and community safety. +","jaaka karolo ya legato la bobedi, re simolola letlole la go tlholela baagi ditiro le le tla tshegetsang tiro e e siamelang botlhe le le etelelwang pele ke mekgatlho ya baagi mo dikarolong tse di farologaneng go tshwana le temothuo mo metse setoropong, botsweretshi jwa setšhaba, tokafatso ya mafelo a baipei le pabalesego ya baagi. +",0.89259225 +"in the midst of the severe economic setback caused by the coronavirus disease pandemic, public and social employment has provided an important stimulus to job creation. +","mo gare ga poelomorago e e boitshegang ya ikonomi e e bakilweng ke leroborobo la bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona, ditiro tsa setšhaba le loago di tlametse ka thotloetso ya botlhokwa ya go tlhamiwa ga ditiro. +",0.8748815 +"this is the implementation of our commitment that the state should actively support employment while the labour market recovers. +","seno ke tsenyotirisong ya maitlamo a rona a gore puso e tshwanetse go tshegetsa ditiro ka botlhaga fa mma raka wa ditiro o sa ntse o itharabologelwa. +",0.8270436 +"through the presidential employment stimulus we have brought young people into the labour force in far greater numbers in an unprecedented manner in a short space of time. +","ka letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente, re tsentse bašwa mo diti rong ka dipalo tse di kwa godimo thata ka tsela e e sa tlwaelegang mo pakeng e khutshwane. +",0.82992625 +"some 84% of the participants in phase one were young people under the age of 35, and twothirds were women. +","bannaleseabe ba le 84% mo legatong la ntlha e ne e le bašwa ba dingwaga tse di ka fa tlase ga 35, mme ba le babedi mo go ba le bararo ba bona e ne e le basadi. +",0.89968777 +"in phase two we expect this number to be even higher, as the stimulus will provide almost r1 billion in funding for the presidential youth employment intervention. +","mo legatong la bobedi re solofetse gore palo eno e tla nna kwa godingwana, ka ntlha ya fa thotloetso e tla tlamela ka matlole a a fopholediwang go r1 bilione a letsholo la go tlholela bašwa ditiro la mopore sidente. +",0.85313034 +"as part of the intervention, several young people will be recruited into a revitalised national youth service. +","jaaka karolo ya letsholo leno, bašwa ba le mmalwa ba tla tsenngwa mo tire long ya bosetšhaba ya bašwa e e ntšhwafaditsweng. +",0.8561606 +"young people will receive training in digital skills and youthowned enterprises will receive support to expand and hire. +","bašwa ba tla katisediwa bokgoni jwa go dirisa didirisiwa tsa dijitale mme dikgwebo tsa bašwa di tla amogela tshegetso gore di gole mme di thape. +",0.8869411 +"unemployment in our country is a crisis. +","botlhokatiro mo na geng ya rona bo tswile mo taolong. +",0.5307654 +"we cannot afford endless delays in addressing this problem because of bureaucratic redtape, outdated recruitment processes, lack of capacity and planning, or programmes that are shortlived or unsustainable. +","re ka se ke ra kgona gore go nne le tiego malebana le go samagana le bothata jono ka ntlha ya ditsamaiso, ditirego tsa maloba tsa go ngoka badiri, tlhaelo ya bokgoni le dithulaganyo, gongwe mananeo a pakakhutshwane gongwe a a sa tsweletsegeng. +",0.8771526 +"the success of the presidential employment stimulus has shown that when we work together, move with speed, think creatively and manage our resources well, we can make a huge impact. +","katlego ya letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la mopore sidente e bontshitse gore fa re dira mmogo, re dira ka bonako, re tla ka dikgopolo tse dintšhwa mme re tlhokomela didirisiwa tsa rona sentle, re ka dira pharologano e e bona lang. +",0.8569592 +"the presidential employment stimulus has demonstrated that we can create jobs if we work together as the public sector, labour, community and government. +","letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente le bontshitse gore re ka tlhama ditiro fa re dira mmogo jaaka lephata la setšhaba, badiri, baagi le puso. +",0.8709858 +i have no doubt that the next phase of the presidential employment stimulus will bring us even closer to meeting our collective goal of decent work and opportunities for all.,"letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente le tlhotlheletsa go tlhamiwa ga ditiro vukuzenzele unnamed go tlhomiwa fa gautshwane ga legato la bobedi la letsholo la go tlhola ditiro la moporesidente go bontsha tswelelopele e kgolo mo maitekong a rona a go tlhamela ma aforika borwa a a sa direng ditšhono tsa ditiro. +",0.8709858 +"report corruption via the anticorruption hotline silusapho nyanda if you suspect corruption, fraud, theft or other wrong doing in the public service, you are urged to report it. +","buletsa ditiro tsa bonweenwee ka go letsetsa mogala wa go lwantshana le bonweenwee silusapho nyanda fa e le gore o belaela gore felo gongwe mo pusong go diriwa bonweenwee, bogodu kgotsa sengwe se se seng mo molaong, o kopiwa gore o buletse ditiro tseo. +",0.8401612 +"curbing corrup tion in the public service remains a government priority and the national anticorruption hotline makes it easy for members of the public to report suspected acts of corruption. +","go fedisa bonweenwee mo pusong e santse e le selo se se botlho kwa thata mo e bile mogala wa naga wa go lwantshana le bonweenwee o dirang gore go nne bonolo thata gore baagi ba buletse fa go na le ditiragalo tse ba belaelang e le tsa bonwee nwee. +",0.85088617 +"the hotline was launched by the public service commission (psc) in 2004 and since then, more than 100 000 calls reporting allegations of corruption and maladministration have been received. +","mogala ono o thankgolotswe ke khomišene ya ditirelo tsa puso (psc) mo ngwageng wa 2004 mme fa e sale o simolola go dira o setse o letseditswe makgetlo a feta a le 100 000 mo go begilweng ditatofatso tsa bonweenwee le tsa tsamaiso e e sa lolamang. +",0.90303963 +"these calls by whistleblowers have resulted in 24 035 cases of corruption, fraud and other crimes being investigated, says public service commissioner michael seloane, who oversees all the work done by the commission. +","dikgato tseno tsa go letsetsa mogala ono di thusitse gore go tlhatlhelwe dikgetse di le 24 035 tsa bonweenwee, bogodu le ditiro tse dingwe tsa go tlola molao tse ga jaana di phuru phudiwang, michael seloane wa khomišene ya ditirelo tsa puso o tlhalosa jalo, yo e leng ene yo a okameng tiro yotlhe e e diriwang ke khomišene eno. +",0.88818824 +"between 2020 and 2021, 337 cases were reported via the hotline. +","mo ngwageng wa 2020 le wa 2021, mo mogaleng ono go begilwe dikgetse di le 337. mo dikgetseng tseno tsotlhe, di kgetse di le 35 di ne di le mabapi le ditatofatso tsa go thapiwa le go neelwa dithendara ka tsela e e seng mo molaong mme khomišene eno ga jaana e sama gane le go dira dipatlisiso mo go tsona. +",0.78216255 +"thirtyfive of these involve appointment and procurement irregularities that are being investigated by the psc. +","dikgetse tse dingwe tsotlhe tse di setseng di rometswe kwa mafapheng a mangwe a puso le kwa mapodising gore di ba tlisisiwe teng koo. +",0.6244016 +"the remaining cases were referred to other government departments or law enforcement agencies for investigation. +","ditatofatso tse di amanang le kabo ya dintlo tsa setšhaba (dirdp), dithendara le megolo ya go thusa baagi ke tsona ka bontsi tse di begiwang. +",0.69631207 +"the reconstruction and development programme (rdp) housing, tender and social grant irregularities are among the most common allegations made. +","""fa go ne go sekegilwe na kwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng re amogetse diimeile di le dintsi tsa go re loma tsebe. +",0.6067915 +"""during the lockdown we received a lot of tipoffs through email. +","re na gape le motšhini yo o rekotang melaetsa fa batho ba letsa ka nako e batlhankedi ba khomišene ba tšhaisitseng,"" seloane o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.66524583 +"we also have an automatic message recording system for those who wish to call our hotline after hours,"" seloane says. +","o tlaleleditse ka gore fa e sale maemo a go sekega nakwana ditiro tsa ka fa nageng a repisiwa, jaanong ditatofatso tsa bogodu tse di begiwang ka bontsi ke tsa megolo ya go thusa setšhaba, segolo jang mogolo wa go inola baagi ba ba sa direng mo matsapeng a a tlisitsweng ke leroborobo leno. +",0.6318383 +"he adds that since the lowering of lockdown levels, there has been a steady increase in the reporting of social grantrelated fraud, especially social relief of distress grants. +","mo go gagamatseng dikgato tsa go lwantshana le bonwee nwee, puso e thapetse ditheo tse di disang kobamelo ya molao batlhankedi ba ba nang le bo kgoni mmogo le go tlhoma tikwatikwe ya ditirelo tse di golaganeng tsa go phuruphu tsha bonweenwee. +",0.70644975 +"to strengthen efforts to curb corruption, the state has capacitated law enforcement agencies with skilled personnel, and established the fusion centre. +","tikwatikwe eno e bokeleditse ditheo tse di disang kobamelo ya molao gore di abelane ka tshedimosetso le didirisiwa gore di kgone go lwantshana le bogodu le bo nweenwee mo dithendareng tsa go reka ditirelo le didirisiwa tsa go lwantshana le covid19 . +",0.74044347 +"the centre is a grouping of law enforcement agencies that share information and resources in the fight against fraud and corruption in the procurement of covidrelated goods and services. +","go diragala eng fa re sena go lomiwa tsebe? +",0.40624037 +"what happens after a tipoff is made? +","seloane a re fa ba sena go lomiwa tsebe ka mogala ono, batlhankedi ba ba tlhatlhobang ditatofatso ba tla tlhatlhoba gore tatofatso eo e na le tshedimosetso yotlhe e e tlhokagalang. +",0.54267263 +"seloane says when a case is reported via the hotline, early resolution officers check that all the relevant information is provided. +","tshedimosetso eno ke e e buang ka gore mang o dirile eng, tiragalo e motho yo a lato fadiwang ka yona o e dirile neng le gore goreng a e dirile. +",0.56510067 +"this includes the details of who did what, when the alleged act took place, and why. +","o tlhalositse gore fa go ka fitlhelwa gore tatofatso eo ke boammaruri, e ka tswa e le ya go thapa kgotsa go neelana ka dithendara ka tsela e e seng mo molaong, go duelwa pipa molomo, go dira bonweenwee mo go abelaneng ka dirdp, go utswa megolo ya go thusa baagi, go amega mo ditiragalong tsa go tshedisa baagi ba dinaga tsa kwa ntle ka tsela e e seng mo molaong, go amega mo diti ragalong tsa go otla batho ba bangwe, go utswetsa batho ba bangwe kgotsa go ba direla bogodu khomišene eno e tla tsaya tshwetso ya gore e eletse lefapha le le amegang gore le ka tsaya dikgato tsa mothale ofe go kgalema ditiragalo tseo kgotsa e tla romela kgetse eo kwa lephateng la ba dihawks kgotsa kwa lephateng la ba tirelo ya sepodisi sa aforika borwa kgotsa kwa setlho pheng sa tiro ya go lwantsha bonweenwee gore ba tsweletse dipatlisiso tsa tatofatso eo. +",0.51990414 +"he says if wrongdoing is found – be it procurement and appointment irregularities, bribery, rdp housing related corruption, social grant fraud, illegal migration, assault, theft or fraud – the psc either recommends remedial action to the relevant department or refers the case to the hawks, saps or anticorruption task team for further investigation. +","dikgetse tse khomišene eno e di romelang kwa mafa pheng a a amegang ke tse di latelang: dikgetse tseo batlhankedi ba puso ba ba dirang letseno le lengwe ntle le go rebole lwa tetla ya go dira seo ke lefapha le ba le direlang; dikgetse tseo batlhankedi ba puso ba ba direlang le phata le le dirisanang le puso mme ba sa itsesa le fapha la puso le ba le dire lang, mmogo le; dikgetse tsa maitsholo a a tswileng mo tseleng. +",0.76322293 +"cases the psc refers to departments for investigation, include: public servants doing extra work for money without consent of the departments undeclared conflicts of interests, and unethical behaviour. +","seloane a re khomišene eno e naya mafapha a puso sebaka sa matsatsi a le 60 gore a dire dipatliso le go tswala kgetse. +",0.66189116 +"seloane says the psc gives government departments 60 days to investigate and close a case. +","a re morago ga nako eno lefapha le le amegang le tshwanetse go itsese khomišene eno ka dikgato tse e di tsereng. +",0.56704545 +"he says the department then informs the psc of its findings. +","""fa re kgotsofaditswe ke dikgato tse lefapha leo le di tsereng, le rona mo letlhakoreng la rona re tla tswalela kgetse eno, mme fa re sa kgotsofala re tla boela kwa lefapheng leo go le gwetlha gore ba dire se se tshwanetseng. +",0.5613164 +"""if we are happy with the steps taken by the department, we will close the case, but if we are not satisfied, we revert back to them. +","""re go netefaletsa gore o ka se itsiwefa motho yo a ntshang mosi ka sekhurumelo a batla go nna tlhokaina, motlhankedi wa mogala wa khomišene o tla mo kopa fela dintlha tsa go ikgola ganya le ene. +",0.64788485 +"""anonymity guaranteedwhen a whistleblower does not want his/her identity revealed, the psc hotline officer takes down only their contact details. +","seno se botlhokwa gonne fa go tlhokagala tshedi mosetso e nngwe go tshegetsa kgetse ya gagwe ba tla tlhoka go ikgolaganya le ene. +",0.6354703 +"this is important because if extra information is needed, the psc must be able to contact them. +","seloane o boletse jalo gore batho ba ba ntshang mosi ka sekhurumelo mo mogaleng wa khomišene eno ba sirelediwa ka go se rothise mmutla madi fa e le gore ba batla go nna bo tlhokaina. +",0.6470015 +"whistleblowers who report cases to the psc hotline are assured protection if they want to remain anonymous, says seloane. +","o tlhalositse gore batlhankedi ba ba tlhatlhobang ditatofatso ba katisitswe gore ba itse go se rothise mmutla madi ka dintlha tsa tshedimo setso ya dipaki. +",0.6820456 +"he explains that early resolution officers have been trained to ensure that a whistleblower’s identity remains protected. +","buletsa ditiro tsa bonweenwee ka go letsetsa mogala wa go lwantshana le bonweenwee silusapho nyanda fa e le gore o belaela gore felo gongwe mo pusong go diriwa bonweenwee, bogodu kgotsa sengwe se se seng mo molaong, o kopiwa gore o buletse ditiro tseo. +",0.6820456 +"lodging gepf complaints made easy vukuzenzele unnamed members, pen sioners and beneficiaries of the government employees pension fund (gepf) now have recourse when unhappy with the service they receive. +","go nolofatsa thulaganyo ya go tlhatlhela ngongora ya gepf vukuzenzele unnamed ditokololo, batlha nkedi ba ba rolang tiro le bajalefa ba letlole la go tlamela ba diredi ba puso fa ba rola tiro (gepf) botlhe jaanong go na le koo ba ka lelelang teng fa go na le tirelo epe fela e ba sa e kgotsofale lang mo letloleng leno. +",0.8442663 +"to ensure the gepf members and their families are treated fairly, the board recently established an office to handle disputes. +","boto ya gepf sešweng jaana e tlhomile kantoro e e tla samaganang le dingongora go netefatsa gore dikeledi tsa ditokololo tsa letlole leno mmogo le ba malapa a bona ga di wele mo fatshe. +",0.709625 +"the government employees pension ombud (gepo) is an internal but independent office of the gepf. +","kantoro ya moombate wa letlole la go tlamela badiredi ba puso fa ba rola tiro (gepo) ke kantoro e e leng ka fa gare ga setheo sa gepf mme fela yona ga e tsee letlhakore. +",0.83814675 +"the gepf is among the largest pension funds in the world, with over 1.2 million active members and more than 450 000 pensioners and beneficiaries. +","gepf ke e nngwe ya ditheo tse dikgolo mo lefatsheng tsa matlole a go rola tiro, e na le ditokololo di le 1.2 milione ba ga jaana ba santseng ba le mo tirong, le batlhankedi ba ba rotseng tiro mmogo le bajalefa ba bangwe ba feta ba le 450 000. letlole leno le tlhomilwe le go laolwa go ya ka molao wa letlole la go tlamela badiredi ba puso fa ba rola tiro. +",0.8706218 +"the fund was founded and is regulated in terms of the government employees pension law. +","moatefokate makhado ramabulana ke ene yo a tha pilweng go nna moombata. +",0.5603318 +"advocate makhado ramabulana has been appointed as the ombud. +","a re kantoro eno e tlhomilwe ka maitlhomo a go thusa batho ba ba sa kgotsofadiweng ke ditirelo tsa gepf. +",0.59224826 +"he says the office was established to assist people who are unhappy with the services of the gepf. +","kantoro eno e tla tswela mosola batho ba ba senang dithata tsa go ka isa setheo seno kwa kgotlatshekelo. +",0.6796295 +"it will be especially beneficial to people who cannot afford legal recourse. +","pele batho ba tseela setheo seno dikgato ka go se buletsa kwa kantorong ya mosire letsi wa setšhaba kgotsa go se isa kwa kgotlatshekelo, ba ka ikopela mo go kantoro ya moombata go ba thusa go rarabolola matsapa a ba nang le ona le setheo seno. +",0.57747126 +"before people take their disputes to the office of the public protector or to the courts, they can seek mediation from the ombud. +","kantoro ya moombata e tla thusa go rarabolola matsapa a a tsamaisanang le tiego ya go duelela badiradikopo mo go nang le mabaka a a sa utlwagaleng a a tlhodileng tiego eno. +",0.6708107 +"the ombud will intervene in matters that lead to unreasonable delays in the processing of payments due to claimants. +","kantoro eno e tla thusa go rarabolola fela di ngongora tse di nang le sebaka sa dingwaga di le tharo di ise di rarabololwe. +",0.6903147 +"it may only mediate in complaints that have arisen within the past three years. +","dingongorego tse dingwe tse di welang mo matsogong a gepo ke tse di latelang: fa batlhankedi ba setheo seno ba sa dire tiro ya bona go ya ka melao le melawa na ya letlole leno; go se diragatse tsholofe tso ntle le go tlhalosetsa motho mabaka a a utlwa galang a go se diragatse tsholofetso eo; mmogo le fa motlhankedi wa gepf a abelana ka tshedimose tso e e fosagetseng kgotsa e e latlhetsang. +",0.5158131 +"other issues within the gepo’s scope include: the failure of officials to perform their duties in terms of the fund’s law and rules; breaking a commitment without a justifiable reason; and incorrect or misleading information provided by the gepf employees. +","pele motho a romela ngo ngora ya gagwe kwa kanto rong ya gepo, o tshwanetse a simolole pele ka go kwalela gepf ka ngongora yagagwe kgotsa a kwalele setheo sa tsamaiso ya letlole la go tlamela badiredi ba puso fa ba rola tiro (gpaa) kgotsa a kwalele mothapi wa gagwe mme a ba neye sebaka gore ba ipatlisise ba tle ba kgone go tsibogela ngongora ya gagwe. +",0.7287458 +"before lodging a complaint with the gepo, a person must send a written complaint to either the gepf, the government pensions administration agency (gpaa) or their employer, and give them a chance to settle the matter. +","""o tla tshwanelwa ke go ba naya sebaka sa matsatsi a le 30 gore ba rarabolole matsapa a a leng teng. +",0.4785382 +"""you must allow them 30 days to correct the issues that you identified. +","fa matsatsi a le 30 a ka feta mme ngongora ya gago e ise e rarabololwe, ke teng mo o ka romelang ngo ngora ya gago kwa go kantoro ya moombata,"" ramabulana o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.6397847 +"if, after 30 days, your issues remain unresolved, you can submit a complaint to the ombud,"" explains ramabulana. +","kantoro ya moombata ga e kitla e samagana le ngongora e e setseng e le mo diatleng tsa setheo se sengwe se se dirang dipatlisiso tsa semmuso ka ngongora eo. +",0.62579274 +"the ombud cannot accept a case if there is already an official investigation underway elsewhere. +","""e tla re morago ga dibeke di le pedi ngongora e setse e amogetswe gepo ya sekaseka ngongora eo mme ya tsibosa mong wa ngongora gore e tla sala morago kgotsa e ka se kgone go sala morago ngongora ya gagwe. +",0.6194796 +"""within two weeks from the date that the complaint is received, the gepo will consider [the case] and inform the complainant whether it can investigate and decide on the matter."" +","go nolofatsa thulaganyo ya go tlhatlhela ngongora ya gepf vukuzenzele unnamed ditokololo, batlha nkedi ba ba rolang tiro le bajalefa ba letlole la go tlamela ba diredi ba puso fa ba rola tiro (gepf) botlhe jaanong go na le koo ba ka lelelang teng fa go na le tirelo epe fela e ba sa e kgotsofale lang mo letloleng leno. +",0.6194796 +"asidi fast tracks school infrastructure more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school is a good example of how positive results can be achieved when communities and government work together. +","asidi e sala morago tshalelomorago e e leng teng mo mafaratlhatlheng a dikolo more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school ke motlhala wa gore go ka diriwa dilo tse dintle go le kana kang fa baagi le puso ba dirisana mmogo sentle. +",0.8095259 +"the school, based in mthatha in the eastern cape, first started operating in a garage at the home of community member nkululeko ralo, who it is named after. +","sekolo seno, se se leng kwa mthatha kwa poro fenseng ya kapa botlhaba, kwa tshimologong se ne se tsenelwa mo keratšheng ya o mongwe wa baagi yo sekolo seno se reeletsweng ka ene, ebong nkululeko ralo. +",0.7707005 +"over the years, the school moved a number of times as it expanded. +","fa dingwaga di ntse di tsamaya, le sona sekolo seno se ne sa nna se ntse se tsamaya se gola le go fuduga. +",0.792418 +"however, learners and teachers never had the benefit of proper facilities until recently, when they walked through the doors of their new, stateoftheart school. +","le fa go le jalo, barutabana ba sekolo seno mmogo le baithuti ba sona fa e sale sekolo seno se simolola ga ba ise ba tle ba ipone ba tsena mo moagong o o diretsweng gonna sekolo go fitlha mo malobanyaneng fale, fa bane ba bulelwa mejako ya sekolo se sentšhwa sa ma emo a a kwa godimo. +",0.8051085 +"the school was completed as part of the accelerated schools infrastructure delivery initiative (asidi), which was launched by the department of basic education in 2011. the initiative aims to replace schools that compromise the safety of learners and staff, due to a lack of proper infrastructure, water, sanitation and electricity. +","sekolo seno gore se fetswe go agiwa ke ka ntlha ya letsholo le le potlakisitsweng la go tlisa mafaratlhatlha a dikolo (asidi), le le thankgolotsweng ke lefapha la thuto ya motheo mo ngwageng wa 2011. letsholo leno maitlhomo a lona ke go fedisa dikolo tse di bayang mo kotsing matshelo a barutwana le a batlhankedi ba dikolo, ka ntlha ya go tlhoka dikago tse di botlhokwa tse di tlhokagalang, metsi, dintlwanaboithusetso le motlakase. +",0.8826468 +"to date, asidi has built 266 schools, provided 886 schools with sanitation, 1 030 with water and 372 with electricity. +","go fitlha mo motsing ono ka letsholo leno la asidi go setse go agilwe dikolo di le 266, go agilwe dintlwanaboithusetso mo dikolong di le 886, dikolo di le 1 030 di tsenyeditswe metsi fa dikolo di le 372 tsona di tsenyeditswe motlakase. +",0.8967968 +"the learners of nkululeko ralo primary school now have proper classrooms and access to a resource centre, science laboratory, multipur pose and a nutrition centre. +","barutwana ba nkululeko ralo primary school jaanong ba na le diphapo