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Agricultural inputs | Consumable expendable inputs in agricultural production for both crops and livestock, for example fertilisers, seeds, veterinary drugs, etc. | Agriculture | Landbou-insette | Iinsetjenziswa zokulima | Amagalelo ezolimo | Izinsizamikhiqizo zezolimo | Dithuatweleto temong | Dintlafatsi tsa temothuo | Dithusa-tlhagiso tsa temothuo | Tisetjentiswa tetekulima | Thikhedzo dza zwa vhulimivhufuwi | Swinonisi |
Annual crops | Crops that are planted and harvested during the same production season. | Agriculture | Jaargewasse | Isivuno somnyaka | Izilimo zonyaka | izitshalo zonyaka | Dibjalo ta ngwaga | Dijalo tsa selemo tsa hang ka selemo | Dijwalo tsa ngwaga | Sivuno semnyaka | Zwikawa zwa waha | Swimilanguva |
Area harvested for grain | Area harvested for dry grain (whole grain, seed, beans or unshelled nuts) for commercial purposes, or to be retained for seed, animal feed or human consumption. It therefore excludes areas planted but not harvested owing to hail damage, fire, grazing, etc., and areas harvested but not used for grain, but for silage, etc. | Agriculture | Oppervlakte geoes vir graan | isikhekhe esivunelwe ukudla | Ummandla ovunwe isivuno esiziinkozo | Insimu okuvunwe kuyo okusanhlamvu | Palomoka ya tema ya puno ya leroro | Masimo a kotulo ya dijothollo | Kgaolokotutsweng tlhaka/thoro | Indzawo levunelwe lokusaluhlavu | Tsimu / vhupo khaelwathoro | Ndhawu ya ntshovelo wa rimbewundzhoho |
Area planted for grain | That part of the total area planted that is planted with the intention of harvesting it for grain rather than for silage, grazing or fodder. | Agriculture | Oppervlakte beplant vir graan | isikhekhe esitjalelwe ukudla | Ummandla otyalwe ukutya okuziinkozo | Insimu etshalwe okusanhlamvu | Tema ye e lemetwego leroro/tema ye e lemetwego dijothoro | Masimo a temo ya dijothollo | Kgaolo e jwetsweng tlhaka/thoro; kgaolojwetsweng | Indzawo lehlanyelelwe lokusaluhlavu | Tsimu /vhupo ndimelwathoro / ngobelelwathoro | Ndhawu yo byala rimbewundzoho |
Cash crop | Crop grown for sale rather than for consumption on the farm. Synonym is food crop. | Agriculture | Kontantgewas | Ukudla kokuthengisa | Isilimo esinengeniso | Izitshalo ezizothengiswa | Dibjalo ta go rekiwa | Dijalo tse rekiswang | Dijwalothekiso | Silimo sekutsengiswa | Tshizwalwa / tshimela ndimelwathengiso | Xirimiwanxaviso |
Cereals | Wheat, coarse grains and rice. | Agriculture | Graangewasse | Ukudla okumasiriyeli | Iisiriyeli | Amasiriyeli | Diserili/dijothoro | Dijothollo; diserele | Dijalothoro | Inhlavumabele | Zwa thoro | Mavelendzoho |
Commercial farm | A farm producing agricultural products intended for the market, usually registered for value added tax (VAT) and income tax. | Agriculture | Kommersile plaas | Iplasi ethengisako | Ifama yorhwebo | Ipulazi lohwebo | Polase ya bogwebi | Polasi ya kgwebo; polasi ya ho hweba | Polasekgwebo | Lipulazi letekuhweba | Bulasi ya bindu | Purasi ra bindzu |
Commercial farmer | A person who produces agricultural products intended for the market. See subsistence farmer. | Agriculture | Kommersile boer | Umlimi othengisako | Umfama ongumrhwebi | Umlimi/ umfuyi ohwebayo | Molemi wa bogwebi | Molemirui ya rekisang | Molemirui wa mogwebi | Umlimi lohwebako | Mulimimufuwi mubindudzi | Murimimufuwi wa bindzu |
Crop estimate | Quantitative determination of crop yield after harvest. | Agriculture | Oesskatting | Isilinganiso sesivuno | Umlinganiselo wesivuno | Isilinganiselomkhiqizo sezitshalo | Tekanyeto ya morago ga puno | Dipalopalo tsa tekanyetso ya kotulo; kakanyo ya kotulo | Tekanyetsothobo | Silinganisosivuno | Ngaganyakhao | Nkumbetelontshovelo |
Crop forecast | Quantitative approximation of the crop yield prepared and released before harvest. | Agriculture | Oesvooruitskatting | Isilinganiso sokuzokuvunwa | Uqikelelo lwesivuno | Isibikezelomkhiqizo sezitshalo | Tekanyeto ya pele ga puno | Dipalopalo tse lebeletsweng tsa kotulo; ditebello tsa kotulo | Ponelopele ya thobo; ponelopelethobo | Kuhlawumbelisa sivuno | Nganganya-/ mvumbakhao | Mvhumbontshovelo |
Cultivated assets | Livestock for breeding (including fish and poultry), dairy, draught, etc. and vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products that are under the direct management of the institutional units. | Agriculture | Gekultiveerde bate | Ifuyo neentjalo / Nesivuno | ii-asethi eziveliswayo / ezinemveliso | Impahla yokukhiqiza / Izitshalo nemfuyo yokukhiqiza | Dithoto ta temo te di bueletago tweleto | Leruo la temo / Bohwai | Letlotlotemothuo | Imphahla / Imfuyo yekukhicita / Yekwandzisa | Ndaka ya vhufuwi na vhulimi | Rifuwovurimi |
Drip irrigation | Irrigation practice which minimises the use of water and fertiliser by allowing water to drop slowly to the roots of plants, either onto the soil surface, or directly to the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing and emitters. | Agriculture | Drupbesproeiing | Ithelelelothontiselo / Ithelelelo / Isezelo elifethezako | unkcenkceshelo oluthontsizayo | Ukunisela ngamaconsi | Noeto ka marothi | Nosetso ka ho rothisetsa | Nosetsothotho / Nosetsorothodi / Nosetsorothela | Kunisela ngematfonsi / Ngekunyenyeta | Tsheledzo nga phophiso | Ncheleto wo thona |
