diff --git "a/data/en104/text/00000015.txt" "b/data/en104/text/00000015.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en104/text/00000015.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,12481 @@ +-nc69t9RL6U-00000-00000008-00000159 this is dr ron here i want to talk to +-nc69t9RL6U-00001-00000160-00000303 you guys +-nc69t9RL6U-00002-00000304-00000519 about uh something that i deal with +-nc69t9RL6U-00003-00000520-00000774 almost on a daily basis when patients +-nc69t9RL6U-00004-00000775-00000950 come into my office +-nc69t9RL6U-00005-00000951-00001150 is that they come into my office and +-nc69t9RL6U-00006-00001151-00001327 they say hey you know what doc i've been +-nc69t9RL6U-00007-00001328-00001591 on a very low calorie diet or 1200 +-nc69t9RL6U-00008-00001592-00001759 calorie diet or 1400 calorie diet or +-nc69t9RL6U-00009-00001760-00001967 1600 calorie diet +-nc69t9RL6U-00010-00001968-00002175 and i'm not +-nc69t9RL6U-00011-00002176-00002367 i'm losing weight but i still feel +-nc69t9RL6U-00012-00002368-00002518 really bad +-nc69t9RL6U-00013-00002519-00002615 or +-nc69t9RL6U-00014-00002616-00002791 i'm losing weight but my blood sugars +-nc69t9RL6U-00015-00002792-00002942 are still high +-nc69t9RL6U-00016-00002943-00003199 and the reason for that is is for +-nc69t9RL6U-00017-00003200-00003454 multitude of reasons which i will get to +-nc69t9RL6U-00018-00003455-00003615 in this video so for you guys who don't +-nc69t9RL6U-00019-00003615-00003815 know me now my name is dr chiang rong an +-nc69t9RL6U-00020-00003815-00003983 internal medicine physician here in +-nc69t9RL6U-00021-00003984-00004079 texas +-nc69t9RL6U-00022-00004079-00004283 i want to talk to you about calorie +-nc69t9RL6U-00023-00004284-00004535 restriction calorie reservation is not +-nc69t9RL6U-00024-00004536-00004854 something i recommend for a multitude of +-nc69t9RL6U-00025-00004855-00005022 reasons +-nc69t9RL6U-00026-00005023-00005295 here's what happens when you restrict on +-nc69t9RL6U-00027-00005296-00005399 calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00028-00005400-00005686 a lot of people go on some sort of a +-nc69t9RL6U-00029-00005687-00005870 calorie restriction +-nc69t9RL6U-00030-00005871-00006167 diet to attempt to lose weight +-nc69t9RL6U-00031-00006168-00006406 well a lot of them can be successful the +-nc69t9RL6U-00032-00006408-00006655 problem is they're messing up their +-nc69t9RL6U-00033-00006656-00006927 hormones with their metabolism +-nc69t9RL6U-00034-00006928-00007078 their behaviors +-nc69t9RL6U-00035-00007079-00007375 and they're messing up a lot of things +-nc69t9RL6U-00036-00007376-00007463 that +-nc69t9RL6U-00037-00007464-00007655 that really occur in the first place +-nc69t9RL6U-00038-00007656-00007903 which is malnourishment a lot of people +-nc69t9RL6U-00039-00007904-00008095 who are obese who are bigger who are +-nc69t9RL6U-00040-00008095-00008327 fatter are malnourished believe it or +-nc69t9RL6U-00041-00008328-00008559 not in one way or another +-nc69t9RL6U-00042-00008560-00008878 with different phytonutrients and for +-nc69t9RL6U-00043-00008879-00009087 them to have a calorie restricted diet +-nc69t9RL6U-00044-00009088-00009367 it may be detrimental to their health +-nc69t9RL6U-00045-00009368-00009655 and it can make them store fat get +-nc69t9RL6U-00046-00009656-00009814 higher blood sugars and worsen type 2 +-nc69t9RL6U-00047-00009815-00010063 diabetes or some pre-diabetes and worsen +-nc69t9RL6U-00048-00010064-00010263 insulin resistance and worsen +-nc69t9RL6U-00049-00010264-00010446 inflammation which is the worst +-nc69t9RL6U-00050-00010447-00010591 of all +-nc69t9RL6U-00051-00010592-00010831 so how does this happen when someone +-nc69t9RL6U-00052-00010832-00010942 goes on a diet and they start +-nc69t9RL6U-00053-00010943-00011159 restricting their calories a couple +-nc69t9RL6U-00054-00011160-00011446 things happen one they get hungry +-nc69t9RL6U-00055-00011447-00011687 two they're not happy about it +-nc69t9RL6U-00056-00011688-00011910 three they get hungrier +-nc69t9RL6U-00057-00011911-00012238 and four they become malnourished okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00058-00012239-00012535 and so let's say someone is is +-nc69t9RL6U-00059-00012536-00012838 is trying to lose an x amount of weight +-nc69t9RL6U-00060-00012839-00012983 and in theory +-nc69t9RL6U-00061-00012984-00013175 in theory if they cut down on a certain +-nc69t9RL6U-00062-00013176-00013319 number of calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00063-00013319-00013486 they're able to lose a certain +-nc69t9RL6U-00064-00013487-00013727 percentage of fats that's on their body +-nc69t9RL6U-00065-00013728-00013815 right +-nc69t9RL6U-00066-00013816-00013991 well that's not really how the body +-nc69t9RL6U-00067-00013991-00014175 works the biology is far more +-nc69t9RL6U-00068-00014176-00014358 complicated than that i'm going to teach +-nc69t9RL6U-00069-00014359-00014583 you how it really works so let's talk +-nc69t9RL6U-00070-00014584-00014766 about the the first reason why it +-nc69t9RL6U-00071-00014768-00014983 doesn't work is behavior whenever you're +-nc69t9RL6U-00072-00014984-00015238 hungry whenever you're stressed +-nc69t9RL6U-00073-00015240-00015503 and you want to you want to eat and +-nc69t9RL6U-00074-00015504-00015671 you're neglecting +-nc69t9RL6U-00075-00015672-00015919 not really neglecting but you're you're +-nc69t9RL6U-00076-00015919-00016143 not recognizing the fact +-nc69t9RL6U-00077-00016144-00016407 that you're hungry and and you continue +-nc69t9RL6U-00078-00016408-00016775 to be stressed and not be very happy +-nc69t9RL6U-00079-00016776-00016991 that stress perpetuates it makes you +-nc69t9RL6U-00080-00016992-00017079 make +-nc69t9RL6U-00081-00017080-00017343 make really bad choices uh later on in +-nc69t9RL6U-00082-00017344-00017550 the day later on in the week the next +-nc69t9RL6U-00083-00017551-00017639 day +-nc69t9RL6U-00084-00017640-00017879 and um those food choices may not be the +-nc69t9RL6U-00085-00017880-00018022 best for you +-nc69t9RL6U-00086-00018023-00018099 so +-nc69t9RL6U-00087-00018100-00018335 behavior-wise it's very difficult to +-nc69t9RL6U-00088-00018336-00018622 control and those people who are calorie +-nc69t9RL6U-00089-00018623-00018783 restricted +-nc69t9RL6U-00090-00018784-00019022 um are usually have some sort of +-nc69t9RL6U-00091-00019023-00019279 emotional eating to begin with right +-nc69t9RL6U-00092-00019280-00019471 everybody are emotional eaters we're all +-nc69t9RL6U-00093-00019472-00019647 emotional eaters i'm gonna put that on +-nc69t9RL6U-00094-00019648-00019879 the table everybody's emotional eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00095-00019880-00020063 and when we're restricting ourselves we +-nc69t9RL6U-00096-00020064-00020230 our mentality is that we don't we don't +-nc69t9RL6U-00097-00020231-00020407 like this i don't like restricting +-nc69t9RL6U-00098-00020408-00020503 myself +-nc69t9RL6U-00099-00020504-00020686 i don't like the fact that i don't get +-nc69t9RL6U-00100-00020687-00020863 to eat what i want +-nc69t9RL6U-00101-00020864-00021078 but maybe i can just have a little bit +-nc69t9RL6U-00102-00021079-00021367 of what i want and be okay with it but +-nc69t9RL6U-00103-00021368-00021575 in actuality that's also not how it +-nc69t9RL6U-00104-00021576-00021678 works +-nc69t9RL6U-00105-00021679-00021935 and so for example i had a few patients +-nc69t9RL6U-00106-00021936-00022167 who are on weight watchers or on some +-nc69t9RL6U-00107-00022168-00022399 sort of calorie restricted diet +-nc69t9RL6U-00108-00022400-00022519 and +-nc69t9RL6U-00109-00022520-00022719 they come to me and um they're still not +-nc69t9RL6U-00110-00022720-00022975 losing as much weight as they want +-nc69t9RL6U-00111-00022976-00023158 and they're type 2 diabetics and they're +-nc69t9RL6U-00112-00023159-00023278 like you know what my blood sugar is +-nc69t9RL6U-00113-00023279-00023439 higher why why are my blood sugars +-nc69t9RL6U-00114-00023440-00023663 higher well i usually like you know what +-nc69t9RL6U-00115-00023664-00023863 open your my fitness pal or open your +-nc69t9RL6U-00116-00023864-00024063 weight watchers app let me take a look +-nc69t9RL6U-00117-00024064-00024247 at exactly what you're eating a lot of +-nc69t9RL6U-00118-00024248-00024399 times +-nc69t9RL6U-00119-00024400-00024599 when people are eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00120-00024600-00024807 for their points in the point system in +-nc69t9RL6U-00121-00024808-00024958 weight watchers +-nc69t9RL6U-00122-00024959-00025199 or in other programs the problem is +-nc69t9RL6U-00123-00025200-00025478 their content of carbohydrates processed +-nc69t9RL6U-00124-00025479-00025734 sugars is still up there in terms of +-nc69t9RL6U-00125-00025735-00025911 percentage eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00126-00025912-00026094 and so if they're eating these processed +-nc69t9RL6U-00127-00026095-00026390 sugars grain-based carbohydrates +-nc69t9RL6U-00128-00026391-00026535 wheat +-nc69t9RL6U-00129-00026536-00026655 and +-nc69t9RL6U-00130-00026656-00026902 processed and refined carbohydrates +-nc69t9RL6U-00131-00026904-00027062 bad fats +-nc69t9RL6U-00132-00027063-00027262 the problem is they're going to continue +-nc69t9RL6U-00133-00027263-00027462 to feel bad because +-nc69t9RL6U-00134-00027463-00027655 because every time they eat this +-nc69t9RL6U-00135-00027656-00027814 particular item it doesn't matter how +-nc69t9RL6U-00136-00027816-00027967 many calories it's worth it could be +-nc69t9RL6U-00137-00027968-00028190 zero calories and be bad for you +-nc69t9RL6U-00138-00028191-00028279 they're +-nc69t9RL6U-00139-00028280-00028518 increasing their insulin resistance as +-nc69t9RL6U-00140-00028519-00028790 insulin goes up guess what happens +-nc69t9RL6U-00141-00028791-00029062 when insulin goes up the fat cell starts +-nc69t9RL6U-00142-00029063-00029295 dividing and multiplying the fat cells +-nc69t9RL6U-00143-00029295-00029590 starts really enlarging and you tend to +-nc69t9RL6U-00144-00029591-00029887 build more fat well a lot of people who +-nc69t9RL6U-00145-00029888-00030095 are like this tend to lose weight they +-nc69t9RL6U-00146-00030095-00030431 also lose a lot of muscle muscle mass +-nc69t9RL6U-00147-00030432-00030662 and i hope that makes sense to you +-nc69t9RL6U-00148-00030663-00030911 um so behavior wise they tend to reach +-nc69t9RL6U-00149-00030912-00031079 for things that are not so great for +-nc69t9RL6U-00150-00031080-00031270 them number one number two the content +-nc69t9RL6U-00151-00031272-00031495 that they eat is really pro-inflammatory +-nc69t9RL6U-00152-00031495-00031574 still +-nc69t9RL6U-00153-00031575-00031831 is still not good for the hormones and +-nc69t9RL6U-00154-00031832-00032007 uh and which brings me to my second +-nc69t9RL6U-00155-00032008-00032167 point you have to eat for your hormones +-nc69t9RL6U-00156-00032168-00032374 and not eat for calories calories in +-nc69t9RL6U-00157-00032375-00032518 calories out +-nc69t9RL6U-00158-00032519-00032758 that that is a myth it doesn't work when +-nc69t9RL6U-00159-00032760-00032895 you're trying to be healthy when we're +-nc69t9RL6U-00160-00032896-00033102 trying to lose fat lose weight +-nc69t9RL6U-00161-00033103-00033262 not every calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00162-00033263-00033446 is made the same +-nc69t9RL6U-00163-00033447-00033551 okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00164-00033552-00033759 and so what i talk about eating for your +-nc69t9RL6U-00165-00033760-00033959 hormones is that everything every piece +-nc69t9RL6U-00166-00033960-00034127 of food that goes into your mouth is +-nc69t9RL6U-00167-00034128-00034279 either going to be good for you or not +-nc69t9RL6U-00168-00034280-00034543 good for you there's not much in between +-nc69t9RL6U-00169-00034544-00034767 and what you want to do especially if +-nc69t9RL6U-00170-00034768-00035015 you're type 2 diabetic or pre-diabetic +-nc69t9RL6U-00171-00035016-00035262 or obese or insulin resistance +-nc69t9RL6U-00172-00035263-00035543 what you want to do is eat foods that +-nc69t9RL6U-00173-00035544-00035815 keep the the insulin level down so +-nc69t9RL6U-00174-00035816-00036031 you're always be burning fat and those +-nc69t9RL6U-00175-00036032-00036318 types of foods are our vegetables and +-nc69t9RL6U-00176-00036319-00036590 proteins and and the good fats that are +-nc69t9RL6U-00177-00036591-00036823 that are there okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00178-00036824-00036999 and those things will not raise your +-nc69t9RL6U-00179-00037000-00037207 insulin level it will make sure that +-nc69t9RL6U-00180-00037208-00037487 your body continues to be in the fat +-nc69t9RL6U-00181-00037488-00037711 catabolism process catabolism means +-nc69t9RL6U-00182-00037712-00037927 breaking down so fat breaking down +-nc69t9RL6U-00183-00037928-00038207 process you'll continue to burn those +-nc69t9RL6U-00184-00038208-00038511 fat and try to reduce your belly size +-nc69t9RL6U-00185-00038512-00038807 and make you feel a whole lot better and +-nc69t9RL6U-00186-00038808-00039118 there's a lot more to than that but +-nc69t9RL6U-00187-00039119-00039311 and you know when i say not all calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00188-00039312-00039479 are created equal traditionally what +-nc69t9RL6U-00189-00039480-00039671 nutritionists and dietitians have done +-nc69t9RL6U-00190-00039672-00039902 is oh let's look at let's look at the +-nc69t9RL6U-00191-00039903-00040151 amount of calories and in the gram of +-nc69t9RL6U-00192-00040152-00040230 fat +-nc69t9RL6U-00193-00040231-00040407 versus the amount of calories in a gram +-nc69t9RL6U-00194-00040408-00040630 of carbohydrates it's much more so in +-nc69t9RL6U-00195-00040631-00040927 theory fats are bad for you right +-nc69t9RL6U-00196-00040928-00041159 well no that's that's actually not right +-nc69t9RL6U-00197-00041160-00041374 whenever you eat that gram of fat even +-nc69t9RL6U-00198-00041375-00041679 though it's a higher caloric intake +-nc69t9RL6U-00199-00041680-00041967 okay you're still burning the fat your +-nc69t9RL6U-00200-00041968-00042271 body is hormonally is still burning fat +-nc69t9RL6U-00201-00042272-00042455 but when you take +-nc69t9RL6U-00202-00042456-00042790 uh that same gram of fat and if you +-nc69t9RL6U-00203-00042791-00043039 replace it with with a refined +-nc69t9RL6U-00204-00043040-00043295 carbohydrates refined sugar +-nc69t9RL6U-00205-00043296-00043407 these +-nc69t9RL6U-00206-00043408-00043623 then that will spike your insulin level +-nc69t9RL6U-00207-00043624-00043815 as that insulin level spikes you will +-nc69t9RL6U-00208-00043816-00044079 continue to store fat so that's why +-nc69t9RL6U-00209-00044080-00044239 people even though they're on a really +-nc69t9RL6U-00210-00044240-00044439 restricted diet at 1200 calorie diet +-nc69t9RL6U-00211-00044440-00044599 1400 calorie diet +-nc69t9RL6U-00212-00044600-00044711 they're losing weight but they're not +-nc69t9RL6U-00213-00044712-00044967 losing fat it's because of this process +-nc69t9RL6U-00214-00044968-00045143 it's because whatever they're eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00215-00045144-00045374 they're still having insulin level +-nc69t9RL6U-00216-00045375-00045590 spikes okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00217-00045591-00045751 and when they have insulin level spikes +-nc69t9RL6U-00218-00045752-00046079 it continues to store fat so it's can be +-nc69t9RL6U-00219-00046080-00046430 very detrimental to what you want to do +-nc69t9RL6U-00220-00046431-00046574 okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00221-00046575-00046807 um a lot of low +-nc69t9RL6U-00222-00046808-00046902 low +-nc69t9RL6U-00223-00046903-00047111 caloric diets don't work because they +-nc69t9RL6U-00224-00047112-00047495 don't really focus on the fact that +-nc69t9RL6U-00225-00047496-00047679 each calorie is not created equal they +-nc69t9RL6U-00226-00047680-00047839 don't focus on the fact +-nc69t9RL6U-00227-00047840-00048046 that when you eat a gram of fat versus a +-nc69t9RL6U-00228-00048047-00048183 gram of carbohydrate versus gram of +-nc69t9RL6U-00229-00048184-00048383 protein they do different things to your +-nc69t9RL6U-00230-00048384-00048551 body right +-nc69t9RL6U-00231-00048552-00048662 and so +-nc69t9RL6U-00232-00048663-00048983 and so the the content is what really +-nc69t9RL6U-00233-00048984-00049174 drives what it's going to do to your +-nc69t9RL6U-00234-00049175-00049358 body it's not going to be the calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00235-00049359-00049758 it's simply not going to be the calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00236-00049759-00049927 i have other patients who come in and +-nc69t9RL6U-00237-00049928-00050095 say hey doc i've been on a calorie +-nc69t9RL6U-00238-00050096-00050367 restricted diet i'm doing great i lost a +-nc69t9RL6U-00239-00050368-00050479 lot of weight +-nc69t9RL6U-00240-00050480-00050655 i think i feel good +-nc69t9RL6U-00241-00050656-00050895 but i still have sugar cravings or what +-nc69t9RL6U-00242-00050896-00051071 i and i really +-nc69t9RL6U-00243-00051072-00051238 one day i'm gonna succumb to my sugar +-nc69t9RL6U-00244-00051239-00051423 cravings well the problem with sugar +-nc69t9RL6U-00245-00051424-00051702 cravings is that as you consume more +-nc69t9RL6U-00246-00051703-00051882 grain-based carbohydrates and refined +-nc69t9RL6U-00247-00051883-00052175 sugars you tend to crave more of those +-nc69t9RL6U-00248-00052176-00052319 things like a pastry when you be one +-nc69t9RL6U-00249-00052320-00052582 pastry you tend to to eat more of them +-nc69t9RL6U-00250-00052583-00052671 right +-nc69t9RL6U-00251-00052672-00052903 and but that doesn't happen when you +-nc69t9RL6U-00252-00052904-00053175 intake um fats for example and don't +-nc69t9RL6U-00253-00053176-00053423 talk about the good fats +-nc69t9RL6U-00254-00053424-00053679 and the the sugar cravings come from the +-nc69t9RL6U-00255-00053679-00053894 fact twofold one is that they're so +-nc69t9RL6U-00256-00053895-00054159 calorie restricted that they're hungry +-nc69t9RL6U-00257-00054160-00054294 and two +-nc69t9RL6U-00258-00054295-00054471 they're whenever they're hungry they +-nc69t9RL6U-00259-00054472-00054671 tend to reach for things that may not be +-nc69t9RL6U-00260-00054672-00054871 the best for them and when they put that +-nc69t9RL6U-00261-00054872-00055063 into their body they continue to have +-nc69t9RL6U-00262-00055064-00055254 sugar cravings and so these sugar +-nc69t9RL6U-00263-00055255-00055511 cravings are detrimental to really any +-nc69t9RL6U-00264-00055512-00055742 diet that's why a lot of diets fail most +-nc69t9RL6U-00265-00055744-00055847 diets +-nc69t9RL6U-00266-00055848-00056087 fail because they have this +-nc69t9RL6U-00267-00056088-00056375 this caloric restrictions that's that's +-nc69t9RL6U-00268-00056376-00056479 there +-nc69t9RL6U-00269-00056479-00056630 but what +-nc69t9RL6U-00270-00056632-00056847 i have created what i've created is this +-nc69t9RL6U-00271-00056848-00057111 a type of diet that is very different +-nc69t9RL6U-00272-00057112-00057199 okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00273-00057200-00057487 and i tell people if you're on my diet +-nc69t9RL6U-00274-00057488-00057766 which can be downloaded on my website +-nc69t9RL6U-00275-00057767-00058342 at ronmd.com diabetes is r-u-a-n-m-d +-nc69t9RL6U-00276-00058344-00058479 dot com +-nc69t9RL6U-00277-00058479-00058687 slash diabetes +-nc69t9RL6U-00278-00058688-00059023 uh for free it's a free e-book ebook +-nc69t9RL6U-00279-00059024-00059287 in that diet plan there are three +-nc69t9RL6U-00280-00059288-00059487 sections that are not limited which +-nc69t9RL6U-00281-00059488-00059638 means that they have they can have as +-nc69t9RL6U-00282-00059639-00059782 much as they want and three other +-nc69t9RL6U-00283-00059783-00060071 sections are relatively limited based on +-nc69t9RL6U-00284-00060072-00060287 the size of their hand and their fist +-nc69t9RL6U-00285-00060288-00060703 okay and so when we look at categories +-nc69t9RL6U-00286-00060704-00060854 of food that you can have as much as you +-nc69t9RL6U-00287-00060855-00061023 want in fact there's minimums that i +-nc69t9RL6U-00288-00061024-00061175 want people to have +-nc69t9RL6U-00289-00061176-00061303 then we're not really looking at +-nc69t9RL6U-00290-00061304-00061423 calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00291-00061424-00061630 and if people are hungry on my eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00292-00061632-00061766 plan then they're doing something wrong +-nc69t9RL6U-00293-00061767-00061999 you should never be hungry on any sort +-nc69t9RL6U-00294-00062000-00062175 of dietary plant +-nc69t9RL6U-00295-00062176-00062335 if you're hungry that means you did not +-nc69t9RL6U-00296-00062336-00062606 eat enough earlier in the day or that +-nc69t9RL6U-00297-00062607-00062823 you nutrient deficient +-nc69t9RL6U-00298-00062824-00063079 for people who want to reverse the type +-nc69t9RL6U-00299-00063079-00063247 2 diabetes +-nc69t9RL6U-00300-00063248-00063535 nutrition is numero uno nutrition is +-nc69t9RL6U-00301-00063536-00063671 number one +-nc69t9RL6U-00302-00063672-00063838 when you have when you have good +-nc69t9RL6U-00303-00063839-00064135 nutrition your body actually works to +-nc69t9RL6U-00304-00064136-00064350 burn fat decrease the amount of blood +-nc69t9RL6U-00305-00064351-00064535 sugar that's in the body +-nc69t9RL6U-00306-00064536-00064926 and helps you reverse diabetes helps you +-nc69t9RL6U-00307-00064927-00065103 with the assistance of your physician +-nc69t9RL6U-00308-00065104-00065319 reduce medications or even eliminate +-nc69t9RL6U-00309-00065320-00065591 medications but we have to make sure +-nc69t9RL6U-00310-00065592-00065806 that your your nutri the the food that +-nc69t9RL6U-00311-00065807-00066063 you're eating is nutrient dense +-nc69t9RL6U-00312-00066064-00066455 like plant-based foods like and +-nc69t9RL6U-00313-00066456-00066726 natural animal proteins and fats +-nc69t9RL6U-00314-00066727-00067055 grass-fed beef for example +-nc69t9RL6U-00315-00067056-00067391 a butter made from grass-fed cows for +-nc69t9RL6U-00316-00067392-00067582 example these are all really good +-nc69t9RL6U-00317-00067583-00067855 examples of the fats and the proteins +-nc69t9RL6U-00318-00067856-00067935 and +-nc69t9RL6U-00319-00067936-00068159 the plant-based foods that you should be +-nc69t9RL6U-00320-00068160-00068399 eating to help not only control your +-nc69t9RL6U-00321-00068400-00068526 disease but actually reverse your +-nc69t9RL6U-00322-00068527-00068767 disease make you feel a whole lot better +-nc69t9RL6U-00323-00068768-00068935 make you think a whole lot better have +-nc69t9RL6U-00324-00068936-00069079 better relationships with the people +-nc69t9RL6U-00325-00069080-00069263 that are around you +-nc69t9RL6U-00326-00069264-00069471 and and but this is what it's all about +-nc69t9RL6U-00327-00069472-00069750 and so whenever you go on on a dietary +-nc69t9RL6U-00328-00069751-00069943 plan and you think that you have to +-nc69t9RL6U-00329-00069944-00070167 calorie restrict really think again +-nc69t9RL6U-00330-00070168-00070359 really think and understand that it's +-nc69t9RL6U-00331-00070360-00070575 not about just calorie restriction it's +-nc69t9RL6U-00332-00070576-00070767 about the food choices that you make +-nc69t9RL6U-00333-00070768-00071175 okay and the idea that eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00334-00071176-00071463 everything in moderation is okay is +-nc69t9RL6U-00335-00071464-00071687 completely debunked it's it's it's not +-nc69t9RL6U-00336-00071688-00071782 okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00337-00071783-00072015 when you eat in moderation of the things +-nc69t9RL6U-00338-00072016-00072206 that you continue to eat that causes +-nc69t9RL6U-00339-00072207-00072343 inflammation in your body it causes +-nc69t9RL6U-00340-00072344-00072535 insulin resistance in your body +-nc69t9RL6U-00341-00072536-00072806 your brain is still using that food that +-nc69t9RL6U-00342-00072807-00072999 processed sugar that carbohydrate your +-nc69t9RL6U-00343-00073000-00073335 brain is still using that as a reward +-nc69t9RL6U-00344-00073336-00073567 and when your brain uses that as a +-nc69t9RL6U-00345-00073568-00073806 reward you're never dealing with the +-nc69t9RL6U-00346-00073807-00073975 underlying problem +-nc69t9RL6U-00347-00073976-00074255 of a reward replacement strategy +-nc69t9RL6U-00348-00074256-00074511 and what a reward replacement strategy +-nc69t9RL6U-00349-00074512-00074662 is uh is +-nc69t9RL6U-00350-00074663-00074887 is basically instead of reaching for one +-nc69t9RL6U-00351-00074888-00075055 type of food you reach for another type +-nc69t9RL6U-00352-00075056-00075319 of food that you like just as much +-nc69t9RL6U-00353-00075320-00075503 but it's not gonna raise your insulin +-nc69t9RL6U-00354-00075504-00075647 level okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00355-00075648-00075879 a good example is instead of going for +-nc69t9RL6U-00356-00075880-00076271 chips uh going for wedges of cheese okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00357-00076272-00076479 and even though the wedges of cheese per +-nc69t9RL6U-00358-00076480-00076719 gram has higher calories but guess what +-nc69t9RL6U-00359-00076720-00076919 it's not going to raise your insulin +-nc69t9RL6U-00360-00076920-00077271 level nearly as much as the bag of chips +-nc69t9RL6U-00361-00077272-00077438 not only that when you eat the bag of +-nc69t9RL6U-00362-00077439-00077647 chips you tend to crave even more bags +-nc69t9RL6U-00363-00077648-00077847 of chips because that's what carbs do to +-nc69t9RL6U-00364-00077848-00077926 you +-nc69t9RL6U-00365-00077927-00078103 carbs when you consume it it makes you +-nc69t9RL6U-00366-00078104-00078255 crave it even more it's an addiction +-nc69t9RL6U-00367-00078256-00078438 response it is a dopamine response +-nc69t9RL6U-00368-00078439-00078647 that's in your brain but when you eat +-nc69t9RL6U-00369-00078648-00078919 that cheese or when you eat uh the the +-nc69t9RL6U-00370-00078920-00079199 celery when you eat the carrot or fruit +-nc69t9RL6U-00371-00079200-00079455 you don't have that response and you +-nc69t9RL6U-00372-00079456-00079662 tend to eat things that are better for +-nc69t9RL6U-00373-00079663-00079791 yourself +-nc69t9RL6U-00374-00079792-00079982 and you tend to make good choices about +-nc69t9RL6U-00375-00079983-00080159 yourself and this is all about eating +-nc69t9RL6U-00376-00080160-00080375 for yourself eating for your hormones +-nc69t9RL6U-00377-00080376-00080623 eating the for the way that you feel +-nc69t9RL6U-00378-00080624-00080887 it's not about calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00379-00080888-00081079 it's never been about calories and +-nc69t9RL6U-00380-00081080-00081382 that's why people with caloric +-nc69t9RL6U-00381-00081383-00081559 low calorie diets +-nc69t9RL6U-00382-00081560-00081750 fail over and over again because they're +-nc69t9RL6U-00383-00081751-00081935 not dealing with their triggers they're +-nc69t9RL6U-00384-00081936-00082087 not dealing with their food addiction +-nc69t9RL6U-00385-00082088-00082199 problems they're not dealing with their +-nc69t9RL6U-00386-00082200-00082399 emotional eating they're not they're +-nc69t9RL6U-00387-00082400-00082655 still using the same food as a reward +-nc69t9RL6U-00388-00082656-00082903 and they don't have a reward replacement +-nc69t9RL6U-00389-00082904-00083175 strategy that's that's necessary +-nc69t9RL6U-00390-00083176-00083255 so +-nc69t9RL6U-00391-00083256-00083462 when i created this diabetes reversal +-nc69t9RL6U-00392-00083463-00083694 plan uh which you guys are just joining +-nc69t9RL6U-00393-00083695-00084062 it's found on my website r-u-a-n-m-d +-nc69t9RL6U-00394-00084063-00084279 dot com slash diabetes +-nc69t9RL6U-00395-00084280-00084479 when i've created this this plan and +-nc69t9RL6U-00396-00084480-00084599 it's free if you guys want to download +-nc69t9RL6U-00397-00084600-00084671 it +-nc69t9RL6U-00398-00084672-00085055 um the idea is to have people reach for +-nc69t9RL6U-00399-00085056-00085215 those those foods that are in the +-nc69t9RL6U-00400-00085216-00085479 unlimited categories for them to replace +-nc69t9RL6U-00401-00085480-00085767 that reward instead of using refined +-nc69t9RL6U-00402-00085768-00085999 carbohydrates refined sugars +-nc69t9RL6U-00403-00086000-00086182 and and sweets +-nc69t9RL6U-00404-00086183-00086326 processed sugars +-nc69t9RL6U-00405-00086327-00086631 or even sugar substitutes as a reward +-nc69t9RL6U-00406-00086632-00086935 because nothing is more addicting than +-nc69t9RL6U-00407-00086936-00087143 refined sugars and even sugar +-nc69t9RL6U-00408-00087144-00087294 substitutes +-nc69t9RL6U-00409-00087295-00087462 and um +-nc69t9RL6U-00410-00087463-00087743 when you when you want to eat something +-nc69t9RL6U-00411-00087744-00087911 go ahead and eat it but make sure you +-nc69t9RL6U-00412-00087912-00088135 understand that the content matters +-nc69t9RL6U-00413-00088136-00088423 the content absolutely matters okay and +-nc69t9RL6U-00414-00088424-00088662 so you know people are asking what about +-nc69t9RL6U-00415-00088663-00088982 fruits okay what fruits are are the +-nc69t9RL6U-00416-00088983-00089191 the best potatoes of diabetes and don't +-nc69t9RL6U-00417-00089192-00089287 fruits +-nc69t9RL6U-00418-00089288-00089518 have sugar in them do i want to avoid +-nc69t9RL6U-00419-00089519-00089647 some fruits +-nc69t9RL6U-00420-00089648-00089862 well yes or no you know this this the +-nc69t9RL6U-00421-00089863-00090047 answer is not really concrete for +-nc69t9RL6U-00422-00090048-00090343 everybody but fruits are generally good +-nc69t9RL6U-00423-00090344-00090455 generally +-nc69t9RL6U-00424-00090456-00090711 but depends on how insulin resistant you +-nc69t9RL6U-00425-00090712-00090847 are fruits are generally good because a +-nc69t9RL6U-00426-00090848-00091150 lot of these fruits also contain fiber +-nc69t9RL6U-00427-00091151-00091447 and when you eat when you eat a very +-nc69t9RL6U-00428-00091448-00091567 natural +-nc69t9RL6U-00429-00091568-00091662 sugar +-nc69t9RL6U-00430-00091663-00091903 fructose like a fruit +-nc69t9RL6U-00431-00091904-00092167 well naturally with fiber in it and +-nc69t9RL6U-00432-00092168-00092382 that's going to help you that's going to +-nc69t9RL6U-00433-00092383-00092582 eventually help you with the insulin +-nc69t9RL6U-00434-00092583-00092775 resistance even though it does contain +-nc69t9RL6U-00435-00092776-00092982 sugar now let's say instead of eating an +-nc69t9RL6U-00436-00092983-00093335 apple you you you drink a can of apple +-nc69t9RL6U-00437-00093336-00093494 juice okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00438-00093495-00093750 that can of apple juice may not have +-nc69t9RL6U-00439-00093751-00093991 the the uh the benefits of eating an +-nc69t9RL6U-00440-00093992-00094206 apple because without the without the +-nc69t9RL6U-00441-00094207-00094447 natural fibers that are in it it may be +-nc69t9RL6U-00442-00094448-00094718 detrimental for your body okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00443-00094719-00094838 but but +-nc69t9RL6U-00444-00094839-00095111 if you look at fruits i split fruits +-nc69t9RL6U-00445-00095112-00095326 into different types okay generally +-nc69t9RL6U-00446-00095327-00095543 berries are pretty good +-nc69t9RL6U-00447-00095544-00095711 and and these different type of fruits +-nc69t9RL6U-00448-00095712-00095903 also have different glycemic indices +-nc69t9RL6U-00449-00095904-00096126 which is the amount of sugar that's in +-nc69t9RL6U-00450-00096127-00096311 them but overall they're they're +-nc69t9RL6U-00451-00096312-00096694 generally good fruits are also in my +-nc69t9RL6U-00452-00096695-00096967 diabetes reversal eating plan +-nc69t9RL6U-00453-00096968-00097231 that is in a different section +-nc69t9RL6U-00454-00097232-00097415 and these sections are actually +-nc69t9RL6U-00455-00097416-00097591 predefined of exactly what they are how +-nc69t9RL6U-00456-00097592-00097799 much you should eat for them in fact +-nc69t9RL6U-00457-00097800-00097943 there's minimums you should eat for some +-nc69t9RL6U-00458-00097944-00098062 of these things +-nc69t9RL6U-00459-00098063-00098326 but fruits are generally okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00460-00098327-00098574 and if you think if you think +-nc69t9RL6U-00461-00098575-00098894 that diabetes is out of your grasp or +-nc69t9RL6U-00462-00098895-00099087 that you're too far along +-nc69t9RL6U-00463-00099088-00099423 you know i've seen people get off of +-nc69t9RL6U-00464-00099424-00099647 insulin i've seen in a very short amount +-nc69t9RL6U-00465-00099648-00099791 of time i've seen people get off their +-nc69t9RL6U-00466-00099792-00099982 medicines in a very very short amount of +-nc69t9RL6U-00467-00099983-00100079 time +-nc69t9RL6U-00468-00100080-00100367 um and get their a1cs down with uh with +-nc69t9RL6U-00469-00100368-00100599 my help i'm talking about my patients a +-nc69t9RL6U-00470-00100600-00100879 lot of people who use the eating plan +-nc69t9RL6U-00471-00100880-00101094 to help them reduce their medicines or +-nc69t9RL6U-00472-00101095-00101262 eliminate medicines +-nc69t9RL6U-00473-00101263-00101438 they are much further along than you +-nc69t9RL6U-00474-00101439-00101518 think +-nc69t9RL6U-00475-00101519-00101743 right even if you're 80 years old 90 +-nc69t9RL6U-00476-00101744-00102062 years old you can still eat the +-nc69t9RL6U-00477-00102063-00102318 eat right for your body so that you can +-nc69t9RL6U-00478-00102319-00102566 actually reverse the disease so no one +-nc69t9RL6U-00479-00102567-00102910 is too far along in type 2 diabetes and +-nc69t9RL6U-00480-00102911-00103086 no one is too early a lot of people who +-nc69t9RL6U-00481-00103088-00103271 are pre-diabetic and they say oh i'm +-nc69t9RL6U-00482-00103272-00103415 just pre-diabetic i'm just going to +-nc69t9RL6U-00483-00103416-00103551 watch my carbs +-nc69t9RL6U-00484-00103552-00103758 and hopefully be okay well that's not +-nc69t9RL6U-00485-00103759-00103958 necessarily true if you're pre-diabetic +-nc69t9RL6U-00486-00103959-00104215 if you're eating inflammatory foods +-nc69t9RL6U-00487-00104216-00104423 then it's still going to progress in +-nc69t9RL6U-00488-00104424-00104566 type 2 diabetes it's still going to +-nc69t9RL6U-00489-00104567-00104886 progress in insulin resistance right +-nc69t9RL6U-00490-00104888-00105254 and so my point here everybody is to is +-nc69t9RL6U-00491-00105255-00105390 to +-nc69t9RL6U-00492-00105391-00105623 when you want to +-nc69t9RL6U-00493-00105624-00105910 when you want to restrict +-nc69t9RL6U-00494-00105911-00106039 calories +-nc69t9RL6U-00495-00106040-00106254 is not the right thing to do +-nc69t9RL6U-00496-00106255-00106407 instead of restricting calories think +-nc69t9RL6U-00497-00106408-00106543 about what you can substitute for +-nc69t9RL6U-00498-00106544-00106743 different categories of food don't think +-nc69t9RL6U-00499-00106744-00106983 about caloric restriction think about +-nc69t9RL6U-00500-00106983-00107199 what you're going to put into your body +-nc69t9RL6U-00501-00107200-00107351 so that you can use your hormones to +-nc69t9RL6U-00502-00107352-00107495 continue the fat burning process +-nc69t9RL6U-00503-00107496-00107775 continue to decrease your insulin levels +-nc69t9RL6U-00504-00107776-00108054 so that you can it can help you reverse +-nc69t9RL6U-00505-00108055-00108319 the type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes +-nc69t9RL6U-00506-00108320-00108502 help you lose fat help you feel better +-nc69t9RL6U-00507-00108503-00108671 help reduce the inflammation in your +-nc69t9RL6U-00508-00108672-00108871 body help you decrease the joint pains +-nc69t9RL6U-00509-00108872-00109047 that's in your body help you decrease +-nc69t9RL6U-00510-00109048-00109254 chronic pain like fibromyalgia all these +-nc69t9RL6U-00511-00109255-00109343 things +-nc69t9RL6U-00512-00109344-00109502 work okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00513-00109503-00109751 uh thank you for listening once again if +-nc69t9RL6U-00514-00109752-00110071 you want to download my reading plan +-nc69t9RL6U-00515-00110072-00110199 it is +-nc69t9RL6U-00516-00110200-00110478 r-u-a-n-m-d +-nc69t9RL6U-00517-00110479-00110590 dot com +-nc69t9RL6U-00518-00110591-00110702 slash +-nc69t9RL6U-00519-00110703-00110895 diabetes and the link is in the +-nc69t9RL6U-00520-00110896-00111071 description of this video +-nc69t9RL6U-00521-00111072-00111278 and if you want recipes i actually have +-nc69t9RL6U-00522-00111279-00111543 a book out that just got published +-nc69t9RL6U-00523-00111544-00111823 and it's on amazon and if you click that +-nc69t9RL6U-00524-00111824-00112023 link that's in the description with this +-nc69t9RL6U-00525-00112024-00112327 video it will have a link for that as +-nc69t9RL6U-00526-00112328-00112486 well okay +-nc69t9RL6U-00527-00112488-00112678 thank you guys so much very very much +-nc69t9RL6U-00528-00112679-00112919 for spending this much time with me i'm +-nc69t9RL6U-00529-00112920-00113143 really really happy to see that people +-nc69t9RL6U-00530-00113144-00113327 actually are investing so much into +-nc69t9RL6U-00531-00113328-00113551 their health and it truly makes me happy +-nc69t9RL6U-00532-00113552-00115471 all right thank you very much +-nc69t9RL6U-00533-00115472-00115679 you +_1k_R6zXDMM-00000-00000270-00000588 foreign +_1k_R6zXDMM-00001-00000589-00001621 [Music] +_1k_R6zXDMM-00002-00001622-00001876 2022. happy birthday today to Chloe +_1k_R6zXDMM-00003-00001877-00002147 corgis Anthony Pap Rocky Alexander Ridge +_1k_R6zXDMM-00004-00002148-00002345 and Sterling Thornton the sign of the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00005-00002346-00002531 day today is Saint Matthew he was one of +_1k_R6zXDMM-00006-00002532-00002692 the 12 apostles and wrote the first +_1k_R6zXDMM-00007-00002693-00002945 synoptic gospel even though he was a tax +_1k_R6zXDMM-00008-00002946-00003125 collector considered a traitor to his +_1k_R6zXDMM-00009-00003126-00003454 fellow Jews Jesus called him to holiness +_1k_R6zXDMM-00010-00003455-00003695 the Saints traveled to me age last night +_1k_R6zXDMM-00011-00003696-00003904 and downed the Stags four to one +_1k_R6zXDMM-00012-00003905-00004193 barricades laid all scorers to two goals +_1k_R6zXDMM-00013-00004194-00004456 with two goals Liam Ryan with and +_1k_R6zXDMM-00014-00004457-00004697 homecoming King Canada Ethan young +_1k_R6zXDMM-00015-00004698-00004829 scored one each +_1k_R6zXDMM-00016-00004830-00005009 the Saints are home tomorrow at 6 30 to +_1k_R6zXDMM-00017-00005010-00005219 take on Bishop Carroll +_1k_R6zXDMM-00018-00005220-00005465 this Friday is homecoming football game +_1k_R6zXDMM-00019-00005466-00005675 you won't want to miss it the theme is +_1k_R6zXDMM-00020-00005676-00005902 Hawaiian and we play Saint James the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00021-00005903-00006077 king and queen will be crowned at +_1k_R6zXDMM-00022-00006078-00006275 halftime and it is sure to be a great +_1k_R6zXDMM-00023-00006276-00006520 game do you have your virtual tickets +_1k_R6zXDMM-00024-00006522-00006719 for homecoming +_1k_R6zXDMM-00025-00006720-00006910 today is the very last day to purchase +_1k_R6zXDMM-00026-00006911-00007120 the tickets online or by using the QR +_1k_R6zXDMM-00027-00007122-00007367 code tomorrow prices will increase to 35 +_1k_R6zXDMM-00028-00007368-00007606 dollars per person and you must come to +_1k_R6zXDMM-00029-00007608-00007763 room 205 to purchase your tickets +_1k_R6zXDMM-00030-00007764-00008081 tickets will not be sold after 3 30 pm +_1k_R6zXDMM-00031-00008081-00008405 on Friday buy your tickets today and +_1k_R6zXDMM-00032-00008406-00008687 here's an announcement from The Shield +_1k_R6zXDMM-00033-00008688-00008951 hey Saints remember those old crusty +_1k_R6zXDMM-00034-00008952-00009185 paper copies of the shield well those +_1k_R6zXDMM-00035-00009186-00009378 are a thing of the past +_1k_R6zXDMM-00036-00009379-00009617 we are here to announce that this Shield +_1k_R6zXDMM-00037-00009618-00009883 is online you can find us at +_1k_R6zXDMM-00038-00009884-00010121 stashield.net here you can find stories +_1k_R6zXDMM-00039-00010122-00010319 about Aquinas teacher Features Sports +_1k_R6zXDMM-00040-00010320-00010451 and opinions +_1k_R6zXDMM-00041-00010452-00010642 go check out the new website and read +_1k_R6zXDMM-00042-00010643-00011153 all the new stories +_1k_R6zXDMM-00043-00011154-00011363 seniors a special reminder for Mrs +_1k_R6zXDMM-00044-00011364-00011542 Majors Wednesday is the teacher +_1k_R6zXDMM-00045-00011543-00011741 recommendation request deadline for +_1k_R6zXDMM-00046-00011742-00011903 colleges that have a November 1st +_1k_R6zXDMM-00047-00011904-00012106 application deadline if your college +_1k_R6zXDMM-00048-00012107-00012335 requires a letter of recommendation you +_1k_R6zXDMM-00049-00012336-00012491 must ask your teachers and enter the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00050-00012492-00012755 request in Naviance by 3 pm Wednesday +_1k_R6zXDMM-00051-00012756-00013060 University of tech Texas Michigan Notre +_1k_R6zXDMM-00052-00013061-00013343 Dame Baylor check your College's website +_1k_R6zXDMM-00053-00013344-00013565 to verify their admission requirements +_1k_R6zXDMM-00054-00013566-00013763 class shirts can be picked up today +_1k_R6zXDMM-00055-00013763-00014033 after school seniors go to Mr farnham's +_1k_R6zXDMM-00056-00014034-00014230 room juniors go to Mrs Florida's room +_1k_R6zXDMM-00057-00014231-00014447 sophomores go to Mrs shoneman's room and +_1k_R6zXDMM-00058-00014447-00014686 freshmen go to Mr roast room 125 in +_1k_R6zXDMM-00059-00014687-00014794 senior Hall +_1k_R6zXDMM-00060-00014795-00015197 here's a video from Mr Blaze +_1k_R6zXDMM-00061-00015197-00015461 dear friends more than 360 million +_1k_R6zXDMM-00062-00015462-00015616 people around the world suffer from +_1k_R6zXDMM-00063-00015618-00015779 persecution for practicing the Christian +_1k_R6zXDMM-00064-00015780-00016025 faith making it the largest persecuted +_1k_R6zXDMM-00065-00016026-00016205 religious group in the world in +_1k_R6zXDMM-00066-00016206-00016355 solidarity with them and to help raise +_1k_R6zXDMM-00067-00016356-00016469 awareness for the many different +_1k_R6zXDMM-00068-00016470-00016649 situations of persecution against +_1k_R6zXDMM-00069-00016650-00016871 Christians the third annual March for +_1k_R6zXDMM-00070-00016872-00017021 the martyrs will take place in +_1k_R6zXDMM-00071-00017022-00017321 Washington DC on September 24th 2022 +_1k_R6zXDMM-00072-00017322-00017543 here at St John's High School we invite +_1k_R6zXDMM-00073-00017544-00017735 you to join us as we March for and with +_1k_R6zXDMM-00074-00017736-00017999 all Christians and people of Goodwill as +_1k_R6zXDMM-00075-00018000-00018149 a body of Christ we will have the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00076-00018150-00018383 opportunity to stand in solidarity and +_1k_R6zXDMM-00077-00018384-00018533 pray with our persecuted brothers and +_1k_R6zXDMM-00078-00018534-00018761 sisters if you'll be on site in +_1k_R6zXDMM-00079-00018762-00018947 Washington DC for the March please +_1k_R6zXDMM-00080-00018948-00019171 register online at +_1k_R6zXDMM-00081-00019172-00019367 www.forthemarters.com forward slash +_1k_R6zXDMM-00082-00019368-00019663 register again that's +_1k_R6zXDMM-00083-00019664-00019871 www.forthandmarters.com forward slash +_1k_R6zXDMM-00084-00019872-00020093 register if you're unable to attend the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00085-00020094-00020272 March consider holding a local event for +_1k_R6zXDMM-00086-00020273-00020441 your community or school on the same day +_1k_R6zXDMM-00087-00020442-00020705 a small-scale March prayer vigil or any +_1k_R6zXDMM-00088-00020706-00020849 other peaceful means of generating +_1k_R6zXDMM-00089-00020850-00021029 awareness would greatly increase the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00090-00021030-00021185 impact of our message +_1k_R6zXDMM-00091-00021186-00021353 make sure you let us know what you're +_1k_R6zXDMM-00092-00021354-00021575 doing at our email +_1k_R6zXDMM-00093-00021576-00021869 contact at forthemargers.com again +_1k_R6zXDMM-00094-00021870-00022217 that's contact for the martyrs.com take +_1k_R6zXDMM-00095-00022218-00022403 a stand and become a voice for the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00096-00022404-00022608 voiceless our message is one of Hope +_1k_R6zXDMM-00097-00022609-00022847 persecuted Believers are not forgotten +_1k_R6zXDMM-00098-00022848-00023050 Christian persecution will not be +_1k_R6zXDMM-00099-00023051-00023236 ignored and Jesus Christ still has the +_1k_R6zXDMM-00100-00023237-00023483 victory let's remain United in prayer +_1k_R6zXDMM-00101-00023484-00023741 thank you +_1k_R6zXDMM-00102-00023742-00024017 you sang a decade of the Rosary today at +_1k_R6zXDMM-00103-00024018-00024136 the start of seventh hour to remember +_1k_R6zXDMM-00104-00024137-00024299 and pray for all of those that are +_1k_R6zXDMM-00105-00024300-00024533 persecuted for the religious beliefs on +_1k_R6zXDMM-00106-00024534-00024678 the menu today in the Saints Cafe +_1k_R6zXDMM-00107-00024679-00025086 lasagna Rose and Bosco Sticks +_1k_R6zXDMM-00108-00025087-00025300 now it's time for the word of the day +_1k_R6zXDMM-00109-00025301-00025717 today's word is purpose +_1k_R6zXDMM-00110-00025718-00026087 perspicacious perspicacious means able +_1k_R6zXDMM-00111-00026088-00026261 to understand things that are difficult +_1k_R6zXDMM-00112-00026262-00026512 or not obvious Saints whether you know +_1k_R6zXDMM-00113-00026513-00026705 it or not you are perspicacious +_1k_R6zXDMM-00114-00026706-00027017 wow I just did not know that +_1k_R6zXDMM-00115-00027018-00027149 thank you for watching The Morning Show +_1k_R6zXDMM-00116-00027150-00027352 we'll be back with more for you tomorrow +_1k_R6zXDMM-00117-00027354-00027712 I'm Isaac and I'm Carter signing off +_1k_R6zXDMM-00118-00027713-00027864 remember +_1k_R6zXDMM-00119-00027866-00028219 embrace the moment +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00000-00000575-00000703 antarctica +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00001-00000704-00000894 one of the world's most mysterious +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00002-00000896-00001007 continents +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00003-00001008-00001231 home to one of the largest and driest +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00004-00001232-00001383 deserts on the planet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00005-00001384-00001599 covering an area of around five and a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00006-00001600-00001807 half million square miles +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00007-00001807-00002030 if there was anywhere on earth where +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00008-00002032-00002167 crashed preserved +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00009-00002168-00002407 ancient alien technologies could still +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00010-00002408-00002510 be found +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00011-00002511-00002815 it would be here an untouched landscape +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00012-00002816-00003055 which may in all possibility be the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00013-00003056-00003199 final resting place +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00014-00003200-00003519 as of yet unretrieved relics which may +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00015-00003520-00003647 have been stranded there +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00016-00003647-00003967 to this day the deep sea which surrounds +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00017-00003968-00004159 antarctica for example +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00018-00004160-00004351 are some of the most difficult and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00019-00004352-00004591 inhospitable environments to explore +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00020-00004592-00004943 anywhere far away from the modern world +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00021-00004944-00005143 deep within the frigid pitch-black +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00022-00005144-00005406 waters of this massive chunk of ice +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00023-00005407-00005591 where our next discovery was +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00024-00005592-00005799 miraculously made +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00025-00005800-00006102 an out of place artifact which is still +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00026-00006103-00006399 resting at the bottom of this sea known +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00027-00006400-00006431 as +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00028-00006431-00006710 the el tannen antenna if it wasn't for +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00029-00006711-00006831 the brute strength +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00030-00006831-00007070 of the nearly 2 000 ton ice-breaking +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00031-00007072-00007278 vessel known as the altanet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00032-00007279-00007591 we may never have found it initially a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00033-00007592-00007639 u.s +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00034-00007640-00008063 navy cargo carrying icebreaker in 1962 +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00035-00008064-00008342 she was reclassified as an oceanographic +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00036-00008343-00008455 research ship +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00037-00008456-00008663 and became the world's first dedicated +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00038-00008664-00008895 antarctic research vessel +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00039-00008896-00009206 on the 29th of august 1964 +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00040-00009207-00009391 while collecting sample cores and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00041-00009392-00009606 photographing the seabed west of cape +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00042-00009607-00009695 horn +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00043-00009696-00009910 the altannan took the first known +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00044-00009911-00010095 photograph of the antenna +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00045-00010096-00010406 at a depth of nearly 4 000 meters +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00046-00010407-00010631 the first public mention of the unusual +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00047-00010632-00010855 object would not surface for several +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00048-00010856-00010935 months +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00049-00010936-00011142 a news item which appeared in the new +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00050-00011143-00011303 zealand herald on 5 +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00051-00011304-00011638 december 1964. under the heading +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00052-00011639-00011846 puzzle picture from the seabed would +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00053-00011847-00012070 briefly disclose the discovery +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00054-00012071-00012335 yet any further exploratory missions if +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00055-00012336-00012503 indeed there has been any +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00056-00012504-00012846 have been operating in secret similar to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00057-00012847-00013030 the baltic sea anomaly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00058-00013031-00013327 yet positioned at a far deeper depth in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00059-00013328-00013479 an extremely remote +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00060-00013480-00013807 cold and lonely part of our world it too +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00061-00013808-00014022 shows all the hallmarks of an +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00062-00014023-00014238 artificially created object +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00063-00014240-00014551 the question is what could it be and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00064-00014552-00014871 more importantly what was or is its +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00065-00014872-00015015 function +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00066-00015016-00015319 in 1968 author brad steiger +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00067-00015319-00015566 wrote an article for saga magazine in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00068-00015568-00015783 which he claimed that the altannan +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00069-00015784-00016022 had in fact photographed quote an +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00070-00016023-00016103 astonishing +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00071-00016104-00016343 piece of machinery very much like the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00072-00016344-00016486 cross between a tv +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00073-00016487-00016758 antenna and a telemetry antenna end +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00074-00016759-00016879 quote +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00075-00016880-00017071 it is interesting to note that the black +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00076-00017072-00017199 knight satellite +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00077-00017200-00017455 an anomalous object which is in a polar +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00078-00017456-00017535 orbit +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00079-00017536-00017686 has been declared by numerous +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00080-00017687-00017894 investigators throughout history +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00081-00017895-00018183 as an artificial alien satellite and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00082-00018184-00018367 with what appears to be an enormous +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00083-00018368-00018486 alien antenna +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00084-00018487-00018758 resting on the antarctic sea floor is it +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00085-00018759-00018822 possible +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00086-00018823-00019143 that the two are connected or possibly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00087-00019144-00019583 in communication with each other in 2003 +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00088-00019584-00019830 tom demeri a researcher in underwater +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00089-00019831-00019927 acoustics +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00090-00019928-00020263 contacted oceanographer af amos a member +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00091-00020264-00020399 of the el tannen's crew +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00092-00020400-00020719 in the 1960s in an effort to debunk any +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00093-00020720-00020975 theory involving artificial design +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00094-00020976-00021227 in turn amos referred to mary to the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00095-00021228-00021383 1971 book +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00096-00021384-00021663 the face of the deep by bruce c heezen +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00097-00021664-00021743 and charles d +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00098-00021744-00022039 hollister it seems hollister had already +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00099-00022040-00022247 attempted to identify the mysterious +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00100-00022248-00022311 object +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00101-00022312-00022599 as a carnivorous sea sponge however +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00102-00022600-00022822 these attempts to discredit any unusual +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00103-00022823-00022943 hypothesis +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00104-00022944-00023183 was solely based on the same photographs +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00105-00023184-00023342 we are privileged to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00106-00023343-00023542 further photographic exploration of the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00107-00023543-00023719 object if undertaken +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00108-00023720-00023942 has been done in complete isolation from +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00109-00023943-00024078 the public +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00110-00024079-00024414 what is the eltanin antenna a mere sea +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00111-00024415-00024511 sponge +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00112-00024512-00024886 an actual alien antenna whatever it is +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00113-00024887-00025135 it seems certain fields of study would +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00114-00025136-00025350 like you to believe it's natural +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00115-00025351-00025542 regardless of whether confirmation of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00116-00025543-00025711 such claims was made +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00117-00025712-00026199 we always find this highly compelling +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00118-00026200-00026470 we recently discussed a curious find +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00119-00026472-00026683 discovered within the tundras of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00120-00026683-00026807 antarctica +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00121-00026808-00027143 an enigmatic anomaly seemingly sliding +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00122-00027144-00027390 to a halt on the ice caps of the south +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00123-00027391-00027502 pole +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00124-00027504-00027718 we noticed the inaccessibility of the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00125-00027719-00027823 land mass +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00126-00027824-00028055 now permanently encased in over two +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00127-00028056-00028199 miles of ice +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00128-00028200-00028367 capable of challenging the most +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00129-00028368-00028551 experienced adventurer +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00130-00028552-00028814 it is a place little explored yet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00131-00028816-00028955 regardless of this +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00132-00028956-00029239 inhospitality if it could be proven to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00133-00029239-00029295 possess +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00134-00029295-00029574 any trace or series of ancient ruins +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00135-00029575-00029599 then +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00136-00029600-00029839 it would prove beyond doubt that our +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00137-00029839-00029911 continued +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00138-00029912-00030174 posit that there exists a paradigm +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00139-00030175-00030287 within historic +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00140-00030288-00030639 academia and that there is indeed a huge +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00141-00030639-00030927 chapter of our history now lost the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00142-00030927-00030999 knowledge of our +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00143-00031000-00031262 origins and these said paradigms would +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00144-00031263-00031374 be proven as +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00145-00031375-00031751 incorrect for if there exists a now lost +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00146-00031752-00031911 ancient civilization +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00147-00031912-00032151 frozen and preserved beneath these ice +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00148-00032152-00032239 caps +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00149-00032239-00032495 not only would their age be enormous but +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00150-00032495-00032583 their ruins +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00151-00032583-00032871 a true testament to their capabilities +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00152-00032872-00033095 there are many ancient ruins here on our +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00153-00033096-00033143 earth +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00154-00033144-00033423 which we believe are undoubtedly older +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00155-00033424-00033615 than we are now told +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00156-00033616-00033831 the great pyramids the gigantic +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00157-00033832-00034111 megaliths found at balbeck in jordan +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00158-00034112-00034367 yangshan quarry and china all these +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00159-00034368-00034431 ruins +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00160-00034432-00034711 and many more could be far older than we +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00161-00034712-00034887 are currently being taught +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00162-00034888-00035062 and their erosion-resistant +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00163-00035063-00035199 characteristics will +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00164-00035200-00035455 indeed ensure their existence far into +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00165-00035456-00035599 the future +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00166-00035600-00035871 many internet sleuths draw pictures of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00167-00035872-00036039 not only antarctica +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00168-00036040-00036262 but the reels of photos sent back by the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00169-00036263-00036390 mars rovers +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00170-00036391-00036655 searching for ancient signs of life and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00171-00036656-00036871 although many of the claimed ruins in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00172-00036872-00037118 antarctica remain sketchy and little +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00173-00037119-00037230 photographed +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00174-00037231-00037462 the next item of interest we find +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00175-00037463-00037623 incredibly curious +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00176-00037624-00037895 and one of the driving reasons for this +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00177-00037896-00038079 is due to these possible ruined +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00178-00038080-00038190 similarities +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00179-00038191-00038415 to one of the most impenetrable of them +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00180-00038416-00038751 all the fortress of saksahiwaman +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00181-00038752-00038990 however what makes this image of a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00182-00038991-00039055 possible +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00183-00039056-00039367 outer wall truly special is its possible +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00184-00039368-00039479 scale +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00185-00039480-00039767 if indeed factually true and this is +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00186-00039768-00039959 indeed the remnants of an ancient +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00187-00039960-00040143 fortress outer barrier +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00188-00040144-00040439 it would be over two miles in length +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00189-00040440-00040687 with the continent of antarctica being a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00190-00040688-00040799 frozen tundra +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00191-00040800-00041087 for over 20 million years if these +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00192-00041088-00041199 claimed ruins +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00193-00041200-00041462 turned out to indeed be of artificial +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00194-00041463-00041567 origins +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00195-00041568-00041799 it would undoubtedly force the age of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00196-00041800-00041902 man back by +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00197-00041903-00042183 many millions of years we hope more is +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00198-00042184-00042407 done to explore the true nature of this +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00199-00042408-00042551 curious feature +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00200-00042552-00042839 even if it is nothing but a land mass it +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00201-00042840-00042883 is +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00202-00042884-00043279 unquestionably highly compelling +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00203-00043280-00043479 hey guys so recently first ranked +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00204-00043480-00043687 captain vladimir pukodko +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00205-00043688-00043871 the chairman of russian public research +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00206-00043872-00044079 organization for underwater studies +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00207-00044080-00044327 has publicly spoken in regards to russia +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00208-00044328-00044399 the u.s +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00209-00044400-00044662 and china spending billions in space +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00210-00044663-00044815 when maybe they should be spending the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00211-00044816-00045023 money deep in the sea under the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00212-00045024-00045199 glistening polar ice caps +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00213-00045200-00045439 where he claims gigantic alien machines +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00214-00045440-00045543 are hidden +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00215-00045544-00045774 and he's not the only one since world +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00216-00045775-00045999 war ii whistleblowers from governmental +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00217-00046000-00046158 bodies all over the world have been +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00218-00046159-00046239 lifting the lid +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00219-00046240-00046471 in regards to the fact that alien crafts +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00220-00046472-00046599 are being tracked +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00221-00046600-00046790 traveling from the top of the planet to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00222-00046791-00047111 the bottom within our oceans and above +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00223-00047112-00047327 during the naval operation known as deep +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00224-00047328-00047583 freeze men aboard a russian icebreaker +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00225-00047584-00047774 would later testify to witnessing a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00226-00047775-00047855 craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00227-00047856-00048135 surge through 10-foot thick ice flinging +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00228-00048136-00048383 huge chunks in all directions +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00229-00048384-00048590 a silver vessel then shooting off into +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00230-00048591-00048751 the atmosphere +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00231-00048752-00049023 dr rubin's dis viela a famous arctic +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00232-00049024-00049086 explorer +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00233-00049087-00049271 was among those who testified to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00234-00049272-00049511 witnessing the terrifying event +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00235-00049512-00049743 upon exiting the ice cold waters he +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00236-00049744-00049967 stated that steam erupted from the body +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00237-00049968-00050079 of the craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00238-00050080-00050271 indicating the huge amount of energy +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00239-00050272-00050551 these mysterious usos possess +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00240-00050552-00050862 in 1997 precodecos said billings +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00241-00050863-00050999 gaussian depression +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00242-00051000-00051230 near the antarctic area was examined by +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00243-00051232-00051438 the australian army at a depth of over +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00244-00051439-00051582 six kilometers +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00245-00051583-00051782 where cameras recorded strange oval +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00246-00051783-00051975 objects which emitted an intense +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00247-00051976-00052142 interior light +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00248-00052144-00052326 the film was reviewed by experts from +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00249-00052327-00052591 the royal institute of oceanology +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00250-00052591-00052719 their conclusions were that the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00251-00052720-00052999 structures were of artificial origin +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00252-00053000-00053238 russian naval vessels also report often +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00253-00053239-00053423 tracking submerged dishes +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00254-00053424-00053775 traveling in excess of 150 knots or 280 +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00255-00053776-00054015 miles per hour underwater +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00256-00054016-00054335 former ussr captain vladimir zaza head +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00257-00054336-00054494 of the navigational section of the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00258-00054495-00054654 oceanographic commission +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00259-00054655-00054894 said when questioned that about 50 of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00260-00054895-00055119 encounters with ufos are connected with +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00261-00055120-00055223 the oceans +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00262-00055224-00055550 and 15 are connected with lakes making a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00263-00055551-00055759 huge portion of close encounters in the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00264-00055760-00056030 form of unidentified submerged objects +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00265-00056032-00056311 rather than flying what these mysterious +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00266-00056312-00056454 events are caused by or +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00267-00056455-00056638 indeed what the mysterious craft are +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00268-00056639-00056766 beneath the ice cap +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00269-00056767-00057015 remains a closely guarded secret with +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00270-00057016-00057215 only handfuls of whistleblowers ever +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00271-00057216-00057335 coming forward +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00272-00057336-00057582 yet they all stress the same thing that +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00273-00057583-00058007 we are not alone on this planet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00274-00058008-00058279 our conjecture that there is a lost yet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00275-00058279-00058319 once +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00276-00058320-00058566 highly advanced ancient civilization +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00277-00058567-00058663 could be proven +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00278-00058664-00058903 beyond doubt by one continent in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00279-00058904-00059038 particular +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00280-00059039-00059350 antarctica for many millennia this land +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00281-00059351-00059471 has been encased +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00282-00059472-00059766 perfectly preserved laying beneath miles +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00283-00059767-00059838 of ancient +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00284-00059839-00060159 ice the perires map something which we +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00285-00060160-00060319 have discussed in the past +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00286-00060320-00060630 has long been argued to prove just that +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00287-00060632-00060894 long claimed as showing that of the land +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00288-00060895-00060950 mass of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00289-00060951-00061319 antarctica free of ice if true +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00290-00061320-00061511 it would have been impossible to have +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00291-00061512-00061823 created according to modern paradigm +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00292-00061824-00061999 thought to have originated from the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00293-00062000-00062294 embers of the great fire of alexandria +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00294-00062295-00062591 this catastrophe a tragic loss to man's +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00295-00062591-00062750 understanding of our own +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00296-00062751-00063126 origins yet this map survived +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00297-00063127-00063359 clearly displaying what many believe to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00298-00063360-00063479 be the continent of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00299-00063479-00063799 antarctica before becoming what is now a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00300-00063800-00063854 frozen +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00301-00063855-00064175 ice cap at the pole of our planet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00302-00064176-00064430 it is now an incredibly inhospitable +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00303-00064432-00064511 place +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00304-00064512-00064766 one of the reasons we feel there may be +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00305-00064767-00064854 intact +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00306-00064855-00065206 undisturbed ruins which may dot the land +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00307-00065207-00065463 known to be the driest place on earth +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00308-00065464-00065606 and in addition to this +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00309-00065607-00065919 compelling possibility of submerged yet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00310-00065920-00066006 highly advanced +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00311-00066007-00066287 ruins there may be many other +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00312-00066288-00066447 unexplained anomalies +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00313-00066448-00066663 that due to their incredibly remote +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00314-00066664-00066847 geographical placement +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00315-00066848-00067063 across some of the world's now most +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00316-00067064-00067159 impenetrable +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00317-00067160-00067399 natural obstacles recording some of the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00318-00067400-00067591 lowest temperatures on earth +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00319-00067592-00067926 if proven beyond doubt to exist would be +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00320-00067927-00067967 proof +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00321-00067968-00068287 of a preserved pre-ice age existence for +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00322-00068288-00068606 advanced man yet due to this immense +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00323-00068607-00068894 cold and the fact that it is a largely +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00324-00068895-00069038 unexplored tundra +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00325-00069039-00069231 capable of killing even the most +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00326-00069232-00069431 experienced of explorers +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00327-00069432-00069671 many things which rest here remain +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00328-00069672-00069831 unexplored +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00329-00069832-00070038 yet just like that of the face of the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00330-00070039-00070206 moon one must ask +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00331-00070207-00070463 the question just what could be laying +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00332-00070464-00070526 there +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00333-00070527-00070855 buried within or resting upon this giant +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00334-00070856-00071231 ice sheet many miles deep objects just +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00335-00071232-00071455 like the anomalies discovered in roswell +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00336-00071456-00071567 new mexico +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00337-00071568-00071887 in july 1947 which although +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00338-00071888-00072182 strongly argued by officials as that of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00339-00072183-00072471 a united states army air force's balloon +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00340-00072472-00072703 which crashed at tremendous velocity at +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00341-00072704-00072871 a ranch near roswell +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00342-00072872-00073199 which many claim was in fact a ufo which +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00343-00073200-00073294 crashed +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00344-00073295-00073543 would inevitably be covered up by +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00345-00073544-00073655 whatever power +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00346-00073656-00073903 was capable of not only visiting such +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00347-00073904-00073991 anomaly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00348-00073992-00074255 but retrieving it crashing into the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00349-00074256-00074447 seemingly endless tundra +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00350-00074448-00074655 and our next item of interest could +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00351-00074656-00074967 behold just as controversial in origin +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00352-00074968-00075223 as that of the causation for what many +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00353-00075224-00075279 claim +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00354-00075280-00075606 as the roswell conspiracy a truth so +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00355-00075607-00075719 controversial +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00356-00075720-00075950 only top military personnel would be +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00357-00075951-00076103 privy to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00358-00076104-00076382 this remarkable image taken by satellite +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00359-00076383-00076511 clearly displays +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00360-00076512-00076871 an as yet unexplored anomaly resting at +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00361-00076872-00077031 the basin of a hilltop +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00362-00077032-00077287 it presumably crashed into with its +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00363-00077288-00077367 velocity +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00364-00077368-00077638 upon impact sliding the mysterious +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00365-00077639-00077919 object down the side of the mountain +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00366-00077920-00078087 when other such objects have been +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00367-00078088-00078255 discovered in the past +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00368-00078256-00078462 indeed in the same way as that of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00369-00078463-00078606 amateur sleuths +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00370-00078607-00078831 pouring over satellite images looking +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00371-00078832-00079047 for these exact features +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00372-00079048-00079238 military vehicles have been later +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00373-00079239-00079482 snapped at these same locations +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00374-00079483-00079719 unquestionable proof of the world's +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00375-00079720-00079838 government's interest +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00376-00079839-00080135 in such discoveries not only due to the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00377-00080136-00080223 environment +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00378-00080224-00080543 but also its remoteness found in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00379-00080544-00080735 permanently frozen areas +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00380-00080736-00081006 could mean that if such objects do +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00381-00081007-00081215 indeed turn out to be that of an +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00382-00081216-00081535 alien craft could also be in a condition +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00383-00081536-00081719 to be successfully reversed +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00384-00081720-00082079 engineered if not repaired by man +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00385-00082080-00082318 a technological explosion would +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00386-00082319-00082487 inevitably occur +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00387-00082488-00082806 a lucrative operation indeed so +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00388-00082807-00083087 we find it curious that several such +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00389-00083088-00083271 events have been claimed to have +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00390-00083272-00083379 occurred since +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00391-00083380-00083750 1947. could this also be positive +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00392-00083751-00084015 to be as a result of this exact claim +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00393-00084016-00084143 scenario +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00394-00084144-00084455 discovered retrieved reverse engineered +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00395-00084456-00084694 and finally either adapted for military +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00396-00084695-00084767 purpose +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00397-00084768-00085118 or commercial profits what is this thing +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00398-00085119-00085423 laying far away in the frozen antarctic +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00399-00085424-00085726 is it indeed a crashed alien vehicle +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00400-00085727-00086206 we find the anomaly highly compelling +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00401-00086207-00086455 there are countless conspiracy theories +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00402-00086456-00086647 which have been created over the years +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00403-00086648-00086918 regarding not only the coldest but also +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00404-00086919-00087031 the most remote +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00405-00087032-00087223 unforgiving continent on earth +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00406-00087224-00087375 antarctica +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00407-00087376-00087638 countless tales of ancient civilizations +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00408-00087639-00087775 buried in the eyes +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00409-00087776-00088038 preserved like something akin to pompeii +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00410-00088039-00088182 quite possibly complete +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00411-00088183-00088471 intact ruins of an ancient advanced now +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00412-00088472-00088615 lost civilization +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00413-00088616-00088879 their lifestyles buildings even entire +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00414-00088880-00088943 cities +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00415-00088944-00089111 are claimed by a number of fringe +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00416-00089112-00089375 researchers as a real reality +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00417-00089376-00089655 cities buried miles beneath the ice in a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00418-00089656-00089879 state of perfect preservation +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00419-00089880-00090126 although we feel this may be an unlikely +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00420-00090127-00090247 possibility +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00421-00090248-00090447 there could indeed be undeniable +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00422-00090448-00090655 evidence of a past existence +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00423-00090656-00090894 still buried under the ice if indeed +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00424-00090895-00090991 they were there at +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00425-00090992-00091271 all for one can never really be sure +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00426-00091272-00091471 about the perry reese map +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00427-00091472-00091726 yet today this is a very unforgiving +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00428-00091727-00091815 place +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00429-00091816-00092023 even sparking the inspiration for +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00430-00092024-00092238 arguably one of the best science fiction +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00431-00092239-00092375 movies of all time +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00432-00092376-00092735 the thing stories of ufos crashing into +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00433-00092736-00092943 this incredibly remote landscape +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00434-00092944-00093103 some in which we have covered in the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00435-00093104-00093359 past focused in upon by the channel +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00436-00093360-00093574 due to the fact that an expedition was +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00437-00093575-00093831 indeed made to a particular anomaly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00438-00093832-00094062 to a feature one indicative of a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00439-00094063-00094374 high-speed crash into the frozen tundra +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00440-00094375-00094591 this site was successfully traveled to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00441-00094592-00094750 within what we presume +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00442-00094751-00094967 would have been a mobile laboratory +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00443-00094968-00095174 clearly undertaken by a well-equipped +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00444-00095175-00095231 group +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00445-00095232-00095447 one who clearly didn't expect others to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00446-00095448-00095750 have spotted the site via satellite also +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00447-00095751-00095950 so they can clearly be seen via +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00448-00095951-00096079 satellite imagery +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00449-00096080-00096343 arriving at said crash a tremendous +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00450-00096344-00096431 effort to make +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00451-00096432-00096718 a tremendous expense thus a strange +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00452-00096719-00096991 effort for any known human-built craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00453-00096992-00097287 unquestionably made at great expense +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00454-00097288-00097526 illogical for a man-made craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00455-00097527-00097791 even that of secret technology but for +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00456-00097792-00097935 an alien craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00457-00097936-00098159 such efforts could be logically argued +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00458-00098160-00098318 as a realistic motive +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00459-00098319-00098599 for whoever this team was funded by to +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00460-00098600-00098799 make the mission to the site +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00461-00098800-00099118 and there are indeed undeniably some +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00462-00099119-00099167 rather +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00463-00099168-00099382 intriguing stories which still hover +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00464-00099383-00099606 around a number of still classified +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00465-00099607-00099855 still unreleased confidential files +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00466-00099856-00100038 regarding events within the arctic +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00467-00100039-00100135 circle +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00468-00100136-00100335 claimed by a number of individuals who +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00469-00100336-00100455 also claim to have been +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00470-00100456-00100694 a part of said mission a mission known +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00471-00100695-00100903 as operation high jump +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00472-00100904-00101111 was an event during a battle within the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00473-00101112-00101223 arctic circle +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00474-00101224-00101471 with what could only be described as +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00475-00101472-00101631 flying saucers +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00476-00101632-00101903 but alas due to the fact that americans +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00477-00101904-00102031 have never publicly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00478-00102032-00102231 released any details regarding the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00479-00102232-00102335 operation +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00480-00102336-00102671 we can merely speculate however a story +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00481-00102672-00102942 which surfaced on ancient code.com +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00482-00102943-00103151 a website we have long supported as a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00483-00103152-00103423 superb source of antiquarian knowledge +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00484-00103424-00103671 a story accompanied by what we think you +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00485-00103672-00103751 will agree +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00486-00103752-00103982 are some of the most incredible images +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00487-00103983-00104158 ever taken of ufos +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00488-00104159-00104354 specifically unexplained +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00489-00104355-00104599 anti-gravitational craft in flight ever +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00490-00104600-00104734 captured +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00491-00104735-00105015 available thanks to john greenwald from +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00492-00105016-00105143 the black vault +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00493-00105144-00105343 who in turn received the incredible +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00494-00105344-00105495 images from researcher +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00495-00105496-00105807 alex mistretta according to the website +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00496-00105808-00106054 quote the photos here displayed are +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00497-00106055-00106183 evidence of a close +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00498-00106183-00106415 encounter between forces of the united +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00499-00106416-00106510 states navy +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00500-00106511-00106790 and unidentified flying objects on the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00501-00106791-00106951 edge of the arctic ocean +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00502-00106952-00107310 in march 1971. end quote +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00503-00107311-00107523 are we witnessing the destruction of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00504-00107524-00107743 anti-gravitational alien craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00505-00107744-00108047 an alien encounter or quite possibly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00506-00108048-00108310 weapons testing events targeting reverse +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00507-00108311-00108543 engineered alien technology +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00508-00108544-00108815 the images are according to said sources +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00509-00108816-00108910 from the mission +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00510-00108911-00109343 uss tripang ssn 674 +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00511-00109344-00109575 our postulations as to what these images +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00512-00109576-00109734 reveal are based upon +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00513-00109735-00109990 our own logically presumed direction in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00514-00109991-00110086 which american +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00515-00110088-00110319 and many other advanced military nations +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00516-00110320-00110519 would take if when we're presented with +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00517-00110520-00110639 a crashed craft +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00518-00110640-00110863 powered by said technologies these +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00519-00110864-00111086 military bodies would indeed pursue the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00520-00111088-00111358 reverse engineering of said technologies +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00521-00111359-00111663 then secondarily develop defense systems +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00522-00111664-00111799 which were effective upon +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00523-00111800-00112110 said technologies these are of course +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00524-00112111-00112366 merely mystery history's ponderings in +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00525-00112367-00112575 regards to what these images could truly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00526-00112576-00112686 be showing us +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00527-00112688-00112919 and of course said hypothesis could +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00528-00112920-00112999 indeed be +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00529-00113000-00113271 incorrect yet regardless the question +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00530-00113272-00113358 remains +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00531-00113359-00113647 then what do these images reveal what +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00532-00113648-00113790 are pictured within +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00533-00113791-00114015 regardless of the purpose of the mission +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00534-00114016-00114175 we find the possible theories +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00535-00114176-00114358 surrounding the photographs +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00536-00114359-00115127 highly compelling +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00537-00115128-00116722 [Music] +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00538-00116723-00118356 [Music] +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00539-00118357-00120800 [Music] +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00540-00120801-00121823 [Music] +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00541-00121824-00122078 antarctica one of the world's most +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00542-00122079-00122254 mysterious continents +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00543-00122255-00122478 home to one of the largest and driest +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00544-00122479-00122639 deserts on the planet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00545-00122640-00122854 covering an area of around five and a +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00546-00122855-00123063 half million square miles +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00547-00123064-00123295 if there was anywhere on earth where +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00548-00123296-00123431 crashed preserved +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00549-00123432-00123663 ancient alien technologies could still +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00550-00123664-00123766 be found +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00551-00123767-00124071 it would be here an untouched landscape +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00552-00124072-00124310 which may in all possibility be the +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00553-00124311-00124463 final resting place +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00554-00124464-00124775 as of yet unretrieved relics which may +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00555-00124776-00124902 have been stranded there +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00556-00124903-00125231 to this day the deep sea which surrounds +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00557-00125232-00125423 antarctica for example +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00558-00125424-00125607 are some of the most difficult and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00559-00125608-00125847 inhospitable environments to explore +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00560-00125848-00125983 anywhere +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00561-00125983-00126231 far away from the modern world deep +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00562-00126232-00126471 within the frigid pitch-black waters of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00563-00126472-00126663 this massive chunk of ice +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00564-00126664-00126854 where our next discovery was +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00565-00126855-00127054 miraculously made +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00566-00127055-00127358 an out-of-place artifact which is still +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00567-00127359-00127654 resting at the bottom of this sea known +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00568-00127655-00127902 as the el tannen antenna +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00569-00127903-00128102 if it wasn't for the brute strength of +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00570-00128103-00128263 the nearly 2 000 ton +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00571-00128264-00128543 ice-breaking vessel known as the altanet +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00572-00128544-00128758 we may never have found it +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00573-00128759-00128983 the altannan took the first known +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00574-00128983-00129166 photograph of the antenna +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00575-00129167-00129471 at a depth of nearly 4 000 meters +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00576-00129472-00129702 very much like the cross between a tv +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00577-00129703-00129775 antenna +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00578-00129776-00130102 and a telemetry antenna end quote +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00579-00130103-00130286 it is interesting to note that the black +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00580-00130288-00130423 knight satellite +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00581-00130424-00130671 an anomalous object which is in a polar +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00582-00130672-00130758 orbit +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00583-00130759-00130910 has been declared by numerous +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00584-00130911-00131119 investigators throughout history +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00585-00131120-00131407 as an artificial alien satellite and +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00586-00131408-00131583 with what appears to be an enormous +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00587-00131584-00131711 alien antenna +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00588-00131712-00131975 resting on the antarctic sea floor is it +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00589-00131976-00132039 possible +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00590-00132040-00132359 that the two are connected or possibly +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00591-00132360-00133567 in communication with each other +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00592-00133568-00135133 [Music] +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00593-00135134-00135231 [Music] +_2zJtfRu_Ak-00594-00135232-00135440 you +_4y4egrsXTM-00000-00000032-00000567 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00001-00000568-00000866 show me +_4y4egrsXTM-00003-00004063-00004303 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00004-00004304-00004617 show me +_4y4egrsXTM-00005-00004618-00005741 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00006-00005742-00007831 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00007-00007831-00008075 show me +_4y4egrsXTM-00009-00011352-00011992 show me +_4y4egrsXTM-00010-00011993-00013255 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00011-00013256-00013477 do +_4y4egrsXTM-00012-00013478-00014871 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00013-00014872-00015185 show me +_4y4egrsXTM-00014-00015186-00016719 [Music] +_4y4egrsXTM-00015-00016720-00016928 you +_52olkk_Qju-00000-00000024-00000135 hello +_52olkk_Qju-00001-00000136-00000390 i'm back at it again +_52olkk_Qju-00002-00000391-00000630 i know i have a problem +_52olkk_Qju-00003-00000631-00000862 actually quite a few problems +_52olkk_Qju-00004-00000863-00001127 and this game seems to be one of them +_52olkk_Qju-00005-00001128-00001439 and one that keeps coming back to haunt +_52olkk_Qju-00006-00001440-00001743 me again and again and again +_52olkk_Qju-00007-00001744-00002118 it's actually not good is it +_52olkk_Qju-00008-00002119-00002231 but hey +_52olkk_Qju-00009-00002232-00002391 these things happen +_52olkk_Qju-00010-00002392-00002695 i'm going to do another short run +_52olkk_Qju-00011-00002696-00002934 before i start preparing for +_52olkk_Qju-00012-00002935-00003199 you know longer ones +_52olkk_Qju-00013-00003200-00003631 this time around i think i'm going to go +_52olkk_Qju-00014-00003632-00003783 with +_52olkk_Qju-00015-00003784-00004006 the cove +_52olkk_Qju-00016-00004007-00004383 it's a place where last time i +_52olkk_Qju-00017-00004384-00004759 quite horribly too +_52olkk_Qju-00018-00004760-00005070 let's take some bandages skeletal key +_52olkk_Qju-00019-00005071-00005335 medicinal herbs +_52olkk_Qju-00020-00005336-00005422 and +_52olkk_Qju-00021-00005423-00005751 a bunch of those just for good measure +_52olkk_Qju-00022-00005752-00005918 ready +_52olkk_Qju-00023-00005919-00006151 hi +_52olkk_Qju-00024-00006152-00006614 so the cove filled with +_52olkk_Qju-00025-00006615-00006759 aquatic +_52olkk_Qju-00026-00006759-00006959 monstrosities +_52olkk_Qju-00027-00006959-00007142 which by the way not pleasant at all not +_52olkk_Qju-00028-00007143-00007398 at all no no no +_52olkk_Qju-00029-00007400-00007542 now +_52olkk_Qju-00030-00007543-00007751 these salt-soaked cabins are teeming +_52olkk_Qju-00031-00007752-00007998 with pelagic nightmares +_52olkk_Qju-00032-00008000-00008207 they must be flushed out +_52olkk_Qju-00033-00008208-00008478 pelagic nightmares +_52olkk_Qju-00034-00008479-00008703 another mariner +_52olkk_Qju-00035-00008704-00009167 another misfortune sounds dreadful +_52olkk_Qju-00036-00009168-00009367 hello +_52olkk_Qju-00037-00009368-00009606 a bowl of water cupped in smooth stone +_52olkk_Qju-00038-00009607-00010151 its color looks slightly off +_52olkk_Qju-00039-00010152-00010799 um +_52olkk_Qju-00040-00010800-00011078 well that did not do anything useful for +_52olkk_Qju-00041-00011079-00011335 me +_52olkk_Qju-00042-00011336-00011519 not really +_52olkk_Qju-00043-00011520-00011806 surprise surprise +_52olkk_Qju-00044-00011807-00011942 hey guys +_52olkk_Qju-00045-00011943-00012559 lovely seeing you so surprised to see me +_52olkk_Qju-00046-00012560-00012863 i'm going to try and end as much as a +_52olkk_Qju-00047-00012863-00012991 view as +_52olkk_Qju-00048-00012991-00013222 humanly possible +_52olkk_Qju-00049-00013223-00013519 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00050-00013519-00013655 down +_52olkk_Qju-00051-00013656-00013919 my main target actually managed +_52olkk_Qju-00052-00013919-00014430 to +_52olkk_Qju-00053-00014431-00014735 get away from that +_52olkk_Qju-00054-00014736-00014879 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00055-00014880-00015191 adrenaline rush +_52olkk_Qju-00056-00015191-00015311 useful +_52olkk_Qju-00057-00015312-00015479 if i want to do +_52olkk_Qju-00058-00015480-00015575 this +_52olkk_Qju-00059-00015576-00015775 i think i'm going to try and take care +_52olkk_Qju-00060-00015776-00015919 of this one +_52olkk_Qju-00061-00015919-00016199 and it worked +_52olkk_Qju-00062-00016200-00016447 let's see rampant +_52olkk_Qju-00063-00016448-00016591 knockback one +_52olkk_Qju-00064-00016592-00016847 i don't want to do that +_52olkk_Qju-00065-00016848-00016935 yeah +_52olkk_Qju-00066-00016936-00017175 their formation is broken +_52olkk_Qju-00067-00017176-00017503 maximum jump in the offensive +_52olkk_Qju-00068-00017504-00017647 spear fishing +_52olkk_Qju-00069-00017648-00018079 ouch +_52olkk_Qju-00070-00018080-00018175 oh +_52olkk_Qju-00071-00018176-00018463 unpleasant +_52olkk_Qju-00072-00018464-00018711 but hey i have absolutely no problems +_52olkk_Qju-00073-00018712-00019230 concentrating all my rights on that one +_52olkk_Qju-00074-00019231-00019479 again +_52olkk_Qju-00075-00019480-00019927 now you are just looking for a fight +_52olkk_Qju-00076-00019928-00020103 impressive +_52olkk_Qju-00077-00020104-00020319 yes +_52olkk_Qju-00078-00020320-00020614 most impressive +_52olkk_Qju-00079-00020615-00020879 because because he's guarding the bloody +_52olkk_Qju-00080-00020880-00020999 grouper +_52olkk_Qju-00081-00021000-00021286 i can't get to it +_52olkk_Qju-00082-00021287-00021614 no worries he'll be dead soon enough +_52olkk_Qju-00083-00021615-00021758 see +_52olkk_Qju-00084-00021759-00022014 he's almost a gunner already +_52olkk_Qju-00085-00022015-00022271 not before he does +_52olkk_Qju-00086-00022272-00022719 an unnecessary amount of damage +_52olkk_Qju-00087-00022720-00022822 to my +_52olkk_Qju-00088-00022823-00023175 poor little fellow +_52olkk_Qju-00089-00023176-00023455 arch +_52olkk_Qju-00090-00023456-00023614 without a healer +_52olkk_Qju-00091-00023615-00023703 kind of +_52olkk_Qju-00092-00023704-00023863 tough +_52olkk_Qju-00093-00023864-00024158 but hey at least i can remove the bleed +_52olkk_Qju-00094-00024159-00024414 delightful +_52olkk_Qju-00095-00024415-00024622 actually having this spell is very +_52olkk_Qju-00096-00024623-00025014 useful i've never used it before +_52olkk_Qju-00097-00025015-00025207 but it kind of +_52olkk_Qju-00098-00025208-00025494 helps out a lot success so clearly in +_52olkk_Qju-00099-00025495-00025639 view +_52olkk_Qju-00100-00025639-00026006 or is it merely a trick of the light +_52olkk_Qju-00101-00026007-00026318 wait what +_52olkk_Qju-00102-00026319-00026535 what was was i supposed to finish all +_52olkk_Qju-00103-00026536-00027295 the room battles +_52olkk_Qju-00104-00027295-00027527 right +_52olkk_Qju-00105-00027527-00027702 yeah i don't mind +_52olkk_Qju-00106-00027704-00027831 i'm going to get +_52olkk_Qju-00107-00027832-00028079 3000 gold for absolutely nothing green +_52olkk_Qju-00108-00028080-00028295 life can flourish +_52olkk_Qju-00109-00028295-00029414 if indeed there is such a thing +_52olkk_Qju-00110-00029416-00029767 perhaps a bit of a waste +_52olkk_Qju-00111-00029768-00030111 of recesses but hey +_52olkk_Qju-00112-00030112-00030374 that was surprisingly +_52olkk_Qju-00113-00030375-00030535 bloodless +_52olkk_Qju-00114-00030536-00030870 in time you will know the tragic extent +_52olkk_Qju-00115-00030872-00031039 of my failings +_52olkk_Qju-00116-00031039-00031246 and hey i leveled a bunch of guys so +_52olkk_Qju-00117-00031247-00032255 that's good +_52olkk_Qju-00118-00032256-00032807 level one short +_52olkk_Qju-00119-00032808-00033399 why are my folks not cured +_52olkk_Qju-00120-00033400-00033702 has it not been a week +_52olkk_Qju-00121-00033703-00033935 hey i can do another one +_52olkk_Qju-00122-00033936-00034167 i have no problems +_52olkk_Qju-00123-00034168-00034646 no problems whatsoever +_52olkk_Qju-00124-00034647-00035083 let's see then +_52olkk_Qju-00125-00035084-00035383 hmm can i take on +_52olkk_Qju-00126-00035384-00035774 something more difficult with my fellas +_52olkk_Qju-00127-00035775-00036255 can we dare we +_52olkk_Qju-00128-00036256-00036662 hmm +_52olkk_Qju-00129-00036663-00037062 i think we might let's try +_52olkk_Qju-00130-00037063-00037279 this quest involves camping and camping +_52olkk_Qju-00131-00037280-00037430 requires firewood +_52olkk_Qju-00132-00037431-00037662 firewood is given automatically to you +_52olkk_Qju-00133-00037663-00037855 on appropriate quests +_52olkk_Qju-00134-00037856-00038046 camping gives heroes a chance to +_52olkk_Qju-00135-00038047-00038279 recuperate while in the dungeon when you +_52olkk_Qju-00136-00038280-00038495 are wounded or stressed and wish to camp +_52olkk_Qju-00137-00038496-00038711 right click on the firewood in your +_52olkk_Qju-00138-00038712-00039015 inventory +_52olkk_Qju-00139-00039016-00039143 right +_52olkk_Qju-00140-00039144-00039383 so i will need +_52olkk_Qju-00141-00039384-00039815 um +_52olkk_Qju-00142-00039816-00039918 huh +_52olkk_Qju-00143-00039919-00040159 why is this not working +_52olkk_Qju-00144-00040160-00040430 did i encounter her back +_52olkk_Qju-00145-00040431-00040839 let's try again +_52olkk_Qju-00146-00040840-00041135 oh i'm clicking with that yeah +_52olkk_Qju-00147-00041136-00041543 i'm an idiot +_52olkk_Qju-00148-00041544-00041855 let's take 12 of those +_52olkk_Qju-00149-00041856-00043390 let's take +_52olkk_Qju-00150-00043391-00043711 another one of those +_52olkk_Qju-00151-00043712-00044023 missing something am i +_52olkk_Qju-00152-00044024-00044471 and sure let's say +_52olkk_Qju-00153-00044472-00044767 two bottles of +_52olkk_Qju-00154-00044768-00045015 hollywood +_52olkk_Qju-00155-00045016-00045230 and now everything is going to go to +_52olkk_Qju-00156-00045231-00045543 shite +_52olkk_Qju-00157-00045544-00045718 down there in the dark +_52olkk_Qju-00158-00045719-00045999 but perhaps we can slay them even faster +_52olkk_Qju-00159-00046000-00046118 100 +_52olkk_Qju-00160-00046119-00046343 of room battles +_52olkk_Qju-00161-00046344-00046479 