siborutelo tse di matshwanedi le lefelo le le nang le didirisiwa tse di tlhokaga lang mo dithutong tsa bona, laboratori ya saense, lefelo la go tshwarela ditirelo tse di farologaneng mo go lona le lefelo la bojelo. +",0.8462812 +"a shared vision principal koleka gilman is passionate about improving education in mthatha. +","go nna le ponelopele e e tshwanangmogokgo koleka gilman o na le lerato fa go tla mo go tokafatseng thuto kwa mthatha. +",0.8177321 +"her dream to start a school for her community began in 1988, and the following year, she began sharing her vision with the community. +","toro ya gagwe ya go simolola sekolo mo motseng wa gaabo e simolotse ka 1988, mme mo ngwageng yo o latelang o ne a simolola go abelana ponelopele ya gagwe le baagi ba motse wa gaabo. +",0.89957976 +"""our community was highly populated with a lot of children of schoolgoing age who had nowhere to go for education. +","""mo motseng wa rona go ne go tletse bana ba ba tshwanetseng go bo ba tsena sekolo mme ba ne ba sena ko ba ka yang sekolong gone. +",0.810089 +"my vision was welcomed by community member nkululeko ralo, who offered his home garage to be used as a school,"" says gilman. +","ponelopele ya me e ne ya itumedisa nkululeko ralo, yo a ithaopileng go re adima keratšhe ya gagwe gore re e dirise jaaka sekolo,"" gilman o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.80952424 +"she adds that ralo went on to organise a container from telkom and it was used as an additional classroom. +","o tlaleleditse ka gore ralo o ne a tsaya matsapa a mangwe gape a ya go batla khontheinara ya telkom e le yona e neng ya dirisiwa jaaka e nngwe ya diphaposiborutelo. +",0.7996072 +"ralo also arranged with two members in his community to offer their garages as additional classrooms. +","ralo o ne a kopa gape ba bangwe ba le babedi ba baagi mo motseng ba ba neng le bona ba na le dikeratšhe go re adima tsona gore re di dirise jaaka diphaposiburutelo. +",0.7719666 +"ralo sadly passed away in 2004. in 1994, the school moved to the eli spilkin hall, which was built by local businessman eli spilkin. +","ka maswabi ralo o ne a thula botala ka tlhogo mo ngwageng wa 2004. mo ngwageng wa 1994, sekolo seno se ne sa fudugela kwa holong ya eli spilkin, e e neng e agilwe ke rrakgwebo wa mo motseng yo leina la gagwe le ene e neng e le eli spilkin. +",0.89206576 +"""in the same year, we received mobile toilets from the provincial department of education. +","""mo ngwageng ona oo re ne ra rekelwa dintlwanaboithusetso ke lefapha la thuto ya motheo la porofense. +",0.8572968 +"i then looked [for] and applied for a site where we would eventually build our school. +","ke ne ka simolola ka tswa letsholo la go batlana le naga eo re ka agelwang sekolo sa rona mo go yona. +",0.74784267 +"we received five hectares of land in 1998,"" says gilman. +","re ne ra neelwa naga ya diheketara di le tlhano mo ngwageng wa 1998,"" ga rialo gilman. +",0.88191974 +"three temporary classrooms were donated to the school by a nonprofit organisation called kats and spaks, and the community built five mud classrooms. +","re ne ra adimiwa gape le diphaposiborutelo di le tharo ke ba mokgatlo o o sa direng le tseno wa kats and spaks, mme baagi ba motse le bona ba ne ba itlola matlere mme ba ikagela diphaposi tse dingwe gape di le tlhano tsa mmu. +",0.82179654 +"throughout the years, gilman continued to advocate for the school to be improved and eventually, five classrooms were received from the eastern cape premier’s office. +","fa dingwaga di ntse di tsamaya gilman ga a ke a ema teng foo, o ne a tswelela go lwela gore sekolo seno se tokafadiwe mme kwa bofelong kantoro ya tona kgolo ya puso ya porofense ya kapa botlhaba le yona e ne ya rekela sekolo seno diphaposi tse dingwe gape di le tlhano. +",0.87828225 +"in 2014, things took a positive turn when the department of basic education, through asidi, issued a tender to build nkululeko ralo primary school. +","ka ngwaga wa 2014, dilo di ne tsa fetoga fa lefapha la thuto ya motheo, ka le tsholo la asidi, le ne la ntsha thendara ya go agela sekolo sa nkululeko ralo primary school sekolo. +",0.84169656 +"""construction started in 2018 and the school was completed in 2021, thanks to asidi,"" says gilman. +","""go simolotswe go agiwa sekolo seno ka ngwaga wa 2018 mme go ne ga fediwa go se aga mo ngwageng wa 2021, mme seno ke ka ntlha ya asidi,"" gilman a rialo. +",0.8946482 +"inspiring teaching and learning basic education deputy minister reginah mhaule says the department wants to ensure that the physical infrastructure of every school inspires learners to attend school and learn, and educators to teach. +","go rotloetsa barutabana go ruta le baithuti go ithuta motlatsatona wa thuto ya motheo reginah mhaule a re lefapha la gagwe le batla go aga dikolo tse di tla rotloetsang barutabana go ruta le baithuti go ithuta. +",0.8547519 +"""the building of this school is government’s way of restoring dignity to rural and underprivileged schoolgoing children and their teachers,"" she adds. +","""moago wa sekolo seno ke tsela e puso e lekang ka yona go tsosolosa seriti sa baithuti le barutabana ba kwa dikolong tse di kwa metseselegaeng le tse di humanegileng,"" o tlaleleditse ka go rialo. +",0.8816056 +"a member of the school governing body, nomuntu dlengane, says the new school will motivate tea chers and learners to reach their full potential. +","yo mongwe yo e leng tokololo ya lekgotlataolong la sekolo (sgb), nomuntu dlengane, a re sekolo se sentšhwa seno se tla rotloetsa barutabana le baithuti go ntsha ga tshwene. +",0.8118712 +"""our learners’ attitudes and selfconfidence have already improved due to the new infrastructure. +","""barutwana ba rona maitsholo a bona a setse a fetogile e bile ga ba sa ikobonya ka ntlha ya sekolo se sentšhwa seno. +",0.7010759 +"this will also help us maintain social distancing in our classrooms so that we can eliminate the spread of the coronavirus disease,"" says dlengane. +","sekolo seno se tla dira gape le gore re kgone go obamela dikgato tsa go katogana ga barutwana mo dipha posiborutelong gore re kgone go fedisa ditiragalo tsa go gasa bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona,"" dlengane o tlhalosa jalo. +",0.8318303 +"the school has 489 learners, 14 teachers, and two administration clerks. +","sekolo seno se na le barutwana ba le 489, barutabana ba le 14, mmogo le batlhankedi ba bakwaledi ba tsamaiso ba le babedi. +",0.92352796 +it caters for grades r to 7 and is a nonfee paying school.,"asidi e sala morago tshalelomorago e e leng teng mo mafaratlhatlheng a dikolo more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school ke motlhala wa gore go ka diriwa dilo tse dintle go le kana kang fa baagi le puso ba dirisana mmogo sentle. +",0.92352796 +"nsfas funding deadline looms sphelele ngubane students and youth from disadvantaged and workingclass backgrounds are encouraged to apply for funding from the national student financial aid scheme (nsfas). +","letlha la bofelo la go tsenya dikopo tsa go thusiwa ka ditšhelete tsa go ya sekolong tsa nsfas le atumetse sphelele ngubane baithuti le bašwa ba ba tswang kwa mala peng a a humanegileng le ao batsadi ba bona ba dirang mme letseno la bona le se kalo ba rotloediwa go tsenya dikopo tsa go thusiwa ka ditšhelete tsa go ya sekolong tsa sekema sa naga sa go thusa baithuti ka ditšhelete tsa go ya seko long (nsfas). +",0.8404197 +"according to the department of higher education and training, nsfas funding is available to youth who have already completed their schooling or are already studying at any level in a higher education institution. +","go ya ka lefapha la thuto le katiso e kgolwane, nsfas e duelela dithuto tsa baithuti ba ba weditseng materiki wa bona kgotsa ba ba setseng ba ntse ba le mo dikolong tse dikgolwane ba dira dithuto tsa bona kwa ditheong tseo. +",0.8772552 +"they can apply for funding from nsfas to study at a public university or a technical and vocational education and training (tvet) college, but must do so before the closing date on 7 january 2022. applicants must be: south african citizens or permanent residents who want to register or are already studying at a public university or tvet college; south african social security agency grant recipients; from households with a combined household income not exceeding r350 000 per year. +","ba ka kopa nsfas go ba thusa ka ditšhelete tsa go tsweletse dithuto tsa bona kwa diyunibesiti kgotsa kwa dikholejeng tsa katiso le thuto ya diatla le ya setegeniki (tvet), mme ba tshwanetse go dira seno pele ga la bo 07 ferikgong 2022. badiradikopo e tshwanetse ya bo e le: baagi ba aforika borwa kgotsa baagi bao ba amogetsweng jaaka baagi ba naga eno ba ba batlang go ikwadisa kwa diyunibesiti kgotsa kwa dikholejeng tsa tvet kgotsa ba ba setseng ba amogetswe mo ditheong tseno; baagi ba ba neng ba amogela megolo ya go thusa baagi ya setheo sa tlhokomelo ya baagi sa aforika borwa (sassa); baagi ba ba tswang kwa malapeng a e reng fa mogolo otlhe o o amogelwang wa ka fa lapeng mo ngwageng fa o kopanngwa o bo o sa fete r350 000. bokamoso jo bo phatshimang nhlakanipho mkhize, wa dingwaga di le 26, o na le makwalothuto a go dira ka motlakase, seno ke ka ntlha ya go isiwa seko long ke nsfas, jaaka e dueletse dithuto tsa gagwe kwa kholejeng ya tvet ya umfolozi kwa kwazulunatal. +",0.88463444 +"a brighter future nhlakanipho mkhize (26) is a qualified electrician, thanks to nsfas funding, which paid for his studies at umfolozi tvet college in kwazulunatal. +","mkhize, yo a nnang kwa richards bay, ene mo ngwageng wa 2017 o iponetse setifikeiti sa naga sa go dira tiro ya diatla mo lepha teng la mafaratlhatlha a motlakase le dikago. +",0.7230917 +"mkhize, from richards bay, obtained a national certificate (vocational) electrical infrastructure construction in 2017. in addition to campusbased learning, he also had to complete workplace training and pass a trade test. +","mo godimo ga go ithuta ka go ya sekolong, o ne gape a tshwanelwa le ke go ya kwa tirong go katisiwa teng gore a kgone go falola teko ya go dira tiro kwa lefelong la tirelo. +",0.6884675 +"early on in his studies, mkhize had the opportunity to put what he learnt into practice, ensuring that he gained confidence in the basic skills he was developing. +","mkhize o ne a simolola go dira tiro ya gagwe e santse e le gona a simolola go ithutela se a neng a ithutela sona ka go diragatsa ka namana seo a neng a ithuta sona kwa sekolong, mme seno se dirile gore a simolole go itshepa. +",0.82998025 +"""as a firstyear student, i was already attending to electricity problems in my community. +","""ke simolotse go thusa batho mo motseng wa rona ka matsapa a motlakase ke santse ke le mo ngwa geng wa me wa ntlha wa dithuto. +",0.7711284 +"umfolozi tvet college provided us with both theory and practice. +","kholeje ya tvet ya umfolozi e dirile gore re nne le kitso ya go tlhaloganya se se rutiwang le go diragatsa seo re se rutilweng. +",0.710015 +"""the advantage tvet students have is not just exposure, but also a compulsory workplacebased learning component to certify that they are competent before receiving their qualification,"" he says. +","""mo ditšhonong tse baithuti ba tvet ba nang le tsona ga se fela ditšhono tsa go diragatsa seo ba se ruti lweng, ba na gape le ditšhono tse e leng segapeletsa tsa go romelwa kwa mafelong a tiro go ithutela ditiro teng moo ba tla neelwang tiro mme ba e dire ka botlalo le go neelwa bopaki jwa gore ba itsi tiro e ba ithutelang yona pele ba ka neelwa makwalo a thuto"" o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.8494437 +"like many south african youth who come from underprivileged backgrounds, mkhize knew he wanted to pursue a career in engineering, but no one in his family could afford college fees. +","fela jaaka e setse e le setlwaedi mo bašweng ba le bantsi ka fa nagen ya aforika borwa ba ba tswang kwa malapeng a a humanegileng, mkhize le ene o ne a itse gore o batla go ithutela boenjenere, fela ka fa gaabo go ne go se ope yo a neng a ka kgona go mo isa sekolong. +",0.85149556 +"""when i became aware of the nsfas funding, i knew it would lead to where i wanted to go – being an engineer,"" he says. +","""fa ke sena go utlwela gore nsfas e thusa batho go ya sekolong, ke ne ka itse gore ke sona selo se ke se tlhokang gore ke ye sekolong ke tle ke kgone go nna moenjenere"" o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.83503056 +"mkhize’s threeyear nsfas funding paid for his books, tuition and transport, and he received a personal care allowance.","letlha la bofelo la go tsenya dikopo tsa go thusiwa ka ditšhelete tsa go ya sekolong tsa nsfas le atumetse sphelele ngubane baithuti le bašwa ba ba tswang kwa mala peng a a humanegileng le ao batsadi ba bona ba dirang mme letseno la bona le se kalo ba rotloediwa go tsenya dikopo tsa go thusiwa ka ditšhelete tsa go ya sekolong tsa sekema sa naga sa go thusa baithuti ka ditšhelete tsa go ya seko long (nsfas). +",0.83503056 +"work together to strengthen democracy vukuzenzele unnamed as south africa entered the new year, we were confronted by two pro found events that remind ed us, in different ways, of what brings us together as a people. +","go dirisana mmogo go matlafatsa temokerasi vukuzenzele unnamed jaaka aforika borwa a tsene mo ngwageng yo mošwa, re ne ra kopana le matsapa a le mabedi a a neng a re gopotsa ka ditsela tse di farologaneng tsa gore ke eng se se dirang gore re nne ngatananngwe. +",0.89388615 +"on the first day of 2022, the nation gathered in spirit to bid farewell to arch bishop desmond tutu at st george’s cathedral in cape town. +","ka letsatsi la ntlhantlha la ngwaga wa 2022, naga e ne e kopane e laela mobišo pomogolo desmond tutu kwa st george’s cathedral kwa motsekapa. +",0.8900855 +"it was a moment of great sadness as we recalled the life and contribution of a beloved compatriot who was, in many ways, the moral conscience of our nation. +","go ne go le khutsafalo e e seng kana ka sepe go ikgopotsa botshelo le seabe se molwelakgaratlho wa rona yo a rategang a nnileng le sona, yo ka ditsela tse di farologa neng a neng a bonwa jaaka sekao sa maitshwaro a mantle ka fa nageng. +",0.82512224 +"at the same time, his funeral was a celebration of the values he stood for. +","le fa go le jalo, phitlho ya gagwe gape e ne e le tšhono ya go keteka seo a neng a dumela mo go sona. +",0.7749088 +"it was a celebration of the great unity and diversity of our people, and a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many to achieve our democracy. +","e ne e le tšhono ya go keteka go tshwaragana ga batho ba rona le go farologana ga bona, mmogo le go nna segopotso sa batho ba ba ntsi ba ba ekentshitseng setlhabelo gore re fitlhelele temokerasi ya rona. +",0.8785007 +"on the second day of 2022, the country watched on in horror as a huge fire engulfed our parliament, just a hundred metres from where we had gathered the day before to pay our last respects to archbishop tutu. +","ka letsatsi la bobedi ngwaga wa 2022 o simolotse naga e gagamaditswe ke kgabo e tona ya molelo e lautsa moago wa palamente, bogaufi jwa dikilomitara di le 100 go tswa mo re neng re le fa re ne re laelana le mobišopomogolo tutu mo maabaneng. +",0.86104476 +"we are relieved that there was no loss of life and that noone was injured in the fire. +","re leboga gobo go se ope yo a meditsweng ke molelo ono le gore gobo go se ope yo a gobaditsweng ke molelo ono. +",0.72446024 +"we are extremely gra teful to the firefighters who battled the blaze and finally extinguished it. +","re leboga go menagane batimamolelo ba naga ya rona ba ba lwantshitseng molelo ono go fitlha o tima. +",0.78381085 +"the investigations into the cause of the fire are now underway. +","jaanong go samaganwe le dipatlisiso tsa se se tlhodileng molelo ono. +",0.80539167 +"we need to ensure that these investigations are thorough and concluded without delay. +","re tshwanetse re netefatse gore dipatlisiso tseno di diriwa ka mano ntlhotlho le go garelwa ntle le go diega. +",0.81587094 +"the country needs to know what happened. +","naga e tlhoka go itse gore go diragetse eng. +",0.7885804 +"arrangements are being made to ensure that the work of parliament can continue even if the buildings cannot be used. +","go samaganwe le dithulaganyo tsa go dira gore tiro ya palamente e se emisiwe ke gore moago o tukile. +",0.6810006 +"it is vital that parliament continues to consider and pass laws that will transform society and continues to provide oversight and ensure accountability as government works to implement the mandate it received from the people. +","go botlhokwa gore tiro ya palamente ya go sekaseka le go fetisa melao e e tla tlhabololang setšhaba le go tswelela go diragatsa dithulaganyo tsa go disa gore melao eo e a obamelwa le gore puso e dira gatsa maikarabelo a yona mo tirong ya yona ya go diragatsa seo baagi ba e romileng go se dira e tswela pele. +",0.85887045 +"apart from the close proximity of st george’s cathedral and parliament, what connects these two events is that each reminds us of what brings us together as south africans: our democracy. +","ntle le gore ditiragalo tseno ka bobedi ya kwa st george’s cathedra le ya kwa palamenteng di re gopotsa gore matlhaku go šwa mabapi, se se kopanyang ditiragalo tseno ka bobedi ke gore di re gopotsa gore goreng re le seoposengwe re le maaforika borwa: mme seo ke temo kerasi ya rona. +",0.87427586 +"we mourn desmond tutu because he was the spiritual father of our democracy. +","re hutsafaditswe ke leso la ga desmond tutu ka ntlha ya gore e ne e le ene moruti yo mogolo mo temokerasing ya rona. +",0.8447798 +"we despair at the devas tation of our parliamentary buildings because they are the seat of our democracy. +","re hutsafaditswe ke tshenyego e e nnileng teng kwa palamenteng ya rona gonne ke koo temokerasi ya rona e busang teng. +",0.76617575 +"they are the place where our new democratic constitution was adopted just over 25 years ago, and where hundreds of trans formative laws have been passed. +","ke mo teng mo molaotheo wa temokerasi ya rona e ntšhwa o simolotseng teng mo di ngwageng di le 25 tse di fetileng, ke teng moo melao e le makgolokgolo ya go fetola seemo sa naga e fetisitsweng teng. +",0.8145889 +"we may not always recognise it, but the fire at parliament demonstrated how strongly south africans feel about their democracy. +","re ka tswa e le gore ga re lemoge ntlha eno, fela go tuka ga palamente go re bontshitse ka fao maaforika borwa a boulelwang ka teng ka temokerasi ya bona. +",0.8730416 +"it is a reminder also of how important it is that we work to strengthen and defend that democracy. +","seno gape ke segakolodi sa gore go botlhokwa go le kanakang go gagamatsa le go sireletsa temokerasi eo. +",0.7839776 +"while the parliamentary buildings have been damaged beyond use, the institution of parliament continues its work in the service of the people. +","le fa moago wa palamente o senyegile mo o ka se kgoneng go ka dirisiwa, setheo sa palamente sona ga se emise ka tiro ya sona ya go abela baagi ka tirelo ya yona. +",0.80069566 +"this is an important reminder that our democratic institutions are not defined by the buildings that house them, but by the work they do and by the confidence that the people have in them. +","seno se re gakolola gore ditheo tsa naga ya rona tsa temokerasi ga di a itshetlega ka meago e di leng mo go yona mme di itshetlegile ka tiro e di e dirang le ka tshepo e batho ba rona ba nang le yona mo go tsona. +",0.84116566 +"this is true of all the institutions of our democracy. +","eno ke nnete e e senang tshutiso fa go tla mo ditheong tsotlhe tsa temokerasi tsa naga ya rona. +",0.7859141 +"just as the fire in parliament was finally being extinguished, acting chief justice raymond zondo submitted the first part of the report of the commission of inquiry into state capture. +","e rile molelo o setse o le gaufi le go tingwa, moatlhodimogolo yo a tshwereng marapo a nakwana rre raymond zondo a tlisa kgaolo ya ntlha ya pegelo ya khomišene ya diphuruphutso tse di mabapi le ditatofatso tsa go goga puso ka nko. +",0.8583236 +"this part of the report details how several public institutions were infiltrated, looted and severely damaged. +","pegelo eno e tlhalosa ka fao ditheo tse dingwe tsa rona mo pusong di neng ga itelekelwa ka tsona, tsa utswetswa le go phuaganngwa. +",0.80814433 +"these include stateowned enterprises like south african airways, the government communication and information system and the south african revenue service. +","ditheo tseno di akaretsa ditheo tsa kgwebo ya puso tse di jaaka setlamo sa difofane tsa aforika borwa (saa), setheo sa puso sa tlhaeletsano le tshedimosetso (gcis) mmogo le setheo sa tirelo ya lekgetho la aforika borwa (sars). +",0.88099307 +"this part of the report paints a deeply disturbing picture of how key instituti ons of our democracy were compromised and undermined with criminal intent. +","pegelo eno e tlhagisa ditiragalo tse di sa amogelesegeng tsa ka fao ditheo tsa temokerasi ya rona tse di botlhokwa di neng tsa khukhunelwang le go phuagannngwa ka maikemisetso a go diragatsa bogodu mo go tsona. +",0.8294058 +"not only were significant amounts of money stolen, but these institutions were not able to properly fulfil the functions for which they were established. +","ga di a ke tsa utswetswa madi a a boitshegang fela, di ne gape tsa kgorelediwa gore di kgone go diragatsa sentle ditiro tse di tshwanetseng go di diragatsa. +",0.82042736 +"the findings and recommendations of the zondo commission will help the country to rebuild these institutions and to hold those responsible to account. +","seo se ribolotsweng ke khomišene eno mmogo le ditshitshinyo tsa yona ke seo se tla thusang naga ya rona go tsosolosa ditheo tseno le go dira gore botlhe ba ba amegang ba itlhalose. +",0.82607883 +"we must ensure that we use them to safeguard these institutions into the future so that they may never be captured again. +","re tshwanetse go netefatsa gore re e sola mosola gore re tle re kgone go thibela gore ditheo tseno mo isagong di se tsoge di gogilwe gape ka nko. +",0.8177686 +"we must safeguard against any and all efforts to diminish our hardwon democracy – whether these efforts take the form of corruption in stateowned enterprises, the subversion of our law enforcement agencies, the sabotage of our economic infrastructure, or attacks on the independence and integrity of our judiciary. +","re tshwanetse go thibela maiteko otlhe a go nyenyefatsa temokerasi ya naga ya rona e e kgaratlhetsweng boima eno, e ka tswa e le ma itlhomo a go tlisa bonwee nwee mo dikgwebong tsa puso, go itlhokomolosa ditheo tse di disang tiragatso ya molao ka fa nageng, go senyetsa naga mafaratlhatlha a yona a ikonomi, kgotsa go tlhasela ditheo tsa naga ya rona tse di ikemetseng tse di nang le seriti tsa baatlhodi. +",0.858667 +"we need to protect our constitution, our democratic state and the electoral process from anyone who wants to weaken our democracy and deny the south african people of their hardwon freedom. +","re tshwanetse go sireletsa molaotheo wa naga ya rona, temokerasi ya naga ya rona mmogo le tsamaiso ya naga ya rona ya ditlhopho kga tlhanong le motho mang le mang yo a lekang go koafatsa temokerasi ya naga ya