diff --git "a/data/en004/text/00000006.txt" "b/data/en004/text/00000006.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en004/text/00000006.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,16025 @@ +qIyD2DGUk7M-00000-00000012-00000814 In the 2.7 house, we represent the products of our strategy. +qIyD2DGUk7M-00001-00000838-00001716 So both workout schedules and meal schedules should be represented in this house +qIyD2DGUk7M-00002-00001766-00002046 for the purpose of producing the expected result. +qKvzkppjqvk-00000-00000039-00000336 Alright welcome back to the channel. Since +qKvzkppjqvk-00001-00000336-00000927 the last time we did a small change to our woocommerce we found that we could +qKvzkppjqvk-00002-00000927-00001479 actually add a packaging price to our total and it was shown. Now a friend +qKvzkppjqvk-00003-00001479-00001776 of mine asked me and told me you know what I have so many +qKvzkppjqvk-00004-00001776-00002192 unusable fields that are part of the checkout process so I would like to +qKvzkppjqvk-00005-00002192-00002488 remove those. So today we're going to be looking at +qKvzkppjqvk-00006-00002488-00002896 how we can actually reduce these fields, maybe we don't want the phone, the postal +qKvzkppjqvk-00007-00002896-00003159 code, and remember that these that have the +qKvzkppjqvk-00008-00003159-00003447 red mark are actually necessary and they are very much +qKvzkppjqvk-00009-00003447-00003904 needed for the process of checking out. So what we're going to do is that we're +qKvzkppjqvk-00010-00003904-00004328 going to write some code, just a few lines of code that will allow +qKvzkppjqvk-00011-00004328-00004728 us to actually reduce all these fields and make something that +qKvzkppjqvk-00012-00004728-00005096 is very simple, straightforward to the point and have a +qKvzkppjqvk-00013-00005096-00005512 clean checkout process. So let's dive into the +qKvzkppjqvk-00014-00005512-00005768 code. So what I'm going to do is i'm just +qKvzkppjqvk-00015-00005768-00006280 going to copy one of these plugins that we had made +qKvzkppjqvk-00016-00006280-00006911 before, and I'm going to call it "lab slim checkout", +qKvzkppjqvk-00017-00006911-00007352 prefixing it with my name so we'll have that, and what we're going to +qKvzkppjqvk-00018-00007352-00007879 do is we're going to rename also this particular file that's inside, call +qKvzkppjqvk-00019-00007879-00008215 it that. So what we're going to do is just +qKvzkppjqvk-00020-00008215-00008760 drag this and drop it into our editor. +qKvzkppjqvk-00021-00008760-00009520 So we have slim checkout, so I'm going to just get this and call this "lab +qKvzkppjqvk-00022-00009520-00010184 slim checkout process". +qKvzkppjqvk-00023-00010392-00010736 Okay so next what we're going to do is just +qKvzkppjqvk-00024-00010736-00011884 change this and just call it "lab slim check out". +qKvzkppjqvk-00025-00012048-00012536 And we shall just clean up this code here and take this out and just save. So +qKvzkppjqvk-00026-00012536-00013128 come back into our plugin section, reload, and we're actually going to have lab +qKvzkppjqvk-00027-00013128-00013559 slim checkout process here and activate it, +qKvzkppjqvk-00028-00013559-00013944 we have no errors and we're good to go. So what we're going to use is actually a +qKvzkppjqvk-00029-00013944-00014352 very simple hook of woocommerce, and this time it's going +qKvzkppjqvk-00030-00014352-00014831 to be "add filter" and now what add filter +qKvzkppjqvk-00031-00014831-00015247 essentially does is edit content that is already existing on +qKvzkppjqvk-00032-00015247-00015584 a page, and it uses a function. So we shall call +qKvzkppjqvk-00033-00015584-00016247 this "simplify checkout process", and we shall wrap this +qKvzkppjqvk-00034-00016247-00016784 in, this is going to be our function. So the hook that we're going to use or the +qKvzkppjqvk-00035-00016784-00017008 filter hook that we're going to use is actually +qKvzkppjqvk-00036-00017008-00017760 called "woocommerce check out fields". +qKvzkppjqvk-00037-00017896-00018415 And essentially we'll just copy this, we'll just copy this function +qKvzkppjqvk-00038-00018415-00018736 and then we'll start writing it, so function, +qKvzkppjqvk-00039-00018736-00019336 the name, put our brackets and then open and start. So what we can do here is +qKvzkppjqvk-00040-00019336-00019840 we can actually just echo hello and see +qKvzkppjqvk-00041-00019840-00020215 what's going to happen. So we save this, come back to +qKvzkppjqvk-00042-00020215-00020720 our front page on the reload area, and we shall see that we actually have a +qKvzkppjqvk-00043-00020720-00021159 hello here and we have something that's shouting at us that +qKvzkppjqvk-00044-00021159-00021648 there's an invalid argument supplied foreach, the fields +qKvzkppjqvk-00045-00021648-00021968 that are here, actually you're seeing now we don't have our fields available here +qKvzkppjqvk-00046-00021968-00022431 because this is breaking, so we're going to need to feed in +qKvzkppjqvk-00047-00022431-00022831 something. So we know we're going to be feeding in the fields +qKvzkppjqvk-00048-00022831-00023295 as our first argument, and then at the end of the day we have to return +qKvzkppjqvk-00049-00023295-00023584 those fields. +qKvzkppjqvk-00050-00023720-00024215 So fields and save, so if we just come back and reload here +qKvzkppjqvk-00051-00024215-00024520 we're going to find that all our fields that come by default +qKvzkppjqvk-00052-00024520-00024920 actually showing up. So now what we need to do is that we're going to +qKvzkppjqvk-00053-00024920-00025495 edit those individual fields. So what I'm going to do is take out this hello, +qKvzkppjqvk-00054-00025495-00026151 and then I'm going to use php to unset the different fields, so we're +qKvzkppjqvk-00055-00026151-00026683 going to choose the unset function, and we're going to say in each of the +qKvzkppjqvk-00056-00026683-00027460 fields, we want to get the billing +qKvzkppjqvk-00057-00027720-00028464 and inside the array of billing, we actually want to get the billing company +qKvzkppjqvk-00058-00028536-00028920 billing_company. +qKvzkppjqvk-00059-00029047-00029447 And then we'll terminate that and save. So +qKvzkppjqvk-00060-00029447-00029783 we're looking for the billing company and if we actually +qKvzkppjqvk-00061-00029783-00030295 come and inspect this particular field, we'll see that it has an ID of billing +qKvzkppjqvk-00062-00030295-00030695 company that's why we're using the ID. If we look at these other fields that +qKvzkppjqvk-00063-00030695-00031088 were also unset for example the street address, you'll see that it +qKvzkppjqvk-00064-00031088-00031591 has billing address one, and this is known as billing address +qKvzkppjqvk-00065-00031591-00031832 two. So what we're going to do is, we've +qKvzkppjqvk-00066-00031832-00032272 already saved our code here, let's just try to reload this page and +qKvzkppjqvk-00067-00032272-00032703 see what will happen. So we're looking out for company name, +qKvzkppjqvk-00068-00032703-00033047 and now when we look we actually see that we don't have company name and this +qKvzkppjqvk-00069-00033047-00033296 is not going to affect our checkout process at +qKvzkppjqvk-00070-00033296-00033744 all, because we are just tapping into the woocommerce and actually +qKvzkppjqvk-00071-00033744-00034096 removing the different pieces. So what I'm going to do here is just to show you +qKvzkppjqvk-00072-00034096-00034568 what actually is going under the covers +qKvzkppjqvk-00073-00034568-00034896 what's going on. So we're going to just var_dump +qKvzkppjqvk-00074-00034896-00035384 our fields that we get here, before we unset anything we just need to +qKvzkppjqvk-00075-00035384-00035744 see what's in fields. So if we reload that +qKvzkppjqvk-00076-00035744-00036112 we see that we have four pieces of information. +qKvzkppjqvk-00077-00036112-00036600 We have another four, so we have billing which has a billing first name, +qKvzkppjqvk-00078-00036600-00037200 that has a label of first name. So we can actually tap into the +qKvzkppjqvk-00079-00037200-00037591 individual pieces. So when we find out what's under the +qKvzkppjqvk-00080-00037591-00037872 fields by var_dumping, we see that we have a +qKvzkppjqvk-00081-00037872-00038184 lot of information. So we have billing information, +qKvzkppjqvk-00082-00038184-00038544 we have things like the first name, the billing company, +qKvzkppjqvk-00083-00038544-00039119 we have the billing country, and we have, if we scroll all the way down we +qKvzkppjqvk-00084-00039119-00039496 shall see that we also have things that are to do with shipping. So +qKvzkppjqvk-00085-00039496-00040040 we have a shipping first name and all of that. When we turn on shipping +qKvzkppjqvk-00086-00040040-00040472 in our woocommerce at the back end, that allows us to use +qKvzkppjqvk-00087-00040472-00040816 the shipping content on the front end. +qKvzkppjqvk-00088-00040816-00041216 For example if you scroll down you will not see all of that because, +qKvzkppjqvk-00089-00041216-00041624 by default woocommerce allows you to have your billing details +qKvzkppjqvk-00090-00041624-00042072 to re-correspond with the shipping details, so you might want to turn on +qKvzkppjqvk-00091-00042072-00042368 that setting. So what we're going to do is that we're going to +qKvzkppjqvk-00092-00042368-00042840 also just unset a few other fields, I'll comment this out, +qKvzkppjqvk-00093-00042840-00043416 so we're going to look for the billing address 1 +qKvzkppjqvk-00094-00043416-00043912 and billing address 2. So I'll just copy, we had billing company here, +qKvzkppjqvk-00095-00043912-00044256 so we had billing country I'll copy that too +qKvzkppjqvk-00096-00044256-00044663 and just drop it here, and we need to change this to +qKvzkppjqvk-00097-00044663-00045384 address_1, I'll copy that paste it here and then +qKvzkppjqvk-00098-00045384-00046031 I'll just change this to 2, save, and when I come back and reload +qKvzkppjqvk-00099-00046031-00046400 we'll actually see that we no longer have the address that was being +qKvzkppjqvk-00100-00046400-00047087 required of us. So we need to take out a few other things, +qKvzkppjqvk-00101-00047087-00047600 for example the county since we don't use it, so that's billing +qKvzkppjqvk-00102-00047600-00048000 state, the postal code, we'll get the ID which is +qKvzkppjqvk-00103-00048000-00048536 billing postal code, so we're taking out state, postal +qKvzkppjqvk-00104-00048536-00049103 code and phone for now. +qKvzkppjqvk-00105-00049103-00049512 Let's see how that works out. We're going to also take out the city, so billing +qKvzkppjqvk-00106-00049512-00049936 city, billing state and billing +qKvzkppjqvk-00107-00049936-00050808 postcode. So let's do that. Three pieces here, we need to take out the postcode, +qKvzkppjqvk-00108-00050808-00051224 we need to take out the state, +qKvzkppjqvk-00109-00051239-00051695 and we are also going to take out, +qKvzkppjqvk-00110-00051791-00052472 postcode, state, and then this is city, billing city so +qKvzkppjqvk-00111-00052472-00053104 we'll take out the city too, and save this. And when we come back and +qKvzkppjqvk-00112-00053104-00053544 reload, we actually find that we only have four +qKvzkppjqvk-00113-00053544-00053895 pieces of information that are required here. So we have first name, last name, +qKvzkppjqvk-00114-00053895-00054191 phone, address, usually that's good enough to get your +qKvzkppjqvk-00115-00054191-00054495 package delivered or even ask the customer +qKvzkppjqvk-00116-00054495-00054832 where they would want this delivered. +qKvzkppjqvk-00117-00054832-00055255 So we've got rid of all the information that we actually didn't need +qKvzkppjqvk-00118-00055255-00055864 at that particular moment in our setup. Now what I want to do is +qKvzkppjqvk-00119-00055864-00056648 just show you something that you can set variables to, +qKvzkppjqvk-00120-00056648-00057208 even this particular thing, maybe you want to remove this field if +qKvzkppjqvk-00121-00057208-00057567 only they were virtual products and so on. So +qKvzkppjqvk-00122-00057567-00057888 what you can do is you can tap and find out is +qKvzkppjqvk-00123-00057888-00058351 this a virtual product that I would want to get rid of?, +qKvzkppjqvk-00124-00058351-00058767 but simply by unsetting the fields you actually get what you want. +qKvzkppjqvk-00125-00058767-00059200 So this is how we remove fields. In the next video I'll actually show you how +qKvzkppjqvk-00126-00059200-00059744 you can also add other fields and customize this to your own need. +qKvzkppjqvk-00127-00059744-00060479 So thank you for watching and happy coding. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00000-00000010-00000156 STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS CODY +qMgTaEjjpGu-00001-00000156-00000163 STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS CODY +qMgTaEjjpGu-00002-00000163-00000510 STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS CODY WANE GOBLE WAS EJECTED FROM HIS +qMgTaEjjpGu-00003-00000510-00000517 STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS CODY WANE GOBLE WAS EJECTED FROM HIS +qMgTaEjjpGu-00004-00000517-00000667 STATE PATROL REPORT SAYS CODY WANE GOBLE WAS EJECTED FROM HIS VEHICLE WHEN IT WENT INTO THE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00005-00000667-00000673 WANE GOBLE WAS EJECTED FROM HIS VEHICLE WHEN IT WENT INTO THE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00006-00000673-00000774 WANE GOBLE WAS EJECTED FROM HIS VEHICLE WHEN IT WENT INTO THE DITCH ALONG HIGHWAY 38. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00007-00000774-00000780 VEHICLE WHEN IT WENT INTO THE DITCH ALONG HIGHWAY 38. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00008-00000780-00000924 VEHICLE WHEN IT WENT INTO THE DITCH ALONG HIGHWAY 38. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3 A.M. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00009-00000924-00000930 DITCH ALONG HIGHWAY 38. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3 A.M. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00010-00000930-00001091 DITCH ALONG HIGHWAY 38. THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3 A.M. ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th AND +qMgTaEjjpGu-00011-00001091-00001097 THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3 A.M. ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th AND +qMgTaEjjpGu-00012-00001097-00001541 THE CRASH HAPPENED AROUND 3 A.M. ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th AND ROADS WERE WET AT THE TIME. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00013-00001541-00001548 ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th AND ROADS WERE WET AT THE TIME. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00014-00001548-00001634 ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th AND ROADS WERE WET AT THE TIME. >> DENNIS: CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00015-00001634-00001641 ROADS WERE WET AT THE TIME. >> DENNIS: CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00016-00001641-00002132 ROADS WERE WET AT THE TIME. >> DENNIS: CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE HAD SOME SPECIAL VISITORS TODAY. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00017-00002132-00002138 >> DENNIS: CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE HAD SOME SPECIAL VISITORS TODAY. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00018-00002138-00002575 >> DENNIS: CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE HAD SOME SPECIAL VISITORS TODAY. >> CLC PRESIDENT HARA CHARLIER. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00019-00002575-00002582 HAD SOME SPECIAL VISITORS TODAY. >> CLC PRESIDENT HARA CHARLIER. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00020-00002582-00002692 HAD SOME SPECIAL VISITORS TODAY. >> CLC PRESIDENT HARA CHARLIER. >> WE'RE HONORED TO HAVE OUR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00021-00002692-00002699 >> CLC PRESIDENT HARA CHARLIER. >> WE'RE HONORED TO HAVE OUR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00022-00002699-00002812 >> CLC PRESIDENT HARA CHARLIER. >> WE'RE HONORED TO HAVE OUR COLLEAGUES FROM THE SENATE HERE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00023-00002812-00002819 >> WE'RE HONORED TO HAVE OUR COLLEAGUES FROM THE SENATE HERE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00024-00002819-00002976 >> WE'RE HONORED TO HAVE OUR COLLEAGUES FROM THE SENATE HERE TO TAKE A LOOK AT CENTRAL LAKES +qMgTaEjjpGu-00025-00002976-00002982 COLLEAGUES FROM THE SENATE HERE TO TAKE A LOOK AT CENTRAL LAKES +qMgTaEjjpGu-00026-00002982-00003119 COLLEAGUES FROM THE SENATE HERE TO TAKE A LOOK AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE AND ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS +qMgTaEjjpGu-00027-00003119-00003126 TO TAKE A LOOK AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE AND ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS +qMgTaEjjpGu-00028-00003126-00003263 TO TAKE A LOOK AT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE AND ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS WE'D LIKE TO MAKE AND HOW WE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00029-00003263-00003269 COLLEGE AND ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS WE'D LIKE TO MAKE AND HOW WE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00030-00003269-00003376 COLLEGE AND ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS WE'D LIKE TO MAKE AND HOW WE PLAN TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00031-00003376-00003383 WE'D LIKE TO MAKE AND HOW WE PLAN TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00032-00003383-00003723 WE'D LIKE TO MAKE AND HOW WE PLAN TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE HAVE WITH ASSET PRESERVATION. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00033-00003723-00003730 PLAN TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE HAVE WITH ASSET PRESERVATION. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00034-00003730-00003930 PLAN TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE HAVE WITH ASSET PRESERVATION. >> STARTING OFF WITH SOME BASIC +qMgTaEjjpGu-00035-00003930-00003937 HAVE WITH ASSET PRESERVATION. >> STARTING OFF WITH SOME BASIC +qMgTaEjjpGu-00036-00003937-00004027 HAVE WITH ASSET PRESERVATION. >> STARTING OFF WITH SOME BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLEGE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00037-00004027-00004034 >> STARTING OFF WITH SOME BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLEGE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00038-00004034-00004187 >> STARTING OFF WITH SOME BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLEGE AND ITS ROLE IN BRAINERD. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00039-00004187-00004194 INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLEGE AND ITS ROLE IN BRAINERD. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00040-00004194-00004347 INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLLEGE AND ITS ROLE IN BRAINERD. >> I'M ALWAYS EXCITED ABOUT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00041-00004347-00004354 AND ITS ROLE IN BRAINERD. >> I'M ALWAYS EXCITED ABOUT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00042-00004354-00004427 AND ITS ROLE IN BRAINERD. >> I'M ALWAYS EXCITED ABOUT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00043-00004427-00004434 >> I'M ALWAYS EXCITED ABOUT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00044-00004434-00004644 >> I'M ALWAYS EXCITED ABOUT CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. IT'S SUCH AN INTRICATE PART OF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00045-00004644-00004651 CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. IT'S SUCH AN INTRICATE PART OF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00046-00004651-00004761 CENTRAL LAKES COLLEGE. IT'S SUCH AN INTRICATE PART OF OUR COMMUNITY. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00047-00004761-00004768 IT'S SUCH AN INTRICATE PART OF OUR COMMUNITY. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00048-00004768-00005085 IT'S SUCH AN INTRICATE PART OF OUR COMMUNITY. >> AND THEN MOVING ON TO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00049-00005085-00005091 OUR COMMUNITY. >> AND THEN MOVING ON TO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00050-00005091-00005235 OUR COMMUNITY. >> AND THEN MOVING ON TO DEMONSTRATE THE PRESENT REQUEST. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00051-00005235-00005241 >> AND THEN MOVING ON TO DEMONSTRATE THE PRESENT REQUEST. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00052-00005241-00005582 >> AND THEN MOVING ON TO DEMONSTRATE THE PRESENT REQUEST. >> SO THAT WE ARE NOT INVESTING +qMgTaEjjpGu-00053-00005582-00005588 DEMONSTRATE THE PRESENT REQUEST. >> SO THAT WE ARE NOT INVESTING +qMgTaEjjpGu-00054-00005588-00005725 DEMONSTRATE THE PRESENT REQUEST. >> SO THAT WE ARE NOT INVESTING IN SIGNIFICANT REPAIR OVER TIME, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00055-00005725-00005732 >> SO THAT WE ARE NOT INVESTING IN SIGNIFICANT REPAIR OVER TIME, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00056-00005732-00005962 >> SO THAT WE ARE NOT INVESTING IN SIGNIFICANT REPAIR OVER TIME, AND WE DON'T HAVE DAMAGE TO OUR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00057-00005962-00005969 IN SIGNIFICANT REPAIR OVER TIME, AND WE DON'T HAVE DAMAGE TO OUR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00058-00005969-00006046 IN SIGNIFICANT REPAIR OVER TIME, AND WE DON'T HAVE DAMAGE TO OUR BUILDINGS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00059-00006046-00006052 AND WE DON'T HAVE DAMAGE TO OUR BUILDINGS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00060-00006052-00006179 AND WE DON'T HAVE DAMAGE TO OUR BUILDINGS. >> THERE ARE THREE PROJECT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00061-00006179-00006186 BUILDINGS. >> THERE ARE THREE PROJECT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00062-00006186-00006369 BUILDINGS. >> THERE ARE THREE PROJECT PRIORITIES ON BOTH CAMPUSES THAT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00063-00006369-00006376 >> THERE ARE THREE PROJECT PRIORITIES ON BOTH CAMPUSES THAT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00064-00006376-00006693 >> THERE ARE THREE PROJECT PRIORITIES ON BOTH CAMPUSES THAT TOTAL JUST OVER $7.5 MILLION. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00065-00006693-00006700 PRIORITIES ON BOTH CAMPUSES THAT TOTAL JUST OVER $7.5 MILLION. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00066-00006700-00006816 PRIORITIES ON BOTH CAMPUSES THAT TOTAL JUST OVER $7.5 MILLION. >> THEY'RE NOT VERY EXCITING, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00067-00006816-00006823 TOTAL JUST OVER $7.5 MILLION. >> THEY'RE NOT VERY EXCITING, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00068-00006823-00006950 TOTAL JUST OVER $7.5 MILLION. >> THEY'RE NOT VERY EXCITING, BUT THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00069-00006950-00006956 >> THEY'RE NOT VERY EXCITING, BUT THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00070-00006956-00007083 >> THEY'RE NOT VERY EXCITING, BUT THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL. WE HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROOFING +qMgTaEjjpGu-00071-00007083-00007090 BUT THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL. WE HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROOFING +qMgTaEjjpGu-00072-00007090-00007327 BUT THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL. WE HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROOFING PROJECT HERE IN BRAINERD, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00073-00007327-00007333 WE HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROOFING PROJECT HERE IN BRAINERD, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00074-00007333-00007470 WE HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROOFING PROJECT HERE IN BRAINERD, ANOTHER ROOFING PROJECT ON THE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00075-00007470-00007477 PROJECT HERE IN BRAINERD, ANOTHER ROOFING PROJECT ON THE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00076-00007477-00007891 PROJECT HERE IN BRAINERD, ANOTHER ROOFING PROJECT ON THE STAPLES CAMPUS AND A NUMBER OF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00077-00007891-00007897 ANOTHER ROOFING PROJECT ON THE STAPLES CAMPUS AND A NUMBER OF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00078-00007897-00008575 ANOTHER ROOFING PROJECT ON THE STAPLES CAMPUS AND A NUMBER OF AIR HANDLERS AND AIR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00079-00008575-00008581 STAPLES CAMPUS AND A NUMBER OF AIR HANDLERS AND AIR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00080-00008581-00008635 STAPLES CAMPUS AND A NUMBER OF AIR HANDLERS AND AIR CONDITIONERS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00081-00008635-00008641 AIR HANDLERS AND AIR CONDITIONERS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00082-00008641-00008818 AIR HANDLERS AND AIR CONDITIONERS. >> WE CAN CREATE EVEN A MORE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00083-00008818-00008825 CONDITIONERS. >> WE CAN CREATE EVEN A MORE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00084-00008825-00008935 CONDITIONERS. >> WE CAN CREATE EVEN A MORE WELCOMING IN VIERN FOMENT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00085-00008935-00008942 >> WE CAN CREATE EVEN A MORE WELCOMING IN VIERN FOMENT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00086-00008942-00009092 >> WE CAN CREATE EVEN A MORE WELCOMING IN VIERN FOMENT STUDENTS, EASIER TO SEE WHERE TO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00087-00009092-00009099 WELCOMING IN VIERN FOMENT STUDENTS, EASIER TO SEE WHERE TO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00088-00009099-00009462 WELCOMING IN VIERN FOMENT STUDENTS, EASIER TO SEE WHERE TO GO AND PUT OUR STUDENT SUPPORT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00089-00009462-00009469 STUDENTS, EASIER TO SEE WHERE TO GO AND PUT OUR STUDENT SUPPORT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00090-00009469-00009586 STUDENTS, EASIER TO SEE WHERE TO GO AND PUT OUR STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES BOTH ON THE STUDENT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00091-00009586-00009592 GO AND PUT OUR STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES BOTH ON THE STUDENT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00092-00009592-00009736 GO AND PUT OUR STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES BOTH ON THE STUDENT SIDE AND ACADEMIC SIDE RIGHT IN +qMgTaEjjpGu-00093-00009736-00009743 SERVICES BOTH ON THE STUDENT SIDE AND ACADEMIC SIDE RIGHT IN +qMgTaEjjpGu-00094-00009743-00009919 SERVICES BOTH ON THE STUDENT SIDE AND ACADEMIC SIDE RIGHT IN THE HANDS OF THE STUDENTS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00095-00009919-00009926 SIDE AND ACADEMIC SIDE RIGHT IN THE HANDS OF THE STUDENTS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00096-00009926-00010320 SIDE AND ACADEMIC SIDE RIGHT IN THE HANDS OF THE STUDENTS. >> AN IDEA THAT SENATOR CARRIE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00097-00010320-00010326 THE HANDS OF THE STUDENTS. >> AN IDEA THAT SENATOR CARRIE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00098-00010326-00010457 THE HANDS OF THE STUDENTS. >> AN IDEA THAT SENATOR CARRIE RUUD IS PASSIONATE ABOUT. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00099-00010457-00010463 >> AN IDEA THAT SENATOR CARRIE RUUD IS PASSIONATE ABOUT. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00100-00010463-00010597 >> AN IDEA THAT SENATOR CARRIE RUUD IS PASSIONATE ABOUT. >> WE WANT TO DO BETTER FOR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00101-00010597-00010603 RUUD IS PASSIONATE ABOUT. >> WE WANT TO DO BETTER FOR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00102-00010603-00010697 RUUD IS PASSIONATE ABOUT. >> WE WANT TO DO BETTER FOR THEM, BECAUSE OUR STUDENTS ARE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00103-00010697-00010704 >> WE WANT TO DO BETTER FOR THEM, BECAUSE OUR STUDENTS ARE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00104-00010704-00010854 >> WE WANT TO DO BETTER FOR THEM, BECAUSE OUR STUDENTS ARE CHANGE, CAREERS ARE CHANGING, SO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00105-00010854-00010860 THEM, BECAUSE OUR STUDENTS ARE CHANGE, CAREERS ARE CHANGING, SO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00106-00010860-00011000 THEM, BECAUSE OUR STUDENTS ARE CHANGE, CAREERS ARE CHANGING, SO OUR COLLEGE NEEDS TO CHANGE, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00107-00011000-00011007 CHANGE, CAREERS ARE CHANGING, SO OUR COLLEGE NEEDS TO CHANGE, +qMgTaEjjpGu-00108-00011007-00011057 CHANGE, CAREERS ARE CHANGING, SO OUR COLLEGE NEEDS TO CHANGE, TOO. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00109-00011057-00011064 OUR COLLEGE NEEDS TO CHANGE, TOO. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00110-00011064-00011164 OUR COLLEGE NEEDS TO CHANGE, TOO. >> THOSE IDEAS WILL BE TAKEN +qMgTaEjjpGu-00111-00011164-00011171 TOO. >> THOSE IDEAS WILL BE TAKEN +qMgTaEjjpGu-00112-00011171-00011271 TOO. >> THOSE IDEAS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION WITH OTHER +qMgTaEjjpGu-00113-00011271-00011277 >> THOSE IDEAS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION WITH OTHER +qMgTaEjjpGu-00114-00011277-00011377 >> THOSE IDEAS WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION WITH OTHER PRIORITY REQUESTS FROM AROUND +qMgTaEjjpGu-00115-00011377-00011384 INTO CONSIDERATION WITH OTHER PRIORITY REQUESTS FROM AROUND +qMgTaEjjpGu-00116-00011384-00011524 INTO CONSIDERATION WITH OTHER PRIORITY REQUESTS FROM AROUND THE STATE. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00117-00011524-00011531 PRIORITY REQUESTS FROM AROUND THE STATE. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00118-00011531-00011748 PRIORITY REQUESTS FROM AROUND THE STATE. >> WE ON THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00119-00011748-00011755 THE STATE. >> WE ON THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT +qMgTaEjjpGu-00120-00011755-00011868 THE STATE. >> WE ON THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HAVE DECISIONS TO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00121-00011868-00011875 >> WE ON THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HAVE DECISIONS TO +qMgTaEjjpGu-00122-00011875-00011925 >> WE ON THE CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HAVE DECISIONS TO MAKE. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00123-00011925-00011931 COMMITTEE HAVE DECISIONS TO MAKE. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00124-00011931-00012142 COMMITTEE HAVE DECISIONS TO MAKE. WE'VE GOT THREE AND A HALF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00125-00012142-00012148 MAKE. WE'VE GOT THREE AND A HALF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00126-00012148-00012338 MAKE. WE'VE GOT THREE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00127-00012338-00012345 WE'VE GOT THREE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF +qMgTaEjjpGu-00128-00012345-00012569 WE'VE GOT THREE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF REQUESTS AND WE'LL PROBABLY HAVE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00129-00012569-00012575 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF REQUESTS AND WE'LL PROBABLY HAVE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00130-00012575-00012796 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF REQUESTS AND WE'LL PROBABLY HAVE SEVEN TO $800 MILLION IN OUR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00131-00012796-00012802 REQUESTS AND WE'LL PROBABLY HAVE SEVEN TO $800 MILLION IN OUR +qMgTaEjjpGu-00132-00012802-00012956 REQUESTS AND WE'LL PROBABLY HAVE SEVEN TO $800 MILLION IN OUR BILL, SO NOT EVERY PROJECT IS +qMgTaEjjpGu-00133-00012956-00012962 SEVEN TO $800 MILLION IN OUR BILL, SO NOT EVERY PROJECT IS +qMgTaEjjpGu-00134-00012962-00013072 SEVEN TO $800 MILLION IN OUR BILL, SO NOT EVERY PROJECT IS GOING TO BE FUNDED. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00135-00013072-00013079 BILL, SO NOT EVERY PROJECT IS GOING TO BE FUNDED. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00136-00013079-00013223 BILL, SO NOT EVERY PROJECT IS GOING TO BE FUNDED. >> THE COMMITTEE HAS MANY MORE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00137-00013223-00013229 GOING TO BE FUNDED. >> THE COMMITTEE HAS MANY MORE +qMgTaEjjpGu-00138-00013229-00013413 GOING TO BE FUNDED. >> THE COMMITTEE HAS MANY MORE STOPS TO PREPARE FOR THE 2018 +qMgTaEjjpGu-00139-00013413-00013419 >> THE COMMITTEE HAS MANY MORE STOPS TO PREPARE FOR THE 2018 +qMgTaEjjpGu-00140-00013419-00013510 >> THE COMMITTEE HAS MANY MORE STOPS TO PREPARE FOR THE 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00141-00013510-00013516 STOPS TO PREPARE FOR THE 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00142-00013516-00013623 STOPS TO PREPARE FOR THE 2018 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH +qMgTaEjjpGu-00143-00013623-00013630 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH +qMgTaEjjpGu-00144-00013630-00013757 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00145-00013757-00013763 REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. +qMgTaEjjpGu-00146-00013763-00013887 REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: CLC WAS GRANTED +qMgTaEjjpGu-00147-00013887-00013893 WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: CLC WAS GRANTED +qMgTaEjjpGu-00148-00013893-00013997 WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: CLC WAS GRANTED FUNDING FOR A RENOVATION PROJECT +qQOm9AGrQRg-00000-00000014-00000564 Steven Pinker, thanks for making time to meet us here at Harvard, still the best university +qQOm9AGrQRg-00001-00000564-00000664 in the world. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00002-00000664-00001430 Can you tell us a little bit more about the interest of your scholarly work? +qQOm9AGrQRg-00003-00001430-00001859 What is it you are working on, and why? +qQOm9AGrQRg-00004-00001859-00002344 I'm interested in human nature, and fortunately that covers many topics. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00005-00002344-00002953 I have written on everything, from how to write well to why languages have irregular +qQOm9AGrQRg-00006-00002953-00003854 verbs, to the historical trends in war, peace, murder and genocide, to visual cognition: +qQOm9AGrQRg-00007-00003854-00004289 how we form mental images, how we recognize shapes and faces. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00008-00004289-00004707 One of the great advantages of being a psychologist is that you can write about all of these topics, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00009-00004707-00004971 because they all have to do with human nature. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00010-00004971-00006287 There are a few other fields - like philosophers, or theologians - who also claim to know everything. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00011-00006287-00006519 What's the difference? +qQOm9AGrQRg-00012-00006519-00007026 Well, philosophy is very much related to psychology - it was philosophers who first raised questions +qQOm9AGrQRg-00013-00007026-00007217 about human nature. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00014-00007217-00007769 I don't think there is a sharp division between the field of philosophy and the field of psychology. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00015-00007769-00008250 There are philosophical questions and psychological questions: philosophical questions about the +qQOm9AGrQRg-00016-00008250-00008696 nature of ideas, how they are logically related to each other. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00017-00008696-00009286 Psychological questions are more empirical: how does the human brain come to think certain +qQOm9AGrQRg-00018-00009286-00009647 kinds of thoughts and have certain kinds of values? +qQOm9AGrQRg-00019-00009647-00010178 But in my experience they have all been closely related. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00020-00010178-00010739 You have been extremely kind to accept our invitation to be one of the speakers at the +qQOm9AGrQRg-00021-00010739-00011122 Nexus conference on November 12th: 'What Will Save the World'. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00022-00011122-00011989 You are world-famous, you are very much in demand, extremely busy; why did you accept +qQOm9AGrQRg-00023-00011989-00012543 the invitation to come to Amsterdam, to make time and speak at that conference? +qQOm9AGrQRg-00024-00012543-00013013 I liked the question - there can be no bigger question than 'what will save the world'. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00025-00013013-00013473 I don't think that anything will save the world in the sense of bringing utopia to Earth, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00026-00013473-00013801 but I think the world can be improved, and that will be the version of the question that +qQOm9AGrQRg-00027-00013801-00013978 I am very much interested in. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00028-00013978-00014463 I think the world has improved, and can improve further. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00029-00014463-00015222 One of the most famous people in the world of psychology, Sigmund Freud, was much less +qQOm9AGrQRg-00030-00015222-00015437 optimistic. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00031-00015437-00016096 If I understand him well, he was especially interested in the question: 'Why are things +qQOm9AGrQRg-00032-00016096-00016263 going wrong all the time?' +qQOm9AGrQRg-00033-00016263-00016735 We will also have religious people at the conference, and probably they will say it +qQOm9AGrQRg-00034-00016735-00017004 goes wrong because there is something like original sin. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00035-00017004-00017512 On the secular level, Freud will point at the dark side of human nature. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00036-00017512-00018096 Why do you think things go wrong so often? +qQOm9AGrQRg-00037-00018096-00018488 Well, like Freud I do believe that human nature has a dark side. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00038-00018488-00019189 I believe that being a member of a civilized society involves compromises and discontent, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00039-00019189-00019415 as Freud so famously put it. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00040-00019415-00020110 I think that aspects of human nature inevitably come into conflict with aspects in other people. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00041-00020110-00020452 I don't think that men and women want exactly the same thing, and I don't think that parents +qQOm9AGrQRg-00042-00020452-00020679 and children want exactly the same thing. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00043-00020679-00020890 Even close friends don't always want the same thing. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00044-00020890-00021173 There is always tension, there are always conflicts of interests. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00045-00021173-00021432 That is why there is great literature, that is why there is tragedy. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00046-00021432-00022160 On the other hand, one component of human nature is the ability to pose and solve problems, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00047-00022160-00022612 and to communicate our solutions to other people via language. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00048-00022612-00023456 Thanks to writing we can accumulate good ideas, we can try out ways of improving human life, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00049-00023456-00023838 keep the ones that work and discard the ones that don't, learn from our mistakes, learn +qQOm9AGrQRg-00050-00023838-00024004 from our tragedies. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00051-00024004-00024462 And bit by bit, figure out ways in which we can minimize the effects of human conflict. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00052-00024462-00024681 And I think the data show that we've been doing it. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00053-00024681-00025334 Another reason that Freud was so pessimistic was that he was situated in one of the worst +qQOm9AGrQRg-00054-00025334-00025944 times of human history, the years following the First World War, which he lived through, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00055-00025944-00026362 and immediately preceding the Second World War, he lived to see the 'Anschluss', his +qQOm9AGrQRg-00056-00026362-00026930 daughter was arrested by the Nazis, he escaped just in time to spend the last year of his +qQOm9AGrQRg-00057-00026930-00027066 life in London. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00058-00027066-00027765 And so he saw the clouds gathering for one of the worst interludes in human history, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00059-00027765-00027984 the Second World War. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00060-00027984-00028605 Indeed, if the world that Freud lived in had continued, none of us should be an optimist, +qQOm9AGrQRg-00061-00028605-00028873 because those were dark days indeed. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00062-00028873-00029344 Of course, there were predictions after the war that the two World Wars were just the +qQOm9AGrQRg-00063-00029344-00029772 beginning of an escalating series: World War 3 was inevitable, and it would be even worse +qQOm9AGrQRg-00064-00029772-00030030 because of nuclear weapons. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00065-00030030-00030490 We are now more than 70 years after the end of World War 2 and World War 3 did not happen; +qQOm9AGrQRg-00066-00030490-00030838 no nuclear weapon has been used since Nagasaki. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00067-00030838-00031756 The world has become more democratic, more affluent, more free, more peaceful in these +qQOm9AGrQRg-00068-00031774-00031874 70 years. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00069-00031874-00032281 That's no guarantee that it will continue, no one can prophesy the future, I don't have +qQOm9AGrQRg-00070-00032281-00032628 the gift of clairvoyance. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00071-00032628-00033247 But it shows that the kind of doom that many intellectuals felt after Word War 2 is not +qQOm9AGrQRg-00072-00033247-00033347 inevitable. +qQOm9AGrQRg-00073-00033347-00033917 There are actions that we can take that reduce the risks. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00000-00000006-00000102 Welcome! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00001-00000102-00000440 To learn how to move columns in Excel may not be that hard. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00002-00000440-00000892 Actually, what you’ll see here, in this tutorial, is the easiest way. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00003-00000892-00001008 Ready to give it a try? +qUKcoIsWh0g-00004-00001430-00001650 Hello! And welcome to EasyClick Academy! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00005-00001650-00002000 My name’s Maria and together with our EasyClick team, +qUKcoIsWh0g-00006-00002000-00002382 we’re here to make sure you’ll be able to use Excel in a quick and easy way, +qUKcoIsWh0g-00007-00002382-00002672 thanks to our digestible video tutorials. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00008-00002672-00002872 If you’d like to move a column in Excel, +qUKcoIsWh0g-00009-00002872-00003152 you don’t have to go to all the trouble of copying the column, +qUKcoIsWh0g-00010-00003152-00003524 pasting it in the chosen place and then deleting it from the table. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00011-00003524-00004102 Excel offers a great way how to move columns by following a few simple and quick steps. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00012-00004102-00004344 So, here’s the pro tip! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00013-00004344-00004562 Select the column you want to move. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00014-00004562-00005052 Here we’ll select the column B, which contains the information about first names +qUKcoIsWh0g-00015-00005052-00005476 and we’ll move it right after the column C, the ‘Last Name’ column. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00016-00005476-00006030 You can select and move one or more columns at once in a table of any size. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00017-00006030-00006296 And here comes the trick that does it all! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00018-00006296-00006638 To move the selected column, press the ‘Shift’ key, +qUKcoIsWh0g-00019-00006638-00007112 keep it pressed and position the cursor on the column border to the right or left +qUKcoIsWh0g-00020-00007112-00007394 until you see this cross-arrow pointer. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00021-00007394-00007862 Then use the left mouse button to drag and drop the column right where you need it. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00022-00008145-00008394 That’s it! Easy, right? +qUKcoIsWh0g-00023-00008394-00008698 You can use the same trick to move rows, too. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00024-00008698-00008892 And now it’s your turn! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00025-00008892-00009188 What handy time savers do you use in Excel? +qUKcoIsWh0g-00026-00009188-00009456 Make sure you’ll leave a comment in the section below. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00027-00009456-00009684 Our team will be excited to hear from you! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00028-00009684-00010262 If you found this tutorial helpful, give us a like and watch other video tutorials by EasyClick Academy. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00029-00010262-00010606 Learn how to use Excel in a quick and easy way! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00030-00010606-00010800 Is this your first time on EasyClick? +qUKcoIsWh0g-00031-00010800-00011112 We’ll be more than happy to welcome you in our online community. +qUKcoIsWh0g-00032-00011112-00011386 Hit that Subscribe button and join the EasyClickers! +qUKcoIsWh0g-00033-00011386-00011700 Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video! +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00000-00000217-00000426 - When the subject gets into the MRI, +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00001-00000426-00000675 we are trying to collect a brain scans from the subject +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00002-00000676-00000887 while the subject is watching a movie. +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00003-00000888-00001212 We take brain scans every two seconds, +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00004-00001218-00001508 and we look at the whole brain to see how the brain activity +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00005-00001514-00001778 goes up and down at every place in the brain. +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00006-00001784-00002070 After we acquire the brain scans from the human subjects +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00007-00002078-00002552 we use deep learning models to reconstruct what the people see. +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00008-00002556-00002920 And what is more interesting is that the model also +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00009-00002924-00003396 can predict how the brain interprets what the person see. +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00010-00003400-00003761 For example brain sees a person, +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00011-00003761-00004022 then the model can predict it's a person. +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00012-00004026-00004330 - What's new in this study is that for the very first time +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00013-00004332-00004686 we show that we can use a convolutional neural network +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00014-00004694-00005028 to understand how the brain processes information +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00015-00005028-00005252 while a person is watching a video. +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00016-00005252-00005582 A major goal is to use submersion learning algorithms +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00017-00005590-00005770 to help understand the brain +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00018-00005780-00006030 and then to use what we understand about the brain +qV5bmW-Zh1Y-00019-00006042-00006310 to advance Artificial intelligence. +qYy_VEStHDg-00000-00000000-00000200 This Record Is Available For Informational Purposes Only! +qYy_VEStHDg-00001-00001009-00001306 This Record Is Available For Informational Purposes Only! +qYy_VEStHDg-00002-00001306-00001652 This Record Is Available For Informational Purposes Only! +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00000-00000106-00000505 Dear students, today we will start with a new subject in the course introduction to +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00001-00000505-00000672 aeronautical engineering. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00002-00000672-00001129 My name is Mark Voskuijl and I will be your lecturer in the field of flight mechanics. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00003-00001129-00001670 What you see here is a commercial aircraft flying from Paris in France to London in the UK. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00004-00001670-00002460 It is halfway and cruising at flight level 330, which is at about 10km altitude or 33.000 ft. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00005-00002470-00003030 Imagine that this airplane encounters a technical problem and all four engines suddenly stop working. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00006-00003050-00003520 This might seem like a hypothetical problem but it could actually occur when the fuel runs out +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00007-00003520-00003823 or when it flies through a cloud of volcanic ash. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00008-00003823-00004620 In 1982 British Airways Flight 9, a Boeing 747 flew through a cloud of volcanic ash above Indonesia +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00009-00004620-00005010 which resulted in the failure of all four engines. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00010-00005010-00005575 For our example there is unfortunately no other option than to start a gliding flight. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00011-00005575-00005900 How far do you think this aircraft will be able to glide? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00012-00005900-00006517 A typical commercial aircraft can glide more than 170km from 10 km altitude. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00013-00006517-00007004 Thus, in this specific scenario the pilot could actually choose to glide either to London +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00014-00007004-00007178 or to Paris safely! +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00015-00007178-00007415 Now that is impressive isn't it!? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00016-00007415-00007631 Don't worry if your answer was incorrect. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00017-00007631-00008190 You will soon be able to make this kind of calculations when provided with some basic aircraft data. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00018-00008190-00008620 This question is a typical question we encounter in the field of flight mechanics. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00019-00008620-00009186 It demonstrates one of the aircraft performance parameters; how well it can glide. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00020-00009186-00009620 Other key questions I will address in the remaining lectures are e.g. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00021-00009620-00010189 How far can an aircraft fly with a given amount of fuel? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00022-00010189-00010679 How long can an aircraft fly, time-wise, with a given amount of fuel? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00023-00010679-00011017 What is the maximum altitude that can be achieved? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00024-00011017-00011489 How fast can an aircraft fly? How slow can an aircraft fly? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00025-00011489-00011965 Clearly, the answer to these questions depends on many things, amongst which the aerodynamic +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00026-00011965-00012549 shape of the aircraft, the type of engine, the aircraft weight, etc. etc. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00027-00012549-00013019 Once we are able to answer these questions we can even start working on a very interesting topic: +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00028-00013019-00013309 aircraft morphology. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00029-00013309-00013818 If we want a certain performance from an aircraft, then what is actually the optimum shape? +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00030-00013818-00014441 So, summarizing, in flight mechanics, the performance of a complete aircraft is analyzed. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00031-00014441-00014977 The questions I will address are all related to the motion of the aircraft. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00032-00014977-00015519 This means all information from the different disciplines have to be integrated, we have to use: +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00033-00015519-00015900 aerodynamics, structures, or in other words the aircraft weight, +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00034-00015900-00016614 the pilot, how does he operate the aircraft, propulsion system and the atmosphere. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00035-00016614-00017125 Since we are interested in calculating how fast/far/slow/high an aircraft is able to fly +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00036-00017125-00017582 we should start by deriving the general equations of motion. +qZ5UzUx5Vmc-00037-00017582-00017815 This is exactly what the next lecture will be about. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00000-00000096-00000583 Welcome to JSTOR revealed. For historians and other humanities scholars, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00001-00000583-00001088 JSTOR is a much used resource with 12 million academic journal articles, books, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00002-00001088-00001392 and primary sources in 75 disciplines. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00003-00001392-00001696 This is the JSTOR search home page and +qZJAMKJCNxE-00004-00001696-00002240 you can enter text in the search box just as you would for any search engine. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00005-00002240-00002727 I like to start with advanced search because it gives me a few more options. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00006-00002727-00003048 I'm going to search for women labor force or working women +qZJAMKJCNxE-00007-00003048-00003520 and nazi germany or third reich. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00008-00003522-00003911 The all field search will find the search words or phrases anywhere in the +qZJAMKJCNxE-00009-00003914-00004286 text, title, abstracts, subject headings, etc. of the document. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00010-00004286-00004704 You can limit to search specific fields +qZJAMKJCNxE-00011-00004704-00005062 but that will significantly narrow your results. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00012-00005062-00005430 Also, there's a caveat for the abstract search. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00013-00005432-00005776 Only about 10 percent of the items in JSTOR have an abstract, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00014-00005778-00006552 so by using that search you would probably miss some really good sources. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00015-00006554-00006922 I could submit the search now but I'm going to add some limiters. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00016-00006922-00007290 I want just articles and books +qZJAMKJCNxE-00017-00007290-00007614 and just english language items. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00018-00007616-00007992 I can narrow the date range but I'm going to leave that. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00019-00007992-00008320 When I submit the search, you see that the search yielded over a thousand results. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00020-00008320-00008696 As I scroll through the list, and see the titles, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00021-00008696-00009534 some look interesting and some don't seem relevant. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00022-00009534-00010100 I want to look at Women, Class, and Mobilization in Nazi Germany, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00023-00010100-00010626 so I click on the download the pdf button. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00024-00010626-00011076 And, I accept the terms and conditions. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00025-00011076-00011479 I would do an initial read of the first page or so +qZJAMKJCNxE-00026-00011479-00011943 to determine if the article warrants a full read. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00027-00011943-00012400 One thing to remember when you find a source that is relevant to your research +qZJAMKJCNxE-00028-00012400-00012959 is to always look through the footnotes or bibliography. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00029-00012959-00013344 In this case, footnote 1 has some interesting items. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00030-00013344-00013680 The format of the citation indicates whether the source +qZJAMKJCNxE-00031-00013680-00014022 is an article, book, book chapter, etc. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00032-00014022-00014572 Stevenson's Women in Nazi Society, which I can tell is a book from the citation format +qZJAMKJCNxE-00033-00014572-00014984 that includes a publishing location and doesn't list a journal name +qZJAMKJCNxE-00034-00014984-00015384 or volume and issue numbers might be worth looking at. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00035-00015384-00015808 Book citations may also include a publisher name. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00036-00015808-00016428 Moving to the library home page and selecting the BOOKS tab to search the catalog, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00037-00016428-00016686 I enter the book title and discover that +qZJAMKJCNxE-00038-00016686-00017252 we happen to have a print copy in the library. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00039-00017416-00018022 Returning to the article, Mason's Women in Germany, 1925-1940 +qZJAMKJCNxE-00040-00018022-00018486 is actually two articles in the Journal of Socialist Historians, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00041-00018486-00018815 one published in Spring 1976 and the +qZJAMKJCNxE-00042-00018816-00019056 other in Autumn of the same year. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00043-00019056-00019728 Note that the volume is identified before the date, another clue that it's a journal article. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00044-00019728-00020031 The next citation by Koonz is a book chapter. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00045-00020032-00020358 I know this because the citation includes "in" and it's +qZJAMKJCNxE-00046-00020358-00020958 "in Bridenthal and Koonz book Becoming Visible: Women in European History +qZJAMKJCNxE-00047-00021128-00021328 Returning to the JSTOR search, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00048-00021328-00021628 I also want to point out the citation feature. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00049-00021628-00021920 This feature is available in many databases. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00050-00021920-00022368 When I click on the Cite this item button, I'm given the article citation +qZJAMKJCNxE-00051-00022368-00022884 in three different formats: MLA, APA,and Chicago. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00052-00022884-00023294 Please note the Chicago format is in the Notes/Bib style. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00053-00023294-00023887 I can also export the citation to several different citation or bibliographic management tools, +qZJAMKJCNxE-00054-00023888-00024200 like the three that the USF Library support: +qZJAMKJCNxE-00055-00024200-00024552 Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00056-00024888-00025184 That concludes our introduction to JSTOR. +qZJAMKJCNxE-00057-00025184-00025590 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00000-00000683-00001099 His reign marked the beginning of one of history’s greatest empires +qfFMgtZHidQ-00001-00001099-00001392 and the end of one of its first republics. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00002-00001392-00001547 Was Rome’s first emperor +qfFMgtZHidQ-00003-00001547-00001976 a visionary leader who guaranteed his civilization’s place in history +qfFMgtZHidQ-00004-00001976-00002293 or a tyrant who destroyed its core values? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00005-00002293-00002646 Find out in History versus Augustus. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00006-00002646-00002797 Order, order. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00007-00002797-00003176 The defendant today is Gaius Octavius? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00008-00003176-00003385 Gaius Julius Caesar/Augustus... +qfFMgtZHidQ-00009-00003385-00003533 Do we have the wrong guy? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00010-00003533-00003633 No, your Honor. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00011-00003633-00004214 Gaius Octavius, born in 63 BCE, was the grand-nephew of Julius Caesar. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00012-00004214-00004406 He became Gaius Julius Caesar +qfFMgtZHidQ-00013-00004406-00004779 upon being named his great-uncle’s adoptive son and heir. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00014-00004779-00005141 And he gained the title Augustus in 27 BCE +qfFMgtZHidQ-00015-00005141-00005400 when the Senate granted him additional honors. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00016-00005400-00005859 You mean when he established sole authority and became emperor of Rome. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00017-00005859-00005942 Is that bad? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00018-00005942-00006237 Didn’t every place have some king or emperor back then? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00019-00006237-00006343 Actually, your Honor, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00020-00006343-00006699 the Roman people had overthrown their kings centuries before +qfFMgtZHidQ-00021-00006699-00006888 to establish a republic, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00022-00006888-00007359 a government meant to serve the people, not the privilege of a ruling family. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00023-00007359-00007653 And it was Octavius who destroyed this tradition. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00024-00007653-00007901 Octavius was a model public servant. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00025-00007901-00008213 At 16, he was elected to the College of Pontiffs +qfFMgtZHidQ-00026-00008213-00008401 that supervised religious worship. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00027-00008401-00008774 He fought for Rome in Hispania alongside his great-uncle Caesar +qfFMgtZHidQ-00028-00008774-00009140 and took up the responsibility of avenging Caesar’s death +qfFMgtZHidQ-00029-00009140-00009580 when the corrupt oligarchs in the Senate betrayed and murdered him. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00030-00009580-00009937 Caesar had been a power-hungry tyrant who tried to make himself a king +qfFMgtZHidQ-00031-00009937-00010278 while consorting with his Egyptian queen Cleopatra. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00032-00010278-00010395 After his death, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00033-00010395-00010618 Octavius joined his general Mark Antony +qfFMgtZHidQ-00034-00010618-00010918 in starting a civil war that tore Rome apart, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00035-00010918-00011353 then stabbed his ally in the back to increase his own power. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00036-00011353-00011493 Antony was a fool. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00037-00011493-00011732 He waged a disastrous campaign in Parthia +qfFMgtZHidQ-00038-00011732-00011950 and plotted to turn Roman territories +qfFMgtZHidQ-00039-00011950-00012321 into personal kingdoms for himself and Cleopatra. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00040-00012321-00012551 Isn’t that what Caesar had been accused of? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00041-00012551-00012625 Well... +qfFMgtZHidQ-00042-00012625-00012895 So Octavius destroyed Antony for trying to become a king +qfFMgtZHidQ-00043-00012895-00013075 and then became one himself? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00044-00013075-00013156 That’s right. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00045-00013156-00013651 You can see the megalomania even in his adopted title – "The Illustrious One." +qfFMgtZHidQ-00046-00013651-00013857 That was a religious honorific. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00047-00013857-00014128 And Augustus didn’t seek power for his own sake. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00048-00014128-00014468 As winner of the civil war and commander of the most troops, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00049-00014468-00014778 it was his duty to restore law and order to Rome +qfFMgtZHidQ-00050-00014778-00015036 so that other factions didn’t continue fighting. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00051-00015036-00015371 He didn’t restore the law - he made it subordinate to him! +qfFMgtZHidQ-00052-00015371-00015463 Not true. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00053-00015463-00015729 Augustus worked to restore the Senate’s prestige, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00054-00015729-00015980 improved food security for the lower classes, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00055-00015980-00016422 and relinquished control of the army when he resigned his consul post. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00056-00016422-00016577 Mere optics. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00057-00016577-00016829 He used his military influence and personal wealth +qfFMgtZHidQ-00058-00016829-00017074 to stack the Senate in his favor, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00059-00017074-00017294 while retaining the powers of a tribune +qfFMgtZHidQ-00060-00017294-00017595 and the right to celebrate military triumphs. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00061-00017595-00017916 He kept control of provinces with the most legions. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00062-00017916-00018042 And if that wasn’t enough, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00063-00018042-00018514 he assumed the consul position twice more to promote his grandchildren. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00064-00018514-00018792 He was clearly trying to establish a dynasty. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00065-00018792-00018984 But what did he do with all that power? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00066-00018984-00019155 Glad you asked, your Honor. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00067-00019155-00019482 Augustus’s accomplishments were almost too many to name. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00068-00019482-00019800 He established consistent taxation for all provinces, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00069-00019800-00020130 ending private exploitation by local tax officials. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00070-00020130-00020539 He personally financed a network of roads and employed couriers +qfFMgtZHidQ-00071-00020539-00020924 so news and troops could travel easily throughout the realm. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00072-00020924-00021072 And it was under Augustus +qfFMgtZHidQ-00073-00021072-00021451 that many of Rome’s famous public buildings were constructed. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00074-00021451-00021825 The writers of the time were nearly unanimous in praising his rule. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00075-00021825-00022049 Did the writers have any other choice? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00076-00022049-00022402 Augustus exiled plenty of people on vague charges, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00077-00022402-00022717 including Ovid, one of Rome’s greatest poets. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00078-00022717-00023159 And you forgot to mention the intrusive laws regarding citizens’ personal lives – +qfFMgtZHidQ-00079-00023159-00023303 punishing adultery, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00080-00023303-00023547 restricting marriage between social classes, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00081-00023547-00023816 even penalties for remaining unmarried. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00082-00023816-00024181 He was trying to improve the citizenry and instill discipline. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00083-00024181-00024318 And he succeeded. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00084-00024318-00024508 His legacy speaks for itself: +qfFMgtZHidQ-00085-00024508-00024716 40 years of internal stability, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00086-00024716-00025153 a professional army that expanded Rome’s frontiers in all directions, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00087-00025153-00025539 and a government still remembered as a model of civic virtue. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00088-00025539-00025733 His legacy was an empire +qfFMgtZHidQ-00089-00025733-00026087 that would go on to wage endless conquest until it collapsed, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00090-00026087-00026397 and a tradition of military autocracy. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00091-00026397-00026713 Any time a dictator in a general’s uniform commits atrocities +qfFMgtZHidQ-00092-00026713-00026986 while claiming to act on behalf of "the people," +qfFMgtZHidQ-00093-00026986-00027271 we have Augustus Caesar to thank. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00094-00027271-00027513 So you’re saying Augustus was a good emperor, +qfFMgtZHidQ-00095-00027513-00027813 and you’re saying there’s no such thing? +qfFMgtZHidQ-00096-00027813-00028073 We’re used to celebrating historical leaders +qfFMgtZHidQ-00097-00028073-00028283 for their achievements and victories. +qfFMgtZHidQ-00098-00028283-00028744 But to ask whether an individual should have such power in the first place +qfFMgtZHidQ-00099-00028744-00029029 is to put history itself on trial. +qhiVmMA7rtY-00000-00000064-00000632 Hello and welcome to Section 3.9. +qhiVmMA7rtY-00001-00000768-00001176 In this section we discuss the derivative +qhiVmMA7rtY-00002-00001176-00001623 as an approximation tool, +qhiVmMA7rtY-00003-00001623-00002144 and that material is kind of hard to properly motivate +qhiVmMA7rtY-00004-00002216-00002600 in this setting; I mean, you'll see examples +qhiVmMA7rtY-00005-00002600-00002920 and do homework problems wherein +qhiVmMA7rtY-00006-00002920-00003304 you're asked to use a linearization to +qhiVmMA7rtY-00007-00003304-00003647 approximate a square root, +qhiVmMA7rtY-00008-00003647-00004079 for example, and you'll be wondering, why? +qhiVmMA7rtY-00009-00004216-00004624 Our calculator can give you a much better +qhiVmMA7rtY-00010-00004624-00005336 approximation much quicker; unfortunately +qhiVmMA7rtY-00011-00005336-00005784 you'll have to wait until Differential Equations, +qhiVmMA7rtY-00012-00005880-00006392 Math 330 to see this material +qhiVmMA7rtY-00013-00006392-00007088 really shine, but it is important. +qke3_XQhCpu-00000-00000420-00000684 Hey I'm Spencer from the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, +qke3_XQhCpu-00001-00000700-00001580 and today we're out on the Christina River testing out an innovative new flow meter we're using for experimental research on freshwater mussel habitat. +qke3_XQhCpu-00002-00001580-00001926 We're trying to restore their habitat and better understand what's going on. +qke3_XQhCpu-00003-00001926-00002776 And so we've been able to build this device out of fairly simple electrical materials ... and electrical components +qke3_XQhCpu-00004-00002792-00003504 for only a couple hundred dollars and normally it would cost about $10,000 to do the same. +qmBWAffOJXY-00000-00000800-00001472 hi this is the polishing wheel we're going to use this to grind down our thin sections and +qmBWAffOJXY-00001-00001472-00002200 also to make a nice polished finish so this is pretty straightforward it has a cover which i +qmBWAffOJXY-00002-00002200-00003112 want to remove when you're using it there is a water supply here this is a nifty thing so the +qmBWAffOJXY-00003-00003208-00003544 wheel is going to turn around you're going to hold your sample to polish it +qmBWAffOJXY-00004-00003656-00004544 there's different grain size or grits of polishing paper here and this system is really neat because +qmBWAffOJXY-00005-00004544-00005104 it has these magnetic plates that you can switch out so you can see here maybe this is a different +qmBWAffOJXY-00006-00005104-00005960 color from this polishing material here and you can just remove them from the wheel and replace +qmBWAffOJXY-00007-00005960-00006376 them with a different one as you progress in polishing because you want to start with the +qmBWAffOJXY-00008-00006376-00006840 coarsest grit that you need and then work your way to the finest grit to get a good finish +qmBWAffOJXY-00009-00006944-00007456 so the parts here again there's the water supply here you'll also see there's a +qmBWAffOJXY-00010-00007528-00008376 button here to turn on and off the water supply there's also a water supply from the wall so we'll +qmBWAffOJXY-00011-00008376-00009328 want to turn it on at the wall and also make sure that this button is on this disc here will rotate +qmBWAffOJXY-00012-00009328-00010008 so you can change here the rpm or how fast it's rotating and you don't want to go so fast that +qmBWAffOJXY-00013-00010008-00010416 you're going to lose your sample you know not be able to hold on to your sample nor do you want to +qmBWAffOJXY-00014-00010416-00010952 go so slowly that it's not doing as much so we're going to just try that kind of play that by ear +qmBWAffOJXY-00015-00011080-00011728 there's a stop and a start button so if you want this to start rotating you just push the start and +qmBWAffOJXY-00016-00011728-00012192 to get the water to come out here again you want to have the water button on the little green light +qmBWAffOJXY-00017-00012192-00012847 will be on and then you want to turn it on at the wall by pulling on the lever and you don't need +qmBWAffOJXY-00018-00012912-00013568 a tremendous amount right if you put so much in here you may risk flooding so again just kind of +qmBWAffOJXY-00019-00013568-00014240 play it by ear here if your sample is scratching the surface you may need to add some more water um +qmBWAffOJXY-00020-00014312-00014760 if there's too much water you may start to fill up this basin and that's not good either +qmBWAffOJXY-00021-00014896-00015584 so with this going you can see i could put a sample right here so if i had you know +qmBWAffOJXY-00022-00015680-00016208 a thin section on one of these little we have a little sample jig here you can hold it or you can +qmBWAffOJXY-00023-00016208-00016984 hold a rock sample and just hold it down onto the surface and again like our other polishing +qmBWAffOJXY-00024-00016984-00017608 equipment you don't want to push down on it it's the sideways motion of the paper that is going +qmBWAffOJXY-00025-00017608-00018328 to produce the polish right so push down just hold it so that it's in contact with the paper +qmBWAffOJXY-00026-00018328-00018808 as it rotates and putting it in the area where the water is you can't adjust this has a nice +qmBWAffOJXY-00027-00018808-00019352 adjustable nozzle so you can change the location of where the water is being placed all right +qmBWAffOJXY-00028-00019488-00020168 and then again when you're finished with this you want to make sure that you stop the rotation +qmBWAffOJXY-00029-00020288-00020664 you also will notice it automatically shuts the water off here but you want to remember +qmBWAffOJXY-00030-00020664-00021312 to close it off at the wall okay and there is actually an on off button so when everyone is +qmBWAffOJXY-00031-00021312-00021800 done using it there is an on off button in the back here next to the power cord that you can push +qmBWAffOJXY-00032-00021800-00022400 to turn the whole thing off and then you want to probably take this off so here's +qmBWAffOJXY-00033-00022400-00022928 one of the little plates here just comes off like that and you can set it here to dry +qmBWAffOJXY-00034-00023064-00023720 right and there's a lid here to place on top to keep dust from other equipment from getting into +qmBWAffOJXY-00035-00023792-00024456 the machine all right so great now you're ready to polish if the polishing paper seems like +qmBWAffOJXY-00036-00024456-00025016 it has been used too much and there's lots of scratches or indentations on it or just seems +qmBWAffOJXY-00037-00025016-00025656 worn down in places you can replace it easily on these little magnetic plates so this is just +qmBWAffOJXY-00038-00025656-00026383 an adhesive back like this um material and we have replacements here so you want to match +qmBWAffOJXY-00039-00026495-00027368 the grit so the grit size corresponds to the particle size on the paper so in this case +qmBWAffOJXY-00040-00027368-00027895 actually the larger the grit number the smaller the grain size so we can go if you want to convert +qmBWAffOJXY-00041-00027895-00028536 this to how many micrometers uh the particles are we have there's like a comparison chart over here +qmBWAffOJXY-00042-00028536-00029104 you can look it up on the internet but make sure you're using the us version of this because other +qmBWAffOJXY-00043-00029104-00029944 countries have different um scales so but all you do here is you just peel this one off and then +qmBWAffOJXY-00044-00030016-00030527 don't do it because that one looks okay and then a new piece of paper here there's a little tab you +qmBWAffOJXY-00045-00030527-00031232 can pull and remove the adhesive from the back of the paper and then you know remove this paper and +qmBWAffOJXY-00046-00031232-00032383 then just stick this one on make sure there's a clean surface that's really quite easy to do +qmBWAffOJXY-00047-00033144-00033152 you +ropqBuHGzAQ-00000-00000892-00001001 Thank you for this sisterhood. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00001-00001001-00001117 How we look after each other +ropqBuHGzAQ-00002-00001117-00001217 we check on each other +ropqBuHGzAQ-00003-00001217-00001317 and that's a blessing. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00004-00001347-00001509 May we not stumble or fall. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00005-00001509-00001609 Amen. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00006-00001764-00001889 GirlTrek is a movement +ropqBuHGzAQ-00007-00001889-00002160 for African American women and girls. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00008-00002248-00002423 It's more than just walking. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00009-00002423-00002573 It's more about self care. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00010-00002602-00002752 How can you take care of anybody else +ropqBuHGzAQ-00011-00002752-00002898 if you don't take care of yourself? +ropqBuHGzAQ-00012-00003028-00003274 It makes me want to be healthy. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00013-00003307-00003432 It makes me want all the women +ropqBuHGzAQ-00014-00003432-00003590 that I know to be healthy. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00015-00003824-00003883 Eight. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00016-00004049-00004108 Nine. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00017-00004308-00004471 I lost my only sibling. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00018-00004496-00004625 She was killed by her +ropqBuHGzAQ-00019-00004625-00004775 ex-boyfriend at the time. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00020-00004884-00004979 I felt alone. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00021-00005009-00005230 It was almost like I was a walking corpse +ropqBuHGzAQ-00022-00005263-00005505 and something had to give. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00023-00005618-00005822 GirlTrek was right there on time. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00024-00005876-00005964 They'll strengthen you. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00025-00005964-00006085 They'll empower you. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00026-00006085-00006206 And the sky's the limit. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00027-00006377-00006623 Now, remember this is not a race. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00028-00006790-00006919 We're walking for our health. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00029-00006919-00007173 We're walking for our spiritual growth. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00030-00007173-00007415 We're walking for sisterhood. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00031-00007620-00007791 There's collective leadership +ropqBuHGzAQ-00032-00007791-00007920 that is actually happening. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00033-00007991-00008174 Women walking and talking together +ropqBuHGzAQ-00034-00008174-00008354 can solve critical problems +ropqBuHGzAQ-00035-00008354-00008454 in their households +ropqBuHGzAQ-00036-00008454-00008562 and in their communities. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00037-00008562-00008742 That is the most powerful +ropqBuHGzAQ-00038-00008742-00008954 formula for change in the world +ropqBuHGzAQ-00039-00008954-00009084 not just in the United States. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00040-00009284-00009476 GirlTrek is a changemaking movement +ropqBuHGzAQ-00041-00009476-00009793 because it relies on the blueprint +ropqBuHGzAQ-00042-00009793-00009918 that has been passed down +ropqBuHGzAQ-00043-00009918-00010110 from generations of other Black women. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00044-00010189-00010381 People have to invest more +ropqBuHGzAQ-00045-00010381-00010568 in non-traditional leadership. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00046-00010568-00010769 There is no problem that is happening +ropqBuHGzAQ-00047-00010769-00010860 in this world +ropqBuHGzAQ-00048-00010860-00010956 that is gonna be solved +ropqBuHGzAQ-00049-00010956-00011161 if we take such a narrow approach +ropqBuHGzAQ-00050-00011161-00011390 to who we actually elevate and amplify +ropqBuHGzAQ-00051-00011390-00011644 around voices and access and resources. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00052-00011703-00011870 Our model is to provide +ropqBuHGzAQ-00053-00011870-00011982 the inspiration +ropqBuHGzAQ-00054-00011982-00012057 the tools +ropqBuHGzAQ-00055-00012057-00012170 and the organizing. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00056-00012366-00012499 We have to innovate +ropqBuHGzAQ-00057-00012499-00012725 so that we are creating generational change. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00058-00012791-00013117 We are relentless in our goal +ropqBuHGzAQ-00059-00013117-00013334 of getting a million Black women +ropqBuHGzAQ-00060-00013334-00013542 to reclaim their health and communities +ropqBuHGzAQ-00061-00013542-00013701 so that our grandchildren +ropqBuHGzAQ-00062-00013701-00013842 and great-grandchildren +ropqBuHGzAQ-00063-00013842-00013984 are able to thrive. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00064-00014205-00014293 Let's go! +ropqBuHGzAQ-00065-00014385-00014568 When I look at what GirlTrek is doing +ropqBuHGzAQ-00066-00014568-00014747 in its most transformational way +ropqBuHGzAQ-00067-00014747-00014956 it is trusting those women +ropqBuHGzAQ-00068-00014956-00015148 the average everyday heroes +ropqBuHGzAQ-00069-00015148-00015348 to do something in their communities. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00070-00015419-00015665 Let women stand in their own power +ropqBuHGzAQ-00071-00015665-00015811 and trust that we have actually +ropqBuHGzAQ-00072-00015811-00015974 always had the solutions. +ropqBuHGzAQ-00073-00016053-00016120 Group picture? +ropqBuHGzAQ-00074-00016274-00016345 And it's just- +ropqBuHGzAQ-00075-00016345-00016437 it's just amazing +ropqBuHGzAQ-00076-00016437-00016637 that we can do that as a group +ropqBuHGzAQ-00077-00016637-00016750 and be effective +ropqBuHGzAQ-00078-00016750-00016954 and make a change for the good. +r923tdylb-U-00000-00000623-00000981 My name is Matt Shakhovskoy. I'm from the Initiative for Smallholder Finance and +r923tdylb-U-00001-00001046-00001333 have just been joining the discussion here at the +r923tdylb-U-00002-00001403-00001725 Feed the future Global Learning and Evidence Exchange in Bangkok. +r923tdylb-U-00003-00001814-00002079 I joined the discussion on day three +r923tdylb-U-00004-00002138-00002835 related to integrating access to finance and the thing that immediately struck me about the discussion is +r923tdylb-U-00005-00002903-00003564 it's vastly different from the conversation that I think was being had in these sorts of fora even three years ago. +r923tdylb-U-00006-00003650-00003945 So the embedding of ideas around +r923tdylb-U-00007-00004022-00004461 systems based thinking and developing markets rather than just +r923tdylb-U-00008-00004511-00004956 developing specific value chains and specific segments for smallholder farmers is +r923tdylb-U-00009-00004997-00005322 a market change in the way that people are thinking, but also +r923tdylb-U-00010-00005387-00005872 just listening to the ideas that have been floated around the room and the level of understanding around +r923tdylb-U-00011-00005918-00006468 the sorts of financing tools that have become commonplace. Things like value chain lending or social lending, +r923tdylb-U-00012-00006547-00007149 creates a really interesting launchpad to start to play with with new mechanisms things that are more technology-based +r923tdylb-U-00013-00007253-00007833 or working in more complex configurations or partners. Or, even USAID +r923tdylb-U-00014-00007834-00008097 just playing more of a brokering role in these markets. +r923tdylb-U-00015-00008179-00008655 So our research feeds a lot of that because we've been codifying a lot of what's been happening +r923tdylb-U-00016-00008744-00008994 in the market over the last five years, +r923tdylb-U-00017-00009022-00009486 but I think we're getting to a point where a lot of the innovations are going to start to come +r923tdylb-U-00018-00009545-00009982 from people who understand the basics and are now taking it to the next level. So, +r923tdylb-U-00019-00010028-00010414 exciting to be here and to be involved in the conversation and +r923tdylb-U-00020-00010517-00011190 a great chance to both impart what we know and also learn from others who are on the front line of +r923tdylb-U-00021-00011218-00011418 making some of this stuff happen. +r9gwzZvuuBy-00000-00000016-00000672 good afternoon ladies and gentlemen boys and girls friends in poles it's time for t.a.t +r9gwzZvuuBy-00001-00000744-00001592 and i got some good stuff to talk about today and as soon as i come back i'll get started hey +r9gwzZvuuBy-00002-00001848-00001912 hello there +r9gwzZvuuBy-00003-00002616-00003144 okay so i have quite a few things here that i want to talk about today i've got a few things that +r9gwzZvuuBy-00004-00003144-00003800 some of you probably won't like i'm sure the haters are going to come out immediately and +r9gwzZvuuBy-00005-00003800-00004672 talk about a couple of these topics here that i want to talk about uh airbnb okay airbnb i don't +r9gwzZvuuBy-00006-00004672-00005296 know many of you that have met me in person that met me in person know me personally know how i +r9gwzZvuuBy-00007-00005296-00005864 feel about airbnb and i'm gonna tell you right now without a moment's hesitation that i have +r9gwzZvuuBy-00008-00005864-00006528 absolutely zero use for airbnb i don't like them i don't like the way they operate i don't like their +r9gwzZvuuBy-00009-00006528-00007216 quality control i i have no use for them i've had bad experiences with them even back home in the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00010-00007216-00007920 states i had a neighbor that ran into airbnb and they were they were supposed to screen all their +r9gwzZvuuBy-00011-00007992-00008504 renters their clients to make sure they were over the age of 55 because i lived in a 55 +r9gwzZvuuBy-00012-00008504-00009032 and over community and they were supposed to screen them for their age and not allow +r9gwzZvuuBy-00013-00009184-00009736 basically kids into our community and we it was a nightmare for a lot of us me +r9gwzZvuuBy-00014-00009816-00010400 and a lot of people and nobody at airbnb would do a damn thing about it i've had two bad experiences +r9gwzZvuuBy-00015-00010400-00011008 here one was both of them were just with just you know not meeting expectations when you look at +r9gwzZvuuBy-00016-00011096-00011856 a site a rental site on their website and they show you a list of all the amenities +r9gwzZvuuBy-00017-00011856-00012400 of what's available for this rental and you expect that to be there coffee +r9gwzZvuuBy-00018-00012480-00013096 check okay i want coffee fresh water check yeah okay i want fresh water clean towels clean linens +r9gwzZvuuBy-00019-00013191-00013872 you know i showed up the first place i went to that was in cressita and tv was broken the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00020-00013928-00014319 bathroom sink almost came off the wall when i leaned over on it to brush my teeth +r9gwzZvuuBy-00021-00014416-00014824 there was nothing there was no drinking water no i'm sorry i'll take them back there was drinking +r9gwzZvuuBy-00022-00014824-00015328 water but in this one there was no there was coffee and there was a coffee maker but no coffee +r9gwzZvuuBy-00023-00015328-00016008 pot okay it didn't meet our expectations and we canceled and the poor lady told me that she you +r9gwzZvuuBy-00024-00016008-00016560 know she she inherited the place from her husband who deceased who passed away a year earlier and +r9gwzZvuuBy-00025-00016560-00017104 she asked me if i even wanted to buy the place i just said nope i just want out got a refund for +r9gwzZvuuBy-00026-00017104-00017608 the balance of the month that i was going to be there and we came on to monta got into one here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00027-00017608-00018064 in montana and it was even worse i'm not going to go into details about it there's no sense in +r9gwzZvuuBy-00028-00018144-00018768 you know hashing it over you want to know the problems that i had with that one send me well +r9gwzZvuuBy-00029-00018768-00019216 no don't even do that because i'm not it's let me tell you it just didn't meet expectations at all +r9gwzZvuuBy-00030-00019288-00019968 but the worst part about the one here in manta was that the lady completely canceled my reservation +r9gwzZvuuBy-00031-00019968-00020464 and even after me and my two guests stayed overnight she refunded 100 percent of my money +r9gwzZvuuBy-00032-00020464-00021320 and so i gave her a positive review a good review and yet she tore me up on her review of me +r9gwzZvuuBy-00033-00021320-00021864 after i went to when i tried to go to quincun the first of the year i had the first place i tried +r9gwzZvuuBy-00034-00021864-00022336 to get into they turned me down and said they didn't want any trouble fortunately the second +r9gwzZvuuBy-00035-00022336-00022808 one accepted me and didn't have a problem i don't like airbnb i don't like the way they treat people +r9gwzZvuuBy-00036-00022808-00023472 i don't like the way they they don't police their clients i have people that came to monta to get +r9gwzZvuuBy-00037-00023560-00024056 to rent an airbnb and they end up in a box with no windows i had one couple that came here they had +r9gwzZvuuBy-00038-00024120-00024944 the the female half of the couple was was disabled and had to walk with a cane and she had walked up +r9gwzZvuuBy-00039-00024944-00025704 two flights of skinny little concrete stairs with no handrails to get to the apartment and +r9gwzZvuuBy-00040-00025704-00026320 it was 100 dangerous for her you know they didn't say anything about that in the description airbnb +r9gwzZvuuBy-00041-00026400-00026864 you can take a hike as far as i'm concerned and i know that i i said that on emilia and +r9gwzZvuuBy-00042-00026864-00027488 jp's channel one time and jp got all snippy about it and told me not to be badmouthing airbnb well +r9gwzZvuuBy-00043-00028008-00028576 so that's how i feel about airbnb please folks as much as i want to help you i i really really want +r9gwzZvuuBy-00044-00028576-00029239 to help people but please don't write to me and ask me for any information about airbnb's here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00045-00029239-00029712 in monta because as far as i'm concerned they all suck if somebody can show me one +r9gwzZvuuBy-00046-00029712-00030320 that doesn't i'm all ears funerals i want to talk to you about funerals you can see from +r9gwzZvuuBy-00047-00030320-00030983 the picture here this is a funeral procession that just went right by my apartment here today +r9gwzZvuuBy-00048-00031120-00031839 normally when i see this uh funeral possession like this one there's extremely loud music that +r9gwzZvuuBy-00049-00031839-00032400 precedes them the crowd but this one here was dead silent i don't know how i managed even though +r9gwzZvuuBy-00050-00032472-00033048 they were there it turns out that the person that was being buried is the tv reporter that +r9gwzZvuuBy-00051-00033048-00033528 was assassinated here earlier in the week and i'm gonna tell i'm gonna talk about that +r9gwzZvuuBy-00052-00033616-00034232 in a few minutes when i'll talk about murders here in manta when you see these funerals the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00053-00034232-00035088 these funeral possessions they are they're out in the open street they're they carry the coffin over +r9gwzZvuuBy-00054-00035088-00035728 their shoulders as you can see from the picture here and it's to me it's very moving you know and +r9gwzZvuuBy-00055-00035848-00036432 the people show their love you know right to the last minute i was reading in the quink of +r9gwzZvuuBy-00056-00036432-00037424 high life today and i read something about how the airline are rebounding and i'm going to read +r9gwzZvuuBy-00057-00037424-00038248 to you what i made note of i think i'm going to read it to you it seems like you know the the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00058-00038248-00038864 airline travel industry the airline industry is is rebounding uh with a business there are +r9gwzZvuuBy-00059-00038928-00039624 more flights coming in i can't believe this i had this i had notes on this and according to the what +r9gwzZvuuBy-00060-00039624-00040096 i read i'll just ecuador air travel rebounds from the pandemic so i'll put a link to in the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00061-00040096-00040624 description to this article it's the number of national and international air passengers +r9gwzZvuuBy-00062-00040624-00041152 arriving at ecuador's airports is showing a strong recovery from the kobe 19 pandemic according to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00063-00041152-00041736 the national civil aviation agency the number of passengers through the first six months of 2022 +r9gwzZvuuBy-00064-00041800-00042424 was 78 the number of the passengers in the same period 2019. so that's good news travel +r9gwzZvuuBy-00065-00042424-00042896 is up people are coming in i know somebody's going to write and ask me what about colby +r9gwzZvuuBy-00066-00042984-00043648 do you own research on coving i'm not the culprit expert here i hear people they you can get in here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00067-00043648-00044136 you don't have to have it's not sell a box card anymore you don't have to be vaccinated on guests +r9gwzZvuuBy-00068-00044136-00044696 to get in here i don't know the best advice i can give you or no the best i don't give advice +r9gwzZvuuBy-00069-00044696-00045296 the best recommendation i can give you in regards to getting information about coed is check with +r9gwzZvuuBy-00070-00045296-00045816 your airline okay that's all there is to it check with your airline and get it straight from get the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00071-00045816-00046440 straight scoop from the source okay not hearsay from somebody like me or somebody on facebook +r9gwzZvuuBy-00072-00046440-00047160 okay get it from the airline marijuana wall laws marijuana walls marijuana laws in ecuador +r9gwzZvuuBy-00073-00047320-00047792 they say that you can have you can possess marijuana up to 10 grams that that's been +r9gwzZvuuBy-00074-00047792-00048432 decriminalized there's been a lot of talk lately about marijuana as you may have watched from one +r9gwzZvuuBy-00075-00048432-00049056 of my previous videos for those of you that watch my videos to the end a lot of you don't realize +r9gwzZvuuBy-00076-00049056-00049632 that usually at the end of my videos i have a little clip of something a little bonus clip you +r9gwzZvuuBy-00077-00049632-00050200 know you never know what's going to be it might be a tick tock clip it might be a blooper from me +r9gwzZvuuBy-00078-00050200-00050848 it might be me smoking pot you never know what you're going to see on the end of some of these +r9gwzZvuuBy-00079-00050848-00051336 videos but i've done a lot of research here lately to find out about the use of marijuana because i +r9gwzZvuuBy-00080-00051336-00052008 talked to my doctor about maybe me using marijuana to help me curb my stress and to help me relax +r9gwzZvuuBy-00081-00052008-00052520 and get to sleep at night because it's a problem for me i have a problem with stress +r9gwzZvuuBy-00082-00052576-00053104 here like you wouldn't believe i'm afraid that it's going to cost me my relationship with my +r9gwzZvuuBy-00083-00053200-00053928 girlfriend i snapped at her the other day to the degree that just makes me sick to my stomach +r9gwzZvuuBy-00084-00053928-00054576 and uh i don't know what i'm gonna do about it you know i i heard her and i'm so sorry for that +r9gwzZvuuBy-00085-00054655-00055136 i wish i had i still wish i had not have snapped at her and she knows i'm sorry about it +r9gwzZvuuBy-00086-00055136-00055832 and we we're still talking about i'm i've got to figure out some way to get this calmness stress +r9gwzZvuuBy-00087-00055832-00056391 down my stress over everything i stress over noise and stress over getting sleep i stress over will +r9gwzZvuuBy-00088-00056391-00056912 i get any sleep tonight i stress over that stress over money in the bank i stress over this channel +r9gwzZvuuBy-00089-00056912-00057584 i stress over my girlfriend am i making her happy you know i stress over everything so +r9gwzZvuuBy-00090-00057584-00058032 i've been looking into this possibility you know what if i want to smoke a joint what if i want to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00091-00058032-00058679 or take some cbd oil or thc oil you know i'm looking into it so i wanted to see what the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00092-00058744-00059216 information i could find about the legalities of it and pretty much all i can find out believe +r9gwzZvuuBy-00093-00059216-00060008 it or not they're they decriminalize possessing marijuana up to 10 grams but it's up to the cup it +r9gwzZvuuBy-00094-00060008-00060767 stops you it's up to the cop that and that's what scares me so if you come to extra door and you +r9gwzZvuuBy-00095-00060767-00061312 want to smoke pot and you get caught by a cop you better get some cash out of your pocket because +r9gwzZvuuBy-00096-00061312-00061808 more likely you can just probably give the cop 20 bucks and he'll look the other way that's what +r9gwzZvuuBy-00097-00061808-00062391 i've heard i i don't know if that's true i'm not saying that but that's what i heard that's right +r9gwzZvuuBy-00098-00062600-00063079 hearsay good old hearsay this is not the united states we can you hear say here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00099-00063079-00063552 possession up to 10 grams all right so anyway on to the next topic american tv +r9gwzZvuuBy-00100-00063640-00064152 there's a way to get american tv here i don't know if you've heard about it but it's called madges tv +r9gwzZvuuBy-00101-00064152-00064840 m-a-g-i-s i get it here in mata for ten dollars a month if you come here and you want to get it +r9gwzZvuuBy-00102-00064840-00065696 for your tv you need to have a smart tv or a fire stick or any other streaming device and believe it +r9gwzZvuuBy-00103-00065696-00066288 or not you can get american tv programming and it works pretty damn good i used to have another one +r9gwzZvuuBy-00104-00066288-00066560 that i bought when i was signed or signed up for when i was in +r9gwzZvuuBy-00105-00066648-00067280 cuenca and they charged me like 20 a month and you couldn't give me their service and if you want to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00106-00067280-00067864 know the name of it send me an email and i'll tell you i'm not going to announce it here but madgestv +r9gwzZvuuBy-00107-00067864-00068560 here in quink i found the guy on facebook advertising he's a super nice guy he gives +r9gwzZvuuBy-00108-00068560-00069032 you personal attention if you have any problems and you'll come out and load it up on your fire +r9gwzZvuuBy-00109-00069032-00069408 stick for you basically jail break the fire stick just come in the back door so you can +r9gwzZvuuBy-00110-00069488-00069936 load up software on it and he'll load it up for you it's 10 bucks a month and it works +r9gwzZvuuBy-00111-00069936-00070584 really pretty damn good so it's called madjus tv i don't have a link for it well maybe i do +r9gwzZvuuBy-00112-00070584-00071032 have a link for it i do have a link for it i'll tell you what i'll put it in the description okay +r9gwzZvuuBy-00113-00071176-00071616 i'll check with the guy and make sure that it's okay for me to put his information in +r9gwzZvuuBy-00114-00071616-00072232 the description i'm sure it will be and and by the way he speaks great english and he'll +r9gwzZvuuBy-00115-00072232-00072928 take care of you okay so american tv the other thing i want to talk about is i saw an article +r9gwzZvuuBy-00116-00072928-00073400 in the queen of high life it said want to be an expat but can't bring yourself to leave your own +r9gwzZvuuBy-00117-00073464-00074096 country behind entirely as someone who spent five spent five or six months and a year who spent +r9gwzZvuuBy-00118-00074176-00074768 five or six months a year in cuenca since 2003 i always appreciate the fact that i'm able to see +r9gwzZvuuBy-00119-00074768-00075304 the city with fresh eyes every time i return sky took a really great picture here it is right here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00120-00075448-00075944 this looks like my kind of picture i would if i was in this area i would have taken the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00121-00075944-00076368 exact same photograph the story basically is about giving up everything and coming +r9gwzZvuuBy-00122-00076368-00076728 to another country it's a it's a real i tell you what i'll do i'll put a link to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00123-00076728-00077184 this article in the description too because the thing that i really wanted to point out +r9gwzZvuuBy-00124-00077296-00078160 uh about this article is it it made me think about a conversation i had with somebody the other day +r9gwzZvuuBy-00125-00078216-00078744 and i've talked about this before when you want to come here if you're going to sell everything +r9gwzZvuuBy-00126-00078744-00079272 you own and you have any doubts about whether you think you're going to be happy here or not +r9gwzZvuuBy-00127-00079384-00080040 just sell the major stuff like maybe your car and your house and stuff like that but stuff that's +r9gwzZvuuBy-00128-00080040-00080456 near and dear to your heart and that you don't and maybe furniture and stuff you know put it in +r9gwzZvuuBy-00129-00080456-00081096 storage put in storage for a year and then give it a year i seem to be meeting more and more people +r9gwzZvuuBy-00130-00081192-00081552 that are concerned about that because they hear stories about what it's like +r9gwzZvuuBy-00131-00081552-00082200 being retired here and they're not easy about it so go ahead and push some stuff in stories +r9gwzZvuuBy-00132-00082200-00082592 put your stuff in storage if you have tournament go back home at least you can go and get your +r9gwzZvuuBy-00133-00082592-00083056 stuff even put a car in storage if you don't want to sell it you know to tell you the truth +r9gwzZvuuBy-00134-00083056-00083576 i wish i'd done that not that i want to go back but there's been so many times where i thought +r9gwzZvuuBy-00135-00083704-00084176 if i get sick enough i'd have to go back and it would be nice to be able to get to my stuff this +r9gwzZvuuBy-00136-00084176-00084616 guy wrote particularly to quincy this year i'm hearing from several friends that expats +r9gwzZvuuBy-00137-00084688-00085208 are leaving in droves as a result of the colby pandemic and that the overall expat population +r9gwzZvuuBy-00138-00085272-00086096 is in decline say what he says from my annual snapshot perspective i'm baffled that anyone +r9gwzZvuuBy-00139-00086168-00086768 of reasonable observation skills would believe this i cannot help but notice a substantial +r9gwzZvuuBy-00140-00086768-00087224 year-to-year increase of tourists and expats on the streets and restaurants and supermarkets +r9gwzZvuuBy-00141-00087224-00087808 and mercados and at the festivals and concerts i also can't help but notice an increase of the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00142-00087808-00088344 number of young extra families of european and north american origin and just last week i talked +r9gwzZvuuBy-00143-00088344-00088872 to a chinese lady who facilitates the relocation of chinese nationals and people of chinese +r9gwzZvuuBy-00144-00088872-00089624 ancestry in the u.s to koika she believes that about 500 chinese who have moved quincus since +r9gwzZvuuBy-00145-00089624-00090344 2014. truth pandemic slowed down the flow but from what i see things are quickly returning to normal +r9gwzZvuuBy-00146-00090440-00090768 more and more people are coming to ecuador and more and more people are going to cuenca +r9gwzZvuuBy-00147-00090864-00091440 cuenca is a favorite destination here folks guy says frankly i don't care if expat numbers are +r9gwzZvuuBy-00148-00091440-00092160 going up or down and would be just as happy with pure expats i can be happy with the fewer expats +r9gwzZvuuBy-00149-00092160-00092792 that i know of around here i could pick some out i also ready to admit that my choice of cuenca is +r9gwzZvuuBy-00150-00092792-00093344 mostly personal i try to avoid discussions with about which expat country or city is the best +r9gwzZvuuBy-00151-00093408-00093912 or better than others this is mostly a number a matter of personal opinion after all at my age +r9gwzZvuuBy-00152-00093912-00094424 i'm not interested in the latest greatest expat destination that has just been discovered i quit +r9gwzZvuuBy-00153-00094424-00094968 reading international living years ago yeah i did too i quit reading that garbage years ago too my +r9gwzZvuuBy-00154-00094968-00095464 message to those thinking of becoming expats but have reservations about leaving the old country +r9gwzZvuuBy-00155-00095464-00095904 now listen to this folks my message to those thinking of becoming expats but +r9gwzZvuuBy-00156-00095904-00096440 have reservations about leaving the old country behind is to consider becoming part-time expats +r9gwzZvuuBy-00157-00096560-00096928 we love many things about our hometown in california and we love being able to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00158-00096928-00097456 see our children and our grandchildren on a regular basis on the other hand we feel +r9gwzZvuuBy-00159-00097456-00098008 blessed to spend time in cuenca by dividing our time between two countries and two cultures +r9gwzZvuuBy-00160-00098088-00098448 my wife and i feel we enjoy the best of two worlds without leaving either behind +r9gwzZvuuBy-00161-00098568-00098968 it's a good article i'll put the link in the description read it it's in cuenca hot life it's +r9gwzZvuuBy-00162-00099104-00099464 you know talking about now i want to talk about murder +r9gwzZvuuBy-00163-00099464-00099952 so we've had some murders here in matcha recently and i'm sure you may have heard about them +r9gwzZvuuBy-00164-00099952-00100520 uh i'm going to quote some stuff from mark bradbury's post on facebook on his facebook page +r9gwzZvuuBy-00165-00100704-00100984 what's happened is that there have been some shootings +r9gwzZvuuBy-00166-00101216-00101704 actually assassinations they weren't just random shootings these were people that were influential +r9gwzZvuuBy-00167-00101704-00102328 people in the area in the community one was the tv reporter and that somebody put out a +r9gwzZvuuBy-00168-00102328-00102888 hit on paid two thousand dollars to have this guy murdered and that's the guy that's in the coffin +r9gwzZvuuBy-00169-00102888-00103608 that's being carried down the street here in the start of this video from the picture that i posted +r9gwzZvuuBy-00170-00103752-00104448 and the other one was a woman in her bodyguard a jewelry store owner i believe it was i could +r9gwzZvuuBy-00171-00104448-00105040 be wrong about that but i'll put a link to mark bradberry's article on facebook he gives some +r9gwzZvuuBy-00172-00105040-00105608 pretty good details about it but it wasn't a hold up it wasn't a robbery it was an assassination +r9gwzZvuuBy-00173-00105608-00106056 because the woman and her bodyguard both were shot and killed mark said in his article again +r9gwzZvuuBy-00174-00106056-00106472 it's important that you understand the difference the difference as to random violence and target +r9gwzZvuuBy-00175-00106472-00107032 targeted executions lately with the shootings of a young 26 year old woman a female attorney +r9gwzZvuuBy-00176-00107096-00107583 a jewelry store owner and her bodyguard and then yesterday a local television reporter was +r9gwzZvuuBy-00177-00107583-00108088 shot down right in front of his son two men were apprehended for that murder and openly admitted +r9gwzZvuuBy-00178-00108088-00108528 that they had been paid two thousand dollars for killing this man who apparently upset the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00179-00108528-00109072 wrong people clarity murder for hire has become a profitable job a job where some can make more +r9gwzZvuuBy-00180-00109072-00109544 money for the hit than they could make selling fish or working on cars for the next few months +r9gwzZvuuBy-00181-00109624-00110144 it's a business and it's pretty damn scary for sure mark went on to say expats who live here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00182-00110144-00110632 are not being gunned down in the streets some have experienced random acts of violence which +r9gwzZvuuBy-00183-00110632-00111159 have been traumatic but acts of crime against the expats here have been the same thing that has been +r9gwzZvuuBy-00184-00111159-00111744 going happening here for a long time telephones being stolen occasional takedown primary problems +r9gwzZvuuBy-00185-00111744-00112359 that we pace every day not necessarily paradise but not any more unusual here than major cities +r9gwzZvuuBy-00186-00112359-00112904 all over the world crimes of opportunity happen everywhere and they will continue happening here +r9gwzZvuuBy-00187-00112904-00113383 it's human nature and we can't stop it so i'll put a link to this article +r9gwzZvuuBy-00188-00113456-00114096 in the description the mayor here is is gone to quito and to ask for help to try to get some more +r9gwzZvuuBy-00189-00114192-00114680 resources to help patrol the streets especially over this holiday weekend that we have this +r9gwzZvuuBy-00190-00114680-00115240 weekend you know but folks if you hear about these murders like mark said don't i mean be +r9gwzZvuuBy-00191-00115240-00115783 concerned i mean you have a right to be concerned about them for sure but know +r9gwzZvuuBy-00192-00115888-00116376 that these random shootings don't happen here like they do in the united states it's a sport +r9gwzZvuuBy-00193-00116376-00116944 in the united states it doesn't happen often here we don't have mass shootings +r9gwzZvuuBy-00194-00116944-00117311 usually if there's a shooting here it's between gang members fighting over drugs +r9gwzZvuuBy-00195-00117424-00117759 and i don't think you have to worry about anything if you stay out of the wrong areas you're going +r9gwzZvuuBy-00196-00117759-00118559 to be okay it's not just montes cuenca and quito why kill every city in ocular has these problems +r9gwzZvuuBy-00197-00118672-00119520 okay so anyway that's a wrap for this t-a-t i have an interview coming up next tuesday morning with +r9gwzZvuuBy-00198-00119520-00120128 the guy here that teaches spanish lessons he has a classroom setting where he teaches the classes +r9gwzZvuuBy-00199-00120128-00120664 or he teaches one-on-one i'm going to interview him one-on-one myself and it should be interesting +r9gwzZvuuBy-00200-00120664-00121111 i'm gonna i have a lot of questions to ask them about coming here and learning to speak spanish +r9gwzZvuuBy-00201-00121111-00121608 so if any of you have any particular questions that you want to know about that put them in the +r9gwzZvuuBy-00202-00121608-00122400 comments below or send me an email my email is in the description dshader644 gmail.com feel free to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00203-00122400-00122928 write and send me your questions and i'll be sure including them in my interview with him okay so +r9gwzZvuuBy-00204-00122928-00124783 until then i will see you next week have a good weekend be safe travel safe be healthy okay ciao +r9gwzZvuuBy-00205-00126656-00127000 let me show you something that's really powerful can i borrow your phone please there's one right +r9gwzZvuuBy-00206-00127000-00127383 there in between you just let me borrow that for a sec i'm asking you to give me somebody else's +r9gwzZvuuBy-00207-00127383-00128024 phone you don't have to turn it on i just need it thank you so let me show you the subconscious +r9gwzZvuuBy-00208-00128024-00128456 power of this device what if i were to hold my phone while i'm giving this presentation i'm not +r9gwzZvuuBy-00209-00128456-00128952 checking it it's not buzzing it's not beeping i'm simply holding it do you feel like you're +r9gwzZvuuBy-00210-00128952-00129464 the most important thing to me right now no you do not and this is an artificial environment now +r9gwzZvuuBy-00211-00129464-00129904 think about how often this phone is out while we're talking to other people hey boss can i +r9gwzZvuuBy-00212-00129904-00130735 talk to you sure what's on your mind as opposed to what's on your mind we go out for dinner +r9gwzZvuuBy-00213-00130832-00131528 or lunch with our family and our friends we have meetings and we put the phone on the table which +r9gwzZvuuBy-00214-00131528-00131968 sends a subconscious message to everybody else in the room that this is not that important to +r9gwzZvuuBy-00215-00131968-00132520 me you're not that important to me and by the way putting your phone upside down is not more polite +r9gwzZvuuBy-00216-00132800-00133144 this is this is my favorite one where the phone rings in the middle of a +r9gwzZvuuBy-00217-00133144-00133384 dinner in the middle of a lunch in the middle of a meeting and somebody goes +r9gwzZvuuBy-00218-00133520-00133912 i'm not going to answer it oh my god just so magnanimous +r9gwzZvuuBy-00219-00134224-00134344 right thank you +r9eeJtx6SzM-00000-00000102-00001019 today your angels are saying to you there is nothing to worry about they say you are +r9eeJtx6SzM-00001-00001019-00001728 safe and this situation is under the perfect control of Divine Providence in Universal order +r9eeJtx6SzM-00002-00001800-00002538 only Infuse Loving Thoughts and emotions into the situation to ensure that the highest possible +r9eeJtx6SzM-00003-00002538-00003426 outcome flows effortlessly to and through you I know it's hard when there's something that you're +r9eeJtx6SzM-00004-00003426-00003996 worried about and when you don't know what the outcome is going to be it can be very difficult +r9eeJtx6SzM-00005-00003996-00004872 sometimes we sort of prepare for the worst so that we're not surprised but that can impact a +r9eeJtx6SzM-00006-00004872-00005766 positive outcome so if you can't be positive then maybe focus on something else in the meantime +rqjAZisMI3o-00000-00000463-00000672 Josh Bubbles, you have a vistor +rqjAZisMI3o-00001-00000700-00000900 Oh Great +rqjAZisMI3o-00002-00001262-00001462 i'm looking his name up on the supervillain archives +rqjAZisMI3o-00003-00001726-00001834 And +rqjAZisMI3o-00004-00001834-00002396 I got nothing. Er, yeah, he spelt it wrong +rqjAZisMI3o-00005-00002407-00002645 It's probably P H a s e r +rqjAZisMI3o-00006-00002753-00002960 fine. I got to try that. +rqjAZisMI3o-00007-00003357-00003526 Oh You see now +rqjAZisMI3o-00008-00003526-00004251 There is some +rqjAZisMI3o-00009-00004332-00004532 phacer has the ability to face through walls and any other solid object if use holding onto anything It will go through the ball with him +rqjAZisMI3o-00010-00004621-00005046 Sounds like a dangerous guy ever worked with him? +rqjAZisMI3o-00011-00005046-00005246 print information for me +rt73NUUUOBM-00000-00000635-00000979 The reason why many educated people are poor +rt73NUUUOBM-00001-00001107-00001663 When I was 15, I started dreaming of becoming an accountant though at this time +rt73NUUUOBM-00002-00001664-00002240 I had my only two business since nobody in my immediate environment talked about entrepreneurship +rt73NUUUOBM-00003-00002240-00002732 I didn't even know that any poor boy like me could build a company +rt73NUUUOBM-00004-00002799-00003118 So I wanted to work for a company as an accountant +rt73NUUUOBM-00005-00003171-00003389 since I wanted to be a great accountant +rt73NUUUOBM-00006-00003389-00003973 I looked for a newspaper and cut out the image of one of the most successful bankers in those days. I +rt73NUUUOBM-00007-00004017-00004367 Pasted that is photo in my room where I saw it every day +rt73NUUUOBM-00008-00004367-00004943 I also read about him and discovered that he was a professor of accounting and a professor of economics +rt73NUUUOBM-00009-00005039-00005239 Now I have a roadmap +rt73NUUUOBM-00010-00005271-00005962 Since my idol was a professor of accounting and economics. I started dreaming of becoming a professor of accounting and economics +rt73NUUUOBM-00011-00005976-00006523 I read like no one and nobody I knew was better than me in accounting and economics +rt73NUUUOBM-00012-00006540-00007222 I left high school and went to study accounting in what is similar to what many people know as college? I? +rt73NUUUOBM-00013-00007268-00007468 Was still the best student +rt73NUUUOBM-00014-00007484-00007684 But one day asked myself +rt73NUUUOBM-00015-00007725-00007954 Why is no one teaching me how to make money? +rt73NUUUOBM-00016-00008018-00008668 You see as an accounting student had learned how to calculate so many company's accounts the balance sheet +rt73NUUUOBM-00017-00008709-00008939 manufacturing account trading profit and loss account +rt73NUUUOBM-00018-00009006-00009206 government, accounting and a lot more +rt73NUUUOBM-00019-00009267-00009800 But I needed to ask why am I lecturers teaching me? Just how to calculate money +rt73NUUUOBM-00020-00009825-00010118 Why is there no one teaching me how to make money I? +rt73NUUUOBM-00021-00010182-00010684 Later left school when I got no answer to my question or let me say I got an answer +rt73NUUUOBM-00022-00010718-00011371 But that answer was here in school. We only teach you how to work for money not how to make it +rt73NUUUOBM-00023-00011436-00011944 That's the reason why most educated people are poor. They were taught how to work for money +rt73NUUUOBM-00024-00012099-00012299 The science of money +rt73NUUUOBM-00025-00012347-00012847 If you a tennis player as you watch this video to you tennis is not difficult +rt73NUUUOBM-00026-00012855-00013274 If you are a golfer golf is fun if you're a musician +rt73NUUUOBM-00027-00013344-00013726 Music is life. And even if you're a soldier war is sweet +rt73NUUUOBM-00028-00013781-00014296 Yes, I have friend who loved war when we were young simply because he wanted to be a soldier +rt73NUUUOBM-00029-00014358-00014490 Now think about it +rt73NUUUOBM-00030-00014490-00015163 The reason why tennis golf or even war may be interesting to you is because you've studied about it and practiced it +rt73NUUUOBM-00031-00015191-00015709 The same thing happens with money money is simple getting rich is not complicated +rt73NUUUOBM-00032-00015759-00016186 But like music and sport money requires education and practice +rt73NUUUOBM-00033-00016215-00016895 the problem about our society is that we grew up without anyone teaching a simple mindset that produces money as +rt73NUUUOBM-00034-00016959-00017542 Children, we were never taught that for every $10. We earn one or two must be saved as +rt73NUUUOBM-00035-00017601-00018229 Children, we were never taught that we shouldn't save money to spend money. We should save money to multiply money as +rt73NUUUOBM-00036-00018312-00018970 Children, we're never taught that the material possessions don't define us. So when we grow up we buy things we cannot afford +rt73NUUUOBM-00037-00019029-00019370 simply because we want other people to think that we are rich as +rt73NUUUOBM-00038-00019451-00019819 Children what everyone told us was that if we can't work hard enough +rt73NUUUOBM-00039-00019826-00020293 We'll be rich and that is a lie hard work doesn't make anyone rich +rt73NUUUOBM-00040-00020354-00020554 Leverage is what makes people rich +rt73NUUUOBM-00041-00020582-00021169 It doesn't matter how much education you get as long as you don't understand leverage. You can't be rich +rt73NUUUOBM-00042-00021257-00021447 But what's leverage? +rt73NUUUOBM-00043-00021447-00022094 Leverage is your ability to use what you don't have leverage is anything that gives you money while you don't work? +rt73NUUUOBM-00044-00022151-00022723 This maybe your employees who work for you some technologies, which work for you or your money +rt73NUUUOBM-00045-00022723-00023038 Which works to make you more money through smart investments? +rt73NUUUOBM-00046-00023070-00023608 You can work as hard as you wish, but if you don't understand leverage, you don't understand money +rt73NUUUOBM-00047-00023745-00023966 the deception of high-paying jobs +rt73NUUUOBM-00048-00024072-00024494 Another common problem in our society is that we were raised to run after good jobs +rt73NUUUOBM-00049-00024534-00025166 Well, these good jobs are not good because we like them we consider them good because they give us much money +rt73NUUUOBM-00050-00025241-00025401 What an error? +rt73NUUUOBM-00051-00025401-00025787 It's an error because people don't get rich because they make much money +rt73NUUUOBM-00052-00025800-00026380 people get rich because they keep more money and make the money they keep to produce even more money and +rt73NUUUOBM-00053-00026408-00027089 Even making more money isn't enough to be truly wealthy. You have to love what you do and find pleasure in your labor +rt73NUUUOBM-00054-00027175-00027375 Do you know anyone who hates Mondays? +rt73NUUUOBM-00055-00027413-00027763 It doesn't matter how much money he makes is a poor human +rt73NUUUOBM-00056-00027821-00028567 Many educated people are poor because even those who make a lot of money don't have any understanding about how money works +rt73NUUUOBM-00057-00028587-00029089 So they earn a lot of money and spend a lot of money some earn a lot of money +rt73NUUUOBM-00058-00029089-00029368 But they hit every minute they spend on their job +rt73NUUUOBM-00059-00029420-00029887 Some educated people who try to invest don't know anything about investment +rt73NUUUOBM-00060-00029897-00030310 So they put their money on what they don't understand and lose it all +rt73NUUUOBM-00061-00030380-00030796 These are all reasons why many educated people are poor +rt73NUUUOBM-00062-00031049-00031285 Basics of financial education I +rt73NUUUOBM-00063-00031346-00032005 think you don't have to be a genius to have financial freedom with the understanding of a few money principles and +rt73NUUUOBM-00064-00032027-00032311 Self-discipline. Most people can be financially fine +rt73NUUUOBM-00065-00032378-00032587 One don't be materialistic +rt73NUUUOBM-00066-00032663-00033256 To understand leverage 3 doubt jobs. Let me explain all these +rt73NUUUOBM-00067-00033387-00033584 materialism and poverty +rt73NUUUOBM-00068-00033584-00034195 One of my business teachers once taught me that the best people to market a book to a people who just bought a book in +rt73NUUUOBM-00069-00034195-00034654 Recent time the best people to market a phone to are people who just bought a phone +rt73NUUUOBM-00070-00034691-00035401 The best people to market the car to are people who just bought a car. This doesn't make sense as we can all see ordinarily +rt73NUUUOBM-00071-00035456-00036067 The people we ought to market a phone to a people who have not bought a phone in the last one year, right? +rt73NUUUOBM-00072-00036122-00036892 Wrong, you see there's this law of nature that says we want more of what we like and we can never get enough of it +rt73NUUUOBM-00073-00036930-00037381 So it happens that you cannot have enough of whatever you allow to rule your life +rt73NUUUOBM-00074-00037427-00037882 If for example your iPhone enthusiast you can never have enough phones +rt73NUUUOBM-00075-00037928-00038230 Every latest phone of your favorite brand must be yours +rt73NUUUOBM-00076-00038264-00038665 If you allow cars to rule your life, you will never drive a used car +rt73NUUUOBM-00077-00038696-00039115 What happens with materialism is that it makes your life Center on things? +rt73NUUUOBM-00078-00039115-00039631 You'll never have enough when you get to this point. You're already on your way to everlasting +rt73NUUUOBM-00079-00039662-00040033 Poverty because you won't have any money left to save or invest +rt73NUUUOBM-00080-00040106-00040272 No matter how much you earn +rt73NUUUOBM-00081-00040272-00040904 If you want to be rich be disciplined enough to buy things because you need them not because they make you feel good +rt73NUUUOBM-00082-00041094-00041283 Understand leverage as +rt73NUUUOBM-00083-00041283-00041621 I make this video. I work hundreds of hours per day +rt73NUUUOBM-00084-00041661-00042068 It's not possible to work hundreds of hours within 24 hours of the day +rt73NUUUOBM-00085-00042068-00042554 But I am able to do it because I have different people and technologies working for me +rt73NUUUOBM-00086-00042579-00042842 Until you figure out how to make money while you sleep +rt73NUUUOBM-00087-00042873-00043264 You don't know how much money you want to earn to make you truly rich +rt73NUUUOBM-00088-00043317-00043753 What happens with many high paying jobs is that you work too hard for the money? +rt73NUUUOBM-00089-00043791-00044386 this is not how to be wealthy because wealth is not when you have to work 18 hours each day to make +rt73NUUUOBM-00090-00044481-00044622 $200,000 a year +rt73NUUUOBM-00091-00044622-00044998 Wealth is when you have the Liberty to work or not and still make money +rt73NUUUOBM-00092-00045189-00045336 Doubt jobs +rt73NUUUOBM-00093-00045336-00045848 The number one problem about jobs is that it takes away the time you need to invest on your dream +rt73NUUUOBM-00094-00045867-00046282 The second problem is jobs. Take away your ability to use leverage +rt73NUUUOBM-00095-00046329-00046973 For example, you can't employ someone else to do your job and pay him less. You can't work 100 hours a day +rt73NUUUOBM-00096-00047016-00047279 You can't use technologies for your advantage +rt73NUUUOBM-00097-00047279-00047804 You can't make money while you're not working because there's no leverage in most jobs +rt73NUUUOBM-00098-00047804-00048115 You might want to doubt a jobs ability to make you rich +rt73NUUUOBM-00099-00048213-00048413 Pick up some books. I +rt73NUUUOBM-00100-00048432-00048643 Know a few people who are well educated +rt73NUUUOBM-00101-00048699-00049199 But have never read any book about money. They are accountants lawyers or journalists +rt73NUUUOBM-00102-00049221-00049754 They know everything about what they went to study in school, but outside that they know nothing +rt73NUUUOBM-00103-00049809-00050410 If you want to match the money, you have to study about money and learn the mindsets of the people who are already +rt73NUUUOBM-00104-00050411-00050960 Rich in conclusion the education you get in school doesn't guarantee your financial success +rt73NUUUOBM-00105-00050988-00051119 if you want to be rich +rt73NUUUOBM-00106-00051119-00051529 You have to get financial education avoid spending all your earn and learn +rt73NUUUOBM-00107-00051564-00051929 how to use different leverage to make you money while you're sleeping +rt73NUUUOBM-00108-00052053-00052253 Thank you so much for watching our videos +rt73NUUUOBM-00109-00052269-00052784 Are you between the ages of 15 and 40 then we invite you to join our new channel +rt73NUUUOBM-00110-00052797-00053338 Which was specially created to share with you inspiration and life's lessons to succeed in life +rt73NUUUOBM-00111-00053398-00054108 We call it under 40 TV kinda look at the description box to join the under 40 TV. We love you +ruN3fL0JNiu-00000-00000030-00000338 (chill upbeat music) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00001-00000843-00001343 -: Hello, my name is Aishe Keita and welcome to Story Story. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00002-00001432-00001735 Today, we're gonna be focusing on character building +ruN3fL0JNiu-00003-00001735-00001905 and all different kinds of characters +ruN3fL0JNiu-00004-00001905-00002216 that live in our body and live out in the world. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00005-00002216-00002520 Let's first start with a warmup, okay. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00006-00002520-00002883 Raise your hands tall like a tree, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00007-00002883-00003132 stretching out the whole body. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00008-00003132-00003292 And go to one side. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00009-00003469-00003676 Oh that feels good, doesn't it? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00010-00003676-00004043 And reach up like a tree, tall +ruN3fL0JNiu-00011-00004043-00004179 and to the other side. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00012-00004422-00004888 Yes and grab one foot, balance yourself +ruN3fL0JNiu-00013-00004888-00005128 and stretch it back, just like this +ruN3fL0JNiu-00014-00005214-00005398 and drop and hop to the next one +ruN3fL0JNiu-00015-00005562-00005915 and stretching out that leg, nice +ruN3fL0JNiu-00016-00005915-00006181 and let's reach up again, tall like a tree +ruN3fL0JNiu-00017-00006275-00006710 and bend all the way down, touching your toes, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00018-00006951-00007270 stretching like this and come up with a shake +ruN3fL0JNiu-00019-00007364-00007564 (moans) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00020-00007908-00008086 Can you give me that sound? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00021-00008086-00008286 (moans) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00022-00008451-00008603 Nice, nice. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00023-00008603-00008805 Now let's do some face stretching. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00024-00008805-00009005 And make your face like a little raisin +ruN3fL0JNiu-00025-00009142-00009285 and like a lion, (exhales). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00026-00009285-00009686 And like a raisin, and like a lion, (exhales). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00027-00009686-00010004 And like a raisin, and like a lion, (exhales). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00028-00010089-00010296 Now give me some gum chewing. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00029-00010296-00010542 Chew some gum, really big (groans). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00030-00010734-00010869 What gum are you chewing? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00031-00010986-00011245 Mmm, I like that flavor. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00032-00011245-00011624 Mmm, I got fruit gum, mmm. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00033-00011735-00011865 Now give me a (blows raspberry). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00034-00012057-00012174 (chuckles) Nice. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00035-00012174-00012346 Now repeat after me. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00036-00012346-00012665 Ten tiny Timmy tigers. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00037-00012947-00013274 One wise whistling wizard. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00038-00013511-00013925 Yes, two tooting tuba tuners. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00039-00014181-00014416 And let me see if you can get this one, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00040-00014416-00014865 a big, black bug bled blood. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00041-00015081-00015260 (laughs) Let's do that one one more time. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00042-00015260-00015688 A big, black bug bled blood. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00043-00015891-00016185 Nice you guys, now let's do a nice shake out. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00044-00016185-00016614 Let's start from seven going all the way to one, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00045-00016614-00016861 shaking each different body part. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00046-00016861-00017016 Follow me. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00047-00017016-00017305 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00048-00017305-00017580 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00049-00017580-00017853 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00050-00017853-00018106 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00051-00018106-00018386 One, two, three, four, five, six. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00052-00018386-00018612 One, two, three, four, five, six. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00053-00018612-00018841 One, two, three, four, five, six. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00054-00018841-00019075 One, two, three, four, five, six. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00055-00019075-00019266 One, two, three, four, five. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00056-00019266-00019461 One, two, three, four, five. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00057-00019461-00019653 One, two, three, four, five. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00058-00019653-00019843 One, two, three, four, five. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00059-00019843-00020109 One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00060-00020109-00020370 One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00061-00020370-00020615 One, two, three, one, two, three. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00062-00020615-00020859 One, two, three, one, two, three. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00063-00020859-00021110 One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00064-00021110-00021381 One, one, one, one, one, shake all your body, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00065-00021381-00021496 shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00066-00021496-00021686 go crazy, go crazy, ah! +ruN3fL0JNiu-00067-00021901-00022061 Freeze. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00068-00022061-00022211 Awesome, you guys. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00069-00022211-00022383 You feeling warm? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00070-00022383-00022502 Let's get started. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00071-00022502-00022674 Our first question today, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00072-00022873-00023191 what makes a story? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00073-00023280-00023439 What makes a story? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00074-00023439-00023637 What is a story? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00075-00023637-00023894 What are the three things that we need +ruN3fL0JNiu-00076-00023999-00024230 for a story to happen? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00077-00024230-00024322 What's a story? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00078-00024517-00024985 Let's see, name one thing that you need in a story. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00079-00025163-00025663 Nice, my answer is time and place, a setting. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00080-00025833-00025963 Where are you at? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00081-00025963-00026345 Right now I'm at home, right now you're at home. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00082-00026345-00026714 In the daytime, time and place. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00083-00026833-00027333 Our second thing we need to make a story is... +ruN3fL0JNiu-00084-00027514-00027841 Characters, I'm a character, you're a character, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00085-00027841-00028054 there's characters all outside. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00086-00028054-00028551 So, for example, we have a time and characters. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00087-00028551-00028933 Once upon a time, time, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00088-00028933-00029241 there was a young boy, a character, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00089-00029241-00029506 who lived in a house, a setting. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00090-00029506-00029589 Once upon a time, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00091-00029589-00029893 there was a young boy who lived in a house. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00092-00029893-00030097 We already have the beginning of our story, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00093-00030097-00030432 time and place and character. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00094-00030432-00030589 The last thing we need is... +ruN3fL0JNiu-00095-00030774-00031233 Nice, my answer, event, action. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00096-00031233-00031456 Something needs to happen. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00097-00031456-00031687 Once upon a time, there was a young boy +ruN3fL0JNiu-00098-00031687-00032187 who lived in a house and one day, a bird flew +ruN3fL0JNiu-00099-00032232-00032503 into his house and spoke to him. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00100-00032600-00032915 We have an event, an action, something new happened. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00101-00032915-00033231 We have a boy who is now talking to a bird. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00102-00033231-00033679 We have him in a house, in a place, talking to a bird. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00103-00033679-00033845 There's our story. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00104-00033845-00034345 Now, let's create characters now, just using our bodies. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00105-00034363-00034641 Like I said, characters are you and me +ruN3fL0JNiu-00106-00034641-00034830 and everyone you see around. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00107-00034830-00035153 So if I walk around like this. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00108-00035153-00035370 (sighing) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00109-00035742-00035955 What character am I playing? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00110-00036181-00036629 Nice, something royal, a queen or a king, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00111-00036629-00036901 just by having my chest out, walking slowly, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00112-00036901-00037161 swaying side to side, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00113-00037161-00037377 what about if I shake my body like this. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00114-00037596-00037800 (grunts and stammers) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00115-00037800-00037919 Who am I playing? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00116-00037919-00038031 What's my character? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00117-00038140-00038466 (laughs) An old woman or man, yes. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00118-00038466-00038966 Just by bending over and walking back and forth like this, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00119-00039092-00039392 I shape my body and create a whole new character +ruN3fL0JNiu-00120-00039392-00039621 that's outside of myself. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00121-00039621-00039786 Let's play with that. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00122-00039786-00039869 Follow me. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00123-00040036-00040236 Let's create characters with our bodies. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00124-00040368-00040580 Lift your pinky. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00125-00040763-00040871 Raise your eyebrows. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00126-00041017-00041228 Raise your shoulder. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00127-00041377-00041562 Bend one of your knees. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00128-00041741-00041909 Raise your hand. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00129-00042142-00042269 Raise your hair. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00130-00042425-00042615 Okay, freeze. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00131-00042615-00042937 Stay just like this, now try to walk around. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00132-00042937-00043143 How do you walk like this character? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00133-00043143-00043347 How does this character's voice sound? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00134-00043347-00043457 How do we walk around? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00135-00043759-00044251 Hello, hmm, hi, who are you, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00136-00044251-00044751 my name is Mr. Pickles, who are you? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00137-00044850-00045131 (laughs) You see, I created a whole different character +ruN3fL0JNiu-00138-00045131-00045435 by changing my body and changing my voice +ruN3fL0JNiu-00139-00045435-00045617 and you can do that at home as well. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00140-00045707-00046044 Okay, let's go back to what is story. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00141-00046044-00046467 Let me think of a story that has characters, time, place +ruN3fL0JNiu-00142-00046467-00046958 and, an event, "The Three Little Pigs." +ruN3fL0JNiu-00143-00046958-00047189 So where does that take place? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00144-00047189-00047304 What's the first house? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00145-00047411-00047573 A hay house, yes. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00146-00047573-00047767 What's the second house? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00147-00047767-00048025 Sticks, and the third one? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00148-00048025-00048188 Bricks, right? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00149-00048188-00048688 And the characters, three little pigs and a, a wolf, right. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00150-00048720-00048889 And what happens? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00151-00048889-00049083 Right, he tries to go to the first house, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00152-00049083-00049340 tries to blow it down and it all falls down. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00153-00049340-00049550 And then he tries to go to the second house, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00154-00049550-00049755 he blows it all the way down. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00155-00049755-00050080 And then he goes to the third house +ruN3fL0JNiu-00156-00050080-00050483 and he cannot blow it down, for it is made of bricks, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00157-00050483-00050983 strong, okay, so that has a beginning, a middle and an end. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00158-00051035-00051300 So let's take the characters from the three little pigs. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00159-00051300-00051591 Let's say, the first little pig, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00160-00051591-00051783 how does the first little pig wanna stand? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00161-00051783-00051934 It's a little scared, huh? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00162-00051934-00052222 I think so, so maybe he stands like this. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00163-00052222-00052451 (mumbles) This. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00164-00052451-00052642 Bend my knees, scared. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00165-00052642-00052871 How does your first little pig look? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00166-00052969-00053123 Nice, I like it. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00167-00053123-00053311 Let's go to our second little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00168-00053311-00053539 Maybe our second little pig's a little bit more brave. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00169-00053699-00053829 But still a little scared. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00170-00054023-00054213 How does your second little pig stand? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00171-00054400-00054684 Nice, and let's go to our last little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00172-00054684-00054918 Think the last little pig's a little brave, right? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00173-00055127-00055307 How does your last little pig stand? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00174-00055401-00055713 Nice, and let's go to our wolf. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00175-00055713-00055905 (snarls) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00176-00055905-00056073 How does your wolf look? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00177-00056162-00056374 Yeah, I like that. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00178-00056374-00056791 Okay so let's bring out my friend, Djembe. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00179-00056791-00056950 Can you say that, Djembe? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00180-00057104-00057604 Nice, so this is my magical drum +ruN3fL0JNiu-00181-00057604-00057874 and it makes us turn into characters, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00182-00057874-00058067 so when you hear it make this sound, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00183-00058067-00058172 (drum taps) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00184-00058172-00058429 you're going to turn into one of the characters. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00185-00058429-00058628 First little pig, second little pig, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00186-00058628-00058816 third little pig or wolf. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00187-00058816-00059002 First, we'll start with your favorite, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00188-00059002-00059236 so think of your favorite one right now +ruN3fL0JNiu-00189-00059236-00059461 and remember those postures that you had +ruN3fL0JNiu-00190-00059461-00059742 and stay frozen, okay? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00191-00059742-00059934 And, (drum taps) your favorite. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00192-00060061-00060521 Nice, some wolfs are showing up and some pigs, I like it. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00193-00060521-00060810 Now, go by my direction. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00194-00060810-00060955 (drum taps) First little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00195-00061095-00061320 Nice, (drum taps) second little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00196-00061511-00061665 (drum taps) Third little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00197-00061846-00061973 (drum taps) Wolf. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00198-00061973-00062252 Nice and (drum taps) first little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00199-00062252-00062404 And (drum taps) first little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00200-00062404-00062511 Gotcha there. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00201-00062626-00062711 (drum taps) Wolf. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00202-00062889-00063039 (drum taps) Second little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00203-00063141-00063286 (drum taps) Third little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00204-00063405-00063570 (drum taps) Third little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00205-00063570-00063779 Gotcha, (drum taps) wolf. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00206-00063975-00064153 (drum taps) First little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00207-00064153-00064382 (drum taps) Second little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00208-00064382-00064609 (drum taps) Third little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00209-00064609-00064766 (drum taps) Wolf. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00210-00064766-00065039 Nice, now I'll do it with you one time. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00211-00065039-00065204 And first little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00212-00065357-00065498 And second little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00213-00065688-00065822 And third little pig. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00214-00066022-00066112 And wolf (snarls). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00215-00066270-00066515 (laughs) Awesome, shake that out, shake that out. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00216-00066515-00066708 (moans and groans) +ruN3fL0JNiu-00217-00066708-00067161 Great, so now you know that characters are all around you. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00218-00067161-00067513 Watch how people walk, watch how you walk, how they talk. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00219-00067513-00067896 There's all different kinds of characters all around you +ruN3fL0JNiu-00220-00067896-00068335 and they are all so beautiful, okay? +ruN3fL0JNiu-00221-00068335-00068626 That brings us to the end of our lesson today. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00222-00068626-00068934 Let's take three breaths together, follow me. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00223-00068934-00069278 Inhale (inhales), exhale, (exhales). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00224-00069437-00069783 Inhale (inhales), exhale, (exhales). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00225-00069894-00070010 One more time, make it big, +ruN3fL0JNiu-00226-00070010-00070360 and inhale (inhales) and exhale, (exhales). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00227-00070529-00070856 And let's clap all together at the same time. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00228-00070856-00071153 One, two, three, (hands clap). +ruN3fL0JNiu-00229-00071153-00071300 Awesome, you guys. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00230-00071300-00071517 Thank you so much for joining me today. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00231-00071517-00071821 I am Aishe Keita and welcome to Story Story. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00232-00071821-00071943 Have a great day. +ruN3fL0JNiu-00233-00071943-00072252 (chill upbeat music) +rCdTvAJgeUk-00000-00000000-00000100 screm +rCdTvAJgeUk-00001-00000100-00000300 actually end my existence +rCdTvAJgeUk-00002-00000300-00000500 aaa +rCdTvAJgeUk-00003-00000500-00000700 rip headphone users +rCdTvAJgeUk-00004-00000700-00001100 *children getting murdered* +rCdTvAJgeUk-00005-00001100-00001300 what is the red fluid coming out of my ears? +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00000-00000684-00000803 Welcome on Sri Lanka +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00001-00000907-00001249 we arrived and it rained a lot within the last days +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00002-00001254-00001468 that means we have to take the boat +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00003-00001488-00001692 because the road is flooded and the transfer doesn't go further +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00004-00001936-00002108 but luckily everything is well organized +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00005-00002142-00002366 so we gonna go for a nice boat experience +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00006-00002366-00002696 to Kalpitiya where the lodge from KiteWorldWide is +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00007-00002904-00003060 That looks serious... +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00008-00003684-00004164 Couldn't get better than this, seeing the waterside of Sri Lanka +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00009-00004653-00004948 Good Morning! +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00010-00004948-00005226 we had our first night here in Kalpitiya +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00011-00005226-00005742 we slept very nice even though it was rain and thunders +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00012-00005752-00006242 the thunderstorm is very uncommon for this time and region +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00013-00006272-00006531 especially for this month +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00014-00006531-00006838 since rain season is over already two months ago +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00015-00006838-00007141 but there are always exceptions of course +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00016-00007141-00007416 and yeah... +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00017-00007416-00007734 That's the reason it looks like that in front of our house +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00018-00007734-00008212 so we can go by sup to the breakfast +rCq-yJc3Gt8-00019-00008780-00009114 time for breakfast but please with nice weather +rDDaEGIWUw4-00000-00000300-00000800 create a keyword strategy to Target terms your Target customers are searching +rDDaEGIWUw4-00001-00000900-00001401 incorporate the keywords into your website content as well as HTML tags +rDDaEGIWUw4-00002-00001601-00001901 write for humans and not for search engines +rDDaEGIWUw4-00003-00002102-00002402 Target location-based searches related to your business or service +rDDaEGIWUw4-00004-00002702-00002802 optimize for mobile too +rDDaEGIWUw4-00005-00003003-00003303 focus on user experience +rDDaEGIWUw4-00006-00003503-00003703 how to be on page one in Google search? +rDDaEGIWUw4-00007-00003803-00004004 ask your SEO experts now +rDDaEGIWUw4-00008-00004104-00004300 google seo, google maps marketing, youtube video marketing, facebook video marketing, instagram marketing, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00000-00001280-00001804 SO TODAY WE’RE TALKING ABOUT A VERY VERY FASCINATING STATE OF INDIA- Which is __________ +rFX0aVJiDA8-00001-00001992-00002568 BIHAR Bihar is a state +rFX0aVJiDA8-00002-00002568-00003144 in eastern India. It is the third-largest state by population and twelfth-largest by territory. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00003-00003208-00003664 Only 11.3% of the population of Bihar lives in urban areas, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00004-00003664-00004360 which is the lowest in India after Himachal Pradesh. Additionally, almost 58% of Biharis +rFX0aVJiDA8-00005-00004360-00005040 are below the age of 25, giving Bihar the highest proportion of young people of any Indian state. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00006-00005040-00005392 NOW LET’S DELVE A LITTLE DEEPER INTO THE HISTORY OF THIS LAND +rFX0aVJiDA8-00007-00005456-00006096 In ancient and classical India, the area that is now Bihar was considered a centre of power, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00008-00006096-00006840 learning, and culture. From Magadha arose India's first empire, the Maurya empire, and for a very +rFX0aVJiDA8-00009-00006840-00007616 long time, Buddhism was practised in this region. Since the late 1970s, Bihar has lagged far behind +rFX0aVJiDA8-00010-00007616-00008224 other Indian states in terms of social and economic development. Many economists and social +rFX0aVJiDA8-00011-00008224-00008728 scientists claim that this is a direct result of the policies of the central governments since +rFX0aVJiDA8-00012-00008728-00009848 1947, such as the freight equalisation policy, are cited as the cause. Not to forget about the +rFX0aVJiDA8-00013-00009848-00010496 centre’s apathy towards Bihar, the lack of Bihari sub-nationalism, and the Permanent Settlement of +rFX0aVJiDA8-00014-00010496-00011440 1793 by the British East India Company. The state government has, however, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00015-00011440-00012008 made significant strides in developing the state. Improved governance has led to an economic revival +rFX0aVJiDA8-00016-00012008-00012560 in the state through increased investment in infrastructure, better health care facilities, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00017-00012560-00012984 greater emphasis on education, and a reduction in crime and corruption. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00018-00012984-00013584 Buddhism in Magadha went into decline due to the invasion of Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji, during +rFX0aVJiDA8-00019-00013584-00014096 which many of the viharas were destroyed along with the universities of Nalanda and Vikramashila. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00020-00014263-00015104 The tenth and the last guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh, was born in Patna in 1666. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00021-00015104-00015584 With political instability in the Mughal Empire following Aurangzeb's death in 1707, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00022-00015656-00016247 Murshid Quli Khan declared Bengal's independence and named himself Nawab of Bengal. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00023-00016312-00016920 After the Battle of Buxar (1764), the British East India Company obtained the Diwani rights +rFX0aVJiDA8-00024-00017016-00017504 (rights to administer and collect tax revenue) for Bihar, Bengal and Odisha. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00025-00017568-00018064 The rich resources of fertile land, water and skilled labour had attracted the foreign +rFX0aVJiDA8-00026-00018064-00018616 imperialists, particularly the Dutch and British, in the 18th century. A number +rFX0aVJiDA8-00027-00018616-00019104 of agriculture-based industries had been started in Bihar by foreign entrepreneurs. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00028-00019160-00019784 Bihar remained a part of the Bengal Presidency of British India until 1912 when Bihar and Orissa +rFX0aVJiDA8-00029-00019848-00020336 were carved out as two separate provinces PRE INDEPENDENCE ERA +rFX0aVJiDA8-00030-00020624-00021272 Farmers in Champaran had revolted against indigo cultivation in 1914 and in April 1917, Mahatma +rFX0aVJiDA8-00031-00021272-00021816 Gandhi visited Champaran, where Raj Kumar Shukla had drawn his attention to the exploitation of the +rFX0aVJiDA8-00032-00021816-00022408 peasants by European indigo planters, which was followed by the Champaran Satyagraha that received +rFX0aVJiDA8-00033-00022408-00022896 support from many Bihari nationalists, such as Rajendra Prasad and Anugrah Narayan Sinha. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00034-00023144-00023560 the formation of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) at the Lucknow session of the Indian +rFX0aVJiDA8-00035-00023560-00024360 National Congress in April 1936. At the 2011 Census, Bihar was the +rFX0aVJiDA8-00036-00024360-00025592 third most populous state of India with a total population of 104,099,452, nearly 89% of it rural. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00037-00025695-00026304 It was also India's most densely populated state, with 1,106 persons per square kilometre. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00038-00026392-00027456 The sex ratio was 918 females per 1000 males. The state is administratively divided into 9 +rFX0aVJiDA8-00039-00027456-00028080 divisions and 38 districts. For the administration of urban areas, Bihar has 12 municipal +rFX0aVJiDA8-00040-00028080-00028848 corporations, 49 Nagar Parishad(city councils), and 80 Nagar panchayats (town councils). +rFX0aVJiDA8-00041-00028983-00029776 By 2004, The Economist magazine said that "Bihar [had] become a byword for the worst of India, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00042-00029776-00030488 of widespread and inescapable poverty, of corrupt politicians indistinguishable from mafia-dons they +rFX0aVJiDA8-00043-00030488-00031192 patronise, a caste-ridden social order that has retained the worst feudal cruelties". In 2005, the +rFX0aVJiDA8-00044-00031192-00031800 World Bank believed that issues faced by the state were "enormous" because of "persistent poverty, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00045-00031800-00032383 complex social stratification, unsatisfactory infrastructure and weak governance". +rFX0aVJiDA8-00046-00032624-00033592 there are two main political formations: the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) which +rFX0aVJiDA8-00047-00033592-00034272 comprises Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, Indian People's Party), Lok Janashakti Party (LJP) and +rFX0aVJiDA8-00048-00034272-00035032 Janata Dal (United) (JDU); and a second alliance between Rashtriya +rFX0aVJiDA8-00049-00035032-00035680 Janata Dal (RJD, National People's Party), Hindustani Awam Morcha, Rashtriya Lok Samta Party +rFX0aVJiDA8-00050-00035680-00036320 and Indian National Congress (INC). +rFX0aVJiDA8-00051-00036392-00036832 There are many other political formations, but none strong enough to form a government. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00052-00036904-00037568 The Communist Party of India had a strong presence in Bihar at one time, which has since weakened. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00053-00037840-00038568 Nitish Kumar has been chief minister of Bihar for 13 years between 2005 and 2020. In contrast to +rFX0aVJiDA8-00054-00038568-00039056 prior governments, which emphasised divisions of caste and religion, his political platform +rFX0aVJiDA8-00055-00039056-00039656 was based on economic development, reduction of crime and corruption, and greater social equality. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00056-00039720-00040288 Since 2010, the government confiscated the properties of corrupt officials and redeployed +rFX0aVJiDA8-00057-00040288-00040880 them as schools buildings. They also introduced the Bihar Special Court Act to curb crime. It also +rFX0aVJiDA8-00058-00040880-00041496 legislated a two-hour lunch break on Fridays, to enable Muslim employees to pray and thereby reduce +rFX0aVJiDA8-00059-00041496-00042024 absenteeism. The government has prohibited the sale and consumption of alcohol in the state +rFX0aVJiDA8-00060-00042024-00042584 since March 2016, which has been linked to a drop in tourism and a rise in substance abuse. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00061-00043680-00044160 Bihar generally ranks weakest in health outcomes in comparison to other Indian states. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00062-00044232-00044616 While the National Health Mission, the Clinical Establishments Act of 2010, +rFX0aVJiDA8-00063-00044616-00045192 and the formation of the Empowered Action Group (EAG) provide federal funds to expand and improve +rFX0aVJiDA8-00064-00045192-00045680 healthcare services, Bihar's ability to fully utilise this funding is lacking +rFX0aVJiDA8-00065-00045680-00046176 When comparing Bihar to Kerala, the number of healthcare professionals (including registered +rFX0aVJiDA8-00066-00046176-00046904 nurses, auxiliary nurses, physicians and health supervisors) at each hospital are significantly +rFX0aVJiDA8-00067-00046904-00047536 lower and remain constant over time while they steadily increase in number in Kerala. According +rFX0aVJiDA8-00068-00047536-00048064 to Ministry of Health statistics, the greatest shortfalls are for physicians and specialists at +rFX0aVJiDA8-00069-00048064-00048864 75%. Bihar has only 50% of the sub-health centres, 60% of the primary health centres, and 9% of the +rFX0aVJiDA8-00070-00048864-00049376 community health centres required by the national supply-to-population standards. The number of +rFX0aVJiDA8-00071-00049376-00050048 public hospital beds in Bihar decreased between 2008 and 2015. Given the high population density +rFX0aVJiDA8-00072-00050048-00050504 of the state, Bihar is significantly behind in the number of healthcare professionals that +rFX0aVJiDA8-00073-00050504-00051032 should be employed. Despite these shortcomings, Bihar has shown gradual signs of improvement +rFX0aVJiDA8-00074-00051032-00051736 for female health workers, death rate, and infant, neonatal, child and maternal mortality rates. +rFX0aVJiDA8-00075-00052160-00053072 Bihar's gross state domestic product (GSDP) for fiscal year (FY) 2020–21 is expected to be around +rFX0aVJiDA8-00076-00053072-00054288 ₹6.86 lakh crore. By sectors, its composition is 20% agriculture, 19% industry and 61% services. +rGRb28E-zhY-00000-00002776-00002984 and welcome +rGRb28E-zhY-00001-00003800-00004384 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00002-00004632-00005160 so frederick how do you want to start with the questions or should we just give us atlanta some +rGRb28E-zhY-00003-00005160-00005992 time to like uh introduce the retreat yeah let us finish with the that's the main thing but while +rGRb28E-zhY-00004-00005992-00006408 we're here then now we come to the responses and questions things like that exactly okay +rGRb28E-zhY-00005-00006823-00007184 yes it is +rGRb28E-zhY-00006-00011800-00012688 so first of all the dry fast and autonomy lifestyle is completely different as you know dry +rGRb28E-zhY-00007-00012688-00013560 fasting is all for your body for your um digesting for cleansing your body from all toxins but uh as +rGRb28E-zhY-00008-00013616-00014319 um autonomous lifestyle is a lifestyle it's a life of thinking and the life of living +rGRb28E-zhY-00009-00014463-00015584 and this marathon actually are going to introduce you to that lifestyle +rGRb28E-zhY-00010-00017248-00018152 so this program will let you uh will not go into your issues and your problems not not health wise +rGRb28E-zhY-00011-00018152-00019120 not any um mental but it's gonna open up for you block by block like building a base to build a new +rGRb28E-zhY-00012-00019176-00020080 neural system you don't know this is nera uh system and approach uh toward your life +rGRb28E-zhY-00013-00020832-00021184 sorry you will learn to think different +rGRb28E-zhY-00014-00022736-00023152 so we're not just gonna cleanse and help our body to detox +rGRb28E-zhY-00015-00023152-00023984 we're gonna find a way to a new level of lifestyle +rGRb28E-zhY-00016-00025360-00025936 so uh this program also going we also going to go into psycho +rGRb28E-zhY-00017-00026008-00027160 summer uh i think i need to translate it um yeah just take your time don't +rGRb28E-zhY-00018-00027160-00027736 worry we we have all the time just make sure that you accurate yeah um +rGRb28E-zhY-00019-00028064-00028183 so psychosome +rGRb28E-zhY-00020-00028936-00030256 um so all our sicknesses and health issues not just connected to the way we live and we eat +rGRb28E-zhY-00021-00030256-00030783 but the way we think so and that's how we're going to approach every single +rGRb28E-zhY-00022-00030783-00031520 health issues that you have not just from the what you consume but uh why it happened +rGRb28E-zhY-00023-00031520-00032295 on the psychological level because every health issues connected to your psychological uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00024-00033584-00033784 a +rGRb28E-zhY-00025-00034784-00035776 also we're gonna touch base on resentment what a resentment is uh what is what hurt is uh because +rGRb28E-zhY-00026-00035776-00036584 that's the things that we suppress and it affects us then later on our body +rGRb28E-zhY-00027-00037872-00037984 is +rGRb28E-zhY-00028-00038208-00039136 we're also going to touch base on taste and the cravings because all the cravings is are +rGRb28E-zhY-00029-00039232-00039952 based on our emotional stage they all connected to us something that happened in the past uh in +rGRb28E-zhY-00030-00039952-00040720 our past so it's the cravings created cravings for certain emotion and not connected to food +rGRb28E-zhY-00031-00040720-00041456 at all so we're going to talk about that as well on our retreat and go through it +rGRb28E-zhY-00032-00041880-00042184 uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00033-00043768-00045008 uh so we also going to uh get to know our body ourself our higher uh higher our self and we're +rGRb28E-zhY-00034-00045008-00046128 going to uh take a look at our fools where we we think that we are somebody else and we're going +rGRb28E-zhY-00035-00046128-00047184 we're gonna get to it too and look into why we have a masks and why we're living by our faults +rGRb28E-zhY-00036-00047400-00048168 how to say not throughout our life not living true life +rGRb28E-zhY-00037-00048168-00049184 but living somebody's else else life so we're going to touch base and go through it as well +rGRb28E-zhY-00038-00049560-00049872 also we're gonna talk about fear and uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00039-00049928-00050584 if it exists and if it's exists we're gonna talk about it +rGRb28E-zhY-00040-00051904-00052040 thank you yeah +rGRb28E-zhY-00041-00052248-00052696 because a lot of people goes through our fear time when they're on dry fast more than +rGRb28E-zhY-00042-00052696-00053416 a certain amount of days they get into a fear that dying so that's what swan is referring to +rGRb28E-zhY-00043-00054552-00055024 we're also gonna keep close close attention to our +rGRb28E-zhY-00044-00055024-00056184 regeneration of our mind and our body rejuvenation regeneration +rGRb28E-zhY-00045-00057624-00057879 we also going to talk about our dreams +rGRb28E-zhY-00046-00057976-00058608 and we're going to talk about our true dreams and we're going to talk about why +rGRb28E-zhY-00047-00058720-00059455 why during you being on autonomy lifestyle your true dreams comes true immediately right away +rGRb28E-zhY-00048-00060096-00060824 financially uh we also gonna talk about financial um +rGRb28E-zhY-00049-00061600-00061784 i'm sorry +rGRb28E-zhY-00050-00062520-00062896 we're also going to touch base on financial literacy +rGRb28E-zhY-00051-00062896-00063679 not literacy to the term but it's more like being smart financially +rGRb28E-zhY-00052-00065504-00065904 so we're going to talk about what money is in your life +rGRb28E-zhY-00053-00065904-00066768 and what is money flow in your life and how it works in any uh kind of any type of your state +rGRb28E-zhY-00054-00067208-00067384 consultant +rGRb28E-zhY-00055-00069640-00070416 so uh the way of the marathon the this program is works there is no recordings in the past +rGRb28E-zhY-00056-00070472-00071280 uh and every single program that svetlana does it's a live stream where uh she has a flow of +rGRb28E-zhY-00057-00071280-00071944 information coming in and when she's in the flow she shares it with the uh participants +rGRb28E-zhY-00058-00071944-00072472 and then every single uh uh retreat is different so somebody +rGRb28E-zhY-00059-00072472-00073240 who participated a couple of times in her retreats can say the one not never uh i like +rGRb28E-zhY-00060-00073240-00073792 the other one so it's always something different because of the flow that's vietnam goes through +rGRb28E-zhY-00061-00074240-00075072 i'm sorry just to clarify the flow i mean that connection that she has that um energy connection +rGRb28E-zhY-00062-00075128-00075720 and because if she's very clean in a way where she's not consuming any food or any +rGRb28E-zhY-00063-00075720-00076488 drinks and any anything that we actually do so she is connected to a higher in like energy and +rGRb28E-zhY-00064-00076488-00077000 she has sometimes like the streams of information goes through so that's +rGRb28E-zhY-00065-00077000-00077440 what i was trying to explain about timing about timing of the program +rGRb28E-zhY-00066-00077688-00078424 is it is there a limit of time or just flowing until the energy stops no so every day is a +rGRb28E-zhY-00067-00078424-00079232 program it's uh and every day is like topic around that topic the days around that topic of the days +rGRb28E-zhY-00068-00079232-00079856 around the other top like next day is different topic but um you know we'll go to it later i want +rGRb28E-zhY-00069-00079856-00080488 to give her just time to explain what she has and then we'll go to the questions thank you frederic +rGRb28E-zhY-00070-00081104-00081736 yeah all right so actually that was a little um +rGRb28E-zhY-00071-00081792-00082488 uh introduction of the program and now we can uh come to the questions that we have in regards to +rGRb28E-zhY-00072-00082488-00083168 all of us has in regards to this program and the first frederick you said about timing right +rGRb28E-zhY-00073-00085248-00086008 frederick because it's a translation also included and it's the first time svetlana does it for +rGRb28E-zhY-00074-00086008-00086984 english speaking people so she is planning on up to three hours a day but it might be less +rGRb28E-zhY-00075-00087072-00087512 from what i remember but it might be might be three full +rGRb28E-zhY-00076-00087976-00088552 if we have any questions please feel free sveta is open to you and so all the questions we have +rGRb28E-zhY-00077-00088968-00089784 thank you so much noah yes somatic psychosomatic yes yes +rGRb28E-zhY-00078-00089840-00090480 uh because elaine is asking you see that when will the recordings of each session be available for +rGRb28E-zhY-00079-00090480-00091256 us each day yeah question to you frederick yeah well i'm going to actually what we are going to do +rGRb28E-zhY-00080-00091360-00092104 we are going to have those links posted in that telegram the telegram group because we are already +rGRb28E-zhY-00081-00092104-00092616 there in that group so um that is the only place that they want to be found and you you people who +rGRb28E-zhY-00082-00092616-00093240 have in this program are the ones who can leak we don't want you to leave please let it be only +rGRb28E-zhY-00083-00093240-00093816 for you because you're the one who have paid you have sacrificed your money for this program +rGRb28E-zhY-00084-00093816-00094504 so it's not for free just for you that's the only place they're going to be available thank you yeah +rGRb28E-zhY-00085-00094760-00094810 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00086-00095184-00095384 let's talk about +rGRb28E-zhY-00087-00096192-00096784 is it okay to attend and to own online +rGRb28E-zhY-00088-00098064-00098184 uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00089-00099536-00100080 yep so in uh to answer your question ido i'm sorry if i +rGRb28E-zhY-00090-00100080-00100664 said incorrectly your name but yes it's absolutely okay with svetlana +rGRb28E-zhY-00091-00100664-00101272 and from my experience because i already participated in one of her programs like this +rGRb28E-zhY-00092-00101600-00102304 absolutely okay listen to recordings or being with us as long as you are like able to do +rGRb28E-zhY-00093-00102304-00102768 fastening or you might take some other insights from this program and it's +rGRb28E-zhY-00094-00102768-00103208 totally fine with svetlana as well who's my face +rGRb28E-zhY-00095-00103656-00103783 absolutely +rGRb28E-zhY-00096-00104720-00105440 okay so for those who are not planning on doing a drive fast during this program +rGRb28E-zhY-00097-00105440-00106216 she uh svetlana wants to communicate the point to you that the drive fasting is not like +rGRb28E-zhY-00098-00106216-00107008 a like something as a part of this program but it's a tool to get us to get connected with our +rGRb28E-zhY-00099-00107008-00107583 psychological because this way your psychological issues comes out when you're on drive fast +rGRb28E-zhY-00100-00107776-00108304 so it's easier to work with psychological specter during you being on dry fast +rGRb28E-zhY-00101-00108583-00109032 how about a person who wants to just flow +rGRb28E-zhY-00102-00109288-00110072 like uh this is a five-day retreat if possible for everybody should be a fast yes but how about +rGRb28E-zhY-00103-00110072-00110600 a person who just want to get into this lifestyle immediately like just start to +rGRb28E-zhY-00104-00110600-00111359 prevent sleep and start to to stay without food drink just by the word go yeah what does that mean +rGRb28E-zhY-00105-00111640-00112056 good question let me just reply to the last question in regards to the +rGRb28E-zhY-00106-00112056-00112624 will the recording be video or auto it will be video recording together without like +rGRb28E-zhY-00107-00112624-00113248 not separately it's which will be like a normal video recording available for participants uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00108-00113424-00113583 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00109-00118183-00118872 yeah yeah so frederick to answer your question if there is any possibilities to just go into +rGRb28E-zhY-00110-00118872-00119688 autonomous lifestyle with uh starting with the sitlana's dry fast it's absolutely uh normal +rGRb28E-zhY-00111-00119688-00120624 and uh absolutely right way and she's saying that the this program gonna let you uh work +rGRb28E-zhY-00112-00120624-00121520 on your psychological issues because because of them 90 of people are dropping their dry fasting +rGRb28E-zhY-00113-00121640-00122024 because they have the cravings or something else not understanding +rGRb28E-zhY-00114-00122024-00122440 that it's all comes from emotional stage from emotional from their +rGRb28E-zhY-00115-00122664-00123311 psychological um issues not like mental no no no way it's more like +rGRb28E-zhY-00116-00123376-00123864 subconscious connections and uh programs that we have +rGRb28E-zhY-00117-00124280-00124872 documents somebody somebody asked me privately about uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00118-00125008-00125783 losing weight this is a person who has done five days dry fast and um she was feeling like should +rGRb28E-zhY-00119-00125783-00126352 i join or should i not join because it's like i have done i don't see much change so what is +rGRb28E-zhY-00120-00126408-00127176 what is uh um take on this for a person who wants to lose weight uh so the person wants +rGRb28E-zhY-00121-00127176-00127759 to lose weight and just five days already right has done five days has done several water fast i +rGRb28E-zhY-00122-00127759-00128192 don't know 21 or something like that but it seems these things are not working because sometimes she +rGRb28E-zhY-00123-00128280-00129064 uh she comes back to her and what she does yeah exactly exactly the way it comes back yeah and +rGRb28E-zhY-00124-00129064-00129744 that's where sveta refers to uh your state of mind but let's ask atlanta what you would say +rGRb28E-zhY-00125-00132768-00133184 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00126-00136136-00136984 all right so uh frederick during this program we going to touch base on all our breakdowns and +rGRb28E-zhY-00127-00136984-00138040 just start disturbance that bought us that make us go back to food and consume even more again +rGRb28E-zhY-00128-00138040-00138768 it's nothing to do with your body it's all about your cravings which connected to your uh emotional +rGRb28E-zhY-00129-00138768-00139448 stage what emotions you're craving what is it you're looking for and this all going to be we +rGRb28E-zhY-00130-00139448-00140320 are going to work on it with lana durana program and she's saying once you understand what emotions +rGRb28E-zhY-00131-00140320-00141128 and what connected to this all your habits where you break down all your dry fasting or +rGRb28E-zhY-00132-00141384-00141744 failed with dry fasting let's say it's a wrong word but still +rGRb28E-zhY-00133-00141832-00142496 would like keep up with your dry fasting or eat normal or right portions it's +rGRb28E-zhY-00134-00142496-00143264 all emotional issues that we're going to touch and work on during this marathon during this program +rGRb28E-zhY-00135-00143592-00144944 you see a question in the chat yep um does learn i think it is possible to live indefinitely +rGRb28E-zhY-00136-00144944-00145696 physically mortality we grow teeth reverse disease such as dementia and are all +rGRb28E-zhY-00137-00147840-00148400 does not have an answer to her first question because she she's she didn't try she doesn't know +rGRb28E-zhY-00138-00148456-00149040 everything is possible i think this is my the second is grow teeth +rGRb28E-zhY-00139-00149920-00150800 she is absolutely sure you can grow a new teeth um reverse disease such a dimension +rGRb28E-zhY-00140-00151032-00151384 um um +rGRb28E-zhY-00141-00157528-00158128 is saying in regards to the third part of the question reversed in disease such a dimension and +rGRb28E-zhY-00142-00158208-00158272 etc +rGRb28E-zhY-00143-00160960-00161184 is +rGRb28E-zhY-00144-00165280-00165384 foreign +rGRb28E-zhY-00145-00165616-00166176 so in regards to the third part of the question about dementia and uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00146-00166272-00167312 related if it's related to emotional issues zetlan is saying uh that she doesn't have exact answer to +rGRb28E-zhY-00147-00167312-00168248 it it's individually case by case and but this way of life of leaving or dry fasting if you say +rGRb28E-zhY-00148-00168328-00169136 will definitely help a person uh in this the path of this with the disease never +rGRb28E-zhY-00149-00169136-00169776 hurt so it always would help you and dementia is she's saying it's a problem with the small +rGRb28E-zhY-00150-00169872-00171096 capillars um which are um which are in our brain so it's just uh the drive fast gonna help to +rGRb28E-zhY-00151-00171272-00172384 with those uh issues i'm sorry guys but that's kind of my translation i'm good today yeah um +rGRb28E-zhY-00152-00175064-00175184 is +rGRb28E-zhY-00153-00176352-00177224 dementia as uh if you look at this sickness as a part of from the perspective of um +rGRb28E-zhY-00154-00177328-00178016 how you said it psychosome summit samiti so this is uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00155-00178016-00178840 translated into lack of love uh so if person has this that in life they were lacking awful +rGRb28E-zhY-00156-00178840-00179632 feeling of love and uh it's um end up with a psychological issues where uh they +rGRb28E-zhY-00157-00179744-00180784 transferred into dementia into the sickness of your physical body and um what did i miss +rGRb28E-zhY-00158-00181048-00181528 so it's if to look from the perspective of the psycho +rGRb28E-zhY-00159-00181864-00182528 no you said the inserted right psycho is some somatic so it's a lack of love +rGRb28E-zhY-00160-00182904-00182954 okay +rGRb28E-zhY-00161-00183336-00183992 we need we need to be able to know where we are coming from and where we are going +rGRb28E-zhY-00162-00184224-00185384 but um i want to bring to your attention the issue of uh how people reacted +rGRb28E-zhY-00163-00185448-00185824 after the interview i don't know if you are through with this one we can do or you can go next +rGRb28E-zhY-00164-00186104-00186432 there are people who are saying no that's not possible +rGRb28E-zhY-00165-00186432-00187224 no it is only we can only believe if if you are under surveillance if you are under cameras +rGRb28E-zhY-00166-00187624-00188128 because telling me that most of uh the people they are referring to brethren those who have +rGRb28E-zhY-00167-00188128-00188680 been living on a prana chronic living that most of them were tested and found that +rGRb28E-zhY-00168-00188864-00189456 they were lying gurus they are calling them gurus so the one person was talking about only one +rGRb28E-zhY-00169-00189456-00189816 indian i don't i think he's referring to a person who was called prank heart somebody like that +rGRb28E-zhY-00170-00189920-00190432 who was living on only in the forest i don't know somewhere in the cave and he had something here +rGRb28E-zhY-00171-00190432-00191136 where he energy would only get to him through this point so what is her take on this because +rGRb28E-zhY-00172-00191200-00191792 we are getting a lot of resistance that's the truth outside there when we post it to our to the +rGRb28E-zhY-00173-00191792-00192584 other channels we have so many channels uh i would say there are social media everywhere yeah let let +rGRb28E-zhY-00174-00192584-00193304 her get let let talk so that knowing that uh these people are waiting for a response these people +rGRb28E-zhY-00175-00193304-00193928 are doubting this was saying it's not possible saying this is not really real this is these are +rGRb28E-zhY-00176-00193984-00194784 actually others are calling them lies yeah i know exactly same with russia um +rGRb28E-zhY-00177-00199144-00199624 they can say only one thing you go and try and you will believe +rGRb28E-zhY-00178-00199904-00200552 thank you thank you and uh there's a question here but just before that question uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00179-00200552-00201312 albina i needed to know when you when you are in the high frequency and people are now +rGRb28E-zhY-00180-00201312-00202152 coming for this for this retreat is there a way where you connect with these people +rGRb28E-zhY-00181-00202248-00202776 from their low level and you connect you from the high level you connect with these people to +rGRb28E-zhY-00182-00202776-00203504 at least pull their frequencies so that they go up together with you they go higher with you is there +rGRb28E-zhY-00183-00203504-00203928 something like that in this kind of reaches with that connection where it will be lifting +rGRb28E-zhY-00184-00203928-00204408 these other people i know information is very important but that connection also that the +rGRb28E-zhY-00185-00204408-00204880 frequency connection i cannot call it spiritual connection or something like that exactly +rGRb28E-zhY-00186-00204952-00205744 frederick when you're saying with a higher with a people with a higher frequency energy she is +rGRb28E-zhY-00187-00205744-00206480 she is in high frequency how we consider her we consider operating in a very a very high level +rGRb28E-zhY-00188-00206584-00207640 of those energy that's what we mean that's what we mean by frequency exactly okay yeah so you refer +rGRb28E-zhY-00189-00207640-00208296 to theater that she has a higher frequency exactly exactly for me for me i know she is +rGRb28E-zhY-00190-00208296-00209023 she is operating in a very high frequency now those people who are coming for this retreat is +rGRb28E-zhY-00191-00209023-00209704 their way of way of connection so that we connect with her in that high frequency coming from down +rGRb28E-zhY-00192-00209704-00210304 going up with her is the way that there's that connection that happens just be information +rGRb28E-zhY-00193-00210304-00210816 only you know information also changes us in a way you already talked about that already yes +rGRb28E-zhY-00194-00219216-00219856 this all work that she's open to to do and she openly does it for all participants +rGRb28E-zhY-00195-00219936-00220760 is uh occurred in the same field of energy so even though people overwhelm the world but +rGRb28E-zhY-00196-00220760-00221384 from her already experienced it's one field of energy where everybody's participating +rGRb28E-zhY-00197-00221448-00222192 and when she see people and she talks to them they they she sees them and through +rGRb28E-zhY-00198-00222192-00222967 them she see herself when you ask questions during the program she answer to your questions +rGRb28E-zhY-00199-00223080-00223832 you answer your question through her this way okay it's like on an energetic +rGRb28E-zhY-00200-00223832-00224640 level if you ask your question from sit lana but you answer your own question through her +rGRb28E-zhY-00201-00224912-00225944 because it's one energy in one field of energy and from there you take um you take a one step +rGRb28E-zhY-00202-00225944-00226696 up in the energy frequency you become something different you you molding something +rGRb28E-zhY-00203-00226696-00227552 higher thank you thank you there's a question maybe we handle this question though +rGRb28E-zhY-00204-00227552-00228336 yep i want to know i want to know this is doing now i want to know how to prepare for the retreat +rGRb28E-zhY-00205-00232288-00233264 so nothing nothing uh for you guys to do uh before the drive before this uh program +rGRb28E-zhY-00206-00233264-00234112 starts uh the only um thing she will ask to have uh on the first day she will +rGRb28E-zhY-00207-00234112-00234800 go over the things that you would need to have to help you through this program but we also going +rGRb28E-zhY-00208-00234800-00235528 to post those uh the list of what we would need to have in our close group in group and telegram +rGRb28E-zhY-00209-00235688-00236048 so but there is no any specific preparation +rGRb28E-zhY-00210-00236240-00236919 next question which day do we begin uh dry fasting uh so i wanted to +rGRb28E-zhY-00211-00236919-00237512 ask to clarify this question begin the drive fast or the program because the program is seven +rGRb28E-zhY-00212-00237512-00238200 days and drive fasting days in the program of three to four depends on you guys you can go on +rGRb28E-zhY-00213-00238200-00238919 with it with the dryer days but it's uh three uh in the program but then most people do four +rGRb28E-zhY-00214-00239312-00239984 another question i am really keen on finding out more about her kids and how they eat +rGRb28E-zhY-00215-00240056-00240880 i understand how they dry fast and water fast but what they do when they i think they don't +rGRb28E-zhY-00216-00240880-00241423 eat always what they do when they do it okay i suppose they are fruitarian raw vegan okay +rGRb28E-zhY-00217-00242000-00242384 so +rGRb28E-zhY-00218-00244896-00245184 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00219-00247432-00248152 all right so uh swan is saying 70 raw the kids are 70 percent raw eaters they +rGRb28E-zhY-00220-00248152-00248760 eat fruit fruits and veggies only and if it's uh fruits and veggies it's only what +rGRb28E-zhY-00221-00248760-00249640 is growing in their yard and is in the season the rest of 30 is cooked food but it might be +rGRb28E-zhY-00222-00249640-00250384 also uh some meat but it's not consistent it's really rare but mostly they are vegetarian +rGRb28E-zhY-00223-00250648-00251023 uh raw food 70 just to add +rGRb28E-zhY-00224-00251336-00251544 now i have one last question please +rGRb28E-zhY-00225-00251744-00252423 ever since we since we talked with you the last time we were with you in an interview +rGRb28E-zhY-00226-00252560-00253136 have you uh eaten anything or you are still going on because by that time you were talking +rGRb28E-zhY-00227-00253136-00253744 about 88 days now i don't know it has gone to nine and it's almost 100 days are you still +rGRb28E-zhY-00228-00254008-00254640 free from all foods no drinks or maybe you have taken something little like this like that +rGRb28E-zhY-00229-00254856-00254928 what's specific +rGRb28E-zhY-00230-00256248-00256567 no food no drink nothing whatsoever +rGRb28E-zhY-00231-00256664-00257656 so we will count it was much when when was that uh albila from march 16 may 16 on march 13 or 16. yes +rGRb28E-zhY-00232-00258080-00258423 four months sorry four months +rGRb28E-zhY-00233-00258512-00259064 four months yeah the timing is it's march 16th or forgotten march 16th through march +rGRb28E-zhY-00234-00260152-00260736 okay so we'll count it carefully because we are seeing for us it's very hard for people +rGRb28E-zhY-00235-00260823-00261536 to believe this is too much of their heads it's too much anyway thank you now there's a question +rGRb28E-zhY-00236-00261536-00262144 down here about timing people in uk it's too early for them yeah +rGRb28E-zhY-00237-00262616-00263360 uh when you consider changing the time a little oh i'm sorry yes we were discussing the timing and +rGRb28E-zhY-00238-00263360-00264176 it was an issue a little bit to just schedule all those meetings but but uh it's just any other time +rGRb28E-zhY-00239-00264176-00264824 doesn't work for sveta because she lives a very busy life in russia too she has another couple of +rGRb28E-zhY-00240-00264968-00266064 retreats currently and for us who is translating is also uh the time that we found this only one +rGRb28E-zhY-00241-00266128-00266888 convenience is 11 11 o'clock uh new york time 11 p.m which will be all the way till 2 00 +rGRb28E-zhY-00242-00266888-00267600 a.m and we do apologize for timing because that was the hardest part of this um +rGRb28E-zhY-00243-00267600-00268224 program to put together so i don't know what to say guys i do apologize for timing +rGRb28E-zhY-00244-00268344-00268912 though somebody is also saying it is if you are not fast it's going to be very easy to even do +rGRb28E-zhY-00245-00268912-00269672 it wake up by three yeah yeah yeah very easy uh do you want to ask about uh um sleep deprivation +rGRb28E-zhY-00246-00269888-00270616 no problem uh i'm sorry if somebody's asking begin in two days correct 25th yes it will +rGRb28E-zhY-00247-00270616-00272208 be 25th 11 o'clock new york time new york time 25th uk is 4 a.m 26 moscow time is 26 6 o'clock +rGRb28E-zhY-00248-00279344-00280304 um so ah the question was in regards to a sleep deprivation and that experience that she had um +rGRb28E-zhY-00249-00280360-00281032 where she opened up something else energetically and started to see things that she couldn't +rGRb28E-zhY-00250-00281032-00281864 explain and she's adding to it that um she always has something like that happen like every single +rGRb28E-zhY-00251-00281864-00282416 time every single day she has something like very unique happens where she can't explain it +rGRb28E-zhY-00252-00282416-00283392 just happens but um and she also answering to it that it's uh because she's getting to know herself +rGRb28E-zhY-00253-00283480-00284032 and the process of her detoxification not just physical but um +rGRb28E-zhY-00254-00284200-00284912 conscious is as well is still she's going she's still going through that detoxification where she +rGRb28E-zhY-00255-00284912-00285520 might miss a lot of things and still can't explain some things that happens um +rGRb28E-zhY-00256-00285600-00286040 but so she's on the on the way she's on the path +rGRb28E-zhY-00257-00286280-00287072 any other questions we have um how do you maintain how how do you maintain in a society where there's +rGRb28E-zhY-00258-00287072-00287680 a lot of food these are like two questions in one associate where everybody's eating +rGRb28E-zhY-00259-00287680-00288112 people are frying things and then we always know that when you're fasting or as far as those who +rGRb28E-zhY-00260-00288112-00288904 are fasting this heightened sense of smell you can smell very far how do you maintain +rGRb28E-zhY-00261-00288904-00289512 i'm not eating i'm not eating i'm not eating okay ask that one then i ask you the last one +rGRb28E-zhY-00262-00295128-00295584 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00263-00297408-00298400 uh frederick to answer your questions saying to this current lifestyle she was getting to to get +rGRb28E-zhY-00264-00298400-00299232 on this lifestyle for the last three years working on her physical detoxification as well as +rGRb28E-zhY-00265-00299232-00300016 mental it's uh it was a lot of work she was going through just to just to understand what she wants +rGRb28E-zhY-00266-00300112-00300464 currently she does not want to eat or drink anything +rGRb28E-zhY-00267-00300552-00301488 and she is not uh excluding the fact that she might will want something and when she won she +rGRb28E-zhY-00268-00301488-00302584 would want she will eat she doesn't have any um berries or she doesn't put herself into the any um +rGRb28E-zhY-00269-00302904-00303712 so she's not uh kind of like uh putting taboo on all the things she is saying it's possible that i +rGRb28E-zhY-00270-00303712-00304464 will would want sometimes down there down my away but as of right now currently she has no cravings +rGRb28E-zhY-00271-00304520-00305360 uh to add to your question and about about the cravings itself with the smells and wanting to +rGRb28E-zhY-00272-00305360-00306336 try things um she is saying that that particular cravings of smell where she smells the food and +rGRb28E-zhY-00273-00306336-00307272 she wants to try it transformed into um four months uh an example she gave when you smell +rGRb28E-zhY-00274-00307272-00307896 a flower you love the smell but you don't want to put flour into your system you don't want to eat +rGRb28E-zhY-00275-00307896-00308632 it though it smells really good so that's how food turned to her she can smell it she can look at +rGRb28E-zhY-00276-00308632-00309584 it and she enjoys smell but she looks at it as a flower now so why would she put it into her system +rGRb28E-zhY-00277-00309736-00310008 thank you thank you can you see this one how important is it to +rGRb28E-zhY-00278-00310008-00310680 be in the nature for the retreat this is from ido edo i live in a small town +rGRb28E-zhY-00279-00310736-00310984 um +rGRb28E-zhY-00280-00312016-00312384 foreign +rGRb28E-zhY-00281-00313568-00313784 absolutely +rGRb28E-zhY-00282-00314560-00315264 it does not matter where you're going to be the what matter is that you have desire to +rGRb28E-zhY-00283-00315264-00315920 try yourself because everything that we're going to work with is not a body but your mental state +rGRb28E-zhY-00284-00316408-00316792 okay um i appreciate it +rGRb28E-zhY-00285-00317360-00317480 yep there's still another question +rGRb28E-zhY-00286-00317888-00317938 have +rGRb28E-zhY-00287-00319288-00319384 uh +rGRb28E-zhY-00288-00323000-00323400 related to vaccinations she looks at it as a political +rGRb28E-zhY-00289-00323536-00324520 way of of something else that hides behind it so at this point she does not do any vaccinations +rGRb28E-zhY-00290-00324520-00325192 her kids doesn't do any vaccinations they do not have any vaccine that i mean they do in russia +rGRb28E-zhY-00291-00325192-00325728 but she is particular and her family does not have any vaccine whatsoever +rGRb28E-zhY-00292-00325912-00326736 taking okay um +rGRb28E-zhY-00293-00327328-00327704 the question about from the youtube i'm sorry that's about +rGRb28E-zhY-00294-00327704-00328248 urine therapy yeah i'm i would like to ask questions about urine therapy +rGRb28E-zhY-00295-00328304-00329104 that is her option on that thanks for great thanks for great informational video see us +rGRb28E-zhY-00296-00330464-00330584 foreign +rGRb28E-zhY-00297-00332496-00333152 is not supporting that type of therapy she's saying it's a choice of everybody but she's not +rGRb28E-zhY-00298-00333216-00333624 she this is not part of her life she's not looking at it as a therapy +rGRb28E-zhY-00299-00334128-00334784 group organisms +rGRb28E-zhY-00300-00335408-00335832 so she's adding to it that it's really strange to her that +rGRb28E-zhY-00301-00335832-00336568 uh your body is trying to get rid of so many toxins and get rid of through urine including and +rGRb28E-zhY-00302-00336568-00337800 you still using it and doing a therapy and putting it back into your system do we have more questions +rGRb28E-zhY-00303-00338160-00338568 we'll tell her we'll tell her uh how people also reacted positively +rGRb28E-zhY-00304-00338568-00339040 because there's so many people who are actually the positive reactions are +rGRb28E-zhY-00305-00339096-00339640 80 percent plus there are just a few that yeah there are some few that were +rGRb28E-zhY-00306-00339816-00340664 doubting or just telling us some negative things but most of people found this very important +rGRb28E-zhY-00307-00341688-00341784 reaction +rGRb28E-zhY-00308-00345496-00345984 interview +rGRb28E-zhY-00309-00348656-00349592 yes yes yes so this vita said a very good um phrase that this lifestyle is absolutely available +rGRb28E-zhY-00310-00349592-00350576 to all of us that's the thing everybody can become autonomous person just easy from tomorrow it's but +rGRb28E-zhY-00311-00350576-00351392 not everybody is ready or want to do it it's like we all have two feet but not every one of us can +rGRb28E-zhY-00312-00351392-00351968 be athlete because somebody has a different view or somebody has a different desire for their life +rGRb28E-zhY-00313-00352624-00353312 fredrik yes do you think we have any more questions +rGRb28E-zhY-00314-00353584-00354256 i want to read to her one more please say thanks to uh atlanta +rGRb28E-zhY-00315-00354360-00355312 for for being a way shore with self-sufficient living a shining light species +rGRb28E-zhY-00316-00355472-00355784 commentaries +rGRb28E-zhY-00317-00357064-00357184 yes +rGRb28E-zhY-00318-00358232-00359320 thank you thank you so much she is grateful for all the questions thank you and he is leaving +rI3uuEYoL10-00000-00001504-00001726 So we're back at Industrial. +rI3uuEYoL10-00001-00001726-00001846 So really a full tour. +rI3uuEYoL10-00002-00001846-00002135 I think I've got some special stuff planned for us leaving. +rI3uuEYoL10-00003-00002135-00002364 I read some stuff on the internet and stuff like that. +rI3uuEYoL10-00004-00002364-00002665 So it'll be pretty cool. Video I think +rI3uuEYoL10-00005-00002665-00002846 you told me your tone is. +rI3uuEYoL10-00006-00002846-00002961 Yes, sir. +rI3uuEYoL10-00007-00003003-00003183 That's true. True. +rI3uuEYoL10-00008-00003183-00003328 It was good. Yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00009-00003328-00003481 Well, call me, but you guys are here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00010-00003481-00003586 We actually have some new turtles here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00011-00003586-00003792 Like show in Dover for your drugs. +rI3uuEYoL10-00012-00003803-00004109 Oh, yeah. So these are new. +rI3uuEYoL10-00013-00004109-00004476 I saw one turbos we have for the for your 90 429773. +rI3uuEYoL10-00014-00004502-00004718 That's for your 99 and a half 20373. +rI3uuEYoL10-00015-00004766-00005141 That your 66 will drop in charger so feel some good feeling upgrades +rI3uuEYoL10-00016-00005153-00005503 definitely watch the 80 horse injector so good tuning these are definitely +rI3uuEYoL10-00017-00005503-00005800 your cat's meow doesn't wake you up because this. +rI3uuEYoL10-00018-00005815-00005890 Is just what +rI3uuEYoL10-00019-00006029-00006104 I know you've seen it +rI3uuEYoL10-00020-00006104-00006404 a little while back, like as a test turbo for Seth just what? +rI3uuEYoL10-00021-00006408-00006484 His own. History. +rI3uuEYoL10-00022-00006484-00006596 Exactly. What's on Seth Rogen. +rI3uuEYoL10-00023-00006596-00006931 Okay, so we upgraded it from a 115 turbine housing to a one else. +rI3uuEYoL10-00024-00006931-00007085 It's going to sort of quicker +rI3uuEYoL10-00025-00007085-00007394 get a boost coming in quicker, clean up the smoke and sort of run really want to +rI3uuEYoL10-00026-00007435-00007510 how do you like it? +rI3uuEYoL10-00027-00007510-00007569 I love it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00028-00007569-00007709 Clean is fills up. +rI3uuEYoL10-00029-00007709-00007957 Fast yeah what size injectors is it good for? +rI3uuEYoL10-00030-00007972-00008264 So I would recommend at least an 80 horse injector with this with tuning +rI3uuEYoL10-00031-00008268-00008573 you can run a 60 injectors still a little bit more sluggish off one +rI3uuEYoL10-00032-00008636-00008867 but I think the 80 was is ideal +rI3uuEYoL10-00033-00008867-00009100 for horsepower depending on your tuning and supervision. +rI3uuEYoL10-00034-00009140-00009305 So drive whatever you want to do with it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00035-00009305-00009446 Well that's what I've got in mind too. +rI3uuEYoL10-00036-00009446-00009644 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I would say you're trying to. +rI3uuEYoL10-00037-00009761-00010013 Explain that two thirds of people that are used to like injector +rI3uuEYoL10-00038-00010013-00010316 stage sizes because just about everybody uses a stage sized. +rI3uuEYoL10-00039-00010316-00010412 Injection. Right? Right. +rI3uuEYoL10-00040-00010412-00010647 So our idea was there could be bigger stage two, more or less. +rI3uuEYoL10-00041-00010679-00010979 So if you had even like say, I was like a mini me +rI3uuEYoL10-00042-00011024-00011201 or maybe small something like that would run really well. +rI3uuEYoL10-00043-00011201-00011419 Also, it's like a 160 cc exactly. +rI3uuEYoL10-00044-00011419-00011790 One 63% nozzle. Perfect. Yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00045-00011790-00011925 So it's a really good drop in +rI3uuEYoL10-00046-00011925-00012283 for a daily able truck that you want an extra pipette in. Exactly. +rI3uuEYoL10-00047-00012283-00012409 And especially if you don't, +rI3uuEYoL10-00048-00012409-00012722 you don't already have like some kind of intercooler setup or anything like that. +rI3uuEYoL10-00049-00012722-00012752 Yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00050-00012752-00013028 Especially that would definitely be a huge add on on the structure for this one. +rI3uuEYoL10-00051-00013072-00013159 Because those things are. +rI3uuEYoL10-00052-00013159-00013526 In pretty hot car, the same same sized injector for the super. +rI3uuEYoL10-00053-00013526-00013621 Duty. Exactly. +rI3uuEYoL10-00054-00013621-00013666 Exactly. +rI3uuEYoL10-00055-00013666-00014012 That we still don't want to housing on the super duty as well upgrade from the 84 +rI3uuEYoL10-00056-00014034-00014521 so you get a little more exhaust flow help bring those keys back down nice one. Oh +rI3uuEYoL10-00057-00014672-00014889 stock on this still pretty good yeah yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00058-00014891-00015191 Usually people are concerned about exactly so yeah with the world +rI3uuEYoL10-00059-00015191-00015537 see I'll be crazy with back orders and we try and you know we are +rI3uuEYoL10-00060-00015538-00015824 you know we are the largest BorgWarner independent dealer in the nation. +rI3uuEYoL10-00061-00015880-00016049 So all this is all built out of BorgWarner. +rI3uuEYoL10-00062-00016049-00016353 This is a lot of where the spill out of Garrett. +rI3uuEYoL10-00063-00016353-00016579 We keep everything in stock here best we can. +rI3uuEYoL10-00064-00016579-00016760 Usually these are on the shelf, ready to go. +rI3uuEYoL10-00065-00016760-00016886 Worst case for two or three days. +rI3uuEYoL10-00066-00016886-00017132 Build time as long as everybody's everything's available. +rI3uuEYoL10-00067-00017207-00017500 But yeah, it really has to be a little more customization with this one. +rI3uuEYoL10-00068-00017500-00017781 Depending on German housings elevations where you're out the country, +rI3uuEYoL10-00069-00017849-00018119 this was pretty set in stone unless we want to go to an 84. +rI3uuEYoL10-00070-00018188-00018465 But even then, you know everything in stock all time +rI3uuEYoL10-00071-00018465-00018808 versus couple days weeks time on tops what I've seen them back order. +rI3uuEYoL10-00072-00018810-00019120 So well you said that you'll have quite a bit of stock on this kind of stuff. +rI3uuEYoL10-00073-00019120-00019325 What's the chances of us getting to see some of that stock? +rI3uuEYoL10-00074-00019371-00019454 We can absolutely do that. +rI3uuEYoL10-00075-00019454-00019691 Will show everybody, I'm sorry. +rI3uuEYoL10-00076-00019691-00019879 I was terrible last time here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00077-00019879-00020340 These are just getting set up. +rI3uuEYoL10-00078-00020340-00020517 So you guys got a little bit of stuff. Oh, +rI3uuEYoL10-00079-00020683-00020795 can we see the engine down? +rI3uuEYoL10-00080-00020795-00021112 Absolutely. +rI3uuEYoL10-00081-00021112-00021388 No way. Right, brother? Dustin, how are you? +rI3uuEYoL10-00082-00021393-00021648 Sure. Yeah. Did you see a hurry? +rI3uuEYoL10-00083-00021721-00021895 We're just playing with the now. +rI3uuEYoL10-00084-00021895-00022390 Now, this here stock Cummins makes twice as much horsepower as anything. +rI3uuEYoL10-00085-00022390-00022559 You guys drive, +rI3uuEYoL10-00086-00022584-00022701 okay. I don't want to. +rI3uuEYoL10-00087-00022701-00022866 I don't want a serial killer. +rI3uuEYoL10-00088-00022866-00023313 So this is just a dynamic wheel engine we have. +rI3uuEYoL10-00089-00023313-00023636 So it's got a stock turbo stock manifold the head on. +rI3uuEYoL10-00090-00023636-00023753 This is bone stock. +rI3uuEYoL10-00091-00023753-00024284 It does have carillo rods in it and it's like a pistons with a stop cam. +rI3uuEYoL10-00092-00024317-00024641 So we're going to we're just getting a base run on this thing. +rI3uuEYoL10-00093-00024641-00024993 We just put a tune in it that should put it around 450 +rI3uuEYoL10-00094-00024993-00025288 horse to the crank is what I would suspect to see. +rI3uuEYoL10-00095-00025313-00025447 Don't know, haven't even started yet. +rI3uuEYoL10-00096-00025447-00025814 I don't know if it will start to Robinson starting issues but I mean that's. +rI3uuEYoL10-00097-00025814-00026177 Typical. Cummins Yeah, yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00098-00026177-00026441 I mean we don't have to like E3 like you guys do. +rI3uuEYoL10-00099-00026478-00026681 We don't, we don't have. +rI3uuEYoL10-00100-00026681-00026888 It's not it's above 70. +rI3uuEYoL10-00101-00026888-00027008 Yeah, we don't need it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00102-00027008-00027132 We don't have to change the oil. +rI3uuEYoL10-00103-00027132-00027444 There's some special great oil and there's different ways. +rI3uuEYoL10-00104-00027444-00027791 And you know, in summer oil, winter oil, fall oil. +rI3uuEYoL10-00105-00027899-00028073 Hey, I've got to observe Cummins in it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00106-00028073-00028264 So hey, now see, that's probably a good start. +rI3uuEYoL10-00107-00028264-00028364 It doesn't run either. +rI3uuEYoL10-00108-00028364-00028688 So yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00109-00028691-00028752 So we're going to, +rI3uuEYoL10-00110-00028752-00029083 we're going to fire it up here and see we just flooded the whole place out +rI3uuEYoL10-00111-00029083-00029150 because I haven't ran +rI3uuEYoL10-00112-00029150-00029376 the stain off for a while, so I don't even know what I'm doing. But +rI3uuEYoL10-00113-00030573-00031087 oh great, all water are great. +rI3uuEYoL10-00114-00031087-00031196 We just overfilled it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00115-00031196-00031574 We got a melt we can right now, our break with all the water and. +rI3uuEYoL10-00116-00031574-00031700 It wouldn't break the motor over. +rI3uuEYoL10-00117-00031700-00032008 Fast enough to even fire the +rI3uuEYoL10-00118-00032237-00032612 bigger 180 horsepower right now and a quarter throttle +rI3uuEYoL10-00119-00032612-00032947 with our throttle percentage 60 to 60 here +rI3uuEYoL10-00120-00032949-00033653 we're getting all of 700, 240. +rI3uuEYoL10-00121-00033653-00033778 I think we're +rI3uuEYoL10-00122-00033823-00034220 going to warm this up a little bit. +rI3uuEYoL10-00123-00034220-00034359 All right. We're going to go out here +rI3uuEYoL10-00124-00035335-00036833 and. So is making about 400 horsepower. +rI3uuEYoL10-00125-00036915-00037112 You should be warmed up now, going 70. +rI3uuEYoL10-00126-00037112-00037502 So we're trying to kind of figure out all our training with haven't played +rI3uuEYoL10-00127-00037502-00037976 with this for a long time so but as you can see, Max Power was four +rI3uuEYoL10-00128-00037979-00038294 or seven at one zero +rI3uuEYoL10-00129-00038343-00038561 2800 rpm, which is about what the +rI3uuEYoL10-00130-00038681-00038762 max R.P.M. +rI3uuEYoL10-00131-00038762-00039062 you'd run out like if you're through a shift or something. +rI3uuEYoL10-00132-00039062-00039496 What is the stock truck stock going around 3203. +rI3uuEYoL10-00133-00039497-00039676 Hundred 32 at. +rI3uuEYoL10-00134-00039696-00039919 738 foot lbs of torque and +rI3uuEYoL10-00135-00040065-00040422 boost was only the max boost was only 23. +rI3uuEYoL10-00136-00040523-00040744 The reason we built this originally this with +rI3uuEYoL10-00137-00040744-00041005 the motor was put together like two and a half years ago +rI3uuEYoL10-00138-00041066-00041434 because we wanted a stock application star stock, but we wanted like good rods +rI3uuEYoL10-00139-00041434-00041614 and like a pistons +rI3uuEYoL10-00140-00041614-00041911 so we could start putting bigger cams and a bigger cylinder head +rI3uuEYoL10-00141-00041933-00042152 and just start building it up and we were going to follow it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00142-00042152-00042449 And maybe that's kind of what we're doing now is follow it through. +rI3uuEYoL10-00143-00042449-00042595 It's kind of like a series. +rI3uuEYoL10-00144-00042595-00042782 Yeah, like. All right, let's see where we can take it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00145-00042782-00043108 Yeah, well, and see what the, what the actual add on parts are. +rI3uuEYoL10-00146-00043108-00043218 Yeah, exactly. +rI3uuEYoL10-00147-00043218-00043426 They're not you know, the way that works is +rI3uuEYoL10-00148-00043426-00043733 it says 40 extra horsepower and you just add that to the intake. +rI3uuEYoL10-00149-00043762-00043835 This is. 30. +rI3uuEYoL10-00150-00043835-00044080 And you know what? You got a 2000 horsepower truck. +rI3uuEYoL10-00151-00044080-00044305 Yeah, my. Truck's making 850 horsepower already. +rI3uuEYoL10-00152-00044305-00044497 You got done the intake exhaust entertainment? +rI3uuEYoL10-00153-00044632-00044666 Yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00154-00044666-00044883 Everything adds up. We've made. +rI3uuEYoL10-00155-00044913-00045226 We've made on some machines, the engines in here, +rI3uuEYoL10-00156-00045226-00045632 we made 3200 horsepower and. +rI3uuEYoL10-00157-00045703-00046087 It's, it's interesting to be able to test them in this phase like this +rI3uuEYoL10-00158-00046087-00046244 instead of just making a part. +rI3uuEYoL10-00159-00046244-00046469 You go, and this is what this part should do. Yeah. +rI3uuEYoL10-00160-00046469-00046886 Like you actually know what the part is doing based on having this to run. +rI3uuEYoL10-00161-00046898-00047120 It does have a little bit lower compression +rI3uuEYoL10-00162-00047120-00047429 because we got like a pistons, we cut them and and lower. +rI3uuEYoL10-00163-00047429-00047657 So on that aspect, there can be some changes there. +rI3uuEYoL10-00164-00047690-00047906 And then we do have some heavy duty curl rods in it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00165-00047972-00048229 That's all they're just so that we can put +rI3uuEYoL10-00166-00048348-00048510 bigger parts on it, put a bigger head on it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00167-00048510-00048740 We don't have to go into this. We can do everything right here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00168-00048748-00049160 Yeah, we don't have to tear the motor off, change pistons, crank rods, bearings. +rI3uuEYoL10-00169-00049194-00049562 And I'm surprised that nobody wants to step up and just make this their job. +rI3uuEYoL10-00170-00049666-00049793 Like I give take. +rI3uuEYoL10-00171-00049793-00049938 All you got to do is do it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00172-00049938-00050303 If there was crumble up, doesn't matter. +rI3uuEYoL10-00173-00050303-00050483 Are you trying to say Alec wouldn't wouldn't +rI3uuEYoL10-00174-00050483-00050742 do any work if you were right here? +rI3uuEYoL10-00175-00050774-00050900 I'm just saying, I'll just do work. +rI3uuEYoL10-00176-00050900-00050995 Right now +rI3uuEYoL10-00177-00051284-00051322 for this. +rI3uuEYoL10-00178-00051322-00051467 This is just a water car. +rI3uuEYoL10-00179-00051467-00051810 So when we got the big high horsepower forecast for engines in here, we'll +rI3uuEYoL10-00180-00051836-00052127 fill this with ice and water and we'll run through water to our intercooler. +rI3uuEYoL10-00181-00052127-00052277 I'm going to keep that cold, +rI3uuEYoL10-00182-00052277-00052604 but we've got a 3000 gallon tank on the other side of the wall in here +rI3uuEYoL10-00183-00052682-00052934 and it feeds water into this big pot right here +rI3uuEYoL10-00184-00053006-00053373 in this part massive, this pump is sending sending that much water +rI3uuEYoL10-00185-00053373-00053747 at 100 pieces through this through this, and we regulate it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00186-00053747-00054072 Now, I want to say it was like 70 or 80 PSI here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00187-00054072-00054401 I'd have to look and see, but this load valve is controlled by me +rI3uuEYoL10-00188-00054401-00054712 and they're adjusting where I want the load to come in what rpm +rI3uuEYoL10-00189-00054761-00055008 and it sends water to both sides of that brake +rI3uuEYoL10-00190-00055053-00055410 and as it builds horsepower, that's trying to stop it +rI3uuEYoL10-00191-00055487-00055708 and it measures that there's a little load +rI3uuEYoL10-00192-00055708-00056079 valve on the side that measures how far it's moving. +rI3uuEYoL10-00193-00056079-00056327 There's like a that you can see it right up here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00194-00056369-00056688 It's a little load cell and it measures how far it's +rI3uuEYoL10-00195-00056688-00056975 having to move that turbine inside there. +rI3uuEYoL10-00196-00057011-00057118 To get it, to slow it down, to. +rI3uuEYoL10-00197-00057118-00057550 Get it to like like it's slowing it down and turbines moving and however far +rI3uuEYoL10-00198-00057550-00057872 it's moving is what kind of horsepower it is taken to do that. +rI3uuEYoL10-00199-00057911-00058264 And then it takes a calculation of that horsepower and the RPM and strain +rI3uuEYoL10-00200-00058264-00058415 and calculates torque. +rI3uuEYoL10-00201-00058415-00058703 This is just our fuel cell, which I'm we didn't even check. +rI3uuEYoL10-00202-00058703-00058877 I don't know if it has any fuel. +rI3uuEYoL10-00203-00058877-00059069 All that is there are some. So we're done. +rI3uuEYoL10-00204-00059270-00059354 And then this tank. +rI3uuEYoL10-00205-00059354-00059576 So what it's doing is this is our return tank. +rI3uuEYoL10-00206-00059576-00059722 So you can hear it running +rI3uuEYoL10-00207-00059722-00060011 as it's coming out of the absorber, which is what they call the drum. +rI3uuEYoL10-00208-00060011-00060398 As the absorber returns, all the the stuff that can't stop +rI3uuEYoL10-00209-00060432-00060530 everything is stopping it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00210-00060530-00060775 It returns to this tank and we have a pump down. +rI3uuEYoL10-00211-00060775-00061010 And I think that's hoping it pulls down. +rI3uuEYoL10-00212-00061010-00061322 So we're not just sending hot, hot water, water back into there. +rI3uuEYoL10-00213-00061322-00061511 It has a chance to cool down. +rI3uuEYoL10-00214-00061511-00061568 Well, you know, +rI3uuEYoL10-00215-00061568-00061754 remember the first time that we came out and you said this +rI3uuEYoL10-00216-00061754-00062147 to the injector shop in the green injector machine running injectors +rI3uuEYoL10-00217-00062147-00062417 that day, and they were just wide open running injectors in +rI3uuEYoL10-00218-00062452-00062777 and laying them out and go on this this is a set and this is a set +rI3uuEYoL10-00219-00062846-00063191 and they all you all flow them all as a set of 8473. +rI3uuEYoL10-00220-00063233-00063545 So that way they're all within a certain parameter for. +rI3uuEYoL10-00221-00063545-00063803 Everything without being said. And let's go down there and check it out. +rI3uuEYoL10-00222-00063803-00063953 Yeah, let's do it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00223-00063953-00064149 This little room we're going to go in. +rI3uuEYoL10-00224-00064149-00064547 I built so many injectors and you got the same thing, I'm sure, but +rI3uuEYoL10-00225-00064611-00064969 there's so many injectors over and over that I wager a of the night +rI3uuEYoL10-00226-00064969-00065281 I'd have dreams that I was building seven three injectors all night +rI3uuEYoL10-00227-00065333-00065702 and I'd wake up and I'd be like, Oh, I got to go do it again. Oh. +rI3uuEYoL10-00228-00065814-00065855 But back +rI3uuEYoL10-00229-00065855-00066146 in those days, we were building a lot of seven three injectors. +rI3uuEYoL10-00230-00066182-00066386 So can you show like. +rI3uuEYoL10-00231-00066386-00066473 Kind of explain +rI3uuEYoL10-00232-00066473-00066746 what we're what we're looking at when went before we were in the machine. +rI3uuEYoL10-00233-00066773-00066975 The power strokes are about the oil and the fuel. +rI3uuEYoL10-00234-00066975-00067532 So this machine gives us control over both the pressure of the fuel and the oil. +rI3uuEYoL10-00235-00067544-00067892 So essentially it is just like the truck. +rI3uuEYoL10-00236-00068093-00068303 Simulates engine operation. +rI3uuEYoL10-00237-00068303-00068561 That would be your cylinder head. +rI3uuEYoL10-00238-00068570-00068927 And then as the fuel enter in this part of the injector and the oil +rI3uuEYoL10-00239-00068927-00069299 enters in this part of the injector and this is set up just for that +rI3uuEYoL10-00240-00069414-00069519 to be +rI3uuEYoL10-00241-00069607-00069894 this can spray so +rI3uuEYoL10-00242-00070156-00070490 and then here in the oil returns +rI3uuEYoL10-00243-00070490-00070682 and a few things you look for is +rI3uuEYoL10-00244-00070835-00071015 like unusual or anything intense +rI3uuEYoL10-00245-00071015-00071306 and you'll see if an oil sign's +rI3uuEYoL10-00246-00071441-00071840 not sealed properly, the oil return will just spray oil the entire time. +rI3uuEYoL10-00247-00071966-00072207 And that is not it +rI3uuEYoL10-00248-00072302-00072550 is similar going to be a little. +rI3uuEYoL10-00249-00072866-00073184 So do I don't first +rI3uuEYoL10-00250-00073376-00073515 you. Know and I'll make sure as fuel. +rI3uuEYoL10-00251-00073515-00073807 Prices lower oil prices +rI3uuEYoL10-00252-00075049-00075477 I think these are more or less what I'm doing is. +rI3uuEYoL10-00253-00075477-00075857 Just getting the fluid inside the injector before you put some pressure through it +rI3uuEYoL10-00254-00076067-00076184 tends to be pretty mild. +rI3uuEYoL10-00255-00076184-00076302 I know that +rI3uuEYoL10-00256-00077195-00077322 you. Notice how +rI3uuEYoL10-00257-00077432-00077594 there's air in the system +rI3uuEYoL10-00258-00077594-00078096 and that is one of the more trigger things to realize what's going on. +rI3uuEYoL10-00259-00078096-00078188 Oh, here we go. +rI3uuEYoL10-00260-00078188-00078755 See how that will relates to the rescue, drilling and the rescue. +rI3uuEYoL10-00261-00078808-00079375 This family oil rule. +rI3uuEYoL10-00262-00079389-00079537 You know, one way. To +rI3uuEYoL10-00263-00079672-00079781 raise +rI3uuEYoL10-00264-00079916-00079984 so without. +rI3uuEYoL10-00265-00079984-00080303 Having the injector is not going to perform as it should close +rI3uuEYoL10-00266-00080420-00080712 the return on oil after we modify. +rI3uuEYoL10-00267-00080712-00080999 And we always like to put them on first and make sure that they do work well +rI3uuEYoL10-00268-00081050-00081359 because just making the nozzle hose or whatever you do on them +rI3uuEYoL10-00269-00081381-00081581 and you can change how the injection performs +rI3uuEYoL10-00270-00081694-00081971 as we're here cranking the pressure up on them now or what is it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00271-00082046-00082223 Yeah. So well pressure. +rI3uuEYoL10-00272-00082223-00082445 Well, so we're going to +rI3uuEYoL10-00273-00082592-00083007 go out on our hands a little bit more on the higher end to give us an idea +rI3uuEYoL10-00274-00083009-00083299 when the injector will do it that out on the outside. +rI3uuEYoL10-00275-00083423-00083490 But we do have. +rI3uuEYoL10-00276-00083490-00083720 A way of leaving the rest. +rI3uuEYoL10-00277-00083745-00084017 So, you know, don't +rI3uuEYoL10-00278-00085814-00085974 fail because of going +rI3uuEYoL10-00279-00086174-00086426 loose. +rI3uuEYoL10-00280-00086426-00086546 So you +rI3uuEYoL10-00281-00086699-00086861 step out the door like that, right? +rI3uuEYoL10-00282-00086861-00086995 Correct. Absolutely. +rI3uuEYoL10-00283-00086995-00087268 I know we only allow a small gap between them. +rI3uuEYoL10-00284-00087268-00087475 So this one here would actually be the one that passed. +rI3uuEYoL10-00285-00087524-00087877 These ones are a little too low, so I have to adjust them. +rI3uuEYoL10-00286-00087877-00087989 This one, of course, when. +rI3uuEYoL10-00287-00087989-00088263 That one has a positive band in it, obviously. +rI3uuEYoL10-00288-00088346-00088583 For the relation between the parts is off. +rI3uuEYoL10-00289-00088583-00088835 So it's not like perfect tolerances in there +rI3uuEYoL10-00290-00088850-00089022 as far as measurements of shims and stuff. +rI3uuEYoL10-00291-00089022-00089294 So like something maybe bypass sitting internally or something. Is. +rI3uuEYoL10-00292-00089357-00089542 Only coming out the return one like. +rI3uuEYoL10-00293-00089542-00089766 So you'd see a loss of power if that was in the truck. +rI3uuEYoL10-00294-00089804-00089996 You probably see a loss of power because you have a cylinder +rI3uuEYoL10-00295-00089996-00090176 that wasn't feeling like. +rI3uuEYoL10-00296-00090176-00090286 The rest of your balance. +rI3uuEYoL10-00297-00090286-00090665 So that would say an engine contribution. +rI3uuEYoL10-00298-00090782-00090995 At high, but not at idle because the items. +rI3uuEYoL10-00299-00090995-00091202 Were idle would be all right. It's under acceleration. +rI3uuEYoL10-00300-00091202-00091564 You have the beginning of the cylinder uses the people +rI3uuEYoL10-00301-00091564-00091790 like shims underneath the armature. Yes. +rI3uuEYoL10-00302-00091880-00092138 So and that really is one of the big things +rI3uuEYoL10-00303-00092138-00092338 and we absolutely don't do that. +rI3uuEYoL10-00304-00092507-00092702 Well, that's a Band-Aid on. +rI3uuEYoL10-00305-00092702-00092972 We're on a injector. Compensating for a part of that that's back. +rI3uuEYoL10-00306-00092987-00093168 Right? Correct. +rI3uuEYoL10-00307-00093168-00093244 Most people think +rI3uuEYoL10-00308-00093244-00093575 you just rebuild this thing and throw it in a box and outdoor it goes, +rI3uuEYoL10-00309-00093575-00093833 you know, versus it actually going in a flow band. +rI3uuEYoL10-00310-00093842-00094199 Sometimes it just can be temperamental like it sometimes are hard to calibrate. +rI3uuEYoL10-00311-00094199-00094429 Sometimes they go right through and, you know, have a rough. +rI3uuEYoL10-00312-00094446-00094778 I think our biggest problem, too, is and it's across the board, no matter +rI3uuEYoL10-00313-00094778-00095255 what is, people will have their injectors go bad and they will send them in to us. +rI3uuEYoL10-00314-00095295-00095537 We'll see if they're bad. They send them a brand new set. +rI3uuEYoL10-00315-00095543-00095807 I'll put them in the truck and then they have an injector about it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00316-00095859-00095919 Well, what? +rI3uuEYoL10-00317-00095919-00096162 Cause the first ones are contaminated or whatever. +rI3uuEYoL10-00318-00096209-00096407 Like they didn't fix the original problem. +rI3uuEYoL10-00319-00096407-00096825 And we don't always get to talk to them and we very rarely get to talk to the end. +rI3uuEYoL10-00320-00096825-00097232 Customer Yeah, our when we're talking to like when we sell a set of injectors +rI3uuEYoL10-00321-00097232-00097457 to somebody, you know, we have a procedure we go through +rI3uuEYoL10-00322-00097490-00097637 and there's so many people out there. +rI3uuEYoL10-00323-00097637-00097836 So the more we can educate people, you know, +rI3uuEYoL10-00324-00097836-00098017 like what caused your injectors to go bad? +rI3uuEYoL10-00325-00098017-00098423 And, you know, if it's a 250,000 mile truck that, you know, +rI3uuEYoL10-00326-00098423-00098900 I have never satisfied because, you know, you might be safer, but housing's +rI3uuEYoL10-00327-00098900-00099217 only got 25,000 miles on and my injectors are already bad or whatever. +rI3uuEYoL10-00328-00099219-00099369 Well, you better get to the root of the problem, +rI3uuEYoL10-00329-00099369-00099566 because we're not gonna be able to fix it. +rI3uuEYoL10-00330-00099566-00099859 You have to send you, and you're going to be in to another set after. +rI3uuEYoL10-00331-00099859-00100170 The product is built in a clean room, +rI3uuEYoL10-00332-00100170-00100587 we bring it out here to certify the product and each test. +rI3uuEYoL10-00333-00100587-00100989 And James here three these last 15 test and +rI3uuEYoL10-00334-00101171-00101493 he manages all three standards for injector this time +rI3uuEYoL10-00335-00101528-00101654 if you look at the test back. +rI3uuEYoL10-00336-00101654-00101941 Here here each injector has a +rI3uuEYoL10-00337-00102122-00102332 how many steps he's going to use. +rI3uuEYoL10-00338-00102332-00102572 This one right here has 2021 steps. +rI3uuEYoL10-00339-00102587-00102982 21 steps for a set of duramax injectors. +rI3uuEYoL10-00340-00102982-00103278 Each step has to pass +rI3uuEYoL10-00341-00103403-00103628 to go to the next drill. +rI3uuEYoL10-00342-00103628-00103988 So as you see that within the curvature measurements here, +rI3uuEYoL10-00343-00103988-00104349 so you can see what you can do after filling. +rI3uuEYoL10-00344-00104424-00104714 In the calibration specs, they all have to be within certain +rI3uuEYoL10-00345-00104714-00105266 tolerances created by Bosch in order to go to the next step. +rI3uuEYoL10-00346-00105266-00105557 It does anything for a from free injection +rI3uuEYoL10-00347-00105598-00105914 to follow delivery pilot quality. +rI3uuEYoL10-00348-00105999-00106127 Everything is done on the. +rI3uuEYoL10-00349-00106127-00106609 Test and the standard x is actual engine operation as heat exchangers. +rI3uuEYoL10-00350-00106721-00106808 So when we run +rI3uuEYoL10-00351-00106808-00107193 this these injectors on these testers, it is simulating. +rI3uuEYoL10-00352-00107195-00107694 Actual engine operation. +rI3uuEYoL10-00353-00107694-00107860 Very cool here. +rI3uuEYoL10-00354-00107860-00108194 And we appreciate you taking your time going through all this stuff with us. +rI3uuEYoL10-00355-00108194-00108605 Yeah, it's it's hard to shut down a day of work +rI3uuEYoL10-00356-00108605-00108995 to go through stuff that you do every single day. +rI3uuEYoL10-00357-00108995-00109179 And it's just kind of like, +rI3uuEYoL10-00358-00109179-00109491 all right, it was let's talk about what we do every single day. But +rI3uuEYoL10-00359-00109682-00109928 when you don't get to see this from a customer perspective, +rI3uuEYoL10-00360-00110054-00110300 you know, this is this is something that most people +rI3uuEYoL10-00361-00110300-00110555 aren't going to get to see or get to get the knowledge of, +rI3uuEYoL10-00362-00110612-00110939 especially, you know, the owner of the place for this is how we build these. +rI3uuEYoL10-00363-00110939-00111116 And I have personally built these. +rI3uuEYoL10-00364-00111116-00111374 Sure. You know. +rLvyft0eMBy-00000-00000295-00000380 guanzhou +rLvyft0eMBy-00001-00002482-00002513 it's good +rLvyft0eMBy-00002-00008791-00008928 i mean listen i swear +rTp3qYJ06jk-00000-00000624-00000882 EMILY I think to me, the term 'employability' is really +rTp3qYJ06jk-00001-00000882-00001492 about taking those experiences that you learn in either in real life or in university and +rTp3qYJ06jk-00002-00001492-00002095 applying that to the workforce. So, whether it's taking the experiences from a part-time +rTp3qYJ06jk-00003-00002095-00002717 job, and the things that you learn, or through university and the things that you study. +rTp3qYJ06jk-00004-00002717-00003368 But really making sure that you apply those skills in such a way that you can learn and +rTp3qYJ06jk-00005-00003368-00003894 develop and take those experiences to your work place. +rTp3qYJ06jk-00006-00003920-00004182 PETER I think that 'employability' is a word that people +rTp3qYJ06jk-00007-00004182-00004642 kind of just use for the sake of using it. I actually think employability is more about who you +rTp3qYJ06jk-00008-00004642-00005539 are as a person and how that person can operate within a work environment. And so, it's about +rTp3qYJ06jk-00009-00005540-00006074 who you are, what you're developing, how you're doing it and then how that can then be applied. +rTp3qYJ06jk-00010-00006080-00006422 And I think that, and how you get the job done. +rTp3qYJ06jk-00011-00006438-00006907 CLAUDIA For me, the term 'employability' is probably +rTp3qYJ06jk-00012-00006907-00007550 more about focusing on what you can deliver once you've found a job and less about the +rTp3qYJ06jk-00013-00007550-00008195 recruitment process. So, I've worked across a couple of cultures now; Germany, +rTp3qYJ06jk-00014-00008195-00008706 France and Australia. And each time I definitely notice that it's about the credibility that +rTp3qYJ06jk-00015-00008706-00009099 you can bring to the position. That's what employability for me means, because each time +rTp3qYJ06jk-00016-00009100-00009576 you are starting something new. You're starting something with a new team, they do not know +rTp3qYJ06jk-00017-00009576-00010314 you yet and so employability is about developing that credibility pathway. For instance, I +rTp3qYJ06jk-00018-00010314-00010865 guess it's different for every industry and sector, I work in a sales function +rTp3qYJ06jk-00019-00010866-00011402 in an engineering industry. And so, it's definitely about targets, +rTp3qYJ06jk-00020-00011402-00011538 it's definitely about your performance +rTp3qYJ06jk-00021-00011538-00011886 and what you can bring the job in terms of concrete figures. +rTp3qYJ06jk-00022-00011886-00012302 So, for me that's what employability represents in my context. +rTp3qYJ06jk-00023-00012380-00012790 CRAIG I think employability for me, really focuses on two +rTp3qYJ06jk-00024-00012790-00013428 components. One being the skills and abilities you bring to a role in terms of what you can +rTp3qYJ06jk-00025-00013428-00013852 actually do for an organisation and I think that distinction is pretty important in terms +rTp3qYJ06jk-00026-00013852-00014332 of what you can do for an organisation as opposed to what you are trying to get out of +rTp3qYJ06jk-00027-00014332-00014828 an organisation. And I think the second part which really ties into that is the attitude +rTp3qYJ06jk-00028-00014828-00015274 in which you do it with. So, it's the way in which you approach everything that you're trying +rTp3qYJ06jk-00029-00015274-00015702 to do, you know, do you go above and beyond. Do you do all those extras things +rTp3qYJ06jk-00030-00015712-00016213 that someone in this capacity is going to be looking for, above and beyond +rTp3qYJ06jk-00031-00016213-00016438 the sort of checklist, I guess, of skills. +rUis9SL8xF0-00000-00000128-00000752 Welcome back to more residential village action so in the last episode we were finally able to +rUis9SL8xF0-00001-00000832-00001607 get a magnum so i guess now we have to use that magnum on the wolf the wolf pain that's +rUis9SL8xF0-00002-00001607-00002984 why this gun is called anyway i'm gonna start assuming [ __ ] and let's get into the video +rUis9SL8xF0-00003-00003504-00003832 all right so we are back in the village +rUis9SL8xF0-00004-00004056-00005328 man come to think of it the first i started this playing this game oh there's a goat black coat man +rUis9SL8xF0-00005-00005624-00005984 this game looks some way beautiful now than before +rUis9SL8xF0-00006-00006640-00007416 there's the headshot the show must +rUis9SL8xF0-00007-00007840-00007944 the show must go on +rUis9SL8xF0-00008-00008168-00008712 this guy is calling for it i guess he is on our side now +rUis9SL8xF0-00009-00008952-00009248 some [ __ ] i think he's not +rUis9SL8xF0-00010-00009464-00009584 he's just playing us +rUis9SL8xF0-00011-00009952-00010104 so we are gonna find out later +rUis9SL8xF0-00012-00010336-00010512 now where should i go next +rUis9SL8xF0-00013-00010872-00011056 i just want to make sure i'm +rUis9SL8xF0-00014-00011272-00011464 finding every treasure in this game +rUis9SL8xF0-00015-00011704-00013472 i don't know just exploring this game looks beautiful now and there's not much frame drops +rUis9SL8xF0-00016-00013632-00014184 it's playing smoothly now you know where i should go +rUis9SL8xF0-00017-00014296-00015584 now i should go for that bridge that has earlier in this game +rUis9SL8xF0-00018-00015863-00015991 well i have only three +rUis9SL8xF0-00019-00016352-00016512 i will i will not be able to +rUis9SL8xF0-00020-00016776-00016984 do whatever is required +rUis9SL8xF0-00021-00017208-00017952 i have searched this area thoroughly now this way i know there is one board that i wasn't able to +rUis9SL8xF0-00022-00017952-00019784 go there now that i have the crank i can lower the bridge and go use that port that worked down there +rUis9SL8xF0-00023-00020120-00020448 i don't know this will lead me +rUis9SL8xF0-00024-00020952-00021184 so let's go find out +rUis9SL8xF0-00025-00022656-00023416 man the water looks so clear time to turn around this boat or maybe i should go straight +rUis9SL8xF0-00026-00023856-00023984 i wonder what's on the other side +rUis9SL8xF0-00027-00025504-00025592 there's the talking +rUis9SL8xF0-00028-00025816-00026000 just gonna park my boat here +rUis9SL8xF0-00029-00026272-00026383 and there's another bridge +rUis9SL8xF0-00030-00026695-00026816 go crack do your work +rUis9SL8xF0-00031-00027304-00027768 now this this area i know there's the well yeah yeah +rUis9SL8xF0-00032-00027968-00028639 there's the well that i wasn't able to go into because i don't have that well tool that is +rUis9SL8xF0-00033-00028639-00029920 required now i have so i'm gonna check it out what's in there some shotgun shells perhaps +rUis9SL8xF0-00034-00030248-00030776 oh no it's the stairs man i'm so afraid to taking the stairs +rUis9SL8xF0-00035-00030880-00032000 after that second boss fight when we were chosen by the big bad baby whose mouth was so huge +rUis9SL8xF0-00036-00032288-00033040 and man was barely able to get out of there oh there's a lockpick that's gonna be convenient +rUis9SL8xF0-00037-00033136-00033784 now this looks to be a puzzle +rUis9SL8xF0-00038-00034064-00035344 i'm just making sure i'm not overlooking any [ __ ] that i can pick all right text looks clear +rUis9SL8xF0-00039-00035680-00035816 time to solve this puzzle +rUis9SL8xF0-00040-00036248-00037016 so what i'm assuming is i need to arrange these so i can get across +rUis9SL8xF0-00041-00037472-00037528 what's this +rUis9SL8xF0-00042-00037864-00037984 i guess it was worth a try +rUis9SL8xF0-00043-00038272-00038784 just did one pipe bomb i don't care i have plenty +rUis9SL8xF0-00044-00039256-00039648 now this comes up and they all go green +rUis9SL8xF0-00045-00040160-00040784 oh nice i can push it first i'm gonna check some shotgun shells nice +rUis9SL8xF0-00046-00041448-00042184 just gonna push it then i have to push that also +rUis9SL8xF0-00047-00042752-00043408 this will go down and that's it now i can go down there and then climb up +rUis9SL8xF0-00048-00043488-00043744 first i'm gonna make sure i'm not missing anything +rUis9SL8xF0-00049-00044312-00045184 is there some kind of rubies in the stones above me anything down there no nothing +rUis9SL8xF0-00050-00045568-00045896 i'm excited what's this treasure gonna hold +rUis9SL8xF0-00051-00046248-00046384 no no there's nothing +rUis9SL8xF0-00052-00047384-00047784 i wonder how can get out of there +rUis9SL8xF0-00053-00048136-00048616 i guess we'll find out large pitch in blood ruby +rUis9SL8xF0-00054-00048848-00049488 nice some flashbangs and explosive rounds they're gonna come in handy +rUis9SL8xF0-00055-00049752-00051984 alright so now i have got everything time to go out of this place a nice little puzzle +rUis9SL8xF0-00056-00053216-00054784 all right so what did i just pick up +rUis9SL8xF0-00057-00056112-00056184 perfect +rUis9SL8xF0-00058-00056608-00058048 oh that's gonna be very valuable but it requires one more valuable +rUis9SL8xF0-00059-00058728-00059128 dude i got so much stuff i'm gonna be a rich guy after this game ends +rUis9SL8xF0-00060-00059344-00059791 too bad it's it's this shit's gonna stay there +rUis9SL8xF0-00061-00060072-00060632 i'm just gonna save my game here real quick all right time to head out +rUis9SL8xF0-00062-00061312-00061784 i'm just gonna try the store it's a little +rUis9SL8xF0-00063-00062000-00062528 i'm sorry it's locked this one yeah yeah it's locked too +rUis9SL8xF0-00064-00062784-00063184 did not even budge +rUis9SL8xF0-00065-00063791-00064584 um so now this what's this right here some kind of treasure perhaps +rUis9SL8xF0-00066-00065296-00065984 great another puzzle i'm just gonna slam that thing +rUis9SL8xF0-00067-00066280-00067632 oh let me guess so i have to let the fire on those let's unlock this door +rUis9SL8xF0-00068-00067864-00068232 hold up i heard someone there's a zombie +rUis9SL8xF0-00069-00068424-00070184 i guess it's a villager that died and turned into one of these creatures +rUis9SL8xF0-00070-00070536-00071584 how did this guy catch fire +rUis9SL8xF0-00071-00072288-00073280 again all right buddy it's you and me +rUis9SL8xF0-00072-00073624-00074432 and i have a gun full of arsenal and you have a sword apps to be this way +rUis9SL8xF0-00073-00074992-00075856 guess if i only had this handgun and two bullets what will be my +rUis9SL8xF0-00074-00076192-00076648 i guess you can say faith what's gonna be my fear then +rUis9SL8xF0-00075-00077104-00077560 it's gonna be hard man that's why i keep the inventory full on +rUis9SL8xF0-00076-00077968-00078840 against that shotgun it's worthless so i'm gonna light this one +rUis9SL8xF0-00077-00079080-00080336 can this thing go all the way to that now this guy is catching fire oh miss that shot +rUis9SL8xF0-00078-00080632-00080968 stay away man don't come any closer +rUis9SL8xF0-00079-00081368-00081696 so i'm gonna do this the last door +rUis9SL8xF0-00080-00082048-00082784 this thing is not going all the way down there to light that candle +rUis9SL8xF0-00081-00083208-00084280 hold up can i yeah yeah yeah maybe i should oh no no get the hell out of here +rUis9SL8xF0-00082-00084808-00085184 maybe i should yeah that's the only way +rUis9SL8xF0-00083-00085536-00085664 hold up let me try this +rUis9SL8xF0-00084-00086224-00086648 this could be probably wrong but i guess this worth a try +rUis9SL8xF0-00085-00086928-00087112 all right mister come come here +rUis9SL8xF0-00086-00087688-00088440 so here's what i like you to do i'm gonna have to ask you to stay there yeah man you did it +rUis9SL8xF0-00087-00088648-00088712 thanks a lot +rUis9SL8xF0-00088-00089192-00089352 all right what's this +rUis9SL8xF0-00089-00089568-00090224 golden lady statue nice i'm not gonna sell this one +rUis9SL8xF0-00090-00090696-00091296 it's lady dimitri statue that's iconic +rUis9SL8xF0-00091-00091680-00092024 wait she was never like that +rUis9SL8xF0-00092-00092360-00092688 is she i mean she never wore that dress +rUis9SL8xF0-00093-00093000-00093984 i don't know man magnum ammo nice time to get the hell out of this place +rUis9SL8xF0-00094-00094608-00095424 i'm just gonna take a quick look statue based on demetricus that's narcastic all right +rUis9SL8xF0-00095-00095912-00096200 there's nothing here this area is clear +rUis9SL8xF0-00096-00096408-00096984 i guess that was a treasure after all i think i have find every treasure +rUis9SL8xF0-00097-00097576-00097848 i don't know maybe i didn't +rUis9SL8xF0-00098-00098104-00099584 right so where should i go yeah yeah i should head back +rUis9SL8xF0-00099-00101160-00101392 man this ride is peaceful +rUis9SL8xF0-00100-00102000-00102384 so what's forward +rUis9SL8xF0-00101-00102592-00102720 i guess i should explore +rUis9SL8xF0-00102-00102983-00103256 yeah i never been to that place +rUis9SL8xF0-00103-00103664-00103808 the area looks so pretty +rUis9SL8xF0-00104-00104672-00105183 oh there's another pool i should look at +rUis9SL8xF0-00105-00105504-00106583 oh it's the rare fish hey i've been looking for you all over the place finest fish +rUis9SL8xF0-00106-00106696-00107032 great so now i can make that recipe +rUis9SL8xF0-00107-00107240-00107983 that's gonna make me faster i guess you can see +rUis9SL8xF0-00108-00108264-00108728 and make my body feel weightless that's what that recipe said +rUis9SL8xF0-00109-00109248-00109383 all right where this goes +rUis9SL8xF0-00110-00110248-00111264 man it's dark here i am horrified it's there +rUis9SL8xF0-00111-00111935-00112183 listing attack +rUis9SL8xF0-00112-00112608-00112888 i don't know man i should stay alert +rUis9SL8xF0-00113-00113296-00113680 and take coin from resident evil 7 +rUis9SL8xF0-00114-00113952-00114504 nice and extension part probably for the shortcut +rUis9SL8xF0-00115-00114696-00115520 now this area is still red where am i at i'm right beneath ceremony site +rUis9SL8xF0-00116-00116256-00116608 some mines next some explosive rounds +rUis9SL8xF0-00117-00117248-00118624 what this laptop say all right dna sequencing complete 99.95 matches two will weigh +rUis9SL8xF0-00118-00118808-00118968 more time may +rUis9SL8xF0-00119-00119183-00119824 that a variation of 0.005 can presumably be +rUis9SL8xF0-00120-00119959-00120776 attributed to artificial changes by humans which means this is probably the source +rUis9SL8xF0-00121-00121111-00121983 future investigation into how the connections manage to find an extract the world is needed +rUis9SL8xF0-00122-00122288-00122808 the fungal colony is spreaded out under the entire village +rUis9SL8xF0-00123-00122880-00123816 when you take the picker in student into account the host of the vitamix are part of a network of +rUis9SL8xF0-00124-00123928-00124504 which consciousness says if that network is linked to +rUis9SL8xF0-00125-00124640-00125600 here then we could assume this organism here is data storage if that's the case then what tata +rUis9SL8xF0-00126-00125600-00126792 is miranda after so i'm guessing these trees are thorough reason for all this +rUis9SL8xF0-00127-00127152-00127808 village is turning into i guess you can call monsters what's this +rUis9SL8xF0-00128-00128000-00128320 tree is coming alive it should get the hell out of here +rUis9SL8xF0-00129-00128624-00129432 is that it they're not following hp i should turn back +rUis9SL8xF0-00130-00129768-00129911 yeah yeah area is green +rUis9SL8xF0-00131-00130248-00130383 there's no boss fight +rUis9SL8xF0-00132-00132288-00133184 yeah i should take care of them there's only three +rUis9SL8xF0-00133-00133584-00134584 i love the way how we coming flying +rUis9SL8xF0-00134-00134896-00135144 these ones are even worse than the villagers +rUis9SL8xF0-00135-00135360-00136208 in the surface i guess you can say surface because i'm right beneath ceremony site i'm guessing +rUis9SL8xF0-00136-00136496-00136648 this tree is gonna come alive +rUis9SL8xF0-00137-00136960-00137384 mr tree +rUis9SL8xF0-00138-00138096-00138336 9 mm shots didn't work on this thing +rUis9SL8xF0-00139-00138560-00139304 oh you know maybe i should maybe i should hold off i need to get something +rUis9SL8xF0-00140-00140160-00140384 maybe i should shoot them with flashbang +rUis9SL8xF0-00141-00140616-00140832 not this say flashbang +rUis9SL8xF0-00142-00141144-00141720 and this is explosive rounds i'm just checking in the icon +rUis9SL8xF0-00143-00142256-00143376 nothing happened this is the first time i use use flashbang no maybe i shouldn't waste my shot there +rUis9SL8xF0-00144-00143840-00143890 nothing +rUis9SL8xF0-00145-00144256-00144432 i don't know what the hell is this thing +rUis9SL8xF0-00146-00144920-00145304 i have a pretty vague idea that this will be the last boss +rUis9SL8xF0-00147-00145520-00145784 because it's right beneath ceremony site +rUis9SL8xF0-00148-00146448-00147848 all right my inventory looks good yeah evaluables do i need to sell in any one of them right now +rUis9SL8xF0-00149-00148128-00148928 i'm gonna collect with the necklace thing oh you know what i just picked up an antique coin +rUis9SL8xF0-00150-00149296-00149456 i just probably gonna sell this one +rUis9SL8xF0-00151-00149672-00149984 time to head back +rUis9SL8xF0-00152-00150912-00151760 then the last area of this game developers had done pretty good work there is no frame +rUis9SL8xF0-00153-00151760-00152784 frame dropper lagging like it was in the first section of this game in the castle +rUis9SL8xF0-00154-00153776-00154424 all right i'm gonna head to the merchant now