Extension officer | Person trained in agriculture and employed by the Department of Agriculture or any other body responsible for rendering assistance to farmers to promote good farming practices. | Agriculture | Voorligtingsbeampte | Umlimisi | Igosa lezolimo | Umeluleki wezolimo | Mothua balemi | Molemisi | Molemisi | Umlimisi | Mulimisi | Murimisi |
Farm | An area of land, together with its buildings, concerned with the growing of crops or the raising of animals. | Agriculture | Plaas | Iplasi | ifama, intsimi | Ipulazi | Polase | Polasi | Polase | Lipulazi / Lipulasi / Lifama | Bulasi | Purasi |
Farming unit (Industry and Trade) | One or more farms, smallholdings or pieces of land, whether adjacent or not, operated as a single unit and situated within the same magisterial district or province, on which cultivation is carried out for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, in the open air or under cover. It includes land rented from others, the farmstead and other buildings, cropland, pasture, veld, wasteland and dams, but excludes land leased to others. A farming unit could be owned by a single person, partnership, company, or close corporation, etc. | Agriculture | Boerderyeenheid | Ihlangothi lokulima (irhwebo ne-indastri) | Icandelo lefama/ iifama (Imveliso noRhwebo) | Ingxenye yepulazi | Yuniti ya temo | Yuniti ya temothuo | Polase | Lipulazi | Tshipia tsha vhulimivhufuwi (Nowetshumo na Vhubindudzi) | Yuniti ya purasi |
Flood irrigation | Irrigation practice that spreads water from open field ditches and other conveyance systems. | Agriculture | Vloedbesproeiing | Ithelelelo / Isezelo ngomsele / Ngekasa | unkcenkceshelo ngokuvulela amanzi azihambele / unkcenkceshelo ngokuvulela isikhukhula samanzi | Ukunisela / Ukuchelela ngamathantala | Noeto ka moela | Nosetso ka ho phallisa metsi | Nosetsotlele / Nosetsokelelo | Kunisela ngesikhukhula | Tsheledzo nga muelelo | Nceletoxindhambhi |
Food crop | See cash crop. | Agriculture | Voedselgewas | Ukudla kokuthengisa | Isivuno sokutya | Izitshalo ezizodliwa | Dibjalo ta go lewa | Dijalo tsa dijo | Dijojwalwa tse di sa rekisiweng | Silimo sekutsengiswa | Tshilimelwa/tshizwalelwa u a | Xirimiwa xo dyiwa |
Grain | Harvested produce of cereals, pulses, oil crops and legumes. | Agriculture | Graan | Iinthoro zokudla | Ukutya okuziinkozo | Okusanhlamvu | Leroro/dithoro | Dijothollo | Tlhaka; thoro | Lokusaluhlavu | Thoro | Ndzoho |
Grain production | Grain actually removed from the field. | Agriculture | Graanproduksie | IsiVuno sokugcina seenThoro | Imveliso yokutya okuziinkozo | Umkhiqizo wokusanhlamvu | Tweleto ya dijothoro/leroro | Dijothollo tse kotutsweng; tlhahiso ya dijothollo | Ntshodikunothoro | Kukhicitwa kwalokusaluhlavu | Vhubveledzathoro | Ntshovelorivelendzoho |
Hectare | Metric unit of land measurement equivalent to 10 000 square metres. | Agriculture | Hektaar | I-agere; ihagere | Ihektare | Ihektha | Hekethara | Hektara | Heketara | Lihekhithare | Hekithara | Hekitara/mogeni |
Herbicide | A substance / mixture of substances used to kill plants that are not wanted in a specific area.
Synonym: weedkiller | Agriculture | Onkruiddoder | Isibulalikhula | isibulala-khula | Isibulalikhula | Sebolayangwang / Sebolayasekoro | Sebolayalehola | Polayamofero / Hebisaete | Sibulalilukhula | Tshivhulahatshee | Xidlayanhova |
Industrial crops | Any crop that provides material for industrial processes and products.
Examples: cotton, flax, linen, etc.; tobacco; oilseeds such as sunflower, and beverages such as tea and coffee. | Agriculture | Nywerheidsgewas | Isivuno semikhiqizo / Iintjalo zokukhiqiza | izityalo ezingaveliselwa kutya, izityalo zemizi mveliso, izityalo ezithi zisetyenzwe phambi kokuba zibenokusetyenziswa | Isivuno esiguqulwa embonini | Dibunwa ta intaseteri | Dijalo tsa indasteri | Dijalelwatiriso | Sivuno semkhicito | Zwiliwa zwa nowetshumo | Swibyalwavumaki |
Inter-planted crop | A crop planted between rows of another crop. | Agriculture | Tussengeplante gewas | Umfakelelo wesitjalo ; umfakelelositjalo | Uxabangelo lwesilimo | Ingxubezitshalo/amagabelozitshalo | Difakane/sebjalwamakgatheng a dingwe | Dijalellwa | Dijalwammogo | Silimo lesigabelwe | Tshimelaavhiwa vhukati ha zwiwe | Xirimiwa exikarhi ka xinwana |
Irrigation | Artificial application of water to land to assist in the growing of crops and pastures. | Agriculture | Besproeiing | Ithelelelo; isezelo | Unkcenkceshelo/ unkcenkcesho | Ukunisela/ ukuchelela ngenkasa | Noeto/theleto | Nosetso | Nosetso | Kunisela | Tsheledzo | Ncheleto |
Livestock | All animals or birds kept or reared mainly for agricultural purposes including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, poultry, rabbits, etc. | Agriculture | Lewende hawe | Ifuyo | Imfuyo | Imfuyo | Leruo | Leruo | Diruiwa; leruo | Imfuyo | Zwifuwo | Swifuwo |
Natural forest tree | Forest tree that grows in its natural habitat. | Agriculture | Natuurboom | Umuthi wehlathi lemvelo | Ihlathi lemveli | Isihlahla sehlathi lemvelo | Mohlare wa naga/mohlareoka | Sefate sa moru wa tlhaho | Setlhare sa naga | Sihlahla selihlatsi lemvelo | TshivendaMuri wa aka | Murhikhwati |