rona le go thibela baagi ba aforika borwa go keteka kgolole sego ya bona e e lwetsweng ka thata. +",0.8963844 +"there are many challenges that we must confront as we work to rebuild and recover from the effects of the covid19 pandemic. +","go na le dikgwetlho tse di thibang letsatsi tse re sa ntseng re tshwanelwa ke go samagana le tsona jaaka re samagane le go aga sešwa le go tsosolosa naga mo matsading a a tlisitsweng ke leroborobo la covid19. +",0.8323954 +"as we do so, let us draw strength and encouragement from our deep dedication to our democracy and our common desire to build a nation that is united, free and equal. +","fa re samagana le tsona, tla re ikgopotseng go tsaya maatla le matlhagatlhaga mo boineelong jo re ineetseng ka bona mo temokerasing ya rona le mo maikemisetsong a rona rotlhe a go aga setšhaba se batho ba sona ba tshwaraganeng, ba lokologileng e bile ba lekalekana. +",0.86619556 +i wish you all the best for the year ahead.,"go dirisana mmogo go matlafatsa temokerasi vukuzenzele unnamed jaaka aforika borwa a tsene mo ngwageng yo mošwa, re ne ra kopana le matsapa a le mabedi a a neng a re gopotsa ka ditsela tse di farologaneng tsa gore ke eng se se dirang gore re nne ngatananngwe. +",0.86619556 +"covid19 corruption perpetrators brought to book vukuzenzele unnamed individuals and companies who were involved in corruption relating to the gov ernment’s procurement of coronavirus disease (covid19) goods and services are being held accountable for their actions. +","ditlhokotsebe tse di dirileng bonweenwee mo dithendareng tsa covid19 ba digama ba sa di tlhapela vukuzenzele unnamed batho le ditlamo tseo di amegang mo bonweenweeng jwa dithendara tsa go reka dilwana le ditirelo tsa go lwantsha bolwe tse jwa mogare wa coro na (covid19) mo pusong jaanong ba tshwanelwa ke go ikarabela melato ya bona. +",0.8843959 +"the special investigation unit’s (siu) final report on its probe into allegations relating to any misuse of covid19 funds, across all spheres of government and the private sector was recently authorised for release to the public by president cyril ramaphosa. +","sešweng jaana pegelo ya bofelo ya yuniti ya dipatlisiso tsa dikgetse tse di itlhophileng (siu) ya go dira dipatlisiso tsa tirisobotlhaswa ya madi a a reretsweng go lwa ntshana le covid19 mo maphateng otlhe a puso le a poraefete a a amegang e ne ya letlelelwa ke moporesitente cyril ramaphosa gore e phasaladiwe gore baagi ba itseele ka tsebe. +",0.87005126 +"the report is an important step in the fight against corruption and maladministration in the public and private sectors, he said. +","pegelo eno e bontsha kgatelopele e e botlhokwa thata e e diriwang mo go lwantshaneng le bonweenwee le tsamaiso e e sa lolamang ya ditheo tsa puso le tsa poraefete, o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.8428445 +"in july 2020, president ramaphosa authorised the investigation by the siu. +","ka phukwi 2020 moporesitente ramaphosa o ne a laela siu go dira dipatlisiso tseno. +",0.72139335 +"at the time, he gave his commitment that if the siu found evidence that a criminal offence had been committed, it would be obliged to refer the evidence to the national prosecuting authority (npa). +","mo motsing oo o ne a solofetsa gore fa siu e ka fitlhela gore go na le bopaki jwa gore go tlotswe molao, e tla tshwanelwa ke go isa bopaki joo kwa bothating jwa bosekisi jwa bosetšhaba (npa). +",0.8746557 +"the siu was also aut horised to institute civil proceedings for the recovery of any damages or losses incurred by the state. +","siu e ne gape ya letlelelwa gore e ka tsaya le dikgato tsa go isa ba ba amegang kwa kgotla go ba gapeletsa gore ba buse madi a ba a utswitseng kgotsa go duelela ditshenyegelo tse ba di bakileng mo pusong. +",0.7955363 +"report findings the siu investigated 5 467 contracts awarded to 3 066 service providers, worth a total of r14.3 billion. +","tseo pegelo e di utolotseng siu e phuruphuditse dikonteraka tsa dithendara di le 5 467 tse di neilweng baabelani ba ditirelo ba le 3 066 tse di jeleng madi a le kanaka r14.3 bilione. +",0.8774901 +"the investigation into 4 549 contracts have been finalised, and 2 803 of these were found to be irregular. +","ga jaanong go setse go konoseditswe dipatlisiso mo dikonterakeng di le 4 549, mme mo go tsona di le 2 803 go fitlhetswe gore di abilwe ka tsela e e seng mo molaong. +",0.8980956 +"this amounts to 62% of the finalised investigations. +","seno se raya gore mo tirong yotlhe ya dipatlisiso tse di leng teng go setse go konoseditswe 62% ya yona. +",0.8037659 +"""this investigation targeted individuals and institutions who believed they could exploit a moment of national vulnerability to enrich themselves and those with whom they colluded to abuse public resources,"" the president said. +","""dipatlisiso tseno maitlhomo a tsona e ne e le go samagana le batho mmogo le ditheo tseo di neng di nagana gore di tla ipha ntsha le go ikhumisa mmogo le bao ba neng ba ba thusa ka ditsapuso tseo di neng di tshwanela go thusaba baagi ba ba neng ba le mo tlalelong ka fa nageng,"" mopore sitente o ne a tlhalosa jalo. +",0.8316864 +"he added it was unacceptable that so many contracts associated with saving lives and protecting livelihoods were irregular, unlawful or fraudulent. +","o ne a tlaleletsa gape le ka gore ga go kgonagale gore e ka re mo dikontera keng tsa dithendara tse di neng di direlwa go boloka matshelo a batho le ditsela tseo ba iphedisang ka tsona bontsi jwa tsona tsa ntshiwa ka mokokotlo, ka tsela e e seng mo molaong le ka bokhukhuntshwane. +",0.8231875 +"""this investigation demonstrates our determination to root out corruption and to deal with perpetrators,"" said president ramaphosa. +","""dipatlisiso tseno di bontsha maikemisetso a rona a go ntsha ka mmidi bonweenwee mmogo le go robala kobo e le nngwe le ditlhokotsebe tsa ditiro tseo,"" ga rialo moporesitente ramaphosa. +",0.8469554 +"the final report details matters that the siu has referred to the npa, departments and entities in the public sector and other parties. +","pegelo eno ya bofelo e bua ka dikgetse tse siu e di rometseng kwa npa, kwa mafapheng le ditheong tse di amegang tsa puso mmogo le kwa makaleng a mangwe. +",0.86321604 +"the npa will finalise the process of bringing wrongdoers to book and addressing weaknesses identified by the siu investigation, the president explained. +","npa e tla garela thulaganyo ya go dira gore bao ba tlotseng molao ba di game ba sa di tlhapela mmogo le go samagana le makoa a siu e tsamaileng e a nopola mo dipatlisisong tsa yona, moporesitente o tlha lositse jalo. +",0.84729517 +"action taken since the start of the investigation, the siu, working with other agencies, has made the following progress: 45 matters, with a combined value of r2.1 billion, have been enrolled with the special tribunal on corruption, fraud and illicit money flows. +","dikgato tse di setseng di tserwe fa e sale go thankgololwa dipatlisiso tseno, siu, e thusiwa ke ditheo tse dingwe, e setse e tsere dikgato tse di latelang: dikgetse di le 45, tse boleng jwa tsona jo bo kopantsweng bo dirang r2.1 bilione, di rometswe kwa lekgotleng la go sekela dikgetse tse di itlhophileng tse di ka ga bonweenwee, bokhukhuntshwane le ditiro tse di seng mo molaong tsa go tlhatswa madi a bogodu. +",0.86927503 +"the special tribunal has a statutory mandate to recover public funds stolen through corruption, fraud and illicit money flows, and take civil action against perpetrators; 224 cases have been referred for disciplinary action against officials in government departments or entities; 386 cases have been referred to the npa, and three have been referred for executive action; 330 cases have been referred for administrative action, which includes blacklisting (not being able to do work for gov ernment). +","lekgotla leno la semmuso le rwesitswe maikarabelo a go isa tshekong ditlhokotsebe tsa bogodu ka go ba tseela dikgato tsa semolao go busa madi a puso a a utswitsweng ka bonweenwee, bokhukhuntshwane le ka mokgwa wa go dirisa ditiro tse di seng mo molaong tsa go tlhatswa madi a bogodu; dikgetse di le 224 di rometswe kwa mafapheng kgotsa kwa ditheong tsa puso gore bathapi ba batlhankedipuso ba ba amegang ba ba tseele dikgatokgalemo tsa kwa tirong; dikgetse di le 386 di rome tswe kwa npa, mme di le tharo mo go tsona di rometswe gore di tseelwe dikgato; dikgetse di le 330 di rometswe gore di tseelwe dikgato tsa merero ya tsamaiso, mme fano go buiwa ka dikgato tsa go tswalela ba ba amegang ditšhono (gore ba se tlhole ba kgona go direla puso). +",0.8757825 +"according to the report, a total of r551.5 million (value of cash and assets) is to be recovered, while r34.2 million has been recovered to date. +","go ya ka pegelo eno, go santse go na le madi a e reng fa a kopanngwa otlhe a bo a dira bokana ka r551.5 milione (a a diriwang ke madi a mo seatleng le a a leng mo dithotong) a a santseng a tla busiwa ka go tseela ba ba a utswitseng dikgato, mme go fitlha ga jaana go setse go kgonnwe go busa a a ka dirang r34.2 milione. +",0.8249246 +"the investigation prevented a r114.2 million loss, and set contracts aside valued at r170.4 million. +","dipatlisiso tseno di thusitse ka go thibela gore madi a a kanaka r114.2 milione a se dirisiwe go sa tlhokagale, mmogo le go emisa dikonteraka tsa dithendara tse di neng di ka bo di jele madi a le kanaka r170.4 milione. +",0.80253637 +"the siu expects these matters to be completed between march and april 2022, before the submission of a supplementary report to the president at the end of june. +","siu e akanya gore magareng ga mopitlwe le moranang 2022 e tla bo e garetse ka dikgetse tseno, pele e ka romela pegelo ya tlaleletso kwa go moporesi tente mo bokhutlhong jwa seetebosigo. +",0.86509013 +"the report does not include details of ongoing investigations into allega tions received by the siu after the deadline set for the final report. +","pegelo eno mo teng ga yona ga e bue ka dipatlisiso tsa dikgetse tse di tlhatlhetsweng kwa go siu morago ga letlha la bofelo la go rebola pegelo ya bofelo tse ga jaana go santsweng go samaganwe le tsona. +",0.83192635 +"these include investigations into 476 service providers, linked to 964 contracts, valued at more than r961.6 million. +","mo go tsona go buiwa ka dikgetse tse di tlhatlhetsweng kgatlhanong le baabelani ba ditirelo ba le 476, ba ba amegang mo dikonterakeng tsa dithendara di le 964, tse boleng jwa tsona bo fetang r961.6 milione. +",0.8860696 +"the outcomes of these investigations, the presidency said, will also be provided in the june report. +","kantoro ya moporesitente e tlhalositse gore tshedi mosetso e e amanang le dipatlisiso tseno le yona e tla tlhagelela mo pegelong e e tla phasaladiwang ka kgwedi ya seetebosigo. +",0.76097023 +"the president thanked the siu for the work done in the past 18 months, and also whistleblowers and other witnesses who provided information to investigators.","ditlhokotsebe tse di dirileng bonweenwee mo dithendareng tsa covid19 ba digama ba sa di tlhapela vukuzenzele unnamed batho le ditlamo tseo di amegang mo bonweenweeng jwa dithendara tsa go reka dilwana le ditirelo tsa go lwantsha bolwe tse jwa mogare wa coro na (covid19) mo pusong jaanong ba tshwanelwa ke go ikarabela melato ya bona. +",0.76097023 +"cach connects students with learning opportunities silusapho nyanda young people who have not yet secured spots at higher education institutions can turn to the central application clearing house (cach) system for help. +","cach e thusa barutwana go tsweletsa pele dithuto tsa bona tsa sekolong silusapho nyanda barutwana ba ba sa amogelwang kwa ditheong tse dikgolwane go tsweletsa dithuto tsa bona ba ka kopa lefelo la kamogelo le phetiso ya dikopo (cach) go ba tswa thuso. +",0.85120136 +"cach is an online government service managed by the department of higher education and training (dhet). +","cach ke setheo sa tirelo ya puso sa inthanete se se laolwang ke lefapha la ditheo tse dikgolwane tsa thuto le katiso (dhet). +",0.9115128 +"the service helps those who need access to university, technical and vocational education and training (tvet) colleges and skills development opportunities. +","se thusa barutwana ba ba tlhokang thuso ya go bona sebaka sa go tsweletsa di thuto tsa bona kwa diyunibesiting, kwa dikholejeng tsa katiso le thuto ya diatla le ya setegeniki (ditvet) le bao ba batlang ditšhono tsa go ithuta le go atisa bokgoni jwa bona. +",0.8770834 +"""cach services have been available from 24 january 2022, and will close on 31 march, to assist those who need to enter tertiary education but face challenges with getting space,"" says minister of higher education and training dr blade nzimande. +","""ditirelo tsa cach di butse ka la bo 24 ferikgong mme di tla tswalela ka la bo 31 mopitlwe 2022 mme tsona di thusa bao ba batlang go tsweletsa dithuto tsa bona kwa ditheong tse dikgolwane tsa thuto le katiso mme ba retelelwa ka ntlha ya go tlhaelwa ke sebaka,"" ga rialo tona ya ditheo tse dikgolwane tsa thuto le katiso ngaka blade nzimande. +",0.8973591 +"cach can help those who applied for admission to a university or a college on time in 2021, but were not offered a place in a programme of their choice. +","cach e thusa barutwana ba ba dirileng dikopo ka nako kwa diyunibesiting le kwa dikholejeng mo ngwageng wa 2021 mme ba sa tseewa mo go seo ba neng ba batla go se ithutela. +",0.84318733 +"the dhet explained that this usually happens when the applicant does not meet the necessary requirements or the institution has reached its limit on the number of students it can enrol. +","dhet e rile seno gantsi se diragala ka ntlha ya fa e le gore morutwana o ne a sa falola ka dipholo tse di tlhokegang mo serutweng se a batlang go se ithutela kgotsa ka ntlha ya fa palo ya barutwana ba ba amogetsweng mo serutweng seo e setse e tletse. +",0.85069776 +"cach can also help those who applied to a higher learning institution and were accepted, but now want to change their courses. +","cach e thusa gape le bao ba dirileng dikopo kwa ditheong tsa thuto e kgolwane ebile ba setse ba amogetswe mo dirutweng tse ba neng ba dirile dikopo mo go tsona, mme jaanong ba fetotse mogopolo mme ba batla go tsenela dirutwa tse dingwe. +",0.8606907 +"cach will refer individuals to career development services and where possible, provide an opportunity for them to be considered for spaces still available at universities, tvet colleges or sector education and training authority (seta) learnerships, without having to travel to any institution. +","cach e tla romela badiradikopo go bona ditirelo tsa go ba thusa ka dirutwa tse ba ka ithutelang tsona, mme fa go kgonegang e tla ba thusa gore ba tseewe mo serutweng se se santseng se amogela baithuti mo go sona kwa diyunibesiting le kwa dikholejeng tsa tvet kgotsa mo matsholong a go ithutela tiro ba le mo tirong a bothati jwa lekala la thuto le katiso (diseta), ntle le gore ba kuke maoto a bona go leba kwa ditheong tseo. +",0.88166684 +"all public universities, tvet colleges and setas can access the cach database to search for individuals who meet the criteria for available spaces. +","diyunibesiti tsotlhe tsa puso, dikholeje tsa tvet mmogo le diseta di ka etela sefalanatshedimoso sa cach go tsaya badiradikopo ba ba fitlheletseng dipholo tse di tlhokagalang go ka tsena mo dirutweng tse ba nang le tsona tse di santseng di amogela baithuti. +",0.85818887 +"""institutions select individuals from the cach database and make direct contact with those they have selected,"" says dhet spokesperson ishmael mnisi. +","""ditheo tsa thuto di tsaya maina a badiradikopo mo sefalanatshedimosong sa cach mme morago se ikgolaganye le bona,"" ga rialo sebueledi sa dhet ishmael mnisi. +",0.8459298 +"applicants who sign up for cach must submit their details, including their preferred fields of study. +","badiradikopo ba ba ikwadisang mo sefalanatshedimosong sa cach ba tshwanetse go tlatsa tshedimosetso e e ka ga dintlha tsa bona, mmogo le e e ka ga seo ba batlang go se ithutela. +",0.8208478 +"applicants have options to accept or reject study offers on the cach system. +","badiradikopo ba ka kgona go amogela kgotsa go gana go ithutela dirutwa tseo cach e ba romelang tsona go tshitshinya gore ba itlhophele go ithutela tsona. +",0.8153322 +"institutions of higher learning will only be able to access applicants’ information from cach once applicants have signed up and uploaded their grade 12 results. +","cach e thusa barutwana go tsweletsa pele dithuto tsa bona tsa sekolong silusapho nyanda barutwana ba ba sa amogelwang kwa ditheong tse dikgolwane go tsweletsa dithuto tsa bona ba ka kopa lefelo la kamogelo le phetiso ya dikopo (cach) go ba tswa thuso. +",0.8153322 +"sona 2022: bettering lives and livelihoods vukuzenzele unnamed government is committed to putting people first, and has given itself 100 days to finalise a plan to involve all sectors of society in growing south africa’s economy, creating jobs and combating hunger. +","sona ya ngwaga wa 2022 e tokafatsa matshelo a batho le ditsela tse ba iphedisang ka tsona vukuzenzele unnamed puso e itlamile go baya batho pele, mme e ineetse malatsi a le 100 go konosetsa thulaganyo ya go akaretsa maphata otlhe a baagi go godisa ikonomi ya aforika borwa, go tlhama ditiro le go fenya tlala. +",0.8825852 +"this was emphasised by president cyril ramaphosa in his 2022 state of the nation address. +","seno se gateletswe ke moporesidente cyril rama phosa mo puong ya gagwe ya maemo a setšhaba ya ngwaga wa 2022. +",0.85593396 +"""this work will build on the foundation of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, which remains our common programme to rebuild the economy,"" he said. +","""tiro eno e tla agelela mo motheong wa thulaganyo ya tsosoloso le pusetso ya ikonomi, e e ntseng e le lenaneo la rona rotlhe la go aga ikonomi sešwa,"" o ne a rialo. +",0.90255916 +"the president said government’s priorities are overcoming the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic, building infrastructure, increasing local production, creating jobs and addressing the energy crisis. +","fa a ne a bua le setšhaba, moporesidente o rile dilo tse di botlhokwa mo pusong ke go fenya leroborobo la bo lwetse jwa mogare wa corona (covid19), go aga mafaratlhatlha, go oketsa dilo tse di tlhagisiwang ka fa nageng, go tlhama ditiro le go samagana le bothata jwa motlakase. +",0.885668 +"""if there is one thing we all agree on, it is that the present situation – of deep poverty, unemployment and inequality – is unacceptable and unsustainable."" +","""fa go na le sengwe se re dumelanang ka sona, ke gore seemo sa ga jaana – sa lehuma le le tseneletseng, botlhokatiro le go tlhoka tekatekano – ga se amogelesege e bile se ka se ke sa nnela ruri."" +",0.8940517 +"creating jobs last year, the unemployment rate reached its highest recorded level of 34.9% in the third quarter, following the financial devastation caused by covid19. +","go tlhama ditiro ngogola mo kgweding ya boraro seelo sa botlhokatiro se fitlheletse rekoto e e kwa godimodimo jaaka re ne re na le batho ba ka dira 34.9% ba ba senang ditiro, mme seno ke ka ntlha ya masetlapelo a ditšhelete a a bakilweng ke covid19. +",0.8694219 +"""we all know that government does not create jobs. +","""rotlhe re itse gore puso ga e tlhame ditiro. +",0.83389467 +"business creates jobs. +","dikgwebo ke tsona di tlhamang ditiro. +",0.745765 +"the key task of government is to create the conditions that will enable the private sector – both big and small – to emerge, to grow, to access new markets, to create new products, and to hire more employees,"" he said. +","tiro ya botlhokwa ya puso ke go tlhama seemo se se tla kgontshang lephata la poraefete – le legolo le le le potlana – go tlhagelela, go gola, go fitlhelela mebaraka e mentšhwa, go tlhama ditlhagiswa tse dintšhwa, le go thapa badiri ba bantsinyana,"" o ne a rialo. +",0.90773904 +"around 80% of employed people work in the private sector. +","batho ba ba thapilweng ba ka nna 80% ba dira mo lephateng la poraefete. +",0.8607851 +"the president said government will introduce a new loan guarantee scheme to help small businesses recover. +","moporesidente o rile puso e tla itsise sekema se sentšhwa se se emang nokeng ba ba adimang madi go thusa go busetsa sekeng dikgwebo tse dipotlana. +",0.8463868 +"the presidential employment stimulus programme, which has already supported over 850 000 employment opportunities, will be stepped up. +","letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la mopore sitente, le le setseng le dirile ditšhono tsa ditiro di feta di le 850 000, le tla maatlafadiwa. +",0.8704331 +"most of the beneficiaries were young people; over 60% were women. +","bontsi jwa batho ba le ba tswetseng mosola e ne e le bašwa; mme ba ba fetang 60% e ne e le basadi. +",0.9242316 +"the employment stimulus will enable the department of home affairs to recruit 10 000 unemployed youth for the digitisation of paper records, and the social employment fund will create another 50 000 work opportunities. +","letsholo leno gape le tla kgontsha lefapha la merero ya selegae go thapa bašwa ba ba sa direng ba le 10 000 go tla go tsena mo ditirong tsa go tsenya direkoto tsa lefapha tse di leng mo dipampiring mo dikhomphiutareng, mme le tlole la go tlholela baagi ditiro le tla dira ditšhono tse dingwe gape di le 50 000. lefapha la thuto e kgolwane le katiso le tla tsenya mo tirong dialogane di le 10 000 tse di sa direng tsa thuto ya setegeniki le ya tiro ya diatla go tloga ka moranang 2022. webesaete ya sayouth. +",0.82072353 +"the department of higher education and training will place 10 000 unemployed technical and vocational education and training graduates in workplaces from april 2022. the sayouth. +","mobi e e thusang bašwa ba ba batlang tiro go fitlhelela ditšho no le tshegetso jaanong e na le bašwa ba ba kwadisitsweng ba feta 2.3 milione. +",0.6519401 +"mobi platform, which helps young work seekers to access opportunities and support, now has over 2.3 million youth registered. +","mo go bona, ba feta 600 000 ba setse ba filwe ditiro. +",0.54119563 +"of these, over 600 000 have been placed into employment opportunities. +","""tirelo ya bosetšhaba ya bašwa e e ntšhwafaditsweng e tla ngoka setlhopha sa ntlha sa bašwa ba le 50 000 mo ngwageng o o tlang wa 2023, e tlhame ditšhono tsa gore bašwa ba nne le seabe mo ditokologong tsa bone, e ba tlhatlhelele ka bokgoni le go godisa kgonagalo ya gore ba thapiwe."" +",0.57001215 +"""a revitalised national youth service will recruit its first cohort of 50 000 young people during the next year [2023], creating opportunities for young people to contribute to their communities, develop their skills and grow their employability."" +","megolo ya go thusa baagi ya srd e okelediwa nako megolo ya go thusa baagi ba ba sa direng ba ba wetsweng ke leru (srd) la covid19, e e thusitseng batho ba ba sa direng ba feta dimilione di le 10, e okeleditswe nako ka ngwaga o mongwe go fitlha kwa bokhutlong jwa mopitlwe 2023. go tlaleletsa foo, mo pakeng e e telele puso le balekane ba yona ba tla lebelela ditsela tsa go tswelela go tshegetsa batho ba ba leng mo mathateng a ditšhelete ka go ba thusa ka ntle le go imetsa naga. +",0.7433726 +"srd grant continuesthe covid19 social relief of distress (srd) grant, which has helped over 10 million unemployed people, has been extended for another year – to the end of march 2023. in addition, government and its partners will look at ways to continue to support people in financial distress in a manner that is affordable to the country over the long term. +","pusetso ya mafatshe puso e tswelela pele ka go fetola tsela ya go nna le lefatshe la temothuo mme e solofela gore molaotlhomo wa pusetsolefatshe o tla fetisiwa monongwaga. +",0.62874347 +"access to land government is moving ahead with land reform and anticipates the approval of the expropriation bill this year. +","go tlhamiwa ga setheo sa tlhabololo ya temothuo le phetolo ya go nna beng ba lefatshe go tla konosediwa monongwaga. +",0.69122183 +"the establishment of the agriculture and land reform development agency will also be finalised this year. +","""lefapha la ditiro tsa setšhaba le mafaratlhatlha le tla garela dithulaganyo tsa go neela setheong sa kago ya matlo diheketara di le 14 000 tsa lefatshe la mmuso,"" go buile jalo moporesidente. +",0.577325 +"""the department of public works and infrastructure will finalise the transfer of 14 000 hectares of state land to the housing development agency,"" the president said. +","o tlaleleditse ka gore go na le lefatshe le le lekaneng le le ka lemegang go tshegetsa dimilione tsa balemirui ba ba potlana ba ba tsweletseng pele mo go rueng dikoko, leruo, maungo le merogo. +",0.6228061 +"he added that there is enough arable land to support millions of thriving smallscale farmers in poultry, livestock, fruit and vegetables. +","ga jaana, balemirui ba feta 100 000 ba setse ba amogetse dibaotšha tsa go atolosa tlhagiso ya bona mme lenaneo le tla atolosiwa go fitlhelela balemirui ba bangwe. +",0.65215397 +"already, over 100 000 farmers have received input vouchers to expand their production and the programme will be expanded to reach more farmers. +","bobodu le bosenyi go tloga ka go tlhoma khomišene ya dipatlisiso tsa mefetsho ya go goga puso ka nko, gore e batlisise dikonteraka tsa dithendara tsa go reka didirisiwa le ditirelo tsa covid19, moporesidente ramaphosa ga a etsaetsege fa go tla mo go fediseng bobodu. +",0.6349669 +"corruption and crime from instituting the commission of inquiry into state capture, to investigating covid19related procurement contracts, president ramaphosa is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to ending corruption. +","""ga go ape a maiteko a rona a go tsosolosa ikonomi ya rona a a tla atlegang fa re sa samagane le tlhagala ya bobodu gore go fele,"" moporesidente o ne a rialo. +",0.6508548 +"""none of our efforts to revive our economy will succeed if we do not tackle the scourge of corruption once and for all,"" the president said. +","o tla re pele ga seetebosigo monongwaga a garela a tlhagisa thulaganyo ya dikgato tse di tla tsewang go samagana le ditharabololo tseo di tshitshintsweng ke khomišene eno. +",0.5461735 +"by no later than 30 june 2022, he will present a plan of action in response to the commission’s recommendations. +","o tlhalositse gape gore ditheo tse di farologaneng tsa puso di dira mmogo go supa badiramelato, go ba otlhaya, le go busetsa tšhelete e e utswilweng ya puso. +",0.51930207 +"he explained that various government agencies were working together to identify wrongdoers, punish them, and to get looted state money refunded. +","go tla matlafadiwa pabalesego le tshireletso ka go thapa batlhankedi ba sepodisi ba le 12 000 le go busediwa tirisong gape ga diforamo tsa baagi tse di dirisanang le sepodisi. +",0.648782 +"safety and security will be strengthened through the recruitment of 12 000 police personnel and the reestablishment of community policing forums. +","go lwantsha gbv gape puso e tla tswelela go maatlafatsa ntwa kgatlhanong le tirisodikgoka e e ikaegileng ka bong le polao ya basadi (gbvf) monongwaga, ka tsenyotirisong ya thulaganyo ya bosetšhaba ya togamaano ya gbvf. +",0.62429154 +"fighting gbvf government will also continue to intensify the fight against genderbased violence and femicide (gbvf) this year, through the implementation of the national strategic plan on gbvf. +","go setse go na le melao e mentšhwa e meraro e e se tseng e dira go maatlafatsa tsamaiso ya tshiamiso ya bosenyi le go tshegetsa bafalodi. +",0.57235265 +"three new laws are already working to strengthen the criminal justice system and support survivors. +","""tsenyotirisong ya molao ono e tla thusa thata go netefatsa gore dikgetse di sekisiwa ka katlego, gore bafalodi ba a sirelediwa le gore go nna le dithibelo tse di dirang sentle."" +",0.6834159 +"""the implementation of this legislation will go a long way to ensuring that cases are successfully prosecuted, that survivors are protected and that there are more effective deterrents in place."" +","mongwe wa melao e moporesidente ramaphosa a neng a bua ka ona ke molao o o baakantsweng wa bosenyi le merero e e amanang le bona o o sireletsang ba ba mo matshosetsing kgatlhanong le go nna batswasetlhabelo gabedi. +",0.68100256 +"one of the new laws that president ramaphosa was referring to is the criminal and related matters amendment act which protects the vulnerable from secondary victimisation. +","molao ono o letla dikgotlatshekelo go thapa batsenagare ba e leng gore motho yo o ka fa tlase ga dingwaga tsa semolao, motho yo o nang le bogole le mogodi a ka tlhatlhobiwa go dirisiwa bona mo tsamaisong. +",0.6877308 +"this act allows the courts to appoint intermediaries through which a minor, a disabled person or an elderly person can be examined in proceedings. +","moporesidente gape o ne a bua ka molao o montšhwa o o baakantsweng wa molao wa bosenyi (ditlolomolao tsa thobalano le merero e e amanang le tsona) o o thibelang go dirisiwa ka thobalano le go baakanyetsa batho ba ba nang le bogole jwa tlhaloganyo thobalano. +",0.68425846 +"the president was also referring to the new criminal law (sexual offences and related matters) amendment act which outlaws sexual exploitation and grooming of persons with mental disabilities. +","molao ono gape o kaya gore ditlolomolao tsa thoba lano kgatlhanong le batho ba ba nang le bogole jwa tlhaloganyo di tshwanetse go kwalwa mo rejisetareng ya bosetšhaba ya batlolamolao ba thobalano. +",0.7372265 +"this act also states that sexual offences against persons who are mentally disabled must be recorded in the national register of sex offenders. +","molao o o baakantsweng wa tirisodikgoka ya mo malapeng o ela tlhoko marara mangwe a a mo dikamanong tse di nang le tirisodikgoka mo malapeng. +",0.68161714 +"the domestic violence amendment act takes account of some of the complexities in violent domestic relationships. +","molao o baakanya tirego ya go bona taelo ya tshireletso, mme o atolositse mabaka a go ka dirwang kopo ya taelo ya tshireletso ka fa tlase ga ona. +",0.6904465 +"the act allows for the process of obtaining protection orders, and broadened the circumstances under which a protection order can be applied for. +","sona ya ngwaga wa 2022 e tokafatsa matshelo a batho le ditsela tse ba iphedisang ka tsona vukuzenzele unnamed puso e itlamile go baya batho pele, mme e ineetse malatsi a le 100 go konosetsa thulaganyo ya go akaretsa maphata otlhe a baagi go godisa ikonomi ya aforika borwa, go tlhama ditiro le go fenya tlala. +",0.6904465 +"end of state of disaster in sight for sa vukuzenzele unnamed president cyril ramaphosa recently announced in his 2022 state of the nation address (sona) that government plans to scrap the national state of disaster as the coun try enters a new phase in the management of the coronavirus disease (covid19) pandemic. +","bokhutlo jwa seemo sa bosetšhaba sa matlhotlhapelo mo aforika borwa bo gaufi vukuzenzele unnamed moporesidente cyril ramaphosa o ne fa gautshwane a bega mo puong ya gagwe ya maemo a setšhaba (sona) ya 2022 gore puso e rulaganya go phimola seemo sa bosetšhaba sa matlhotlhapelo jaaka naga e tsena mo legatong le lentšhwa mo tsamaisong ya leroborobo la bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona (covid19). +",0.9027444 +"""it is our intention to end the national state of disaster as soon as we have finalised other measures under the national health act and other legislation to contain the pandemic,"" said the president. +","""maikaelelo a rona ke go fedisa seemo sa bosetšhaba sa matlhotlhapelo fa fela re se na go konosetsa dikgato tse di ka fa tlase ga molao wa bosetšhaba wa boitekanelo le melao e mengwe go laola leroborobo,"" mopore sidente o ne a rialo. +",0.88826764 +"on 15 march 2020, president ramaphosa declared the national state of disaster in terms of the disaster management act and announced a range of measures to contain the covid19 outbreak. +","ka di 15 mopitlwe 2020, moporesidente ramaphosa o ne a goeletsa seemo sa bosetšhaba sa matlhotlhapelo go ya ka molao wa tsamaiso ya matlhotlha pelo mme a itsise dikgato di le mmalwa tsa go laola leroborobo la covid19. +",0.89456534 +"president ramaphosa said nearly all restrictions on economic and social activity have already been lifted, which is largely thanks to the vaccination rollout programme. +","moporesidente ramaphosa o rile bontsi jwa dikiletso tse di kgoreletsang ditiro tsa ikonomi le tsa go ikentsha bodutu di setse di fedisitswe, mme seo ke ka ntlha ya letsholo la go tlhabela meento. +",0.8185237 +"he reminded citizens that vaccines are the best defence against illness, death and covid19, which has claimed close to 100 000 lives locally. +","o ne a gakolola baagi gore meento ke tshireletso e e gaisang kgatlhanong le bolwetse, loso le covid19, e e setseng e tsere matshelo a a ka nnang 100 000 mono gae. +",0.8941406 +"""i've always said from a personal point of view, had i have not been vaccinated, in december when i contracted covid19, i probably will not be standing here,"" he reflected. +","""ke sa ntse ke re go ya ka nna, fa ke ne ke sa entiwa ka sedimonthole fa ke ne ke tsenwa ke covid19, gongwe nkabo ke sa ema fa,"" o ne a rialo. +",0.8837052 +"the president took the time to urge south africans to take the lifesaving jab and continue to observe basic health measures and remain vigilant. +","moporesidente o ne a dirisa nako eo go kopa maaforika borwa go bona moento o o bolokang matshelo le go tswelela go tlhokomela dikgato tsa motheo tsa boitekanelo le go nna ba iketse tlhoko. +",0.88518536 +"""we will be able to get on with our lives, even with the virus in our midst,"" he said, adding that the pandemic has exacerbated the divide between those who are employed and those who are jobless. +","""re tla kgona go tswelela pele ka matshelo a rona, le fa mogare o sa ntse o na le rona,"" o ne a rialo, a tla leletsa ka gore leroborobo le okeditse sekgala magareng ga ba ba nang le ditiro le ba ba se nang ditiro. +",0.87607425 +"solidarity fund president ramaphosa announced that the solidarity fund has raised r3.4 billion from more than 300 000 south africans and companies, while more than 400 individuals and 100 companies volunteered their time and services. +","letlole la solidarity moporesidente ramaphosa o itsisitse gore letlole la solidarity le kokoantse r3.4 bilione go tswa mo maaforika borweng a a fetang 300 000 le ditlamo, fa batho ba feta 400 le ditlamo tse 100 ba ne ba ithaopa go neela nako le ditirelo. +",0.89936495 +"""the fund has played a pivotal role in supporting the national health response and alleviating the humanitarian crisis that confronted our country and our people. +","""letlole le nnile le seabe sa botlhokwa mo go tshegetseng tsibogo ya lefapha la bosetšhaba la boitekanelo le go fokotsa mathata a thuso a a neng a lebane naga le batho ba rona. +",0.88782346 +"""he thanked everyone who contributed to the fund, including some members of parliament, and other initiatives to support those affected by the pandemic. +","""o ne a leboga mongwe le mongwe yo o abetseng letlole, go akarediwa bangwe ba ditokololo tsa palamente le maitshimololedi a mangwe a go tshegetsa ba ba amilweng ke leroborobo. +",0.8892058 +"the president also paid tribute to the many healthcare and frontline workers who play a key role in the fight against covid19. +","moporesidente o ne gape a tlotlomatsa bontsi jwa badiri ba boitekanelo le ba bangwe ba ba di emeng kwa pele ba ba nang le seabe sa botlhokwa mo ntweng kgatlhanong le covid19. +",0.8880506 +"""the nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the dedicated health workers and to other frontline staff who put their own health and lives at risk to care for the ill and the vulnerable during this period,"" he said. +","""setšhaba se tlhoka go romela malebo a a boitshegang go badiri ba boitekanelo ba ba ititeileng sehuba gammogo le badiri ba bangwe ba ba di emeng kwa pele ba ba beileng matshelo a bona mo matshosetsing go tlhokomela ba ba lwalang le ba ba mo matshosetsing mo pakeng eno,"" o ne a rialo. +",0.8966285 +"– sanews. +","– sanews. +",0.7581361 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.8173841 +za,"bokhutlo jwa seemo sa bosetšhaba sa matlhotlhapelo mo aforika borwa bo gaufi vukuzenzele unnamed moporesidente cyril ramaphosa o ne fa gautshwane a bega mo puong ya gagwe ya maemo a setšhaba (sona) ya 2022 gore puso e rulaganya go phimola seemo sa bosetšhaba sa matlhotlhapelo jaaka naga e tsena mo legatong le lentšhwa mo tsamaisong ya leroborobo la bolwetse jwa mogare wa corona (covid19). +",0.8173841 +"food at school ensures children don’t go hungry vukuzenzele unnamed over nine million children receive a nutritious meal at school thanks to government’s national school nutrition programme (nsnp), which was introduced in 1994. the programme aims to improve children’s ability to learn, by reducing malnutrition and hunger and improving school attendance, especially at disadvantaged schools. +","phepo ya dijo kwa dikolong e netefatsa gore ga go ngwana ope yo a bolawang ke tlala vukuzenzele unnamed ke bana ba feta dimilione di le robongwe ba ba fepiwang kwa dikolong ka ntlha ya letsholo la puso ya naga la go fepa bana kwa dikolong (nsnp), le le seleng le tsenngwa tirisong ka ngwaga wa 1994. maitlhomo a letsholo leno ke go tokafatsa matshelo a bana gore ba kgone go tlhwaya tsebe kwa sekolong, ka go dira gore ba se tshwarwe ke malwetse a a tlholwang ke phepo e e sa itekanelang le tlala le go dira gore ba rate sekolo, segolo jang mo dikolong tse di leng kwa metseng e e dikobodikhutshwane. +",0.87885994 +"""the programme is critical for furthering learners’ constitutional rights to basic nutrition and basic education,"" explains deputy minister of basic education dr reginah mhaule. +","""letsholo leno le botlhokwa thata mo go diragatseng ditshwanelo tsa bana tse di tshegediwang ke molaotheo tse di reng ba na le ditshwanelo tsa go fepiwa ka dijo tse di nang le dikotla le go tsena sekolo,"" go tlhalosa motlatsatona wa lefapha la thuto ya motheo (dbe) ngaka reginah mhaule. +",0.89046407 +"as a result of the nsnp, more children are attending school on time and more regularly, and their concentration in class has improved. +","ka ntlha ya nsnp, bana ba bantsi jaanong ga ba sa latelwa kwa sekolong e bile ga ba sa tshaba le sekolo, e bile gape go utlwelela le go ithuta ga bona go tokafetse. +",0.8200059 +"according to the department of basic education (dbe), learners are taught good eating and lifestyle habits. +","go ya ka dbe, barutwana ba rutiwa ka dijo tse di nang le dikotla tse di siametseng mebele ya bona le mekgwa ya go itlhokomela. +",0.8327881 +"schools are also encouraged to set up their own food gardens to supplement the nsnp menu. +","dikolo di rotloediwa gape le gore di itirele ditshi ngwana tsa dijo gore di tle di fepe barutwana ka dijo tse nsnp e di fepang. +",0.83291334 +"learners, teachers and parents are taught grow their own food. +","barutwana, barutabana le batsadi ba rutiwa go ijalela dijo ka bobona. +",0.87226725 +"nsnp awards thabang primary school in bethlehem, free state, is one of the schools that benefits from the nsnp. +","dikabo tsa nsnp thabang primary school kwa bethlehem, kwa porofe nseng ya foreistata, ke se sengwe sa dikolo tse di thusiwang ke nsnp. +",0.89063096 +"the school recently won the nsnp best school award. +","sekolo seno mo malobeng se fentse kabo ya nsnp ya go nna sekolo se se gaisang. +",0.8775331 +"the awards celebrate schools’ nutrition programmes by looking at their hygiene and safety practices, nutritious meals, food gardens and nutrition education. +","kabo eno e neelwa dikolo tse di dirang bontle fa go tla mo letsholong la go fepa bana ba sekolo ka go lebelela bophepa le pabalelo ya dijo, dijo tse di nang le dikotla, ditshingwana tsa dijo le go nna le thuto e e ka ga dijo tse di nang le dikotla. +",0.86347824 +"""i am extremely grateful that the school won the award,"" says seyanokeng sejake, the thabang pri mary principal for the past 24 years. +","""ke itumetse mo go maswe gore sekolo sa rona se fentse kabo eno,"" ga rialo seyanokeng sejake, yo a nang le sebaka sa dingwaga di le 24 e le mogokgo wa sekolo sa thabang primary school. +",0.8299859 +"thabang primary school has been running its nutrition programme since 1994. today, it ensures that its 1 065 learners receive a healthy breakfast daily from a local business. +","sekolo sa thabang primary school ga se a bolo go diragatsa letsholo la bona la go fepa barutwana go tloga ka ngwaga wa 1994. gompieno sekolo seno se netefatsa gore mo letsatsing le lengwe le le lengwe barutwana ba sona ba le 1 065 ba fepiwa ka dijo tsa tshokololo tse di humileng ka dikotla tse se di rekang mo dikgwebong tsa mo motseng. +",0.86429065 +"the food is cooked by unemployed members of the community, who are appointed by the school governing body (sgb). +","dijo tseno di apewa ke baagi ba ba sa direng mo mo tseng, ba ba thapilweng ke lekgotlataolong la sekolo (sgb). +",0.847834 +"""our six employed voluntary food handlers (vfh) make the food provided by the department of basic education through the allocation of funds to the school,"" says sejake. +","""batlhankedi ba rona ba ba ithaopileng go apaya dijo (divfh) ke bona ba ba apayang dijo tseno tse lefapha la thuto le re rekelang tsona jaaka le tsenyetsa sekolo madi a go di reka,"" ga rialo sejake. +",0.8585588 +"they vfhs each receive a stipend for preparing the food. +","yo mongwe le yo mongwe wa divfh go na le ka fao ba tsopolelwang madinyana a se kalo go leboga matsapa a bona a go apeela barutwana dijo. +",0.7568618 +"thabang primary school took top honours at the awards due to the hard work and commitment of its sgb, management team and functional nsnp com mittee, says sejake. +","sekolo sa thabang primary school se gapile maemo a a kwa setlhoeng kwa dikabong ka ntlha ya go tshwara ka natla ga batsamaisi ba sgb mmogo le ka ntlha ya go nna le komiti ya nsnp e e dirang tiro ya yona, ga rialo sejake. +",0.8542633 +"""punctuality is the order of the day. +","""ga go sana morutwana yo a latelwang. +",0.3825493 +"we don’t allow absenteeism, without a valid reason, and we have no dropouts. +","ntle le fa e le gore go na le lebaka le le utlwagalang, ga go sa na barutwana ba ba tshabang sekolo e bile ga re sa na le barutwana ba ba tlogelang sekolo. +",0.72217643 +"our learners’ concentration and general performance have also improved,"" she adds. +","go tlhwaya tsebe ga baithuti ba rona mmogo le go dira bontle mo dithutong tsa bona tsotlhe go tlhatlogetse kwa godimo,"" o tlaleleditse ka go rialo. +",0.82958734 +"as the prize for winning the award is a stateoftheart kitchen built by the tiger brands foundation, the school’s nutrition programme is set to become even better. +","ka ntlha ya fa phenyo ya kabo eno e tsamaya gape le go agelwa phaposi ya boapeelo ya maganagobonwa e ba tla e agelwang ke ba setheo sa setlamo sa tiger brands foundation, jaanong letsholo la sekolo la phepo ya barutwana le tla ntsha ga tshwene go dira tiro e e botoka go gaisa ya mo malobeng. +",0.8569495 +"the school also ensures that there are enough food supplies which are managed properly, to ensure there is always food for the programme. +","sekolo se dira gape le bonnete jwa gore dijo ga di tlhaele ka go di tlhokomela ka matsetseleko, gore letsholo leno le se iphitlhele le sena dijo tse di ka apeewang. +",0.81302774 +"""for example, we have a food garden that supplies vegetables to supplement the nsnp allocation,"" explains sejake. +","""go naya motlhala, re na le tshingwana ya dijo mo merogo e e tswang teng re e dirisang go tlaleletsa tse re di neelwang ke nsnp,"" sejake o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.86349446 +"award winners in the best schools category, grootdrink intermediate, in the mgcawu district in the northern cape, took second place and aaron gqedu primary school, in nelson mandela bay in the eastern cape, came third. +","bafenyi ba dikabo mo maemong a dikolo tse di gaisitseng tse dingwe tsotlhe, sekolo sa grootdrink intermediate kwa masepaleng wa tikologo wa mgcawu kwa porofenseng ya kapa bokone, se gapile maemo a bobedi; mme sekolo sa aaron gqedu primary school, kwa masepaleng wa nelson mandela bay kwa porofe nseng ya kapa botlhaba se gapile maemo a boraro. +",0.9228368 +"they will receive kitchen equipment from the depart ment of basic education. +","lefapha la thuto ya motheo le tla neela dikolo tseno didirisiwa tsa mo phapo sing ya boapeelo. +",0.72987163 +"the best district award was won by umzinyathi (kwazulunatal). +","kabo ya maemo a ditikogolo tse di gaisitseng tse dingwe tsotlhe e fentswe ke umzinyathi (kwazulunatal). +",0.7164787 +"the zf mgcawu district (northern cape) came second and metro north (western cape) came third. +","tikologo ya zf mgcawu (kapa bokone) e gapile maemo a bobedi mme metro north (kapa bophi rima) yona e gapile maemo a boraro. +",0.8622777 +"each district won office and computer equipment. +","tikologo e nngwe le e nngwe e fentse dithoto tsa kantoro le didirisiwa tsa dikhomphiutha. +",0.83720875 +"in 2020/21, the nsnp provided meals to children at 21 189 schools.","phepo ya dijo kwa dikolong e netefatsa gore ga go ngwana ope yo a bolawang ke tlala vukuzenzele unnamed ke bana ba feta dimilione di le robongwe ba ba fepiwang kwa dikolong ka ntlha ya letsholo la puso ya naga la go fepa bana kwa dikolong (nsnp), le le seleng le tsenngwa tirisong ka ngwaga wa 1994. maitlhomo a letsholo leno ke go tokafatsa matshelo a bana gore ba kgone go tlhwaya tsebe kwa sekolong, ka go dira gore ba se tshwarwe ke malwetse a a tlholwang ke phepo e e sa itekanelang le tlala le go dira gore ba rate sekolo, segolo jang mo dikolong tse di leng kwa metseng e e dikobodikhutshwane. +",0.83720875 +"keep children safe online vukuzenzele unnamed with the world increasingly moving online, it’s important for children to take advantage these opportunities while also staying safe. +","netefatsa gore bana ba babalesegile fa ba dirisa inthanete vukuzenzele unnamed jaaka mo lefatsheng dilo di le dintsi di tswelela go diriwa ka inthanete, go botlhokwa gore bana le bona ba sole tšhono eo mosola mme ba dire seno ba ntse ba itlhokometse. +",0.8529043 +"the government communication and information system (gcis) and digify africa recently hosted a webinar with media monitoring africa (mma) and the film and publication board (fpb) to teach children, educators, parents and the public about how to be responsible online. +","setheo