yeah there's the ceremony site +rUis9SL8xF0-00155-00154592-00154840 i guess there's no point going there now +rUis9SL8xF0-00156-00155056-00155584 i've searched this area +rUis9SL8xF0-00157-00156224-00156824 the sd merchant what is c holding just gonna save my game there alright that's it for this episode +rUis9SL8xF0-00158-00156896-00156984 peace out +rUis9SL8xF0-00159-00158760-00158810 you +rWjlaoufrZM-00000-00000000-00000401 I would like to show you how I would teach the students in my classroom to +rWjlaoufrZM-00001-00000401-00001325 add using objects to begin with we are going to tell them a story that we have +rWjlaoufrZM-00002-00001325-00001757 added numbers in all of this is done orally because it's just talking right +rWjlaoufrZM-00003-00001757-00002397 now I'd say boys and girls I have four candy bars and my mom comes home from +rWjlaoufrZM-00004-00002397-00003006 the store with one more candy bar how many candy bars do I have now well today +rWjlaoufrZM-00005-00003006-00003590 these beans are going to be our candy bars alright so this looks like a lot of +rWjlaoufrZM-00006-00003590-00003903 candy bars but we're going to put them right here because in our story I only +rWjlaoufrZM-00007-00003903-00004946 have four count with me 1 2 3 4 boys and girls I have four candy bars my mom goes +rWjlaoufrZM-00008-00004946-00005430 to the store and she brings me home one more candy bar I add it now how many +rWjlaoufrZM-00009-00005430-00005889 candy bars do I have do I have more candy bars than I did before or do I +rWjlaoufrZM-00010-00005889-00006536 have less did my group get bigger or smaller let's count and find out count +rWjlaoufrZM-00011-00006536-00007448 with me 1 2 3 4 5 how many candy bars do I have now boys and girls I have five +rWjlaoufrZM-00012-00007448-00008109 and my group got larger nice job let's try again boys and girls I have a cute +rWjlaoufrZM-00013-00008109-00008658 little dog at home named Tex and he likes dog treats so I went to the store +rWjlaoufrZM-00014-00008658-00009504 and I got him three dog treats our beans are dog treats remember one two three my +rWjlaoufrZM-00015-00009504-00010065 next-door neighbor came over and brought him two more he's a lucky little dog +rWjlaoufrZM-00016-00010065-00010893 let's add two more 1 2 my dog has lots of treats now does he have more treats or +rWjlaoufrZM-00017-00010893-00011904 less treats than he did before let's count and find out 1 2 3 4 5 he has five +rWjlaoufrZM-00018-00011904-00012711 treats he has more our group got larger nice job now boys and girls I love +rWjlaoufrZM-00019-00012711-00013263 flowers they're beautiful so I have a flower garden I planted +rWjlaoufrZM-00020-00013263-00013922 five beautiful lovely smelling flowers in my garden let's put five flowers in +rWjlaoufrZM-00021-00013922-00014784 our garden one two three four five they were so beautiful that I thought I +rWjlaoufrZM-00022-00014784-00015572 needed to add three more let's add three more one two three boys and girls do I +rWjlaoufrZM-00023-00015572-00016019 have more flowers in my garden than I did before let's count and find out +rWjlaoufrZM-00024-00016019-00017301 count with me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nice job boys and girls I now have eight lovely +rWjlaoufrZM-00025-00017301-00017895 flowers in my garden and that is one way that I teach adding using objects to the +rWjlaoufrZM-00026-00017895-00018179 students in my classroom +rbbd2-TSpnc-00000-00001854-00002388 In this video you'll find out what acids are and what the strange pH scale +rbbd2-TSpnc-00001-00002388-00002583 is all about. +rbbd2-TSpnc-00002-00002583-00003107 Acids are substances that taste sour, like the citric acid in lemons and vinegar +rbbd2-TSpnc-00003-00003107-00003743 which is sour wine or vin-egre in french. There are many other natural acids such as +rbbd2-TSpnc-00004-00003743-00004366 lactic acid in sour milk and the poisonous oxallic acid in rhubarb. Two +rbbd2-TSpnc-00005-00004366-00004794 hundred and fifty years ago early chemists found that non-metals burnt to form acids, +rbbd2-TSpnc-00006-00004794-00005067 so they named the gas in the air +rbbd2-TSpnc-00007-00005067-00005772 Oxygen, meaning acid maker. Sulphur burns to form sulphur dioxide which dissolves +rbbd2-TSpnc-00008-00005772-00006473 in water to form sulphuric acid. Carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid, making rain +rbbd2-TSpnc-00009-00006473-00007029 always slightly acidic and nitrogen oxides dissolve in water to form nitric +rbbd2-TSpnc-00010-00007029-00007723 acid. However oxygen also reacts with reactive metals to form alkalis, such as +rbbd2-TSpnc-00011-00007723-00008343 sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide. So oxygen is not only an acid maker but +rbbd2-TSpnc-00012-00008343-00009077 also an alkali maker. In water acids give up a hydrogen ion or proton to the water +rbbd2-TSpnc-00013-00009077-00009746 molecule, forming a hydroxonium ion, H3O+ or example hydrochloric acid +rbbd2-TSpnc-00014-00009746-00010532 produces chloride ion and hydroxonium ion. Acetic acid, the acetate ion. Sulphuric acid, +rbbd2-TSpnc-00015-00010532-00011068 the sulphate ion. The amount of acidity can be measured on the pH scale +rbbd2-TSpnc-00016-00011068-00011665 a measure of the concentration of hydroxonium or hydrogen ions. Little p +rbbd2-TSpnc-00017-00011665-00012346 for power or strength and capital H for the hydrogen ion. Acids can change the +rbbd2-TSpnc-00018-00012346-00012821 colour of indicators. Try making your own by extracting the colour from red cabbage +rbbd2-TSpnc-00019-00012821-00013433 leaves or other coloured plants. Add lemon juice then garden line and watch the red +rbbd2-TSpnc-00020-00013433-00013990 colour gradually change through green to blue as the acid is neutralised. Perhaps +rbbd2-TSpnc-00021-00013990-00014221 the most famous indicator is litmus +rbbd2-TSpnc-00022-00014221-00014951 which is extracted from likens, red in acid and blue in alkali. A full range indicator +rbbd2-TSpnc-00023-00014951-00015424 contains a mixture of dyes allowing you to measure the pH from 0, a strong +rbbd2-TSpnc-00024-00015424-00016116 acid, getting less acidic through neutral water, pH 7, getting more alkaline to +rbbd2-TSpnc-00025-00016116-00016927 strong alkali at pH 14. The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that each change of +rbbd2-TSpnc-00026-00016927-00017538 one unit of pH there is a ten-fold change in acidity. To understand its +rbbd2-TSpnc-00027-00017538-00018026 logarithmic nature, consider this: you have collected a bucket full of acid +rbbd2-TSpnc-00028-00018026-00018496 rain with a pH 4 and you want to make it less acidic for watering your +rbbd2-TSpnc-00029-00018496-00019232 garden. How much neutral water must you add to make the pH change from 4 to 5. +rbbd2-TSpnc-00030-00019232-00019859 Pause the video and think. Well the answer is that you need to act 9 buckets of neutral +rbbd2-TSpnc-00031-00019859-00020497 water just to change the pH by one unit since each change in pH is at 10 fold in +rbbd2-TSpnc-00032-00020497-00021163 acidity. To summarise, most acids are naturally occurring substances which +rbbd2-TSpnc-00033-00021163-00021677 dissolve in water and are sour to the taste (warning: only taste food substances). +rbbd2-TSpnc-00034-00021677-00022191 They are also formed when oxides of nonmetallic elements, like sulphur dioxide, +rbbd2-TSpnc-00035-00022191-00022657 dissolve in water. There are several different indicators which can help us +rbbd2-TSpnc-00036-00022657-00023182 determine the acidity of a substance and the degree of acidity is measured on the +rbbd2-TSpnc-00037-00023182-00023346 pH scale which is logarithmic. +rcfYdWcKH-Q-00000-00000331-00001296 hello guys I'm Gordan* I'm Gordan* Freeman from black mess oh I'm going to teach +rcfYdWcKH-Q-00001-00001296-00002631 you how to use the portals look oh I am back look at me at the back I just used +rcfYdWcKH-Q-00002-00002631-00005255 the porter no you rent the door how to climb you shut up hey kiddo kids I'm a +rcfYdWcKH-Q-00003-00005255-00005510 teacher +rcEi_wC0ytM-00000-00000631-00001072 can i be +rcEi_wC0ytM-00001-00000712-00001072 your superhero +rcEi_wC0ytM-00002-00001492-00002543 superheroes +rcEi_wC0ytM-00003-00002543-00003184 can i be your superhero +rcEi_wC0ytM-00004-00004284-00004584 superhero +rcEi_wC0ytM-00005-00005103-00005684 it's the first time of today +rcEi_wC0ytM-00006-00005684-00005984 today +rcEi_wC0ytM-00007-00011284-00011584 superhero +rcEi_wC0ytM-00008-00015576-00015784 you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00009-00021184-00021392 you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00010-00023884-00024184 okay +rcEi_wC0ytM-00011-00024864-00025143 you're never gonna make it you're not +rcEi_wC0ytM-00012-00025008-00025272 good enough there's a million other +rcEi_wC0ytM-00013-00025143-00025384 people with the same stuff you really +rcEi_wC0ytM-00014-00025272-00025512 think you're different man you must be +rcEi_wC0ytM-00015-00025384-00025663 kidding think you're gonna hit it but +rcEi_wC0ytM-00016-00025512-00025847 you just don't get it it's impossible +rcEi_wC0ytM-00017-00025663-00026016 it's not probable you're responsible too +rcEi_wC0ytM-00018-00025847-00026168 many obstacles you gotta stop it yo you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00019-00026016-00026295 gotta take it slow you can't be a pro +rcEi_wC0ytM-00020-00026168-00026456 don't waste your time no more who the +rcEi_wC0ytM-00021-00026295-00026552 [ __ ] are you to tell me what to do i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00022-00026456-00026704 don't give a damn if you say you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00023-00026552-00026832 disapprove i'm gonna make my move i'm +rcEi_wC0ytM-00024-00026704-00026968 gonna make it soon and i'll do it +rcEi_wC0ytM-00025-00026832-00027104 because it's what i wanna [ __ ] do +rcEi_wC0ytM-00026-00026968-00027239 cause all these opinions and all these +rcEi_wC0ytM-00027-00027104-00027368 positions they come in in millions they +rcEi_wC0ytM-00028-00027239-00027495 blocking your vision but no you can't +rcEi_wC0ytM-00029-00027368-00027824 listen that [ __ ] is all fiction cause +rcEi_wC0ytM-00030-00027495-00027824 you hold the power as long as you're +rcEi_wC0ytM-00031-00028083-00028383 dreaming +rcEi_wC0ytM-00032-00028936-00029616 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00033-00029295-00029960 make him take it all back +rcEi_wC0ytM-00034-00029616-00030280 don't tell me you believe that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00035-00029960-00031183 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00036-00030280-00031183 will you [ __ ] fight back +rcEi_wC0ytM-00037-00031608-00032583 oh really [ __ ] fight +rcEi_wC0ytM-00038-00032936-00033360 [ __ ] you ain't gonna make it you ain't +rcEi_wC0ytM-00039-00033216-00033456 never ever gonna break it you can never +rcEi_wC0ytM-00040-00033360-00033560 beat them and they're better than you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00041-00033456-00033663 face it thinking that they're giving +rcEi_wC0ytM-00042-00033560-00033791 them you're not thinking +rcEi_wC0ytM-00043-00033663-00033919 no they don't give a damn you got what +rcEi_wC0ytM-00044-00033791-00034032 i'm saying i'm not [ __ ] playing don't +rcEi_wC0ytM-00045-00033919-00034152 give it to you straight man there's too +rcEi_wC0ytM-00046-00034032-00034296 many others and you're not that great +rcEi_wC0ytM-00047-00034152-00034447 man stop what you're saying stop what +rcEi_wC0ytM-00048-00034296-00034528 you're making everybody here knows that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00049-00034447-00034703 you're just freaking +rcEi_wC0ytM-00050-00034528-00034840 nah i don't wanna hear it anymore i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00051-00034703-00034960 don't wanna hear it anymore all these +rcEi_wC0ytM-00052-00034840-00035080 [ __ ] thoughts they are not what i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00053-00034960-00035247 need anymore i'm about to shut the +rcEi_wC0ytM-00054-00035080-00035375 [ __ ] door on all you poor ass +rcEi_wC0ytM-00055-00035247-00035528 haters with your hands in the clouds +rcEi_wC0ytM-00056-00035375-00035680 talking out loud so proud you better +rcEi_wC0ytM-00057-00035528-00035856 shoot your goddamn mouth before i do +rcEi_wC0ytM-00058-00035680-00036119 more speak out it's about to hit never +rcEi_wC0ytM-00059-00035856-00036731 gonna make it +rcEi_wC0ytM-00060-00036119-00037043 there's no way that you make +rcEi_wC0ytM-00061-00037160-00037840 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00062-00037519-00038184 make them take it all back +rcEi_wC0ytM-00063-00037840-00038488 don't tell me you believe that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00064-00038184-00039522 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00065-00038488-00039836 oh will you [ __ ] fight back +rcEi_wC0ytM-00067-00043984-00044263 gonna make it you're not good enough +rcEi_wC0ytM-00068-00044152-00044384 there's a million other people with the +rcEi_wC0ytM-00069-00044263-00044512 same stuff you really think you're +rcEi_wC0ytM-00070-00044384-00044640 different and you must be kidding think +rcEi_wC0ytM-00071-00044512-00044831 you're gonna hit it but you just don't +rcEi_wC0ytM-00072-00044640-00045000 get it it's impossible it's not probable +rcEi_wC0ytM-00073-00044831-00045144 you're responsible too many obstacles +rcEi_wC0ytM-00074-00045000-00045296 you gotta stop it yo you gotta take it +rcEi_wC0ytM-00075-00045144-00045440 slow you can't be a pro don't waste your +rcEi_wC0ytM-00076-00045296-00045591 time no more who the [ __ ] are you to +rcEi_wC0ytM-00077-00045440-00045736 tell me what to do i don't give a damn +rcEi_wC0ytM-00078-00045591-00045888 if you say you disapprove i'm gonna make +rcEi_wC0ytM-00079-00045736-00046047 my move i'm gonna make it soon and i'll +rcEi_wC0ytM-00080-00045888-00046184 do it cause it's what i wanna [ __ ] do +rcEi_wC0ytM-00081-00046047-00046319 cause all these opinions and all these +rcEi_wC0ytM-00082-00046184-00046447 positions they come in in millions they +rcEi_wC0ytM-00083-00046319-00046575 blocking your vision but no you can't +rcEi_wC0ytM-00084-00046447-00046712 listen that [ __ ] is all fiction cause +rcEi_wC0ytM-00085-00046575-00046944 you hold the power as long as you're +rcEi_wC0ytM-00086-00046712-00046944 dreaming +rcEi_wC0ytM-00087-00046975-00047359 there's no way that you make it +rcEi_wC0ytM-00088-00047684-00048241 maybe +rcEi_wC0ytM-00089-00049040-00050712 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00090-00049359-00052183 will you [ __ ] fight back +rcEi_wC0ytM-00091-00050712-00052320 holy [ __ ] fight +rcEi_wC0ytM-00092-00052183-00052455 you ain't gonna make it you ain't never +rcEi_wC0ytM-00093-00052320-00052567 ever gonna break it you can never beat +rcEi_wC0ytM-00094-00052455-00052664 them and they're better than you face it +rcEi_wC0ytM-00095-00052567-00052800 thinking that they're giving them you're +rcEi_wC0ytM-00096-00052664-00052936 not like a stray kid no they don't give +rcEi_wC0ytM-00097-00052800-00053048 a damn you got what i'm saying i'm not +rcEi_wC0ytM-00098-00052936-00053167 [ __ ] playing i'll keep it to you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00099-00053048-00053295 straight man there's too many others and +rcEi_wC0ytM-00100-00053167-00053432 you're not that great man stop what +rcEi_wC0ytM-00101-00053295-00053560 you're saying stop what you're making +rcEi_wC0ytM-00102-00053432-00053608 everybody here knows that you're just +rcEi_wC0ytM-00103-00053560-00053800 freaking +rcEi_wC0ytM-00104-00053608-00053951 nah i don't wanna get any more i don't +rcEi_wC0ytM-00105-00053800-00054055 wanna hear it anymore all these [ __ ] +rcEi_wC0ytM-00106-00053951-00054160 thoughts they are not what i need +rcEi_wC0ytM-00107-00054055-00054336 anymore i'm about to shut the +rcEi_wC0ytM-00108-00054160-00054455 [ __ ] door on all you poor ass +rcEi_wC0ytM-00109-00054336-00054608 haters with your heads in the clouds +rcEi_wC0ytM-00110-00054455-00054983 talking out loud so proud you better +rcEi_wC0ytM-00111-00054608-00054983 shoot your goddamn mouth +rcEi_wC0ytM-00112-00055872-00056608 but you're never gonna make it +rcEi_wC0ytM-00113-00056239-00056920 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00114-00056608-00057264 make them take it all back +rcEi_wC0ytM-00115-00056920-00057591 don't tell me you believe that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00116-00057264-00057912 are you just gonna take that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00117-00057591-00057912 will you [ __ ] fight +rcEi_wC0ytM-00118-00058936-00060807 a back [ __ ] fight +rcEi_wC0ytM-00119-00060512-00060960 yeah yeah let's go i ain't the first +rcEi_wC0ytM-00120-00060807-00061024 with the curse with the thirst that i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00121-00060960-00061239 wanna be +rcEi_wC0ytM-00122-00061024-00061416 better not worse man it hurts i'm on +rcEi_wC0ytM-00123-00061239-00061683 this earth with my words and i put them +rcEi_wC0ytM-00124-00061416-00061848 all together insert cause i wanna have +rcEi_wC0ytM-00125-00061683-00061920 worth really hard till they put me in +rcEi_wC0ytM-00126-00061848-00062160 the dirt +rcEi_wC0ytM-00127-00061920-00062367 gonna go far man listen to my words +rcEi_wC0ytM-00128-00062160-00062520 gonna be a star man life's like a blur +rcEi_wC0ytM-00129-00062367-00062616 when you're working this hard day you +rcEi_wC0ytM-00130-00062520-00062824 get better +rcEi_wC0ytM-00131-00062616-00063048 yeah i ain't taking a back seat i'm +rcEi_wC0ytM-00132-00062824-00063304 passing and anybody else who is rapping +rcEi_wC0ytM-00133-00063048-00063304 i'm nasty +rcEi_wC0ytM-00134-00064232-00064783 she wants cash money and she knows that +rcEi_wC0ytM-00135-00064407-00064783 i live lavishly +rcEi_wC0ytM-00136-00067295-00067736 it's steady i'm trending ascending and +rcEi_wC0ytM-00137-00067544-00067951 blending lyrical bending now i'm +rcEi_wC0ytM-00138-00067736-00068072 spreading and getting my name out now +rcEi_wC0ytM-00139-00067951-00068216 yeah they're hearing me laugh +rcEi_wC0ytM-00140-00068072-00068472 all the crowds repping the sound i'm +rcEi_wC0ytM-00141-00068216-00068983 hitting the ground running up and coming +rcEi_wC0ytM-00142-00068472-00070334 ain't nothing yeah +rcEi_wC0ytM-00143-00071244-00071783 a fight to live +rcEi_wC0ytM-00144-00072904-00073263 to be alone i don't really ever feel at +rcEi_wC0ytM-00145-00073080-00073448 home on my own in the zone +rcEi_wC0ytM-00146-00073263-00073607 that's the only way i know feeling low +rcEi_wC0ytM-00147-00073448-00073824 about to blow back up +rcEi_wC0ytM-00148-00073607-00073960 never let the doubt creep in gotta pop a +rcEi_wC0ytM-00149-00073824-00074160 couple more aspirin +rcEi_wC0ytM-00150-00073960-00074360 i don't think i'll ever let you in +rcEi_wC0ytM-00151-00074160-00074416 easier to break it off as friends i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00152-00074360-00074600 don't really +rcEi_wC0ytM-00153-00074416-00074727 understand myself i don't really +rcEi_wC0ytM-00154-00074600-00074920 understand need help +rcEi_wC0ytM-00155-00074727-00075172 i don't wanna be left on the shelf +rcEi_wC0ytM-00156-00074920-00075704 couldn't even hear me if i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00157-00075704-00076256 all know it's so cold +rcEi_wC0ytM-00158-00077083-00077383 outside +rcEi_wC0ytM-00159-00078483-00078783 uh +rcEi_wC0ytM-00160-00079895-00080224 always feel like i can break now but i +rcEi_wC0ytM-00161-00080056-00080376 never let it take me to that place now +rcEi_wC0ytM-00162-00080224-00080544 i won't ever let my thoughts get away +rcEi_wC0ytM-00163-00080376-00080607 now i got better things to do picking +rcEi_wC0ytM-00164-00080544-00080760 fate now +rcEi_wC0ytM-00165-00080607-00080951 i just wanna be the best call me great +rcEi_wC0ytM-00166-00080760-00080992 now i don't know if i'm okay or insane +rcEi_wC0ytM-00167-00080951-00081160 now +rcEi_wC0ytM-00168-00080992-00081495 i remember better days on the playground +rcEi_wC0ytM-00169-00081160-00081495 hoping i could fly even when +rcEi_wC0ytM-00170-00082600-00083255 never give up that was always +rcEi_wC0ytM-00171-00086883-00087183 uh +rcEi_wC0ytM-00172-00089000-00089439 can i be your superhero +rcEi_wC0ytM-00173-00089683-00090063 superheroes +rdmqBVOUXHU-00000-00000098-00000300 Hi everyone! +rdmqBVOUXHU-00001-00000372-00000656 I was on holidays with my family +rdmqBVOUXHU-00002-00000676-00001006 in Ossa, which is 40 minutes from Warsaw +rdmqBVOUXHU-00003-00001011-00001607 So of course I had to go to Warsaw to one particular place +rdmqBVOUXHU-00004-00001634-00002094 So now, after resting for a week, I visited this place +rdmqBVOUXHU-00005-00002130-00002420 And this place is AvePark +rdmqBVOUXHU-00006-00002420-00002712 The best indor skatepark in Poland +rdmqBVOUXHU-00007-00002732-00003102 So today is very important day, because I'm gonna be there for the first time +rdmqBVOUXHU-00008-00003116-00003486 And actually I'm already here ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00009-00003604-00004014 There is one trick I wanna do today +rdmqBVOUXHU-00010-00004046-00004302 And this trick is a flair +rdmqBVOUXHU-00011-00004326-00004620 I hope I'll do it or at least try it +rdmqBVOUXHU-00012-00004642-00005066 No, I'm sure I'll try it, because I won't allow myself not try it ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00013-00005250-00005576 But you will find out soon +rdmqBVOUXHU-00014-00005880-00006144 So see you inside +rdmqBVOUXHU-00015-00009370-00009634 He did a backflip 360 here... +rdmqBVOUXHU-00016-00010082-00010984 I warmed up a little bit, did some backflips, 2 flairs fly out to foam pit, but I didn't want to do this on resi +rdmqBVOUXHU-00017-00011012-00012142 Finally, I asked a scooter rider to block the resi fly box, so I could have a lot of space. Then I had to try it and to send my first flair, so scary... +rdmqBVOUXHU-00018-00013819-00014019 Got it! +rdmqBVOUXHU-00019-00014216-00014416 I was so scared to do this +rdmqBVOUXHU-00020-00014702-00015352 And two scooter riders blocked rollin and fly box for me, so I could do it without crashing into someone +rdmqBVOUXHU-00021-00015458-00015697 And I tried +rdmqBVOUXHU-00022-00015791-00016296 And it looked like a flair, but I didn't manage to have my scooter close to me ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00023-00016848-00017354 But I'll try to do it again and maybe land it +rdmqBVOUXHU-00024-00017456-00017922 I won't lose such an opportunity ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00025-00024324-00024770 Allright, I've done these I dont't know how many tries +rdmqBVOUXHU-00026-00024810-00024998 Maybe 6 or 7 +rdmqBVOUXHU-00027-00025076-00025276 I didn't land it +rdmqBVOUXHU-00028-00025304-00025618 But I'm happy, bacause at least I tried +rdmqBVOUXHU-00029-00025695-00025924 I don't have kneepads +rdmqBVOUXHU-00030-00025952-00026206 And I'm already in bad condition ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00031-00026318-00026636 So I don't want to do it again +rdmqBVOUXHU-00032-00026730-00027056 And hurt myself more +rdmqBVOUXHU-00033-00027594-00027838 So my hip also hurts +rdmqBVOUXHU-00034-00028195-00028508 And it's the end with a flair +rdmqBVOUXHU-00035-00028700-00028944 And I'll do some other tricks +rdmqBVOUXHU-00036-00029386-00029650 Few people wanted to take a photo with me, so cute ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00037-00045924-00046228 I hope you can see me +rdmqBVOUXHU-00038-00046252-00046480 because I can't see anything ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00039-00046502-00046714 I finished AvePark session +rdmqBVOUXHU-00040-00046757-00046957 I'm pleased +rdmqBVOUXHU-00041-00046988-00047331 with that I've tried a flair +rdmqBVOUXHU-00042-00047332-00047626 And I tried few times +rdmqBVOUXHU-00043-00047626-00047903 First one was terrifying +rdmqBVOUXHU-00044-00047903-00048099 Another ones were easier +rdmqBVOUXHU-00045-00048100-00048374 But still a little bit scary +rdmqBVOUXHU-00046-00048380-00048714 And almost every flair hurt me +rdmqBVOUXHU-00047-00049012-00049376 Then I was just riding, nothing special +rdmqBVOUXHU-00048-00049412-00050034 But I could try this big fly box and do a lot of tricks easier +rdmqBVOUXHU-00049-00050200-00050320 What else? +rdmqBVOUXHU-00050-00050370-00051196 At the beginning I thougth that I will learn flair and I will do it on every skateoark +rdmqBVOUXHU-00051-00051382-00052429 Then, when I saw this quarter I thought that even if I won't try it, I won't be disappointed +rdmqBVOUXHU-00052-00052822-00053172 So because of that I'm happy with what I've done ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00053-00053212-00053602 And I'm glad I could be here +rdmqBVOUXHU-00054-00053782-00054222 I'm back, I came home +rdmqBVOUXHU-00055-00054266-00054466 And back to the topic of flair +rdmqBVOUXHU-00056-00054484-00054744 Flair is hard and scary +rdmqBVOUXHU-00057-00054744-00055182 And it is definitely easier to pull straight back and to land a backflip +rdmqBVOUXHU-00058-00055252-00055910 Than to do this kind of sideflip or backflip 180, and land it in a quarter again +rdmqBVOUXHU-00059-00056240-00056588 Or you do even something else than sideflip or backflip 180 ;) +rdmqBVOUXHU-00060-00056898-00057232 And I have wounds everywhere +rdmqBVOUXHU-00061-00057272-00057434 On my hip +rdmqBVOUXHU-00062-00057460-00057640 On my knees +rdmqBVOUXHU-00063-00057676-00057862 On my fingers +rdmqBVOUXHU-00064-00057944-00058129 On my ankles +rdmqBVOUXHU-00065-00058191-00058328 And a little bit on my elbows +rdmqBVOUXHU-00066-00058404-00058682 And everything hurts when I move +rdmqBVOUXHU-00067-00058726-00059032 But at least I've tried it +rdmqBVOUXHU-00068-00059072-00059360 I haven't been to street section of AvePark +rdmqBVOUXHU-00069-00059541-00059908 I was focused on doing flairs and using this huge fly box +rdmqBVOUXHU-00070-00060332-00060654 So to sum up, I' glad I was in AvePark +rdmqBVOUXHU-00071-00060654-00060954 First time, not the last +rdmqBVOUXHU-00072-00061022-00061694 But one of not many for now if I'll be there in near future +rdmqBVOUXHU-00073-00061770-00062046 So thank you for watching +rdmqBVOUXHU-00074-00062062-00062284 And see you in the next video +rfPPC5v4yUM-00000-00000003-00000509 I never got caught in the cycle of dating douchebag after douchebag after +rfPPC5v4yUM-00001-00000509-00001046 douchebag well I've done that many at times and apparently this is something +rfPPC5v4yUM-00002-00001046-00001526 that alissa violet struggles with as well and I'm guessing there's a lot of +rfPPC5v4yUM-00003-00001526-00002025 you watching this video who have been through this too or you know somebody +rfPPC5v4yUM-00004-00002025-00002472 who's been going through this well in this video we're gonna talk about why +rfPPC5v4yUM-00005-00002472-00002892 this happens and what we could do about it because we have to ask ourselves are +rfPPC5v4yUM-00006-00002892-00004152 we just having bad luck or is there something else going on what is up +rfPPC5v4yUM-00007-00004152-00004575 everybody this is Chris from the rewired so where we talk about the problem but +rfPPC5v4yUM-00008-00004575-00004878 focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about +rfPPC5v4yUM-00009-00004878-00005207 mental health and sometimes what I do is I take different topics going on in the +rfPPC5v4yUM-00010-00005207-00005532 YouTube community trying to see what we can learn from them the successes and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00011-00005532-00005930 the mistakes to see how we can improve our own mental and emotional well-being +rfPPC5v4yUM-00012-00005930-00006264 so if you're into that stuff make sure you subscribe and bring that +rfPPC5v4yUM-00013-00006264-00006615 notification bell and if you not yet follow me over on Instagram and Twitter +rfPPC5v4yUM-00014-00006615-00007179 at the rewired soul and real quick real quick I know so many of you out there so +rfPPC5v4yUM-00015-00007179-00007598 many of you out there are horror movie fans and some of you struggle with +rfPPC5v4yUM-00016-00007598-00008123 anxiety well the last video I did was a collab with the amazing artist cadrimilk +rfPPC5v4yUM-00017-00008123-00008586 milk and we talked about horror movies and anxiety so if you're into either of +rfPPC5v4yUM-00018-00008586-00008949 those things please go check that video out it I am very very proud of that +rfPPC5v4yUM-00019-00008949-00009357 video cod remote just sort of making videos and she is just la superb and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00020-00009357-00009684 she's an amazing artist but it's a whole different style and I just really want +rfPPC5v4yUM-00021-00009684-00010059 you guys to check it out so that'll be linked up in the info card alright so +rfPPC5v4yUM-00022-00010059-00010493 anyways we're gonna be talking about what's been going on with alissa violet +rfPPC5v4yUM-00023-00010493-00011018 she just came out and even though her and faze banks said that their breakup +rfPPC5v4yUM-00024-00011018-00011461 was very amicable and everything was on good terms well she just came out and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00025-00011461-00012021 explained that face banks was cheating on her alright so if you're new to this +rfPPC5v4yUM-00026-00012021-00012350 channel if you ain't if you haven't been here or you haven't been here for a +rfPPC5v4yUM-00027-00012350-00012806 minute alright this video isn't about that nonsense we're using that as +rfPPC5v4yUM-00028-00012806-00013166 contact so we could see what we can learn from because like I said +rfPPC5v4yUM-00029-00013166-00013676 like I have been in so many terrible relationships all right before I found +rfPPC5v4yUM-00030-00013676-00014266 my beautiful girlfriend Tristan I was in so many terrible relationships and it's +rfPPC5v4yUM-00031-00014266-00014794 very clear as you'll see in a second that Elissa violet has been emotionally +rfPPC5v4yUM-00032-00014794-00015163 abused alright and I know a lot of you out there watching this you've been in a +rfPPC5v4yUM-00033-00015163-00015512 lot of terrible relationships as well so we shouldn't just be watching this all +rfPPC5v4yUM-00034-00015512-00015922 this stuff just passively we need to take a look at and say oh I can relate +rfPPC5v4yUM-00035-00015922-00016352 to that what can I do about it alright so to give a little context what +rfPPC5v4yUM-00036-00016352-00016829 happened was after months of face banks and Elissa violet being broken up she +rfPPC5v4yUM-00037-00016829-00017375 came out and tweeted out you know it was a reply to this older tweet from 11:22 +rfPPC5v4yUM-00038-00017375-00017771 where she says I was asleep upstairs with our dogs and he wasn't next to me +rfPPC5v4yUM-00039-00017771-00018296 so I checked our guest house and caught him naked in bed with a random girl all +rfPPC5v4yUM-00040-00018296-00018758 right so later on you know this was like trending on Twitter alissa violet was +rfPPC5v4yUM-00041-00018758-00019379 trending and face banks ended up sending out this tweet that says I love you all +rfPPC5v4yUM-00042-00019379-00019805 right so before we jump into a bunch of the responses that Alyssa and violent +rfPPC5v4yUM-00043-00019805-00020245 made like let's let's let's go back in time all right because it's important +rfPPC5v4yUM-00044-00020245-00020600 that we look at our own pattern so we're gonna be talking more about that in a +rfPPC5v4yUM-00045-00020600-00021173 second but when Shane Dawson series inside the mind of Jake Paul came out +rfPPC5v4yUM-00046-00021173-00021745 like a lot of questions were around what happened with Alyssa violent okay and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00047-00021745-00022090 one of the episodes from the Shane Dawson series was dedicated to +rfPPC5v4yUM-00048-00022090-00022559 interviewing Elissa violet and it was very clear not only was Elissa violet +rfPPC5v4yUM-00049-00022559-00023165 being cheated on by Jake Paul but she was being emotionally abused and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00050-00023165-00023773 manipulated alright so after her and Jake Paul split up she ended up dating +rfPPC5v4yUM-00051-00023773-00024373 phase banks and yeah like all this information just came out so after phase +rfPPC5v4yUM-00052-00024373-00024956 Bank he tweeted out I love you she tweets she replies did you quote-unquote +rfPPC5v4yUM-00053-00024956-00025343 love me when you texted that girl like you were on your way to her hotel room +rfPPC5v4yUM-00054-00025343-00025820 at 6 a.m. to quote get weird while I was sleeping next to you did you quote +rfPPC5v4yUM-00055-00025820-00026312 unquote love me when you said you were at highlight room but I had your +rfPPC5v4yUM-00056-00026312-00026690 location and you were random apartment complex for two hours +rfPPC5v4yUM-00057-00026690-00027231 did you quote unquote love me when you broke eight of my phones did you quote +rfPPC5v4yUM-00058-00027231-00027768 unquote love me when you smash in the back of chantels window of her car that +rfPPC5v4yUM-00059-00027768-00028311 she gave me all right like I said I can relate so again before I did it Tristan +rfPPC5v4yUM-00060-00028311-00028737 I was in a lot of very abusive relationships not a lot of guys talk +rfPPC5v4yUM-00061-00028737-00029327 about this but it happens to dudes too I was emotionally abused constantly and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00062-00029327-00029813 some of those relationships I was actually physically abused as well +rfPPC5v4yUM-00063-00029813-00030275 okay so before I move forward I want to make it clear I want to make it very +rfPPC5v4yUM-00064-00030275-00030956 clear that this is never okay it's never okay to emotionally abuse somebody else +rfPPC5v4yUM-00065-00030956-00031562 in a relationship like it's not good to do that period but that is never okay so +rfPPC5v4yUM-00066-00031562-00032055 when we look at people like Jake Paul and face banks yeah those dudes are +rfPPC5v4yUM-00067-00032055-00032631 dicks all right so I want to share just a little bit about what I went through +rfPPC5v4yUM-00068-00032631-00033059 so like I kept dating all these women right I was one of those guys and you +rfPPC5v4yUM-00069-00033059-00033422 might be able to relate to this if you're like this - I was one of those +rfPPC5v4yUM-00070-00033422-00033930 people where I just couldn't be single I could not be single for the life of me +rfPPC5v4yUM-00071-00033930-00034302 right right after a long-term relationship ended I was in the next one +rfPPC5v4yUM-00072-00034302-00034865 you know I just could not be single and every single relationship just ended +rfPPC5v4yUM-00073-00034865-00035444 terribly absolutely terribly and my heart was broken and I was in a lot of +rfPPC5v4yUM-00074-00035444-00035940 long-term relationships and like I said I was being emotionally abused and like +rfPPC5v4yUM-00075-00035940-00036390 I just started to pity myself and like we're talking about like a dozen +rfPPC5v4yUM-00076-00036390-00036947 relationships and I would like call you know my mom was like a psychologist and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00077-00036947-00037362 I would like to talk to my friends and everybody like why like why do I do so +rfPPC5v4yUM-00078-00037362-00038090 why can't I just find a good girl why can't I find a good girl right so one +rfPPC5v4yUM-00079-00038090-00038690 thing is if you want to understand why you date who you date there's actually +rfPPC5v4yUM-00080-00038690-00039033 some really interesting psychology behind this I made a video on it and I'm +rfPPC5v4yUM-00081-00039033-00039458 a link down in the description down in the pin comment up in the info card go +rfPPC5v4yUM-00082-00039458-00039894 check that out it will blow your mind you'll start to understand why +rfPPC5v4yUM-00083-00039894-00040308 you date douchebags alright but anyways getting back to my +rfPPC5v4yUM-00084-00040308-00040842 pity party why me why me well eventually when I started working +rfPPC5v4yUM-00085-00040842-00041556 on myself I learned that I had what people call a broken picker okay so +rfPPC5v4yUM-00086-00041556-00042183 what's a broken picker you might have a broken picker I had this insane ability +rfPPC5v4yUM-00087-00042183-00042942 to pick the absolute worst people right we all have a type everybody has a type +rfPPC5v4yUM-00088-00042942-00043785 my type was crazy okay I would find women to date who were just emotionally +rfPPC5v4yUM-00089-00043785-00044319 unstable who were mean and angry like there were constant red flowers but +rfPPC5v4yUM-00090-00044319-00044850 that's who really got my mojo going you know what I mean so after being in all +rfPPC5v4yUM-00091-00044850-00045330 these relationships are wanting to swear off all of womankind like I had to start +rfPPC5v4yUM-00092-00045330-00045750 looking at how much control I had in this situation because I want to make it +rfPPC5v4yUM-00093-00045750-00046320 clear we have zero control over how other people treat us and what they're +rfPPC5v4yUM-00094-00046320-00046728 going to do to us right so like I said and Alyssa violets case she had +rfPPC5v4yUM-00095-00046728-00047199 absolutely no control over what people like faced banks did to her over what +rfPPC5v4yUM-00096-00047199-00047760 Jake Paul did her no control at all right I had no control over the abuse of +rfPPC5v4yUM-00097-00047760-00048324 relationships that I was in except when looking forward to my new relationships +rfPPC5v4yUM-00098-00048324-00048897 I had to see what control I did have and the control I did have was who I chose +rfPPC5v4yUM-00099-00048897-00049398 to be in a relationship with all right you can live in that fantasy world of +rfPPC5v4yUM-00100-00049398-00049968 the heart wants what the heart wants well when my heart wants crazy I can't +rfPPC5v4yUM-00101-00049968-00050358 just keep following it around to jump into these abusive relationships you see +rfPPC5v4yUM-00102-00050358-00050973 what I mean so like in Alyssa violets case you know like we look at that I've +rfPPC5v4yUM-00103-00050973-00051341 seen a lot of people talk about this on Twitter I think Elvis the alien even +rfPPC5v4yUM-00104-00051341-00051840 said something about on Twitter but like here here's me when I look at this +rfPPC5v4yUM-00105-00051840-00052442 situation I look at my own history right like like you were dating a guy who's +rfPPC5v4yUM-00106-00052442-00053022 like motto his main motto in life is phased off up +rfPPC5v4yUM-00107-00053022-00053487 right like that dude was destined to be a douchebag and we're not even talking +rfPPC5v4yUM-00108-00053487-00054099 about all the other things hey Zack but again I want you to take a look at your +rfPPC5v4yUM-00109-00054099-00054660 dating history right the people you've dated in the past can you look at each +rfPPC5v4yUM-00110-00054660-00055401 one and say oh yeah I really I really shouldn't be surprised at how they +rfPPC5v4yUM-00111-00055401-00055854 treated me right like we're there red flags were there warning signs were +rfPPC5v4yUM-00112-00055854-00056490 there any signs before you got serious right so what's the solution what's the +rfPPC5v4yUM-00113-00056490-00056865 solution to all of this first solution as soon as you're done with this video +rfPPC5v4yUM-00114-00056865-00057213 go watch that video about why you date who you date it will be very eye-opening +rfPPC5v4yUM-00115-00057213-00057777 for you alright second one is this from my own personal experience I had to +rfPPC5v4yUM-00116-00057777-00058004 learn that it was okay to be single alright +rfPPC5v4yUM-00117-00058004-00058419 like when when I was in this mode of desperation and you might recognize this +rfPPC5v4yUM-00118-00058419-00058725 about yourself - well I was just desperate to get into another +rfPPC5v4yUM-00119-00058725-00059328 relationship like my standards were low lower and lower and lower and lower +rfPPC5v4yUM-00120-00059328-00059721 right because I needed a relationship so I you don't got to do this but I +rfPPC5v4yUM-00121-00059721-00060078 actually stayed single for a year and a half before getting into another +rfPPC5v4yUM-00122-00060078-00060479 relationship alright it was much better but it was still kind of crazy and I was +rfPPC5v4yUM-00123-00060479-00060819 before I met Tristan anyways I learned that I had to stay single for +rfPPC5v4yUM-00124-00060819-00061275 a while okay but the other thing is - I had to go through my previous +rfPPC5v4yUM-00125-00061275-00061821 relationships and recognize the patterns that that were there or the the red +rfPPC5v4yUM-00126-00061821-00062427 flags that were there so before Tristan and I actually started dating I had been +rfPPC5v4yUM-00127-00062427-00062988 you know just casually dating other women here in Las Vegas but I never +rfPPC5v4yUM-00128-00062988-00063648 committed to them and you wanna know why because the red flags were right there +rfPPC5v4yUM-00129-00063648-00064166 all right like if I was just talking to a girl right and we're like a week or +rfPPC5v4yUM-00130-00064166-00064737 two into talking maybe been on one date if we're lucky and she flips the hell +rfPPC5v4yUM-00131-00064737-00065171 out on me that's a red flag I probably shouldn't date that person +rfPPC5v4yUM-00132-00065171-00065757 alright if the person was just really obsessive or overly attached I was like +rfPPC5v4yUM-00133-00065757-00066232 this might be a red flag for jealousy later on like I'm not saying +rfPPC5v4yUM-00134-00066232-00066568 immediately judge people sometimes people are just going through things and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00135-00066568-00066917 they'll get passed and everything like that but even when I finally settled +rfPPC5v4yUM-00136-00066917-00067411 down with Tristan we were talking and you know going out on dates before we +rfPPC5v4yUM-00137-00067411-00067789 like made it official for I don't know I think like a month or so you know what I +rfPPC5v4yUM-00138-00067789-00068212 mean and she was single for a very long time before dating me because she was +rfPPC5v4yUM-00139-00068212-00068599 cautious about you know getting into a bad relationship as well and now we're +rfPPC5v4yUM-00140-00068599-00069250 coming up on three years so if you're in this situation like I was or like Alyssa +rfPPC5v4yUM-00141-00069250-00070074 violet is okay like just know that it is possible to break the cycle okay and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00142-00070074-00070679 another you know great option is therapy if you can't figure this stuff out on +rfPPC5v4yUM-00143-00070679-00071200 your own and you have the resources to get therapy go and do it all right +rfPPC5v4yUM-00144-00071200-00071536 ask your doctor if they can recommend any good therapist call your insurance +rfPPC5v4yUM-00145-00071536-00071917 company ask them if they can recommend any good therapist I don't care how you +rfPPC5v4yUM-00146-00071917-00072355 get therapy if you have the resources get you some therapy always in the +rfPPC5v4yUM-00147-00072355-00072676 description below sometimes in the pink comment you will see an affiliate link +rfPPC5v4yUM-00148-00072676-00073132 for better help online therapy I use better help online therapy so when you +rfPPC5v4yUM-00149-00073132-00073579 use that link you get online affordable therapy and a little bit comes back and +rfPPC5v4yUM-00150-00073579-00073918 supports the channel but if you keep getting into bad relationships bad +rfPPC5v4yUM-00151-00073918-00074632 relationships after bad relationships start taking control all right like we +rfPPC5v4yUM-00152-00074632-00075238 can't be stuck in a bad relationship if we don't get in one in the first place +rfPPC5v4yUM-00153-00075238-00075641 all right so I hope the best for Alyssa violet I +rfPPC5v4yUM-00154-00075641-00076075 hope she recognizes you know her own patterns that she might have and I hope +rfPPC5v4yUM-00155-00076075-00076423 she has a support group who's there for and everything like that but I also hope +rfPPC5v4yUM-00156-00076423-00076760 all of you are taking this stuff into consideration and you can hopefully +rfPPC5v4yUM-00157-00076760-00077233 break that cycle as well all right anyway that's all I got for this video +rfPPC5v4yUM-00158-00077233-00077533 if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you +rfPPC5v4yUM-00159-00077533-00077854 subscribe and bring that notification about and a huge huge thank you to +rfPPC5v4yUM-00160-00077854-00078154 everybody who supports the channel over on patreon as well as everybody who +rfPPC5v4yUM-00161-00078154-00078487 sports the channel bye bye my mental health books over at the rewired so calm +rfPPC5v4yUM-00162-00078487-00078988 and our merch and everything like that you're all amazing alright thanks again +rfPPC5v4yUM-00163-00078988-00079356 for watching I'll see you next time +rg_AoP07dwQ-00000-00000208-00001256 yo yo yo what up what up once again we got the building so as promised like i said +rg_AoP07dwQ-00001-00001376-00002016 i got this first let me pause this [ __ ] for a bit yeah when i got the first in +rg_AoP07dwQ-00002-00002112-00002688 i was gonna do another life anyway i got it right now so +rg_AoP07dwQ-00003-00002840-00003600 i'ma spit it for you guys do you hear what's going on just let me know what you think about it +rg_AoP07dwQ-00004-00003776-00004384 give me a little rating let me know what's going on if we good to go +rg_AoP07dwQ-00005-00005640-00005784 hey +rg_AoP07dwQ-00006-00018008-00019024 yeah so that's about it that's what i got so far that's promised the other one's on another +rhRpBpZMjog-00000-00000000-00000700 This is the story of another occupied house or squat in central Dublin at Gardiner Place just off Parnell Square +rhRpBpZMjog-00001-00000700-00001176 We first saw it a couple of weeks back and we called back the following day +rhRpBpZMjog-00002-00001176-00001730 to find out what the story was. You'll find abandoned buildings like this all over the city +rhRpBpZMjog-00003-00001730-00001828 they are normally easy enough to spot because they have been boarded up. Because this one had been occupied the inhabitants had +rhRpBpZMjog-00004-00001828-00002580 already removed some of the shuttering from so there is daylight. The place was nicknamed the Firehouse Squat because a couple of years previously +rhRpBpZMjog-00005-00002580-00003368 there had been a fire that had gutted one of the rooms on the ground floor and done smoke damage to almost +rhRpBpZMjog-00006-00003368-00003890 had voted one of the rooms on the ground floor and don't smoke damage to almost +rhRpBpZMjog-00007-00003890-00004296 the entire ground floor. As you went up to thought the house though the conditions improved +rhRpBpZMjog-00008-00004296-00004673 and it turned out to be relatively habitable. However the ground floor and +rhRpBpZMjog-00009-00004673-00004992 indeed the entire house had been left abandoned for quite some considerable +rhRpBpZMjog-00010-00004992-00005454 amount of time- as far as we were able to tell since the previous tenants had +rhRpBpZMjog-00011-00005454-00005923 been evicted by the landlord. The problem with that though is it turned +rhRpBpZMjog-00012-00005923-00006346 out there was still a high court injunction in place that had enabled there +rhRpBpZMjog-00013-00006346-00006873 eviction and so no sooner had the current occupants moved into the house +rhRpBpZMjog-00014-00006873-00007339 that they too were served with an eviction order. They then contacted +rhRpBpZMjog-00015-00007339-00007819 Solidarity Times asking us if we perhaps could do some video coverage of his new +rhRpBpZMjog-00016-00007819-00008332 house that was occupied and tell the back story in the expectation that the +rhRpBpZMjog-00017-00008332-00008809 eviction that was coming off could be resisted. In actual fact what happened +rhRpBpZMjog-00018-00008809-00009202 was the following Friday before nine o'clock in the morning a very large +rhRpBpZMjog-00019-00009202-00009686 squad of riot police turned up and using it kind of Roman tortise shield type +rhRpBpZMjog-00020-00009686-00010170 formation smashed their way through the doors, charged into the house grabbed the +rhRpBpZMjog-00021-00010170-00010647 occupants and dragged them down to the High Court where they had to pledge to +rhRpBpZMjog-00022-00010647-00011144 actually leave the premises. So this Firehouse squat is once more an abandoned house. +rhRpBpZMjog-00023-00011144-00011980 A familiar Dublin pattern where evictions simply generate homelessness +rhRpBpZMjog-00024-00011980-00012466 As anyone who has been following Solidarity Times over the last month +rhRpBpZMjog-00025-00012466-00012903 will know that this is a typical story of the struggle that's been going on in +rhRpBpZMjog-00026-00012903-00013249 central Dublin particularly north central Dublin where there's a huge +rhRpBpZMjog-00027-00013249-00013724 number of abandoned buildings and where people have occupied those buildings in +rhRpBpZMjog-00028-00013724-00014260 order to convert them once more into homes. Many of these occupations have been met +rhRpBpZMjog-00029-00014260-00014663 with eviction; some of these evictions have been illegal and violend involving +rhRpBpZMjog-00030-00014663-00015078 heavies; some of these have followed court proceedings and a couple have +rhRpBpZMjog-00031-00015078-00015547 followed injunctions. The best known of them of course being eviction of the +rhRpBpZMjog-00032-00015547-00015990 Grangegorman complex about 4 months back. Its significanct that if you go down to +rhRpBpZMjog-00033-00015990-00016372 that complex today you'll see it still lies more or less +rhRpBpZMjog-00034-00016372-00016923 abandoned. In fact at least some of the people in this particular occupation +rhRpBpZMjog-00035-00016923-00017321 would have also been involved in those previous occupations and they have had the +rhRpBpZMjog-00036-00017321-00017729 experience over the last few months of being evicted from one home they've made +rhRpBpZMjog-00037-00017729-00017845 after the other +rhRpBpZMjog-00038-00017845-00018315 All so that these buildings can be turned back into speculation pieces for Irish +rhRpBpZMjog-00039-00018315-00018819 capitalism. It's no exaggeration to say that what's happening with these sort of +rhRpBpZMjog-00040-00018819-00019241 places is there just like pieces that have been returned to a monopoly board +rhRpBpZMjog-00041-00019241-00019660 so that people who've already got a vast amounts of money can trade those pieces +rhRpBpZMjog-00042-00019660-00020126 with each other to become even richer. Meanwhile the housing crisis in Dublin +rhRpBpZMjog-00043-00020126-00020559 escalates and people like the people who lived here and were doing something to +rhRpBpZMjog-00044-00020559-00020995 create their own homes are targeted by both private capital and the state. +rhRpBpZMjog-00045-00020995-00021533 This sort of property speculation which involves long periods of deliberate +rhRpBpZMjog-00046-00021533-00021909 dereliction also causes problems for the communities where these buildings are located. +rhRpBpZMjog-00047-00021909-00022451 Kids for instance will often get into these abandoned houses inside they arequite +rhRpBpZMjog-00048-00022451-00022892 dangerous or what happens in this place happens where which is heroin addicts +rhRpBpZMjog-00049-00022892-00023298 end up using them as shooting galleries and in this case they were simply tossing their +rhRpBpZMjog-00050-00023298-00023895 needles out the window onto that roof below. Not that the speculators could give a +rhRpBpZMjog-00051-00023895-00024882 damn, they don't live here they live far out of the city or in posh suburbs like Dalkey or Foxrock +rhRpBpZMjog-00052-00024882-00025338 At the start of the summer it was revealed there are something like 300,000 empty homes in Ireland +rhRpBpZMjog-00053-00025338-00025877 A lot of people assumed that a large proportion of that number must +rhRpBpZMjog-00054-00025877-00026322 be ghost estates, housing estates built at the height of the boom, hours from the +rhRpBpZMjog-00055-00026322-00026858 major cities that nobody actually really wants to live in any more. The coverage of +rhRpBpZMjog-00056-00026858-00027281 evictions we've done in the last four months over here on Solidarity Times +rhRpBpZMjog-00057-00027281-00027805 however suggests a very different story. We've now covered about half a dozen that +rhRpBpZMjog-00058-00027805-00028408 have all happens within about the half kilometer between Phisboro and the city center but we +rhRpBpZMjog-00059-00028408-00028908 are also aware of a few other occupied buildings in that same sort of general +rhRpBpZMjog-00060-00028908-00029283 area in some cases where people have been living in them for as long as two +rhRpBpZMjog-00061-00029283-00029719 years and in addition just walking around the streets and indeed talking to +rhRpBpZMjog-00062-00029719-00030101 people organizing these occupations it's clear there were many many more +rhRpBpZMjog-00063-00030101-00030633 buildings in this area alone. So at the same time that island in general and +rhRpBpZMjog-00064-00030633-00031095 Dublin in particular is seeing a housing crisis of massive proportions, probably +rhRpBpZMjog-00065-00031095-00031562 the biggest the state has ever faced. We are seeing a situation in which there are +rhRpBpZMjog-00066-00031562-00031931 empty buildings to be found everywhere but as soon as anybody moves in to +rhRpBpZMjog-00067-00031931-00032345 occupy them then the court issue orders for them to be evicted and the guards +rhRpBpZMjog-00068-00032345-00032580 move in to carry out the dirty work. +rhRpBpZMjog-00069-00032580-00032936 This is all business as usual. +rhRpBpZMjog-00070-00032936-00033416 The Fianna Fail tent at the Galway races was infamous for the entertainment of +rhRpBpZMjog-00071-00033416-00033880 property developers who financed Fianna Fail but FineGael and Labour Party +rhRpBpZMjog-00072-00033880-00034294 governments have proven to be no different than this. And also of course +rhRpBpZMjog-00073-00034294-00034915 it's not entirely coincidental that the 2014 register of interests discovered +rhRpBpZMjog-00074-00034915-00035512 that almost one-third of TD's are also landlords! Let's return for a last look +rhRpBpZMjog-00075-00035512-00035987 at the now evicted Firehouse squat. One thing of interest is that the +rhRpBpZMjog-00076-00035987-00036393 inhabitants were not simply humans but there were pets there as well. +rhRpBpZMjog-00077-00036393-00036722 These two guys hopefully will have found a new home by now. +rhRpBpZMjog-00078-00036722-00037330 This To Fix list will probably never have been completed before the eviction happened +rhRpBpZMjog-00080-00037403-00037792 Reporting for Solidarity Times give us a follow on Facebook +rljbJDDyCxg-00000-00000029-00000241 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00001-00000368-00000468 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00002-00000504-00000787 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00003-00000787-00001061 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00004-00001061-00001342 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00005-00001342-00001638 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00006-00001638-00001738 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00007-00001754-00001952 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00008-00002023-00002329 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00009-00002329-00002505 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00010-00002577-00002677 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rljbJDDyCxg-00011-00002715-00003063 HUGE PRICE DROP!!! +rn4C044CRrM-00000-00000031-00000294 good morning! we just washed our hair and +rn4C044CRrM-00001-00000294-00000550 going to refill our water tanks +rn4C044CRrM-00002-00000550-00000772 so we don't have to refill for some time +rn4C044CRrM-00003-00000772-00000919 and then we are off again +rn4C044CRrM-00004-00000977-00001220 we've got 5m transparent hose +rn4C044CRrM-00005-00001220-00001566 with connectors for most threads +rn4C044CRrM-00006-00001592-00001854 5m is sufficient for most use cases +rn4C044CRrM-00007-00001966-00002275 so you get to all water tabs around +rn4C044CRrM-00008-00002276-00002482 this tap here has good pressure, too +rn4C044CRrM-00009-00002556-00002794 we could even use our filter +rn4C044CRrM-00010-00002850-00003116 currently the water is fit for drinking right away... +rn4C044CRrM-00011-00003126-00003622 last year we had 20l tanks we had to remove for refilling +rn4C044CRrM-00012-00003761-00003994 they have been quite heavy; and now we have 30l +rn4C044CRrM-00013-00004011-00004476 3x30l; but you can refill them inside the car +rn4C044CRrM-00014-00004476-00004738 but still you could take them all out, too +rn4C044CRrM-00015-00004764-00005008 took us like 2 minutes to fill all up +rn4C044CRrM-00016-00005026-00005322 the first time refilling all.... +rn4C044CRrM-00017-00005402-00005692 very convenient - we are independent ... again! +rn4C044CRrM-00018-00005730-00006042 I want to share something: this here is a "Hüllersdorf" [sp?] tank +rn4C044CRrM-00019-00006042-00006260 and right here it always deforms +rn4C044CRrM-00020-00006266-00006398 it is so stiff +rn4C044CRrM-00021-00006444-00006668 I can operate it one handed +rn4C044CRrM-00022-00006668-00006808 but it always bends +rn4C044CRrM-00023-00006808-00007014 and one day it will break right here! +rn4C044CRrM-00024-00007018-00007238 and the same in the other direction +rn4C044CRrM-00025-00007244-00007570 it is one cylinder enclosed by another +rn4C044CRrM-00026-00007584-00007781 with too much friction in between +rn4C044CRrM-00027-00007781-00008058 I tried using one drop of oil here +rn4C044CRrM-00028-00008058-00008267 but that's not possible on the inside +rn4C044CRrM-00029-00008268-00008500 there is drinking water going there! +rn4C044CRrM-00030-00008500-00008752 we noticed this in cold and warm surroundings +rn4C044CRrM-00031-00008752-00008998 so no matter how the material expands and shrinks +rn4C044CRrM-00032-00008998-00009118 it's always the same +rn4C044CRrM-00033-00009118-00009326 it is just a question of time +rn4C044CRrM-00034-00009338-00009588 in comparison the one we bought at the DYO +rn4C044CRrM-00035-00009768-00009970 it could be like this +rn4C044CRrM-00036-00009970-00010170 maybe it is a production fault? +rn4C044CRrM-00037-00010170-00010514 I thought it would ease up with time, but...no +rn4C044CRrM-00038-00010632-00010964 yesterday evening +rn4C044CRrM-00039-00011116-00011476 our battery didn't charge any more while driving +rn4C044CRrM-00040-00011476-00011604 we combined this with.... +rn4C044CRrM-00041-00011604-00011862 a few days ago, Karin noticed.... +rn4C044CRrM-00042-00011862-00012172 the smell of melting plastic +rn4C044CRrM-00043-00012172-00012452 at the back of my brain I remembered +rn4C044CRrM-00044-00012452-00012642 for the building videos from Hamburg +rn4C044CRrM-00045-00012642-00012841 someone - only one! - +rn4C044CRrM-00046-00012841-00013119 commented: better use different fuse mounts +rn4C044CRrM-00047-00013119-00013326 those have a tendency for melting... +rn4C044CRrM-00048-00013326-00013496 would have been a lot of work, so... +rn4C044CRrM-00049-00013638-00013877 I decided against it +rn4C044CRrM-00050-00013877-00014179 and look here, the complete mount, once and for good.... +rn4C044CRrM-00051-00014299-00014431 melted +rn4C044CRrM-00052-00014431-00014702 it's easy to see, too warm here... +rn4C044CRrM-00053-00014702-00014933 I really don't know what happened +rn4C044CRrM-00054-00014934-00015232 for I did my best in crimping +rn4C044CRrM-00055-00015232-00015482 long story short: our battery isn't charging right now +rn4C044CRrM-00056-00015482-00015710 ... {yes} ... +rn4C044CRrM-00057-00015710-00015926 driving and everything else working fine +rn4C044CRrM-00058-00015926-00016100 but everything with electricity.... +rn4C044CRrM-00059-00016100-00016297 still got 120[Ah] to spend +rn4C044CRrM-00060-00016297-00016614 I just don't know where to get all the parts in Bulgaria +rn4C044CRrM-00061-00017020-00017360 we are doing a brainstorming break, here at the +rn4C044CRrM-00062-00017382-00017524 ... gas station +rn4C044CRrM-00063-00017524-00017796 for we don't want to rework *everything* +rn4C044CRrM-00064-00017796-00017996 we have to keep in mind +rn4C044CRrM-00065-00018020-00018472 with Amazon we could have everything delivered anywhere within 3 days +rn4C044CRrM-00066-00018502-00018816 so first we gonna try at different stores +rn4C044CRrM-00067-00018832-00019140 but if this isn't working out... +rn4C044CRrM-00068-00019140-00019415 we will order it on-line and get it in a couple of days +rn4C044CRrM-00069-00019474-00019676 but let's face it: +rn4C044CRrM-00070-00019676-00019902 sorry to say, I'm not taken by Bulgaria +rn4C044CRrM-00071-00019966-00020172 you can't say this for all of Bulgaria! +rn4C044CRrM-00072-00020172-00020274 right! and... +rn4C044CRrM-00073-00020462-00020686 what I just explained at length: +rn4C044CRrM-00074-00020744-00020888 where I didn't know how to express it +rn4C044CRrM-00075-00020898-00021066 for the first time I am home-sick +rn4C044CRrM-00076-00021066-00021188 we just had a talk +rn4C044CRrM-00077-00021283-00021473 never - for my whole life! - I felt home sick! +rn4C044CRrM-00078-00021562-00021766 and sometimes a small thing like +rn4C044CRrM-00079-00021766-00021908 "oh, we need to get a spare part" +rn4C044CRrM-00080-00021908-00022088 to trigger this emotion +rn4C044CRrM-00081-00022088-00022174 yes,.... +rn4C044CRrM-00082-00022192-00022372 ah, you'll get over it! +rn4C044CRrM-00083-00022372-00022572 we just had a look: there is a "rose-valley" +rn4C044CRrM-00084-00022576-00022796 in bloom right now, maybe we will have a look +rn4C044CRrM-00085-00022828-00023170 but no we try to find our parts.... +rn4C044CRrM-00086-00023180-00023380 yes, that would be great! +rn4C044CRrM-00087-00023566-00023712 a Bentley Bentayga +rn4C044CRrM-00088-00023736-00023946 with a golden roof +rn4C044CRrM-00089-00024010-00024315 at the DYO-shop we found a very helpful young man +rn4C044CRrM-00090-00024315-00024585 he directed us to a shop +rn4C044CRrM-00091-00024592-00024850 now we are in an electric shop +rn4C044CRrM-00092-00024850-00025140 with another very helpful employee, showing us all we need +rn4C044CRrM-00093-00025140-00025406 not sure if we get everything here, but the cable for sure +rn4C044CRrM-00094-00025410-00025654 so up to now we have.... the cable +rn4C044CRrM-00095-00025676-00025866 and the crimp contacts +rn4C044CRrM-00096-00025910-00026208 here they have the fuses and the mounts +rn4C044CRrM-00097-00026208-00026439 the better ones or the same ones? +rn4C044CRrM-00098-00026439-00026632 the same, unfortunately +rn4C044CRrM-00099-00026632-00026972 but our parking here is .... it looks like a side street, +rn4C044CRrM-00100-00027010-00027297 turning into a walk way.... +rn4C044CRrM-00101-00027297-00027461 very strang; BTW: we need cash +rn4C044CRrM-00102-00027530-00027630 got it! +rn4C044CRrM-00103-00027878-00028030 the same as before! +rn4C044CRrM-00104-00028030-00028304 at least we can learn from our mistakes +rn4C044CRrM-00105-00028338-00028489 one already connected... +rn4C044CRrM-00106-00028589-00028750 well.... mediocre .... +rn4C044CRrM-00107-00028972-00029204 we make a tour, store to store... +rn4C044CRrM-00108-00029277-00029600 and store by store, I turn happy and relaxed +rn4C044CRrM-00109-00029636-00029958 back at the friendly store where we bought the cable +rn4C044CRrM-00110-00029976-00030336 so funny, Dani showed him the fuse he bought and said: +rn4C044CRrM-00111-00030336-00030608 "last time I used the screw to fix it, and this is what happened" +rn4C044CRrM-00112-00030627-00030908 and showed the shot with the melted mount +rn4C044CRrM-00113-00030908-00031204 and he like "but that's the same now! why did you buy the same again?" +rn4C044CRrM-00114-00031236-00031645 like "didn't work first time, do the same s##t again?" +rn4C044CRrM-00115-00031645-00031904 but it's the only one you can buy here! +rn4C044CRrM-00116-00031904-00032042 so we will try... +rn4C044CRrM-00117-00032106-00032344 the parking for the electronic store ... +rn4C044CRrM-00118-00032344-00032689 good to have a 4x4! otherwise it would be a challenge! +rn4C044CRrM-00119-00032978-00033178 major pothole! +rn4C044CRrM-00120-00033308-00033508 another cure for home sickness! +rn4C044CRrM-00121-00033606-00033754 shop in a "home" super marked! +rn4C044CRrM-00122-00033892-00034130 everything with cyrillic letters, still...! +rn4C044CRrM-00123-00034218-00034336 it is a Billa! +rn4C044CRrM-00124-00034456-00034684 you find nearly everything just like in Austria +rn4C044CRrM-00125-00034684-00034884 with the same [German] packaging +rn4C044CRrM-00126-00034884-00034998 Viennese Sugar! +rn4C044CRrM-00127-00035070-00035262 we don't need 1kg sugar, still... +rn4C044CRrM-00128-00036836-00037128 they even have 260g washing powder +rn4C044CRrM-00129-00037136-00037256 for 4 washing cycles! +rn4C044CRrM-00130-00037256-00037410 real powder! +rn4C044CRrM-00131-00037520-00037734 we never need more! +rn4C044CRrM-00132-00037734-00037924 always a problem! +rn4C044CRrM-00133-00037972-00038100 Karin - ain't that perfect?! +rn4C044CRrM-00134-00039192-00039354 bought quite a lot! mhmm... +rn4C044CRrM-00135-00039440-00039600 where is the fountain of youth? +rn4C044CRrM-00136-00039608-00039720 at the very bottom! +rn4C044CRrM-00137-00039748-00039848 great! +rn4C044CRrM-00138-00039878-00040007 but first let's eat! +rn4C044CRrM-00139-00040049-00040157 me on the inside.... +rn4C044CRrM-00140-00040258-00040496 Karin from the outside at the poser table! +rn4C044CRrM-00141-00040878-00041144 we complained in the morning about our water tank +rn4C044CRrM-00142-00041168-00041384 something different here: +rn4C044CRrM-00143-00041404-00041754 we use a lot of those kitchen roll, so let's buy a big one +rn4C044CRrM-00144-00041782-00042055 and it's getting on our nerves for .... +rn4C044CRrM-00145-00042055-00042252 it has two layers, but... +rn4C044CRrM-00146-00042252-00042494 the perforations are not aligned! +rn4C044CRrM-00147-00042554-00042678 you see here.... +rn4C044CRrM-00148-00042802-00043148 the tiny holes for ripping on this side are here +rn4C044CRrM-00149-00043290-00043472 whereas on the other side.... +rn4C044CRrM-00150-00043604-00043922 so it's just like being NOT perforated at all +rn4C044CRrM-00151-00044008-00044248 looks nice with this long sandy beach! +rn4C044CRrM-00152-00044332-00044460 lots of big hotels +rn4C044CRrM-00153-00044718-00044932 enormous hotels here... +rn4C044CRrM-00154-00044932-00045150 I think we passed here last time, too! +rn4C044CRrM-00155-00045198-00045398 yes, some 2 years ago! +rn4C044CRrM-00156-00045422-00045732 and I think here at the right hand side we passed a burned bus +rn4C044CRrM-00157-00045794-00046020 here beside the road +rn4C044CRrM-00158-00046020-00046298 the skeleton of a burned down bus +rn4C044CRrM-00159-00046298-00046470 here is the part for refuelling +rn4C044CRrM-00160-00046470-00046666 not connected any more to the tank itself +rn4C044CRrM-00161-00046666-00046804 back there the big tank should be +rn4C044CRrM-00162-00046992-00047284 in Bulgaria, and in Romania, too, +rn4C044CRrM-00163-00047288-00047572 the traffic lights have a count down +rn4C044CRrM-00164-00047578-00047824 red and green alike +rn4C044CRrM-00165-00047902-00048102 that's really handy! +rn4C044CRrM-00166-00048122-00048346 so yes, sometimes people jump the gun +rn4C044CRrM-00167-00048352-00048576 with 2 more second on "red" +rn4C044CRrM-00168-00048576-00048740 but apart from that I like it! +rn4C044CRrM-00169-00048740-00049040 why not installing this in Austria, too? +rn4C044CRrM-00170-00049054-00049348 if you know it stays "red" for another 20 seconds +rn4C044CRrM-00171-00049348-00049630 I could easily take a sip of water +rn4C044CRrM-00172-00049630-00049770 would be nice.... +rn4C044CRrM-00173-00049770-00050088 or in a traffic jam, knowing it's "green" for 5 seconds more +rn4C044CRrM-00174-00050092-00050248 I don't have to enter the crossing any more +rn4C044CRrM-00175-00050282-00050606 for I know even the car in front of me won't make it accross.... +rn4C044CRrM-00176-00051952-00052260 ah! this is the village, for sure! +rn4C044CRrM-00177-00052294-00052402 let's do: +rn4C044CRrM-00178-00052800-00052954 this might be... waste! +rn4C044CRrM-00179-00053027-00053254 ah! waste disposal! +rn4C044CRrM-00180-00053452-00053694 may we drive here or not??? +rn4C044CRrM-00181-00054929-00055164 not bad? not bad! let's go! +rn4C044CRrM-00182-00056898-00057116 this track looks so promising! +rn4C044CRrM-00183-00057120-00057405 good to be out, hunting for a night spot again! +rn4C044CRrM-00184-00057426-00057540 and it's just like... +rn4C044CRrM-00185-00057540-00057822 you can tell this track isn't used frequently +rn4C044CRrM-00186-00057822-00058048 but definitely a track used +rn4C044CRrM-00187-00058048-00058270 so we don't destroy anything +rn4C044CRrM-00188-00058270-00058522 and all the time you see the sea +rn4C044CRrM-00189-00058522-00058772 he said you can go all the way to the sea +rn4C044CRrM-00190-00058779-00058962 and the water looks so nice.... +rn4C044CRrM-00191-00058991-00059200 it would be very nice if this works out! +rn4C044CRrM-00192-00059264-00059479 if not we will find something else at the sea side +rn4C044CRrM-00193-00059511-00059839 but this is the way of travelling we have been looking forward to! +rn4C044CRrM-00194-00059855-00060062 long time since a car drove here +rn4C044CRrM-00195-00060190-00060548 you see a lot of foot prints in the sand +rn4C044CRrM-00196-00060548-00060838 so it should lead to the sea front +rn4C044CRrM-00197-00060908-00061108 maybe not with your "normal" car +rn4C044CRrM-00198-00063910-00064220 I understand why he said "a little extreme..." +rn4C044CRrM-00199-00064236-00064560 because... we are here... and the sea is... +rn4C044CRrM-00200-00064560-00064941 in *this direction really close; but in *this direction still far off +rn4C044CRrM-00201-00065116-00065404 but there still is a track +rn4C044CRrM-00202-00065512-00065710 and a fire pit, too! +rn4C044CRrM-00203-00065936-00066106 let's check it out by walking first.... +rn4C044CRrM-00204-00066114-00066292 it's steep here! +rn4C044CRrM-00205-00066343-00066461 but beautiful! +rn4C044CRrM-00206-00066575-00066766 you see the beach! +rn4C044CRrM-00207-00067056-00067222 it's so great +rn4C044CRrM-00208-00067300-00067465 finding something like this by chance! +rn4C044CRrM-00209-00068040-00068290 this would be extremely nice! +rn4C044CRrM-00210-00068330-00068526 I'm always sceptical with +rn4C044CRrM-00211-00068526-00068720 thing you don't *have to do +rn4C044CRrM-00212-00068720-00068974 the worst thing for me would be: +rn4C044CRrM-00213-00068974-00069364 while doing something just because you can +rn4C044CRrM-00214-00069364-00069630 having a mishap +rn4C044CRrM-00215-00069630-00069803 and make a big fuss about it +rn4C044CRrM-00216-00069803-00070129 so I just try to think ... if it's really worth it +rn4C044CRrM-00217-00070155-00070437 to be sure it just does *not happen +rn4C044CRrM-00218-00070438-00070644 we've got great reception here, +rn4C044CRrM-00219-00070658-00070788 enough water +rn4C044CRrM-00220-00070788-00070934 good weather coming up +rn4C044CRrM-00221-00070952-00071275 no big tide threatening us +rn4C044CRrM-00222-00071276-00071452 just been shopping +rn4C044CRrM-00223-00071574-00071696 from me it's a go! +rn4C044CRrM-00224-00071798-00071898 okay +rn4C044CRrM-00225-00071900-00072034 let's give it a try! +rn4C044CRrM-00226-00073040-00073174 like this... +rn4C044CRrM-00227-00073457-00073557 ... here ... +rn4C044CRrM-00228-00073712-00073938 so it doesn't tilt too much +rn4C044CRrM-00229-00073972-00074296 for safety reasons we decided to get the sand sheets down +rn4C044CRrM-00230-00074296-00074556 and put them into this groove +rn4C044CRrM-00231-00074556-00074884 if we slide into it we still don't tilt too much, just somewhat at an angle +rn4C044CRrM-00232-00075054-00075244 one... and two +rn4C044CRrM-00233-00075344-00075444 perfect! +rn4C044CRrM-00234-00081054-00081544 from driving technique it was one of the most extreme descents we did so far +rn4C044CRrM-00235-00081564-00081788 still think it was a good decision +rn4C044CRrM-00236-00081820-00081958 and the night spot is... +rn4C044CRrM-00237-00082070-00082218 striking! +rn4C044CRrM-00238-00082236-00082504 only pedestrians will pass by, if any! +rn4C044CRrM-00239-00082732-00083088 only seagulls to be seen for miles around! +rn4C044CRrM-00240-00083088-00083224 just incredible! +rn4C044CRrM-00241-00083856-00084132 the replacement AGU fuse mount was no improvment +rn4C044CRrM-00242-00084132-00084396 so we ordered an ANL mount... +rngqCCtL2AQ-00000-00000000-00000276 [MUSIC PLAYING] +rngqCCtL2AQ-00001-00001259-00001612 We know based on research that students +rngqCCtL2AQ-00002-00001612-00001984 lack the attention span that they used to have for reading +rngqCCtL2AQ-00003-00001984-00002091 long chunks of text. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00004-00002091-00002392 So I actually have them read Nicholas Carr's +rngqCCtL2AQ-00005-00002392-00002690 "Is Google Making Us Stupid" right in the first week, +rngqCCtL2AQ-00006-00002690-00003034 just to talk about what is happening to our brain in terms +rngqCCtL2AQ-00007-00003034-00003367 of our reading comprehension and our patience with long texts. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00008-00003367-00003676 I think separating the text into small chunks +rngqCCtL2AQ-00009-00003676-00004147 helps us to combat that a little bit. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00010-00004147-00004474 It enables them to have manageable-- they +rngqCCtL2AQ-00011-00004474-00004792 can figure out, OK, this is what I need to do on Wednesday. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00012-00004792-00005137 It's 100 words maybe-- +rngqCCtL2AQ-00013-00005137-00005449 very easy for them to manage and digest +rngqCCtL2AQ-00014-00005449-00005769 before they move on to the next chunk of information. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00015-00005769-00005953 It's similar to paragraphing. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00016-00005953-00006236 When students write these big long paragraphs in an essay, +rngqCCtL2AQ-00017-00006236-00006370 I say, give your reader a break. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00018-00006370-00006554 Let them pause at the next paragraph-- +rngqCCtL2AQ-00019-00006554-00006795 think about what you've just said to them before they move +rngqCCtL2AQ-00020-00006795-00006979 on to the next reading task. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00021-00006979-00007156 Because of the difficulties that they +rngqCCtL2AQ-00022-00007156-00007480 have with reading and their tendency to space out, +rngqCCtL2AQ-00023-00007480-00008159 I think whatever you can provide for them visually is important +rngqCCtL2AQ-00024-00008159-00008452 and with the auditory stuff, too. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00025-00008452-00008831 So if you're giving them a PowerPoint lecture, +rngqCCtL2AQ-00026-00008831-00009058 instead of giving them all text, images +rngqCCtL2AQ-00027-00009058-00009391 to complement the small chunks of text and the audio +rngqCCtL2AQ-00028-00009391-00009892 over top of it I think is much more meaningful for them. +rngqCCtL2AQ-00029-00009892-00010197 [MUSIC PLAYING] +s0GBkQLjbtu-00000-00000206-00000588 - Welcome to "Lecture 2: Taste and How Science Works." +s0GBkQLjbtu-00001-00000588-00000975 And our first topic is gonna be about taste and tongue maps. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00002-00000975-00001179 And as you can see, I've already crossed it out +s0GBkQLjbtu-00003-00001179-00001293 and I've written "wrong," +s0GBkQLjbtu-00004-00001293-00001587 and I'll put a couple exclamation points after it +s0GBkQLjbtu-00005-00001587-00002087 because this is a common misunderstanding +s0GBkQLjbtu-00006-00002097-00002343 and it is not true. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00007-00002343-00002742 But perhaps, well, and let me just personalize it here. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00008-00002742-00003207 So when I learned about taste, this is what I learned about, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00009-00003207-00003384 that there is a taste map. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00010-00003384-00003696 And I will swear to you +s0GBkQLjbtu-00011-00003696-00004074 that I thought I could taste these patches as well, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00012-00004074-00004503 which is another interesting thing about misguided science, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00013-00004503-00004872 is the role that, if you believe it's true, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00014-00004872-00005238 then it is true, you know, to you. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00015-00005238-00005532 Which gets to the question of what truth is too, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00016-00005685-00005868 and the power of the human brain +s0GBkQLjbtu-00017-00005868-00006174 to think things that are not there. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00018-00006174-00006540 Anyway, there's a lot going on here, a lot to unpack. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00019-00006540-00006804 But what we're gonna focus on unpacking here +s0GBkQLjbtu-00020-00006804-00007158 is why this happened. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00021-00007158-00007658 And so one, why this happened. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00022-00008205-00008289 'Cause this has been, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00023-00008289-00008789 tongue maps have been used for at least 50, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00024-00008790-00009036 if getting closer to a hundred years. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00025-00009036-00009435 And they were never proposed as the model of how to do it. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00026-00009540-00009672 Why this happened? +s0GBkQLjbtu-00027-00009672-00010095 So how good science gets misinterpreted. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00028-00011409-00011658 And how we're gonna do science +s0GBkQLjbtu-00029-00011658-00011874 that will address and make sure +s0GBkQLjbtu-00030-00011874-00012321 that this, as much as possible, doesn't happen. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00031-00012321-00012821 And the short answer is that you have to use units. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00032-00012924-00013233 And I need to get myself a bumper sticker +s0GBkQLjbtu-00033-00013233-00013733 that says this, "I heart units," +s0GBkQLjbtu-00034-00014133-00014294 because we're gonna be dealing with some graphs +s0GBkQLjbtu-00035-00014294-00014433 that don't have units. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00036-00014433-00014709 And then we're going to talk about +s0GBkQLjbtu-00037-00014709-00014961 what we need to do and how units work. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00038-00014961-00015201 And we're gonna put some units on +s0GBkQLjbtu-00039-00015201-00015456 and talk about what some units are, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00040-00015456-00015956 at least for this lecture outline two. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00041-00015972-00016241 All right. (page rustling) +s0GBkQLjbtu-00042-00016241-00016593 Now again, that tongue map is still being used, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00043-00016593-00016737 it's been used for over 50 years. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00044-00016737-00016890 It's still being used. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00045-00016890-00017022 And if you click on this +s0GBkQLjbtu-00046-00017022-00017325 it'll take you to a video that does use it. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00047-00017325-00017679 And then here's an at-home experiment +s0GBkQLjbtu-00048-00017679-00018105 on the Scholastic Store, that also talks about tongue maps. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00049-00018105-00018477 And again, (pen scraping) +s0GBkQLjbtu-00050-00018477-00018636 these are both wrong. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00051-00018780-00019015 But I'm just attempting to show you +s0GBkQLjbtu-00052-00019143-00019290 how ubiquitous this is. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00053-00019290-00019500 And in fact, I had intended on teaching this to you +s0GBkQLjbtu-00054-00019500-00019650 until I did my own research. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00055-00019650-00020049 And maybe that's the other lesson is, do your own research. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00056-00020049-00020193 Although it's hard to do your own research +s0GBkQLjbtu-00057-00020193-00020391 on everything, isn't it? +s0GBkQLjbtu-00058-00020391-00020547 All right, so how did this happen? +s0GBkQLjbtu-00059-00020547-00020985 There was a paper published by D.P. Hanig, in 1901. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00060-00020985-00021231 It was published in German. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00061-00021231-00021522 And he made a graph like this. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00062-00021522-00021957 And it's not exactly usually easy to interpret German +s0GBkQLjbtu-00063-00021957-00022200 but I looked up, and we have Google translate now +s0GBkQLjbtu-00064-00022200-00022428 so it's a lot easier. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00065-00022428-00022662 So let me interpret this for you. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00066-00022662-00022917 So "suss" is sweet. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00067-00023109-00023415 "Bitter," and "Sauer," is how you pronounce that, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00068-00023415-00023727 and that is actually sour there. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00069-00023727-00024042 And again, this is from the reference here, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00070-00024042-00024315 and I'll be referencing my materials as much as possible. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00071-00024315-00024519 Also a good practice. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00072-00024519-00024666 Figure five. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00073-00024666-00025164 And "Basis" means base of tongue. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00074-00025425-00025647 And the base of your tongue, ah, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00075-00025758-00025908 is way in the back. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00076-00025908-00026094 So you can also call it the back. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00077-00026259-00026481 "Linker Rand," is left side. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00078-00026727-00026874 "Spitze," is tip. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00079-00027018-00027141 And right side. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00080-00027411-00027669 So what we're looking at here, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00081-00027669-00027780 we've got three different symbols. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00082-00027780-00028251 And let's just focus on, how about the sweet part here. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00083-00028251-00028437 So the sweet part is going to be +s0GBkQLjbtu-00084-00028437-00028836 the little tiny squares it looks like here. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00085-00029004-00029286 And so I'm actually just going to go along, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00086-00029286-00029786 and in green, color in the line. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00087-00030060-00030231 And you can do it in any color you want, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00088-00030231-00030618 but okay, so the green line is sweet. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00089-00030774-00031074 And what this graph appears to be saying +s0GBkQLjbtu-00090-00031074-00031439 is that the tip of the tongue is, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00091-00031439-00031857 and it does say this, is the most sensitive to sweetness. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00092-00031857-00032017 So tip of tongue +s0GBkQLjbtu-00093-00032382-00032658 is most sensitive to sweetness, that's true. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00094-00033681-00033987 And depending upon how you interpret this graph, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00095-00033987-00034218 it looks like the edge, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00096-00034407-00034785 so there's no units on this. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00097-00034785-00035022 And you know, in some ways it's understandable +s0GBkQLjbtu-00098-00035022-00035268 because how do you quantify sweetness? +s0GBkQLjbtu-00099-00035268-00035768 But this graph could go from zero to 100%. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00100-00035931-00036345 Where it could go from zero to, sorry, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00101-00036345-00036663 it could go from 90 to 100%. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00102-00036663-00036846 So there's no units over here. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00103-00037116-00037413 And that's the origin of the problem. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00104-00037413-00037705 So what we're gonna do is, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00105-00037980-00038322 well, let's say this, and again, the science is all right, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00106-00038322-00038487 it was just misinterpreted. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00107-00038595-00038916 So the tip of the tongue is most sensitive to sweetness, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00108-00038916-00038999 that's true. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00109-00039102-00039346 But it turns out that the difference here +s0GBkQLjbtu-00110-00039438-00039762 was more like this is the most sensitive, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00111-00039762-00039927 and this is the least sensitive. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00112-00039927-00040293 But this has still got a lot of taste buds. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00113-00040293-00040549 And so even on the back of the tongue +s0GBkQLjbtu-00114-00040671-00041070 the tongue is sensitive for sweetness. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00115-00041070-00041493 So I don't know, let's put this as, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00116-00041493-00041724 let's call this 100%. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00117-00041724-00041961 And we'll put some squiggly equal signs there +s0GBkQLjbtu-00118-00041961-00042210 which means approximately. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00119-00042210-00042519 And let's say, if this is the most sensitive, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00120-00043035-00043404 and somewhere down here is the least sensitive, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00121-00043404-00043904 it turns out that this might be better put at 80%. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00122-00044040-00044325 And so even, this is not zero, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00123-00044460-00044811 but people interpreted it as zero. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00124-00044811-00045138 Such that they came up with the tongue map +s0GBkQLjbtu-00125-00045138-00045543 and they said, ah yes, you can taste sweet here +s0GBkQLjbtu-00126-00045543-00045804 but you cannot taste sweet in the back here. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00127-00045804-00046008 And that's just not true, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00128-00046008-00046212 there are small differences. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00129-00046377-00046794 Anyway, but we'll see with some actual tests later on +s0GBkQLjbtu-00130-00046794-00046971 that the differences are much smaller. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00131-00046971-00047334 So if we call this most sensitive 100%, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00132-00047334-00047736 this might be closer to 70% or 80%. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00133-00047736-00047937 And again, there are no units here +s0GBkQLjbtu-00134-00047937-00048183 and so it's hard to tell exactly what's going on. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00135-00048339-00048819 Now, according to this, the little triangles are sour. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00136-00048819-00049227 Sour is going to be most on the sides. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00137-00049227-00049572 And so you can see sour, most on the sides. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00138-00049572-00049734 We didn't do salty here. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00139-00049824-00050043 And then we've got bitter, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00140-00050043-00050377 which is most on the back +s0GBkQLjbtu-00141-00050541-00050727 or the base of the tongue. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00142-00050727-00050985 And so I can see where this came from, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00143-00050985-00051309 especially when, so the original paper +s0GBkQLjbtu-00144-00051309-00051552 was translated from German into English +s0GBkQLjbtu-00145-00051552-00051903 in another paper by Edwin Boring. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00146-00051903-00052287 And I need to get a citation for this as well. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00147-00052287-00052551 Where again, sweet on the tip. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00148-00052647-00052962 So this was the English translation. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00149-00053448-00053850 And I wanna say this was in the '30s or '40s, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00150-00053850-00054045 but again, I'll have to check that for sure. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00151-00054045-00054392 Then the '90s, so anyway, +s0GBkQLjbtu-00152-00054392-00054690 so sensitivity here, still no units. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00153-00055038-00055278 And that's still where the problem is +s0GBkQLjbtu-00154-00055278-00055440 because people just saw this +s0GBkQLjbtu-00155-00055440-00055707 and they started drawing the tongue maps. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00156-00055707-00056172 And this sensitivity might still be 80% sensitive. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00157-00056172-00056365 So there are small differences +s0GBkQLjbtu-00158-00057155-00057519 in the ability of the tongue to taste. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00159-00057627-00057831 Are small differences in sensitivity. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00160-00058130-00058458 But tongue maps are simply not true. +s0GBkQLjbtu-00161-00058569-00058773 So there's not one area +s0GBkQLjbtu-00162-00058773-00059040 that is only for one taste or each taste. +s1UCZjRl40Y-00000-00001168-00001218 What? +s1UCZjRl40Y-00001-00001407-00001863 Milk chocolate. Oh chocolate milk! Okay! +s1UCZjRl40Y-00002-00002664-00003368 Wait. What's this? Warning: Shake before drinking. Nah. +s1UCZjRl40Y-00003-00004098-00004384 Hahaha! Activate Plan A! +s2eqsSGVc-4-00000-00001400-00001600 You made me take knight as a nickname +s2eqsSGVc-4-00001-00001612-00001926 Because I am feeble, but with the armor I feel good +s2eqsSGVc-4-00002-00001926-00002206 I didn't have anything, and with you I had everything +s2eqsSGVc-4-00003-00002206-00002488 I lost everything, and with nothing I found myself +s2eqsSGVc-4-00004-00002488-00002738 I drowned myself flying in a sea of dreams +s2eqsSGVc-4-00005-00002738-00003022 I burned myself paddling in a fire of delusions +s2eqsSGVc-4-00006-00003022-00003302 I enjoyed playing like a child +s2eqsSGVc-4-00007-00003304-00003554 But I refused to join the elders +s2eqsSGVc-4-00008-00003554-00003836 The oblivion hurt so much that if I forget you I will give thanks +s2eqsSGVc-4-00009-00003836-00004106 You sent pain, writing "brother" in the packaging +s2eqsSGVc-4-00010-00004106-00004384 I missed you because of the distance +s2eqsSGVc-4-00011-00004384-00004660 Now the distance miss our messages +s2eqsSGVc-4-00012-00004660-00004930 To be afraid of water? No one would tell to the fish +s2eqsSGVc-4-00013-00004930-00005212 You converted me in the sailor of a sailboat without course +s2eqsSGVc-4-00014-00005212-00005472 We couldn't listen together, but if at the same time +s2eqsSGVc-4-00015-00005472-00005750 The track number five of "No Hay Truco" +s2eqsSGVc-4-00016-00005750-00006036 I'm walking on a path of burning embers +s2eqsSGVc-4-00017-00006036-00006290 Even that is so cold that shiver teeth +s2eqsSGVc-4-00018-00006290-00006564 Mature doesn't mean make you stronger +s2eqsSGVc-4-00019-00006568-00006856 Is to give you that is pain what you feel +s2eqsSGVc-4-00020-00006856-00007123 I'm walking on a path of burning embers +s2eqsSGVc-4-00021-00007128-00007395 Even that is so cold that shiver teeth +s2eqsSGVc-4-00022-00007400-00007652 Mature doesn't mean make you stronger +s2eqsSGVc-4-00023-00007652-00007956 Is to give you that is pain what you feel +s2eqsSGVc-4-00024-00007956-00008234 Apparently friendship emigrate +s2eqsSGVc-4-00025-00008234-00008516 But the feeling hibernate like a bear +s2eqsSGVc-4-00026-00008516-00008828 A.S. I discovered the meaning of your acronyms +s2eqsSGVc-4-00027-00008828-00009078 When you went away with a "goodby silent" +s2eqsSGVc-4-00028-00009078-00009312 What is the use of singing to the air? +s2eqsSGVc-4-00029-00009312-00009588 If it sounds so strong that doesn't leave wich the wolf howling +s2eqsSGVc-4-00030-00009588-00009844 I was not to blame anyone +s2eqsSGVc-4-00031-00009844-00010130 But that I'm a distrustful is your fault +s2eqsSGVc-4-00032-00010132-00010410 I think that is a waste of time the social networks +s2eqsSGVc-4-00033-00010410-00010686 But with you I loved losing it +s2eqsSGVc-4-00034-00010686-00010944 I learned with you that exist deadly farewells +s2eqsSGVc-4-00035-00010944-00011224 And that we have to live despite the suffering +s2eqsSGVc-4-00036-00011224-00011496 Our only goal was to pass time together +s2eqsSGVc-4-00037-00011496-00011772 Although things were every time more difficult +s2eqsSGVc-4-00038-00011772-00012026 Just you and me against the world +s2eqsSGVc-4-00039-00012026-00012324 Sailing on a ship touched, ignoring index fingers +s2eqsSGVc-4-00040-00012324-00012622 Now how to talk with you with everything broken I asked to me +s2eqsSGVc-4-00041-00012622-00012880 If I appear a jester next to your prince +s2eqsSGVc-4-00042-00012880-00013119 But the minstrel will leave you a rap attached +s2eqsSGVc-4-00043-00013119-00013410 Since he can not coss borders or boundaries +s2eqsSGVc-4-00044-00013410-00013694 I'm walking on a path of burning embers +s2eqsSGVc-4-00045-00013694-00013963 Even that is so cold that shiver teeth +s2eqsSGVc-4-00046-00013968-00014222 Mature doesn't mean make you stronger +s2eqsSGVc-4-00047-00014222-00014513 Is to give you that is pain what you feel +s2eqsSGVc-4-00048-00014513-00014790 I'm walking on a path of burning embers +s2eqsSGVc-4-00049-00014790-00015066 Even that is so cold that shiver teeth +s2eqsSGVc-4-00050-00015066-00015319 Mature doesn't mean make you stronger +s2eqsSGVc-4-00051-00015319-00015624 Is to give you that is pain what you feel +s2eqsSGVc-4-00052-00015624-00015900 I cry writing each verse +s2eqsSGVc-4-00053-00015900-00016144 While I think that who was going to tell me +s2eqsSGVc-4-00054-00016144-00016408 That in my possibly best song +s2eqsSGVc-4-00055-00016408-00016712 I would speak with who motivated me to write +s2eqsSGVc-4-00056-00016712-00017020 But that, isn't the worst +s2eqsSGVc-4-00057-00017020-00017242 The worst is live +s2eqsSGVc-4-00058-00017242-00017528 knowing that this will be the good bye to that friendship +s2eqsSGVc-4-00059-00017528-00017912 Ditching it with a sad song and writing "End" +s3KhG-hIaUY-00000-00000196-00000284 hello kids +s3KhG-hIaUY-00001-00000300-00000412 It's my mikey mouse +s3KhG-hIaUY-00002-00001018-00001092 I invite you +s3KhG-hIaUY-00003-00001092-00001172 come +s3KhG-hIaUY-00004-00001474-00001673 haa , I forgot +s3KhG-hIaUY-00005-00001694-00002104 the key appeared , you say the magic word +s3KhG-hIaUY-00006-00002168-00002260 Allah Akbar !!! +s3KhG-hIaUY-00007-00003628-00004288 Koniec +s82Hf0BB_qM-00000-00000000-00000472 time that the semester was ending and i had a little bit more time on my hands +s82Hf0BB_qM-00001-00000544-00001152 and i kind of revisited that idea and talked with one of my teammates about it we went for +s82Hf0BB_qM-00002-00001152-00001464 a walk and i was like you know what i think it would be cool if i started a podcast +s82Hf0BB_qM-00003-00001520-00002064 and she was basically like you should go for it you'd be awesome at that and i was +s82Hf0BB_qM-00004-00002064-00002632 thinking to myself well there are literally zero barriers of entry to starting a podcast +s82Hf0BB_qM-00005-00002632-00003160 because you can just start it with your phone on voice memos upload it to a free hosting site +s82Hf0BB_qM-00006-00003160-00003584 and boom it's on spotify and apple podcast and people can listen to it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00007-00003584-00004384 anywhere +s82Hf0BB_qM-00008-00005672-00006224 what's going on what's going on what's going on ballers welcome to another episode of the beyond +s82Hf0BB_qM-00009-00006224-00006784 the ball podcast i'm your host jonathan jones and as you know uh the premise of this show is +s82Hf0BB_qM-00010-00006784-00007392 we focus on stories strategies and successes ultimately to help student athletes succeed +s82Hf0BB_qM-00011-00007392-00007904 beyond their degree so if you have not connected with us i would encourage you all to make sure +s82Hf0BB_qM-00012-00007904-00008400 you subscribe on our youtube channel you can just type in jonathanjonesspeaks and then the podcast +s82Hf0BB_qM-00013-00008400-00008832 will come up there and then also we started the instagram page back up so you can go to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00014-00008832-00009544 beyond the ball podcast on instagram and find us there but without further ado i'm excited um for +s82Hf0BB_qM-00015-00009544-00010144 today's guest and uh after just just spending some time just just chatting with this young lady just +s82Hf0BB_qM-00016-00010144-00010576 offline and and then now here we are doing the interview i'm excited for it for selfish reasons +s82Hf0BB_qM-00017-00010576-00011040 because i told her you know just with seeing some of the stuff that she's been able to do and just +s82Hf0BB_qM-00018-00011040-00011616 seeing how innovative she's been we're gonna go ahead and dive in okay and and today's guest she's +s82Hf0BB_qM-00019-00011616-00012392 a uf gymnast okay okay she's a foodie as well as a podcast host welcome to the beyond the ball +s82Hf0BB_qM-00020-00012392-00012968 podcast the one and only leah clapper leah how are you doing i'm doing great thank you so much for +s82Hf0BB_qM-00021-00012968-00013616 having me today definitely definitely glad to have you on uh the show now lee i know i didn't hit it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00022-00013616-00014056 all so please just just take a moment and just introduce yourself uh and just give the audience +s82Hf0BB_qM-00023-00014056-00014791 just a snapshot of who you are yeah of course so my name is leah clapper as you know i'm a +s82Hf0BB_qM-00024-00014791-00015488 gymnast at university of florida i just finished up my junior year so it's crazy but i guess i'm a +s82Hf0BB_qM-00025-00015488-00016168 rising senior and i have majored in advertising the past three years i'm actually graduating in +s82Hf0BB_qM-00026-00016168-00016792 a couple weeks which is really exciting but i'll be back next year for a master's program +s82Hf0BB_qM-00027-00016856-00017568 and outside of school and outside of gymnastics i like to take on personal projects i've always +s82Hf0BB_qM-00028-00017568-00018344 been really ambitious so back in 2018 i started my own food blog i actually started it with my +s82Hf0BB_qM-00029-00018344-00018952 sister lily who's also a gymnast she's amazing just a little side note but it's been really fun +s82Hf0BB_qM-00030-00019024-00019752 um taking on that project for the past couple of years it's called zest and finesse and on the vlog +s82Hf0BB_qM-00031-00019752-00020672 i share all sorts of recipes i mostly focus on healthy recipes and also baking so there's some +s82Hf0BB_qM-00032-00020728-00021360 fun baking things normal cookies and cakes and brownies and things like that but also +s82Hf0BB_qM-00033-00021360-00022008 a lot of it has a little bit of a healthier spin on it and getting all those nutrients +s82Hf0BB_qM-00034-00022008-00022608 to fuel up especially as an athlete so i like to say i my goal is to inspire +s82Hf0BB_qM-00035-00022608-00023240 people to fuel up with delicious and nutritious food alongside me so it's been a lot of fun +s82Hf0BB_qM-00036-00023328-00024048 learning so so much from that journey and from connecting with an audience to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00037-00024192-00024656 you know even hard skills like food photography and building a website +s82Hf0BB_qM-00038-00024656-00025392 so it's really been amazing and i just love that i'm able to create recipes in the kitchen because +s82Hf0BB_qM-00039-00025392-00025927 that is a very calming thing for me i love cooking in the kitchen and then being able to share those +s82Hf0BB_qM-00040-00025927-00026568 things because it's fun to share the wealth and let people enjoy the same recipes that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00041-00026624-00027239 i've come up with so it's been super fun creative outlet for me i love experimenting with content +s82Hf0BB_qM-00042-00027239-00027768 and all sorts of different recipes so that is one of my main things outside of the gym it's +s82Hf0BB_qM-00043-00027768-00028504 called zest and finesse by the way you can find it at zestinfiness.com and follow me on instagram +s82Hf0BB_qM-00044-00028504-00029504 at zestin finesse all spelled out and then also i launched my own podcast back in december of 2020 +s82Hf0BB_qM-00045-00029504-00030064 so i've been doing it for about six months now which is crazy because i feel like i just started +s82Hf0BB_qM-00046-00030064-00030727 but it's a little bit of a brand extension so it's called zest and progress and on the podcast i like +s82Hf0BB_qM-00047-00030727-00031495 to uncover athlete stories of resilience energy and self-confidence so i've had an amazing time +s82Hf0BB_qM-00048-00031495-00031976 a bunch of amazing conversations a lot of my teammates have been on the podcast along with +s82Hf0BB_qM-00049-00031976-00033096 a few other people so i hope to bring inspiration to listeners and just a place to connect and get +s82Hf0BB_qM-00050-00033096-00033848 motivated and feel like you're part of an athletic but also just really positive community so that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00051-00033848-00034432 has been another learning experience it's been a ton of fun and i'm super excited that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00052-00034512-00035000 it introduced me to jonathan so i'm really excited to be here today what's going on family i hope +s82Hf0BB_qM-00053-00035000-00035664 you're enjoying the episode so far as you know i love podcasting all right and i want to give +s82Hf0BB_qM-00054-00035664-00036392 you the opportunity to love podcasting too all right i want you to go to five days to podcast.com +s82Hf0BB_qM-00055-00036392-00037104 i want to teach you for free how you can get a podcast up and running from idea all the way +s82Hf0BB_qM-00056-00037104-00037856 up until launch all right so go to five days to podcast.com completely free enjoy the episode i'll +s82Hf0BB_qM-00057-00037856-00038392 see you inside definitely definitely yeah i mean you said so there there's so many points that you +s82Hf0BB_qM-00058-00038392-00038912 hit on that that i want to i want to uh definitely follow up with and and and for one it would be +s82Hf0BB_qM-00059-00038968-00039552 um let's just go at zest and finesse really quick and i i want you to talk about like +s82Hf0BB_qM-00060-00039664-00040144 how did you come up with this concept because i saw that you know you've been a vegetarian since +s82Hf0BB_qM-00061-00040144-00040800 you were six right okay yes okay how does how does that happen leah how does one become a vegetarian +s82Hf0BB_qM-00062-00040800-00041384 at the age of six well it's a little bit funny i just have never really enjoyed the texture +s82Hf0BB_qM-00063-00041384-00041984 of meat it was always a texture thing for me and i just never really enjoyed it so much my +s82Hf0BB_qM-00064-00041984-00042432 family didn't eat a ton of meat nobody else in my family was a vegetarian at that point +s82Hf0BB_qM-00065-00042488-00043080 but i just didn't like it too much and then one christmas i think i was in first grade and +s82Hf0BB_qM-00066-00043168-00043872 my grandparents came over and my dad cooked something that was just really gross looking +s82Hf0BB_qM-00067-00043872-00044432 to me i feel like it might have been chopped liver i'm not really sure but it was totally rare and it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00068-00044432-00045160 was dripping red and i just remember sitting at the table on christmas being like this is what +s82Hf0BB_qM-00069-00045160-00045736 meat is that looks disgusting and my stubborn little six-year-old self was like i'm never +s82Hf0BB_qM-00070-00045736-00046440 eating meat again and i told that to my mom and you know that came true because i wouldn't eat it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00071-00046440-00047080 after that um so it's been it's been a while it's been almost 15 years that i've been a vegetarian +s82Hf0BB_qM-00072-00047136-00047992 but i over time really started learning more about nutrition and the environmental benefits of +s82Hf0BB_qM-00073-00047992-00048728 being a vegetarian and how to make it work as an athlete and actually be a very healthy lifestyle +s82Hf0BB_qM-00074-00048728-00049344 so i feel really good about being a vegetarian now and i just don't honestly have any desire +s82Hf0BB_qM-00075-00049344-00049872 to eat any meat but it's one thing that i don't like to push on other people because +s82Hf0BB_qM-00076-00049872-00050584 i know everybody has their own relationship with food and their own likes and dislikes +s82Hf0BB_qM-00077-00050656-00051152 in the kitchen and i know so many people that absolutely love me and if it's something that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00078-00051216-00051720 makes you happy and makes you feel good then i don't want to tell you to be a vegetarian so +s82Hf0BB_qM-00079-00051776-00052504 all of the recipes on my food blog are vegetarian but that's just because that's what i make in the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00080-00052504-00053120 kitchen so for people that are plant-based or wanting to go plant-based i would say +s82Hf0BB_qM-00081-00053232-00053840 i'd love if you check out my vlog because everything in there doesn't have meat but it is +s82Hf0BB_qM-00082-00053936-00054512 it's interesting for me i mean people are always surprised when i say i've been a vegetarian since +s82Hf0BB_qM-00083-00054512-00055024 i've been six but it's a little bit of a fun fact i guess um yeah i mean because when i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00084-00055024-00055464 when i was reading i was like wait how is that possible but then just like you said if you know +s82Hf0BB_qM-00085-00055528-00056055 even as being a child because you know during during that time we're brutally honest and during +s82Hf0BB_qM-00086-00056055-00056416 that time that's just like we let people know how we feel and luckily your mom was there to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00087-00056416-00056936 hear you and then you know she helped you through that journey so i think that's um not only amazing +s82Hf0BB_qM-00088-00056936-00057632 but also i'm curious just to hear from you because i've i've been wanting to make this switch right +s82Hf0BB_qM-00089-00057632-00058279 i've been wanting to include more more veggies into my lifestyle and even been thinking about +s82Hf0BB_qM-00090-00058336-00058944 uh having a vegan lifestyle but does it what what are some of the benefits okay can you just help +s82Hf0BB_qM-00091-00058944-00059528 like does it give you more energy is that a myth or help help me out help me out lia you know i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00092-00059591-00060424 personally feel that i'm a super energized person it's hard for me to compare because i don't +s82Hf0BB_qM-00093-00060424-00061024 remember when it was really like eating meat when i was really little but i've heard so many stories +s82Hf0BB_qM-00094-00061024-00061560 of people saying that it changed their life and it changed their diet and they absolutely love being +s82Hf0BB_qM-00095-00061560-00062152 a vegetarian or a vegan or whatever it is and i've also heard people saying oh yeah it was cool but +s82Hf0BB_qM-00096-00062224-00062816 you know i miss eating meat and i've done a lot of research into it recently it's hard because +s82Hf0BB_qM-00097-00062879-00063664 there's so much research out there that is a little bit biased and it does seem like overall +s82Hf0BB_qM-00098-00063664-00064416 um the research is saying that being a vegetarian or honestly not being completely a vegetarian or +s82Hf0BB_qM-00099-00064416-00065232 a vegan but eating a mostly plant-based diet like 90 plant-based is amazing for your health +s82Hf0BB_qM-00100-00065232-00065888 in the long term so it does promote longevity from what i understand but the research is +s82Hf0BB_qM-00101-00065888-00066576 always updating itself and you really do want to inform yourself but be sure that you're looking +s82Hf0BB_qM-00102-00066576-00067352 at reputable sources and there are so many people to talk to about that from dietitians and +s82Hf0BB_qM-00103-00067352-00067984 experts in the field so i'm not an expert but i know my own personal story and i do know that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00104-00067984-00068920 there is a ton of amazing recipes out there that are completely plant-based and it's been +s82Hf0BB_qM-00105-00068984-00069760 definitely a trend in later years that there are more vegans and plant-based well that's the same +s82Hf0BB_qM-00106-00069760-00070216 thing i mean they're synonyms being vegan and being plant-based means the same thing but there +s82Hf0BB_qM-00107-00070216-00070960 are so many plant-based recipes out there and what i would say if you're interested in eating less +s82Hf0BB_qM-00108-00070960-00071848 meat or eating more of a plant-based diet i would say start slowly and maybe even just aim to get +s82Hf0BB_qM-00109-00071848-00072440 one meal a day that's completely plant-based and figure out what you like and start substituting +s82Hf0BB_qM-00110-00072496-00073192 things in like instead of eating chicken in a stir-fry maybe try tofu and just start ex +s82Hf0BB_qM-00111-00073256-00073856 um start experimenting with those vegan proteins and those vegan foods and more +s82Hf0BB_qM-00112-00073856-00074504 veggies and things like that um because it's fun and trying new foods can be awesome and just +s82Hf0BB_qM-00113-00074504-00075184 finding out what you like but maybe not forcing it on yourself too fast because it is a huge change +s82Hf0BB_qM-00114-00075184-00075792 if you're going from eating meat at most meals to eating completely plant-based i would say take it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00115-00075792-00076568 slow and figure out what you like and there are so many amazing food bloggers out there and so many +s82Hf0BB_qM-00116-00076568-00077432 recipe creators you can find all sorts of stuff online on instagram on food blogs on pinterest so +s82Hf0BB_qM-00117-00077504-00077992 do some searching and it can really be a be a fun process but i do know a lot of people +s82Hf0BB_qM-00118-00077992-00078584 that have made the switch and really enjoy it yeah i mean i was you already answered my next +s82Hf0BB_qM-00119-00078584-00078984 question before i was gonna ask i was gonna ask you where do you find these innovative +s82Hf0BB_qM-00120-00078984-00079432 ideas because as i was looking at your as i was looking at your website the zest and finesse site +s82Hf0BB_qM-00121-00079432-00080024 i was going down on the right inside and you know i saw like the chocolate cake balls and and i saw +s82Hf0BB_qM-00122-00080024-00080504 like the other restaurant like oh my goodness this looks so good and i was gonna ask you like where +s82Hf0BB_qM-00123-00080504-00080976 do you find the inspiration like some of these are you pulling from pinterest or are you just with +s82Hf0BB_qM-00124-00080976-00081448 you having the experiences that you've had since you know six are you just creating some things +s82Hf0BB_qM-00125-00081448-00082104 on your own yeah so i do create some things that are just completely out of the blue that i just +s82Hf0BB_qM-00126-00082104-00082536 think of and i'm like you know what i'm gonna try this sometimes it's just total flop a lot of times +s82Hf0BB_qM-00127-00082536-00083296 it actually turns out better than i expect but that is rare most of the time i get inspiration +s82Hf0BB_qM-00128-00083296-00084056 from other foodies out there so i follow so many food accounts on my zest and finesse instagram and +s82Hf0BB_qM-00129-00084056-00084720 on tick tock and it's just really easy to come across other recipes from whatever comes up +s82Hf0BB_qM-00130-00084792-00085552 on my feed based on the algorithm for me but i like to scroll through and if i see something then +s82Hf0BB_qM-00131-00085552-00086144 i'm like oh that looks kind of good i'll kind of make a mental note or i'll save it and sometimes +s82Hf0BB_qM-00132-00086144-00086648 i like to try other people's recipes but most of the time i'll notice one thing about the recipe +s82Hf0BB_qM-00133-00086648-00087080 like oh they put blueberries in that that's kind of interesting and it'll just kind of get my mind +s82Hf0BB_qM-00134-00087080-00087768 reeling and i'll come up with something that's completely different but the idea came from +s82Hf0BB_qM-00135-00087832-00088464 somebody else's recipe or same thing with foods at restaurants sometimes i'll order something at +s82Hf0BB_qM-00136-00088464-00088992 a restaurant that like wow that was really cool i kind of want to try and copy cat this and of +s82Hf0BB_qM-00137-00088992-00089696 course i have no clue what are in the ingredients or what they put in the dish but i try to think of +s82Hf0BB_qM-00138-00089696-00090160 those flavors and maybe make something similar in my kitchen and usually it ends up completely +s82Hf0BB_qM-00139-00090160-00090800 different but also delicious so that's another source of inspiration for me and then lately +s82Hf0BB_qM-00140-00090800-00091488 i've been doing a little thing i might do a little series where i've been taking my favorite +s82Hf0BB_qM-00141-00091552-00092224 snacks or store-bought foods that i've had in the past and trying to make them healthier in +s82Hf0BB_qM-00142-00092224-00092760 my own kitchen or create something similar so far i've tried to make this soft fake +s82Hf0BB_qM-00143-00092760-00093336 cinnamon oat bar and i ended up with this cinnamon rounds recipe that was like a dinner +s82Hf0BB_qM-00144-00093336-00094032 roll that was cinnamon raisin and everything just kind of goes in a different direction but +s82Hf0BB_qM-00145-00094032-00094720 i love discovering new things in the kitchen for sure yeah i love that i love that so now we're +s82Hf0BB_qM-00146-00094720-00095152 going we're going to take a take a slight pivot and and i want to i want to now find out just +s82Hf0BB_qM-00147-00095256-00095688 how did you decide that that it was time for you to start a podcast and then where +s82Hf0BB_qM-00148-00095688-00096504 did this idea even come from yes so last year i really started getting into podcasts +s82Hf0BB_qM-00149-00096504-00097216 especially during quarantine so my mom introduced me to a couple thank you mom but i really started +s82Hf0BB_qM-00150-00097312-00097920 listening to a few podcasts and really enjoying just the medium because i could listen while i was +s82Hf0BB_qM-00151-00097920-00098456 eating or listen while i was going for a walk and it's such a passive listening experience that you +s82Hf0BB_qM-00152-00098456-00099040 can multitask as opposed to watching something but you can just be constantly learning which +s82Hf0BB_qM-00153-00099040-00099648 i love because i love learning new things and i slowly started to find more podcasts that i really +s82Hf0BB_qM-00154-00099648-00100264 enjoyed and especially when i finally was able to come back to campus after a quarantine was over +s82Hf0BB_qM-00155-00100320-00101016 i found myself sitting at my apartment alone a lot and listening to podcasts so i would say +s82Hf0BB_qM-00156-00101016-00101816 now i listen to at least 10 episodes a week because while i'm eating lunch eating dinner um +s82Hf0BB_qM-00157-00101816-00102488 going for a walk anything like that so sometimes even driving and i just was finding i was getting +s82Hf0BB_qM-00158-00102488-00103128 a lot of value out of listening to podcasts so i'd say i'm an avid podcast listener now yeah i had to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00159-00103128-00104040 name it but um i really enjoyed learning stuff and getting motivated so i would say educational and +s82Hf0BB_qM-00160-00104040-00104608 inspirational podcasts are my favorite but there came a time last fall where i was like you know +s82Hf0BB_qM-00161-00104608-00105264 what i've heard a lot of podcasts and i think i can do one myself i think i would be good at this +s82Hf0BB_qM-00162-00105264-00105896 and i just kind of put that in the back of my mind because i really honestly felt like why not +s82Hf0BB_qM-00163-00105896-00106600 do one and it came time that the semester was ending and i had a little bit more time +s82Hf0BB_qM-00164-00106600-00107248 on my hands and i kind of revisited that idea and talked with one of my teammates about it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00165-00107328-00107744 we went for a walk i was like you know what i think it would be cool if i started a podcast +s82Hf0BB_qM-00166-00107744-00108335 and she was basically like you should go for it you'd be awesome at that and i was thinking to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00167-00108335-00108920 myself well there are literally zero barriers of entry to starting a podcast because you can +s82Hf0BB_qM-00168-00108920-00109520 just start it with your phone on voice memos upload it to a free hosting site and boom it's +s82Hf0BB_qM-00169-00109520-00110183 on spotify and apple podcast and people can listen to it anywhere and i literally have to spend zero +s82Hf0BB_qM-00170-00110183-00110952 dollars and i just really felt like why not do it there's nothing to lose here so i committed i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00171-00110952-00111624 downloaded anchor so i could distribute my podcast and then i was like all right i gotta find a name +s82Hf0BB_qM-00172-00111624-00112335 and i kind of went through that process and again i mentioned my mom a few times already but she +s82Hf0BB_qM-00173-00112335-00113088 was great in helping me decide on a name and i every time i thought of something that i kind of +s82Hf0BB_qM-00174-00113088-00113632 thought emulated what i wanted my podcast to be about somebody already had a podcast that was +s82Hf0BB_qM-00175-00113632-00114240 titled that so i eventually came up with zest and progress because it rhymes with zest and finesse +s82Hf0BB_qM-00176-00114240-00114752 and it seems kind of like a brand extension which is cool because i already had zest and finesse +s82Hf0BB_qM-00177-00114752-00115408 going on and i felt like it would be uniquely me and of course nobody else has a podcast called +s82Hf0BB_qM-00178-00115408-00116056 zest and progress so we settled on that and it means zest as in a zest for life and then +s82Hf0BB_qM-00179-00116056-00116959 progress as in making progress so that is really what i wanted my podcast to be about and i started +s82Hf0BB_qM-00180-00116959-00117368 brainstorming and was like you know what i'm going to record an episode over winter break +s82Hf0BB_qM-00181-00117368-00117959 and i did i recorded a few and posted them and it was just such an exciting time and i was thinking +s82Hf0BB_qM-00182-00118024-00118624 you know why am i doing this because i feel like everything if you're gonna take on a big prog +s82Hf0BB_qM-00183-00118680-00119376 project like that you have to have an intention behind it and i definitely found out what mine +s82Hf0BB_qM-00184-00119376-00119935 was but i had a few reasons why i wanted to start a podcast so these are things that have +s82Hf0BB_qM-00185-00119935-00120632 definitely pushed me to actually go for the idea one being that i feel like i have a mission to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00186-00120632-00121432 help people and i always want to serve a purpose and so i wanted to bring motivation to people +s82Hf0BB_qM-00187-00121432-00122072 especially young gymnasts i have a social media following full of gymnasts and things like that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00188-00122072-00122744 so or peop other athletes and stuff like that um and i wanted to bring motivation to them because i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00189-00122744-00123264 knew that i had this platform being on the gators gymnastics team and i wanted to use it to the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00190-00123264-00124016 best of my ability so that was region reason one the main why behind the podcast but then also i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00191-00124016-00124711 felt like it would be a great platform with name image like this legislation coming up very soon +s82Hf0BB_qM-00192-00124711-00125392 in that i could expand my own personal brand but also extend a platform for other people to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00193-00125576-00126048 grow on their own platforms as well so me interviewing another athlete that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00194-00126104-00126624 helps me and it helps them as well so i thought that might be mutually beneficial and it has been +s82Hf0BB_qM-00195-00126624-00127200 so far which has been really fun and then the third reason which is selfishly i get to have +s82Hf0BB_qM-00196-00127200-00127744 these amazing conversations with all these amazing people my teammates and so many other athletes out +s82Hf0BB_qM-00197-00127744-00128359 there have incredible stories and i wanted to be able to sit down and chat about it and be able to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00198-00128359-00128864 share that with other people as well so those are my three main reasons for starting the podcast but +s82Hf0BB_qM-00199-00128935-00129424 like i said at the beginning of the episode it's been an amazing experience so far +s82Hf0BB_qM-00200-00129552-00130120 yeah yeah i mean i i i love just your your foresight just in you know with creating the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00201-00130120-00130648 podcast but then also just like you said having an intention behind it and having a purpose and then +s82Hf0BB_qM-00202-00130648-00131096 even having your you know your selfish reasons to get to have amazing conversations but also +s82Hf0BB_qM-00203-00131096-00131544 getting to share those with with the rest of the world i think that's something that uh a lot more +s82Hf0BB_qM-00204-00131544-00131936 people should tap into especially a lot more student athletes especially you know with name +s82Hf0BB_qM-00205-00131936-00132352 image and likeness just coming right around the corner and all of that so thank you thank you for +s82Hf0BB_qM-00206-00132352-00132864 sharing that with us leah yeah of course yeah yeah definitely definitely thank you for sharing that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00207-00132944-00133640 so i don't know why this question popped in my head but with you being a gymnast what +s82Hf0BB_qM-00208-00133640-00134176 goes through one's head when you're on when you're when you're on the balance beam because i because +s82Hf0BB_qM-00209-00134176-00134896 i know for you uh because i went back and watched you know i watched some of your clips and and then +s82Hf0BB_qM-00210-00134896-00135584 i also saw that you that you scored a perfect 10. right so what goes what goes through one's head +s82Hf0BB_qM-00211-00135640-00136544 when you're on the balance beam and like just before you handle your business talk to me yeah so +s82Hf0BB_qM-00212-00136704-00137368 just hearing that i scored a perfect 10 is making me smile gigantically over here because that has +s82Hf0BB_qM-00213-00137368-00138184 been one of my life goals honestly ever since i was six or seven years old in gymnastics i wanted +s82Hf0BB_qM-00214-00138184-00138656 to be a college gymnast and someday i wanted to score a perfect time because i just thought that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00215-00138656-00139352 was absolutely amazing and i had big dreams so i thought that maybe i could do it by the time i'm +s82Hf0BB_qM-00216-00139352-00139952 20 years old and i'm good at gymnastics at that point but that stayed a goal of mine +s82Hf0BB_qM-00217-00140032-00140528 through high school once i got here i was like okay this is my chance to get a perfect 10 because +s82Hf0BB_qM-00218-00140528-00141048 it's really really really hard to do that in club gymnastics but by the time you get to college +s82Hf0BB_qM-00219-00141048-00141992 you've honed your skills your teens are really clean and i really just wanted to work toward that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00220-00141992-00142608 perfect score and now that i it actually happened i just can't even believe it i watch that video +s82Hf0BB_qM-00221-00142608-00143224 of my video routine sometimes and i just overcome with joy because it's just so cool and honestly i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00222-00143224-00143688 don't think that was my best bean routine that i've done but maybe i deserved a 10 at another +s82Hf0BB_qM-00223-00143688-00144560 point and i didn't get it so it's all good but yeah as for your question there are different +s82Hf0BB_qM-00224-00144560-00145048 things that go through my head at different times that i'm on the beam like in practice it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00225-00145048-00145736 just feels so natural i've been standing on that four inch plank of wood for 18 years at this point +s82Hf0BB_qM-00226-00145736-00146440 so it just is really second nature for me it's almost like walking in the ground but there are +s82Hf0BB_qM-00227-00146560-00147000 times when it is nerve-wracking that's for sure when you're trying to learn a +s82Hf0BB_qM-00228-00147000-00147624 new skill or something still scare me if i'm being completely honest it's you know the fear goes away +s82Hf0BB_qM-00229-00147624-00148224 after some time but it's always a little bit a little bit freaky because it is a little bit of a +s82Hf0BB_qM-00230-00148224-00148784 crazy event it's four feet in the air it's four inches wide so just thinking about that makes +s82Hf0BB_qM-00231-00148784-00149656 my brain go a little wacky so i try not to think about that a lot but out of meat the mentality can +s82Hf0BB_qM-00232-00149656-00150232 be very different than in practice so in practice we do tons and tons and tons of repetitions +s82Hf0BB_qM-00233-00150288-00150864 and i've probably made at least 100 beam routines in practice before we even get to our first +s82Hf0BB_qM-00234-00150864-00151568 competition but then of course once you're on on the floor saluting to the judge and you're about +s82Hf0BB_qM-00235-00151568-00152296 to mount at that first meet it's just so much emotion and so much energy and you just want to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00236-00152296-00153064 hit your routine so badly that it's definitely a nerve-wracking moment but over time i learned to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00237-00153208-00153976 handle that a lot better and i usually well i try to always sometimes i get a little +s82Hf0BB_qM-00238-00154096-00154664 outside of my brain but i have words that i say throughout my routine to myself +s82Hf0BB_qM-00239-00154664-00155344 so i might say one two three breathe and show that's just an example but coaches +s82Hf0BB_qM-00240-00155344-00155872 talk about mental choreography just like the physical choreography we're doing on the beam +s82Hf0BB_qM-00241-00155872-00156536 so a lot of gymnasts will have a routine of words that they say in their head during the routine so +s82Hf0BB_qM-00242-00156536-00157192 i use that trick a lot and it really helps so that i can transfer exactly what i'm doing in +s82Hf0BB_qM-00243-00157192-00157784 practice while i'm saying my words in the gym to what i'm doing at a competition because when +s82Hf0BB_qM-00244-00157784-00158312 i say those things in my head my body knows what to do and that's just one way of keeping me normal +s82Hf0BB_qM-00245-00158312-00159040 because yes there's more pressure at a competition but your gymnastics doesn't have to change in the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00246-00159040-00159544 least you're literally trying to do the exact same thing that you do every day even though it seems +s82Hf0BB_qM-00247-00159544-00160104 so much harder because you're on a big stage in front of a ton of people so that's a little bit +s82Hf0BB_qM-00248-00160104-00160720 of what goes through my head but i try to stay calm another trick that i do is to smile before +s82Hf0BB_qM-00249-00160784-00161424 my beam routine and even when i'm on the beam sometimes because my coach told me one time that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00250-00161424-00162160 it actually changes the chemistry in your brain so ever since i was seven or eight years old i tried +s82Hf0BB_qM-00251-00162160-00162640 to smile sometimes on the beam because it really takes away just a little bit of that fear and +s82Hf0BB_qM-00252-00162640-00163224 gives you a little bit of a boost of confidence which can only help in making a great routine +s82Hf0BB_qM-00253-00163400-00164072 wow wow that's pretty that's pretty good leah that's pretty good i never the mental choreography +s82Hf0BB_qM-00254-00164224-00165192 wow mental choreography and smiling yes so those are two things that are very much responsible +s82Hf0BB_qM-00255-00165192-00166032 for success at meets for me wow wow wow man i've i've enjoyed this and that was that was so good +s82Hf0BB_qM-00256-00166032-00166656 that was so good right there all right wow okay okay so i want to i want to ask you this question +s82Hf0BB_qM-00257-00166656-00167232 before we get ready to dive into the two-minute drill but if there was if there was one person +s82Hf0BB_qM-00258-00167320-00167952 right living or dead and you had the opportunity to sit sit down with them one individual +s82Hf0BB_qM-00259-00168016-00168608 uh you know pick their brain have a dinner have a conversation who would that person be for you +s82Hf0BB_qM-00260-00168792-00169464 oh my goodness i think this is so funny because i literally recorded a podcast episode +s82Hf0BB_qM-00261-00169536-00170192 for my podcast yesterday and i asked my guest that same exact question and i was thinking +s82Hf0BB_qM-00262-00170192-00170584 that she had such an amazing answer but if somebody asked me this question i wouldn't +s82Hf0BB_qM-00263-00170584-00171056 know what to say because there are so many amazing people out there and i love to get +s82Hf0BB_qM-00264-00171056-00171816 inspiration from all sorts of different people so i think i'm gonna go a completely different route +s82Hf0BB_qM-00265-00171816-00172752 and say that if i got to sit down and talk to something for a dinner i would talk to an animal +s82Hf0BB_qM-00266-00172816-00173392 i'm not even like a pet person or really an animal person but i would love to know kind +s82Hf0BB_qM-00267-00173392-00174176 of what's going on in the dog's head or something like that i think that would that would answer a +s82Hf0BB_qM-00268-00174176-00174968 lot of random questions i guess so i don't know i think that would be interesting but honestly +s82Hf0BB_qM-00269-00175160-00175808 there are so many people out there that i would love to talk to and you know hope they do but i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00270-00175808-00176304 can't pick one understood i mean that i mean that that even in itself is a good answer i +s82Hf0BB_qM-00271-00176304-00176784 think that's a good answer because i i'm always curious like why why is the dog so happy to see +s82Hf0BB_qM-00272-00176784-00177240 this individual and how do you even know that this individual is your owner like there's just so many +s82Hf0BB_qM-00273-00177240-00177608 that that can go so many different ways so thank you for it thank you for sharing that one yeah +s82Hf0BB_qM-00274-00177608-00178240 yeah yeah yeah so now we're gonna we're gonna dive into the to the two-minute drill to two-minute +s82Hf0BB_qM-00275-00178240-00178800 drill and everybody out there if you have not followed leah as of yet make sure to follow her +s82Hf0BB_qM-00276-00178800-00179536 follow her follow her um on twitter leah clapper on instagram at leah clapper5 okay the number +s82Hf0BB_qM-00277-00179536-00180016 five and two minute drill for those of y'all this is the first time watching the two minute drill +s82Hf0BB_qM-00278-00180016-00180384 is where we're going to go through some rapid fire questions and just have a little bit of fun +s82Hf0BB_qM-00279-00180384-00181080 so leah are you ready i am ready all right and here we go favorite food +s82Hf0BB_qM-00280-00181296-00182216 superfood salad brownies or oatmeal okay okay and what's the last book you read +s82Hf0BB_qM-00281-00182216-00182848 make noise it's actually a podcasting book that i'm reading for a podcasting +s82Hf0BB_qM-00282-00182848-00183288 class that i'm in right now i know this was supposed to be a rapid fire question but +s82Hf0BB_qM-00283-00183352-00183840 thought i could explain that because it's a coincidence but i've also read a lot of um +s82Hf0BB_qM-00284-00183840-00184480 romantic comedy fun books recently okay okay what's your favorite podcast +s82Hf0BB_qM-00285-00184624-00185464 oh man there are many on my list so some of my favorites are on purpose with jay shetty +s82Hf0BB_qM-00286-00185520-00186384 meditative story um trained the nike podcast snacks daily which is a business news podcast +s82Hf0BB_qM-00287-00186448-00187400 science versus i always learn random stuff on that one and how to save a planet which is a climate +s82Hf0BB_qM-00288-00187400-00188024 change solutions podcast so i think i'm a little bit all over the place but i listen to those +s82Hf0BB_qM-00289-00188128-00188600 pretty regularly i love it i love it what's your go-to streaming show of preference +s82Hf0BB_qM-00290-00188968-00189504 i'm thinking so i watched jane the virgin and that was hilarious +s82Hf0BB_qM-00291-00189504-00190128 that's one of my favorites but i finished it and so now i'm done with it +s82Hf0BB_qM-00292-00190288-00191048 i uh um i really like friends that's always just a lighthearted show to watch +s82Hf0BB_qM-00293-00191160-00191664 classic classic classic and then what what's one tip that you want to leave for a student athlete +s82Hf0BB_qM-00294-00191808-00192328 oh man that's a heavy question in a rapid fire well you could take it you could take +s82Hf0BB_qM-00295-00192328-00192672 your time on this one take your time on this one leah take your time okay okay +s82Hf0BB_qM-00296-00192888-00193736 honestly be yourself i think that's just so important in life and just be authentic be +s82Hf0BB_qM-00297-00193736-00194568 you and that's the way that you are going to feel most alive and feel most like yourself and that's +s82Hf0BB_qM-00298-00194568-00195088 always a good thing so when you when you feel like you're being yourself i think you can +s82Hf0BB_qM-00299-00195088-00195848 you can get more done and put more amazingness out into the world i love it i love it and bonus +s82Hf0BB_qM-00300-00195848-00196448 question bonus question who would you like to see me interview next on beyond the ball oh man +s82Hf0BB_qM-00301-00196704-00197648 hmm you know this is a legitimate suggestion megan skaggs my teammate would do amazing with this +s82Hf0BB_qM-00302-00197752-00198344 she's she's an amazing person so yeah and she's got a she's got a lot going on in terms of her +s82Hf0BB_qM-00303-00198344-00199024 her personal brand and she's pretty cool okay okay there it is there it is now leah before i give you +s82Hf0BB_qM-00304-00199024-00199424 the chance to uh just you know let people know where they can find you follow and connect with +s82Hf0BB_qM-00305-00199424-00199912 you i just want to tell you something because i've gone through and like i told you i was listening +s82Hf0BB_qM-00306-00199912-00200304 to well i didn't tell you but i listened to some of your your podcast uh episodes i was +s82Hf0BB_qM-00307-00200304-00201040 on the website and i think you do a phenomenal job just in really giving people their flowers +s82Hf0BB_qM-00308-00201040-00201472 like i'm not sure if anybody's ever told you that but but you're somebody that i can tell +s82Hf0BB_qM-00309-00201472-00202008 you really want to see people win and you really just encourage them and encourage them and you +s82Hf0BB_qM-00310-00202008-00202440 and you up people because i was listening to some of the episodes with some of you the ones with two +s82Hf0BB_qM-00311-00202440-00202960 of your teammates and and then i heard you just encouraging them and just saying well yeah you +s82Hf0BB_qM-00312-00202960-00203568 do this great and you do that great i was like wow she's really serious about this encouragement so +s82Hf0BB_qM-00313-00203568-00203864 i just wanted to let you know that i'm not sure if anybody's told you that lately i'm not sure if +s82Hf0BB_qM-00314-00203864-00204320 anybody gave you your flowers today but i want to give those to you i wish i had a flower somewhere +s82Hf0BB_qM-00315-00204320-00204984 thank you so much well i really appreciate that yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely definitely +s82Hf0BB_qM-00316-00204984-00205448 but now please let everybody know where they can find you follow you and connect with you please at +s82Hf0BB_qM-00317-00205448-00206288 this time miss leah yes absolutely so i would love for you to follow me on instagram at leahclapper5 +s82Hf0BB_qM-00318-00206288-00207136 my twitter is atleahclapper and you can follow my food blog at zest and finesse all spelled out +s82Hf0BB_qM-00319-00207136-00207952 lowercase on instagram if you're gonna go to one place go to my leah clapper5 instagram and yeah +s82Hf0BB_qM-00320-00208048-00208616 that'd be awesome thank you so much and you can also find other things linked on my normal +s82Hf0BB_qM-00321-00208616-00209144 instagram as well so you'll be able to get to my food blog hear podcast news and all that good +s82Hf0BB_qM-00322-00209144-00209704 stuff excellent excellent leah thank you so much for taking the time to share with us you know the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00323-00209704-00210248 the recipes and share with us you know your story and even your passion for podcasting like you're +s82Hf0BB_qM-00324-00210248-00210952 a you're an avid podcaster and podcast listener and i love it yeah i love it thank you yeah yeah +s82Hf0BB_qM-00325-00210952-00211384 yeah yeah so thank you so much for stopping by and thank you for uh just you know spending +s82Hf0BB_qM-00326-00211384-00212016 your afternoon with us absolutely i really appreciate it and i had so much fun glad to +s82Hf0BB_qM-00327-00212016-00212664 hear glad to hear glad to hear we will definitely stay connected yes for sure bye-bye bye-bye +s82Hf0BB_qM-00328-00212800-00213271 to all the ballers out there all the ballers i would encourage you all if you have not connected +s82Hf0BB_qM-00329-00213271-00213767 with leah as of yet i would encourage you just like she said go follow her on her platforms +s82Hf0BB_qM-00330-00213767-00214184 um because she's doing amazing and phenomenal things right and i think that's one thing that +s82Hf0BB_qM-00331-00214184-00214832 that's really uh really amazing to see about young leaders who are when when people think of student +s82Hf0BB_qM-00332-00214832-00215176 athletes sometimes they might think of somebody who's just an athlete or they're just a student +s82Hf0BB_qM-00333-00215176-00215671 or they're just those two things but leah really broke the ceiling on this one she really broke the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00334-00215671-00216200 ceiling on this one just showing us you know with her doing the food blogging also with her with the +s82Hf0BB_qM-00335-00216200-00216744 passion for podcasting and just really you know uh praising and loving people at a high level +s82Hf0BB_qM-00336-00216744-00217256 so connect with her and if you have not be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel right here right +s82Hf0BB_qM-00337-00217256-00217767 here right here if you're watching the video uh but other than that until next time ballers +s82Hf0BB_qM-00338-00217767-00218584 uh i'm jonathan jones and this is beyond the ball where we help you succeed beyond your degree +s82Hf0BB_qM-00339-00219936-00219944 you +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00000-00000003-00000006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00001-00000006-00000009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00002-00000009-00000012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00003-00000012-00000015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00004-00000015-00000018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00005-00000018-00000021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00006-00000021-00000024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00007-00000024-00000027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00008-00000027-00000030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00009-00000030-00000033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00010-00000033-00000036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00011-00000036-00000039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00012-00000039-00000042 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00013-00000042-00000045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00014-00000045-00000048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00015-00000048-00000051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00016-00000051-00000054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00017-00000054-00000057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00018-00000057-00000060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00019-00000060-00000063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00020-00000063-00000066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00021-00000066-00000069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00022-00000069-00000072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00023-00000072-00000075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00024-00000075-00000078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00025-00000078-00000081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00026-00000081-00000084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00027-00000084-00000087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00028-00000087-00000090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00029-00000090-00000093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00030-00000093-00000096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00031-00000096-00000099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00032-00000099-00000102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:05 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00033-00000102-00000105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00034-00000105-00000108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00035-00000108-00000111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00036-00000111-00000114 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00037-00000114-00000117 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00038-00000117-00000120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00039-00000120-00000123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00040-00000123-00000126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00041-00000126-00000129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00042-00000129-00000132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00043-00000132-00000135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00044-00000135-00000138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00045-00000138-00000141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00046-00000141-00000144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00047-00000144-00000147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00048-00000147-00000150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00049-00000150-00000153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00050-00000153-00000156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00051-00000156-00000159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00052-00000159-00000162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00053-00000162-00000165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00054-00000165-00000168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00055-00000168-00000171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00056-00000171-00000174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00057-00000174-00000177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00058-00000177-00000180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00059-00000180-00000183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00060-00000183-00000186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00061-00000186-00000189 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00062-00000189-00000192 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00063-00000192-00000195 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00064-00000195-00000198 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00065-00000198-00000200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00066-00000200-00000204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:06 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00067-00000204-00000206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00068-00000206-00000210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00069-00000210-00000213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00070-00000213-00000216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00071-00000216-00000219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00072-00000219-00000222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00073-00000222-00000225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00074-00000225-00000228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00075-00000228-00000231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00076-00000231-00000234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00077-00000234-00000237 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00078-00000237-00000240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00079-00000240-00000243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00080-00000243-00000246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00081-00000246-00000249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00082-00000249-00000252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00083-00000252-00000254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00084-00000254-00000258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00085-00000258-00000261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00086-00000261-00000264 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00087-00000264-00000267 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00088-00000267-00000270 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00089-00000270-00000273 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00090-00000273-00000276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00091-00000276-00000279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00092-00000279-00000282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00093-00000282-00000285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00094-00000285-00000288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00095-00000288-00000291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00096-00000291-00000294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00097-00000294-00000297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00098-00000297-00000300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00099-00000300-00000303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:07 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00100-00000303-00000306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00101-00000306-00000309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00102-00000309-00000312 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00103-00000312-00000315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00104-00000315-00000318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00105-00000318-00000321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00106-00000321-00000324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00107-00000324-00000327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00108-00000327-00000330 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00109-00000330-00000333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00110-00000333-00000336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00111-00000336-00000339 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00112-00000339-00000342 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00113-00000342-00000345 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00114-00000345-00000348 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00115-00000348-00000351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00116-00000351-00000354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00117-00000354-00000357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00118-00000357-00000360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00119-00000360-00000363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00120-00000363-00000366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00121-00000366-00000369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00122-00000369-00000372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00123-00000372-00000375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00124-00000375-00000378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00125-00000378-00000381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00126-00000381-00000384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00127-00000384-00000387 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00128-00000387-00000390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00129-00000390-00000393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00130-00000393-00000396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00131-00000396-00000399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00132-00000399-00000401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:08 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00133-00000401-00000405 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00134-00000405-00000408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00135-00000408-00000411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00136-00000411-00000413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00137-00000413-00000417 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00138-00000417-00000420 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00139-00000420-00000423 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00140-00000423-00000426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00141-00000426-00000429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00142-00000429-00000432 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00143-00000432-00000434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00144-00000434-00000438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00145-00000438-00000441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00146-00000441-00000444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00147-00000444-00000447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00148-00000447-00000450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00149-00000450-00000453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00150-00000453-00000456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00151-00000456-00000459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00152-00000459-00000462 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00153-00000462-00000465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00154-00000465-00000468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00155-00000468-00000471 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00156-00000471-00000474 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00157-00000474-00000476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00158-00000476-00000480 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00159-00000480-00000483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00160-00000483-00000486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00161-00000486-00000488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00162-00000488-00000492 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00163-00000492-00000495 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00164-00000495-00000498 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00165-00000498-00000501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00166-00000501-00000504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:09 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00167-00000504-00000507 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00168-00000507-00000509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00169-00000509-00000513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00170-00000513-00000516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00171-00000516-00000519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00172-00000519-00000522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00173-00000522-00000525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00174-00000525-00000528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00175-00000528-00000531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.8 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00176-00000531-00000534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.8 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00177-00000534-00000537 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.8 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00178-00000537-00000540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00179-00000540-00000543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00180-00000543-00000546 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00181-00000546-00000549 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00182-00000549-00000552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.4 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00183-00000552-00000555 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.4 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00184-00000555-00000558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.4 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00185-00000558-00000561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00186-00000561-00000564 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00187-00000564-00000567 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00188-00000567-00000570 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00189-00000570-00000573 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00190-00000573-00000576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00191-00000576-00000579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00192-00000579-00000582 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00193-00000582-00000585 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00194-00000585-00000588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00195-00000588-00000591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00196-00000591-00000594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00197-00000594-00000597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00198-00000597-00000600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00199-00000600-00000603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:10 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00200-00000603-00000606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00201-00000606-00000609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00202-00000609-00000612 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00203-00000612-00000615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00204-00000615-00000618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00205-00000618-00000621 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00206-00000621-00000624 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00207-00000624-00000627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00208-00000627-00000630 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00209-00000630-00000633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00210-00000633-00000636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00211-00000636-00000639 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00212-00000639-00000642 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00213-00000642-00000645 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00214-00000645-00000648 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00215-00000648-00000651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00216-00000651-00000654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00217-00000654-00000657 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00218-00000657-00000660 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00219-00000660-00000663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00220-00000663-00000666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00221-00000666-00000669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00222-00000669-00000672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00223-00000672-00000675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00224-00000675-00000678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00225-00000678-00000681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00226-00000681-00000684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00227-00000684-00000687 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00228-00000687-00000690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00229-00000690-00000693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00230-00000693-00000696 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00231-00000696-00000699 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00232-00000699-00000702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:11 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00233-00000702-00000705 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00234-00000705-00000708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00235-00000708-00000711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00236-00000711-00000714 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00237-00000714-00000717 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00238-00000717-00000720 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00239-00000720-00000723 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00240-00000723-00000726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00241-00000726-00000729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00242-00000729-00000732 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00243-00000732-00000735 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00244-00000735-00000738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00245-00000738-00000741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00246-00000741-00000744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00247-00000744-00000747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00248-00000747-00000750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00249-00000750-00000753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00250-00000753-00000756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00251-00000756-00000759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00252-00000759-00000762 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00253-00000762-00000765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00254-00000765-00000768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00255-00000768-00000771 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00256-00000771-00000774 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00257-00000774-00000777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00258-00000777-00000780 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00259-00000780-00000783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00260-00000783-00000786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00261-00000786-00000789 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00262-00000789-00000792 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00263-00000792-00000795 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00264-00000795-00000798 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00265-00000798-00000801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00266-00000801-00000803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:12 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00267-00000803-00000807 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00268-00000807-00000810 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00269-00000810-00000813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00270-00000813-00000816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00271-00000816-00000819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00272-00000819-00000822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00273-00000822-00000825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00274-00000825-00000827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00275-00000827-00000831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00276-00000831-00000834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00277-00000834-00000836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00278-00000836-00000840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00279-00000840-00000843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00280-00000843-00000846 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00281-00000846-00000849 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00282-00000849-00000852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00283-00000852-00000855 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00284-00000855-00000858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00285-00000858-00000861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00286-00000861-00000864 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00287-00000864-00000867 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00288-00000867-00000869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00289-00000869-00000873 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00290-00000873-00000876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00291-00000876-00000878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00292-00000878-00000882 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00293-00000882-00000885 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00294-00000885-00000888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00295-00000888-00000891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00296-00000891-00000894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00297-00000894-00000897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00298-00000897-00000900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00299-00000900-00000902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00300-00000902-00000906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00301-00000906-00000909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00302-00000909-00000911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00303-00000911-00000915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00304-00000915-00000918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00305-00000918-00000921 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00306-00000921-00000924 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00307-00000924-00000927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00308-00000927-00000930 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00309-00000930-00000933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00310-00000933-00000936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00311-00000936-00000939 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00312-00000939-00000942 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00313-00000942-00000944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00314-00000944-00000948 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00315-00000948-00000951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00316-00000951-00000953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00317-00000953-00000957 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00318-00000957-00000960 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00319-00000960-00000963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00320-00000963-00000966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00321-00000966-00000969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00322-00000969-00000972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00323-00000972-00000975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00324-00000975-00000977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00325-00000977-00000981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00326-00000981-00000984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00327-00000984-00000986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00328-00000986-00000990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00329-00000990-00000993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00330-00000993-00000996 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00331-00000996-00000999 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00332-00000999-00001002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00333-00001002-00001005 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00334-00001005-00001008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00335-00001008-00001011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00336-00001011-00001014 