Objective yield survey | A survey based on actual counts and measurements made in the field. | Agriculture | Objektiewe opbrengsopname | Umphumela wehlolombala | Uphando olwendeleyo lwemveliso | Uhlolomkhiqizongqo oluzimele | Tekolopuno ya maleba | Patlisiso e lekantsweng ya tlhahiso; dipatlisiso tse akaretsang tsa tlhahiso | Tlhomamisothobo | Lusaveyo ngco | Tsedzuluso ndivhiswakhao | Mbalangontshoveloxikwatsa |
Oil crop | Annual plant whose seeds or fruit are used mainly for extraction of culinary and industrial oils. | Agriculture | Oliegewas | Isitjalo se-oli | Isilimo seoyile | Isitshalo sikawoyela | Semelatweletaoli | Sejalo se hlahisang oli; dijalo tsa oli | Dijwalo tsa oli; dijwalooli | Silimo semafutsa | Tshiliwa tshibveledzaole | Xirimiwa xa oyili |
Oilseeds | Dry seeds harvested from annual oil-bearing crops used for food, feed, seed or industrial purposes. | Agriculture | Oliesaad | Imbewu ye-oli | Imbewu yeoyile | Imbewu kawoyela | Dipeutweletaoli | Peo e hlahisang oli | Dipeooli | Inhlanyelo yalokusamafutsa | Thoro khubaole / khwalaole | Timbewu ta oyili |
Perennial crops | Crops that are not replanted after each harvest. | Agriculture | Meerjarige gewasse | Iinthelakanengi | Izilimo ezingaphelelwayo | Izitshalo eziphila iminyakana | Dibjalo ta mengwaganthi | Dijalo tse kotulwang hangata | Matlhogelaruri | Tilimo taminyaka yonkhe | Zwiliwa zwikundagole | Swihanyamalembe |
Pesticide | A substance / mixture of substances used to kill pests. | Agriculture | Plaagdoder | Isibulaliinunwana | isibulala-zinambuzane | Isibulalizinambuzane | Sebolayadikhunkhwane | Sebolayadikokonyana | Polayatshenekegi / Phesetisaete | Sibulalitilokatane | Tshivhulahazwikhokhonono | Xidlayaswitsotswana |
Plantation trees | Trees that are planted by the holder on the holding, e.g. eucalyptus trees. See natural forest tree. | Agriculture | Plantasiebome | Isimu yemithi | Imithi etyaliweyo | Imithi/ihlathi elitshaliwe | Dithokgwa ta go bjalwa/mehlare ya pholantheiene | Difate tse lenngweng | Polantasi | Lihlatsi lelihlanyelwe | Miritsiwa | Mirhi leyi byariweke |
Pulses | An annual leguminous plant yielding seeds used for food, feed, seed, and industrial purposes. | Agriculture | Peulgewas | Iinhlumaya | Iingxam/iiphalsi | Imiqumbe; umdumba | Diphotlwa | Dijalo tsa peo ya dikgaketla; monawa | Monawa | Lokusabhontjisi | awa | -nyawa |
Sharecropping | A system of agriculture or agricultural production in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land. | Agriculture | Deelsaaiery | Irherho lokwabelana isivuno | ukulima isahlulo | Uhlelo lokulimisana | Punokabelano | Seahlolo / Karolelano ya tjhai | Thobokopanelo / Thobotlhakanelo / Thobopataganelo | Kukhokhelana ngesivuno | Ndimokhovhano | Ntshoveloavelano |
Subjective yield survey | A survey based on information obtained from farmers about their fields based on opinion or experience. | Agriculture | Subjektiewe opbrengsopname | Umphumela wehlolosilinganiso | Uphando lwemveliso ngokwabalimi/ngokwamafama | Uhlolomkhiqizo olungazimele | Tekolopuno ka molemi | Patlisiso ya tlhahiso ka ditsebi; dipatlisiso tsa tlhahiso ka botsebi | Tekanyetsothobo | Kusaveya ngekuhlawumbelisa | Tsedzulusakhao nga mbudzisa | Mbalangontshoveloxintokoto |
Subsistence farmer | A person who produces crops primarily for own consumption. | Agriculture | Bestaansboer | Umlimi ozilimelako | Umfama oziphilelayo | Umalimazidlele/umlimi ongathengisi | Molemelagoja | Molemirui ya sa rekiseng; moitemedi | Molemiruipotlana | Umlimi lolimela kutidlela | Muifuwelimuilimeli | Murimela-ku-dya |
Trickle irrigation | See drip irrigation. | Agriculture | Drupbesproeiing | Ithelelelo-thontiselo / Isezelo-thontiselo | unkcenkceshelo oluthontsizayo | Ukunisela samncithi | Noeto ka marothi | Nosetso ka ho rothisetsa | Nosetsothotho / Nosetsorothodi / Nosetsorothela | Kunisela ngematfonsi | Tsheledzo nga phophiso | Ncheletonthono |
Weedkiller | See herbicide. | Agriculture | Onkruiddoder | Isibulalikhula | isibulala-khula | Isibulalikhula | Sebolayangwang / Sebolayasekoro | Sebolayalehola | Polayamofero | Sibulalilukhula / Umutsi wekuhlakulela | Tshivhulahatshee | Xidlayanhova |
Yield | Amount of product harvested per unit area. | Agriculture | Opbrengs | Ivezo | Imveliso/ isivuno | Umkhiqizo ngokwendawo evuniwe | Puno | Tlhahiso; tjhai | Thobo | Sivuno | Khao | Ntshovelo |
Yield per harvested area | Yield from the area actually harvested. | Agriculture | Opbrengs per geoeste oppervlakte | Ivezo ngesikhekhe esivuniweko | Imveliso yommandla ovuniweyo/ isivuno saloo ndawo | Umkhiqizo ngokwendawo evuniwe | Puno go twa temeng ye e bunnwego | Hlahiso ya serapa se kotutsweng; tjhai ya tshimo ka nngwe e kotutsweng | Thobo ka kgaolo e e kotutsweng | Sivuno ngekwendzawo levuniwe | Khao kha vhupokaiwa | Ntshovelo ku ya hi ndhawu leyi tshoveriweke |
Yield per planted area | Yield from the area planted. | Agriculture | Opbrengs per beplante oppervlakte | Ivezo ngesikhekhe esitjaliweko | Imveliso yommandla otyaliweyo/ isivuno sendawo etyaliweyo | Umkhiqizo ngokwendawo etshaliwe | Puno go twa temeng ye e lemilwego | Tlhahiso ya serapa se lenngweng; tjhai ya tshimo ka nngwe e jetsweng | Thobo ka kgaolo e e jwetsweng | Sivuno ngekwendzawo lehlanyeliwe | Khao kha vhupo-/avhiwa / gobelwa | Ntshovelo ku ya hi ndhawu leyi rimiweke |
