{ "section_name": [ "Taking Over-the-Counter Treatments", "Increasing Your Fluid Intake", "Adding Fiber to Your Diet" ], "document": [ "Epsom salt contains magnesium, which can act as a laxative. To use it as an oral laxative, dissolve 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) (30 g) of Epsom salt in 1 cup (240 ml) of water or juice. Drink the juice immediately. You should pass stool within 30 minutes to 6 hours. Avoid taking more than 1 Epsom salt laxative in a day because you can overdose on magnesium. If you've tried other remedies or laxatives without being able to pass stool, buy a laxative stimulant that contains bisacodyl or senna-sennosides. These stimulate your bowels to contract so you can pass stool. You should only take 1 dose of stimulant laxatives a day and don't use them for more than a day or two in a row. Always try other constipation therapies before reaching for the stimulant laxative. Stimulant laxatives can cause dehydration and dependence if you use them too frequently.", "Although daily water intake varies from person to person, it's important to drink more water than you usually do, especially if you're increasing the fiber in your diet. Staying hydrated helps the fiber work better and prevents the stool from becoming too hard. Drinking warm water and clear soups can also help to fight constipation and keep you hydrated. These juices contain sorbitol, which is a sugar alcohol that has a laxative effect. Drink a glass or two of these juices throughout the day. They'll also help you stay hydrated. Choose juices that don't have added sugars or sweeteners. Buy an herbal tea that contains senna leaves or powder, which is a natural laxative. Drink a cup of senna tea 2 times a day until you pass stool. It usually takes between 6 and 8 hours for the tea to take effect.", "Leave the skin on apples and pears to get even more fiber in your diet or eat dried fruits like prunes, figs, and raisins. Eating fiber-rich produce, such as berries, oranges, carrots, greens, and broccoli, can add volume to your stool. This makes it easier for your body to push the stool through your intestines and relieve constipation. Don't eat foods that contain little or no fiber while you're trying to relieve constipation. These can slow digestion and make it harder to pass stool. Try to eliminate these from your diet while you're constipated: Chips or fried foods Processed food, such as fast food or frozen meals Meat, especially sausages or hot dogs Dairy White bread and pasta" ], "summary": [ "Take an Epsom salt laxative if an osmotic laxative or stool softener doesn't work. Use an oral over-the-counter stimulant laxative for serious constipation.", "Drink water throughout the day to soften your stool. Drink prune, apple, or pear juice to relieve constipation. Sip hot herbal tea containing senna to produce a bowel movement.", "Eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Avoid eating foods that take longer to digest." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Socializing and House Training a Doberman", "Teaching a Doberman Basic Commands", "Applying General Training Principles" ], "document": [ "This is an important first step for further training. Begin calling your dog by its name as soon as you adopt it. Even though the dog won't understand that you are talking about it right away, the repetition over time will help it to learn that you are talking about it. Pick a name for your dog that is easy to say. This will allow you to teach the dog its name more easily. This is an important bit of training that is key to having a happy and healthy relationship with your pet. House training a dog is a bit different than teaching commands. Dogs instinctually want to keep their bathroom spot separate from where they sleep and eat. Because of this, house training a dog is more about showing the dog the boundaries of home and bathroom than directing the dog when to go to the bathroom. The key to house training is taking your dog out on a regular basis. When you first begin training your dog, there will probably be accidents between trips outside, as the dog is not used to the routine yet. However, over time the dog's system will adjust to the regular intervals between trips outside. If a dog goes to the bathroom in the house, immediately take it outside to finish its business. The important part of this is taking the dog outside immediately. A dog doesn't have the ability to make a connection between going to the bathroom inside and being taken outside unless these things happen basically simultaneously. Dobermans, like all dogs, need to be socialized at a young age. This means that you must take your puppy to parks, dog-friendly stores, and other places your pup will meet new people. You want your puppy to constantly be meeting new people, so that it understands that this is a normal, and pleasant, part of life. If your puppy goes with little socialization, he or she will not be friendly to other dogs in the future. This will prove to be a major problem. If you adopt an adult dog that has not been socialized you should begin remedial socialization with them. This means that you need to start with the basics to get them used to people and animals out in the world. Start by building trust with the animal. It needs to trust and follow your commands in order to be trained how to respond to strangers and other animals. Once you have bonded with your adult dog, then start doing short excursions into public. You should keep your dog away from actual contact with strangers and animals at first, simply letting the dog see that others out in the world mean it no harm. Gradually introduce the dog to new people. Get a friend to help with this training. Have the person stand near the dog in a non-threatening position, but not so close that the dog could actually make contact. Have your helper use a kind voice and hold treats for the dog, so that it gradually goes to the helper on its own. Also introduce your dog to other dogs. This is a delicate and gradual process, in which the dog first needs to see and smell the other dog before being allowed to get close enough to make contact with the other dog. This may take quite awhile if your dog is aggressive to other dogs. Over days, and probably weeks, gradually expose your dog to the sights and smells of other dogs.", "Get your dog into a standing position and position yourself in its line of sight. Focus the dog's attention on a treat in your hand. Raise that hand in front of the dog’s nose to let it get the scent, then to above its head level. When you hold the treat above the dog’s head, most dogs will naturally sit to get a better view of it. Give the dog an immediate treat and praise. Follow the routine of treat and praise and say “good sit” when the dog is performing the behavior. Your pup may be slow at first, but more treats and praise will speed up its response. Make sure that you do not praise the dog until its actually sitting. If you praise halfway through the sit, the dog will think that is what you want. Also, make sure that you do not praise it for getting back up, or you will get that behavior instead of the sit. If your dog does not sit with the treat technique, you can use your leash and collar. Stand next to the dog, facing the same direction as it. Place a little backward pressure on the collar to encourage a sit. You may even need to encourage the sit by adding a little gentle scoop behind the dog’s hind legs. Gently lean the dog backward with the help of the collar while doing this. As soon as it sits, give the dog immediate praise and reward. Praise natural sitting behavior. Look for times throughout the day when your dog just sits on his own. Praise that behavior, and pretty soon you'll have a dog that sits for attention instead of jumping or barking at you. The “come” is used whenever you want your dog to come to you. This command is potentially life-saving, as it can prevent your dog from running off if he gets loose. Begin by getting your dog’s attention. You want to make it run toward you. Use praise and your “happy voice” to encourage the dog to move toward you. Once the dog comes, give immediate praise. Pair the behavior with the verbal command. As your dog begins to realize it will be rewarded for coming to you, start giving the verbal command “come.” When it responds to the command, reinforce it in praise by pairing it with “good”: “good come!” Move the training to more public spaces. Because the “come” command could save your dog's life, it must learn to respond to it even when it's distracted. Move the training sessions from your home or yard to a public park. There are more sights, sounds, and smells demanding his attention there. Give enormous rewards. Because this command is so important, the praise you give for performing it should be extravagant. Responding to the \"come\" command should be the best part of your dog's day. Take your dog on regular walks with a leash. This is important not just for training, but for its physical and mental health. Depending on what breed of dog you have, the dog may need a lot of exercise to keep it happy and in shape. Discourage pulling. Most dogs will pull on the leash when they're learning to take walks. When it starts pulling, stop immediately. Don't take another step until the dog comes to your side and focuses its attention on you. Change directions. An even more effective method is to walk in the opposite direction and encourage your dog to come with you. Once it has caught up, praise and treat it. Make it fun to be by your side. Your dog's natural impulse is to chart its own course and investigate its environment. You need to make walking by your side more appealing that that. Use an enthusiastic voice when changing directions, and lavish the dog with praise when it comes back to your side. Pair the behavior with a verbal command. Once the dog walks consistently at your side, you can give the behavior a name, like “heel\" or “let’s go.”", "A young Dobie will not need much more than a collar. As your dog ages, however, you will notice its strength increase. For most females dogs this is not a problem, but for the deeper-chested males you may need to purchase a head collar. A head collar is best because it establishes dominance. While using the head collar, you walk right next to your dog's head. The head collar is much like a horse halter. Instead of constantly pulling the collar and being dragged the Gentle Leader, a great brand of head collar, only needs a quick, sharp pull to control the dog. Most dogs take a while to get used to the head collar, but if you are doing it right it will not hurt them. Make sure you follow all the instructions given to you when you purchase the head collar. Gentle leaders are available at your local pet store. Pinch collars are also effective, but establish a bond based on fear. These should be used as a last resort. Solid training will eliminate any need for a pinch collar. Give your dog a reward when it does something correctly instead of punishing them when they do something wrong. Reward-based training helps your dog create a positive link between the desirable action and getting a reward. The dog then learns what actions go with what cues and carries out the actions in order to earn a reward. This is a humane and highly effective training method. Dobies have a strong food drive but overfeeding can lead to health and behavior problems. Try toys instead, because food aggression is common with Dobies. When your dog does misbehave, because all dogs misbehave sometimes, try to get to the bottom of the behavior. If you know why the dog is doing bad things, you can possibly alleviate the problem, and thus the bad behavior. If all else fails, get rid of temptation for the dog. Move items it destroys or eats out of its space, so that you are not setting the dog up to fail. Doberman need firm handling. Many people take that instruction as an excuse to be mean to their dog. Firm handling just means that the Doberman is a fairly dominant dog, and needs to be taught right from wrong at an early age. Teach your Doberman that you are its leader when it is a puppy, because being bossed around by a large dog isn't fun. Dogs can detect and reflect the emotions around them. So if your dog is behaving well, don't go overboard on the reward, because your dog can sense your happiness. When you dog is not behaving well, don't punish your Dobie horribly. It knows you're unhappy. Don't be scarce on discipline. Dobies should respond well to a firm \"no\". The scold should be directed at him/her, so at the dog and point at them. Dobermans don't respond well to physical punishments, and hitting or physically punishing your dog is animal abuse. Do not deliberately stare a dog in the eye, especially if they may be aggressive. This is considered hostile, and you may inadvertently be challenging the dog to a fight. The key to training is teaching your dog through repetition. Tell your dog what you want it to do and never give it any mixed signals. This can be harder than you would think, so pay attention to your actions as much as your dogs." ], "summary": [ "Teach a Doberman to respond to its name. House train a Doberman Pinscher. Socialize a Doberman Pincher as early as possible. Socialize adult dogs that are fearful of strangers.", "Training a Doberman to sit. Training a Doberman to come when called. Teach a Doberman to heel.", "Get an appropriate collar. Focus on reward-based training. Be a strong leader. Practice consistent training." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Method Two: Traditional Version", "Method One: Quick Version", "Method Three: Vegan Version" ], "document": [ "Drain the shucked oysters and reserve the liquid. Use a sharp kitchen knife to rough chop the oysters into smaller pieces. Use a container of pre-shucked oysters for this recipe instead of fresh oysters. The actual oysters will be filtered out of the sauce later, so you do not need to worry about cutting them into precise sizes. Making them smaller can help release the flavor faster, though, which is why chopping the oysters beforehand is generally a good idea. Place the chopped oysters in a small saucepan with the reserved oyster juice and 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of water. Place the saucepan on the stove and heat it on high until the liquid reaches a steady, rolling boil. Stir the contents of the saucepan occasionally to prevent the oysters from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Reduce the heat to medium-low, allowing the liquid to drop to a gentle simmer. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Keep an eye on the saucepan during this time. You do not need to stir the mixture inside, but you should make sure that the liquid remains at a steady simmer. Adjust the heat settings as necessary. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Sprinkle in 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) of salt and stir well to combine. Pour the contents of the saucepan through a sieve or strainer. Save the liquid and discard the solid ingredients. If you want to save the cooked oysters, you can do so by transferring them to a plastic or glass container with an airtight lid. Place the container in the refrigerator and store the oysters for up to four days. Pour the liquid portion of the mixture back into your saucepan after filtering out the solids. Add 2 to 4 Tbsp (30 to 60 ml) light soy sauce to the mixture and stir well. Pour 1/2 to 1 Tbsp (7.5 to 15 ml) dark soy sauce into the mixture and stir it in, as well. Using both light and dark soy sauces will give the taste of the oyster sauce more depth, but if you only have one type of soy sauce on hand, simply use a full 2-1/2 to 5 Tbsp (37.5 to 75 ml) of that soy sauce, instead. If you aren't sure about how much soy sauce to add, start by adding a smaller portion. Taste test the results and add more soy sauce if you want a stronger flavor. Return the saucepan to the stove and heat it on high until the liquid reaches a rolling boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Keep the lid off the pan this time. The oyster sauce should thicken as some of the liquid simmers away, but the thickening process will be hindered if you keep the lid on. Let the oyster sauce cool for a few minutes before you use it. If you want to save the sauce for later, pour it into a plastic or glass container with an airtight lid and refrigerate it for up to one week.", "Collect 4 tsp (20 ml) of canning juice from a can of shucked oysters. Pour this liquid into a small bowl. You will not need to use the oysters for this recipe. You can discard them or use them for another recipe. Transfer the oysters to a plastic or glass container with an airtight lid and refrigerate for up to one or two weeks. Pour 8 tsp (40 ml) of soy sauce into the bowl of oyster juices. Use a whisk to thoroughly mix the liquids together. You could use light or dark soy sauce, or a combination of the two. Alternatively, if you do not have any soy sauce, you could use teriyaki. Sprinkle 1 tsp (5 ml) of sugar into the liquid and whisk rapidly until the sugar is fully dissolved. Taste the oyster sauce. If necessary, add another 1 tsp (5 ml) of oyster juice and/or another 1 tsp (5 ml) of sugar. Mix well. You can add more soy sauce, as well, but do so carefully to avoid making the mixture too salty. Neither the saltiness of the soy sauce nor the sweetness of the sugar should be too overpowering. The oyster sauce can be used immediately, but if you want to save it for another time, pour it into an airtight plastic or glass container and refrigerate for up to one week.", "Place the mushrooms and flax seeds in separate bowls. Pour water over the contents of both dishes and allow them to absorb that water for a full four hours. Place the mushrooms in a dish and pour enough cool water inside to cover them by a full 1 inch (2.5 cm). Soak for four hours, drain the water, then rinse with running water. Cut the mushrooms into strips and set aside. Place the flax seeds in a small bowl and pour 1/4 cup (60 ml) water over them. Let soak for four hours. The flax seeds should absorb the water during this time. Pour the vegetable oil into a medium saucepan or deep skillet. Warm the oil on the stove over medium-high heat. Scatter the sliced ginger in the hot oil. Sauté, stirring occasionally, until the ginger turns golden-brown. Remove the ginger from the oil when ready. Set it aside temporarily. Toss in the prepared mushrooms and drizzle in the sesame oil. Reduce the heat to medium, and stir-fry for several minutes until the sesame oil becomes fragrant. You should only need to cook these ingredients for a minute or so before the heat draws out the scent of the sesame oil. Stir-fry the contents of the pan for 30 to 60 seconds, blending the seasonings in thoroughly. If you do not have both light and dark soy sauces, use 2 Tbsp (30 ml) of whatever soy sauce you have on hand. Pour the water and sugar into the pan and stir them into the rest of the contents. Cover, and let simmer for a full 10 minutes. Watch the contents of the pan. You do not need to stir the mixture, but you need to make sure that it remains at a gentle simmer for the full 10 minutes. Adjust the heat settings as needed to maintain that simmer. Remove the pan from the stove and transfer the mixture inside to a large bowl. Allow it to drop to room temperature. Pour the cooled mixture into a blender. Add the flax seeds, as well as the pre-cooked ginger, and pulse the ingredients together until texture becomes smooth. You won't be filtering out any solid ingredients for this recipe, so any visible chunks left behind need to be very small and hardly noticeable. Pour the pureed sauce into a saucepan and return it to the stove. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat for roughly 5 minutes. Essentially, you're just heating the sauce through during this step. You don't want it to boil or simmer. You can serve the vegan oyster sauce now or pour it into a plastic or glass container with an airtight lid. Refrigerate it for up to one week." ], "summary": [ "Chop the oysters. Combine the oysters with reserved liquid and water. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt. Separate the liquid. Add the soy sauces. Boil and simmer for another 10 minutes. Use now or save for later.", "Reserve the liquid from a can of oysters. Combine the canning liquid with soy sauce. Dissolve the sugar. Adjust the seasonings as needed. Use now or store for later.", "Soak the mushrooms and flax seeds. Heat the vegetable oil. Sauté the ginger. Add the mushrooms and sesame oil. Add the salt and soy sauces. Combine with the water and sugar. Cool. Blend in the flax seeds. Heat gently for 5 minutes. Serve it now or use it later." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Blending in with Italian Culture", "Ordering Your Courses", "Pronouncing Words Correctly" ], "document": [ "In Italy, it’s normal to go to lunch around 1:00 in the afternoon and dinner around 8:00 in the evening. If you’re wanting to truly blend into the culture, don’t arrive at the restaurant any earlier than these times. Keep in mind that most Italian restaurants close between lunch and dinner. If you order every single course option, you’ll likely have way too much food to eat. It is completely normal in Italy to choose 2 or so different courses to order and to pass on the rest. Keep in mind that the portions for each course are smaller than in the United States. In Italian culture, it’s seen as rude to drop off the check when it isn’t asked for. Make sure to ask for the check when you want it. In Italy, it’s appropriate to subtly raise a hand, make eye contact with your server, and say, “Il conte per favore.” This means, “The check, please.” In Italy, tipping the server is unnecessary and gratuity will never be added to your bill. In most instances, you’ll stand out as a foreigner If you tip the server. However, if you’re at a nice restaurant and you feel like you’ve been treated extremely well, consider tipping 10%. It’s socially acceptable and recommended that you tip 18-20% at restaurants in the United States, whether or not they’re Italian.", "At meals, it’s most common to order water and/or wine to drink. Most Italian restaurants have both flat and sparkling bottled water, but not tap water. They’ll probably have red, white, and sparkling wines available for you to choose from. When eating at a restaurant in Italy, the server will likely ask you, “Da bere?” which means “To drink?” Answer with something like, “un litro di aqua naturale,” which means “a liter of flat water. ” In Italian, “antipasta” means “before the meal.” This is similar to an appetizer and often includes cured meats, cured cheeses, fried vegetables, olives, or toasted bread with tomatoes (“bruschetta”). Order antipasti before any other courses. Once you’ve decided on an appetizer at a restaurant in Italy, the server may ask, “Che facciamo?” meaning, “What are we making?” Respond with something like, “Per antipasto facciamo un carpaccio.” This means, “For an appetizer, let’s make a carpaccio.” Next, choose a pasta, risotto, or soup from the “Primo” section of the menu. There will likely be many different pasta dishes to choose from that come in a variety of shapes and are served with a variety of sauces. In Italy, the server may say, “Per primo?” meaning “For your first course?” to which you can reply something like, “Per primo facciamo spaghetti alla carbonara.” After pasta, you’ll most likely order red meat, poultry, or fish as the second course. The second course typically doesn’t come with any sides. Choose a meat from the “Secondo” section of the menu. If eating in Italy, your server may ask, “Per secondo?” which means “For the second course?” You may say something like, “Per secondo facciamo, una bistecca alla fiorentina.” ” Following the second course, you’ll be served a side dish of your choice, often served with a salad. At this point, order vegetables, potatoes, or any other side listed on the menu. A server in a restaurant in Italy may get your side dish course by asking, “Salata, contorno?” which means, “Salad, side dish?” In response, say “Si grazie, un insalata e patatine fritte.” This means, “Yes please, a salad and french fries.” ” You’ll probably be offered dessert at this point in your meal. This is often a fruit selection, but tiramisu and/or other sweet treats may also be on the menu. Make your selection and tell the server what you want. If you’re in Italy, the server will likely say, “Poi un dolche?” to which you can reply, “Si, un tiramisù.” If you want coffee after your meal, there are a few different ways you can have it prepared for you. Either order a “normale,” which is an espresso shot, or a “macchiato,” which means coffee with a drop of milk. You can also order a “lungo,” meaning “long” coffee, which is similar to a normale but is brewed with twice as much water, making it bigger and more diluted than an espresso shot. “Digestivi” is a beverage that typically contains liquor and fruit juice. Order and drink it after your last course if you want to do like the Italians do and settle your stomach.", "Many make the mistake of pronouncing bruschetta like “brewshhetta.” However, “ch” in Italian sounds like a hard “k.” If you’re ordering bruschetta as your antipasto, remember to enunciate that hard “k.” ” Sometimes people think that gnocchi is pronounced like “nookie.” While it’s true that the “g” is silent, this isn’t quite right. Say “nyoh-kee” if you decide to order these potato dumplings as your primo. Instead of saying “minestron-ee,” pronounce this word with a softer emphasis on the last “e.” There are no silent vowels on the end of Italian words, but this doesn’t mean that they’re harsh-sounding. While the spelling of this Italian pizza is the same as an alcoholic beverage you may be familiar with, their pronunciations are a little different. Don’t include the “r” in the second syllable if you choose to order a margarita pizza. As a good rule of thumb, it’s best to pronounce every syllable of each Italian word if you have no idea how to say it. This will increase your chances of saying it correctly and/or being understood." ], "summary": [ "Head to meals later in the day if you’re in Italy. Order 2 courses in Italy. Ask for “il conto” when you’re ready to pay at a restaurant in Italy. Don’t tip your server if you’re dining in Italy.", "Ask for bottled water and/or wine by the glass or bottle to drink. Start with “antipasti. Order your first course, or “primo,” of pasta. Order your second course, or “secondo” of meat. Ask for a side dish, or “contorni. Ask for a dessert, or “dolchi. Drink your “caffè” last. Order “digestivi” to help you digest your meal.", "Say “brews-keh-tah” when you want Bruschetta. Pronounce gnocchi like “nyoh-kee. Say “mean-ehs-tron-ih” when ordering minestrone. Order a “marg-eh-rita” pizza, not a margarita pizza. Pronounce every syllable when you aren’t sure." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Decorating the Note", "Composing the Note", "Passing the Note" ], "document": [ "Before you can even start writing your letter, you need to decide what stationery to use. Notebook paper is always a safe option, but it’s not the only one. If you recently went on a trip with your family, use a postcard from that location. Or if you have special stationary that you really love, use that instead. To do this, write your note on a 6” by 6” piece of paper (or any square-shaped paper). Fold the paper twice over so your paper is divided into four equal quadrants. Fold the top point down to meet the crease in the center. Fold the bottom point up so it touches the top point. Fold your right side to meet the crease in the center and then do the same with the left side. Flip the heart over and fold the top points down. If you’re passing your note in an envelope, feel free to gussy up the envelope as well. You can add stickers or use stencils to write your crush’s name out. If you want to be funny, try cutting out your crush’s name using letters from a magazine and taping them to the envelope so it looks like a ransom note. Keep in mind that he might not like stickers as much as you do. Less is usually more when it comes to decorating your note, unless you want the note to look over-the-top on purpose. If the note is serious in tone, it's probably best to keep it simple: just write his name in plain letters on the envelope. To make your envelope a little more colorful and fun, try painting it. To do this, all you will need is your envelope, some paint and a brush. Try painting wavy lines in different colored stripes. When painting, make sure to keep your brush flat and drag it across the surface. Let the envelope dry before you put your letter inside.", "If you really like this boy, tell him that. Figure out what you want this note to achieve. Do you want him to give you his number so you can text him? Ask for his number in your note. Do you want to hang out with him after school? Ask him to come over to your house to watch a movie. Figure out what you want to achieve with your note and writing it will become so much easier. Be honest with yourself as well. Don't tell him it's okay if he doesn't like you, you're okay with just being friends if that's not true. Make sure whatever you put in your note is truthful, otherwise you're starting off on the wrong foot. It’s also okay to say you don’t know what to say. Telling him “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I really like you” is very endearing and he’ll be flattered that you were even brave enough to try. There’s no right way to tell someone you like them, so you can feel free to be as creative as you want. Try writing a poem to let him know how you feel. Your poem doesn’t have to rhyme if you don’t want it to. There are many different types and lengths of poems, so fool around and see which one feels right for you. If all else fails, go back to the classics. You can’t go wrong with a little “Roses are red, violets are blue, this poem is stupid, but I still like you.” If you have trouble putting what you feel into your own words, use somebody else’s. Include a quote from your favorite movie or book or add a song lyric that makes you think of him. It doesn’t matter what you say, as long as he gets the idea that you like him. Use your note to express things you might be embarrassed to say in person. Compliment his hair or his clothes or his personality; whatever it is that makes him attractive to you, tell him. Even if he decides that he’s not interested in you, he’ll still appreciate the compliments. If you and your crush are already friends, chances are you have at least one inside joke. Include that joke in your note; these details are unique and specific to your relationship and he’ll appreciate that you thought to include it. Your love letter doesn’t just have to be a letter. If you feel self-conscious explaining yourself in words, try explaining yourself in song. Make your crush a mixed CD or playlist of all the songs that make you think of him. If you’re artistic, draw him a picture of you and him together. Whatever you decide to give him, make sure you include some kind of note with your name on it. You wouldn’t want to give him a gift and make him guess where it’s coming from. The note with your gift doesn’t have to be highly detailed. It can be as simple as To Jack, From Jill. The gift is what you’re explaining yourself with, so the note accompanying it can be very low-key.", "If you frequently pass your crush in the halls, plan on giving him the note during that time. You won’t have too much time before you have to get to your next class, so you won’t have to worry about standing around and talking awkwardly. If you’re too nervous or anxious to pass the note yourself, give it to a friend to pass on. Make sure you choose a friend that you trust, just in case they decide to read the note themselves and tell others what it says. You could also give him the note in class. He’ll probably be thrilled to have something to do (other than focusing on the lesson and studying, of course). Just make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. You don’t want your teacher to find it and confiscate it, or worse, read the note out loud. If you don’t want to give the note directly to your crush and you feel weird asking someone else to do it, slide the note through the slots in his locker. Just make sure you’re putting the note in the right locker. If you feel that you couldn’t possibly give your note at school, try sending it through e-mail. Some people believe that e-mail is not romantic, but that’s actually not the case. As long as you’re being honest and sharing your feelings, your crush won’t really care how you send them over. You can also send your note as a text or Facebook message. Whatever medium you feel most comfortable using, do that. If you’re absolutely convinced that you couldn’t possibly send your crush a letter with your name on it, try leaving your name off. Your crush won’t know who his secret admirer is, but some people like a mystery. Just know that if you want to actually pursue a relationship with your crush, you’re going to have to come clean about it eventually." ], "summary": [ "Pick your paper. Fold the note into a heart. Embellish the envelope with stickers or stencils. Paint the envelope with watercolors.", "Be honest with what you want. Structure your note like a poem. Use quotes. Compliment him. Add an inside joke. Include a personal gift.", "Give him the note in the hallway. Stick the note in his locker. Send the note electronically. Send the note anonymously." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Locating the Source of the Odor", "Removing Moisture from Inside Your Automobile", "Neutralizing and Deodorizing the Odor", "Preventing Mold Odors from Returning" ], "document": [ "Check everywhere, even in places that are hidden from you view like under the floor mats and seats. Look for any traces of moisture or mildew. Use your hand to feel around in places you can't see. Make sure they are mold free and are not moist when you touch them. Let the automobile sit in the sun with the windows rolled down to dry out. Brush away any loose mold from the upholstery. When the A/C is running, water condenses and attracts dust, spores, pollen, and other germs. This later forms fungi and causes a mildew smell that can be treated. Use an odor remover spray to treat your car's A/C every year. Spray the odor remover into the A/C vents to eliminate odors caused by stagnant water, bacteria, and mildew.", "If you do not own a shop vacuum, you can rent one from most home improvement stores. These machines work great to suck-up moisture that lies deep within fabrics. This product comes in white granules and works to absorb moisture. It can hold double its weight in water and liquefies as it absorbs moisture. Here is how to properly use anhydrous calcium chloride: Put the granules in a waxed cardboard container that has perforated holes. Place the container in an enameled pot to collect the liquid that drips away from the container. Leave the pot in the automobile until only liquid is let in the container and then refill it. This is a helpful tip to consider when there is too much moisture for you to get rid of on your own. The heat from the sun will warm up the inside of the car and work to evaporate some of the moisture left behind on seats, the floor and anywhere the mold smell originates.", "Spray each spot a few times, and allow it to seep into the area where the mold smell is. This will help to remove mold odor from within your car. Do not over saturate the area with air freshener. If you do, blot the area dry. Allow this to seep into the carpet. After about two hours, vacuum the excess baking soda with a portable handheld vacuum or shop vacuum. It is perfectly safe to use laundry detergent on your car floor's and upholstery to remove stains, mold, or any other culprit causing unpleasant smells. Remove any stuck-on grim or substance with a putty knife or spatula. Mix two tablespoons of laundry detergent with eight ounces of water into a spray bottle, and get the affected areas wet. After allowing the cleaning solution to set for a few minutes, begin blotting up the area by padding it with a white wash cloth. Soak up the remaining moisture with a shop vacuum when done. Check the extent of the damage. Mold or mildew that has soaked through to the padding of cushions needs to be cleaned by a detailing company that has access to fumigation. Call around to your nearest car care professionals to ask about pricing. This service could be expensive.", "Food and debris that fall in your car can provide favorable conditions for mold and mildew to begin growing. Regularly vacuuming and shaking off car floor mats can be a great way to prevent mildew growth. Moisture nurtures mildew which is the cause of musty odors. It is important to maintain a dry atmosphere in the automobile. Wipe up any spill immediately. Remove wet floor mats and allow them to air dry before returning to the car. Allow the automobile to replenish stagnant air with fresh air by leaving the windows down. In the case of flooding or major spills where the carpet has been saturated, be sure to address the problem right away to prevent mildew growth. The carpet needs to be cleaned, deodorized and dried completely. Consider a professional cleaning for major saturation. Mildew and mold odors will return if there is poor air quality. It is important to have moisture control, proper ventilation, and make sure contaminated air is removed. Roll your car windows down occasionally to allow new air to flow in. Keep up with annual A/C maintenance." ], "summary": [ "Inspect the interior of the car. Examine the upholstery on the front and back seats. Inspect the air conditioning system.", "Use a shop vacuum to suck-up any moisture. Absorb the moisture with anhydrous calcium chloride. Leave the car windows open to let the car air out.", "Spray the designated areas with an air freshener. Sprinkle baking soda inside the car where the moisture and mold is. Shampoo the floor and mats. Go to a car care professional.", "Keep the inside of the automobile clean. Keep the interior dry. Keep rugs and carpets dry. Improve the air quality inside the automobile." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Presenting Yourself Well", "Keeping Him Interested", "Making Him Fall for You" ], "document": [ "to show confidence. By practicing the physical act of appearing confident, you will actually start to feel more confident. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold your chin up, relax your shoulders, and breathe deeply. This will naturally make you seem more attractive to anyone who's around you. The more you practice good posture, the more natural it will feel. Speaking slowly gives other people the impression that you're confident and knowledgeable. You will also seem more authoritative if you slightly lower your vocal range as you speak. When you're telling a story, think about each sentence and how it relates to what you're saying. Don't be afraid to leave a pause between sentences while you're speaking. It seems more confident than using filler words like \"um\" or \"like.\" People who are more physically engaged while they're speaking seem more confident than those who do not. Gesture with your hands to emphasize strong points. Think about how to use your body to convey a message. For instance, you could lean forward and rest your hand on your chin when you're interested in what someone else is saying. No matter what you look like, you'll be the most attractive when you're happy with how you look. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable. If you wear makeup, play up the features that you like the most. Alpha males are attracted to confidence, and wearing too much makeup can make you seem insecure. Keep your makeup natural-looking on most of your face. If you do go bold, emphasize one feature of your face at a time. For instance, if you wear a bold red lip, opt for a subtle smoky eye and subtle eyeliner. If you go for a dramatic winged liner and dark eyeshadow, try pairing it with a nude lip and a little blush. Smelling good can make you seem more attractive. A little goes a long way, though. Spritz a little of the fragrance on your wrists, then touch your wrists to your neck to transfer the scent.", "Keep your alpha man interested by having your own interests and goals outside of him. You’ll both have more to talk about at the end of the day if you’re busy pursuing your own career or hobbies. If anyone tries to keep you from pursuing your own interests, remove yourself from the situation and find someone who will appreciate your independence. Most alpha males need time every so often to hang out with their friends or to pursue their hobbies. Show him that you appreciate who he is by encouraging him to do these things. If he loves to fish, ask him if he'd like to take the weekend to go on a fishing trip while you visit your family. If you know his friends have a poker night on Thursdays, consider taking a class on Thursday nights. That way, he can still enjoy his time with his friends, and you won't be sitting at home waiting for him. An alpha male can run the risk of feeling like he’s alone at the top of the pack. Let him know it’s you and him against the world by offering a supportive shoulder whenever he’s feeling stressed. If you know he’s had a long day, call and order his favorite take-out and make some time for just the two of you. Try saying something like, “I know you had a big meeting today. How did it go?” A lot of alpha males are used to strutting through life without ever being challenged. If you feel like he’s wrong, let him know. He might be surprised at first but he’ll respect you more in the long run. Try not to challenge him in front of other people. No one likes to feel embarrassed, especially alpha males. Wait until the two of you are alone to talk about something you didn’t like. You might say something like, “I know you were annoyed that the food took a long time to come out, but I didn’t like that you were rude to our waiter.” When you're ready to take your relationship to the next level, don't assume that he will automatically know. Specifically tell him that you like him and you're interested in being exclusive with each other. If he agrees to a committed relationship, set aside some time to celebrate! If he seems reluctant to commit to you, say something like, \"I'm sorry you made that decision. I hope you find what you're looking for,\" then move on with your life. You deserve someone who will give you their undivided attention.", "Alpha males are defined primarily by their dominant characteristics. If he’s really an alpha, he’ll want to feel like he’s in control of the chase. If you catch his eye at a party or in a club, smile at him to let him know you’re interested, but let him be the one to come to you. If he asks for your phone number, don't ask him for his. That way he'll have to be the one to call or text first. If the two of you are hanging out and having a good time, let him ask you out for a second date. Every situation is different, so if you think he's interested but he doesn't ask you out, go ahead and ask him out instead. If you want to attract a top-tier mate, you need to know your worth. By valuing yourself, you’ll show him that he should value you too. Show him that you're confident by accepting compliments without deflecting them and talking about your accomplishments. Just as you know your strengths, you should also be humble about your weaknesses. You don’t have to tell him what they are, but don’t act like you’re too good for him. Make him feel like he’s number one by telling him all the things you like about him. Building up his ego will make him want to have you around. Try saying something like, “I love how you’re always working to better yourself,” or “It’s so much fun to watch you work the room at a party.” Appeal to his inner provider by making him feel like you need him. Ask him to help you with small things that you have a hard time with or don’t enjoy doing, like opening a jar that’s stuck or calling to make reservations at a restaurant. There’s no need to pretend you’re weak to attract your alpha male. You can be strong and confident while still needing him. Think of things that play to his strengths, then ask for his help. Alpha males like to make decisions, but that doesn't mean they'll always want to be the one with a plan. Let him know a few things you'd like to do, then sit back and enjoy as he makes it happen. For instance, if there's a movie you really want to see, let him know you'd be interested in going to the movies for a date. Spontaneous dates can keep things fresh. If the weather's nice, ask him if he'd like to eat lunch in a nearby park. Most alpha males enjoy regularly trying something they've never done before, just to keep life interesting and challenging. Take a day trip to a nearby museum neither of you have ever visited, try out a new restaurant, or hike to a hidden waterfall just outside of town." ], "summary": [ "Practice good posture Speak slowly and clearly to show self-assurance. Use your hands when you talk. Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. Keep your makeup subtle if you wear any. Spray on a little perfume, cologne, or body spray before you leave the house.", "Focus on your own goals. Encourage him to be independent. Be supportive. Challenge him when he needs it. Ask him for a commitment.", "Give him time to make the first move. Be confident but not cocky. Flatter his ego by complimenting him. Make him feel needed. Help him come up with fun date ideas. Try new things together." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Infestations", "Treating Infestations" ], "document": [ "Especially if the item came from a secondhand store or a friend, regardless of the fiber content of the item, you should make sure there are no signs that the item is infested. It is possible that stray caterpillars could be attached to the clothing and end up hatching in your closet. In the United States, most infestations come from webbing clothes moths, but you should still inspect for both. Look for patches of silk webbing and feeding tube which webbing clothes moths leave behind. Casemaking moths' cases will change to match the color of the clothing they're eating. For this reason, you should always look for numerous, suspicious small holes as this your best warning sign for an infestation. Frequently clean your closet from top to bottom; moths like to live in places where it's dark and they're undisturbed. Move things around: move your clothes out, wipe things down with detergent-soaked clothes, and vacuum the floors and drawers. You might think that your clothes, particularly those made out of cotton and manmade fibers, will be okay as long as your wool is stored separately. But moths like to eat the tiny detritus left behind from human skin, like sweat, as well as food particles. Make sure your clothes have always been washed before they return to your closet space. You can use vacuum sealing, ziplock bags, or even plastic containers with airtight lids to store your wool garments when you're not using them. This is particularly helpful in the spring and summer months. You can also line these spaces with anti-moth paper, cedar, or even mothballs to make them extra secure. Most if not all of these items should be available from Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, or Walmart. Be careful: storing clothes in an airtight container can only keep new infestations from happening; if your clothing already has eggs on it, they'll hatch and eat the clothes anyway. Be sure you've properly cleaned your clothing first. Make sure the containers are also dry, as are your clothes, to prevent mold. The strong smell of cedar helps to camouflage your clothes from moths. You can invest in cedar furniture to store clothing, but if that's too expensive, cedarwood hangers, cedarwood blocks, and even oil diffusers that use cedarwood's aromatic oils are affordable solutions. JCPenney, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Amazon will all carry them. There has been some limited evidence suggesting that Eastern Red Cedar (actually a juniper) contains an aromatic oil that, over time and with a sufficient enough concentration, will kill small moth larvae. However, a closet would provide too much air circulation to be lethal to larvae, and would probably only serve as a deterrent for the adult moths. Eastern Red cedar is only effective for a few years. After a while, the aromatic oil contained within the wood will evaporate, rendering it ineffective in a fight against moths. It's long been thought that certain herbs and food products could protect your clothes from moths. The theory is that, for the same reason that cedar is effective (a very powerful odor), moths can be similarly kept at bay by other strong odors. In a recent experiment, researchers found that cinnamon, cloves, and lavender were all effective at keep moths from eating clothing. You can make sachets or put out a bowl of scented oil in your closet. Some aromatic herbs, like bay leaves, eucalyptus, lemon peel, and mint proved to be ineffective in the experiment, so be careful about which herbs you use. Beware that some of these scents are very difficult to get out of clothing, in case you or loved ones dislike or have any allergies to these plants. Whether you're trying to prevent an infestation from occurring for the first time, or trying to prevent one from recurring, you should check your clothing throughout the year. Look for signs of an infestation, which generally amount to suspicious and multiple holes in your clothing. Although this is particularly important during the months your clothes are not stored in plastic containers, it's also important to check at least once after you've stored them: adults live for about 75 to 80 days, and eggs hatch into larvae after 4-10 days. If moth eggs managed to make their way into the storage item and go unchecked, you may come back to ruined clothing months too late. Moving and shuffling your clothes around during this process is actually very helpful because moths do not like to lay their eggs in places that are frequently disturbed.", "You first step is to figure out where your moth infestation originated. Look for holes in any garments made out of animal fibers to try to find out where the moths have been leaving their eggs, since it's the larvae that feed on them after they hatch. Commonly what will happen is that someone buys a piece of secondhand clothing that's already been infested, thus transferring the infestation to their own closet. Depending on the source's financial and sentimental value as well as the extent of the infestation, you may either decide to have the item cleaned and repaired, or it may be more cost effective and safe for the rest of your wardrobe to simply dispose of the infested items. For items that are made of wool or animal products, this means taking them to the dry cleaner's. Let the workers know that you want the clothes cleaned specifically for moths so that they'll use chemicals that will kill moth eggs. Everything else needs to go into the wash with hot water, preferably around 120° Fahrenheit (roughly 49° Celsius), to be sure that any stray caterpillars are destroyed. Finish this process off by drying them in the sunlight, which is known to kill larvae. After you've found the source and gotten your clothes cleaning underway, you need to clean your closet. Moths' eggs can end up in a whole host of places: your floor, the tops and bottoms of shelves, and even the ceiling. Do a thorough job of vacuuming and dusting, especially in the corners and any carpeted areas. Moth eggs can hide in carpet and under furniture, so it's very important that you thoroughly vacuum everywhere. Although you do not need to use a special spray for solid, wood surfaces where dusting is easy, there are special sprays that you can buy to use on your clothing and carpet to repel and kill moths. ContainerStore.com, GreenFibres.com, Lakeland.co.uk, and RoullierWhite.com all sell sprays ranging from $7.50 to $18.60 per bottle. These traps lure male moths to powder that contains the pheromones of female moths. This powder sticks to their wings and gives the male moths the false appearance of female moths. With both male and female moths confused as to who to breed with, the breeding cycle can be effectively ended. Mothballs are an effective way to kill moths. They contain naphthalene, which is made from crude oil or coal tar, and turns from a solid to a toxic gas. When it's inhaled, it reacts with cells, breaking them down and damaging tissue. Items like coats that have pockets can be protected by putting mothballs in the pockets. Be careful: using mothballs around small children and pets is potentially very dangerous, especially if ingested. Clothing that has been stored with mothballs should be washed afterward to prevent anemia (when blood doesn't carry oxygen through the body) caused by naphthalene vapors. If you develop a headache, nausea, dizziness, or vomiting after being exposed to mothballs, discontinue using and dispose of the mothballs. High temperatures will kill moth eggs and larvae. So using an iron, which applies direct, high heat to your clothing, will kill moth eggs and larvae clinging to your clothes. It is perfectly safe to iron your wool clothing unless the garment's tags say 'do not iron' or 'dry clean only.' If the clothing item can be ironed, set your iron to the 'wool' setting, use a steam heat, and press from the inside with a pressing cloth between the iron and your clothes. Sub-zero temperatures will kill any larvae or moths in any of their developing stages. If you live in a place that gets cold enough, you can leave your items outside for the day. Otherwise, you can pack them into the freezer for a few days without needing to pack them into plastic bags. Make sure if you've washed your clothes first that they are completely dry before freezing them or else you risk moisture turning into ice crystals on the cloth. Some sources indicate to freeze your clothes in plastic bags for a week to be sure any pests are completely dead. If all other efforts to rid your closet of a moth infestation fail, you can always turn to a professional pest control service for help. There are usually 24-hour emergency call out services available that you can use to book a last-minute appointment. While this method will most likely be the priciest, it will also probably be the most thorough. Reach out to a local fumigator by looking up pest control in your phonebook or doing an online search using keywords like \"pest control near me.\" Try finding a number of services to compare pricing, and look to websites like Yelp or Angie's List for customer reviews. Be aware that if you choose to go with fumigation, they will most likely be using commercial pesticides. You and any children or pets you have may need to avoid any areas that have been fumigated for a day or more." ], "summary": [ "Inspect any recently purchased items. Keep your closet area clean. Keep your clothing clean. Store clothing in airtight containers. Use cedar. Use natural, food-based repellents. Periodically check your clothing.", "Locate the source of the infestation. Clean your clothes. Clean your closet. Use pheromone moth traps. Use mothballs. Iron your clothes. Freeze your wool. Fumigate." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Setting Up Your Fountain", "Removing Algae From Your Fountain", "Maintaining Your Fountain" ], "document": [ "Direct sunlight enables more rapid algae growth. Help minimize algae proliferation by keeping your fountain in a shady or covered area. If a completely shaded area is not available, a partially shaded area may still help slow algae growth. Also consider placing a cover such as an umbrella or awning in the area near your fountain to help provide shade if no natural shade is available. Once you’ve put your fountain where you want it, fill it with clean tap water, from a garden hose, for example. Then, connect your fountain to a power source by plugging it into an electrical outlet. You can also opt for chlorinated water instead, as it will act as a disinfectant and prevent unwanted biological growth. The best time to start using algae prevention products is right after you have set up or deep cleaned your fountain. Commercial products are available online as well as at home improvement and maintenance stores. If you are concerned about the health and safety of wildlife using your fountain, look for animal-safe products. Most products found in pet stores and hardware stores will be animal-safe, but it is important to check the labels. Common products include Algae Shield and SeaKlear. If wildlife is not a concern, such as with indoor fountains, a cap of bleach may also work as a preventative measure. Before applying an anti-algae agent to your fountain, check the manufacturer's instructions to make sure that the product you purchased will not damage your current fountain setup. Product instructions will vary by product, but often all you need to do is add the product to the water on a regular basis to the running fountain.", "If you find that your fountain has developed noticeable algae, the first thing you need to do is thoroughly scrub the individual components of your fountain. Take your fountain apart and clean each surface using soap and hot water and allow to air dry before reassembling. Wipe down the fountain with distilled white vinegar or a solution of 1 cup of bleach per gallon of water before soaping and rinsing the fountain. Rinse bleach thoroughly. Unlike preventative treatments, algaecides are meant to kill off existing algae growths within a fountain. Algaecides are available in home improvement stores as well as online and specialty retailers. Check the algaecide bottle to see how to properly use the product. Check the bottle to see how much product should be added to the water and at what frequency. Non-metallic algaecides work better in fountains as they are less likely to stain. If heavy algae growth continues for extended periods in your fountain, consider replacing the pump to get better water movement and circulation. You may be able to do this yourself, or you may want to call in an expert depending on the size of your fountain and your level of experience. Fountain pump systems can differ greatly. Check with your manufacturer to see what components your fountain requires.", "Changing the water helps eliminate current living algae and prevents buildup in your fountain’s pump system. Completely empty your fountain of cold water and allow it air dry before filling the fountain. If possible, rinse down your fountain and wipe away any buildup or residue from the fountain surface as well as any decorative features such as stones before refilling it. The pump is responsible for cycling water through the fountain, reducing algae's ability to grow. Scrub the pump's parts with a sponge or a firm-bristled toothbrush and distilled water. If you need to open the pump in order to get at interior parts, follow the manufacturer's instructions. All pumps are different, and what works for one pump may not work for another. The pump cannot function unless it is entirely underwater. Keep the pump submerged to keep water cycling through and prevent algae from building and growing on the surface. It is common to have to add water to your fountain for the first several days after setting it up in order to ensure the pump stays submerged. Your fountain should receive a deep cleaning every two months. Turn off and drain the fountain and wipe it down with a fountain cleaning solution, which may be available from a specialty retailer or online, or dish soap. Opt for dish soap if you are looking for a product that is friendly to animals such as birds and small mammals that may make use of your fountain. Go over the fountain with a toothbrush to scrape off algae and other organic matter. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the fountain after using soap, as it may damage the fountain if left on its surface. Clean the fountain's tubes using pipe cleaners, such as can be found at any hardware or craft store, to scrub out the pipe interiors." ], "summary": [ "Place your fountain in the shade. Fill your fountain with water and plug it in. Add in a preventative product.", "Scrub your fountain. Use an algaecide. Replace your pump.", "Change your fountain water monthly. Clean your water pump. Submerge the pump. Deep clean your fountain." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Building the Footing", "Laying the Bricks", "Adding the Final Course" ], "document": [ "This is where the footing, or foundation, of your column will be. It's important that you build the footing down into the ground as opposed to on the surface so that your column is stable. The depth and dimensions of the hole will depend on several factors, like the size of your column, how much weight it will support, and the kind of ground you're building on. If you're not sure, do some research online or consult with a professional mason. As a rule of thumb, the hole should be at least 12 inches (30 cm) deep. Make sure the hole is at least 4 inches (10 cm) longer and wider than your column will be so you have enough room to build the footing. Verify that the bottom of the hole you dug is level before you proceed. If it's not level, your brick column won't be either, so you'll want to level it first. Cut a wooden plank or stud into 4 pieces—1 piece for each side of the frame—and nail them together to make a square frame. Then, place the frame in the hole you dug so it's laying flat on the bottom of the hole. Since you'll be using the empty inside of the frame to make your footing, make sure the frame is 4 inches (10 cm) longer and wider than your column will be when measured from the inside edges of the wood and not the outside edges. For example, if you want to build a concrete column that's 24 by 24 inches (61 cm × 61 cm), you'd want to make a frame that's 28 by 28 inches (71 cm × 71 cm) when measured from the inside edges of the frame. and let it dry completely. Once you've poured the concrete, take a piece of wood and drag it across the surface of the frame to scrape off any excess concrete and smooth out the surface so it's level for your column. Then, wait for the concrete to dry. How long it takes for the concrete to dry will depend on the type of concrete you use. Some concrete can take weeks to fully cure, while others are designed to dry in a few hours. If you want to speed up your project, try using a fast-setting concrete mix so you can pour the concrete and start working on your column all on the same day. Alternatively if the column isn't load-bearing or very tall, you can later bricks and more in an area 18 inches (46 cm) deep and 4 inches (10 cm) wider than the column. Dry-laying your bricks is just arranging them on the footing in the pattern you'll be using without actually securing them to the footing with mortar. Simply take all the bricks you'll use for the first course (the first layer of your column) and lay them on top of the footing so the ends are touching and they form a square or rectangle. Don't put a brick in the center of the course since the center of your brick column will be hollow. Also, leave a 3⁄8 inch (0.95 cm) space between each neighboring brick so you can connect them with mortar later on. When the bricks are centered on the footing, there should be 4 inches (10 cm) of footing extending off of each side. Use a pencil to trace all around the outer edge of the course and then along the inner edge of the course so you're left with 2 rectangles or squares, 1 inside of the other. This will give you an outline to use when you spread the first layer of mortar on the footing. When you reach a gap between the bricks, just draw a straight line across the gap to the next brick as if the gap wasn't there.", "Use a trowel to apply the mortar to the footing, and try to stay inside the reference lines as much as possible. However, it's OK if you go outside of the lines a little bit—you can always scrape the mortar off later before it dries. Don't apply any mortar to the center of the footing, which is outside of the outline you drew. You only want to apply mortar where you'll be laying bricks. The center of the footing is where the inside of your column will be, which will be hollow. Take the same bricks you used to dry-lay and mark the footing and set them on the mortar in the same pattern you did before. Before you lay each brick, spread a 3⁄8 inch (0.95 cm) layer of mortar on the end that will be joined with the next brick in the pattern. When you're finished, all of the bricks should be connected with mortar and evenly spaced apart. You want to make sure that you're applying an even layer of mortar to each brick so that your column has a uniform, balanced appearance when it's finished. Make a weep hole in the base layer of bricks by coating a pencil with vegetable oil and inserting it into one of the bottom mortar joints. Pull the pencil out once the mortar is dry. This helps drain any moisture that may accumulate inside your column. First, spread a 3⁄8 inch (0.95 cm) layer of mortar on top of the first course of bricks using the trowel. Then, take the same number of bricks as you used for the first course and place them on the mortar in the same pattern, just rotated 180 degrees. This will give your brick column the alternating pattern that is typically used in brick structures. For example, if you're staring down at your first course of bricks and there are 2 horizontal bricks on top, 1 vertical brick on each side, and 1 horizontal brick on the bottom, you would lay the second course of bricks so there are 2 horizontal bricks on the bottom, 1 vertical brick on each side, and 1 horizontal brick on top. The number of courses you add depends on how tall you want your brick column to be. Just remember to always rotate the pattern 180 degrees after each course of bricks you lay. Make sure you maintain a consistent thickness with the mortar you apply between courses and bricks. If the bricks aren't level, you want to catch it early on so you don't compound the issue and realize your column is off once the mortar is already dry. To check if the column is level, hold a level against each side, including the top. If something isn't level, tap or push the bricks into the right position with the butt end of your trowel and then check them with the level again. Run strings in each corner of your column from the bottom to the top and make sure they're straight with a level. This way you can make sure your bricks are straight and level as you build them up. Don't add another course until you're certain all of the existing bricks are level. Wire mesh will add extra support that can help your brick column withstand heavier loads. To add the mesh, cut a strip that's as long and wide as the column. Then, apply a thin layer of mortar over the top course of bricks and lay the mesh over it. Finally, apply another thin layer of mortar over the top of the mesh before adding the next course. You can find wire mesh online or at your local hardware store. When you finish laying every fifth course, test all of the mortar joints on the column by pressing your finger into them. If any of the joints resist minimal pressure, they're hard enough to be smoothed out. Just take a jointing tool and go over those joints with it to scrape off the excess mortar. When you're finished, the joints should appear flush with the bricks. Make sure you do this after every fifth course. Otherwise, some of the joints could harden too much, and you might not be able to smooth them out. Use a masonry brush to clean your bricks as you build up so they look neater.", "Apply the mesh as you did throughout the rest of the column. Just spread a thin layer of mortar over the top course, put down the mesh, and top it with another thin layer of mortar. Don't skip this step. You'll need the wire mesh to help support the final course of bricks, which will have an extra brick in it. Since this will be the top of your brick column, you want to cover the hole in the center so it's not visible. To add the center brick, wait until you've put down the first 2 bricks in the final course. Then, lay the center brick and finish the rest of the course. If there are any joints you haven't smoothed out yet, wait until they harden to the point where they resist minimal pressure. Then, use your jointing tool to scrape off the excess mortar so they're flush with the bricks. Be careful you don't wait too long or the mortar could dry and you'll lose your chance to smooth out the joints. A capstone can be brick, concrete or stone, and it's put on top of a brick column to give it a nice, finished appearance. If you're interested in adding a capstone to your column, get one that's around 3 inches (7.6 cm) longer and wider than the column. Then, spread a layer of mortar on top of the column and center the capstone on top of it. You can also make a brick capstone by using bricks that are larger than the ones you used in your column. Cut your bricks in half and lay them with their sides facing out for added strength and visual appeal." ], "summary": [ "Dig a square, level hole where you want your brick column to go. Make a frame that's 4 inches (10 cm) longer and wider than the column will be. Fill the frame with concrete Remove the wooden frame and dry-lay the first course of bricks you'll be using. Trace the outer and inner edges of the course, then remove the bricks.", "Spread a 3⁄8 inch (0.95 cm) layer of mortar inside the lines on the footing. Lay the first course of bricks on top of the mortar. Repeat with the second course of bricks, but rotate the pattern 180 degrees. Continue adding courses and rotating the brick pattern after each course. Check the column with a level after every other course. Add a strip of 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) thick wire mesh after every fourth course. Smooth out any hardened mortar joints after every fifth course.", "Add a layer of mortar and wire mesh before the final course of bricks. Lay the final course of bricks, but add an extra brick in the center this time. Smooth out any remaining joints before the mortar dries. Top your brick column with a capstone if you want a polished finish." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cleansing with Water", "Microwaving the Sponge", "Deodorizing with Lemon" ], "document": [ "Before you microwave your dish sponge, you need to saturate the sponge with clean, warm water. Fill a dish with 1/4-1/2 cup (59 - 118 ml) of clean water. Rinse your sponge in warm water and ensure that any food scraps are removed. Then, place your sponge in the dish of water. Let the sponge sit for 5-10 minutes, until most of the liquid has been absorbed. Once your sponge has absorbed the water, place the sponge onto a clean paper towel.", "Whether you've chosen to use lemon-water or plain water, the remaining steps are the same. Simply place your sponge (either in a bowl of lemon-water or resting on a paper towel) inside your microwave and close the door. Set your microwave to its highest setting. Then set your timer for 1 minute, and press start. Depending on your specific machine, you may want to microwave your sponge for up to 2 minutes. When your sponge comes out of the microwave, both the sponge and the liquid inside of it will be very hot. Allow the sponge to cool for at least five minutes before handling it. After the sponge has cooled, simply wring it out and it is ready to use. There is no need to rinse it. Repeat this method approximately once a month, or any time you feel your sponge needs disinfecting.", "If you'd like to eradicate any funky smells from your sponge (along with germs) you may prefer to use the lemon-water disinfectant method. Begin by squeezing the juice from half a lemon into a clean, microwave-safe bowl. Next, fill your clean, microwave safe bowl with fresh water. You want the total amount of liquid in the bowl to be just enough to cover the sponge. Rinse your sponge in warm water and ensure that any food scraps are removed. Then place your sponge in the bowl of lemon-water. Wait for at least 10 minutes, allowing the sponge to absorb the liquid, prior to microwaving." ], "summary": [ "Fill a dish with clean water. Remove any food scraps with water. Place the sponge on a paper towel.", "Place the sponge in the microwave. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Let the sponge cool before using. Use your sponge.", "Squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl. Fill the bowl with water. Soak the sponge in the lemon-water." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cooking the Poached Egg", "Preparing Your Ingredients" ], "document": [ "Place the mug in the microwave, and cover it with the microwave safe lid. Then, close the door and microwave the egg for one minute on high. Open the microwave door and remove the carefully lid. The egg white should be firm, but the yolk should still be runny. If the egg white still appears runny even after 1 minute, close the microwave door and add 15 seconds. Check the egg again, ensuring the egg white is not runny. Now that the egg is done, remove the lid carefully, and remove the mug from the microwave. Use a slotted spoon to gently place the egg on a plate or in a bowl. Add a dash of salt and pepper to your perfectly poached egg. Serve as desired.", "Most plastic, glass, or ceramic mugs and lids will say “Microwave Safe” on the bottom. Use a mug and lid that specifically says microwave safe. Do not use metal materials or foil in the microwave. Using a measuring cup, measure out ½ cup of water. Pour the water into the mug. . Using the side of the mug, tap the egg firmly once or twice to break through the shell, taking care to not break the yolk. Pry open the egg halves, and let the egg fall into the mug of water and make sure to prick the yolk with a fork to prevent mess. If the egg is not submerged in water, use the measuring cup to add another ¼ cup of water. The egg should be submerged now." ], "summary": [ "Microwave the egg on high for one minute. Make sure the egg is cooked before serving it. Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and place on a plate. Salt and pepper the egg to taste.", "Get a microwave safe mug and lid. Fill the microwave safe mug with ½ cup of water. Crack the egg into the mug Ensure the egg is completely submerged in water." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finding Your Drive and Inspiration", "Keeping Yourself Focused and Alert", "Organizing Your Time Effectively" ], "document": [ "Rewards can be a powerful motivator! Whenever you accomplish a goal—even a little one—take a moment to reward yourself. Your rewards don’t have to be anything elaborate or fancy. It could be something as simple as watching a funny 5-minute video after completing a short reading assignment. Give yourself bigger rewards for bigger accomplishments. For example, you might go out for pizza with a friend after handing in an important paper. You don’t have to save all the rewards for when you’re done working. Sometimes it can help to give your mood a lift before you get down to a task. Take a few minutes to enjoy a favorite snack or check your social media. Just make sure you limit yourself to a specific amount of time (like 10 minutes, for example) so that you don’t end up getting totally distracted and wasting a few hours. Working with a friend can make homework more enjoyable. You and your buddy can also help keep each other on track. Make sure you choose a friend who is serious about getting their work done so that you don’t end up goofing off and distracting each other. Doing homework with a friend doesn’t necessarily mean collaborating on the same assignments. You can just spend time together while you each do your own work. Check with your teacher first before working together with a friend on an assignment. They may want you to do the work by yourself. Some people work best when they first get up in the morning, whereas others feel more energized in the late afternoon or evening. You might also find that some study environments work better for you than others. Experiment to figure out what works best for you. For example, if you’re a morning person, try doing your homework right after you eat breakfast. If you tend to get distracted while working at your desk at home, experiment with doing your homework in the library or a coffee shop instead. Some people also find it helpful to change their routine from time to time. If you find yourself getting bored, try working at a different time from usual or finding a new study space. Setting specific goals can help you stay motivated and make your work feel more manageable. To get the most from your goals, make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Write down your goals and be sure to celebrate whenever you achieve one, no matter how small! Setting vague goals can lead to frustration. Instead of saying, “I’m going to get all my homework done this week,” try something more specific—e.g., “I’m going to work on my English essay for 1 hour every day this week.” Even if you’re not that excited about the classes you’re taking right now, looking at the big picture and setting some personal goals for yourself can help. Think about the ways that doing well in school will help you in the long run. For example, maybe you want to get good grades so you can get into your dream college, or possibly you’re working towards an exciting career. Doing a good job in your classes can also be its own reward—knowing that you worked hard and did your best is a great self-esteem booster!", "It’s hard to concentrate on homework if you’re tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. Try to get plenty of sleep if you know you’ll have to do a bunch of homework the next day, and don’t try to work on an empty stomach or with a full bladder! If you feel physically tense, do some yoga or light stretches before you begin to work. Doing breathing exercises can also help you feel more comfortable and alert. If you’re not already in comfy clothes, get changed before you start working. This may mean joggers, sweatpants, pjs, shorts, underwear, or even being completely naked. It's your choice. Your environment can make a big difference in how well you focus on your work. Before you begin doing your homework, find a spot that is quiet, well-lit, and gives you plenty of space to spread out. You’ll want a place where you can sit comfortably, but don’t get too comfortable. If you do homework in bed or on a cozy couch, you may be tempted to fall asleep! If you have to work at home, ask anyone who lives with you to give you a little quiet time while you do your homework. If you’re constantly looking at your Facebook feed or checking your Instagram notifications, you won’t get much work done. Put your phone in a place where you can’t get at it easily, like inside your bag or in a desk drawer. Turn off notifications if they distract you. If you can’t resist messing around on your phone or visiting time-wasting websites on your computer, consider installing an app or a browser extension that blocks tempting apps and sites. Don’t try to work with a TV or radio on. If you listen to music while you do your homework, choose something that’s quiet and not too exciting, like some gentle classical music. While you study, keep a bottle of water and some snacks on hand. Staying hydrated and eating healthy foods can help you wake up, focus, and stay alert. Choose foods that can help boost your brain power, such as: Whole grains Healthy proteins, like fish, beans, or nuts Blueberries Leafy greens You’ll get burnt out and lose focus quickly if you try to work too long without a break. Try working for an hour to an hour and a half and then taking a 15-minute break. This will give your tired brain a chance to rest and recharge. During your breaks, you can go for a walk, have a snack, do a little meditation, or even put your head down for a quick power nap. You can also use your breaks to reward yourself with a fun video or a quick game on your phone. If you’ve reached the point where you can’t stand to look at your assignment any more, take a break and then try switching to another task for a while. This way you can give your brain a break (and get some variety) while still being productive. For example, if you’ve been working on an essay for an hour or two, take a break and then switch to doing some math problems. Don’t try to do more than one task at once, though. Trying to multitask will disrupt your focus and cause you to make more mistakes.", "When you’re in school, it can be hard to stay on top of all your obligations. Setting a consistent schedule for yourself can help you stay on track and make all that work feel more manageable. Set aside specific times each day to do your studying and homework, and stick to the schedule as closely as possible. Setting a schedule also makes it easier to avoid procrastinating. Make sure to schedule in time for breaks and relaxation, too! It may be tempting to put off big, difficult assignments for last and do the easy ones first. However, letting the more important tasks wait will ultimately lead to panic, frustration, and missed deadlines. Look at all your assignments and decide which ones are most important or urgent and which ones you can put on the back burner for now. Make an ordered list of all your tasks. Try to prioritize ones that are due soon, count towards a major part of your grade, or seem like they will be the most complicated to complete. Put assignments that aren’t due for a while or that you know you can finish quickly and easily at the bottom. Large or complicated assignments can feel overwhelming if you try to approach them all at once. Instead, break them down into smaller chunks and approach them one piece at a time. This will help big tasks feel much more manageable—plus, you can reward yourself for each chunk of the assignment that you complete! For example, if you’re writing a big paper, you might break it up into pieces like doing the research, composing a bibliography, writing an outline, drafting the introduction, and so on. If you a hard time staying on task and organizing your time, productivity apps can be a big help. Try downloading an app like Todoist, Hours, or Any.do to help you keep track of deadlines, create to-do lists, and monitor how much time you’re spending on each assignment. Productivity apps are helpful for some people, but they’re not for everyone. Make sure you don’t spend so much time worrying about the app that it starts to cut into your homework time!" ], "summary": [ "Reward yourself when you meet a homework goal. Treat yourself before you start working, too. Work with a motivated study buddy. Determine when and where you work best. Set some SMART homework goals. Remind yourself of why you’re in school in the first place.", "Take care of your physical needs before working. Find a quiet and comfortable work space. Put away your phone and other distractions. Energize yourself with water and healthy snacks. Take frequent breaks while you work. Switch between different tasks to help you stay sharp.", "Create a daily work and study schedule. Prioritize your assignments and do the most urgent or difficult ones first. Break your assignments down into manageable pieces. Try a productivity app to help you stay organized." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Accessories", "Making the Tunic and the Tights", "Making the Cap" ], "document": [ "Though your costume is almost finished, you will need a few more accessories to pull of the classic Peter Pan look. If you have a brown belt, cinch it across your waist over the green tunic. You can also tie a length of brown fabric or a rope at your waist if you don’t want to buy a belt. Peter Pan carries a small dagger at his side in a holster attached to his belt. Buy a small toy dagger at a Halloween store or a costume shop. If it doesn’t come with a holster simply keep it at your side tucked into your belt. Since it's a toy, there’s no chance of it hurting you! Don’t use a real knife. Even if you want to pull of a great costume, it’s not worth the risk of accidentally poking yourself! You can also make a dagger out of cardboard and paint it to look like a knife. Wear a pair of brown or tan shoes with your costume, preferably moccasins or short boots. If you don’t have the perfect pair of shoes, don’t worry too much: people will be so impressed with your costume that they probably won’t be looking at your feet.", "The tights are the easiest part of the costume to plan. If you don’t already own a pair, go to a store like Walmart and H&M and buy a pair of dark green or greenish-brown leggings or tights. If you are buying nylon tights, try to purchase ones that are opaque instead of see-through. If you feel uncomfortable wearing leggings or tights, buy a pair of sweatpants or linen pants with a skinny fit. You can also wear green cut-off shorts if you don’t want to wear long pants. If you don’t already own one, buy a large shirt in a yellow-green color. Make sure that the shirt is a little large and fits like a tunic, ending midway down the thigh. Make sure that you or whoever the costume is for tries on the shirt before you purchase it. The tunic is an iconic part of the Peter Pan costume, so a short or tight shirt won’t look as good. You can buy a regular T-shirt or polo shirt, or a shirt made from linen or another similar material for a more earthy feel. Peter Pan’s tunic is known for having a zig-zag cut along the bottom and the sleeves, giving it a playful look. Try on the shirt and use a pen to draw a large zig-zag pattern near the hem of the shirt and around the sleeves. If you are happy with the size of the shirt, make the zig-zag pattern close to the edge of the fabric. If you feel the shirt is too big, draw the zig-zag higher up, so that you will be able to cut the shirt to the length that you want. Also draw a V along the neck of the shirt if it’s not already a V-neck. Lay the shirt down flat on a table and use a sharp pair of scissors to cut along the lines you drew on the shirt. Try to cut crisply and cleanly so that the shirt doesn’t look frayed or ragged. Try the shirt on again and look in a mirror. If you notice that the zig zag looks uneven, take the shirt off again and refine the cut.", "The cap is the most work intensive aspect of the costume since you will have to construct it yourself. You will need a yard of green felt, a pair of scissors, a needle or a sewing machine, green thread, a hot glue gun and a red feather. You can buy all these supplies at Hobby Lobby, Michaels or another art supply store. If you don’t want to sew, you can do a no-sew version of the cap by simply taking a green beanie and flipping up the edges. Glue a red feather to one side of the beanie to create a perfectly good Peter Pan cap! Draw a triangle with a pen onto the felt. The shape should be roughly the size of the cap as seen from the side, so make sure to make it large enough for your head or the head of the person the costume is for. Don’t draw a perfect triangle, instead make the top tip of the triangle curved as opposed to straight and off-center as opposed to directly centered. To estimate what size the triangle should be, hold the cloth up to your head to get a good idea. Since the hat isn't going to be fitted snugly to your head, you just need to get an approximate estimate. Draw another shape that is roughly the shape of a knife blade, starting out as rectangular and ending in a pointed tip. This will be the brim of the hat. Make sure that the length of this section is about a ½ inch longer than the length of the rounded triangle you just made. Cut it out with a pair of scissors. Take the rounded triangle and the slanted piece of felt and lay them down on the remaining felt. Use a pen to trace around these shapes. Cut out the shapes with scissors to create identical copies of the shapes you already made. Line up the larger triangles by putting one triangle over the other. Use a needle and thread to sew using straight stitches.Sew the two pieces of fabric together along the sides of the triangle about 1 centimeter (0.4 in) from the edge, leaving the bottom open. You can also Use a Sewing Machine to sew the two pieces together. You are sewing along what will be the inside of the hat, so don't worry if your stitches aren't perfect. After you finish sewing the body of the cap, flip the cap right-side in to hide your stitches. Then one of the long slanted pieces of felt and place it so that it’s just overlapping the bottom edge of the cap on the inside. Pin the strip where it overlaps around the bottom of the cap. Do the same on the other side for the other piece of fabric, making sure that the thick ends are next to each other and the thin ends are touching. Using a needle and thread or a sewing machine, sew the brim piece along the bottom edge of the cap where you pinned it. Also sew lengthwise along the overlap where the two thick sides of each long triangle meet. After you are done sewing, remove the pins. Then flip up the pieces to make the brim! Take a red long feather and stick it into one side of the hat in the brim. Make sure that the feather is pointed at a jaunty, 45 degree angle. When you are satisfied with the way it looks, glue it in place using the hot glue gun." ], "summary": [ "Make or buy a belt. Buy a small toy dagger. Wear brown shoes.", "Buy a pair of green tights or leggings. Buy a green shirt. Use a pencil to mark the shirt. Cut along the lines.", "Assemble your supplies. Cut out a rounded triangle. Cut a long slanted triangle. Make copies of the shapes. Sew the large triangles together. Line up the brim pieces. Sew the brim pieces to the cap. Glue in the feather." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Extending the Game", "Preparing to Play", "Playing the Game" ], "document": [ "You can extend Congkak by picking up the shells in your storehouse and redistributing them into your houses. Place seven shells into each house beginning with the house that is closest to your storehouse. If you have more than 49 shells, then put the extras into your storehouse. If you have less than 49 shells, then some of your houses will have fewer than seven shells or may even be empty. Empty houses are considered “burnt.” If a player drops a shell into a burnt house, then that seed goes straight into his or her opponent’s storehouse. Play your next round of Congkak just like you played the first round. Observe all of the same rules as you play, but you do not need to count up the shells at the end of each round. Just collect your shells and redistribute at the end of each round. You and your opponent can continue to redistribute the shells and play Congkak until one of the players has no shells left. The player with all of the shells at the end of the game is the winner.", "The congkak board consists of two rows of seven holes called the houses and two bigger holes called the storehouse or home. Each player uses the side of the board that is closest to him or her. Each player starts the game with seven shells in his or her houses. The object of the Congkak is to move your shells into the storehouse that is situated on your left-hand side. You move your shells by picking up all of the shells in one of your houses and depositing one into each of the houses to the left of the space. The first person to empty all of his or her houses is the winner. You may also put one shell into your storehouse, but do not put any shells into your opponent’s storehouse. If you drop a shell into an empty house that you own, then you get to take all of the shells from your opponent’s house that is across from your house and put them into your storehouse. Place the Congkak board on a level playing surface between you and your opponent. You should each have 49 shells or Congkak seeds each. Before the game starts fill your seven houses with seven shells or Congkak seeds. Make sure that your opponent does the same. Both of you should leave your storehouses empty. Take a moment to decide who will take the first turn. You can determine who will go first by flipping a coin, allowing the youngest player to go first, or letting the person who won the last game you played together go first.", "Then drop a shell into the next house and continue depositing one shell into every house in a clockwise fashion. You should also drop a shell into your storehouse each time you pass it, but do not deposit any shells into your opponent's storehouse. If the last shell that you deposit falls into your own storehouse, then you get to take another turn. In this case, you may scoop up the shells from another of your houses and deposit them into other houses. Empty storehouses on your opponent’s side of the board will create an obstacle for you. During a turn, if you drop your last shell into one of your opponent’s empty houses, then you lose a turn. Try your best to avoid your opponent’s empty houses so that you do not lose any turns. The goal of Congkak is to have the most shells in your storehouse at the end of the game. During a turn, if you manage to drop your last shell into an empty house on your side of the board, then you get to collect the shells that are opposite that house. Take the shells from the corresponding house on your opponent’s side of the board and put them into your storehouse. After you and your opponent have both emptied your houses, the game is over. To determine a winner, count up the shells in your storehouse. Whoever has the most shells is the winner!" ], "summary": [ "Redistribute your shells into your houses. Play using the normal rules. Continue playing rounds in this way until one player has no shells left.", "Familiarize yourself with the game board and pieces. Understand the object of the game. Set up the game. Decide who will go first.", "Scoop up all of the shells or seeds in any house on your side. Take another turn if you deposit your last shell into your own storehouse. Skip a turn if you deposit your last shell into one of your opponent’s empty storehouses. Collect your opponent’s shells if you deposit your last shell into one of your own empty storehouses. Count up the shells in your storehouse." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Acting Out the Scene", "Crying on Cue", "Considering the Scene" ], "document": [ "When acting, it's important to lose yourself in a scene to an extent. Emotion is very fluid. As you act out a scene, try to let the emotional resonance flow through you naturally. Allow your emotions to be fluid. If you try to constrict or control the emotional arch of the scene, your performance may feel forced. Try to really get inside your character's head and experience what that character is feeling. This will be easier to do if you have, as we discussed earlier, truly made an effort to get to know your character. It is very hard to try to sustain or control emotion. While you should be aware of yourself and your body, you may find yourself suddenly being struck by a line. If you find your voice wavering or getting upset, go with it. Allow yourself to embrace your emotional response in any given scene. Humor can be a great way to shake up an emotional scene. As so many actors and actresses play up the drama, you can stand out in a scene by playing up the humor. Even in dark moments, there may be slightly humorous lines embedded in a scene. Try to focus energy on moments of levity rather than glossing over them. Your audience will appreciate a laugh between the tears and respond well to an actor who can deliver funny lines with ease. When playing an emotion, try to shake up the scene by playing that emotion in a non-obvious way. That is, play the opposite. This may make your character's emotions feel more intense for an audience. If your character is angry, you may be inclined to yell or raise your voice. However, what about stone cold anger? You can instead convey anger through silence or quiet words. If your character is sad, maybe portray him in a manic light. Your character is trying to mask his sadness by appearing resilient and cheerful. When it comes to an antagonistic character, avoid playing the character as openly malevolent. Instead, play the character as polite, friendly even. Oftentimes, villains that appear cheery can be even scarier to audiences than outright angry villains. This may not work every time. You may want to do some trial and error in rehearsal to see if playing the opposite works. It's a technique worth trying, however, if you're acting out a dramatic scene. A scene should be somewhat self-contained. When acting out an emotional scene, do not try to change your character's emotional reaction too much in the course of that scene. Try to stick to one, overarching emotion and concentrate on that for the entirety of the scene. If your character is sad, play him as sad. If he's happy, play him as happy. You can change your tone, and the manner in which your character is playing an emotion. However, you should try to center yourself on one key emotion. When acting out a dramatic scene, you may be inclined to overact. Oftentimes, you lose control of your voice and end up shouting or talking too loudly. Try to be aware of the volume of your voice and keep your tone even and in control. Even if your character is supposed to be angry, shouting too loudly can be a bad idea. You'll have a hard time controlling the tone of your voice, and how you're delivering the lines, if you're screaming on stage. Keep your voice somewhat quiet and even. Paying attention to physicality can help. If you feel your voice is inadequate when it comes to conveying drama, you may unconsciously raise your voice. However, tune into the physical when you feel you're not delivering in a scene. Do something with your body to convey feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration. This will help you feel like you're portraying your emotions effectively, lessening your need to overexert your voice. In an emotional scene, focus on what your character needs in that moment. Why is this moment important to your character? Focus less on the scene's significance to the overall story arch and more on its significance to your character. If a character is arguing with someone else, do not focus on arguing against the other character. Instead, think of it as your character arguing for that particular relationship. Your character wants his relationship with this person to play out in a certain way. That's the fulcrum of the emotion in this scene. Getting to know your character can really help here. If you perform a scene and feel so-so about your job, spend more time reviewing the work and getting inside your character's head. This can give you more insight into your character's needs, allowing you to channel them while acting.", "Crying on cue can be a challenge for many actors, but a lot of emotional scenes require crying. If you're struggling to find a way to bring tears to your character's eyes, try using reverse psychology. Thinking as your character, think to yourself, \"I'm not going to cry. No matter what, I won't let them see me cry.\" In real life, you've probably had an experience when you've tried to holdback tears. Channeling the desire not to cry, despite needing to, can help trigger tears on stage. You can also consider moments that made you cry in the past. If you know you have to cry during a scene, spend some time thinking of sad moments before stepping onto the stage. It may help to do a free write on the topic of sad moments, jotting down the saddest moments you can recall. This will give you a stockpile of sad memories you can use in the event you need to cry on cue. You do not have to focus solely on your own personal experiences. It may be too stressful to channel personal experiences. Instead, try to think of a moment from a book, movie, or TV show that made you cry. Crying is very much a physical reaction. If you go through the physical motions involved in crying, this may trigger actual tears. Consider what you do when you cry in real life. Maybe you start to breathe heavily, sniffle, and make small sobbing sounds. Start to engage in these actions. You may find that, in response, your body produces tears. If you're really in a bind to make yourself cry, you can look at the stage lights. Bright stage lights may irritate the eyes, resulting in tears. Many professional actors use this trick if they're struggling to cry in a particular scene.", "Before acting out an emotional scene, take a minute to familiarize yourself with the context of that scene. Understanding what's happening around a scene can help you better understand your character's motivation and emotions. Read the scene in full. If you have the time, read the full script from which the scene is taken. This will give you a sense of what is at stake in this moment. Consider the character you're playing. What is this character feeling during this scene? How does this character's past, present, and future come into play during the scene? What is the context of this moment? If a character is yelling, arguing, or crying, there was obviously some buildup to this point. Try to look for the complex underlying layers of a character in a dramatic scene. For example, a character may be crying at his father's funeral. He is sad, of course, but there may be other factors at play. What was the character's relationship with his father like? What emotions might the character be experiencing? What memories is he recalling in this scene? For best effects in a dramatic scene, think about character over situation. Audiences are familiar with a variety of sad and dramatic scenarios. What makes a drama interesting is a particular character's reaction to that scenario. Consider your character's emotional investment in a given moment. If your character is arguing with someone else, why is that character drawn into this argument? What is going on in the character's head on a deeper level? A good experiment to help can be a free write in which you write from a character's point of view. Try to imagine how that character is feeling in this moment. Pretend you're the character, writing a diary entry after the scene took place. Really dig deep, considering the character's past and present, and try to write how you imagine the character feels. Audiences get bored with drama for the sake of drama. If you can show why this dramatic moment matters, in context of a specific character, this will ground your audience. They may respond more favorably to your performance. While scanning your scene, take note of exclamation points that appear in the writing. Actors are often unsure how to handle exclamation points. Do they signal that your character should talk louder? Do they signal excitement, anger, fear? The answer depends on the scene's context. You should understand the use of exclamation points, and how you should read them, going into a scene. An exclamation point usually indicates a line should be delivered with slightly more force. However, the added force can stem from a variety of reasons. A character may be overjoyed. However, she may also be frightened or angry. Read the scene in full to get a sense of how to deliver a line with an exclamation point at the end. A line like, \"What a beautiful day!\" can be read several different ways depending on context. If your character is exhausted after having a long fight with her mother, it likely indicates frustration. You could read the line with a sarcastic tone. If the line is delivered during the main character's wedding day, it may indicate joy. You can deliver the line with an upbeat, excited tone. Actors often get so caught up in portraying the emotion of a scene they forget the physical action in the stage directions. Physical action can often carry a lot of emotional weight in a scene. A character may, for example, touch his or her face when talking, indicating he or she is nervous. Make sure you read the scene for physical action and incorporate that action into your performance. A lot of physicality goes into a scene. What the characters are doing in a scene speaks volumes. Read stage directions carefully and see how your character moves. Maybe your character keeps rearranging furniture nervously while talking, for example. Make sure to incorporate this into your performance. You should also strive to pay attention to your body, even if there are not specific stage directions. In acting, you'll use your entire body to convey emotion. How might a character stand if he's feeling tense? How might a happy person gesticulate? Keep character emotions in mind and try to use your body to reflect what a character is feeling." ], "summary": [ "Let the scene's emotions guide you. Incorporate humor. Play the opposite. Stick to one overarching emotion. Keep your voice in control. Focus on your character's needs.", "Use reverse psychology. Think of past sad experiences. Go through the physical motions of crying. Use stage lights to trigger tears.", "Consider the context. Think about the character's internal struggle. Identify exclamation points. Watch for physical action." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Treating Gallstones", "Diagnosing and Preventing Gallbladder Disease", "Seeking Medical Care" ], "document": [ "Depending on your history and severity of your gallbladder disease, your doctor will suggest a treatment plan. Your treatment plan can include watchful waiting, diet modifications, medication, shock-wave therapy, or elective surgery. Fasting and starvation diets can make your illness worse because they make your bile even more likely to turn into gallstones. You might need to get IV (intravenous, or into your vein) fluids so you don’t get dehydrated. If you have an infection in your gallbladder, you will need antibiotics. Take them exactly as prescribed. Your doctor may also give you pain medication to make you more comfortable. Use these only as directed, and don’t take more than your doctor tells you to. Cholecystitis often comes back and can sometimes be severe, so you may need surgery to remove your gallbladder. When you have surgery will depend on how serious your symptoms are – sometimes it will be within two days of seeing your doctor, but other times you may be able to wait a little while. If a tumor is causing your gallbladder problems, you will need to have it removed. Most gallbladder surgeries are done with small instruments and cameras through tiny incisions (laparoscopic surgery), so you won’t even have big scars. You don’t need your gallbladder! Other parts of your body can take over your gallbladder’s job once it’s removed. You should be able to return to your normal activities in about two weeks if you have laparoscopic surgery. In the meantime, take time off of work to rest. Don't drive for the first week. Incorporate slow walking into your day after a few days of rest, and gradually increase your activity. Start eating a normal, healthy diet when you get home from the hospital. Ask your doctor if you have any specific questions about recovery. Ask your doctor for recovery guidelines if you have open surgery. Open surgery requires more extensive recovery than laparoscopic surgery. If you can’t have surgery for some reason, ask your doctor about medications. The medications ursodiol (Actigall) and chenodiol (Chenix) can dissolve some kinds of gallstones, but this can take months or even years to work. Your gallstones might also return once the treatment is stopped, so this options isn’t the best choice if you can have surgery instead. Only about 15% of people with gallstones can successfully use shockwave treatment, called extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy. This uses painless shock waves to break up stones while you sit in a bath. Ask your doctor if this may work for you. It’s most effective if you have only one gallstone that’s smaller than 2cm in diameter. Alternative medicine practitioners suggest a gallbladder cleanse to break up gallstones – a mix of olive oil, herbs, and fruit juice (there’s no set specific recipe). There’s no data showing these work, and they may be risky to your health. Talk to your doctor first if you're interested in trying one.", "Go to the hospital prepared to participate in testing. You will probably have a blood sample taken, and they may look at your gallbladder with an ultrasound machine or CT scan. Do these important tests as soon as your doctor recommends it. You may also need a HIDA scan – a test that watches how bile moves in and out of your gallbladder. This involves injecting radioactive dye into your body. Tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems before this test. A procedure call ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) can both diagnose and remove gallstones. It does not remove your gallbladder. Limit your alcohol consumption to less than 1 ounce (30 milliliters) per day. Drinking this small amount is not harmful, and some women may even see a slight reduction in gallbladder disease when drinking this small amount of alcohol every day. Eating fatty foods raises your risk of getting gallstones. Eat healthy by limiting the fat in your diet, and eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Base your meals on whole grain pasta and rice with fresh vegetables. Eat low-fat proteins like salmon and skinless chicken. If you eat red meat, choose lean cuts and only have small portions. Keep a regular meal schedule and don’t skip meals. Fasting can increase your risk for gallstones.", "The most common indication of cholecystitis is pain after you eat, especially after eating a large or fatty meal. The pain is usually in your upper right abdomen. See your doctor if this occurs regularly or suddenly. The pain can sometimes also be felt in your right shoulder, between your shoulder blades on your back, or in the center of your abdomen just below your breastbone. It may also feel tender when you touch your abdomen. Pain can last from a few minutes to hours. You may also have nausea, vomiting, or a fever (a temperature of 100.4°F/38°C or higher). Cholecystitis is often caused by gallstones that block the bile duct and cause bile build-up in the gallbladder. It’s important to see your doctor to resolve the problem and prevent complications like gallbladder rupture. Seek emergency care if you have stomach or abdominal pain that is so severe you can’t sit still or get comfortable. This can be a sign of a serious illness that needs prompt treatment. Have someone drive you to the hospital, or call emergency services for help. If you get a high fever of 104°F/40°C or higher, or the whites of your eyes turn yellow, call for emergency care. If you have acute symptoms, you need to go to the hospital immediately for a prompt diagnosis and to receive intravenous fluids. A surgical consultation is also necessary. Although you may not need immediate surgery, inpatient care and initial supportive care are necessary." ], "summary": [ "Follow up with your doctor. Avoid fasting and starvation diets. Take your medications as directed. Have surgery, if necessary. Take it easy for two weeks after surgery. Take medicine to dissolve gallstones if you can’t have surgery. Ask if you qualify for shock wave treatment. Discuss the risks and benefits of a gallbladder cleanse with your doctor.", "Participate in diagnostic testing. Moderate alcohol. Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet.", "See your doctor if you have pain after eating. Get emergency medical care if you have severe abdominal pain." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Change Your Approach when Dealing with Teenagers", "Allergy Management", "Create a Food Safety Routine", "Help Your Child Manage His Concerns of Fitting In" ], "document": [ "Don’t be afraid to be completely open and honest with your teenager about the concerns and expectations you have for him. Make sure he understands that he can come to you with any questions he may have. Explain that you understand that he is more grown up now, but that his food allergies are still something that he needs to pay careful attention to. Listen to him when he tells you his concerns about privacy and about having his independence. Even though you may really want to get your points across, it is important to not dismiss these concerns. Privacy and independence are very important during teenage years and if you ignore these needs, your teenager will be more likely to tune you out. ” Let your teenager know what to do in certain situations by discussing “what ifs.” Let him know what to do if he forgets his medicine or if one of his friends won’t stop pressuring him to try a new type of food. What if an allergic reaction happens when he is away from home and around his friends? By discussing these potential situations, it can help you and your teen to better understand these concerns and anxieties about their food allergies. This may also help to build trust between you and your teen by helping you to see that your teen may already know the answers to some of these “what if” questions. By displaying your confidence in your teen, it will help him to follow the guidelines he needs to follow when it comes to his food allergies. Letting him know that you are confident in his ability to handle things on his own, lets him know that you are willing to work with him to keep him safe when he is away from the comfort of his own home.", "Using role-playing to prepare for situations can make the preparation a little more fun for you and your child. Prepare for common situations like ordering out in a restaurant or telling a friend that your child cannot have a certain type of food when it is offered to him. This is especially helpful as the child gets older. Work with your child to create a plan for a school event or a friend’s party by understanding what makes him feel comfortable and uncomfortable in certain situations. By including him in the process, he will be more likely to follow the plan that is laid out.", "By modeling these behaviors to your child, it will get him in the routine of always doing these things whether he is at home or away from home. He will become comfortable with these routines and it will not feel like a challenge to complete them every time he eats.", "No child wants to feel weird or different from his friends. Help him realize that his allergy is not a big deal by making sure he will not have to read labels or talk about his allergy in front of his friends. Make a food plan for your child before he goes out with his friends and discuss it with him so that he knows what he will be eating in advance and won’t have to think about it while he is out. For younger children that are not your own, speak with the parents who will be in charge of your child while he is out. Inform them of his food allergy and be very specific about what he can and cannot eat. Also make sure your child is well aware of what to do in case of an attack when he is out by himself. Food allergies can cause some children a great deal of anxiety. This is why it is important to always remain calm when talking about their allergy and to use a matter-of-fact tone when conveying information about the allergy." ], "summary": [ "Be open and honest. Give your teenager his own voice. Discuss the “What Ifs. Let your teen know that you believe and trust in them.", "Role play. Help your child to know the steps that need to be taken when an allergic reaction does occur by practicing an emergency situation. Listen to your child’s preferences when it comes to eating in certain situations.", "Help your child to constantly read labels, check the ingredients that are in food and remind him to always carry his medicine with him.", "Help your child to feel that he is normal and that his food allergy does not make him different. Be mindful of how you speak about your child’s allergy." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing to Test Your GPU", "Comparing Your Score", "Finding Your GPU Score" ], "document": [ "In the theme of testing your video card as accurately as possible, make sure any programs you frequently use are open. For example, if you usually have iTunes and a web browser open while working, open those programs before you run your benchmark test. Go to https://novabench.com/ in your computer's web browser. Novabench is a program that has some free aspects, one of which includes assigning to your video card a score that you can use to compare your video card's performance to the ideal score. It's a green button near the top of the page. This is on the left side of the page. Below the Personal Use, click the operating system for which you want to download the installer. This will prompt the installer file to begin downloading onto your computer. You may need to specify a save location or click Save File before the file will download. Double-click the downloaded file, then click through the on-screen prompts until you've installed Novabench. On a Mac, you'll drag the Novabench app icon onto the \"Applications\" folder icon to begin the installation process.", "You'll need to know your video card's full name in order to find it on Novabench's score page, and you should remember the score your video card received to compare it with the average score for your video card. Go to https://novabench.com/parts/gpu in your computer's web browser. This link is just above the search box near the top of the page. In most web browsers, you can press Ctrl+F (Windows) or ⌘ Command+F (Mac) to open the page search text box in the upper-right side of the page. You may have to click the text box before proceeding. Type in the name of your video card as specified by Novabench. Doing so will locate your video card on the Novabench page. In some cases, typing in the full name of your video card will take you to that result on this page. If so, you don't need to press ↵ Enter. You'll see the score to the right of the video card's name. Ideally, your computer's benchmark score will be at or above this score. For example, if your GPU's score is higher than the one noted on Novabench's page, your video card is running above average. If your GPU's score is significantly lower than the one noted on Novabench's page, you are either running too many programs at once or your video card is beginning to fail.", "Click or double-click the Novabench app icon, which resembles a speedometer on a dark-blue background. You can also type novabench into Start {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/0\\/07\\/Windowsstart.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/0\\/07\\/Windowsstart.png\\/30px-Windowsstart.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of a Windows icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Public_domain\\\">Public Domain<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} (Windows) or Spotlight {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/e\\/ea\\/Macspotlight.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/e\\/ea\\/Macspotlight.png\\/30px-Macspotlight.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of a Mac icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} (Mac) and then click or double-click Novabench in the search results. Novabench may open automatically after the installation completes. You'll find your video card to the right of the \"Graphics\" heading in the middle of the Novabench window. You'll also see your video card's temperature here. Keep an eye on this—if you notice a huge spike in temperature during the benchmark test, your video card may be inadequately ventilated or cooled. This button is in the middle of the window. Novabench will run a few diagnostic tests before proceeding to the GPU (video card) test. During the GPU test—which resembles a 3D animated scene playing out—look at the \"FPS\" number in the upper-left side of the window. If the FPS is below 30, your computer's video card is struggling to render the test. An FPS value below 60 indicates that your computer won't handle some high-resolution video games. Below the \"GPU\" heading, you'll see a three-digit score. This is your video card's current score under your computer's current circumstances. Now that you have the score, you can compare your video card to the video card's average score on Novabench's website. A score of below 400 to 500 indicates that your video card can't handle hefty operations such as intensive HD video editing, high-quality gaming, and so on." ], "summary": [ "Open programs you commonly use. Open the Novabench website. Click Download for Free. Click Personal Use. Select your operating system. Install Novabench.", "Remember your video card's name and score. Open Novabench's score page. Click (show all). Bring up the \"Find\" search bar. Enter your video card's name. Press ↵ Enter. Review the GPU's score on the benchmark page.", "Open Novabench. Review your video card's name. Click Start Tests. Allow Novabench to run tests on your computer. Pay attention to the FPS value. Review your video card's score." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Brainstorming For Ideas", "Increasing Brain Power", "Finding Inspiration" ], "document": [ "When trying to get past a writing block or a brainstorming lag, take at least ten minutes to sit down and write. Force yourself to write for the full ten minutes, no matter what comes of it. The act of putting pen to paper will stimulate the part of your mind that generates ideas. Mind mapping is a brainstorming strategy that allows you to map out different tangents of thought to stimulate new ideas. Get a piece of paper, poster board, or whiteboard and write your goal in the center. Write subtopics and related thoughts around the goal, and continue branching out from them to develop your train of thought. For example, a mind map about the environmental goal \"Going Green\" could branch into subtopics such as \"Reducing Waste\", \"Eco-travel\", and \"Global Warming\". For a fresh perspective on a topic, attempt \"rolestorming\". Picture yourself as someone else (e.g. a parent, friend, colleague, or partner) and imagine how you would approach a scenario as them. You can extend this brainstorming technique to famous people or historical figures (e.g. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates). To open your mind to new ideas, try meditation. Find a peaceful place to sit quietly and focus on the question at hand (e.g. \"How can I promote my new business on my limited budget?\"). Bring a pen and paper to jot down ideas, and meditate for about 30 minutes, or until a good idea comes to you. To avoid worrying about the time, set an alarm on your phone to signal the 30 minute mark). Remove the limitations that may be hindering your brainstorming progress by approaching the subject as if there were no obstacles. While this process may not yield feasible solutions right away, it will open your mind to possibilities you would not look at otherwise. For instance, when planning a surprise party, you might overlook certain venues because of financial constraints, such as an expensive French restaurant that your friend would love to try. By allowing your mind to go there during brainstorming, you might get the idea to simulate the restaurant and meal for a house party. Group brainstorming sessions can allow you to develop your thoughts by feeding off of the ideas of others. If you are working on a group project or collaboration, schedule brainstorming time in a quiet location with few distractions. If you are working on your own project, ask friends or colleagues if you can bounce ideas off of them and get their input.", "Exercising can raise your focus for 2-3 hours, upping your brainstorming power. It can also boost your mood by raising serotonin levels in the brain, and increase your overall productivity. To keep your mind in top shape, get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day (e.g. walking, running, bicycling), preferably before you sit down to work out ideas. Make sure to get adequate sleep to reach your full creative and intellectual potential. Lack of sleep can cause loss of focus, lapses in memory, and may contribute to depression. The required amount of sleep for optimal functioning is: 9-11 hours a day for children 8.5-9.5 hours a day for teenagers 7-9 hours a day for adults Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet is integral to improving brain function. Try to infuse your diet with \"smart” foods that aid with cognitive function and improve concentration. These foods include: Fish Whole grains Nuts Dark chocolate Blueberries", "A new experience can offer exactly the change of perspective you need to stimulate new ideas. Do something out of the ordinary to get out of your routine and provide inspiration. For instance, if you live in the city, plan a camping weekend for a change of pace. For inspiration, look to motivational speakers by attending lectures or watching TED talks. Check the websites for local universities to see listing of scheduled lectures that might provide you with the proper inspiration. Visit www.TED.com/talks to browse a large library of motivational talks by topic. Music can complement your brainstorming sessions, or be the inspiration for your ideas in and of itself. Try to listen to a wide range of music to vary your musical experience (e.g. if you're a fan of classic rock, make an effort to listen to jazz or R&B music for a new experience). Look online or in local newspapers for concerts or smaller performances near you." ], "summary": [ "Try blind writing. Make a mind map. Attempt \"rolestorming\". Try meditation. Remove limitations. Discuss things in a group.", "Exercise on a regular basis. Maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Eat healthy.", "Do something out of the ordinary. Watch lectures. Experience music." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Pilot Hole", "Marking the Steel", "Drilling and Cleaning the Final Hole", "Choosing and Lubricating the Drill Bit" ], "document": [ "Before you start drilling, make sure you have eye protection to stop any metal shrapnel or sparks. The slivers of steel the drill can toss up are sharp and could cause damage to your eyes. Consider wearing a long-sleeved shirt and closed-toe shoes before working with metal. Find the divot you created on the steel and place the drill bit in it. Make sure you hold your drill straight so you don’t make a crooked hole in the steel. Use a low RPM setting and keep a steady pressure as you push the bit through the metal. Start and stop drilling often to give the steel a chance to cool down and lubricate the area. Drilling at a faster speed could damage the steel or the drill. Use light, but steady pressure when drilling smaller holes so you don’t break your drill bit. If you’re working with a softer steel, stay consistent at a medium speed so the metal shavings don’t melt. Keep all your clothing away from the drill bit so it doesn’t get caught. Keep a firm grip on the drill, but ease off a bit of the pressure. Squeeze the trigger on the drill in short bursts until the bit goes through the other side. Keep the drill bit spinning while you pull it out from the hole. The drill may catch on the steel and try to spin in your hands. Keep your face away from the drill in case this happens.", "Use plastic clamps or metal C-clamps. Tighten the clamp or vice to your workbench so the metal is secure and will not move while you try to drill. If the clamp is loose, the metal could spin while you drill it and cause you harm. If you’re working with a heavier piece of steel, you do not have to clamp it down. If you’re drilling through a painted surface, put stir sticks or shims between the clamp and your piece of steel so the clamps don’t dent or scratch the metal. Measure out where you want to place the hole in the steel. Take the diameter of the drill bit into consideration when you place your hole. Make a dot on the steel with a pencil to mark where the location of the hole’s center. Use a permanent marker if pencil doesn’t show up on the steel. Place the tip of the center punch on the mark you’ve drawn on the steel. Use a hammer to tap the punch slightly to make a small dent. This helps keep your drill in the right spot rather than it moving around while you try to make the hole. Use a nail if you don’t have a center punch.", "Repeat the process with a drill bit for the size you want the final hole. Place the center of the bit in the existing hole and slowly drill through it again, lubricating the metal when necessary. Pulse the drill bit when you reach the end of the hole. For very large holes, gradually work up towards the diameter you want. It may take 3 or 4 different bits before you have the hole size you want. If you see smoke while you’re drilling, either slow down or use more lubricant. Some drills may have a level built into their body, but if not, use a level to make sure you’re drilling your hole straight. The steel and the drill will be hot to the touch by the time you’re finished. Give the bit at least 5 minutes to cool before changing it to a larger bit or putting it away. Use a shop cloth or a brush to wipe away any residue from drilling. Throw the shrapnel in a sharps container or separate bin. Make sure the steel is completely dry and free of debris when you’re finished cleaning it. Never wipe the metal shrapnel with your bare hands since it is sharp and could cut you. Use a medium or heavy rasp on the surface of the steel to remove any sharp edges around the hole. Work lightly so you don’t damage the rest of the steel. If your rasp fits inside the hole you drilled, you can also smooth the inside of the hole for a clean and uniform look.", "If you're only drilling a few holes through steel, you can use a regular high-speed steel bit. If you're drilling a lot of holes, or through hardened steel, then a cobalt steel bit or black oxide bit is a better choice. Most drill bits are sold in a set with multiple sizes. If your drill bit is dull, it's not difficult to sharpen the drill bit yourself. Place the drill bit in your drill and tighten it so it’s held firmly in your drill. The smaller drill bit puts less pressure on the metal and allows you to drill larger holes easier later on. For example, if you want the hole to be 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) at the end, start by drilling a hole that’s 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm). Drill presses are heavy duty machines that make sure your drill bit goes straight through the metal with the most accuracy. See if there is a workshop around you where you can use their drill press or purchase one for yourself. There are 2 different models of drill press that you can purchase. Choose a bench drill press for a compact option that will fit right on your workbench. Pick a floor model drill press if you plan on frequently working with larger pieces of steel. If you plan on offering metal fabrication services to others, consider getting a drill press for the most accuracy. WD40 is for getting water out of rusted bolts. Place the lubricant on the end of the drill bit and on the sheet of steel you plan to drill. This helps protect the drill bit and the metal to make a smooth cut. Spray the steel periodically while you’re drilling to keep it lubricated and reduce friction. Look for a 3-in-1 oil with a telescoping spout so you can lubricate the drill bit as it’s running." ], "summary": [ "Wear safety glasses while working with metal. Hold the drill perpendicular to the piece of steel so the tip is in the divot. Drill slowly and apply firm downward pressure. Pulse the drill when you’re close to breaking through the other side.", "Clamp the steel to your work surface if it’s lightweight. Mark the spot you want to drill with a pencil. Make a divot in the steel with a hammer and center punch.", "Drill through the metal again with the larger drill bit. Let the drill bit cool down before removing it. Wipe away any excess lubricant and shrapnel. Use a metal rasp to file and smooth the hole.", "Use a sharp bit. Use a drill bit half the diameter as the size you want to start. Work with a drill press for larger pieces of steel. Use 30 weight oil and water in a spray bottle or a lubricant oil on the drill bit." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning to Use Natural Fertilizers", "Applying Chemical Fertilizers", "Making Homemade Fertilizers" ], "document": [ "For new and small rose plants, it’s best to use organic fertilizers to avoid burning their delicate roots. Add nutrients to the soil before planting your rose bush, and after you first plant them, with natural fertilizers. Wait until after they bloom the first time before using any chemical fertilizers. In early spring, before roses come out of dormancy and start to bloom, using natural fertilizers is the best way to get roses accustomed to new nutrients in the soil. Look for fertilizers labeled organic at a local garden supply store, or use the recipes in the homemade fertilizers section. To keep a steady amount of nutrients flowing into your roses’ soil, use natural fertilizers every 4 weeks from early spring until 3-4 weeks before they enter dormancy. Work whatever fertilizer you choose into the upper soil levels. Spread solid or granular natural fertilizers in a circle around the top of the soil about 6 in (15 cm) from the base of the bush and work it into the top 2 in (5.1 cm) of soil with a small cultivator. Liquid natural fertilizers can be poured in a circle about 6 in (15 cm) from the base of the bush. Applying fertilizers too late in the growing season could cause young, soft growth that’s easily damaged by the first frost. To encourage your roses to begin preparing for winter dormancy, stop fertilizing them 35-40 days, or 6-8 weeks, before the first frost. In many areas, this will be around mid-August. Use the first frost prediction for your exact region to be sure.", "Using chemical fertilizers too early can burn new or recently dormant rose roots. Wait until after your roses’ very first bloom, and after you prune them in the early spring and see new growth, to use chemical fertilizer. This first fertilization is sufficient for most species types of roses. The numbers on fertilizers stand for Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium content. General-use fertilizers have a balance of the 3 nutrients, and come in 10-10-10, or 12-12-12, which is a bit stronger. Either is fine to use for most rose types. For granular fertilizers, work this amount of fertilizer into the top 2 inches (5.1 cm) of soil surrounding your bush with a cultivator. Then water your rose thoroughly. Liquid chemical fertilizers have different amount specifications for each dose, so read the instructions carefully before applying them. Remember to only apply chemical fertilizers after the plant is well-established in the spring. Always read the instructions for the correct amount of fertilizer before applying it. Some specialty roses, like hybrid teas or floribundas, benefit from a second fertilization in mid-summer. This helps them to stay healthy through the remaining summer months. Apply 4–8 oz (110–230 g) of granular fertilizer in a band around the base of your bush. Still other roses are known to be repeat-bloomers, and benefit from a third and final fertilizing in mid-July. This can also be beneficial if you have a particularly long growing season, or plants continue blooming through October and November. Follow the same procedures for this application as you did for the first 2 in early spring and mid-summer. If you’d rather do 1 chemical fertilizer application and be done with it for the year, try getting a timed-release fertilizer. These capsule fertilizers release their nutrients throughout the season in either 4, 6, or 8 months. Generally these fertilizers use about 4 oz (110 g) per plant and are applied in May, but read the instructions carefully before using them Write the dates you apply fertilizer on a calendar to avoid over or underfeeding your roses. If you apply fertilizers too late in the growing season, you could get young, soft growth that’s easily damaged by the first frost. To encourage your roses to begin preparing for dormancy, stop fertilizing them 35-40 days, or 6-8 weeks, before the first frost. In many areas, this will be around mid-August. Use the first frost prediction for your exact region to be sure.", "A popular early spring natural fertilizer recipe can be made by combining 4 oz (110 g) Epsom salt, 8 oz (230 g) bone meal, 8 oz (230 g) cottonseed meal, 4 oz (110 g) blood meal, and 4 oz (110 g) fish meal. Water your bush thoroughly first, spread the mixture around the base of the plant below its outer perimeter, and work the mixture into the top 2 in (5.1 cm) of soil with a cultivator until it’s buried. Water your bush thoroughly again after working the fertilizer into the soil. You can find these ingredients at nurseries and garden supply stores that sell natural or organic fertilizers. Another natural fertilizer method uses alfalfa pellets. You can use non-food grade ones, sold at garden supply stores, or rabbit food alfalfa pellets. Spread 8–12 oz (230–340 g) of the pellets over the soil under your bush’s outer perimeter, and work it into the top 2 in (5.1 cm) of soil. An alternative is to make alfalfa tea. Fill a 30 US gal (110 L) plastic garbage can with 64–80 oz (1,800–2,300 g) alfalfa pellets and the rest with water. Let the mixture sit covered for 3-5 days and stir it once per day, then strain any remaining solids from the water. Water your roses with the tea every 4 weeks during growing season. To use banana peels, you can either bury them and let them compost before planting your roses, or bury them 4–6 in (10–15 cm) deep under the outer perimeter of your rose bush. They will compost under the ground and provide new sources of potassium for your roses. This method is best used in conjunction with another natural method, like coffee grounds or alfalfa pellets. Grind the banana peels in a blender or chop them into fine pieces to promote faster composting. Spread 48 oz (1,400 g) of used coffee grounds on a cookie sheet lined with newspaper. Allow them to dry completely, then sprinkle them around the outer perimeter of your rose bush then water it thoroughly. Make a liquid solution of this fertilizer by soaking 48 oz (1,400 g) coffee grounds in 5 gallons (19 L) of water for 2-3 days. Then saturate the soil around the bush in place of watering it one day. Grass and weeds soak up nutrients from the soil that can be reused as fertilizer. Fill a 5 gallons (19 L) bucket with grass clippings and weeds like nettles, horsetail, and chickweed and add water to the full bucket until it’s full of grass, weeds, and water. Let the bucket sit in the sun for 2 days. Dilute 8  fl oz (240 mL) in 80  fl oz (2,400 mL) and use 24  fl oz (710 mL) of it to water a medium rose bush. Use old, dry, composted chicken, cow, or horse manure for this recipe. Wrap some manure in a cloth bag, old towel, or T-shirt and place it at the bottom of a 5 gallons (19 L) bucket. Fill the bucket to the top with water and let it sit in the shade for 3 days. Water your roses with the fertilizer as you would normally water it. Discard the “bag” you used and the manure inside after each use or put in a compost pile. Choose a dog or cat dry food with a 3% minimum sodium content. Sprinkle 16 oz (450 g) of it on the soil under the outer perimeter of your bush. Work it 2 in (5.1 cm) deep in the soil with a cultivator and cover the area with cardboard for a week so that animals don’t dig it up. Keep the cardboard wet and water your roses through the cardboard just as you would normally water them before removing it." ], "summary": [ "Use natural fertilizers before planting and before your rose’s first bloom. Apply natural fertilizers every 4 weeks during high growth season. Stop all fertilization 35-40 days before the first frost date.", "Wait to use chemical fertilizers until plants are well-established in the spring. Choose a general-purpose fertilizer of 10-10-10 or 12-12-12. Spread 4–8 oz (110–230 g) solid fertilizer in a band 6 in (15 cm) from the plant. Reapply a chemical fertilizer once in mid-June for specialty roses. Do a third application for repeat-blooming roses in mid-July. Try a timed-release fertilizer instead of doing multiple applications. Stop all fertilization 35-40 days before the first frost date.", "Try a blend of Epsom salt with bone, cottonseed, blood, and fish meal to start. Use alfalfa pellets or tea to add many nutrients to your soil. Bury banana peels to replenish potassium. Try coffee grounds for adding nitrogen and potassium. Make a grass and weed clippings solution to enhance your soil. Try making compost tea with animal manure if you have it. Use dry pet food to add micro-nutrients and protein." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "On Mobile", "On Desktop", "Using Birthday Buddy on Google Chrome" ], "document": [ "Tap the Facebook app icon, which resembles a white \"f\" on a dark-blue background. This will open the Facebook News Feed if you're logged in. If you aren't logged in, enter your email address (or phone number) and password, then tap Log In. It's at the top of the screen. Doing so will prompt a drop-down list of matching names below the search bar. It should be near the top of the search bar. This will take you to a list of profiles. Tap the profile that belongs to your friend to open their profile page. It's below the row of options below their profile picture. Doing so opens a post window. Simply enter the phrase or message that you want your friend to see. It's in the top-right corner of the window.", "Go to https://www.facebook.com/. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged in. If you aren't already logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password in the top-right side of the page, then click Log In. Scroll down until you see a list of people with birthdays today on the right side of the page, then find a person to whom you want to wish a happy birthday. Click the name of a person whose birthday is today. A pop-up window will appear. If your friend's birthday is today but it isn't showing up here: click the search bar at the top of the screen, enter your friend's name, click their profile image, and click the text box near the top of their page. Click the \"Write on [Name]'s Timeline...\" text box in the pop-up window, then type in the message that you want to post on their page. It's a blue button in the bottom-right corner of the pop-up window. Doing so will post your birthday message to the friend's wall.", "It's a red, green, yellow, and blue sphere icon. You must do this on a computer since the mobile version of Chrome doesn't support extensions. This app allows you to create phrases to use for your friends' birthdays. Birthday Buddy then takes these phrases and posts them to friends' pages on their birthdays. This blue button is in the top-right side of the extension window. It's in a pop-up window at the top of the page. Doing so will install the Birthday Buddy extension. Go to https://www.facebook.com/. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook. If you aren't already logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password in the top-right side of the page, then click Log In. It's a tab in the column of options that's in the upper-left side of the page. Clicking it opens a pop-up window. Fill out the following fields: First Name - Your first name. Last Name - Your last name. Email - Type in an email address that you want to use for your Birthday Buddy account. Password - Type in a password that you want to use for your Birthday Buddy account. Confirm Password - Re-enter your password. It's at the bottom of the Birthday Buddy window. Doing so creates your account and takes you to the message creation page. On the left side of the Birthday Buddy window, click a text field, then type in your message. Make sure you click the Name button to insert a prompt for the person's name if you want to include their name in the birthday message. For example, you might type \"Happy Birthday, [click Name]!\" to create a message that says \"Happy Birthday, [NAME]\" in the Birthday Buddy window. This message will use the first name of the person whose birthday you're referencing. You can create up to three of these. It's in the bottom-left side of the window. Your messages will now be assigned randomly to friends when their birthdays come up." ], "summary": [ "Open Facebook. Tap the search bar. Type in your friend's name. Tap your friend's name. Select your friend's profile. Scroll down and tap the \"Write Post\" text box. Type in your happy birthday wish. Tap Post.", "Open Facebook. Review today's birthdays. Select a friend. Type in a birthday message. Click Post.", "Open Google Chrome. Go to the Birthday Buddy extension page. Click ADD TO CHROME. Click Add extension when prompted. Open Facebook. Click Birthday Buddy. Enter your account information. Click Submit. Create an automatic birthday message. Click Save." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Reminding Yourself Why It Didn’t Work", "Making Changes", "Using Days as Stages", "Clearing Your Head" ], "document": [ "Making a list of everything that irritated, bugged, or annoyed you about your ex’s personality and/or lifestyle can help you to see why it would not have worked. Start by writing down as many things as you can and then keep adding to the list as you think of other things. For example, maybe your ex had a really outgoing personality and often got carried away in conversations with other people rather than focusing on you. Or, perhaps your ex was really into country music and you can’t stand that kind of music. List anything and everything that helps you to see how you and your ex were incompatible. If you want, you can also include in this list anything that your partner cited as a reason for ending the relationship (if he or she broke up with you). Dreaming a little about your ideal mate can also help you to move on. Try making another list where you write down all of the qualities that you want out of your next boyfriend or girlfriend, or of things that you want out of your next relationship. For example, you might decide that you would prefer someone who is more introverted, likes to read, and who enjoys the same kind of music as you do. Or you might decide that you want a relationship that is honest, genuine, and loving. You might even consider what you can do to improve the chances of having this kind of relationship. What could you have done better in your last relationship? For example, if you had a habit of texting your ex constantly, then maybe you can try to give your next girlfriend or boyfriend some more independence. Think back on the things that you and your ex used to argue about to give yourself some more perspective about your incompatibility. You can think back to all the little fights you had or even just one big one. For example, you might think back to a time when you argued for an hour over what to do over the weekend, or when you fought because you caught her flirting with another guy. You can also reflect on any warning signs that the relationship was ending. For example, did you start to argue more frequently? Did your ex start to talk to you less and less? After you have reflected on some of the things that indicate why your relationship did not work out, you may feel like laughing a little at how mismatched you and your ex were. For example, you could look back on a silly fight that you had over what kind of pizza to order, or just laugh at how different the two of you were in general.", "Doing anything to make you feel brand new can be helpful. It’s amazing how something so mundane can easily remind a person of their ex. Try to make several changes to feel as if you’re living a much different life than you were before. Change out your playlists. Whether they are for easy-listening or they are your go-to workout songs, make changes so you don’t associate specific tunes with your ex. Move furniture into different locations. If you were used to the couch and your ex took the recliner, move them to different locations and claim the recliner. Use different towels in the bathroom. Go for anything different. Size, shape, color, design, texture, change to something foreign. Load your dishwasher a different way. Put the forks where the knives go. Place the plates horizontal instead of vertical. Make it something completely new to you. Delete shows from the DVR. This is especially helpful if it’s a show you started watching because your ex liked it. The great thing about being single is you now can choose. You can choose the exact opposite of your ex if you’d like. Leave all memories in the past and find the new love of your life. Pick someone who appreciates what your ex did not. Be careful to avoid the rebound. Don’t settle for someone just because you’re used to being in a relationship. Some people see a breakup as a bridge towards improvement. Learn to communicate more effectively. Discover new things about yourself, and how you can improve in the next relationship. You can’t control everything. Use this as a way to get over any control issues you may have. Realize there are some things, no matter how hard you try, that will not be as you wish. Learn how to forgive. You may be angry, sad, or depressed, but breakups often serve as a great opportunity to find our kindness. You'll be happier when you realize forgiveness, because your ex will no longer occupy your mind with ill feelings. Express relationship desires more clearly. The result of failure is often analysis and improvement. Figure out what was expressed incorrectly or inefficiently, and learn to tell your future partner precisely what you want in a relationship. Keep in mind that a breakup is an emotional injury and it might take longer than a week to be over your ex. Getting over someone is difficult and you will have a lot of emotions to process, so try to be patient. Just remember that if you keep trying, then you will get there.", "Release your feelings. This is the best thing to do, to vent out whatever you feel and just have some alone time. Don't suppress any emotions - confront the things upsetting and angering you and release them, whether it be by crying or screaming into a pillow. Use your next day to talk it through, and sort things out. Talk to a friend or someone trusted about what you thought about your ex, but think more about why you broke up. Talking to someone else means there's someone to verbalize your issues with, rather than trying to cope with everything on your own. Remind yourself why you can deal without this relationship, and list ways to help you start moving on. This day is for clearing your head and setting yourself a clear sketch of the future without your ex. If you keep anything at all, be sure to think of it a token of friendship, not of your relationship. If they bring bad memories, then throw them out or dispose of them in any way you desire. Take down photos. If photos linger, it shows you are still thinking of your ex, and some studies show it can actually cause physical pain. Be sure to return anything to your ex that you know could cause issues. If you have something valuable, and it was not a gift, it may be best to give it back. It’s possible to be found civilly liable if the gift can be deemed as exploitation of your ex. You’re nearing the end of the week; so, use this day for relaxing and enjoyment. Going out with a friend is a good idea. Company can keep your mind off of any lingering feelings. Make sure you don't go somewhere that will bring memories of your ex. If you opt to spend the day alone instead, make sure you keep your mind off your ex and firmly on you. Pamper yourself by going to the spa. Go somewhere and do something your ex never wanted to do. Read a novel and immerse yourself in a different world. Quite a bit of research indicates the key to recovering from a breakup is focusing inward on yourself. Spend some time re-working your goals, values, and reminding yourself who you are. Brush up on your independent skills and do whatever you can to make yourself strong. Cook a good meal for yourself, something your ex didn’t like. Think about how nice it is to eat this meal without any issues. Go to a lecture or reading on something that sparks your interest. Analyze the message and see how it reflects upon your current situation. Use this day to really stop thinking about your ex. This is where you plan your next steps. Lay the groundwork for what you’re going to do next. Putting pen to paper will not only provide you with a plan, but it will be something to which you can self-motivate and hold yourself accountable. Include the next day you plan to go out. Even if you don’t want to go out, force yourself to stick to the plan. Determine what kind of person you desire. Think about who you want, and ways in which you will not settle. Find your soulmate this time. Set a date by which you’ll go on the next date. Don’t let your ex dictate your happiness. Find the next person who will help you forget about your ex. The final day can be thought of as the graduation from your breakup. Essentially, you've done all the hard work. Do what makes you happy. Try one of the following suggestions: Go watch a movie. Shoot for a genre other than drama or romance, so you’re not reminded of your breakup. Be sure to splurge on all the popcorn and treats you desire. Sleep in. Wake up whenever you want. Plan on being lazy all day with PJs, a cup of coffee, and a marathon of your favorite show. Soak in the rays. Lay out – on the beach if possible – and just enjoy a sunny day. Listen to nature wash away any last vestiges of your ex.", "Ensure there are no interactions or confrontations for an entire week. If you don’t see them for a week, you’re likely to do and think about other people and things. Avoid all calls. Don’t let your ex explain away any wrongdoings. Don’t read texts. What they say isn’t important. Defriend them on social media. Don’t take a chance of seeing something they post that could further hurt you. Be sure you change your relationship status to “single”. If you can’t avoid your ex because of work or school, then avoid eye contact and all conversation. Each day of the week you’re allowed to cry or mope for a specific amount of time. As each day passes, lower the number. The last day should be focused on minimal or zero grieving. Think of it as ridding yourself of a sickness, like the cold. For example: 1st Day - 60 minutes 2nd Day - 50 minutes 3rd Day - 40 minutes (and so on) Whether you’re an avid bowler or swimmer, be sure to continue doing whatever it is you love to do. Mix in hobbies that are social so you’re not always alone. In the week following your breakup, keep your mind off sadness and do everything you would normally do to make you happy. Meditation has been shown by multiple research sources to help with physical and emotional pain. Each day work on meditating for a longer period of time. Start with 15 minutes of meditation focused on quieting your mind, ignoring your anxiety about the breakup, and build yourself up to 45 minutes by the seventh day. After the seventh day you should find some inner peace. Many people go through a breakout and let themselves waste away. They skip showers, don’t get enough sleep, and generally make themselves miserable. Then depression results from looking like a mess. Don’t let this be you. Take care of yourself the week following your breakup. Go get your hair done. A new ‘do may help you feel better, and like a new person. Take a long, hot shower. Wash every inch of your body, thinking of scrubbing away any possible remaining particle of your ex that may remain. Get a clean shave. Even if you don’t plan on going anywhere. Often times people have trouble sleeping after a breakup. A little Benadryl can be used as a simple sleep aid. Try to doze off without thinking of your ex. If you are having very serious issues, you may need to see a doctor for an antidepressant or prescription sleep pills. Breakups can be emotionally devastating. Because of the time and emotion put into relationships, there is actually scientifically provable pain associated with heartache. Seeing a therapist can help alleviate repressed emotions. Studies have shown discussing break-ups can help process them, and help you overcome it. You may have to see the therapist more than once, but it’s possible just a single session can get you over your ex. Multiple studies have shown writing to be therapeutic, and leading to less negativity. By writing about the breakup, and focusing on positive aspects of it, you’re likely to feel more optimistic, confident, and positive about the reason for the breakup. Try writing for 15-30 minutes per day for the length of the week, and you’ll likely feel a lot better about the situation." ], "summary": [ "Write a list of traits or interests that bothered you. Make a list of qualities you want in a boyfriend or girlfriend. Reflect on past arguments that you had with your ex. Try to laugh about how mismatched you and your ex were.", "Alter your environment. Find someone different. Use the breakup to grow. Take your time.", "Cry on the first day. Talk with someone on the second day. Dispose of your ex’s possessions on the third day. Relax on the fourth day. Be introspective on the fifth day. Plan on the sixth day. Relax.", "Avoid your ex. Set a diminishing grieving period. Keep up with your hobbies. Meditate. Keep your hygiene up-to-par. Take something to help you sleep. See a therapist. Write about the breakup." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Run Regression Analysis", "Make Sure Regression Analysis Is Supported On Your Excel" ], "document": [ "You should have at least two columns of numbers that will be representing your Input Y Range and your Input X Range. Input Y represents the dependent variable while Input X is your independent variable. If your version of Excel displays the ribbon, go to Data, find the Analysis section, hit Data Analysis, and choose Regression from the list of tools. If your version of Excel displays the traditional toolbar, go to Tools > Data Analysis and choose Regression from the list of tools. In the Regression Analysis box, click inside the Input Y Range box. Then, click and drag your cursor in the Input Y Range field to select all the numbers you want to analyze. You will see a formula that has been entered into the Input Y Range spot. Choose whether or not to display labels, residuals, residual plots, etc. by checking the desired boxes. You can either select a particular output range or send the data to a new workbook or worksheet. The summary of your regression output will appear where designated.", "Click on the Office Button at the top left of the page and go to Excel Options. Click on Add-Ins on the left side of the page. Find Analysis tool pack. If it’s on your list of active add-ins, you’re set. If it’s on your list of inactive add-ins, look at the bottom of the window for the drop-down list next to Manage, make sure Excel Add-Ins is selected, and hit Go. In the next window that pops up, make sure Analysis tool pack is checked and hit OK to activate. Allow it to install if necessary. Go to Tools > Add-Ins. Find Analysis tool pack. (If you don’t see it, look for it using the Browse function.) If it’s in the Add-Ins Available box, make sure Analysis tool pack is checked and hit OK to activate. Allow it to install if necessary. You can't do it without a different piece of software. This was by design since Microsoft does not like Apple." ], "summary": [ "Enter the data into the spreadsheet that you are evaluating. Open the Regression Analysis tool. Define your Input Y Range. Repeat the previous step for the Input X Range. Modify your settings if desired. Designate where the output will appear. Click OK.", "If your version of Excel displays the ribbon (Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas…)\n If your version of Excel displays the traditional toolbar (File, Edit, View, Insert…)\n Excel for Mac 2011 and higher do not include the analysis tool pack." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Keeping Moisture Out of the House", "Controlling Moisture", "Keeping the House Clean and Cool" ], "document": [ "Water can also get into your house from outside, and preventing this will protect your house from excess moisture inside. Along with fixing leaks in the roof and elsewhere in the house, you can also get rid of water by making sure that water is drawn away from your house. One way to do this is by installing extra gutters if necessary to direct rainwater away from your home. If you have trouble with groundwater coming in, consider installing vapor barriers in the basement and a sump pump system that will collect water. Gutters are an integral part of the system that keeps water away from your house, so it’s important to keep them clean and well maintained. Clean the gutters every fall and spring to remove dirt, debris, leaves, and other matter. Address leaks in your gutters as soon as you notice them. If you can't repair the leak, replace the section of damaged gutter. A crawl space that has a dirt floor is susceptible to mold, because moisture coming up from the ground can make the area wet all the time. To prevent this, dry out the area with fans, and then cover the dirt with a sheet of plastic. Covering the dirt won’t necessarily prevent moisture from coming up, but it will stop mold from growing in the crawl space itself.", "Mold grows where there's moisture, so keeping your house dry is one of the most important ways to prevent mold. Install a hygrometer in your home, as this will measure the moisture levels inside. Ideally, you want to keep the humidity level in your house below 60 percent to prevent mold growth. To prevent too much moisture from building up in the bathroom when you shower or bathe, open a window in the bathroom to vent out moisture. If you don’t have a window in the bathroom, leave the door open and open the closest window you can. Moisture from a shower or bath that sits on the walls of the shower or tub can lead to mold growth. The best way to stop this from happening is to wipe down the walls with a sponge, towel, or squeegee after every time you bathe. It’s important to get your whole family on board with wiping down the walls after every shower. When you're doing laundry, don’t leave wet clothes to sit in the washing machine, as mold will start to grow on the clothes. As soon as the washing cycle is complete, remove the clothes from the machine and transfer them to the drier or the line. If you need help remembering to transfer clothes, set a timer when you do laundry. Similarly, never leave damp clothes or towels lying around on the floor or bunched up in a laundry basket. Always hang wet things to dry. If you don’t have a drier or prefer to line dry clothes to save energy, always hang the clothes outside. Any water that evaporates from the clothes will otherwise hang in the air in your home, and this can lead to mold growth on walls, floors, and other surfaces. In winter, if you have to hang clothes to dry inside, make sure the room is well-ventilated, that air is circulating, and that air and moisture from inside are pushed outside with fans. It only takes between 24 and 48 hours for mold to begin growing on wet surfaces. To prevent this, address standing water as soon as the spill, leak, or flood occurs. This includes water on: Carpets and floors Furniture Clothing Bedding Foundation walls and basement floors Exhaust vents are important in many rooms in your house, including the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. In the kitchen and bathroom, turn on exhaust fans anytime you cook or bathe. In the laundry room, make sure the drier is being vented to the outside. You should also make sure that your crawl space and basement are properly ventilated. If the air isn't circulating enough, install vents or fans. Some appliances are equipped with drip trays that catch water and moisture. This includes refrigerators, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. Make sure you drain and clean these regularly to prevent mold from growing in them. Emptying drip trays will also prevent spills, leaks, and overflows, which can lead to moisture problems under the fridge, near window sills, and on basement floors. Keeping the air moving in your house and providing a source of fresh air will really help to control the humidity in your home. When the weather allows, open the windows to vent out stale air, and use ceiling fans year-round to circulate the air inside. If you don’t have ceiling fans, you can also use standing or oscillating fans to circulate air. A dehumidifier will remove any moisture from the air that you aren't able to prevent, and will help you control the humidity in the house. It’s particularly important to have dehumidifiers in damp areas, such as basements and crawl spaces. If you have a large home, consider setting up at least two dehumidifiers in different areas of the house. Areas that are prone to being wet shouldn’t be fully carpeted. This includes basements that are damp or prone to flooding, and bathrooms. Instead, remove the carpet and install area rugs if necessary. Area rugs are better than carpet because they can be removed, cleaned, and dried if they get wet. Cold surfaces such as walls, pipes, and tanks are susceptible to having condensation form on them. You can prevent this with extra insulation. Outfit metal pipes with insulating sleeves, wrap toilet and water tanks with insulating blankets, and add more insulation to basement, exterior wall, and attic floors, ceilings, and windows. If condensation has formed on any of these surfaces, dry it immediately and inspect it regularly to keep it dry. Leaks are a main cause of moisture problems in a house, which can come from pipes, appliances, the roof, and faucets and taps. Inspect your home regularly for leaks and signs of water damage, and repair issues immediately. Don’t forget to check for leaks: Under sinks Around fridges, water coolers, and ice makers Under floors, especially in the basement Around air conditioners Near toilets, tubs, and showers", "Keeping your house vacuumed and dusted will remove mold spores that enter your home, and this will prevent the mold from taking root and growing. For the best results, vacuum and dust your entire home weekly. Ideally, you should use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter, but this isn't strictly necessary. Along with vacuuming, running filters or air purifiers in your house will also help to eliminate mold spores in the air. Filters can be particularly useful in damp areas like bathrooms, basements, and attics, as well as near entryways like doors and windows. HEPA filters are among the most effective filters, and are able to remove over 99 percent of pollutants from the air. Mold grows best in dark areas, so allowing natural light into your house can prevent it from growing. During the day, open all your curtains to allow natural light in. The heat from the sun will also help to dry up any moisture in the house. In summer, outfit your windows with lighter drapes and curtains that allow light to pass through. This isn't always practical in winter, because lightweight drapes allow too much cold air in. Just as mold prefers dark spaces, so too does it grow better in warm areas. In the summer, use your air conditioner to keep your house cool, dry, and comfortable. Most molds cannot grow if the temperature is below 70 F (21 C). Keeping your house at this temperature would be very expensive and inefficient, but you can still use the air conditioner to keep the air dry and relatively cool. In winter, keep the heat as low as possible while still being comfortable." ], "summary": [ "Drain water away from your house. Clean and fix gutters. Install plastic sheets in crawl spaces.", "Keep an eye on the humidity levels. Open windows when bathing. Wipe down the walls after bathing. Don’t ignore damp clothes. Don’t hang clothes to dry inside. Clean spills and floods immediately. Use exhaust fans and vents. Empty drip trays regularly. Increase ventilation and air circulation. Run a dehumidifier. Replace basement and bathroom carpets with area rugs. Improve insulation. Fix leaks.", "Vacuum and dust regularly. Run filters. Let the sun in. Maintain the temperature." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Your Teen from Becoming Pregnant", "Understanding Different Birth Control Options", "Preventing Pregnancy as a Teen" ], "document": [ "Education is, according to the statistics, your best weapon in preventing teen pregnancy. It has been shown repeatedly that the more a teen understands about where babies come from and how they can prevent pregnancy, the better off they will be. Of course, it's possible you were taught incorrectly too, so you'll want to refresh your memory before educating your teen. Educating yourself might also make you more comfortable about the subject, especially if you're from a very conservative background. You can find information on sex from books in your local library, at a doctor's office, and even on the internet. When kids don’t get educated about sex, they’ll try to make their best guess about how stuff works. Often, those guesses are horribly, hilariously wrong. Now, as funny as some of these ideas can be (“You can get pregnant from kissing!”), sometimes misinformation can lead to your teen getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant. You’ll want to make sure that any misconceptions they have are thoroughly dealt with so that they can make good choices for themselves. You can find examples of pregnancy myths in the section of this article for teens. The best way to find out what bad ideas your teen has about sex is to talk to them about what they know. Ask them: “What do you know about sex? How does a woman get pregnant? What role does a man play? How do you think pregnancy can be prevented?” Even with open communication and a good relationship between the two of you, your teen might still feel uncomfortable about asking for what they need when it comes to preventing pregnancy. You can eliminate this concern by making sure that they can access birth control without having to ask you directly. One option would be to teach them where to go to get birth control on their own and at low cost, such as by making their own doctor’s appointment. Another option would be to let them know that you’ll keep a fresh box of condoms at the back of the drawer in the bathroom. They can take condoms without having to ask and you will replace them if the box runs out. Now, no one’s advocating here that you just run into this 100% liberal and promoting sex to your teen as if there are no consequences. It’s important for you to talk to your teen about what you worry about and how sex can go wrong. If you communicate your concerns in a healthy, non-judgmental way, you’ll actually e more likely to convince them that they might want to wait. Talk to them about: The health risks The emotional risks, and The risks to their future Drugs and alcohol are also a nearly unavoidable part of growing up. While your teen might normally make very good choices, it only takes one night of bad choices to wind up with a pregnant teen. Head this off at the pass by letting them know that if they’re going to do those things, they need to at least do them in a safe environment. Tell them that impaired judgement can lead to poor decisions about sex or no ability at all to even make the choice. Girls should be warned about what boys might do to them if they pass out and boys should be warned about how getting consent is crucial to having sex but that alcohol can make you forget that. If your teen has goals and hopes for the future, they’ll have much more incentive to stay away from sex or at least be responsible about the sex that they do have. Help them pursue their dreams in order to keep them busy and make their goals seem reachable. Encourage them and help them believe that they can be more than they are now. If your teen’s day is packed with activities, they’ll have less time and energy with which they can get themselves into trouble. Don’t expect that this will make them abstain from dating and physical intimacy altogether but it should remove some of the opportunities and certainly keep them from having sex just because they’re bored. Get them signed up for clubs or extra classes which let them engage in their interests and hobbies. If their hobby is something that they can do at home, invest it getting them some tools so that they can fully immerse themselves in that activity. If you don’t have the money to pay for them to take an extra class in their favorite subject, talk to your local community center or community college. There may be grants or special tuition available to help your teen pursue these activities. At the end of the day, you can’t control the choices that your teen makes: you’re simply not driving the car that is their life. But if you need to, you can direct their path by limiting the roads they can take. Pay attention to what they’re doing. If they’re dating someone much older (for girls) or much younger (for guys), do what you can to make sure that they make good choices. You should also talk to them if their dating relationships seem to be very “serious”. If your teens are going out a lot to parties, it might be time to reign in their behavior. While these situations aren’t always easy to control, doing something is better than doing nothing.", "First, it's important to know how birth control works. You might get misinformation about how it causes abortions or how it can do all sorts of terrible things to your body, but those things aren't true. There are lots of different kinds of birth control, from condoms to implants, and all work by making sure that either a man's sperm never reaches a woman's egg or by ensuring that that egg can't implant. Do research for each type of birth control you want to consider. Knowing how it works will not only make you more comfortable about using it or recommending it, it will also help you use it correctly and choose one which is best for your habits. Some birth control needs to be used in a very specific way or it won't work, so if you're bad at remembering to do things (for example) you might not want to take some forms of birth control. Birth control doesn’t just mean pills. There are lots of forms of both medication and devices that all do roughly the same thing: keep you from getting pregnant. Choose what’s best for you and, to be extra safe, use more than one method at a time. This is especially important for teens and people that aren’t in serious, long term relationships. You can use: Condoms. Condoms should be your first stop, since these protect from STDs as well as pregnancy. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, you should have these on hand. Even if you decide to use another form of birth control, wear condoms anyway. The pill. There are many different varieties of “the pill” but all are taken by a woman to keep her from getting pregnant. These do not cause an abortion, as you might have been told. Instead, they make a woman’s uterus inhospitable to an egg, preventing it from implanting. Usually, you take a pill every day and the pill is very small. This is an easy an effective form of birth control and it has many other benefits (like clearing acne and making your periods more comfortable). Implants and IUDs. There are several different implants and IUDs (intrauterine devices) available, all of them for women. Some of these go in your arm and some are fit into your uterus. All are considered some of the most effective forms of birth control. While it can be uncomfortable to put in, these are great options for teens because you can get it put in and then forget about it. Most of these devices are good for at least 3 years, and some for as many as 12. This means that you wouldn’t have to worry about getting pregnant until it was really time for you to get pregnant. Other methods. There are also many other methods, like the vaginal ring, the sponge, and the patch. Talk to your doctor about what options might be best for your situation and habits. No matter what form of birth control you use, make sure you’re using it correctly. Most forms of birth control are very effective and work 99% of the time, but that’s only if you use them the way they’re meant to be used. If you’re a teen, learn how to use your chosen method correctly. If you’re a parent or adult, do your own research and then make sure your teen knows what to do. You can find information about how to use each form correctly on Planned Parenthood’s website. A basic piece of advice in life is that any problem you have can generally be made better by talking about it. Talking about family planning methods with your parent, trusted adult, son, daughter, or other teen can seem awkward. We’re raised to feel uncomfortable discussing sexual topics. But by opening communication and just getting everything out there, everyone can be better informed and more comfortable. Like a monster under the bed, you’ll find that discussing sex in a practical and healthy way is less scary once you understand it. Now, it can take more than one try to have the discussion you really need to have about family planning. Don’t give up! Parents wanting to discuss birth control can say something like, “Jon, you’re going to have a lot of urges. You’re getting older and that’s normal. But a big part of being an adult is being responsible about the things that you want to do. I want to talk to you about what your responsibilities are now that you’re becoming a man.” Teens wanting to discuss birth control can say something like, “Mom, I’m getting older and I want to make sure that I don’t ruin my future before it starts. I’d rather get birth control that I might not need for awhile than make a bad choice. Can you help me figure out what I need to know before something goes wrong?” If someone does become pregnant, it’s important to know what options are available, so that you can make an informed choice about how you want to handle the situation. Since society tends to be really divided on what to do in this situation, you should get as many opinions as you can from many different sources. One good source of information is Planned Parenthood, which will discuss all of your possible options with you and let you decide what’s best for you. If you decide to keep the baby, they will also help you find services and resources.", "Start by educating yourself about how pregnancy starts. Many studies have found that the better education you have regarding how sex and pregnancy work, the better able you will be to make good decisions regarding sex. You can find lots of high quality information online using sources like Mayo Clinic and Wikipedia. The short version is that a man produces a substance in his body, called semen, which exits his body through the penis. This substance is deposited in a woman’s vagina (through sex or other means), where it combines with an egg in her uterus to form a baby. Women only have eggs in their uterus sometimes and even then, the egg doesn’t always get what it needs from the semen. This is why you won’t get pregnant every time you have sex. There are lots of myths about how you can get pregnant. If you know the truth from the facts, you’ll be much better able to protect yourself. Remember, when it doubt, play it safe. It’s better to wait until you have proper protection than risk getting pregnant because of something you read on Tumblr. Myth: “You can’t get pregnant if you have sex during your period.” Your body will usually release an egg half-way in between your periods...but loads of women can have an egg release just about any time in their cycle. In fact, this method may be more likely to get some women pregnant, so don’t rely on this to help you. Myth: “You can’t get pregnant if you use the pull-out method.” The pull-out method is when the guy pulls his penis out of the vagina before ejaculating or “cumming” (orgasming and releasing his semen). The problem is that the penis will release fluid before ejaculation that can still get a girl pregnant! Using the pull-out method is very unreliable and for most people, the chances of getting pregnant with this form of “birth control” is about 30%. Myth: “You can’t get pregnant if you use certain positions or have sex in certain places.” It doesn’t matter if you’re having sex in a pool/hot tub or if the girl is on top during sex. If there’s a penis in a vagina, pregnancy can happen. Myth: “You can get pregnant if you do _______ afterwards.” Unless that blank is filled with medication or medical devices like Plan B or an IUD, then this is a total myth. Jumping jacks, douching, showering, peeing, eating certain foods: you name it, these things won’t help keep you from getting pregnant. We don’t want to sound like that guy at your church, but abstinence really is your best bet at not getting pregnant. Even the most effective forms of birth control only work most of the time. If you want to guarantee that you won’t get pregnant, find other ways of getting sexual release that don’t involve penetration. Pregnancy isn’t the only risk of sex, either. It’s important to remember that. You also need to be safe and use protection to keep yourself from getting STDs. There are also merits to taking things slow, in your relationship. While sex is fun and feels good, it adds a lot of complication. You might think you’ll have fewer problems once you start having sex but really you’ll have more. This is why, if you can make it work, it’s better to stay abstinent until you’re in a place in your life where you’re better able to deal with those complications. Full, penetrative sex isn’t the only way to get sexual release. If you don’t have access to birth control or if you just want to be super sure that you don't get pregnant or get anyone else pregnant, try other ways of getting physical that don't lead to babies. Try something like mutual masturbation. This is where you stimulate yourself in front of your partner or you stimulate each other. As long as no penetration occurs and the man's semen is kept away from the vagina, no pregnancy can occur. This is also relatively safe in terms of protecting you from disease. You can try something like oral or anal sex. This should still be done with a condom, however, because both can still spread disease and infections. Talk to an adult that you trust about sex, sexual health, relationships, and pregnancy. They should at least be able to give you some advice. They might even be able to help you find resources so that you can better protect yourself from getting pregnant. Schedule some private time to talk with them and then tell them why you want to talk. It might be awkward at first and it might take more than one conversation, but you’ll find that having someone who can help you will make you much more comfortable and happy. Say something like, “Brian, I’m not comfortable going to mom and dad, but I really want to get intimate with my girlfriend and I’m worried about her getting pregnant. Can you help me choose the right condoms?” In lots of states, you can get birth control from doctors and pharmacies without your parents legally needing to be told. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your family about your situation, make an appointment with an organization like Planned Parenthood. They’ll educate you and get you everything that you need at a price you can afford, so that your parents don’t need to know about what you’re doing. You can find your local Planned Parenthood clinic by visiting their website. If you live outside the US or in an area not serviced by Planned Parenthood, check with your local health department to get advice about what services might be available to you. There are lots of reasons that you might want to stay away from drugs and alcohol, but one of the major ones is that both can lead you to make really bad decisions. When you’re drunk or high, your brain doesn’t work as well as normal (that’s why it feels so good). This means that while you might normally make the smart choice and use a condom, your drunk brain doesn’t even consider it. You also have to worry about what might happen while you’re passed out. When you’ve had so much alcohol or enough drugs to make it so that you can’t move or are passed out, you have no control over what other people do to your body. For example, more than 20% of teen pregnancies were the result of sex that was influenced by alcohol." ], "summary": [ "Educate yourself and your teen about sex. Help them bust pregnancy myths. Make birth control private but accessible. Communicate with your teen about your concerns. Talk about drugs and alcohol with your teen. Give them hopes for the future. Keep them busy. Pay attention.", "Learn about how birth control works. Learn what types of birth control are available. Use any birth control you choose correctly. Discuss birth control, even if it’s uncomfortable or you don’t know how. Know your options if you do get pregnant.", "Educate yourself about pregnancy. Bust some pregnancy myths. Be abstinent as much as you can. Find other ways to get sexual release. Talk to a trusted adult. Find independent care. Stay away from drugs and alcohol." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Smart and Healthy Eating", "Using Distraction and Avoidance" ], "document": [ "Drinking water will not only keep you healthy and hydrated, it can also act as an appetite suppressant. Sip lots of water throughout the day to prevent your stomach from becoming completely empty, leading to high hunger levels and the need to eat. By drinking lots of water, you can focus on staying hydrated, rather than on your diet. You should also drink a glass of water before you eat so your stomach feels more full and you can then eat smaller portions during your meal. This can help you to diet in a healthier way. Be a smart eater by packing small, healthy snacks in your bag that you can reach for inconspicuously throughout the day. This will allow you to stay full without eating empty calories. It will also make others less curious about your diet, as you will appear to be eating often throughout the day via snacking. Snacks like raw almonds, dark chocolate, and veggie sticks with peanut butter or hummus can help to keep you full and give you energy between meals. You can also cut up fruits like apples, pears, and bananas for healthy snacks that won’t lead to a sugar crash later in the day. . Distracted and unplanned eating has been proven to lead to weight gain and unsuccessful dieting. Avoid unplanned meals or distracted eating by planning out your meals for the week. Go shopping at the start of the week, or on the weekend if you work during the week, so you have all the necessary ingredients to make healthy meals for yourself at home that adhere to your diet. You may organize your meals based on a certain calorie intake per day or a weight loss goal. Try to plan your meals around your required calorie intake per day, which is based on your age, weight, and your level of physical activity. Remember that everyone will have different calorie intakes and no one diet can fulfill everyone’s dietary needs. Another key component to practicing healthy eating habits is being aware of how you eat, as well as what you eat. Many people tend to eat in front of the television or a distraction and do not pay attention to how much they are eating. Rather than eat in front of the television, try to sit down and focus on your food as you eat, taking your time to savor the food. This will allow you to swallow and digest each bite, and keep track of how much you are eating. To practice mindful eating, use a timer when you sit down to eat. Set the timer to 20 minutes and try to use all of the available time to eat one meal. You can try to eat with your non-dominant hand so you are forced to slow down when you eat and make some effort to lift and chew every bite. You can also reflect on what was required to produce the meal, such as the butcher who prepared the meat or the farmer who grew the vegetables and the grains. Though you may need your morning coffee to get through the day, having too much caffeine through coffee, caffeinated teas, or energy drinks can lead to feelings of hunger and fatigue. This could then cause you to cheat on your diet or eat an unplanned meal. As well, alcohol can lead to hunger and unhealthy eating, especially at night when you’ve been drinking for several hours. If you tend to drink lots of coffee or enjoy a few drinks on occasion, try to have a glass of water between each cup of coffee or each drink. This will keep you hydrated and help to limit your hunger pangs. When your diet is over and you have accomplished your goals, decide if you'd like to share your success with your friends and family. After all, people will likely notice that you have lost weight, and they may wish to celebrate with you. You can do this casually, if you wish. For instance, if someone comments that you are looking great and healthy, you might say, \"Thanks, I lost some weight recently.\"", "If you find yourself in situations where dieting comes up as a topic of conversation when friends or coworkers, use distraction tactics to change the subject. Remark on the latest television show or the latest movies. Focus on the latest office gossip or the latest news from a mutual friend. Shifting the subject away from a discussion on eating and dieting will help you avoid having to talk about your diet or address your eating habits. Keep in mind it may be helpful to share your diet with close friends or family, as they can act as a form of support and encouragement. Rather than avoid the topic with people you are close with, you may want to consider being open about your diet so you can feel you are not doing it alone or out of shame. Have a vague excuse ready of someone does decide to ask you about your diet, especially if it has happened around certain individuals recently and you have had to awkwardly change the subject. This could be something like: “I’m just watching what I’m eating,” or, “I’m avoiding certain food groups”. While having a vague excuse ready can be useful, you should try not to lie when asked about your weight. For example, it would not be a good idea to say, “My doctor told me I’m allergic to carbs,” when in fact your doctor has not given you this diagnosis. Using a fake excuse could indicate that you are ashamed of your eating habits and are trying to hide your diet by lying to others. This could also come around and cause you trouble if you are later seen eating carbs. To avoid the awkward back and forth with the server when you are at a restaurant, prepare for eating out by looking up the menu for the restaurant in advance on the restaurant's website. This way, you can look through the menu and create a meal that fulfills your dietary needs at your own pace, rather than do it on the spot in person at the restaurant. If you are eating out at someone's home, you may want to ask the home cook what she is planning to prepare. You may then be able to suggest certain dishes that might fit with her planned meal but still adhere to your diet. Even if the home cook does not agree to make a special meal for you, you are at least prepared for the meal and know what to expect when you sit down to eat. To avoid having to defend or address your diet, you may want to consider having your meals alone. This way, you will not need to hide your diet and can eat comfortably without feeling judged by others. Eating alone can be an isolating and unhealthy experience, especially if it is done on a daily basis for all your meals. You may want to consider instead eating around individuals who will not question your diet or ask you personal questions about your eating habits as an alternative to eating all your meals alone. This could be friends that are also dieting or individuals that you met through a weight loss program." ], "summary": [ "Drink lots of water. Carry small snacks with you in your bag. Plan out your meals in advance Practice mindful eating. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Decide if you want to share your success.", "Shift the subject away from eating and dieting in conversation. Prepare a vague excuse. Look at the menu in advance if you're eating out. Eat your meals alone or with others who are dieting." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Tempeh Burgers", "Black Bean Burgers", "Lentil Burgers" ], "document": [ "Tempeh normally comes in a cube shape, so it's easiest to slice it into squares. Round off the corners if you prefer your burgers to have a round shape. Each slice should be 1/2 inch thick. Use a nine or twelve-inch pan, depending on which size is large enough to hold all the pieces in a single layer. In a small bow, whisk the soy sauce, olive oil, brown sugar, and thyme. Make sure each slice gets covered in plenty of marinade. During this time the marinade will begin to flavor and soften the tempeh. By the time you are finished baking the tempeh, all the marinade should be absorbed. If you still see liquid in the pan, keep baking the tempeh until the liquid is absorbed. Use a spatula to loosen the tempeh burgers from the pan. Place them on buns and serve with lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese.", "Place the pan over medium heat and heat the oil until it begins to shimmer. Sauté the onions and peppers, stirring occasionally, until the onions become translucent and the peppers soft. This should take about five minutes. Stir them in with the onions and garlic and cook for about three minutes, until the mushrooms are soft and have yielded their liquid. If you add the garlic too soon, it will burn; it only needs to cook for a minute once the vegetables have been cooked. Once the vegetables are cooked, the rest of the ingredients will be combined in a food processor. Be careful, since the contents of the pan will still be piping hot. Pour in the beans, ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, bread crumbs, rice and spices. Just a few pulses should suffice. You want the texture to resemble ground beef. Take care not to over process the mix, since this will result in a runny batter. Use a spoon to scoop out the mixture and form it into palm-sized patties with your hands. Make the patties large enough to fit on standard hamburger buns. Allow the oil to get nice and hot; it's ready when it begins to shimmer. Place the patties in the pan and fry them on each side for two to three minutes, or until the exterior becomes brown and crispy. They're delicious on hamburger buns with all the classic fixings: ketchup, mustard, pickles, lettuce and tomato.", "Place the pan over medium heat and heat the oil until it begins to shimmer. Sauté the onions and carrots, stirring occasionally, until the onions become translucent and the carrots soft. This should take about five minutes. If you add the garlic too soon, it will burn; it only needs to cook for a minute once the vegetables have been cooked. Once the vegetables are cooked, the rest of the ingredients will be combined in a food processor. Be careful, since the contents of the pan will still be piping hot. Pour in eggs, yogurt, spices, and bread crumbs. Just a few pulses should suffice Take care not to over process the mix, since this will result in a runny batter that will spread instead of holding its shape when you cook it. Use a spoon to scoop out the mixture and form it into palm-sized patties with your hands. Each one should be about 1/4 cup. Allow the oil to get nice and hot; it's ready when it begins to shimmer. Place the patties in the pan and fry them on each side for two to three minutes, or until the exterior becomes brown and crispy. These lentil burgers taste delicious with classic condiments or with a Greek yogurt sauce to contrast with the spices." ], "summary": [ "Slice the tempeh into patties. Place the tempeh pieces in a baking pan. Preheat the oven to 375 °F (191 °C). Mix up the marinade. Pour the marinade over the tempeh slices. Bake the tempeh for 30 minutes. Flip the tempeh and bake for another 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven. Serve the tempeh burgers.", "Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan. Add the onions and green peppers to the pan. Add the mushrooms to the pan. Add the garlic and cook for one minute longer. Turn off the heat. Transfer the mixture to a food processor. Add the remaining ingredients. Pulse the mixture until it becomes coarse and crumbly. Form the mixture into patties. Heat the remaining tablespoon of oil in a frying pan. Fry the patties. Serve the veggie burgers.", "Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan. Add the onions and carrots to the pan. Add the garlic and cook for one minute longer. Turn off the heat. Transfer the mixture to a food processor. Add the remaining ingredients. Pulse the mixture until it becomes coarse and crumbly. Form the mixture into patties. Heat the remaining tablespoon of oil in a frying pan. Fry the patties. Serve the veggie burgers." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Card Variations", "Playing Quickly (Basic Rules & Cheat Sheet)", "Thinking up Rules for Kings", "Playing Classic King's Cup" ], "document": [ "A lot of the fun of King's cup comes from the \"house rules\" that have grown around it. Every game is different, and comparing games or playing with new people often leads to new and exciting rule changes. The following steps give 1-2 variations on each card, but you can mix and match them however you want. Aces are generally big rules, and often require the most drinking. Ace is for race. If a player draws an ace, they must pick another player and race them to the end of their cup. Both players must finish their entire drink. Ace slap your face. If a player draws an ace, everyone at the table has to slap their face. Last one to do so takes a drink. Two is almost always \"you,\" meaning you point someone out and they must take a drink. But there are some variations. 2 means shuffle. If a player draws a 2, everyone at the table has to switch seats with someone else. Last one seated drinks. In nearly every variation, 3 is me. But you can also use it as a \"direction shifter.\" If a player draws a 3, the direction of play is switched from clockwise to counter-clockwise. Four is sometimes used for \"women must drink,\" thanks to a rhyme with a certain nightly profession. 4 is for dinosaur. If a player draws a 4, they have permission to use a permanent marker to draw a dinosaur on the face of another player. There are a lot of variations on 5, including: 5 is for jive. As soon as someone pulls a 5, everyone must start dancing. The last person to bust a move drinks. 5 is for dive. If a player draws a 5, everyone must dive under the table. Last one to do so must take a drink. Six is often used to mean, \"guys must drink,\" thanks to a rhyming similarity between \"six\" and some common male slang. 6 is for thumb master. If a player draws a 6, they become thumb master. Every time they put their thumb on the table, all the other players must do so too. The last one drinks. This can happen at any point in the game until someone else draws a 6. Seven is another card with a lot of variety, depending on who you're playing with. Some people make it \"thumb master,\" or \"never have I ever,\" depending on the other rules. 7 is for snake-eyes. If a player draws a 7, they become snake-eyes and anytime they successfully make eye contact with another player, that player must drink. 7 is buzzing. This is a group rule. Moving clockwise, the each player counts up, so the first player says \"1,\" the second says \"2.\" etc. However, you must replace each multiple of seven (14, 21, etc.), or each mention of seven (27, 37) with the word \"BUZZ!\" Mess up and you drink, and the next card is drawn. Since 8 is so easy to rhyme with other words, this card has a lot of variations. 8 is for the hate. Choose a player, who must start drinking until you say stop. However, if they finish their drink before you say stop, you must play the same game-- but with them in control. 8 is for straight. There are two options for this rule. Either the player sitting directly across from the cardholder must drink or the person holding the 8 must drink a straight shot of any alcoholic beverage that the table deems fit. It must go down \"straight,\" without a mixer or glass of water These cards usually fill up whatever rules you didn't use with the other cards. Some idea include: Draw again. Minister of Foreign Affairs. This makes you the only person able to talk to people who are not playing King's Cup at the moment. Sometimes, if things are casual or the drinks varied, you might just skip the King's cup. There is a variety of ways to do this: King's are table-slave.\"' If you draw a King, you must now do the bidding of the table, within reason. Usually, this means you refill the drinks and get new ones every time someone runs out, or someone else draws a King. Never treat the table-slave poorly -- you never know if you're next. \"'Kings are Categories:'\" If a player draws a King they can choose a category, such as \"dog breeds\" or \"types of car\". Then each player at the table must name something that fits into that category, such as \"poodle\" or \"Toyota\". When a player cannot think of something that fits into the chosen category within 5 seconds, they must take a drink. Some people play with 10 for Categories instead.", "To play, fan out a deck of cards, face down, around an empty cup (the \"King's Cup\"). Make sure everyone has a full drink of some sort. Players take turns drawing a card, then acting out the action described in the cheat sheet. For example, if someone draws a 3, that player must take a drink. If they draw a 5, all the guys playing must drink, etc. Continue until the final King is drawn or there are no more cards to turn over, whichever you prefer.", "With this rule, players are required to imagine that they have a little green man sitting on top of their cup. Throughout the game, they must mimic removing the little green man from the top of their cup every time they take a drink and put him back afterward. If they fail to do so, they get an additional penalty drink. With this rule, players are forbidden from saying the words \"drink\", \"drank\" or \"drunk\" for the entire duration of the game. If a player accidentally says one of the three D's, they must take a penalty drink. With this rule, right-handed players can only pick up their cup with their left hand and left-handed players can only pick up with their right. If a player is caught picking up a cup with their good hand, they must take a penalty drink. This rule is fairly self-explanatory. Players are not allowed to point at anyone or anything for the entire duration of the game. If they are caught breaking the rule, they must take a penalty drink. With this rule, players must pick a body part (lips, hair, ears, etc.) that no one is allowed to touch for the duration of the game. If a player is caught touching the forbidden body part, they must take a penalty drink. Again, pretty self-explanatory. No swearing is allowed while the game is in play. If a player swears, they must take a penalty drink. It might help to outline the list of included swear words before the game begins. Every player is given a nickname at the start of the game. If at any point a player fails to refer to someone by their nickname, they must take a penalty drink.", "Set up your game by placing an empty glass or plastic cup (the titular \"King's Cup\") in the center of the table. Spread an entire deck of cards, jokers removed, in a circle around the cup, face down. You'll have a full ring of cards around your chalice when you're ready to play. Everyone playing should be in a circle around the cup and should be able to easily pick a card on their turn. If you are drinking out of cans, you can place an unopened can in the center instead of a cup. This variation is also a bit more sanitary since only one person will need to drink from the can instead of a communal cup. Each player needs their own beverage in front of them, and they will drink from it or contribute to the King's Cup as the game goes on. Each card in King's Cup, when drawn, means that someone has to take a sip of their drink, so if someone's drink runs out they should refill it or get a new one. You do not have to all have the same type of drink, though it does make the King's Cup, a mixture of everyone's drinks, much easier to swallow. Each action forces someone to drink. Usually, this is a casual, single sip. However, some people like to make rules for each drink, something along the lines of \"3 seconds per drink,\" or some other amount of time. King's Cup has a very specific set of rules which all of the players need to be familiar with before playing. Each turn, one person will draw a card from the deck, and each card is associated with a simple action for someone at the table. You should feel free to adapt or edit the rules for your game, since there are countless variations and rules, but a common set includes: 2 is for you. If a player draws a 2 (of any color or suit) they may choose another player who then has to drink. The chosen person must drink for the duration of time agreed on at the start of the game. 3 is for me. If a player draws a 3, they must take a drink themselves. 4 is for floor. If a player draws a 4, everybody at the table has to reach down and touch the floor as quickly as possible. Last one to touch the floor drinks. 5 is for guys. If a player draws a 5, all the guys at the table must drink. 6 is for chicks. If a player draws a 6, all the girls at the table must drink. 7 is for heaven. If a player draws a 7, everyone at the table has to put both hands in the air as quickly as possible. Last one to do so must drink. 8 is for mate. If a player draws an 8, they have to pick another person at the table who must drink every time they do, and vice versa. This continues until someone else draws an 8. If either of the players forgets to drink when their \"mate\" is drinking, they must take an additional penalty drink. 9 is for rhyme. If a player draws a 9, they must pick a word and say it out loud, such as \"rat.\" Moving clockwise, each player must say a word that rhymes with the original word, e.g. cat, hat, bat and so on, and they must do so in under 5 seconds. This keeps going round the table until a player can no longer think of a rhyming word. That player drinks. 10 is for \"Never Have I Ever.\" If a player draws a 10, everyone at the table must hold up three fingers. Starting with the person who drew the card, that player must begin a sentence with \"never have I ever...\" and complete the sentence with something they have never done. If other players at the table have done that particular thing, they must lower a finger. This continues around the table. The first player or players with no remaining fingers must drink. Jack is \"Make a Rule.\" If a player draws a Jack, they have the ability to make a rule that must be followed for the entire duration of the game. They could rule that nobody is allowed to swear, that it's forbidden to use the bathroom, or that nobody can call anyone by their first name. Any player who breaks the rule must take a penalty drink. Read popular rules ideas below. Queen is for Question Master. If a player draws a Queen, they become the Question Master. Until another player draws a Queen, everyone can only respond to the Question Master's questions with another question. For example, if Terry is Question Master, and asks Steve \"what time is it?\" Steve would have to respond \"Is it 2 o'clock?\" If Steve doesn't answer with a question, he must take a drink. King is for King's Cup. When a player draws a King, they must pour whatever they are drinking into the cup in the center of the table. When the fourth King is drawn, that player must drink the concoction in the cup, signaling the end of the game. If you're playing with a can, Kings could mean \"finish your current drink,\" or you could make an alternate rule. Aces are for waterfalls. If a player draws an Ace, everyone at the table must chug their drink, starting with the player who drew the card. Each player may only start drinking when the person to their right has started drinking and may only stop when the person to their right has stopped drinking. So if you're sitting to the left of the player who drew the card, you cannot stop drinking until everyone at the table has stopped. Choose a player to begin, then draw a card at random. Turn it over quickly and then act out the card according to your rules. Once you're done, discard the card and move on to the next player, who draws. If playing with a can, slide the card underneath the tab of the unopened drink. As cards build up, eventually the can will crack open. The player who \"cracks the King's Cup,\" then needs to drink the entire can. There are hundreds of variations for each card, but there are also a few other rules that you can make that will spice up the game. Most of the rules are made to get people drinking more frequently: Ring of Fire: The game is played as normal. Fan the cards out so all of them overlap. Any player who breaks the circle has to finish their current drink. Color Kings: For all the numbered cards (not Jacks, Queens, or Kings), someone drinks for the number of seconds on the card. \"Red is to the Head,\" meaning you drink for the number of seconds. \"Black gives Back,\" meaning you pick who has to drink." ], "summary": [ "Know that you can adapt, bend, and adjust the rules however you want. Change the Ace rules. Change the 2 rules. Change the 3 rules so that it reverses the game direction. Change the 4 rules. Change the 5 rules. Change the 6 rules. Change the 7 rules. Change the 8 rules. Change the 9 and 10 rules. Replace the King's Cup rule to avoid drinking the pot.", "Play the basic, classic King's cup with this cheat sheet.", "Play the \"little green man\" rule. Play the \"three D's\" rule. Play the \"opposite hand\" rule. Play the \"no pointing\" rule. Play the \"no touching\" rule. Play the \"no swearing\" rule. Play the \"nickname\" rule.", "Place a cup in the center of a table and surround it with a deck of cards. Pour everyone an individual drink. Determine the \"punishment\" length. Decide on the rules for each card. Pick up the first card. Up the stakes with new rules." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding the Meaning of Her Texts", "Asking Her Directly", "Looking for Non-Verbal Cues in Her Messages" ], "document": [ "If a girl is interested in you, chances are she has already done some homework. Whether it’s talking to friends or following up on your social media accounts, she may drop hints that she knows something about your hobbies and interests. This is often a good sign that she likes you. This could also be a sign that she is interested in you as a friend and wants to get to know you better. When someone likes you, they will often try to establish an emotional bond with you through messages that create closeness. Common things to look for are if she chooses a nickname that she uses when texting with you. She may also try to connect with you by reaching out to talk with you about an experience or interest that the two of you share. Does she text you to reminisce about a funny moment at school or maybe to commiserate with you about a particularly troublesome assignment or test you both have coming up? These may be signs she’s trying to connect with you on an emotional level. Having a connection like this can also be a sign she is interested in friendship. Things like compliments and expressions of gratitude send a clear message that the person on the other end of your text conversation thinks highly of you. These messages can also give you hints about what it is she likes or finds particularly attractive about you. Does she compliment your looks? Your clothes? Is she thanking you for doing something nice for her that day? You can learn a lot about what a girl thinks of you by paying attention to what she appreciates about you. Compliments don’t have to be straightforward. If a girl texts you to share happy news with you, she’s letting you know that she thinks highly of you. If a girl is texting you to share something that made her think of you, that’s a positive sign that you’re on her mind. Text messages are a good, relatively low-risk way for two people to get to know each other a little better. If a girl is texting you details about her interests, her likes, and dislikes, pay attention as she may be trying to find out if the two of you have important things in common. If she’s following up these details with questions for you, she may be telling you she’s interested in getting to know you better. Answer her questions thoughtfully and don’t forget to keep the conversation going by asking her things, too. This is also a good way to become better friends with someone, in general. If a person is into you, they’ll most likely want to share their thoughts and perspective with you and should be eager to know more about you. If the girl you are texting, however, repeatedly gives you short responses without much content or details about her life, she may simply not be interested. If you have a text exchange that leaves you feeling confused, take a break. Try texting her again the next day to see if her attitude has changed. If her texts remain cool and distant, or she stops responding altogether, you should move on.", "Casually proposing that the two of you do something together can remove some of the anxiety and worry you may feel about asking her outright about her feelings for you. For example, you can ask her what she is doing tonight or this weekend. If her plans are open or not fixed, you can share what you would like to do and ask her if she wants to go to along with you. If she says she’s busy, it could mean she’s not interested but it could also mean she’s actually just busy. Ask her if there are any other days that she would be free to do something and see what she says. For example, you can ask: What are you doing this weekend?” If she says “Nothing” or “I was thinking of seeing a movie,” then you can say “I was planning on going to the movies, want to go together?” If a girl is texting you about a restaurant she really wants to try, a test she is worried about, a movie she would like to see, or some school event like a party or dance, she may want you to ask her about it. Follow-up on her conversation with a subtle invitation to do the things she is interested in, with you. For example, if she has been talking about trying a new pizza place nearby, tell her you have also been wanting to try it and suggest that you go together. If there is a school event coming up that she has been texting you about, tell her you have been looking forward to it and see if she wants to go with you. Maybe she’s been texting with you about an upcoming exam in a class you both share. This is a great opportunity for you to suggest getting together to study for it. If all else fails and you still aren’t sure how a girl feels about you, you can always just ask her directly. If she is really into you, it’s unlikely she will say “no” if you ask her about it. Depending on how bold or certain of yourself you are feeling, you can let her know you like her first, and then ask her if she feels the same. By making the first move, you are taking the pressure off, which she might appreciate, especially if she is shy. Be prepared for her to say she’s not interested. Humans are complicated and even if she has sent you all the right signs, it’s possible that she could still say she’s not that into you. Regardless of her response, by being direct you will have a clear understanding of where things stand between the two of you. Even though it’s possible a girl may be confused about her feelings or may be unwilling to go beyond some flirtatious texting with you, no means no. If she says she’s not into you, even if you think she sent you mixed signals, you simply have to take her at her word and move on. If you ask her a direct question and she doesn’t respond at all, you can take that as a sign that she’s not interested. Ghosting isn’t very kind, but it’s not uncommon for people to simply avoid responding if they feel uncomfortable, awkward, or guilty about rejecting someone.", "When someone is sending you a string of heart-themed emojis, this is a good indicator that they are interested in you. The more emojis, the better. By sending you these fun emoticons, she’s is letting you know that she’s clever and funny. Certain emojis, like the kissy face or lips, are often used to show interest in something more than just friendship. If you’ve got a girl texting you memes, she’s likely trying to get your attention and build a connection with you. By sharing memes, which are generally meant to elicit a laugh, she may be trying to create an inside joke or play off something you both already find humorous. Humor is a great way to reach out and connect with someone and she may be trying to determine if you share the same sense of what is funny. Laughter and humor are important in lot of relationships, including friendship. If a girl is texting you late at night or first thing in the morning, she’s letting you know that you’re the last thing on her mind before she falls asleep and the first person she thinks about when she wakes up. She also may be trying to make sure she’s on your mind just as often. Regular “good morning” and “good night” texts are a good indicator that someone likes you. Photos of herself or pictures of what she’s doing throughout the day can mean she’s trying to give you a peek into her world. She’s trying to establish your interest in her life by sharing what she’s doing and seeing. She may even ask for your input or advice about things she shows you. Photos of her day are a way for someone to show that they are thinking of you and that they want you to be involved in their life." ], "summary": [ "Take notice if she already knows things about you. Look for messages that build up a connection and intimacy. Pay attention to complimentary language. Pay attention to the questions and details she shares. Watch for consistently vague and brief texts.", "Ask her what she’s up to and subtly suggest doing something together. Follow her lead when it comes to hanging out. Try being clear and direct. Take her at her word.", "Check out her emojis. Look for memes. Notice what time of day she is texting you. Pay attention if she sends you pictures." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finding a Babysitting Job", "Meeting the Family" ], "document": [ "Ask to take care of your younger siblings while your parents are out, or volunteer to watch young cousins or the neighbor's kids. People who already trust you will be willing to help you your first babysitting experience Talk to your parents about whether you should get paid for looking after your younger siblings or relatives. You might watch them for free the first few times, then ask for a low pay rate, like $7-$9 per hour. Once you start babysitting other families, you can ask for higher rates. Ask your first “customers” to be your references when you look for other babysitting jobs. Write “Babysitting Services” or “Need a Babysitter?” in big, bold lettering. Then, write a little about yourself, like, “I love taking care of kids of all ages. Responsible, loving, and lots of experience. Ask me for references!” Include your first name and phone number on the flyer or on tear-off strips at the bottom. Don't put your last name or address on your flyers. Ask your parents or guardian to help you hang your flyers on bulletin boards at daycares, elementary schools, local coffee shops, and gyms. Remember to ask the facility before you hang anything. You can also put advertisements in local papers or church newsletters. Check the back of the publication for a contact number and call to ask about advertising prices, or ask your parents to call for you. Ask your parents or guardian to tell their friends that you're looking for babysitting work. On these websites, you can fill out a profile with your name, experience level, general location, and schedule. Message back and forth with a family for a week or so before agreeing to meet in-person. If you're under 18, make sure to ask your parents before using a babysitting website. No matter how old you are, practice basic Internet safety when using babysitting websites. Keep your personal details private until you meet with the family in person. Look online to see what classes are available in your area. They're often offered by local hospitals, YMCAs, or Red Cross branches. You probably won't have to use some of the more intense training, but it's good to know how to treat a scrape or do abdominal thrusts to help a child who's choking. If you're trained in first aid and CPR, you'll be more likely to get hired and get a higher pay rate.", "The family will want to know a little about you, and will definitely ask what kind of experience you have with kids. They might get into more specific questions, too, like how you'd respond if their kid was crying or throwing a fit. Using your prior experience, come up with some good answers to these kinds of questions so you come to the interview confident and prepared. You want to show the parents that you're punctual. They don't want to hire a babysitter that will show up 15 minutes late to the job and make them miss their dinner reservations. You can ask to bring your parent or guardian inside for the interview, telling the family that your parents wanted to meet them before you watch their kids. You can also ask your parent or guardian to give you a ride and have them wait outside in the car. This is an especially important safety tip if you don't know the family and are meeting at their house. You could also ask to meet in a public place, like a coffee shop. Talk about ways you'll keep their kids entertained and safe. Mention your experience doing typical babysitter jobs, like giving kids baths, cooking for them, and putting them to bed. Give the family the phone numbers of a few families you've babysat for in the past, and invite them to call to get an idea of your skills. Remember to confirm with your references before you give out their contact information. Introduce yourself and shake the parents' hands. If their kid(s) are there, bend down and say hi to them too. Sit up straight, make eye contact, and smile during the interview. Show that you're eager for this job and can handle yourself like an adult. Ask them what a typical day in their house looks like, and what kind of things you'd be expected to do as their babysitter. You want to make sure your expectations are in line before you both agree to the job. You could ask, for example, “Will I be cooking for Jimmy when you're out?” or “Will you need me to stay past 11 pm very often?” Tell them if you have sports practice, play rehearsals, or other activities on certain days of the week. Although it might feel awkward to do this in your very first meeting, it's important that they know what your schedule is before they start asking you to come over on days where you have prior commitments. For example, you could say, “I want you to know upfront that I have soccer practices on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I probably won't be able to babysit on those days.” If this is your first babysitting job, ask for $8-$10/hour. If you have references or extra qualifications, like CPR or first aid training, ask for a few dollars more. If you're taking care of multiple kids at once, you can also ask for a little more, around $10-$15 per hour. You can base your rate on the area you live in. If you live in an expensive city, it's completely acceptable to charge higher rates. If people in your area typically have lower incomes, you'll likely need to charge less." ], "summary": [ "Offer to take care of younger siblings, relatives, or family friends. Make flyers to advertise your services. Advertise throughout your community. Look for jobs on babysitting websites. Take first aid training to increase your chances of getting a job.", "Prepare answers to a few typical questions. Arrive a few minutes early. Ask a parent, guardian, or a trusted friend to come with you. Talk about your experience and provide references. Be confident, polite, and mature. Ask a few questions about their kids. Be honest about your availability. Ask for a reasonable rate." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Dating a Shy Girl", "Asking Out a Shy Girl", "Keeping Shy Girls Happy" ], "document": [ "If you call up a shy girl out of the blue, it's possible that she'll give you an excuse to avoid going out. This isn't because she doesn't like you, but because introverted or shy-types like to have their plans in place. Shy girls need a chance to get ready mentally for a date. If it's 4:30 on a Friday night and a shy girl doesn't have plans, she's probably looking forward to a quiet night at home. Make your plans ahead of time to give her enough opportunity to prepare. In general, try to make plans at least 1-2 days ahead of time at least. It's good to plan an activity for a date with a shy girl, so you'll have something to do together. If conversation is going to be hard, try to pick an activity that'll let her loosen up and have a good time, without having to do a lot of talking. Going for a bike ride, bowling, or playing mini golf might seem like silly ways to go on a date, but it's a good way to keep yourself active and busy. You'll have a fun shared experience. Dinner is a good opportunity to talk, but it might end up being pretty awkward if you have a hard time talking together. Alternatively, movies mean you can't talk at all. Not the best choices. Make sure whatever you do is quiet enough for her to talk if she wants to. If you go to a booming club with loud electronic music, you'll never be able to talk. Shy girls aren't generally big partiers. If you ask a shy girl if she wants to go to a big dance, or to the football game, or to a loud dance club, don't be offended if she'd rather stay in and watch Netflix on the couch with you. Make the time that you're together special, even if you're not doing something that sounds like a date. Cook dinner together, instead of going out to a fancy new restaurant. This gives you the chance to do an activity that will get you talking, even if you're just talking about the chicken and rice dish you're making together. Shy girls are often intimidated by large groups, but you can always ask her about her preferences. While it might sound great to you to hang out with all your friends and watch football together in a huge group, it might be her worst nightmare. Try to give yourself some private time. Of course, some girls might be more comfortable in group dates and feel more shy one-on-one. All girls are different. Talk to her and find out what she prefers and do what makes her feel comfortable. If you do go to a dance or some other kind of social event, come up with a signal that she can give you if she wants to leave or pick a designated time leave. Being shy doesn't mean that she doesn't have a strong opinion. When you're going out, give her the opportunity to pick the activity. This will help her feel comfortable and confident that you enjoy being together. Give her the opportunity to open up. Don't be afraid to take charge, though. Some shy girls might give you a lot of \"I don't know\" answers when you ask what she'd like to do on Friday night. Have a plan in place, if she doesn't. You should also offer more than 1 option to ensure that she can pick what she feels most comfortable doing.", "If you've got a crush on a shy girl, it can be hard to approach her at first. So just take little steps. Don't ask her out right away. Instead, start by saying \"hi\" on a regular basis. Whenever you pass each other in the hallway, make eye contact (this might be hard) and smile. Use her name, and greet her in a friendly way. Friend her on Facebook, or other social networking sites, to learn more about your crush. Talk to her friends to find out if she's dating anyone, or what kind of people she likes to date. Try to learn about her hobbies, how she spends her free time. Learn what she likes. Often, shy people will feel more comfortable talking online, or texting. Becoming online friends first is a great way to get to know a shy girl. Don't assume girls who act shy around you like you, or don't like you. Shyness isn't a sign of anything except being shy. If you want to date, you need to do more than say \"Hi\" and scamper off. Once you feel like she's comfortable enough with you saying hi to approach her, just walk up to her some time and have a short conversation. Make sure she knows who you are before you ask her if she wants to date. Keep it simple: \"Hey, my name is _____, we have Biology class together.\" Shy people are often quite good at one-on-one conversations but struggle in big groups. Don't try to engage a shy girl in class, or while you've got four of your friends with you, or it's going to be rough. Bring up something simple to talk about, something that you know you have in common, and have a short one-on-one conversation. If you're in class together, just talk about class: \"I really messed up that last test. It was so hard. How'd you do? Do you like this class?\" You could also arrange to talk one-on-one at a later time. For example, you could say something like, “Hey, do you have a minute to talk right after school gets out? I have a question to ask you.” Lots of shy people fear that they're \"bad\" at having conversations, and don't like to talk because they're afraid of messing it up or being awkward. This usually makes it worse. Instead of drawing it out, just exchange a short little chat and then break it off. Say, \"Hey, good talking to you. See you later!\" If it seems like she feels uncomfortable, don't draw extra attention to it. Just end the conversation in a friendly way, with a small compliment. \"It's so good talking to you. You're funny. Let's talk again soon.\" Keep talking to this girl. Have your little conversations, making them gradually longer and longer. When you start to feel comfortable talking with her, just ask her out. Keep it simple and keep it short: \"Hey, I've always noticed you and I think you're a really sweet and really nice person. I like you a lot. Would you like to go out with me sometime?\" Sometimes, things like dances or other big events can be intimidating for shy girls. It's actually sometimes better to just keep it vague: \"Would you like to go out sometime\" might be better than, \"How about this Friday?\" You can also ask her if she would prefer a social event or something quieter. For example, you could ask if she’d prefer to go to an upcoming dance, or just go to a coffee shop and talk.", "Shy girls are often, but not always, somewhat self-conscious. But even if a girl isn't self-conscious, it's a good idea to offer compliments to make her feel comfortable and loved. Keep them simple and genuine to make a shy girl feel more confident around you. If she does, she'll open up more and be less shy in some cases. Don't pile it on, just keep it simple, and make it something that she has control over, not something abstract about her looks. \"Your eyes are pretty\" might be nice, but \"I love your hair like that\" is a great one, because she did her hair. You're complimenting her choice, not her looks. Make sure to compliment her personality traits as well, such as her intelligence, sense of humor, etc. Shy girls or introverts often need a lot of private time, and won't want to spend hours and hours texting with you or talking on Facebook. That's ok. It doesn't mean she doesn't like you, or that she's about to dump you. It just means she's being who she is. Relax and move at her pace. If you call or text her and leave a message, don't get in touch again until she responds to it. You left the message. She'll get it. Let her decide how much of your relationship to share on social networking. Don't put up a bunch of pictures and updates about what you're doing together unless she wants to. Shy people might want to be more private than you're used to. The secret to dating a shy girl? Talk less. Shy girls will just want to be quiet sometimes. That's ok. Learn when to pull back and just be quiet. She'll open up and talk more when she's ready. Just enjoy being together. If it's quiet because you don't have much to talk about, just enjoy sharing silence together. There's no need to constantly talk. It may even turn her off. You can even tell her that you like sharing comfortable silences with her if you think it might put her at ease. Don't ask her why she's shy. Sometimes people will ask this question when they're feeling awkward. Drawing attention to it only makes it worse. There's no good answer to this question, and she'll just withdraw more. If you struggle to get a shy girl to open up and talk more, maybe it's because you’re not talking the right way. Ask her genuine, specific, and open-ended questions to get her to feel more comfortable and open with you. Listen to her answers and follow up with more questions. This has the added bonus of allowing you to get to know each other better. Encourage her to talk more by asking follow up questions. If she mentions that she loves going to the lake, that's an opportunity to learn more. How long have you been going? What do you like to do there? Keep questions open-ended to give her the chance to talk more. Don't ask, \"Did you have a good soccer game last weekend?\" because that only has a one-word answer. Instead, ask, \"How did you feel about the soccer game last weekend?\" Make sure to share some things about yourself as well. She might be too shy to ask you, so it’s okay to volunteer this information. It's important to be a good listener. If you're used to waiting for your own opportunity to speak, you might find it hard to talk with a shy girl. Use good listening skills and give her the chance to open up and share her life with you. Look her in the eyes while she's speaking. Nod along and encourage her when she's talking. Put away your phone and other distractions. Give her your undivided attention. Never rush a shy girl, or you'll lose her. Dating needs to move at a slow pace, letting her dictate the tempo of things. Shy girls need to feel comfortable, relaxed, and free with someone that they date. Let her decide when she feels comfortable enough. If you want to move in for a kiss, but you're not sure whether or not it's appropriate, the best way to know is to ask her first. \"You look so pretty tonight. I'd like to kiss you. Is that ok?\" Don't try to \"cure\" her. There's nothing wrong with being quiet, shy, or introverted. If you want to change someone to date them, you shouldn't be dating." ], "summary": [ "Make plans ahead of time. Plan fun dates that will get her to open up. Spend your downtime together too. Make your dates one-on-one. Let her pick the plan.", "Start by saying hello regularly. Find out a little more about her. Introduce yourself. Talk one-on-one. Keep your talk brief. Ask her out in a simple way.", "Compliment her. Give her some space. Don't force conversations. Ask her questions. Give her the chance to talk. Go slowly." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Growing Longer Lashes", "Creating the Appearance of Longer Lashes" ], "document": [ "A healthy diet is key. Focus on eating foods rich in protein and vitamins. Foods like fish, eggs, beans, soy protein, and yogurt will help your eyelashes grow. Salmon is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, which helps to grow strong nails, shiny hair, and long eyelashes. A lot of women also take a vitamin B complex known as Biotin for longer and healthier eyelashes and hair. They may prescribe Latisse, the only FDA approved eyelash growth medication. The only reported side effects are eye irritation, general redness, and itchiness. Most of the time, a dermatologist will only prescribe Latisse for those whose short or non-existent eyelashes are considered a health hazard. Remember that your eyelashes' primary purpose is to keep dirt and other foreign materials out of your eyes. Over the counter solutions are available and might be prescribed by a dermatologist. Many of these over the counter solutions actually work just as well as Latisse for a fraction of the price. These include products such as Rapidlash, Revitalize, and Prolash. This is the most extreme method used to get longer eyelashes. Plastic surgeons can transplant hair follicles from your scalp to your eye lids. While this will give you longer eyelashes, recovery is incredibly painful and can impair your vision for several weeks. Since the hair follicle is different than normal eyelash follicle, some patients report needing to trim their eyelashes after their surgery.", "Use an eyeliner color that's a little darker than your natural eyelash color. The idea is to make it look like there is more hair at the roots of your eyelashes than there actually are. This will create an illusion of thicker eyelashes. Apply a waterproof eyeliner at the waterline under your eyelashes to add the illusion of length without using up eyelid space. With a small push liner brush, push black shadow into the root of the lashes of the upper eyelid. This will give the illusion of a dark lash line. If you subtly extend the line at the outer corners of your eyes, it will also make your eyelashes look longer. If you want to try something a little more difficult, consider “tight-lining”. This technique takes a skilled hand and involves applying eyeliner between each individual hair at its base creating a subtle line along the edge of your eyelid. If you can afford them, professionally applied eyelash extensions are a beautiful, natural-looking way to enhance your lashes. The process usually takes a couple hours and costs around $100 USD, but the extensions will last for months with only occasional touch-ups. If you decide to go this route, know that it will be more difficult to wash your face. You cannot place too much pressure on your lash extensions without causing them to fall out. You’ll have to wash around your eye or use a cotton swab to clean the actual lashes." ], "summary": [ "Eat specific foods that produce longer lashes. Consult a dermatologist. See a plastic surgeon.", "Use eyeliner to accentuate your eyelashes. Get eyelash extensions." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Seeking Expert Help", "Identifying Woodworm Outside the Home", "Identifying Woodworm at Home" ], "document": [ "If you are having difficulty identifying active woodworm in your home (as opposed to other damage to the wood, or damage from woodworm that is not longer active) look online for exterminators in your area. Read reviews online and ask friends or colleagues if they have recommendations for local extermination companies. Call different companies for quotes and assessments before booking an appointment. Identifying specific species' of woodworm is incredibly difficult, and can result in misguided treatment attempts that fall through. Ask an exterminator for a professional assessment of your problem. Inquire about pricing and potential treatments before agreeing to any services by the company. Treatments could range from water based treatments for less severe infestations to fogging – a treatment for floors that generally does not require furniture and carpets to be removed. Once an exterminator has identified woodworm in your home, consider having them treat the problem right away. Over time, woodworm can cause significant damage to wood as well as serious structural problems in a building. DIY measures can be ineffective and time-wasting if infested wood has been left untreated for too long, so be proactive about stopping the problem before it gets out of hand.", "The Forest Longhorn Beetle and its larvae are only found on trees in the forest. Look for large bore holes that can be up to 10 mm (3/8 inch) across, much larger than most household woodworms. Note that tunnels will be very discreet and run against the grain of the wood. Waney Edge Borer woodworm can be found in wood that has bark on it, and is rarely found in homes. Look for borer dust with bun-shaped pellets around the bark areas from the boring holes. The holes are usually around 2 mm (1/16 inches) in diameter. Ambrosia Beetle woodworm is generally found in the forest; this woodworm can’t survive in treated lumber, and only lives outdoors. Unlike other woodworm species, the adult does the tunneling, going against the grain and deep into the wood. Look for black-colored tunnels that are evident after trees are damaged or wood is cut (in a lumber yard, for example.) Wood Boring Weevil woodworm can be found in wood damaged by fungal decay. You can identify this woodworm by looking for tiny holes with ragged bore holes and coarse dust. Look for tunnels that run against the grain and often break the surface of the damaged wood. Powder post woodworm is generally found in seasoned hardwood, which is usually only found in furniture factories and lumber yards. These woodworms tunnel along the grain of the wood, and don’t attack old wood (wood that is more than 15 years old). Look for tiny entry and exit bore holes no larger than 2 mm (1/16 inch), and loose, flour-like dust. Deathwatch Beetle woodworm can be found in hardwood, (usually oak), that is partially decayed. Look for bore holes that measure up to 3 mm (1/8 inch) across, and boring dust containing large bun-shaped pellets that are visible without any magnification. If possible, inspect the interior of the wood; more extensive damage occurs inside the wood than what is visible externally.", "If you decide to investigate your home for signs of woodworm, look up pictures of infected wood online to get a sense of what you're searching for; short of seeing adult beetles themselves, damage to wood is they best way to identify woodworm. The Common Furniture Beetle, which attacks the sapwood of hardwoods and softwoods, as well as plywood, is the most likely culprit. Evidence of Common Furniture Beetle woodworm includes exit holes in wood that are 1.5 to 2 mm (1/16 inch) in size, short tunnels than run along the grain of the wood, and lemon shaped pellets present in gritty bore dust. Note that damage to wood done by the Powder Post Beetle, normally found in hardwood storage areas, can be confused with Furniture Beetle damage; research both. Use a flashlight to examine wood, particularly in dark corners. Do not shine the light directly onto the surface of the wood; instead, lay it flat against the surface so the light shines over, revealing any bumps, holes, or undulations. These marks can often be missed by the naked eye. Small holes caused by woodworm are typically found below the floor's surface. Start your search around the floor's edges and under windows, where adult beetles tend to fly towards light. Regardless of where an infestation has started, evidence will eventually emerge in these places. Note that while woodworm thrives in damp areas, it is capable of surviving in dryer conditions as well. Woodworm is often found in ceiling beams in household attics, which can cause serious structural problems over time. Look for woodworm damage to the ceiling joists as well as trimmers around the access hatch. Thoroughly inspect all roof beams that you can access safely, using a step stool or ladder, as well as walls (in particular, near the edges) and wooden furniture. Spotting the Common Furniture Beetle is a good indication that woodworm is present in wood in the surrounding area. Look for insects that are small, dark, and reddish in color, approximately 3mm to 5mm in length. Beetles will typically be spotted between March and September, during flight season when they emerge to mate. Advanced damage caused by woodworm is evident when wood starts crumbling around its corners or edges. Weak and damaged floorboards are also indicative of a serious woodworm infestation that warrants the assistance of an exterminator. Extensive wood damage will compromise the strength of wood and, accordingly, the structural integrity of a home." ], "summary": [ "Find an exterminator. Have an assessment done. Get your infestation treated.", "Look for the Forest Longhorn Beetle woodworm. Search for Waney Edge Borer woodworm. Spot Ambrosia Beetle woodworm. Look for Wood Boring Weevil woodworms. Detect Powder Post Beetle woodworm. Look for Deathwatch Beetle woodworm.", "Look up pictures of woodworm. Look for bumps, holes, or undulations. Examine wood floors. Check the roof, walls, and furniture. Look for beetles. Identify advanced damage." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing Stains From Silk or Triacetate", "Removing Stains From Cotton and Other Washable Fabrics", "Removing Stains From Leather or Suede" ], "document": [ "Run water over the perfume stain on the silk or triacetate. Though silk and triacetate are not very absorbent materials, try to saturate the stained area with water. Water stops fresh stains from setting, and helps old stains separate from the fabric so that they can get removed. After flushing with water, drop on a few drops of glycerin and use your finger to gently dap the glycerin to cover the stained area. Glycerin helps to soften even old stains so that they can be removed. After you add the glycerin to the stain, run the fabric under water and rinse well, gently wiping over the stain with your finger. After rinsing, you should see that some or all of the perfume stain has been removed. If the glycerin didn’t fully remove the stain, make a solution of white vinegar by using a one to one ratio of water and white vinegar. Then add a small amount of the solution to a cloth or sponge and blot at the stain, starting at the center of the stain and working out. If the glycerin and vinegar didn’t work to remove the stain, add a couple of drops of denatured alcohol to a cheesecloth pad or to a sponge. Then use a patting motion to dab at the stain with the denatured alcohol. Denatured alcohol is poisonous when ingested, so be extremely careful when using it and store it out of reach of children. After you have removed the stain from your silk, flush the garment with water to remove any remnants of the cleaning agents you used. Then hang your silk garment out to dry.", "If you are trying to remove a perfume stain from cotton, linen, nylon, polyester, spandex or wool, first pat at the stain with a dampened sponge or cloth. Make sure not to rub the stain; instead, use a light hand and dab with patting movements, starting from the center of the stain and working out. Dabbing at the stain works especially well for fresh stains, because moistening the stain prevents it from spreading and setting in the fabric. If the stain is fresh, dabbing at the stain may be enough to absorb and remove the stain. If the perfume stain you are removing isn’t fresh, just dabbing at it may not be enough. To more aggressively combat the stain, create a solution that is one part glycerin, one part dishwashing detergent and 8 parts water. If you just have a small stain, use one teaspoon or tablespoon of glycerin and dishwashing detergent and 8 teaspoons or tablespoons of water. Stir the detergent solution to mix thoroughly. After you have mixed together your detergent solution, pour a small amount onto the stain. Make sure to only apply the solution to the stain, not to the surrounding area. Once you have applied the detergent solution, fold up a sheet of paper towel and place it on top of the stain. Then let the detergent work on the fabric for about ten minutes. As the detergent solution works to lift up the stain, the paper towel will absorb the stain out of the fabric. After about ten minutes, check on the paper towel. If you see that some of the oily stain has transferred to the paper towel, swap the paper towel out for another folded sheet. Keep repeating this process until no more stain gets lifted. If you notice that the area of the stain is drying, add more detergent solution. If none of the stain seems to have been removed, keep the original paper towel there and keep checking until some of the stain has been absorbed. If you still notice stain remnant after using the detergent solution lifting process, dip a cotton ball in rubbing solution and dab the rubbing alcohol over the stain. Then dab a teaspoon or so of rubbing alcohol to a sheet of folded paper towel and place it over the stain. The rubbing alcohol and paper towel will work in a similar way as the detergent solution, they are just slightly more powerful as cleaning agents. Look at the paper towel after ten minutes or so. If you notice that some of the stain is lifted, change out the paper towel. If nothing has been absorbed, place the paper towel back on the rubbing alcohol and the stain and keep checking until some of the stain has been lifted. Add rubbing alcohol if you notice that the stain is drying. Keep repeating this process until no more of the stain is being lifted. If the stain has been completely removed, flush the garment with water to remove any detergent solution or rubbing alcohol, then hang the garment up to dry. If hand-removing the stain hasn’t worked, soak the fabric in a solution of one part water and one part baking soda for 10-15 minutes. Then launder as usual in the washer and dryer.", "Use a dry wad of paper towel or cheesecloth to blot the leather or suede with gentle tapping motions. This works especially well with fresh stains, but may not be effective with older, dried stains. Never use water on leather or suede. Fill a large bowl halfway full with lukewarm water, then add a squirt of mild liquid soap to the water. Swish the water around by shaking the bowl or by swirling your hand around in the water to create suds. Use your hands to scoop up the suds and bubbles you created, then add the suds to a clean sponge. Sponge the suds onto the stain and pat the stain gently. After you pat in the suds into the stain, use a dry paper towel or cloth to wipe the suds away from the fabric. You should see that the soap suds have worked to partially or completely remove the stain. If the stain is still visible in the leather or suede, sprinkle on enough cornmeal to lightly cover the stain. Let the cornmeal sit for about half an hour. Cornmeal works by lifting and absorbing the stain. After you have let the cornmeal sit for around half an hour, use a dry, stiff-bristled brush to delicately brush the cornmeal off of the leather or suede. If you see that some of the stain is still there, add on more cornmeal. Keep repeating until all the stain has been absorbed and removed." ], "summary": [ "Flush the stain with water. Add a couple drops of glycerin to the stain. Rinse the stain. Dab the stain with a vinegar solution. Dab the stain with denatured alcohol. Flush with water and dry the silk.", "Dab the stain with water. Create a dishwashing detergent solution. Apply the detergent solution to the stain. Place folded paper towel on top of the detergent solution. Change the paper towel as it absorbs the stain. Apply rubbing alcohol to the stain. Change out the paper towel. Soak the fabric in water and baking soda, then wash.", "Blot any excess perfume. Make a solution of soap and water. Scoop up the foam and apply it to the stain. Wipe the stain dry. Add cornmeal to the stain. Brush off the cornmeal." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing Hair from the Brush", "Cleaning Plastic or Metal Brushes", "Sanitizing Wooden Brushes" ], "document": [ "Take a rat tail comb or pick and insert the pointed end under the hair near the base of the brush. Pull up to loosen the hair that's trapped between the bristles. If there's a lot of hair matted to the brush, you may be able to simply pull it up and off of the brush without loosening it first.", "Take a clean cloth and wipe it over the hairbrush to remove the water on the surface of the brush. Then turn the hairbrush so the bristles point down and place it on a towel. Don't use a hot hair dryer to dry the brush. This could damage the base of the brush and its bristles. Depending on the style and material of the hairbrush, you may need to let the brush dry overnight. Wait until the brush is completely dry before you use it to brush your hair. Avoid using the brush when it's still wet, especially if it's made with natural bristles. This could cause the bristles to bend and break.", "After wiping and patting the brush dry with a clean cloth, place the brush bristle-side down on a towel. Wooden brushes take longer to dry than plastic or metal ones, so you may need to let the brush dry overnight before you can use it again. Don’t use the brush until it has dried completely, especially if it has natural bristles. Using the brush while it is still wet could damage the bristles." ], "summary": [ "Use the pointy end of a comb to loosen the hair in the brush.", "Pat the hairbrush with a cloth and lay it down on a towel. Leave the hairbrush to dry completely.", "Leave your hairbrush to air dry." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Roasting Chestnuts in an Oven", "Boiling Chestnuts", "Roasting Chestnuts Over an Open Fire", "Microwaving Chestnuts" ], "document": [ " Use a sharp knife to do this. This will make the chestnuts roast faster, allowing the steam to escape from the chestnuts. You can also just pierce each chestnut several times with a fork. You can also just place them right on the grill, with the cut side facing up. Sprinkle them lightly with water to help them roast. Roast them until they're tender and the shell comes off easily. While they're roasting, use a spoon or spatula to move them around every few minutes so they don't burn. When they're done roasting, remove them from the oven. Wait 2-3 minutes for the chestnuts to cool off and then wrap them in a towel and squeeze them until the skin is crushed. Leave them in the towel for another five minutes. Do this while they're still warm to make the process easier. Take out the inner skin along with the shell. If any nuts are hard to peel, you can heat them briefly for a few more minutes until they're ready. Enjoy these nuts on their own while they're nice and hot.", " Use a sharp knife to cut the \"X\" shape into the chestnuts. This will make them boil more easily. Boiling chestnuts won't make them quite as tasty or aromatic, but it's a great way to quickly soften them. Wait at least 2-3 minutes until the chestnuts are cool enough for you to handle them. Enjoy these chestnuts plain or with 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon and one tablespoon of melted butter.", "Rinse them off under cool water to remove any dirt. Score the shells before you place them in a pan. Place the flat sides of the chestnuts down. Make sure that there's a bed of glowing coals that you can rest the pan on, whether you've lit a fireplace or a campfire. This should be enough to roast one side of the chestnuts. Lightly shake the pan around every minute or so to distribute the heat. After five minutes, use a potholder to remove the pan, roll over the nuts, and place them back on the fire. Once you've roasted the nuts, wait 2-3 minutes for them to cool down and enjoy them while they're nice and hot.", "Five or six at a time will do. Place it on a cutting board and cut it with a sharp knife. Cutting it in half will help it cook faster. The chestnut is similar to the potato when it comes to cooking. This should take between 2-5 minutes, depending on the strength of your microwave. Enjoy these chestnuts plain and bite the nut directly off the shell or scoop it out with a small spoon first." ], "summary": [ "Preheat your oven to 400ºF (205ºC). Cut an \"X\" shape into the flat side of each chestnut. Place the chestnuts on a baking sheet. Roast the chestnuts for 15-20 minutes. Crush their skins. Peel the nuts. Serve.", "Boil a pot of water. Cut an X into one side of two cups of chestnuts. Boil the chestnuts for 5-10 minutes. Let the chestnuts cool. Peel the shells and the skins off the nuts. Serve.", "Rinse the chestnuts. Score the shells. Put the nuts in a cast iron frying pan. Prepare the fire. Place the pan on the coals for 5 minutes. Turn the nuts over. Roast the nuts for another 5 minutes. Serve.", "Grab a handful of chestnuts. Chop each chestnut in half. Cook them in the microwave on the \"potato\" setting. Serve." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Professional Help", "Making Lifestyle Changes", "Diagnosing Depression", "Keeping a Journal", "Trying Alternative Remedies", "Changing Your Eating Habits" ], "document": [ "Your regular physician is a good first step if you suspect you have mild depression. Some illnesses, especially those related to the thyroid or other parts of the body’s hormone system, cause depressive symptoms. Other medical conditions, especially terminal or chronic conditions, may carry also a risk for depressive symptoms. In these cases, your doctor can help you understand the source of your symptoms and how to alleviate them. Engaging in psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” can be very beneficial for treating mild depression. Depending on your specific needs, you might try to find a certain type of mental health professional, including counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, or licensed professional counselors. If you have mild depression, it’s likely you’d visit with a counselor first. Counseling psychologists: Counseling psychologists focus on helping skills and helping people overcome difficult times in their lives. This type of therapy can be short- or long-term and is often problem-specific and goal-directed. Counselors ask questions and listen to what you have to say. The counselor will be an objective observer helping you to identify significant ideas and to discuss them in greater detail. This will help you work out emotional and environmental issues that may contribute to your depression. Clinical psychologists: These psychologists are trained to administer tests to confirm a diagnosis and, therefore, tend to focus more psychopathology. Clinical psychologists are also trained to use a wide range of therapeutic techniques. Psychiatrists: Psychiatrists may use psychotherapy and scales or tests in their practice. They are typically seen when medication is an option the patient wants to explore. In most states, only psychiatrists can prescribe medication. You may see more than one kind of therapist, depending on your needs. Cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy and behavioral psychotherapies consistently show benefits to patients. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): The goal of CBT is to challenge and change beliefs, attitudes and preconceptions thought to underlie depressive symptoms and effect change to maladaptive behaviors. Interpersonal therapy (IPT): IPT focuses on life changes, social isolation, deficits in social skills and other interpersonal issues that may contribute to depressive symptoms. IPT may be particularly effective if a specific event, such as a death, triggered a recent depressive episode. Behavioral therapies: These types of therapies aim to schedule enjoyable activities while minimizing unpleasant experiences through techniques such as activity scheduling, self-control therapy, social skills training and problem solving. Consider recommendations from friends or family, leaders in your religious community, community mental health center, your Employee Assistance Program (if your employer offers one), or contact your doctor for help finding a counselor. The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards provides basic information about how to choose a therapist, your state's licensure requirements and how to check whether someone is licensed. Other professional associations, such as the American Psychological Association, may provide search functions for locating practitioners in your area. Your visits with a counselor should be covered by your health insurance. Although mental illnesses are legally required to be covered to the same extent as physical illnesses, the type of insurance you have can still affect the type and amount of therapy you receive. Be sure to check with your insurance company so that you get any referrals needed before starting treatment and that you see someone who will accept your insurance and will be paid by your insurance company. Anti-depressants affect the neurotransmitter system of the brain to try to counteract problems in how neurotransmitters are made and/or used by the brain. Some professionals feel that anti-depressants are over-prescribed and are not very effective for treating mild depression. Some studies show that anti-depressants are most effective for severe or chronic depression. Medication can be a good method to improve your mood and help you benefit more fully from psychotherapy. For many people, short-term treatment with anti-depressants can help treat mild depression.", "When you don't sleep well, your defense mechanisms can be compromised. This can make it harder to handle the symptoms of mild depression. Try going to bed earlier than normal to ensure that you get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep is a restorative activity that allows your body to heal itself. If you aren't getting enough sleep, talk to your doctor. She might prescribe sleep medication. You might also try changing your sleeping times. The inability to get to enough sleep can indicate depressive symptoms. If you have trouble getting to sleep, try listening to calm music before bed. Turn off your computer and phone at least 30 minutes before bedtime to give your eyes and brain a rest from the screen. Exercise may be an underutilized method for boosting mood. Studies suggest that exercise helps to elevate mood and prevent relapse. Aim to get 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Set attainable goals for yourself. No matter how easy you think a goal is to attain, attaining it gives you the experience of success early and the confidence needed to set your next goal. Start with a goal of walking 10 minutes per day for a couple of days during the week, then push yourself to do more, such as walking for 10 minutes every day for one week; then every day for one month; then the whole year. See how long you can keep your streak going. The best part of exercise as a treatment for depression is that activities such as walking and running do not cost a lot of money. Before starting a new exercise routine, talk with your doctor and/or a personal trainer to determine the best exercises for your fitness level. Consider every exercise session as a treatment for your mood and a positive reflection of your will to improve. Light therapy, or exposing yourself to sunlight or light that mimics sunlight, can positively effect on your mood. Some research suggests that increased amounts of sunlight will increase your body’s levels of vitamin D. Try a dawn simulator. This is a timer mechanism that you attach to a lamp in your bedroom. The lamp will start to light up gradually 30-45 minutes before your scheduled wake-up time. Your brain will think that morning light is coming through the window and you may trick your body into feeling better. Get a light therapy box or lamp. This device emits simulated sunlight. Sit in front of a light therapy box for 30 minutes per day to get more light exposure. When you’re stressed, your body responds by releasing cortisol, a stress hormone. If you experience chronic stress, your body may overreact and not shut off the stress hormone release. Try to manage and reduce your stress so that your body has a chance to rejuvenate. Try meditation to reduce stress. Make a list of the things that stress you out. Try to minimize the number of stressors in your life. Gardening, walking and other outdoor activities can create beneficial effects. Getting out into green spaces and nature can lift your mood and help you if you’re feeling the effects of mild depression. Gardening and digging in the dirt can also create positive affects, thanks to anti-depressant microbes in soil that increase serotonin levels. Some people feel the effects of depression because of repressed creativity. The link between depression and creativity has been of great interest because some think it may be “the cost” of being a creative person rather than being a “necessary evil” of creativity. Depression may arise when a creative person finds it difficult to find an expressive outlet.", "Depression symptoms can range from mild to moderate to severe. With mild depression, you may feel sad much of the time, or you might lack interest in activities that you once found enjoyable. In addition, mild depression will typically include a few (but usually not all) of the following symptoms: Appetite loss or weight gain. Sleeping too much or too little. Increased agitation. Decreased movement. Low energy every day. Feeling worthless Feelings of inappropriate guilt. Difficulty concentrating. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects more people during the fall and winter months and may be caused by the body getting less sunlight. This may mean that the body produces less serotonin, a chemical that affects mood. Recognize the symptoms of SAD: Increased need to sleep. Fatigue or reduced energy. Lack of concentration. Increased feeling of wanting to be alone. These symptoms typically subside in the spring and summer, but they can still produce mild depression in the winter. If you feel like you’ve got a case of the blues, it’s important to pay attention to your symptoms to determine if you’re becoming depressed. You may experience more frequent feelings or symptoms, or your symptoms may last for longer than 2 weeks. If you’re unsure about the progression of your symptoms, ask a trusted friend or family member for his/her opinion. Although your own experience and perspective is most important, it can be helpful to get someone else’s perspective on how you’re acting. A major traumatic life event, such as an unexpected death of a family member, can cause symptoms that resemble depression. But it may not be major depressive disorder. The context of the event and duration of symptoms may help, in part, to determine whether someone is experiencing grief or a major depressive disorder. Feelings of worthlessness and thoughts of suicide are typically not present when in mourning. Positive memories of the deceased are possible during mourning and one may still gain pleasure from certain activities (for example, activities done as a tribute to the deceased). During mild depression, you may experience negative moods, negative thoughts, failure to gain pleasure from favorite activities or other symptoms. These symptoms may be present much of the time. When the change in mood during mourning distresses you and/or begins to affect your life, then you may be experiencing more than just a normal grieving process. Track your feelings and activities over a period of about two weeks. Jot down how you feel every day. Make a list of your activities. This list doesn’t need to be detailed; just write up a quick list so that you can identify patterns that emerge. Keep track of how often you experience unprovoked bouts of crying. This might indicate more than mild depression. If you have trouble keeping track of things, ask a trusted friend or family member to help you. This may be a sign that you’re more depressed than you initially suspected.", "Keeping a journal can be beneficial for understanding how your environment affects your mood, energy, health, sleep and so on. Journaling can also help you process your emotions and gain insight into why certain things make you feel a certain way. Even if you write only for a few minutes, it can be helpful to jot down your feelings and thoughts. Make it easy for yourself to write when the mood strikes. Consider using a simple note-taking application on your phone or tablet computer. Don’t feel like you need to write complete sentences if it’s easier for you to write phrases or bullet points. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or style. Just write to get your thoughts out on paper. If you require more structure, you can seek out people who teach journaling; you can read books about journaling; or you can use websites to keep online journals. Use your journal however you want. You can keep everything private, share some things with friends, family or your therapist, or start a public blog.", "Acupuncture is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that uses needles inserted at specific points on the body to correct energy blocks or imbalances., Find an acupuncture specialist in your area and try this procedure to determine if it helps reduce your symptoms of depression. One study shows a link between acupuncture and normalization of a neuroprotective protein called glial cell line derived-neurotrophic factor, and comparable effectiveness with fluoxetine (the generic name for Prozac). Another study shows effectiveness comparable to psychotherapy. These studies lend some credibility to acupuncture as a treatment for depression, but more research is needed to support the effectiveness of acupuncture. St. John’s Wort is an alternative medicine that has been effective in small-scale studies, especially for milder forms of depression. If you are not taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) or SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), considering trying St. John's Wort. In large-scale studies comparable to those needed for FDA approval, St. John’s Wort failed to be more effective than a placebo. In addition, St. John’s Wort has not been shown to be more effective than available therapies (although it may offer reduced side effects). The American Psychiatric Association does not recommend St. John’s Wort for general use. Exercise caution when using St. John’s Wort. You should not use it with SSRIs or SNRIs because of the risk of serotonin syndrome. St. John's Wort can also make other drugs less effective when taken at the same time. Drugs that might be affected include oral contraceptives, anti-retroviral medications, anti-coagulants such as Warfarin, hormone replacement therapies and immunosuppressant medications. Talk with your doctor if you are on other medications. Follow dosing instructions when using St. John’s Wort. The National Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine recommends caution in using homeopathic remedies and encourages open discussions with health care providers so that homeopathic treatment can be properly coordinated and yield safe results. An alternative medicine is S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe). SAMe is a naturally occurring molecule, and low levels of SAMe have been linked to depression. SAMe can be taken orally, intravenously and intramuscularly. Follow dosing instructions on the supplement’s packaging. The preparation of SAMe is not regulated and the potency and ingredients can vary among manufacturers. Whether SAMe is superior to other available treatments has not been established. The National Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine recommends caution in using homeopathic remedies and encourages open discussions with health care providers so that treatment can be properly coordinated and yield safe results.", "Sometimes it can be difficult to observe how your nutrition affects your mood since food's effect is not immediate. However, it is important to pay attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel to track your depression. Eat foods that relate to fewer symptoms of depression, including fruit, vegetables, and fish. Avoid foods that relate to more symptoms of depression, including processed foods such as processed meats, chocolates, sweet desserts, fried foods, processed cereals and high-fat dairy products. Dehydration can contribute to emotional and physical changes. Your mood can be negatively affected even by mild dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, not just when you feel thirsty or when you exercise. Men should aim to drink about 13 eight-ounce servings of water per day, and women should drink 9 eight-ounce servings of water per day. People with depression may have low levels of certain brain chemicals, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish oil capsules have omega-3 fatty acids and contain EPA and DHA. These can help alleviate some mild symptoms of depression. Take 3 grams or less per day. Higher doses of fish oil can prevent your blood from clotting, which can increase the chance of bleeding. Many people experiencing depression have a deficiency of folate, which is a B vitamin. Increase your folate levels by eating lots of spinach, nuts, beans, asparagus and Brussels sprouts." ], "summary": [ "Visit your medical doctor. Visit a counselor. Look into different types of therapy. Ask for counselor recommendations. Check with your health insurance. Ask your counselor about anti-depressants.", "Improve your sleep patterns. Focus on exercise. Try light therapy. Manage your stress. Get outdoors. Give yourself a creative outlet.", "Understand the symptoms of depression. Recognize seasonal affective disorder. Pay attention when you have the blues. Pay attention to how you feel after a traumatic event. Keep track of your feelings and activities for two weeks.", "Write regularly in a journal. Try to write every day. Keep a pen and paper with you at all times. Write whatever and however you want. Share as much as you want to share.", "Try acupuncture. Consider taking St. John's Wort. Try SAMe supplements.", "Eat nutrient-rich foods. Drink lots of water. Take fish oil supplements. Increase your intake of folate." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Maintaining Your Clean Toothbrush", "Cleaning the Toothbrush Handle", "Cleaning the Toothbrush Head" ], "document": [ "Each time you use your electronic toothbrush, rinse the head under running water. Get out any traces of toothpaste from your brush after each use. This will keep it clean on a daily basis. Some people advocate storing your toothbrush in mouthwash or another disinfectant solution. This is unnecessary and it can also lead to contamination if multiple people share the same solution. Store your toothbrush in a toothbrush stand or an empty glass instead. The heads of electric toothbrushes are replaceable. Every three to four months, replace your toothbrush's head. Even with regular cleaning, a toothbrush's head will need to be replaced periodically. When a toothbrush's bristles begin to look worn and splayed, it's time to replace the toothbrush's head. Avoid storing your toothbrush in closed containers. This does not actually protect your toothbrush from bacteria. In fact, the increased humidity can increase your toothbrush's exposure to bacteria. Instead, store your toothbrush in an open container in your bathroom.", "Never submerge the body of your electronic toothbrush in hot water. This can be dangerous, as it can cause an electric shock. It can also damage the electronic toothbrush, making it necessary for you to purchase a new one. Only clean the body of an electronic toothbrush with a rag, paper towel, or cotton ball.", "Once a month, give your toothbrush a deep clean using bleach and water. Mix one part bleach with 10 parts water in a small container, like a cup. Make sure the container is big enough that you can submerge your toothbrush's head completely. Wear gloves when handling bleach." ], "summary": [ "Rinse your toothbrush head after each use. Do not soak toothbrushes in disinfectant solutions. Replace toothbrush heads regularly. Store your toothbrush in open containers.", "Do not submerge your toothbrush's body in water.", "Create a mixture of bleach and water." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "How to Never Start Smoking", "How to Quit Smoking", "How to Keep from Starting Again" ], "document": [ ". If you spend time around people who smoke, there's a good chance that they'll offer you a cigarette at some point. If you don't want to smoke, just say so, and most people will respect you for sticking to your principles. If anyone tries to pressure you into smoking, don't give them any consideration--just keep saying no, and they'll eventually stop bothering you. If people don't respect your decision to avoid smoking, chances are that on some level they're jealous of your discipline. They may try to convince you to try it: \"One little cigarette won't kill you...\" If you're really interested in trying a cigarette, it's okay to experiment and figure out what you do and don't enjoy--but don't light one up just because you think people will judge you otherwise. Some people are able to smoke the occasional cigarette without letting the habit spiral into a full-blown, pack-a-day addiction, but it's hard to tell which type of smoker you'll be without actually dancing with addiction. If you have an addictive personality--if you have trouble controlling your consumption of things like soda, coffee, alcohol, or sweets--there's a good chance that this will extend to smoking. Sidestream smoke--the smoke that wafts from the burning tip of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar--has higher concentrations of toxic, cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) than the \"mainstream smoke\" that smokers inhale. Secondhand smoke can be nearly, if not equally, as bad for your health as smoking. What's more, if you're trying to quit, the sight of other people smoking might sorely tempt you. If you have friends or family who smoke, and you don't want to cut them out of your life, politely ask them to go outside or step away from you when they smoke. Constantly remind yourself how harmful a smoking habit can be, and you may find that the research reinforces your resolve to avoid smoking. Quitting smoking can add years to your life, and it greatly reduces your risk for various smoking-related diseases. Consider passing the information along to friends and loved ones who habitually smoke--but don't preach, merely aim to inform. Cigarettes contain carcinogenic (cancer-causing) chemicals, and when you smoke, you inhale those chemicals directly into your body. Most cases of lung cancer stem from habitual smoking. Smoking causes strokes and coronary heart disease, which are the leading causes of death in the United States. Even people who smoke fewer than five cigarettes a day can show early signs of cardiovascular disease. Smoking causes most cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. If you have asthma, tobacco can trigger an attack and make your symptoms worse.", "Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit. This will help you clarify your decision to quit. Refer to this list whenever you're tempted to smoke. Consider how smoking affects various important areas of your life: your health, your appearance, your lifestyle, and your loved ones. Ask yourself whether these areas would benefit from you quitting. For example, your list might say something like: I want to quit smoking so I can run and keep up with my son during soccer practice, have more energy, be alive to see my youngest grandchild get married, and save money. Throw away your cigarettes. Wash your bedding and clothes to get rid of cigarette smells. Dispose of any ashtrays, cigarettes, and lighters that are hanging around your house. Make a commitment to yourself: you will not smoke another cigarette. Remind yourself of your plan and carry a written version with you, or keep it on your phone. You may also want to re-read the list of reasons why you want to quit. If you aren't prepared to quit cold-turkey, consider tapering off gradually. Fewer cigarettes are still (somewhat) better for you than more cigarettes. Some people find that they can only quit if they do it all at once, but others have found success through a gradual taper. Be honest with yourself: what is going to work? Cigarettes are highly effective at delivering nicotine throughout your body. When you stop smoking, you might experience increased cravings, anxiety, depression, headaches, feeling tense or restless, increased appetite and weight gain, and problems concentrating. Realize that it may take more than one attempt to stop smoking. About 45 million Americans use some form of nicotine, and only 5 percent of users are able to quit on their first try. Try to avoid relapsing as much as possible. But if you do, recommit as soon as you can to quitting smoking. Learn from your experience and try to cope better in the future. If you have a relapse and smoke for an entire day, be sure to be gentle and forgiving with yourself. Accept that the day was tough, remind yourself that quitting is a long, hard journey, and get back on your plan the next day. Your family and friends can help you stick to your commitment. Let them know your goal, and ask them to help you by not smoking around you or offering you a cigarette. Ask for their support and encouragement. Ask them to remind you of your specific goals when temptation is difficult. Many people find that certain situations trigger the desire to smoke. You might want a cigarette with your cup of coffee, for instance, or you might want to smoke when you're trying to solve a problem at work. Identify places where it may be difficult not to smoke, and have a plan for what you'll do in those specific places. If possible, avoid those places. Practice an automatic response for a cigarette offer: “No thank you, but I will have another tea” or “No thanks–I'm trying to quit.” Control stress. Stress can be a pitfall when trying to quit smoking. Use techniques such as deep breathing, exercise, and down time to help thwart stress. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, since this will help lower your stress. There are various iPhone and Android apps that are designed specifically to keep you from smoking. These apps provide a platform to help you track your cravings and moods, identify your smoking triggers, record your progress toward achieving your goals, and stay strong in stressful times. Search for \"quit-smoking apps\", read descriptions and reviews, and choose a program that meets your needs. Recent studies have suggested that using e-cigarettes while you quit smoking can help you reduce or quit smoking. Other studies recommend caution when using e-cigarettes since the amount of nicotine varies, the same chemicals as those in cigarettes are still being delivered, and they may re-activate the habit of smoking. Behavioral therapy combined with medication therapy can improve your chances of successfully quitting. If you've tried quitting on your own and are still struggling, think about getting professional help. Your doctor can talk to you about medication therapy. Therapists can also help you through the process of quitting. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help change your thoughts and attitudes about smoking. Therapists can also teach coping skills or new ways to think about quitting. This medication doesn't actually have nicotine, but it does help reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Bupropion could increase your chances of staying away from cigarettes by 69 percent. Usually, you'll want to start taking bupropion 1 to 2 weeks before you stop smoking. It's normally prescribed in one or two 150mg tablets per day. Side effects include: dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, agitation, irritability, tiredness, indigestion and headaches. This medication curbs nicotine receptors in the brain, which makes smoking less pleasurable. It also reduces withdrawal symptoms. You should start taking Chantix one week before quitting. Be sure to take it with meals. Take Chantix for 12 weeks, and it could double your chances of quitting. Your doctor will have you increase your dose over time. For example, you'll take one 0.5mg pill for days 1-3. Then you'll take one 0.5mg pill twice a day for days 4-7. You'll take one 1 mg pill twice per day after that. Side effects include: headaches, nausea, vomiting, trouble sleeping, unusual dreams, gas, and changes in taste. NRT includes all types of patches, gums, lozenges, nasal sprays, inhalers, or sublingual tablets that deliver nicotine into the body. You don't need a prescription for NRT and it can reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. NRT could increase your chances of quitting by 60 percent. Side effects of NRT include: nightmares, insomnia, and skin irritation for patches; mouth soreness, difficult breathing, hiccups, and jaw pain for gum; mouth and throat irritation and coughing for nicotine inhalers; throat irritation and hiccups for nicotine lozenge; and throat and nasal irritation as well as runny nose if the nasal spray is used.", "Whether you're trying to quit smoking, or trying to keep from developing a habit, you might need to ask a parent or sibling, a teacher, or a non-smoking friend to help keep you in check. Ask this person to keep an eye on you and tell you if you're engaging in dangerous behavior. Ask if you can message or call this person in the event that you're having trouble resisting peer pressure. Don't be afraid to actually use this resource: smoking is highly addictive, and you might need all the help that you can get. If you are really serious about avoiding a smoking habit, then you might want to avoid people who habitually smoke. You can always keep saying no, but you will still run the risk of inhaling secondhand smoke as long as you spend time with smokers. If you don't want to cut these people out of your life, try stepping away from them when they smoke--or asking them to take their cigarettes outside. When you breathe secondhand smoke, you ingest all of the toxic, cancer-causing chemicals that waft into the air when cigarettes burn. You can inhale secondhand smoke by breathing \"mainstream smoke\" (the smoke that smokers exhale) as well as \"sidestream smoke\" (the smoke from the lighted end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar). If you get used to being around people that smoke, you may gradually lighten up your attitude toward smoking--and you may be more likely to relapse. If you're constantly listening to people tell you that smoking is okay, your perspective may begin to sway. It isn't easy to leave friends behind, but it may be the right choice if you want to put your health first. Be honest with your friends. Say, \"I'm not comfortable with you guys pressuring me to smoke, and I'm afraid that if I keep hanging out with you I might actually start smoking. I'm going to take some time to get my priorities straight.\" Get rid of any un-smoked cigarettes that you own, and don't buy any new cigarettes. As long as you keep cigarettes around, you are acknowledging that smoking is a possibility. When you get rid of your cigarettes, you go a long way toward removing yourself from the possibility, and you make smoking much easier to avoid. It may be tempting to tell yourself, \"I'll just smoke the rest of this pack, so that it doesn't go to waste, and then I won't buy any more. I'll quit once I finish these cigarettes.\" Some people may be able to follow through with this sort of plan, but it's safest not to tempt yourself. The \"just one more pack\" mentality can stretch into years of continued smoking. You can throw the whole pack away for dramatic effect, or you can give the cigarettes away to someone else if you're uncomfortable with the waste. The important thing is that you get the smokes away from yourself as soon as possible. Develop habits and hobbies that reinforce your commitment to avoiding smoking, and try to involve yourself in communities that actively discourage smoking. Whenever you get the urge to smoke, channel that energy into something else: go to the gym, or pick up an instrument, or take a walk to clear your head. It's easy to let smoking a cigarette become your first impulse--so try to break this habit. Build a regular exercise routine, whether you're running, hiking, playing sports, or going to the gym. The more work you put into your health and physical fitness, the less likely you will be to want to tear it down. Join a hiking group, a sports team, or any group of active, outdoorsy people. Many active groups hold a stigma against smoking, especially during the group activities--so you can use this stigma to keep yourself from getting tempted to smoke." ], "summary": [ "Just say no Avoid secondhand smoke. Read about the dangers of smoking.", "Determine why you want to quit. Quit cold turkey. Be prepared for nicotine-withdrawal symptoms. Ask for support. Know your triggers. Download a quit-smoking app. Consider using e-cigarettes. Consider getting professional help. Take Bupropion. Use Chantix. Try nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).", "Consider asking for help. Consider spending more time with friends who don't smoke. Don't keep cigarettes around. Distract your mind with productive activities." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cleaning with Crystals Off", "Knowing When to Clean Your Chandelier", "Cleaning with Crystals On" ], "document": [ "Turn off the power that controls your chandelier. Wait to do any work until the light bulbs on your fixture feel cool to the touch. You do not need to disconnect the electricity, but you may as an extra precaution since this step involves disassembling the fixture. Disconnect power from the room only if you are confident in operating your home’s circuit breaker or have assistance from a knowledgeable electrician. You should not need to adjust any electric wiring in this process. While you’re waiting for the bulbs to cool, prepare your workspace. Place a thick blanket on the floor under your chandelier, as well as across a nearby table or whatever surface you plan to place chandelier parts on. Set up a stepladder or taller ladder securely under the chandelier. A heavy, thick blanket or cloth is essential for underneath your workspace, as it will soften the landing and prevent breakage in the case of pieces falling during disassembly. If you don’t have one, fold over another cloth several times to make it thicker. Make sure your ladder is at a height that is comfortable to reach all parts of the chandelier. Inspect your chandelier and take photos from several different angles and distances so you will remember how to reassemble it later. Carefully remove each crystal from the chandelier and place it on a nearby surface that is stable and covered with a blanket or thick cloth. You may disassemble other larger parts of the chandelier or take down the whole fixture entirely if it is possible to do so safely and without affecting wiring or the fragile parts of the chandelier. You may need needle-nose pliers or a similar tool to unfasten each crystal piece, depending on your chandelier. You can also use them to reshape the crystal fasteners during reassembly to strengthen them. Fill a sink with warm water and a small amount of mild dish soap. Line the sink with a cloth or towel to provide padding. Place crystals into the padded sink and rub each one separately with your fingers in the soapy water before rinsing and placing on a soft, clean towel. Take care to prevent crystals from hitting against each other or against hard surfaces of the sink to avoid cracking or chipping. There is no need to use a sponge or brush to clean crystals with the soapy water, and in fact this could end up scratching them. Dry the crystals with a soft, absorbent cloth immediately after rinsing. This is essential to preventing dried water spots from forming. If you need to, clean the frame, bulbs, and any other parts of the chandelier with a soft, dry cloth. Replace bulbs if they are dim, broken, or discolored. You may be able to use the same soapy water or other cleaner on the frame or other parts of the chandelier. Check first about the variety of metal or other material they’re made out of to find the right cleaner for it. Be sure to thoroughly dry any moisture that has remained in light bulb sockets or other areas of electrical connection. Dry as best you can with a cloth, then leave parts out to dry further for several hours before assembly if necessary. Work from your photos or memory to replace all parts, bulbs, and crystals to where they belong in the fixture. While assembling, work from the top down and from inside to out to put all the pieces back together easily.", "Aim to clean your chandelier with either the “crystals on” or “crystals off” method every year for a fixture that remains shining and bright. Observe your chandelier periodically for visible dust, cloudy crystals, or spots. These are all indications that you should clean your fixture right away. Clean more often if your chandelier is located in a kitchen, as it will build up more grease and grime than in other areas of the house. Entryways are another area in which a chandelier may need more frequent cleaning. If you’ve never cleaned your chandelier, opt for a deep clean by performing the “crystals off” method. Otherwise, the less time-intensive “crystals on” method will typically suffice for regular cleaning. Choose a deeper clean particularly if there are stubborn spots or a cloudy, milky quality to the crystal that isn’t removed by a simple dusting. To make your clean last longer, use a soft feather or lambswool duster to lightly clear dust from the frame and crystals. You'll need a stepladder, but you do not need to disassemble the fixture. A good general rule is to dust every few months, or whenever you notice a visible layer of dust or haziness on the crystals, frame, or bulbs. It’s also a good idea to dust before any wet cleaning, as you can remove larger dust and dirt particles ahead of time.", "Switch off the light switch that controls the power for your chandelier. Wait until the light bulbs on your fixture feel cool to the touch. You can disconnect the electricity as an extra precaution, but only do this if you are confident in operating your home’s circuit breaker or have assistance from a knowledgeable electrician. You should not need to adjust any electric wiring in this process. While you’re waiting for the bulbs to cool, prepare your workspace. Place a tarp or drop cloth over the floor under your chandelier, and set up a stepladder or taller ladder securely under the chandelier. To prevent any parts dropping and breaking, you can lay down a thick blanket to absorb the fall. Make sure your ladder is at a height that is comfortable to reach all parts of the chandelier. Working on your ladder where you can reach the chandelier, spray a glass cleaner or specific chandelier cleaner on a cotton cloth that is clean and soft. Wipe down each crystal with the damp cloth, then immediately dry with a separate dry cloth. Try wearing an apron with pockets while you work, so that you can keep the cleaner, cloths, and any other supplies easily on hand. Instead of two cloths, you can wear two soft cotton gloves for better control and dexterity. Spray one glove with the cleaner to wipe crystals down, and keep the other glove clean to dry them. If you have a lot of crystals, you may want several pairs of gloves. Work your way around the chandelier to clean every crystal with your cleaner and cloth, wiping with the damp cloth or glove and drying with the clean one. When cleaning the crystals, always spray cleaner onto a cloth first, rather than directly onto the fixture. While cleaning, don’t twist or rotate the chandelier to access each side or part. This could damage or weaken its parts or supports, risking falling and breakage. Instead, carefully descend and move the ladder to position yourself in the right spot to reach and clean each part separately. Wipe the frame and any other parts of your chandelier with just a dry cloth or an appropriate chandelier cleaner or metal cleaner. Ensure that you use a cleaner that is intended for the type of metal or other material that your chandelier frame is made out of, otherwise you run the risk of discoloring or tarnishing it. Clean any metal hooks or fasteners for the crystals with a dry cloth only, as cleaner can tarnish or strip the finish off of them. Clean off the light bulbs in your fixture with a clean, dry cloth. Make sure that all bulbs are screwed in properly and don’t appear browned or discolored. If any light bulbs are dim, burnt out, broken, or missing, take this opportunity to change them out with new bulbs of proper wattage. If a bulb appears to have more stubborn stains, you can very gently clean it with a cloth damp with cleaner, or replace the bulb entirely." ], "summary": [ "Turn off the light to let the bulbs cool. Prepare the area. Disassemble the chandelier carefully. Clean the crystals carefully. Clean the frame and other parts. Reassemble the chandelier.", "Try to clean every 12 months. Decide on a deep or shallow clean. Dust in between cleanings.", "Turn the light off and let the bulbs cool. Prepare the area. Use glass cleaner and clean cotton cloth. Clean all crystals carefully. Clean the frame. Dust light bulbs gently." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing for the Game with Cards", "Preparing for the Game with Pieces of Paper", "Playing the Game" ], "document": [ "Then, replace one Ace and one King in the deck. Leave the other Aces, Kings, and Jokers out. Depending on how many people are playing the game, you all may not have the same amount of cards. This is fine. In “Murder in the Dark”, holding a certain card means you will play a certain role in the game. The person who is dealt the Ace is the murderer. The person who is dealt the King is the police officer. The person who is dealt the Jack is the detective. If the person who has the Jack “dies”, the person who has the King becomes the detective. If the person(s) who have the Jack or the King both “die”, the person who has the Queen becomes the detective. However, remind everyone that they should keep whichever cards they have secret so no one knows who is the murderer, the police officer, or the detective.", "Make enough slips for each person playing. Try to make them small enough so its difficult to read what is on them from far away. You will need to write a slip for: “Murderer” “Detective” On the rest of the slips of paper, write “suspect”. Have each player take one. Remind everyone not to reveal who they are going to play in the game.", "You don’t want to bump into anything that will injury you when you’re walking around in the dark! Instruct the players to walk carefully around the room and avoid sticking together or huddling in one area. ' The murderer will go around the room, find someone, and tap them on the shoulder to let them know they are now a victim. The murderer can also whisper quietly \"you're dead\" to the victim. Alternatively, the murderer could clamp their hand over the person’s mouth to prevent the person from screaming, and then whisper \"you're dead\". The ‘victims’ can fall down dramatically or make dramatic dying noises. Try to be as dramatic and silly as possible. ” once you come across someone who has been murdered. As soon as someone says this, the player closest to the lights should turn them on. If a player sees someone standing silently alone, they can ask them, \"Are you dead?\" The player should simply indicate yes or no, but they must tell the truth so it is clear whether or not you can yell out “Murder in the Dark!” One trick the murderer could try is hiding the person they just killed in a hiding place in the room or in another room. If the murderer successfully hides the people they “kill”, it will take longer for someone to discover the victims and allow them to “kill” people longer. However, this tactic could allow the murderer to get caught more easily as they are distracted with dealing with the “bodies”. Vote on whether the murderer is allowed to use this tactic as a house rule before you start the game. Any players who are not present should be noted as dead. As an extra to the game, you could try to find all the dead players in their hiding places and bring them into the room. This step in the game could be as simple as one guess or as complicated as a question and answer session where the detective tries to solve the murder. The role of the police officer is to enforce order while the detective tries to solve the murder. If you decide to do a pretend Q&A, have the detective sit in a chair in front of everyone and ask questions to all the alive players, such as: Where were you when someone yelled “Murder in the Dark”? Who do you think is the murderer and why? Once the detective has gathered enough information and decided who they suspect is the murderer, they say: “final accusation” and ask their suspect, “Are you the murderer?” If the detective guesses who the murderer is successfully, they win the game. But if they guess incorrectly, the murderer wins the game. If the detective is killed by the murderer during the killing spree in the dark, they can be replaced by whoever had the King card. If you are not using cards for the game and the detective is killed during the murder in the dark, the game is over and can start all over again. They can do this by showing the Ace card." ], "summary": [ "Remove the Jokers, Aces, and Kings from the deck. Shuffle the deck and deal all the cards to each player. Explain what each card means.", "Cut up slips of paper. Write each role on the slips of paper. Put the slips in a bowl.", "Find a room with open space and no sharp objects. Turn out the lights in the room. Allow the murderer to find their 'victims. Scream out “Murder in the dark! Assemble all the alive players into the room where the ‘victim’ was found. Instruct the detective to try to figure out who is the murderer. Instruct the murderer to reveal themselves at the end of the game." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Freshening a Martini with Citrus", "Flavoring with Olives", "Garnishing with Onions", "Experimenting with other Garnishes" ], "document": [ "Impart the drink with a strong citrus flavor by adding a wedge of citrus. Use a sliced off piece of rind to add just a hint. A spiral or slice of rind is the most common citrus garnish, but wedges are used occasionally. The most common citrus fruits to use are lemon, lime, and orange. However, feel free to experiment with something bitter, like grapefruit. Hold the fruit in your non-dominant hand and the knife in your dominant hand. Press the tip of the knife into the top of the fruit. Gently slide the knife down the fruit until you reach the bottom. Make another cut about ½ inch (12.7 mm) from that. Pull the wedge out of the fruit. Always use caution with sharp knives so you don’t cut yourself. Cut a larger wedge if you want, but keep in mind that a larger slice adds more tartness. Squeeze a bit of the juice into the drink and then set the wedge in the glass. With a sharp knife, slice off a thin spiral from around the citrus fruit. Make sure you don’t cut into the pith, the white spongy part, of the fruit, because that will impart a bitter taste. Cut the spiral strip about ¼ inch (6.35 mm) thick and four to six inches (10 to 15 cm) long. Another option is to cut an oval slice off of the citrus rind. Still be sure not to cut so deep into the fruit that you include the pith. Using a peeler rather than a knife is a faster option if you have one. Make sure that one end rests inside the drink to impart some essential oils into the drink. Alternatively, you can gently drop the rind into the drink and let it float on the surface. Gently squeeze the oval slice or the strip to add a few drops of pure citrus oil into the drink. You’ll see the oil floating on top of the drink.", "Olives are a classic martini garnish. Traditional olives to use include Spanish Queen and Green Barouni olives. Black olives are an option, but only use them for a non-traditional martini recipe. It’s your choice to use olives with or without seeds and with or without something extra stuffed in them. You don’t have to go out of your way to get fancy olives. The basic ones you’d find at the grocery work just fine. Don’t add olives to fruity martinis because the tastes won’t mix well. Olives usually come in a jar in a pickle or brine liquid. A dirty martini leaves that brine on the olive, and sometimes adds an extra splash of brine. If you’re not making a dirty martini, be sure to rinse off the olives with water before adding them to the drink. Briefly run the olives under some cold water to rinse them. You don’t need to wash them for a long time. If you are making drinks in your home or with friends, ask if they want the olives rinsed or with the brine left on them. If you have small skewers, stick one through one or more olives and place it in the drink. If you don’t have those, wooden toothpicks work, as well. Otherwise, drop the olives directly into the drink. This is more about the drinker’s preference. Some people want to briefly add the olive taste to the drink and then remove the olives. That’s when skewers come in handy. Another option is to lay the skewer across the glass so the olives just barely touch the top of the drink. If you’d like to add some different flavors to your martini, select olives stuffed with a variety of other foods. Pimento is the most common stuffing, and is easy to find. For something more exotic, get olives stuffed with almonds, garlic, or cheese. If you are making the drink for someone else, it’s good to mention what type of olives you have so they can decide if they want that or not.", "When garnished with onion, a martini is called a Gibson martini. Use small pearl onions, which are often marketed for cocktails. They usually come in a jar and are often pickled in brine. If you’re in a pinch, try garnishing with a slice of regular white or sweet onion, but remember that it might not quite give you the taste you are hoping for. Onions are sometimes pickled with paprika or turmeric, along with the pickling brine. If you have onions that are adding too much of the wrong kind of flavor to your drink, rinse them off quickly with cold water. Keep in mind that rinsing them will take away some of the flavor, so only do it if you feel it’s absolutely necessary. You have the choice to skewer the onions or place them directly in the drink. Ask the drinker which they prefer. Rest the toothpick against the side of the cocktail glass when you serve the drink. The skewer is convenient because it allows the drinker to easily pull the onion out of the drink if they want to eat it.", "Sweet fruits like cherries are not typically used in traditional martinis. If you have a sour apple martini or a white chocolate martini, cherries add a nice syrupy sweetness, as well as brighten the color for a festive drink. Plop two or three cherries into the drink, or skewer them and lean them against the side of the glass. Apples are a great garnish for appletinis or other fruity martinis. Granny Smith apples add tartness rather than sweetness, so they are the most commonly used. Cut slices or cubes to garnish the drink with. Place them in a container with some lemon juice to keep them fresh if you cut them before you are ready to use them. If you want to try something even less common, add a sliver or whole pepper to the drink. Pickled pepperoncini or jalapeno are common peppers to use. Remember that both are pretty spicy, so add a small piece for just a hint of spice." ], "summary": [ "Choose between a wedge of fruit or a slice of rind. Cut a wedge of fruit with a sharp knife. Use a paring knife to slice off a strip of citrus rind. Drape the strip over the side of the cocktail glass.", "Choose green olives for vodka and gin martinis. Rinse the olives off. Skewer the olives or drop them straight into the drink. Experiment with stuffed olives.", "Make a Gibson martini with pearl onions. Rinse the onion off for a subtler taste. Spear the onion with a toothpick or drink skewer.", "Add maraschino cherries to fruity or chocolate martinis. Use a slice of green apple to add non-citrus tartness. Make a spicy martini with a pickled pepper." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding the Powder to Simple Dishes", "Cooking with Powdered Peanut Butter", "Reconstituting the Powder" ], "document": [ "Adding powdered peanut butter to a smoothie or shake will add a peanut flavor while also adding essential protein to your shakes. To use the powder, add 1 tbsp (6.14 grams) of powdered peanut butter for every cup (250 milliliters) of smoothie or shake that you have. Make sure to blend it together so that the powder is no longer gritty and enjoy a low-fat but protein-rich drink. Powdered peanut butter tastes great in banana smoothies. Powdered peanut butter will break down in yogurt more easily than the creamy variation and will alter the texture of your yogurt less. Add a tablespoon (6.14 grams) of powdered peanut butter to a half cup (122.5 grams) of yogurt. Mix it together until the yogurt is smooth and eat it. Experiment with different amounts of powdered peanut butter and add an amount that suits your tastes. Adding peanut powder to your granola adds more of a nutty and sweet taste to it. Simply sprinkle a pinch of peanut butter powder over your granola and stir it in. Add more or less depending on your preferences. Avoid adding it to chocolate granola because it may muddle the flavors and create a bad taste. You can replace up to 1/3 of your pancake or waffle mix with powdered peanut butter. Not only will the powder add a peanut taste to your breakfast, but it'll also pack protein in your waffles or pancakes as well. Mix your pancake mix as you normally would, but replace 1/3 of the total amount of mix with powdered peanut butter instead.", "If you're looking to reduce the fat in your favorite recipes, you can use powdered peanut butter instead of the creamy variety. Simply replace the peanut butter that a recipe is calling for with reconstituted peanut butter. Keep in mind that the texture of powdered peanut butter is different, and it will translate to the texture of your food. When measuring the powder, keep in mind that 2 tablespoons (6.14 grams) of powder will create 1 tablespoon (6.14 grams) of peanut butter. You can use the powder in baked goods like brownies, cookies, and muffins. When making 12 servings of brownies, for instance, use 1 cup (294.7 grams) of powdered peanut butter as a replacement for flour in the recipe. You can also create peanut butter cookies, replacing flour with the powdered peanut butter and fruit puree, like applesauce. Use a half a cup (147.36 grams) of powdered peanut butter with a half a cup (60 grams) of flour to creating your powder coating. Add in spices like salt and pepper and sift the coating thoroughly. Once it's mixed, you can coat your proteins with the flour and the peanut butter mixture. After you're done coating your meat, fry or bake your food as you normally would. This will impart a subtle peanut butter taste to your coating. This recipe is especially good with poultry. You may need to dredge your protein in an eggwash to better bind the coating to your meat. To create a frosting using powdered peanut butter, combine 1 cup (227 g) of softened butter with 1/2 cup (147.36 grams) of powdered peanut butter, 3 cups (600 grams) of sugar, and 3 tablespoons (44.36 mL) of milk or almond milk and beat the ingredients together with a food processor or mixer until they are light and fluffy. You can create a Thai-inspired sauce using powdered peanut butter. To create the sauce, combine 1/4 cup of powdered peanut butter with 2 tbsp light coconut milk and 2 tbsp of soy sauce. The finished result will taste salty and sweet. This sauce can be used as a dipping sauce for appetizers like dumplings. You can also use it as a salad dressing.", "Use a scale or measuring spoons to measure the powdered peanut butter. Level off the tablespoon and dump four of them into a dry mixing bowl. This will be the bowl you'll use to mix your powder into creamy peanut butter. Measure out 2 tbsp (14.78 mL) of water from the faucet, or you can use distilled water from a bottle. Pour the water into the mixing bowl on top of the powder. The water will pool on top of the powdered peanut butter until you mix it. 4 tbsp (24.56 grams) of powdered peanut butter will make 2 tsp (12.28 grams) of spreadable peanut butter. Powdered peanut butter will come out to be more gritty in texture to its spreadable counterpart. If your peanut butter is too thick, you can add more water. Once you finish the reconstituting process, the peanut butter should be ready to eat. Powdered peanut butter in powder form has a shelf life up to 10-12 months unopened. After you reconstitute your peanut butter, however, you must refrigerate it, and it goes bad in 48 hours. Try to reconstitute the peanut butter as you eat it so that it tastes fresh each time." ], "summary": [ "Add powdered peanut butter to smoothies or shakes. Mix powdered peanut butter into yogurt. Stir the powder into oats or granola. Add it to pancake or waffle mix.", "Replace creamy peanut butter with the powdered variation. Use it to replace flour in baking recipes. Coat meat with powdered peanut butter. Whip it into a frosting. Use it to create a sauce.", "Scoop 4 tbsp (24.56 grams) of powdered peanut butter in a bowl. Pour 2 tbsp (14.78 mL) of water in the bowl. Mix the water and powdered peanut butter until it's smooth. Spread the powdered peanut butter on bread or crackers." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Maintaining Your Hair", "Bleaching Your Hair", "Dyeing Your Hair", "Toning Your Hair" ], "document": [ "At this length, even the smallest amount of regrowth will be obvious, so you will need to trim your hair more often than you regularly would. Because of how often you have to trim it, it would be a good idea to invest in a trimmer and learning how to buzz your own hair. If your hair grows slowly, then you may be able to go 3-4 weeks between haircuts. Again, at this length, even the slightest amount of regrowth becomes visible. Unless you don't mind the frosted-tips look, you will need to redo the entire coloring process on your hair. This includes bleaching and toning as well. Bleaching will damage your hair, but at this length, it won't be as noticeable. Plus, you will eventually buzz it off. This will not only keep your color from fading, but it will also protect your scalp from getting sunburned. If you don't like to wear hats, try a hood or scarf instead. You can also apply some sunscreen or UV protection spray. A hat, scarf, or hood will help keep the color from fading the best. This is the key to keeping your color bright and vibrant. Wash your hair with the coldest temperature you can withstand, and be sure to use shampoo and conditioner formulated for color-treated hair. Limit yourself to washing your hair only once or twice per week. If you do need to wash your hair between then, stick to plain water. If you can't find products made for color-treated hair, use sulfate-free products instead. Sulfates are harsh cleaning agents that can cause hair dye to fade. When you trim your buzz cut, you'll likely end up cutting all of the dyed portions off and starting with virgin hair. This is a perfect opportunity to wash your scalp with a scalp cleansing shampoo, such as an anti-dandruff or scalp balancing shampoo. If possible, use sulfate-free shampoo; sulfates can contribute to dryness. Don't wash your hair with scalp cleansing shampoo while it is still dyed, as the shampoo may remove the color. Consider using a scrub on your hair during this time as well. This will help remove the dead skin cells from our scalp.", "This will determine whether or not you need to bleach it first. If you are going for a darker shade than your own, you do not need to bleach your hair and can go right on to the dyeing portion. If you are going a lighter shade, however, you will need to bleach first. If you have light hair and are dyeing it darker, click here to continue. If your hair is blonde and you are dyeing it a cool color, like purple or blue, it may be a good idea to tone your hair first. Click here to learn more. Put on an old shirt you won't mind staining, then cover your shoulders with an old towel. Lay down some newspaper across your counter. If you want to, you can pull on a pair of plastic dyeing gloves as well. The bleach will be coming into contact with your scalp anyway, so the gloves are not absolutely necessary. Get a packet of hair bleach and 20 volume developer. Measure out 1 part bleach and 2 parts 20 volume developer. Mix the two together in a non-metal bowl with a non-metal spoon. Prepare enough bleach to saturate your hair. Some bleach kits come with a little scoop. Use that to measure the bleach and developer. If you're wearing gloves, you can apply the bleach with your hands. Alternatively, use a tinting brush. Don't worry about being too meticulous here. Simply apply a light, even coat of bleach, then wait 15 minutes. The goal is to cover as much of your hair as quickly as possible. This initial coat of bleach will ensure that your hair lightens evenly. Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap to protect your surroundings. If you have very light hair, you may only need to wait 5 to 10 minutes. Once you notice your hair starting to lighten, you're ready for the second coat of bleach. Do not rinse the bleach out. Simply take the shower cap off (if you put it on earlier), and apply a thick, generous coat of bleach. Use enough so that you can't see a single strand of hair sticking out of the bleach. Once you have it in, wait up to 30 minutes for the bleach to process. Again, cover your hair with a plastic shower cap while the bleach processes. If you have light-colored hair to begin with, you may not need to wait the full 30 minutes. If you like the level of lightness your hair reaches, you are done! Rinse the bleach out with cool water first, then use some shampoo. You haven't dyed your hair yet, so you can use any type of shampoo you want. A mild, moisturizing shampoo would be the best, however, because it will make your hair feel nice and soft. It's a good idea to use a purple or blue shampoo after you bleach your hair. This will help tone down any brassy, yellow, or orange tints that remain in your hair.", "Put on an old shirt and drape an old towel over your shoulders. Cover your counter with newspaper and pull on a pair of plastic dyeing gloves. There is no need to apply petroleum jelly to your hairline, neck, or ears; it will only make the job messier. It would be best if you wait 1 to 2 days before dyeing your hair to minimize damage. However, because your hair is so short, the damage won't be very noticeable. There are lots of different dyes available on the market. Most punk dyes come already mixed into developer and are ready to use straight from the jar. Other types of dyes need to be mixed into a 20 volume developer. You can even used a boxed dye kit. If you got a pre-mixed dye and it is too dark, mix a small amount of the dye into white conditioner. Use enough conditioner to saturate your hair. Always prepare the dye in a non-metal bowl. Use a non-metal spoon to stir it. Start from the top of your head and work your way towards the back. Do your front hairline and the sides next. When you reach your ears, pull them forward so that you can get the hairs behind them. Use the edge of the brush to do your hairline. Don't worry if you get dye on your skin; it will come off. Turn your back to the mirror, and hold a smaller mirror in front of you so that you can check your work in the back of your head. How long you let the dye process depends on the type of dye that you are using. Most pre-mixed punk dyes need 45 minutes while boxed kits need only 20 minutes. Check the label or instructions that came with your dye. The plastic shower cap is not absolutely necessary, but it will help keep your surroundings clean. It also traps your body heat, which helps the dye process more effectively. Do not use any shampoo, as this may cause the dye to fade. Simply rinse the dye out with cool to lukewarm water. Once the water runs clear, apply conditioner to your hair. Wait 2 to 3 minutes, then rinse the conditioner out. Use a sulfate-free conditioner made for color-treated hair. If you are using a boxed dye kit, there may already be a packet of conditioner for you to use. Most of the dye on your skin should have come out during your shower. If it didn't, use a cotton ball soaked in an alcohol-based makeup remover to wipe it off.", "Dye is translucent, so it only adds to whatever color is already there. Take a look at your hair and note the color. Is it silver, yellow, or brassy? Next, take a look at the color you are going to dye it. Will this color mix well with your current hair color? If not, you need to tone! For example: Warm colors, like warm pink and peach already have orange in them, so if your hair came out brassy, you don't need to tone it. Cool colors, such as cool pink, purple, and blue need a silver base. If your hair came out brassy or yellow, you'll have to tone it. Some colors mix well with yellow because they already contain yellow--such as green or orange. In this case, you don't need to tone it. Toner has a small amount of dye in it, which is what helps cancel out the yellow or orange tones in your hair. As such, it will stain clothing, skin, and hair. Put on an old shirt you don't mind getting dirty, or drape an old towel around your shoulders. Cover your counter with newspaper and pull on a pair of plastic dyeing gloves. There is no need to apply petroleum jelly to the skin around your hairline, ears, and neck. Purchase a bottle of toner and some 20 volume developer. Mix the two together following the proportions recommended on the toner. As with bleach and dye, use a non-metal bowl and non-metal spoon. If you can't find a toner, you can use a toning shampoo instead. If you can't find either, add a tiny amount of purple dye to white conditioner instead. You can do this with your gloved hands or with a tinting brush. Be sure to apply the toner liberally to your hair so that it coats every strand. If you don't do this, your hair won't tone evenly, which could result in an inconsistent dye job. Cover your head with a plastic shower cap. This will help keep your surroundings clean during the next step. How long you wait depends on the type of toner that you are using and the amount of toning that you require. In most cases, expect to wait around 10 to 15 minutes. Once the time is up, hop into the shower and wash the toner out using cool water. Keep rinsing until the water runs clear. If you need to, use some sulfate-free shampoo meant for color-treated hair. If you left the toner on for too long, your hair may come out purple. Unless you are dyeing your hair purple, you may want to bleach these purple tints out. Dry your hair completely first, then apply bleach to it. Leave it on for 2 to 3 minutes, then wash it out with shampoo. Prepare your bleach using 1 part bleach and 2 parts 20 volume developer. Apply the bleach with a tinting brush for more precision. You may not have to touch up all of your hair. While not absolutely necessary, this will help make your hair nice and soft. If you plan on dyeing your hair, then you might want to hold off on the mask for now. If you are leaving it silver or white, however, then take a moment to apply a deep conditioning mask. Make sure that you use a sulfate-free mask. Check the ingredients label to be sure. Cover your head with a plastic shower cap to help make the mask more effective. You can use the same shower cap that you used previously, but make sure it's clean!" ], "summary": [ "Trim your buzz cut every 2 weeks. Retouch your color every 2 to 4 weeks. Cover your hair when stepping outside. Wash your hair with cool water and color-safe products. Use a scalp cleansing shampoo when you change your hair color.", "Decide what color you want to dye your hair. Cover your skin, clothing, and counter. Mix 1 part bleach with 2 parts 20 volume developer. Apply a thin layer of bleach to your hair, then wait 15 minutes. Apply more bleach and wait another 30 minutes. Wash the bleach out with cool water and shampoo.", "Protect your skin, clothing, and counter against stains. Prepare your dye, if needed. Apply the dye to your hair with a tinting brush. Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and allow it to process. Rinse the dye out with cool water, then follow up with conditioner.", "Determine whether you need to tone your hair. Protect your skin, clothing, and counter. Mix up your toner with volume 20 developer. Apply the toner to your hair. Allow the toner to process, then rinse it out. Touch up any over-toned areas with bleach for 2 to 3 minutes. Apply a deep-conditioning mask for 30 minutes." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Muscle Soreness", "Treating Muscles During a Workout", "Soothing Muscles After a Workout" ], "document": [ "If your muscles are sore from intense activities such as weightlifting, your muscles are rebuilding themselves, needing water and lots of protein. For optimal muscle growth, consume 1 gram (0.035 oz) of protein per day for every pound of lean body mass that you have, or, consume 0.22% of your lean body mass in protein. For example, a man who weighs 150 pounds (68 kg) with 20% body fat, has 120 pounds (54 kg) of lean mass, and should consume 120 grams (4.2 oz) of protein per day. This will speed up recovery times considerably, as well as prevent muscle loss from poor nutrition. Eat Protein 15 to 45 minutes after workout for best results. Drink lots of water while you workout and throughout the day. Your muscles need water to function at their peak, and your body needs water to repair your muscles. Don't forget to drink water. Eating carbohydrates before and after your workout aids in muscle recovery and gives you the fuel necessary to power through your routine. Muscles need particular vitamins and minerals to repair properly as you work out, so prepping the body with the right supplements will help prepare it for strenuous exercise. Vitamin C and antioxidants, in particular, have been effective in helping to prevent muscle soreness. Blueberries, artichokes, and green tea are antioxidant-rich, while chili peppers, guavas, and citrus fruits are all high in vitamin C. Look into supplementing with branched-chain amino acids (bcaa: L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine) and others before exercise — such as l-glutamine, l-arginine, betaine, and taurine -- may help prepare to clear waste products from your muscles. This also may promote recovery and protein turnover, rebuilding muscle. Consider adding a protein supplement. Protein helps rebuild the muscles. You can try eating more natural sources of protein (like eggs, yoghurt, or chicken) or consider adding a scoop of protein powder in your post-workout smoothie. Consider adding creatine to your diet. Creatine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body, but adding more creatine to your diet can help your muscles repair themselves more quickly after an intense workout. Creatine supplements are available at health food stores. Sour cherry juice is quickly becoming recognized as a superfood, known for its antioxidants and other benefits. In one study, scientists found that tart cherry juice provided relief for mild to moderate muscle soreness. You can find 100% tart cherry juice at most major grocery stores or health food stores. Look for a brand that does not mix the juice with another type (for instance, cherry-apple juice), as those brands tend to put in a minimum amount of cherry. Also, be sure that the juice does not contain any added sugar or other ingredients. Try using tart cherry juice as the basis for a post-workout smoothie, or drink it on its own. It's great straight out of the freezer or place a plastic cup of cherry juice in the freezer for about 45 minutes to create a delicious cherry slushie.", "For your muscles to be limber and avoid injury during intense exercise, you must ease into your routine which gives them time to become warm and pliable. Avoid jumping right into a heavy or intense workout routine. Start with light exercises and gradually increase the intensity. For example, if you are weightlifting, don't start with your heavy weights: begin with easy repetitions of light hand weights before you begin intense bench presses. Stretching at the start and end of your workout will also help to get the lactic acid out of your muscles. Waiting hours after a strenuous workout before stretching is not the best. Stretch soon after activity that may cause soreness to prevent becoming stiff. Be sure that you stretch after warming up, as your muscles will be more limber and less likely to become injured by stretching. Check out this helpful wikiHow article for advice on how to stretch properly to increase flexibility and reduce your risk of injury. Dehydration at the start of an exercise routine or sport is dangerous not only because it can cause you to become light-headed and faint, but also because it can lead to muscle soreness afterwards. Proper hydration during intense physical exercise increases oxygen to your muscles, which gives your muscles more stamina and also aids in their recovery as you work out. Try not to load up on water directly before you exercise, which can cause bloating and cramping. Instead, stay well-hydrated all the time, but especially in the 24 to 48 hours leading up to an intense workout. The rule of thumb for drinking water is to drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces, or about 3% of your body weight, of water per day.So, if you weigh 128 lbs, you should consume 64 fluid ounces (8 cups) of water per day. If you weigh 100 kg, you should consume 3 litres of water per day. Be sure to stay well hydrated during your exercise routine: a good rule of thumb is to drink one cup (8 oz, 250 ml) of water for every 15 minutes of intense exercise.", "Ice-cold water immediately after an intense muscle workout has been shown to reduce muscle soreness more than any other single treatment. It reduces muscle inflammation and prevents much of the soreness from lingering in your muscles. If you are a professional or college athlete or workout at an elite gym, you might have an ice bath there that you can utilise to help reduce muscle soreness. If not, try these strategies instead: Jump into a cold shower or bath. The colder, the better: professional athletes use ice water, but if you can't stand it, just use cold tap water with no hot water added. It won't work as well as ice water, but it will be better than warm or lukewarm water. If you're an athlete, consider investing in a five-gallon bucket. For soreness of the arms (like from baseball practice), a five-gallon bucket filled with ice water will allow you to ice the whole arm at one time. This method will also work for feet. When icing a muscle or muscle group (rather than your whole body), make sure wrap an ice pack in some sort of buffer before applying the ice. This will keep the extreme cold from injuring your skin. Try putting crushed ice in a plastic bag, then wrapping it in a tea towel or washcloth before applying to the affected muscles. Use plastic wrap to secure ice to limbs or the body. If you need to be moving around (cooking, cleaning, etc.) while using ice, plastic wrap can help secure ice onto a muscle while you move. Ice your muscles for 10 – 20 minutes. While the first step should always be ice, a few hours later it’s a good idea to apply heat to the affected muscles to help stimulate blood flow to your muscles and help them to remain limber instead of tight. Apply heat for about 20 minutes. Take a hot shower or bath. The water will relax your muscles as you soak. Adding Epsom salts to your bathwater is an effective home remedy for sore muscles. Epsom salts are made of magnesium, which is absorbed into the skin and works as a natural muscle relaxant. Add two to four heaped tablespoons to a full bathtub and stir a little to dissolve. Enjoy your bath. You should feel some relief immediately after you finish your bath. For stiff neck, take uncooked rice and fill a tube sock and tie off the end. Microwave for 1.5 minutes and use as a heat wrap. It is reusable. For isolated sore muscles, you can apply peel-and-stick heating pads directly to the skin and wear them under your clothes for hours. These can be purchased at most pharmacies. While it's tempting to completely relax your muscles as you recover, studies show that light activity that uses your sore muscles can reduce the length of time that you're sore. It's important to give your muscles time to recover, though, so be sure that you don't overdo it. Exercise helps muscle soreness by increasing blood flow to the affected muscles, which helps them to eliminate waste more quickly and keep muscles from becoming stiff. Consider the intensity level of the workout that made you sore, and then do a lighter version of that activity the next day (similar to the intensity of a warm-up). For example, if running five miles has you sore, take a brisk walk for a half a mile to a mile. When you exercise to exhaustion, tiny tears occur in muscle fibers. The body's natural response to these tears is inflammation. Massage helps reduce the amount of cytokines the body produces, which play a role in inflammation. Massage also seems to increase the amount of mitochondria in your muscle, which enhances the muscles' ability to extract oxygen. Massage also helps move lactic acid, lymph, and other stagnant toxins from the muscles. Seek out a massage therapist and allow him to work on your sore muscles. Massage therapy is relaxing, meditative, and healing. Massage the muscles yourself. Depending on the location of the soreness, you can try to give yourself a massage. Use a combination of your thumbs, knuckles and palms to work deep into the muscle tissue. You can also use a lacrosse or tennis ball to really work into knots and take the pressure off your hands. If you are massaging a sore muscle, don't focus on the middle of the sore muscle. Focus more on the connections at each end. This will help the muscle to relax more quickly. So if your wrist is sore, massage your forearm. These handy devices make it possible to give yourself a soothing deep-tissue massage both before and after working out, which can loosen up your muscles and help prevent soreness as well as treating muscles and knots that are already sore. These are very useful for sore thigh and leg muscles but can also be used on the back, chest, and buttocks. Press the roller into the sore muscle and rub it up and down. The action helps relieve tension and stress. Known as \"self-myofascial release,\" this method of massage was once only used by professional athletes and therapists but is becoming mainstream for anyone who participates in sports or fitness activities. You can purchase a foam roller at any athletic store or online. Check out this helpful wikiHow article for advice on how to use your foam roller to best soothe sore muscles. If you don't want to spend the $20 – $50 on a foam roller, you can use a lacrosse ball or tennis ball to roll under your body. If you need immediate relief, try acetaminophen or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (also known as NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin. If you are under the age of 18, or if the person you're caring for is under the age of 18, avoid the use of aspirin. Aspirin in children under 18 has been linked to a dangerous disease called Reye's syndrome, which results in acute brain damage. Try to avoid using NSAIDs on a regular basis. NSAIDs might reduce your muscles' ability to repair themselves naturally if you take them too frequently. It's best to find more natural ways of treating muscle pain if you can. The feeling of muscle soreness after an intense workout or when you exercise muscles that have not seen much action lately is usually normal, but there are some signs to watch out for that might indicate a more serious condition. Normal muscle soreness after working out usually hits a day after your exercise routine, especially if you change your workout routine, increased your intensity, or worked muscles that you're not used to working. This muscle soreness typically peaks on day two and then gradually subsides. Pay attention to any sudden shooting pains that happen while working out, which can signal a torn muscle. Also, watch for pain in your joints which might signal damage to a ligament or meniscus, or could be a sign of osteoarthritis. Call your doctor if you experience any muscle pain that comes on suddenly or does not respond to the use of over-the-counter pain medication, or if the pain does not start to resolve after a few days." ], "summary": [ "Plan a proper diet, including keeping hydrated. Consider taking vitamins, antioxidants, and other supplements. Try tart cherry juice.", "Warm up and ease into your workout. Stretch properly. Stay hydrated.", "Ice up. Heat up. Keep moving. Get a massage. Invest in a foam roller. Take pain medication. Know when soreness is normal and when it signals a problem." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Screenshot an Open Window", "Screenshot the Entire Screen", "Screenshot a Portion of Your Screen", "Save a Screenshot to the Clipboard", "Use the Grab Utility Tool" ], "document": [ "The cross-hair will turn into a small camera. You can press Spacebar again to switch back to the reticle. The camera will highlight different windows blue as it moves over them. You can use keyboard commands such as Command+Tab to shift through your windows while still in this mode. The picture of the window you selected will be saved to the desktop by default just like the other screenshot methods.", "Ensure all the relevant windows are visible. If your sound is on, your computer should make a brief camera shutter noise. It will be saved as \"screenshot\" labeled with the date and time. Earlier versions of OS X will save it as \"Picture #\"—for example, if it's the 5th screenshot on your desktop it will be labeled \"Picture 5\".", "Your cursor will turn into a small cross-hair reticle. A grayed rectangle should appear where you drag your cursor. If you need to adjust your windows at all, press Escape to return to a regular cursor without taking a picture. You should hear a brief camera shutter noise if your computer's sound is turned on. That signals that your screenshot has been taken. It will be saved as a .png file named \"screenshot\" labeled with the date and time. Earlier versions of OS X will save it as \"Picture #\"—for example, if it's the 5th screenshot on your desktop it will be labeled as \"Picture 5\". Once you have taken your screenshots, they are now ready to be used as needed. You can attach them to an email, upload them to the Web, or even drag them straight into an application such as a word processor.", "This method works exactly like the one above, except the screenshot does not immediately create a file. Instead, the image is saved to the clipboard, the same temporary storage area where your computer remembers the text that you have copied. You can also take a portion screenshot with this method using Command + Control + Shift + 4 and dragging your reticle over the appropriate part of your screen, exactly as the portion screenshot method. Your screenshot image can be pasted straight into any compatible application, such as a Word document, an image editing program, and many email services.", "This opens the Grab application. You will see the menus shown in the upper left of your screen, but no windows will open. To take a picture of your entire screen, click on Screen (or just use the keyboard command Apple Key + Z). A window will pop up telling you where to click and letting you know that the window will not appear in the shot. To take a picture of a portion of your screen, click on Selection. A window will pop up instructing you to drag your mouse over the portion of your screen you'd like to capture. To take a picture of a specific window, select Window. Then, click on the window you'd like to take a picture of. You can also choose Save As to give it a different name and/or move it to a more appropriate location, but note that it can only be saved as a .tiff file. Note that the file is not automatically saved." ], "summary": [ "Press Command+Shift+4 then hit the Space bar. Move your cursor over the window you want to capture. Click on the window.", "Make sure your screen displays exactly what you want to show in your screenshot image. Press Command + Shift + 3. Find your screenshot on your desktop.", "Press Command + Shift + 4. Click and drag your cursor to highlight the area you'd like to take a picture of. Let go of the mouse. Find your screenshot on your desktop. Use the screenshot.", "Press Command + Control + Shift + 3. Use Command + V or Edit > Paste to paste your image.", "Go to Applications > Utilities > Grab. Click the Capture menu and choose between the four different options. When the new window opens, choose Save." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning More About Dream Interpretation", "Understanding the Symbology of Doors", "Recording your Dreams" ], "document": [ "If you're interested in learning more about the possible meaning of dreams and dream symbols, consider learning more about the field. Although we still know very little – including why we dream – new and interesting discoveries are being made. Humans have tried for centuries to interpret and understand dreams. However, the first modern attempts only came in the early 1900s with the theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, many of whose interpretive ideas are still popular today. Currently scientists have a range of theories. Some argue that dreams don't really mean anything but are the result of random electrical signals in the brain; others think that dreaming evolved as a defense tool; and still others link dreams help us to process the emotions and events of the day. Looking into dreams may give you insight into your own psychology. But we still know very little about dreams and their function. Dream symbols may not always be universal – that is, they might not apply for everyone – and you probably shouldn't rely on them to make major life decisions. The internet has all sorts of website that purport to give the meaning of symbols like doors, water, fences, and other things. Many are even in handy, searchable “dictionaries.” If this sounds too good to be true, it is. Take these sites with a grain of salt. Websites will often plug very specific meanings into symbols. Dream interpretation is actually a lot more messy than this. Given how little we know about the brain and dreams, you are better off relying on your own judgment or on the advice of a psychoanalyst. Dream interpretation is highly personal and varies widely. There may be some symbols that carry a shared cultural or even universal meaning, but these are exceptions to the rule. Don't trust that a symbol really means what the “dream dictionary” says.", "Doors mean a variety of things in dreams. In general, people interpret them as a symbol of transition. Dreaming about a door suggests you are in need of change, or that you are currently in a transition from one stage of life to another. Doors can lead to adventure, secrets, opportunities and new beginnings. The saying “when one door closes, another one opens,” is very relevant here. Your door might be leading you to a new phase. The door's placement, condition, color, and kind are all important to the interpretation. A door in good condition, for example, might mean that your transition is a healthy or sound one. A dilapidated door might conversely mean you are uncertain or afraid of change. What is the door's color? Some interpreters think a red door signifies that you are keeping anger or frustration bottled up. A black door symbolizes secrets, and opening it means that you are taking a risk. What kind of door is it? Trapdoors can represent hidden opportunities or, sometimes, suppressed feelings in the subconscious. A revolving door can mean going around in circles – that perhaps you feel your life is going nowhere. Are you outside or inside? Being inside might suggest you are in need of introspection and should take stock of your life, while being outside can represent freedom and opportunity. A closed door might mean closed opportunities. However, if your dream takes you through the door, what stands on the other side is also important. Pay attention to where the door leads, as this is closely connected to its possible interpretation. For example, if you come across a land of plenty the dream might indicate you will transition to a glorious new phase in life. On the other hand, if the door leads somewhere depressing, dull, and sad, it could suggest you are afraid of change and holding back. A door that takes you somewhere familiar and comforting is a sign that you are ready to transition, but that you will remain whole, just more experienced and wiser on the other side. Moving through the door is important, as are the emotions raised. If you awaken with a memory of stepping over the threshold, for instance, this means that you are ready to embark on your new phase in life.", "Writing your dream down will both help you to recall its events and serves as a good reminder for the future. It should also gradually improve your recall of dreams in general. Try keeping a dream journal. Pick up a notebook and use it exclusively for recording dreams, and keep it near your bed, like on a bedside table, for easy access. Get in the habit of writing down the details as soon as you can, before your waking mind forgets or starts to add items that weren't there originally. Focus on images rather than on telling a story when recording the dream. The sequence might not be important, and you may end up forcing the dream into a narrative. Start by re-reading your dream log and analyzing your personal link to doors in your dream. What and how does your mind associate with them? For example, do they remind you of your time working in a restaurant that had swinging doors leading into the dining room? What feelings do your associations raise? Pay attention to the setting of the dream. Where did it take place? It is somewhere you've been before or a totally new, imagined location? Was anyone or anything else near the door in your dream? For instance, it might be important if your late grandmother stood and opened the door for you. As with a grandparent, the people who appear may shed light on your dream's overall meaning. Oftentimes they represent themselves, but sometimes they also reflect facets of our mind. For instance, a little child who tugs at your coat could represent an inner sense of guilt. Who appeared in your dream? Besides their relationship to the door, think of who they are and what relationship you have with them. Oftentimes, the less direct personal relationship we have with someone in a dream means that it is more likely they are a part of our psyche – that is, your mind is trying to tell you something. Focus on how you felt during the dream, as emotion be the key to a dream's interpretation. If you felt nervous, there is a good chance that the door has something to do with inner anxiety. If you felt exhilarated, perhaps the door represents something hopeful that you are looking forward to. When you record dreams in your log, make notes about how the dream made you feel. All you need are impressions – happy, depressed, fearful, angry, anxious, powerful, etc. The psychologist Carl Jung thought that some images in dreams are actually universal symbols. These tap into a “collective unconscious” that goes across cultures. If you're serious about getting to the bottom of the doors that appear in your dreams, consider learning more about Jungian dream analysis. For example, dreaming about being chased might mean that you are running from a fear – something that you feel unprepared for. Dreaming of death might signify transformation in your life; disease could mean an inner conflict." ], "summary": [ "Read up on dreams and the dream science. Be aware of dream interpretation's limits. Take online resources with a grain of salt.", "Understand the possible meanings of doors. Assess the door itself. Assess what lies beyond the door. Assess your passage through the door.", "Write it down. Consider your association with doors in the dream. Consider relationships with people in the dream. Recall the dream's emotions. Learn more about collective symbols." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Backing Up to Your Computer", "Backing Up to iCloud" ], "document": [ "You can use your charging cable to plug it via USB. The iTunes icon looks like a blue-and-pink musical note in a white circle. You can find it in your Applications folder on a Mac, or on your Start menu on Windows. If this is the first time you're plugging your iPhone into this computer, tap Trust on your phone's screen to authorize the connection. This button is located below the Play button in the upper-left corner of iTunes. It will open your iPhone's navigation panel on the left-hand side. If the phone icon opens up to any other tab than Summary, click the Summary tab at the top of the left panel. This tab will display your phone's hardware, storage, and backup information. In the Summary tab, find the Backups section, and make sure This computer is selected under the \"Automatically Back Up\" heading. Under the \"Manually Back Up and Restore\" heading, click this button to back up your data to your computer. All of your text messages will be backed up, along with your documents and settings.", "Find and tap the {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/7\\/7e\\/Iphonesettingsappicon.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/7\\/7e\\/Iphonesettingsappicon.png\\/30px-Iphonesettingsappicon.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an iPhone icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} icon on your home screen, or in a folder. Your full name and Apple ID picture are listed at the top of your Settings menu. Tapping it will open your Apple ID menu. This option is listed next to the {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/5\\/5f\\/Iphoneiclouddriveicon.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/5\\/5f\\/Iphoneiclouddriveicon.png\\/30px-Iphoneiclouddriveicon.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an iOS icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} icon on your Apple ID menu. It will open your iCloud settings. This will open your Backup options. When this option is enabled, your iPhone automatically backs up all of your data to iCloud. You will have to confirm your action in a pop-up window. Automatic backup requires your iPhone to be plugged in, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi. A blue Back Up Now button will show up on your Backup menu. This will start backing up your data to iCloud. All of your text messages will be backed up, along with your documents and settings." ], "summary": [ "Plug your iPhone into your computer. Open iTunes on your computer. Click the phone icon on iTunes. Select This computer under the Backups section. Click the Back Up Now button.", "Open your iPhone's Settings app. Tap your name at the top. Tap iCloud on the menu. Scroll down and tap iCloud Backup. Slide the iCloud Backup switch to . Tap OK in the confirmation pop-up. Tap the blue Back Up Now button." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using an Oven", "Using a Hairdryer or Heat Gun" ], "document": [ "Under too much heat and stress, the PVC may crack or warp without a medium inside to help it hold its shape. The best candidate — sand. Get enough sand to fill up the pipe a few inches past the planned bend. You may need to use some tape to block one end of the pipe and keep the sand in. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/42\\/Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-1Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-459px-Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-1Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/4\\/42\\/Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-1Bullet1.jpg\\/aid2209095-v4-728px-Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-1Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":306,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"485\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} Try not to bend the pipe any closer than 3–5\" away from a joint. You don't need to wait for it to pre-heat completely, but turn it on now to get some heat built up. Block off one end of the pipe and measure out how much sand you'll need to fill the pipe with sand. You don't have to fill the entire pipe, just fill it until the sand is a few inches past where you plan to bend the PVC. Let the sand heat up with the oven. After the oven has hit 425 °F (281.3 °C), leave the sand in an extra five to six minutes to get up to the right temperature. {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/thumb\\/2\\/2c\\/Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\\/v4-459px-Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/2\\/2c\\/Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\\/aid2209095-v4-728px-Bend-Pvc-Pipe-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":306,\"bigWidth\":\"728\",\"bigHeight\":\"485\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"https:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a> (screenshot)<br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} If you have a lot of sand, more than two to three cups, stir it halfway through so that the sand heats up evenly. Make sure you wear protective gloves or oven mitts. Let the sand heat the pipe up for a few minutes, until the PVC feels pliable. Once the pipe is soft, it should easily bend by hand. For a rounder, more even bend, use an old can or similar round, heatproof object and bend the pipe around that. Leave the pipe undisturbed and let it cool back to room temperature. Do not try and bend the pipe again once you've removed the sand. You can also save the sand to use later, reheating it as many times as you want to bend new pipes.", "Make a mark where the center of the bend needs to be, then mark an extra six to eight inches on either side of this center mark. This will be your \"heat zone,\" where you need to direct the heat. Keep any planned bends at least three to five inches away from any joints. You may need to block the end of the pipe with tape to prevent the sand from falling out. The sand inside will make this take longer, but it also ensures that the pipe holds its form and doesn't cave or warp. Turn the pipe regularly, applying heat to the inner and outer bend throughout your entire marked heat zone. Keep the heat source at least two to three inches away from the pipe to prevent burning the PVC. Keep applying heat and bending until you get your desired shape. If you want a perfect bend, use a metal can or object to provide a \"mold\" for you bend. Do not try and keep bending the pipe after the sand is removed. This can cause cracks and warping. You can save the sand to use again." ], "summary": [ "Use hot sand to fill the pipe and bend it without collapsing. Heat your oven to 425 °F (281.3 °C). Fill the pipe with sand so that it is a few inches past the bend. Pour the sand into a oven-safe dish and put it in the oven. Carefully pour the hot sand back into the PVC pipe. Slowly bend the pipe into your desired shape. Empty the sand out and let the pipe cool.", "Fill the pipe with enough sand to cover two to three inches above the planned bend. Apply the heat evenly around your planned bend. Slowly bend the pipe, applying more heat as necessary. Remove the sand and let the pipe cool." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating a New Umbrella Canopy", "Taking Apart Your Old Umbrella", "Attaching the New Canopy" ], "document": [ "You can purchase the proper fabric online or at a fabric store. Fabric like 2.2-ounce nylon taffetas and 2.5-ounce Supplex with UV protection will protect you from rain and the sun’s rays. Some fabrics will just absorb rainwater, making them a poor material choice for an umbrella.", "To create a new umbrella, you’ll need to separate the umbrella mechanism from the canopy. Open the umbrella and place the top of the canopy on the floor so that you can easily access the fabric inside of the umbrella. The metal parts that stretch out are called the ribs.", "Place the top of the canopy flat on the floor so that the bottom of the umbrella is facing up." ], "summary": [ "Purchase new fabric for your new umbrella canopy.", "Open your umbrella and flip it over.", "Set the new canopy on the floor." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Filtering out Contaminants", "Killing Pathogens with Heat or Sunshine", "Removing Large Particulates" ], "document": [ "A commercial water filter is the easiest and most effective way to filter sediment, pathogens, metals, and other pollutants from water. These filters contain special materials like charcoal, carbon, ceramic, sand, and cloth that are specially designed to filter out dangerous pollutants. There are many different types of filters you can use, including: Whole-home filters that filter all the water that comes into your house Point-of-use filters that get installed on specific taps and filter water that comes out of the faucet Countertop filters that you fill manually with water Water bottles and straws with built-in water filters Handheld UV water purifiers that kill bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from small quantities of water", "Boiling is a great way to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites from water. Fill a pot with water and heat it over medium-high heat, or over a fire. Bring the water to a boil and let it sit at a rolling boil for about 10 minutes. Let the water cool before drinking. Water purification typically happens after three to five minutes, but especially at higher elevations, you must boil the water for longer. Boiling alone will not remove heavy metals or chemical contaminants from water, but boiling the water with the inside of a cactus could remove additional pollutants, such as arsenic. SODIS is an acronym for solar water disinfection, and when done properly, it’s a very effective method for killing pathogens in water. Fill a clear and smooth plastic bottle with water. Twist on the lid, and place the bottle on its side in direct sunlight for six hours to kill parasites, bacteria, and viruses. This method works because the plastic acts to trap heat from the sun inside the bottle, and the UVA rays pasteurize the water.", "For water that’s contaminated with large particles like pebbles, insects, plant matter, or dirt, you can strain out the contaminants. Line a fine-mesh strainer with muslin, cheesecloth, a clean dish towel, or even a clean cotton shirt. Place the strainer over a bowl, and pour the water through the strainer to remove the particles. Note that straining the water like this will only remove large particulates, not pathogens, heavy metals or other contaminants." ], "summary": [ "Use a commercial water filter.", "Boil the water. Use the SODIS method.", "Strain the water." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Being Safe", "Making Yourself Dizzy" ], "document": [ "If you spin around too much and get dizzy, there's a good chance you'll lose your balance and maybe even fall down. Never try to get dizzy in the kitchen, or anywhere indoors. The best place to get dizzy is outside, where there's plenty of grass and room to move around. Falling on the grass is ideal. If you have to be indoors, make sure there are no objects or toys on the ground, and that you're far enough away from furniture and walls that you won't get hurt. Don't spin so much that you'll fall down and you won't have to worry about getting hurt. Usually 7-8 spins will be enough to get you dizzy. You don't need much more than that. It's very hard to control your fall when you're super-dizzy, so it's easy to break a wrist or an arm, or hurt yourself worse. Dizziness and nausea are related. Unless you want to see what you ate for breakfast again today, don't make yourself dizzy if you've eaten something in the last hour or two. It's very important to have someone around if you're trying to make yourself dizzy. If your hurt yourself, someone who isn't all light-headed needs to be around to help you out, or steady you if you start to fall. Get your parents to watch you. If they say no, there's a good reason. Don't do it. If you're feeling too dizzy and you don't like it, just sit down and put your knees up and wrap your arms around them. Put your head in between your knees and just breathe deeply. Dizziness can be a sign of lots of different health problems, including blood sugar problems, eye problems, nerve problems, and imbalance in your inner ear. Dozens of kids in schools all around the world die each year from self-choking to get a \"high.\" Cutting off the oxygen to your brain is extremely dangerous, and can result in serious long-term brain damage, heart problems, and even death. It's not a \"high\" that you feel, it's your brain dying from lack of oxygen. Don't let any kids at school try to talk you into it, or tell you that \"it's not a big deal\" or \"it's a totally legal high.\" It's a really easy way to kill yourself accidentally.", "The easiest and most common way to get dizzy? Spin in a circle. Look down at your feet and spin, as quick as you can, for about 7-10 times. You won't need to spin much to get dizzy. Advanced method: Grab a baseball bat, or another stick a few feet long. Put one end on the ground and your forehead against the other. Spin while your forehead touches the bat. Don't try to run or do anything complicated after this. You probably won't be able to, and you might hurt yourself. Next time you go to the park, sit in the swing and twist it around until you can't anymore. Then let go and spin around really quickly. Spin on an office chair or a turning desk chair. Another simple way to get dizzy is just to crouch for a long period of time, your legs bent like you're in a huddle. Then, stand up abruptly. This is sometimes called getting a \"head rush,\" but it's basically the same as getting dizzy. If you're hungry, or if it's very hot out, this will be more intense. Dizziness can result in fainting if you're not careful. When your bottom is higher than your top, the blood rushes to your head and you can start to feel quite dizzy. Try to move as little as possible while you do this, and you'll notice the effects more. Hang upside down from a swing-set, or from a fence, or from a pull-up bar. Make sure you turn around before you let go. Ride a roller coaster that goes upside down, or a ride one of the fair rides that you can control the spinning. The Tilt-a-Whirl is a great way to get dizzy. Often, if you start doing some exercise, like jogging, doing jumping jacks, or even something like jumping rope, you'll get a little dizzy. Pick something that will have you moving around, go outside, and do it. You get dizzy sometimes when your blood sugar is low and you need to eat something, or you get overheated. If you get dizzy when you do this, it's important to sit down, drink some water, and get something to eat quickly. Whether in a book or a picture online, optical illusions can get your head spinning even if you're sitting still. It's a great way to give yourself the illusion that you're moving without actually going anywhere. Lots of moving optical illusions are available on YouTube. They're pretty trippy. If you don't like the optical illusions you find, try watching the iTunes or Windows Media Player visualizer while you're listening to some music you like. Wild stuff. Dizzy challenges are all over social networking and YouTube, featuring kids doing silly tasks after spinning to get dizzy in some way. Check some out for inspiration, or try doing one of the following things after you get spun: Put on as many socks as you can Do a math problem Write your name Say the Pledge of Allegiance Walk a straight line, slowly Hit a whiffle ball" ], "summary": [ "Make sure the area is clear of obstacles. Don't over-do the spinning. Never get dizzy on a full stomach. Never get dizzy by yourself. Sit down if you feel nauseated. Never hold your breath or choke yourself to get dizzy.", "Spin in a circle and look down. Sit in a swing and turn yourself, then let go. Crouch and stand up quickly. Put your feet higher than your head. Exercise. Look at an optical illusion. Try a dizzy challenge." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finishing", "Convert Desired Files", "Install Alien Package Converter" ], "document": [ " How to convert other kinds of packages.", "Now, you can convert the .rpm to a .deb by using the Terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard) or use copy/paste method: cd ~/Desktop (then hit Enter) This command will change the directory to your desktop, where you have the .rpm file. sudo alien -k apacheds-2.0.0-M11-i386.rpm (then hit Enter) To use command like is: sudo alien -k name.rpm (which will convert your .rpm package to .deb package) you need to replace 'name' with the name of your desired package. My is: apacheds-2.0.0-M11-i386.rpm. The password is that one, which you're using in the Login Screen. Password does not show up in the terminal when you type it. Just type your password and hit Enter. If your password was entered correctly, the action will continue.", "sudo apt-get update (then hit Enter) The password is that one, which you're using in the Login Screen. Password does not show up in the terminal when you type it. Just type your password and hit Enter. If your password was entered correctly, the action will continue. sudo apt-get install alien (then hit Enter) The password is that one, which you're using in the Login Screen. Password does not show up in the terminal when you type it. Just type your password and hit Enter. If it asks you do you want to continue, type 'Y' to your Terminal and then hit Enter." ], "summary": [ "Now, on your Desktop screen you should see that you have converted .rpm to .deb package file. Read the Alien mainpage for more details.", "For example, if you want to convert .rpm file, download the package to your Desktop. Type following command to the Terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard) or use copy/paste method: When it asks you for password, don't be confused.", "Type the following command to the Terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard) or use copy/paste method to update your system first: When it asks you for password, don't be confused. To install Alien application to your Ubuntu operating system, you need to type following command to the Terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard) or use copy/paste method: When it asks you for password, don't be confused." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Imperative First Person Plural", "Nonpolite Forms of Imperative" ], "document": [ "English only adds this phrase to infinitive without to. All are the same. Learn imperative for -are verbs. Drop ending add iamo. Example : (noi) parliamo Learn imperative for -ere verbs. Drop ending add iamo. Example : (noi) ridiamo Learn imperative for -ire verbs. Drop ending add iamo. Example : (noi) partiamo For example dare (to give) makes diamo (let us give) or avere (to have) becomes abbiamo (let's have).", " Learn imperative for -are verbs. Singular : drop ending add a. Example : (tu) parla Plural : drop ending add ate. Example : (voi) parlate Learn imperative for -ere verbs. Singular : drop ending add i. Example : (tu) ridi Plural : drop ending add ete. Example : (voi) ridete Learn imperative for -ire verbs. Singular : drop ending add i. Example : (tu) parti Plural : drop ending add ite. Example : (voi) partite Learn imperative for certain -ire verbs. Singular : drop ending add isc then add i. Example : (tu) capisci Plural : drop ending add i then add amo. Example : (voi) capiamo" ], "summary": [ "Note that this is equivalent to \"Let us\" in English. Note also that this is easiest to learn. Follow the same pattern even for irregular verbs.", "Note that non-polite forms of second persons addressed by the \"imperative\" are tu (singular you) and voi (plural you). Learn imperative for regular verbs." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding Cat Communication", "Teaching Your Cat a Trick" ], "document": [ "Cats can make as many as 16 different meows. Paying attention to the different sounds can help you better communicate with your cat. A short meow is typically a greeting. Multiple meows signal excitement A mid-pitch meow is a request, likely for food. A deep “Mrow” is usually a complaint. A high pitch “Rroww!” is an indication of anger or pain. A long drawn out “mrrroww” is usually a demand. In nature, cats only meow as kittens to get attention for their mothers. When they realize you do not respond to their other signals, they learn to meow. Often the meow is a way to communicate something the cat wants, but it can have other meanings as well. Most frequently your cat’s meow is trying to articulate a request. A meow often means that they want food, attention, or to be allowed into a room. A meow can also signal distress. Cats vocalize when they are in heat, lonely, stressed, angry, or in pain. They also become more vocal when they get older. Other times a meow is a simple greeting similar to a “hello.” Some of the most important ways that cats communicate are through body language. Cats, for example, have a complex language of signals that they make with their tails. When a cat looks you in the eyes and makes a long, slow blink, they are showing affection. This is sometimes compared to a kiss. A cat approaching you with their tail in the air is a greeting that suggests your cat is happy to see you. This has been compared to a handshake. If the fur on your cats hair is standing up, this is a sign that they are angry or afraid. When your cat's tail is low, or between their legs, they are insecure or anxious. A tail thrashing back and forth is a sign that your cat is angry. The faster they move it back and forth, the angrier they are.", "Cats are easily distracted, so you should create a quiet and calm environment. Place your cat on the table in front of you and pet them to put them at ease. Place the treats on the table to get your cat’s attention. Cats are more likely to respond to treats that they aren’t accustomed to. Try to get something new. Keep meowing until your cat meows and then give your cat a treat, and pet them. Continue as long as the cat is willing to participate. After your cat no longer seems to respond, take a break. Try again the following day. Repeat every day until your cat regularly responds when you meow. If you get frustrated and begin to be mean to your cat, they will become stressed and be less likely to respond. Cats do not respond to force. You must use positive reinforcement to encourage behavior." ], "summary": [ "Recognize the meow. Understand what the meow is about. Pay attention to nonverbal cues.", "Make some time alone with your cat. Get some treats. Meow. Repeat until your cat has learned the trick. Be nice." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Installing an New Motor", "Installing an Aftermarket Battery" ], "document": [ "Flip your car upside down and remove the wheels to access the black motor hardware. Remove the motor by loosening the screws using the proper screwdriver, and wiggling the cylinder-shaped motor until it comes free. Ensure that the new motor that you have chosen is the correct size for your Power Wheels. Remove the brushless motor from your secondary car. It will be cylinder shaped and you may need to remove some hardware to expose the motor. Wipe the motor clean with a dry rag to remove any buildup of dirt. You may be able to salvage the spade off of the Power Wheels motor by heating it gently and applying some pressure with a flathead screwdriver. If you can’t remove it, purchase an inexpensive spade from your local hardware store rather than potentially ruining the already-connected spade and the actual motor itself. Gently push the motor in spade-end first. Using your screwdriver, put the screws back into the hardware to hold the battery in place. The brushless motor may need some twisting and turning until it is solidly inserted so be patient and don’t try to force it. Carefully unwrap the wires from the original motor and re-attach them to the brushless motor following the same connecting points. At this point, a new battery could also be inserted if desired. Disconnect the battery to avoid getting shocked. Your car should be compatible with the remote from the brushless motor. Keep the car upside down as you test to be cautious, as the speed will be greatly increased.", "When choosing a battery, look for information on your Power Wheels battery to guide you on the exact specifications. You must note the voltage, chemistry, and size. For example: Fisherbrand Power Wheels batteries are often lead based, 12 Volt and are 16.0 x 11.0 x 8.0 so you must ensure ensure that the aftermarket battery you choose matches these specifications. The advantage to after-market batteries are that they are inexpensive compared to the Power Wheels brand batteries. After the top cracks, use the screwdriver to pull the edges off the top away from the battery. Completely remove the top piece but be gentle to avoid damaging the casing of the battery. Stay away from the black connector inside the battery as this will be used to hook-up your new battery to your Power Wheels car. It will need to be replaced if you unintentionally damage it. After some wiggling, the connector will pop up and out of the rest of the battery. Pull the two attached positive and negative wires out as far as you can, and then gently clip them as close to the battery as possible. Use wire cutters or crimpers to ensure a clean, crisp cut. these are available for only a few dollars at your local hardware store. After the connecter has been disconnected, recycle your battery at the recycling depot. Batteries contain a large amount of nasty chemicals and are harmful to the environment. Insert a 30 Amp fuse into a fuse holder. Once connected, strip approximately 1 cm of wire cover from each side of the connector using your wire crimping tool. Insert the exposed wire into a wire connector and crimp down on the wire connector to hold the wire firmly in place. The positive side of the connector will be white or red. After crimping the wire connector, insert the one wire from the fuse to the other side of the battery connector. Crimp down to connect the fuse to the battery connector. Fuses, fuse holders and wire connector are available at local hardware stores. Attach an insulated female spade to the negative wire of the battery connector (often black) and the remaining exposed fuse wire. Female spade connectors come in many different styles. To save time, take your aftermarket battery with you to the store and compare the male components located on the battery terminals to the positive connectors in the store. Connect the negative battery terminal (black) to the negative wire of the connector (also black). Connect the positive terminal (red) to the fuse end of the connector. Be cautious and place your car upside as the speed will be greatly increased." ], "summary": [ "Open the motor of your Power Wheels car. Check the compatibility of your Power Wheels motor. Insert a solder-free spade connector to the pin of the brushless motor. Insert the brushless motor back into the Power Wheels hardware. Attach the wires to the brushless motor. Thread the wheels back onto your Power Wheels car and test.", "Choose an aftermarket battery. Pry off the top of the original battery from the side using a flathead screwdriver. Pull the battery connecter away from the battery. Connect the fuse to the positive side of the battery connector. Insulate all exposed remaining wires. Insert the connector into the replacement battery. Test your new battery." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Handling Difficult Texts", "Laying the Groundwork", "Making Useful Notes for Poetry", "Re-reading Your Texts", "Making Useful Notes for Fiction and Drama" ], "document": [ "Particularly in poetry, authors may use language unconventionally in order to make a more powerful impact on the reader. This can be confusing at first, but re-reading the passage slowly and carefully will reward your attention. Look for footnotes and other aids. Often in books edited for a student audience, the editors will include explanatory footnotes, word definitions, and other aids that can help you grasp what’s going on. Don’t ignore these! They can really help clear up confusing passages. Especially if you’re reading poetry or plays, reading everything is very important. Skipping things such as stage directions in a Shakespeare play can mean you miss out on crucial information. Language in poems is precisely chosen and structured to have a particular effect, so missing even a word or two could damage your understanding of the whole text. This technique works especially well with poetry and plays, but it can also work for long, dense passages of prose in a novel, especially if it’s something like a Charles Dickens novel where sentences can run to a full paragraph. Reading the language aloud will help point out elements such as rhythm, alliteration, and repetition, which are all things that your exam may ask you to speak about. If you’re having trouble remembering things, make yourself some flash cards. Sometimes, the transfer of material from one medium to another (e.g., from written notes to flash cards) will help you learn it more effectively. Flash cards are especially helpful for memorizing things such as literary terms and character names. They may be less helpful for remembering more complex information.", "Don’t wait to study until the night before a big exam! Particularly with a subject such as English literature, where you will probably be asked analytical questions as well as content questions, you must have time to familiarize yourself with some of the complexities of your material. Being able to summarize the plot or name some characters is unlikely to be all you’ll need to do. Write out all the details you can remember from your first reading of the text, as well as anything you remember from your course lectures. Don’t “cheat” by looking at your notes or your text -- just write down what you are confident you remember. This will be your starting base and will reveal any gaps in your knowledge. Many tests and exams in English literature want you to be familiar with some key terms, such as stanza, irony, alliteration, speaker, and figurative language. While you’re not likely to be expected to have comprehensive knowledge of literary terminology, understanding some of these key concepts will be important to your success. There are many guides available that can help you find definitions for important literary concepts, but here are a few crucial terms: A stanza is a poetic division of lines and is equivalent to the paragraph in prose writing. Usually, stanzas are at least three lines long; groups of two lines are usually called “couplets.” Irony at its basic level says one thing but means another, which is almost always the opposite of what is actually said. For example, a character who meets someone in a raging blizzard might say “Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?” This is ironic because the reader can see that it is clearly not lovely weather. William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Charles Dickens are famous for their use of irony.Do not confuse irony with misfortune, which Alanis Morissette’s song “Ironic” is culpable of: “a black fly in your chardonnay” is definitely unfortunate, but it’s not ironic. Dramatic irony occurs when the reader or audience knows important information that a character does not, such as the fact that Oedipus killed his father and will marry his mother. Alliteration is a technique used most often in poetry and plays; it is the repetition of the same initial consonants in multiple words within a short space. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” is an example of alliteration. A speaker usually refers to the person from whose point of view a poem is given, although it may also be used to refer to a novel’s narrator. Keeping the speaker separate from the author is important, especially in poetic dramatic monologues such as Robert Browning’s \"My Last Duchess,\" in which a maniacal duke admits to having murdered his first wife. Obviously, it is the speaker, not Browning, who is saying these things. Figurative language is discussed in more length in Part 2 of this article, but it is the opposite of “literal” language. Figurative language uses techniques such as metaphor, simile, personification, and hyperbole to make a point more vividly. For example, in Shakespeare’s play Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra describes Mark Antony this way: “His legs bestride the ocean. His reared arm / Crested the world.” This is hyperbolic language: obviously Antony’s legs didn’t literally straddle the ocean, but it powerfully conveys Cleopatra’s high opinion of him and his power. If you were given a study guide or sample questions, see how much of this material you are already familiar with. This will help you zone in on what needs more work and make a study plan.", "Sometimes, knowing the type of poem you’re studying, such as whether it’s a sonnet or sestina or haiku, can be very important to being able to discuss its meaning. You can often determine what type of poetry you’re dealing with by examining the rhyme scheme (the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line) and the meter (the number of poetic “feet” each line has). For example, Edna St. Vincent Millay tackles how difficult it is to write poetry in her poem “I Will Put Chaos into Fourteen Lines.” Knowing that this poem is a sonnet about writing sonnets helps explain part of what the poem’s goal is: putting a little modern “chaos” into a very old and established poetic form. Recognizing that Millay uses a classic Petrarchan rhyme scheme and that many of the lines are in iambic pentameter (meaning they sound like “ta-TUM ta-TUM ta-TUM ta-TUM ta-TUM”) will help you identify the poem as a sonnet. Many modern poets write in free verse, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t also paying close attention to the form of their poetry. Look for elements such as alliteration, assonance, repetition, enjambment (the breaking of poetic lines), and rhythm in free verse poetry just as you would in more formally structured poetry. This is particularly important for poems such as dramatic monologues, where the speaker is definitely ‘’not’’ supposed to be the poet. Felicia Hemans, Robert Browning, and Alfred, Lord Tennyson all wrote dramatic monologues from the points of view of characters very different than themselves. Identifying the speaker can be trickier in lyric poetry, such as the type written by poets like Wordsworth or John Keats, because these poems are often written in first-person but don’t make a clear distinction between the speaker and the poet. Nevertheless, even in poems that are written using first-person pronouns like “I”, always refer to the speaker as the speaker, not the poet. Just as with prose writing, symbolism shows up all the time in poetry. Be on the lookout for repeated elements, especially things like colors or natural imagery. For example, in William Wordsworth’s poem “Tintern Abbey,” the eye is an important symbol that represents many things, including the poet’s imagination. Wordsworth will often play on the similarity of sound between I and eye, further relating the two concepts. Symbolism is all over the place in the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf. One key symbol is the hall of Heorot, King Hrothgar’s great golden mead-hall. Heorot symbolizes community, bravery, warmth, safety, wealth, and civilization, so when Grendel invades Heorot and murders warriors in their sleep there, he’s violating everything about the Scyldings’ lives. Just make sure you know the basics such as structure of the poem, themes, and overarching idea or story. It can sometimes be helpful to memorize a key line or two from a poem so that you can use it as evidence. For example, if you’re studying Walt Whitman’s huge poem Leaves of Grass, you might want to memorize the short phrase “dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem.” This short quotation encapsulates much of the meaning from the larger text, and being able to drop it into an exam will help you support your claims. Context is just as important for poetry as it is for fiction or drama. Knowing what types of issues the poet may have been addressing can help you understand the goal of the poetry. Contextual information can also be useful in keeping you from making incorrect statements about poems. For example, it’s important to know that Shakespeare’s sonnets are not all written to female lovers, even though that was the standard for sonnets of the era. In fact, most of them are written to a “fair youth,” a wealthy young man to whom the poet has some sort of deep, possibly romantic, attraction.", "You should have already read the text for class, but if you’re studying for an exam, make sure you go back and re-read it to catch things you missed out on the first time. Many authors use techniques such as metaphors, similes, and personification to emphasize their points. These may be crucial to understanding the literary work you’re reading: for example, knowing that the white whale in Moby-Dick represents (among other things) Captain Ahab’s hubris is essential to being able to understand Melville’s novel. Metaphors make direct comparisons between two seemingly dissimilar things. They are stronger than similes. For example, the last line of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby is a famous metaphor comparing human lives to boats trying to make progress against a strong current: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Similes also make comparisons, but they don’t directly state that “x” is “y”. For example, Margaret Mitchell uses a simile to describe Scarlett O’Hara’s interest in Ashley Wilkes with a simile in her novel Gone With the Wind: “The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key.” Personification occurs when a non-human animal or object is given human characteristics in order to express an idea more powerfully. For example, Emily Dickinson frequently uses personification in her poems, as in this poem about a snake: “A narrow fellow in the grass / occasionally rides; / You may have met him, -- did you not, / His notice sudden is.” Here, the snake is a “narrow fellow” who “rides” in the grass, which makes it seem almost like a dashing Victorian gentleman, rather than a reptile. The way that an author expresses her or his ideas is often as important as the ideas themselves. In many cases, the form and structure of the text will have some kind of influence on its subject matter. If you’re reading fiction, think about the order in which the events are recounted. Are there flashbacks or places in the narrative that cycle back in time? Sandra Cisneros’s novel Caramelo begins close to the end of the actual “story” and switches between various times and places in order to emphasize how complicated family histories are. If you’re reading poetry, think about the form of the poetry. What type of poem is it? Is it something formally structured, like a sonnet or sestina? Is it free verse, which makes use of elements such as rhythm and alliteration but doesn’t have a set rhyme scheme? The way the poem is written will often offer clues as to the mood the poet wanted to convey. An archetype is usually a character -- although it may also be an action or situation -- that is believed to represent something universally recognized as part of human nature. The influential psychologist Carl Jung argued that archetypes tap into the “collective unconscious” of humanity, and thus we recognize experiences we’ve shared with others in archetypes. Several types of of literature analysis have been influenced by Jung, so being familiar with some archetypes that may appear in your text will probably be useful. The Hero is a character who embodies good and often fights against evil in a struggle to bring justice or restore order. Beowulf and Captain America are perfect examples of the Hero archetype. The Innocent Youth is a character who is usually inexperienced, but whom others like because of the faith s/he has in other people. For example, Pip in Charles Dickens’s novel Great Expectations is an Innocent Youth, as is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. Often, these archetypes will experience some sort of “coming of age” in later parts of the story. The Mentor is tasked with caring for or protecting the main character through wise advice and assistance. Gandalf in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is an excellent example of a Mentor archetype, as is Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars movies. The Doppelganger is a character who doubles for the main character in order to represent the “dark side” of the hero or heroine. Common examples of doppelgangers include Frankenstein and his Creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in Robert Louis Stevenson's' novel of the same name. The Villain is a character with evil plans whom the hero must oppose. The villain will usually do anything to defeat the hero and is often, though not always, clever. Good examples include Shere Khan from Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, Smaug the Dragon from The Hobbit, and the Joker from the Batman comics and films. The other main type of archetype you’ll probably encounter is situational, i.e., a very familiar and expected type of plot and progression. Some common situational archetypes include: The Journey. This is an incredibly common archetype and is referenced in everything from stories of King Arthur to Jonathan Swift's Gulliver’s Travels to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. In this archetype, the main character undertakes a journey -- physical or emotional, literal or figurative -- to understand something about herself/himself or the world around her/him, or to achieve an important goal. Often, the journey is very important to the plot, as with the Fellowship’s quest to destroy Sauron’s One Ring in the Lord of the Rings. The Initiation. This archetype has similarities with the Journey, but the focus is more on the hero/heroine’s developing maturity through their experiences. This type of story may also be called a ‘’bildungsroman.’’ Henry Fielding's Tom Jones is an excellent example of this, as are the origins of most comic book heroes (for example, Peter Parkers lessons about how to handle “great power and great responsibility” as he becomes Spiderman). The Fall. This is another very common archetype. In this archetype, the main character experiences a fall from grace as the consequence of her/his own action. Examples of this archetype are all over classic literature, including King Lear from Shakespeare’s play King Lear, Ahab from Melville's novel Moby-Dick, and Satan from John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost. For many texts, particularly plays and fiction, there is an “inciting incident” that sets the main action of the story in motion. This moment disturbs the equilibrium of the situation, poses a problem, and sets off a series of events that will form the rest of the story. For example, in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth hears a prophecy from a trio of witches that says he will become King of Scotland. While he has never wanted to be king until this moment, the prophecy sets him on a path of ambition and murder that eventually leads in his downfall. As another example, in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, a group of young girls face a conflict: they’ve been caught doing naughty things in the woods and face punishment. To try to cover up their actions, they accuse their fellow villagers of witchcraft. This action incites the rest of the play’s story, which follows these accusations as they spin out of control.", "This will make future review easier, as you will have a rough summary to work from. Don’t get too bogged down in summary. You don’t have to summarize every little thing that happens in a chapter or act. Aim to note the main action of each one, as well as any important character or thematic moments. Include anything important that the character says or does, along with links to other characters in the text. For plays, you may want to note any speeches that seem particularly important, such as Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” speech or the “attention must be paid” speech from Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. This can often be even more helpful than chapter summaries. What challenges and conflicts do the main characters face? What are their goals? For example, Shakespeare’s Hamlet has several problems he needs to solve: 1) Is the ghost of his father urging him to seek revenge trustworthy? 2) How can he take revenge on his uncle in a court full of people who are watching his every move? 3) How can he overcome his natural tendency to overthink things to work up the courage to take the revenge he wants? Sometimes, problems are solved fairly neatly at the end of a story: the Death Star is destroyed in Star Wars, the One Ring is destroyed and Aragorn restored as King in Lord of the Rings. Sometimes, problems are solved but not in ideal ways: for example, Hamlet does achieve his revenge and fulfill the ghost’s request, but he also kills several innocent people along the way and ends up dead himself. Understanding whether characters achieved their goals, or why they didn’t, will be useful in discussing the works in your exam. While you don’t necessarily need to memorize important statements or speeches, remembering what they’re generally about can be very helpful when you go to make an argument about a text. For example, if you’re studying Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, remembering that Mr. Darcy admits to meddling in Elizabeth’s family affairs will be useful in explaining why they are so angry with each other early in the book (i.e., he is too proud to admit that meddling really was wrong, and she is too prejudiced to admit he might have had motivations that made sense). Don’t skimp on detail here! Noting that “the tone of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is very sinister” won’t be much use in the exam if you don’t have a way to describe what’s making it feel sinister. Write down particularly vivid moments from the text. Not only can these help you remember what happened in a chapter, they will give you evidence to use when you make claims about the text in your exam. For example, consider this quotation from Chapter 41 of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick, when Ahab has finally caught up with the White Whale: “He [Ahab] piled upon the whale’s white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart’s shell upon it.” This is far more evocative than simply saying “Ahab attacked the whale.” This passage emphasizes that Ahab is after the whale not just for taking his leg, but because he’s come to embody every single horrible thing that has happened to humans since time began in this whale, and he is willing to destroy himself -- it’s as if his chest is a cannon, remember, with a cannonball exploding from it -- to take the whale down. Symbolism is a favorite tool of authors. If some element, such as a color or specific item, shows up more than once or twice, it’s likely to be a symbol that represents something important. For example, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the “A” that Hester Prynne must wear in punishment of her adultery is an obvious symbol, but her daughter Pearl also serves as a symbol. Like the “A,” Pearl is a reminder of her adultery, a “token of her shame.” Hester often dresses Pearl in beautiful gold and red dresses, physically linking her to the letter and to Hester’s crime. It is often very helpful to be able to reference in your exam or essay some important cultural or social issues that were relevant at the time a text was first written. Use any course material you have, along with introductions to critical editions of the text and reliable resources such as those found through a library database to do a bit of research. Do not rely on websites such as wikipedia or your own knowledge of a period, as both of these may be incomplete or inaccurate. For example, if you are studying Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story \"The Yellow Wallpaper,\" it’s important to be able to speak about the condition of women in the late 19th century. Gilman was a very important feminist writer who wrote against the traditional social structure of her time, which insisted that a woman’s only place was as a wife and mother. Importantly, her arguments usually insisted that this structure harmed men as well as women -- something that is very useful to bring up in a discussion of her fiction, and something you might not know if you were only acting on “common knowledge” of the era." ], "summary": [ "Re-read passages you don’t understand. Avoid skimming material. Read passages aloud. Make flash cards.", "Start early. Examine what you already know. Consider whether there are literary terms you’re unfamiliar with. Look at sample questions, if you can.", "Note what type of poem you’re dealing with. Identify the speaker and the audience of the poem, when possible. Write down any symbols in the poem and where they appear. Remember that you don’t have to memorize poems you’re studying. Look up context for your poems.", "Re-read your text. Look for figurative language. Consider the structure of your text. Think about character archetypes. Think about situational archetypes. Consider how action develops from conflict.", "Summarize each chapter or act in bullet points after you read through the text for the second time. Make out character profiles for each main character. Outline any problems the characters face. Determine whether these problems are solved. Remember some important statements made. Make more detailed notes, including main themes in the text and how each character is important in the text. Write down any symbols in the text and where they appear. Look up contemporary connections." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding The Reasons to Wrap Your Knee", "Wrapping Your Knee" ], "document": [ "There are multiple reasons to wear a knee wrap. Many people who exercise will wrap their knees as a means of giving their knees a bit of additional support while they exercise. Some people do it if they have had a partial tear in a ligament and are seeking some external support. Weight lifters will also wrap their knees prior to doing squats to give the joint some additional stability. If you have or think you have sustained an injury, make sure your see your doctor before performing any strenuous activity. Knee wraps are not generally used to treat a severe injury or condition. Knee wraps are used for the prevention of injury or knee issues. They provide a bit more stability and external support to the joint of your knee when it is put under extreme stress. The only kind of treatments a knee wrap is used for are first degree sprains of the knee. This can only be diagnosed by a healthcare provider. If you sustain any injury, see your orthopedic surgeon. The risk of getting injured again or misdiagnosing can cause serious damage. There are many instances where a wrap is not needed. If you have an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear or any other ligament tear, do not treat it with a knee wrap unless explicitly instructed by your orthopedic surgeon. It would also not be appropriate to simply wrap your knee with a medial or lateral meniscus tear. If a knee wrap helps an injury and your surgeon sees no problem with using this method while you wait for an upcoming surgical repair, then you can use it. Never use this as a means to stabilize a grossly unstable joint for purposes for recreation. If you feel that, despite wrapping your knee, you have been injured, see your physician right away. Only the doctor can diagnose exactly what is wrong with your knee. The doctor may advise you to wrap your knee injury if it is a grade I injury for purposes of stabilization only. If your wish to start or resume physical activity, seek medical attention first to see if your injury has healed.", "You need to have the right materials to wrap your knee. You need to buy a knee wrap, also called a compression bandage. These can be bought at any general store or pharmacy. The most popular brand is ACE, but you can also find other brands to buy as well. You also need something to hold the bandage on with. Most bandages come with elastic clasps with metal hooks, but in case your bandage doesn't, you can tuck the bandage into itself. You can also buy self-sticking bandages, which use adhesive on their surface to stay snug. Others have velcro along the edge of the wrap. Choose whichever one you think is best for your situation. You can also buy different sizes of bandages as well. Buy the size that you feel will fit your knee best. When wrapping your knee, you need to make sure you are in the correct position. First, have a seat in an open area where you have plenty of room to move around. Next, extend your right leg out in front of you. There should be plenty of extension in your leg, but it should also be relaxed, with just a bit of passive comfortable flexing in your knee. Make sure there is enough room to move your arms around your leg. This will ensure that you have room to work on your knee." ], "summary": [ "Decide if you need to wrap your knee. Use a wrap as a preventative measure. Avoid using knee wraps on serious injuries. See a doctor.", "Gather supplies. Position yourself." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Setting up the Slide Tracks", "Clearing and Measuring the Drawer", "Fitting the Slides on the Drawer" ], "document": [ "Find the L-shaped metal brackets as well as the 2 remaining slide pieces. Fit a bracket into 1 end on each slide. The brackets easily slide into the frame track. The free ends of the brackets will attach to the cabinets with screws. To make sure the bracket is placed correctly, test the frame pieces by fitting them inside the cabinet. Place the slide frame pieces inside the cabinet. Push the brackets all the way to the back. The frame pieces should be flush with the bottom edge of the cabinet and rest against the side walls. If you are using undermount or center mount slides, place the frame pieces on the cabinet’s bottom. The frames need to be level from front to back. To check this, set a carpenter’s level on top of the frame. Reposition each frame as needed until the leveling tool is even from left to right. When using a bubble level, for instance, the bubble will move to the center of the level. Mark where the frames rest on the cabinet. You can draw directly onto the cabinet with a pencil. Create the lines right over the ends of both frames. Then, mark the spots where the brackets and rails will be screwed in place. Each bracket has 2 screw holes to mark. The rails will have at least 1 hole at the opposite ends. Make sure the lines are dark enough to see as you secure the rails. Drill into the spots you marked earlier. These holes prevent the screws from breaking or cracking the wood. Use a drill bit about 2⁄3 in (1.7 cm) wide to create holes about 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) deep. Set 2 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) screws in each bracket. Use an electric screwdriver to secure the frame to the cabinet. Then, set another screw in the front end of the bracket to secure the slide in place. Gently install the screws and avoid making them too tight. Line the drawer’s slide rails up with the cabinet’s rail frames. The drawer’s slides should fit in the frames. Push the drawer in to make sure it glides smoothly. If the pieces are installed correctly, the drawer will come to a gentle stop inside the cabinet. If something seems off, check to make sure the slides are even and level. You may need to readjust the screws.", "Take everything out of the drawer. Pull the drawer all the way out of the cabinet and set it aside. Most drawers will pop out if you pull them back. If this doesn’t work, you may need to undo a latch or screw on the drawer’s. The latch or screw will be located near the back end. Pull the drawer out as far as possible. Use a screwdriver to remove the existing hardware. The hardware will always be a couple of slide pieces attached with screws. Depending on the type of slide you have, the metal track will either be underneath or on the sides of the drawer. The other half will be in a similar location inside the cabinet. The slides will attach with at least one screw each on the front and back ends. You may need to press down clips located on the slide tracks to unlock them. These will come off when you unscrew the slides. Measure the length of 1 of the old slides. Drawer slides come in a few different sizes. To ensure you get what you need, measure the drawer before purchasing new slides. If you do not have a slide available, you can measure the drawer or cabinet from front to back. The standard slide length is 14 in (36 cm). However, deeper cabinets will have longer slides.", "Lay the drawer on its side. The slide needs to be flush against the drawer’s bottom edge. The slide’s thicker, squared end should be flush with the drawer’s front edge. Undermount slides attach to the bottom of the drawer, one each on the left and right edges. For center mount slides, use 1 per drawer. The slide attaches to the bottom of the drawer, running from front to back along the center. Draw directly on the drawer. Create a thick, dark line right above both ends of the slide. Also mark the spots where the slide will be screwed to the drawer. The slide will have a screw hole at both ends. Get an electric drill with a drill bit approximately 2⁄3 in (1.7 cm) wide. Drill about 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) into the screw spots you marked earlier. Drilling the holes in advance prevents damage to the cabinet when you add the screws later. Set the slide back on the drawer. Align its top edge with the mark you made earlier, adjusting the slide so the holes are over the spots you drilled. Place a 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) screw in each hole. Fasten the slide in place with an electric screwdriver. To avoid damaging the wood, tighten the screws gradually. Stop when the slide feels firmly in place and doesn’t wobble. Find the other small slide piece. Flip the drawer over so the other side is facing up. Then, line up and attach the other slide the same way you did with the first one." ], "summary": [ "Set the back brackets in the slide frame. Align the slide frames with the bottom of the cabinet. Use a level to straighten the frames. Mark the position of the frames with a pencil. Predrill holes into the wood. Screw the frame pieces in place. Fit the drawer into the cabinet’s slide frames.", "Empty and remove the drawer. Unscrew the slides from the drawer and cabinet. Measure the drawer length with a tape measure.", "Align the smaller slide against the bottom of the drawer. Mark the slide placement in pencil. Predrill holes into the drawer. Screw the slide to the drawer. Attach the slide on the other side of the drawer." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Working with Improper Fractions", "Adding Mixed Numbers" ], "document": [ "(LCM) for the denominators. Because you have to make the denominators the same before you add the fractions, find a common multiple that they share. Then choose the lowest one. For example, for 9/5 + 14/7, the multiples of 5 are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 while the multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35. 35 is the least common multiple. You'll need to multiply the entire fraction to make the denominator become the least common multiple. For example, multiply 9/5 by 7 to get a denominator of 35. You should also multiply the numerator by 7, so the fraction becomes 63/35. Remember that when you adjust 1 fraction in your problem, you also have to adjust the other fractions so they're equivalent. For example, if you've adjusted 9/5 to 63/35, multiply 14/7 by 5 to get 70/35. Your original problem 9/5 + 14/7 will turn into 63/35 + 70/35. Once all of the denominators in your problem are the same, add the numerators. Put the answer over the denominator. For example, 63 + 70 = 133. Place it over the denominator to get 133/35. If your answer is improper, turn the fraction into a mixed number. To do this, divide the numerator by the denominator so you get a whole number. Then see how many parts are left and place this number over the denominator. Reduce the fraction if it can be simplified further. For example, 133/35 can be simplified to 3 28/35. The fraction can be reduced to 4/5 so the finished answer is 3 4/5.", ". If you have fractions with whole numbers, changing them into improper fractions will make it easier to add. The numerators of your improper fractions will be larger than their denominators. For example, 6 3/8 + 9 1/24 will turn into 51/8 + 217/24. If the denominators are different, you'll need to write down the multiples of each denominator so you can find 1 that they have in common. For example, for the problem 51/8 + 217/24, list the multiples of 8 and 24 to find 24. Because the multiples of 8 include 8, 16, 24, 32, and 48 and the multiples of 24 include 24, 48, and 72, 24 is the lowest common multiple. The denominators should all become the lowest common multiple that you found. Multiply the whole fraction by a number to make the denominator the lowest common multiple. For example, to make the denominator for 51/8 become 24, multiply the whole fraction by 3. You should get 153/24. If the other fractions in your equation have different denominators, you'll also have to multiply them so they have the same denominator. If the fraction already has that as the denominator, you don't need to adjust the fraction. For example, if you're working with 217/24, you won't need to adjust the fraction since it already has the same denominator. You can add the numerators once the denominators are the same or if there were the same from the start. Once you've added the numerators, put the answer over the denominator. Avoid adding the denominators. For example, 153/24 +217/24 = 370/24. . If your numerator of your answer is larger than the denominator, you'll have to divide it to get a whole number. To finish making a mixed number, write down how many parts you have leftover. This will make the numerator which you can put over the same denominator. Keep reducing the fraction down until it's in its simplest form. For example, 370/24 will become 15 10/24 because 24 goes into 370 15 times and has 10 parts of 24 left over. 10/24 can be further reduced to 5/12 for a finished answer of 15 5/12." ], "summary": [ "Find the least common multiple Multiply the numerator and denominator to get like denominators. Turn the other fractions into equivalent fractions. Add the numerators but leave the denominators the same - these don't change. Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.", "Turn the mixed numbers into improper fractions Look for the lowest common denominator if necessary. Make the fraction equivalent if you need to change the denominators. Change all of the fractions in the problem to make them equivalent. Add the numerators but leave the denominator the same, these don't change. Simplify your answer" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Selecting Property", "Finding Funding and Purchasing the Property", "Creating a Plan" ], "document": [ "It’s imperative that you know the soil composition before purchasing farmland. Ask the seller for a recent soil test, and if they haven’t had one done, arrange for a laboratory to analyze the soil content. Loam is an ideal soil type for farmers as it holds water well. Clay holds too much water, and sand doesn’t hold enough water, so these soil types would need to be amended. Consider the forage type when buying farmland—western wheatgrass, blue maidencane, giant cane, switch cane, green silkyscale, and many varieties of bluestem are suitable forage for cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. Find out how much of the land is grazeable, and how much is not. Look for less than 30% rock cover to ensure your livestock will have enough forage available. Ask the seller or realtor what kind of irrigation and drainage systems are in place. Look for access to a high-quality water source, such as a well or river for crop irrigation or watering livestock within 1 mile (1.6 km). You should also find out how much erosion damage the land has. Inspect the ditches to see if they are clean and find out if they are able to handle the average amount of precipitation. Field history refers to what kinds of crops have been grown as well as what kinds of herbicides have been applied to the land. If you plan to raise livestock on the farm, ensure that the herbicides used in the past won’t affect the animals. Though most herbicides are safe to use on forage, you should still do an Internet search to find out if there are any grazing restrictions for the particular kind of herbicide used. If you plan to grow a certain crop, make sure it will work well together with what has previously been grown based on which nutrients the plants use the most. For instance, if beans were last planted on a plot, tomatoes would do well in the area but lentils would not. Take a close look at the fencing, buildings, pastures, lakes, ponds, wells, and roadways of the property. Determine if they are in good repair or if they will need fixed or upgraded. You should also evaluate whether the existing facilities, plumbing, and electricity will meet your needs or if you’ll need to add new infrastructure. Find out if the rights to gas, minerals, and wind have been severed from the surface rights of the property. The seller and/or realtor should be able to answer any questions you have about property rights. Ideally, gas, mineral, and wind rights should transfer to you as the buyer, but this isn’t always the case. If the rights are already leased out, go over the terms of the contract with a lawyer to ensure you are happy with the agreement. The most important factor when evaluating farmland is the amount of revenue the farm is making. Chances are, if the farm isn’t making money now, it won’t make money for you in the future. Visit the nearest farm service agency (FSA) office to learn more about the farm’s revenue. You’ll be able to view past records for the property. Though you’ll have to pay to have this done, it’s an essential step to protecting yourself as the buyer. The property, facilities, and infrastructure should be inspected and appraised by professionals so you can make an educated decision about the value of the property. They’ll let you know if there are any issues with both the land and the facilities. Appraisals generally cost between $300 to $400, while inspections usually cost between $200 to $400, depending on the location and amount of land.", "The FSA provides farm loans to family-sized farms throughout the United States. There are a variety of loans available, such as for micro farms, young farmers, Native American tribes, new farmers, emergencies, or minority and women farmers. To find out more information and to apply for one of these loan programs, visit https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/farm-loan-programs/. If you don’t qualify for a government loan, you can get a private loan. Though big-city banks can assist you with plenty of transactions, it’s best to speak with a rural property lender when buying farmland. They will be familiar with the specific intricacies regarding loans for farmland. Once your money or funding is secure, you can put in an offer on the property you wish to buy. It’s best to start with a low—but fair—offer, such as 10% below the highest amount you’d be willing to pay, to leave room for negotiation. Your realtor can help advise you further and make the offer to the buyers. The buyer may accept your offer or ask for more money. Your realtor can work with both of you until an agreement is made. Then, a contract will be drawn up and a lawyer and/or realtor can help explain the terms of the contract to you, if necessary. Now is the time to make amendments or ask for upgrades! Once you sign the contract, you’ll need to put down earnest money until the deal is closed. To protect your investment, you may want to purchase both title and flood insurance. Title insurance guarantees your right to the property at the closing price and will also let you know if the area has been used for hazardous waste dumping. If the property is in a flood zone, you’ll be required to purchase flood insurance before closing on the property to protect yourself from losses due to flooding. Once both parties are happy with the contract, you can close on the property. Usually, you’ll need to meet the realtor and seller at the title company to close. The deed will be transferred to your name, and any keys to the gates or buildings will be handed over. You’ll be expected to provide the remainder of the money for the property at this time, usually by means of a certified check.", "The land you need will differ depending on what crops you want to grow or what livestock you want to raise. Take some time to carefully consider what kind of farm you plan to run. What do you intend to do with the land? What crops or animals does the land need to support? What kind of buildings, fencing, equipment, and irrigation will you need? Knowing the purpose of the farm will help you target exactly what kind of land you’ll need. If you plan to grow crops, think about what kinds and how many acres you’d need for each. Similarly, if you plan to raise animals, decide what kind, how many you’ll have, and how much land you’ll need to support them. Keep these figures in mind when viewing properties, and avoid visiting locations that can’t support the type of farm you plan to run. For instance, if you plan to raise cattle, you’ll need 1.5 to 2 acres per head. Factor in the cost of the land, property taxes, upkeep, and maintenance. You may also need to add buildings (like barns or stables), fencing, and irrigation or purchase equipment and make other upgrades. Estimate your income from running the farm, taking into account crop or meat prices, to help you determine how much financing you may need to get the farm running. To find a certified realtor in your area, visit https://www.realtor.com/. A realtor will have tons of information that can help you make an informed decision. Plus, they are paid by the seller, so there is no up-front cost to you. Realtors can help you navigate the offer, appraisal, and closing and ensure you understand all parts of the transaction. Choose a certified realtor who has experience with rural properties and farmland in the area you plan to make a purchase. It’s a good idea to have a general location in which you wish to purchase the land. Consider the average weather conditions for the area and find out if it is prone to natural disasters, like fires, tornadoes, or floods. Find out the average property values and taxes for the area and determine if you’ll be close enough to work, school, grocery stores, medical offices, and the like. Once you have determined where you would like to own farmland, you’ll need to identify the zoning regulations for that specific county. Contact or visit the county courthouse where the property is located and ask if the land is zoned for farming. If it’s not, you’ll need to search for land in another county." ], "summary": [ "Purchase a farm with loam soil if you plan to grow crops. Look for high-quality pasture grass if you plan to raise livestock. Evaluate the irrigation and drainage capabilities of the land. Ask about the field history. Inspect the facilities and infrastructure for damage. Determine ownership of the gas, mineral, and wind rights. Find out how much revenue the farm is making. Get the property professionally inspected and appraised.", "Find out if you’re eligible for government farm loan program. Meet with a rural property lender if you need financing. Make a fair offer on the property you wish you purchase. Negotiate the price and terms of the contract. Invest in title and flood insurance, if applicable. Finalize the deal to take ownership of the property.", "Identify the purpose of the farm. Determine how much land you’ll need. Set a realistic budget. Work with a certified realtor. Choose a location in which to purchase the land. Contact the county courthouse to ensure the area is zoned for farmland." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Dressing to Hide a Baby Bump", "Hiding Symptoms and Lifestyle Changes" ], "document": [ "with shapewear. Hormone changes early in your pregnancy can cause bloating, so you may notice your waist expanding a little even before you get a true “bump.” Try putting on some slimming undergarments, like Spanx or control-top stockings, to tuck in your belly and help you fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes a little longer. If you’re concerned about what the pressure of shapewear might do to your growing baby, don’t worry. The protective layer of amniotic fluid in your womb will keep them nicely cushioned. You might find tight garments more uncomfortable as your body grows, however. Tops that are loose, ruffled, or flouncy can flatter your figure and disguise your growing belly. Try a flowy tunic or a blouse with ruching along the sides. Tops or dresses with empire waists are also a good way to go, since they skim your figure without accentuating its curves. In cooler weather, big, slouchy sweaters are a comfy and fashionable way to conceal your baby bump. Layers can distract the eye from your midsection and add volume to your outfit without drawing attention to your belly. Try putting on a loose blazer or a drapey cardigan sweater over a blouse or tunic. If you feel brave enough to try layers with contrasting prints or patterns, this can also minimize the appearance of your belly. For example, you might wear a black-and-white polka dot blouse with a colorful floral blazer. Wearing a slouchy top with baggy pants can give you a bulky appearance. Create a more slim and streamlined look and balance out your top half by wearing something more form-fitting on your legs. For example, you might try wearing a baggy tunic sweater with a pair of comfy leggings. In cooler weather, you could match a flowing blouse or shirt-dress with some tights or stretchy slim-fit jeans. Choose a long, oversized scarf and drape it on so it hangs down in front of your torso. This can add the appearance of length and slimness to your figure. Scarves and other accessories, such as bold pieces of jewelry, can also draw the eye and take the viewer’s attention off your belly. Scarves in dark colors, like black or navy blue, create an extra slimming effect. Bright or colorful accessories are eye-catching and can create a new point of focus for your outfit. Try a brightly-colored scarf, a big pair of hoop earrings, or a sparkly necklace. Prints are a great way to draw attention away from your changing shape. Have fun with colorful floral tops, or stick to more conservative spots, checks, or stripes if you prefer. While conventional wisdom has it that vertical stripes are more slimming, studies have shown that wearing horizontal stripes is actually better for minimizing the appearance of width. Horizontal stripes are very popular in maternity wear, however, so be careful not to clue people in with too many stripey outfits!", "If you enjoy an occasional alcoholic drink with family and friends, they’re bound to notice if you go cold turkey. Try discreetly ordering a virgin version of your favorite drink next time you’re out. Offer to mix the drinks yourself if you’re socializing at home—that way, you can mix your own alcohol-free cocktail without anyone noticing. If you’re out with your significant other or a friend who knows your secret, you can both order the same drink. Pretend to sip yours, then sneakily switch drinks when theirs starts to get low. Other people drinking with you are unlikely to notice. If a fake-out isn’t possible, have a plausible excuse ready for when someone offers you something you can’t eat or drink. You can pass it off as a lifestyle change or health issue unrelated to pregnancy. For example, if someone offers to buy you a cup of coffee, you could tell them you’re trying to cut back on caffeine to improve your sleep at night. If you have to turn away a soft cheese hors d’oeuvre, you can say something like, “My stomach’s been upset a lot lately, so my doctor recommended I try going dairy free.” If you’re plagued with morning sickness, your friends and coworkers may notice that you’re feeling under the weather. Eating ginger candy or sipping ginger-based drinks (like ginger tea or old-fashioned ginger ale) can help settle your stomach and make your symptoms less obvious to others. Bland foods like plain crackers or dry cereal can also help combat nausea. Make sure to sip plenty of water throughout the day, too—getting dehydrated can make morning sickness worse. If you do feel the need to vomit, try going into the bathroom or finding another secluded spot where you can sit with your head between your knees for a few minutes. This may help the feeling pass, or at least buy you time to find some privacy before you have to throw up. If you know that you tend to feel more tired and queasy at particular times of the day, avoid planning exercise or other tiring activities with friends at those times. Figure out when you’re at your most energetic, and make time then. For example, if feel too tired and sick for a morning jog with a workout buddy, you might suggest doing some afternoon yoga instead. Try saying something like, “I’ve been wanting to check out this new yoga class for a while. Want to give it a shot?” You can also make an excuse, if necessary. If you’re too exhausted or nauseated to participate in an activity, you could say that you’ve got a mild stomach bug or that you’re busy trying to catch up on work deadlines. Even if you’re not ready to tell most people in your life, you might want or need to share your pregnancy news with a select few. If you do tell someone, let them know in simple terms that it’s just between the 2 of you. Ask them to respect your desire for privacy until you’re ready to tell others. Try saying something like, “I wanted to let you know that I’m pregnant, but I’m not ready to share the news with anyone else yet. Please don’t talk to anybody about it without asking me first.”" ], "summary": [ "Smooth out early pregnancy bloat Try slouchy or flowing tops to hide a growing bump. Wear layers to disguise your changing shape. Balance your loose top with a fitted bottom. Draw attention from your belly with scarves and accessories. Wear printed fabrics to distract the eye.", "Develop a fake-out strategy for social drinking situations. Make an excuse to avoid unsafe foods and drinks. Keep crackers and ginger candy on hand to stave off nausea. Schedule activities for times when you feel your best. Ask those in the know to keep the news to themselves." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Obtaining Medical Intervention", "Making Lifestyle Changes", "Staying Awake Now" ], "document": [ "Track when you feel tired, how long your sleepiness lasts, and any changes you’ve noticed since taking Xanax. Write down what you try to alleviate the sleepiness and if it helps. Write down your symptoms in a notebook or use a phone application to track them. Once you’ve tracked your symptoms, share them with your prescriber. Present this information to your prescriber so that they can see what your symptoms are, how long they last, and what interventions you’ve tried. Your prescriber may choose to adjust your dosage or switch medications for you. Keep in mind that medications inherently have side-effects that may be unpleasant. You may need to decide whether your sleepiness is livable and if the positives of Xanax outweigh the costs. If you find it too difficult to stay awake and you’ve tried various methods, it may be time to discuss changing medications. If you take medication for anxiety long-term, consider switching to another type of anti-anxiety that doesn’t induce drowsiness. For example, ask your prescriber about taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) medication, which have a lower chance of dependency and may have different side-effects. SSRI medication also is safe for long-term use. Talk to your prescriber to see if this medication is right for you.", "Not getting enough sleep can result in struggling to stay awake, especially when you take Xanax. Stick to good sleeping habits to maximize your waking and sleeping states. If you have a hard time falling asleep, try sticking to a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on the weekends. Artificial light from the television or electronic devices (such as tablets and smartphones) can disrupt your sleep, so keep them out of your bedroom, especially at night. Try a relaxing bedtime routine each night. For example, take a bath, light a candle, sip on tea, and dim your lights. This can help you unwind and feel calm. Keep in mind that short naps (under 30 minutes) will not make up for lost sleep, but they can help to improve your mood. The foods you consume can contribute to your energy levels, so focus on nutrient-rich foods that will fuel your body and mind. Eat foods with whole grains and that are rich in fiber. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid eating many foods that are processed or high in sugar. Eat healthy meals regularly. Treat yourself to less nutritious foods on occasion. For example, create a healthy daily meal plan such as oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, a sandwich with raw veggies for lunch, a fruit smoothie for a snack, and roasted vegetables with rice for dinner. Get in the habit of planning your meals so that you can ensure that they’re tasty and nutritious. Long-term nicotine use can cause a change in your arousal levels and it may also lead to other unwanted effects on your adrenal system, which can contribute to drowsiness. Alcohol can contribute to fatigue and it also affects the quality of your sleep. Try to avoid smoking cigarettes (or using other nicotine products) and drinking alcohol while you are taking Xanax to help reduce drowsiness.", "Some fresh air can help to keep you awake and alert. If you tend to stay inside much of the day, take a few breaks and head outside. Getting some sunlight (especially in the morning) can help regulate your waking and sleeping cycles so that you’re fully awake during the day and can sleep well at night. Take a walk during your lunch break or ask to meet with people outside. For example, if you have a dog, go for a walk each morning so you can maximize your sun exposure. Engaging in social activities can help to keep you alert and involved. Find a friend to talk to. This might also be a good time to make any necessary phone calls. Avoid using instant messaging to communicate; it’s best to speak in-person or over the phone to stay awake. Talk to another student or co-worker throughout your day. Schedule regular meetings so that you can be continuously engaged. Avoid reaching for the sugary snacks and grab something that will give you long-lasting energy. For example, try eating a handful of nuts or a bowl of fresh fruit. Spread some nut butter on a whole grain cracker or eat a yogurt. When you get a craving for a snack, get in the habit of fueling yourself for long-term energy to help avoid any lows that might make you drowsy or tired. If you’re struggling to stay awake, get up and take a 10-minute walk. Moving around can increase blood flow and provide oxygen throughout your body. Simple movement can help increase energy for up to 2 hours. If you can’t take a walk, do some stretches or movements to wake up your body. Try some jumping jacks or burpees. If possible, use the gym or attend a yoga class in the morning or during lunchtime. Adding a supplement to your day can help to increase energy and keep you awake. For example, B vitamins are known to help increase energy, especially if your diet is low in B vitamins. However, beware of supplements that promise energy without any research or support. Speak to your physician before starting any new supplements or medications. Be cautious of using stimulants like caffeine as they can increase feelings of anxiety. Caffeine may also affect the quality of your sleep." ], "summary": [ "Monitor your symptoms. Tell your prescriber about your sleepiness. Ask about alternative medications.", "Sleep well each night. Eat a nutritious diet. Cut out smoking and alcohol.", "Get outside to regulate your circadian rhythm. Talk to someone as a way to stay engaged. Grab a healthy snack when you’re hungry and sleepy. Move your body to increase your blood flow for energy. Use a supplement for energy." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Dealing with Bullying as a Parent", "Handling Serious Bullying", "Disengaging from Negative Interactions", "Preventing Further Bullying", "Using Facebook Features" ], "document": [ "You don’t want your child to be bullied or be a bully. Talk to your kids about bullying behavior to stop it before it starts. Go over how bullying hurts other people and makes the bully look bad. Talk about consequences of bullying, such as losing friends, getting in trouble, and risking school intervention. Ask your children, “What would it feel like if somebody said something mean to you on Facebook?” You can also ask, “What would you do if someone said something mean about you or your friend?” This can help build critical thinking skills and increase empathy. Supervise your child’s use of Facebook and all other social media. Monitor their social media use and put into place some firm boundaries. You can put the computer in a public part of your home, only allow social media at certain times of the day, or create other rules for your child’s safety and well-being. Don't allow your children to be on Facebook if they're under 13. Facebook's rules prevent children under 13 from having an account. If your child is being bullied on Facebook, have them delete their account, and keep them from using social media until they are older. Help them find healthy and productive ways to have fun and socialize with their peers face-to-face. Children learn best by observing those around them. Be careful how you treat people both in day-to-day living and online. Model good behaviors for your children so that they learn to respect others and not bully. Show your children how you handle difficult situations. For example, if someone says something mean to you on Facebook, show your children a mature response.", "If the bully is sharing inappropriate content, is endlessly harassing you, or is breaking any laws, make sure to document these things. Take screenshots or photos of the bullying comments to use as evidence. That way, you’ll be ready with evidence if you want to go to the internet service provider, school administration, or police. Take a photo of the content and make sure it clearly shows the name of the person posting. You may also want to take a photo of their profile to show that you are recording their identity and not somebody else by the same name. The police should be involved if you have received physical threats, racial taunts, or another form of major harassment or insult. Contact law enforcement immediately if someone posted photos or videos of you being mistreated, demeaned, or showing nudity. If someone posted nude photos or videos of you and you are under 18, this is a very serious offense and the person could get into major legal problems. Report the content right away and do not take a screenshot as this could be considered spreading child pornography. Consider going to see a guidance counselor for help at your school or university. Ask them about the school policy regarding bullying and harassment. If it includes bullying that happens on the internet, you may be able to get the school involved in discipline. Find out what help and resources are available to you and how you can get the bullying to stop.", "Initially, it might be enough to ask the person to stop bothering you. If they keep it up, leave a public comment letting them know you’re not okay with their behavior. Publicly calling them out and knowing that other people can read your comments might shame them into stopping. For example, if you write a comment on an article and somebody attacks your views, write a private message or comment, “That was really rude. It sounds like we have differing opinions but please don’t insult me.” If a private message doesn’t work, reply publicly. For example, you might reply to their comment with, “This comment is really rude and inappropriate. There’s no need to use personal attacks. Please stop.” You might feel safe responding from the relative \"safety\" of your computer, but firing back insults will only increase the problem and could result in more conflict and even real-life confrontation. Ignore their attempts to upset you into responding, even if they egg you on. If someone attacks you or says mean things about you (whether you know them or not), don't respond with another insult. Take some time to cool down with some deep breaths and let it go. If you must comment back, say something like, “We differ in opinion and I don’t think we’ll change each other’s minds. Let’s end the discussion there” or “Please don’t insult me.” Often, bullies want a rise or a response from someone. Don’t give the bully the satisfaction of knowing you or someone else is affected by their comments. Ignore the comments and don't let them get to you. You might be angry or upset when you first see a comment that’s about you or someone you know. Take a moment and don't respond right away. Calm down so that you don’t let the person (or the comment) get to you.", "Don’t post negative, rude, or disparaging comments about other people. If you see someone else making those kinds of posts, don’t share or like them. Avoid participating in hurtful gossip about others, even if it’s over private messaging. Be sure to make your settings safe by only letting your known friends see your account and interact with you. Avoid disclosing any private information on your public profile such as where you live or what your phone number is. Make all of your posts, contacts, and information private and unable to be seen by anyone who is not your friend on Facebook to protect your identity and information. Some people choose their display name by only disclosing their first and middle names instead of including their last names. Even if your account is set to private, think carefully before you post something. Consider how you might feel about the post ten years from now. . If you're unhappy using your Facebook account or you feel like events on Facebook are out of control, consider deleting your Facebook account. You can always open a new account when you're feeling stronger. If Facebook is causing you more headache than connection, consider deleting your account. That way, nobody can contact you or harass you on Facebook and you will be completely removed from it.", "Online bullying often looks different than bullying that happens in-person, and you’ll need to identify the behaviors if you want to report them. Bullying might be saying mean comments (such as, “Levi doesn’t have any friends, I don’t even know why he comes to school.”) or negatively replying to posts (for example, writing, “Why do you write such stupid things?” or “Your photos make you look dumb.”). Someone might post an embarrassing photo or video of you which the clear intent of harming you or ridiculing you. If someone starts a group or page putting you down (such as, “All the Reasons Ryan Sucks”), you can definitely report this as bullying. . As soon as you see questionable content, take action. Whether you know the person or not, you can write a report on Facebook and send it to Facebook administration for review. They will likely notify the poster and the content will be blocked or erased. To report content, click “Report post” on the original post and click through the options provided. When finished, click “Submit” to send it to Facebook. For example, you might see someone bullying someone else in an article thread. Even if you don’t know the people, you can still report the bullying. . If someone continues to harass you or post mean things about you, report their profile. You can report any profile, even if you’re not friends. You can specify why you are reporting the person when you make the report. To make a report of the person, go to the person’s Facebook page and click “Report” and click through what you are reporting. For example, if you see someone who constantly attacks other people or their views, report this person. Whether you’re friends with the person on Facebook or not, you can block the bully. Blocking a person means you cannot interact with them and they cannot interact with you. They cannot tag you, see your content, start a conversation with you, or add you as a friend. If you unblock the person, you will not be friends on Facebook, even if you were friends when you blocked them. The bully can still write about you on Facebook on their timeline, but they will not be able to tag you or share their post with you, even if it’s publicly shared. You will not see their posts. You might see content you don’t like but that doesn’t violate Facebook’s terms of service. It might be questionable or just something you don’t like. If you’re not sure whether the content is appropriate for Facebook, click “Report post.” Click through and determine what can be done. If it does not violate Facebook’s terms, then you can message the person and ask them to remove the post. Say, “That post isn’t nice. Would you mind taking it down?”" ], "summary": [ "Educate your child about bullying. Set boundaries for Facebook use. Model appropriate behaviors.", "Document evidence of bullying. Involve law enforcement. Get your school involved.", "Write a comment or message telling them to stop. Avoid bullying or insulting them back. Don’t respond to mean comments.", "Set a good example. Make your Facebook account as private as possible. Close your Facebook account", "Identify bullying in posts. Report a negative post Report the bully Unfriend or block the bully. Use Facebook's Social Reporting tool." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Determining Your Next Steps", "Seeking Help", "Talking with the Mental Health Professional", "Undergoing Assessments and Tests" ], "document": [ "After being evaluated, you and your mental health professional will determine the best course of treatment. This may include psychotherapy, talk therapy, medication, or changing some of your circumstances. You have the right to give the doctor your input, and you also have the right to ask questions. You may be referred to multiple mental health professionals for treatment. If you need psychotherapy or talk therapy, you may go to a therapist, psychologist, or licensed social worker. If you need medication, it will be prescribed through a psychiatrist. Not all mental health professionals and treatment centers are the same. You need to be able to trust the people who are treating you. If you’re not comfortable with the professional or the assessment, it’s perfectly okay to find another one. This is important treatment, and you need to feel comfortable. If you have just been diagnosed with a mental illness and are beginning your treatment, you should find people in your life to provide support. This can be a scary and confusing time in your life, and you shouldn't do it alone. Choose people you can trust or count on to help you. Consider asking a trusted family member, friend, colleague, or neighbor. If you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone in your real life yet, find a therapist you can talk to. You can also find support groups in your area through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) or at local treatment facilities. Treating mental illness can be a long and difficult journey. Recovery and progress take time. Sometimes you will feel worse before you feel better. This is due to the difficult process of psychotherapy and also the trial-and-error nature of psychopharmacology. Do your best to be patient, trust your treatment providers, commit to their treatment recommendations for an extended period of time, and let the process work.", "If you think you want to get a psychiatric evaluation, try talking to someone you trust. This may be a family member, friend, coworker, doctor, teacher, or religious leader. Having support from someone you trust can help you decide. For example, you may say, \"I haven't been feeling the best. I think I may have a mental illness and want to get evaluated. What do you think about that?