using Godot; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime; using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors; namespace GodotONNX{ /// public partial class ONNXInference : Node { private InferenceSession session; /// /// Path to the ONNX model. Use Initialize to change it. /// private string modelPath; private int batchSize; private SessionOptions SessionOpt; //init function /// public void Initialize(string Path, int BatchSize) { modelPath = Path; batchSize = BatchSize; SessionConfigurator.SystemCheck(); SessionOpt = SessionConfigurator.GetSessionOptions(); session = LoadModel(modelPath); } /// public Godot.Collections.Dictionary> RunInference(Godot.Collections.Array obs, int state_ins) { //Current model: Any (Godot Rl Agents) //Expects a tensor of shape [batch_size, input_size] type float named obs and a tensor of shape [batch_size] type float named state_ins //Fill the input tensors // create span from inputSize var span = new float[obs.Count]; //There's probably a better way to do this for (int i = 0; i < obs.Count; i++) { span[i] = obs[i]; } IReadOnlyCollection inputs = new List { NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("obs", new DenseTensor(span, new int[] { batchSize, obs.Count })), NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("state_ins", new DenseTensor(new float[] { state_ins }, new int[] { batchSize })) }; IReadOnlyCollection outputNames = new List { "output", "state_outs" }; //ONNX is sensible to these names, as well as the input names IDisposableReadOnlyCollection results; try{ results = session.Run(inputs, outputNames); } catch (OnnxRuntimeException e) { //This error usually means that the model is not compatible with the input, beacause of the input shape (size) GD.Print("Error at inference: ", e); return null; } //Can't convert IEnumerable to Variant, so we have to convert it to an array or something Godot.Collections.Dictionary> output = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary>(); DisposableNamedOnnxValue output1 = results.First(); DisposableNamedOnnxValue output2 = results.Last(); Godot.Collections.Array output1Array = new Godot.Collections.Array(); Godot.Collections.Array output2Array = new Godot.Collections.Array(); foreach (float f in output1.AsEnumerable()) { output1Array.Add(f); } foreach (float f in output2.AsEnumerable()) { output2Array.Add(f); } output.Add(output1.Name, output1Array); output.Add(output2.Name, output2Array); //Output is a dictionary of arrays, ex: { "output" : [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, ...], "state_outs" : [0.5, ...]} return output; } /// public InferenceSession LoadModel(string Path) { Godot.FileAccess file = FileAccess.Open(Path, Godot.FileAccess.ModeFlags.Read); byte[] model = file.GetBuffer((int)file.GetLength()); file.Close(); return new InferenceSession(model, SessionOpt); //Load the model } } }