Commission | An amount of money, usually linked to the quantity of the goods or services sold, paid to sales persons. | Business Enterprises | Kommissie | Inzuzosilinganiso / Ikhomitjhini | ikhomishini, ucuntsu wemali enikezwa abo bancedisa umnini weshishini athengise iimpahla zakhe | Ikhomishini | Khomiene | Khomishene | Poelo / Khomiene | Ikhomishini / Imbasha | Khomishini | Khomixini |
(System of Registers) | An enterprise, or part of an enterprise, which is situated at a single location in which only a single productive activity is carried out or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added. | Business Enterprises | Instelling (Registerstelsel) | Irhwebo / Ibhizinisi | isebe, icandelo | Igatsha / Uphiko | Sehlongwa sa kgwebo / Setheo sa kgwebo | Karolo ya Lekala la kgwebo | Setheo | Indzawo yelibhizinisi / Iuphikomkhicito | Tshiimiswa tsha vhubindudzi | Xitumbuluxiwa |
Income tax | Tax levied on the financial income of a person, cooperation or other legal entity. | Business Enterprises | Inkomstebelasting | Umthelongeniso | irhafu yengeniso | Intela yemali engenile | Mothelo wa letseno / Ditseno | Lekgetho la kuno/lekeno | Lekgethotseno | Intsela yemalingena | Muthelo wa mbuelo | Xibalo / Muthelo |
Industrial area | An area that predominantly has industry as its main land use. | Business Enterprises | Nywerheidsgebied | Indawo yamabubulo | indawo yoshishino, indawo yemizi-mveliso | Indawo yezimboni | Lefelo la intaseteri | Sebaka sa indasteri | Bodirelo / Difemeng | Emafemini | Mamagani / Dzifemeni / Nowetshumoni | Ndhawu ya swa vumaki |
Net loss | Excess of expenditure over sales revenue. | Business Enterprises | Netto verlies | Ilahlekelosalela | ilahleko iyonke | Imali elahleke ngqo / Imali ecwile ngqo | Tobokgwebong | Tahlehelo | Tatlhegelotshalelo | Imalilahleko | Ndozwo kha tsalela | Ndzahlekelontsongo |
Net profit | Excess of sales revenue over the cost of production. | Business Enterprises | Netto wins | Inzuzo | inzuzo iyonke | Inzuzongqo | Poelo kgwebong | Phaello | Morokotsotshalelo / Poelotshalelo | Imalinzuzo | Mbuelo kha tsalela | Mbuyelontsongo |
Outlet | A place of business for retailing goods / services.
Examples: shop, market, service establishment, or other place, where goods and / or services are sold. | Business Enterprises | Afsetpunt | Isitolo / Ivikili / Imakethe | indawo yokuthengisela | Indawo yokudayisela / Yokuhwebela | Borekieto | Sebaka sa kgwebo | Borekisetso / Thekisetso | Ligatja lelibhizinisi / Emakethe | Vhubindudzini | Vubindzulelo |
Cluster house | A freestanding property / house in a complex with a common boundary wall, but not sharing dwelling walls. | Construction | Troshuis | Indlubuthelelo | indlu ezimeleyo kwikhompleksi | Indlu esesidlaveleni | Ntlo ye e dikaneditwego le te dingwe | Ntlo e kgobokanong | Ntlosemmogo | Indlu lesekhatsi kwesidlidli setindlu / Likhaya emkhatsini wemakhaya labiyelwe lutsango lunye / Inculumba | Nnu ya tshigwadani / Nnu ire dzharaani nthihi na dziwe | Yindluxikatsa |
Communal living rooms | Rooms that are used by several members of the household for common purposes or activities, e.g. eating, watching television or movies, sitting, etc. | Construction | Gemeenskaplike woonkamer | Indawo yokuditjha ngendlini / Lindawo zomuntu woke ngekhaya | amagumbi asetyenziswa ngumntu wonke ohlala kuloo mzi | Amagumbi omndeni wonke | Diphapoibodulo te di hlakanelwago | Dikamore / Diphaposi tse kopanetsweng | Diphapositlhakanelo | Indlu yawonkhewonkhe | Lufhera lwa muanganelwa / Lufhera lu shumiswaho nga mia minzhi | Tikamaraxinghwana |
Consumer unit (for household) | An entity to which the service is / would be delivered, and which receives one bill if the service is billed; alternatively known as a delivery point. | Construction | Verbruikerseenheid (vir huishouding) | Indawo yokuhlala | indlu ezisiwa kuyo i-akhawunti zeenkonzo | Indawo yokwamukela | Yuniti ya modirii | Yuniti e ikemetseng | Yuniti ya modirisi | Sikhungo selwetfulolusito | Yuniti ya / Tshipia tsha / Fhethu ha vhuanganedzatshumelo | Xiyenge xa vatirhisi (endyangwini) |
Demolished dwelling | A dwelling that has been destroyed. | Construction | Gesloopte woning | Indawo yokuhlala ebhuruziweko / Egiriziweko | indawo yokuhlala echithiweyo/ediliziweyo | Indlu ebhidliziwe | Leope / Lerope | Bodulo bo heleditsweng | Lerope / Lengwa / Letlotla | Indlu ledzilitiwe / Sakhiwo lesidzilitiwe / Lebhidlitiwe | Dumba | Vutshamo byo mbindzimuxiwa |
Dwelling under construction | A dwelling unit that has not been built completely. | Construction | Woning in aanbou | Indawo yokuhlala esakhiwako | indawo yokuhlala esakhiwayo | Indlu esakhiwa | Moraka / Bodulo bjoo bo sa agiwago / Letlema | Bodulo bo ahwang | Bonnokagiwa | Sakhiwo lesisakhiwa | ema / Muraga | Vutshamo le byi akiwaka |
Hut | A hut is one form of dwelling found mainly in non-urban (rural) areas, thus a round structure made of materials such as mud walls and thatch or grass roofs.