all right +_52olkk_Qju-00162-00046480-00047087 this is not too scary not too scary +_52olkk_Qju-00163-00047088-00047239 oh look +_52olkk_Qju-00164-00047240-00047462 starts off well enough +_52olkk_Qju-00165-00047463-00048015 and then we meet the deadly spiders +_52olkk_Qju-00166-00048016-00048407 and god monstrosities fiend falls +_52olkk_Qju-00167-00048408-00049279 a faint hope blossoms +_52olkk_Qju-00168-00049280-00049599 ah you are blighted my friend +_52olkk_Qju-00169-00049600-00049895 continue now yeah body is cut to tiny +_52olkk_Qju-00170-00049896-00050383 pieces thanks to vassi our mighty alien +_52olkk_Qju-00171-00050384-00050879 now first we're going to +_52olkk_Qju-00172-00050880-00051039 go here +_52olkk_Qju-00173-00051040-00051230 actually +_52olkk_Qju-00174-00051232-00051358 yeah of course there's going to be a +_52olkk_Qju-00175-00051359-00051726 battle +_52olkk_Qju-00176-00051727-00051919 but at least in the next three rooms +_52olkk_Qju-00177-00051920-00052366 there is no battle whatsoever +_52olkk_Qju-00178-00052367-00052503 in fact it's +_52olkk_Qju-00179-00052504-00052654 actually looking +_52olkk_Qju-00180-00052655-00052815 pretty good +_52olkk_Qju-00181-00052816-00052926 so far +_52olkk_Qju-00182-00052927-00053111 we'll disarm this +_52olkk_Qju-00183-00053112-00053319 so +_52olkk_Qju-00184-00053320-00053663 so far going well +_52olkk_Qju-00185-00053664-00053887 let's see ah [__] +_52olkk_Qju-00186-00053888-00054407 lovely +_52olkk_Qju-00187-00054408-00054615 a stack of literary treasures in an +_52olkk_Qju-00188-00054616-00054854 unlikely location +_52olkk_Qju-00189-00054855-00055087 uh oh +_52olkk_Qju-00190-00055088-00055294 well +_52olkk_Qju-00191-00055295-00055494 i expected that +_52olkk_Qju-00192-00055495-00056063 but i did not know how to counter it +_52olkk_Qju-00193-00056064-00056494 exposed +_52olkk_Qju-00194-00056495-00056887 oh no +_52olkk_Qju-00195-00056888-00057247 that was one of the bad ones wasn't it +_52olkk_Qju-00196-00057248-00057471 yeah anyway +_52olkk_Qju-00197-00057472-00057575 let's +_52olkk_Qju-00198-00057576-00057703 show +_52olkk_Qju-00199-00057704-00057923 blighted those little +_52olkk_Qju-00200-00057924-00058575 disgusting dead things +_52olkk_Qju-00201-00058576-00058863 shall i take one of them or try and take +_52olkk_Qju-00202-00058864-00059279 more of them let's do that for now +_52olkk_Qju-00203-00059279-00059542 a swine slushy looks +_52olkk_Qju-00204-00059544-00059775 to be a dead dasher +_52olkk_Qju-00205-00059776-00059975 whatever that means he did not die +_52olkk_Qju-00206-00059976-00060150 however +_52olkk_Qju-00207-00060151-00060447 and that actually was +_52olkk_Qju-00208-00060448-00060703 quite dreadful +_52olkk_Qju-00209-00060704-00061087 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00210-00061088-00061454 you die little fellow +_52olkk_Qju-00211-00061455-00061903 ouch leave tien alone +_52olkk_Qju-00212-00061904-00062399 that is uncalled for totally unfair +_52olkk_Qju-00213-00062400-00062591 no +_52olkk_Qju-00214-00062591-00062766 well at least he's +_52olkk_Qju-00215-00062767-00063463 yeah at least he resisted +_52olkk_Qju-00216-00063464-00063606 hmm +_52olkk_Qju-00217-00063607-00064119 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00218-00064120-00064359 their formation is broken +_52olkk_Qju-00219-00064360-00064663 maintain the offensive +_52olkk_Qju-00220-00064664-00064887 that's what i'm doing +_52olkk_Qju-00221-00064888-00065247 don't you worry about me +_52olkk_Qju-00222-00065248-00065631 missed haha +_52olkk_Qju-00223-00065632-00065855 but hey so did i so i can't really blame +_52olkk_Qju-00224-00065856-00066047 you little piggy +_52olkk_Qju-00225-00066048-00066143 big p +_52olkk_Qju-00226-00066144-00066487 little piggy is that one +_52olkk_Qju-00227-00066488-00066735 why are the biggies here so big and +_52olkk_Qju-00228-00066736-00067079 large and intimidating anyway +_52olkk_Qju-00229-00067080-00067206 it's totally +_52olkk_Qju-00230-00067207-00067343 unprofessional +_52olkk_Qju-00231-00067344-00067703 for a pig to be so large +_52olkk_Qju-00232-00067704-00067847 hmm +_52olkk_Qju-00233-00067848-00068023 press this advantage +_52olkk_Qju-00234-00068024-00068287 give them no quarter excellent this +_52olkk_Qju-00235-00068288-00068399 worked +_52olkk_Qju-00236-00068400-00068599 well +_52olkk_Qju-00237-00068600-00068935 success so clearly and view +_52olkk_Qju-00238-00068936-00069159 or an oddly assembled dining table then +_52olkk_Qju-00239-00069160-00069382 supplies to be +_52olkk_Qju-00240-00069383-00069543 food scraps around +_52olkk_Qju-00241-00069544-00069847 we've still got the light on our side +_52olkk_Qju-00242-00069848-00069950 although +_52olkk_Qju-00243-00069951-00070206 as you see our mental condition is not +_52olkk_Qju-00244-00070207-00070359 too great +_52olkk_Qju-00245-00070360-00070623 in spite of the light +_52olkk_Qju-00246-00070624-00070838 it's only to be expected of cares i'm +_52olkk_Qju-00247-00070839-00071150 after all in the darkest of dungeons +_52olkk_Qju-00248-00071151-00071271 going +_52olkk_Qju-00249-00071272-00071671 quite insane at this point +_52olkk_Qju-00250-00071672-00071935 such blockages are unsurprising these +_52olkk_Qju-00251-00071936-00072126 tunnels predate even the earliest +_52olkk_Qju-00252-00072127-00072406 settlers +_52olkk_Qju-00253-00072407-00072662 give me scouting +_52olkk_Qju-00254-00072663-00072919 you want okay +_52olkk_Qju-00255-00072920-00073215 so which one will we take +_52olkk_Qju-00256-00073216-00073455 doesn't seem to matter much +_52olkk_Qju-00257-00073456-00073782 might as well take this +_52olkk_Qju-00258-00073783-00074438 what do we have here 600 gold +_52olkk_Qju-00259-00074439-00074535 yeah +_52olkk_Qju-00260-00074536-00074750 a trap +_52olkk_Qju-00261-00074751-00074959 good job it's oh +_52olkk_Qju-00262-00074960-00075231 you're as always the most useful +_52olkk_Qju-00263-00075232-00075406 compatriot +_52olkk_Qju-00264-00075407-00076462 and a picture a painting a portrait +_52olkk_Qju-00265-00076463-00076799 the way is lit the path is clear +_52olkk_Qju-00266-00076800-00077031 we require only the strength to follow +_52olkk_Qju-00267-00077032-00077255 it +_52olkk_Qju-00268-00077256-00077503 mostly doesn't seem that clear to me +_52olkk_Qju-00269-00077504-00077871 but hey if you say so must be true +_52olkk_Qju-00270-00077872-00078126 please die thank you very much +_52olkk_Qju-00271-00078127-00078406 hmm that was good +_52olkk_Qju-00272-00078407-00078759 that was exceptional that was excellent +_52olkk_Qju-00273-00078760-00079071 good job a2 +_52olkk_Qju-00274-00079072-00079415 and this might have a bad effect to me +_52olkk_Qju-00275-00079416-00079582 well +_52olkk_Qju-00276-00079583-00079815 it didn't poison me or anything so i'm +_52olkk_Qju-00277-00079816-00080206 actually okay with it +_52olkk_Qju-00278-00080207-00080447 anti-venom i got a bottle of antivenom +_52olkk_Qju-00279-00080448-00080735 useful so too will resistance +_52olkk_Qju-00280-00080736-00080967 ah and a torch +_52olkk_Qju-00281-00080968-00081231 and an unburned one that the match is +_52olkk_Qju-00282-00081232-00081335 struck +_52olkk_Qju-00283-00081336-00081726 a blazing star is born +_52olkk_Qju-00284-00081727-00082038 uh-oh an army of little piggies +_52olkk_Qju-00285-00082039-00082479 and you know a few big ones too +_52olkk_Qju-00286-00082480-00082703 i think we've already had this battle a +_52olkk_Qju-00287-00082704-00082903 few times +_52olkk_Qju-00288-00082904-00083182 so i might as well +_52olkk_Qju-00289-00083183-00083343 try and +_52olkk_Qju-00290-00083344-00083582 kill +_52olkk_Qju-00291-00083583-00083750 as many of you +_52olkk_Qju-00292-00083751-00084047 as i can this one is going to die +_52olkk_Qju-00293-00084048-00084479 thanks to the blight's effect +_52olkk_Qju-00294-00084480-00084782 on this one i hope to kill i failed +_52olkk_Qju-00295-00084783-00085055 not fantastic +_52olkk_Qju-00296-00085056-00085318 but hey he didn't hit me great is the +_52olkk_Qju-00297-00085319-00085662 weapon that cuts on its own +_52olkk_Qju-00298-00085663-00085823 fair enough +_52olkk_Qju-00299-00085824-00086231 this one is dead as well +_52olkk_Qju-00300-00086232-00086438 so far things are going well +_52olkk_Qju-00301-00086439-00086631 and that's when everything will go to +_52olkk_Qju-00302-00086632-00086879 hell hey i even managed to make this +_52olkk_Qju-00303-00086880-00087047 rhyme +_52olkk_Qju-00304-00087048-00087143 hmm +_52olkk_Qju-00305-00087144-00087743 i'm a wonderful human being +_52olkk_Qju-00306-00087744-00088526 my my +_52olkk_Qju-00307-00088527-00088782 i often wondered why is there no more +_52olkk_Qju-00308-00088783-00089167 music in this game +_52olkk_Qju-00309-00089168-00089391 no idea +_52olkk_Qju-00310-00089392-00089526 let's end you +_52olkk_Qju-00311-00089527-00089682 oh you're still +_52olkk_Qju-00312-00089683-00090423 alive well not for long +_52olkk_Qju-00313-00090424-00090775 this was not supposed to happen +_52olkk_Qju-00314-00090776-00090926 two points of damage +_52olkk_Qju-00315-00090927-00091150 completely unnecessary +_52olkk_Qju-00316-00091151-00091543 at that +_52olkk_Qju-00317-00091544-00091847 onyx this expedition at least promises +_52olkk_Qju-00318-00091848-00092055 success +_52olkk_Qju-00319-00092056-00092487 skeleton +_52olkk_Qju-00320-00092488-00093006 even more onyx +_52olkk_Qju-00321-00093007-00093375 everything is looking up +_52olkk_Qju-00322-00093376-00093647 i think we'll +_52olkk_Qju-00323-00093648-00093806 may move +_52olkk_Qju-00324-00093807-00093935 one +_52olkk_Qju-00325-00093936-00094111 more time +_52olkk_Qju-00326-00094112-00094271 ouch +_52olkk_Qju-00327-00094272-00094591 ancient traps lie in wait +_52olkk_Qju-00328-00094592-00095071 unsprung and thirsting for blood +_52olkk_Qju-00329-00095072-00095903 need for food regain five percent health +_52olkk_Qju-00330-00095904-00096671 let's slide another torch +_52olkk_Qju-00331-00096672-00096862 a brigand bloodletter +_52olkk_Qju-00332-00096863-00097247 he is a nasty one +_52olkk_Qju-00333-00097248-00097726 but as he is nasty as the fusilier +_52olkk_Qju-00334-00097727-00097943 probably he can hit +_52olkk_Qju-00335-00097944-00098206 he has this our ability that is very +_52olkk_Qju-00336-00098207-00098399 annoying +_52olkk_Qju-00337-00098400-00098494 and +_52olkk_Qju-00338-00098495-00098799 apparently the fusilier also has one of +_52olkk_Qju-00339-00098800-00098999 those +_52olkk_Qju-00340-00099000-00099238 not fantastic +_52olkk_Qju-00341-00099239-00099423 hopefully now he'll die +_52olkk_Qju-00342-00099424-00099911 the blight is a powerful weapon +_52olkk_Qju-00343-00099912-00100126 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00344-00100127-00100238 shall we make +_52olkk_Qju-00345-00100239-00100567 one of those bleed yeah sure this one +_52olkk_Qju-00346-00100568-00100911 bleeding and blighted +_52olkk_Qju-00347-00100912-00101159 shouldn't hold out +_52olkk_Qju-00348-00101160-00101247 for +_52olkk_Qju-00349-00101248-00101767 long +_52olkk_Qju-00350-00101768-00101903 but let's +_52olkk_Qju-00351-00101904-00102071 yeah let's hit him one last time just to +_52olkk_Qju-00352-00102072-00102423 be sure +_52olkk_Qju-00353-00102424-00102534 bleeding +_52olkk_Qju-00354-00102535-00102790 bad +_52olkk_Qju-00355-00102791-00102975 good +_52olkk_Qju-00356-00102976-00103278 this one should be dead soon enough +_52olkk_Qju-00357-00103279-00103551 and i suppose now we can concentrate +_52olkk_Qju-00358-00103552-00103778 on killing this +_52olkk_Qju-00359-00103779-00103982 gigantic guy +_52olkk_Qju-00360-00103983-00104551 precision and power +_52olkk_Qju-00361-00104552-00104751 cocky it's a +_52olkk_Qju-00362-00104752-00105166 very cocky +_52olkk_Qju-00363-00105167-00105343 a nice hill there +_52olkk_Qju-00364-00105344-00105543 i mean two points +_52olkk_Qju-00365-00105544-00105743 gently sure it's not much but this is +_52olkk_Qju-00366-00105744-00106278 how a life is taken +_52olkk_Qju-00367-00106279-00106423 time to get +_52olkk_Qju-00368-00106424-00107127 a bit of a buff next turn i believe +_52olkk_Qju-00369-00107128-00107343 i'm going to +_52olkk_Qju-00370-00107344-00107534 totally destroy you +_52olkk_Qju-00371-00107535-00107710 mate +_52olkk_Qju-00372-00107711-00107958 ouch +_52olkk_Qju-00373-00107959-00108334 well i do feel punished now +_52olkk_Qju-00374-00108335-00108678 won't help you much mate +_52olkk_Qju-00375-00108679-00108983 let's try and heal our +_52olkk_Qju-00376-00108983-00109407 old man at arms here +_52olkk_Qju-00377-00109408-00109734 see +_52olkk_Qju-00378-00109735-00109902 a nice shot +_52olkk_Qju-00379-00109903-00110278 very solid even nice uh +_52olkk_Qju-00380-00110279-00110566 cleave there +_52olkk_Qju-00381-00110567-00110823 you're shooting me with a gun mate +_52olkk_Qju-00382-00110824-00111110 prodigious size alone does not root the +_52olkk_Qju-00383-00111111-00111599 sharpened blade exceptionally rude +_52olkk_Qju-00384-00111600-00111751 right +_52olkk_Qju-00385-00111752-00111919 now we've got to +_52olkk_Qju-00386-00111920-00112486 remove something +_52olkk_Qju-00387-00112488-00112902 first the boots +_52olkk_Qju-00388-00112903-00113031 can just +_52olkk_Qju-00389-00113032-00113271 put them on +_52olkk_Qju-00390-00113272-00113351 no +_52olkk_Qju-00391-00113352-00113647 i can't can i +_52olkk_Qju-00392-00113648-00113999 unpleasant +_52olkk_Qju-00393-00114000-00114278 well the medicinal herbs have to go +_52olkk_Qju-00394-00114279-00114958 and the 75 gold will go as well +_52olkk_Qju-00395-00114959-00115383 okay i can do +_52olkk_Qju-00396-00115383-00115623 this +_52olkk_Qju-00397-00115624-00115863 and +_52olkk_Qju-00398-00115864-00116334 surely it won't hurt me now +_52olkk_Qju-00399-00116335-00116543 what +_52olkk_Qju-00400-00116544-00116766 another hidden compartment +_52olkk_Qju-00401-00116767-00117127 that's cool +_52olkk_Qju-00402-00117128-00117399 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00403-00117400-00117566 well i think now it's actually a good +_52olkk_Qju-00404-00117567-00117902 time to use my firewood +_52olkk_Qju-00405-00117903-00118366 but is it yeah +_52olkk_Qju-00406-00118367-00118695 gathered close in tenuous firelight +_52olkk_Qju-00407-00118696-00119095 and uneasy companionship +_52olkk_Qju-00408-00119096-00119207 com +_52olkk_Qju-00409-00119208-00119454 camping consists of two parts +_52olkk_Qju-00410-00119455-00119623 meal phase and skill phase during the +_52olkk_Qju-00411-00119624-00119878 meal phase you choose how much they eat +_52olkk_Qju-00412-00119879-00120063 which determines recovery +_52olkk_Qju-00413-00120064-00120278 make sure you have enough food +_52olkk_Qju-00414-00120279-00120958 yeah fair enough +_52olkk_Qju-00415-00120959-00121302 um i'm actually going to just go with +_52olkk_Qju-00416-00121303-00121423 two +_52olkk_Qju-00417-00121424-00121566 because +_52olkk_Qju-00418-00121567-00121783 i'll probably have to eat +_52olkk_Qju-00419-00121783-00121934 one more time +_52olkk_Qju-00420-00121935-00122375 or should i go with four +_52olkk_Qju-00421-00122376-00122863 yeah let's go with four what the hell +_52olkk_Qju-00422-00122864-00123023 and now +_52olkk_Qju-00423-00123024-00123351 i suppose it's time to pick +_52olkk_Qju-00424-00123352-00123671 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00425-00123672-00123902 plus twenty percent disease +_52olkk_Qju-00426-00123903-00124151 um self-medicate +_52olkk_Qju-00427-00124152-00124343 reduce stress by ten percent +_52olkk_Qju-00428-00124344-00125014 you twenty percent +_52olkk_Qju-00429-00125015-00125151 how about your +_52olkk_Qju-00430-00125152-00126047 abilities wound care +_52olkk_Qju-00431-00126048-00126327 clean guns +_52olkk_Qju-00432-00126328-00126478 useful +_52olkk_Qju-00433-00126479-00126751 very useful +_52olkk_Qju-00434-00126752-00127127 let's see what you have +_52olkk_Qju-00435-00127128-00127439 reject the gods reduce race by 30. +_52olkk_Qju-00436-00127440-00127614 all companions if not religious +_52olkk_Qju-00437-00127615-00127878 increased stress by seven +_52olkk_Qju-00438-00127879-00128014 if religious +_52olkk_Qju-00439-00128015-00128095 huh +_52olkk_Qju-00440-00128096-00128278 i kind of like that +_52olkk_Qju-00441-00128279-00128678 are any of my companions religious +_52olkk_Qju-00442-00128679-00128951 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00443-00128952-00129158 because she needs +_52olkk_Qju-00444-00129159-00129351 desperately +_52olkk_Qju-00445-00129352-00129654 stress reduction +_52olkk_Qju-00446-00129655-00130134 and +_52olkk_Qju-00447-00130135-00130283 she's not +_52olkk_Qju-00448-00130283-00130654 religious are you +_52olkk_Qju-00449-00130655-00130814 suppose you are +_52olkk_Qju-00450-00130815-00131014 yeah flatulent +_52olkk_Qju-00451-00131015-00131223 i would put there +_52olkk_Qju-00452-00131224-00131519 but that was religion +_52olkk_Qju-00453-00131520-00131743 but hey we can always do +_52olkk_Qju-00454-00131744-00132159 the following +_52olkk_Qju-00455-00132160-00133127 we can clean this guy's guns +_52olkk_Qju-00456-00133128-00133527 actually that's even better +_52olkk_Qju-00457-00133528-00133943 banded sense +_52olkk_Qju-00458-00133944-00134207 instruction +_52olkk_Qju-00459-00134208-00134607 yeah +_52olkk_Qju-00460-00134608-00134887 awesome +_52olkk_Qju-00461-00134888-00135302 let's see five dodge three speed +_52olkk_Qju-00462-00135303-00135463 i can heal +_52olkk_Qju-00463-00135464-00136423 15 percent of someone +_52olkk_Qju-00464-00136424-00136743 i can i suppose do +_52olkk_Qju-00465-00136744-00137039 two things +_52olkk_Qju-00466-00137040-00137431 or i can even do +_52olkk_Qju-00467-00137432-00137647 now +_52olkk_Qju-00468-00137648-00137854 yeah i can self meditate +_52olkk_Qju-00469-00137855-00138031 medicate +_52olkk_Qju-00470-00138032-00138527 time ghost tree +_52olkk_Qju-00471-00138528-00138878 quite useful actually +_52olkk_Qju-00472-00138879-00139095 and +_52olkk_Qju-00473-00139096-00139543 i suppose +_52olkk_Qju-00474-00139544-00139735 i can simply +_52olkk_Qju-00475-00139736-00140471 do +_52olkk_Qju-00476-00140472-00140759 so confusing +_52olkk_Qju-00477-00140760-00140887 you know what +_52olkk_Qju-00478-00140888-00141263 i'm going to reject the gods +_52olkk_Qju-00479-00141264-00141519 no i don't want to reject the gods +_52olkk_Qju-00480-00141520-00141639 yeah but i do +_52olkk_Qju-00481-00141640-00141959 let's protect the girls +_52olkk_Qju-00482-00141960-00142143 okay that was cool +_52olkk_Qju-00483-00142144-00142575 let's get on with it shall we +_52olkk_Qju-00484-00142576-00142883 do i have +_52olkk_Qju-00485-00142884-00143214 anything awesome +_52olkk_Qju-00486-00143215-00143583 time to rest +_52olkk_Qju-00487-00143584-00143799 even so i'm at ease +_52olkk_Qju-00488-00143800-00144111 excellent her stress is down everyone's +_52olkk_Qju-00489-00144112-00144614 dresses up kind of but +_52olkk_Qju-00490-00144615-00144943 i'll make it work +_52olkk_Qju-00491-00144944-00145183 our provisions from this journey +_52olkk_Qju-00492-00145184-00145607 in radiance may we find victory +_52olkk_Qju-00493-00145608-00145878 right we've only have +_52olkk_Qju-00494-00145879-00146135 so many torches left so we need to move +_52olkk_Qju-00495-00146136-00146399 quickly +_52olkk_Qju-00496-00146400-00147207 a battle that reeks of powerful liquors +_52olkk_Qju-00497-00147208-00147575 holy water nope +_52olkk_Qju-00498-00147576-00147814 okay that was a waste of resources +_52olkk_Qju-00499-00147815-00147926 again +_52olkk_Qju-00500-00147927-00148071 happens +_52olkk_Qju-00501-00148072-00148454 i prefer to be safe sometimes +_52olkk_Qju-00502-00148455-00148839 what are you disgusting things +_52olkk_Qju-00503-00148840-00149071 and how can i kill you all as quickly as +_52olkk_Qju-00504-00149072-00149583 possible +_52olkk_Qju-00505-00149584-00149966 new creatures horrify me +_52olkk_Qju-00506-00149967-00150383 perhaps this will be enough +_52olkk_Qju-00507-00150384-00150839 ouch don't mention me you cretins +_52olkk_Qju-00508-00150840-00151031 oh no +_52olkk_Qju-00509-00151032-00151283 oh +_52olkk_Qju-00510-00151284-00151583 oh that was worse that was better than i +_52olkk_Qju-00511-00151584-00151911 thought it would be +_52olkk_Qju-00512-00151912-00152278 wicked +_52olkk_Qju-00513-00152279-00152390 ouch +_52olkk_Qju-00514-00152391-00152807 oh no he's blighted now +_52olkk_Qju-00515-00152808-00153087 um wrong target +_52olkk_Qju-00516-00153088-00153239 should have killed him blight would have +_52olkk_Qju-00517-00153240-00153478 finished him anyway +_52olkk_Qju-00518-00153479-00153607 uh +_52olkk_Qju-00519-00153608-00154439 that was just about play on my part +_52olkk_Qju-00520-00154440-00154878 hmm +_52olkk_Qju-00521-00154879-00155143 i want to heal his blight +_52olkk_Qju-00522-00155144-00155854 that's why i did not take the shot +_52olkk_Qju-00523-00155855-00156175 see entirely logical +_52olkk_Qju-00524-00156176-00156390 plus that way i will remind yourself +_52olkk_Qju-00525-00156391-00156614 that overconfidence is a slow and +_52olkk_Qju-00526-00156615-00156839 insidious killer +_52olkk_Qju-00527-00156840-00157063 yes i do constantly +_52olkk_Qju-00528-00157064-00157295 that's all i think of +_52olkk_Qju-00529-00157296-00157887 seriously +_52olkk_Qju-00530-00157888-00158311 hollywood +_52olkk_Qju-00531-00158312-00158671 let's open up the bottles +_52olkk_Qju-00532-00158672-00158878 holy water holy water for everyone holy +_52olkk_Qju-00533-00158879-00159102 water for you holy water for you +_52olkk_Qju-00534-00159103-00159326 hollywood for everyone all our friends +_52olkk_Qju-00535-00159327-00159431 will have +_52olkk_Qju-00536-00159432-00159639 lots of holy water +_52olkk_Qju-00537-00159640-00159895 but will you will i find out in the next +_52olkk_Qju-00538-00159896-00160087 episode of +_52olkk_Qju-00539-00160088-00160263 you know what i'm not going to finish +_52olkk_Qju-00540-00160264-00160454 our sentence +_52olkk_Qju-00541-00160455-00160671 you can +_52olkk_Qju-00542-00160672-00160990 figure it out for yourself might +_52olkk_Qju-00543-00160991-00161702 nice shot +_52olkk_Qju-00544-00161703-00161975 actually no +_52olkk_Qju-00545-00161976-00162343 uh oh +_52olkk_Qju-00546-00162344-00162526 yeah better to be rid of this one +_52olkk_Qju-00547-00162527-00163302 slasher +_52olkk_Qju-00548-00163303-00163487 just to be safe i remember those things +_52olkk_Qju-00549-00163488-00164014 doing insane amounts of damage +_52olkk_Qju-00550-00164015-00164207 and i'd better not have to deal with +_52olkk_Qju-00551-00164208-00164399 that +_52olkk_Qju-00552-00164400-00164663 this one pretty close to death not close +_52olkk_Qju-00553-00164664-00164839 enough +_52olkk_Qju-00554-00164840-00165902 unfortunately +_52olkk_Qju-00555-00165903-00166166 you you deserve to be blighted +_52olkk_Qju-00556-00166167-00166487 you resisted that blight pretty well you +_52olkk_Qju-00557-00166488-00167039 usually do swine chopper +_52olkk_Qju-00558-00167040-00167335 oh +_52olkk_Qju-00559-00167336-00167695 again with the stress +_52olkk_Qju-00560-00167696-00167895 ouch +_52olkk_Qju-00561-00167896-00168223 and this this was unpleasant to say the +_52olkk_Qju-00562-00168224-00168463 least +_52olkk_Qju-00563-00168464-00168831 got a number of items to protect me but +_52olkk_Qju-00564-00168832-00169054 those two will die next turn which means +_52olkk_Qju-00565-00169055-00169190 i only have +_52olkk_Qju-00566-00169191-00169447 this swine chopping fellow +_52olkk_Qju-00567-00169448-00170078 to whatever +_52olkk_Qju-00568-00170079-00170847 and now i do believe i have won +_52olkk_Qju-00569-00170848-00171254 hey sure i can use heal +_52olkk_Qju-00570-00171255-00171575 the slow death please die now unforeseen +_52olkk_Qju-00571-00171576-00172038 thank you for giving +_52olkk_Qju-00572-00172039-00172302 excellent let's continue adventuring +_52olkk_Qju-00573-00172303-00172895 just to open this chest +_52olkk_Qju-00574-00172896-00173023 well +_52olkk_Qju-00575-00173024-00173287 saw that coming +_52olkk_Qju-00576-00173288-00173431 right +_52olkk_Qju-00577-00173432-00173526 quite +_52olkk_Qju-00578-00173527-00173871 quite a solid run the squeals fade +_52olkk_Qju-00579-00173872-00174231 their confidence is shaken +_52olkk_Qju-00580-00174232-00174423 nice and i unlocked +_52olkk_Qju-00581-00174424-00174614 three achievements +_52olkk_Qju-00582-00174615-00174783 because i have no idea what any of them +_52olkk_Qju-00583-00174784-00174911 do +_52olkk_Qju-00584-00174912-00175119 but the good thing is i'm totally back +_52olkk_Qju-00585-00175120-00175471 in the game i just won more than 10 000 +_52olkk_Qju-00586-00175472-00175759 gold +_52olkk_Qju-00587-00175760-00175878 which is +_52olkk_Qju-00588-00175879-00176326 very good +_52olkk_Qju-00589-00176327-00176483 let's see +_52olkk_Qju-00590-00176484-00176878 oh level three well done it +_52olkk_Qju-00591-00176879-00177119 uh oh +_52olkk_Qju-00592-00177120-00177335 that's a disease +_52olkk_Qju-00593-00177336-00177438 and +_52olkk_Qju-00594-00177439-00177751 that is kind of cool sounds cool +_52olkk_Qju-00595-00177752-00177883 but +_52olkk_Qju-00596-00177884-00178343 annoying let's see what rottman got +_52olkk_Qju-00597-00178344-00178487 oh +_52olkk_Qju-00598-00178488-00178623 well +_52olkk_Qju-00599-00178624-00178983 let's not comment on that +_52olkk_Qju-00600-00178984-00179111 please vasey tell me you've got +_52olkk_Qju-00601-00179112-00179399 something positive +_52olkk_Qju-00602-00179400-00179814 no no you don't thank you +_52olkk_Qju-00603-00179815-00180054 i feel totally hopeless now +_52olkk_Qju-00604-00180055-00180383 and that's why days when the sun shone +_52olkk_Qju-00605-00180384-00180551 and laughter could be heard from the +_52olkk_Qju-00606-00180552-00181254 tavern +_52olkk_Qju-00607-00181255-00181431 you know +_52olkk_Qju-00608-00181432-00181735 this game hates me +_52olkk_Qju-00609-00181736-00181902 but i love it anyway +_52olkk_Qju-00610-00181903-00182126 it's a love-hate relationship +_52olkk_Qju-00611-00182127-00182414 and i'm having too much fun to stop +_52olkk_Qju-00612-00182415-00182647 so if you'd like to see +_52olkk_Qju-00613-00182648-00182790 more +_52olkk_Qju-00614-00182791-00182895 well +_52olkk_Qju-00615-00182896-00183031 i'm looking for +_52olkk_Qju-00616-00183032-00183159 forward +_52olkk_Qju-00617-00183160-00183271 to +_52olkk_Qju-00618-00183272-00183399 seeing you +_52olkk_Qju-00619-00183400-00183511 next time +_52olkk_Qju-00620-00183512-00183687 thanks for watching my name is ben +_52olkk_Qju-00621-00183688-00183926 phillip magnus +_52olkk_Qju-00622-00183927-00184238 philip actually not phillip +_52olkk_Qju-00623-00184239-00184535 but if i was an imp i would be a film +_52olkk_Qju-00624-00184536-00184924 hey bye +_5rlUSP3WSA-00000-00000360-00000605 okay good morning +_5rlUSP3WSA-00001-00000606-00001768 oh good afternoon or good evening +_5rlUSP3WSA-00002-00001769-00002434 darling video +_5rlUSP3WSA-00003-00002435-00002765 this video is about to thank everybody +_5rlUSP3WSA-00004-00002766-00003115 who has seen my video +_5rlUSP3WSA-00005-00003116-00003353 and to +_5rlUSP3WSA-00006-00003354-00003733 and click on my channel +_5rlUSP3WSA-00007-00003734-00003977 they don't like +_5rlUSP3WSA-00008-00003978-00004583 on subscribe to my channel +_5rlUSP3WSA-00009-00004584-00005422 I want to thank everybody +_5rlUSP3WSA-00010-00005423-00006167 tomorrow will be my birthday +_5rlUSP3WSA-00011-00006168-00006472 and I want to thank God because he have +_5rlUSP3WSA-00012-00006473-00006851 given me a lot of life +_5rlUSP3WSA-00013-00006852-00007733 my name is +_5rlUSP3WSA-00014-00007734-00008045 she gave me a lot of like days of years +_5rlUSP3WSA-00015-00008045-00008195 of life +_5rlUSP3WSA-00016-00008196-00008369 and +_5rlUSP3WSA-00017-00008370-00008777 I'm thankful for that +_5rlUSP3WSA-00018-00008778-00008914 and +_5rlUSP3WSA-00019-00008915-00009287 and please subscribe to my channel +_5rlUSP3WSA-00020-00009288-00009521 and tomorrow November +_5rlUSP3WSA-00021-00009522-00010006 or today November 7th +_5rlUSP3WSA-00022-00010007-00010271 I will be in +_5rlUSP3WSA-00023-00010272-00010445 59 +_5rlUSP3WSA-00024-00010446-00010571 . +_5rlUSP3WSA-00025-00010572-00011135 9 years old I was born on November 7th +_5rlUSP3WSA-00026-00011136-00011560 1953 +_5rlUSP3WSA-00027-00011561-00012922 my name is +_5rlUSP3WSA-00028-00012923-00013127 um +_5rlUSP3WSA-00029-00013128-00013288 that's only +_5rlUSP3WSA-00030-00013290-00013541 I was going to say +_5rlUSP3WSA-00031-00013541-00013966 and please subscribe to my channel give +_5rlUSP3WSA-00032-00013968-00014597 me a like and give me comment too +_5rlUSP3WSA-00033-00014597-00015713 please +_5rlUSP3WSA-00034-00015713-00015905 you can say anything about me or +_5rlUSP3WSA-00035-00015906-00016171 whatever you want to say +_5rlUSP3WSA-00036-00016172-00016661 and here they have a bad State you have +_5rlUSP3WSA-00037-00016662-00017141 mine well we come in United States flag +_5rlUSP3WSA-00038-00017142-00017435 I will repeat I'm proud to be American +_5rlUSP3WSA-00039-00017436-00018311 citizen for more than 100 years +_5rlUSP3WSA-00040-00018312-00018515 thank you everybody +_5rlUSP3WSA-00041-00018516-00018785 God bless you all +_5rlUSP3WSA-00042-00018786-00018958 and +_5rlUSP3WSA-00043-00018959-00019091 thank you +_5rlUSP3WSA-00044-00019092-00021264 foreign +_5rlUSP3WSA-00045-00021265-00021479 that you have +_5rlUSP3WSA-00046-00021480-00021743 there's no solution when you die but the +_5rlUSP3WSA-00047-00021744-00022289 solution with your life with God alive +_5rlUSP3WSA-00048-00022290-00022541 thank you everybody I love you all +_5rlUSP3WSA-00049-00022542-00023111 foreign +_5rlUSP3WSA-00050-00023112-00023384 take care +_5RAJslENUA-00000-00000416-00000582 thank you very much for joining the uh +_5RAJslENUA-00001-00000583-00000847 the online demonstration and we wanted +_5RAJslENUA-00002-00000848-00001070 to present the open access compliance +_5RAJslENUA-00003-00001071-00001183 check tool +_5RAJslENUA-00004-00001184-00001327 um or as we +_5RAJslENUA-00005-00001328-00001614 as we endearingly call it the oacct uh +_5RAJslENUA-00006-00001616-00001798 it's a tool we're currently developing +_5RAJslENUA-00007-00001800-00001982 at the uh +_5RAJslENUA-00008-00001984-00002118 library +_5RAJslENUA-00009-00002119-00002367 and which serves to support researchers +_5RAJslENUA-00010-00002368-00002702 in their publishing efforts +_5RAJslENUA-00011-00002703-00002991 i'd like to briefly mention a few words +_5RAJslENUA-00012-00002992-00003199 about why we are doing this um because +_5RAJslENUA-00013-00003200-00003415 then i think it's it's better +_5RAJslENUA-00014-00003415-00003590 you'll understand a bit uh you'll +_5RAJslENUA-00015-00003592-00003847 understand it a bit better so what i +_5RAJslENUA-00016-00003847-00004038 don't think i have to explain is open +_5RAJslENUA-00017-00004039-00004295 access publishing the why and how um +_5RAJslENUA-00018-00004296-00004663 well not the why maybe the how um i i'd +_5RAJslENUA-00019-00004664-00004999 say you i well okay i i assume you're +_5RAJslENUA-00020-00005000-00005167 familiar with the basics of open access +_5RAJslENUA-00021-00005168-00005279 publishing +_5RAJslENUA-00022-00005280-00005454 and um +_5RAJslENUA-00023-00005455-00005767 i just very briefly run through the +_5RAJslENUA-00024-00005768-00005967 advantages maybe the list branches of +_5RAJslENUA-00025-00005968-00006191 the office of this new paradigm because +_5RAJslENUA-00026-00006192-00006439 this will lead us directly to +_5RAJslENUA-00027-00006440-00006639 why we are +_5RAJslENUA-00028-00006640-00006814 creating this tool +_5RAJslENUA-00029-00006815-00006998 basically +_5RAJslENUA-00030-00007000-00007223 so you should i think you know that we +_5RAJslENUA-00031-00007223-00007431 try to well open access tries to +_5RAJslENUA-00032-00007431-00007655 apologize to abolish the pay walls which +_5RAJslENUA-00033-00007656-00007814 are associated with the classical model +_5RAJslENUA-00034-00007815-00007927 of publishing +_5RAJslENUA-00035-00007928-00008031 um +_5RAJslENUA-00036-00008031-00008231 and the idea is to provide free access +_5RAJslENUA-00037-00008232-00008655 to academic output um if you want to +_5RAJslENUA-00038-00008656-00008774 formally +_5RAJslENUA-00039-00008775-00008974 formulate this in a concise way you +_5RAJslENUA-00040-00008975-00009183 could say that if there's public funding +_5RAJslENUA-00041-00009184-00009374 then the results should also be public +_5RAJslENUA-00042-00009375-00009583 um +_5RAJslENUA-00043-00009584-00009767 there are some alternatives +_5RAJslENUA-00044-00009768-00009942 but it's an alternative mode to +_5RAJslENUA-00045-00009943-00010135 subscription models which could +_5RAJslENUA-00046-00010136-00010391 potentially reduce publishing costs if +_5RAJslENUA-00047-00010392-00010567 you remember open access was motivated +_5RAJslENUA-00048-00010568-00010838 by the ever increasing subscription +_5RAJslENUA-00049-00010839-00011023 costs for the universities and the +_5RAJslENUA-00050-00011024-00011246 university libraries this is definitely +_5RAJslENUA-00051-00011247-00011423 a this is uh +_5RAJslENUA-00052-00011424-00011646 the attempt to reverse this trend +_5RAJslENUA-00053-00011647-00011759 and +_5RAJslENUA-00054-00011760-00012006 finally another advantage is it gives +_5RAJslENUA-00055-00012007-00012206 more licensing offers more licensing +_5RAJslENUA-00056-00012207-00012438 offers to the to the +_5RAJslENUA-00057-00012439-00012655 sorry to the researchers +_5RAJslENUA-00058-00012656-00012855 which means they have more possibilities +_5RAJslENUA-00059-00012856-00012999 for example to retain their author's +_5RAJslENUA-00060-00013000-00013271 rights if they want to reuse content +_5RAJslENUA-00061-00013272-00013447 they have already published in other +_5RAJslENUA-00062-00013447-00013630 contexts um +_5RAJslENUA-00063-00013631-00013927 there are a few disadvantages um to the +_5RAJslENUA-00064-00013928-00014079 at least to the current +_5RAJslENUA-00065-00014080-00014279 models we can find on the market because +_5RAJslENUA-00066-00014280-00014463 uh very often you want you will find +_5RAJslENUA-00067-00014463-00014727 that they impose embargo periods to your +_5RAJslENUA-00068-00014728-00014951 into your publishing efforts which +_5RAJslENUA-00069-00014952-00015135 prohibits immediate dissemination of +_5RAJslENUA-00070-00015136-00015263 your of your +_5RAJslENUA-00071-00015263-00015399 of your papers +_5RAJslENUA-00072-00015400-00015694 um then the publishing charges are no +_5RAJslENUA-00073-00015695-00016055 longer taken into account by the um well +_5RAJslENUA-00074-00016056-00016158 the +_5RAJslENUA-00075-00016159-00016358 charges themselves are no longer taken +_5RAJslENUA-00076-00016359-00016607 into account by the libraries before +_5RAJslENUA-00077-00016608-00016879 those those were subscription models +_5RAJslENUA-00078-00016880-00017071 maybe um +_5RAJslENUA-00079-00017072-00017383 now they are now they have to be uh +_5RAJslENUA-00080-00017384-00017527 yeah now they are passed on to the +_5RAJslENUA-00081-00017528-00017630 authors +_5RAJslENUA-00082-00017631-00017927 um and all of that i mean knowing +_5RAJslENUA-00083-00017928-00018143 knowing obtaining all this information +_5RAJslENUA-00084-00018144-00018383 requires much more detail no knowledge +_5RAJslENUA-00085-00018384-00018607 about the published publishing process +_5RAJslENUA-00086-00018608-00018879 and basically what you could say that is +_5RAJslENUA-00087-00018880-00019063 the researchers are sort of in the +_5RAJslENUA-00088-00019064-00019471 middle um of of two or three +_5RAJslENUA-00089-00019472-00019671 different different groups now so +_5RAJslENUA-00090-00019672-00019879 basically we have four parties um and we +_5RAJslENUA-00091-00019880-00020103 have to find publishing conditions that +_5RAJslENUA-00092-00020104-00020375 are acceptable to all of them um now +_5RAJslENUA-00093-00020376-00020550 that's the first +_5RAJslENUA-00094-00020551-00020919 uh yeah that's the first step um +_5RAJslENUA-00095-00020920-00021039 basically +_5RAJslENUA-00096-00021040-00021214 obtaining knowledge obtaining more +_5RAJslENUA-00097-00021215-00021350 knowledge about the publishing process +_5RAJslENUA-00098-00021351-00021678 which motivated us to create this tool +_5RAJslENUA-00099-00021679-00021958 now if we look at a few offers you could +_5RAJslENUA-00100-00021959-00022214 find on the market um i made up a few +_5RAJslENUA-00101-00022215-00022463 examples which are i hope not which i +_5RAJslENUA-00102-00022464-00022783 hope don't appear too contrived um well +_5RAJslENUA-00103-00022784-00022983 we have for example um +_5RAJslENUA-00104-00022984-00023199 the interests of a researcher would like +_5RAJslENUA-00105-00023200-00023427 to disseminate a very +_5RAJslENUA-00106-00023428-00023711 pre-reviewed version at at least minimal +_5RAJslENUA-00107-00023712-00023927 costs with minimal embargo +_5RAJslENUA-00108-00023928-00024167 and ideally they would also retain the +_5RAJslENUA-00109-00024168-00024358 author's rights +_5RAJslENUA-00110-00024359-00024478 and on the other hand we have the +_5RAJslENUA-00111-00024479-00024639 interests of the funder +_5RAJslENUA-00112-00024640-00024830 who stipulate that the researchers +_5RAJslENUA-00113-00024831-00025086 disseminate the peer-reviewed version +_5RAJslENUA-00114-00025087-00025278 which creates one which is much more +_5RAJslENUA-00115-00025279-00025519 reliable than just something you put +_5RAJslENUA-00116-00025520-00025718 somewhere um +_5RAJslENUA-00117-00025719-00025799 they +_5RAJslENUA-00118-00025800-00026039 may offer a partial refund of the +_5RAJslENUA-00119-00026039-00026190 publishing charges under certain +_5RAJslENUA-00120-00026191-00026311 conditions +_5RAJslENUA-00121-00026312-00026470 and um +_5RAJslENUA-00122-00026472-00026743 there's another stipulation for example +_5RAJslENUA-00123-00026744-00026895 the embargo is +_5RAJslENUA-00124-00026895-00027118 must not exceed six months +_5RAJslENUA-00125-00027119-00027255 and um +_5RAJslENUA-00126-00027256-00027439 yeah as a fourth point you could say +_5RAJslENUA-00127-00027439-00027535 that +_5RAJslENUA-00128-00027536-00027735 an institution would prefer +_5RAJslENUA-00129-00027736-00027943 institution referring to research +_5RAJslENUA-00130-00027944-00028327 institutions such as epfl eth +_5RAJslENUA-00131-00028327-00028574 and any other university they would +_5RAJslENUA-00132-00028575-00028823 prefer that you publish your research +_5RAJslENUA-00133-00028824-00029039 output under an under an open asset +_5RAJslENUA-00134-00029039-00029183 compliant license +_5RAJslENUA-00135-00029183-00029446 which for example could say +_5RAJslENUA-00136-00029447-00029727 they want you to upload the output to an +_5RAJslENUA-00137-00029727-00029918 institutional repository +_5RAJslENUA-00138-00029919-00030023 um +_5RAJslENUA-00139-00030024-00030223 exactly for some suitable licenses could +_5RAJslENUA-00140-00030224-00030455 be ccbi and orion's now we have to +_5RAJslENUA-00141-00030456-00030751 compare these um these +_5RAJslENUA-00142-00030752-00031062 yeah the wish of the researchers and the +_5RAJslENUA-00143-00031063-00031279 stipulations of the of the founders or +_5RAJslENUA-00144-00031280-00031511 of the institutions to the actual office +_5RAJslENUA-00145-00031512-00031758 um the journals put out there and now +_5RAJslENUA-00146-00031760-00031911 this is the example i was referring +_5RAJslENUA-00147-00031912-00032095 about which i hope is not too contrived +_5RAJslENUA-00148-00032095-00032367 we have for example first offer um now +_5RAJslENUA-00149-00032368-00032527 you may share the published version it +_5RAJslENUA-00150-00032527-00032879 costs you three thousand um yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00151-00032880-00033031 items of your local currency let's say +_5RAJslENUA-00152-00033032-00033239 swiss francs in apc +_5RAJslENUA-00153-00033240-00033423 um there's no embargo attached and you +_5RAJslENUA-00154-00033424-00033671 get to have a cc buy license um +_5RAJslENUA-00155-00033672-00033887 the second offer would be you get to +_5RAJslENUA-00156-00033888-00034087 share the accepted manuscript there are +_5RAJslENUA-00157-00034088-00034279 no apc but you have to respect an +_5RAJslENUA-00158-00034280-00034502 embargo period of 24 months +_5RAJslENUA-00159-00034503-00034727 and you only get to have the publisher's +_5RAJslENUA-00160-00034728-00034902 license um +_5RAJslENUA-00161-00034903-00035143 let's see what the +_5RAJslENUA-00162-00035144-00035302 researchers and the institutions may +_5RAJslENUA-00163-00035303-00035511 think about the first offer +_5RAJslENUA-00164-00035512-00035823 this looks generally acceptable +_5RAJslENUA-00165-00035824-00036071 even though the the high publishing cost +_5RAJslENUA-00166-00036072-00036295 may may hurt the researchers +_5RAJslENUA-00167-00036296-00036487 quite a bit it's not it's not nice to +_5RAJslENUA-00168-00036488-00036639 have to pay that much +_5RAJslENUA-00169-00036640-00036823 and the second offer is actually +_5RAJslENUA-00170-00036824-00037046 unacceptable because it would exceed the +_5RAJslENUA-00171-00037047-00037287 maximum amount of periods +_5RAJslENUA-00172-00037288-00037623 demanded by the funders so um only as i +_5RAJslENUA-00173-00037624-00037951 said that the first offer is acceptable +_5RAJslENUA-00174-00037952-00038190 and yeah that was a problem for the +_5RAJslENUA-00175-00038191-00038430 researchers because of the apc +_5RAJslENUA-00176-00038431-00038559 um +_5RAJslENUA-00177-00038560-00038815 so we would go we could go on with that +_5RAJslENUA-00178-00038816-00039039 but there may be there might be another +_5RAJslENUA-00179-00039040-00039271 option uh enter the publishing agreement +_5RAJslENUA-00180-00039272-00039495 the publishing agreement may be yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00181-00039496-00039702 concluded between um +_5RAJslENUA-00182-00039703-00039943 an institution and a journal in this +_5RAJslENUA-00183-00039944-00040174 case yeah let's remain with this journal +_5RAJslENUA-00184-00040175-00040335 then we see it's basically the same as +_5RAJslENUA-00185-00040336-00040559 the first offer but there is a 20 +_5RAJslENUA-00186-00040560-00040711 discount for +_5RAJslENUA-00187-00040712-00041023 those researchers for those institutions +_5RAJslENUA-00188-00041024-00041239 um with whom this this agreement has +_5RAJslENUA-00189-00041240-00041543 been has been concluded and now this is +_5RAJslENUA-00190-00041544-00041815 um yeah this is a bit more acceptable so +_5RAJslENUA-00191-00041816-00042015 i think this would be um +_5RAJslENUA-00192-00042016-00042262 the idea to proceed with that +_5RAJslENUA-00193-00042263-00042543 and now this is uh this is crucial um +_5RAJslENUA-00194-00042544-00042823 this is the uh the actual reason why we +_5RAJslENUA-00195-00042824-00043111 decided to develop this tool um you +_5RAJslENUA-00196-00043112-00043327 would need to know about this about +_5RAJslENUA-00197-00043328-00043590 these agreements uh you may already be +_5RAJslENUA-00198-00043591-00043751 aware of certain agreements because +_5RAJslENUA-00199-00043752-00043855 maybe you're +_5RAJslENUA-00200-00043856-00044174 yeah you have some contacts in the +_5RAJslENUA-00201-00044175-00044479 university library or another another +_5RAJslENUA-00202-00044480-00044735 yeah because the contacts you may +_5RAJslENUA-00203-00044736-00044918 heard you may have heard about that but +_5RAJslENUA-00204-00044919-00045151 i think the best thing um +_5RAJslENUA-00205-00045152-00045351 is to establish actually a publishing +_5RAJslENUA-00206-00045352-00045583 service platform um and we as the +_5RAJslENUA-00207-00045584-00045830 library decided to to take this option +_5RAJslENUA-00208-00045831-00046071 to go uh to go forward with this because +_5RAJslENUA-00209-00046072-00046351 this helps us to +_5RAJslENUA-00210-00046352-00046574 gather all this information and to +_5RAJslENUA-00211-00046575-00046935 provide an overview of all these offers +_5RAJslENUA-00212-00046936-00047223 including also publishing agreements +_5RAJslENUA-00213-00047224-00047558 and this is uh yeah as i said this is +_5RAJslENUA-00214-00047559-00047735 the the +_5RAJslENUA-00215-00047736-00047935 principal motivation for that +_5RAJslENUA-00216-00047936-00048318 um there are already some platforms um +_5RAJslENUA-00217-00048319-00048558 out there there is uh sherpa romeo which +_5RAJslENUA-00218-00048559-00048823 is i think the most prominent one um +_5RAJslENUA-00219-00048824-00048943 there's also +_5RAJslENUA-00220-00048944-00049215 publish open for example um yeah there +_5RAJslENUA-00221-00049216-00049479 are others i think problems up and +_5RAJslENUA-00222-00049480-00049671 sorry journal checker they were launched +_5RAJslENUA-00223-00049672-00049807 quite recently +_5RAJslENUA-00224-00049808-00049918 um +_5RAJslENUA-00225-00049919-00050007 but +_5RAJslENUA-00226-00050008-00050190 there is +_5RAJslENUA-00227-00050191-00050383 they're not perfect in the sense that +_5RAJslENUA-00228-00050384-00050574 you see well some are currently inactive +_5RAJslENUA-00229-00050575-00050751 others have launched this recently they +_5RAJslENUA-00230-00050752-00050967 may not have all the data we need +_5RAJslENUA-00231-00050968-00051190 and um none of these platforms is +_5RAJslENUA-00232-00051191-00051423 actually um really tailored to swiss +_5RAJslENUA-00233-00051424-00051630 institutions well there's possible +_5RAJslENUA-00234-00051632-00051814 exception of the chronos up +_5RAJslENUA-00235-00051815-00051982 i'm not that familiar with that tool yet +_5RAJslENUA-00236-00051983-00052342 but um in in general terms um +_5RAJslENUA-00237-00052344-00052414 we +_5RAJslENUA-00238-00052415-00052503 um +_5RAJslENUA-00239-00052504-00052671 we couldn't at least i think they they +_5RAJslENUA-00240-00052672-00052854 weren't around when we started the when +_5RAJslENUA-00241-00052855-00053015 we started the project so i think this +_5RAJslENUA-00242-00053016-00053087 is +_5RAJslENUA-00243-00053088-00053391 that's another reason and um the idea is +_5RAJslENUA-00244-00053391-00053663 not uh the idea um +_5RAJslENUA-00245-00053664-00053935 seeing as how none of these platforms +_5RAJslENUA-00246-00053936-00054135 are tailored to swiss institutions the +_5RAJslENUA-00247-00054136-00054375 initial idea was to um +_5RAJslENUA-00248-00054376-00054559 to adapt an existing open source +_5RAJslENUA-00249-00054560-00054703 platform through the swiss publishing +_5RAJslENUA-00250-00054704-00054879 market this is the very first line +_5RAJslENUA-00251-00054879-00055015 published open +_5RAJslENUA-00252-00055016-00055415 um um but during the project um of uh +_5RAJslENUA-00253-00055416-00055582 yeah during the project became clear +_5RAJslENUA-00254-00055583-00055838 that it would be uh more convenient to +_5RAJslENUA-00255-00055839-00056079 start from scratch to our own platform +_5RAJslENUA-00256-00056079-00056287 and thus um +_5RAJslENUA-00257-00056288-00056550 yeah this was basically the open access +_5RAJslENUA-00258-00056551-00056750 compliance check tool +_5RAJslENUA-00259-00056751-00056959 um and +_5RAJslENUA-00260-00056960-00057166 basically what yeah i think we can we +_5RAJslENUA-00261-00057167-00057471 can add this to the +_5RAJslENUA-00262-00057472-00057687 so we're currently still in better +_5RAJslENUA-00263-00057688-00057950 testing stage i will um +_5RAJslENUA-00264-00057951-00058215 briefly um present the team +_5RAJslENUA-00265-00058216-00058447 um i have with me my colleague alan +_5RAJslENUA-00266-00058448-00058599 burrell +_5RAJslENUA-00267-00058600-00058887 then we had also a +_5RAJslENUA-00268-00058888-00059054 close collaboration with the university +_5RAJslENUA-00269-00059055-00059494 of geneva who were helping us a lot with +_5RAJslENUA-00270-00059495-00059742 with aggregating the data with uploading +_5RAJslENUA-00271-00059744-00059959 the data with testing +_5RAJslENUA-00272-00059960-00060030 we +_5RAJslENUA-00273-00060032-00060150 hired +_5RAJslENUA-00274-00060151-00060282 a +_5RAJslENUA-00275-00060283-00060447 developer who look for +_5RAJslENUA-00276-00060448-00060591 for front-end and back-end +_5RAJslENUA-00277-00060591-00060830 implementation who's done a great job +_5RAJslENUA-00278-00060832-00061030 and yeah if you if you're interested in +_5RAJslENUA-00279-00061032-00061215 the in the funding period in the in the +_5RAJslENUA-00280-00061216-00061447 actual working period yeah there's also +_5RAJslENUA-00281-00061448-00061663 a small +_5RAJslENUA-00282-00061664-00061959 bit of information in there um we had to +_5RAJslENUA-00283-00061960-00062182 we had to ask for an extension due to +_5RAJslENUA-00284-00062183-00062399 the covet uh um +_5RAJslENUA-00285-00062400-00062550 yeah um +_5RAJslENUA-00286-00062551-00062799 yeah the complete pandemic fortunately +_5RAJslENUA-00287-00062800-00063054 we got it um +_5RAJslENUA-00288-00063055-00063175 yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00289-00063176-00063494 i think that more or less describes um +_5RAJslENUA-00290-00063495-00063719 all of it maybe just a few words about +_5RAJslENUA-00291-00063720-00063879 the data sources +_5RAJslENUA-00292-00063879-00064054 i've mentioned um +_5RAJslENUA-00293-00064055-00064430 uh sherpa romeo um so we contacted um +_5RAJslENUA-00294-00064432-00064663 the company behind them which is jessica +_5RAJslENUA-00295-00064664-00064806 we were able to +_5RAJslENUA-00296-00064807-00064982 obtain +_5RAJslENUA-00297-00064983-00065175 their data for the published conditions +_5RAJslENUA-00298-00065176-00065382 so um what we're actually showing is +_5RAJslENUA-00299-00065383-00065726 sherpa romeo data we also showing uh +_5RAJslENUA-00300-00065727-00066031 data from issn.org +_5RAJslENUA-00301-00066032-00066143 but then +_5RAJslENUA-00302-00066144-00066335 of course the our i would say +_5RAJslENUA-00303-00066336-00066543 distinguishing feature is really uh are +_5RAJslENUA-00304-00066544-00066711 really the publishing agreements and +_5RAJslENUA-00305-00066712-00067087 those we try to obtain them from the +_5RAJslENUA-00306-00067088-00067391 fellow open access offices within the +_5RAJslENUA-00307-00067392-00067694 swiss universities group um +_5RAJslENUA-00308-00067695-00067838 so we still have to do a bit more +_5RAJslENUA-00309-00067839-00068038 testing in our tool but once this is +_5RAJslENUA-00310-00068039-00068303 done we are we'll start to contact them +_5RAJslENUA-00311-00068304-00068455 and to +_5RAJslENUA-00312-00068456-00068663 yeah and to ask them for further +_5RAJslENUA-00313-00068664-00068991 information on those and um +_5RAJslENUA-00314-00068992-00069150 yeah so +_5RAJslENUA-00315-00069151-00069279 i think +_5RAJslENUA-00316-00069280-00069391 we +_5RAJslENUA-00317-00069392-00069503 can +_5RAJslENUA-00318-00069504-00069638 say that we +_5RAJslENUA-00319-00069639-00069838 tried to uh tailor this to swiss +_5RAJslENUA-00320-00069839-00070094 institutions i think we we are yeah we +_5RAJslENUA-00321-00070095-00070319 haven't fully done yet since we still +_5RAJslENUA-00322-00070320-00070526 need to inquire about the conditions but +_5RAJslENUA-00323-00070527-00070719 uh we're getting there +_5RAJslENUA-00324-00070720-00070959 um we um +_5RAJslENUA-00325-00070960-00071191 are covering now that yeah obviously +_5RAJslENUA-00326-00071192-00071350 this is a this is a screenshot of the +_5RAJslENUA-00327-00071351-00071543 website which is going to show you in a +_5RAJslENUA-00328-00071544-00071647 second +_5RAJslENUA-00329-00071648-00072038 so we're covering swiss and eu funders +_5RAJslENUA-00330-00072039-00072150 we +_5RAJslENUA-00331-00072151-00072294 also +_5RAJslENUA-00332-00072295-00072535 show public publication conditions of +_5RAJslENUA-00333-00072536-00072703 about 10 000 journals if i'm not +_5RAJslENUA-00334-00072704-00072815 mistaken +_5RAJslENUA-00335-00072816-00073111 and um so +_5RAJslENUA-00336-00073112-00073319 yeah i think this is uh this is a good +_5RAJslENUA-00337-00073320-00073526 point to start with our live demo +_5RAJslENUA-00338-00073527-00073743 and uh yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00339-00073744-00073831 i'll +_5RAJslENUA-00340-00073832-00074159 hand over to alan uh thank you very much +_5RAJslENUA-00341-00074160-00074599 then how should we do +_5RAJslENUA-00342-00074600-00074679 okay +_5RAJslENUA-00343-00074680-00074903 um by the way there are questions um +_5RAJslENUA-00344-00074904-00075079 there was one uh +_5RAJslENUA-00345-00075080-00075391 one remark on the on the chat yes where +_5RAJslENUA-00346-00075392-00075519 the +_5RAJslENUA-00347-00075520-00075950 apparently uh publisher is alive again +_5RAJslENUA-00348-00075951-00076087 and +_5RAJslENUA-00349-00076088-00076238 apparently we have +_5RAJslENUA-00350-00076239-00076415 started moving +_5RAJslENUA-00351-00076416-00076750 again so yeah we definitely need to +_5RAJslENUA-00352-00076751-00077031 take a look at it and +_5RAJslENUA-00353-00077032-00077350 who knows maybe we will find a new +_5RAJslENUA-00354-00077351-00077535 convergence with them +_5RAJslENUA-00355-00077536-00077726 yes thank you for the for the comments +_5RAJslENUA-00356-00077727-00077887 uh this is very good +_5RAJslENUA-00357-00077888-00078199 all right um then i'll stop sharing and +_5RAJslENUA-00358-00078200-00078397 let you take over +_5RAJslENUA-00359-00078398-00080567 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00360-00080568-00080775 okay there we go +_5RAJslENUA-00361-00080776-00080991 so this is +_5RAJslENUA-00362-00080992-00081119 the +_5RAJslENUA-00363-00081120-00081287 the test platform +_5RAJslENUA-00364-00081288-00081418 for the system +_5RAJslENUA-00365-00081419-00081623 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00366-00081624-00081823 yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00367-00081824-00082062 i think matthias will give you the link +_5RAJslENUA-00368-00082063-00082326 in the chat +_5RAJslENUA-00369-00082327-00082462 so as +_5RAJslENUA-00370-00082463-00082775 as we have seen before +_5RAJslENUA-00371-00082776-00082894 we are +_5RAJslENUA-00372-00082895-00083135 in order to understand what's +_5RAJslENUA-00373-00083136-00083279 possible +_5RAJslENUA-00374-00083280-00083462 required +_5RAJslENUA-00375-00083463-00083638 perhaps forbidden +_5RAJslENUA-00376-00083639-00083975 when it comes to +_5RAJslENUA-00377-00083976-00084103 trying to +_5RAJslENUA-00378-00084104-00084359 publish in open access +_5RAJslENUA-00379-00084360-00084655 there's really a +_5RAJslENUA-00380-00084656-00084862 large amount of +_5RAJslENUA-00381-00084863-00085143 information that is scattered +_5RAJslENUA-00382-00085144-00085494 on the number of different websites +_5RAJslENUA-00383-00085495-00085655 belonging to +_5RAJslENUA-00384-00085656-00086126 to universities to publishers to funders +_5RAJslENUA-00385-00086127-00086326 and it's +_5RAJslENUA-00386-00086327-00086567 rather difficult to +_5RAJslENUA-00387-00086568-00086782 to find them all +_5RAJslENUA-00388-00086783-00087006 especially if you're in a hurry as +_5RAJslENUA-00389-00087007-00087303 people usually are +_5RAJslENUA-00390-00087304-00087582 so we have designed this +_5RAJslENUA-00391-00087583-00087831 this platform +_5RAJslENUA-00392-00087832-00087999 with the goal to +_5RAJslENUA-00393-00088000-00088311 assemble as much information in +_5RAJslENUA-00394-00088312-00088559 one place +_5RAJslENUA-00395-00088560-00088775 preferably without +_5RAJslENUA-00396-00088776-00089111 having too much to maintain ourselves +_5RAJslENUA-00397-00089112-00089399 so we are not establishing a new +_5RAJslENUA-00398-00089400-00089591 source of truth +_5RAJslENUA-00399-00089592-00089711 for +_5RAJslENUA-00400-00089712-00089926 this information which will make it even +_5RAJslENUA-00401-00089927-00090175 more confusing than it is +_5RAJslENUA-00402-00090176-00090479 but we we assemble that and we provide +_5RAJslENUA-00403-00090480-00090775 an interface where people can +_5RAJslENUA-00404-00090776-00090894 see +_5RAJslENUA-00405-00090895-00090982 what's +_5RAJslENUA-00406-00090983-00091071 really +_5RAJslENUA-00407-00091072-00091503 possible in their specific case +_5RAJslENUA-00408-00091504-00091838 so with the with voice cct +_5RAJslENUA-00409-00091839-00091999 you will +_5RAJslENUA-00410-00092000-00092255 have the possibility of entering any +_5RAJslENUA-00411-00092256-00092447 combination of +_5RAJslENUA-00412-00092448-00092806 of swiss research institution +_5RAJslENUA-00413-00092807-00093143 of funding agency and journal +_5RAJslENUA-00414-00093144-00093247 and see +_5RAJslENUA-00415-00093248-00093550 what are the +_5RAJslENUA-00416-00093551-00093815 the open license terms that should be +_5RAJslENUA-00417-00093816-00094062 compared with each other in order to +_5RAJslENUA-00418-00094063-00094199 take +_5RAJslENUA-00419-00094200-00094382 an informed decision +_5RAJslENUA-00420-00094383-00094711 so at this point it's not +_5RAJslENUA-00421-00094712-00094913 completely +_5RAJslENUA-00422-00094914-00095047 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00423-00095048-00095382 full with from the point of view of data +_5RAJslENUA-00424-00095383-00095535 so we have +_5RAJslENUA-00425-00095536-00095647 the +_5RAJslENUA-00426-00095648-00095847 the name of the institutions operating +_5RAJslENUA-00427-00095848-00096071 basic universities of course that's very +_5RAJslENUA-00428-00096072-00096223 easy +_5RAJslENUA-00429-00096224-00096350 we have +_5RAJslENUA-00430-00096351-00096543 i think a +_5RAJslENUA-00431-00096544-00096831 reasonable amount of funders +_5RAJslENUA-00432-00096832-00097038 at least as far as their names are +_5RAJslENUA-00433-00097039-00097159 concerned +_5RAJslENUA-00434-00097160-00097247 and +_5RAJslENUA-00435-00097248-00097479 we are not quite yet at ten thousand +_5RAJslENUA-00436-00097480-00097838 journals we're still at one thousand +_5RAJslENUA-00437-00097839-00098082 the more frequently +_5RAJslENUA-00438-00098083-00098335 uh let's see +_5RAJslENUA-00439-00098336-00098567 yeah used that's a bad one but the the +_5RAJslENUA-00440-00098568-00098855 ones in which the +_5RAJslENUA-00441-00098856-00099206 researchers of epfl and the university +_5RAJslENUA-00442-00099207-00099335 of geneva +_5RAJslENUA-00443-00099336-00099743 have published more often in the +_5RAJslENUA-00444-00099744-00099974 in the in the recent years +_5RAJslENUA-00445-00099975-00100279 so that's the basis for our selection +_5RAJslENUA-00446-00100280-00100574 obviously we will uh increase that but +_5RAJslENUA-00447-00100575-00100718 that was a +_5RAJslENUA-00448-00100719-00101094 it's a good point to actually +_5RAJslENUA-00449-00101095-00101287 start interacting with the system and +_5RAJslENUA-00450-00101288-00101543 see whether it keeps +_5RAJslENUA-00451-00101544-00101735 the answers that +_5RAJslENUA-00452-00101736-00102038 that we expect +_5RAJslENUA-00453-00102039-00102367 so what we end you can enter any +_5RAJslENUA-00454-00102368-00102599 combination of institution funding +_5RAJslENUA-00455-00102600-00102871 agency and journal +_5RAJslENUA-00456-00102872-00103118 one out of three one three two out of +_5RAJslENUA-00457-00103119-00103278 three +_5RAJslENUA-00458-00103279-00103518 so let's see how this goes so we will +_5RAJslENUA-00459-00103519-00103830 start with an institution +_5RAJslENUA-00460-00103831-00104190 i will of course take epfl because +_5RAJslENUA-00461-00104191-00104423 that's the one for which we have the +_5RAJslENUA-00462-00104424-00104983 most data at the moment +_5RAJslENUA-00463-00104983-00105271 and i can check +_5RAJslENUA-00464-00105272-00105471 okay so yes +_5RAJslENUA-00465-00105472-00105727 the first information so it has been +_5RAJslENUA-00466-00105728-00105990 properly identified there are some some +_5RAJslENUA-00467-00105991-00106127 facts +_5RAJslENUA-00468-00106128-00106239 about the +_5RAJslENUA-00469-00106240-00106543 institutions of identifiers that +_5RAJslENUA-00470-00106544-00106639 might be +_5RAJslENUA-00471-00106640-00106831 useful later +_5RAJslENUA-00472-00106832-00107271 a link to the website okay that's not so +_5RAJslENUA-00473-00107272-00107495 important in general people already know +_5RAJslENUA-00474-00107496-00107599 it +_5RAJslENUA-00475-00107600-00107886 but the link to the repository +_5RAJslENUA-00476-00107888-00108007 is uh +_5RAJslENUA-00477-00108008-00108263 i mean interesting information in the +_5RAJslENUA-00478-00108264-00108583 context of open access +_5RAJslENUA-00479-00108583-00108766 and not all +_5RAJslENUA-00480-00108767-00108975 researchers from all institutions know +_5RAJslENUA-00481-00108976-00109207 already know that their institution has +_5RAJslENUA-00482-00109208-00109495 a repository so it's always a good +_5RAJslENUA-00483-00109496-00109710 reminder +_5RAJslENUA-00484-00109711-00109863 and then +_5RAJslENUA-00485-00109864-00109983 under that +_5RAJslENUA-00486-00109983-00110151 you have a +_5RAJslENUA-00487-00110152-00110295 series of +_5RAJslENUA-00488-00110296-00110415 options +_5RAJslENUA-00489-00110416-00110647 on two are shown here +_5RAJslENUA-00490-00110648-00111071 the third one and in these sections you +_5RAJslENUA-00491-00111072-00111447 will have a series of +_5RAJslENUA-00492-00111448-00111799 offers and requirements +_5RAJslENUA-00493-00111800-00112175 applicable to the published version of +_5RAJslENUA-00494-00112176-00112599 the article or the accepted version +_5RAJslENUA-00495-00112600-00112927 so the final manuscript +_5RAJslENUA-00496-00112928-00113207 that has gone through peer review and +_5RAJslENUA-00497-00113208-00113383 there's also +_5RAJslENUA-00498-00113383-00113647 not here but we'll see it later +_5RAJslENUA-00499-00113648-00113902 the submitted version +_5RAJslENUA-00500-00113903-00114158 or preprint so +_5RAJslENUA-00501-00114159-00114510 any version of the manuscript prior to +_5RAJslENUA-00502-00114511-00114599 the +_5RAJslENUA-00503-00114600-00114886 peer review process +_5RAJslENUA-00504-00114888-00115143 if we take a look at what's inside or we +_5RAJslENUA-00505-00115144-00115558 can click on this +_5RAJslENUA-00506-00115559-00115751 and you see +_5RAJslENUA-00507-00115752-00116063 here many years +_5RAJslENUA-00508-00116064-00116407 seven that's not me many is 99 plus it +_5RAJslENUA-00509-00116408-00116678 happens in some cases +_5RAJslENUA-00510-00116679-00116775 you have +_5RAJslENUA-00511-00116776-00117095 various options that are applicable to +_5RAJslENUA-00512-00117096-00117166 the +_5RAJslENUA-00513-00117167-00117334 researchers +_5RAJslENUA-00514-00117335-00117751 who would belong to epfl +_5RAJslENUA-00515-00117752-00117958 so we have ordered them +_5RAJslENUA-00516-00117959-00118095 um +_5RAJslENUA-00517-00118096-00118375 in there in the following sequence +_5RAJslENUA-00518-00118376-00118671 first +_5RAJslENUA-00519-00118672-00118895 terms that come from +_5RAJslENUA-00520-00118896-00119119 some kind of agreement +_5RAJslENUA-00521-00119120-00119358 with +_5RAJslENUA-00522-00119359-00119447 with +_5RAJslENUA-00523-00119448-00119807 a specific journal or a publisher for +_5RAJslENUA-00524-00119808-00120158 some or all of their journals +_5RAJslENUA-00525-00120159-00120447 and so you have the +_5RAJslENUA-00526-00120448-00120623 the current transfer so-called +_5RAJslENUA-00527-00120624-00120871 transformative agreements with +_5RAJslENUA-00528-00120872-00121183 uh cambridge university press enzemies +_5RAJslENUA-00529-00121183-00121278 nature +_5RAJslENUA-00530-00121279-00121583 taylor and francis and wylie +_5RAJslENUA-00531-00121583-00122086 all of these are not specific to epfl +_5RAJslENUA-00532-00122088-00122343 they are also applicable to +_5RAJslENUA-00533-00122344-00122495 essentially all +_5RAJslENUA-00534-00122496-00122758 members of swiss universities but they +_5RAJslENUA-00535-00122759-00122975 are applicable for ipfls so they are +_5RAJslENUA-00536-00122976-00123231 displayed here +_5RAJslENUA-00537-00123232-00123495 then something that is +_5RAJslENUA-00538-00123496-00123734 more specific +_5RAJslENUA-00539-00123735-00124086 to epfl uh that's the +_5RAJslENUA-00540-00124088-00124302 our gold open access +_5RAJslENUA-00541-00124303-00124683 financial support fund +_5RAJslENUA-00542-00124683-00125078 and what does it say okay here you see +_5RAJslENUA-00543-00125079-00125343 for all the agreements it's +_5RAJslENUA-00544-00125344-00125558 it says discount 100 +_5RAJslENUA-00545-00125559-00125663 that is +_5RAJslENUA-00546-00125664-00125958 uh well there's no cost for the +_5RAJslENUA-00547-00125959-00126095 researcher +_5RAJslENUA-00548-00126096-00126254 because well it's +_5RAJslENUA-00549-00126255-00126454 all taken +_5RAJslENUA-00550-00126455-00126654 care of +_5RAJslENUA-00551-00126655-00126934 within the internal +_5RAJslENUA-00552-00126935-00127263 process of the of the agreement +_5RAJslENUA-00553-00127264-00127534 here it's slightly different for the uh +_5RAJslENUA-00554-00127535-00127934 for the gold open access fund +_5RAJslENUA-00555-00127935-00128078 it is +_5RAJslENUA-00556-00128079-00128375 working as a refund so the authors have +_5RAJslENUA-00557-00128376-00128623 to pay the article processing charges +_5RAJslENUA-00558-00128624-00128751 first +_5RAJslENUA-00559-00128752-00129071 but they will receive +_5RAJslENUA-00560-00129072-00129366 a refund of two thirds of +_5RAJslENUA-00561-00129367-00129566 the apc +_5RAJslENUA-00562-00129567-00130023 provided they select one of these +_5RAJslENUA-00563-00130024-00130278 creative command licenses +_5RAJslENUA-00564-00130279-00130447 and they should upload +_5RAJslENUA-00565-00130448-00130758 the +_5RAJslENUA-00566-00130759-00131151 the pdf to the institutional repository +_5RAJslENUA-00567-00131152-00131423 with zero month of embargo well of +_5RAJslENUA-00568-00131424-00131683 course if they have paid epcs for open +_5RAJslENUA-00569-00131684-00131823 access not only they are allowed to do +_5RAJslENUA-00570-00131824-00131943 that +_5RAJslENUA-00571-00131944-00132087 and then there are +_5RAJslENUA-00572-00132088-00132231 some +_5RAJslENUA-00573-00132232-00132607 more specific final points +_5RAJslENUA-00574-00132608-00132783 that are +_5RAJslENUA-00575-00132784-00133083 not perhaps easily described +_5RAJslENUA-00576-00133084-00133311 in from the point of view of data +_5RAJslENUA-00577-00133312-00133447 modeling but +_5RAJslENUA-00578-00133448-00133543 that are +_5RAJslENUA-00579-00133544-00133854 important +_5RAJslENUA-00580-00133855-00134071 and then there's the +_5RAJslENUA-00581-00134072-00134527 general open access policy of epfl +_5RAJslENUA-00582-00134528-00134959 uh that says that you should upload to +_5RAJslENUA-00583-00134960-00135199 the institutional repository within six +_5RAJslENUA-00584-00135200-00135519 months of publication with a number of +_5RAJslENUA-00585-00135520-00136031 maximum six months +_5RAJslENUA-00586-00136032-00136214 for the +_5RAJslENUA-00587-00136215-00136414 accepted version +_5RAJslENUA-00588-00136415-00136583 that's just the +_5RAJslENUA-00589-00136584-00136839 epfl open access policy so +_5RAJslENUA-00590-00136840-00137039 any one of these two +_5RAJslENUA-00591-00137040-00137247 options is acceptable from the point of +_5RAJslENUA-00592-00137248-00137359 view of the +_5RAJslENUA-00593-00137360-00137847 of the policy +_5RAJslENUA-00594-00137848-00138071 now that's +_5RAJslENUA-00595-00138072-00138319 really for +_5RAJslENUA-00596-00138320-00138551 an overview of all +_5RAJslENUA-00597-00138552-00138687 things +_5RAJslENUA-00598-00138688-00138927 pertaining to epfl so that's still a +_5RAJslENUA-00599-00138928-00139111 little bit confusing +_5RAJslENUA-00600-00139112-00139407 and well it helps if the situation +_5RAJslENUA-00601-00139408-00139631 becomes more specific so let's say we +_5RAJslENUA-00602-00139632-00140087 pick a journal +_5RAJslENUA-00603-00140088-00140478 i will take nature communications +_5RAJslENUA-00604-00140479-00140727 and i check again +_5RAJslENUA-00605-00140728-00140831 okay +_5RAJslENUA-00606-00140832-00140983 so what do we know about major +_5RAJslENUA-00607-00140984-00141231 communications okay published by nature +_5RAJslENUA-00608-00141232-00141414 research +_5RAJslENUA-00609-00141415-00141654 in nature but it doesn't really matter +_5RAJslENUA-00610-00141655-00141983 it's a good open access journal +_5RAJslENUA-00611-00141984-00142190 that we see it on the territory open +_5RAJslENUA-00612-00142191-00142414 access journals among other things so +_5RAJslENUA-00613-00142415-00142647 that's good +_5RAJslENUA-00614-00142648-00142919 and so we expect that +_5RAJslENUA-00615-00142920-00143166 this information will have +_5RAJslENUA-00616-00143167-00143383 some influence on the options that are +_5RAJslENUA-00617-00143384-00143711 available and indeed there are +_5RAJslENUA-00618-00143712-00143887 with the published versions there are +_5RAJslENUA-00619-00143888-00144014 fewer +_5RAJslENUA-00620-00144015-00144287 terms +_5RAJslENUA-00621-00144288-00144487 some difference for the accepted version +_5RAJslENUA-00622-00144488-00144726 and now you see a possibility with the +_5RAJslENUA-00623-00144727-00144990 submitted version +_5RAJslENUA-00624-00144991-00145175 so let's see let's see what it looks +_5RAJslENUA-00625-00145176-00145566 like +_5RAJslENUA-00626-00145567-00145990 so we see that there are no longer any +_5RAJslENUA-00627-00145991-00146126 agreement +_5RAJslENUA-00628-00146127-00146407 in in the in the list +_5RAJslENUA-00629-00146408-00146654 because the nature communications is not +_5RAJslENUA-00630-00146655-00146839 covered by +_5RAJslENUA-00631-00146840-00147143 any of the transformative agreements +_5RAJslENUA-00632-00147144-00147366 that we have it doesn't really need to +_5RAJslENUA-00633-00147367-00147654 be transformed from that point of view +_5RAJslENUA-00634-00147655-00147854 of course +_5RAJslENUA-00635-00147855-00148023 that's why +_5RAJslENUA-00636-00148024-00148254 it's not there +_5RAJslENUA-00637-00148255-00148687 very good open access fund is still +_5RAJslENUA-00638-00148688-00148759 a +_5RAJslENUA-00639-00148760-00148983 regular building in the toolkit because +_5RAJslENUA-00640-00148984-00149231 it's gold open access journal so okay +_5RAJslENUA-00641-00149232-00149471 that's right +_5RAJslENUA-00642-00149472-00149759 the apfl open access policy +_5RAJslENUA-00643-00149760-00149926 is applicable in +_5RAJslENUA-00644-00149927-00150159 all cases in principle so it's still +_5RAJslENUA-00645-00150160-00150254 there +_5RAJslENUA-00646-00150255-00150454 and we have some information about the +_5RAJslENUA-00647-00150455-00150911 journal okay it will cost +_5RAJslENUA-00648-00150912-00151190 a sizable sum of +_5RAJslENUA-00649-00151191-00151359 almost 4 000 +_5RAJslENUA-00650-00151360-00151623 british pounds but okay you can do this +_5RAJslENUA-00651-00151624-00151766 you have a +_5RAJslENUA-00652-00151767-00151966 license specification +_5RAJslENUA-00653-00151967-00152126 cc by +_5RAJslENUA-00654-00152127-00152214 okay +_5RAJslENUA-00655-00152215-00152463 so it's also in the +_5RAJslENUA-00656-00152464-00152719 the options for the golden access fund +_5RAJslENUA-00657-00152720-00152839 so +_5RAJslENUA-00658-00152840-00153166 yeah that's a good start the researcher +_5RAJslENUA-00659-00153167-00153439 could think that yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00660-00153440-00153719 we could do that and take advantage of +_5RAJslENUA-00661-00153720-00153919 the open access fund +_5RAJslENUA-00662-00153920-00154319 and which will still cost some money but +_5RAJslENUA-00663-00154320-00154759 at least part of that will be covered +_5RAJslENUA-00664-00154760-00154878 and +_5RAJslENUA-00665-00154879-00155039 more important +_5RAJslENUA-00666-00155040-00155423 from the point of view of our service +_5RAJslENUA-00667-00155424-00155663 the researchers will know that the god +_5RAJslENUA-00668-00155664-00155902 open access fund is actually applicable +_5RAJslENUA-00669-00155903-00156271 for this journal because very often they +_5RAJslENUA-00670-00156272-00156487 they will come to us and ask +_5RAJslENUA-00671-00156488-00156726 okay i'm publishing a journal of so and +_5RAJslENUA-00672-00156727-00156823 so +_5RAJslENUA-00673-00156824-00157039 will this be covered +_5RAJslENUA-00674-00157040-00157119 and +_5RAJslENUA-00675-00157120-00157319 we'd like to +_5RAJslENUA-00676-00157320-00157535 give them the possibility to see that +_5RAJslENUA-00677-00157536-00157902 more clearly +_5RAJslENUA-00678-00157903-00158126 for the accepted version +_5RAJslENUA-00679-00158127-00158399 okay the open access policy of epfl is +_5RAJslENUA-00680-00158400-00158559 still there +_5RAJslENUA-00681-00158560-00158887 there is an option also for the +_5RAJslENUA-00682-00158888-00159231 furniture communications +_5RAJslENUA-00683-00159232-00159647 which doesn't cost any money in itself +_5RAJslENUA-00684-00159648-00159878 so one good thing that maybe that would +_5RAJslENUA-00685-00159879-00160007 be uh +_5RAJslENUA-00686-00160008-00160239 an interesting choice +_5RAJslENUA-00687-00160240-00160447 but of course in this case it doesn't +_5RAJslENUA-00688-00160448-00160631 really make sense because in order to +_5RAJslENUA-00689-00160632-00160776 have an accepted version +_5RAJslENUA-00690-00160777-00160887 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00691-00160888-00161039 you need +_5RAJslENUA-00692-00161040-00161247 your article to be accepted which means +_5RAJslENUA-00693-00161248-00161535 that you will have to pay the apc anyway +_5RAJslENUA-00694-00161536-00162071 so that's not really a replacement for +_5RAJslENUA-00695-00162072-00162278 for the +_5RAJslENUA-00696-00162279-00162483 published version +_5RAJslENUA-00697-00162484-00162766 pathway and finally +_5RAJslENUA-00698-00162767-00163039 okay for the submitted version yeah +_5RAJslENUA-00699-00163040-00163231 nature communication +_5RAJslENUA-00700-00163232-00163471 accepts that +_5RAJslENUA-00701-00163472-00163583 there can be +_5RAJslENUA-00702-00163584-00164071 a submitted version distributed on +_5RAJslENUA-00703-00164072-00164183 on +_5RAJslENUA-00704-00164184-00164390 many possible places it could be +_5RAJslENUA-00705-00164391-00164654 appropriate archive +_5RAJslENUA-00706-00164655-00164895 okay well that could be useful good to +_5RAJslENUA-00707-00164896-00164983 know +_5RAJslENUA-00708-00164984-00165214 if you work in a field where preprints +_5RAJslENUA-00709-00165215-00165335 are +_5RAJslENUA-00710-00165336-00165431 common +_5RAJslENUA-00711-00165432-00165575 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00712-00165576-00165775 way to work +_5RAJslENUA-00713-00165776-00166087 that means that okay you can for example +_5RAJslENUA-00714-00166088-00166263 have your appropriate discussed on +_5RAJslENUA-00715-00166264-00166559 archive and this will not +_5RAJslENUA-00716-00166560-00166702 be a problem +_5RAJslENUA-00717-00166703-00166926 if you publish in nature communications +_5RAJslENUA-00718-00166927-00167038 later +_5RAJslENUA-00719-00167039-00167423 but that doesn't address the +_5RAJslENUA-00720-00167424-00168023 open access policy or epfm +_5RAJslENUA-00721-00168024-00168102 ok +_5RAJslENUA-00722-00168103-00168311 now let's see let's add one more +_5RAJslENUA-00723-00168312-00168431 constraint +_5RAJslENUA-00724-00168432-00168687 we have some funding from the swiss +_5RAJslENUA-00725-00168688-00169135 national science foundation +_5RAJslENUA-00726-00169136-00169343 fortunately you don't need to know the +_5RAJslENUA-00727-00169344-00169647 full name because you have +_5RAJslENUA-00728-00169648-00170287 a suggestion as you type +_5RAJslENUA-00729-00170288-00170566 okay so it's it's it's here now so it +_5RAJslENUA-00730-00170567-00170883 has been probably recognized +_5RAJslENUA-00731-00170884-00171278 and okay you have some more results so +_5RAJslENUA-00732-00171279-00171638 let's see what they could be +_5RAJslENUA-00733-00171639-00171911 you have the gold open access policy of +_5RAJslENUA-00734-00171912-00172098 the swiss national science foundation +_5RAJslENUA-00735-00172099-00172271 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00736-00172272-00172511 which is described here as a +_5RAJslENUA-00737-00172512-00172799 one hundred percent discount +_5RAJslENUA-00738-00172800-00172911 because +_5RAJslENUA-00739-00172912-00173119 the swiss national science physician +_5RAJslENUA-00740-00173120-00173231 will +_5RAJslENUA-00741-00173232-00173463 can agree to pay the +_5RAJslENUA-00742-00173464-00173887 full extent of the apc to the publisher +_5RAJslENUA-00743-00173888-00174071 in the case of a goal to open access +_5RAJslENUA-00744-00174072-00174302 journal and since we have major +_5RAJslENUA-00745-00174303-00174543 communications which is one here +_5RAJslENUA-00746-00174544-00174807 well that would be +_5RAJslENUA-00747-00174808-00174943 a good thing to +_5RAJslENUA-00748-00174944-00175414 to try and get rid of all these +_5RAJslENUA-00749-00175415-00175583 these 4000 +_5RAJslENUA-00750-00175584-00175878 pounds +_5RAJslENUA-00751-00175879-00176414 and then also some more information here +_5RAJslENUA-00752-00176415-00176483 but +_5RAJslENUA-00753-00176484-00176702 not not so +_5RAJslENUA-00754-00176703-00177014 interesting in this case +_5RAJslENUA-00755-00177015-00177287 now for comparison let's see what would +_5RAJslENUA-00756-00177288-00177583 happen if we take nature and not nature +_5RAJslENUA-00757-00177584-00178119 communications +_5RAJslENUA-00758-00178120-00178519 over here +_5RAJslENUA-00759-00178520-00178689 so i'm checking again +_5RAJslENUA-00760-00178690-00178823 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00761-00178824-00179031 okay now we have nature +_5RAJslENUA-00762-00179032-00179283 which is not good +_5RAJslENUA-00763-00179284-00179526 access and the options have changed +_5RAJslENUA-00764-00179527-00179854 again +_5RAJslENUA-00765-00179855-00179951 and +_5RAJslENUA-00766-00179952-00180263 perhaps not further better actually +_5RAJslENUA-00767-00180264-00180478 okay there's one +_5RAJslENUA-00768-00180479-00180654 important information that's missing +_5RAJslENUA-00769-00180655-00180863 here because we +_5RAJslENUA-00770-00180864-00180999 haven't +_5RAJslENUA-00771-00181000-00181302 entered it into the database yet but +_5RAJslENUA-00772-00181303-00181678 that's the journal policy which would be +_5RAJslENUA-00773-00181679-00181823 an apc +_5RAJslENUA-00774-00181824-00182111 of the same order of magnitude as the +_5RAJslENUA-00775-00182112-00182438 one for major communications obviously +_5RAJslENUA-00776-00182439-00182711 but in this case uh okay you're still +_5RAJslENUA-00777-00182712-00182943 the principal subject to the open access +_5RAJslENUA-00778-00182944-00183254 policy of epfl you're still subject to +_5RAJslENUA-00779-00183255-00183438 the hybrid of an access policy of the +_5RAJslENUA-00780-00183439-00183671 swiss network foundation +_5RAJslENUA-00781-00183672-00183959 but it's a hybrid journal so +_5RAJslENUA-00782-00183960-00184159 you can't count on +_5RAJslENUA-00783-00184160-00184271 any +_5RAJslENUA-00784-00184272-00184511 special funding here +_5RAJslENUA-00785-00184512-00184814 so that's really too bad and perhaps you +_5RAJslENUA-00786-00184815-00185063 should consider instead +_5RAJslENUA-00787-00185064-00185125 the uh +_5RAJslENUA-00788-00185126-00185231 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00789-00185232-00185383 the green +_5RAJslENUA-00790-00185384-00185535 way +_5RAJslENUA-00791-00185536-00185623 in the +_5RAJslENUA-00792-00185624-00185766 in the jargon of +_5RAJslENUA-00793-00185767-00185911 open access +_5RAJslENUA-00794-00185912-00186223 i think in the crowd that we have here i +_5RAJslENUA-00795-00186224-00186614 can use a little bit of jargon +_5RAJslENUA-00796-00186615-00186854 and so +_5RAJslENUA-00797-00186855-00187183 here you see okay maximum +_5RAJslENUA-00798-00187184-00187463 six months of embargo for the journal +_5RAJslENUA-00799-00187464-00187687 policy +_5RAJslENUA-00800-00187688-00187999 and maximum six months for +_5RAJslENUA-00801-00188000-00188478 the policies of epfl and the snsf +_5RAJslENUA-00802-00188479-00188607 okay so +_5RAJslENUA-00803-00188608-00188831 you will be compliant by uh following +_5RAJslENUA-00804-00188832-00189431 this group +_5RAJslENUA-00805-00189432-00189550 and +_5RAJslENUA-00806-00189551-00189647 that's +_5RAJslENUA-00807-00189648-00189807 okay for the +_5RAJslENUA-00808-00189808-00189983 way it works for +_5RAJslENUA-00809-00189984-00190166 searching +_5RAJslENUA-00810-00190167-00190471 and i want to show you just a few more +_5RAJslENUA-00811-00190472-00190759 options before we move to +_5RAJslENUA-00812-00190760-00190831 the +_5RAJslENUA-00813-00190832-00191063 questions you might have +_5RAJslENUA-00814-00191064-00191302 what can you do with that +_5RAJslENUA-00815-00191303-00191638 for example if you think the +_5RAJslENUA-00816-00191639-00191799 information that you have found is +_5RAJslENUA-00817-00191800-00192119 something you want to communicate +_5RAJslENUA-00818-00192120-00192326 perhaps with the co-authors +_5RAJslENUA-00819-00192327-00192663 of your article to see what's +_5RAJslENUA-00820-00192664-00192999 what you think you would like to do +_5RAJslENUA-00821-00193000-00193175 well +_5RAJslENUA-00822-00193176-00193575 as you know as soon as you run a search +_5RAJslENUA-00823-00193576-00193743 the url +_5RAJslENUA-00824-00193744-00194102 reflects the current status of +_5RAJslENUA-00825-00194103-00194287 the interface +_5RAJslENUA-00826-00194288-00194607 and so you can click here +_5RAJslENUA-00827-00194608-00194759 and +_5RAJslENUA-00828-00194760-00194871 this will +_5RAJslENUA-00829-00194872-00195087 copy the +_5RAJslENUA-00830-00195088-00195287 current address into your clipboard so +_5RAJslENUA-00831-00195288-00195366 you can +_5RAJslENUA-00832-00195367-00195535 paste it into +_5RAJslENUA-00833-00195536-00195671 an email +_5RAJslENUA-00834-00195672-00195723 or +_5RAJslENUA-00835-00195724-00195935 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00836-00195936-00196143 probably even +_5RAJslENUA-00837-00196144-00196254 send it +_5RAJslENUA-00838-00196255-00196526 through twitter if you're on a mobile +_5RAJslENUA-00839-00196527-00196647 phone +_5RAJslENUA-00840-00196648-00196854 it should work +_5RAJslENUA-00841-00196855-00197038 i haven't completely tested yet but it +_5RAJslENUA-00842-00197039-00197311 should work +_5RAJslENUA-00843-00197312-00197575 of course in some cases not everything +_5RAJslENUA-00844-00197576-00197647 is +_5RAJslENUA-00845-00197648-00197854 quite right +_5RAJslENUA-00846-00197855-00198159 so you also have the the possibility to +_5RAJslENUA-00847-00198160-00198311 to report +_5RAJslENUA-00848-00198312-00198847 some inaccuracies or recent arrows maybe +_5RAJslENUA-00849-00198848-00199054 you can do that here +_5RAJslENUA-00850-00199055-00199166 for +_5RAJslENUA-00851-00199167-00199438 the whole result in general but +_5RAJslENUA-00852-00199439-00199583 very often +_5RAJslENUA-00853-00199584-00199799 it will be something that +_5RAJslENUA-00854-00199800-00200254 this is just a little detail on one uh +_5RAJslENUA-00855-00200255-00200463 one results card here +_5RAJslENUA-00856-00200464-00200799 and you can click here +_5RAJslENUA-00857-00200800-00201054 and it will prepare the email +_5RAJslENUA-00858-00201055-00201335 within the subject all the information +_5RAJslENUA-00859-00201336-00201671 that will be important for the +_5RAJslENUA-00860-00201672-00201895 application administrators to take a +_5RAJslENUA-00861-00201896-00202166 look at what you actually meant +_5RAJslENUA-00862-00202167-00202990 precisely +_5RAJslENUA-00863-00202991-00203311 okay +_5RAJslENUA-00864-00203312-00203478 i hate the way +_5RAJslENUA-00865-00203479-00203735 the zoom to the bars always end up in +_5RAJslENUA-00866-00203736-00203871 the worst +_5RAJslENUA-00867-00203872-00204247 possible place when you do it +_5RAJslENUA-00868-00204248-00204447 and finally +_5RAJslENUA-00869-00204448-00204702 just of all the more technically +_5RAJslENUA-00870-00204703-00204951 oriented +_5RAJslENUA-00871-00204952-00205151 we have +_5RAJslENUA-00872-00205152-00205334 included +_5RAJslENUA-00873-00205335-00205623 as much as possible the documentation in +_5RAJslENUA-00874-00205623-00205703 the +_5RAJslENUA-00875-00205704-00205871 code itself +_5RAJslENUA-00876-00205871-00206075 and it's visible through the +_5RAJslENUA-00877-00206076-00206190 [Music] +_5RAJslENUA-00878-00206191-00206319 interface +_5RAJslENUA-00879-00206319-00206582 just like everything else +_5RAJslENUA-00880-00206583-00206814 so the general user help is not yet +_5RAJslENUA-00881-00206815-00207086 completely written we actually count a +_5RAJslENUA-00882-00207087-00207455 lot on user feedback to see what should +_5RAJslENUA-00883-00207456-00207742 be written there +_5RAJslENUA-00884-00207744-00208023 the rest is really more technical +_5RAJslENUA-00885-00208023-00208231 so this is +_5RAJslENUA-00886-00208232-00208551 the technical information for the +_5RAJslENUA-00887-00208552-00208862 front end part of the interface +_5RAJslENUA-00888-00208863-00209094 and a lot of that comes from the comment +_5RAJslENUA-00889-00209096-00209198 on +_5RAJslENUA-00890-00209200-00209303 in the +_5RAJslENUA-00891-00209304-00209575 code +_5RAJslENUA-00892-00209576-00209846 and the same thing for the +_5RAJslENUA-00893-00209848-00210055 back end +_5RAJslENUA-00894-00210056-00210342 so the the application is in two parts +_5RAJslENUA-00895-00210344-00210423 one +_5RAJslENUA-00896-00210423-00210694 uh that runs in your browser +_5RAJslENUA-00897-00210696-00210894 which was what we've seen before +_5RAJslENUA-00898-00210896-00211255 and this is run on the server and it's +_5RAJslENUA-00899-00211256-00211639 actually a small web service +_5RAJslENUA-00900-00211640-00211942 that is used directly by our application +_5RAJslENUA-00901-00211944-00212103 but that +_5RAJslENUA-00902-00212104-00212519 we can in principle allow anybody else +_5RAJslENUA-00903-00212519-00212798 to use if they want to do something else +_5RAJslENUA-00904-00212800-00212882 with +_5RAJslENUA-00905-00212883-00213471 the with the information that we provide +_5RAJslENUA-00906-00213471-00213710 and with this i think i've +_5RAJslENUA-00907-00213711-00214171 spoken more than enough +_8dpzXYrGII-00000-00000008-00000175 you know who's got the hardest job +_8dpzXYrGII-00001-00000176-00000607 tonight +_8dpzXYrGII-00002-00000608-00000919 javier beldem and his wife are both +_8dpzXYrGII-00003-00000919-00001383 nominated +_8dpzXYrGII-00004-00001384-00002350 now if she loses he can't win +_8dpzXYrGII-00005-00002351-00002671 he is praying that will smith wins like +_8dpzXYrGII-00006-00002672-00002791 please +_8dpzXYrGII-00007-00002792-00003343 lord +_8dpzXYrGII-00008-00003344-00003631 jaina i love you g.i jane 2 can't wait +_8dpzXYrGII-00009-00003632-00004303 to see it all right +_8dpzXYrGII-00010-00004304-00004935 it's javazone that was a nice one okay +_8dpzXYrGII-00011-00004936-00005118 i'm out here oh +_8dpzXYrGII-00012-00005119-00005567 richard +_8dpzXYrGII-00013-00005568-00006054 oh wow +_8dpzXYrGII-00014-00006055-00007246 will smith just smack the [__] out of me +_8dpzXYrGII-00015-00007247-00007406 wow dude +_8dpzXYrGII-00016-00007408-00007759 yeah it was a gi jane jump keep my +_8dpzXYrGII-00017-00007759-00008110 wife's name out +_8dpzXYrGII-00018-00008111-00008942 now i'm going to okay +_8dpzXYrGII-00019-00008943-00009127 that was a +_8dpzXYrGII-00020-00009128-00009263 greatest night in the history of +_8dpzXYrGII-00021-00009264-00009663 television +_8dpzXYrGII-00022-00009664-00009863 okay +_8dpzXYrGII-00023-00009864-00010335 okay +_8dpzXYrGII-00024-00010336-00010600 that's it +_8hFn5lhpmM-00000-00004173-00006516 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00001-00006517-00008214 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00002-00008215-00008498 okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00003-00008499-00010642 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00004-00010643-00011163 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00005-00011164-00012663 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00006-00012664-00013513 you +_8hFn5lhpmM-00007-00013513-00015215 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00008-00015216-00016391 is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00009-00016392-00017436 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00010-00017437-00018030 [Applause] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00011-00018031-00020378 is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00012-00020379-00020727 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00013-00020728-00021903 okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00015-00036480-00038067 amen +_8hFn5lhpmM-00017-00046060-00046438 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00018-00046439-00048490 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00019-00048491-00049039 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00020-00049040-00050486 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00021-00050487-00051880 four +_8hFn5lhpmM-00022-00051882-00053119 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00024-00061279-00061376 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00027-00071525-00073615 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00028-00073616-00073799 this is the beginning of a very big +_8hFn5lhpmM-00029-00073800-00074055 challenge +_8hFn5lhpmM-00030-00074056-00074215 because +_8hFn5lhpmM-00032-00081263-00084071 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00033-00084072-00085382 no +_8hFn5lhpmM-00036-00099480-00102238 this +_8hFn5lhpmM-00037-00102239-00103518 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00040-00113864-00114151 wow wow wow that is good news that is a +_8hFn5lhpmM-00041-00114152-00114423 very good news coming in sevilla b +_8hFn5lhpmM-00042-00114424-00114686 contestants +_8hFn5lhpmM-00044-00121864-00123163 next time +_8hFn5lhpmM-00045-00123164-00126095 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00046-00126096-00126286 here witness +_8hFn5lhpmM-00047-00126288-00126471 zero five nine one +_8hFn5lhpmM-00048-00126472-00126758 three four seven four two five +_8hFn5lhpmM-00049-00126759-00126975 zero five zero zero +_8hFn5lhpmM-00050-00126976-00127207 four one zero nine one seven hello good +_8hFn5lhpmM-00051-00127208-00127310 morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00053-00132528-00132783 good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00054-00132784-00133014 hello good morning good morning hey +_8hFn5lhpmM-00056-00142614-00144526 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00057-00144527-00144751 zero five nine one +_8hFn5lhpmM-00058-00144752-00144919 three four seven +_8hFn5lhpmM-00059-00144920-00145135 four two five hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00061-00148464-00149614 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00062-00149615-00151359 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00063-00151360-00152863 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00064-00152864-00153366 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00066-00156688-00157031 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00067-00157032-00157239 zero five zero zero four one zero nine +_8hFn5lhpmM-00068-00157240-00157390 ones well good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00069-00157391-00157902 good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00070-00157903-00158102 robin here +_8hFn5lhpmM-00071-00158103-00158183 hey +_8hFn5lhpmM-00072-00158184-00158716 what's up +_8hFn5lhpmM-00073-00158717-00159671 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00074-00159672-00162447 is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00075-00162448-00162807 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00076-00162808-00162951 hello +_8hFn5lhpmM-00077-00162952-00163871 hello good morning today +_8hFn5lhpmM-00078-00163872-00166454 is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00080-00169936-00170238 zero five nine one three four seven four +_8hFn5lhpmM-00081-00170239-00170519 two five aluminium okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00082-00170520-00170871 bra zero five zero zero four one zero +_8hFn5lhpmM-00083-00170872-00172597 hello +_8hFn5lhpmM-00084-00172598-00174829 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00085-00174830-00176487 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00088-00189000-00189311 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00089-00189312-00189471 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00090-00189472-00189671 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00092-00194685-00195919 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00093-00195920-00196854 is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00094-00196855-00197143 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00095-00197144-00197399 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00096-00197400-00197854 okay hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00097-00197855-00198060 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00098-00198061-00198750 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00099-00198751-00200521 amen +_8hFn5lhpmM-00100-00200522-00203078 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00101-00203079-00203499 oh +_8hFn5lhpmM-00102-00203500-00205622 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00103-00205623-00207119 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00104-00207119-00209346 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00105-00209348-00211334 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00106-00211335-00213117 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00107-00213119-00215134 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00108-00215135-00216503 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00109-00216504-00216941 hello +_8hFn5lhpmM-00110-00216942-00217005 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00111-00217006-00218079 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00112-00218080-00218351 yesterday's program was highly fantastic +_8hFn5lhpmM-00113-00218352-00218631 and the standard was same as the ongoing +_8hFn5lhpmM-00114-00218632-00218839 national science and math quiz i like +_8hFn5lhpmM-00115-00218840-00218975 how mature though when you come from +_8hFn5lhpmM-00116-00218976-00219191 poor handle the incident okay during the +_8hFn5lhpmM-00117-00219192-00219575 program thumbs up +_8hFn5lhpmM-00120-00231816-00232031 good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00121-00232032-00232351 hello good morning good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00122-00232352-00232977 friends +_8hFn5lhpmM-00123-00232978-00235700 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00125-00246383-00247137 okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00127-00251928-00252998 oh +_8hFn5lhpmM-00128-00253000-00253285 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00129-00253286-00254375 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00130-00254376-00254534 how was it +_8hFn5lhpmM-00131-00254535-00254871 well it was okay if you asked me i think +_8hFn5lhpmM-00132-00254871-00255246 then i had a good time okay um uprising +_8hFn5lhpmM-00133-00255248-00255463 started then no pressure because i was +_8hFn5lhpmM-00134-00255464-00255598 wondering +_8hFn5lhpmM-00135-00255600-00255887 mm-hmm yeah yeah cancer yeah +_8hFn5lhpmM-00136-00255888-00256158 yeah that was a little distinct yeah +_8hFn5lhpmM-00137-00256159-00256303 i say +_8hFn5lhpmM-00138-00256304-00256510 then i relax because somebody won that +_8hFn5lhpmM-00139-00256511-00256687 because questions +_8hFn5lhpmM-00140-00256688-00256991 i think an hour so before contest yeah +_8hFn5lhpmM-00141-00256992-00257639 in a question around 2 30. +_8hFn5lhpmM-00142-00257640-00257982 i am a a a little now i'm a news chakra +_8hFn5lhpmM-00143-00257983-00258255 but i feel cool +_8hFn5lhpmM-00144-00258256-00258479 okay you know then we could continue but +_8hFn5lhpmM-00145-00258480-00258710 i might say and my contestant was good +_8hFn5lhpmM-00146-00258711-00258942 so far free time i rebel from the +_8hFn5lhpmM-00147-00258944-00259246 quarterfinals you know to semi-finals bc +_8hFn5lhpmM-00148-00259248-00259479 and rhino uh it's been a good contest +_8hFn5lhpmM-00149-00259480-00259855 and karana show academic pro espa +_8hFn5lhpmM-00150-00259856-00260134 very excellent and i must say say mania +_8hFn5lhpmM-00151-00260135-00260358 hold a contribution of female sensual +_8hFn5lhpmM-00152-00260359-00261742 emmanuel um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00153-00261744-00261839 i was +_8hFn5lhpmM-00154-00261840-00262142 encouraged by a man president sane woman +_8hFn5lhpmM-00155-00262144-00262247 scooby +_8hFn5lhpmM-00156-00262248-00262582 had female contingency decried the name +_8hFn5lhpmM-00157-00262583-00262743 yeah i think i think +_8hFn5lhpmM-00158-00262744-00262975 hey +_8hFn5lhpmM-00159-00262976-00263263 very well semi-finals +_8hFn5lhpmM-00160-00263264-00263471 it was very fierce contest in the +_8hFn5lhpmM-00161-00263472-00263671 background +_8hFn5lhpmM-00162-00263672-00263910 it was a very fierce contest and i must +_8hFn5lhpmM-00163-00263911-00265839 say say girls no woman i'm happy with it +_8hFn5lhpmM-00164-00265840-00265975 that's what i want to put across to +_8hFn5lhpmM-00165-00265976-00266158 young girls to say okay we you're bi +_8hFn5lhpmM-00166-00266159-00266399 doesn't make you a less a human being +_8hFn5lhpmM-00167-00266400-00266551 also your knee parties say with male +_8hFn5lhpmM-00168-00266552-00269047 counterparts and the united st +_8hFn5lhpmM-00169-00269048-00269206 you don't need a boyfriend or a +_8hFn5lhpmM-00170-00269207-00269415 girlfriend to make you valid i am +_8hFn5lhpmM-00171-00269416-00269806 miranda james he said oh boyanna oh yeah +_8hFn5lhpmM-00172-00269807-00270055 oh yeah oh yeah oh sometimes those +_8hFn5lhpmM-00173-00270056-00270271 things are being said when you boil your +_8hFn5lhpmM-00174-00270272-00270455 color and all those kind of things but +_8hFn5lhpmM-00175-00270456-00270775 no credibility miranda it kills dreams +_8hFn5lhpmM-00176-00270776-00270934 it kills dreams +_8hFn5lhpmM-00177-00270935-00271151 i can clearly say that +_8hFn5lhpmM-00178-00271152-00271551 i am partly baby i'm a dream because +_8hFn5lhpmM-00180-00274830-00277119 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00181-00277120-00277471 i'm almost through my submission thesis +_8hFn5lhpmM-00182-00277472-00277895 approver now you're graduating +_8hFn5lhpmM-00183-00277896-00278199 all my life i just school school +_8hFn5lhpmM-00184-00278200-00278439 yeah and meet one of the hottest areas +_8hFn5lhpmM-00186-00282807-00284223 mr +_8hFn5lhpmM-00187-00284224-00285695 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00188-00285696-00286639 it is all about human empowerment +_8hFn5lhpmM-00189-00286640-00286727 because +_8hFn5lhpmM-00190-00286728-00286943 most of the time +_8hFn5lhpmM-00194-00320720-00321015 that's great okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00195-00321016-00321719 contestants +_8hFn5lhpmM-00196-00321720-00321863 from one +_8hFn5lhpmM-00197-00321864-00321967 wow +_8hFn5lhpmM-00198-00321968-00322951 wow why are you +_8hFn5lhpmM-00200-00334438-00334671 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00201-00334672-00336991 okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00202-00336992-00337433 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00205-00356616-00356887 because in terms of organization in +_8hFn5lhpmM-00206-00356888-00359534 terms of questions senior +_8hFn5lhpmM-00207-00359535-00359782 i was happy about her composure yeah +_8hFn5lhpmM-00208-00359783-00361295 because um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00209-00361296-00361575 i mean only a solid +_8hFn5lhpmM-00210-00361576-00361751 very solid because +_8hFn5lhpmM-00211-00361752-00362143 say a fanbook +_8hFn5lhpmM-00213-00365504-00365799 to what people are saying outside +_8hFn5lhpmM-00214-00365800-00366023 now i'm telling you a competition and +_8hFn5lhpmM-00215-00366024-00366367 our damn one was not evenly contested +_8hFn5lhpmM-00216-00366368-00366527 done outside outside +_8hFn5lhpmM-00217-00366528-00366799 telling you to go so +_8hFn5lhpmM-00218-00366800-00368951 i'll give it a resolver +_8hFn5lhpmM-00219-00368952-00369358 was okay it was nice it was perfect +_8hFn5lhpmM-00220-00369359-00369639 it was idea +_8hFn5lhpmM-00221-00369640-00371710 okay a +_8hFn5lhpmM-00222-00371711-00371895 may the good lord continue to bless you +_8hFn5lhpmM-00223-00371896-00372030 coming from pong for the wonderful +_8hFn5lhpmM-00224-00372031-00372158 things he's doing +_8hFn5lhpmM-00225-00372159-00372391 please we people of nyampa nasi +_8hFn5lhpmM-00226-00372392-00372623 are pleading up to him to come to our +_8hFn5lhpmM-00227-00372624-00372815 aid in the expansion of nam prancer +_8hFn5lhpmM-00228-00372816-00373071 clinic please the fundraising is going +_8hFn5lhpmM-00229-00373072-00373495 on on uh today 25th november 2021 from +_8hFn5lhpmM-00230-00373496-00373695 pizarro santiago +_8hFn5lhpmM-00231-00373696-00374334 media special invitation +_8hFn5lhpmM-00232-00374335-00374567 for me tell him the lord will bless him +_8hFn5lhpmM-00233-00374568-00374782 and keep him from all evil i'll finish +_8hFn5lhpmM-00234-00374783-00375087 him okay amen where does he say +_8hFn5lhpmM-00235-00375088-00375375 what i say to him for me tell him i +_8hFn5lhpmM-00236-00375376-00375519 withdraw his back +_8hFn5lhpmM-00237-00375520-00376639 uh pelascus +_8hFn5lhpmM-00238-00376640-00378519 yeah and +_8hFn5lhpmM-00239-00378520-00378815 you see whenever i hear you on radio i +_8hFn5lhpmM-00240-00378816-00379039 just become so excited i don't know how +_8hFn5lhpmM-00241-00379040-00379230 to express my feeling towards your show +_8hFn5lhpmM-00242-00379231-00379423 i have to go to church now but i'm still +_8hFn5lhpmM-00243-00379424-00379647 waiting for you and bobby to finish your +_8hFn5lhpmM-00244-00379648-00379863 shoe before i would take my leave +_8hFn5lhpmM-00245-00379864-00380095 me correctly bless me from bone the name +_8hFn5lhpmM-00246-00380096-00380519 so a shadrach or bing okay shaq it is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00247-00380520-00380591 say +_8hFn5lhpmM-00248-00380592-00380854 hi good morning sugar more fire sauce +_8hFn5lhpmM-00249-00380855-00380975 and papa +_8hFn5lhpmM-00250-00380976-00381310 god bless ceo of salt my name is +_8hFn5lhpmM-00251-00381311-00381663 diamond live from ayu fashion center +_8hFn5lhpmM-00252-00381664-00382247 greetings +_8hFn5lhpmM-00253-00382248-00382567 tell him um that all is wrong okay here +_8hFn5lhpmM-00254-00382568-00382871 i see one amma where is to say the hope +_8hFn5lhpmM-00255-00382872-00383078 of the nation coming from the blessed +_8hFn5lhpmM-00256-00383079-00383375 man from good successful mother greece +_8hFn5lhpmM-00257-00383376-00383647 salt mother i'm sort of west +_8hFn5lhpmM-00258-00383648-00383895 of you bobby i dropped bianca damn way +_8hFn5lhpmM-00259-00383896-00384263 free assault a town another message +_8hFn5lhpmM-00260-00384264-00384367 where's the same media good luck +_8hFn5lhpmM-00261-00384368-00384495 continue to bless are you coming from +_8hFn5lhpmM-00262-00384496-00385247 pong for the wonderful things he's doing +_8hFn5lhpmM-00263-00385248-00385423 good morning to god god bless you for +_8hFn5lhpmM-00264-00385424-00385654 the good work done all i can say is that +_8hFn5lhpmM-00265-00385655-00385863 god bless you coming from punk jackie +_8hFn5lhpmM-00266-00385864-00386110 stuff led from our bosses +_8hFn5lhpmM-00267-00386111-00386826 messages +_8hFn5lhpmM-00268-00386827-00387671 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00269-00387672-00389247 so +_8hFn5lhpmM-00270-00389248-00391557 so +_8hFn5lhpmM-00271-00391558-00394382 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00273-00399016-00400870 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00274-00400871-00401941 [Applause] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00275-00401942-00402144 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00276-00402145-00404582 [Applause] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00277-00404583-00407247 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00278-00407248-00407882 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00279-00407883-00408881 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00280-00408882-00410054 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00282-00418583-00420031 mm-hmm +_8hFn5lhpmM-00283-00420032-00421245 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00286-00441397-00443895 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00287-00443896-00444224 definitely you'll be pleased +_8hFn5lhpmM-00288-00444225-00444918 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00290-00449312-00450575 when it comes to international travels +_8hFn5lhpmM-00291-00450576-00450679 champion +_8hFn5lhpmM-00292-00450680-00452079 krishna challenge +_8hFn5lhpmM-00293-00452080-00453647 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00295-00463771-00466279 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00296-00466280-00468999 917 +_8hFn5lhpmM-00297-00469000-00469988 yesterday +_8hFn5lhpmM-00298-00469989-00470303 [Laughter] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00299-00470304-00471703 okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00301-00475439-00475663 hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00302-00475664-00475895 hey what has happened to my lines +_8hFn5lhpmM-00303-00475896-00477310 zero five zero zero four +_8hFn5lhpmM-00304-00477312-00479342 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00305-00479343-00479999 [Music] +_8hFn5lhpmM-00306-00480000-00482943 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00307-00482943-00484343 foreign +_8hFn5lhpmM-00309-00489304-00489575 zero five nine one three four seven four +_8hFn5lhpmM-00310-00489576-00489727 two five +_8hFn5lhpmM-00311-00489728-00490070 zero five zero zero hello good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00313-00494304-00494503 has done it again oh he has shown the +_8hFn5lhpmM-00314-00494504-00494703 reason why he's the messiah of +_8hFn5lhpmM-00315-00494704-00495031 assassination i'm humble tiger inside +_8hFn5lhpmM-00316-00495032-00495318 i will go free town media no no +_8hFn5lhpmM-00317-00495319-00495759 way as i say +_8hFn5lhpmM-00318-00495760-00495951 hi good morning to god more fire sort of +_8hFn5lhpmM-00319-00495952-00496214 him may the good lord bless you let me +_8hFn5lhpmM-00320-00496215-00496414 use this platform to wish abc well in +_8hFn5lhpmM-00321-00496415-00496735 india okay it's on my own +_8hFn5lhpmM-00322-00496735-00496918 um +_8hFn5lhpmM-00323-00496919-00497095 god listen to you live +_8hFn5lhpmM-00324-00497096-00497407 a new town south africa okay um where's +_8hFn5lhpmM-00325-00497408-00497607 the teller coming from pong that you +_8hFn5lhpmM-00326-00497608-00497831 should come um for next year's empire +_8hFn5lhpmM-00327-00497832-00498166 santiago okay yeah okay from paul asked +_8hFn5lhpmM-00328-00498167-00498327 me always so good morning +_8hFn5lhpmM-00329-00498328-00498487 to my darling host +_8hFn5lhpmM-00330-00498488-00498710 of this program it's your top most fun +_8hFn5lhpmM-00331-00498712-00498831 acoustic +_8hFn5lhpmM-00332-00498832-00499039 with my mom mama yeah and more listening +_8hFn5lhpmM-00333-00499039-00499231 to you live from central +_8hFn5lhpmM-00334-00499232-00499591 uh station happy so to tundra mama okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00335-00499592-00499822 much love my dear okay +_8hFn5lhpmM-00336-00499823-00500207 good morning lady china from asumjema +_8hFn5lhpmM-00337-00500208-00500559 fashion ohio god bless you more and more +_8hFn5lhpmM-00338-00500560-00500870 i agree madame saywa papa okay thank you +_8hFn5lhpmM-00339-00500871-00501188 very much +_8OUXmwSQV4-00000-00000024-00000318 great fantastic thank you so much so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00001-00000319-00000630 good morning good evening good afternoon +_8OUXmwSQV4-00002-00000631-00000919 ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00003-00000919-00001239 new episode of audrey's show +_8OUXmwSQV4-00004-00001240-00001487 today we have the great pleasure to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00005-00001488-00001782 welcome four global experts in the area +_8OUXmwSQV4-00006-00001784-00002087 of advocacy and children associated with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00007-00002088-00002302 armed force and armed groups +_8OUXmwSQV4-00008-00002303-00002639 first of all amanda brydon who is with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00009-00002640-00003015 us live from london uk you can say a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00010-00003016-00003399 quick hijamonda +_8OUXmwSQV4-00011-00003400-00003599 and we have as well alison who will be +_8OUXmwSQV4-00012-00003600-00003919 jumping in very quickly also coming from +_8OUXmwSQV4-00013-00003920-00004175 the uk hello lady thank you for joining +_8OUXmwSQV4-00014-00004176-00004247 us +_8OUXmwSQV4-00015-00004248-00004447 uh we have as well +_8OUXmwSQV4-00016-00004448-00004551 faith +_8OUXmwSQV4-00017-00004552-00004806 and uh trying to connect also with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00018-00004807-00005143 bridget uh live from new york uh can you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00019-00005144-00005511 just say a quick hi lady hi face hello i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00020-00005512-00005622 end up +_8OUXmwSQV4-00021-00005623-00005863 perfect everyone is here communication +_8OUXmwSQV4-00022-00005864-00006143 goes well today for the episode and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00023-00006144-00006431 finally we have sandra connected from la +_8OUXmwSQV4-00024-00006431-00006710 rochelle in france sandra can you just +_8OUXmwSQV4-00025-00006711-00006967 say a quick hi to everyone +_8OUXmwSQV4-00026-00006968-00007083 super +_8OUXmwSQV4-00027-00007084-00007463 welcome i hope you are well ladies and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00028-00007464-00007710 thank you for being with us today we are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00029-00007711-00007991 obviously very eager to learn more about +_8OUXmwSQV4-00030-00007992-00008183 children associated with armed force and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00031-00008184-00008478 armed groups and advocacy within the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00032-00008479-00008687 so-called alliance for child protection +_8OUXmwSQV4-00033-00008688-00008967 in humanitarian action so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00034-00008968-00009239 without any further delay i'm turning to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00035-00009240-00009423 you my dear bridget for the first +_8OUXmwSQV4-00036-00009424-00009535 question +_8OUXmwSQV4-00037-00009536-00009639 project +_8OUXmwSQV4-00038-00009640-00009927 can you tell us about the objective of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00039-00009928-00010327 the so-called cafe +_8OUXmwSQV4-00040-00010328-00010567 absolutely hi audrey great to be on your +_8OUXmwSQV4-00041-00010568-00010831 show today hello everyone in the studio +_8OUXmwSQV4-00042-00010832-00011023 and at home i'm happy to be here to talk +_8OUXmwSQV4-00043-00011024-00011199 about our task force +_8OUXmwSQV4-00044-00011200-00011519 so to overall we have two main goals in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00045-00011520-00011814 the the cafe task force one is to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00046-00011815-00012014 collaborate amongst humanitarian and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00047-00012015-00012206 development actors who work on issues +_8OUXmwSQV4-00048-00012207-00012374 related to children associated with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00049-00012375-00012614 armed forces and armed groups and the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00050-00012615-00012799 second is to provide technical support +_8OUXmwSQV4-00051-00012800-00012983 and capacity building to field +_8OUXmwSQV4-00052-00012984-00013119 practitioners +_8OUXmwSQV4-00053-00013119-00013366 our aim with this is to improve the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00054-00013368-00013591 quality and the reach of programming +_8OUXmwSQV4-00055-00013591-00013830 that prevents recruitment facilitates +_8OUXmwSQV4-00056-00013831-00013983 release of children associated with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00057-00013984-00014119 armed forces or armed groups and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00058-00014119-00014358 responds to their needs effectively +_8OUXmwSQV4-00059-00014359-00014615 we have four priorities or strategies i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00060-00014616-00014807 would say to do that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00061-00014808-00015047 one is to increase field practitioner +_8OUXmwSQV4-00062-00015047-00015303 access to and use of interagency +_8OUXmwSQV4-00063-00015304-00015494 guidance and tools to prevent and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00064-00015495-00015638 respond to child recruitment and this +_8OUXmwSQV4-00065-00015640-00015815 means working together +_8OUXmwSQV4-00066-00015816-00016079 together to identify gaps develop and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00067-00016080-00016238 disseminate guidance that would be of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00068-00016240-00016558 assistance this number two we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00069-00016559-00016750 try to enhance knowledge and skills and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00070-00016751-00016950 behavior of practitioners to prevent and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00071-00016951-00017175 respond to child recruitment and by this +_8OUXmwSQV4-00072-00017176-00017358 we mean really trying to increase +_8OUXmwSQV4-00073-00017359-00017527 capacities that's training and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00074-00017528-00017735 supporting each other +_8OUXmwSQV4-00075-00017736-00017958 really trying to put those skills and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00076-00017959-00018150 tools into action +_8OUXmwSQV4-00077-00018151-00018430 we also a third strategy we use is to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00078-00018431-00018655 try to share evidence research good +_8OUXmwSQV4-00079-00018656-00018799 practices lessons learned that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00080-00018800-00018975 contribute to a better understanding of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00081-00018976-00019199 the cafe issues and an effective +_8OUXmwSQV4-00082-00019200-00019455 response so here we're talking about how +_8OUXmwSQV4-00083-00019456-00019679 to exchange information between and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00084-00019680-00019863 amongst ourselves support each other +_8OUXmwSQV4-00085-00019864-00020127 with ideas learnings challenges advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00086-00020128-00020239 of course +_8OUXmwSQV4-00087-00020240-00020430 and finally we want to facilitate +_8OUXmwSQV4-00088-00020431-00020678 linkages between the cafe task force and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00089-00020679-00020886 other global platforms and initiatives +_8OUXmwSQV4-00090-00020887-00021022 there are quite a few out there of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00091-00021023-00021335 course including within the alliance of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00092-00021336-00021503 where we're here today +_8OUXmwSQV4-00093-00021504-00021622 for example we have some really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00094-00021623-00021822 important connections on unaccompanied +_8OUXmwSQV4-00095-00021823-00022071 and separated children right case +_8OUXmwSQV4-00096-00022072-00022327 management task force these are really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00097-00022328-00022575 important as we respond to the needs of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00098-00022576-00022719 children associated with armed forces in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00099-00022720-00022943 our groups and of course there's our our +_8OUXmwSQV4-00100-00022944-00023255 co-team here the advocacy working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00101-00023256-00023391 um but there are also other groups +_8OUXmwSQV4-00102-00023392-00023535 outside the alliance like the paris +_8OUXmwSQV4-00103-00023536-00023703 principles steering group here in new +_8OUXmwSQV4-00104-00023704-00023927 york global coalition for reintegration +_8OUXmwSQV4-00105-00023928-00024055 of child soldiers and we want to be +_8OUXmwSQV4-00106-00024056-00024263 multi-sectorable so we work across +_8OUXmwSQV4-00107-00024264-00024527 sectors including mhps working group on +_8OUXmwSQV4-00108-00024528-00024750 children and families education +_8OUXmwSQV4-00109-00024751-00025007 gbv others we're still a new task force +_8OUXmwSQV4-00110-00025008-00025199 we launched just before the emanuel +_8OUXmwSQV4-00111-00025200-00025358 annual meeting last year and we have a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00112-00025359-00025591 lot of really active members +_8OUXmwSQV4-00113-00025592-00025758 so we just invite others to come and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00114-00025760-00025918 look and learn about that that's a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00115-00025919-00026046 little bit about who we are and what +_8OUXmwSQV4-00116-00026047-00026246 we're trying to do thanks audrey back +_8OUXmwSQV4-00117-00026247-00026367 over to you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00118-00026368-00026655 great thank you so much bridget sounds +_8OUXmwSQV4-00119-00026656-00026951 super interesting and oh all done all +_8OUXmwSQV4-00120-00026952-00027158 done i have just been informed that we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00121-00027160-00027343 have just received some exciting +_8OUXmwSQV4-00122-00027344-00027655 information from our field reporters yes +_8OUXmwSQV4-00123-00027656-00027927 oh you have some images to share let's +_8OUXmwSQV4-00124-00027927-00028087 watch them please +_8OUXmwSQV4-00125-00028088-00029607 prediction back to you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00126-00029608-00029927 hi everyone this is sophie i'm the youth +_8OUXmwSQV4-00127-00029927-00030167 um advocacy participation advisor for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00128-00030168-00030311 charge uk +_8OUXmwSQV4-00129-00030312-00030599 we have been working on a youth-led +_8OUXmwSQV4-00130-00030600-00030823 advocacy methodology for some years now +_8OUXmwSQV4-00131-00030824-00030967 called voicemail +_8OUXmwSQV4-00132-00030968-00031158 and it