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00337-00001014-00001017 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00338-00001017-00001019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00339-00001019-00001023 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00340-00001023-00001026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00341-00001026-00001029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00342-00001029-00001032 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00343-00001032-00001035 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00344-00001035-00001038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00345-00001038-00001041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00346-00001041-00001044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00347-00001044-00001047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00348-00001047-00001050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00349-00001050-00001053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00350-00001053-00001056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00351-00001056-00001059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00352-00001059-00001062 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00353-00001062-00001065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00354-00001065-00001068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00355-00001068-00001071 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00356-00001071-00001074 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00357-00001074-00001077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00358-00001077-00001080 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00359-00001080-00001083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00360-00001083-00001086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00361-00001086-00001089 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00362-00001089-00001092 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00363-00001092-00001095 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00364-00001095-00001098 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00365-00001098-00001101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00366-00001101-00001104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00367-00001104-00001107 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00368-00001107-00001110 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00369-00001110-00001113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00370-00001113-00001116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00371-00001116-00001119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00372-00001119-00001122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00373-00001122-00001125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00374-00001125-00001128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00375-00001128-00001131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00376-00001131-00001134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00377-00001134-00001137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00378-00001137-00001140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00379-00001140-00001143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00380-00001143-00001146 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00381-00001146-00001149 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00382-00001149-00001152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00383-00001152-00001155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00384-00001155-00001158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00385-00001158-00001161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00386-00001161-00001164 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00387-00001164-00001167 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00388-00001167-00001170 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00389-00001170-00001173 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00390-00001173-00001176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00391-00001176-00001179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00392-00001179-00001182 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00393-00001182-00001185 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00394-00001185-00001188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00395-00001188-00001191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00396-00001191-00001194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00397-00001194-00001197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00398-00001197-00001200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00399-00001200-00001203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00400-00001203-00001206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00401-00001206-00001209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00402-00001209-00001212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00403-00001212-00001215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00404-00001215-00001218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00405-00001218-00001221 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00406-00001221-00001224 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00407-00001224-00001227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00408-00001227-00001230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00409-00001230-00001233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00410-00001233-00001236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00411-00001236-00001239 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00412-00001239-00001242 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00413-00001242-00001245 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00414-00001245-00001248 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00415-00001248-00001251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00416-00001251-00001254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00417-00001254-00001257 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00418-00001257-00001260 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00419-00001260-00001263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00420-00001263-00001266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00421-00001266-00001269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00422-00001269-00001272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00423-00001272-00001275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00424-00001275-00001278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00425-00001278-00001281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00426-00001281-00001284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00427-00001284-00001287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00428-00001287-00001290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00429-00001290-00001293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00430-00001293-00001296 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00431-00001296-00001299 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00432-00001299-00001302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00433-00001302-00001305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00434-00001305-00001308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00435-00001308-00001311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00436-00001311-00001314 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00437-00001314-00001317 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00438-00001317-00001320 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00439-00001320-00001323 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00440-00001323-00001326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00441-00001326-00001329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00442-00001329-00001332 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00443-00001332-00001335 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00444-00001335-00001338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00445-00001338-00001341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00446-00001341-00001344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00447-00001344-00001347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00448-00001347-00001350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00449-00001350-00001353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00450-00001353-00001356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00451-00001356-00001359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00452-00001359-00001362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00453-00001362-00001365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00454-00001365-00001368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00455-00001368-00001371 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00456-00001371-00001374 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00457-00001374-00001377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00458-00001377-00001380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00459-00001380-00001383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00460-00001383-00001386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00461-00001386-00001389 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00462-00001389-00001392 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00463-00001392-00001395 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00464-00001395-00001398 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00465-00001398-00001401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00466-00001401-00001404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00467-00001404-00001407 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00468-00001407-00001410 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00469-00001410-00001413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00470-00001413-00001416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00471-00001416-00001419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00472-00001419-00001422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00473-00001422-00001425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00474-00001425-00001428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00475-00001428-00001431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00476-00001431-00001434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00477-00001434-00001437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00478-00001437-00001440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00479-00001440-00001443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00480-00001443-00001446 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00481-00001446-00001449 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00482-00001449-00001452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00483-00001452-00001455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00484-00001455-00001458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00485-00001458-00001461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00486-00001461-00001464 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00487-00001464-00001467 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00488-00001467-00001470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00489-00001470-00001473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00490-00001473-00001476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00491-00001476-00001479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00492-00001479-00001482 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00493-00001482-00001485 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00494-00001485-00001488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00495-00001488-00001491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00496-00001491-00001494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00497-00001494-00001497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00498-00001497-00001500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00499-00001500-00001503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00500-00001503-00001506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00501-00001506-00001509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00502-00001509-00001512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00503-00001512-00001515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00504-00001515-00001518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00505-00001518-00001521 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00506-00001521-00001524 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00507-00001524-00001527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00508-00001527-00001530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00509-00001530-00001533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00510-00001533-00001536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00511-00001536-00001539 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00512-00001539-00001542 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00513-00001542-00001545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00514-00001545-00001548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00515-00001548-00001551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00516-00001551-00001554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00517-00001554-00001557 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00518-00001557-00001560 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00519-00001560-00001563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00520-00001563-00001566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00521-00001566-00001569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00522-00001569-00001572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00523-00001572-00001575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00524-00001575-00001578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00525-00001578-00001581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00526-00001581-00001584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00527-00001584-00001587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00528-00001587-00001590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00529-00001590-00001593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00530-00001593-00001596 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00531-00001596-00001599 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00532-00001599-00001602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00533-00001602-00001605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00534-00001605-00001607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00535-00001607-00001611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00536-00001611-00001614 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00537-00001614-00001617 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00538-00001617-00001620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00539-00001620-00001623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00540-00001623-00001626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00541-00001626-00001629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00542-00001629-00001632 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00543-00001632-00001635 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00544-00001635-00001638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00545-00001638-00001641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00546-00001641-00001644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00547-00001644-00001647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00548-00001647-00001650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00549-00001650-00001653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00550-00001653-00001655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00551-00001655-00001659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00552-00001659-00001662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00553-00001662-00001664 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00554-00001664-00001668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00555-00001668-00001671 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00556-00001671-00001673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00557-00001673-00001677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00558-00001677-00001680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00559-00001680-00001682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00560-00001682-00001686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00561-00001686-00001689 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00562-00001689-00001692 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00563-00001692-00001695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00564-00001695-00001698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00565-00001698-00001701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00566-00001701-00001704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00567-00001704-00001707 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00568-00001707-00001710 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00569-00001710-00001713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00570-00001713-00001716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00571-00001716-00001719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00572-00001719-00001722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00573-00001722-00001725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00574-00001725-00001728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00575-00001728-00001730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00576-00001730-00001734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00577-00001734-00001737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00578-00001737-00001739 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00579-00001739-00001743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00580-00001743-00001746 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00581-00001746-00001748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00582-00001748-00001752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00583-00001752-00001755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00584-00001755-00001757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00585-00001757-00001761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00586-00001761-00001764 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00587-00001764-00001767 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00588-00001767-00001770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00589-00001770-00001773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00590-00001773-00001776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00591-00001776-00001779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00592-00001779-00001782 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00593-00001782-00001785 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00594-00001785-00001788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00595-00001788-00001791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00596-00001791-00001794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00597-00001794-00001797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00598-00001797-00001800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00599-00001800-00001803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00600-00001803-00001805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00601-00001805-00001809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00602-00001809-00001812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00603-00001812-00001814 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00604-00001814-00001818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00605-00001818-00001821 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00606-00001821-00001823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00607-00001823-00001827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00608-00001827-00001830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00609-00001830-00001832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00610-00001832-00001836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00611-00001836-00001839 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00612-00001839-00001842 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00613-00001842-00001845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00614-00001845-00001848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00615-00001848-00001851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00616-00001851-00001854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00617-00001854-00001857 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00618-00001857-00001860 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00619-00001860-00001863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00620-00001863-00001866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00621-00001866-00001869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00622-00001869-00001872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00623-00001872-00001875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00624-00001875-00001878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00625-00001878-00001880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00626-00001880-00001884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00627-00001884-00001887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00628-00001887-00001889 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00629-00001889-00001893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00630-00001893-00001896 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00631-00001896-00001898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00632-00001898-00001902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00633-00001902-00001905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00634-00001905-00001907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00635-00001907-00001911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00636-00001911-00001914 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00637-00001914-00001917 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00638-00001917-00001920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00639-00001920-00001923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00640-00001923-00001926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00641-00001926-00001929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00642-00001929-00001932 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00643-00001932-00001935 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00644-00001935-00001938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00645-00001938-00001941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00646-00001941-00001944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00647-00001944-00001947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00648-00001947-00001950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00649-00001950-00001953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00650-00001953-00001955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00651-00001955-00001959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00652-00001959-00001962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00653-00001962-00001964 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00654-00001964-00001968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00655-00001968-00001971 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00656-00001971-00001973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00657-00001973-00001977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00658-00001977-00001980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00659-00001980-00001982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00660-00001982-00001986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00661-00001986-00001989 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00662-00001989-00001992 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00663-00001992-00001995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00664-00001995-00001998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00665-00001998-00002001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00666-00002001-00002004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00667-00002004-00002007 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00668-00002007-00002010 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00669-00002010-00002013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00670-00002013-00002016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00671-00002016-00002019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00672-00002019-00002022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00673-00002022-00002025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00674-00002025-00002028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00675-00002028-00002030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00676-00002030-00002034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00677-00002034-00002037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00678-00002037-00002039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00679-00002039-00002043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00680-00002043-00002046 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00681-00002046-00002049 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00682-00002049-00002052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00683-00002052-00002055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00684-00002055-00002058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00685-00002058-00002061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00686-00002061-00002064 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00687-00002064-00002067 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00688-00002067-00002070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00689-00002070-00002073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00690-00002073-00002076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00691-00002076-00002079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00692-00002079-00002082 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00693-00002082-00002085 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00694-00002085-00002088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00695-00002088-00002091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00696-00002091-00002094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00697-00002094-00002097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00698-00002097-00002100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00699-00002100-00002103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00700-00002103-00002106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00701-00002106-00002109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00702-00002109-00002112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00703-00002112-00002115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00704-00002115-00002118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00705-00002118-00002121 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00706-00002121-00002124 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00707-00002124-00002127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00708-00002127-00002130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00709-00002130-00002133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00710-00002133-00002136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00711-00002136-00002139 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00712-00002139-00002142 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00713-00002142-00002145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00714-00002145-00002148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00715-00002148-00002151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00716-00002151-00002154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00717-00002154-00002157 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00718-00002157-00002160 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00719-00002160-00002163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00720-00002163-00002166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00721-00002166-00002169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00722-00002169-00002172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00723-00002172-00002175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00724-00002175-00002178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00725-00002178-00002181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00726-00002181-00002184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00727-00002184-00002187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00728-00002187-00002190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00729-00002190-00002193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00730-00002193-00002196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00731-00002196-00002199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00732-00002199-00002202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00733-00002202-00002205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00734-00002205-00002208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00735-00002208-00002211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00736-00002211-00002214 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00737-00002214-00002217 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00738-00002217-00002220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00739-00002220-00002223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00740-00002223-00002226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00741-00002226-00002229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00742-00002229-00002232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00743-00002232-00002235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00744-00002235-00002238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00745-00002238-00002241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00746-00002241-00002244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00747-00002244-00002247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00748-00002247-00002250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00749-00002250-00002253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00750-00002253-00002256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00751-00002256-00002259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:200 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00752-00002259-00002262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00753-00002262-00002265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00754-00002265-00002268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00755-00002268-00002271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00756-00002271-00002274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00757-00002274-00002277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00758-00002277-00002280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00759-00002280-00002283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00760-00002283-00002286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00761-00002286-00002289 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00762-00002289-00002292 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00763-00002292-00002295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00764-00002295-00002298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00765-00002298-00002301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00766-00002301-00002304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00767-00002304-00002307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00768-00002307-00002310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00769-00002310-00002313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00770-00002313-00002316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00771-00002316-00002319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00772-00002319-00002322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00773-00002322-00002325 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00774-00002325-00002328 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00775-00002328-00002331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00776-00002331-00002334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00777-00002334-00002337 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00778-00002337-00002340 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00779-00002340-00002343 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00780-00002343-00002346 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00781-00002346-00002349 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00782-00002349-00002352 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00783-00002352-00002355 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00784-00002355-00002358 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00785-00002358-00002361 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00786-00002361-00002364 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00787-00002364-00002367 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00788-00002367-00002370 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00789-00002370-00002373 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00790-00002373-00002376 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00791-00002376-00002379 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00792-00002379-00002382 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00793-00002382-00002385 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00794-00002385-00002388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00795-00002388-00002391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00796-00002391-00002394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00797-00002394-00002397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00798-00002397-00002400 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00799-00002400-00002403 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00800-00002403-00002406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00801-00002406-00002409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00802-00002409-00002412 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00803-00002412-00002415 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00804-00002415-00002418 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00805-00002418-00002421 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00806-00002421-00002424 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00807-00002424-00002427 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00808-00002427-00002430 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00809-00002430-00002433 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00810-00002433-00002436 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00811-00002436-00002439 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00812-00002439-00002442 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00813-00002442-00002445 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00814-00002445-00002448 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00815-00002448-00002451 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00816-00002451-00002454 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00817-00002454-00002457 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00818-00002457-00002460 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00819-00002460-00002463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00820-00002463-00002466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00821-00002466-00002469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00822-00002469-00002472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00823-00002472-00002475 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00824-00002475-00002478 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00825-00002478-00002481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00826-00002481-00002484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00827-00002484-00002487 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00828-00002487-00002490 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00829-00002490-00002493 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00830-00002493-00002496 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00831-00002496-00002499 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00832-00002499-00002502 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:29 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00833-00002502-00002505 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00834-00002505-00002508 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00835-00002508-00002511 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00836-00002511-00002514 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00837-00002514-00002517 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00838-00002517-00002520 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00839-00002520-00002523 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00840-00002523-00002526 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00841-00002526-00002529 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00842-00002529-00002532 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00843-00002532-00002535 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00844-00002535-00002538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00845-00002538-00002541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00846-00002541-00002544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00847-00002544-00002547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00848-00002547-00002550 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00849-00002550-00002553 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00850-00002553-00002556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00851-00002556-00002559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00852-00002559-00002562 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00853-00002562-00002565 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00854-00002565-00002568 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00855-00002568-00002571 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00856-00002571-00002574 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00857-00002574-00002577 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00858-00002577-00002580 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00859-00002580-00002583 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00860-00002583-00002586 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00861-00002586-00002589 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00862-00002589-00002592 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00863-00002592-00002595 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00864-00002595-00002598 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00865-00002598-00002601 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00866-00002601-00002604 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:30 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00867-00002604-00002607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00868-00002607-00002610 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00869-00002610-00002613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00870-00002613-00002616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00871-00002616-00002619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00872-00002619-00002622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00873-00002622-00002625 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00874-00002625-00002628 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00875-00002628-00002631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00876-00002631-00002634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00877-00002634-00002637 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00878-00002637-00002640 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00879-00002640-00002643 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00880-00002643-00002646 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00881-00002646-00002649 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00882-00002649-00002652 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00883-00002652-00002655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00884-00002655-00002658 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00885-00002658-00002661 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00886-00002661-00002664 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00887-00002664-00002667 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00888-00002667-00002670 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00889-00002670-00002673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00890-00002673-00002676 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00891-00002676-00002679 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00892-00002679-00002682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00893-00002682-00002685 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00894-00002685-00002688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00895-00002688-00002691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00896-00002691-00002694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00897-00002694-00002697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00898-00002697-00002700 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00899-00002700-00002703 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00900-00002703-00002706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00901-00002706-00002709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00902-00002709-00002712 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00903-00002712-00002715 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00904-00002715-00002718 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00905-00002718-00002721 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00906-00002721-00002724 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00907-00002724-00002727 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00908-00002727-00002730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00909-00002730-00002733 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00910-00002733-00002736 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00911-00002736-00002739 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00912-00002739-00002742 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00913-00002742-00002745 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00914-00002745-00002748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00915-00002748-00002751 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00916-00002751-00002754 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00917-00002754-00002757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00918-00002757-00002760 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00919-00002760-00002763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00920-00002763-00002766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00921-00002766-00002769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00922-00002769-00002772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00923-00002772-00002775 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00924-00002775-00002778 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00925-00002778-00002781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00926-00002781-00002784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00927-00002784-00002787 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00928-00002787-00002790 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00929-00002790-00002793 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00930-00002793-00002796 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00931-00002796-00002799 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00932-00002799-00002802 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00933-00002802-00002805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00934-00002805-00002808 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00935-00002808-00002811 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00936-00002811-00002814 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00937-00002814-00002817 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00938-00002817-00002820 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00939-00002820-00002823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00940-00002823-00002826 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00941-00002826-00002829 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00942-00002829-00002832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00943-00002832-00002835 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00944-00002835-00002838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00945-00002838-00002841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00946-00002841-00002844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00947-00002844-00002847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00948-00002847-00002850 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00949-00002850-00002853 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00950-00002853-00002856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00951-00002856-00002859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00952-00002859-00002862 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00953-00002862-00002865 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00954-00002865-00002868 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00955-00002868-00002871 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00956-00002871-00002874 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00957-00002874-00002877 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00958-00002877-00002880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00959-00002880-00002883 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00960-00002883-00002886 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00961-00002886-00002889 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00962-00002889-00002892 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00963-00002892-00002895 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00964-00002895-00002898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00965-00002898-00002901 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00966-00002901-00002904 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00967-00002904-00002907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00968-00002907-00002910 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00969-00002910-00002913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00970-00002913-00002916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00971-00002916-00002919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00972-00002919-00002922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00973-00002922-00002925 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00974-00002925-00002928 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00975-00002928-00002931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00976-00002931-00002934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00977-00002934-00002937 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00978-00002937-00002940 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00979-00002940-00002943 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00980-00002943-00002946 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00981-00002946-00002949 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00982-00002949-00002952 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00983-00002952-00002955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00984-00002955-00002958 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00985-00002958-00002961 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00986-00002961-00002964 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00987-00002964-00002967 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00988-00002967-00002970 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00989-00002970-00002973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00990-00002973-00002976 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00991-00002976-00002979 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00992-00002979-00002982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00993-00002982-00002985 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00994-00002985-00002988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00995-00002988-00002991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00996-00002991-00002994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00997-00002994-00002997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00998-00002997-00003000 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-00999-00003000-00003003 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01000-00003003-00003006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01001-00003006-00003009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01002-00003009-00003012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01003-00003012-00003015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01004-00003015-00003018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01005-00003018-00003021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01006-00003021-00003024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01007-00003024-00003027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01008-00003027-00003030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01009-00003030-00003033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01010-00003033-00003036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01011-00003036-00003039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01012-00003039-00003042 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01013-00003042-00003045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01014-00003045-00003048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01015-00003048-00003051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01016-00003051-00003054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01017-00003054-00003057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01018-00003057-00003060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01019-00003060-00003063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01020-00003063-00003066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01021-00003066-00003069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01022-00003069-00003072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01023-00003072-00003075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01024-00003075-00003078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01025-00003078-00003081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01026-00003081-00003084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01027-00003084-00003087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01028-00003087-00003090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01029-00003090-00003093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01030-00003093-00003096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01031-00003096-00003099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01032-00003099-00003102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01033-00003102-00003105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01034-00003105-00003108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01035-00003108-00003111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01036-00003111-00003114 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01037-00003114-00003117 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01038-00003117-00003120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01039-00003120-00003123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01040-00003123-00003126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01041-00003126-00003129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01042-00003129-00003132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01043-00003132-00003135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01044-00003135-00003138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01045-00003138-00003141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01046-00003141-00003144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01047-00003144-00003147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01048-00003147-00003150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01049-00003150-00003153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01050-00003153-00003156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01051-00003156-00003159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01052-00003159-00003162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01053-00003162-00003165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01054-00003165-00003168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01055-00003168-00003171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01056-00003171-00003174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01057-00003174-00003177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01058-00003177-00003180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01059-00003180-00003183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01060-00003183-00003186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01061-00003186-00003189 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01062-00003189-00003192 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01063-00003192-00003195 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01064-00003195-00003198 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01065-00003198-00003201 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01066-00003201-00003204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01067-00003204-00003207 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01068-00003207-00003210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01069-00003210-00003213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01070-00003213-00003215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01071-00003215-00003219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01072-00003219-00003222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01073-00003222-00003225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01074-00003225-00003228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01075-00003228-00003231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01076-00003231-00003234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01077-00003234-00003236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01078-00003236-00003240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01079-00003240-00003243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01080-00003243-00003246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01081-00003246-00003249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01082-00003249-00003252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01083-00003252-00003254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01084-00003254-00003258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01085-00003258-00003261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01086-00003261-00003264 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01087-00003264-00003267 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01088-00003267-00003270 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01089-00003270-00003272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01090-00003272-00003276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01091-00003276-00003279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01092-00003279-00003282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01093-00003282-00003285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01094-00003285-00003288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01095-00003288-00003290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01096-00003290-00003294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01097-00003294-00003297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01098-00003297-00003300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01099-00003300-00003303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01100-00003303-00003306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01101-00003306-00003309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01102-00003309-00003311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01103-00003311-00003315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01104-00003315-00003318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01105-00003318-00003321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01106-00003321-00003324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01107-00003324-00003327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01108-00003327-00003329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01109-00003329-00003333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01110-00003333-00003336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01111-00003336-00003339 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01112-00003339-00003342 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01113-00003342-00003345 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01114-00003345-00003347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01115-00003347-00003351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01116-00003351-00003354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01117-00003354-00003357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01118-00003357-00003360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01119-00003360-00003363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01120-00003363-00003365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01121-00003365-00003369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01122-00003369-00003372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01123-00003372-00003375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01124-00003375-00003378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01125-00003378-00003381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01126-00003381-00003384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01127-00003384-00003386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01128-00003386-00003390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01129-00003390-00003393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01130-00003393-00003396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01131-00003396-00003399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01132-00003399-00003402 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01133-00003402-00003404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01134-00003404-00003408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01135-00003408-00003411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01136-00003411-00003414 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01137-00003414-00003417 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01138-00003417-00003420 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01139-00003420-00003422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01140-00003422-00003426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01141-00003426-00003429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01142-00003429-00003432 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01143-00003432-00003435 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01144-00003435-00003438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01145-00003438-00003440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01146-00003440-00003444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01147-00003444-00003447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01148-00003447-00003450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01149-00003450-00003453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01150-00003453-00003456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01151-00003456-00003459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01152-00003459-00003461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01153-00003461-00003465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01154-00003465-00003468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01155-00003468-00003471 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01156-00003471-00003474 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01157-00003474-00003477 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01158-00003477-00003479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01159-00003479-00003483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01160-00003483-00003486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01161-00003486-00003489 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01162-00003489-00003492 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01163-00003492-00003495 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01164-00003495-00003497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01165-00003497-00003501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01166-00003501-00003504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01167-00003504-00003507 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01168-00003507-00003510 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01169-00003510-00003513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01170-00003513-00003515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01171-00003515-00003519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01172-00003519-00003522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01173-00003522-00003525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01174-00003525-00003528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01175-00003528-00003531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01176-00003531-00003534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01177-00003534-00003536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01178-00003536-00003540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01179-00003540-00003543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01180-00003543-00003546 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01181-00003546-00003549 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01182-00003549-00003552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01183-00003552-00003554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01184-00003554-00003558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01185-00003558-00003561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01186-00003561-00003564 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01187-00003564-00003567 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01188-00003567-00003570 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01189-00003570-00003572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01190-00003572-00003576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01191-00003576-00003579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01192-00003579-00003582 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01193-00003582-00003585 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01194-00003585-00003588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01195-00003588-00003590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01196-00003590-00003594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01197-00003594-00003597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01198-00003597-00003600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01199-00003600-00003603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01200-00003603-00003606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01201-00003606-00003609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01202-00003609-00003611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01203-00003611-00003615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01204-00003615-00003618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01205-00003618-00003621 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01206-00003621-00003624 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01207-00003624-00003627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01208-00003627-00003629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01209-00003629-00003633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01210-00003633-00003636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01211-00003636-00003639 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01212-00003639-00003642 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01213-00003642-00003645 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01214-00003645-00003647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01215-00003647-00003651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01216-00003651-00003654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01217-00003654-00003657 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01218-00003657-00003660 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01219-00003660-00003663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01220-00003663-00003665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01221-00003665-00003669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01222-00003669-00003672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01223-00003672-00003675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01224-00003675-00003678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01225-00003678-00003681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01226-00003681-00003684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01227-00003684-00003686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01228-00003686-00003690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01229-00003690-00003693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01230-00003693-00003696 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01231-00003696-00003699 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01232-00003699-00003702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01233-00003702-00003704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01234-00003704-00003708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01235-00003708-00003711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01236-00003711-00003714 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01237-00003714-00003717 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01238-00003717-00003720 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01239-00003720-00003722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01240-00003722-00003726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01241-00003726-00003729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01242-00003729-00003732 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01243-00003732-00003735 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01244-00003735-00003738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01245-00003738-00003740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01246-00003740-00003744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01247-00003744-00003747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01248-00003747-00003750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01249-00003750-00003753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01250-00003753-00003756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01251-00003756-00003759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01252-00003759-00003761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01253-00003761-00003765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01254-00003765-00003768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01255-00003768-00003771 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01256-00003771-00003774 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01257-00003774-00003777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01258-00003777-00003779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01259-00003779-00003783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01260-00003783-00003786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01261-00003786-00003789 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01262-00003789-00003792 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01263-00003792-00003795 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01264-00003795-00003797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01265-00003797-00003801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01266-00003801-00003804 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01267-00003804-00003807 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01268-00003807-00003810 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01269-00003810-00003813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01270-00003813-00003815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01271-00003815-00003819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01272-00003819-00003822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01273-00003822-00003825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01274-00003825-00003828 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01275-00003828-00003831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01276-00003831-00003834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01277-00003834-00003836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01278-00003836-00003840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01279-00003840-00003843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01280-00003843-00003846 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01281-00003846-00003849 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01282-00003849-00003852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01283-00003852-00003854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01284-00003854-00003858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01285-00003858-00003861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01286-00003861-00003864 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01287-00003864-00003867 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01288-00003867-00003870 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01289-00003870-00003872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01290-00003872-00003876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01291-00003876-00003879 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01292-00003879-00003882 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01293-00003882-00003885 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01294-00003885-00003888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01295-00003888-00003890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01296-00003890-00003894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01297-00003894-00003897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01298-00003897-00003900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01299-00003900-00003903 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:43 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01300-00003903-00003906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01301-00003906-00003909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01302-00003909-00003911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01303-00003911-00003915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01304-00003915-00003918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01305-00003918-00003921 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01306-00003921-00003924 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01307-00003924-00003927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01308-00003927-00003929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01309-00003929-00003933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01310-00003933-00003936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01311-00003936-00003939 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01312-00003939-00003942 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01313-00003942-00003945 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01314-00003945-00003947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01315-00003947-00003951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01316-00003951-00003954 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01317-00003954-00003957 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01318-00003957-00003960 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01319-00003960-00003963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01320-00003963-00003965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01321-00003965-00003969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01322-00003969-00003972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01323-00003972-00003975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01324-00003975-00003978 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01325-00003978-00003981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01326-00003981-00003984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01327-00003984-00003986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01328-00003986-00003990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01329-00003990-00003993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01330-00003993-00003996 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01331-00003996-00003999 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01332-00003999-00004002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:44 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01333-00004002-00004004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01334-00004004-00004008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01335-00004008-00004011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01336-00004011-00004014 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01337-00004014-00004017 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01338-00004017-00004020 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01339-00004020-00004022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01340-00004022-00004026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01341-00004026-00004029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01342-00004029-00004032 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01343-00004032-00004035 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01344-00004035-00004038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01345-00004038-00004040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01346-00004040-00004044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01347-00004044-00004047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01348-00004047-00004050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01349-00004050-00004053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01350-00004053-00004056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01351-00004056-00004059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01352-00004059-00004061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01353-00004061-00004065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01354-00004065-00004068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01355-00004068-00004071 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01356-00004071-00004074 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01357-00004074-00004077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01358-00004077-00004079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01359-00004079-00004083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01360-00004083-00004086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01361-00004086-00004089 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01362-00004089-00004092 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01363-00004092-00004095 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01364-00004095-00004098 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01365-00004098-00004101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01366-00004101-00004104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:45 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01367-00004104-00004107 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01368-00004107-00004110 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01369-00004110-00004113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01370-00004113-00004116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01371-00004116-00004119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01372-00004119-00004122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01373-00004122-00004125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01374-00004125-00004128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01375-00004128-00004131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01376-00004131-00004134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01377-00004134-00004137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01378-00004137-00004140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01379-00004140-00004143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01380-00004143-00004146 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01381-00004146-00004149 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01382-00004149-00004152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01383-00004152-00004155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01384-00004155-00004158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01385-00004158-00004161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01386-00004161-00004164 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01387-00004164-00004167 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01388-00004167-00004170 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01389-00004170-00004173 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01390-00004173-00004176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01391-00004176-00004179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01392-00004179-00004182 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01393-00004182-00004185 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01394-00004185-00004188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01395-00004188-00004191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01396-00004191-00004194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01397-00004194-00004197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01398-00004197-00004200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01399-00004200-00004203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:46 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01400-00004203-00004206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01401-00004206-00004209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01402-00004209-00004212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01403-00004212-00004215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01404-00004215-00004218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01405-00004218-00004221 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01406-00004221-00004224 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01407-00004224-00004227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01408-00004227-00004230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01409-00004230-00004233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01410-00004233-00004236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01411-00004236-00004239 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01412-00004239-00004242 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01413-00004242-00004245 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01414-00004245-00004248 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01415-00004248-00004251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01416-00004251-00004254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01417-00004254-00004257 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01418-00004257-00004260 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01419-00004260-00004263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01420-00004263-00004266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01421-00004266-00004269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01422-00004269-00004272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01423-00004272-00004275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01424-00004275-00004278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01425-00004278-00004281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01426-00004281-00004284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01427-00004284-00004287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01428-00004287-00004290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01429-00004290-00004293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01430-00004293-00004296 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01431-00004296-00004299 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01432-00004299-00004302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:47 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01433-00004302-00004305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01434-00004305-00004308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01435-00004308-00004311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01436-00004311-00004314 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01437-00004314-00004317 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01438-00004317-00004320 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01439-00004320-00004323 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01440-00004323-00004326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01441-00004326-00004329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01442-00004329-00004332 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01443-00004332-00004335 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01444-00004335-00004338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01445-00004338-00004341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01446-00004341-00004344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01447-00004344-00004347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01448-00004347-00004350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01449-00004350-00004353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01450-00004353-00004356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01451-00004356-00004359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01452-00004359-00004362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01453-00004362-00004365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01454-00004365-00004368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01455-00004368-00004371 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01456-00004371-00004374 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01457-00004374-00004377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01458-00004377-00004380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01459-00004380-00004383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01460-00004383-00004386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01461-00004386-00004389 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01462-00004389-00004392 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01463-00004392-00004395 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01464-00004395-00004398 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01465-00004398-00004401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01466-00004401-00004404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:48 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01467-00004404-00004407 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01468-00004407-00004410 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01469-00004410-00004413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01470-00004413-00004416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01471-00004416-00004419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01472-00004419-00004422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01473-00004422-00004425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01474-00004425-00004428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01475-00004428-00004431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01476-00004431-00004434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01477-00004434-00004437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01478-00004437-00004440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01479-00004440-00004443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01480-00004443-00004446 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01481-00004446-00004449 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01482-00004449-00004452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01483-00004452-00004455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01484-00004455-00004458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01485-00004458-00004461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01486-00004461-00004464 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01487-00004464-00004467 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01488-00004467-00004470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01489-00004470-00004473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01490-00004473-00004476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01491-00004476-00004479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01492-00004479-00004482 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01493-00004482-00004485 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01494-00004485-00004488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01495-00004488-00004491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01496-00004491-00004494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01497-00004494-00004497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01498-00004497-00004500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01499-00004500-00004503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:49 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01500-00004503-00004506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01501-00004506-00004509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01502-00004509-00004512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01503-00004512-00004515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01504-00004515-00004518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01505-00004518-00004521 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01506-00004521-00004524 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01507-00004524-00004527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01508-00004527-00004530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01509-00004530-00004533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01510-00004533-00004536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01511-00004536-00004539 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01512-00004539-00004542 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01513-00004542-00004545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01514-00004545-00004548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01515-00004548-00004551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01516-00004551-00004554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01517-00004554-00004557 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01518-00004557-00004560 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01519-00004560-00004563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01520-00004563-00004566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01521-00004566-00004569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01522-00004569-00004572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01523-00004572-00004575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01524-00004575-00004578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01525-00004578-00004581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01526-00004581-00004584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01527-00004584-00004587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01528-00004587-00004590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01529-00004590-00004593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01530-00004593-00004596 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01531-00004596-00004599 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01532-00004599-00004602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:50 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01533-00004602-00004605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01534-00004605-00004608 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01535-00004608-00004611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01536-00004611-00004614 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01537-00004614-00004617 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01538-00004617-00004620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01539-00004620-00004623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01540-00004623-00004626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01541-00004626-00004629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01542-00004629-00004632 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01543-00004632-00004635 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01544-00004635-00004638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01545-00004638-00004641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01546-00004641-00004644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01547-00004644-00004647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01548-00004647-00004650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01549-00004650-00004653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01550-00004653-00004656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01551-00004656-00004659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01552-00004659-00004662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01553-00004662-00004665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01554-00004665-00004668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01555-00004668-00004671 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01556-00004671-00004674 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01557-00004674-00004677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01558-00004677-00004680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01559-00004680-00004683 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01560-00004683-00004686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01561-00004686-00004689 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01562-00004689-00004692 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01563-00004692-00004695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01564-00004695-00004698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01565-00004698-00004701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01566-00004701-00004704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:51 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01567-00004704-00004707 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01568-00004707-00004710 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01569-00004710-00004713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01570-00004713-00004716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01571-00004716-00004719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01572-00004719-00004722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01573-00004722-00004725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01574-00004725-00004728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01575-00004728-00004731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01576-00004731-00004734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01577-00004734-00004737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01578-00004737-00004740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01579-00004740-00004743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01580-00004743-00004746 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01581-00004746-00004749 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01582-00004749-00004752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01583-00004752-00004755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01584-00004755-00004758 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01585-00004758-00004761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01586-00004761-00004764 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01587-00004764-00004767 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01588-00004767-00004770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01589-00004770-00004773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01590-00004773-00004776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01591-00004776-00004779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01592-00004779-00004782 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01593-00004782-00004785 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01594-00004785-00004788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01595-00004788-00004791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01596-00004791-00004794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01597-00004794-00004797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01598-00004797-00004800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01599-00004800-00004803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:52 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01600-00004803-00004806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01601-00004806-00004809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01602-00004809-00004812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01603-00004812-00004815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01604-00004815-00004818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01605-00004818-00004821 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01606-00004821-00004824 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01607-00004824-00004827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01608-00004827-00004830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:21.