Note: A hut may not necessarily be round; it may have any other shape. | Construction | Hut | Indlu yotjani / Indlu yesikhethu | ungqu-phantsi, inqugwala | Iqhugwane | Ngwako wa bjang / Ntlo ya bjang | Mokgoro / Mohlongwafatshe | Mogwaafatshe / Motlaagana / Ntlwana | Indlu yetjani / Yesintfu / Gucasithandaze / Lilonto | Nnu yo fhaiwaho nga mavu ya hanga ya hatsi / ya mahayani / (sialala/mvelelo) | Yindlu ya xintu |
Other structures | All structures other than buildings.
Inclusions: Highways, streets, roads, bridges, etc. | Construction | Ander struktuur | Ezinye izakhiwo | ezinye izakhiwo | Ezinye izakhiwo | Dibopego te dingwe | Meaho e meng | Dibopegodingwe | Letinye takhiwo | Dziwemveledziso dzi si dza zwifhao | Swiakiwa swinwana |
Semi-detached house | One of two houses joined together with one common wall. Each house usually has its own private ground and has no other dwelling below or above it. | Construction | Skakelhuis | Indlu enamathelene nenye | indlu edibene nenye ngodonga | Indlu exhumene nenye | Ntlo ye e kgomaganego le ye nngwe | Matlo a kopantsweng ke lebota | Matlotshwaragano | Tindlu letehlukaniswe lubondza | Nnu yo umanaho na iwe | Yindlu yo tiyimela yoxenyana |
Special dwellings | Dwellings or structures not privately occupied by a household but rather by individuals with one or more common characteristics. Note: Occupants are usually provided with communal meals served from a common kitchen. Other facilities such as bathrooms and laundries are also shared. These dwellings include institutions such as hospitals, prisons, homes for special-care citizens (e.g. aged, disabled, juvenile offenders, etc.), boarding schools and some workers' hostels | Construction | Spesiale woning | Indawo yokuhlala ekhethekileko | iindawo zokuhlala ezikhethekileyo | Indawo yokukhoselisa | Madulo ao a ikgethilego | Bodulo bo kgethehileng | Mannokgethego | Inkopholo / Ihhositela | Vhudzulo ha tshipentshela / Vhudzulo ha ndivho nthihi | Vutshamo byo hlawuleka |
Wattle and daub | A traditional construction method whereby walls are built with wooden sticks / poles and covered with mud or a mixture of mud and clay. | Construction | Paal-en-kleiwerk / Lat-en-kleiwerk | Ukwakha ngomthelo / Ngekghokgho | umnyomfo, ukwakha ngezinti nodaka | Ukwakha ngezintungo nodaka | Mokgwa wa go aga mokutwana | Mohlongwafatshe | Dikota le Mmu | Kwakha ngeludzaka / Tindlu letibhadziwe | U fhaa nga basha na u nama | Dlhadlha |
Anthropometrics | Use of body measurements, such as height and weight, to determine a persons nutritional status. | Demography | Antropometrie / Mensmeting | Isilinganiso sokondleka komuntu | ukukalwa komzimba kujongwa ubude nokondleka | Isilinganisokondleka | Antherophometheriki / Kelo ya maemo a phepo | Tekolo ya phepo ho ya ka seemo | Antheropometerekisi / Tekanyetsosemmele | Luhlolomphilo ngebudze nangesisindvo | Phimapfusho nga muvhili | Anthirophometiriki |
Census | A survey conducted on the full set of observation objects belonging to a given population or universe. | Demography | Sensus | Ibalo labantu / Ukubalwa kwabantu | ubalo lwabantu, ubalo-bantu | Ubalo | Palo ya batho / Sentshase | Sensase / Palo ya setjhaba | Tlhotlhomisapalo / Palagotlhe | Lubalo | Mbalavhathu | Sensasi / Nhlayelo |
Household member | A person that resides with the household for at least four nights a week. Note : Exclusions : Domestic workers, unless they are paid in kind. Children at boarding school | Demography | Lid van huishouding | Ilunga lomkhaya / Lomuzi / Ilunga lomndeni | amalungu ekhaya nachithe ubuncinci beentsuku ezine ngeveki belala kwelo khaya | Amalungu omndeni | Maloko a lapa | Setho sa ntlong / Setho sa madulammoho | Badulammogo | Emalunga emndeni | Murao wa mua | Xirho xa ndyangu |
Multiple households | Two or more households living in the same dwelling unit. | Demography | Veelvoudige huishoudings | Umuzi omkhulu / Ikoponi | iintsapho zamakhaya ezihlala ndawonye | Imindeni ehlala ndawonye | Malapa a go dula mmogo | Bodulo ba diyuniting | Badulammogommalwa / Badulammogontsi | Imindeni lehlala ndzawonye | Mia nuni nthihi | Mindyangunyingi emutini |
Responsible adult | If the household head is not available for an interview it is possible to speak to another responsible adult in the household. | Demography | Verantwoordelike volwassene | Ilihlo lekhaya | umntu omdala onoxanduva ongaphendula imibuzo | Ibambelanhloko yekhaya | Motho yo mogolo wa maikarabelo | Motho e moholo ya ikarabellang | Moikarabedi / Mogodi / Mothomogolo | Lomdzala longamela umndeni / Labadzala | Mualuwa a re na vhuifhinduleli / Muthu muhulwane a re na vhuifhinduleli | Ntswatsi wa vutihlamuleri |
Access to education | The opening of the way, through legislation and a conductive environment, for everybody to gain access to opportunities that lead to some perceived benefits. | Education | Toegang tot onderwys | Ukutholakala kwefundo | amathuba okufikelela kwimfundo | Ukufunda / Ukuthola imfundo | Phihlelelo ya thuto | Phihlello thutong | Phitlhelelothuto | Ematfuba ekufundza | Tswikelo kha pfunzo | Mfikelelo wa dyondzo |
Adult Basic Education and Training | All learning and training programmes for adults from levels 1 to 4, where ABET level 4 is equivalent to grade 9 in public schools, or a National Qualifications Framework level 1, as stipulated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act (Act 58 of 1995). | Education | Basiese Onderwys en Opleiding vir Volwassenes (BOOV) | IFundosisekelo nokuBandulwa kwabaNtu abaKhulu | imfundo noqeqesho olusisiseko lwabadala | Imfundo Noqeqesho Okuyisisekelo Kwabadala | Thuto ya Motheo le Tlhahlo ya Batho ba Bagolo | Thuto ya Motheo le Kwetliso ya Batho ba Baholo | Thutotheo le katiso ya bagolo/bagodi | Imfundvosisekelo nekuceceshwa kwalabadzala | Pfunzo ya mutheo na vhugudisi ha vhaaluwa | Dyondzo ya Masungulo na Ndzetelo wa Lavakulu |