consists of several different +_8OUXmwSQV4-00133-00031160-00031351 training components +_8OUXmwSQV4-00134-00031352-00031631 spokesperson training advocacy training +_8OUXmwSQV4-00135-00031632-00031814 and research training +_8OUXmwSQV4-00136-00031816-00031999 um we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00137-00032000-00032199 are now moving into the next phase which +_8OUXmwSQV4-00138-00032200-00032623 is to con to review and consolidate the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00139-00032624-00032918 research training it's been developed +_8OUXmwSQV4-00140-00032919-00033111 with our country teams and been +_8OUXmwSQV4-00141-00033112-00033246 developed with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00142-00033247-00033423 conflict-affected youth in mind +_8OUXmwSQV4-00143-00033424-00033695 specifically and tested with groups in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00144-00033696-00034062 the central african republic and the drc +_8OUXmwSQV4-00145-00034063-00034327 and we now as part of this next phase we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00146-00034328-00034646 would like to ask task force members to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00147-00034647-00034783 review the research training +_8OUXmwSQV4-00148-00034784-00035102 specifically with the lens of how +_8OUXmwSQV4-00149-00035103-00035302 usable it would be and suitable it would +_8OUXmwSQV4-00150-00035303-00035590 be for ex cafe specifically +_8OUXmwSQV4-00151-00035591-00035830 if you are interested in getting +_8OUXmwSQV4-00152-00035831-00036015 involved in this then please do get in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00153-00036016-00036743 touch +_8OUXmwSQV4-00154-00036744-00036999 hello my name is ruth o'connell and i'm +_8OUXmwSQV4-00155-00037000-00037262 working in mhpss with unicef +_8OUXmwSQV4-00156-00037263-00037471 and i'm just here to introduce some new +_8OUXmwSQV4-00157-00037472-00037662 tools that have been developed +_8OUXmwSQV4-00158-00037663-00037855 on mhpss which is mental health and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00159-00037856-00038190 psychosocial support and cafac this has +_8OUXmwSQV4-00160-00038191-00038343 been developed in conjunction with the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00161-00038344-00038639 cafe task force the children and family +_8OUXmwSQV4-00162-00038640-00038887 group and has been done by the mhpss +_8OUXmwSQV4-00163-00038888-00039095 collaborative +_8OUXmwSQV4-00164-00039096-00039239 so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00165-00039240-00039327 the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00166-00039328-00039462 package +_8OUXmwSQV4-00167-00039463-00039679 comprises of a suite of resources +_8OUXmwSQV4-00168-00039680-00039807 including +_8OUXmwSQV4-00169-00039808-00040007 an operational guidance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00170-00040008-00040174 an evidence review +_8OUXmwSQV4-00171-00040175-00040399 guidance on contextualization +_8OUXmwSQV4-00172-00040400-00040646 and a dissemination and advocacy package +_8OUXmwSQV4-00173-00040647-00040895 so they all come together +_8OUXmwSQV4-00174-00040896-00041183 to support field workers and programmers +_8OUXmwSQV4-00175-00041184-00041455 in both cafe and mhpss +_8OUXmwSQV4-00176-00041456-00041655 to work with children affected by +_8OUXmwSQV4-00177-00041656-00041974 conflict and cafe children +_8OUXmwSQV4-00178-00041975-00042087 so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00179-00042088-00042311 briefly what we're really trying to do +_8OUXmwSQV4-00180-00042312-00042471 with this piece of work is to improve +_8OUXmwSQV4-00181-00042472-00042607 the mental health and psychosocial +_8OUXmwSQV4-00182-00042608-00042807 well-being of caffag +_8OUXmwSQV4-00183-00042808-00042990 and we're really advocating for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00184-00042991-00043343 multi-sectoral multi-layer mhpss to cut +_8OUXmwSQV4-00185-00043344-00043758 across all the cafe programming domains +_8OUXmwSQV4-00186-00043759-00043943 and finally the intended audience is +_8OUXmwSQV4-00187-00043944-00044207 ngos and national and local governments +_8OUXmwSQV4-00188-00044208-00044495 including ministries of education and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00189-00044496-00044671 health child protection and social +_8OUXmwSQV4-00190-00044672-00044783 welfare +_8OUXmwSQV4-00191-00044784-00044990 unicef other agencies operating in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00192-00044991-00045239 humanitarian settings and frontline +_8OUXmwSQV4-00193-00045240-00045471 child protection and mhpss workers in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00194-00045472-00045718 emergency and humanitarian settings +_8OUXmwSQV4-00195-00045719-00045911 but also i suppose most importantly the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00196-00045912-00046087 communities in emergency and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00197-00046088-00046287 humanitarian settings +_8OUXmwSQV4-00198-00046288-00046390 so thank you very much for the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00199-00046391-00046518 opportunity to share a little bit about +_8OUXmwSQV4-00200-00046519-00046790 these tools and i look forward to seeing +_8OUXmwSQV4-00201-00046791-00047479 them being used in the future +_8OUXmwSQV4-00202-00047480-00047727 everyone i'm alexandra blackwell and i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00203-00047728-00047879 work with the international rescue +_8OUXmwSQV4-00204-00047880-00048095 committee which is a member of the cafac +_8OUXmwSQV4-00205-00048096-00048374 task force and i'm here today to update +_8OUXmwSQV4-00206-00048375-00048583 on our new parenting intervention for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00207-00048584-00048751 caregivers of children in conflict +_8OUXmwSQV4-00208-00048752-00048967 settings where there is recruitment into +_8OUXmwSQV4-00209-00048968-00049246 armed forces and armed groups this is a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00210-00049247-00049502 bha-funded project that is part of the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00211-00049503-00049767 cathag task force work plan +_8OUXmwSQV4-00212-00049768-00049958 and the intervention is called growing +_8OUXmwSQV4-00213-00049959-00050151 stronger together +_8OUXmwSQV4-00214-00050152-00050367 since our last update we piloted the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00215-00050368-00050574 intervention in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00216-00050575-00050830 drc and nigeria and were starting a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00217-00050831-00050990 pilot in iraq +_8OUXmwSQV4-00218-00050991-00051246 we conducted pre-post surveys in three +_8OUXmwSQV4-00219-00051247-00051479 countries to understand the experiences +_8OUXmwSQV4-00220-00051479-00051726 of caregivers and adolescents and we're +_8OUXmwSQV4-00221-00051727-00051966 finishing the endline survey now +_8OUXmwSQV4-00222-00051967-00052214 we also gathered feedback from staff and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00223-00052215-00052423 facilitators during the training and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00224-00052424-00052679 implementation to get their feedback and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00225-00052679-00052926 we integrated this into +_8OUXmwSQV4-00226-00052927-00053159 the final curriculum +_8OUXmwSQV4-00227-00053160-00053407 through the piloting we were unable to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00228-00053408-00053582 understand the different dynamics and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00229-00053583-00053807 how to adjust to the safe delivery of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00230-00053808-00053935 the curriculum +_8OUXmwSQV4-00231-00053936-00054094 and we've highlighted different areas +_8OUXmwSQV4-00232-00054095-00054311 for contextualization and examples of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00233-00054312-00054447 different scenarios throughout the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00234-00054448-00054582 curriculum +_8OUXmwSQV4-00235-00054583-00054750 this will help with the safe delivery of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00236-00054751-00054887 the curriculum while achieving the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00237-00054888-00055063 ultimate goal which is to support +_8OUXmwSQV4-00238-00055064-00055263 parents as they support their children +_8OUXmwSQV4-00239-00055264-00055447 to prevent recruitment and facilitate +_8OUXmwSQV4-00240-00055448-00055647 their reintegration +_8OUXmwSQV4-00241-00055648-00055830 we also shared the curriculum with task +_8OUXmwSQV4-00242-00055832-00056007 force members and we're grateful for the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00243-00056008-00056263 feedback from the different members +_8OUXmwSQV4-00244-00056264-00056463 the final intervention resource pack +_8OUXmwSQV4-00245-00056464-00056663 includes the curriculum the constant +_8OUXmwSQV4-00246-00056664-00056879 companion which is a guide for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00247-00056879-00057015 facilitators +_8OUXmwSQV4-00248-00057016-00057230 a home visit guide outcome measurement +_8OUXmwSQV4-00249-00057232-00057415 guidance and training of facilitators +_8OUXmwSQV4-00250-00057416-00057526 package +_8OUXmwSQV4-00251-00057527-00057735 the full resource pack will be available +_8OUXmwSQV4-00252-00057736-00057871 in november +_8OUXmwSQV4-00253-00057872-00058487 and thank you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00254-00058488-00058711 hi everyone my name is sandra mano i'm +_8OUXmwSQV4-00255-00058712-00058950 the co-lead of the cafe fast forward and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00256-00058951-00059191 i'm also working on an interagency cafe +_8OUXmwSQV4-00257-00059191-00059287 project +_8OUXmwSQV4-00258-00059288-00059479 in the past year we have worked on a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00259-00059479-00059719 cafe program development toolkit +_8OUXmwSQV4-00260-00059720-00060054 this toolkit includes guidelines tools +_8OUXmwSQV4-00261-00060055-00060271 and training materials on how to develop +_8OUXmwSQV4-00262-00060272-00060542 a quality and gender sensitive project +_8OUXmwSQV4-00263-00060544-00060830 for cafe this includes prevention +_8OUXmwSQV4-00264-00060832-00061126 release and reintegration interventions +_8OUXmwSQV4-00265-00061127-00061311 this toolkit is intended for field +_8OUXmwSQV4-00266-00061312-00061654 practitioners ngos u.n agencies and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00267-00061655-00061871 government actors involved in the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00268-00061872-00062111 development of a cafe program +_8OUXmwSQV4-00269-00062112-00062326 the toolkit has been drafted +_8OUXmwSQV4-00270-00062327-00062550 reviewed by a reference group and has +_8OUXmwSQV4-00271-00062551-00062791 been tested in central african republic +_8OUXmwSQV4-00272-00062791-00063030 and booking offices a third pilot +_8OUXmwSQV4-00273-00063032-00063230 started in afghanistan that has been put +_8OUXmwSQV4-00274-00063232-00063335 on hold +_8OUXmwSQV4-00275-00063336-00063559 so we have recently started a fourth +_8OUXmwSQV4-00276-00063560-00063726 pilot in iraq +_8OUXmwSQV4-00277-00063727-00063894 we hope to finalize the toolkit and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00278-00063895-00064079 translate it in french spanish and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00279-00064079-00065015 arabic early next year thank you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00280-00065016-00065294 wow very impressive images of your last +_8OUXmwSQV4-00281-00065295-00065463 year achievement +_8OUXmwSQV4-00282-00065464-00065575 uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00283-00065576-00065847 our warm greeting greetings as well to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00284-00065848-00066094 sofia alex and ruth are super +_8OUXmwSQV4-00285-00066095-00066247 interesting uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00286-00066248-00066606 discussion and and resources out there +_8OUXmwSQV4-00287-00066607-00066855 um let's see how the public feels about +_8OUXmwSQV4-00288-00066856-00067215 it if you like those images please press +_8OUXmwSQV4-00289-00067216-00067503 thumb up as a reaction but if you want +_8OUXmwSQV4-00290-00067504-00067711 to know more use the heart and you can +_8OUXmwSQV4-00291-00067712-00067975 do that as well on the social media so i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00292-00067976-00068238 want to see thumbs ups or i want to see +_8OUXmwSQV4-00293-00068239-00068463 heart let's do it +_8OUXmwSQV4-00294-00068464-00068767 great oh it seemed that people are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00295-00068768-00069047 even between wanting to learn more and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00296-00069048-00069287 enjoying what is happening but we need +_8OUXmwSQV4-00297-00069288-00069671 to move on so fantastic now i'm turning +_8OUXmwSQV4-00298-00069672-00069926 to you my dear son can you tell us your +_8OUXmwSQV4-00299-00069927-00070150 plan for next year what will happen with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00300-00070151-00070487 the car factors first please +_8OUXmwSQV4-00301-00070488-00070631 thank you audrey +_8OUXmwSQV4-00302-00070632-00070815 yeah so next year we have lots of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00303-00070816-00071031 exciting activities um first we're +_8OUXmwSQV4-00304-00071032-00071262 planning to set up this chemical +_8OUXmwSQV4-00305-00071263-00071494 practice this will be done in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00306-00071495-00071791 collaboration with the lnd working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00307-00071792-00072167 and with cpor so this will be an online +_8OUXmwSQV4-00308-00072168-00072335 platform where +_8OUXmwSQV4-00309-00072336-00072591 field practitioners will be able to come +_8OUXmwSQV4-00310-00072592-00072862 and there will be some pharah where they +_8OUXmwSQV4-00311-00072863-00073143 can exchange their expertise their ideas +_8OUXmwSQV4-00312-00073144-00073391 and as well as resources +_8OUXmwSQV4-00313-00073392-00073535 so that's the first thing we're really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00314-00073536-00073703 excited of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00315-00073704-00073999 um the next thing is we're gonna roll +_8OUXmwSQV4-00316-00074000-00074199 out the program development toolkit that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00317-00074200-00074431 we're still working on we hope to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00318-00074432-00074735 finalize the early next year and we hope +_8OUXmwSQV4-00319-00074736-00075006 to then roll it out in a few countries +_8OUXmwSQV4-00320-00075007-00075103 um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00321-00075104-00075294 from this toolkit there will be also +_8OUXmwSQV4-00322-00075295-00075503 some online training materials that will +_8OUXmwSQV4-00323-00075504-00075775 be developed and available online +_8OUXmwSQV4-00324-00075776-00075943 still in partnership with the l d +_8OUXmwSQV4-00325-00075944-00076087 working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00326-00076088-00076294 and we're also going to work on youth +_8OUXmwSQV4-00327-00076295-00076559 led advocacy guidance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00328-00076560-00076806 handover protocol guidance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00329-00076807-00076887 and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00330-00076888-00076991 as well as +_8OUXmwSQV4-00331-00076992-00077262 directions or guidance on how to support +_8OUXmwSQV4-00332-00077263-00077471 children associated with armed groups +_8OUXmwSQV4-00333-00077472-00077719 designated as terrorists so these are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00334-00077720-00077862 some of like the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00335-00077863-00078206 key things we're planning to work on um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00336-00078207-00078447 well we hope there will be more uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00337-00078448-00078703 following or or meeting in a couple of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00338-00078704-00078831 weeks +_8OUXmwSQV4-00339-00078832-00079015 back to you audrey +_8OUXmwSQV4-00340-00079016-00079262 oh thank you thank you that was very +_8OUXmwSQV4-00341-00079263-00079503 interesting to learn um thank you both +_8OUXmwSQV4-00342-00079504-00079687 sandhya and bridget for this lovely +_8OUXmwSQV4-00343-00079688-00079919 interview and stay around something +_8OUXmwSQV4-00344-00079920-00080103 tells me that we may come back to you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00345-00080104-00080319 with additional questions +_8OUXmwSQV4-00346-00080320-00080575 now dear public time has come to learn +_8OUXmwSQV4-00347-00080576-00080838 more about advocacy and i will start my +_8OUXmwSQV4-00348-00080839-00081111 first question with you my dear amanda +_8OUXmwSQV4-00349-00081112-00081303 can you tell us about the advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00350-00081304-00081519 working group of the alliance who are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00351-00081520-00081791 they what do they do +_8OUXmwSQV4-00352-00081792-00081991 thanks very much audrey it's wonderful +_8OUXmwSQV4-00353-00081992-00082303 to be here um on the audrey show today +_8OUXmwSQV4-00354-00082304-00082543 so the alliance advocacy working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00355-00082544-00082726 is one of four working groups of the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00356-00082727-00082887 alliance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00357-00082888-00083079 we take a right-based approach to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00358-00083080-00083271 ensuring that the best interests of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00359-00083272-00083503 children and emergencies are recognized +_8OUXmwSQV4-00360-00083504-00083823 by all national and international actors +_8OUXmwSQV4-00361-00083824-00083918 and they're +_8OUXmwSQV4-00362-00083919-00084191 reflected across all response mechanisms +_8OUXmwSQV4-00363-00084192-00084438 in humanitarian emergencies +_8OUXmwSQV4-00364-00084439-00084623 so this might include for example +_8OUXmwSQV4-00365-00084624-00084894 developing key messages and advocating +_8OUXmwSQV4-00366-00084895-00085094 to promote children's protection during +_8OUXmwSQV4-00367-00085095-00085343 covert 19. +_8OUXmwSQV4-00368-00085344-00085511 in terms of who we are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00369-00085512-00085735 hopefully not too much of a mystery but +_8OUXmwSQV4-00370-00085736-00085959 i'm one of three co-chairs that we have +_8OUXmwSQV4-00371-00085960-00086135 for the working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00372-00086136-00086350 um i'm gonna save the children and then +_8OUXmwSQV4-00373-00086351-00086550 we also have on the call faith from +_8OUXmwSQV4-00374-00086551-00086718 child fund alliance who will be here +_8OUXmwSQV4-00375-00086719-00086855 soon +_8OUXmwSQV4-00376-00086856-00087143 and we also have our colleague witu bata +_8OUXmwSQV4-00377-00087144-00087535 who is from swatantrata abhiyan nepal i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00378-00087536-00087735 hope i haven't butchered that um but +_8OUXmwSQV4-00379-00087736-00087935 she's unfortunately not able to be with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00380-00087936-00088111 us here today +_8OUXmwSQV4-00381-00088112-00088367 we have approximately i think i need to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00382-00088368-00088535 check the list but around 21 +_8OUXmwSQV4-00383-00088536-00088823 organizations on the email list i think +_8OUXmwSQV4-00384-00088824-00089079 um and then we hold monthly meetings at +_8OUXmwSQV4-00385-00089080-00089287 the moment um with approximately sort of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00386-00089288-00089462 eight or ten organizations that are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00387-00089463-00089631 regularly attending and being part of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00388-00089632-00089750 those +_8OUXmwSQV4-00389-00089751-00089975 um we're really keen to be broadening +_8OUXmwSQV4-00390-00089976-00090238 that membership so particularly with our +_8OUXmwSQV4-00391-00090239-00090479 local and national members so do get in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00392-00090480-00090687 touch if you're keen to find out more +_8OUXmwSQV4-00393-00090688-00090950 either to be docked into the information +_8OUXmwSQV4-00394-00090951-00091247 that we're sending and updates or to be +_8OUXmwSQV4-00395-00091248-00091447 actively participating and joining us as +_8OUXmwSQV4-00396-00091448-00091559 well +_8OUXmwSQV4-00397-00091560-00091759 in terms of what we do we have a work +_8OUXmwSQV4-00398-00091760-00091950 plan +_8OUXmwSQV4-00399-00091951-00092238 current top priority is about developing +_8OUXmwSQV4-00400-00092239-00092494 a new advocacy strategy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00401-00092495-00092687 with the aim to further the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00402-00092688-00092943 objectives of the alliance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00403-00092944-00093167 and we also have some key tracks of work +_8OUXmwSQV4-00404-00093168-00093382 around increasing the funding and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00405-00093383-00093526 profile for child protection and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00406-00093527-00093718 humanitarian emergencies which you'll +_8OUXmwSQV4-00407-00093719-00093974 hear more about during the show +_8OUXmwSQV4-00408-00093975-00094215 and lastly we work to support some of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00409-00094216-00094391 the other key initiatives of the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00410-00094392-00094694 alliance working groups and task forces +_8OUXmwSQV4-00411-00094695-00094959 that have an advocacy component to them +_8OUXmwSQV4-00412-00094960-00095111 for example earlier in the year +_8OUXmwSQV4-00413-00095112-00095287 supported the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00414-00095288-00095438 child labour +_8OUXmwSQV4-00415-00095439-00095631 task force with the webinar and helping +_8OUXmwSQV4-00416-00095632-00095855 them source the dynamic moderator +_8OUXmwSQV4-00417-00095856-00096071 um to be kind of available to dip in and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00418-00096072-00096326 dip out with some advocacy expertise +_8OUXmwSQV4-00419-00096327-00096567 thanks very much back to you audrey +_8OUXmwSQV4-00420-00096568-00096759 thank you amanda i would have never +_8OUXmwSQV4-00421-00096760-00096974 imagined such a group would work that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00422-00096975-00097231 hard to raise the voice of children i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00423-00097232-00097479 mean it's really an engaging process and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00424-00097480-00097567 group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00425-00097568-00097703 joe public +_8OUXmwSQV4-00426-00097704-00097847 if you do agree +_8OUXmwSQV4-00427-00097848-00098182 with me please use the heart reaction +_8OUXmwSQV4-00428-00098183-00098399 and express yourself +_8OUXmwSQV4-00429-00098400-00098711 i won't see hearts floating +_8OUXmwSQV4-00430-00098712-00098791 yeah +_8OUXmwSQV4-00431-00098792-00098926 perfect +_8OUXmwSQV4-00432-00098927-00099015 uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00433-00099016-00099118 so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00434-00099119-00099518 oh now it's time to move to our special +_8OUXmwSQV4-00435-00099519-00099918 guest from london plan international mrs +_8OUXmwSQV4-00436-00099919-00100206 alison wright are you there my dear +_8OUXmwSQV4-00437-00100207-00100423 i am yes thank you audrey for inviting +_8OUXmwSQV4-00438-00100424-00100615 me on your show +_8OUXmwSQV4-00439-00100616-00100935 great fantastic um thank you for joining +_8OUXmwSQV4-00440-00100936-00101191 us today alison i know you're very busy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00441-00101192-00101462 so i will no longer wait and ask the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00442-00101463-00101631 question +_8OUXmwSQV4-00443-00101632-00101926 addison what work of the advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00444-00101927-00102174 working group are you most proud over +_8OUXmwSQV4-00445-00102175-00102359 the last year +_8OUXmwSQV4-00446-00102360-00102575 well audrey that's a great question um a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00447-00102576-00102782 few things i think i'd highlight firstly +_8OUXmwSQV4-00448-00102783-00102975 um well maybe it's going back slightly +_8OUXmwSQV4-00449-00102976-00103142 more than a year but but obviously we're +_8OUXmwSQV4-00450-00103143-00103358 still we're still in the uh in the covid +_8OUXmwSQV4-00451-00103359-00103510 pandemic but i think +_8OUXmwSQV4-00452-00103511-00103678 the the advocacy working group really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00453-00103679-00103958 mobilized around the advocacy for the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00454-00103959-00104206 covered response um and i think that was +_8OUXmwSQV4-00455-00104207-00104351 that was partly within the alliance but +_8OUXmwSQV4-00456-00104352-00104575 it's also playing a kind of a convening +_8OUXmwSQV4-00457-00104576-00104775 role within the in the wider sector we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00458-00104776-00104975 know that the um the alliance was very +_8OUXmwSQV4-00459-00104976-00105158 much kind of looked to leadership in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00460-00105159-00105351 terms of the the technical on the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00461-00105352-00105558 technical side for the covered response +_8OUXmwSQV4-00462-00105559-00105710 um but i think that was also true on the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00463-00105711-00105878 advocacy side as well so we developed +_8OUXmwSQV4-00464-00105879-00106110 common messaging for the sector um a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00465-00106111-00106271 couple of guidance notes particularly +_8OUXmwSQV4-00466-00106272-00106502 around um key messaging around safety +_8OUXmwSQV4-00467-00106503-00106823 online um and i think that that was a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00468-00106824-00107086 real sort of mobilizing moment um there +_8OUXmwSQV4-00469-00107088-00107286 was also the work around the uh still +_8OUXmwSQV4-00470-00107288-00107471 unprotected reports that was launched +_8OUXmwSQV4-00471-00107472-00107663 around this time last year but that was +_8OUXmwSQV4-00472-00107664-00107871 um i mean there was a report itself but +_8OUXmwSQV4-00473-00107872-00108054 then that's been really important in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00474-00108055-00108263 terms of providing a consistent evidence +_8OUXmwSQV4-00475-00108264-00108407 base that was an update from the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00476-00108408-00108647 previous and protected report um and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00477-00108648-00108886 some great work to engage key donors +_8OUXmwSQV4-00478-00108888-00109078 around the recommendations um and i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00479-00109079-00109310 think that that report um i mean the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00480-00109311-00109566 work to develop common recommendations +_8OUXmwSQV4-00481-00109567-00109783 um across the sector uh from that report +_8OUXmwSQV4-00482-00109783-00109975 was important as well and then finally +_8OUXmwSQV4-00483-00109976-00110143 just picking up on on amanda's point +_8OUXmwSQV4-00484-00110144-00110286 around the strategy although we don't +_8OUXmwSQV4-00485-00110288-00110471 have an advocacy strategy ready to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00486-00110472-00110671 present to you i think that the having +_8OUXmwSQV4-00487-00110672-00110854 been in the advocacy working group for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00488-00110855-00111031 some years it has represented the work +_8OUXmwSQV4-00489-00111032-00111263 to develop the strategy has really kind +_8OUXmwSQV4-00490-00111264-00111447 of shifted the conversations within the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00491-00111448-00111631 advocacy working group moving beyond a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00492-00111632-00111871 sort of an activity-based work plan to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00493-00111872-00112063 really be thinking sort of strategically +_8OUXmwSQV4-00494-00112064-00112190 about what the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00495-00112191-00112383 role of the alliance is in terms of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00496-00112383-00112590 advocacy how other actors in the sector +_8OUXmwSQV4-00497-00112591-00112766 see us and how we can really add value +_8OUXmwSQV4-00498-00112767-00112966 so really excited to see the new +_8OUXmwSQV4-00499-00112967-00113183 alliance strategy and think about how we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00500-00113183-00113399 as an advocacy working group can can +_8OUXmwSQV4-00501-00113400-00113639 contribute to to delivering that thank +_8OUXmwSQV4-00502-00113640-00113751 you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00503-00113752-00114015 oh no thank you alicia for sharing this +_8OUXmwSQV4-00504-00114016-00114263 with us this is truly something everyone +_8OUXmwSQV4-00505-00114264-00114423 could be proud of and i'm sure the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00506-00114424-00114623 advocacy working group will continue to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00507-00114624-00114951 do some amazing things moving forward +_8OUXmwSQV4-00508-00114952-00115271 now i think i'm gonna turn to to you my +_8OUXmwSQV4-00509-00115272-00115495 dear faith +_8OUXmwSQV4-00510-00115496-00115751 are you around i haven't forgotten you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00511-00115752-00115934 yeah yeah audrey +_8OUXmwSQV4-00512-00115935-00116102 fantastic +_8OUXmwSQV4-00513-00116103-00116348 hey good morning faith +_8OUXmwSQV4-00514-00116349-00116519 [Music] +_8OUXmwSQV4-00515-00116520-00116790 sorry my question for you is +_8OUXmwSQV4-00516-00116791-00117054 faith what are what are you the most +_8OUXmwSQV4-00517-00117055-00117463 excited about the year ahead +_8OUXmwSQV4-00518-00117464-00117631 so audrey good morning thank you for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00519-00117632-00117886 inviting me on the the audrey show +_8OUXmwSQV4-00520-00117888-00118143 and and i'm excited to be here and i'm +_8OUXmwSQV4-00521-00118144-00118399 also excited for the the advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00522-00118400-00118654 working group and our collaboration with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00523-00118655-00118958 the the comfort working group and um but +_8OUXmwSQV4-00524-00118959-00119334 overall i am really excited about the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00525-00119335-00119558 fact that the alliance but child +_8OUXmwSQV4-00526-00119559-00119766 protection has a new strategy the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00527-00119767-00119871 overall +_8OUXmwSQV4-00528-00119872-00120127 strategy that we launched on on +_8OUXmwSQV4-00529-00120128-00120534 yesterday which has a strong advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00530-00120535-00120686 focus +_8OUXmwSQV4-00531-00120688-00120919 and as the one of the co-chairs of the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00532-00120920-00121175 advocacy working group we are excited +_8OUXmwSQV4-00533-00121176-00121463 about taking this new strategy and and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00534-00121464-00121695 looking at it and working across all of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00535-00121696-00121983 the full objectives all of which have +_8OUXmwSQV4-00536-00121983-00122239 specific advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00537-00122240-00122423 activities within them +_8OUXmwSQV4-00538-00122424-00122695 so we are developing as my colleague +_8OUXmwSQV4-00539-00122696-00122943 amanda and allison said we are also +_8OUXmwSQV4-00540-00122944-00123095 developing the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00541-00123096-00123358 alliance advocacy working group strategy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00542-00123359-00123527 to have a focus on our work so we're +_8OUXmwSQV4-00543-00123528-00123710 really excited about that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00544-00123711-00123895 we've been in a lot of different +_8OUXmwSQV4-00545-00123896-00124199 consultation with many of our colleagues +_8OUXmwSQV4-00546-00124200-00124534 in the spirit of the cross sectorial and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00547-00124535-00124743 and and cross +_8OUXmwSQV4-00548-00124744-00125110 um sector work we've we've had bilateral +_8OUXmwSQV4-00549-00125111-00125431 interviews with uh members of the ine +_8OUXmwSQV4-00550-00125432-00125695 tax full uh on working group we've +_8OUXmwSQV4-00551-00125696-00125983 talked to to watch this we've talked to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00552-00125983-00126239 cpo hours so we've so we are taking all +_8OUXmwSQV4-00553-00126240-00126439 of these and we are developing a really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00554-00126440-00126710 good strategy to be able to better +_8OUXmwSQV4-00555-00126711-00126951 advocate with our colleagues +_8OUXmwSQV4-00556-00126952-00127134 on the other working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00557-00127135-00127295 and one of the things we are also +_8OUXmwSQV4-00558-00127296-00127534 excited about this year is that we will +_8OUXmwSQV4-00559-00127535-00127814 be we are trying our best to like +_8OUXmwSQV4-00560-00127815-00128207 regroup as the tax host and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00561-00128208-00128431 look at our work plans yeah it's aligned +_8OUXmwSQV4-00562-00128432-00128663 to the objectives of our colleagues on +_8OUXmwSQV4-00563-00128664-00128823 all the other working groups within our +_8OUXmwSQV4-00564-00128824-00129119 lines and the tax houses so part of that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00565-00129120-00129327 is we will support the advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00566-00129328-00129695 activities and and share um resources +_8OUXmwSQV4-00567-00129696-00129951 and learning so so we are we're really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00568-00129952-00130158 excited and we look forward to working +_8OUXmwSQV4-00569-00130159-00130327 with all of you if you want to learn +_8OUXmwSQV4-00570-00130328-00130527 more about what we are going to be doing +_8OUXmwSQV4-00571-00130528-00130775 this year we ask you to join our working +_8OUXmwSQV4-00572-00130776-00130895 group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00573-00130896-00131119 and come share your your ideas your +_8OUXmwSQV4-00574-00131120-00131335 tools and and and we're going to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00575-00131336-00131575 do great uh advocacy this year to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00576-00131576-00131887 support the alliance over our strategy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00577-00131888-00132014 thank you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00578-00132015-00132231 thank you and all of this to raise the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00579-00132232-00132502 voice of the children dear public if you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00580-00132503-00132799 are as excited as i am please +_8OUXmwSQV4-00581-00132800-00133031 thumbs up uh show a little bit of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00582-00133032-00133343 enthusiasm with all those great things +_8OUXmwSQV4-00583-00133344-00133519 coming forward +_8OUXmwSQV4-00584-00133520-00133695 maybe i should stop presenting the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00585-00133696-00133959 audrey show and join those two groups +_8OUXmwSQV4-00586-00133960-00134214 that could be a new pathway in my life +_8OUXmwSQV4-00587-00134215-00134495 anyway oh i've been informed your public +_8OUXmwSQV4-00588-00134496-00134831 time has come for our daily reflection +_8OUXmwSQV4-00589-00134832-00135159 uh you would see in the chat +_8OUXmwSQV4-00590-00135160-00135439 a link to a mentee letter +_8OUXmwSQV4-00591-00135440-00135654 um so for you to let us know a little +_8OUXmwSQV4-00592-00135655-00135990 bit uh what are the broader advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00593-00135991-00136087 issue +_8OUXmwSQV4-00594-00136088-00136287 you would like to see the alliance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00595-00136288-00138231 focusing on or take up +_8OUXmwSQV4-00596-00138232-00138463 tricky question as i can see are you too +_8OUXmwSQV4-00597-00138464-00138654 shy my dear public +_8OUXmwSQV4-00598-00138655-00140343 to share your answer with us +_8OUXmwSQV4-00599-00140344-00140599 let me refresh just in case +_8OUXmwSQV4-00600-00140600-00140702 maybe +_8OUXmwSQV4-00601-00140703-00142126 thank you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00602-00142127-00142207 ah +_8OUXmwSQV4-00603-00142208-00142447 i heard from the production side that we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00604-00142448-00142647 may have a dick +_8OUXmwSQV4-00605-00142648-00142999 dear public i'm sure you have already +_8OUXmwSQV4-00606-00143000-00143319 your answers uh we are trying to sell +_8OUXmwSQV4-00607-00143320-00143654 that out to your public but if you want +_8OUXmwSQV4-00608-00143655-00143895 to quickly drop your answer in the chat +_8OUXmwSQV4-00609-00143896-00144183 for the people with us in the room that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00610-00144184-00144414 would be just fantastic so at least we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00611-00144415-00144687 can have an idea waiting for for the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00612-00144688-00144951 tech to be solved +_8OUXmwSQV4-00613-00144952-00145166 i think there is maybe potentially just +_8OUXmwSQV4-00614-00145167-00145478 a slight delay as i do see one coming +_8OUXmwSQV4-00615-00145479-00145599 through there +_8OUXmwSQV4-00616-00145600-00146311 okay great oh we have one +_8OUXmwSQV4-00617-00146312-00146671 that's already uh an upcake so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00618-00146672-00147111 and what that one is saying +_8OUXmwSQV4-00619-00147112-00147407 including inclusive protection +_8OUXmwSQV4-00620-00147408-00147759 on children with disability +_8OUXmwSQV4-00621-00147760-00147847 uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00622-00147848-00148054 and i can see as well from the public +_8OUXmwSQV4-00623-00148055-00148287 here in the room uh would love to see +_8OUXmwSQV4-00624-00148288-00148463 more on the grave violation of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00625-00148464-00148663 children's rights +_8OUXmwSQV4-00626-00148664-00149023 from an advocacy perspective or +_8OUXmwSQV4-00627-00149024-00149239 from a program perspective like how to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00628-00149240-00149663 prevent uh grade violations long-term +_8OUXmwSQV4-00629-00149664-00149878 and community-based reintegration +_8OUXmwSQV4-00630-00149879-00150095 funding for cafe and other complete +_8OUXmwSQV4-00631-00150096-00150247 affective +_8OUXmwSQV4-00632-00150248-00150543 children and that was yes on advocacy so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00633-00150544-00150783 to position a little bit ourselves +_8OUXmwSQV4-00634-00150784-00151047 better um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00635-00151048-00151207 oh and you would like to see more +_8OUXmwSQV4-00636-00151208-00151359 specific +_8OUXmwSQV4-00637-00151360-00151663 focus as well on different groups such +_8OUXmwSQV4-00638-00151664-00152063 as young children teenagers girls boys +_8OUXmwSQV4-00639-00152064-00152351 uh looking at as well nexus recovery +_8OUXmwSQV4-00640-00152352-00152766 work advocacy oh my god so many things +_8OUXmwSQV4-00641-00152767-00152959 ahead for you ladies +_8OUXmwSQV4-00642-00152960-00153143 um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00643-00153144-00153439 i would have a little bit of vertigo you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00644-00153440-00153783 know looking at all those opportunities +_8OUXmwSQV4-00645-00153784-00153887 um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00646-00153888-00154223 but certainly very exciting to uh to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00647-00154224-00154326 read +_8OUXmwSQV4-00648-00154327-00154519 about +_8OUXmwSQV4-00649-00154520-00154790 time flies we have when we have such +_8OUXmwSQV4-00650-00154791-00155119 great invites now we are approaching the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00651-00155120-00155399 end of our session but i still have one +_8OUXmwSQV4-00652-00155400-00155647 more question for the four of you let me +_8OUXmwSQV4-00653-00155648-00155919 start with you and manga and faith what +_8OUXmwSQV4-00654-00155920-00156719 opportunities do you see to collaborate +_8OUXmwSQV4-00655-00156720-00156935 will i go first +_8OUXmwSQV4-00656-00156936-00157095 i can jump in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00657-00157096-00157390 or and steal all the answers um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00658-00157391-00157590 one thing i was thinking about with this +_8OUXmwSQV4-00659-00157591-00157799 question is that it would be great to be +_8OUXmwSQV4-00660-00157800-00157990 linking up with cafe colleagues to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00661-00157991-00158126 explore +_8OUXmwSQV4-00662-00158127-00158302 working together to build an evidence +_8OUXmwSQV4-00663-00158303-00158654 base um and case studies on cathag so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00664-00158655-00158863 that we're being able to create in our +_8OUXmwSQV4-00665-00158864-00159119 advocacy narrative +_8OUXmwSQV4-00666-00159120-00159399 tangible human powerful examples that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00667-00159400-00159663 can be used in our advocacy and outreach +_8OUXmwSQV4-00668-00159664-00159919 so when we're uplifting um and trying to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00669-00159920-00160119 increase understanding awareness about +_8OUXmwSQV4-00670-00160120-00160311 the importance and life-saving nature of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00671-00160312-00160535 child protection i think being able to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00672-00160536-00160799 bring those stories and um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00673-00160800-00161071 look to open up those global platforms +_8OUXmwSQV4-00674-00161072-00161271 and forums to bring those voices to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00675-00161272-00161535 decision makers and donors um is +_8OUXmwSQV4-00676-00161536-00161663 something that would be really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00677-00161664-00161783 interesting and i think would really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00678-00161784-00162014 help with our advocacy work to bring +_8OUXmwSQV4-00679-00162015-00162207 those powerful voices to the table as +_8OUXmwSQV4-00680-00162208-00162487 well +_8OUXmwSQV4-00681-00162488-00162647 great thanks +_8OUXmwSQV4-00682-00162648-00162863 yeah so i just want to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00683-00162864-00163063 continue along those lines i think one +_8OUXmwSQV4-00684-00163064-00163366 of the opportunities for collaboration +_8OUXmwSQV4-00685-00163367-00163702 with our colleagues we've often heard +_8OUXmwSQV4-00686-00163703-00164007 linked to the to the uh unprotected +_8OUXmwSQV4-00687-00164008-00164143 still-owned +_8OUXmwSQV4-00688-00164144-00164390 protected report the issue of funding +_8OUXmwSQV4-00689-00164391-00164463 for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00690-00164464-00164614 for um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00691-00164615-00164951 cafe at work and and having a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00692-00164952-00165271 specialized uh child protection advisor +_8OUXmwSQV4-00693-00165272-00165631 within the the the un mission system to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00694-00165632-00165911 be able to act identify the issues for +_8OUXmwSQV4-00695-00165912-00166159 children in in armed conflict so we will +_8OUXmwSQV4-00696-00166160-00166359 like to collaborate along those lines +_8OUXmwSQV4-00697-00166360-00166551 with the um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00698-00166552-00166647 the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00699-00166648-00166966 student protective funding uh report and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00700-00166967-00167214 see how we bring the the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00701-00167215-00167431 evidence from the field why child +_8OUXmwSQV4-00702-00167432-00167695 protection is needed in humanitarian +_8OUXmwSQV4-00703-00167696-00167959 action especially for for children are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00704-00167960-00168159 involved in in situations of armed +_8OUXmwSQV4-00705-00168160-00168399 conflict so those are some of the areas +_8OUXmwSQV4-00706-00168400-00168623 we see we also +_8OUXmwSQV4-00707-00168624-00168847 see opportunities for for bringing the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00708-00168848-00169031 voices of children which is linked to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00709-00169032-00169287 the overall alliance strategy on +_8OUXmwSQV4-00710-00169288-00169614 accountability to children and and we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00711-00169615-00169831 really want to see how we we work with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00712-00169832-00170063 them to like have tools that we are able +_8OUXmwSQV4-00713-00170064-00170135 to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00714-00170136-00170414 to increase children's voices at this +_8OUXmwSQV4-00715-00170415-00170623 level so those are opportunities that we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00716-00170624-00170911 are looking at and what we we know is +_8OUXmwSQV4-00717-00170912-00171151 that we're all in the process of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00718-00171152-00171431 finalizing our work plans in line with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00719-00171432-00171726 the alliance new strategies so those are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00720-00171727-00171926 opportunities for us to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00721-00171927-00172151 look into these work plans and identify +_8OUXmwSQV4-00722-00172152-00172471 activities that require both our skills +_8OUXmwSQV4-00723-00172472-00172775 and and and and knowledge on on these +_8OUXmwSQV4-00724-00172776-00173014 issues and we we can support each other +_8OUXmwSQV4-00725-00173015-00173351 through you as amanda's evidence-based +_8OUXmwSQV4-00726-00173352-00173471 uh um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00727-00173472-00173671 case studies from the field that we can +_8OUXmwSQV4-00728-00173672-00173951 present for global advocacy so we really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00729-00173952-00174302 look forward to those opportunities +_8OUXmwSQV4-00730-00174303-00174583 great thank you so much to both of you +_8OUXmwSQV4-00731-00174584-00174943 you are definitely two strong advocates +_8OUXmwSQV4-00732-00174944-00175143 um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00733-00175144-00175399 that was an easy one but i'm convinced i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00734-00175400-00175631 think advocacy working group has some +_8OUXmwSQV4-00735-00175632-00175847 potential that i would encourage people +_8OUXmwSQV4-00736-00175848-00175999 to explore further +_8OUXmwSQV4-00737-00176000-00176302 um i'm going to turn now to the cafe +_8OUXmwSQV4-00738-00176303-00176438 specialist +_8OUXmwSQV4-00739-00176439-00176695 uh and we'll ask exactly the same +_8OUXmwSQV4-00740-00176696-00176983 questions so how about you uh let's +_8OUXmwSQV4-00741-00176984-00177151 start with bridgette +_8OUXmwSQV4-00742-00177152-00177351 uh what opportunity do you see to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00743-00177352-00177575 collaborate and then potentially sandra +_8OUXmwSQV4-00744-00177576-00177751 will come in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00745-00177752-00177935 definitely thanks thanks for the great +_8OUXmwSQV4-00746-00177936-00178126 question and it was really it's great to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00747-00178127-00178351 hear um faith +_8OUXmwSQV4-00748-00178352-00178631 and amanda um really talking about these +_8OUXmwSQV4-00749-00178632-00178878 opportunities um from from our +_8OUXmwSQV4-00750-00178879-00179102 perspective um you know hearing about +_8OUXmwSQV4-00751-00179103-00179319 the new advocate the new advocacy +_8OUXmwSQV4-00752-00179320-00179511 strategy that you're developing i think +_8OUXmwSQV4-00753-00179512-00179766 this is really a great entry point from +_8OUXmwSQV4-00754-00179767-00179983 a broader perspective i think we could +_8OUXmwSQV4-00755-00179984-00180143 feed into that and want to feed into +_8OUXmwSQV4-00756-00180144-00180271 that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00757-00180272-00180454 you know humanitarian action of course +_8OUXmwSQV4-00758-00180455-00180671 goes beyond situations of armed conflict +_8OUXmwSQV4-00759-00180672-00180863 but we definitely focus on that and we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00760-00180864-00181031 do think there there are some critical +_8OUXmwSQV4-00761-00181032-00181223 needs that are that are present in these +_8OUXmwSQV4-00762-00181224-00181366 kind of contexts and i think people have +_8OUXmwSQV4-00763-00181367-00181519 said that in the chat +_8OUXmwSQV4-00764-00181520-00181678 so for example one of the things we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00765-00181679-00181983 could really um try to look at is um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00766-00181984-00182302 kind of focusing on we're seeing an +_8OUXmwSQV4-00767-00182303-00182478 erosion of child rights and child +_8OUXmwSQV4-00768-00182479-00182654 protection in certain types of armed +_8OUXmwSQV4-00769-00182655-00182823 conflict so that children are less +_8OUXmwSQV4-00770-00182824-00183047 protected now +_8OUXmwSQV4-00771-00183048-00183247 despite all of our work so what are we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00772-00183248-00183399 doing and what can we do together from +_8OUXmwSQV4-00773-00183400-00183623 an advocacy perspective to really shore +_8OUXmwSQV4-00774-00183624-00183823 up child rights at the center child +_8OUXmwSQV4-00775-00183824-00183966 protection at the center in those +_8OUXmwSQV4-00776-00183967-00184199 situations of armed conflict +_8OUXmwSQV4-00777-00184200-00184423 these are child rights are of course our +_8OUXmwSQV4-00778-00184424-00184519 core +_8OUXmwSQV4-00779-00184520-00184695 and they're key to have robust +_8OUXmwSQV4-00780-00184696-00184854 prevention and response and so we'd like +_8OUXmwSQV4-00781-00184855-00185087 to really invigorate reinvigorate the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00782-00185088-00185287 dialogue on child rights being at the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00783-00185288-00185502 center of our interventions +_8OUXmwSQV4-00784-00185503-00185654 the second and i think this is said in +_8OUXmwSQV4-00785-00185655-00185895 the chat and also also faith you know i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00786-00185896-00186150 think i can speak for all of the task +_8OUXmwSQV4-00787-00186151-00186359 force members when i say this that the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00788-00186360-00186566 advocacy working group still unprotected +_8OUXmwSQV4-00789-00186567-00186838 report and its call for sustained +_8OUXmwSQV4-00790-00186839-00187102 funding sustainable interventions that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00791-00187103-00187295 span the humanitarian development nexus +_8OUXmwSQV4-00792-00187296-00187543 are key and we would really i think we +_8OUXmwSQV4-00793-00187544-00187735 have some opportunity where child +_8OUXmwSQV4-00794-00187736-00188038 reintegration does span that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00795-00188039-00188263 going from that acute emergency of a +_8OUXmwSQV4-00796-00188264-00188502 release of a child to being reintegrated +_8OUXmwSQV4-00797-00188503-00188663 into their family and supporting their +_8OUXmwSQV4-00798-00188664-00188878 economic uh well-being of them or their +_8OUXmwSQV4-00799-00188879-00189143 family this spans that network that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00800-00189144-00189238 nexus +_8OUXmwSQV4-00801-00189239-00189431 so we'd love to work together on how to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00802-00189432-00189687 use that report to support our members +_8OUXmwSQV4-00803-00189688-00189935 to increase funding for the work +_8OUXmwSQV4-00804-00189936-00190599 sandra what do you think +_8OUXmwSQV4-00805-00190600-00190895 thank you brigitte yes sorry +_8OUXmwSQV4-00806-00190896-00191175 these are great points i i totally agree +_8OUXmwSQV4-00807-00191176-00191343 and i think it's uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00808-00191344-00191623 also reflecting on what the participants +_8OUXmwSQV4-00809-00191624-00191799 think i think it's uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00810-00191800-00192063 it's great to see all those ideas +_8OUXmwSQV4-00811-00192064-00192335 thinking about our work plan i see also +_8OUXmwSQV4-00812-00192336-00192543 some points that that could be good +_8OUXmwSQV4-00813-00192544-00192799 areas for collaboration um thinking +_8OUXmwSQV4-00814-00192800-00193119 about the youth led advocacy guidance +_8OUXmwSQV4-00815-00193120-00193359 that i've been talking about earlier +_8OUXmwSQV4-00816-00193360-00193631 this is an obvious one but i'm thinking +_8OUXmwSQV4-00817-00193632-00193854 about watching uk who is going to work +_8OUXmwSQV4-00818-00193855-00194143 on this guidance and and i can see how +_8OUXmwSQV4-00819-00194144-00194247 with +_8OUXmwSQV4-00820-00194248-00194438 also the involvement of the other +_8OUXmwSQV4-00821-00194439-00194623 members of the task force +_8OUXmwSQV4-00822-00194624-00194871 we can benefit from the expertise +_8OUXmwSQV4-00823-00194872-00195126 of the advocacy working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00824-00195127-00195326 and see how they can feed into this +_8OUXmwSQV4-00825-00195327-00195638 document um and how we can do that so +_8OUXmwSQV4-00826-00195639-00195831 these are like um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00827-00195832-00196054 opportunities for us the other thing +_8OUXmwSQV4-00828-00196055-00196278 that i'm thinking of is +_8OUXmwSQV4-00829-00196279-00196447 from all the guidance that we are +_8OUXmwSQV4-00830-00196448-00196599 producing +_8OUXmwSQV4-00831-00196600-00196783 there are some key asks there are some +_8OUXmwSQV4-00832-00196784-00197031 key issues um that we would like to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00833-00197032-00197326 raise globally and i i think the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00834-00197327-00197559 advocacy working group can really can +_8OUXmwSQV4-00835-00197560-00197831 help us to amplify or work +_8OUXmwSQV4-00836-00197832-00198095 i'm thinking for example of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00837-00198096-00198343 the call for more gender sensitive +_8OUXmwSQV4-00838-00198344-00198478 programming +_8OUXmwSQV4-00839-00198479-00198735 um the this came out of the technical +_8OUXmwSQV4-00840-00198736-00198926 note on girls associated with law +_8OUXmwSQV4-00841-00198927-00199247 enforcement groups very strongly and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00842-00199248-00199431 that's something that we can really +_8OUXmwSQV4-00843-00199432-00199654 raise to a higher level with the help of +_8OUXmwSQV4-00844-00199655-00199943 the advocacy working group +_8OUXmwSQV4-00845-00199944-00200250 i'm thinking also about the issue of the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00846-00200251-00200526 securitization of cafe +_8OUXmwSQV4-00847-00200527-00200799 field in a way um how children +_8OUXmwSQV4-00848-00200800-00201038 associated with armed groups designated +_8OUXmwSQV4-00849-00201039-00201254 as terrorists are often seen as +_8OUXmwSQV4-00850-00201255-00201559 perpetrators instead of victims +_8OUXmwSQV4-00851-00201560-00201759 and that's another point for us to +_8OUXmwSQV4-00852-00201760-00202023 strongly advocate globally +_8OUXmwSQV4-00853-00202024-00202271 and where um again the advert the +_8OUXmwSQV4-00854-00202272-00202519 advocacy working group can can help us +_8OUXmwSQV4-00855-00202520-00202775 so these are some of the thoughts um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00856-00202776-00203087 but i'm sure the participants um +_8OUXmwSQV4-00857-00203088-00203383 this call i have more ideas +_8OUXmwSQV4-00858-00203384-00203678 thanks back to you audrey +_8OUXmwSQV4-00859-00203679-00203823 thank you and i'm sure as well +_8OUXmwSQV4-00860-00203824-00204126 participants have a lot of ideas when i +_8OUXmwSQV4-00861-00204127-00204350 look at the number of thumbs up and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00862-00204351-00204495 hearts +_8OUXmwSQV4-00863-00204496-00204775 throughout the session uh also as well +_8OUXmwSQV4-00864-00204776-00205103 some of the comments uh in the chat uh +_8OUXmwSQV4-00865-00205104-00205382 please public let us know thumbs up +_8OUXmwSQV4-00866-00205383-00205486 heart +_8OUXmwSQV4-00867-00205487-00205710 let us know how you feel all about that +_8OUXmwSQV4-00868-00205711-00205934 but i'm very impressed because you know +_8OUXmwSQV4-00869-00205935-00206142 on one side we have strong advocates and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00870-00206144-00206406 on the other side a group of very fine +_8OUXmwSQV4-00871-00206407-00206631 experts in the topic of children +_8OUXmwSQV4-00872-00206632-00206790 associated with armed force and armed +_8OUXmwSQV4-00873-00206791-00207478 group and +_8OUXmwSQV4-00874-00207479-00207823 [Music] +_8OUXmwSQV4-00875-00207823-00208032 you +_9oBI3tURn0-00000-00000008-00000206 in this week's news starship booster 7 +_9oBI3tURn0-00001-00000208-00000463 rolls out to the launch pad esl has been +_9oBI3tURn0-00002-00000463-00000703 testing and nasa still wants to share +_9oBI3tURn0-00003-00000704-00000991 seats with russia this is tomorrow space +_9oBI3tURn0-00004-00000992-00001060 news +_9oBI3tURn0-00005-00001061-00001311 [Music] +_9oBI3tURn0-00006-00001312-00001511 it's out with the olden in with the new +_9oBI3tURn0-00007-00001512-00001695 at starbase as raptor 1 vehicles are +_9oBI3tURn0-00008-00001696-00001942 being retired and the next generation is +_9oBI3tURn0-00009-00001943-00002159 starting to come online the start of +_9oBI3tURn0-00010-00002160-00002359 this process was the arrival of these +_9oBI3tURn0-00011-00002360-00002583 three new raptor 2 engines which are +_9oBI3tURn0-00012-00002584-00002783 massively trimmed down from their raptor +_9oBI3tURn0-00013-00002784-00003023 1 counterparts the next day everybody +_9oBI3tURn0-00014-00003024-00003183 was up bright and early for the rolling +_9oBI3tURn0-00015-00003184-00003422 out of booster 7 the first super heavy +_9oBI3tURn0-00016-00003423-00003654 booster to be compatible with raptor 2 +_9oBI3tURn0-00017-00003655-00003854 engines it currently doesn't have any +_9oBI3tURn0-00018-00003855-00004070 engines or any grid fins for that matter +_9oBI3tURn0-00019-00004071-00004286 but it is compatible with them which +_9oBI3tURn0-00020-00004287-00004543 booster 4 isn't following a very pretty +_9oBI3tURn0-00021-00004544-00004767 sunrise over the gulf of mexico the load +_9oBI3tURn0-00022-00004768-00004919 spreader attachment for the crane was +_9oBI3tURn0-00023-00004920-00005151 hooked up to booster 7 and the next day +_9oBI3tURn0-00024-00005152-00005438 it was lifted up by the spacex lr 11000 +_9oBI3tURn0-00025-00005439-00005647 crane and placed onto the orbital launch +_9oBI3tURn0-00026-00005648-00005822 mount i will be honest after seeing +_9oBI3tURn0-00027-00005823-00006031 booster 4 lifted and moved so many times +_9oBI3tURn0-00028-00006032-00006238 seeing a booster without engines is a +_9oBI3tURn0-00029-00006239-00006454 very strange size it kind of feels a bit +_9oBI3tURn0-00030-00006455-00006655 bare especially with the plumbing for +_9oBI3tURn0-00031-00006656-00006831 the engines just dangling under the +_9oBI3tURn0-00032-00006831-00007046 thrust puck once lifted onto the orbital +_9oBI3tURn0-00033-00007047-00007223 launch mount and the team had verified +_9oBI3tURn0-00034-00007223-00007446 that it was safe to do so spacex started +_9oBI3tURn0-00035-00007447-00007695 the booster's first cryogenic proof test +_9oBI3tURn0-00036-00007695-00007863 as you can see by the frost forming on +_9oBI3tURn0-00037-00007864-00008055 the booster all of the tanks were filled +_9oBI3tURn0-00038-00008056-00008255 up with the entirety of the top tank the +_9oBI3tURn0-00039-00008256-00008463 methane tank and the bottom tank the +_9oBI3tURn0-00040-00008464-00008710 oxygen tank turning white booster +_9oBI3tURn0-00041-00008711-00008895 eight's second after tank section has +_9oBI3tURn0-00042-00008896-00009095 been rolled into the high bay following +_9oBI3tURn0-00043-00009096-00009255 on from the other section we saw being +_9oBI3tURn0-00044-00009256-00009439 rolled in during the rollout roll in +_9oBI3tURn0-00045-00009440-00009639 roll out rolling shenanigans of booster +_9oBI3tURn0-00046-00009640-00009910 7 last week booster 8's common dome has +_9oBI3tURn0-00047-00009911-00010103 also been lifted onto the second aft +_9oBI3tURn0-00048-00010104-00010278 section producing the beginnings of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00049-00010279-00010503 liquid oxygen tank the wide bay is +_9oBI3tURn0-00050-00010504-00010695 nearing completion with the final beams +_9oBI3tURn0-00051-00010696-00010846 at the top of the building being lifted +_9oBI3tURn0-00052-00010847-00011063 into place over the past week as well as +_9oBI3tURn0-00053-00011064-00011287 the start of a very important addition +_9oBI3tURn0-00054-00011288-00011471 the bridge crane girders have started to +_9oBI3tURn0-00055-00011472-00011646 be lifted into place which is very +_9oBI3tURn0-00056-00011647-00011831 important for a rocket factory as you +_9oBI3tURn0-00057-00011832-00011967 need to be able to lift your rocket +_9oBI3tURn0-00058-00011968-00012142 parts when the high bay was first +_9oBI3tURn0-00059-00012143-00012310 constructed spacex didn't have a +_9oBI3tURn0-00060-00012311-00012487 specialized crane in the building so +_9oBI3tURn0-00061-00012488-00012623 they had to use a normal crane that +_9oBI3tURn0-00062-00012624-00012855 reached in through the roof a total of +_9oBI3tURn0-00063-00012856-00013055 five girders have been seen being lifted +_9oBI3tURn0-00064-00013056-00013271 in so far and finally this week at +_9oBI3tURn0-00065-00013272-00013447 starbase two of the new design domes +_9oBI3tURn0-00066-00013447-00013583 have been delivered to the production +_9oBI3tURn0-00067-00013584-00013815 site at starbase the government of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00068-00013816-00013966 philippines has announced that they will +_9oBI3tURn0-00069-00013968-00014191 be the first country in south east asia +_9oBI3tURn0-00070-00014191-00014399 to have access to the starring network +_9oBI3tURn0-00071-00014400-00014615 according to trade secretary ramon lopez +_9oBI3tURn0-00072-00014616-00014783 stanley will complement the philippines +_9oBI3tURn0-00073-00014784-00014958 current infrastructure allowing an +_9oBI3tURn0-00074-00014959-00015158 increase in the average internet speed +_9oBI3tURn0-00075-00015159-00015375 across the country cyan is aiming to +_9oBI3tURn0-00076-00015376-00015583 deploy three gateways in the country in +_9oBI3tURn0-00077-00015584-00015758 the initial phase of the roll act to +_9oBI3tURn0-00078-00015759-00015903 target the areas where internet +_9oBI3tURn0-00079-00015904-00016119 connectivity has been difficult or just +_9oBI3tURn0-00080-00016119-00016311 impossible spacex are also currently +_9oBI3tURn0-00081-00016312-00016519 setting up a filipino subsidiary similar +_9oBI3tURn0-00082-00016520-00016775 to the subsidiary they own in india +_9oBI3tURn0-00083-00016776-00016943 originally scheduled for april 3rd the +_9oBI3tURn0-00084-00016944-00017103 web direct rehearsal for the space +_9oBI3tURn0-00085-00017104-00017303 launch system was pushed back by a day +_9oBI3tURn0-00086-00017304-00017494 due to pressurization issues in the +_9oBI3tURn0-00087-00017495-00017711 mobile launch platform due to the fact +_9oBI3tURn0-00088-00017712-00017886 that the countdown net is not available +_9oBI3tURn0-00089-00017887-00018119 to the public all our updates are coming +_9oBI3tURn0-00090-00018120-00018343 via the nasa exploration ground systems +_9oBI3tURn0-00091-00018344-00018503 twitter account which initially +_9oBI3tURn0-00092-00018504-00018767 announced at 1508 utc on april 3rd that +_9oBI3tURn0-00093-00018768-00018958 there was an issue with the primary and +_9oBI3tURn0-00094-00018959-00019143 the redundancy supply fans for the +_9oBI3tURn0-00095-00019144-00019350 mobile launcher pressurization this was +_9oBI3tURn0-00096-00019351-00019519 followed by another tweet just under two +_9oBI3tURn0-00097-00019520-00019686 hours later which confirmed that the +_9oBI3tURn0-00098-00019687-00019855 dress rehearsal was scrubbed for that +_9oBI3tURn0-00099-00019856-00020030 day and that a second attempt would +_9oBI3tURn0-00100-00020031-00020294 commence approximately 24 hours later +_9oBI3tURn0-00101-00020295-00020494 sadly however that attempt was also +_9oBI3tURn0-00102-00020495-00020694 halted by a glitch the team was unable +_9oBI3tURn0-00103-00020695-00020863 to open a necessary vent valve on the +_9oBI3tURn0-00104-00020864-00021047 mobile launcher just before the loading +_9oBI3tURn0-00105-00021048-00021271 of hydrogen was about to commence that +_9oBI3tURn0-00106-00021272-00021422 meant that the next attempt was moved to +_9oBI3tURn0-00107-00021423-00021622 the release date of this video april 5th +_9oBI3tURn0-00108-00021623-00021783 and at the time of writing that's the +_9oBI3tURn0-00109-00021784-00021991 latest we've heard these delays may seem +_9oBI3tURn0-00110-00021992-00022199 annoying now but it's very normal and +_9oBI3tURn0-00111-00022200-00022391 very expected catching all the hiccups +_9oBI3tURn0-00112-00022392-00022558 now means that come launch day in the +_9oBI3tURn0-00113-00022559-00022767 summer the countdown can be as flawless +_9oBI3tURn0-00114-00022768-00022943 as possible the three lightning +_9oBI3tURn0-00115-00022944-00023111 protection towers also got to show off +_9oBI3tURn0-00116-00023112-00023255 their skills on the second of april as +_9oBI3tURn0-00117-00023256-00023447 the strongest lightning strike that the +_9oBI3tURn0-00118-00023448-00023655 nasa ground systems team has ever seen +_9oBI3tURn0-00119-00023656-00023886 on this equipment hit from the footage +_9oBI3tURn0-00120-00023887-00024014 it looks like the strike was on the +_9oBI3tURn0-00121-00024015-00024207 service tower on the mobile launcher +_9oBI3tURn0-00122-00024208-00024358 however the strike was actually on one +_9oBI3tURn0-00123-00024359-00024575 of the catenary wires behind the tower +_9oBI3tURn0-00124-00024576-00024750 the artemis accords has also just +_9oBI3tURn0-00125-00024751-00024950 received its 18th member and the third +_9oBI3tURn0-00126-00024951-00025142 from asia which is singapore following +_9oBI3tURn0-00127-00025143-00025367 japan and south korea this move is more +_9oBI3tURn0-00128-00025368-00025527 of a diplomatic move as there have been +_9oBI3tURn0-00129-00025528-00025711 no hardware agreements announced however +_9oBI3tURn0-00130-00025712-00025950 it is very exciting to see so many +_9oBI3tURn0-00131-00025951-00026102 different nations signing onto the +_9oBI3tURn0-00132-00026104-00026255 agreement to ensure that the future of +_9oBI3tURn0-00133-00026256-00026479 space exploration is peaceful and for +_9oBI3tURn0-00134-00026480-00026718 the better of humanity nasa is still +_9oBI3tURn0-00135-00026719-00026902 interested in the deal with russia which +_9oBI3tURn0-00136-00026904-00027070 would see russian cosmonauts flying on +_9oBI3tURn0-00137-00027072-00027231 commercial vehicles and american +_9oBI3tURn0-00138-00027232-00027502 astronauts flying on soyuz anakin is +_9oBI3tURn0-00139-00027504-00027670 currently scheduled to fly on crew +_9oBI3tURn0-00140-00027672-00027943 dragon as mission specialist 2 on crew 5 +_9oBI3tURn0-00141-00027944-00028127 and frank rubio is currently rumored to +_9oBI3tURn0-00142-00028127-00028455 be flying on ms-22 however cathy ludas +_9oBI3tURn0-00143-00028456-00028639 the associate administrator for space +_9oBI3tURn0-00144-00028639-00028807 operations at nasa has said that the +_9oBI3tURn0-00145-00028808-00029031 paperwork still needs to be completed by +_9oBI3tURn0-00146-00029032-00029262 russia quickly if not they won't have +_9oBI3tURn0-00147-00029263-00029455 enough time to train kikena to fight on +_9oBI3tURn0-00148-00029456-00029623 dragon and the spacesuits may not be +_9oBI3tURn0-00149-00029624-00029767 able to be built in the time frame +_9oBI3tURn0-00150-00029768-00029943 available as everything about a +_9oBI3tURn0-00151-00029944-00030174 spacesuit is custom fit to every single +_9oBI3tURn0-00152-00030175-00030287 astronaut +_9oBI3tURn0-00153-00030288-00030470 agreements like this are important and +_9oBI3tURn0-00154-00030472-00030655 it is in the interest of both united +_9oBI3tURn0-00155-00030656-00030887 states and russia to have at least one +_9oBI3tURn0-00156-00030888-00031055 person on the international space +_9oBI3tURn0-00157-00031056-00031231 station from their respective nations in +_9oBI3tURn0-00158-00031232-00031407 the event that either soyuz in russia's +_9oBI3tURn0-00159-00031408-00031574 case or the commercial vehicles in the +_9oBI3tURn0-00160-00031575-00031839 us's case would not be able to operate +_9oBI3tURn0-00161-00031839-00031974 even though what russia is doing in +_9oBI3tURn0-00162-00031975-00032151 ukraine is horrific and completely +_9oBI3tURn0-00163-00032152-00032367 unjustified space is the one place where +_9oBI3tURn0-00164-00032368-00032583 there are no borders and especially on +_9oBI3tURn0-00165-00032583-00032862 the iss everyone needs to work together +_9oBI3tURn0-00166-00032863-00033135 to keep the orbiting laboratory orbiting +_9oBI3tURn0-00167-00033136-00033302 the white house has requested nasa's +_9oBI3tURn0-00168-00033303-00033518 fiscal year 2023 budget with them +_9oBI3tURn0-00169-00033519-00033774 seeking approximately 26 billion dollars +_9oBI3tURn0-00170-00033775-00034031 for next year that's an increase of 1.9 +_9oBI3tURn0-00171-00034032-00034183 billion from the enacted budget for +_9oBI3tURn0-00172-00034184-00034471 fiscal year 2022 with proposed increases +_9oBI3tURn0-00173-00034472-00034631 across the board apart from four +_9oBI3tURn0-00174-00034632-00034799 specific categories two of which are +_9oBI3tURn0-00175-00034800-00034983 science related and the other two which +_9oBI3tURn0-00176-00034984-00035223 are exploration related the space launch +_9oBI3tURn0-00177-00035224-00035439 system and orion are losing 20 million +_9oBI3tURn0-00178-00035440-00035695 dollars and 68 million respectively +_9oBI3tURn0-00179-00035696-00035855 although that can come down to the fact +_9oBI3tURn0-00180-00035856-00036030 that both are expected to have phone at +_9oBI3tURn0-00181-00036031-00036215 least once when the final version of +_9oBI3tURn0-00182-00036216-00036430 this proposal is enacted with no more +_9oBI3tURn0-00183-00036431-00036623 need to develop orion and block one of +_9oBI3tURn0-00184-00036624-00036839 sls the development fund significantly +_9oBI3tURn0-00185-00036840-00036983 reduced and instead nasa will be +_9oBI3tURn0-00186-00036984-00037151 focusing on the operations of the rocket +_9oBI3tURn0-00187-00037152-00037415 and the improvements for block 1b this +_9oBI3tURn0-00188-00037416-00037662 also came with a 159 million dollar +_9oBI3tURn0-00189-00037663-00037839 increase for exploration ground systems +_9oBI3tURn0-00190-00037840-00037974 which covers the ground service +_9oBI3tURn0-00191-00037975-00038246 equipment or gse both astrophysics and +_9oBI3tURn0-00192-00038247-00038471 heliophysics have also lost funding with +_9oBI3tURn0-00193-00038472-00038671 a decrease of 12.9 million for the +_9oBI3tURn0-00194-00038672-00038974 former and 17.7 million for the latter +_9oBI3tURn0-00195-00038975-00039135 the biggest increase in funding is for +_9oBI3tURn0-00196-00039136-00039430 space technology which has a 30.7 +_9oBI3tURn0-00197-00039431-00039767 increase over the 2022 budget up to 1.4 +_9oBI3tURn0-00198-00039768-00039990 billion that contains 30 million which +_9oBI3tURn0-00199-00039991-00040199 will go towards orbital debris research +_9oBI3tURn0-00200-00040200-00040367 such as the chinese booster which +_9oBI3tURn0-00201-00040368-00040574 crashed into the moon europa clippers +_9oBI3tURn0-00202-00040575-00040767 cost overrun has also been confirmed +_9oBI3tURn0-00203-00040768-00041007 with 703 million dollars being added to +_9oBI3tURn0-00204-00041008-00041215 the cost of that mission europa clipper +_9oBI3tURn0-00205-00041216-00041462 will be launching in 2024 but we've had +_9oBI3tURn0-00206-00041463-00041639 a few launches over the past week so +_9oBI3tURn0-00207-00041640-00041815 let's take a look in space traffic +_9oBI3tURn0-00208-00041816-00042007 firstly let's head up to low earth orbit +_9oBI3tURn0-00209-00042008-00042207 where the tayan zhou ii cargo resupply +_9oBI3tURn0-00210-00042208-00042374 mission undocked from the tayana core +_9oBI3tURn0-00211-00042375-00042543 module forward port of the taiangong +_9oBI3tURn0-00212-00042544-00042862 three space station and 0759 utc on the +_9oBI3tURn0-00213-00042863-00043102 27th of march its orbit decayed over the +_9oBI3tURn0-00214-00043103-00043255 next four days before the end of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00215-00043256-00043479 mission was declared at 1040 coordinated +_9oBI3tURn0-00216-00043480-00043743 universal time on march 31st if you're +_9oBI3tURn0-00217-00043744-00043879 asking why i didn't cover this in last +_9oBI3tURn0-00218-00043880-00044046 week's episode it's because i didn't +_9oBI3tURn0-00219-00044047-00044302 know it had happened march 30th at o2 +_9oBI3tURn0-00220-00044303-00044543 29etc saw a long march 11 launch with +_9oBI3tURn0-00221-00044544-00044830 taeyang ping 2 a b and c inside the +_9oBI3tURn0-00222-00044831-00044983 payload fairing from the jiguan +_9oBI3tURn0-00223-00044984-00045167 satellite launch center in china +_9oBI3tURn0-00224-00045168-00045351 according to the china aerospace science +_9oBI3tURn0-00225-00045352-00045583 and technology corporation or sask the +_9oBI3tURn0-00226-00045584-00045807 mission was a success just a few hours +_9oBI3tURn0-00227-00045808-00046199 later at 0721 utc soyuz ms-19 departed +_9oBI3tURn0-00228-00046200-00046390 the nadir docking port on the rassvet +_9oBI3tURn0-00229-00046391-00046615 module and headed back to earth landing +_9oBI3tURn0-00230-00046616-00046902 back on earth 147 kilometers southeast +_9oBI3tURn0-00231-00046903-00047127 of the city of zhezkazgan in kazakhstan +_9oBI3tURn0-00232-00047128-00047351 at 11 28 the same day the end of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00233-00047352-00047486 mission marked the stopping of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00234-00047487-00047655 stopwatch on mark vanderheist's +_9oBI3tURn0-00235-00047656-00047846 record-breaking spaceflight duration +_9oBI3tURn0-00236-00047847-00047955 spending +_9oBI3tURn0-00237-00047956-00048267 355 days in space breaking scott kelly's +_9oBI3tURn0-00238-00048268-00048511 340-day record to become the american +_9oBI3tURn0-00239-00048512-00048718 with the longest single spaceflight +_9oBI3tURn0-00240-00048719-00048927 commander anton shkaplerov was the first +_9oBI3tURn0-00241-00048928-00049062 to emerge from the capsule being +_9oBI3tURn0-00242-00049063-00049271 followed by fellow russian piotr dubrov +_9oBI3tURn0-00243-00049272-00049574 who also spent 355 days in space but +_9oBI3tURn0-00244-00049575-00049855 they didn't break the 437 day russian +_9oBI3tURn0-00245-00049856-00050046 record which is currently held by +_9oBI3tURn0-00246-00050047-00050246 valerie polyakov if you saw the april +_9oBI3tURn0-00247-00050247-00050399 fool's news show you'll know that on +_9oBI3tURn0-00248-00050400-00050735 april 1st at 1624 utc transporter 4 +_9oBI3tURn0-00249-00050736-00050935 lifted off from slick 40 at the cape +_9oBI3tURn0-00250-00050936-00051158 canaveral space fall station in florida +_9oBI3tURn0-00251-00051159-00051319 it didn't actually get stuck in the dome +_9oBI3tURn0-00252-00051320-00051454 of the frat earth instead it +_9oBI3tURn0-00253-00051455-00051599 successfully deployed all of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00254-00051600-00051846 rideshare payloads with b1061 landing +_9oBI3tURn0-00255-00051847-00052030 for the seventh time on the drone ship +_9oBI3tURn0-00256-00052032-00052235 just read the instructions approximately +_9oBI3tURn0-00257-00052236-00052550 532 kilometers down range supporting +_9oBI3tURn0-00258-00052551-00052766 jrti was support ship bob which +_9oBI3tURn0-00259-00052767-00052919 recovered the brand new fairings seen +_9oBI3tURn0-00260-00052920-00053182 here returning to port canaveral b1061 +_9oBI3tURn0-00261-00053183-00053430 has also returned to port canaveral the +_9oBI3tURn0-00262-00053432-00053607 final launch to cover is rocket labs +_9oBI3tURn0-00263-00053608-00053791 second of the year and the silver launch +_9oBI3tURn0-00264-00053791-00053999 of the electron rocket commencing at 12 +_9oBI3tURn0-00265-00054000-00054287 41 utc on april 2nd or nearly 2 o'clock +_9oBI3tURn0-00266-00054288-00054479 in the morning local time on april 3rd +_9oBI3tURn0-00267-00054479-00054654 at launch complex 1a on the mejia +_9oBI3tURn0-00268-00054655-00054871 peninsula on board with two black sky +_9oBI3tURn0-00269-00054872-00055142 satellites with a combined mass of 120 +_9oBI3tURn0-00270-00055144-00055319 kilos +_9oBI3tURn0-00271-00055320-00055582 coming up this week we have sj6 group 6 +_9oBI3tURn0-00272-00055583-00055879 all along march 4b lotus s1 on a soyuz +_9oBI3tURn0-00273-00055879-00057215 and ax1 on a falcon 9. +_9oBI3tURn0-00274-00057216-00057366 if you think that this content is worth +_9oBI3tURn0-00275-00057367-00057535 contributing financially for then +_9oBI3tURn0-00276-00057536-00057726 consider joining the wonderful people on +_9oBI3tURn0-00277-00057727-00057911 your screen now the escape velocity +_9oBI3tURn0-00278-00057912-00058087 orbital suborbital angle around support +_9oBI3tURn0-00279-00058088-00058303 citizens all receive various perks such +_9oBI3tURn0-00280-00058304-00058471 as seeing space new scripts as they're +_9oBI3tURn0-00281-00058472-00058671 being written and access to the pre and +_9oBI3tURn0-00282-00058672-00058919 post show tomorrow live broadcasts if +_9oBI3tURn0-00283-00058920-00059063 those perks sound like something you're +_9oBI3tURn0-00284-00059064-00059207 interested in head to youtube.com +_9oBI3tURn0-00285-00059208-00059391 forward slash tmro forwards let's join +_9oBI3tURn0-00286-00059391-00059599 or just hit the join button below if +_9oBI3tURn0-00287-00059600-00059719 you're new around here and you want to +_9oBI3tURn0-00288-00059720-00059854 join the club then hitting that +_9oBI3tURn0-00289-00059855-00060038 subscribe button making sure it's no +_9oBI3tURn0-00290-00060039-00060230 longer red and hitting like on all our +_9oBI3tURn0-00291-00060232-00060430 videos does a lot in the eyes of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00292-00060432-00060638 almighty youtube algorithm if you +_9oBI3tURn0-00293-00060639-00060830 haven't heard yet i'm running a gofundme +_9oBI3tURn0-00294-00060832-00060999 campaign to try and raise the funds to +_9oBI3tURn0-00295-00061000-00061191 fly out to cape canaveral in august to +_9oBI3tURn0-00296-00061191-00061382 report on the launch of psyche the first +_9oBI3tURn0-00297-00061383-00061599 mission to the only known metal asteroid +_9oBI3tURn0-00298-00061600-00061806 in the solar system at a time of writing +_9oBI3tURn0-00299-00061807-00061966 nearly half the funds have already been +_9oBI3tURn0-00300-00061967-00062103 raised so if you want to help out with +_9oBI3tURn0-00301-00062104-00062303 that the link is at the top line of the +_9oBI3tURn0-00302-00062304-00062479 description for now thank you very much +_9oBI3tURn0-00303-00062479-00063335 for watching and goodbye +_9oBI3tURn0-00304-00063336-00063544 you +_useGq2j-X0-00000-00000053-00000295 corporal punishment or physical +_useGq2j-X0-00001-00000296-00000534 punishment as a punishment intended to +_useGq2j-X0-00002-00000535-00000850 cause physical pain on a person it is +_useGq2j-X0-00003-00000851-00001069 most often practiced on minors +_useGq2j-X0-00004-00001070-00001374 especially in home and school settings +_useGq2j-X0-00005-00001375-00001666 common methods include spanking or +_useGq2j-X0-00006-00001667-00001963 paddling it has also historically been +_useGq2j-X0-00007-00001964-00002257 used on adults particularly on prisoners +_useGq2j-X0-00008-00002258-00002605 and enslaved people other common methods +_useGq2j-X0-00009-00002606-00002912 include flagellation and caning +_useGq2j-X0-00010-00002913-00003155 official punishment for crime by +_useGq2j-X0-00011-00003156-00003388 inflicting pain or injury including +_useGq2j-X0-00012-00003389-00003665 flogging branding and even mutilation +_useGq2j-X0-00013-00003665-00003868 was practiced in most civilizations +_useGq2j-X0-00014-00003869-00004279 since ancient times however with the +_useGq2j-X0-00015-00004280-00004553 growth of humanitarian ideals since the +_useGq2j-X0-00016-00004554-00004760 Enlightenment such punishments were +_useGq2j-X0-00017-00004761-00005084 increasingly viewed as inhumane by the +_useGq2j-X0-00018-00005085-00005378 late 20th century corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00019-00005379-00005579 had been eliminated from the legal +_useGq2j-X0-00020-00005580-00005843 systems of most developed countries the +_useGq2j-X0-00021-00005844-00006149 legality in the 21st century of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00022-00006150-00006392 punishment in various settings differs +_useGq2j-X0-00023-00006393-00006752 by jurisdiction internationally the late +_useGq2j-X0-00024-00006753-00007120 20th century and early 21st century saw +_useGq2j-X0-00025-00007122-00007342 the application of human rights law to +_useGq2j-X0-00026-00007343-00007603 the question of corporal punishment in a +_useGq2j-X0-00027-00007604-00007978 number of contexts corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00028-00007979-00008206 in the home punishment of children or +_useGq2j-X0-00029-00008207-00008446 teenagers by parents or other adult +_useGq2j-X0-00030-00008447-00008764 guardians is legal in most of the world +_useGq2j-X0-00031-00008765-00009103 58 countries most of them in Europe and +_useGq2j-X0-00032-00009104-00009328 Latin America have banned the practice +_useGq2j-X0-00033-00009329-00009778 as of 2018 school corporal punishment of +_useGq2j-X0-00034-00009779-00009983 students by teachers or school +_useGq2j-X0-00035-00009984-00010220 administrators has been banned in many +_useGq2j-X0-00036-00010221-00010526 countries including Canada Kenya South +_useGq2j-X0-00037-00010527-00010883 Africa New Zealand and all of Europe it +_useGq2j-X0-00038-00010884-00011134 remains legal if increasingly less +_useGq2j-X0-00039-00011135-00011374 common in some states of the United +_useGq2j-X0-00040-00011375-00011759 States judicial corporal punishment as +_useGq2j-X0-00041-00011760-00011995 part of a criminal sentence ordered by a +_useGq2j-X0-00042-00011996-00012241 court of law has long disappeared from +_useGq2j-X0-00043-00012242-00012584 European countries however as of +_useGq2j-X0-00044-00012585-00012949 November 2017 it remains lawful in parts +_useGq2j-X0-00045-00012950-00013205 of Africa Asia the Anglophone Caribbean +_useGq2j-X0-00046-00013206-00013480 and indigenous communities of Ecuador +_useGq2j-X0-00047-00013481-00013844 and Colombia closely related is prison +_useGq2j-X0-00048-00013844-00014054 corporal punishment or disciplinary +_useGq2j-X0-00049-00014055-00014321 corporal punishment ordered by prison +_useGq2j-X0-00050-00014322-00014561 authorities are carried out directly by +_useGq2j-X0-00051-00014562-00014885 staff corporal punishment is also +_useGq2j-X0-00052-00014886-00015128 allowed in some military settings in a +_useGq2j-X0-00053-00015129-00015410 few jurisdictions other uses of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00054-00015411-00015671 punishment have existed for instance as +_useGq2j-X0-00055-00015672-00015908 once practiced on apprentices by their +_useGq2j-X0-00056-00015909-00016244 masters in many Western countries +_useGq2j-X0-00057-00016244-00016496 medical and human rights organizations +_useGq2j-X0-00058-00016497-00016804 oppose corporal punishment of children +_useGq2j-X0-00059-00016805-00017090 campaigns against corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00060-00017091-00017315 have aimed to bring about legal reform +_useGq2j-X0-00061-00017316-00017503 to ban the use of corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00062-00017504-00018315 against minors in homes and schools +_useGq2j-X0-00063-00018316-00019167 topic history +_useGq2j-X0-00064-00019168-00019694 topic prehistory +_useGq2j-X0-00065-00019695-00019940 author Jared Diamond writes that +_useGq2j-X0-00066-00019941-00020180 hunter-gatherer societies have tended to +_useGq2j-X0-00067-00020181-00020432 use little corporal punishment whereas +_useGq2j-X0-00068-00020433-00020702 agricultural and industrial societies +_useGq2j-X0-00069-00020703-00020962 tend to use progressively more of it +_useGq2j-X0-00070-00020963-00021257 Diamond suggests this may be because +_useGq2j-X0-00071-00021258-00021458 hunter-gatherers tend to have few +_useGq2j-X0-00072-00021459-00021680 valuable physical possessions and +_useGq2j-X0-00073-00021681-00021926 misbehavior of the child would not cause +_useGq2j-X0-00074-00021927-00022175 harm to others property researchers +_useGq2j-X0-00075-00022176-00022439 living among the pericana and Jew hone +_useGq2j-X0-00076-00022440-00022658 ski people as well as among some +_useGq2j-X0-00077-00022659-00022900 Aboriginal Australians have written of +_useGq2j-X0-00078-00022901-00023129 the absence of physical punishment of +_useGq2j-X0-00079-00023130-00023478 children in those cultures Wilson writes +_useGq2j-X0-00080-00023479-00023780 probably the only generalization that +_useGq2j-X0-00081-00023781-00023969 can be made about the use of physical +_useGq2j-X0-00082-00023970-00024224 punishment among primitive tribes as +_useGq2j-X0-00083-00024225-00024565 that there was no common procedure +_useGq2j-X0-00084-00024566-00024801 Pettit concludes that among primitive +_useGq2j-X0-00085-00024802-00025084 societies corporal punishment as rare +_useGq2j-X0-00086-00025085-00025309 not because of the innate kind leanness +_useGq2j-X0-00087-00025310-00025489 of these people but because it is +_useGq2j-X0-00088-00025490-00025695 contrary to developing the type of +_useGq2j-X0-00089-00025697-00025963 individual personality they set up as +_useGq2j-X0-00090-00025964-00026164 their ideal +_useGq2j-X0-00091-00026166-00026435 an important point to be made here is +_useGq2j-X0-00092-00026436-00026648 that we cannot state that physical +_useGq2j-X0-00093-00026649-00026852 punishment as a motivational or +_useGq2j-X0-00094-00026852-00027581 corrective device as innate to man +_useGq2j-X0-00095-00027582-00028090 topic antiquity +_useGq2j-X0-00096-00028091-00028348 corporal punishment of children has +_useGq2j-X0-00097-00028349-00028573 traditionally been used in the Western +_useGq2j-X0-00098-00028574-00028855 world by adults in authority roles +_useGq2j-X0-00099-00028856-00029155 beating one's child as a punishment was +_useGq2j-X0-00100-00029156-00029401 recommended as early as the C 10th +_useGq2j-X0-00101-00029402-00029695 century BC book of Proverbs attributed +_useGq2j-X0-00102-00029696-00030035 to Solomon he that spareth the rod +_useGq2j-X0-00103-00030036-00030289 hateth his son but he that loveth him +_useGq2j-X0-00104-00030290-00030885 chasin of him bedtimes proverbs 13:24 +_useGq2j-X0-00105-00030886-00031158 a fools lips enter into contention and +_useGq2j-X0-00106-00031158-00031430 his mouth calleth for strokes proverbs +_useGq2j-X0-00107-00031431-00031908 18 6 chasten thy son while there is hope +_useGq2j-X0-00108-00031908-00032133 and let not thy soul spare for his +_useGq2j-X0-00109-00032133-00032618 crying proverbs 19 18 judgments are +_useGq2j-X0-00110-00032619-00032864 prepared force corners and stripes for +_useGq2j-X0-00111-00032865-00033295 the backs of fools proverbs 19 29 +_useGq2j-X0-00112-00033296-00033558 foolishness is bound in the heart of a +_useGq2j-X0-00113-00033559-00033792 child but the rod of Correction shall +_useGq2j-X0-00114-00033793-00033917 drive it from him +_useGq2j-X0-00115-00033918-00034355 proverbs 22:15 withhold not correction +_useGq2j-X0-00116-00034356-00034629 from the child for if thou beatest him +_useGq2j-X0-00117-00034630-00034874 with the rod thou shalt deliver his soul +_useGq2j-X0-00118-00034875-00034955 from hell +_useGq2j-X0-00119-00034956-00035505 proverbs 23:13 2:14 a whip for a horse a +_useGq2j-X0-00120-00035506-00035768 bridle for an ass and a rod for a fool's +_useGq2j-X0-00121-00035769-00036336 back proverbs 29:15 Robert McCall Wilson +_useGq2j-X0-00122-00036337-00036677 argues probably this attitude comes at +_useGq2j-X0-00123-00036678-00036954 least in part from the desire in the +_useGq2j-X0-00124-00036955-00037242 patriarchal society for the elder to +_useGq2j-X0-00125-00037243-00037464 maintain his Authority where that +_useGq2j-X0-00126-00037465-00037743 authority was the main agent for social +_useGq2j-X0-00127-00037744-00038049 stability but these are the words that +_useGq2j-X0-00128-00038050-00038330 not only justified the use of physical +_useGq2j-X0-00129-00038331-00038601 punishment on children for over a +_useGq2j-X0-00130-00038602-00038823 thousand years in Christian communities +_useGq2j-X0-00131-00038824-00039236 but ordered it to be used the words were +_useGq2j-X0-00132-00039237-00039536 accepted with but few exceptions it is +_useGq2j-X0-00133-00039537-00039827 only in the last 200 years that there +_useGq2j-X0-00134-00039828-00040092 has been a growing body of opinion that +_useGq2j-X0-00135-00040093-00040451 deferred curiously the gentleness of +_useGq2j-X0-00136-00040452-00040776 Christ towards children mark X was +_useGq2j-X0-00137-00040777-00041077 usually ignored +_useGq2j-X0-00138-00041078-00041374 corporal punishment was used in Egypt +_useGq2j-X0-00139-00041375-00041692 China Greece and Rome for both judicial +_useGq2j-X0-00140-00041693-00042016 and educational discipline disfigured +_useGq2j-X0-00141-00042017-00042262 Egyptian criminals were exiled to the +_useGq2j-X0-00142-00042263-00042529 Sinai border at jarroo and reinecker era +_useGq2j-X0-00143-00042530-00042940 whose own name meant cut off noses China +_useGq2j-X0-00144-00042941-00043180 also disfigured some criminals and +_useGq2j-X0-00145-00043181-00043459 tattooed others some states gained a +_useGq2j-X0-00146-00043460-00043720 reputation for using such punishments +_useGq2j-X0-00147-00043721-00044023 cruelly Sparta in particular used them +_useGq2j-X0-00148-00044024-00044227 as part of a disciplinary regime +_useGq2j-X0-00149-00044228-00044479 designed to build willpower and physical +_useGq2j-X0-00150-00044480-00044779 strength although the Spartan example +_useGq2j-X0-00151-00044780-00045007 was extreme corporal punishment was +_useGq2j-X0-00152-00045008-00045244 possibly the most frequent type of +_useGq2j-X0-00153-00045245-00045556 punishment in the Roman Empire the +_useGq2j-X0-00154-00045557-00045793 maximum penalty that a Roman citizen +_useGq2j-X0-00155-00045794-00046042 could receive under the law was 40 +_useGq2j-X0-00156-00046043-00046543 lashes or strokes with a whip applied to +_useGq2j-X0-00157-00046544-00046740 the back and shoulders or with the +_useGq2j-X0-00158-00046741-00047101 fasces similar to a birch rod but +_useGq2j-X0-00159-00047102-00047347 consisting of 8 to 10 lengths of willow +_useGq2j-X0-00160-00047348-00047548 rather than birch applied to the +_useGq2j-X0-00161-00047549-00047845 buttocks such punishments could draw +_useGq2j-X0-00162-00047846-00048082 blood and were frequently inflicted in +_useGq2j-X0-00163-00048083-00048709 public Quintilian c35 c100 voiced some +_useGq2j-X0-00164-00048710-00048919 opposition to the use of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00165-00048920-00049243 punishment according to robert McCole +_useGq2j-X0-00166-00049244-00049596 wilson probably no more lucid indictment +_useGq2j-X0-00167-00049597-00049824 of it has been made in the succeeding +_useGq2j-X0-00168-00049825-00050144 2000 years +_useGq2j-X0-00169-00050145-00050408 by that boys should suffer corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00170-00050409-00050615 punishment though it is received by +_useGq2j-X0-00171-00050616-00050900 custom and Crispus makes no objection to +_useGq2j-X0-00172-00050901-00051191 it I by no means approved first because +_useGq2j-X0-00173-00051192-00051437 it is a disgrace and a punishment fit +_useGq2j-X0-00174-00051438-00051689 for slaves and in reality as will be +_useGq2j-X0-00175-00051690-00051911 evident if you imagine the age change +_useGq2j-X0-00176-00051912-00052190 and affront secondly because if a boys +_useGq2j-X0-00177-00052191-00052472 disposition be so abject as not to be +_useGq2j-X0-00178-00052473-00052709 amended by reproof he will be hardened +_useGq2j-X0-00179-00052710-00052970 like the worst of slaves even to stripes +_useGq2j-X0-00180-00052971-00053246 and lastly because if one who regularly +_useGq2j-X0-00181-00053247-00053525 exacts his tasks be with him there will +_useGq2j-X0-00182-00053526-00053741 not be the need of any chastisement +_useGq2j-X0-00183-00053741-00054125 Quintilian institutes of oratory 1856 +_useGq2j-X0-00184-00054126-00054409 Edition I three +_useGq2j-X0-00185-00054410-00054695 plutarch also in the first century +_useGq2j-X0-00186-00054696-00055094 writes this also I assert that children +_useGq2j-X0-00187-00055095-00055319 ought to be led to honourable practices +_useGq2j-X0-00188-00055320-00055559 by means of encouragement and reasoning +_useGq2j-X0-00189-00055560-00055823 and most certainly not by blows or ill +_useGq2j-X0-00190-00055824-00056063 treatment for it surely has agreed that +_useGq2j-X0-00191-00056064-00056285 these are fitting rather for slaves than +_useGq2j-X0-00192-00056286-00056525 for the Freeborn for so they grow numb +_useGq2j-X0-00193-00056526-00056767 and shudder at their tasks partly from +_useGq2j-X0-00194-00056769-00056972 the pain of the blows partly from the +_useGq2j-X0-00195-00056973-00057555 degradation +_useGq2j-X0-00196-00057557-00058084 topic Middle Ages +_useGq2j-X0-00197-00058085-00058362 in medieval Europe the Byzantine Empire +_useGq2j-X0-00198-00058363-00058611 blinded and dentist some criminals and +_useGq2j-X0-00199-00058612-00058915 rival emperors their belief that the +_useGq2j-X0-00200-00058916-00059160 emperor should be physically ideal meant +_useGq2j-X0-00201-00059161-00059379 that such disfigurement notionally +_useGq2j-X0-00202-00059380-00059619 disqualified the recipient from office +_useGq2j-X0-00203-00059620-00059871 the second reign of Justinian the slit +_useGq2j-X0-00204-00059872-00060069 nosed was the notable exception +_useGq2j-X0-00205-00060070-00060300 elsewhere corporal punishment was +_useGq2j-X0-00206-00060301-00060486 encouraged by the attitudes of the +_useGq2j-X0-00207-00060487-00060729 Catholic Church towards the human body +_useGq2j-X0-00208-00060730-00061002 flagellation being a common means of +_useGq2j-X0-00209-00061003-00061338 self-discipline this had an influence on +_useGq2j-X0-00210-00061339-00061546 the use of corporal punishment in +_useGq2j-X0-00211-00061547-00061812 schools as educational establishments +_useGq2j-X0-00212-00061813-00062007 were closely attached to the church +_useGq2j-X0-00213-00062008-00062367 during this period nevertheless corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00214-00062368-00062619 punishment was not used in critically as +_useGq2j-X0-00215-00062620-00062910 early as the 11th century st. Anselm +_useGq2j-X0-00216-00062911-00063162 Archbishop of Canterbury was speaking +_useGq2j-X0-00217-00063163-00063393 out against what he saw as the excessive +_useGq2j-X0-00218-00063394-00063597 use of corporal punishment in the +_useGq2j-X0-00219-00063598-00063891 treatment of children +_useGq2j-X0-00220-00063891-00064168 topic modernity from the 16th century +_useGq2j-X0-00221-00064169-00064503 onwards new trends were seen in corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00222-00064504-00064809 punishment judicial punishments were +_useGq2j-X0-00223-00064810-00065009 increasingly turned into public +_useGq2j-X0-00224-00065010-00065231 spectacles with public beatings of +_useGq2j-X0-00225-00065232-00065453 criminals intended as a deterrent to +_useGq2j-X0-00226-00065454-00065807 other would-be offenders meanwhile early +_useGq2j-X0-00227-00065808-00066056 writers on education such as Roger +_useGq2j-X0-00228-00066057-00066278 Ascham complained of the arbitrary +_useGq2j-X0-00229-00066279-00066528 manner in which children were punished +_useGq2j-X0-00230-00066529-00066749 Peter Newell writes that perhaps the +_useGq2j-X0-00231-00066750-00066992 most influential writer on the subject +_useGq2j-X0-00232-00066993-00067223 was the English philosopher John Locke +_useGq2j-X0-00233-00067224-00067450 who's some thoughts concerning education +_useGq2j-X0-00234-00067451-00067722 explicitly criticized the central role +_useGq2j-X0-00235-00067723-00067984 of corporal punishment in education +_useGq2j-X0-00236-00067985-00068303 Locke's work was highly influential and +_useGq2j-X0-00237-00068304-00068501 may have helped influence polish +_useGq2j-X0-00238-00068502-00068765 legislators to ban corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00239-00068766-00069119 from Poland's schools in 1783 the first +_useGq2j-X0-00240-00069120-00069465 country in the world to do so during the +_useGq2j-X0-00241-00069466-00069749 18th century the concept of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00242-00069750-00069962 punishment was challenged by some +_useGq2j-X0-00243-00069963-00070301 philosophers and legal reformers merely +_useGq2j-X0-00244-00070302-00070517 inflicting pain was seen as an +_useGq2j-X0-00245-00070518-00070697 inefficient form of discipline +_useGq2j-X0-00246-00070698-00070949 influencing the subject only for a short +_useGq2j-X0-00247-00070950-00071190 period of time and affecting no +_useGq2j-X0-00248-00071191-00071516 permanent change in their behavior some +_useGq2j-X0-00249-00071517-00071726 believed that the purpose of punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00250-00071727-00071992 should be reformation not retribution +_useGq2j-X0-00251-00071993-00072353 this is perhaps best expressed in jeremy +_useGq2j-X0-00252-00072354-00072623 bentham's idea of a panoptic prison in +_useGq2j-X0-00253-00072624-00072836 which prisoners were controlled and +_useGq2j-X0-00254-00072837-00073071 surveyed at all times perceived to be +_useGq2j-X0-00255-00073072-00073259 advantageous in that this system +_useGq2j-X0-00256-00073260-00073509 supposedly reduced the need of measures +_useGq2j-X0-00257-00073510-00073772 such as corporal punishment a +_useGq2j-X0-00258-00073773-00074034 consequence of this mode of thinking was +_useGq2j-X0-00259-00074035-00074235 a reduction in the use of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00260-00074236-00074525 punishment in the 19th century in Europe +_useGq2j-X0-00261-00074526-00074859 and North America in some countries this +_useGq2j-X0-00262-00074860-00075079 was encouraged by scandals involving +_useGq2j-X0-00263-00075080-00075372 individuals seriously hurt during acts +_useGq2j-X0-00264-00075373-00075716 of corporal punishment for instance in +_useGq2j-X0-00265-00075717-00076001 Britain popular opposition to punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00266-00076002-00076256 was encouraged by two significant cases +_useGq2j-X0-00267-00076257-00076493 the death of private Frederick John +_useGq2j-X0-00268-00076494-00076760 White who died after a military flogging +_useGq2j-X0-00269-00076761-00077046 in 1846 and the death of Reginald +_useGq2j-X0-00270-00077047-00077265 canceller killed by his school man +_useGq2j-X0-00271-00077266-00077693 in 1860 events such as these mobilized +_useGq2j-X0-00272-00077694-00077961 public opinion and by the late 19th +_useGq2j-X0-00273-00077962-00078186 century the extent of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00274-00078187-00078425 punishments use in state schools was +_useGq2j-X0-00275-00078426-00078743 unpopular with many parents in England +_useGq2j-X0-00276-00078744-00078974 authorities in Britain and some other +_useGq2j-X0-00277-00078975-00079238 countries introduced more detailed rules +_useGq2j-X0-00278-00079239-00079424 for the infliction of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00279-00079425-00079659 punishment in government institutions +_useGq2j-X0-00280-00079660-00079866 such as schools prisons and +_useGq2j-X0-00281-00079867-00080199 reformatories by the First World War +_useGq2j-X0-00282-00080200-00080442 parents complaints about disciplinary +_useGq2j-X0-00283-00080443-00080699 excesses in England had died down and +_useGq2j-X0-00284-00080700-00080949 corporal punishment was established as +_useGq2j-X0-00285-00080950-00081198 an expected form of school discipline in +_useGq2j-X0-00286-00081199-00081512 the 1870s courts in the United States +_useGq2j-X0-00287-00081513-00081776 overruled the common law principle that +_useGq2j-X0-00288-00081777-00082005 a husband had the right to physically +_useGq2j-X0-00289-00082006-00082376 chastise an errant wife in the UK the +_useGq2j-X0-00290-00082377-00082574 traditional right of a husband to +_useGq2j-X0-00291-00082575-00082821 inflict moderate corporal punishment on +_useGq2j-X0-00292-00082822-00083079 his wife in order to keep her within the +_useGq2j-X0-00293-00083080-00083340 bounds of duty was similarly removed in +_useGq2j-X0-00294-00083341-00083754 1891 see domestic violence for more +_useGq2j-X0-00295-00083755-00084044 information in the United Kingdom the +_useGq2j-X0-00296-00084045-00084275 use of judicial corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00297-00084276-00084494 declined during the first half of the +_useGq2j-X0-00298-00084495-00084699 20th century and it was abolished +_useGq2j-X0-00299-00084700-00084974 altogether in the Criminal Justice Act +_useGq2j-X0-00300-00084975-00085761 1948 Z&Z to go6 CH 58 whereby whipping +_useGq2j-X0-00301-00085762-00085986 and flogging were outlawed except for +_useGq2j-X0-00302-00085987-00086243 use in very serious internal prison +_useGq2j-X0-00303-00086244-00086444 discipline cases while most other +_useGq2j-X0-00304-00086445-00086687 European countries had abolished it +_useGq2j-X0-00305-00086688-00087044 earlier meanwhile in many schools the +_useGq2j-X0-00306-00087045-00087305 use of the cane paddle or toss remained +_useGq2j-X0-00307-00087306-00087537 commonplace in the UK and the United +_useGq2j-X0-00308-00087538-00087950 States until the 1980s in several other +_useGq2j-X0-00309-00087951-00088191 countries it still as see school +_useGq2j-X0-00310-00088192-00088842 corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00311-00088843-00089797 topic international treaties +_useGq2j-X0-00312-00089798-00090340 topic human rights +_useGq2j-X0-00313-00090341-00090612 key developments related to corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00314-00090613-00090843 punishment occurred in the late 20th +_useGq2j-X0-00315-00090844-00091134 century years with particular +_useGq2j-X0-00316-00091135-00091338 significance to the prohibition of +_useGq2j-X0-00317-00091339-00091794 corporal punishment are emphasized 1950 +_useGq2j-X0-00318-00091795-00092034 European Convention of Human Rights +_useGq2j-X0-00319-00092035-00092526 Council of Europe article 3 bars inhuman +_useGq2j-X0-00320-00092527-00092952 or degrading treatment or punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00321-00092953-00093270 1978 European Court of Human Rights +_useGq2j-X0-00322-00093271-00093583 overseeing its implementation rules that +_useGq2j-X0-00323-00093584-00093832 judicial birching of a juvenile breaches +_useGq2j-X0-00324-00093833-00094336 article 3 1985 standard minimum rules +_useGq2j-X0-00325-00094337-00094552 for the administration of juvenile +_useGq2j-X0-00326-00094553-00094870 justice or Beijing rules United Nations +_useGq2j-X0-00327-00094871-00095449 UN rules 17.3 juveniles shall not be +_useGq2j-X0-00328-00095450-00095825 subject to corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00329-00095826-00096141 1990 supplement rules for the protection +_useGq2j-X0-00330-00096142-00096377 of juveniles deprived of their liberty +_useGq2j-X0-00331-00096378-00096732 rule 67 +_useGq2j-X0-00332-00096733-00097000 dot all disciplinary measures +_useGq2j-X0-00333-00097001-00097278 constituting cruel inhumane or degrading +_useGq2j-X0-00334-00097279-00097611 treatment shall be strictly prohibited +_useGq2j-X0-00335-00097612-00098138 including corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00336-00098139-00098436 1990 guidelines for the prevention of +_useGq2j-X0-00337-00098437-00098659 juvenile delinquency the Riyadh +_useGq2j-X0-00338-00098660-00099184 guidelines UN paragraph 21 H education +_useGq2j-X0-00339-00099185-00099492 systems should avoid harsh disciplinary +_useGq2j-X0-00340-00099493-00099741 measures particularly corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00341-00099742-00100009 punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00342-00100010-00100363 1966 International Covenant on Civil and +_useGq2j-X0-00343-00100364-00100787 Political Rights UN with currently 167 +_useGq2j-X0-00344-00100788-00101315 parties 74 signatories article 7 no one +_useGq2j-X0-00345-00101316-00101569 shall be subjected to torture or to +_useGq2j-X0-00346-00101570-00101903 cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or +_useGq2j-X0-00347-00101904-00102278 punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00348-00102279-00102635 1992 Human Rights Committee overseeing +_useGq2j-X0-00349-00102636-00102900 its implementation comments the +_useGq2j-X0-00350-00102901-00103167 prohibition must extend to corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00351-00103168-00103476 punishment in this regard article 7 +_useGq2j-X0-00352-00103477-00103916 protects in particular children +_useGq2j-X0-00353-00103917-00104204 nineteen eighty-four convention against +_useGq2j-X0-00354-00104205-00104450 torture and other cruel inhuman or +_useGq2j-X0-00355-00104451-00104699 degrading treatment or punishment UN +_useGq2j-X0-00356-00104700-00105058 with currently 150 parties and 78 +_useGq2j-X0-00357-00105059-00105470 signatories 0.199 six committee against +_useGq2j-X0-00358-00105471-00105707 torture overseeing its implementation +_useGq2j-X0-00359-00105708-00106201 condemns corporal punishment 1966 +_useGq2j-X0-00360-00106202-00106417 International Covenant on economic +_useGq2j-X0-00361-00106418-00106742 social and cultural rights UN with +_useGq2j-X0-00362-00106743-00107182 currently 160 parties and 70 signatories +_useGq2j-X0-00363-00107183-00107584 article 13 one education shall be +_useGq2j-X0-00364-00107585-00107825 directed to the full development of the +_useGq2j-X0-00365-00107826-00108098 human personality and the sense of its +_useGq2j-X0-00366-00108099-00108481 dignity +_useGq2j-X0-00367-00108482-00108833 1999 committee on economic social and +_useGq2j-X0-00368-00108833-00109049 cultural rights overseeing its +_useGq2j-X0-00369-00109050-00109328 implementation comments corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00370-00109329-00109571 punishment is inconsistent with the +_useGq2j-X0-00371-00109572-00109793 fundamental guiding principle of +_useGq2j-X0-00372-00109794-00110053 international human rights law the +_useGq2j-X0-00373-00110054-00110442 dignity of the individual +_useGq2j-X0-00374-00110443-00110848 1961 European social charter Council of +_useGq2j-X0-00375-00110849-00111322 Europe 2001 European Committee of social +_useGq2j-X0-00376-00111323-00111544 rights overseeing its implementation +_useGq2j-X0-00377-00111545-00111829 concludes it is not acceptable that a +_useGq2j-X0-00378-00111830-00112093 society which prohibits any form of +_useGq2j-X0-00379-00112094-00112339 physical violence between adults would +_useGq2j-X0-00380-00112340-00112591 accept that adult subject children to +_useGq2j-X0-00381-00112592-00113204 physical violence +_useGq2j-X0-00382-00113205-00113760 topic children's rights +_useGq2j-X0-00383-00113761-00114015 the notion of children's rights in the +_useGq2j-X0-00384-00114016-00114226 Western world developed in the 20th +_useGq2j-X0-00385-00114227-00114472 century but the issue of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00386-00114473-00114708 punishment was not addressed generally +_useGq2j-X0-00387-00114709-00115069 before mid-century years with particular +_useGq2j-X0-00388-00115070-00115278 significance to the prohibition of +_useGq2j-X0-00389-00115279-00115485 corporal punishment of children are +_useGq2j-X0-00390-00115486-00115939 emphasized 1923 children's rights +_useGq2j-X0-00391-00115940-00116173 Proclamation by Save the Children +_useGq2j-X0-00392-00116174-00116576 founder five articles +_useGq2j-X0-00393-00116577-00116919 1924 adopted as the world child welfare +_useGq2j-X0-00394-00116920-00117092 charter League of Nations +_useGq2j-X0-00395-00117093-00117366 non-enforceable +_useGq2j-X0-00396-00117367-00117660 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the +_useGq2j-X0-00397-00117661-00118222 Child UN 10 articles non-binding 1989 +_useGq2j-X0-00398-00118223-00118516 Convention on the Rights of the Child UN +_useGq2j-X0-00399-00118517-00118807 54 articles binding treaty with +_useGq2j-X0-00400-00118808-00119184 currently 193 parties and 140 +_useGq2j-X0-00401-00119185-00119641 signatories article 19 point 1 States +_useGq2j-X0-00402-00119642-00119895 Parties shall take all appropriate +_useGq2j-X0-00403-00119896-00120223 legislative administrative social and +_useGq2j-X0-00404-00120224-00120466 educational measures to protect the +_useGq2j-X0-00405-00120467-00120739 child from all forms of physical or +_useGq2j-X0-00406-00120740-00121063 mental violence injury or abuse neglect +_useGq2j-X0-00407-00121064-00121378 or negligent treatment maltreatment or +_useGq2j-X0-00408-00121379-00121704 exploitation +_useGq2j-X0-00409-00121705-00121964 2006 Committee on the Rights of the +_useGq2j-X0-00410-00121965-00122198 Child overseeing its implementation +_useGq2j-X0-00411-00122199-00122531 comments there is an obligation of all +_useGq2j-X0-00412-00122532-00122846 states party to move quickly to prohibit +_useGq2j-X0-00413-00122847-00123308 and eliminate all corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00414-00123308-00123573 20:11 optional protocol on a +_useGq2j-X0-00415-00123574-00123783 communications procedure allowing +_useGq2j-X0-00416-00123783-00124065 individual children to submit complaints +_useGq2j-X0-00417-00124066-00124308 regarding specific violations of their +_useGq2j-X0-00418-00124308-00124811 rights 2006 study on violence against +_useGq2j-X0-00419-00124813-00125088 children presented by independent expert +_useGq2j-X0-00420-00125089-00125322 for the secretary-general to the UN +_useGq2j-X0-00421-00125323-00125814 General Assembly 2007 post of special +_useGq2j-X0-00422-00125815-00126008 representative of the secretary-general +_useGq2j-X0-00423-00126009-00126845 on violence against children established +_useGq2j-X0-00424-00126846-00127733 topic modern use +_useGq2j-X0-00425-00127734-00128524 topic legal status 58 countries most of +_useGq2j-X0-00426-00128525-00128758 them in Europe and Latin America have +_useGq2j-X0-00427-00128758-00129000 prohibited any corporal punishment of +_useGq2j-X0-00428-00129001-00129373 children the earliest recorded attempt +_useGq2j-X0-00429-00129374-00129583 to prohibit corporal punishment of +_useGq2j-X0-00430-00129583-00129852 children by a state dates back to Poland +_useGq2j-X0-00431-00129853-00130050 in 1783 +_useGq2j-X0-00432-00130051-00130341 however it's prohibition in all spheres +_useGq2j-X0-00433-00130342-00130650 of life in homes schools the penal +_useGq2j-X0-00434-00130651-00130873 system and alternative care settings +_useGq2j-X0-00435-00130874-00131351 occurred first in 1966 in Sweden the +_useGq2j-X0-00436-00131352-00131673 1979 Swedish parental code reads +_useGq2j-X0-00437-00131674-00131971 children are entitled to care security +_useGq2j-X0-00438-00131972-00132334 and a good upbringing children are to be +_useGq2j-X0-00439-00132335-00132576 treated with respect for their person +_useGq2j-X0-00440-00132577-00132816 and individuality and may not be +_useGq2j-X0-00441-00132817-00133099 subjected to corporal punishment or any +_useGq2j-X0-00442-00133100-00133558 other humiliating treatment as of 2018 +_useGq2j-X0-00443-00133559-00133798 corporal punishment of children by +_useGq2j-X0-00444-00133799-00134059 parents or other adults is outlawed in +_useGq2j-X0-00445-00134060-00134356 all settings in 54 nations and three +_useGq2j-X0-00446-00134357-00134734 constituent nations for a more detailed +_useGq2j-X0-00447-00134735-00134935 overview of the global use and +_useGq2j-X0-00448-00134936-00135097 prohibition of the corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00449-00135098-00135884 of children see the following table +_useGq2j-X0-00450-00135885-00136546 topic corporal punishment in the home +_useGq2j-X0-00451-00136547-00136839 domestic corporal punishment ie the +_useGq2j-X0-00452-00136840-00137068 punishment of children by their parents +_useGq2j-X0-00453-00137069-00137331 is often referred to colloquially as +_useGq2j-X0-00454-00137332-00137959 spanking smacking or slapping it has +_useGq2j-X0-00455-00137960-00138172 been outlawed in an increasing number of +_useGq2j-X0-00456-00138173-00138552 countries starting with Sweden in 1966 +_useGq2j-X0-00457-00138553-00138864 in some other countries corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00458-00138865-00139144 punishment as legal but restricted eg +_useGq2j-X0-00459-00139145-00139306 blows to the head are outlawed +_useGq2j-X0-00460-00139307-00139611 implements may not be used only children +_useGq2j-X0-00461-00139612-00139815 within a certain age range may be +_useGq2j-X0-00462-00139816-00140166 spanked in all states of the United +_useGq2j-X0-00463-00140167-00140374 States and most African and Asian +_useGq2j-X0-00464-00140375-00140674 nations corporal punishment by parents +_useGq2j-X0-00465-00140675-00141015 as currently legal it is also legal to +_useGq2j-X0-00466-00141016-00141271 use certain implements such as a belt or +_useGq2j-X0-00467-00141272-00141682 paddle in Canada spanking by parents or +_useGq2j-X0-00468-00141683-00141985 legal guardians but nobody else is legal +_useGq2j-X0-00469-00141986-00142227 as long as the child is not under two +_useGq2j-X0-00470-00142228-00142522 years or at least 12 years of age and no +_useGq2j-X0-00471-00142523-00142756 implement other than an open bare hand +_useGq2j-X0-00472-00142757-00143100 as used belts paddles etc are strictly +_useGq2j-X0-00473-00143101-00143434 prohibited it is also illegal to strike +_useGq2j-X0-00474-00143435-00143652 the head when disciplining a child in +_useGq2j-X0-00475-00143653-00143991 the UK spanking or smacking is legal but +_useGq2j-X0-00476-00143992-00144235 it must not cause an injury amounting to +_useGq2j-X0-00477-00144236-00144508 actual bodily harm any injuries such as +_useGq2j-X0-00478-00144509-00144745 visible bruising breaking of the whole +_useGq2j-X0-00479-00144746-00145074 skin etc in addition in Scotland since +_useGq2j-X0-00480-00145075-00145428 October 2003 it has been illegal to use +_useGq2j-X0-00481-00145429-00145645 any implements or to strike the head +_useGq2j-X0-00482-00145646-00145875 when disciplining a child and it is also +_useGq2j-X0-00483-00145876-00146082 prohibited to use corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00484-00146083-00146371 towards children under the age of three +_useGq2j-X0-00485-00146372-00146652 years in Pakistan +_useGq2j-X0-00486-00146653-00146971 section 89 of Pakistan Penal Code allows +_useGq2j-X0-00487-00146972-00147622 corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00488-00147623-00148279 