sa puso sa tlhaeletsano le tshedimosetso (gcis) mmogo le digify africa sešweng ba ne ba tsenetse kopano ka inthanete le media monitoring africa (mma) mmogo le boto ya ditshwantsho tsa difilimi le tsa makwalokgatiso (fpb) maitlhomo e le go ruta bana, barutabana, batsadi le baagi ka go nna le maikarabelo fa ba le mo inthaneteng. +",0.9064393 +"phakamile khumalo, the programme manager of public and media skills development at mma, said seven out of 10 children who answered questions as part of the sa kids online study said they used the internet without their parents’ permission. +","phakamile khumalo, yo e leng molaodi wa matsholo a tlhabololo ya bokgoni mo mererong ya bobega kgang mo baaging kwa setlamong sa mma, o tlhalositse gore bana ba le supa mo go ba le 10 ba ba neng ba araba dipotso mo letsholong la aforika borwa la go dira dipatlisiso ka tiriso ya inthanete mo baneng ba arabile gore gantsi ba dirisa inthanete batsadi ba sa itse. +",0.8657595 +"only four out of 10 children said they have some sort of information about online safety. +","ke bana ba le bane fela mo go ba le 10 ba ba tlhalositseng gore ba na le kitsonyana e e rileng ka ga tshedimosetso ya go babalesega fa ba dirisa inthanete. +",0.90256757 +"this shows that children need skills and resources to help them use the internet safely. +","seno se re bontsha gore bana ba santse ba tlhoka didirisiwa le go katisiwa gore fa ba dirisa inthanete ba bo ba babalesegile. +",0.8423976 +"mmaletjema poto, the fpb’s child protection officer, said parents need to be aware of the dangers their children face online, in cluding viewing child pornography or child sexual abuse, and being groomed by sexual predators. +","mmaletjema poto, motlhankedi wa lephata la phemelo ya bana mo setheong sa fpb a re batsadi ba tshwanetse go lemosiwa gore mo inthaneteng ke dikotsi tsa mofuta mang tse bana ba bona ba kopanang le tsona, go buiwan le ka tsona ditshwantsho tsa maponapona tsa bana kgotsa tsa bana ba ba dirisiwang mo ditiragalong tsa thobalano, mmogo le ditiragalo tse di dirwang ke batho ba bagolo ba ba rutang bana ditiro tsa thobalano. +",0.87334204 +"children can become the target of online sexual predators by just conducting an innocent internet search and clicking on the wrong link. +","bana ba ka iphitlhele e se ka maikaelelo ba wetse mo seraing sa batho ba bagolo ba ba rutang bana ditiro tsa thobalano ka ntlha ya go tsena mo webesaeteng e e sa tsenweng ke batho. +",0.76301885 +"offenders then gain their trust and start grooming them. +","batho bano ba ba dirang melato eno ba ka ba aketsa go fitlha ba ba tshepa mme e nne gone ba feditse ka ngwana mme ba simolole go mo ruta ditiro tseno tse di tswi leng mo tseleng. +",0.7583442 +"""the child is often embarrassed and therefore doesn’t speak about it, which makes it hard for them to get out of the grooming cycle,"" said poto. +","""ngwana yono gantsi o jewa ke ditlhong, mme ka jalo o palelwa ke go bua ka se se mo diragale lang, mme ke sona selo seno se se dirang gore go nne boima le go feta gore ba tlogele ditiro tseno tse ba di dirisiwang,"" poto o tlhalositse jalo. +",0.85440356 +"she also warned against sharing videos or images of child pornography online. +","o kgalemile gape le gore batho ba tlogele go romelana dibidio kgotsa ditshwantsho tse di leng mo inthaneteng tsa maponapona tse di bontshang bana. +",0.79400015 +"""it has become a norm to share content on social media. +","""e setse e le setlwaedi jaanong gore batho ba romelana tshedimosetso ka mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano. +",0.65606666 +"but sharing this type of content is evidence of child abuse. +","ka jalo, go romelana tshedimosetso ya mothale ono e tla nna bopaki jwa gore o bogisa bana. +",0.7799336 +"being in possession of such content or sharing it is a criminal offence,"" added poto. +","go nna le tshedimosetso ya mothale ono kgotsa gona go e romela batho ba bangwe ke tlolo ya molao,"" poto o tlaleleditse jalo. +",0.82906187 +"help at hand there are various resources available to help children use the internet safely. +","thuso e teng go na le didirisiwa di le dintsinyana tse di farologa neng tse di ka thusang gore fa bana ba dirisa inthanete ba bo ba babalesegile. +",0.830875 +"the mma runs web rangers, a digital literacy programme to upskill learners, teachers and parents. +","mma e na le web rangers, seno ke sedirisiwa sa khomphiutha sa go ruta batho le go tlhabolola bokgoni jwa barutwana, baithuti le batsadi. +",0.83216846 +"educational videos about cyberbullying, sexting and online grooming, are available at www. +","mo webesaeteng ya www. +",0.37913287 +"webrangers.co.za the mma also helps children through its hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za) website, which includes a social media platform that allows children to talk to an online consultant about what they are experiencing on social media. +","webrangers.co.za go na le dibidio tse di ba rutang ka go tlhokomela ditiragalo tsa go kgotlhwa ka monwana mo leitlhong mo inthaneteng, tsa go romelwa melaetsa ya go ba raela mo thobalanong le tsa go ba ruta tsa thobalano mo inthaneteng. +",0.77131397 +"digify africa has a free kitso whatsapp bot that helps children develop digital literacy skills. +","ka webesaete ya bona ya hashplay (https://hashplay.co.za) mma e thusa gape le bana, mme mo go yona go na le serala sa mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano mme mo go sona bana ba ka kgona go bua le modiredi wa webesaete eno ka mathata a ba iphitlhelang ba le ka fa gare ga ona mo mafaratlhatlheng a ditlhaeletsano. +",0.689329 +"visit https://digifyafrica. +","digify africa e na le kitso whatsapp bot e ba sa tlhokeng go e duelela go e dirisa mme yona e thusa bana go nna le bokgoni jwa go dirisa dikhomphiutha. +",0.5682316 +"com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. +","etela webesaete ya bona ya https://digifyafrica. +",0.25960344 +"you can report online child sexual abuse or child violence to the fpb by emailing hotline@fpb. +","com/learnersresponsiblecitizens. +",0.43443322 +"org. +","o ka begela ba fpb ka ditiragalo tsa mo inthaneteng tse di mabapi le bana ba ba dirisiwang mo ditiragalong tsa thobalano kgotsa tsa tirisodikgoka mo baneng ka go romela imeile mo go hotline@fpb. +",0.26023054 +za or calling 012 003 1400. it can be reported anonymously.,"netefatsa gore bana ba babalesegile fa ba dirisa inthanete vukuzenzele unnamed jaaka mo lefatsheng dilo di le dintsi di tswelela go diriwa ka inthanete, go botlhokwa gore bana le bona ba sole tšhono eo mosola mme ba dire seno ba ntse ba itlhokometse. +",0.26023054 +"flood relief for kzn and e cape allison cooper government will help residents of kwazulunatal and the eastern cape rebuild their lives and homes after floods recently left a trail of death and destruction in the two provinces. +","go thusa kzn le kapa botlhaba mo go gogo lweng ke merwalela allison cooper puso e tlile go thusa baagi ba kwa kwazulunatal le kapa botlhaba ka go aga sešwa matshelo le matlo a bona morago ga merwalela e e sa tswang go feta le go tlogela dintsho le tshenyo mo diporofenseng tsoopedi. +",0.8986572 +"president cyril ramaphosa said national treasury will make money available for relief efforts to help those affected by the floods. +","moporesidente cyril ramaphosa o rile lefapha la matlotlo a bosetšhaba le tla dira gore go nne le madi a a tla dirisediwang dikgato tsa namolo go thusa bao ba amilweng ke merwalela. +",0.89762 +"""the minister of finance has said that r1 billion is immediately available,"" he said. +","""tona ya matlotlo o boletse gore go na le diranta di le bilione o le mongwe tse di ka dirisiwang ka gangwe,"" ga rialo moporesidente. +",0.80266905 +"president ramaphosa will also approach parliament for additional resources. +","moporesidente ramaphosa gape o tla ya go palamente go kopa didiriswa tsa tlaleletso. +",0.6989216 +"government is working with the solidarity fund, private sector and nongovernmental and communitybased organisations to support victims. +","puso e dira mmogo le letlole la tshwaraganelo, lekala la poraefete le mekgatlho e e seng ya puso le e e ikaegileng ka baagi go thusa batswasetlhabelo. +",0.8665376 +"the solidarity fund will set up a separate bank account for the flood disaster for south african and foreign donors to contribute to relief efforts. +","letlole la tshwaraganelo le tla tlhoma akhaonto ya banka eo e tla dirisiwang ke baneedi ba aforika borwa le ba boditšhaba go thusa mo dikgatong tsa namolo go matlhotlhapelo a merwalela. +",0.86549675 +"government will also provide vouchers to help households rebuild partially damaged houses, the president said. +","puso gape e tla tlamela ka diboutšhara go thusa malapa go aga sešwa dikarolo tse di senyegileng tsa matlo, go bua jalo moporesidente. +",0.881273 +"""a comprehensive assessment of the economic cost of these floods still has to be made, but it is clear that it will run into billions of rands for the rebuilding of infrastructure and loss of production."" +","""tekolo e e feletseng ya ditshenyegelo tsa ditšhelete tse di bakilweng ke merwalela eno e santse e tla dirwa, fela go a bonala gore e tla fitlha go dibilione tsa diranta go aga sešwa mafaratlhatlha le tatlhegelo ya tlhagiso."" +",0.87902796 +"he added that the money set aside for the flood victims must reach those who need it the most. +","o tlaleleditse ka gore madi a a beetsweng thoko a batswasetlhabelo ba merwalela a tshwanetse go fitlha go bao ba a tlhokang go gaisa. +",0.8696803 +"""it will be critical, as we undertake this work, that all the re sources we mobilise are used for their intended purposes and reach the intended recipients. +","""go tla nna botlhokwa, jaaka re simolola tiro eno, gore didiriswa tsotlhe tse re di kgobokanyang di diresediwa maikaelelo ao di kgobokantsweng ka ntlha ya ona le go fitlhelela baamogedi ba ba umakilweng. +",0.87093145 +"there can be no room for corruption, mismanagement or fraud of any sort,"" the president stressed. +","ga go ne go nna le phatlha ya bonweenweee, tsamaiso e e botlhaswa kgotsa bobodu ba mofuta ope. +",0.6873843 +"threephased response president ramaphosa said government will respond to the disaster in three phases. +","dikgato tse tharo tsa tsibogelo moporesidente ramaphosa o rile puso e tla tsibogela matlhotlhapelo ka dikgato di le tharo. +",0.842851 +"it will first focus on immediate humanitarian relief, ensuring that everyone affected is safe and their basic needs are met. +","e tla tsepamisa mogopolo go namolo ya ka bonako ya batho, e netefatsa gore mongwe le mongwe yo o amegileng o babalesegile le go nna le ditlhoko tsa motheo. +",0.88557947 +"""second, we will focus on stabilisation and recovery, rehousing people who have lost homes and restoring the provision of services. +","""sa bobedi, re tla tsepamisa mogopolo mo go tlhomamiseng le mo go busetseng seemo mannong, go naya batho bao ba latlhegetsweng ke magae matlo le go busetsa tlamelo ya ditirelo,"" a rialo. +",0.85468113 +"""third, we will focus on reconstruction and rebuilding,"" he said. +","sa boraro, re tla tsepamisa mogopolo go kagosešwa,"" a rialo. +",0.81052125 +"the reconstruction and building phase will include the construction of houses in suitable areas. +","kgato ya kagosešwa le go aga e tla akaretsa kago ya matlo mo mafelong a a siametseng go aga. +",0.84300154 +"the department of human settlements has already begun an assessment of damages to houses across the province. +","lefapha la mafelobonno a batho le setse le simolotse ka tshekatsheko ya ditshenyegelo go matlo go ralala porofense. +",0.8317739 +"""an immediate task is to house those people who have been displaced by the floods and preparations are underway to provide temporary residential units,"" said president ramaphosa. +","""tiro ya ka bonako ke go batlela batho bao ba tlogedisitsweng magae a bona ke merwalela manno mme dipaakanyo tsa go tlamela ka diyuniti tsa nakwano tsa bonno di setse di tsweletse,"" ga rialo moporesidente ramaphosa. +",0.8455387 +"the department of public works and infrastructure is identifying suitable state land that can be used for resettlement. +","lefapha la ditiro tsa setšhaba le mafaratlhatlha le batlana le lefatshe la puso leo le leng maleba go ka dirisediwa khudugelo. +",0.792084 +"extensive damage the rains caused extensive damage to houses; businesses; roads and bridges; water, electricity, rail and telecommunications infrastructure. +","tshenyo e e tseneletseng dipula di bakile tshenyo e e tseneletseng go matlo; dikgwebo; ditsela le maborogo; metsi, motlakase, mafaratlhatlha a seporo le a tlhaeletsano. +",0.91279364 +"schools, health facilities, police stations and magistrates’ courts were also affected, along with fuel and food supplies. +","dikolo, mafelo a boitekanelo, diteišene tsa mapodisa le dikgotlatshekelo tsa bommagiseteraa le tsona di amegile, gammogo le ditlamelo tsa lookwane le dijo. +",0.8983668 +"""it is estimated that over 270 000 learners were affected and over 600 schools were damaged, 16 of which cannot be accessed due to damage to connecting roads and bridges. +","""go lekanyeditswe gore go amegile barutwana ba feta 270 000, mme dikolo di feta 600 di senyegile, di le 16 tsa tsona ga di kgone go fitlhelelwa ka ntlha ya go senyega ga ditsela le maborogo a a lebisang koo. +",0.91538006 +"""sixtysix public healthcare facilities were affected, although there has been minimal disruption to health services in most affected districts,"" the president said. +","""mafelo a boitekanelo a botlhe a le 66 a amegile, le fa tota go nnile le kgoreletso e e kwa tlase ya ditirelo tsa boitekanelo go bontsi ba didika tse di amegileng,"" go rialo moporesidente. +",0.8722781 +"extensive work is under way to restore basic services to various areas in kzn. +","tiro e kgolo e setse e tsweletse go busetsa ditirelo tsa motheo mo dikgaolong tse di farologaneng tsa kzn. +",0.87842095 +"more than 400 people have lost their lives in kzn and many people are missing. +","batho ba feta 400 ba latlhegetswe ke matshelo a bona kwa kzn mme bontsi jwa batho ba santse ba latlhegile. +",0.8994698 +"one death has also been reported in the eastern cape. +","go begilwe loso lwa motho a le mongwe kwa kapa botlhaba. +",0.7237734 +"over 4 000 homes have been destroyed and 8 300 have been partially damaged, leaving 40 000 people homeless. +","matlo a feta 4 000 a senyegile mme a le 8 300 ga a senyega gotlhelele, mme seo se tlogela batho ba le 40 000 ba sena matlo. +",0.91805613 +"the president said that the south african police service (saps) and the south african national defence force (sandf) have been leading search and rescue efforts. +","moporesidente o rile tirelo tsa sepodisi sa afo rika borwa (saps) le sesole sa tshireletso sa aforika borwa (sandf) ba ntse ba eteletse pele dikgato tsa patlo le phaloso. +",0.892093 +"this includes the deployment of saps personnel, diving teams, canine units and various vessels, helicopters and fixedwing planes to the most affected areas. +","seno se akaretsa go romelwa ga badiri ba saps, ditlhopha tsa bathumi le mekorwana e e farologaneng, dihelikoptara le difofane tse dinnye go ya go bontsi ba dikgaolo tse di amegileng. +",0.8966162 +"""aircraft from the sandf have been used both for rescue and for the delivery of relief supplies – such as food, water, tents and blankets – to people in inaccessible areas. +","""sefofane go tswa kwa sandf se ntse se dirisediwa go falosa le go isa ditlamelo tsa namolo tse di jaaka dijo, metsi, ditente le dikobo go batho ba ba kwa mafelong a a sa kgoneng go fitlhelelwa. +",0.89923316 +"""i have authorised the sandf to bring in more personnel, water storage and purification supplies and engineering teams to assist with electricity and water restoration,"" he said government departments at national and provincial levels; municipalities; nongovernmental organisations and businesses have been distributing basic relief materials such as food, blankets, mattresses, clothing, chronic medication, toiletries and cooking utensils. +","""ke neile sandf tetla ya go tlisa badiri ba bangwe, bodutelo ba metsi le ditlamelo tsa phepafatso le ditlhopha tsa baenjeneri go thusa ka go busetsa tirelo ya motlakase le metsi,"" moporesidente a rialo. +",0.8143649 +"cabinet recently declared a national state of disaster in response to floods. +","mafapha a puso kwa maemong a bosetšhaba le a porofense; bommasepala; mekgatlo e e seng ya puso le dikgwebo di ntse di neelana ka didiriswa tsa motheo tsa namolo tse di jaaka dijo, dikobo, dimaterase, diaparo, melemo ya malwetsi a a sa foleng, dilwana tsa go tlhapa le didiriswa tsa go apaya. +",0.563625 +"the president described the floods as a humanitarian disaster that called for a ""massive and urgent relief effort. +","go sa le gale kabinete e ne ya goeletsa maemo a naga a matlhotlhapelo go tsibogela merwalela. +",0.67361665 +"""""the lives, h ealth and wellbeing of thousands of people are still at risk. +","moporesidente o tlhalositse merwalela jaaka matlhotlhapelo a a tlhokang ""dikgato tsa namolo tse di tseneletseng e bile di le bonako. +",0.56263494 +"the floods have caused great economic and social damage,"" he said. +","""""matshelo, boitekanelo le kemopholo ya diketekete tsa batho di santse di le mo kotsing. +",0.5282024 +"the port of durban, which is vital to south africa’s economy and is one of the largest and busiest shipping terminals on the continent, has been severely affected. +","merwalela e bakile tshenyo e e kwa godimo go ikonomi le loago,"" a rialo. +",0.6066555 +"""the significance of the port of durban and rela ted infrastructure for the effective operation of the country’s economy means that this disaster has implications far beyond kzn,"" said the president. +","boemelakepe jwa durban, jo bo leng botlhokwa go ikonomi ya aforika borwa e bile e le bongwe jwa maemelakepe a magolo e bile bo tlhanasela go gaisa mo kontinenteng, bo amegile thata. +",0.67237526 +"progress has already been made in restoring operations at the port of durban, opening alternative routes for trucks to access the port terminals and clean up debris in the harbour.","go thusa kzn le kapa botlhaba mo go gogo lweng ke merwalela allison cooper puso e tlile go thusa baagi ba kwa kwazulunatal le kapa botlhaba ka go aga sešwa matshelo le matlo a bona morago ga merwalela e e sa tswang go feta le go tlogela dintsho le tshenyo mo diporofenseng tsoopedi. +",0.67237526 +"operation vulindlela is opening the path to growth vukuzenzele unnamed the south african economy, like any other economy, cannot function, let alone grow, without efficient and competitive network industries. +","letsholo la operation vulindlela le sutisa dikgoreletsi tsa kgolo mo tseleng vukuzenzele unnamed ikonomi ya naga ya aforika borwa, fela jaaka diikonomi tsa dinaga tse dingwe, ga e kitla e kgona go dira, kgotsa gona go gola, fa e le gore ga go na diintaseteri tse dintsi tse di dirang ka botswapelo le tse di dirang tiro e e tswileng diatla mo nageng ya rona. +",0.8508875 +"these industries – which include electricity, water, transport and telecommunications – are the arteries through which the oxygen of the economy runs. +","diintaseteri tse go buiwang ka tsona tseno – tse di tsenyeletsang tsa motlakase, metsi, dipalangwa le tsa mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano – di botlhokwa thata mo go direng gore re nne le ikonomi. +",0.8312509 +"structural problems in these areas have long been cited as some of the main constraints on south africa’s economic growth. +","matsapa a meago le mafaratlhatlha mo ditlamong tseno ke a mangwe a matsapa a a nopotsweng jaaka a a kgoreletsang kgolo ya ikonomi ya naga ya afo rika borwa. +",0.7853177 +"inefficiency and the high cost of network services are an impediment to doing business in the country. +","go se dire sentle ga ditlamo tseno mmogo le madi a a boitshegang a a felelang mo ditirelong tsa go tlhokomela ditirelo tseno ke tsona tse di kgoreletsang dikgwebo go dira dikgwebo ka fa nageng. +",0.802317 +"to address and overcome these challenges, we set up operation vulindlela in october 2020 as an initiative of the presidency and national treasury to accelerate structural reforms in these network industries. +","go samagana le dikgwetlho tseno le go di fedisa, ka ngwaga wa 2020 re ne ra tlhoma letsholo la operation vulindlela le le simolotsweng ke moporesitente le lefapha la matlotlo a bosetšhaba maitlhomo e le go potlakisa diphetogo mo diintasetering tseno. +",0.8367613 +"while the responsible government departments and entities drive these reforms, operation vulindlela monitors and identifies challenges and blockages. +","fa ka fa letlhakoreng le lengwe mafapha a a amegang mmogo le ditheo tse di amegang ba samagane le diphetogo tseno, operation vulindlela yona e tlhokomela le go nopola dikgwetlho tse di leng teng le tseo di kgore letsang tiro. +",0.8290856 +"where needed, it facilitates technical support to departments. +","mo go tlhokagalang, e naya mafapha ano tshegetso e a e tlhokang. +",0.7276336 +"the recent quarterly report outlines the progress made by operation vulindlela and the departments responsible for these reforms. +","dipegelo tsa kgweditharo ya maabane di tlhalosa kgatelopele eo e dirilweng ke operation vulindlela le mafapha a a rweleng maikarabelo a go tlisa diphetogo tseno. +",0.8121837 +"across government, our focus is on reforms that are fundamental and transformative; that reshape the way our economy works. +","mo pusong ka bophara re tsepamisitse mogopolo mo go tliseng diphetogo tse di botlhokwa le tse di tla fetolang batsholateu; tse di tla fetolang ka fao ikonomi ya rona e dirang ka gone. +",0.8575207 +"this includes the auction of highdemand spectrum for mobile telecommunications, which was delayed for more than 10 years and finally completed in march. +","fano re bua ka go fantisa marang a kgaso a a tlhokagalang thata mo dikgwebong tsa mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano, mme seno se weditswe mo kgweding ya mopitlwe morago ga gore se diegisiwe sebaka se se fetang dingwaga di feta di le 10. go fantisiwa ga marang ano a kgaso go tla dira gore dikgolagano tsa megala le inthanete di tokafale go gaisa mo malobeng mmogo le go fokotsa dituediso tsa go dirisa megala le inthanete. +",0.79075927 +"the release of new spectrum will improve connectivity and bring down broadband costs. +","dikgato tsa go tlhomiwa ga bothati jwa maemelakepe a bosetšhaba jwa transnet mo ngwageng yo o fetileng le tsona di ne tsa diegisiwa ka sebaka sa dingwaga di feta di le 15. kgato eno e ne e le matshwanedi gore e tsewe gonne e tla dira gore makala a poraefete a kgone go nna le seabe le go dira gore maemelakepe a naga ya rona a kgone go dira sentle. +",0.70227903 +"the establishment of the national ports authority as a separate subsidiary of transnet last year had been delayed for more than 15 years. +","fa e sale seno se rerwa ka ngwaga wa 2014 jaanong ke lantlha re busetsa tirong se tlamo sa blue drop, sa green drop le sa no drop tse di tla thusang go tlhokomela metsi le go phepafatsa boleng jwa metsi a a leswe. +",0.6356834 +"this was the necessary first step towards enabling private sector participation and increasing the efficiency of our port terminals. +","re phasaladitse gape le lenaane la