diff --git "a/data/en005/text/00000004.txt" "b/data/en005/text/00000004.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en005/text/00000004.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,8803 @@ +-rz1nlWimAk-00000-00003739-00003760 Hello +-r_7K3y5UQk-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video +-r_7K3y5UQk-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view +-r_7K3y5UQk-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. +-r_7K3y5UQk-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much +-tx5ZueZipE-00000-00000004-00000411 As a leader you usually wish to empower your team. +-tx5ZueZipE-00001-00000411-00001034 After all, you get to delegate more, the team is more productive, innovative and achieves +-tx5ZueZipE-00002-00001034-00001170 its goals. +-tx5ZueZipE-00003-00001170-00001728 It’s good for the business, the team and you, of course. +-tx5ZueZipE-00004-00001728-00001971 But how do you empower your team? +-tx5ZueZipE-00005-00001971-00002349 How do you delegate success and don’t abdicate responsibilities? +-tx5ZueZipE-00006-00002349-00002833 Here is a formula you will remember. +-tx5ZueZipE-00007-00002833-00003515 It will help you get started, succeed and sustain the empowerment of your team. +-tx5ZueZipE-00008-00003515-00003790 Hello this is Pierre Bienvenüe from impi! +-tx5ZueZipE-00009-00003790-00004764 We are here to help remove anxiety from leadership as they gain greater clarity and control. +-tx5ZueZipE-00010-00004764-00005404 Within Walking Distance is a series giving tips, tools and reflections for leadership. +-tx5ZueZipE-00011-00005404-00005914 If you are new here, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and the links relevant for +-tx5ZueZipE-00012-00005914-00006455 this video, that you will find in the description box below. +-tx5ZueZipE-00013-00006455-00006722 impi! +-tx5ZueZipE-00014-00006722-00006888 So let’s answer the question. +-tx5ZueZipE-00015-00006888-00007122 How do you empower your team? +-tx5ZueZipE-00016-00007122-00007920 The formula for empowerment is: Empowerment = Direction x Autonomy x Support. +-tx5ZueZipE-00017-00007920-00008790 In this video, we'll break down what each of these elements means and how you can implement +-tx5ZueZipE-00018-00008790-00009040 them to empower your team. +-tx5ZueZipE-00019-00009040-00009257 Let's get started! +-tx5ZueZipE-00020-00009257-00009999 First a definition: Employee empowerment refers to the manner in which companies provide their +-tx5ZueZipE-00021-00009999-00010371 employees with anything and everything they need to succeed. +-tx5ZueZipE-00022-00010371-00011021 In other words when a leader gives the team the confidence needed to succeed and they +-tx5ZueZipE-00023-00011021-00011584 know it, they can accomplish their goals. +-tx5ZueZipE-00024-00011584-00012067 Empowering your team is important because it addresses several common problems in the +-tx5ZueZipE-00025-00012067-00012189 workplace. +-tx5ZueZipE-00026-00012189-00012864 Firstly, lack of direction can lead to confusion and disengagement among team members, which +-tx5ZueZipE-00027-00012864-00013466 can ultimately result in missed deadlines and poor quality work. +-tx5ZueZipE-00028-00013466-00014231 Secondly, micromanagement can stifle creativity and innovation, It tires you down and can +-tx5ZueZipE-00029-00014231-00014828 be detrimental to both the team and the organisation as a whole. +-tx5ZueZipE-00030-00014828-00015443 Finally, without proper support, team members may struggle to meet their goals, which can +-tx5ZueZipE-00031-00015443-00015713 lead to burnout and staff turnover. +-tx5ZueZipE-00032-00015713-00015994 An unhappy bunch. +-tx5ZueZipE-00033-00015994-00016130 Ok. +-tx5ZueZipE-00034-00016130-00016562 Direction: Direction means providing clear goals and +-tx5ZueZipE-00035-00016562-00016773 objectives to your team. +-tx5ZueZipE-00036-00016773-00017359 As a leader, you should ensure that your team knows what they are working towards and what +-tx5ZueZipE-00037-00017359-00017544 their priorities are. +-tx5ZueZipE-00038-00017544-00018014 The team has a purpose and a customer-centric mission. +-tx5ZueZipE-00039-00018014-00018606 Autonomy: Autonomy refers to giving your team members +-tx5ZueZipE-00040-00018606-00019326 the freedom to make decisions, take ownership of their work and even experiment in the face +-tx5ZueZipE-00041-00019326-00019504 of obstacles. +-tx5ZueZipE-00042-00019504-00020043 Now we also know that without mastery, the team cannot be autonomous. +-tx5ZueZipE-00043-00020043-00020752 Without the right competence and skills level, the risk of team and process failure is serious. +-tx5ZueZipE-00044-00020752-00021554 Also, team members won’t feel safe and secure if they know they are not competent enough. +-tx5ZueZipE-00045-00021554-00022104 Support: Support encompasses the resources part such +-tx5ZueZipE-00046-00022104-00022509 as tools, equipment and systems. +-tx5ZueZipE-00047-00022509-00023320 Nothing is more frustrating than not having available and reliable information and equipment. +-tx5ZueZipE-00048-00023320-00024251 Support also includes the human aspect of providing guidance, coaching, training, feedback, +-tx5ZueZipE-00049-00024251-00024419 recognition, and celebration. +-tx5ZueZipE-00050-00024419-00025015 So, how do you get started with empowering your team? +-tx5ZueZipE-00051-00025015-00025276 The formula gives you a stepped approach. +-tx5ZueZipE-00052-00025276-00025900 First, engage the team, listen and provide direction. +-tx5ZueZipE-00053-00025900-00026379 Second, ensure that the members are equipped and competent, before the +-tx5ZueZipE-00054-00026379-00026925 Third step, which is to give them autonomy. +-tx5ZueZipE-00055-00026925-00027527 That can be the hard part for you because the team needs to operate without you controlling +-tx5ZueZipE-00056-00027527-00027627 them. +-tx5ZueZipE-00057-00027627-00027944 You need to set up the boundaries. +-tx5ZueZipE-00058-00027944-00028541 Make sure that whatever they do is safe for themselves, doesn’t compromise customer +-tx5ZueZipE-00059-00028541-00028913 promises and that they don’t break the bank. +-tx5ZueZipE-00060-00028913-00029514 In other words, you allow them to take calculated risks. +-tx5ZueZipE-00061-00029514-00029794 Fourth, provide support. +-tx5ZueZipE-00062-00029794-00030141 And practice the foundations for good relations. +-tx5ZueZipE-00063-00030141-00030530 That we covered in the video “Develop Good Relations at Work”. +-tx5ZueZipE-00064-00030530-00031000 I’ll add the link to the description below. +-tx5ZueZipE-00065-00031000-00031916 That’s part of sustaining empowerment because you will provide them with continuous feedback. +-tx5ZueZipE-00066-00031916-00032564 What more can you do to sustain, besides supporting the team, recognising them and celebrating +-tx5ZueZipE-00067-00032564-00032691 success? +-tx5ZueZipE-00068-00032691-00033611 Well, with the team, reflect and adjust your approach but also: raise the bar for the expectation +-tx5ZueZipE-00069-00033611-00033788 of performance. +-tx5ZueZipE-00070-00033788-00034286 There is no end to performance improvement +-tx5ZueZipE-00071-00034286-00034566 So let’s wrap up. +-tx5ZueZipE-00072-00034566-00035472 By following the formula of Empowerment = Direction x Autonomy x Support, you can provide your +-tx5ZueZipE-00073-00035472-00036078 team with the tools they need to achieve their goals and contribute to the success of your +-tx5ZueZipE-00074-00036078-00036225 organization. +-tx5ZueZipE-00075-00036225-00036891 An empowered team - accepts full responsibility for its performance. +-tx5ZueZipE-00076-00036891-00037743 - Takes initiative and makes decisions - solves problems, innovates and improves +-tx5ZueZipE-00077-00037743-00038063 The outcome is: - Great results are achieved +-tx5ZueZipE-00078-00038063-00038681 - Work is meaningful both for the team and you, their leader. +-tx5ZueZipE-00079-00038681-00039077 - You can focus on strategy and systems. +-tx5ZueZipE-00080-00039077-00039478 - Positive relations exist within the team. +-tx5ZueZipE-00081-00039478-00039763 - Finally, joy at work +-tx5ZueZipE-00082-00039763-00040203 And this is the good quote for this episode. +-tx5ZueZipE-00083-00040203-00040678 Richard Branson wrote: "Empowerment is about creating a culture of +-tx5ZueZipE-00084-00040678-00041652 accountability and trust where employees feel empowered to take risks and innovate." +-tx5ZueZipE-00085-00041652-00042637 Isn’t this beautiful? +-tx5ZueZipE-00086-00042637-00043187 You may have a need to improve on your leadership skills, turn them into good habits or you +-tx5ZueZipE-00087-00043187-00043469 need support to transform your organisation. +-tx5ZueZipE-00088-00043469-00043825 I can help you. +-tx5ZueZipE-00089-00043825-00044353 If you would like to meet with me for a free hour of leadership coaching send me an email +-tx5ZueZipE-00090-00044353-00044709 at wwd@impi.solutions. +-tx5ZueZipE-00091-00044709-00045578 I will gladly start a conversation with the first 3 viewers who contact me. +-tx5ZueZipE-00092-00045578-00045712 Feel free to connect. +-tx5ZueZipE-00093-00045712-00046247 I’ll be posting the next episode in two weeks. +-tx5ZueZipE-00094-00046247-00046678 In the meantime, lead well! +-uNfq6ocKNg-00000-00000072-00000104 All right. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00001-00000104-00000240 We have one more type of graph +-uNfq6ocKNg-00002-00000240-00000384 we're going to look at in Chapter 2 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00003-00000384-00000608 and they're called stem and leaf diagrams. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00004-00000688-00001128 So instead of like doing number lines and bars and scales. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00005-00001128-00001392 We just kind of organize the list +-uNfq6ocKNg-00006-00001392-00001568 into this thing called a stem and a leaf. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00007-00001568-00001816 So we're going to start with the stem on the left side +-uNfq6ocKNg-00008-00001936-00002112 and the leaf on the right side. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00009-00002112-00002632 So if you look at 32 The 3 is the stem +-uNfq6ocKNg-00010-00002632-00002888 and the 2 is the leaf. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00011-00002888-00003056 So that tells me we have 32. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00012-00003296-00003688 If you wanted to look at 16, the stem is 1 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00013-00003688-00003792 and the leaf is 6. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00014-00003992-00004144 It's kind of a weird graph. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00015-00004144-00004504 Most of us have probably never seen this but it allows us +-uNfq6ocKNg-00016-00004504-00004744 to kind of see the individual data values while still kind +-uNfq6ocKNg-00017-00004744-00004848 of looking at shapes. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00018-00004936-00005144 So let's just make one and see how we feel about it. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00019-00005240-00005448 So I started it just for the first one +-uNfq6ocKNg-00020-00005448-00005560 to save a little bit of time. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00021-00005672-00005880 I already did the tens in the 20s in this one, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00022-00005880-00006072 but we're looking at 40 students, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00023-00006200-00006423 oh 40 math classes, and we looked at the number +-uNfq6ocKNg-00024-00006423-00006600 of students taking the final. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00025-00006656-00006812 So one class had 31 students +-uNfq6ocKNg-00026-00006812-00007184 and other class had 32, things like that. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00027-00007336-00007720 So my stems are 10s 20s 30s and 40s +-uNfq6ocKNg-00028-00007784-00007959 and then the second digit goes on the right. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00029-00008208-00008368 So I did the tens and twenties just +-uNfq6ocKNg-00030-00008368-00008472 to save a little bit of time. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00031-00008472-00008752 So let's find all the 30s just going to circle them +-uNfq6ocKNg-00032-00008752-00008872 and then we'll start making that. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00033-00009280-00009376 Let's see anymore? +-uNfq6ocKNg-00034-00009608-00009712 I think I got them all. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00035-00009800-00009944 So I'm going to do the stem. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00036-00009944-00010096 I kind of prefer to do it in order +-uNfq6ocKNg-00037-00010096-00010448 because I think it's easier to read so I would do 30 before 31. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00038-00010504-00010656 So since 30 shows up twice. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00039-00010712-00011080 I'm going to put 0 twice, one for each of the 30s +-uNfq6ocKNg-00040-00011184-00011368 and then I'll put a 1 for 31. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00041-00011368-00011848 So 31. 32. I'll put a 2, and 33. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00042-00011848-00011912 I'll put a 3. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00043-00012000-00012272 And then let's just make sure we got them all I don't see any +-uNfq6ocKNg-00044-00012272-00012336 other 30s. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00045-00012480-00012768 And then 40s. I think there's only one 40 and I lost it. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00046-00012768-00012863 There it is 40. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00047-00012863-00013152 So there's only a 42 so we'll go ahead and put a 2. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00048-00013528-00013712 And that is a Stem Leaf. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00049-00013712-00013863 It's kind of a funny looking graph. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00050-00013976-00014336 But sometimes it has its use will see that in a little bit. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00051-00014336-00014608 But if someone wanted to see the individual data values while +-uNfq6ocKNg-00052-00014608-00014832 looking for patterns, this can be useful. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00053-00014984-00015152 So what are class descriptions? +-uNfq6ocKNg-00054-00015152-00015480 So class descriptions are what each row represents. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00055-00015568-00016088 So if I were to put this in a group table, Grouped data table, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00056-00016184-00016984 What would that first column be? +-uNfq6ocKNg-00057-00017376-00017680 So the first row would be 10 through 19. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00058-00017680-00017816 That's a class description. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00059-00017880-00018144 The second row would be 20 through 29. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00060-00018344-00018512 So those are my class descriptions. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00061-00018592-00018744 And then the next one even though we stopped +-uNfq6ocKNg-00062-00018744-00019040 at 33 technically it goes up to 39, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00063-00019040-00019136 it just doesn't show up. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00064-00019136-00019272 Right. These are all the same size. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00065-00019584-00019864 And then the last one even though it only covers 42 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00066-00019960-00020192 in this data set, any number between 40 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00067-00020192-00020328 and 49 would go in that row. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00068-00020392-00020648 So 40 through 49 is the class description. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00069-00020648-00021184 We just happen to only have 42. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00070-00021328-00021632 So what we like to do sometimes is we like to split the lines +-uNfq6ocKNg-00071-00021800-00021896 to spread it out a little. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00072-00022144-00022488 So rather than doing 10 through 19, we could do 10 through 14 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00073-00022488-00022816 and then 15 through 10 Cut off at 5 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00074-00022816-00023176 because that's halfway right 20 through 24 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00075-00023176-00023336 and then 25 through 29. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00076-00023392-00023688 So you'll see one show up twice you'll see two show up twice +-uNfq6ocKNg-00077-00023688-00024112 and so on just so the data is just this line is really long +-uNfq6ocKNg-00078-00024112-00024544 so someone might want to shorten it a little. So we're going to go +-uNfq6ocKNg-00079-00024544-00024800 through the one row and we're going to split up so 0 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00080-00024800-00025008 through 4 goes in the first row. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00081-00025008-00025312 So 0, 4, 4 same data and then the 5 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00082-00025312-00025448 through 9 is going the second row. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00083-00025608-00025768 So it's just the data from above. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00084-00025920-00026192 Right. So there's two fives because 15 showed up twice. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00085-00026192-00026472 There's three sixes because 16 showed up three times. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00086-00026608-00026800 And then I did all the other rows for you +-uNfq6ocKNg-00087-00026800-00026880 so you can check it out. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00088-00026968-00027304 So the next row is 20 through 24 so up through four +-uNfq6ocKNg-00089-00027304-00027456 and then five goes in the next one. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00090-00027552-00027848 30 through 34 would go here. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00091-00027848-00027992 There is no 4, that's fine. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00092-00028136-00028376 And then we're not going to skip 35 through 39. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00093-00028376-00028656 It just happens to be empty and then we jump to the 40s. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00094-00028800-00028968 So the class descriptions are different here. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00095-00028968-00029272 So rather than 10 through 19, we cut it into half. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00096-00029416-00030008 So 10 through 14 and 15 through 19, right 20 through 24, 25 through 29. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00097-00030112-00030376 So if I put this in a group data table, this is what +-uNfq6ocKNg-00098-00030376-00030488 that first column would be. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00099-00030624-00031120 The next one would be 30 through 34 and then 35 through 39. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00100-00031336-00031536 And then we stopped at 40 through 44. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00101-00031592-00031888 We don't need 45 through 49 because it's empty. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00102-00031968-00032383 We never start or end with an empty class. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00103-00032672-00032784 So let's do a few notes about it. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00104-00032784-00032920 And then let's make one from scratch. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00105-00033104-00033352 So the vertical line must be drawn +-uNfq6ocKNg-00106-00033352-00033528 into separate the stems and the leaves. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00107-00033600-00033784 So that was this vertical line. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00108-00033992-00034272 The spacing of the number should be careful and consistent. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00109-00034272-00034520 So it's not misleading So notice +-uNfq6ocKNg-00110-00034520-00034928 my numbers are the same size. Don't do 0, 4, 4 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00111-00034928-00035344 and then 5, 5, 6, 6, 6 right that's misleading. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00112-00035480-00035664 So keep your handwriting the same size. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00113-00035768-00035968 And then the leaves are always only one digit. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00114-00035968-00036584 So the right side is one digit. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00115-00036768-00037040 So sometimes we have numbers that are more than two digits. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00116-00037040-00037352 And so it's okay for the stem to have more +-uNfq6ocKNg-00117-00037472-00037640 and so it doesn't have to be the ones place. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00118-00037640-00037984 We'll see in the next examples, it can be any place value. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00119-00038296-00038688 And then the stems can be any other. So on this next example, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00120-00038688-00038848 my leaf will have to be tenths. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00121-00038848-00039016 So the leaf is always the right digit, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00122-00039128-00039384 which is the tenths place here, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00123-00039552-00040168 that's the place value. So then just to make it easier for the reader +-uNfq6ocKNg-00124-00040168-00040272 when we make the graph, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00125-00040272-00040552 we're just going to say the leaf equals tenths. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00126-00040712-00041128 So someone doesn't think .05 is 5 or 1.1. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00127-00041128-00041264 We don't want them to think it's 11. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00128-00041672-00042184 So let's make a stem and a leaf. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00129-00042312-00042592 So it looks like we have the data in order, which is nice. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00130-00042592-00042744 So will we start at zero. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00131-00043080-00043280 And in the 0 we have a 5 and a 7. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00132-00043480-00043752 And then the this tells me that it's 0.5 and 0.7 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00133-00043752-00043944 by writing leaf equals tenths on top. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00134-00044040-00044456 And then in the one row we have 1.1, 1.2, 1.2. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00135-00044456-00045256 7, 8, and 9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00136-00045496-00045856 And then again because it says tenths, it means 1.1 not 11. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00137-00045856-00046000 1.2, not 12. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00138-00046192-00046544 2. So for 2, we have 0, 2, 5 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00139-00046816-00047192 6, 8, 8. That's it. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00140-00047248-00047336 I'm trying to keep my numbers +-uNfq6ocKNg-00141-00047336-00047608 about the same size. For the threes, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00142-00047608-00047736 we have 5 and 8. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00143-00047736-00047808 So 3.5, 3.8. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00144-00048128-00048304 For the fours, we have 4.4, 4.8, 4.9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00145-00048944-00049184 Fives, we have 2, 5, 7. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00146-00049384-00049504 And then we also have an 8. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00147-00049784-00049968 It looks like I'm getting a little misleading notice +-uNfq6ocKNg-00148-00049968-00050080 this is smaller than this. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00149-00050312-00050440 So I'm going to put these numbers a little bit +-uNfq6ocKNg-00150-00050440-00050584 closer together. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00151-00051088-00051367 And then it's tempting to jump to 8, but that's misleading. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00152-00051367-00051504 So we have to have six. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00153-00051504-00051655 There's just no data in the sixes. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00154-00051655-00051736 We have to have seven. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00155-00051736-00051888 There's just no data in the sevens. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00156-00051888-00052096 And then we'll jump to 8 and say 8.0. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00157-00052400-00052528 And that is our stem leaf. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00158-00052848-00053152 So again class descriptions are what is each row represent? +-uNfq6ocKNg-00159-00053248-00053360 So each row. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00160-00053360-00053896 The first row is 0.0 through 0.9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00161-00053896-00054136 Remember, it's not 0 through 9 because of the decimal place. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00162-00054367-00054632 Right the second one you might be tempted to say 10 through 19. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00163-00054632-00054912 But again, it's 1.0 through 1.9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00164-00055048-00055496 This one the next one was 2.0 through 2.9 and so on. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00165-00055624-00055912 So continue all the way through eight. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00166-00055912-00056360 So 4.0 to 4.9, right 5.0 to 5.9 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00167-00056360-00056584 Notice they're all the same width that's important. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00168-00056952-00057176 And then and at 8.0 to 8.9 right there all the +-uNfq6ocKNg-00169-00057176-00057312 same width, they're the same size +-uNfq6ocKNg-00170-00057400-00057584 if they're not the same size that's misleading. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00171-00058488-00058608 So let me know if you have questions. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00172-00058832-00059032 The way to really figure out class description is +-uNfq6ocKNg-00173-00059032-00059360 to pay attention to the decimal place of the leaf. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00174-00059688-00059832 So let's make one more. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00175-00059832-00060144 Maybe we decided we want to do two lines per stem. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00176-00060240-00060624 We just decided maybe we want the data a little bit more +-uNfq6ocKNg-00177-00060624-00060664 spread out. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00178-00060664-00060855 So I'm going to actually just do it on the side so we can look +-uNfq6ocKNg-00179-00060855-00060967 at the data what we do it. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00180-00060967-00061128 So this is c) two lines. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00181-00061479-00061696 So that means we're going to go from zero +-uNfq6ocKNg-00182-00061696-00061784 since we start at 0.5 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00183-00061864-00062120 we don't need the we don't need 0 twice +-uNfq6ocKNg-00184-00062120-00062296 because the first one would be empty +-uNfq6ocKNg-00185-00062296-00062432 and then what right everything shows +-uNfq6ocKNg-00186-00062432-00063167 up twice. 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7 +-uNfq6ocKNg-00187-00063167-00063255 8 and 8. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00188-00063504-00063960 And so we're cutting off at the five marks. 1.0 to 1.4 and +-uNfq6ocKNg-00189-00064024-00064191 and then the next one starts at 1.5. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00190-00064279-00064584 It's always cut off at 5 because that's half way. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00191-00064696-00065248 So 0 would get 5 and 7 and then one, we're cutting +-uNfq6ocKNg-00192-00065248-00065544 in half, 0 through 4 and then 5 through 9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00193-00065624-00066192 So 1 1 2 3 and then 5 5 7 7 8 9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00194-00066336-00066560 So sometimes people just prefer the data more spread out. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00195-00066824-00067384 So the twos again. Cut off 0 through 4, 5 through 9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00196-00067712-00068016 Feeling confident? Keep going without me. Threes. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00197-00068016-00068176 We don't have anything from zero through four. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00198-00068176-00068408 So we skip the first one and jump to the second one +-uNfq6ocKNg-00199-00068472-00068680 that will allow us to see gaps in the data. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00200-00068680-00068784 So it's useful. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00201-00068952-00069328 Fours 0 through 4 and then 5 through 9. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00202-00069496-00070032 Five. We have the 2 and then 5 7 8 The next couple are empty +-uNfq6ocKNg-00203-00070032-00070424 and we jump to 8 we get 8.0 and then we never end with empty. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00204-00070424-00070544 So we get rid of the second eight. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00205-00070720-00070832 And this one kind of allows us +-uNfq6ocKNg-00206-00070832-00071016 to see maybe some gaps a little bit better. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00207-00071016-00071208 So I'll give it to the orange so we can see it better. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00208-00071472-00071656 I think they're both useful, but I think the one +-uNfq6ocKNg-00209-00071656-00071904 on the right, some of the gaps stand +-uNfq6ocKNg-00210-00071904-00072184 out a little bit better. I accidentally erased some +-uNfq6ocKNg-00211-00072184-00072232 of the numbers, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00212-00072232-00072320 let me throw them back in. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00213-00072808-00073144 I think that the 8.0 stands out more on the second graph to me. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00214-00073240-00073624 This cluster stands out more to me, but maybe you're different. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00215-00074200-00074336 But that's a stem leaf plot. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00216-00074336-00074688 So either if it just if we do a stem leaf plot we'll do the one +-uNfq6ocKNg-00217-00074688-00075056 on the left. If we say two lines per stem, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00218-00075056-00075312 we're going to do double of every digit and again, +-uNfq6ocKNg-00219-00075312-00075552 we should still right Leaf equals tenths. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00220-00075552-00075784 So the reader knows. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00221-00075896-00076016 So this is a weird graph. +-uNfq6ocKNg-00222-00076016-00076352 I know it's probably new but it does allow us +-uNfq6ocKNg-00223-00076352-00076584 to see individual data values, which is nice. +-vlELn9KXWA-00000-00000074-00000274 We always talk about equality— +-vlELn9KXWA-00001-00000290-00000480 equal rights, +-vlELn9KXWA-00002-00000552-00000652 gender, +-vlELn9KXWA-00003-00000790-00000969 race and so on. +-vlELn9KXWA-00004-00001042-00001460 But we often forget about humanity itself. +-vlELn9KXWA-00005-00001616-00001828 We talk about gender equality— +-vlELn9KXWA-00006-00001828-00002031 these people whose rights we fight for, +-vlELn9KXWA-00007-00002032-00002152 they receive education. +-vlELn9KXWA-00008-00002194-00002378 But for children living with this condition, +-vlELn9KXWA-00009-00002394-00002544 unlike normal children, +-vlELn9KXWA-00010-00002558-00002732 they’re denied the right to education. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00000-00000206-00000516 Susan: Welcome everyone. Welcome to our webinar, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00001-00000516-00000939 Authentic Storytelling with Greenpeace: A 10 Step Process. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00002-00000940-00001340 I’m Susan Hope Bard. I’ll be your host today for this powerful event. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00003-00001340-00001770 I want to go over a few small details about ReadyTalk +-zgGn5OpWb0-00004-00001770-00002140 to familiarize you with the platform and give a brief introduction +-zgGn5OpWb0-00005-00002140-00002433 to our presenters. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00006-00002433-00002816 Right now you should see a window on the far left of your screen +-zgGn5OpWb0-00007-00002816-00003279 which is a chat box. This chat box is there for you to ask any questions +-zgGn5OpWb0-00008-00003279-00003576 at any point in time during the presentation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00009-00003576-00003903 If you have technical challenges you can chat those in to us, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00010-00003903-00004303 no need to raise your hand. If you have questions for Tsering, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00011-00004303-00004766 our presenter today, please also feel free to chat those in at any time. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00012-00004766-00005263 I will be queuing those up along with our backend support, Molly, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00013-00005263-00005673 will be queuing those up for Tsering to address at the end of the presentation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00014-00005673-00006103 Again, no need to raise your hand. If you do lose your Internet connection, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00015-00006103-00006549 you can reconnect using the link that was emailed to you in the confirmation, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00016-00006550-00006976 or the reminder email that I sent out about an hour ago. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00017-00006976-00007649 All of your lines are muted, so we will be able to get a clear recording. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00018-00007650-00008246 We will be sending you an email with this presentation, a link to the recording, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00019-00008246-00008636 and any resources that are shared today. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00020-00008636-00009076 You can find our upcoming and past webinars on our TechSoup website, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00021-00009076-00009996 www.techsoup.org/community/events-webinars. You can also tweet us +-zgGn5OpWb0-00022-00009996-00010399 at TechSoup or use hashtag #tswebinars. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00023-00010400-00010886 Here is like a big tip for everyone. Sound should come +-zgGn5OpWb0-00024-00010886-00011303 through your computer speakers. If you have any challenges, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00025-00011303-00011759 or the sound isn’t matching what you see on the screen, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00026-00011760-00012153 it could be your Internet connection. So we do recommend that you call-in. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00027-00012153-00012703 So you can use Skype or a phone to call in. And Molly has just chatted out +-zgGn5OpWb0-00028-00012703-00013073 the number that you can use to call in. We also recommend, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00029-00013073-00013399 sometimes if you simply login and log out. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00030-00013400-00013896 So that’s a little bit about ReadyTalk. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00031-00013896-00014356 And you should have received a reminder email. On the far right side, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00032-00014356-00014806 there should be a link underneath “Downloadable Files,” +-zgGn5OpWb0-00033-00014806-00015376 and it’s September 14, 2017, and that’s Greenpeace storytelling. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00034-00015376-00015689 You should be able to click on that and you will be able to access +-zgGn5OpWb0-00035-00015690-00016213 Tsering’s presentation. Don’t stress if you can’t get to it, can’t find the email, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00036-00016213-00016886 I will be sending that out again, along with any resources that she shares with us today. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00037-00016886-00017339 So now I would like to introduce our speakers today. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00038-00017340-00017980 We have’s Tsering from Greenpeace and we also have Lewis right here +-zgGn5OpWb0-00039-00017980-00018383 from TechSoup. On the backend we have Molly, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00040-00018383-00019016 and she is going to be assisting with chat, queuing up some of your questions. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00041-00019016-00019419 A little bit about TechSoup, and also to test out your chat box, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00042-00019420-00019780 TechSoup is located in San Francisco California, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00043-00019780-00020116 and I would like to know where you are from. Go ahead and use that chat box +-zgGn5OpWb0-00044-00020116-00020529 right now. Tell us what city and state you are from, or what country +-zgGn5OpWb0-00045-00020530-00021050 you are joining us from. Some people are here in San Francisco, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00046-00021050-00021516 Charlottesville. We’ve got some folks from Canada, Pennsylvania. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00047-00021516-00021916 Oh, Satellite Beach Florida, I hope you guys are doing okay after the hurricane. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00048-00021916-00022206 Lots of folks from San Francisco, Arizona. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00049-00022206-00022733 Wow, we’ve got lots of folks here today, Tsering. This is really exciting. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00050-00022733-00023223 All right, thank you so much for joining us today. This is a great group of people. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00051-00023223-00023543 And we know you are going to enjoy the presentation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00052-00023543-00023823 Again, really quickly, no need to raise your hand. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00053-00023823-00024283 You can simply chat in the chat box any challenges or questions that you have. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00054-00024283-00024773 I am going to turn this over right now to Lewis to talk a little bit +-zgGn5OpWb0-00055-00024773-00025256 about the Storymakers Campaign. Lewis? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00056-00025256-00025706 Lewis: Thanks Susan. And thanks Tsering for presenting today. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00057-00025706-00026193 I wanted to just tell people about Storymakers real quick. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00058-00026193-00026736 TechSoup has been offering up storytelling campaigns for 7 years now. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00059-00026736-00027256 We are known, TechSoup’s most known for our technology donation program. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00060-00027256-00027889 But really with the rise of YouTube and social media, we realize that nonprofits +-zgGn5OpWb0-00061-00027889-00028333 need to have the capacity to tell their story, to create a video, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00062-00028333-00028813 to take strong photographs that leave an impact, that help with fundraising, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00063-00028813-00029503 that help with advocacy. So that’s the philosophy and the thinking +-zgGn5OpWb0-00064-00029503-00029876 behind our Storymakers Campaigns.I want to thank our sponsors. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00065-00029876-00030193 Our platinum sponsors are Adobe and Microsoft. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00066-00030193-00030893 Our gold sponsors are Interconnection, part of our recycled computing program. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00067-00030893-00031746 Mobile Beacon provides hotspots for nonprofits, USB Memory Direct, and GrantStation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00068-00031746-00032106 So now I’m going to hand it back to Susan. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00069-00032106-00032783 And we are excited to hear Tsering on authentic storytelling. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00070-00032783-00033146 Susan: Thanks so much Lewis. We are very excited about this year’s campaign. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00071-00033146-00033473 We hope you join us for other webinars and I will discuss those toward the end +-zgGn5OpWb0-00072-00033473-00033956 of this event today. Now for our main Speaker Tsering, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00073-00033956-00034333 and she has a long history of storytelling, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00074-00034333-00034689 and she is the storytelling advisor at Greenpeace. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00075-00034690-00035110 So I am going to turn it over to you now Tsering. Take it away. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00076-00035110-00035603 Tsering: Thanks Susan. Hi everybody. So just a little bit about myself, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00077-00035603-00036209 I’m Tsering Lama, and I am one of two story advisors at Greenpeace International. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00078-00036210-00036743 My background is as an activist. I’ve worked for about 15 years +-zgGn5OpWb0-00079-00036743-00037133 in the Tibetan freedom movement. I’m Tibetan by birth. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00080-00037133-00037473 And I’ve also been a writer for many years, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00081-00037473-00037893 and so this is sort of a combination, or the coming together +-zgGn5OpWb0-00082-00037893-00038559 of two of my great passions which is social justice and writing, expression, creativity. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00083-00038560-00038990 So I’m going to go through this 10 step process that we have, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00084-00038990-00039583 and I will just say that from the beginning, there isn’t a single process +-zgGn5OpWb0-00085-00039583-00040109 that is going to be one-size-fits-all. Even at Greenpeace, we have to adjust, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00086-00040110-00040486 refine, and sometimes create a brand-new process for the needs +-zgGn5OpWb0-00087-00040486-00040926 that we have in our global organization. But I think the presentation +-zgGn5OpWb0-00088-00040926-00041253 I’m about to give you will give you some sense of key ideas +-zgGn5OpWb0-00089-00041253-00041693 that could be interesting to you to try out, if you haven’t tried it out yet, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00090-00041693-00042263 or just give you a sense of how we are approaching it at Greenpeace right now. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00091-00042263-00042629 And perhaps we can discuss things more off-line. I would love to hear +-zgGn5OpWb0-00092-00042630-00042870 what other people are trying to do as well. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00093-00042870-00043256 And thank you again to TechSoup for inviting me to do this. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00094-00043256-00043679 Lewis and I have been talking for over a year, trying to figure out +-zgGn5OpWb0-00095-00043680-00043916 how to collaborate. And I love TechSoup’s mission, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00096-00043916-00044249 and to Susan for organizing this, and to everybody who attended. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00097-00044250-00045023 So let’s get started. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00098-00045023-00045323 So we have a poll. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00099-00045323-00045653 Susan: Great. Yup, we’re going to get started with a poll. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00100-00045653-00046029 And I’m going to run the poll so everyone can see the results. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00101-00046030-00046553 What do we mean by storytelling? We are going to ask you to click in the box. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00102-00046553-00046746 Oh, some of you are already doing it. Fastest fingers, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00103-00046746-00047029 you’ve been here before. What do we mean by storytelling? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00104-00047030-00047433 It is about presentation, it’s about connecting with values, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00105-00047433-00047939 its marketing/branding, or I have no idea. So go ahead. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00106-00047940-00048296 I’m going to give you about 5 more seconds; +-zgGn5OpWb0-00107-00048296-00048853 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00108-00048853-00049089 Wow, Tsering, look at that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00109-00049090-00049496 Tsering: Yup, that’s really amazing to see the numbers. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00110-00049496-00049903 So I think we’re already at a good spot. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00111-00049903-00050403 Of course, storytelling is all of those things. It is about presentation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00112-00050403-00050763 It is about connecting with the values. It is about marketing and branding. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00113-00050763-00051389 And I think often people will focus on the presentation or the marketing/ branding side +-zgGn5OpWb0-00114-00051390-00051863 of storytelling. That is natural given that story has become kind of a buzz word. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00115-00051863-00052443 It’s very popular among corporations. It is also something that academics +-zgGn5OpWb0-00116-00052443-00052936 are thinking about a lot, even people working in technology, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00117-00052936-00053483 and so on and so forth. But I think especially for civil society organizations, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00118-00053483-00053923 groups like Greenpeace, and the many NGOs that are joining this call, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00119-00053923-00054383 storytelling has a component that is about social justice. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00120-00054383-00054733 And for that, we have to have a deeper meaning behind the work that we do, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00121-00054733-00055219 so it is not just about presentation.So I find it’s helpful for me +-zgGn5OpWb0-00122-00055220-00055766 to divide storytelling into 2 things. One, it is the higher order concerns, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00123-00055766-00056313 the foundational ideas, and elements, and ideals that drive an organization, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00124-00056313-00056836 that drive a movement or a cause. And for that there are lots of different things +-zgGn5OpWb0-00125-00056836-00057213 you can look at, but here are some main ones I like to look at. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00126-00057213-00057736 One is the meta narrative or the master narrative. These are the big stories +-zgGn5OpWb0-00127-00057736-00058253 that are out there. So sometimes they are so big that people don’t even talk about them. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00128-00058253-00058756 They don’t even mention it. But they are stories about what is a good mother. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00129-00058756-00059383 Stories about what does human rights mean. Stories about save the planet, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00130-00059383-00059913 and morality of people. And these are stories that we often accept +-zgGn5OpWb0-00131-00059913-00060359 as commonsense. So you can think of it as sort of a hegemonic narrative, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00132-00060360-00060960 a narrative that is so powerful that often we accept them without challenging them. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00133-00060960-00061390 So those are big, big level stories that we want to tackle sometimes as well. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00134-00061390-00061760 And then the next level is dominant narratives, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00135-00061760-00062150 narratives that are may be about a specific issue or a specific cause. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00136-00062150-00062793 And it really depends on who you are asking. Like a certain person will say +-zgGn5OpWb0-00137-00062793-00063126 this is a dominant narrative, and another person will say that’s a dominant narrative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00138-00063126-00063386 But the point is, that narratives are always in battle. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00139-00063386-00063663 There is the dominant narrative and there is a counter narrative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00140-00063663-00064066 The counter narrative is what can possibly weaken the dominant narrative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00141-00064066-00064579 So in storytelling for social justice at Greenpeace, we are often interested +-zgGn5OpWb0-00142-00064579-00064966 in counter narratives. We are interested in how to make change +-zgGn5OpWb0-00143-00064966-00065409 that is lasting and fundamental through a narrative [indistinct]. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00144-00065410-00065970 Then there is the vision of the organization, the values, the identity. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00145-00065970-00066360 Often storytelling is not about what we do as an organization or a movement, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00146-00066360-00066840 but about who we are, how we work, and how we speak, and how we live, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00147-00066840-00067170 and move through the world. And that is just as important for storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00148-00067170-00067486 as the policy or the achievements. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00149-00067486-00067726 And then there are frames and metaphors. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00150-00067726-00068139 George Lakoff, the cognitive linguist and philosopher is a great resource +-zgGn5OpWb0-00151-00068140-00068640 whom I pull from all the time as well for this. I’ll go through some of these later on. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00152-00068640-00069160 Side B, the craft of storytelling, that’s often where people focus +-zgGn5OpWb0-00153-00069160-00069556 a lot of attention on messengers, meaning who is the best person +-zgGn5OpWb0-00154-00069556-00069943 to deliver your message, the kind of conflict, the characters, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00155-00069943-00070346 the kind of storytelling. Like there are a lot of focus on technology. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00156-00070346-00070823 Okay, we have VR. We have augmented reality. That’s the new thing, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00157-00070823-00071479 but that comes later. We don’t start with the technology, we start with the ideas. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00158-00071480-00072013 And there are structures, and plots, language, visuals, etc., etc. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00159-00072013-00072549 So this is all to say that storytelling is not about window-dressing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00160-00072550-00073133 It is not just about the language or the visuals. That’s the last step. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00161-00073133-00073583 And not just as a moral perspective, but also because if you want to be effective, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00162-00073583-00074056 and you want to come across as being true, it has to come +-zgGn5OpWb0-00163-00074056-00074546 from something deeper that is reflecting the organization’s moral perspective, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00164-00074546-00074839 identity, values, vision, etc. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00165-00074840-00075300 So I really believe, and at Greenpeace we really believe that storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00166-00075300-00075726 is something that is wrapped up intimately with power. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00167-00075726-00076259 And when we are talking about activism, to be an activist +-zgGn5OpWb0-00168-00076260-00076756 is to be a part of critically analyzing the narratives that are out there, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00169-00076756-00077149 thinking about how we can break apart the ones that don’t serve us. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00170-00077150-00077470 Perhaps they only serve the elites, or serve to destroy the planet, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00171-00077470-00078033 or serve to continue injustices, and then reshaping those narratives. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00172-00078033-00078696 So for storytelling we really see this as a critical literacy, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00173-00078696-00079173 something that all people should have the ability to, just as we want to be able +-zgGn5OpWb0-00174-00079173-00079653 to read a map, or just as we want to be able to read text, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00175-00079653-00080066 we should be able to read and write and create stories. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00176-00080066-00080819 And that is a kind of activism that is very important for fundamental change. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00177-00080820-00081616 So that being said, the process of coming to a story is also an ethical issue. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00178-00081616-00081926 And at Greenpeace, we’ve been working really hard +-zgGn5OpWb0-00179-00081926-00082289 to try to figure out how we can make sure that our storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00180-00082290-00082796 is coming from a ground up, an authentic ground up place, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00181-00082796-00083129 and is not something that we are picking from somewhere else, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00182-00083130-00083476 or are being told this is your story. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00183-00083476-00083949 Of course, it’s very easy for 3 or 4 people who are communications experts +-zgGn5OpWb0-00184-00083950-00084386 to sit in a room and just devise a story, or for a consulting firm +-zgGn5OpWb0-00185-00084386-00084966 to come in and say, “Here’s your story.” But is that going to be long-lasting? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00186-00084966-00085499 Is that going to allow you to change that narrative as the conditions change? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00187-00085500-00085843 I don’t think so. I think it has to come from developing the literacy, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00188-00085843-00086139 and skills, and the knowledge, and the awareness, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00189-00086140-00086420 and importance of storytelling within your organization, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00190-00086420-00086770 so that you are able to continually evolve that story +-zgGn5OpWb0-00191-00086770-00087433 and own it for the duration of the time that you are working on your cause. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00192-00087433-00087859 And so, as activists, one major question we always have to ask ourselves is, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00193-00087860-00088263 with storytelling, who is at the table? And who isn’t at the table? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00194-00088263-00088676 Who gets to speak, and who is completely not speaking in the situation? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00195-00088676-00088929 How are we presenting the characters in our story? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00196-00088930-00089173 Who is being presented as the victim? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00197-00089173-00089399 Is there a hero that is different from the victim? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00198-00089400-00089846 Can the two be the same? So these are questions that are political, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00199-00089846-00090169 but they are questions that are important for story telling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00200-00090170-00090630 when it is coming from a ground up and authentic place. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00201-00090630-00091063 Please let me know if I’m going too fast. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00202-00091063-00091603 So the best way that I would suggest to go about this, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00203-00091603-00092106 is to gather everybody that you think is representative in your room, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00204-00092106-00092696 so from your organization. And that means like get your volunteers. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00205-00092696-00093239 Get your office administrative assistants. Get your interns. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00206-00093240-00093650 Get your E.D., or executive director. Get everybody in the room, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00207-00093650-00094406 because storytelling is democratic tool, it’s a democratic experience. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00208-00094406-00094816 Just as a king’s story is no more powerful than a beggar’s, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00209-00094816-00095346 everybody has the same level of value in their storytelling. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00210-00095346-00096043 So we try to do this in Greenpeace. We try to bring in a wide variety of people, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00211-00096043-00096456 and don’t try to have silos, so that storytelling doesn’t just +-zgGn5OpWb0-00212-00096456-00096716 become the communication department’s domain, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00213-00096716-00097106 or the executive director’s domain, but it something +-zgGn5OpWb0-00214-00097106-00097556 that we collaboratively across departments, across roles, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00215-00097556-00097979 or functions, come together to work on. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00216-00097980-00098313 And the great thing about storytelling is actually like everybody knows how to do it, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00217-00098313-00098553 but everybody is also new at it at the same time. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00218-00098553-00098823 Like I still consider myself new at storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00219-00098823-00099236 every time I approach a narrative and I am trying to figure out how to develop it, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00220-00099236-00099619 how to push it further, how to make it more compelling, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00221-00099620-00099880 I feel like I’m new at it. So there is always more to learn. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00222-00099880-00100550 So it is not just the space of just communications experts. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00223-00100550-00101206 So the process that I’m going to show you is based off of what we did in May +-zgGn5OpWb0-00224-00101206-00101749 in Mexico City. The story team, Enrica Sharma, my colleague and I +-zgGn5OpWb0-00225-00101750-00102233 went to Mexico. And we were given the opportunity to help lead the development +-zgGn5OpWb0-00226-00102233-00102639 of a global narrative for Greenpeace’s Urban Revolution Campaign +-zgGn5OpWb0-00227-00102640-00103216 which is basically a campaign on mega cities, and the issues of pollution +-zgGn5OpWb0-00228-00103216-00103723 and social justice, all the issues wrapped up with mega cities. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00229-00103723-00104483 So we had about 5 or 6 countries coming in, each with their very distinct realities +-zgGn5OpWb0-00230-00104483-00104936 and narratives, and of course mega cities being very different from place to place. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00231-00104936-00105309 And our brief, or our mission was to try to come up with something +-zgGn5OpWb0-00232-00105309-00105643 that was global that would bring everything together. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00233-00105643-00106106 And so that’s kind of the process I’m going to show to you. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00234-00106106-00106789 That being said, we have other processes, but there is overlap across the board. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00235-00106790-00107109 So the first thing we think about when we are building a narrative +-zgGn5OpWb0-00236-00107109-00107580 is to look at the problem that we are tackling as a narrative problem. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00237-00107580-00108426 What we are trying to solve isn’t just pollution, or policies around cars, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00238-00108426-00108889 or politicians. What we are trying to solve are the fundamental narratives +-zgGn5OpWb0-00239-00108890-00109480 that run that, the foundational, deep-seeded, rooted ideas +-zgGn5OpWb0-00240-00109480-00109790 that have been promoted and championed by people +-zgGn5OpWb0-00241-00109790-00110309 that have benefits. So the problem is the narrative that we want to dismantle. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00242-00110309-00110663 The solution is the narrative we want to champion, going again, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00243-00110663-00110886 back to dominant narrative and counter narrative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00244-00110886-00111423 The vision is what the world would look like if we win. The values and frames, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00245-00111423-00111796 what is this project really about? It’s not about carbon emissions. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00246-00111796-00112369 It’s about what? It’s about quality of life. It’s about community, etc. etc. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00247-00112370-00112809 Then we tried to get, wanted to get into delivery of how we want to tell our story, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00248-00112809-00113330 the audience that we want to reach strategically in order to make change happen, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00249-00113330-00113776 and the messengers. That was the mission going in. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00250-00113776-00114299 This is our process, and what I’m going to go through today with you. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00251-00114300-00114916 The caveat at the top is important because it is to ‘begin’ to co-articulate +-zgGn5OpWb0-00252-00114916-00115326 the key elements of the narrative. Storytelling, story building, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00253-00115326-00115846 narrative strategy is an iterative process. If the narratives around you +-zgGn5OpWb0-00254-00115846-00116326 are continuously shifting, as we all know they are, we cannot stay static +-zgGn5OpWb0-00255-00116326-00116666 with the stories that we build for our organization, or for our cause, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00256-00116666-00117303 or movement. So this is the first step. And of course, you might be entering +-zgGn5OpWb0-00257-00117303-00117619 into a space where you already have a narrative that you and your organization +-zgGn5OpWb0-00258-00117620-00118023 have been using, or the cause has been using. Again, you can use this process +-zgGn5OpWb0-00259-00118023-00118686 to analyze it, revise it, push it further. So these are the 10 pieces, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00260-00118686-00119089 and I’m just going to go through them. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00261-00119090-00119473 So the first step is the story landscape, to really understand +-zgGn5OpWb0-00262-00119473-00119819 that you are entering into something that is already in conversation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00263-00119820-00120250 There are already players involved. They are already telling stories. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00264-00120250-00120800 They are already making people – they are already connecting with people +-zgGn5OpWb0-00265-00120800-00121253 in various ways. So we never get an empty slate or like a clean slate. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00266-00121253-00121583 We don’t get a fresh start. We enter into something. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00267-00121583-00121943 And so what we want to do is really understand the narratives out there. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00268-00121943-00122579 So for Mexico, we gathered 5 dominant narratives around mega cities. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00269-00122580-00122990 Those narratives came from our opponents. They came from our allies. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00270-00122990-00123483 They came from neutral powerful players. They came from our target audience. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00271-00123483-00123966 And they came from ourselves. And the exercise which is linked +-zgGn5OpWb0-00272-00123966-00124293 will show you the instructions for how to do this exercise. It’s really simple. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00273-00124293-00124686 It’s nothing earth shattering, but it’s very powerful. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00274-00124686-00125179 And what we do is we basically try to analyze together, collaboratively, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00275-00125180-00125459 the content and the delivery of each narrative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00276-00125459-00125866 What is this dominant narrative saying? What is their argument +-zgGn5OpWb0-00277-00125866-00126203 about the nature of the problem, the possibilities for the solution, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00278-00126203-00126686 and what is the solution? And what do they say about the possible impact +-zgGn5OpWb0-00279-00126686-00126889 an audience member can have? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00280-00126890-00127276 And the delivery is how do they tell the story? Is it inspiring? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00281-00127276-00127596 Who is their messenger? Is it representative? Is it diverse? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00282-00127596-00128089 Is the language inviting? Is it accessible, etc., etc.? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00283-00128090-00128876 So doing that helps us to identify the old, or really it’s the dominant narratives +-zgGn5OpWb0-00284-00128876-00129299 that are existing that are out there, and then find out +-zgGn5OpWb0-00285-00129300-00129546 what are the new narratives, or the counter narratives +-zgGn5OpWb0-00286-00129546-00130136 that we want to promote. So when I say “old” I don’t mean like counter narratives +-zgGn5OpWb0-00287-00130136-00130646 are always new or anything like that. It’s just the point is to just say +-zgGn5OpWb0-00288-00130646-00131093 that we are going from here to here. So what we might find is that +-zgGn5OpWb0-00289-00131093-00131503 through this exercise it becomes very clear what are the major ideas +-zgGn5OpWb0-00290-00131503-00131826 that are out there, the big master narratives or dominant narratives +-zgGn5OpWb0-00291-00131826-00132256 out there regarding your issue or your cause? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00292-00132256-00132776 And so this is kind of, this is a selection of old and new narratives +-zgGn5OpWb0-00293-00132776-00133166 that we were able to pull rather quickly from this exercise. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00294-00133166-00133843 And yup, that’s basically what happened there. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00295-00133843-00134653 And then our identity. As I said before, identity is really important for storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00296-00134653-00135119 of an organization. And when you look at the people around you, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00297-00135120-00135600 you can really tell who you are. And when you analyze people around you, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00298-00135600-00136006 it’s very clear like the more you see how other people function +-zgGn5OpWb0-00299-00136006-00136603 or other organizations function, the clearer you get in your organization’s identity. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00300-00136603-00136963 Or if you don’t get clear, that points to a deeper problem of course. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00301-00136963-00137509 So when we did this, it became really clear to us that we are not a think tank. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00302-00137510-00138110 We are not people who believe that cities are going to be solved just by technology. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00303-00138110-00138693 So we are not Silicon Valley. We are grassroots. We believe in the genius +-zgGn5OpWb0-00304-00138693-00139073 of ordinary people, and what they can achieve. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00305-00139073-00139903 So we were able to come up with a very concrete and simple set of identity markers. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00306-00139903-00140443 Of course, it’s multifaceted. Like no human being has just one identity, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00307-00140443-00140659 just as no organization has one identity. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00308-00140660-00141023 Like Greenpeace Germany v. Greenpeace Russia, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00309-00141023-00141603 they will have different approaches. But we are just trying to find the commonalities, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00310-00141603-00142233 and put aside the differences, because the differences, they can be dealt with locally. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00311-00142233-00142556 We take the commonalities, and then locally people adapt it +-zgGn5OpWb0-00312-00142556-00143053 to their regional or local conditions, and audience, and sensibilities. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00313-00143053-00143213 And that is fine. That’s our approach. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00314-00143213-00143673 So we are always just trying to find the central things that everybody can agree on +-zgGn5OpWb0-00315-00143673-00144123 and find consensus on. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00316-00144123-00144483 Susan: Thanks Tsering. And you know, it’s very similar to our TechSoup, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00317-00144483-00144809 and our partners, and our global community. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00318-00144810-00145030 We are going to ask you another question. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00319-00145030-00145333 Some of you are already ahead, even before I start reading this. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00320-00145333-00145589 So what does “winning” look like for your organization? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00321-00145590-00145896 Do you have a clear vision of what that means? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00322-00145896-00146413 The first option is your organization’s vision is concrete and it’s inspiring. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00323-00146413-00146783 Well, maybe it’s kind of vague or underdeveloped, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00324-00146783-00147466 or no, it’s secondary to your day-to-day work, or you are just not sure. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00325-00147466-00148123 I’m going to give you about 5 seconds to go ahead and log your responses, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00326-00148123-00148523 or you can also feel free to chat them in the chat box. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00327-00148523-00149493 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00328-00149493-00150123 There you go. All right, thanks. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00329-00150123-00150626 Tsering: Yeah, and that’s heartening to know that a good percentage of people +-zgGn5OpWb0-00330-00150626-00150896 feel that their vision is concrete and inspiring. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00331-00150896-00151693 I think it’s really a challenge to get there, especially for civil society organizations, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00332-00151693-00152106 or organizations that are working for causes, because we often start +-zgGn5OpWb0-00333-00152106-00152433 with the problem. We want to start with what’s wrong, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00334-00152433-00152753 and then when we start with the problem we think about how to solve it. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00335-00152753-00153406 So then everything gets driven around policy level frames. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00336-00153406-00154163 So it doesn’t get to that more higher level, and more inspiring level of thinking. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00337-00154163-00154649 And this I can say this as somebody who is worked in environmental cause, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00338-00154650-00154910 and in human rights, and self-determination. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00339-00154910-00155580 It almost seems like frivolous to come up with a vision, because how can you do that? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00340-00155580-00155883 We know the world isn’t perfect and always will be imperfect. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00341-00155883-00156329 We don’t want to manipulate people, or sell them fairy tales. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00342-00156330-00157023 But you know, it’s important to recognize that the vision part is what progresses, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00343-00157023-00157329 can do much better across the board. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00344-00157330-00157753 And when I think back to Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, “I have a dream,” +-zgGn5OpWb0-00345-00157753-00158163 that’s a long speech, and there is like a lot of stuff in there about policies +-zgGn5OpWb0-00346-00158163-00158563 and changes that need to happen. But the part that is the most compelling, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00347-00158563-00159033 and the one that elementary school students memorize, just as I did, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00348-00159033-00159449 is the part that is about him talking about the red hills of Georgia +-zgGn5OpWb0-00349-00159450-00159670 and what his children will experience. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00350-00159670-00159950 And the reason that that is so compelling is because +-zgGn5OpWb0-00351-00159950-00160330 I can see exactly what he sees. I can feel exactly what he feels. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00352-00160330-00160726 I am not a black person, but I want exactly what he wants. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00353-00160726-00161076 I believe in that and I connect with that. And that is why that vision, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00354-00161076-00161649 in such visceral concrete terms, can be compelling to people all over the world +-zgGn5OpWb0-00355-00161650-00161980 who have nothing to do with your cause, as long as it is something +-zgGn5OpWb0-00356-00161980-00162386 that is coming from a true place. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00357-00162386-00162869 So we try to do visioning exercises every time we do a story workshop. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00358-00162870-00163343 Some people might say that – some people will be skeptical or whatever, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00359-00163343-00163749 but it can be incredibly affirming and valuable for people. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00360-00163750-00164046 And it is something that we should be able to communicate clearly +-zgGn5OpWb0-00361-00164046-00164363 to our supporters, and the general public. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00362-00164363-00164659 So one exercise, and there are many exercises for this, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00363-00164660-00165220 one basic one is to do an exercise of imagining a day in the life after we win, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00364-00165220-00165690 and whatever that win means. It’s of course, personal, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00365-00165690-00166310 but it’s also organizationally specific. And we ask them to imagine waking up, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00366-00166310-00166810 going to their fridge, turning on the television, taking a shower, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00367-00166810-00167146 going to work, entering the office. What has changed? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00368-00167146-00167586 Who is in your cell phone that wasn’t in your cell phone before? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00369-00167586-00167813 Like who are the new community members that you have? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00370-00167813-00168349 What do you see on the roads? Name one individual or one key group +-zgGn5OpWb0-00371-00168350-00168896 that’s been impacted by the work you’ve done. Name a key infrastructure +-zgGn5OpWb0-00372-00168896-00169343 that’s changed by the work you’ve done. This is very basic +-zgGn5OpWb0-00373-00169343-00169809 but it can allow you to go to space that you don’t allow yourself to go to day to day +-zgGn5OpWb0-00374-00169810-00170300 because you are just in the grind of figuring out how to put out fires. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00375-00170300-00170920 Another exercise you can do is, you are 90 years old. What are you proud of? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00376-00170920-00171553 How did you get there? And to think about that in this very long term piece. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00377-00171553-00172226 As people working in nonprofit or social justice, we don’t often want to give ourselves +-zgGn5OpWb0-00378-00172226-00172626 that space, but I think it’s really important. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00379-00172626-00173019 And another reason why it is important is because our opponents +-zgGn5OpWb0-00380-00173020-00173310 are often very good at presenting their vision, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00381-00173310-00173766 and it is often totally not believable, but they do it really well, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00382-00173766-00174326 and people will buy into it. This idea that technology will save all of us +-zgGn5OpWb0-00383-00174326-00174739 if we just download every app, and get every laptop, and every cell phone, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00384-00174740-00175243 everything would be great. That’s of course, when you think about it critically, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00385-00175243-00175863 or logically, that’s nonsense. But we are drawn to beautiful dreams like that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00386-00175863-00176403 And it’s emotional; it is not necessarily rational. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00387-00176403-00176849 So then the next step after you’ve kind of collectively defined the vision +-zgGn5OpWb0-00388-00176850-00177460 using Post-its and all that – I can get into more of the nitty-gritty of that +-zgGn5OpWb0-00389-00177460-00177803 if people want later, but I didn’t want this presentation to be too long. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00390-00177803-00178333 So the next thing is to think about, again, not about the problems +-zgGn5OpWb0-00391-00178333-00178616 or everything that’s going wrong, but everything that is going right, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00392-00178616-00179063 all of the positive trends that are pushing us towards that vision, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00393-00179063-00179593 the vision that we were collectively able to articulate in very concrete terms. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00394-00179593-00180043 What is everything that is going right, right now? Let’s identify that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00395-00180043-00180753 Then the protagonist, or the hero, if you actually want to call it that, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00396-00180753-00181269 those are the people that are pushing us towards, those are the people +-zgGn5OpWb0-00397-00181270-00181763 pushing the trends essentially. Who are the people making the trends happen? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00398-00181763-00182166 So we are not always the key people making change happen. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00399-00182166-00182596 We are entering into a space where lots of other actors are doing amazing work. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00400-00182596-00182866 So we need to know who is everybody who is on our side, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00401-00182866-00183083 who’s pushing for the same world that we are pushing for. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00402-00183083-00183463 And then we want to really understand the motivations, and values, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00403-00183463-00183823 because the space where we can connect with their values, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00404-00183823-00184179 that is where we have to do the storytelling that will be compelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00405-00184180-00184383 to them to bring us together. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00406-00184383-00184783 I have a little note that sometimes the protagonist and the audiences +-zgGn5OpWb0-00407-00184783-00185226 are the same; not always. Sometimes the people that are already pushing +-zgGn5OpWb0-00408-00185226-00185509 for change are the ones that we want to speak to, and get them to work +-zgGn5OpWb0-00409-00185510-00185766 with you, and work further and deeper, or whatever. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00410-00185766-00186296 But sometimes the protagonists are front-line communities who are faraway, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00411-00186296-00186539 dealing with a very specific set of challenges. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00412-00186540-00187306 And your audiences is urban millennials let’s say. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00413-00187306-00187623 You’re talking to this audience in order to get them to care +-zgGn5OpWb0-00414-00187623-00187999 about what’s happening for these heroes, these protagonists +-zgGn5OpWb0-00415-00188000-00188340 that are pushing for the positive trends. So they can sometimes be the same, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00416-00188340-00188903 and sometimes different. So that is an important distinction to make, obviously. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00417-00188903-00189253 And then the antagonists. This is often called the villain. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00418-00189253-00189569 At Greenpeace we believe that we have no permanent friends, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00419-00189570-00189890 and no permanent foes, because people can shift. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00420-00189890-00190546 And so we use the term antagonist. Basically who is getting in the way +-zgGn5OpWb0-00421-00190546-00190846 of our protagonist doing the work that they are doing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00422-00190846-00191116 It doesn’t mean that they are evil. It doesn’t mean that they are stupid. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00423-00191116-00191486 It doesn’t mean they’ll never change, but right now who is in the way, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00424-00191486-00191889 and what are their motivations? So we want to find that out, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00425-00191890-00192270 and talk about it in terms of storytelling, because it allows us to empathize +-zgGn5OpWb0-00426-00192270-00192586 with them. It allows us to enter their consciousness, and their ideas, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00427-00192586-00193043 and their world view. But essentially, we are trying to figure out can we neutralize them, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00428-00193043-00193613 can we bring them on our side, or can we defeat them? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00429-00193613-00194013 And then step 7 is thinking about frames. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00430-00194013-00194396 Again, I would really highly recommend George Lakoff for this. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00431-00194396-00194653 He has very accessible books on frames and framing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00432-00194653-00195129 But basically, a frame is a lens that changes the structure +-zgGn5OpWb0-00433-00195130-00195573 of what’s placed underneath it. So it changes the way you look at something. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00434-00195573-00196009 Everything gets transformed by that frame. Frames are very powerful +-zgGn5OpWb0-00435-00196010-00196390 because they work on a subconscious level. Cognitive linguists +-zgGn5OpWb0-00436-00196390-00196790 have studied these synopses that are created by certain words +-zgGn5OpWb0-00437-00196790-00197233 that trigger deep, deep frames that are put in us over decades and decades. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00438-00197233-00197953 And often conservative, or powerful bodies out there +-zgGn5OpWb0-00439-00197953-00198456 have put in decades of work into pushing certain frames in the public consciousness. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00440-00198456-00199099 And we need to do a better job of investing and deeply thinking about frames, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00441-00199100-00199656 and really being consistent with the frames that we trigger with our words +-zgGn5OpWb0-00442-00199656-00200106 and our images. So just to give you a concrete sense of what frames means, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00443-00200106-00200696 this is some of the language from the Dakota Pipeline on the right. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00444-00200696-00201309 Each of these little – and I just found these just by doing a Google search +-zgGn5OpWb0-00445-00201310-00201610 of images for Dakota Pipeline, and I found all of these +-zgGn5OpWb0-00446-00201610-00202163 as being consistently used in their banners. And each of these +-zgGn5OpWb0-00447-00202163-00202423 triggers a specific kind of frame. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00448-00202423-00202676 “Defend the sacred,” is a religious spiritual frame. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00449-00202676-00203189 Who does that appeal to? That appeals to people who are religious, or spiritual perhaps, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00450-00203190-00203380 or people who are sympathetic to that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00451-00203380-00203770 “Water protectors,” so you see that the term “protectors” is important +-zgGn5OpWb0-00452-00203770-00204053 as opposed to activists. Who does that appeal to? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00453-00204053-00204319 People who are interested in protecting things. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00454-00204320-00204626 People who are interested in the value of protection rather than fighting, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00455-00204626-00204943 or being an activists perhaps. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00456-00204943-00205346 “We are water,” each of these triggers a specific kind of frame +-zgGn5OpWb0-00457-00205346-00205553 and I’ve just listed a few different examples. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00458-00205553-00205899 The Dakota Pipeline, like a lot of issues, uses a system of frames. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00459-00205900-00206219 It is not just one frame, because it is a complicated issue. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00460-00206219-00206706 So they have a system of frames, each one working towards appealing to, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00461-00206706-00207296 and communicating with different audiences. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00462-00207296-00207536 So for climate change, you know, often at Greenpeace +-zgGn5OpWb0-00463-00207536-00207979 we are using the environmental frame. But I think, just like anybody else, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00464-00207980-00208386 we can be creative about thinking about other frames that will be interesting, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00465-00208386-00209036 and will be compelling to new audiences. And of course, your frame choice +-zgGn5OpWb0-00466-00209036-00209596 cannot be totally out of line with your values. So that’s also an issue. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00467-00209596-00210256 But just to say that any issues has multiple possibilities. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00468-00210256-00210733 And just quickly, for a frame to work, it really has to be again, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00469-00210733-00211096 like a Venn diagram. There are the values of your audience members, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00470-00211096-00211423 and there are the values of your organization. And what is in the center, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00471-00211423-00211829 what crosses over, that’s your sweet spot. And you want to find frames +-zgGn5OpWb0-00472-00211830-00212403 that work with values that span your organization’s values, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00473-00212403-00212943 and your audience’s values. And this is really again, the thinking of George Lakoff. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00474-00212943-00213513 And frames have to be spread consistently over many, many [indistinct]. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00475-00213513-00213969 You don’t really want to dismantle a frame, you just want to try to promote the frame +-zgGn5OpWb0-00476-00213969-00214433 that works for you. And never repeat the frame of your opponents, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00477-00214433-00214893 because that only strengthens their frame. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00478-00214893-00215179 So part 2 of the framing is really defining the conflict. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00479-00215180-00215400 There are lots of different ways to define the conflict +-zgGn5OpWb0-00480-00215400-00215793 that you are trying to present. But of course, storytelling is about drama, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00481-00215793-00216273 and drama is about conflict. I think it’s really helpful +-zgGn5OpWb0-00482-00216273-00216576 to think about how to define the conflict in a very basic way. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00483-00216576-00216889 The story itself can be complicated. But the conflict, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00484-00216890-00217119 if you can come up with a simple way of talking about it, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00485-00217119-00217516 it can be very illuminating for people outside. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00486-00217516-00217913 So one classic way to frame your conflict is a unity of opposites. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00487-00217913-00218763 And this comes from drama, or plays. And the idea is to come up with A vs. B +-zgGn5OpWb0-00488-00218763-00219193 and really define that. So we did this in Mexico with Post-its +-zgGn5OpWb0-00489-00219193-00219559 and people just writing what they think are the unity of opposites. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00490-00219560-00219850 And we just try to compile it, and see what’s coming out, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00491-00219850-00220336 and we do dot voting and that sort of thing. But these are some of the unity of opposites +-zgGn5OpWb0-00492-00220336-00221086 that came out that really make it simple for you to frame the issue. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00493-00221086-00221726 So storytelling, the power of stories is basically the power, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00494-00221726-00221989 the psychological power of wanting to know what happens next. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00495-00221990-00222516 This is not an idea that’s new. This is the reason why you turn the page +-zgGn5OpWb0-00496-00222516-00222883 to find out what happens next. This is why you keep watching an episode, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00497-00222883-00223079 because you want to know what happens next. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00498-00223080-00223510 That is a power that we should be unafraid to use. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00499-00223510-00224053 So the central question of any social drama, any large-scale drama – +-zgGn5OpWb0-00500-00224053-00224426 we are all engaged with different dramas on a social level +-zgGn5OpWb0-00501-00224426-00224806 including climate change being a very big social drama – +-zgGn5OpWb0-00502-00224806-00225053 there is always a question at the center of it. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00503-00225053-00225399 We want to be able to try to define that question. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00504-00225400-00225803 So climate change is the question. There could be several ways +-zgGn5OpWb0-00505-00225803-00226199 to look at it. But one might be like really humanity, get our act together. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00506-00226200-00226766 Will a politician recognize the voice of the people? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00507-00226766-00227226 Can we get beyond these systems and structures +-zgGn5OpWb0-00508-00227226-00227843 that have been serving only an elite few, and not most of the world? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00509-00227843-00228249 So these are the questions. Again, these are kind of meta level, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00510-00228250-00228606 but it’s helpful to try to figure out what your central question +-zgGn5OpWb0-00511-00228606-00229126 of your organization’s cause story is. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00512-00229126-00229783 And then, the persona of the organization, this is something that like, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00513-00229783-00230476 often when we think of the organizational story, just think there is the identity. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00514-00230476-00230749 That’s who we are. That’s it. That’s solid. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00515-00230750-00231490 But one exercise that I found very useful is to try to figure out the gap +-zgGn5OpWb0-00516-00231490-00231769 between what you think is your identity, and what is actually out there +-zgGn5OpWb0-00517-00231769-00232319 in the world. So I asked, I’ve done this a few times at Greenpeace +-zgGn5OpWb0-00518-00232319-00232576 and I’ve asked people to just basically pull out your cell phones, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00519-00232576-00233289 or your laptops, and do a quick analysis of channels, Facebook, Instagram, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00520-00233290-00233740 Twitter, or your emails even, that go out to supporters. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00521-00233740-00234219 And if you could characterize your organization as a human being, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00522-00234219-00234736 how would you describe that human being? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00523-00234736-00235486 And often, this very simple question, and like kind of distancing exercise, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00524-00235486-00236036 can help you to see the organization from an outsider’s perspective +-zgGn5OpWb0-00525-00236036-00236909 and it can lead to surprises.So one of the findings +-zgGn5OpWb0-00526-00236910-00237590 for Greenpeace Mexico’s meeting was that often we sound very well educated, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00527-00237590-00238246 liberal, or young, or we sound very expert, or rational, or judgmental, or even negative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00528-00238246-00238696 Negativity is an issue for the environment that [indistinct]. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00529-00238696-00239053 I mean, it’s understandable, because it’s a really big challenge that we’re facing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00530-00239053-00239583 But if that is the persona that is constantly out there, is that the right persona for us? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00531-00239583-00239883 And then people are very clear on how they would want to sound. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00532-00239883-00240286 They want to sound this way, this way, that way, based on the values, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00533-00240286-00240509 and identity, and all the things that you articulate. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00534-00240510-00240936 But the persona might not be delivering that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00535-00240936-00241453 But only to say that a persona does not have to be static. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00536-00241453-00241809 Your personas can shift from situation to situation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00537-00241810-00242319 So sometimes that kind of angry, tough, activist persona is very useful +-zgGn5OpWb0-00538-00242319-00242806 in particular situations, like when confronting a CEO or an opponent +-zgGn5OpWb0-00539-00242806-00243226 or something. But other times, it may not be practical or useful +-zgGn5OpWb0-00540-00243226-00243719 if you are trying to bring in new kinds of people that don’t identify with activism. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00541-00243719-00244116 So being very conscious of that can be helpful. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00542-00244116-00244863 You can think of personas or identities in your organization like kind of notes in a symphony. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00543-00244863-00245556 There can be some variation of the sound, but there should also be a harmony, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00544-00245556-00245963 and some sort of consistency of tone, and sensibility. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00545-00245963-00246723 So there is flexibility, but you want it to kind of all be in the same family. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00546-00246723-00247216 And then the final step is to try to put the story of the organization, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00547-00247216-00247756 or the campaign, or the specific issue into a story arc. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00548-00247756-00248243 That’s just a very – it’s just a trick to get you to be able to talk +-zgGn5OpWb0-00549-00248243-00248589 about what’s going on in very simple terms. First there was this. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00550-00248590-00248926 Now there is this. And we are heading towards this confrontation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00551-00248926-00249156 And the future could be this, or the future could be that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00552-00249156-00249506 We don’t know what the future is going to be like. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00553-00249506-00250166 We don’t necessarily enter a story at its climax, or at its highest peak of confrontation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00554-00250166-00250843 We usually enter at a point where something is about to kick off. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00555-00250843-00251269 So one way to do this is to articulate all the sequence of events +-zgGn5OpWb0-00556-00251269-00251653 that led up to this moment where the conflict is going to kick off. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00557-00251653-00252236 And really, collaboratively do that. And you can do this by setting these questions +-zgGn5OpWb0-00558-00252236-00252716 around the room, and having people post with Post-its what they think is the step, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00559-00252716-00253173 how they would articulate these events, or these moments. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00560-00253173-00253533 And then the plot points, and this is critical for us at Greenpeace. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00561-00253533-00253866 We are really trying to think about how to bring in our supporters more, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00562-00253866-00254403 so that we are less at the center. So at each plot point which is really a point +-zgGn5OpWb0-00563-00254403-00254876 when something important will happen for this cause, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00564-00254876-00255309 or something important will happen for this organization that we kind of project into, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00565-00255310-00255656 or sort of imagine, what is the entry point for the audience, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00566-00255656-00256156 because the audience should always be key in determining the future of that point, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00567-00256156-00257093 the range of possibilities. So we really want to be clear about articulating that if possible. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00568-00257093-00257483 And then the resolution, you don’t have it, but there is a vision. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00569-00257483-00257916 There is a heaven that is possible, and you can articulate that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00570-00257916-00258216 There is also a hell. The hell may be that nothing changes. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00571-00258216-00258629 The hell may be that people don’t join you. The hell may be that the opponent +-zgGn5OpWb0-00572-00258630-00258950 gets more and more powerful. But that’s also important to articulate, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00573-00258950-00259483 to give people both the heaven and the hell of what we’re facing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00574-00259483-00259923 But often we just give them the hell. We don’t give them the heaven, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00575-00259923-00260209 or the possibility of the hope. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00576-00260210-00260643 And then the final step I would say, like especially in a big organization, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00577-00260643-00261216 or in an organization that’s very diverse, is to try to identify the “must haves,” +-zgGn5OpWb0-00578-00261216-00261716 the things that everybody can agree of the 10 things that we identified; +-zgGn5OpWb0-00579-00261716-00261946 this works for me, this works for me, this works for me. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00580-00261946-00262429 Identify those as non-negotiables. Every body will agree to that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00581-00262430-00262773 And this is what we did in Mexico. And then there is the negotiables, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00582-00262773-00263279 things that its okay. If you don’t want to do that, it’ll be okay. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00583-00263280-00263736 So people can pick or choose other elements. This kind of unity of opposites +-zgGn5OpWb0-00584-00263736-00264373 doesn’t work for us. Or this kind of character, protagonist doesn’t work for our context. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00585-00264373-00264756 That’s okay. But to have the non-negotiables or the must haves, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00586-00264756-00265303 and this can be done through dot voting, or just voting with dots, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00587-00265303-00265936 so that it doesn’t become a sort of – often speaking to vote, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00588-00265936-00266619 can lead to certain power dynamics, overwhelming the room. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00589-00266620-00267323 So the next steps, of course as I said, it’s iterative. There is no silver bullet. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00590-00267323-00268029 So for after Mexico, the next steps for the offices was to try to run this session locally, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00591-00268030-00268420 and then to workshop the story that they came up with, get feedback, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00592-00268420-00268793 really look at it. Understand your audiences more and more. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00593-00268793-00269286 Identify the best messengers for your story. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00594-00269286-00269813 Try different mediums of storytelling. And the way you figure out +-zgGn5OpWb0-00595-00269813-00270173 what medium of storytelling is best is probably just to see where your audience +-zgGn5OpWb0-00596-00270173-00270809 is going. You want to go to them, and that will probably save you a lot of time. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00597-00270810-00271140 So where are they going? Go there. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00598-00271140-00271546 Study from the best storytellers in that medium. Steal from them. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00599-00271546-00272116 Steal some genius. This is what all storytellers do, and go from there. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00600-00272116-00272589 Then get feedback and test. See the outcome of your story. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00601-00272590-00273330 Not every story is going to be brilliant or perfect, but you can try new things, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00602-00273330-00273706 and see what works and keep testing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00603-00273706-00274179 These are the resources that I would recommend. If any of these ideas in this presentation +-zgGn5OpWb0-00604-00274180-00274543 strike you as interesting, there are some great things out there. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00605-00274543-00274896 At the bottom is the Greenpeace story team’s temporary home. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00606-00274896-00275399 We are working on a new home in which we will try to post all of the processes +-zgGn5OpWb0-00607-00275400-00276093 that we’ve developed over the last year. So the home right now isn’t fully up-to-date. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00608-00276093-00276973 It doesn’t have the new workshops that we’ve developed, but we will have that by next year. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00609-00276973-00277523 And thank you very much. You can reach me via Twitter at lippointer. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00610-00277523-00277899 And that’s it for now. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00611-00277900-00278476 Susan: Thank you so much, Tsering. That was such a detailed and organized presentation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00612-00278476-00278876 We do have a couple of questions that we do have the time to answer. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00613-00278876-00279306 The first one is, where can we see the story that resulted +-zgGn5OpWb0-00614-00279306-00279863 from this Greenpeace process? And I think we’ve chatted out the link. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00615-00279863-00280229 Your temporary home, is that where folks will be able to find that? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00616-00280230-00280696 Tsering: For the urban revolution, that story is still in process, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00617-00280696-00281356 so it’s not ready to be – it’s not done. It is still being workshopped +-zgGn5OpWb0-00618-00281356-00281793 and it takes a long time, especially for a big organization like ours. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00619-00281793-00282269 Is that what people are asking? They want to see the finished results? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00620-00282270-00282806 Susan: Yes. And I will ask Elizabeth to continue chatting in to continue clarifying the question. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00621-00282806-00283143 And as she’s doing that, we have another question. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00622-00283143-00283833 Can you give an example of a meta-narrative and a narrative. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00623-00283833-00284263 Tsering: Yes. So a very basic meta-narrative would be, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00624-00284263-00284729 what it means to be an expecting mother, a woman who is pregnant. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00625-00284730-00285256 For a long time there was this idea that you were just supposed to be glowing, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00626-00285256-00285699 and happy, and everything is wonderful, and your life is just fulfilled, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00627-00285700-00286216 and all this stuff. And then I think because people – the counter narrative +-zgGn5OpWb0-00628-00286216-00286713 or the counter strategy for that that we see is celebrity figures +-zgGn5OpWb0-00629-00286713-00287043 and certain people speaking out and saying, “Actually, that’s not my reality.” +-zgGn5OpWb0-00630-00287043-00287303 People like Brooke Shields talking about postpartum depression. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00631-00287303-00287726 And that really changed the narrative around what it means to be a mother, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00632-00287726-00288166 and what it means to exist in that state. Because up until then, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00633-00288166-00288619 women were not in a sense, given permission to feel anything but joy. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00634-00288620-00289116 And they couldn’t speak about the pain and the kind of depression +-zgGn5OpWb0-00635-00289116-00289506 that they were experiencing after going through this incredibly life changing experience, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00636-00289506-00290036 or in the midst of it. So that narrative has really shifted I would say, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00637-00290036-00290436 as a result of people speaking about their personal experiences. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00638-00290436-00290779 And that would be a very basic counter strategy to that meta-narrative, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00639-00290780-00291170 is personal experience. Putting that out there. Not to say that it was easy, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00640-00291170-00291726 but that is something that I think has shifted. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00641-00291726-00292326 Susan: Thank you. Another question we have is, do you have specific examples +-zgGn5OpWb0-00642-00292326-00293056 of ways you’ve used different media to tell these stories? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00643-00293056-00293346 Tsering: I mean there are endless examples. For Greenpeace, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00644-00293346-00294203 we often do photo essays, because we have a lot of – we are out in the world. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00645-00294203-00294543 We are in the ocean. We are in the forest in the Amazon. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00646-00294543-00294989 So we have this incredible media library. We collect hundreds and hundreds of photos. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00647-00294990-00295360 And so we do work with journalists, photo essayists, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00648-00295360-00295723 and try to create beautiful stories through photo essays. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00649-00295723-00296066 We do a lot of video storytelling. A lot of our storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00650-00296066-00296326 I think happens on Facebook and Instagram these days, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00651-00296326-00296513 because that’s really where our audience is. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00652-00296513-00296909 But we are trying, always trying to expand that, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00653-00296910-00297313 because we are not interested in just speaking where urban millennials, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00654-00297313-00297906 or urban wealthy folks, or activists, or progressives. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00655-00297906-00298269 Right now we have in our 3 year program strategy, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00656-00298270-00298696 or our 10 year strategy actually, we have an emphasis on urban populations, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00657-00298696-00298999 but also front-line communities. So my colleague Enrica +-zgGn5OpWb0-00658-00299000-00299480 will be going to the Philippines in Tacloban, – I’m sorry. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00659-00299480-00299870 Not the Philippines, but in Tacloban , and she will be working +-zgGn5OpWb0-00660-00299870-00300193 with the community there, because they are already doing a lot of storytelling +-zgGn5OpWb0-00661-00300193-00300916 but using traditional modes like oral storytelling, plays, music, that sort of thing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00662-00300916-00301356 And that is an area that we need to become better at understanding, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00663-00301356-00301806 and amplifying, and translating to the greater world, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00664-00301806-00302233 because we are interested in understanding these communities, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00665-00302233-00302733 and also amplifying their narratives to the people elsewhere. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00666-00302733-00303686 So yeah, endless possibilities. A lot of our storytelling right now is happening on social media. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00667-00303686-00304313 Susan: Great, thanks so much. And I think a lot of folks are just looking for examples. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00668-00304313-00304816 Like your 10 step process, and how that applies to very specific stories +-zgGn5OpWb0-00669-00304816-00305206 that Greenpeace tells. And I think some of the resources that you provided +-zgGn5OpWb0-00670-00305206-00305729 should help answer those questions. There are folks looking for some guidance +-zgGn5OpWb0-00671-00305730-00306240 in terms of their specific audience. We have someone who is asking, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00672-00306240-00306523 what do you recommend for a story supporting children? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00673-00306523-00306813 There is a local youth center that has a lot of great programs, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00674-00306813-00307083 but nobody is dying. There is nothing really dramatic. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00675-00307083-00308213 But they do want to try to create a story that expresses the urgency of the need. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00676-00308213-00308833 Tsering: I think, I mean children, thats to me, it doesn’t have to be about people dying. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00677-00308833-00309163 Or it doesn’t have to be high drama. It doesn’t have to be climate change, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00678-00309163-00309506 or hurricanes or typhoons for it to be compelling. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00679-00309506-00309886 Just when you think of stories that are the most compelling for me, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00680-00309886-00310316 it’s always just about really focusing in on the central character. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00681-00310316-00310709 So really get personal. Don’t be afraid to get personal. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00682-00310710-00311163 I think often in nonprofit storytelling, we really want to be rational. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00683-00311163-00311466 We want to get into the policies. We want to take a birdseye view. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00684-00311466-00312006 But storytelling is most powerful when you get personal, and you really zone in on the person. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00685-00312006-00312293 And you can think about some of the most powerful photos +-zgGn5OpWb0-00686-00312293-00313139 that came out last year of Syrian refugee children, drowned on the shores of Europe, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00687-00313140-00313986 or rescued from a crumbling building in Syria. It is the personal, individual, focused, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00688-00313986-00314563 this very human to human connection that is the most powerful thing about storytelling. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00689-00314563-00315056 And that is something that reports, press releases, these things cannot accomplish +-zgGn5OpWb0-00690-00315056-00315336 what the personal kind of connection can. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00691-00315336-00315643 And for me, like Persepolis, the story of this young girl, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00692-00315643-00316103 that was the most compelling thing that I saw that really made me feel connected +-zgGn5OpWb0-00693-00316103-00316369 to that part of the world, and the struggles of women in Iran. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00694-00316370-00316920 So really get personal. Pick some charismatic and interesting people +-zgGn5OpWb0-00695-00316920-00317533 who you are serving. Go and see them and see how you can translate their narrative +-zgGn5OpWb0-00696-00317533-00318249 in various forms, and express that. That is the first step I would go for. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00697-00318250-00318696 And of course, stories can be episodic, it might not just be a one thing. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00698-00318696-00319153 People love to follow the journey of people. They love to see where things go. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00699-00319153-00319449 And not only that, we love to be part of the conversation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00700-00319450-00319900 Game of Thrones is so powerful because of the meta-discussion around it. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00701-00319900-00320340 Like everybody talks about Game of Thrones. They have an entry point, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00702-00320340-00320756 entering into that world, and theorizing and things like that. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00703-00320756-00321423 So create that journey for your audience. Give them an arc that’s long, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00704-00321423-00321793 not just a short sound bite, or short little story about somebody. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00705-00321793-00322503 Give them time to get to know people. Go very personal. Let them enter into a new world, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00706-00322503-00322889 and a new person’s story as an immersive experience. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00707-00322890-00323110 Something that you yourself find compelling, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00708-00323110-00323523 I think other human beings will find compelling. So that is where I would go. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00709-00323523-00324056 Go personal. Go deep. Give that time. Give it that space, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00710-00324056-00324546 so the story can evolve over time as well. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00711-00324546-00324923 Susan: Great, thanks. I think we have time for one more question, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00712-00324923-00325359 and then I’m going to let Lewis talk a little bit about our Storymakers Campaign +-zgGn5OpWb0-00713-00325360-00326186 this year. So how do you share the personal human stories without being exploitive. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00714-00326186-00326686 So this question I think this question is trying to balance the need to create urgency, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00715-00326686-00326933 but also being respectful. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00716-00326933-00327143 Tsering: Yeah, I think that’s a really important question. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00717-00327143-00327449 And I think that for me, that’s something I’m always thinking about. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00718-00327450-00327803 And going back to what I said earlier about the process +-zgGn5OpWb0-00719-00327803-00328023 for creating the story being just as important, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00720-00328023-00328409 and for anybody who is creating stories, be really conscious +-zgGn5OpWb0-00721-00328410-00328650 of the hazards of the stories that they are creating. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00722-00328650-00329236 What stereotypes does this push? Who actually has a voice in creating the story? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00723-00329236-00329556 So if the story is being created without the impacted communities +-zgGn5OpWb0-00724-00329556-00330033 having a space to be a part of that creation, that’s a little too – +-zgGn5OpWb0-00725-00330033-00330326 that might be a red flag. That might be something to really think about. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00726-00330326-00330696 So the best way that I can think of is to involve them. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00727-00330696-00331036 Do they feel empowered by the story? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00728-00331036-00331273 Do they feel that this is representative of their narrative? +-zgGn5OpWb0-00729-00331273-00331619 And as a Tibetan person, this is something that I feel is very important, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00730-00331620-00331913 because for centuries everybody but Tibetans have told our story. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00731-00331913-00332173 So it is really important to involve the people. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00732-00332173-00332599 They know best what they feel is true, and representative of their experiences. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00733-00332600-00333330 So if you can do that and not create your stories in isolation, and to speak for people. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00734-00333330-00333703 I think that is a mistake. Speak with them. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00735-00333703-00334576 Susan: Thanks so much. And Tsering again, we are going to turn this over to Lewis, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00736-00334576-00334936 and then we’ll come back to you for some last comments. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00737-00334936-00335503 Lewis will be talking about our campaign for Storymakers at TechSoup. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00738-00335503-00335623 Lewis, take it away. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00739-00335623-00336149 Lewis: Thanks, Susan. And thanks, Tsering. That was really valuable, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00740-00336150-00336513 and something TechSoup will be able to use for ourselves. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00741-00336513-00337129 So I just wanted to let people know about our Storymaker Campaign. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00742-00337130-00338123 The URL is info.TechSoup.org/Storymakers-2017. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00743-00338123-00338546 This year we want everyone to submit. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00744-00338546-00338873 And we are going to be collecting all the stories. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00745-00338873-00339479 And we have a new tool that will allow us to really showcase the work. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00746-00339480-00339943 So yes, we have 5 prizes. We have $10,000 total +-zgGn5OpWb0-00747-00339943-00340469 in prizes. Each category will be for $2000. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00748-00340470-00341186 What’s new this year is we divided the first 3 categories by budget size. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00749-00341186-00341683 So the small organizations won’t be competing against Greenpeace. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00750-00341683-00342486 If you submit [indistinct]. The local impact is for nonprofits under $500,000 US. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00751-00342486-00343079 Our driving change award sponsored by Adobe is for nonprofits +-zgGn5OpWb0-00752-00343080-00343483 with a budget over $500,000 to $1 million. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00753-00343483-00343953 And then shifting the future is for organizations over $1 million. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00754-00343953-00344716 We also for the first time have an award for non-US NGOs, the Orbis Unum, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00755-00344716-00345226 one world award. And then we will have one award that is based on community voting. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00756-00345226-00345589 But the key thing is we want you to share your story, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00757-00345590-00345996 so that we can share it with that larger nonprofit sector, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00758-00345996-00346373 the different ways that nonprofits are creating videos, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00759-00346373-00346949 whether its videos promoting the environment for your local community, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00760-00346950-00347350 serving the poor. We want to be able to showcase this, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00761-00347350-00347826 and share it back out. That is one of our key goals this year. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00762-00347826-00348439 So please submit. The contest goes from now through October 31. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00763-00348440-00348830 You have some time. And I just want to thank Tsering, again. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00764-00348830-00349300 And back to you Susan. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00765-00349300-00349830 Susan: Great, thank you. And as I thank our presenters today, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00766-00349830-00350273 I would like everyone to actually share a story or something that you learned today +-zgGn5OpWb0-00767-00350273-00350613 that you are going to be able to apply, or something that you are going to share +-zgGn5OpWb0-00768-00350613-00351093 with a colleague. I do want to take this opportunity to thank Tsering. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00769-00351093-00351606 She has put a lot of effort and energy into this presentation, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00770-00351606-00352026 and practicing with me, and ensuring that we also gather information +-zgGn5OpWb0-00771-00352026-00352329 from you in the polling questions to engage you, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00772-00352330-00352710 because storytelling is about engagement. I also want to thank Lewis. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00773-00352710-00353130 He does a lot here at TechSoup to promote the Storymakers Campaign. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00774-00353130-00353490 He does work day and night. And I know, because I was there last night, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00775-00353490-00353993 to promote this event. And I really want to encourage everyone to submit. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00776-00353993-00354303 There are lots of ways you can get ideas. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00777-00354303-00354629 Tsering’s presentation was the first in a series. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00778-00354630-00354986 As you see, there will be other events. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00779-00354986-00355493 On 9/28 we will have our second Storymakers webinar. It is free. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00780-00355493-00355859 Driving Action with Videos: Story Telling Production Tips. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00781-00355860-00356176 So this is all about – today was about really about the preproduction. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00782-00356176-00356429 And then next time we will talk about production tips. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00783-00356430-00356736 And then in October we will have a postproduction event. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00784-00356736-00357086 And then in case you are wondering, and you are looking for some funds, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00785-00357086-00357489 we have a whole series of events about fundraising and GrantStation. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00786-00357490-00358153 So I do invite you to all of those. They are all free. You can go to our website, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00787-00358153-00358559 and you can check out these events, and register. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00788-00358560-00359066 Tsering, again, I really want to thank you for all of your time, your expertise, +-zgGn5OpWb0-00789-00359066-00359553 and your commitment to the community for storytelling. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00790-00359553-00359793 Tsering: Thank you, Susan. Thank you everybody. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00791-00359793-00360193 Susan: And Lewis, thank you so much. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00792-00360193-00360389 Lewis: Thank you, Susan. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00793-00360390-00360756 Susan: And finally, Molly, Molly Bacon on the backend +-zgGn5OpWb0-00794-00360756-00361179 for doing all of the chat, and helping connect the links to the things +-zgGn5OpWb0-00795-00361180-00361600 that Tsering was saying. All of you, I want to have a wonderful weekend. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00796-00361600-00361886 I want you to come back and join us for another event soon. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00797-00361886-00362299 Thank you so much for your time. We know it is your most valuable asset. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00798-00362300-00362773 And again, thanks to ReadyTalk, our sponsor for this platform. +-zgGn5OpWb0-00799-00362773-00363360 Thanks so much. Have a great day. Bye-bye. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00000-00000000-00000189 >> On today's Visual Studio Toolbox, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00001-00000189-00000401 Phil shows us some additional options in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00002-00000401-00000657 Entity Framework Core for querying data. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00003-00000657-00001203 [MUSIC] +-zCYXsgAgd4-00004-00001203-00001380 >> Hi, welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00005-00001380-00001482 I'm your host, Robert Green, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00006-00001482-00001744 and joining me today is Phil Japikse. Hey, Phil. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00007-00001744-00001867 >> Hey, Robert. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00008-00001867-00002218 >> This is part 2 of our second series on +-zCYXsgAgd4-00009-00002218-00002529 Entity Framework Core and in the first part of this, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00010-00002529-00002851 we focused on performance and saw that Entity Framework Core +-zCYXsgAgd4-00011-00002851-00003316 is dramatically faster than Entity Framework Classic. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00012-00003316-00003535 Today, what are we going to talk about? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00013-00003535-00003900 >> Today we're going to talk about some viewer questions, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00014-00003900-00004122 but I really want to talk about how you +-zCYXsgAgd4-00015-00004122-00004445 can use different techniques +-zCYXsgAgd4-00016-00004445-00004676 to get data out of the database that +-zCYXsgAgd4-00017-00004676-00005031 isn't traditional table row column. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00018-00005031-00005150 >> Cool. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00019-00005150-00005396 >> So one of the questions that I +-zCYXsgAgd4-00020-00005396-00005677 get all the time is about store procedures support. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00021-00005677-00006051 It is different than the ones in the EF6. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00022-00006051-00006380 EF6, you could scaffold +-zCYXsgAgd4-00023-00006380-00006716 a set of store procedures for all of the CRUD operations. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00024-00006716-00007073 EF Core really is just supporting read operations with +-zCYXsgAgd4-00025-00007073-00007559 this encoder query type and it also supports inline SQL, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00026-00007559-00007841 which I know typically that's a bad word, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00027-00007841-00008226 but there are cases with EF Core where it makes sense. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00028-00008226-00008445 It is still interpolated, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00029-00008445-00008690 it is still parameterized but I +-zCYXsgAgd4-00030-00008690-00008981 wanted to go through those couple of things. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00031-00008981-00009494 Two, correlation to this is the whole new tracking part, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00032-00009494-00009729 which I think we've covered pretty sufficiently. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00033-00009729-00009774 >> Yeah. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00034-00009774-00010109 >> So I just wanted to let you know that when we use a query type, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00035-00010109-00010214 it won't be tracking. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00036-00010214-00010430 So let me start with a query type. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00037-00010430-00010647 What is a query type? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00038-00010670-00011232 We talked about DbSets and how they represent a table. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00039-00011232-00011859 In EF Core up until 2.2, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00040-00011859-00012206 we had also something called a DbQuery, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00041-00012206-00012704 which is different than a DbSet in that it was not a table, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00042-00012704-00012933 that are not representing anything that would +-zCYXsgAgd4-00043-00012933-00013219 ever get updated through EF Core. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00044-00013219-00013560 So a view, a user-defined function, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00045-00013560-00013743 raw SQL, things like that. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00046-00013743-00014000 There was a shift with the 3.X +-zCYXsgAgd4-00047-00014000-00014389 versions where instead of calling it a DbQuery, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00048-00014389-00014618 it's back to being a DbSet, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00049-00014618-00015008 but it's configured as not having a key. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00050-00015008-00015238 This has also been built into scaffolding. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00051-00015238-00015440 So when you scaffold AdventureWorks, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00052-00015440-00016152 when you scaffold any of your systems that have views, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00053-00016152-00016458 they'll come back in as DbSets, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00054-00016458-00016863 but they don't have a key and the HasNoKey is important. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00055-00016863-00017249 Because what that tells Entity Framework Core is that, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00056-00017249-00017453 hey, there's no primary key. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00057-00017453-00017676 We're not going to go into the change tracker, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00058-00017676-00017874 never going to make any changes. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00059-00017874-00018236 We don't have to call HasNoTracking and from the last episode, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00060-00018236-00018458 I think you saw the performance improvements just +-zCYXsgAgd4-00061-00018458-00018783 between the HasNoTracking in the query type. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00062-00018833-00019135 So setting them up, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00063-00019199-00019500 I have three in here. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00064-00019500-00019958 The model for testing this is used for the performance, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00065-00019958-00020390 but let's look at the product view model and what I've created. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00066-00020390-00020669 This is a typical use case for this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00067-00020669-00020840 I've got a sproc +-zCYXsgAgd4-00068-00020840-00021653 or some SQL where I don't want all of the fields for a table, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00069-00021653-00022031 or I want to join multiple tables into a ViewModel. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00070-00022031-00022348 Like maybe we're combining product and category +-zCYXsgAgd4-00071-00022348-00022873 and other metadata about those products. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00072-00022873-00023147 If we want to go the traditional ORM route, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00073-00023147-00023496 what we need to do is we need to say, get me all this, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00074-00023496-00023708 include these other tables as we showed in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00075-00023708-00023978 the last series with those getting what does show +-zCYXsgAgd4-00076-00023978-00024224 on getting related data and then we can do +-zCYXsgAgd4-00077-00024224-00024645 a projection to just come up with the data we need. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00078-00024645-00024986 Well, why get all that data if we're not going to use it? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00079-00024986-00025175 So what we can do is we can skip +-zCYXsgAgd4-00080-00025175-00025562 that whole EF Core projection and get data straight +-zCYXsgAgd4-00081-00025562-00025847 from the database into our view model without +-zCYXsgAgd4-00082-00025847-00026192 having to go through the intermediate step. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00083-00026192-00026711 Easy for me to say. So here I have a product ViewModel, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00084-00026711-00027098 and it is just a regular C Sharp class. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00085-00027098-00027476 In this example, it is the product table, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00086-00027476-00027758 but without all of the related field. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00087-00027758-00028293 So if we look at the product table or the product entity, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00088-00028293-00028639 what we see is all these navigation properties as +-zCYXsgAgd4-00089-00028639-00029008 we discussed in the last show. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00090-00029008-00029358 We don't want those, we just want the product data. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00091-00029358-00029689 We also don't want to ever update this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00092-00029689-00029919 So to get setup, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00093-00029919-00030266 we just create a class that will hold the data and again, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00094-00030266-00030398 if we wanted to have the category +-zCYXsgAgd4-00095-00030398-00030573 information and things like that. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00096-00030573-00031374 Then we have to tell in the DbContext or derived DbContext, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00097-00031374-00031816 that the entity has no key. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00098-00032167-00032462 Okay. To be honest here, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00099-00032462-00032948 I don't agree with the decision to take away the DbQuery type, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00100-00032948-00033108 I really liked that. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00101-00033108-00033292 So in EF Core, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00102-00033292-00033893 prior to 3.1 or 3.0, I could do this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00103-00033893-00034154 Everybody looking at the code knew it was +-zCYXsgAgd4-00104-00034154-00034478 a DbQuery and you can technically still do that, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00105-00034478-00034886 although it comes up with a warning that it's deprecated. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00106-00034886-00035142 So now it's a two-step process. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00107-00035142-00035325 Here's our DbSet. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00108-00035325-00035774 We then go and configure it as not having a key. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00109-00035774-00036273 We can also, if we know we're using a view, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00110-00036273-00036779 we can actually configure it right here to always use that view. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00111-00036779-00037041 The fact that I am not configuring +-zCYXsgAgd4-00112-00037041-00037527 a server-side object here means when I want to fill this data, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00113-00037527-00037893 I have to use a from a SQL call. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00114-00037893-00038258 >> So a couple of questions before we move on. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00115-00038258-00038300 >> Sure. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00116-00038300-00038535 >> So this is a way +-zCYXsgAgd4-00117-00038535-00038933 of returning something other than the complete table. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00118-00038933-00039482 So if you wanted to get information from multiple tables or if you +-zCYXsgAgd4-00119-00039482-00040253 wanted your product screen rather than bring back all of the data, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00120-00040253-00040364 you just want to show +-zCYXsgAgd4-00121-00040364-00040826 the product name and manufacturer to display in a list, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00122-00040826-00041300 for example, you could use one of these ViewModels. Is that right? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00123-00041300-00041409 >> Correct. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00124-00041409-00041826 >> Then when you say a ViewModel here, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00125-00041826-00042465 is this the same type of view model that I know from MVVM or is +-zCYXsgAgd4-00126-00042465-00042662 the view here equivalent to +-zCYXsgAgd4-00127-00042662-00043128 a SQL Server view and not related to UI? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00128-00043128-00043335 How are you using view here? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00129-00043335-00043861 >> Yes. So what I mean by that +-zCYXsgAgd4-00130-00043861-00044219 is my definition of a ViewModel +-zCYXsgAgd4-00131-00044219-00044723 is something that is not precisely persisted, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00132-00044723-00044964 which is the same as MVVM. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00133-00044964-00045259 So in MVVM, you're squishing together a bunch of models as +-zCYXsgAgd4-00134-00045259-00045872 a transport mechanism to get to the view typically a sudden WPF. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00135-00046011-00046525 If U in SQL Server is the same thing in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00136-00046525-00047018 a sense that it's taking data from different models, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00137-00047018-00047222 they call them tables, of course, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00138-00047222-00047560 and then squishing them together in filtering to then +-zCYXsgAgd4-00139-00047560-00047966 produce some other database on those other things. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00140-00047966-00048185 So they really are interchangeable. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00141-00048185-00048316 >> Okay. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00142-00048316-00048660 >> What I'm using here is a ViewModel. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00143-00048660-00049109 As a convention, anything that is not +-zCYXsgAgd4-00144-00049109-00049677 an entity that ties into a database table, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00145-00049677-00049900 I always add ViewModel to the end +-zCYXsgAgd4-00146-00049900-00050158 so people understand it's not a database table. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00147-00050158-00050587 >> Okay. I've seen that term used other places. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00148-00050587-00050801 So this isn't the term that you invented. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00149-00050801-00050866 >> No. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00150-00050866-00051057 >> Just Phil speak. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00151-00051057-00051387 >> Well, I think it's pretty university. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00152-00051387-00051586 I don't know that it's completely Phil speak in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00153-00051586-00051866 a sense that I've created a different use case for it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00154-00051866-00052197 It's a pretty common term, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00155-00052197-00052338 but it's good to clarify. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00156-00052338-00052488 It's an overloaded term. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00157-00052488-00052650 >> Okay. Cool. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00158-00052650-00053017 >> All right, so I have this ViewModel and again, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00159-00053017-00053321 this is just a subset of the product table. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00160-00053321-00053726 But then when we want to get data from it, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00161-00053726-00054026 we can do a couple of different things. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00162-00054026-00054527 There's from SQL, which now in EF Core 3.X and +-zCYXsgAgd4-00163-00054527-00055164 above is either from SQLRaw or FromSqlInterpolated. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00164-00055164-00055845 So let's say that we wanted to use SQL Server interpolation. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00165-00056035-00056547 Comment this out so be sure [inaudible] isn't angry at me, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00166-00056547-00056899 and we wanted to pass in a parameter. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00167-00056899-00057150 This is a terrible example, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00168-00057150-00057330 but we can go ahead and do it anyway, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00169-00057330-00057657 just so I can show you the syntax. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00170-00057700-00057935 Foo does exist. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00171-00057935-00058262 But if I use, excuse me, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00172-00058262-00058736 C-sharp interpolation in my FromSqlInterpolated, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00173-00058736-00059108 it will actually turn anything that is interpolated in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00174-00059108-00059575 this C-Sharp syntax as a parameter. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00175-00059597-00060089 So a better example that's going to make some people cringe, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00176-00060089-00060504 and it still does make me cringe a little bit is update foo +-zCYXsgAgd4-00177-00060504-00061416 where set name equals +-zCYXsgAgd4-00178-00061416-00061962 bob where id equals. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00179-00062370-00062713 That's actually better, let's delete that. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00180-00062713-00063270 So this will then change foo into an official parameter. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00181-00063270-00063758 It will be the same as if we built up a parameter object, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00182-00063758-00063958 add a command object, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00183-00063958-00064150 assign the connection to it, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00184-00064150-00064460 assign the parameter to the command as an input parameter, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00185-00064460-00064605 and then call it that way. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00186-00064605-00064814 So it provides you, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00187-00064814-00065140 not complete security but better isolation from +-zCYXsgAgd4-00188-00065140-00065545 SQL injection attacks by actually coming in as a parameter. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00189-00065545-00065815 So your user can't type in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00190-00065815-00066124 little Bobby Tables and drop your database. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00191-00066124-00066166 >> Right. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00192-00066166-00066451 >> That's an XKCD reference. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00193-00066451-00066925 If you don't have anything that's interpolated, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00194-00066925-00067252 you can call FromSqlRaw. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00195-00067252-00067720 You could also use FromSqlRaw with interpolation, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00196-00067720-00067930 but it's really not recommended and +-zCYXsgAgd4-00197-00067930-00068239 raw then will give you a bunch of warnings. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00198-00068268-00068557 So I'm showing two different ways to do this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00199-00068557-00068846 So this is calling a stored procedure, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00200-00068846-00069389 so I can say return to list. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00201-00069389-00069778 Same rules apply, if I don't call to list on this, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00202-00069778-00070132 even though it's a FromSql call and not +-zCYXsgAgd4-00203-00070132-00070622 using the DbContext directly in a link statement, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00204-00070622-00070942 it still won't execute until we iterate over it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00205-00070942-00071378 So the query rules still apply even though it's FromSql. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00206-00071394-00071759 So this is one way to attach to views, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00207-00071759-00072022 stored procedures, functions, things like that. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00208-00072022-00072145 >> Okay, cool. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00209-00072145-00072449 >> I don't do this a ton, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00210-00072449-00073105 what I do much more often is a variation of this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00211-00073105-00073700 Now the advantage of using inline SQL is two fold. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00212-00073700-00073996 First and foremost, there's going to be times when +-zCYXsgAgd4-00213-00073996-00074498 you're trying to do some joined in filter. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00214-00074498-00074918 So one of the things that's pretty hard to do, well, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00215-00074918-00075343 it's actually near possible in EF Core up to and including +-zCYXsgAgd4-00216-00075343-00075914 3.1 is filtering on your included tables, your joins. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00217-00075914-00076177 Really easy to do in T-SQL, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00218-00076177-00076648 hard to do in link as it is written today. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00219-00076648-00077285 The good news is in EF Core 5 or whatever the final name will be, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00220-00077285-00077660 they've added the feature on those join tables. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00221-00077660-00077863 So until you get to 5, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00222-00077863-00078143 you're going to be writing something like +-zCYXsgAgd4-00223-00078143-00078508 P.all from production product, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00224-00078508-00079171 inner join order, I don't remember the table name, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00225-00079171-00079393 I will clean it up before I check it in, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00226-00079393-00079988 sales.orderdetails, od on. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00227-00080073-00080453 We just make this easier to read. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00228-00081234-00081998 So on p.id equals od.productid +-zCYXsgAgd4-00229-00081998-00082894 where od.order +-zCYXsgAgd4-00230-00082894-00083831 date is less than datetime.now. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00231-00083865-00084275 We're going to interpolate this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00232-00085050-00085453 So now you orders that were ordered prior to today, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00233-00085453-00085843 really all the products that were in orders prior to today. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00234-00085843-00086003 Very simple query. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00235-00086003-00086305 >> So again, the difference between SQL raw and SQL +-zCYXsgAgd4-00236-00086305-00086696 interpolated because you're interpolating in your raw? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00237-00086751-00087010 >> Good, call out. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00238-00087010-00087250 >> Yeah, that's the difference. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00239-00087250-00087499 >> The difference is you're not able to use SQL +-zCYXsgAgd4-00240-00087499-00087893 raw if I have SQL interpolation. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00241-00087918-00088126 This is going to fail miserably +-zCYXsgAgd4-00242-00088126-00088309 because this isn't the right query. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00243-00088309-00088445 >> That's fine. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00244-00088445-00089017 >> Now, the advantage of doing this instead of a store procedure, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00245-00089017-00089134 because you could certainly write +-zCYXsgAgd4-00246-00089134-00089396 a store procedure does it takes parameters. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00247-00089396-00090055 If you have a non-terminating SQL statement in your FromSql call, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00248-00090055-00090546 you can continue to build on it with link. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00249-00090546-00090983 So in this particular example, I could say "." +-zCYXsgAgd4-00250-00090983-00092068 include x lambda x. whatever navigation property I wanted to add, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00251-00092068-00092650 and it bundles all that up server-side as if +-zCYXsgAgd4-00252-00092650-00093283 we were using the DbContext or the DbSet directly. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00253-00093283-00093589 So you can start with that complex query, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00254-00093589-00093803 put it into SQL, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00255-00093803-00094160 and then still building your includes and everything else. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00256-00094160-00094472 So it's a really handy tool to use. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00257-00094472-00095303 Now, terminating queries, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00258-00095303-00095491 and I have to check this in +-zCYXsgAgd4-00259-00095491-00095711 3.1, I know this is a problem all along. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00260-00095711-00095896 If I put a semicolon in here, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00261-00095896-00096251 it's considered terminating, and then you can't build on it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00262-00096251-00096652 So make sure you don't end with your semi-colon. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00263-00096652-00097022 But something that can't be built on, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00264-00097022-00097328 for example, store procedure, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00265-00097328-00097619 user-defined function, anything with +-zCYXsgAgd4-00266-00097619-00098023 a common table expression like CTE, you can't build on it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00267-00098023-00098464 What Entity Framework Core is doing, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00268-00098464-00098749 and this might be changing in 5, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00269-00098749-00099007 I haven't gone down that deep yet, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00270-00099007-00099376 is taking your query and wrapping it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00271-00099376-00100372 So if I did include or I can also do a, where here.where blah. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00272-00100372-00100847 So it takes your initial query inside that FromSqlInterpolated, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00273-00100847-00101428 wraps it as an inner select and then builds on the link around it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00274-00101428-00101744 At least that's a SQL Server implementation. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00275-00101744-00102001 So if it's a terminating query, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00276-00102001-00102379 you can't have a terminating query be the target of a subselect, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00277-00102379-00102625 that's the reason behind it. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00278-00102625-00102788 >> Okay. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00279-00102924-00103246 >> On FromSql or +-zCYXsgAgd4-00280-00103246-00103522 query types or how to use them or why to use them? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00281-00103522-00103631 >> No. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00282-00103631-00104167 >> All right. So last comment on this before we wrap. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00283-00104167-00104395 I know this will be the shorter episode, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00284-00104395-00104593 I wanted to get this out there. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00285-00104593-00104857 The link translation engine for +-zCYXsgAgd4-00286-00104857-00105103 SQL Server at least is really good. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00287-00105103-00105449 The people who are working on that are wicked smart people, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00288-00105449-00106081 and almost always the queries they're generating are spot on. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00289-00106081-00106303 Sometimes however, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00290-00106303-00106634 and this is why performance profiling is so important, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00291-00106634-00106924 you're going to get a situation whether it's your design, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00292-00106924-00107150 whether it's an edge case you didn't think about, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00293-00107150-00107312 whether it's your data, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00294-00107312-00107500 where the performance of +-zCYXsgAgd4-00295-00107500-00107985 the generated SQL from your link statement, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00296-00107985-00108316 just isn't cutting it from a performance standpoint. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00297-00108316-00108505 That's a common thing I hear, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00298-00108505-00108769 "Oh my gosh, it's too slow if I do x." +-zCYXsgAgd4-00299-00108769-00108907 Well, the answer to +-zCYXsgAgd4-00300-00108907-00109289 that is what we're talking about in today's episode. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00301-00109289-00109657 FromSqlInterpolated, FromSqlRaw, you can write +-zCYXsgAgd4-00302-00109657-00110491 that query statement however you want to pull the data back. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00303-00110491-00111064 There is a limitation that in your SQL statement itself, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00304-00111064-00111541 I cannot bring back related tables. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00305-00111541-00112339 So I cannot do select star from product and order details, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00306-00112339-00112516 which would get me back all of +-zCYXsgAgd4-00307-00112516-00112820 them unless I'm going into a ViewModel. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00308-00112820-00113044 But it's not going to fill up +-zCYXsgAgd4-00309-00113044-00113402 the product table and the order details table if I do this. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00310-00113402-00113776 I'd have to do select p get those orders, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00311-00113776-00114248 and then do an include to bring in the order details table. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00312-00114248-00114636 The other limitation I want to call out is that +-zCYXsgAgd4-00313-00114636-00115108 whatever field you're bringing back in this FromSql call, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00314-00115108-00115393 whether it's FromSqlInterpolated or FromSqlRaw, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00315-00115393-00115611 have to exist in your ViewModel, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00316-00115611-00115924 it's an all or nothing proposition. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00317-00115924-00116535 So if my product ViewModel has seven fields, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00318-00116535-00117058 and I only bring back five fields in my FromSqlInterpolated call, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00319-00117058-00117301 then I'm going to get a runtime error +-zCYXsgAgd4-00320-00117301-00117526 that says you're missing some fields. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00321-00117526-00117784 So you have to match them up. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00322-00117801-00118117 But other than that it's a powerful tool that we use +-zCYXsgAgd4-00323-00118117-00118381 quite often to build +-zCYXsgAgd4-00324-00118381-00118765 complex ViewModels without having to go through pulling +-zCYXsgAgd4-00325-00118765-00118954 the data back from seven different tables +-zCYXsgAgd4-00326-00118954-00119204 and then creating a projection. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00327-00119204-00119368 >> Right. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00328-00119368-00119830 >> So that's what I got on FromSql and query types. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00329-00119830-00120008 >> Cool, very useful. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00330-00120008-00120210 So it was a great look at some of +-zCYXsgAgd4-00331-00120210-00120523 the more advanced query options we have. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00332-00120523-00120810 I love the idea of the ViewModel where you can bring back +-zCYXsgAgd4-00333-00120810-00121124 just some of the records from a table. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00334-00121124-00121426 So for example, you want to display them in a list box, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00335-00121426-00121603 somebody chooses a product and then go +-zCYXsgAgd4-00336-00121603-00121785 see the full information on the product. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00337-00121785-00122066 You just bring back a subset of the data, +-zCYXsgAgd4-00338-00122066-00122374 and we also looked at the FromSql. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00339-00122374-00122585 What are we going to look at in the next episode, Phil? +-zCYXsgAgd4-00340-00122585-00122905 >> So next we're going to back up a little bit and +-zCYXsgAgd4-00341-00122905-00123268 dive into how you configure your DbContext. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00342-00123268-00123404 >> All right, excellent. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00343-00123404-00123622 So I hope you guys are enjoying this and we will see you +-zCYXsgAgd4-00344-00123622-00123851 next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00345-00123851-00123943 >> Thanks. See you then. +-zCYXsgAgd4-00346-00123943-00125100 [MUSIC] +--YR2k5uuoA-00000-00000051-00000509 This is Cynthia Curry, Integration Mentor for the MLTI. Classroom test results can be +--YR2k5uuoA-00001-00000509-00000952 a source of products in Anne Davies triangulation of evidence of student learning. Combined +--YR2k5uuoA-00002-00000952-00001542 with evidence from observations and conversations, test results can inform next steps for instruction. +--YR2k5uuoA-00003-00001542-00002028 For this presentation a test is defined as a series of select response items, such as +--YR2k5uuoA-00004-00002028-00002552 multiple choice, true/false, and labeling of figures, as well as short answer prompts. +--YR2k5uuoA-00005-00002552-00002993 Tests are good for measuring declarative or factual knowledge of predetermined objectives. +--YR2k5uuoA-00006-00002993-00003367 But not all tests are made accessible meaning that the need for accommodations for students +--YR2k5uuoA-00007-00003367-00003847 with disabilities is minimized. Accessible tests have items that are decipherable, appearance +--YR2k5uuoA-00008-00003847-00004289 that is legible, and readability across instructions and items. Students need to be able to read +--YR2k5uuoA-00009-00004289-00004774 questions accurately in order to answer them correctly. This is Universal Design because +--YR2k5uuoA-00010-00004774-00005190 the elements that make a test accessible to students with disabilities improve its design +--YR2k5uuoA-00011-00005190-00005642 and delivery for all students. When a test is accessible the accuracy of student responses +--YR2k5uuoA-00012-00005642-00006165 likely improves, which in turn improves the validity of the collection of evidence. First, +--YR2k5uuoA-00013-00006165-00006572 providing a test in digital format increases the options that students have for responding +--YR2k5uuoA-00014-00006572-00007002 to the items. This flexibility means that students have options of multiple methods +--YR2k5uuoA-00015-00007002-00007420 for both displaying the test items and how they respond to them. The key word here on +--YR2k5uuoA-00016-00007420-00008036 out is options. The first option is text appearance. Students can change the text size, font, and +--YR2k5uuoA-00017-00008036-00008506 color contrast for their individual needs and preferences, maximizing the legibility +--YR2k5uuoA-00018-00008506-00008952 of each item on the test. They can also create more white space by increasing margins and +--YR2k5uuoA-00019-00008952-00009466 line spacing. Here's an example from a true/false section of a science test on bones, muscle, +--YR2k5uuoA-00020-00009466-00009982 and skin. The version provided by the teacher has standard text size of 12, font of Times +--YR2k5uuoA-00021-00009982-00010633 New Roman, black on white contrast, and typical white space. Upon receipt, our phantom student +--YR2k5uuoA-00022-00010633-00011148 increased the text size to 16, changed the font to Verdana, increased the contrast between +--YR2k5uuoA-00023-00011148-00011797 text and background, and created more white space by adjusting margins and line spacing. +--YR2k5uuoA-00024-00011797-00012331 Another reason for digital tests is that test items can be read aloud by a computer. If +--YR2k5uuoA-00025-00012331-00012687 measuring reading proficiency, then providing the option of computer speech will render +--YR2k5uuoA-00026-00012687-00013131 the test invalid. But for other purposes, allowing this option for all students may +--YR2k5uuoA-00027-00013131-00013831 result in more accurate evidence of learning. Here's an example. (If you happen to get acid +--YR2k5uuoA-00028-00014034-00014734 on your hands, what should you do? A Run around the room, waving your hands in the air shouting. +--YR2k5uuoA-00029-00014803-00015503 B Apply baking soda immediately to neutralize the acid. C Wash your hands with water. D +--YR2k5uuoA-00030-00015659-00016149 Wipe your hands on your clothes.) You may be asking yourself, Test questions can be +--YR2k5uuoA-00031-00016149-00016587 read aloud to students by school personnel, so why have a computer do it? First, a test +--YR2k5uuoA-00032-00016587-00017010 reader is typically an accommodation rather than an option for all. Second, the option +--YR2k5uuoA-00033-00017010-00017459 of text to speech gives students independence and control. The third reason for a digital +--YR2k5uuoA-00034-00017459-00017909 test is voice recording, which is an option to verbally record responses to test items. +--YR2k5uuoA-00035-00017909-00018299 Provision of this option also depends on the purpose of the test. For example, if measuring +--YR2k5uuoA-00036-00018299-00018751 writing proficiency, then providing the option of voice recording will render the test invalid. +--YR2k5uuoA-00037-00018751-00019157 Here's an example of a voice recording. Here's a test on the Holocaust that has been created +--YR2k5uuoA-00038-00019157-00019666 in NoteShare. Here in the short answer section is the question, how did the Germans define +--YR2k5uuoA-00039-00019666-00020226 who was Jewish? To embed a voice recording, choose the Voice Memo tool and speak into +--YR2k5uuoA-00040-00020226-00020926 your microphone. I'll record just an opening statement: (The Germans defined a Jewish person +--YR2k5uuoA-00041-00020937-00021637 on November 14, 1935.) The recording is embedded right on the page. (The Germans defined a +--YR2k5uuoA-00042-00021891-00022591 Jewish person on November 14, 1935.) You may be asking yourself, A scribe can record student +--YR2k5uuoA-00043-00022609-00023070 responses to test questions, so why allow voice recording? First, a scribe is typically +--YR2k5uuoA-00044-00023070-00023531 an accommodation rather than an option for all. Second, the option of voice recording +--YR2k5uuoA-00045-00023531-00024037 gives students independence and control. There's a lot more to universally designing classroom +--YR2k5uuoA-00046-00024037-00024551 tests, but starting with a digital test and providing the options of adjusting text appearance, +--YR2k5uuoA-00047-00024551-00025064 using text to speech, and voice recording responses, are significant first steps. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00000-00000012-00000519 The future of education can’t be found in a gadget or an app or a program or a product. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00001-00000519-00001047 It doesn’t require a think tank full of pundits. No, the future of education can +-EdTbnEpDPu-00002-00001047-00001578 be found in your classroom. Your classroom is packed with creative potential. You have all +-EdTbnEpDPu-00003-00001578-00002079 the innovation you need right there in your room. You have the power to make it happen. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00004-00002079-00002499 It’s what happens when you experiment. It’s what happens when you give your +-EdTbnEpDPu-00005-00002499-00002805 students voice and choice. It’s what happens when you abandon +-EdTbnEpDPu-00006-00002805-00003102 the scripted curriculum and take your students off-road in their learning. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00007-00003102-00003606 It’s what happens when you teach to your students rather than teaching to the test. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00008-00003606-00004191 It’s what happens when you unleash the creative power of all of your students - when you make the +-EdTbnEpDPu-00009-00004191-00004827 bold decision to let them make things and design things and solve problems that they find relevant. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00010-00004827-00005346 Sometimes it’s messy and even confusing. It often looks humble. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00011-00005346-00005802 But understand this, that every time your students get the chance to be +-EdTbnEpDPu-00012-00005802-00006212 authors, filmmakers, scientists, artists, and engineers. +-EdTbnEpDPu-00013-00006212-00006692 You are planting the seeds for a future you could have never imagined on your +-EdTbnEpDPu-00014-00006692-00006878 own. And that right there is the beauty of creative classrooms. That’s the power +-EdTbnEpDPu-00015-00006878-00007403 of innovative teachers. And the truth is, that is why the future of education is you. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00000-00000056-00000568 Hello, this is Bren Antrim and I'm a librarian here at Santa Monica College. Today we're +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00001-00000568-00001256 going to do a video tour of the Health Source database. From the college website click on Menu, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00002-00001392-00001872 click on the plus sign next to Student Support and scroll down to Library between Counseling +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00003-00001872-00002360 and Tutoring. Once you're there if you have a question, you're not sure where to begin, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00004-00002424-00002984 you can ask us - Ask a Librarian - at any time. This is 24 7 research assistance. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00005-00003088-00003632 If you have a topic in mind, say for example I'm in an Early Childhood Education class +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00006-00003632-00004216 and I want to do an essay on children with autism or on the autism spectrum disorder, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00007-00004336-00004840 I can go down here and I can click on Databases... before we click on that notice that Ask a +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00008-00004840-00005600 Librarian is also available here. In the databases it is broken down to a listing of everything we +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00009-00005600-00006024 subscribe to alphabetically by title with a short description of what's in each database, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00010-00006104-00006592 a listing of databases that are primarily ebooks, and a listing by discipline. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00011-00006872-00007544 Since I'm looking for a health topic I will head into Health Sciences resources. The first database +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00012-00007544-00008128 listed is actually for our nursing students, so it might be a little more scientific than +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00013-00008128-00008752 what I'm looking for as an ECE student looking to write a general essay. So instead I'll head +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00014-00008752-00009224 down into Health Source, which is the consumer edition and is intended for general audienceS. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00015-00009400-00009800 If you have not let logged in, you log in exactly as you would +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00016-00009856-00010240 with Canvas, and you have to log in to access the databases. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00017-00010712-00010848 once the server catches up +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00018-00011168-00011560 This interface may look very familiar to you because it's published by EBSCO +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00019-00011560-00012152 who publishes many of our databases, but this has a specific set of journals, periodicals, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00020-00012152-00013016 newspapers that is about health itself. If I type in autism it says, do you want autism +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00021-00013016-00013712 spectrum disorder? and I say yeah that's a good one. Then I add a second one that says children +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00022-00013712-00014080 because I'm specifically interested in how this disorder affects children. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00023-00014176-00014568 I make sure down here on the page that it's limited to full text so I get the +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00024-00014568-00015040 actual article and not just information about the article, and I search that out. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00025-00015304-00015968 I get 99 results. Of those, here along the side. it will tell me if this is an academic journal. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00026-00016032-00016544 if it is a periodical which is not academic, if it is a news article, etc. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00027-00016688-00017120 When I look over here on the left hand side I can further limit it. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00028-00017120-00017872 I can say I really only want scholarly journals - most of these will be - and also I want maybe +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00029-00017872-00018448 the last five years. I don't want to go all the way back to 2013 so I can use the slider bar +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00030-00018672-00019240 to get myself the last five years. That takes it down to only 13. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00031-00019336-00019976 So if I take a look at some of my results, some of them are research studies... +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00032-00020728-00021344 this looks very interesting - motor skill assessment would be very useful to me as +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00033-00021344-00022080 an early childhood education scholar, and this is a case study. It is in Physical Educator, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00034-00022080-00022472 it's a couple of years old which is fine with a scholarly journal because it takes a little time +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00035-00022472-00023352 for the research to be gathered, peer-reviewed and published. It's 16 pages long. I'm going to check +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00036-00023352-00024032 this out. When I click on the title it gives me all the information that I need for my citation. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00037-00024120-00024624 It gives me some subjects and oh, here's a bonus! These subjects are assigned by +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00038-00024624-00025192 librarians to these particular titles and if you find a subject that is your topic, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00039-00025256-00025744 click on it because that will gather everything in the database specifically on your topic. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00040-00025808-00026344 That takes me down to nine but every one of them is about children. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00041-00026439-00027472 Some of them are not scholarly... some of them are... I might take a look at the one that I +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00042-00027472-00027976 had already, I might take a look at air pollution and how that affects children when they're being +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00043-00027976-00028416 developed in the womb... but I'll go back to the one that I had so I can show you how it works. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00044-00028632-00029208 The abstract is the author supplied summary of what is in this article, so you don't have to read +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00045-00029208-00029752 the whole article to decide if it might be useful or not. If you read the abstract and it looks good +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00046-00029752-00030256 you can add it to your google drive, add it to a folder, print it, email it, or save it. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00047-00030320-00030927 I tend to email as I go. The actual article is attached over here in a pdf full text and you +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00048-00030927-00031608 have the same options from that pdf. You can also get help with your citation so if I'm in +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00049-00031608-00032527 an ECE class we might be using the APA edition of citation and it gives me that; if I were in +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00050-00032527-00033224 English class we might be using the MLA edition so I would try that format - whichever one you use, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00051-00033224-00033616 make sure that you fix it based on the information that your instructor gives you +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00052-00033616-00034128 because sometimes the database makes small errors and you want to make sure that you get full credit +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00053-00034128-00034960 for your citations. If I'm going to email this to myself I tell it where to send it, give it some +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00054-00034960-00035816 kind of a subject, do not send it in plain text, leave the pdf to be sent as a separate attachment, +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00055-00035872-00036440 and ask for help with the citation. It is alphabetical by format so you will want to +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00056-00036440-00036856 make sure that you select the correct citations format, so you don't end up with a Brazilian +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00057-00036912-00037464 citation which is not applicable because we're not in Brazil... then send it off +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00058-00037672-00038216 and it will confirm that you have gotten it. It may take a few minutes to show up +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00059-00038320-00038864 once you do that. You can go back to your result list and find another article. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00060-00039072-00039496 If you have a question while you're having this search you can go over here and chat +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00061-00039496-00039912 with a librarian while you're still in your search, so you don't lose your search. +-EEUOrJ5d2U-00062-00040080-00040784 I wish you the best with your research! Be well. +-FSqlKv-g7U-00001-00008395-00008579 [Muzak fades out] +-HvxnbtTnNY-00000-00002111-00002572 Hello everyone this is Antara welcome back to my channel so as with this weired look +-HvxnbtTnNY-00001-00002572-00003018 and subject line you can understand that what is this video rega rding. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00002-00003018-00003900 Today I am going to share how you can do your own makeup for Folk Dance without anyone's help. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00003-00003900-00004390 and this hairstyle we generraly use in folk dance +-HvxnbtTnNY-00004-00004400-00004780 How you can do this hairstyle neatly. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00005-00004780-00005100 I will share it in next week's video. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00006-00005100-00005500 So if you want to learn this hairstyle, you have to wait till next week +-HvxnbtTnNY-00007-00005500-00006000 and for this makeup look, you dont have to wait... I have to show it to you now. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00008-00006000-00006200 So, without further ado, let's move on to the video +-HvxnbtTnNY-00009-00006200-00006800 1st I have cleaned my face and applied primer +-HvxnbtTnNY-00010-00006800-00008400 Then I will take a damp sponge and apply foundation +-HvxnbtTnNY-00011-00008410-00008900 always apply on your neck and ear as well +-HvxnbtTnNY-00012-00008900-00009300 Then I am applying concealer and contour +-HvxnbtTnNY-00013-00009300-00010000 If you want, you can just skip this step. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00014-00010200-00010746 Now I will blend the contour and concealer +-HvxnbtTnNY-00015-00010746-00012090 but remember to blend it in place, so that it does not spread +-HvxnbtTnNY-00016-00012090-00013000 now I am applying loose powder. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00017-00013084-00013600 but I will not blend it now. I will blend it after applying eye shadow. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00018-00013600-00014145 next I will apply eye shadow. I have kept it simple. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00019-00014145-00014900 So that it is easy for everyone to do. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00020-00015000-00016100 I know my face is little bit white, but dont worry it will look fine at the end +-HvxnbtTnNY-00021-00016100-00016800 now I will remove the fallouts of eyeshadow(if any) and then blend the loose powder. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00022-00016800-00017900 now I will Apply contour powder where ever I have applied contour. (This is optional) +-HvxnbtTnNY-00023-00018612-00019200 Now I am doing my eyebrows. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00024-00019200-00019600 Now I am applying Kajal +-HvxnbtTnNY-00025-00019600-00020700 Then I will smudge the kajal +-HvxnbtTnNY-00026-00020700-00020900 Then I will apply Eyeliner. +-HvxnbtTnNY-00027-00020900-00023300 Refer to my previous videos for detailed eye makeup tutorial +-HvxnbtTnNY-00028-00023300-00023700 I am making a small wing +-HvxnbtTnNY-00029-00023700-00025000 Next I am applying blush and highlighter +-HvxnbtTnNY-00030-00025000-00025300 Then I am using mascara, lipstick and bindi +-HvxnbtTnNY-00031-00025300-00025800 Makeup is almost done but as it is a folk dance makeup look, we are missing something +-HvxnbtTnNY-00032-00025800-00026545 I will do some decoration using eyeliner as shown in the video +-HvxnbtTnNY-00033-00026800-00027700 makeup look is complete and you can see how easy it is +-HvxnbtTnNY-00034-00027900-00028300 So before I end this video, I want to mention something +-HvxnbtTnNY-00035-00028300-00028800 I have done some additional steps like contour, conceal and highlight +-HvxnbtTnNY-00036-00028800-00031200 If you want you can skip this steps +-HvxnbtTnNY-00037-00031300-00032000 I hope this will be a easy look for you all +-HvxnbtTnNY-00038-00032000-00032900 So I see you in my next video with this hairstyle tutorial +-HvxnbtTnNY-00039-00032957-00033500 Till then take care stay happy and bye bye +-JN-CuShw9M-00000-00000000-00000879 1.4a Simplify Algebraic Expressions – Substitute a Value +-JN-CuShw9M-00001-00000879-00002063 If you heard the saying that I have a dozen eggs, it would mean that I have twelve eggs. +-JN-CuShw9M-00002-00002064-00002882 Basically, the word dozen stands for a number or it represents a number. +-JN-CuShw9M-00003-00002884-00004772 Variables are very similar to this and that they are letters that represent numerical or number amounts. +-JN-CuShw9M-00004-00004772-00005936 If we know the amount, we can replace it in an expression. +-JN-CuShw9M-00005-00005936-00007023 Whenever we make a substitution or replacement, +-JN-CuShw9M-00006-00007023-00007888 we need to remember to put it in parentheses. +-JN-CuShw9M-00007-00007888-00008344 This is very important because without parentheses, +-JN-CuShw9M-00008-00008344-00009038 it may cause some problems to become incorrect. +-JN-CuShw9M-00009-00009038-00009729 Example one: is asking us to evaluate the expression shown as +-JN-CuShw9M-00010-00009730-00010570 negative x squared minus 7 x minus twelve, when x is equal to negative four. +-JN-CuShw9M-00011-00010570-00010868 It's basically like you have been given a secret code, +-JN-CuShw9M-00012-00010868-00011318 in which they told you what the x stands for. +-JN-CuShw9M-00013-00011320-00011974 We therefore can evaluate the expression or find what it is equal to +-JN-CuShw9M-00014-00011974-00012954 by replacing, or substituting the negative four in for wherever we saw an x. +-JN-CuShw9M-00015-00012956-00014033 In order to do so, it is usually best to start by rewriting the expression shown here, +-JN-CuShw9M-00016-00014033-00014637 and write parentheses everywhere there was an x, +-JN-CuShw9M-00017-00014637-00015146 leaving openings to place the replacement. +-JN-CuShw9M-00018-00015146-00015635 As you can see, this still would be negative something squared, +-JN-CuShw9M-00019-00015635-00016208 minus seven times something, minus twelve. +-JN-CuShw9M-00020-00016208-00016773 They have given us what this something is, it is negative four. +-JN-CuShw9M-00021-00016773-00017759 We therefore place a negative four within all parentheses that were represented by the letter x. +-JN-CuShw9M-00022-00017759-00018202 We now may use the order of operations to solve this problem. +-JN-CuShw9M-00023-00018202-00018846 Remember, writing PEMDAS will help you to ensure that +-JN-CuShw9M-00024-00018846-00019356 you have done the order of operations in the correct order. +-JN-CuShw9M-00025-00019356-00020154 We start with P and as you can see, there are no operations within parentheses. +-JN-CuShw9M-00026-00020154-00020475 Next, we have E or exponents. +-JN-CuShw9M-00027-00020475-00020964 There is an exponent, so we must first evaluate it. +-JN-CuShw9M-00028-00020964-00021397 As you can see, we have a negative four squared. +-JN-CuShw9M-00029-00021397-00022089 The negative is inside the parentheses and therefore attached to the exponent. +-JN-CuShw9M-00030-00022089-00022719 This means that we are asking ourselves what is negative four times negative four? +-JN-CuShw9M-00031-00022719-00023011 Remembering that the multiplication rules state that +-JN-CuShw9M-00032-00023011-00023496 a negative times a negative becomes a positive, sixteen. +-JN-CuShw9M-00033-00023496-00023986 This therefore means that negative four squared, has turned into a sixteen. +-JN-CuShw9M-00034-00023986-00024523 We now bring down all portions of the problem that have been yet to be used. +-JN-CuShw9M-00035-00024523-00025307 This includes the negative that was out front. +-JN-CuShw9M-00036-00025307-00025925 We now can cross off E or exponents as there are no further exponents to be completed. +-JN-CuShw9M-00037-00025925-00026621 Next, is multiply and divide. Remember, you do whichever comes first in the problem +-JN-CuShw9M-00038-00026621-00027061 because we work from left to right. +-JN-CuShw9M-00039-00027061-00027464 In this problem, you can see there is only one multiplication, +-JN-CuShw9M-00040-00027464-00027972 which is negative seven times negative four. +-JN-CuShw9M-00041-00027972-00028575 A negative times a negative will result in a positive, twenty eight. +-JN-CuShw9M-00042-00028575-00028916 Remember since this is still part of an expression, +-JN-CuShw9M-00043-00028916-00029403 you must write the positive or plus symbol down. +-JN-CuShw9M-00044-00029403-00029993 You then continue to write down all pieces that have yet to be used. +-JN-CuShw9M-00045-00029993-00030265 We have now completed all of the multiply and divide +-JN-CuShw9M-00046-00030265-00031050 and may move on to add and subtract, remembering that we must move from left to right. +-JN-CuShw9M-00047-00031050-00031522 This means we do the first two numbers first. +-JN-CuShw9M-00048-00031522-00031861 These two numbers have different signs. Remember with different signs, +-JN-CuShw9M-00049-00031862-00032772 you subtract, and the negative sixteen and a positive twenty eight, it subtracts to twelve. +-JN-CuShw9M-00050-00032772-00033226 The twelve is then positive because the twenty eight is positive. +-JN-CuShw9M-00051-00033226-00033743 The positive is not needed as there are no operations in front of the twelve. +-JN-CuShw9M-00052-00033743-00034524 We then bring down the negative twelve that has yet to be used. +-JN-CuShw9M-00053-00034524-00034969 We now have the last two numbers, which are a positive and a negative. +-JN-CuShw9M-00054-00034969-00035374 A positive and a negative are of different signs, therefore, we subtract. +-JN-CuShw9M-00055-00035374-00036117 Twelve minus twelve results in the answer of zero. +-JN-CuShw9M-00056-00036117-00036652 Example two: also asks us to evaluate. Only in this example, +-JN-CuShw9M-00057-00036652-00037155 there are multiple letters that stand for multiple different numbers. +-JN-CuShw9M-00058-00037155-00037823 You can think of the second portion as the key to the code +-JN-CuShw9M-00059-00037823-00038410 in which it tells you what a equals, what b equals, and what c equals. +-JN-CuShw9M-00060-00038410-00038876 Therefore, just as above, we start by writing parentheses +-JN-CuShw9M-00061-00038876-00039265 for all of the letters in the problem. +-JN-CuShw9M-00062-00039265-00039992 We have parenthesis squared minus four parentheses for the a and parentheses for the c. +-JN-CuShw9M-00063-00039992-00040351 It is sometimes helpful to have the problem written above +-JN-CuShw9M-00064-00040351-00040885 to remember which parentheses stood for which letter. +-JN-CuShw9M-00065-00040885-00041261 Remember, that these are multiply because of the fact that +-JN-CuShw9M-00066-00041261-00041728 there is no symbol between the four and the a, or the a and the c, +-JN-CuShw9M-00067-00041728-00042310 and if no symbol is written, it is multiplication. +-JN-CuShw9M-00068-00042310-00042640 We now look at the code to determine what goes where. +-JN-CuShw9M-00069-00042640-00043344 We see that a is two and we also see where the a is in the problem. +-JN-CuShw9M-00070-00043344-00043886 We therefore, write two in that location. +-JN-CuShw9M-00071-00043886-00044655 Next, we see that b is negative three and we see where b is in the problem. +-JN-CuShw9M-00072-00044655-00045248 This therefore means that we write a negative three in that location. +-JN-CuShw9M-00073-00045248-00045980 Finally, we look at c as negative five and assess where c is in the problem. +-JN-CuShw9M-00074-00045980-00046613 Since c is located here, we place a negative five in that location. +-JN-CuShw9M-00075-00046613-00047080 Now that we have an expression that is all numbers, we can evaluate. +-JN-CuShw9M-00076-00047080-00047403 Remember to write PEMDAS down the side of your page +-JN-CuShw9M-00077-00047403-00047774 to ensure the order of operation is done correctly. +-JN-CuShw9M-00078-00047774-00048322 As you can see, there are no parentheses that have operations inside of them. +-JN-CuShw9M-00079-00048322-00048780 We therefore move on to exponents. +-JN-CuShw9M-00080-00048780-00049355 We can see that we do have an exponent. The exponent is negative three squared. +-JN-CuShw9M-00081-00049355-00049951 Since the negative is inside of the parentheses, it is therefore included. +-JN-CuShw9M-00082-00049951-00050766 We can go to the side and do the operation negative three times three, which will give us a positive nine. +-JN-CuShw9M-00083-00050766-00051444 We now have nine minus four times, two times negative five. +-JN-CuShw9M-00084-00051445-00051699 We have now completed all of the exponents +-JN-CuShw9M-00085-00051700-00052114 and we can move on to multiply and divide from left to right. +-JN-CuShw9M-00086-00052114-00052608 We start with the first one, which is negative four times positive two, +-JN-CuShw9M-00087-00052608-00053341 this results in a negative eight. Remember, all pieces that have yet to be done must be brought down. +-JN-CuShw9M-00088-00053341-00054116 Next, we have the operation of negative eight times negative five, which results in a positive forty. +-JN-CuShw9M-00089-00054116-00054819 Remember, you must write the plus as there is still things in front of the forty. +-JN-CuShw9M-00090-00054819-00055084 We have now completed multiply and divide +-JN-CuShw9M-00091-00055084-00055424 and therefore, can do add and subtract. +-JN-CuShw9M-00092-00055424-00056016 Nine plus forty gives us the answer, which is forty nine. +-JN-CuShw9M-00093-00056016-00056312 Remember to always show your order of operations +-JN-CuShw9M-00094-00056312-00056966 and make sure to put parentheses for where the letters are located. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00000-00000197-00000504 Install the Arduino Software and open it. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00001-00000504-00001407 Go to File, Examples, Basics, Blink. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00002-00001407-00002448 This will open the Arduino code for the program to blink an LED. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00003-00002448-00002914 There are two calls to the digitalWrite functions. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00004-00002914-00003423 The high is to turn on the LED and the low is to turn it off. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00005-00003423-00004038 Each of these calls are followed by a 1 second delay. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00006-00004038-00004294 These four lines are in the loop function. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00007-00004294-00004652 This is an infinite loop. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00008-00004652-00005228 The setup function sets the LED pin to OUTPUT mode. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00009-00005228-00005923 The LED pin is number 13 since most Arduino boards have a tiny in-built LED connected +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00010-00005923-00006189 to that pin. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00011-00006189-00006916 I click the Verify button. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00012-00006916-00008269 This will compile the code. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00013-00008269-00009571 Let me remove a semicolon and compile it again. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00014-00009571-00009856 This time it gave me an error message. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00015-00009856-00011978 I'll put it back and compile again. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00016-00011978-00012218 That was successful. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00017-00012218-00012671 Next we will click the upload button. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00018-00012671-00013404 This will compile and upload the code to your Arduino. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00019-00013404-00013822 I got an error message since I do not have my Arduino connected yet. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00020-00013822-00013922 Let me go ahead and do that. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00021-00013922-00014740 I have an Arduino UNO board, a USB cable and a few LEDs. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00022-00014740-00014935 The LEDs are optional. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00023-00014935-00016617 I will use the USB cable to connect the Arduino to the USB port of my laptop. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00024-00016617-00016945 The green LED shows that that Arduino is powered on. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00025-00016945-00017375 The Yellow LED is the one that's connected to pin 13. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00026-00017375-00018134 This is running an existing code and not our code, since we have not uploaded it yet. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00027-00018134-00019830 So lets go ahead and upload our code. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00028-00019830-00020148 This time it is successful. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00029-00020148-00020631 The yellow LED on the Arduino shows a steady blink. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00030-00020631-00021181 Let me go ahead and plug in a few external LEDs to pin 13. +-KQ2EGuhMS8-00031-00021181-00021617 The long end goes to pin 13 and the short end goes to the ground pin. +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00000-00000000-00001300 PURCHASE / FREE DOWNLOAD LINK AVAILABLE IN THE DESCRIPTION +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00001-00001500-00004000 like and subscribe for more content. +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00002-00004500-00005900 I also do custom beats, Dm me for requests. +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00003-00007000-00007100 trap type beat, melodic trap type beat, gunna type beat 2022, gunna unreleased type beat, gunna florida water type beat, Loco Beats type beat, ProdZeteo type beat, free type beat 2022, Beast inside Beats type beat 2022, trap type beat, nav type beat, Emergency Tsunami type beat, Perfect Timing type beat, Baby Keem type beat, Emrol type beats, keno type beats, lil baby type beat 2022, drip harder type beat, maxtesy type beats, Versa type beats, Young Guid type beat, Parfyum prod. type beats, +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00004-00007200-00007300 prod. by bad doll +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00005-00009600-00010500 If you made it this far, consider subscribing :) +-Nc8KhuN36Q-00006-00010600-00010700 free ds4ever type beat, free gunna type beat, drip or drown type beat, gunna, lil baby, melodic trap type beat, gunna type beat, lil baby type beat, prod. by bad doll, bad doll beats,Gunna type beats,LIL JAMMY type beatsOfficialBulletproof type beat,gunna unreleased type beat,Prod Zeteo type beat,Loco Beats type beat,florida water type beat,gunna florida water type beat,Bad Doll Beats type beat,gunna type beat 2022 guitarguitar type beat,prod. by bad doll,bad doll beats,Gunna type beats, +-pfGfWA1lDA-00000-00000000-00000200 LMAOOOOO +-pfGfWA1lDA-00001-00000200-00000400 THISISSOCRINGE +-pfGfWA1lDA-00002-00000926-00001126 im so sorry lol +-pfGfWA1lDA-00003-00001126-00002097 btw this was my old art style +-pfGfWA1lDA-00004-00002097-00003591 lol +-OqCdmu-eeg-00000-00000006-00000516 What's going on you guys? Raif Derrazi here. And I'm here to talk about the fact +-OqCdmu-eeg-00001-00000516-00001137 that I'm so comfortable now with talking about HIV and AIDS that for me, a lot of +-OqCdmu-eeg-00002-00001137-00001664 times when I'm talking to friends or family or people that I meet, I now start +-OqCdmu-eeg-00003-00001664-00002018 joking about it. Because I think that comedy has the +-OqCdmu-eeg-00004-00002018-00002926 ability to diminish the fears that we have, the stigmas, the uncomfortableness. +-OqCdmu-eeg-00005-00002926-00003501 And it can make something that seems big and scary into something that is +-OqCdmu-eeg-00006-00003501-00003975 something to laugh at. I think in Harry Potter there's an episode +-OqCdmu-eeg-00007-00003975-00004487 where they have to face their fears and it comes out of a wardrobe. And then they +-OqCdmu-eeg-00008-00004487-00004930 literally turn it into something funny. I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00009-00005927-00006698 think that's exactly my point. And that's exactly what I intend to do when I turn +-OqCdmu-eeg-00010-00006698-00007256 the subject-matter of HIV and AIDS into a joke. And I think honestly a lot of +-OqCdmu-eeg-00011-00007256-00007890 people can stand to approach the topic of HIV and AIDS with a little bit more +-OqCdmu-eeg-00012-00007890-00008367 humor. Especially now when it's so manageable and people are able to live +-OqCdmu-eeg-00013-00008367-00008765 normal regular lives. I think it's it's okay to take you to that next step and +-OqCdmu-eeg-00014-00008765-00009324 begin to normalize the topic for everyone. One of the first times that it +-OqCdmu-eeg-00015-00009324-00009947 became apparent to me the power of comedy in my own personal life when +-OqCdmu-eeg-00016-00009947-00010446 dealing with something that was otherwise very like off-putting. It was +-OqCdmu-eeg-00017-00010446-00011028 my first year at UCLA I was on campus I'm on my way back from the theatre +-OqCdmu-eeg-00018-00011028-00011618 department and I'm heading down the main walk Bruin walk towards the dorms and at +-OqCdmu-eeg-00019-00011618-00012207 a certain juncture I see this fairly big mass of people gathering in a circle +-OqCdmu-eeg-00020-00012207-00012600 around some people in the middle and I didn't really know what was going on but +-OqCdmu-eeg-00021-00012600-00013184 as I was getting closer that's when I began to realize that the guys in the +-OqCdmu-eeg-00022-00013184-00013731 middle of the circle were those infamous anti-gay anti +-OqCdmu-eeg-00023-00013731-00014415 homosexual Christian guys who literally travel around and that's what they do is +-OqCdmu-eeg-00024-00014415-00014982 is stand there and protest with their signs and they got there like megaphone +-OqCdmu-eeg-00025-00014982-00015459 and they're just talking about it was the sin and blah blah blah so I'm +-OqCdmu-eeg-00026-00015459-00015855 standing there in the circle amongst the people and I'm listening like listening +-OqCdmu-eeg-00027-00015855-00016394 to what they're saying and then eventually I look around and I'm like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00028-00016394-00016995 how come nobody is saying anything back how come everyone everyone is just +-OqCdmu-eeg-00029-00016995-00017463 standing there silently listening I'm like does everyone are they okay with +-OqCdmu-eeg-00030-00017463-00018210 this like I'm thinking do they agree i I didn't really know what to think all I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00031-00018210-00018759 knew was that this was a bunch of BS and I wasn't gonna just stand there and do +-OqCdmu-eeg-00032-00018759-00019509 nothing but I also was like in kind of in shock and I was like let me let me +-OqCdmu-eeg-00033-00019509-00019917 fully like hear what they're saying and understand what they're saying before I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00034-00019917-00020331 jump to a conclusion and just cuz that's just very much my personality I need to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00035-00020331-00020808 like really hear and listen and then like kind of see all sides of it and go +-OqCdmu-eeg-00036-00020808-00021357 okay am i misinterpreting or is what I think is happening actually happening so +-OqCdmu-eeg-00037-00021357-00021846 III happen to see one of my fellow classmates on the other side of the +-OqCdmu-eeg-00038-00021846-00022476 circle so I sort of walked around to the other side and I said hey Aleta Aleta +-OqCdmu-eeg-00039-00022476-00022902 was her name it's her name and I said can you can you +-OqCdmu-eeg-00040-00022902-00023274 hold on to my stuff for a minute cuz I kinda want to go check this out and see +-OqCdmu-eeg-00041-00023274-00023508 what's going on and she's like yeah yeah sure so she +-OqCdmu-eeg-00042-00023508-00023943 helped me backpack and all my stuff and so I walked back to the circle and I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00043-00023943-00024528 start to step into the circle so now I'm like no longer in the crowd I'm +-OqCdmu-eeg-00044-00024528-00025038 literally inside the circle and I would say there was a good like mmm I want to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00045-00025038-00025500 say maybe 40 50 people circling these guys and they're just going on on +-OqCdmu-eeg-00046-00025500-00026202 droning about like blah blah blah gay guys are pigs and abomination and so I'm +-OqCdmu-eeg-00047-00026202-00026667 inside now and obviously people can see that I'm now inside the circle and I'm +-OqCdmu-eeg-00048-00026667-00027107 coaching these guys so this guy is on a literal soapbox and he's standing there +-OqCdmu-eeg-00049-00027107-00027887 spewing his hate and I'm standing literally a foot away looking up at him +-OqCdmu-eeg-00050-00027887-00028380 arms crossed listening to what he's saying and then I'm looking at the other +-OqCdmu-eeg-00051-00028380-00029091 guy and I'm like okay I am hearing this correctly so at some point I'm like okay +-OqCdmu-eeg-00052-00029091-00029495 well I'm not gonna get mad and I'm not gonna start yelling back because I know +-OqCdmu-eeg-00053-00029495-00030120 that when you do that it just creates a fight and nobody listens and both +-OqCdmu-eeg-00054-00030120-00030801 parties can potentially look bad so how do I alleviate the tension here and how +-OqCdmu-eeg-00055-00030801-00031461 do I like so just instinctually I started to be like no being gay is not a +-OqCdmu-eeg-00056-00031461-00032049 sin I was yelling this now and I'm like no you guys it is not a sin it's just +-OqCdmu-eeg-00057-00032049-00032481 about love bla bla bla like calm down you know any +-OqCdmu-eeg-00058-00032481-00032976 means kind of like trying to like diminish the the level of their argument +-OqCdmu-eeg-00059-00032976-00033530 to be like now you guys are being silly fools and randomly out of nowhere +-OqCdmu-eeg-00060-00033530-00034173 someone hands me a rainbow flag and I'm like yes thank you so I grab the rainbow +-OqCdmu-eeg-00061-00034173-00034833 flag and now I start like prancing around with this flag waving it around +-OqCdmu-eeg-00062-00034833-00035202 and I look and like some people are starting to smile right some people are +-OqCdmu-eeg-00063-00035202-00035481 like oh this could get awkward so but some people are talking starting to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00064-00035481-00035958 smile and then again out of nowhere someone has a boom a literal boom box +-OqCdmu-eeg-00065-00035958-00036621 and they begin to start playing Britney Spears for me and they just hold it up +-OqCdmu-eeg-00066-00036621-00037035 at the edge of the circle and start playing Britney Spears I have this +-OqCdmu-eeg-00067-00037035-00037476 rainbow flag and I'm like alright let's step it up another notch I take off my +-OqCdmu-eeg-00068-00037476-00037743 shirt get rid on my shirt probably throw it to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00069-00037743-00038160 Lolita I've got the rainbow flag Britney Spears is playing and I'm like dancing +-OqCdmu-eeg-00070-00038160-00038886 around and that's this is of course like setting off these two guys even more and +-OqCdmu-eeg-00071-00038886-00039330 then like one of them is just more even more ferociously like attacking and he +-OqCdmu-eeg-00072-00039330-00039801 starts attacking me he's like you're a dirty Pig you're an abomination you're +-OqCdmu-eeg-00073-00039801-00040289 going to hell you're a sinner sinner no the Bible is against +-OqCdmu-eeg-00074-00040289-00040746 homosexuality and bla bla and so you know I had my fun for like a few minutes +-OqCdmu-eeg-00075-00040746-00041121 dancing around but I'm like okay this is tired this isn't getting anywhere so now +-OqCdmu-eeg-00076-00041121-00041702 what's the next like thing that I can do and I would notice that I was like it +-OqCdmu-eeg-00077-00041702-00042083 was entertaining to the people watching and I kind of as a theater as a lover of +-OqCdmu-eeg-00078-00042083-00042699 theater and performance I was like kind of also getting off in the fact that I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00079-00042699-00043037 was entertaining people and that they were enjoying this and some people were +-OqCdmu-eeg-00080-00043037-00043658 beginning to laugh and also I thought this is a good thing because their +-OqCdmu-eeg-00081-00043658-00044219 laughter is negating the hate of their argument right so at that point I was +-OqCdmu-eeg-00082-00044219-00044969 listening specifically to what they were saying so one of the guys had a an +-OqCdmu-eeg-00083-00044969-00045443 electrical cord so you know how electrical cords had them the male end +-OqCdmu-eeg-00084-00045443-00046181 and the female end and he goes so you know God intended for the male end to go +-OqCdmu-eeg-00085-00046181-00046499 into the female end and he showed like like the cord connecting like you're +-OqCdmu-eeg-00086-00046499-00047009 just such a fucking genius bro like what a great fucking analogy there and then +-OqCdmu-eeg-00087-00047009-00047459 he's like it doesn't work with homosexuality you can't put the male end +-OqCdmu-eeg-00088-00047459-00047868 in the male end it doesn't work that's not how God intended it and I was like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00089-00047868-00048530 bro like you missed the boat you obviously don't get it guys don't have +-OqCdmu-eeg-00090-00048530-00049040 sex by putting their penis to the other penis that's not how we do it when I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00091-00049040-00049526 grab the cord and I go the male end goes in the butthole that's how it works +-OqCdmu-eeg-00092-00049526-00050136 see how it works and I started laughing people started laughing and people were +-OqCdmu-eeg-00093-00050136-00050564 cheering and I noticed there was a group of cops that were also watching to see +-OqCdmu-eeg-00094-00050564-00050915 if it was gonna escalate and turn into something you know like where they would +-OqCdmu-eeg-00095-00050915-00051371 have to intervene and I looked over at them and they were smiling too and +-OqCdmu-eeg-00096-00051371-00052103 laughing because I mean come on like that that rationale is just so wrong and +-OqCdmu-eeg-00097-00052103-00052625 I was able to turn his argument against him and make him realize no that's not +-OqCdmu-eeg-00098-00052625-00053185 how good okay so then at this point I look up at him and I swear he looks +-OqCdmu-eeg-00099-00053185-00053502 me and he cracks a smile because it was funny +-OqCdmu-eeg-00100-00053502-00053944 and he knew it was funny and at that moment inside I was like this guy's not +-OqCdmu-eeg-00101-00053944-00054535 a bad dude like he's been through what some shit he's ignorant and he doesn't +-OqCdmu-eeg-00102-00054535-00054829 know what the fuck he's doing and for some reason he is on this mission to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00103-00054829-00055450 just like hate on a whole group of people but inside like humor connected +-OqCdmu-eeg-00104-00055450-00056041 both of us in that moment and I thought that was so powerful mm-hmm and I was +-OqCdmu-eeg-00105-00056041-00056599 like wow like even this person who like literally hates Who I am +-OqCdmu-eeg-00106-00056599-00057199 in that moment was able to lock eyes with me and smile and like and have +-OqCdmu-eeg-00107-00057199-00057608 amusement and we connected in that moment and I was like all right like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00108-00057608-00058336 cool I'm gonna keep doing it so uh the other guy was like mm he was the one +-OqCdmu-eeg-00109-00058336-00058849 that was like you're dirty you're going to hell you're gonna like spend the rest +-OqCdmu-eeg-00110-00058849-00059122 of your life with Satan and all this crap +-OqCdmu-eeg-00111-00059122-00060211 so high in that moment was like yes yes yeah like talk dirty to me yeah like it +-OqCdmu-eeg-00112-00060211-00060724 so like as he's like saying these things that are like super hateful to me I was +-OqCdmu-eeg-00113-00060724-00061617 like getting off on it oh my god so they're like I was like I was like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00114-00061617-00062106 yeah like talk down to me oh look it and so then I like get on the floor and I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00115-00062106-00062422 start like doing push-ups and I'm remember I'm shirtless so I'm doing +-OqCdmu-eeg-00116-00062422-00063000 push-ups and he's talking to her anymore yeah yeah yes Oh like as if he's like a +-OqCdmu-eeg-00117-00063000-00063487 drill sergeant or something and I'm like his little recruit getting off on his +-OqCdmu-eeg-00118-00063487-00064364 like getting up on his like dirty talk and so like that like of course +-OqCdmu-eeg-00119-00064364-00064900 instantly took away all his power because now the thing that was supposed +-OqCdmu-eeg-00120-00064900-00065556 to bring me down is actually like getting getting me going so I think I I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00121-00065556-00066057 did I was doing that stuff and then there came there was a threshold there +-OqCdmu-eeg-00122-00066057-00066500 was a point when other people started to chime in +-OqCdmu-eeg-00123-00066500-00067238 and like I created this this this level of comfort where other people were like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00124-00067238-00067832 these guys don't have the power these guys are not the authority even though +-OqCdmu-eeg-00125-00067832-00068369 they're acting like it we are on the same level as them therefore if we want +-OqCdmu-eeg-00126-00068369-00068825 to say something we can and so there were these other students who just +-OqCdmu-eeg-00127-00068825-00069386 started speaking out it was super cool and I lost the note but there was this +-OqCdmu-eeg-00128-00069386-00069911 girl and I think it was her like freshman year and after after I saw all +-OqCdmu-eeg-00129-00069911-00070247 that like happening I was like okay my job is done like these guys are all +-OqCdmu-eeg-00130-00070247-00070634 taking over that's fucking awesome like I can go about my day now so I step +-OqCdmu-eeg-00131-00070634-00070907 outside of the circle and this girl comes up to me and she goes here I want +-OqCdmu-eeg-00132-00070907-00071303 you to have this and was this little note that she had scribbled onto a piece +-OqCdmu-eeg-00133-00071303-00072020 of paper and folded up and I opened it up and she said never in my life have I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00134-00072020-00072563 been more proud of another human being and I lost the stupid note I wish I I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00135-00072563-00073175 wish I hadn't lost it but that was so amazing that whole experience was so +-OqCdmu-eeg-00136-00073175-00073592 powerful obviously I'm I'm still affected by it when I like really like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00137-00073592-00074114 get into it and remember it and I'll never forget it and I'll never forget +-OqCdmu-eeg-00138-00074114-00074894 how powerful comedy how powerful humor was so so that's that's I took from that +-OqCdmu-eeg-00139-00074894-00075583 experience with the with me the rest of my life and try to apply that when I can +-OqCdmu-eeg-00140-00075583-00076178 and where I can so now that HIV has become such a significant part of my +-OqCdmu-eeg-00141-00076178-00076796 life I apply the same mentality it's easy to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00142-00076796-00077614 say too soon or you can't joke about that that's not funny but the reality is +-OqCdmu-eeg-00143-00077614-00078323 when you decide to use humor and most of the time it can be it can be tasteful - +-OqCdmu-eeg-00144-00078323-00078808 it doesn't have to be just like Raj or offensive or anything like that you are +-OqCdmu-eeg-00145-00078808-00079304 diminishing the power of whatever negative energy or negative force it is +-OqCdmu-eeg-00146-00079304-00079790 that you're talking about granted sometimes I am offensive but I just +-OqCdmu-eeg-00147-00079790-00080129 think it's funny so and I also like to shock people with +-OqCdmu-eeg-00148-00080129-00080654 how comfortable I am because eventually they have to go ah what do I do with +-OqCdmu-eeg-00149-00080654-00081134 this uncomfortableness do I accept it do I accept that it's it can I can be +-OqCdmu-eeg-00150-00081134-00081524 comfortable with this or do I resist and get mad and blow up and leave the +-OqCdmu-eeg-00151-00081524-00081851 situation most people are like I'm not going to do that that's dumb and they're +-OqCdmu-eeg-00152-00081851-00082352 like okay I accept that this is something that can be joked about so +-OqCdmu-eeg-00153-00082352-00083408 like for example at work a lot of times I am NOT nice I can be I can be a brat I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00154-00083408-00083855 can be a grump and I can be I can get in some really bad moods just because I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00155-00083855-00084464 work so hard i bartend half the time and I bust my ass and so a lot of times I'm +-OqCdmu-eeg-00156-00084464-00084932 super tense and I can just be like so sometimes people are like you know you +-OqCdmu-eeg-00157-00084932-00085507 just got to be positive and I'm like I'm always positive it's in my blood and +-OqCdmu-eeg-00158-00085507-00085967 that is like for people who know that I have HIV they're like oh my god Rafe +-OqCdmu-eeg-00159-00085967-00086633 what stop but I'm like no it's true I'm more than one level so I'm not gonna +-OqCdmu-eeg-00160-00086633-00087140 stop and then I'll even joke about like so +-OqCdmu-eeg-00161-00087140-00087575 that's like something that's more class or a classy way to joke about it but +-OqCdmu-eeg-00162-00087575-00088049 then of course I can be offensive to and I'll say things like I'll like be +-OqCdmu-eeg-00163-00088049-00088445 sparring with with some of my co-workers at work and they'll like throw it in +-OqCdmu-eeg-00164-00088445-00088781 salt that mean I'll throw it in salt at them and it's like that's just our +-OqCdmu-eeg-00165-00088781-00089180 relationship our Dania I'm making it's all good fun like one of my friends over +-OqCdmu-eeg-00166-00089180-00089492 here might be like oh well yeah oh I hope you enjoy your drink because I spat +-OqCdmu-eeg-00167-00089492-00089738 in and I'm like oh great I hope you enjoyed yours because I put +-OqCdmu-eeg-00168-00089738-00090448 aids in it now you got AIDS so yeah I can be like super out there but again +-OqCdmu-eeg-00169-00090448-00091028 diminishing I'm diminishing this giant scary thing that is AIDS and HIV you +-OqCdmu-eeg-00170-00091028-00091469 know of course you can't you cannot give aids to someone else it doesn't work +-OqCdmu-eeg-00171-00091469-00091961 like that you can give HIV not a drink that's not it's not even possible so for +-OqCdmu-eeg-00172-00091961-00092288 me to joke about it it's like it's not even a possibility that I'm putting aids +-OqCdmu-eeg-00173-00092288-00092683 in your drink and giving you aids from drinking it so I can joke about that +-OqCdmu-eeg-00174-00092683-00093271 the other thing is I've shared with my friends +-OqCdmu-eeg-00175-00093271-00093734 because of having HIV i have subsidized health care where i don't have to pay +-OqCdmu-eeg-00176-00093734-00094064 for premiums so i'm like hey you know what like if you want some free health +-OqCdmu-eeg-00177-00094064-00095021 care i can hook it up with the HIV stuff like that yeah it's just being able to +-OqCdmu-eeg-00178-00095021-00095621 find the humor i think is so important and you can imagine you probably had a +-OqCdmu-eeg-00179-00095621-00096041 reaction listening to those jokes you can imagine how people feel when i say +-OqCdmu-eeg-00180-00096041-00096311 in the moment and they're not expecting a joke and they're certainly not +-OqCdmu-eeg-00181-00096311-00097144 expecting a joke about HIV or AIDS anyway so that's my story that is what +-OqCdmu-eeg-00182-00097144-00097850 really was this poignant memory that i had that kind of informed how i approach +-OqCdmu-eeg-00183-00097850-00098306 these things now and especially with hiv/aids i hope you guys enjoyed this +-OqCdmu-eeg-00184-00098306-00098855 video i hope this maybe can like alter your perception of our conversation with +-OqCdmu-eeg-00185-00098855-00099323 HIV and aids it doesn't always have to be so serious it doesn't have to be doom +-OqCdmu-eeg-00186-00099323-00099803 and gloom like when you own it you have the power you can take it back you can +-OqCdmu-eeg-00187-00099803-00100487 minimize the negatives the stigma with comedy with humor and apply to like any +-OqCdmu-eeg-00188-00100487-00101126 part of your life really so any way any way that you can put a smile on your +-OqCdmu-eeg-00189-00101126-00101638 face or someone else's face regardless what it's about that's what life's about +-OqCdmu-eeg-00190-00101638-00102053 so i would love to hear your comments on it what do you think what do you think +-OqCdmu-eeg-00191-00102053-00102452 of that story are there situations where you've done the same and you've used +-OqCdmu-eeg-00192-00102452-00102878 comedy to your advantage have does anybody else out there joke about HIV am +-OqCdmu-eeg-00193-00102878-00103241 i the only one let me know i would love to hear about +-OqCdmu-eeg-00194-00103241-00103636 that like this video if you liked it please subscribe if you haven't already +-OqCdmu-eeg-00195-00103636-00104102 I've got plenty more videos coming not just on HIV but Fitness on about +-OqCdmu-eeg-00196-00104102-00104444 becoming a better human being and everything that goes along with that so +-OqCdmu-eeg-00197-00104444-00104839 stick around I got great content coming for you peace guys +-OqCdmu-eeg-00198-00104839-00105385 rape drazi here that's wait for the helicopter you guys see this light it's +-OqCdmu-eeg-00199-00105385-00106319 blinking and it's driving me nuts playing playing playing in the walk oh +-OqCdmu-eeg-00200-00106319-00107134 my god that's gonna I'm gonna lose it sirens can it can I +-OqCdmu-eeg-00201-00107134-00107621 just blog please can someone just let me vlog today my neighbor's probably like +-OqCdmu-eeg-00202-00107621-00109067 what the is going on down there on real these were pricey no reason for this why +-OqCdmu-eeg-00203-00109067-00109613 are you doing that I don't understand I don't stand there and listen to what +-OqCdmu-eeg-00204-00109613-00110446 they were saying for a minute oh my good lord I'm good okay somebody +-StQsJzTcIY-00000-00000076-00000443 Another place you can deal with friction applications is in a journal bearing. +-StQsJzTcIY-00001-00000443-00000751 So any time you have any axle going through something +-StQsJzTcIY-00002-00000751-00000977 like the bearing and it's spinning, +-StQsJzTcIY-00003-00000977-00001134 we can ask the question: +-StQsJzTcIY-00004-00001134-00001534 What torque does it take on this rod to keep it spinning +-StQsJzTcIY-00005-00001534-00001889 or to start it spinning from zero? +-StQsJzTcIY-00006-00001889-00002143 To do that -- or any other kind of equilibrium problem -- +-StQsJzTcIY-00007-00002143-00002485 you have to figure out what your free-body diagram looks like, +-StQsJzTcIY-00008-00002485-00002686 what the equations of equilibrium look like. +-StQsJzTcIY-00009-00002686-00003052 So we know that we're going to have whatever load is pressing on this rod; +-StQsJzTcIY-00010-00003052-00003200 so that will be W. +-StQsJzTcIY-00011-00003200-00003674 We know that we're going to need that torque, whatever that M is that's actually keeping it spinning. +-StQsJzTcIY-00012-00003674-00004004 That's what we're looking for. What are the reactions from the rod? +-StQsJzTcIY-00013-00004013-00004519 So once I consider the actual bearing I know that +-StQsJzTcIY-00014-00004519-00005038 on the surface of this bearing I must have a normal force and a friction force +-StQsJzTcIY-00015-00005038-00005295 like any sort of friction situation. +-StQsJzTcIY-00016-00005295-00005524 So this N and this F are the same as they were before. +-StQsJzTcIY-00017-00005524-00005940 N is normal to the circle; F is tangent to the circle. +-StQsJzTcIY-00018-00005940-00006560 I can replace that -- and I'm going to -- with the reaction that's the sum of these two: R. +-StQsJzTcIY-00019-00006560-00007100 And it acts at some angle theta between N and R. +-StQsJzTcIY-00020-00007101-00007433 So that's how that theta is defined. +-StQsJzTcIY-00021-00007433-00007969 I know that that R cannot be colinear with W +-StQsJzTcIY-00022-00007969-00008257 because if it were there would be nothing to balance this out. +-StQsJzTcIY-00023-00008257-00008705 So that's the same as we saw it before when we were dealing with tipping. +-StQsJzTcIY-00024-00008705-00008893 So I'm going to (same as we did with tipping), +-StQsJzTcIY-00025-00008893-00009597 I'm going to slide my reaction force over so that I have a distance to multiply it by +-StQsJzTcIY-00026-00009597-00009917 (a perpendicular distance) to balance that M. +-StQsJzTcIY-00027-00009922-00010094 We're going to talk about that in just a second. +-StQsJzTcIY-00028-00010095-00010425 But I can also say that if I only now have two forces +-StQsJzTcIY-00029-00010425-00010711 -- I have W coming down and R coming up -- +-StQsJzTcIY-00030-00010711-00010967 if you only have two forces they're equal and opposite. +-StQsJzTcIY-00031-00010967-00011353 The sum of the forces in x tells you that R does not have an x component. +-StQsJzTcIY-00032-00011353-00011699 The sum of the forces in y tells you that R equals W. +-StQsJzTcIY-00033-00011699-00012231 So I know that R is actually going to be vertical and that it's going to be acting at a distance. +-StQsJzTcIY-00034-00012231-00012627 But what is that distance, and what do I call it? +-StQsJzTcIY-00035-00012627-00013007 I'm actually going to define a new thing. +-StQsJzTcIY-00036-00013007-00013390 So rw is the radius of the bearing or the wheel. +-StQsJzTcIY-00037-00013390-00013643 Now how big around is it? +-StQsJzTcIY-00038-00013643-00013934 ra is the radius of the rod. +-StQsJzTcIY-00039-00013934-00014572 I'm going to define a friction circle where rf is a circle of radius x +-StQsJzTcIY-00040-00014572-00014844 or whatever this distance was. +-StQsJzTcIY-00041-00014844-00015597 You can look at this little triangle in here made up of ra and x, and ... +-StQsJzTcIY-00042-00015597-00016446 Remember this theta was defined as the angle between R and the normal force to the circle. +-StQsJzTcIY-00043-00016446-00016908 So it's between that line and the vertical. +-StQsJzTcIY-00044-00016909-00017401 Well that line and the vertical means that this triangle up here has that same angle in it: theta. +-StQsJzTcIY-00045-00017402-00018000 So I can actually say that this distance (which is the radius of my new friction circle) +-StQsJzTcIY-00046-00018000-00018338 is ra times sin(theta). +-StQsJzTcIY-00047-00018338-00018802 Here I've drawn the actual friction circle. The friction circle in here ... +-StQsJzTcIY-00048-00018802-00019081 So I took this little triangle and slid it up +-StQsJzTcIY-00049-00019081-00019631 to make that little triangle the radius of my new circle. +-StQsJzTcIY-00050-00019631-00020090 So the leg of this triangle is the radius of my new circle. +-StQsJzTcIY-00051-00020090-00020610 What I can say then is that R is tangent to the friction circle +-StQsJzTcIY-00052-00020610-00021210 because that's the perpendicular distance between R and the line of action of W. +-StQsJzTcIY-00053-00021210-00021477 So rf is going to be tangent to the friction circle. +-StQsJzTcIY-00054-00021477-00021712 Now, we're going to see friction circles again, +-StQsJzTcIY-00055-00021712-00022088 and it's still going to be the case that R is going to be tangent to the friction circle. +-StQsJzTcIY-00056-00022088-00022627 So this idea is sort of pervasive with round things like this. +-StQsJzTcIY-00057-00022627-00023002 When I take the sum of the moments down here at the center of the circle O +-StQsJzTcIY-00058-00023002-00023451 I can tell you that R times that perpendicular distance is equal to M. +-StQsJzTcIY-00059-00023451-00024047 M is then R times this radius: ra sin(theta). +-StQsJzTcIY-00060-00024048-00024198 What is theta? +-StQsJzTcIY-00061-00024198-00024468 Well, this is where you end up with the friction part. +-StQsJzTcIY-00062-00024468-00025144 To start the bearing moving, the theta is going to be the friction angle, phi_s. +-StQsJzTcIY-00063-00025144-00025614 Now, it's the arc tan of mu_s: that's to get it going. +-StQsJzTcIY-00064-00025614-00025918 To keep it going you did the same thing with phi_k's. +-StQsJzTcIY-00065-00025919-00026602 So to keep it going, theta looks like phi_k or the inverse tangent of mu_k. +-StQsJzTcIY-00066-00026602-00027216 So if I plug that all in I've got M = R* (ra sin of the inverse tangent of mu_k). +-StQsJzTcIY-00067-00027216-00027502 That's to keep it moving. That's what I had on my first one. +-StQsJzTcIY-00068-00027512-00028008 To keep it moving this is what my moment needs to be. +-StQsJzTcIY-00069-00028008-00028558 mu_k is something on the order of 0.2, 0.15: I mean these are little numbers. +-StQsJzTcIY-00070-00028558-00028717 And if you look at any kind of trig function, +-StQsJzTcIY-00071-00028717-00028954 the sin of the inverse tangent of something that small +-StQsJzTcIY-00072-00028954-00029148 is approximately itself. +-StQsJzTcIY-00073-00029148-00029426 So you're dealing with a situation where your moment is about ... +-StQsJzTcIY-00074-00029426-00029735 Almost: please us this, not this part. +-StQsJzTcIY-00075-00029735-00029952 But in terms of understanding what's going on, +-StQsJzTcIY-00076-00029952-00030460 the moment to keep this turning inside its bearing +-StQsJzTcIY-00077-00030460-00030954 is approximately equal to R times the radius of the axle times mu_k. +-StQsJzTcIY-00078-00030954-00031239 And R (if you remember) was equal to W. +-StQsJzTcIY-00079-00031239-00031594 So whatever weight you've got times whatever radius you've got +-StQsJzTcIY-00080-00031594-00032058 times the mu_k of your, how smooth is your bearing, +-StQsJzTcIY-00081-00032058-00032294 that's about what it takes to keep a bearing going. +-UusAhALUYE-00000-00000000-00000200 chef, this is called "sinful" +-UusAhALUYE-00001-00003084-00003444 So at Ottoman Turkish Delights what do they sell? +-UusAhALUYE-00002-00003647-00003744 feeling first +-UusAhALUYE-00003-00003892-00004130 at Ottoman Turkish Delights +-UusAhALUYE-00004-00004130-00004374 What are their specialties? What do they sell? +-UusAhALUYE-00005-00004810-00004950 Turkish coffee, +-UusAhALUYE-00006-00004968-00005036 Baklava +-UusAhALUYE-00007-00005036-00005092 ice cream +-UusAhALUYE-00008-00005092-00005218 Turskish Delights +-UusAhALUYE-00009-00005268-00005738 What's special about their ice cream? +-UusAhALUYE-00010-00005738-00005874 It's not gelato right +-UusAhALUYE-00011-00005906-00006394 Gelato, they have very less air +-UusAhALUYE-00012-00006581-00006926 It also can be pulled but not as elastic as this +-UusAhALUYE-00013-00007323-00007531 pull and hit, that is the method +-UusAhALUYE-00014-00008394-00008634 There's heat on our hands so when I pull it melts +-UusAhALUYE-00015-00008746-00008954 and this is made from goats milk +-UusAhALUYE-00016-00009056-00009128 delicious +-UusAhALUYE-00017-00009626-00009850 its nice the ice cream, like i said +-UusAhALUYE-00018-00009918-00010214 its like milk powder that is in ice cream form +-UusAhALUYE-00019-00010898-00011156 so what's the specialty for Turkish coffee? +-UusAhALUYE-00020-00011278-00011952 to make a nice Turkish coffee you need copper cezve +-UusAhALUYE-00021-00012044-00012366 Turkish coffee specialty is having foam on top +-UusAhALUYE-00022-00012888-00013058 so now I've eaten the Baklava +-UusAhALUYE-00023-00013058-00013256 I've eaten the ice cream +-UusAhALUYE-00024-00013256-00013438 with the coffee as well +-UusAhALUYE-00025-00013438-00013638 and I am not a coffee drinker +-UusAhALUYE-00026-00013888-00014166 to appreciate the coffee you need to have this something special +-UusAhALUYE-00027-00014269-00014647 this Turkish style like I said previously all the technical things +-UusAhALUYE-00028-00014700-00014978 to make the Turkish coffee really nice +-UusAhALUYE-00029-00015058-00015258 it has this acidity in the coffee +-UusAhALUYE-00030-00015286-00015486 that still lingers in my palate +-UusAhALUYE-00031-00015528-00015728 so that acidity that lingers in my palate +-UusAhALUYE-00032-00015728-00015918 it also cleanses up my palate +-UusAhALUYE-00033-00015932-00016304 to enjoy all these sweet treats +-UusAhALUYE-00034-00016344-00016394 it's amazing +-UusAhALUYE-00035-00016514-00016714 the acidity in the coffee +-UusAhALUYE-00036-00016726-00016972 with the sweetness form the Turkish Delights +-UusAhALUYE-00037-00017018-00017218 it just comes together +-UusAhALUYE-00038-00017362-00017420 delicious +-UusAhALUYE-00039-00019192-00019392 so we know this is original +-UusAhALUYE-00040-00019392-00019576 because the chef is from Turkey +-UusAhALUYE-00041-00019788-00019988 Do you know about the Ottoman? +-UusAhALUYE-00042-00020008-00020256 I know it's just about the Ottoman Empire that's all +-UusAhALUYE-00043-00020372-00020572 So the old Ottoman +-UusAhALUYE-00044-00020608-00020948 During the rulings of Sultan Abdul Hamid II +-UusAhALUYE-00045-00020954-00021076 there is this drama +-UusAhALUYE-00046-00021076-00021428 Turkish love to make islamic drama +-UusAhALUYE-00047-00021556-00021756 what touched me the most +-UusAhALUYE-00048-00022158-00022484 there was this one person who dreamt of rasulullah +-UusAhALUYE-00049-00026727-00026977 dia tak sangka yang rasulullah sebut nama dia +-UusAhALUYE-00050-00027124-00027324 so that's the impact +-UusAhALUYE-00051-00027633-00028112 his love towards the prophet when he heard that news +-UusAhALUYE-00052-00028216-00028574 for us if we hear it for the first time it's like nothing it's just a story +-UusAhALUYE-00053-00028616-00028950 but rasulullah mentioned him +-UusAhALUYE-00054-00030250-00030542 So alhamdulillah amazing food +-UusAhALUYE-00055-00030586-00030874 it's desserts so to speak +-UusAhALUYE-00056-00031112-00031312 anyone who goes to Turkey +-UusAhALUYE-00057-00031327-00031604 but doesn't get the chance to buy souvenirs +-UusAhALUYE-00058-00031604-00031786 come here and buy +-UusAhALUYE-00059-00031800-00031883 authentic +-UusAhALUYE-00060-00031958-00032245 quite affordable +-UusAhALUYE-00061-00032616-00033186 Show them love at Ottoman Turkish Delights +-UusAhALUYE-00062-00033540-00033740 in front of Sultan Mosque now we're going to pray +-UusAhALUYE-00063-00033870-00034114 consider to follow us on Instagram +-UusAhALUYE-00064-00034412-00034612 and also on our Facebook +-UusAhALUYE-00065-00034892-00035356 and we'll see you soon on the next leypaktv Syukran eats +-V_fi-o6jNk-00000-00001146-00001804 I've got an idea: go to Moscow, film the opinions of experts, stop by the Institute of Energy and listen to the opinions of experts +-V_fi-o6jNk-00001-00001804-00002560 I've suggested this a couple of weeks ago. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00002-00002562-00003004 Of course, we need to go and collect the opinions of experts. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00003-00003004-00003961 Why? Because until we have a real object, we must be supported by the opinions of specialists, so we are interested in all people who are connected with physics and mechanics. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00004-00003961-00004416 Well, in general, which are not poisonous, not envious. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00005-00004416-00004670 We should do this, of course. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00006-00004786-00005202 Hi everyone. My name is Georgiy. I'm from the Startup Broker Team. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00007-00005202-00005390 We are engaged in various startups. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00008-00005390-00006400 Tomorrow we will fly to Moscow and visit several institutes, including the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, to get the opinion of experts on the WETER project. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00009-00006400-00006645 To do this, we take these posters with us. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00010-00007480-00007954 Very soon, we will find out what suggestions or questions there will be on this project. Let's go! +-V_fi-o6jNk-00011-00010026-00010438 In these buildings, which provide themselves with electricity from the wind. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00012-00010526-00012412 This is a very innovative new project that makes you pay attention to it for the simple reason that it cares about the ecology of our world as a whole, I will say so globally, which we are all concerned about. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00013-00012412-00013960 We are also trying to apply energy-efficient technologies everywhere, in order to save energy and save our vital resources, which are given to all of us. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00014-00014088-00016050 What your inventor offers is a very interesting project from the point of view... in terms of at least the big problem that we are now experiencing global warming from all these chemical emissions and so on. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00015-00016078-00017612 But if you can somehow stop this process with your invention and prevent it from developing, including preserving the ecology of our planet, then this project can be given 5 stars at once. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00016-00017728-00018088 And this project has a great future, I think. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00017-00018130-00018408 And I'm not the only one who thinks so. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00018-00018408-00019838 Most likely, people who are thinking about how they will live and how their next generation will live, they are probably puzzled by the problem of the environment. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00019-00019936-00020546 Energy-efficient technologies are now a priority everywhere. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00020-00020590-00020798 That's why your project has a great future. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00021-00022654-00023602 Recently returned from Moscow, visited the Institute of Energy, met with specialists of this Institute, and received questions about our project. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00022-00023686-00024124 Let's look at the video materials of specialists from this Institute. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00023-00024428-00024812 Such structures when some vertical axial machines with concentrators…. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00024-00024836-00025166 Vasko Alexey Gennadievich First Deputy head of the Department. Associate Professor, CES +-V_fi-o6jNk-00025-00025294-00025494 …. are used. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00026-00025494-00025842 In fact, these elements of the building act as concentrating elements, right? +-V_fi-o6jNk-00027-00025842-00026294 They must concentrate the air flow on the rotor, which is between them. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00028-00026345-00026795 They have their own place, these concentrating elements, they work. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00029-00026920-00028408 This really requires some additional calculations, yes, and full-fledged modeling, up to testing in the wind tunnel, because with different orientations of the wind direction and the structure of the building, you will have completely diametrically opposite effects. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00030-00028594-00028762 Well, there's a solution to this. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00031-00028764-00028964 Yes, it's an interesting thing, yes. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00032-00029044-00029954 But it must be continued because in such a concept it all looks really very beautiful and reasonable +-V_fi-o6jNk-00033-00029970-00031260 Even if it is built in the format of a skyscraper with a height of several hundred meters, even with steady winds at altitude, they certainly change direction. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00034-00031332-00031958 And here the key is in the coincidence of the orientation of the building and the wind flow. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00035-00032044-00032450 It shows that when the wind flows from one side, everything seems to be fine. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00036-00032512-00033372 As soon as you change the wind direction by just a few degrees, this effect of concentration decreases, and even vice versa becomes negative, roughly speaking. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00037-00033462-00035358 Therefore, as far as I know, for vertical axs machines with concentrator elements, they are not widely used, so I would not count on the building to constantly act as a wind concentrating element. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00038-00035432-00035788 It is quite possible that it will even interfere with the wind. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00039-00035826-00036450 And if so, the efficiency of this installation will actually be significantly less than that of some individual wind turbines. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00040-00036484-00036804 This is if we talk about the efficiency coefficient. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00041-00036806-00037138 And then, as a matter of fact, we need to continue the calculations. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00042-00037208-00037606 The wing of an airplane, it works in different conditions. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00043-00037606-00038394 Incoming flow conditions, crosswind conditions, and so on. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00044-00038400-00039602 But the wing has movable elements, which, accordingly, have auxiliary functions in order for this aircraft to achieve its goal. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00045-00039830-00040378 The building can and should be positioned taking into account the wind rose. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00046-00040510-00042068 And our buildings have a very important element, it is called an aerodynamic shield, which performs several functions at once, but one of its functions is just to control the incoming air flow. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00047-00042220-00043100 Therefore, in a real object, we have an aerodynamic shield with a height of 1 floor and there are several, yes, a certain number of them. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00048-00043100-00044668 So they will be such elements that will help to ensure that the building remains functional, receiving air flow from any side. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00049-00046088-00046268 ... even at a significant angle. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00050-00046272-00047158 That is, the shields will move constantly, and as soon as you have some mechanics, some mechanical elements, it means that they need to be constantly maintained. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00051-00047158-00047434 It is not possible to make a mechanical device that does not require… +-V_fi-o6jNk-00052-00047434-00047834 At a minimum, lubricate there, lubricate at some high altitude. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00053-00047834-00048266 From the point of view of exploitation, this thing is dead, in fact. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00054-00048266-00048576 Maintenance will simply curse you. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00055-00048634-00049028 And something will constantly break, something will jam. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00056-00049028-00049982 And from the point of view of operation, I have not met such solutions, that is, as laboratory samples, as experimental samples-yes. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00057-00050076-00050930 In real life, on the contrary, everyone tries to get away from mechanical control systems, because mechanics is maintenance. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00058-00051162-00051682 Does it work aerodynamically? Yes, it works. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00059-00051686-00052548 That is, from the point of view of aerodynamics-everything is correct. Everything really works. Everything is correct, so it will increase efficiency, concentrate the flow. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00060-00052576-00053117 From the point of view of real life and exploitation, I do not yet know of any such solution that would actually work. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00061-00053216-00053541 On the contrary, everyone tries to avoid all these moving parts. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00062-00053541-00054432 Even in classic wind turbines, now this is the main trend, the last 10 years it is aimed at the fact that the blades turn around, you know, right? +-V_fi-o6jNk-00063-00054455-00055314 It is aimed at avoiding this as much as possible and regulating purely electrically, because electrical regulation is either faster and more reliable, the most important thing. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00064-00055316-00055629 And the mechanics is constant maintenance. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00065-00055852-00057796 Here, of course, I agree to use pure mechanics not rationally and not correctly, so intelligent systems can and should be present here, perform their work like an autopilot on an airplane. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00066-00057796-00058812 That is, at the optimal angle to receive this air flow and direct it to the wind power station. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00067-00058904-00059104 The idea is interesting and such... +-V_fi-o6jNk-00068-00059104-00059362 Deryugina Galina Vladimirovna Scientific Secretary of the Department of Renewable Sources +-V_fi-o6jNk-00069-00059362-00061434 ... installations may be most promising in the urban environment, since wind turbines with a horizontal axis of rotation are most often present on the market, but, unfortunately, such installations can not work in an urban environment. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00070-00061434-00062960 However, this raises many additional questions, and it will be possible to say about the effectiveness of such installations only after testing in real operating conditions. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00071-00062960-00063114 That's all, thanks +-V_fi-o6jNk-00072-00063216-00063916 To show how this device works in a real object is the number one task of our project. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00073-00063948-00064648 Well, friends, as you know, everything requires resources and a certain amount of time. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00074-00064728-00066520 Therefore, over time, as well as the Wright brothers, when in 1904 they showed the first prototype of an aircraft, you will agree that not so many people believed that this device can do something more. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00075-00066520-00067042 In 1906, there was already a human-controlled aircraft. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00076-00067072-00068192 And at that moment, of course, there were those people who only believed that this device could carry a postman's bag to the nearest village, right? +-V_fi-o6jNk-00077-00068296-00068642 Shurkalov Petr Sergeevich Deputy Head of the Department. Senior Lecturer, CES in Renewable energy. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00078-00068658-00069132 In principle, I agree with Galina Vladimirovna on this project. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00079-00069132-00069914 The project is interesting and promising, but when using renewable energy sources, there is one problem associated with the instability of the resource, yes. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00080-00069940-00070216 Whether it's the wind or the sun. In this case, the wind. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00081-00070216-00072290 But since this project solves such a complex task, that is, not only to provide the building with electricity from this installation, but also to accumulate this electricity using gravity storage devices, in general, this comprehensive approach is quite interesting and attractive even. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00082-00072488-00073014 Friends, if you have any questions or new ones, write them in the comments below. +-V_fi-o6jNk-00083-00073014-00073340 I will ask them to Denis and give a video report. +-Wv0F-oDY6I-00000-00000000-00000200 new invention in technology you don't want to miss +-YTTo7S79Jg-00000-00001642-00001864 You have attacked them? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00001-00001952-00002240 After all we knew that could have been their main base. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00002-00002242-00002430 And you have lost six people. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00003-00002430-00002568 At least we got this recordings. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00004-00002830-00003024 Yes. At least this. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00005-00003054-00003140 This pictures... +-YTTo7S79Jg-00006-00003140-00003315 ...don't mean anything. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00007-00003315-00003494 The facts speak for themselves. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00008-00003494-00003658 There definetly is a threat. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00009-00003658-00003982 Whatever you have found there on Adumar. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00010-00003982-00004162 It isn't dangerous. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00011-00004162-00004430 We have lost six people. We have to act. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00012-00004430-00004808 You have lost them, because they were too heady. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00013-00004810-00005578 This mission was another proof, that the Resistance isn't better than the empire before. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00014-00005578-00005920 I will give my reasons to the Senate in detail. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00015-00006102-00006300 Let him be. He has to take a rest. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00016-00006376-00006454 You too. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00017-00006454-00006600 We aren't done yet. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00018-00006647-00006752 What else do you want? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00019-00006842-00006942 More evidence. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00020-00008536-00008886 What is now our plan? Will we search nearby? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00021-00008930-00009088 I guess that'd be smart. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00022-00009148-00009400 That doesn't have to be the case. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00023-00009400-00009658 There also are attacks on the other side of the galaxy. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00024-00009658-00009774 But not that much. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00025-00009866-00010054 You are from Kuat, right? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00026-00010054-00010178 There also was an attack. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00027-00010286-00010450 Was your family there? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00028-00010450-00010634 No. I've worked there. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00029-00010634-00010954 My boss has sent me away before it happened. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00030-00011022-00011320 I've left Kuat yesterday shortly before his death. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00031-00011320-00011600 They probably stole ships. For their fleet. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00032-00011706-00011862 Yesterday you say? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00033-00011862-00012168 Yesterday no single ship was stolen. The attack was today. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00034-00012168-00012248 Today? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00035-00012248-00012558 What do you know about your boss? Who was he? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00036-00012558-00012852 Klivian Addacces. He... +-YTTo7S79Jg-00037-00012852-00012990 Do you want to go to Kuat? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00038-00012990-00013244 No. Who was he before he was there? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00039-00013244-00013318 He always has been on Kuat. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00040-00013318-00013550 At the time of the empire. Who was he back then? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00041-00013550-00013650 He was... +-YTTo7S79Jg-00042-00013688-00013819 Governor of the planet. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00043-00013880-00013996 Thanks. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00044-00013996-00014128 I have to talk to Lejo. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00045-00014499-00014649 Another attack. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00046-00014682-00015124 This time on a whole other sectore on Vestar. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00047-00015168-00015513 Some of your resistance fighters where seen. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00048-00015513-00015666 What do you say to that? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00049-00015666-00015991 I have no insight into the military missions of the Resistance. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00050-00015991-00016600 If you want to accuse us of terrorizing acts, talk to General Leia or Admiral Ackbar. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00051-00016600-00016900 It is suspicious. All of it is suspicious. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00052-00016900-00017077 You found your Resistance. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00053-00017078-00017422 Terror attacks in civilized systems. AND +-YTTo7S79Jg-00054-00017436-00017936 The new Jedi Order including the master disappears coincidentally. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00055-00017986-00018328 They have seen force users on Kuat. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00056-00018328-00018540 Who except Luke Skywalker should... +-YTTo7S79Jg-00057-00018540-00018694 Luke Skywalker has disappeared. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00058-00018694-00018960 Noone has contact to him. His apprentices are all dead. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00059-00018960-00019212 Don't try to find evidence where none is. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00060-00019358-00019528 Lejo, can we talk? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00061-00019528-00019622 Is it important? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00062-00019622-00019892 Very important. What do you know about the attack on Kuat? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00063-00019892-00020026 And not today's. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00064-00020042-00020208 Today was the only one. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00065-00020208-00020496 What about yesterday? Are there reports from Kuat? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00066-00020686-00020854 Highly secret stuff. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00067-00020854-00021040 Maybe incredibly important stuff. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00068-00021070-00021364 Klivian Addacces was governor of the empire before. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00069-00021386-00021564 He died yesterday. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00070-00021564-00021800 Was that a coincidence? Or was there another attack? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00071-00021800-00022028 You say he has been assassinated? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00072-00022028-00022130 Yes. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00073-00022130-00022650 In fact there is a witness who wants to have seen force users on day before the attack. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00074-00022650-00022896 They may be related to Klivians death. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00075-00022896-00023020 If that is the case... +-YTTo7S79Jg-00076-00023020-00023282 The resistance? With Luke? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00077-00023282-00023524 No, Burke, no. We have nothing to do with it. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00078-00023524-00023757 Yes, we police all the former imperials, +-YTTo7S79Jg-00079-00023758-00023972 if they are still up to something. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00080-00023972-00024276 I think, Klivian knew something about that new empire. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00081-00024276-00024444 That's why he had to die. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00082-00024502-00024682 Thy want to delete all traces. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00083-00024736-00024902 Are there other cases like that? +-YTTo7S79Jg-00084-00024902-00025172 Yes, indeed. The former governors. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00085-00025172-00025372 They all die on mysterious ways. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00086-00025372-00025550 Every single one of them could know the same. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00087-00025550-00025748 The assembly point of the new empire. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00088-00025933-00026068 And Cole also knows. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00089-00026224-00026394 We can go to him and finish this mission. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00090-00026554-00026695 He lives on Vestar. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00091-00026695-00026998 I've already warned him about the murders of the governors. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00092-00026998-00027102 He is fine. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00093-00027150-00027248 Thanks. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00094-00027292-00027424 So now to Vestar. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00095-00027424-00027632 To the other side of the galaxy. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00096-00027826-00028076 The senate will definetly like that. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00097-00028076-00028427 When Tek collaborates with this imperial again. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00098-00028427-00028709 Don't be silly. I trust noone more than Tek. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00099-00028710-00029312 Who has freed an imperial before he could get his rightful punishment. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00100-00029312-00029594 Cole is one of the most peaceful people I know. He never would... +-YTTo7S79Jg-00101-00029594-00030104 Cole was an imperial, and not just a minor scoundrel. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00102-00030104-00030962 Until the end he had one of the highest ranks of a totalitarian system. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00103-00030962-00031260 He was too smart to die for his honor. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00104-00031260-00031680 But think of the giant power vacuum you proudly present as peace. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00105-00031680-00031858 The terror attacks are just the beginning. +-YTTo7S79Jg-00106-00031858-00032210 When it starts off, you better want Cole on your side. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00000-00000031-00000363 Are you in touch with your wild creative? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00001-00000363-00000932 Do those two words, wild creative, freak you out a little bit or do they really excite +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00002-00000932-00001032 you? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00003-00001032-00001355 Well I want you to stay tuned because in this video we're going to talk about why it's time +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00004-00001355-00001545 for you to get creative. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00005-00001545-00002018 For the best advice on self care and personal empowerment, I want you to subscribe to my +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00006-00002018-00002640 channel and hit that bell to get notified when I release a new video each Thursday. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00007-00002640-00003789 Welcome back to the Inner Fire Book Club. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00008-00003789-00004393 Today we are looking at "Wild Creative" written by Tami Lynn Kent. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00009-00004393-00005104 This book is chock a block full of incredible information all about how we can tap into +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00010-00005104-00005780 our creative spirit, why creativity is the new currency and how you can cultivate your +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00011-00005780-00005917 creative force. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00012-00005917-00006375 Today I'm going to be sharing with you my five key takeaways from this book. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00013-00006375-00006475 Stay tuned. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00014-00006475-00006945 Key takeaway number one, define your creative. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00015-00006945-00007179 What does it mean to you to be creative? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00016-00007179-00007695 I think all too often we put up these barriers and think that being creative means we're +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00017-00007695-00008225 dancing or singing, that we're writing poetry or sculpting or painting. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00018-00008225-00008654 The truth is creativity can manifest in a myriad of ways. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00019-00008654-00009077 Maybe for you, it means that it's getting down on the floor and playing with your kids. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00020-00009077-00009411 Maybe you're cooking a gorgeous meal for your family. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00021-00009411-00009872 Maybe it means that you're putting together a really gorgeous Excel spreadsheet for you +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00022-00009872-00010002 to track your finances. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00023-00010002-00010522 The thing is, creativity is defined by us. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00024-00010522-00010813 It doesn't have to be defined by anybody else. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00025-00010813-00011675 So tune in and assess for yourself, when do I feel most creative in my life? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00026-00011675-00012153 Key take away number two, make intentional space for your creative. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00027-00012153-00012772 Now, Tami Lynn Kent talks about this in terms of form and inspiration. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00028-00012772-00013051 We need the form of the thing that we're doing. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00029-00013051-00013491 The activity that we're engaging in, whether it's creating that spreadsheet or playing +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00030-00013491-00013904 with our kids, going for a walk in nature, or taking time to write some poetry. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00031-00013904-00014311 So you need the form itself, but then you also need the inspiration. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00032-00014311-00015054 The inspiration is that motivation to allow your creative spirit to come through. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00033-00015054-00015819 So when you're creating that intentional space for your creativity to manifest, you need +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00034-00015819-00016337 to think about what is it that you want to do, but then also what's going to motivate +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00035-00016337-00016538 you to make that happen. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00036-00016538-00017415 Putting form together with inspiration is that magical recipe that allows you to create +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00037-00017415-00017875 that space for your creative flow to emerge. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00038-00017875-00018212 And Tami Lynn Kent recommends that we do this on a daily basis. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00039-00018212-00018714 Finding those small moments of time where form can come together with inspiration because +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00040-00018714-00019021 remember, creativity takes practice. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00041-00019021-00019751 Which brings me right into key takeaway number three, we need to practice our creative. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00042-00019751-00020081 Creative energy isn't a one and done. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00043-00020081-00020265 Creative energy needs attention. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00044-00020265-00020397 It needs care. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00045-00020397-00020598 It needs love. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00046-00020598-00021253 We can't truly emerge into our creative flow if we're doing it sporadically. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00047-00021253-00021959 It needs time and tending and attention on a regular basis for us to fully step into +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00048-00021959-00022159 our creative power. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00049-00022159-00022462 If you think about it, it's like tending a garden. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00050-00022462-00023036 You can plant seeds in the ground, but if you never water them, stuff might not happen. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00051-00023036-00023690 Or at least when it does happen, it might be a little less than desirable in terms of +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00052-00023690-00024358 what we grow, what we manifest in our garden, much like a garden, our creative energy needs +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00053-00024358-00024476 to be watered. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00054-00024476-00024617 It needs to be weeded. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00055-00024617-00024926 It needs to be looked at and assessed. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00056-00024926-00025053 Is this working for me? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00057-00025053-00025184 Does this feel good? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00058-00025184-00025468 Is this aligned with who I am? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00059-00025468-00025931 Much like a garden, our creative flow is organic. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00060-00025931-00026685 But in the organic nature of that flow, it needs that consistent time, care and attention. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00061-00026685-00026927 How and when do you feel most creative? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00062-00026927-00027163 Let us know in the comments below. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00063-00027163-00027814 Key takeaway number four, the creative needs both masculine and feminine energy. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00064-00027814-00028466 Now, this was really interesting to me because I've always felt as though, and have read +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00065-00028466-00029072 a lot about how the creative force is very much the feminine, and it is. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00066-00029072-00029647 Tami Lynn Kent talks about this in her book that the creative energy, and the creative +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00067-00029647-00029948 force actually resides in our pelvic bowl. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00068-00029948-00030575 Regardless of if we identify as male or female, that this is an energy that exists within +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00069-00030575-00031218 all of us located in that energetic center of our body in the pelvic bowl, which happens +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00070-00031218-00031609 to contain a lot of feminine energy. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00071-00031609-00032036 So we need that feminine energy and we need to know how to tap into that. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00072-00032036-00032435 And the feminine is what Tammy Lynn Kent calls the flow. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00073-00032435-00033069 However, we also need the masculine energy, which she calls the go. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00074-00033069-00033822 So the masculine is what will bring that feminine creative into production. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00075-00033822-00034138 It's the thing that actually gets us doing the thing. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00076-00034138-00034658 We can dream all day long, but if we don't actually take action to make our dreams a +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00077-00034658-00035161 reality, then we're missing half the equation. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00078-00035161-00035875 So we need both feminine and masculine energy in order to allow our creative to fully come +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00079-00035875-00035975 alive. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00080-00035975-00036544 I want to take a minute to read a passage from her book on this idea of the masculine +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00081-00036544-00036777 feminine energy combination. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00082-00036777-00036961 Let me bring it up here. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00083-00036961-00037697 So she writes, "Rather than running your engines on high in the strive and drive model." +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00084-00037697-00037965 That's the model that all of us tend to follow. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00085-00037965-00038484 "Using the feminine masculine flow is like surfing an energy wave." +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00086-00038484-00038893 She labels this model as flow and go, what I just described. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00087-00038893-00039525 When feminine energy is moving, a person can receive this energy and let it build until +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00088-00039525-00039891 the movement shifts into a more productive phase. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00089-00039891-00040569 That's the masculine energy taking that feminine flow and bringing it into production. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00090-00040569-00041224 Takeaway number five, be willing to let go of linear thinking. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00091-00041224-00042278 Yeah, I know this is a big one because we live in societies that take you step by step +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00092-00042278-00042378 through things. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00093-00042378-00042662 It's almost like we have a handbook through life. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00094-00042662-00043106 You go to school at this time, maybe you go to secondary education at this time. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00095-00043106-00043231 Then you get a job. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00096-00043231-00044025 Then you pick your career, and you just stepped through it and then in that linear thinking, +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00097-00044025-00044531 we also are supposed to acquire things that resemble what success means. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00098-00044531-00044862 A house, a car, all of these things. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00099-00044862-00045234 That's a very linear way of thinking about our life. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00100-00045234-00045655 If you're in the creative, you get to let go of that. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00101-00045655-00045990 You get to live your life how you want. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00102-00045990-00046527 And you know, you know me,, and you know that I say that self care is the pathway to personal +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00103-00046527-00046627 empowerment. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00104-00046627-00047087 When we are personally empowered, we can walk our passive purpose confidently. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00105-00047087-00047653 We don't need that linear thinking to confirm that we are on the right track. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00106-00047653-00047874 We feel it inside. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00107-00047874-00048252 So that key takeaway number five, letting go of linear thinking, this is a big one for +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00108-00048252-00048806 allowing the creative force to inform what you manifest in your life. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00109-00048806-00049068 Are you feeling inspired to live more creatively? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00110-00049068-00049250 I hope you are. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00111-00049250-00049386 I know that I am. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00112-00049386-00050062 Tami Lynn Kent's book, Wild Creative, is full of exercises, inspirational case studies that +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00113-00050062-00050618 she talks about where she's had experiences with her clients, and it's a really informed +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00114-00050618-00051245 way of looking at how we can manifest a much more creatively fueled life. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00115-00051245-00051472 I hope you will check it out. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00116-00051472-00052040 The next book we're going to be diving into for the Inner Fire Book Club series is "The +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00117-00052040-00052291 Alter Ego Effect" by Todd Herman. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00118-00052291-00052478 I'm really excited to dig into this one. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00119-00052478-00052699 A lot of people are talking about it. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00120-00052699-00053372 I've listened to a couple of interviews with him about this book, so I'm excited to get +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00121-00053372-00053495 started. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00122-00053495-00053644 I hope you enjoyed this video. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00123-00053644-00053816 If you did, be sure to like it. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00124-00053816-00054250 Subscribe to my channel and hit that bell to get notified when I release a new video +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00125-00054250-00054350 each Thursday. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00126-00054350-00054849 If you know somebody who could use a little bit more creativity in their life, be sure +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00127-00054849-00055007 to share this video with them. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00128-00055007-00055489 Do you need a little support and walking your path of purpose? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00129-00055489-00055962 Are you ready to start living creatively listening to your inner wisdom? +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00130-00055962-00056366 If you are, I want you to book a free empowerment session with me. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00131-00056366-00056782 It's one hour, you and me talking about the things that are most important to you, and +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00132-00056782-00057107 the shifts you want to manifest in your life. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00133-00057107-00057645 I'm going to include a link so that you can book your session below in the description. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00134-00057645-00057830 Thanks so much for joining me today. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00135-00057830-00057945 Stay ignited out there. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00136-00057945-00058054 I will see you soon. +-Z4pnQFhWzo-00137-00058054-00058077 Bye. +-nphRV9yu6I-00000-00000030-00000144 Hi I'm Alan. +-nphRV9yu6I-00001-00000144-00000606 I'm an independent software consultant, and like you I spend most of my time on +-nphRV9yu6I-00002-00000606-00001032 a computer solving problems for my client and not on time tracking or +-nphRV9yu6I-00003-00001032-00001410 invoicing. That becomes a problem when it comes time to get paid. +-nphRV9yu6I-00004-00001410-00001980 Well, I have a solution for you called WakaTime which is a collection of open source plugins +-nphRV9yu6I-00005-00001980-00002574 you install in your IDE. They tell you exactly what project you worked on and for how long you +-nphRV9yu6I-00006-00002574-00003186 worked on each project. When it comes time to get paid, all you have to do is create a new invoice. +-nphRV9yu6I-00007-00003318-00004092 Select the date range for your invoice. And then the projects you worked on are +-nphRV9yu6I-00008-00004092-00004536 taken from your WakaTime dashboard and the hours you worked on each one +-nphRV9yu6I-00009-00004638-00005220 is filled in for you automatically on your invoice very accurately and down to the minute. +-nphRV9yu6I-00010-00005388-00005904 Then you create the invoice, download it as pdf, send it to your client, and get paid. +-na6lxz4314-00000-00000531-00000705 SPRING ADVANCEMENT QUOTAS ARE OUT. +-na6lxz4314-00001-00000705-00001143 MORE THAN 20,000 SAILORS WILL ADVANCE TO E4, E5, AND E6. +-na6lxz4314-00002-00001143-00001505 COMMAND TRIADS WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA BUPERS OF THEIR COMMAND'S ADVANCEMENT RESULTS MAY +-na6lxz4314-00003-00001505-00001639 22ND. +-na6lxz4314-00004-00001639-00002063 SAILORS ABOARD USS FREEDOM DEMONSTRATED THE FUTURE "CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS" FOR MANNED +-na6lxz4314-00005-00002063-00002558 AND UNMANNED HELICOPTERS ABOARD LITTORAL COMBAT SHIPS DURING AN UNDERWAY APRIL 25TH TO MAY +-na6lxz4314-00006-00002558-00002658 16TH. +-na6lxz4314-00007-00002658-00003209 THE DEMONSTRATION OF THE UNMANNED, VERTICAL TAKE-OFF MQ-8B FIRE SCOUT AND THE MANNED, +-na6lxz4314-00008-00003209-00003602 MULTI-MISSION MH-60R SEAHAWK SHOWED THE EFFECTIVE BLENDING OF MANNED AND UNMANNED CAPABITLIES +-na6lxz4314-00009-00003602-00003724 ON LCS. +-na6lxz4314-00010-00003724-00004123 THE SEAHAWK IS THE CORNERSTONE OF THE NAVY'S HELICOPTER CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS, AND THE +-na6lxz4314-00011-00004123-00004579 FIRE SCOUT SYSTEM PROVIDES UNIQUE SITUATION AWARENESS AND PRECISION TARGET SUPPORT FOR +-na6lxz4314-00012-00004579-00004679 THE NAVY. +-na6lxz4314-00013-00004679-00004846 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. +-na6lxz4314-00014-00004846-00005005 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00000-00000085-00000558 Electrostatic forces and magnetic forces have both been discovered over thousands +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00001-00000558-00001080 of years ago. These seemingly unrelated interactions have one major similarity: +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00002-00001080-00001569 that is they both are a type of attractive or repulsive force. Our +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00003-00001569-00001949 current understanding of electric forces is through electric fields which we've +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00004-00001949-00002393 just covered. So naturally our current understanding of magnetic forces is +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00005-00002393-00002867 through magnetic fields. While humanity has been aware of electric and magnetic +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00006-00002867-00003353 forces for a long time, not much progress in understanding these forces was made +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00007-00003353-00003872 until the 19th century. Voters Pile gave us a reliable way of producing +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00008-00003872-00004416 electricity at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1800, this opened up the door +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00009-00004416-00004823 to test for the relationship between electricity and magnetism. +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00010-00004823-00005376 However the link proved to be elusive. It took twenty years and many experiments +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00011-00005376-00005828 until an accidental discovery finally unified electricity and magnetism into +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00012-00005828-00006360 electromagnetism. This accidental discovery was made by Hans Christian +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00013-00006360-00006933 on the 21st of April in 1820. While setting up an experiment for an evening +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00014-00006933-00007373 lecture, he noticed the deflection of a compass needle when an electric current +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00015-00007373-00007968 was run through a wire. Prior to this discovery, compass needles have only been +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00016-00007968-00008424 known to react to other magnetized objects. Running a current through a wire +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00017-00008424-00008871 made the needle turn, indicating that there was a magnetic field due to the +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00018-00008871-00009450 electric current. We know that charges generate an electric field and as this +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00019-00009450-00009941 discovery can be summarized by moving charges generate a magnetic field. A +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00020-00009941-00010455 current is comprised of lots of moving charges, so we generally say a current +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00021-00010455-00010923 creates a magnetic field. Hence Christian demonstrated that +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00022-00010923-00011355 a compass points tangential to the magnetic field at every point. And that +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00023-00011355-00011715 it will point in opposite directions when placed on opposing sides of current, +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00024-00011715-00012243 which is a fancy way of saying that the magnetic field is circular. Well, look at +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00025-00012243-00012777 this magnetic field in later videos. After this revelation, Ted left this +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00026-00012777-00013233 discovery for a few months before returning to investigated further. His +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00027-00013233-00013677 notes on how exactly he made discovery was also incomplete, which has +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00028-00013677-00014202 left an envelope in scientific history. He also never quantified the strength of +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00029-00014202-00014669 the magnetic field around the current. Due to these events, that is mostly +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00030-00014669-00015111 forgotten to history these days with names like Ampere and Maxwell, that are +_0iJ8vUI-5o-00031-00015111-00015503 much more synonymous with electromagnetism. +_220Cc80iL4-00000-00000159-00000267 Hey, internet humans. +_220Cc80iL4-00001-00000303-00000816 If you have been around for awhile, you probably already know +_220Cc80iL4-00002-00000891-00001530 I talk with my hands, a lot, and this week I'm going to share why. +_220Cc80iL4-00003-00001594-00002947 If you're new, welcome, I hope you stay tuned. +_220Cc80iL4-00004-00004789-00005963 All right everyone, those new people don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you +_220Cc80iL4-00005-00005963-00006374 don't miss a new video, because I do put out new content each and every Wednesday. +_220Cc80iL4-00006-00006405-00006998 Welcome back to everyone who has been following the Neuro blog for, gosh, +_220Cc80iL4-00007-00007001-00007175 however long you've been following it for. +_220Cc80iL4-00008-00007178-00007406 We've been doing this for four and a half years now. +_220Cc80iL4-00009-00007409-00007645 I'm really grateful for each and every one of you being here. +_220Cc80iL4-00010-00007652-00007709 Thank you. +_220Cc80iL4-00011-00007759-00008170 The topic today: talking with your hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00012-00008170-00008471 Why do some people do it? +_220Cc80iL4-00013-00008476-00008683 I know why I do it. +_220Cc80iL4-00014-00008731-00009028 I am a multiply Neurodivergent adult. +_220Cc80iL4-00015-00009055-00009631 This blog started when I was diagnosed Autistic at the age of 29 and started to +_220Cc80iL4-00016-00009631-00009847 re-examine the way I look at the world. +_220Cc80iL4-00017-00009907-00010261 One of those things, because I have always, throughout my entire +_220Cc80iL4-00018-00010261-00010852 life, been driven by the question and finding the answers to "why?" +_220Cc80iL4-00019-00010926-00011040 I like to ask... +_220Cc80iL4-00020-00011073-00011367 why do we do the things we do? +_220Cc80iL4-00021-00011406-00011841 And one of those things people ask me or point out a lot is the fact that I talk +_220Cc80iL4-00022-00011841-00012300 with my hands and so I thought this week, it'd be a little bit fun to share what's +_220Cc80iL4-00023-00012300-00012666 going on when I am talking with my hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00024-00012864-00012948 Hi, Rocky. +_220Cc80iL4-00025-00013263-00013458 Would you like to be in this video? +_220Cc80iL4-00026-00013539-00013791 Rocky doesn't usually make an appearance in my videos. +_220Cc80iL4-00027-00013794-00013908 That's a little bit different. +_220Cc80iL4-00028-00013982-00014129 Do you talk with your hands? +_220Cc80iL4-00029-00014215-00014320 No, nevermind. +_220Cc80iL4-00030-00014347-00014413 You're out of here. +_220Cc80iL4-00031-00014455-00014485 Okay. +_220Cc80iL4-00032-00014485-00014512 Bye. +_220Cc80iL4-00033-00014593-00015289 One reason I talk with my hands is because it is almost a stim. +_220Cc80iL4-00034-00015320-00015675 Autistic People, they flap and do different things with their hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00035-00015675-00016269 Stimming is a way that we neurodivergent humans regulate our energy. +_220Cc80iL4-00036-00016307-00016796 We get excited and there is a burst of energy and it comes out -happy, happy, +_220Cc80iL4-00037-00016796-00016898 happy, happy, happy, happy, happy. +_220Cc80iL4-00038-00016949-00017679 Or even if we are startled suddenly, and that's a burst of energy and energy is +_220Cc80iL4-00039-00017679-00018035 expelled through movement of the hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00040-00018132-00018593 When I am talking, my hands are moving and painting and the energy +_220Cc80iL4-00041-00018593-00018885 is flowing and I am telling a story. +_220Cc80iL4-00042-00018954-00019071 That is one reason. +_220Cc80iL4-00043-00019148-00019745 Like with other things, I am constantly in motion regulating +_220Cc80iL4-00044-00019781-00019973 my Neurodivergent energy. +_220Cc80iL4-00045-00020057-00020888 The other reason that I talk with my hands is because I am +_220Cc80iL4-00046-00020888-00021392 a very detailed visual thinker. +_220Cc80iL4-00047-00021497-00022425 Often when I am telling someone a story, I may be acting out the +_220Cc80iL4-00048-00022425-00022635 story I am telling with my hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00049-00022672-00023110 That is because say, if I'm telling a story about driving a car, I +_220Cc80iL4-00050-00023110-00023536 am seeing driving a car or if I am saying, "Oh, I pet the fluffy +_220Cc80iL4-00051-00023536-00023683 dog, and they were really soft". +_220Cc80iL4-00052-00023683-00024238 I am seeing a fluffy dog, so I am trying to draw what I am seeing in my +_220Cc80iL4-00053-00024285-00024886 visual processing visual minds eye, trying to come out in my hands as if +_220Cc80iL4-00054-00024886-00025609 my hands were my paintbrush to share with you what I am trying to express +_220Cc80iL4-00055-00025609-00026482 with my words, because I often feel as this, my words do not do the experience +_220Cc80iL4-00056-00026491-00026827 of what it is in my mind justice. +_220Cc80iL4-00057-00026967-00027460 A lot of the talking, I do with my hands, I do involuntarily. +_220Cc80iL4-00058-00027480-00028002 I can force myself to keep my hands still and be still. +_220Cc80iL4-00059-00028014-00028595 Sometimes I may sit on my hands and grab my legs, or if I'm on camera, I +_220Cc80iL4-00060-00028595-00029090 may keep them under the table, so they are not distracting to other people. +_220Cc80iL4-00061-00029283-00029835 Over the years I have learned that all of this movement of my hands, depending on +_220Cc80iL4-00062-00029844-00030461 who I was around, was sometimes something I was mocked for and told to be ashamed +_220Cc80iL4-00063-00030461-00030939 of, but it's just the way my body moves. +_220Cc80iL4-00064-00030980-00031070 Under the table. +_220Cc80iL4-00065-00031112-00031466 Even now, my hands are still moving. +_220Cc80iL4-00066-00031562-00032030 I'm done being ashamed of my happy flappy hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00067-00032096-00032633 They do what they want to do and I don't think it's fair for me to +_220Cc80iL4-00068-00032633-00033172 have to try, very hard, focusing my energy to be something I'm not. +_220Cc80iL4-00069-00033198-00033849 Contain myself, contain my stims, contain my flaps, contain my gestures. +_220Cc80iL4-00070-00033930-00034341 I do not need to be contained. +_220Cc80iL4-00071-00034434-00034554 I need to be free. +_220Cc80iL4-00072-00034554-00034662 I need to be let out. +_220Cc80iL4-00073-00034668-00035280 I need to be allowed to move with my natural Autistic stimmy body language. +_220Cc80iL4-00074-00035299-00035343 Ooh. +_220Cc80iL4-00075-00035436-00035998 I spent enough of my life hiding before I knew I was Autistic, being called +_220Cc80iL4-00076-00035998-00036688 out for being a weirdo, or being called a cartoon, for being overly animated. +_220Cc80iL4-00077-00036961-00037258 I'm done hiding. +_220Cc80iL4-00078-00037270-00037456 I'm done masking. +_220Cc80iL4-00079-00037489-00037799 I'm done pretending to be something I'm not. +_220Cc80iL4-00080-00037934-00038800 I'm ready to finally embrace myself, even the little parts of me, the little quirks +_220Cc80iL4-00081-00038851-00039448 and things, that were a lot of years in my life have been things that people teased +_220Cc80iL4-00082-00039453-00039684 and even mocked or made fun of me for. +_220Cc80iL4-00083-00039745-00039895 These happy, happy hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00084-00040012-00040120 They're a part of me. +_220Cc80iL4-00085-00040180-00040681 They are an extension of my expression and my emotion. +_220Cc80iL4-00086-00040740-00041060 When I am feeling joy, they radiate joy. +_220Cc80iL4-00087-00041098-00041254 When I am afraid. +_220Cc80iL4-00088-00041278-00041881 And when I am in sorrow, my hands convey my feelings in ways that +_220Cc80iL4-00089-00041881-00042061 other parts of my body cannot. +_220Cc80iL4-00090-00042271-00042841 I love these hands because they let me do great things. +_220Cc80iL4-00091-00042919-00043846 So that's it, the answer to the question: "Why do I talk with my hands?" +_220Cc80iL4-00092-00043891-00043945 Let me know. +_220Cc80iL4-00093-00044023-00044194 Do you talk with your hands? +_220Cc80iL4-00094-00044194-00044521 Does anyone else talk with their hands? +_220Cc80iL4-00095-00044587-00045052 Why do you talk with your hands, hand talkers? +_220Cc80iL4-00096-00045088-00045160 Why do you do it? +_220Cc80iL4-00097-00045205-00045676 Is it for the same reasons that I'm speaking with my hands or +_220Cc80iL4-00098-00045679-00046165 is it for different reasons that you speak with your hands? +_220Cc80iL4-00099-00046198-00046780 I would love to know the insights here because, with Autism, and Autistic people, +_220Cc80iL4-00100-00046825-00047500 each and every single Autistic person is different, and has their own experience +_220Cc80iL4-00101-00047536-00047746 of what it means to be an Autistic person. +_220Cc80iL4-00102-00047830-00048079 Not all Autistic people talk with their hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00103-00048133-00048313 Some may, some may not. +_220Cc80iL4-00104-00048352-00048898 This has just been a little insight onto why I, personally, talk with my hands. +_220Cc80iL4-00105-00048946-00049375 I hope this has been helpful or interesting, or entertaining to you. +_220Cc80iL4-00106-00049414-00049711 If so, don't forget to hit that thumbs up button. +_220Cc80iL4-00107-00049735-00049834 Hit that like button. +_220Cc80iL4-00108-00049873-00050014 Please don't forget to subscribe. +_220Cc80iL4-00109-00050041-00050299 I put out new videos each and every Wednesday. +_220Cc80iL4-00110-00050344-00051121 A very, very huge, and special thank you to The Subscribers on Patreon, +_220Cc80iL4-00111-00051152-00051755 The Facebook Supporters, and also now YouTube Channel Subscribers. +_220Cc80iL4-00112-00051809-00052334 Wherever you subscribe and pay that little extra to help +_220Cc80iL4-00113-00052337-00052571 support the Neurodivergent Blog. +_220Cc80iL4-00114-00052592-00052748 I am extremely grateful. +_220Cc80iL4-00115-00052790-00052937 You helped me do what I do. +_220Cc80iL4-00116-00052940-00053294 I couldn't continue to put out this quality content without you. +_220Cc80iL4-00117-00053317-00053374 Thank you. +_220Cc80iL4-00118-00053374-00053416 Thank you. +_220Cc80iL4-00119-00053416-00053455 Thank you. +_220Cc80iL4-00120-00053455-00053545 Thank you so much. +_220Cc80iL4-00121-00053590-00053933 As a very small, thank you for all of the help you give, I do put +_220Cc80iL4-00122-00053933-00054269 out videos like this one early to those of you who are subscribed. +_220Cc80iL4-00123-00054293-00054914 Whether you're liking, following subscribing sharing, or just +_220Cc80iL4-00124-00054920-00055412 existing and submitting your questions, I am so grateful for you. +_220Cc80iL4-00125-00055493-00055667 Keep on sending your questions. +_220Cc80iL4-00126-00055667-00056096 If you have an idea for a future video, drop it in the comments below, and +_220Cc80iL4-00127-00056102-00056258 I will talk to you next Wednesday. +_220Cc80iL4-00128-00056287-00056393 Bye humans! +_75QF7fuoWM-00000-00000000-00000524 Joo Dan Tae is framed and taken to a mental hospital +_75QF7fuoWM-00001-00000900-00001729 in episode 10 which aired on Friday night, the audience was again delighted with the penthouse drama season 3 episode 10 +_75QF7fuoWM-00002-00001729-00002355 all the viewers were happy because finally slowly the antagonist who was most hated by the audience +_75QF7fuoWM-00003-00002355-00002838 finally experienced destruction and received retribution for his evil deeds +_75QF7fuoWM-00004-00002838-00003702 Joo Dan Tae, who are the most hated characters by the audience, finally experienced destruction in episode 10 of the drama Penthouse Season 3 +_75QF7fuoWM-00005-00003702-00004490 The audience was made to smile happily because Joo Dan Tae ended up in a mental hospital in Japan, because of the epic collaboration of Ha Yoon Cheol +_75QF7fuoWM-00006-00004490-00005172 Jin Bun Hong and Yoo Dong Pil, and of course, there's Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee who put together all the plan +_75QF7fuoWM-00007-00005172-00005917 Joo Dan Tae was destroyed in this 10th episode, starting with the appearance of defender Jun Ki who suddenly arrived at Joo Dan Tae's house +_75QF7fuoWM-00008-00005917-00006604 and threatened Joo Dan Tae with a photo showing that Joo Dan Tae was the perpetrator of the bombing of Logan Lee +_75QF7fuoWM-00009-00006604-00007123 Even so, Joo Dan Tae is still not shaken by the threat of Baek Joon Ki +_75QF7fuoWM-00010-00007123-00007980 Then there is Jin Bun Hong who shows a dashboard camera recording which shows that Cheon Seo Jin is the perpetrator of the murder of Oh Yoon Hee +_75QF7fuoWM-00011-00007980-00008699 Seeing the recording, Joo Dan Tae feel shocked and at the same time feel that there is a way to destroy Cheon Seo Jin +_75QF7fuoWM-00012-00008699-00009769 Joo Dan Tae then asked Jin Bun Hong for the recording, but Jin Bun Hong refused to give it and demanded 500 billion won for the recording +_75QF7fuoWM-00013-00009769-00010335 Joo Dan Tae finally agreed to it, so he could destroy Cheon Seo Jin +_75QF7fuoWM-00014-00010335-00011173 Because they have no money, Joo Dan Tae then borrow money from Chairman Song in the amount of 500 billion won to give to Jin Bun Hong, +_75QF7fuoWM-00015-00011173-00011583 so that he can get a recording of Cheon Seo Jin who killed Oh Yoon Hee +_75QF7fuoWM-00016-00011583-00012356 After getting the money, Joo Dan Tae then contacted Jin Bun Hong, to exchange the recording for money +_75QF7fuoWM-00017-00012356-00013028 Joo Dan Tae and Jin Bun Hong then meet in a secret place to make the exchange +_75QF7fuoWM-00018-00013028-00013805 Joo Dan Tae came together with Secretary Jo while Jin Bun Hong quietly arrived in a taxi car driven by Ha Yoon Cheol +_75QF7fuoWM-00019-00013805-00014641 Jin Bun Hong finally gave the recording to Joo Dan Tae but before that Jin Bun Hong asked for the money to be transferred first +_75QF7fuoWM-00020-00014641-00015342 After the money was transferred, Ha Yoon Cheol swiftly locked the car door and immediately drugged Joo Dan Tae +_75QF7fuoWM-00021-00015342-00016022 after that jin bun hong took the tape and dropped Joo Dan Tae who was unconscious in the field +_75QF7fuoWM-00022-00016022-00016591 After that, Ha Yoon Cheol and Jin Bun Hong left Joo Dan Tae and Secretary Jo +_75QF7fuoWM-00023-00016591-00017438 The next day when Joo Dan Tae woke up, the TV station had reported that Joo Dan Tae was the perpetrator of Oh Yoon Hee's murder +_75QF7fuoWM-00024-00017438-00018025 indirectly Joo Dan Tae are also fugitives and murder suspects Oh Yoon Hee +_75QF7fuoWM-00025-00018025-00018644 Knowing that he is a fugitive, Joo Dan Tae innocently want to be helped by Yo Dong Pil +_75QF7fuoWM-00026-00018644-00019446 Yo Dong Pil then helps Joo Dan Tae escape from the police while Secretary Jo is arrested for being Joo Dan Tae's accomplices. +_75QF7fuoWM-00027-00019446-00020364 Yo Dong Pil then took Joo Dan Tae to a cheap apartment to hide, but unfortunately, the police found out that Joo Dan Tae was there +_75QF7fuoWM-00028-00020364-00020778 Joo Dan Tae run away again so they don't get caught by the police +_75QF7fuoWM-00029-00020778-00021610 That's when Yo Dong Pil told Joo Dan Tae that he had prepared a boat to take Joo Dan Tae away so they wouldn't be caught +_75QF7fuoWM-00030-00021610-00022603 for fear of being caught by the police, moreover, there was no one to help him in the end, Joo Dan Tae obeyed Yo Dong Pil's words and headed for the ship that would take him away +_75QF7fuoWM-00031-00022603-00023620 Arriving at the ship, Joo Dan Tae was asked to go into the basement to hide, but it turned out that Joo Dan Tae was drugged again in the room so that they were unconscious +_75QF7fuoWM-00032-00023620-00024190 After that Joo Dan Tae woke up in a mental hospital and were called by the name Baek Joon Ki +_75QF7fuoWM-00033-00024190-00024839 Joo Dan Tae feel confused because he ends up in a mental hospital and is called by name of Baek Joon Ki +_75QF7fuoWM-00034-00024839-00025293 especially the nurses there talk to Joo Dan Tae in Japanese +_75QF7fuoWM-00035-00025293-00025750 not long after that Seok Kyung appeared in front of Joo Dan Tae and surprised him +_75QF7fuoWM-00036-00025750-00026535 what will happen to Joo Dan Tae next? Will Joo Dan Tae be able to free themselves from the mental hospital? +_75QF7fuoWM-00037-00026535-00027262 So are Joo Dan Tae really in a mental hospital in Japan or is it all Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee's plan? +_75QF7fuoWM-00038-00027262-00027801 What do you think? Are you guys ready to end your penthouse journey? +_75QF7fuoWM-00039-00027801-00028643 or do you still want season 4 of this penthouse drama? Do you have any theories or opinions regarding this? +_75QF7fuoWM-00040-00028643-00029327 don't forget to write your theories and opinions in the comments column so that the admin also knows other information. +_75QF7fuoWM-00041-00029327-00030267 don't forget to subscribe to this channel, and like and share this video so that your friends also know about this information. see you on the next video. +_8d5c5wccfo-00000-00000174-00000612 This video will show you how to complete the acquisitions fiscal year close-out, +_8d5c5wccfo-00001-00000612-00000936 also referred to as yearend, in Sitka's Evergreen. +_8d5c5wccfo-00002-00001038-00001530 The fiscal year close-up functionality in Evergreen will create funds for your next year, +_8d5c5wccfo-00003-00001530-00001968 roll over your encumbrances, anddeactivate your current funds. +_8d5c5wccfo-00004-00002498-00002954 Before you run the fiscal year close-out procedure in Evergreen make sure you've +_8d5c5wccfo-00005-00002954-00003278 gone through the year-end checklist and checked off everything on the list. +_8d5c5wccfo-00006-00003350-00003776 The checklist can be found in Sitka's Evergreen Acquisitions Documentation. +_8d5c5wccfo-00007-00004118-00004478 There are a few important things to do in preparation for year end. +_8d5c5wccfo-00008-00004598-00004982 Resolve all pending purchase orders by activating or deleting them. +_8d5c5wccfo-00009-00005066-00005402 Receive all items in Evergreen that you have received physically. +_8d5c5wccfo-00010-00005516-00005990 Create and close all invoices for items to be paid for in the current fiscal year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00011-00006164-00006458 Decide on when you're going to run your end and decide +_8d5c5wccfo-00012-00006458-00006668 on dates for an acquisition's year end freeze. +_8d5c5wccfo-00013-00006740-00007220 Libraries should not run year end between 9 30 a.m and 11 a.m Pacific +_8d5c5wccfo-00014-00007220-00007688 as EDI invoices are retrieved by the system during this period every morning. +_8d5c5wccfo-00015-00007988-00008420 Once you've completed the year end checklist, run a fund report for the current year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00016-00008510-00008876 You will want to have this to compare to reports you will run after year end +_8d5c5wccfo-00017-00008876-00009122 to ensure that everything has worked as expected. +_8d5c5wccfo-00018-00009362-00009698 The template for the fund report can be found inthe reporter under +_8d5c5wccfo-00019-00009698-00010270 Shared Folders -> Templates-> Sitka_templates -> Acquisitions ->Funds +_8d5c5wccfo-00020-00010270-00010466 and is named Fund Report by Year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00021-00010532-00010922 Make sure you clone the template into your own folders before running the report. +_8d5c5wccfo-00022-00011240-00011504 When you are ready to run your fiscal year close-out +_8d5c5wccfo-00023-00011504-00012182 go to Administration -> Acquisitions Administration -> Fund Administration. +_8d5c5wccfo-00024-00012284-00012674 You must have acquisitions administrative permissions to run year-end. +_8d5c5wccfo-00025-00012674-00013262 Make sure Rollover and Propagate are set to Yes for all of your funds that you wish to roll over. +_8d5c5wccfo-00026-00013382-00013675 If you're a multi-branch library select the +_8d5c5wccfo-00027-00013675-00013970 top level of your organization in the Library Selector. +_8d5c5wccfo-00028-00014066-00014342 Click on Fiscal Propagation and Rollover. +_8d5c5wccfo-00029-00014468-00014714 Ensure the correct year is selected. +_8d5c5wccfo-00030-00014846-00015386 If you're a multi-branch library check the box for Include funds from descendant Org Units. +_8d5c5wccfo-00031-00015500-00015884 The boxes that are checked will determine what actions Evergreen performs. +_8d5c5wccfo-00032-00015974-00016466 If no boxes are checked when the Process button is clicked Evergreen will create new +_8d5c5wccfo-00033-00016466-00016844 funds for the new fiscal year for any funds that have Propagate set to Yes. +_8d5c5wccfo-00034-00016952-00017462 If Perform Fiscal Year Close-out is checked Evergreen will deactivate funds for the +_8d5c5wccfo-00035-00017462-00017990 selected fiscal year as well as move unspent and encumbered money to the corresponding fund +_8d5c5wccfo-00036-00017990-00018428 for the next fiscal year if that fundhas Propagate and Rollover set to Yes. +_8d5c5wccfo-00037-00018536-00018866 If Limit Fiscal Year Close-out to Encumbrances is +_8d5c5wccfo-00038-00018866-00019352 also checked Evergreen will only move encumbrances to the corresponding fund. +_8d5c5wccfo-00039-00019352-00019550 Unspent money will not roll over. +_8d5c5wccfo-00040-00019652-00019964 This checkbox only displays if the library setting +_8d5c5wccfo-00041-00019964-00020420 Allows funds to be rolled over without bringing the money along is set to True. +_8d5c5wccfo-00042-00020582-00021014 Dry run is checked by default and when checked Evergreen will do a +_8d5c5wccfo-00043-00021014-00021308 test of the process but will not actually make any changes. +_8d5c5wccfo-00044-00021692-00022016 Co-op Support recommends always starting with a dry run. +_8d5c5wccfo-00045-00022100-00022400 Check all of the relevant boxes including dry run. +_8d5c5wccfo-00046-00022622-00022820 This is a check to make sure the year end +_8d5c5wccfo-00047-00022820-00023060 is going to run as expected before doing the real thing. +_8d5c5wccfo-00048-00023144-00023240 Click Process. +_8d5c5wccfo-00049-00023558-00024026 Evergreen displays a preview of the changes to be made but does not actually make the changes. +_8d5c5wccfo-00050-00024164-00024656 When you are ready to run your actual year end, check all of the relevant boxes +_8d5c5wccfo-00051-00024806-00024968 and uncheck Dry Run. +_8d5c5wccfo-00052-00025154-00025460 Evergreen will warn you that this will do a close-out for real. +_8d5c5wccfo-00053-00025556-00025712 Click Process. +_8d5c5wccfo-00054-00026165-00026519 Evergreen will display the Fund Propagation & Rollover Summary. +_8d5c5wccfo-00055-00026618-00027044 This includes the number of funds propagated (or created) for the new year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00056-00027122-00027560 The amount of unspent money rolled over and the amount of encumbrances rolled over. +_8d5c5wccfo-00057-00027662-00027770 Click Close. +_8d5c5wccfo-00058-00028028-00028436 The Funds tab will refresh and the current calendar year will display by default. +_8d5c5wccfo-00059-00028502-00028988 Use the Year filter to display the previous fiscal year if different than the current calendar year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00060-00029072-00029510 All funds where Propagate and Rollover are set to Yes should now be blank in +_8d5c5wccfo-00061-00029510-00029936 the Total Encumbered column and show zero in the Combined Balance column. +_8d5c5wccfo-00062-00029996-00030284 Active should now be set to No for these funds. +_8d5c5wccfo-00063-00030404-00030896 In my example you can see that I have one fund where Propagate and Rollover was set +_8d5c5wccfo-00064-00030896-00031316 to No so that fund is untouched by the fiscal close-out process. +_8d5c5wccfo-00065-00031454-00031772 Use the Year filter to display your new fiscal year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00066-00032468-00032822 Your encumbrances will display in the Total Encumbered column +_8d5c5wccfo-00067-00032822-00033140 and the Combined Balance for funds with encumbrances will +_8d5c5wccfo-00068-00033140-00033542 be in the negative as money has not been allocated to your new funds yet. +_8d5c5wccfo-00069-00033626-00034100 See our video Acquisitions Fiscal Year Start for information on allocating +_8d5c5wccfo-00070-00034100-00034424 money to your new funds and getting started with your new fiscal year. +_8d5c5wccfo-00071-00034532-00034808 Run the Fund by Year Report once for your +_8d5c5wccfo-00072-00034808-00035108 new fiscal year and once for the year you just closed out. +_8d5c5wccfo-00073-00035234-00035708 Compare these two reports to the report you ran before performing fiscal close-out. +_8d5c5wccfo-00074-00036242-00036512 Make sure everything has moved as expected. +_8d5c5wccfo-00075-00036584-00037010 If something doesn't look correct contact Co-op Support right away. +_8d5c5wccfo-00076-00037010-00037226 Thank you for watching this video. +_8d5c5wccfo-00077-00037292-00037748 For more information please visit the BC libraries Cooperative website. +_8HP3Tbjb-0-00000-00000000-00000050 Cám ơn các bạn đã xem. Hãy like, comment, share và subscribe. Nếu thấy hay +_90czDggIU4-00000-00000316-00000884 Hi, my name is Miss Shaina and I'm a children's librarian at the Long Beach Public Library. +_90czDggIU4-00001-00000896-00001214 Today I'm gonna be reading you books about space and if you +_90czDggIU4-00002-00001214-00001514 haven't signed up for our Summer Reading Program yet, go to +_90czDggIU4-00003-00001514-00001812 longbeach.beanstack.org +_90czDggIU4-00004-00001832-00002124 to start earning prizes for all of the reading you're already doing +_90czDggIU4-00005-00002124-00002565 this summer. And if you're already signed up make sure you get credit for watching +_90czDggIU4-00006-00002565-00003086 today's video by entering the code NEBULA into your activities tab on your +_90czDggIU4-00007-00003086-00003318 bean stack account +_90czDggIU4-00008-00003318-00003657 Today's story is called Sheep Blast Off! +_90czDggIU4-00009-00003657-00004107 it's written by Nancy Shaw and illustrated by Margo Apple and I'm +_90czDggIU4-00010-00004107-00004371 reading this to you today with permission from Houghton Mifflin +_90czDggIU4-00011-00004371-00004600 publishers, thanks guys! +_90czDggIU4-00012-00004632-00004774 Sheep Blast-Off! +_90czDggIU4-00013-00004960-00005460 I can see some little aliens in there, you see 'em? +_90czDggIU4-00014-00005474-00006144 Oh oh it looks like they have landed on Earth perhaps. They got their tool belts out +_90czDggIU4-00015-00006152-00006734 and they're checking out the environment. I wonder what they'll find. +_90czDggIU4-00016-00006759-00007236 Sheep see a shape in the mist by a tree. +_90czDggIU4-00017-00007236-00007728 Something has landed. What can it be? +_90czDggIU4-00018-00007881-00008264 Sheep snoop, sheep explore. +_90czDggIU4-00019-00008264-00008756 Sheep climb through the spaceship door. +_90czDggIU4-00020-00008756-00008924 Sheep stumble, +_90czDggIU4-00021-00008924-00009734 sheep bumble, engines slowly start to rumble. They grab a knob, it seals the door, +_90czDggIU4-00022-00009744-00010710 lights come, on engines roar! Uh oh, do you think sheep know how to fly a rocket ship? +_90czDggIU4-00023-00010764-00011534 Everyone gets into gear. They blast right through the stratosphere! -whoosh- +_90czDggIU4-00024-00011740-00012236 Around the world the rocket zips. Weightless sheep do jumps and flips. +_90czDggIU4-00025-00012306-00012776 What's that thump? they hit the deck +_90czDggIU4-00026-00012874-00013738 Two sheep float outside to check. There's just a scratch, it looks okay. +_90czDggIU4-00027-00013810-00014172 Back through the hatch, they're on their way. +_90czDggIU4-00028-00014172-00014463 They tinker with the main controls +_90czDggIU4-00029-00014463-00014830 The rocket lurches, swoops, and rolls. +_90czDggIU4-00030-00014969-00015463 Lights flash, computers beep. -beep beep beep boop boop- +_90czDggIU4-00031-00015469-00015922 Blaring sirens scare the sheep -waa waa waa- +_90czDggIU4-00032-00015991-00016560 Sheep panic! Sheep guess! Which buttons should they press? +_90czDggIU4-00033-00016768-00017372 Autopilot! That's the one! -looks like theygot some help- +_90czDggIU4-00034-00017544-00018125 Leaving orbit. Nicely done. Prepare for a touchdown! +_90czDggIU4-00035-00018126-00018524 -I like how the sheep are going to sleep now +_90czDggIU4-00036-00018534-00018772 while that little alien sheep drives them home- +_90czDggIU4-00037-00018904-00019768 Oh home at last! -and look they're all tucked in and ready for bed- +_90czDggIU4-00038-00019768-00020166 Rocket sheep have had a blast! +_90czDggIU4-00039-00020560-00020966 There they go! Bye little aliens. +_90czDggIU4-00040-00020970-00021094 The End. +_90czDggIU4-00041-00021148-00021532 Now we're gonna be doing a rhyme called Five Little Aliens +_90czDggIU4-00042-00021774-00022130 -beedoo beedoo beedoo beedoo- +_90czDggIU4-00043-00022186-00022554 One alien went out to play +_90czDggIU4-00044-00022578-00022864 in the Milky Way one day +_90czDggIU4-00045-00022880-00023122 she had such enormous fun +_90czDggIU4-00046-00023122-00023536 she called for another alien to come +_90czDggIU4-00047-00023578-00023824 -oh alien!- +_90czDggIU4-00048-00023992-00024338 -beedoo beedoo beedoo beedoo- +_90czDggIU4-00049-00024428-00025366 Now how many aliens are there? 1, 2! What color are the aliens? Blue and Yellow. +_90czDggIU4-00050-00025382-00025618 That's right! Let's do two little aliens +_90czDggIU4-00051-00025630-00025972 Two aliens went out to play +_90czDggIU4-00052-00025972-00026295 in the Milky Way one day +_90czDggIU4-00053-00026295-00026665 they had such enormous fun +_90czDggIU4-00054-00026666-00027088 they called for another alien to come +_90czDggIU4-00055-00027088-00027352 -Oh alien!- +_90czDggIU4-00056-00027454-00027826 -beedoo beedoo beedoo beedoo- +_90czDggIU4-00057-00027836-00028082 Oh, what color is that alien? +_90czDggIU4-00058-00028095-00028312 Orange, that's right! +_90czDggIU4-00059-00028322-00028880 And how many aliens are there now? One, two, three! +_90czDggIU4-00060-00028964-00029233 Three aliens went out to play +_90czDggIU4-00061-00029233-00029550 on the Milky Way one day +_90czDggIU4-00062-00029550-00029854 they had such enormous fun! +_90czDggIU4-00063-00029864-00030316 They called for another alien to come. +_90czDggIU4-00064-00030316-00030688 -Ready? Oh alien!- +_90czDggIU4-00065-00030930-00031306 -beedoo beedoo beedoo beedoo- +_90czDggIU4-00066-00031306-00031570 What color is that alien? +_90czDggIU4-00067-00031570-00031764 Purple, that's right! +_90czDggIU4-00068-00031764-00031908 Now, let's count them together! +_90czDggIU4-00069-00031908-00032626 1, 2, 3, 4. Are you ready? +_90czDggIU4-00070-00032652-00032890 Four aliens went out to play +_90czDggIU4-00071-00032890-00033192 on the Milky Way one day +_90czDggIU4-00072-00033192-00033444 they had such enormous fun +_90czDggIU4-00073-00033444-00033882 they called for another alien to come. +_90czDggIU4-00074-00033920-00034296 -Ready? Oh alien!- +_90czDggIU4-00075-00034466-00034894 -beedoo beedoo beedoo beedoo- +_90czDggIU4-00076-00034964-00035218 What color is that alien? +_90czDggIU4-00077-00035220-00035712 Green, that's right! Now let's count all the aliens! +_90czDggIU4-00078-00035724-00036614 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! The End. +_90czDggIU4-00079-00036680-00037126 Now, we're gonna hop into our rocket ships and fly to the moon! +_90czDggIU4-00080-00037126-00037486 Okay, this song is called "We're going to the Moon" +_90czDggIU4-00081-00037486-00038174 and it goes like this: Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon! +_90czDggIU4-00082-00038174-00038550 Zoom, zoom, zoom! We'll get there very soon. +_90czDggIU4-00083-00038622-00038830 If you want to take a trip +_90czDggIU4-00084-00038846-00039054 climb aboard my rocket ship! +_90czDggIU4-00085-00039062-00039464 Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon! +_90czDggIU4-00086-00039550-00040260 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! +_90czDggIU4-00087-00040322-00040628 BLAST OFF! +_90czDggIU4-00088-00040662-00040868 Let's do that again! +_90czDggIU4-00089-00040868-00041348 Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon. +_90czDggIU4-00090-00041348-00041752 Zoom, zoom, zoom! We'll get there very soon. +_90czDggIU4-00091-00041752-00041992 If you want to take a trip, +_90czDggIU4-00092-00041998-00042208 climb aboard my rocket ship! +_90czDggIU4-00093-00042222-00042630 Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon +_90czDggIU4-00094-00042652-00043390 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 +_90czDggIU4-00095-00043390-00043704 BLAST OFF! +_90czDggIU4-00096-00043808-00044122 That was a lot of fun going to the moon with you guys. +_90czDggIU4-00097-00044214-00044658 Thanks for joining me today! Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Program at +_90czDggIU4-00098-00044658-00044964 longbeach.beanstack.org +_90czDggIU4-00099-00044964-00045098 Bye! +_t6B-tfETm0-00000-00000500-00000600 Peanut Butter +_t6B-tfETm0-00001-00000616-00000696 Nutella +_t6B-tfETm0-00002-00000722-00000827 Caster Sugar +_t6B-tfETm0-00003-00000942-00001042 1 egg +_t6B-tfETm0-00004-00001164-00001264 Then stir! +_t6B-tfETm0-00005-00002090-00002190 Roll into balls and flatten +_t6B-tfETm0-00006-00003946-00004114 You can also make thumbprint cookies +_t6B-tfETm0-00009-00005014-00005114 Cool before moving +_tDayeJomPy-00000-00002100-00002560 My name is Anna Rose and I am the co-host of a podcast called 'zero knowledge' +_tDayeJomPy-00001-00002600-00002942 we talk about decentralized things including some Ethereum things +_tDayeJomPy-00002-00002942-00003438 i'm Alessandro, I'm out of Italy, based in Zurich and I run a small vc called +_tDayeJomPy-00003-00003438-00003488 Kaizen VC. +_tDayeJomPy-00004-00003488-00003858 Hi, my name is Eric Lamison-White, I am the co-founder of Pareto Network +_tDayeJomPy-00005-00003858-00004302 which is a financial content marketplace built on the Ethereum blockchain +_tDayeJomPy-00006-00004302-00004778 it's Peter van Grinsven, I'm the CEO of nTitle. nTitle is bCommerce +_tDayeJomPy-00007-00004778-00005066 project bCommerce blockchain commerce for gaming. +_tDayeJomPy-00008-00005066-00005232 I'm Danny Christini, I work for +_tDayeJomPy-00009-00005232-00005800 Cryo solutions we build enterprise solutions for companies and we're blockchain agnostic. +_tDayeJomPy-00010-00005800-00006080 My name is Federico Malvezzi see i'm a founder and managing +_tDayeJomPy-00011-00006080-00006698 director at AidCoin. We bring transparency into the charity and non profit sector using blockchain. +_tDayeJomPy-00012-00006698-00007304 My name is Ellen, I work at MME legal tax compliance and I'm kind +_tDayeJomPy-00013-00007304-00007645 of project manager. +_tDayeJomPy-00014-00007645-00007784 I work for one of the dApps obviously and we want to +_tDayeJomPy-00015-00007784-00008173 take an active role in the space. +_tDayeJomPy-00016-00008173-00008390 I found a lot of interesting people from from +_tDayeJomPy-00017-00008390-00008664 different countries and different businesses coming here so I just wanted +_tDayeJomPy-00018-00008664-00009024 to network and get to know more about the people around the ecosystem. Learn +_tDayeJomPy-00019-00009024-00009513 more about evolutions of Ethereum and to be part of the community. Well of +_tDayeJomPy-00020-00009513-00009968 course I wanted to learn things about what's going on in the community +_tDayeJomPy-00021-00009968-00010497 Today there was a great meeting with Vitalik about the economics +_tDayeJomPy-00022-00010497-00011013 of gas costs, and afterwards there was discussion on the the governance of +_tDayeJomPy-00023-00011013-00011436 smart contracts governments, of the blockchain and all these subjects are +_tDayeJomPy-00024-00011436-00012182 important for the future. One question to Vitalik? One question to Vitalik. Nothing! +_tDayeJomPy-00025-00012182-00012622 Oh gosh I mean I'll just ask him how he is what +_tDayeJomPy-00026-00012622-00013219 could be a great project we could do together to bring more and more social +_tDayeJomPy-00027-00013219-00013649 impact projects into the blockchain. What is this biggest worry in making +_tDayeJomPy-00028-00013649-00014150 sure that this actually becomes a really world phenomenon right now it's it's not +_tDayeJomPy-00029-00014150-00014488 to the masses yet and it's not something adopted by users. How do you get adoption? +_tDayeJomPy-00030-00014488-00014772 yeah I I probably would leave his time to him. +_tDayeJomPy-00031-00014772-00014975 Why he decided to be vocal +_tDayeJomPy-00032-00014975-00015578 about EIP-999 yesterday and not when it exploded +_tDayeJomPy-00033-00015700-00016234 I think interoperability or blockchains will be key +_tDayeJomPy-00034-00016300-00016420 Ethereum. we grew up with Ethereum. +_tDayeJomPy-00035-00016420-00016844 My personal experience into the blockchain started because of Ethereum. +_tDayeJomPy-00036-00016844-00017100 Bitcoin is a currency Ethereum is a platform. +_tDayeJomPy-00037-00017200-00017342 Bitcoin surely is a safer bet +_tDayeJomPy-00038-00017342-00017698 because it's it's a very unique positioning. I heard the other day that +_tDayeJomPy-00039-00017698-00018191 94% of all projects are built on Ethereum, so it's almost certainly not +_tDayeJomPy-00040-00018191-00018302 going to go away. +_tDayeJomPy-00041-00018302-00018600 You know there was one story when I got in touch with Bitcoin and Ethereum +_tDayeJomPy-00042-00018600-00018950 I asked a colleague to give me a bit of an idea and he said +_tDayeJomPy-00043-00018950-00019337 you know Bitcoin is just FUD, it's stupid idea. Go to Ethereum! +_tDayeJomPy-00044-00019337-00019766 They can coexist. They are completely different systems, they completely +_tDayeJomPy-00045-00019766-00019888 serve different purposes. +_tDayeJomPy-00046-00019888-00020219 I mean I'm biased, but Ethereum. I think +_tDayeJomPy-00047-00020219-00020557 that what you really need to look at is where the developer communities live and +_tDayeJomPy-00048-00020557-00020995 currently in Ethereum, there's I think I don't know what the exact newest number +_tDayeJomPy-00049-00020995-00021491 is but you know in the range of 30x more developers maybe 30,000x I mean +_tDayeJomPy-00050-00021491-00022057 it's some huge multiple more developers in Ethereum then in Bitcoin and +_tDayeJomPy-00051-00022057-00022501 I think that's just a natural part of the fact that Ethereum has much more +_tDayeJomPy-00052-00022501-00022882 to offer developers +_tDayeJomPy-00053-00022885-00023313 oh I don't know the answer to that +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00000-00000156-00000610 THOUSANDS OF SAILORS WILL TAKE THE EXAM JANUARY 21ST +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00001-00000610-00000854 IN AN ATTEMPT TO DON ANCHORS OF THEIR OWN, +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00002-00000854-00001054 AND ASSUME A GREATER LEADERSHIP ROLE WITHIN THE +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00003-00001054-00001164 NAVY. +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00004-00001164-00001354 THE RANK OF CHIEF PETTY OFFICER WAS OFFICIALLY +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00005-00001354-00001581 ESTABLISHED ON APRIL 1ST 1893. +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00006-00001628-00001828 ARMED WITH OFFICIAL RECOGNITION, +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00007-00001828-00002028 CHIEFS OF THE PAST WENT ON TO LAY THE FOUNDATION FOR +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00008-00002028-00002225 THEIR MODERN DAY COUNTERPARTS. +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00009-00002225-00002449 AS SERVANT-LEADERS, THEY ACTED AS THE UNIQUE BRIDGE +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00010-00002449-00002662 BETWEEN OFFICERS AND ENLISTED PERSONNEL WHO +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00011-00002662-00002922 EXECUTED DAILY OPERATIONS, AND ALSO TOOK A LEADING +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00012-00002922-00003123 ROLE IN THE CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF JUNIOR +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00013-00003123-00003236 SAILORS. +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00014-00003236-00003443 THE ABILITY TO BRIDGE THE GAP AND PROVIDE SOLUTIONS +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00015-00003443-00003663 TO BOTH OFFICERS AND ENLISTED PERSONNEL MAKES +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00016-00003663-00003787 THEM NOT ONLY PROFESSIONALS, +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00017-00003787-00004040 BUT ALSO ENSURES THE OLD MANTRA, "ASK THE CHIEF, +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00018-00004040-00004280 " SHALL REMAIN A VITAL PART OF THE NAVY WELL INTO +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00019-00004280-00004391 ITS FUTURE. +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00020-00004391-00004604 AS THE TEST DATE DRAWS CLOSER IT IS IMPORTANT TO +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00021-00004604-00004744 KEEP YOUR NOSE IN THE BOOKS. +_wFXSWVwJ7Y-00022-00004744-00004944 GOOD LUCK TEST TAKERS. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00000-00000720-00001348 My research focuses on learning from multiple sources of data for better prediction. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00001-00001348-00002168 We develop translational AI technologies for better analysing multi-modal data in health care, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00002-00002168-00002468 including medical images, genomics data, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00003-00002472-00002840 chemical data and electronic health record data. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00004-00002840-00003132 From this data, we learn useful features +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00005-00003132-00003472 and also analyse their complex relationships. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00006-00003472-00003815 This PyKale project aims to develop +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00007-00003815-00004152 a software package for machine learning +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00008-00004152-00004648 from multiple sources of data for interdisciplinary research. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00009-00004648-00005012 We formulated green machine learning principles +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00010-00005012-00005520 to reduce repetitions, reuse existing resources +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00011-00005520-00005976 and recycle machine learning models across disciplines. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00012-00005976-00006452 We designed a pipeline based API to standardise +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00013-00006452-00007000 all machine learning workflows into the same six steps. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00014-00007000-00007568 We take the FAIR approach because we rely on open source software +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00015-00007568-00008020 in both our teaching and research activities. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00016-00008020-00008396 Therefore, we want to become part of it. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00017-00008396-00008968 In September 2021, our PyKale software package +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00018-00008968-00009228 was officially approved +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00019-00009228-00009480 to become an official member +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00020-00009480-00009840 of the world-leading PyTorch ecosystem. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00021-00009840-00010172 There are many barriers and challenges. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00022-00010172-00010536 The most challenging one is the time +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00023-00010536-00010912 and efforts needed to make things happen. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00024-00010912-00011620 To overcome this, we have to align this with our other tasks. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00025-00011620-00011972 What we did is to blend this +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00026-00011972-00012468 with our other teaching and research activities. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00027-00012468-00012936 In retrospect, I would like to have started +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00028-00012936-00013488 some of the necessary tasks much earlier, such as testing. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00029-00013488-00014040 It seems to be quite difficult before we actually start doing it. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00030-00014040-00014363 But once we have done a few examples, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00031-00014363-00014684 it appeared to be relatively easy. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00032-00014684-00015028 We should spend less time worrying +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00033-00015028-00015296 and more time coding. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00034-00015296-00015752 Having built this open source software package, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00035-00015752-00016296 it becomes much easier for us to share our research. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00036-00016296-00016676 For example, anybody with a Google account +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00037-00016676-00017184 will be able to run our real world machine learning example +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00038-00017184-00017464 on the cloud in their browser +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00039-00017464-00017736 without any local installation. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00040-00017736-00018132 This enables us to bring more students +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00041-00018132-00018408 and researchers on board +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00042-00018408-00019004 to either contribute to its development or make use of it. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00043-00019004-00019380 In the collaboration with AstraZeneca, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00044-00019380-00019932 we have agreed from the beginning that all our development +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00045-00019932-00020372 will be made open source under the PyKale framework. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00046-00020372-00020988 The FAIR principles will continue to play a vital role in my research. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00047-00020988-00021472 I embed these principles not only to my research, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00048-00021472-00021780 but also teaching and services. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00049-00021780-00022528 All my teaching materials are made open source and freely available on GitHub. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00050-00022528-00023088 In my role as the Turing Network Development Award lead, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00051-00023088-00023512 We created a Sheffield AI website +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00052-00023512-00023860 as an open source project +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00053-00023860-00024324 where everyone can contribute +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00054-00024324-00024728 and participate in its development. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00055-00024728-00025284 If you are a researcher wishing to generate real world impact +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00056-00025284-00025872 from your research, you should definitely follow the FAIR principles. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00057-00025872-00026252 Making your data and software FAIR +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00058-00026252-00026527 is the most effective +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00059-00026527-00026920 and efficient way to generate impacts. +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00060-00026920-00027336 If you are not sure about how to do it, +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00061-00027336-00028052 the best way is to find good examples, sharing similarities +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00062-00028052-00028336 with what you want to do +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00063-00028336-00028664 and to learn from these good examples +_xYW6ARr9Zo-00064-00028664-00029172 to become one of them over time. +_yB68NWKS5u-00000-00000000-00000500 This video marks the completion of not only the walkthrough, but also the menu system. Have fun! +_yB68NWKS5u-00001-00013340-00013840 lol I have no idea what I was getting at there by saying that. XD +_GxlT1nPPMo-00000-00000075-00000677 I'm Rachel Shwom. I'm at Rutgers University in the Department of Human Ecology. My research +_GxlT1nPPMo-00001-00000677-00001357 area is risk, energy, climate change, and human dimensions. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00002-00001357-00002084 My advisor was Tom Dietz and he'd always say, "You know, the hard sciences are the natural sciences." +_GxlT1nPPMo-00003-00002084-00002467 But he says, "The social sciences are really the really hard sciences because you've got +_GxlT1nPPMo-00004-00002467-00003075 to deal with all these variables going on in the social world all the time." When I'm +_GxlT1nPPMo-00005-00003075-00003939 communicating about the social science or trying to get across a point where there's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00006-00003939-00004648 a robust field of findings for my students, I try to pick a couple of exemplar +_GxlT1nPPMo-00007-00004648-00004894 studies that have real empirical research. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00008-00004894-00005480 I mean, it can be qualitative in the sense that you use...when I'm talking about...it's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00009-00005480-00006087 not an accident that you're more skeptical of climate change when you live in the United States. This is +_GxlT1nPPMo-00010-00006087-00006673 kind of purposeful. There's been a lot of content analysis that's been done on think tank groups. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00011-00006673-00007186 I walk them through Aaron McCright's work on think tanks and the claims they're +_GxlT1nPPMo-00012-00007186-00007681 making, and when those emerged, and talk to them about the sampling when you're doing +_GxlT1nPPMo-00013-00007681-00008485 content analysis, the analysis of that and how you set up hypotheses and try to present that +_GxlT1nPPMo-00014-00008485-00009003 as it is aligned—now, I understand that social science isn't exactly like natural science— +_GxlT1nPPMo-00015-00009003-00009604 but as aligned with natural science, kind of, of what they understand about the scientific +_GxlT1nPPMo-00016-00009604-00009856 method, if they do understand the scientific method. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00017-00009856-00010547 I try it when I'm teaching to address those issues, to give them the strongest +_GxlT1nPPMo-00018-00010547-00011100 pieces of empirical evidence that we know that this just isn't, "Oh, all the time I +_GxlT1nPPMo-00019-00011100-00011707 see skepticism around me." No, there are very well designed studies that demonstrate that +_GxlT1nPPMo-00020-00011707-00012304 there's—that US newspapers are more skeptical than other English-speaking newspapers around +_GxlT1nPPMo-00021-00012304-00012556 the world, at least at one point in time they were. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00022-00012981-00013877 The universal survey findings of representative samples of the US American +_GxlT1nPPMo-00023-00013877-00014797 public anyway, are telling us that we certainly know that ideological differences—it +_GxlT1nPPMo-00024-00014797-00015287 doesn't matter if you use the measure Republican versus Democrat, or Conservative versus Liberal, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00025-00015287-00016112 or however you want to do it. Just consistently, Conservatives or Republicans will have higher +_GxlT1nPPMo-00026-00016112-00016931 levels of skepticism than Democrats or Liberals. That's certainly one driver. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00027-00016931-00017642 Then what's interesting about climate change from public opinion study standpoints is often, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00028-00017642-00018744 at least it used to be historically, that personal demographics predicted a lot: race, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00029-00018744-00019306 age maybe, male, female, income level, right, these kind of sociodemographics. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00030-00019306-00020144 With climate change, that's all kind of overwhelmed by ideology or, you know, those kinds of things. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00031-00020145-00020259 That's consistent. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00032-00020259-00020901 Then there's all kinds of other interesting findings about—well, fairly complicated +_GxlT1nPPMo-00033-00020901-00021364 findings that I couldn't sum up in a sentence or two, but about how immediate weather or +_GxlT1nPPMo-00034-00021364-00021950 temperature are affecting. Really there's been, I don't know, just an outburst of 20 or 30 studies +_GxlT1nPPMo-00035-00021950-00022428 on that. Talking about how the natural environment that we're in at that +_GxlT1nPPMo-00036-00022429-00023059 moment, or recently, influences our public opinion on climate change. Women tend to be more concerned, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00037-00023059-00023730 but this is a consistent finding across just most environmental risks that women are more concerned. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00038-00023731-00024352 Interviewer: What role does science literacy and climate literacy, which are two different things, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00039-00024352-00024672 what role do they play in driving climate attitudes? +_GxlT1nPPMo-00040-00024672-00025258 Rachel: There's a variety of findings that at least one, older study now, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00041-00025258-00026072 that had said, that had found that people who could correctly identify the causes of +_GxlT1nPPMo-00042-00026072-00026725 climate change, for example, were more likely to adopt or support the correct solutions +_GxlT1nPPMo-00043-00026725-00026847 and have support for those solutions. Often for some of the – as far as kind of self-assessed +_GxlT1nPPMo-00044-00026847-00027566 knowledge levels go, I think in that kind of field I study more, which it tends to be +_GxlT1nPPMo-00045-00027566-00028410 a little bit different than the literacy, that knowledge either doesn't matter or that +_GxlT1nPPMo-00046-00028410-00029094 it interacts—that there's an interactive effect with ideology. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00047-00029094-00029727 I was talking about this, and so you find Conservatives or Republicans who have higher +_GxlT1nPPMo-00048-00029727-00030299 levels of education or higher levels of self-assessed knowledge, they say, "Yes, I know a lot about +_GxlT1nPPMo-00049-00030299-00031218 climate change," actually are more likely to be skeptical. The higher level of self-assessed +_GxlT1nPPMo-00050-00031218-00031958 knowledge or education on Democrats are less likely to be skeptical. This points to some +_GxlT1nPPMo-00051-00031958-00032519 of the mechanisms we think that are driving some of this rate around biased assimilation +_GxlT1nPPMo-00052-00032519-00033378 of information and particularly—well, there's a couple of potential explanations, but biased +_GxlT1nPPMo-00053-00033378-00034116 assimilation where people kind of—well educated Republicans are able to really parse through +_GxlT1nPPMo-00054-00034116-00034510 the literature to find—and some of them really do kind of dig in a little bit and +_GxlT1nPPMo-00055-00034510-00035262 find things that support—they become educated consumers, but in a very kind of biased way. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00056-00035262-00035844 The idea is that they are very good at finding some of the information that supports their +_GxlT1nPPMo-00057-00035844-00036446 world view and perspective already. Also some things along more sociological explanations +_GxlT1nPPMo-00058-00036446-00037378 around the line of system justification or that the idea that—somebody who's probably +_GxlT1nPPMo-00059-00037378-00038066 well educated, Republican, probably has a certain status and that you're looking for +_GxlT1nPPMo-00060-00038066-00038638 ways to kind of uphold the status quo. Then there's the biased assimilation. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00061-00038638-00039150 It was interesting because there was this whole session on—this morning that I sat +_GxlT1nPPMo-00062-00039150-00039806 through on kind of, you know, is it the information deficit model? This idea that if you give +_GxlT1nPPMo-00063-00039806-00040238 people the information, now they're going to, A, accept climate change is happening; +_GxlT1nPPMo-00064-00040238-00040826 and B, make the necessary adjustments in their behavior and policy support and all these things. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00065-00040826-00041624 And I think, as a sociologist, that just doesn't happen very often. Then I heard +_GxlT1nPPMo-00066-00041624-00042058 this other realm where it was kind of like, this is all about ideology and that's all +_GxlT1nPPMo-00067-00042058-00042572 that is driving this. I just thought, "No. We know there are different groups of people." +_GxlT1nPPMo-00068-00042572-00043002 I think about some people that are just kind of—they're not particularly ideologically +_GxlT1nPPMo-00069-00043002-00044096 driven much in any way. They tend to be uncertain about climate change just in the fact that +_GxlT1nPPMo-00070-00044096-00044725 they're not paying very close attention. They're hearing mixed messages when it kind of comes +_GxlT1nPPMo-00071-00044725-00045866 across. They're kind of uncertain, and that's some pretty sizeable segment: 20, 30 percent. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00072-00045866-00046431 Some of those folks, information can be enough to push them towards that. Even I had +_GxlT1nPPMo-00073-00046431-00047109 a teaching assistant in one of my interdisciplinary climate change classes, where she was—she's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00074-00047109-00047475 a chemistry major. She hadn't been paying very much attention to climate change. Then +_GxlT1nPPMo-00075-00047475-00048016 she said, "I sat through this class. Now, I don't eat meat because you talked about +_GxlT1nPPMo-00076-00048016-00048426 how this drives a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. I just didn't know that before." +_GxlT1nPPMo-00077-00048426-00048680 So there are people like that. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00078-00048680-00049212 There's some segment that can be—that I think having a good sense of climate literacy, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00079-00049212-00049891 what's driving greenhouse gas emissions, what actions are effective both individually and +_GxlT1nPPMo-00080-00049891-00050353 collectively, is going to help that. Then I think there are people that that's just +_GxlT1nPPMo-00081-00050353-00051009 not going to matter at all. There's kind of some hardcore skeptics that are at ten percent +_GxlT1nPPMo-00082-00051009-00051662 that I'm pretty sure there's just nothing you're going to say. But a lot can get done with +_GxlT1nPPMo-00083-00051662-00051958 90% of the people kind of carrying along. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00084-00051958-00052797 We talk a lot about reaching the ten percent, or whatever percentage it is exactly, of skeptics, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00085-00052797-00053583 but I'm definitely somebody who thinks it's okay to discuss that with them and you +_GxlT1nPPMo-00086-00053583-00054476 feel free to carry on. Discourse, civil discourse, can't hurt the situation. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00087-00054476-00055229 But don't go in with the expectation that something is going to change. These ideologies and these +_GxlT1nPPMo-00088-00055229-00055733 fundamental values that are driving this—by definition, values are something that we see +_GxlT1nPPMo-00089-00055733-00056629 is relatively stable and consistent for people. Value changes tend to happen over generations. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00090-00056629-00057282 It's not kind of within a person. The occasional near-death experience or something like that—I +_GxlT1nPPMo-00091-00057282-00057977 got cancer and shifted the whole way of my life and what I valued; but generally, it's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00092-00057977-00058191 very, very consistent. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00093-00058191-00058924 I really have turned much more towards— my attitude about that is a lot of these actions +_GxlT1nPPMo-00094-00058924-00059388 that we should be doing to address climate change as far as mitigation are things we +_GxlT1nPPMo-00095-00059388-00059869 should be doing anyway for other reasons. I'm much more for that ten percent. It's like, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00096-00059869-00060399 all right. Let's talk about energy policy. Let's talk about energy—not independence, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00097-00060399-00061035 but security in the US. Let's talk about air pollution and asthma and all kinds of other +_GxlT1nPPMo-00098-00061035-00061989 things and economic efficiency. These are all kinds of things— and health and whatever—all +_GxlT1nPPMo-00099-00061989-00062455 kinds of other objectives that can be met with not every—it's not overlapping for +_GxlT1nPPMo-00100-00062455-00062816 all climate change policies, but for a good number of them. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00101-00062816-00063450 I often—if I'm meeting somebody just totally new and they ask me what I study, I say, energy +_GxlT1nPPMo-00102-00063450-00064267 policy or energy and society, which are classes I teach. Then if they want to talk about climate +_GxlT1nPPMo-00103-00064267-00064749 change or whatever, but I'll talk about energy and what kinds of policies could be adopted. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00104-00064749-00065062 Interviewer: I often hear the comment that there's so much information. I don't know +_GxlT1nPPMo-00105-00065062-00065517 who's right: this guy or that guy? I don't know how to determine what's information and +_GxlT1nPPMo-00106-00065517-00065880 what's misinformation. How can we guide people or help people? +_GxlT1nPPMo-00107-00065880-00066289 Rachel: It's become a really interesting and complicated issue +_GxlT1nPPMo-00108-00066289-00066668 because I've been trying to parse through this because that really is a goal of climate +_GxlT1nPPMo-00109-00066668-00067324 literacy is to let people—have people have a good understanding of what is credible science +_GxlT1nPPMo-00110-00067324-00067982 and what's misinformation. I've been thinking about, "How do I teach my students to do this?" +_GxlT1nPPMo-00111-00067982-00068593 It's really difficult when people are purposely misleading you, purposely naming websites +_GxlT1nPPMo-00112-00068593-00068993 different things and making it sound very scientific. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00113-00068993-00069817 I talk to my students about all the studies that have been done on the effort to advance +_GxlT1nPPMo-00114-00069817-00070362 the messaging around the uncertainty of climate change, and I do that partly because it's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00115-00070362-00071020 a robust kind of group of findings, but it's partly so they know that content, which is: +_GxlT1nPPMo-00116-00071020-00071600 These are think tanks. If you see these names, this is where they're coming from. I mean, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00117-00071600-00072056 it's interesting because at least—and I have to imagine this is true with the general +_GxlT1nPPMo-00118-00072056-00072576 American public, although I don't know, when I talk to my students and I say, "Do you know +_GxlT1nPPMo-00119-00072576-00073513 what a think tank is?" Maybe. I'm like, "Well, give a guess based on what it's saying" +_GxlT1nPPMo-00120-00073513-00073975 Then, "Do you know what a Conservative versus Liberal is?" +_GxlT1nPPMo-00121-00073975-00074662 This is something we're so seeped in. If we're studying it maybe some more, but not a ton, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00122-00074662-00075281 then saying like, "Okay, this is what Conservative ideology is at this point in time." It has changed +_GxlT1nPPMo-00123-00075281-00075826 over time." Giving them an idea that there's a historicity in the development of this in +_GxlT1nPPMo-00124-00075826-00076579 the same way that a liberal and what that's meant in the US has changed over time. Yes, and it's different +_GxlT1nPPMo-00125-00076579-00077474 in different places, giving them me a real sense of that, but getting them to understand +_GxlT1nPPMo-00126-00077474-00078428 that and that people are giving information based on their goals. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00127-00078428-00079498 Then, for my students anyway, I just kind of say, and it's a little unfair, but I say ".org" +_GxlT1nPPMo-00128-00079499-00080381 just get rid of it. I mean, it could be NRDC, or it could be whatever, but I +_GxlT1nPPMo-00129-00080381-00080944 don't want it cited in my class. There're plenty of other places. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00130-00080944-00081845 I encourage them to go directly to sources. I actually give them specific lists but I don't +_GxlT1nPPMo-00131-00081845-00082332 know how you would do that on like a general public basis. When they're reading a newspaper and +_GxlT1nPPMo-00132-00082332-00082863 they're just seeing two names thrown out there from two organizations. That's what I always +_GxlT1nPPMo-00133-00082863-00083551 think about is like unless they're kind of seeped in the actual politics of climate +_GxlT1nPPMo-00134-00083551-00084319 change knowledge and media, which is kind of something when I was talking about advancing +_GxlT1nPPMo-00135-00084319-00084866 climate social science literacy that's kind of—and I understand that's probably not +_GxlT1nPPMo-00136-00084866-00085383 general like something everybody in the US is going to get or going to be teaching in +_GxlT1nPPMo-00137-00085383-00086087 high school. That can help people a lot, to understand that this is +_GxlT1nPPMo-00138-00086088-00087098 people purposefully making science sound uncertain, and these are the people. Now you know. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00139-00087099-00087707 I always have to tell my students, "I know it sounds like I'm being crazy, like I'm saying +_GxlT1nPPMo-00140-00087707-00088355 it's a conspiracy." It makes me sound crazy that I'm saying, "It's a right-wing conspiracy," +_GxlT1nPPMo-00141-00088355-00088844 and then I always look at them, "But it's really a right-wing conspiracy." But there's all +_GxlT1nPPMo-00142-00088844-00089388 this data, I mean, that's right, and then there's all this evidence that shows exactly +_GxlT1nPPMo-00143-00089388-00090383 how this happened in the US since 1990 on. We really started in the Reagan era and things. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00144-00090383-00091211 I don't know exactly how to give people general guidelines about assessing the credibility +_GxlT1nPPMo-00145-00091211-00091541 of the stuff. I think it's really difficult. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00146-00091924-00092572 I actually go way back or a little bit back, but I mean I started studying climate change +_GxlT1nPPMo-00147-00092572-00093114 when I was an undergraduate. At that point, it was kind of things like, "Where is the +_GxlT1nPPMo-00148-00093114-00093648 missing carbon sink," and things like that. I was like, "This is interesting." It's like +_GxlT1nPPMo-00149-00093648-00094050 you start to discover there are questions out there that are a little bit unanswered. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00150-00094050-00094950 This is kind of cool. By the time I graduated, I started to get this feeling, "They know. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00151-00094950-00095466 They know enough about climate change," and that was '99 or something. I'm like, "Okay. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00152-00095466-00096264 We don't need a ton of research on this, " or it's not where I need to go. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00153-00096264-00097076 I got my Masters in Resource Economics or Environmental Management with a focus on Resource +_GxlT1nPPMo-00154-00097076-00097725 Economic Policy at Duke University, Nicholas School of Environment. When I was there, I +_GxlT1nPPMo-00155-00097725-00098632 did my Masters project on—I thought, "Okay. There's enough science, but it seems to be +_GxlT1nPPMo-00156-00098632-00099205 the problem is, I don't know, policymakers aren't getting it." My Masters was actually +_GxlT1nPPMo-00157-00099205-00099924 on looking at scientific testimonies before Congress and how they communicated uncertainty +_GxlT1nPPMo-00158-00099924-00100522 and risk. I went through the literature, found what are the good principles for communicating +_GxlT1nPPMo-00159-00100522-00101289 risk and uncertainty, what should you be saying to convey it properly, and then give somebody +_GxlT1nPPMo-00160-00101289-00101679 a full kind of risk message and things like that. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00161-00101679-00102388 Then I went through all these testimonies and kind of scored all the scientists on how +_GxlT1nPPMo-00162-00102388-00103132 they did. This isn't a communication problem really. This isn't really a science problem +_GxlT1nPPMo-00163-00103132-00103659 anymore. We've got —we know enough, and so that's kind of where I've been ever since +_GxlT1nPPMo-00164-00103659-00104501 is. "This is a political problem, right?" My questions are things like, "How would a +_GxlT1nPPMo-00165-00104501-00104966 political system address something like this one?" There's entrenched interests that my +_GxlT1nPPMo-00166-00104966-00105584 session tomorrow is on long-term risk governance. How do you get people—when a risk is increasing, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00167-00105584-00106178 how do you get them to act now to lessen that risk in the future? +_GxlT1nPPMo-00168-00106178-00106788 My question is, when have we ever done that? Acted before the risk? Is there any example where +_GxlT1nPPMo-00169-00106788-00107091 we've ever said, ‘Oh, this might happen in the future. We should do something,' and +_GxlT1nPPMo-00170-00107091-00107517 we do something about it? Because what I found is basically we wait for the crisis to happen. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00171-00107517-00107875 There aren't very many cases when we haven't. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00172-00108358-00108783 That's a good question. It's because something bad that I've done actually is because once +_GxlT1nPPMo-00173-00108784-00109350 I moved over—once I kind of said like, I accept the science. I believe this. I understand +_GxlT1nPPMo-00174-00109350-00109877 general mechanisms of global warming and how this is happening. You start to study other +_GxlT1nPPMo-00175-00109877-00110463 things. Every once in a while, I'll get some very, very hard science question that I know +_GxlT1nPPMo-00176-00110463-00110957 I should know and I'm like, "I don't know. I stopped paying attention to the science." +_GxlT1nPPMo-00177-00110957-00111553 I'm not as climate literate as I should be. I'm climate literate, maybe I meet those basic +_GxlT1nPPMo-00178-00111553-00112030 standards, but not much beyond that. I generally tell people, "Well, it's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00179-00112030-00112710 very certain that climate change is happening, that it is man-made. We know a lot about what +_GxlT1nPPMo-00180-00112710-00112872 we're doing to drive it." +_GxlT1nPPMo-00181-00112872-00113417 I tend to go to the activities that we are doing to drive it. I think a lot about this. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00182-00113417-00114458 I talk a lot about this. We know a lot that it's driven by consumption and economic activity. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00183-00114458-00115491 Particular activities, such as our agricultural and food system, our transportation systems, +_GxlT1nPPMo-00184-00115491-00116127 our residential energy systems—these things are driving the energy use that is +_GxlT1nPPMo-00185-00116127-00116685 driving greenhouse gas emissions, that is driving climate change, and we know this. +_GxlT1nPPMo-00186-00116685-00117596 Then I also will try to talk about the impacts. I like to ask, when I teach my class, what's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00187-00117596-00118169 of value to you? What do you like doing? What's your life as if I'm just meeting you? What's +_GxlT1nPPMo-00188-00118169-00118800 your life? What do you do? Okay. These are some of the impacts that might affect you. +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00000-00000000-00000246 any questions? yes +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00001-00000413-00000816 hi so my question revolves around Ephraim +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00002-00000816-00001368 we know that Ephraim was scattered into the nations and we could even argue +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00003-00001368-00001638 that some of us are here might even be descending +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00004-00001638-00002039 from those 10 tribes scattered into the nations what's your thoughts? +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00005-00002039-00002598 right, how you went for the jugular interestingly enough there's a +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00006-00002598-00002862 reason in the scripture is they're called Israelites +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00007-00002862-00003402 because they're one of the 12 Israelite tribes and in modern culture we call ourselves Israeli +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00008-00003402-00003690 because it's a citizenship so there are actually Arab Israelis +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00009-00003690-00004188 and other non-jewish Israelis we call ourselves Jews +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00010-00004188-00005040 there's a few thoughts on this process but essentially the tribes that remained +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00011-00005040-00005454 was Judah and why did I just draw a point? +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00012-00005454-00006744 Benjamin and the Levites were obviously intermingled between the different ones but being +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00013-00006744-00007368 so the term "Jewish" is essentially saying we're from the tribe of Judah right and so nobody +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00014-00007368-00008358 really knows where the 10 tribes are there are a lot of thoughts of potential roots and lineages +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00015-00008442-00008814 it's a both and because in one sense if you have a solid lead +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00016-00008814-00009210 and you can be like look here's Jewish roots and I can move to Israel +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00017-00009210-00009696 that's awesome, I think it's fascinating when you find cultures +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00018-00009696-00010188 that are generally separated from modern society that have Jewish traditions +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00019-00010188-00010650 you know in in their culture which is evidence to at some point +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00020-00010650-00011094 there was something there but in terms of I don't know +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00021-00011094-00011454 if your question is what could I clarify? +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00022-00011454-00012102 so not for modern day but with God and what he's doing you know +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00023-00012102-00012468 we know that through Abraham all the nations of the Earth are blessed +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00024-00012468-00012869 but yet all of the Seed of Abraham can fit in Israel +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00025-00012869-00013163 so it's just God's faithfulness that's where I was going with that +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00026-00013163-00013499 right, I see yeah I mean essentially the seed of Abraham is still +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00027-00013499-00013758 different than the seed of Jacob because they're you know +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00028-00013758-00014166 Abraham did become many nations and then you had Isaac and then Jacob +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00029-00014166-00014466 so it does only Ephraim, only through Ephraim +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00030-00014466-00014736 that's what I meant yeah only three friends yeah so again +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00031-00014736-00015041 it's it's interesting because you're gonna have well I don't want to get in 10 times +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00032-00015041-00015756 so but I'm very much looking forward to find out how that scattering happened +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00033-00015756-00016104 and affected in terms of the things that we don't know like you know +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00034-00016104-00016470 you could be Jewish and you don't know I encourage you if you don't have a solid lead +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00035-00016470-00016818 not to like really spend a lot of time on it because they're it +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00036-00016818-00017280 I mean unless you know it's something prayerfully before the Lord because it doesn't make you +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00037-00017280-00017574 any closer to God if you do have Jewish roots +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00038-00017574-00017754 but it is sometimes interesting in terms +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00039-00017754-00017892 of family history thank you +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00040-00018216-00019224 hello my name is Abraham and I'm gonna try to word it +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00041-00019224-00019488 as best as I can I just thought of it right now +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00042-00019488-00020910 but so when it talks about like the Jews being God's chosen people like I understand that +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00043-00020910-00021426 as being like they are like literally like it's +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00044-00021522-00022266 a physical group that belongs to God but also like Jesus +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00045-00022470-00022902 I had said I think it's in John like John 8 when He talks about +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00046-00022902-00023640 like I can make like stones out of these like this yeah descendants of Abraham +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00047-00023640-00024468 out of these stones like doesn't have like just being blood doesn't I guess +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00048-00024468-00025164 from what I understand like doesn't really connect you with God the father if you're +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00049-00025164-00026160 not through Jesus so how how would you like ah like how could you differentiate +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00050-00026160-00027006 like is are all Jews a part of Israel? right okay I get the question +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00051-00027077-00027276 so yeah I actually had partial question like this yesterday +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00052-00027402-00027804 so a couple things Yeshua was specifically +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00053-00027918-00028427 referencing their arrogance in the moment we are sons of Abraham and He's like +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00054-00028427-00028602 look you can turn these stones into sons of Abraham +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00055-00028602-00029064 so shut up like I can turn like I can make humans out of dirt and I can make you know more +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00056-00029064-00029550 sons of Abraham it wasn't to suddenly say that they are no longer chosen +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00057-00029616-00029916 it's kind of like the vision that Peter had with all the unclean animals +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00058-00029916-00030245 and the Lord is saying rise and eat the interpretation of that +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00059-00030245-00030527 was not to go eat bacon He was specifically saying +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00060-00030527-00030852 gentiles are no longer unclean and it explains in the rest of the story +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00061-00030852-00031188 so and again just because you're talking about sons of Abraham +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00062-00031188-00031739 that's not the Jewish people that's three generations later where God finally says this +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00063-00031739-00032177 the children of Israel are my people specifically chosen and again +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00064-00032177-00032700 they're only chosen as a prototype I'm going to start here this +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00065-00032700-00032988 I'm going to make I'm going to explain to them about redemption +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00066-00033042-00033300 I'm going to make a covenant with them and then it's going to spread to the nation +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00067-00033300-00033660 so there isn't any threat again in having a chosen people +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00068-00033660-00034164 it's not like He answers their prayers first but He is committed to the blood lineage +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00069-00034164-00034452 and that's what essentially what He's saying to Abraham +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00070-00034452-00034842 through you and then Isaac and then the chosen Jacob +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00071-00034842-00035208 which the Lord reiterates that this Covenant that I made with your father +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00072-00035208-00035640 I'm making with you and it's going to continue through you and all the children of Israel +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00073-00035814-00036084 you're going to be My chosen people to represent +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00074-00036084-00036288 and again when they go to the mountain on Sinai +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00075-00036288-00036540 He really it reiterates that it's that specific people +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00076-00036540-00036990 so I think it's really important that it doesn't the blinds +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00077-00036990-00037368 don't get blurred in terms of like well if they're behave badly +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00078-00037368-00037626 or if they don't believe in Yeshua whatever the Lord said +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00079-00037626-00037944 He's going to save them all and before Yeshua they were still +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00080-00037944-00038262 His people and so that I believe +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00081-00038262-00038868 that when he say I can turn these stones into say he was just very annoyed at how arrogant they were +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00082-00038868-00039072 that they were just blood and it's like oh we're just +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00083-00039072-00039258 you know, we're sons of Abraham so we can do whatever we want +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00084-00039312-00039732 okay we only got five minutes late so left +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00085-00039858-00040014 I hope I'm not talking too fast go ahead +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00086-00040014-00040164 thank you my pleasure +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00087-00040248-00040608 hi I'm Lucas I'm from Texas, 25 +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00088-00040812-00041124 I just wanted to know how about how more about the graphing thing +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00089-00041124-00041334 about the what ? the graphing +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00090-00041334-00041910 the grafted? well I mean essentially the idea of being grafted in is that +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00091-00041910-00042342 you have access to everything that the tree is offering +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00092-00042342-00042690 and the tree being Israel and the roots being Yeshua +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00093-00042690-00043146 so the tree is designed to bloom it has direct access to the roots +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00094-00043146-00043674 the grafted branch has no roots and in if you see throughout history +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00095-00043674-00044328 the further away the church got from Israel the further the more shallow and corrupt +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00096-00044328-00044574 it became and the more that they +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00097-00044574-00044820 connect with their Jewish roots and I don't mean rabbinical +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00098-00044820-00045204 guys I'm not talking about going and and getting some sort of pretzel logic +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00099-00045204-00045474 you know whatever thing because there's a lot of that Christians +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00100-00045474-00045738 that want to connect with their Jewish roots and then they go and start reading all sorts +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00101-00045738-00046200 of rabbinical stuff that's not that came after that's not scripture stuff +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00102-00046200-00046632 it's rabbinical logic and it's hundreds of years of very very fascinating +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00103-00046746-00047334 but not necessarily biblical information so that the bottom line is you have access +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00104-00047334-00047910 to the same privileges as anyone who is in Israel who accepts the Lord +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00105-00048012-00048468 just you can't do it on your own thank you very much +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00106-00049254-00049482 hello my name is John hey John +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00107-00049914-00050154 all right I'm gonna try to make this real real quick +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00108-00050154-00050538 so I I get really upset and fearful +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00109-00050538-00050874 when someone mentions end times and things like that and +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00110-00051102-00051629 really get discouraged by other people of not finding true love here because +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00111-00051629-00052050 you know they always sit in times and fearing God's promises won't +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00112-00052050-00052572 come from me what do I do when I do get put down by or discouraged by others +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00113-00052572-00053274 and fearing God's promises won't be coming from me when the end times do come okay well I would I +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00114-00053274-00053634 would reference first of all Jeremiah 29:11 since we just talked about it +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00115-00053634-00054305 who in a very very hard time was saying that My promises will be fulfilled and I +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00116-00054305-00054804 have a plan all the way to the end there is no end time Antichrist +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00117-00054804-00055367 whatever scenario in which God's like oh my gosh I what happened like the dust +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00118-00055367-00056214 just doesn't happen He knew that He was going to need to redeem Humanity before He created Humanity +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00119-00056214-00056772 that's why there is the Lamb of God who was slain the foundation of the Earth +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00120-00056772-00057486 I don't know how that works on our timeline but there we I think it's important +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00121-00057486-00057779 that we don't ever view the devil as the opposite of God +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00122-00057779-00058091 like they're two brothers and they are like fighting each other +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00123-00058091-00058914 okay God made everything and the devil has a lot of influence but in terms of the amount of power +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00124-00058914-00059520 it's so minuscule it's not even worth discussing except for that it affects us because we're just +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00125-00059520-00059922 that much more minuscule but in at the moment +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00126-00059922-00060467 in which we are partnering with the Lord there is no situation in which He's like +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00127-00060467-00060888 oh yeah I was going to have this happen but that big brother of mine you know +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00128-00060888-00061391 he overpowered Me so I would really be encouraged that I understand that there's a lot of excitement +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00129-00061391-00061800 in the you know this terrible thing is going to happen there's going to collapse +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00130-00061800-00062304 read church history it was bad it was really bad +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00131-00062304-00062562 I don't mean what the church did to the to the Jews +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00132-00062562-00063114 I meant what was being done to Christians and destruction of whole areas +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00133-00063114-00063455 and the I mean you guys martyrdom and all sorts of stuff +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00134-00063455-00064241 so on a personal level it looked bad but God has brought humanity and his people through miraculous +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00135-00064241-00064686 things so the only thing that I would encourage you to do is stay very close and tight +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00136-00064686-00065202 to Him and whenever there is a like hey everything's going to be destroyed +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00137-00065202-00065400 all the money is going to collapse or whatever like +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00138-00065400-00066006 it's so like it has happened before and people have survived because the Lord was in on it amen +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00139-00066066-00066438 all right thank you guys thank you for being so awesome +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00140-00066516-00066862 you guys that ordered your shirts in the back don't forget to get them [Music] +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00141-00067260-00067680 also you can sign up for the the Maoz Israel report in the +_GZv-zCr3Rc-00142-00067680-00067854 back if you didn't get a chance to get the QR code +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00000-00000231-00000472 the time has come +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00001-00001080-00001692 the end is near +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00002-00001992-00002042 murder? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00003-00002160-00002240 rebellion? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00004-00002360-00002648 no this is +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00005-00002707-00002928 salvation +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00006-00004120-00004174 Hmph +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00007-00004276-00004377 what a joke +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00008-00005000-00005216 i got news that someone can help us +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00009-00005384-00005784 right then do we have a heading? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00010-00006240-00006400 this is the one seriously? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00011-00006736-00006889 good morning NYJCians +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00012-00006889-00007128 it is reported that two hours ago +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00013-00007128-00007481 a new cluster has been discovered in the NYJC CO Room +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00014-00007524-00007922 (coughs) +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00015-00007922-00008140 please refrain from coming at all costs +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00016-00008218-00008336 (coughs) +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00017-00009056-00009448 this COVCO-20 virus is far deadlier than the COVID-19 virus +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00018-00009686-00010014 only if we find a cure then you may be able to recover +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00019-00011054-00011273 why are you cheating on me? why you using the app? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00020-00011273-00011466 urm urm because urm +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00021-00011466-00011516 because what? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00022-00011516-00011698 my...my mum made me use it +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00023-00011734-00011975 your mum? your mum ask you to use the tinder app? +_IH9xQ_LoPA-00024-00011975-00012120 you think you lying to a 3-year-old ah? +_JlFXlUYqc0-00000-00000100-00000509 (baby mumbling) +_JlFXlUYqc0-00001-00000509-00000616 (Colette makes the sign for more) +_JlFXlUYqc0-00002-00000616-00000710 More? +_JlFXlUYqc0-00003-00000880-00001019 That's the sign for more +_JlFXlUYqc0-00004-00001050-00001250 Sweetie, what More do you want? +_JlFXlUYqc0-00005-00001350-00001540 There is no more cheese +_JlFXlUYqc0-00006-00001689-00001939 Hahaha That's the "Me more cheese!" +_JlFXlUYqc0-00007-00001960-00002240 She is being... +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00000-00000748-00001052 What is up QD gang? I'm Ngiraan Fall and you, my friend, +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00001-00001052-00001564 are watching the first ever broadcasted edition of Quantic Pastry, +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00002-00001564-00002068 the ultimate international cooking challenge that happens here, at Quantic Dream. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00003-00002068-00002392 A few weeks ago, we created a poll on internet asking you, +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00004-00002392-00002820 "What do you think Rose from Detroit: Become Human would be the best at baking" +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00005-00002820-00003104 and you chose the cookies. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00006-00003104-00003436 Great choice, because thanks to you, we had an idea. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00007-00003436-00003844 Let's challenge everybody here who works at Quantic Dream +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00008-00003844-00004040 to make their own versions of the best cookies. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00009-00004040-00004384 Who is going to be the big winner of the Quantic Pastry competition? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00010-00004384-00004616 You're about to know. It's now! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00011-00004616-00004736 Game on! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00012-00005604-00005920 All the contestants will be judged on two criterias: +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00013-00005920-00006264 Creativity. How does your cookie look? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00014-00006264-00006623 And flavour: is your cookie good? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00015-00006623-00006748 How do I know that? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00016-00006748-00007040 Because I'm reading my sheet. It's written right here. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00017-00007040-00007184 And who is going to judge them? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00018-00007184-00007664 Well, we've managed to assemble one of the best jury of all time. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00019-00007664-00008031 First, Baptiste. Narrative Designer, storyteller. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00020-00008031-00008472 And what is the better story than one that ends with a cookie? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00021-00008472-00009080 Two, Marie, from the financial department. Foodie, great chef, cookie connoisseur +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00022-00009080-00009540 And honestly, she handles the money. And what's more valuable in life than a good cookie? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00023-00009540-00010088 Three, Benjamin. Bona fide sweet tooth. And honestly, look at this moustache. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00024-00010088-00010260 Come on. He had to be here! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00025-00010260-00010564 Number four, Richard. Our Social Media Manager. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00026-00010564-00011092 Loves cookies and whatever is on the website, he always clicks on "accept all cookies". +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00027-00011092-00011312 And jury number five, of course it's me. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00028-00011312-00011580 Do you really think I was going to miss an opportunity to eat some free cookies? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00029-00011580-00011776 I don't think so. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00030-00011776-00012436 Ladies and gentlemen, nine people are competing today for the title of Quantic Pastry Chef. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00031-00012436-00013032 It's a blind tasting moment, so we’re only gonna know the numbers. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00032-00013032-00013424 You can only rely on your pen, your eyes and your taste buds. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00033-00013424-00013772 Are you ready? Cookies on me, cookies on 3? +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00034-00013772-00014032 Cookies! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00035-00014032-00014236 Pretty good! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00036-00028936-00029295 That was great. We're now on the verge of having a sugar rush. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00037-00029476-00029832 There's one last thing to do: deliberate. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00038-00029832-00030104 Let's see who's gonna win. Let's count. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00039-00030812-00031108 And the top 3 is: +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00040-00031108-00031280 Third position: +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00041-00031280-00031416 number three! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00042-00031416-00031720 Silver medal, number two is +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00043-00031720-00031927 the number five! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00044-00031927-00032368 And number one, with almost like a perfect score sheet. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00045-00032368-00032644 Surprisingly, because at first, honestly, we were like +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00046-00032644-00032936 "It’s never gonna win", and yes, it’s gonna win. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00047-00033036-00033328 Number seven! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00048-00034028-00034468 Of course, the winner will win his own restaurant. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00049-00034468-00034840 I'm kidding. Absolutely not! +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00050-00034840-00035168 It's really great, we are about to eat all the cookies. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00051-00035168-00035688 If you want to find all the recipes, of course, watch the video, watch the website. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00052-00035688-00035844 Everything's going to be available. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00053-00035844-00036024 See you next time, QD gang. +_JJYIyZ0W8Y-00054-00036220-00036328 Let's cook. +_Ja3Ws5qEME-00000-00000300-00001900 David Jones: We're impressed with the scholarships we think it is going to help bringing other physicists who maybe haven't considered this route into teaching. They maybe attracted through the Institute of Physics first to then change their mind and change their career - who wouldn't go through the normal routes. +_Ja3Ws5qEME-00001-00002039-00003400 Judith Hillier: So I think the scholarships offer the additional support of the education department of the Institute of Physics and all their expertise at helping people consider teaching and how to enter the profession and to continue that support as they continue through their journey as a teacher +_Ja3Ws5qEME-00002-00003500-00004950 It strikes me that we know that recruiting people into physics education is a problem. So it seems to me a really good idea to find ways to encourage to some of the highest performing graduates and find ways to bring them in and help them benefit from the support that the Institute of Physics can offer. +_LHSIqS80X4-00000-00000050-00000446 Our last topic this session is on adding elements to a matrix. +_LHSIqS80X4-00001-00000446-00001143 You can grow a matrix by concatenating, which is just a fancy way of saying joining. +_LHSIqS80X4-00002-00001143-00001338 Let's switch over to MATLAB. +_LHSIqS80X4-00003-00001338-00001914 Let's declare a simple vector A = [1 2 3]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00004-00001914-00002699 And let's say we now want to add another element to the end of A which has a value of 4. +_LHSIqS80X4-00005-00002699-00003492 We can do this by typing in A = [A 4]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00006-00003492-00003882 Before I run this command, notice that I am assigning the output of this operation back +_LHSIqS80X4-00007-00003882-00004477 to the variable A. Whenever you run an assignment operation, MATLAB evaluates the right side +_LHSIqS80X4-00008-00004477-00004751 of the operation first, so this command is legal. +_LHSIqS80X4-00009-00004751-00004967 Now let's run it. +_LHSIqS80X4-00010-00004967-00005552 Notice that we now get the matrix A which consists of the numbers 1 through 4. +_LHSIqS80X4-00011-00005552-00005950 You can also use this command to add numbers to a column vector. +_LHSIqS80X4-00012-00005950-00006631 So let's say A was a column vector with the values [1; 2; 3]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00013-00006631-00007159 Right, now to add a fourth element we can go A = [A; 4]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00014-00007159-00007995 Notice now that adding the fourth element requires us to use the semicolon since we +_LHSIqS80X4-00015-00007995-00008272 want to add the value in a new row. +_LHSIqS80X4-00016-00008272-00008716 Let's see what happens if we try to add an element using a space or comma. +_LHSIqS80X4-00017-00008716-00009335 So let's go A = [A, 5]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00018-00009335-00009831 MATLAB throws an error instead: "Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.". +_LHSIqS80X4-00019-00009831-00010415 This is because we are trying to add a new column to a 3x1 matric but we are only supplying +_LHSIqS80X4-00020-00010415-00010532 one number. +_LHSIqS80X4-00021-00010532-00010753 This doesn't result in a rectangular array. +_LHSIqS80X4-00022-00010753-00010996 You can also concatenate matrices. +_LHSIqS80X4-00023-00010996-00012012 So for example, let's declare two vectors, A = [1 2 3] and B = [4 5 6]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00024-00012012-00012863 We can now create a new vector C that combines both of them by using C =[A; B]. +_LHSIqS80X4-00025-00012863-00013838 Again, you have to make sure that the result of the concatenation is a rectangular matrix. +_LHSIqS80X4-00026-00013838-00014893 So for example if A was [1 2 3 4], then this command does not work. +_LHSIqS80X4-00027-00014893-00015306 Finally, you can also use indexing to grow a matrix. +_LHSIqS80X4-00028-00015306-00016177 So let's go back to our vector A. Let's say we now run the indexing operation A(7) = 7. +_LHSIqS80X4-00029-00016177-00016720 Notice that A here only has four elements. +_LHSIqS80X4-00030-00016720-00017119 What do you think will happen when we try to index the seventh element? +_LHSIqS80X4-00031-00017119-00017482 Well it turns out that MATLAB handles this by simply filling in the missing elements +_LHSIqS80X4-00032-00017482-00017542 with zeros. +_Moq_wUebCI-00000-00000006-00000762 all right we are live today I'm going to be talking with Mohammed Puri he was born in Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00001-00000762-00001611 grew up as a Shiite Muslim there he converted to Christianity and faced persecution and eventually +_Moq_wUebCI-00002-00001611-00002493 had to flee the country he's going to be giving his take on the recent events in Iran would you +_Moq_wUebCI-00003-00002493-00003249 like to open us with a word of Prayer sure Lord we thank you in the mighty name of Jesus for +_Moq_wUebCI-00004-00003249-00003900 your goodness and mercy and on both countries of Iran and America and the people in the region in +_Moq_wUebCI-00005-00003900-00004479 the Middle East and around the world father I asked you for the safety of the Iranian people +_Moq_wUebCI-00006-00004479-00005484 the people thought with an a ask you in the name of Jesus that she blessed this hour as we talked +_Moq_wUebCI-00007-00005484-00006159 about the things that are happening in Iran that this causes a calm a peace in their hearts a +_Moq_wUebCI-00008-00006159-00007017 confident that that we go on our knees and pray and seek you and not the things of the world we +_Moq_wUebCI-00009-00007017-00007761 love you and honor you in Jesus mighty name Amen all right for some reason you fix your shrunk on +_Moq_wUebCI-00010-00007761-00008517 the street and he doesn't make that large again God we thank you for all the technical things +_Moq_wUebCI-00011-00008517-00009396 that we work properly and we can share the good message of the gospel in Jesus name I think all +_Moq_wUebCI-00012-00009396-00009930 right so thank you it's been a little while since anyone heard from me I was taking some +_Moq_wUebCI-00013-00009930-00010614 time around the holidays to take a little time off you too I have a new video hopefully coming +_Moq_wUebCI-00014-00010614-00011337 out this week it will be the continuation of my series on Muslim movements to Christ looking +_Moq_wUebCI-00015-00011337-00012027 at mass conversion events and but tonight we're going to be talking about the current situation +_Moq_wUebCI-00016-00012027-00012543 in Iran we're not going to be doing anything clinical against Islam at least not directly +_Moq_wUebCI-00017-00012543-00013149 we're just going to be talking about the situation there the recent events and how it is affecting +_Moq_wUebCI-00018-00013149-00013944 the Christian population there so if everyone can play nice in the chat and not go off-topic +_Moq_wUebCI-00019-00013944-00014521 can talk about on related things that attacks on Christianity attacks in Islam that kind of thing +_Moq_wUebCI-00020-00014521-00014947 that'd be great I'm not going to be paying too much attention to the chat for the first +_Moq_wUebCI-00021-00014947-00015874 part there will be a chance for some audience Q&A after we get going though so as people who may be +_Moq_wUebCI-00022-00015874-00016963 aware are probably or are aware the u.s. recently conducted a strike against major figure in Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00023-00016963-00017809 and this has led to some escalating tensions but first I would like Mohammed to introduce +_Moq_wUebCI-00024-00017809-00018328 himself tell us a little about himself and why we should listen to what he has to say on the matter +_Moq_wUebCI-00025-00018328-00019312 everything is okay brother I just lost I couldn't hear that okay I just finished introducing it so +_Moq_wUebCI-00026-00019312-00020356 if okay sure absolutely hello everyone that is that you're watching thank you for watching in +_Moq_wUebCI-00027-00020356-00021115 America anywhere in the world thank you for tuning tuning inning my name is Mohammed Farid II I was +_Moq_wUebCI-00028-00021115-00021754 born and raised in the country of Iran during the war actually between Iran and Iraq so I'm +_Moq_wUebCI-00029-00021754-00022321 very familiar with war I'm very familiar recall our generation the generation of war actually and +_Moq_wUebCI-00030-00022321-00023107 my uncle 12 my cousins actually fought with the Iraqi with the Saddam Hussein's regime +_Moq_wUebCI-00031-00023107-00024043 the Sunni Muslims were fighting against the Shias in in that time and then part of the eight years +_Moq_wUebCI-00032-00024043-00024616 long war between the two countries are finally the goal of the Islamic regime or the Iranian +_Moq_wUebCI-00033-00024616-00025396 people as shears were to take over the very important sites in in in Iraq and that goal +_Moq_wUebCI-00034-00025396-00026295 never come to an end but they kept influencing Iraq and the Shia's in order to get to that very +_Moq_wUebCI-00035-00026295-00027007 important sites because it's the grandson of the Prophet of Islam and they third Imam in the Shia +_Moq_wUebCI-00036-00027007-00027616 Muslim and this is a very important thing to know about Iraq in this years and of Iraq it's a very +_Moq_wUebCI-00037-00027616-00028366 important place it's the pilgrimage of the Shias they go there every year for the mourning for his +_Moq_wUebCI-00038-00028366-00029239 death for the Imam Hussein and as a Shia Muslim I grew up in a very religious family I finished +_Moq_wUebCI-00039-00029239-00030160 high school as a man in country of Iran you have to serve two years mandatory and the division that +_Moq_wUebCI-00040-00030160-00031072 I was chosen to serve was revolutionary of Iran in the news and in America you hear IRGC Iranian +_Moq_wUebCI-00041-00031072-00031780 Revolutionary Guard that's where I served so I am actually very familiar with this general that was +_Moq_wUebCI-00042-00031780-00032677 shot down awesome soleimani the general that was shot actually I've met him not in person when I +_Moq_wUebCI-00043-00032677-00033718 was serving we went to the Ayatollah home a nice shrine and he was there and he was he is or he +_Moq_wUebCI-00044-00033718-00034528 was now actually the second man in power in Iran and a very very important person so I finished my +_Moq_wUebCI-00045-00034528-00035500 military service and I was one of those Muslim that was ill it was obedient was was a true +_Moq_wUebCI-00046-00035500-00036562 believer of Islam and I wanted to join the soul emani's groups to fight and praise God God out of +_Moq_wUebCI-00047-00036562-00037381 his mercy out of His grace had a different plan for me and for my life and he rescued me out of +_Moq_wUebCI-00048-00037381-00038383 that mindset out of that religion and I became a Christian I was born again in 2006 at age 23 and +_Moq_wUebCI-00049-00038383-00039337 I wanted I wanted to become a martyr for Islam but uh God's grace changed everything around and +_Moq_wUebCI-00050-00039337-00040307 without dying and being sad sacrificing myself in my life he actually sacrificed his son for my sake +_Moq_wUebCI-00051-00040307-00041060 that I do not need to be sacrificed and I became him I became a Christian I became a believer and +_Moq_wUebCI-00052-00041060-00041939 I heard the good message of the gospel the amazing message of the gospel that is not by works it but +_Moq_wUebCI-00053-00041939-00042761 it's by faith it's by grace through faith and it's it's a gift from from God that is the good message +_Moq_wUebCI-00054-00042761-00043364 of the gospel I received it I went around to tell people about it that they don't need to die +_Moq_wUebCI-00055-00043364-00044093 and get killed but I am faced severe persecution life threats and eventually after three years of +_Moq_wUebCI-00056-00044093-00044966 being a Christian in the country around I used to persecute and I used to see the persecution of the +_Moq_wUebCI-00057-00044966-00045647 Opposition of the government in our mosques and in in the government and after I left that government +_Moq_wUebCI-00058-00045647-00046667 and and that Islamic regime I was but I was being an object or a person that was persecuted by the +_Moq_wUebCI-00059-00046667-00047486 same people that I used to be a part so before they get their hands on me or my family I fled the +_Moq_wUebCI-00060-00047486-00048470 country of Iran and America was generous enough was great enough to accept me as a religious +_Moq_wUebCI-00061-00048470-00049349 refugee so I took refuge in America in June of 2012 and now I am like many first generation I'm +_Moq_wUebCI-00062-00049349-00050450 an iranian-american so I now I have two countries but my first country is is heaven and I'm just now +_Moq_wUebCI-00063-00050450-00051080 here an ambassador for Christ to share the good message of the gospel and I'm and one day I will +_Moq_wUebCI-00064-00051080-00052019 I will see my Savior face to face so that's a very short and brief testimony or a story of my life +_Moq_wUebCI-00065-00052019-00052879 and how how I got here in front of you guys and if you would like to read my testimony have wrote +_Moq_wUebCI-00066-00052879-00053498 a book small book called forsaking my father's religion and I have a YouTube channel it's my name +_Moq_wUebCI-00067-00053498-00054164 Muhammad Farid II and I believe that my brother will link my youtube channel in the comments +_Moq_wUebCI-00068-00054164-00055076 were probably after this video and you can see the whole conversion what who I was and what happened +_Moq_wUebCI-00069-00055076-00055823 that I came to know the Lord so he can go and watch it is about 20-25 minutes so that's the +_Moq_wUebCI-00070-00055823-00056438 short message of Who I am or who I was and the grace of God has changed my life tremendously +_Moq_wUebCI-00071-00056495-00058930 alright okay look at me make sure I'm closed this one I think we're okay now +_Moq_wUebCI-00072-00058930-00059687 I'm not hearing it anymore okay so most people probably just started paying attention to the +_Moq_wUebCI-00073-00059687-00060347 situation between the United States and Iran which didn't last couple days when a United +_Moq_wUebCI-00074-00060347-00060986 States drone killed Qasem Soleimani that's right or maybe perhaps a couple days prior to that when +_Moq_wUebCI-00075-00060986-00061586 there was attack on the US Embassy but in fact the tensions between the United States and Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00076-00061586-00062066 have been rising for some time can you give us some more information about the background +_Moq_wUebCI-00077-00062066-00062888 so that we can understand the present situation well Iran and the Islamic regime not the people +_Moq_wUebCI-00078-00062888-00063866 of Iran I hope are your viewer the people that are watching it this could be fair could put a +_Moq_wUebCI-00079-00063866-00064804 big exclamation point between the Iranian people and this regime the Islamic regime I would say +_Moq_wUebCI-00080-00064804-00065408 maybe they have twenty or thirty percent support in Iran and and not more and the people of Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00081-00065408-00066035 when we talk about Iran we're talking about the Islamic regime this Islamic regime they +_Moq_wUebCI-00082-00066035-00067190 have a very long history of attacking embassies and in 1979 Americans if they all remember the +_Moq_wUebCI-00083-00067190-00067862 revolution or they're that old enough to remember they remember that Iran took over the American +_Moq_wUebCI-00084-00067862-00068900 Embassy and took Americans and the people in and in the embassy for hostage and unfortunately at +_Moq_wUebCI-00085-00068900-00069857 that time the the weak leadership of America did not did not answer with power but praise God when +_Moq_wUebCI-00086-00069857-00070517 Ronald Reagan came to the office on the first day of inauguration threatened to wipe Iran out +_Moq_wUebCI-00087-00070517-00071324 if they would not release the hostages and they took it serious seriously and they released the +_Moq_wUebCI-00088-00071324-00072056 hostages so so this has been happening for now over 40 years this regime the attack in Benghazi +_Moq_wUebCI-00089-00072056-00073214 and and and the attack on the is Iraq's the American Embassy in Iraq that was just by the +_Moq_wUebCI-00090-00073214-00074129 Suleiman is leadership the al boats is something very important about the word al boats where is +_Moq_wUebCI-00091-00074129-00074855 it come from the AL votes is the revolutionary armies insurgencies in other countries that's +_Moq_wUebCI-00092-00074855-00075686 the way they want to export the Islamic Revolution of Iran the exam the Islamic Shia fundamentalist +_Moq_wUebCI-00093-00075686-00076571 religion outside of Iran so the hand that carries that out the head was awsome Soleimani and there +_Moq_wUebCI-00094-00076571-00077378 in the that that that branch of the Revolutionary Army of Iran is called al hoods where do they get +_Moq_wUebCI-00095-00077378-00078092 the word quotes the word quotes comes out of the Quran the Quran itself and it's the name for the +_Moq_wUebCI-00096-00078092-00078677 City of Jerusalem you cannot find a word Jerusalem in in the iran but you find quotes that they have +_Moq_wUebCI-00097-00078677-00079397 used that the muslim believed that is the land belonging to palestinians and to the muslims so +_Moq_wUebCI-00098-00079397-00080144 iranians always want to carry out in the name of the mission for votes to carry out all the way +_Moq_wUebCI-00099-00080144-00080834 from iran Jerusalem to take over that land and they're under way too you see this insurgencies +_Moq_wUebCI-00100-00080834-00082010 in Iraq in Syria in Lebanon and all the way to Gaza and when when the Iraqis were protesting +_Moq_wUebCI-00101-00082010-00082814 against the interfering of the Islamic regime in their country soleimani with the help of the Shia +_Moq_wUebCI-00102-00082814-00083795 Parliament of members of Iraq actually were going in to shut down those protesters just the way that +_Moq_wUebCI-00103-00083795-00084566 the last months they did and killed more than 15 hundred a thousand five hundred Iranian people +_Moq_wUebCI-00104-00084566-00085451 were killed by the same people they were going inside Iraq to shut down those protesters and one +_Moq_wUebCI-00105-00085451-00086045 of the things that always they do they attack the embassies to take over the land and when they did +_Moq_wUebCI-00106-00086045-00086834 that they actually declared war war on America and thank God that the American president they +_Moq_wUebCI-00107-00086834-00087794 had the correct Intel and they took on that drone attacks three very important people that they were +_Moq_wUebCI-00108-00087794-00088697 in charge insurgencies so that's what what what it actually was happening and that's the response +_Moq_wUebCI-00109-00088697-00089411 the response from America was very different than the previous administration or other times so very +_Moq_wUebCI-00110-00089411-00090224 good and just complete that kind of the background there's been a lot of economic unrest in Iran in +_Moq_wUebCI-00111-00090224-00090686 the last couple of years and there's been a number of protests in the last year you tell us a little +_Moq_wUebCI-00112-00090686-00091649 bit about that absolutely that because of all the sanctions that are that that are put on Iran to +_Moq_wUebCI-00113-00091649-00092384 stop them from reaching neutrally nuclear weapon the Iranian economy is under tremendous pressure +_Moq_wUebCI-00114-00092384-00093353 and the people of Iran now they are taking all of this pressure on them and all of a sudden +_Moq_wUebCI-00115-00093475-00094555 last months in in Iran that the price of the gas were was overnight was tripled not double +_Moq_wUebCI-00116-00094555-00095377 but tripled and the Iranian people really were struggling for their survival means so they got +_Moq_wUebCI-00117-00095377-00096040 they came on the streets to protest that what kind of a government is this that it raises the +_Moq_wUebCI-00118-00096040-00096691 price of gas overnight without no notice without nothing three times so that people got sick and +_Moq_wUebCI-00119-00096691-00097474 tired kick in on the street and many of this Revolutionary Guards they went on the rooftops +_Moq_wUebCI-00120-00097474-00098284 with their snipers and killed over 1,500 and tens of thousands of people there in jails jails now +_Moq_wUebCI-00121-00098284-00099163 missing because of protesting the price of gas and the brutally attacked the this government +_Moq_wUebCI-00122-00099163-00099856 they brutally attacked the Iranian people and there is a uprising there's an unrest and the +_Moq_wUebCI-00123-00099856-00100453 people of Iran really really sick and tired of this government but what can they do they don't +_Moq_wUebCI-00124-00100453-00101362 have guns they don't have any organizations or any unions or any leadership they just come out on +_Moq_wUebCI-00125-00101362-00102607 frustration they came out and they as government really harshly I killed them and prosecute them +_Moq_wUebCI-00126-00102607-00103579 and throw them in jail so over the last few years there's been a number of incidents where Iranian +_Moq_wUebCI-00127-00103579-00104419 backed forces not necessarily officially Iran but the intelligence says are connected to Iran have +_Moq_wUebCI-00128-00104419-00105058 been taking actions in the Middle East to advance Iran's interests kind of feels like they didn't +_Moq_wUebCI-00129-00105058-00105742 really expect the United States to take any action and that they were just pushing the limits see +_Moq_wUebCI-00130-00105742-00106495 what they could get away with so in the aftermath of the death of sulemani naturally iran's rhetoric +_Moq_wUebCI-00131-00106495-00107208 is very defiant one possibility they'll actually increase their violence and actually try to take +_Moq_wUebCI-00132-00107208-00107614 revenge against the United States but I think that there's not another possibility that the +_Moq_wUebCI-00133-00107614-00108139 regime will see this as a wake-up call that they can't just get away with whatever they want what +_Moq_wUebCI-00134-00108139-00108847 do you think it's more likely I think both both of the things you mentioned are correct first +_Moq_wUebCI-00135-00108847-00109611 of all it could be a short-time retaliation I mean they would it's not the goal of the +_Moq_wUebCI-00136-00109611-00110554 Iran we should call it the goal of the Islamic Shia regime because as I said this this ideology +_Moq_wUebCI-00137-00110554-00111520 believes in the end time in eschatology is ask eschatology they believe in apocalyptic return +_Moq_wUebCI-00138-00111520-00112267 of their Savior the 12th Imam and they will they would want to advance that and and and +_Moq_wUebCI-00139-00112267-00113299 go go about to prepare the way for their Savior okay so they are doing that and and the outputs +_Moq_wUebCI-00140-00113299-00114103 in Soleimani they this general that was killed he was the man in charge of that very thing so +_Moq_wUebCI-00141-00114103-00115138 maybe in a short time you will see some retaliation and some problems again but the +_Moq_wUebCI-00142-00115138-00115858 problem the problems it's not new something new it's been always always there it's been without +_Moq_wUebCI-00143-00115858-00116656 the Americas getting involved or not these people would always advance but now they have sent a very +_Moq_wUebCI-00144-00116656-00117558 strong message this man was equivalent of the FBI and the CIA s and the Secretary of estate's +_Moq_wUebCI-00145-00117558-00118252 all together this one man this was the second man in power and after he could have become the +_Moq_wUebCI-00146-00118252-00118990 leader of Iran easily after the death of the current one so when you take him out you're +_Moq_wUebCI-00147-00118990-00119848 sending a very strong message to these people that there is another boss in town then if you try to +_Moq_wUebCI-00148-00119848-00120688 reach too far we'll will shut you down especially America's America have and America has to protect +_Moq_wUebCI-00149-00120688-00121327 its installations anywhere in the world like any other countries when they attack embassies they're +_Moq_wUebCI-00150-00121327-00121927 declaring war on that country and America had all the rights to do that and I would say in a short +_Moq_wUebCI-00151-00121927-00122794 time yes it could probably cause the oil elevation in maybe retaliation or Evangel or something like +_Moq_wUebCI-00152-00122794-00123706 that but in the long term it would it's it's good it's going to bring good and more peace +_Moq_wUebCI-00153-00123706-00124696 I have a number of questions I'll be asking but if anything we're saying it's not clear they have +_Moq_wUebCI-00154-00124696-00125227 follow-up questions based on what we're saying go ahead and put those in the chat if you can tag me +_Moq_wUebCI-00155-00125227-00125791 that's helpful because then it gets highlighted and I see it easier so there have been many +_Moq_wUebCI-00156-00125791-00126510 descriptions of sulemani as a national hero in the US media and of course we've seen images of large +_Moq_wUebCI-00157-00126510-00127114 crowds protesting his death however as you've mentioned the regime is quite unpopular in general +_Moq_wUebCI-00158-00127114-00127690 and it's not difficult to manufacture a large crowd if they you know they tell people to go +_Moq_wUebCI-00159-00127690-00128365 out the 20% that supports them is certainly enough to make a large crowd so how is sulemani actually +_Moq_wUebCI-00160-00128365-00128992 viewed by the majority of Iranians let me say something about Iran Iran is a big country with +_Moq_wUebCI-00161-00128992-00129820 85 million people maybe maybe when when they show you the the propagandist of Iran they show you +_Moq_wUebCI-00162-00129820-00130468 the big crowd maybe it's about hundred thousand people that is not even 1% of the population of +_Moq_wUebCI-00163-00130468-00131428 Iran and in the city of Tehran where I was born and raised there's 15 million population and most +_Moq_wUebCI-00164-00131428-00132364 of the teachers most of the jobs are directly or indirectly hired by the government of Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00165-00132364-00133138 at Islamic regime and Islamic regime will send a letter or say or send an email to those agencies +_Moq_wUebCI-00166-00133138-00133759 to those schools to those universities and tell the people we're shutting down you show up and +_Moq_wUebCI-00167-00133759-00134404 on this street and if you don't you will lose your job where you were severely punished for +_Moq_wUebCI-00168-00134404-00135028 not showing up so it's very easy for the Islamic regime to gather about hundred thousand people +_Moq_wUebCI-00169-00135028-00135760 because those people are already working for this government and but when I was watching +_Moq_wUebCI-00170-00135760-00136393 the news yes there are some people that they're upset or they crying they were actually I saw +_Moq_wUebCI-00171-00136393-00137020 videos that they were making the students in a school they were forcing his students in a +_Moq_wUebCI-00172-00137020-00137677 school to cry for his death I mean at 10 years old 12 years old 14 years old what does he know or she +_Moq_wUebCI-00173-00137677-00138292 know about this guy that it they make him to cry that is he's a hero or whatever that's that one +_Moq_wUebCI-00174-00138292-00138856 part but the second part is on the other hand you see Iranian people's they actually have birthday +_Moq_wUebCI-00175-00138856-00139726 cakes and they're celebrating his death they have cakes and they they have cookies they're dancing +_Moq_wUebCI-00176-00139726-00140356 they cannot do it in public but they are doing it within their walls they are videoing it and +_Moq_wUebCI-00177-00140356-00140881 posted on social media that's that's how are they getting their voices out or their the other side +_Moq_wUebCI-00178-00140881-00141721 so yes you see both sides but I believe it all of my heart the majority of Iranians disregard +_Moq_wUebCI-00179-00141721-00142717 and and despise the span for hit for his heinous and criminal acts not just only outside of Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00180-00142717-00143311 but within Iran he just with the help of the Revolutionary Guard and the police department +_Moq_wUebCI-00181-00143311-00144316 we should not ever forget that they just killed 1500 1500 people as as some as young as 13 years +_Moq_wUebCI-00182-00144316-00144976 old 14 years old in under sea on on the streets of Tehran we should never forget that so so many +_Moq_wUebCI-00183-00144976-00145663 of the Iranians are hurt badly and they hate and despise these people but they never can show show +_Moq_wUebCI-00184-00145663-00146794 their emotions yet what about the Christian minority how did any anything that is to the +_Moq_wUebCI-00185-00146794-00147541 Islamic regime this you you have to remember the people of God in Iran the persecuted Church church +_Moq_wUebCI-00186-00147541-00148240 Church of Iran every time something happens and at the Christian is it the Christian is arrested they +_Moq_wUebCI-00187-00148240-00148945 accused them to be a spy for Israel or America and they severely punished him and prosecute them and +_Moq_wUebCI-00188-00148945-00149932 every time there is an undiscovered take advantage of it to pressure even more the persecuted church +_Moq_wUebCI-00189-00149932-00151036 but the persecuted Church of Iran is is awake they are they know the situation's and they're +_Moq_wUebCI-00190-00151036-00151765 not some pacifists some case are also all kind of Christians they're under knees and they're +_Moq_wUebCI-00191-00151765-00152659 praying for the for a free Iran and a free Iran comes from the free heart in every man and every +_Moq_wUebCI-00192-00152659-00153379 woman's in Iran that they know you can give us any kind of government but if you are not set +_Moq_wUebCI-00193-00153379-00154528 free by the Sun no one can set us free so asked what percentage of Iranian support the regime I +_Moq_wUebCI-00194-00154528-00155206 think we said that but in my humble humble opinion if you have about twenty maybe thirty percent I +_Moq_wUebCI-00195-00155206-00155944 would say we have we've been not too generous to these people because another very important thing +_Moq_wUebCI-00196-00155944-00156820 about Iranians are that 70 percent of the Iranians are younger than eight thirty seventy percent of +_Moq_wUebCI-00197-00156820-00157528 the population so it's a very young country they they they love iPhones and they love to look at +_Moq_wUebCI-00198-00157528-00158257 the satellites and and and look at the outside they praise I mean Americans AJ just they're +_Moq_wUebCI-00199-00158257-00159124 very Pro West pro-america the younger generation sort of they're very open very educated but there +_Moq_wUebCI-00200-00159124-00159907 are still and that they have they are not the children of the revolution time they don't know +_Moq_wUebCI-00201-00159907-00160390 what is that they don't care what is it they just want to live their life freely but they Kent and +_Moq_wUebCI-00202-00160390-00161428 I would say that 70% 60 70 % are really really aunt Ida's regime very good I want to say hi to +_Moq_wUebCI-00203-00161428-00162187 Sonya's ops you didn't it yeah had a livestream with her recently and also be having another one +_Moq_wUebCI-00204-00162187-00162946 next week so that's when to say hi to her Jamie asks what about Turkey and the Kurdish people +_Moq_wUebCI-00205-00162946-00163657 how are they reacting to the situation or how is the relationship between them and Iran in general +_Moq_wUebCI-00206-00163657-00164548 well the Kurds and the Iranians will always be fighting and the Kurds also fight with Turkey +_Moq_wUebCI-00207-00164548-00165262 but Iran ian's and Turks they don't have a good relationship because of the Shia Sunni problems +_Moq_wUebCI-00208-00165262-00166066 but when when when there is when the when when whenever America or Israel or another European +_Moq_wUebCI-00209-00166066-00166816 country or another outside enemy an infidel enemy of Islam is in in the middle always the Muslim +_Moq_wUebCI-00210-00166816-00167914 countries unite so I heard actually the president of Turkey was kinda sending his condolences for +_Moq_wUebCI-00211-00167914-00168454 the death of this man right but at the same time he never called him a martyr because if he was +_Moq_wUebCI-00212-00168454-00169366 a Shia so very good so how do you think that this will impact the regime on the one hand I could see +_Moq_wUebCI-00213-00169366-00170050 that there might be a rally around the flag type effect where some support is in increases but on +_Moq_wUebCI-00214-00170050-00170677 the other hand I could also see it in building rebel forces to who see the weakened military +_Moq_wUebCI-00215-00170677-00171487 to maybe be more likely to make further protests or other together action what do you think so so +_Moq_wUebCI-00216-00171487-00172573 think about this when there is always especially the politics of Iran is really really learned and +_Moq_wUebCI-00217-00172573-00173248 and and influenced by the Russians they book the Communists so whenever there is an unrest +_Moq_wUebCI-00218-00173248-00174100 within a communist country Iranians learn that you have to create an outside problem you have +_Moq_wUebCI-00219-00174100-00174982 to create an outside enemy and during especially during this time there are I have heard some your +_Moq_wUebCI-00220-00174982-00175633 Iranian news and and some Christians actually they have there are some allegations that they +_Moq_wUebCI-00221-00175633-00176344 the some of the Iranians within Iran gave the Intel leaked the Intel to the Americans in +_Moq_wUebCI-00222-00176344-00177061 order to kill this man because they need this is a very good time to change to shift the focus of +_Moq_wUebCI-00223-00177061-00177766 the Iranian from the problems of inside of Iran to an outside problem and to kill this guy such +_Moq_wUebCI-00224-00177766-00178342 an important person the second man in power in Iran to kill that guy now possibly they could +_Moq_wUebCI-00225-00178342-00179314 rally some thoughts around this that hey we should pull we should put our small differences here on +_Moq_wUebCI-00226-00179314-00180073 the side and go after the the our common enemy or the actual enemy which is the Great Satan as +_Moq_wUebCI-00227-00180073-00180982 they call America do you think that the fact that the attack was carried out on Iraqi soil +_Moq_wUebCI-00228-00180982-00181684 really makes any difference there's been some hand wringing in the media about how you know +_Moq_wUebCI-00229-00181684-00182212 we didn't have Iraq's permission and you know they're a sovereign country and we shouldn't have +_Moq_wUebCI-00230-00182212-00182923 done this in a sovereign country without their permission sure when the Iranians have have no +_Moq_wUebCI-00231-00182923-00183538 permission of the Iraqi people when they are doing all the insurgency's and and and it interferes but +_Moq_wUebCI-00232-00183538-00184189 America at least us to stop the criminals doctor a terrorist the thing is you have to also consider +_Moq_wUebCI-00233-00184189-00185158 this that how easily this man was traveling inside Iraq that's how how much influence they have in +_Moq_wUebCI-00234-00185158-00185836 Iraq it's like most of the Shia Parliament of of Iraq it's it's hired by them supported by +_Moq_wUebCI-00235-00185836-00186322 them by the Iranians by the Iranian government and he was just going in and out it's just like +_Moq_wUebCI-00236-00186322-00187078 in his own hometown and the Soleimani the way that he was travelling and he gets thereafter +_Moq_wUebCI-00237-00187078-00187969 midnight he's under the street to go and with one of the Shia Parliament member of Iraq and another +_Moq_wUebCI-00238-00187969-00188809 what's the name hobbies the the militia the Shia militia that they're supporting the three of them +_Moq_wUebCI-00239-00188809-00189331 are going about doing their own business but that day they didn't realize that this is the this is +_Moq_wUebCI-00240-00189331-00190366 the last night night that they're saying in this life so ironically the same street that he was +_Moq_wUebCI-00241-00190366-00191164 killed by the drone of Americans he used to plant those died a deep bombs and and then to kill the +_Moq_wUebCI-00242-00191164-00191767 American soldiers the same man that was killed on on the street he used to plant bombs under +_Moq_wUebCI-00243-00191767-00193462 I really have any friends any countries that you know friendly with them of course the Lebanese the +_Moq_wUebCI-00244-00193462-00194365 the his rule of Lebanon good friend of Iranians the the Yemenis she has of the militia of Yemen +_Moq_wUebCI-00245-00194365-00195307 is a very good friend of Iran the the Bashar al-assad the dictator of Syria and the sheet +_Moq_wUebCI-00246-00195307-00195973 the shears of Syria good friend of Iran the Hamas of Gaza and Palestine good friend of Iran whatever +_Moq_wUebCI-00247-00195973-00197125 his problem you see the friends of your audience so before the president events I noticed that +_Moq_wUebCI-00248-00197125-00197866 there was a number of stories in December about a crackdown on Christianity of course there's always +_Moq_wUebCI-00249-00197866-00198289 stories coming out of Iran about persecution of Christians but to me it seemed like there was +_Moq_wUebCI-00250-00198289-00199063 a lot more in December what have you heard about that absolutely do this persecution is being going +_Moq_wUebCI-00251-00199063-00199747 on for twenty years sometimes this gets excellent exclaimed it escalated or we hear more about it +_Moq_wUebCI-00252-00199747-00200979 and sometimes is is less but any when when when a Muslim converts to Christianity it's a soldier +_Moq_wUebCI-00253-00200979-00201828 of the jihadi camp of Islam that is leaving that camp and go and joining another camp and this is +_Moq_wUebCI-00254-00201828-00202686 a threat to this religion to the fundamentalist of Islam and they will widely persecute severely +_Moq_wUebCI-00255-00202686-00203385 and so harshly because they want to intimidate and and and and set an example for the rest of +_Moq_wUebCI-00256-00203385-00204378 the people and and they think this will slow down the conversions but praise God this the month of +_Moq_wUebCI-00257-00204378-00204984 December was one of those months because of all the protests and the things that happen +_Moq_wUebCI-00258-00204984-00205527 they actually accused the Christians because they call him the Aspire spies of America or +_Moq_wUebCI-00259-00205527-00206198 or Israel they accused him that they are leading the protests but it's just the nonsense of the +_Moq_wUebCI-00260-00206198-00206736 Islamic regime and the more they they have the more they pressure this church the faster is grown +_Moq_wUebCI-00261-00206736-00207876 Iran has been called the fastest growing Church in the world and Jamie asked a question which is +_Moq_wUebCI-00262-00207876-00208731 a little off-topic but I think it's also pretty relevant here he says dreams and visions of Jesus +_Moq_wUebCI-00263-00208731-00209901 what have you heard about this happening in Iran well um it's it's a very frequent thing that is +_Moq_wUebCI-00264-00209901-00210567 happening and it's a steam the theme in in many passages of the scriptures in the Bible because +_Moq_wUebCI-00265-00210567-00211394 the people of the Middle East always looking for signs and the dreams are a very big very important +_Moq_wUebCI-00266-00211394-00212123 way of communication of the divinity to them so they don't take the dreams lightly and that God +_Moq_wUebCI-00267-00212123-00212913 has been using this myth that especially this past few years in Iran that the many people they have a +_Moq_wUebCI-00268-00212913-00213690 dream about the Jesus and the Lord leads them to another Christian to preach the gospel to them oh +_Moq_wUebCI-00269-00213690-00214587 it's a very woman thing to happen to the Iranian people and generally to Muslims themselves yeah +_Moq_wUebCI-00270-00214587-00215253 interesting my next video actually is going to talk a little bit about that one interesting +_Moq_wUebCI-00271-00215253-00215931 thing I found research doing dreams and visions is that there's this perception that perhaps people +_Moq_wUebCI-00272-00215931-00216408 are directly coming to Christianity from the dream or vision and that doesn't seem to really +_Moq_wUebCI-00273-00216408-00217230 be the case what happens is they have a dream and they're told to seek out someone or they recently +_Moq_wUebCI-00274-00217230-00217769 had a conversation with Christian and then they dream confirms what they heard from that person +_Moq_wUebCI-00275-00217769-00218403 so that the gospel isn't necessarily happening in dream just but the dreams are causing people to +_Moq_wUebCI-00276-00218403-00219242 be curious they're causing people to seek things out okay let me let me share you share a testimony +_Moq_wUebCI-00277-00219242-00220217 actually in that this has happened to me about 10 months ago actually I was talking to an Iranian +_Moq_wUebCI-00278-00220217-00221273 lady and she was you know she heard the gospel many times and some of her friend shared the +_Moq_wUebCI-00279-00221273-00221940 gospel many many times with her and gave her a New Testament and she read it but she never came to +_Moq_wUebCI-00280-00221940-00222777 conclusion or she never committed she said oh it's it's cool but you know and we we me and my friend +_Moq_wUebCI-00281-00222777-00223341 meet with her and we spoke to her about the Lord and she said okay whatever I've been hearing this +_Moq_wUebCI-00282-00223341-00224069 and God has to show him himself and proved this is this is the truth anyway that night when we +_Moq_wUebCI-00283-00224069-00224925 left her after she went to bed and slept she had a dream and in that dream the Lord showed the Lord +_Moq_wUebCI-00284-00224925-00226035 showed her a white cloudy place that was very very holy very clear very beautiful and there was there +_Moq_wUebCI-00285-00226035-00227091 were four animal in that dream a lion a dove a sheep and a wolf she said as I was looking at this +_Moq_wUebCI-00286-00227091-00227931 animals they seemed that they could have attacked each other but they lived peaceably together and +_Moq_wUebCI-00287-00227931-00228558 and it seemed that the dog turned back to me and a smile it seemed that the dog wanted to +_Moq_wUebCI-00288-00228558-00229431 come and visit with me but he couldn't what this dream mean this is she's telling me this dream the +_Moq_wUebCI-00289-00229431-00229932 next day were visiting with her again I said let me tell you about this dream and the translated +_Moq_wUebCI-00290-00229932-00230400 for you so I explained the dream for her this I said this is heaven and this is before the sin +_Moq_wUebCI-00291-00230400-00231129 the lion is the Lion of Judah the Spirit of God wanted to come and reside with you but because +_Moq_wUebCI-00292-00231129-00232008 you have not repent you you haven't repented we haven't repent and turned to God and made Jesus +_Moq_wUebCI-00293-00232008-00232737 your Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit cannot come as you saw he wants to he's desiring his +_Moq_wUebCI-00294-00232737-00233492 drawing you too to himself but he can't and when I explained that to her that was the moment she said +_Moq_wUebCI-00295-00233492-00234246 I want I want I want that daughter I want to make that dove to come and reside with me it was full +_Moq_wUebCI-00296-00234246-00234794 of peace and she committed her life to the Lord and she has been close to 10 months a wonderful +_Moq_wUebCI-00297-00234794-00235950 believer reading the Bible and being discipled so testimony there I have some more questions about +_Moq_wUebCI-00298-00235950-00236631 the church in Iran but I think we'll go back to some more political questions from the audience +_Moq_wUebCI-00299-00236631-00237548 first Najim as do you think Iran or its allies or both would try to launch a strike against Israel +_Moq_wUebCI-00300-00237548-00238431 uh-huh they might it's it's difficult to say or predict but they might they might do that +_Moq_wUebCI-00301-00238431-00239652 yes they have been out on daily basis they do that but but they might yes very good motive dude asks +_Moq_wUebCI-00302-00239652-00240604 if the current sanctions have been working to weaken Iran's influence on its neighbors it it +_Moq_wUebCI-00303-00240604-00241177 has tremendously pressured economic the economic is what where the money comes from the petroleum +_Moq_wUebCI-00304-00241177-00242263 and the natural gas and other means in Iran and they have to sell petroleum in order to fund the +_Moq_wUebCI-00305-00242263-00243430 militia and the outside allies that they have or those proxy proxy wars and they do outside of Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00306-00243430-00244114 they have to have the finances to do that and the pressure absolutely has weakened the government +_Moq_wUebCI-00307-00244114-00244609 therefore when the government is we can their influence outside and the proxy wars they do +_Moq_wUebCI-00308-00244609-00245932 it's it's listen of course it has a tremendous pressure on it going back to the church of course +_Moq_wUebCI-00309-00245932-00246457 Iran's been called the fastest-growing Church in the world there's a number of reasons we kind of +_Moq_wUebCI-00310-00246457-00247111 covered the dreams and visions another major factor that I've heard about is that there's +_Moq_wUebCI-00311-00247111-00247869 a very strong emphasis on discipleship in Iran that as soon as someone becomes a believer they're +_Moq_wUebCI-00312-00247869-00248890 instantly taught to go out and share does that mesh with your experience of course I mean when +_Moq_wUebCI-00313-00248890-00249454 when you come from a background I come from there is no compromised the you you're not a +_Moq_wUebCI-00314-00249454-00250000 compromised Christian you're not like oh let me see or maybe they reject me or maybe they roll +_Moq_wUebCI-00315-00250000-00250588 their eyes or any of that I'm not saying this to discourage anybody that is watching this program +_Moq_wUebCI-00316-00250588-00251830 but when when you are saved and you met Jesus and you receive grace as a as a Muslim you know this +_Moq_wUebCI-00317-00251830-00252688 is the best thing that happened that can happen to anybody so the the Iranian church the underground +_Moq_wUebCI-00318-00252688-00253255 Church is very strong in discipleship I mean as soon as I was plugged into one of those we +_Moq_wUebCI-00319-00253255-00254167 went on a fasting and praying and reading the Bible spray and I was three months two months +_Moq_wUebCI-00320-00254167-00254819 three months a Christian and I started to do my own evangelism and and of course you do you you +_Moq_wUebCI-00321-00254819-00255350 will make mistake if you try anything you will make mistakes I made I made many mistakes but +_Moq_wUebCI-00322-00255350-00256238 I learned how to evangelize and God is not the respecter of a person when you share his word he +_Moq_wUebCI-00323-00256238-00256859 when you share the gospel of Jesus Christ when you sow those seeds he he actually honors that +_Moq_wUebCI-00324-00256859-00257519 even though I made mistake he the word of God is not a mistake and he was working in people's +_Moq_wUebCI-00325-00257519-00257963 life and as a result people would come to know the Lord the Iranian church they have learned +_Moq_wUebCI-00326-00257963-00258821 that we don't have much time in our hand we cannot play and and do many things we just need to learn +_Moq_wUebCI-00327-00258821-00259742 about God get to know him well and make him known wherever we go and that is that's a that's a big +_Moq_wUebCI-00328-00259742-00260471 contributor to the growth of the church in Iran I think that's a lesson for us all if we want our +_Moq_wUebCI-00329-00260471-00260957 own churches to grow we need to actually take some effort people aren't just gonna magically +_Moq_wUebCI-00330-00260957-00261827 show up one day and I mean to actually cut out and talk to people so another factor leading to +_Moq_wUebCI-00331-00261827-00262508 church growth in Iran is the extreme unhappiness with the current government how do you think that +_Moq_wUebCI-00332-00262508-00263309 the present events will affect that will people continue to be unhappy with the government and +_Moq_wUebCI-00333-00263309-00263852 will people continue to look out for better solutions than what Islam has to offer let me +_Moq_wUebCI-00334-00263852-00264503 let me share something out of the Bible because what is happening to Iran and and the people of +_Moq_wUebCI-00335-00264503-00265187 Iran it says it has actually happened in the Bible and with the with the God's nation with the God's +_Moq_wUebCI-00336-00265187-00266408 people when when when Israelites when when the when were in a slaved by their my goodness the +_Moq_wUebCI-00337-00266408-00267380 word but what by the Egyptians when Israelites were were slaved in Israel in need in Egypt it +_Moq_wUebCI-00338-00267380-00268064 took it it took a certain amount of time that God used different plates to expose the god of +_Moq_wUebCI-00339-00268064-00269192 the Egyptians when when when the gods of the false gods were exposed before the Israelites then they +_Moq_wUebCI-00340-00269192-00269891 realized these and they used to worship many of those gods when they were in a slave but there +_Moq_wUebCI-00341-00269891-00270470 were many Christians in Iran there was always Christians in Iran before Islam but Islam came +_Moq_wUebCI-00342-00270470-00271154 in power and the Iranians abandoned Christianity and a stored worshipping Islam but the God of +_Moq_wUebCI-00343-00271154-00271895 Islam hasn't been exposed in Iran completely this past 40 years since the revolution it's +_Moq_wUebCI-00344-00271895-00272816 like God has allowed this window for the Iranian people to see what who is the God of Islam what +_Moq_wUebCI-00345-00272816-00273911 Islam actually is what is this nature it's what is what is stand for and Iranian people we're +_Moq_wUebCI-00346-00273911-00274868 watching this everything every injustice every rape every murder every lie every deceit that was +_Moq_wUebCI-00347-00274868-00275465 going on in this society is in the name of Islam and Iranian people are watching just thought the +_Moq_wUebCI-00348-00275465-00276092 people of Earth just like the Israelites and they're seeing that this God has been exposed +_Moq_wUebCI-00349-00276092-00276713 as a false god before Iran but I believe the time hasn't arrived yet many of the Iranians they have +_Moq_wUebCI-00350-00276713-00277292 they are tired of the government and what would they stand for which is Islam but they haven't +_Moq_wUebCI-00351-00277292-00278225 arrived to that limit yet that they break out but I believe it's very close and these the people of +_Moq_wUebCI-00352-00278225-00278777 Iran are disillusioned they're sick and tired and many of them that story the reason why the church +_Moq_wUebCI-00353-00278777-00279536 is so much crawling because they have seen this God in the name of this God all sort of injustice +_Moq_wUebCI-00354-00279536-00280241 has happened to the Iranian people so slowly it's been exposed but we'll see the greater revival in +_Moq_wUebCI-00355-00280241-00281435 Iran you to eat it yet is to come and that's my personal take on that Andrew Marden says this +_Moq_wUebCI-00356-00281435-00281936 isn't World War three it'll be like the Gulf War at worst what do you think the worst-case scenario +_Moq_wUebCI-00357-00281936-00282677 is I don't think I don't think Iranian government would go to war because they knew they would lose +_Moq_wUebCI-00358-00282677-00283778 power but at the same time it and and I believe with all of my heart the president Donald Trump +_Moq_wUebCI-00359-00283778-00284423 is a smart enough not to go to war to another Gulf War so I don't see him from from the both +_Moq_wUebCI-00360-00284423-00285245 sides maybe some bluffing maybe some here in their attacks but I don't think they would go +_Moq_wUebCI-00361-00285245-00285902 to war yet yeah that's kind of would be my guess - of course I'm not a political expert or anything +_Moq_wUebCI-00362-00285902-00286460 but that would be my guess but I don't think that said really in anyone's best interest to get a +_Moq_wUebCI-00363-00286460-00287273 war and I don't think that either side would be stupid enough to force that what happened I don't +_Moq_wUebCI-00364-00287273-00288179 think so no so I mean I mean days that regime is a stupid enough but they they like the power and +_Moq_wUebCI-00365-00288179-00289109 the money and they're sitting hard yet on it so what about for the Christian population and Iran +_Moq_wUebCI-00366-00289109-00289862 do you think that the current events will lead to further government persecution of them or do you +_Moq_wUebCI-00367-00289862-00290474 think that they'll be distracted in concentrate on other matters for a while I mean the Iranian +_Moq_wUebCI-00368-00290474-00291368 church been persecuted for 1,400 years since Islam has taken over Iran so this is nothing something +_Moq_wUebCI-00369-00291368-00292178 Newton it's it's nothing new to the persecuted Church of Iran but it always has went up and down +_Moq_wUebCI-00370-00292178-00292826 and up and down and sometimes more and sometimes less and this times this past 20 years it's been +_Moq_wUebCI-00371-00292826-00293614 tremendous on persecution on the on the church because the growth is threatening the Islamic +_Moq_wUebCI-00372-00293614-00294430 regime and we really as Christians outside of Iran in the free world we need to pray we really need +_Moq_wUebCI-00373-00294430-00295141 to need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Iran very good I think that covers pretty much +_Moq_wUebCI-00374-00295141-00296098 what I wanted to ask are there any thoughts that you want to share I'm I want to I want to say to +_Moq_wUebCI-00375-00296098-00296815 the people that they're watching or they may be watch be watching this later I want to ask you +_Moq_wUebCI-00376-00296815-00297928 to pray as our Bible has commanded us to pray for our leaders wherever you are we're subject to our +_Moq_wUebCI-00377-00297928-00298714 governments and we need to pray for our leaders that that the that our that the God of the Bible +_Moq_wUebCI-00378-00298714-00299542 give wisdom and discernment to the student to our leader to make the best decision that serves the +_Moq_wUebCI-00379-00299542-00300553 Church of Christ so that's that's my last comment that I want people to pray really fast and pray +_Moq_wUebCI-00380-00300553-00301261 that God give wisdom to our leaders that they make the best decisions for the church for the body of +_Moq_wUebCI-00381-00301261-00302212 Christ if if that and and seek the God's will in all of this and not the men's well and we were +_Moq_wUebCI-00382-00302212-00303133 not to be afraid brothers and sisters were not to be afraid in in any situation because the victory +_Moq_wUebCI-00383-00303133-00304090 has has been owned by Christ we have the victory we are victorious but we need to be careful to +_Moq_wUebCI-00384-00304090-00304999 not heed to any voices on the outside but to the voice of the Lord that's great Andrew Marden has +_Moq_wUebCI-00385-00304999-00305521 become he said it would be best if Iran collapsed and a Christian government was formed obviously +_Moq_wUebCI-00386-00305521-00306229 the Christian population is not large enough to form a government at this point but I do think +_Moq_wUebCI-00387-00306229-00307067 that looking at Iran it's by far the most likely of the eight ninety nine percent Muslim countries +_Moq_wUebCI-00388-00307067-00307964 to have a massive revival and become a significant minority Christian if not majority and within the +_Moq_wUebCI-00389-00307964-00308735 next generation I would say amen amen I mean so I will put a link to Muhammad's YouTube channel +_Moq_wUebCI-00390-00308735-00309539 as well as his Facebook page in the comments thank you everyone for watching tonight and be blessed +_NPFkGtDkVU-00000-00000000-00000200 I have removed three comment liked because I didn't know that they were there. I decided to delete those. +_pyJzexaRo0-00000-00000013-00000528 Hello Creative Writters my names is Gabriel Toney the student director of the documentaries +_pyJzexaRo0-00001-00000528-00001830 of Carl Quintiliani #CFQ infamously better yet as #CarlFuckingQuintiliani 3d image Fantasy +_pyJzexaRo0-00002-00001830-00002156 Street Art Master. +_pyJzexaRo0-00003-00002156-00002432 We will be looking to host anounced monthly contest for creatives looking to engage by +_pyJzexaRo0-00004-00002432-00003076 showing off your talents writing stories, your story versions to go with images of #CFQ +_pyJzexaRo0-00005-00003076-00003304 Be sure to Give yourself credit and date. +_pyJzexaRo0-00006-00003304-00003404 #CFQ #CarlFuckingQuintiliani will be releasing a painting personalized to one winner with +_pyJzexaRo0-00007-00003404-00004706 the most likes on the work and our final votes of course, dont worry about the likes just +_pyJzexaRo0-00008-00004706-00005097 knock em dead,and kill em all with creativity. +_pyJzexaRo0-00009-00005097-00005756 We thank participation of all who give it their best, if its not your month, dont give +_pyJzexaRo0-00010-00005756-00006568 up, Just keep painting the picture because next month it may be seen as the best. +_pyJzexaRo0-00011-00006568-00007248 Images are in the photos on the officail Facebook Page titled "Visual Street Art - Artist Documentaries +_pyJzexaRo0-00012-00007248-00008268 of #CFQ Carl Fucking Quintiliani" Be sure to like the page look for link in the description. +_pyJzexaRo0-00013-00008268-00009114 Images to assist Wharwolves, ufo's goddessses warrior samarui's Elves nudes, and quintiliani's +_pyJzexaRo0-00014-00009114-00009679 favortie Lesbians ofcourse and if thats the topic your looking to conqor the compitition +_pyJzexaRo0-00015-00009679-00010247 in be sure to check out and post works for those ladies at international lesbian ladies +_pyJzexaRo0-00016-00010247-00010799 on facebook, whats to be expected its carl fucking quintiliani, endure! +_pyJzexaRo0-00017-00010799-00011638 For those with a problem writing for the common works of quintiliani, no worries #CFQ Carl +_pyJzexaRo0-00018-00011638-00012092 fucking quintiliani has illustrated a turtle just for you just search through the archieve +_pyJzexaRo0-00019-00012092-00012782 of many documented works of the 3d image fantasy street art master. +_pyJzexaRo0-00020-00012782-00014510 By submitting works you agree and understand we can not be liable fore others posting works +_pyJzexaRo0-00021-00014510-00015278 of yours on other specialty websites. +_pyJzexaRo0-00022-00015278-00017093 Be sure to credit yourself and we love videos so if a overtop competitor make a video and +_pyJzexaRo0-00023-00017093-00017710 audio even for your sound cloud. +_pyJzexaRo0-00024-00017710-00019356 but youve never made a video download windows movie maker and learn today, test and grow +_pyJzexaRo0-00025-00019356-00019562 your creativity! +_pyJzexaRo0-00026-00019562-00020130 We will be looking for our favorite creatives. +_pyJzexaRo0-00027-00020130-00021050 how many will there be to submit their works on the officail FB Page titled " +_pyJzexaRo0-00028-00021050-00021952 Visual Street Art - Artist Documentaries of #CFQ Carl Fucking Quintiliani" (Link in description) +_pyJzexaRo0-00029-00021952-00022506 Will there be 1, 5, 10, maybe more. +_pyJzexaRo0-00030-00022506-00024263 Who knows but we will always pick a winner when we host the compitetion and shipping +_pyJzexaRo0-00031-00024263-00025014 is our expense to your door. +_pyJzexaRo0-00032-00025014-00026041 Just be sure to Knock em dead! +_pyJzexaRo0-00033-00026041-00028055 "Every day, its knock em dead, kill em all, never give up, Just keep painting! +_pyJzexaRo0-00034-00028055-00029225 "Carl FuckingQuintiliani What will the topic be that wins this month a love story a love +_pyJzexaRo0-00035-00029225-00029982 hate story, war, bizarrness, there are no rules and that goes for creative writing its +_pyJzexaRo0-00036-00029982-00030182 ones freedom of expression. +_pyJzexaRo0-00037-00030182-00031227 We look forward to making a annoucement of our favorited picks, on your mar get set knock +_pyJzexaRo0-00038-00031227-00031388 em dead. +_pyJzexaRo0-00039-00031388-00031864 For other creatives perhaps not into writing search for the FaceBook Page titled "Accredited +_pyJzexaRo0-00040-00031864-00032583 to Artist Creativity U-Design #CFQ Original Skateboards" and design the next hot skateboard +_pyJzexaRo0-00041-00032583-00033139 using Quintiliani's works and your own creativity! +_pyJzexaRo0-00042-00033139-00034094 we will supply updated images to build from on the U-Design Skateboard page. +_pyJzexaRo0-00043-00034094-00035890 If ones design is selected to be in our catolog we will contact you for release form signiture, +_pyJzexaRo0-00044-00035890-00037240 and give you credits on design so besure to post to the page and message work also0 with +_pyJzexaRo0-00045-00037240-00037419 contact information. +_pyJzexaRo0-00046-00037419-00038142 "Never Give Up Its the Way to Dreams" +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00000-00000000-00000078 foreign +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00001-00003624-00003647 foreign +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00002-00008820-00008976 foreign +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00003-00011814-00011838 foreign +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00004-00014880-00014922 everybody +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00005-00015132-00015168 ready +_OCgeJ8rYX8-00006-00020754-00020784 foreign +_Qwf21opC2o-00000-00000003-00000327 How to control your own schedule. Sometimes people use their job as their +_Qwf21opC2o-00001-00000327-00000593 blanket excuse for not being in control of their schedule. +_Qwf21opC2o-00002-00000593-00000720 "Oh I can't cuz I have a job" +_Qwf21opC2o-00003-00000722-00001059 However during periods without a job, these same people often +_Qwf21opC2o-00004-00001059-00001547 switch to different excuse "Oh I can't because I'm unemployed right now" +_Qwf21opC2o-00005-00001547-00001944 self-employed people do this too "Oh I can't because they have to work" +_Qwf21opC2o-00006-00001994-00002402 Your finances may fluctuate over time but no matter what time is passing you have the +_Qwf21opC2o-00007-00002402-00002748 same number of days this month that anyone else has you're free to decide +_Qwf21opC2o-00008-00002748-00003138 how you use these days if you want to spend this time on work you can do that +_Qwf21opC2o-00009-00003138-00003486 if you want to spend this time on growth and lifestyle activities you can do that +_Qwf21opC2o-00010-00003486-00003965 too you have more control than you think many people have a hard time accepting +_Qwf21opC2o-00011-00003965-00004307 the responsibility of being in control so they yield this control to someone +_Qwf21opC2o-00012-00004307-00004653 else the truth is that you're still in control all along because you can make a +_Qwf21opC2o-00013-00004653-00005061 different decision whenever you desire if you give control of your schedule to +_Qwf21opC2o-00014-00005061-00005489 a boss a company a client a spouse or anyone else that's a temporary choice an +_Qwf21opC2o-00015-00005489-00005937 assignment these people don't actually have control over your time without your +_Qwf21opC2o-00016-00005937-00006252 consent you can always change your mind and start saying no thanks to the +_Qwf21opC2o-00017-00006252-00006654 requests not having control over your schedule can be stressful but lack of +_Qwf21opC2o-00018-00006654-00006936 control is an illusion you chose to put yourself in that +_Qwf21opC2o-00019-00006936-00007293 situation and you didn't have to you could have made different decisions and +_Qwf21opC2o-00020-00007293-00007643 you still can if you don't like the stress you can take back control and +_Qwf21opC2o-00021-00007643-00008075 make different decisions shortly after I started my first business developing +_Qwf21opC2o-00022-00008075-00008421 computer games I made the mistake of giving control of memory schedule to +_Qwf21opC2o-00023-00008421-00008825 other people mostly publishers I worked with that created a lot of stress +_Qwf21opC2o-00024-00008825-00009213 several years later when I realized I didn't have to do that I stopped and +_Qwf21opC2o-00025-00009213-00009693 reclaimed control over my schedule the stress went way down and I enjoyed my +_Qwf21opC2o-00026-00009693-00010154 life my work so much more the people I know who enjoyed the greatest lifestyle +_Qwf21opC2o-00027-00010154-00010482 freedom and usually the greatest all-around happiness wield a lot of +_Qwf21opC2o-00028-00010482-00010925 control over their schedules they decide what they want to do and when they'll do +_Qwf21opC2o-00029-00010925-00011250 it they don't always get it right but they figure out what works for them +_Qwf21opC2o-00030-00011250-00011700 through trial and error we all have this freedom we just have to step up and +_Qwf21opC2o-00031-00011700-00012029 claim it which means that we have to start consciously rejecting unreasonable +_Qwf21opC2o-00032-00012029-00012474 claims our time even if someone else seems to control some of your schedule +_Qwf21opC2o-00033-00012474-00012839 this is happening with your consent you didn't have to consent to this and you +_Qwf21opC2o-00034-00012839-00013233 still don't people can offer you tasks to do and you can accept or decline +_Qwf21opC2o-00035-00013233-00013668 those at will either way there are consequences you +_Qwf21opC2o-00036-00013668-00014052 control your schedule you can pretend that you don't but you'll in control of +_Qwf21opC2o-00037-00014052-00014427 someone else there's only a mind game you play with yourself the real +_Qwf21opC2o-00038-00014427-00014784 consequences what are the consequences of not following orders +_Qwf21opC2o-00039-00014784-00015207 you may get chastised you may get fired or rejected what keeps you in line is +_Qwf21opC2o-00040-00015207-00015684 the fear and resistance regarding those consequences the real consequences are +_Qwf21opC2o-00041-00015684-00016097 usually no big deal though I get chastised now and then these aren't +_Qwf21opC2o-00042-00016097-00016575 scary consequences to be avoided this is just normal everyday life look at the +_Qwf21opC2o-00043-00016575-00016908 flipside have you ever thought about the consequences of obedience and passivity +_Qwf21opC2o-00044-00016908-00017319 what are the consequences of following too many orders you may not be able to +_Qwf21opC2o-00045-00017319-00017697 travel much you may not have time to explore rich and rewarding social life +_Qwf21opC2o-00046-00017697-00018095 with quality friends you may not have time to set and achieve your own goals +_Qwf21opC2o-00047-00018095-00018678 you may miss out on life itself there are consequences on both sides the +_Qwf21opC2o-00048-00018678-00019071 question I like to ask is this which path will yield the most growth in the +_Qwf21opC2o-00049-00019071-00019728 long run the growth challenge of freedom having lots of control of your schedule +_Qwf21opC2o-00050-00019728-00020079 is a major growth challenge unto itself what will you do with all that time +_Qwf21opC2o-00051-00020079-00020562 there's so many possibilities to consider how can you even choose from +_Qwf21opC2o-00052-00020562-00020979 such an endless sea of possibilities people often let someone else make these +_Qwf21opC2o-00053-00020979-00021327 choices for them because they don't understand the real challenge the +_Qwf21opC2o-00054-00021327-00021606 challenge is simply to make a better use of your time that someone else would +_Qwf21opC2o-00055-00021606-00022035 choose for you when your control of your own schedule your personal weaknesses +_Qwf21opC2o-00056-00022035-00022458 are fully exposed if you are very focused or disciplined you'll soon find +_Qwf21opC2o-00057-00022458-00022935 yourself drifting and flailing then you'll have a growth challenge how can +_Qwf21opC2o-00058-00022935-00023241 you make reasonably intelligent decisions and focus and discipline your +_Qwf21opC2o-00059-00023241-00023643 mind to get things done can you do this on your own these are tough challenges +_Qwf21opC2o-00060-00023643-00024000 to be sure that's why the self determination repeals to me so much +_Qwf21opC2o-00061-00024000-00024480 these challenges really push me to grow I find myself dropped into a sea of +_Qwf21opC2o-00062-00024480-00024963 possibilities and they must learn to swim this challenge is there for all of +_Qwf21opC2o-00063-00024963-00025353 us just because we pretend that isn't there doesn't make a recede you can give +_Qwf21opC2o-00064-00025353-00025698 someone else control over your schedule but the personal growth challenge +_Qwf21opC2o-00065-00025698-00026195 remains intact the invitation to greater growth is always present you can embrace +_Qwf21opC2o-00066-00026195-00026516 this challenge by consciously wielding control over your own schedule +_Qwf21opC2o-00067-00026516-00026862 acknowledging that you can never we assign this responsibility to someone +_Qwf21opC2o-00068-00026862-00027533 else or you can go dark and pretend you are in control oh I can't because I have +_Qwf21opC2o-00069-00027533-00028014 a job isn't a valid excuse for not tackling other growth challenges even +_Qwf21opC2o-00070-00028014-00028314 when you're choosing to follow orders for a while stay conscious by +_Qwf21opC2o-00071-00028314-00028668 acknowledging that you're always in control over your decisions and your +_Qwf21opC2o-00072-00028668-00028907 schedule +_Qwf21opC2o-00073-00029461-00029666 you +_SYf3gLTo0U-00000-00000008-00000672 Today I'm going to speak about a traditional Japanese doll called Teru Teru Bozu +_SYf3gLTo0U-00001-00000694-00001250 Today Seba is going to speak about a traditional japanese doll +_SYf3gLTo0U-00002-00001250-00001388 the Teru Teru Bozu +_SYf3gLTo0U-00003-00001394-00001712 it's a little doll that you hang up on the window, to drive away the rain +_SYf3gLTo0U-00004-00001712-00001964 I'm sure that you saw it in a lot of animes! +_SYf3gLTo0U-00005-00001970-00002198 Hello guys and welcome to a new video! +_SYf3gLTo0U-00006-00002200-00002708 I'm here today also at the Governament palace to shoot a new video. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00007-00002800-00003174 Well, I made videos last week and it rained... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00008-00003204-00003404 so, today I wanted to talk about rain, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00009-00003410-00003940 about this little japanese doll called Teru Teru Bozu, that is connected with the rain... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00010-00003940-00004094 the sun came out, obviously... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00011-00004094-00004262 I'm so lucky... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00012-00004270-00005036 However I wanted to talk about this typical japanese doll - Teru Teru Bozu. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00013-00005036-00005192 Maybe you saw it in some Anime, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00014-00005192-00005590 it's white, it looks a little bit like a ghost and they put them in front of the doors, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00015-00005590-00006006 it has a big head on top and the the body, it looks a little bit like Casper. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00016-00006018-00006645 It's very easy to do with the use of some tissues. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00017-00006650-00007102 If you want that I do a video where I do the Teru Teru Bozu, leave a comment and maybe I will do it. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00018-00007150-00007350 It's very easy, even I can do it +_SYf3gLTo0U-00019-00007502-00007772 So, I'm doing always my researches, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00020-00007781-00008062 look at that! I'm a straight-A student +_SYf3gLTo0U-00021-00008062-00008256 ... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00022-00008502-00009178 This doll is an amulet that you hang on the doors and people say that it should protect you from the rain. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00023-00009190-00009754 There is a story of this Teru Teru Bozu on the italian Wikipedia, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00024-00009772-00010386 it's a story that I personally never heard about, however I'm going to read it +_SYf3gLTo0U-00025-00010386-00010680 I assure you that this is not the most interesting story behind this doll, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00026-00010682-00011172 later on I'm going to tell you the most popular and funny ones. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00027-00011180-00011604 There are a lot of stories...personally I trust more the Japanese sites, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00028-00011608-00012036 but I just want to tell you also the italian version. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00029-00012038-00012530 The use of the Teru Bozu would result from his ability to frighten Amefushi, the spirit of the rain +_SYf3gLTo0U-00030-00012530-00012958 Amefushi is considered to be an enemy for the children, because it prevents them from playing outdoor. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00031-00012958-00013552 Amefushi isn't in reality evil, he only needs to feel accepted by the other children, which he would like to play with +_SYf3gLTo0U-00032-00013556-00013958 but since he brings the rain, the children push him away ("loser") +_SYf3gLTo0U-00033-00013963-00014194 so, in that way Amefushi punishes them. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00034-00014194-00014368 Anyway, a more interesting story... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00035-00014408-00014838 a Japanese friend of mine told me a more interesting story +_SYf3gLTo0U-00036-00014838-00015032 It's a beautiful story about Amefushi, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00037-00015052-00015450 One upon a time in a far country in Japan +_SYf3gLTo0U-00038-00015452-00015669 there was a never ending rain, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00039-00015669-00015988 you need to know that in Japan there is the rain season that lasts 2 weeks +_SYf3gLTo0U-00040-00015996-00016386 this divinity said to the people: +_SYf3gLTo0U-00041-00016388-00017082 "if you're not giving me a beautiful woman in sacrifice, I will destroy your city." +_SYf3gLTo0U-00042-00017086-00017462 I'm not sure which city was the capital at that time, between Nara or Kyoto +_SYf3gLTo0U-00043-00017512-00018318 it's a story that has been told during different times, so, I don't know. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00044-00018318-00018584 However they gave the woman in sacrifice, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00045-00018590-00019886 and she died, obviously, and the divinity turned the sky back to the blue color as thank you. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00046-00019896-00020514 Since that time, people started to make this dolls to thank that woman, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00047-00020528-00020728 because she was a Origami fan... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00048-00020738-00021014 The second story that I like the most +_SYf3gLTo0U-00049-00021022-00021330 talks about a Bozu, a buddhist monk +_SYf3gLTo0U-00050-00021330-00022146 Teru I think it means shiny - not cloudy - crystalline? Ok, I don't know. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00051-00022206-00022406 There was another rain season, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00052-00022440-00023068 people called this very famous buddhist monk to ask him to stop the rain. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00053-00023082-00023854 The monk did this kind of sound (okkio), it's a melody, that sound you can find it a little bit in my song Inori (I leave you the link) +_SYf3gLTo0U-00054-00023928-00024128 it's like this... +_SYf3gLTo0U-00055-00024494-00025028 Every time that I listen to it, my hairstylist says that it sounds like rap - so give her the fault. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00056-00025040-00025288 He preayed, but the next day nothing changed, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00057-00025300-00025600 so the citizens upset said: +_SYf3gLTo0U-00058-00025606-00026264 "we called the Bozu, he came especially here to turn the sky blue again +_SYf3gLTo0U-00059-00026266-00026698 and we prayed the whole day, but nothing changed..." +_SYf3gLTo0U-00060-00026708-00027212 So what did the citizens do? They cut his head off and they hang it on a white string +_SYf3gLTo0U-00061-00027212-00027392 and so from that this tradition was born. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00062-00027420-00027644 Last news about the Teru Teru Bozu: +_SYf3gLTo0U-00063-00027648-00027966 never do it in black, because that brings rain, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00064-00027972-00028245 never hang it up side down, because it brings rain, +_SYf3gLTo0U-00065-00028245-00028364 these are the beliefs +_SYf3gLTo0U-00066-00028380-00028648 and do that if you want that the rain stops. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00067-00028694-00029236 I hope you enjoyed watching, if you have questions, leave a comment. +_SYf3gLTo0U-00068-00029248-00029736 Let me know if I should do the Teru Bozu doll +_SYf3gLTo0U-00069-00029736-00030014 See you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1). +_SYf3gLTo0U-00070-00030024-00030494 Don't forget to share this video! CIAO +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00000-00000000-00000438 Hi I'm Dave O'Shaughnessy from the South Australian State Emergency Service. Today +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00001-00000438-00000827 I'm here to talk to you about sandbags. Sandbags are a great way to protect your +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00002-00000827-00001191 home in the event that it's going to flood. There are five key things you +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00003-00001191-00001563 should consider when it comes to using sandbags to protect your home. Firstly +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00004-00001563-00002043 make sure you work safely. Wear gloves sunnies or better still, safety glasses +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00005-00002043-00002510 as well as shoes or boots. Secondly make sure you do not overfill the sandbags. +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00006-00002510-00002940 They can get very heavy, especially when they are wet. Two-thirds full is ideal. +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00007-00002940-00003278 The third thing you need to consider is where you're going to lay the sandbags. +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00008-00003278-00003726 External doors such as this one, are an obvious choice as well as your garage +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00009-00003726-00004218 doors. You can also use sandbags to block external ventilation points or seal a +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00010-00004218-00004682 toilet so that sewage does not flow back into your home. How you lay sandbags is +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00011-00004682-00005057 also important. Aim to stagger them on top of each other the same way a brickie +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00012-00005057-00005559 would lay bricks. Finally disposes the sandbags appropriately. One of the things +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00013-00005559-00005985 you can do is empty the contents onto a garden bed and drop the empty bag into +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00014-00005985-00006380 your household rubbish. This has been a snapshot of what you can do to protect +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00015-00006380-00006831 your home with sandbags. For more information and tips find our factsheet +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00016-00006831-00007181 at the South Australian State Emergency Service website. +_Sb3FmdN3Nu-00017-00007181-00007742 www.ses.sa.gov.au +_SbBiPyWuuU-00000-00000000-00000200 SAFDARKHON KHURAMSHO +_VVbIupQLDo-00000-00000003-00000485 so yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing Avengers Endgame with my son as +_VVbIupQLDo-00001-00000485-00000924 well of what as one of my best friends so we go see the movie absolutely love +_VVbIupQLDo-00002-00000924-00001442 it cannot recommend it enough and when I get out my buddy rod from the band rkvc +_VVbIupQLDo-00003-00001442-00001884 he text me an article he's like hey this might be a video idea and it's talking +_VVbIupQLDo-00004-00001884-00002391 about how a specific character and Avengers Endgame is problematic and I +_VVbIupQLDo-00005-00002391-00002834 read this and I'm like oh yeah I need to make a video about this but +_VVbIupQLDo-00006-00002834-00003105 for all of you out there who have not seen Avengers Endgame yet there is +_VVbIupQLDo-00007-00003105-00003623 going to be one spoiler of a character so if you haven't seen it yet if you +_VVbIupQLDo-00008-00003623-00003960 don't want the movie spoiled turn this video off but make sure you come back +_VVbIupQLDo-00009-00003960-00005006 because this is definitely definitely something that we need to talk about +_VVbIupQLDo-00010-00005039-00005514 what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the +_VVbIupQLDo-00011-00005514-00005868 problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel I try to pull +_VVbIupQLDo-00012-00005868-00006348 different topics from TV movie shows the YouTube community pop culture in general +_VVbIupQLDo-00013-00006348-00006779 and try to see what lessons that we can all learn from this so if any of that +_VVbIupQLDo-00014-00006779-00007193 stuff makes you subscribe and ring that notification bell so yeah my buddy rod +_VVbIupQLDo-00015-00007193-00007620 sent me this article and it was about how a character in Avengers Endgame was +_VVbIupQLDo-00016-00007620-00008253 problematic I'm like what character like who was problematic and the character +_VVbIupQLDo-00017-00008253-00008825 they're talking about is Thor and I'm like oh my god and I already knew what +_VVbIupQLDo-00018-00008825-00009282 was coming and I opened up the article anyways and I read it and after reading +_VVbIupQLDo-00019-00009282-00009588 that article I found that there were actually multiple articles from +_VVbIupQLDo-00020-00009588-00010089 different websites talking about how four was problematic and mainly the the +_VVbIupQLDo-00021-00010089-00010700 bullying how he was overweight the trauma that he went through and things +_VVbIupQLDo-00022-00010700-00011268 like that so they also talked about his alcoholism so what are my qualifications +_VVbIupQLDo-00023-00011268-00011597 to talk about this I'm not a licensed therapist or psychologist or anything +_VVbIupQLDo-00024-00011597-00011856 like that but here are my qualifications I'm a +_VVbIupQLDo-00025-00011856-00012306 recovering drug addict and alcoholic with almost 7 years clean I'm somebody +_VVbIupQLDo-00026-00012306-00012819 who put on over 200 pounds in my addiction and I worked at an addiction +_VVbIupQLDo-00027-00012819-00013047 treatment center for a little over three years +_VVbIupQLDo-00028-00013047-00013644 so I have some experience to talk about this subject alright so anyways his +_VVbIupQLDo-00029-00013644-00014222 article and I'm gonna be going out of the one from Mary Sue okay so this first +_VVbIupQLDo-00030-00014222-00014661 section right here says in ingame Thor's trauma and distress manifests in his +_VVbIupQLDo-00031-00014661-00015108 retreat from society and into primarily drinking there was the opportunity for +_VVbIupQLDo-00032-00015108-00015600 an Avengers movie which will be viewed by millions to explore mental illness +_VVbIupQLDo-00033-00015600-00016088 substance abuse and the process of grieving with sensitivity or even just +_VVbIupQLDo-00034-00016088-00016515 basic humanity I know I'm not alone in saying that would have been a much +_VVbIupQLDo-00035-00016515-00017034 appreciated surprise many of us would have felt seen by Marvel Studios biggest +_VVbIupQLDo-00036-00017034-00017433 movie today alright like that like that's ridiculous when I read that I'm +_VVbIupQLDo-00037-00017433-00018093 like stop stop it I just stop okay like there's a few reasons why that's +_VVbIupQLDo-00038-00018093-00018576 ridiculous okay like okay this is a fictional movie with fictional +_VVbIupQLDo-00039-00018576-00019110 characters alright now think about this real quick the Avengers are trying to +_VVbIupQLDo-00040-00019110-00019950 undo half of like all living beings being wiped out in the galaxy and people +_VVbIupQLDo-00041-00019950-00020475 wanted them to include like what like a rehab and mental health montage when +_VVbIupQLDo-00042-00020475-00021138 their priority is saving the galaxy and bringing people back to life like that +_VVbIupQLDo-00043-00021138-00021534 is ridiculous and that's one of the things like when people get like in +_VVbIupQLDo-00044-00021534-00021858 outraged culture just outraged culture right they want everything to be +_VVbIupQLDo-00045-00021858-00022269 included in everything and here's the thing too this is completely neglecting +_VVbIupQLDo-00046-00022269-00022905 like how much they actually did address this like this movie address that so so +_VVbIupQLDo-00047-00022905-00023328 so much like okay I lied there's gonna be multiple spoilers in here because I'm +_VVbIupQLDo-00048-00023328-00023763 gonna go down the list okay first it shows Steve Rogers in a support group +_VVbIupQLDo-00049-00023763-00024248 for people who lost people after Thanos did his little snap thing okay they +_VVbIupQLDo-00050-00024248-00024636 showed a support group right we saw Hawkeye's struggle right when he +_VVbIupQLDo-00051-00024636-00025089 lost his family he turned that into anger and revenge and all of that okay +_VVbIupQLDo-00052-00025089-00025670 it showed Black Widow Natasha how she was trying to find meaning and purpose +_VVbIupQLDo-00053-00025670-00026148 and continuing running the Avengers and you know doing right in the you know and +_VVbIupQLDo-00054-00026148-00026583 galaxies and everything like that like everybody like there was so much story +_VVbIupQLDo-00055-00026583-00026830 in this I think there was even a point like halfway through the movie I'm like +_VVbIupQLDo-00056-00026830-00027297 man I wish there was some more action and it's because there was so much story +_VVbIupQLDo-00057-00027297-00027556 in it they took just about every single +_VVbIupQLDo-00058-00027556-00028095 character and showed how everybody grieves differently how everybody +_VVbIupQLDo-00059-00028095-00028659 grieves differently so for them to hone in on Thor who isolated himself for five +_VVbIupQLDo-00060-00028659-00029113 years and say like they didn't address this is very very ridiculous and here's +_VVbIupQLDo-00061-00029113-00029415 one of the many issues I have with this article and people freaking out about +_VVbIupQLDo-00062-00029415-00029827 this you can tell there are people who are looking they are looking for +_VVbIupQLDo-00063-00029827-00030216 something to be outraged by so you get the biggest movie coming out right and +_VVbIupQLDo-00064-00030216-00030708 people are walking in there not to be entertained not to escape the reality of +_VVbIupQLDo-00065-00030708-00031056 what's going on in the world but they're going in there and they're like okay +_VVbIupQLDo-00066-00031056-00031428 what can I get upset about today you know what I mean and when your brain is +_VVbIupQLDo-00067-00031428-00031875 locked in on that you're not seeing all of the other ways they did what you're +_VVbIupQLDo-00068-00031875-00032172 saying they should have done and like think about it for a second like what +_VVbIupQLDo-00069-00032172-00032455 like the movie was like three hours on what do they want to do like do they +_VVbIupQLDo-00070-00032455-00032908 want to like show like therapy sessions with like Thor and like some kind of +_VVbIupQLDo-00071-00032908-00033321 psychologists in there or or like what what did they want like that's the thing +_VVbIupQLDo-00072-00033321-00033591 like one of the reasons I say we talk about the problem but focus on the +_VVbIupQLDo-00073-00033591-00033931 solution is articles like this they just talk about the problem they're like oh +_VVbIupQLDo-00074-00033931-00034275 well there should have been you know more representation and like talking +_VVbIupQLDo-00075-00034275-00034716 about this stuff and so in the process like what what explain it like explain +_VVbIupQLDo-00076-00034716-00035250 to us in a logical way how that would have worked like so then right here they +_VVbIupQLDo-00077-00035250-00035496 go on to say about how this is a long-running joke like it's a +_VVbIupQLDo-00078-00035496-00035859 long-running joke about for being overweight and everything like that and +_VVbIupQLDo-00079-00035859-00036321 and here's the thing like I said I have experience with this I have experience +_VVbIupQLDo-00080-00036321-00036921 okay and here here's where the Avengers has always been like a great you know +_VVbIupQLDo-00081-00036921-00037480 series of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe everything is because the +_VVbIupQLDo-00082-00037480-00037878 Avengers like they talk trash to each other like they mess with each other +_VVbIupQLDo-00083-00037878-00038194 they jump with each other Thor is somebody who's like been this +_VVbIupQLDo-00084-00038194-00038700 like ultra like male like God right and he's like always talking crap to +_VVbIupQLDo-00085-00038700-00039078 everybody and everything like that and it's something that continued in +_VVbIupQLDo-00086-00039078-00039628 this movie okay so like me with I got sober like me and my buddies my +_VVbIupQLDo-00087-00039628-00040168 best friends we talked trash to each other I love talking trash I love it so +_VVbIupQLDo-00088-00040168-00040662 much I love receiving it I love giving it like when it's in this like joking +_VVbIupQLDo-00089-00040662-00041074 like funny way I love it and that's one of the reasons I love the dynamics +_VVbIupQLDo-00090-00041074-00041418 between so many characters and the Avengers is because they did that so +_VVbIupQLDo-00091-00041418-00041881 they talked about how Thor was getting bullied throughout the movie so you know +_VVbIupQLDo-00092-00041881-00042300 it would be more insulting do you know what would be more insulting to Thor in +_VVbIupQLDo-00093-00042300-00042886 that movie is if everybody babied him and coddled him throughout the movie +_VVbIupQLDo-00094-00042886-00043402 that would have been insulting like tell me this like just be honest leave me a +_VVbIupQLDo-00095-00043402-00043869 comment down below is it not insulting to you when you're going through +_VVbIupQLDo-00096-00043869-00044362 something and everybody treats you differently like that's a real question +_VVbIupQLDo-00097-00044362-00044853 like how many of us want to be treated differently like especially when we lose +_VVbIupQLDo-00098-00044853-00045268 somebody when we when we grieve when we're going through something right like +_VVbIupQLDo-00099-00045268-00045637 we want people to be there for us but everybody's just like walking on +_VVbIupQLDo-00100-00045637-00046140 eggshells around us and being super careful like that is even more insulting +_VVbIupQLDo-00101-00046140-00046525 and I don't think this the author of this article is getting that now the +_VVbIupQLDo-00102-00046525-00046936 other thing like I've mentioned earlier is that they're focusing on the negative +_VVbIupQLDo-00103-00046936-00047469 there were so many points where people were there for for rocket was there for +_VVbIupQLDo-00104-00047469-00048046 Thor Hulk when Hulk went to go like get Thor like they were there for him there +_VVbIupQLDo-00105-00048046-00048430 were countless people in there who were there for him and that's the balance of +_VVbIupQLDo-00106-00048430-00048733 this all like when I told you like me and my friends talked trash to each +_VVbIupQLDo-00107-00048733-00049111 other like we did that constantly and joked around and mess around with each +_VVbIupQLDo-00108-00049111-00049624 other but there were also like many many instances where they were just there for +_VVbIupQLDo-00109-00049624-00049812 us were there we were there for each other +_VVbIupQLDo-00110-00049812-00050094 and they were there for me and I was there for them right and it's this +_VVbIupQLDo-00111-00050094-00050541 balance but like we live in this world where some people not all people but +_VVbIupQLDo-00112-00050541-00050971 some people believe like this should all be like coddling and babying and +_VVbIupQLDo-00113-00050971-00051289 everything like that like well we do need to be there and be supportive for +_VVbIupQLDo-00114-00051289-00051645 one another when we're going through this like grieving process like again it +_VVbIupQLDo-00115-00051645-00052053 is extremely insulting to just baby somebody especially when there's a god +_VVbIupQLDo-00116-00052053-00052304 of thunder the next thing is that they're talking about +_VVbIupQLDo-00117-00052304-00052604 they're talking about the grieving process and they're talking about the +_VVbIupQLDo-00118-00052604-00053027 trauma that and the stress that for went through that led to his alcoholism and +_VVbIupQLDo-00119-00053027-00053424 weight gain and everything like that something that this article neglected to +_VVbIupQLDo-00120-00053424-00054138 mention is that this was five years later everybody five years later +_VVbIupQLDo-00121-00054138-00054669 okay we all need time to grieve like we all need time to be in self-pity and +_VVbIupQLDo-00122-00054669-00055314 just be upset and everything like that Thor was doing this for five years +_VVbIupQLDo-00123-00055314-00055742 so what's the alternative what's the alternative that they were gonna baby +_VVbIupQLDo-00124-00055742-00056250 him even more then we're gonna promote even longer self-pity no there comes a +_VVbIupQLDo-00125-00056250-00056717 certain point where we gotta get up my ass and put in some work and that's what +_VVbIupQLDo-00126-00056717-00057072 the Avengers did they got over there they're like yo dude it's been five +_VVbIupQLDo-00127-00057072-00057486 years get your ass up we need to put in work quit wallowing in +_VVbIupQLDo-00128-00057486-00057932 self-pity it's time to get out of the problem and get into the solution that's +_VVbIupQLDo-00129-00057932-00058229 what they were doing for Thor and that's what I needed when I was in depression +_VVbIupQLDo-00130-00058229-00058727 when I first got sober and I was still thinking about taking my own life and +_VVbIupQLDo-00131-00058727-00059220 all that stuff I needed people to pull my ass out of bed and say yo we're gonna +_VVbIupQLDo-00132-00059220-00059589 go to a meeting we're gonna go out for coffee we're gonna go see a movie we're +_VVbIupQLDo-00133-00059589-00059930 gonna go play cards we're gonna go play board games get up off your ass and +_VVbIupQLDo-00134-00059930-00060455 we're gonna do something Thor was in self-pity for five freaking +_VVbIupQLDo-00135-00060455-00061089 years all right and like just again like one of the biggest issues I have is that +_VVbIupQLDo-00136-00061089-00061558 people like this it's not everybody but people like this who wrote this article +_VVbIupQLDo-00137-00061558-00062117 promote this idea of self-pity and we should all just sit around feeling bad +_VVbIupQLDo-00138-00062117-00062507 for ourselves don't get me wrong there is a time and a place for that but how +_VVbIupQLDo-00139-00062507-00063012 long how long do we sit around feeling sorry for ourselves so the last thing +_VVbIupQLDo-00140-00063012-00063482 I'm gonna touch on to end this thing on a lighter note is as a fat dude I am +_VVbIupQLDo-00141-00063482-00063917 happy as hell that we have some representation in this movie did you see +_VVbIupQLDo-00142-00063917-00064314 that end fight did you see that in fight scene though with Thor just finally +_VVbIupQLDo-00143-00064314-00064814 suited up and he was doing work I'm like I got a fellow chubby dude out there +_VVbIupQLDo-00144-00064814-00065280 doing work on fails in his army so that was a nice thing +_VVbIupQLDo-00145-00065280-00065791 and that ladies and gentlemen is what you call the glass is half-full all +_VVbIupQLDo-00146-00065791-00066106 right but let me know what your thoughts are on this topic down in the comments +_VVbIupQLDo-00147-00066106-00066430 below if you see the vendors in-game or if you haven't and you watch this movie +_VVbIupQLDo-00148-00066430-00066820 anyways let me know your thoughts on this do you think we live in a time +_VVbIupQLDo-00149-00066820-00067147 where there is just outrage culture and people are just trying to find things to +_VVbIupQLDo-00150-00067147-00067377 get upset about alright let me know down in the comments +_VVbIupQLDo-00151-00067377-00067752 below let me know what your thoughts of the Avengers alright anyways that's all +_VVbIupQLDo-00152-00067752-00068041 I got for this video if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up if +_VVbIupQLDo-00153-00068041-00068365 you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell because I +_VVbIupQLDo-00154-00068365-00068758 make a ton of videos and a huge huge thank you to everybody supporting the +_VVbIupQLDo-00155-00068758-00069085 channel over on patreon you are all amazing and if you would like to become +_VVbIupQLDo-00156-00069085-00069418 a patron get access to our monthly Q&A some other perks of benefits click the +_VVbIupQLDo-00157-00069418-00069790 top right there alright thanks again so so much for watching I'll see you next +_VVbIupQLDo-00158-00069790-00070020 time +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00000-00000791-00001337 Yemeni people have been insulted, and they live without justice. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00001-00001800-00002075 For six years, Yemen has been stuck in a —— —— —— +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00002-00002078-00002425 between the SA-supported government forces and the Irn-backed ——. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00003-00002804-00002957 - How old are you? - Thirteen years old. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00004-00002959-00003115 You're 13 years old, and you want to fight? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00005-00003129-00003496 Yemen is in the midst of the world's worst —— ——. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00006-00004064-00004311 The lack of fuel entering Yemen impacts everything. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00007-00004313-00004542 Clean water and electricity are hard to come by. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00008-00004544-00004738 Health facilities run on limited power. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00009-00007014-00007445 If the politicians reach an agreement, the —— will be over. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00010-00008093-00008245 The Arab world's poorest country. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00011-00008840-00009048 —— and economic ——. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00012-00009206-00009351 Why do you like dancing so much? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00013-00009353-00009609 I like dancing because I feel free. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00014-00010945-00011233 Understandable that people are scared to come here, I was, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00015-00011235-00011427 let's hope that changes in the future. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00016-00012565-00012821 So, coming to you from the country of Oman. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00017-00012823-00013192 Today we're going to be crossing the land border into Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00018-00013195-00013668 Yemen, of course, is a country that's facing a horrible —— and has been for some time. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00019-00013671-00014226 It's also facing the worst —— —— in the world, horrors going on there. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00020-00014228-00014565 Of course, we're going to go in with an open mind, see what people we can meet, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00021-00014567-00014876 talk to them, see what it's like on the ground from their perspective. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00022-00014879-00015111 Not too sure how it's going to be like filming there. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00023-00015113-00015518 I know some areas are extremely ——, some a bit more stable, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00024-00015521-00015903 and we've got local people on the ground that are going to be looking over our backs. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00025-00015905-00016338 I wanted to go there for a very long time, so today's the time to realize that dream. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00026-00016361-00016570 Hopefully, we can get across the border. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00027-00016612-00016970 Let's see what the day has in store for us. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00028-00017014-00017264 Wish us luck, we have about a two-hour drive through the desert, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00029-00017267-00017696 and then we will get to the border, and then we'll see what happens. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00030-00020094-00020382 Okay, so we've successfully crossed the border. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00031-00020395-00020877 It wasn't easy, tell you about in a second, but yeah, just look at the landscape here, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00032-00020879-00021085 now this is definitely not what I expected. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00033-00021087-00021307 When you think of Yemen you think of flat desert, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00034-00021310-00021603 but here we are in the mountains with mist coming in, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00035-00021606-00021980 and there's camels walking up the road, it's quite a beautiful scene, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00036-00021982-00022470 and then we have the Gulf of Aden over here with a nice little settlement here. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00037-00022492-00022813 Definitely a lot more raw than on the Omani side. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00038-00022815-00022958 Really beautiful so far. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00039-00022961-00023235 This is our first glimpse of like civilization, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00040-00023280-00023512 but yeah, crossing the border was super intense. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00041-00023514-00023865 When we got to the border, we were questioned by the Oman side. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00042-00023867-00024187 He was saying, why are you going to Yemen, it's really ——. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00043-00024253-00024476 He said he would never go there. He's never been there. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00044-00024478-00024848 That was the Omani intelligence officer that took me inside +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00045-00024851-00025133 and questioned me for half an hour, maybe. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00046-00025201-00025523 Very nice guy, but he just seemed really concerned about why I'd be going to Yemen, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00047-00025525-00025868 and he's saying, don't you know there's —— there and things. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00048-00025871-00026358 Anyway, he ultimately let us through, and then we met our fixer on this side, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00049-00026360-00026490 you'll meet him through the trip. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00050-00026492-00026875 Then we had to go through the Yemeni side of the border, and that was, you know, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00051-00026908-00027241 the buildings, the difference between the buildings of the Omani and the Yemeni side, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00052-00027244-00027663 the Yemeni side was much, much more run down, I mean, that's to be expected, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00053-00027666-00027912 but then there were two people trying to block us from getting in, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00054-00027914-00028458 and apparently they almost tried to block our other permit from at midnight last night +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00055-00028460-00028859 and then it had to get changed again to the third permit that we've already received, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00056-00028861-00029193 so it's very complicated, anyway and then we, they tried to block us again, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00057-00029195-00029449 but ultimately we got through. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00058-00029522-00029832 So yeah, here we are in Yemen, we're going to keep driving up the coast. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00059-00029835-00030130 Today's like a bit of driving, but we'll see what we can see on the way. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00060-00030143-00030495 First impressions are a lot different look than I expected, you know, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00061-00030497-00030795 you think desert like I say but so far not like that. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00062-00030797-00031060 Anyway, won't hold up these guys anymore. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00063-00031124-00031415 This is the van we're traveling in the background, and we'll get on the road. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00064-00035628-00035807 So, we've been driving along the coastline. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00065-00035809-00036235 It's absolutely spectacular, again, not expecting this at all. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00066-00036288-00036710 Absolutely beautiful coastline with the mountains, huge cliffs, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00067-00036748-00037007 and then this turquoise blue water, and it's overcast. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00068-00037009-00037306 I can't imagine on a sunny day what this water looks like. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00069-00037349-00037595 But you can see these sand mounds here, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00070-00037617-00037987 and there's thousands and thousands of crabs running from hole to hole. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00071-00037989-00038266 They're making the piles digging up the holes. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00072-00038277-00038900 We just saw a dead turtle on the beach, a big turtle, so interesting wildlife so far, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00073-00038902-00039301 you know, spectacular scenes here, absolutely surreal landscapes +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00074-00039304-00039595 and then these sand mounds, it's beautiful. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00075-00039780-00040209 We've been through a few villages, very raw, very interesting +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00076-00040212-00040588 I think they use a lot of the rocks from the hillsides to build houses and things. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00077-00040590-00040699 There were shops running, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00078-00040702-00041155 and there were local people building new houses, quite bustling little places. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00079-00041180-00041334 We're going to continue along the coast now. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00080-00041336-00041650 We're going to see more villages, hopefully we're going to stop in some of them, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00081-00041652-00041928 meet some people, possibly if, you know, we've got to be careful, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00082-00041930-00042440 but so far really captivating place, naturally beautiful, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00083-00042548-00042759 not a desert at all so far, you know, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00084-00042821-00043160 so let's continue to see what we can discover in Yemen +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00085-00043163-00043420 it's taken me by surprise big time so far. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00086-00045130-00045364 Okay, so we've just pulled off the side of the road here, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00087-00045392-00045721 here with Kais, who's gonna be looking after me here in Yemen, right. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00088-00045724-00045838 Yes, yes, sure. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00089-00045841-00046148 Cool, and we've bumped into a local man here. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00090-00046152-00046323 And so you're fishing today? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00091-00046656-00046796 Today they went to the sea. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00092-00046798-00047001 Okay, any luck with the fish? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00093-00047394-00047570 Fifty kilos they have brought. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00094-00047573-00047874 The fishing is enough to keep life going? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00095-00048676-00048938 Sometimes they bring fish, sometimes they can't, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00096-00048961-00049386 and the thing that is —— them it's the black market of oil, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00097-00049388-00049580 it raises the price of the petrol in Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00098-00049610-00049894 - Right, so like for the boat motors. - For the boat, yes. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00099-00049896-00050044 How is life generally here? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00100-00050046-00050444 Because if I turn on the news in my country, it paints a bad picture, right, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00101-00050447-00050667 but how is it, at least in this part of Yemen? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00102-00051175-00051569 Some people they live in a really rough life, not really good. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00103-00051789-00051980 The only income they have is from the sea. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00104-00051983-00052332 What would you like to see change to make life a bit easier? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00105-00052570-00052819 I want to see the change in the entire Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00106-00053066-00053349 The —— should be ended, all the ——. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00107-00053842-00054365 And all the politician's sections should agree on for peace +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00108-00054367-00054527 because they don't make any good. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00109-00055436-00055818 It's all about politics, and the people here has nothing to do with the politics. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00110-00056037-00056187 Shukran +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00111-00056480-00056689 It's the first time he has an interview. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00112-00056692-00056834 All right, you did very well. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00113-00061411-00061563 Welcome home, everyone. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00114-00061594-00061758 - Shukran. - Have fun. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00115-00062216-00062516 Good morning to another day here in Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00116-00062519-00062932 Six in the morning, we're heading off early because we've got a long day today, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00117-00062934-00063311 lots of driving, lots of checkpoints and stuff, so that's why I have to set up early +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00118-00063313-00063591 because you never know how long they might question us and things. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00119-00063593-00063914 We arrived at this hotel last night and had some food, and then went to sleep +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00120-00063916-00064220 but you could see the roads have drastically changed +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00121-00064223-00064423 much more like what you would expect to see, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00122-00064426-00064774 long desert roads and things, and I think it's going to be more of that today, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00123-00064776-00065130 but we're going to see many more varied landscapes as the trip goes on +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00124-00065132-00065264 and we're going to meet more people. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00125-00065266-00065569 So, without any more talking, back on the road we go, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00126-00065572-00066172 see what we can come across in this increasingly fascinating country of Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00127-00066175-00066320 It is a bit nerve-wracking here. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00128-00066322-00066576 I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it can be tense at times, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00129-00066579-00067048 so we've got to be on our toes and just, you know, be ready for whatever. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00130-00067073-00067639 Anyway, let's head down the staircase, and jump in the car, and get on the road. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00131-00070363-00070466 Shukran. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00132-00070919-00071034 Country? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00133-00071099-00071289 New Zealand. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00134-00074928-00075210 Super long drive, been going for a few hours now and +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00135-00075357-00075765 still a third of the way there or so, so yeah, we'll keep trucking. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00136-00075807-00075943 It's a big day here. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00137-00075945-00076226 Very mountainous, I must say there are a lot of flat areas +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00138-00076228-00076471 but definitely a lot of mountains here, it's quite beautiful. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00139-00076473-00076965 Actually, the highest mountain in Yemen is, I think, 3500 or so meters. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00140-00077024-00077312 I was not expecting to see a mountain that height in Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00141-00080301-00080412 How much? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00142-00080415-00080754 All together ten thousand Rials. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00143-00080778-00080980 - Okay, so ten dollars. - Ten dollars, yeah. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00144-00083105-00083304 There's anything that he wants to say to the world? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00145-00083876-00084430 Yemeni people have been insulted, and they live without justice. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00146-00085104-00085569 The government is outside, and the people are struggling, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00147-00085629-00085976 and the government just like outside the country. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00148-00086811-00087465 Many products it gets expensive, and one product could cost a hundred SA Riyal, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00149-00087468-00087714 which is like $20.000 Rial and more. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00150-00087722-00087848 Like what, for example? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00151-00088109-00088309 Rice, wheat. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00152-00088369-00088542 - Basics to live. - Yeah, exactly. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00153-00088863-00089069 The things for life is really struggling. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00154-00089072-00089269 And what do you think needs to change? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00155-00089840-00090036 He want the government to return back home. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00156-00090116-00090303 - Shukran. - Shukran. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00157-00090337-00090687 So, we've been driving through the desert for what like five hours or so, so far? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00158-00090689-00090809 Yeah, almost five hours. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00159-00090811-00091188 Big day across the desert, but we've come to a fuel station. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00160-00091190-00091493 Can you like roughly just outline the petrol situation here? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00161-00091496-00091590 Because it's quite interesting. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00162-00091592-00092260 Well, since the ——, which started on 26th of March 2015 until today +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00163-00092262-00092708 and Yemen is getting oil from inside and mostly from outside +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00164-00092711-00092968 especially for the north they are getting the oil from outside. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00165-00093588-00093709 From the north and south. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00166-00094507-00094745 It comes from Irn? Okay. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00167-00094934-00095235 And the situation still it's complicated. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00168-00095237-00095410 It's an issue of economy. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00169-00095582-00095965 The —— against Yemen, to be honest, it's a —— against Yemeni which is in the North. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00170-00095967-00096218 The United Nations is doing a bad game. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00171-00096262-00096599 Oil is smuggled sometimes they buy from outside, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00172-00096652-00097290 Sometimes Oman is giving an oil shipment as a gift to help, which is good. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00173-00097292-00097399 - Humanitarian. - Yes. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00174-00097401-00097678 And you heard the man, how's the difference in prices on oil. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00175-00097699-00098123 How come government didn't even set up the price of oil, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00176-00098183-00098318 which doesn't make sense at all. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00177-00098325-00098526 So basically, when you pull into a petrol station, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00178-00098528-00098687 you never know what the price is going to be. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00179-00098690-00098863 - You need to ask first. - Right. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00180-00098885-00099169 And like, what's can it get like, really high sometimes? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00181-00099172-00099411 It goes to they call it the black market, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00182-00099414-00099689 it's a place where we need to get it from another place, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00183-00099764-00100218 it's on bottles, like 20 liters will cost $20 dollars. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00184-00100247-00100543 Right, so obviously, the further they bring it from, the more expensive. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00185-00100545-00101018 We see the income of the average people, they can not afford it. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00186-00101095-00101388 That's why you see a lot of destroyed cars like the one behind you, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00187-00101390-00101779 but barely they could afford oil. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00188-00101786-00102027 And what's like the cheapest the petrol gets here? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00189-00102051-00102383 The cheapest it's from the country, but still, the government is raising it, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00190-00102412-00102636 and the exchange rate is —— people. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00191-00102699-00103052 The exchange rate in the north, one dollar is 600 Rial. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00192-00103054-00103331 - And here is 1000. - Yeah, exactly, 1100 now. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00193-00103411-00103841 Yesterday it went up 30 Rial or more, which doesn't make sense at all. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00194-00103875-00104251 And what was it like at the start of the ——, what was the exchange rate? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00195-00104293-00104420 - Before the ——? - Yeah. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00196-00104437-00104743 It was one dollar two hundred Rials, north or south. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00197-00104762-00104862 Mass inflation. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00198-00104865-00105348 If the politicians would reach to an agreement, the —— will be over. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00199-00108454-00108666 So we just arrived at this hotel. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00200-00108668-00108788 I'll show you around in a second. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00201-00108790-00108993 It's a really nice hotel, actually. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00202-00108999-00109231 But to get here, we had to go through a really, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00203-00109234-00109573 really strict —— presence, so many checkpoints. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00204-00109584-00109893 Apparently, we were lucky there was only one checkpoint where we were. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00205-00109953-00110236 I had our paperwork checked for about half an hour, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00206-00110300-00110550 but the rest of them only took like five minutes maximum. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00207-00110552-00110947 Apparently, it takes hours longer normally, so we're really lucky to have arrived early. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00208-00110949-00111340 Pretty surreal, super strong —— presence and —— bases, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00209-00111342-00111851 lookout towers, ——, and heavy —— vehicles and things. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00210-00111853-00112130 I couldn't film for so much of the road, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00211-00112132-00112558 and I had to keep putting the camera down and getting it out of sight. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00212-00112666-00112884 So it is, you know, it's quite tense at times +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00213-00112886-00113328 but, you know, here we are in this beautiful hotel, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00214-00113430-00113745 and I'll give you a tour and then we're gonna go grab some dinner. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00215-00113747-00114103 Quite the drive today and yesterday, you know, that's two days driving +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00216-00114106-00114512 majority of it through the desert, but the start was, you know, in the mountains by the coast, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00217-00114514-00114773 and then some desert mountains and then a lot of flat, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00218-00114776-00114970 roads aren't the best but we made it. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00219-00114979-00115207 Okay, so here we are in the hotel room. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00220-00115210-00115324 Here's Jordan. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00221-00115366-00115571 Jordan's like a huge part of why I'm here. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00222-00115574-00116157 We've been trying to come since like 2019, right, so it's good to be finally here. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00223-00116159-00116354 How're your first impressions of Yemen? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00224-00116414-00117185 So far I'm enjoying it, but yeah, it's a lot of things I didn't expect as well, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00225-00117287-00117863 and I think yeah, we have a few more days to explore and just see the other sides of Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00226-00117969-00118261 To get into this hotel, it's super strict security. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00227-00118303-00118629 They go around the car with a, you know, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00228-00118632-00118958 a pole with a mirror on it, so they can see if there's any —— underneath the car. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00229-00119248-00119673 And you also have to come through like a security area, like a scanner in the bag, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00230-00119701-00119996 an x-ray machine and everything, so yeah, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00231-00119998-00120366 definitely somewhat tense atmosphere +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00232-00120368-00120703 but it's nice as well, you know, very nice people. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00233-00121322-00121554 Okay, well, I think I'm stuck in an elevator. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00234-00122089-00122272 Oh, it says out of service. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00235-00122423-00122592 Five minutes later. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00236-00123130-00123264 That was quite scary. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00237-00123355-00123502 Here's the lobby area. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00238-00123660-00124005 Big chandelier, reception. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00239-00124124-00124567 Nice guys here and this is where we're having dinner very soon. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00240-00124649-00124764 So look at this view. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00241-00124766-00125154 I mean, of course, let's not forget where we are, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00242-00125156-00125637 we're in Yemen, a country, you know, facing the world's worst —— ——, but +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00243-00125777-00126046 I think it is interesting to see both sides of the country, you know. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00244-00126049-00126347 So, here's the swimming pool and the dining tables +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00245-00126350-00126759 and a beautiful view right there of the sea. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00246-00126881-00127027 There's a private beach. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00247-00127143-00127287 Two? +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00248-00127289-00127485 Two? No, no, I think just one is fine. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00249-00127488-00127743 No, come on. No, I'm serious. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00250-00128956-00129200 Here's down on the private beach of the hotel, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00251-00129282-00129730 and they've got barbed wire along the perimeter +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00252-00129732-00130021 and a wall that goes actually quite far out into the sea. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00253-00130137-00130500 So we just finished up with a nice dinner here in these windows, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00254-00130552-00131068 and again it's quite surreal to be in Yemen in a very nice place like this, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00255-00131070-00131680 and obviously, we can't forget where we are, but you know, we also have to be safe. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00256-00131682-00132012 So that's the first two days in Yemen, you know, we'll see in the next video +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00257-00132015-00132282 more exploring, we've got some really cool things planned. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00258-00132285-00132591 We had to drive so much to get to this part of the country +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00259-00132594-00132829 we're more in like central south Yemen at the moment +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00260-00132831-00133100 because we were supposed to fly into this region +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00261-00133103-00133416 but we got denied, permits got wiped, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00262-00133418-00133799 so we had to get new permits and enter from the Oman border, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00263-00133801-00133949 so that's why it worked out that way, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00264-00133951-00134182 but you know, still cool to cross the land border actually +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00265-00134185-00134671 it's definitely mind-expanding trip, I've wanted to come here for three years now. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00266-00134721-00134965 Huge thanks to Jordan from America. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00267-00134968-00135355 He's really helped me out big time getting here, so big thanks to him, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00268-00135358-00135723 and Kais is a great local guy so. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00269-00135791-00135893 We'll see you in the next video. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00270-00135895-00136172 Thank you so much for watching, and in case I don't see you, +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00271-00136211-00136427 good afternoon, good evening, and good night +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00272-00136439-00136654 from a swimming pool in Yemen. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00273-00136657-00137117 If the politicians will reach to an agreement, the —— will be over. +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00274-00137120-00137744 Oman is doing very good work trying to put all the politicians to sit on one table +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00275-00137746-00138242 and make peace talk in reality not in speeches +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00276-00138305-00138577 to make the people feel peace and live peace +_Z8hHiGpF4E-00277-00138579-00139010 not just sign it and next day turn against it. +_afAqVYIBAI-00000-00000000-00000202 rustle... rustle... +_afAqVYIBAI-00001-00000288-00000444 Sara: Hello, what are you doing? +_afAqVYIBAI-00002-00000444-00000596 Jaril: Hello. This is KOKE (=Moss) Rasing. +_afAqVYIBAI-00003-00000596-00000738 Sara: KOKE? Oh, I see, it's "KARESANSUI". +_afAqVYIBAI-00004-00000750-00000956 Jaril: I lost at KOKE Mahjong. But I found KOKE is exiciting. +_afAqVYIBAI-00005-00000968-00001110 Sara: Hmm... Like Cactus? +_afAqVYIBAI-00006-00001132-00001264 Jaril: KOKE has various good things. +_afAqVYIBAI-00007-00001294-00001428 Sara: I think Moss Salad sounds healty. +_afAqVYIBAI-00008-00001438-00001616 Jaril: Not bad. They're not only cute, but also their smell and feel makes the universe. +_afAqVYIBAI-00009-00001646-00001766 Sara: WABI & SABI!!! +_afAqVYIBAI-00010-00001782-00001973 Jaril: And, Likened Play is greatest. We can see mountains and islands on Mossed stone. +_afAqVYIBAI-00011-00001996-00002160 Sara: Great! It's very interesting! +_afAqVYIBAI-00012-00002188-00002312 Jaril: Look at my KOKE... This is---- +_afAqVYIBAI-00013-00002330-00002480 Sara: Is this? +_afAqVYIBAI-00014-00002504-00002662 Jaril: Aonori (=Japanese food) of Takoyaki (=Japanese food). They looks like KOKE! +_afAqVYIBAI-00015-00002686-00002852 Sara: Reverse thinking. +_afAqVYIBAI-00016-00002900-00003142 Jaril: And, after one week, we'll see mold like moss. +_afAqVYIBAI-00017-00003172-00003386 Sara: WOW. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00000-00001219-00001348 You will pay attention. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00001-00001488-00001543 Are you ready? +_eDeyv8dFpY-00002-00001603-00001787 - Yes. - Are you ready class? +_eDeyv8dFpY-00003-00001816-00002080 - Yes, Miss! - Good. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00004-00002200-00002332 Once upon a time. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00005-00002383-00002660 There were three goats. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00006-00002796-00002971 The little goat. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00007-00003032-00003479 A middle-sized goat and a big goat. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00008-00003584-00004267 The little goat wanted to cross over the bridge to go and eat... +_eDeyv8dFpY-00009-00004347-00004515 the green grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00010-00004924-00005296 Here is the little goat crossing over the bridge. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00011-00005428-00005478 Liso. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00012-00005679-00006232 "Who's walking on my bridge, I'll eat you..." +_eDeyv8dFpY-00013-00006232-00006420 "Please do not eat me!" +_eDeyv8dFpY-00014-00006692-00007276 The little goat crossed over to the side with the green grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00015-00007307-00007631 The middle-sized goat followed. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00016-00008484-00009115 "Who's walking on my bridge, I'll eat you..." +_eDeyv8dFpY-00017-00009115-00009328 "Please do not eat me!" +_eDeyv8dFpY-00018-00009456-00010187 The middle-sized goat crossed over to the side with the green grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00019-00010259-00010471 The big goat was left behind. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00020-00010495-00010876 It also had to cross over to the side with the green grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00021-00010900-00011268 The big goat crossed over the bridge. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00022-00012028-00012548 "Who's walking on my bridge, I'll eat him..." +_eDeyv8dFpY-00023-00012548-00012735 "You will never eat me!" +_eDeyv8dFpY-00024-00013363-00013624 All three goats crossed over. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00025-00013719-00014243 They crossed over to the side with the green grass, and happily ate the grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00026-00014252-00014668 They were happily eating the green grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00027-00015052-00015443 Here are the goats, happy and eating the green grass. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00028-00015568-00015868 The boogie man fell into the water. +_eDeyv8dFpY-00029-00016400-00016668 Let's give our actors a round of applause! +_ecRPFl7HCy-00000-00000010-00000163 >> THAT WAS AT HOME TONIGHT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00001-00000163-00000170 >> THAT WAS AT HOME TONIGHT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00002-00000170-00000266 >> THAT WAS AT HOME TONIGHT. >> DENNIS: THANKS, AJ. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00003-00000266-00000273 >> THAT WAS AT HOME TONIGHT. >> DENNIS: THANKS, AJ. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00004-00000273-00000417 >> THAT WAS AT HOME TONIGHT. >> DENNIS: THANKS, AJ. FALL IS IN FULL SWING, AND WITH +_ecRPFl7HCy-00005-00000417-00000423 >> DENNIS: THANKS, AJ. FALL IS IN FULL SWING, AND WITH +_ecRPFl7HCy-00006-00000423-00000560 >> DENNIS: THANKS, AJ. FALL IS IN FULL SWING, AND WITH FALL COMES PUMPKINS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00007-00000560-00000567 FALL IS IN FULL SWING, AND WITH FALL COMES PUMPKINS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00008-00000567-00000693 FALL IS IN FULL SWING, AND WITH FALL COMES PUMPKINS. OVER THE WEEKEND, BRAINERD +_ecRPFl7HCy-00009-00000693-00000700 FALL COMES PUMPKINS. OVER THE WEEKEND, BRAINERD +_ecRPFl7HCy-00010-00000700-00000840 FALL COMES PUMPKINS. OVER THE WEEKEND, BRAINERD CELEBRATED THE NEW SEASON WITH +_ecRPFl7HCy-00011-00000840-00000847 OVER THE WEEKEND, BRAINERD CELEBRATED THE NEW SEASON WITH +_ecRPFl7HCy-00012-00000847-00001094 OVER THE WEEKEND, BRAINERD CELEBRATED THE NEW SEASON WITH THEIR GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00013-00001094-00001101 CELEBRATED THE NEW SEASON WITH THEIR GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00014-00001101-00001231 CELEBRATED THE NEW SEASON WITH THEIR GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. OUR ANTHONY SCOTT TAKES US TO +_ecRPFl7HCy-00015-00001231-00001237 THEIR GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. OUR ANTHONY SCOTT TAKES US TO +_ecRPFl7HCy-00016-00001237-00001424 THEIR GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. OUR ANTHONY SCOTT TAKES US TO GREGORY PARK FOR THIS WEEK'S +_ecRPFl7HCy-00017-00001424-00001431 OUR ANTHONY SCOTT TAKES US TO GREGORY PARK FOR THIS WEEK'S +_ecRPFl7HCy-00018-00001431-00001558 OUR ANTHONY SCOTT TAKES US TO GREGORY PARK FOR THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00019-00001558-00001564 GREGORY PARK FOR THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00020-00001564-00001915 GREGORY PARK FOR THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE. >> ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00021-00001915-00001921 NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE. >> ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00022-00001921-00002112 NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE. >> ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO. >> TODAY IS THE 12th ANNUAL +_ecRPFl7HCy-00023-00002112-00002118 >> ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO. >> TODAY IS THE 12th ANNUAL +_ecRPFl7HCy-00024-00002118-00002255 >> ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO. >> TODAY IS THE 12th ANNUAL GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL, AND IT'S +_ecRPFl7HCy-00025-00002255-00002262 >> TODAY IS THE 12th ANNUAL GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL, AND IT'S +_ecRPFl7HCy-00026-00002262-00002385 >> TODAY IS THE 12th ANNUAL GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL, AND IT'S ONE OF THOSE EVENTS THAT WE LOOK +_ecRPFl7HCy-00027-00002385-00002392 GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL, AND IT'S ONE OF THOSE EVENTS THAT WE LOOK +_ecRPFl7HCy-00028-00002392-00002512 GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL, AND IT'S ONE OF THOSE EVENTS THAT WE LOOK FORWARD TO EVERY YEAR, BECAUSE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00029-00002512-00002519 ONE OF THOSE EVENTS THAT WE LOOK FORWARD TO EVERY YEAR, BECAUSE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00030-00002519-00002665 ONE OF THOSE EVENTS THAT WE LOOK FORWARD TO EVERY YEAR, BECAUSE IT'S A GREAT FAMILY EVENT, GREAT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00031-00002665-00002672 FORWARD TO EVERY YEAR, BECAUSE IT'S A GREAT FAMILY EVENT, GREAT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00032-00002672-00002746 FORWARD TO EVERY YEAR, BECAUSE IT'S A GREAT FAMILY EVENT, GREAT COMMUNITY EVENT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00033-00002746-00002752 IT'S A GREAT FAMILY EVENT, GREAT COMMUNITY EVENT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00034-00002752-00002936 IT'S A GREAT FAMILY EVENT, GREAT COMMUNITY EVENT. >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A RAINY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00035-00002936-00002942 COMMUNITY EVENT. >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A RAINY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00036-00002942-00003073 COMMUNITY EVENT. >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A RAINY AFTERNOON, BUT THAT DOES NOT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00037-00003073-00003079 >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A RAINY AFTERNOON, BUT THAT DOES NOT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00038-00003079-00003219 >> IT MAY HAVE BEEN A RAINY AFTERNOON, BUT THAT DOES NOT STOP FAMILIES IN BRAINERD FROM +_ecRPFl7HCy-00039-00003219-00003226 AFTERNOON, BUT THAT DOES NOT STOP FAMILIES IN BRAINERD FROM +_ecRPFl7HCy-00040-00003226-00003349 AFTERNOON, BUT THAT DOES NOT STOP FAMILIES IN BRAINERD FROM COMING OUT TO GREGORY PARK FOR +_ecRPFl7HCy-00041-00003349-00003356 STOP FAMILIES IN BRAINERD FROM COMING OUT TO GREGORY PARK FOR +_ecRPFl7HCy-00042-00003356-00003540 STOP FAMILIES IN BRAINERD FROM COMING OUT TO GREGORY PARK FOR THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00043-00003540-00003546 COMING OUT TO GREGORY PARK FOR THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00044-00003546-00003656 COMING OUT TO GREGORY PARK FOR THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. >> YOU KNOW, IT'S JUST A FUN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00045-00003656-00003663 THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. >> YOU KNOW, IT'S JUST A FUN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00046-00003663-00003780 THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. >> YOU KNOW, IT'S JUST A FUN ACTIVITY TO BE OUT HERE AND +_ecRPFl7HCy-00047-00003780-00003787 >> YOU KNOW, IT'S JUST A FUN ACTIVITY TO BE OUT HERE AND +_ecRPFl7HCy-00048-00003787-00004003 >> YOU KNOW, IT'S JUST A FUN ACTIVITY TO BE OUT HERE AND WATCH THE KIDS, AND REALLY WHEN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00049-00004003-00004010 ACTIVITY TO BE OUT HERE AND WATCH THE KIDS, AND REALLY WHEN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00050-00004010-00004180 ACTIVITY TO BE OUT HERE AND WATCH THE KIDS, AND REALLY WHEN THE ADULTS GET INTO THINGS, KIDS +_ecRPFl7HCy-00051-00004180-00004187 WATCH THE KIDS, AND REALLY WHEN THE ADULTS GET INTO THINGS, KIDS +_ecRPFl7HCy-00052-00004187-00004287 WATCH THE KIDS, AND REALLY WHEN THE ADULTS GET INTO THINGS, KIDS GET INTO THINGS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00053-00004287-00004294 THE ADULTS GET INTO THINGS, KIDS GET INTO THINGS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00054-00004294-00004464 THE ADULTS GET INTO THINGS, KIDS GET INTO THINGS. SO I JUST WANTED TO SHOW MY KIDS +_ecRPFl7HCy-00055-00004464-00004471 GET INTO THINGS. SO I JUST WANTED TO SHOW MY KIDS +_ecRPFl7HCy-00056-00004471-00004641 GET INTO THINGS. SO I JUST WANTED TO SHOW MY KIDS WE CAN HAVE FUN AS A FAMILY OUT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00057-00004641-00004647 SO I JUST WANTED TO SHOW MY KIDS WE CAN HAVE FUN AS A FAMILY OUT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00058-00004647-00004687 SO I JUST WANTED TO SHOW MY KIDS WE CAN HAVE FUN AS A FAMILY OUT HERE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00059-00004687-00004694 WE CAN HAVE FUN AS A FAMILY OUT HERE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00060-00004694-00004818 WE CAN HAVE FUN AS A FAMILY OUT HERE. >> THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF +_ecRPFl7HCy-00061-00004818-00004824 HERE. >> THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF +_ecRPFl7HCy-00062-00004824-00004958 HERE. >> THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF ACTIVITIES WITH BOUNCY BALL +_ecRPFl7HCy-00063-00004958-00004964 >> THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF ACTIVITIES WITH BOUNCY BALL +_ecRPFl7HCy-00064-00004964-00005148 >> THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF ACTIVITIES WITH BOUNCY BALL RACES, THREE LEGGED RACE, PIE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00065-00005148-00005155 ACTIVITIES WITH BOUNCY BALL RACES, THREE LEGGED RACE, PIE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00066-00005155-00005305 ACTIVITIES WITH BOUNCY BALL RACES, THREE LEGGED RACE, PIE EATING COMPETITIONS, AND THEY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00067-00005305-00005311 RACES, THREE LEGGED RACE, PIE EATING COMPETITIONS, AND THEY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00068-00005311-00005588 RACES, THREE LEGGED RACE, PIE EATING COMPETITIONS, AND THEY EVEN HAD A SACK RACE WHERE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00069-00005588-00005595 EATING COMPETITIONS, AND THEY EVEN HAD A SACK RACE WHERE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00070-00005595-00005712 EATING COMPETITIONS, AND THEY EVEN HAD A SACK RACE WHERE COMPETITORS HOPPED THEIR WAY TO +_ecRPFl7HCy-00071-00005712-00005719 EVEN HAD A SACK RACE WHERE COMPETITORS HOPPED THEIR WAY TO +_ecRPFl7HCy-00072-00005719-00005805 EVEN HAD A SACK RACE WHERE COMPETITORS HOPPED THEIR WAY TO THE FINISH LINE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00073-00005805-00005812 COMPETITORS HOPPED THEIR WAY TO THE FINISH LINE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00074-00005812-00005925 COMPETITORS HOPPED THEIR WAY TO THE FINISH LINE. AND THE RACES AREN'T JUST FOR +_ecRPFl7HCy-00075-00005925-00005932 THE FINISH LINE. AND THE RACES AREN'T JUST FOR +_ecRPFl7HCy-00076-00005932-00005989 THE FINISH LINE. AND THE RACES AREN'T JUST FOR THE KIDS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00077-00005989-00005995 AND THE RACES AREN'T JUST FOR THE KIDS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00078-00005995-00006159 AND THE RACES AREN'T JUST FOR THE KIDS. >> SOME OF THE BEST FUN WE SEE, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00079-00006159-00006166 THE KIDS. >> SOME OF THE BEST FUN WE SEE, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00080-00006166-00006393 THE KIDS. >> SOME OF THE BEST FUN WE SEE, THE BIGGEST SMILES ARE WHEN THE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00081-00006393-00006399 >> SOME OF THE BEST FUN WE SEE, THE BIGGEST SMILES ARE WHEN THE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00082-00006399-00006643 >> SOME OF THE BEST FUN WE SEE, THE BIGGEST SMILES ARE WHEN THE LITTLE CHILD IS WITH THE PARENT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00083-00006643-00006649 THE BIGGEST SMILES ARE WHEN THE LITTLE CHILD IS WITH THE PARENT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00084-00006649-00006763 THE BIGGEST SMILES ARE WHEN THE LITTLE CHILD IS WITH THE PARENT. THAT'S WHAT IT IS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00085-00006763-00006770 LITTLE CHILD IS WITH THE PARENT. THAT'S WHAT IT IS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00086-00006770-00006903 LITTLE CHILD IS WITH THE PARENT. THAT'S WHAT IT IS. LET'S GET EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00087-00006903-00006910 THAT'S WHAT IT IS. LET'S GET EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00088-00006910-00006966 THAT'S WHAT IT IS. LET'S GET EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN IT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00089-00006966-00006973 LET'S GET EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN IT. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00090-00006973-00007056 LET'S GET EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN IT. >> MY DAUGHTER AND I ACTUALLY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00091-00007056-00007063 IT. >> MY DAUGHTER AND I ACTUALLY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00092-00007063-00007227 IT. >> MY DAUGHTER AND I ACTUALLY COMPETED IN THE THREE LEGGED +_ecRPFl7HCy-00093-00007227-00007233 >> MY DAUGHTER AND I ACTUALLY COMPETED IN THE THREE LEGGED +_ecRPFl7HCy-00094-00007233-00007414 >> MY DAUGHTER AND I ACTUALLY COMPETED IN THE THREE LEGGED RACE TOO, AND I ENDED UP FLAT ON +_ecRPFl7HCy-00095-00007414-00007420 COMPETED IN THE THREE LEGGED RACE TOO, AND I ENDED UP FLAT ON +_ecRPFl7HCy-00096-00007420-00007557 COMPETED IN THE THREE LEGGED RACE TOO, AND I ENDED UP FLAT ON MY FACE ON THE GROUND, SO THAT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00097-00007557-00007564 RACE TOO, AND I ENDED UP FLAT ON MY FACE ON THE GROUND, SO THAT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00098-00007564-00007720 RACE TOO, AND I ENDED UP FLAT ON MY FACE ON THE GROUND, SO THAT DIDN'T GO SO WELL, BUT YEAH, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00099-00007720-00007727 MY FACE ON THE GROUND, SO THAT DIDN'T GO SO WELL, BUT YEAH, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00100-00007727-00007901 MY FACE ON THE GROUND, SO THAT DIDN'T GO SO WELL, BUT YEAH, IT'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY, GREAT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00101-00007901-00007907 DIDN'T GO SO WELL, BUT YEAH, IT'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY, GREAT +_ecRPFl7HCy-00102-00007907-00008071 DIDN'T GO SO WELL, BUT YEAH, IT'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY, GREAT WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR +_ecRPFl7HCy-00103-00008071-00008078 IT'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY, GREAT WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR +_ecRPFl7HCy-00104-00008078-00008118 IT'S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY, GREAT WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR KIDS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00105-00008118-00008124 WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR KIDS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00106-00008124-00008284 WAY TO SPEND TIME WITH YOUR KIDS. >> IT WAS A FREE EVENT AND SOME +_ecRPFl7HCy-00107-00008284-00008291 KIDS. >> IT WAS A FREE EVENT AND SOME +_ecRPFl7HCy-00108-00008291-00008525 KIDS. >> IT WAS A FREE EVENT AND SOME FAMILIES COULD EVEN LEAVE WITH A +_ecRPFl7HCy-00109-00008525-00008531 >> IT WAS A FREE EVENT AND SOME FAMILIES COULD EVEN LEAVE WITH A +_ecRPFl7HCy-00110-00008531-00008678 >> IT WAS A FREE EVENT AND SOME FAMILIES COULD EVEN LEAVE WITH A PUMPKIN OF THEIR OWN, BUT FOR A +_ecRPFl7HCy-00111-00008678-00008685 FAMILIES COULD EVEN LEAVE WITH A PUMPKIN OF THEIR OWN, BUT FOR A +_ecRPFl7HCy-00112-00008685-00008848 FAMILIES COULD EVEN LEAVE WITH A PUMPKIN OF THEIR OWN, BUT FOR A WHILE, IT LOOKED LIKE THERE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00113-00008848-00008855 PUMPKIN OF THEIR OWN, BUT FOR A WHILE, IT LOOKED LIKE THERE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00114-00008855-00009082 PUMPKIN OF THEIR OWN, BUT FOR A WHILE, IT LOOKED LIKE THERE MIGHT NOT BE ANY PUMPKINS AT THE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00115-00009082-00009089 WHILE, IT LOOKED LIKE THERE MIGHT NOT BE ANY PUMPKINS AT THE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00116-00009089-00009135 WHILE, IT LOOKED LIKE THERE MIGHT NOT BE ANY PUMPKINS AT THE FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00117-00009135-00009142 MIGHT NOT BE ANY PUMPKINS AT THE FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00118-00009142-00009265 MIGHT NOT BE ANY PUMPKINS AT THE FESTIVAL. >> WE PLANTED AND THEY STARTED +_ecRPFl7HCy-00119-00009265-00009272 FESTIVAL. >> WE PLANTED AND THEY STARTED +_ecRPFl7HCy-00120-00009272-00009359 FESTIVAL. >> WE PLANTED AND THEY STARTED COMING UP, AND THEN WITH THE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00121-00009359-00009366 >> WE PLANTED AND THEY STARTED COMING UP, AND THEN WITH THE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00122-00009366-00009509 >> WE PLANTED AND THEY STARTED COMING UP, AND THEN WITH THE RAIN, THEY KIND OF ROTTED OFF, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00123-00009509-00009516 COMING UP, AND THEN WITH THE RAIN, THEY KIND OF ROTTED OFF, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00124-00009516-00009879 COMING UP, AND THEN WITH THE RAIN, THEY KIND OF ROTTED OFF, SO WE HAD TO CALL TONY AND SAY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00125-00009879-00009886 RAIN, THEY KIND OF ROTTED OFF, SO WE HAD TO CALL TONY AND SAY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00126-00009886-00010110 RAIN, THEY KIND OF ROTTED OFF, SO WE HAD TO CALL TONY AND SAY NO 89 PUMPKINS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00127-00010110-00010116 SO WE HAD TO CALL TONY AND SAY NO 89 PUMPKINS. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00128-00010116-00010250 SO WE HAD TO CALL TONY AND SAY NO 89 PUMPKINS. >> WE STOPPED BY WAL-MART TO GET +_ecRPFl7HCy-00129-00010250-00010256 NO 89 PUMPKINS. >> WE STOPPED BY WAL-MART TO GET +_ecRPFl7HCy-00130-00010256-00010433 NO 89 PUMPKINS. >> WE STOPPED BY WAL-MART TO GET US A SMALL AMOUNT, PROBABLY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00131-00010433-00010440 >> WE STOPPED BY WAL-MART TO GET US A SMALL AMOUNT, PROBABLY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00132-00010440-00010593 >> WE STOPPED BY WAL-MART TO GET US A SMALL AMOUNT, PROBABLY AROUND 16 PUMPKINS, BUT YOU +_ecRPFl7HCy-00133-00010593-00010600 US A SMALL AMOUNT, PROBABLY AROUND 16 PUMPKINS, BUT YOU +_ecRPFl7HCy-00134-00010600-00010817 US A SMALL AMOUNT, PROBABLY AROUND 16 PUMPKINS, BUT YOU KNOW, THAT'S 16 PEOPLE THAT GET +_ecRPFl7HCy-00135-00010817-00010824 AROUND 16 PUMPKINS, BUT YOU KNOW, THAT'S 16 PEOPLE THAT GET +_ecRPFl7HCy-00136-00010824-00011051 AROUND 16 PUMPKINS, BUT YOU KNOW, THAT'S 16 PEOPLE THAT GET TO LEAVE TODAY WITH A FREE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00137-00011051-00011057 KNOW, THAT'S 16 PEOPLE THAT GET TO LEAVE TODAY WITH A FREE +_ecRPFl7HCy-00138-00011057-00011124 KNOW, THAT'S 16 PEOPLE THAT GET TO LEAVE TODAY WITH A FREE PUMPKIN. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00139-00011124-00011131 TO LEAVE TODAY WITH A FREE PUMPKIN. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00140-00011131-00011311 TO LEAVE TODAY WITH A FREE PUMPKIN. >> AN IDEA THAT STARTED 12 YEARS +_ecRPFl7HCy-00141-00011311-00011317 PUMPKIN. >> AN IDEA THAT STARTED 12 YEARS +_ecRPFl7HCy-00142-00011317-00011488 PUMPKIN. >> AN IDEA THAT STARTED 12 YEARS AGO HAS NOW BECOME A STAPLE IN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00143-00011488-00011494 >> AN IDEA THAT STARTED 12 YEARS AGO HAS NOW BECOME A STAPLE IN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00144-00011494-00011641 >> AN IDEA THAT STARTED 12 YEARS AGO HAS NOW BECOME A STAPLE IN THE CITY OF BRAINERD. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00145-00011641-00011648 AGO HAS NOW BECOME A STAPLE IN THE CITY OF BRAINERD. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00146-00011648-00011831 AGO HAS NOW BECOME A STAPLE IN THE CITY OF BRAINERD. >> IT WAS AN IDEA I GOT FROM MY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00147-00011831-00011838 THE CITY OF BRAINERD. >> IT WAS AN IDEA I GOT FROM MY +_ecRPFl7HCy-00148-00011838-00011988 THE CITY OF BRAINERD. >> IT WAS AN IDEA I GOT FROM MY NEPHEW WHO GREW UP IN OHIO. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00149-00011988-00011995 >> IT WAS AN IDEA I GOT FROM MY NEPHEW WHO GREW UP IN OHIO. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00150-00011995-00012158 >> IT WAS AN IDEA I GOT FROM MY NEPHEW WHO GREW UP IN OHIO. HE SAID THEY HAD A REALLY GOOD +_ecRPFl7HCy-00151-00012158-00012165 NEPHEW WHO GREW UP IN OHIO. HE SAID THEY HAD A REALLY GOOD +_ecRPFl7HCy-00152-00012165-00012292 NEPHEW WHO GREW UP IN OHIO. HE SAID THEY HAD A REALLY GOOD TIME DOING IT, SO I KIND OF +_ecRPFl7HCy-00153-00012292-00012298 HE SAID THEY HAD A REALLY GOOD TIME DOING IT, SO I KIND OF +_ecRPFl7HCy-00154-00012298-00012442 HE SAID THEY HAD A REALLY GOOD TIME DOING IT, SO I KIND OF STOLE THE IDEA FROM OHIO AND +_ecRPFl7HCy-00155-00012442-00012449 TIME DOING IT, SO I KIND OF STOLE THE IDEA FROM OHIO AND +_ecRPFl7HCy-00156-00012449-00012659 TIME DOING IT, SO I KIND OF STOLE THE IDEA FROM OHIO AND BROUGHT IT UP HERE, AND IT'S +_ecRPFl7HCy-00157-00012659-00012665 STOLE THE IDEA FROM OHIO AND BROUGHT IT UP HERE, AND IT'S +_ecRPFl7HCy-00158-00012665-00012872 STOLE THE IDEA FROM OHIO AND BROUGHT IT UP HERE, AND IT'S BEEN A SUCCESS EVER SINCE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00159-00012872-00012879 BROUGHT IT UP HERE, AND IT'S BEEN A SUCCESS EVER SINCE. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00160-00012879-00012976 BROUGHT IT UP HERE, AND IT'S BEEN A SUCCESS EVER SINCE. >> THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A +_ecRPFl7HCy-00161-00012976-00012982 BEEN A SUCCESS EVER SINCE. >> THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A +_ecRPFl7HCy-00162-00012982-00013113 BEEN A SUCCESS EVER SINCE. >> THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A SHORTAGE OF PUMPKINS THIS YEAR, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00163-00013113-00013119 >> THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A SHORTAGE OF PUMPKINS THIS YEAR, +_ecRPFl7HCy-00164-00013119-00013243 >> THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A SHORTAGE OF PUMPKINS THIS YEAR, BUT THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF FUN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00165-00013243-00013249 SHORTAGE OF PUMPKINS THIS YEAR, BUT THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF FUN +_ecRPFl7HCy-00166-00013249-00013483 SHORTAGE OF PUMPKINS THIS YEAR, BUT THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF FUN AT THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00167-00013483-00013490 BUT THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF FUN AT THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. +_ecRPFl7HCy-00168-00013490-00013590 BUT THERE WAS NO SHORTAGE OF FUN AT THE GREAT PUMPKIN FESTIVAL. REPORTING FROM BRAINERD FOR THIS +_fDBwqBqur8-00000-00003304-00003856 hello everyone and peace of christ to all who deserve peace and no peace for the criminals +_fDBwqBqur8-00001-00003856-00004384 the bible say the criminals of muhammad they attack one of our churches in nice +_fDBwqBqur8-00002-00004384-00005288 which actually i visited last year those filthy dogs filthy animals pigs are better than you +_fDBwqBqur8-00003-00005544-00006144 filthy terrorists attacking an old woman and be hitting her +_fDBwqBqur8-00004-00006344-00007280 i mean what i can describe you more than i don't know what to say how disgusting islam is +_fDBwqBqur8-00005-00007608-00008256 for years and years and years the stupid atheists all over europe they label anyone +_fDBwqBqur8-00006-00008256-00009144 who exposes islam as a phobic you have a phobia you stupid atheist look what you have been done +_fDBwqBqur8-00007-00009400-00009984 you sponsored this devil and now the devil is hunting you and the christians +_fDBwqBqur8-00008-00010264-00010464 you defended the devil for years +_fDBwqBqur8-00009-00010744-00011256 even in england they made a ban list for anyone to speak against islam you cannot come to england +_fDBwqBqur8-00010-00011344-00012064 this is how much they sponsor the filth of muhammad and now they are wondering what's wrong +_fDBwqBqur8-00011-00012568-00012984 they are wondering what's wrong as if they have no idea what's wrong +_fDBwqBqur8-00012-00013784-00014280 harmony newspaper in france they mentioned the word islamophobia a year +_fDBwqBqur8-00013-00014456-00014752 is it really a phobia or it is a real dangerous cult +_fDBwqBqur8-00014-00015008-00015144 how many people beheaded +_fDBwqBqur8-00015-00015400-00016088 tortured killed raped enslaved in the name of the cult of muhammad in the last few years +_fDBwqBqur8-00016-00016360-00017112 and for how long you coward you keep saying this is not islam so this is what +_fDBwqBqur8-00017-00017336-00017968 the sheikh of al-azhar university in in in egypt who is the highest authority for the +_fDBwqBqur8-00018-00017968-00018576 garbage of muhammad he said stop insulting islam we are against killing innocent people but we are +_fDBwqBqur8-00019-00018576-00019064 against you insulting our prophet too so he's saying if you don't do this we don't do that +_fDBwqBqur8-00020-00019320-00019616 but remember islam was slaughtering people +_fDBwqBqur8-00021-00019616-00019960 before you insult islam it doesn't matter if you insult islam or not +_fDBwqBqur8-00022-00020376-00020696 islam was a slaughtering people before the cartoon and after the cartoon +_fDBwqBqur8-00023-00020968-00021536 the president of shisenya he made a threat to macron saying oh you are making one billion muslim +_fDBwqBqur8-00024-00021624-00021952 he was going to say maybe one billion terrorists angry +_fDBwqBqur8-00025-00022248-00022808 once i had a radio show this is many years ago and the stupid idiot atheist who was +_fDBwqBqur8-00026-00022808-00023384 speaking to me in the show he said according to study only ten percent of muslims they sponsor +_fDBwqBqur8-00027-00023384-00024032 terrorism said okay so what is the number of muslims today +_fDBwqBqur8-00028-00024032-00024576 he said like one you know point four i said okay what is the ten percent is +_fDBwqBqur8-00029-00024912-00025224 then the donkey he did not know what to say i said well you don't tell the number +_fDBwqBqur8-00030-00025224-00025712 what is it what is the number you just say 10 percent only of followers of this cult +_fDBwqBqur8-00031-00025712-00026383 they sponsor terrorism only ten percent is that a hundred million terrorists +_fDBwqBqur8-00032-00026536-00027032 is that 120 million is that 140 million what is the +_fDBwqBqur8-00033-00027032-00028536 number no this was not a smart muslim who said that to me that was a smart atheist +_fDBwqBqur8-00034-00028695-00029024 because atheists they were in the bed with this cult for a long time +_fDBwqBqur8-00035-00029080-00029760 they joined this evil devil muhammad thinking if they do that they can get rid of a christianity +_fDBwqBqur8-00036-00030495-00030983 the stupid atheist they sponsored islam for many years +_fDBwqBqur8-00037-00031072-00031560 long time and until now they open their borders for them +_fDBwqBqur8-00038-00031632-00032383 they control france they control england they control belgium they control all of europe +_fDBwqBqur8-00039-00032472-00032656 they don't have enough they want more +_fDBwqBqur8-00040-00033432-00033848 now i decide today to show respect to muhammad because +_fDBwqBqur8-00041-00033848-00034416 obviously if you don't respect muhammad you get killed i mean it's a nice religion and +_fDBwqBqur8-00042-00034416-00034744 they say to you islam mean peace which is false because islam means surrender +_fDBwqBqur8-00043-00034848-00035544 so i decide to start respecting prophet muhammad from now on more than before way more than before +_fDBwqBqur8-00044-00036016-00036248 there is many reasons to respect muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00045-00036568-00036856 as an example muhammad is very clean +_fDBwqBqur8-00046-00037000-00037560 he takes shower with dead dogs and women of blood from period and garbage +_fDBwqBqur8-00047-00037696-00038464 in either way muhammad he take a shower in the sewage so you cannot say i don't respect muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00048-00038672-00038920 who do such an amazing thing +_fDBwqBqur8-00049-00039368-00039912 can you find me other prophet he have the ability to jump in the sewage with dead dogs and wounded +_fDBwqBqur8-00050-00039912-00040536 blood different period and the sewage is a stinky and yet he is doing abolution to get ready for +_fDBwqBqur8-00051-00040536-00041464 allah remember he is now getting abolution so now he is getting clean i mean obviously allah is so +_fDBwqBqur8-00052-00041464-00042192 clean to the point we can be clean to allah or in front of allah if we take shower and do +_fDBwqBqur8-00053-00042192-00042728 abolution with dead dogs and women of blood different period and a stinky garbage water +_fDBwqBqur8-00054-00042976-00043904 and when somebody asks muhammad you idiot how in the world you do such a thing muhammad the +_fDBwqBqur8-00055-00043904-00044672 answer you idiot water always is a clean nothing make it and clean and here you see the stupidity +_fDBwqBqur8-00056-00044736-00045480 of the faith muhammad in one hand he said to you that dogs are filthy and he ordered all the dogs +_fDBwqBqur8-00057-00045480-00045904 and if a dog he touched your lick here your dish you have to wash it seven times which is +_fDBwqBqur8-00058-00045904-00046600 very weird you stuck with numbers saving time you have to wash the dish if a dog he lick your dish +_fDBwqBqur8-00059-00046864-00047328 not look not your food your dish you have to wash the dish seven times +_fDBwqBqur8-00060-00047328-00048184 and then we find him jumping in the water or have dead dogs dead dogs dead dogs +_fDBwqBqur8-00061-00048448-00048824 i mean you have to be more filthy than the dead dog to jump in the shower imagine you +_fDBwqBqur8-00062-00048824-00049488 have a bathtub or a jacuzzi and by the way the muslim will say to you this was a big big big +_fDBwqBqur8-00063-00049488-00050400 lake big lake you coward big lake you potato it was in the size of a jacuzzi +_fDBwqBqur8-00064-00050576-00051040 to the point the person who measure it he measured with his coat +_fDBwqBqur8-00065-00051536-00051984 and actually we can show you the hadith about how he measure it +_fDBwqBqur8-00066-00052584-00052632 here we go +_fDBwqBqur8-00067-00052928-00053688 all this where muhammad is jumping in it is six arm wide and the height of the water is less +_fDBwqBqur8-00068-00053688-00054472 than you know higher than your knee and less than your private part so you can say it is a little +_fDBwqBqur8-00069-00054567-00055567 jacuzzi and inside this little jacuzzi there's dead dogs and women are bloody from period and +_fDBwqBqur8-00070-00055920-00056184 the water is stink and garbage +_fDBwqBqur8-00071-00057000-00057640 so you cannot say you cannot respect prophet muhammad obviously is a prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00072-00057640-00058128 i mean the sign of a prophecy is to be crazy and to jump in the sewage +_fDBwqBqur8-00073-00058400-00058760 that is number one requirement because that will make you support clean to meet allah +_fDBwqBqur8-00074-00058760-00059248 remember allah is a devil in order to be clean for allah you have to be clean in the standard +_fDBwqBqur8-00075-00059248-00059752 of allah and the clean understanding of allah obviously is to jump with the blood of women +_fDBwqBqur8-00076-00059944-00060072 the same as this filthy +_fDBwqBqur8-00077-00060352-00060855 who slaughter the women and old women go into the church +_fDBwqBqur8-00078-00061079-00061479 and what happened after that the stupid police are taking him to hospital why you +_fDBwqBqur8-00079-00061479-00061784 don't throw him in the street giving to the french people to deal with him +_fDBwqBqur8-00080-00062296-00063184 you are taking this faithy criminal to the hospital +_fDBwqBqur8-00081-00063376-00063544 i would love to put my hand on him +_fDBwqBqur8-00082-00063904-00064024 coward like muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00083-00064264-00064584 filthy animal like muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00084-00064696-00065360 you know what i respect your prophet to the point i cannot spit on him because i respect my spit +_fDBwqBqur8-00085-00065520-00065616 more than your prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00086-00065848-00066168 if i spit at your prophet i have to take my spit back and wash it +_fDBwqBqur8-00087-00066760-00067384 so this is muhammad the one they are defending is a filthy man even in normal filth cleaning +_fDBwqBqur8-00088-00067472-00067752 actually even their book says that muhammad was full of lies +_fDBwqBqur8-00089-00068008-00068616 this is how clean he was now you cannot forget that muhammad need to be respected +_fDBwqBqur8-00090-00068616-00069296 for other reasons here we have a story of a woman she was insulting the filthy prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00091-00069504-00070184 and by the way the city prophet he prophesied a lot of things that come to be true +_fDBwqBqur8-00092-00070264-00070992 a lot of things he prophesy as an example he is the one who discover that the foreign stars +_fDBwqBqur8-00093-00070992-00071656 is allah shooting the shaitaan in his ass because shaytan he tried to spy at allah +_fDBwqBqur8-00094-00071968-00072624 muhammad is a genius he discovered that women have a sperm coming from their ribs and man +_fDBwqBqur8-00095-00072624-00073024 have a sperm coming from the backbone so you have to respect him for that too +_fDBwqBqur8-00096-00073256-00073624 and muhammad is the one who discover according to the hate and we can show it +_fDBwqBqur8-00097-00073736-00074424 that women have half a brain but we just saw a woman in the supreme court of usa she beat +_fDBwqBqur8-00098-00074424-00075032 all the judges nobody can be smarter than her she is smarter than a hundred men but +_fDBwqBqur8-00099-00075032-00075504 muhammad he discover this faith in muhammad he discovered that women have half a brain +_fDBwqBqur8-00100-00075656-00076144 in front of us here we have a story of a woman she was insulting muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00101-00076368-00076752 she knew he's a fraud she knew his scumbag she knew he's a +_fDBwqBqur8-00102-00076752-00077184 child molester so she was speaking against him +_fDBwqBqur8-00103-00077368-00078024 so the owner of the slave who used to rape her as always they do and he had even kids from her +_fDBwqBqur8-00104-00078136-00078664 because she insulted muhammad he took his dagger and he inserted in her belly +_fDBwqBqur8-00105-00079024-00079152 as you see in the story here +_fDBwqBqur8-00106-00079368-00079712 one night she began to slander the prophet and abuse him +_fDBwqBqur8-00107-00079944-00080544 look at the crime bigger crime insulting the prophet slandering the prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00108-00080608-00081144 so he took a dagger and place it in her belly and he press it and he killed her +_fDBwqBqur8-00109-00081144-00081856 a child who came between her legs was smeared with the blood that is the philippine muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00110-00082184-00082776 so you want to open more mosque for them you want to go in tv and bring me george bush and +_fDBwqBqur8-00111-00082776-00083504 obama saying islam is peace you want to say to me isis does not present islam this is muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00112-00084080-00084280 for how long we will keep lying +_fDBwqBqur8-00113-00084504-00084896 running away from the truth and saying islam is a peaceful religion +_fDBwqBqur8-00114-00084896-00085624 islam is not a religion islam is a filth islam is a cult islam is a garbage islam is a scumbag +_fDBwqBqur8-00115-00085624-00085952 islam is racist islam is not made for a human +_fDBwqBqur8-00116-00086832-00087232 and then they brought the man to muhammad in second more actually nobody arrested him or +_fDBwqBqur8-00117-00087232-00087816 anything they told him he killed his slave so in the morning muhammad he said the one who did that +_fDBwqBqur8-00118-00087816-00088656 had come to me he assembled the people and said by allah the man who done an action i adore him +_fDBwqBqur8-00119-00088776-00089672 by my by my right on him he have right on there he should stand up jumping over the next of the +_fDBwqBqur8-00120-00089672-00090400 people trembling this is the blind man he stood up he sat before the prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00121-00090472-00091184 the fifty prophet and he said o allah messenger of allah i am her master she used to abuse you +_fDBwqBqur8-00122-00091328-00091960 and despaired you i forbid her but she did not stop i rebuked her +_fDBwqBqur8-00123-00091960-00092640 but she did not abandon her habit i have two sons from her because he was raping her +_fDBwqBqur8-00124-00092760-00093424 and she was my companion in the bed last night she began to abuse you +_fDBwqBqur8-00125-00093552-00094176 and despaired you so i took a dagger and put it in her belly and press it till i killed her +_fDBwqBqur8-00126-00094304-00095504 thereupon the isis prophet said o be witness o be witness blood is for free +_fDBwqBqur8-00127-00095752-00096232 and they are saying to you that those terrorists they don't present islam +_fDBwqBqur8-00128-00096480-00097112 every scumbag who goes in tv and keep lying to us saying isis is not islam +_fDBwqBqur8-00129-00097112-00097496 al-qaeda is not islam those terrorists they don't present islam +_fDBwqBqur8-00130-00097496-00097880 how many of how many time we heard this garbage this is muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00131-00098104-00098336 this is a story printed by muslims +_fDBwqBqur8-00132-00098808-00099224 written by muslims considered authentic by muslims +_fDBwqBqur8-00133-00099448-00099960 published by muslims taught to the children of islam by muslims +_fDBwqBqur8-00134-00100064-00100584 and yet you will get an idiot saying to you islam has nothing to do with this +_fDBwqBqur8-00135-00100808-00101280 so we will blame who we are playing the terrorists or those who sponsor the terrorists +_fDBwqBqur8-00136-00101432-00101824 atheists for the last 50 years they are sponsoring terrorism +_fDBwqBqur8-00137-00102304-00103128 you brought them to europe you gave them papers shelters you did not check their qualification +_fDBwqBqur8-00138-00103208-00103816 their education what they believe can they match with your society can they live in your society +_fDBwqBqur8-00139-00103816-00104583 can we emerge inside yourselves what they want you don't care you just care for fighting christianity +_fDBwqBqur8-00140-00104944-00105800 you say the effort to jesus every day in every single garbage movie you make you curse jesus +_fDBwqBqur8-00141-00105800-00106583 in every movie in purpose to insult christianity and we never attack you do you appreciate us now +_fDBwqBqur8-00142-00106928-00107240 do you think we are coward do you think we don't have guns +_fDBwqBqur8-00143-00107240-00107983 do you think we cannot kill no we can but we don't do that +_fDBwqBqur8-00144-00108072-00108576 you are used to christianity this is why you don't understand why islam is doing that +_fDBwqBqur8-00145-00108896-00109504 you used to insult us and we say god forgive you god bless you +_fDBwqBqur8-00146-00109728-00110783 and now you cannot accept i mean how this is happening you stupid idiot you did that yourself +_fDBwqBqur8-00147-00110896-00111440 and it is time to pay for the crime you did and now you will lose your security +_fDBwqBqur8-00148-00111520-00112040 you will lose your economy what you will do you have one of two choices either you +_fDBwqBqur8-00149-00112040-00112520 ban islam you close every mosque and deport those who believe in the belief like terrorism +_fDBwqBqur8-00150-00112624-00113208 send them back where they were coming from you have to make you you know you +_fDBwqBqur8-00151-00113208-00113792 remember before a muslim he says to me do you uh do you accept the acquisition +_fDBwqBqur8-00152-00114111-00114688 a muslim is a question in the acquisition they go to spain they kill the spanish they +_fDBwqBqur8-00153-00114688-00115328 rape their women they take their land for hundreds of years and then when they take their land back +_fDBwqBqur8-00154-00115448-00116088 and they clean their land from the dirt of muhammad they say to you those are criminals +_fDBwqBqur8-00155-00116248-00116752 muslims do an acquisition to you and your land and they have no right +_fDBwqBqur8-00156-00116983-00117168 in spain they were clean in their land +_fDBwqBqur8-00157-00117352-00117816 anyone who betrayed he joined the army of the enemy or support the enemy they get rid of him +_fDBwqBqur8-00158-00117904-00118352 and actually in america we do that you join taliban we arrest you +_fDBwqBqur8-00159-00118488-00119183 and you might even be executed you join the enemy +_fDBwqBqur8-00160-00119296-00119640 the muslims they go to your country and i'm talking about those who believe in muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00161-00119640-00120159 not somebody his name is muhammad those who really truly believe in muhammad is those who believe in +_fDBwqBqur8-00162-00120159-00120759 this hadith you see all of them they will say to you oh we condemn the killing we are against +_fDBwqBqur8-00163-00120759-00121568 the killing look do you believe in this or not muslims do you believe in this or not you are +_fDBwqBqur8-00164-00121568-00122192 a prophet he says the one who insult me her blood is for free do you agree with your prophet or not +_fDBwqBqur8-00165-00122504-00122968 they don't dare to say we don't agree so what those suspicions about we condemn the killing +_fDBwqBqur8-00166-00123135-00123383 this is the stupid propaganda for the fool +_fDBwqBqur8-00167-00123648-00124248 behind the walls all of them they are praising the person who is doing the killing and when i say all +_fDBwqBqur8-00168-00124248-00124783 of them who i'm talking about those who believe in this what is in the front of us on the screen +_fDBwqBqur8-00169-00124888-00125344 believe in what believe in muhammad to be he have the right to kill anyone who don't agree with him +_fDBwqBqur8-00170-00125552-00125848 and can you find me one muslim who go to the mosque you don't agree with this +_fDBwqBqur8-00171-00126024-00126352 which mosque is that which religion +_fDBwqBqur8-00172-00126648-00127432 but i can't find you a hundred thousand atheists saying to you islam is not this you idiot this +_fDBwqBqur8-00173-00127432-00128032 is muhammad himself obviously muhammad is not a muslim then because islam is peace +_fDBwqBqur8-00174-00128264-00128983 and now we did not was internet it's a miracle +_fDBwqBqur8-00175-00129088-00129592 if we ever lose internet just refresh your page it will be back soon in case +_fDBwqBqur8-00176-00129816-00130432 so they lie to you they fool you and they give you false information and they say to you for +_fDBwqBqur8-00177-00130432-00131088 years and years and years islam is peace islam is not about terrorism we muslim we follow prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00178-00131088-00131784 muhammad who take us to taught us to be terrorist terrorists here we go this is muhammad himself +_fDBwqBqur8-00179-00132320-00133184 this is muhammad himself +_fDBwqBqur8-00180-00133304-00133664 we have a muslim from turkey i can tell his name is razwan +_fDBwqBqur8-00181-00133664-00133984 all those who they are turkish or shishanian they call themselves +_fDBwqBqur8-00182-00133984-00134632 funny names they don't even know how to call themselves a name in arabic +_fDBwqBqur8-00183-00134632-00135160 have you ever heard of a name like this i mean you copy muhammad you follow muhammad you became +_fDBwqBqur8-00184-00135160-00135720 a slave of the arab which is us and then you you call yourself a name it's funny raswan +_fDBwqBqur8-00185-00135800-00136544 since when in arabic there's a name is called roswan ah is it turkish omar biaman you are lying +_fDBwqBqur8-00186-00136544-00136984 you are lying razwan is saying to me you see this come back well this is your prophet hadith +_fDBwqBqur8-00187-00136984-00137712 you idiot what i'm lying about you see guys we are showing them the reference from their own website +_fDBwqBqur8-00188-00137776-00138040 and then you get a a person his name is razwan +_fDBwqBqur8-00189-00138408-00139152 who just finished muta like he's a prophet who his wife is six years old like he's a prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00190-00139264-00140184 telling us you're lame it's in front of you you're lame this is your website it's the online +_fDBwqBqur8-00191-00140408-00140544 but you're lying +_fDBwqBqur8-00192-00140896-00140960 you're lying +_fDBwqBqur8-00193-00141464-00142000 but do you know why they are saying you are lying because they are ashamed of their faith a prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00194-00142128-00142432 otherwise they will say yeah this is true we are proud of him +_fDBwqBqur8-00195-00142776-00143368 but because they are ashamed of him they try to cover up +_fDBwqBqur8-00196-00143744-00143816 you're lying +_fDBwqBqur8-00197-00144280-00145088 you killed an old woman i will make muhammad pay i will make muhammad pray i promise you +_fDBwqBqur8-00198-00145232-00145544 that the blood of those christians you are slaughtering every day +_fDBwqBqur8-00199-00145632-00146168 will not go for nothing we are going to spank your faith the prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00200-00146168-00147184 as never before actually i'm thinking to make a book called the faith muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00201-00147240-00147472 or who can be more faithful than muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00202-00147712-00148584 you inspire me with the name +_fDBwqBqur8-00203-00148680-00148856 i will find the best name just wait +_fDBwqBqur8-00204-00148984-00149400 you think you can intimidate us your cowards by killing women in a church +_fDBwqBqur8-00205-00149744-00150048 you think people will respect your prophet you're filthy coward +_fDBwqBqur8-00206-00150160-00150656 everybody is spitting at your prophet now in france in europe in china everybody notice +_fDBwqBqur8-00207-00150656-00151016 you know they say to you the chinese they put one million +_fDBwqBqur8-00208-00151016-00151792 muslim in jail how we knew that those are not terrorists when i went to china last time +_fDBwqBqur8-00209-00151976-00152680 i asked a person why they have those columns they were not there he says because we have +_fDBwqBqur8-00210-00152680-00153216 many terrorist attacks driving with their cars over people who are waiting outside +_fDBwqBqur8-00211-00153336-00153808 and guess what religion is the religion of the terrorist attack in china +_fDBwqBqur8-00212-00153880-00155064 in front of the forbidden city are they buddhas no hindus no atheist communists no christians no +_fDBwqBqur8-00213-00155280-00155792 it is the followers of the peaceful religion it's called islam +_fDBwqBqur8-00214-00156320-00156984 and then you will see that everybody is trying to fight china he used that card against china +_fDBwqBqur8-00215-00157064-00157200 china is arresting terrorists +_fDBwqBqur8-00216-00157472-00157776 otherwise they should put all the muslims there in jail why only +_fDBwqBqur8-00217-00157856-00158384 some did you ask yourself the question +_fDBwqBqur8-00218-00158584-00159216 why some injil not all of them if they don't want the muslims so you are lying about china +_fDBwqBqur8-00219-00159512-00159784 you are lying about china just for a political agenda +_fDBwqBqur8-00220-00160736-00161296 we have to respect the faith in muhammad please from now on respect the faith muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00221-00161376-00161816 i have respect to a mosquito who suck a blood of people and bring diseases +_fDBwqBqur8-00222-00161816-00162624 more than your faith your prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00223-00162624-00163200 another reason to respect muhammad he's racist he's a filthy racist +_fDBwqBqur8-00224-00163720-00164120 for sure i am being sarcastic i don't respect somebody he is +_fDBwqBqur8-00225-00164216-00164808 a filthy racist look what the fury muhammad he said about our beloved black people +_fDBwqBqur8-00226-00165008-00165440 black people are wonderful people actually the best of the christians i notice is the black +_fDBwqBqur8-00227-00165440-00166008 people when they pray they pray from their heart when they go mission they go from their heart +_fDBwqBqur8-00228-00166008-00166456 when they worship all of them they are jumping from happiness worship in the lord +_fDBwqBqur8-00229-00166592-00167112 wonderful people how muhammad he saw the black people this filthy creature muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00230-00167312-00168288 he said he said who the philippi muhammad allah messenger between to bracket peace +_fDBwqBqur8-00231-00168288-00169032 be upon him a lot of peace upon him said allah created adam when he created him +_fDBwqBqur8-00232-00169032-00169584 and he struck his right shoulder and they are emitted from it white of spring +_fDBwqBqur8-00233-00169680-00170448 as if the wear white ends this is a new scientific discovery white people if you are a white person +_fDBwqBqur8-00234-00170528-00171168 you are coming from the right shoulder of adam i am so glad he did not say from the right bowl +_fDBwqBqur8-00235-00171168-00171784 of adam looked like muhammad he knew where was the bowl of adam it was in his shoulder +_fDBwqBqur8-00236-00172032-00172472 and then maybe you do not notice why muhammad he said the right shoulder +_fDBwqBqur8-00237-00172472-00173176 in religion the word right mean about being right and the word left is about being wrong +_fDBwqBqur8-00238-00173288-00173760 so muhammad is saying here from the first statement right away that the white people are +_fDBwqBqur8-00239-00173760-00174392 born from the right place and this is why later we will see they are right according to muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00240-00174472-00175216 so they are born from the right shoulder of adam and they are white and then he struck +_fDBwqBqur8-00241-00175216-00175680 his left shoulder which means shoulder of adam and from there were emitted from it +_fDBwqBqur8-00242-00175680-00176784 black of spring from where from the left shoulder which is supposedly the shoulder of sin as if they +_fDBwqBqur8-00243-00176784-00177344 were circle and then he said to those who have been emitted from the right shoulder you go to +_fDBwqBqur8-00244-00177344-00177984 paradise which means the white the white paradise are you white you're going to paradise right away +_fDBwqBqur8-00245-00178144-00178904 are you white if you are according to the faith in muhammad you are going to paradise immediately +_fDBwqBqur8-00246-00178968-00179696 go to paradise and i don't mind and to those who are emitted from the +_fDBwqBqur8-00247-00179696-00180432 left shoulder which means the black people he said they are for hell and i don't mind +_fDBwqBqur8-00248-00180680-00180992 and then they will say to you islam is against racism +_fDBwqBqur8-00249-00181064-00181776 muhammad the slave owner muhammad the slave rapist muhammad the fascist muhammad nazi +_fDBwqBqur8-00250-00181776-00182336 muhammad the kkk yet they say to you muhammad is against racism +_fDBwqBqur8-00251-00182584-00182968 and then they come to a black person and they try to fool him make him believe that muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00252-00182968-00183584 is against the slavery and they said to him do you know what the might man did to you you idiot don't +_fDBwqBqur8-00253-00183584-00184312 you know that all the slaves sold to america were captured by muslims in north africa the moroccan +_fDBwqBqur8-00254-00184312-00185312 the algerian the libyan the white muslims in north africa they are number one business of a slavery +_fDBwqBqur8-00255-00185312-00185832 in the world and actually as we speak right now there's tons of thousands of a slave in libya +_fDBwqBqur8-00256-00186312-00186680 in case you do not know there's a country it's called mauritania it's an islamic country +_fDBwqBqur8-00257-00186776-00187536 more than 70 percent of population are slaves i never been there i never checked the numbers +_fDBwqBqur8-00258-00187536-00187920 that's what they say check it out maybe the number is less +_fDBwqBqur8-00259-00188072-00188784 more but this is what it is and if muhammad himself he is filthy obsessed person with +_fDBwqBqur8-00260-00188784-00189384 white color what you expect actually muhammad he promised muslims that when they go to heaven +_fDBwqBqur8-00261-00189568-00189960 they will have women who you can see through the moral of their bones +_fDBwqBqur8-00262-00190448-00190800 somebody's saying you are from north africa how do you know where i am from you idiot +_fDBwqBqur8-00263-00190992-00191448 oh boy no north africa are considered as white and you are stupid again +_fDBwqBqur8-00264-00191672-00192496 all the mediterranean are considered white go educate yourself don't be a certified donkey +_fDBwqBqur8-00265-00192672-00193168 now let us see what muhammad he promised muslim men what this guy who went to the church and he +_fDBwqBqur8-00266-00193168-00193952 slaughtered the women what he want he want women who we can see the moral of their bones they +_fDBwqBqur8-00267-00193952-00194832 are so wide to the point we can see the bones the marrow of the bones actually do you see it +_fDBwqBqur8-00268-00195304-00195856 muhammad is trying to seduce his filthy terrorist saying to them oh you know what +_fDBwqBqur8-00269-00195920-00196488 if you believe in me and kill for me and read for me and torture for me i will give you this +_fDBwqBqur8-00270-00197304-00198040 it's time for you to go tarnada we have no time for stupidity you keep repeating yourself you are +_fDBwqBqur8-00271-00198040-00198464 like a person who have a diarrhea you remind me of muhammad when he suffer from diarrhea +_fDBwqBqur8-00272-00198464-00199184 oh actually you remind me more of ahmad mirza ghulam who died because of the area i mean you +_fDBwqBqur8-00273-00199184-00199832 have to repeat if i am white or from north africa is that the topic now you're donkey so i am the +_fDBwqBqur8-00274-00199832-00200384 topic now this is how shallow you are don't get married your wife she will leave your second day +_fDBwqBqur8-00275-00200888-00201320 i assume that your wife she will send you to do shopping and then you come back home +_fDBwqBqur8-00276-00201320-00201912 and you bought nothing and she will ask you why you did buy nothing you will say to her +_fDBwqBqur8-00277-00202232-00202600 uh christian prince is from north africa +_fDBwqBqur8-00278-00202824-00203184 she was what what +_fDBwqBqur8-00279-00203832-00204008 you did not do the shopping because what +_fDBwqBqur8-00280-00204272-00204744 people like you my friend the chinese they called him he left as a donkey he never came back as a +_fDBwqBqur8-00281-00204744-00205696 horse now look at this muhammad promising muslim men because he's racist a certain kind of what is +_fDBwqBqur8-00282-00205696-00206208 considered supposedly beauty super beauty this is the women created by allah for boom boom +_fDBwqBqur8-00283-00206400-00206648 allah created the boom boom reward +_fDBwqBqur8-00284-00206960-00207712 how those women they look like i will try to help you so you can respect the prophet muhammad more +_fDBwqBqur8-00285-00207840-00208784 remember our topic today is about respect actually this will be our topic every day +_fDBwqBqur8-00286-00208992-00209519 every day we are going to respect muhammad especially after the killing they are doing +_fDBwqBqur8-00287-00209519-00210344 i have to respect muhammad more i cannot resist muslims are inspiring us to respect muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00288-00210344-00210888 and we are afraid now so this is what muhammad he promised the muslims +_fDBwqBqur8-00289-00211088-00211736 can you find me more stupid person than muhammad to listen to who in the world want to believe in +_fDBwqBqur8-00290-00211736-00212184 such a garbage that in heaven you go to there and then you will find the woman you can see +_fDBwqBqur8-00291-00212184-00212984 the mirror of her bones and supposedly that will make you horny how many of you are getting excited +_fDBwqBqur8-00292-00213488-00213823 this is the version prophet muhammad he promised me in heaven +_fDBwqBqur8-00293-00214119-00214856 i cannot wait i'm going to join terrorist group immediately so i can get this +_fDBwqBqur8-00294-00215688-00216200 you've got to respect muhammad the races the fifthy who consider white people will go to heaven +_fDBwqBqur8-00295-00216200-00216712 black people would go to hell and he was so racist because he knew what the arab want they are about +_fDBwqBqur8-00296-00216712-00217432 racist in general and they love white women he did not promise them a black woman in heaven actually +_fDBwqBqur8-00297-00217432-00217919 in heaven of islam not a single black man will be there and i can show you that from the quran +_fDBwqBqur8-00298-00218336-00219312 in fact muhammad he claimed that before you go to heaven allah will give you two drink +_fDBwqBqur8-00299-00219519-00219960 one will make you change the your size and will take all the +_fDBwqBqur8-00300-00219960-00220336 the garbage inside you supposedly and the other one will make you white +_fDBwqBqur8-00301-00220584-00221384 very wide +_fDBwqBqur8-00302-00221664-00221888 any muslim want to say to me online i can show you +_fDBwqBqur8-00303-00222367-00222880 shall i show you i mean we can show because we got to respect prophet muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00304-00223008-00223440 huh let us do that you know why not +_fDBwqBqur8-00305-00224000-00224376 actually we can go just to show you know we don't say things +_fDBwqBqur8-00306-00224376-00225048 we don't say things we don't make up things this is what they believe this is the garbage of islam +_fDBwqBqur8-00307-00225344-00225584 we are not making it up +_fDBwqBqur8-00308-00225823-00225944 if we go in the quran +_fDBwqBqur8-00309-00226367-00226888 chapter 27 i'm opening the book of indication there is color +_fDBwqBqur8-00310-00226888-00227096 i mean he is their scholar you know what you can say +_fDBwqBqur8-00311-00227367-00227904 this is what they teach their kids in the school brother so this is ernie kathy +_fDBwqBqur8-00312-00228248-00228552 and here it says i don't know if you will be able to read +_fDBwqBqur8-00313-00228623-00229280 the text size that allah in the judgment day he will send a beast +_fDBwqBqur8-00314-00229400-00230048 and this beast brother is going to have the stick of moses and the ring of salamun +_fDBwqBqur8-00315-00230232-00230967 and is going to hate the one who is a kafir in his face and will make me black +_fDBwqBqur8-00316-00231112-00231344 am i saying that or this is what it is +_fDBwqBqur8-00317-00231736-00232048 actually i see some adjustment here they change it +_fDBwqBqur8-00318-00232184-00232967 hold on they took it from the page i think hold on what happened we show you this many times hold on +_fDBwqBqur8-00319-00233416-00233752 yeah they took some of it but it's okay what is left over is enough to +_fDBwqBqur8-00320-00233752-00234056 to make muhammad left over too it says here +_fDBwqBqur8-00321-00234376-00235000 it will bring with it it is staff the staff of moses and the ring of sulayman and there +_fDBwqBqur8-00322-00235000-00235384 will be no believer left without making a white spot in his face +_fDBwqBqur8-00323-00235488-00236208 which will spread until his face is shining white as a result and there will be no disbeliever left +_fDBwqBqur8-00324-00236208-00236784 without making a black spot in his face which will spread until his face is black as a result +_fDBwqBqur8-00325-00237128-00238184 so nobody will enter heaven of islam unless he is white +_fDBwqBqur8-00326-00238336-00238864 do you see it do you see it all non-muslims allah will make them black +_fDBwqBqur8-00327-00239088-00239584 and all muslims allah will make them white +_fDBwqBqur8-00328-00239696-00240352 and if you say to me well this is not the belief of islam this is the belief of a scholar you +_fDBwqBqur8-00329-00240352-00240984 are a liar this is coming from muhammad and we just showed you the hadith where muhammad said +_fDBwqBqur8-00330-00241080-00241584 that white people go to heaven and black people go to hell according to his filthy +_fDBwqBqur8-00331-00241584-00242384 belief you see this is your muslim website +_fDBwqBqur8-00332-00242800-00243248 i don't want to stay long because i have long lists i did not cover only i covered two or three +_fDBwqBqur8-00333-00243248-00243784 of them but if i cover the rest that will make the video really long so what we will leave for later +_fDBwqBqur8-00334-00243784-00244640 to spank muhammad with i promise you terrorist i promise you true believer in allah i will spank +_fDBwqBqur8-00335-00244640-00245360 your prophet as never before right now i have four books about your prophet i will make it 40. +_fDBwqBqur8-00336-00246184-00246584 and guess how many there are now encouraged to expose the cult of muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00337-00246871-00247176 you think you can stop us by killing innocent people +_fDBwqBqur8-00338-00247423-00247600 you think you are going to scare us +_fDBwqBqur8-00339-00247848-00247984 you have no idea +_fDBwqBqur8-00340-00248223-00249519 we are the christians we used to be used as food for cats lions tigers and we never +_fDBwqBqur8-00341-00249760-00249871 left the faith +_fDBwqBqur8-00342-00250088-00250367 even your stupid quran spoke about us +_fDBwqBqur8-00343-00250471-00251240 that a king he was bringing christians to burn them alive alive and they never left the faith +_fDBwqBqur8-00344-00251719-00252184 or maybe you don't believe in your book anymore +_fDBwqBqur8-00345-00252280-00252576 actually your action will make us a better believer +_fDBwqBqur8-00346-00252688-00253071 and your action will make us fight muhammad more +_fDBwqBqur8-00347-00253344-00254071 and this is your quran speaking about us that people tried to burn us alive in chapter 85 +_fDBwqBqur8-00348-00254240-00254984 and yet we did not deny the messiah our lord +_fDBwqBqur8-00349-00255904-00256096 we will defeat the filthy muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00350-00256240-00256952 and he is evil for very simple reason he's evil evil were never success +_fDBwqBqur8-00351-00257400-00257728 and actually if you look at islamic countries you will find +_fDBwqBqur8-00352-00257728-00258119 nobody is fighting them except themselves islam destroying itself +_fDBwqBqur8-00353-00258264-00258912 who is the enemy of turkey is it really greek the greek no saudi arabia immoral bahrain +_fDBwqBqur8-00354-00259064-00260071 egypt who's going to fight a war in libya is it the greece and turkey no egypt and turkey who +_fDBwqBqur8-00355-00260071-00260600 is the one killing muslims and putting bombs in the mosque in afghanistan and pakistan muslims +_fDBwqBqur8-00356-00260864-00261560 muslims that because islam is a religion of self-destruction so we are victorious +_fDBwqBqur8-00357-00261560-00262104 for many reasons but number one reason is following the lord the messiah number two +_fDBwqBqur8-00358-00262104-00262672 you are following the devil those who you killed today they are in heaven +_fDBwqBqur8-00359-00262928-00263384 and your prophet in hell and you will follow him +_fDBwqBqur8-00360-00263856-00264312 you thought you will scare us and we will stop exposing your faith your prophet +_fDBwqBqur8-00361-00264704-00264848 we are totally scared +_fDBwqBqur8-00362-00265064-00265216 we are totally terrified +_fDBwqBqur8-00363-00265456-00266152 we are mistaken actually i just heard the news that people they start posting cartoon in paris +_fDBwqBqur8-00364-00266152-00266656 everywhere and they are doing volunteer work like nobody nobody's asking them people going home +_fDBwqBqur8-00365-00266656-00267024 printing images of your faith your prophet and posting it everywhere +_fDBwqBqur8-00366-00267528-00268168 and actually you terrorists you are saving europe because europe was going deep in the sand +_fDBwqBqur8-00367-00268168-00269024 they did not notice how filthy this cult is but you give them the good alarm if they are smart +_fDBwqBqur8-00368-00269096-00269512 they will deal with the terrorism of muhammad they will start a closing mosque +_fDBwqBqur8-00369-00269512-00270008 banning the quran ripping pages of the quran anything teach hate which means 80 90 of the +_fDBwqBqur8-00370-00270008-00270712 quran will go what is going to be left the story of ceremonies a flying donkey and flying carpet +_fDBwqBqur8-00371-00271384-00271728 i'm not going to keep you for long so you can download the video +_fDBwqBqur8-00372-00271728-00272176 as soon as possible i'm so glad we did not lose internet today i want to say thank you +_fDBwqBqur8-00373-00272176-00272816 guys for being here and as you can respect muhammad please post his images everywhere +_fDBwqBqur8-00374-00272912-00273616 in facebook everywhere show those cowards that we will not be intimidated +_fDBwqBqur8-00375-00273832-00273896 we will not +_fDBwqBqur8-00376-00274264-00275056 because the whole purpose of this is making you scared and you don't teach your childrens +_fDBwqBqur8-00377-00275056-00275952 how filthy muhammad is that's the whole idea are you going to do that no actually we will +_fDBwqBqur8-00378-00275952-00276624 do more and more so the whole world can see that muhammad is nothing but a scam bag +_fDBwqBqur8-00379-00276840-00277384 a racist a fascist nazi hitler is way better than him +_fDBwqBqur8-00380-00277488-00277952 actually muhammad even he taught his followers that muslims are the highest rank +_fDBwqBqur8-00381-00278048-00278568 and the rest are animals there's a video on youtube if you remember where a muslim who +_fDBwqBqur8-00382-00278568-00279144 lived in england who was coming as a refugee he is driving mercedes-benz but you are an english +_fDBwqBqur8-00383-00279144-00279560 citizen you cannot have that car and he was saying what is the benefit of those kuffar they are like +_fDBwqBqur8-00384-00279560-00280088 those cows it was a standing next to a bunch of cows and he said the christian in england they +_fDBwqBqur8-00385-00280088-00280928 are less than the cows where he get this from that from the quran the book of hate the book of faith +_fDBwqBqur8-00386-00281240-00281648 and the quran says it clearly that allah have a mission +_fDBwqBqur8-00387-00281712-00282328 to spread the hatred between the christians and if he targets the +_fDBwqBqur8-00388-00282328-00282984 christians who supposedly according to islam they worship him so what about the atheist +_fDBwqBqur8-00389-00283184-00283296 what he want from them +_fDBwqBqur8-00390-00283544-00283672 he want to eat them alive +_fDBwqBqur8-00391-00284024-00284584 in the quran in chapter 4 chapter 5 verse 14 the fifth muhammad in his book which he +_fDBwqBqur8-00392-00284584-00285144 claimed that he received from the faith devil allah he said those who say they are christians +_fDBwqBqur8-00393-00285144-00285784 we are going to string them with hatred and enmity until the day of judgment +_fDBwqBqur8-00394-00285904-00286096 this is the faithful teaching of muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00395-00286320-00286784 and then they will say to you islam teach love there god saying he will spread hatred +_fDBwqBqur8-00396-00286784-00287288 and liberty between the christians until the day of judgment this is why i say to you christians +_fDBwqBqur8-00397-00287376-00287904 those who divide the christians between catholic and protestant and orthodox you are serving the +_fDBwqBqur8-00398-00287904-00288992 devil muhammad those who divided churches those who say stupid things to divide us willingly or +_fDBwqBqur8-00399-00288992-00289984 not willingly knowingly or not knowingly you are serving the plan of the devil muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00400-00290040-00290432 he will spread hatred between you so the response to islam +_fDBwqBqur8-00401-00290432-00290776 is we should speed you know spread love between us +_fDBwqBqur8-00402-00290904-00291432 if you see a person he is a catholic never say to him stupid thing you are not christian saying +_fDBwqBqur8-00403-00291432-00292072 for to you catholic never say to a protestant you are not same for you orthodox stop being stupid be +_fDBwqBqur8-00404-00292072-00292720 united we worship the lord the messiah and he is our savior or the lord he said whoever believe in +_fDBwqBqur8-00405-00292720-00293456 me and i will live he never said the protestant or catholic or orthodox those names you came with +_fDBwqBqur8-00406-00293896-00294272 there's one christ is one lord +_fDBwqBqur8-00407-00294536-00294808 and whoever believe in him he will live whoever +_fDBwqBqur8-00408-00295272-00295584 only foolish who served the devil they divide us +_fDBwqBqur8-00409-00295920-00296464 fight foolishness support wisdom be united unity is a strength +_fDBwqBqur8-00410-00296608-00297104 otherwise divide and conquer don't be the same as the muhammadan +_fDBwqBqur8-00411-00297104-00297496 their kingdom is divided against itself for it is the kingdom of the devil +_fDBwqBqur8-00412-00298040-00298512 in the name of christ i love you all in the name of christ i pray for those +_fDBwqBqur8-00413-00298512-00298944 soul to be in heaven today as we speak those who lost their life today in the church +_fDBwqBqur8-00414-00299048-00299784 in the church and because they were in the church i am sure they are in heaven +_fDBwqBqur8-00415-00300232-00300688 they are good decent people who believe in the lord who pray for everybody including +_fDBwqBqur8-00416-00300688-00301304 the muslims for peace those people you killed in the church they pray for you you coward +_fDBwqBqur8-00417-00301528-00302584 they pray for your health +_fDBwqBqur8-00418-00302680-00303440 we pray that the lord will give us more strength to fight the devil of muhammad allah and his papi +_fDBwqBqur8-00419-00303440-00304088 muhammad we pray that we will be people who they are proud because we know what we believe +_fDBwqBqur8-00420-00304088-00304640 not because we are foolish like the muslims who proud about nothing about a child molester +_fDBwqBqur8-00421-00304832-00305384 about sex offender about a criminal this what they are proud about +_fDBwqBqur8-00422-00305472-00306024 will make a person come back is exist in muhammad and i challenge anyone to say to me i'm wrong +_fDBwqBqur8-00423-00306192-00306784 from going after children to sleep with them from taking the wife of his son to sleep with her +_fDBwqBqur8-00424-00307176-00307456 from kidnapping women from their husbands and raving them +_fDBwqBqur8-00425-00307736-00308240 from torturing men and people to take their money tell me where you had your money +_fDBwqBqur8-00426-00308464-00308912 from going to the house of his own son flirting with the wife when she is married +_fDBwqBqur8-00427-00309368-00309960 from speaking against the black people claiming that only white people go to heaven +_fDBwqBqur8-00428-00310288-00310712 one of the statements muslims say to you that do you know that muhammad he promised bilal to +_fDBwqBqur8-00429-00310712-00311584 go to heaven he promised bilal to go to heaven first of all why he had bilater as a slave so +_fDBwqBqur8-00430-00311584-00312040 in heaven beloved in heaven he will go to heaven bilal he will go to heaven but he never free him +_fDBwqBqur8-00431-00312432-00312768 go to heaven what about now oh for now you are my slave +_fDBwqBqur8-00432-00313416-00313808 we have a muslim here his name is abdul malik saying please +_fDBwqBqur8-00433-00313808-00314440 spread hate spread love not hate abdul malik you are a scam back like your prophet because +_fDBwqBqur8-00434-00314440-00314888 you coward as long you believe in spreading hate so why you believe in the quran then +_fDBwqBqur8-00435-00315136-00315824 who is the one spreading hate abdul marik just to show you how those muhammadan +_fDBwqBqur8-00436-00316216-00316824 they speak and when they speak they do poopoo they do what they do pupu +_fDBwqBqur8-00437-00317040-00317696 abdul malik you just insulted allah because you said we should spread love not hatred i'm not +_fDBwqBqur8-00438-00317696-00318424 spreading hatred you're coward i'm reading your quran abdomenic christian prince please spread +_fDBwqBqur8-00439-00318424-00319064 love not hate that mean i don't have to read the gospel now where jesus he said love your enemy +_fDBwqBqur8-00440-00319128-00319792 but the second we switch to your faith quran we see this from those who call themself a christian +_fDBwqBqur8-00441-00319792-00320576 we do the covenant but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent to them so we string +_fDBwqBqur8-00442-00320576-00321408 them with enmity and hatred between one and the other are you there the slave of satan abdul malik +_fDBwqBqur8-00443-00321872-00322928 are you there is that your book hey you want to cry spread don't spread the hate +_fDBwqBqur8-00444-00322928-00323584 the second you start reading their book they accuse you of the hate do you notice +_fDBwqBqur8-00445-00323728-00324080 if i read the gospel from now until tomorrow nobody can accuse me of hate +_fDBwqBqur8-00446-00324144-00324736 the second i read the words of the filthy allah and the faith muhammad they accuse you of hatred +_fDBwqBqur8-00447-00324864-00325072 stop editing the quran i'm editing the quran +_fDBwqBqur8-00448-00325504-00325728 do you think my name is uthman even though i +_fDBwqBqur8-00449-00325728-00325960 found the one who burned the quran because he did editing +_fDBwqBqur8-00450-00326256-00326800 anyway it's time to go don't forget to download the video we will not keep it there for long +_fDBwqBqur8-00451-00326864-00327424 you know those you know let us let us work together let us expose the devil if you speak +_fDBwqBqur8-00452-00327424-00328056 other languages please translate my videos my books are translated to many languages +_fDBwqBqur8-00453-00328056-00328648 soon we will have my book even in chinese a glory to the lord chinese +_fDBwqBqur8-00454-00328880-00329280 more than a billion they will read about the filthy big muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00455-00329376-00329880 actually it's an insult to pigs to call muhammad the pig pigs are useful muhammad is not +_fDBwqBqur8-00456-00330016-00330584 we make anserlin from pigs millions of people who have diabetes they will die if there's no pigs +_fDBwqBqur8-00457-00330656-00331184 every single surgery is done to any human being they use the tissue is made of from +_fDBwqBqur8-00458-00331320-00332288 pig pigs are very useful a human did i say human yes because allah he says things are a human +_fDBwqBqur8-00459-00332288-00332664 those are the christians and the jews if you don't believe me i can share the quran +_fDBwqBqur8-00460-00333056-00333648 you might think that's how he said the human how in the world he said a human yes brother +_fDBwqBqur8-00461-00333648-00334208 is muslim they believe that those pigs are human but allah he made them pigs +_fDBwqBqur8-00462-00334336-00335072 he cursed them because you know like as an example the jews they did the fishing in saturday +_fDBwqBqur8-00463-00335232-00335760 huh and uh you know and then we said to them be pigs or monkeys +_fDBwqBqur8-00464-00335928-00336872 um true story and now if you make a cartoon of muhammad saying those statement you know a +_fDBwqBqur8-00465-00336952-00337584 muslim they will say to you you are insulting our prophet korina's pigs is not an insult +_fDBwqBqur8-00466-00337808-00338488 and you know the funny thing is that muhammad he said that allah he cursed the jews and the +_fDBwqBqur8-00467-00338488-00338904 christians because they broke allah command so he made them into pigs +_fDBwqBqur8-00468-00338904-00339592 and monkeys here it says apes in arabic it says clearly monkey the word monkey not apes and swine +_fDBwqBqur8-00469-00339848-00340152 allah will make you a pig and a monkey for fishing saturday +_fDBwqBqur8-00470-00340152-00340632 but allah will not make the person who attack the church a pig and a monkey +_fDBwqBqur8-00471-00340872-00341784 for fishing in saturday +_fDBwqBqur8-00472-00342016-00342632 there is a muslim from uh israel these are you know they call they call themselves palestinian +_fDBwqBqur8-00473-00342632-00343296 but they are not palestinian but anyway he have a video and he explained to you brother sister allah +_fDBwqBqur8-00474-00343448-00344144 if you look at the pigs they have some crazy habit and he's trying to prove to you that pigs are jews +_fDBwqBqur8-00475-00344256-00344680 how he says to you the only one who do have sex with his mother is pigs +_fDBwqBqur8-00476-00344936-00345264 anyway this is a different story i want to say thank you guys for being here +_fDBwqBqur8-00477-00345320-00345800 may the lord bless you may the lord bless the soul of those who lost their life today +_fDBwqBqur8-00478-00345800-00346296 this family they are crying as we speak as we laugh now we are laughing at the faith in muhammad +_fDBwqBqur8-00479-00346296-00346880 but at the same time we are sad for those people even though they are going to heaven guaranteed +_fDBwqBqur8-00480-00347040-00347544 we don't want to see bloodshed we don't want people to get killed we don't even +_fDBwqBqur8-00481-00347544-00348208 want them to get hurt but this is the cult of muhammad it's a garbage and garbage out +_fDBwqBqur8-00482-00348304-00348976 and because he's garbage and he came with garbage we are going to send him to the recycle machine +_fDBwqBqur8-00483-00349088-00349944 expose him bend him melt him and make something better out of him maybe i should enter we'll see +_fDBwqBqur8-00484-00349944-00350640 you soon again christ is lord islam is false thank you for being here and don't forget to download +_fDBwqBqur8-00485-00350640-00351584 the video as soon as it is ready because i don't keep my videos in my channel as you know take care +_fDBwqBqur8-00486-00354488-00354496 you +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00000-00000142-00001140 Music +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00001-00001188-00001760 Students are always being told that they need to read more critically, think more critically +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00002-00001760-00002264 and write more critically - but how do you demonstrate that you are +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00003-00002264-00002945 reading and thinking critically in your writing? Critical reading and also +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00004-00002945-00003757 thinking is about five main things. First, judging the appropriateness of your sources. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00005-00003757-00004367 Some sources carry more academic weight than others. You should perhaps +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00006-00004367-00004847 not view "Joe's blog' as an authoritive academic voice, whereas something in a +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00007-00004847-00005321 peer-reviewed journal should be much more reliable. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00008-00005321-00005948 The appropriateness of some sources is less clear-cut. Websites or YouTube videos, for example, +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00009-00005948-00006673 can be official or reputable or can also be unofficial and disreputable. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00010-00006673-00007018 You will need to show that you've used the appropriate level of criticality when +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00011-00007018-00007678 using them as academic sources. Equally, a newspaper may be an excellent source for +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00012-00007678-00008224 gauging public opinion about the topic but even reputable broadsheets can be +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00013-00008224-00008614 very selective over the facts they use in order to make a story seem more newsworthy. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00014-00008614-00009304 Even books can need judgment about their appropriateness. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00015-00009304-00009842 Are they seriously academic or more popular, designed for mass markets and so less +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00016-00009842-00010215 likely to be checked and edited rigorously. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00017-00010215-00010442 The next stage in critical reading +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00018-00010442-00010835 is to decide which of the sources you've looked at are the most +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00019-00010835-00011477 relevant to your particular argument. You will read many appropriate sources which +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00020-00011477-00011911 may be interesting but are only marginally relevant and so will not make +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00021-00011911-00012600 it into your final piece of writing. Choosing the most relevant shows you are thinking critically. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00022-00012600-00013006 Another aspect of critical reading is to show a healthy skepticism +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00023-00013006-00013508 about what you are reading. Don't just believe something because it +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00024-00013508-00014113 is in an academic paper. These are just opinions of academics - many contradict +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00025-00014113-00014516 each other and it is your job to work out which one you find the most persuasive. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00026-00014516-00015146 The way you do this is to evaluate the quality of the arguments +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00027-00015146-00015719 you read. Do the premises (that is the evidence put forward by the author) +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00028-00015719-00016411 lead to the claims and conclusions made within the paper? Are you fully convinced? +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00029-00016411-00016991 Finally, you must choose where YOU stand. You need to think carefully about the +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00030-00016991-00017522 different points of view and balance the arguments. What is your personal position? +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00031-00017522-00018320 Just where do you stand on the spectrum of possible positions? +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00032-00018320-00018872 This is really important as it's the starting point for showing criticality in your writing. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00033-00018872-00019331 The first rule of critical writing is therefore to tell the reader your position. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00034-00019331-00019855 Make sure you are clear about where you stand on the topic at hand. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00035-00019855-00020531 This position informs your mega argument. In the US this is called your thesis statement. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00036-00020531-00020990 It is the overall argument that you will develop throughout the +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00037-00020990-00021188 piece of writing. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00038-00021188-00021743 The next rule of critical writing is to make sure you persuade rather than inform +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00039-00021743-00022283 Don't just describe what you've read in the +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00040-00022283-00022709 literature and expect the reader to make up their own mind that would be too descriptive. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00041-00022709-00023306 You need to explain to the reader what the evidence means, answering +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00042-00023306-00023981 the so what question and therefore making your argument persuasive. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00043-00023981-00024293 You need to convince your reader that your position is the most credible one to hold. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00044-00024293-00024818 Without that attempt to persuade, you're not making an argument, you're +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00045-00024818-00025454 just stating information. As part of that argument you need to justify the +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00046-00025454-00026270 inclusion of EVERY SINGLE POINT you make. Each of these points (or mini-arguments +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00047-00026270-00026858 which will be in separate paragraphs) must add up to your mega argument. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00048-00026858-00027358 Within every paragraph you must justify the inclusion of the point by explaining to +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00049-00027358-00027679 the reader the relevance it has to your mega argument. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00050-00027679-00028198 You must metaphorically take the reader by the hand and lead them through your +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00051-00028198-00028873 reasons for thinking the point is important. To be credible, your argument +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00052-00028873-00029413 must be balanced. This doesn't mean you have to take a middle position (quite the opposite) +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00053-00029413-00029869 but you must admit alternative positions, whilst justifying your own. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00054-00029869-00030495 There is no 'right' answer in academic writing. The position you take +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00055-00030495-00030960 is one of many possible positions and they may all have some merit. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00056-00030960-00031480 You must give these opinions respect and acknowledge their existence, whilst +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00057-00031480-00031954 arguing that your own is the best one to hold - either because you write about the +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00058-00031954-00032410 flaws in the other arguments or because you write about why your position +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00059-00032410-00033010 has STRONGER arguments. In order to do this, you must make sure your own arguments +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00060-00033010-00033499 ARE strong. Your own claims must be well-founded, based on the evidence +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00061-00033499-00034003 you've included to back them up. You must use the same level of criticality that +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00062-00034003-00034304 you would when analyzing the arguments of others. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00063-00034304-00034510 Is your evidence the most relevant? +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00064-00034510-00034927 Have you made appropriate connections between it and your claims? +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00065-00034927-00035300 Are you persuading or just informing? +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00066-00035500-00035750 Make sure your overall conclusion is obvious and expected. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00067-00035750-00036184 It should have no new information and should certainly +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00068-00036184-00036613 never be a surprise to your reader. You should have already let the reader know +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00069-00036613-00037015 where you intend to go in your introduction. Each of the points in +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00070-00037015-00037363 the main body of your argument should naturally progress +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00071-00037363-00037632 towards the conclusion. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00072-00037850-00038137 We should summarize them into a neat package for the reader to finish with. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00073-00038137-00038585 The last thing your reader needs is you to introduce any new points at this stage. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00074-00038585-00039095 This could lead to somewhere unexpected. Resist this temptation and +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00075-00039095-00039554 end at the anticipated conclusion to finish your assignment with a satisfying close. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00076-00039554-00040475 To summarize: Read critically by making sure your sources are appropriate +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00077-00040475-00040964 and relevant. Read with a healthy skepticism, deciding if you think the +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00078-00040964-00041500 writer's arguments are strong. You should then be able to decide your own position on the issue. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00079-00041500-00042245 Start your writing by stating your position. Try to convince your reader that this +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00080-00042245-00042665 is the best position by persuading rather than informing. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00081-00042665-00043280 Justify EVERY paragraph by helping the reader understand how each +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00082-00043280-00043925 point relates to your overall arguments. Make sure you are balanced - acknowledging +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00083-00043925-00044519 other viewpoints but arguing your own. Be critical about your own arguments. +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00084-00044519-00045074 Make sure they will stand up to scrutiny and make sure your points all lead to a +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00085-00045074-00045520 natural and expected conclusion +_hz-6tLv2Ck-00086-00045550-00046758 Music +_hGqxlF9MYc-00000-00000210-00000600 Marco Marra: Okay, if we could cue up the slides. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00001-00000600-00001343 So, my name is Marco Marra and I'm from the British Columbia Cancer Agency Genome Sciences +_hGqxlF9MYc-00002-00001343-00001508 Centre. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00003-00001508-00002267 I'd like to thank Elaine and Linda for the opportunity to address you today on one of +_hGqxlF9MYc-00004-00002267-00002761 my favorite topics, sequence-based RNA profiling. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00005-00002761-00003864 And so, in a apparently unusual move, what I'd like to do is start the presentation with +_hGqxlF9MYc-00006-00003864-00004396 the acknowledgments and I'm not advancing the slides here, so maybe I can have some +_hGqxlF9MYc-00007-00004396-00004790 assistance from the guys in the back. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00008-00004790-00004955 The advancer's not advancing. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00009-00004955-00005532 Yeah, I'm pressing the button. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00010-00005532-00005862 Very good -- oh, whoa, okay. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00011-00005862-00006310 That's number one, if you could go forward, number two. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00012-00006310-00006409 All right. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00013-00006409-00007023 So, this slide is a very high level overview of the organization. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00014-00007023-00007868 This slide is a different slide. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00015-00007868-00008020 This is hands-free guys. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00016-00008020-00008120 [laughter] +_hGqxlF9MYc-00017-00008120-00008289 We're in the Matrix. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00018-00008289-00008401 [laughter] +_hGqxlF9MYc-00019-00008401-00009059 So, this slide is a high level organization of TCGA if you like. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00020-00009059-00009536 And I haven't seen a depiction of this slide -- thank you. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00021-00009536-00009721 Okay. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00022-00009721-00010767 So, I thought I'd throw it up there basically for two reasons, one to emphasize the area +_hGqxlF9MYc-00023-00010767-00011277 that I'm going to talk to that's in the upper left of this slide. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00024-00011277-00011939 But also to point out that TCGA I think is remarkable for a bunch of reasons. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00025-00011939-00012449 One of the reasons I think it's remarkable is the focus, the emphasis that it's brought +_hGqxlF9MYc-00026-00012449-00012796 to large scale analyses of cancer. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00027-00012796-00013383 And I think all of you sitting in this room are evidence that there's a very powerful +_hGqxlF9MYc-00028-00013383-00014031 and compelling attractive force to the availability of such data. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00029-00014031-00014269 So here's my acknowledgements slide. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00030-00014269-00014641 It's one of the more important slides I'm going to show you today. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00031-00014641-00015144 And my reason for putting it right up front is to acknowledge and thank all the individuals +_hGqxlF9MYc-00032-00015144-00015854 that have provided slides and concepts for this particular presentation, individuals +_hGqxlF9MYc-00033-00015854-00016497 from British Columbia on the left and collaborating sites on the right. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00034-00016497-00017073 I want to also apologize in advance if I've butchered any of your slides or their interpretation +_hGqxlF9MYc-00035-00017073-00017280 for those of you that have provided them. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00036-00017280-00017931 I am speaking on behalf today not only of the group in B.C. but a larger group that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00037-00017931-00018677 includes Chuck Perou and Neil Hayes at UNC and a large cohort of individuals at Wash +_hGqxlF9MYc-00038-00018677-00019090 U with whom we've been working on AML fairly intensively. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00039-00019090-00019319 So, thanks to you all. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00040-00019319-00019979 And most importantly, thanks to the patients because without them we wouldn't -- we wouldn't +_hGqxlF9MYc-00041-00019979-00020517 have a project and we wouldn't have a motivation. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00042-00020517-00020854 So on to the business of the discussion. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00043-00020854-00021849 So RNA-Seq is being done primarily at UNC with some smaller contributions from ourselves +_hGqxlF9MYc-00044-00021849-00022663 and we in B.C. are primarily generating and to a more limited extent analyzing micro RNA +_hGqxlF9MYc-00045-00022663-00022763 sequencing data. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00046-00022763-00023372 And I've listed here just a few applications for those data modalities. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00047-00023372-00024094 I think some particularly exciting opportunities exist around novel analyses using these very +_hGqxlF9MYc-00048-00024094-00024434 sensitive measures. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00049-00024434-00025050 And I think in particular the opportunity for the first time exists to produce a map +_hGqxlF9MYc-00050-00025050-00025626 that wires together the exons that are expressed in various malignancies and use this [spelled +_hGqxlF9MYc-00051-00025626-00025957 phonetically] information in novel ways. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00052-00025957-00026539 So we're excited to see those kinds of analyses emerge. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00053-00026539-00027258 So there is a large and growing cohort of RNA-Seq data produced by the group at UNC +_hGqxlF9MYc-00054-00027258-00027752 and thanks to Chuck Perou for this slide where he's showing the availability of more than +_hGqxlF9MYc-00055-00027752-00028441 1,500 RNA-Seq lanes and samples at the DCC. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00056-00028441-00028637 This is growing very rapidly. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00057-00028637-00029369 The other point to take away from this slide is the extent to which these RNA-Seq data +_hGqxlF9MYc-00058-00029369-00029762 can be used to define cancer types and subtypes. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00059-00029762-00030381 It's a very beautiful and striking picture. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00060-00030381-00031154 Along with the evolving data sets that you'll find at the DCC and indeed elsewhere are an +_hGqxlF9MYc-00061-00031154-00031332 evolving cohort of tools. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00062-00031332-00031929 And this slide is too small to read and that's probably the point, that there are numerous +_hGqxlF9MYc-00063-00031929-00032747 tools that are available now and coming on board for analyses of RNA-Seq data both at +_hGqxlF9MYc-00064-00032747-00033444 the level of the entire gene, but also at the level of individual exons and exon-exon +_hGqxlF9MYc-00065-00033444-00033561 junctions. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00066-00033561-00034421 Today, I'm going to highlight some examples taken from two of the tools that we've had +_hGqxlF9MYc-00067-00034421-00035093 some focus on that would be Trans-ABySS which is a de novo assembly tool for RNA-Seq data +_hGqxlF9MYc-00068-00035093-00035901 and ALEXA-Seq which is used primarily for exon level expression analysis. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00069-00035901-00036784 But before we go there I want to take the opportunity to talk about how technology changes +_hGqxlF9MYc-00070-00036784-00037690 are going to mean that the amount and hopefully the quality of the RNA-Seq data will increase +_hGqxlF9MYc-00071-00037690-00037860 and improve over time. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00072-00037860-00038778 So this is a very old slide that shows on the bottom axis read numbers and on the y-axis +_hGqxlF9MYc-00073-00038778-00038920 the coverage of exons. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00074-00038920-00039656 This was done in a colorectal cancer cell line and the purpose of this slide is to simply +_hGqxlF9MYc-00075-00039656-00040181 show the trajectory of gene discovery. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00076-00040181-00040619 So there's an initial rapid rise in the rate of gene discovery with increasing numbers +_hGqxlF9MYc-00077-00040619-00041472 of reads and then the tail of the distribution indicates a relatively slow accumulation of +_hGqxlF9MYc-00078-00041472-00041968 new exons but rather, speaks to an increasing coverage of those exons. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00079-00041968-00042602 So when we started with the AML data, if we were to plot the number of reads on this trajectory. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00080-00042602-00043299 That's where we were and to get to that point, about 125 million reads, required something +_hGqxlF9MYc-00081-00043299-00043836 like two lanes of information per case. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00082-00043836-00044325 With the evolution of at least the Illumina sequencing platform, this is about where we +_hGqxlF9MYc-00083-00044325-00045058 are today for TCGA RNA-Seq data where you're no longer at two lanes per sample but two +_hGqxlF9MYc-00084-00045058-00045719 samples per lane and even at multiplexing these samples we have a increasing amount +_hGqxlF9MYc-00085-00045719-00045819 of data. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00086-00045819-00046368 So we expect the coverage of exons to be incrementally increased as well. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00087-00046368-00047121 Okay, so I have enormous enthusiasm for the concept of these exon wiring maps as I'm calling +_hGqxlF9MYc-00088-00047121-00047266 them. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00089-00047266-00047834 This is I think a primary strength of RNA-Seq data, the ability to look at exon level expression +_hGqxlF9MYc-00090-00047834-00048740 and also to look at novel structures that emerge from assembly of the RNA-Seq data. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00091-00048740-00049563 And so another very dense slide whose only real purpose is to make the case that there +_hGqxlF9MYc-00092-00049563-00050081 are a large number of ways in which transcripts can be altered during splicing. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00093-00050081-00050736 And these alterations can in turn lead to effects on the -- on the protein product. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00094-00050736-00051486 So in theory, one could believe that positive selection might be acting on many of these +_hGqxlF9MYc-00095-00051486-00052111 mechanisms of splicing to produce effects giving cancer cells growth advantages. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00096-00052111-00052720 So it behooves us in the interest of comprehensive data generation to start looking at this in +_hGqxlF9MYc-00097-00052720-00052937 great detail. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00098-00052937-00053870 So, if one considers exon level expression across a number of cell lines, one can see +_hGqxlF9MYc-00099-00053870-00054913 on the top model that the gene model of actin -- excuse me -- and below it one sees a graph +_hGqxlF9MYc-00100-00054913-00055674 with a series of lines that represent levels at exon and intron, if you like, locations +_hGqxlF9MYc-00101-00055674-00055791 throughout that gene model. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00102-00055791-00056241 These are RNA-Seq data where we've plotted the expression of these features across that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00103-00056241-00056373 gene model. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00104-00056373-00056998 And so here you can see some data from embryonic stem cell lines, some breast cancer lines +_hGqxlF9MYc-00105-00056998-00057377 and for this gene, there's no action. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00106-00057377-00058224 All the expression up here is on this -- on this plot to be pretty equivalent. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00107-00058224-00058969 If you look at the expression in drug sensitive versus drug resistant colon cancer cell lines +_hGqxlF9MYc-00108-00058969-00059470 you can find many examples where exons are dropped or retained. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00109-00059470-00060119 This is one example in which there is an exon skipping event. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00110-00060119-00060514 It shows up quite nicely in this ALEXA-Seq plot. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00111-00060514-00061248 So what you can see is an exon missing in one of the samples relative to the other and +_hGqxlF9MYc-00112-00061248-00061900 that's indicated on the gene model diagram with the lines indicating the splicing events +_hGqxlF9MYc-00113-00061900-00062199 that this signifies. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00114-00062199-00062574 That's a relatively straight forward example. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00115-00062574-00062911 More complex examples are easily found. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00116-00062911-00063460 Here's a case where there's a whole lot of action going on around exon 9 and this particular +_hGqxlF9MYc-00117-00063460-00064044 gene, (CA)12, where there's exon skipping events that actually skip two exons, some +_hGqxlF9MYc-00118-00064044-00064230 that skip one exon, so on and so forth. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00119-00064230-00064722 And these are predicted, for the most part to have an influence on the nature of the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00120-00064722-00065095 protein product. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00121-00065095-00066004 And finally, one other example which shows that in this case, the expression of particular +_hGqxlF9MYc-00122-00066004-00066669 exons is not necessarily reflected in the overall expression of the entire gene. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00123-00066669-00067401 So here's a gene level expression analysis focused on TPM2 across two different subtypes +_hGqxlF9MYc-00124-00067401-00067556 of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00125-00067556-00068224 And what you can see in these two subtypes, indicated in the different colors, are approximately +_hGqxlF9MYc-00126-00068224-00068572 equivalent levels of overall gene expression. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00127-00068572-00069212 But if you look in more detail at the exon level, what you can see is a subtype associated +_hGqxlF9MYc-00128-00069212-00069762 differential expression in which an exon is either skipped or retained. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00129-00069762-00070629 So this makes possible some analysis of the details of the gene expression data at the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00130-00070629-00071011 level of these exons as opposed to the entire gene. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00131-00071011-00071916 Now, these kinds of concepts in TCGA are being expanded upon and refined and what I'm showing +_hGqxlF9MYc-00132-00071916-00072810 here is an elegant slide provided by Chad Creighton from Baylor in which he's showing +_hGqxlF9MYc-00133-00072810-00073439 expression levels across 629 differentially expressed exons between two different stages +_hGqxlF9MYc-00134-00073439-00074077 of colorectal cancer and showing that for these exons that there is a linkage between +_hGqxlF9MYc-00135-00074077-00074497 splicing patterns and overall levels of gene expression. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00136-00074497-00075049 So this is where I think we are going. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00137-00075049-00075595 So one of the things that we focused on, at least in our group, pretty heavily is trying +_hGqxlF9MYc-00138-00075595-00076142 to find evidence of expressed structures that are not easily found using alignment based +_hGqxlF9MYc-00139-00076142-00076242 approaches. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00140-00076242-00076791 And so some of these structures can be quite complicated and defy identification by -- solely +_hGqxlF9MYc-00141-00076791-00076906 by alignment. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00142-00076906-00077608 And so we use de novo assembly pretty heavily to try and find such things. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00143-00077608-00077764 We use Trans-ABySS for this. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00144-00077764-00078116 There are other assembly tools available of course. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00145-00078116-00078748 And shown here is simply a cartoon that emphasizes that for this particular assembly approach +_hGqxlF9MYc-00146-00078748-00078955 we like to have paired-end reads. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00147-00078955-00079505 We like to assemble those reads using an approach that you can read about in that -- in that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00148-00079505-00079795 reference. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00149-00079795-00080430 And we like to find reads that map to that novel structure that actually spanned the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00150-00080430-00080677 fusion gene breakpoint. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00151-00080677-00081307 We like then to align these contigs we call them, back to the genome as a verification +_hGqxlF9MYc-00152-00081307-00081711 of the fusion event. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00153-00081711-00082242 So this has been done pretty exhaustively, we think, for the AML RNA-Seq data that we've +_hGqxlF9MYc-00154-00082242-00082800 been analyzing in collaboration with the folks at Wash U. And shown here is simply a distribution +_hGqxlF9MYc-00155-00082800-00083256 of the different fusion events that have been detected using this assembly approach, Tim +_hGqxlF9MYc-00156-00083256-00083548 Ley showed this yesterday. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00157-00083548-00084082 And so we find both the things that we expect to find in AML data, those are the known things +_hGqxlF9MYc-00158-00084082-00085017 in blue, and at relatively low frequency a distribution of events that tail off. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00159-00085017-00085467 That includes some genes that we think might be interesting to consider in the context +_hGqxlF9MYc-00160-00085467-00085686 of AML. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00161-00085686-00086163 I should make the point, now that I'm thinking about it, that the Trans-ABySS pipeline that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00162-00086163-00086535 we offer is not automated from front to rear. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00163-00086535-00087057 There's a fair amount of manual interrogation that goes into this, but as a consequence +_hGqxlF9MYc-00164-00087057-00087491 the verification rates tend to be very high. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00165-00087491-00088035 So if people are interested, there are individuals in this room, Gordon Robertson, notably who +_hGqxlF9MYc-00166-00088035-00088726 can give you clues and pointers as to the use of the tool. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00167-00088726-00089300 The other thing that assembly offers is the opportunity to detect more complex things +_hGqxlF9MYc-00168-00089300-00089627 and then fusions between two genes. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00169-00089627-00089804 These would fall into two broad categories. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00170-00089804-00090297 For example, partial tandem duplications and internal tandem duplications and I won't take +_hGqxlF9MYc-00171-00090297-00090541 you through all the topography. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00172-00090541-00091030 The nucleating theme here is de novo assembly of the reads followed by alignment to aid +_hGqxlF9MYc-00173-00091030-00091130 in interpretation. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00174-00091130-00091849 And this too, seems capable of finding known events as well as novel events in AML. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00175-00091849-00092407 We have yet to verify the novel events for PTDs and ITDs. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00176-00092407-00093117 All right, so as we transit along the shopping list of things that you can do with the data, +_hGqxlF9MYc-00177-00093117-00093466 I'd like to spend some time discussing expressed mutations. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00178-00093466-00094118 And so what I mean by that are transcripts that seem to be encoded from low side that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00179-00094118-00094502 are somatically mutated. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00180-00094502-00095108 So there have been a number of groups that have looked for mutations in RNA-Seq data +_hGqxlF9MYc-00181-00095108-00095518 and were guilty of this transgression. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00182-00095518-00096277 As you might imagine, there are a fairly significant proportion of false negatives and relying +_hGqxlF9MYc-00183-00096277-00096597 solely on RNA-Seq for mutation identification. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00184-00096597-00097099 The flipside though is that if you find such things, genes that contain a mutation that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00185-00097099-00097589 are expressed, you have some knowledge of the context in which these mutations are expressed. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00186-00097589-00098137 And that can be useful helping to think about the function that the mutations might impart. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00187-00098137-00098869 I can think a good example is that of EZH2 where in the expressed data for diffuse large +_hGqxlF9MYc-00188-00098869-00099535 B-cell lymphoma we see over and over and over again transcripts that seem to be affected +_hGqxlF9MYc-00189-00099535-00100111 on particular tyrosine residue within the set domain of this important methylator of +_hGqxlF9MYc-00190-00100111-00100456 histone H3K27. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00191-00100456-00101182 So there they are and you can find them albeit with some false negatives perhaps approaching +_hGqxlF9MYc-00192-00101182-00101627 50 percent depending on the sample that you're looking at. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00193-00101627-00102294 This is being I think aggressively pursued at the moment and is a topic of some hot conversation +_hGqxlF9MYc-00194-00102294-00102811 I remember a discussion with [unintelligible] earlier in the week where it was being argued +_hGqxlF9MYc-00195-00102811-00103543 that you can use RNA-Seq for sequence verification of candidate somatic mutations from tumor-normal +_hGqxlF9MYc-00196-00103543-00103695 genome pairs. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00197-00103695-00104275 And this nice slide from Matt Wilkerson I think makes the point quite well. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00198-00104275-00104929 And so if you look at the text, what you'll see here are some statistics based on medians. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00199-00104929-00105546 So if you inlung [spelled phonetically], you can find that about 66 percent or so of the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00200-00105546-00106163 candidate somatic mutations have RNA-Seq data that map to that locus of those about three +_hGqxlF9MYc-00201-00106163-00106919 quarters are detected for an overall yield of about 50 percent in the RNA-Seq data. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00202-00106919-00107664 So one can imagine as these large projects go forward, one would use the RNA-Seq data +_hGqxlF9MYc-00203-00107664-00108250 in combination with the genome data to verify the existence of mutations in a perhaps rather +_hGqxlF9MYc-00204-00108250-00108691 rapid fashion. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00205-00108691-00109414 Going even further, Angela and the Harvard group has been using RNA-Seq data to confirm +_hGqxlF9MYc-00206-00109414-00110014 if you like fusions that are detected in low pass coverage sequencing of colorectal tumors. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00207-00110014-00110594 And these just show examples that Angela's provided in which it's possible to use this +_hGqxlF9MYc-00208-00110594-00111091 in a -- in a mode that's confirmatory not only at the level of the individual bases +_hGqxlF9MYc-00209-00111091-00111442 but, much larger structural effects. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00210-00111442-00112022 And so we can imagine that this validation produces some independent evidence of the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00211-00112022-00112492 existence of the fusion, but also provides some information as to how the fusion is wired +_hGqxlF9MYc-00212-00112492-00113200 together in the context of unexpressed [spelled phonetically] transcript. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00213-00113200-00113607 Okay, so covering a lot of ground, I apologize for that. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00214-00113607-00113880 Shifting gears, yet again. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00215-00113880-00114725 I want to have the opportunity just very briefly to make a few comments on microRNA sequencing +_hGqxlF9MYc-00216-00114725-00115303 which is our principal contribution at this moment to TCGA. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00217-00115303-00116215 So there are now on the order of 3,000 or so microRNA-Seq profiles at the DCC representing +_hGqxlF9MYc-00218-00116215-00116683 something like 18 different cancer types. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00219-00116683-00117211 And the diagram -- a clustering diagram below simply shows the tumor sites for which these +_hGqxlF9MYc-00220-00117211-00118055 are available and the ability to use these data to correlate with disease pathology. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00221-00118055-00118998 So, one of the main rationales for us when we entered into this was the opportunity to +_hGqxlF9MYc-00222-00118998-00119799 think about the interplay between messenger RNAs and microRNAs, that's this little diagram +_hGqxlF9MYc-00223-00119799-00119950 down here. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00224-00119950-00120551 And so we imagine that microRNAs can play regulatory roles that act at various cell +_hGqxlF9MYc-00225-00120551-00121190 biological levels and so we were anxious to generate these data to enable analyses that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00226-00121190-00121605 would look at the correlation between microRNA and messenger RNA sequences. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00227-00121605-00121977 I'm not going to talk about any of that. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00228-00121977-00122416 You can speak to Gordon Robertson or Andy Chu, who are both here, that can tell you +_hGqxlF9MYc-00229-00122416-00122676 the status of that. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00230-00122676-00123233 Instead, I think what I want to point out in my observation is that in addition to having +_hGqxlF9MYc-00231-00123233-00123708 the potential to look at these regulatory relationships, we think that we have some +_hGqxlF9MYc-00232-00123708-00124184 evidence that suggests that these pluraled [spelled phonetically] star microRNA guys +_hGqxlF9MYc-00233-00124184-00124683 sitting up there that have been relegated to the degradation bin upstream of the gene +_hGqxlF9MYc-00234-00124683-00125357 regulatory process, may not actually be degraded in a way that prohibits their function in +_hGqxlF9MYc-00235-00125357-00125596 a regulatory context. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00236-00125596-00126086 There are also, as we're learning, all sorts of interesting features about microRNA as +_hGqxlF9MYc-00237-00126086-00126589 revealed by the sequencing, including the addition of non-templated bases which can +_hGqxlF9MYc-00238-00126589-00126761 expand the target range of these things. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00239-00126761-00127298 So clearly, this is a fairly rich resource that I hope people out there are tapping into +_hGqxlF9MYc-00240-00127298-00127707 and analyzing aggressively. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00241-00127707-00128271 For AML, just as an example, there were on the order of 190 libraries sequenced with +_hGqxlF9MYc-00242-00128271-00129254 an average yield of about a million mapped reads detecting between 270 to 400-odd milli-microRNAs. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00243-00129254-00129957 Not that many novel microRNAs are found using this depth of sequencing and the approaches +_hGqxlF9MYc-00244-00129957-00130225 that we are using to process. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00245-00130225-00130846 But even so, what we have noticed is a very interesting distribution of the so-called +_hGqxlF9MYc-00246-00130846-00131166 star strand versus a mature strand expression. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00247-00131166-00132167 And so there's a transcript up at the top, you see it there, with the indications of +_hGqxlF9MYc-00248-00132167-00132688 what will become process star and mature strand microRNAs. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00249-00132688-00133207 If the star strand is indeed relegated to the bin as it were and chewed up in an upstream +_hGqxlF9MYc-00250-00133207-00133544 degradation, you wouldn't expect many of them to be around. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00251-00133544-00134316 And what we show here is the ratio from the microRNA sequencing of a star strand to a +_hGqxlF9MYc-00252-00134316-00134455 mature strand expression. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00253-00134455-00135099 And the box is around a case where the star strand is expressed at about seven times that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00254-00135099-00135713 of the mature and so clearly, these are abundant and there are probably regulatory roles that +_hGqxlF9MYc-00255-00135713-00136294 can be inferred from these as well as different targets for their action. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00256-00136294-00136962 So again, this is an invitation if you'd like to get interested in this area and take it +_hGqxlF9MYc-00257-00136962-00137141 forward. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00258-00137141-00137712 You can, of course, use the microRNA sequencing for clustering purposes. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00259-00137712-00138451 And so shown here on the right is a microRNA clustering experiment using the AML microRNAs +_hGqxlF9MYc-00260-00138451-00139317 and on the left, RNA-Seq clustering using the AML data, these are the same cases. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00261-00139317-00139846 And I'd miss [spelled phonetically] pointing out areas in which the RNA-Seq data agree +_hGqxlF9MYc-00262-00139846-00140401 with the microRNA data, that's the top line and in green for all of you that aren't challenged +_hGqxlF9MYc-00263-00140401-00140629 with color. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00264-00140629-00141357 So we see here that for the M3 subtype cases, the microRNA and the messenger RNA clustering +_hGqxlF9MYc-00265-00141357-00141627 data yield about the same result. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00266-00141627-00141915 So they're concordant in this respect. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00267-00141915-00142510 Less concordance is seen in cases that have an MPM-1 insertion and that's shown below, +_hGqxlF9MYc-00268-00142510-00143284 where the microRNAs seem to be quite sensitive for such cases, the messenger RNAs less so. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00269-00143284-00144186 All right, so a quick tour through some of the things that you can use the data for. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00270-00144186-00144950 Now I want to go into an area that I think represents a forward direction for TCGA. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00271-00144950-00145550 And this area really is sense and antisense gene expression and the consequences or the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00272-00145550-00146165 potential regulatory consequences of expression -- overlapping expression in particular on +_hGqxlF9MYc-00273-00146165-00146521 the plus and minus strands. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00274-00146521-00146716 And so what do I mean by that? +_hGqxlF9MYc-00275-00146716-00147267 Well I'm showing here a cartoon of sense and antisense genes and just for convention purposes, +_hGqxlF9MYc-00276-00147267-00147519 we'll call the top gene the sense gene. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00277-00147519-00148303 So, these transcripts overlap and what this diagram says is that when the gene on the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00278-00148303-00148925 lower strand is expressed that there's a difference in splicing pattern, frequency of splice transcripts +_hGqxlF9MYc-00279-00148925-00149457 that is then found as depicted in the lower panel. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00280-00149457-00150095 So when expression of the lower guy is on, you tend to see an increase in expression +_hGqxlF9MYc-00281-00150095-00150321 in alpha-1. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00282-00150321-00150917 So there's actually a few examples of this, but not loads and loads and loads in the literature. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00283-00150917-00151033 So what might this do? +_hGqxlF9MYc-00284-00151033-00151503 Well, splicing perhaps is an influence of this kind of expression. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00285-00151503-00152173 The other thing that has been linked to this kind of expression is silencing through methylation +_hGqxlF9MYc-00286-00152173-00152712 either of chromatin or directly onto DNA. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00287-00152712-00153196 So there's a linkage here that we can exploit in the context of a project like TCGA where +_hGqxlF9MYc-00288-00153196-00153876 cases have both expression data and methylation data as you heard from Peter Laird earlier +_hGqxlF9MYc-00289-00153876-00154100 in this meeting. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00290-00154100-00155168 A more comprehensive example, if you like using Affymetrix exon arrays, is shown here. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00291-00155168-00155837 What I'm showing is the correlated and anti-correlated expression of two exons for the gene part +_hGqxlF9MYc-00292-00155837-00156616 nine, those are in blue or red, compared to the expression of an antisense gene DTX 30 +_hGqxlF9MYc-00293-00156616-00156778 [spelled phonetically], it's in black. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00294-00156778-00157485 And what you can see is when DTX 30 goes up, the expression of one of the exons in part +_hGqxlF9MYc-00295-00157485-00157649 nine goes down, that's the red line. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00296-00157649-00158171 So there's this anti-correlation effect and this is seen in a rather pleasing pattern +_hGqxlF9MYc-00297-00158171-00158411 across many different tissues. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00298-00158411-00159113 So one speculates that this kind of effect might be general for this particular gene +_hGqxlF9MYc-00299-00159113-00159894 and if you look in TCGA Affymetrix exon data, you can see on the bottom panel that there +_hGqxlF9MYc-00300-00159894-00160613 are quite a significant number of genes with sense antisense correlated apparent splicing +_hGqxlF9MYc-00301-00160613-00160713 going on. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00302-00160713-00161234 And so a deeper analysis then is before us to address the question as to what might the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00303-00161234-00161651 function of this expression be. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00304-00161651-00162222 So I think in order for TCGA to go there -- and go there hard, we should be considering the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00305-00162222-00163005 use of strand-specific RNA-Seq, this is not something that we've done. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00306-00163005-00163580 So strand-specific RNA-Seq is a modification of the RNA-Seq that allows knowledge of the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00307-00163580-00163976 strands to which the individual reads map. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00308-00163976-00164397 The method that we're quite enamored with at the moment is the one published originally +_hGqxlF9MYc-00309-00164397-00165315 in NAR in 2009 and the bottom reference there is a rather detailed evaluation of the performance +_hGqxlF9MYc-00310-00165315-00165815 of a number of different protocols, so I encourage you, if you're interested to have a look at +_hGqxlF9MYc-00311-00165815-00165933 these. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00312-00165933-00166507 And so what I'm showing in the black track is RNA-Seq data analyzed in a strand insensitive +_hGqxlF9MYc-00313-00166507-00166607 way. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00314-00166607-00166842 So this is maybe what you would see if you didn't know about strandedness. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00315-00166842-00167317 You can see all the peaks where the reads are lining up across the gene models on the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00316-00167317-00167551 lower part of the diagram. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00317-00167551-00168049 With strand-specific information which is shown in the -- in the center, in the orange +_hGqxlF9MYc-00318-00168049-00168580 and the red, you can now start to attribute the expression of these individual exons to +_hGqxlF9MYc-00319-00168580-00169159 the annotations below which gives you I think, a rather more detailed view of the pattern +_hGqxlF9MYc-00320-00169159-00169733 of expression of these closely linked and even overlapping low side. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00321-00169733-00170090 So there's information here. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00322-00170090-00170595 You might be able to figure out how the reads go if you have good annotation. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00323-00170595-00170980 But there are cases where some of the annotation isn't yet available and that's one of the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00324-00170980-00171238 things I think this project is going to do. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00325-00171238-00171600 And so shown here on the top again is a strand insensitive analysis. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00326-00171600-00171972 It shows big peaks and little peaks. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00327-00171972-00172328 But the only gene model available is the one at the bottom. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00328-00172328-00172880 And so if you resolve this into strand sensitive analysis, what you can see is the gene model +_hGqxlF9MYc-00329-00172880-00173384 at the bottom is represented by the orange peaks and the big thing in the middle is something +_hGqxlF9MYc-00330-00173384-00173565 else entirely. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00331-00173565-00173841 So this has two meanings, I think. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00332-00173841-00174488 One is that you could misinterpret the expression of this gene by lumping all the reads in together. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00333-00174488-00174962 The other might be that you've discovered a novel and potentially differentially expressed +_hGqxlF9MYc-00334-00174962-00175535 transcript in your analysis of cancer samples and this happens to be a non-coding RNA. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00335-00175535-00175915 Okay, so just wrapping up. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00336-00175915-00176569 I'd like to emphasize what I said right at the beginning of the talk which is we are +_hGqxlF9MYc-00337-00176569-00176883 very pleased to be part of this project. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00338-00176883-00177603 I think it's an amazing union of intellectual energies and thank you all for being interested +_hGqxlF9MYc-00339-00177603-00177853 enough to come to this meeting, it's fantastic. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00340-00177853-00178538 I'd like to acknowledge the foresight and vision of the funders, particularly NCI and +_hGqxlF9MYc-00341-00178538-00178767 NHGRI. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00342-00178767-00178971 And of course we are supported by the B.C. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00343-00178971-00179071 Cancer Foundation. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00344-00179071-00179803 So with that, I'm going to -- I'm going to stop and we have 25 seconds for a question. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00345-00179803-00179942 [laughter] +_hGqxlF9MYc-00346-00179942-00180083 [applause] +_hGqxlF9MYc-00347-00180083-00180920 Male Speaker: I have a question. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00348-00180920-00182016 For the RNA-Seq mutation confirmation do you have to use a specific nucleotide as the verification +_hGqxlF9MYc-00349-00182016-00182198 or are you looking at the whole gene for the -- +_hGqxlF9MYc-00350-00182198-00182872 Marco Marra: So when -- so when we're -- when we're verifying +_hGqxlF9MYc-00351-00182872-00183495 the existence of mutations, I mean, I suppose different folks do it rather differently. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00352-00183495-00184114 In the examples that I showed, what we typically do is we match the RNA-Seq data against the +_hGqxlF9MYc-00353-00184114-00184898 genome data and if the -- if the two are in accordance at a particular locus then we would +_hGqxlF9MYc-00354-00184898-00185317 argue that that's a verification result. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00355-00185317-00186022 So it follows on the nature of the actual mutation in the DNA. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00356-00186022-00186449 Male Speaker: Because for using the RNA-Seq for screening +_hGqxlF9MYc-00357-00186449-00187013 purposes, the false positive rate seemed to be much higher if you're looking at samples +_hGqxlF9MYc-00358-00187013-00187552 that don't have the known mutation, but you're suspecting it in either an exon or somewhere +_hGqxlF9MYc-00359-00187552-00187652 along the chain. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00360-00187652-00188011 Marco Marra: If you don't have a matched normal sample +_hGqxlF9MYc-00361-00188011-00188733 and you find something in the RNA-Seq data, then you're going to have to concoct a rationale +_hGqxlF9MYc-00362-00188733-00189219 that doesn't involve a somatic mutation, that's for sure. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00363-00189219-00189625 So you need some source of normal if you want to claim it's a [spelled phonetically] systematic +_hGqxlF9MYc-00364-00189625-00189725 event. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00365-00189725-00190328 One of the things that we have, I think, used the RNA-Seq data for fairly successfully is +_hGqxlF9MYc-00366-00190328-00190714 looking for evidence of recurrent expressed mutations. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00367-00190714-00191387 And in the absence of normal, this doesn't prove that that recurrent event is a somatic +_hGqxlF9MYc-00368-00191387-00191749 mutation because it could be a polymorphism, for example. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00369-00191749-00192155 But that does focus our attention on the things that we would take forward through to validation +_hGqxlF9MYc-00370-00192155-00192255 and tumor-normal [spelled phonetically]. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00371-00192255-00192658 There's a lot of mutational noise in the RNA-Seq data alone. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00372-00192658-00192821 So you have to be careful how you use it. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00373-00192821-00193023 Male Speaker: Yeah, because from our experience it seems +_hGqxlF9MYc-00374-00193023-00193515 that the false positive rate is much higher than what seems to be presented. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00375-00193515-00193648 Marco Marra: Yeah, I think that's right. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00376-00193648-00194262 All of these false positive issues are related to the exact algorithm that you employ and +_hGqxlF9MYc-00377-00194262-00194421 the deductive process that you employ. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00378-00194421-00194845 But there are many more false positives if using RNA-Seq solely for mutation detection +_hGqxlF9MYc-00379-00194845-00194945 is on the agenda. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00380-00194945-00195148 Yeah, you got to be careful. +_hGqxlF9MYc-00381-00195148-00195734 And I think with that, I'm happy to talk to you later, but I want to keep the session +_hGqxlF9MYc-00382-00195734-00195819 moving forward here. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00000-00006408-00006777 Really take you back to our days at the academy. Eh, Kisaragi? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00001-00006792-00006992 Enough idle chatter, get ready. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00002-00007634-00007834 I see you're actually grown quite a bit. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00003-00008186-00008386 Will you join us in the Holy Order? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00004-00008434-00008947 I have no intention of getting involved with your little farce. Go train by yourself. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00005-00008947-00009147 Please don't make me angry! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00006-00009696-00010056 Hmph... Why the hell am I stuck on babysitting duty... +_iYh4ff5fAA-00007-00010113-00010509 Huh? What was that? You want me to kill you faster? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00008-00011065-00011329 It seems you're starting to know how to wield that power properly. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00009-00011371-00011571 Stay out, you Ghost. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00010-00012081-00012281 Where did all your shine go? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00011-00013211-00013411 Order: Counter! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00012-00013478-00013678 THIS IS MY RESOLVE! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00013-00014178-00014553 Dissapear, there is no place for your Justice here. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00014-00014785-00014985 Brother.. no, a differente presence? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00015-00015937-00016191 Hm, just a fake after all. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00016-00016578-00016778 So this is the Hero of Ikaruga? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00017-00016840-00017040 The Mad Dog from Sector Seven! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00018-00017646-00017846 Just a Dog after all. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00019-00017932-00018132 Trinity: You will hold back.. right? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00020-00018321-00018566 Luna: What? where did i hear that voice? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00021-00019137-00019337 Trinity: You will hold back.. right? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00022-00019557-00019757 Sena: Eh? That voice is from.. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00023-00020537-00020963 Hm, like i would go serious against kids. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00024-00021143-00021725 So this is your Justice.. Tsubaki. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00025-00022781-00022915 Tsubaki. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00026-00023700-00024029 That was an amazing fight. Well done, Tsubaki. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00027-00024556-00024900 BROTHER LET'S KILL EACH OTHER! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00028-00024948-00025242 Damn, you're annoying... Fine, get over here and I'll put you to sleep! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00029-00025690-00026626 Ally or enemy, I've never liked how cowards like you fight. If you want to be a shadow, then crawl along the ground where you belong. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00030-00026673-00027600 Your military approach to combat has blinded you. A shadow does not creep along the ground. It casts a wide shroud upon the world, invading and overtaking all in its path. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00031-00028032-00028215 I will show my highest power! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00032-00028266-00028383 Well said. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00033-00028778-00029040 I was bored, but i will do the best i can. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00034-00029175-00029468 Suit yourself. Just don't blame me if you get cold. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00035-00030199-00030543 You're wasting my time. Stand in my way and die. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00036-00030615-00030841 Calm down. You're far too bloodthirsty. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00037-00031851-00032346 Who would have tought i would meet you here, Hero of Ikaruga-San! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00038-00032413-00032974 How Convenient. You're going to be defeated here! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00039-00033771-00034043 You will no longer make use of me again. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00040-00034200-00034479 Hades.. i'll be the one to cut you down! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00041-00035059-00035174 Here i come Hades! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00042-00035214-00035414 Go to sleep.. Saya! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00043-00035915-00036198 Saya.. what is your desire? +_iYh4ff5fAA-00044-00036520-00036645 Saya.. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00045-00037119-00037217 Here i come Hades! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00046-00037268-00037468 Go to sleep.. Saya! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00047-00038059-00038259 This is the end, Saya! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00048-00038525-00038725 I don't need you anymore. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00049-00038824-00039024 DIE! FALSE HERO! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00050-00039101-00039444 Don't speak to me through that shell.. it's disgusting. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00051-00040230-00040598 Perish, that shell is out of your reach. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00052-00041636-00041836 This is the last one, brother. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00053-00041945-00042145 You asked for it, i will beat the shit out of you! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00054-00042927-00043127 Stop that and start to going serious. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00055-00043547-00043831 Let us settle this now, Brother. +_iYh4ff5fAA-00056-00044098-00044298 I'll be the one to kill you Brother! +_iYh4ff5fAA-00057-00044352-00044552 Goodbye, Brother... +_iYh4ff5fAA-00058-00045072-00045272 This is the far as you go, Brother +_l3aUoRA1qy-00000-00000626-00001159 2022 has been an extraordinary year for IIED. It's been our 50th anniversary, and we've +_l3aUoRA1qy-00001-00001159-00001757 reflected that over those 50 years IIED's been at the heart of many key international policy moments. +_l3aUoRA1qy-00002-00001757-00002412 2022 is no different. So in Sharm el-Sheikh at COP27 when the loss and damage agreement was struck, +_l3aUoRA1qy-00003-00002412-00002934 IIED was there, at the heart, bringing evidence and partnerships and support to negotiators to +_l3aUoRA1qy-00004-00002934-00003528 make it happen. And actually, it's a small insight into what makes IIED so special. So for those 50 +_l3aUoRA1qy-00005-00003528-00003960 years we've worked with local communities to give them a stake in their own futures and +_l3aUoRA1qy-00006-00003960-00004506 protect their healthy environment. So we combine that research and evidence and partnerships — often for +_l3aUoRA1qy-00007-00004506-00005070 more than a generation — to make sure we can get those outcomes. And in coming into IIED I've been +_l3aUoRA1qy-00008-00005070-00005574 really excited to see the work we're doing. So for example, trying to end refugee camps +_l3aUoRA1qy-00009-00005574-00006072 by making sure that cities can host refugees — giving better outcomes for all. Or giving +_l3aUoRA1qy-00010-00006072-00006612 money to the frontline of the climate emergency whether through restructuring sovereign debt or +_l3aUoRA1qy-00011-00006612-00007200 new international funding mechanisms. Or scaling up social protection programmes with early warning systems. +_l3aUoRA1qy-00012-00007200-00007631 Or the work we're doing on the climate and nature emergency to put Indigenous Peoples at +_l3aUoRA1qy-00013-00007631-00008184 the heart of managing protected areas. But also in 2022 we've been introducing new, innovative +_l3aUoRA1qy-00014-00008184-00008892 work. So whether working on anti-racist narratives at the heart of our communications or in bringing +_l3aUoRA1qy-00015-00008892-00009540 LGBTQI+ voices to bear on their futures — even in the places where they're oppressed. +_l3aUoRA1qy-00016-00009606-00010152 And actually, it's some of this innovation that I want to bring to bear into IIED's future. So +_l3aUoRA1qy-00017-00010152-00010842 one of the big questions we need to ask ourselves in 2023 is what should IIED, a well-established +_l3aUoRA1qy-00018-00010842-00011388 policy and practice research organisation, be doing to tackle the climate and nature emergency +_l3aUoRA1qy-00019-00011388-00011922 at the speed and scale we need. So, for me, we need to work across whole systems, globally, +_l3aUoRA1qy-00020-00011922-00012528 through radical collaborations, deep partnerships to make sure we can bring the best solutions to +_l3aUoRA1qy-00021-00012528-00013104 bear simultaneously on those crises and maximise the impact on the communities that we work with. +_lkmB8100pU-00000-00000270-00000525 - Yeah, I put up a slide today that said unf*ck the world, +_lkmB8100pU-00001-00000525-00000771 and I think that we all want to do that. +_lkmB8100pU-00002-00000771-00001035 Fundamentally, we all want to do that. +_lkmB8100pU-00003-00001035-00001165 You know, I'm sick of hearing +_lkmB8100pU-00004-00001165-00001370 what's wrong with the world, right? +_lkmB8100pU-00005-00001370-00001519 My kids and my grandchildren, +_lkmB8100pU-00006-00001519-00001762 they know about climate change. +_lkmB8100pU-00007-00001762-00001946 They know polar bears are dying, +_lkmB8100pU-00008-00001946-00002198 and they know that the sea is full of plastics. +_lkmB8100pU-00009-00002198-00002518 Like, I don't need to hear that stuff one more time. +_lkmB8100pU-00010-00002518-00002833 What I really need, and I think most of us need, +_lkmB8100pU-00011-00002833-00003107 is we need those, what are called, protopian stories. +_lkmB8100pU-00012-00003107-00003397 Kevin Kelly came up with this term, and I just love it. +_lkmB8100pU-00013-00003397-00003648 And what it is, is the stories that tell us the bridge +_lkmB8100pU-00014-00003648-00003961 from where we are today to where we want to go. +_lkmB8100pU-00015-00003961-00004367 And we need those stories told to us over and over and over +_lkmB8100pU-00016-00004367-00004608 so that we can make sense of them for ourselves +_lkmB8100pU-00017-00004608-00004858 and find the way to the future, right? +_lkmB8100pU-00018-00004858-00005199 So trust me, I don't need any, I'm a data freak, right? +_lkmB8100pU-00019-00005199-00005499 But I don't need any more data on point parts per million. +_lkmB8100pU-00020-00005499-00005740 I don't need to know that my river is polluted, +_lkmB8100pU-00021-00005740-00005978 and I'm not saying I wanna put my head in the sand on it. +_lkmB8100pU-00022-00005978-00006219 What I'm saying is that I need the inspiration. +_lkmB8100pU-00023-00006219-00006466 I need to know I can look around with my friends, +_lkmB8100pU-00024-00006466-00006650 and we are the opposite, you know. +_lkmB8100pU-00025-00006650-00007028 We are unf*cking the planet, you know we are unf*cking +_lkmB8100pU-00026-00007028-00007233 people's lives that are messed up. +_lkmB8100pU-00027-00007233-00007528 Whether it's homelessness or whether it's child poverty, +_lkmB8100pU-00028-00007528-00007778 or whether it's domestic violence. +_lkmB8100pU-00029-00007778-00008101 These things are all interconnected, right? +_lkmB8100pU-00030-00008101-00008352 So, it doesn't matter where you start, +_lkmB8100pU-00031-00008352-00008523 and I think often people get hung up on +_lkmB8100pU-00032-00008523-00008909 whether their actions are the right actions. +_lkmB8100pU-00033-00008909-00009118 It really doesn't matter, the world's so fucked up. +_lkmB8100pU-00034-00009118-00009381 Just pick an issue, deal with that one. +_lkmB8100pU-00035-00009381-00009541 We all need them sorted. +_lkmB8100pU-00036-00009541-00009758 So, yeah, just go for it. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00000-00000508-00000936 THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY IS SCHEDULED TO HOLD A LIVE, ALL HANDS CALL APRIL 29TH AT +_lPXoxCc2_g-00001-00000936-00001098 0930 EASTERN TIME. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00002-00001098-00001533 HE'LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS AND UPDATE YOU ON ISSUES THAT AFFECT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00003-00001533-00001977 QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED VIA SATELLITE, SOCIAL MEDIA, SKYPE, TELEPHONE, AND BROADCAST +_lPXoxCc2_g-00004-00001977-00002131 LIVE TO DTS. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00005-00002131-00002511 ANY QUESTIONS NOT ANSWERED DURING THE LIVE SHOW WILL BE ADDRESSED LATER ON ALL HANDS +_lPXoxCc2_g-00006-00002511-00002653 ONLINE. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00007-00002653-00003159 THERE IS AN UPDATE TO GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING, OR GMT, SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 14. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00008-00003159-00003610 THE UPDATE INCLUDES THE PRIVACY AND PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION AWARENESS TOPIC AS +_lPXoxCc2_g-00009-00003610-00003708 REQUIRED TRAINING. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00010-00003708-00004312 A GMT CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 14 IS LOCATED ON THE NAVY KNOWLEDGE ONLINE GMT PAGE. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00011-00004312-00004515 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. +_lPXoxCc2_g-00012-00004515-00004723 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. +_lbphjDIUh0-00000-00000000-00000390 Hi, this is Chadi. Today we're going to be talking about the foot sweep, +_lbphjDIUh0-00001-00000390-00000900 the foot sweep is something that we can always watch without getting bored, +_lbphjDIUh0-00002-00000900-00001554 and everyone strives to have that very good for sweep. So what we are going to talk about today is +_lbphjDIUh0-00003-00001626-00002148 how the foot sweep evolved in terms of setups, we're going to see the different setups across +_lbphjDIUh0-00004-00002148-00002862 the time periods, and also talk about it in terms of your Evolution as a judoka, +_lbphjDIUh0-00005-00002862-00003456 we all know that the high level judokas they can sweep you at will, and we are always amazed when +_lbphjDIUh0-00006-00003456-00004122 they do it to us, so it is an indicator of your own sensibility and your maturity in technique. So +_lbphjDIUh0-00007-00004212-00005136 first let's take a look at it in the fundamental setup how it was put or the fundamental format, +_lbphjDIUh0-00008-00005136-00006000 in the "Nage No Kata", so how it was put is that you sway to the side and then you establish this +_lbphjDIUh0-00009-00006000-00006558 synchronized movement with the Uke and then with the sleeve and the lapel you provide a slight +_lbphjDIUh0-00010-00006558-00007212 lift and as the leg is going towards the other leg you sweep it and you continue the motion and thus +_lbphjDIUh0-00011-00007295-00007650 sweeping them to the side ascending foot sweep +_lbphjDIUh0-00012-00007812-00008652 it's teaching you timing and also how to feel your opponent moving. That's not to say that's +_lbphjDIUh0-00013-00008652-00009468 the only way to do it if we were to look at the fights and the basic forms it will always work so +_lbphjDIUh0-00014-00009468-00010470 here you see Kusanagi strikes to sweep, notice how he rotates him around and as the foot is coming up +_lbphjDIUh0-00015-00010470-00011220 he sweeps but Mifune rides it through and stays standing, but it's not only to the side in linear +_lbphjDIUh0-00016-00011220-00011904 but also in circular and here it's one where he actually wins where he takes him to the side opens +_lbphjDIUh0-00017-00011904-00012852 up with a big step and sweeps cleanly through. Let's take a look at a much more modern example +_lbphjDIUh0-00018-00012852-00013626 here in the All Japan a big step to the side and sweeps so as you take a big step they kind of like +_lbphjDIUh0-00019-00013626-00014238 twitch and try to follow you that's when they remove their leg and that's where you sweep. So +_lbphjDIUh0-00020-00014238-00014946 let's take a look at Jacques Leberre 8th Dan, he explained this here the far step that you need to +_lbphjDIUh0-00021-00014946-00015372 take he says that when you are going sideways you have to actually let them have a little +_lbphjDIUh0-00022-00015372-00016062 bit more in front of you here as he explains, so you can actually take that big step so it's kind +_lbphjDIUh0-00023-00016062-00016602 of like you're catching up to them but that big step will actually provide far more power in the +_lbphjDIUh0-00024-00016602-00017250 sweeping motion and it becomes far cleaner. Another setup here he explains is to create +_lbphjDIUh0-00025-00017250-00018030 that reaction is like a "tsugiashi" type movement where you cross your legs and go to the side which +_lbphjDIUh0-00026-00018030-00018660 will provide a lot of strength and a lot of drive into the sweep not only with the legs but also +_lbphjDIUh0-00027-00018660-00019536 with the hips here is Inoue doing it you can see how he crosses his legs to the side and as he goes +_lbphjDIUh0-00028-00019668-00020346 Tangriev simply follows, and gets swept from a static position. We will see Maruyama also +_lbphjDIUh0-00029-00020346-00020808 doing it this one is a mix of the one we see now and the next one I'm gonna show +_lbphjDIUh0-00030-00020892-00021942 you, see he Stomps his feet goes to the side as he sweeps cleanly through the leg and up this is +_lbphjDIUh0-00031-00021942-00022380 what I'm trying to say is that you can actually do it at will from a static position, it doesn't +_lbphjDIUh0-00032-00022380-00022938 have to be when they are moving to the side and then you follow them no it's not the case at all +_lbphjDIUh0-00033-00022938-00023730 here is another example from the same competition in Almaty in 2016 stomps his legs goes to the side +_lbphjDIUh0-00034-00023730-00024378 and sweeps which leaves me to the next one which is what Jacques Leberee calls it pietinnement, +_lbphjDIUh0-00035-00024378-00025008 I don't know how to say it in English but it's I believe footing, so what you do is you take a big +_lbphjDIUh0-00036-00025008-00025836 step and it's one two three and four you sweep let's take a look at Fabio Basile 2016 Olympic +_lbphjDIUh0-00037-00025836-00026544 champion does it goes inside one two three and four sweeps let's take a look at it one more time +_lbphjDIUh0-00038-00026639-00027527 goes to the side you see the footing being done and he sweeps it's not just one so here it looks +_lbphjDIUh0-00039-00027527-00028392 like one step but it is, one, two, three and four, you have to do it very quickly you start with the +_lbphjDIUh0-00040-00028392-00029130 leg that's far away that's not about to sweep and then this sweeping foot follows it so it's one, +_lbphjDIUh0-00041-00029130-00029916 two, three, and four you sweep let's take a look at one last example one, two, three, four +_lbphjDIUh0-00042-00030066-00030636 so this is the pietinnement or the footing correct me if I'm wrong but that's how I understand the +_lbphjDIUh0-00043-00030636-00031458 term no it's like by stomping feet let's take a look at it here this is older than Fabio Basile's +_lbphjDIUh0-00044-00031458-00032124 videos so that was before Fabio came to the scene this is I believe 15 years ago and Fabio I believe +_lbphjDIUh0-00045-00032208-00032850 polished his foot sweep well after Rio I believe so in Rio he wasn't doing this style of "De ashi +_lbphjDIUh0-00046-00032850-00033390 harai". Now foot sweeps are all over the place I've compared Judo with the countless martial +_lbphjDIUh0-00047-00033390-00034206 arts because the human body is everywhere wherever you go is the same wherever you go and that's what +_lbphjDIUh0-00048-00034206-00034776 makes Judo in my opinion so unique you see these foot sweeps they're so they're kicks they're not +_lbphjDIUh0-00049-00034776-00035238 foot sweeps they're not relying on sensibility they're not relying on such technical Excellency +_lbphjDIUh0-00050-00035352-00036030 they're relying on this really just bulldozing someone through and then just taking them down +_lbphjDIUh0-00051-00036030-00036972 whether it is karate or Muay Thai or whatever it may be in Judo it's really sensible it's really +_lbphjDIUh0-00052-00036972-00037584 showing technical maturity it's really showing sensibility timing and Decades +_lbphjDIUh0-00053-00037584-00038286 of work now again this is what shows your maturity as a judoka is understanding the +_lbphjDIUh0-00054-00038286-00038700 foot sweep because the foot sweep it shows that you understand timing you understand +_lbphjDIUh0-00055-00038700-00039402 your opponent's movement you can feel it you can initiate it and you can act accordingly so +_lbphjDIUh0-00056-00039474-00040494 Fabio Basile in 2016 he was I believe first degree black belt not more and now he is six degree so +_lbphjDIUh0-00057-00040494-00041160 red and white belt in just a very short amount of time now this is due to his competitive record of +_lbphjDIUh0-00058-00041160-00042078 course but also I believe his technical Excellency it's he's very well deserving of such rank because +_lbphjDIUh0-00059-00042078-00042852 he understands the sensibility he is not a strong uh judoka and you see him in the 73Kgs against +_lbphjDIUh0-00060-00042852-00043422 some of the best and some of the strongest at the same time it's a physical category and yet +_lbphjDIUh0-00061-00043422-00044142 he was able to sweep them not only with but also goes for things like "drop O uchi gari" and his +_lbphjDIUh0-00062-00044238-00045222 famed "Kata guruma", or "Yoko otoshi" his again his sensibility to understand the movement of his +_lbphjDIUh0-00063-00045222-00045888 opponent is what made him you know such a great judoka also being not very strong and I believe +_lbphjDIUh0-00064-00045888-00046440 that's why he went back to 66 because he's just not that strong as the others you can only rely +_lbphjDIUh0-00065-00046440-00046878 on technique so much because the others not only do they have Superior strength but they +_lbphjDIUh0-00066-00046878-00047382 also have techniques so that's why weight categories are there it's not because it's +_lbphjDIUh0-00067-00047382-00047874 all strength no it's because you know some guy is gonna have technique and also adds strength +_lbphjDIUh0-00068-00047874-00048504 to it so hence you can be at a disadvantage and hence the weight category so if you have anything +_lbphjDIUh0-00069-00048504-00049032 else to add please let me know down below. This was Chadi, and thank you for listening. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00000-00000024-00000096 Hello, everyone! +AoAw-6F9nOk-00001-00000096-00000200 Chris Potts here. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00002-00000200-00000544 This is part 2 in our series of screencasts on presuppositions. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00003-00000624-00000872 Part 1 provided definitions and examples, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00004-00000872-00001240 and it discussed the important concept of presupposition accommodation. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00005-00001328-00001768 Our focus in this screencast will be on identifying presuppositions in the wild +AoAw-6F9nOk-00006-00001768-00001912 using some simple tests. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00007-00002048-00002200 To start building up these tests, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00008-00002200-00002632 it's useful to consider in a more focused way how presuppositions behave in discourse. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00009-00002704-00002992 My first theme here is "Backgrounding". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00010-00002992-00003536 In the prototypical case, presuppositions are agreed upon as true before they're invoked. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00011-00003615-00003920 Now, I stress that this is "prototypical" in some sense. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00012-00003920-00004400 It may not be the most frequent case, but it's in some sense the norm. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00013-00004400-00004880 And of course, accommodation creates many exceptions to this, but it's important that +AoAw-6F9nOk-00014-00004880-00005352 presuppositions always can be backgrounded without too much sense of redundancy. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00015-00005352-00005808 For example, even for mundane things like owning a dog, it's okay to be explicit +AoAw-6F9nOk-00016-00005808-00006232 about what the presuppositions are, as in "I have a dog, and my dog has brown hair." +AoAw-6F9nOk-00017-00006336-00006888 Or one could say, "It's Wednesday, and Ed realizes that", or "Ed used to smoke, but he stopped." +AoAw-6F9nOk-00018-00006968-00007216 In all three cases, the presupposition triggered +AoAw-6F9nOk-00019-00007216-00007512 in the second clause is just spelled out in the first. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00020-00007512-00007695 These things don't seem redundant to me. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00021-00007800-00008368 For a comparison, consider the non-presupposed but still peripheral content expressed by the +AoAw-6F9nOk-00022-00008368-00008928 italicized material in the following example: "Otto Jespersen likes burgers, and Noam Chomsky +AoAw-6F9nOk-00023-00008928-00009400 likes cheese sandwiches. Otto, *who likes burgers*, usually slathers them in catsup." +AoAw-6F9nOk-00024-00009480-00009824 Here, it seems really repetitive to say "who likes burgers". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00025-00009824-00010000 This content isn't presupposed, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00026-00010000-00010488 but rather conveyed indirectly, and so it's redundant given the first sentence. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00027-00010552-00010968 For presuppositions, though, there's generally no redundancy because, after all, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00028-00010968-00011384 presuppositions are supposed to be backgrounded. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00029-00011448-00011744 Let's move now to the second set of discourse observations that I +AoAw-6F9nOk-00030-00011744-00012120 want to make, which relate to hearer objections to presupposed content. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00031-00012200-00012592 Now, presuppositions are meanings that the speaker takes for granted and thus +AoAw-6F9nOk-00032-00012592-00012984 assumes to be uncontroversial, or at least they're acting as if they assume that. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00033-00013063-00013584 As a result, speakers might even go so far as to express certain pieces of information +AoAw-6F9nOk-00034-00013584-00014047 via presupposition triggers in order to signal what is and isn't up for debate. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00035-00014104-00014512 And, as a result of all this, objecting to presuppositions can be difficult. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00036-00014591-00015047 The crux of this is that standard denials are generally taken to +AoAw-6F9nOk-00037-00015047-00015552 just accept presuppositions and target only the sort of core semantic content. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00038-00015552-00016176 For example, if I say "Sam quit smoking", and you want to object that Sam never smoked in the past, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00039-00016176-00016304 you're in for some work. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00040-00016304-00016560 You can't just say, "No" or "Wrong" or "Impossible", +AoAw-6F9nOk-00041-00016560-00016744 or "No, he didn't", or even "I doubt it". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00042-00016800-00017216 All of these utterances will be construed as accepting that he smoked in the past +AoAw-6F9nOk-00043-00017216-00017408 and denying that he isn't smoking now. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00044-00017408-00017680 So this doesn't challenge the presupposition at all! +AoAw-6F9nOk-00045-00017768-00018072 When speakers do want to object to presupposed content, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00046-00018072-00018488 they typically have to resort to more specialized forms that kind of disrupt +AoAw-6F9nOk-00047-00018488-00019064 the flow of the conversation in order to re-invoke the presupposed content as an item for discussion. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00048-00019064-00019320 For example, you could use an idiom like "Wait a minute" or +AoAw-6F9nOk-00049-00019320-00019816 "Hold on just a sec", and then you have to state the presupposition explicitly. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00050-00019816-00020376 This sort of unearths the presupposition from the discourse common ground so that it can be in focus +AoAw-6F9nOk-00051-00020376-00020512 and discussed and debated. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00052-00020624-00021040 And that actually provides a nice transition into our core tests for presuppositions. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00053-00021104-00021432 I've placed these under the heading of "Presupposition projection". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00054-00021432-00021736 That's how these tests are often described in the literature. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00055-00021736-00022328 The guiding metaphor, as you'll see, is that presuppositions syntactically in embedded +AoAw-6F9nOk-00056-00022328-00022920 positions tend to project up through the entire sentence to become presuppositions of the entire +AoAw-6F9nOk-00057-00022920-00023408 sentence, even where we might expect semantic operators to target them and change them. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00058-00023552-00024024 The negation test is perhaps the clearest instance of this surprising behavior. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00059-00024024-00024280 Our core hypothesis is Hypothesis N: +AoAw-6F9nOk-00060-00024352-00024760 If proposition p is a presupposition of sentence S, then p is a +AoAw-6F9nOk-00061-00024760-00025048 presupposition of the negated version of S as well. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00062-00025112-00025576 So here, clearly, the presupposition will project through the negation untouched by it! +AoAw-6F9nOk-00063-00025664-00025824 Let's consider a simple example. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00064-00025824-00026112 We start with sentence S as "Sam stopped smoking". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00065-00026176-00026560 And our target meaning is the proposition that Sam smoked in the past. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00066-00026648-00026983 Now, if this target meaning is a presupposition, then it will project +AoAw-6F9nOk-00067-00026983-00027383 through the negation in the negated version of S, which is "Sam didn't stop smoking". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00068-00027439-00027536 And indeed it does. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00069-00027608-00027936 Our target meaning survived the negation untouched. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00070-00027936-00028424 The proposition that Sam smoked in the past remains a commitment of the negated version +AoAw-6F9nOk-00071-00028424-00028512 of S as well. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00072-00028639-00028816 The pattern will be the same for these others. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00073-00028816-00029288 For example, if we begin with "Ed realizes that it is Wednesday", and we're targeting +AoAw-6F9nOk-00074-00029288-00029648 the meaning that it's Wednesday, that is, the meaning of the embedded clause, then +AoAw-6F9nOk-00075-00029648-00030136 we create the negated version of the sentence, here "Ed doesn't realize that it's Wednesday", +AoAw-6F9nOk-00076-00030136-00030592 and we find that that sentence continues to commit the speaker to our target meaning. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00077-00030592-00031032 So we have more evidence for our presuppositional analysis. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00078-00031032-00031400 I've also tested the presuppositions of the possessive "my" in (24), +AoAw-6F9nOk-00079-00031400-00031560 starting with "My dog is outside". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00080-00031624-00031944 I feel it's fine to test this with "My dog isn't outside", +AoAw-6F9nOk-00081-00031944-00032472 but sometimes people like to see the negation literally scoping syntactically over the trigger, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00082-00032472-00032968 and so I've been a bit heavy-handed here with "It is not the case that my dog is outside". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00083-00033032-00033440 Of course, this continues to commit the speaker to owning a dog, and indeed +AoAw-6F9nOk-00084-00033440-00033784 pretty much any way that you negate the full sentence will do this. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00085-00033912-00034256 At this point, we can make sense of our observations before +AoAw-6F9nOk-00086-00034256-00034704 concerning how hard it is to directly object to presuppositions in discourse. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00087-00034704-00034944 Hypothesis N explains why this is so. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00088-00035000-00035440 Right, if someone says "Sam quit smoking", and you reply with "No" or "No, he didn't", +AoAw-6F9nOk-00089-00035440-00035904 your utterance is just elliptical for "No, Sam didn't quit smoking". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00090-00035904-00036088 And by Hypothesis N, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00091-00036088-00036584 that utterance will carry the same presupposition as the utterance you're trying to object to! +AoAw-6F9nOk-00092-00036792-00037128 Alright, let's move to our second test, this focused on interrogatives. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00093-00037128-00037600 Our core hypothesis is Hypothesis Q, and it has the same structure as Hypothesis +AoAw-6F9nOk-00094-00037600-00037984 N: If proposition p is a presupposition of sentence S, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00095-00037984-00038352 then p is a presupposition of the interrogative version of S as well. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00096-00038448-00038720 Let's start again with our core sentence "Sam stopped smoking" +AoAw-6F9nOk-00097-00038720-00038992 and again target the meaning that Sam smoked in the past. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00098-00039048-00039424 Our interrogative version is "Did Sam stop smoking?" +AoAw-6F9nOk-00099-00039424-00039752 Asking this question commits the speaker to our target meaning, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00100-00039752-00040216 and so we have some additional evidence that "stop" is triggering this presupposition. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00101-00040304-00040528 In the same way, we can test "realize". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00102-00040528-00040840 Our sentence S is "Ed realizes that it's Wednesday", +AoAw-6F9nOk-00103-00040840-00041144 and the interrogative version is "Does Ed realize it's Wednesday?" +AoAw-6F9nOk-00104-00041200-00041520 If you ask this, you're committing yourself to it being Wednesday, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00105-00041520-00041976 and so a presuppositional analysis of "realize" seems increasingly well supported. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00106-00042064-00042256 And finally, "My dog is outside". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00107-00042256-00042504 There's no construal of the question "Is my dog +AoAw-6F9nOk-00108-00042504-00042816 outside?" where it's querying whether the speaker has a dog. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00109-00042816-00043072 In other words, p comes through untouched, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00110-00043072-00043360 supporting our presupposition analysis of the possessive. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00111-00043560-00043968 Our third test follows the same basic pattern, but it's a tiny bit more involved. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00112-00043968-00044224 So this one focuses on conditional antecedents. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00113-00044224-00044552 These are the "if" clauses in "if/then" statements. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00114-00044624-00045088 And the hypothesis says, if proposition p is a presupposition of sentence S, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00115-00045144-00045544 then p is a presupposition of any sentence of the form "if S, then S-prime". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00116-00045656-00045944 Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind here is that you +AoAw-6F9nOk-00117-00045944-00046240 have to focus on the "if" clause, the antecedent. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00118-00046240-00046424 If you target the "then" clause, then you'll be +AoAw-6F9nOk-00119-00046424-00046736 doing something very different and definitely not running our test. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00120-00046824-00047056 So here's an illustration: again, start with +AoAw-6F9nOk-00121-00047056-00047456 "Sam stopped smoking" and our usual target meaning that Sam smoked in the past. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00122-00047520-00047792 To run this test, we create a conditional like "If +AoAw-6F9nOk-00123-00047792-00048072 Sam stopped smoking, then his marathon time should improve." +AoAw-6F9nOk-00124-00048176-00048392 This commits the speaker to our target meaning, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00125-00048392-00048736 and so we have more evidence for our presuppositional analysis of "stop". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00126-00048824-00049184 The "realize" example continues to support our analysis of that trigger as well, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00127-00049240-00049656 and running the test on "my dog" would, I think, yield the expected picture there as well. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00128-00049816-00049952 So those are the core tests. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00129-00049952-00050288 It's useful now to step back and ask, why do they hold? +AoAw-6F9nOk-00130-00050288-00050480 Are they just a random constellations +AoAw-6F9nOk-00131-00050480-00050744 of observations, or are there some principles at work here? +AoAw-6F9nOk-00132-00050800-00050944 I think the answer is clear. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00133-00050944-00051184 The reason the tests are useful is that they all +AoAw-6F9nOk-00134-00051184-00051728 involve devices that let us back away from the core semantic content of the sentence involved. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00135-00051808-00052000 Conditional antecedents do this by creating +AoAw-6F9nOk-00136-00052000-00052255 a hypothetical around the content in the "if" clause. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00137-00052328-00052736 Interrogatives do this by querying the content, certainly not committing to it. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00138-00052736-00053248 And negation goes all the way to the extreme of committing to the negation of the core content. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00139-00053248-00053776 So, in all these cases, we have a clear modulation of the core semantic content by these operators. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00140-00053832-00054208 And then the striking thing is that presuppositional content is different. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00141-00054208-00054352 It projects through, right? +AoAw-6F9nOk-00142-00054352-00054504 It's untouched by all this. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00143-00054584-00054634 Why? +AoAw-6F9nOk-00144-00054720-00055104 Well, because it's already supposed to be embedded in the common ground. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00145-00055104-00055640 Stereotypically, the trigger is not creating this content, but rather evoking it or drawing on it. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00146-00055712-00056104 Of course, accommodation makes that a bit more complex than this simple story, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00147-00056104-00056312 but I think the intuition carries through. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00148-00056520-00056936 One final topic for this screencast, under the heading of "Why not turn them around?" +AoAw-6F9nOk-00149-00056936-00057376 What I mean by that is that all of our tests have the conditional format that begins +AoAw-6F9nOk-00150-00057376-00057567 "If p is a presupposition". +AoAw-6F9nOk-00151-00057567-00057832 And if you reflect on that, you find that it's pretty limiting. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00152-00057888-00058279 We need to *assume* presupposition status and see what follows. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00153-00058279-00058655 So, if we're very strict about this, this means that the tests are useful only for +AoAw-6F9nOk-00154-00058655-00059112 *disconfirming* that p is a presupposition, because we could reason, for example, that if +AoAw-6F9nOk-00155-00059112-00059567 p isn't a presupposition of the negated version of the sentence, then p isn't a presupposition. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00156-00059624-00060079 But we want to use our tests to make positive diagnoses of content as presupposed! +AoAw-6F9nOk-00157-00060079-00060167 So what should we do? +AoAw-6F9nOk-00158-00060240-00060664 Well, one tempting thing would be to strengthen the tests by adopting the other direction. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00159-00060720-00061128 In this mode, Hypothesis N would be augmented with Hypothesis N-prime: +AoAw-6F9nOk-00160-00061208-00061616 If proposition p is expressed in the scope of negation in sentence S +AoAw-6F9nOk-00161-00061616-00062024 but p remains a commitment of S, then p is a presupposition of S. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00162-00062152-00062576 Hypotheses like these would allow us to make instant diagnoses of presuppositions. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00163-00062648-00062952 However, unfortunately, I think we can't adopt such tests. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00164-00063024-00063479 Consider a sentence like "Sam didn't see Joan, who works in accounting, when he came in today." +AoAw-6F9nOk-00165-00063560-00064024 The proposition that Joan works in accounting projects through the negation here, clearly. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00166-00064024-00064512 And if we adopted Hypothesis N-prime, we'd have to say that this content was presupposed. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00167-00064512-00064816 But it won't behave like a presupposition in really any other way. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00168-00064816-00065272 For instance, you can't background it, and it's not something you're being asked to accommodate. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00169-00065367-00065640 It seems like a different kind of content, frankly. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00170-00065640-00066000 And the same goes for the expressive content of a word like "friggin'" in +AoAw-6F9nOk-00171-00066000-00066256 "I don't want any friggin' broccoli in my dinner!" +AoAw-6F9nOk-00172-00066256-00066528 It's very hard to say what "friggin'" contributes here. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00173-00066528-00066784 Maybe something like heightened negative emotion. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00174-00066784-00067080 But whatever it contributes, it's not a presupposition. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00175-00067080-00067616 I might in fact be using this little outburst to *announce* my frustration at the broccoli idea. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00176-00067704-00068160 But this content is projecting up through the negation here, and so Hypothesis N-prime +AoAw-6F9nOk-00177-00068160-00068616 would compel us to say it was presupposed, and that again just seems like a mistake. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00178-00068736-00068872 So what should we do? +AoAw-6F9nOk-00179-00068872-00069056 Well, I'm inclined to be pragmatic. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00180-00069112-00069408 It's okay to informally "turn the tests around", +AoAw-6F9nOk-00181-00069464-00070008 as long as that's part of a larger argument in which one looks at a wide spectrum of data. +AoAw-6F9nOk-00182-00070008-00070456 So, gather lots of data, and consider the discourse behavior of the item as well, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00183-00070456-00070720 and then I think the picture will become reasonably clear, +AoAw-6F9nOk-00184-00070784-00071184 even sticking with just the weaker versions of our hypotheses. +A64CBRuLOR4-00000-00000166-00000434 hi now we're going to our show you +A64CBRuLOR4-00001-00000434-00000901 control structures in Python and I have the code from the book here with just +A64CBRuLOR4-00002-00000901-00001028 slight modifications +A64CBRuLOR4-00003-00001028-00001448 on so the first code they show you if this for a while loop +A64CBRuLOR4-00004-00001448-00001863 and this is one of the basic loops in Python, how it works +A64CBRuLOR4-00005-00001863-00002239 exactly the same as while loops and C-plus trust and rapport +A64CBRuLOR4-00006-00002239-00002745 but the ER syntax is different and so this is an example of how +A64CBRuLOR4-00007-00002745-00003117 Allcock account statements statements that have a are you code +A64CBRuLOR4-00008-00003117-00003425 like you San loops and +A64CBRuLOR4-00009-00003425-00003727 things like that were are the body +A64CBRuLOR4-00010-00003727-00004061 is indented is still using curly braces +A64CBRuLOR4-00011-00004061-00004385 so you should always use for spaces to indent +A64CBRuLOR4-00012-00004385-00004866 about the way by: trying to set up this that you have a tablet will insert +A64CBRuLOR4-00013-00004866-00005343 four spaces for you a lot approving editors will allow you to set that up as +A64CBRuLOR4-00014-00005343-00005430 a preference +A64CBRuLOR4-00015-00005430-00005750 that may not be the default like it is a pure charm +A64CBRuLOR4-00016-00005750-00006055 but I'll so let's look at how it works +A64CBRuLOR4-00017-00006055-00006482 before we start we're gonna sit counter which will be our loop control terrible +A64CBRuLOR4-00018-00006482-00006849 then we say while counter +A64CBRuLOR4-00019-00006849-00007285 is less or equal to 5% so the general syntax is you have while +A64CBRuLOR4-00020-00007285-00007661 and they have a boolean expression results in true or false +A64CBRuLOR4-00021-00007661-00008021 expression does not have to be in print the Seas like you +A64CBRuLOR4-00022-00008021-00008374 are required to do nancy c plus plus iPhone +A64CBRuLOR4-00023-00008374-00008742 now in all ok compound statements +A64CBRuLOR4-00024-00008742-00009190 use the colon to indicate that we're about to start the body the loop +A64CBRuLOR4-00025-00009190-00009556 so there's two things that mark the body the colon an +A64CBRuLOR4-00026-00009556-00009992 that the in dept so everything intended at this level +A64CBRuLOR4-00027-00009992-00010550 will be the body is a while and as soon as you go back to the previous him to +A64CBRuLOR4-00028-00010550-00010604 level +A64CBRuLOR4-00029-00010604-00011082 are it knows that's not article so +A64CBRuLOR4-00030-00011082-00011625 this though will count are from one until the counter is fine +A64CBRuLOR4-00031-00011625-00012022 and credit hello and it will take a min to counter inside +A64CBRuLOR4-00032-00012022-00012396 I'm also pointing out here on don't think the book does it but you can +A64CBRuLOR4-00033-00012396-00012595 replace the statement here +A64CBRuLOR4-00034-00012595-00012907 with this counter plus equals 1 +A64CBRuLOR4-00035-00012907-00013326 and you may remember that from your C-plus posture Java class +A64CBRuLOR4-00036-00013326-00013650 is our a statement to do a shortcut for adding +A64CBRuLOR4-00037-00013650-00014097 soapy to counter I thought doesn't have the plus plus operator +A64CBRuLOR4-00038-00014097-00014690 like and two-plus pasta jar here's another example they have in the book +A64CBRuLOR4-00039-00014690-00015088 are you can help a while and then you can remove the expression that's more +A64CBRuLOR4-00040-00015088-00015191 complex +A64CBRuLOR4-00041-00015191-00015552 so here they have two terms the result true bolts +A64CBRuLOR4-00042-00015552-00015927 one in them as a flag and are these were +A64CBRuLOR4-00043-00015927-00016328 not for that and they use the hand operator so they're combining +A64CBRuLOR4-00044-00016328-00016632 to travolta results were and +A64CBRuLOR4-00045-00016632-00017062 and so keep doing the loop until either in this is true +A64CBRuLOR4-00046-00017062-00017369 or while this is true and +A64CBRuLOR4-00047-00017369-00017918 this one is not true so I said don't true here +A64CBRuLOR4-00048-00017918-00018382 so it will properly exit because the counter never changes +A64CBRuLOR4-00049-00018382-00018713 I use a pass statement so the sloops +A64CBRuLOR4-00050-00018713-00019066 actually will stop because done this set to true initially +A64CBRuLOR4-00051-00019066-00019580 so says and not done this week on faults +A64CBRuLOR4-00052-00019580-00019914 and that will cause the loop to not XQ +A64CBRuLOR4-00053-00019914-00020367 I also have placed a pass statement this is a special statement you can put +A64CBRuLOR4-00054-00020367-00020856 and they were you have a body over compound statement or even a body even +A64CBRuLOR4-00055-00020856-00020907 at that +A64CBRuLOR4-00056-00020907-00021325 and it's basically a placeholder for the body that says do nothing +A64CBRuLOR4-00057-00021325-00021662 are if you try to do a loop when you leave out +A64CBRuLOR4-00058-00021662-00022039 all the statements at Blue it will be syntax error +A64CBRuLOR4-00059-00022039-00022436 are the next example is a for loop +A64CBRuLOR4-00060-00022436-00022853 so the for loop always works by of four +A64CBRuLOR4-00061-00022853-00023168 some item and are something that +A64CBRuLOR4-00062-00023168-00023584 iterates through a list ok thanks +A64CBRuLOR4-00063-00023584-00023884 so are you will soon +A64CBRuLOR4-00064-00023884-00024184 %eh object that's in the list of things +A64CBRuLOR4-00065-00024184-00024744 and the body the loop so again we have the coal in the market were about start +A64CBRuLOR4-00066-00024744-00025162 body weekend it tends to the body in this one consistent one statement +A64CBRuLOR4-00067-00025162-00025720 so it's going to our item will be first that'll be $5 its gonna print five +A64CBRuLOR4-00068-00025720-00026114 and there's gonna be 10 its gonna print 10 and so on in our print these I +A64CBRuLOR4-00069-00026114-00026594 values you can also use range +A64CBRuLOR4-00070-00026594-00027091 you can use anything on the right side and it creates a sequence of values +A64CBRuLOR4-00071-00027091-00027433 so arrange creates a sequence of values well +A64CBRuLOR4-00072-00027433-00027777 back tactically that the thing on the right is what's called +A64CBRuLOR4-00073-00027777-00028084 iterator it iterates through a range of values +A64CBRuLOR4-00074-00028084-00028394 and sucks capron out are +A64CBRuLOR4-00075-00028394-00028819 tender for going minus 26 gonna countdown +A64CBRuLOR4-00076-00028819-00029133 two at a time and our +A64CBRuLOR4-00077-00029133-00029475 it actually will stop before four +A64CBRuLOR4-00078-00029475-00029780 and your number four is always +A64CBRuLOR4-00079-00029780-00030094 the the in a range the second number is always +A64CBRuLOR4-00080-00030094-00030489 are just past where it stops +A64CBRuLOR4-00081-00030489-00030955 you can also no structures +A64CBRuLOR4-00082-00030955-00031313 so here's a more complex example are we import +A64CBRuLOR4-00083-00031313-00031683 now we're going to use that later Marshall now +A64CBRuLOR4-00084-00031683-00032322 it sets a listo upwards and the next empty list we're gonna fill in which is +A64CBRuLOR4-00085-00032322-00032383 empty +A64CBRuLOR4-00086-00032383-00032781 and then the outer loop while loop through each word +A64CBRuLOR4-00087-00032781-00033240 so a word will be capped the first time through the loop and there'll be dog +A64CBRuLOR4-00088-00033240-00033738 through this though and there'll be a rat the interval then work on that word +A64CBRuLOR4-00089-00033738-00034140 and however look through each letter I'll the string +A64CBRuLOR4-00090-00034140-00034584 that are got here so it or look through and see +A64CBRuLOR4-00091-00034584-00035128 etienne who and let's all do a CAT it goes back to our looking at six word +A64CBRuLOR4-00092-00035128-00035459 and with better look does it just depend on each letter +A64CBRuLOR4-00093-00035459-00035803 two letters so what does you give this a a +A64CBRuLOR4-00094-00035803-00036209 listo words and it's going to basically string all letters +A64CBRuLOR4-00095-00036209-00036678 out individually as items and you'll see what Chris said it's a list +A64CBRuLOR4-00096-00036678-00037378 %uh individual letters there are all these words +A64CBRuLOR4-00097-00037384-00037678 I hers and his else well so it's also +A64CBRuLOR4-00098-00037678-00038009 what you might expect from everything we cover so are you say here +A64CBRuLOR4-00099-00038009-00038525 you know who the expression a colon you have a body which could be one or more +A64CBRuLOR4-00100-00038525-00038607 statements +A64CBRuLOR4-00101-00038607-00038950 are the new go back out +A64CBRuLOR4-00102-00038950-00039284 ought to your previous into level and have else +A64CBRuLOR4-00103-00039284-00039700 a column that he had the body else which can be one or more +A64CBRuLOR4-00104-00039700-00040248 statements here's a nested if statement +A64CBRuLOR4-00105-00040248-00040599 this is our typically very messy to do +A64CBRuLOR4-00106-00040599-00040915 because you have to if when you have what +A64CBRuLOR4-00107-00040915-00041252 happens if it's a they have else +A64CBRuLOR4-00108-00041252-00041567 and so this else is the whole body I'll +A64CBRuLOR4-00109-00041567-00041873 this else and this +A64CBRuLOR4-00110-00041873-00042175 else is the whole idea of the cells and so on so +A64CBRuLOR4-00111-00042175-00042598 each year is nested inside even else so it turns out +A64CBRuLOR4-00112-00042598-00042929 this is a common structure to do when you're +A64CBRuLOR4-00113-00042929-00043233 you have some value or something you're comparing in your +A64CBRuLOR4-00114-00043233-00043676 making a multi-way decisions what we call it arm +A64CBRuLOR4-00115-00043676-00044053 bill notice the last else just else in the printout +A64CBRuLOR4-00116-00044053-00044449 so there's another way of doing this and +A64CBRuLOR4-00117-00044449-00044790 that's where it shows here it's called the other are +A64CBRuLOR4-00118-00044790-00045134 lol L else state +A64CBRuLOR4-00119-00045134-00045468 so lol stands for else +A64CBRuLOR4-00120-00045468-00045840 so it stands for what you doing here but now you can +A64CBRuLOR4-00121-00045840-00046185 put it all in a nice are much flatter structure +A64CBRuLOR4-00122-00046185-00046868 there's as much indenting it easy to read are you also have it with just a +A64CBRuLOR4-00123-00046868-00046981 single branch +A64CBRuLOR4-00124-00046981-00047681 so if this is true does that and R +A64CBRuLOR4-00125-00047692-00048030 this is it in the book but there's a special are turner et +A64CBRuLOR4-00126-00048030-00048444 expression it's like the turner an operator in C-plus lost in Java +A64CBRuLOR4-00127-00048444-00048882 what you probably have gone by now but this shit is an expression it's not a +A64CBRuLOR4-00128-00048882-00048943 statement +A64CBRuLOR4-00129-00048943-00049371 and to sin taxes you put some expression a true +A64CBRuLOR4-00130-00049371-00049749 if suddenly expression else +A64CBRuLOR4-00131-00049749-00050141 some expression of faults so in this case we have +A64CBRuLOR4-00132-00050141-00050524 are we have absolute value if his +A64CBRuLOR4-00133-00050524-00050924 negative so we're testing in this negative so that +A64CBRuLOR4-00134-00050924-00051314 yet it as negative there is all this expression will be +A64CBRuLOR4-00135-00051314-00051625 absolute value via so it's going to change it a positive +A64CBRuLOR4-00136-00051625-00052016 if this if his faults which is gonna return +A64CBRuLOR4-00137-00052016-00052362 and as it is so this expression will return +A64CBRuLOR4-00138-00052362-00052679 you the value on the far left or far-right +A64CBRuLOR4-00139-00052679-00052999 depending on the will be an expression in the middle +A64CBRuLOR4-00140-00052999-00053385 are +A64CBRuLOR4-00141-00053385-00053723 now we're going to talk about a shortcut for creating list +A64CBRuLOR4-00142-00053723-00054040 I'll cuz you do it so often and +A64CBRuLOR4-00143-00054040-00054466 they feel some special way in Python to do that hopeless comprehension +A64CBRuLOR4-00144-00054466-00054902 and less comprehension allows you to use a +A64CBRuLOR4-00145-00054902-00055280 basically a loop like a for loop to create a list +A64CBRuLOR4-00146-00055280-00055630 and our it has a optional if you can add +A64CBRuLOR4-00147-00055630-00056217 which shelter are your results so here's your normal way ok resale list +A64CBRuLOR4-00148-00056217-00056708 I'll just the squares a 1 through 10 so we set up a empty list +A64CBRuLOR4-00149-00056708-00057087 Colts were list week then we say Forex +A64CBRuLOR4-00150-00057087-00057544 and range one to 11 so it's gonna count from one to 10 +A64CBRuLOR4-00151-00057544-00057927 and so axion here's gonna be one to 10 is gross you lou +A64CBRuLOR4-00152-00057927-00058323 sorry time loop it's going to take one and we'll play it by Saul +A64CBRuLOR4-00153-00058323-00058765 at Penn that's worse than in order to well quite myself so be the square +A64CBRuLOR4-00154-00058765-00059234 to so when this is done you'll get the the worst us wearers +A64CBRuLOR4-00155-00059234-00059567 up but this is the same +A64CBRuLOR4-00156-00059567-00059941 examples this but using was comprehension see can see you can do it +A64CBRuLOR4-00157-00059941-00060271 but simply and it's actually a little more readable +A64CBRuLOR4-00158-00060271-00060629 so says basically I make a square list that equals +A64CBRuLOR4-00159-00060629-00060801 start a list +A64CBRuLOR4-00160-00060801-00061220 make it the square works for action the range 1 to 11 +A64CBRuLOR4-00161-00061220-00061563 and then if you want to only do +A64CBRuLOR4-00162-00061563-00061993 the squares are the odd numbers you can use something like this +A64CBRuLOR4-00163-00061993-00062331 you help our a square list oddly roles +A64CBRuLOR4-00164-00062331-00062700 start a list to the square for tax +A64CBRuLOR4-00165-00062700-00063066 in Ranger 1 through 11 but only attacks +A64CBRuLOR4-00166-00063066-00063451 I'll module is to was not equal to 0 this is testing +A64CBRuLOR4-00167-00063451-00063805 if it's hard it this filter is not true +A64CBRuLOR4-00168-00063805-00064145 it doesn't are Addax to +A64CBRuLOR4-00169-00064145-00064773 this list very and then there's a special one this is a list of no fouls +A64CBRuLOR4-00170-00064773-00065262 and also changes are going to caps and they have this example book I just put +A64CBRuLOR4-00171-00065262-00065398 it actually line here +A64CBRuLOR4-00172-00065398-00065798 arwood so when you run it all these examples have separate outputs +A64CBRuLOR4-00173-00065798-00066278 so it houses are inside the credit that has this expression +A64CBRuLOR4-00174-00066278-00066643 were here to hear nationalist comprehension +A64CBRuLOR4-00175-00066643-00067041 so what it says is are 4ch dog upper +A64CBRuLOR4-00176-00067041-00067524 so this is an expression using the CA she gonna see the pattern here you're +A64CBRuLOR4-00177-00067524-00067597 not used to +A64CBRuLOR4-00178-00067597-00067925 the letter X for your four groups so are +A64CBRuLOR4-00179-00067925-00068493 for chkn this word so basically it's gonna +A64CBRuLOR4-00180-00068493-00068912 building new list that's gonna only create application letters A C H +A64CBRuLOR4-00181-00068912-00069229 for all the letters in this word are +A64CBRuLOR4-00182-00069229-00069593 but only that the letter this were is not +A64CBRuLOR4-00183-00069593-00069941 in a-lister bowels so this will actually +A64CBRuLOR4-00184-00069941-00070305 only take out the non Val letters here +A64CBRuLOR4-00185-00070305-00070626 and make it worst so we run this are +A64CBRuLOR4-00186-00070626-00071022 and you can see all the results here I what you do that examine everything +A64CBRuLOR4-00187-00071022-00071374 now I made another file that's going to be available +A64CBRuLOR4-00188-00071374-00071687 that shows you different examples a lot of this +A64CBRuLOR4-00189-00071687-00072053 us even look through this trial +A64CBRuLOR4-00190-00072053-00072385 and it shows a special thanks here's a are +A64CBRuLOR4-00191-00072385-00072700 an example of how you would look through a +A64CBRuLOR4-00192-00072700-00073032 dictionary and get all cocky and values +A64CBRuLOR4-00193-00073032-00073567 are sure is a are complex example the end which is actually looking at +A64CBRuLOR4-00194-00073567-00073768 are you might have to win a game +A64CBRuLOR4-00195-00073768-00074241 that runs until user type something special so +A64CBRuLOR4-00196-00074241-00074560 so I have some other examples here and read all the comments +A64CBRuLOR4-00197-00074560-00074974 which has you can do a background so that's it on our control structures +A71VXohdi34-00000-00000021-00000560 "Ar-Pharazôn the Golden was the proudest and most powerful of all the Kings, +A71VXohdi34-00001-00000560-00000989 and no less than the kingship of the world was his desire." +A71VXohdi34-00002-00000989-00001193 [The Lord of the Rings – Appendix A – The Númenórean Kings] +A71VXohdi34-00003-00002514-00002775 Hello Tolkien Talkers! How are you doing? +A71VXohdi34-00004-00002775-00003481 Before we talk about Ar-Pharazon, leave your like; newcomers in the channel +A71VXohdi34-00005-00003481-00003977 please subscribes by clicking the red button and then clicking the Bell Icon +A71VXohdi34-00006-00003977-00004380 to activate the notifications and to know whenever a new video comes out. +A71VXohdi34-00007-00004380-00004683 Anyone who wants to have access to exclusive content, +A71VXohdi34-00008-00004683-00004999 just become a channel member by clicking the button here. +A71VXohdi34-00009-00004999-00005497 By doing all of this you help us to become more relevance on YouTube. +A71VXohdi34-00010-00005754-00006347 Ar-Pharazon was the 25th King of Númenor. He was born in 3.118, S. A. +A71VXohdi34-00011-00006347-00007252 He ruled for 64 years, from 3.255 to 3.319, having lived 201 years. +A71VXohdi34-00012-00007252-00007868 He was son of Gimilkhâd, the younger brother of the 24th King, Tar-Palantir. +A71VXohdi34-00013-00007868-00008480 Pharazon means “Golden” in Adûnaic, the language of the Númenóreans. +A71VXohdi34-00014-00008480-00008956 If he had taken a Quenya name, as was the old King’s tradition, +A71VXohdi34-00015-00008956-00009368 he would have been named Tar-Calion, that means “Son of Light”. +A71VXohdi34-00016-00009368-00009922 The prefix “ar” means “high” or “King”, and it was used by the Kings +A71VXohdi34-00017-00009922-00010141 who used royal names in Adûnaic. +A71VXohdi34-00018-00010356-00010761 In his youth, Pharazôn and Amandil, the Lord of Andúnië +A71VXohdi34-00019-00010761-00011190 and later the leader of the Faithful Númenóreans, were dear friends. +A71VXohdi34-00020-00011216-00011595 After some time, Pharazôn departed from Númenor to participate +A71VXohdi34-00021-00011595-00012066 in the wars in Middle-earth that the King’s Men were waging against Sauron. +A71VXohdi34-00022-00012066-00012740 While in Middle-earth, he became a great captain and commander +A71VXohdi34-00023-00012740-00012909 of the Númenóreans armies. +A71VXohdi34-00024-00012931-00013466 Pharazôn did not return until a few years before the death of Tar-Palantir, +A71VXohdi34-00025-00013466-00013802 when he heard of his own father’s early death. +A71VXohdi34-00026-00013938-00014434 During his time there, Pharazôn was generous with the wealth he had acquired +A71VXohdi34-00027-00014434-00014749 in Middle-earth, and the hearts of the people were turned toward him. +A71VXohdi34-00028-00014799-00015158 Like his father, Pharazôn became the leader of the rebellion +A71VXohdi34-00029-00015158-00015639 against his uncle the King’s reforms, who attempted to return to the ways of the Valar +A71VXohdi34-00030-00015639-00015755 and the Eldar. +A71VXohdi34-00031-00015755-00016243 He remained on the island until Tar-Palantir died. +A71VXohdi34-00032-00016243-00016722 At that time, Pharazôn took the King’s daughter Míriel as his wife, +A71VXohdi34-00033-00016722-00017112 much against her will and against the laws of Númenor +A71VXohdi34-00034-00017112-00017386 which prohibited cousins from marrying. +A71VXohdi34-00035-00017529-00017929 Pharazôn then changed her name to Ar-Zimraphel. +A71VXohdi34-00036-00017929-00018422 Thus, he usurped the throne and taking the Scepter of Númenor into his own hand, +A71VXohdi34-00037-00018422-00018969 proclaimed himself King Ar-Pharazôn in S.A., 3.255. +A71VXohdi34-00038-00018969-00019728 Soon after Ar-Pharazôn unlawful ascent to power, he heard news that Sauron +A71VXohdi34-00039-00019728-00020051 was assailing the Númenóreans settlements in Middle-earth +A71VXohdi34-00040-00020051-00020232 since his return to the island. +A71VXohdi34-00041-00020258-00020717 His captains explained to him that the fallen Maia wished to drive the Númenóreans +A71VXohdi34-00042-00020717-00021125 back to the Sea whence they had come and declare himself King of Men. +A71VXohdi34-00043-00021156-00021672 They also told Ar-Pharazôn that Sauron had the wish to destroy the Númenor itself, +A71VXohdi34-00044-00021672-00021764 if possible. +A71VXohdi34-00045-00021764-00022101 Ar-Pharazôn became very angry upon hearing this news +A71VXohdi34-00046-00022101-00022492 and decided that he himself would claim the title of King of Men instead +A71VXohdi34-00047-00022492-00022740 and make Sauron his servant. +A71VXohdi34-00048-00022740-00023125 To accomplish this end, he spent five years preparing a great force. +A71VXohdi34-00049-00023194-00024054 In 3.261 he launched the Númenórean fleet and landed at the Haven of Umbar. +A71VXohdi34-00050-00024054-00024519 From there, Ar-Pharazôn and his army marched north toward Mordor. +A71VXohdi34-00051-00024670-00025130 Their splendor and might was so great that Sauron's own servants +A71VXohdi34-00052-00025130-00025320 deserted him and fled. +A71VXohdi34-00053-00025587-00025937 Therefore, since he perceived that he could not defeat the Númenóreans +A71VXohdi34-00054-00025937-00026355 through strength of arms, Sauron changed into his fair form +A71VXohdi34-00055-00026355-00026569 and humbled himself before Ar-Pharazôn. +A71VXohdi34-00056-00026569-00027211 The King stripped Sauron of his titles and decreed that he would be taken +A71VXohdi34-00057-00027211-00027331 as a hostage to Númenor, +A71VXohdi34-00058-00027331-00027722 to keep his servants from harassing the Númenóreans in Middle-earth. +A71VXohdi34-00059-00027843-00028423 Sauron pretend as if this decision dismayed him, but it actually furthered his plans +A71VXohdi34-00060-00028423-00028810 to destroy Ar-Pharazôn and the Númenóreans in retaliation +A71VXohdi34-00061-00028810-00028893 for this humiliation. +A71VXohdi34-00062-00029105-00029527 Sauron thus allowed himself to be brought to Númenor by Ar-Pharazôn's army, +A71VXohdi34-00063-00029527-00029786 but as soon as he set foot on the island, +A71VXohdi34-00064-00029786-00030074 he began corrupting the minds of the Númenóreans, +A71VXohdi34-00065-00030074-00030293 beginning with their proud King. +A71VXohdi34-00066-00030463-00030909 Sauron flattered Ar-Pharazôn and used his knowledge to help the King gain +A71VXohdi34-00067-00030909-00031062 anything he desired. +A71VXohdi34-00068-00031098-00031599 Ar-Pharazôn responded to this flattery and made Sauron his chief adviser +A71VXohdi34-00069-00031599-00031885 three years after his coming to Númenor. +A71VXohdi34-00070-00031908-00032108 [Excerpt from Letter to Rhona Beare, October 14, 1958] +A71VXohdi34-00071-00032108-00032500 “Ar-Pharazôn, as is told in the 'Downfall' or Akallabêth, +A71VXohdi34-00072-00032500-00032930 conquered a terrified Sauron's subjects, not Sauron. +A71VXohdi34-00073-00032930-00033321 Sauron's personal 'surrender' was voluntary and cunning: +A71VXohdi34-00074-00033321-00033867 he got free transport to Númenor! He naturally had the One Ring, +A71VXohdi34-00075-00033891-00034329 and so very soon dominated the minds and wills of most of the Númenóreans. +A71VXohdi34-00076-00034367-00034747 (I do not think Ar-Pharazôn knew anything about the One Ring. +A71VXohdi34-00077-00034788-00035214 The Elves kept the matter of the Rings very secret, as long as they could. +A71VXohdi34-00078-00035214-00035628 In any case Ar-Pharazôn was not in communication with them." +A71VXohdi34-00079-00035883-00036375 Sauron taught the people of Númenor many things, and in most of his speeches +A71VXohdi34-00080-00036375-00036886 he spoke against the Valar, whom most Númenóreans already feared and disliked. +A71VXohdi34-00081-00037136-00037653 Eventually, however, the Maia's teachings began to focus more upon Darkness. +A71VXohdi34-00082-00037653-00038088 He told his listeners that darkness alone is worshipful, +A71VXohdi34-00083-00038088-00038635 and the Lord thereof may yet make other worlds to be gifts to those who serve him, +A71VXohdi34-00084-00038635-00038959 so that the increase of their power shall find no end. +A71VXohdi34-00085-00039174-00039661 These words reached the ears of Ar-Pharazôn, and he spoke to Sauron +A71VXohdi34-00086-00039661-00039942 in secret to learn more about the Lord of Darkness. +A71VXohdi34-00087-00039968-00040310 Sauron told the King that this Lord was Melkor, +A71VXohdi34-00088-00040310-00040841 and that Eru Ilúvatar was only a lie devised by the Valar to keep Men +A71VXohdi34-00089-00040841-00041041 from rebelling against them. +A71VXohdi34-00090-00041041-00041743 The Maia thus himself lied to Ar-Pharazôn, and said that by serving Melkor, +A71VXohdi34-00091-00041743-00042180 the "Giver of Freedom", the King would escape from these untruths of the Valar +A71VXohdi34-00092-00042180-00042449 and become stronger than them. +A71VXohdi34-00093-00042595-00043117 At this time Ar-Pharazôn began to worship the Darkness and Melkor its Lord. +A71VXohdi34-00094-00043117-00043632 He practiced this new religion in secret at first, but soon displayed it openly, +A71VXohdi34-00095-00043632-00043909 and most of his people followed him. +A71VXohdi34-00096-00043909-00044201 The King decreed that to climb to the top of Meneltarma +A71VXohdi34-00097-00044201-00044588 (which the worshippers of Ilúvatar had formerly done, in order to make offerings +A71VXohdi34-00098-00044588-00044893 on its summit) a crime punishable by death. +A71VXohdi34-00099-00044893-00045455 Sauron then advised Ar-Pharazôn to destroy Nimloth, the White Tree of Gondor, +A71VXohdi34-00100-00045455-00045784 which was the last symbol of the Númenóreans' ancient friendship +A71VXohdi34-00101-00045784-00046330 with the Valar and the Elves, which we talked everything about in TT #313. +A71VXohdi34-00102-00046350-00046780 Ar-Pharazôn was reluctant to do this because he had heard +A71VXohdi34-00103-00046780-00047319 of Tar-Palantir's prophecy that the Line of Kings would end when the Tree perished. +A71VXohdi34-00104-00047555-00048075 However, when a disguised man (who actually was Isildur) stole a fruit +A71VXohdi34-00105-00048075-00048375 from Nimloth upon hearing Sauron's advice to the King, +A71VXohdi34-00106-00048375-00048673 Ar-Pharazôn assented to the Tree's destruction. +A71VXohdi34-00107-00048866-00049270 It was also at this time that Ar-Pharazôn dismissed his erstwhile friend Amandil +A71VXohdi34-00108-00049270-00049857 from his Council, though the King and his supporters did not otherwise harm Amandil +A71VXohdi34-00109-00049857-00049979 or his family. +A71VXohdi34-00110-00050167-00050681 After the White Tree was felled, Sauron had it burned in a mighty Temple +A71VXohdi34-00111-00050681-00051033 that the Númenóreans had built in Armenelos on his orders. +A71VXohdi34-00112-00051191-00051695 The King and his followers then used this Temple for the worship of Melkor. +A71VXohdi34-00113-00051924-00052379 They captured members of the Faithful and sacrificed them in the fires of the altar, +A71VXohdi34-00114-00052379-00052722 hoping that Melkor would release them from Death. +A71VXohdi34-00115-00052872-00053236 The Númenóreans did the same to the Men of Middle-earth +A71VXohdi34-00116-00053236-00053775 who lived near their settlements, and thus Ar-Pharazôn became the greatest tyrant +A71VXohdi34-00117-00053775-00053979 that the world had seen since Morgoth, +A71VXohdi34-00118-00053979-00054359 though Sauron actually ruled all from behind the throne. +A71VXohdi34-00119-00054549-00055039 But Ar-Pharazôn and the Númenóreans did not escape death by this means, +A71VXohdi34-00120-00055039-00055528 and eventually the King grew old and was in great fear of the end of his life +A71VXohdi34-00121-00055528-00055792 and going out of the Darkness that he had worshipped. +A71VXohdi34-00122-00055969-00056505 Ar-Pharazôn became wrathful and desperate, and at last Sauron gave the King +A71VXohdi34-00123-00056505-00056634 his last advice. +A71VXohdi34-00124-00056653-00057129 The Maia told Ar-Pharazôn that by warring against the Valar and conquering Valinor, +A71VXohdi34-00125-00057129-00057457 their land in the West, he could gain everlasting life. +A71VXohdi34-00126-00057457-00057872 Ar-Pharazôn feared to wage such a war, but his desperation prompted him +A71VXohdi34-00127-00057872-00058338 to build a Great Armament in 3.310 to attack Valinor. +A71VXohdi34-00128-00058567-00058837 While this Armament was being constructed, +A71VXohdi34-00129-00058837-00059235 the Valar sent warnings to the Númenóreans in the form +A71VXohdi34-00130-00059235-00059399 of terrible thunderstorms +A71VXohdi34-00131-00059453-00059957 and clouds shaped like eagles, and the ground began to groan and shake. +A71VXohdi34-00132-00060222-00060575 But these signals only caused the King and his people +A71VXohdi34-00133-00060575-00060836 to harden their hearts yet more, +A71VXohdi34-00134-00060836-00061153 and Ar-Pharazôn (prompted by Sauron) proclaimed, +A71VXohdi34-00135-00061201-00061483 "The Lords of the West have plotted against us. +A71VXohdi34-00136-00061483-00061872 They strike first. The next blow shall be ours!" +A71VXohdi34-00137-00061872-00062653 Nine years after the preparations for war began, the Great Armament was completed. +A71VXohdi34-00138-00062653-00063138 Ar-Pharazôn went to the west of Númenor where the fleet was anchored +A71VXohdi34-00139-00063138-00063624 and boarded his mighty ship Alcarondas "Castle of the Sea". +A71VXohdi34-00140-00063862-00064441 He sat upon his throne in full armor and signaled for the raising of the anchors. +A71VXohdi34-00141-00064500-00064966 The fleet left Númenor just before sundown and passed into the forbidden seas +A71VXohdi34-00142-00064966-00065050 of the West. +A71VXohdi34-00143-00065265-00065690 It is said in the Akallabêth that the fleet passed Tol Eressëa and anchored +A71VXohdi34-00144-00065690-00065853 near the coast of Valinor. +A71VXohdi34-00145-00065853-00066235 Upon seeing the splendor of Taniquetil, Ar-Pharazôn became afraid +A71VXohdi34-00146-00066235-00066472 and nearly gave the order to retreat. +A71VXohdi34-00147-00066472-00066774 In the end, however, his pride caused him to go ashore, +A71VXohdi34-00148-00066774-00067048 and a great part of his army followed him. +A71VXohdi34-00149-00067260-00067646 Ar-Pharazôn led his troops to the Elven city of Tirion, +A71VXohdi34-00150-00067646-00067947 and they set up an encampment around it. +A71VXohdi34-00151-00067947-00068298 Then the King proclaimed that the land of the Valar would belong to him +A71VXohdi34-00152-00068298-00068541 if none would challenge him for it. +A71VXohdi34-00153-00068715-00069254 At this time, the Valar called upon Eru for aid, and relinquished their authority +A71VXohdi34-00154-00069254-00069335 over Arda. +A71VXohdi34-00155-00069335-00069596 Eru broke the world and made it round, +A71VXohdi34-00156-00069596-00069918 so the Men could never again sail to Valinor. +A71VXohdi34-00157-00070066-00070581 In this catastrophe, Ar-Pharazôn's fleet was pulled into the chasm that opened +A71VXohdi34-00158-00070581-00071053 between the Blessed Realm and mortal lands, and Númenor sank beneath the sea. +A71VXohdi34-00159-00071199-00071435 It is told that Ar-Pharazôn himself +A71VXohdi34-00160-00071435-00071689 (along with the soldiers that had followed him to Valinor) +A71VXohdi34-00161-00071689-00072115 have been buried underground and lies in the Caves of the Forgotten +A71VXohdi34-00162-00072115-00072406 until the Last Battle and the Judgment Day. +A71VXohdi34-00163-00072604-00073141 It is said that Tar-Míriel strove to reach the sacred peak of the Meneltarma +A71VXohdi34-00164-00073141-00073306 before the inundation of the island, +A71VXohdi34-00165-00073306-00073708 but the great swept her away from the steep side of the Holy Mountain. +A71VXohdi34-00166-00073840-00074233 Though Ar-Pharazôn was the last King of Númenor, +A71VXohdi34-00167-00074233-00074847 the Line of Elros survived through Elendil, the son of Amandil, and his two sons, +A71VXohdi34-00168-00074847-00075040 Isildur and Anárion. +A71VXohdi34-00169-00075224-00075496 They managed to escape the Downfall of Númenor +A71VXohdi34-00170-00075496-00075852 and later created the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor in Middle-earth. +A71VXohdi34-00171-00076014-00076354 Sometime before his death at the end of the Second Age, +A71VXohdi34-00172-00076354-00076641 Elendil wrote down some of the history of Númenor, +A71VXohdi34-00173-00076641-00076879 culminating in the tale of its destruction. +A71VXohdi34-00174-00077094-00077436 Much of this document was focused on the effects of the reign +A71VXohdi34-00175-00077436-00077847 of Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron's teachings to the Númenóreans. +A71VXohdi34-00176-00077847-00078439 Elendil's work was called the Akallabêth, and its retelling of Ar-Pharazôn's life +A71VXohdi34-00177-00078439-00078978 was one of the only parts of Númenor's history that remained widely known +A71VXohdi34-00178-00078978-00079107 after the Downfall. +A71VXohdi34-00179-00079229-00079701 Many centuries later, when the Kin-strife in Gondor happened, +A71VXohdi34-00180-00079701-00080159 the sons of Castamir, the Usurper, took the city of Umbar. +A71VXohdi34-00181-00080159-00080676 This was the place where Sauron had fallen in humiliation before. +A71VXohdi34-00182-00080676-00080960 [The Lord of the Rings – Appendix A – The Númenórean Kings] +A71VXohdi34-00183-00080960-00081442 'The loss of Umbar was grievous to Gondor, not only because the realm was diminished +A71VXohdi34-00184-00081442-00081756 in the south and its hold upon the Men of the Harad was loosened, +A71VXohdi34-00185-00081756-00082219 but because it was there that Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, last King of Númenor, +A71VXohdi34-00186-00082219-00082534 had landed and humbled the might of Sauron. +A71VXohdi34-00187-00082741-00083268 Though great evil had come after, even the followers of Elendil remembered +A71VXohdi34-00188-00083268-00083756 with pride the coming of the great host of Ar-Pharazôn out of the deeps of the Sea; +A71VXohdi34-00189-00083782-00084147 and on the highest hill of the headland above the Haven +A71VXohdi34-00190-00084147-00084486 they had set a great white pillar as a monument. +A71VXohdi34-00191-00084720-00085130 It was crowned with a globe of crystal that took the rays of the Sun and of the Moon +A71VXohdi34-00192-00085130-00085517 and shone like a bright star that could be seen in clear weather +A71VXohdi34-00193-00085517-00085912 even on the coasts of Gondor or far out upon the western sea. +A71VXohdi34-00194-00085912-00086372 So it stood, until after the second arising of Sauron, +A71VXohdi34-00195-00086372-00086771 which now approached, Umbar fell under the domination of his servants, +A71VXohdi34-00196-00086771-00087085 and the memorial of his humiliation was thrown down.' +A71VXohdi34-00197-00087567-00087981 So, it is this, folks! So, we checked the complete story +A71VXohdi34-00198-00087981-00088218 of the last and terrible King of Númenor. +A71VXohdi34-00199-00088218-00088740 I hope you enjoyed this video, so whoever forgot the like, leave your like. +A71VXohdi34-00200-00088740-00089189 Whoever forgot subscribing, subscribe, click the bell icon, and do not miss a thing. +A71VXohdi34-00201-00089189-00089619 Be a member of TT by choosing the Iron, Galvorn or Gold Shield +A71VXohdi34-00202-00089619-00089877 to have access to exclusive contents. +A71VXohdi34-00203-00089877-00090229 Like our fan page in the Facebook, follow our Twitter and the Instagram, +A71VXohdi34-00204-00090229-00090748 and check out our website tolkientalk.com.br +A71VXohdi34-00205-00090748-00091108 Also know my other channel, O Guardião Católico - The Catholic Guardian, +A71VXohdi34-00206-00091108-00091370 which is about Tolkien and the Catholic Church. +A71VXohdi34-00207-00091370-00091777 Help TT to grow by spreading our videos and showing them for your friends. +A71VXohdi34-00208-00091777-00092054 It is Always a pleasure to talk about Tolkien with you! +A71VXohdi34-00209-00092054-00092479 So, until the next video and catch you later! +A71VXohdi34-00210-00092479-00093334 Subs by: Diego Pascoal +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00000-00000021-00000465 we gather here and celebrate the people in Australia coming together and being +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00001-00000465-00000942 as one to acknowledge the past and the things that have happened but also +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00002-00000942-00001329 moving forward to the future we at the GUMURRII Unit in the conjunction +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00003-00001329-00001668 with Griffith University hold this on Gold Coast and Nathan +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00004-00001668-00001854 campuses of each year +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00005-00001854-00002360 The crowd swelling so we're happy with the turnout It means a lot to the whole university +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00006-00002360-00002643 community we've got the vice-chancellor here we have the senior staff but the +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00007-00002643-00002946 thing that I'm really pleased about this year we've invited students to join us +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00008-00002946-00003213 as well as celebrate and commit to reconciliation +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00009-00003213-00003345 I'm here to sort of be a +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00010-00003345-00003947 big group today and just really share the love and show the support for reconciliation +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00011-00003947-00004380 we've had 300 register for the Walk and Talk, that's the biggest since the +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00012-00004380-00004878 Walk and Talk commenced five years ago so that just shows that the impact of how +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00013-00004878-00004928 important that conversation around reconciliation is to our students +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00015-00005292-00005592 It's great to walk with people from the broader University community +A9sCBVLFOMQ-00016-00005592-00006096 It's really important to stand up for what you believe in +AqWRBRZEACu-00000-00000050-00000515 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00001-00000565-00000810 Tell me, did you guys have any complications +AqWRBRZEACu-00002-00000810-00000927 at all with your pregnancy? +AqWRBRZEACu-00003-00000989-00001687 Yes. We've had 4 miscarriages and so I have a history. +AqWRBRZEACu-00004-00001755-00002126 So he's the first and only one that's attached and stayed. +AqWRBRZEACu-00005-00002171-00002476 And so I was considered a high-risk pregnancy the +AqWRBRZEACu-00006-00002476-00002525 whole time. +AqWRBRZEACu-00007-00002525-00002691 So it was kind of neat. +AqWRBRZEACu-00008-00002716-00002999 I wouldn't suggest being a high-risk pregnancy but you get +AqWRBRZEACu-00009-00002999-00003415 to see him every week. +AqWRBRZEACu-00010-00003443-00003512 They watched. +AqWRBRZEACu-00011-00003554-00003896 And in my family we have a syndrome, it's called the, +AqWRBRZEACu-00012-00003937-00004089 well they call it Melnick-Frasier now +AqWRBRZEACu-00013-00004089-00004297 or brachio-oto-renal syndrome. +AqWRBRZEACu-00014-00004351-00005754 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00015-00005804-00006274 And it affects your ears, your kidneys and your throat, +AqWRBRZEACu-00016-00006288-00006551 which so I was concerned about kidneys, +AqWRBRZEACu-00017-00006570-00006792 "Could you watch his kidneys?" +AqWRBRZEACu-00018-00006833-00006940 and so they watched his kidneys +AqWRBRZEACu-00019-00006957-00007679 because they were a little dilated the whole pregnancy. +AqWRBRZEACu-00020-00007732-00008401 And other than that, after that initial, it was fine. +AqWRBRZEACu-00021-00008416-00008717 Did they give you a percentage or did you know +AqWRBRZEACu-00022-00008717-00008884 that there was a real possibility that you were going +AqWRBRZEACu-00023-00008884-00009187 to pass the syndrome on to your son or did you know in advance? +AqWRBRZEACu-00024-00009187-00009452 I knew before that he had a 50/50 chance. +AqWRBRZEACu-00025-00009462-00009544 Okay, okay. +AqWRBRZEACu-00026-00009564-00009681 And they always said +AqWRBRZEACu-00027-00009697-00009828 that they were reluctantly optimistic. +AqWRBRZEACu-00028-00009882-00010000 Yeah, the whole pregnancy it was +AqWRBRZEACu-00029-00010005-00010134 "we're reluctantly optimistic." +AqWRBRZEACu-00030-00010151-00010346 It always kept us kind of dangling. +AqWRBRZEACu-00031-00010346-00010541 Right, always, because yeah they didn't want to- +AqWRBRZEACu-00032-00010541-00010571 Yeah. +AqWRBRZEACu-00033-00010571-00010874 set you guys up for any kind of absolutes, right, +AqWRBRZEACu-00034-00010874-00011000 until they know for sure. +AqWRBRZEACu-00035-00011005-00011052 Yeah. +AqWRBRZEACu-00036-00011052-00011367 So when you finally went in to your delivery, did you make +AqWRBRZEACu-00037-00011411-00011645 that all 40 weeks, 37 weeks, how far along were you? +AqWRBRZEACu-00038-00011645-00011959 I was 39 and I was already contracting, +AqWRBRZEACu-00039-00011959-00012116 I was having contractions. +AqWRBRZEACu-00040-00012116-00012319 And so she was like "Let's go ahead and induce." +AqWRBRZEACu-00041-00012416-00012445 Okay. +AqWRBRZEACu-00042-00012445-00012533 They wanted it to be monitored +AqWRBRZEACu-00043-00012533-00012708 and controlled environment. +AqWRBRZEACu-00044-00012783-00013310 So she induced me on the first of May, I labored for 48 hours. +AqWRBRZEACu-00045-00013339-00013381 Alright. +AqWRBRZEACu-00046-00013381-00013905 I had all the contractions, I did everything +AqWRBRZEACu-00047-00013954-00014235 but I would not dilate. +AqWRBRZEACu-00048-00014235-00014285 Wow. +AqWRBRZEACu-00049-00014300-00014693 And then on the third, it was like 3 o'clock, +AqWRBRZEACu-00050-00014693-00014977 she was like "Every time you have a contraction, +AqWRBRZEACu-00051-00014977-00015050 his heart rate drops." +AqWRBRZEACu-00052-00015161-00015433 So at that point, we decided for a C-section. +AqWRBRZEACu-00053-00015489-00015823 My baby's at risk, let's go ahead and get him out. +AqWRBRZEACu-00054-00015823-00016001 And thirty minutes later, here he is. +AqWRBRZEACu-00055-00016001-00016268 Okay, so you had some red flags and some warnings +AqWRBRZEACu-00056-00016268-00016548 that there might be some concerns with his kidneys +AqWRBRZEACu-00057-00016548-00016695 and with his hearing and with his throat. +AqWRBRZEACu-00058-00016756-00016940 whoa I got you. +AqWRBRZEACu-00059-00017008-00017359 When did you officially discover that he had a hearing loss? +AqWRBRZEACu-00060-00017397-00017886 I was suspicious because if you look at him, +AqWRBRZEACu-00061-00017912-00018223 one of his ears is curled in. +AqWRBRZEACu-00062-00018280-00018698 And I saw immediately that he had the holes in his neck, +AqWRBRZEACu-00063-00018729-00018915 which is part of the syndrome, +AqWRBRZEACu-00064-00018915-00019293 so I was like "Alright he's got it." +AqWRBRZEACu-00065-00019293-00019581 So then at that point I knew now the levels +AqWRBRZEACu-00066-00019581-00020104 of hearing loss varies from person to person. +AqWRBRZEACu-00067-00020104-00020273 So it goes down my mom's side and every person +AqWRBRZEACu-00068-00020298-00020507 that has it has a different hearing loss, +AqWRBRZEACu-00069-00020507-00020637 so we didn't what kind or how much at that point, +AqWRBRZEACu-00070-00020640-00020697 I just knew he had it. +AqWRBRZEACu-00071-00020751-00021963 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00072-00022013-00022245 And he failed the test there at the hospital. +AqWRBRZEACu-00073-00022282-00022579 They gave him the first one and said that "Oh, +AqWRBRZEACu-00074-00022644-00022860 we can wait a little while because a lot +AqWRBRZEACu-00075-00022860-00023158 of C-section babies fail because they don't get the fluid +AqWRBRZEACu-00076-00023158-00023208 squeezed out. +AqWRBRZEACu-00077-00023251-00025454 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00078-00025504-00025697 And I was like well, you know, +AqWRBRZEACu-00079-00025697-00026105 I mean I have hearing loss that I was born with. +AqWRBRZEACu-00080-00026200-00026385 It's a great chance that he has it. +AqWRBRZEACu-00081-00026385-00026546 I know he has the syndrome. +AqWRBRZEACu-00082-00026568-00026960 But I had to prove that I knew and I understood where it came +AqWRBRZEACu-00083-00026972-00027159 from before they were like "Okay, well let's go ahead +AqWRBRZEACu-00084-00027159-00027241 and do the second one." +AqWRBRZEACu-00085-00027275-00027500 And we went from there; we found +AqWRBRZEACu-00086-00027500-00027656 out pretty quick that it was profound. +AqWRBRZEACu-00087-00027731-00027999 And it was hard to hear you know you don't want +AqWRBRZEACu-00088-00028002-00028146 that for your child, especially me I knew what he was going +AqWRBRZEACu-00089-00028149-00028191 to have to fight. +AqWRBRZEACu-00090-00028191-00028241 Yeah. +AqWRBRZEACu-00091-00028251-00029414 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00092-00029464-00029683 You don't ever want to hear that your child this profound. +AqWRBRZEACu-00093-00029737-00029875 He is the first one in the family +AqWRBRZEACu-00094-00029875-00030109 that has cochlear implants, +AqWRBRZEACu-00095-00030109-00030418 so that's been a different sort of adventure. +AqWRBRZEACu-00096-00030452-00030630 Now okay so tell me a little bit +AqWRBRZEACu-00097-00030630-00030907 about your hearing loss personally. +AqWRBRZEACu-00098-00030907-00031309 I only have about 30% in both ears. +AqWRBRZEACu-00099-00031340-00031808 One ear is a little under 30%. +AqWRBRZEACu-00100-00031833-00032389 I was born that way but did not get my hearing aids +AqWRBRZEACu-00101-00032412-00032535 until I was almost 7. +AqWRBRZEACu-00102-00032543-00032815 I lived in a small town and I was smart enough to figure +AqWRBRZEACu-00103-00032815-00033596 out when the guy pushed this button it was the other side. +AqWRBRZEACu-00104-00033677-00034366 My mom finally convinced an audiologist to put me +AqWRBRZEACu-00105-00034366-00034778 in a booth myself and that's when they discovered +AqWRBRZEACu-00106-00034778-00035089 that I actually really couldn't hear anything. +AqWRBRZEACu-00107-00035111-00035515 You know my speech was awful at that time. +AqWRBRZEACu-00108-00035515-00035703 I struggled in school because I couldn't hear. +AqWRBRZEACu-00109-00035703-00035819 But I could read and all of that +AqWRBRZEACu-00110-00035826-00036023 because my mom is also a teacher. +AqWRBRZEACu-00111-00036031-00036463 But because my mom has a hearing loss, she knew what to look for +AqWRBRZEACu-00112-00036463-00036789 and she knew how to kind of, she asked her speech therapist +AqWRBRZEACu-00113-00036792-00036861 at her school "What can I do? +AqWRBRZEACu-00114-00036864-00036945 She's not doing this this or this?" +AqWRBRZEACu-00115-00036948-00037008 so she would work with me. +AqWRBRZEACu-00116-00037011-00037140 Okay so as you learned, were you ever taught sign language? +AqWRBRZEACu-00117-00037143-00037152 No. +AqWRBRZEACu-00118-00037152-00037311 Okay. Did that play into your decision to get him implanted +AqWRBRZEACu-00119-00037314-00037437 because I know everybody has their own preferred mode +AqWRBRZEACu-00120-00037440-00037488 of communication? +AqWRBRZEACu-00121-00037488-00037538 Yes. +AqWRBRZEACu-00122-00037551-00038524 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00123-00038574-00038954 I actually one year got frustrated at school +AqWRBRZEACu-00124-00039005-00039246 because I was tired of repeating myself +AqWRBRZEACu-00125-00039271-00039420 because people couldn't understand me. +AqWRBRZEACu-00126-00039427-00039716 And I also when I don't have my hearing aids in, even now, +AqWRBRZEACu-00127-00039716-00039856 when I don't have them in +AqWRBRZEACu-00128-00039856-00040127 or my ears aren't working, I speak very softly. +AqWRBRZEACu-00129-00040156-00040667 And so I got tired of having to repeat myself, +AqWRBRZEACu-00130-00040718-00040933 so I quit talking for a year. +AqWRBRZEACu-00131-00040951-00041335 I refused to talk to anybody, my parents, friends, school, +AqWRBRZEACu-00132-00041397-00041491 I wouldn't say a word. +AqWRBRZEACu-00133-00041502-00042014 And so I didn't want him to experience that. +AqWRBRZEACu-00134-00042093-00042370 And they were pretty quick to tell us +AqWRBRZEACu-00135-00042447-00042728 with the hearing aids, he got no speech. +AqWRBRZEACu-00136-00042766-00043022 In fact, he was way under the speech banana. +AqWRBRZEACu-00137-00043098-00043402 And so at that point, it was like "Okay, +AqWRBRZEACu-00138-00043410-00043729 well how can we get it so he either can get speech +AqWRBRZEACu-00139-00043729-00043930 or do we need to start doing signing language?" +AqWRBRZEACu-00140-00043945-00044142 Initially, they weren't very optimistic +AqWRBRZEACu-00141-00044181-00044315 that the cochlear implant would work +AqWRBRZEACu-00142-00044315-00044710 because when we did the MRI, he had one nerve that was minimal +AqWRBRZEACu-00143-00044720-00044845 and then the other nerve inside, +AqWRBRZEACu-00144-00044858-00045093 we're not really sure it's there. +AqWRBRZEACu-00145-00045151-00046113 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00146-00046163-00046292 So they did the minimal here. +AqWRBRZEACu-00147-00046315-00046832 In the sound booth, he is now considered mild +AqWRBRZEACu-00148-00046832-00046891 with his implant. +AqWRBRZEACu-00149-00046951-00047815 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00150-00047865-00048047 So we went from hearing no speech at all +AqWRBRZEACu-00151-00048047-00048252 to hearing no speech at all, to having a little bit of struggle. +AqWRBRZEACu-00152-00048299-00048721 What was your first reaction the first time you called his +AqWRBRZEACu-00153-00048721-00048964 name and he looked at both of you and he turned to you? +AqWRBRZEACu-00154-00048984-00049216 It was kinda like, are you sure, did we do that right? +AqWRBRZEACu-00155-00049223-00049482 Like is he responding to our voice +AqWRBRZEACu-00156-00049490-00049732 or are we being too hopeful, like we were scared to. +AqWRBRZEACu-00157-00049748-00049829 That's awesome. +AqWRBRZEACu-00158-00049829-00049916 Yeah. It's like wow. +AqWRBRZEACu-00159-00050003-00050275 And then of course because he is so stubborn, he- +AqWRBRZEACu-00160-00050325-00050579 It's taken