topic corporal punishment in schools +_useGq2j-X0-00489-00148280-00148543 corporal punishment in schools for +_useGq2j-X0-00490-00148544-00148768 misbehavior has been outlawed in many +_useGq2j-X0-00491-00148769-00149119 countries it often involves striking the +_useGq2j-X0-00492-00149120-00149326 student on the buttocks or the palm of +_useGq2j-X0-00493-00149327-00149533 the hand with an implement kept for the +_useGq2j-X0-00494-00149534-00149755 purpose such as a rattan cane or +_useGq2j-X0-00495-00149756-00150006 spanking paddle or with the open hand +_useGq2j-X0-00496-00150007-00150270 there may be restrictions in some +_useGq2j-X0-00497-00150271-00150526 jurisdictions for example in Singapore +_useGq2j-X0-00498-00150527-00150834 caning is permitted for boys only +_useGq2j-X0-00499-00150835-00151120 medical professionals have urged putting +_useGq2j-X0-00500-00151121-00151369 an end to the practice noting the danger +_useGq2j-X0-00501-00151370-00151599 of injury to children's hands especially +_useGq2j-X0-00502-00151600-00151996 in India corporal punishment has been +_useGq2j-X0-00503-00151997-00152134 abolished by law +_useGq2j-X0-00504-00152135-00152449 however corporal punishment continues to +_useGq2j-X0-00505-00152450-00152701 exist and be practiced in many Indian +_useGq2j-X0-00506-00152702-00153055 schools cultural perception of corporal +_useGq2j-X0-00507-00153056-00153298 punishment has rarely been studied and +_useGq2j-X0-00508-00153299-00153586 researched one study carried out by +_useGq2j-X0-00509-00153587-00153868 Arijit gauche and Madhumati Pasupathi +_useGq2j-X0-00510-00153869-00154111 discusses how corporal punishment is +_useGq2j-X0-00511-00154112-00154357 perceived among parents and students in +_useGq2j-X0-00512-00154358-00154591 the Indian context with the help of a +_useGq2j-X0-00513-00154592-00155270 representative sample size +_useGq2j-X0-00514-00155271-00155596 topic judicial or quasi-judicial +_useGq2j-X0-00515-00155597-00156015 punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00516-00156016-00156348 around 33 countries in the world still +_useGq2j-X0-00517-00156349-00156591 retained judicial corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00518-00156592-00156797 including a number of former British +_useGq2j-X0-00519-00156798-00157077 territories such as Botswana Malaysia +_useGq2j-X0-00520-00157078-00157485 Singapore and Tanzania in Singapore for +_useGq2j-X0-00521-00157486-00157749 certain specified offences males are +_useGq2j-X0-00522-00157750-00157956 routinely sentenced to caning in +_useGq2j-X0-00523-00157957-00158223 addition to a prison term the +_useGq2j-X0-00524-00158224-00158481 Singaporean practice of caning became +_useGq2j-X0-00525-00158482-00158820 much discussed around the world in 1994 +_useGq2j-X0-00526-00158821-00159087 when American teenager Michael PFA +_useGq2j-X0-00527-00159088-00159336 received four strokes of the cane for +_useGq2j-X0-00528-00159337-00159663 vandalism judicial caning and whipping +_useGq2j-X0-00529-00159664-00159912 are also used in Aceh a province in +_useGq2j-X0-00530-00159913-00160146 Indonesia a number of other countries +_useGq2j-X0-00531-00160147-00160407 with an Islamic legal system such as +_useGq2j-X0-00532-00160408-00160698 Saudi Arabia Iran Sudan and some +_useGq2j-X0-00533-00160699-00160941 northern states in Nigeria employed +_useGq2j-X0-00534-00160942-00161142 judicial whipping for a range of +_useGq2j-X0-00535-00161143-00161571 offenses as of 2009 some regions of +_useGq2j-X0-00536-00161572-00161829 Pakistan are experiencing a breakdown of +_useGq2j-X0-00537-00161830-00162036 law and government leading to a +_useGq2j-X0-00538-00162037-00162297 reintroduction of corporal punishment by +_useGq2j-X0-00539-00162298-00162639 ad-hoc Islamist courts as well as +_useGq2j-X0-00540-00162640-00162894 corporal punishment some Islamic +_useGq2j-X0-00541-00162895-00163152 countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran +_useGq2j-X0-00542-00163153-00163443 use other kinds of physical penalties +_useGq2j-X0-00543-00163444-00163812 such as amputation or mutilation however +_useGq2j-X0-00544-00163813-00164202 the term corporal punishment has since +_useGq2j-X0-00545-00164203-00164493 the 19th century usually meant caning +_useGq2j-X0-00546-00164494-00164769 flagellation or bastinado rather than +_useGq2j-X0-00547-00164770-00165018 those other types of physical penalty in +_useGq2j-X0-00548-00165019-00165255 some countries foot whipping bastinado +_useGq2j-X0-00549-00165256-00166012 is still practiced on prisoners +_useGq2j-X0-00550-00166013-00166621 topic ritual and punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00551-00166622-00166887 in parts of England boys were once +_useGq2j-X0-00552-00166888-00167086 beaten under the old tradition of +_useGq2j-X0-00553-00167087-00167434 beating the bounds whereby a boy was +_useGq2j-X0-00554-00167435-00167644 paraded around the edge of a city or +_useGq2j-X0-00555-00167645-00167911 parish and spanked with a switch or cane +_useGq2j-X0-00556-00167912-00168312 to mark the boundary one famous beating +_useGq2j-X0-00557-00168313-00168586 the bounds took place around the +_useGq2j-X0-00558-00168587-00168849 boundary of st. Giles and the area where +_useGq2j-X0-00559-00168850-00169077 Tottenham Court Road now stands in +_useGq2j-X0-00560-00169078-00169411 central London the actual stone that +_useGq2j-X0-00561-00169412-00169611 marked the boundary as now underneath +_useGq2j-X0-00562-00169612-00170339 the Centrepointe office Tower +_useGq2j-X0-00563-00170340-00170947 topic in popular culture +_useGq2j-X0-00564-00170948-00171400 are the flagellation see point one four +_useGq2j-X0-00565-00171401-00171786 five five to 70 by puro della Francesca +_useGq2j-X0-00566-00171787-00172096 Christ has lashed while Pontius Pilate +_useGq2j-X0-00567-00172097-00172582 looks on the whipping 1941 by Horace +_useGq2j-X0-00568-00172583-00172846 Pippin a figure tied to a whipping post +_useGq2j-X0-00569-00172847-00173359 as flogged film and TV see list of films +_useGq2j-X0-00570-00173360-00173632 and TV containing corporal punishment +_useGq2j-X0-00571-00173633-00173873 scenes +_useGq2j-X0-00572-00173874-00174265 equals equals see also +_yHgSur1QB0-00000-00000049-00000330 the seven islands of Bombay were 16th +_yHgSur1QB0-00001-00000331-00000561 century Portuguese territories lying off +_yHgSur1QB0-00002-00000562-00000762 the west coast of India that were handed +_yHgSur1QB0-00003-00000763-00000962 over to England under this title as part +_yHgSur1QB0-00004-00000963-00001154 of the dowry of Catherine of Braganza +_yHgSur1QB0-00005-00001155-00001328 when she married Charles the second in +_yHgSur1QB0-00006-00001329-00001614 1661 the Isles had earlier been part of +_yHgSur1QB0-00007-00001614-00001802 indigenous empires like the Sahara +_yHgSur1QB0-00008-00001803-00002039 dynasty and the Sultan of Gujarat before +_yHgSur1QB0-00009-00002040-00002205 they were captured by the Portuguese in +_yHgSur1QB0-00010-00002206-00002529 1534 after acquiring them as dowry +_yHgSur1QB0-00011-00002530-00002771 charles ii rented the islands to the +_yHgSur1QB0-00012-00002772-00003045 east india company in 1668 for ten +_yHgSur1QB0-00013-00003046-00003395 pounds a year by 1845 the islands had +_yHgSur1QB0-00014-00003396-00003597 been merged into one landmass by means +_yHgSur1QB0-00015-00003597-00003818 of multiple land reclamation projects +_yHgSur1QB0-00016-00003819-00004106 the resulting island of Bombay was later +_yHgSur1QB0-00017-00004107-00004299 merged with the nearby islands of Traum +_yHgSur1QB0-00018-00004300-00004491 Bay and salsette that laid to its north +_yHgSur1QB0-00019-00004492-00004682 east and north respectively to form +_yHgSur1QB0-00020-00004683-00004925 Greater Bombay these islands now +_yHgSur1QB0-00021-00004926-00005115 constitute the southern part of the city +_yHgSur1QB0-00022-00005116-00005502 of Mumbai the original islands handed +_yHgSur1QB0-00023-00005503-00005661 over to England were as follows +_yHgSur1QB0-00024-00005662-00006195 I love Bombay colaba old woman's Island +_yHgSur1QB0-00025-00006196-00006742 little Colaba Mahim Maas again peril +_yHgSur1QB0-00026-00006743-00007088 Worley there also are several smaller +_yHgSur1QB0-00027-00007089-00007278 islands that lay to the east of the main +_yHgSur1QB0-00028-00007279-00007595 seven islands elephanta island also +_yHgSur1QB0-00029-00007596-00007892 known as Gaara Puri butcher Island +_yHgSur1QB0-00030-00007893-00008048 middle ground +_yHgSur1QB0-00031-00008050-00008934 boy stur rock east ground cross island +_yHgSur1QB0-00032-00008935-00009459 topic see also +_yHgSur1QB0-00033-00009460-00009749 history of Bombay under Portuguese rule +_yHgSur1QB0-00034-00009750-00010239 15:34 to 1661 history of Bombay under +_yHgSur1QB0-00035-00010240-00010930 British rule geography of Mumbai +_yHgSur1QB0-00036-00010931-00011480 topic external links +_yHgSur1QB0-00037-00011481-00011864 the seven islands Mumbai story of cities +_yHgSur1QB0-00038-00011865-00012083 number eleven the reclamation of Mumbai +_yHgSur1QB0-00039-00012084-00012434 from the sea and its people +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00000-00000008-00000359 hi guys welcome to june suede official +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00001-00000360-00000534 so we're gonna react to some requests +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00002-00000535-00000703 that you guys have sent you guys have +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00003-00000704-00000911 told me that real pitch has some short +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00004-00000911-00001127 clips so in this video we're gonna react +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00005-00001128-00001415 to two videos so basically it's real +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00006-00001416-00001671 peach wrap and the other one is among us +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00007-00001672-00001863 i've not watched or seen these videos +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00008-00001864-00002055 but you guys have requested it of course +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00009-00002056-00002215 thank you so very much for requesting +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00010-00002216-00002367 please don't forget guys subscribe to +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00011-00002368-00002534 the channel if you want me to react +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00012-00002535-00002718 please leave a comment down below of +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00013-00002719-00002966 course don't forget you can donate to +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00014-00002967-00003199 the subtitle funds the link to the +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00015-00003200-00003415 paypal is in the description of course +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00016-00003415-00003631 so i will be reacting to the videos and +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00017-00003632-00003783 you will first see the reaction videos +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00018-00003784-00003951 without the subtitle and then later in +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00019-00003952-00004159 the future the subtitle will be added +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00020-00004160-00004367 and then we upload it okay thank you so +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00021-00004368-00004519 very much let's go ahead and check out +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00022-00004520-00004719 this one that you guys have requested so +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00023-00004720-00005038 let's see this one is a raft +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00024-00005039-00005263 i am bored at the moment +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00025-00005264-00005606 border of what let's hear his rap +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00026-00005607-00007039 because +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00027-00007040-00007255 what do they call this um you not have +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00028-00007256-00007470 writer's block when you kind of think of +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00029-00007472-00007759 what to write so i guess there's video +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00030-00007759-00007875 creation block +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00031-00007876-00008039 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00032-00008040-00008207 it's like +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00033-00008208-00008359 and i think i need to listen to both +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00034-00008360-00011151 headphones because it's gonna be wrapped +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00035-00011152-00011319 it's always good to ask +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00036-00011320-00011542 fans i think that is the best thing just +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00037-00011543-00011727 like for example video that i react to +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00038-00011728-00011935 it's not me just randomly getting videos +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00039-00011936-00012095 on the internet it's you guys making the +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00040-00012096-00012278 request so it's more consistent when you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00041-00012279-00012574 are the fans so i think that's if it is +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00042-00012575-00012822 a real pitch would like to have plenty +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00043-00012823-00013055 ideas what he can do is ask the fans +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00044-00013056-00013327 what video you'd like me to do or what +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00045-00013328-00013583 problem you're experiencing whether it's +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00046-00013584-00013830 in school in society and then they can +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00047-00013831-00014015 he can do video animation about it i +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00048-00014016-00014215 think that's the best way sometimes you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00049-00014216-00014375 don't have to try to overthink the idea +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00050-00014376-00014535 because you're doing videos for people +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00051-00014536-00014766 and for others so ask them what would +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00052-00014768-00015255 they like to see done let's continue +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00053-00015256-00015535 oh well sorry you have it right there +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00054-00015536-00015711 you have it right there sorry comment me +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00055-00015712-00015863 what's your thoughts +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00056-00015863-00016127 sorry +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00057-00016128-00018094 oh boy +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00058-00018095-00018582 friends +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00059-00018583-00020903 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00060-00020904-00021167 that was one of the best reacting to no +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00061-00021168-00021511 idea comedy that was so hilarious yo so +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00062-00021512-00023395 hilarious +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00063-00023396-00023775 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00064-00023776-00024049 it's not my scale +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00065-00024050-00024839 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00066-00024840-00025292 i still think he's good at it +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00067-00025293-00025655 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00068-00025656-00025906 subscribe please +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00069-00025907-00026702 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00070-00026704-00026902 short one of subscribe um from real +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00071-00026904-00027174 peach in regards to him rapping and +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00072-00027175-00027414 clearly you know at times +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00073-00027416-00027574 everybody generally no matter what +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00074-00027575-00027679 you're doing whether it is you're +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00075-00027680-00027831 working for somebody whether it's you're +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00076-00027832-00027990 working for yourself whether it is +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00077-00027991-00028167 you're doing farming gathering you reach +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00078-00028168-00028358 a point where you're just mentally +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00079-00028360-00028639 blocked exhausted you just run out of +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00080-00028639-00028823 energy to even do what you might think +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00081-00028824-00028983 is good to do or what you have planned +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00082-00028983-00029223 to do just be like i just want to sleep +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00083-00029224-00029423 because we are all human being so thank +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00084-00029424-00029631 you for requesting this one of course +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00085-00029632-00029823 the other one we're gonna watch is among +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00086-00029824-00029943 us +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00087-00029944-00030087 so he +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00088-00030088-00030287 he left the bed and he's left his brain +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00089-00030288-00030751 on the floor +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00090-00030752-00030983 yo so among us we're just gonna watch +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00091-00030983-00031127 the among us +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00092-00031127-00031302 after this one +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00093-00031303-00031455 of course among us +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00094-00031456-00031790 came out long ago as i told you guys +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00095-00031791-00031967 i am i have not been able to play among +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00096-00031968-00032190 us because it takes like a group of +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00097-00032191-00032390 friends and you know i'm lacking there +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00098-00032391-00032567 so that's fine but we're gonna watch +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00099-00032568-00032711 this one this is the second one of +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00100-00032712-00032918 course among us from real peach let's +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00101-00032919-00033167 see +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00102-00033168-00033327 among us +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00103-00033328-00033439 let's see +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00104-00033440-00034118 looks like teletubby +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00105-00034119-00034439 someone is dead +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00106-00034440-00034615 what is a yellow one is that an egg on +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00107-00034616-00034819 his head +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00109-00038503-00038695 that is too much of a detailed +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00110-00038696-00038990 explanation you you are getting they +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00111-00038991-00039223 will get highly source of you they're +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00112-00039224-00039390 gonna suspect that you're the one who do +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00113-00039391-00039646 that's too much detailed information as +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00114-00039647-00039918 to where or who or what everyone was +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00115-00039919-00040502 doing from you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00116-00040503-00041007 oh boy +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00117-00041008-00041446 why do you think he's suspicious +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00118-00041447-00041661 oh boy don't kick him out +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00119-00041662-00042046 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00120-00042047-00042174 oh +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00121-00042175-00042415 yeah i think so +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00122-00042416-00042662 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00123-00042663-00042895 wait wait wait wait +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00124-00042896-00043102 please tell me yeah i'm trying to go +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00125-00043103-00043230 back +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00126-00043231-00043430 oh my god please send us a four okay +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00127-00043431-00043583 that's a fake card one two three four +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00128-00043584-00043839 five okay i was like you just don't let +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00129-00043840-00044246 me use a real card there okay +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00130-00044247-00044383 oh boy +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00131-00044384-00044626 oh boy +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00132-00044627-00044735 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00133-00044736-00044918 fire +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00134-00044919-00045871 oh [__] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00135-00045872-00046527 oh god +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00136-00046528-00046662 oh +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00137-00046663-00046815 oh my god +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00138-00046816-00046990 after you spend all that time they're +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00139-00046991-00047118 trying to get through the car when you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00140-00047119-00047279 finally get for someone just kills you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00141-00047280-00047430 that's unfair +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00142-00047431-00047738 that's unfair +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00143-00047739-00047974 [Music] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00144-00047975-00048062 oh +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00145-00048063-00048318 that looks gross some +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00146-00048319-00048495 oh +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00147-00048496-00048774 oh [__] +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00148-00048775-00049046 okay that's gonna be the easiest kick +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00149-00049047-00049199 out ever +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00150-00049200-00049423 they are all gonna just kick you if only +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00151-00049424-00049527 if you're quick enough to shoot +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00152-00049528-00049630 everybody +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00153-00049631-00049767 but +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00154-00049768-00049918 only if you quick enough to just shoot +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00155-00049919-00050127 everybody they're gonna kick you out oh +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00156-00050128-00050374 boy you you are definitely gonna get +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00157-00050375-00050646 kicked out +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00158-00050647-00050774 if i was there i'll just try to +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00159-00050775-00051190 eliminate everybody quickly +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00160-00051191-00051326 yeah you deserve that i think you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00161-00051327-00051623 deserve that +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00162-00051624-00051926 there is no escaping from this one you +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00163-00051927-00052350 shot the guy in front everybody +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00164-00052351-00052519 i don't even think they need to call a +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00165-00052520-00052719 meeting for this one it's like +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00166-00052720-00052887 you know what just leave +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00167-00052888-00053135 just leave we saw you just go okay guys +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00168-00053136-00053407 so these were the two short clips from a +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00169-00053408-00053582 real pitch that you guys have requested +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00170-00053583-00053823 of course him rapping he's not a +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00171-00053824-00053991 gangster as he said but he's just doing +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00172-00053991-00054159 it for something and of course from +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00173-00054160-00054375 among us um +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00174-00054376-00054575 not from among us but other video is +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00175-00054576-00054703 among us +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00176-00054704-00054863 yeah thank you so very much for +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00177-00054864-00055038 requesting don't forget please subscribe +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00178-00055039-00055191 to the channel if you want me to react +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00179-00055191-00055359 of course please don't forget guys leave +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00180-00055360-00055526 a comment down below okay thank you so +_zUvu0P6VjQ-00181-00055527-00055924 very much bye guys +_-dRvnSxkZg-00000-00000039-00000063 [Music] +_-dRvnSxkZg-00001-00000064-00000478 thecube presents hpe discover 2022 +_-dRvnSxkZg-00002-00000479-00000726 brought to you by hpe +_-dRvnSxkZg-00003-00000727-00000958 good morning everyone it's thecube live +_-dRvnSxkZg-00004-00000959-00001239 in las vegas day two of our coverage of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00005-00001240-00001543 hpe discover 2022 from the venetian expo +_-dRvnSxkZg-00006-00001544-00001743 center lisa martin and dave vellante +_-dRvnSxkZg-00007-00001744-00002087 what a day we had yesterday and today +_-dRvnSxkZg-00008-00002088-00002310 unbelievable good warm-up for today big +_-dRvnSxkZg-00009-00002311-00002526 big day today big day today we've got a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00010-00002527-00002679 lot we've got some big heavy haters on +_-dRvnSxkZg-00011-00002680-00002926 talking with hpe customers partners +_-dRvnSxkZg-00012-00002927-00003126 leadership we have a couple of guests up +_-dRvnSxkZg-00013-00003127-00003254 with us next going to be talking more +_-dRvnSxkZg-00014-00003255-00003511 about the ecosystem please welcome corey +_-dRvnSxkZg-00015-00003511-00003670 dyer the chief revenue officer at +_-dRvnSxkZg-00016-00003671-00003895 digital realty and cliff evans senior +_-dRvnSxkZg-00017-00003896-00004079 director hpe green lake partner +_-dRvnSxkZg-00018-00004079-00004238 ecosystem guys great to have you on the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00019-00004239-00004399 program thank you great to be here thank +_-dRvnSxkZg-00020-00004400-00004527 you for having us excited to be here +_-dRvnSxkZg-00021-00004528-00004735 with you so let's so let's harness that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00022-00004736-00004863 excitement cory talk to us about the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00023-00004864-00004983 partnership the announcement what's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00024-00004984-00005175 going on there with digital realty and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00025-00005176-00005351 green lake yeah we're crazy excited +_-dRvnSxkZg-00026-00005352-00005535 about it you know we've got customers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00027-00005536-00005695 dealing with data gravity and the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00028-00005696-00005879 opportunity around that and how they can +_-dRvnSxkZg-00029-00005880-00006047 make use of it and then they're thinking +_-dRvnSxkZg-00030-00006048-00006263 through digital transformation how how +_-dRvnSxkZg-00031-00006264-00006495 you do a multi-cloud and they need a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00032-00006495-00006687 partnership to do that and this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00033-00006688-00006887 partnership with green lake and digital +_-dRvnSxkZg-00034-00006888-00007095 is perfect solution for them so i'm +_-dRvnSxkZg-00035-00007095-00007263 crazy excited to be here with cliff +_-dRvnSxkZg-00036-00007264-00007431 absolutely with all of you to talk about +_-dRvnSxkZg-00037-00007431-00007591 it and hopefully build out a great +_-dRvnSxkZg-00038-00007592-00007823 partnership and relationship with hpe +_-dRvnSxkZg-00039-00007823-00008006 talk to us share your crazy excitement +_-dRvnSxkZg-00040-00008008-00008167 clip yeah no absolutely no i think it is +_-dRvnSxkZg-00041-00008168-00008327 an absolutely fantastic partnership i +_-dRvnSxkZg-00042-00008328-00008455 think the two of us coming together as +_-dRvnSxkZg-00043-00008456-00008663 organizations bringing the two platforms +_-dRvnSxkZg-00044-00008664-00008839 together is an amazing thing that we +_-dRvnSxkZg-00045-00008840-00009063 have for customers uh customers we know +_-dRvnSxkZg-00046-00009064-00009295 they want they want a cloud experience +_-dRvnSxkZg-00047-00009296-00009495 but really they want to do that um +_-dRvnSxkZg-00048-00009496-00009703 without really the the dc footprint that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00049-00009704-00009871 they've had previously so how do they do +_-dRvnSxkZg-00050-00009872-00010055 that in a way that really works for them +_-dRvnSxkZg-00051-00010056-00010271 in a secure client you know secure +_-dRvnSxkZg-00052-00010272-00010463 sustainable way but with a cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00053-00010464-00010606 experience so really the combination of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00054-00010607-00010774 the two pieces coming together really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00055-00010775-00010910 makes that happen and that is what +_-dRvnSxkZg-00056-00010911-00011135 that's exciting so can we dig into the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00057-00011136-00011342 the two things that you mentioned cory +_-dRvnSxkZg-00058-00011343-00011487 digital transformation and multi-cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00059-00011488-00011687 when i go back to the sort of early days +_-dRvnSxkZg-00060-00011688-00011783 of cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00061-00011784-00011919 it was like oh +_-dRvnSxkZg-00062-00011920-00012103 you know nobody's going to do anything +_-dRvnSxkZg-00063-00012104-00012270 you know ever again in the data center +_-dRvnSxkZg-00064-00012271-00012542 you know charles phillips the the ceo of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00065-00012543-00012703 infor famously said friends don't let +_-dRvnSxkZg-00066-00012704-00012830 friends build data centers right +_-dRvnSxkZg-00067-00012831-00013015 everything's going to the cloud so a lot +_-dRvnSxkZg-00068-00013016-00013151 of people predicted you know guys like +_-dRvnSxkZg-00069-00013152-00013335 you were going to be in trouble the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00070-00013336-00013558 exact opposite happened the market took +_-dRvnSxkZg-00071-00013559-00013694 off so you mentioned digital +_-dRvnSxkZg-00072-00013695-00013863 transformation and multi-cloud can we +_-dRvnSxkZg-00073-00013863-00014038 peel the onion on that what what is it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00074-00014040-00014207 about those two items and are there +_-dRvnSxkZg-00075-00014208-00014358 other trends that are driving your +_-dRvnSxkZg-00076-00014359-00014535 business i know you tied right on to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00077-00014536-00014735 where it started all enterprises started +_-dRvnSxkZg-00078-00014736-00014855 going to the cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00079-00014856-00014966 and then they got to the cloud and there +_-dRvnSxkZg-00080-00014968-00015166 was more that they needed to make that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00081-00015168-00015343 real i talk about multi-cloud you're +_-dRvnSxkZg-00082-00015344-00015543 going to use different cloud providers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00083-00015544-00015671 for different opportunities and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00084-00015672-00015863 different applications and so you have +_-dRvnSxkZg-00085-00015863-00016030 to start thinking about +_-dRvnSxkZg-00086-00016031-00016215 how does this work in a world where +_-dRvnSxkZg-00087-00016216-00016383 you're going to go to multiple clouds +_-dRvnSxkZg-00088-00016384-00016567 multiple locations and what it really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00089-00016568-00016847 drove is the need for co-location to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00090-00016848-00016983 make this because you've got a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00091-00016984-00017175 distributed architecture in order to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00092-00017176-00017350 enable all of this and then you end up +_-dRvnSxkZg-00093-00017351-00017535 having to have us help you out with it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00094-00017536-00017767 and partners like hpe and so that's part +_-dRvnSxkZg-00095-00017768-00017943 of where it comes from but if you think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00096-00017944-00018150 through going to the cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00097-00018151-00018279 can you stay there is that the full +_-dRvnSxkZg-00098-00018280-00018479 solution you need a secure +_-dRvnSxkZg-00099-00018480-00018743 sustainable solution for that one of the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00100-00018744-00018935 opportunities for us around that is that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00101-00018936-00019071 if you're if you're building data +_-dRvnSxkZg-00102-00019072-00019263 centers for yourself on-prem +_-dRvnSxkZg-00103-00019264-00019422 you don't have all the cloud access we +_-dRvnSxkZg-00104-00019423-00019614 do we've got more cloud access points +_-dRvnSxkZg-00105-00019615-00019775 than anybody so that helps in this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00106-00019776-00020055 digital transformation right go ahead +_-dRvnSxkZg-00107-00020056-00020143 how +_-dRvnSxkZg-00108-00020144-00020286 how much home sorry didn't mean to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00109-00020287-00020391 interrupt you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00110-00020392-00020639 how about how much homogeneity is there +_-dRvnSxkZg-00111-00020640-00020719 are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00112-00020720-00021007 are clients or customers saying hey i +_-dRvnSxkZg-00113-00021008-00021199 kind of want the same experience and the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00114-00021200-00021447 same infrastructure same same or are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00115-00021448-00021767 they saying hey i want to do stuff in +_-dRvnSxkZg-00116-00021768-00022022 digital realty that i can't get +_-dRvnSxkZg-00117-00022023-00022271 from you know a cloud provider oracle +_-dRvnSxkZg-00118-00022272-00022511 rack you know something like that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00119-00022512-00022647 i would tell you that they come to us +_-dRvnSxkZg-00120-00022648-00022767 from all the partners so we are a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00121-00022768-00022983 partner community we are we're not going +_-dRvnSxkZg-00122-00022984-00023158 up the stack anywhere on that we do our +_-dRvnSxkZg-00123-00023159-00023303 we do our part we're really good at +_-dRvnSxkZg-00124-00023304-00023463 doing the data centers really good at +_-dRvnSxkZg-00125-00023464-00023583 building data data centers are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00126-00023584-00023694 sustainable +_-dRvnSxkZg-00127-00023695-00023855 our position in the market is +_-dRvnSxkZg-00128-00023856-00024047 sustainability around it we were the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00129-00024048-00024158 first to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00130-00024159-00024327 to sign up on the science-based +_-dRvnSxkZg-00131-00024328-00024614 initiatives uh for zero kind of carbon +_-dRvnSxkZg-00132-00024615-00024983 neutrality in in in the future in 2030. +_-dRvnSxkZg-00133-00024984-00025191 um and so yeah so i think there's the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00134-00025192-00025342 partner aspect that they need help with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00135-00025343-00025575 on it to drive that yeah and i think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00136-00025576-00025750 from the from the hp green lake +_-dRvnSxkZg-00137-00025751-00025911 perspective i mean i think customers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00138-00025912-00026070 they very much want that that cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00139-00026072-00026287 experience um but yeah they want to do +_-dRvnSxkZg-00140-00026288-00026455 it on their own terms and the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00141-00026456-00026639 partnership allows that to happen and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00142-00026639-00026870 happen simply um you know the cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00143-00026872-00027014 experience and with with the green light +_-dRvnSxkZg-00144-00027016-00027223 cloud platform to really go and deliver +_-dRvnSxkZg-00145-00027224-00027487 that genuine cloud experience and then +_-dRvnSxkZg-00146-00027488-00027670 building cloud services on top of that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00147-00027672-00027814 they'd get all the benefits that they +_-dRvnSxkZg-00148-00027816-00027967 would have from a public cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00149-00027968-00028143 experience but you know done in the way +_-dRvnSxkZg-00150-00028144-00028311 that they would prefer to do it so it's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00151-00028312-00028495 bringing those pieces together so and i +_-dRvnSxkZg-00152-00028495-00028623 think the other side of it you asked if +_-dRvnSxkZg-00153-00028624-00028799 it was if it was the same across the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00154-00028800-00029070 board and ubiquitous it's very bespoke +_-dRvnSxkZg-00155-00029072-00029302 solutions we can do right every customer +_-dRvnSxkZg-00156-00029304-00029479 we have has a different footprint most +_-dRvnSxkZg-00157-00029480-00029639 of them are multinationals so we think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00158-00029639-00029807 through where their data is where it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00159-00029808-00029951 needs to be accessed where their +_-dRvnSxkZg-00160-00029952-00030167 customers are where their employees are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00161-00030168-00030343 and what makes the most sense and then +_-dRvnSxkZg-00162-00030344-00030583 the partnership we have with hpe can do +_-dRvnSxkZg-00163-00030583-00030751 a whole lot for making a very bespoke +_-dRvnSxkZg-00164-00030752-00030999 solution for that customer and and help +_-dRvnSxkZg-00165-00031000-00031135 them be successful +_-dRvnSxkZg-00166-00031136-00031302 journey that's right correct yeah so on +_-dRvnSxkZg-00167-00031303-00031551 that yeah so so what we've done at hpe +_-dRvnSxkZg-00168-00031552-00031767 um with digital realty is we have a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00169-00031768-00031958 specific offer around how we go to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00170-00031960-00032095 market with this to really go and help +_-dRvnSxkZg-00171-00032095-00032287 customers so we call it green light with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00172-00032288-00032527 co-location and it's all about really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00173-00032527-00032807 positioning uh on offer to customers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00174-00032808-00032974 that says look we can go and do this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00175-00032975-00033118 with you and do it simply and really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00176-00033119-00033271 make it happen very quickly and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00177-00033272-00033423 efficiently +_-dRvnSxkZg-00178-00033424-00033583 so the customer ends up with a single +_-dRvnSxkZg-00179-00033584-00033895 contract and a single invoice for green +_-dRvnSxkZg-00180-00033896-00033983 lake +_-dRvnSxkZg-00181-00033984-00034223 cloud services and the co-location piece +_-dRvnSxkZg-00182-00034224-00034399 all in one single contract so it just +_-dRvnSxkZg-00183-00034400-00034567 makes it a lot easier in terms of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00184-00034568-00034774 organizing and a really big part of that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00185-00034775-00035046 as well is that our involvement is also +_-dRvnSxkZg-00186-00035047-00035215 spans right from the design to the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00187-00035216-00035446 implementation to support so we do the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00188-00035447-00035711 whole thing to really help organizations +_-dRvnSxkZg-00189-00035712-00035911 go off and do this so that's the big for +_-dRvnSxkZg-00190-00035912-00036135 me the big differentiator so rather than +_-dRvnSxkZg-00191-00036136-00036239 just having green lake and cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00192-00036240-00036439 services we're saying look we can now do +_-dRvnSxkZg-00193-00036440-00036615 the colo piece and now you can really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00194-00036616-00036751 take the whole thing to a whole new +_-dRvnSxkZg-00195-00036752-00036911 level in terms of that public cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00196-00036912-00037087 experience +_-dRvnSxkZg-00197-00037088-00037239 sorry and that is absolutely that and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00198-00037240-00037559 that invoice comes from hpe or partners +_-dRvnSxkZg-00199-00037560-00037735 and digital realty is bundled into that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00200-00037736-00037902 correct yes direct we do it through the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00201-00037903-00038062 channel we can sell that in a number of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00202-00038063-00038215 different ways yeah and customers get +_-dRvnSxkZg-00203-00038216-00038374 that that single invoice +_-dRvnSxkZg-00204-00038375-00038502 and a big part of that as well just +_-dRvnSxkZg-00205-00038503-00038623 going a little bit deeper on that so +_-dRvnSxkZg-00206-00038624-00038799 what we do is we we use a part of the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00207-00038800-00038999 company called data center technology +_-dRvnSxkZg-00208-00039000-00039159 services which are a great kind of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00209-00039160-00039327 consulting organization with tremendous +_-dRvnSxkZg-00210-00039328-00039479 experience done something like 3000 +_-dRvnSxkZg-00211-00039480-00039711 projects across 40 countries from the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00212-00039712-00039855 very smallest to the very largest of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00213-00039856-00040062 data center implementation so all of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00214-00040063-00040223 that really makes the whole thing a lot +_-dRvnSxkZg-00215-00040224-00040367 easier from a customer's perspective in +_-dRvnSxkZg-00216-00040368-00040590 terms of designing implementing and then +_-dRvnSxkZg-00217-00040591-00040759 supporting so you pull all of that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00218-00040760-00040983 together and it's fantastic and i think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00219-00040984-00041127 it's really changed to add on to that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00220-00041128-00041343 partnering perspective so customers now +_-dRvnSxkZg-00221-00041344-00041455 are thinking about it differently and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00222-00041456-00041607 data centers differently and they see us +_-dRvnSxkZg-00223-00041608-00041855 as a strategic partner along with hpe to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00224-00041856-00042071 go after this it used to be space power +_-dRvnSxkZg-00225-00042072-00042215 and cooling now it's how much +_-dRvnSxkZg-00226-00042216-00042367 connectivity do you have what's your +_-dRvnSxkZg-00227-00042368-00042543 sustainability profile and what's your +_-dRvnSxkZg-00228-00042544-00042727 security profile how do you secure this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00229-00042728-00042879 data because data is the lifeblood of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00230-00042880-00043046 all these companies and you have to have +_-dRvnSxkZg-00231-00043047-00043295 a really secure sustainable solution for +_-dRvnSxkZg-00232-00043296-00043462 them right that's absolutely critical +_-dRvnSxkZg-00233-00043463-00043751 for every industry talk about the the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00234-00043752-00044023 the specific value prop that a bespoke +_-dRvnSxkZg-00235-00044024-00044262 co-location solution delivers to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00236-00044263-00044383 customers maybe you've got a favorite +_-dRvnSxkZg-00237-00044384-00044518 customer example that you think really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00238-00044519-00044727 articulates the value yeah of this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00239-00044728-00044902 partnership yeah so i think there's a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00240-00044903-00045087 combination so so i think we touched on +_-dRvnSxkZg-00241-00045088-00045183 a lot of it actually so there's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00242-00045184-00045407 obviously the data center aspect itself +_-dRvnSxkZg-00243-00045408-00045662 in terms of um so with the footprint the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00244-00045663-00045823 digital reality have across the world +_-dRvnSxkZg-00245-00045824-00045967 you can pick and choose the data center +_-dRvnSxkZg-00246-00045968-00046095 and the class of data center that you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00247-00046096-00046262 want in terms of your +_-dRvnSxkZg-00248-00046263-00046430 you know latency and connectivity that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00249-00046431-00046639 you want um and then really it's the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00250-00046640-00046799 green lake piece in terms of the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00251-00046800-00046951 flexibility that you get without really +_-dRvnSxkZg-00252-00046952-00047118 is that value and as i touched on the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00253-00047119-00047286 green lake with colo +_-dRvnSxkZg-00254-00047287-00047479 i think for me is from our perspective i +_-dRvnSxkZg-00255-00047480-00047630 think the biggest piece of value that we +_-dRvnSxkZg-00256-00047631-00047758 provide there to really go make it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00257-00047759-00047967 happen yeah there's about 70 +_-dRvnSxkZg-00258-00047968-00048174 applications right now that are part of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00259-00048175-00048479 green lake polo that you can bespoke for +_-dRvnSxkZg-00260-00048480-00048607 what you need to you can think about +_-dRvnSxkZg-00261-00048608-00048767 your specific solutions that you need +_-dRvnSxkZg-00262-00048768-00048886 and we've got it all right there with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00263-00048887-00049183 hpe uh green lake and polo for us and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00264-00049184-00049471 because we have a 290 data center +_-dRvnSxkZg-00265-00049472-00049711 footprint across 50 markets it gives us +_-dRvnSxkZg-00266-00049712-00049886 the opportunity to really be the data +_-dRvnSxkZg-00267-00049887-00050127 center provider and the partner for hp +_-dRvnSxkZg-00268-00050128-00050255 pretty much anywhere but with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00269-00050256-00050511 connectivity everywhere when you say 70 +_-dRvnSxkZg-00270-00050512-00050711 applications are these the 70 services +_-dRvnSxkZg-00271-00050712-00050823 or were you talking about i'm talking +_-dRvnSxkZg-00272-00050824-00051030 about yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah 18 +_-dRvnSxkZg-00273-00051031-00051199 categories 70 services there's a lot of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00274-00051200-00051399 stuff and corey when you you've talked +_-dRvnSxkZg-00275-00051400-00051566 about sustainability a couple of times +_-dRvnSxkZg-00276-00051567-00051735 as a really important ingredient of the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00277-00051736-00051919 customer decision +_-dRvnSxkZg-00278-00051920-00052158 why is it because they're indirectly +_-dRvnSxkZg-00279-00052159-00052390 paying the power bill or is because the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00280-00052391-00052535 it's the right thing to do and they care +_-dRvnSxkZg-00281-00052536-00052726 there's does it increase people care +_-dRvnSxkZg-00282-00052727-00052863 about it more because you know you go +_-dRvnSxkZg-00283-00052864-00053023 back a while ago and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00284-00053024-00053207 people you know we always talked about +_-dRvnSxkZg-00285-00053208-00053399 green i.t but it was all lip service is +_-dRvnSxkZg-00286-00053400-00053575 that changing or is it there is there an +_-dRvnSxkZg-00287-00053576-00053838 economic changing in a real big way um +_-dRvnSxkZg-00288-00053839-00053982 almost every conversation i have with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00289-00053983-00054119 customers is how are we doing +_-dRvnSxkZg-00290-00054120-00054319 sustainability okay so if they're doing +_-dRvnSxkZg-00291-00054320-00054471 an on-prem that's not their core +_-dRvnSxkZg-00292-00054472-00054638 capabilities they don't know how to do +_-dRvnSxkZg-00293-00054639-00054863 that on our end i mentioned rsp our +_-dRvnSxkZg-00294-00054864-00054999 science-based initiatives that we signed +_-dRvnSxkZg-00295-00055000-00055215 up for right but how do we enable that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00296-00055216-00055399 we enable it for how do we build and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00297-00055400-00055550 design our data centers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00298-00055551-00055791 how do we actually work them and operate +_-dRvnSxkZg-00299-00055791-00056007 them and then how do we go after all the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00300-00056008-00056303 green sources of sustainable energy +_-dRvnSxkZg-00301-00056304-00056454 right including +_-dRvnSxkZg-00302-00056455-00056694 um i think since 2015 we've issued six +_-dRvnSxkZg-00303-00056695-00057007 billion in green bonds around that same +_-dRvnSxkZg-00304-00057008-00057199 support of it so yeah +_-dRvnSxkZg-00305-00057200-00057454 and and your customer can then i presume +_-dRvnSxkZg-00306-00057455-00057630 report that on their sustainability +_-dRvnSxkZg-00307-00057632-00057742 report so +_-dRvnSxkZg-00308-00057744-00057926 a good way to think about it is you you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00309-00057927-00058159 no longer have your data center at its +_-dRvnSxkZg-00310-00058160-00058335 sometimes less efficient way than we +_-dRvnSxkZg-00311-00058336-00058430 than we are we're really good at +_-dRvnSxkZg-00312-00058432-00058575 building sustainable data centers and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00313-00058576-00058726 then you can actually get some credits +_-dRvnSxkZg-00314-00058727-00058847 back and forth +_-dRvnSxkZg-00315-00058848-00059007 got it and just from a green lake +_-dRvnSxkZg-00316-00059008-00059182 perspective so so green lake so there's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00317-00059183-00059382 a specific forester impact report that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00318-00059383-00059582 looks at green lake uh and how it how it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00319-00059583-00059719 performs from a sustainability +_-dRvnSxkZg-00320-00059720-00059919 perspective and and green lake really is +_-dRvnSxkZg-00321-00059920-00060119 giving you their 30 reduction in your +_-dRvnSxkZg-00322-00060120-00060375 energy um consumption so you know +_-dRvnSxkZg-00323-00060376-00060535 there's a big kind of win there as well +_-dRvnSxkZg-00324-00060536-00060726 i think which is then yeah it's very +_-dRvnSxkZg-00325-00060727-00060959 important why where does that come from +_-dRvnSxkZg-00326-00060960-00061135 so it's it's in part the kind of the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00327-00061136-00061366 avoidance of over provisioning yeah such +_-dRvnSxkZg-00328-00061367-00061550 that you go and right size things and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00329-00061551-00061742 then you have you have you have a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00330-00061744-00061887 certain amount of reserve capacity that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00331-00061888-00062015 you're using and then just using that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00332-00062016-00062238 extra consumption piece when you need it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00333-00062239-00062366 so rather than having everything running +_-dRvnSxkZg-00334-00062367-00062526 at full speed it really is kind of +_-dRvnSxkZg-00335-00062527-00062703 throttling as to how that works so you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00336-00062704-00062942 get a combination of effects +_-dRvnSxkZg-00337-00062944-00063119 with the with the consulting and the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00338-00063120-00063254 thoughtfulness around this bespoke +_-dRvnSxkZg-00339-00063255-00063423 solution that you have you end up +_-dRvnSxkZg-00340-00063424-00063654 needing fewer servers pure technology +_-dRvnSxkZg-00341-00063655-00063847 that drives less power than consumption +_-dRvnSxkZg-00342-00063848-00063959 and therefore you get a lot of this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00343-00063960-00064103 savings out yeah yeah you really base it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00344-00064104-00064279 down you talked about the savings you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00345-00064279-00064526 talked about the simplification and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00346-00064527-00064759 delivery perspective talk about +_-dRvnSxkZg-00347-00064760-00064966 the implementation what's the time to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00348-00064967-00065238 value that organizations can glean from +_-dRvnSxkZg-00349-00065239-00065471 this partnership yeah no it's super fast +_-dRvnSxkZg-00350-00065472-00065735 so so yeah this this does accelerate the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00351-00065736-00066038 whole process yeah from from you know +_-dRvnSxkZg-00352-00066039-00066231 initial kind of opportunity if you like +_-dRvnSxkZg-00353-00066232-00066487 and customer inquiry through to actual +_-dRvnSxkZg-00354-00066488-00066719 implementation so previously this would +_-dRvnSxkZg-00355-00066720-00066855 take considerable amount of time in +_-dRvnSxkZg-00356-00066856-00066991 terms of tuning and throwing between +_-dRvnSxkZg-00357-00066992-00067182 multiple organizations +_-dRvnSxkZg-00358-00067183-00067335 and now what we do is coordinate that to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00359-00067336-00067582 do it efficiently and effectively so our +_-dRvnSxkZg-00360-00067583-00067782 dcts data center technology services +_-dRvnSxkZg-00361-00067783-00067919 team work very closely with just the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00362-00067920-00068126 reality have those connections that go +_-dRvnSxkZg-00363-00068127-00068255 off and do those things incredibly +_-dRvnSxkZg-00364-00068256-00068406 quickly and it does it accelerates the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00365-00068407-00068535 whole timeline and they're tied in with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00366-00068536-00068671 our team as well around where's the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00367-00068672-00068855 latency where the solutions because +_-dRvnSxkZg-00368-00068856-00069006 we're really thinking about what what +_-dRvnSxkZg-00369-00069007-00069175 does your stack look like from an hpe +_-dRvnSxkZg-00370-00069176-00069311 perspective but then where do you need +_-dRvnSxkZg-00371-00069312-00069494 to deploy it so that you have access to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00372-00069495-00069606 the cloud so you have the right proper +_-dRvnSxkZg-00373-00069607-00069863 latency across your your environment and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00374-00069864-00070047 you really have a distress distributed +_-dRvnSxkZg-00375-00070048-00070231 architecture that works the best for you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00376-00070232-00070399 and your company so this is probably an +_-dRvnSxkZg-00377-00070400-00070494 answer to this question it's probably +_-dRvnSxkZg-00378-00070495-00070694 both but but i'm ask it anyway i've +_-dRvnSxkZg-00379-00070695-00070943 always been a repatriation skeptic but +_-dRvnSxkZg-00380-00070944-00071103 i'm happy to be proven wrong if you guys +_-dRvnSxkZg-00381-00071104-00071335 have other data and maybe this is part +_-dRvnSxkZg-00382-00071336-00071543 of what my one of my blind spots the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00383-00071544-00071671 question is +_-dRvnSxkZg-00384-00071672-00071862 is is what's driving your business in +_-dRvnSxkZg-00385-00071863-00072055 terms of the use case is it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00386-00072056-00072215 organizations saying hey we want to get +_-dRvnSxkZg-00387-00072216-00072423 out of the data center business +_-dRvnSxkZg-00388-00072424-00072567 and we don't want to put everything into +_-dRvnSxkZg-00389-00072568-00072687 the cloud but we're going to go to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00390-00072688-00073038 digital realty and hpe and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00391-00073039-00073182 and we're going to move +_-dRvnSxkZg-00392-00073183-00073399 into that colo or is it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00393-00073400-00073638 people saying oh wow we over rotated +_-dRvnSxkZg-00394-00073639-00073775 into the cloud and now we're going to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00395-00073776-00073991 come back so it's both it's both i know +_-dRvnSxkZg-00396-00073992-00074231 yeah yeah yeah but in the blame pie or +_-dRvnSxkZg-00397-00074232-00074406 the credit +_-dRvnSxkZg-00398-00074407-00074599 i think there were a lot of customers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00399-00074600-00074759 with good intentions on going to the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00400-00074760-00074959 cloud right and then there there's some +_-dRvnSxkZg-00401-00074960-00075094 cost with it that maybe they didn't +_-dRvnSxkZg-00402-00075095-00075294 fully factor in it at that time and now +_-dRvnSxkZg-00403-00075295-00075431 you've got the ability around these +_-dRvnSxkZg-00404-00075432-00075719 bespoke solutions to really right size +_-dRvnSxkZg-00405-00075720-00075887 every bit of this and when they +_-dRvnSxkZg-00406-00075888-00076023 originally did it they didn't think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00407-00076024-00076167 through a distributed architecture they +_-dRvnSxkZg-00408-00076168-00076311 thought my on-prem and then i'm just +_-dRvnSxkZg-00409-00076312-00076462 going to burst everything into the cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00410-00076463-00076599 that's no longer the case and it's not +_-dRvnSxkZg-00411-00076600-00076750 really the most efficient way to your +_-dRvnSxkZg-00412-00076751-00076919 point about repatriation they start +_-dRvnSxkZg-00413-00076920-00077094 pulling their storage back in well where +_-dRvnSxkZg-00414-00077095-00077223 do you want your data where do you want +_-dRvnSxkZg-00415-00077224-00077399 your storage you want it as close as you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00416-00077400-00077631 can to the clouds for that capability +_-dRvnSxkZg-00417-00077632-00077806 and in a solution that's wrapped around +_-dRvnSxkZg-00418-00077807-00077967 it makes it very simple for you yeah i +_-dRvnSxkZg-00419-00077968-00078150 think that the repatriation is very real +_-dRvnSxkZg-00420-00078151-00078367 and is increasing and so we're seeing a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00421-00078368-00078647 lot of it in terms of activity and and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00422-00078648-00078815 customers really trying to understand +_-dRvnSxkZg-00423-00078816-00078950 the cost that they're incurring now from +_-dRvnSxkZg-00424-00078951-00079103 a public cloud perspective and how can +_-dRvnSxkZg-00425-00079104-00079247 they do that differently and in fact +_-dRvnSxkZg-00426-00079248-00079375 with a combined offer that we have it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00427-00079376-00079631 makes it a lot easier to compare so yeah +_-dRvnSxkZg-00428-00079632-00079815 that really is accelerating because you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00429-00079816-00079991 don't see it in the macro numbers i mean +_-dRvnSxkZg-00430-00079992-00080103 just to be honest with you you see the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00431-00080104-00080303 cloud guys combined growing 35 percent +_-dRvnSxkZg-00432-00080304-00080479 and is that because +_-dRvnSxkZg-00433-00080480-00080711 your business is in transition from a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00434-00080712-00080894 traditional on-prem model to an as a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00435-00080895-00081071 service model and so you've got that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00436-00081072-00081279 imbalance and yeah and it gets hidden in +_-dRvnSxkZg-00437-00081280-00081399 all that yeah and i think it's i think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00438-00081400-00081519 there's a new wave of things that are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00439-00081520-00081662 happening yeah i mean there's a there's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00440-00081663-00081775 a lot of things obviously that make +_-dRvnSxkZg-00441-00081776-00081926 complete enough sense to be in public +_-dRvnSxkZg-00442-00081927-00082071 cloud but i do think there's been an +_-dRvnSxkZg-00443-00082072-00082326 over-rotation towards it um so i think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00444-00082327-00082471 there's now that realization and it's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00445-00082472-00082599 going to take time to kind of unpick +_-dRvnSxkZg-00446-00082600-00082806 that but it's absolutely happening there +_-dRvnSxkZg-00447-00082807-00082935 are a lot of opportunities that we've +_-dRvnSxkZg-00448-00082936-00083079 got and some very big ones i'd love to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00449-00083080-00083215 talk about but can't quite talk about +_-dRvnSxkZg-00450-00083216-00083415 them just yet but really where there's +_-dRvnSxkZg-00451-00083416-00083591 big big savings in terms of you know +_-dRvnSxkZg-00452-00083592-00083718 what they're paying on a from a public +_-dRvnSxkZg-00453-00083719-00083903 cloud perspective and really what they +_-dRvnSxkZg-00454-00083904-00084087 want is that full management cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00455-00084088-00084262 service to go make it happen so the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00456-00084263-00084479 combination of the data center piece the +_-dRvnSxkZg-00457-00084480-00084631 green lake piece and then some +_-dRvnSxkZg-00458-00084632-00084775 management services whether they're from +_-dRvnSxkZg-00459-00084776-00084999 ourselves or from our you know partner +_-dRvnSxkZg-00460-00085000-00085143 community from managed service providers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00461-00085144-00085311 that we also work with that gives them +_-dRvnSxkZg-00462-00085312-00085494 the complete package so i have another +_-dRvnSxkZg-00463-00085495-00085759 premise i mean a lot of it of course has +_-dRvnSxkZg-00464-00085760-00085975 traditionally been focused on internal +_-dRvnSxkZg-00465-00085976-00086167 and and i feel like there's a new era +_-dRvnSxkZg-00466-00086168-00086406 coming and it talks to the ecosystem +_-dRvnSxkZg-00467-00086407-00086631 are you seeing customers not only +_-dRvnSxkZg-00468-00086632-00086982 running their i.t in digital realty and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00469-00086983-00087126 connecting to the cloud in a hybrid +_-dRvnSxkZg-00470-00087127-00087303 fashion but also actually building new +_-dRvnSxkZg-00471-00087304-00087479 value and building businesses that are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00472-00087480-00087615 customer facing on that that are +_-dRvnSxkZg-00473-00087616-00087855 monetizable are you seeing that is that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00474-00087856-00087982 happening and i don't know if you have +_-dRvnSxkZg-00475-00087983-00088223 any examples even generically +_-dRvnSxkZg-00476-00088224-00088438 real basic from from our perspective +_-dRvnSxkZg-00477-00088439-00088575 um our partner community that's what +_-dRvnSxkZg-00478-00088576-00088735 they do we have a ton of enterprise +_-dRvnSxkZg-00479-00088736-00088918 customers that all need to connect and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00480-00088919-00089150 integrate the data that you have doesn't +_-dRvnSxkZg-00481-00089151-00089350 do anything for you if it's on its own +_-dRvnSxkZg-00482-00089351-00089511 and it's not interacting with other data +_-dRvnSxkZg-00483-00089512-00089662 points and it's not interacting with +_-dRvnSxkZg-00484-00089663-00089838 other customers other solutions and +_-dRvnSxkZg-00485-00089839-00090071 whatnot so yeah it does help build out a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00486-00090072-00090294 a partner community a solution community +_-dRvnSxkZg-00487-00090295-00090535 for our customers uh in our data centers +_-dRvnSxkZg-00488-00090536-00090703 and across the board are there industry +_-dRvnSxkZg-00489-00090704-00090918 patterns emerging in other words is it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00490-00090919-00091126 sort of data ecosystems emerging by +_-dRvnSxkZg-00491-00091127-00091255 industry or is it sort of more +_-dRvnSxkZg-00492-00091256-00091455 horizontal uh there's a mix so i think +_-dRvnSxkZg-00493-00091456-00091591 there's a lot of a lot of financial +_-dRvnSxkZg-00494-00091592-00091815 sector stuff yes certainly yeah and then +_-dRvnSxkZg-00495-00091816-00092038 certainly manufacturing yeah um so i +_-dRvnSxkZg-00496-00092039-00092135 think it's interesting that you're +_-dRvnSxkZg-00497-00092136-00092294 getting a bit of a combination but a lot +_-dRvnSxkZg-00498-00092295-00092455 of yeah a lot of financial sector which +_-dRvnSxkZg-00499-00092456-00092694 is of course the big banks early on +_-dRvnSxkZg-00500-00092695-00092847 thought they could build their own cloud +_-dRvnSxkZg-00501-00092848-00092974 yeah yeah yeah and now they're probably +_-dRvnSxkZg-00502-00092975-00093223 rethinking that yeah well maybe we +_-dRvnSxkZg-00503-00093224-00093359 should yeah yeah yeah they're they're +_-dRvnSxkZg-00504-00093360-00093487 also service providers when you're that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00505-00093488-00093662 large as a bank on their end they're +_-dRvnSxkZg-00506-00093663-00093831 doing a lot of work they don't want to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00507-00093832-00094015 process it i would also say the other +_-dRvnSxkZg-00508-00094016-00094206 part that a lot of people see as an +_-dRvnSxkZg-00509-00094207-00094543 opportunity is around all the hpc and ai +_-dRvnSxkZg-00510-00094544-00094774 applications as well in addition to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00511-00094775-00094991 manufacturing distribution so there's a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00512-00094992-00095167 lot of use cases and a lot of reasons +_-dRvnSxkZg-00513-00095168-00095311 why customers ought to be doing this +_-dRvnSxkZg-00514-00095312-00095487 wrap us up with the with the value prop +_-dRvnSxkZg-00515-00095488-00095679 say you're talking to a large financial +_-dRvnSxkZg-00516-00095680-00095855 services organization or a manufacturing +_-dRvnSxkZg-00517-00095856-00096135 company what is that 30 second elevator +_-dRvnSxkZg-00518-00096136-00096350 pitch value prop of why they should go +_-dRvnSxkZg-00519-00096351-00096511 hpe green lake and digital realty +_-dRvnSxkZg-00520-00096512-00096735 together so i would say +_-dRvnSxkZg-00521-00096736-00097023 green lake with co-location gives you a +_-dRvnSxkZg-00522-00097024-00097303 single contract single invoice easy to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00523-00097304-00097567 go and design implement support and go +_-dRvnSxkZg-00524-00097568-00097759 make happen sorry that's a very simple +_-dRvnSxkZg-00525-00097760-00097950 way of saying it very it just makes it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00526-00097951-00098223 easy +_-dRvnSxkZg-00527-00098224-00098382 and i would just say thank you on that +_-dRvnSxkZg-00528-00098383-00098543 it's been great to speak with you guys +_-dRvnSxkZg-00529-00098544-00098703 and uh yeah +_-dRvnSxkZg-00530-00098704-00098815 when you think through that part of it +_-dRvnSxkZg-00531-00098816-00099062 it also is a bespoke opportunity to put +_-dRvnSxkZg-00532-00099063-00099271 your data where it needs to be closer to +_-dRvnSxkZg-00533-00099272-00099438 your customers closest to the action you +_-dRvnSxkZg-00534-00099439-00099574 were thinking through the representation +_-dRvnSxkZg-00535-00099575-00099735 of it a lot of it's being built out +_-dRvnSxkZg-00536-00099736-00099894 there on phones and whatnot so you've +_-dRvnSxkZg-00537-00099895-00100031 got to think through where your data is +_-dRvnSxkZg-00538-00100032-00100215 and how you manage it make sense right +_-dRvnSxkZg-00539-00100216-00100399 and enable every every company in every +_-dRvnSxkZg-00540-00100400-00100550 industry to be a data company because +_-dRvnSxkZg-00541-00100551-00100662 that's what of course the demanding +_-dRvnSxkZg-00542-00100663-00100855 consumers demand and that demand isn't +_-dRvnSxkZg-00543-00100856-00100991 it's not going to turn down right no +_-dRvnSxkZg-00544-00100992-00101126 absolutely no he's just accelerating +_-dRvnSxkZg-00545-00101127-00101255 guys thanks so much for joining david +_-dRvnSxkZg-00546-00101256-00101415 thank you very much great thank you guys +_-dRvnSxkZg-00547-00101416-00101694 thank you together in the ecosystem +_-dRvnSxkZg-00548-00101695-00101862 guys thank you for our guests and dave +_-dRvnSxkZg-00549-00101863-00102079 vellante i'm lisa martin you're watching +_-dRvnSxkZg-00550-00102080-00102262 thecube live from the venetian expo +_-dRvnSxkZg-00551-00102263-00102502 center in vegas baby dave and i will be +_-dRvnSxkZg-00552-00102503-00103410 back with our next guest in a minute +_-dRvnSxkZg-00553-00103411-00103945 [Music] +_-dRvnSxkZg-00554-00103946-00104086 [Music] +_-dRvnSxkZg-00555-00104088-00104295 you +_-rqZnD8aVA-00000-00000064-00000293 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00001-00000294-00000454 foreign +_-rqZnD8aVA-00002-00000455-00001752 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00003-00001753-00002167 dragons baby believer Ukraine version +_-rqZnD8aVA-00004-00002168-00002459 translation cover translation cover by +_-rqZnD8aVA-00005-00002460-00002699 Jerry hey let's get up into this one +_-rqZnD8aVA-00006-00002700-00002831 again give me some comments then we +_-rqZnD8aVA-00007-00002832-00003142 don't let me know which y'all want me to +_-rqZnD8aVA-00008-00003143-00003451 react you next with the games +_-rqZnD8aVA-00009-00003452-00003629 if you guys are new to our Channel +_-rqZnD8aVA-00010-00003629-00003779 please hit that Bell notification that +_-rqZnD8aVA-00011-00003779-00003947 like button to get the newest and latest +_-rqZnD8aVA-00012-00003947-00004247 content for the game also if you guys +_-rqZnD8aVA-00013-00004248-00004397 are an upcoming artist and you guys want +_-rqZnD8aVA-00014-00004398-00004469 to show +_-rqZnD8aVA-00015-00004470-00004691 Talent on the Buddha Channel hit us up +_-rqZnD8aVA-00016-00004692-00004936 on Instagram Buddha underscore slim also +_-rqZnD8aVA-00017-00004937-00005122 if you guys have any translations for us +_-rqZnD8aVA-00018-00005123-00005459 hit us up on Discord for the gang so +_-rqZnD8aVA-00019-00005460-00005629 without further Ado +_-rqZnD8aVA-00020-00005630-00006275 let's get open to this one again +_-rqZnD8aVA-00021-00006276-00008405 she's a bad singer +_-rqZnD8aVA-00022-00008406-00009080 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00023-00009081-00009271 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00024-00009272-00009993 oh yes +_-rqZnD8aVA-00025-00009994-00012221 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00026-00012222-00012607 foreign +_-rqZnD8aVA-00027-00012608-00014707 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00028-00014708-00015005 bro this is this is crazy bro this is +_-rqZnD8aVA-00029-00015006-00015197 great she wrote poems for individuals +_-rqZnD8aVA-00030-00015197-00015666 bro like for people like +_-rqZnD8aVA-00031-00015668-00015977 that's crazy bro like she would sit +_-rqZnD8aVA-00032-00015978-00016325 there and she sees people's lives and +_-rqZnD8aVA-00033-00016326-00016535 she just makes a poem out of it +_-rqZnD8aVA-00034-00016536-00016793 man I wonder if she's ever gotten and +_-rqZnD8aVA-00035-00016794-00016985 seen somebody or just did a poem and +_-rqZnD8aVA-00036-00016986-00017135 just gave it to me like +_-rqZnD8aVA-00037-00017136-00017308 ah just like +_-rqZnD8aVA-00038-00017309-00017525 turn somebody's Day made somebody's day +_-rqZnD8aVA-00039-00017526-00017705 you know what I mean like just brought +_-rqZnD8aVA-00040-00017706-00019013 light to them +_-rqZnD8aVA-00041-00019014-00019140 tonight +_-rqZnD8aVA-00042-00019141-00020730 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00043-00020731-00021203 pain Made Me Myself by killing the Beast +_-rqZnD8aVA-00044-00021204-00021549 I believe myself +_-rqZnD8aVA-00045-00021550-00023189 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00046-00023190-00024044 foreign +_-rqZnD8aVA-00047-00024045-00025064 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00048-00025065-00025787 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00049-00025788-00026020 of the things on people on earth made +_-rqZnD8aVA-00050-00026022-00026387 you fly away that is crazy bro because +_-rqZnD8aVA-00051-00026388-00026711 Anger from Earthly ones made you fly +_-rqZnD8aVA-00052-00026712-00028474 foreign +_-rqZnD8aVA-00053-00028475-00029405 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00054-00029406-00029914 foreign +_-rqZnD8aVA-00055-00029916-00030112 a little +_-rqZnD8aVA-00056-00030113-00030445 bit +_-rqZnD8aVA-00057-00030445-00030786 we've made myself by killing the beasts +_-rqZnD8aVA-00058-00030787-00032039 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00059-00032041-00033191 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00060-00033192-00034307 [Music] +_-rqZnD8aVA-00061-00034308-00034589 how do you know +_-rqZnD8aVA-00062-00034590-00034740 yeah +_-rqZnD8aVA-00063-00034741-00035002 thank you for watching the video guys +_-rqZnD8aVA-00064-00035003-00035233 thank you so much +_-rqZnD8aVA-00065-00035234-00036205 stuff like this subscription hello guys +_-rqZnD8aVA-00066-00036206-00036740 yeah yeah we did it all okay bye +_-bijSiYNso-00000-00000035-00000488 are you sick of seeing ups and downs in +_-bijSiYNso-00001-00000488-00000808 your life are you sick of sabotaging +_-bijSiYNso-00002-00000809-00001049 yourself and every time you start +_-bijSiYNso-00003-00001050-00001495 hitting something you crash and burn and +_-bijSiYNso-00004-00001496-00001901 so just all gone are you sick of being +_-bijSiYNso-00005-00001902-00002167 in a cycle where no matter how much you +_-bijSiYNso-00006-00002168-00002465 try to improve it feels like nothing +_-bijSiYNso-00007-00002466-00002672 you're doing gets you there +_-bijSiYNso-00008-00002673-00002920 like nothing gets you out of the mess in +_-bijSiYNso-00009-00002921-00003292 this video I'm going to explain to you +_-bijSiYNso-00010-00003293-00003656 why this is happening where I learned it +_-bijSiYNso-00011-00003657-00003959 from and what happened when I learned +_-bijSiYNso-00012-00003960-00004265 this knowledge and applied it in my own +_-bijSiYNso-00013-00004266-00004784 life your life is not supposed to look +_-bijSiYNso-00014-00004785-00005122 like a roller coaster which is how most +_-bijSiYNso-00015-00005123-00005336 people's life look you're in a good mood +_-bijSiYNso-00016-00005337-00005540 bad mood good mood bad mood you have +_-bijSiYNso-00017-00005541-00005704 more money less money more money less +_-bijSiYNso-00018-00005705-00005975 money your money your sorry your life +_-bijSiYNso-00019-00005976-00006517 supposed to look like this and upcycle +_-bijSiYNso-00020-00006518-00006934 like this with of course some slight +_-bijSiYNso-00021-00006936-00007242 periods of going down but the bottoms +_-bijSiYNso-00022-00007243-00007531 the bottom cycles should always be going +_-bijSiYNso-00023-00007533-00007756 up and the top cycles should always be +_-bijSiYNso-00024-00007758-00007984 going up if your life is looking like +_-bijSiYNso-00025-00007986-00008282 this it means only one thing it means +_-bijSiYNso-00026-00008283-00008453 that there are people in your life that +_-bijSiYNso-00027-00008454-00008971 are sabotaging your success now I'm not +_-bijSiYNso-00028-00008972-00009359 talking about your haters your enemies +_-bijSiYNso-00029-00009360-00009698 your the people that are really in you +_-bijSiYNso-00030-00009699-00009953 make you hurt these people are not the +_-bijSiYNso-00031-00009954-00010088 people you should be worried about and +_-bijSiYNso-00032-00010089-00010319 the reason is because they're very clear +_-bijSiYNso-00033-00010320-00010588 the enemy is visible and it's very easy +_-bijSiYNso-00034-00010589-00010853 to push against them the people you need +_-bijSiYNso-00035-00010854-00011030 to be worried about are the people in +_-bijSiYNso-00036-00011031-00011333 your immediate circle they're actually +_-bijSiYNso-00037-00011334-00011483 the people that say that they love you +_-bijSiYNso-00038-00011484-00011726 let's say that they support you let's +_-bijSiYNso-00039-00011727-00011845 say that they want the best for you +_-bijSiYNso-00040-00011846-00012212 these are your family so your mom your +_-bijSiYNso-00041-00012213-00012818 dad brothers wife +_-bijSiYNso-00042-00012819-00013577 friends associates and more boss +_-bijSiYNso-00043-00013578-00014037 sometimes any person that's closed in +_-bijSiYNso-00044-00014038-00014502 your life that affects you and the +_-bijSiYNso-00045-00014503-00014972 reason is we're very much affected by +_-bijSiYNso-00046-00014973-00015188 our environment a lot more than we think +_-bijSiYNso-00047-00015190-00015546 our thinking are our paradigms the way +_-bijSiYNso-00048-00015547-00015891 we viewed the world is only a filter so +_-bijSiYNso-00049-00015891-00016377 if reality is this big the only part of +_-bijSiYNso-00050-00016378-00016740 reality that we actually see is a very +_-bijSiYNso-00051-00016741-00016919 small part of reality that we see +_-bijSiYNso-00052-00016920-00017454 through our filter our filter is based +_-bijSiYNso-00053-00017455-00017874 on our beliefs on our experiences on how +_-bijSiYNso-00054-00017875-00018171 we subjectively view those experiences +_-bijSiYNso-00055-00018172-00018399 one person can lose a thousand dollars +_-bijSiYNso-00056-00018400-00018540 and say that it was a good thing one +_-bijSiYNso-00057-00018541-00018708 person kills a thousand dollars and say +_-bijSiYNso-00058-00018709-00018936 it was a bad thing one person can make a +_-bijSiYNso-00059-00018937-00019071 thousand dollars and say it was a good +_-bijSiYNso-00060-00019072-00019212 thing one person can make a thousand +_-bijSiYNso-00061-00019213-00019400 dollars and say it was a bad thing it +_-bijSiYNso-00062-00019401-00019638 all changes based on perspective and our +_-bijSiYNso-00063-00019639-00019896 perspective is created by our +_-bijSiYNso-00064-00019897-00020112 environment so the people around us +_-bijSiYNso-00065-00020113-00020367 these people are what create the filter +_-bijSiYNso-00066-00020368-00020741 for what from this huge infinity of +_-bijSiYNso-00067-00020742-00021025 things to see in the world of of +_-bijSiYNso-00068-00021026-00021233 immediate things that your subconscious +_-bijSiYNso-00069-00021234-00021615 can pick up the 99% of reality that +_-bijSiYNso-00070-00021616-00022113 you're not aware of probably 99.99 to be +_-bijSiYNso-00071-00022114-00022299 more accurate you only filter the +_-bijSiYNso-00072-00022300-00022644 tiniest bit of it based on again your +_-bijSiYNso-00073-00022645-00022844 environment which affects your paradigms +_-bijSiYNso-00074-00022845-00023009 your experiences and the filter that it +_-bijSiYNso-00075-00023010-00023253 creates if you're surround yourself with +_-bijSiYNso-00076-00023254-00023538 people that say you can't do this +_-bijSiYNso-00077-00023539-00023853 be careful don't hurt yourself this is +_-bijSiYNso-00078-00023854-00023928 dangerous +_-bijSiYNso-00079-00023929-00024336 be reasonable don't think too big you're +_-bijSiYNso-00080-00024337-00024618 moving too fast you too energetic and on +_-bijSiYNso-00081-00024619-00024947 and on and on you're going to have +_-bijSiYNso-00082-00024948-00025269 constant doubts you're gonna have a +_-bijSiYNso-00083-00025270-00025572 filter where you say I want to go up I +_-bijSiYNso-00084-00025573-00025902 want to grow under get big but at the +_-bijSiYNso-00085-00025902-00026027 same time you have filters +_-bijSiYNso-00086-00026029-00026277 tell you stay small stay safe be careful +_-bijSiYNso-00087-00026277-00026702 and as long as those people are feeding +_-bijSiYNso-00088-00026704-00027111 that filter putting in influence this is +_-bijSiYNso-00089-00027112-00027291 what you're gonna see and your life is +_-bijSiYNso-00090-00027292-00027545 always gonna be like this because you're +_-bijSiYNso-00091-00027547-00027741 like gonna grow I want to get bigger and +_-bijSiYNso-00092-00027742-00027888 then you think you know but this is too +_-bijSiYNso-00093-00027889-00028119 big too much I want to grow oh but be +_-bijSiYNso-00094-00028120-00028356 careful but oh no this is now a I wanna +_-bijSiYNso-00095-00028357-00028575 grow and yeah every time it's the same +_-bijSiYNso-00096-00028576-00028911 cycle you don't have to be like this you +_-bijSiYNso-00097-00028912-00029247 can just go up in your relationships in +_-bijSiYNso-00098-00029248-00029520 your health in your income but how do +_-bijSiYNso-00099-00029520-00030014 you do that you cut off every single +_-bijSiYNso-00100-00030014-00030320 negative influence in your life every +_-bijSiYNso-00101-00030322-00030687 person if that tells you don't do it be +_-bijSiYNso-00102-00030688-00030774 careful +_-bijSiYNso-00103-00030775-00031102 stay back be reasonable stay small +_-bijSiYNso-00104-00031104-00031380 you're not good enough you're not there +_-bijSiYNso-00105-00031381-00031602 yet all these people you need to cut +_-bijSiYNso-00106-00031602-00031875 them out of your life and trust me +_-bijSiYNso-00107-00031876-00032127 that when you do that you're gonna start +_-bijSiYNso-00108-00032127-00032424 growing very fast if you're motivated +_-bijSiYNso-00109-00032425-00032670 like me but then what happens is you're +_-bijSiYNso-00110-00032670-00032862 gonna start making mistakes because +_-bijSiYNso-00111-00032863-00033261 you're not surrounded by people on the +_-bijSiYNso-00112-00033262-00033681 other side that are inspirational that +_-bijSiYNso-00113-00033682-00033987 are better than you that make more money +_-bijSiYNso-00114-00033988-00034176 than you there are more motivated than +_-bijSiYNso-00115-00034177-00034356 you that are more disciplined you don't +_-bijSiYNso-00116-00034357-00034566 have them around you so they're not +_-bijSiYNso-00117-00034567-00034845 feeding you're in your your filter so +_-bijSiYNso-00118-00034846-00035082 you're gonna make mistakes and you're +_-bijSiYNso-00119-00035083-00035229 gonna probably crash you're gonna have +_-bijSiYNso-00120-00035230-00035469 your first big failure and it's gonna be +_-bijSiYNso-00121-00035470-00035766 a big one because up until now you've +_-bijSiYNso-00122-00035767-00035955 been playing small when you play small +_-bijSiYNso-00123-00035956-00036174 you can fail small but it can also only +_-bijSiYNso-00124-00036175-00036666 win small you can't win big so you're +_-bijSiYNso-00125-00036667-00036879 gonna start naturally playing bigger and +_-bijSiYNso-00126-00036880-00037032 you're gonna fail bigger and when you +_-bijSiYNso-00127-00037033-00037185 fail bigger and you have your first big +_-bijSiYNso-00128-00037186-00037461 failure all the people here are gonna +_-bijSiYNso-00129-00037462-00037812 come back to you and tell you see we +_-bijSiYNso-00130-00037813-00038013 told you so we told you you should stay +_-bijSiYNso-00131-00038014-00038223 small we told you you should be careful +_-bijSiYNso-00132-00038224-00038481 we told you it's dangerous come back to +_-bijSiYNso-00133-00038482-00038756 us come back come back to the mediocrity +_-bijSiYNso-00134-00038757-00039063 come back to small thinking and you're +_-bijSiYNso-00135-00039064-00039186 gonna go there you're gonna get back +_-bijSiYNso-00136-00039187-00039371 there why because you've +_-bijSiYNso-00137-00039372-00039728 fed more of the same and they're gonna +_-bijSiYNso-00138-00039729-00039974 accept you with love so what you need to +_-bijSiYNso-00139-00039975-00040268 do is again cut those people off does +_-bijSiYNso-00140-00040269-00040397 that mean you should stop talking to +_-bijSiYNso-00141-00040398-00040450 your mom +_-bijSiYNso-00142-00040451-00040664 absolutely does that mean you should cut +_-bijSiYNso-00143-00040665-00040934 off your girlfriend absolutely should +_-bijSiYNso-00144-00040935-00041153 stop talking to your friend absolutely +_-bijSiYNso-00145-00041154-00041408 anytime you have a person in your life +_-bijSiYNso-00146-00041409-00041693 that is a suppressive person to sabotage +_-bijSiYNso-00147-00041694-00041930 or somebody who makes you think smaller +_-bijSiYNso-00148-00041931-00042236 be smaller not fulfill your potential +_-bijSiYNso-00149-00042237-00042551 you have two choices first one head them +_-bijSiYNso-00150-00042552-00042830 off this is the simple choice or the +_-bijSiYNso-00151-00042831-00043139 better choice the more mature choice is +_-bijSiYNso-00152-00043140-00043487 to tell them cut it off cut it off now +_-bijSiYNso-00153-00043488-00043784 or I'll have to cut you off so if your +_-bijSiYNso-00154-00043785-00044120 mom you know loves you and is nice to +_-bijSiYNso-00155-00044121-00044363 you and you love your mom you can be in +_-bijSiYNso-00156-00044364-00044590 contact with her but then if she says oh +_-bijSiYNso-00157-00044591-00044819 honey how does the business how's the +_-bijSiYNso-00158-00044820-00045065 business going can you say oh great that +_-bijSiYNso-00159-00045066-00045248 I thought to that and she says be +_-bijSiYNso-00160-00045249-00045575 careful say mom I did not ask for your +_-bijSiYNso-00161-00045576-00045836 advice cut it off I do not want to hear +_-bijSiYNso-00162-00045837-00046154 about this do not talk to me about this +_-bijSiYNso-00163-00046155-00046367 and then you don't get the negative +_-bijSiYNso-00164-00046368-00046487 influence they're basically not gonna +_-bijSiYNso-00165-00046488-00046712 feed your filter but some people just +_-bijSiYNso-00166-00046713-00046892 can't hold it they can't hold in they'll +_-bijSiYNso-00167-00046893-00047180 be like they'll put it in in small doses +_-bijSiYNso-00168-00047181-00047375 and just wherever they can +_-bijSiYNso-00169-00047376-00047540 and those people you have to cut off +_-bijSiYNso-00170-00047541-00047840 yours sorry gone but but some people +_-bijSiYNso-00171-00047841-00047984 yeah you can have a healthy relationship +_-bijSiYNso-00172-00047985-00048164 with them because they know boundaries +_-bijSiYNso-00173-00048165-00048338 they know to respect your boundaries +_-bijSiYNso-00174-00048339-00048599 they know that you say this is sacred +_-bijSiYNso-00175-00048600-00048827 don't affect this and they're gonna keep +_-bijSiYNso-00176-00048828-00049088 away from this you should spend most of +_-bijSiYNso-00177-00049089-00049223 your time though with inspirational +_-bijSiYNso-00178-00049224-00049481 people with the CEOs the people that +_-bijSiYNso-00179-00049482-00049736 want big success and make sure that +_-bijSiYNso-00180-00049737-00049996 they're not also surrounded by these +_-bijSiYNso-00181-00049997-00050249 suppressive people because then they'll +_-bijSiYNso-00182-00050250-00050462 affect you as well I know it sounds kind +_-bijSiYNso-00183-00050463-00050765 of kooky but what happened with me in my +_-bijSiYNso-00184-00050766-00051205 life is for many years I've always been +_-bijSiYNso-00185-00051207-00051430 playing small I've been suppressed I've +_-bijSiYNso-00186-00051432-00051698 been very small thinking and then a few +_-bijSiYNso-00187-00051699-00051989 years ago I started releasing myself +_-bijSiYNso-00188-00051990-00052255 from these suppressive people and I +_-bijSiYNso-00189-00052257-00052361 started listening to a lot more +_-bijSiYNso-00190-00052362-00052544 successful people I started surrounding +_-bijSiYNso-00191-00052545-00052617 myself +_-bijSiYNso-00192-00052619-00052932 success and of course over time I +_-bijSiYNso-00193-00052933-00053199 started growing very fast and then the +_-bijSiYNso-00194-00053200-00053361 same people that told me be careful uh +_-bijSiYNso-00195-00053362-00053590 suddenly started cheering me because +_-bijSiYNso-00196-00053591-00053850 they're filter is so broken that they're +_-bijSiYNso-00197-00053851-00054046 like oh now that you succeeded now we +_-bijSiYNso-00198-00054047-00054271 trust you completely so these people +_-bijSiYNso-00199-00054272-00054472 kept screwing with me in the negative +_-bijSiYNso-00200-00054473-00054705 way where I came back to them see I'm +_-bijSiYNso-00201-00054706-00054934 successful now and now they fed me with +_-bijSiYNso-00202-00054935-00055123 the bad information that men maybe go +_-bijSiYNso-00203-00055124-00055488 back to failing because they told me oh +_-bijSiYNso-00204-00055489-00055707 you're so smart you can do anything +_-bijSiYNso-00205-00055708-00055903 wrong and I got fed the wrong +_-bijSiYNso-00206-00055904-00056248 information again so I got back to zero +_-bijSiYNso-00207-00056249-00056436 and then they seemed people that were so +_-bijSiYNso-00208-00056437-00056698 nice now says again you OC we told you +_-bijSiYNso-00209-00056699-00056953 you'd be careful you're gonna lose +_-bijSiYNso-00210-00056954-00057391 you're acting irresponsibly and that +_-bijSiYNso-00211-00057391-00057543 basically took me out for almost two +_-bijSiYNso-00212-00057544-00057756 years of my life so I basically lost two +_-bijSiYNso-00213-00057757-00058084 years of my life to to this and then +_-bijSiYNso-00214-00058085-00058249 what I decided was I'm gonna cut them +_-bijSiYNso-00215-00058250-00058500 off and I started taking really great +_-bijSiYNso-00216-00058501-00058749 people and then I surround myself with a +_-bijSiYNso-00217-00058750-00059029 CEO that I'm working with who is the +_-bijSiYNso-00218-00059029-00059485 most ambitious creative hardworking and +_-bijSiYNso-00219-00059486-00059769 smart business woman that I know and +_-bijSiYNso-00220-00059770-00060049 also the most charismatic business and +_-bijSiYNso-00221-00060050-00060160 another person who is the most +_-bijSiYNso-00222-00060161-00060412 charismatic coach and business leader +_-bijSiYNso-00223-00060413-00060642 that I know and I basically spent about +_-bijSiYNso-00224-00060643-00060835 12 hours a day working with them and +_-bijSiYNso-00225-00060836-00061029 ever since I started that about four or +_-bijSiYNso-00226-00061030-00061291 five months ago everything is back to +_-bijSiYNso-00227-00061291-00061516 going up everything I touch is gold and +_-bijSiYNso-00228-00061516-00061729 it doesn't mean I don't make mistakes it +_-bijSiYNso-00229-00061729-00061873 doesn't mean they don't lose money but +_-bijSiYNso-00230-00061874-00062094 what it does mean is I now have their +_-bijSiYNso-00231-00062095-00062386 filter and both of them make a whole lot +_-bijSiYNso-00232-00062387-00062554 of money they also lose a lot of money +_-bijSiYNso-00233-00062554-00062854 so if they make 80k their vendor lose +_-bijSiYNso-00234-00062854-00062967 brow like 20k +_-bijSiYNso-00235-00062968-00063310 but I'd rather lose $20,000 from an +_-bijSiYNso-00236-00063311-00063547 $80,000 income and then lose nothing +_-bijSiYNso-00237-00063548-00063894 from a $5,000 income so find these +_-bijSiYNso-00238-00063895-00064216 people cut off these people and your +_-bijSiYNso-00239-00064216-00064488 filter will get fixed and you start +_-bijSiYNso-00240-00064489-00064887 seeing upwards movement is Robbie +_-bijSiYNso-00241-00064888-00065110 signing out don't forget to check out my +_-bijSiYNso-00242-00065111-00065454 book evolution of a maniac which details +_-bijSiYNso-00243-00065455-00065803 my life story from basically age zero to +_-bijSiYNso-00244-00065804-00065996 age 23 to +_-bijSiYNso-00245-00065997-00066197 years ago and I explained how I got +_-bijSiYNso-00246-00066198-00066430 there and what caused that great crash +_-bijSiYNso-00247-00066431-00066607 that I talked about and what happened +_-bijSiYNso-00248-00066608-00066785 there every single decision they made +_-bijSiYNso-00249-00066786-00067012 every single big decision and epiphany +_-bijSiYNso-00250-00067013-00067231 that I had you're gonna love it +_-bijSiYNso-00251-00067232-00067468 it's on sale $9.99 check it out right +_-bijSiYNso-00252-00067469-00067778 now and get it thank you subscribe and +_-bijSiYNso-00253-00067779-00068048 hope to see you soon +__jzOHSYjly-00000-00000050-00000214 foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00001-00000215-00001139 techniques +__jzOHSYjly-00002-00001140-00001345 for collateral Academy +__jzOHSYjly-00003-00001346-00001601 we are going to discuss some common +__jzOHSYjly-00004-00001602-00001925 mistakes to avoid in quantitative picnic +__jzOHSYjly-00005-00001926-00002075 section for class +__jzOHSYjly-00006-00002076-00002518 ES +__jzOHSYjly-00007-00002519-00004169 is +__jzOHSYjly-00009-00007729-00008387 right so exopath is +__jzOHSYjly-00010-00008388-00010433 foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00011-00010434-00010823 foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00013-00014178-00017161 [Music] +__jzOHSYjly-00014-00017162-00017411 you need to do well with the other +__jzOHSYjly-00015-00017412-00019032 second +__jzOHSYjly-00016-00019033-00019175 [Music] +__jzOHSYjly-00017-00019176-00019561 don't skip the basics of any topic +__jzOHSYjly-00018-00019562-00019894 although yes I will also be telling you +__jzOHSYjly-00019-00019895-00020425 some of the topics sometimes topics +__jzOHSYjly-00020-00020426-00020675 that is how cloud has been asking and so +__jzOHSYjly-00021-00020676-00020980 on but I'll still advise you don't skip +__jzOHSYjly-00022-00020981-00021114 any topics +__jzOHSYjly-00023-00021115-00021763 you never know +__jzOHSYjly-00024-00021764-00021994 so you should not be skipping up the +__jzOHSYjly-00025-00021995-00022144 basics of any topic basic questions +__jzOHSYjly-00026-00022145-00023794 right +__jzOHSYjly-00027-00023795-00024130 secondly uh various question types what +__jzOHSYjly-00028-00024131-00024275 do you mean by saying various question +__jzOHSYjly-00029-00024276-00024463 types +__jzOHSYjly-00030-00024464-00025350 for us questions +__jzOHSYjly-00031-00025351-00025594 so that you can strengthen your Basics +__jzOHSYjly-00032-00025595-00025939 right but same questions +__jzOHSYjly-00033-00025939-00026640 same questions as it is +__jzOHSYjly-00034-00026641-00026879 a variety of questions various question +__jzOHSYjly-00035-00026880-00027029 types +__jzOHSYjly-00036-00027030-00027161 that is what you should be looking +__jzOHSYjly-00037-00027162-00027262 forward to +__jzOHSYjly-00038-00027263-00027485 right and +__jzOHSYjly-00039-00027486-00028199 um +__jzOHSYjly-00040-00028200-00028385 right so I hope you are understanding +__jzOHSYjly-00041-00028386-00029135 this point basics +__jzOHSYjly-00042-00029136-00029285 and +__jzOHSYjly-00043-00029286-00029873 um +__jzOHSYjly-00044-00029874-00030451 important +__jzOHSYjly-00045-00030452-00030737 section on daily basis if you can figure +__jzOHSYjly-00046-00030738-00030995 out half an hour time one hour time +__jzOHSYjly-00047-00030995-00031477 it is very very good quantity level +__jzOHSYjly-00048-00031477-00031745 you go to our next level and I practice +__jzOHSYjly-00049-00031745-00032273 them okay so practice +__jzOHSYjly-00050-00032274-00032456 foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00051-00032457-00034277 [Music] +__jzOHSYjly-00052-00034278-00035573 important +__jzOHSYjly-00053-00035574-00035843 so you cannot leave behind this 15 marks +__jzOHSYjly-00054-00035844-00036179 15 minutes okay isn't it so what is +__jzOHSYjly-00055-00036180-00036431 really important on a daily basis which +__jzOHSYjly-00056-00036432-00036661 amount of time +__jzOHSYjly-00057-00036662-00037024 for the Quant section as well it should +__jzOHSYjly-00058-00037025-00037151 be happening on a daily basis like +__jzOHSYjly-00059-00037152-00037440 you're doing it for the other topics +__jzOHSYjly-00060-00037441-00037673 on a daily basis you need to give time +__jzOHSYjly-00061-00037674-00037865 you need to give time for the point +__jzOHSYjly-00062-00037866-00038377 section that's it +__jzOHSYjly-00063-00038378-00038735 it will make up right so that is exactly +__jzOHSYjly-00064-00038736-00038962 what you have to do is so get out the +__jzOHSYjly-00065-00038963-00039209 get out of this mindset in maths +__jzOHSYjly-00066-00039210-00039480 medicine +__jzOHSYjly-00067-00039481-00039737 you just have to devote time to it that +__jzOHSYjly-00068-00039738-00041117 is it it is foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00069-00041118-00041273 so that is something that you really +__jzOHSYjly-00070-00041274-00041585 need to do it and do it now not wait for +__jzOHSYjly-00071-00041586-00041801 a lot of time you know +__jzOHSYjly-00072-00041802-00041987 right I hope you are understanding this +__jzOHSYjly-00073-00041988-00042101 everyone +__jzOHSYjly-00074-00042102-00042337 hello the next thing +__jzOHSYjly-00075-00042338-00042623 if I have to you know give some examples +__jzOHSYjly-00076-00042624-00042946 I I have you know before taking up the +__jzOHSYjly-00077-00042947-00043235 next I have got uh you know messages +__jzOHSYjly-00078-00043236-00043495 from several students saying that +__jzOHSYjly-00079-00043496-00043787 forehead want to imagine the box that it +__jzOHSYjly-00080-00043788-00043957 can come naturally +__jzOHSYjly-00081-00043958-00044261 for two to three months now and now they +__jzOHSYjly-00082-00044262-00044393 have started getting you know in the +__jzOHSYjly-00083-00044394-00044621 range of 12 to 13 months as well and +__jzOHSYjly-00084-00044622-00044771 that is only happening because they have +__jzOHSYjly-00085-00044772-00045085 understood the concepts right +__jzOHSYjly-00086-00045086-00045496 importance of the porn section and daily +__jzOHSYjly-00087-00045497-00045889 basis +__jzOHSYjly-00088-00045890-00046387 you know increase and decrease Concepts +__jzOHSYjly-00089-00046388-00046721 right but initial State speed does +__jzOHSYjly-00090-00046722-00047111 require a lot of time right cello next +__jzOHSYjly-00091-00047112-00047435 so next Point Joe bodyman doesn't keep +__jzOHSYjly-00092-00047436-00047783 passage base guys difficulty +__jzOHSYjly-00093-00047784-00049102 the passage is passages +__jzOHSYjly-00094-00049103-00049240 so +__jzOHSYjly-00095-00049241-00052108 foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00096-00052109-00052307 devote some time to calculations on a +__jzOHSYjly-00097-00052308-00052469 daily basis that's what you have to do +__jzOHSYjly-00098-00052470-00052816 right and you need to solve variety of +__jzOHSYjly-00099-00052817-00053015 questions passage may be variety of +__jzOHSYjly-00100-00053016-00053200 questions +__jzOHSYjly-00101-00053201-00053579 right so variety of questions as I said +__jzOHSYjly-00102-00053579-00053880 previously +__jzOHSYjly-00103-00053882-00054373 it is +__jzOHSYjly-00104-00054374-00054682 okay you will not find it difficult +__jzOHSYjly-00105-00054683-00054947 you'll find it that it is something that +__jzOHSYjly-00106-00054948-00055109 you can easily manage it +__jzOHSYjly-00107-00055110-00055366 right so you need to focus on passage +__jzOHSYjly-00108-00055367-00055547 based questions that is for sure but +__jzOHSYjly-00109-00055548-00055799 again before you focus on passage based +__jzOHSYjly-00110-00055800-00057125 questions I would say that foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00111-00057126-00057316 right that's exactly how it should +__jzOHSYjly-00112-00057317-00057394 happen +__jzOHSYjly-00113-00057395-00057592 and you have a passage oriented type of +__jzOHSYjly-00114-00057594-00058321 questions +__jzOHSYjly-00115-00058322-00058525 daily basis +__jzOHSYjly-00116-00058526-00058829 later on maybe you can decrease it twice +__jzOHSYjly-00117-00058829-00059087 or twice +__jzOHSYjly-00118-00059088-00059242 or Thrice +__jzOHSYjly-00119-00059244-00059441 a week that's what you can do and you +__jzOHSYjly-00120-00059441-00059549 can solve various other kinds of +__jzOHSYjly-00121-00059550-00059753 questions as well right so that's +__jzOHSYjly-00122-00059754-00059975 exactly what you can do guys the next +__jzOHSYjly-00123-00059976-00060179 point and the last point that I would +__jzOHSYjly-00124-00060179-00060485 like to cover yeah okay is not focusing +__jzOHSYjly-00125-00060486-00060829 on the right content +__jzOHSYjly-00126-00060829-00062182 easy questions +__jzOHSYjly-00127-00062183-00062447 foreign +__jzOHSYjly-00129-00066739-00067013 so for some challenge you can take up +__jzOHSYjly-00130-00067014-00067265 some higher kind of questions not too +__jzOHSYjly-00131-00067266-00067487 high again a little higher than clat +__jzOHSYjly-00132-00067488-00067691 level you can go to that level and try +__jzOHSYjly-00133-00067692-00067997 and solve right that's okay that's good +__jzOHSYjly-00134-00067998-00068194 for practice but again not too high +__jzOHSYjly-00135-00068195-00068417 level not too low level you should keep +__jzOHSYjly-00136-00068418-00068675 yourself on the level of class so +__jzOHSYjly-00137-00068676-00068831 practice from the mocks practice from +__jzOHSYjly-00138-00068832-00069215 the second test topic test job tests +__jzOHSYjly-00139-00069216-00069587 [Music] +__jzOHSYjly-00140-00069588-00069869 calculations to open right +__jzOHSYjly-00141-00069870-00070025 remember +__jzOHSYjly-00142-00070026-00070685 that cloud May uh 2020 there was a +__jzOHSYjly-00143-00070686-00070909 case right is +__jzOHSYjly-00144-00070910-00072082 the last two years passes again +__jzOHSYjly-00145-00072083-00072443 another thing don't we focus on sample +__jzOHSYjly-00146-00072444-00072643 papers +__jzOHSYjly-00147-00072644-00072893 solve them get an idea this type of +__jzOHSYjly-00148-00072894-00073267 questions +__jzOHSYjly-00149-00073268-00073565 but don't only rely on that right you +__jzOHSYjly-00150-00073566-00073799 need to rely you have to rely rely on +__jzOHSYjly-00151-00073800-00074297 the mocks rely on your uh and the right +__jzOHSYjly-00152-00074298-00074609 content you know when when I say write +__jzOHSYjly-00153-00074610-00074747 content you need to solve a lot of +__jzOHSYjly-00154-00074748-00074885 material for that +__jzOHSYjly-00155-00074886-00075203 right Joe uh +__jzOHSYjly-00156-00075204-00076259 Cloud focus is +__jzOHSYjly-00157-00076260-00076426 that's exactly you need to do for math +__jzOHSYjly-00158-00076427-00076673 space right you will not carry on the +__jzOHSYjly-00159-00076674-00076829 session for a longer period of time I +__jzOHSYjly-00160-00076830-00077111 hope you understood what else areas are +__jzOHSYjly-00161-00077112-00077303 there that you need to focus on and get +__jzOHSYjly-00162-00077304-00077471 it correct that's it so do a lot of +__jzOHSYjly-00163-00077472-00077747 practice do a lot of practice and I +__jzOHSYjly-00164-00077748-00077993 really hope that I'm gonna start +__jzOHSYjly-00165-00077994-00078226 hello see you all guys and yes you can +__jzOHSYjly-00166-00078227-00078491 join me on an Academy with some math +__jzOHSYjly-00167-00078492-00078623 section +__jzOHSYjly-00168-00078624-00079085 session right uh +__jzOHSYjly-00169-00079086-00079276 so we'll catch up guys see you all bye +__jzOHSYjly-00170-00079277-00079438 bye thank you +__jzOHSYjly-00171-00079439-00079625 thank you everyone +__jzOHSYjly-00172-00079626-00079834 bye +__jzOHSYjly-00173-00079835-00080182 [Music] +_B6UAbtAmUo-00000-00000009-00000630 [Music] +_B6UAbtAmUo-00001-00000631-00000823 hello my name is nicola mckeown i'm +_B6UAbtAmUo-00002-00000824-00001007 professor of territorial politics at the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00003-00001008-00001135 university of edinburgh +_B6UAbtAmUo-00004-00001136-00001287 and co-director of the centre on +_B6UAbtAmUo-00005-00001288-00001447 constitutional change +_B6UAbtAmUo-00006-00001448-00001550 and i've been asked to make a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00007-00001551-00001782 contribution to the panel exploring +_B6UAbtAmUo-00008-00001784-00002047 how the european union might become more +_B6UAbtAmUo-00009-00002048-00002134 engaged +_B6UAbtAmUo-00010-00002135-00002326 in sovereignty disputes within member +_B6UAbtAmUo-00011-00002327-00002463 states +_B6UAbtAmUo-00012-00002464-00002783 now certainly to date the eu has +_B6UAbtAmUo-00013-00002784-00002983 appeared ill-equipped or perhaps +_B6UAbtAmUo-00014-00002984-00003231 unwilling to engage in such disputes +_B6UAbtAmUo-00015-00003232-00003375 preferring instead +_B6UAbtAmUo-00016-00003376-00003654 to see these as internal matters for the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00017-00003655-00003911 member states and only internal matters +_B6UAbtAmUo-00018-00003911-00004159 for the member states now there is a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00019-00004160-00004391 debate about whether or not the eu ought +_B6UAbtAmUo-00020-00004392-00004559 to get more involved i know that's the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00021-00004560-00004719 subject of another panel +_B6UAbtAmUo-00022-00004720-00005054 at the conference here and certainly +_B6UAbtAmUo-00023-00005055-00005295 the treaty provisions of an article for +_B6UAbtAmUo-00024-00005296-00005391 two +_B6UAbtAmUo-00025-00005392-00005583 by emphasizing the respect for the and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00026-00005584-00005822 territorial integrity of states by +_B6UAbtAmUo-00027-00005823-00005975 emphasizing respect +_B6UAbtAmUo-00028-00005976-00006127 for the national identities and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00029-00006128-00006343 constitutional structure +_B6UAbtAmUo-00030-00006344-00006678 does discourage meaningful intervention +_B6UAbtAmUo-00031-00006679-00006927 it may even indeed provide some legal +_B6UAbtAmUo-00032-00006928-00007039 constraints +_B6UAbtAmUo-00033-00007040-00007359 on the opportunities available to the eu +_B6UAbtAmUo-00034-00007359-00007678 to intervene in such disputes +_B6UAbtAmUo-00035-00007679-00007983 but i think we can accept that there are +_B6UAbtAmUo-00036-00007984-00008183 enough provisions elsewhere in the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00037-00008184-00008295 treaties to give us +_B6UAbtAmUo-00038-00008296-00008551 confidence that a more meaningful role +_B6UAbtAmUo-00039-00008552-00008639 can be +_B6UAbtAmUo-00040-00008640-00008974 developed what then practically +_B6UAbtAmUo-00041-00008975-00009383 could the eu do in my paper i offer +_B6UAbtAmUo-00042-00009384-00009606 five steps or five suggestions for +_B6UAbtAmUo-00043-00009607-00009799 consideration of developing +_B6UAbtAmUo-00044-00009800-00010071 a more meaningful role the first of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00045-00010072-00010127 these +_B6UAbtAmUo-00046-00010128-00010431 involves recognition recognition that +_B6UAbtAmUo-00047-00010432-00010583 sovereignty disputes +_B6UAbtAmUo-00048-00010584-00010783 are yes internal matters of member +_B6UAbtAmUo-00049-00010784-00010967 states but that they're also +_B6UAbtAmUo-00050-00010968-00011231 internal matters for the european union +_B6UAbtAmUo-00051-00011232-00011399 as a whole +_B6UAbtAmUo-00052-00011400-00011670 the eu is a multi-level policy it +_B6UAbtAmUo-00053-00011671-00011767 involves +_B6UAbtAmUo-00054-00011768-00011967 not just horizontal relations between +_B6UAbtAmUo-00055-00011968-00012119 member states enjoying +_B6UAbtAmUo-00056-00012120-00012463 equal legal status but it also +_B6UAbtAmUo-00057-00012464-00012719 involves vertical relations between +_B6UAbtAmUo-00058-00012720-00012871 nested polities +_B6UAbtAmUo-00059-00012872-00013086 including those sub-state territories +_B6UAbtAmUo-00060-00013087-00013311 and institutions that are involved in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00061-00013312-00013463 sovereignty disputes and that +_B6UAbtAmUo-00062-00013463-00013766 have a recognized role within the eu +_B6UAbtAmUo-00063-00013768-00014022 polity +_B6UAbtAmUo-00064-00014023-00014199 the fate of sovereignty disputes also +_B6UAbtAmUo-00065-00014200-00014335 affects eu interests +_B6UAbtAmUo-00066-00014336-00014558 directly including the rights and the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00067-00014559-00014694 well-being and the future +_B6UAbtAmUo-00068-00014695-00014927 of eu citizens who live in the disputed +_B6UAbtAmUo-00069-00014928-00015071 territory +_B6UAbtAmUo-00070-00015072-00015319 including the free movement within and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00071-00015319-00015391 across +_B6UAbtAmUo-00072-00015391-00015703 that territory perhaps even the health +_B6UAbtAmUo-00073-00015704-00015983 of the european economy perhaps even the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00074-00015984-00016150 the peace and stability +_B6UAbtAmUo-00075-00016151-00016463 in europe and all of that presents the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00076-00016464-00016727 eu with the legitimate opportunity +_B6UAbtAmUo-00077-00016728-00017019 to engage more directly and arguably the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00078-00017020-00017143 responsibility +_B6UAbtAmUo-00079-00017144-00017422 to engage but recognition of that +_B6UAbtAmUo-00080-00017423-00017558 responsibility +_B6UAbtAmUo-00081-00017559-00017886 is the first step the second step i +_B6UAbtAmUo-00082-00017887-00018007 would suggest +_B6UAbtAmUo-00083-00018008-00018335 is understanding part of the eu's +_B6UAbtAmUo-00084-00018336-00018550 engagement with sovereignty disputes +_B6UAbtAmUo-00085-00018551-00018830 ought to involve an effort to understand +_B6UAbtAmUo-00086-00018831-00018975 them +_B6UAbtAmUo-00087-00018976-00019230 viewed from brussels or from the comfort +_B6UAbtAmUo-00088-00019231-00019414 of a national capital with authority +_B6UAbtAmUo-00089-00019415-00019663 over large areas of public policy +_B6UAbtAmUo-00090-00019664-00019903 and a voice on those policy decisions +_B6UAbtAmUo-00091-00019904-00019975 where +_B6UAbtAmUo-00092-00019976-00020279 authority is shared the centrifugal +_B6UAbtAmUo-00093-00020280-00020486 ambitions of sub-state nationalists can +_B6UAbtAmUo-00094-00020487-00020607 appear to be +_B6UAbtAmUo-00095-00020608-00020878 in violation of the integration and the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00096-00020879-00021047 reconciliation +_B6UAbtAmUo-00097-00021048-00021399 that underpins the european dream +_B6UAbtAmUo-00098-00021400-00021663 from that perspective secession leads to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00099-00021664-00021799 fragmentation +_B6UAbtAmUo-00100-00021800-00022111 and fragmentation is the antithesis +_B6UAbtAmUo-00101-00022112-00022455 of integration now that's +_B6UAbtAmUo-00102-00022456-00022703 quite a prevalent view within the eu +_B6UAbtAmUo-00103-00022704-00022886 institutions i would suggest and perhaps +_B6UAbtAmUo-00104-00022887-00022950 even +_B6UAbtAmUo-00105-00022951-00023327 in capitals around the european union +_B6UAbtAmUo-00106-00023328-00023647 but it betrays a lack of understanding +_B6UAbtAmUo-00107-00023648-00023927 of the dynamics that drive demands for +_B6UAbtAmUo-00108-00023928-00024167 self-government +_B6UAbtAmUo-00109-00024168-00024414 in general in the most prominent cases +_B6UAbtAmUo-00110-00024415-00024478 at least +_B6UAbtAmUo-00111-00024479-00024727 these are less about nativist identity +_B6UAbtAmUo-00112-00024728-00024975 driven desires to separate the territory +_B6UAbtAmUo-00113-00024976-00025222 from its neighbors and more about a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00114-00025223-00025358 desire for gaining +_B6UAbtAmUo-00115-00025359-00025678 policy autonomy and influence over the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00116-00025679-00025767 decisions +_B6UAbtAmUo-00117-00025768-00026102 that affect them +_B6UAbtAmUo-00118-00026104-00026255 increasing understanding could be +_B6UAbtAmUo-00119-00026256-00026455 generated by supporting +_B6UAbtAmUo-00120-00026456-00026679 a program of research for example to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00121-00026680-00026774 identify +_B6UAbtAmUo-00122-00026775-00026990 the grievances and the ambitions of the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00123-00026991-00027127 sub-state territories +_B6UAbtAmUo-00124-00027127-00027367 the concerns and the fears of the wider +_B6UAbtAmUo-00125-00027368-00027487 population +_B6UAbtAmUo-00126-00027488-00027735 and the implications of alternative +_B6UAbtAmUo-00127-00027736-00027902 scenarios and outcomes +_B6UAbtAmUo-00128-00027904-00028087 for the disputed territory for the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00129-00028088-00028327 member state and for the union +_B6UAbtAmUo-00130-00028327-00028662 as a whole and such research could also +_B6UAbtAmUo-00131-00028663-00028870 inform any