Age-specific enrolment ratio | Percentage of the population of a specific age enrolled, irrespective of the level of education. | Education | Ouderdomspesifieke inskrywingsverhouding | Iretjhiyo yokutlolisa ngokweminyaka | umlinganiselo wobhaliso ngokobudala obuthile | Isilinganiso sokubhalisela ukufunda ngokweminyaka | Reio ya boingwadio ya mengwaga ye e itego | Reshiyo ya ba ingodiseditseng ho ithuta ho ya ka dilemo | Bolekanyetsitsenelototakgolo / Bolekanyetsiikwadisototakgolo | Silinganiso selinani lekubhalisa kwebafundzi ngekweminyaka yebudzala | Phimo ya u walisa ho sedzwa vhukale ho tewaho | Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso hi malembe |
Attend (educational institution) | Enrolled at and going regularly to any accredited educational institution (public or private) for organised learning at any level of education. Attendance can be full-time or part-time, and distance learning is included. Temporary absence, e.g. due to illness, does not interrupt attendance. | Education | Bywoon (onderwysinstelling) | Funda/khamba isikolo | Ukufunda/ (iziko lezemfundo) | Ukuya esikoleni; ukungena isikole | Tsena (sekolo) | Ho kena sekolo | Tsena (Sekolo) | Fundza | U dzhena (tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo) | Nghena (xikolo) |
Basic education | Nine years of schooling from grade 1 to grade 9. | Education | Basiese onderwys | IFundosisekelo | imfundo esisiseko | Imfundo eyisisekelo | Thuto ya motheo | Thuto ya motheo/mathomo | Thutotheo | Imfundvosisekelo | Pfunzo ya mutheo | Dyondzo ya masungulo |
Compulsory education | The number of years or the age-span during which children and youth are legally obliged to attend school. | Education | Verpligte onderwys | Ifundo ekatelelekileko | Imfundo esisinyanzelo | Imfundo ephoqelekile | Thutokgapeletego | Thuto ya tlameho; thuto e tlamang | Thutopateletso; thutokgapeletso | Imfundvo lephocelekile | Pfunzokhombekhombe | Dyondzo yo boha |
Crude enrolment ratio | Percentage of the total enrolment at all levels to the total population. | Education | Onverwerkte inskrywingsverhouding | Iretjhiyo engakahlungwa yokutloliswa | Umlinganiselo wobhaliso olungahluzwanga | Isilinganiso esididiyele sababhalisile | Tekanyokelokakareto ya boingwadio | Karolo ya baingodisi bohle; palo ya boingodiso bohle | Kabogotlhe ya ikwadiso | Sichatsanisosibalo salababhalisile | Ndivhanele ya kuwaliselevhisi | Mpimoxiave wa ntsarisombisi |
Distance learning | Study by means of correspondence, telecommunication media or computer programmes. Courses are self-instructional and two-way communication takes place between student and the institution. Learners need not be on campus to attend classes but can continue their normal work programmes at home. | Education | Afstandsonderrig | Ukufunda usekhaya | ukufunda ngembalelwano | Ukufunda ngeposi | Go ithuta o le gae | Thuto ka ngollano | Thutelagae | Kufundza ngeliposi / Kufundza khashane ngasese | U guda u hayani | Vudyondzawexe / Vudyondzayexe |
Drop-out rate | Learners who leave the education system without completing a given grade. The drop-out rate is calculated as a residual figure which is derived after the repetition and promotion rates are calculated. The drop-out rate in a particular grade for a particular year is calculated by simply deducting the repetition and promotion rate for that particular grade and year from 100%. | Education | Uitsakkoers | Izinga labaqinteleko | izinga lokuyeka phakathi esikolweni | Izinga lokuyeka isikole | Reiti ya go tlogela sekolo/ Kelo ya balesasekolo | Sekgahla sa ho nyahlatsa dithuto | Kelotlogelosekolo | Lizinga lalabayekela sikolo | Phimo ya u litsha tshikolo/ vhamoi | Mpimo wa vutshikaxikolo |
Education institution | Any institution providing education. Inclusions: early childhood education, primary, secondary, further or higher education, institution providing specialised, vocational, adult, distance or community education. | Education | Onderwysinstelling | Iziko lezefundo | iziko lwemfundo | Isikhungo semfundo | Setheo / Sehlongwa sa thuto | Setsi / Setheo sa thuto / Institjushene ya thuto | Setheothuto | Sikhungo setemfundvo | Tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo | Ndhawu ya dyondzo |
Educational achievement | Deprecated. Use highest level of education or educational attainment. | Education | Onderwysprestasie | Izinga lefundo | Impumelelo kwimfundo | Imfundo ezuziwe | Phihlelelo ya thuto | Boiphihlelo thutong | Phitlhelelothuto | Lokuzuziwe kutemfundvo | Pfunzotswikelelwa ya nhesa | Vuhumeleri eka tidyondzo |
Educational attainment | See highest level of education. | Education | Onderwysvlak bereik | Izinga lefundo | Imfundo efumanekileyo | Imfundo okufinyelelwe kuyo | Phihlelelo ya thuto | Boiphihlelo thutong | Phitlhelelothutong | Sigaba lesiphakeme lofinyelele kuso | Pfunzotswikelelwa ya nhesa | Vuhumeleri eka tidyondzo |
Educational institution | Any registered institution whose sole or main purpose is the provision of education, including preschool, tertiary, adult education, etc. | Education | Onderwysinstelling | Iziko lefundo; isijamiso sefundo | Iziko lemfundo | Isikhungo semfundo | Lefelo la thuto/ insitituene ya thuto | Setsha se ngodisitsweng sa thuto; institjhushene ya thuto | Setheothuto; sekolo | Sikhungo setemfundvo | Tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo | Ndhawu yo dyondzela |