a while because you know you have +AqWRBRZEACu-00161-00050579-00050908 that misconception of well that you know we're going to go +AqWRBRZEACu-00162-00050908-00051279 and they're going to turn on the cochlear and he's going +AqWRBRZEACu-00163-00051338-00051553 to start talking and he's going to hear +AqWRBRZEACu-00164-00051553-00051691 and all this stuff you know. +AqWRBRZEACu-00165-00051691-00052082 And you know they explained to you how speech works +AqWRBRZEACu-00166-00052082-00052311 and how speech develops and all of this stuff and it's +AqWRBRZEACu-00167-00052311-00052593 like well you never think about it because you just never think +AqWRBRZEACu-00168-00052593-00052719 about it because you learn how to hear +AqWRBRZEACu-00169-00052719-00052906 and you learn how to speak you know. +AqWRBRZEACu-00170-00052935-00053341 And but you know she's right, he's very stubborn and you know +AqWRBRZEACu-00171-00053341-00053707 when he does make that eye contact with you and you know +AqWRBRZEACu-00172-00053707-00054073 that he hears you and he knows you are speaking +AqWRBRZEACu-00173-00054073-00054376 to him directly and it's amazing. +AqWRBRZEACu-00174-00054460-00054791 And it's been...yeah I guess +AqWRBRZEACu-00175-00054822-00055067 In that moment when they turned it on, +AqWRBRZEACu-00176-00055077-00055311 you see so many videos where it's like "Oh, +AqWRBRZEACu-00177-00055311-00055446 baby hears mommy's voice." +AqWRBRZEACu-00178-00055458-00055765 and you know it's a happy, we didn't get that at all. +AqWRBRZEACu-00179-00055765-00055852 We didn't get that at all. +AqWRBRZEACu-00180-00055852-00056180 We got the screaming and running under the bed +AqWRBRZEACu-00181-00056180-00056269 under the table thing. +AqWRBRZEACu-00182-00056269-00056381 Like I'm so confused. +AqWRBRZEACu-00183-00056381-00056493 Yeah, like what is this- +AqWRBRZEACu-00184-00056493-00056697 And so it was kind of like "What did we do? +AqWRBRZEACu-00185-00056743-00056932 You know like did we really make the right choice? +AqWRBRZEACu-00186-00056948-00057097 We just made him scream and run under that table." +AqWRBRZEACu-00187-00057151-00058375 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00188-00058425-00058892 You know umm and so that in itself is kind +AqWRBRZEACu-00189-00058892-00059022 of traumatic you know. +AqWRBRZEACu-00190-00059053-00059211 Of course there's a bunch of people in the room +AqWRBRZEACu-00191-00059211-00059453 and they're videotaping and it was just you have +AqWRBRZEACu-00192-00059470-00059800 to just still maintain that optimism but in your heart your +AqWRBRZEACu-00193-00059800-00060557 like "Did I really just make the right choice for my son?" +AqWRBRZEACu-00194-00060573-00060798 you know because we definitely didn't follow those feel-good +AqWRBRZEACu-00195-00060801-00060849 videos at all so- +AqWRBRZEACu-00196-00060849-00060908 >> Yeah. >> Now do you think- +AqWRBRZEACu-00197-00060921-00061121 [Inaudible] +AqWRBRZEACu-00198-00061141-00061402 Now today, with Gwenn teaching sign language, +AqWRBRZEACu-00199-00061424-00061633 why are you wanting to do both? +AqWRBRZEACu-00200-00061709-00061836 Just curious. +AqWRBRZEACu-00201-00061842-00062107 >> Well our main desire is for him to use speech +AqWRBRZEACu-00202-00062186-00062492 but in case he needs that platform you know that-- +AqWRBRZEACu-00203-00062505-00062892 Yes, we want him to speak and we want him to be a part +AqWRBRZEACu-00204-00062892-00063160 of the hearing world in that aspect +AqWRBRZEACu-00205-00063291-00063709 but in case he needs more, we want to be prepared. +AqWRBRZEACu-00206-00063748-00064137 >> Okay, so we talked about your ECI services, +AqWRBRZEACu-00207-00064152-00064269 how did you know about ECI? +AqWRBRZEACu-00208-00064323-00064745 >> Actually, so we were home, we had come home +AqWRBRZEACu-00209-00064745-00064894 and this lady starts calling from- +AqWRBRZEACu-00210-00065213-00065263 Cooks? +AqWRBRZEACu-00211-00065412-00065447 >> Baylor. +AqWRBRZEACu-00212-00065447-00065496 >> Baylor. +AqWRBRZEACu-00213-00065496-00065854 >> She's like "Yeah, you know he failed this test, +AqWRBRZEACu-00214-00065860-00066091 you have to follow up with this person and this person." +AqWRBRZEACu-00215-00066151-00067878 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00216-00067928-00068127 And I was feeling very overwhelmed +AqWRBRZEACu-00217-00068127-00068302 because I had a brand new baby at home +AqWRBRZEACu-00218-00068370-00068616 and I had all these people calling me you know I had +AqWRBRZEACu-00219-00068619-00068808 to make an ENT appointment for his throat, +AqWRBRZEACu-00220-00068808-00069085 I had to make appointments with the audiologist, I had to, +AqWRBRZEACu-00221-00069126-00069277 and I had nowhere to go. +AqWRBRZEACu-00222-00069277-00069557 And so this lady, you know I voiced our concern +AqWRBRZEACu-00223-00069557-00069919 at the hospital and so they had this lady follow-up. +AqWRBRZEACu-00224-00069934-00070465 I don't even know what her name is now, somewhere I have notes? +AqWRBRZEACu-00225-00070465-00070702 >> And she's the one that was like +AqWRBRZEACu-00226-00070702-00070780 "You know about ECI, right?" +AqWRBRZEACu-00227-00070780-00070871 >> I was like "No." +AqWRBRZEACu-00228-00070913-00071105 >> She goes "You know what, I'm not going to even call them +AqWRBRZEACu-00229-00071155-00071307 and they'll call you and make you an appointment." +AqWRBRZEACu-00230-00071353-00071641 And he was three weeks old and they came out +AqWRBRZEACu-00231-00071641-00071793 and saw him for the first time. +AqWRBRZEACu-00232-00071893-00072057 And so it was because they had +AqWRBRZEACu-00233-00072071-00072297 such a wonderful program at Baylor. +AqWRBRZEACu-00234-00072351-00073661 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00235-00073711-00073943 They hooked us up with ECI. +AqWRBRZEACu-00236-00073943-00074139 >> And so since he was three weeks old, +AqWRBRZEACu-00237-00074169-00074582 how long has he been getting audiology services with- +AqWRBRZEACu-00238-00074623-00074710 >> With Gwenn? +AqWRBRZEACu-00239-00074780-00074889 What was it, six months? +AqWRBRZEACu-00240-00075035-00075191 >>No, that was Mackenzie. +AqWRBRZEACu-00241-00075191-00075422 I came in a little later didn't I? +AqWRBRZEACu-00242-00075422-00075678 I think it was nine months with Mackenzie. +AqWRBRZEACu-00243-00075705-00075837 >> Yeah, I think I came in at nine months. +AqWRBRZEACu-00244-00075860-00075902 >> Nine months. +AqWRBRZEACu-00245-00075902-00076118 I think we waited until nine months. +AqWRBRZEACu-00246-00076213-00076358 >> But how would you sum up +AqWRBRZEACu-00247-00076358-00076664 or summarize your ECI experiences so far? +AqWRBRZEACu-00248-00076695-00076953 >> Well ECI has been great as far +AqWRBRZEACu-00249-00076953-00077246 as like we've had some other issues like eating +AqWRBRZEACu-00250-00077246-00077504 and of course walking that ECI has helped us with. +AqWRBRZEACu-00251-00077519-00077855 We have since learned that walking might have been delayed +AqWRBRZEACu-00252-00077865-00078084 because his ears are deformed. +AqWRBRZEACu-00253-00078084-00078459 He does have a lot of liquid and so balance issues +AqWRBRZEACu-00254-00078459-00078662 and that kind of thing. +AqWRBRZEACu-00255-00078734-00078947 Because he does other things right on target. +AqWRBRZEACu-00256-00079016-00079585 And then in conjunction with Gwenn, you know we get a lot +AqWRBRZEACu-00257-00079585-00080135 of ideas on how to build you know speech and how to push him +AqWRBRZEACu-00258-00080147-00080512 to respond to us, you know "Hey I'm talking to you, +AqWRBRZEACu-00259-00080512-00080967 turn to sound" you know stuff that I didn't know. +AqWRBRZEACu-00260-00080970-00081331 I mean I was six when this adventure started for me +AqWRBRZEACu-00261-00081382-00081795 and so doing it with a baby is way different. +AqWRBRZEACu-00262-00081827-00082305 And so you know we get toys that we learn that "Hey, +AqWRBRZEACu-00263-00082305-00082672 this would be an easy way to do the ling sounds." +AqWRBRZEACu-00264-00082706-00082986 There are six sounds that you want to practice with. +AqWRBRZEACu-00265-00083051-00084379 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00266-00084429-00084876 >> Is there anything else you would like a new parent, +AqWRBRZEACu-00267-00084876-00085335 I also had in mind of presenting this journey to new parents +AqWRBRZEACu-00268-00085350-00085718 who have never dealt with any of this and don't really know how +AqWRBRZEACu-00269-00085718-00085952 to deal with the diagnosis and they're just as scared? +AqWRBRZEACu-00270-00086024-00086310 >> One thing that the audiologists that did the test +AqWRBRZEACu-00271-00086330-00086581 for him and I, of course, started crying right away +AqWRBRZEACu-00272-00086590-00086766 as soon as I heard and he told me, +AqWRBRZEACu-00273-00086766-00086978 he was like "This is the same Elias that you had +AqWRBRZEACu-00274-00086978-00087067 when you walked in this door." +AqWRBRZEACu-00275-00087164-00087481 So your baby is still the same and you're still going +AqWRBRZEACu-00276-00087493-00087859 to love them and the more people that you have +AqWRBRZEACu-00277-00087872-00087964 in the adventure, the easier it is. +AqWRBRZEACu-00278-00088051-00089065 [ Music ] +AqWRBRZEACu-00279-00089115-00089439 So you know we've got mom, dad, we've got grandma, you know, +AqWRBRZEACu-00280-00089443-00089632 grammy, his other grandmother. +AqWRBRZEACu-00281-00089639-00089791 You know everybody's very involved. +AqWRBRZEACu-00282-00089791-00090274 He has papa and his uncle, I mean we've got a whole lot +AqWRBRZEACu-00283-00090274-00090644 of family that is very invested and very much love him. +AqWRBRZEACu-00284-00090709-00090894 And so that doesn't change. +AqWRBRZEACu-00285-00090944-00090994 At all. +AqWRBRZEACu-00286-00091051-00092494 [ Music ] +ArPrZt_yjD8-00000-00000192-00000583 hi everyone this is Maha Bali from the American University in Cairo and +ArPrZt_yjD8-00001-00000583-00001055 one of the facilitators of equity inbound and with me today is miyazamura +ArPrZt_yjD8-00002-00001055-00001455 hi there everyone i'm at kane university in new jersey +ArPrZt_yjD8-00003-00001455-00002103 and maha and i will be speaking about a protocol um that we call studio visits +ArPrZt_yjD8-00004-00002103-00002488 which we think really opens up um and welcomes people +ArPrZt_yjD8-00005-00002488-00002824 into the learning process +ArPrZt_yjD8-00006-00002896-00003232 yeah what got you started because i think you started it and then i started +ArPrZt_yjD8-00007-00003232-00003639 being involved yeah actually i think the terminology came +ArPrZt_yjD8-00008-00003639-00004120 from um something that we were doing both alan levine and i in a class called +ArPrZt_yjD8-00009-00004120-00004552 network narratives but in essence we were inviting um you know +ArPrZt_yjD8-00010-00004552-00004928 well-known practitioners artists or scholars into +ArPrZt_yjD8-00011-00004928-00005319 our classroom to just share their perspective on the work that we +ArPrZt_yjD8-00012-00005319-00005655 were interested in in the class i think there's some really important +ArPrZt_yjD8-00013-00005655-00006119 hallmarks to a studio visit first of all the term itself makes it +ArPrZt_yjD8-00014-00006119-00006615 seem like someone's at home um in practice in some way when you +ArPrZt_yjD8-00015-00006615-00006904 think of an artist's studio you think of a place that +ArPrZt_yjD8-00016-00006904-00007304 sort of a place they envelop they're creative they're enveloped in their +ArPrZt_yjD8-00017-00007304-00007647 creative process when they're in their studio and of course we're +ArPrZt_yjD8-00018-00007647-00008168 using that like terminology terminology loosely um and +ArPrZt_yjD8-00019-00008168-00008640 but what we were trying to emphasize is that we're catching people +ArPrZt_yjD8-00020-00008640-00009032 um thinking about their practice and rather informally +ArPrZt_yjD8-00021-00009032-00009440 rather than um something that's sort of structured and +ArPrZt_yjD8-00022-00009440-00010064 um and formal and so um what what we love about these kinds +ArPrZt_yjD8-00023-00010064-00010424 of engagements is it's less an interview +ArPrZt_yjD8-00024-00010424-00010960 less scripted and much more intuitive um and it opens up the possibility of +ArPrZt_yjD8-00025-00010960-00011432 students to ask um more um genuine questions +ArPrZt_yjD8-00026-00011432-00011807 um ones that come off the top of their head rather than +ArPrZt_yjD8-00027-00011807-00012215 um you know the kinds of um preparation that might go into +ArPrZt_yjD8-00028-00012215-00012568 with deep research etc so and i'm guessing also +ArPrZt_yjD8-00029-00012568-00013087 the the guest or guests who come are not also like guest lecturing +ArPrZt_yjD8-00030-00013087-00013784 they're here yeah about asking questions yes i remember some of the early studio +ArPrZt_yjD8-00031-00013784-00014208 visits that we had um sometimes we would catch people um +ArPrZt_yjD8-00032-00014208-00014576 when they were walking across campus and so they would be holding their phone and +ArPrZt_yjD8-00033-00014576-00014816 pointing out things in the background and +ArPrZt_yjD8-00034-00014816-00015256 you know and there was a a real feeling of this is my real life +ArPrZt_yjD8-00035-00015256-00015584 and these are the things that i do on a day-to-day basis +ArPrZt_yjD8-00036-00015584-00015951 etc and then the conversation would flow from that place +ArPrZt_yjD8-00037-00015951-00016487 place of authenticity um and so that's what the studio visit is it's basically +ArPrZt_yjD8-00038-00016487-00016912 connecting up with someone that you are very interested in in terms of the work +ArPrZt_yjD8-00039-00016912-00017416 that you're discussing but doing it in an informal and open way +ArPrZt_yjD8-00040-00017416-00017808 right and either you and or i think require students to come to these but +ArPrZt_yjD8-00041-00017808-00018112 sometimes we report them and students can watch them later if they want to +ArPrZt_yjD8-00042-00018112-00018423 come in and there's certain students who used to like coming to them +ArPrZt_yjD8-00043-00018423-00018751 yeah there's certain students that love to go to the studio visit +ArPrZt_yjD8-00044-00018751-00019159 and um sometimes we had sign ups because we knew maybe if the +ArPrZt_yjD8-00045-00019159-00019584 um asynchronous time like the time that was outside of our class time didn't +ArPrZt_yjD8-00046-00019584-00019976 work for a student then in essence um you know it's hit or +ArPrZt_yjD8-00047-00019976-00020192 miss whether it would fit into a student's +ArPrZt_yjD8-00048-00020192-00020600 schedule but we would have sign up just so if they could make it and wanted +ArPrZt_yjD8-00049-00020600-00021072 to be there that they could and so we sometimes +ArPrZt_yjD8-00050-00021072-00021384 yeah and we usually recorded these so we'll we'll have +ArPrZt_yjD8-00051-00021384-00021695 links to examples on from the equity unbound site +ArPrZt_yjD8-00052-00021695-00022095 that folks can watch and you'll see that some of them had more +ArPrZt_yjD8-00053-00022095-00022615 educators joining in uh the sessions than students that happens sometimes +ArPrZt_yjD8-00054-00022615-00022895 there were also a couple of them that i think were really really successful but +ArPrZt_yjD8-00055-00022895-00023072 they were unrecorded so i'm just going to give it +ArPrZt_yjD8-00056-00023072-00023408 a couple of examples of those because people can't see them um there was one +ArPrZt_yjD8-00057-00023408-00023768 with um who did these videos about screening +ArPrZt_yjD8-00058-00023768-00024072 surveillance and because of the topic of surveillance +ArPrZt_yjD8-00059-00024072-00024400 and the kinds of things that students might have asked in that session we +ArPrZt_yjD8-00060-00024400-00024679 decided not to record it we actually had students from several +ArPrZt_yjD8-00061-00024679-00024992 different countries so it's it's you can do it for your own class +ArPrZt_yjD8-00062-00024992-00025351 obviously just you and your students but there's also the advantage of if you're +ArPrZt_yjD8-00063-00025351-00025623 doing it online anyway uh and nowadays a lot of people are +ArPrZt_yjD8-00064-00025623-00025960 online anyways but you can invite anyone in the world if they wanted to join in +ArPrZt_yjD8-00065-00025960-00026280 right so we had participants from here we have +ArPrZt_yjD8-00066-00026280-00026647 participants from the us and students were talking to sava and it +ArPrZt_yjD8-00067-00026647-00026872 was this one i think because it was unreferred +ArPrZt_yjD8-00068-00026872-00027216 because of the kind of person she is so it helps if you the teacher +ArPrZt_yjD8-00069-00027216-00027519 has a good relationship with the person and you know that they're friendly and +ArPrZt_yjD8-00070-00027519-00027783 that they're easygoing with students um so even +ArPrZt_yjD8-00071-00027783-00028312 though the topic was really serious really i would say you know +ArPrZt_yjD8-00072-00028312-00028839 bla you know dark but uh but together they actually had a great +ArPrZt_yjD8-00073-00028839-00029112 time and my students were not required to come they were +ArPrZt_yjD8-00074-00029112-00029456 some of them were coming for one but then we had a second session with her +ArPrZt_yjD8-00075-00029456-00029712 and some students came again because they enjoyed it so much and this was +ArPrZt_yjD8-00076-00029712-00030000 before covet before everyone was online so they didn't really have to do that it +ArPrZt_yjD8-00077-00030000-00030263 was like 9 or 10 p.m their time and they stayed +ArPrZt_yjD8-00078-00030263-00030583 up for it the other one that we didn't record was +ArPrZt_yjD8-00079-00030583-00030839 the well-being conversation we had we didn't have a +ArPrZt_yjD8-00080-00030839-00031224 guest speaker for that there's actually three educators with some of their +ArPrZt_yjD8-00081-00031224-00031536 students um i think students appreciated just +ArPrZt_yjD8-00082-00031536-00031960 being with people from different countries yeah that's right experiencing +ArPrZt_yjD8-00083-00031960-00032560 something similar in that case i think um the the topic as +ArPrZt_yjD8-00084-00032560-00033008 i just said was well-being and i think what happened is that people converge +ArPrZt_yjD8-00085-00033008-00033296 together to talk about their perspectives on this +ArPrZt_yjD8-00086-00033296-00033640 unfolding of something unprecedented and certainly +ArPrZt_yjD8-00087-00033640-00034016 not foreseen right um but getting those perspectives from +ArPrZt_yjD8-00088-00034016-00034519 across the globe was really um i think nourishing in a way because it +ArPrZt_yjD8-00089-00034519-00034903 it made us all understand that there's some +ArPrZt_yjD8-00090-00034903-00035232 there are some things that don't change no matter where you are but then there's +ArPrZt_yjD8-00091-00035232-00035488 also distinctions that are very meaningful as well +ArPrZt_yjD8-00092-00035488-00036016 so the conversation was um i think a cross and intercultural one in some +ArPrZt_yjD8-00093-00036016-00036368 sense um as we all struggle through something we +ArPrZt_yjD8-00094-00036368-00036775 never imagined would be unfolding the other thought i had about +ArPrZt_yjD8-00095-00036775-00037047 this also that i think might be helpful for people to just sort of +ArPrZt_yjD8-00096-00037047-00037519 conceptualizes conceptualize this is that um in a in a +ArPrZt_yjD8-00097-00037519-00037984 face-to-face campus situation you tend to find things like support +ArPrZt_yjD8-00098-00037984-00038312 groups or or just like conversations that you can +ArPrZt_yjD8-00099-00038312-00038672 join or a panel discussion that you can join on campus or things like that +ArPrZt_yjD8-00100-00038672-00039024 uh like third third places they're not part of your classroom but they're in +ArPrZt_yjD8-00101-00039024-00039408 on campus that you can join but with everyone being online those things don't +ArPrZt_yjD8-00102-00039408-00039712 necessarily happen so you have to kind of create those spaces +ArPrZt_yjD8-00103-00039712-00040063 yeah and because you're going to do them online anyway there's the extra value of +ArPrZt_yjD8-00104-00040063-00040488 doing it in an intercultural way again it helps if the educators on the +ArPrZt_yjD8-00105-00040488-00040712 different sides know each other so that it's +ArPrZt_yjD8-00106-00040712-00041016 so that they can sort of collaborate on the process and sort of +ArPrZt_yjD8-00107-00041016-00041408 know their students and know how to involve their own students +ArPrZt_yjD8-00108-00041408-00042031 and so on one last comment i'll make is that i've noticed in studio visits +ArPrZt_yjD8-00109-00042031-00042247 especially when there are students involved +ArPrZt_yjD8-00110-00042247-00042672 that there's some sort of thrill and joy that comes from being able to see +ArPrZt_yjD8-00111-00042672-00043496 the surroundings of people far away so um just sometimes taking the screen +ArPrZt_yjD8-00112-00043496-00043856 close to a window and sharing the perspective in that +ArPrZt_yjD8-00113-00043856-00044375 locale becomes um fascinating and also empowering for the +ArPrZt_yjD8-00114-00044375-00044775 for the people on the other end um who are receiving that +ArPrZt_yjD8-00115-00044775-00045263 sharing in a way so there's something intimate about studio visits +ArPrZt_yjD8-00116-00045263-00045680 that sort of opens up the possibility of understanding what you don't +ArPrZt_yjD8-00117-00045680-00045984 like things that aren't familiar to you or not +ArPrZt_yjD8-00118-00045984-00046424 as close to you in some way so which i always felt like +ArPrZt_yjD8-00119-00046424-00046719 i always felt like when people use virtual backgrounds a little bit too +ArPrZt_yjD8-00120-00046719-00046959 much they take away from that it's fine yeah +ArPrZt_yjD8-00121-00046959-00047240 but it takes away from that but then at the same time you sort of understand +ArPrZt_yjD8-00122-00047240-00047424 well maybe they don't have a beautiful background +ArPrZt_yjD8-00123-00047424-00047984 behind them to show sure comfortable yeah and obviously what happens a lot +ArPrZt_yjD8-00124-00047984-00048247 with my students is that their connectivity might not be great every +ArPrZt_yjD8-00125-00048247-00048472 time so they don't even turn on their cameras +ArPrZt_yjD8-00126-00048472-00048791 yes but i realize that they appreciate being able to participate in the text +ArPrZt_yjD8-00127-00048791-00049191 chat and that's also an important thing to suggest is that students could be +ArPrZt_yjD8-00128-00049191-00049447 intimidated by a guest who's a high profile person +ArPrZt_yjD8-00129-00049447-00049736 they may not even realize how high profile the person is actually it's just +ArPrZt_yjD8-00130-00049736-00049975 because i don't know who's a stranger yeah +ArPrZt_yjD8-00131-00049975-00050208 sometimes students will speak a little bit more because they want to be +ArPrZt_yjD8-00132-00050208-00050624 welcoming and hospitable to the stranger sometimes they're a bit shy um sometimes +ArPrZt_yjD8-00133-00050624-00050944 it helps to privately message them and ask them hey do you have a question or +ArPrZt_yjD8-00134-00050944-00051264 the ones that you know are likely to speak up but then +ArPrZt_yjD8-00135-00051264-00051608 encouraging them to use the chat and if they're not comfortable speaking up just +ArPrZt_yjD8-00136-00051608-00051951 reading out what they say in the chat helps and then when they realize that +ArPrZt_yjD8-00137-00051951-00052271 the guest or you are appreciating the comments they're +ArPrZt_yjD8-00138-00052271-00052551 saying in the chat and you bring them to the conversation +ArPrZt_yjD8-00139-00052551-00052983 um that can be great and also you can equally have two parallel conversations +ArPrZt_yjD8-00140-00052983-00053479 one on the chat and one on voice and that works just as well +ArPrZt_yjD8-00141-00053479-00053904 yeah i think that's often happening is that there's two channels of dialogue +ArPrZt_yjD8-00142-00053904-00054264 and conversation in the chat and then in the in the +ArPrZt_yjD8-00143-00054264-00054695 screen there are on in the lens as well um and that +ArPrZt_yjD8-00144-00054695-00055008 and in a way they're connected and they're enriched um +ArPrZt_yjD8-00145-00055008-00055639 in some ways back and forth but yes studio visits they're a great practice +ArPrZt_yjD8-00146-00055639-00056383 give it a try let us know if you want more details +AsDZNFx2eWA-00000-00000575-00000907 Eric Green: Okay, so, I will move on to the second major +AsDZNFx2eWA-00001-00000907-00001278 presentation, and I just chose to do them back-to-back because I thought that was an +AsDZNFx2eWA-00002-00001278-00001467 appropriate way to do it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00003-00001467-00002065 But I'm using this council meeting to publicly describe, really for the first time, two interrelated +AsDZNFx2eWA-00004-00002065-00002448 efforts that are important to NHGRI and to our programs. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00005-00002448-00003062 Now both of these reflect my, and the broader Institute's, desire to use this moment in +AsDZNFx2eWA-00006-00003062-00003578 time to thoughtfully examine some key issues that are highly relevant to NHGRI. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00007-00003578-00004042 They're really going to be two parts of the story that I'm about to tell you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00008-00004042-00004517 The first part involves reflecting on NHGRI as an organization. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00009-00004517-00004626 You know, who are we? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00010-00004626-00005185 What is our role in the genomics community, and how has that role been shaped and changed +AsDZNFx2eWA-00011-00005185-00005287 over time? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00012-00005287-00005687 In essence, what is NHGRI's current identity? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00013-00005687-00006140 The second part relates to planning for the future and doing something that our Institute +AsDZNFx2eWA-00014-00006140-00006353 is particularly good at strategic planning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00015-00006353-00006979 In essence, what is our strategic vision for the future of NGHRI's genomics efforts? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00016-00006979-00007489 And for the second part I will be telling you about the beginning of a journey that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00017-00007489-00008055 will put us in route to a 2020 vision for genomics to the next round of NHGRI strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00018-00008055-00008246 planning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00019-00008246-00008807 Now in setting a context for these questions let me share with you an interesting historic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00020-00008807-00009050 milestone that is rapidly approaching. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00021-00009050-00009544 Now many regard the Human Genome Project as the beginning of the field of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00022-00009544-00010178 Now, the Human Genome Project began on October 1st, 1990 making that day the beginning of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00023-00010178-00010278 the beginning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00024-00010278-00010931 Similarly, since NHGRI was explicitly created to lead the US's effort in the Human Genome +AsDZNFx2eWA-00025-00010931-00011566 Project, one could readily consider October 1st, 1990 to be NHGRI's symbolic birthday +AsDZNFx2eWA-00026-00011566-00011700 of sorts. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00027-00011700-00012408 Well -- but guess what, this coming Friday will be February 16th, 2018, and that day +AsDZNFx2eWA-00028-00012408-00013025 will precisely mark 10,000 days since the start of the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00029-00013025-00013593 So, in many ways NHGRI and the field of genomics is about to celebrate its 10,000th day of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00030-00013593-00013693 existence. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00031-00013693-00014341 So, it seems reasonable to use this odometer moment as a time for NHGRI to reflect on who +AsDZNFx2eWA-00032-00014341-00014790 we are, what we have accomplished, and where we are heading. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00033-00014790-00015394 Now, obviously, a lot has happened over the last, roughly, 10,000 days. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00034-00015394-00015738 Including the successful completion of the Human Genome Project, now nearly 15 years +AsDZNFx2eWA-00035-00015738-00015838 ago. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00036-00015838-00016540 And, while NHGRI has morphed considerably over the last 10,000 or so days in many ways, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00037-00016540-00017267 the Institute and the Human Genome Project will be forever linked historically and symbolically. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00038-00017267-00017670 And I think we should actually embrace that forever linkage. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00039-00017670-00018231 Ironically, during the week that I actually made this slide, I received something in the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00040-00018231-00018777 mail that actually amplified this NHGRI Human Genome Project identity linkage, at least +AsDZNFx2eWA-00041-00018777-00018981 from the perspective of the general public. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00042-00018981-00019599 True story, arriving in the mail was this envelope addressed to me, as the director +AsDZNFx2eWA-00043-00019599-00019813 of NHGRI and postmarked in mid-January. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00044-00019813-00020379 It was from a person that's going to remain anonymous but who happens to live in Utah. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00045-00020379-00020862 This generous soul was clearly impressed with the field of genomics, and in particularly +AsDZNFx2eWA-00046-00020862-00021338 the Human Genome Project, because in the envelope was this note saying that this individual +AsDZNFx2eWA-00047-00021338-00021623 would like to donate ten dollars to the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00048-00021623-00022095 And, indeed, this ten-dollar bill was included as a donation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00049-00022095-00022359 Now I wanted to share this story with you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00050-00022359-00022793 Both because it actually came when I was preparing that slide, but I think it really illustrates +AsDZNFx2eWA-00051-00022793-00023441 that even 10,000 days later NHGRI is explicitly linked to the Human Genome Project in the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00052-00023441-00023573 eyes of many. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00053-00023573-00023837 And I think appropriately so. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00054-00023837-00024379 But, and there is a but, at the same time all of you realize that there has been substantial +AsDZNFx2eWA-00055-00024379-00024970 changes in the last 10,000 days and NHGRI finds itself to be an organization well beyond +AsDZNFx2eWA-00056-00024970-00025248 a simple and exclusive linkage to the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00057-00025248-00025698 You know, just the world around us has just changed in so many ways. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00058-00025698-00026070 You know, for starters, genomics has grown and matured considerably. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00059-00026070-00026632 In fact, genomics is now nearly ubiquitous across the biomedical research landscape throughout +AsDZNFx2eWA-00060-00026632-00027073 the NIH, the private sector, and around the world. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00061-00027073-00027545 Much to NHGRI's credit genomic medicine is becoming a reality and is expected to grow +AsDZNFx2eWA-00062-00027545-00027812 substantially in the coming decade. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00063-00027812-00028452 And, to be honest, NHGRI absolutely deserves considerable credit for its leadership in +AsDZNFx2eWA-00064-00028452-00028705 genomics for the past roughly 10,000 days. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00065-00028705-00029332 But, and there is a but, the simple reality is that NHGRI is no longer the major funder +AsDZNFx2eWA-00066-00029332-00029537 of genomics research in the U.S. or the world. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00067-00029537-00029995 In fact, the collective funding for genomics research around the world, and even just at +AsDZNFx2eWA-00068-00029995-00030356 NIH alone, far exceeds NHGRI's budget. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00069-00030356-00030812 So, you know, in short despite our historic and important linkage to the Human Genome +AsDZNFx2eWA-00070-00030812-00031452 Project NHGRI finds itself in a very different place now compared to 10,000 days ago. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00071-00031452-00031960 So, with that as a backdrop, I would now like to tell you about two efforts that were tackling. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00072-00031960-00032208 That is are highly interrelated. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00073-00032208-00032549 One that is nearing completion and one that is just now starting. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00074-00032549-00033116 First, I'll tell you about our efforts to look inward at NHGRI's identity and to define +AsDZNFx2eWA-00075-00033116-00033487 the Institute's current place in the genomics ecosystem. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00076-00033487-00033994 Second, I will tell you about NHGRI's plans for developing an updated vision for the future +AsDZNFx2eWA-00077-00033994-00034166 of genomics research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00078-00034166-00034869 Well, with the past roughly 10,000 days in the rearview mirror and the turn of the decade +AsDZNFx2eWA-00079-00034869-00035487 and the year 2020 on the near horizon we concluded that was it was an appropriate time to pause +AsDZNFx2eWA-00080-00035487-00035933 for a moment and endeavor to modernize NHGRI's identity. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00081-00035933-00036378 Such an effort would serve both to preserve our place in history and to define our current +AsDZNFx2eWA-00082-00036378-00036972 place not just at NIH but in the broader genomics and scientific ecosystems. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00083-00036972-00037516 So, for the past two years our communications and public liaison branch has led an initiative +AsDZNFx2eWA-00084-00037516-00038041 to clarify NHGRI's mission, value, and role in the scientific community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00085-00038041-00038566 This discovery process captured input from both internal staff and external stakeholders +AsDZNFx2eWA-00086-00038566-00038666 from NIH and beyond. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00087-00038666-00039255 To help guide this effort we established a trans-NHGRI steering team to ensure that different +AsDZNFx2eWA-00088-00039255-00039654 stakeholder perspectives were actively considered. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00089-00039654-00040100 Internal input was then gathered by about 40 interviews including all Institute leadership +AsDZNFx2eWA-00090-00040100-00040341 and staff from every division. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00091-00040341-00040831 We also gathered external input from colleagues in academia, industry, education policy, and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00092-00040831-00040947 healthcare studies. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00093-00040947-00041449 And the process also included analysis of how peer organizations in genomics tell their +AsDZNFx2eWA-00094-00041449-00041594 stories. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00095-00041594-00042027 Here is what we learn -- or perhaps, really said differently, here's what we confirmed +AsDZNFx2eWA-00096-00042027-00042267 about NHGRI's identity. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00097-00042267-00042884 First, shaping genomics NHGRI has played an integral leadership role in genomics since +AsDZNFx2eWA-00098-00042884-00043114 the inception of the field. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00099-00043114-00043519 Our Institute continues to be a leading authority in the field of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00100-00043519-00043804 We provided critical leadership during the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00101-00043804-00044403 We have catalyzed the use of genomics across NIH, and we have expanded genomics across +AsDZNFx2eWA-00102-00044403-00044544 biomedicine. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00103-00044544-00045053 This influence on genomics has included an unrelenting commitment to data sharing. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00104-00045053-00045469 Which has led to important cultural changes to, not only the field of genomics, but, really, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00105-00045469-00045641 across all of biomedical research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00106-00045641-00046152 In short, we have continually helped shape the field of genomics by funding and conducting +AsDZNFx2eWA-00107-00046152-00046713 groundbreaking research and leading efforts to ensure the widespread access to genomic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00108-00046713-00046813 data. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00109-00046813-00047084 Second, accelerating breakthroughs. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00110-00047084-00047517 NHGRI is a model for learning collaboration and support. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00111-00047517-00047975 Our world-class interdisciplinary research groups are tackling increasingly complex biological +AsDZNFx2eWA-00112-00047975-00048442 challenges accelerating scientific and clinical breakthroughs in the process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00113-00048442-00048890 We have a team science approach that has fostered a spirit of collaboration at NIH and led to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00114-00048890-00049209 cultural changes in biomedical research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00115-00049209-00049831 We fund the critical research efforts of scientists at NHGRI and at institutions across the world, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00116-00049831-00050346 and we help power the field by providing access to shared tools and data that can transform +AsDZNFx2eWA-00117-00050346-00050662 genomic advances into health discoveries. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00118-00050662-00050972 Third, improving patient care. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00119-00050972-00051479 NHGRI is helping to ready frontline health care professionals by using genomics in routine +AsDZNFx2eWA-00120-00051479-00051641 patient care. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00121-00051641-00052141 This is being accomplished by enabling healthcare professionals to provide personalized treatments, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00122-00052141-00052599 creating partnerships to study rare and common diseases, and to expand knowledge about the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00123-00052599-00053179 genomic basis of disease, and bringing patients and families hope by diagnosing and treating +AsDZNFx2eWA-00124-00053179-00053430 previously unnamed diseases. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00125-00053430-00053973 Finally, advance in genomics in society. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00126-00053973-00054502 NHGRI is a trusted resource of up-to-date information expertise for the public educators +AsDZNFx2eWA-00127-00054502-00054857 and healthcare professionals and policy makers. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00128-00054857-00055309 Through workshops and community outreach and training our efforts are helping to build +AsDZNFx2eWA-00129-00055309-00055699 a more informed and diverse workforce and to prepare the public for a future in which +AsDZNFx2eWA-00130-00055699-00056058 genomic information is used in everyday life. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00131-00056058-00056513 Our researchers are the leading edge of exploring the ethical, legal, and social issues that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00132-00056513-00057124 intersect with genomic advances, and our experts continually inform the development of policies +AsDZNFx2eWA-00133-00057124-00057551 involving human subjects research and the sharing of genomic data, among others, to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00134-00057551-00058017 enable scientific discovery while protecting research participants. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00135-00058017-00058766 So, shaping genomics, accelerating breakthroughs, improving patient care, and advancing genomics +AsDZNFx2eWA-00136-00058766-00058871 and society. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00137-00058871-00059111 So, this is NHGRI's story. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00138-00059111-00059705 So, this month we're introducing a new mantra that we think captures the essence of NHGRI. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00139-00059705-00060269 One that truly reflects our vision, our mission, and our unique commitment to the field of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00140-00060269-00060369 genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00141-00060369-00060915 And, rather than me just telling you the new mantra, I think it best to share it with you +AsDZNFx2eWA-00142-00060915-00061015 through a short video. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00143-00061015-00061115 [music playing] +AsDZNFx2eWA-00144-00061115-00061215 Female Speaker: We are highly complex creatures, astonishingly +AsDZNFx2eWA-00145-00061215-00061315 unique in many ways, and yet there is so much we share. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00146-00061315-00061876 Genomics is giving us a deeper appreciation of our complexity. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00147-00061876-00063058 It's an ever-evolving area of scientific research that is transforming our understanding of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00148-00063058-00063402 human health and disease. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00149-00063402-00064127 At the National Human Genome Research Institute, we are focused on advancing genomics research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00150-00064127-00065020 Building out our leadership role in the Human Genome Project and other major genomics initiatives, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00151-00065020-00065793 we collaborate with the world scientific and medical communities to enhance genomic technologies +AsDZNFx2eWA-00152-00065793-00066290 that accelerate breakthroughs and improve lives. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00153-00066290-00067503 By empowering and expanding the field of genomics we are charting new frontiers and benefiting +AsDZNFx2eWA-00154-00067503-00067742 all of humankind. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00155-00067742-00068650 Eric Green: So, in addition to this new mantra, the forefront +AsDZNFx2eWA-00156-00068650-00069125 of genomics, we've also drawn upon our identity research to refine the Institute's messages, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00157-00069125-00069374 in particular, the vision and mission statements. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00158-00069374-00069998 It's important to articulate that our identity, clearly, is to all needs to be, you know, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00159-00069998-00070371 well understood to all internal and external stakeholders. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00160-00070371-00071011 So, the updated vision statement for NHGRI is, quote, "To improve the health of all humans +AsDZNFx2eWA-00161-00071011-00071283 through advances in genomics research." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00162-00071283-00071635 Now a vision statement is intended to be the outcome of what we would like to achieve when +AsDZNFx2eWA-00163-00071635-00071781 all is said and done. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00164-00071781-00072300 What we do every day to move us towards that vision is our mission. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00165-00072300-00072681 The updated mission statement is as follows, quote, "As a leading authority in the field +AsDZNFx2eWA-00166-00072681-00073095 of genomics our mission is to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs that improve human +AsDZNFx2eWA-00167-00073095-00073203 health. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00168-00073203-00073633 We do this by driving cutting-edge research, developing new technologies, and studying +AsDZNFx2eWA-00169-00073633-00073863 the impact of genomics on society." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00170-00073863-00074694 Well, having reflected on NHGRI's present circumstance, and redefined our identity at +AsDZNFx2eWA-00171-00074694-00075206 the forefront of genomics, we now have a modernized view of the Institute and its place in the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00172-00075206-00075642 scientific community as well as an updated vision and mission statements. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00173-00075642-00076063 With that in mind I want to now shift gears and discuss the second topic that I mentioned +AsDZNFx2eWA-00174-00076063-00076163 earlier. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00175-00076163-00076576 That is defining an NHGRI vision for the future of genomics research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00176-00076576-00077048 Specifically, I would like to tell you about how we are now in route to a new 2020 vision +AsDZNFx2eWA-00177-00077048-00077177 for genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00178-00077177-00077627 One that will be developed by a new round of NHGRI strategic planning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00179-00077627-00078387 Now, in telling you this story, let me remind you of the strong and consistent history of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00180-00078387-00079084 strategic planning that is deep within the essence of the genomics community and of the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00181-00079084-00079184 Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00182-00079184-00079697 There were, of course, three successive strategic plans that were developed as part of the Human +AsDZNFx2eWA-00183-00079697-00079852 Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00184-00079852-00080401 With NHGRI playing a major role in shaping all three of these, and I think the culture +AsDZNFx2eWA-00185-00080401-00080964 of regularly getting the community together was a very important one that we learned during +AsDZNFx2eWA-00186-00080964-00081163 the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00187-00081163-00081791 So, using that as sort of as the foundation, it was the reason why a strategic planning +AsDZNFx2eWA-00188-00081791-00082393 process that just involved NHGRI was put forth a couple of years before the genome project +AsDZNFx2eWA-00189-00082393-00082781 ended which would allow our strategic plan that would to be published -- a new strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00190-00082781-00083073 plan literally the day the Human Genome Project ended in 2003. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00191-00083073-00083602 And of course, again, the recognition that these strategic plans if they're good are +AsDZNFx2eWA-00192-00083602-00083702 not forever. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00193-00083702-00083829 They need to be updated. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00194-00083829-00084343 We recognize that it was not going to make it forever, and that is why we kicked off, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00195-00084343-00084739 in about 2009 or so, a new round of strategic planning at the Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00196-00084739-00085200 That led to the 2011 strategic plan which is the one we currently operate on. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00197-00085200-00085813 And I just want to really emphasize that not only the strategic plans important for guiding +AsDZNFx2eWA-00198-00085813-00086019 the science and guiding the activity the institutes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00199-00086019-00086633 You know, in many ways they define eras for, I think the field to some extent, but certainly +AsDZNFx2eWA-00200-00086633-00086768 eras within the Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00201-00086768-00087293 There's just no question that during the genome project that was basically the identity of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00202-00087293-00087698 the Institute and in many ways the identity of the field. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00203-00087698-00088305 And I think our strategic plan, that we published in 2003 with its iconic structure built on +AsDZNFx2eWA-00204-00088305-00088842 a foundation of the Human Genome Project, provided an identity for the Institute and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00205-00088842-00089149 in many ways for the field. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00206-00089149-00089668 Recognizing that that identity needed to be updated I would contend that the current strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00207-00089668-00089962 plan very much defines the era. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00208-00089962-00090381 Certainly, under my leadership at the Institute at the Institute level, but I think in many +AsDZNFx2eWA-00209-00090381-00091008 ways what we depicted here, especially aggressive movement towards clinical applications but +AsDZNFx2eWA-00210-00091008-00091672 continued emphasis on fundamental aspects of genomics, I think very much is representative +AsDZNFx2eWA-00211-00091672-00092098 of what the field currently really represents. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00212-00092098-00092589 So, I think they define eras, but they also define, sort of, a framework for moving forward. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00213-00092589-00092792 They're incredibly important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00214-00092792-00093330 The strategic plans themselves are important, but the process of developing a strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00215-00093330-00093594 plan I think is also very important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00216-00093594-00094166 I think this importance of both the process and the product is really applicable both +AsDZNFx2eWA-00217-00094166-00094548 to the community, who gets engaged in the process, the broader genomics community, but +AsDZNFx2eWA-00218-00094548-00095010 also, I can tell you internally at NHGRI, I think having the staff deeply invested and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00219-00095010-00095357 involved in this both the process and the product is important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00220-00095357-00095722 You know, you spend a lot of time, you know, getting critical looks under a microscope +AsDZNFx2eWA-00221-00095722-00096227 of everything you're doing and your priorities and your identity, I think, as an organization, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00222-00096227-00096516 and I think to some extent as a community, you also look in the mirror. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00223-00096516-00096747 You sort of -- you have outside people looking under a microscope. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00224-00096747-00097095 You also you take yourself and you look in the mirror and say, "Alright, what do I look +AsDZNFx2eWA-00225-00097095-00097195 like? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00226-00097195-00097295 What does this field look like now? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00227-00097295-00097395 Where does it need to be in the future?" +AsDZNFx2eWA-00228-00097395-00097916 So, I really think it is a very healthy process to go through and having gone through multiple +AsDZNFx2eWA-00229-00097916-00098625 of these I'm very in the belief that this is critically important to do at some frequency. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00230-00098625-00098930 Now the truth is it's complicated. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00231-00098930-00099030 It's a lot of work. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00232-00099030-00099448 Just to remind you how much work, this is shown here is just a high-level timeline of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00233-00099448-00100039 what was involved in the 2011 strategic plan, and you can see it's a multi-year process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00234-00100039-00100141 It's at least two to three years. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00235-00100141-00100535 It could probably be shortened a little but, you know, it can't be shortened to less than +AsDZNFx2eWA-00236-00100535-00100740 two years because you have to kick it off. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00237-00100740-00101131 And along the top -- or, actually, along the bottom in green are various meetings that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00238-00101131-00101231 took place and workshops. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00239-00101231-00101539 While along the top are various ways of engaging and getting public comment. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00240-00101539-00101887 And, of course, then at the end you have to write a paper and you got a submit it to a +AsDZNFx2eWA-00241-00101887-00102044 journal and you got to get it published. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00242-00102044-00102239 And all that takes time as well. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00243-00102239-00102686 So, it's complicated, and it's multi-year in nature. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00244-00102686-00102953 So, what's our current situation? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00245-00102953-00103124 Well, think about our current situation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00246-00103124-00103610 We're in great shape as a field of genomics, and, to be honest with you, I think NHGRI's +AsDZNFx2eWA-00247-00103610-00103768 in great shape. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00248-00103768-00104189 And I think our 2011 strategic plan is still pretty darn good. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00249-00104189-00104289 It really is. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00250-00104289-00104626 And if you read it I think so much of what we do at the Institute, what this council +AsDZNFx2eWA-00251-00104626-00105208 considers doing in all parts of the Institute, maps very nicely to the 2011 strategic plan. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00252-00105208-00105833 But, let's face the reality, that 2011 strategic plan was really written in 2010, and that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00253-00105833-00106090 was a long time ago. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00254-00106090-00106709 And if I just told you that it takes two years to produce a new one that means 2020 is not +AsDZNFx2eWA-00255-00106709-00107420 that far off, and in 2020 it would be a little odd to be operating off of a document written +AsDZNFx2eWA-00256-00107420-00107625 a decade earlier. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00257-00107625-00108005 When I tell you that genomics is incredibly hot, it's fast moving in all sorts of things +AsDZNFx2eWA-00258-00108005-00108165 that are -- it's just not defensible. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00259-00108165-00108691 So, I would just say that it's hard to claim or believe that a 2011 strategic plan, written +AsDZNFx2eWA-00260-00108691-00109172 in 2010, represents a suitable blueprint for genomics in 2020 and beyond. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00261-00109172-00109784 And yet we're in 2018 now, and I think by 2020 we need to have a new strategic plan +AsDZNFx2eWA-00262-00109784-00109985 in place. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00263-00109985-00110603 So, today I am formally announcing, and shown here is the press release that went out probably +AsDZNFx2eWA-00264-00110603-00111048 half hour ago or something like that, that we are launching a new round of strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00265-00111048-00111195 planning as an institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00266-00111195-00111654 One that aims to develop a 2020 vision of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00267-00111654-00112017 Now I want to tell you more details, of course, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell +AsDZNFx2eWA-00268-00112017-00112611 you about four things that we want to discuss at this time and tell the community about +AsDZNFx2eWA-00269-00112611-00112711 at this time, four areas. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00270-00112711-00113163 I'm going to tell you about our plan timeline, very drafty plan timeline. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00271-00113163-00113489 To tell you about the elements of the strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00272-00113489-00114092 To tell you what we've done internally to get started and ready for today. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00273-00114092-00114391 And then what I'm going to tell you the most detail about, because it is the hardest part, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00274-00114391-00114558 I'm going to talk to you about scope. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00275-00114558-00115060 Because that, as you will see and hear me talk about, is probably going to be the hardest +AsDZNFx2eWA-00276-00115060-00115223 element of all of this. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00277-00115223-00115464 So, let me start with timeline. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00278-00115464-00116067 So, we've been talking about this, internally, recognizing that we needed to get going and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00279-00116067-00116560 today I'm formally kicking this off: February 2018 at this meeting of council. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00280-00116560-00116873 And you could imagine I told you it's going to take a couple of years to really do this +AsDZNFx2eWA-00281-00116873-00116973 well. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00282-00116973-00117428 So, we want this in 2020 and also has a nice catchy name "A 2020 vision." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00283-00117428-00117570 I like that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00284-00117570-00117938 So, in 2020 we will publish this. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00285-00117938-00118114 So, we scanned around 2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00286-00118114-00118330 We could publish it anytime we wanted in 2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00287-00118330-00118767 We scanned around and said, "Well, is there a particular nice moment in time to publish +AsDZNFx2eWA-00288-00118767-00119104 this that would just, sort of, make us all feel good?" +AsDZNFx2eWA-00289-00119104-00119608 And we came up with one because on October 1st of 2020 will be the 30th anniversary of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00290-00119608-00119758 the launch of the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00291-00119758-00120183 And I think symbolically that would just be awesome to publish it on or about October +AsDZNFx2eWA-00292-00120183-00120677 1st commemorating the 30th anniversary of the start of the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00293-00120677-00121065 Admittedly, by having it a little later in the year it gives us more time as opposed +AsDZNFx2eWA-00294-00121065-00121194 to really early in 2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00295-00121194-00121654 That may prove to have it later in October, but I want it timestamp 2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00296-00121654-00121986 So, then we just got to back things up, right? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00297-00121986-00122455 So, you know, we got to submit that probably over the summer to a journal to be named, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00298-00122455-00122819 and then we probably will have a finale meeting, we always do, to sort of bring a draft and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00299-00122819-00123042 get lots of input from lots of members of the community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00300-00123042-00123202 We'll probably do that in the Spring. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00301-00123202-00123999 So, that just gives us between now and Spring-ish of 2020 to do a whole lot of things for strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00302-00123999-00124099 planning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00303-00124099-00124199 That will be the actual process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00304-00124199-00124634 So, what will be these strategic planning elements that will take place between now +AsDZNFx2eWA-00305-00124634-00124866 and the spring or so or summer of 2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00306-00124866-00125367 So, let me tell you about the elements as we currently see them, and we are very receptive +AsDZNFx2eWA-00307-00125367-00125486 to input. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00308-00125486-00126080 We will broadly engage many individuals many groups many communities as part of this process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00309-00126080-00126704 I am certain we will be reaching far more people and far more different communities +AsDZNFx2eWA-00310-00126704-00127115 this round of strategic planning than previous rounds because of the nature of the field +AsDZNFx2eWA-00311-00127115-00127332 and the complexity of the issues. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00312-00127332-00127482 We will, obviously, have workshops. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00313-00127482-00127761 You know that we do lots of workshops. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00314-00127761-00128319 This is not a realistic picture because oftentimes will have will have windowless conference +AsDZNFx2eWA-00315-00128319-00128628 rooms where we will have our workshops. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00316-00128628-00129148 We've thought though that instead of making everybody always come to Bethesda to be in +AsDZNFx2eWA-00317-00129148-00129728 some hotel or some NIH conference room, you know, maybe there's some value of having town +AsDZNFx2eWA-00318-00129728-00129899 halls as a means. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00319-00129899-00130338 And different types of town halls where we would get out a little bit in various ways +AsDZNFx2eWA-00320-00130338-00130644 and capture input from the community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00321-00130644-00130921 So, we did some of this, but we didn't do much of it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00322-00130921-00131175 We're going to do a lot of it, I think, this round of strategic planning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00323-00131175-00131366 So, let me tell you what our current thinking is. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00324-00131366-00131938 Obviously, the advantage of such town halls is that you can engage stakeholders to collect +AsDZNFx2eWA-00325-00131938-00132189 ideas and information that informs a strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00326-00132189-00132682 You can do this very generally across the entire swath of topics being covered, or you +AsDZNFx2eWA-00327-00132682-00132834 could have certain town halls be very focused. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00328-00132834-00133152 We're just going to talk about this area or just this area, and it could be based on the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00329-00133152-00133430 audience or the area etcetera. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00330-00133430-00133982 I would also say that one other advantage of having different types of town halls is +AsDZNFx2eWA-00331-00133982-00134502 that, you know, here at NHGRI even more now than 14 years ago, or certainly 20 years ago, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00332-00134502-00135000 you know, we just have a very deep bench of really good seniors, you know, program directors +AsDZNFx2eWA-00333-00135000-00135278 and other scientists that can fan out in various venues. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00334-00135278-00135502 It doesn't always have to just be me going to talk. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00335-00135502-00136052 We could send out delegations of really good people, good staff, to go out and have town +AsDZNFx2eWA-00336-00136052-00136285 halls and bring information back to us. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00337-00136285-00136903 So, we really want to use this as an opportunity to have multiple members of the NHGRI senior +AsDZNFx2eWA-00338-00136903-00137512 staff participate and go out and help us and also reach multiple audiences, different communities +AsDZNFx2eWA-00339-00137512-00137659 of various flavors and types. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00340-00137659-00137836 So, what are the types of town halls? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00341-00137836-00138044 Well, we're going to have some traveling town halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00342-00138044-00138463 We're going to leave Bethesda and we're going to go out to various communities. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00343-00138463-00138822 We've already making some decisions about various locations. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00344-00138822-00139019 Some ones that are candidate are here. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00345-00139019-00139202 Some of these are starting to be organized. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00346-00139202-00139402 Some other ones we're going to organize. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00347-00139402-00139730 But we're going to get out and we're going to travel to try to have some traveling town +AsDZNFx2eWA-00348-00139730-00139889 halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00349-00139889-00140283 We're also going to take advantage of meetings and have satellite gatherings at major meetings. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00350-00140283-00140430 Just here just some candidate examples. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00351-00140430-00140880 These are obvious meetings like ASHG and the AGBT meeting that are [unintelligible], et +AsDZNFx2eWA-00352-00140880-00140980 cetera, et cetera. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00353-00140980-00141590 We'll also take advantage of making sure to engage our trainees at our annual trainee +AsDZNFx2eWA-00354-00141590-00141985 meeting, for example, and then we're going to have some NIH based meetings. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00355-00141985-00142403 We'll do some meetings within our fence because we want to reach out to the NIH community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00356-00142403-00142908 Both our intramural researchers but also the extramural and programs of other Institutes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00357-00142908-00143142 Many of which -- almost all of what you're doing genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00358-00143142-00143561 As well as other individuals in the policy education and other realms around the NIH. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00359-00143561-00144026 And we've also decided we're probably going to do some virtual town halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00360-00144026-00144429 We recognize that everybody might be in a location we go to or may not go to these meetings, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00361-00144429-00144954 so we're thinking about ways of doing, you know, WebEx type or videocast type virtual +AsDZNFx2eWA-00362-00144954-00145392 town halls to allow people to get their input in in various ways. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00363-00145392-00145779 And I really want to emphasize that through these various means of town halls we want +AsDZNFx2eWA-00364-00145779-00146201 to engage, obviously researchers but obviously trainees, but all other communities. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00365-00146201-00146545 Including the general public communities and other communities that we wish to engage to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00366-00146545-00146755 get their input on as well. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00367-00146755-00146946 So, that'll be town halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00368-00146946-00147270 We'll obviously have a lot of electronic dimensions to this. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00369-00147270-00147586 We have, and I believe it is now live, we'll have a dedicated webpage. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00370-00147586-00148021 It'll be an easy URL to remember, genome.gov/genomics2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00371-00148021-00148299 Remember genomics 2020 it's going to come up multiple times. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00372-00148299-00148865 This webpage -- my goal is to make our strategic planning process as transparent as possible. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00373-00148865-00149473 We will load up this page with lots of materials, lots of summaries, lots of PowerPoint presentations, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00374-00149473-00149671 video stuff, and so forth. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00375-00149671-00149995 I think there's been good examples of this lately at NIH on big initiatives. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00376-00149995-00150490 Where you just put all the material that you possibly can so that everybody feels invested +AsDZNFx2eWA-00377-00150490-00150718 and everybody feels engaged in the process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00378-00150718-00151105 We will gain that transparency by many means including by what, I hope, will be a very +AsDZNFx2eWA-00379-00151105-00151205 robust website. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00380-00151205-00151566 But, you know, we also want to consider modern approaches. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00381-00151566-00152204 So, we will have available to us with an expanding use of social media through our communications +AsDZNFx2eWA-00382-00152204-00152304 group. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00383-00152304-00152665 So, we just created a hashtag for those who are interested. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00384-00152665-00152909 It's up there, again, #genomics2020. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00385-00152909-00153332 This will be used on Twitter and Facebook and so forth in ways that I don't even fully +AsDZNFx2eWA-00386-00153332-00153807 understand at a personal level, but I am told is really important for the younger generation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00387-00153807-00153907 Which is great. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00388-00153907-00154384 So, we will use all the tools of social media available to us. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00389-00154384-00154707 We will also engage our advisory groups. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00390-00154707-00155148 Starting with you but other groups as well, and this will be very important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00391-00155148-00155384 It will include engagement of our intramural advisory groups. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00392-00155384-00155979 It will also involve engagement of our advisory groups who are associated with individual +AsDZNFx2eWA-00393-00155979-00156441 programs, and also, you'll see in the next slide, various four working groups I have +AsDZNFx2eWA-00394-00156441-00156745 associated with council. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00395-00156745-00157047 And I fully expect there will be some type of finale meeting. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00396-00157047-00157549 I don't know its location or date or any of those sorts of details, and we will work this +AsDZNFx2eWA-00397-00157549-00157649 out. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00398-00157649-00157923 We've got a couple years to worry about that, but I'm certain there will be at least a finale +AsDZNFx2eWA-00399-00157923-00158023 meeting. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00400-00158023-00158295 And I guarantee it'll be other workshops leading up to that as well. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00401-00158295-00158890 So, the third thing I want to tell you about was internal organization. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00402-00158890-00159545 And this is just simply our attempt to not have this announcement be the start of energy +AsDZNFx2eWA-00403-00159545-00159691 moving forward. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00404-00159691-00159967 We didn't want to say, "Okay, we're about to launch the strategic planning process, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00405-00159967-00160226 and we haven't done anything yet except make a bunch of PowerPoint slides." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00406-00160226-00160661 Obviously, we want it to have a little bit of forward momentum. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00407-00160661-00161511 So, I have worked with NHGRI staff to have an organization that'll just internally get +AsDZNFx2eWA-00408-00161511-00162055 us started so that we can divide up the work, and to divide up the thinking about things, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00409-00162055-00162553 so that as we engage external people we're not flat-footed, but rather we're already +AsDZNFx2eWA-00410-00162553-00162871 moving forward and already have things to react to. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00411-00162871-00163216 All of the strategic planning we'll be reporting up through the NIH leadership. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00412-00163216-00163436 By that I mean me and my division directors. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00413-00163436-00164144 But what we did was to create five, what I'm calling, focus groups that basically focus +AsDZNFx2eWA-00414-00164144-00164312 on different domains. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00415-00164312-00164686 And the domains are sort of pretty obvious: a more basic one, a more disease oriented +AsDZNFx2eWA-00416-00164686-00165188 one, one related to genomic medicine a precision medicine, a data science one, and then society +AsDZNFx2eWA-00417-00165188-00165362 education and engagement. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00418-00165362-00165669 It is not our intention to allow these groups to all work independently. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00419-00165669-00166192 Obviously, there's an immense amount of crosstalk between them, and, in fact, the earliest deliberations +AsDZNFx2eWA-00420-00166192-00166347 of these internal focus groups. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00421-00166347-00166821 Each of which has, I should point out, two co-chairs from different parts the Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00422-00166821-00166947 We're not just about extramural. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00423-00166947-00167103 It's about the whole Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00424-00167103-00167441 And each of the groups has six to eight members. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00425-00167441-00167675 Again, drawn from all across the Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00426-00167675-00167987 In their early deliberations one of the biggest things they struggled is they immediately +AsDZNFx2eWA-00427-00167987-00168276 realized that some of the stuff they were talking about was relevant to another focus +AsDZNFx2eWA-00428-00168276-00168395 group, makes sense. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00429-00168395-00168773 So, there's going to be lots of attempts to cross-fertilize cross-pollinate, but at least +AsDZNFx2eWA-00430-00168773-00169047 it gets them started thinking about the Grand Challenges. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00431-00169047-00169221 Thinking about organizationally what's needed? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00432-00169221-00169349 What are the new ideas? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00433-00169349-00169494 What are the things we need workshops? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00434-00169494-00169696 What are the things we might need white papers? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00435-00169696-00169840 All those sorts of discussions. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00436-00169840-00170491 I'll also point out that three of the of the focus groups align very nicely with council +AsDZNFx2eWA-00437-00170491-00170591 working groups. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00438-00170591-00170917 In fact, the far-right one has two council working groups nicely aligned to it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00439-00170917-00171494 So, there's, in fact, already begun some dialogue between these working groups and these focus +AsDZNFx2eWA-00440-00171494-00171594 groups. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00441-00171594-00171923 And some of the prime -- and many more things being planned in the weeks or months ahead. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00442-00171923-00172628 So, the bottom line is we have a very active, energetic, enthusiastic set of focus groups +AsDZNFx2eWA-00443-00172628-00173005 who already have some draft ideas, very draft ideas, typed up. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00444-00173005-00173540 Just things to react to so that starting, at lunch, they could talk and will start to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00445-00173540-00173683 engage different groups. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00446-00173683-00174296 Go to meetings and begin to, sort of, scope out the set of events and elements that need +AsDZNFx2eWA-00447-00174296-00174614 to play out over the coming months. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00448-00174614-00175154 So, that's the internal organs, and, again, as we may morph this with time as we get going +AsDZNFx2eWA-00449-00175154-00175354 in here I just didn't want to start cold. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00450-00175354-00175919 I wanted a little bit of warm up, and so I got some groups going a couple of months ago. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00451-00175919-00176378 So, the fourth thing I want to tell you about, and it's the last thing I want to tell you +AsDZNFx2eWA-00452-00176378-00177027 about, relates to an important overarching an actually difficult issue that will naturally +AsDZNFx2eWA-00453-00177027-00177419 arise during the 2020 NHGRI strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00454-00177419-00177738 And it has to do with the scope of the effort. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00455-00177738-00178416 You know, is the strategic planning process about the future of genomics as a field or +AsDZNFx2eWA-00456-00178416-00178852 the future of NHGRI supported genomics research? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00457-00178852-00179112 Now such questions -- I've been there every time. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00458-00179112-00179594 Such questions have consistently been part of previous rounds of NHGRI strategic planning, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00459-00179594-00180145 but in reality, I think the nature of the answer has changed over time as genomics has +AsDZNFx2eWA-00460-00180145-00180520 grown in breadth and depth as a scientific discipline. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00461-00180520-00180857 So, let me walk you through my logic in this. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00462-00180857-00181332 So, NHGRI played an important leadership role in formulating the strategic plans during +AsDZNFx2eWA-00463-00181332-00181512 the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00464-00181512-00181900 Of course, the field of genomics was much simpler back then. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00465-00181900-00182362 Both in terms of breadth, which I would say was reflected by the width of the depicted +AsDZNFx2eWA-00466-00182362-00183046 wake from the NHGRI boat, and its depth, reflected by the length of that wake. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00467-00183046-00183677 Now all the areas within these early strategic plans, that is the wakes area which is depicted +AsDZNFx2eWA-00468-00183677-00183986 in blue, were supported by NHGRI. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00469-00183986-00184491 They were all part of the Human Genome Project, and, meanwhile, other funders in the U.S. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00470-00184491-00184994 and internationally, reflected by these additional boats, largely pursued work within the same +AsDZNFx2eWA-00471-00184994-00185220 strategic areas of genomics as NHGRI. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00472-00185220-00185560 Again, all of this related to the Human Genome Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00473-00185560-00186178 Well, the situation got more complicated started 15 years ago at the end of the Human Genome +AsDZNFx2eWA-00474-00186178-00186278 Project. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00475-00186278-00186378 Now, genomics was still young. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00476-00186378-00186949 It was not widely disseminated, and, in the case of NIH, genomics was really exclusively +AsDZNFx2eWA-00477-00186949-00187221 the domain of one NIH Institute or Center. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00478-00187221-00187478 That is our domain at NHGRI. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00479-00187478-00188249 Well, the field has grown quite a bit in both breadth and depth, but the 2003 NHGRI strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00480-00188249-00188797 plan was comfortably able to cover virtually all areas of genomics as it existed at that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00481-00188797-00188897 time. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00482-00188897-00189383 And NHGRI then funded work across almost all areas of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00483-00189383-00189989 And the small gray areas at the fringes of the wake simply reflect the small parts of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00484-00189989-00190391 genomics that NHGRI did not completely fund during that time. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00485-00190391-00190882 In some cases, other funders in, the U.S. and abroad, started supporting these areas +AsDZNFx2eWA-00486-00190882-00191091 represented by those other boats. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00487-00191091-00191740 Well, 2011, by 2011 the world of genomics had changed substantially, and that reality +AsDZNFx2eWA-00488-00191740-00192395 influenced both the development of the 2011 NHGRI strategic plan and the NHGRI's use of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00489-00192395-00192827 that 2011 strategic plan up until the present time. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00490-00192827-00193452 Well, compared to, say a decade ago, genomics is now associated with a much greater breadth +AsDZNFx2eWA-00491-00193452-00193889 of research activities, again the width of the wake, and a greater depth of research +AsDZNFx2eWA-00492-00193889-00194125 activities, again the length of the wake. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00493-00194125-00194627 The genomics research activities associated with a 2011 strategic plan, which is reflected +AsDZNFx2eWA-00494-00194627-00195204 again by the wakes overall area, are simply too large for NHGRI to fund by ourselves. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00495-00195204-00195817 Now the good news is that virtually every NIH Institute and center funds genomics research +AsDZNFx2eWA-00496-00195817-00196364 to some extent, and a significant amount of genomics research is funded beyond NIH both +AsDZNFx2eWA-00497-00196364-00196560 in the United States and internationally. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00498-00196560-00197166 So, as such there are significant areas within the 2011 strategic plan that NHGRI has only +AsDZNFx2eWA-00499-00197166-00197547 been able to partially fund, often in partnership with other funders. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00500-00197547-00198184 Again, these are reflected by the gray areas at the fringes of the wake. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00501-00198184-00198412 Now -- and also associated with other boats. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00502-00198412-00198847 So, some of these are starting to represent areas of biology and human disease that have +AsDZNFx2eWA-00503-00198847-00198998 matured considerably. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00504-00198998-00199340 Evolving into important specialized areas in their own right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00505-00199340-00199782 And, finally, there are even some interesting areas of genomics that are not even part of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00506-00199782-00200289 the 2011 strategic plan of NHGRI's and are not funded by the Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00507-00200289-00200799 And those are reflected here by these other boats with their own red wakes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00508-00200799-00201080 Well, looking ahead, right? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00509-00201080-00201597 By 2020 the situation with genomics will be even more complicated. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00510-00201597-00202098 The field will have evolved even greater breadth of depth and many more funders will be involved +AsDZNFx2eWA-00511-00202098-00202242 in supporting genomics research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00512-00202242-00202498 That is, they'll just be a lot more boats in the water. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00513-00202498-00203127 So, in developing a 2020 vision for genomics it would really be impractical for NHGRI to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00514-00203127-00203312 tackle all things genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00515-00203312-00203748 That would simply be biting off more than we could chew or that we could fund. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00516-00203748-00204259 Well, defining the scope of NHGRI's current strategic planning process will be influenced +AsDZNFx2eWA-00517-00204259-00204526 by the Institute's new self-identity. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00518-00204526-00204862 That is at the forefront of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00519-00204862-00205279 Recognizing that the bulk of genomics research will be funded by others in the U.S. and internationally +AsDZNFx2eWA-00520-00205279-00205854 NHGRI aims to identify, lead, and support areas of genomics that are paradigm setting, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00521-00205854-00206210 that enables novel applications, and that expand the field. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00522-00206210-00206310 That is at the forefront. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00523-00206310-00206752 All with the focus on applications to human health and disease. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00524-00206752-00207246 In doing so NHGRI will be directly responsible for highly impactful and generalizable progress +AsDZNFx2eWA-00525-00207246-00207563 in genomics that benefits the efforts of others. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00526-00207563-00208021 Who are most often each working at the forefront of their own areas of interest. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00527-00208021-00208546 While keeping with the above focus areas that are well established and are being sufficiently +AsDZNFx2eWA-00528-00208546-00209071 funded by others will just practically have to be de-emphasized during NHGRI strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00529-00209071-00209178 planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00530-00209178-00209694 Not because they are unimportant but rather because they are not in need of NHGRI's unique +AsDZNFx2eWA-00531-00209694-00209900 capabilities and attention. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00532-00209900-00210440 In some cases, these will reflect areas of the Institute once emphasized and funded but +AsDZNFx2eWA-00533-00210440-00210981 for which progress now allows the Institute to cede leadership strategic funding, strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00534-00210981-00211173 planning, and funding to others. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00535-00211173-00211733 Okay, so, a few concrete examples should help clarify how NHGRI will be prioritizing its +AsDZNFx2eWA-00536-00211733-00212309 current strategic planning process and focusing its attention on the forefront of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00537-00212309-00213192 There are several very important and hot areas of genomics - cancer genomics, microbial genomics, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00538-00213192-00213561 and microbiome research - that are now blossoming. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00539-00213561-00213859 Likely other such areas will arise in the near future. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00540-00213859-00214315 And at some point, in the past NHGRI was involved in helping shape and support research in these +AsDZNFx2eWA-00541-00214315-00214906 areas, but over time these areas have grown and matured substantially attracting major +AsDZNFx2eWA-00542-00214906-00215019 other funders. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00543-00215019-00215531 For example, other NIH institutes and centers in addition to other agencies and foundations +AsDZNFx2eWA-00544-00215531-00216064 and non-U.S. funders who now lead and support the associated research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00545-00216064-00216556 These are the areas of genomics that are critically important and should continue to expand but +AsDZNFx2eWA-00546-00216556-00217021 are not being tackled directly as part of NHGRI strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00547-00217021-00217498 In fact, these areas deserve their own dedicated strategic planning that engage individuals +AsDZNFx2eWA-00548-00217498-00218010 with appropriate expertise, and, in many cases, such planning is actually already underway. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00549-00218010-00218554 In short, these areas will largely be regarded as out of scope for the NHGRI strategic planning +AsDZNFx2eWA-00550-00218554-00218729 process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00551-00218729-00219256 But other areas of genomics reflect different situations in which the research is less advanced, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00552-00219256-00219479 but the opportunities are compelling. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00553-00219479-00220071 Once again, represented by these gray regions within the wake, these areas of genomics include +AsDZNFx2eWA-00554-00220071-00220577 the genomic basis of rare and common diseases and their clinical management and computational +AsDZNFx2eWA-00555-00220577-00220886 genomics and data science, as two examples. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00556-00220886-00221486 For both of these areas NHGRI has been heavily involved for many years as have other funders. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00557-00221486-00221898 Some aspects of these areas remain at the forefront of genomics while other aspects +AsDZNFx2eWA-00558-00221898-00222296 have become more routine or heavily domain-specific. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00559-00222296-00222681 Other such gray areas will almost certainly emerge during the strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00560-00222681-00223228 NHGRI believes that there are continued opportunities to make important contributions in these areas, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00561-00223228-00223586 often in collaboration with other funders. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00562-00223586-00224367 So, these areas thus represent intermediary or gray areas in which NHGRI will likely share +AsDZNFx2eWA-00563-00224367-00224792 the leadership, involvement, and funding to support the needed research, and, as such, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00564-00224792-00225341 the Institute will include such intermediary areas in its current strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00565-00225341-00225858 Albeit with the caveat that some of the strategic elements that might ultimately be described +AsDZNFx2eWA-00566-00225858-00226241 cannot be fully supported by NHGRI funding alone. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00567-00226241-00226767 Well, finally there are a number of major areas that have yet to be well defined and/or +AsDZNFx2eWA-00568-00226767-00226931 lack sufficient investment. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00569-00226931-00227290 These areas will get high priority attention during the Institute's strategic planning +AsDZNFx2eWA-00570-00227290-00227434 process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00571-00227434-00228052 Often agnostic to particular diseases or physiological systems, these, what I will call mainstream +AsDZNFx2eWA-00572-00228052-00228521 elements, will be particularly appropriate for NHGRI stewardship and funding, as has +AsDZNFx2eWA-00573-00228521-00228790 often been the case for the last decade or more. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00574-00228790-00229196 Let me list some prototypic examples of these mainstream areas. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00575-00229196-00229783 They would include genomic technology development, genomic variation in its functional consequences, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00576-00229783-00230284 interactions between the genome and the environment, general and generic aspects of and barriers +AsDZNFx2eWA-00577-00230284-00230896 to uses of genomic medicine in clinical care, research and clinical training in genomics, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00578-00230896-00231332 policy development and implementation to enhance data sharing, and the ethical, legal, and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00579-00231332-00231642 social implications, ELSI, of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00580-00231642-00232433 So, to emphasize then both of these intermediary or gray areas and these mainstream areas will +AsDZNFx2eWA-00581-00232433-00232819 be considered in scope for the strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00582-00232819-00233341 So, in summary, we recognize that this key question, related to the scope of the strategic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00583-00233341-00233459 planning process, is important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00584-00233459-00233803 It's also a complicated one. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00585-00233803-00234163 From what I just reviewed on the previous slide I am hoping that you can appreciate +AsDZNFx2eWA-00586-00234163-00234305 that there is an answer. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00587-00234305-00234859 One that will I acknowledge will evolve over time as the planning process progresses. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00588-00234859-00235296 And the answer is that the scope will largely reflect research at the forefront of genomics +AsDZNFx2eWA-00589-00235296-00235621 as it pertains to human health and disease. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00590-00235621-00236223 So, in wrapping up, I would just say that there'll be an immense amount of energy put +AsDZNFx2eWA-00591-00236223-00236755 into the strategic planning process by NHGRI staff, by many of you, and by the broader +AsDZNFx2eWA-00592-00236755-00236932 research community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00593-00236932-00237492 I can tell you that that input and engagement over the next two-plus years should be incredibly +AsDZNFx2eWA-00594-00237492-00237673 exciting, incredibly stimulating. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00595-00237673-00237796 What an opportunity. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00596-00237796-00237973 What a great moment in time. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00597-00237973-00238284 I think it has the potential to be incredibly impactful. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00598-00238284-00238823 I think our strategic plans are widely read and are widely cited and are widely respected. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00599-00238823-00239319 They do have impact, and I can tell you, personally as an NHGRI director, that your input and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00600-00239319-00239817 your engagement will be much appreciated, critically important for this to be successful. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00601-00239817-00240533 I would just conclude by saying that the aim of the process and the product really is to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00602-00240533-00241019 be the driving force for much of genomics at NIH and around the world. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00603-00241019-00241479 We hope to provide a clear -- that is a 2020 vision for using genomics to advance human +AsDZNFx2eWA-00604-00241479-00241579 health. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00605-00241579-00242096 It's going to help guide NHGRI scientific priorities and shape our research portfolio +AsDZNFx2eWA-00606-00242096-00242246 across the Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00607-00242246-00242719 And, of course, we hope it fosters partnerships within not only the research community but +AsDZNFx2eWA-00608-00242719-00243173 the healthcare education policy and various general public communities. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00609-00243173-00243391 All of which are important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00610-00243391-00243951 And, finally, I think the strategic planning process will actually put some fine detail +AsDZNFx2eWA-00611-00243951-00244550 that will help us define NHGRI's position going forward at the forefront of genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00612-00244550-00244891 So, with that let me encourage all of you to stay connected. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00613-00244891-00245058 Here are various ways stay connected. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00614-00245058-00245332 The website I mentioned. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00615-00245332-00245735 Live now is a dedicated email address shown here. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00616-00245735-00245969 We're going to take lots of stuff by email comments so forth. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00617-00245969-00246173 So, feel free to put that out. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00618-00246173-00246464 And then I already introduced you to our hashtag. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00619-00246464-00247042 And with that I will end and look forward to your questions, your feedback, and any +AsDZNFx2eWA-00620-00247042-00247563 thoughts you have about both the first part of the story, with NHGRI's identity, as well +AsDZNFx2eWA-00621-00247563-00247892 as our strategic planning process as we go forward. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00622-00247892-00247992 Thank you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00623-00247992-00248092 Chanita? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00624-00248092-00248459 Chanita Hughes Halbert: Oh, thank you for that great overview. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00625-00248459-00248883 I'm really excited to see the next round of strategic planning. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00626-00248883-00249465 I had the great fortune to be involved in the strategic planning previously. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00627-00249465-00250103 I did want to make one observation and comment, and just it's about the sites where you're +AsDZNFx2eWA-00628-00250103-00250203 planning to do town halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00629-00250203-00250406 And I think that's really important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00630-00250406-00251082 And it seems like you have a lot of places that have really robust infrastructure already +AsDZNFx2eWA-00631-00251082-00251717 for genomic medicine, and it might be worth considering adding places that are building +AsDZNFx2eWA-00632-00251717-00251898 their capacity for it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00633-00251898-00252519 To begin thinking about how some of their issues might be considered as part of the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00634-00252519-00252631 strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00635-00252631-00252919 Eric Green: That is an excellent point. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00636-00252919-00253232 And I failed to say one thing about some of these traveling town halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00637-00253232-00253423 It would apply to the places we're already thinking about. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00638-00253423-00253628 It would apply to some of the places you're suggesting. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00639-00253628-00254148 It is when we go to a place, and we've traveled there, I think, inevitably, we're going to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00640-00254148-00254250 have multiple town halls. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00641-00254250-00254732 We'd probably want to have, you know, have one with an open one, probably be mostly scientists. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00642-00254732-00255212 We want to also have at every venue a dedicated one just for trainees, and then in certain +AsDZNFx2eWA-00643-00255212-00255480 places there might be ways to engage community more broadly. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00644-00255480-00255848 So, we're, you know, I when I say we're doing a traveling Town Hall to such and such a city +AsDZNFx2eWA-00645-00255848-00256484 it's really think plural because in every case we're going to do two to three. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00646-00256484-00256584 Jay? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00647-00256584-00256978 Jeffrey Botkin: Yeah, this was very impressive. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00648-00256978-00257116 Thank you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00649-00257116-00257754 My question relates to scope and sort of building on the bench to the bedside issues. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00650-00257754-00258276 Seems there's been such enormous success on the bench side both with the basic knowledge +AsDZNFx2eWA-00651-00258276-00258438 and the tools being developed. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00652-00258438-00258973 Seems to me many of the emerging challenges and barriers are on the bedside end of things. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00653-00258973-00259302 In terms of how much do clinicians know about this technology? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00654-00259302-00259526 Can they use it knowledgeably? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00655-00259526-00259948 Insurance coverage issues are a barrier now. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00656-00259948-00260273 The whole emerging notion of, sort of, implementation science. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00657-00260273-00260805 How do we get this actually into the hand of primary care providers? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00658-00260805-00261190 Is there going to be much emphasis on that end of the bench to bedside spectrum as part +AsDZNFx2eWA-00659-00261190-00261290 of the scope? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00660-00261290-00261481 Eric Green: So, there's not a single thing you just said +AsDZNFx2eWA-00661-00261481-00261603 that I don't think is in scope. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00662-00261603-00262108 I'll look to Anastasia Wise who's one of our co-chairs of the genomic precision -- co-chairs +AsDZNFx2eWA-00663-00262108-00262236 of the focus group. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00664-00262236-00262397 Or I can look to Terry. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00665-00262397-00262501 But I know Anastasia. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00666-00262501-00262724 It's absolutely and I -- there was wording I meant to say. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00667-00262724-00262976 If I didn't say it, you know, it's not only the implementation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00668-00262976-00263368 It's not just the means to get there but the barriers. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00669-00263368-00263864 Trying to define all of these barriers to genomic medicine implementation, but Anastasia +AsDZNFx2eWA-00670-00263864-00264263 you want to add to that? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00671-00264263-00264716 Female Speaker: We've been thinking of, in the group that's +AsDZNFx2eWA-00672-00264716-00265227 looking at genomic and precision medicine, trying to specifically look at those challenge +AsDZNFx2eWA-00673-00265227-00265568 that are related to more of that clinical setting. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00674-00265568-00266035 And how do you take all of this genomic information, that might be more focused on developing that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00675-00266035-00266593 knowledge base in some of the other groups, and apply that more in that healthcare setting? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00676-00266593-00266928 So, all of those challenges you talked about are things that we've started having discussions +AsDZNFx2eWA-00677-00266928-00267028 about in that group. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00678-00267028-00267288 Eric Green: And Jeff the thing that you, the wording even +AsDZNFx2eWA-00679-00267288-00267739 that you use, really amplified a point I make, and I make it frequently, is the barriers +AsDZNFx2eWA-00680-00267739-00267950 you just listed are disease agnostic. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00681-00267950-00268426 It's, you know for the most part, and so if it's not us. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00682-00268426-00268836 I mean that is at the forefront of genomics because if it's not us it won't be another +AsDZNFx2eWA-00683-00268836-00269276 NIH Institute who will often just want to tackle that problem in a particular disease +AsDZNFx2eWA-00684-00269276-00269492 or domain-specific way. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00685-00269492-00269986 We've got to knock these barriers down because they don't fall nicely along disease categories. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00686-00269986-00270086 Jay? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00687-00270086-00270703 Jay Shendure: So, okay, so thinking about how best to articulate +AsDZNFx2eWA-00688-00270703-00270803 this. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00689-00270803-00270969 So, I think I like the overall framework. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00690-00270969-00271499 I really like the idea of focusing the bullet so to speak. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00691-00271499-00272219 Even if it means jettisoning or partly jettisoning focus on things that were formerly part of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00692-00272219-00272589 the portfolio because I think that's a necessary thing to get things done given the, you know, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00693-00272589-00273019 the expanding scope of what genomics is and the limited resources of one Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00694-00273019-00273652 I think I just wanted to drill into one specific terminology that you used around what that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00695-00273652-00273796 bullet would be focused on. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00696-00273796-00273998 It was a bullet or car. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00697-00273998-00274527 You said, "application to human health and disease." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00698-00274527-00275080 And I just, you know, I think what I want to make sure, what I'm hoping isn't missing +AsDZNFx2eWA-00699-00275080-00275882 here, is a minimally an equal focus on just the basic biology of the genome. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00700-00275882-00276310 I mean, to me, that was lacking a bit and at least what I heard. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00701-00276310-00276737 And maybe I just missed it, but I feel like that's always been an important part of the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00702-00276737-00276837 portfolio. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00703-00276837-00276963 We still don't know what most genes do. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00704-00276963-00277496 You know, we've still got pretty rudimentary understanding of how enhancers work. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00705-00277496-00277912 And I think that, you know, to some extent you're right, you know, that the science, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00706-00277912-00278409 you could say, that the basic science has gone well, but I think it's still shocking +AsDZNFx2eWA-00707-00278409-00278893 how little we know about how this all works. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00708-00278893-00279434 And I think that, you know, something that this institute could or should uniquely bring +AsDZNFx2eWA-00709-00279434-00280132 is a set of tools or systematic or unbiased set of approaches for agnostically interrogating +AsDZNFx2eWA-00710-00280132-00280755 gene function, enhancer function, so on and so forth, and I think that if that's missing +AsDZNFx2eWA-00711-00280755-00281403 from this as something that's front and center I feel like it would be a mistake. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00712-00281403-00281808 Eric Green: So, there's nothing that I meant to imply +AsDZNFx2eWA-00713-00281808-00282423 that would in any way say that we are not, you know, we're not committed to understanding +AsDZNFx2eWA-00714-00282423-00282570 basics of genome structural function. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00715-00282570-00282935 In fact, I listed it as one of the mainstream areas. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00716-00282935-00283312 If it's if it has the word human in it -- so especially, all right now, here's where it +AsDZNFx2eWA-00717-00283312-00283423 starts to feather out. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00718-00283423-00283523 Right? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00719-00283523-00283839 So, human genome function, we fully appreciate that to understand human genome function we +AsDZNFx2eWA-00720-00283839-00284174 probably have to study some other genomes along the way. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00721-00284174-00284591 So, that's all, but we just need to have those connections. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00722-00284591-00284996 But there's nothing about the strategic planning process that is backing us away from basic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00723-00284996-00285096 understandings of genome structures. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00724-00285096-00285250 Jay Shendure: I think it should be more front and center +AsDZNFx2eWA-00725-00285250-00285350 and more accelerated. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00726-00285350-00285450 Eric Green: Okay. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00727-00285450-00285550 I take this. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00728-00285550-00285906 Jay Shendure: It's an important front. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00729-00285906-00286006 Eric Green: Okay. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00730-00286006-00286106 Yep. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00731-00286106-00286206 Aviv? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00732-00286206-00286307 Aviv Regev: The place I thought I heard it in was in the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00733-00286307-00286890 interpretation of genome variation, and the point that I would make is that I think in +AsDZNFx2eWA-00734-00286890-00287254 the history of NHGRI inference approaches have taken the primary road. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00735-00287254-00287731 Meaning we would analyze a lot of genomes of a lot of people and we would infer from +AsDZNFx2eWA-00736-00287731-00288175 them, and that has been one of the resounding successes of human genetics, the phenotypic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00737-00288175-00288367 consequences of the variants. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00738-00288367-00288934 And that carries you very nicely between genotype and phenotype except that it is a little weaker +AsDZNFx2eWA-00739-00288934-00289098 on when you're trying to infer mechanisms. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00740-00289098-00289603 And mechanisms become very important as a general tool for medical applications. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00741-00289603-00290080 It's true that there are also absolutely critical for basic understanding of the processes, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00742-00290080-00290542 that I as a basic research scientist, there is the most about, but they're also an absolute +AsDZNFx2eWA-00743-00290542-00291026 thumping look between the successes, the general success of human genetics, and the ability +AsDZNFx2eWA-00744-00291026-00291331 to apply that success and really bring new therapies and medicines. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00745-00291331-00291666 And I think that's the recognition that has arrived. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00746-00291666-00292057 This is not a place where you have to choose between doing the basic research, because +AsDZNFx2eWA-00747-00292057-00292531 it's interesting to understand how an enhancer works, but because if you understand how the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00748-00292531-00292638 bcl11a enhancer works -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00749-00292638-00292910 Eric Green: Exactly, and that's, sort of, set up nicely +AsDZNFx2eWA-00750-00292910-00293010 by -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00751-00293010-00293200 Aviv Regev: -- and with bcl11a it's relatively easier +AsDZNFx2eWA-00752-00293200-00293300 -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00753-00293300-00293400 Eric Green: Right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00754-00293400-00293500 Aviv Regev: --because you actually know it is the enhancer +AsDZNFx2eWA-00755-00293500-00293683 of bcl11a with most of the non-coding variation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00756-00293683-00293805 We don't even know where it goes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00757-00293805-00293935 Which is just step one. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00758-00293935-00294344 Then we need to figure out what those gene product actually do and how to manipulate +AsDZNFx2eWA-00759-00294344-00294444 them. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00760-00294444-00294706 So, that calls for the other side of genetics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00761-00294706-00294948 The side which is actually more engineers. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00762-00294948-00295470 And they're the reason really remarkable opportunities which did not exist in 2011 because the tools +AsDZNFx2eWA-00763-00295470-00295650 were not there. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00764-00295650-00295750 And they are. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00765-00295750-00296040 So, that's I think what Jay means by front and center, but I think it's also important +AsDZNFx2eWA-00766-00296040-00296232 to understand that it's not just for basic research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00767-00296232-00296332 Eric Green: Right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00768-00296332-00296507 Aviv Regev: It's also absolutely critical in order to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00769-00296507-00296788 deliver general purpose solutions for medicine. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00770-00296788-00297145 Then you become very specific about the applications and ten years later it brings [inaudible]. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00771-00297145-00297426 Eric Green: Yep, violently agree with you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00772-00297426-00297526 Sharon? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00773-00297526-00297843 Sharon Plon: Well, I would disagree with Jays comment. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00774-00297843-00298475 That I don't think someone just hearing the presentation would have gotten strong basic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00775-00298475-00298585 research themes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00776-00298585-00299260 I think, perhaps, having a slide or two that specifically addresses the importance of basic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00777-00299260-00299656 research is important. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00778-00299656-00300105 Because I think a lot of people doing very basic research feel like they have to defend +AsDZNFx2eWA-00779-00300105-00300625 themselves, and I just want to make sure we're acknowledging that importance in our presentation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00780-00300625-00301198 I was going to comment with regard to the town halls and your comment about cancer and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00781-00301198-00301473 microbiome as being out of scope. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00782-00301473-00301832 I think for the public that will be a more difficult argument. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00783-00301832-00302497 A lot of what the public is reading about genomic medicine is exactly microbiome and +AsDZNFx2eWA-00784-00302497-00302622 cancer genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00785-00302622-00303241 So, I do think that messaging in the town halls may be complex, and you may just want +AsDZNFx2eWA-00786-00303241-00303384 to think about what's the best way. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00787-00303384-00303778 Because I could imagine members of the public saying, "Oh yeah, you should be doing more +AsDZNFx2eWA-00788-00303778-00303913 microbiome research. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00789-00303913-00304061 We think that's really cool." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00790-00304061-00304660 So, I think, you know, it's something we understand, but I think maybe a more difficult kind of +AsDZNFx2eWA-00791-00304660-00304872 message when you go out on the road. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00792-00304872-00305077 Eric Green: Although interesting -- yeah, I agree with +AsDZNFx2eWA-00793-00305077-00305177 you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00794-00305177-00305341 It will be one of the challenges. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00795-00305341-00305994 One could imagine, though, I bet that, especially a general public Town Hall, I would imagine +AsDZNFx2eWA-00796-00305994-00306461 that their biggest questions about cancer genomics will look very -- they look more +AsDZNFx2eWA-00797-00306461-00307208 like what Geoff was raising some of the barriers more than the most cutting-edge scientific +AsDZNFx2eWA-00798-00307208-00307591 questions being asked by the cancer moonshot efforts, for example. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00799-00307591-00307869 So, it actually, you're right we could use those as -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00800-00307869-00308053 Sharon Plon: Yeah, I think they're going to be examples +AsDZNFx2eWA-00801-00308053-00308153 -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00802-00308153-00308253 Eric Green: Yeah. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00803-00308253-00308353 Sharon Plon: --that you're going to be given. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00804-00308353-00308473 So, the messaging kind of has to be -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00805-00308473-00308573 Eric Green: Yeah. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00806-00308573-00308797 Trey Ideker: Just a second that I went through a similar +AsDZNFx2eWA-00807-00308797-00309454 process when I was watching the slides, and, you know, of course cancer is a common disease. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00808-00309454-00309879 So, common disease, you know, basic methods to decipher common disease is right behind +AsDZNFx2eWA-00809-00309879-00309979 your wake. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00810-00309979-00310079 Eric Green: Yep, absolutely. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00811-00310079-00310264 Trey Ideker: And that was great as long as the public doesn't +AsDZNFx2eWA-00812-00310264-00310749 miss the fact that, if you can develop those basic methods like Jay's alluding to as well, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00813-00310749-00310883 then you can also address cancer. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00814-00310883-00310983 Eric Green: Of course. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00815-00310983-00311126 Trey Ideker: And, you know, and you're probably going to +AsDZNFx2eWA-00816-00311126-00311460 need those to address cancer in fact. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00817-00311460-00311955 Dan Roden: So, Eric it seems to me one of the challenges +AsDZNFx2eWA-00818-00311955-00312298 comes back to this scope question. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00819-00312298-00312817 I had a mentor, decades ago, who said that, you know, his view of his science and his +AsDZNFx2eWA-00820-00312817-00313428 lab should be that he should descend on a field, make seminal advances, and then leave +AsDZNFx2eWA-00821-00313428-00313666 and let somebody else pick up all the pieces. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00822-00313666-00313804 Female Speaker: Fill in the blanks. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00823-00313804-00314034 Dan Roden: Fill in the blanks, exactly, and in some ways +AsDZNFx2eWA-00824-00314034-00314345 the forefront of genomics implies exactly that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00825-00314345-00314841 So, the challenge is, you know, at what point do you sort of leave a field and let somebody +AsDZNFx2eWA-00826-00314841-00315069 else fill in the blanks? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00827-00315069-00315831 And I think that the other tension that you may feel, particularly with regard to the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00828-00315831-00316483 public, is the tension between basic science for knowledge for knowledges sake versus knowledge +AsDZNFx2eWA-00829-00316483-00316831 for therapeutics sake or knowledge for patient care sake. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00830-00316831-00317421 And somehow playing into the idea that that there is a role for, you know, just knowledge +AsDZNFx2eWA-00831-00317421-00317958 for knowledges sake because we don't know where things will go versus, you know, knowledge +AsDZNFx2eWA-00832-00317958-00318776 for knowledge is sake to advance prevention, management of disease, prognosis, new drug +AsDZNFx2eWA-00833-00318776-00319171 development, genome editing, all those things that people are hearing about. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00834-00319171-00319758 So, I think the sell the selling job would be, sort of, how to shed things appropriately +AsDZNFx2eWA-00835-00319758-00320353 and how to make sure that that there is a tent that people feel like they're part of. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00836-00320353-00320536 In the ways that Trey alluded to as well. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00837-00320536-00320708 So, I don't think you get rid of cancer. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00838-00320708-00320808 Eric Green: Sure. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00839-00320808-00321224 Dan Rhoden: You say that what we do we understand what, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00840-00321224-00321825 the kinds of things that Jay is talking about, will directly affect the way people in the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00841-00321825-00321982 cancer field think about that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00842-00321982-00322369 Trey Ideker: So, is what you mean by cancer on that slide +AsDZNFx2eWA-00843-00322369-00322760 massive amounts of cancer genome sequencing like you've done in the past? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00844-00322760-00322907 Is that basically what your addressing? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00845-00322907-00323144 Eric Green: Yeah, and, you know, major clinical studies. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00846-00323144-00323509 I mean that, you know, I just sort of look at a lot of the elements of what NCI is now +AsDZNFx2eWA-00847-00323509-00323731 ably doing and just saying, "This is great." +AsDZNFx2eWA-00848-00323731-00323831 Trey Ideker: [inaudible] clarify that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00849-00323831-00324047 Dan Rhoden: So, maybe instead of saying cancer genomics +AsDZNFx2eWA-00850-00324047-00324499 have some more constrained term that doesn't sort of say we're not going to do anything +AsDZNFx2eWA-00851-00324499-00324907 with cancer because that's probably not where we want to go. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00852-00324907-00325118 Eric Green: I think what I'm what I'm trying to do is +AsDZNFx2eWA-00853-00325118-00325719 to not overwhelm us with too many very complicated areas that need their own strategic plan in +AsDZNFx2eWA-00854-00325719-00325819 their own right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00855-00325819-00326320 You know, when we start to do strategic planning around variant interpretation around technology +AsDZNFx2eWA-00856-00326320-00326665 about, especially single cell, in house all that is going to be highly relevant and will +AsDZNFx2eWA-00857-00326665-00326994 inform, nicely inform, cancer genomics. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00858-00326994-00327443 But I think by stating cancer genomics I mean if that's the lead of something that's probably +AsDZNFx2eWA-00859-00327443-00327691 not well-suited for our strategic plan. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00860-00327691-00328120 In fact, we don't even have adequate expertise to do what it that field now needs. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00861-00328120-00328220 I think the same with microbe. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00862-00328220-00328417 I mean the same with the other areas I listed. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00863-00328417-00328795 It's not to say there won't be crosstalk, and certainly things we do might benefit. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00864-00328795-00329102 But it's a matter of are we going to take on the responsibility to do the cutting-edge +AsDZNFx2eWA-00865-00329102-00329309 strategic planning in those areas? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00866-00329309-00329485 I think the answer should be no. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00867-00329485-00329585 Wendy? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00868-00329585-00329867 Wendy Chung: I think one question the public is wondering +AsDZNFx2eWA-00869-00329867-00330225 is what are we -- if you're really talking about therapeutics, are we going to get the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00870-00330225-00330475 be at the forefront of gene therapy and gene editing. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00871-00330475-00330861 I mean it's that going to be something that we own or how exactly is that part of that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00872-00330861-00330961 strategic vision. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00873-00330961-00331357 Eric Green: Those are great questions, and I would say +AsDZNFx2eWA-00874-00331357-00331599 that that I think those -- Gina. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00875-00331599-00331771 I mean we talked about this internally. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00876-00331771-00332024 I mean it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00877-00332024-00332673 And therapeutic genome editing, and anything in gene therapy, we're pretty devoid of at +AsDZNFx2eWA-00878-00332673-00332970 least on the extramural side. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00879-00332970-00333296 I believe that should be part of the discussions for strategic. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00880-00333296-00333701 I don't know which way we're going to go, but I think to ignore it would be irresponsible. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00881-00333701-00334256 I think we should try to figure out, you know, what do we have to contribute? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00882-00334256-00334629 And, also, we should be very mindful of what else is going on. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00883-00334629-00335036 I mean if you heard my directors report there is a major genome editing Common Fund program +AsDZNFx2eWA-00884-00335036-00335136 starting up. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00885-00335136-00335308 You know, so there's stuff going on at NIH. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00886-00335308-00335538 What is our role? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00887-00335538-00335650 And I think that's a hard one. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00888-00335650-00335839 So, that'll be one of the hard areas. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00889-00335839-00336461 Aviv Regev: But the overall area of getting from the variance +AsDZNFx2eWA-00890-00336461-00336874 from the genetics to some functionalization of them -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00891-00336874-00336974 Eric Green: Yep. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00892-00336974-00337074 Aviv Regev: -- in a generalized way. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00893-00337074-00337238 Rather than in a way that's related to one specific disease. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00894-00337238-00337338 Eric Green: Correct. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00895-00337338-00337438 Aviv Regev: -- has to be -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00896-00337438-00337538 Eric Green: No question. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00897-00337538-00337744 Aviv Regev: -- not at the sides in the great has to be +AsDZNFx2eWA-00898-00337744-00337844 at the heart -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00899-00337844-00337944 Eric Green: Correct. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00900-00337944-00338044 Aviv Regev: -- because that's where it needs the catalytic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00901-00338044-00338149 investment that NHGRI can make. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00902-00338149-00338249 Eric Green: [affirmative] +AsDZNFx2eWA-00903-00338249-00338504 Aviv Regev: And if it's done well later on, yes, other's +AsDZNFx2eWA-00904-00338504-00338604 will take it on. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00905-00338604-00338704 [inaudible] costs -- +AsDZNFx2eWA-00906-00338704-00338805 Eric Green: But Wendy's question was if you take something +AsDZNFx2eWA-00907-00338805-00339242 like genome editing, you take something like gene therapy, there's a lot of disease agnostic +AsDZNFx2eWA-00908-00339242-00339578 space that one could imagine a lot of that's been pretty well supported by other Institutes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00909-00339578-00339678 Aviv Regev: Yes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00910-00339678-00339819 Eric Green: So -- but maybe there's some opportunities +AsDZNFx2eWA-00911-00339819-00339923 of stuff we couldn't contribute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00912-00339923-00340023 I don't know. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00913-00340023-00340444 I think I think it should be in the mix for a discussion because it's notably for, you +AsDZNFx2eWA-00914-00340444-00340674 know, is notably absent in our extramural portfolio. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00915-00340674-00341129 But, on the other hand, is pretty hot a lot of a lot of players on there maybe we're not +AsDZNFx2eWA-00916-00341129-00341229 even needed. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00917-00341229-00341329 I don't know. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00918-00341329-00341565 Aviv Regev: It's hot as a separable item. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00919-00341565-00342019 As let's have capabilities in genome editing or let's apply it in specific contexts. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00920-00342019-00342584 But I do not think it's actually handled well at all as a general tool applied for example +AsDZNFx2eWA-00921-00342584-00342719 for functionalizing all variants. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00922-00342719-00342819 Eric Green: Right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00923-00342819-00343080 Aviv Regev: And that's where there is a remarkable opportunity +AsDZNFx2eWA-00924-00343080-00343257 for NHGRI and no one else will do it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00925-00343257-00343386 Eric Green: Trey you want to say something about that? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00926-00343386-00343541 Then were going to go to Steve and Carol. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00927-00343541-00343824 Trey Ideker: Sure, I think the other related scoping issue +AsDZNFx2eWA-00928-00343824-00344375 here, that I was thinking a bit about, is the scope overlap with just basic cell biology +AsDZNFx2eWA-00929-00344375-00344499 and upwards from there. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00930-00344499-00345039 If you think about doing what Aviv's talking about, you know, and this goal of understanding +AsDZNFx2eWA-00931-00345039-00345468 variants, you're really going to start to get into systemic cell biology in ways that +AsDZNFx2eWA-00932-00345468-00345943 that overlap and very interesting, you know, ways with other institutes and so on and so +AsDZNFx2eWA-00933-00345943-00346043 forth. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00934-00346043-00346351 So, I'm looking forward to those discussions of course, but I think it's going to be an +AsDZNFx2eWA-00935-00346351-00346451 interesting scope question. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00936-00346451-00346631 Eric Green: And let emphasize I had it on there. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00937-00346631-00346900 I mean, it's one of the reasons why we need to do some town halls within NIH. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00938-00346900-00347527 I mean the, you know, there's a lot of things happening in other extramural programs as +AsDZNFx2eWA-00939-00347527-00348079 an example, and we probably need to synchronize with them and make sure that what -- they +AsDZNFx2eWA-00940-00348079-00348475 may be covering stuff we don't need to or may be exactly the opposite. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00941-00348475-00348635 So, we don't do this in isolation. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00942-00348635-00348735 We engage community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00943-00348735-00348896 We also have to invade engage the NIH community. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00944-00348896-00348996 Yes, Steve? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00945-00348996-00349163 Stephen Fodor So, I just I want to remark I mean there's +AsDZNFx2eWA-00946-00349163-00349700 been tremendous progress as you mentioned in the last decade of actually gathering data. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00947-00349700-00350584 And there's a lot to be said for how to, you know, measure variation and how to scope or +AsDZNFx2eWA-00948-00350584-00351052 how to milk out of that the clinical significance. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00949-00351052-00351621 But I also want to bring up this point about addressing the things that we don't know. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00950-00351621-00352264 And, you know, to uncover all the regulatory elements, for example, in the genome. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00951-00352264-00352828 To understand how their regulatory elements, interact with the environment is still -- I +AsDZNFx2eWA-00952-00352828-00353239 mean it's a very challenging area and it's relatively ill-defined at this point. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00953-00353239-00354161 So, I just, again, want to put in a plug for pushing on the basic science of how genomes +AsDZNFx2eWA-00954-00354161-00354818 function, how they relate to the environment, and how perturbations on those genomes affect +AsDZNFx2eWA-00955-00354818-00354983 evolution or health and disease. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00956-00354983-00355313 Eric Green: Yep and I that is fully in scope, and I want +AsDZNFx2eWA-00957-00355313-00355761 to keep emphasizing the reason it has to be fully in scope because it's all that activity, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00958-00355761-00355905 if properly done, is disease agnostic. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00959-00355905-00356400 So, you look across NIH there's just not going to be other institutes tackling this and the +AsDZNFx2eWA-00960-00356400-00356733 kind of scale and the kind of expertise that we bring to it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00961-00356733-00356833 Carol? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00962-00356833-00357037 Carol Bult: Yeah, so back to the scope question. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00963-00357037-00357549 So, one of the one of the areas that you put in scope needs a boat of its own, and that's +AsDZNFx2eWA-00964-00357549-00357847 the whole computational biology thing. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00965-00357847-00357955 Eric Green: Right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00966-00357955-00358325 Carol Bult: So, is the thought that that you're going +AsDZNFx2eWA-00967-00358325-00359088 to pull out of that very, very broad area some specific areas that NHR will be uniquely +AsDZNFx2eWA-00968-00359088-00359246 poised to lead? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00969-00359246-00359955 And does that mean changes in bringing on additional expertise in those areas within +AsDZNFx2eWA-00970-00359955-00360055 NHGRI? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00971-00360055-00360319 Eric Green: Probably yes to all of that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00972-00360319-00360788 I mean let me just really emphasize the data science computational biology bioinformatics +AsDZNFx2eWA-00973-00360788-00360888 boat if you will. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00974-00360888-00361398 I mean it's the full recognition that we have to be all in on this, but we can't even pretend +AsDZNFx2eWA-00975-00361398-00361741 that, even if I took my entire Institute's budget and put it in that boat, it would be +AsDZNFx2eWA-00976-00361741-00361841 big enough. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00977-00361841-00361941 It's just not big enough. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00978-00361941-00362241 We have to do this in partnership with other parts of NIH, and, as you know, there's a +AsDZNFx2eWA-00979-00362241-00362439 lot of things happening. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00980-00362439-00362838 We are a major driving force of a lot of the stuff happening but, you know, and it can't +AsDZNFx2eWA-00981-00362838-00362944 just be NIH. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00982-00362944-00363052 It's a worldwide issue. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00983-00363052-00363289 So, no there's just no question. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00984-00363289-00363858 I think -- so, we're all in on this, and whether we need to invest more to be determined, probably +AsDZNFx2eWA-00985-00363858-00363958 yes. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00986-00363958-00364320 Whether we need more expertise internally, probably yes we'll deal with that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00987-00364320-00364717 What I would also say, and that you sort of implied it, is I think the strategic planning +AsDZNFx2eWA-00988-00364717-00365427 process, which will actually take place during a time of great of strategic developments +AsDZNFx2eWA-00989-00365427-00366124 at NIH wide, will hopefully help define and refine what NHGRI should be doing in this +AsDZNFx2eWA-00990-00366124-00366326 space compared to everybody else. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00991-00366326-00366567 But there's just no question this is a huge priority. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00992-00366567-00366908 You're right the boat could be much bigger than it is but limits to my metaphor, but, +AsDZNFx2eWA-00993-00366908-00367069 yes, I completely agree with you. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00994-00367069-00367169 Jeff? +AsDZNFx2eWA-00995-00367169-00367681 Jeffry Botkin: Yeah, I guess despite my LC emphasis, I'm +AsDZNFx2eWA-00996-00367681-00368156 quite comfortable with the whole more basic science notion given the size of the Genome +AsDZNFx2eWA-00997-00368156-00368403 Institute. +AsDZNFx2eWA-00998-00368403-00368834 But I also see the need, and may be consistent with my last question, sort of rethink how +AsDZNFx2eWA-00999-00368834-00369177 science or clinical science is funded through the NIH. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01000-00369177-00369667 Because genetics is really posing a lot of challenges with rare conditions, lots of variants, +AsDZNFx2eWA-01001-00369667-00370121 you're subdividing your clinical population progressively, and a lot of the outcomes you're +AsDZNFx2eWA-01002-00370121-00370664 interested in learning about are longer-term, longer term than your typical three-year grant. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01003-00370664-00371336 So, how do we fund these larger longer-term studies to really better understand the concrete +AsDZNFx2eWA-01004-00371336-00371714 health outcomes on people based on genetic information? +AsDZNFx2eWA-01005-00371714-00372183 And I think the whole clinical utility barrier is huge for genetics because we don't have +AsDZNFx2eWA-01006-00372183-00372749 that long-term outcome, and we've got a lot of sub-variants and behavioral factors that +AsDZNFx2eWA-01007-00372749-00372879 are involved with that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01008-00372879-00373373 So, however the science policy or science initiatives develop out of the Institute, +AsDZNFx2eWA-01009-00373373-00373899 we ought to be thinking about how that translates into other Institute's and the clinical science +AsDZNFx2eWA-01010-00373899-00374311 that have to be building on, I think, bigger or larger studies than have been typical. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01011-00374311-00374444 Eric Green: Yep, no, I agree. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01012-00374444-00374631 I'm sure Teri Manolio agrees with you as well. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01013-00374631-00374761 I mean this becomes an issue. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01014-00374761-00374909 We know that. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01015-00374909-00375398 Okay, well this is just the first hour of the strategic planning process. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01016-00375398-00375632 They'll be two more plus more years for you to give input. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01017-00375632-00376145 I'm sure we will be regularly revisiting this with Council for the next two years. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01018-00376145-00376552 And, again, in fact all of it you will be kept very updated. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01019-00376552-00376672 You will be an integral part of it. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01020-00376672-00377039 You'll probably get invited to more things than you want to participate in, but we're +AsDZNFx2eWA-01021-00377039-00377141 looking forward to. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01022-00377141-00377363 So, I think we're going to break now for lunch. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01023-00377363-00377536 We're a little behind, but we knew we were going to be. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01024-00377536-00377795 And why don't we try to reconvene in a quarter after. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01025-00377795-00377924 Does that sound good? +AsDZNFx2eWA-01026-00377924-00378223 Female Speaker: Can we have a working lunch? +AsDZNFx2eWA-01027-00378223-00378447 Eric Green: Probably not realistic in terms of getting +AsDZNFx2eWA-01028-00378447-00378547 people through. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01029-00378547-00378647 Female Speaker: All right. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01030-00378647-00378747 Eric Green: Well, why don't we. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01031-00378747-00378847 Why don't we. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01032-00378847-00378947 Why don't we try to be back at ten after? +AsDZNFx2eWA-01033-00378947-00379047 How's that? +AsDZNFx2eWA-01034-00379047-00379147 Try to be back at ten after. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01035-00379147-00379266 I know sometimes the line gets to be long up there and so forth. +AsDZNFx2eWA-01036-00379266-00379359 See you at ten after. +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00000-00000152-00000696 as you all know the topic of today's webinar is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00001-00000696-00001104 leadership during epidemics bioterror attacks +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00002-00001104-00001735 and other public health crisis this is the first NEOH webinar and we are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00003-00001735-00002511 really honored to have dr Laura Kahn as our guest speaker +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00004-00002592-00003040 just briefly about the network for eco health and one health this is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00005-00003040-00003560 actually the outgrowth of the very successful +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00006-00003560-00004223 cost action project that lasted for four years and its name was +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00007-00004223-00004928 network for evaluation of one health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00008-00005000-00005784 you can see and always join and follow neo on twitter +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00009-00005784-00006479 this is the NEOH handle and since the majority of us are researchers +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00010-00006479-00006879 of course you can find NEOH on research gate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00011-00006879-00007664 but in many other publishing scientific platforms this is the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00012-00007664-00008311 link for the website of NEOH, we are european chapter of eco +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00013-00008311-00008632 health international and you can get to know a little +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00014-00008632-00009328 bit more and deeper about NEOH we will be very happy if you do it +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00015-00009328-00010096 now to present our today speaker dr Laura Kahn +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00016-00010096-00010456 as you can see she's a medical doctor master of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00017-00010456-00010815 public health and master of public policy +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00018-00010815-00011472 Laura and i share something else that is both of us had a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00019-00011472-00012143 nursing degree before veterinary or medical studies +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00020-00012143-00012728 but the similarity stops here dr Laura Kahn is a physician and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00021-00012728-00013039 research scholar with the program on science and global +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00022-00013039-00013416 security at the woodrow with wilson school of public and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00023-00013416-00013912 international affairs princeton university +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00024-00013984-00014776 Laura Kahn is one of the most prominent persons in one health movement and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00025-00014776-00015544 back then in april 2006 she published the article confronting zoonosis +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00026-00015544-00015872 linking human and veterinary medicine in the center +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00027-00015872-00016456 for disease control and prevention journal of emerging infectious diseases +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00028-00016456-00016951 that publication helped launch the one health initiative +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00029-00016951-00017616 and i would add that really helped along with the many many seminal +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00030-00017616-00018087 publications by by many of our colleagues +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00031-00018087-00018687 it helped emerging of the one health concept and one health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00032-00018687-00019400 movement in the world dr Laura Kahn is the author of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00033-00019400-00020008 two books and way many books to come, we are eager to read +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00034-00020008-00020240 them +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00035-00020295-00020912 here you can see the second edition of the book who's in charge leadership +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00036-00020912-00021320 during epidemics by terror attacks and other public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00037-00021320-00021840 health crisis is freshly out of publishing and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00038-00021840-00022544 this is the topic of today's webinar another very good very interesting book +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00039-00022544-00023004 that i highly recommend is one health and the politics of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00040-00023004-00023384 anti-microbial resistance +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00041-00023408-00024015 and we have a special honor to announce on this day there is a new coursera +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00042-00024015-00024615 free course 'bats ducks and pandemics - an introduction to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00043-00024615-00025112 one health policy' by Laura Kahn, so you are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00044-00025112-00025856 welcome to to enroll for this seminar, i'm sure you will +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00045-00025856-00026512 learn a lot from it so without further ado +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00046-00026512-00027183 i leave the floor to dr Laura Kahn. well thank you Zoran +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00047-00027183-00027672 and i'd like to thank the network for eco health and one health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00048-00027672-00028056 and the swiss tropical institute for inviting me and hosting +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00049-00028056-00028639 this webinar i have just a quick correction - Princeton has +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00050-00028639-00029112 renamed the woodrow wilson school to just the princeton school of public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00051-00029112-00029824 and international affairs so that's been part of the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00052-00029824-00030200 black lives matter movement here in the us +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00053-00030200-00030688 and around the world and hopefully a step in the right direction for +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00054-00030688-00031408 more social justice so can can you see my slides okay great so +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00055-00031408-00032200 derived from the second edition of my book who's in charge i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00056-00032200-00032903 the second edition has a new preface uh profiling the leadership of china's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00057-00032903-00033447 president xi jinping and u.s president donald trump +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00058-00033447-00034047 that went into some detail this talk is going to just kind of skim +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00059-00034047-00034503 the surface if you will of some of the other leaders around the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00060-00034503-00034880 world and how they've responded to this +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00061-00034880-00035536 society changing history inducing crisis of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00062-00035536-00036175 COVID-19, so as Zoran said who's in charge ultimately the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00063-00036175-00036544 national governments of every country are responsible for the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00064-00036544-00036824 health safety and well-being of their citizenry +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00065-00036824-00037400 and the political leaders are in charge as per their nation's constitutions +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00066-00037400-00037863 all public health crises such as this pandemic are political immense but the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00067-00037863-00038319 more severe they are become not only political but economic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00068-00038319-00039112 impacts as well as you can see the uh the effect on the global economy +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00069-00039112-00039440 so it's important to recognize that leadership +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00070-00039440-00039952 exists at the local the national and the international levels as well +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00071-00039952-00040263 but this presentation is going to focus +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00072-00040263-00040880 solely on national leaders so the framework the theoretical +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00073-00040880-00041296 framework for this research on leadership comes from +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00074-00041296-00041680 the german sociologist max weber and i'm +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00075-00041680-00042047 sure i'm mispronouncing his name +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00076-00042047-00042616 he had a number of very interesting gave a number of very interesting +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00077-00042616-00042975 talks and wrote essays and one that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00078-00042975-00043359 particularly interested me was his study of politics +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00079-00043359-00043919 and bureaucracies and he wrote that states must have +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00080-00043919-00044312 functioning bureaucracies that follow the rule of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00081-00044312-00044719 law and not the whims of political leaders +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00082-00044719-00045119 and he argued that there was an inherent tension then between the political +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00083-00045119-00045591 leaders and the bureaucratic leaders the political leaders want to implement +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00084-00045591-00046263 their ideologically based policies and the bureaucratic leaders want to um +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00085-00046263-00046952 increase their bureaucracies and to uh fulfill the mandate of their +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00086-00046952-00047672 bureaucratic mission uh sorry for the sirens in the back and so when i read +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00087-00047672-00048047 about this inherent tension between the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00088-00048047-00048480 politician and the bureaucrat i immediately thought +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00089-00048480-00049168 of u.s president ronald reagan and his appointee surgeon general siever +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00090-00049168-00049687 coop pictured here C. Everett Koop was a very +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00091-00049687-00050136 distinguished pediatric surgeon +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00092-00050136-00050791 he was a staunch anti-abortion opponent and he was appointed as surgeon general +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00093-00050791-00051391 by ronald reagan in the early 80s the aids pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00094-00051391-00052015 really took off as well in the united states as well as around the world +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00095-00052015-00052367 and this book by randy schiltz who is a journalist +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00096-00052367-00053032 and the band played on chronicled the politics of the uh of the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00097-00053032-00053727 pandemic and one section uh was particularly striking +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00098-00053727-00054327 uh ronald reagan for the first term basically ignored the aids pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00099-00054327-00055055 but because of political pressure um he then in the second term asked C. Everett +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00100-00055055-00055591 Koop to investigate the out the crisis and to his credit +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00101-00055591-00055967 uh dr Koop went around the country interviewing +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00102-00055967-00056512 physicians patients patient advocacy groups +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00103-00056512-00057239 and he took it upon himself to print up 6 million brochures advocating for +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00104-00057239-00057632 needle exchange programs such sex education +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00105-00057632-00058279 in schools as well as condom distribution and he distributed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00106-00058279-00058712 it to the u.s public without white house +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00107-00058712-00059064 approval well as you can imagine that raised +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00108-00059064-00059600 quite a stir by president reagan uh and that very likely +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00109-00059600-00060008 cost dr Koop his job because he was dismissed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00110-00060008-00060695 uh fairly soon thereafter so in this situation then you've got um +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00111-00060695-00061136 the political leader who wants to implement his ideologically based +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00112-00061136-00061567 policies and the uh the expert appointee in this +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00113-00061567-00062007 case dr Koop who while he had to answer to his +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00114-00062007-00062527 boss he actually adhered more to the Hippocratic oath +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00115-00062527-00063216 to do no harm so he he approached the aids epidemic as a public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00116-00063216-00063679 crisis and not a moral crisis and so i was particularly interested +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00117-00063679-00064183 then in examining the uh relationships between the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00118-00064183-00064664 political leader and their expert appointee +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00119-00064664-00065160 so in the research that i did for who's in charge +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00120-00065160-00065504 it appears that there's at least two leaders during +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00121-00065504-00066127 any epidemic or public health crisis uh one is the political leader and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00122-00066127-00066520 the second is the public health leader and the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00123-00066520-00066824 quality of their relationship and the chain of command +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00124-00066824-00067407 determines the outcome and so there are two models then of epidemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00125-00067407-00067839 leadership and both are determined by the political leader in the first +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00126-00067839-00068472 model you have the politician-centric model where the political leader keeps +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00127-00068472-00068976 primary decision-making is the prime spokesperson for the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00128-00068976-00069344 government uh in front of the camera speaking to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00129-00069344-00069760 the public this uh in this model the political +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00130-00069760-00070095 leader will accept expert advice from their +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00131-00070095-00070592 appointee this type of model is very common with +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00132-00070592-00070976 political leaders who are seeking higher office +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00133-00070976-00071312 or for political leaders who need to show dominance +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00134-00071312-00071800 and need to show the public that they are in charge +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00135-00071800-00072200 in the second model which i call the public health leader centric +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00136-00072200-00072872 model the political leader delegates decision making to the appointee +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00137-00072872-00073295 but it's very important that while they delegate decision making +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00138-00073295-00073824 they provide political support for whatever decision that their appointee +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00139-00073824-00074283 makes they also delegate public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00140-00074283-00074672 communication again providing political support is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00141-00074672-00075032 essential this type of leadership is common in +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00142-00075032-00075504 parliamentary systems or for political leaders who are secure +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00143-00075504-00075927 enough themselves recognizing the limits of their +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00144-00075927-00076472 knowledge base they prefer to delegate the responsibility of response to the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00145-00076472-00076863 experts now either one of these models can work +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00146-00076863-00077488 as long as the two parties or the multiple parties understand ideally you +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00147-00077488-00077824 have individuals involved and not teams +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00148-00077824-00078200 because it's much harder to respond to a crisis +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00149-00078200-00078727 in a team format but both models can work it just matters +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00150-00078727-00079536 as to how well they implement it so uh we can't help but discuss +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00151-00079536-00080272 president trump during this pandemic and he is trying to follow +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00152-00080272-00080736 model one he wants to keep the decision making for himself +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00153-00080736-00081320 he unfortunately refuses to listen to expert advice +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00154-00081320-00081880 now he's making every mistake possible and i'm not so sure it's making a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00155-00081880-00082368 mistake because he's doing this deliberately +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00156-00082368-00082712 and quite honestly when i researched the book +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00157-00082712-00083327 i never envisioned having a a president or a top national political +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00158-00083327-00083695 leader who really does not care about the lives +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00159-00083695-00083932 of the constituents +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00160-00083932-00084168 he has continued to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00161-00084168-00084432 provide false reassurances that everything is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00162-00084432-00084919 okay finds scapegoats to blame politicizes +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00163-00084919-00085432 response measures refuses to be a role model by not wearing a face mask +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00164-00085432-00085936 he displays incredible dishonesty during his press conferences and has squandered +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00165-00085936-00086312 public trust he is very opaque in whatever +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00166-00086312-00086727 decision-making he makes he has shown corruption in the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00167-00086727-00087112 acquisition and dispensing of medical equipment +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00168-00087112-00087416 and he considers this pandemic a public relations +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00169-00087416-00087807 problem rather than a public health crisis which it +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00170-00087807-00088351 is let me then move on and talk about well what are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00171-00088351-00088863 examples of success and failure in terms of leadership +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00172-00088863-00089480 and i'm going to profile very briefly two outbreaks both are smallpox +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00173-00089480-00090112 one is the smallpox outbreak of 1947 in new york city and the second is the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00174-00090112-00090616 smallpox outbreak of 1894 in milwaukee wisconsin +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00175-00090616-00091288 now in both cases the smallpox vaccine is and was available +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00176-00091288-00091695 so um one could consider then the smallpox +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00177-00091695-00092376 response in new york city as a model response pictured here is mayor +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00178-00092376-00092944 william o'dwyer he appointed dr israel weinstein as the commissioner of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00179-00092944-00093383 health and he followed model 2. he delegated +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00180-00093383-00094039 decision making and the mayor gave his political support for +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00181-00094039-00094416 dr weinstein's decision to do a mass education +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00182-00094416-00094951 and vaccination campaign they quickly squelched rumors they had +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00183-00094951-00095536 excellent relations with the news media thousands of people volunteered to help +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00184-00095536-00095992 now it's important to recall this was after world war ii when public trust and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00185-00095992-00096432 government was at an all-time high and in less than a month +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00186-00096432-00096944 six million people were vaccinated 12 people got smallpox and two people +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00187-00096944-00097504 died uh but there were of course problems in that this vaccine which is a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00188-00097504-00098139 very dangerous vaccine did cause adverse effects and there were 46 cases of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00189-00098139-00098600 encephalitis which wound up being a lot more than the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00190-00098600-00099095 12 people who got smallpox so there are some people who focus on +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00191-00099095-00099751 the 46 cases of encephalitis but i will now show you what can happen +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00192-00099751-00100127 in a botched response and that's the smallpox +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00193-00100127-00100816 uh outbreak in 1894 in milwaukee and here's a picture of john c cook +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00194-00100816-00101168 or koch i'm not sure how you pronounce his name +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00195-00101168-00101663 uh he was the mayor at the time and he appointed dr walter kempster +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00196-00101663-00102151 as the health commissioner and when the number of smallpox cases in the city +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00197-00102151-00102591 increased dr kempster provided false reassurances +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00198-00102591-00103119 that everything was under control there were scapegoats that were blamed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00199-00103119-00103559 the milwaukee sentinel noted that most cases weren't polish immigrants on the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00200-00103559-00104055 south side of town rumors spread about brutality in the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00201-00104055-00104503 smallpox hospital and poor people were forced to go to the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00202-00104503-00104952 hospital while the wealthy were allowed to stay in their homes +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00203-00104952-00105583 not a surprise that riots began breaking out and lasted for over a month +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00204-00105583-00106255 and a year later almost 900 people got smallpox and 244 people died +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00205-00106255-00106967 so that's an example of a real botched response and that involved +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00206-00106967-00107744 again finding scapegoats different policies for the wealthy versus the poor +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00207-00107744-00108376 rumors spreading rampantly those are all things that one wants to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00208-00108376-00108767 avoid but in any event the key for good +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00209-00108767-00109120 leadership of any public health response is public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00210-00109120-00109640 trust you have to be honest and transparent to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00211-00109640-00110224 to obtain public trust once you lose public trust it's very very hard to get +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00212-00110224-00110632 that back and unfortunately our president trump +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00213-00110632-00111079 squandered that even before he took office and he was +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00214-00111079-00111728 finding scapegoats to blame for for a variety of society stills +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00215-00111728-00112200 so this is the johns hopkins university coronavirus +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00216-00112200-00112576 resource center and it's been serving as the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00217-00112576-00113200 data point of uh the data resource for the united states and i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00218-00113200-00113808 guess for many other countries as well and as of this morning june 30th +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00219-00113808-00114176 there have been over 10 million confirmed cases +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00220-00114176-00114535 likely very very many more the u.s has +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00221-00114535-00115152 two point almost 2.7 million cases the u.s has a quarter of the world's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00222-00115152-00115583 cases and deaths uh and brazil +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00223-00115583-00115944 comes up second +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00224-00115983-00116608 so the daily confirmed new cases um this is again the united states we were +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00225-00116608-00117167 able we were on the way of trying to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00226-00117176-00117591 lower the curve if you will despite having a dysfunctional federal +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00227-00117591-00118103 government brazil rapidly caught up +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00228-00118103-00118464 but appears to now be making some headway and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00229-00118464-00118983 reducing the number of cases this is india on its way up and many of the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00230-00118983-00119511 other countries have managed to diminish or +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00231-00119511-00120103 contain spread in terms of the number of deaths per 100 +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00232-00120103-00120496 000 population as of june 25th +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00233-00120496-00120976 belgium is way up here but actually the country with the highest death rate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00234-00120976-00121552 is san marino uh i'm not profiling san marino to any great extent +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00235-00121552-00122079 uh but it's a really interesting case study and i hope that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00236-00122079-00122728 maybe we can discuss it a bit in the q&a but right now belgium has the second +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00237-00122728-00123015 highest death rate followed by the united +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00238-00123015-00123448 kingdom italy sweden the us and germany +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00239-00123448-00123888 as of this morning the numbers have changed a little bit i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00240-00123888-00124488 apologize i didn't get a chance to update it but you see a number of other +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00241-00124488-00124991 countries where they're not even you know uh they're basically at +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00242-00124991-00125328 zero and we'll be talking very briefly +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00243-00125328-00125872 about them so i was asked to uh +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00244-00125872-00126248 comment on the leader responses in a number of countries +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00245-00126248-00126608 china belgium us uk italy sweden and germany +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00246-00126608-00127008 and so i'm going to just quickly go through them +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00247-00127008-00127672 because we're limited with time china's president +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00248-00127696-00128024 china was in the unfortunate situation of being the first +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00249-00128024-00128424 country uh to be affected by this and there's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00250-00128424-00129055 many many issues involved with china's culture and wet markets and all of that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00251-00129055-00129615 that's another whole talk but in terms of his leadership +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00252-00129615-00130032 he was accused of being invisible for the beginning of the outbreak the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00253-00130032-00130632 initial response was sluggish eventually as they realized the severity +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00254-00130632-00130983 of the crisis they began to implement draconian +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00255-00130983-00131455 social distancing measures from what i can tell he appears to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00256-00131455-00131984 follow model 2 he's delegated decision making to his +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00257-00131984-00132479 political underlings premier li keqiang +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00258-00132496-00132903 i'm not sure if that's pronounced properly he was appointed to lead a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00259-00132903-00133391 high-level response group and vice premier sung chunlan was +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00260-00133391-00133936 appointed to lead the local response in wuhan. the national health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00261-00133936-00134440 commission minister ma xiaowei was essentially invisible +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00262-00134440-00134832 and hard to tell what role if any he played +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00263-00134832-00135255 but most importantly uh the president xi jinping +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00264-00135255-00135872 delegated public communication to dr zhong nashan who was an extremely +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00265-00135872-00136344 distinguished and well respected physician and scientist +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00266-00136344-00136920 in china and he was appointed the national spokesperson +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00267-00136920-00137224 now belgium is a really interesting case because +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00268-00137224-00137752 they have a very high death rate and part of that might be because the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00269-00137752-00138176 country's over reporting the deaths by combining both suspected +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00270-00138176-00138567 and confirmed cases but nevertheless the leadership +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00271-00138567-00138896 issues are interesting this is prime minister +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00272-00138896-00139503 sophie wilmes and she was the budget minister just several months +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00273-00139503-00140072 before the pandemic hit and she was put in charge of government +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00274-00140072-00140848 as a placeholder prime minister just several months before covet 19 appeared +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00275-00140855-00141552 she was slow to respond initially to the uh to the outbreak and she was blamed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00276-00141552-00141944 for a number of things health care workers turned their backs to her during +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00277-00141944-00142408 an official visit uh but as the crisis has worsened the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00278-00142408-00142648 political parties have agreed to give her +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00279-00142648-00143136 special powers for six months to covet 19. +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00280-00143136-00143552 now the minister of health of belgium is dr maggie de block +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00281-00143552-00144144 she's extremely popular in belgium in 2018 it's reported that she destroyed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00282-00144144-00144736 a supply of outdated face masks and did not replace them so she's been blamed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00283-00144736-00145040 for the face mask and other personal +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00284-00145040-00145536 protective equipment shortages and she has stated that face +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00285-00145536-00145920 masks give the public a false sense of security +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00286-00145920-00146344 i can't tell just from the brief readings that i did +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00287-00146344-00147096 whether sophie wilmas is following model 1 or model 2 if any of you +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00288-00147096-00147527 have any insight i would certainly be interested to hear +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00289-00147527-00147920 what the relationship is between the prime minister +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00290-00147920-00148255 and the minister of health again they were +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00291-00148255-00148703 she was not in office as prime minister very long +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00292-00148703-00149072 for them to really develop a relationship maybe dr +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00293-00149072-00149432 de block wanted to be the prime minister i don't know +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00294-00149432-00149920 so there might be some resentment that she wasn't made prime minister +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00295-00149920-00150384 instead of sophie wilmes that's just pure speculation on my part +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00296-00150384-00150896 and it would be very interesting to learn more about their relationship +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00297-00150896-00151255 now in the u.s as i've mentioned donald trump +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00298-00151255-00151984 is a failure at model one he doesn't want to delegate any +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00299-00151984-00152536 decision-making public communication he was threatened by dr fauci +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00300-00152536-00152960 who's not even in the chain of command +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00301-00152960-00153352 alex azar is the health and human +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00302-00153352-00154040 services secretary and dr redfield is the cdc director and is technically +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00303-00154040-00154496 the one most responsible for the national public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00304-00154496-00155040 response now each state is responsible but at the federal level +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00305-00155040-00155727 it would be dr redfield the u.s has a very complicated +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00306-00155727-00156191 public health infrastructure set up by the constitution +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00307-00156191-00156840 i don't have time to go into it but it's just i can honestly say that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00308-00156840-00157391 it's just been basically a mess a complete unmitigated mess in this +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00309-00157391-00157903 country and the case numbers and death rates +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00310-00157903-00158400 prove that now in the united kingdom boris johnson +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00311-00158400-00158952 responded initially not unlike donald trump he was slow to respond +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00312-00158952-00159464 he was reluctant to impose any kind of lockdown he underestimated the virus's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00313-00159464-00160024 severity and initially dr graham medley who is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00314-00160024-00160279 a mathematical modeler at the london +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00315-00160279-00160688 school of hygiene and tropical medicine and advises for the government +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00316-00160688-00161296 suggested that the virus run through the population and shoot for herd immunity +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00317-00161296-00161991 in response dr neil ferguson who's at imperial college london did his own +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00318-00161991-00162367 mathematical modeling and suggested that if they +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00319-00162367-00162767 did shoot for herd immunity then they could be facing 500 +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00320-00162767-00163424 000 deaths meanwhile uh as prime minister +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00321-00163424-00163888 johnson was joking about shaking people's hands +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00322-00163888-00164408 he himself wound up being infected and had to be hospitalized in +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00323-00164408-00164912 the intensive care unit so he was personally affected +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00324-00164912-00165360 what his relationship is with his secretary of state for health and social +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00325-00165360-00165832 care math hancock i do not know i couldn't i did not +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00326-00165832-00166184 see in the brief time that i had to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00327-00166184-00166591 investigate the relationship i didn't see anything specific +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00328-00166591-00167232 about it interesting that dr jenny harris who's the deputy chief +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00329-00167232-00167679 medical officer stated that large-scale testing and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00330-00167679-00167984 tracing were not suitable for the united kingdom as +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00331-00167984-00168567 opposed to asian countries and that was quite surprising that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00332-00168567-00169067 the deputy chief medical officer would say something like that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00333-00169067-00169720 covid19 has disproportionately affected poor minority immigrant populations +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00334-00169720-00170352 in the uk similar to the us where uh poor minority populations are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00335-00170352-00170815 being disproportionately affected so their +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00336-00170815-00171520 lockdown began rather late in march and health secretary hancock set the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00337-00171520-00171952 goal to conduct 100 000 coronavirus tests per day by the end of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00338-00171952-00172327 april and to meet that goal he mailed out 50 +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00339-00172327-00172720 000 tests to the sith on april 30th +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00340-00172720-00173648 so it's been a rather dysfunctional uh response +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00341-00173648-00174048 and that might explain also why the uk has such a high +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00342-00174048-00174464 death rate and case rate not as high of course as the us +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00343-00174464-00174832 but still they're enduring their problems +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00344-00174832-00175312 and as well i could not tell what the relationship +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00345-00175312-00175760 is with nadine dory's the minister of how she's been basically invisible +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00346-00175760-00176312 so i could estimate that this was a model one type +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00347-00176312-00176839 leadership that boris johnson practiced but i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00348-00176839-00177327 couldn't say for sure now. italy was a very interesting +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00349-00177327-00177608 case +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00350-00177639-00178248 giuseppe conte leads an alliance between the democratic party and the populist +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00351-00178248-00178664 five-star movement and italy had the misfortune of being +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00352-00178664-00179032 one of the earliest countries western countries hit by the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00353-00179032-00179424 virus and severely underestimated the threat +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00354-00179424-00180015 dr roberto burioni a virologist and media personality who's not +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00355-00180015-00180448 in the chain of command not even part of the government +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00356-00180448-00180936 what i can tell recommended implementing draconian measures such as putting all +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00357-00180936-00181376 passengers from china into quarantine to contain the viral spread +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00358-00181376-00181839 and he was accused of being a fascist and a supporter of the far-right league +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00359-00181839-00182232 italy eventually banned flights from china but allowed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00360-00182232-00182888 connecting flights to continue um as this virus spread throughout italy uh +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00361-00182888-00183344 Conti made the mistake then of blaming others +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00362-00183344-00183679 including this one unfortunate hospital +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00363-00183679-00184079 error as responsible for worsening the outbreak +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00364-00184079-00184552 he shifted responsibility to the governors of a variety of different +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00365-00184552-00185144 regions he used mixed messages when communicating to the public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00366-00185144-00185808 made up improvisations and suffered from press leaks uh and he's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00367-00185808-00186288 been accused of following the virus rather than preventing its spread by +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00368-00186288-00186839 using proactive responses i do not know what +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00369-00186839-00187255 the relationship is between the prime minister and the health minister so i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00370-00187255-00187696 can't comment on whether this is model one or two so +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00371-00187696-00188191 if there are any italians listening in i would be very interested +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00372-00188191-00188767 to get your take on this now sweden is a very interesting case uh +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00373-00188767-00189376 prime minister stefan lofven clearly followed model two where he +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00374-00189376-00189991 um delegated much of the leadership uh decision-making uh public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00375-00189991-00190288 communication to the state epidemiologist +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00376-00190288-00190936 dr nils anders tegnel dr tegnel advocated keeping the swedish +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00377-00190936-00191439 society open discouraged the use of face masks +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00378-00191439-00191848 and so the swedish government issued recommendations +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00379-00191848-00192272 rather than a mandatory lockdown and most of the swedes did observe it +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00380-00192272-00192720 they did close entertainment cultural and sports venues +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00381-00192720-00193112 high schools and universities switched to distance learning +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00382-00193112-00193632 the swedes largely worked from home avoided travel and socially distanced +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00383-00193632-00194000 and importantly those preschools and elementary schools stayed +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00384-00194000-00194560 open however sweden has a very large elderly population +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00385-00194560-00195072 and they have a colder climate and this elderly population was not well +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00386-00195072-00195415 protected and so because of a lack of preparation +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00387-00195415-00195984 of personnel lack of ppe um they didn't ban visits to the nursing +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00388-00195984-00196312 homes they had extremely high mortality rates +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00389-00196312-00196615 in their assisted living and nursing homes +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00390-00196615-00196951 and there's now been a fair amount of public outrage +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00391-00196951-00197344 over that and lofven has announced that he will launch an +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00392-00197344-00198248 inquiry into the response uh to uh assuage public public anger +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00393-00198336-00199055 angela merkel has been a very effective leader +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00394-00199055-00199744 she does they do have more cases than than other countries but not as many as +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00395-00199744-00200208 the ones that we have previously discussed angela +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00396-00200208-00200615 merkel has a doctorate in quantum chemistry and she's worked as a research +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00397-00200615-00201024 scientist so she understands science very well +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00398-00201024-00201503 she approaches scientific uncertainty with humility +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00399-00201503-00202032 and it suggests that based on her performance i would argue that she's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00400-00202032-00202536 followed model one she does consult experts for advice +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00401-00202536-00202927 i get the sense that she is the primary spokesperson +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00402-00202927-00203408 but if there are germans listening in please correct me if i'm wrong +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00403-00203408-00203832 germany is blessed with having a well-respected system of scientific and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00404-00203832-00204288 medical expertise and all germans have full access to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00405-00204288-00204791 health care with a network of general practitioners she convened a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00406-00204791-00205239 national coronavirus workforce she's honest she communicates +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00407-00205239-00205767 effectively and she's generated a considerable public trust +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00408-00205767-00206456 she locked the country down still fairly late after germany's first kobit 19 +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00409-00206456-00207167 case which might explain why they have the higher death rates +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00410-00207167-00207623 in terms of very effective political leadership responses +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00411-00207623-00208080 you've got new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00412-00208080-00208383 and she's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00413-00208439-00209176 followed largely model one i think she did uh delegate some +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00414-00209176-00209552 public communication to the health minister at least until +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00415-00209552-00209904 he breached lockdown by taking his family to the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00416-00209904-00210207 to the beach so he has since been demoted +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00417-00210207-00210648 but she's been very effective at generating public trust and getting +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00418-00210648-00211296 the rates down in her country tsai ing-wen, president of taiwan again +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00419-00211296-00211840 extremely effective taiwan has learned from stars they implemented early +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00420-00211840-00212248 restrictions quarantine measures and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00421-00212248-00212752 just really have an example of a response i've spoken about angela merkel +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00422-00212752-00213200 south korean prime minister chung sye-kyun +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00423-00213200-00213983 he also responded relatively quickly noted for having widespread testing +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00424-00213983-00214640 contact tracing and has had considerable public trust he has had +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00425-00214640-00215071 experience with murs that that hit a number of years ago +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00426-00215071-00215480 and so they've been tested the most interesting +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00427-00215480-00216032 and exemplary response is by the president of mongolia whose name i'm +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00428-00216032-00216367 not even going to attempt to pronounce +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00429-00216367-00217040 he's been arguably and this is a very interesting article if you want to read +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00430-00217040-00217367 it by medium they claim he's given the perfect +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00431-00217367-00217896 response and he responded even before a single +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00432-00217896-00218176 case appeared in mongolia now they share a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00433-00218176-00218800 border with china and he responded immediately announcing +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00434-00218800-00219559 closures in january before the virus spread told mongolians to wear +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00435-00219559-00220023 mess and wash their hands they shut down in january again before +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00436-00220023-00220519 any cases reach their border quarantined returning mongolia +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00437-00220519-00220767 mongolians and the president himself went into +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00438-00220767-00221207 quarantine and they've had no local transmission +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00439-00221207-00221623 so some of the lessons from italy this is a quote +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00440-00221623-00222000 from these individuals the most effective time to take strong action is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00441-00222000-00222367 extremely early when the threat appears to be small or +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00442-00222367-00222807 even before there are any cases if the intervention actually works it +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00443-00222807-00223135 will appear in retrospect as if the strong actions were an +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00444-00223135-00223711 overreaction but this is a game that politicians don't want to play +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00445-00223711-00224135 this was a tweet by my colleague dr ali nuri +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00446-00224135-00224504 on he says that the nation's covid-19 mortality rate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00447-00224504-00224952 the the most important factor was the speed by which +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00448-00224952-00225480 social distancing was implemented early decisive action made the difference +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00449-00225480-00225919 and he noted that three of the five earliest nations were led by women +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00450-00225919-00226400 and five of the five slowest including the us are led by men +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00451-00226400-00226807 i don't know if being female is a requirement for being an effective +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00452-00226807-00227111 leader but it's certainly interesting that a number +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00453-00227111-00227496 of the affected responses were led by women but +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00454-00227496-00227864 of course mongolia which had a very effective response was +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00455-00227864-00228144 led by a man so i don't think we can make blanket +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00456-00228144-00228767 statements like that it is clear that uh this virus +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00457-00228767-00229104 spreads by air and that wearing face mask makes +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00458-00229104-00229471 a huge difference in terms of getting the transmission +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00459-00229471-00230048 down this article if 80 of americans wore masks uh the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00460-00230048-00230288 infections would plummet according to one +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00461-00230288-00230696 study but unfortunately donald trump has +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00462-00230696-00231144 made the wearing of face mask a political statement +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00463-00231144-00231759 the slovakian prime minister was very effective in responding and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00464-00231759-00232288 they provide public examples of wearing mask +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00465-00232288-00232935 and trump refuses to wear a mask and hints that wearing a mask +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00466-00232935-00233616 is a sign of weakness it threatens white masculinity and the question is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00467-00233616-00233928 is this fearless macho versus pure reckless +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00468-00233928-00234359 behavior unfortunately we're living in an +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00469-00234359-00234767 age of anti-science in an era of pandemics +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00470-00234767-00235223 and so not only do we have to deal with people refusing to wear mask +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00471-00235223-00235704 we have a number of people who are refusing vaccinations +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00472-00235704-00236167 which so if we do have an effective vaccine the question is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00473-00236167-00236535 will people accept it you can come up with great +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00474-00236535-00236888 response strategies but if you don't have public trust +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00475-00236888-00237335 it's going to be very hard to implement it and this isn't necessarily a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00476-00237335-00237807 conservative versus liberal problem because you've got +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00477-00237807-00238248 people with extreme opinions on both sides +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00478-00238248-00238719 the power of stories and social pressure is extremely important as we've +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00479-00238719-00239232 seen during this pandemic people are hardwired for stories and not statistics +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00480-00239232-00239616 and even if you start reciting data facts and evidence +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00481-00239616-00239967 might not dissuade those with firmly held beliefs +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00482-00239967-00240567 so if the if you've got a political leader who's a scientist like angela +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00483-00240567-00240983 merkel or if you've got a public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00484-00240983-00241328 bureaucratic leader who's a scientist what can +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00485-00241328-00241719 scientists do to generate public trust well you +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00486-00241719-00242111 might want to collaborate with humanists and artists to create the kinds of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00487-00242111-00242496 narratives that counter the fear-mongering generated by these +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00488-00242496-00242959 anti-science forces scientists should meet with policy +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00489-00242959-00243464 makers show up in large groups showing up in large groups march for +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00490-00243464-00243952 science for example is it was important get engaged speak up +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00491-00243952-00244304 write opinions communicate with the public and get +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00492-00244304-00244671 out of the ivory tower to show that science +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00493-00244671-00245223 is important we live in a science a highly technologically based society +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00494-00245223-00245640 and to respond to these crises we're going to have to base them on +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00495-00245640-00246071 science not on +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00496-00246071-00246792 conspiracy theories or other kinds of made-up stories so in terms of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00497-00246792-00247216 leadership lessons you want to have competent political and public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00498-00247216-00247704 leaders to save lives that's essential you need to have honesty transparency +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00499-00247704-00248296 and integrity to build public trust the politicians might delegate decision +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00500-00248296-00248816 making to their public health appointees or accept expert advice from their +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00501-00248816-00249231 appointee again either one can work +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00502-00249231-00249696 public health professionals must understand the politics of public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00503-00249696-00250031 in order to work effectively during the crisis +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00504-00250031-00250456 it's easy to be disillusioned by the politics of public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00505-00250456-00250864 and i think we owe it to our new graduates +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00506-00250864-00251271 or to the students of public health to understand that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00507-00251271-00251744 decisions aren't always made based on the best science and data but often on +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00508-00251744-00252207 politics leaders who blame scapegoats for poor public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00509-00252207-00252583 performance as a leader cause preventable deaths and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00510-00252583-00253111 there's no better illustration of that than u.s president donald trump +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00511-00253111-00253616 we need to have widespread testing contact tracing quarantine and isolation +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00512-00253616-00254088 which again we are not doing in a coordinated fashion +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00513-00254088-00254696 in this country in any way and i want to urge scientists to speak up for science +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00514-00254696-00255056 uh develop narratives that the public can understand engage with +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00515-00255056-00255488 policymakers and get out of the ivory tower +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00516-00255488-00255952 so with that i'd like to acknowledge my colleagues in the one health initiative +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00517-00255952-00256304 doctors bruce kaplan tom monath lisa conti +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00518-00256304-00256919 tom yuill doctors helena chapman craig carter and becky barrentine together +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00519-00256919-00257383 we form the pro bono team of the one health initiative +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00520-00257383-00257711 and i'd like to thank you all for your time and attention and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00521-00257711-00259359 am eager to accept any questions thank you +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00522-00259359-00259704 thank you very much laura +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00523-00259711-00260056 now we can proceed with the questions and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00524-00260056-00260711 answers session and hereby i invite +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00525-00260711-00261111 all of the attendees to use this pigeonhole +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00526-00261111-00261728 platform and post their questions until we wait for another question +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00527-00261728-00262448 here is one of mine but you have already partially answered to it +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00528-00262544-00263231 can you see it yeah can you hear me yeah okay how can the public effectively +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00529-00263231-00263664 influence politicians to keep better science well +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00530-00263664-00264344 it's interesting i think the public has to contact their elected +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00531-00264344-00264888 officials to let them know how they feel and what they expect of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00532-00264888-00265311 them you know politics in a democracy is not +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00533-00265311-00265728 a spectator sport and i think too often people have just +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00534-00265728-00266168 been sitting back and just letting events happen and if +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00535-00266168-00266607 anything in this era we need to recognize is that we need to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00536-00266607-00267096 be proactive we need to be engaged and we need to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00537-00267096-00267776 demand the best of our elected officials again who's in charge matters and as +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00538-00267776-00268231 we're seeing with this pandemic it can make the difference between life +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00539-00268231-00268872 and death depending on if the elected official the politician +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00540-00268872-00269200 takes this threat seriously responds quickly and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00541-00269200-00269904 implements well thought out policies uh with expert advice or with +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00542-00269904-00270240 expert decision-making and political support +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00543-00270240-00271983 those are all extremely important in terms of you know saving lives +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00545-00273792-00274176 thank you we have another question +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00546-00274392-00274800 yeah that's a that's a tough question what is the way +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00547-00274800-00275288 to addressing adverse policy decisions to dismantle disease prevention and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00548-00275288-00275511 control as well as underfunding of research +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00549-00275511-00276120 projects uh again you know who's in charge matters we need +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00550-00276120-00276535 to make sure that there's no voter suppression +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00551-00276535-00277168 you know here in the u.s we've got an administration that's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00552-00277168-00277783 anti-science and that's defunding agencies and the only way we can address +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00553-00277783-00278280 that is to vote them out of office and to put in place people who actually +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00554-00278280-00278807 believe in science and who support disease prevention and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00555-00278807-00279359 control activities um you know public anger +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00556-00279359-00279831 i have to say the level of public anger in response to the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00557-00279831-00280224 killing of unarmed black men in this country +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00558-00280224-00280848 has been uh really societal changing you have to reach a level of public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00559-00280848-00281280 anger before the action eventually happens +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00560-00281280-00281735 and i think we've reached a tipping point because we're seeing +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00561-00281735-00282231 a number of extraordinary decisions being made not the least of which +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00562-00282231-00282792 just as an example is uh removing the name woodrow wilson from the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00563-00282792-00283104 from the school of public and international affairs they've they've +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00564-00283104-00283520 removed his name from that and they're removing his name from wilson college +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00565-00283520-00284135 a number of institutions are removing the names or toppling down +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00566-00284135-00284864 statues that have you know that provide negative or +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00567-00284864-00285335 hateful symbolism +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00568-00285335-00285928 and we are seeing that happening now in this country and i i hope that does +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00569-00285928-00286335 lead to long-standing societal change because i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00570-00286335-00286752 i think that is related to the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00571-00286752-00287083 hateful policies that are being implemented by this current +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00572-00287083-00287383 administration +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00573-00287759-00288783 okay thank you we have another question or comment +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00574-00289111-00289759 yeah yeah no i mean the the countries that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00575-00289759-00290368 have a high death rate you know when you investigate the leadership +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00576-00290368-00291000 it's been very interesting to see where the problems are and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00577-00291000-00291776 i would just like to if i can share my screen one more time +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00578-00291776-00292168 yes if i can because i think it's worth just +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00579-00292168-00292848 briefly mentioning san marino oh let's see did my did my oh okay +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00580-00292848-00293288 here we go so why does san marino have the highest +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00581-00293288-00293711 death rate in the world well when i investigated +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00582-00293711-00294335 the politics of it it's the world's oldest constitutional republic and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00583-00294335-00294720 they've got two heads of state and these heads of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00584-00294720-00295168 state are from opposing parties they're called the captain's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00585-00295168-00295624 regent they're selected by the legislative body the grand and general +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00586-00295624-00296248 counsel and they change every six months so i couldn't find who the current +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00587-00296248-00296688 captain's regent of san marino are and all i could find is this +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00588-00296688-00297183 wikipedia picture of these former captains region but +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00589-00297183-00297504 they you have two leaders from opposing parties +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00590-00297504-00298024 rotating every six months and this tradition has lasted for over +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00591-00298024-00298640 700 years so san marino is noted for having peace +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00592-00298640-00299080 and tranquility but i would argue that having two +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00593-00299080-00299368 leaders from opposing parties might not be +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00594-00299368-00299752 the best strategy during a deadly pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00595-00299752-00300144 because the question then must arise well who's in charge +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00596-00300144-00300472 you know it's hard to have two leaders +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00597-00300472-00300935 and i you know i didn't have time to look at who their public health leader +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00598-00300935-00301320 is but again i think the very high death rate speaks +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00599-00301320-00301768 for itself that this is not necessarily a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00600-00301768-00302392 good leadership chain of command strategy during a pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00601-00302392-00302768 so i don't mean to offend any san marino san +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00602-00302768-00303440 marinia san marino residents they are in the unfortunate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00603-00303440-00303720 situation they were in the middle of northern italy +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00604-00303720-00304264 that was really you know hit hard by the virus and they've had their own problems +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00605-00304264-00304568 with lack of equipment and everything else so +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00606-00304568-00304959 they were surrounded by a country that was hit early and hit hard +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00607-00304959-00305280 but they had their own leadership challenges +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00608-00305280-00305824 as well so um so you know when you have questions you know what +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00609-00305824-00306192 you know when you want to investigate why do these countries have such high +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00610-00306192-00306688 death rates interesting things like this appear +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00611-00306688-00307048 so i just wanted to share that with you because i was just so +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00612-00307048-00308207 stunned by how unusual their uh their leadership uh system is +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00613-00308207-00308535 we have another question +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00614-00308935-00309288 let's see part one i've seen a connection between officials needing to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00615-00309288-00309800 recognize the systemic complexities of one health and the national defense +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00616-00309800-00310111 act of 1947 that created the department of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00617-00310111-00310576 defense are there any lessons we can +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00618-00310576-00310888 what's part two +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00619-00310928-00311672 i can't... just a moment here it is take from past massive governmental +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00620-00311672-00312040 restructurings to form how we should approach recognizing health and disease +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00621-00312040-00312368 mitigation as we did for combined operations in the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00622-00312368-00312704 military well thank you for that question because i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00623-00312704-00313168 just finished writing a a piece for the bulletin +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00624-00313168-00313520 of the atomic scientist advocating for just +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00625-00313520-00314216 that massive government restructuring that we need to improve uh +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00626-00314216-00314848 disease surveillance and mitigation and i don't want to go into it i'm very +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00627-00314848-00315407 happy to discuss it with you after this presentation and the article +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00628-00315407-00315872 is to get published today so i'm happy to share it i will be +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00629-00315872-00316440 posting it on social media and that will answer your question +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00630-00316440-00316776 in great detail so thank you for that question i +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00631-00316776-00317376 i am in full agreement we need government restructuring +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00632-00317607-00317959 okay we have another one okay given that there are far +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00633-00317959-00318288 fewer female national leaders i think it is even more striking +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00634-00318288-00318696 that many of the effective responses were led by women +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00635-00318696-00319520 what do women do differently as leaders that's a great question um +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00636-00319520-00319944 and i don't want to make blanket statements i think in general women are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00637-00319944-00320335 better listeners and in order to be an effective leader +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00638-00320335-00320935 you have to listen well there might be less hubris among +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00639-00320935-00321392 women ego might be less of an +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00640-00321392-00322135 issue with women and you know women are generally raised culturally to care +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00641-00322135-00322600 about you know people's health and well-being +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00642-00322600-00322928 i'm not saying that men can't do that as the president of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00643-00322928-00323288 mongolia certainly showed us as well as the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00644-00323288-00324000 head of south korea but i think women do approach leading differently +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00645-00324000-00324392 it would have been very interesting to see what hillary clinton +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00646-00324392-00324768 would how she would have responded to this pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00647-00324768-00325272 certainly not as catastrophically and destructively as donald trump i think a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00648-00325272-00325744 lot more people would be alive today if hillary clinton had been president +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00649-00325744-00326440 although with republican opposition trying to undo much of what she would +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00650-00326440-00326848 try to implement um you know that that might have +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00651-00326848-00327511 thwarted some of her policies so you have to have public trust and with +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00652-00327511-00328159 honesty and transparency i think perhaps women can convey uh +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00653-00328159-00328496 more honesty they're more willing to admit that they don't know something +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00654-00328496-00328992 perhaps to just be more trustworthy than +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00655-00328992-00329455 some of the men that we're seeing whether it's trump or bolsonaro +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00656-00329455-00330064 who have enormous egos and are uh you know refusing to listen +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00657-00330064-00330552 to experts from julie leading wg +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00658-00330552-00330935 on one health gender and biodiversity have you looked at +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00659-00330935-00331376 gender aspects of leadership well that was kind of similar to the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00660-00331376-00331840 previous uh question i have not looked specifically at gender +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00661-00331840-00332152 aspects of leadership success and failure although +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00662-00332152-00332752 clearly this pandemic has certainly highlighted uh the importance of that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00663-00332752-00333079 issue our information sharing and application +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00664-00333079-00333455 of lessons learned from happening among heads of state across +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00665-00333455-00333744 different countries +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00666-00333864-00334224 i think right now since we're in the midst +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00667-00334224-00334720 of this pandemic i think we will start to see information +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00668-00334720-00335096 sharing and lessons learned and i certainly anticipate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00669-00335096-00335535 more i mean i think the world is going to be examining +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00670-00335535-00336192 lessons learned for decades to come this is going to be again a world +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00671-00336192-00336720 defining event and we're going to be examining +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00672-00336720-00337088 it for many many years to come +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00673-00337088-00337783 so i think we're just at the beginning of that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00674-00338240-00338655 what are potential communication leadership strategies to tackle the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00675-00338655-00339016 prevention paradox i'm not sure i understand what +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00676-00339016-00339640 you mean by the prevention paradox i need to have that clarified +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00677-00339640-00340152 well i don't don't know because i didn't post this question but i would +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00678-00340152-00340576 say the the discrepancy between +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00679-00340576-00341288 prevention and disease control in immediate pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00680-00341288-00341783 situations so prevention is better than cure but why politicians +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00681-00341783-00342544 avoid disaster risk reduction preparedness and only +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00682-00342544-00343255 and almost exclusively focus on reaction right yes now +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00683-00343255-00343720 that is a great point it's very hard to prevent something and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00684-00343720-00344159 you know the success of public health means the absence of disease +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00685-00344159-00344544 and if there's no disease then the political leaders +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00686-00344544-00345007 will respond well then why do we need to care about this +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00687-00345007-00345376 but the diseases are out there it's not like they just disappear +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00688-00345376-00345735 they're just waiting for an opportunity to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00689-00345735-00346359 cause disease and so that's the perennial problem with public health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00690-00346359-00346911 is the need to continually support it in order to prevent these types of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00691-00346911-00347479 things from happening to be proactive rather than reactive +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00692-00347479-00347807 and that's and that's really hard i mean you know +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00693-00347807-00348383 we've managed to reduce childhood mortality rates i mean in 18 in the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00694-00348383-00348831 1800s it was you know the childhood mortality rate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00695-00348831-00349352 for kids under five was over 50 around the world and now it's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00696-00349352-00349911 you know minute you know it does of course vary from country to country +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00697-00349911-00350392 but i think because we've been so successful we've become very complacent +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00698-00350392-00351040 and we take it all for granted and so when the polio vaccine +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00699-00351040-00351688 became available in the late 50s people were lined up for miles to get +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00700-00351688-00352024 their kids vaccinated and now you've got people +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00701-00352024-00352552 refusing to get their kids vaccinated uh vaccines are the victims of their own +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00702-00352552-00352992 success and i hate to see us have to go back to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00703-00352992-00353392 an era of widespread preventable illnesses +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00704-00353392-00353800 for people to suddenly remember how bad they are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00705-00353800-00354328 so that's that's a real struggle because you know you've got conspiracy +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00706-00354328-00354768 theories you know being brought out all the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00707-00354768-00355200 time countering our best efforts +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00708-00355200-00355592 such as prevention and that's very importantly +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00709-00355592-00356007 vaccination in every country difficult choices have +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00710-00356007-00356392 to be made between public health and economic imperatives +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00711-00356392-00356720 this has to be negotiated between all stakeholders +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00712-00356720-00357264 and then how do you how to govern maximum stakeholder participation +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00713-00357264-00357711 great well uh you know that's what representative democracy is supposed to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00714-00357711-00358088 be about you know you vote for people that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00715-00358088-00358448 most reflect your values and interests um +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00716-00358448-00359192 and ideally that that works you know you want to have a leaders +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00717-00359192-00359568 you want to have a democracy that's governed by +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00718-00359568-00360255 the majority and not the minority that's influenced by special interests +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00719-00360255-00360720 and again you know you have to be engaged involved +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00720-00360720-00361111 and not just sit back and let events happen +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00721-00361111-00361607 that's how you try to govern with maximum stakeholder participation you +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00722-00361607-00361904 have to have the public participate and i don't know about +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00723-00361904-00362216 countries in europe but certainly in the us +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00724-00362216-00362544 the teaching of civics or the teaching of how government +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00725-00362544-00362904 works has really plummeted in many parts of +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00726-00362904-00363264 the country and so if you're not taught +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00727-00363264-00363688 how government is supposed to work then you know you're not going to know +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00728-00363688-00364311 what you are supposed to do as a citizen to try to improve your life and the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00729-00364311-00364744 lives of the people you care about so again it +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00730-00364744-00365224 goes back to education and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00731-00365224-00366088 public engagement all right we have another question +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00732-00366144-00366455 are information sharing and applications learn happening +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00733-00366455-00366883 oh i think we already answered that question +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00734-00366883-00367416 okay going further +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00735-00367679-00367968 have you analyzed if there's a difference between ex-socialist +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00736-00367968-00368407 countries and capitalist countries and dealing with cobit 19 no i have not and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00737-00368407-00368872 that would be a very interesting analysis +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00738-00368872-00369383 to look at that and and i would argue that you'd have to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00739-00369383-00369800 look at it in either europe because there +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00740-00369800-00370352 appears to be enough difference in european societies versus asian +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00741-00370352-00370720 societies in terms of dealing with the covid-19 +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00742-00370720-00371104 pandemic a lot of the asian societies +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00743-00371104-00371520 particularly for example japan where they wear +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00744-00371520-00372248 face masks routinely even before this pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00745-00372248-00373079 so if your population is already um you know wearing or using +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00746-00373079-00373511 preventive measures you're gonna be more effective than if you've got a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00747-00373511-00373816 society or culture that does not do that +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00748-00373816-00374288 routinely i think perhaps that after this pandemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00749-00374288-00374648 we're going to be seeing a lot more people wearing face masks all the time +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00750-00374648-00375079 but in terms of looking at changes in ex-socialist countries no i have not +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00751-00375079-00375552 looked at that what are your recommendations regarding +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00752-00375552-00376031 advocacy for equal access to drugs vaccines and medical +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00753-00376031-00376728 pardon well obviously you want to have equal access equitable +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00754-00376728-00377296 access to drugs medical facilities you know that's again a societal +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00755-00377296-00377696 issue and as we're seeing in the united states +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00756-00377696-00378364 widespread racism in in this country has +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00757-00378364-00378840 disproportionately affected blacks, latinos +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00758-00378840-00379240 other people of color in bearing the brunt +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00759-00379240-00379888 of this virus and and so you know it's it's unconscionable and we +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00760-00379888-00380479 really have to address the root cause of our societal problems in order to be +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00761-00380479-00380920 able to provide evil access to life-saving drugs +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00762-00380920-00381600 and to high quality medical facilities +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00763-00381903-00382359 all right we had an excellent questions in nasa's +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00764-00382359-00383183 session now i would like to invite each of the attendees to to go +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00765-00383183-00383807 to this other session and fill this short five +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00766-00383807-00384240 question poll we are really interested in your +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00767-00384240-00385207 replies i see that we already have some yeah +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00768-00385207-00385631 there are a lot of things that we couldn't tackle in +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00769-00385631-00386111 such a short time but we are very much +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00770-00386111-00386479 thankful to dr Laura Kahn for for giving +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00771-00386479-00387183 an excellent presentation and giving really exhaustive answers to the to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00772-00387183-00387703 the questions so i also thank each of the +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00773-00387703-00388368 persons that posted the questions they were really to the point +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00774-00388368-00388983 and excellent and hopefully we will have another occasion to discuss +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00775-00388983-00389800 one one things, Laura, that striked me as you said every epidemic +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00776-00389800-00390296 is a political question right +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00777-00390448-00390920 but we especially in science in research we are +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00778-00390920-00391679 not not really educated in politics also not enough we are not good +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00779-00391679-00392144 communicators maybe some of us are good communicators +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00780-00392144-00392888 in our niche scientific niche but communication +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00781-00392888-00393255 with the public is quite a different +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00782-00393255-00393879 thing and i think that one of the points that could influence the further +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00783-00393879-00394279 emerging and and recognizing of the one health +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00784-00394279-00394776 movement is if we incorporate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00785-00394776-00395407 communication professionals and also if we learn to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00786-00395407-00395944 to communicate much better yes i would agree with that as well as +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00787-00395944-00396303 to get politically engaged know your representatives +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00788-00396303-00397088 you know contact them often to give them your opinion you know +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00789-00397088-00397696 it's no surprise here in the u.s that many of the representatives are on a +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00790-00397696-00398103 first name basis with farmers the farmers are very +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00791-00398103-00398592 very politically engaged the scientists are not +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00792-00398592-00399048 and and we need to change that if we want to address +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00793-00399048-00399607 a scientific societal challenges like emerging diseases pandemics and climate +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00794-00399607-00400120 change we need to have scientists on a first +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00795-00400120-00400520 name basis with their legislators +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00796-00400520-00400952 nothing less uh and they need to engage the public +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00797-00400952-00401328 so that that's a tall order you know we're not trained for that but +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00798-00401328-00401952 i really think that we need to we need to +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00799-00401952-00402503 become more active in the public sphere +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00800-00402631-00403288 definitely we need it yes and i see that this one health movement we +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00801-00403288-00403844 started as a collaboration mostly as a collaboration between +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00802-00403844-00404520 veterinarians and medical doctors has outgrown this initial concept and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00803-00404520-00404935 since then we have included environmental scientists but +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00804-00404935-00405544 we also see inclusion of the social scientists and +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00805-00405544-00405968 other from other humanities disciplines +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00806-00405968-00406624 finally i see this as a global public movement +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00807-00406624-00407231 which needs, as you already said, important stakeholders there which +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00808-00407231-00407783 are out of the the scientific community +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00809-00408216-00409016 okay i see no question more okay well again it was a pleasure for me +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00810-00409016-00409479 to be able to speak to all of you again i want to thank the network for eco +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00811-00409479-00409823 health and one health and the swift's tropical institute for +Atjy6sXRxZ0-00812-00409823-00410239 hosting this webinar