decision-making process that +_B6UAbtAmUo-00132-00028872-00029007 may be initiated +_B6UAbtAmUo-00133-00029008-00029207 as part of the process of territorial +_B6UAbtAmUo-00134-00029208-00029358 management and attempt +_B6UAbtAmUo-00135-00029360-00029623 to accommodate the territories and to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00136-00029624-00029702 resolve +_B6UAbtAmUo-00137-00029704-00030095 the disputes the third step +_B6UAbtAmUo-00138-00030095-00030414 is procedural clarification without +_B6UAbtAmUo-00139-00030416-00030639 clarification of the procedures by which +_B6UAbtAmUo-00140-00030639-00030807 the seceding territories would +_B6UAbtAmUo-00141-00030808-00030927 renegotiate +_B6UAbtAmUo-00142-00030927-00031127 their relationship with the european +_B6UAbtAmUo-00143-00031127-00031383 union we're left with the claim +_B6UAbtAmUo-00144-00031383-00031639 and the counterclaim of protagonists in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00145-00031639-00031831 to the sovereignty dispute +_B6UAbtAmUo-00146-00031832-00032055 now there's no way of ever getting away +_B6UAbtAmUo-00147-00032056-00032167 from claim +_B6UAbtAmUo-00148-00032168-00032439 encounter claim by politicians but a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00149-00032439-00032662 clearer framework could help to evaluate +_B6UAbtAmUo-00150-00032663-00032767 these claims +_B6UAbtAmUo-00151-00032768-00032967 and to inform the choices facing +_B6UAbtAmUo-00152-00032968-00033071 citizens +_B6UAbtAmUo-00153-00033072-00033318 in sovereignty laden electoral and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00154-00033319-00033607 referendum contests +_B6UAbtAmUo-00155-00033608-00033879 the official response which is only ever +_B6UAbtAmUo-00156-00033880-00034071 offered to a hypothetical case of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00157-00034072-00034279 secession from a member state +_B6UAbtAmUo-00158-00034280-00034559 is that on independence the eu treaties +_B6UAbtAmUo-00159-00034560-00034767 would cease to apply to the newly +_B6UAbtAmUo-00160-00034768-00034918 independent state +_B6UAbtAmUo-00161-00034919-00035190 although it would be free to renegotiate +_B6UAbtAmUo-00162-00035191-00035335 entry as an applicant +_B6UAbtAmUo-00163-00035336-00035599 country to membership of the european +_B6UAbtAmUo-00164-00035600-00035671 union +_B6UAbtAmUo-00165-00035672-00035887 so long as it respected the eu's core +_B6UAbtAmUo-00166-00035888-00036079 principles +_B6UAbtAmUo-00167-00036080-00036262 but that doesn't really tell us very +_B6UAbtAmUo-00168-00036263-00036390 much about the specific +_B6UAbtAmUo-00169-00036391-00036751 cases what if there is no successor +_B6UAbtAmUo-00170-00036752-00036879 state to inherit +_B6UAbtAmUo-00171-00036880-00037199 eu membership that might be the case for +_B6UAbtAmUo-00172-00037200-00037279 example +_B6UAbtAmUo-00173-00037280-00037527 were belgium to ever get that far in a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00174-00037528-00037718 sovereignty dispute +_B6UAbtAmUo-00175-00037719-00037951 would both of those territories in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00176-00037952-00038023 belgium +_B6UAbtAmUo-00177-00038024-00038359 be then obliged to apply for eu +_B6UAbtAmUo-00178-00038360-00038551 membership +_B6UAbtAmUo-00179-00038552-00038815 or in the case of a newly independent +_B6UAbtAmUo-00180-00038816-00038990 country that does have to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00181-00038991-00039327 accede to the eu could its succession +_B6UAbtAmUo-00182-00039328-00039590 be fast-tracked or would it have to join +_B6UAbtAmUo-00183-00039591-00039871 a long line a long queue +_B6UAbtAmUo-00184-00039872-00040095 would it require adoption of the the a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00185-00040096-00040295 key in phil from the outset +_B6UAbtAmUo-00186-00040296-00040439 or would there be a realistic +_B6UAbtAmUo-00187-00040440-00040718 expectation of some delegations for +_B6UAbtAmUo-00188-00040719-00040879 example from the currency are from +_B6UAbtAmUo-00189-00040880-00040958 schengen +_B6UAbtAmUo-00190-00040959-00041230 or a gradual process towards meeting +_B6UAbtAmUo-00191-00041231-00041430 these obligations +_B6UAbtAmUo-00192-00041431-00041615 and what would it mean for the rights of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00193-00041616-00041807 eu citizens and businesses +_B6UAbtAmUo-00194-00041808-00042095 that had already taken advantage of free +_B6UAbtAmUo-00195-00042096-00042167 movement +_B6UAbtAmUo-00196-00042168-00042374 the treaties were to cease to apply +_B6UAbtAmUo-00197-00042375-00042502 without any prior +_B6UAbtAmUo-00198-00042503-00042895 negotiation now the brexit process +_B6UAbtAmUo-00199-00042896-00043127 has revealed the complexity involved in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00200-00043128-00043302 extricating a territory from the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00201-00043303-00043495 european union +_B6UAbtAmUo-00202-00043496-00043790 it's been complex enough imagine how +_B6UAbtAmUo-00203-00043791-00043830 much +_B6UAbtAmUo-00204-00043831-00044079 more difficult it might have been +_B6UAbtAmUo-00205-00044080-00044295 without an article 50 process +_B6UAbtAmUo-00206-00044296-00044615 to guide those negotiations and just as +_B6UAbtAmUo-00207-00044616-00044815 the existence of article 50 had +_B6UAbtAmUo-00208-00044816-00045046 absolutely no bearing on the decision of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00209-00045047-00045423 eu electors to leave the eu in 2016 +_B6UAbtAmUo-00210-00045424-00045615 experimental evidence suggests that +_B6UAbtAmUo-00211-00045616-00045830 treaty clarification would have +_B6UAbtAmUo-00212-00045831-00046071 only a limited impact on public +_B6UAbtAmUo-00213-00046072-00046255 decision-making over sovereignty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00214-00046256-00046623 processes within member states +_B6UAbtAmUo-00215-00046624-00046846 in an ideal world procedural +_B6UAbtAmUo-00216-00046847-00046951 clarification +_B6UAbtAmUo-00217-00046952-00047183 would include an addition to the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00218-00047184-00047430 treaties to guide the european dimension +_B6UAbtAmUo-00219-00047431-00047662 of a secession process and the future +_B6UAbtAmUo-00220-00047663-00047767 relationship +_B6UAbtAmUo-00221-00047768-00048023 of a succeeding territory vis-a-vis the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00222-00048024-00048230 european union +_B6UAbtAmUo-00223-00048231-00048462 and if you will indulge me a little more +_B6UAbtAmUo-00224-00048463-00048686 in my ideal world scenario +_B6UAbtAmUo-00225-00048687-00048911 this might sit alongside or be embedded +_B6UAbtAmUo-00226-00048912-00048999 within +_B6UAbtAmUo-00227-00049000-00049223 the treaty provisions on amendment in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00228-00049224-00049358 article 48 +_B6UAbtAmUo-00229-00049359-00049839 or onyx are on accession in article 49 +_B6UAbtAmUo-00230-00049840-00050255 or on withdrawal in article 50. +_B6UAbtAmUo-00231-00050256-00050527 however of course we do not live in my +_B6UAbtAmUo-00232-00050528-00050623 ideal +_B6UAbtAmUo-00233-00050624-00050902 theoretical world and political +_B6UAbtAmUo-00234-00050903-00051030 interests and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00235-00051031-00051294 life sovereignty disputes make treaty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00236-00051295-00051638 change of this kind extremely unlikely +_B6UAbtAmUo-00237-00051639-00051935 but even so there could be a more open +_B6UAbtAmUo-00238-00051936-00052070 perspective +_B6UAbtAmUo-00239-00052071-00052375 on the variations in accession processes +_B6UAbtAmUo-00240-00052376-00052550 and the flexibilities +_B6UAbtAmUo-00241-00052551-00052742 that the european union has already +_B6UAbtAmUo-00242-00052744-00052871 demonstrated +_B6UAbtAmUo-00243-00052872-00053030 in response to the particular +_B6UAbtAmUo-00244-00053032-00053342 circumstances of applicant countries +_B6UAbtAmUo-00245-00053344-00053582 as well as the constraints upon such +_B6UAbtAmUo-00246-00053583-00053742 flexibilities +_B6UAbtAmUo-00247-00053744-00054030 this would provide at least some insight +_B6UAbtAmUo-00248-00054032-00054311 and perhaps provide a firmer foundation +_B6UAbtAmUo-00249-00054312-00054654 for the eu's neutrality than the current +_B6UAbtAmUo-00250-00054655-00054982 holding line +_B6UAbtAmUo-00251-00054983-00055191 that leads to the fourth step and that's +_B6UAbtAmUo-00252-00055191-00055503 mediation or soft intervention +_B6UAbtAmUo-00253-00055504-00055726 any intervention by eu authorities in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00254-00055727-00055903 sovereignty disputes is likely to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00255-00055904-00056079 underline the importance +_B6UAbtAmUo-00256-00056079-00056391 of operating within the rule of law the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00257-00056391-00056623 eu response to the catalan referendum in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00258-00056624-00056847 2017 focused on condemning the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00259-00056848-00057023 illegality of the vote +_B6UAbtAmUo-00260-00057024-00057166 with little reference to the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00261-00057167-00057342 heavy-handed response of the spanish +_B6UAbtAmUo-00262-00057344-00057559 authorities +_B6UAbtAmUo-00263-00057560-00057735 now notwithstanding the contested +_B6UAbtAmUo-00264-00057736-00057887 interpretations of the spanish +_B6UAbtAmUo-00265-00057888-00058166 constitution it's reasonable to conclude +_B6UAbtAmUo-00266-00058167-00058391 that the constitutional order of spain +_B6UAbtAmUo-00267-00058391-00058566 would prohibit secession +_B6UAbtAmUo-00268-00058567-00058854 under any circumstances even in the face +_B6UAbtAmUo-00269-00058855-00059079 of an as yet hypothetical +_B6UAbtAmUo-00270-00059079-00059326 overwhelming demand from catalonia or +_B6UAbtAmUo-00271-00059327-00059399 another +_B6UAbtAmUo-00272-00059400-00059726 stateless nation within spain +_B6UAbtAmUo-00273-00059727-00059982 the likelihood for such a scenario to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00274-00059983-00060038 create +_B6UAbtAmUo-00275-00060039-00060294 instability and mounting tension within +_B6UAbtAmUo-00276-00060295-00060550 the borders of an eu member state +_B6UAbtAmUo-00277-00060551-00060806 with potential spillover and wider +_B6UAbtAmUo-00278-00060807-00060919 repercussions +_B6UAbtAmUo-00279-00060920-00061247 in other parts of the union would make +_B6UAbtAmUo-00280-00061248-00061415 the internal matter +_B6UAbtAmUo-00281-00061416-00061766 stance of the european commission appear +_B6UAbtAmUo-00282-00061767-00062087 like a delection of duty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00283-00062088-00062294 it's not for the eu to give instructions +_B6UAbtAmUo-00284-00062295-00062654 to either party in a sovereignty dispute +_B6UAbtAmUo-00285-00062655-00062838 nor is it in the interest of its +_B6UAbtAmUo-00286-00062839-00063135 neutrality to pick aside +_B6UAbtAmUo-00287-00063136-00063375 but it could play a part in helping to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00288-00063376-00063438 avoid +_B6UAbtAmUo-00289-00063439-00063711 escalation for example through offering +_B6UAbtAmUo-00290-00063712-00063959 to facilitate dialogue between parties +_B6UAbtAmUo-00291-00063960-00064006 to the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00292-00064007-00064271 to the dispute or by supporting +_B6UAbtAmUo-00293-00064272-00064479 initiatives that specialize +_B6UAbtAmUo-00294-00064479-00064823 in conflict resolution +_B6UAbtAmUo-00295-00064824-00065054 the eu has had a role in supporting +_B6UAbtAmUo-00296-00065055-00065271 peace and reconciliation in other +_B6UAbtAmUo-00297-00065272-00065559 disputed territories its interventions +_B6UAbtAmUo-00298-00065560-00065743 in northern ireland for example +_B6UAbtAmUo-00299-00065744-00065943 have helped to europeanize the peace +_B6UAbtAmUo-00300-00065944-00066047 process +_B6UAbtAmUo-00301-00066048-00066294 through peace programme funding through +_B6UAbtAmUo-00302-00066295-00066543 support for civil society organizations +_B6UAbtAmUo-00303-00066544-00066799 to engage in cross-border cooperation +_B6UAbtAmUo-00304-00066800-00066991 and by providing an overarching +_B6UAbtAmUo-00305-00066992-00067255 framework within which to embed +_B6UAbtAmUo-00306-00067256-00067599 and partially de-politicize conflicting +_B6UAbtAmUo-00307-00067600-00067806 territorial identities now there is a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00308-00067807-00067935 concern of course +_B6UAbtAmUo-00309-00067936-00068175 that brexit risks some of those +_B6UAbtAmUo-00310-00068176-00068382 achievements but it does illustrate what +_B6UAbtAmUo-00311-00068383-00068511 can be done +_B6UAbtAmUo-00312-00068512-00068879 even in the most disputed territories +_B6UAbtAmUo-00313-00068880-00069231 the final step is accommodation +_B6UAbtAmUo-00314-00069232-00069487 the european union has overtly at least +_B6UAbtAmUo-00315-00069488-00069687 refrained from developing strategies of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00316-00069688-00069863 territorial management +_B6UAbtAmUo-00317-00069864-00070111 and accommodation that we often see in +_B6UAbtAmUo-00318-00070112-00070271 nation states faced +_B6UAbtAmUo-00319-00070272-00070503 with having to respond to sovereignty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00320-00070504-00070687 claims +_B6UAbtAmUo-00321-00070688-00070935 but the eu may have inadvertently +_B6UAbtAmUo-00322-00070936-00071023 encouraged +_B6UAbtAmUo-00323-00071024-00071350 these claims the promise of a new kind +_B6UAbtAmUo-00324-00071351-00071375 of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00325-00071376-00071543 political community in which sovereignty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00326-00071544-00071767 is shared and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00327-00071768-00072038 pooled together offers the potential to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00328-00072039-00072247 reduce some of the costs and the risks +_B6UAbtAmUo-00329-00072248-00072519 associated with secession +_B6UAbtAmUo-00330-00072520-00072750 the opportunities open to small states +_B6UAbtAmUo-00331-00072751-00072855 within eu +_B6UAbtAmUo-00332-00072856-00073159 decision making institutions 10 of which +_B6UAbtAmUo-00333-00073160-00073287 are smaller than scotland +_B6UAbtAmUo-00334-00073288-00073591 13 of which are smaller than catalonia +_B6UAbtAmUo-00335-00073592-00073767 or flanders contrast with the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00336-00073768-00073999 opportunities that sub-state governments +_B6UAbtAmUo-00337-00074000-00074087 have +_B6UAbtAmUo-00338-00074088-00074431 to shape eu policies within their member +_B6UAbtAmUo-00339-00074432-00074838 states and it has been suggested that +_B6UAbtAmUo-00340-00074839-00075071 lisbon treaty by recognizing a role for +_B6UAbtAmUo-00341-00075072-00075223 regional governments and regional +_B6UAbtAmUo-00342-00075224-00075326 parliaments +_B6UAbtAmUo-00343-00075327-00075519 in the operation of the subsidiarity +_B6UAbtAmUo-00344-00075520-00075735 principle could have destabilized the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00345-00075736-00075935 relationships between its member states +_B6UAbtAmUo-00346-00075936-00076135 and their constituent territories +_B6UAbtAmUo-00347-00076136-00076382 by promoting regions within eu +_B6UAbtAmUo-00348-00076383-00076591 decision-making structures likewise +_B6UAbtAmUo-00349-00076592-00076911 with the committee of the regions but +_B6UAbtAmUo-00350-00076912-00077047 that's not my view +_B6UAbtAmUo-00351-00077048-00077262 and there remain very limited +_B6UAbtAmUo-00352-00077263-00077431 opportunities for regional +_B6UAbtAmUo-00353-00077432-00077606 influence within the eu the committee of +_B6UAbtAmUo-00354-00077607-00077799 the regions remains the weakest +_B6UAbtAmUo-00355-00077800-00078071 of the eu's institutions and it's a far +_B6UAbtAmUo-00356-00078072-00078159 cry +_B6UAbtAmUo-00357-00078160-00078367 from the europe of the regions that once +_B6UAbtAmUo-00358-00078368-00078615 inspired europe's stateless nations and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00359-00078616-00078815 regions +_B6UAbtAmUo-00360-00078816-00079055 now if we think again of sovereignty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00361-00079056-00079150 claims as +_B6UAbtAmUo-00362-00079151-00079455 as expressing a desire for influence as +_B6UAbtAmUo-00363-00079456-00079591 well as a desire +_B6UAbtAmUo-00364-00079592-00079871 for self-government then the eu's +_B6UAbtAmUo-00365-00079872-00080094 failure to provide a more meaningful +_B6UAbtAmUo-00366-00080095-00080287 role for sub-state governments +_B6UAbtAmUo-00367-00080288-00080543 in eu decision-making may be a +_B6UAbtAmUo-00368-00080544-00080719 contributory factor +_B6UAbtAmUo-00369-00080720-00081071 in secessionist demands +_B6UAbtAmUo-00370-00081072-00081391 whatever steps it takes or fails to take +_B6UAbtAmUo-00371-00081392-00081519 in recognizing +_B6UAbtAmUo-00372-00081520-00081871 an understanding informing or mediating +_B6UAbtAmUo-00373-00081872-00081982 sovereignty +_B6UAbtAmUo-00374-00081983-00082311 disputes the eu may one day have to +_B6UAbtAmUo-00375-00082312-00082487 confront the outcome +_B6UAbtAmUo-00376-00082488-00082815 of such a dispute how it chooses to do +_B6UAbtAmUo-00377-00082816-00082847 so +_B6UAbtAmUo-00378-00082848-00083115 can be expected to be coloured by the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00379-00083116-00083343 constitutionality of the process +_B6UAbtAmUo-00380-00083344-00083575 the strength of feeling demonstrated by +_B6UAbtAmUo-00381-00083576-00083679 citizens +_B6UAbtAmUo-00382-00083680-00083862 in the disputed territory and in the +_B6UAbtAmUo-00383-00083863-00084038 rest of the member state +_B6UAbtAmUo-00384-00084039-00084326 and by a strategic calculation of its +_B6UAbtAmUo-00385-00084327-00084382 own +_B6UAbtAmUo-00386-00084383-00084750 interests continuing to remain +_B6UAbtAmUo-00387-00084751-00084959 detached from disputes it regards as +_B6UAbtAmUo-00388-00084960-00085231 internal matters for member states +_B6UAbtAmUo-00389-00085232-00085479 overlooks the blooding of the boundaries +_B6UAbtAmUo-00390-00085480-00085559 between +_B6UAbtAmUo-00391-00085560-00085855 the domestic and the european sphere +_B6UAbtAmUo-00392-00085856-00085975 that is the result +_B6UAbtAmUo-00393-00085976-00086343 of the integration process even where we +_B6UAbtAmUo-00394-00086344-00086447 to assume +_B6UAbtAmUo-00395-00086448-00086718 that these are holy domestic affairs and +_B6UAbtAmUo-00396-00086719-00087023 that the eu has no business or authority +_B6UAbtAmUo-00397-00087024-00087311 to intervene it could not avoid being +_B6UAbtAmUo-00398-00087312-00087415 affected +_B6UAbtAmUo-00399-00087416-00087718 by a prolonged sovereignty dispute +_B6UAbtAmUo-00400-00087719-00088038 within a member state it may therefore +_B6UAbtAmUo-00401-00088039-00088318 be in the eu's interest to place some +_B6UAbtAmUo-00402-00088319-00088567 part in resolving it +_B6UAbtAmUo-00403-00088568-00089656 thank you very much +_FPIxLoXsog-00000-00000128-00000262 well thanks for coming i'm going to talk +_FPIxLoXsog-00001-00000263-00000383 about collabora online +_FPIxLoXsog-00002-00000384-00000559 and next cloud so what is collabor +_FPIxLoXsog-00003-00000560-00000686 online well +_FPIxLoXsog-00004-00000687-00000831 it does all sorts of cool things in +_FPIxLoXsog-00005-00000832-00000983 terms of document editing it allows you +_FPIxLoXsog-00006-00000984-00001150 to collaboratively edit just as you'd +_FPIxLoXsog-00007-00001151-00001207 expect +_FPIxLoXsog-00008-00001208-00001407 see other people editing with you and of +_FPIxLoXsog-00009-00001408-00001543 course we've been focused on that in the +_FPIxLoXsog-00010-00001544-00001695 browser so you know +_FPIxLoXsog-00011-00001696-00001871 an equivalent to other web services out +_FPIxLoXsog-00012-00001872-00002079 there um and of course on the mobile +_FPIxLoXsog-00013-00002080-00002279 phone either natively or inside +_FPIxLoXsog-00014-00002280-00002463 uh the next cloud environment there so +_FPIxLoXsog-00015-00002464-00002639 you can use the next cloud app and edit +_FPIxLoXsog-00016-00002640-00002934 and more recently with google chrome um +_FPIxLoXsog-00017-00002935-00003118 so we provide a very rich +_FPIxLoXsog-00018-00003119-00003311 interoperable editing experience there +_FPIxLoXsog-00019-00003311-00003486 so you can use your microsoft file +_FPIxLoXsog-00020-00003488-00003670 formats if you must and that's fine we +_FPIxLoXsog-00021-00003671-00003831 interoperate with them nicely +_FPIxLoXsog-00022-00003832-00003999 but also the open document format which +_FPIxLoXsog-00023-00004000-00004215 really fits better to next cloud's ethos +_FPIxLoXsog-00024-00004216-00004247 of +_FPIxLoXsog-00025-00004248-00004519 open standards i think we've been +_FPIxLoXsog-00026-00004520-00004654 developing really quickly in the last +_FPIxLoXsog-00027-00004655-00004791 year we've done a lot of things firstly +_FPIxLoXsog-00028-00004792-00004935 to try and get the software to people +_FPIxLoXsog-00029-00004936-00005102 we've provided these demo servers so +_FPIxLoXsog-00030-00005103-00005295 that you can try it out very easily +_FPIxLoXsog-00031-00005296-00005447 and you can push your document to us and +_FPIxLoXsog-00032-00005448-00005575 we'll show you very quickly what it +_FPIxLoXsog-00033-00005576-00005711 would be like if you could host it +_FPIxLoXsog-00034-00005712-00005806 yourself +_FPIxLoXsog-00035-00005807-00005959 obviously that doesn't work for everyone +_FPIxLoXsog-00036-00005960-00006151 sometimes you know servers are locked +_FPIxLoXsog-00037-00006152-00006351 down they're in secure environments +_FPIxLoXsog-00038-00006352-00006575 they're separate on separate networks or +_FPIxLoXsog-00039-00006576-00006695 they're very insecure they're just a +_FPIxLoXsog-00040-00006695-00006767 quick +_FPIxLoXsog-00041-00006768-00006951 set up on a small small machine locally +_FPIxLoXsog-00042-00006952-00007095 with http and we don't want to +_FPIxLoXsog-00043-00007095-00007351 risk your documents so for those cases +_FPIxLoXsog-00044-00007352-00007431 we +_FPIxLoXsog-00045-00007431-00007614 you know recommend obviously trying the +_FPIxLoXsog-00046-00007615-00007767 docker yourself and downloading it but +_FPIxLoXsog-00047-00007768-00007934 we wanted to make that easier so so the +_FPIxLoXsog-00048-00007936-00008110 next guard hub would have a great office +_FPIxLoXsog-00049-00008111-00008167 suite +_FPIxLoXsog-00050-00008168-00008303 uh you know just out of the box that +_FPIxLoXsog-00051-00008304-00008431 worked really nicely so to do that we +_FPIxLoXsog-00052-00008432-00008519 did this +_FPIxLoXsog-00053-00008520-00008823 small php forwarding proxy uh work +_FPIxLoXsog-00054-00008824-00009039 which is which is quite amazing and that +_FPIxLoXsog-00055-00009040-00009278 pulls an app image that then can be run +_FPIxLoXsog-00056-00009279-00009567 uh and be driven by that php piece and +_FPIxLoXsog-00057-00009568-00009678 that's great because it means there's no +_FPIxLoXsog-00058-00009679-00009910 proxy setup no poor forwarding whatever +_FPIxLoXsog-00059-00009911-00010006 um +_FPIxLoXsog-00060-00010007-00010142 please upgrade once you've got it +_FPIxLoXsog-00061-00010143-00010295 working and you love it you know once +_FPIxLoXsog-00062-00010296-00010455 you've fallen in love upgrade it and get +_FPIxLoXsog-00063-00010456-00010583 all the benefits of the +_FPIxLoXsog-00064-00010584-00010846 faster connection and sockets and we +_FPIxLoXsog-00065-00010847-00010999 basically do this on top of a keeper +_FPIxLoXsog-00066-00011000-00011191 live https socket we simulate a web +_FPIxLoXsog-00067-00011192-00011438 socket on top of multiple um secure +_FPIxLoXsog-00068-00011439-00011614 sockets that are kept open there +_FPIxLoXsog-00069-00011615-00011751 and that that means there's a certain +_FPIxLoXsog-00070-00011752-00011935 degree of latency although +_FPIxLoXsog-00071-00011936-00012103 it's it's absolutely you know it works +_FPIxLoXsog-00072-00012104-00012303 well for for small local teams it's +_FPIxLoXsog-00073-00012304-00012503 absolutely fine +_FPIxLoXsog-00074-00012504-00012791 for calabar office uh we've done this on +_FPIxLoXsog-00075-00012792-00012974 on ios and android now bringing the same +_FPIxLoXsog-00076-00012975-00013127 code there to mobile and we've +_FPIxLoXsog-00077-00013128-00013286 completely rewritten the mobile user +_FPIxLoXsog-00078-00013287-00013383 experience so +_FPIxLoXsog-00079-00013384-00013535 one-handed use you know the things you +_FPIxLoXsog-00080-00013536-00013735 expect on a phone i should be there now +_FPIxLoXsog-00081-00013736-00013903 so a new toolbar at the top there with +_FPIxLoXsog-00082-00013904-00013951 the +_FPIxLoXsog-00083-00013952-00014086 the common features that you're going to +_FPIxLoXsog-00084-00014087-00014238 want for you know the simple form of +_FPIxLoXsog-00085-00014240-00014430 editing that people do on phones +_FPIxLoXsog-00086-00014431-00014591 i'm providing lots of the power there +_FPIxLoXsog-00087-00014591-00014775 taking the libreoffice sidebar here that +_FPIxLoXsog-00088-00014776-00014871 we've brought +_FPIxLoXsog-00089-00014872-00015079 and folding that and presenting that as +_FPIxLoXsog-00090-00015080-00015263 a series of tool palettes at the bottom +_FPIxLoXsog-00091-00015263-00015350 there so you can see character +_FPIxLoXsog-00092-00015351-00015479 properties here +_FPIxLoXsog-00093-00015480-00015607 paragraph properties you know setting +_FPIxLoXsog-00094-00015608-00015815 options there i'm just selected from +_FPIxLoXsog-00095-00015816-00015950 a selection but of course if you select +_FPIxLoXsog-00096-00015951-00016135 something else you know chart type +_FPIxLoXsog-00097-00016136-00016263 you're going to get your chart +_FPIxLoXsog-00098-00016263-00016415 a chart function out it's a slide you +_FPIxLoXsog-00099-00016416-00016550 know change your layout change your +_FPIxLoXsog-00100-00016551-00016719 master page and so on +_FPIxLoXsog-00101-00016720-00016991 um yeah and well of course inserting +_FPIxLoXsog-00102-00016992-00017094 tables +_FPIxLoXsog-00103-00017095-00017271 many improvements here to the ui are +_FPIxLoXsog-00104-00017272-00017519 making this uh easy to drag and interact +_FPIxLoXsog-00105-00017520-00017639 with and test +_FPIxLoXsog-00106-00017640-00017799 um play play with you know get your +_FPIxLoXsog-00107-00017800-00017950 document just as you like it +_FPIxLoXsog-00108-00017951-00018127 uh tweaking images you know +_FPIxLoXsog-00109-00018128-00018279 functionality of that brightness and so +_FPIxLoXsog-00110-00018280-00018399 on many things that others don't +_FPIxLoXsog-00111-00018400-00018655 have um collapsing menus for all of +_FPIxLoXsog-00112-00018656-00018750 those difficult things you know +_FPIxLoXsog-00113-00018751-00018903 downloaders one of these many +_FPIxLoXsog-00114-00018904-00019143 many formats that we have there um and +_FPIxLoXsog-00115-00019144-00019294 of course offline editing uh +_FPIxLoXsog-00116-00019295-00019430 important so you know you can sync your +_FPIxLoXsog-00117-00019431-00019630 documents to your device +_FPIxLoXsog-00118-00019631-00019847 uh using an xcloud app very important +_FPIxLoXsog-00119-00019848-00019999 and then of course just load and edit +_FPIxLoXsog-00120-00020000-00020167 those very simply inside +_FPIxLoXsog-00121-00020168-00020375 effectively the same ui are running +_FPIxLoXsog-00122-00020376-00020550 locally on your machine +_FPIxLoXsog-00123-00020551-00020694 how about half a million installs of +_FPIxLoXsog-00124-00020695-00020935 that so far that's very encouraging +_FPIxLoXsog-00125-00020936-00021063 and of course chromebooks i mentioned +_FPIxLoXsog-00126-00021064-00021239 that important for education lots of +_FPIxLoXsog-00127-00021240-00021303 people +_FPIxLoXsog-00128-00021304-00021558 love chrome chromebooks for many reasons +_FPIxLoXsog-00129-00021559-00021743 but having the ability to run natively +_FPIxLoXsog-00130-00021744-00021878 on that when you're offline +_FPIxLoXsog-00131-00021879-00022022 and to integrate that nicely with the +_FPIxLoXsog-00132-00022023-00022199 next cloud app there is you know just +_FPIxLoXsog-00133-00022200-00022247 another +_FPIxLoXsog-00134-00022248-00022567 another great win i think for this year +_FPIxLoXsog-00135-00022568-00022686 and you can see some of the rich +_FPIxLoXsog-00136-00022687-00022911 functionality we have there +_FPIxLoXsog-00137-00022912-00023230 so recently we've brought out code 640 +_FPIxLoXsog-00138-00023231-00023375 so this is our developer edition +_FPIxLoXsog-00139-00023376-00023622 uh check it out see what's happened one +_FPIxLoXsog-00140-00023623-00023775 of the features is a big new version +_FPIxLoXsog-00141-00023776-00023919 jump so we've gone from +_FPIxLoXsog-00142-00023920-00024239 47 to 4 6 4 so that makes hopefully the +_FPIxLoXsog-00143-00024240-00024407 fewer versions to remember and aligns +_FPIxLoXsog-00144-00024408-00024599 better with our underlying core +_FPIxLoXsog-00145-00024600-00024886 uh office version one of the things +_FPIxLoXsog-00146-00024887-00024942 people have +_FPIxLoXsog-00147-00024943-00025167 complained about or what desired you +_FPIxLoXsog-00148-00025168-00025399 know is is a more familiar look uh for +_FPIxLoXsog-00149-00025400-00025567 different segments of audience +_FPIxLoXsog-00150-00025568-00025734 uh so you see lots of people want this +_FPIxLoXsog-00151-00025735-00025887 notebook bar like +_FPIxLoXsog-00152-00025888-00026118 uh tabbed uh tool palettes so we've +_FPIxLoXsog-00153-00026119-00026231 we've added those +_FPIxLoXsog-00154-00026232-00026367 and hey you can collapse them to just a +_FPIxLoXsog-00155-00026368-00026527 menu if you want to get that out of the +_FPIxLoXsog-00156-00026527-00026807 way on your you know 16x9 screen +_FPIxLoXsog-00157-00026808-00026935 but of course it's important that we +_FPIxLoXsog-00158-00026936-00027079 don't you know sort of vandalize +_FPIxLoXsog-00159-00027080-00027279 people's workflow they're used to +_FPIxLoXsog-00160-00027280-00027511 and we of course keep the classic mode +_FPIxLoXsog-00161-00027512-00027639 you know very familiar toolbars and +_FPIxLoXsog-00162-00027639-00027790 menus that you'll see in google docs and +_FPIxLoXsog-00163-00027791-00027918 various other places +_FPIxLoXsog-00164-00027919-00028070 um that's actually the default for next +_FPIxLoXsog-00165-00028072-00028279 cloud um and you can configure the other +_FPIxLoXsog-00166-00028280-00028374 options and +_FPIxLoXsog-00167-00028375-00028583 check those out play with play with that +_FPIxLoXsog-00168-00028583-00028799 split panes very important for um +_FPIxLoXsog-00169-00028800-00029095 people caring about spreadsheets and you +_FPIxLoXsog-00170-00029095-00029143 know +_FPIxLoXsog-00171-00029144-00029527 editing rapidly there +_FPIxLoXsog-00172-00029527-00029702 pdf so we've done a whole lot of stuff +_FPIxLoXsog-00173-00029704-00029879 to allow you to load pdf search them +_FPIxLoXsog-00174-00029880-00030046 collaborate with them annotate them and +_FPIxLoXsog-00175-00030047-00030207 do do good stuff with that so that you +_FPIxLoXsog-00176-00030208-00030423 can work on on pdfs as a much more of +_FPIxLoXsog-00177-00030424-00030527 the peer top +_FPIxLoXsog-00178-00030527-00030799 tier uh file format uh improving our +_FPIxLoXsog-00179-00030800-00030974 smartart rendering and layout +_FPIxLoXsog-00180-00030975-00031158 whoppy light locking loads of other +_FPIxLoXsog-00181-00031160-00031327 other pieces that we've done +_FPIxLoXsog-00182-00031327-00031495 underneath here to make the code better +_FPIxLoXsog-00183-00031495-00031655 so +_FPIxLoXsog-00184-00031656-00031807 user experience is something that we +_FPIxLoXsog-00185-00031808-00031967 love right we want to be working on this +_FPIxLoXsog-00186-00031968-00032143 to make this a whole lot better and +_FPIxLoXsog-00187-00032144-00032311 slicker and smoother and there's been +_FPIxLoXsog-00188-00032312-00032470 some great work there uh you know from +_FPIxLoXsog-00189-00032472-00032614 the community andreas kinds has done +_FPIxLoXsog-00190-00032616-00032743 some great icon work +_FPIxLoXsog-00191-00032744-00032862 and we've built on that to make +_FPIxLoXsog-00192-00032863-00032999 something uh quite beautiful we have a +_FPIxLoXsog-00193-00033000-00033183 nice star guide you can check out +_FPIxLoXsog-00194-00033184-00033335 and we're now starting to do integration +_FPIxLoXsog-00195-00033336-00033502 work inside our integration so you know +_FPIxLoXsog-00196-00033503-00033615 clever online is an +_FPIxLoXsog-00197-00033616-00033823 iframe that sits inside your your app +_FPIxLoXsog-00198-00033824-00033943 but wouldn't it be nice if we could tell +_FPIxLoXsog-00199-00033944-00034087 it a whole load of things you know in +_FPIxLoXsog-00200-00034088-00034167 terms of +_FPIxLoXsog-00201-00034168-00034343 the default options the styling the +_FPIxLoXsog-00202-00034344-00034479 theming and so on so +_FPIxLoXsog-00203-00034480-00034639 um you can see here this is uh what +_FPIxLoXsog-00204-00034640-00034846 we're developing now um to allow +_FPIxLoXsog-00205-00034847-00035031 you know a better set of next cloud +_FPIxLoXsog-00206-00035032-00035239 colors to be used and highlights +_FPIxLoXsog-00207-00035240-00035390 uh change change the background +_FPIxLoXsog-00208-00035391-00035518 documents the site you know get rid of +_FPIxLoXsog-00209-00035519-00035662 the sidebar by default of course it's +_FPIxLoXsog-00210-00035663-00035735 still there +_FPIxLoXsog-00211-00035736-00035879 and again the ruler off by default just +_FPIxLoXsog-00212-00035880-00036039 to present a more simple +_FPIxLoXsog-00213-00036040-00036390 a simple uh you know get to work quickly +_FPIxLoXsog-00214-00036391-00036607 user experience but of course with the +_FPIxLoXsog-00215-00036608-00036759 power there if you need it +_FPIxLoXsog-00216-00036760-00037087 to turn on later clearly we work with +_FPIxLoXsog-00217-00037088-00037230 next cloud i mean otherwise we wouldn't +_FPIxLoXsog-00218-00037231-00037318 be here but +_FPIxLoXsog-00219-00037319-00037502 it's really good to emphasize that for +_FPIxLoXsog-00220-00037503-00037702 any customers that strayed into this +_FPIxLoXsog-00221-00037703-00037807 lightning talk +_FPIxLoXsog-00222-00037808-00037927 the next cloud is really an awesome +_FPIxLoXsog-00223-00037928-00038102 partner you know we work cross-team with +_FPIxLoXsog-00224-00038103-00038190 them daily +_FPIxLoXsog-00225-00038191-00038343 um it's just it's just great to work +_FPIxLoXsog-00226-00038344-00038471 with next cloud and thanks to all of +_FPIxLoXsog-00227-00038472-00038502 these +_FPIxLoXsog-00228-00038503-00038695 uh these guys and many more who we've +_FPIxLoXsog-00229-00038696-00038871 worked with and we deliver really for +_FPIxLoXsog-00230-00038872-00039023 our joint customers and it's fun for us +_FPIxLoXsog-00231-00039024-00039143 working with xcloud so +_FPIxLoXsog-00232-00039144-00039359 i i recommend it recommend them to you +_FPIxLoXsog-00233-00039360-00039495 really um +_FPIxLoXsog-00234-00039496-00039711 that that allows as a customers to get +_FPIxLoXsog-00235-00039712-00039830 you know professional services and +_FPIxLoXsog-00236-00039831-00040023 support from a single a single place you +_FPIxLoXsog-00237-00040024-00040159 know a single supplier +_FPIxLoXsog-00238-00040160-00040430 buy it through next cloud a joint sla a +_FPIxLoXsog-00239-00040431-00040615 clear place to file tickets and no blame +_FPIxLoXsog-00240-00040616-00040767 game so we really love that +_FPIxLoXsog-00241-00040768-00040902 i love that flow there's a problem with +_FPIxLoXsog-00242-00040903-00041062 the product you know if there is we'll +_FPIxLoXsog-00243-00041063-00041118 fix it +_FPIxLoXsog-00244-00041119-00041351 um as a team so that's that's great and +_FPIxLoXsog-00245-00041352-00041527 here's our side of that team so look at +_FPIxLoXsog-00246-00041528-00041655 this these are some +_FPIxLoXsog-00247-00041656-00041830 awesome people in el maria uh just a +_FPIxLoXsog-00248-00041831-00042127 subset of the people are serving you +_FPIxLoXsog-00249-00042128-00042327 one of our many focuses is privacy uh +_FPIxLoXsog-00250-00042328-00042511 and security obviously uh digital +_FPIxLoXsog-00251-00042512-00042599 sovereignty +_FPIxLoXsog-00252-00042600-00042751 uh is is really important to people and +_FPIxLoXsog-00253-00042752-00042990 so we have here you know this on premise +_FPIxLoXsog-00254-00042991-00043255 uh you know networking uh capability and +_FPIxLoXsog-00255-00043256-00043399 this really secure +_FPIxLoXsog-00256-00043400-00043551 way of securing your documents you know +_FPIxLoXsog-00257-00043552-00043718 there's very many layers look on our +_FPIxLoXsog-00258-00043719-00043862 website you'll find out more +_FPIxLoXsog-00259-00043863-00043990 about what we do to make sure your +_FPIxLoXsog-00260-00043991-00044167 documents don't escape they stay inside +_FPIxLoXsog-00261-00044168-00044358 your servers inside your premise on your +_FPIxLoXsog-00262-00044359-00044430 network +_FPIxLoXsog-00263-00044431-00044639 and we post pixels to to those who we +_FPIxLoXsog-00264-00044640-00044846 trust now there are very many other ways +_FPIxLoXsog-00265-00044847-00044943 to do +_FPIxLoXsog-00266-00044944-00045071 digital rights management document +_FPIxLoXsog-00267-00045072-00045295 management um one is microsoft's +_FPIxLoXsog-00268-00045296-00045430 approach i guess which involves +_FPIxLoXsog-00269-00045431-00045630 a single large american company signing +_FPIxLoXsog-00270-00045631-00045767 everything from your bios +_FPIxLoXsog-00271-00045768-00045990 bootloader operating system office suite +_FPIxLoXsog-00272-00045991-00046127 holding all the keys to all of your +_FPIxLoXsog-00273-00046128-00046358 documents and indeed this this can do +_FPIxLoXsog-00274-00046359-00046623 uh rights management problem is it's not +_FPIxLoXsog-00275-00046624-00046767 wonderful in terms of the degree of +_FPIxLoXsog-00276-00046768-00046902 centralization +_FPIxLoXsog-00277-00046903-00047118 uh that happens there another +_FPIxLoXsog-00278-00047119-00047262 particularly bad way to do it +_FPIxLoXsog-00279-00047263-00047439 is to hand the whole document data out +_FPIxLoXsog-00280-00047440-00047655 to everybody with even with view access +_FPIxLoXsog-00281-00047656-00047911 or and send the whole whole document to +_FPIxLoXsog-00282-00047912-00048015 each user +_FPIxLoXsog-00283-00048016-00048262 and uh yeah and then perhaps put some +_FPIxLoXsog-00284-00048263-00048479 band-aids over the top and this is um +_FPIxLoXsog-00285-00048480-00048679 oddly popular but of course far from +_FPIxLoXsog-00286-00048680-00048886 secure we instead send pixels we +_FPIxLoXsog-00287-00048887-00048990 watermark them +_FPIxLoXsog-00288-00048991-00049262 simple it's elegant it's federatable uh +_FPIxLoXsog-00289-00049263-00049390 you know there's no central points of +_FPIxLoXsog-00290-00049391-00049495 failure it works with +_FPIxLoXsog-00291-00049496-00049718 you know next clouds global scale and +_FPIxLoXsog-00292-00049719-00049879 you know as a corporation it gives you +_FPIxLoXsog-00293-00049880-00049999 the ability to know that you know you've +_FPIxLoXsog-00294-00050000-00050207 got the latest designs for your whatever +_FPIxLoXsog-00295-00050208-00050327 it is you're doing your aeroplane or +_FPIxLoXsog-00296-00050328-00050399 something +_FPIxLoXsog-00297-00050400-00050558 and you want to send them to your to +_FPIxLoXsog-00298-00050559-00050783 more widely get feedback input on those +_FPIxLoXsog-00299-00050784-00050879 important style +_FPIxLoXsog-00300-00050880-00051046 things and you don't want the +_FPIxLoXsog-00301-00051047-00051199 screenshots going somewhere so +_FPIxLoXsog-00302-00051200-00051358 watermark them all with with people's +_FPIxLoXsog-00303-00051359-00051519 names make sure that you you know +_FPIxLoXsog-00304-00051520-00051775 that it's clear who leaked and because +_FPIxLoXsog-00305-00051776-00051911 of that you can then collaborate more +_FPIxLoXsog-00306-00051912-00051999 richly inside your +_FPIxLoXsog-00307-00052000-00052190 company with that confidence you can you +_FPIxLoXsog-00308-00052191-00052382 can just do much better in terms of +_FPIxLoXsog-00309-00052383-00052575 you know trusting your staff to do the +_FPIxLoXsog-00310-00052576-00052719 right thing and to give you feedback and +_FPIxLoXsog-00311-00052720-00052830 help improve +_FPIxLoXsog-00312-00052832-00053007 your products so of course collaborating +_FPIxLoXsog-00313-00053008-00053215 libreoffice um we work as part of an +_FPIxLoXsog-00314-00053216-00053407 awesome community libreoffice is a great +_FPIxLoXsog-00315-00053408-00053719 uh project sometimes we disagree but you +_FPIxLoXsog-00316-00053720-00053919 know that's that's all to be expected +_FPIxLoXsog-00317-00053920-00054142 um in terms of that you know online is +_FPIxLoXsog-00318-00054144-00054342 has been part of that and calabrese done +_FPIxLoXsog-00319-00054344-00054511 97 of the commits +_FPIxLoXsog-00320-00054512-00054750 uh we've got a whole load of polls there +_FPIxLoXsog-00321-00054751-00054854 and we're going to be moving our +_FPIxLoXsog-00322-00054855-00054959 development to github +_FPIxLoXsog-00323-00054960-00055230 so we have a clear brand story i'm still +_FPIxLoXsog-00324-00055232-00055375 continuing to work with and support +_FPIxLoXsog-00325-00055376-00055542 libreoffice obviously +_FPIxLoXsog-00326-00055544-00055711 but helping to drive that investment +_FPIxLoXsog-00327-00055712-00055935 avoid customer user confusion +_FPIxLoXsog-00328-00055936-00056142 avoid conflict and community and that +_FPIxLoXsog-00329-00056144-00056311 allows us then to remove this reminder +_FPIxLoXsog-00330-00056312-00056503 for users that there's a limit or they +_FPIxLoXsog-00331-00056504-00056679 really should get support because +_FPIxLoXsog-00332-00056679-00056854 we'll make sure that whole flow is is +_FPIxLoXsog-00333-00056855-00057087 very clear you know about the importance +_FPIxLoXsog-00334-00057088-00057247 of you know buying from nexcloud for +_FPIxLoXsog-00335-00057248-00057423 example to support the whole goodness of +_FPIxLoXsog-00336-00057424-00057575 the ecosystem +_FPIxLoXsog-00337-00057576-00057799 and giving clear credit you know roi is +_FPIxLoXsog-00338-00057800-00057959 important for us as a business so that +_FPIxLoXsog-00339-00057960-00058142 we can continue to invest in in software +_FPIxLoXsog-00340-00058144-00058247 freedom +_FPIxLoXsog-00341-00058248-00058487 so let's make open source rock uh that's +_FPIxLoXsog-00342-00058488-00058671 our mission how we're delivering on it +_FPIxLoXsog-00343-00058672-00058879 thank you for your time uh and i look +_FPIxLoXsog-00344-00058879-00059063 forward to seeing you when we can +_FPIxLoXsog-00345-00059064-00059808 travel again all the best +_GTcPBmm1PY-00000-00000137-00000488 just finished quite easy to explain how +_GTcPBmm1PY-00001-00000488-00000868 it's done I've got a shaving mirror here +_GTcPBmm1PY-00002-00000869-00001235 the other size is parabolic so it makes +_GTcPBmm1PY-00003-00001236-00001520 things bigger and the other time site is +_GTcPBmm1PY-00004-00001521-00001820 just a plain mirror and what I've done +_GTcPBmm1PY-00005-00001821-00002242 I've carved the mirror from inside from +_GTcPBmm1PY-00006-00002243-00002776 the behind into shape and thanks to that +_GTcPBmm1PY-00007-00002777-00003188 it now serves as a sort of picture +_GTcPBmm1PY-00008-00003189-00003506 inside the mirror I got two pictures +_GTcPBmm1PY-00009-00003507-00003697 they're difficult to handle with one +_GTcPBmm1PY-00010-00003698-00004197 hand forgive me a human skull and a +_GTcPBmm1PY-00011-00004198-00004535 horse's skull the funny thing is the +_GTcPBmm1PY-00012-00004536-00004747 light isn't good here so I can work with +_GTcPBmm1PY-00013-00004748-00005122 that but it can actually reflect the +_GTcPBmm1PY-00014-00005123-00005384 images onto a wall as well from the +_GTcPBmm1PY-00015-00005385-00005713 mirror so it also it's sort of a +_GTcPBmm1PY-00016-00005714-00006125 miniature projector as well +_JfVfBW-jEY-00001-00013483-00013557 [Applause] +_JfVfBW-jEY-00002-00013558-00015894 [Music] +_JfVfBW-jEY-00003-00015895-00016104 you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00000-00000289-00000587 ah it appears we are almost ready to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00001-00000588-00000827 depart +_JVFth3xFgQ-00002-00000827-00001019 pity we didn't have a bit more time to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00003-00001019-00001258 spend on spell casting I presume you've +_JVFth3xFgQ-00004-00001259-00001420 been practicing the Spells we worked I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00005-00001421-00001709 have Professor well I'm quite sure I'd +_JVFth3xFgQ-00006-00001710-00001955 never seen anyone take so quickly to a +_JVFth3xFgQ-00007-00001955-00002195 secondhand wand you'll be a force to be +_JVFth3xFgQ-00008-00002196-00002410 reckoned with when you get your own +_JVFth3xFgQ-00009-00002411-00002626 thank you Professor fig I appreciate you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00010-00002627-00002908 working with me before the time +_JVFth3xFgQ-00011-00002909-00003089 oh +_JVFth3xFgQ-00012-00003090-00003569 oh Elias are George glad my rather +_JVFth3xFgQ-00013-00003570-00003754 cryptic description of our location did +_JVFth3xFgQ-00014-00003755-00003911 not thought you're finding us I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00015-00003911-00004054 evaporated to more vaguely Define +_JVFth3xFgQ-00016-00004055-00004331 destinations than this though I confess +_JVFth3xFgQ-00017-00004332-00004541 I may have miscalculated slightly on my +_JVFth3xFgQ-00018-00004542-00004786 first try gave quite the Fright to some +_JVFth3xFgQ-00019-00004787-00005093 theater goers in the West End +_JVFth3xFgQ-00020-00005094-00005315 it's been much too long when I received +_JVFth3xFgQ-00021-00005316-00005651 Doral I must say I best not speak here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00022-00005652-00006118 Elias are of course why don't we speak +_JVFth3xFgQ-00023-00006119-00006347 on route to Hogwarts we have a start of +_JVFth3xFgQ-00024-00006348-00006569 term feast and a sorting ceremony to get +_JVFth3xFgQ-00025-00006570-00006803 to wonderful idea as long as your young +_JVFth3xFgQ-00026-00006804-00007001 child here doesn't mind me tagging along +_JVFth3xFgQ-00027-00007002-00007355 not at all sir after you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00028-00007356-00007613 ages since I'd been to the castle +_JVFth3xFgQ-00029-00007614-00007864 would be good to see the old pilot pile +_JVFth3xFgQ-00030-00007865-00007992 of rocks +_JVFth3xFgQ-00031-00007993-00009665 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00032-00009666-00011833 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00033-00011834-00013127 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00034-00013128-00014438 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00035-00014438-00014947 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00036-00014947-00015311 just barely +_JVFth3xFgQ-00037-00015312-00015694 and who is your traveling companion +_JVFth3xFgQ-00038-00015695-00015916 a new student +_JVFth3xFgQ-00039-00015918-00016300 new yes sir I'm starting school as a +_JVFth3xFgQ-00040-00016301-00016421 fifth year +_JVFth3xFgQ-00041-00016422-00016750 how extraordinary it is indeed none of +_JVFth3xFgQ-00042-00016751-00016900 the faculty has ever heard of anyone +_JVFth3xFgQ-00043-00016901-00017183 being admitted to Hogwarts so late nor +_JVFth3xFgQ-00044-00017184-00017525 have I of course as the other fifth +_JVFth3xFgQ-00045-00017526-00017650 years will have been honing their +_JVFth3xFgQ-00046-00017651-00017861 magical skills for four years now the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00047-00017862-00018035 Headmaster asked if I could get a new +_JVFth3xFgQ-00048-00018036-00018227 student up to speed a bit before the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00049-00018228-00018550 term begins well you couldn't have asked +_JVFth3xFgQ-00050-00018551-00018850 for a better Mentor Professor fig is not +_JVFth3xFgQ-00051-00018851-00019108 only an exceptional teacher he's also a +_JVFth3xFgQ-00052-00019109-00019463 remarkably intuitive and gifted wizard +_JVFth3xFgQ-00053-00019464-00019829 Mr ozric is prone to flattery I dare say +_JVFth3xFgQ-00054-00019830-00020003 it's one of the reasons he's risen so +_JVFth3xFgQ-00055-00020004-00020893 far at the ministry +_JVFth3xFgQ-00056-00020894-00021263 I have opinions differ as to how great a +_JVFth3xFgQ-00057-00021264-00021521 threat Round Rock really is +_JVFth3xFgQ-00058-00021522-00021689 although I've yet to convince my +_JVFth3xFgQ-00059-00021690-00021899 colleagues that the ministry I believe +_JVFth3xFgQ-00060-00021900-00022403 he is a significant threat and it was +_JVFth3xFgQ-00061-00022404-00022822 your wife Eleazar who alerted me to his +_JVFth3xFgQ-00062-00022823-00023094 activities months ago Miriam +_JVFth3xFgQ-00063-00023095-00023250 how +_JVFth3xFgQ-00064-00023251-00023494 she wrote to me about ran Rock before +_JVFth3xFgQ-00065-00023495-00023639 she died +_JVFth3xFgQ-00066-00023640-00023836 wondering what the ministry knew about +_JVFth3xFgQ-00067-00023837-00024143 his activities +_JVFth3xFgQ-00068-00024144-00024430 before I could respond I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00069-00024431-00024671 received this +_JVFth3xFgQ-00070-00024672-00024905 it was the last thing she sent me +_JVFth3xFgQ-00071-00024906-00025325 earlier it came to me via her owl +_JVFth3xFgQ-00072-00025326-00025535 but with no correspondence +_JVFth3xFgQ-00073-00025536-00025714 I can only assume that she had to get +_JVFth3xFgQ-00074-00025716-00025906 rid of it quickly +_JVFth3xFgQ-00075-00025907-00026173 to keep it safe presumably from ran Rock +_JVFth3xFgQ-00076-00026174-00026561 I cannot open it whatever magic protects +_JVFth3xFgQ-00077-00026562-00026861 this is powerful indeed it looks like +_JVFth3xFgQ-00078-00026862-00027112 Goblin metal that's +_JVFth3xFgQ-00079-00027113-00027395 sense that glow +_JVFth3xFgQ-00080-00027395-00027617 see a blow +_JVFth3xFgQ-00081-00027618-00028696 nor do I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00082-00028697-00029569 Merlin's beard how did you wait +_JVFth3xFgQ-00083-00029570-00032569 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00084-00032570-00033215 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00085-00033216-00034081 that's the key +_JVFth3xFgQ-00086-00034082-00035221 [Applause] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00087-00035222-00035568 are you all right +_JVFth3xFgQ-00088-00035569-00035801 you're hurt +_JVFth3xFgQ-00089-00035802-00036089 perhaps a bit +_JVFth3xFgQ-00090-00036090-00036407 yes it's wig and World potion that stuff +_JVFth3xFgQ-00091-00036408-00037367 will write you in a second +_JVFth3xFgQ-00092-00037368-00037681 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00093-00037682-00038471 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00094-00038472-00038683 what the hell got into that damn thing +_JVFth3xFgQ-00095-00038684-00039046 attacking a carriage mid-air +_JVFth3xFgQ-00096-00039047-00039293 a typical Dragon would never +_JVFth3xFgQ-00097-00039294-00039533 professor +_JVFth3xFgQ-00098-00039534-00039637 sir +_JVFth3xFgQ-00099-00039638-00039857 where are we +_JVFth3xFgQ-00100-00039858-00040024 not sure +_JVFth3xFgQ-00101-00040025-00040211 but that key you discovered was clearly +_JVFth3xFgQ-00102-00040212-00040427 a Porky Porky +_JVFth3xFgQ-00103-00040428-00040607 an item Enchanted to bring whoever +_JVFth3xFgQ-00104-00040608-00041273 touches it to a specific place +_JVFth3xFgQ-00105-00041274-00041524 I'm feeling better sir if you'd like to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00106-00041525-00041717 look around a bit +_JVFth3xFgQ-00107-00041718-00041902 I would +_JVFth3xFgQ-00108-00041903-00042040 stay close +_JVFth3xFgQ-00109-00042041-00042359 we've no idea who created this Porky +_JVFth3xFgQ-00110-00042360-00043961 or why +_JVFth3xFgQ-00111-00043962-00044473 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00112-00044474-00044789 take us farther from London than the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00113-00044790-00044999 carriage traveled +_JVFth3xFgQ-00114-00045000-00045257 somewhere in the Scottish Highland so +_JVFth3xFgQ-00115-00045258-00045418 those ruins +_JVFth3xFgQ-00116-00045419-00045707 the porky was meant to lead us there I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00117-00045708-00046007 do this has not been the day either of +_JVFth3xFgQ-00118-00046008-00046349 us expected but Miriam sent that Porky +_JVFth3xFgQ-00119-00046350-00046546 to George for a reason +_JVFth3xFgQ-00120-00046547-00046907 and I believe that she and now George +_JVFth3xFgQ-00121-00046908-00047183 died in pursuit of whatever it was meant +_JVFth3xFgQ-00122-00047184-00047315 to lead to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00123-00047316-00047573 if you're sure you're all right and +_JVFth3xFgQ-00124-00047574-00047855 wouldn't mind indulging me I'd like to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00125-00047856-00048137 have a look around absolutely sir good +_JVFth3xFgQ-00126-00048138-00048479 let's see if we can find a path however +_JVFth3xFgQ-00127-00048480-00049301 faded it may be +_JVFth3xFgQ-00128-00049302-00049462 mind your step +_JVFth3xFgQ-00129-00049463-00049708 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00130-00049709-00049907 where do you suppose your wife got the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00131-00049908-00050080 port +_JVFth3xFgQ-00132-00050081-00050273 a good question +_JVFth3xFgQ-00133-00050274-00050518 Miriam spent years searching for +_JVFth3xFgQ-00134-00050519-00050711 evidence of a long forgotten form of +_JVFth3xFgQ-00135-00050712-00050933 ancient Magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00136-00050934-00051095 Kitchen Magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00137-00051096-00051202 yes +_JVFth3xFgQ-00138-00051203-00051475 a powerful magic wielded by a rare few +_JVFth3xFgQ-00139-00051476-00052132 that seems to have been lost to time +_JVFth3xFgQ-00140-00052133-00052432 Hogwarts Castle was built by and is +_JVFth3xFgQ-00141-00052433-00052654 itself a stronghold of that ancient +_JVFth3xFgQ-00142-00052655-00052787 Magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00143-00052788-00053009 I don't know where she came into +_JVFth3xFgQ-00144-00053010-00053242 possession of the portkey +_JVFth3xFgQ-00145-00053244-00053525 but I am certain it was to do with that +_JVFth3xFgQ-00146-00053526-00053604 search +_JVFth3xFgQ-00147-00053605-00054288 ah there's the path down below this way +_JVFth3xFgQ-00148-00054289-00054592 sir why was your wife searching for +_JVFth3xFgQ-00149-00054594-00054929 evidence of Lost Magic Miriam wanted to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00150-00054929-00055132 understand why such powerful magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00151-00055133-00055321 disappeared from The Wizarding World +_JVFth3xFgQ-00152-00055322-00055673 spoke of the good it could do but magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00153-00055674-00055949 is no different than any power +_JVFth3xFgQ-00154-00055950-00056249 what really matters is the one who +_JVFth3xFgQ-00155-00056250-00056687 wields it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00156-00056688-00057088 is that ice it's not cold enough here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00157-00057089-00057400 it appears to be a sort of enchantment +_JVFth3xFgQ-00158-00057401-00057676 someone wanted to block this path +_JVFth3xFgQ-00159-00057677-00057929 let's see some of that one work you were +_JVFth3xFgQ-00160-00057929-00058054 practicing +_JVFth3xFgQ-00161-00058055-00059579 focus on the center +_JVFth3xFgQ-00162-00059579-00061242 excellent +_JVFth3xFgQ-00163-00061244-00061711 that was a bit rougher than I'd expected +_JVFth3xFgQ-00164-00061712-00062041 your one works improving with every cast +_JVFth3xFgQ-00165-00062041-00062800 thank you sir +_JVFth3xFgQ-00166-00062801-00063775 here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00167-00063776-00066569 up there +_JVFth3xFgQ-00168-00066570-00067991 we're close now it's just ahead +_JVFth3xFgQ-00169-00067992-00068369 daddy yourself +_JVFth3xFgQ-00170-00068370-00069335 reperto +_JVFth3xFgQ-00171-00069336-00071598 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00172-00071599-00072887 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00173-00072888-00073187 this here I suspect they valued their +_JVFth3xFgQ-00174-00073188-00073313 privacy +_JVFth3xFgQ-00175-00073314-00073576 that Porky led us here for a reason +_JVFth3xFgQ-00176-00073577-00073799 let's have a look around for anything +_JVFth3xFgQ-00177-00073800-00073949 that seems +_JVFth3xFgQ-00178-00073950-00074041 out of place +_JVFth3xFgQ-00179-00074042-00075509 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00180-00075510-00075856 Professor this statue this may have been +_JVFth3xFgQ-00181-00075857-00076103 his home +_JVFth3xFgQ-00182-00076104-00077326 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00183-00077327-00077581 that Enchanted crystallized Stone again +_JVFth3xFgQ-00184-00077582-00077932 but what could it be black +_JVFth3xFgQ-00185-00077933-00078100 what's this +_JVFth3xFgQ-00186-00078101-00079312 Professor big +_JVFth3xFgQ-00187-00079313-00079650 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00188-00079651-00079841 how odd +_JVFth3xFgQ-00189-00079842-00080021 why would someone have conjured that +_JVFth3xFgQ-00190-00080022-00080273 Enchanted Stone here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00191-00080274-00080573 and how is there a room behind it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00192-00080574-00080921 what room I can see anything +_JVFth3xFgQ-00193-00080922-00081137 there's that glow again like the glow on +_JVFth3xFgQ-00194-00081138-00082788 the pork key container +_JVFth3xFgQ-00195-00082789-00083071 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00196-00083072-00083482 's name +_JVFth3xFgQ-00197-00083483-00083711 Patrick's heart +_JVFth3xFgQ-00198-00083712-00084994 where are we I don't believe it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00199-00084995-00086951 hello +_JVFth3xFgQ-00200-00086952-00087412 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00201-00087413-00087578 it can't be +_JVFth3xFgQ-00202-00087579-00088025 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00203-00088026-00088831 uh just a moment +_JVFth3xFgQ-00204-00088832-00089494 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00205-00089495-00090017 welcome to gringott's Wizarding Bank +_JVFth3xFgQ-00206-00090018-00090652 vote number 12 I presume +_JVFth3xFgQ-00207-00090653-00091085 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00208-00091086-00091505 your wife's Pokey oh yes of course +_JVFth3xFgQ-00209-00091506-00091817 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00210-00091818-00092309 this way then +_JVFth3xFgQ-00211-00092310-00092416 stay close +_JVFth3xFgQ-00212-00092417-00093418 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00213-00093419-00093636 after you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00214-00093637-00094397 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00215-00094398-00094726 keep your hands inside the cart if you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00216-00094727-00095290 don't wish to lose them +_JVFth3xFgQ-00217-00095291-00096049 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00218-00096050-00096349 how many volts are there in green cards +_JVFth3xFgQ-00219-00096350-00096653 hundreds in fact you'll see quite a few +_JVFth3xFgQ-00220-00096654-00096917 on our way to vote number 12 as we speak +_JVFth3xFgQ-00221-00096918-00097168 we're just beneath the main lobby the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00222-00097169-00097426 vultures now are the newest a private +_JVFth3xFgQ-00223-00097427-00097625 entrances to the bank common at +_JVFth3xFgQ-00224-00097626-00098032 Gringotts they are most and cotton only +_JVFth3xFgQ-00225-00098033-00098297 one with greet well for power or both +_JVFth3xFgQ-00226-00098298-00099011 could have arranged for such a service +_JVFth3xFgQ-00227-00099012-00099359 a what +_JVFth3xFgQ-00228-00099360-00099599 that waterfall washes away all +_JVFth3xFgQ-00229-00099600-00099868 enchantments it's a security measure +_JVFth3xFgQ-00230-00099869-00100138 experience the thief's downfall before +_JVFth3xFgQ-00231-00100139-00100385 have you heard of it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00232-00100386-00100600 these are the lower levels that we're +_JVFth3xFgQ-00233-00100601-00100876 passing now how deep are we going rock +_JVFth3xFgQ-00234-00100877-00101105 number 12 was commissioned shortly after +_JVFth3xFgQ-00235-00101106-00101368 Gringos was founded over four centuries +_JVFth3xFgQ-00236-00101369-00101632 ago it resides in the deepest part of +_JVFth3xFgQ-00237-00101633-00101723 the bank +_JVFth3xFgQ-00238-00101724-00103325 settling with quite a distance to go +_JVFth3xFgQ-00239-00103326-00103606 vote number +_JVFth3xFgQ-00240-00103607-00104063 vote 12. it's momentous day +_JVFth3xFgQ-00241-00104064-00104386 hmm +_JVFth3xFgQ-00242-00104388-00104622 on your way +_JVFth3xFgQ-00243-00104623-00105095 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00244-00105096-00107340 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00245-00107341-00107633 Dragon scholar yeah what was that we +_JVFth3xFgQ-00246-00107633-00107765 were just wondering about that goblet +_JVFth3xFgQ-00247-00107766-00108016 back there did he watches over the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00248-00108017-00108233 oldest section of the bank +_JVFth3xFgQ-00249-00108233-00109649 rare anyone goes there anymore +_JVFth3xFgQ-00250-00109650-00110484 here we are +_JVFth3xFgQ-00251-00110485-00110669 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00252-00110670-00110854 when was the last time this Vault was +_JVFth3xFgQ-00253-00110855-00111154 accessed a goblin has been stationed at +_JVFth3xFgQ-00254-00111155-00111425 my desk for hundreds of years +_JVFth3xFgQ-00255-00111426-00111754 in that time no one has visually fault +_JVFth3xFgQ-00256-00111755-00113352 12. until today +_JVFth3xFgQ-00257-00113353-00114943 both 12. thank you for your help +_JVFth3xFgQ-00258-00114944-00115163 or do you suppose we should be looking +_JVFth3xFgQ-00259-00115164-00115366 for I'm not sure +_JVFth3xFgQ-00260-00115367-00115607 so I wonder if you're my instructions +_JVFth3xFgQ-00261-00115608-00115816 for Vault 12 indicate that I am to Grant +_JVFth3xFgQ-00262-00115817-00116057 access to the holder of the key and then +_JVFth3xFgQ-00263-00116058-00116219 close the door +_JVFth3xFgQ-00264-00116220-00116851 wait +_JVFth3xFgQ-00265-00116852-00117334 Professor that was certainly unexpected +_JVFth3xFgQ-00266-00117335-00117527 let me think +_JVFth3xFgQ-00267-00117528-00117901 there must be something here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00268-00117902-00118127 Reveal Your perhaps +_JVFth3xFgQ-00269-00118128-00118595 revelio yes a revealing charm no time +_JVFth3xFgQ-00270-00118596-00118727 like the present +_JVFth3xFgQ-00271-00118728-00119027 let's see what we're missing shall we +_JVFth3xFgQ-00272-00119028-00121169 ready your wand and focus +_JVFth3xFgQ-00273-00121170-00121397 Rebellion +_JVFth3xFgQ-00274-00121398-00121769 there I saw something move a bit closer +_JVFth3xFgQ-00275-00121770-00122533 and try again +_JVFth3xFgQ-00276-00122533-00122740 a door +_JVFth3xFgQ-00277-00122741-00122975 well that's a start +_JVFth3xFgQ-00278-00122976-00123190 there's that symbol again +_JVFth3xFgQ-00279-00123191-00123449 I don't suppose you see a weight too I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00280-00123450-00123610 do professor +_JVFth3xFgQ-00281-00123611-00123815 same glow as the one I saw on the porky +_JVFth3xFgQ-00282-00123816-00124090 container if what you can see reveals +_JVFth3xFgQ-00283-00124091-00124366 the way forward then I dare say we are +_JVFth3xFgQ-00284-00124367-00124558 about to discover the secret of this +_JVFth3xFgQ-00285-00124559-00125531 Vault lead the way +_JVFth3xFgQ-00286-00125532-00125821 lumos +_JVFth3xFgQ-00287-00125822-00126184 this is no ordinary Vault I suspect we +_JVFth3xFgQ-00288-00126185-00126352 will need to earn our way out of here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00289-00126353-00126677 what do you mean earn our way out +_JVFth3xFgQ-00290-00126678-00127039 I think this is some sort of test I do +_JVFth3xFgQ-00291-00127040-00127451 but to what end I can't say stay close +_JVFth3xFgQ-00292-00127452-00127702 there will be no disapparating if things +_JVFth3xFgQ-00293-00127703-00127964 go poorly not out of Gringotts +_JVFth3xFgQ-00294-00127965-00128254 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00295-00128255-00128428 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00296-00128429-00128959 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00297-00128960-00130007 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00298-00130008-00130157 what is it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00299-00130158-00131256 that glow again but on the floor +_JVFth3xFgQ-00300-00131257-00131669 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00301-00131670-00131813 Blue Monster +_JVFth3xFgQ-00302-00131814-00132004 what happened +_JVFth3xFgQ-00303-00132005-00132251 when I moved towards the globe it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00304-00132252-00132431 suddenly seemed as if the ground was +_JVFth3xFgQ-00305-00132432-00132563 swirling about +_JVFth3xFgQ-00306-00132564-00132749 are you all right +_JVFth3xFgQ-00307-00132750-00133013 yes sir I'm fine +_JVFth3xFgQ-00308-00133014-00133252 you seem to have caused the floor to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00309-00133253-00133385 change +_JVFth3xFgQ-00310-00133386-00133607 that statue +_JVFth3xFgQ-00311-00133608-00133852 what statue +_JVFth3xFgQ-00312-00133853-00134140 I see some sort of statue but only is a +_JVFth3xFgQ-00313-00134141-00134795 reflection in the floor +_JVFth3xFgQ-00314-00134796-00135101 revelio I presume this is what you saw +_JVFth3xFgQ-00315-00135102-00135340 reflected in the floor +_JVFth3xFgQ-00316-00135341-00135647 it is the reflection's still there but +_JVFth3xFgQ-00317-00135648-00135869 the statue's positions don't match +_JVFth3xFgQ-00318-00135870-00136157 wait when you moved the reflection +_JVFth3xFgQ-00319-00136158-00136397 turned in the direction of the light +_JVFth3xFgQ-00320-00136398-00136523 hmm +_JVFth3xFgQ-00321-00136524-00139337 perhaps you should cast lumos +_JVFth3xFgQ-00322-00139338-00139571 lumos well done +_JVFth3xFgQ-00323-00139572-00139831 now the reflection is turning towards me +_JVFth3xFgQ-00324-00139832-00142085 it does follow the light +_JVFth3xFgQ-00325-00142086-00142277 are you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00326-00142278-00142943 special +_JVFth3xFgQ-00327-00142944-00145804 s +_JVFth3xFgQ-00328-00145805-00146995 stay close +_JVFth3xFgQ-00329-00146996-00147419 professor Professor fig Professor where +_JVFth3xFgQ-00330-00147420-00147514 are you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00331-00147515-00147802 this isn't good where am I supposed to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00332-00147803-00148078 go +_JVFth3xFgQ-00333-00148079-00148283 what's happening +_JVFth3xFgQ-00334-00148284-00148559 wisps of magic seem to be leading me +_JVFth3xFgQ-00335-00148560-00148975 somewhere +_JVFth3xFgQ-00336-00148976-00149254 Ah that's where they're leading me I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00337-00149255-00150263 glow again +_JVFth3xFgQ-00338-00150264-00150514 revelio I suppose I'm on my own this +_JVFth3xFgQ-00339-00150515-00150671 time +_JVFth3xFgQ-00340-00150672-00151937 lumos +_JVFth3xFgQ-00341-00151938-00153347 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00342-00153348-00153791 s +_JVFth3xFgQ-00343-00153792-00154516 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00344-00154517-00154739 it seems I have no choice I'm going to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00345-00154740-00155002 have to fight my way out of here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00346-00155003-00155195 thank you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00347-00155196-00156771 potato +_JVFth3xFgQ-00348-00156772-00157726 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00349-00157727-00159251 ES +_JVFth3xFgQ-00351-00162294-00162581 three +_JVFth3xFgQ-00352-00162582-00162869 Rebellion +_JVFth3xFgQ-00353-00162870-00163728 lumos +_JVFth3xFgQ-00354-00163729-00165304 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00355-00165305-00166345 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00356-00166346-00167096 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00357-00167097-00168354 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00358-00168355-00168599 there you are +_JVFth3xFgQ-00359-00168600-00168842 how did you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00360-00168843-00168985 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00361-00168986-00169349 what is this place I don't know +_JVFth3xFgQ-00362-00169350-00169576 but I found this floating above that +_JVFth3xFgQ-00363-00169577-00169828 basin +_JVFth3xFgQ-00364-00169829-00170123 that is no mere basin +_JVFth3xFgQ-00365-00170124-00170326 that is offensive +_JVFth3xFgQ-00366-00170327-00170735 for viewing memories +_JVFth3xFgQ-00367-00170736-00172235 I wonder +_JVFth3xFgQ-00368-00172236-00172363 Follow My Lead +_JVFth3xFgQ-00369-00172364-00172979 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00370-00172980-00174108 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00371-00174109-00174964 [Applause] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00372-00174965-00175139 all is in place +_JVFth3xFgQ-00373-00175140-00175361 the porky is well hidden perhaps too +_JVFth3xFgQ-00374-00175362-00175487 well +_JVFth3xFgQ-00375-00175488-00175828 I wonder if the path we've created may +_JVFth3xFgQ-00376-00175829-00176002 be impossible to follow +_JVFth3xFgQ-00377-00176003-00176219 it will only be impossible for one who +_JVFth3xFgQ-00378-00176220-00176447 cannot see traces of ancient magic as I +_JVFth3xFgQ-00379-00176448-00176687 can your ability to see what others +_JVFth3xFgQ-00380-00176688-00176993 cannot will not be enough Percival +_JVFth3xFgQ-00381-00176994-00177214 we are entrusting the one who embarks on +_JVFth3xFgQ-00382-00177215-00177449 this path with Powerful Secrets with +_JVFth3xFgQ-00383-00177450-00177725 knowledge others will do anything to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00384-00177726-00178051 obtain yes and if we are correct Charles +_JVFth3xFgQ-00385-00178052-00178307 the ritual wizard who completes the +_JVFth3xFgQ-00386-00178308-00178438 trials will have proven themselves +_JVFth3xFgQ-00387-00178439-00178619 worthy of that knowledge +_JVFth3xFgQ-00388-00178620-00178901 and the responsibility that accompanies +_JVFth3xFgQ-00389-00178902-00179093 it +_JVFth3xFgQ-00390-00179094-00179287 may have done all that we can +_JVFth3xFgQ-00391-00179288-00180478 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00392-00180479-00180731 that's what you're seeing +_JVFth3xFgQ-00393-00180732-00180869 the glow +_JVFth3xFgQ-00394-00180870-00181147 the rounded them yes sir +_JVFth3xFgQ-00395-00181148-00181559 astonishing can I see Magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00396-00181560-00182045 traces of an ancient magic to be precise +_JVFth3xFgQ-00397-00182046-00182302 the magic that Miriam had always +_JVFth3xFgQ-00398-00182303-00182573 believed existed +_JVFth3xFgQ-00399-00182574-00182696 could never +_JVFth3xFgQ-00400-00182697-00182938 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00401-00182939-00183202 Miriam and perhaps George +_JVFth3xFgQ-00402-00183203-00183425 died in pursuit of knowledge that has +_JVFth3xFgQ-00403-00183426-00183749 been dormant for centuries +_JVFth3xFgQ-00404-00183750-00184025 and you it seems +_JVFth3xFgQ-00405-00184026-00184259 are the key to understanding why +_JVFth3xFgQ-00406-00184260-00184552 we weren't different than it did a +_JVFth3xFgQ-00407-00184553-00184681 moment ago +_JVFth3xFgQ-00408-00184682-00184909 someone's coming +_JVFth3xFgQ-00409-00184910-00185338 who were they I don't know but sir you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00410-00185339-00185563 shouldn't be in +_JVFth3xFgQ-00411-00185564-00185790 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00412-00185791-00186095 I was right +_JVFth3xFgQ-00413-00186096-00186378 ran Rock +_JVFth3xFgQ-00414-00186379-00186773 seems my reputation precedes me +_JVFth3xFgQ-00415-00186774-00187013 I was beginning to think no one was ever +_JVFth3xFgQ-00416-00187014-00187378 going to visit ragam's walks and why are +_JVFth3xFgQ-00417-00187379-00187613 you here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00418-00187614-00188009 no need for that just give me whatever +_JVFth3xFgQ-00419-00188010-00188219 it is you found here and we can let +_JVFth3xFgQ-00420-00188220-00188699 bygones be bygones +_JVFth3xFgQ-00421-00188700-00189028 sir +_JVFth3xFgQ-00422-00189029-00189437 they had the key to the vault +_JVFth3xFgQ-00423-00189438-00189928 choose your next words wisely I I only +_JVFth3xFgQ-00424-00189929-00190223 meant that the instructions to vote 12 +_JVFth3xFgQ-00425-00190224-00190559 were quite clear +_JVFth3xFgQ-00426-00190560-00190907 sir I must insist I was to Grant access +_JVFth3xFgQ-00427-00190908-00191152 only the one with the key and you didn't +_JVFth3xFgQ-00428-00191153-00191728 careful +_JVFth3xFgQ-00429-00191729-00192078 I have no patience for traitors +_JVFth3xFgQ-00430-00192079-00192295 no +_JVFth3xFgQ-00431-00192296-00192652 where were we I'm not giving you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00432-00192653-00192761 anything +_JVFth3xFgQ-00433-00192762-00192985 hmm well +_JVFth3xFgQ-00434-00192986-00193361 perhaps your young friend here will be +_JVFth3xFgQ-00435-00193362-00194597 more helpful +_JVFth3xFgQ-00436-00194598-00194648 [Applause] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00437-00194649-00196414 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00438-00196415-00196789 foreign +_JVFth3xFgQ-00439-00196790-00198058 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00440-00198059-00199469 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00441-00199470-00199925 oh +_JVFth3xFgQ-00442-00199926-00200287 oh +_JVFth3xFgQ-00443-00200288-00200507 are you all right +_JVFth3xFgQ-00444-00200508-00200681 fine sir +_JVFth3xFgQ-00445-00200682-00201047 I've never seen so powerful a goblin he +_JVFth3xFgQ-00446-00201048-00201593 seemed holy unaffected by my magic +_JVFth3xFgQ-00447-00201594-00201776 where are we +_JVFth3xFgQ-00448-00201777-00201949 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00449-00201950-00202264 it can't be +_JVFth3xFgQ-00450-00202265-00202475 it seems those who set up the pensive +_JVFth3xFgQ-00451-00202476-00202900 the locket and the path to both wanted +_JVFth3xFgQ-00452-00202901-00203159 someone with your ability +_JVFth3xFgQ-00453-00203160-00203519 to end up here +_JVFth3xFgQ-00454-00203520-00203657 come +_JVFth3xFgQ-00455-00203658-00204712 we have a sorting ceremony to get to +_JVFth3xFgQ-00456-00204713-00205337 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00457-00205338-00206410 [Music] +_JVFth3xFgQ-00458-00206411-00206482 thank you +_JVFth3xFgQ-00459-00206483-00209466 [Music] +_LYg0NrfKfu-00000-00000041-00000257 this video will introduce you to +_LYg0NrfKfu-00001-00000258-00000401 Farmingdale State College's cream Lee +_LYg0NrfKfu-00002-00000401-00000590 library we'll talk about Greenlee Hall +_LYg0NrfKfu-00003-00000591-00000794 spaces and departments library materials +_LYg0NrfKfu-00004-00000795-00000947 and how librarians can help you with +_LYg0NrfKfu-00005-00000948-00001139 research when you walk into Greenlee +_LYg0NrfKfu-00006-00001140-00001331 Hall you'll see the library on one side +_LYg0NrfKfu-00007-00001332-00001532 and the Career Center and cafe on the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00008-00001533-00001793 other the library's computer lab is also +_LYg0NrfKfu-00009-00001794-00001991 located in this entrance via to the left +_LYg0NrfKfu-00010-00001992-00002176 of the cafe if your class is ever +_LYg0NrfKfu-00011-00002177-00002317 meeting in the library it's most likely +_LYg0NrfKfu-00012-00002318-00002555 in this room heading into the library +_LYg0NrfKfu-00013-00002556-00002785 you'll see two desks by the entrance the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00014-00002786-00002939 desk on the left is the reference desk +_LYg0NrfKfu-00015-00002940-00003140 anytime the library is open there's a +_LYg0NrfKfu-00016-00003141-00003331 librarian available at this desk to help +_LYg0NrfKfu-00017-00003332-00003479 you with all types of questions like +_LYg0NrfKfu-00018-00003479-00003656 research and citing sources as well as +_LYg0NrfKfu-00019-00003657-00003800 technical help like connecting to Wi-Fi +_LYg0NrfKfu-00020-00003801-00004045 and printing for example we can help you +_LYg0NrfKfu-00021-00004046-00004186 find articles and books on your paper +_LYg0NrfKfu-00022-00004187-00004460 topic using the library's databases you +_LYg0NrfKfu-00023-00004461-00004654 can get to library resources from our +_LYg0NrfKfu-00024-00004655-00004816 website which is at the top-right of +_LYg0NrfKfu-00025-00004817-00005150 Farmingdale that edu home page a simple +_LYg0NrfKfu-00026-00005151-00005327 way to find information is to enter a +_LYg0NrfKfu-00027-00005328-00005516 topic title or author in the search +_LYg0NrfKfu-00028-00005517-00005752 everything section this search box will +_LYg0NrfKfu-00029-00005753-00005933 show you all types of library materials +_LYg0NrfKfu-00030-00005934-00006172 like books ebooks scholarly articles +_LYg0NrfKfu-00031-00006173-00006406 magazine articles newspaper articles and +_LYg0NrfKfu-00032-00006408-00006760 more this page also has links to our +_LYg0NrfKfu-00033-00006761-00006934 hours and guides for citing sources +_LYg0NrfKfu-00034-00006934-00007135 there are many different ways to search +_LYg0NrfKfu-00035-00007136-00007334 for sources also look under the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00036-00007334-00007523 databases tab to find databases that are +_LYg0NrfKfu-00037-00007523-00007681 useful for many different subjects +_LYg0NrfKfu-00038-00007683-00007877 searching the library's databases is the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00039-00007878-00008012 best place to get started with research +_LYg0NrfKfu-00040-00008013-00008159 because they have the most reliable +_LYg0NrfKfu-00041-00008159-00008405 resources resources like these would not +_LYg0NrfKfu-00042-00008406-00008570 be available for free if you didn't ask +_LYg0NrfKfu-00043-00008571-00008774 them through the library's website it +_LYg0NrfKfu-00044-00008775-00008917 will also be helpful to look at our +_LYg0NrfKfu-00045-00008918-00009134 subject research guides if we look at +_LYg0NrfKfu-00046-00009135-00009235 one of these guides you'll find +_LYg0NrfKfu-00047-00009236-00009464 librarian recommended resources specific +_LYg0NrfKfu-00048-00009465-00009653 to each subject these resources are +_LYg0NrfKfu-00049-00009654-00009866 broken down into databases books web +_LYg0NrfKfu-00050-00009867-00010060 resources information on citing sources +_LYg0NrfKfu-00051-00010061-00010313 professional associations and how to get +_LYg0NrfKfu-00052-00010314-00010505 help with research if you're accessing +_LYg0NrfKfu-00053-00010506-00010685 databases from off-campus you'll see a +_LYg0NrfKfu-00054-00010686-00010828 page like this that will prompt you to +_LYg0NrfKfu-00055-00010829-00011069 enter your username and password your +_LYg0NrfKfu-00056-00011070-00011224 username is the first part of your +_LYg0NrfKfu-00057-00011225-00011384 Farmingdale email before the app +_LYg0NrfKfu-00058-00011385-00011630 Farmingdale edu and your password is the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00059-00011631-00011876 same password used for your email at the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00060-00011877-00012046 reference desk you can also borrow some +_LYg0NrfKfu-00061-00012047-00012214 popular reference books that can only be +_LYg0NrfKfu-00062-00012215-00012458 used in the library this desk also has +_LYg0NrfKfu-00063-00012459-00012608 adapters that you can use with the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00064-00012609-00012808 second-floor monitors if your device +_LYg0NrfKfu-00065-00012809-00013021 doesn't have an HDMI port you'll need to +_LYg0NrfKfu-00066-00013022-00013208 use an adapter to display your laptop +_LYg0NrfKfu-00067-00013209-00013360 tablet or phone on our +_LYg0NrfKfu-00068-00013361-00013537 we just need to hold your student ID +_LYg0NrfKfu-00069-00013538-00013693 when you borrow adapters in reference +_LYg0NrfKfu-00070-00013694-00013930 books across from the reference desk is +_LYg0NrfKfu-00071-00013931-00014116 the circulation desk this is where you +_LYg0NrfKfu-00072-00014116-00014263 can borrow books and other materials +_LYg0NrfKfu-00073-00014263-00014485 using your student ID these materials +_LYg0NrfKfu-00074-00014486-00014668 include reserved textbooks that can you +_LYg0NrfKfu-00075-00014669-00014884 can use for two hours at a time we don't +_LYg0NrfKfu-00076-00014885-00015037 have every textbook but we do have the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00077-00015038-00015190 most expensive textbooks and the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00078-00015191-00015337 textbooks that are used for multiple +_LYg0NrfKfu-00079-00015338-00015526 class sections you might want to save +_LYg0NrfKfu-00080-00015527-00015652 money and borrow your books here in the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00081-00015653-00015856 library instead of buying them to find +_LYg0NrfKfu-00082-00015857-00015988 out if we have the textbook for your +_LYg0NrfKfu-00083-00015988-00016204 class go to the books and ebooks tab on +_LYg0NrfKfu-00084-00016205-00016444 the library website to see all the text +_LYg0NrfKfu-00085-00016445-00016600 books we have click on review list of +_LYg0NrfKfu-00086-00016601-00016786 reserve textbooks by course number if +_LYg0NrfKfu-00087-00016787-00016957 we're looking for a textbook assigned +_LYg0NrfKfu-00088-00016958-00017227 for bio 125 we would click on bio and +_LYg0NrfKfu-00089-00017228-00017365 then we would see a list of books the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00090-00017366-00017578 library has for that class you can also +_LYg0NrfKfu-00091-00017579-00017857 search for books by title and author we +_LYg0NrfKfu-00092-00017858-00018019 also have laptops that are available to +_LYg0NrfKfu-00093-00018020-00018208 borrow at the circulation desk this can +_LYg0NrfKfu-00094-00018209-00018376 be used for four hours in the library +_LYg0NrfKfu-00095-00018377-00018607 you can also borrow sets of bones +_LYg0NrfKfu-00096-00018608-00018748 muscles and teeth that are useful for +_LYg0NrfKfu-00097-00018749-00018967 nursing and dental hygiene students some +_LYg0NrfKfu-00098-00018968-00019084 other things you can borrow from the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00099-00019085-00019261 circulation desk include headphones a +_LYg0NrfKfu-00100-00019262-00019555 graphing calculator and DVDs moving on +_LYg0NrfKfu-00101-00019556-00019708 to the rest of the first floor there are +_LYg0NrfKfu-00102-00019709-00019927 36 computers and three printers one in +_LYg0NrfKfu-00103-00019928-00019993 each table +_LYg0NrfKfu-00104-00019994-00020155 use your Farmingdale username and +_LYg0NrfKfu-00105-00020156-00020302 password to sign on to these computers +_LYg0NrfKfu-00106-00020303-00020469 and to print there is no charge for +_LYg0NrfKfu-00107-00020470-00020694 printing there are also three scanners +_LYg0NrfKfu-00108-00020695-00020896 on the first floor which are free you +_LYg0NrfKfu-00109-00020897-00021028 can send files directly to your +_LYg0NrfKfu-00110-00021029-00021219 Farmingdale email Google Drive or save +_LYg0NrfKfu-00111-00021220-00021460 to your USB Drive if you prefer to make +_LYg0NrfKfu-00112-00021461-00021658 paper copies we also have two copy +_LYg0NrfKfu-00113-00021659-00021940 machines that cost 15% per page the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00114-00021941-00022072 books you see on the first floor are +_LYg0NrfKfu-00115-00022073-00022294 reference books like encyclopedias and +_LYg0NrfKfu-00116-00022295-00022489 textbooks these can only be used in the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00117-00022490-00022714 library you'll also find some novels and +_LYg0NrfKfu-00118-00022715-00022861 popular reading material that can be +_LYg0NrfKfu-00119-00022862-00023092 checked out heading down to the lower +_LYg0NrfKfu-00120-00023093-00023244 level you'll find the majority of our +_LYg0NrfKfu-00121-00023245-00023425 books these books can be borrowed for +_LYg0NrfKfu-00122-00023426-00023650 two weeks at a time surrounding these +_LYg0NrfKfu-00123-00023651-00023809 stacks of books are some spaces for +_LYg0NrfKfu-00124-00023810-00024091 group and individual studying the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00125-00024092-00024286 offices for academic advising and the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00126-00024287-00024466 RAM program are also located on the +_LYg0NrfKfu-00127-00024467-00024691 lower level moving up to the second +_LYg0NrfKfu-00128-00024692-00024838 floor other departments in the library +_LYg0NrfKfu-00129-00024839-00025021 are the Writing Center and the tutoring +_LYg0NrfKfu-00130-00025022-00025330 center the second floor also has a lot +_LYg0NrfKfu-00131-00025331-00025549 of great studies places with monitors so +_LYg0NrfKfu-00132-00025550-00025702 you can easily display your notes or +_LYg0NrfKfu-00133-00025702-00025927 work on a project with the group we also +_LYg0NrfKfu-00134-00025927-00026062 have white boards that are commonly used +_LYg0NrfKfu-00135-00026063-00026260 for math and chemistry work you can +_LYg0NrfKfu-00136-00026261-00026415 borrow dry erase markers and erasers +_LYg0NrfKfu-00137-00026416-00026570 from the periodicals deck +_LYg0NrfKfu-00138-00026570-00026743 on the second floor the second floor +_LYg0NrfKfu-00139-00026744-00026933 also has two group study rooms which are +_LYg0NrfKfu-00140-00026933-00027202 first-come first-serve lastly there's +_LYg0NrfKfu-00141-00027203-00027377 also quiet study room on the second +_LYg0NrfKfu-00142-00027377-00027527 floor which is completely silent +_LYg0NrfKfu-00143-00027527-00027752 you're able to talk and work in groups +_LYg0NrfKfu-00144-00027752-00027937 in all other parts of the library so +_LYg0NrfKfu-00145-00027938-00028087 this is the place to go if you need +_LYg0NrfKfu-00146-00028088-00028304 quiet there also eat additional +_LYg0NrfKfu-00147-00028305-00028570 computers here +_N63CMmc5Fy-00000-00000228-00000601 [Music] +_N63CMmc5Fy-00001-00000602-00000815 Steve Martin Smith they're getting +_N63CMmc5Fy-00002-00000816-00000994 familiar with one of my new listings in +_N63CMmc5Fy-00003-00000996-00001208 a Golf & Country Club in Venice Florida +_N63CMmc5Fy-00004-00001209-00001450 I find it very beneficial to be able to +_N63CMmc5Fy-00005-00001451-00001714 answer questions confidently from buyers +_N63CMmc5Fy-00006-00001716-00001895 and people strolling through open houses +_N63CMmc5Fy-00007-00001896-00002165 and many of those questions happen right +_N63CMmc5Fy-00008-00002166-00002462 here on the pool deck hey Steve does +_N63CMmc5Fy-00009-00002463-00002758 that showerhead work yeah that shows +_N63CMmc5Fy-00010-00002759-00002981 that showerhead over there well I +_N63CMmc5Fy-00011-00002982-00003238 believe it does but I haven't seen it +_N63CMmc5Fy-00012-00003239-00003419 work so there's really only one way to +_N63CMmc5Fy-00013-00003420-00004065 find out +_N63CMmc5Fy-00014-00004065-00004608 yeah what and the other questions hey +_N63CMmc5Fy-00015-00004609-00004980 Steve how deep is that pool well I'm +_N63CMmc5Fy-00016-00004981-00005169 actually for the defendant but I believe +_N63CMmc5Fy-00017-00005170-00005421 it's over here so I can they told you +_N63CMmc5Fy-00018-00005422-00005676 about five feet but I guess I just don't +_N63CMmc5Fy-00019-00005677-00006506 know well I'm six-two what would you say +_N63CMmc5Fy-00020-00006508-00006837 about a foot down from that I'm throwing +_N63CMmc5Fy-00021-00006838-00007196 it about five feet thanks for asking +_N63CMmc5Fy-00022-00007197-00007914 real estate +_N63CMmc5Fy-00023-00007915-00008722 cellphone number +_N63CMmc5Fy-00024-00008723-00009036 [Music] +_N63CMmc5Fy-00025-00009037-00009168 [Applause] +_N63CMmc5Fy-00026-00009169-00009391 real estate agent with Coldwell Banker +_N63CMmc5Fy-00027-00009392-00009742 Residential estate of Venice +_pfo3DudRkI-00000-00000141-00000925 [Music] +_pfo3DudRkI-00001-00000926-00001145 just gotta look around real fat look +_pfo3DudRkI-00002-00001146-00001368 around look around look around make a +_pfo3DudRkI-00003-00001369-00001923 decision one day such a common office +_pfo3DudRkI-00004-00001923-00002658 take the huge massive snake snaky is my +_pfo3DudRkI-00005-00002659-00002967 best friend crickets best friends +_pfo3DudRkI-00006-00002968-00003240 and I made a good decision see nice we +_pfo3DudRkI-00007-00003240-00003363 didn't know this is gonna happen today +_pfo3DudRkI-00008-00003364-00004743 meanwhile our next contestant is Rudy +_pfo3DudRkI-00009-00004744-00004995 he loves riding a bike fluffy clouds and +_pfo3DudRkI-00010-00004996-00005484 triple-thick ice cream cones pigtails we +_pfo3DudRkI-00011-00005485-00006177 look forward to meeting you I live my +_pfo3DudRkI-00012-00006178-00006347 life by the immortal words of a +_pfo3DudRkI-00013-00006348-00006909 commercial I once saw on TV a darn good +_pfo3DudRkI-00014-00006909-00007184 slogan if I ever heard one oh my gosh a +_pfo3DudRkI-00015-00007185-00007972 snake is gone oh can we take pictures +_pfo3DudRkI-00016-00007973-00008282 hello Gloria three hot chocolates for +_pfo3DudRkI-00017-00008283-00008552 three best friends please I think I know +_pfo3DudRkI-00018-00008553-00008756 how many friends I have Gloria put them +_pfo3DudRkI-00019-00008757-00009047 Oh sneaky come on that is so rude get +_pfo3DudRkI-00020-00009048-00009415 out of here we were leaving anyway +_pfo3DudRkI-00021-00009416-00009656 where's their job snake hissing in my +_pfo3DudRkI-00022-00009657-00010133 face Oh sneaky sit Nike huh nice to meet +_pfo3DudRkI-00023-00010134-00010175 you +_pfo3DudRkI-00024-00010176-00010940 what's your story I'm trying to show a +_pfo3DudRkI-00025-00010941-00011221 key Remi here that you can't plan fun so +_pfo3DudRkI-00026-00011222-00011483 this is your no room this was my last +_pfo3DudRkI-00027-00011484-00011759 pet Phoenix hits next can't sleep in +_pfo3DudRkI-00028-00011760-00011819 people bits +_pfo3DudRkI-00029-00011820-00012026 he needs to be contained a place to hide +_pfo3DudRkI-00030-00012027-00012194 you didn't feel safe he looks perfectly +_pfo3DudRkI-00031-00012195-00013229 happy to me you're doing good work you +_pfo3DudRkI-00032-00013230-00013394 know better than to sneak up on me +_pfo3DudRkI-00033-00013394-00013871 during grandma watch grandma dad sorry +_pfo3DudRkI-00034-00013872-00014075 grandma beside grandma I'm starting to +_pfo3DudRkI-00035-00014076-00014455 bum me out please tell me why +_pfo3DudRkI-00036-00014456-00015644 all right Brody Mao to teachers oh I see +_pfo3DudRkI-00037-00015644-00015809 you've missed a key thank you I'd like +_pfo3DudRkI-00038-00015810-00016991 you to meet your new grandma you need to +_pfo3DudRkI-00039-00016992-00017131 take sexy back to the pet store +_pfo3DudRkI-00040-00017132-00017357 immediately what you don't think snake +_pfo3DudRkI-00041-00017358-00017681 he was a good decision uh it wasn't your +_pfo3DudRkI-00042-00017682-00017903 best and being a first-time snake owner +_pfo3DudRkI-00043-00017904-00018193 is hard I'm not wrong about all this +_pfo3DudRkI-00044-00018194-00018494 political chips they're delicious +_pfo3DudRkI-00045-00018495-00018719 that's right Thank You random billboard +_pfo3DudRkI-00046-00018720-00019070 I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00000-00000038-00000292 human capital flight refers to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00001-00000293-00000463 emigration of individuals who have +_OdQzJs4xmU-00002-00000465-00000716 received advanced training at home the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00003-00000717-00000941 net benefits of human capital flight for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00004-00000942-00001100 the receiving country are sometimes +_OdQzJs4xmU-00005-00001101-00001399 referred to as a Brain Gain whereas the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00006-00001400-00001579 net costs for the sending country are +_OdQzJs4xmU-00007-00001580-00001820 sometimes referred to as a brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00008-00001821-00002134 in occupations that experience a surplus +_OdQzJs4xmU-00009-00002135-00002348 of graduates emigration of foreign +_OdQzJs4xmU-00010-00002349-00002534 trained professionals can aggravate the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00011-00002535-00002725 underemployment of domestic graduates +_OdQzJs4xmU-00012-00002726-00002851 research shows that there are +_OdQzJs4xmU-00013-00002852-00003080 significant economic benefits of human +_OdQzJs4xmU-00014-00003081-00003260 capital flight both for the migrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-00015-00003261-00003419 themselves and those who remain in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00016-00003420-00003670 country of origin it has been found that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00017-00003671-00003890 emigration of skilled individuals to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00018-00003890-00004072 developed world contributes to greater +_OdQzJs4xmU-00019-00004073-00004241 education and innovation in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00020-00004242-00004517 developing world research also suggests +_OdQzJs4xmU-00021-00004518-00004781 that emigration remittances and return +_OdQzJs4xmU-00022-00004782-00004997 migration can have a positive impact on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00023-00004998-00005170 democratization and the quality +_OdQzJs4xmU-00024-00005171-00005375 political institutions in the country of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00025-00005376-00005918 origin +_OdQzJs4xmU-00026-00005919-00006420 topic types +_OdQzJs4xmU-00027-00006420-00006642 there are several types of human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-00028-00006643-00006953 flight organizational the flight of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00029-00006954-00007148 talented creative and highly qualified +_OdQzJs4xmU-00030-00007150-00007389 employees from large corporations that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00031-00007390-00007571 occurs when employees perceive the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00032-00007572-00007734 direction and leadership of the company +_OdQzJs4xmU-00033-00007734-00007959 to be unstable or stagnant and thus +_OdQzJs4xmU-00034-00007959-00008151 unable to keep up with their personal +_OdQzJs4xmU-00035-00008152-00008481 and professional ambitions geographical +_OdQzJs4xmU-00036-00008482-00008637 the flight of highly trained individuals +_OdQzJs4xmU-00037-00008638-00008877 and college graduates from their area of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00038-00008878-00009192 residence industrial the movement of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00039-00009193-00009384 traditionally skilled workers from one +_OdQzJs4xmU-00040-00009385-00009599 sector of an industry to another as with +_OdQzJs4xmU-00041-00009600-00009774 other human migration the social +_OdQzJs4xmU-00042-00009775-00009960 environment is often considered to be a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00043-00009961-00010184 key reason for this population shift in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00044-00010185-00010463 source countries lack of opportunities +_OdQzJs4xmU-00045-00010464-00010671 political instability or oppression +_OdQzJs4xmU-00046-00010672-00010902 economic depression health risks and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00047-00010903-00011115 more push factors contribute to human +_OdQzJs4xmU-00048-00011116-00011319 capital flight where as host countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00049-00011320-00011496 usually offer rich opportunities +_OdQzJs4xmU-00050-00011497-00011696 political stability and freedom a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00051-00011697-00011885 developed economy and better living +_OdQzJs4xmU-00052-00011886-00012087 conditions pull factors that attract +_OdQzJs4xmU-00053-00012088-00012357 talent at the individual level family +_OdQzJs4xmU-00054-00012358-00012624 influences relatives living overseas for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00055-00012625-00012843 example as well as personal preferences +_OdQzJs4xmU-00056-00012844-00013053 career ambitions and other motivating +_OdQzJs4xmU-00057-00013054-00013690 factors can be considered +_OdQzJs4xmU-00058-00013691-00014269 topic origins and uses +_OdQzJs4xmU-00059-00014269-00014602 the term brain drain was coined by the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00060-00014603-00014824 Royal Society to describe the emigration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00061-00014825-00015172 of scientists and technologists to North +_OdQzJs4xmU-00062-00015172-00015412 America from post-war Europe another +_OdQzJs4xmU-00063-00015413-00015597 source indicates that this term was +_OdQzJs4xmU-00064-00015598-00015772 first used in the United Kingdom to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00065-00015772-00016009 describe the influx of Indian scientists +_OdQzJs4xmU-00066-00016010-00016228 and engineers although the term +_OdQzJs4xmU-00067-00016229-00016408 originally referred to technology +_OdQzJs4xmU-00068-00016409-00016615 workers leaving a nation the meaning has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00069-00016616-00016882 broadened into the departure of educated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00070-00016883-00017103 or professional people from one country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00071-00017104-00017350 economic sector or field for another +_OdQzJs4xmU-00072-00017351-00017584 usually for better pay or living +_OdQzJs4xmU-00073-00017585-00017971 conditions brain drain is a phenomenon +_OdQzJs4xmU-00074-00017972-00018150 where relative to the remaining +_OdQzJs4xmU-00075-00018151-00018412 population a substantial number of more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00076-00018413-00018630 educated numerous literate persons +_OdQzJs4xmU-00077-00018631-00018880 emigrate given that the term brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00078-00018881-00019117 as a pejorative and implies that skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00079-00019118-00019327 emigration is bad for the country of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00080-00019328-00019390 origin +_OdQzJs4xmU-00081-00019391-00019582 some scholars recommend against using +_OdQzJs4xmU-00082-00019583-00019819 the term in favor of more neutral and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00083-00019820-00020149 scientific terms after all research +_OdQzJs4xmU-00084-00020150-00020353 indicates that there may be net human +_OdQzJs4xmU-00085-00020354-00020686 capital gains ah brain gain for the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00086-00020687-00020866 sending country and opportunities for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00087-00020867-00021397 emigration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00088-00021398-00021907 topic impact +_OdQzJs4xmU-00089-00021908-00022129 the positive effects of human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-00090-00022130-00022312 flight are sometimes referred to as +_OdQzJs4xmU-00091-00022313-00022627 Brain Gain whereas the negative effects +_OdQzJs4xmU-00092-00022628-00022885 are sometimes referred to as brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00093-00022886-00023275 the notion of the brain drain is largely +_OdQzJs4xmU-00094-00023276-00023487 unsupported in the academic literature +_OdQzJs4xmU-00095-00023488-00023746 according to economist Michael Clements +_OdQzJs4xmU-00096-00023747-00023938 it has not been shown that restrictions +_OdQzJs4xmU-00097-00023939-00024109 on high skill emigration reduce +_OdQzJs4xmU-00098-00024110-00024276 shortages in the countries of origin +_OdQzJs4xmU-00099-00024277-00024550 according to development economist +_OdQzJs4xmU-00100-00024551-00024799 Justin Sandifer there is no study out +_OdQzJs4xmU-00101-00024800-00025156 there showing any empirical evidence +_OdQzJs4xmU-00102-00025157-00025372 that migration restrictions have +_OdQzJs4xmU-00103-00025373-00025693 contributed to development hyn de haas +_OdQzJs4xmU-00104-00025694-00025957 professor of sociology at the university +_OdQzJs4xmU-00105-00025958-00026149 of amsterdam describes the brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00106-00026150-00026470 as a myth however according to Catholic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00107-00026470-00026725 University of Louvain economist Frederic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00108-00026726-00026935 de kere human capital flight has an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00109-00026936-00027124 adverse impact on most developing +_OdQzJs4xmU-00110-00027125-00027327 countries even if it can be beneficial +_OdQzJs4xmU-00111-00027329-00027577 for some developing countries whether a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00112-00027577-00027880 country experiences a brain gain or +_OdQzJs4xmU-00113-00027881-00028213 brain drain depends on factors such as +_OdQzJs4xmU-00114-00028214-00028426 composition of migration level of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00115-00028427-00028648 development and demographic aspects +_OdQzJs4xmU-00116-00028649-00028870 including its population size language +_OdQzJs4xmU-00117-00028870-00029493 and geographic location +_OdQzJs4xmU-00118-00029494-00030195 topic economic effects research suggests +_OdQzJs4xmU-00119-00030195-00030408 that migration both low and high skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00120-00030408-00030620 is beneficial both to the receiving and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00121-00030622-00030894 sending countries according to one study +_OdQzJs4xmU-00122-00030895-00031113 welfare increases in both types of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00123-00031114-00031374 country's welfare impact of observed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00124-00031375-00031626 levels of migration as substantial at +_OdQzJs4xmU-00125-00031627-00031962 about 5% to 10% for the main receiving +_OdQzJs4xmU-00126-00031963-00032220 countries and about 10% in countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00127-00032220-00032492 with large incoming remittances +_OdQzJs4xmU-00128-00032493-00032760 according to economists Michael Clements +_OdQzJs4xmU-00129-00032761-00032988 and Lant Pratchett permitting people to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00130-00032989-00033228 move from low productivity places to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00131-00033229-00033471 high productivity places appears to be +_OdQzJs4xmU-00132-00033472-00033696 by far the most efficient generalized +_OdQzJs4xmU-00133-00033697-00033963 policy tool at the margin for poverty +_OdQzJs4xmU-00134-00033964-00034358 reduction a successful two-year in situ +_OdQzJs4xmU-00135-00034359-00034623 anti-poverty program for instance helps +_OdQzJs4xmU-00136-00034624-00034785 poor people make in a year what is the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00137-00034786-00034971 equivalent of working one day in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00138-00034972-00035235 developed world research on a migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00139-00035236-00035454 lottery that allowed Tongans to move to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00140-00035455-00035610 New Zealand found that the lottery +_OdQzJs4xmU-00141-00035611-00035919 winners saw a 263 percent increase in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00142-00035920-00036117 income from migrating after only one +_OdQzJs4xmU-00143-00036118-00036288 year in New Zealand relative to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00144-00036289-00036633 unsuccessful lottery entrance a 2017 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00145-00036634-00036861 study of Mexican immigrant households in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00146-00036862-00037053 the United States found that by virtue +_OdQzJs4xmU-00147-00037054-00037242 of moving to the United States the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00148-00037243-00037419 households increased their incomes more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00149-00037420-00037698 than fivefold immediately the study also +_OdQzJs4xmU-00150-00037699-00037959 found that the average gains accruing to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00151-00037960-00038160 migrants surpassed those of even the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00152-00038161-00038379 most successful current programs of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00153-00038380-00038679 Economic Development remittances +_OdQzJs4xmU-00154-00038680-00038844 increased living standards in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00155-00038845-00039072 country of origin remittances are a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00156-00039073-00039327 large share of GDP in many developing +_OdQzJs4xmU-00157-00039328-00039468 countries and have been shown to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00158-00039469-00039627 increase the well-being of receiving +_OdQzJs4xmU-00159-00039628-00039940 families in the case of Haiti the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00160-00039941-00040176 670,000 adult Haitians living in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00161-00040177-00040581 OECD sent home about $1,700 per migrant +_OdQzJs4xmU-00162-00040582-00040901 per year that's well over double Haiti's +_OdQzJs4xmU-00163-00040902-00041280 $670 per capita GDP a study on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00164-00041281-00041478 remittances to Mexico found that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00165-00041479-00041664 remittances lead to a substantial +_OdQzJs4xmU-00166-00041665-00041840 increase in the availability of public +_OdQzJs4xmU-00167-00041841-00042108 services in Mexico surpassing government +_OdQzJs4xmU-00168-00042109-00042414 spending in some localities a 20-17 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00169-00042415-00042609 study found that remittances can +_OdQzJs4xmU-00170-00042610-00042801 significantly alleviate poverty after +_OdQzJs4xmU-00171-00042802-00042849 net +_OdQzJs4xmU-00172-00042850-00043128 oral disasters research shows that more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00173-00043129-00043329 educated and higher earning emigrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-00174-00043330-00043560 remit more some research shows that the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00175-00043561-00043710 remittance effect is not strong enough +_OdQzJs4xmU-00176-00043711-00043878 to make the remaining natives in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00177-00043879-00044055 countries with high emigration flows +_OdQzJs4xmU-00178-00044056-00044490 better off a 2016 NBER paper suggests +_OdQzJs4xmU-00179-00044491-00044676 that emigration from Italy in the wake +_OdQzJs4xmU-00180-00044677-00044949 of the 2008 global financial crisis +_OdQzJs4xmU-00181-00044950-00045186 reduced political change in Italy return +_OdQzJs4xmU-00182-00045187-00045393 migration can also be a boost to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00183-00045394-00045603 economy of developing States as the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00184-00045604-00045774 migrants bring back newly acquired +_OdQzJs4xmU-00185-00045775-00046050 skills savings and assets studies show +_OdQzJs4xmU-00186-00046051-00046209 that the elimination of barriers to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00187-00046210-00046422 migration would have profound effects on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00188-00046423-00046647 world GDP with estimates of gains +_OdQzJs4xmU-00189-00046648-00047025 ranging between 67 to 147 point three +_OdQzJs4xmU-00190-00047026-00047277 percent research also finds that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00191-00047278-00047475 migration leads to greater trade in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00192-00047476-00047658 goods and services between the sending +_OdQzJs4xmU-00193-00047659-00048009 and receiving countries using 130 years +_OdQzJs4xmU-00194-00048010-00048234 of data on historical migrations to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00195-00048235-00048477 United States one study finds that a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00196-00048478-00048690 doubling of the number of residents with +_OdQzJs4xmU-00197-00048691-00048921 ancestry from a given foreign country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00198-00048922-00049188 relative to the mean increases by 4.2 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00199-00049189-00049431 percentage points the probability that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00200-00049432-00049686 at least one local firm invests in that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00201-00049687-00049977 country and increases by 31 percent the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00202-00049978-00050145 number of employees at domestic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00203-00050146-00050511 recipients of FDI from that country the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00204-00050512-00050721 size of these effects increases with the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00205-00050722-00050973 ethnic diversity of the local population +_OdQzJs4xmU-00206-00050974-00051198 the geographic distance to the origin +_OdQzJs4xmU-00207-00051199-00051398 country and the ethno-linguistic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00208-00051399-00051727 fractionalization of the origin country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00209-00051728-00051890 emigrants have been found to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00210-00051891-00052089 significantly boost foreign direct +_OdQzJs4xmU-00211-00052090-00052332 investment FDI back to their country of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00212-00052333-00052638 origin according to one review study the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00213-00052639-00052841 overall evidence shows that emigration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00214-00052842-00053022 helps developing countries integrate +_OdQzJs4xmU-00215-00053023-00053364 into the global economy a 2016 study +_OdQzJs4xmU-00216-00053365-00053541 reviewing the literature on migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00217-00053541-00053796 and economic growth shows that migrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-00218-00053797-00054003 contribute to the integration of their +_OdQzJs4xmU-00219-00054004-00054207 country into the world market which can +_OdQzJs4xmU-00220-00054208-00054462 be particularly important for economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00221-00054463-00054798 growth in developing countries research +_OdQzJs4xmU-00222-00054799-00055007 suggests that emigration causes an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00223-00055008-00055161 increase in the wages of those who +_OdQzJs4xmU-00224-00055162-00055485 remain in the country of origin a 2014 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00225-00055486-00055677 survey of the existing literature on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00226-00055678-00055880 emigration finds that a 10 percent +_OdQzJs4xmU-00227-00055882-00056057 emigrants apply shock would increase +_OdQzJs4xmU-00228-00056058-00056238 wages in the sending country by +_OdQzJs4xmU-00229-00056239-00056613 to 25.5% a study of emigration from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00230-00056614-00056790 Poland shows that it led to a slight +_OdQzJs4xmU-00231-00056791-00056973 increase in wages for high and medium +_OdQzJs4xmU-00232-00056974-00057254 skilled workers for remaining polls a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00233-00057254-00057525 2013 study finds that emigration from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00234-00057526-00057779 Eastern Europe after the 2004 EU +_OdQzJs4xmU-00235-00057780-00057954 enlargement increased the wages of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00236-00057954-00058149 remaining young workers in the country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00237-00058150-00058371 of origin by 6 percent while it had no +_OdQzJs4xmU-00238-00058372-00058641 effect on the wages of old workers the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00239-00058641-00058866 wages of Lithuanian men increased as a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00240-00058866-00059123 result of post EU enlargement emigration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00241-00059124-00059394 return migration is associated with +_OdQzJs4xmU-00242-00059395-00060002 greater household firm revenues +_OdQzJs4xmU-00243-00060003-00060572 topic education and innovation +_OdQzJs4xmU-00244-00060573-00060843 research finds that emigration and low +_OdQzJs4xmU-00245-00060844-00061053 migration barriers has net positive +_OdQzJs4xmU-00246-00061054-00061266 effects on human capital formation in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00247-00061267-00061503 the sending countries this means that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00248-00061504-00061842 there is a brain gain instead of a brain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00249-00061843-00062166 drain to emigration one study finds that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00250-00062167-00062388 sending countries benefit indirectly in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00251-00062389-00062550 the long run on the emigration of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00252-00062551-00062730 skilled workers because those skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00253-00062731-00062919 workers are able to innovate more in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00254-00062920-00063093 developed countries which the sending +_OdQzJs4xmU-00255-00063094-00063265 countries are able to benefit on as a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00256-00063266-00063576 positive externality greater emigration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00257-00063577-00063790 of skilled workers consequently leads to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00258-00063791-00063978 greater economic growth and welfare +_OdQzJs4xmU-00259-00063979-00064224 improvements in the long run according +_OdQzJs4xmU-00260-00064225-00064465 to economist Michael Clements it has not +_OdQzJs4xmU-00261-00064466-00064609 been shown that restrictions on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00262-00064610-00064822 high-skill emigration reduce shortages +_OdQzJs4xmU-00263-00064823-00065091 in the countries of origin a 2017 paper +_OdQzJs4xmU-00264-00065092-00065296 found that the emigration opportunities +_OdQzJs4xmU-00265-00065297-00065481 to the United States for high-skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00266-00065482-00065700 Indians provided by the h-1b visa +_OdQzJs4xmU-00267-00065701-00065904 program contributed to the growth of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00268-00065905-00066184 Indian IT sector a greater number of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00269-00066185-00066360 Indians were induced to enroll in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00270-00066361-00066573 computer science programs in order to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00271-00066574-00066762 move to the United States and a large +_OdQzJs4xmU-00272-00066763-00066957 number of these Indians never moved to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00273-00066958-00067137 the United States due to caps in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00274-00067138-00067386 h-1b program or return to India after +_OdQzJs4xmU-00275-00067387-00067719 the completion of their visas one 2011 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00276-00067720-00067938 study finds that emigration has mixed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00277-00067939-00068112 effects on innovation in the sending +_OdQzJs4xmU-00278-00068113-00068307 country boosting the number of important +_OdQzJs4xmU-00279-00068308-00068490 innovations but reducing the number of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00280-00068491-00069081 average inventions +_OdQzJs4xmU-00281-00069082-00069432 topic democracy human rights and liberal +_OdQzJs4xmU-00282-00069433-00070011 values research also suggests that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00283-00070012-00070227 emigration remittances and return +_OdQzJs4xmU-00284-00070228-00070443 migration can have