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01609-00004830-00004833 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01610-00004833-00004836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,14) BAROMETER:21.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01611-00004836-00004839 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01612-00004839-00004842 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01613-00004842-00004845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01614-00004845-00004848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01615-00004848-00004851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01616-00004851-00004854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01617-00004854-00004857 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01618-00004857-00004860 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01619-00004860-00004863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01620-00004863-00004866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01621-00004866-00004869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01622-00004869-00004872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01623-00004872-00004875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01624-00004875-00004878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0295,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01625-00004878-00004881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01626-00004881-00004884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01627-00004884-00004887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01628-00004887-00004890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:21.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01629-00004890-00004893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:21.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01630-00004893-00004896 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:21.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01631-00004896-00004899 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01632-00004899-00004902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:53 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01633-00004902-00004905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01634-00004905-00004908 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01635-00004908-00004911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01636-00004911-00004914 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01637-00004914-00004917 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01638-00004917-00004920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01639-00004920-00004923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01640-00004923-00004926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01641-00004926-00004929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01642-00004929-00004932 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01643-00004932-00004935 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01644-00004935-00004938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01645-00004938-00004941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01646-00004941-00004944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01647-00004944-00004947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01648-00004947-00004950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01649-00004950-00004953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01650-00004953-00004956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01651-00004956-00004959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01652-00004959-00004962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01653-00004962-00004965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01654-00004965-00004968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,14) BAROMETER:22.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01655-00004968-00004971 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01656-00004971-00004974 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01657-00004974-00004977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01658-00004977-00004980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01659-00004980-00004983 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01660-00004983-00004986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01661-00004986-00004989 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01662-00004989-00004992 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01663-00004992-00004995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01664-00004995-00004998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01665-00004998-00005001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01666-00005001-00005004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:54 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01667-00005004-00005007 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01668-00005007-00005010 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01669-00005010-00005013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01670-00005013-00005016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01671-00005016-00005019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01672-00005019-00005022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01673-00005022-00005025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01674-00005025-00005028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01675-00005028-00005031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01676-00005031-00005034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01677-00005034-00005037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01678-00005037-00005040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:23.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01679-00005040-00005043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01680-00005043-00005046 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01681-00005046-00005049 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01682-00005049-00005052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01683-00005052-00005055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01684-00005055-00005058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01685-00005058-00005061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01686-00005061-00005064 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01687-00005064-00005067 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01688-00005067-00005070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:24.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01689-00005070-00005073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,14) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01690-00005073-00005076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,14) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01691-00005076-00005079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,14) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01692-00005079-00005082 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,14) BAROMETER:24.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01693-00005082-00005085 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,14) BAROMETER:24.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01694-00005085-00005088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,14) BAROMETER:24.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01695-00005088-00005091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01696-00005091-00005094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01697-00005094-00005097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01698-00005097-00005100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01699-00005100-00005103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:55 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01700-00005103-00005106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01701-00005106-00005109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:24.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01702-00005109-00005112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:25.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01703-00005112-00005115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:25.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01704-00005115-00005118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:25.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01705-00005118-00005121 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01706-00005121-00005124 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01707-00005124-00005127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,14) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01708-00005127-00005130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01709-00005130-00005133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01710-00005133-00005136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01711-00005136-00005139 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01712-00005139-00005142 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01713-00005142-00005145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01714-00005145-00005148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01715-00005148-00005151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01716-00005151-00005154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01717-00005154-00005157 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01718-00005157-00005160 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01719-00005160-00005163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01720-00005163-00005166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01721-00005166-00005169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01722-00005169-00005172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01723-00005172-00005175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01724-00005175-00005178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01725-00005178-00005181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01726-00005181-00005184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01727-00005184-00005187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01728-00005187-00005190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01729-00005190-00005193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01730-00005193-00005196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01731-00005196-00005199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01732-00005199-00005202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:56 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01733-00005202-00005205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:26.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01734-00005205-00005208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01735-00005208-00005211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01736-00005211-00005214 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01737-00005214-00005217 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01738-00005217-00005220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01739-00005220-00005223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01740-00005223-00005226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01741-00005226-00005229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:26.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01742-00005229-00005232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01743-00005232-00005235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01744-00005235-00005238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01745-00005238-00005241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01746-00005241-00005244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01747-00005244-00005247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01748-00005247-00005250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01749-00005250-00005253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01750-00005253-00005256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01751-00005256-00005259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01752-00005259-00005262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01753-00005262-00005265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01754-00005265-00005268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01755-00005268-00005271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01756-00005271-00005274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01757-00005274-00005277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01758-00005277-00005280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01759-00005280-00005283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01760-00005283-00005286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01761-00005286-00005289 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:27.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01762-00005289-00005292 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,14) BAROMETER:28.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01763-00005292-00005295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,14) BAROMETER:28.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01764-00005295-00005298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,14) BAROMETER:28.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01765-00005298-00005301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,14) BAROMETER:28.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01766-00005301-00005304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:57 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,14) BAROMETER:28.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01767-00005304-00005307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,14) BAROMETER:28.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01768-00005307-00005310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01769-00005310-00005313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01770-00005313-00005316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01771-00005316-00005319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01772-00005319-00005322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01773-00005322-00005325 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01774-00005325-00005328 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01775-00005328-00005331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01776-00005331-00005334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01777-00005334-00005337 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01778-00005337-00005340 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:28.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01779-00005340-00005343 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:28.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01780-00005343-00005346 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:28.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01781-00005346-00005349 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:28.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01782-00005349-00005352 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:28.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01783-00005352-00005355 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:28.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01784-00005355-00005358 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:28.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01785-00005358-00005361 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01786-00005361-00005364 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01787-00005364-00005367 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01788-00005367-00005370 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01789-00005370-00005373 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01790-00005373-00005376 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01791-00005376-00005379 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01792-00005379-00005382 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01793-00005382-00005385 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01794-00005385-00005388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01795-00005388-00005391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01796-00005391-00005394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01797-00005394-00005397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01798-00005397-00005400 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01799-00005400-00005403 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:58 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01800-00005403-00005406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01801-00005406-00005409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01802-00005409-00005412 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01803-00005412-00005415 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01804-00005415-00005418 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01805-00005418-00005421 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01806-00005421-00005424 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01807-00005424-00005427 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01808-00005427-00005430 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01809-00005430-00005433 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01810-00005433-00005436 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01811-00005436-00005439 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01812-00005439-00005442 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01813-00005442-00005445 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01814-00005445-00005448 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01815-00005448-00005451 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01816-00005451-00005454 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01817-00005454-00005457 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01818-00005457-00005460 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:30.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01819-00005460-00005463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:30.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01820-00005463-00005466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:30.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01821-00005466-00005469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:30.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01822-00005469-00005472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:30.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01823-00005472-00005475 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:30.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01824-00005475-00005478 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:30.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01825-00005478-00005481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01826-00005481-00005484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01827-00005484-00005487 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01828-00005487-00005490 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01829-00005490-00005493 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01830-00005493-00005496 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01831-00005496-00005499 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01832-00005499-00005502 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:25:59 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01833-00005502-00005505 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01834-00005505-00005508 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01835-00005508-00005511 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01836-00005511-00005514 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01837-00005514-00005517 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01838-00005517-00005520 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01839-00005520-00005523 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01840-00005523-00005526 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01841-00005526-00005529 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01842-00005529-00005532 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01843-00005532-00005535 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01844-00005535-00005538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01845-00005538-00005541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01846-00005541-00005544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01847-00005544-00005547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01848-00005547-00005550 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01849-00005550-00005553 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01850-00005553-00005556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01851-00005556-00005559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01852-00005559-00005562 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01853-00005562-00005565 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01854-00005565-00005568 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01855-00005568-00005571 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01856-00005571-00005574 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01857-00005574-00005577 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01858-00005577-00005580 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:32.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01859-00005580-00005583 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01860-00005583-00005586 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01861-00005586-00005589 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01862-00005589-00005592 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01863-00005592-00005595 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01864-00005595-00005598 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01865-00005598-00005601 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01866-00005601-00005604 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:00 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01867-00005604-00005607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:32.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01868-00005607-00005610 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01869-00005610-00005613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01870-00005613-00005616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01871-00005616-00005619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01872-00005619-00005622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01873-00005622-00005625 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01874-00005625-00005628 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01875-00005628-00005631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01876-00005631-00005634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01877-00005634-00005637 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01878-00005637-00005640 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01879-00005640-00005643 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01880-00005643-00005646 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01881-00005646-00005649 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01882-00005649-00005652 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01883-00005652-00005655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01884-00005655-00005658 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01885-00005658-00005661 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01886-00005661-00005664 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01887-00005664-00005667 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:33.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01888-00005667-00005670 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01889-00005670-00005673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01890-00005673-00005676 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01891-00005676-00005679 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01892-00005679-00005682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01893-00005682-00005685 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01894-00005685-00005688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01895-00005688-00005691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01896-00005691-00005694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01897-00005694-00005697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01898-00005697-00005700 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01899-00005700-00005703 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:01 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01900-00005703-00005706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01901-00005706-00005709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0294,50.5135,14) BAROMETER:34.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01902-00005709-00005712 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01903-00005712-00005715 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01904-00005715-00005718 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01905-00005718-00005721 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01906-00005721-00005724 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01907-00005724-00005727 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01908-00005727-00005730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,14) BAROMETER:34.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01909-00005730-00005733 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01910-00005733-00005736 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01911-00005736-00005739 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01912-00005739-00005742 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01913-00005742-00005745 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01914-00005745-00005748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01915-00005748-00005751 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01916-00005751-00005754 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01917-00005754-00005757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01918-00005757-00005760 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01919-00005760-00005763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01920-00005763-00005766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01921-00005766-00005769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01922-00005769-00005772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01923-00005772-00005775 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01924-00005775-00005778 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01925-00005778-00005781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01926-00005781-00005784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01927-00005784-00005787 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01928-00005787-00005790 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01929-00005790-00005793 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01930-00005793-00005796 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01931-00005796-00005799 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01932-00005799-00005802 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01933-00005802-00005805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01934-00005805-00005808 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01935-00005808-00005811 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01936-00005811-00005814 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01937-00005814-00005817 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01938-00005817-00005820 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01939-00005820-00005823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01940-00005823-00005826 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01941-00005826-00005829 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:36.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01942-00005829-00005832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01943-00005832-00005835 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01944-00005835-00005838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01945-00005838-00005841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01946-00005841-00005844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01947-00005844-00005847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01948-00005847-00005850 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01949-00005850-00005853 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01950-00005853-00005856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01951-00005856-00005859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:36.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01952-00005859-00005862 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01953-00005862-00005865 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01954-00005865-00005868 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01955-00005868-00005871 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01956-00005871-00005874 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01957-00005874-00005877 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01958-00005877-00005880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01959-00005880-00005883 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01960-00005883-00005886 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01961-00005886-00005889 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01962-00005889-00005892 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01963-00005892-00005895 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01964-00005895-00005898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01965-00005898-00005901 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01966-00005901-00005904 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01967-00005904-00005907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01968-00005907-00005910 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01969-00005910-00005913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01970-00005913-00005916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01971-00005916-00005919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:37.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01972-00005919-00005922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:38.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01973-00005922-00005925 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:38.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01974-00005925-00005928 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:38.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01975-00005928-00005931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01976-00005931-00005934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01977-00005934-00005937 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01978-00005937-00005940 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01979-00005940-00005943 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01980-00005943-00005946 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01981-00005946-00005949 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,14) BAROMETER:38.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01982-00005949-00005952 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01983-00005952-00005955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01984-00005955-00005958 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01985-00005958-00005961 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01986-00005961-00005964 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01987-00005964-00005967 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01988-00005967-00005970 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01989-00005970-00005973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01990-00005973-00005976 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01991-00005976-00005979 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01992-00005979-00005982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01993-00005982-00005985 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01994-00005985-00005988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:38.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01995-00005988-00005991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01996-00005991-00005994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01997-00005994-00005997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01998-00005997-00006000 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-01999-00006000-00006003 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02000-00006003-00006006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02001-00006006-00006009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02002-00006009-00006012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02003-00006012-00006015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02004-00006015-00006018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02005-00006018-00006021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02006-00006021-00006024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02007-00006024-00006027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02008-00006027-00006030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02009-00006030-00006033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02010-00006033-00006036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02011-00006036-00006039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02012-00006039-00006042 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02013-00006042-00006045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02014-00006045-00006048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:39.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02015-00006048-00006051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02016-00006051-00006054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02017-00006054-00006057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02018-00006057-00006060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02019-00006060-00006063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02020-00006063-00006066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02021-00006066-00006069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02022-00006069-00006072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02023-00006072-00006075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02024-00006075-00006078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:40.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02025-00006078-00006081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02026-00006081-00006084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02027-00006084-00006087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02028-00006087-00006090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02029-00006090-00006093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02030-00006093-00006096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02031-00006096-00006099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02032-00006099-00006102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02033-00006102-00006105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02034-00006105-00006108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02035-00006108-00006111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02036-00006111-00006114 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02037-00006114-00006117 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02038-00006117-00006120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02039-00006120-00006123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02040-00006123-00006126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02041-00006126-00006129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02042-00006129-00006132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02043-00006132-00006135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02044-00006135-00006138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02045-00006138-00006141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02046-00006141-00006144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02047-00006144-00006147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02048-00006147-00006150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02049-00006150-00006153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02050-00006153-00006156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02051-00006156-00006159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02052-00006159-00006162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02053-00006162-00006165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02054-00006165-00006168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02055-00006168-00006171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02056-00006171-00006174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02057-00006174-00006177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02058-00006177-00006180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02059-00006180-00006183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02060-00006183-00006186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02061-00006186-00006189 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:41.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02062-00006189-00006192 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:42.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02063-00006192-00006195 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:42.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02064-00006195-00006198 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:42.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02065-00006198-00006201 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02066-00006201-00006204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02067-00006204-00006207 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02068-00006207-00006210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02069-00006210-00006213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02070-00006213-00006216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02071-00006216-00006219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02072-00006219-00006222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02073-00006222-00006225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02074-00006225-00006228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02075-00006228-00006231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02076-00006231-00006234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02077-00006234-00006237 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02078-00006237-00006240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02079-00006240-00006243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02080-00006243-00006246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02081-00006246-00006249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:42.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02082-00006249-00006252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02083-00006252-00006255 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02084-00006255-00006258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02085-00006258-00006261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02086-00006261-00006264 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02087-00006264-00006267 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02088-00006267-00006270 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02089-00006270-00006273 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02090-00006273-00006276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02091-00006276-00006279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02092-00006279-00006282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02093-00006282-00006285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02094-00006285-00006288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02095-00006288-00006291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02096-00006291-00006294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02097-00006294-00006297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02098-00006297-00006300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02099-00006300-00006303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:07 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02100-00006303-00006306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02101-00006306-00006309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02102-00006309-00006312 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02103-00006312-00006315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02104-00006315-00006318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:43.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02105-00006318-00006321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02106-00006321-00006324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02107-00006324-00006327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02108-00006327-00006330 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02109-00006330-00006333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02110-00006333-00006336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02111-00006336-00006339 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02112-00006339-00006342 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02113-00006342-00006345 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02114-00006345-00006348 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02115-00006348-00006351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02116-00006351-00006354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02117-00006354-00006357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02118-00006357-00006360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02119-00006360-00006363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02120-00006363-00006366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02121-00006366-00006369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02122-00006369-00006372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02123-00006372-00006375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02124-00006375-00006378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:44.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02125-00006378-00006381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02126-00006381-00006384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02127-00006384-00006387 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02128-00006387-00006390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02129-00006390-00006393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02130-00006393-00006396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02131-00006396-00006399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02132-00006399-00006402 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:08 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02133-00006402-00006405 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02134-00006405-00006408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02135-00006408-00006411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02136-00006411-00006414 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02137-00006414-00006417 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02138-00006417-00006420 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02139-00006420-00006423 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02140-00006423-00006426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02141-00006426-00006429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02142-00006429-00006431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02143-00006431-00006434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02144-00006434-00006438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02145-00006438-00006441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02146-00006441-00006444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02147-00006444-00006447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02148-00006447-00006450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02149-00006450-00006453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:45.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02150-00006453-00006456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02151-00006456-00006459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02152-00006459-00006462 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02153-00006462-00006465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02154-00006465-00006468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02155-00006468-00006470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02156-00006470-00006473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02157-00006473-00006477 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0293,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02158-00006477-00006480 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02159-00006480-00006483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02160-00006483-00006486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02161-00006486-00006489 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02162-00006489-00006492 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02163-00006492-00006495 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02164-00006495-00006498 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02165-00006498-00006501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02166-00006501-00006504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:09 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02167-00006504-00006506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:46.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02168-00006506-00006509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02169-00006509-00006513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02170-00006513-00006516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02171-00006516-00006519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02172-00006519-00006522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02173-00006522-00006525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02174-00006525-00006528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02175-00006528-00006531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02176-00006531-00006534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02177-00006534-00006537 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02178-00006537-00006540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02179-00006540-00006543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02180-00006543-00006545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02181-00006545-00006548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02182-00006548-00006552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02183-00006552-00006555 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02184-00006555-00006558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02185-00006558-00006561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02186-00006561-00006564 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02187-00006564-00006567 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:47.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02188-00006567-00006570 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:47.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02189-00006570-00006573 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:47.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02190-00006573-00006576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:47.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02191-00006576-00006579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:47.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02192-00006579-00006581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02193-00006581-00006584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02194-00006584-00006588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02195-00006588-00006591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02196-00006591-00006594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02197-00006594-00006597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02198-00006597-00006600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02199-00006600-00006603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:10 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02200-00006603-00006606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02201-00006606-00006609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02202-00006609-00006612 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02203-00006612-00006615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02204-00006615-00006618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02205-00006618-00006620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02206-00006620-00006623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02207-00006623-00006627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02208-00006627-00006630 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02209-00006630-00006633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02210-00006633-00006636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02211-00006636-00006639 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02212-00006639-00006642 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02213-00006642-00006645 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02214-00006645-00006648 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02215-00006648-00006651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02216-00006651-00006654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02217-00006654-00006656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02218-00006656-00006659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02219-00006659-00006663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02220-00006663-00006666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02221-00006666-00006669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02222-00006669-00006672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02223-00006672-00006675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02224-00006675-00006678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02225-00006678-00006681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02226-00006681-00006684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02227-00006684-00006687 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02228-00006687-00006690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02229-00006690-00006693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02230-00006693-00006695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02231-00006695-00006698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02232-00006698-00006702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:11 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02233-00006702-00006705 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02234-00006705-00006708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02235-00006708-00006711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02236-00006711-00006714 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02237-00006714-00006717 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02238-00006717-00006720 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02239-00006720-00006723 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02240-00006723-00006726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02241-00006726-00006729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02242-00006729-00006731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02243-00006731-00006734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02244-00006734-00006738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02245-00006738-00006741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02246-00006741-00006744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02247-00006744-00006747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02248-00006747-00006750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02249-00006750-00006753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02250-00006753-00006756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02251-00006756-00006759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02252-00006759-00006762 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02253-00006762-00006765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02254-00006765-00006768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02255-00006768-00006770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02256-00006770-00006773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02257-00006773-00006777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02258-00006777-00006780 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02259-00006780-00006783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02260-00006783-00006786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02261-00006786-00006789 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02262-00006789-00006792 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02263-00006792-00006795 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02264-00006795-00006798 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02265-00006798-00006801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02266-00006801-00006804 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:12 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02267-00006804-00006806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02268-00006806-00006809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02269-00006809-00006813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02270-00006813-00006816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02271-00006816-00006819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02272-00006819-00006822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02273-00006822-00006825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02274-00006825-00006828 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02275-00006828-00006831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02276-00006831-00006834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02277-00006834-00006837 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02278-00006837-00006840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02279-00006840-00006843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02280-00006843-00006845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02281-00006845-00006848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02282-00006848-00006852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02283-00006852-00006855 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02284-00006855-00006858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02285-00006858-00006861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02286-00006861-00006864 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02287-00006864-00006867 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02288-00006867-00006870 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02289-00006870-00006873 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02290-00006873-00006876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02291-00006876-00006879 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02292-00006879-00006881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02293-00006881-00006884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02294-00006884-00006888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02295-00006888-00006891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02296-00006891-00006894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02297-00006894-00006897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02298-00006897-00006900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02299-00006900-00006903 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:13 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02300-00006903-00006906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02301-00006906-00006909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02302-00006909-00006912 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02303-00006912-00006915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02304-00006915-00006918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02305-00006918-00006920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02306-00006920-00006923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02307-00006923-00006927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02308-00006927-00006930 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02309-00006930-00006933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02310-00006933-00006936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02311-00006936-00006939 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02312-00006939-00006942 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02313-00006942-00006945 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02314-00006945-00006948 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02315-00006948-00006951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02316-00006951-00006954 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02317-00006954-00006956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02318-00006956-00006959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02319-00006959-00006963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02320-00006963-00006966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02321-00006966-00006969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02322-00006969-00006972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02323-00006972-00006975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02324-00006975-00006978 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02325-00006978-00006981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02326-00006981-00006984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02327-00006984-00006987 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02328-00006987-00006990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02329-00006990-00006993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02330-00006993-00006995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02331-00006995-00006998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02332-00006998-00007002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:14 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02333-00007002-00007005 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02334-00007005-00007008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02335-00007008-00007011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02336-00007011-00007014 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02337-00007014-00007017 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02338-00007017-00007020 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02339-00007020-00007023 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02340-00007023-00007026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02341-00007026-00007029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02342-00007029-00007031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02343-00007031-00007034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02344-00007034-00007038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02345-00007038-00007041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02346-00007041-00007044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02347-00007044-00007047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02348-00007047-00007050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02349-00007050-00007053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02350-00007053-00007056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02351-00007056-00007059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02352-00007059-00007062 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02353-00007062-00007065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02354-00007065-00007068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02355-00007068-00007070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02356-00007070-00007073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02357-00007073-00007077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02358-00007077-00007080 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02359-00007080-00007083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02360-00007083-00007086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02361-00007086-00007089 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02362-00007089-00007092 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02363-00007092-00007095 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02364-00007095-00007098 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02365-00007098-00007101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02366-00007101-00007104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:15 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02367-00007104-00007106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02368-00007106-00007109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02369-00007109-00007113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02370-00007113-00007116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02371-00007116-00007119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02372-00007119-00007122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02373-00007122-00007125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02374-00007125-00007128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02375-00007128-00007131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02376-00007131-00007134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02377-00007134-00007137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02378-00007137-00007140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02379-00007140-00007143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02380-00007143-00007145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02381-00007145-00007148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02382-00007148-00007152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02383-00007152-00007155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02384-00007155-00007158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02385-00007158-00007161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02386-00007161-00007164 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02387-00007164-00007167 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02388-00007167-00007170 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02389-00007170-00007173 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02390-00007173-00007176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02391-00007176-00007179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02392-00007179-00007181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02393-00007181-00007184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02394-00007184-00007188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02395-00007188-00007191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02396-00007191-00007194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02397-00007194-00007197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02398-00007197-00007200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02399-00007200-00007203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:16 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02400-00007203-00007206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02401-00007206-00007209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02402-00007209-00007212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02403-00007212-00007215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02404-00007215-00007218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02405-00007218-00007220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02406-00007220-00007223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02407-00007223-00007227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02408-00007227-00007230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02409-00007230-00007233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02410-00007233-00007236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02411-00007236-00007239 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02412-00007239-00007242 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02413-00007242-00007245 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02414-00007245-00007248 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02415-00007248-00007251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02416-00007251-00007254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02417-00007254-00007256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02418-00007256-00007259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02419-00007259-00007263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02420-00007263-00007266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02421-00007266-00007269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02422-00007269-00007272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02423-00007272-00007275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02424-00007275-00007278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02425-00007278-00007281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02426-00007281-00007284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02427-00007284-00007287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02428-00007287-00007290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02429-00007290-00007293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02430-00007293-00007295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02431-00007295-00007298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02432-00007298-00007302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:17 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02433-00007302-00007305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02434-00007305-00007308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02435-00007308-00007311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02436-00007311-00007314 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02437-00007314-00007317 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02438-00007317-00007320 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02439-00007320-00007323 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02440-00007323-00007326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02441-00007326-00007329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02442-00007329-00007331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02443-00007331-00007334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02444-00007334-00007338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02445-00007338-00007341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02446-00007341-00007344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02447-00007344-00007347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02448-00007347-00007350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02449-00007350-00007353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02450-00007353-00007356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02451-00007356-00007359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02452-00007359-00007362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02453-00007362-00007365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02454-00007365-00007368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02455-00007368-00007370 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02456-00007370-00007373 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02457-00007373-00007377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02458-00007377-00007380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02459-00007380-00007383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02460-00007383-00007386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02461-00007386-00007389 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02462-00007389-00007392 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02463-00007392-00007395 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02464-00007395-00007398 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02465-00007398-00007401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02466-00007401-00007404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:18 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02467-00007404-00007406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02468-00007406-00007409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02469-00007409-00007413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02470-00007413-00007416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02471-00007416-00007419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02472-00007419-00007422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02473-00007422-00007425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02474-00007425-00007428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02475-00007428-00007431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02476-00007431-00007434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02477-00007434-00007437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02478-00007437-00007440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02479-00007440-00007443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02480-00007443-00007445 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02481-00007445-00007448 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02482-00007448-00007452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02483-00007452-00007455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02484-00007455-00007458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02485-00007458-00007461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02486-00007461-00007464 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02487-00007464-00007467 