Educator | Any person who teaches, educates or trains other persons or who provides professional educational services. | Education | Opvoeder | Umfundisi / Umdlulisilwazi / Utitjhere | umfundisi-ntsapho, umhlohli, utitshala | Umfundisi / Uthisha | Morutii | Titjhere / Morupedi | Morutisi / Morutabana | Umfundzisi / Thishela | Mugudisi / Mudededzi | Mudyondzisi |
Enrolled learner | A learner who is registered at a school. | Education | Ingeskrewe leerder | Umfundi otlolisileko / Otlolisiweko | umfundi obhalisileyo | Umfundi obhalisile | Morutwana yo a ngwadiitwego | Moithuti ya ngodisitsweng | Morutwana / Morutwanakwadiswa | Umfundzi lobhalisile | Mugudi o waliswaho | Mudyondzi loyi a tsarisiweke |
Enrolment | The act of officially being admitted to a programme of study. | Education | Inskrywing | Ukutlolisa | ukubhaliswa, ubhaliso | Ukubhalisa | Boingwadio | Ngodiso | Ikwadiso | Lubhaliso | U walisa / Vhuwalisi | Ntsariso wo dyondza |
Enrolment ratio | Proportion of the population in a specified age group attending school to the total population in that age group. | Education | Inskrywingsverhouding | Iretjhiyo yokutloliswa | Umlinganiselo wobhaliso | Isilinganiso sababhalisile | Tekanyokelo ya boingwadio | Karolo ya baingodisi; palo ya boingodiso | Kabokwadiso | Sichatsanisosibalo sekubhalisa | Ndivhanele ya kuwalisele | Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso |
Field of study | The area of concentration of tertiary studies. | Education | Studieveld | Ikoro yeemfundo | Ikhondo lezemfundo | Umkhakha wezemfundo | Lefapa la boithutelo | Lekala le ikgethileng la thuto; lekala la thuto | Lekalathuto | Umkhakha wekufundza | Buo/sia a ngudo | Muxaka wa tidyondzo |
Formal education | The education attained at an educational institution that follow a given approved curriculum. | Education | Formele onderwys | Ifundo ehleliweko | Imfundo sesikweni | Imfundo ehlelekile | Thuto ya semolao | Thuto ya mananeo a hlophisitsweng; thuto e hlophisitsweng | Thutotlhomamo | Imfundvo lehlelekile | Pfunzonzudzanywa | Dyondzo ya ximfumo |
Grade | A stage of instruction usually covered in one school year. | Education | Graad | Ibanga; igreyidi | Ibanga | Ibanga | Kereiti | Kereiti | Mophato; kereiti | Libanga | Murole / gireidi | Giredi |
Grade-specific enrolment ratio | Ratio of the enrolment in a specific class to the total enrolment at all levels. | Education | Graadspesifieke inskrywingsverhouding | Iretjhiyo yokutloliswa ngamabanga | Umlinganiselo wobhaliso lwebanga elithile /ireshiyo yobhaliso lwebanga elithile | Isilinganiso sababhalisele ibanga elithile | Tekanyokelo ya boingwadio kereiting ye e itego | Karolo ya barutwana ho ya ka kereiti; palo ya boingodiso kereiting | Kabokwadiso ka mophato | Sichatsanisosibalo sekubhalisa ngekwelibanga | Ndivhanele ya kuwaliselendivhiswa kha murole / gireidi | Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso wa giredi yo karhi |
Graduate | A student who has successfully completed all requirements of an educational programme and has been awarded a certificate of completion. | Education | Gegradueerde | Isifundiswa | isinxiba-mxhaka, isifundiswa | Umfundi ophothulile | Sealoga | Lekrajueti | Sealogane | Loneticu temfundvo | Mugiradzhuweithi | Muthwasi |
Gross enrolment ratio (GER) | The total enrolment of pupils in a grade or cycle or level of education, regardless of age, expressed as percentage of the corresponding eligible official age-group population in a given school year. | Education | Bruto inskrywingsverhouding (BIV) | Iretjhiyo epheleleko yokutloliswa (I-GER) | Umlinganiselo wobhaliso lulonke (iGER) | Isamba sababhalisile | Tekanyokelokakareto ya boingwadio | Karolo ya barutwana ho ya ka dilemo; palo ya boingodiso bohle | Kabokwadiso ya botlhe (KKB) | Sichatsanisosibalo sekubhalisa lokuphelele | Ndivhanele ya kuwaliselegue (GER) | Mpimoxiave wa ntsariso hinkwawo (MNH) |
Higher education | All learning programmes leading to qualifications higher than grade 12 or its equivalent in terms of the National Qualifications Framework as contemplated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995), including tertiary education as contemplated in schedule 4 of the Constitution. | Education | Hor onderwys | Ifundo ephakemeko | imfundo ephakamileyo | Imfundo ephakeme | Thuto ya godimo | Thuto e phahameng | Thutokgolwane | Imfundvo lephakeme | Pfunzo ya nha | Dyondzo ya le henhla |
Higher education institution | Any institution that provides higher education on a full-time or part-time basis, and which is established or deemed to be established as a public higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997; and declared as a public higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997. | Education | Horonderwysinstelling | IZiko leFundo ePhakemeko | iziko lemfundo ephakamileyo | Isikhungo semfundo ephakeme | Setheo / Sehlongwa sa thuto ya godimo | Setheo sa thuto e phahemeng / Institjushene ya thuto e phahemeng | Setheothutokgolwane | Sikhungo semfundvo lephakeme | Tshiimiswa tsha pfunzo ya nha | Ndhawu ya dyondzo ya le henhla |
Highest level of education | The highest grade completed at school or the highest post-school qualification obtained. Synonym is educational attainment. | Education | Hoogste onderwysvlak | Izinga eliphakemeko lefundo | Inqanaba eliphezulu lemfundo | Izinga/ iqophelo eliphezulu lemfundo | Legato la godimodimo la thuto | Boiphihlelo bo phahameng thutong | Phitlhelelokgolothutong | Lizinga lemfundvo leliphakeme lekugcina | Pfunzotswikelelwa ya nhesa | Mfikelelo wa le henhla wa tidyondzo |