a positive impact on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00285-00070444-00070596 political institutions and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00286-00070597-00070823 democratization in the country of origin +_OdQzJs4xmU-00287-00070824-00071037 research shows that exposure to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00288-00071038-00071295 emigrants boosts turnout research also +_OdQzJs4xmU-00289-00071296-00071484 shows that remittances can lower the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00290-00071485-00071661 risk of civil war in the country of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00291-00071662-00071955 origin migration leads to lower levels +_OdQzJs4xmU-00292-00071956-00072183 of terrorism return migration from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00293-00072184-00072387 countries with liberal gender norms has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00294-00072388-00072570 been associated with the transfer of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00295-00072571-00072726 liberal gender norms to the home country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00296-00072727-00073092 a 2009 study finds that foreigners +_OdQzJs4xmU-00297-00073093-00073356 educated in democracies foster democracy +_OdQzJs4xmU-00298-00073357-00073611 in their home countries studies find +_OdQzJs4xmU-00299-00073612-00073782 that leaders who were educated in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00300-00073783-00073968 West are significantly more likely to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00301-00073969-00074114 improve their country's democracy +_OdQzJs4xmU-00302-00074115-00074466 prospects a 2016 study found that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00303-00074467-00074661 Chinese immigrants exposed to Western +_OdQzJs4xmU-00304-00074662-00074880 media censored in China became more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00305-00074881-00075033 critical of their home government's +_OdQzJs4xmU-00306-00075034-00075216 performance on the issues covered in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00307-00075217-00075399 media and less trusting and official +_OdQzJs4xmU-00308-00075400-00075708 discourse a 2014 study found that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00309-00075709-00075906 remittances decreased corruption in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00310-00075907-00076185 democratic states a 2015 study finds +_OdQzJs4xmU-00311-00076186-00076356 that the emigration of women in rural +_OdQzJs4xmU-00312-00076357-00077044 China reduces son preference +_OdQzJs4xmU-00313-00077045-00077630 topic historical examples +_OdQzJs4xmU-00314-00077631-00077980 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00315-00077981-00078340 topic Neoplatonic academy philosophers +_OdQzJs4xmU-00316-00078341-00078685 move +_OdQzJs4xmU-00317-00078686-00078937 after Justinian closed the Platonic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00318-00078938-00079192 Academy in AD 529 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00319-00079193-00079414 according to the historian Agathis its +_OdQzJs4xmU-00320-00079415-00079606 remaining members sought protection from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00321-00079607-00079810 the Sassanid ruler ko smiled the first +_OdQzJs4xmU-00322-00079811-00080011 carrying with them precious Scrolls of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00323-00080012-00080206 literature philosophy and to a lesser +_OdQzJs4xmU-00324-00080207-00080497 degree science after the peace treaty +_OdQzJs4xmU-00325-00080498-00080668 between the Persian and the Byzantine +_OdQzJs4xmU-00326-00080669-00080992 empires in 532 guaranteed their personal +_OdQzJs4xmU-00327-00080993-00081184 security some members of this group +_OdQzJs4xmU-00328-00081185-00081415 found sanctuary in the pagan stronghold +_OdQzJs4xmU-00329-00081416-00081676 of Heron near Edessa one of the last +_OdQzJs4xmU-00330-00081677-00081853 leading figures of this group was +_OdQzJs4xmU-00331-00081854-00082105 simplicious a pupil of de Messiah the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00332-00082106-00082354 last head of the Athenian school the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00333-00082355-00082573 students of an Academy in exile may have +_OdQzJs4xmU-00334-00082574-00082762 survived into the ninth century long +_OdQzJs4xmU-00335-00082763-00082972 enough to facilitate the Arabic revival +_OdQzJs4xmU-00336-00082973-00083188 of the neoplatonist commentary tradition +_OdQzJs4xmU-00337-00083189-00083723 in Baghdad +_OdQzJs4xmU-00338-00083724-00084043 topic Spanish expulsion of Jews and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00339-00084044-00084407 Moors +_OdQzJs4xmU-00340-00084408-00084626 after the end of the Catholic reconquest +_OdQzJs4xmU-00341-00084627-00084884 of Spain the Catholic Monarchs pursued a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00342-00084885-00085154 religiously uniform kingdom Jews were +_OdQzJs4xmU-00343-00085155-00085418 expelled from the country in 1492 as +_OdQzJs4xmU-00344-00085419-00085673 they dominated financial services in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00345-00085674-00085886 country their expulsion was instrumental +_OdQzJs4xmU-00346-00085887-00086120 in causing future economic problems for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00347-00086121-00086294 example the need for foreign bankers +_OdQzJs4xmU-00348-00086295-00086468 such as the Fugger family and others +_OdQzJs4xmU-00349-00086469-00086852 from Genoa on the 7th of January 1492 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00350-00086853-00087050 the king ordered the expulsion of all +_OdQzJs4xmU-00351-00087051-00087290 the Jews from Spain from the kingdoms of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00352-00087291-00087599 Castile Catalonia Aragon Galicia may +_OdQzJs4xmU-00353-00087600-00087857 Orca menorca the Basque provinces the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00354-00087858-00088073 islands of Sardinia and Sicily and the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00355-00088074-00088325 kingdom of Valencia before that the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00356-00088326-00088493 Queen had also expelled them from the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00357-00088494-00088697 kingdom of Andalusia the war against +_OdQzJs4xmU-00358-00088698-00088904 Turks and North African Moors affected +_OdQzJs4xmU-00359-00088905-00089099 internal policy in the uprising of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00360-00089100-00089516 Alpo harris 1568 to 1571 and motivated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00361-00089517-00089797 the expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00362-00089798-00090050 despite being a minority group they were +_OdQzJs4xmU-00363-00090051-00090239 a key part of the farming sector and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00364-00090240-00090467 trained artisans their departure +_OdQzJs4xmU-00365-00090468-00090683 contributed to economic decline in some +_OdQzJs4xmU-00366-00090684-00090893 regions of Spain this way the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00367-00090894-00091103 conservative aristocracy increased its +_OdQzJs4xmU-00368-00091104-00091283 power over economically developed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00369-00091284-00091828 provinces +_OdQzJs4xmU-00370-00091829-00092215 topic Huguenots exodus from france 17th +_OdQzJs4xmU-00371-00092216-00092604 century +_OdQzJs4xmU-00372-00092605-00092981 in 1685 louis xiv revoked the Edict of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00373-00092982-00093182 Nantes and declared Protestantism to be +_OdQzJs4xmU-00374-00093183-00093371 illegal in the Edict of Fontainebleau +_OdQzJs4xmU-00375-00093372-00093654 after this many Huguenots estimates +_OdQzJs4xmU-00376-00093655-00093941 range from 200,000 to 1 million fled to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00377-00093942-00094118 surrounding Protestant countries England +_OdQzJs4xmU-00378-00094119-00094347 the Netherlands Switzerland Norway +_OdQzJs4xmU-00379-00094348-00094631 Denmark and Prussia whose Calvinist +_OdQzJs4xmU-00380-00094632-00094847 great elector Frederick William welcomed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00381-00094848-00095042 them to help rebuild his war ravaged and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00382-00095043-00095330 under populated country many went to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00383-00095331-00095543 Dutch colony at the Cape South Africa +_OdQzJs4xmU-00384-00095544-00095678 where they were instrumental in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00385-00095679-00095946 establishing a wine industry at least +_OdQzJs4xmU-00386-00095947-00096159 10,000 went to Ireland where they were +_OdQzJs4xmU-00387-00096160-00096335 assimilated into the Protestant minority +_OdQzJs4xmU-00388-00096336-00096672 during the plantations many Huguenots +_OdQzJs4xmU-00389-00096673-00096929 and their descendants prospered on rebus +_OdQzJs4xmU-00390-00096930-00097169 nagy de boville fled France and settled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00391-00097170-00097335 in the Netherlands where he became an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00392-00097336-00097610 influential writer and historian Abel +_OdQzJs4xmU-00393-00097611-00097844 Boyer another noted writer settled in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00394-00097845-00098042 London and became a tutor to the British +_OdQzJs4xmU-00395-00098043-00098318 royal family Henry Ford Renier the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00396-00098319-00098501 descendant of Huguenots settlers in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00397-00098502-00098657 England founded the modern paper +_OdQzJs4xmU-00398-00098658-00098946 industry Agustin Courtauld fled to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00399-00098947-00099116 England settling in Essex and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00400-00099117-00099311 established a dynasty that founded the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00401-00099312-00099566 British silk industry noted Swiss +_OdQzJs4xmU-00402-00099567-00099806 mathematician Gabriel Cramer was born in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00403-00099807-00100103 Geneva to Huguenots refugees Sir John +_OdQzJs4xmU-00404-00100104-00100284 who blonde the first governor of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00405-00100285-00100469 Bank of England was born into a Huguenot +_OdQzJs4xmU-00406-00100470-00100591 family in London +_OdQzJs4xmU-00407-00100592-00100844 Isaac bar a the son of Huguenots +_OdQzJs4xmU-00408-00100845-00101022 settlers in Ireland became an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00409-00101023-00101192 influential British soldier and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00410-00101193-00101525 politician Gustav and Peter Carl fabergé +_OdQzJs4xmU-00411-00101526-00101721 the descendants of Huguenots refugees +_OdQzJs4xmU-00412-00101722-00101951 founded the world-famous Faberge Company +_OdQzJs4xmU-00413-00101952-00102009 in Russia +_OdQzJs4xmU-00414-00102010-00102309 maker of the famous Faberge eggs the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00415-00102310-00102549 exodus of Huguenots from France created +_OdQzJs4xmU-00416-00102550-00102752 a brain drain as Huguenots accounted for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00417-00102753-00102902 a disproportionate number of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00418-00102903-00103125 entrepreneurial artisan and technical +_OdQzJs4xmU-00419-00103126-00103398 occupations in the country the loss of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00420-00103399-00103607 this technical expertise was a blow from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00421-00103608-00103797 which the kingdom did not fully recover +_OdQzJs4xmU-00422-00103798-00104358 for many years +_OdQzJs4xmU-00423-00104359-00104682 topic nineteenth-century Eastern Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00424-00104683-00105060 migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00425-00105061-00105325 mid 19th century Eastern European +_OdQzJs4xmU-00426-00105326-00105523 migration was significantly shaped by +_OdQzJs4xmU-00427-00105524-00105789 religious factors the Jewish minority +_OdQzJs4xmU-00428-00105790-00106035 experienced strong discrimination in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00429-00106036-00106243 Russian Empire during this period which +_OdQzJs4xmU-00430-00106244-00106434 reached its maximum in the pogrom waves +_OdQzJs4xmU-00431-00106435-00106789 of the 1880s during the 1880s the mass +_OdQzJs4xmU-00432-00106790-00106996 exodus of more than two million russian +_OdQzJs4xmU-00433-00106997-00107304 jews began already before a migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00434-00107305-00107506 stream of jewish people started which +_OdQzJs4xmU-00435-00107507-00107676 was characterized by highly skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00436-00107677-00107979 individuals this pronounced selectivity +_OdQzJs4xmU-00437-00107980-00108189 was not caused by economic incentives +_OdQzJs4xmU-00438-00108190-00108833 but by political persecution +_OdQzJs4xmU-00439-00108834-00109208 topic anti-semitism in pre-world War to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00440-00109209-00109882 Europe 1933 to 1943 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00441-00109883-00110143 anti-semitic feelings and laws in Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00442-00110144-00110458 through the 1930s and 1940s culminating +_OdQzJs4xmU-00443-00110458-00110650 in the Holocaust caused an exodus of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00444-00110651-00110759 intelligentsia +_OdQzJs4xmU-00445-00110760-00111121 notable examples are Albert Einstein +_OdQzJs4xmU-00446-00111122-00111325 emigrated permanently to the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-00447-00111326-00111721 States in 1933 Sigmund Freud finally +_OdQzJs4xmU-00448-00111722-00111919 decided to emigrate permanently with his +_OdQzJs4xmU-00449-00111920-00112110 wife and daughter to London England in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00450-00112111-00112433 1938 two months after the Anschluss +_OdQzJs4xmU-00451-00112434-00112744 Enrico Fermi 1938 though he was not +_OdQzJs4xmU-00452-00112745-00113095 Jewish himself his wife Laura was niels +_OdQzJs4xmU-00453-00113096-00113526 bohr 1943 his mother was Jewish Theodore +_OdQzJs4xmU-00454-00113527-00113872 von Karman John von Neumann besides Jews +_OdQzJs4xmU-00455-00113873-00114108 Nazi persecution extended to liberals +_OdQzJs4xmU-00456-00114109-00114288 and socialists in Germany further +_OdQzJs4xmU-00457-00114289-00114579 contributing to emigration refugees in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00458-00114580-00114777 New York City founded the University in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00459-00114778-00115024 exile the Bauhaus perhaps the most +_OdQzJs4xmU-00460-00115025-00115233 important Arts and Design School of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00461-00115234-00115440 20th century was forced to close down +_OdQzJs4xmU-00462-00115441-00115648 during the Nazi regime because of their +_OdQzJs4xmU-00463-00115649-00115854 liberal and socialist leanings which the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00464-00115855-00116119 Nazis considered degenerate the school +_OdQzJs4xmU-00465-00116120-00116304 had already been shut down in Weimar +_OdQzJs4xmU-00466-00116305-00116494 because of its political stance but +_OdQzJs4xmU-00467-00116495-00116684 moved to the south prior to the closing +_OdQzJs4xmU-00468-00116685-00116916 following this abandonment two of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00469-00116917-00117070 three pioneers of modern architecture +_OdQzJs4xmU-00470-00117071-00117322 Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius +_OdQzJs4xmU-00471-00117323-00117540 left Germany for America while la +_OdQzJs4xmU-00472-00117541-00117789 Corbusier stayed in France they +_OdQzJs4xmU-00473-00117790-00117990 introduced the European modern movement +_OdQzJs4xmU-00474-00117991-00118188 to the American public and fostered the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00475-00118189-00118396 International style in architecture and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00476-00118397-00118597 design helping to transform design +_OdQzJs4xmU-00477-00118598-00118836 education at American universities and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00478-00118838-00119173 influencing later architects a 2014 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00479-00119174-00119356 study in the American Economic Review +_OdQzJs4xmU-00480-00119357-00119589 found that German Jewish émigrés is in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00481-00119590-00120286 the u.s. boosted innovation in the US +_OdQzJs4xmU-00482-00120288-00120629 topic Hungarian scientists in the early +_OdQzJs4xmU-00483-00120630-00121094 and mid 20th century +_OdQzJs4xmU-00484-00121095-00121394 the Martians we're a group of prominent +_OdQzJs4xmU-00485-00121395-00121600 Hungarian scientists of Jewish descent +_OdQzJs4xmU-00486-00121601-00121883 mostly but not exclusively physicists +_OdQzJs4xmU-00487-00121883-00122069 and mathematicians who emigrated to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00488-00122070-00122272 United States during an after World War +_OdQzJs4xmU-00489-00122273-00122578 two due to Nazism or communism they +_OdQzJs4xmU-00490-00122579-00122779 included among others Theodore von +_OdQzJs4xmU-00491-00122780-00123032 Karman John von Neumann Paul Hamas +_OdQzJs4xmU-00492-00123033-00123296 Eugene Wigner Edward Teller george pólya +_OdQzJs4xmU-00493-00123297-00123634 john g Kemeny and paul air dish several +_OdQzJs4xmU-00494-00123635-00123811 were from Budapest and were instrumental +_OdQzJs4xmU-00495-00123812-00124090 in American scientific progress eg +_OdQzJs4xmU-00496-00124091-00124730 developing the atomic bomb +_OdQzJs4xmU-00497-00124731-00125069 topic former nazi scientist recruitment +_OdQzJs4xmU-00498-00125070-00125815 by both the US and the USSR post ww2 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00499-00125816-00126135 in the last months of an post ww2 both +_OdQzJs4xmU-00500-00126136-00126427 the US and USSR forcibly recruited and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00501-00126428-00126628 transported thousands of former Nazi +_OdQzJs4xmU-00502-00126629-00126825 scientists to the US and USSR +_OdQzJs4xmU-00503-00126826-00127003 respectively to continue their +_OdQzJs4xmU-00504-00127004-00127660 scientific work in those countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00505-00127661-00128306 topic Eastern Europe under Eastern Bloc +_OdQzJs4xmU-00506-00128307-00128633 by 1922 the Soviet Union had issued +_OdQzJs4xmU-00507-00128633-00128825 restrictions making emigration of its +_OdQzJs4xmU-00508-00128826-00129002 citizens to other countries almost +_OdQzJs4xmU-00509-00129003-00129251 impossible Soviet premier Nikita +_OdQzJs4xmU-00510-00129252-00129511 Khrushchev later stated we were scared +_OdQzJs4xmU-00511-00129513-00129776 really scared we were afraid the thumb +_OdQzJs4xmU-00512-00129777-00129968 might unleash a flood which we wouldn't +_OdQzJs4xmU-00513-00129969-00130183 be able to control and which could drown +_OdQzJs4xmU-00514-00130184-00130421 us how could it drown us +_OdQzJs4xmU-00515-00130422-00130628 it could have overflowed the banks of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00516-00130629-00130858 the Soviet riverbed and formed a tidal +_OdQzJs4xmU-00517-00130859-00131030 wave which would have washed away all +_OdQzJs4xmU-00518-00131031-00131240 the barriers and retaining walls of our +_OdQzJs4xmU-00519-00131241-00131594 society after Soviet occupation of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00520-00131595-00131801 Eastern Europe at the end of World War 2 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00521-00131802-00131975 the majority of those living in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00522-00131976-00132176 countries of the Eastern Bloc aspired to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00523-00132177-00132374 independence and wanted the Soviets to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00524-00132375-00132698 leave by the early 1950s the approach of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00525-00132699-00132875 the Soviet Union to restricting +_OdQzJs4xmU-00526-00132876-00133088 emigration was emulated by most of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00527-00133089-00133286 rest of the Eastern Bloc including East +_OdQzJs4xmU-00528-00133287-00133478 Germany even after the closing of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00529-00133479-00133775 inner German border officially in 1952 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00530-00133776-00133940 the border between the sectors of East +_OdQzJs4xmU-00531-00133941-00134105 Berlin and West Berlin remained +_OdQzJs4xmU-00532-00134106-00134291 considerably more accessible than the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00533-00134292-00134435 rest of the border because it was +_OdQzJs4xmU-00534-00134436-00134621 administered by all four occupying +_OdQzJs4xmU-00535-00134622-00134900 powers the Berlin sector border was +_OdQzJs4xmU-00536-00134901-00135167 essentially a loophole through which +_OdQzJs4xmU-00537-00135168-00135389 East Bloc citizens could still emigrate +_OdQzJs4xmU-00538-00135390-00135680 the 3.5 million East Germans called +_OdQzJs4xmU-00539-00135681-00135866 Republic flecked Elaine who had left by +_OdQzJs4xmU-00540-00135867-00136208 1961 totaled approximately 20% of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00541-00136209-00136466 entire East German population the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00542-00136467-00136601 emigrants tended to be young and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00543-00136602-00136808 well-educated leading to the brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00544-00136809-00137117 feared by officials in East Germany Yuri +_OdQzJs4xmU-00545-00137118-00137378 Andropov then the CPSU director of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00546-00137379-00137573 relations with Communists and workers +_OdQzJs4xmU-00547-00137574-00137786 parties of socialist countries decided +_OdQzJs4xmU-00548-00137787-00138080 on the 28th of August 1958 to write an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00549-00138081-00138236 urgent letter to the Central Committee +_OdQzJs4xmU-00550-00138237-00138470 about the 50% increase in the number of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00551-00138471-00138662 East German intelligentsia among the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00552-00138663-00138929 refugees and drop have reported that +_OdQzJs4xmU-00553-00138930-00139133 while the East German leadership stated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00554-00139134-00139271 that they were leaving for economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00555-00139272-00139466 reasons testimony from refugees +_OdQzJs4xmU-00556-00139467-00139631 indicated that the reasons were more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00557-00139632-00139922 political than material he stated the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00558-00139923-00140135 flight of the intelligentsia has reached +_OdQzJs4xmU-00559-00140136-00140471 a particularly critical phase the direct +_OdQzJs4xmU-00560-00140472-00140681 cost of labor force losses has been +_OdQzJs4xmU-00561-00140682-00140876 estimated at seven billion dollars to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00562-00140877-00141083 nine billion dollars with East German +_OdQzJs4xmU-00563-00141084-00141242 party leader walter ulbricht +_OdQzJs4xmU-00564-00141243-00141416 later claiming that West Germany owed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00565-00141417-00141686 him 17 billion dollars in compensation +_OdQzJs4xmU-00566-00141687-00141872 including reparations as well as labor +_OdQzJs4xmU-00567-00141873-00142154 force losses in addition the drain of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00568-00142155-00142340 East Germany's young population +_OdQzJs4xmU-00569-00142341-00142565 potentially costed over twenty two point +_OdQzJs4xmU-00570-00142566-00142796 five billion marks in lost educational +_OdQzJs4xmU-00571-00142797-00143186 investment in August 1961 East Germany +_OdQzJs4xmU-00572-00143187-00143393 erected a barbed-wire barrier that would +_OdQzJs4xmU-00573-00143394-00143591 eventually be expanded by construction +_OdQzJs4xmU-00574-00143592-00143813 into the Berlin Wall effectively closing +_OdQzJs4xmU-00575-00143814-00144383 the loophole +_OdQzJs4xmU-00576-00144384-00144892 topic by region +_OdQzJs4xmU-00577-00144893-00145233 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00578-00145234-00145547 topic Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00579-00145548-00145711 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00580-00145712-00145978 human capital flight phenomena in Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00581-00145979-00146227 fall into two distinct trends the first +_OdQzJs4xmU-00582-00146228-00146380 is an outflow of highly qualified +_OdQzJs4xmU-00583-00146381-00146641 scientists from Western Europe mostly to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00584-00146642-00146881 the United States the second is a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00585-00146882-00147061 migration of skilled workers from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00586-00147062-00147271 Central and southeastern Europe into +_OdQzJs4xmU-00587-00147272-00147544 Western Europe within the EU while in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00588-00147545-00147721 some countries the trend may be slowing +_OdQzJs4xmU-00589-00147722-00147946 certain Southeast European countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00590-00147947-00148129 such as Italy continue to experience +_OdQzJs4xmU-00591-00148130-00148327 extremely high rates of human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-00592-00148328-00148624 flight the European Union has noted a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00593-00148625-00148828 net loss of highly skilled workers and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00594-00148829-00149170 introduced a blue card policy much like +_OdQzJs4xmU-00595-00149171-00149419 the American green card which seeks to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00596-00149420-00149629 draw an additional 20 million workers +_OdQzJs4xmU-00597-00149630-00149902 from Asia Africa and the Americas in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00598-00149903-00150196 next two decades although the EU +_OdQzJs4xmU-00599-00150197-00150394 recognizes a need for extensive +_OdQzJs4xmU-00600-00150395-00150577 immigration to mitigate the effects of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00601-00150578-00150763 an aging population nationalist +_OdQzJs4xmU-00602-00150764-00150970 political parties have gained support in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00603-00150971-00151174 many European countries by calling for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00604-00151175-00151392 stronger laws restricting immigration +_OdQzJs4xmU-00605-00151393-00151624 immigrants are perceived as a burden on +_OdQzJs4xmU-00606-00151625-00151828 the state and cause of social problems +_OdQzJs4xmU-00607-00151829-00152008 like increased crime rates and major +_OdQzJs4xmU-00608-00152009-00152579 cultural differences +_OdQzJs4xmU-00609-00152580-00153074 topic Western Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00610-00153075-00153539 in 2006 over 250,000 Europeans emigrated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00611-00153540-00154015 to the United States 160 4285 Australia +_OdQzJs4xmU-00612-00154016-00154586 40,000 455 Canada 37,000 946 and New +_OdQzJs4xmU-00613-00154587-00155140 Zealand 30000 262 Germany alone saw 155 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00614-00155141-00155408 thousand 290 people leave the country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00615-00155409-00155578 though mostly to destinations within +_OdQzJs4xmU-00616-00155579-00155801 Europe this is the highest rate of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00617-00155802-00155981 worker emigration since reunification +_OdQzJs4xmU-00618-00155982-00156176 and was equal to the rate in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00619-00156177-00156482 aftermath of World War two Portugal has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00620-00156483-00156695 experienced the largest human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-00621-00156696-00156938 flight in Western Europe the country has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00622-00156939-00157153 lost nineteen point five percent of its +_OdQzJs4xmU-00623-00157154-00157349 qualified population and is struggling +_OdQzJs4xmU-00624-00157350-00157562 to absorb sufficient skilled immigrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-00625-00157563-00157772 to compensate for losses to Australia +_OdQzJs4xmU-00626-00157773-00158485 Canada Switzerland Germany and Austria +_OdQzJs4xmU-00627-00158486-00158891 topic Central and Eastern Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00628-00158892-00159037 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00629-00159038-00159244 Central and Eastern European countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00630-00159245-00159496 have expressed concerns about extensive +_OdQzJs4xmU-00631-00159497-00159709 migration of skilled laborers to Ireland +_OdQzJs4xmU-00632-00159710-00159985 in the United Kingdom Lithuania for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00633-00159986-00160285 example has lost about 100,000 citizens +_OdQzJs4xmU-00634-00160286-00160543 since 2003 many of them young and well +_OdQzJs4xmU-00635-00160544-00160765 educated to emigration to Ireland in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00636-00160766-00160965 particular Ireland itself used to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00637-00160966-00161158 experience high rates of human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-00638-00161159-00161362 flight to the United States Great +_OdQzJs4xmU-00639-00161363-00161557 Britain and Canada before the Celtic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00640-00161558-00161773 Tiger economic programs a similar +_OdQzJs4xmU-00641-00161774-00161977 phenomenon occurred in Poland after its +_OdQzJs4xmU-00642-00161978-00162226 entry into the European Union in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00643-00162227-00162499 first year of its EU membership 100,000 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00644-00162500-00162678 poles registered to work in England +_OdQzJs4xmU-00645-00162679-00163002 joining an estimated 750,000 residents +_OdQzJs4xmU-00646-00163003-00163276 of Polish descent research conducted by +_OdQzJs4xmU-00647-00163277-00163588 pko Bank Polsky Poland's largest retail +_OdQzJs4xmU-00648-00163589-00163900 bank shows that 63% of Polish immigrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-00649-00163901-00164190 to the UK were aged between 24 and 35 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00650-00164191-00164484 with 40% possessing a university degree +_OdQzJs4xmU-00651-00164485-00164719 however with the rapid growth of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00652-00164720-00164959 salaries in Poland its booming economy +_OdQzJs4xmU-00653-00164960-00165157 the strong value of the salaat II and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00654-00165158-00165360 decreasing unemployment which fell from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00655-00165361-00165832 14.2% in May 2006 to 8% in March 2008 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00656-00165833-00166091 the flight of Polish workers slowed in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00657-00166092-00166444 2008 and early 2009 people who came back +_OdQzJs4xmU-00658-00166445-00166608 outnumbered those leaving the country +_OdQzJs4xmU-00659-00166609-00167344 the exodus is likely to continue however +_OdQzJs4xmU-00660-00167345-00167874 topic southeastern Europe +_OdQzJs4xmU-00661-00167875-00168132 the rapid but small-scale departure of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00662-00168133-00168294 highly-skilled workers from South +_OdQzJs4xmU-00663-00168295-00168486 Eastern Europe has caused concern about +_OdQzJs4xmU-00664-00168487-00168660 those nations developing towards +_OdQzJs4xmU-00665-00168661-00168939 inclusion in the European Union this has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00666-00168940-00169149 sparked programs to curb the outflow by +_OdQzJs4xmU-00667-00169150-00169326 encouraging skilled technicians and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00668-00169327-00169521 scientists to remain in the region to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00669-00169522-00169758 work on international projects Serbia is +_OdQzJs4xmU-00670-00169759-00169904 one of the top countries that have +_OdQzJs4xmU-00671-00169905-00170106 experienced human capital flight from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00672-00170107-00170441 the fall of communist regime in 1991 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00673-00170442-00170664 people started emigrating to the closest +_OdQzJs4xmU-00674-00170665-00170874 countries Italy in Greece and with the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00675-00170875-00171089 passing of years began going farther to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00676-00171090-00171302 the United Kingdom Canada in the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-00677-00171303-00171614 States in the last ten years educated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00678-00171615-00171759 people and professionals have been +_OdQzJs4xmU-00679-00171760-00171929 leaving the country and going to other +_OdQzJs4xmU-00680-00171930-00172086 countries where they feel they can have +_OdQzJs4xmU-00681-00172087-00172269 better possibilities for better and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00682-00172270-00172509 secure lives this is a concern for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00683-00172510-00172737 Albania as well as it is losing its +_OdQzJs4xmU-00684-00172738-00173354 skilled workers and professionals +_OdQzJs4xmU-00685-00173355-00173741 topic Greece Ireland Italy Portugal and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00686-00173742-00174078 Spain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00687-00174079-00174282 many citizens of the countries most +_OdQzJs4xmU-00688-00174283-00174501 stricken by the economic crisis in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00689-00174502-00174690 Europe have emigrated many of them to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00690-00174691-00174981 Australia Brazil Germany United Kingdom +_OdQzJs4xmU-00691-00174982-00175697 Chile Ecuador Angola and Argentina +_OdQzJs4xmU-00692-00175698-00176154 topic turkey +_OdQzJs4xmU-00693-00176155-00176433 in the 1960s many skilled and educated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00694-00176434-00176667 people emigrated from Turkey including +_OdQzJs4xmU-00695-00176668-00176943 many doctors and engineers this +_OdQzJs4xmU-00696-00176944-00177132 emigration wave is believed to have been +_OdQzJs4xmU-00697-00177133-00177282 triggered by political instability +_OdQzJs4xmU-00698-00177283-00177584 including the 1960 military coup in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00699-00177585-00177888 later decades into the 2000s many +_OdQzJs4xmU-00700-00177889-00178080 Turkish professionals emigrated and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00701-00178081-00178287 students studying overseas chose to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00702-00178288-00178455 remain abroad mainly due to better +_OdQzJs4xmU-00703-00178456-00178731 economic opportunities this human +_OdQzJs4xmU-00704-00178732-00178944 capital flight was given national media +_OdQzJs4xmU-00705-00178945-00179142 attention and in 2000 the government +_OdQzJs4xmU-00706-00179143-00179370 formed a task force to investigate the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00707-00179371-00179988 brain drain problem +_OdQzJs4xmU-00708-00179989-00180491 topic united kingdom +_OdQzJs4xmU-00709-00180492-00180686 there are a considerable number of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00710-00180687-00180887 people leaving the United Kingdom for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00711-00180888-00181118 other countries especially Australia in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00712-00181119-00181322 the United States business industries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00713-00181323-00181508 expressed worries that brexit pose a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00714-00181509-00182202 significant risk of causing brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00715-00182203-00182685 topic Africa +_OdQzJs4xmU-00716-00182686-00182907 countries in Africa have lost a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00717-00182908-00183096 tremendous amount of their educated and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00718-00183097-00183290 skilled populations as a result of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00719-00183291-00183486 emigration to more developed countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-00720-00183487-00183653 which has harmed the ability of such +_OdQzJs4xmU-00721-00183654-00183945 nations to get out of poverty Nigeria +_OdQzJs4xmU-00722-00183946-00184161 Kenya and Ethiopia are believed to be +_OdQzJs4xmU-00723-00184162-00184388 the most affected according to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00724-00184389-00184593 United Nations Development Program +_OdQzJs4xmU-00725-00184594-00184881 Ethiopia lost 75% of its skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00726-00184882-00185220 workforce between 1980 and 1991 South +_OdQzJs4xmU-00727-00185221-00185463 African president Thabo Mbeki said in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00728-00185464-00185768 his 1998 African Renaissance speech in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00729-00185769-00186050 our world in which the generation of new +_OdQzJs4xmU-00730-00186051-00186237 knowledge and its application to change +_OdQzJs4xmU-00731-00186238-00186423 the human condition as the engine which +_OdQzJs4xmU-00732-00186424-00186614 moves human society further away from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00733-00186615-00186827 barbarism do we not have need to recall +_OdQzJs4xmU-00734-00186828-00186996 Africa's hundreds of thousands of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00735-00186997-00187190 intellectuals back from their places of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00736-00187191-00187368 emigration in Western Europe and North +_OdQzJs4xmU-00737-00187369-00187611 America to rejoin those who remain still +_OdQzJs4xmU-00738-00187612-00187875 within our shores I dream of the day +_OdQzJs4xmU-00739-00187876-00188087 when these the African mathematicians +_OdQzJs4xmU-00740-00188088-00188303 and computer specialists in Washington +_OdQzJs4xmU-00741-00188304-00188501 and New York the African physicists +_OdQzJs4xmU-00742-00188502-00188775 engineers doctors business managers and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00743-00188776-00188985 economists will return from London and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00744-00188986-00189203 Manchester and Paris and Brussels to add +_OdQzJs4xmU-00745-00189204-00189413 to the African pool of brainpower to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00746-00189414-00189633 inquire into and find solutions to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00747-00189634-00189870 Africa's problems and challenges to open +_OdQzJs4xmU-00748-00189871-00190013 the African door to the world of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00749-00190014-00190200 knowledge to elevate Africa's place +_OdQzJs4xmU-00750-00190201-00190371 within the universe of research the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00751-00190372-00190524 information of new knowledge education +_OdQzJs4xmU-00752-00190525-00190865 and information Africare crude as a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00753-00190866-00191058 joint initiative by kneepad and the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00754-00191059-00191262 commonwealth business council to recruit +_OdQzJs4xmU-00755-00191263-00191487 professional expatriate Africans to take +_OdQzJs4xmU-00756-00191488-00191702 employment back in Africa after working +_OdQzJs4xmU-00757-00191703-00191927 overseas in response to growing debate +_OdQzJs4xmU-00758-00191928-00192099 over the human capital flight of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00759-00192100-00192314 healthcare professionals especially from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00760-00192315-00192503 lower income countries to some higher +_OdQzJs4xmU-00761-00192504-00192723 income countries in 2010 the World +_OdQzJs4xmU-00762-00192724-00192938 Health Organization adopted the global +_OdQzJs4xmU-00763-00192939-00193127 code of practice on the International +_OdQzJs4xmU-00764-00193128-00193350 recruitment of health personnel a policy +_OdQzJs4xmU-00765-00193351-00193512 framework for all countries for the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00766-00193513-00193688 ethical international recruitment of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00767-00193689-00193853 doctors nurses and other health +_OdQzJs4xmU-00768-00193854-00194165 professionals African human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-00769-00194166-00194366 flight has begun to reverse itself due +_OdQzJs4xmU-00770-00194367-00194568 to rapid growth and development in many +_OdQzJs4xmU-00771-00194569-00194781 African nations and the emergence of an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00772-00194782-00195099 African middle class between 2001 and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00773-00195100-00195314 2010 six of the world's ten +_OdQzJs4xmU-00774-00195315-00195554 fastest-growing economies were in Africa +_OdQzJs4xmU-00775-00195555-00195851 and between 2011 and 2015 Africa's +_OdQzJs4xmU-00776-00195852-00196106 economic growth is expected to outpace +_OdQzJs4xmU-00777-00196107-00196361 this together with increased development +_OdQzJs4xmU-00778-00196362-00196578 introduction of technologies such as +_OdQzJs4xmU-00779-00196579-00196818 fast internet and mobile phones a better +_OdQzJs4xmU-00780-00196819-00197046 educated population and the environment +_OdQzJs4xmU-00781-00197047-00197250 for business driven by new tech startup +_OdQzJs4xmU-00782-00197251-00197409 companies has resulted in many +_OdQzJs4xmU-00783-00197410-00197625 expatriates from Africa returning to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00784-00197626-00197808 their home countries and more Africans +_OdQzJs4xmU-00785-00197809-00198365 staying at home to work +_OdQzJs4xmU-00786-00198366-00198810 topic Ghana +_OdQzJs4xmU-00787-00198811-00199040 the trend for young doctors and nurses +_OdQzJs4xmU-00788-00199041-00199206 to seek higher salaries and better +_OdQzJs4xmU-00789-00199207-00199395 working conditions mainly in higher +_OdQzJs4xmU-00790-00199396-00199604 income countries of the West is having +_OdQzJs4xmU-00791-00199605-00199800 serious impacts on the healthcare sector +_OdQzJs4xmU-00792-00199801-00200213 in Ghana Ghana currently has about 3,600 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00793-00200214-00200520 doctors one for every 6,000 700 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00794-00200521-00200772 inhabitants this compares with one +_OdQzJs4xmU-00795-00200773-00201029 doctor for 430 people in the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-00796-00201030-00201290 States many of the countries trained +_OdQzJs4xmU-00797-00201291-00201486 doctors and nurses leave to work in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00798-00201487-00201681 countries such as Britain the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-00799-00201682-00201941 States Jamaica and Canada it is +_OdQzJs4xmU-00800-00201942-00202185 estimated that up to 68 percent of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00801-00202186-00202379 country's trained medical staff left +_OdQzJs4xmU-00802-00202380-00202695 between 1993 and 2000 and according to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00803-00202696-00202911 Ghana's official Statistics Institute in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00804-00202912-00203393 the period 1999 to 2004 448 doctors or +_OdQzJs4xmU-00805-00203394-00203658 54% of those trained in the period left +_OdQzJs4xmU-00806-00203659-00204190 to work abroad +_OdQzJs4xmU-00807-00204191-00204698 topic South Africa +_OdQzJs4xmU-00808-00204699-00204946 along with many African nations South +_OdQzJs4xmU-00809-00204948-00205154 Africa has been experiencing human +_OdQzJs4xmU-00810-00205155-00205328 capital flight in the past 20 years +_OdQzJs4xmU-00811-00205329-00205604 since the end of apartheid this is +_OdQzJs4xmU-00812-00205605-00205805 believed to be potentially damaging for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00813-00205806-00205969 the regional economy and is arguably +_OdQzJs4xmU-00814-00205971-00206171 detrimental to the well-being of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00815-00206171-00206369 region's poor majority desperately +_OdQzJs4xmU-00816-00206369-00206563 reliant on the healthcare infrastructure +_OdQzJs4xmU-00817-00206564-00206866 because of the hiv/aids epidemic the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00818-00206867-00207080 skills drain in South Africa tends to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00819-00207081-00207316 reflect racial contours exacerbated by +_OdQzJs4xmU-00820-00207317-00207551 black economic empowerment policies and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00821-00207552-00207755 has thus resulted in large white South +_OdQzJs4xmU-00822-00207756-00208039 African communities abroad the problem +_OdQzJs4xmU-00823-00208040-00208244 is further highlighted by South Africa's +_OdQzJs4xmU-00824-00208244-00208496 requests in 2001 of Canada to stop +_OdQzJs4xmU-00825-00208496-00208694 recruiting its doctors and other highly +_OdQzJs4xmU-00826-00208694-00208858 skilled medical personnel for the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00827-00208859-00209065 medical sector the loss of return from +_OdQzJs4xmU-00828-00209066-00209260 investment for all doctors emigrating +_OdQzJs4xmU-00829-00209261-00209482 from South Africa as one point for 1 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00830-00209483-00209734 billion dollars the benefit to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00831-00209735-00209996 destination countries is huge 2.7 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00832-00209996-00210191 billion dollars for the United Kingdom +_OdQzJs4xmU-00833-00210192-00210350 alone without compensation +_OdQzJs4xmU-00834-00210351-00210569 more recently in a case of reverse brain +_OdQzJs4xmU-00835-00210569-00210851 drain Annette 359,000 highly-skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-00836-00210852-00211106 South Africans return to South Africa +_OdQzJs4xmU-00837-00211107-00211271 from foreign work assignments over a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00838-00211271-00211571 five-year period from 2008 to 2013 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00839-00211571-00211819 this was catalyzed by the global +_OdQzJs4xmU-00840-00211821-00212090 financial crisis of 2007 to 8 and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00841-00212091-00212269 perceptions of a higher quality of life +_OdQzJs4xmU-00842-00212271-00212465 in South Africa relative to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00843-00212466-00212596 countries to which they had first +_OdQzJs4xmU-00844-00212598-00212948 emigrated it is estimated that around 37 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00845-00212948-00213101 percent of those who returned are +_OdQzJs4xmU-00846-00213102-00213317 professionals such as lawyers doctors +_OdQzJs4xmU-00847-00213317-00213948 engineers and accountants +_OdQzJs4xmU-00848-00213948-00214440 topic middle-east +_OdQzJs4xmU-00849-00214441-00214766 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00850-00214767-00215219 topic Iraq +_OdQzJs4xmU-00851-00215219-00215482 during the Iraq war especially during +_OdQzJs4xmU-00852-00215483-00215644 the early years the lack of basic +_OdQzJs4xmU-00853-00215646-00215884 services and security fed an outflow of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00854-00215885-00216071 professionals from Iraq that began under +_OdQzJs4xmU-00855-00216071-00216298 Saddam Hussein under whose rule four +_OdQzJs4xmU-00856-00216300-00216494 million Iraqis are believed to have left +_OdQzJs4xmU-00857-00216494-00216800 the country in particular the exodus was +_OdQzJs4xmU-00858-00216801-00216980 fed by the violence that plagued Iraq +_OdQzJs4xmU-00859-00216981-00217309 which by 2006 had seen 89 university +_OdQzJs4xmU-00860-00217310-00217956 professors and senior lecturers killed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00861-00217957-00218407 topic Iran +_OdQzJs4xmU-00862-00218408-00218728 in 2006 the International Monetary Fund +_OdQzJs4xmU-00863-00218729-00219017 ranked Iran first in brain drain among +_OdQzJs4xmU-00864-00219017-00219242 61 developing and less developed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00865-00219242-00219718 countries LDC in the early 1990s more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00866-00219719-00220033 than 150,000 Iranians emigrated and an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00867-00220034-00220279 estimated 25% of Iranians with +_OdQzJs4xmU-00868-00220280-00220487 post-secondary education were residing +_OdQzJs4xmU-00869-00220488-00220798 in developed countries of the OECD in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00870-00220799-00221063 2009 the International Monetary Fund +_OdQzJs4xmU-00871-00221064-00221458 reported that 150,000 to 180,000 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00872-00221459-00221665 Iranians emigrate annually with up to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00873-00221666-00221947 62% of Iran's academic elite having +_OdQzJs4xmU-00874-00221948-00222142 emigrated and that the yearly exodus is +_OdQzJs4xmU-00875-00222143-00222355 equivalent to an annual capital loss of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00876-00222356-00222665 50 billion dollars better possibilities +_OdQzJs4xmU-00877-00222666-00222826 for job markets is thought to be the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00878-00222827-00223042 motivation for absolute majority of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00879-00223043-00223249 human capital flight while a small few +_OdQzJs4xmU-00880-00223250-00223396 stated their reasons is in search of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00881-00223397-00224023 more social or political freedom +_OdQzJs4xmU-00882-00224025-00224485 topic Israel +_OdQzJs4xmU-00883-00224486-00224767 Israel has experienced varying levels of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00884-00224769-00224959 emigration throughout its history with +_OdQzJs4xmU-00885-00224960-00225157 the majority of Israeli expatriates +_OdQzJs4xmU-00886-00225158-00225427 moving to the United States currently +_OdQzJs4xmU-00887-00225428-00225601 some three hundred thirty thousand +_OdQzJs4xmU-00888-00225602-00225919 native-born Israelis including 230,000 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00889-00225921-00226123 Israeli Jews are estimated to be living +_OdQzJs4xmU-00890-00226124-00226306 abroad while the number of immigrants to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00891-00226307-00226524 Israel who later left is unclear +_OdQzJs4xmU-00892-00226525-00226783 according to public opinion polls the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00893-00226784-00226975 main motives for leaving Israel have not +_OdQzJs4xmU-00894-00226976-00227104 been the political and security +_OdQzJs4xmU-00895-00227105-00227369 situation but include desire for higher +_OdQzJs4xmU-00896-00227369-00227548 living standards pursuit of work +_OdQzJs4xmU-00897-00227549-00227707 opportunities and/or professional +_OdQzJs4xmU-00898-00227708-00228023 advancement and higher education many +_OdQzJs4xmU-00899-00228023-00228256 Israelis with degrees in scientific or +_OdQzJs4xmU-00900-00228257-00228467 engineering fields have emigrated abroad +_OdQzJs4xmU-00901-00228467-00228699 largely due to lack of job opportunities +_OdQzJs4xmU-00902-00228700-00229046 from Israel's establishment in May 1948 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00903-00229046-00229429 to December 2006 about 400,000 doctors +_OdQzJs4xmU-00904-00229430-00229763 and academics left Israel in 2009 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00905-00229764-00229956 Israel's Council for higher education +_OdQzJs4xmU-00906-00229957-00230219 informed the Knesset Education Committee +_OdQzJs4xmU-00907-00230219-00230492 that 25% of Israel's academics were +_OdQzJs4xmU-00908-00230492-00230698 living overseas and that Israel had the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00909-00230699-00230902 highest human capital flight rate in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00910-00230903-00230946 world +_OdQzJs4xmU-00911-00230948-00231274 however an OECD estimate put the highly +_OdQzJs4xmU-00912-00231275-00231494 educated Israeli emigrant rate at five +_OdQzJs4xmU-00913-00231494-00231733 point three per 1000 highly educated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00914-00231734-00231958 Israelis meaning that Israel actually +_OdQzJs4xmU-00915-00231959-00232139 retains more of its highly educated +_OdQzJs4xmU-00916-00232140-00232337 population than many other developed +_OdQzJs4xmU-00917-00232338-00232642 countries in addition the majority of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00918-00232644-00232828 Israelis who emigrate eventually +_OdQzJs4xmU-00919-00232829-00233035 returned after extended periods abroad +_OdQzJs4xmU-00920-00233036-00233396 in 2007 the Israeli government began a +_OdQzJs4xmU-00921-00233396-00233608 program to encourage Israelis living +_OdQzJs4xmU-00922-00233609-00233800 abroad to return since then the number +_OdQzJs4xmU-00923-00233801-00234041 of returning Israelis has doubled and in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00924-00234042-00234301 2010 Israeli expatriates including +_OdQzJs4xmU-00925-00234302-00234505 academics researchers technical +_OdQzJs4xmU-00926-00234506-00234692 professionals and business managers +_OdQzJs4xmU-00927-00234692-00234997 began returning in record numbers Israel +_OdQzJs4xmU-00928-00234998-00235204 launched additional programs to open new +_OdQzJs4xmU-00929-00235205-00235423 opportunities in scientific fields to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00930-00235424-00235600 encourage Israeli scientists and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00931-00235601-00235796 researchers living abroad to return home +_OdQzJs4xmU-00932-00235796-00236077 these programs have since succeeded in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00933-00236078-00236746 luring many Israeli scientists back home +_OdQzJs4xmU-00934-00236748-00237231 topic Arab world +_OdQzJs4xmU-00935-00237232-00237473 by 2010 the Arab countries were +_OdQzJs4xmU-00936-00237475-00237660 experiencing human capital flight +_OdQzJs4xmU-00937-00237661-00237846 according to reports from the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-00938-00237846-00238125 Nations in Arab League about 1 million +_OdQzJs4xmU-00939-00238126-00238359 Arab experts and specialists were living +_OdQzJs4xmU-00940-00238360-00238521 in developed countries and the rate of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00941-00238521-00238821 return was extremely low the reasons for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00942-00238821-00238973 this included attraction to +_OdQzJs4xmU-00943-00238975-00239151 opportunities in technical and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00944-00239152-00239348 scientific fields in the West and an +_OdQzJs4xmU-00945-00239350-00239577 absence of job opportunities in the Arab +_OdQzJs4xmU-00946-00239578-00239781 world as well as Wars and political +_OdQzJs4xmU-00947-00239782-00239961 turmoil that have plagued many Arab +_OdQzJs4xmU-00948-00239962-00240246 nations in 2012 human capital flight was +_OdQzJs4xmU-00949-00240246-00240423 showing signs of reversing with many +_OdQzJs4xmU-00950-00240423-00240621 young students choosing to stay and more +_OdQzJs4xmU-00951-00240621-00240851 individuals from abroad returning in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00952-00240852-00241101 particular many young professionals are +_OdQzJs4xmU-00953-00241102-00241290 becoming entrepreneurs and starting +_OdQzJs4xmU-00954-00241291-00241452 their own businesses rather than going +_OdQzJs4xmU-00955-00241453-00241644 abroad to work for companies in Western +_OdQzJs4xmU-00956-00241644-00241926 countries this was partially a result of +_OdQzJs4xmU-00957-00241927-00242004 the Arab Spring +_OdQzJs4xmU-00958-00242005-00242214 after which many Arab countries began +_OdQzJs4xmU-00959-00242215-00242415 viewing science as the driving force for +_OdQzJs4xmU-00960-00242416-00242604 development and as a result stepped up +_OdQzJs4xmU-00961-00242605-00242873 their science programs another reason +_OdQzJs4xmU-00962-00242875-00243501 may be the ongoing global recession +_OdQzJs4xmU-00963-00243502-00244019 topic asia-pacific +_OdQzJs4xmU-00964-00244019-00244344 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00965-00244344-00244802 topic Malaysia +_OdQzJs4xmU-00966-00244803-00245009 there has been high rates of human +_OdQzJs4xmU-00967-00245010-00245258 capital flight from Malaysia major pull +_OdQzJs4xmU-00968-00245259-00245456 factors have included better career +_OdQzJs4xmU-00969-00245457-00245681 opportunities abroad and compensation +_OdQzJs4xmU-00970-00245682-00245867 while major push factors included +_OdQzJs4xmU-00971-00245867-00246137 corruption social inequality educational +_OdQzJs4xmU-00972-00246138-00246377 opportunities racial inequality such as +_OdQzJs4xmU-00973-00246378-00246569 the government's bumiputra affirmative +_OdQzJs4xmU-00974-00246569-00246932 action policies as of 2011 Bernama has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00975-00246933-00247061 reported that there are a million +_OdQzJs4xmU-00976-00247062-00247306 talented Malaysians working overseas +_OdQzJs4xmU-00977-00247307-00247550 recently human capital flight has +_OdQzJs4xmU-00978-00247551-00247733 increased in pace three hundred five +_OdQzJs4xmU-00979-00247734-00247952 thousand Malaysians migrated overseas +_OdQzJs4xmU-00980-00247953-00248234 between March 2008 and August 2009 +_OdQzJs4xmU-00981-00248235-00248753 compared to 140,000 in 2007 nan Bumi Phu +_OdQzJs4xmU-00982-00248754-00248971 Tara's particularly Malaysian Indians +_OdQzJs4xmU-00983-00248973-00249113 and Malaysian Chinese were +_OdQzJs4xmU-00984-00249114-00249337 over-represented in these statistics +_OdQzJs4xmU-00985-00249338-00249617 popular destinations included Singapore +_OdQzJs4xmU-00986-00249617-00249833 Australia the United States and the +_OdQzJs4xmU-00987-00249834-00249923 United Kingdom +_OdQzJs4xmU-00988-00249923-00250109 this is reported to have caused +_OdQzJs4xmU-00989-00250110-00250325 Malaysia's economic growth rate to fall +_OdQzJs4xmU-00990-00250326-00250559 to an average of 4.6 percent per annum +_OdQzJs4xmU-00991-00250560-00250883 in the 2000s compared to 7.2 percent in +_OdQzJs4xmU-00992-00250884-00251431 the 1990s +_OdQzJs4xmU-00993-00251432-00251942 topic Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-00994-00251944-00252215 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-00995-00252216-00252760 topic post-colonial Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-00996-00252761-00253112 in 1946 colonialism in the Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-00997-00253113-00253342 ended with the election of Manuel Roxas +_OdQzJs4xmU-00998-00253344-00253573 the Philippines infrastructure and +_OdQzJs4xmU-00999-00253574-00253804 economy had been devastated by World War +_OdQzJs4xmU-01000-00253805-00254005 two contributing to serious national +_OdQzJs4xmU-01001-00254006-00254194 health problems and uneven wealth +_OdQzJs4xmU-01002-00254196-00254419 distribution as part of reconstruction +_OdQzJs4xmU-01003-00254421-00254666 efforts for the newly independent state +_OdQzJs4xmU-01004-00254667-00254888 education of nurses was encouraged to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01005-00254889-00255097 combat the low ratio of one nurse per +_OdQzJs4xmU-01006-00255098-00255304 12,000 Filipinos and to help raise +_OdQzJs4xmU-01007-00255305-00255566 national healthcare standards however +_OdQzJs4xmU-01008-00255567-00255817 Roxas having spent his last three years +_OdQzJs4xmU-01009-00255819-00256040 as the secretary of finance and chairman +_OdQzJs4xmU-01010-00256041-00256244 of the National Economic Council and a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01011-00256244-00256453 number of other Filipino companies was +_OdQzJs4xmU-01012-00256454-00256597 particularly concerned with the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01013-00256598-00256780 country's financial rather than health +_OdQzJs4xmU-01014-00256781-00257056 problems the lack of government funding +_OdQzJs4xmU-01015-00257057-00257224 for rural community clinics and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01016-00257225-00257470 hospitals as well as low wages continue +_OdQzJs4xmU-01017-00257471-00257680 to perpetuate low nurse retention rates +_OdQzJs4xmU-01018-00257681-00257845 in rural areas and slow economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-01019-00257846-00258178 recovery when the United States relaxed +_OdQzJs4xmU-01020-00258179-00258488 their immigration Act laws in 1965 labor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01021-00258489-00258689 export emerged as a possible solution +_OdQzJs4xmU-01022-00258690-00259235 for the Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-01023-00259236-00259865 topic labor export from the 1960s on +_OdQzJs4xmU-01024-00259866-00260222 since the 1960s and 1970s the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01025-00260223-00260348 Philippines has been the largest +_OdQzJs4xmU-01026-00260349-00260552 supplier of nurses to the United States +_OdQzJs4xmU-01027-00260553-00260810 in addition to export labor supplied to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01028-00260811-00261209 the UK and Saudi Arabia in 1965 with a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01029-00261210-00261446 recovering post-world War two economy +_OdQzJs4xmU-01030-00261447-00261666 and facing labor shortages the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-01031-00261667-00261867 States introduced a new occupational +_OdQzJs4xmU-01032-00261867-00262130 clause to the Immigration Act the clause +_OdQzJs4xmU-01033-00262131-00262328 encouraged migration of skilled labor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01034-00262329-00262542 into sectors experiencing a shortage +_OdQzJs4xmU-01035-00262543-00262770 particularly nursing as well relaxing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01036-00262771-00263048 restrictions on race and origin this was +_OdQzJs4xmU-01037-00263049-00263276 seen as an opportunity for mass Filipino +_OdQzJs4xmU-01038-00263277-00263480 labor exportation by the Filipino +_OdQzJs4xmU-01039-00263481-00263681 government and was followed by a boom in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01040-00263682-00263897 public and private nursing educational +_OdQzJs4xmU-01041-00263898-00264192 programs seeking access through the US +_OdQzJs4xmU-01042-00264193-00264401 government sponsored exchange visitors +_OdQzJs4xmU-01043-00264402-00264669 program EVP workers were encouraged to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01044-00264670-00264848 go abroad to learn more skills and earn +_OdQzJs4xmU-01045-00264849-00264932 higher pay +_OdQzJs4xmU-01046-00264933-00265112 sending remittance payments back home +_OdQzJs4xmU-01047-00265113-00265352 nursing being regarded as a highly +_OdQzJs4xmU-01048-00265353-00265583 feminized profession labor migrants have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01049-00265584-00265832 been predominantly female and young 25 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01050-00265833-00266030 to 30 years of age pursuing economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-01051-00266031-00266238 gains through labor migration over +_OdQzJs4xmU-01052-00266239-00266396 infrastructural financing and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01053-00266397-00266589 improvement the Philippines still faced +_OdQzJs4xmU-01054-00266590-00266858 slow economic growth during the 1970s +_OdQzJs4xmU-01055-00266859-00267152 and 1980s with continuously rising +_OdQzJs4xmU-01056-00267153-00267371 demand for nurses in the international +_OdQzJs4xmU-01057-00267372-00267612 service sector and overseas the Filipino +_OdQzJs4xmU-01058-00267613-00267779 government aggressively furthered their +_OdQzJs4xmU-01059-00267780-00267990 educational programs under President +_OdQzJs4xmU-01060-00267991-00268202 Ferdinand Marcos elected at this time +_OdQzJs4xmU-01061-00268203-00268494 although complete statistical data can +_OdQzJs4xmU-01062-00268495-00268679 be difficult to collect studies done in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01063-00268680-00269174 the 1970s show 13,500 nurses or 85% of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01064-00269175-00269405 all Filipino nurses had left the country +_OdQzJs4xmU-01065-00269406-00269570 to pursue work elsewhere +_OdQzJs4xmU-01066-00269571-00269820 additionally public and private nursing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01067-00269821-00270002 school programs multiplied from a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01068-00270003-00270326 reported 17 nursing schools in 1950 to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01069-00270327-00271041 140 nursing schools in 1970 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01070-00271042-00271493 topic remittances +_OdQzJs4xmU-01071-00271494-00271761 studies show stark wage discrepancies +_OdQzJs4xmU-01072-00271762-00271941 between the Philippines and developed +_OdQzJs4xmU-01073-00271942-00272238 countries such as the US and the UK this +_OdQzJs4xmU-01074-00272239-00272463 has led Filipino government officials to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01075-00272464-00272634 note that remittances sent home may be +_OdQzJs4xmU-01076-00272635-00272850 seen as more economically valuable than +_OdQzJs4xmU-01077-00272851-00273120 pursuit of local work around the turn of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01078-00273121-00273345 the 20th century the average monthly +_OdQzJs4xmU-01079-00273346-00273573 wage of Filipino nurses who remained in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01080-00273574-00273779 their home country was between 5 500 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01081-00273780-00274110 1000 pesos per month roughly 70 dollars +_OdQzJs4xmU-01082-00274111-00274497 140 u.s. at that time in comparison the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01083-00274498-00274686 average nurse working in the US was +_OdQzJs4xmU-01084-00274687-00274980 receiving $800 fourteen hundred US per +_OdQzJs4xmU-01085-00274981-00275169 month however scholars have noted that +_OdQzJs4xmU-01086-00275170-00275382 economic disparities in the Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-01087-00275383-00275568 have not been eased in the past decades +_OdQzJs4xmU-01088-00275569-00275832 although remittance payments account for +_OdQzJs4xmU-01089-00275833-00276177 a large portion of Filipino GDP 290 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01090-00276178-00276498 point five million dollars u.s. in 1978 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01091-00276499-00276699 increased to ten point seven billion +_OdQzJs4xmU-01092-00276700-00276978 dollars u.s. in 2005 and are therefore +_OdQzJs4xmU-01093-00276979-00277221 regarded as a large economic boost to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01094-00277222-00277422 the state Filipino unemployment has +_OdQzJs4xmU-01095-00277423-00277590 continued to rise eight point four +_OdQzJs4xmU-01096-00277591-00277833 percent in 1990 increased to twelve +_OdQzJs4xmU-01097-00277834-00278151 point seven percent in 2003 here +_OdQzJs4xmU-01098-00278152-00278301 scholars have begun to look at the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01099-00278302-00278505 culture of nurse migration endorsed by +_OdQzJs4xmU-01100-00278506-00278700 the Filipino state as a contributing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01101-00278701-00278895 factor to the country's economic and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01102-00278896-00279408 health problems +_OdQzJs4xmU-01103-00279409-00279958 topic migration culture of Nursing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01104-00279959-00280246 the Philippines spent only 3.6 percent +_OdQzJs4xmU-01105-00280247-00280466 of their GDP on health care and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01106-00280467-00280810 facilities in 2011 ranking them 170th in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01107-00280811-00280967 health spending according to the World +_OdQzJs4xmU-01108-00280968-00281237 Health Organization their health system +_OdQzJs4xmU-01109-00281238-00281441 particularly in rural areas has been +_OdQzJs4xmU-01110-00281442-00281656 underfunded understaffed and lacking +_OdQzJs4xmU-01111-00281657-00281830 advancements in health technologies +_OdQzJs4xmU-01112-00281831-00282058 causing retention difficulties and poor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01113-00282059-00282389 access to services however with reported +_OdQzJs4xmU-01114-00282390-00282607 figures of Filipino nursing graduates +_OdQzJs4xmU-01115-00282608-00283006 reaching 27,000 between 1999 and 2003 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01116-00283007-00283372 and jumping to a total of 26,000 in 2005 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01117-00283373-00283552 alone there are clear discrepancies +_OdQzJs4xmU-01118-00283553-00283759 between skilled Filipino nurses and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01119-00283760-00283943 availability of health services in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01120-00283944-00284203 country scholars have pointed to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01121-00284204-00284363 increasing privatization and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01122-00284364-00284527 commercialization of the nursing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01123-00284528-00284743 industry as a major reason for this loss +_OdQzJs4xmU-01124-00284744-00284993 of skill migration has arguably become a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01125-00284994-00285208 taken-for-granted aspect of a nursing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01126-00285209-00285403 career particularly with regard to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01127-00285404-00285571 culture of migration that has been +_OdQzJs4xmU-01128-00285572-00285751 institutionally perpetuated in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01129-00285752-00286027 health sector most nursing schools have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01130-00286028-00286180 been built since the turn of the century +_OdQzJs4xmU-01131-00286181-00286418 and are concentrated primarily in Metro +_OdQzJs4xmU-01132-00286419-00286675 Manila and other provincial cities of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01133-00286676-00286972 approximately 460 schools providing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01134-00286973-00287146 bachelor's degrees in nursing the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01135-00287147-00287326 majority are privately controlled in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01136-00287327-00287482 part due to the inability of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01137-00287483-00287666 Filipino government to keep up with +_OdQzJs4xmU-01138-00287667-00287990 rising education demand however private +_OdQzJs4xmU-01139-00287991-00288145 schooling has also been a lucrative +_OdQzJs4xmU-01140-00288146-00288338 business fulfilling the dire need of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01141-00288339-00288544 Philippine labor looking for potential +_OdQzJs4xmU-01142-00288545-00289100 access to higher income +_OdQzJs4xmU-01143-00289101-00289622 topic education industry +_OdQzJs4xmU-01144-00289623-00289807 in addition to the Philippine Overseas +_OdQzJs4xmU-01145-00289808-00290144 Employment administration POA run by the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01146-00290145-00290321 government as a source of overseas +_OdQzJs4xmU-01147-00290322-00290522 recruitment agreements and as a marketer +_OdQzJs4xmU-01148-00290523-00290741 of Filipino labor overseas private +_OdQzJs4xmU-01149-00290742-00290930 nursing schools have acted as migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-01150-00290931-00291176 funnels expanding enrollment asserting +_OdQzJs4xmU-01151-00291177-00291385 control over the licensure process and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01152-00291386-00291559 entering into business agreements with +_OdQzJs4xmU-01153-00291560-00291748 other overseas recruitment agencies +_OdQzJs4xmU-01154-00291749-00292067 however retaining qualified instructors +_OdQzJs4xmU-01155-00292068-00292253 and staff has been reported to be as +_OdQzJs4xmU-01156-00292254-00292481 problematic as retaining actual nurses +_OdQzJs4xmU-01157-00292482-00292748 contributing to low exam pass rates only +_OdQzJs4xmU-01158-00292749-00293081 12 of 175 reporting schools had passed +_OdQzJs4xmU-01159-00293082-00293402 rates of 90% or higher in 2005 with an +_OdQzJs4xmU-01160-00293403-00293666 average pass rate of 42% across the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01161-00293667-00293996 country in 2006 private schools have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01162-00293997-00294208 also begun to control licensure exam +_OdQzJs4xmU-01163-00294209-00294385 review centers providing extra +_OdQzJs4xmU-01164-00294386-00294539 preparation for international +_OdQzJs4xmU-01165-00294540-00294773 qualification exams at extra cost and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01166-00294774-00295028 with no guarantee of success it is +_OdQzJs4xmU-01167-00295029-00295459 estimated that between 1999 and 2006 700 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01168-00295460-00295643 million dollars u.s. was spent on +_OdQzJs4xmU-01169-00295644-00295865 nursing education and licensure review +_OdQzJs4xmU-01170-00295866-00296072 courses by individuals who never even +_OdQzJs4xmU-01171-00296073-00296284 took the licensing exams or were able to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01172-00296285-00296489 complete the programming discrepancies +_OdQzJs4xmU-01173-00296490-00296741 in wages between Filipino nurses working +_OdQzJs4xmU-01174-00296742-00296912 at home and those working abroad as +_OdQzJs4xmU-01175-00296913-00297133 noted above provide clear economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-01176-00297134-00297305 incentives for nurses to leave the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01177-00297306-00297347 country +_OdQzJs4xmU-01178-00297348-00297559 however physicians have also been lured +_OdQzJs4xmU-01179-00297560-00297722 into these promises of wealth through +_OdQzJs4xmU-01180-00297723-00297914 the creation of second course nursing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01181-00297915-00298205 programs studies compare wages of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01182-00298206-00298427 Filipino nurses at home and abroad from +_OdQzJs4xmU-01183-00298428-00298705 2005 to 2010 with at home nurses +_OdQzJs4xmU-01184-00298706-00299120 receiving $170 u.s. per month or 2040 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01185-00299121-00299387 dollars US per annum compared to 3000 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01186-00299388-00299639 dollars minus 4,000 u.s. salary per +_OdQzJs4xmU-01187-00299640-00299978 month in the US or $36,000 minus 48 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01188-00299979-00300269 thousand u.s. per annum Filipino +_OdQzJs4xmU-01189-00300270-00300470 physicians salaries for those working at +_OdQzJs4xmU-01190-00300471-00300668 home are not much more competitive they +_OdQzJs4xmU-01191-00300669-00301001 earn on average $300 - 800 u.s. per +_OdQzJs4xmU-01192-00301002-00301517 month or $3,600 - 9600 u.s. per annum +_OdQzJs4xmU-01193-00301518-00301751 although it is important to note along +_OdQzJs4xmU-01194-00301752-00301960 with such discrepancies that the costs +_OdQzJs4xmU-01195-00301961-00302174 of living are also higher in the US and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01196-00302175-00302356 that remittance payment transfers back +_OdQzJs4xmU-01197-00302357-00302522 home are not free there is still +_OdQzJs4xmU-01198-00302523-00302726 evidently a large economic poll to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01199-00302727-00302980 studying as a nurse in migrating oversea +_OdQzJs4xmU-01200-00302981-00303379 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-01201-00303380-00303694 topic the push and pull and the lasting +_OdQzJs4xmU-01202-00303695-00304023 effects +_OdQzJs4xmU-01203-00304024-00304272 the Philippines colonial and post-world +_OdQzJs4xmU-01204-00304273-00304446 War two history contribute an +_OdQzJs4xmU-01205-00304447-00304617 understanding of the process by which +_OdQzJs4xmU-01206-00304618-00304815 nurses have increasingly turned to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01207-00304816-00305057 migration for greater economic benefits +_OdQzJs4xmU-01208-00305058-00305258 discussed in terms of numbers and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01209-00305259-00305507 financial gains export labor migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-01210-00305508-00305730 has been suggested as a solution to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01211-00305731-00305943 struggling Filipino economy with labor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01212-00305944-00306141 transfers and remittance payments seen +_OdQzJs4xmU-01213-00306142-00306329 as beneficial for both countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-01214-00306330-00306702 however since in 2004 80% of all +_OdQzJs4xmU-01215-00306703-00306930 Filipino physicians had taken second +_OdQzJs4xmU-01216-00306931-00307131 courses to retrain as nurses it is +_OdQzJs4xmU-01217-00307132-00307368 suggested that export labor migration is +_OdQzJs4xmU-01218-00307369-00307551 undermining the national health sector +_OdQzJs4xmU-01219-00307552-00307709 of the country with physicians and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01220-00307710-00307896 nurses leaving on mass for greater +_OdQzJs4xmU-01221-00307897-00308112 financial promise abroad the ratio of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01222-00308113-00308301 nurses to patients in the Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-01223-00308302-00308558 has worsened from one nurse per 15 to 20 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01224-00308559-00308880 patients in 1992 one nurse per 40 to 60 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01225-00308881-00309071 patients in 2007 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01226-00309072-00309300 additionally the increase in private +_OdQzJs4xmU-01227-00309301-00309489 institution recruitment has evaded +_OdQzJs4xmU-01228-00309490-00309681 government oversight and arguably has +_OdQzJs4xmU-01229-00309682-00309837 led to lower standards and working +_OdQzJs4xmU-01230-00309838-00310056 conditions for nurses actually working +_OdQzJs4xmU-01231-00310057-00310377 abroad once abroad Filipino nurses have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01232-00310378-00310583 identified discriminatory workplace +_OdQzJs4xmU-01233-00310584-00310760 practices receiving more night and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01234-00310761-00310998 holiday shifts as well as more mundane +_OdQzJs4xmU-01235-00310999-00311243 tasks than non Filipino counterparts +_OdQzJs4xmU-01236-00311244-00311469 nurses also discussed the lack of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01237-00311470-00311643 opportunity to train and learn new +_OdQzJs4xmU-01238-00311644-00311889 skills an enticement that is advertised +_OdQzJs4xmU-01239-00311890-00312110 by the Filipino export labor migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-01240-00312111-00312354 system homesickness and lack of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01241-00312355-00312570 community integration can also cause +_OdQzJs4xmU-01242-00312571-00312795 great emotional duress on migrants and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01243-00312796-00312978 with the majority of migrants female +_OdQzJs4xmU-01244-00312979-00313157 family separation can cause negative +_OdQzJs4xmU-01245-00313158-00313353 impacts on both the migrants and their +_OdQzJs4xmU-01246-00313354-00313665 families further critical inquiries into +_OdQzJs4xmU-01247-00313666-00313863 the success of export labor migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-01248-00313864-00314135 for the Philippines are needed as noted +_OdQzJs4xmU-01249-00314136-00314388 financial and economic statistics cannot +_OdQzJs4xmU-01250-00314389-00314556 fully describe the complexity of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01251-00314557-00314745 unmasked migration of nurses and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01252-00314746-00315018 physicians it is important to understand +_OdQzJs4xmU-01253-00315019-00315207 the multitude of elements which combine +_OdQzJs4xmU-01254-00315208-00315383 to encourage a culture of migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-01255-00315384-00315632 brain drain as a phenomenon can be +_OdQzJs4xmU-01256-00315633-00315804 currently applied to the Filipino +_OdQzJs4xmU-01257-00315805-00316026 situation however it is important to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01258-00316027-00316224 note this does not suggest export labor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01259-00316225-00316457 migration as the primary causal factor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01260-00316458-00316610 of the country's current economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-01261-00316611-00316881 situation lack of government funding for +_OdQzJs4xmU-01262-00316882-00317084 healthcare systems in addition to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01263-00317085-00317307 export labor migration culture as well +_OdQzJs4xmU-01264-00317308-00317403 as other local +_OdQzJs4xmU-01265-00317404-00317559 actors all contribute to what is +_OdQzJs4xmU-01266-00317560-00317730 described as the current brain drain +_OdQzJs4xmU-01267-00317731-00317907 phenomenon occurring in the Philippines +_OdQzJs4xmU-01268-00317908-00318150 it is important to understand the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01269-00318151-00318345 complexity of the nation's history with +_OdQzJs4xmU-01270-00318346-00318543 regard to labor export and government +_OdQzJs4xmU-01271-00318544-00318732 funding in order to determine benefits +_OdQzJs4xmU-01272-00318733-00318966 costs and perpetuated problems within +_OdQzJs4xmU-01273-00318967-00319603 the society's infrastructure +_OdQzJs4xmU-01274-00319604-00320101 topic South Asia +_OdQzJs4xmU-01275-00320102-00320425 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-01276-00320426-00320893 topic Nepal +_OdQzJs4xmU-01277-00320894-00321229 every year 250,000 youth are reported to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01278-00321230-00321490 leave Nepal for various reasons they +_OdQzJs4xmU-01279-00321491-00321661 seek opportunity in its various +_OdQzJs4xmU-01280-00321662-00321916 manifestation higher living standards +_OdQzJs4xmU-01281-00321917-00322116 employment better income education +_OdQzJs4xmU-01282-00322117-00322408 alluring western lifestyle stability and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01283-00322409-00322687 security this number is expected to rise +_OdQzJs4xmU-01284-00322688-00322924 as a result of devastating earthquake on +_OdQzJs4xmU-01285-00322925-00323573 the 25th of April 2015 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01286-00323574-00324245 topic Sri Lanka Sri Lanka has lost a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01287-00324246-00324452 significant portion of its intellectuals +_OdQzJs4xmU-01288-00324453-00324680 mainly due to civil war in the resulting +_OdQzJs4xmU-01289-00324681-00324827 uncertainty that prevailed in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01290-00324828-00325016 country for the thirty-year period prior +_OdQzJs4xmU-01291-00325017-00325343 to the end of the conflict in 2009 most +_OdQzJs4xmU-01292-00325344-00325526 of these sought refuge in countries such +_OdQzJs4xmU-01293-00325527-00325759 as the United States Australia Canada +_OdQzJs4xmU-01294-00325760-00326081 and Great Britain in recent years many +_OdQzJs4xmU-01295-00326082-00326303 expatriates have indicated interest in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01296-00326304-00326480 returning to Sri Lanka but have been +_OdQzJs4xmU-01297-00326481-00326687 deterred by slow economic growth and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01298-00326688-00326921 political instability both the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01299-00326922-00327122 government and private organisations are +_OdQzJs4xmU-01300-00327123-00327239 making efforts to encourage +_OdQzJs4xmU-01301-00327240-00327470 professionals to return to Sri Lanka and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01302-00327471-00327662 to retain resident intellectuals and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01303-00327663-00328210 professionals +_OdQzJs4xmU-01304-00328211-00328720 topic eastern Asia +_OdQzJs4xmU-01305-00328721-00329049 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-01306-00329050-00329455 topic China +_OdQzJs4xmU-01307-00329456-00329756 with rapid GDP growth and a higher +_OdQzJs4xmU-01308-00329757-00329966 degree of openness towards the rest of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01309-00329967-00330128 the world there has been an upsurge in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01310-00330129-00330367 Chinese emigration to Western countries +_OdQzJs4xmU-01311-00330368-00330626 particularly the United States Canada +_OdQzJs4xmU-01312-00330627-00330914 and Australia China became the biggest +_OdQzJs4xmU-01313-00330915-00331121 worldwide contributor of emigrants in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01314-00331122-00331424 2007 according to the official Chinese +_OdQzJs4xmU-01315-00331425-00331757 media in 2009 65 thousand Chinese +_OdQzJs4xmU-01316-00331758-00331960 secured immigration or permanent +_OdQzJs4xmU-01317-00331961-00332231 resident status in the United States 25 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01318-00332232-00332468 thousand in Canada and 15 thousand in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01319-00332469-00332750 Australia the largest group of emigrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-01320-00332751-00332957 consists of professionals and experts +_OdQzJs4xmU-01321-00332958-00333137 with a middle-class background who are +_OdQzJs4xmU-01322-00333138-00333299 the backbone for the development of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01323-00333300-00333662 China according to a 2007 study seven +_OdQzJs4xmU-01324-00333663-00333863 out of every ten students who enroll in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01325-00333864-00334073 an overseas University never returned to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01326-00334074-00334232 live in their homeland since the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01327-00334233-00334337 beginning of the last century +_OdQzJs4xmU-01328-00334338-00334565 international students were sent to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01329-00334566-00334735 different countries to learn advanced +_OdQzJs4xmU-01330-00334736-00334895 skills and they were expected to return +_OdQzJs4xmU-01331-00334896-00335096 to save the nation from invasion and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01332-00335097-00335342 poverty while most of these students +_OdQzJs4xmU-01333-00335343-00335501 came back to make a living there were +_OdQzJs4xmU-01334-00335502-00335666 still those who chose to stay abroad +_OdQzJs4xmU-01335-00335667-00336074 from the 1950s to the 1970s China was in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01336-00336075-00336290 a period of widespread upheaval due to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01337-00336291-00336596 political instability as a result many +_OdQzJs4xmU-01338-00336597-00336767 Chinese felt upset and disappointed +_OdQzJs4xmU-01339-00336768-00337084 about the situation the situation did +_OdQzJs4xmU-01340-00337085-00337238 not improve after the gradual +_OdQzJs4xmU-01341-00337239-00337490 liberalisation of China during the 1980s +_OdQzJs4xmU-01342-00337491-00337703 just as many people chose to go abroad +_OdQzJs4xmU-01343-00337704-00337837 since there were more opportunities +_OdQzJs4xmU-01344-00337838-00338192 overseas more social upheavals happened +_OdQzJs4xmU-01345-00338193-00338426 with the Tiananmen Square massacre the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01346-00338427-00338582 result of which was an increasing +_OdQzJs4xmU-01347-00338583-00338840 Chinese diaspora as steady economic +_OdQzJs4xmU-01348-00338841-00339104 growth boosts GDP per capita +_OdQzJs4xmU-01349-00339105-00339314 more families in China are able to pay +_OdQzJs4xmU-01350-00339315-00339452 for their children to go abroad for +_OdQzJs4xmU-01351-00339453-00340038 study or to live +_OdQzJs4xmU-01352-00340039-00340536 topic australasia +_OdQzJs4xmU-01353-00340537-00340855 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-01354-00340856-00341381 topic Pacific Islands +_OdQzJs4xmU-01355-00341382-00341657 the post-world War two migration trends +_OdQzJs4xmU-01356-00341658-00341855 in the Pacific Islands have essentially +_OdQzJs4xmU-01357-00341856-00342137 followed this pattern most Pacific +_OdQzJs4xmU-01358-00342138-00342332 island nations that were formerly under +_OdQzJs4xmU-01359-00342333-00342557 UK mandate have had migration outflows +_OdQzJs4xmU-01360-00342558-00342764 to Australia and New Zealand since the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01361-00342765-00342956 de colonialization of the region from +_OdQzJs4xmU-01362-00342957-00343307 the 1960s to the 1990s there has only +_OdQzJs4xmU-01363-00343308-00343475 been a limited outflow from these +_OdQzJs4xmU-01364-00343476-00343697 islands to Canada in the UK since de +_OdQzJs4xmU-01365-00343698-00343991 colonialization Fiji Tonga and Samoa +_OdQzJs4xmU-01366-00343992-00344234 also have had large outflows to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01367-00344235-00344555 United States most Pacific Islands +_OdQzJs4xmU-01368-00344556-00344771 administered by France like Tahiti have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01369-00344772-00345092 had an outflow to France most Pacific +_OdQzJs4xmU-01370-00345093-00345248 Islands under some kind of US +_OdQzJs4xmU-01371-00345249-00345458 administration have had outflows to the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01372-00345459-00346117 US and to a lesser extent Canada +_OdQzJs4xmU-01373-00346118-00346594 topic New Zealand +_OdQzJs4xmU-01374-00346595-00346927 during the 1990s 30,000 New Zealanders +_OdQzJs4xmU-01375-00346928-00347259 were emigrating each year an OECD report +_OdQzJs4xmU-01376-00347260-00347512 released in 2005 revealed that twenty +_OdQzJs4xmU-01377-00347513-00347716 four point two percent of New Zealanders +_OdQzJs4xmU-01378-00347717-00347920 with a tertiary education were living +_OdQzJs4xmU-01379-00347921-00348130 outside of New Zealand predominantly in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01380-00348131-00348558 Australia in 2007 around 24,000 New +_OdQzJs4xmU-01381-00348559-00348775 Zealanders settled in Australia during +_OdQzJs4xmU-01382-00348776-00349035 the 2008 election campaign the National +_OdQzJs4xmU-01383-00349036-00349216 Party campaigned on the ruling Labour +_OdQzJs4xmU-01384-00349217-00349426 Party's inability to keep New Zealanders +_OdQzJs4xmU-01385-00349427-00349603 at home with a series of billboards +_OdQzJs4xmU-01386-00349604-00349879 announcing wave goodbye to higher taxes +_OdQzJs4xmU-01387-00349880-00350215 not your loved ones however four years +_OdQzJs4xmU-01388-00350216-00350382 after the National Party won that +_OdQzJs4xmU-01389-00350383-00350593 election the exodus to Australia had +_OdQzJs4xmU-01390-00350594-00350866 intensified surpassing 53 thousand per +_OdQzJs4xmU-01391-00350867-00351193 annum in 2012 Prime Minister John Key +_OdQzJs4xmU-01392-00351194-00351412 blamed the global financial crisis for +_OdQzJs4xmU-01393-00351413-00351619 the continuing drain it was estimated in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01394-00351620-00351928 December 2012 that 170,000 New +_OdQzJs4xmU-01395-00351929-00352144 Zealanders had left for Australia since +_OdQzJs4xmU-01396-00352145-00352327 the key government came to power in late +_OdQzJs4xmU-01397-00352328-00352669 2008 however this net migration was +_OdQzJs4xmU-01398-00352670-00352852 reversed soon after with a net migration +_OdQzJs4xmU-01399-00352853-00353322 gain of 1933 people achieved in 2016 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01400-00353323-00353545 reasons for this reversal have been +_OdQzJs4xmU-01401-00353546-00353757 theorized by economists citing New +_OdQzJs4xmU-01402-00353758-00353950 Zealand's housing and construction boom +_OdQzJs4xmU-01403-00353951-00354091 at the time Australia's political +_OdQzJs4xmU-01404-00354092-00354330 instability and reduced investment in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01405-00354331-00354514 mining industries during this time was +_OdQzJs4xmU-01406-00354515-00354802 also mentioned as a key factor New +_OdQzJs4xmU-01407-00354803-00355027 Zealand enjoys emigration of qualified +_OdQzJs4xmU-01408-00355028-00355219 foreigners potentially leaving a net +_OdQzJs4xmU-01409-00355220-00355522 gain of skills nevertheless one reason +_OdQzJs4xmU-01410-00355523-00355669 for New Zealand's attempt to target +_OdQzJs4xmU-01411-00355670-00355855 immigration at 1 percent of its +_OdQzJs4xmU-01412-00355856-00356050 population per year is because of its +_OdQzJs4xmU-01413-00356051-00356248 high rate of emigration which leaves its +_OdQzJs4xmU-01414-00356249-00356437 migration balance either neutral or +_OdQzJs4xmU-01415-00356438-00357010 slightly positive +_OdQzJs4xmU-01416-00357011-00357525 topic north america +_OdQzJs4xmU-01417-00357526-00357843 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-01418-00357844-00358303 topic Canada +_OdQzJs4xmU-01419-00358304-00358549 colonial administrators in Canada +_OdQzJs4xmU-01420-00358550-00358714 observed the trend of human capital +_OdQzJs4xmU-01421-00358715-00358939 flight to the United States as early as +_OdQzJs4xmU-01422-00358940-00359185 the 1860s when it was already clear that +_OdQzJs4xmU-01423-00359186-00359374 a majority of immigrants arriving at +_OdQzJs4xmU-01424-00359375-00359524 Quebec City were on route to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01425-00359525-00359760 destinations in the United States +_OdQzJs4xmU-01426-00359761-00360055 Alexander C Buchanan government agent at +_OdQzJs4xmU-01427-00360056-00360271 Quebec argued that prospective emigrants +_OdQzJs4xmU-01428-00360272-00360454 should be offered free land to remain in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01429-00360455-00360703 Canada the issue of attracting and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01430-00360704-00360847 keeping the right immigrants has +_OdQzJs4xmU-01431-00360848-00361027 sometimes been central to Canada's +_OdQzJs4xmU-01432-00361028-00361300 immigration history in the 1920s over +_OdQzJs4xmU-01433-00361301-00361579 20% of University graduating classes in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01434-00361580-00361783 engineering and science were emigrating +_OdQzJs4xmU-01435-00361784-00362041 to the United States when governments +_OdQzJs4xmU-01436-00362042-00362209 displayed no interest concerned +_OdQzJs4xmU-01437-00362210-00362395 industrialists formed the Technical +_OdQzJs4xmU-01438-00362396-00362674 Service Council in 1927 to combat the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01439-00362675-00362995 brain drain as a practical means of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01440-00362996-00363193 doing so the council operated a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01441-00363194-00363364 placement service that was free to +_OdQzJs4xmU-01442-00363365-00363685 graduates by 1976 the council had placed +_OdQzJs4xmU-01443-00363686-00364090 over 16,000 men and women between 1960 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01444-00364091-00364423 and 1979 over 17,000 engineers and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01445-00364424-00364612 scientists emigrated to the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-01446-00364613-00364930 States however the exodus of technically +_OdQzJs4xmU-01447-00364931-00365221 trained Canadians dropped from 27% of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01448-00365222-00365536 graduating classes in 1927 to under 10% +_OdQzJs4xmU-01449-00365537-00366022 in 1951 and 5% in 1967 in Canada today +_OdQzJs4xmU-01450-00366023-00366370 the idea of a brain drain to the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-01451-00366371-00366559 States is occasionally a domestic +_OdQzJs4xmU-01452-00366560-00366892 political issue at times brain drain is +_OdQzJs4xmU-01453-00366893-00367174 used as a justification for income tax +_OdQzJs4xmU-01454-00367175-00367483 cuts during the 1990s some allege de +_OdQzJs4xmU-01455-00367484-00367759 brain drain from Canada to the United +_OdQzJs4xmU-01456-00367760-00367972 States especially in the software +_OdQzJs4xmU-01457-00367973-00368227 aerospace healthcare and entertainment +_OdQzJs4xmU-01458-00368228-00368407 industries due to the perception of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01459-00368408-00368626 higher wages and lower income taxes in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01460-00368627-00368893 the u.s. some also suggest that +_OdQzJs4xmU-01461-00368894-00369088 engineers and scientists were also +_OdQzJs4xmU-01462-00369089-00369265 attracted by the greater diversity of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01463-00369266-00369466 jobs and a perceived lack of research +_OdQzJs4xmU-01464-00369467-00369748 funding in Canada the evidence suggests +_OdQzJs4xmU-01465-00369749-00370024 that in the 1990s Canada did lose some +_OdQzJs4xmU-01466-00370025-00370236 of its homegrown talent to the US +_OdQzJs4xmU-01467-00370237-00370513 nevertheless Canada hedged against these +_OdQzJs4xmU-01468-00370514-00370690 losses by attracting more highly skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-01469-00370691-00370843 workers from abroad +_OdQzJs4xmU-01470-00370844-00371056 this allowed the country to realize a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01471-00371057-00371257 net brain gain as more professionals +_OdQzJs4xmU-01472-00371258-00371409 entered Canada than left +_OdQzJs4xmU-01473-00371410-00371689 sometimes the qualifications of these my +_OdQzJs4xmU-01474-00371690-00371839 currents are given no recognition in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01475-00371840-00372070 Canada see credentialism resulting in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01476-00372071-00372235 some though not all highly skilled +_OdQzJs4xmU-01477-00372236-00372424 professionals being forced into lower +_OdQzJs4xmU-01478-00372425-00372705 paying service sector jobs in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01479-00372706-00372970 mid-2000s Canada's resilient economy +_OdQzJs4xmU-01480-00372971-00373201 strong domestic market high standard of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01481-00373202-00373387 living and considerable wage growth +_OdQzJs4xmU-01482-00373388-00373612 across a number of sectors effectively +_OdQzJs4xmU-01483-00373613-00373870 ended the brain drain debate Canada's +_OdQzJs4xmU-01484-00373871-00374101 economic success even prompted some top +_OdQzJs4xmU-01485-00374102-00374407 US talent to migrate north anecdotal +_OdQzJs4xmU-01486-00374408-00374632 evidence also suggests that stringent +_OdQzJs4xmU-01487-00374633-00374827 u.s. security measures put in place +_OdQzJs4xmU-01488-00374828-00375097 after the 11th of September 2001 have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01489-00375098-00375265 helped to temper the brain drain debate +_OdQzJs4xmU-01490-00375266-00375779 in Canada +_OdQzJs4xmU-01491-00375780-00376292 topic United States +_OdQzJs4xmU-01492-00376293-00376595 the 2000 united states census led to a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01493-00376596-00376780 special report on domestic worker +_OdQzJs4xmU-01494-00376781-00376970 migration with a focus on the movement +_OdQzJs4xmU-01495-00376971-00377134 of young single college-educated +_OdQzJs4xmU-01496-00377135-00377450 migrants the data show a trend of such +_OdQzJs4xmU-01497-00377451-00377659 people moving away from the Rust Belt in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01498-00377660-00377867 northern Great Plains region towards the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01499-00377868-00378098 west coast southwestern United States +_OdQzJs4xmU-01500-00378099-00378403 and southeast the largest net influx of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01501-00378404-00378631 young single college-educated persons +_OdQzJs4xmU-01502-00378632-00378944 with San Francisco Bay the country as a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01503-00378945-00379163 whole does not experience large-scale +_OdQzJs4xmU-01504-00379164-00379357 human capital flight as compared with +_OdQzJs4xmU-01505-00379358-00379562 other countries with an emigration rate +_OdQzJs4xmU-01506-00379563-00380351 of only 0.7% +_OdQzJs4xmU-01507-00380352-00380530 regarding foreign scholars earning their +_OdQzJs4xmU-01508-00380531-00380738 degrees in the United States and return +_OdQzJs4xmU-01509-00380739-00380956 to their home country Danielle Gish R - +_OdQzJs4xmU-01510-00380957-00381157 Brooke of the Massachusetts Institute of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01511-00381158-00381409 Technology has been quoted as stating we +_OdQzJs4xmU-01512-00381410-00381607 educate them but then we don't make it +_OdQzJs4xmU-01513-00381608-00382259 easy for them to stay +_OdQzJs4xmU-01514-00382260-00382840 topic Central and South America +_OdQzJs4xmU-01515-00382841-00383165 you +_OdQzJs4xmU-01516-00383166-00383616 topic Cuba +_OdQzJs4xmU-01517-00383617-00383939 in 1997 Cuban officials claimed that +_OdQzJs4xmU-01518-00383940-00384240 31,000 Cuban doctors were deployed in 61 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01519-00384241-00384531 countries a large number practice in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01520-00384532-00384834 South America in 2007 it was reported +_OdQzJs4xmU-01521-00384835-00385095 that 20,000 were employed in Venezuela +_OdQzJs4xmU-01522-00385096-00385379 in exchange for nearly 100,000 barrels +_OdQzJs4xmU-01523-00385380-00385635 16,000 cubic meters of oil per day +_OdQzJs4xmU-01524-00385636-00385908 however in Venezuela and Bolivia where +_OdQzJs4xmU-01525-00385909-00386238 another 1,700 doctors work it is stated +_OdQzJs4xmU-01526-00386239-00386451 that as many as 500 doctors may have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01527-00386452-00386630 fled the missions in the years preceding +_OdQzJs4xmU-01528-00386631-00386982 2007 in two countries nearby this number +_OdQzJs4xmU-01529-00386983-00387342 raised to dramatically with 1289 visas +_OdQzJs4xmU-01530-00387343-00387495 being given to Cuban medical +_OdQzJs4xmU-01531-00387496-00387702 professionals in the United States alone +_OdQzJs4xmU-01532-00387703-00387957 in 2014 with the majority of Cuban +_OdQzJs4xmU-01533-00387958-00388185 medical personnel fleeing from Venezuela +_OdQzJs4xmU-01534-00388186-00388380 due to poor social conditions and not +_OdQzJs4xmU-01535-00388381-00388575 receiving adequate payment the Cuban +_OdQzJs4xmU-01536-00388576-00388728 government allegedly receives the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01537-00388729-00388923 majority of payments while some doctors +_OdQzJs4xmU-01538-00388924-00389169 are left with about $100 per month in +_OdQzJs4xmU-01539-00389170-00389666 earnings +_OdQzJs4xmU-01540-00389667-00390290 topic Venezuela following the election +_OdQzJs4xmU-01541-00390291-00390491 of Hugo Chavez's president and his +_OdQzJs4xmU-01542-00390492-00390623 establishment of the Bolivarian +_OdQzJs4xmU-01543-00390624-00390856 revolution millions of Venezuelans +_OdQzJs4xmU-01544-00390857-00391225 emigrated from Venezuela in 2009 it was +_OdQzJs4xmU-01545-00391226-00391391 estimated that more than 1 million +_OdQzJs4xmU-01546-00391392-00391651 Venezuelan emigrated since Hugo Chavez +_OdQzJs4xmU-01547-00391652-00391940 became president it has been calculated +_OdQzJs4xmU-01548-00391941-00392324 that from 1998 to 2013 over 1.5 million +_OdQzJs4xmU-01549-00392325-00392642 Venezuelans between 4% and 6% of the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01550-00392643-00392864 Venezuela's total population left the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01551-00392865-00393023 country following the Bolivarian +_OdQzJs4xmU-01552-00393024-00393253 revolution academics and business +_OdQzJs4xmU-01553-00393254-00393488 leaders have stated that emigration from +_OdQzJs4xmU-01554-00393489-00393700 Venezuela increased significantly during +_OdQzJs4xmU-01555-00393701-00393941 the last years of Chavez presidency and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01556-00393942-00394108 especially during the presidency of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01557-00394109-00394354 Nicolas Maduro the analysis of a study +_OdQzJs4xmU-01558-00394355-00394534 by the Central University of Venezuela +_OdQzJs4xmU-01559-00394535-00394882 titled Venezuelan community abroad a new +_OdQzJs4xmU-01560-00394883-00395053 method of exile states that the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01561-00395054-00395254 Bolivarian diaspora was caused by the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01562-00395255-00395530 deterioration of both the economy and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01563-00395531-00395754 the social fabric rampant crime +_OdQzJs4xmU-01564-00395755-00395975 uncertainty and lack of hope for a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01565-00395976-00396244 change in leadership in the near future +_OdQzJs4xmU-01566-00396245-00396528 The Wall Street Journal stated that many +_OdQzJs4xmU-01567-00396529-00396799 white-collar Venezuelans have fled the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01568-00396800-00396998 country's high crime rates soaring +_OdQzJs4xmU-01569-00396999-00397335 inflation and expanding statist controls +_OdQzJs4xmU-01570-00397336-00397627 many of the former Venezuelan citizens +_OdQzJs4xmU-01571-00397628-00397783 studied gave reasons for leaving +_OdQzJs4xmU-01572-00397784-00398012 Venezuela that included lack of freedom +_OdQzJs4xmU-01573-00398013-00398222 high levels of insecurity and lack of +_OdQzJs4xmU-01574-00398223-00398414 opportunity in the country in the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01575-00398415-00398710 Venezuelan community abroad a new method +_OdQzJs4xmU-01576-00398711-00398950 of exile study of the more than 1.5 +_OdQzJs4xmU-01577-00398951-00399149 million Venezuelans who had left the +_OdQzJs4xmU-01578-00399150-00399307 country following the Bolivarian +_OdQzJs4xmU-01579-00399308-00399521 revolution more than 90 percent of those +_OdQzJs4xmU-01580-00399522-00399773 who left were college graduates with 40% +_OdQzJs4xmU-01581-00399774-00400051 holding a master's degree in 12% having +_OdQzJs4xmU-01582-00400052-00400316 a doctorates and post doctorates some +_OdQzJs4xmU-01583-00400317-00400499 Venezuelan parents encourage their +_OdQzJs4xmU-01584-00400500-00401074 children to leave the country +_OdQzJs4xmU-01585-00401075-00401563 topic Caribbean +_OdQzJs4xmU-01586-00401564-00401785 many of the Caribbean islands endure a +_OdQzJs4xmU-01587-00401786-00401995 substantial emigration of qualified +_OdQzJs4xmU-01588-00401996-00402340 workers approximately 30% of the labor +_OdQzJs4xmU-01589-00402341-00402547 forces of many islands have left and +_OdQzJs4xmU-01590-00402548-00402790 more than 80% of college graduates from +_OdQzJs4xmU-01591-00402791-00403042 Suriname Haiti Grenada and Guyana have +_OdQzJs4xmU-01592-00403043-00403245 emigrated mostly to the United States +_OdQzJs4xmU-01593-00403246-00403549 over 80 percent of Jamaicans with higher +_OdQzJs4xmU-01594-00403550-00403816 education live abroad however it is +_OdQzJs4xmU-01595-00403817-00404020 noted that these nationals pay valuable +_OdQzJs4xmU-01596-00404021-00404275 remittances in Jamaica the money sent +_OdQzJs4xmU-01597-00404276-00404679 back amounts to 18 percent of GNP +_OdQzJs4xmU-01598-00404680-00405060 equals equals see also +_O8iKpmEaV4-00000-00000050-00000409 compass Airlines operated in Australia +_O8iKpmEaV4-00001-00000411-00000883 for two brief periods in the early 1990s +_O8iKpmEaV4-00002-00000884-00001265 the two incarnations of the airline were +_O8iKpmEaV4-00003-00001266-00001511 quite separate with different management +_O8iKpmEaV4-00004-00001512-00002189 and aircraft +_O8iKpmEaV4-00005-00002190-00002753 topic history +_O8iKpmEaV4-00006-00002754-00003100 compass I was Australia's first low-cost +_O8iKpmEaV4-00007-00003101-00003499 airline it was established following +_O8iKpmEaV4-00008-00003500-00003782 deregulation of the Australian airline +_O8iKpmEaV4-00009-00003783-00004325 industry in 1990 previously Ansett and +_O8iKpmEaV4-00010-00004326-00004556 the government-owned Australian airlines +_O8iKpmEaV4-00011-00004557-00004843 had operated under the two Airlines +_O8iKpmEaV4-00012-00004844-00005197 policy which was in fact a legal barrier +_O8iKpmEaV4-00013-00005198-00005456 to new entrants to the Australian +_O8iKpmEaV4-00014-00005457-00005804 aviation market it restricted +_O8iKpmEaV4-00015-00005805-00006097 intercapital services to the two major +_O8iKpmEaV4-00016-00006098-00006466 domestic carriers this anti-competitive +_O8iKpmEaV4-00017-00006467-00006736 arrangement ensured that they carried +_O8iKpmEaV4-00018-00006737-00006950 approximately the same number of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00019-00006951-00007270 passengers charged the same fares and +_O8iKpmEaV4-00020-00007272-00008123 had similar fleet sizes and equipment +_O8iKpmEaV4-00021-00008123-00008805 topic compass MKI +_O8iKpmEaV4-00022-00008806-00009153 compass Airlines later referred to as +_O8iKpmEaV4-00023-00009154-00009525 compass m'kay I was established by Brian +_O8iKpmEaV4-00024-00009526-00009837 gray who had previously run regional +_O8iKpmEaV4-00025-00009838-00010185 airline east-west Airlines +_O8iKpmEaV4-00026-00010186-00010501 east-west had earlier attempted to break +_O8iKpmEaV4-00027-00010502-00010780 the duopoly of Ansett and Australian +_O8iKpmEaV4-00028-00010781-00011103 Airlines by offering cheap fares but in +_O8iKpmEaV4-00029-00011104-00011362 the regulated environment of the time +_O8iKpmEaV4-00030-00011363-00011634 was not allowed to operate directly +_O8iKpmEaV4-00031-00011635-00011941 between major cities so was forced to +_O8iKpmEaV4-00032-00011942-00012369 detour via regional centres east-west +_O8iKpmEaV4-00033-00012370-00012844 was ultimately acquired by Ansett at its +_O8iKpmEaV4-00034-00012844-00013168 peak compass mark 1 operated for leased +_O8iKpmEaV4-00035-00013169-00013975 Airbus a300 vhy ma v h ym b vh ym j vh +_O8iKpmEaV4-00036-00013976-00014633 ym k and a single a310 aircraft vhy MI +_O8iKpmEaV4-00037-00014634-00015061 three further Airbus a300 aircraft on +_O8iKpmEaV4-00038-00015062-00015813 order in 1990 vh ym c vh ym d v h ym e +_O8iKpmEaV4-00039-00015815-00016111 were not taken up as a result of the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00040-00016112-00016503 failure of finance negotiations +_O8iKpmEaV4-00041-00016504-00017071 alternatively vh ym j + vh ym k aircraft +_O8iKpmEaV4-00042-00017072-00017350 were leased from british charter carrier +_O8iKpmEaV4-00043-00017351-00017908 monarch airlines Compass MK i collapsed +_O8iKpmEaV4-00044-00017909-00018175 little more than a year after its first +_O8iKpmEaV4-00045-00018176-00018430 flight with the reasons being portrayed +_O8iKpmEaV4-00046-00018431-00018630 as undercapitalization +_O8iKpmEaV4-00047-00018631-00018900 sustained fare discounting by its +_O8iKpmEaV4-00048-00018901-00019158 competitors and failing to make use of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00049-00019159-00019636 its potential to also carry Freight the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00050-00019637-00019881 federal government made it extremely +_O8iKpmEaV4-00051-00019882-00020181 difficult for the new airline to succeed +_O8iKpmEaV4-00052-00020182-00020449 as evidenced by the lack of suitable +_O8iKpmEaV4-00053-00020450-00020793 facilities provided to compass in the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00054-00020794-00021175 major cities the fledgling carrier was +_O8iKpmEaV4-00055-00021176-00021405 forced to accept what were the least +_O8iKpmEaV4-00056-00021406-00021747 accessible aircraft parking bays inside +_O8iKpmEaV4-00057-00021748-00021969 the terminal of one of their competitors +_O8iKpmEaV4-00058-00021970-00022303 an impediment to successful trade also +_O8iKpmEaV4-00059-00022304-00022630 noted by the government's own Australian +_O8iKpmEaV4-00060-00022631-00022833 Competition and Consumer Commission +_O8iKpmEaV4-00061-00022834-00023247 study compass Airlines initial +_O8iKpmEaV4-00062-00023248-00023514 operations were also significantly +_O8iKpmEaV4-00063-00023515-00023730 disrupted by what appeared to be a +_O8iKpmEaV4-00064-00023731-00024000 computer attack on their reservation +_O8iKpmEaV4-00065-00024001-00024306 system as the official findings of the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00066-00024307-00024658 Australian Tax Office detail the federal +_O8iKpmEaV4-00067-00024659-00024889 government set in place legal +_O8iKpmEaV4-00068-00024890-00025153 proceedings that inevitably led to the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00069-00025154-00025411 repossession of the leased aircraft and +_O8iKpmEaV4-00070-00025412-00025650 the effective grounding of the airline +_O8iKpmEaV4-00071-00025651-00025971 with the subsequent direct and indirect +_O8iKpmEaV4-00072-00025972-00026152 loss of thousands of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00073-00026152-00026583 jobs the government and compass had been +_O8iKpmEaV4-00074-00026585-00026851 in dispute for many months over the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00075-00026852-00027076 amount paid for the provision of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00076-00027077-00027333 services provided by the governmental +_O8iKpmEaV4-00077-00027335-00027622 authority the Civil Aviation Safety +_O8iKpmEaV4-00078-00027623-00028045 Authority although this dispute had been +_O8iKpmEaV4-00079-00028045-00028369 ongoing the government chose to act just +_O8iKpmEaV4-00080-00028370-00028726 before the peak 1991 Christmas +_O8iKpmEaV4-00081-00028727-00029227 traveling period at 2100 on the 20th of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00082-00029227-00029640 December 1991 compass Airlines was +_O8iKpmEaV4-00083-00029641-00030049 grounded the underlying issues remained +_O8iKpmEaV4-00084-00030050-00030361 unresolved until a final High Court of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00085-00030362-00030931 Australia hearing in 1999 it was argued +_O8iKpmEaV4-00086-00030932-00031201 had the airline been allowed to continue +_O8iKpmEaV4-00087-00031202-00031483 trading over the Christmas period the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00088-00031483-00031795 peak travel season in Australia it would +_O8iKpmEaV4-00089-00031795-00032044 have had more of a chance meeting it's +_O8iKpmEaV4-00090-00032045-00032350 disputed financial obligations than +_O8iKpmEaV4-00091-00032351-00033199 