ditiro tse di botlhokwa thata tse re di tlhokang ka fa nageng tse mo go tsona batswantle ba letleletsweng go ka thapiwa mo go tsona, le lona ke lantlha le phasaladiwa fa e sale ka ngwaga wa 2014. tseno ke dikao di se kae tsa matsapa a puso eno e nnileng le kgatelopele mo go ona ka go tsepamisa megopolo mo dikarolong di le mmalwa tse di botlhokwa tse di tlhokang go fetolwa. +",0.64346886 +"we have also reinstated the blue drop, green drop and no drop system for the first time since 2014 to ensure better monitoring of water and wastewater treatment quality. +","ka letsholo la operation vulindlela, re kgonne gape le go tsepamisa mogopolo mo dikgatong ka botlalo tsa go dira diphetogo, mme ra netefatsa le gore go nna le tsamaiso e e lolameng fa tiro e e diriwang e dirwa ke mafapha a le mantsinyana le ditheo di le dintsinyana. +",0.6656543 +"we have published an updated critical skills list, also for the first time since 2014. these are just some examples where, by focusing effort and attention on a limited number of priority reforms, this administration has been able to drive progress. +","sekao se se totobetseng se re ka se kaelang ke sa lekala la motlakase, mme mo go lona go na le dikgato di le dintsinyana tse di botlhokwa, tse di tshwaraganeng tsa go tlisa diphetogo tse go samaganweng le tsona go fetola ditsela tseo motlakase o tlhagisiwang ka tsona le ka fao o dirisiwang ka gone. +",0.686858 +"through operation vulindlela, we have also been able to take a more focused and holistic approach to reforms, ensuring better coordination where multiple departments and entities are involved. +","dipeelo tse dikgolo tse di fitlheletsweng di tsenyeletsa le tsa gore batlhagisi ba motlakase wa go fitlha dimekawate di le lekgolo ba se tlhole ba tlhoka dilaesense go dira jalo, mme seno se tla dira gore batlhagisi bano motlakase wa bona o nne e mengwe ya metlakase ya ka fa nageng le go dira gore ba kgone go o rekisetsa badirise ba motlakase. +",0.7144121 +"the best example of this is in the energy sector, where a number of important, interconnected reforms are underway to change the way that we generate and consume electricity. +","re tsosoloditse letsholo la dithendara tsa ditlamo tse di ikemetseng tsa tlhagiso ya motlakase o o ntšhwafaditsweng ka go bulela dithendara tse dintšhwa. +",0.6436293 +"milestones include the raising of the licensing threshold for new generation projects to 100mw, allowing these projects to connect to the grid and sell power to customers. +","diphetogo tse di dirilweng mo melawanataolong e e buang ka tlhagiso ya metlakase e mešwa di thusitse dimasepala go kgona go ithekela motlakase ka bo ona fa e sale. +",0.7115768 +"we have revived the renewable energy independent power producer procurement programme through the opening of new bid windows. +","go fetolwa ga melao go tla dira gore re simolole go nna le ditlamo tse dintšhwa tsa motlakase tse di dirang tiro e e tswileng diatla, mme seno se tla enngwa nokeng le ke molaotlhomo o o kwalolotsweng sešwa wa melawanataolo ya metlakase o o phasaladitsweng mmogo le tiro e go samaganweng nayo ya go kwalola sešwa pholisi ya ditlhwatlhwa tsa metlakase. +",0.73629105 +"changes to the regulations on new generation capacity have allowed municipalities to procure power independently for the first time. +","thulaganyo ya go kgaoganya setlamo sa eskom e ntse e tla sentle, mme setlamo seno se kgonne go fitlhelela dipeelo tsa sona tse di neng di beetswe nako ya go diragadiwa ka sedimonthole 2021 gore ka nako eo se bo se tlhomile setlamo sa tsamaiso ya motlakase. +",0.653819 +"and legislative reforms will ultimately give birth to a new competitive electricity market, supported by the publication of the electricity regulation amendment bill and the work underway to amend the electricity pricing policy. +","monongwaga ka sedimonthole re solofela gore re tla bo re weditse dithulaganyo tsa go kgaoganya lephata la eskom la phetlho ya motlakase le la kabo ya motlakase gore ka bobedi le ona e nne ditlamo tse di ikemetseng. +",0.7051071 +"the process of unbundling eskom is on track, with the entity meeting its december 2021 deadline for the establishment of a national transmission company. +","dipegelo tsa kgweditharo e nngwe le e nngwe di nopola dikgato di le dintsinyana tse di botlhokwa tse di fitlhele tsweng, mmogo le dikarolo tse di santseng di tlhoka tiro e ntsi gore di baakanngwe. +",0.56530786 +"by december this year we hope to complete the unbundling of eskom’s generation and distribution divisions. +","mo lekaleng la metsi, letsholo la operation vuli ndlela le ntse le eme nokeng lefapha la metsi le kgeleloleswe gore le tsenye tirisong leano la go fetola maemo gore le abelane ka dilaesense tsa go dirisa metse, mme go dirilwe dipeelo tsa gore mo dikopong tsotlhetsotlhe go tshwanetswe go fetisiwe dikopo di le 80% pele go ka konosela matsatsi a le 90. go samaganwe le tiro ya go tlhoma setheo sa naga se se disang mafaratlhatlha a metsi go netefatsa gore metswedi ya metsi ya naga e tlhokomelwa botoka. +",0.6219132 +"the quarterly report highlights a number of other important achievements, as well as areas where intensive work is underway. +","mo lekaleng la dinamelwa, tiro e e sa tsamaisiweng ka tshwanelo kwa maemelakepeng le kwa ditereneng e dirile gore re retelelwe ke go rekisa ditlhagisiwa tsa ka fa nageng kwa dinageng tsa kwa ntle. +",0.628749 +"in the water sector, operation vulindlela has been providing technical support to the department of water and sanitation to implement a turnaround plan for the granting of water use licences, with a target to process 80% of all applications within 90 days. +","go samaganwe le tiro ya go dirisana le makala a poraefete gore a beeletse mo mafaratlhatlheng a kwa maemakepeng mmogo le go tokafatsa botsamaisi jwa taolo ya mafelo a go folosa le go rwala dikhontheinara tsa merwalo kwa maemelakepeng a kwa durban le a kwa ngqura. +",0.70125985 +"work is also underway to establish a national water resources infrastructure agency that will ensure better management of our national water resources. +","sekwalwa sa masupatsela se se buang ka pholisi ya diterene ya naga, se se neseditsweng pula ke kabinete mo kgweding ya mopitlwe, se tlhagisa maano a go tsosolosa mafaratlhatlha a diterene mmogo le go kgontsha gore ditlamo tse di ikemetseng tsa diterene di neelwe tetla ya go dirisa diporo le maemelaterene a naga. +",0.68681645 +"in the transport sector, inefficiencies in port and rail have severely affected our ability to export goods. +","setlamo sa diterene le diporo sa transnet se setse se simolotse go tsenya mo lenaneong la sona la tsamaiso ya diterene dinako tse diterene tsa ditlamo tse di ikemetseng di tla tsamayang ka tsona. +",0.6907403 +"work is underway to establish partnerships with private sector operators to invest in port infrastructure and improve the management of container terminals at the ports of durban and ngqura. +","go setse go thankgolotswe dithulaganyo tsa evisa mo dinageng di le 14, mme mo go tsona go tsenyelediwa le tse dingwe tsa dinaga tse di nang le bajanala ba bantsi ba ba ratang go jela naga ya rona nala. +",0.6727341 +"the white paper on national rail policy, which was approved by cabinet in march, outlines plans to revitalise rail infrastructure and enables third party access to the freight rail network. +","go samaganwe gape le go sekaseka visa ya bao ba dirang ka fa nageng gore re kgone go ngokela batho ba ba nang le bokgoni jo bo tlhokagalang ka bontsi ka fa nageng ya rona. +",0.64548004 +"transnet freight rail is already in the process of making slots available for private rail operators on the network. +","diphetogo tseno di kgonagetse gore di diragadiwe ka ntlha ya tirisanommogo e e tswileng diatla magareng ga maphata a puso mmogo le ka ntlha ya go nna le mogopolo o o tshwanang mo go direng diphetogo. +",0.5999166 +"a fully operational evisa system has been launched in 14 countries, including some of our largest tourist markets. +","letsholo la operation vulindlela le sutisa dikgoreletsi tsa kgolo mo tseleng vukuzenzele unnamed ikonomi ya naga ya aforika borwa, fela jaaka diikonomi tsa dinaga tse dingwe, ga e kitla e kgona go dira, kgotsa gona go gola, fa e le gore ga go na diintaseteri tse dintsi tse di dirang ka botswapelo le tse di dirang tiro e e tswileng diatla mo nageng ya rona. +",0.5999166 +"south africa’s first veterinary nurses graduate allison cooper being one of the country’s first veterinary nurse graduates is a dream come true for randburg resident phumelela mthimkhulu (21), who has been passionate about animals since she was a child. +","baoki ba ntlha ba diphologolo mo aforika borwa ba a aloga allison cooper go nna mongwe wa dialogane tsa ntlha mo nageng tsa baoki ba diphologolo ke phitlhelelo e kgolo go moagi wa randburg, phumelela mthimkhulu, yo a nang le dingwaga di le 21, yo a saleng a nna le lerato la diphologolo go tloga a santse a le monnye. +",0.8777553 +"mthimkhulu recently graduated from the university of pretoria (up), the only veterinary training facility in sa, with a bachelor of veterinary nursing degree. +","mthimkhulu o sa tswa go aloga kwa yunibesithing ya pretoria (up), e leng yona setheo se le esi mo nageng sa katiso ya kalafi ya diphologolo mo nageng ya aforika borwa, ka gerata ya bachelor of veterinary nursing . +",0.88238996 +"""it’s crazy to wrap my head around. +","""ga ke dumele se matlho a se mpontshang. +",0.37678313 +"to know that i was part of the first class to do the bachelor’s degree, which has been years in the making, is an honour. +","go itse gore ke karolo ya setlhopha sa ntlha se se dirileng gerata e, e leng sengwe se se tsereng dingwaga se rulaganngwa, e tota e le tlotlo e kgolo thata mo go nna. +",0.81188357 +"""i’m grateful for the opportunities and doors that will open for us nurses to further our studies and specialise within our profession, which was hard to do in the past,"" she says. +","""ke itumelela ditšhono le dikgoro tse di tla re bulegelang jaaka baoki go tsweletsa dithuto tsa rona le go nna baitseanape mo teng ga porofešene e ya rona, e leng sengwe se se neng se se bonolo mo nakong e e fetileng,"" a rialo. +",0.8896409 +"tamarin fisher, the pre sident of the veterinary nurses association of south africa, says this is the biggest milestone in the profession’s 42year history. +","tamarin fisher, mopore sitente wa mokgatlo wa aforika wa baoki ba diphologolo, a re se ke phitlhelelo e kgolo tota mo hisetoring ya porofešene e ya dingwaga tse 42. +",0.87743783 +"""the new threeyear degree will give qualified nurses the opportunity to enrol in postgraduate studies, which will hopefully culminate in the awarding of masters and phd degrees."" +","""gerata e ntšhwa e ya dingwaga tse tharo e tla neela baoki ba ba alogileng tšhono ya go ikwadisetsa dithuto tsa morago ga gerata, e leng se se ka bakang go rebolwa ga digerata tsa honours, masters le phd."" +",0.87418556 +"veterinarians treat animals’ injuries and illnesses, similar to how a doctor provides health treatment for people. +","dingaka tsa diphologolo di alafa dikgobalo le malwetse a diphologolo fela jaaka ngaka e tlamela batho ka kalafi ya boitekanelo. +",0.8539763 +"veterinary nurses are essential in vets’ professional teams, says mthimkhulu. +","baoki ba diphologolo ba botlhokwa mo ditlhopheng tsa tiro tsa dingaka tsa diphologolo, ga rialo mthimkhulu. +",0.81002736 +"""some of the vital skills a nurse has to display are patient care, client communication, assisting veterinarians with procedures, and anything that will help the veterinary hospital to function at its best. +","""dingwe tsa dinonofo tse mooki a tshwanetseng go nna natso ke tlhokomelo ya molwetse, puisano le modirisi, go thusa dingaka tsa diphologolo ka ditiro, le sengwe le sengwe fela se se ka thusang gore bookelo ba diphologolo bo dire ka nonofo. +",0.893471 +"""it’s one of the most rewarding professions. +","""ke nngwe ya diporofešene tse di kgotsofatsang go gaisa. +",0.7011061 +"if you want to be a veterinary nurse, don’t allow fear or a lack of knowledge to deter you from trying it out and enjoying it because it will change your life for the better,"" says mthimkhulu. +","fa o batla go nna mooki wa diphologolo, se letle poifo kgotsa go tlhoka kitso go go kgoreletsa mo go lekeng le go e itumelela gonne e tlile go fetola botshelo jwa gago go nna bo bo botoka,"" ga rialo mthimkhulu. +",0.9050273 +"bursaries to address skills shortagedue to a severe skills shortage in the sector, mthimkhulu didn’t battle to find a job. +","dibasari tse di leng teng go ema nokeng dikgato tsa go thiba phatlha ya bokgoni jono jo bo tlhaelang ka ntlha ya tlhaelo ya bokgoni mo lekaleng le, go nnile bonolo gore mthimkhulu a bone tiro. +",0.7810079 +"""i was lucky enough to secure a job at fourways veterinary hospital during my final year. +","""ke nnile lesego ka go bona tiro kwa bookelong ba diphologolo ba fourways mo ngwageng wa me wa bofelo. +",0.87234044 +"i started working there about a month after my final exams and i’ve been enjoying every moment of it,"" she says. +","ke simolotse go dira koo kgwedi morago ga go konosetsa ditlhatlhobo tsa me tsa makgaolakgang mme ke ntse ke itumelela motsotso mongwe le mongwe wa tiro e,"" a rialo. +",0.8845589 +"the health and welfare sector education and training authority (hwseta) is committed to addressing the extreme skills shortage in the veterinary sector and ensuring transformation. +","bothati ba thuto le katiso ba lekala la boitekanelo le katlaatlelo (hwseta) bo ineela go samagana le tlhaelo e e kwa godimo ya dinonofo mo lekaleng la kalafi ya diphologolo go netefatsa gore go nna le diphetogo. +",0.89271104 +"it recently launched a veterinary science career guidance campaign, in partnership with the department of higher education and training, and will be visiting rural schools to encourage learners to consider veterinary services as a career path. +","go sa le gale, bo thankgolotse letsholo la kaedi ya dithutego tsa saense ya kalafi ya diphologolo ka semphato le lefapha la thuto e kgolwane le katiso, mme bo tla etela dikolo tsa kwa metsemagaeng go rotloetsa baithuti go tsaya ditirelo tsa kalafi ya diphologolo jaaka nngwe ya ditiro tsa borutegi. +",0.895079 +"it also announced 60 bursaries to address the critical shortage of veterinarians and paraveterinarians in south africa’s rural areas. +","e begile gape le dibasari di le 60 go samagana le tlhokego e e kwa godimo ya dingaka tsa diphologolo le bathusi ba dingaka tsa diphologolo kwa metsemagaeng a aforika borwa. +",0.8502139 +"""the bursaries are specifically aimed at learners in rural areas as they can take their knowledge back to their homesteads,"" says dr nomfundo mnisi, the chairperson of the hwseta. +","""dibasari tse di lebisitswe bogolo go baithuti ba kwa metsemagaeng ka ntlha ya fa ba ka tsaya kitso e mme ba e dirise kwa magaeng a bona,"" ga rialo ngaka nomfundo mnisi, monnasetilo wa hwseta. +",0.8597342 +"the deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation, buti manamela, welcomed the bursaries. +","motlatsatona wa thuto e kgolwane, saense le boitlhamelo, buti manamela, o amogetse dibasari tse. +",0.77727896 +"the up’s faculty of vete rinary science will assist the hwseta in its marketing, bursary funding and recruitment campaigns. +","lefapha la kalafi ya diphologolo la up le tla thusa hwseta ka matsholo a yona a papatso, matlole a dibasari le a go thapa. +",0.83125865 +"""we will also assist the hwseta in administering the bursaries, which were allocated for firstyear veterinary science stu dents from the designated groups,"" says chris van blerk, the head of communications and media at up’s faculty of veterinary science. +","""re tla thusa hwseta gape ka go tsamaisa dibasari, tse di neng di neetswe baithuti ba ngwaga wa ntlha ba disaense tsa kalafi ya diphologolo go tswa mo ditlhopheng tse di tlhaotsweng,"" ga rialo chris van blerk, tlhogo ya ditlhaeletsano le bobegakgang kwa lefapheng la saense ya diphologolo kwa up. +",0.911799 +"he says youth hoping to follow in mthimkhulu’s footsteps and register for a first bachelor’s degree at up need to have completed their national senior certificate (nsc), or equivalent qualification, and meet minimum requirements. +","o rile baithuti ba ba ratang go ka gata mo dikgatong tsa ga mthimkhulu le go ikwadisetsa gerata ya ntlha kwa up ba tlhoka go bo ba konoseditse setifikeiti sa bosetšhaba sa materiki (nsc), kgotsa thutego e e lekanang naso, le go kgotsofatsa ditlhokego tse di maleba. +",0.88896203 +"""for the bachelor of veterinary nursing degree, they need a minimum admission point score of 28 and an nsc with english home language or english first additional language, mathematics, and physical sciences or life sciences,"" he adds. +","""mo ntlheng ya gerata ya booki ba diphologolo, ba tlhoka bonnye maduo a kamogelo a le 28 gammogo le nsc ka seesimane puo ya gae kgotsa seesimane puo ya ntlha ya tlaleletso, dipalotharabololo, le bonetetshi kgotsa saense ya thutabotshelo,"" go bona tshedimosetso ka botlalo ka ga lekala le, bašwa ba ka ikgolaganya le ditirelo tsa poraefete tsa kalafi ya diphologolo kgotsa go buisana le dingaka tsa diphologolo tsa tirelosetšhaba ya pateletso (ccs) ba e leng karolo ya lefapha la temothuo, thulaganyo ya lefatshe le tlhabololo ya metsemagae (dalrrd) go ralala naga. +",0.83015704 +"for more information about the sector, youth can contact private vete rinary practices or speak to compulsory community service (ccs) veterinarians which are part of the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (dalrrd) around the country. +","""maitlhomo a lenaneo la ccs ke go tlamela ka ditirelo tse di fitlhelelegang e bile di le tlhwatlwatlase tsa kalafi ya diphologolo kwa mafelong a a tlhaelang ditirelo le a a nang le ditirelo tse di bokoa tsa thuso mo nageng ya aforika borwa. +",0.6950859 +"""the ccs programme aims to provide accessible and affordable veterinary services to underserved and poor resourced areas within south africa. +","baoki ba ntlha ba diphologolo mo aforika borwa ba a aloga allison cooper go nna mongwe wa dialogane tsa ntlha mo nageng tsa baoki ba diphologolo ke phitlhelelo e kgolo go moagi wa randburg, phumelela mthimkhulu, yo a nang le dingwaga di le 21, yo a saleng a nna le lerato la diphologolo go tloga a santse a le monnye. +",0.6950859 +"collect your driver's licence card vukuzenzele unnamed motorists who applied for a new or renewal driver’s licence card or professional driving permit (prdp) between october and december last year are being urged to collect them. +","eya go tsaya karata ya laesense ya gago ya go kgweetsa vukuzenzele unnamed bakgweetsi ba ba dirileng dikopo tsa karata ya laensense ya go kgweetsa kgotsa phemiti e ntšhwa ya go kgweetsa ya porofešenale (prdp) kgotsa e o e ntšhwafaditseng magareng ga diphalane le sedimonthole ngogola go ikuelwa mo go bona gore ba tle go di tsaya. +",0.8846489 +"according to the road traffic management corporation (rtmc), only 42% of the 32 748 driver’s licence cards produced during this time have been collected. +","go ya ka koporasi ya taolo ya pharakano ya tsela (rtmc), mo dilae senseng tsotlhe tsa go kgweetsa tse di kopilweng di le 32 748 tse di tlhagisitsweng mo pakeng eno, go setse go tserwe di le 42%. +",0.8433063 +"minister of transport fikile mbalula opened the rtmc licensing centres in midrand and eco park last year, in response to the backlog of expired driver’s licences due to covid19. +","tona ya dipalangwa, fikile mbalula, o butse ditikwatikwe tsa dilaesense tsa rtmc kwa midrand le eco park ngogola, go samagana le tshalelomorago ya dilaesense tsa go kgweetsa tse di feletsweng ke nako ka ntlha ya covid19. +",0.90313685 +"the driver’s licence card account, which prints the licences, is working around the clock to fasttrack production and remains on course to clear the backlog by the end of june. +","akhaonto ya dikarata tsa laesense ya go kgweetsa, e e gatisang dilaesense, e semeletse go itlhaganedisa tlhagiso mme e tswelela go nna mo dinakong go ka fedisa tshalelomorago e mo mafelong a seetebosigo. +",0.8362937 +"the rtmc says people can check the status of their application before going to the testing centre to collect it. +","rtmc ya re batho ba ka tlhola seemo sa kopo ya bona pele ba ya kwa tikwatikweng ya diteko go ya go e tsaya. +",0.8601297 +"this can be done by sms or online. +","se se ka dirwa ka sms kgotsa mo webosaeteng. +",0.866184 +"driver’s licence sms query for a driver’s licence query, applicants can sms their id number to 33214. they will then receive one of the smses below: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been processed. +","tshedimosetso mabapi le laesense ya gago ya go kgweetsa ka go romela sms go tlhola gore laesense ya gago ya go kgweetsa e tsamaya kae, modirakopo a ka romela nomoro ya id ya gagwe ka sms go 33214. o tla amogela nngwe ya disms tse di latelang: application received: the application was received, but has not yet been proces sed. +",0.8984873 +"production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. +","production queue: the card is still being processed and manufactured. +",0.921371 +"produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. +","produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days. +",0.9456793 +"however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. +","however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect. +",0.94893235 +"problem card: there is a problem with the production of your card. +","problem card: there is a problem with the production of your card. +",0.9472359 +"please return to the testing centre. +","please return to the testing centre. +",0.9115715 +"for a prdp application query, sms your id number to 44220. driver’s licence online query you can also determine the status of your application for free online. +","go tlhola gore kopo ya gago ya prpd e tsamaya kae, romela nomoro ya id ya gago mo go 44220. tshedimosetso mabapi le laesense ya gago ya go kgweetsa ka go dirisa mafaratlhatlha a inthanete o ka dirisa gape le mafaratlhatlha a inthanete go tlhola gore kopo ya gago ya laesense ya go kgweetsa e tsamaya kae ntle le go duelela tirelo eno. +",0.882612 +"visit online. +","etela online. +",0.8537292 +"natis. +","natis. +",0.8313855 +"gov. +","gov. +",0.8173841 +"za. +","za. +",0.7249429 +"create a profile and log in. +","dira porofaele mme o tsene mo go yona. +",0.7228036 +"click the status of your application on the dashboard. +","mo webesaeteng eno kgotla mo go bontshang gore o ka tlhola kopo ya gago mo teng. +",0.63574564 +"those whose licences expired between march 2020 and 31 august 2021, who missed the renewal deadline of 5 may, are advised to obtain a tempo rary driver’s licence when applying for their renewal to remain legally compliant. +","ba dilaesense tsa bona di feletsweng ke nako magareng ga mopitlwe 2020 le 31 phatwe 2021, mme ba fetilwe ke letlha la go dintšhwafatsa ka la bo 5 motsheganong 2022, ba rotloediwa go dira kopo ya laesense ya nakwana fa ba dira kopo ya go ntšhwafatsa go netefatsa gore ba tswelela go ikobela melao. +",0.877839 +"while rtmc centres are open monday to sunday from 7am to 9pm, members of the public are encouraged to take advantage of shorter queues on fridays and the weekend.","eya go tsaya karata ya laesense