Home education | A programme of education that a parent of a learner(s) may provide to his / her child at their own home. In addition a parent may, if necessary, enlist the specific services of a tutor for specific areas of the curriculum; or a legal independent form of education, alternative to attendance at a public or an independent school. | Education | Tuisonderwys | Ifundo yekhaya / Ifundiso | imfundo eqhutyelwa ekhaya | Ukufundela ekhaya | Thuto ya gae | Thuto ya lapeng | Thutelwagae / Thutelogae | Imfundvo yasekhaya | U funzelwa hayani | Dyondzo ya le kaya |
Informal learning | Learning that has been acquired outside a formal course of study taken at a post-secondary institution. Also expressed as non-formal or experiential learning. | Education | Informele onderrig | Ukufunda okungakahleleki | ukufunda okungamiselekanga | Ukufunda okungahleliwe | Go ithuta mo e sego ga semmuo / Go ithuta go go sa elwego sekolong | Thuto ntle le ho kena sekolo | Thutotlhokathulaganyo / Thutelatseleng | Kufundza lokungakahleleki | U guda hu si ha fomaa/tshiofisi | Ku dyondza ko nkamafundza |
Intake rate | The proportion of children, out of all children of admission age, who are coming to school for the first time. | Education | Innamesyfer | Isilinganiso sabafikako | Umlinganiselo wolwamkelo | Isilinganiso sabemukelwayo/ sabathathwayo | Kelo ya ngwadio | Sekgahla sa ba qalang sekolo; palo ya ba qalang sekolong | Kelokwadiso | Lizinga lekwemukela | Tshikalo tsha hanganedzavhagudiswa | Mpimo wo amukela |
Late starters rate | The proportion of all admissions to Grade 1 that are over the official admission age (over 7 years). | Education | Laatbeginnersyfer | Isilinganiso sabangena ngemva kwesikhathi | Umlinganisrelo wabaqala mva | Isilinganiso sabephuzayo ukuqala | Kelo ya ba go thoma morago | Sekgahla sa ba qalang ka morao ho nako; palo ya ba qalang ba le baholo | Kelo ya basimololathari | Lizinga lalabomacalamuva | Tshikalo tsha vhaanganedzwafhirelwa | Mpimo wa lava hundzeriweke hi nkarhi wo sungula xikolo |
Learner | Any person receiving education or obliged to receive education in terms of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996). | Education | Leerder | Umfundi | umfundi, umntwana wesikolo | Umfundi | Morutwana | Moithuti / Morutwana | Morutwana | Umfundzi | Mugudi | Mudyondzi |
Learner-educator ratio | Total number of students enrolled in a given school divided by the total number of educators in the same school. | Education | Leerder: opvoeder-verhouding | Inani labafundi emfundisini | Umlinganiselo wabafundi kutitshala | Inani labafundi ngothisha | Tekanyokelo ya moithuti go morutii | Karolelano ya barutwana ho ya ka matitjhere; palo ya baithuti ba matitjhere | Kabo ya baithuti-morutabaneng | Sichatsanisosibalo sebafundzi nebafundzisi | Ndivhanele ya vhagudiswa kha mugudisi | Mpimoxiave wa vadyondzi eka mudyondzisi |
Learning area | The domains through which learners in the GET and FET bands experience a balanced curriculum. They serve as a sound basis for developing the learning programme to be implemented in schools. Eight learning areas were identified for GET and FET bands. Deprecated term is subject. | Education | Leerarea | Isifundo | isifundo, inkalo yesifundo | Isifundo | Thuto | Thuto | Serutwa | Sifundvo | Sia a ngudo | Xiyenge xo dyondza |
Literacy | Ability to read and write with understanding in any language. A person is literate who can, with understanding, both read and write a short simple statement on his everyday life. | Education | Geletterdheid | Ukufunda | Ulwazi lokufunda nokubhala | Ukwazi ukufunda nokubhala | Tsebo ya go bala le go ngwala | Tsebo ya ho bala le ho ngola | Bobuisokwalo | Kwati bubhala nekufundza | Vhufunzwa/itheresi | Vuswikoti byo hlaya no tsala/literesi |
Literacy rate | The proportion of the population above 15 years of age who can write and read with understanding, usually expressed as a percentage of the total population above that age. | Education | Geletterdheidskoers | Isilinganiso sefundo | Umlinganiselo wabakwazi ukufunda nokubhala | Izinga lolwazi lokufunda nokubhala | Kelo ya tsebo ya go bala le go ngwala | Sekgahla sa tsebo ya ho bala le ho ngola;palo ya ba tsebang ho ngola le ho bala | Kelobobuisokwalo | Lizinga lekwati kubhala nekufundza | Tshikalavhufunzwa/tshikalaitheresi | Mpimo wa vuswikoti byo hlaya no tsala/mpimo wa literesi |
Literacy ratio | The proportion of the population above 15 years of age who can write and read with understanding, expressed as a percentage of the total population of the same age. | Education | Geletterdheidsverhouding | Iretjhiyo yefundo | Umlinganiselo wkufunda nokubhala | Inani labanolwazi lokukufunda nokubhala | Tekanyokelo ya tsebo ya go bala le go ngwala | Palo ya ba tsebang ho bala le ho ngola | Kabo ya bobuisokwalo | Sichatsanisosibalo sekwati kubhala nekufundza | Ndivhanele ya vhufunzwa/ndivhanele ya itheresi | Mpimoxiave wa vuswikoti byo hlaya no tsala/mpimo xiave wa literesi |
Non-formal education | Non-formal education may take place both within and outside educational institutions, and may cater to persons of all ages. Depending on country contexts, it may cover educational programmes to impact adult literacy, basic education for out-of-school children, life-skills, work-skills, and general culture. Non-formal education programmes do not necessarily follow the ladder system, may have varying duration, and may or may not confer certification of the learning achieved. | Education | Nieformele onderwys | Ifundo engakahleleki / Ifundiso | imfundo engamiselekanga | Imfundo engahleliwe | Thuto ye e sego ya semmuo / Thuto ye e sa elwego ka sekolong | Thuto ntle le ho kena sekolo | Thutelatseleng / Thutotlhokathulaganyo | Imfundvo lengakahleleki | Pfunzo i si ya fomaa | Dyondzo yo nkamafundza |
Subsets and Splits