being shut down at this point in time +_O8iKpmEaV4-00092-00033200-00033908 topic compass mk2 +_O8iKpmEaV4-00093-00033909-00034339 compass mk2 was originally conceived as +_O8iKpmEaV4-00094-00034340-00034590 Southern Cross Airlines but chose to +_O8iKpmEaV4-00095-00034591-00034861 trade under the compass brand which +_O8iKpmEaV4-00096-00034862-00035254 seemed to have popular support this may +_O8iKpmEaV4-00097-00035255-00035505 have been a commercial error as many +_O8iKpmEaV4-00098-00035506-00035877 suppliers required compass mk2 to +_O8iKpmEaV4-00099-00035878-00036154 purchase items and pay up front rather +_O8iKpmEaV4-00100-00036155-00036402 than lease the same items as would +_O8iKpmEaV4-00101-00036403-00036682 normally be the case +_O8iKpmEaV4-00102-00036683-00037126 it commenced operations in 1992 with +_O8iKpmEaV4-00103-00037127-00037531 three McDonnell Douglas md80 two and two +_O8iKpmEaV4-00104-00037532-00038038 McDonnell Douglas md80 three aircraft it +_O8iKpmEaV4-00105-00038039-00038496 collapsed less than a year later in 1993 +_O8iKpmEaV4-00106-00038497-00039013 to further md-83 aircraft on order were +_O8iKpmEaV4-00107-00039014-00039295 not delivered following the final demise +_O8iKpmEaV4-00108-00039296-00039802 Compass Mk III Southern Cross chairman +_O8iKpmEaV4-00109-00039803-00040228 Douglas Reed was convicted in 1997 of +_O8iKpmEaV4-00110-00040229-00040489 theft and false accounting amounting to +_O8iKpmEaV4-00111-00040490-00040798 ten million dollars in relation to the +_O8iKpmEaV4-00112-00040799-00041200 collapse he received a record 10-year +_O8iKpmEaV4-00113-00041201-00041831 jail sentence +_O8iKpmEaV4-00114-00041832-00042467 topic historical fleet +_O8iKpmEaV4-00115-00042468-00043477 compass mki for airbus a300b4 605 are +_O8iKpmEaV4-00116-00043478-00044182 one airbus a310 - 300 for compass mk2 +_O8iKpmEaV4-00117-00044183-00044661 three McDonnell Douglas md80 two +_O8iKpmEaV4-00118-00044662-00045258 - McDonnell Douglas md80 3 +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00000-00000000-00000191 to all my brothers and sisters out there +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00001-00000192-00000659 serving all around the world and in +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00002-00000660-00000944 situations that are both dangerous and +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00003-00000944-00001174 as I have heard from some friends may be +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00004-00001175-00001684 very boring or tedious I want to just +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00005-00001685-00001901 say thank you you know we're thinking +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00006-00001902-00002171 about you we appreciate your service +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00007-00002172-00002572 your dedication your bravery and your +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00008-00002573-00002930 commitment and it doesn't go unnoticed +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00009-00002931-00003226 to us and we love you guys be safe out +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00010-00003227-00003593 there and we will see you very soon it +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00011-00003594-00003761 would be fun to get the Joker out there +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00012-00003761-00003988 to come entertain the troops and hang +_Q9lOPt_GvE-00013-00003989-00004280 out with you guys sometime +_RMknwIDPAU-00000-00000424-00000678 puffin produce was started in the mid +_RMknwIDPAU-00001-00000679-00000894 70s by a group of growers getting +_RMknwIDPAU-00002-00000896-00001031 together to jointly market their +_RMknwIDPAU-00003-00001032-00001278 pembrokeshire early potatoes +_RMknwIDPAU-00004-00001279-00001535 we've always had sustainability as a key +_RMknwIDPAU-00005-00001536-00001655 element of our business since the very +_RMknwIDPAU-00006-00001655-00001879 beginning +_RMknwIDPAU-00007-00001880-00002142 most of the major retailers now have got +_RMknwIDPAU-00008-00002143-00002367 rock-solid sustainability plans and +_RMknwIDPAU-00009-00002368-00002534 they're expecting their suppliers to +_RMknwIDPAU-00010-00002535-00002718 work with them on those plans +_RMknwIDPAU-00011-00002719-00002871 we've added resource that area of the +_RMknwIDPAU-00012-00002872-00003015 business and we keep building what we do +_RMknwIDPAU-00013-00003016-00003206 in that area +_RMknwIDPAU-00014-00003207-00003431 i'm involved in helping to plan the +_RMknwIDPAU-00015-00003432-00003647 whole growing process from field +_RMknwIDPAU-00016-00003647-00003943 selection varieties of potatoes and +_RMknwIDPAU-00017-00003944-00004199 other inputs +_RMknwIDPAU-00018-00004200-00004470 we gain by receiving better quality in +_RMknwIDPAU-00019-00004471-00004735 our factory here but also our growers +_RMknwIDPAU-00020-00004736-00004991 will produce better crops so better +_RMknwIDPAU-00021-00004992-00005295 returns for them +_RMknwIDPAU-00022-00005296-00005543 we started this summer to construct a +_RMknwIDPAU-00023-00005544-00005806 six million pound prep veg facility that +_RMknwIDPAU-00024-00005807-00005983 will make what we hope is the first +_RMknwIDPAU-00025-00005984-00006175 welsh chip +_RMknwIDPAU-00026-00006176-00006343 sustainability is going to be one of the +_RMknwIDPAU-00027-00006344-00006751 key pillars of that expansion +_RMknwIDPAU-00028-00006752-00006878 we're working with three keel +_RMknwIDPAU-00029-00006879-00007063 consultants so you are one of the uk's +_RMknwIDPAU-00030-00007064-00007375 experts on sustainability we've then got +_RMknwIDPAU-00031-00007376-00007591 a company that we're working on offsets +_RMknwIDPAU-00032-00007592-00007823 called climate partners and between all +_RMknwIDPAU-00033-00007823-00007903 of us +_RMknwIDPAU-00034-00007904-00008070 we're working hard to set science-based +_RMknwIDPAU-00035-00008072-00008327 targets for the business +_RMknwIDPAU-00036-00008328-00008599 we're talking about sustainable soils +_RMknwIDPAU-00037-00008600-00008742 then we're also looking at trying to +_RMknwIDPAU-00038-00008743-00009055 reduce fossil fuel inputs to reduce our +_RMknwIDPAU-00039-00009056-00009295 carbon footprint +_RMknwIDPAU-00040-00009296-00009455 we've received a whole range of support +_RMknwIDPAU-00041-00009456-00009591 from the welsh government over the last +_RMknwIDPAU-00042-00009592-00009823 10 to 12 years but also a member of the +_RMknwIDPAU-00043-00009824-00010014 sustainability cluster group has been +_RMknwIDPAU-00044-00010015-00010223 excellent some great information we've +_RMknwIDPAU-00045-00010224-00010406 gained from them +_RMknwIDPAU-00046-00010407-00010614 at the end of the day +_RMknwIDPAU-00047-00010615-00010823 a farming business revolves around its +_RMknwIDPAU-00048-00010824-00011471 soil +_RMknwIDPAU-00049-00011472-00011679 you +_ZxOIxTZy2k-00000-00002715-00004800 [Music] +_ZxOIxTZy2k-00002-00046091-00047740 [Music] +_ZxOIxTZy2k-00009-00116872-00117470 [Applause] +_ZxOIxTZy2k-00015-00183912-00184401 [Music] +_Zyp6phEwxc-00000-00000470-00000911 [Music] +_Zyp6phEwxc-00001-00000911-00001111 welcome down everyone to the british +_Zyp6phEwxc-00002-00001112-00001391 library and uh thanks for braving the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00003-00001392-00001655 heat to join us tonight and to all of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00004-00001655-00001942 those who are joining us online +_Zyp6phEwxc-00005-00001943-00002231 i'm delighted to introduce professor +_Zyp6phEwxc-00006-00002232-00002575 lucy freeman sandler for her lecture +_Zyp6phEwxc-00007-00002576-00002799 entitled golden books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00008-00002800-00003055 as part of a series accompanying the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00009-00003056-00003238 exhibition gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00010-00003239-00003519 50 spectacular manuscripts from around +_Zyp6phEwxc-00011-00003520-00003767 the world which is now on at the british +_Zyp6phEwxc-00012-00003768-00004143 library just downstairs until the 2nd of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00013-00004144-00004383 october +_Zyp6phEwxc-00014-00004384-00004606 kathleen doyle the lead curator of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00015-00004607-00004783 illuminated manuscripts here at the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00016-00004784-00005079 library and one of the curators of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00017-00005080-00005359 gold exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00018-00005360-00005647 lucy is the helen gould shepherd +_Zyp6phEwxc-00019-00005648-00006006 professor emerita of art history at new +_Zyp6phEwxc-00020-00006007-00006254 york university where she was chair of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00021-00006255-00006670 the department until 2003 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00022-00006672-00006998 i hope lucy won't mind me saying that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00023-00007000-00007231 she's been studying and thinking about +_Zyp6phEwxc-00024-00007231-00007631 manuscripts for around 70 years +_Zyp6phEwxc-00025-00007631-00007846 and so she's one of the world's leading +_Zyp6phEwxc-00026-00007847-00008207 experts on western european and in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00027-00008208-00008439 particular english illuminated +_Zyp6phEwxc-00028-00008440-00008646 manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00029-00008647-00008935 her list of publications and invited +_Zyp6phEwxc-00030-00008936-00009327 lectures runs to 15 pages so you'll be +_Zyp6phEwxc-00031-00009328-00009478 relieved i'm not going to be reading +_Zyp6phEwxc-00032-00009479-00009663 that out to you tonight +_Zyp6phEwxc-00033-00009664-00009919 but many of you will be familiar with +_Zyp6phEwxc-00034-00009920-00010223 her seminal work on english 14th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00035-00010224-00010359 manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00036-00010360-00010531 gothic manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00037-00010532-00010855 1285 to 1385 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00038-00010856-00011255 as well as monographs on the omnibonum +_Zyp6phEwxc-00039-00011256-00011487 the peterborough salter the delisle +_Zyp6phEwxc-00040-00011488-00011999 salter and the uh ramsay salter +_Zyp6phEwxc-00041-00012000-00012270 i can see from the audience that i'm not +_Zyp6phEwxc-00042-00012271-00012542 alone in seeing lucy as a real +_Zyp6phEwxc-00043-00012543-00012879 inspiration in so many ways and as a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00044-00012880-00013183 model for productive retirement +_Zyp6phEwxc-00045-00013184-00013591 as seven books and numerous pages of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00046-00013591-00014086 15 of the articles date from after 2003 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00047-00014087-00014343 including illuminators and patrons in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00048-00014344-00014638 14th century england the psalter and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00049-00014640-00014863 ours of humphrey de boone and the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00050-00014863-00015127 manuscripts of the boone family +_Zyp6phEwxc-00051-00015128-00015319 published by the british library in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00052-00015319-00015663 2014. +_Zyp6phEwxc-00053-00015663-00015919 during lockdown when many of us were +_Zyp6phEwxc-00054-00015919-00016191 struggling to get out of our pajamas +_Zyp6phEwxc-00055-00016191-00016486 lucy researched and wrote her latest +_Zyp6phEwxc-00056-00016487-00016830 book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00057-00016831-00017135 penned and painted the art and meaning +_Zyp6phEwxc-00058-00017136-00017415 of books in medieval and renaissance +_Zyp6phEwxc-00059-00017416-00017758 manuscripts published in may and she'll +_Zyp6phEwxc-00060-00017759-00018014 be signing copies of her books after the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00061-00018015-00018263 lecture tonight just downstairs by the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00062-00018264-00018550 bookstore where you can acquire one for +_Zyp6phEwxc-00063-00018551-00018783 her to sign +_Zyp6phEwxc-00064-00018784-00019030 pendant painted is written for a general +_Zyp6phEwxc-00065-00019031-00019279 audience in which lucy includes an +_Zyp6phEwxc-00066-00019280-00019407 introduction +_Zyp6phEwxc-00067-00019408-00019767 followed by succinct one-page analyses +_Zyp6phEwxc-00068-00019768-00020079 of 60 british library manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00069-00020080-00020327 illustrated by full color +_Zyp6phEwxc-00070-00020328-00020583 illustrations +_Zyp6phEwxc-00071-00020584-00020799 lucy included some of the most famous +_Zyp6phEwxc-00072-00020800-00021150 british library manuscripts in her book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00073-00021151-00021383 and featured several that you will have +_Zyp6phEwxc-00074-00021384-00021663 seen or will see i hope in the gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00075-00021664-00021894 exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00076-00021895-00022158 and about every week when we were at +_Zyp6phEwxc-00077-00022159-00022327 home +_Zyp6phEwxc-00078-00022328-00022478 during lockdown +_Zyp6phEwxc-00079-00022479-00022719 lucy would send me an entry +_Zyp6phEwxc-00080-00022720-00022983 and i remember often thinking +_Zyp6phEwxc-00081-00022984-00023239 she can't possibly find anything new to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00082-00023240-00023550 say about this manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00083-00023551-00023886 and every time lucy would surprise me +_Zyp6phEwxc-00084-00023887-00024199 with discoveries from close looking +_Zyp6phEwxc-00085-00024200-00024519 and her erudite thoughtful +_Zyp6phEwxc-00086-00024520-00024863 insightful and beautifully written text +_Zyp6phEwxc-00087-00024864-00025207 and i say without american hyperbole +_Zyp6phEwxc-00088-00025208-00025606 that it is truly a wonderful book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00089-00025607-00025902 lucy's talk tonight will be drawn in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00090-00025904-00026174 part from her work on pendant parchment +_Zyp6phEwxc-00091-00026175-00026327 but i know that she's written this +_Zyp6phEwxc-00092-00026327-00026623 lecture specifically to address some of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00093-00026624-00026758 the issues +_Zyp6phEwxc-00094-00026760-00026990 raised in the gold exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00095-00026991-00027262 in particular the varied uses +_Zyp6phEwxc-00096-00027263-00027551 function and meaning of gold in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00097-00027552-00027870 illuminated manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00098-00027872-00028167 her lecture will be about 45 minutes and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00099-00028168-00028462 then lucy will take about 15 minutes of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00100-00028463-00028607 questions +_Zyp6phEwxc-00101-00028608-00028839 if you'd like to ask a question and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00102-00028839-00029039 you're here with us in the entrance hall +_Zyp6phEwxc-00103-00029039-00029311 raise your hand and a microphone will be +_Zyp6phEwxc-00104-00029312-00029439 brought to you +_Zyp6phEwxc-00105-00029439-00029670 and if you're listening online you can +_Zyp6phEwxc-00106-00029672-00029974 participate too by using the question +_Zyp6phEwxc-00107-00029975-00030351 box just below the video +_Zyp6phEwxc-00108-00030352-00030662 now please join me in giving lucy a warm +_Zyp6phEwxc-00109-00030663-00031911 welcome to the british library +_Zyp6phEwxc-00110-00031912-00032287 good evening everybody +_Zyp6phEwxc-00111-00032288-00032583 i want to thank kathleen for such a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00112-00032583-00032871 lovely introduction and i want to thank +_Zyp6phEwxc-00113-00032872-00033127 the british library for asking me to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00114-00033128-00033287 give this talk +_Zyp6phEwxc-00115-00033288-00033511 and i want to thank the whole staff of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00116-00033512-00033727 the department of manuscripts for many +_Zyp6phEwxc-00117-00033728-00034023 years of help +_Zyp6phEwxc-00118-00034024-00034231 and in particular +_Zyp6phEwxc-00119-00034232-00034359 callum +_Zyp6phEwxc-00120-00034360-00034471 coburn +_Zyp6phEwxc-00121-00034472-00034718 for his help with this pictures that i'm +_Zyp6phEwxc-00122-00034719-00035271 going to show tonight +_Zyp6phEwxc-00123-00035272-00035471 when i mentioned +_Zyp6phEwxc-00124-00035472-00035639 to a friend +_Zyp6phEwxc-00125-00035640-00035911 that i was going to give a lecture about +_Zyp6phEwxc-00126-00035912-00036095 golden books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00127-00036096-00036446 she said immediately oh little golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00128-00036447-00036918 books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00129-00036919-00037159 this is the cover of one of the earliest +_Zyp6phEwxc-00130-00037160-00037390 little golden books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00131-00037391-00037887 published first in nineteen forty two +_Zyp6phEwxc-00132-00037888-00038127 it's a series that's still going on +_Zyp6phEwxc-00133-00038128-00038535 today +_Zyp6phEwxc-00134-00038536-00038839 the only vestige of material gold or +_Zyp6phEwxc-00135-00038840-00039159 gold color is as you can see at the edge +_Zyp6phEwxc-00136-00039160-00039383 of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00137-00039384-00039630 but when i thought of other associations +_Zyp6phEwxc-00138-00039631-00039974 of golden books that are still current i +_Zyp6phEwxc-00139-00039975-00040239 called to mind my own copy +_Zyp6phEwxc-00140-00040240-00040374 of the bible +_Zyp6phEwxc-00141-00040375-00040630 neatly bound in black leatherette +_Zyp6phEwxc-00142-00040631-00040895 stamped in gold on the cover +_Zyp6phEwxc-00143-00040896-00041223 and with golden forages +_Zyp6phEwxc-00144-00041224-00041471 the gilding of the edges of the pages of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00145-00041472-00041790 the holy scriptures +_Zyp6phEwxc-00146-00041791-00042055 is an ancient tradition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00147-00042056-00042246 those of you who've seen the british +_Zyp6phEwxc-00148-00042247-00042527 library exhibition won't have found any +_Zyp6phEwxc-00149-00042528-00042895 tangible examples on show however +_Zyp6phEwxc-00150-00042896-00043135 because for the most part manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00151-00043136-00043327 leaves have been clipped +_Zyp6phEwxc-00152-00043328-00043543 just as most manuscripts have been +_Zyp6phEwxc-00153-00043544-00043839 rebound many times +_Zyp6phEwxc-00154-00043840-00044046 but representations of books in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00155-00044047-00044318 manuscripts like the one here on the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00156-00044319-00044423 right +_Zyp6phEwxc-00157-00044424-00044687 often show the bulk of the pages between +_Zyp6phEwxc-00158-00044688-00044927 the covers as golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00159-00044928-00045207 suggesting the precious both materially +_Zyp6phEwxc-00160-00045208-00045430 and conceptually +_Zyp6phEwxc-00161-00045431-00045639 this is just one of the many ways that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00162-00045640-00046062 we can talk about books as golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00163-00046063-00046318 my aim today +_Zyp6phEwxc-00164-00046319-00046558 is to explore with you +_Zyp6phEwxc-00165-00046559-00046855 the visual ramifications of the phrase +_Zyp6phEwxc-00166-00046856-00047039 golden books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00167-00047040-00047174 and to think +_Zyp6phEwxc-00168-00047175-00047311 out loud +_Zyp6phEwxc-00169-00047312-00047662 about what +_Zyp6phEwxc-00170-00047663-00047855 to think out loud about what the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00171-00047856-00048079 multiplicity of uses of gold in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00172-00048080-00048351 manuscripts of the middle ages and the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00173-00048352-00048527 renaissance meant +_Zyp6phEwxc-00174-00048528-00048895 to their commissioners makers and users +_Zyp6phEwxc-00175-00048896-00049030 because we're here in the british +_Zyp6phEwxc-00176-00049031-00049351 library almost all my examples will come +_Zyp6phEwxc-00177-00049352-00049599 from the fabulously rich collection of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00178-00049600-00049799 this institution +_Zyp6phEwxc-00179-00049800-00050095 i have to begin with some disclaimers +_Zyp6phEwxc-00180-00050096-00050374 this is not a talk about techniques of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00181-00050375-00050607 gold application +_Zyp6phEwxc-00182-00050608-00050895 i'll be dealing with end results +_Zyp6phEwxc-00183-00050896-00051102 with effect so to speak +_Zyp6phEwxc-00184-00051103-00051382 and i leave precise descriptions of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00185-00051383-00051646 uh of the processes of making and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00186-00051647-00051919 employing gold to experts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00187-00051920-00052246 on the craft of illumination a craft +_Zyp6phEwxc-00188-00052247-00052471 nicely demonstrated by the way in a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00189-00052472-00052726 video in the gold exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00190-00052727-00053015 and also i'm going to limit the range of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00191-00053016-00053350 my talk to manuscripts produced during +_Zyp6phEwxc-00192-00053351-00053591 the middle ages and the renaissance in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00193-00053591-00053823 western european and the eastern +_Zyp6phEwxc-00194-00053824-00054071 mediterranean world +_Zyp6phEwxc-00195-00054072-00054279 like many of you who've seen the british +_Zyp6phEwxc-00196-00054279-00054582 library exhibition i've been simply +_Zyp6phEwxc-00197-00054583-00054887 amazed by the golden treasures from far +_Zyp6phEwxc-00198-00054888-00055487 away india indonesia iran japan myanmar +_Zyp6phEwxc-00199-00055488-00055607 tibet +_Zyp6phEwxc-00200-00055608-00055782 and turkey +_Zyp6phEwxc-00201-00055783-00056063 but like an old shoemaker i'm sticking +_Zyp6phEwxc-00202-00056064-00056263 to my last +_Zyp6phEwxc-00203-00056264-00056479 and the kinds of manuscripts about which +_Zyp6phEwxc-00204-00056479-00056766 i can claim any familiarity are those +_Zyp6phEwxc-00205-00056767-00056966 produced in western europe and the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00206-00056967-00057271 eastern mediterranean between the 6th +_Zyp6phEwxc-00207-00057272-00057526 and the 16th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00208-00057527-00057815 let's begin simply with depictions in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00209-00057816-00058119 manuscripts of things that are actually +_Zyp6phEwxc-00210-00058120-00058566 gold or gold colored in the real world +_Zyp6phEwxc-00211-00058567-00058823 apart from the symbolic meaning of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00212-00058824-00059087 which we'll come to in a while gold has +_Zyp6phEwxc-00213-00059088-00059311 always been considered as materially +_Zyp6phEwxc-00214-00059312-00059638 precious and medieval illuminators used +_Zyp6phEwxc-00215-00059639-00059966 gold leaf gold paint or gold colored +_Zyp6phEwxc-00216-00059967-00060359 paint to represent valuable things made +_Zyp6phEwxc-00217-00060360-00060494 of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00218-00060495-00060806 first of course is monetary gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00219-00060807-00061111 mined in the for minted in the form of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00220-00061112-00061263 coins +_Zyp6phEwxc-00221-00061264-00061463 the picture you're looking at is one +_Zyp6phEwxc-00222-00061464-00061703 remarkable example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00223-00061704-00061838 in a manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00224-00061839-00062238 produced in genoa in the 1330s and i +_Zyp6phEwxc-00225-00062239-00062471 included a discussion of this miniature +_Zyp6phEwxc-00226-00062472-00062663 in my book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00227-00062664-00062894 the volume contains a treatise on the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00228-00062895-00063103 seven deadly sins +_Zyp6phEwxc-00229-00063104-00063335 that was commissioned by a genoese +_Zyp6phEwxc-00230-00063336-00063615 merchant of the cocarelli family +_Zyp6phEwxc-00231-00063616-00063935 for the moral educational and civic +_Zyp6phEwxc-00232-00063936-00064191 education of his son +_Zyp6phEwxc-00233-00064191-00064503 this miniature illustrates usury a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00234-00064504-00064791 subdivision of the vice of avarice +_Zyp6phEwxc-00235-00064791-00065142 by showing the interior of a pawn shop +_Zyp6phEwxc-00236-00065144-00065399 with the pawn broker making an offer to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00237-00065400-00065526 a client +_Zyp6phEwxc-00238-00065527-00065935 for a now tarnished silver object +_Zyp6phEwxc-00239-00065936-00066223 on the table in the front are piles of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00240-00066224-00066703 gold coins +_Zyp6phEwxc-00241-00066704-00067119 like the 14th century genovini +_Zyp6phEwxc-00242-00067120-00067663 genovino which you see on the right +_Zyp6phEwxc-00243-00067664-00067887 to the coins are to be given of course +_Zyp6phEwxc-00244-00067888-00068231 in exchange for the deposits +_Zyp6phEwxc-00245-00068232-00068487 off to one side is the clerk who's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00246-00068488-00068719 recording the transaction +_Zyp6phEwxc-00247-00068720-00068879 and hanging on the wall in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00248-00068880-00068999 background +_Zyp6phEwxc-00249-00069000-00069182 are objects that have already been +_Zyp6phEwxc-00250-00069183-00069503 pawned all gold among them as you can +_Zyp6phEwxc-00251-00069504-00069879 see a gold sword two gold belts a gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00252-00069880-00070294 ewer a gold plate and a gold siborium +_Zyp6phEwxc-00253-00070295-00070582 the depiction of real gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00254-00070583-00070759 real gold coins +_Zyp6phEwxc-00255-00070760-00070879 leads us +_Zyp6phEwxc-00256-00070880-00071126 to the much more common representation +_Zyp6phEwxc-00257-00071127-00071438 in manuscripts of gold coins that have a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00258-00071439-00072167 symbolic meaning in christian terms +_Zyp6phEwxc-00259-00072168-00072431 when the three magi came to venerate the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00260-00072432-00072711 newborn christ child they brought gifts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00261-00072712-00073031 of gold frankincense and myrrh in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00262-00073032-00073406 manuscript illustration the gift of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00263-00073407-00073638 was often shown in the form of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00264-00073639-00073959 coins as we see here this is the early +_Zyp6phEwxc-00265-00073960-00074319 14th century english queen mary salter +_Zyp6phEwxc-00266-00074320-00074550 it's open in the exhibition but to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00267-00074551-00074775 another page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00268-00074776-00075055 here the container of the gold coins is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00269-00075056-00075382 a golden ceborium the liturgical vessel +_Zyp6phEwxc-00270-00075383-00075575 used to hold the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00271-00075576-00075855 sacred the sacramental eucharistic +_Zyp6phEwxc-00272-00075856-00076055 wafers of the mass +_Zyp6phEwxc-00273-00076056-00076415 so the golden coins given by the king +_Zyp6phEwxc-00274-00076416-00076735 can also be understood symbolically as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00275-00076736-00077071 the offering of the body of christ and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00276-00077072-00077343 the kneeling figure as the priest who +_Zyp6phEwxc-00277-00077344-00077671 makes the offering at mass here blessed +_Zyp6phEwxc-00278-00077672-00077959 by the christ child himself +_Zyp6phEwxc-00279-00077960-00078247 as we can see here manuscript images +_Zyp6phEwxc-00280-00078248-00078335 were +_Zyp6phEwxc-00281-00078336-00078735 and can often be read in multiple ways +_Zyp6phEwxc-00282-00078736-00079103 one meaning enriching another +_Zyp6phEwxc-00283-00079104-00079326 now i'm going to focus on the uses of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00284-00079327-00079567 gold in manuscripts where the precious +_Zyp6phEwxc-00285-00079568-00079838 metal does signify more than material +_Zyp6phEwxc-00286-00079839-00080175 riches and has a symbolic meaning +_Zyp6phEwxc-00287-00080176-00080471 let's start with manuscripts themselves +_Zyp6phEwxc-00288-00080472-00081031 written in gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00289-00081032-00081350 here's a magnificent book open to this +_Zyp6phEwxc-00290-00081351-00081567 page in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00291-00081568-00081894 the manuscript was produced around 800 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00292-00081895-00082094 under the patronage of the emperor +_Zyp6phEwxc-00293-00082095-00082399 charlemagne and it's famous today as a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00294-00082400-00082582 golden gospels +_Zyp6phEwxc-00295-00082583-00082806 every word of the text is written in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00296-00082807-00083199 gold and each page as you see is framed +_Zyp6phEwxc-00297-00083200-00083535 like a precious object with a protective +_Zyp6phEwxc-00298-00083536-00083767 pattern gold border +_Zyp6phEwxc-00299-00083768-00083894 gold here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00300-00083895-00084126 of course is equated with the holy +_Zyp6phEwxc-00301-00084127-00084471 scriptures the sacred word of god the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00302-00084472-00084823 creator and ruler of the universe +_Zyp6phEwxc-00303-00084824-00085055 in the middle ages gold was +_Zyp6phEwxc-00304-00085056-00085335 also considered as the appropriate +_Zyp6phEwxc-00305-00085336-00085631 vehicle for writing texts relating to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00306-00085632-00085887 secular rulers whose rule in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00307-00085888-00086143 medieval way of thinking was sanctioned +_Zyp6phEwxc-00308-00086144-00086567 by the deity +_Zyp6phEwxc-00309-00086568-00086735 here for example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00310-00086736-00087031 is a page with a detail of the last +_Zyp6phEwxc-00311-00087032-00087135 lines +_Zyp6phEwxc-00312-00087136-00087587 from the charter presented in 966 by the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00313-00087588-00087950 anglo-saxon king edgar to new minster +_Zyp6phEwxc-00314-00087951-00088247 winchester on the occasion +_Zyp6phEwxc-00315-00088248-00088526 of the new minster's re foundation as a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00316-00088527-00088726 benedictine abbey +_Zyp6phEwxc-00317-00088727-00088879 this part of the text that you're +_Zyp6phEwxc-00318-00088880-00089071 looking at concerns the king's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00319-00089072-00089303 benevolent intentions +_Zyp6phEwxc-00320-00089304-00089567 and the detail includes the latin words +_Zyp6phEwxc-00321-00089568-00089767 for our kingdom +_Zyp6phEwxc-00322-00089768-00090047 the generous gifts of the king +_Zyp6phEwxc-00323-00090048-00090294 are worthy of being described in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00324-00090295-00090903 valuable gold script +_Zyp6phEwxc-00325-00090904-00091150 now +_Zyp6phEwxc-00326-00091151-00091415 now here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00327-00091416-00091831 oh we've switched we have to go back +_Zyp6phEwxc-00328-00091832-00091967 there +_Zyp6phEwxc-00329-00091968-00092118 now here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00330-00092119-00092335 is another case of the use of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00331-00092336-00092679 script in connection with earthly rule +_Zyp6phEwxc-00332-00092680-00092894 we're looking at a page from a slim +_Zyp6phEwxc-00333-00092895-00093167 picture book with miniatures of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00334-00093168-00093343 kings of england +_Zyp6phEwxc-00335-00093344-00093615 from the time of edward the confessor in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00336-00093616-00093950 the 11th century to edward the first who +_Zyp6phEwxc-00337-00093951-00094423 reigned from 1270 1270 to 13 7. +_Zyp6phEwxc-00338-00094424-00094662 the manuscript was this manuscript was +_Zyp6phEwxc-00339-00094663-00094991 produced between 1280 and 1300 while +_Zyp6phEwxc-00340-00094992-00095279 edward the first was still alive +_Zyp6phEwxc-00341-00095280-00095503 each picture except for that of edward +_Zyp6phEwxc-00342-00095504-00095750 is accompanied by a short account of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00343-00095751-00096047 life of the ruler written in various +_Zyp6phEwxc-00344-00096048-00096374 arrangements of gold and blue script as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00345-00096375-00096638 you can see here in the miniature that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00346-00096639-00096911 shows henry iii +_Zyp6phEwxc-00347-00096912-00097174 henry is shown as the patron builder of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00348-00097175-00097479 westminster abbey a model of which he +_Zyp6phEwxc-00349-00097480-00097679 holds on his lap +_Zyp6phEwxc-00350-00097680-00097982 the anglo-norman text below in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00351-00097983-00098271 alternating lines of blue and gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00352-00098272-00098638 begins with the line in gold saying +_Zyp6phEwxc-00353-00098639-00098999 after quote after after john his son +_Zyp6phEwxc-00354-00099000-00099447 henry iii ruled for 16 years and i think +_Zyp6phEwxc-00355-00099448-00099679 the detail gives a good idea of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00356-00099680-00099982 brilliant polish of the golden letters +_Zyp6phEwxc-00357-00099983-00100406 literally glorifying the name henry +_Zyp6phEwxc-00358-00100407-00100647 golden letters were often greatly +_Zyp6phEwxc-00359-00100648-00100911 enlarged at the beginning of manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00360-00100912-00101238 texts the new minster charter that we +_Zyp6phEwxc-00361-00101239-00101382 just saw +_Zyp6phEwxc-00362-00101383-00101694 uh has a striking example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00363-00101695-00101831 a page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00364-00101832-00102103 which begins with the overlapping greek +_Zyp6phEwxc-00365-00102104-00102318 letters chi and ro +_Zyp6phEwxc-00366-00102319-00102615 for the name christ a monogram that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00367-00102616-00102839 looks like xpi +_Zyp6phEwxc-00368-00102840-00103086 at the start of the phrase +_Zyp6phEwxc-00369-00103088-00103415 quote christ all-powerful author of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00370-00103416-00103678 whole fabric of creation which is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00371-00103679-00103982 written in large golden capitals +_Zyp6phEwxc-00372-00103983-00104182 another monogram is shown in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00373-00104183-00104375 exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00374-00104376-00104654 as you can see here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00375-00104655-00104863 on the right +_Zyp6phEwxc-00376-00104864-00105063 it comes at the beginning of a long +_Zyp6phEwxc-00377-00105064-00105519 document composed in 1395 by a courtier +_Zyp6phEwxc-00378-00105520-00105839 of charles vi king of france addressed +_Zyp6phEwxc-00379-00105840-00106151 to richard ii king of england pleading +_Zyp6phEwxc-00380-00106152-00106415 for peace between the two nations and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00381-00106416-00106702 for a joint crusade in the name of jesus +_Zyp6phEwxc-00382-00106703-00107086 christ whose sacrifice for humankind is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00383-00107088-00107447 uh underscored by the crown of thorns +_Zyp6phEwxc-00384-00107448-00107783 radiating golden rays over the crowns of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00385-00107783-00108158 france and england +_Zyp6phEwxc-00386-00108159-00108423 in the main section of the miniature the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00387-00108424-00108578 golden letters +_Zyp6phEwxc-00388-00108579-00108990 yhs for jesus are projected against a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00389-00108991-00109310 heraldic background of gold french fleur +_Zyp6phEwxc-00390-00109311-00109983 de lis and gold english lions +_Zyp6phEwxc-00391-00109983-00110239 on the facing page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00392-00110240-00110583 a miniature which i reproduce in my book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00393-00110583-00110871 shows the presentation of this very work +_Zyp6phEwxc-00394-00110872-00111183 to richard ii the miniatures painted +_Zyp6phEwxc-00395-00111183-00111447 above the textual prologue written in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00396-00111448-00111831 alternating lines of gold red and blue +_Zyp6phEwxc-00397-00111832-00112127 the entire ensemble uses gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00398-00112128-00112510 pictorially and textually as both sacred +_Zyp6phEwxc-00399-00112511-00112686 and royal symbol +_Zyp6phEwxc-00400-00112688-00112958 and even includes a portrait +_Zyp6phEwxc-00401-00112959-00113302 of the manuscript itself on the right +_Zyp6phEwxc-00402-00113303-00113631 showing it as covered in a binding +_Zyp6phEwxc-00403-00113632-00114078 richly decorated with gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00404-00114079-00114302 now among the dazzling manuscripts in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00405-00114303-00114519 the gold exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00406-00114520-00114766 is the psalter of nellis end +_Zyp6phEwxc-00407-00114767-00115063 queen of the latin kingdom of jerusalem +_Zyp6phEwxc-00408-00115064-00115302 painted in jerusalem around the middle +_Zyp6phEwxc-00409-00115303-00115607 of the 12th century the page shown is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00410-00115608-00115886 the enlarged initial bee +_Zyp6phEwxc-00411-00115888-00116151 for baotis blessed the beginning of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00412-00116152-00116278 psalm 1 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00413-00116279-00116519 blessed is the man who hath not walked +_Zyp6phEwxc-00414-00116520-00116783 in the counsel of the ungodly +_Zyp6phEwxc-00415-00116783-00117078 here as you can see the entire image is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00416-00117079-00117190 golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00417-00117191-00117463 figural and decorative motifs and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00418-00117464-00117663 background as well +_Zyp6phEwxc-00419-00117664-00117902 the elements of the design are outlined +_Zyp6phEwxc-00420-00117903-00118310 in black as if engraved in metal +_Zyp6phEwxc-00421-00118311-00118615 and some details are picked out in white +_Zyp6phEwxc-00422-00118616-00118871 king david traditionally the author of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00423-00118872-00119102 the psalms appears in the lower part of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00424-00119103-00119447 the letter seated in playing his harp +_Zyp6phEwxc-00425-00119448-00119654 all the other figural elements in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00426-00119655-00119927 initial that is the fantastic animals +_Zyp6phEwxc-00427-00119928-00120247 and the birds are ensnared in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00428-00120248-00120551 stylized foliage but david is free of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00429-00120552-00120814 these entanglements his prominence +_Zyp6phEwxc-00430-00120815-00121078 visually evoking his importance as a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00431-00121079-00121375 ruler and ancestor and even an old +_Zyp6phEwxc-00432-00121376-00121814 testament figure of christ himself +_Zyp6phEwxc-00433-00121815-00122039 in medieval and renaissance manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00434-00122040-00122263 gold was used not only to enhance the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00435-00122264-00122534 value of the text and initial letters +_Zyp6phEwxc-00436-00122535-00122814 but also to surround the text with rich +_Zyp6phEwxc-00437-00122815-00123143 borders +_Zyp6phEwxc-00438-00123144-00123551 one example of which we've already seen +_Zyp6phEwxc-00439-00123552-00123807 later in the middle ages such borders +_Zyp6phEwxc-00440-00123808-00124878 often consisted of golden foliage +_Zyp6phEwxc-00441-00124879-00125007 for instance +_Zyp6phEwxc-00442-00125008-00125319 small-scale stylized leaves on curving +_Zyp6phEwxc-00443-00125320-00125599 black stems that form a sparkling +_Zyp6phEwxc-00444-00125600-00125847 network scrolling across the surface of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00445-00125848-00126014 the page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00446-00126015-00126271 i might mention here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00447-00126272-00126543 that the surfaces of manuscript pages +_Zyp6phEwxc-00448-00126544-00126886 are rarely completely flat and certainly +_Zyp6phEwxc-00449-00126888-00127239 curve when the pages are turned +_Zyp6phEwxc-00450-00127240-00127519 so the effective gold is usually +_Zyp6phEwxc-00451-00127520-00127854 enhanced when books are actually handled +_Zyp6phEwxc-00452-00127855-00128143 but decreased in most documentary +_Zyp6phEwxc-00453-00128144-00128390 photographs as you may have noticed in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00454-00128391-00128663 the slides i'm showing today +_Zyp6phEwxc-00455-00128664-00128863 the example we're looking at here is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00456-00128864-00129086 from a psalter made in the early 15th +_Zyp6phEwxc-00457-00129088-00129375 century for a prince of france and given +_Zyp6phEwxc-00458-00129376-00129695 to king henry vi of england +_Zyp6phEwxc-00459-00129696-00130007 every one of the text pages of the book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00460-00130008-00130271 more than 500 of them +_Zyp6phEwxc-00461-00130272-00130551 was treated in the same labor-intensive +_Zyp6phEwxc-00462-00130552-00130863 way literally illuminating the word of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00463-00130864-00131119 god with gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00464-00131120-00131319 the latest development in the use of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00465-00131320-00131583 gold in the borders of manuscript pages +_Zyp6phEwxc-00466-00131584-00132223 was illustrated in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00467-00132224-00132502 with this early 16th century french +_Zyp6phEwxc-00468-00132503-00132751 renaissance book of ours +_Zyp6phEwxc-00469-00132752-00133035 an extraordinary example of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00470-00133036-00133351 mesmerizing tromploy representation of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00471-00133352-00133663 details of the natural world +_Zyp6phEwxc-00472-00133664-00133902 here flowers and insects +_Zyp6phEwxc-00473-00133903-00134271 casting shadows against the muted sheen +_Zyp6phEwxc-00474-00134272-00134471 of the gold background +_Zyp6phEwxc-00475-00134472-00134711 in the age when printed books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00476-00134712-00134990 were becoming increasingly common this +_Zyp6phEwxc-00477-00134991-00135239 handwritten and hand-illuminated +_Zyp6phEwxc-00478-00135240-00135519 manuscript for a connoisseur of the art +_Zyp6phEwxc-00479-00135520-00135847 of illusion evokes the sheer wonder +_Zyp6phEwxc-00480-00135848-00136254 of god's creation +_Zyp6phEwxc-00481-00136255-00136487 let's move on now from borders to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00482-00136488-00136783 manuscript images themselves where's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00483-00136784-00137023 gold used in pictures +_Zyp6phEwxc-00484-00137024-00137231 first we'll look at gold in the setting +_Zyp6phEwxc-00485-00137232-00137727 or background +_Zyp6phEwxc-00486-00137728-00137990 such large areas of gold are the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00487-00137991-00138254 artistic equivalent of light +_Zyp6phEwxc-00488-00138255-00138566 light from the sun or from the deity +_Zyp6phEwxc-00489-00138567-00138702 this +_Zyp6phEwxc-00490-00138703-00138951 on the screen now is a page from a greek +_Zyp6phEwxc-00491-00138952-00139175 lang from the greek language bernie +_Zyp6phEwxc-00492-00139176-00139295 gospels +_Zyp6phEwxc-00493-00139296-00139531 uh it's a miniature painted in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00494-00139532-00139790 constantinople that is istanbul in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00495-00139791-00139943 12th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00496-00139944-00140239 the manuscript is in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00497-00140240-00140519 open to a miniature of saint mark but +_Zyp6phEwxc-00498-00140520-00140678 i'm showing you a page that i +_Zyp6phEwxc-00499-00140679-00140887 illustrated in my book it's the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00500-00140888-00141071 evangelist john +_Zyp6phEwxc-00501-00141072-00141311 turning his head to hear the voice of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00502-00141312-00141735 god and dictating his gospel to ascribe +_Zyp6phEwxc-00503-00141736-00141943 the background of the figures and the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00504-00141944-00142223 rocky landscape is a shimmering expanse +_Zyp6phEwxc-00505-00142224-00142343 of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00506-00142344-00142631 identifying the space and the event as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00507-00142632-00142883 sacred filled with the light of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00508-00142884-00143190 god medieval illuminators devoted a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00509-00143191-00143359 great deal of attention to gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00510-00143360-00143478 backgrounds +_Zyp6phEwxc-00511-00143479-00143751 often to heighten the interplay between +_Zyp6phEwxc-00512-00143752-00143943 actual light +_Zyp6phEwxc-00513-00143944-00144278 and shining metal they incised patterns +_Zyp6phEwxc-00514-00144279-00144951 that enliven the surface of the page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00515-00144952-00145263 here's an example from the exhibition a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00516-00145264-00145439 detached leaf +_Zyp6phEwxc-00517-00145440-00145702 showing the enunciation from a psalter +_Zyp6phEwxc-00518-00145703-00145951 of around 1200 that was produced in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00519-00145952-00146078 flanders +_Zyp6phEwxc-00520-00146079-00146335 the background is tooled with finely +_Zyp6phEwxc-00521-00146336-00146639 incised linear spirals and stylized +_Zyp6phEwxc-00522-00146640-00146751 foliage +_Zyp6phEwxc-00523-00146752-00147007 overlaying the gold of the heavenly and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00524-00147008-00147247 the eternal with allusions to the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00525-00147248-00147511 earthly the temporal of the natural +_Zyp6phEwxc-00526-00147512-00147654 world +_Zyp6phEwxc-00527-00147655-00147854 a similar treatment of the background +_Zyp6phEwxc-00528-00147855-00148126 appears in one of my all-time favorite +_Zyp6phEwxc-00529-00148127-00148326 manuscript images which i couldn't +_Zyp6phEwxc-00530-00148327-00148695 resist showing today +_Zyp6phEwxc-00531-00148696-00148935 the virgin and child of the swelter of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00532-00148936-00149214 robert de lille painted in london in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00533-00149215-00149502 first decade of the 14th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00534-00149503-00149759 here the five pointed leaves in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00535-00149760-00150078 elaborate pattern incised into the gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00536-00150079-00150390 ground are silhouetted against fields of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00537-00150391-00150639 closely spaced dots +_Zyp6phEwxc-00538-00150640-00150831 i think introducing a sense of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00539-00150832-00151159 oscillation not only across the surface +_Zyp6phEwxc-00540-00151160-00151447 but from the front to the back +_Zyp6phEwxc-00541-00151448-00151751 we could almost say that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00542-00151752-00152078 the pattern is a kind of visual metaphor +_Zyp6phEwxc-00543-00152079-00152383 of the ever-changing motion movement of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00544-00152384-00152559 the universe +_Zyp6phEwxc-00545-00152560-00152726 now there's time to show one more +_Zyp6phEwxc-00546-00152727-00152878 variant of the treatment of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00547-00152879-00153166 backgrounds this is the use of shaped +_Zyp6phEwxc-00548-00153167-00153502 metal punches to tool gold leaf grounds +_Zyp6phEwxc-00549-00153503-00153735 that is to create regular +_Zyp6phEwxc-00550-00153736-00154199 rather than freehand patterns +_Zyp6phEwxc-00551-00154200-00154414 background of this page from the golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00552-00154415-00154663 haggadah which is in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00553-00154664-00154847 provides my example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00554-00154848-00155119 the manuscript was made in barcelona in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00555-00155120-00155326 the 1320s +_Zyp6phEwxc-00556-00155327-00155566 here the pattern is composed of a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00557-00155567-00155831 diagonal linear grid +_Zyp6phEwxc-00558-00155832-00156047 ruled with a pointed instrument +_Zyp6phEwxc-00559-00156048-00156278 punctuated +_Zyp6phEwxc-00560-00156279-00156566 by star-like punched motifs at the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00561-00156567-00156735 intersections +_Zyp6phEwxc-00562-00156736-00157023 the golden haggadah contains the service +_Zyp6phEwxc-00563-00157024-00157263 that takes place in jewish households at +_Zyp6phEwxc-00564-00157264-00157526 passover marking the freeing of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00565-00157527-00157790 israelites from bondage in egypt the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00566-00157791-00158071 page you're looking at has four scenes +_Zyp6phEwxc-00567-00158072-00158343 from the lives of jacob and joseph +_Zyp6phEwxc-00568-00158344-00158663 events mentioned in the book of genesis +_Zyp6phEwxc-00569-00158664-00159039 and the detail shows joseph's two dreams +_Zyp6phEwxc-00570-00159040-00159414 first that his sheaf of corn would stand +_Zyp6phEwxc-00571-00159415-00159711 upright while those of his 11 brothers +_Zyp6phEwxc-00572-00159712-00160007 would lower themselves and second that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00573-00160008-00160383 the sun and moon and 11 stars +_Zyp6phEwxc-00574-00160384-00160814 which you perhaps can see in the picture +_Zyp6phEwxc-00575-00160815-00160919 that +_Zyp6phEwxc-00576-00160920-00161214 they would that they would worship him +_Zyp6phEwxc-00577-00161215-00161519 that is joseph these are dreams of god's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00578-00161520-00161814 favor or favoritism which aroused the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00579-00161815-00162071 anger of joseph's father and brothers +_Zyp6phEwxc-00580-00162072-00162295 and that's depicted in the lower right +_Zyp6phEwxc-00581-00162296-00162566 hand section of the whole page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00582-00162567-00162790 as in christian manuscripts the gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00583-00162791-00163047 backgrounds are equated with the sacred +_Zyp6phEwxc-00584-00163048-00163295 here with the sacred history of god's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00585-00163296-00163559 relation to the israelites of the old +_Zyp6phEwxc-00586-00163560-00163790 testament +_Zyp6phEwxc-00587-00163791-00164078 gold in the backgrounds +_Zyp6phEwxc-00588-00164079-00164383 that we've been looking at is not a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00589-00164384-00164535 representation +_Zyp6phEwxc-00590-00164536-00164895 it is simply put put a visual witness of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00591-00164896-00165151 the presence of light with all its +_Zyp6phEwxc-00592-00165152-00165454 attendant meanings but light was also +_Zyp6phEwxc-00593-00165455-00165687 represented in medieval manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00594-00165688-00166078 using gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00595-00166079-00166207 here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00596-00166208-00166823 is to me a breathtaking +_Zyp6phEwxc-00597-00166824-00166959 example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00598-00166960-00167199 from a biblical manuscript of the type +_Zyp6phEwxc-00599-00167200-00167607 called bibli storyal a history bible +_Zyp6phEwxc-00600-00167608-00167823 written in french and illustrated in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00601-00167824-00168135 paris in the early 15th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00602-00168136-00168335 we remember that at the beginning of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00603-00168336-00168695 book of genesis god said quote let light +_Zyp6phEwxc-00604-00168696-00169014 be made quote and quote saw that the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00605-00169015-00169319 light that it was good and he divided +_Zyp6phEwxc-00606-00169320-00169543 the light from the darkness +_Zyp6phEwxc-00607-00169544-00169726 so in this miniature +_Zyp6phEwxc-00608-00169727-00170007 at god's command the pale golden light +_Zyp6phEwxc-00609-00170008-00170287 of the upper hemisphere illuminates the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00610-00170288-00170711 blue sky above and the black below casts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00611-00170712-00171038 the surrounding area into darkness god's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00612-00171039-00171454 work on the first day of creation +_Zyp6phEwxc-00613-00171455-00171575 more often +_Zyp6phEwxc-00614-00171576-00171911 light was represented in the in the form +_Zyp6phEwxc-00615-00171912-00172238 of its source in our cosmos that is the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00616-00172239-00172535 sun and gold was regularly used to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00617-00172536-00173047 depict the sun and its radiance +_Zyp6phEwxc-00618-00173048-00173326 no +_Zyp6phEwxc-00619-00173327-00173502 this example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00620-00173503-00173790 is from a hebrew manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00621-00173791-00174054 another hebrew manuscript a miscellany +_Zyp6phEwxc-00622-00174055-00174263 compiled in northern france over a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00623-00174264-00174519 period of time from the late 13th to the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00624-00174520-00174751 early 14th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00625-00174752-00174935 the miniature shows +_Zyp6phEwxc-00626-00174936-00175238 as the hebrew caption says quote the sun +_Zyp6phEwxc-00627-00175239-00175614 and the moon and stars within the wheel +_Zyp6phEwxc-00628-00175615-00175895 the term wheel evidently related to the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00629-00175896-00176119 idea of the rotational movement of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00630-00176120-00176319 spheres of the universe +_Zyp6phEwxc-00631-00176320-00176566 in a circle which is the conventional +_Zyp6phEwxc-00632-00176567-00176854 medieval visualization of the spherical +_Zyp6phEwxc-00633-00176855-00177183 shape of the universe +_Zyp6phEwxc-00634-00177184-00177551 we can see uh the gold sun with curving +_Zyp6phEwxc-00635-00177552-00177895 rays a crescent moon and the small gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00636-00177896-00178159 discs of the stars against a deep blue +_Zyp6phEwxc-00637-00178160-00178414 background +_Zyp6phEwxc-00638-00178415-00178799 another brilliant example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00639-00178800-00178975 is this illustration +_Zyp6phEwxc-00640-00178976-00179278 of the 14th century italian poet dante's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00641-00179279-00179575 divine comedy for one of the cantos of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00642-00179576-00179847 paradise the final section +_Zyp6phEwxc-00643-00179848-00180071 the miniature this miniature was painted +_Zyp6phEwxc-00644-00180072-00180414 in the 1440s by the famed cnes artist +_Zyp6phEwxc-00645-00180415-00180614 giovanni di paulo +_Zyp6phEwxc-00646-00180615-00180847 i discuss actually a different paradise +_Zyp6phEwxc-00647-00180848-00181031 miniature in my book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00648-00181032-00181271 but the one we see here shows the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00649-00181272-00181495 journey of dante and his companion +_Zyp6phEwxc-00650-00181496-00181838 beatrice toward the fourth sphere beyond +_Zyp6phEwxc-00651-00181839-00182175 the earth in medieval cosmology it's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00652-00182176-00182390 called the heaven of the sun +_Zyp6phEwxc-00653-00182391-00182678 the blazing golden rays of the sun in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00654-00182679-00182887 the center beamed down on the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00655-00182888-00183151 terrestrial landscape below +_Zyp6phEwxc-00656-00183152-00183431 for dante the heaven of the sun was the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00657-00183432-00183783 realm of the souls of wise human beings +_Zyp6phEwxc-00658-00183784-00183975 enlightened by the message of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00659-00183976-00184302 christian deity so the sun and its rays +_Zyp6phEwxc-00660-00184303-00184551 here can be understood as a symbol of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00661-00184552-00184854 god bestowing his wisdom on the earth +_Zyp6phEwxc-00662-00184855-00185263 and its human and habit inhabitants +_Zyp6phEwxc-00663-00185264-00185526 golden rays like those here have +_Zyp6phEwxc-00664-00185527-00185783 multiple meanings in medieval imagery +_Zyp6phEwxc-00665-00185784-00186087 but most often they symbolize the third +_Zyp6phEwxc-00666-00186088-00186366 person of the christian trinity the holy +_Zyp6phEwxc-00667-00186367-00186487 spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00668-00186488-00186726 and two of the main pictorial subjects +_Zyp6phEwxc-00669-00186727-00187023 where the rays appear golden rays appear +_Zyp6phEwxc-00670-00187024-00187814 are the annunciation and the pentecost +_Zyp6phEwxc-00671-00187815-00188111 the 14th century florentine miniature of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00672-00188112-00188431 the annunciation it's a cutting uh from +_Zyp6phEwxc-00673-00188432-00188575 a choir book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00674-00188576-00188838 used in the mass and it's in the ex and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00675-00188839-00189119 this page is in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00676-00189120-00189407 there's a brilliant gold leaf background +_Zyp6phEwxc-00677-00189408-00189663 against which the lushly ornamented +_Zyp6phEwxc-00678-00189664-00190038 initial letter r is displayed encircling +_Zyp6phEwxc-00679-00190039-00190263 a scene of the annunciation the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00680-00190264-00190511 appearance of the angel gabriel to tell +_Zyp6phEwxc-00681-00190512-00190766 the virgin that the holy spirit will +_Zyp6phEwxc-00682-00190767-00191063 quote come upon her and she will +_Zyp6phEwxc-00683-00191064-00191278 conceive a son +_Zyp6phEwxc-00684-00191279-00191526 in the upper part of the composition the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00685-00191527-00191838 lord sends down the holy spirit in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00686-00191839-00192166 form of a dove flying on fine linear +_Zyp6phEwxc-00687-00192167-00192431 golden rays which pass over the middle +_Zyp6phEwxc-00688-00192432-00192743 of the initial and if you look very hard +_Zyp6phEwxc-00689-00192744-00192999 on the far right you might be able to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00690-00193000-00193359 see this tiny white bird approaching +_Zyp6phEwxc-00691-00193360-00193550 the the dove of the holy spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00692-00193551-00194238 approaching the head of the virgin mary +_Zyp6phEwxc-00693-00194239-00194471 now here are two miniatures of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00694-00194472-00194759 pentecost the descent of the holy spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00695-00194760-00195038 that inspired the apostles to preach the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00696-00195039-00195166 gospel +_Zyp6phEwxc-00697-00195167-00195431 on the left is a detail from the 12th +_Zyp6phEwxc-00698-00195432-00195678 century winchester psalter +_Zyp6phEwxc-00699-00195679-00195935 where we see flame-like golden rays +_Zyp6phEwxc-00700-00195936-00196143 descending from the dove of the holy +_Zyp6phEwxc-00701-00196144-00196311 spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00702-00196312-00196495 in the gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00703-00196496-00196814 to the gold haloed heads of the apostles +_Zyp6phEwxc-00704-00196815-00197102 who themselves are wearing gold bordered +_Zyp6phEwxc-00705-00197103-00197207 garments +_Zyp6phEwxc-00706-00197208-00197471 gold is the vehicle of the holy spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00707-00197472-00197695 and the transmission of the holy spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00708-00197696-00197959 to the apostles is underscored by the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00709-00197960-00198295 profusion of gold in the delineation of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00710-00198296-00198550 their robes +_Zyp6phEwxc-00711-00198551-00198783 now there on the right +_Zyp6phEwxc-00712-00198784-00199111 is a majestic and serene pentecost with +_Zyp6phEwxc-00713-00199112-00199343 the virgin mary in the center +_Zyp6phEwxc-00714-00199344-00199590 the miniature is a detached leaf from a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00715-00199591-00199799 book of hours of the very end of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00716-00199800-00200078 15th century that was illustrated in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00717-00200079-00200231 tour france +_Zyp6phEwxc-00718-00200232-00200550 by the well-known artist jean burdishan +_Zyp6phEwxc-00719-00200551-00200863 here the pentecost scene is viewed close +_Zyp6phEwxc-00720-00200864-00201078 up almost as if we're right there in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00721-00201079-00201447 circle of apostles the golden rays are +_Zyp6phEwxc-00722-00201448-00201719 thin beams of light emanating from a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00723-00201720-00202111 sun-like circular aura a kind of halo +_Zyp6phEwxc-00724-00202112-00202399 around the dove of the holy spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00725-00202400-00202671 the aura of the holy was codified in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00726-00202672-00202926 middle ages in the form of the golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00727-00202927-00203047 halo +_Zyp6phEwxc-00728-00203048-00203271 as we can see in these two pentecost +_Zyp6phEwxc-00729-00203272-00203623 miniatures in the one solid gold discs +_Zyp6phEwxc-00730-00203624-00203902 in the other transparent gold outline +_Zyp6phEwxc-00731-00203903-00204038 circles +_Zyp6phEwxc-00732-00204039-00204302 along with golden halos other sacred +_Zyp6phEwxc-00733-00204303-00204487 symbols of the deity are often +_Zyp6phEwxc-00734-00204488-00204982 represented in gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00735-00204983-00205246 the idea of god's dominion over the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00736-00205248-00205575 entire universe is visualized in images +_Zyp6phEwxc-00737-00205576-00205871 called christ in majesty where the lord +_Zyp6phEwxc-00738-00205871-00206198 holds a golden orb as we see here this +_Zyp6phEwxc-00739-00206200-00206438 is a 12th century english manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00740-00206439-00206782 known as the shaftsbury swalter +_Zyp6phEwxc-00741-00206783-00207038 such images ultimately descend from +_Zyp6phEwxc-00742-00207039-00207455 ancient roman imperial portraits +_Zyp6phEwxc-00743-00207456-00207710 as they're reflected in medieval +_Zyp6phEwxc-00744-00207711-00207951 pictures of emperors +_Zyp6phEwxc-00745-00207952-00208214 such as this famous image of the holy +_Zyp6phEwxc-00746-00208215-00208486 roman emperor otto the third painted +_Zyp6phEwxc-00747-00208487-00208734 around the year 1000 and this is one +_Zyp6phEwxc-00748-00208735-00208975 picture that uh from a manuscript that's +_Zyp6phEwxc-00749-00208976-00209158 not in the british library but in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00750-00209159-00209438 state library of munich +_Zyp6phEwxc-00751-00209439-00209758 another golden symbol of the deity aside +_Zyp6phEwxc-00752-00209759-00209951 from the ore beside the orb is the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00753-00209952-00210271 chalice if the golden orb alludes to the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00754-00210271-00210558 lord as ruler of the universe +_Zyp6phEwxc-00755-00210559-00210775 the chalice refers to the lord as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00756-00210776-00211510 sacrifice for the sake of humankind +_Zyp6phEwxc-00757-00211511-00211791 in the christian mass the sacramental +_Zyp6phEwxc-00758-00211792-00211982 wine in the chalice +_Zyp6phEwxc-00759-00211983-00212246 is uh changed to the blood shed by +_Zyp6phEwxc-00760-00212248-00212519 christ at the crucifixion here in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00761-00212519-00212791 psalter of robert de lille a manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00762-00212792-00212951 i mentioned before +_Zyp6phEwxc-00763-00212952-00213327 old adam the first man the original +_Zyp6phEwxc-00764-00213328-00213598 sinner holds a chalice holds up the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00765-00213600-00213758 chalice +_Zyp6phEwxc-00766-00213759-00213991 containing the blood that's being shed +_Zyp6phEwxc-00767-00213992-00214246 by his redeemer christ who was called +_Zyp6phEwxc-00768-00214248-00214767 the new atom +_Zyp6phEwxc-00769-00214767-00215182 the eucharistic chalice itself +_Zyp6phEwxc-00770-00215183-00215510 was venerated and represented in gold as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00771-00215511-00215751 we see here in two examples the left is +_Zyp6phEwxc-00772-00215752-00216055 a miniature illustrating the reading for +_Zyp6phEwxc-00773-00216056-00216279 the feast of corpus christi that's the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00774-00216280-00216606 body and blood of christ in a mass book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00775-00216607-00216879 completed around 1508 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00776-00216880-00217151 on the commission of a mayor of london +_Zyp6phEwxc-00777-00217152-00217375 whose name was stephen jennings +_Zyp6phEwxc-00778-00217376-00217655 and on the right another golden chalice +_Zyp6phEwxc-00779-00217656-00217951 the opening illustration of a register +_Zyp6phEwxc-00780-00217952-00218198 of all the names of the members of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00781-00218200-00218527 guild of corpus christi of boston +_Zyp6phEwxc-00782-00218528-00218687 lincolnshire +_Zyp6phEwxc-00783-00218688-00219279 as of the 1460s +_Zyp6phEwxc-00784-00219280-00219519 even more fundamental than the chalice +_Zyp6phEwxc-00785-00219519-00219758 as a christian symbol is the cross +_Zyp6phEwxc-00786-00219759-00219879 itself +_Zyp6phEwxc-00787-00219880-00220087 and while the cross of the crucifixion +_Zyp6phEwxc-00788-00220088-00220375 was often represented in manuscripts as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00789-00220376-00220734 wooden tan or brown or sometimes green +_Zyp6phEwxc-00790-00220735-00221006 as a as a symbol of the christian faith +_Zyp6phEwxc-00791-00221007-00221119 itself +_Zyp6phEwxc-00792-00221119-00221887 it was frequently represented in gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00793-00221888-00222006 here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00794-00222007-00222287 for example is a modest historiated +_Zyp6phEwxc-00795-00222288-00222503 initial at the beginning of the 13th +_Zyp6phEwxc-00796-00222504-00222791 century uh copy of a treatise on the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00797-00222792-00223023 virtues and vices +_Zyp6phEwxc-00798-00223023-00223363 perhaps produced in france uh showing a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00799-00223364-00223671 personification of faith as a woman +_Zyp6phEwxc-00800-00223671-00224006 holding a disc with a golden cross a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00801-00224007-00224319 golden chalice and a golden orb +_Zyp6phEwxc-00802-00224319-00224542 the lower section of the initial has the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00803-00224544-00224719 opposing vice +_Zyp6phEwxc-00804-00224719-00224991 identified there as idolatry and a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00805-00224992-00225191 pictorial example +_Zyp6phEwxc-00806-00225192-00225463 showing a man worshiping a monstrous +_Zyp6phEwxc-00807-00225464-00225623 idol +_Zyp6phEwxc-00808-00225623-00225894 the cross is the christian symbol par x +_Zyp6phEwxc-00809-00225896-00226455 loss +_Zyp6phEwxc-00810-00226456-00226639 now here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00811-00226640-00226991 is a full page cross where gold is a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00812-00226992-00227215 brilliant yellow pigment +_Zyp6phEwxc-00813-00227216-00227431 this is a 10th century image from a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00814-00227432-00227727 spanish book of readings from the mass +_Zyp6phEwxc-00815-00227728-00227958 as you can see hanging from the arms of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00816-00227959-00228263 the cross are the first and last letters +_Zyp6phEwxc-00817-00228264-00228598 of the greek alphabet alpha and omega +_Zyp6phEwxc-00818-00228600-00228846 referring to christ's words in saint +_Zyp6phEwxc-00819-00228848-00229127 john's apocalyptic vision i am the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00820-00229128-00229375 beginning and the end +_Zyp6phEwxc-00821-00229376-00229542 the inscription at the bottom of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00822-00229544-00229782 page again in bright yellow equivalent +_Zyp6phEwxc-00823-00229783-00230110 of metallic gold and also continued in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00824-00230111-00230487 now dull silver says quote the sign of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00825-00230488-00230871 the cross of christ the king +_Zyp6phEwxc-00826-00230871-00231071 in the christian liturgy the cross +_Zyp6phEwxc-00827-00231071-00231271 stands on on +_Zyp6phEwxc-00828-00231271-00231815 on or above the altar +_Zyp6phEwxc-00829-00231816-00232127 so here are two pictures of golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00830-00232128-00232367 crosses in situ +_Zyp6phEwxc-00831-00232367-00232598 on the left is a miniature commemorating +_Zyp6phEwxc-00832-00232600-00232927 the gift around the year 1031 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00833-00232928-00233182 of a golden cross to the church of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00834-00233183-00233471 newminster winchester by the danish +_Zyp6phEwxc-00835-00233471-00233703 conqueror king knute +_Zyp6phEwxc-00836-00233704-00233882 and his consort +_Zyp6phEwxc-00837-00233883-00233982 of el +_Zyp6phEwxc-00838-00233983-00234175 gifu +_Zyp6phEwxc-00839-00234176-00234471 and on the right is a parisian miniature +_Zyp6phEwxc-00840-00234471-00234767 of around 1440 to 50 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00841-00234767-00234975 showing members of the worldwide +_Zyp6phEwxc-00842-00234976-00235327 christian community adoring a giant +_Zyp6phEwxc-00843-00235328-00235639 bejeweled golden cross on the altar of a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00844-00235640-00235775 chapel +_Zyp6phEwxc-00845-00235776-00236079 the setting in the two-armed shape refer +_Zyp6phEwxc-00846-00236080-00236382 to an altar cross of a chapel erected in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00847-00236383-00236510 jerusalem +_Zyp6phEwxc-00848-00236511-00236767 over the site of the crucifixion which +_Zyp6phEwxc-00849-00236767-00236991 was only a distant memory in the middle +_Zyp6phEwxc-00850-00236992-00237087 ages +_Zyp6phEwxc-00851-00237088-00237358 but the gold material and the rich array +_Zyp6phEwxc-00852-00237359-00237727 of jewels recalls reliquaries made +_Zyp6phEwxc-00853-00237728-00237998 throughout the period to house fragments +_Zyp6phEwxc-00854-00238000-00238446 of what was the relic of the true cross +_Zyp6phEwxc-00855-00238448-00238671 as it happens both of these manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-00856-00238671-00239191 that i'm showing here appear in my book +_Zyp6phEwxc-00857-00239192-00239439 and the 15th century image +_Zyp6phEwxc-00858-00239440-00239775 no +_Zyp6phEwxc-00859-00239776-00240087 the 15th century image is from a book of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00860-00240088-00240182 hours +_Zyp6phEwxc-00861-00240183-00240319 that was used +_Zyp6phEwxc-00862-00240319-00240510 for the cover of my book which kathleen +_Zyp6phEwxc-00863-00240511-00240671 showed you before +_Zyp6phEwxc-00864-00240671-00240839 on which we see saint luke the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00865-00240840-00241055 evangelist in his study +_Zyp6phEwxc-00866-00241056-00241367 surrounded by books +_Zyp6phEwxc-00867-00241367-00241615 whether the giant size of the reliquary +_Zyp6phEwxc-00868-00241616-00241879 cross in the parisian miniature +_Zyp6phEwxc-00869-00241880-00242103 records the dimensions of an actual +_Zyp6phEwxc-00870-00242104-00242294 object we don't know +_Zyp6phEwxc-00871-00242296-00242510 certainly the gold material and the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00872-00242511-00242798 large scale underscore its symbolic +_Zyp6phEwxc-00873-00242800-00242927 importance +_Zyp6phEwxc-00874-00242928-00243079 like this cross +_Zyp6phEwxc-00875-00243080-00243327 other containers of sacred relics were +_Zyp6phEwxc-00876-00243328-00243894 depicted in manuscripts as golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00877-00243896-00244158 here's an example from a psalter made in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00878-00244159-00244351 england in the second quarter of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00879-00244352-00244527 15th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-00880-00244528-00244758 the initial for the psalm that begins +_Zyp6phEwxc-00881-00244759-00245015 sing to the lord a new soul +_Zyp6phEwxc-00882-00245016-00245303 shows david crowned in gold with his +_Zyp6phEwxc-00883-00245304-00245615 golden harp adoring the golden ark of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00884-00245616-00245823 the covenant containing the ten +_Zyp6phEwxc-00885-00245823-00245975 commandments +_Zyp6phEwxc-00886-00245976-00246255 the historical biblical basis for the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00887-00246256-00246423 use of gold here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00888-00246423-00246663 is the detailed description of the ark +_Zyp6phEwxc-00889-00246664-00246871 of the covenant in the old testament +_Zyp6phEwxc-00890-00246871-00247071 book of exodus +_Zyp6phEwxc-00891-00247071-00247398 from the time of moses the ark was +_Zyp6phEwxc-00892-00247400-00247710 carried by the israelites in all their +_Zyp6phEwxc-00893-00247711-00247910 wanderings until +_Zyp6phEwxc-00894-00247911-00248279 uh finally david brought it to jerusalem +_Zyp6phEwxc-00895-00248280-00248519 as the book of kings says and our +_Zyp6phEwxc-00896-00248519-00248887 picture shows quote with joyful shouting +_Zyp6phEwxc-00897-00248888-00249471 and sound of trumpets +_Zyp6phEwxc-00898-00249471-00249703 now here are two +_Zyp6phEwxc-00899-00249704-00249887 two contemporary +_Zyp6phEwxc-00900-00249888-00250246 uh uh english images of another golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-00901-00250248-00250551 shrine the uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-00902-00250552-00250855 this time that of a christian saint the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00903-00250856-00251175 martyred 9th century east anglian kid +_Zyp6phEwxc-00904-00251176-00251287 edmund +_Zyp6phEwxc-00905-00251288-00251558 whose perfectly preserved body was +_Zyp6phEwxc-00906-00251559-00251871 venerated at bury st edmonds a major +_Zyp6phEwxc-00907-00251871-00252094 pilgrimage destination in the middle +_Zyp6phEwxc-00908-00252096-00252463 ages from christmas 1433 +_Zyp6phEwxc-00909-00252464-00252919 to easter 1434 king henry vi even stayed +_Zyp6phEwxc-00910-00252919-00253182 at the abbey of saint edmonds a visit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00911-00253183-00253439 commemorated in the miniature on the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00912-00253440-00253703 left which shows him worshiping at the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00913-00253704-00254046 golden shrine of saint edmund which was +_Zyp6phEwxc-00914-00254048-00254319 encrusted with jewels and precious +_Zyp6phEwxc-00915-00254319-00254446 marbles +_Zyp6phEwxc-00916-00254448-00254782 with some variations saint edmund shrine +_Zyp6phEwxc-00917-00254783-00255039 appears repeatedly in this manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-00918-00255040-00255430 whose text is the verse account by the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00919-00255431-00255782 contemporary barry monk john lydgate of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00920-00255783-00256079 the life and veneration of the saint +_Zyp6phEwxc-00921-00256080-00256294 the picture on the right shows the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00922-00256296-00256727 author himself praying at the shrine +_Zyp6phEwxc-00923-00256728-00256919 i'd like to turn now to the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00924-00256919-00257191 representation to gold in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00925-00257192-00257471 representation of human figures +_Zyp6phEwxc-00926-00257471-00257703 sometimes gold is used for precious +_Zyp6phEwxc-00927-00257704-00257998 metal ornaments such as crowns collars +_Zyp6phEwxc-00928-00258000-00258239 belts or richly woven or embroidered +_Zyp6phEwxc-00929-00258240-00258375 garments +_Zyp6phEwxc-00930-00258376-00258646 but here as we've seen before gold can +_Zyp6phEwxc-00931-00258648-00258903 have a symbolic meaning referring to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00932-00258904-00259679 earthly power and sacred dominion +_Zyp6phEwxc-00933-00259680-00259887 in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-00934-00259888-00260055 is this miniature +_Zyp6phEwxc-00935-00260056-00260327 from a 9th century salter named for the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00936-00260328-00260639 carolingian emperor lothar where the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00937-00260640-00260879 entire image of the ruler has been +_Zyp6phEwxc-00938-00260880-00261167 transformed into a golden ornament +_Zyp6phEwxc-00939-00261167-00261423 studded with pearls rubies emeralds and +_Zyp6phEwxc-00940-00261423-00261694 sapphires from his crown to the brooch +_Zyp6phEwxc-00941-00261696-00261991 at his shoulder to his sword and even to +_Zyp6phEwxc-00942-00261992-00262510 the cushion under his feet +_Zyp6phEwxc-00943-00262511-00262639 i'm showing +_Zyp6phEwxc-00944-00262640-00262910 a detail of lothar along with a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00945-00262911-00263158 bejeweled 9th century carolingian +_Zyp6phEwxc-00946-00263159-00263439 reliquary the so-called talisman of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00947-00263440-00263575 charlemagne +_Zyp6phEwxc-00948-00263576-00263855 meant to protect its original +_Zyp6phEwxc-00949-00263856-00264047 female owner +_Zyp6phEwxc-00950-00264048-00264303 and display her religious devotion in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00951-00264304-00264591 material form it's the same purpose as +_Zyp6phEwxc-00952-00264592-00265279 lothar's fictive garment +_Zyp6phEwxc-00953-00265280-00265543 the lothar psalter also includes a +_Zyp6phEwxc-00954-00265544-00265830 miniature of david playing the kind of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00955-00265831-00266063 stringed instrument called a sythra in +_Zyp6phEwxc-00956-00266064-00266255 the book of psalms +_Zyp6phEwxc-00957-00266256-00266606 he's shown as a haloed youth a divinely +_Zyp6phEwxc-00958-00266607-00266910 chosen prefiguration of christ according +_Zyp6phEwxc-00959-00266911-00267151 to the verses praising him on the facing +_Zyp6phEwxc-00960-00267152-00267327 page +_Zyp6phEwxc-00961-00267328-00267582 what's surely significant here is the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00962-00267583-00267767 treatment of his garment +_Zyp6phEwxc-00963-00267768-00268023 whose folds are articulated by a gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-00964-00268024-00268367 linear pattern a motif that marks david +_Zyp6phEwxc-00965-00268368-00268655 especially favored by the lord +_Zyp6phEwxc-00966-00268656-00268910 gold pattern drapery is a rare +_Zyp6phEwxc-00967-00268911-00269215 phenomenon in the carolingian area +_Zyp6phEwxc-00968-00269216-00269695 era +_Zyp6phEwxc-00969-00269696-00269934 but it's a hallmark of the work of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00970-00269935-00270182 french renaissance painter jean border +_Zyp6phEwxc-00971-00270183-00270455 shell whose pentecost miniature we see +_Zyp6phEwxc-00972-00270456-00270982 here again +_Zyp6phEwxc-00973-00270983-00271095 and here +_Zyp6phEwxc-00974-00271096-00271334 from the same dismembered late 15th +_Zyp6phEwxc-00975-00271335-00271599 century book of hours is the beautiful +_Zyp6phEwxc-00976-00271600-00271775 miniature that's included in the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00977-00271776-00272030 exhibition the virgin mary of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00978-00272031-00272391 annunciation meditating over her reading +_Zyp6phEwxc-00979-00272392-00272623 as the holy spirit flies in from the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00980-00272624-00272751 upper left +_Zyp6phEwxc-00981-00272752-00272863 border +_Zyp6phEwxc-00982-00272864-00273255 has melded soft natural flesh +_Zyp6phEwxc-00983-00273256-00273599 with supernatural drapery and a kind of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00984-00273600-00273919 pictorial magic only possible via the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00985-00273920-00274327 art of the illuminator +_Zyp6phEwxc-00986-00274328-00274606 now we're going to leave the illuminated +_Zyp6phEwxc-00987-00274607-00274871 pages of manuscripts to consider the use +_Zyp6phEwxc-00988-00274872-00275119 of gold in their covers +_Zyp6phEwxc-00989-00275120-00275463 very very few original book covers have +_Zyp6phEwxc-00990-00275464-00275679 survived from the middle ages or even +_Zyp6phEwxc-00991-00275680-00275991 the renaissance especially those of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00992-00275992-00276255 kind known as treasure bindings +_Zyp6phEwxc-00993-00276256-00276406 composed of +_Zyp6phEwxc-00994-00276407-00276751 precious metal ivory enamel and inset +_Zyp6phEwxc-00995-00276752-00276855 jewels +_Zyp6phEwxc-00996-00276856-00277055 such bindings were fit +_Zyp6phEwxc-00997-00277056-00277303 materially and conceptually for the +_Zyp6phEwxc-00998-00277304-00277767 deity and for kings and queens +_Zyp6phEwxc-00999-00277768-00278127 here's an example from the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-01000-00278128-00278447 the partially 12th century binding of a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01001-00278448-00278751 german gospel book intended to rest on +_Zyp6phEwxc-01002-00278752-00278871 the altar +_Zyp6phEwxc-01003-00278872-00279134 a case of such reverence for the word of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01004-00279135-00279399 god that a manuscript whose text was +_Zyp6phEwxc-01005-00279400-00279615 written a hundred years earlier was +_Zyp6phEwxc-01006-00279616-00279871 covered with this splendid new binding +_Zyp6phEwxc-01007-00279872-00280247 of gold rock crystal and colored enamels +_Zyp6phEwxc-01008-00280248-00280527 surrounding a golden relief of christ +_Zyp6phEwxc-01009-00280528-00280782 crowned blessing and holding a golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-01010-00280783-00281534 book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01011-00281535-00281639 and here +_Zyp6phEwxc-01012-00281640-00281815 is one of the stars of the gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01013-00281816-00282199 exhibition a tiny book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01014-00282200-00282503 truly fit for a queen to wear on her +_Zyp6phEwxc-01015-00282504-00282606 belt +_Zyp6phEwxc-01016-00282607-00282719 even though +_Zyp6phEwxc-01017-00282720-00282991 ellie jackson one of the show's curators +_Zyp6phEwxc-01018-00282992-00283230 has now discovered that this so-called +_Zyp6phEwxc-01019-00283231-00283527 soldier of queen anne boleyn +_Zyp6phEwxc-01020-00283528-00283782 was probably not really hers but +_Zyp6phEwxc-01021-00283783-00284071 belonged to another 16th century lady +_Zyp6phEwxc-01022-00284072-00284334 and those of you who've seen the show +_Zyp6phEwxc-01023-00284335-00284639 will remember the minuscule size +_Zyp6phEwxc-01024-00284640-00284943 uh and skilled facture of this amazing +_Zyp6phEwxc-01025-00284944-00285206 golden book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01026-00285207-00285510 i'm going to end this talk as i began +_Zyp6phEwxc-01027-00285511-00285839 with images of books the golden books of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01028-00285840-00285982 my title +_Zyp6phEwxc-01029-00285983-00286206 as you've heard from kathleen doyle when +_Zyp6phEwxc-01030-00286207-00286487 she introduced me the theme of my book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01031-00286488-00286830 penned and painted is images of books in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01032-00286831-00287134 books that is representations of books +_Zyp6phEwxc-01033-00287135-00287439 in medieval and renaissance manuscripts +_Zyp6phEwxc-01034-00287440-00287710 among the examples that i discussed were +_Zyp6phEwxc-01035-00287711-00287975 several where books themselves were +_Zyp6phEwxc-01036-00287976-00288247 depicted as golden either with gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01037-00288248-00288991 bindings gold four edges or gold script +_Zyp6phEwxc-01038-00288992-00289310 well +_Zyp6phEwxc-01039-00289311-00289543 that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01040-00289544-00289758 we've already seen this miniature of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01041-00289759-00290119 evangelist john from an 11th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-01042-00290120-00290430 gospel book from cologne +_Zyp6phEwxc-01043-00290431-00290934 and now here +_Zyp6phEwxc-01044-00290935-00291087 yes +_Zyp6phEwxc-01045-00291088-00291327 here's a page from the from the 12th +_Zyp6phEwxc-01046-00291328-00291695 century melissa and psalter +_Zyp6phEwxc-01047-00291696-00292039 whose psalm 1 initial we've also seen +_Zyp6phEwxc-01048-00292040-00292319 this miniature shows christ enthroned +_Zyp6phEwxc-01049-00292320-00292567 between the virgin mary and saint john +_Zyp6phEwxc-01050-00292568-00292695 the baptist +_Zyp6phEwxc-01051-00292696-00292982 as himself the word of god +_Zyp6phEwxc-01052-00292983-00293295 christ holds a richly jeweled golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-01053-00293296-00293382 book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01054-00293383-00293471 that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01055-00293472-00294127 contains the word of god +_Zyp6phEwxc-01056-00294128-00294399 yes and finally +_Zyp6phEwxc-01057-00294400-00294647 here's a page from the late 10th century +_Zyp6phEwxc-01058-00294648-00294879 book of episcopal blessings the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01059-00294880-00295223 benedictional of the saintly anglo-saxon +_Zyp6phEwxc-01060-00295224-00295463 bishop ethelwold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01061-00295464-00295799 that really sums it all up the golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-01062-00295800-00296103 haloed christian lord +_Zyp6phEwxc-01063-00296104-00296191 in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01064-00296192-00296543 the golden initial o +_Zyp6phEwxc-01065-00296544-00296919 of the abbreviation for omnipotence +_Zyp6phEwxc-01066-00296920-00297047 almighty +_Zyp6phEwxc-01067-00297048-00297406 identified in golden script below as the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01068-00297407-00297815 trinity quote the one true god father +_Zyp6phEwxc-01069-00297816-00298103 son and holy spirit +_Zyp6phEwxc-01070-00298104-00298415 framed an appointed golden arch of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01071-00298416-00298815 heaven seated on a golden ark of earth +_Zyp6phEwxc-01072-00298816-00299119 wearing a golden garment and holding a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01073-00299120-00299287 golden book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01074-00299288-00299543 this is a resplendent example of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01075-00299544-00299895 painted image of the book as a symbol of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01076-00299896-00300175 the sacred and for me it's the ideal +_Zyp6phEwxc-01077-00300176-00300415 picture with which to end this talk +_Zyp6phEwxc-01078-00300416-00301430 thank you +_Zyp6phEwxc-01079-00301431-00301727 thank you lucy for really stimulating +_Zyp6phEwxc-01080-00301728-00301967 and thought-provoking lecture +_Zyp6phEwxc-01081-00301968-00302215 which i'm sure will have stimulated +_Zyp6phEwxc-01082-00302216-00302503 questions uh both here in the audience +_Zyp6phEwxc-01083-00302504-00302695 and just to remind you if you haven't +_Zyp6phEwxc-01084-00302696-00302927 submitted a question online there's a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01085-00302928-00303079 question box +_Zyp6phEwxc-01086-00303080-00303254 just below the video +_Zyp6phEwxc-01087-00303255-00303334 and +_Zyp6phEwxc-01088-00303335-00303551 my colleague jonah is going to be +_Zyp6phEwxc-01089-00303552-00303687 reading out +_Zyp6phEwxc-01090-00303688-00303887 any questions that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01091-00303888-00304215 um that you have from our online +_Zyp6phEwxc-01092-00304216-00304358 audience so +_Zyp6phEwxc-01093-00304359-00304606 if i may start in the room +_Zyp6phEwxc-01094-00304607-00304999 um is there anyone who has a question +_Zyp6phEwxc-01095-00305000-00305206 for lucy +_Zyp6phEwxc-01096-00305207-00305647 i see a hand just here in the back +_Zyp6phEwxc-01097-00305648-00305967 would the koran have um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01098-00305968-00306254 miniatures and golden +_Zyp6phEwxc-01099-00306255-00306495 inscriptions +_Zyp6phEwxc-01100-00306496-00306830 so the question was whether a koran +_Zyp6phEwxc-01101-00306831-00307103 would also have um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01102-00307104-00307479 in golden inscriptions no the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01103-00307480-00307719 the quran is the the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01104-00307720-00307910 sacred book of islam +_Zyp6phEwxc-01105-00307911-00308079 and uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01106-00308080-00308447 figural images are prohibited prohibited +_Zyp6phEwxc-01107-00308448-00308830 uh in uh uh islam um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01108-00308831-00309303 there are qurans however were +_Zyp6phEwxc-01109-00309304-00309582 written in gold script and there's an +_Zyp6phEwxc-01110-00309583-00309895 example in the exhibit in the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-01111-00309896-00310158 so a great deal of devotion was +_Zyp6phEwxc-01112-00310159-00310567 attention devoted attention was paid to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01113-00310568-00310847 the calligraphy itself the sacred the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01114-00310848-00311199 sacred text and qurans are orphans uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01115-00311200-00311519 often have beautiful decorated borders +_Zyp6phEwxc-01116-00311520-00311606 uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01117-00311607-00311830 decorated with gold as well +_Zyp6phEwxc-01118-00311831-00312599 but no figural no figural imagery +_Zyp6phEwxc-01119-00312600-00312758 sorry could you wait wait for the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01120-00312759-00312982 microphone and then would i be corrected +_Zyp6phEwxc-01121-00312983-00313199 saying that gold is sometimes associated +_Zyp6phEwxc-01122-00313200-00313406 with wisdom +_Zyp6phEwxc-01123-00313407-00313695 yes and i and and i think that the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01124-00313696-00313927 picture from the dante manuscript that i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01125-00313928-00314158 showed is a sort of example of that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01126-00314159-00314423 because the gold sun which is the emblem +_Zyp6phEwxc-01127-00314424-00314687 of god is beaming down +_Zyp6phEwxc-01128-00314688-00314879 beaming down and it represents the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01129-00314880-00315263 wisdom of god that's transmitted to uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01130-00315264-00315406 humankind +_Zyp6phEwxc-01131-00315407-00315791 okay +_Zyp6phEwxc-01132-00315792-00316006 i think we have a question from our +_Zyp6phEwxc-01133-00316007-00316247 online audience that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01134-00316248-00316495 jonah's going to read out +_Zyp6phEwxc-01135-00316496-00316695 yeah we've got a question here from +_Zyp6phEwxc-01136-00316696-00316999 catherine reynolds oh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01137-00317000-00317239 thank you for a wonderful lecture do you +_Zyp6phEwxc-01138-00317240-00317534 have any sense of how much a book like +_Zyp6phEwxc-01139-00317535-00317830 the golden gospels would have been used +_Zyp6phEwxc-01140-00317831-00318095 for its texts or was part of its +_Zyp6phEwxc-01141-00318096-00318367 function to glorify the word of god +_Zyp6phEwxc-01142-00318368-00318567 simply through its creation and +_Zyp6phEwxc-01143-00318568-00318782 existence +_Zyp6phEwxc-01144-00318783-00319103 well it's a let's say it's a ceremonial +_Zyp6phEwxc-01145-00319104-00319351 benedictional uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01146-00319352-00319654 there's always a question +_Zyp6phEwxc-01147-00319655-00319863 uh in relation to these +_Zyp6phEwxc-01148-00319864-00320191 very very precious manuscripts so full +_Zyp6phEwxc-01149-00320192-00320295 of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01150-00320296-00320567 particularly i think it's a question in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01151-00320568-00320799 relation to gospel books were they +_Zyp6phEwxc-01152-00320800-00321230 actually used or were they there as +_Zyp6phEwxc-01153-00321231-00321543 sacred objects to rest on the altar now +_Zyp6phEwxc-01154-00321544-00321799 a benedictional contains these episcopal +_Zyp6phEwxc-01155-00321800-00322063 blessings i think that maybe even a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01156-00322064-00322295 bishop would probably have had to read +_Zyp6phEwxc-01157-00322296-00322615 from some text if he actually performed +_Zyp6phEwxc-01158-00322616-00322927 these ceremonies but i don't think that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01159-00322928-00323006 uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01160-00323007-00323230 that that ethel wold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01161-00323231-00323527 ever actually had to use this book to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01162-00323528-00323799 perform any benedict any any of his +_Zyp6phEwxc-01163-00323800-00324097 episcopal blessings +_Zyp6phEwxc-01164-00324098-00324463 [Music] +_Zyp6phEwxc-01165-00324464-00324710 maybe i can lie here is +_Zyp6phEwxc-01166-00324711-00324879 while we're waiting if anybody else has +_Zyp6phEwxc-01167-00324880-00325039 anything to add could i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01168-00325040-00325334 you've you've looked at a lot of images +_Zyp6phEwxc-01169-00325335-00325639 to select these and to choose them for +_Zyp6phEwxc-01170-00325640-00325758 your book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01171-00325759-00325975 what's what was the most +_Zyp6phEwxc-01172-00325976-00326158 surprising +_Zyp6phEwxc-01173-00326159-00326503 discovery you made in this process +_Zyp6phEwxc-01174-00326504-00326719 after looking at probably thousands of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01175-00326720-00327030 manuscripts in your career oh oh that's +_Zyp6phEwxc-01176-00327031-00327230 a very hard question that's a that's a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01177-00327231-00327510 very challenging it's a very well it's a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01178-00327511-00327799 very challenging question i when i was +_Zyp6phEwxc-01179-00327800-00327967 working on the book it was like a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01180-00327968-00328287 surprise a day i mean i started by i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01181-00328288-00328534 started before covert +_Zyp6phEwxc-01182-00328535-00328743 and uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01183-00328744-00328982 and then covet happened and thanks to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01184-00328983-00329271 the wonderful digital resources of the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01185-00329272-00329606 british library i was able to compile a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01186-00329607-00329895 list of books in books +_Zyp6phEwxc-01187-00329896-00330303 mounted to about 180 +_Zyp6phEwxc-01188-00330304-00330487 examples +_Zyp6phEwxc-01189-00330488-00330871 and then i i i siphoned them i uh i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01190-00330872-00331223 broke them down uh but as i uh i mean i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01191-00331224-00331423 was attracted of course by the fact that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01192-00331424-00331630 there was a book in the picture but then +_Zyp6phEwxc-01193-00331631-00331903 as i began to look at them for every +_Zyp6phEwxc-01194-00331904-00332239 every almost every manuscript i just had +_Zyp6phEwxc-01195-00332240-00332558 a kind of surprise it was some because +_Zyp6phEwxc-01196-00332559-00332734 because they were pictures in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01197-00332735-00332887 manuscripts many of them had been +_Zyp6phEwxc-01198-00332888-00333078 written about but they hadn't been but +_Zyp6phEwxc-01199-00333079-00333319 the representation of books in those +_Zyp6phEwxc-01200-00333320-00333582 books hadn't been written about and so +_Zyp6phEwxc-01201-00333583-00333847 you know just to shift your focus a bit +_Zyp6phEwxc-01202-00333848-00334215 uh enables you to have this wonderful +_Zyp6phEwxc-01203-00334216-00334519 exhilaration of seeing something new in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01204-00334520-00334687 the picture +_Zyp6phEwxc-01205-00334688-00335054 i can't be more specific i would +_Zyp6phEwxc-01206-00335055-00335351 sounds like it you had some fun and and +_Zyp6phEwxc-01207-00335352-00335799 actually yes doing doing the work +_Zyp6phEwxc-01208-00335800-00336039 i think there's another question online +_Zyp6phEwxc-01209-00336040-00336271 yeah another online question this time +_Zyp6phEwxc-01210-00336272-00336447 from brigitte +_Zyp6phEwxc-01211-00336448-00336727 um she is actually guilty while +_Zyp6phEwxc-01212-00336728-00336903 listening to you +_Zyp6phEwxc-01213-00336904-00337103 could you please tell me the technical +_Zyp6phEwxc-01214-00337104-00337287 name for gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01215-00337288-00337567 backgrounds i heard it once at a society +_Zyp6phEwxc-01216-00337568-00337847 of gilda's conference in 2019 and i've +_Zyp6phEwxc-01217-00337848-00338167 been trying to remember it ever since i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01218-00338168-00338343 i don't know +_Zyp6phEwxc-01219-00338344-00338671 as i said i i listened here the other +_Zyp6phEwxc-01220-00338672-00338958 night at the british library to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01221-00338959-00339319 trisha lovett uh who was an who was an +_Zyp6phEwxc-01222-00339320-00339647 expert calligrapher and she talked about +_Zyp6phEwxc-01223-00339648-00339975 the application of gold i'm not +_Zyp6phEwxc-01224-00339976-00340406 a craftsperson myself and i and i and i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01225-00340407-00340654 know very little actually about the tech +_Zyp6phEwxc-01226-00340655-00340758 about +_Zyp6phEwxc-01227-00340759-00341047 the ac the technique you can learn quite +_Zyp6phEwxc-01228-00341048-00341343 a lot i think from the exhibition itself +_Zyp6phEwxc-01229-00341344-00341503 but i don't know whether you'll learn +_Zyp6phEwxc-01230-00341504-00341671 the name that was used in the middle +_Zyp6phEwxc-01231-00341672-00341958 ages for gold backgrounds +_Zyp6phEwxc-01232-00341959-00342230 i mean the general name for gold is our +_Zyp6phEwxc-01233-00342231-00342543 but uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01234-00342544-00343078 i think there's a question just here +_Zyp6phEwxc-01235-00343079-00343358 yeah thank you and this was a really +_Zyp6phEwxc-01236-00343359-00343727 wide-ranging talk that took us through +_Zyp6phEwxc-01237-00343728-00344071 such different meanings for the presence +_Zyp6phEwxc-01238-00344072-00344206 of gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01239-00344207-00344478 and made me wonder whether there might +_Zyp6phEwxc-01240-00344479-00344823 be some cases where +_Zyp6phEwxc-01241-00344824-00345071 you would hesitate between assigning +_Zyp6phEwxc-01242-00345072-00345247 different meanings to the gold or +_Zyp6phEwxc-01243-00345248-00345406 whether there might even be more than +_Zyp6phEwxc-01244-00345407-00345671 one meaning deliberately evoked by the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01245-00345672-00345910 gold in a particular case +_Zyp6phEwxc-01246-00345911-00346110 there might be more than one me well i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01247-00346111-00346295 think that's +_Zyp6phEwxc-01248-00346296-00346510 multiple meanings are +_Zyp6phEwxc-01249-00346511-00346895 uh multiple meanings are not only +_Zyp6phEwxc-01250-00346896-00347015 not only +_Zyp6phEwxc-01251-00347016-00347375 the result of our our distanced view but +_Zyp6phEwxc-01252-00347376-00347782 i think they're inherent in the work in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01253-00347783-00347934 the design +_Zyp6phEwxc-01254-00347935-00348327 uh and the and the execution of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01255-00348328-00348663 the works themselves at the time +_Zyp6phEwxc-01256-00348664-00348943 i mean sometimes sometimes i mean +_Zyp6phEwxc-01257-00348944-00349287 sometimes images are the results of very +_Zyp6phEwxc-01258-00349288-00349447 complex +_Zyp6phEwxc-01259-00349448-00349663 thinking on the part of the people who +_Zyp6phEwxc-01260-00349664-00350151 designed them and executed them +_Zyp6phEwxc-01261-00350152-00350478 one more question in the back perhaps +_Zyp6phEwxc-01262-00350479-00350623 thank you professor for a really +_Zyp6phEwxc-01263-00350624-00350751 interesting talk +_Zyp6phEwxc-01264-00350752-00350927 uh lecture um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01265-00350928-00351223 just carrying on from your thought on uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01266-00351224-00351415 what you said about +_Zyp6phEwxc-01267-00351416-00351591 the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01268-00351592-00351671 um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01269-00351672-00351830 the bishop's book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01270-00351831-00351910 uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01271-00351911-00352230 ethel world was it ethelwold ethelworld +_Zyp6phEwxc-01272-00352231-00352415 yes thank you um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01273-00352416-00352630 you said you didn't think that he would +_Zyp6phEwxc-01274-00352631-00352919 have used that book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01275-00352920-00353175 do you have reason to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01276-00353176-00353399 to think that or is it more of an +_Zyp6phEwxc-01277-00353400-00353599 impression from maybe the good state of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01278-00353600-00353854 it and it's have you written about it +_Zyp6phEwxc-01279-00353855-00354095 well i haven't uh i'm not the person +_Zyp6phEwxc-01280-00354096-00354263 who's written +_Zyp6phEwxc-01281-00354264-00354471 i i mean i have i've +_Zyp6phEwxc-01282-00354472-00354615 skipped over +_Zyp6phEwxc-01283-00354616-00354710 it's +_Zyp6phEwxc-01284-00354711-00354927 one could could not say that i've +_Zyp6phEwxc-01285-00354928-00355215 written in depth about the benedictional +_Zyp6phEwxc-01286-00355216-00355343 of saint ethel +_Zyp6phEwxc-01287-00355344-00355775 i don't i i i think my impression that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01288-00355776-00356071 it wasn't actually you i mean it wasn't +_Zyp6phEwxc-01289-00356072-00356423 actually used in the actual ceremonies +_Zyp6phEwxc-01290-00356424-00356839 uh uh that the text contains uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01291-00356840-00356934 that's +_Zyp6phEwxc-01292-00356935-00357175 that's because of the of the character +_Zyp6phEwxc-01293-00357176-00357415 of the book of the of this particular +_Zyp6phEwxc-01294-00357416-00357871 book uh but the relation to ethelwold uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01295-00357872-00358815 is very certain +_Zyp6phEwxc-01296-00358816-00359054 i think we have a maybe we'll have one +_Zyp6phEwxc-01297-00359055-00359287 last question from the online audience +_Zyp6phEwxc-01298-00359288-00359615 and uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01299-00359616-00359903 so this question is from rosemary she +_Zyp6phEwxc-01300-00359904-00360158 thanks you for an amazing lecture +_Zyp6phEwxc-01301-00360159-00360351 why do you think that these types of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01302-00360352-00360615 golden books fell out of favor +_Zyp6phEwxc-01303-00360616-00360695 on +_Zyp6phEwxc-01304-00360696-00360919 spell out of faithful later +_Zyp6phEwxc-01305-00360920-00361206 and um and in more recent centuries why +_Zyp6phEwxc-01306-00361207-00361463 did they fall out of favor well +_Zyp6phEwxc-01307-00361464-00361567 uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01308-00361568-00361806 it's the advent i suppose it's the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01309-00361807-00362110 advent of printing and the inexpensive i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01310-00362111-00362327 mean printing printed books at first +_Zyp6phEwxc-01311-00362328-00362575 were very expensive were very expensive +_Zyp6phEwxc-01312-00362576-00362815 and sometimes they were decorated by +_Zyp6phEwxc-01313-00362816-00363063 hand and sometimes the initials were +_Zyp6phEwxc-01314-00363064-00363254 gold and the borders were filled with +_Zyp6phEwxc-01315-00363255-00363406 gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01316-00363407-00363630 but as printed books +_Zyp6phEwxc-01317-00363631-00363903 really took over i suppose we're in a +_Zyp6phEwxc-01318-00363904-00364143 situation of some kind of technological +_Zyp6phEwxc-01319-00364144-00364510 change now um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01320-00364511-00364639 but in +_Zyp6phEwxc-01321-00364640-00364999 in at some point by 1600 printed books +_Zyp6phEwxc-01322-00365000-00365206 more or less replaced +_Zyp6phEwxc-01323-00365207-00365567 manuscripts and even the one that i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01324-00365568-00365719 the uh +_Zyp6phEwxc-01325-00365720-00365934 the the one with the wonderful borders +_Zyp6phEwxc-01326-00365935-00366182 with the flowers and the insects and i +_Zyp6phEwxc-01327-00366183-00366375 mean so um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01328-00366376-00366663 that was made at a time when +_Zyp6phEwxc-01329-00366664-00366903 books of that sort were really for +_Zyp6phEwxc-01330-00366904-00367103 connoisseurs +_Zyp6phEwxc-01331-00367104-00367430 and i think by that time a book of hours +_Zyp6phEwxc-01332-00367431-00367775 for daily use even by the devout would +_Zyp6phEwxc-01333-00367776-00367982 have been a print would would have been +_Zyp6phEwxc-01334-00367983-00368503 a printed book +_Zyp6phEwxc-01335-00368504-00368743 well thank you all for +_Zyp6phEwxc-01336-00368744-00368951 thank you all for coming to tonight's +_Zyp6phEwxc-01337-00368952-00369263 event either here in person or by +_Zyp6phEwxc-01338-00369264-00369415 watching online +_Zyp6phEwxc-01339-00369416-00369671 and i hope that you've enjoyed it +_Zyp6phEwxc-01340-00369672-00369887 as much as i have and from the comments +_Zyp6phEwxc-01341-00369888-00370063 we've heard it seems that that is the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01342-00370064-00370191 case +_Zyp6phEwxc-01343-00370192-00370430 we welcome your feedback if you're +_Zyp6phEwxc-01344-00370431-00370775 watching online you can +_Zyp6phEwxc-01345-00370776-00371071 add some feedback by using the menu +_Zyp6phEwxc-01346-00371072-00371334 just above the video to do this or to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01347-00371335-00371519 make a donation +_Zyp6phEwxc-01348-00371520-00371775 and although our online audience won't +_Zyp6phEwxc-01349-00371776-00372095 be able to join us for the book signing +_Zyp6phEwxc-01350-00372096-00372206 um +_Zyp6phEwxc-01351-00372207-00372406 in just a few minutes if you'd like to +_Zyp6phEwxc-01352-00372407-00372751 get a copy of pen and pape painted or +_Zyp6phEwxc-01353-00372752-00372919 indeed the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01354-00372920-00373230 little exhibition highlights book gold +_Zyp6phEwxc-01355-00373231-00373495 you can use the book tab on this screen +_Zyp6phEwxc-01356-00373496-00373678 to do that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01357-00373679-00373902 and we'd also love to welcome you back +_Zyp6phEwxc-01358-00373903-00374102 to the british library for more +_Zyp6phEwxc-01359-00374103-00374463 exhibitions lectures conversations and +_Zyp6phEwxc-01360-00374464-00374606 performances +_Zyp6phEwxc-01361-00374607-00374895 so keep an eye on the what's +_Zyp6phEwxc-01362-00374896-00375151 on pages of our website for that +_Zyp6phEwxc-01363-00375152-00375310 information +_Zyp6phEwxc-01364-00375311-00375599 and you can also watch any past events +_Zyp6phEwxc-01365-00375600-00375943 in this series or in other series +_Zyp6phEwxc-01366-00375944-00376254 and see a 20-minute highlights video +_Zyp6phEwxc-01367-00376255-00376430 about the exhibition +_Zyp6phEwxc-01368-00376431-00376734 on the british library player +_Zyp6phEwxc-01369-00376735-00376951 and do make a note in your diaries of +_Zyp6phEwxc-01370-00376952-00377191 the library's next major manuscript +_Zyp6phEwxc-01371-00377192-00377471 exhibition alexander the great the +_Zyp6phEwxc-01372-00377472-00377823 making of a myth which opens on the 22nd +_Zyp6phEwxc-01373-00377824-00378006 of october +_Zyp6phEwxc-01374-00378007-00378254 so thank you so much for joining us and +_Zyp6phEwxc-01375-00378255-00378487 please join me in thanking lucy once +_Zyp6phEwxc-01376-00378488-00379078 again for a really wonderful lecture +_Zyp6phEwxc-01377-00379079-00380306 thank you +_Zyp6phEwxc-01378-00380307-00380734 [Music] +_Zyp6phEwxc-01379-00380735-00380944 you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00000-00000096-00000580 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00001-00000581-00000865 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00002-00000866-00001181 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00003-00001182-00001343 Crystal +_bX4BzYcLdc-00004-00001344-00001481 all set +_bX4BzYcLdc-00005-00001482-00001787 all right you're live folks +_bX4BzYcLdc-00006-00001788-00002195 Mr Speaker Arabic no before I see +_bX4BzYcLdc-00007-00002196-00002339 no +_bX4BzYcLdc-00008-00002340-00002560 of course not +_bX4BzYcLdc-00009-00002561-00002789 to speak your best or Darius medieval +_bX4BzYcLdc-00010-00002790-00002891 English +_bX4BzYcLdc-00011-00002892-00003071 because you're all uneducated Street +_bX4BzYcLdc-00012-00003072-00003388 dogs ah see we're getting off to a bad +_bX4BzYcLdc-00013-00003389-00003622 start here son you're talking to +_bX4BzYcLdc-00014-00003623-00003827 alcott's Force officer +_bX4BzYcLdc-00015-00003828-00004054 you're the commander of a foreign Terror +_bX4BzYcLdc-00016-00004055-00004288 organization I can say the same to you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00017-00004289-00004463 what's your target +_bX4BzYcLdc-00018-00004464-00004703 major what was your target when you send +_bX4BzYcLdc-00019-00004704-00004931 missiles to my land oh wild guessed and +_bX4BzYcLdc-00020-00004932-00005285 now your ass so insolent and foul mouth +_bX4BzYcLdc-00021-00005286-00005470 you'll learn to respect me when your +_bX4BzYcLdc-00022-00005471-00005788 nation sees fire +_bX4BzYcLdc-00023-00005789-00006125 you are in bed with the cartel Hassan if +_bX4BzYcLdc-00024-00006126-00006334 you disappeared no one would know where +_bX4BzYcLdc-00025-00006335-00006634 to look for the [__] stain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00026-00006636-00006827 I have no doubt you'll take pleasure in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00027-00006828-00006983 torturing me who'd you get American +_bX4BzYcLdc-00028-00006984-00007270 missiles from I don't care who they're +_bX4BzYcLdc-00029-00007272-00007987 from I want to know where they're going +_bX4BzYcLdc-00030-00007988-00008278 