\" If you believe you should get tested, don’t let people discourage you. Your mental health and well-being comes first. General practitioners cannot perform psychiatric assessments or tests. You need to see a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, licensed social worker, licensed professional counselor (LPC), or licensed mental health counselor (LMHC). You can get a referral to a mental health professional from your physician. You may also want to look up mental health professionals in your area. Your insurance company can help you locate a professional in your area that is covered by your insurance. Thinking that you need mental health care can make you feel like something is wrong or that you are broken. You may think that you're the only one who has this sickness, and that you will be considered strange and different. This is not true. You shouldn’t feel upset about needing help. Getting help is important so you that you can receive the treatment you need. Many common problems, such as depression, are made worse by the feeling of being alone. Many problems like this are very common, so you are not alone. People who have suffered the same problem can help you understand it and cope with it. 1 in 25 adults living in the United States experiences a severe mental illness that interferes with their ability to function. 1 in 6 adults in the United States takes some form of psychiatric medication. Professional psychiatric assessments and tests aren’t intended to have right and wrong answers. There isn’t a way to study for them. To ensure that you’re diagnosed properly, only take an assessment that’s administered by a mental health professional. Then the mental health professional can accurately determine your condition and create a treatment plan. Many nonprofessional tests that aren’t scientifically sound are available online, but you should not look at them. They can skew your results and either cause you to be misdiagnosed or make you think that you have more problems than you do. Though the words “psychiatric assessment” may sound scary, it is nothing to fear. Psychiatric assessment and testing can help get you a proper diagnosis so you can receive treatment and alleviate any negative symptoms or complications related to your condition. If you think you may have a mental illness, you may want to learn more about them. This may help you get an idea about what your problem could potentially be. You can check out books about different conditions from your local library, or you can search online. There are many reputable websites about mental illness, but try not to diagnose yourself. Remember, you need a mental health professional to diagnose you. A good rule of thumb is to make sure the condition in question is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Otherwise, the condition may not be legitimate. People with emotional conditions respond to situations in such extreme ways that they make things worse. Developmental disorders deal with handicaps that prevent normal mental growth. Physiological problems occur when there is a problem with the brain that is caused by physical problems with the nerves or muscles.", "Many psychiatric assessments first require a clinical interview, which is where a mental health specialist talks to you. They will ask you about your concerns, why you think you need the assessment, and what is going on with you. They also may ask you about your family history. Based upon your interview, the mental health professional decides what further assessments may be necessary. The mental health professional will observe you closely, including both your body language and what you say. In addition to being interviewed, the mental health professional may request to interview people that you are close to. They may want to interview family members, friends, coworkers, or others you interact with. Interviewing of others requires your written consent. They cannot interview someone without your permission. Another thing often discussed during a psychiatric assessment is your social life and relationships. This may include relationships with your family, partners, children, or friends. They may also ask about your interaction with people at work or in social settings. They may ask you about your social habits, like how often you date, where you go when you go out, and what kinds of social activities you engage in. You will also talk quite a bit about your childhood, including your family of origin and the dynamics of these relationships. Though it’s important to be open and honest during your assessment so you can get the right diagnosis, you may not be ready to talk about some things. That is okay. You can tell your mental health professional that you are not ready to discuss certain things, but be honest about what you can. If you need, you can bring a friend or family member with you to support you if you think you need it to discuss difficult things. It’s better to be vague and tell the truth than to lie. For instance, you can confirm that you experienced abuse as a child but decline to discuss it further. This is more ideal than refusing to answer the question or denying that anything occurred.", "Psychological and psychiatric tests are similar to medical tests in that a doctor or mental health professional looks at your symptoms and orders a test to understand the underlying cause. These tests may check for certain character traits, developmental problems, emotional disorders, or physical problems. For example, if a child has difficulty in school, they may be tested for a learning disability. A person who feels down, lethargic, or like they can’t get out of bed may be tested for emotional disorders. Many psychological tests are formal questionnaires and checklists that contain standardized questions. Generally, your answers are ranked and given a score. This score correlates to a potential psychological problem or underlying character trait. These questionnaires generally ask about how you feel, like if you feel sad, hopeless, or nervous often. They also may ask about your emotional responses to things, like if you get angry or upset when things happen, and your sleeping patterns. During your assessment, the mental health professional may want to know more about your health. This may include any illnesses or problems you have had in the past, any treatments you have undergone, and any current medications you are taking. For example, you may tell them if you have mental illness in your family. You can also share health conditions like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other condition." ], "summary": [ "Decide on a treatment plan. Get a second opinion if you are not satisfied. Find a support system. Accept that there isn’t an instant cure.", "Discuss your decision with someone you trust. See a licensed mental health professional for assessment. Stop feeling like something is wrong with you. Avoid trying to read about tests or assessments online. Avoid being scared of psychiatric assessment. Learn about different mental conditions.", "Undergo an interview. Have the mental health professional interview those close to you. Be prepared to talk about your relationships. Share only what you feel comfortable sharing.", "Undergo tests based on your symptoms. Answer a questionnaire or checklist. Provide any health-related information." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Playing the Game", "Selecting the Gifts", "Making the Ball" ], "document": [ "You can figure this out by picking lots, rolling a pair of dice, guessing numbers, or simply by age. For example, the youngest person could hold the ball first. Don't get too worked up over who gets to go first. Sometimes, it's actually better to go last, because then you'll have a chance to get to the really good gifts! Make the game more challenging by having the players wear gloves or mittens. The ball holder could also wear a blindfold. You really need a set of dice for this game because the entire goal is to roll a set of 2 matching numbers in order to pass the ball. If you can't get a pair of dice, then use just 1 die and pick a number to be the passing number. For example, if you have just 1 die, then you could settle on 6 for being the passing number. Don't blindfold the dice roller! They need to see what they are rolling, after all! This needs to happen at the same time. The goal for the ball holder is to unroll as many layers on the ball as possible until the person with the dice rolls a set of matching numbers. For example, the person with the dice can roll a set of 1s, or a set of 2, or a set of 3s, and so forth. If you're using just 1 die, then keep rolling it until you hit the passing number you settled on. This game will probably have several rounds, so consider giving the ball holder a basket or a goodie bag to store all of their items in. If you used multiple sheets of plastic wrap per item layer, have the ball holder crumple them up and set them aside. The person who just finished rolling the dice should now have the ball, while the person to their right should now have the dice. If you used 1 continuous sheet of plastic wrap for the ball, you might want to cut or tear it off at some point. This way, it won't get in the way. You get to keep whatever gifts you unwrapped. The faster you unwrap, the more gifts you'll get!", "Small, flat items are easy to wrap. Larger items, like DVDs aren't because they are large and rigid. If you want to include a larger gift, then stick with something flexible, like a pair of socks. Remember, these items have to wrap and curve around each other in order to form a spherical shape. The outer layers of a saran wrap ball should be inexpensive. Candy is a great choice, but you can also choose goodie bag fillers, stocking stuffers, and other $1 toys. For example: Edible treats, such as chocolate, mints, or gum. $1 toys, such as plastic bugs, toy cars, or crayons. $1 stocking stuffers, such as hand sanitizer, lip balm, or compact mirrors. As the ball grows smaller, the game will get more exciting and intense. Here is where you should put in larger, more expensive gifts. Themed jewelry and socks that are in the $2 to $5 range are great here. You could even step the gifts up to a $10 or $15 value here. For example: Christmas jewelry, such as necklaces or earrings. Christmas accessories, such as scarves or socks. Money in $1 or $5 increments. This is the final prize, so it should be something that is worth waiting for! Gift cards are the most popular choice, but you can also pick out something that's more expensive too. For example: A small, themed gift, such as an action figure. Money, but in a higher amount, such as a $20 or $50 bill. Movie or concert tickets. Candy is appropriate for all ages, but as you get towards the center of the ball, you should consider what your guests would like. You don't want to let them down with something that they wouldn't find interesting, after all. For example: A 7-year-old might enjoy a $15 gift card to a toy store. A college or high school student might prefer a $25 gift card to iTunes. An adult might appreciate a $50 gift card to store that sells home décor or accessories. Saran wrap balls are a popular Christmas party game, but you can also play them during other events, such as baby showers or bridal showers. Party supply stores are a great place to pick up themed prizes. For example: Pastel-colored candy is perfect for a baby shower. You can also use pink or blue candy depending on the baby's gender. For a bridal shower, consider choosing themed gifts. Anything in hot pink with lots of rhinestones is sure to be a fun bet. If this is for a birthday party, consider the theme. If this is an astronaut themed party, then use space-themed gifts, like astronaut ice cream or alien figurines.", "Try to make at least 3 piles. The first pile should contain inexpensive gifts, like candy. The middle pile should have slightly-more expensive gifts, like lip balm or hand sanitizer. The last pile should container your most expensive gift. Sorting your gifts ahead of time will make it easier to find what should go into each layer. This will be in the center of your ball, so you need to start with it first. Cover it at least 1 layer of plastic wrap, although 2 or 3 might be better. You can tear off the plastic wrap once you have the item covered, or you can leave it be and continue to wrap the ball in one, continuous layer. Hold the item against the plastic that's covering the first item. Wrap more saran wrap around it to hold it in place. Again, you can tear off the sheet of plastic wrap after this, or you can keep going with 1 continuous strand. This gift should be the most expensive one out of your middle pile. Stagger the items so that they aren't places directly on top of each other. For example, place 1 item on the top of the ball, another on the bottom, and a third on the side. Try to have each item separated by at least 1 layer of plastic wrap. Remember, you are working from the inside-out, so you need to start with the better gifts that will be towards the middle of the ball. As the ball continues to grow in size, you could include multiple items per layer. For example, you could have 1 item on 1 side of the ball and another item on the other. If the ball is the size of a soccer ball or a basketball, then stick with just 1 item per layer. If the ball is the size of a beach ball, then you could include multiple items per layer. This will help keep everything secure and make the ball easier to transport to the party. Rather than just going in 1 direction for each wrap, alternate the directions that you wrap the ball in. For example: Wrap the ball horizontally for the first layer, then vertically for the next. Finish off with 1 or 2 diagonal wraps." ], "summary": [ "Gather in a circle and decide who gets to hold the ball first. Give a pair of dice to the right of the ball holder. Have the person unwrap the ball while the person tries to roll doubles. Allow the ball holder to gather their unwrapped items. Pass the ball and the dice to the right. Repeat the process until you reach the middle of the ball.", "Buy items that are small or flexible. Pick candy and cheap toys for the outer layers. Choose small gifts for the middle layers. Save the most expensive gift for the center of the ball. Keep the age of your guests in mind as you pick the final gift. Match the gifts to the theme of the party.", "Sort your items from most expensive to least expensive. Wrap your most expensive item with at least 1 layer of plastic wrap. Add an item from the middle pile, and cover it with 1 layer of saran wrap. Move through your middle pile, going from most to least expensive. Continue to move through your last pile of inexpensive items. Cover the ball with 2 to 3 layers of plastic wrap." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding Music to Your iPod", "Connecting to iTunes for the First Time" ], "document": [ "To begin the process of adding music to your iPod, open iTunes. If you haven't already connected your iPod, do so as soon as iTunes opens. Within a few moments, iTunes should recognize your device — you should see a small \"iPod\" button with a picture of an iPod appear in the upper right. Click this button. Note that for iPads, iPod Shuffles, and other iTunes-compatible devices, the process will be nearly the same, though the label on the button that appears will change. After clicking the \"iPod\" button, you'll see a screen displaying an array of information about your iPod, including its name, storage capacity, and several other options. We don't need to deal with any of these — simply click \"Music\" at the top of the window to proceed. When it comes to putting music on your iPod, you have two options: iTunes can automatically transfer your entire library to your iPod, or it can allow you to manually choose which songs you want to add. Check the bubble next to \"Entire music library\" if you'd like to add your entire library, or check the bubble next to \"Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres\" if you'd like to pick your songs manually. At this point, you may also want to check the boxes for other miscellaneous options below. For instance, if you'd like to add any music videos you have in your library, check \"Include music videos,\" and so on. If you chose the manual option for adding songs to your iPod, you'll want to use the menus on the bottom half of the iTunes window to choose which songs you want to add. Scroll through the menus for playlists, artists, genres, and albums, checking the boxes next to the choices you'd like to add to your iPod. For instance, if you want to add all of your Al Green songs to your iPod, you would scroll through the list of artists until you found Al Green, then check the box next to his name. On the other hand, if you only wanted to add the songs from his greatest hits album, you would scroll through the list of albums until you found Greatest Hits by Al Green, then check the box next to it. Don't worry if some of your choices overlap — iTunes won't add the same song to your iPod twice. Whether you chose the manual or automatic option for adding songs, click the \"Sync\" (short for \"Synchronize\") button on the bottom right of the screen when you're ready to add your songs to your iPod. iTunes should immediately begin to add the songs you selected to your iPod. You can monitor your progress by watching the progress bar that should appear at the top of the iTunes window. Don't disconnect your iPod during this process. This will disrupt the syncing process, preventing you from getting all of your songs. In addition, this can also cause iTunes to freeze or stop working properly. Congratulations! You've successfully added songs to your iPod. To play your songs, disconnect your iPod, plug in a pair of headphones, select a song from the \"Music\" option at the bottom right of the iPod's main menu, and start listening. Note that, while this guide describes how to add music to your iPod, the process is nearly identical for other forms of media. For instance, if you want to add movies to your iPod, you would click \"Movies\" at the top of the iTunes window after clicking the \"iPod\" button, then proceed in basically the same fashion. To take songs off your iPod, connect it to your computer and proceed as you normally would to the Syncing screen. If it isn't already selected, click the bubble next to the \"Manual\" option for adding songs. Now, scroll through the windows of artists, playlists, etc. and uncheck the boxes next to the selections you'd like to remove from your iPod. When you're done, click \"Sync\" to apply your changes.", "If you don't already have iTunes, you will probably want to download and install it before beginning. Though it's possible to add music to your iPod without iTunes (see above), this is by far the most common way to do so. In addition, iTunes is free, simple to download and install, and offers a variety of helpful features, including in-program access to the iTunes Store and options for automatically syncing your iPod library to the library on your computer. To download iTunes, simply visit iTunes.com and click the \"Download iTunes\" link in the upper right. Supply your email address and click \"Download Now\" to start the download. Your new iPod should be packaged with a white USB cord. This cord allows you to transfer media between your computer and the iPod. Connect the skinny, flat end of the cord to your iPod (there should be a corresponding port on the bottom of the iPod) and the other end to one of your computer's USB ports to begin. Note that models of iPod other than the standard version (like, for instance, the iPod shuffle) will have cords with differently-shaped plugs. However, all varieties of iPod cord will have one end that plugs into a USB port. When you connect your iPod, iTunes should launch automatically. If it doesn't, you may open it manually. Within a few moments, iTunes should recognize the iPod. You will know this is happening if you see the trademark Apple logo appear on your iPod without prompting. You may also notice a progress bar appear at the top of your iTunes window indicating that iTunes is downloading data required to interface with your iPod. Wait for iTunes to complete before proceeding — this may take several minutes. If iTunes doesn't seem to be recognizing your device automatically, don't despair. iTunes is somewhat notorious for experiencing problems with new devices. Try disconnecting your iPod and reconnecting it, opening and closing iTunes, and restarting your computer before reaching out to iTunes support. Additionally, if your iPod is low on power, you may need to wait for it to charge off of your computer's power supply for several minutes until iTunes is able to recognize it. Eventually, iTunes should automatically launch a large welcome message. Click \"Continue\" to proceed. Next, you'll see a screen that says \"Sync with iTunes\". Click \"Get Started\" on this screen. You will be brought to a screen that presents you with a variety of options, including: Updating your iPod software to the latest version. If your iPod software isn't current, clicking \"Update\" will download and install the latest version of the software. This keeps your iPod up-to-date with all of the features and security fixes. Creating a backup of your iPod data. If this is the first time you're using your iPod, you won't have any data to back up, but choosing an automatic backup location (either your computer or the iCloud) ensures you won't have to worry about it in the future. To exit the current screen, simply click the blue \"Done\" button in the top right of the iTunes window. When you do this, you'll be brought back to whatever you were looking at in iTunes before you began. From here, you can add music to your iPod as you normally would (see \"Using iTunes\" section above)." ], "summary": [ "Connect your iPod and open iTunes. Click \"Music\" on the next screen. Choose whether to sync your entire library or select songs. If you chose to add manually, pick your playlists/artists. Click \"Sync\" to add your songs. Enjoy your music! Deselect your sync options to remove songs.", "Download and install iTunes. Connect your iPod to your computer. Wait for iTunes to recognize the iPod. Follow the prompts that display. Click \"Done\"." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Knife", "Using a Straw", "Using a Huller" ], "document": [ "You won’t be cutting very far into the strawberry. Press it about one-quarter inch (0.6 cm) toward the center. Inserting the blade of your knife at an angle toward the center will save as much of the sweet fruit as possible. Avoid simply lopping off the top third of the strawberry. ", "If the straw has a bend to it, use the opposite end that is straight. Push it vertically until it comes out the calyx at the top. The riper the strawberry, the less force you will need to use. Grab the hull and discard it.", "They are available online, in thrift shops, at kitchen stores and in some supermarkets. If you have strawberry bushes or cook with strawberries throughout the year, the $3 purchase price will be a good value considering the time it will save. Hold the side of the berry between the index finger and thumb on your non-dominant hand. Keep the leaves tilted toward your other hand. The sides of the huller should pinch open and release easily with a small amount of pressure. Insert them into the strawberry about one-quarter of an inch (0.6 cm). Pull the huller out of the strawberry. The calyx will slide out with the huller. " ], "summary": [ "Find your smallest paring knife. Hold the strawberry in your left, or non-dominant hand\n Insert the tip of your paring knife at a 45-degree angle, where the top of the strawberry turns white. Slice in a circular motion around the diameter of the calyx, until your knife reaches your starting point. Remove the knife and discard the hull.", "Find a sturdy plastic drinking straw. Thread the end of the straw through the bottom point of the strawberry. Pull the straw all the way through the other end.", "Purchase a strawberry huller. Pick up a strawberry. Hold the small metal huller between the thumb and forefinger on your dominant hand. Place the metal sides of the huller against the outer edges of the hull. They should sit at the border of where the top of the strawberry turns from red to white. Pinch either side of the huller and twist it. Discard the hull and wash the strawberries before serving." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Framing a Puzzle with Glue", "Displaying a Puzzle without Glue" ], "document": [ "If you aren't interested in disassembling the puzzle at any point, you can use a specialized glue to permanently attach the pieces together. This can create a glossier, sturdier piece of artwork, but may reduce the value of your puzzle. Because of this, this method is not recommended for antique or valuable puzzles, and some puzzle hobbyists do not use it at all. Because your assembled jigsaw puzzle may have slightly different dimensions than listed on the box, use a ruler or tape measure to get an accurate measurement before selecting a frame. Some craft shops sell frames in pieces, which you can reassemble into rectangular frames with a custom length/width combination. Select poster board, foam board, or sturdy cardboard approximately 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick, and cut a rectangle that can be inserted into your frame.This material will provide a backing for the puzzle, keeping it flat and in the frame. A utility knife is recommended to make even cuts, along with a T-square or protractor to ensure the sides are cut to at 90º angle. Avoid using thin cardboard or other easily bent material, as this may cause the puzzle to warp over time. Protect the surface underneath the puzzle by carefully slipping something flat and disposable, such as wax paper, underneath the puzzle. Small bumps and loose pieces can be evened out before gluing with a rolling pin. Press down on the rolling pin as you move it across the puzzle surface several times. Purchase specialized jigsaw puzzle glue from a craft store or online. Use a paintbrush to apply this glue across the surface of the puzzle, covering the entire area with a thin layer. Pay special attention to the cracks between pieces. If your puzzle glue comes in powdered form, read the instructions to learn how to prepare it before use. Your bottle of puzzle glue may contain specific directions, telling you how long to wait for the glue to dry. If it does not, leave the glued puzzle alone for at least two hours. Test to see if its ready by gently lifting one end of the puzzle. If the pieces are still loose or coming apart, wait longer or apply more glue. Apply glue to the surface of the foam board or cardboard you cut earlier. Carefully transfer your glued puzzle over the foam board, aligning it with the edges. Press the puzzle down onto the foam board, then scrape off any excess glue that was squeezed out from between the two objects. If the glue does not hold or looks uneven, you may pay someone at a craft shop to \"dry mount\" the puzzle professionally onto a backing material. Leave the puzzle alone for at least 24 hours so the glue can achieve maximum strength. If the puzzle looks bent or uneven, weigh it down during this drying period with a large book or other heavy object with a larger surface area than the puzzle. Don't use heavy objects with a small or uneven surface area, as these may compress your puzzle unevenly, or even damage it. Once the puzzle and backing material are dry, place them in the frame. Lock them into the frame using the tabs or arms at the back, or by whichever method is built into the frame. Optionally, fit a glass or hard plastic cover over the puzzle to prevent scratches. For best preservation of the puzzle's colors, use a UV-resistant glass cover.", "Hobbyists who wish to preserve the usability and value of a puzzle, but still wish to display, will need a specialized frame. While these frames are often described as \"500 piece puzzle frames\" or \"1,000 piece puzzle frames,\" purchasing one based on actual length and width measurements is recommended for more accuracy. Because the frame will be the only thing keeping your puzzle in place, it is important to find a frame that will fit your puzzle as securely as possible. Some frames called \"jigsaw puzzle frames\" are just ordinary frames made to fit common puzzle sizes, and will not hold your puzzle together without glue. Instead, you'll need a specialized frame, which is often more expensive. While you may attempt to use any frame with a solid back and front portion, finding one specific to jigsaw puzzles is recommended, as a jigsaw puzzle is thicker and more fragile than the posters and photographs ordinary frames are usually used for. Try the glass-fronted, aluminum MyPhotoPuzzle frames, or the adjustable-size Versaframe. Note: there are a couple cheaper options for displaying your puzzle, at the end of this section. The exact design of a jigsaw puzzle frame varies between brands. For MyPhotoPuzzle frames, carefully press the glass onto the puzzle surface, flip the glass and puzzle together face down, then lower the backboard over the back of the puzzle. Make sure one of the hanging attachment on the backboard is located at the top of the puzzle, or it will be upside down. Lower the frame over the backboard and glass, then lower every clip around the backboard's edge to fasten it to the frame. The Jigframe comes with a sheet of acrylic plastic, protected with paper on both sides. Briefly warm the sheet in the sun or near a heater if necessary to help peel off the paper. Slide or construct the puzzle on top of one of the included \"Jigsheets.\" Slide open the drawer in the frame, place the Jigsheet with the puzzle face-up on top of it into the drawer, then cover the puzzle with the acrylic sheet. Slide it back into the frame. Instead of sliding the puzzle, You can use one of the Jigsheets to lay over the puzzle and help keep it steady while you flip it over, then lay the other Jigsheet over the back of the puzzle, and flip it face up again. If the puzzle is much smaller than the frame, a small piece of cardboard is included to place on the Jigsheet, below the puzzle's lower edge, to center the puzzle. Other companies may use a different system than the ones described above. An adjustable frame may be sold in two pieces, which are slid together over the puzzle and locked into the correct position. Some coffee tables have an additional glass surface that can be screwed on and off the table. Place a jigsaw puzzle under this layer for display. These envelopes are typically made of polypropylene, and may be labeled \"archival grade.\" This will keep your puzzle safe from moisture and other sources of damage. However, these are more typically used for prints and photographs, and may be hard to find in sizes appropriate for medium or large puzzles." ], "summary": [ "Use this method to create a permanent decoration for personal enjoyment. Find a frame that fits your puzzle. Cut a backing material to fit the frame. Slide a layer of wax paper under the puzzle. Use a rolling pin to flatten the puzzle. Brush puzzle glue over the surface of the puzzle. Wait for the glue to dry. Glue the puzzle to the backing material. Let the puzzle dry for at least 24 hours, weighing it down if necessary. Frame the puzzle.", "Measure your puzzle's length and width. Choose a jigsaw puzzle frame that does not require glue. Assemble a MyPhotoPuzzle frame. Assemble a Jigframe. Follow the instructions that come with other frames. Alternatively, display it under a glass coffee table. Use a clear plastic preservation envelope instead." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Developing a Routine", "Oil Pulling", "Understanding the Benefits" ], "document": [ "If you want extra power, try adding other ingredients - some people like a bit of mint or some apple cider vinegar for whitening, although results may vary. If you want to try out different oils to see what works best for you and yields the best results, get as many as you'd like and to try to use a different one each morning for a full week. Keep a fully stocked kitchen with a variety of organic oils and experiment with their benefits and uses. Organic virgin oils like coconut oil aren't always the cheapest thing at the market, but they're incredibly versatile: you can use coconut oil to make your own toothpaste, massage oil, in your hair, and in your next stir-fry. Some people are turned off by the concept of making a mouthful of cooking oil the first taste of the morning, but it is important to do before you clean your mouth or consume anything, so make it easy on yourself. Consider measuring out the oil before you go to sleep and leaving it by your bedside, or set out on the bathroom counter top so that you don't have to think about it. Put it in your mouth and start swishing. If you usually keep your toothbrush on the counter, put it away and put a tiny glass of oil in its place. It'll become a habit in no time. If you typically do some calisthenics or light stretching in the morning before breakfast, make oil pulling part of the regimen. Wake up your body and get your day started right. The more you make it part of some routine, the easier it will be to make oil pulling a regular thing in your life. Whatever you typically do in the morning, add oil pulling to the routine. Look over the newspaper briefly while swishing the oil, or read your favorite blog.", "Some oil pullers suggest that sesame oil is the most effective oil for oil pulling, while others prefer the taste and texture of coconut oil. Consider alternating oil varieties every couple of days to get the full benefit of all the oils and see what works best for you. Virgin olive oil and sunflower oil are also commonly used for oil pulling. Avoid canola oil and other varieties processed with additives. It's important to do a pulling before you've consumed any food or drink in the day and also before you've brushed your teeth. You'll have the opportunity to clean your mouth out afterward, and it won't take long to complete the routine. The oil will mix with your saliva, absorbing and \"pulling\" toxins from your mouth. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue, the oil will continue to absorb toxins, usually turning somewhat viscous and milky. It's important to spit out the oil when it starts to feel thick. This usually takes somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes, and certainly no longer than 20. You don't want to hold it in your mouth so long that the toxins start to reabsorb. Spit into the trash can and rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water, which tends to do a better job getting the oil out than cold. Make sure not to spit it into a sink or toilet, because it may clog the drain.", "Studies have shown that regular oil pulling reduce the amount of s. mutans, a common oral bacteria responsible for a variety of oral diseases and a major contributor to tooth decay, plaque, gingivitis, and cavities. The lipids in the oil work to pull out bacteria and keep bacteria from sticking to the walls of the mouth. An emulsifier, vegetable oils increase saponification, which accounts for the cleansing, soap-like texture you'll notice when doing an oil pulling. Halitosis is caused by bacteria and fungus in the mouth and on the tongue, and using virgin oils regularly to oil pull will reduce these bacteria and fungi, fighting bad breath and contributing to a clean, healthy mouth. If you struggle with bad breath, work oil pulling into your routine. Some people attribute oil pulling to the general detoxification of the body and a diversity of positive effects, including reduced hangovers, reduced pain, headache relief, insomnia relief, and other cures. Studies show that virgin oils, sesame in particular, are particularly high in antioxidants sesamol, sesamin, sesamolin, Vitamin E, and antioxidants shown to halt the absorption of bad cholesterol in the liver. The antibacterial qualities of virgin oil support the use of pulling to promote general oral health." ], "summary": [ "Switch up the variety of oil every couple days. Prepare the oil the night before. Make it part of a light exercise routine.", "Purchase a variety of cold-pressed organic oil. First thing in the morning, measure out 1 tablespoon of the oil. Swirl the oil around your mouth for 10-15 minutes. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth out thoroughly with warm water.", "Keep your teeth clean with oil. Consider oil pulling to remedy bad breath. Use oil pullings to contribute to all-around holistic health regimens." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Planting Sweet Peas", "Starting Sweet Pea Seeds", "Maintaining Sweet Peas" ], "document": [ "Sweet peas of all varieties thrive in sunny areas, making them a great choice for exposed sections of fence and walls. In the heat of summer, sweet peas will do fine in partial shade, but it's better to find someplace sunny to be on the safe side. Since sweet peas love to climb, find a spot where they can grow toward the sky. They produce small tendrils that will latch onto any type of pole you plant them near. Sweet peas make an excellent natural decoration for fences. If you have a wooden or chain link fence you want to brighten up, plant sweet peas there. Sweet peas are often grown on trellises or archways. This is another lovely choice, and will lend your garden a country cottage feel. If you don't have a suitable place for sweet peas, erect a few bamboo posts in your garden and plant sweet peas there. It'll lend some height and interest to your garden. You could also create a tower of stakes in a pot or a small arbor. You can plant sweet peas among other plants, like shrubs or vegetables. Sweet peas grow best in rich soil that drains well. Prepare the soil for planting by tilling it to a depth of 6 inches (15.2 cm) and working in some compost or manure. This is especially important if your soil is clay heavy; you'll need to work in extra compost to make sure it drains well enough for sweet peas' roots. To determine whether the soil drains well enough, observe it after a heavy rain. If water collects and puddles and takes time to drain, the soil there doesn't drain well. If the water soaks in right away, it should be fine for your seedlings. Using a raised bed is a good option if you feel your soil is too clay heavy to support seedlings. This will come in handy for other plants you want to grow as well. Whether you started your seeds inside and are planting seedlings, or you want to plant your seeds directly in your garden bed, early spring is the right time to do it. If you live in a warm area where the ground never freezes, you can plant in January or February. If you live in an area where the ground does freeze, wait until just after the first frost, in early to mid April. If you're transplanting seedlings, dig holes 5 inches (12.7 cm) apart and deep enough to set the seedlings root balls into the ground. Pat fresh soil lightly around the stems of the seedlings. For seeds you're planting directly in the ground, dig holes one inch deep and 3 inches (7.6 cm) apart. When they sprout, you'll need to thin them out to 5 inches (12.7 cm) apart, so each plant has plenty of room to grow. Finish by giving the plants a good dose of fresh water. The sweet peas will begin to spring up quickly once warmer weather sets in.", "Sweet peas are usually started from seed. You may either plant them in seed trays indoors and later transplanting them to the garden bed, or start them outside. Seeds are available for purchase at any garden store. For rarer varieties, check online retailers. \"Old-fashioned\" sweet peas will produce very fragrant flowers. Spencer varieties have bright colors, but less fragrance. You'll find them in pink, purple, blue, white and red. Sweet peas can be grown in any growing zone, but it's important to know the right time to get them ready. They must be planted as early as possible to form a strong root system and survive the summer. Therefore, starting seeds early in the year is usually your best bet. If you live in a temperate area where the ground does not freeze in the winter (USDA zones 8-10), you can plant your seeds directly in the ground as early as November, though waiting until January or February is also fine. Be sure to water them over the winter, and they'll emerge in spring. If you live in an area where the winters are cold, starting seeds indoors is your best bet. That way, the seedlings will be ready to plant as soon as the first frost has passed. If you wait too long to plant your seeds, they won't have time to take hold in the soil before the summer weather gets hot. Another option is to sow seeds directly in the ground in late winter, and then allow them to come up when they are ready. Sweet pea seeds have the best chance of germinating if you help penetrate the seed shell before planting. You can do this by either soaking them in a pan of water overnight, or using a tiny knife or nail clipper to nick the surface of each seed. If you soak your seeds, only plant those that have swelled during the overnight soaking. Discard those that haven't changed in size. About 5 weeks before the last frost (usually mid-February or so), prepare small seed trays or peat containers with a seed starting mixture. Plant the seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep and 3 inches (7.6 cm) apart, or in separate compartments. Water the seeds trays and cover them lightly in plastic wrap for the first week or so, to regulate the temperature. Keep them in a greenhouse or in a sunny window in a place where the temperature won't drop below 70 °F (21 °C). Once the seedlings sprout, remove the covering and keep them moist and warm until it's time to plant them just after the last frost. If you're using seed trays, thin out the seedlings to space them 5 inches (12.7 cm) apart once they've sprouted leaves. Pinch of flowers and buds before transplanting, so the seedlings' energy can be channeled into growing new roots.", "Sweet peas must be kept nice and wet throughout the summer. Water them lightly every day it does not rain. Check the soil surrounding the sweet pea stems often to make sure it doesn't dry out. Sweet peas are quite prolific, and a monthly application of mild fertilizer will keep them blooming for many weeks. It's not mandatory, but it's helpful if you want to make the most of your flowers. Use compost, manure or a high-potassium commercial fertilizer application. Cutting the flowers promotes new growth, so don't hesitate to bring in some fresh blossoms or make a bouquet for a friend. Wait until the flowers have reached their fragrant and colorful peaks before cutting. You should also remove faded blossoms, which sap energy from the plant and prevent more flowers from growing. These annuals won't come back on their own next year, but you can enjoy them again if you save the seed pods and plant them again in the winter or spring, depending on where you live. This will encourage new growth in the form of more side-shoots and flowers. You can just use your fingernails to pinch off the shoots." ], "summary": [ "Choose a sunny spot in your yard or garden. Enrich the soil. Plant the sweet peas in early spring. Dig holes for the sweet peas. Water the sweet peas.", "Buy sweet pea seeds. Determine when to start your seeds. Soak or nick your seeds. Plant the seeds in seed substrate. Keep them moist and warm.", "Water them often during the hot months. Fertilize once a month. Harvest the flowers regularly. Save the seed pods from your plants for next year's crop. Pinch off the shoots once your peas are 6 inches or longer." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Text Commands", "Using the Slack Mobile App", "Using the Slack Website" ], "document": [ "This will take you to your default Slack channel, usually the \"#general\" channel. Use this method in any version of Slack. You can use these text commands in the Slack website as well as the Slack mobile apps. You'll need to have the channel open that you want to leave so that you are posting to that channel. You can select your channels from the sidebar menu. This is the text command to leave a channel. You can also type \"/close\" to accomplish the same task. ↵ Enter or tap the Send button to send the command. You'll be removed from the channel and taken to your last active channel.", "This will take you to your \"#general\" channel. This will display a list of channels that you belong to. To leave a channel, it will need to be the active channel on your screen. You cannot leave your \"#general\" channel, which may have been renamed. This will open the Channel details screen. This will remove you from the channel. This will remove everyone from the channel that is currently viewing it, and archive the channel contents. If you only have this option and want to leave the channel but keep it open, use the \"/leave\" or \"/close\" command instead. You're free to rejoin any channels you've left, unless they're private. Private channels will require a new invite to reopen. Open the side menu by tapping the Slack icon Tap the \"+\" button next to \"CHANNELS.\" This will display all of your available channels. Tap a channel in the list to view a preview and join it.", "You'll need to be signed in with your Slack account to leave a channel. When you sign in, you'll be taken to your \"#general\" channel. To leave a channel, it will need to be your active channel in Slack. This will open a small menu of channel options. This will remove you from the active channel. You'll be taken to your last active channel. You cannot leave the #general channel. You can find all of the channels you've left in this list. Click one to open the channel preview and get the option to join it again." ], "summary": [ "Open your Slack app or sign into the Slack website. Open the channel you want to leave by clicking or tapping the channel name. Type \"/leave\" into the message field. Press .", "Launch the Slack mobile app and sign in if prompted. Tap the Slack button to open the menu. Tap the channel you want to leave. Tap the channel name at the top of the screen. Tap \"Leave\" at the bottom of the menu. Tap \"Leave and Archive\" to leave the channel and archive it. Rejoin a channel you've left.", "Sign into your Slack team site if you aren't already. Click the channel you want to leave in the left menu. Click the Gear button in the upper-right corner of the channel. Select \"Leave #channelname.\" Click the \"CHANNELS\" heading in the left sidebar to see your available channels." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Noticing How She Acts", "Listening to What She Says", "Dealing with Rejection" ], "document": [ "People are usually very aware of their facial expressions, but they don't necessarily realize that their bodies are sending pretty loud messages, too. She may be giving you hints that she's not interested in the way she positions her body. If she turns her body away from you, or leans back or away from you, it's a sign she may be uncomfortable. She keeps a barrier between you. If she always positions herself behind a chair or a table or holds her purse or backpack in front of her like a shield, she might not be interested in you. If she walks away when she sees you or appears to be avoiding you, she is not interested and you should not try to follow. Making eye contact can actually be quite intimate, and some girls may look down or away because they are shy. But if you find that her eyes are always darting around when you talk to her, as though she's looking for her friends, she not really feeling the conversation and you should politely excuse yourself. Remember that one conversation during which she seems distracted or isn't looking at you doesn't mean she doesn't like you. But if it seems to happen every single time you try to talk to her, something is up. She's flirty and talkative during class or when you have a shift together at work. Then you run into her when she's out with her friends, and she looks right through you. If there's a huge gap between how she treats you in private and in front of her friends, she might just be flirting with you out of convenience. She might also be too self-conscious or shy to say hello to you in front of all of her friends. Are her friends are constantly glancing at you, even if she's not? It might mean she's talked about you to her friends. Try making the first move and see how she reacts. Say hello when you see her out in public. If she seems embarrassed, is rude, or flat out ignores you, then you can be pretty sure she's not interested. Even if it's not that funny, a girl will usually laugh when a guy she likes makes a joke. Keep in mind, this is something most friends do, too, so it doesn't automatically mean she's into you. But if she doesn't even giggle at your funniest stories, you might need to find someone else who appreciates your humor. If she doesn't crack a smile at your joke, it could be because she's having a bad day (or it was a terrible joke). But if your jokes are met with silence day after day, then it's time to move on. If you ask her to the movies and she shows up with three friends, it might be a miscommunication. But if it happens every time you invite her to do something, it might be her way of letting you know she just wants to be your friend. Keep in mind some girls are not allowed to date until a certain age, and she may need her friends to tag along so her parents will let her hang out with you. But she should definitely let you know ahead of time that this won't be a solo hang.", "If you only hear from her when she needs help with her homework or a project, or she needs a ride somewhere, but she doesn't have time to talk to you or she's always too busy to hang out, she might be manipulating you and not truly interested in you. Relationships go two ways--one person should not always be giving or doing things for the other person and get nothing in return. While this means you two are close and she has genuine affection for you, it's unlikely she sees you as anything beyond a good friend. Saying you think of someone as a sibling is basically removing any romantic possibilities from the equation. Even if there's not a chance for romance, a girl who describes you this way definitely values your presence in her life. If you can hardly get a word in because she's talking about what she was doing last weekend, her plans for winter break, then gossiping about her friend, and she has yet to ask about your weekend, she's probably more into herself than she's into you. If you know all the details of her life but she struggles to remember even the most basic things about you, she's likely not interested in you, but she's probably not a very good friend, either. If she doesn't ask you a lot questions about yourself but she already seems to know a lot about you, then she's probably interested in you. It's likely she's been asking her friends about you and paying attention to the sports or clubs you are involved in. Try telling her something surprising about yourself and see how she reacts.", "If she makes it clear that she only wants to be your friend, think about if you are okay with accepting that role in her life. If you think staying close to her and watching her possibly date other guys (and maybe even ask your advice about them) would be too painful, it's okay to say so. But if you think you can put your romantic feelings aside, be glad this rad girl wants you in her life and make the most of your friendship. Don't stick around hoping she might change her mind. It's not fair to either of you if you are secretly hoping she'll fall for you if you do enough nice things for her. You'll be deceiving her and you'll be making yourself miserable. If you are spending all your energy trying to convince her that you're the right person for her, you may be missing out on other girls that would love to date you. You may agonize over why she doesn't like you back, and you may want to ask her to explain it to you, or convince her that she's wrong, or tell her friends to tell her you'd make an amazing couple... but you should probably cool it. If you keep pursuing her when she's not interested, you may start to annoy her or even scare her. You don't need to completely ignore her or be mean. Just take a few steps back and treat her more like an acquaintance. Just like you can't help having a crush on her, she can't force herself to have feelings for you. And while it definitely hurts, it's not the end of the world. It's completely okay to feel upset and sad when something doesn't work out. Luckily, she's not the only girl out there, and it probably won't be long until you meet someone new. Chances are the girl just thought she was treating you like a friend and wasn't trying to lead you on. Try not to hold a grudge and just move forward." ], "summary": [ "Try to read her body language when you're together. Check if she avoids making eye contact with you. See if she treats you different when it's just the two of you versus when you're in public. Watch her reaction when you tell a funny story. Notice if your dates always turn into group hangouts.", "Be aware if she only talks to you when she needs something. Take the hint if she says you are like her brother. Pay attention to how often she asks you questions about yourself and how much she talks about herself.", "Decide if you can just be her friend. Give her some space. Accept it and move on." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Harvesting the Onions", "Preparing the Sprouted Onions", "Planting the Sprouted Onions" ], "document": [ "The onions should be grown after 60-80 days. They will, however, go rotten if you leave them ripe for too long. You will know an onion is ready when: The onion bulb fully emerges from the soil. The green sprouts wilt and/or turn brown. Flowers stalks appear. When the sprouts have turned to full onion bulbs that look ready for consumption, you can harvest them. Don't be scared of ripping out the roots. Handle them carefully and lay them out in a single layer to avoid bruises.This will begin the curing process and allow excess soil to fall from their skins. You can use a knife or garden scissors. This will stop the onions from decaying in storage. You will know they are cured when the foliage shrivels and the onions produce a papery outer layer. A shed or garage floor works well; anywhere that is cool, shaded and dry. The curing process will normally take around one month. You can skip the curing process if you wish to eat the onions straight away but storing them without curing first carries a high risk of mildew and rot. If you can't find anywhere dry enough to cure the onions, consider using a dehumidifier to keep moisture levels down.. This will ensure they remain in the right conditions and do not damage other fruit. The onions are now ready for consumption! You will want to eat the onions within a single month. If an onion sprouts, you can replant it again!", "Dig your fingernails into the skin at the top of the onion bulb and rip it off piece by piece. Discard the skin when you are done. The sprouts grow at the center of the onion bulb. Slice through onion’s layers vertically while avoiding the sprouts. Repeat on the other side then carefully slice off the onion's layers. If you don’t have a knife, peel off the onion’s layers individually with your hands. You can eat the onion layers if they are firm and crisp, though make sure you wash them first! If they are soft and mushy discard them. You will likely find a few sprouts growing at the center of the onion bulb. Some will protrude from the bulb, others will not. Use your hands to gently separate the sprouts from one another so they don't need to compete for space. Given proper care, each sprout can grow into a brand new onion bulb! You can keep the sprouts in individual cups, glasses of bowls of water. Within a few days white roots will form at the bottom of each sprout. If white roots are already present you can plant the sprouts straight into the soil. If you see dry, brown roots on a sprout, it means they are already dead. You want to wait for new white roots to form.", "Dig an individual hole for each sprout, and cover it so only the green part sticks out. Keep each sprout at least 3 inches apart (7.5 cm), or in separate pots, so they don't need to compete for space. Consider applying a thin layer of mulch to the soil to aid the growth process. Whether indoors or outdoors, ensure the plants get ample sunlight. If you live in a cold climate, plant the sprouts in pot plants inside and gradually introduce them to the outdoors. The onions have been inside for some time and will need to adjust. During the winter in cold climates keep the plants indoors at all time to ensure they stay alive. Expect to see onion bulbs form after 60-80 days! Onions are resilient, but need plenty of water to grow. Pour a little water from a gardening can, or use a hose, on the soil around the onions, not the plant itself. Ensure the soil is well drained. If you are using mulch, the onions will only need 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water a week. As the onions grow, weeds will inevitably emerge around them. Wear garden gloves and ensure you pull the weeds out by the roots so they don't grow back. The spray will prevent harmful fungi from destroying your plants and ensure they remain healthy. A few short sprays on each plant should be enough. If you prefer not to use synthetic compounds, oxidate or copper sprays are good alternatives." ], "summary": [ "Look for signs that the onions are ready for harvest. Pull the onions from the ground once they have ripened. Place the onions outside on dry ground for a few days. Clip the roots and cut 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the onion's foliage. Keep the onions on cool, dry ground until dry outer skins form. Store the onions in baskets or dry mesh bags.", "Peel off the sprouted onion’s papery outer skin. Use a knife to cut the onion's layers from the sprouts. Separate the onion sprouts. Place the sprouts in water until roots grow.", "Plant the sprouts 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep in quality potting soil. Water the plants every few days. Check the plants for weeds every day and remove any that appear. Treat the plants twice a week with fungicidal spray." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding Deafness and the W-gene", "Using a Hearing Test at the Vet’s Office", "Living With a Deaf Cat", "Testing for Deafness at Home" ], "document": [ "In particular, this applies to white-coated cats (this means cats that are entirely white) whose eyes are either both blue, both orange, or one of each color. Their deafness is linked to a fault in the \"W\"- white coat pigment gene. It is thought that 25% of these cats are totally deaf, 50% are deaf in just one ear, and 25% have normal hearing. Breeds that commonly have the W-gene include: White Oriental Shorthair, White Persian, White Exotic Shorthair, White Manx, White British Shorthair, White Devon Rex, White American Shorthair, White Cornish Rex, White American Wirehair, Foreign White, White Turkish Angora, European White, and White Scottish Fold. Just like humans, cats often experience at least a small amount of deafness as they get older.", "The BAER (Brainstem auditory evoked response) test monitors electrical activity in the brain that is caused by auditory stimulation (such as hearing pans banging together). This test helps a vet to see if your cat’s brain has actually registered a sound, and if one or both ears are involved. If your vet does not have BAER test equipment, ask about auditory centers that may be able to help you. Relatively few centers offer this test, so it is likely that you will need to go to a specialty center, which may be located in a different area. Three small electrodes will be attached to your cat’s head. The machine will then produce a series of clicking sounds that are generated at a range of frequencies. The electrodes will help to monitor your cat’s brain’s responses to the clicks. Good natured cats can usually go through with a short test while fully conscious. This short test only checks to see if your cat is fully deaf or not. A full hearing test that gives detailed answers as to the severity of the deafness, and whether or not both ears are affected, generally takes 20 to 30 minutes. Cats usually need to be sedated for this longer test.", "You may wish to consider keeping her as an indoor cat, to protect her from the hazard of traffic that she cannot hear. An alternative is to build a secure outdoor run so she has some access to fresh air, but won’t have access to any streets. Some cat owners have had good experiences using a normal, \"hearing\" cat as a playmate for the deaf cat.The body language of the hearing cat provides visual clues to the deaf cat that something has just happened. For instance, the hearing cat is aware ‘Mom has just opened the fridge door to get dinner out’ and rushes into the kitchen. The deaf cat, seeing his companion go, follows out of interest. This can work surprisingly well when one cat learns to take the lead. However, this depends on the two cats getting along, which cannot be guaranteed! Develop your own visual code for your cat, such as beckoning as a cue for your cat to come to you (reward her compliance with a treat) or by pointing to a certain spot to get her to go there and away from trouble. Reward positive behavior with a treat and she will quickly learn to obey. You can also stamp on the floor to create vibrations.", "If you notice that your cat no longer wakes up and runs away when you vacuum around her, then there is a chance that she may be deaf, particularly if she always used to run away from the vacuum (or other loud gadgets). Make a noise outside of your cat's visual field (so she cannot see you). One option is to bang two pan lids together. Another option is to shake the box of cat treats that your cat loves. The most important part is to stand somewhere your cat cannot see you. You should also avoid standing in a position where the noise you make (such as banging to pots together) does not cause a breeze to rush over your cat. If your cat turns her hear to look towards where the noise came from, or reacts in some other ways (such as becoming startled), then you will know that your cat is not completely deaf. However, you should still take your cat to a vet, as this test cannot tell you if your cat is partially deaf, or if she is deaf in one ear." ], "summary": [ "Be aware that white-coated cats are more likely to become deaf. Consider the percentages. Understand that age can also play a factor.", "Understand the BAER test. Be aware that your cat will have electrodes placed on her head. Talk to your vet about whether or not your cat will need to be sedated.", "Consider alternative ways of living to keep your deaf cat safe. Give your cat a playmate who is not deaf. Learn to communicate with your cat by using hand signals.", "Take note if your cat is less easily startled. Place your cat in a quiet room away from any distraction in order to test her hearing. Watch to see what happens." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding Numerals", "Practicing Basic Addition", "Learning Techniques to Add Quickly", "Adding Negative Numbers" ], "document": [ "Each digit in a number has a name, and knowing them will help you add. Number places go from left to right: The spot on the left is the “ones” place. The second spot from the left is the “tens” place. The third spot from the left is the “hundreds” place. Here’s an example: In the number 583, the 3 is in the ones place, the 8 is in the tens place, and the 5 is in the hundreds place. Line up your numbers so that each digit place is in a row. This makes it easier to add each column of numbers to get a final sum. If your problem is presented horizontally on a worksheet, it helps to rewrite it vertically to make it easier to solve. Each number place should be in its own line with each number stacked vertically. If one number uses fewer number spaces than another, leave the left spot blank. Here's an example: Here’s how you’d write 16+4+342: 342 _16 +_4 The ones column is on the right. Once you have the sum of these numbers, write the ones digit of the sum in the ones place of your answer spot. If you have a tens digit in your sum, write it above the tens column in your problem. For 342+16+4, you’d add 2+6+4=12. Write the 2 in your ones place in your answer. Carry the other 1 into your tens column. If you have a number in the tens place, write the tens place number at the top of the tens column. This is the column located to the left of your ones column. You will include this number in the tens total. In the above example, you’d write the 1 from the tens place in 12 on top of the tens column. Go to the tens column, which is the next column to the left. Add up the numbers in this column, including your carry over number, if you had one. Write the ones place in this sum in the tens spot on your answer, then carry over the tens spot in your sum, if you had one. For 342+16+4, you’d add 4+1+1=6. Remember, the second 1 is the carry over from your ones sum. You’d write 6 down in the tens spot of your answer. You don’t have any carry over from this sum. For longer problems, you’ll need to add each column, moving from right to left. For each column, write the ones place of that column’s sum in the corresponding number place in the answer. Then, carry over the tens place of the sum in the next column to the left. When you complete the last column on the right, you’ll have your final sum. In our example, you only have one number in the hundreds column, so you’d carry down the 3 to your answer. Your final sum for 342+16+4=362. Although it seems challenging, you use the same process to add decimals as you do with whole numbers. Just make sure you line up each numbers place properly, including your decimals. If a number in the problem doesn’t have a decimal, add a .0 to make it easier to workout the problem. Here’s an example: 107.8 _24.5 __3.2 +15.0", "Draw a line, then write numbers along the line from 0-15. Circle the first number you want to add. Start at that number. Then, count down your number line, moving the same number of spaces as the second number you’re adding. You’ll land on your answer. Let’s say you want to add 4+5. Circle 4 on your number line, then count 5 spaces down the line. You will land on 9, which is your answer. Use your number line to add these numbers: 5+3 1+7 6+2 4+4 Start with a basic math problem, such as 4+6. Create two piles of beans to represent your problem, including one group of 4 beans and one group of 6 beans. Next, you can combine your two sets of beans to get the answer to your addition problem. Count your beans to see that you now have a total of 10 beans. If you don’t have beans, you can use any small item that fits in your hand to practice addition! For example, you can use blocks, candies, coins, or legos. Use your beans to add these numbers: 5+3 2+7 3+9 4+1 If you were adding 7+4, you’d draw one group of 7 oranges and one group of 4 oranges. Then, count all of the oranges to see how many you have when you add them together, which is 11 oranges. This is your answer. You can draw any object to represent your numbers, but it’s best to choose something easy. As another option, you can use stickers! Use drawing to add these numbers: 1+7 2+5 8+6 4+3", "Multiples of ten and one hundred are much easier to add together! Multiples of ten are easier to manage, but using hundreds can be helpful for larger numbers. Always round up because it’s easier to keep track of how much you’re adding to your original numbers as you round. Here’s an example problem: 423+678. You’d round it like this: 430 + 680 or 500+700. You’ll need to take away the numbers you added when rounding. You can count off these numbers or simply add them in your head. Hold onto this number. In the problem listed above, you’ll count out 7 places for rounding 423 to 430 and 2 places for rounding 678 to 680. Add 7+2=9. Since you rounded, it’s easier to calculate this total in your head. However, this isn’t your final answer! For the problem above, you’d add 430+680=1110 You can use simple subtraction or count backwards from the sum of your rounded numbers. This will give you your final total! To solve the problem above, you’d subtract or count back 1110-9 =1101. When you’re adding several numbers together, you may find it easier to pair numbers together to create round numbers that end in “5” or “0,” then add those round numbers together. For example, let's say you're adding 1+8+2+7+3. You could add 8+2 = 10 and 7+3=10. That leaves you with 1+10+10=21. Break the number apart into just tens and ones. For example, 42+35+17 would become two problems: 40+30+10 and 2+5+7. It’s easy to add 40+30+10=80. Next, you’d just need to count 2+5+7=14. Finally, add your two sums together to get a final sum of 80+14=94. You can also do this with numbers in the hundreds. You can break the number down into just the hundreds, just the tens, and just the ones. However, using one of the other techniques may be easier when adding big numbers.", "Draw a number line, but place your zero to the far right of the line. Then, number your line toward your left using negative numbers. Mark the first negative number you want to add on the number line. Then, count out your second negative number, moving to the left. This gives you your answer. For example, let’s say you’re adding -4+-6. You’d circle -4 on your number line. Then, count 6 spaces to the left. You’ll arrive at -10, which is your answer. This is because you are moving the same number of places on the number line, just toward the negative side. This means your final answer will be negative. For example, when adding -12+-21, you could add 12+21=33. However, since your numbers were negative, you’d make your answer -33. Draw a number line with zero in the middle. Number to the left moving from -1 to -10, then number to the right 1 to 10. Circle the positive number on your number line. Then, count out your negative number to find the answer, moving to the left on your number line. For instance, let’s say you’re adding 6+-8. You’ll circle 6 on your number line. Then, count 8 spaces backwards, moving to the left on your line. You’ll arrive at -2, which is your answer. Adding a negative number with a positive number works just like subtraction. This is because you’re taking away spaces on the number line. When you’re solving a problem on paper, you can write it out like a subtraction problem. For example, 15+-17 would become 15-17=-2." ], "summary": [ "Learn the number places. Write out your problem vertically. Line up the numbers. Add the ones column first. Carry the tens from the ones sum into the column of your problem. Count the next column. Continue working these steps until you get a final sum. Follow the same steps when adding decimals.", "Use a number line if you’re just learning to add. Add using beans to get more practice. Draw oranges for each number to help you see how adding works.", "Round all of your numbers to multiples of ten or one hundred. Count out how many numbers you added when you rounded. Add the two rounded numbers together in your head. Subtract the number you added when rounding. Add the numbers in sets, then add the set totals together, as an alternative. Add the numbers by places if that’s easier for you.", "Make a number line to practice adding two negative numbers. Add two negative numbers the same way you add positive numbers. Use a number line to practice adding a positive and negative number. Treat a positive number plus a negative number like subtraction." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making A Foot Cast", "Preparing Your Materials", "Putting Finishing Touches on Your Creation", "Assembling Your Shoe" ], "document": [ "A last is a block in the shape of a human foot shoemakers use to guide their work. To do this, you'll want to make a cast mould of your foot; that way, the shoes you'll be making will be custom-fitted for you personally. Get a box filled with an alginate jelly and place your foot in, ideally up to the ankle. Let your foot rest for 20 minutes while the jelly solidifies, then slowly remove your foot. Make sure to remove your foot slowly; you don't want to damage anything once it solidifies. It's highly recommended you do this for both feet at the same time. The idle time is best to get over with early on in the process. One positive thing to mention about this step in the process is that you can ideally reuse these lasts for each subsequent pair of shoes you try to make. Make a point of keeping them somewhere safe, where they don't run the risk of being broken. Now that there's a proper mould of your foot, you can pour casting material into it. Depending on the type and quality of casting material, the solidifying time could take anywhere from half an hour to overnight. Be patient-- it may be a good time at this point to work on other parts of the process if your plans are settled enough. Once the last has solidified, it's time to take it out and get it ready. Cover your last with a colourless masking tape. That will keep it from being damaged as easily, and you'll be able to draw your designs directly on the last. Outline your design on the last itself. Before you get to putting the pieces together, you'll probably find it helpful to give the last an outline of what you want the shoe to look like around it. While you shouldn't rely on it for concrete measurements, having an idea of what it will look like in three dimensions will help as you're figuring out where each stitch should go.", "If you're planning on making a shoe, it's undoubtedly important you have some idea what kind of shoe you would like to make. Shoes are incredibly diverse, and there are plenty of types you can make, not limited to loafers, sneakers, sandals, boots and high heels. Try to imagine what kind of shoe style would suit your individual style the most. It may be helpful to sketch out a few ideas. Manifesting your ideas with an illustration can come a long way towards planning out your shoe. If you're new to shoe making, it's probably best to stick to something simple. A basic laced shoe goes without some of the finesse of more complicated types, and you can still add plenty of flair to a basic formula. Before you think about making your shoe, it's important you have an accurate and well-detailed set of plans to work on. After all, you don't want to be making design decisions on the go; shoemaking is a very precise business, and the slightest mishap could keep the shoe from turning out well. Basic shoe templates are available on the internet. Do a search and look up some 'recipes'. If nothing else, it might give you inspiration for your own design. Online art outlets like www.etsy.com may have more elaborate shoe templates for sale. Designing your own is only recommended if you've made a shoe before. If that's what you're ultimately looking to do, try stitching together something basic with a free template, and put that experience towards making your own the second time around. You can save yourself a lot of time and give your shoes a more professional look if you harvest parts from other shoes you don't use anymore. In particular, shoe soles are good as they'll give you a reference for the rest of your stitching. Provided they're in good enough shape, you should salvage the parts you think might work in your new shoe, taking care to remove them slowly and carefully with a scalpel knife. While specific lists of ingredients will depend on the certain type of shoe you're looking to make, it generally goes without saying that you'll want a few sheets of good leather and a firm fabric. If you don't have a sewing and stitching kit, you'll need to buy or borrow one to make your shoes. Rubber, leather and fabrics are all good for the chassis of the shoes. While its recommended that shoe soles be taken from old shoes or bought as pre-fabricated supplies, you can make a functional and waterproof sole using a few sheets of cork. Each sheet need not be more than 1/8 inches thick. Remember to get at least twice as much as you think, so you'll have enough to make a pair!", "A leather-based shoe will own  with its own natural waterproofing abilities, but you're going to want to do everything you can to make sure water isn't able to get in. Getting a relatively inexpensive sealant spray and give your shoes a thorough going-over is a smart idea, especially if you live in a wetter part of the world. Let's face it; most of the time you're making something from home, it's because you want to put your own unique spin on it. You have plenty of chance to do so even after the shoe is made. Taking a leather paint and adding an inventive design to the sides of the shoes is a fun and effective way to add style to your creation. There are countless ways you can stylize your shoes. Look online for some ideas if you're in need of inspiration. Now that your spiffy creations are finally finished, it's time for the defining moment of trying them on and putting them to use. Try walking down the hallway or the street and get a hang for the way they feel. Are they comfortable? Do you think they could keep out water if you accidentally stepped in a puddle? If this is your first time making shoes, it's perfectly normal for there to be issues. If you're not satisfied with the end result, you can always put the expertise you've gained to good use and make another pair. If it's just the insole that's uncomfortable, you can buy gel-based insoles (like Dr. Scholl's) to give your feet some much-welcomed cushion.", "Using your template or personal design, cut each necessary section of fabric or leather out using a surgical knife or scalpel. You may find it helpful to use a ruler or protractor to help you with the incisions. While cutting your pattern, you should leave at least an inch of extra material along the bottom edge of the shoe, as well as a centimetre or so, where the different pieces of the upper join together. This will be your seam allowance. A fluid stitch is one of the most skill-testing parts of making your own shoe. Be meticulous and slow as you're piecing it together; while it may be easier to go faster, bad stitching will certainly show in the final product, and your shoe won't look as good as it should. Try to get the stitches as close to the end of each piece of fabric as you can. Overlaps might leave unnecessary ridges on the shoe. If you intentionally cut your pieces to be slightly bigger than necessary for the sake of having stitching space, remember to take that into account. You don't want to end up with a shoe that's too big, or too small for the sole. While fabric won't be any problem to stitch through, you may have an issue with leather. Leather is notoriously sturdy, and you won't be able to stitch it fluidly. Rather, it's recommended you punch holes in it before connecting it to your other pieces. Eyelets are the holes you'll need to fix your laces through. Chances are your shoe design will use these. Evenly space the eyelets apart from one another (just less than an inch, in most cases) and offer enough of them (4-5) to encase most of the laces. If you're the DIY type, you can make these incisions with a scalpel easily enough. If you're going for a more professional-looking product however, there are specific eyelet-making tools you can order from a specialty outlet. If you purchased a pre-fabricated sole or nabbed a pair from old shoes, you won't need to worry about this step. If you're trying to make a purely homemade set of shoes however, picking up a few sheets of cork is your best bet. Cork has a comfortable amount of cushion, and it's waterproof. If you have the fabric stitched together already, you can use that as a point of reference while making your incisions, although you should ultimately rely on the empirical measurements laid out in your template. Your last should come in handy here as well. Cut the sole out of the cork sheet, leaving a little extra space around the last so your foot will ultimately have some breathing room. If you're wanting some extra cushion and height, you can add a second or even third layer of cork to your sole. Just cut it out in the exact same dimensions, and superglue the layers together. Give the glued cork soles some time to solidify once you've finished gluing them. You can make a shoe heel by adding an extra layer to the posterior third of the sole. Stitching the fabric to your sole won't work, at least not by itself. It's recommended you pick up a shoe-specific adhesive to glue your fabric to the sole. Apply the glue slowly and evenly. This will maximize the waterproof seal for your shoe, and keep it sturdy. If your blueprint suggests any additional stitches, do those as well. Make use of the last inside the shoe as you're putting it together. It will make a great point of reference and support while you're getting the tricky stitches done. If you're a real pro with stitches, don't be afraid to spice up your stitching style. Stitches themselves can be an interesting aesthetic tool. If you're feeling more daring than the rest of us, you can experiment with irregular stitching patterns, so long as they're fundamentally sturdy enough to do their practical job. By this point, you should have relatively functional shoe. Add laces through the eyelets if you haven't already. To make the shoe look as good as it can be, you'll want to trim the excess fabric. If there are some really ugly seam marks on the shoe, you can add a new layer of leather or fabric to cover it up. Now that you have the body of the shoe, you can start thinking about adding more aesthetic flair to it. It's generally assumed you'll want to make two shoes to wear at the same time. After the basics of the first shoe are done, it's time to move onto the second. Keep in mind that you're not wanting to make a copy, but a mirror image of your original shoe. Try to keep it looking as close to the first as you possibly can. Any possible slip ups you made on the first will look worse if they're not reflected on the other shoe. If you were frustrated making the first shoe, you should find making the second is a lot more enjoyable." ], "summary": [ "Make a custom last. Pour casting material into your casting box. Remove and tape your last.", "Decide what kind of shoe you would like to make. Design, find or purchase a blueprint for your shoe. Harvest parts from old shoes. Get the rest of your materials from a hardware store or speciality outlet.", "Waterproof your shoes with a sealant spray. Add decorative touches to your shoes. Take them for a test walk!", "Cut out your leather and fabrics. Stitch pieces together. Make eyelets. Cut out your sole. Stitch and glue your pieces together. Trim excess fabric and add patches where desired. Repeat the process for the other shoe." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Coping with Disrespect", "Examining Your Interactions", "Evaluating Your Feelings" ], "document": [ "If you feel your boyfriend is being disrespectful, learn to assert yourself. In the moment the disrespect occurs, let him know you will not tolerate it. You do not have to be aggressive or mean. Simply state your needs in a calm fashion When your boyfriend is being difficult, say so in the moment. Calmly let him know what he's saying is not respectful and you don't appreciate it. Do this in a calm fashion to avoid escalating the argument. For example, your boyfriend is on your case about you going out with friends from work because he feels these friends are not responsible. Say something like, \"I appreciate your concerns, but I know how to stay safe. I'm allowed to have a social life and I need you to respect that.\" If your boyfriend is chronically disrespectful, he may not always listen when you assert yourself. Instead of hearing your needs and backing off, he may become hostile or even aggressive. For example, \"I don't care what you think you need. I don't want you going out with those girls from the office.\" In this case, just walk away. You need to back up your words with behavior. If you want your boyfriend to respect your social life, and he isn't, show him you won't tolerate this lack of respect. Say something like, \"You're not listening to me and this isn't getting us anywhere. I'm going for a walk.\" Then, leave for a few hours to give your boyfriend a chance to calm down. Living with a chronically disrespectful person can drain your self esteem. You may start to feel you are not worth things like love and respect. This is not the case. Everyone has worth, so remind yourself of yours when necessary. Most people have some areas in their lives they could use to improve. However, this does not mean you don't deserve love or respect. Just because you're, say, a little messy does not give your boyfriend the right to yell at or berate you constantly. Remind yourself of of this. Adopt a personal mantra. Try something like, \"I matter. I deserve respect. I deserve love.\" If someone keeps disrespecting you, you don't have to stay in the relationship. If you consistently feel controlled, uncomfortable, or unhappy with someone, the relationship is probably not worth your time. There's nothing wrong with walking away if someone is not respecting you.", "No one is perfect. It's normal for a romantic partner to sometimes point out your flaws if they affect him or the relationship. However, a disrespectful partner will lecture you constantly about even minor, inconsequential flaws. He will also sound less concerned and more demeaning. In a respectful relationship, your boyfriend may say something like, \"Could you not text as much while we watch TV? I just like to have you present.\" If your boyfriend is being disrespectful, his reaction will be more over the top. Instead of asking nicely that you don't text during certain times, he will lash out and start lecturing you about your flaws. For example, \"This just shows how you can't concentrate on anything. I think this is why you've been having so much trouble at school lately. Your professors are probably as frustrated with you as I am.\" A disrespectful boyfriend is often very controlling and domineering in his behavior. During interactions, you may feel your boyfriend will not let you have your way. He may have an \"It's my way or the highway\" mentality, and act out when things don't go the way he wants. A disrespectful boyfriend may, for example, take major issue with you seeing friends without him. He may berate you and question this decision, saying things like, \"Your friends are so boring. Why do you need to see them so much?\" While he may not directly forbid you from going, he may do things to make your night difficult. For example, he allows you to see a movie with your friend Maggie, but texts and calls the whole time in the theater. He may also let you grab coffee with a friend, but cold shoulder you when you get home. Compromise is important to any healthy relationship. Your boyfriend should occasionally be willing to meet your needs, just as you've met his. You may feel like you always end up doing things your partner's way, whether you want to or not. In a normal relationship, people compromise on things like taste. You may, for example, go see a movie you don't really want to see, but then eat dinner at your favorite restaurant afterwards. With a disrespectful boyfriend, everything will be about him. If you try to say \"No\" or offer a compromise, he simply berates you until he gets his way. For example, he wants to go hiking for your anniversary. You're not much of a hiker, but propose a short, easy hike as you've never gone before. Instead of agreeing, he keeps complaining that he loves long hikes and a short hike will be boring for him until you eventually agree to go on the shorter hike. Is your boyfriend quick to anger? Does he create a generally hostile atmosphere in your home? If you feel unsafe when around him, and feel as if you need to walk on eggshells constantly, he may be disrespecting you. A chronically disrespectful person will not own up to the fact his behavior has hurt others. Most people apologize for their shortcomings or try to change them. A disrespectful person will never take full responsibility for himself. Your boyfriend may refuse to apologize for even little things. For example, he's consistently late but is always making excuses such as \"There was traffic\" and \"I was stressed, so I lost track of time.\" He may also make excuses for major aspects of disrespect. For example, \"I'm sorry I yelled at you, but you don't get the pressure I've been under lately.\" He may even go as far as to blame you. For example, \"I would be more respectful about you seeing your friends if I felt more valued in the relationship.\"", "If your boyfriend is disrespectful, you often won't feel like you're being heard in the relationship. Do you feel like your boyfriend truly understands you? Do you think he knows your needs and wants? If not, he may be disrespecting you. You may feel like your boyfriend does not know basic things about you, such as personal boundaries and what you like to do. This may be because he talks over you or dismisses you. Listening is a basic sign of respect. Someone who does not listen to you does not likely respect you. Think about how you feel about your role in the relationship. Disrespectful people will often make their partners feel unworthy. In a healthy relationship, you will feel you deserve love and respect. You may find yourself consistently having thoughts like, \"I don't deserve him\" or \"It's my fault he yells. I don't deserve to be treated well.\" You do deserve respect. Every human deserve as much. If you consistently feel unworthy of basic aspects of respect (being listened to, being treated with kindness, having your needs met, etc.) then your boyfriend may be being disrespectful towards you. Disrespectful people can create toxic relationships with those around them. If you're being perpetually disrespected, think about your overall energy level. Do you feel tired most of the time? Do you feel drained and exhausted? If so, your boyfriend may be disrespecting you. A disrespectful partner can affect how you behave. If you're with someone who doesn't respect you, you may often feel like you're at your worst. Do you feel like you're not the person you used to be? Do you feel like you're no longer able to keep up with things like your friends, hobbies, and social life and are just doing the bare minimum? Do you feel like you're not dealing as well in social interactions? Maybe you've been more short tempered or dismissive lately. This is a sign you're not being respected and lashing out at others." ], "summary": [ "Assert yourself when necessary. Exit conversations if you're not being respected. Remind yourself of your own worth. Think about taking a break from the relationship.", "Think about whether your partner lectures you. Consider whether you feel controlled or dominated. Think about whether your boyfriend is ever willing to compromise. Watch out for angry outbursts. Evaluate whether your boyfriend ever takes responsibility for his actions.", "Think about whether you feel heard. Examine if you feel unworthy. Evaluate your overall energy level. Think about your behavior." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Planning Your Land Purchase", "Financing the Land Purchase" ], "document": [ "After you have chosen the right parcel of land for your purposes, you will need to have the land surveyed to determine its dimensions and property lines. A survey will also reveal any easements for access to the property, which refers to neighbor's rights to travel through the property. Right-of-way issues are often critical to open plots of land because they are important for the purposes of improving or using that land over time and may affect your ability to get a loan. For more information on having land surveyed, see how to get a land survey. In some cases you may be able to simply ask for a recent land survey from the seller. Go to municipal offices and look through zoning records to get a better idea of how a desired plot of land could be legally used. If your intended use for the land is not allowed by zoning laws, you may be able to apply to seek a zoning change from the municipal government. You may also wish to secure any flood or hazard warnings relevant to the land. A potential lender may ask for these documents. Improvements are any existing or planned man-made additions to the plot of land. Adding improvements to the land or detailing planned improvements for the land may help you secure financing. It may be easier to secure financing if you plan to build structures on the land. These could be residential or commercial structures, depending on your needs and zoning laws. In order to secure financing more easily, have an architect draw up plans for whatever kind of structure you want to build. You may also wish to contact a general contractor for an estimated cost of building the structure. Note that 100% financing packages are rarely available for raw land, even those expected to be developed. Lenders will expect you to have a stake in the financing as well. Whether a piece of land is close to water and sewer utilities may affect its value. Other types of access may also make a huge difference in valuation, and may affect a financing deal. If there are no utilities already installed on the land, contact the utility companies that service the area for an installation estimate. Even if there is no building on the land, existing wells, trails, roads or other items may increase the perceived value of the parcel. Any perceived improvement in value will make financing easier to get. Perhaps the most common one for unimproved land is timber value. Sellers and buyers often identify timber value for a piece of forested land in land calculations. This value may also influence a financing deal by convincing the lender that you will be able to profit from the land. Grazing or farming rights may be another way to earn money on a piece of land. You'll need to put the information about the land and your plans for it together in a sort of loan application, sometimes known as a land portfolio. The more information you have, the better \"story\" you will be able to tell the lender and the higher your chances of securing financing. Your land portfolio should also include information about your creditworthiness (like a credit report or score).", "Before taking any action, especially if you are purchasing completely raw land, consider hiring professional legal help. Hiring a real estate attorney will ensure that your rights are protected during the bidding process for purchasing the land and during the financing process. A good attorney will also be able to help you with price negotiations. Before you can purchase your property, you will need to make an offer on the land and have that offer accepted by the seller. This process can be very simple, but can also follow a relatively complicated bidding process. For more information on the actual buying process for land, see How to Buy Raw Land. It may also be in your best interest to ask for an exclusive option on the property for a period of time so you can pursue financing, etc. Having an option is better than owning, since there is less money involved. Before submitting an offer on the land, be sure that you have the proper permits and any requisite insurance. Ask your lawyer for assistance in this matter. If your offer is accepted by seller, you now will have to find a way to finance your purchase. Start by contacting potential lenders like local banks and credit unions to request a loan interview. Meet with these lenders and present your land portfolio. With enough salesmanship and good credit, along with a good land portfolio, you might be able to get a loan through one of these institutions. With some land types, especially raw land parcels, it may be very difficult to secure funding from a financial institution. Luckily, there are a bevy of other financing options available. The land serves as collateral for loan; additional security might come from downpayment in place of other assets. Be aware that some financing options may be more expensive than borrowing from the bank, so consider your options before setting down any of the following paths. One option is owner financing. This essentially allows you to gradually pay the seller of property directly, rather than going through a lending institution. This will generally require a large down payments to secure the trust of the seller. Like any bank loan, owner financing will be secured by legal documents. Contact the seller of the property to see if they are willing to do this financing option. Another option is through a private-party loan. This will require you to find a friend or family member willing to loan you money. These loans can be secured with collateral (the lender takes possession of a house or car if you default) or unsecured. Additionally, if the land is being purchased for a specific purpose, like for farming or commercial use, you may be able to apply for government loans. Specifically, the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers loans specifically designed for the purpose of purchasing land and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers land loans to farmers who fail to qualify for traditional loans. See their respective websites or contact your local SBA or USDA offices to learn more. Estimate the total costs of each loan and compare them against each other. Generally, owner financing will be the cheapest option, unless you have great credit and are able to secure a low-interest bank loan. Also think about the durations of the loans; you don't want to take a great interest rate but be stuck paying it off for many years. Choose a loan that you can afford and, if you're utilizing your land for profit, one that will allow you to earn money in the long run. Select which loan works best for you and pay the down payment. Be advised that in many cases, this down payment may be as high as 20 to 50 percent of the value of the property." ], "summary": [ "Have the land professionally surveyed. Examine the relevant zoning laws. Evaluate any improvements on the land. Look for various ways to produce asset value on land. Compile your information.", "Consider hiring a lawyer. Make an offer on the land. Contact potential lenders. Consider other financing options. Compare your financing options. Choose a loan." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Doing Compound Exercises", "Creating a Strength Training Regimen", "Burning Fat and Calories" ], "document": [ "to exercise your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing towards your body. Slightly bend your legs, lowering the weights down in front of your body until they reach your knees. Slowly rise back to a standing position. Do about 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps each if you are using heavier weights and 12-15 repetitions if you are using lighter weights. Lie back on a bench and position yourself under a racked barbell. Plant your feet flat on the ground. Arch your back slightly to keep a neutral spine. Grip the bar tightly and push up to remove the bar from the rack. Slowly lower the bar towards your chest before pushing up again. Do 2-3 sets of 6-12 repetitions each if you want to build muscle. Aim for 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps if you want to work on endurance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms straight down in front of your body. With your knees slightly bent and your back straight, lean forward while keeping your abs tight and your chest facing down. Bend your elbows to pull the dumbbells up until your shoulders squeeze together. Hold for a second before slowly lowering them back down. With heavier weights, repeat this exercise 6-12 times for 2-5 sets. If you use lighter weights, go for 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Hold the dumbbell at shoulder height with your arm bent. This is the starting position. Slowly extend your arm up until it is straight. Keep your shoulder down while you do this; do not lift it towards your ear. Hold this pose for a second before slowly lowering it down to starting position. With heavier weights, repeat this exercise 6-12 times on each arm for 2-5 sets. With lighter weights, do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps for each arm. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself by bending your knees, but keep your back straight. Your knees should be straight over your toes. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, rise back up slowly to a standing position. You can hold the dumbbells straight out in front of your or straight down your sides. Don't move your arms as you squat. Do 2-3 sets of 6-12 repetitions if you are using heavy weights. Aim for 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps if you are using light weights. Squats will work your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and adductors. While standing, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with 1 leg while keeping the other leg back. As you do this, lower your hips towards the floor. Your knees should be bent at 90-degree angles. Move your legs back into a standing position. Do 2-3 sets of 6-12 repetitions with heavy weights or 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps with light weights.", "Do not lift weights too often, or you could injure yourself. Your muscles need time to repair after a session of lifting weights. Generally, 2 days of rest in between weight-lifting sessions will give you enough time to rest and repair before you use weights again. When you do work out, go with compound strength training exercises for an effective way to lose fat. These are exercises that work out multiple muscle groups at once. No matter what type of weight you choose, you will burn calories. That said, if you want to build muscle, you should choose heavier weights. Pick weights that are heavy, but not so heavy that you can't complete a full set. If you want to build endurance, go for lighter weights. If you are using heavier weights, you should do fewer repetitions to help you build muscle. Doing 6-12 repetitions in a set is a good guideline. If you are using lighter weights for endurance, do more repetitions in a set. Aim for 12-15 repetitions per set. Repetitions (or reps) are the number of times you repeat an exercise. A set contains a certain number of repetitions that you do before you rest. Resting allows you to catch your breath, but if you are trying to lose weight, avoid resting for too long. Keep your breaks to no more than a minute. If you need longer to rest, your weights may be too heavy. To get the most out of weight lifting, you need to make sure you have proper form. When learning a new technique, practice with no weights first to master the form. Improper form can lead to injuries, and it will reduce the benefits you receive from lifting weights. Use online videos, bodybuilding blogs, and sports training websites to help you learn the proper form of any move you want to learn. At your gym, you can ask for a personal trainer to teach you the proper form of new exercises. As time goes on and you get stronger, you can increase the weights that you lift to help build more muscle and burn more fat. Gradually add on weight in 1–5 pounds (0.45–2.27 kg) increments to make sure that you don't overdo it. Lifting weights can help you build muscle and burn calories, but cardio is still useful when trying to lose fat. There are many ways that you can incorporate cardio into a weight-lifting routine. Choose a program that works for you. Start your workout with a 10-minute run on the treadmill, bike ride, or elliptical session. At the end of the workout, do another 10 minutes to cool down. Do 5 minutes of cardio in between weight lifting sets. Jump on the treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike. Do a full 30-45 minute cardio routine 2-3 times a week. Do these on days when you don't lift weights.", "Use an online calorie tracker like SuperTracker or an app like My Fitness Pal to watch what you eat each day. Record how many calories are in each serving of food or drink. Also add the number of calories you burned from exercise. To lose fat, you must burn more calories than you eat. You need to burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound (0.45 kg) of fat. To make this more manageable, aim for a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. As you build muscle, you may become heavier, but you may still be losing fat. Protein can help you build and maintain muscle, but your diet shouldn't be more than 35% protein. You should eat about .37 grams of protein for every 1 pound (0.45 kg) of body weight. Protein-rich foods include eggs, meats, fish, and cottage cheese. For example, you might eat scrambled eggs in the morning, a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, and grilled chicken for dinner. Carbohydrates can give you energy while you lift weights. The best carbs are complex carbs, which also give you fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Complex carbs include whole grains, oatmeal, lentils, and beans. Avoid simple carbs, like sugar, baked goods, white rice, pasta, and soda. Carbs should make up between 45-65% of your diet. Fats should make up 20-30% of your diet. Look for healthy fats (known as unsaturated fats), such as olive oil, fish, nuts, and avocados. Avoid saturated fats, like fried food, margarine, and fatty meats. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you build muscle, you may weigh more, even if you are shedding fat. Body fat measurements are a better way to check your progress. Some common measurements include: Using body calipers at home or at a gym. Using a body fat scale or monitor at a gym or doctor's office. Undergoing water displacement at a large hospital or health facility. Getting a DEXA scan from a doctor or health spa." ], "summary": [ "Try deadlifts Do a bench press to strengthen your chest, front shoulders, and back. Perform dumbbell rows to help your abs, shoulders, back, and biceps. Do a single-arm dumbbell press to work your arms and shoulders. Add dumbbells to squats for a good lower body workout. Hold dumbbells while doing lunges to help your thighs and glutes.", "Work out your entire body 2 or 3 times a week. Pick the right weight for your goals. Rest for a minute or less between each set. Work on form rather than speed or weight. Increase your weights over time. Add cardio to your routine to burn more calories.", "Track the calories that you eat using a weight loss website or app. Get enough protein in your diet to support building muscle. Eat complex carbohydrates to give you energy. Choose unsaturated fats to store energy for your muscles. Use body fat measurements to track your progress instead of a scale." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Drawing Your Character", "Fleshing out Your Character", "Completing a Character Sheet" ], "document": [ "Make sure you have a basic overview of your character before you start to draw them. Ideally, complete a character sheet so you know exactly who they are. If you don’t want to be this detailed, decide their role in the story and their basic physical traits. A basic concept for Alice might be, “Short dark-haired witch in a black dress who’s the hero of the story.” For Trixy, you might write, “Tall, red-headed witch in jeans and yellow t-shirt who’s secretly a villain.” How your character stands says a lot about their personality. Think about how your character would hold their body based on their personality and goals. Then, picture what their silhouette would look like. Use this to create an outline of your character. For example, Alice might be standing tall with her hand on her hip and her nose pointed in the air. Trixy, on the other hand, might be looking down and off to the side. Her hands might pressed together in front of her body to show that she’s hiding something. Quickly sketch out the basic look you’re going for with this character. Do a couple of sketches so you can try different details and angles. Then, review your sketches to help you decide how you want to draw the character. Sketching also helps you warm up so it’s easier to draw. Don’t worry about making mistakes. These sketches should be loose and don’t need to be finished. What your character wears should show something about them as a character. This includes the type of clothing they wear, the colors they pick, and the accessories they choose. Think about how your character would dress, then create an outfit that works for them. For example, Alice might wear flowing dresses because she thinks it better reflects her witch heritage. Similarly, she might stick to dark colors because it makes her feel witchy. For accessories, she might wear an old locket that has her grandmother’s picture in it. Trixy might wear modern clothes because she doesn’t follow the old ways. Additionally, she might choose bright colors because it makes people think she’s happy, even though she’s not. For accessories, she might carry a purse that’s made from a pet fox that she once had. Now that you’ve decided on the posture and basic physical features, create a drawing of your character. Do this on paper or your computer, depending on what’s comfortable for you. Make this drawing as detailed as you’d like. You might be able to use a drawing app to help you create your character. If you’re using the drawing as inspiration but don’t plan to show it to people, don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Just do your best. If you’re creating a comic book or something similar, practice drawing your character over and over. This will help you get good at it, so don’t give up!", "Make a list of questions you could ask your character, or look for a list online. Then, go through the list and answer each question as your character. Base the answers on your character’s background, their personality, and what they want. Questions might include, “What’s your favorite food?” “Do you have a pet?” “What is your relationship like with your family?” “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” “What is your earliest memory?” “What is your dream job?” “Who is your most trusted confidant?” and “What’s in your bedroom?” As an example, Alice might say that her favorite food is homemade kettle corn because she likes the salty-sweet taste. She might also say that she has a black cat and an orange cat that act as her familiars. Give your character an accent or speech pattern that shows their background or personality. Additionally, use words and sentence structures that reflect your character's level of education and place in society. This will help your audience learn more about your character through their speech. As an example, Alice might include old fashioned words in her speech and may occasionally rhyme due to her experience making spells. She might say things like, \"The forest has darkened a wee bit early, but that's no reason for you to get surly.\" You can learn a lot from a person by watching how they go about their life. This includes activities like cooking, eating, cleaning, driving a car, or talking to a receptionist. Explore how your character acts in these moments to help their character development. For instance, Alice might clean her house and cook her breakfast using a spell. Then, you might have her struggle to purchase items at a store because she can’t use her magic there. This shows that she overly relies on her magic. As another example, you might show Alice trying to check out a magic book from the library. She might blush and mumble when she talks to the clerk and have trouble making eye contact. This shows that she’s shy. Real people have opinions, so your character should, as well. Consider which issues in your story will be most important to your character. Then, decide what your character’s opinion on that issue would be. Use this opinion to help with character development. For instance, Alice might believe that witches should live separately from non-magical humans. This might make it hard for her to work with humans. Additionally, it might create conflict between her and other witches. Show your character interacting with their family, friends, or an antagonist. Make sure that each character is distinctive so that you see the similarities and differences between them. This helps you better understand what your OC is about and who they really are. As an example, let’s say Alice has a best friend named Trixy. You might have a scene where Alice and Trixy come across an injured witch in the woods. Alice might stop and help the witch, offering him her last bit of water and food. Trixy might roll her eyes and tell Alice that she’s wasting her time by helping. Then, Trixy might go to get help but return really late because she took a break to do something fun. This shows that Alice is kind and helpful, while Trixy might be unreliable. To make your story interesting, you have to give your character problems and deny them what they want. Create obstacles and losses for your character that keeps them striving to get what they want. This helps them develop as a character and keeps your audience rooting for the character. For example, Alice might almost find her parents but them they get moved again. Similarly, she might realize that her best friend Trixy is secretly helping the person who took her parents.", "This includes their name, age, birth place, where they live, and their basic personal details, such as their species and sex or gender if they have one. List as many details that you can think of right now. It’s okay if you don’t know everything yet. You could write, “Alice, 25, born at home, lives in a small rural town called Wisty, human witch, female, has magic.” If you’re not sure about a detail, leave a blank space for it so that you can come back later. Sometimes it takes time to really understand a character. Every character should have a function in the story you’re telling. Consider what your OC is going to contribute to the story, then assign them a basic role. It’s okay if you go back and change this later, but it’s good to have an idea. For instance, your character might be the hero, the villain, the femme fatale, the wise elder, the romancer, or the helper. As an example, a female character who uses her looks to hide the fact that she’s a dangerous thief might be a femme fatale. It’s okay if your character has more than 1 role. For instance, a male character who falls in love while rescuing a city might be both a hero and a romancer. Ask yourself how your character will look. Then, describe their basic physical features, how they typically dress, and how they move and stand. Be as detailed as you want to be at this stage. You can always add more details later. You might write, “Alice is short, curvy, and has pale skin. Her hair is black and curly, and her eyes are grey with yellow sparkles. She usually wears black, royal blue, or dark purple clothes, typically dresses. Her hands are scarred from potions accidents, and she has a scar on her chest from a spell that went wrong. She’s proud of her witch heritage, so she always stands up straight and walks with her chin slightly lifted.” Describe your character's past and how it’s brought them to this point in the story. Discuss what they’ve done as well as things that have happened to them. Include the major details that shaped them as a character. For instance, “Alice has always lived in a small town and feels like she’s the most talented witch in her family. Her parents home schooled her and taught her the old ways of her family, so she’s not familiar with modern society. She’s always tried really hard to learn new spells, to the point that she annoyed her family members. Her parents have always supported her and built up her self-esteem, but it’s made her have too much confidence in her abilities. Now, her parents have disappeared and she needs to find them, but her overconfidence is causing her to make mistakes.” Think of 5-10 traits that are really important to your character. Include the talents they might possess, like singing, running fast, or casting spells. Then, consider what types of achievements they might make, as well as what would make them proud. Decide their overall attitude. For instance, are they an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist? Alice’s personal traits might include that she's hardworking, determined, quick thinking, creative, friendly, and loyal. Her talents might include making potions, casting spells, and singing. For achievements, you might include that she brewed her first potion at age 5, she won a magical pie baking contest, and she’s the rightful possessor of her family’s spell book. It’s tempting to make your character perfect, but this makes them seem fake. Everyone has flaws, so consider what your character’s flaws might be. This can include bad personality traits, physical imperfections, or mistakes that they’ve made. Describe these flaws in your character sheet. Alice’s personality flaws might include being overconfident, being naive, and acting without thinking. Her physical imperfections might include her scars, the fact that she runs slowly, and the fact that she’s physically weak. Her mistake might be that she’s trusted the wrong person to help her. Everyone is afraid of something, so fear helps make your character more real. Additionally, it gives you something to threaten them with in a story. Identify what might scare your character the most and include it on their character sheet. For instance, Alice might be afraid of losing her parents forever. Additionally, she may be afraid to leave her home town, even though she must if she wants to find her parents. Every character needs to have a motivation, which is typically tied to what they want. This is what drives the story forward. Think about what your character would logically want most, then explain this in your character sheet. If you already know the plot of your story, use this to figure out your character’s motivation. What is the core conflict in your plot? What is your character missing? This is likely their motivation. In Alice’s story, her motivation might be to get her parent’s back. Additionally, she probably wants to prove herself as a talented witch." ], "summary": [ "Create your character sheet or a basic concept first. Choose a distinctive posture for your character. Make several sketches of your character to find the look you want. Add clothing and accessories that reflect your character’s personality. Draw your character based on your sketches.", "Ask your character questions to create character development. Create a unique voice that reflects your character's persona. Show your character in everyday situations to portray their personality. Make your character take a stance on an important issue. Develop your character’s relationship with other characters in the story. Take something away from your character to build tension.", "Write your character’s personal and biographical details at the top. Explain the character’s role in the story. Describe your character's physical appearance in a list or paragraph. Explain your character’s background and history. List your character’s personal traits, talents, and accomplishments. Explain your character’s flaws so they seem more real. Give your character a fear that might become an obstacle. Determine your character’s motivation or what they want." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Including the Right Content", "Creating a Strong Presentation" ], "document": [ "Scientific papers may have lengthy titles. Shorten yours so that it adequately conveys what your research is about and your experimental method but takes up no more than 2 lines at the top of your poster. If you can, make your title \"catchy\" so it will attract interest from passersby, but don't try to make it funny. Place your research in the context of previous work as well as why it’s an important topic to work on, then introduce an interesting hypothesis. Make sure the introduction is different than your abstract. Keep your introduction to under 200 words so it can be read quickly. You can add a photograph or other visual aid to make it more interesting and eye-catching. Don't clutter your introduction with definitions, background information or anything else that will only bog down the narrative and cause passersby to lose interest. Briefly, describe your method, taking no more than 200 words and using illustrations if they're helpful. Flow charts are especially good for this section. Leave off abstracts. The content of poster should create a visual abstract of your scientific experiment instead of being a copy of your report. Know your audience. Just as you would when you write a paper, make the information included on your poster will give the appropriate depth of information. It should be understandable even to a reader that is not specialized in the same particular field. Do this with 2 brief paragraphs of text and a clearly labeled table so passersby can understand your results at a glance. Use clear and succinct graphs that are labeled so a passerby can understand. Most will skip the other sections and just study your results, so take extra care with this section. In the first paragraph, state whether your experiment worked or not. In the second paragraph, analyze your results in terms of your hypothesis and indicate how many times you replicated the research. Include relevant figures from your study. In about 200 words, tell the reader why your research was important and relevant, both to the field of study and the real world. Discuss which direction you want to take your research in the future. Remind the reader of your result and whether your initial hypothesis was supported. Try to convince your reader that your results are conclusive and interesting. Cite any journal articles you read that support your research or any research that is referenced in your study. Use the correct format prescribed for researchers in your field to note your sources. Don't list the titles of people who supported you, but do list what specific assistance or support they provided. If there was any actual or potential conflict of interest or commitment regarding your research, list it in this section. Provide your name, email address, website if you have one, and a place where readers can download a copy of your poster. You may want to create a handout-sized version of your poster with your information so your audience can go back to review your study later and can easily follow up with you at a later date.", "You can figure out the size you need by how much text in your report, the number of images or graphs you plan to include. If your report is under 5 pages and has less than 7 pictures or graphs a 36X48 should work. If your report has more information you can adjust your size accordingly. Check with any poster size requirements for your event. You may have space limitations for your display, and sometimes your poster size may be restricted. Be sure you have adequate supplies to display your poster. Usually, display stands or clips may be provided for you on site, but it is best to check ahead to make sure you bring everything you need. Many students try to include everything in their research paper, but this is a serious mistake. You can leave off the abstract and large areas of text tend to dissolve into visually cramped, boring, gray spaces that are intimidating to an audience. Posters that have too much text on them will be passed over in favor of those that are easier to read. Highlight the key details and share the extraneous details verbally. Use columns to organize and structure your presentation in a logical manner. Clearly label any sections, graphs or images. If you know how to use Powerpoint, Keynote or design programs like Photoshop, you can make some stunning visual aids that can combine your text and graphics into a professional looking display. Once you've created all your sections and illustrations, transfer the files to portable document format (PDF) so you can be certain how they will look when printed. Use either PC or Mac platform for everything so you don't run into compatibility problems when moving files between the two. Check your graphs, charts and other illustrations to make sure a reader can make out the details at that distance. Take another couple steps back. Your poster title should be readable from 10 feet (3 m) away. Use a large font for all text. Paragraph text should be between 18-24 pt. font. You can use a different font style for titles to help distinguish them, but otherwise, you should keep the font consistent. Use color to attract the eyes of your audience. 2-3 colors can help your various titles to stand out. Avoid adding too many, though, so it doesn't become overwhelming. Avoid using 3D illustrations unless it's absolutely necessary. If you do use 3D illustrations, print stereoscopic versions on the poster and provide readers with 3D glasses. Don't settle for poor-quality images. Go to the trouble of finding image files that will still look sharp when blown up to place on your photo. You may have to take your own digital photos. There are a number of ways to do this, from using the devices found inside recordable greeting cards to attaching your personal media player to your poster. You can place a quick response (QR) code on your poster that readers with smartphones and similar devices can scan to access a website that will show photographs, play sound files or display other media on their devices. Place your information so it is in an easy to follow sequential order. Evaluate how the information is organized and if the poster is visually appealing. Ask for feedback from fellow students and teachers. Use the feedback to create the final version. You may want to purchase a cardboard tube to store and protect your poster until your presentation. You don't want all your hard work to go to waste. If you don't want to purchase a container, consider rolling the poster up and wrapping a rubber band loosely around each end to keep it closed until your presentation. You can use a local printing service or find one online that specializes in creating scientific posters. If you are traveling to a scientific gathering, you can have a printing service create your poster and have it waiting for you when you arrive. Conference organizers often make agreements with printing services to make and deliver posters as a courtesy to students. If you plan to use a poster printer at your university, see if they have a place to sign up. During crunch time, many people may be trying to print off their work. For many events, a presenter should be present to answer client questions or give additional information as needed. It's a good idea to have a sign on hand in case you need to step away to get a drink or use the restroom. This can help reduce the chance you miss any interested visitors. A good poster may still not include every bit of relevant information. You should be prepared to answer any questions with all your available information. Bring note cards that you can refer to in a pinch. You may also want to get a binder to carry along any other information that might be requested. Practice your presentation multiple times before taking it to the public. This will make you more confident and engage the listeners." ], "summary": [ "Create a short title. Write an introduction. Describe your experimental approach. Give your results. Include some discussion of your conclusions. List any previously published research you used. Thank everyone who assisted and supported you. Give your contact information.", "Determine the size of your poster. Carefully select what to put on your poster. Use software designed for making slide presentations and software that manipulates images to create your poster. Look at your poster from a distance of 6 feet (2 m) away. Add audio and video files if appropriate. Assemble a rough draft of your poster. Store your poster safely. Consider having a professional printing service create your poster. Make a \"Back in 5 Minutes\" sign that can hang next to your poster. Bring any additional reference materials you may need." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Formatting Your SOP", "Writing Your SOP", "Ensuring Success and Accuracy" ], "document": [ "There is no right or wrong way to write an SOP. However, your company probably has a number of SOPs you can refer to for formatting guidelines, outlining how they prefer it done. If that's the case, use the pre-existing SOPs as a template. If not, you have a few options: A simple steps format. This is for routine procedures that are short, have few possible outcomes, and are fair to the point. Apart from the necessary documentation and safety guidelines, it's really just a bullet list of simple sentences telling the reader what to do. A hierarchical steps format. This is usually for long procedures -- ones with more than ten steps, involving a few decisions to make, clarification and terminology. This is usually a list of main steps all with substeps in a very particular order. A flowchart format. If the procedure is more like a map with an almost infinite number of possible outcomes, a flowchart may be your best bet. This is the format you should opt for when results aren't always predictable. There are three main factors to take into account before writing your SOP: Your audience's prior knowledge. Are they familiar with your organization and its procedures? Do they know the terminology? Your language needs to match the knowledge and investment of the reader. Your audience's language abilities. Is there any chance people who don't speak your language will be \"reading\" your SOP? If this is an issue, it's a good idea to include lots of annotated pictures and diagrams. The size of your audience. If multiple people at once are reading your SOP (those in different roles), you should format the document more like a conversation in a play: user 1 completes an action, followed by user 2, and so on and so forth. That way, each reader can see how he or she is an integral cog in the well-oiled machine. What it boils down to is this: Are you the best person to be writing this? Do you know what the process entails? How it could go wrong? How to make it safe? If not, you may be better off handing it over to someone else. A poorly-written -- or, what's more, inaccurate -- SOP will not only reduce productivity and lead to organizational failures, but it can also be unsafe and have adverse impacts on anything from your team to the environment. In short, it's not a risk you should take. If this is a project you've been assigned that you feel compelled (or obligated) to complete, don't shy away from asking those who complete the procedure on a daily basis for help. Conducting interviews is a normal part of any SOP-creating process. If you're writing or updating an SOP for a group of individuals that are familiar with protocol, terminology, etc., and just would benefit from a short and snappy SOP that's more like a checklist, you could just write it in short-form. Apart from basic purpose and relevant information (date, author, ID#, etc.), it's really just a short list of steps. When no details or clarification are needed, this is the way to go. What's obvious is that you have a procedure within your organization that keeps on getting repeated over and over and over. But is there a specific reason why this SOP is particularly useful? Does it need to stress safety? Compliance measures? Is it used for training or on a day-to-day basis? Here are a few reasons why your SOP is necessary to the success of your team: To ensure compliance standards are met To maximize production requirements To ensure the procedure has no adverse impact on environment To ensure safety To ensure everything goes according to schedule To prevent failures in manufacturing To be used as training document If you know what your SOP should emphasize, it'll be easier to structure your writing around those points. It's also easier to see just how important your SOP is.", "In general, technical SOPs will consist of four elements apart from the procedure itself: Title page. This includes 1) the title of the procedure, 2) an SOP identification number, 3) date of issue or revision, 4) the name of the agency/division/branch the SOP applies to, and 5) the signatures of those who prepared and approved of the SOP. This can be formatted however you like, as long as the information is clear. Table of Contents. This is only necessary if your SOP is quite long, allowing for ease of reference. A simple standard outline is what you'd find here. Quality Assurance/Quality Control. A procedure is not a good procedure if it cannot be checked. Have the necessary materials and details provided so the reader can make sure they've obtained the desired results. This may or may not include other documents, like performance evaluation samples. Reference. Be sure to list all cited or significant references. If you reference other SOPs, be sure to attach the necessary information in the appendix. Your organization may have different protocol than this. If there are already preexisting SOPs you can refer to, abandon this structure and adhere to what's already in place. Scope and applicability. In other words, describe the purpose of the process, its limits, and how it's used. Include standards, regulatory requirements, roles and responsibilities, and inputs and outputs. Methodology and procedures. The meat of the issue -- list all the steps with necessary details, including what equipment needed. Cover sequential procedures and decision factors. Address the \"what ifs\" and the possible interferences or safety considerations. Clarification of terminology. Identify acronyms, abbreviations, and all phrases that aren't in common parlance. Health and safety warnings. To be listed in its own section and alongside the steps where it is an issue. Do not gloss over this section. Equipment and supplies. Complete list of what is needed and when, where to find equipment, standards of equipment, etc. Cautions and interferences. Basically, a troubleshooting section. Cover what could go wrong, what to look out for, and what may interfere with the final, ideal product. Give each of these topics their own section (usually denoted by numbers or letters) to keep your SOP from being wordy and confusing and to allow for easy reference. This is by no means an exhaustive list; this is just the tip of the procedural iceberg. Your organization may specify other aspects that require attention. Odds are your audience isn't choosing to read this for fun. You want to keep it short and clear -- otherwise their attention will stray or they'll find the document formidable and hard to grasp. In general, keep your sentences as short as possible. Here's a bad example: Make sure that you clean out all of the dust from the air shafts before you begin using them. Here's a good example: Vacuum all dust from air shafts before use. In general, don't use \"you.\" It should be implied. Speak in the active voice and start your sentences with command verbs. The last thing you want to do is write an SOP that is just plain inaccurate. You're compromising the safety of your team, their efficacy, their time, and you're taking an established process and not paying it any mind -- something your teammates may find a little offensive. If you need to, ask questions! You want to get this right. Of course, if you don't know, ask multiple sources, covering all roles and responsibilities. One team member may not follow standard operating procedure or another may only be involved in a portion of the deed. If you have a step or two that are particularly intimidating, make it easy on your readers with some sort of chart or diagram. It makes it easier to read and gives the mind a brief hiatus from trying to make sense of it all. And it'll be appear more complete and well-written for you. Don't include these just to bulk up your SOP; only do this if necessary or if trying to bridge a language gap. Your SOP is probably one of many SOPS -- because of this, hopefully your organization has some type of larger database cataloging everything within a certain reference system. Your SOP is part of this reference system, and therefore needs some type of code in order to be found. That's where the notation comes in. Each page should have a short title or ID #, a revision number, date, and \"page # of #\" in the upper right hand corner (for most formats). You may or may not need a footnote (or have these in the footnote), depending on your organization's preferences.", "If you don't want to test your procedure, you probably haven't written it well enough. Have someone with a limited knowledge of the process (or a person representative of the normal reader) use your SOP to guide them. What issues did they run across? If any, address them and make the necessary improvements. It's best to have a handful of people test your SOP. Different individuals will have different issues, allowing for a wide variety of (hopefully useful) responses Be sure to test the procedure on someone who's never done it before. Anyone with prior knowledge will be relying on their knowledge to get them through and not your work, thus defeating the purpose. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what your bosses think of the SOP. It's those who actually do the work that it matters to. So before you submit your work to the higher ups, show your stuff to those that'll be doing (or that do) the job. What do they think? Allowing them to get involved and feel like they're part of the process will make them more likely to accept this SOP you're working on. And they'll inevitably have some great ideas! Once the team gives you the go ahead, send it to your advisors. They'll probably have less input on the actual content itself, but they'll let you know if it meets formatting requirements, if there's anything you missed, and the protocol for making it all official and input into the system. Route the SOP for approvals using document management systems to ensure audit trails of the approvals. This will vary from organization to organization. Basically, you want everything to meet guidelines and regulations. Signatures will be necessary and most organizations nowadays have no problem accepting electronic signatures. This may involve executing a formal training for the affect personnel (e.g. classroom training, computer-based training, etc.) or it may mean your paper is hung up in the bathroom. Whatever it is, get your work out there! You worked for it. Time for recognition! Be sure your SOP remains current. If it ever gets outdated, update it, get the updates re-approved and documented, and redistribute the SOP as necessary. Your team's safety, productivity, and success matter on it." ], "summary": [ "Choose your format. Consider your audience. Consider your knowledge. Decide between a short or long-form SOP. Keep your SOP purpose in mind.", "Cover the necessary material. For the procedure itself, make sure you cover the following: Make your writing concise and easy to read. If necessary, interview the personnel involved in the process on how they execute the task. Break up large chunks of text with diagrams and flowcharts. Make sure each page has control document notation.", "Test the procedure. Have the SOP reviewed by those who actually do the procedure. Have the SOP reviewed by your advisors and the Quality Assurance team. Once approved, start implementing your SOP." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Accessing and Preparing the Radiator Unit", "Keeping Your Baseboard Radiators Running Efficiently", "Cleaning Inside the Radiator" ], "document": [ "Before you get started, find the main power control or shutoff valve for the baseboard radiator unit and switch it off. You may also want to turn your thermostat down to keep the temperature low just in case. The copper pipes circulating hot water through the radiator can get scalding hot, so don’t put yourself at any unnecessary risk while cleaning them. Give the radiator several minutes to cool down before you open it up. Don’t attempt to clean the radiator until you’re certain it’s stopped circulating hot water. Move everything out from in front of the radiator. This includes curtains, furniture and anything else that is blocking the unit or may get in your way during the cleaning process. Ideally, the hot air generated by the radiator should have as clear a path to warm the room as possible. It’s a good idea to keep your furniture dusted to prevent your baseboard radiators from getting so dirty in the future. Take the face plate cover off of the radiator unit. This can usually be accomplished by pulling the cover up from the bottom and lifting it off the groove where it rests on top. Set the cover aside until you’re finished cleaning. Hold your hand a safe distance away from the pipes inside the radiator. This will help you determine whether it’s too hot to work on. One option is to place the radiator cover on the floor under the unit to collect whatever debris is shaken loose while cleaning. Just be sure to clean the cover separately before you put it back on. Look inside the radiator. Along the length of the copper pipe that conducts hot water through your home you’ll find a collection of small, tightly-grouped aluminum squares lined up side-by-side. These are known as “fins,” and they play an important role in diffusing the heat created by the radiator. This is what you’ll be cleaning. Most of the time, dust simply accumulates around the outer surface of the fins, meaning they just need a quick vacuuming.", "To ensure that your baseboard radiators are working the way they’re supposed to, you should aim to clean them at least twice a year. Give them a good vacuuming at the start of the heating season (usually around late September or October) and again in early spring before you shut them off for the warmer months, checking them as needed in the meantime. Keeping the unit clear of dust will allow it to heat your home more efficiently. If you have pets that shed or live in a place with a high amount of dust buildup, you might want to clean your radiator units more frequently. Radiators that are well-maintained aren't forced to use as much energy, which means you’ll save money heating your home. Baseboard radiators work by pulling cold air up from floor level and filtering it through the heated fins, which quickly warm the air and circulate it back through the room. Help the process along by keeping all drapes, furniture and other belongings out of the way of the radiator. The area around the top and bottom of the unit should be kept clear so that air can pass through without difficulty. Be sure to keep the vents at the top of the radiator’s cover open to let warm air escape. Keep your living space free of dust, especially around the baseboards and any furniture that happens to be close to your radiator. Dust from the surrounding environment can get sucked into the radiator as it draws in cool air from the room, and will quickly accumulate around the fins and other sensitive parts of the unit's interior. Frequent dusting is not just a good habit to get into, it can extend the life of your baseboard radiator and cut down on the number of tedious cleanings it requires. Dust before your clean your radiator so that the loose particles floating around the room don't get pulled into the unit's air ducts. Don't just focus on visible dust. Be sure to vacuum your carpet, drapes and any other surface that might be harboring unseen dust. Over time, the fins along your radiator pipes, or the pipes themselves, may take a beating and need to be changed out. Call your heating and air specialist and ask for an estimate for the installation of new pipes or fins if you notice that yours are bent, ruptured or otherwise damaged. The fins do most of the work of putting off the heat generated by the hot water pipes, so it’s important that they stay in good working order. Unless you’re experienced in radiator repair, it’s not recommended that you try to replace fin-tubing yourself. The metal fins increase the surface area used to conduct heat from the pipes, warming the room at a much faster rate.", "Take a vacuum cleaner or shop vac and slide on a brush-head attachment. This is the most efficient way to clean objects with complex construction and many irregular surfaces, like the inside of a radiator. The brush attachment will dislodge dust and debris on the fins, which can then be sucked up by the vacuum. You may be able to dust your unit without the use of a brush attachment (or with another device like a hand vacuum), but it will take longer and won’t be as thorough. Turn on the vacuum and place your hand over the hose to make sure it’s getting proper suction. Run the brush head along the length of the radiator pipes and fins, using long, sweeping motions to collect as much dust as possible. Go over the fins as many times as you need to until you’re satisfied with their condition. Brush around the fins in both directions, across the tops and down the sides. If your unit is particularly dirty, wipe away cobwebs, dust bunnies and clumps of hair with a dry cloth or paper towel before vacuuming. In some cases the bristles of the brush attachment may not be long enough to penetrate the spaces between the fins. If this is the case, use a separate tool, such as a slender paint brush or pipe cleaner, to work the stuck-on dust and dirt out of the deeper crevices of the unit’s innards. Cleaning between the fins can be a tedious process, but it’s worth it to save yourself the expense of a poorly-running radiator. Some people claim to have had success loosening stubborn buildup with a spray bottle of water. This is not recommended, as it may cause rust or damage your unit. Depending on how dirty the radiator cover face plate is, you might decide to clean it as well. Wet a washcloth with warm, soapy water. Scrub the inside of the cover to loosen any caked-on grime. Rinse and rewet the washcloth, then wipe away any remaining debris. This step will be especially important if you used your radiator cover to catch stray debris. Treat rusted metal covers with a rust-remover solution before replacing them. Lift the cover and position so its back side faces the wall. Set the cover down in the groove at the top of the unit’s base, then lower it over the radiator until it fits back into place. It may click or snap to let you know it’s secure." ], "summary": [ "Turn off the power to the radiator. Clear away any nearby obstacles. Remove the radiator cover. Identify the fins.", "Clean your baseboard radiators regularly. Make sure the unit is unobstructed. Dust around your home. Replace damaged or broken parts.", "Ready a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Vacuum out the inside of the unit. Remove hard to reach debris with a separate brush. Wipe down the radiator cover. Replace the cover." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Garlic bread with olive oil", "Garlic bread with butter", "Variations" ], "document": [ "French bread (the long loaf/baguette) works best but chunkier bread can also work provided it has enough soft surface. Wrap the bread in aluminum foil, and place the bread in a toaster oven or conventional oven on a cookie tray at 350ºF/180ºC. Bake or toast for about 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Unwrap the bread, cut the rest of the way through the bread and serve.", ". Set the temperature of the oven to 175ºC (325ºF/ gas mark 3.5). Place the baguette into the center of the oven and bake for ten minutes. Turn it over, bake for a further 10 minutes. Remove it after the time is up. Unwrap the garlic bread, cut the rest of the way through the slices, and serve", "Add fresh herbs to the mix. Chop the herbs finely. Or use dried herbal mixes to taste. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over the garlic butter. This provides a more intense, cheesy flavor. Use half butter/half olive oil in the second method above for a better toast-like result. Try sprinkling on onion powder or chili powder for a new twist. Sprinkle freshly cracked pepper over the top of the garlic butter or oil mix. Spread the olive oil and garlic mixture on bread, then top the slices with chopped onion and tomato. Add a few shavings of Parmesan cheese if desired. Cut a clove of garlic just in half, and grate over the toast. Then cut in half a tomato and grate over the toast. Cover with olive oil and some sea salt and pepper. Great to eat natural or with a piece of cheese or tomato!" ], "summary": [ "Choose your preferred bread. Bake. Serve.", "Preheat the oven Bake. Serve.", "Consider varying the garlic and butter or olive oil mixes as follows: Make a delicious bruschetta. For Spanish toast, toast some white bread (cut in slices or larger pieces to taste)." ] }