ya gago ya go kgweetsa vukuzenzele unnamed bakgweetsi ba ba dirileng dikopo tsa karata ya laensense ya go kgweetsa kgotsa phemiti e ntšhwa ya go kgweetsa ya porofešenale (prdp) kgotsa e o e ntšhwafaditseng magareng ga diphalane le sedimonthole ngogola go ikuelwa mo go bona gore ba tle go di tsaya. +",0.877839 +"black economic empowerment a must for growth vukuzenzele unnamed in april this year, a landmark broadbased black economic empowerment transaction was concluded in the eastern cape that significantly improves the participation of black womenowned businesses in the energy sector. +","matlafatso ya bathobantsho mo mererong ya ikonomi e tshwanetswe go diragadiwa gore kgolo e nne teng vukuzenzele unnamed mo kgweding ya moranang monongwaga kwa porofenseng ya kapa botlhaba go konoseditswe konteraka ya thendara e kgolo e e iseng e ke e bonwe e e diragatsang matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi e leng seo se tokafatsang seabe sa basadi ba bathobantsho ba ba nang le dikgwebo mo lephateng la motlakase. +",0.8528728 +"a liquid bulk fuel terminal operated by bp southern africa in east london has been sold to wasaa, an independent petrochemicals company. +","lefelo la bodutelo jwa leokwane ka mmetela la setlamo sa bp sou thern africa la kwa east london le rekiseditswe setlamo se se ikeme tseng sa dikhemikhale le maokwane sa wasaa. +",0.84107125 +"wasaa has acquired all the terminal’s moveable assets and a 20 percent share in berthtoterminal pipelines. +","wasaa e rekile didirisiwa tsotlhe tsa lefelo leno tse di kgonang go rwalwa mmogo le go reka tetla ya go nna beng ba dišere tse di ka dirang 20% tsa dipeipi tse di tswang ko leokwane le gogwang teng le tse di tshololang leokwane koo le tshololwang teng. +",0.8160187 +"with the 2020 report by the broadbased black economic empowerment commission showing that most economic sectors are falling short of their black women ownership targets, this acquisition by a black and femaleowned company of a liquid fuel terminal is a historic development. +","jaaka pegelo ya ngwaga wa 2020 e e phasaladitsweng ke khomišene ya matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi e bontsha gore makala a mantsi a a tshwereng ikonomi ga a diragatse dipeelo tse di leng teng tsa go dira basadi ba bathobantsho beng ba ditlamo, kgato eno ya go rekisetsa setlamo sa basadi ba bathobantsho lefelo la bodutelo jwa leokwane ke e nngwe ya dikgato tse dikgolo tsa tlhabololo tse di dirilweng fa e sale. +",0.8380455 +"it contributes to our national effort to redress inequality and ensure there is meaningful participation by the country’s majority in our economy. +","e na le seabe mo matsapeng a re a dirang a go baakanya maemo a baagi a go se lekane re se meno le go netefatsa gore baagi ba e leng bona ba bantsi ka fa nageng ba nna le seabe se se bonagalang mo ikonoming ya rona. +",0.86497205 +"recently, i announced the appointment of the new broadbased black economic empowerment advisory council, which comprises government, business, labour and other stakeholders. +","mo malobanyaneng ke itsisitse baagi gore go tlhomilwe lekgotla le le ntšhwa la dikeletso la merero ya matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi, mme lona le diriwa ke puso, di kgwebo, mekgatlho ya badiri mmogo le bannaleseabe ba bangwe. +",0.8573595 +"it was established to champion the cause of economic transformation. +","le tlhomilwe ka maitlhomo a go dira gore go kgonagale go fetola batsholateu mo ikonoming. +",0.72371787 +"the council has its origins in a 2001 report produced by the bee commission. +","lekgotla leno go simolotswe go buiwa ka lona lantlha mo pegelong ya ngwaga wa 2001 e e kwadilweng ke khomišene ya bee. +",0.8330462 +"this report emanated from an extensive study into the structure of the south african economy, and what was needed to transform the economy, grow black entrepreneurship, ensure greater black management and ownership of busines ses, and bring black women into the mainstream of the economy. +","pegelo eno e kwadilwe morago ga gore go diriwe dipatlisiso tse di tse neletseng ka sebopego sa ikonomi ya naga ya aforika borwa, mme dipatlisiso tseno di ne di tlhokega gore go kgonagale gore re kgone go fetola batsholateu mo ikonoming, gore re kgone go oketsa boitshi mololedikgwebo ba bathobantsho, gore re kgone go oketsa dipalo tsa bathobantsho mo diphatlhatirong tsa bolaodi jwa dikgwebo mmogo le mo go direng gore e nne beng ba dikgwebo, go akaretsa le go dira gore basadi ba bathobantsho ba tsenelele mo ikonoming e kgolo. +",0.8606584 +"next year, it will be two decades since the broadbased black economic empowerment (bbbee) act – which established the council – was passed. +","mo ngwageng yo o tlang molao wa matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi (bbbee), o o tlhodileng lekgotla la ona, o tla bo o fetsa dingwaga di le masomeamabedi o neseditswe pula go nna molao. +",0.7781913 +"our commitment to entrench and deepen economic empowerment is unwavering. +","maikemisetso a rona a go gagamatsa le go tseneletsa dikgato tsa go matlafatsa baagi mo mere rong ya ikonomi ga se a a tsewang ke phefo. +",0.75880575 +"that is why black economic empowerment is an integral part of our economic reconstruction and recovery in the wake of the covid19 pandemic. +","ke ka ntlha ya seno dikga to tsa matlafatso ya bathobantsho mo mererong ya ikonomi e leng dikgato tse di botlhokwa thata tse di tlhokegang mo go ageng sešwa le mo go tsosoloseng ikonomi ya rona go latela gore e repitliwe ke leroborobo la covid19. +",0.833506 +"this is one of the reassurances i articulated to the black business council earlier last month, where we discussed the state of bbbee in the country, the progress that has been made and what we need to do as a collective to build on our gains. +","ntlha eno ke e nngwe ya tse ke di totobaditseng fa ke ne ke bua le mokgatlho wa bagwebi ba bathobantsho kwa tshimologong ya kgwedi e e fetileng, fa re ne re buisana ka seo se tla diragalang ka bbbee ka fa nageng, tema e e setseng e ntshitswe mmogo le seo re tshwanetseng go se dira re le seoposengwe go ka ntsha tema le go feta mo go eo re setseng re e ntshitse. +",0.8620715 +"while there has been significant progress over the last two decades, there are some areas where there has been regression. +","le fa go nnile le tema e kgolo e e dirilweng mo dingwageng di le masomeamabedi a a fetileng, go na le dikarolo dingwe tse di re buse ditseng morago. +",0.825806 +"we have gone backwards when it comes to increasing black management control, upscaling skills development, entrenching enterprise deve lopment and broadening procurement to give opportunities to black women and the youth. +","re boetse morago thata fa go tla mo go oketseng palo ya batlhankedi ba balaodi, fa go tla mo go oketseng tlhatlhelelo ka bo kgoni, fa go tla mo go tlhabololeng dikgwebo tse dikgolo mmogo le fa go tla mo go oketseng ditšhono mo dithendareng gore re kgone go di neela basadi ba bathobantsho mmogo le bašwa. +",0.84366703 +"the apartheid government deliberately built a distorted economy designed to benefit white people. +","puso ya tlhaolele e dirile ka bomo fa e aga ikonomi ya maaka e e neng e unngwela basweu. +",0.8225075 +"the majority of south africans were marginalised from the mainstream economy, with black entrepreneurs confined to small retail industries in the townships. +","baagi ba e leng bona ba bantsi mo nageng ya afo rika borwa ba ne ba kgaramelediwa kgakala le ditšhono tse dikgolo tse di botlhokwa mo ikonoming, mo baitlhamedikgwebo ba bathobantsho ba neng ba sa letlelelwa go ka nna le dikgwebo felo gongwe ntle fela le kwa diintasetering tse dinnye tsa kwa makeišeneng. +",0.8568267 +"at the end of apartheid, black ownership of jselisted companies was less than 1 percent. +","fa puso ya tlhaolele e ne e phu tlhama, beng ba dikgwebo tse di leng mo lenaaneng la go gwebisana la jse tseo e leng tsa bathobantsho ba ne ba le bontsinyanafela jwa ka fa tlase ga phesente e le nngwe. +",0.8303909 +"this figure has not improved much in the past 28 years. +","palo eno le jaanong morago ga dingwaga di le 28 ga e ise e fetoge go le kalo. +",0.81578934 +"at the same time, there have been important private sector initiatives and deliberate measures by the state to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of black people in the economy. +","le fa go le jalo, go na le ma tsholo a a botlhokwa a lekala la poraefete mmogo le dikgato tse di sekametseng ka fa letlhakoreng la bathobantsho tse di tserweng ke puso go thusa gore bathobantsho ba bantsi ba nne le seabe mo ikonoming. +",0.8222581 +"between 2017 and 2020, nearly 500 empowerment transactions were submitted for registration to the bbbee commission. +","go simolola ka ngwaga wa 2017 go fitlha ka wa 2020, go rometswe dikopo tsa matlafatso ya bathobantsho di ka nna 500 kwa khomišeneng ya bbbee gore di kwadisiwe. +",0.8594893 +"in key sectors such as construction, property, information and communications technology, tourism and transport, black ownership has exceeded targets. +","mo maphateng a a botlhokwa a a jaaka a go aga, a dintlo, a tlhokomelo ya didirisiwa tsa tshedimosetso le tsa thekenoloji, a bojanala le a dipalangwa, teng dipeelo tsa go dira gore batho bantsho e nne bona beng ka bontsi di diragaditswe go feta le ka fao go neng go lebeletswe. +",0.8734907 +"economic transformation and economic growth are intertwined. +","go fetola batsholateu mo ikonoming mmogo le go godisa ikonomi ke monwana le lenala. +",0.77650523 +"there cannot be one without the other. +","e nngwe e ka se kgonege go nna teng ntle le e nngwe. +",0.8343185 +"by integrating transformation into the process of industrialisation, we are advancing a more inclusive growth model that shares, rather than concentrates, wealth. +","ka go dira gore pulo ya difeme e tsamaelane le ya go fetola batshola teu, re tla bo re godisa thulaganyo e e dirang gore kgolo ya ikonomi e nne e e ikaegileng ka batho botlhe e e dirang gore batho ba kgaogane ditšhono go na le go dira gore ditšhono di bokane fela mo letlhakoreng le le lengwe. +",0.8409729 +"the department of trade, industry and competition (dtic) is pursuing this goal through various programmes. +","lefapha la kgwebisano, inta seteri le dikgaisano tsa dikgwebo (dtic) le samagane le ntlha eno ka matsholo a a farologaneng. +",0.8352531 +"they include a support programme for township businesses, exportrelated training by the industrial development corporation (idc) to black, women and youthowned businesses, and increased infrastructure budget to smmes in the tshwane special economic zone. +","ona ke la go ema nokeng dikgwebo mo makeišeneng, matsholo a tlha tlhelelo ka kitso e e tsamaisanang le ya dikgwebo tse di gwebisa nang le tsa dinaga tsa kwa ntle a a diragadiwang ke koporasi ya tlhabololo ya diintaseteri (idc) a a tlhatlhelelang beng ba di kgwebo tseno ba e leng bathobantsho, basadi le bašwa, mmogo le ka go oketsa madi a a beelwang kwa thoko go dirisiwa mo mererong ya dikgwebopotlana, tse dikgolwana le tse dikgolo (dismme) mo mafe long a a itlhophileng a ikonomi (sez) a tshwane. +",0.8475522 +"through sectoral masterplans we are driving localisation that benefits black owned businesses. +","ka maano a dikonokono a makala a a maleba re kgona go diragatsa ditharabololo tse di tsamaisanang le seemo sa ka fa nageng tse di unngwelang dikgwebo tsa bathobantsho. +",0.8052432 +"for example, 10 black contract growers have been established with an investment of r336 million as part of the poultry masterplan. +","go naya motlhala, go tswile dikonteraka di le 10 go neelwa bathuthusi ba dikgogo tse mo go tsona go beeleditsweng madi a le kanaka r336 milione mme seno ke karolo ya leano la konokono la dikgogo. +",0.8203416 +"government has also launched a black exporters network that will connect blackowned companies in food, engineering products, auto components, beauty products and other sectors of the economy. +","puso e thankgolotse gape le mokgatlho wa batlhankedi ba bathobantsho ba ba gwebisanang le dinaga tsa kwa ntle mme ona o tla golaganya beng ba ditlamo tsa bathobantsho tsa dijo, tsa didirisiwa tsa boenjenere, tsa diphatse tsa dijanaga, tsa melemo ya bo mmabontle le tsa makala a mangwe a ikonomi. +",0.8867235 +"as part of our drive to create a new generation of black industrialists, last year government approved r2.5 billion in new support to about 180 black industrialists in the form of loans from the idc and national empowerment fund (nef) and grants from the dtic incentive scheme. +","jaaka e le karolo ya letsholo la rona la go tlisa beng ba difeme ba bantšhwa ba bathobantsho, mo ngwageng yo o fetileng puso e neseditse pula matlole a le kanaka dibilione tsa diranta di le 2.5 e leng a tshegetso e ntšhwa go tshegetsa beng ba difeme ba bathobantsho ba le 180 ka go ba adima madithuso mo go idc le mo setheong sa naga sa matlole a matlafatso (nef) mmogo le go ba naya matlole a go ba thusa go tswa mo setheong sa merokotso sa dtic. +",0.8993573 +"over the next three years a further r21 billion has been committed by the idc, nef and other institutions to support black industrialists. +","idc, nef le ditheo tse dingwe di ikanne gore mo dingwageng tse tharo tse re di lebileng di tla tlamela beng ba difeme tsa bathobantsho ka dibilione tsa diranta di le 21. dibilione tse dingwe gape di le 25 di beetswe kwa thoko go dirisediwa go ema nokeng bathobantsho, basadi, bašwa le ditlamo tse di laolwang ke badiredi ba tsona. +",0.83005655 +"an additional r25 billion has been committed to support black, women, youth and workerowned companies. +","go mo pepeneneng gore ke dilo tse dintsi tse di santseng di tlhoka go ka diriwa go samagana le dikgwetlho tse dikgwebo tsa bathobantsho di santseng di kopana le tsona. +",0.54201835 +"it is clear that much more work needs to be done to address the many challenges that black businesses face. +","tsona ke dikgwe tlho tsa go iponela matlole a go simolola kgwebo le a go e godisa mmogo le bokgoni jwa dismme jwa go ipatlela dimaraka tse di ka di rekisetsang ditlhagisiwa tsa tsona. +",0.5791777 +"this includes the difficulty of accessing startup and expansion capital and the ability of smmes to find markets for their products. +","dikgwebo tsa basadi ba bathobantsho segolobogolo di tsamaya di kgopiwa ke dikgwetlho fa go tla mo go direng gore di kgone go tsaya ditiro tse dikgolo tse di ka ba matlafatsang. +",0.68407667 +"black womenowned businesses, in particular, encounter difficulties in taking on largescale empowerment transactions. +","go fedisa tshotlego ka dikgato tsa go matlafatsa bathobantsho mo mererong ya ikonomi ga se fela selo se se botlhokwa mo maitsholong a rona; gape ke selo se se tla tswelang dikgwebo mosola. +",0.62864244 +"breaking the cycle of underdevelopment through black economic empowerment is not just a moral imperative; it also makes business sense. +","go tswelela go se neele batho ba bantsho ditšhono mo maemong a a botlhokwa a ikonomi ba e leng bona batho ba bantsi ka fa nageng ke sona selo se se dirang gore ikonomi e se gole, mme seno kwa bofelong se imetsa dikgwebo tsotlhe. +",0.7274414 +"the continued exclusion of the black majority from the economy’s mainstream constrains economic growth, which ultimately impacts all business. +","go oketsa dipalo tsa batho ba ba itshimololelang dikgwebo ka fa nageng go botlhokwa mo go direng gore kgolo e nne teng. +",0.650046 +"expanding the country’s entrepreneurial base is fundamental to growth. +","rotlhe re na le maikarabelo a re tshwanetseng go a tshwaraganela a go dira matsapa gore bbbee e kgone go tsenelela gonne mosola wa yona ke go fedisa go se lekane re se meno. +",0.6144468 +"we have a shared responsibility to drive the effort to entrench bbbee because it is about eradicating inequality. +","ikonomi e e sa boneng baagi ba yona ka leitlho le le lengwe e dira gore baagi ba yona ba se lekalekane, mme fa baagi ba sa lekalekane ga go a ke ga nna le kgolo e e atlegang. +",0.6462988 +"unequal economies breed unequal societies, and unequal societies don’t grow and flourish. +","fa balaodi ba dikgwebo le beng ba dikgwebo bontsi e le basweu fela kgotsa e le banna fela, seno ga se fela gore ke phoso, seno gape ke selo se se tla dirang gore 'kgwebo tseo di se nnele ruri. +",0.62643623 +"it is not only wrong, but also unsustainable, for businesses to keep their management and ownership structures mostly white or male. +","kana dilo tse ba di rekisang mmogo le ditirelo tse ba di rekisang di rekiwa ke baagi ba ba farologa neng ba aforika borwa. +",0.5864924 +"it is, after all, the south african public that are the primary consumers of their goods and services. +","ka jalo seno se tshwanetse go ipontsha mo bathong ba ba thapilweng le mo ba ba thapilweng mo maemong a bolaodi jwa dikgwebo tseno, mo bathong bao e leng beng ba tsona le mo dikgwebong tseo dikgwebo tseno di di neelang dithendara. +",0.6372624 +"this should be reflected in diversity of hiring and management practices, in ownership and in procurement. +","matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi e tla atlega fa fela botlhe ba ba amegang ba dirisana mmogo le go nna le maikemisetso a a tshwanang a go fetola batsholateu. +",0.6115792 +"broadbased black economic empowerment will only be achieved through partnership and a shared commitment to transformation. +","go tlhomiwa ga lekgotla le lentšhwa la bbbee go tla re thusa go oketsa mo dikgato tsa rona di feletseng teng tsa matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi. +",0.68263954 +"the appointment of the new bbbee council will help us to expand the frontiers of broadbased black economic empowerment. +","matlafatso ya bathobantsho mo mererong ya ikonomi e tshwanetswe go diragadiwa gore kgolo e nne teng vukuzenzele unnamed mo kgweding ya moranang monongwaga kwa porofenseng ya kapa botlhaba go konoseditswe konteraka ya thendara e kgolo e e iseng e ke e bonwe e e diragatsang matlafatso ya bathobantsho ka bophara mo mererong ya ikonomi e leng seo se tokafatsang seabe sa basadi ba bathobantsho ba ba nang le dikgwebo mo lephateng la motlakase. +",0.68263954 +"rising cost of living calls for a united response over the past few months, south african consumers have been hit by steep price increases that have dramatically affected their quality of life. +","ditlhwatlhwa tse di tlhatlogetseng kwa godimo tsa go reka dilo tse re iphedisang ka tsona ditlhoka gore re di tseele dikgato re le seoposengwe mo dikgweding di le mmalwa tse di fetileng boleng jwa matshelo a maaforika borwa bo wetse kwa tlase ka ntlha ya ditlhwatlhwa tse di tlhatlogetseng kwa godimo thata tsa go reka dilo tse ba iphedisang ka tsona. +",0.83597577 +"it has become increasingly more expensive to buy food and other essentials, to pay for basic services and to use public or private transportation. +","jaanong go boima go duelela dijo le dilwana dingwe tse di botlhokwa, go duelela ditirelo tse di botlhokwa mmogo le go duelela mareu mo dipalangweng tseo di dirisiwang ke setšhaba kgotsa go tshela mafura mo dipalangweng tsa bona. +",0.8459821 +"while these rising costs affect everyone, lowincome households are feeling them the most. +","le fa tota go tlhatloga ga ditlhwatlhwa tseno go ama matshelo a batho botlhe, malapa a a iponelang letseno le le sa reng sepe ona a goga boima go gaisa a mangwe. +",0.80430686 +"the latest consumer price index for april 2022 published by stats sa shows there has been little respite for hardpressed south africans. +","lenane la ditlhwatlhwa tse bareki ba rekang ka tsona la kgwedi ya moranang 2022 le le phasaladitsweng sešweng jaana ke lefapha la dipalopalo la aforika borwa (stats sa) le bontsha sentle gore ga go gokalo go go dirilweng go thusa maaforika borwa a a gogang boima go gaisa. +",0.8610136 +"food inflation was recorded at 6.2 per cent. +","ditlhwatlhwa tsa dijo di oketsegile ka dipalo tse di kwa godimodimo ka diperesente di le 6.2. ditlhwatlhwa tse dintsi tsa dijo tse di tlhokagalang go gaisa di feta tsa mo ngwageng yo o fetileng ka palo e e boitshegang, mo re bonang didirisiwa tse di dirisiwang thata tse di jaaka mafura ditlhwatlhwa tsa teng di tlhatlogileng thata. +",0.6893965 +"the most basic foodstuffs cost more than a year ago, with staples like cooking oil recording the highest increases. +","tlhwatlhwa ya leokwane, eo e nang le seabe se segolo mo ditlhwatlhweng tsa dilo tse dingwe tsotlhe, e tlhatlogile ka bogolo jwa makgetlo a le mararo mo dikgweding di le 12 go fitlha ka kgwedi ya mopitlwe 2022. leru leno ga le a wela fela naga ya aforika borwa. +",0.6769658 +"the price of fuel, which affects the price of almost everything else, has risen by a third in the twelve months to march 2022. south africa is not alone in this regard. +","lenaneo la dipatlisiso ka go botsolotsa baagi dipotso la kopano ya foramo ya merero ya ikonomi ya lefatshe le le phasaladitsweng sešweng jaana le bontsha gore kotara ya palo yotlhe ya baagi mo lefatsheng lotlhe, mmogo le kwa dinageng tse di sa tlhokeng, ba goga boima ka ntlha ya ditlhwatlhwa tse di tlhatlogetseng kwa godimo. +",0.6849546 +"a recently published poll for the world economic forum shows that nearly a quarter of people globally, including those in developed economies, are struggling financially due to rising prices. +","go tlhatloga ga ditlhwatlhwa tseno, segolo jang go tlhatloga ga leokwane, ke ditlamorago tsa ditiragalo tse re ka se kgoneng go di laola. +",0.6307837 +"these increases, particularly the price of fuel, are the consequence of events over which we have little control. +","ntwa e e runtseng magareng ga naga ya russia le ukraine e nnile le seabe se segolo se se sa itumediseng mo ditlhwatlhweng tsa leokwane le tsa dijo. +",0.60653144 +"the ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine has had a significant impact on the price of fuel and food. +","dinaga tseno ka bobedi di na le seabe se segolo thata mo go tlameleng dinaga tsa boditšhabatšhaba ka manyora, mabele le dithapo tse go gonyololwang mafura a go apaya mo go tsona mmogo le go dirisediwa ditiro tse dingwe tse dintsi. +",0.6715454 +"both countries are major exporters to international markets of fertilisers, grains and oilseeds that are needed for a range of items such as cooking oil. +","tse dingwe tsa ditiragalo tse re ka se kgoneng go di laola tse di dirileng gore ditlhwatlhwa di tlhatloge ke kotulo e e kwa tlase e re nnileng le yona ka ntlha ya go senngwa ga dijalo ke phetogo ya maemo a loapi, go tshwana le merwalela e e gogotseng dijalo le komelelo e e nnileng teng. +",0.69042325 +"another factor is lower agricultural output due to extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as flooding and droughts. +","le fa bontsi jwa ditiragalo tseno re ka se kgone go di laola, puso e leka ka natla go dira gore ga jaanong le mo isagong maaforika borwa a se imelwe ke koketsego ya ditlhwatlhwa. +",0.63278145 +"while many of these events are beyond our control, government is doing what it can to shield the south african from current and future price increases. +","e nngwe ya dintlha tse di re tswelang mosola re le naga ke banka e kgoloe e e nang le maatla e e ikemetseng ya naga e e kgonneng go dira gore phetogo ya ditlhwatlhwa e se tswe mo taolong, gore e se fete eo dinaga tse dingwe di le dintsi mo lefatsheng di itemogelang