take a look around Hassan +_bX4BzYcLdc-00031-00008279-00008464 now you can either become part of the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00032-00008465-00008657 food chain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00033-00008658-00008860 or you can start talking +_bX4BzYcLdc-00034-00008861-00009095 I'm a hostage here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00035-00009096-00009342 this is illegal you're a prisoner of war +_bX4BzYcLdc-00036-00009343-00009653 Iran is not a war with Mexico I've +_bX4BzYcLdc-00037-00009654-00009892 broken no laws these men and their +_bX4BzYcLdc-00038-00009893-00010060 commanders are the lawbreakers union +_bX4BzYcLdc-00039-00010061-00010439 beloved +_bX4BzYcLdc-00040-00010440-00010631 you executed a man you will pay for your +_bX4BzYcLdc-00041-00010632-00010855 crimes +_bX4BzYcLdc-00042-00010856-00011183 I want this bastard in permanent custody +_bX4BzYcLdc-00043-00011184-00011542 or looking up at the goddamn grass +_bX4BzYcLdc-00044-00011543-00011795 killing Hassan is an act of War keeping +_bX4BzYcLdc-00045-00011796-00012155 him as illegal right now he +_bX4BzYcLdc-00046-00012156-00012299 is tell me you're getting something +_bX4BzYcLdc-00047-00012300-00012556 actionable as well +_bX4BzYcLdc-00048-00012557-00012899 standby +_bX4BzYcLdc-00049-00012900-00013072 let me finish this +_bX4BzYcLdc-00050-00013073-00013325 there's nothing I would like more +_bX4BzYcLdc-00051-00013326-00013685 but laswell's right without proof +_bX4BzYcLdc-00052-00013686-00013966 proof see where he leads us +_bX4BzYcLdc-00053-00013968-00014080 serious +_bX4BzYcLdc-00054-00014081-00014555 I'm afraid I am +_bX4BzYcLdc-00055-00014556-00014915 do we get anything from his phone +_bX4BzYcLdc-00056-00014916-00015161 affirmative we gotta hit +_bX4BzYcLdc-00057-00015162-00015294 good +_bX4BzYcLdc-00058-00015295-00015638 now take it back and let him go +_bX4BzYcLdc-00059-00015640-00016099 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00060-00016100-00017027 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00061-00017028-00017189 let's find these missiles before his son +_bX4BzYcLdc-00062-00017190-00018863 puts them in our backyard +_bX4BzYcLdc-00063-00018864-00019139 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00064-00019140-00019427 position +_bX4BzYcLdc-00065-00019428-00019607 half a click off the coast structures +_bX4BzYcLdc-00066-00019608-00020597 are visible with your status +_bX4BzYcLdc-00067-00020598-00020927 your green lit execute enable version +_bX4BzYcLdc-00068-00020928-00021077 standby +_bX4BzYcLdc-00069-00021078-00021203 guys +_bX4BzYcLdc-00070-00021204-00021383 no wind +_bX4BzYcLdc-00071-00021384-00021617 200 meters +_bX4BzYcLdc-00072-00021618-00021949 on me +_bX4BzYcLdc-00073-00021950-00022769 no Bravo what do you have +_bX4BzYcLdc-00074-00022770-00023261 Bravo how copy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00075-00023262-00023422 solid water +_bX4BzYcLdc-00076-00023423-00023722 watch up two down good luck push forward +_bX4BzYcLdc-00077-00023723-00024041 see what you can find it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00078-00024042-00024214 I was in Mobile Patrols in the grand +_bX4BzYcLdc-00079-00024215-00024443 team ahead of us keep low Sergeant scope +_bX4BzYcLdc-00080-00024444-00025186 Insurgent let's see potatoes +_bX4BzYcLdc-00081-00025187-00025355 I see him +_bX4BzYcLdc-00082-00025356-00025631 cocktail likely +_bX4BzYcLdc-00083-00025632-00025889 Let's Love crawl around them see what +_bX4BzYcLdc-00084-00025889-00026194 they're trying to keep us away from +_bX4BzYcLdc-00085-00026195-00026405 the Cape Town stick to the grass we +_bX4BzYcLdc-00086-00026406-00027377 don't need to fight them +_bX4BzYcLdc-00087-00027377-00027868 let's keep moving guys +_bX4BzYcLdc-00088-00027869-00028393 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00089-00028394-00028846 how we doing boys +_bX4BzYcLdc-00090-00028847-00029074 Auto cars in the field anything that can +_bX4BzYcLdc-00091-00029075-00029195 hold a missile +_bX4BzYcLdc-00092-00029195-00029987 negative copy keep pushing +_bX4BzYcLdc-00093-00029988-00030167 or two on the left side use your thermal +_bX4BzYcLdc-00094-00030168-00030839 to pull my eyes up +_bX4BzYcLdc-00095-00030839-00032663 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00096-00032664-00032831 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00097-00032832-00033202 hit we still got it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00098-00033203-00034301 let's push up stick close +_bX4BzYcLdc-00099-00034302-00034481 your status +_bX4BzYcLdc-00100-00034482-00035195 near the wind turbine +_bX4BzYcLdc-00101-00035196-00035933 copy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00102-00035934-00037399 hello +_bX4BzYcLdc-00103-00037400-00037679 Bravo to watch out we are transported +_bX4BzYcLdc-00104-00037680-00037865 making note for our position one's hole +_bX4BzYcLdc-00105-00037866-00038099 in a container he may have the missiles +_bX4BzYcLdc-00106-00038100-00038393 crappy that's what we're here for +_bX4BzYcLdc-00107-00038394-00038573 moving along the coast for a better view +_bX4BzYcLdc-00108-00038574-00039011 stay on it guys get down Road out +_bX4BzYcLdc-00109-00039012-00039209 tunnel under the roadway +_bX4BzYcLdc-00110-00039210-00039496 let's use it to cross the other side +_bX4BzYcLdc-00111-00039497-00040090 yeah on you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00112-00040091-00040301 cartels and terrorists +_bX4BzYcLdc-00113-00040302-00040835 strange burnt fellows huh +_bX4BzYcLdc-00114-00040836-00041129 more closer all about the future +_bX4BzYcLdc-00115-00041130-00041340 what's the common ground +_bX4BzYcLdc-00116-00041341-00041602 territory and fresh blood they both +_bX4BzYcLdc-00117-00041603-00041777 attract the youth +_bX4BzYcLdc-00118-00041778-00042323 always a long line of new recruits +_bX4BzYcLdc-00119-00042324-00042617 desire were more concealed Crouch people +_bX4BzYcLdc-00120-00042618-00044399 are profile +_bX4BzYcLdc-00121-00044400-00044867 small Patrol that ahead +_bX4BzYcLdc-00122-00044868-00045790 don't shoot I'm getting into position +_bX4BzYcLdc-00123-00045791-00046187 s +_bX4BzYcLdc-00124-00046188-00046552 if you have to maneuver do it slow and +_bX4BzYcLdc-00125-00046553-00046774 steady +_bX4BzYcLdc-00126-00046775-00047586 no good movements +_bX4BzYcLdc-00127-00047587-00048946 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00128-00048947-00049699 all right +_bX4BzYcLdc-00129-00049700-00050300 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00130-00050301-00051558 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00131-00051559-00051869 got two more ahead you stand more for +_bX4BzYcLdc-00132-00051870-00052182 vision +_bX4BzYcLdc-00133-00052183-00052483 eyes on on your goal +_bX4BzYcLdc-00134-00052484-00052711 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00135-00052712-00053344 dump them good [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00136-00053345-00053509 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00137-00053510-00053975 guys start your head no one outside it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00138-00053976-00055499 could be men inside +_bX4BzYcLdc-00139-00055500-00055744 use your heartbeat sensor check if the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00140-00055745-00056003 building's clear +_bX4BzYcLdc-00141-00056004-00056499 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00142-00056500-00056782 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00143-00056783-00056999 nothing inside +_bX4BzYcLdc-00144-00057000-00057769 Roger let's keep moving +_bX4BzYcLdc-00145-00057770-00059303 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00146-00059304-00059735 looks so they stopped for a chat +_bX4BzYcLdc-00147-00059736-00059926 lonely to engage +_bX4BzYcLdc-00148-00059927-00060791 and pass behind this Hood +_bX4BzYcLdc-00149-00060791-00061073 it's on the move again no visual +_bX4BzYcLdc-00150-00061074-00061379 copy I'll watch for it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00151-00061379-00062015 let's keep moving +_bX4BzYcLdc-00152-00062016-00063629 Tree Line ahead let's get up +_bX4BzYcLdc-00153-00063629-00063815 trees will give us some better cover but +_bX4BzYcLdc-00154-00063816-00063982 let's stay Sharp +_bX4BzYcLdc-00155-00063983-00064249 be advised container truck has pulled in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00156-00064250-00064456 they may be loading it into the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00157-00064457-00064630 warehouse multiple armed Personnel in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00158-00064632-00065297 proximity copy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00159-00065298-00066263 that as well +_bX4BzYcLdc-00160-00066264-00066491 what's your favorite weapon +_bX4BzYcLdc-00161-00066492-00066737 I don't have one God is the right tool +_bX4BzYcLdc-00162-00066738-00066856 for the job +_bX4BzYcLdc-00163-00066857-00067187 said like a true warrior as well +_bX4BzYcLdc-00164-00067188-00067799 what's yours Kyle +_bX4BzYcLdc-00165-00067800-00067924 sniper rifle +_bX4BzYcLdc-00166-00067925-00068675 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00167-00068676-00068819 semio +_bX4BzYcLdc-00168-00068820-00069041 love me that volume of Fire +_bX4BzYcLdc-00169-00069042-00069203 field craft +_bX4BzYcLdc-00170-00069204-00069935 no way the word sniper came from +_bX4BzYcLdc-00171-00069936-00070150 a matter of fact I do +_bX4BzYcLdc-00172-00070151-00070385 bird hunting little camouflage brother +_bX4BzYcLdc-00173-00070386-00070643 called a snipe if you got one a gorgeous +_bX4BzYcLdc-00174-00070644-00071611 sniper +_bX4BzYcLdc-00175-00071612-00072100 here they might be inside +_bX4BzYcLdc-00176-00072101-00072376 moving along the wind turbines closing +_bX4BzYcLdc-00177-00072377-00072532 down the ridge I was on the main +_bX4BzYcLdc-00178-00072533-00072767 building 400 meters of Water Club find a +_bX4BzYcLdc-00179-00072768-00072905 spot in the grass +_bX4BzYcLdc-00180-00072906-00073300 let's see who's in the zoo +_bX4BzYcLdc-00181-00073301-00073571 thank you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00182-00073572-00073835 holy hell Captain Target Rich +_bX4BzYcLdc-00183-00073836-00073973 environment +_bX4BzYcLdc-00184-00073974-00074261 affirmative I can't tell all over the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00185-00074262-00074423 place +_bX4BzYcLdc-00186-00074424-00074656 use your variables in from here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00187-00074657-00075053 it's a long way down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00188-00075054-00075341 hold fire don't engage until I help us +_bX4BzYcLdc-00189-00075342-00075515 adjust for distance +_bX4BzYcLdc-00190-00075516-00075773 watch up what's up +_bX4BzYcLdc-00191-00075774-00075959 take out as many as you can from that op +_bX4BzYcLdc-00192-00075960-00076300 start with the outliers sell a copy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00193-00076301-00076631 let's get to it sir on you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00194-00076632-00076912 it's just him compensate two and a half +_bX4BzYcLdc-00195-00076913-00077194 notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00196-00077195-00077423 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00197-00077424-00077723 bad day to be a knocker +_bX4BzYcLdc-00198-00077724-00077950 stay sharp we can't let them Reach the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00199-00077951-00078155 bodies of the other Patrol he's all +_bX4BzYcLdc-00200-00078156-00078365 alone three and a half notches for +_bX4BzYcLdc-00201-00078366-00079085 bullet drop +_bX4BzYcLdc-00202-00079086-00079211 ped him +_bX4BzYcLdc-00203-00079212-00079705 he's down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00204-00079706-00080219 it's only him three and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00205-00080220-00080362 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00206-00080363-00080543 Target +_bX4BzYcLdc-00207-00080544-00080794 this day's over it's just him +_bX4BzYcLdc-00208-00080795-00081013 three and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00209-00081014-00081155 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00210-00081156-00081347 that's a fatality +_bX4BzYcLdc-00211-00081348-00081767 Open Season and sicarios +_bX4BzYcLdc-00212-00081768-00082469 he's all alone three and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00213-00082470-00082811 good shooting two others can see him try +_bX4BzYcLdc-00214-00082812-00082979 moving to a spot where you can take out +_bX4BzYcLdc-00215-00082980-00083231 two with one bullet both are civilians +_bX4BzYcLdc-00216-00083232-00083555 they're unarmed the [__] are civilians +_bX4BzYcLdc-00217-00083556-00083867 doing here is a working Hatchery +_bX4BzYcLdc-00218-00083868-00084173 someone's gonna feed the fish +_bX4BzYcLdc-00219-00084174-00084959 it's just him three notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00220-00084960-00085438 dumped him early retirement +_bX4BzYcLdc-00221-00085439-00085726 burn him I'll take the other two and a +_bX4BzYcLdc-00222-00085727-00086137 half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00223-00086138-00086742 clean hit good [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00224-00086743-00086921 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00225-00086922-00088894 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00226-00088895-00089111 two others got sight on him +_bX4BzYcLdc-00227-00089112-00089291 shift your position to take out two in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00228-00089292-00089476 one bullet +_bX4BzYcLdc-00229-00089477-00089771 he's inside two others can you shift +_bX4BzYcLdc-00230-00089772-00089938 your position to take out two in one +_bX4BzYcLdc-00231-00089939-00090173 shot +_bX4BzYcLdc-00232-00090174-00090662 it's only him three notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00233-00090663-00090862 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00234-00090863-00091067 falling down on the job +_bX4BzYcLdc-00235-00091068-00091282 bad day at the office I've got his +_bX4BzYcLdc-00236-00091283-00091569 friend three notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00237-00091570-00091741 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00238-00091742-00092844 dusted we still got it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00239-00092845-00093191 two others can see him try moving to a +_bX4BzYcLdc-00240-00093192-00093353 spot where you can take out two with one +_bX4BzYcLdc-00241-00093354-00093581 bullet +_bX4BzYcLdc-00243-00097530-00099149 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00244-00099150-00100259 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00245-00100260-00100450 scheduled position to take out to with +_bX4BzYcLdc-00246-00100451-00101850 one bullet +_bX4BzYcLdc-00249-00108617-00109343 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00250-00109344-00109499 position +_bX4BzYcLdc-00251-00109500-00109732 three and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00252-00109733-00110652 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00253-00110653-00111352 three and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00254-00111353-00111802 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00256-00115266-00115906 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00257-00115907-00116473 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00258-00116474-00118427 if they are moving +_bX4BzYcLdc-00259-00118428-00118613 you're looking at unarmed individual +_bX4BzYcLdc-00260-00118614-00121333 surgeon +_bX4BzYcLdc-00261-00121333-00121727 take him I'll drop the yellow two and a +_bX4BzYcLdc-00262-00121728-00122466 half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00263-00122467-00122657 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00264-00122658-00122831 right on target +_bX4BzYcLdc-00265-00122832-00123143 clean shots it looks like we're clear I +_bX4BzYcLdc-00266-00123144-00123281 tried to head down and found a way +_bX4BzYcLdc-00267-00123282-00123454 inside +_bX4BzYcLdc-00268-00123455-00124327 I'll come you from here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00269-00124328-00124654 you go sir I'll cover you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00270-00124655-00124877 appreciate the offer guys but let me be +_bX4BzYcLdc-00271-00124878-00125213 clear move your ass sergeant +_bX4BzYcLdc-00272-00125214-00125886 Roger copy and check stuff +_bX4BzYcLdc-00273-00125888-00126184 they're either long gone or somewhere in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00274-00126185-00126316 these structures +_bX4BzYcLdc-00275-00126317-00127121 let's hope it's the loser +_bX4BzYcLdc-00276-00127122-00127343 you there yet sergeant +_bX4BzYcLdc-00277-00127344-00127697 bloody hell as well that's a long way +_bX4BzYcLdc-00278-00127698-00127901 we didn't all run cross-country in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00279-00127902-00128266 college okay I still run John just gotta +_bX4BzYcLdc-00280-00128267-00128549 stop smoking you smoked Roswell +_bX4BzYcLdc-00281-00128550-00128969 I do my wife hates it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00282-00128970-00129383 trying to quit jonesing big time +_bX4BzYcLdc-00283-00129383-00129658 can they interest you Mr girl perhaps +_bX4BzYcLdc-00284-00129659-00130901 no thanks John +_bX4BzYcLdc-00285-00130902-00131075 guys you go for you who's headed your +_bX4BzYcLdc-00286-00131076-00131431 wife in the rear of the building +_bX4BzYcLdc-00287-00131432-00131914 the biggest I haven't seen you go easy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00288-00131915-00132490 use the grossest I consume +_bX4BzYcLdc-00289-00132491-00133943 lie on the grass and how's your weapon +_bX4BzYcLdc-00290-00133944-00134389 the races in the vehicles +_bX4BzYcLdc-00291-00134390-00134699 some may break off you can avoid them if +_bX4BzYcLdc-00292-00134700-00134921 you still if you're looking for a +_bX4BzYcLdc-00293-00134922-00135263 gunfire you'll get one +_bX4BzYcLdc-00294-00135264-00135593 so we're in Alma I'm not ahead of you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00295-00135594-00135868 engage +_bX4BzYcLdc-00296-00135869-00138514 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00297-00138515-00140050 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00298-00140051-00141214 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00299-00141215-00142001 would +_bX4BzYcLdc-00300-00142002-00142197 where's that on the move +_bX4BzYcLdc-00301-00142198-00142516 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00302-00142517-00142697 several gates open around the main +_bX4BzYcLdc-00304-00146010-00148504 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00307-00154796-00155164 cover me +_bX4BzYcLdc-00308-00155165-00155581 roof's leaking +_bX4BzYcLdc-00309-00155582-00157319 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00310-00157320-00157631 this guy's falling [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00311-00157632-00158463 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00312-00158464-00158499 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00314-00161705-00162022 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00315-00162023-00164633 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00318-00172062-00174764 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00319-00174765-00175061 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00320-00175062-00175781 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00321-00175782-00178066 missiles +_bX4BzYcLdc-00322-00178067-00179435 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00323-00179436-00179747 this is definitely a cartel I'll post +_bX4BzYcLdc-00324-00179748-00179921 what do you see +_bX4BzYcLdc-00325-00179922-00180233 metric [__] ton of drugs +_bX4BzYcLdc-00326-00180234-00180533 Warehouse is full of firearms pills raw +_bX4BzYcLdc-00327-00180534-00180676 materials +_bX4BzYcLdc-00328-00180677-00180887 Hassan's in deep with the cartel but +_bX4BzYcLdc-00329-00180888-00181126 this isn't a drug bust if those missiles +_bX4BzYcLdc-00330-00181127-00181385 are here we need to find them guys be +_bX4BzYcLdc-00331-00181386-00181607 advised he got armor patrols moving in +_bX4BzYcLdc-00332-00181608-00181751 the other building +_bX4BzYcLdc-00333-00181752-00181985 appears there's five of them +_bX4BzYcLdc-00334-00181986-00182183 so just using your heartbeat sensor and +_bX4BzYcLdc-00335-00182184-00182338 taking headshots with your suppressed +_bX4BzYcLdc-00336-00182339-00182963 sniper rifle +_bX4BzYcLdc-00337-00182964-00183413 he's alerted +_bX4BzYcLdc-00338-00183414-00183911 ah [__] here they come +_bX4BzYcLdc-00339-00183912-00184261 one down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00340-00184262-00185254 that's two +_bX4BzYcLdc-00341-00185255-00185773 oh +_bX4BzYcLdc-00342-00185774-00186047 appears there's five of them +_bX4BzYcLdc-00343-00186048-00186221 so just using your heartbeat sensor and +_bX4BzYcLdc-00344-00186222-00186913 taking headshots +_bX4BzYcLdc-00345-00186914-00187362 ah [__] here they come down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00346-00187363-00187757 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00347-00187758-00188095 that's two +_bX4BzYcLdc-00348-00188096-00189076 three gone +_bX4BzYcLdc-00350-00192324-00193852 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00351-00193853-00194231 that's two +_bX4BzYcLdc-00352-00194232-00194513 three gone +_bX4BzYcLdc-00353-00194514-00195028 four +_bX4BzYcLdc-00354-00195029-00195311 five +_bX4BzYcLdc-00355-00195312-00195647 days you can do math sir +_bX4BzYcLdc-00356-00195648-00196061 uh it's taking the piss captain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00357-00196062-00196313 damn point boys +_bX4BzYcLdc-00358-00196314-00196451 yes Mom +_bX4BzYcLdc-00359-00196452-00196816 mommy remember I can still outrun you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00360-00196817-00197033 very clear of cartel +_bX4BzYcLdc-00361-00197034-00197381 all dead from Rapid onset of whole +_bX4BzYcLdc-00362-00197382-00197585 I want to know if it's clear of missiles +_bX4BzYcLdc-00363-00197586-00197987 check the next building +_bX4BzYcLdc-00364-00197988-00198209 I'm preach in use the skylights or +_bX4BzYcLdc-00365-00198210-00198383 deploy tear gas into the ventilation and +_bX4BzYcLdc-00366-00198384-00199252 watch him run for it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00367-00199253-00201175 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00368-00201176-00202054 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00369-00202055-00202254 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00370-00202255-00203177 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00374-00213906-00214509 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00375-00214510-00216132 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00376-00216133-00216965 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00377-00216966-00219946 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00379-00222954-00224252 heads up [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00380-00224253-00225163 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00381-00225164-00227813 roof's leaking +_bX4BzYcLdc-00384-00235632-00236119 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00385-00236119-00236356 building's clear +_bX4BzYcLdc-00386-00236357-00236627 no containers big enough for a missile +_bX4BzYcLdc-00387-00236628-00236944 not sure if that's good news or bad news +_bX4BzYcLdc-00388-00236946-00237065 look around and see what else you can +_bX4BzYcLdc-00389-00237066-00237173 find +_bX4BzYcLdc-00390-00237173-00237856 roach on it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00391-00237857-00238037 what the [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00392-00238038-00238319 this place stinks to heaven +_bX4BzYcLdc-00393-00238319-00238517 fish Freedom Factory +_bX4BzYcLdc-00394-00238517-00238684 oh no one nobody sent me down there +_bX4BzYcLdc-00395-00238685-00239248 alone +_bX4BzYcLdc-00396-00239250-00239429 the advice that this is not like the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00397-00239430-00239542 other room +_bX4BzYcLdc-00398-00239544-00241217 this place is for real with the fish +_bX4BzYcLdc-00399-00241217-00241613 found something +_bX4BzYcLdc-00400-00241614-00241829 a rendering with schematics +_bX4BzYcLdc-00401-00241830-00241979 more to this place than we thought +_bX4BzYcLdc-00402-00241980-00242669 there's tunnels under the lighthouse +_bX4BzYcLdc-00403-00242669-00244041 copy that +_bX4BzYcLdc-00404-00244042-00245194 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00405-00245196-00245519 Lighthouse or me +_bX4BzYcLdc-00406-00245519-00245819 guys let's push we're a small team they +_bX4BzYcLdc-00407-00245819-00246005 call in outside reinforcements Cisco's +_bX4BzYcLdc-00408-00246006-00246196 real bad real quick +_bX4BzYcLdc-00409-00246198-00246341 we don't belong here in the first place +_bX4BzYcLdc-00410-00246342-00246598 if we did there'd be more of us +_bX4BzYcLdc-00411-00246600-00246875 go cool cut well let's assume cartels +_bX4BzYcLdc-00412-00246876-00247163 alerted all guns in the AR +_bX4BzYcLdc-00413-00247164-00247432 make heavy resistance ahead +_bX4BzYcLdc-00414-00247433-00247613 go with the Mist in these Gillies +_bX4BzYcLdc-00415-00247614-00247853 they'll never see us coming +_bX4BzYcLdc-00416-00247854-00248051 scout sniper +_bX4BzYcLdc-00417-00248052-00248317 this is your jam captain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00418-00248317-00248737 a bike +_bX4BzYcLdc-00419-00248738-00248992 let's set up over this Ridge +_bX4BzYcLdc-00420-00248994-00249184 we need to account for bullet drop Bravo +_bX4BzYcLdc-00421-00249185-00249382 to watch out we have a visual on the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00422-00249383-00249655 base of the lighthouse setting up here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00423-00249656-00250079 scoping and scan the area +_bX4BzYcLdc-00424-00250080-00250342 variable Zoom comes in early this long +_bX4BzYcLdc-00425-00250344-00250625 distance +_bX4BzYcLdc-00426-00250626-00250894 nowhere in armor aim for the head of you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00427-00250896-00250958 engage +_bX4BzYcLdc-00428-00250959-00251831 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00429-00251832-00253073 is all alone two notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00430-00253073-00253246 we can't let them Reach the bodies of +_bX4BzYcLdc-00431-00253248-00253529 the other Patrol it's just him two and a +_bX4BzYcLdc-00432-00253530-00253942 half notches painful head +_bX4BzYcLdc-00433-00253942-00254242 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00434-00254244-00254410 first one +_bX4BzYcLdc-00435-00254411-00254698 it's only him two and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00436-00254698-00255082 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00437-00255083-00255663 you're lucky I'm here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00438-00255664-00255856 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00439-00255857-00256153 take one I'll dump the other two notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00440-00256154-00256291 aim for the head +_bX4BzYcLdc-00441-00256292-00256471 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00442-00256471-00256908 got him we still got it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00443-00256909-00258317 bone him I'll take the other two notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00444-00258317-00258563 one and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00445-00258564-00258744 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00446-00258746-00259751 the nap good [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00447-00259752-00260146 he's all alone two and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00448-00260148-00260446 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00449-00260448-00260758 hit him nice sure +_bX4BzYcLdc-00450-00260759-00261017 to see him try moving to a spot where +_bX4BzYcLdc-00451-00261017-00261887 you can take out two +_bX4BzYcLdc-00452-00261888-00262673 I'm set two and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00453-00262674-00263815 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00454-00263816-00264982 dumped him +_bX4BzYcLdc-00455-00264983-00265621 it's only him two and a half notches +_bX4BzYcLdc-00456-00265622-00266160 he's alerted +_bX4BzYcLdc-00457-00266161-00266427 sit down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00458-00266428-00266891 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00459-00266892-00267703 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00460-00267704-00268613 sir the return of Fire +_bX4BzYcLdc-00461-00268614-00268805 you push forward to the lighthouse place +_bX4BzYcLdc-00462-00268806-00268979 and I'll cover you from here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00463-00268980-00269243 ah my turn again sir +_bX4BzYcLdc-00464-00269244-00269621 well you were so good +_bX4BzYcLdc-00465-00269622-00269873 to watch them Sergeant Carrick is +_bX4BzYcLdc-00466-00269874-00270082 advancing to the lighthouse structures +_bX4BzYcLdc-00467-00270083-00270317 copy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00468-00270318-00271175 getting your cardio in today Kyle +_bX4BzYcLdc-00469-00271176-00271973 because +_bX4BzYcLdc-00470-00271974-00272097 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00471-00272098-00273512 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00472-00273513-00273943 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00473-00273944-00274374 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00474-00274375-00274501 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00475-00274502-00274925 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00476-00274926-00275606 let's stick to the grocery +_bX4BzYcLdc-00477-00275607-00276630 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00478-00276631-00276970 Garden guys +_bX4BzYcLdc-00479-00276971-00278273 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00480-00278274-00278726 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00481-00278727-00279563 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00482-00279564-00280415 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00483-00280416-00280777 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00484-00280778-00282371 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00485-00282372-00283686 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00486-00283687-00284097 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00487-00284098-00284895 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00488-00284896-00285419 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00489-00285420-00286475 Captain these guys on cartel +_bX4BzYcLdc-00490-00286476-00286655 if Hassan's got soldiers here then +_bX4BzYcLdc-00491-00286656-00286795 something's going down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00492-00286796-00287003 we did +_bX4BzYcLdc-00493-00287004-00287171 there's several outbuildings around the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00494-00287172-00287481 lighthouse get up there and check them +_bX4BzYcLdc-00495-00287482-00287897 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00496-00287898-00288115 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00497-00288116-00289210 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00498-00289211-00289480 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00499-00289481-00290122 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00500-00290123-00290312 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00501-00290313-00290790 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00502-00290791-00291415 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00503-00291416-00291974 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00504-00291975-00292072 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00505-00292073-00292625 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00506-00292626-00292750 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00507-00292751-00293504 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00508-00293505-00295595 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00509-00295596-00296521 hot on the roof cover me +_bX4BzYcLdc-00510-00296522-00297269 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00511-00297270-00298423 down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00512-00298424-00298889 this guy's falling [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00513-00298890-00300209 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00514-00300210-00302453 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00515-00302454-00302568 tequila +_bX4BzYcLdc-00516-00302569-00303575 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00517-00303576-00303749 garage clear +_bX4BzYcLdc-00518-00303750-00304003 search it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00519-00304004-00305015 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00520-00305016-00305182 I'll go something +_bX4BzYcLdc-00521-00305183-00305375 cases and crates +_bX4BzYcLdc-00522-00305376-00305579 or Russian +_bX4BzYcLdc-00523-00305580-00305729 what's in them +_bX4BzYcLdc-00524-00305730-00306077 they're empty recently unpacked +_bX4BzYcLdc-00525-00306078-00306251 they ran +_bX4BzYcLdc-00526-00306252-00306527 they may be helping +_bX4BzYcLdc-00527-00306528-00306773 this is getting bigger John +_bX4BzYcLdc-00528-00306774-00307060 's across the wire still locked down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00529-00307061-00307210 let's clear them and find the entrance +_bX4BzYcLdc-00530-00307211-00307384 for those tunnels +_bX4BzYcLdc-00531-00307385-00309984 roach on it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00532-00309985-00311379 on the roof cover me +_bX4BzYcLdc-00533-00311380-00311723 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00534-00311724-00312120 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00535-00312121-00312677 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00536-00312678-00315215 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00537-00315216-00317095 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00538-00317096-00317709 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00539-00317710-00318545 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00541-00322200-00323043 this guy's falling [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00542-00323044-00323357 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00543-00323358-00324043 [Music] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00544-00324044-00324877 roof's leaking +_bX4BzYcLdc-00545-00324878-00325123 [Applause] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00546-00325124-00325691 heads up [__] +_bX4BzYcLdc-00547-00325692-00327971 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00548-00327972-00328421 smugless Paradise in here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00549-00328422-00328654 enemy Kia and enough Parcels that God +_bX4BzYcLdc-00550-00328655-00328956 knows what definitely drug related +_bX4BzYcLdc-00551-00328957-00329284 missiles negative looks like they're +_bX4BzYcLdc-00553-00332874-00333113 coming in guys +_bX4BzYcLdc-00554-00333114-00333263 copy that +_bX4BzYcLdc-00555-00333264-00333563 let's search for a way into the tunnels +_bX4BzYcLdc-00556-00333564-00333821 could be behind something on the walls +_bX4BzYcLdc-00557-00333822-00335675 all hidden on the floor +_bX4BzYcLdc-00558-00335676-00335915 keep searching internal insurance has to +_bX4BzYcLdc-00559-00335916-00336071 be here somewhere +_bX4BzYcLdc-00560-00336072-00336910 search the walls I'll change the floors +_bX4BzYcLdc-00561-00336911-00337054 may have found something new captain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00562-00337055-00337271 give us a hand yeah I'll push you +_bX4BzYcLdc-00563-00337272-00338056 forward +_bX4BzYcLdc-00564-00338057-00338393 what look at this jackpot be advised +_bX4BzYcLdc-00565-00338394-00338573 multiple posts approaching my position +_bX4BzYcLdc-00566-00338574-00338860 need help could be fisherman let's stay +_bX4BzYcLdc-00567-00338861-00339317 on Mission or me +_bX4BzYcLdc-00568-00339318-00340297 sending +_bX4BzYcLdc-00569-00340298-00340606 cartels love their tunnels I wish I +_bX4BzYcLdc-00570-00340607-00340739 could say the same +_bX4BzYcLdc-00571-00340740-00342467 age before Beauty captain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00572-00342468-00342701 bloody extensive +_bX4BzYcLdc-00573-00342702-00343151 I'm laughing it out to the water +_bX4BzYcLdc-00574-00343152-00343703 all right +_bX4BzYcLdc-00575-00343704-00344027 you're still closing no trouble yet oh I +_bX4BzYcLdc-00576-00344028-00344219 don't know this code comes with the +_bX4BzYcLdc-00577-00344220-00344482 territory John you shouldn't be out here +_bX4BzYcLdc-00578-00344483-00344758 alone I'm not alone I'm armed and +_bX4BzYcLdc-00579-00344759-00344897 dangerous captain +_bX4BzYcLdc-00580-00344898-00346247 out +_bX4BzYcLdc-00582-00349361-00351497 foreign +_bX4BzYcLdc-00583-00351498-00351863 bye have a look at this submarine +_bX4BzYcLdc-00584-00351864-00352282 [__] you know +_bX4BzYcLdc-00585-00352283-00352637 things big enough for a missile +_bX4BzYcLdc-00586-00352638-00353015 across the Atlantic event they kite +_bX4BzYcLdc-00587-00353016-00353260 we're in a coat just off the coast no +_bX4BzYcLdc-00588-00353261-00353477 Personnel no missiles +_bX4BzYcLdc-00589-00353478-00353753 I'm directly across +_bX4BzYcLdc-00590-00353754-00354034 I think I've got problems here John Copy +_bX4BzYcLdc-00591-00354035-00354334 standby +_bX4BzYcLdc-00592-00354335-00354515 what is it +_bX4BzYcLdc-00593-00354516-00355349 looks like HQ +_bX4BzYcLdc-00594-00355350-00356537 contact engaging tight +_bX4BzYcLdc-00595-00356538-00357269 [__] they're bullied +_bX4BzYcLdc-00596-00357270-00357667 [__] [__] let's see what's happening +_bX4BzYcLdc-00597-00357668-00357899 surrounded okay Tyler's on the boat +_bX4BzYcLdc-00598-00357900-00358973 they're taking it or me down +_bX4BzYcLdc-00599-00358974-00359777 about the women +_bX4BzYcLdc-00600-00359778-00359980 last well +_bX4BzYcLdc-00601-00359981-00360239 she's on the IQ mode it's taken up we've +_bX4BzYcLdc-00602-00360240-00360491 got a captain they took last well well +_bX4BzYcLdc-00603-00360492-00360623 let's get off the action talk to +_bX4BzYcLdc-00604-00360624-00360934 Shepherd +_bX4BzYcLdc-00605-00360935-00361727 let's go +_bX4BzYcLdc-00606-00361728-00362138 we need to get Laswell back let's move +_fdWKaV4C0M-00000-00000000-00000508 foreign +_fdWKaV4C0M-00001-00000509-00001199 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00002-00001200-00001445 what's going on guys welcome back to my +_fdWKaV4C0M-00003-00001446-00001714 channel welcome to another dvrp video +_fdWKaV4C0M-00004-00001716-00001967 um this video right here was taken from +_fdWKaV4C0M-00005-00001968-00002189 a stream that +_fdWKaV4C0M-00006-00002190-00002489 um I I did on Twitch I went back to +_fdWKaV4C0M-00007-00002490-00002771 Twitch and did a crazy stream and um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00008-00002772-00002963 hopefully you guys enjoyed this +_fdWKaV4C0M-00009-00002964-00003089 um remember to hit that like button +_fdWKaV4C0M-00010-00003090-00003233 subscribe turn but if you so you know +_fdWKaV4C0M-00011-00003234-00003353 whenever I post thank you guys for all +_fdWKaV4C0M-00012-00003354-00003497 the love and all the support and I'll +_fdWKaV4C0M-00013-00003497-00003719 see you guys in the video all right we +_fdWKaV4C0M-00014-00003720-00004422 gotta go boys +_fdWKaV4C0M-00015-00004423-00004747 everybody's going this crazy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00016-00004748-00005233 oh oh I almost flipped it don't we +_fdWKaV4C0M-00017-00005234-00006293 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00018-00006294-00007183 oh boy let's put our seatbelt on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00019-00007184-00007451 I can't see that the chat the little +_fdWKaV4C0M-00020-00007452-00008045 squat right now but +_fdWKaV4C0M-00021-00008045-00008257 what is everybody going to that 911 call +_fdWKaV4C0M-00022-00008258-00008549 I only like it's me and another unit +_fdWKaV4C0M-00023-00008550-00008783 right now uh I don't know who else is +_fdWKaV4C0M-00024-00008784-00008891 going +_fdWKaV4C0M-00025-00008892-00009133 oh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00026-00009134-00009394 one afternoon +_fdWKaV4C0M-00027-00009395-00009913 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00028-00009914-00010121 all right one other one that's enough +_fdWKaV4C0M-00029-00010122-00010600 units everybody else can see it tonight +_fdWKaV4C0M-00030-00010601-00011059 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00031-00011060-00011351 uh one out of three I know probably +_fdWKaV4C0M-00032-00011352-00011677 where they shoot fireworks off +_fdWKaV4C0M-00033-00011678-00012160 negative that's the last thing +_fdWKaV4C0M-00034-00012161-00012341 I don't know how my car is faster than +_fdWKaV4C0M-00035-00012342-00012491 his but +_fdWKaV4C0M-00036-00012492-00012778 let's hope I don't crash now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00037-00012779-00013307 I got excited for a second right there +_fdWKaV4C0M-00038-00013308-00013783 foreign +_fdWKaV4C0M-00039-00013784-00014222 this is a response time right here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00040-00014224-00016349 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00041-00016350-00016547 oh I took a bad road to drive onto +_fdWKaV4C0M-00042-00016548-00016691 Polito +_fdWKaV4C0M-00043-00016692-00017497 foreign +_fdWKaV4C0M-00044-00017498-00018457 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00045-00018458-00018713 blocking the door one out of one let's +_fdWKaV4C0M-00046-00018714-00018917 get let's get a perimeter set all around +_fdWKaV4C0M-00047-00018918-00019222 the area Eunice gets your vest on and +_fdWKaV4C0M-00048-00019223-00019822 some uh air activations +_fdWKaV4C0M-00049-00019823-00020093 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00050-00020094-00020321 I need a unit to cover the back for me +_fdWKaV4C0M-00051-00020322-00021355 so I can take scene command +_fdWKaV4C0M-00052-00021356-00021713 s oh my God +_fdWKaV4C0M-00053-00021714-00021953 one two four stream traffic +_fdWKaV4C0M-00054-00021954-00022133 all right I need you guys to when you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00055-00022134-00022283 get on scene to cover the back of the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00056-00022284-00022480 bank uh it needs to take sync command up +_fdWKaV4C0M-00057-00022481-00023267 front +_fdWKaV4C0M-00058-00023268-00023399 go ahead +_fdWKaV4C0M-00059-00023400-00023657 I regret the suffered us +_fdWKaV4C0M-00060-00023658-00024058 negative at this time +_fdWKaV4C0M-00061-00024059-00024269 just be on standby I think our spiritual +_fdWKaV4C0M-00062-00024270-00024593 units can handle it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00063-00024594-00024875 you don't need Beauty up there +_fdWKaV4C0M-00064-00024876-00025025 all right I need another unit back here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00065-00025026-00025277 please buy my car I explore who's +_fdWKaV4C0M-00066-00025278-00025828 pulling up uh take my position here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00067-00025829-00026002 let's get another unit back there to +_fdWKaV4C0M-00068-00026004-00026225 help the uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00069-00026226-00026987 this unit uh 124. Jade +_fdWKaV4C0M-00070-00026988-00027149 all right let's get that road blocked +_fdWKaV4C0M-00071-00027150-00027443 off if your cars +_fdWKaV4C0M-00072-00027444-00027652 we got some tear gas being thrown I'm +_fdWKaV4C0M-00073-00027654-00027761 pretty sure +_fdWKaV4C0M-00074-00027762-00027935 all right is the back road covered over +_fdWKaV4C0M-00075-00027936-00028202 on procopio +_fdWKaV4C0M-00076-00028202-00028445 [Applause] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00077-00028445-00028805 can you say that again +_fdWKaV4C0M-00078-00028806-00029135 no no no no no no no no no the gas is +_fdWKaV4C0M-00079-00029136-00029335 coming from the front of the Boating +_fdWKaV4C0M-00080-00029336-00029614 all right that there's a side door I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00081-00029616-00029752 need you guys to go ahead and check that +_fdWKaV4C0M-00082-00029754-00029933 okay make sure you cover that there's a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00083-00029933-00030181 door on the side uh bold you up front +_fdWKaV4C0M-00084-00030182-00030520 you you and the the three the two units +_fdWKaV4C0M-00085-00030522-00030755 over there you guys cover the front door +_fdWKaV4C0M-00086-00030756-00031018 we got the front door you said yeah get +_fdWKaV4C0M-00087-00031019-00031205 those cards out of here those cars that +_fdWKaV4C0M-00088-00031206-00031733 are the gas station need a backup +_fdWKaV4C0M-00089-00031733-00031918 all right one out of one all units just +_fdWKaV4C0M-00090-00031919-00032146 stay put just stay set I need you to +_fdWKaV4C0M-00091-00032147-00032339 call load over RTO where you guys are at +_fdWKaV4C0M-00092-00032339-00032512 and uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00093-00032513-00032687 stay right there until we can get a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00094-00032688-00032855 platform related I'll inform everybody +_fdWKaV4C0M-00095-00032856-00033112 else let's get those guys at the gas +_fdWKaV4C0M-00096-00033113-00033324 station moved out of here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00097-00033325-00033624 charger that's arriving +_fdWKaV4C0M-00098-00033625-00033862 could you block off +_fdWKaV4C0M-00099-00033863-00034368 um off +_fdWKaV4C0M-00100-00034369-00034565 sure you can tell what to do I'll go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00101-00034566-00035057 there +_fdWKaV4C0M-00102-00035058-00035651 did not really +_fdWKaV4C0M-00103-00035652-00035801 let's talk some more gas I guess you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00104-00035802-00036046 like that answer huh you're right he was +_fdWKaV4C0M-00105-00036047-00036605 like oh shoot I did not know it was him +_fdWKaV4C0M-00106-00036606-00036767 okay all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00107-00036768-00036845 um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00108-00036846-00037387 Malik +_fdWKaV4C0M-00109-00037388-00037668 they're +_fdWKaV4C0M-00110-00037669-00037865 blacked out +_fdWKaV4C0M-00111-00037866-00038152 time for all right we arrest them then +_fdWKaV4C0M-00112-00038153-00038321 okay all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00113-00038322-00038483 um wait wait wait stop stop stop stop +_fdWKaV4C0M-00114-00038484-00038635 stop stop stop stop stop stop +_fdWKaV4C0M-00115-00038636-00038968 bull take Malik's uh position tell him +_fdWKaV4C0M-00116-00038969-00039209 that I want him to start connection uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00117-00039210-00039473 communication between him and us and the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00118-00039474-00039617 person in the bank I'm gonna go handle +_fdWKaV4C0M-00119-00039618-00039851 this all here okay come over here Deputy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00120-00039852-00040396 with me +_fdWKaV4C0M-00121-00040397-00040589 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00122-00040590-00040774 all right both of you you guys are gonna +_fdWKaV4C0M-00123-00040775-00040961 have to get out of our perimeter like +_fdWKaV4C0M-00124-00040962-00041135 this entire area is recording off +_fdWKaV4C0M-00125-00041136-00041315 figures should do so will relate to an +_fdWKaV4C0M-00126-00041316-00041849 arrest you understand that +_fdWKaV4C0M-00127-00041850-00042055 hello +_fdWKaV4C0M-00128-00042056-00042235 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00129-00042236-00042659 straight out of the perimeter let's go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00130-00042660-00042877 let's go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00131-00042878-00043145 get out of here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00132-00043146-00043260 keep it pushing +_fdWKaV4C0M-00133-00043261-00043505 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00134-00043506-00043871 I think there were two more to the left +_fdWKaV4C0M-00135-00043872-00044057 push them or to the left hand all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00136-00044058-00044230 let them know +_fdWKaV4C0M-00137-00044231-00044429 let him know get out of here are they +_fdWKaV4C0M-00138-00044430-00045455 gonna get arrested +_fdWKaV4C0M-00139-00045456-00045802 all right all right where's malikat +_fdWKaV4C0M-00140-00045803-00046043 Malik is better over there +_fdWKaV4C0M-00141-00046044-00046289 all right contact inside the burnt +_fdWKaV4C0M-00142-00046290-00047062 you're trying to contact them okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00143-00047063-00047333 all right hold on a second all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00144-00047334-00047573 units I'm moving out of RTO range I need +_fdWKaV4C0M-00145-00047574-00048257 you guys to go ahead and just stay put +_fdWKaV4C0M-00146-00048258-00048658 Channel switches +_fdWKaV4C0M-00147-00048659-00049021 all the way up in Little Bay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00148-00049022-00049318 I see all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00149-00049319-00049673 so what's going on uh Mr sbpd you guys +_fdWKaV4C0M-00150-00049674-00049943 okay out there hey we're gonna choose +_fdWKaV4C0M-00151-00049944-00050068 everything going on what's going on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00152-00050069-00050273 inside +_fdWKaV4C0M-00153-00050274-00050477 I've deployed some tear gas into the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00154-00050478-00050818 bank I hope you guys got gas masks +_fdWKaV4C0M-00155-00050819-00051124 and uh so far I'm just looting up the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00156-00051125-00051304 building +_fdWKaV4C0M-00157-00051305-00051466 and uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00158-00051467-00051964 just waiting waiting for my time +_fdWKaV4C0M-00159-00051965-00052187 you see I see I got a bit of a hefty +_fdWKaV4C0M-00160-00052188-00052373 response going the silent alarm must +_fdWKaV4C0M-00161-00052374-00052613 have went off or something +_fdWKaV4C0M-00162-00052614-00052823 well you know whenever you park a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00163-00052824-00053179 vehicle in front of the bank doors +_fdWKaV4C0M-00164-00053179-00053525 yeah so what's going on there is anybody +_fdWKaV4C0M-00165-00053526-00053807 else oh there was a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00166-00053808-00054094 he ran out he was cleaning up the store +_fdWKaV4C0M-00167-00054095-00054275 and I tossed some tear gas at him and he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00168-00054276-00054430 ran out crazy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00169-00054432-00054630 I don't even know what happened to him +_fdWKaV4C0M-00170-00054632-00054865 you by yourself in that building correct +_fdWKaV4C0M-00171-00054866-00055229 currently yo apparently yeah you Tyler +_fdWKaV4C0M-00172-00055229-00055613 here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00173-00055614-00055811 okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00174-00055812-00055985 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00175-00055986-00056357 what do you want on another situation +_fdWKaV4C0M-00176-00056358-00056711 the loot that I've grabbed and +_fdWKaV4C0M-00177-00056712-00056980 and for this to end peacefully +_fdWKaV4C0M-00178-00056982-00057166 maybe you guys can get a cut of what I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00179-00057167-00057335 get +_fdWKaV4C0M-00180-00057336-00057466 because I know you guys need some extra +_fdWKaV4C0M-00181-00057467-00057815 funding that is not how we roll sir +_fdWKaV4C0M-00182-00057816-00058523 um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00183-00058524-00058792 without having anything big happen +_fdWKaV4C0M-00184-00058794-00059176 well you let me keep my my loot +_fdWKaV4C0M-00185-00059177-00059435 and maybe it may be yeah that's crazy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00186-00059436-00059621 and maybe you can in this peacefully if +_fdWKaV4C0M-00187-00059622-00059759 you let me keep +_fdWKaV4C0M-00188-00059760-00059975 what I've rightfully stolen +_fdWKaV4C0M-00189-00059976-00060221 it took a lot of effort to steal this it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00190-00060222-00060394 took a lot of planning to steal this +_fdWKaV4C0M-00191-00060395-00060497 certain +_fdWKaV4C0M-00192-00060498-00060844 and when you take a man's planning away +_fdWKaV4C0M-00193-00060845-00061054 from him and you take away what he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00194-00061055-00061282 planned for he becomes a man with +_fdWKaV4C0M-00195-00061283-00061421 nothing to lose and a man with nothing +_fdWKaV4C0M-00196-00061422-00061649 to lose it's pretty scary +_fdWKaV4C0M-00197-00061650-00061888 oh you let me keep what I stole +_fdWKaV4C0M-00198-00061889-00062107 I'll come out peacefully and you can get +_fdWKaV4C0M-00199-00062108-00062363 guarantee that you I keep +_fdWKaV4C0M-00200-00062364-00062549 eating okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00201-00062550-00062830 one out of one to the activist SWAT +_fdWKaV4C0M-00202-00062832-00063137 units can you guys bring the MCC it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00203-00063138-00063335 depends on how it depends on how he gets +_fdWKaV4C0M-00204-00063336-00063526 you out of there sir use or left your +_fdWKaV4C0M-00205-00063527-00063809 channel what I have three to one of one +_fdWKaV4C0M-00206-00063810-00064007 I got the front door covered +_fdWKaV4C0M-00207-00064008-00064366 10-4 user joined your Channel +_fdWKaV4C0M-00208-00064367-00064541 we're moving back to communicative +_fdWKaV4C0M-00209-00064541-00064744 suspect +_fdWKaV4C0M-00210-00064745-00064991 Channel switched keep it for me and I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00211-00064991-00065194 come and get it back one day yeah it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00212-00065195-00065392 might be an as I've been present for a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00213-00065394-00065771 little bit but I'll come back +_fdWKaV4C0M-00214-00065772-00066059 come back to town you guys know who I am +_fdWKaV4C0M-00215-00066060-00066269 and what I did and what I rightfully +_fdWKaV4C0M-00216-00066270-00066509 need to keep and you hand over what I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00217-00066510-00066821 took and life goes on as normal and uh a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00218-00066822-00066965 while from now you know +_fdWKaV4C0M-00219-00066966-00067163 is there anything that I can call you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00220-00067164-00067606 name first class whatever +_fdWKaV4C0M-00221-00067607-00067979 yeah my name you can call me uh Joseph +_fdWKaV4C0M-00222-00067980-00068350 set your real name Jessica yeah yeah my +_fdWKaV4C0M-00223-00068351-00068476 name is Joseph +_fdWKaV4C0M-00224-00068477-00068669 all right you got a last name Joseph +_fdWKaV4C0M-00225-00068670-00068899 I don't want to tell you my laughs +_fdWKaV4C0M-00226-00068900-00069203 with me I got a common name sir +_fdWKaV4C0M-00227-00069204-00069575 let's go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00228-00069576-00069793 blin dude +_fdWKaV4C0M-00229-00069794-00070055 two doors barricaded here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00230-00070056-00070355 and if I hear or see anything with those +_fdWKaV4C0M-00231-00070356-00070511 doors you guys trying to you know breach +_fdWKaV4C0M-00232-00070512-00070661 through you know it's going to be a bit +_fdWKaV4C0M-00233-00070662-00070817 of a problem I might have to toss some +_fdWKaV4C0M-00234-00070818-00071015 of my tear gas out there I have a lot of +_fdWKaV4C0M-00235-00071016-00071088 it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00236-00071089-00071332 rounds too so yeah I want you guys +_fdWKaV4C0M-00237-00071333-00071621 coming in for your safety we won't move +_fdWKaV4C0M-00238-00071622-00071788 anybody in we don't want any shots going +_fdWKaV4C0M-00239-00071789-00071981 off we don't want any more tears Channel +_fdWKaV4C0M-00240-00071982-00072400 switched what's that fire going on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00241-00072401-00072538 a block still going around the barricade +_fdWKaV4C0M-00242-00072539-00072955 down there down where +_fdWKaV4C0M-00243-00072956-00074244 well it's not that much firing going on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00244-00074245-00074626 on that thing +_fdWKaV4C0M-00245-00074627-00074813 one out of one is it you guys shooting +_fdWKaV4C0M-00246-00074814-00075682 over at the uh at the station +_fdWKaV4C0M-00247-00075683-00076282 yeah cover it eastbound +_fdWKaV4C0M-00248-00076283-00076588 confusing to leave +_fdWKaV4C0M-00249-00076589-00077503 on your side all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00250-00077504-00077759 block it off all right we're rolling if +_fdWKaV4C0M-00251-00077760-00078005 you're not inside the very good to the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00252-00078006-00078179 east right now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00253-00078180-00078376 what's the reason +_fdWKaV4C0M-00254-00078377-00078553 because it's a dangerous situation +_fdWKaV4C0M-00255-00078554-00078899 dangerous situation okay all right all +_fdWKaV4C0M-00256-00078900-00079079 right I I ain't playing this game last +_fdWKaV4C0M-00257-00079080-00079331 chance leave no +_fdWKaV4C0M-00258-00079332-00079529 for what leave now or you're gonna get +_fdWKaV4C0M-00259-00079530-00080203 bean bags out of there leave no +_fdWKaV4C0M-00260-00080204-00080447 no way +_fdWKaV4C0M-00261-00080448-00081149 Jesus people's so stupid bro +_fdWKaV4C0M-00262-00081150-00081299 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00263-00081300-00082626 y'all keep it locked down +_fdWKaV4C0M-00264-00082627-00082967 yeah how stupid are you how stupid are +_fdWKaV4C0M-00265-00082968-00083147 you to get in there why does everybody +_fdWKaV4C0M-00266-00083148-00083381 have to get so close onto the scene like +_fdWKaV4C0M-00267-00083382-00083597 this back up and leave +_fdWKaV4C0M-00268-00083598-00084029 Jesus +_fdWKaV4C0M-00269-00084030-00084256 bro the Civ interfering in the scene is +_fdWKaV4C0M-00270-00084257-00085349 is crazy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00271-00085350-00085576 all right if these settings don't stop +_fdWKaV4C0M-00272-00085577-00085781 anything bro I swear everybody's getting +_fdWKaV4C0M-00273-00085782-00085997 suspension +_fdWKaV4C0M-00274-00085998-00086165 hey +_fdWKaV4C0M-00275-00086166-00086669 Chad what's up his only demand is for +_fdWKaV4C0M-00276-00086670-00086849 the vehicles to move closer like the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00277-00086850-00087023 SWAT vehicles to move closer so we get a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00278-00087024-00087256 close-up view of them and he wants the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00279-00087257-00087538 SWAT team to land a Blackhawk Down so he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00280-00087539-00087791 can just look at it and then +_fdWKaV4C0M-00281-00087792-00088000 he's done it's dead or +_fdWKaV4C0M-00282-00088001-00088265 we'd say that he can keep his money he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00283-00088266-00088373 surrenders +_fdWKaV4C0M-00284-00088374-00088618 okay we're not gonna use the Rook I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00285-00088619-00088732 don't think we're probably gonna go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00286-00088733-00088876 through the back +_fdWKaV4C0M-00287-00088877-00089056 um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00288-00089057-00089255 we're gonna do a distraction we're gonna +_fdWKaV4C0M-00289-00089256-00089447 use the beer cat to push his vehicle out +_fdWKaV4C0M-00290-00089448-00089585 of the way +_fdWKaV4C0M-00291-00089586-00089794 or is everybody here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00292-00089795-00089993 yeah I understand what you're saying all +_fdWKaV4C0M-00293-00089994-00090256 right I mean we're gonna use the Bearcat +_fdWKaV4C0M-00294-00090257-00090449 to move we're gonna split up into two +_fdWKaV4C0M-00295-00090450-00090803 teams our our choose factions we're +_fdWKaV4C0M-00296-00090804-00090953 gonna have one person to be a cat we're +_fdWKaV4C0M-00297-00090954-00091091 gonna push that all the way that person +_fdWKaV4C0M-00298-00091092-00091288 is going to be the diversion in case he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00299-00091289-00091576 starts shooting the second uh team is +_fdWKaV4C0M-00300-00091577-00091829 gonna infiltrate from the back door we +_fdWKaV4C0M-00301-00091830-00091997 clear once you guys going through the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00302-00091998-00092176 back door you're gonna clear from from +_fdWKaV4C0M-00303-00092177-00092429 the back all the way to the front and +_fdWKaV4C0M-00304-00092430-00092512 then +_fdWKaV4C0M-00305-00092513-00092717 um we're gonna see if we can take the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00306-00092718-00092956 suspect down the objective is to try to +_fdWKaV4C0M-00307-00092957-00093161 get him peacefully but if that's on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00308-00093162-00093341 obviously not an option we're gonna take +_fdWKaV4C0M-00309-00093342-00093637 him out be clear oh my God +_fdWKaV4C0M-00310-00093638-00093982 he's uh I saw what he he's wearing just +_fdWKaV4C0M-00311-00093983-00094288 like us just 10 the vest is black I'm +_fdWKaV4C0M-00312-00094289-00094456 the hell of this cream but everything +_fdWKaV4C0M-00313-00094457-00094673 else is tan all right remember reading +_fdWKaV4C0M-00314-00094674-00094805 Close Quarters so what check your friend +_fdWKaV4C0M-00315-00094806-00094999 watch your shots okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00316-00095000-00095225 all right let's take it back just in +_fdWKaV4C0M-00317-00095226-00095615 case it was taking a bearcat Judy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00318-00095616-00095759 I got you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00319-00095760-00095950 all right you're gonna move the vehicle +_fdWKaV4C0M-00320-00095951-00096155 out of the way you're gonna have him +_fdWKaV4C0M-00321-00096156-00096341 um be +_fdWKaV4C0M-00322-00096342-00096568 uh actually the three of you I'm gonna +_fdWKaV4C0M-00323-00096569-00096737 stay with Malik the three of you you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00324-00096738-00096899 guys are gonna breach from the back make +_fdWKaV4C0M-00325-00096900-00097055 sure you guys have communication with +_fdWKaV4C0M-00326-00097056-00097253 each other and go through I'm gonna +_fdWKaV4C0M-00327-00097254-00098286 switch VC so I can hear y'all +_fdWKaV4C0M-00328-00098287-00098611 [Music] +_fdWKaV4C0M-00329-00098612-00099094 zero four two palato Boulevard +_fdWKaV4C0M-00330-00099095-00099521 hold on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00331-00099522-00100009 bro the sieve interfering is crazy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00332-00100010-00100432 did a unit just just get shot I'm not +_fdWKaV4C0M-00333-00100433-00100612 sure it goes right here I got a vehicle +_fdWKaV4C0M-00334-00100613-00100768 on the backside +_fdWKaV4C0M-00335-00100769-00100979 got a black that Durango over here with +_fdWKaV4C0M-00336-00100980-00101788 no person in attendance +_fdWKaV4C0M-00337-00101789-00102137 oh don't turn those lights on oh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00338-00102138-00102425 why are you running around here man +_fdWKaV4C0M-00339-00102426-00102604 I'm just trying to watch what about +_fdWKaV4C0M-00340-00102605-00103318 black SUV +_fdWKaV4C0M-00341-00103319-00103642 I saw him he with with uh gloves right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00342-00103643-00103865 he's on the main road at this time we'll +_fdWKaV4C0M-00343-00103866-00104110 deal with him later +_fdWKaV4C0M-00344-00104111-00104706 let's get the scene finished +_fdWKaV4C0M-00345-00104707-00105077 we're doing the green flag Apex one hey +_fdWKaV4C0M-00346-00105078-00105184 y'all can hear me +_fdWKaV4C0M-00347-00105185-00105328 yeah +_fdWKaV4C0M-00348-00105329-00105515 um who's Austin from I didn't get +_fdWKaV4C0M-00349-00105516-00105847 assigned to which team y'all want me yet +_fdWKaV4C0M-00350-00105848-00106090 everyone was going in back besides Chad +_fdWKaV4C0M-00351-00106091-00106427 and Malik okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00352-00106428-00106601 so I'm gonna go I'm swinging around back +_fdWKaV4C0M-00353-00106602-00106816 now all right I'm in the back why don't +_fdWKaV4C0M-00354-00106817-00106895 you just +_fdWKaV4C0M-00355-00106896-00107369 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00356-00107370-00107663 y'all ready hey we need um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00357-00107664-00107860 during the vaccine heavily barricaded we +_fdWKaV4C0M-00358-00107861-00109045 need to uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00359-00109046-00109319 the side door was heavily barricaded too +_fdWKaV4C0M-00360-00109320-00109619 so yeah you if you got the explosive um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00361-00109620-00109858 reaching charges we can go together if +_fdWKaV4C0M-00362-00109859-00110047 we can I mean +_fdWKaV4C0M-00363-00110048-00110386 right on that's just me back of a friend +_fdWKaV4C0M-00364-00110388-00110578 we're gonna Farm back up everybody form +_fdWKaV4C0M-00365-00110579-00110777 back up on the beer cat Rook you're +_fdWKaV4C0M-00366-00110778-00110915 gonna push that vehicle out of here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00367-00110916-00111202 actually no the rook's bulletproof I'm +_fdWKaV4C0M-00368-00111203-00111383 gonna push the vehicle out of there Rook +_fdWKaV4C0M-00369-00111383-00111581 switch positions with me I'm gonna push +_fdWKaV4C0M-00370-00111582-00111901 that vehicle from in front +_fdWKaV4C0M-00371-00111902-00112204 and you guys you guys use the Ruckus +_fdWKaV4C0M-00372-00112205-00112295 cover +_fdWKaV4C0M-00373-00112296-00112558 to um you know say we can stand on the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00374-00112559-00113158 road too so that's +_fdWKaV4C0M-00375-00113159-00113471 that's great oh shoot my bad I don't +_fdWKaV4C0M-00376-00113472-00113608 know how the hell that happened why +_fdWKaV4C0M-00377-00113609-00113716 don't you waiting for the work to get +_fdWKaV4C0M-00378-00113717-00113939 over here and stop moving before when +_fdWKaV4C0M-00379-00113940-00114223 y'all when you're already I'm ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00380-00114224-00114484 I'm hopping on to work as long as I can +_fdWKaV4C0M-00381-00114485-00114863 shoot off no I can't buy we are gonna be +_fdWKaV4C0M-00382-00114864-00115025 SWAT team is gonna be breaching soon +_fdWKaV4C0M-00383-00115026-00115186 we're gonna use the two pinch breach +_fdWKaV4C0M-00384-00115188-00115439 we're gonna be using the beer cat to +_fdWKaV4C0M-00385-00115440-00115625 clear our way from the front door we can +_fdWKaV4C0M-00386-00115626-00115834 then use the uh Rook to make sure that +_fdWKaV4C0M-00387-00115835-00116021 our units got inside the building safely +_fdWKaV4C0M-00388-00116022-00116284 all units keep your headphones swivel +_fdWKaV4C0M-00389-00116285-00116554 did suspect might run out the back might +_fdWKaV4C0M-00390-00116555-00116813 kill all the SWAT officers if all the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00391-00116814-00116957 swap officers go down it's all in +_fdWKaV4C0M-00392-00116958-00117154 Perimeter units to finish this +_fdWKaV4C0M-00393-00117155-00117473 be clear +_fdWKaV4C0M-00394-00117474-00117839 sure +_fdWKaV4C0M-00395-00117840-00118360 all right uh beer count I'm moving +_fdWKaV4C0M-00396-00118361-00118516 to figure out why all the SWAT officers +_fdWKaV4C0M-00397-00118517-00118931 will go down +_fdWKaV4C0M-00398-00118932-00119219 it's not moving I is it's put in an +_fdWKaV4C0M-00399-00119220-00119602 awkward spot +_fdWKaV4C0M-00400-00119603-00119831 this is an awkward spot all right change +_fdWKaV4C0M-00401-00119832-00120431 of plan I'm going the other direction +_fdWKaV4C0M-00402-00120432-00120628 Bloodshed we don't want tear gas going +_fdWKaV4C0M-00403-00120629-00120971 on we don't want any shots oh all SWAT +_fdWKaV4C0M-00404-00120972-00121157 units make sure you have your gas mask +_fdWKaV4C0M-00405-00121158-00121366 on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00406-00121367-00121510 they're talking it over right now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00407-00121511-00121913 they're talking it over right now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00408-00121914-00122219 why bro what the f it's multiple +_fdWKaV4C0M-00409-00122220-00123016 different teams +_fdWKaV4C0M-00410-00123017-00124278 we're ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00411-00124279-00124763 why is this so dumb bro +_fdWKaV4C0M-00413-00127861-00128123 yeah the benches are killing me right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00414-00128124-00128519 now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00415-00128520-00128704 there's no way to get it out he got a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00416-00128705-00129654 wedge pretty good and now it's on fire +_fdWKaV4C0M-00417-00129655-00130654 clear closing user joined your Channel +_fdWKaV4C0M-00418-00130655-00130943 I honestly I can't really +_fdWKaV4C0M-00419-00130944-00131201 I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00420-00131202-00131381 don't speak for them I don't +_fdWKaV4C0M-00421-00131382-00131975 I don't know entirely what's +_fdWKaV4C0M-00422-00131976-00132233 our Eunice back up from the uh from the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00423-00132234-00132635 vehicle +_fdWKaV4C0M-00424-00132636-00133109 Rick is in Rick is in +_fdWKaV4C0M-00425-00133110-00133390 user left your Channel +_fdWKaV4C0M-00426-00133391-00133619 all right gas mask up everybody +_fdWKaV4C0M-00427-00133620-00134261 gas mask on +_fdWKaV4C0M-00428-00134262-00134789 all right everybody ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00429-00134790-00135990 all right here's what we're gonna do +_fdWKaV4C0M-00430-00135991-00136228 all right we're gonna move we're gonna +_fdWKaV4C0M-00431-00136229-00136390 be on the left side everybody on the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00432-00136391-00136475 left side +_fdWKaV4C0M-00433-00136476-00136793 let's go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00434-00136794-00136973 all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00435-00136974-00137189 we're ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00436-00137190-00137507 firm yep all right everybody ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00437-00137508-00137740 am I can you guys hear me this word +_fdWKaV4C0M-00438-00137741-00137963 properly no you cannot all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00439-00137964-00138101 everybody ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00440-00138102-00138316 yeah +_fdWKaV4C0M-00441-00138317-00138664 three two I'm gonna go straight right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00442-00138665-00138864 I'm gonna clear from left to right okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00443-00138865-00139121 firm all right second man you go left +_fdWKaV4C0M-00444-00139122-00139937 okay three two one moving +_fdWKaV4C0M-00445-00139938-00140633 off is clear +_fdWKaV4C0M-00446-00140634-00141185 suspect down suspect down +_fdWKaV4C0M-00447-00141186-00141449 pick one for the team I I went down too +_fdWKaV4C0M-00448-00141450-00141701 high I think each other I got two +_fdWKaV4C0M-00449-00141702-00142037 officers down this time go go it's okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00450-00142038-00142313 all right do not move sir do not move +_fdWKaV4C0M-00451-00142314-00142499 you're gonna get shot again okay ready +_fdWKaV4C0M-00452-00142500-00142804 don't move man entry in there's a +_fdWKaV4C0M-00453-00142805-00142978 hallway to your left I don't know if +_fdWKaV4C0M-00454-00142979-00143195 he's the only one or not I'm moving I'm +_fdWKaV4C0M-00455-00143196-00143399 pushing up all right ready go all right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00456-00143400-00143747 I'll be I'll be right behind you go +_fdWKaV4C0M-00457-00143748-00143885 I'm gone +_fdWKaV4C0M-00458-00143886-00144293 do not move man don't move +_fdWKaV4C0M-00459-00144294-00144587 uh oh wait the door clear +_fdWKaV4C0M-00460-00144588-00145013 cuffs +_fdWKaV4C0M-00461-00145014-00145714 but him and cuffs +_fdWKaV4C0M-00462-00145715-00146285 let's clear the rest of the building +_fdWKaV4C0M-00463-00146286-00146464 my SWAT team here clearing the rest of +_fdWKaV4C0M-00464-00146465-00146885 the building now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00465-00146886-00147059 before I got two offices he's done this +_fdWKaV4C0M-00466-00147060-00147235 time yeah +_fdWKaV4C0M-00467-00147236-00147533 I know that hadn't been a shotgun no he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00468-00147534-00147707 didn't he had an ear I shot him I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00469-00147708-00147971 shotgunned him in the back +_fdWKaV4C0M-00470-00147972-00148309 red shot +_fdWKaV4C0M-00471-00148310-00148571 officers extracted +_fdWKaV4C0M-00472-00148572-00148757 you're clear all right one out of one +_fdWKaV4C0M-00473-00148758-00148954 correction Apex one building is gonna be +_fdWKaV4C0M-00474-00148955-00149099 clear this time Eunice you're good to +_fdWKaV4C0M-00475-00149100-00149339 roll in Medics you're good to rule in +_fdWKaV4C0M-00476-00149340-00149573 we can think we can uh collapse the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00477-00149574-00150173 perimeter to the bank uh interior +_fdWKaV4C0M-00478-00150174-00150395 Eunice is still lingering gas masks so +_fdWKaV4C0M-00479-00150396-00150575 don't come straight in if you don't have +_fdWKaV4C0M-00480-00150576-00150797 a mask +_fdWKaV4C0M-00481-00150798-00150952 you know something else like can you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00482-00150953-00151223 pull back the rookies +_fdWKaV4C0M-00483-00151224-00151528 all right thank you guys for the uh what +_fdWKaV4C0M-00484-00151529-00151727 do you call it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00485-00151728-00152314 thank you guys for all the follows +_fdWKaV4C0M-00486-00152315-00152531 find your Channel +_fdWKaV4C0M-00487-00152532-00153299 2gsw is just above the vest +_fdWKaV4C0M-00488-00153300-00153461 job +_fdWKaV4C0M-00489-00153462-00153635 because now +_fdWKaV4C0M-00490-00153636-00153983 all right I got it oh me man this is the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00491-00153984-00154139 fire stations up the road they're +_fdWKaV4C0M-00492-00154140-00154445 probably gonna be here pretty quick yeah +_fdWKaV4C0M-00493-00154446-00154673 I mean they were on standby so +_fdWKaV4C0M-00494-00154674-00154990 hey Chad what's up uh I think there's +_fdWKaV4C0M-00495-00154991-00155176 gonna be more I think more is gonna +_fdWKaV4C0M-00496-00155177-00155549 happen more what bank robberies oh God +_fdWKaV4C0M-00497-00155550-00155825 the dude on the phone stated that he had +_fdWKaV4C0M-00498-00155826-00155987 another accomplice somewhere outside the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00499-00155988-00156287 building that was watching +_fdWKaV4C0M-00500-00156288-00156443 um and this dude that was outside of the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00501-00156444-00156581 building was the one that Mastermind the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00502-00156582-00156761 entire bank robbery gave him all the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00503-00156762-00156887 gear that dude inside was just doing the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00504-00156888-00157151 heavy lifting all right so we'll see +_fdWKaV4C0M-00505-00157152-00157457 we can have supervisors put out some uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00506-00157458-00157751 races to have persons set up at the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00507-00157752-00157997 future locations around the city that +_fdWKaV4C0M-00508-00157998-00159013 have um +_fdWKaV4C0M-00509-00159014-00159257 that dude inside stated that there was +_fdWKaV4C0M-00510-00159258-00159407 just the one dude that was unarmed +_fdWKaV4C0M-00511-00159408-00159623 somewhere around here just watching and +_fdWKaV4C0M-00512-00159624-00159725 that he was the one that was The +_fdWKaV4C0M-00513-00159726-00159952 Mastermind Chad he got all this gear +_fdWKaV4C0M-00514-00159953-00160126 holding this did that the dude inside +_fdWKaV4C0M-00515-00160127-00160451 was just a heavy lifter okay I got you +_fdWKaV4C0M-00516-00160452-00160697 what's up yeah no where'd you see the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00517-00160698-00160999 guy at +_fdWKaV4C0M-00518-00161000-00161201 I don't know if you killed him or +_fdWKaV4C0M-00519-00161202-00161599 whatever but +_fdWKaV4C0M-00520-00161600-00162371 uh it was it was absolutely +_fdWKaV4C0M-00521-00162372-00162569 all right who was it that went down it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00522-00162570-00162875 was an officer that was still here is +_fdWKaV4C0M-00523-00162876-00163043 about the best fly in the other one and +_fdWKaV4C0M-00524-00163044-00163409 the left arm I believe yeah +_fdWKaV4C0M-00525-00163410-00163709 okay one two four the description was +_fdWKaV4C0M-00526-00163710-00164009 blackmail tan shorts like that pressed +_fdWKaV4C0M-00527-00164010-00164266 the panic button earlier yeah what +_fdWKaV4C0M-00528-00164267-00164375 happened again +_fdWKaV4C0M-00529-00164376-00164657 I followed him down into the ACT he was +_fdWKaV4C0M-00530-00164658-00164795 trying to work his way around through +_fdWKaV4C0M-00531-00164796-00164933 the alleyway and then he turned around +_fdWKaV4C0M-00532-00164934-00165166 and stabbed me oh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00533-00165167-00165293 okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00534-00165294-00166235 okay that's that's a no no +_fdWKaV4C0M-00535-00166236-00166397 all right we'll build up for him later +_fdWKaV4C0M-00536-00166398-00166643 this is his vehicle right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00537-00166644-00167183 you're gonna put a warrant out for him +_fdWKaV4C0M-00538-00167184-00167326 because I'm playing that kind of stuff +_fdWKaV4C0M-00539-00167327-00167590 bro this guy was just arrested the same +_fdWKaV4C0M-00540-00167591-00167740 car would just towed and arrested right +_fdWKaV4C0M-00541-00167741-00167914 before this +_fdWKaV4C0M-00542-00167915-00168214 oh was it now okay +_fdWKaV4C0M-00543-00168215-00168599 his name is Jamal Jackson +_fdWKaV4C0M-00544-00168600-00168845 15 to 2 Lincoln +_fdWKaV4C0M-00545-00168846-00169175 142 +_fdWKaV4C0M-00546-00169176-00169469 . +_fdWKaV4C0M-00547-00169470-00170747 that's 15 to 2 Lincoln 142 or 141. +_fdWKaV4C0M-00548-00170748-00171175 just going out of here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00549-00171176-00171671 what I'm three to one on one +_fdWKaV4C0M-00550-00171672-00171821 just let you know we got new news here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00551-00171822-00172025 uh media here we have them set up across +_fdWKaV4C0M-00552-00172026-00172228 three they're trying to get close to the +_fdWKaV4C0M-00553-00172229-00172302 scene +_fdWKaV4C0M-00554-00172303-00172535 time for they can stay on the sidewalk +_fdWKaV4C0M-00555-00172536-00173266 far away from the scene until we play it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00556-00173267-00173495 I don't know if this is +_fdWKaV4C0M-00557-00173496-00173789 um he got arrested in this car very good +_fdWKaV4C0M-00558-00173790-00174828 to open up the street +_fdWKaV4C0M-00559-00174829-00175601 and right before this we arrested him +_fdWKaV4C0M-00560-00175602-00175840 and I'm pretty sure it was his buddy in +_fdWKaV4C0M-00561-00175841-00176009 the black sports car that was further +_fdWKaV4C0M-00562-00176010-00176164 down the alley when it happened but he +_fdWKaV4C0M-00563-00176165-00176411 didn't actually do anything his buddy in +_fdWKaV4C0M-00564-00176412-00176537 his first car he was wearing a white +_fdWKaV4C0M-00565-00176538-00176783 shirt white beanie with green color type +_fdWKaV4C0M-00566-00176784-00178061 of joggers black shoes +_fdWKaV4C0M-00567-00178062-00178457 I don't know we're out for this day +_fdWKaV4C0M-00568-00178458-00179464 you really want it +_fdWKaV4C0M-00569-00179465-00179681 one out of three and uh when I want them +_fdWKaV4C0M-00570-00179682-00179975 I needed anymore +_fdWKaV4C0M-00571-00179976-00181726 um I'm sure it's there +_fdWKaV4C0M-00572-00181727-00182033 oh I'm a government employee probably +_fdWKaV4C0M-00573-00182034-00182254 143 I have a uh +_fdWKaV4C0M-00574-00182255-00182476 motor vehicle accident over at zero +_fdWKaV4C0M-00575-00182477-00182614 three nine it looks like we have one +_fdWKaV4C0M-00576-00182615-00182837 down suspect I mean one down victims I +_fdWKaV4C0M-00577-00182838-00182957 can be another another additional over +_fdWKaV4C0M-00578-00182958-00183809 here +_fdWKaV4C0M-00579-00183810-00184363 a bank robbery +_fdWKaV4C0M-00580-00184364-00184704 Mr Justin kept +_fdWKaV4C0M-00581-00184705-00185009 interviewing with +_fdWKaV4C0M-00582-00185010-00186101 the Elio and breaching the perimeter +_fdWKaV4C0M-00583-00186102-00186383 of +_fdWKaV4C0M-00584-00186384-00187090 Jordan +_fdWKaV4C0M-00585-00187091-00187331 officer +_fdWKaV4C0M-00586-00187332-00188878 is him down +_fdWKaV4C0M-00587-00188879-00189137 very easy +_fdWKaV4C0M-00588-00189138-00189833 about the office +_fdWKaV4C0M-00589-00189834-00190152 with a knife +_fdWKaV4C0M-00590-00190153-00190366 all right because they they'd be +_fdWKaV4C0M-00591-00190367-00190552 thinking I'm playing about this kind of +_fdWKaV4C0M-00592-00190553-00190990 stuff +_fdWKaV4C0M-00593-00190991-00191195 so now he's got a warrant on his arrest +_fdWKaV4C0M-00594-00191196-00191452 for three different churches +_fdWKaV4C0M-00595-00191453-00191981 use that character again I do +_fdWKaV4C0M-00596-00191982-00193578 let's delete this part +_fdWKaV4C0M-00597-00193579-00194276 [Music] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00000-00000033-00001051 [Music] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00001-00001052-00001206 [Applause] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00002-00001207-00003277 [Music] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00003-00003278-00004591 [Music] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00004-00004592-00005868 [Applause] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00005-00005869-00006536 thank you +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00006-00006537-00006895 [Applause] +_fL2JpJk9Z0-00007-00006895-00007195 thank you +_gumkNRrGN8-00000-00000146-00000401 this video is going to look at finding +_gumkNRrGN8-00001-00000401-00000671 the rate of carbon dating it goes along +_gumkNRrGN8-00002-00000672-00000932 with the lab on dating the Dead Sea +_gumkNRrGN8-00003-00000933-00001573 Scrolls found in section 3.3 concept 3.3 +_gumkNRrGN8-00004-00001574-00002105 for quantitative literacy so there's a +_gumkNRrGN8-00005-00002106-00002725 hint given in the content there that +_gumkNRrGN8-00006-00002726-00003367 explains how you can use this equation +_gumkNRrGN8-00007-00003368-00003865 to calculate the rate and then it leaves +_gumkNRrGN8-00008-00003867-00004258 you to calculate the rate on your own +_gumkNRrGN8-00009-00004259-00004529 this requires a little bit of algebra a +_gumkNRrGN8-00010-00004530-00004694 little more algebra than maybe we've +_gumkNRrGN8-00011-00004695-00005174 seen in this course so far I don't want +_gumkNRrGN8-00012-00005175-00005493 to give away the answer finding the rate +_gumkNRrGN8-00013-00005494-00005822 is important here so this rate would +_gumkNRrGN8-00014-00005823-00006484 represent the percentage decay per year +_gumkNRrGN8-00015-00006486-00007045 and then you could use that rate to +_gumkNRrGN8-00016-00007045-00007423 determine of what percentage would +_gumkNRrGN8-00017-00007425-00007826 remain of each manuscript that has been +_gumkNRrGN8-00018-00007827-00008105 tested we're going to look at a similar +_gumkNRrGN8-00019-00008106-00009049 example so this is carbon-14 say this is +_gumkNRrGN8-00020-00009050-00009499 the half-life for something other than +_gumkNRrGN8-00021-00009500-00009724 carbon-14 I like the joke but maybe it's +_gumkNRrGN8-00022-00009725-00010003 kryptonite so we'd be set up like this +_gumkNRrGN8-00023-00010004-00010409 we're gonna go about determining the +_gumkNRrGN8-00024-00010410-00010727 rate of the half-life for this element +_gumkNRrGN8-00025-00010728-00011081 perhaps its kryptonite and so go about +_gumkNRrGN8-00026-00011082-00011353 doing this going well the algebra here +_gumkNRrGN8-00027-00011354-00012002 I'm going to spread this apart just a +_gumkNRrGN8-00028-00012003-00012410 tad so we want to get R by itself we're +_gumkNRrGN8-00029-00012411-00012832 trying to solve for R so we're going to +_gumkNRrGN8-00030-00012833-00013205 start by getting rid of this exponent +_gumkNRrGN8-00031-00013206-00013493 and if you will remember your +_gumkNRrGN8-00032-00013494-00013925 exponential rules I'm going to think +_gumkNRrGN8-00033-00013926-00014207 about this right here being in +_gumkNRrGN8-00034-00014208-00014390 parentheses and when you raise a power +_gumkNRrGN8-00035-00014391-00014927 to a power you multiply so I'm going to +_gumkNRrGN8-00036-00014928-00015605 raise this right here to let's see if I +_gumkNRrGN8-00037-00015606-00016030 can make this transparent yep one over +_gumkNRrGN8-00038-00016031-00016265 four thousand two hundred and seventy +_gumkNRrGN8-00039-00016266-00016744 six and as you would know if when you +_gumkNRrGN8-00040-00016745-00017107 raise a power to a power you multiply so +_gumkNRrGN8-00041-00017108-00017363 four thousand two hundred and seventy +_gumkNRrGN8-00042-00017364-00017888 six times one over four thousand two +_gumkNRrGN8-00043-00017889-00018227 hundred and seventy six would be one and +_gumkNRrGN8-00044-00018228-00018524 anything raised to the 1 power is just +_gumkNRrGN8-00045-00018525-00018977 whatever it is you can do this whenever +_gumkNRrGN8-00046-00018978-00019418 you raise one side to a power you have +_gumkNRrGN8-00047-00019419-00019802 to balance it out by raising the other +_gumkNRrGN8-00048-00019803-00020237 side to a power as well this won't be +_gumkNRrGN8-00049-00020238-00020447 one we can calculate this in the +_gumkNRrGN8-00050-00020448-00020669 calculator but I don't want rounding +_gumkNRrGN8-00051-00020670-00020864 error so we're going to hold off on that +_gumkNRrGN8-00052-00020865-00021263 for right now +_gumkNRrGN8-00053-00021264-00021689 so when you raise a power to a power you +_gumkNRrGN8-00054-00021690-00022217 would get rid of this and this would +_gumkNRrGN8-00055-00022218-00023948 leave us with simply 1 minus R equal Inc +_gumkNRrGN8-00056-00023949-00024554 Oh point five raised to the 1/4 thousand +_gumkNRrGN8-00057-00024555-00024797 two hundred seventy-six we can then +_gumkNRrGN8-00058-00024798-00025220 subtract one from both sides you can +_gumkNRrGN8-00059-00025221-00026423 think of that looking like this and that +_gumkNRrGN8-00060-00026424-00026767 would leave us with a negative R +_gumkNRrGN8-00061-00026768-00027173 equaling point zero five I'm going to +_gumkNRrGN8-00062-00027174-00027704 write type the exponent like this which +_gumkNRrGN8-00063-00027705-00027908 is the way it would you would enter it +_gumkNRrGN8-00064-00027908-00028898 into a calculator minus one I'll let you +_gumkNRrGN8-00065-00028899-00029072 move it over here so the last thing we +_gumkNRrGN8-00066-00029073-00029267 need to do to get R by itself is get rid +_gumkNRrGN8-00067-00029268-00029675 of the sign so I'm going to multiply +_gumkNRrGN8-00068-00029676-00030497 both sides by negative one so negative +_gumkNRrGN8-00069-00030498-00031010 one times negative R will leave you with +_gumkNRrGN8-00070-00031011-00031343 just our and I'll multiply this side +_gumkNRrGN8-00071-00031344-00031886 over here also by negative one so we're +_gumkNRrGN8-00072-00031887-00032267 left on the left with just R on the +_gumkNRrGN8-00073-00032268-00032752 right side negative 1 times a minus one +_gumkNRrGN8-00074-00032754-00032989 is going to give us a positive one and +_gumkNRrGN8-00075-00032990-00033527 then this was positive it's now going to +_gumkNRrGN8-00076-00033528-00034568 be negative and I now have something +_gumkNRrGN8-00077-00034569-00035201 that I can enter into my calculator I'll +_gumkNRrGN8-00078-00035202-00035393 put the calculator here I'm going to +_gumkNRrGN8-00079-00035394-00036328 enter this so 1 minus 0.5 raised to the +_gumkNRrGN8-00080-00036329-00036605 1/4 thousand two hundred and seventy six +_gumkNRrGN8-00081-00036606-00036867 in this case +_gumkNRrGN8-00082-00036868-00037346 we can enter this is scientific notation +_gumkNRrGN8-00083-00037347-00037718 this is telling us to move the decimal +_gumkNRrGN8-00084-00037719-00038390 four places so when I move the decimal +_gumkNRrGN8-00085-00038391-00039077 four places I would get that the rate +_gumkNRrGN8-00086-00039078-00039630 equals zero point zero zero zero one six +_gumkNRrGN8-00087-00039631-00040337 two zero eight eight six I could say and +_gumkNRrGN8-00088-00040338-00041127 all around this bit here so you can see +_gumkNRrGN8-00089-00041128-00041325 how we took this a scientific notation +_gumkNRrGN8-00090-00041326-00041505 we took this decimal and moved it to the +_gumkNRrGN8-00091-00041506-00042048 left four places so this is how you go +_gumkNRrGN8-00092-00042049-00042302 about doing it for a different element +_gumkNRrGN8-00093-00042303-00042627 now you can go do it on your own for C +_gumkNRrGN8-00094-00042628-00043175 14 using a half-life of +_jfXe8ft6uI-00000-00000005-00000290 foreign +_jfXe8ft6uI-00001-00000291-00000583 [Music] +_ldh06KjwRy-00002-00026981-00028083 [Music] +_ldh06KjwRy-00003-00028083-00029483 foreign +_ldh06KjwRy-00004-00029483-00030883 foreign +_ldh06KjwRy-00006-00042084-00044701 um +_ldh06KjwRy-00007-00044702-00046283 [Music] +_ldh06KjwRy-00010-00063083-00064482 so +_ldh06KjwRy-00011-00064483-00065287 so +_ldh06KjwRy-00012-00065288-00065495 you +_lRizGWYwvM-00000-00000008-00000311 hi and welcome to physiology open +_lRizGWYwvM-00001-00000312-00000551 in this video we will discuss what are +_lRizGWYwvM-00002-00000552-00000807 the various leads of ecg +_lRizGWYwvM-00003-00000808-00001062 how and why ecg is recorded differently +_lRizGWYwvM-00004-00001063-00001295 in different leads and why we need +_lRizGWYwvM-00005-00001296-00001454 different leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00006-00001455-00001710 we have discussed fundamentals of ecg in +_lRizGWYwvM-00007-00001711-00001942 another video the link for which is +_lRizGWYwvM-00008-00001943-00002183 provided in the description section you +_lRizGWYwvM-00009-00002184-00002399 can check it out also +_lRizGWYwvM-00010-00002400-00002615 anyways in brief i will tell that to you +_lRizGWYwvM-00011-00002616-00002695 too +_lRizGWYwvM-00012-00002696-00002775 so +_lRizGWYwvM-00013-00002776-00003007 electrocardiography is the procedure of +_lRizGWYwvM-00014-00003008-00003191 recording the spread of electrical +_lRizGWYwvM-00015-00003192-00003395 activity in heart +_lRizGWYwvM-00016-00003396-00003615 electrocardiograph is the machine which +_lRizGWYwvM-00017-00003615-00003799 is used to record this electrical +_lRizGWYwvM-00018-00003800-00003927 activity +_lRizGWYwvM-00019-00003928-00004159 and the record which is obtained is +_lRizGWYwvM-00020-00004160-00004283 known as +_lRizGWYwvM-00021-00004284-00004559 electrocardiogram don't confuse the +_lRizGWYwvM-00022-00004560-00004863 record obtained is not known as graph it +_lRizGWYwvM-00023-00004864-00005215 is known as electrocardiogram +_lRizGWYwvM-00024-00005216-00005375 the machine is known as +_lRizGWYwvM-00025-00005376-00005575 electrocardiograph +_lRizGWYwvM-00026-00005576-00005654 ok +_lRizGWYwvM-00027-00005655-00005847 since electrocardiography is the +_lRizGWYwvM-00028-00005848-00006063 procedure of recording the spread of +_lRizGWYwvM-00029-00006064-00006270 electrical activity in heart +_lRizGWYwvM-00030-00006271-00006559 that means for knowing ecg first we +_lRizGWYwvM-00031-00006559-00006767 should know how the electrical activity +_lRizGWYwvM-00032-00006768-00006934 spreads in heart +_lRizGWYwvM-00033-00006936-00007206 initially the impulse travels from sa +_lRizGWYwvM-00034-00007208-00007534 node to av node depolarizing atria in +_lRizGWYwvM-00035-00007536-00007798 between via gap junctions +_lRizGWYwvM-00036-00007800-00007963 and the average direction of +_lRizGWYwvM-00037-00007964-00008342 depolarization of atria is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00038-00008343-00008623 direction is always taken from negative +_lRizGWYwvM-00039-00008624-00008942 to positive see the depolarized area has +_lRizGWYwvM-00040-00008943-00009183 become negative outside +_lRizGWYwvM-00041-00009184-00009374 the one still at resting membrane +_lRizGWYwvM-00042-00009375-00009639 potential is positive outside +_lRizGWYwvM-00043-00009640-00009878 so the direction will be like this then +_lRizGWYwvM-00044-00009879-00010159 the septum gets depolarized from left to +_lRizGWYwvM-00045-00010160-00010423 right for a brief duration and average +_lRizGWYwvM-00046-00010424-00010638 direction of depolarization that time +_lRizGWYwvM-00047-00010639-00010814 becomes like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00048-00010815-00011031 then for ventricular depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00049-00011032-00011414 again the average direction is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00050-00011415-00011614 but the final part of the ventricle to +_lRizGWYwvM-00051-00011615-00011974 be depolarized is postero basal portion +_lRizGWYwvM-00052-00011975-00012167 of left ventricle +_lRizGWYwvM-00053-00012168-00012351 so while the rest of the ventricle is +_lRizGWYwvM-00054-00012352-00012742 depolarized that is outside negative +_lRizGWYwvM-00055-00012743-00013007 and this postural basal portion of left +_lRizGWYwvM-00056-00013008-00013255 ventricle is positive outside the +_lRizGWYwvM-00057-00013256-00013599 average direction becomes like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00058-00013600-00013855 these four arrows represent the average +_lRizGWYwvM-00059-00013856-00014038 direction of spread of electrical +_lRizGWYwvM-00060-00014040-00014327 activity in heart this is known as +_lRizGWYwvM-00061-00014328-00014591 vector cardiogram +_lRizGWYwvM-00062-00014591-00014815 now to record this spread of electrical +_lRizGWYwvM-00063-00014816-00015103 activity we place electrodes around the +_lRizGWYwvM-00064-00015104-00015238 heart +_lRizGWYwvM-00065-00015240-00015407 the way this electrical activity is +_lRizGWYwvM-00066-00015408-00015686 recorded depends on two things +_lRizGWYwvM-00067-00015687-00015807 one +_lRizGWYwvM-00068-00015808-00015966 obviously the average direction of +_lRizGWYwvM-00069-00015968-00016271 spread of electrical activity and second +_lRizGWYwvM-00070-00016272-00016455 where we put the positive and negative +_lRizGWYwvM-00071-00016456-00016743 electrodes outside on the body +_lRizGWYwvM-00072-00016744-00016919 we can also call it what is the +_lRizGWYwvM-00073-00016920-00017086 direction of the lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00074-00017087-00017375 again direction taken from negative to +_lRizGWYwvM-00075-00017376-00017615 positive electrode +_lRizGWYwvM-00076-00017616-00017967 whenever the direction of the lead is +_lRizGWYwvM-00077-00017968-00018167 same as the direction of the spread of +_lRizGWYwvM-00078-00018168-00018319 depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00079-00018320-00018622 it is recorded as a positive wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00080-00018623-00018935 so suppose we have a lead like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00081-00018936-00019135 from right to left +_lRizGWYwvM-00082-00019136-00019447 approximately 60 degrees from horizontal +_lRizGWYwvM-00083-00019448-00019639 how the spread of depolarization will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00084-00019640-00019814 recorded in this lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00085-00019815-00019903 see +_lRizGWYwvM-00086-00019904-00020175 initial atrial depolarization is along +_lRizGWYwvM-00087-00020176-00020399 the direction of the lead so it will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00088-00020400-00020719 recorded as a positive wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00089-00020720-00020991 then septal depolarization is opposite +_lRizGWYwvM-00090-00020992-00021222 to the direction of lead then how will +_lRizGWYwvM-00091-00021223-00021358 it be recorded +_lRizGWYwvM-00092-00021359-00021519 see you have to apply the knowledge of +_lRizGWYwvM-00093-00021520-00021711 vectors here +_lRizGWYwvM-00094-00021712-00021878 i will once again direct you to the +_lRizGWYwvM-00095-00021879-00022086 video in the description section which +_lRizGWYwvM-00096-00022087-00022343 describes how it will be recorded +_lRizGWYwvM-00097-00022344-00022455 so here +_lRizGWYwvM-00098-00022456-00022775 septal depolarization is almost opposite +_lRizGWYwvM-00099-00022776-00022991 to the direction of the lead so it will +_lRizGWYwvM-00100-00022992-00023342 be recorded as a negative wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00101-00023343-00023639 then ventricular depolarization is again +_lRizGWYwvM-00102-00023640-00023878 becoming along the direction of the lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00103-00023879-00024119 so it is again a positive wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00104-00024120-00024342 and since ventricular tissue is larger +_lRizGWYwvM-00105-00024343-00024607 than the atrial tissue so larger +_lRizGWYwvM-00106-00024608-00024911 amplitude positive wave is recorded now +_lRizGWYwvM-00107-00024912-00025078 see last part of ventricular +_lRizGWYwvM-00108-00025079-00025447 depolarization is almost 90 degrees to +_lRizGWYwvM-00109-00025448-00025655 the direction of the lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00110-00025656-00025846 again vector knowledge +_lRizGWYwvM-00111-00025847-00026070 no voltage will be recorded for this +_lRizGWYwvM-00112-00026072-00026407 arrow if it is exactly 90 degrees +_lRizGWYwvM-00113-00026408-00026783 in this case it is a little obtuse so +_lRizGWYwvM-00114-00026783-00026990 some voltage will be recorded but +_lRizGWYwvM-00115-00026991-00027111 negative +_lRizGWYwvM-00116-00027112-00027327 so we just saw how atrial and +_lRizGWYwvM-00117-00027327-00027527 ventricular depolarization will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00118-00027527-00027831 recorded in lead 2 of ecg +_lRizGWYwvM-00119-00027832-00028111 yes the direction of lead shown here is +_lRizGWYwvM-00120-00028112-00028358 of lead 2 of ecg +_lRizGWYwvM-00121-00028360-00028623 and see we have just obtained our p wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00122-00028624-00028807 which is recorded due to atrial +_lRizGWYwvM-00123-00028808-00028983 depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00124-00028983-00029246 and qrs complex which is obtained due to +_lRizGWYwvM-00125-00029247-00029511 ventricular depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00126-00029512-00029751 now during ventricular repolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00127-00029752-00030111 also the vector direction is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00128-00030112-00030383 so it is along the direction of the lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00129-00030383-00030639 so it is also recorded as a positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00130-00030639-00031007 wave in lead 2. now let us see other ecg +_lRizGWYwvM-00131-00031008-00031262 leads and how all these directions of +_lRizGWYwvM-00132-00031263-00031423 depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00133-00031424-00031679 and repolarization will be recorded in +_lRizGWYwvM-00134-00031680-00031814 different leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00135-00031816-00032007 but why do we need +_lRizGWYwvM-00136-00032008-00032295 so many ecg leads there are in total 12 +_lRizGWYwvM-00137-00032295-00032607 ecg leads so why do we need all these +_lRizGWYwvM-00138-00032608-00032862 leads we can't get full information +_lRizGWYwvM-00139-00032863-00033095 about the spread of depolarization from +_lRizGWYwvM-00140-00033096-00033302 a single ecg lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00141-00033303-00033527 see heart is a 3d organ +_lRizGWYwvM-00142-00033528-00033774 and one lead only tells about 2d spread +_lRizGWYwvM-00143-00033775-00033943 of depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00144-00033944-00034262 see till now we were talking in 2d terms +_lRizGWYwvM-00145-00034263-00034518 vector direction pointing to left right +_lRizGWYwvM-00146-00034519-00034702 up to down +_lRizGWYwvM-00147-00034703-00034895 but what about anterior to posterior +_lRizGWYwvM-00148-00034896-00035111 direction and vice versa +_lRizGWYwvM-00149-00035112-00035327 so to fully understand the spread of +_lRizGWYwvM-00150-00035328-00035487 depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00151-00035488-00035799 we place multiple leads directed in +_lRizGWYwvM-00152-00035800-00036127 multiple directions so say if this is +_lRizGWYwvM-00153-00036128-00036415 the heart and i draw a circle around the +_lRizGWYwvM-00154-00036416-00036655 heart like this and we consider it a +_lRizGWYwvM-00155-00036656-00036815 vertical plane +_lRizGWYwvM-00156-00036816-00037102 and another plane like this this is +_lRizGWYwvM-00157-00037103-00037302 horizontal plane +_lRizGWYwvM-00158-00037303-00037583 we place leads such that they are +_lRizGWYwvM-00159-00037584-00037815 directed in both the planes +_lRizGWYwvM-00160-00037816-00037983 these leads are +_lRizGWYwvM-00161-00037984-00038318 limb leads and chest leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00162-00038319-00038535 among limb leads we have +_lRizGWYwvM-00163-00038536-00038830 bipolar limb leads and unipolar limb +_lRizGWYwvM-00164-00038831-00038951 blades +_lRizGWYwvM-00165-00038952-00039239 and chest leads are all unipolar chest +_lRizGWYwvM-00166-00039240-00039367 leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00167-00039368-00039574 so first let us see what is the meaning +_lRizGWYwvM-00168-00039575-00039943 of these terms unipolar and bipolar and +_lRizGWYwvM-00169-00039944-00040215 what is the direction of these leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00170-00040216-00040479 a lead records potential difference +_lRizGWYwvM-00171-00040480-00040759 between its two electrodes +_lRizGWYwvM-00172-00040760-00041111 both unipolar and bipolar leads do that +_lRizGWYwvM-00173-00041112-00041318 in bipolar leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00174-00041319-00041502 both the electrodes are at some +_lRizGWYwvM-00175-00041503-00041702 potential +_lRizGWYwvM-00176-00041703-00041879 and lead records the potential +_lRizGWYwvM-00177-00041880-00042046 difference between them +_lRizGWYwvM-00178-00042047-00042311 in unipolar leads one of the electrode +_lRizGWYwvM-00179-00042312-00042518 is at zero potential +_lRizGWYwvM-00180-00042519-00042830 so if the potential at one electrode say +_lRizGWYwvM-00181-00042831-00043062 v one is subtracted from the other +_lRizGWYwvM-00182-00043063-00043343 electrode potential that is zero we will +_lRizGWYwvM-00183-00043344-00043646 get that potential only that is v1 +_lRizGWYwvM-00184-00043647-00043943 so unipolar lead is set to record the +_lRizGWYwvM-00185-00043944-00044174 actual potential +_lRizGWYwvM-00186-00044175-00044287 so okay +_lRizGWYwvM-00187-00044288-00044543 what are these unipolar and bipolar +_lRizGWYwvM-00188-00044544-00044662 leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00189-00044663-00044823 so what we do +_lRizGWYwvM-00190-00044824-00045087 is that when one electrode is put on +_lRizGWYwvM-00191-00045088-00045358 right arm which is negative electrode +_lRizGWYwvM-00192-00045359-00045599 and another electrode put on left arm +_lRizGWYwvM-00193-00045600-00045807 which is positive electrode the +_lRizGWYwvM-00194-00045808-00046087 direction of lead is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00195-00046088-00046262 you know the direction is taken from +_lRizGWYwvM-00196-00046263-00046486 negative to positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00197-00046487-00046895 this is known as lead 1 of ecg +_lRizGWYwvM-00198-00046896-00046983 when +_lRizGWYwvM-00199-00046984-00047335 negative electrode is on right arm and +_lRizGWYwvM-00200-00047336-00047590 positive electrode on left leg +_lRizGWYwvM-00201-00047591-00047846 direction of lead is like this 60 +_lRizGWYwvM-00202-00047847-00048046 degrees to the horizontal +_lRizGWYwvM-00203-00048047-00048383 and this is lead 2 of ecg with negative +_lRizGWYwvM-00204-00048384-00048623 electrode on left arm +_lRizGWYwvM-00205-00048624-00048743 and +_lRizGWYwvM-00206-00048744-00049062 positive electrode on left leg +_lRizGWYwvM-00207-00049063-00049367 the direction of the lead is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00208-00049368-00049686 this is lead 3 of ecg if we draw the +_lRizGWYwvM-00209-00049687-00049935 direction of all these leads from a +_lRizGWYwvM-00210-00049936-00050143 common center +_lRizGWYwvM-00211-00050144-00050358 we can draw it like this also it is +_lRizGWYwvM-00212-00050359-00050583 nothing we are only just shifting the +_lRizGWYwvM-00213-00050584-00050774 vectors we are just drawing it from a +_lRizGWYwvM-00214-00050775-00050918 common center +_lRizGWYwvM-00215-00050919-00051287 now these leads lead one two three are +_lRizGWYwvM-00216-00051288-00051535 bipolar limb leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00217-00051536-00051790 there are three unipolar limb leads also +_lRizGWYwvM-00218-00051791-00051919 these are +_lRizGWYwvM-00219-00051920-00052038 avr +_lRizGWYwvM-00220-00052039-00052407 avl and avf for these leads the +_lRizGWYwvM-00221-00052408-00052654 electrode at one arm is considered +_lRizGWYwvM-00222-00052655-00052894 positive electrode while the electrode +_lRizGWYwvM-00223-00052895-00053191 at other two places is passed through +_lRizGWYwvM-00224-00053191-00053494 high resistance such that the potential +_lRizGWYwvM-00225-00053495-00053791 becomes 0 there and it is taken as +_lRizGWYwvM-00226-00053791-00054182 negative electrode so for avr r is for +_lRizGWYwvM-00227-00054183-00054511 right arm the electrode at +_lRizGWYwvM-00228-00054512-00054766 right arm is a positive electrode and +_lRizGWYwvM-00229-00054767-00055015 that at left arm and left leg is passed +_lRizGWYwvM-00230-00055016-00055279 through high resistance and considered +_lRizGWYwvM-00231-00055279-00055566 as negative electrode so direction of +_lRizGWYwvM-00232-00055567-00055815 the lead is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00233-00055816-00055991 for avl +_lRizGWYwvM-00234-00055991-00056271 the electrode at left arm is positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00235-00056272-00056519 and that at right arm and left leg are +_lRizGWYwvM-00236-00056520-00056863 made 0 and considered as negative +_lRizGWYwvM-00237-00056864-00057119 so direction of lead is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00238-00057120-00057311 similarly for avf +_lRizGWYwvM-00239-00057312-00057575 the electrode on left leg is positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00240-00057576-00057742 and the other two electrodes are made +_lRizGWYwvM-00241-00057744-00057982 zero and the direction of glute is like +_lRizGWYwvM-00242-00057983-00058063 this +_lRizGWYwvM-00243-00058064-00058359 so we have discussed six limb bleeds of +_lRizGWYwvM-00244-00058360-00058599 which three are unipolar and three are +_lRizGWYwvM-00245-00058600-00058726 bipolar +_lRizGWYwvM-00246-00058727-00058807 see +_lRizGWYwvM-00247-00058808-00058975 these limb leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00248-00058976-00059230 look at the depolarization of the heart +_lRizGWYwvM-00249-00059232-00059499 in vertical plane only that is how +_lRizGWYwvM-00250-00059500-00059815 depolarization is moving from up to down +_lRizGWYwvM-00251-00059816-00059982 and right to left +_lRizGWYwvM-00252-00059983-00060206 to study how the depolarization is +_lRizGWYwvM-00253-00060207-00060479 moving in antero posterior direction +_lRizGWYwvM-00254-00060479-00060711 we need chest leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00255-00060712-00060975 so there are six chest leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00256-00060976-00061191 v1 to v6 +_lRizGWYwvM-00257-00061191-00061503 all these chest leads are unipolar leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00258-00061504-00061694 these chest leads look at the +_lRizGWYwvM-00259-00061695-00062071 depolarization in antero posterior plane +_lRizGWYwvM-00260-00062072-00062303 that is this plane so what are the +_lRizGWYwvM-00261-00062304-00062535 direction of the leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00262-00062536-00062887 for chest leads the electrodes placed on +_lRizGWYwvM-00263-00062888-00063150 the lymph are passed to high resistance +_lRizGWYwvM-00264-00063151-00063287 and made to +_lRizGWYwvM-00265-00063288-00063575 zero and all combined they act as a +_lRizGWYwvM-00266-00063576-00063799 negative electrode the positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00267-00063800-00064135 electrode is placed on the chest wall +_lRizGWYwvM-00268-00064136-00064399 for lead v1 electrode is placed in +_lRizGWYwvM-00269-00064400-00064663 fourth intercostal space just right to +_lRizGWYwvM-00270-00064664-00064830 the sternum +_lRizGWYwvM-00271-00064832-00065166 for v2 in fourth intercostal space just +_lRizGWYwvM-00272-00065167-00065399 left to the sternum so direction of +_lRizGWYwvM-00273-00065400-00065647 these leads is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00274-00065648-00065799 this is v1 +_lRizGWYwvM-00275-00065800-00066247 and this is v2 now v4 is placed in fifth +_lRizGWYwvM-00276-00066248-00066599 intercostal space in mid clavicular line +_lRizGWYwvM-00277-00066600-00066999 and v3 is placed between v2 and v4 +_lRizGWYwvM-00278-00067000-00067294 so their directions are like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00279-00067295-00067599 v5 is placed in fifth intercostal space +_lRizGWYwvM-00280-00067600-00067855 in anterior axillary line these are all +_lRizGWYwvM-00281-00067856-00068191 on left side and v6 in left fifth +_lRizGWYwvM-00282-00068192-00068543 intercostal space in mid axillary line +_lRizGWYwvM-00283-00068544-00068847 so only v1 electrode is placed right to +_lRizGWYwvM-00284-00068848-00069087 the sternum and rest all electrodes are +_lRizGWYwvM-00285-00069088-00069303 placed on the left side +_lRizGWYwvM-00286-00069304-00069391 ok +_lRizGWYwvM-00287-00069392-00069671 now let's go back to basics again +_lRizGWYwvM-00288-00069672-00070055 we have seen how the ecg looks in lead 2 +_lRizGWYwvM-00289-00070056-00070271 and we know that when depolarization is +_lRizGWYwvM-00290-00070272-00070471 along the direction of the lead it is +_lRizGWYwvM-00291-00070472-00070719 recorded as a positive wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00292-00070720-00070903 now by looking at the direction of the +_lRizGWYwvM-00293-00070904-00071150 different leads can you think in which +_lRizGWYwvM-00294-00071151-00071382 of the lead ecg will be recorded like +_lRizGWYwvM-00295-00071383-00071503 this +_lRizGWYwvM-00296-00071504-00071719 look at the direction of the lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00297-00071720-00071967 so here ecg is recorded as complete +_lRizGWYwvM-00298-00071968-00072294 opposite to that of lead 2. +_lRizGWYwvM-00299-00072295-00072526 if you are thinking about avr you are +_lRizGWYwvM-00300-00072527-00072719 totally correct +_lRizGWYwvM-00301-00072720-00072975 so to understand just take the direction +_lRizGWYwvM-00302-00072976-00073223 of avr lead which is like this +_lRizGWYwvM-00303-00073224-00073526 and for each direction of depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00304-00073527-00073711 and repolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00305-00073712-00073975 see how it will appear in this lead +_lRizGWYwvM-00306-00073976-00074311 yes it will be in opposite direction +_lRizGWYwvM-00307-00074312-00074447 now let us see +_lRizGWYwvM-00308-00074448-00074703 how it will appear in chess leads we +_lRizGWYwvM-00309-00074704-00075071 will take two chess leads v1 and v5 look +_lRizGWYwvM-00310-00075072-00075359 at v1 direction it's like this and look +_lRizGWYwvM-00311-00075360-00075655 at v5 direction it's like +_lRizGWYwvM-00312-00075656-00075982 this towards the left side anteriorly so +_lRizGWYwvM-00313-00075983-00076191 now this vector cardiogram we have to +_lRizGWYwvM-00314-00076192-00076438 see how this potential spread is moving +_lRizGWYwvM-00315-00076439-00076671 in antero posterior plane +_lRizGWYwvM-00316-00076672-00076879 so this is the vector cardiogram you +_lRizGWYwvM-00317-00076880-00077062 already know of +_lRizGWYwvM-00318-00077063-00077335 the first one the atrial depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00319-00077336-00077623 we have seen that it is down and left +_lRizGWYwvM-00320-00077624-00077831 plus also it is moving little bit +_lRizGWYwvM-00321-00077832-00077999 anteriorly +_lRizGWYwvM-00322-00078000-00078279 then the septal depolarization is moving +_lRizGWYwvM-00323-00078280-00078503 bit posteriorly +_lRizGWYwvM-00324-00078504-00078655 then major part of ventricular +_lRizGWYwvM-00325-00078656-00079023 depolarization again it is anteriorly +_lRizGWYwvM-00326-00079024-00079223 and the last part of ventricular +_lRizGWYwvM-00327-00079224-00079487 depolarization is again upward left hand +_lRizGWYwvM-00328-00079488-00079767 bit posteriorly so how this +_lRizGWYwvM-00329-00079768-00079935 spread of depolarization will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00330-00079936-00080271 recorded in leads v1 and v5 +_lRizGWYwvM-00331-00080272-00080599 first let us see actual depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00332-00080600-00080879 you just see how it is with respect to +_lRizGWYwvM-00333-00080880-00081182 the direction of lead v1 it is around 90 +_lRizGWYwvM-00334-00081183-00081494 degree but is still acute so a positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00335-00081495-00081806 p wave will be recorded but very small +_lRizGWYwvM-00336-00081807-00082126 since it is near to 90 degrees +_lRizGWYwvM-00337-00082127-00082343 in v5 it is +_lRizGWYwvM-00338-00082344-00082591 along the direction of v5 so a positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00339-00082592-00082799 p wave will be recorded but of larger +_lRizGWYwvM-00340-00082800-00083118 magnitude than in v1 +_lRizGWYwvM-00341-00083119-00083359 then septal depolarization again almost +_lRizGWYwvM-00342-00083360-00083671 90 degree so maybe no recording +_lRizGWYwvM-00343-00083672-00083959 for v5 septal depolarization is in +_lRizGWYwvM-00344-00083960-00084271 opposite direction to v pi so it will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00345-00084272-00084550 recorded as a negative wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00346-00084551-00084815 then ventricular depolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00347-00084816-00085047 again it is close to 90 degrees but is +_lRizGWYwvM-00348-00085048-00085294 still acute so positive wave will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00349-00085295-00085647 recorded but very small amplitude +_lRizGWYwvM-00350-00085648-00085943 but in v5 it is along the direction of +_lRizGWYwvM-00351-00085944-00086199 v5 pointing anteriorly and towards the +_lRizGWYwvM-00352-00086200-00086511 left so a larger amplitude positive wave +_lRizGWYwvM-00353-00086512-00086687 will be recorded +_lRizGWYwvM-00354-00086688-00086950 then last part it's almost opposite to +_lRizGWYwvM-00355-00086951-00087255 v1 so large amplitude negative wave will +_lRizGWYwvM-00356-00087256-00087567 be recorded but in b5 it is almost 90 +_lRizGWYwvM-00357-00087568-00087799 degree but obtuse +_lRizGWYwvM-00358-00087800-00088015 so a small negative wave will be +_lRizGWYwvM-00359-00088016-00088350 recorded in v5 similarly ventricular +_lRizGWYwvM-00360-00088351-00088526 repolarization +_lRizGWYwvM-00361-00088527-00088831 in v1 it will be recorded small positive +_lRizGWYwvM-00362-00088832-00089135 and in v5 little larger magnitude +_lRizGWYwvM-00363-00089136-00089391 positive wave so in this video we have +_lRizGWYwvM-00364-00089392-00089679 seen what are the different ecg leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00365-00089680-00089967 why we need different ecg lead and how +_lRizGWYwvM-00366-00089968-00090350 ecg will appear in different ecg leads +_lRizGWYwvM-00367-00090351-00090575 in another video we will see in a very +_lRizGWYwvM-00368-00090576-00090847 simple manner what is the duration of +_lRizGWYwvM-00369-00090848-00091126 different waves the intervals and +_lRizGWYwvM-00370-00091127-00091279 segments of the +_lRizGWYwvM-00371-00091280-00091756 and what is their clinical importance