yona. +",0.69304365 +"one of our greatest advantages as a country is a strong, independent reserve bank that has managed to keep inflation within a narrow target range, well below what many other countries are experiencing. +","mo malobeng re itsisitse setšhaba gore dituelelo tsa leokwane di tla tswelela go nna di sa tlhatloge ka sebaka se sengwe gape sa dikgwedi di le pedi go fitlha ka kgwedi ya phatwe, mme seno se tla dira gore malapa a le mantsi a se goge boima go feta tekano. +",0.6704267 +"we recently announced that the fuel levy will be suspended for another two months to august, which will bring some relief to households. +","dikgato tseno di thusitse maaforika borwa gore a se rwale joko e e boima eno fa e sale moranang a roga. +",0.61184514 +"the suspension of the levy has provided essential relief to south africans since it began in april. +","ka ntlha ya fa dituelelo tsa leokwane di tsamaya le dituelelo tse dingwe tse madi a teng a tsenang mo sekgwameng sa puso, mme madi ao a dirisediwa go diragatsa matsholo a a botlho kwa a puso, go ka se kgonagale gore dikgato tseno go itshegediwe ka tsona go ya go ile. +",0.6297989 +"since the suspension of the levy comes at a significant cost to public finances, which affects other programmes of government, it will be difficult to continue this indefinitely. +","le fa go le jalo, go na le dikgato dingwe tse re ka di tsayang. +",0.26660663 +"there are, however, other things we can do. +","gore re kgone go mekamekana le seno gompieno le mo nakong e e tlang, go botlhokwa gore re tlhabolole dikgato tsa rona tsa go netefatsa gore ga re tlhaele dijo. +",0.48474902 +"improving our nation’s food security is vital to withstanding this and future shocks. +","lekala le re nang le lona la temothuo le na le maatla e bile le tswelela go gola le go tlhola ditiro. +",0.5827423 +"we have a strong agricultural sector that continues to grow and create jobs. +","mo go oketseng ditlhagisiwa tse re di kotulang le mo go gagamatseng dikgato tsa go dira gore re se tlhaelwe ke dijo, re samagana le go dira dipeeletso tse di seng kana ka sepe mo go direng gore re kgone go nna le bokgoni jo bo lekaneng ka fa nageng, mo go emeng nokeng ka go tshwana balemirui ba bagwebi le ba ba sa kotuleng ditlhagisiwa tse dintsi ka fa nageng mmogo le mo go thuseng batho ba bangwe ba bantsi go itemela dijo ka bobona. +",0.6543012 +"to further increase agricultural production and strengthen our food sovereignty, we are investing heavily in improving local capacity, supporting commercial and smallscale farmers alike and helping more people to grow their own food. +","ka go sola mosola letsholo la maditshegetso a go tlhola ditiro la moporesitente, balemirui bao ba tshotseng dipolasa tse dinnye ba feta ba le 65 000 ba neilwe diboutšhara tsa go ba thusa, mme go samaganwe le tiro ya gore go fitlhelelwe go ba le 250 000. puso e samagane gape le tiro ya go ema nokeng balemirui ba ba itemelang dijo tse ba iphedisang ka tsona ka go ba rekela manyora le didirisiwa tsa go lema gore ba kgone go itirela dijo, mmogo le go thusa batho go ijalela mo ditshingwaneng tsa bona. +",0.77073485 +"through the presidential employment stimulus, input vouchers have been given to over 65,000 smallholder farmers, and work is underway to reach 250,000 such farmers. +","kwa diporofenseng di tshwana le ya bokone bophirima, balemirui bao ba tshotseng dipolasa tse dinnye ba neelwa sata le dikgogo ke puso e e dirisanang mmogo le dikholeje tsa moo tsa dithuto tsa temothup gore ba kgone go itshimololela. +",0.7006176 +"government is also providing subsistence farmers with fertilisers and equipment to produce food, and helping groups or individuals to start their own food gardens. +","ka go diragatsa ka bonako maano a go neelana ka 'naga mmogo le go neelana ka 'naga ya puso gore e dirisediwe merero ya temothuo, re ema nokeng balemirui ba bangwe ba bantsi bao ba tshotseng dipolasa tse dinnye gore ba kgone gore ka tsona ba godise dikgwebo tsa bona le go dira gore di kgone go atlega mme e nne balemirui ba bagwebi. +",0.7498393 +"in provinces like north west, smallscale farmers are supported with agricultural ‘starterpacks’ of seedlings and poultry, in partnership with local agricultural colleges. +","re samagane gape le go nna le tirisanommogo magareng ga puso le maphata a poraefete gore re kgone go oketsa palo ya balemirui ba bathobantsho mo dikgwebong tsa temo ka go diragatsa matsholo a tshwana le badirisanimmogo mo ditharabololong tsa temothuo le kabo ya dinaga mmogo le a setheo sa merero ya tlhabololo ya temothuo. +",0.75468624 +"through the proactive land acquisition strategy and the release of stateowned land for agriculture, we are supporting more smallscale farmers to expand their businesses and make them commercially successful. +","mo go gagamatseng dikgato tsa pabalesego ya ditshedi le tsa go tlhokomela malwetse a diphologolo a a jaaka jwa tlhako le molomo, re gagamatsa dikgato tsa go letlelela diphologolo go isiwa kwa le kwa mmogo le tsa tlhagiso ya meento ya diphologolo. +",0.72455716 +"we are also focusing on establishing more publicprivate partnerships to support the expansion of black commercial farming through initiatives like the partners in agri land solutions and the agricultural development agency. +","mo godimo ga go ema nokeng tlhagiso ya dijo ka fa nageng, dikgato tse di jaaka tsa go oketsa megolo ya puso ya go thusa baagi mmogo le tsa go dira gore ditlhwatlhwa tsa didirisiwa tse di botlhokwa di se namelele di mosola mo go thibeleng gore batho ba ba humanegileng ba se gobelelwe ke ditlhwatlhwa tse di tsweletseng go tlhatlogela kwa godimo. +",0.7379229 +"to enhance biosecurity and safeguard animal health against diseases like footandmouth, we are strengthening our animal movement control measures and vaccine production capabilities. +","ka go tlamela malapa a a humanegileng ka ditirelo tse di botlhokwa tse ba sa di dueleleng, re kgona go dira bonnete jwa gore ga go na lelapa le le kgaolelwang ditirelo tse di botlhokwa tseno. +",0.6397569 +"in addition to boosting local food production, our extensive social grants system and zerorating of basic goods helps to protect the poor from rising costs. +","gore re tshwamole mo diatleng tsa paka e e bokete eno, rotlhe re le setšhaba re tshwanetse go nna le seabe. +",0.56831664 +"through free basic services like water and electricity for indigent households, we can ensure that no family goes without basic services. +","seabe se re tla nnang le sona ke gore, puso e tla tswelela go ela maemo tlhoko mmogo le go dira sengwe le sengwe se se mo matleng a yona go sireletsa maaforika borwa gore a se iphitlhele a tshelela mo ditlhwatlhweng tse di tlhatlogang ka tsela e e seng mo taolong mo ba ka iphitlhelang ba palelwa ke go reka dilwana tse ba iphedisang ka tsona. +",0.6644067 +"to get through this difficult period, all of society should get involved. +","koporasi ya aforika borwa e tshwanetse go dira bonnete jwa gore bareki ga ba iphitlhele ba duelela ditlhwatlhwa tsa dijo ka madi a a fetang boleng jwa tsona. +",0.52255005 +"for our part, government will continue to monitor the situation closely and will do everything within its power to protect south africans from unsustainable increases in the cost of living. +","re itumedisiwa ke seo batlhagisi ba dijo le barekisi ba tsona ba se umakileng fa ba re ba samagane le dikgato tse di tla dirang gore bareki ba kgone go ka reka dilwana tse dintsinyana ka madi a bona. +",0.6734767 +"corporate south africa should ensure that consumers do not pay more for food than they have to. +","mo kgweding ya mopitlwe monongwaga khomišene e e okameng merero ya dikgaisano tsa dikgwebo e phasaladitse melawana e e tshwanetsweng go latelwa mo mererong ya go dira dipatlisiso mo mebarakeng ya dijo tse di foreše gore baagi ba ntshe se se mo mafatlheng a bona ka ga yona. +",0.6615935 +"we welcome the indications from food manufacturers and retailers that they are putting measures in place to help consumers get more for their money. +","go nopotswe gore ditlhwatlhwa tsa dijo tse di foreše di tlhatlogile ka ditlhwatlhwa tse di kwa godimo go gaisa tseo di beetsweng tsa infoleišene, mme seno se tlisa tlhokego ya tekatekano e e seng kana ka sepe mo bathong ba ba humanegileng. +",0.68822074 +"in march this year the competition commission released for public comment the terms of reference for a market enquiry into the fresh produce market. +","mo dikgatong tseno go tla lebelelwa gore a go na le ditiragalo tse di seng tsa boammaruri mo lephateng la dikgwebo tse di dirang gore dijo di tlhatlosiwe ka ditlhwatlhwa tse di kwa godimo. +",0.6487247 +"it noted that the cost of fresh produce has been increasing at aboveinflation levels, and that this has had a disproportionate effect on the poor. +","fela jaaka re dirile mo nakong ya leroborobo la covid19, re tla dirisa pholisi ya rona ya dikgaisano tsa dikgwebo go thibela gore bareki ba se reke dilwana ka ditlhwatlhwa tse di kwa godimo tse di okediwang ka tsela e e seng mo molaong mmogo le go thibela ditiragalo tsa go gaisana tse di seng mo molaong wa dikgwebo. +",0.68041074 +"the inquiry will examine if there are any distortions in the value chain that make food more expensive. +","dikgato tse re tsweletseng ka tsona tsa go fetola batsholateu mo mererong ya ikonomi di tla kgona go ema nokeng dikgato tseno. +",0.5829654 +"we will use our competition policy to protect consumers against unjustifiable price increases and anticompetitive practices by businesses, as we did during the covid19 pandemic. +","maitlhomo a diphetogo tseno mo lephateng la motlakase, la dipalangwa le la mafaratlhatlha a ditlhaeletsano ke go fokotsa ditlhwatlhwa tsa motlakase, tsa dituelelo tsa dijanaga tse di rwalang dithoto mmogo le go fokotsa ditlhwatlhwa tsa data mo pakeng e telele e e tlang ka go oketsa dikgaisano le ditirelo tse di manontlhotlho. +",0.6792712 +"the ongoing process of structural reform of our economy will support these efforts. +","mo nakong e e tlang ditirelo tseno ga re a tshwanela go di duelela ka dituelelo tse di kwa godimo thata jaaka go le ga jaana. +",0.5538658 +"reforms in the energy, transport and telecommunications sectors aim to reduce the cost of electricity, logistics and data in the long term through greater competition and efficiency. +","ditlhwatlhwa tse di tlhatlogetseng kwa godimo tsa go reka dilo tse re iphedisang ka tsona ditlhoka gore re di tseele dikgato re le seoposengwe mo dikgweding di le mmalwa tse di fetileng boleng jwa matshelo a maaforika borwa bo wetse kwa tlase ka ntlha ya ditlhwatlhwa tse di tlhatlogetseng kwa godimo thata tsa go reka dilo tse ba iphedisang ka tsona. +",0.5538658 +"our nation mourns the young lives lost in enyobeni tavern tragedy vukuzenzele unnamed a few weeks ago the families of a township in scenery park outside east london, received news that every parent prays they never get to hear. +","naga ya rona e santse e le mo kutlobotlhokong ya setlhogo se se diragetseng kwa ntlong ya notagi ya enyobeni moo bašwa ba le bantsi ba latlhegetsweng ke matshelo a bona vukuzenzele unnamed mo dibekeng di le mmalwa tse di fetileng mo matsheng a latshipi, malapa a baagi ba kwa lekeišeneng la scenery park gaufi le east london, ba amogetse dikgang tse di busula tse motsadi yo mongwe le yo mongwe a rapelang gore le ka la motlholo di se fitlhe mo 'tsebeng ya gagwe. +",0.876513 +"they were told that 21 of their children had been found dead, in a tavern. +","dikgang di ne di re ditopo tsa bana ba le 21 di lalane kwa ntlong ya notagi ya mo motseng wa bona. +",0.77066904 +"the youngest child was only 13 years old. +","yo monnye mo go bona botlhe e ne e le ngwana wa dingwaga di le 13. dipatlisiso tsa mapodisi mo ntlheng eno di ntse di tsamaya ka thelelo. +",0.67477167 +"the police investigation into the tragedy is proceeding apace. +","go tswa mo dipatlisisong tseno, masepala wa teropokgolo ya buffalo city o tla atlhaatlha dintlha tsa gore ntlo eno ya notagi e robile melao ya masepala kgotsa jang. +",0.61930364 +"flowing from the investigations, the buffalo city metro is looking into whether the tavern violated any municipal regulations. +","re akgola puso ya porofense ya kapa botlhaba jaaka e ne ya ema nokeng malapa a a wetsweng ke leru leno, re akgola gape le setlamo sa go boloka batho ba ba tlhokafetseng sa avbob jaaka se dirile maikano a gore se tla thusa malapa a a wetsweng ke leru leno ka ditirelo tsa poloko. +",0.65447277 +"our thoughts and prayers are with the families who are struggling to come to terms with this unspeakable horror. +","le fa ditheo tse di matshwanedi tsa molao di samagane le go batlisisa gore go ka tswa go diragetse eng gore kwa bofelong ba ba latlhegetsweng ba nne le phimolakeledi, re le baagi ba naga eno re tshwanetse go nna fatshe re lebelaneng ka fo matlhong re buisane ka kgang eno. +",0.64068663 +"we commend the eastern cape provincial government for assisting the affected families, as well as avbob that has pledged to assist the families with the burials. +","re tshwanetse go atlhaatlha kgang eno ya go itshiela ga bana ba dingwaga tsa bona di sa ba letleng go bo ba nwa notagi. +",0.6189794 +"even as the relevant authorities deconstruct what happened to ensure there is justice for the victims, there is a conversation we do need to have as a country. +","mo inthaneteng ditshwantsho le dibidio tse di fofa fofang mo mafaratlhatlheng a ditlhaeletsano tsa moletlonyana oo o o bediwang ‘mokete wa go itumelela go wetsa ditlhatlhobo’ kwa lefelong leo mo bosigong ba teng go bonagala fela bana ba ba santseng ba nkga mekgato ba huparetse mabotlolo a notagi. +",0.6339641 +"it is the problem of underage drinking. +","bontsi jwa bona mo ditshwantshong tseno bo bonagala e santse e le maseanyana. +",0.48690653 +"the footage and images posted online of the socalled ‘pens down’ party at the venue that night show revelling youngsters clutching bottles of alcohol. +","bašwa ba le bantsinyana kwa scenery park ba boleletse boradikgang gore bona ba bone papatso mo mafaratlhatlheng a ditlhaeletsano, mo go neng go twe mo bosigong joo ba ba tla tlang kwa moletlong oo ba tla neelwa notagi mahala. +",0.75842226 +"many of those in the images look barely out of their teens. +","bašwa ba ba itshielang gore ba ikutlwe ba tshwana le ditsala tsa bona go tlhatloga ga palo ya bona ke bothata jo bogolo mo nageng ya rona eo bontsi jwa baagi ba yona, go ya ka mokgatlho wa lefatshe wa merero ya boitekanelo, o o reng bontsi jwa baagi ba ka fa nageng ba ba itshielang ba setse ba wetse ka tlhogo ka fa nkgong. +",0.62818015 +"a number of young people from scenery park have told the media of having seen a post circulated on social media, offering free rounds of alcohol to all who attended the event that night. +","fa bašwa ba itshiela seno se dira gore ba se itlhaloganye sentle, ba tshabe sekolo, ba gobale kwa bojalweng, ba nagane gore ba ka ipolaya le go leka go ipolaya, mmogo le go ipaya mo kotsing. +",0.6738676 +"the increased social acceptability of young people drinking alcohol has become a serious problem in a country where the majority of the drinking population are already classified by the world health organization as binge drinkers. +","re tshwanetse go ema ka lefoko le le lengwe mo go lwantshaneng le sera seno se se ripitlang bašwa ba naga ya rona jaaka se ba fokoletsa matsatsi a bona a botshelo, le go ba dira gore ba gosomela ka tlhogo ka fa nkgong. +",0.66954976 +"alcohol use amongst adolescents is associated with impaired function, absenteeism from learning, alcoholrelated injuries, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and risky behaviour. +","re le malapa go raya gore re tla tshwanela ke go nna fatshe re bue puo pha ka matsapa a notagi mmogo le go baya melao ya lelapa e e sa tshwanelwang go tlolwa. +",0.6903678 +"we must come together to combat this vice that is robbing our young people of the best years of their lives, and making them susceptible to alcohol addiction. +","bana ba ba nang le dingwaga tse di ka fa tlase ga di le 18 molao ga o ba letlelele go itshiela. +",0.47488075 +"as families it means having open and frank conversations about alcohol and setting boundaries. +","jaaka bagodi re tshwanetse go kgaotsa go roma bana gore ba ye go re rekela notagi kgotsa gona go dumela gore bašwa bano ba re neeletse gore re ba rekele notagi. +",0.66360676 +"children under the age of 18 consuming alcohol is against the law. +","ga se lantlha re kopana le matsapa ano a a tshwanang le seo se diragetseng kwa scenery park. +",0.42435902 +"as adults we should refrain from practices such as sending minors to buy alcohol for us or capitulating to requests to buy these young people alcohol. +","matsapa ano a a diragetseng kwa ntlong ya notagi ya enyobeni a diragetse gape le kwa lefelong la go nwela bojalwa la throb kwa durban ka ngwaga wa 2000, seno se diragetse gape le kwa ntlong ya notagi ya osi kwa khayelitsha ka ngwaga wa 2015, mo mafelo ano le ona a neng a rekisetsa bana ba bannye notagi. +",0.64325196 +"it is not the first time we have been confronted with tragic events such as what happened in scenery park last week. +","setlwaedi seno sa gore mafelo a a rekisang notagi a tlole molao a sa iphetlhe le go iphitlha ke sesupo sa gore ditheo tsa molao tsa rona di retelelwa ke go dira tiro ya tsona ka manontlhotlho. +",0.5635487 +"a common denominator between enyobeni tavern, the throb nightclub disaster in durban in 2000, and the osi’s tavern tragedy in khayelitsha in 2015, is that these establishments were selling liquor to minors. +","go ya ka molao wa naga wa notagi, beng ba mafelo a a rekisang notagi a a neilweng dilaesense tsa go e rekisa ga ba tshwanela go rekisetsa ope fela yo a nang le dingwaga tse di ka fa tlase ga di le 18 notagi. +",0.62815773 +"the proliferation of establishments openly flouting the law points to failings on the part of authorities to enforce regulations. +","molao o ba gapeletsa gore ba tshwanetse go tsaya dikgato tse di utlwagalang go netefatsa gore mongwe le mongwe yo ba mo rekisetsang notagi o na le dingwaga tse di tshwanetseng. +",0.68332446 +"under the national liquor act, owners of establishments with liquor licenses may not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. they must also take reasonable steps to ensure anyone they are selling alcohol to is of age. +","re ikuela mo baaging go thusana le ditheo tsa molao go netefatsa gore dintlo tsa notagi, mafelo a go rekisetsa bojalwa, mafelo a go tlhaba kgobe ka mmutla mmogo le mafelo a bojalwa bo rekwang mo go ona ao a tlolang molao letsogo la molao le tobana le bona. +",0.69425654 +"we call on communities to work with authorities to ensure that taverns, shebeens, entertainment venues and outlets breaking the law face the consequences. +","re ikuela mo mapodising go samagana ka tshwanelo le melao e e thibelang gore notagi e se rekisiwe gaufi le sekolo mmogo le go tlhoma leitlho mafelo a a rekisang notagi go netefatsa gore a se e rekisetse bana ba bannye. +",0.7622913 +"we call upon our police to step up the enforcement of laws that prohibit the sale of alcohol close to schools and enhance monitoring of outlets to ensure alcohol is not being sold to minors. +","ntlha e nngwe e e botlhokwa ke gore ditiragalo tsa go itshiela ga bašwa ke ditiragalo tsa go ikentsha bodutu go nne mo metseng ga go na mafelo a mantsi a a bolokesegileng a bana ba dingwaga tse di matshwanedi ba ka ikentshang bodutu mo go ona. +",0.6854219 +"another reality is that alcohol is a form of escapism for young people in communities were opportunities for safe and ageappropriate recreation are few. +","baagi ba kwa scenery park ba tlhalositse gore mo motseng wa bona ga go na mafelo a metshameko, a go tlhatlhelelwa ka kitso e e rileng kgotsa a mangwe fela a go ruta bašwa dilo tse dintšhwa, mme seno ke sona se se dirang gore ba etele dintlo tsa notagi. +",0.7128054 +"the scenery park community has pointed to the lack of sports, learning and other developmental facilities for young people, leading them to resort to ‘tavern hopping’. +","baagi ba tlhalositse gore matlhotlhapelo ano a tlhodilwe ke go tlhoka mabala a metshameko, mafelo a go buisetsa dibuka kgotsa mafelo a bašwa ba ka ikentshang bodutu mo go ona kwa scenery park. +",0.78116786 +"in the wake of the tragedy, the community has pointed out that there are no viable sports grounds, community libraries or youth centres in scenery park. +","re le puso ya naga, ya porofense le ya kgaolo re tshwanetse go tsibogela boikuelo jwa baagi bano mmogo le jwa baagi ba bangwe kwa dikgaolong tse dingwe ka go aga mafelo a le mantsi a go ikentsha bodutu, mafelo a go ba tlhatlhelela mmogo le go tlhoma diporojeke tse di tla tswelang mosola bašwa mo metseng e e tlhokang dilo tseno mo porofenseng eo. +",0.70579934 +"as government at national, provincial and local level we need to respond to the pleas of this community and those of other communities by developing more recreational spaces, facilities, programmes, and projects for our young people in disadvantaged areas in the province. +","badirisanimmogo mo mererong ya loago ba ba jaaka bagwebi le bona ba tshwanetse go nna le seabe ka go ema nokeng dikgato tseno ka matlole. +",0.60112774 +"other social partners such as the business community should also assist with sponsorship. +","re le baagi re tshwanetse go dirisana mmogo le diforamo tse di dirisanang le sepodisi mo mererong ya pabalesego mo metseng ya rona, re dirisane le mekgatlho ya baagi mmogo le makgotlataolo a dikolo mme re nne le seabe se segolo mo matshelong a bana ba rona le mo go netefatseng gore ba babalesegile e bile ba tlhokomelegile. +",0.6349855 +"as communities we must work with our community policing forums, with our civics organisations and with our school governing bodies and play a more active role in the lives of our children and in ensuring their safety and wellbeing. +","jaaka seane sa bogolotala mo dipuong tsa bathobantsho se tlhalosa se re ""ngwana ke sejo, o a tlhakanelwa"". +",0.6294467 +"as they say in our african indigenous classics ""it takes a community to raise a child"". +","tla re direng re le seoposengwe mme re sireletse bokamoso jwa bana ba rona ka go dira gore ba se wele ka tlhogo mo nkgong le mo diritibatsing. +",0.5502585 +"let us work together to protect our precious future generation from the ravages of alcohol and drug abuse and their effects. +","tla re direng re le seoposengwe mme re direng bonnete jwa gore batho ba ba tibisitseng madi ba sena taba le matshelo a bana ba rona ga ba rekise mo re nnang gone. +",0.7005845 +"let us work together to ensure that those who put profit before the lives of our children are not allowed to operate. +","tla re nneng sekai se se itumedisang ka fao re dirisang notagi. +",0.5323562 +"let us also set a positive example in our own relationship with alcohol. +","naga ya rona e santse e le mo kutlobotlhokong ya setlhogo se se diragetseng kwa ntlong ya notagi ya enyobeni moo bašwa ba le bantsi ba latlhegetsweng ke matshelo a bona vukuzenzele unnamed mo dibekeng di le mmalwa tse di fetileng mo matsheng a latshipi, malapa a baagi ba kwa lekeišeneng la scenery park gaufi le east london, ba amogetse dikgang tse di busula tse motsadi yo mongwe le yo mongwe a rapelang gore le ka la motlholo di se fitlhe mo 'tsebeng ya gagwe. +",0.5323562