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02488-00007467-00007470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02489-00007470-00007473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02490-00007473-00007476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02491-00007476-00007479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02492-00007479-00007481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02493-00007481-00007484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02494-00007484-00007488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02495-00007488-00007491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02496-00007491-00007494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02497-00007494-00007497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02498-00007497-00007500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02499-00007500-00007503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:19 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02500-00007503-00007506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02501-00007506-00007509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02502-00007509-00007512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02503-00007512-00007515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02504-00007515-00007518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02505-00007518-00007520 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02506-00007520-00007523 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02507-00007523-00007527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02508-00007527-00007530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02509-00007530-00007533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02510-00007533-00007536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02511-00007536-00007539 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02512-00007539-00007542 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02513-00007542-00007545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02514-00007545-00007548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02515-00007548-00007551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02516-00007551-00007554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02517-00007554-00007556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02518-00007556-00007559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02519-00007559-00007563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02520-00007563-00007566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02521-00007566-00007569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02522-00007569-00007572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02523-00007572-00007575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02524-00007575-00007578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02525-00007578-00007581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02526-00007581-00007584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02527-00007584-00007587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02528-00007587-00007590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02529-00007590-00007593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02530-00007593-00007595 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02531-00007595-00007598 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02532-00007598-00007602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:20 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02533-00007602-00007605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02534-00007605-00007608 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02535-00007608-00007611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02536-00007611-00007614 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02537-00007614-00007617 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02538-00007617-00007620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02539-00007620-00007623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02540-00007623-00007626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02541-00007626-00007629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02542-00007629-00007631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02543-00007631-00007634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02544-00007634-00007638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02545-00007638-00007641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02546-00007641-00007644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02547-00007644-00007647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02548-00007647-00007650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02549-00007650-00007653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02550-00007653-00007656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02551-00007656-00007659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02552-00007659-00007662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02553-00007662-00007665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02554-00007665-00007668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02555-00007668-00007670 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02556-00007670-00007673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02557-00007673-00007677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02558-00007677-00007680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02559-00007680-00007683 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02560-00007683-00007686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02561-00007686-00007689 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02562-00007689-00007692 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02563-00007692-00007695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02564-00007695-00007698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02565-00007698-00007701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02566-00007701-00007704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:21 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02567-00007704-00007706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02568-00007706-00007709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02569-00007709-00007713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02570-00007713-00007716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02571-00007716-00007719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02572-00007719-00007722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02573-00007722-00007725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02574-00007725-00007728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02575-00007728-00007731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02576-00007731-00007734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02577-00007734-00007737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02578-00007737-00007740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02579-00007740-00007743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02580-00007743-00007745 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02581-00007745-00007748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02582-00007748-00007752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02583-00007752-00007755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02584-00007755-00007758 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02585-00007758-00007761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02586-00007761-00007764 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02587-00007764-00007767 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02588-00007767-00007770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02589-00007770-00007773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02590-00007773-00007776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02591-00007776-00007779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02592-00007779-00007781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02593-00007781-00007784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02594-00007784-00007788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02595-00007788-00007791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02596-00007791-00007794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02597-00007794-00007797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02598-00007797-00007800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02599-00007800-00007803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:22 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02600-00007803-00007806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02601-00007806-00007809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02602-00007809-00007812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02603-00007812-00007815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02604-00007815-00007818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02605-00007818-00007820 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02606-00007820-00007823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02607-00007823-00007827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02608-00007827-00007830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02609-00007830-00007833 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02610-00007833-00007836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02611-00007836-00007839 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02612-00007839-00007842 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02613-00007842-00007845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02614-00007845-00007848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02615-00007848-00007851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02616-00007851-00007854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02617-00007854-00007856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02618-00007856-00007859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02619-00007859-00007863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02620-00007863-00007866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02621-00007866-00007869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02622-00007869-00007872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02623-00007872-00007875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02624-00007875-00007878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02625-00007878-00007881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02626-00007881-00007884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02627-00007884-00007887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02628-00007887-00007890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02629-00007890-00007893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02630-00007893-00007895 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02631-00007895-00007898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02632-00007898-00007902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:23 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02633-00007902-00007905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02634-00007905-00007908 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02635-00007908-00007911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02636-00007911-00007914 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02637-00007914-00007917 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02638-00007917-00007920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02639-00007920-00007923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02640-00007923-00007926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02641-00007926-00007929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02642-00007929-00007931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02643-00007931-00007934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02644-00007934-00007938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02645-00007938-00007941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02646-00007941-00007944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02647-00007944-00007947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02648-00007947-00007950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02649-00007950-00007953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02650-00007953-00007956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02651-00007956-00007959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02652-00007959-00007962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02653-00007962-00007965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02654-00007965-00007968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02655-00007968-00007970 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02656-00007970-00007973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02657-00007973-00007977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02658-00007977-00007980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02659-00007980-00007983 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02660-00007983-00007986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02661-00007986-00007989 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02662-00007989-00007992 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02663-00007992-00007995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02664-00007995-00007998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02665-00007998-00008001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02666-00008001-00008004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:24 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02667-00008004-00008006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02668-00008006-00008009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02669-00008009-00008013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02670-00008013-00008016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02671-00008016-00008019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02672-00008019-00008022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02673-00008022-00008025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02674-00008025-00008028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02675-00008028-00008031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02676-00008031-00008034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02677-00008034-00008037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02678-00008037-00008040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02679-00008040-00008043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02680-00008043-00008045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02681-00008045-00008048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0291,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02682-00008048-00008052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02683-00008052-00008055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02684-00008055-00008058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02685-00008058-00008061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02686-00008061-00008064 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02687-00008064-00008067 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02688-00008067-00008070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02689-00008070-00008073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02690-00008073-00008076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02691-00008076-00008079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02692-00008079-00008081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02693-00008081-00008084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02694-00008084-00008088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02695-00008088-00008091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02696-00008091-00008094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02697-00008094-00008097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02698-00008097-00008100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02699-00008100-00008103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:25 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02700-00008103-00008106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02701-00008106-00008109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02702-00008109-00008112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02703-00008112-00008115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02704-00008115-00008118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02705-00008118-00008120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02706-00008120-00008123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02707-00008123-00008127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02708-00008127-00008130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02709-00008130-00008133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02710-00008133-00008136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02711-00008136-00008139 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02712-00008139-00008142 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02713-00008142-00008145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02714-00008145-00008148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02715-00008148-00008151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02716-00008151-00008154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02717-00008154-00008156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02718-00008156-00008159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02719-00008159-00008163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02720-00008163-00008166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02721-00008166-00008169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02722-00008169-00008172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02723-00008172-00008175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02724-00008175-00008178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02725-00008178-00008181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02726-00008181-00008184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02727-00008184-00008187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02728-00008187-00008190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02729-00008190-00008193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02730-00008193-00008196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02731-00008196-00008199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02732-00008199-00008202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:26 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02733-00008202-00008205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02734-00008205-00008208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02735-00008208-00008211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02736-00008211-00008214 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02737-00008214-00008217 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02738-00008217-00008220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02739-00008220-00008223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02740-00008223-00008226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02741-00008226-00008229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02742-00008229-00008232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02743-00008232-00008235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02744-00008235-00008238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02745-00008238-00008241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02746-00008241-00008244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02747-00008244-00008247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02748-00008247-00008250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02749-00008250-00008253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02750-00008253-00008256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02751-00008256-00008259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02752-00008259-00008262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02753-00008262-00008265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02754-00008265-00008268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02755-00008268-00008271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02756-00008271-00008274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02757-00008274-00008277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02758-00008277-00008280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02759-00008280-00008283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02760-00008283-00008286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02761-00008286-00008289 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02762-00008289-00008292 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02763-00008292-00008295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02764-00008295-00008298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02765-00008298-00008301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02766-00008301-00008304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:27 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02767-00008304-00008307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02768-00008307-00008310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02769-00008310-00008313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02770-00008313-00008316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02771-00008316-00008319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02772-00008319-00008322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02773-00008322-00008325 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02774-00008325-00008328 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02775-00008328-00008331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02776-00008331-00008334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02777-00008334-00008337 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02778-00008337-00008340 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02779-00008340-00008343 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02780-00008343-00008346 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02781-00008346-00008349 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02782-00008349-00008352 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02783-00008352-00008355 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02784-00008355-00008358 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02785-00008358-00008361 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02786-00008361-00008364 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02787-00008364-00008367 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02788-00008367-00008370 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02789-00008370-00008373 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02790-00008373-00008376 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02791-00008376-00008379 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02792-00008379-00008382 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02793-00008382-00008385 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02794-00008385-00008388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02795-00008388-00008391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02796-00008391-00008394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02797-00008394-00008397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02798-00008397-00008400 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02799-00008400-00008403 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:28 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02800-00008403-00008406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02801-00008406-00008409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02802-00008409-00008412 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02803-00008412-00008415 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02804-00008415-00008418 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02805-00008418-00008421 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02806-00008421-00008424 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02807-00008424-00008427 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02808-00008427-00008430 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02809-00008430-00008433 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02810-00008433-00008436 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02811-00008436-00008439 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02812-00008439-00008442 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02813-00008442-00008445 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02814-00008445-00008448 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02815-00008448-00008451 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02816-00008451-00008454 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02817-00008454-00008457 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02818-00008457-00008460 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02819-00008460-00008463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02820-00008463-00008466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02821-00008466-00008469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02822-00008469-00008472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02823-00008472-00008475 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02824-00008475-00008478 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02825-00008478-00008481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02826-00008481-00008484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02827-00008484-00008487 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02828-00008487-00008490 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02829-00008490-00008493 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02830-00008493-00008496 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02831-00008496-00008499 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02832-00008499-00008502 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:29 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02833-00008502-00008505 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02834-00008505-00008508 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02835-00008508-00008511 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02836-00008511-00008514 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02837-00008514-00008517 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02838-00008517-00008520 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02839-00008520-00008523 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02840-00008523-00008526 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02841-00008526-00008529 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02842-00008529-00008532 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02843-00008532-00008535 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02844-00008535-00008538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02845-00008538-00008541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02846-00008541-00008544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02847-00008544-00008547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02848-00008547-00008550 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02849-00008550-00008553 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02850-00008553-00008556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02851-00008556-00008559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02852-00008559-00008562 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02853-00008562-00008565 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02854-00008565-00008568 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02855-00008568-00008571 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02856-00008571-00008574 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02857-00008574-00008577 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02858-00008577-00008580 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02859-00008580-00008583 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02860-00008583-00008586 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02861-00008586-00008589 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02862-00008589-00008592 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02863-00008592-00008595 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02864-00008595-00008598 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02865-00008598-00008601 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02866-00008601-00008604 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:30 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02867-00008604-00008607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02868-00008607-00008610 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02869-00008610-00008613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02870-00008613-00008616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02871-00008616-00008619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02872-00008619-00008622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02873-00008622-00008625 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02874-00008625-00008628 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02875-00008628-00008631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02876-00008631-00008634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02877-00008634-00008637 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02878-00008637-00008640 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02879-00008640-00008643 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02880-00008643-00008646 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02881-00008646-00008649 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02882-00008649-00008652 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02883-00008652-00008655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02884-00008655-00008658 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02885-00008658-00008661 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02886-00008661-00008664 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02887-00008664-00008667 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02888-00008667-00008670 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02889-00008670-00008673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02890-00008673-00008676 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02891-00008676-00008679 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02892-00008679-00008682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02893-00008682-00008685 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02894-00008685-00008688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02895-00008688-00008691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02896-00008691-00008694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02897-00008694-00008697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02898-00008697-00008700 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02899-00008700-00008703 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:31 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02900-00008703-00008706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02901-00008706-00008709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02902-00008709-00008712 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02903-00008712-00008715 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02904-00008715-00008718 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02905-00008718-00008721 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02906-00008721-00008724 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02907-00008724-00008727 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02908-00008727-00008730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02909-00008730-00008733 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02910-00008733-00008736 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02911-00008736-00008739 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02912-00008739-00008742 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02913-00008742-00008745 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02914-00008745-00008748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02915-00008748-00008751 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02916-00008751-00008754 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02917-00008754-00008757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02918-00008757-00008760 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02919-00008760-00008763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02920-00008763-00008766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02921-00008766-00008769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02922-00008769-00008772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02923-00008772-00008775 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02924-00008775-00008778 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02925-00008778-00008781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02926-00008781-00008784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02927-00008784-00008787 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02928-00008787-00008790 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02929-00008790-00008793 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02930-00008793-00008796 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02931-00008796-00008799 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02932-00008799-00008802 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:32 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02933-00008802-00008805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02934-00008805-00008808 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02935-00008808-00008811 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02936-00008811-00008814 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02937-00008814-00008817 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02938-00008817-00008820 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02939-00008820-00008823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02940-00008823-00008826 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02941-00008826-00008829 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02942-00008829-00008832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02943-00008832-00008835 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02944-00008835-00008838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02945-00008838-00008841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02946-00008841-00008844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02947-00008844-00008847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02948-00008847-00008850 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02949-00008850-00008853 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02950-00008853-00008856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02951-00008856-00008859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02952-00008859-00008862 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02953-00008862-00008865 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02954-00008865-00008868 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02955-00008868-00008871 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02956-00008871-00008874 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02957-00008874-00008877 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02958-00008877-00008880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02959-00008880-00008883 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02960-00008883-00008886 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02961-00008886-00008889 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02962-00008889-00008892 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02963-00008892-00008895 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02964-00008895-00008898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02965-00008898-00008901 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02966-00008901-00008904 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:33 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02967-00008904-00008907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02968-00008907-00008910 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02969-00008910-00008913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02970-00008913-00008916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02971-00008916-00008919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02972-00008919-00008922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02973-00008922-00008925 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02974-00008925-00008928 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02975-00008928-00008931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02976-00008931-00008934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02977-00008934-00008937 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02978-00008937-00008940 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02979-00008940-00008943 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02980-00008943-00008946 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02981-00008946-00008949 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02982-00008949-00008952 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02983-00008952-00008955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02984-00008955-00008958 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02985-00008958-00008961 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02986-00008961-00008964 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02987-00008964-00008967 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02988-00008967-00008970 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02989-00008970-00008973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02990-00008973-00008976 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02991-00008976-00008979 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02992-00008979-00008982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02993-00008982-00008985 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02994-00008985-00008988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02995-00008988-00008991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02996-00008991-00008994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02997-00008994-00008997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02998-00008997-00009000 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-02999-00009000-00009003 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:34 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03000-00009003-00009006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03001-00009006-00009009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03002-00009009-00009012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03003-00009012-00009015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03004-00009015-00009018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03005-00009018-00009021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03006-00009021-00009024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03007-00009024-00009027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03008-00009027-00009030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03009-00009030-00009033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03010-00009033-00009036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03011-00009036-00009039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03012-00009039-00009042 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03013-00009042-00009045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03014-00009045-00009048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03015-00009048-00009051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03016-00009051-00009054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03017-00009054-00009057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03018-00009057-00009060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03019-00009060-00009063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03020-00009063-00009066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03021-00009066-00009069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03022-00009069-00009072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03023-00009072-00009075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03024-00009075-00009078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03025-00009078-00009081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03026-00009081-00009084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03027-00009084-00009087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03028-00009087-00009090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03029-00009090-00009093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03030-00009093-00009096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03031-00009096-00009099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03032-00009099-00009102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:35 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03033-00009102-00009105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03034-00009105-00009108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03035-00009108-00009111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03036-00009111-00009114 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03037-00009114-00009117 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03038-00009117-00009120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03039-00009120-00009123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03040-00009123-00009126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03041-00009126-00009129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03042-00009129-00009132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03043-00009132-00009135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03044-00009135-00009138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03045-00009138-00009141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03046-00009141-00009144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03047-00009144-00009147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03048-00009147-00009150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03049-00009150-00009153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03050-00009153-00009156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03051-00009156-00009159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03052-00009159-00009162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03053-00009162-00009165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03054-00009165-00009168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03055-00009168-00009171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03056-00009171-00009174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03057-00009174-00009177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03058-00009177-00009180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03059-00009180-00009183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03060-00009183-00009186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03061-00009186-00009189 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03062-00009189-00009192 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03063-00009192-00009195 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03064-00009195-00009198 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03065-00009198-00009201 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03066-00009201-00009204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:36 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03067-00009204-00009207 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03068-00009207-00009210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03069-00009210-00009213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03070-00009213-00009216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03071-00009216-00009219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03072-00009219-00009222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03073-00009222-00009225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03074-00009225-00009228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03075-00009228-00009231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03076-00009231-00009234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03077-00009234-00009237 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03078-00009237-00009240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03079-00009240-00009243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03080-00009243-00009246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03081-00009246-00009249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03082-00009249-00009252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03083-00009252-00009255 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03084-00009255-00009258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03085-00009258-00009261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03086-00009261-00009264 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03087-00009264-00009267 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03088-00009267-00009270 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03089-00009270-00009273 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03090-00009273-00009276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03091-00009276-00009279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03092-00009279-00009282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03093-00009282-00009285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03094-00009285-00009288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03095-00009288-00009291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03096-00009291-00009294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03097-00009294-00009297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03098-00009297-00009300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03099-00009300-00009303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:37 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03100-00009303-00009306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03101-00009306-00009309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03102-00009309-00009312 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03103-00009312-00009315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03104-00009315-00009318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03105-00009318-00009321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03106-00009321-00009324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03107-00009324-00009327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03108-00009327-00009330 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03109-00009330-00009333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03110-00009333-00009336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03111-00009336-00009339 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03112-00009339-00009342 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03113-00009342-00009345 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03114-00009345-00009348 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03115-00009348-00009351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03116-00009351-00009354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03117-00009354-00009357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03118-00009357-00009360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03119-00009360-00009363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03120-00009363-00009366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03121-00009366-00009369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03122-00009369-00009372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03123-00009372-00009375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03124-00009375-00009378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03125-00009378-00009381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03126-00009381-00009384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03127-00009384-00009387 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03128-00009387-00009390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03129-00009390-00009393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03130-00009393-00009396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03131-00009396-00009399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03132-00009399-00009402 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:38 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03133-00009402-00009405 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03134-00009405-00009408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03135-00009408-00009411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03136-00009411-00009414 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03137-00009414-00009417 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03138-00009417-00009420 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03139-00009420-00009423 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03140-00009423-00009426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03141-00009426-00009429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03142-00009429-00009432 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03143-00009432-00009435 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03144-00009435-00009438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03145-00009438-00009441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03146-00009441-00009444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03147-00009444-00009447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03148-00009447-00009450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5158,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03149-00009450-00009453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03150-00009453-00009456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03151-00009456-00009459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03152-00009459-00009462 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03153-00009462-00009465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03154-00009465-00009468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03155-00009468-00009471 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03156-00009471-00009474 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03157-00009474-00009477 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03158-00009477-00009480 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03159-00009480-00009483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03160-00009483-00009486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03161-00009486-00009489 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03162-00009489-00009492 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03163-00009492-00009495 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03164-00009495-00009498 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03165-00009498-00009501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03166-00009501-00009504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:39 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03167-00009504-00009507 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03168-00009507-00009510 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03169-00009510-00009513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03170-00009513-00009516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03171-00009516-00009519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03172-00009519-00009522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03173-00009522-00009525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03174-00009525-00009528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03175-00009528-00009531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03176-00009531-00009534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03177-00009534-00009537 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03178-00009537-00009540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03179-00009540-00009543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03180-00009543-00009546 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03181-00009546-00009549 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03182-00009549-00009552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03183-00009552-00009555 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03184-00009555-00009558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03185-00009558-00009561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03186-00009561-00009564 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03187-00009564-00009567 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03188-00009567-00009570 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03189-00009570-00009573 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03190-00009573-00009576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03191-00009576-00009579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03192-00009579-00009582 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03193-00009582-00009585 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03194-00009585-00009588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03195-00009588-00009591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03196-00009591-00009594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03197-00009594-00009597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03198-00009597-00009600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03199-00009600-00009603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:40 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03200-00009603-00009606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03201-00009606-00009609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03202-00009609-00009612 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03203-00009612-00009615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03204-00009615-00009618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5157,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03205-00009618-00009621 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03206-00009621-00009624 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03207-00009624-00009627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03208-00009627-00009630 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03209-00009630-00009633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03210-00009633-00009636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03211-00009636-00009639 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03212-00009639-00009642 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03213-00009642-00009645 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03214-00009645-00009648 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03215-00009648-00009651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03216-00009651-00009654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03217-00009654-00009657 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03218-00009657-00009660 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03219-00009660-00009663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03220-00009663-00009666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03221-00009666-00009669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03222-00009669-00009672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03223-00009672-00009675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03224-00009675-00009678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03225-00009678-00009681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03226-00009681-00009684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03227-00009684-00009687 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03228-00009687-00009690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03229-00009690-00009693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03230-00009693-00009696 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03231-00009696-00009699 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03232-00009699-00009702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:41 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03233-00009702-00009705 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03234-00009705-00009708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03235-00009708-00009711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03236-00009711-00009714 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03237-00009714-00009717 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03238-00009717-00009720 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03239-00009720-00009723 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03240-00009723-00009726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03241-00009726-00009729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03242-00009729-00009732 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03243-00009732-00009735 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03244-00009735-00009738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5156,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03245-00009738-00009741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03246-00009741-00009744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03247-00009744-00009747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03248-00009747-00009750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03249-00009750-00009753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03250-00009753-00009756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03251-00009756-00009759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03252-00009759-00009762 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03253-00009762-00009765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03254-00009765-00009768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03255-00009768-00009771 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03256-00009771-00009774 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03257-00009774-00009777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03258-00009777-00009780 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03259-00009780-00009783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03260-00009783-00009786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03261-00009786-00009789 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03262-00009789-00009792 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03263-00009792-00009795 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03264-00009795-00009798 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03265-00009798-00009801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03266-00009801-00009804 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:42 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03267-00009804-00009807 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03268-00009807-00009810 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03269-00009810-00009813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03270-00009813-00009816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03271-00009816-00009819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03272-00009819-00009822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03273-00009822-00009825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03274-00009825-00009828 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03275-00009828-00009831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03276-00009831-00009834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03277-00009834-00009837 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03278-00009837-00009840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03279-00009840-00009843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03280-00009843-00009846 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03281-00009846-00009849 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5155,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03282-00009849-00009852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03283-00009852-00009855 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03284-00009855-00009858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0290,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03285-00009858-00009861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03286-00009861-00009864 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03287-00009864-00009867 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03288-00009867-00009870 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03289-00009870-00009873 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03290-00009873-00009876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03291-00009876-00009879 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03292-00009879-00009882 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03293-00009882-00009885 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03294-00009885-00009888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03295-00009888-00009891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03296-00009891-00009894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03297-00009894-00009897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03298-00009897-00009900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03299-00009900-00009903 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:43 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03300-00009903-00009906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03301-00009906-00009909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03302-00009909-00009912 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03303-00009912-00009915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03304-00009915-00009918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03305-00009918-00009921 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03306-00009921-00009924 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03307-00009924-00009927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03308-00009927-00009930 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03309-00009930-00009933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03310-00009933-00009936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03311-00009936-00009939 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03312-00009939-00009942 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03313-00009942-00009945 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03314-00009945-00009948 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03315-00009948-00009951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03316-00009951-00009954 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03317-00009954-00009957 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03318-00009957-00009960 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5154,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03319-00009960-00009963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03320-00009963-00009966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03321-00009966-00009969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03322-00009969-00009972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03323-00009972-00009975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03324-00009975-00009978 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03325-00009978-00009981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03326-00009981-00009984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03327-00009984-00009987 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03328-00009987-00009990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03329-00009990-00009993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03330-00009993-00009996 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03331-00009996-00009999 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03332-00009999-00010002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:44 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03333-00010002-00010005 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03334-00010005-00010008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03335-00010008-00010011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03336-00010011-00010014 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03337-00010014-00010017 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03338-00010017-00010020 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03339-00010020-00010023 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03340-00010023-00010026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03341-00010026-00010029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03342-00010029-00010032 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03343-00010032-00010035 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03344-00010035-00010038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03345-00010038-00010041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03346-00010041-00010044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03347-00010044-00010047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03348-00010047-00010050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03349-00010050-00010053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03350-00010053-00010056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03351-00010056-00010059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03352-00010059-00010062 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03353-00010062-00010065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03354-00010065-00010068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5153,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03355-00010068-00010071 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03356-00010071-00010074 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03357-00010074-00010077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03358-00010077-00010080 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03359-00010080-00010083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03360-00010083-00010086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03361-00010086-00010089 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03362-00010089-00010092 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03363-00010092-00010095 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03364-00010095-00010098 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03365-00010098-00010101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03366-00010101-00010104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:45 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03367-00010104-00010107 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03368-00010107-00010110 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03369-00010110-00010113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03370-00010113-00010116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03371-00010116-00010119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03372-00010119-00010122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03373-00010122-00010125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03374-00010125-00010128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03375-00010128-00010131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03376-00010131-00010134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03377-00010134-00010137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03378-00010137-00010140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03379-00010140-00010143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03380-00010143-00010146 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03381-00010146-00010149 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03382-00010149-00010152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03383-00010152-00010155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03384-00010155-00010158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03385-00010158-00010161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03386-00010161-00010164 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03387-00010164-00010167 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03388-00010167-00010170 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03389-00010170-00010173 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03390-00010173-00010176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03391-00010176-00010179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5152,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03392-00010179-00010182 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03393-00010182-00010185 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03394-00010185-00010188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03395-00010188-00010191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03396-00010191-00010194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03397-00010194-00010197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03398-00010197-00010200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03399-00010200-00010203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:46 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03400-00010203-00010206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03401-00010206-00010209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03402-00010209-00010212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03403-00010212-00010215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03404-00010215-00010218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03405-00010218-00010221 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03406-00010221-00010224 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03407-00010224-00010227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03408-00010227-00010230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03409-00010230-00010233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03410-00010233-00010236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03411-00010236-00010239 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03412-00010239-00010242 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03413-00010242-00010245 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03414-00010245-00010248 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03415-00010248-00010251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03416-00010251-00010254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03417-00010254-00010257 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03418-00010257-00010260 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03419-00010260-00010263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03420-00010263-00010266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03421-00010266-00010269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03422-00010269-00010272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03423-00010272-00010275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03424-00010275-00010278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03425-00010278-00010281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03426-00010281-00010284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03427-00010284-00010287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03428-00010287-00010290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5151,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03429-00010290-00010293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03430-00010293-00010296 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03431-00010296-00010299 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03432-00010299-00010302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:47 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03433-00010302-00010305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03434-00010305-00010308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03435-00010308-00010311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03436-00010311-00010314 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03437-00010314-00010317 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03438-00010317-00010320 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03439-00010320-00010323 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03440-00010323-00010326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03441-00010326-00010329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03442-00010329-00010332 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03443-00010332-00010335 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03444-00010335-00010338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03445-00010338-00010341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03446-00010341-00010344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03447-00010344-00010347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03448-00010347-00010350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03449-00010350-00010353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03450-00010353-00010356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03451-00010356-00010359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03452-00010359-00010362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03453-00010362-00010365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03454-00010365-00010368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03455-00010368-00010371 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03456-00010371-00010374 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03457-00010374-00010377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03458-00010377-00010380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03459-00010380-00010383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03460-00010383-00010386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03461-00010386-00010389 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03462-00010389-00010392 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03463-00010392-00010395 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03464-00010395-00010398 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5150,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03465-00010398-00010401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03466-00010401-00010404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:48 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03467-00010404-00010407 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03468-00010407-00010410 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03469-00010410-00010413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03470-00010413-00010416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03471-00010416-00010419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03472-00010419-00010422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03473-00010422-00010425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03474-00010425-00010428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03475-00010428-00010431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03476-00010431-00010434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03477-00010434-00010437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03478-00010437-00010440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03479-00010440-00010443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03480-00010443-00010446 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03481-00010446-00010449 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03482-00010449-00010452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03483-00010452-00010455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03484-00010455-00010458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03485-00010458-00010461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03486-00010461-00010464 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03487-00010464-00010467 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03488-00010467-00010470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03489-00010470-00010473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03490-00010473-00010476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03491-00010476-00010479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03492-00010479-00010482 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03493-00010482-00010485 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03494-00010485-00010488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03495-00010488-00010491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03496-00010491-00010494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03497-00010494-00010497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03498-00010497-00010500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03499-00010500-00010503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:49 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03500-00010503-00010506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03501-00010506-00010509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5149,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03502-00010509-00010512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03503-00010512-00010515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03504-00010515-00010518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03505-00010518-00010521 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03506-00010521-00010524 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03507-00010524-00010527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03508-00010527-00010530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03509-00010530-00010533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03510-00010533-00010536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03511-00010536-00010539 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03512-00010539-00010542 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03513-00010542-00010545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03514-00010545-00010548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03515-00010548-00010551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03516-00010551-00010554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03517-00010554-00010557 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03518-00010557-00010560 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03519-00010560-00010563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03520-00010563-00010566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03521-00010566-00010569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03522-00010569-00010572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03523-00010572-00010575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03524-00010575-00010578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03525-00010578-00010581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03526-00010581-00010584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03527-00010584-00010587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03528-00010587-00010590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03529-00010590-00010593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03530-00010593-00010596 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03531-00010596-00010599 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03532-00010599-00010602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:50 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03533-00010602-00010605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03534-00010605-00010608 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0291,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03535-00010608-00010611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03536-00010611-00010614 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03537-00010614-00010617 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03538-00010617-00010620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03539-00010620-00010623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03540-00010623-00010626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03541-00010626-00010629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5148,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03542-00010629-00010632 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03543-00010632-00010635 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03544-00010635-00010638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03545-00010638-00010641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03546-00010641-00010644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03547-00010644-00010647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03548-00010647-00010650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03549-00010650-00010653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03550-00010653-00010656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03551-00010656-00010659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03552-00010659-00010662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03553-00010662-00010665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03554-00010665-00010668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03555-00010668-00010671 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03556-00010671-00010674 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03557-00010674-00010677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03558-00010677-00010680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03559-00010680-00010683 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03560-00010683-00010686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03561-00010686-00010689 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03562-00010689-00010692 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03563-00010692-00010695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03564-00010695-00010698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03565-00010698-00010701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03566-00010701-00010704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:51 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03567-00010704-00010707 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03568-00010707-00010710 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03569-00010710-00010713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03570-00010713-00010716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03571-00010716-00010719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03572-00010719-00010722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03573-00010722-00010725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03574-00010725-00010728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03575-00010728-00010731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03576-00010731-00010734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03577-00010734-00010737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03578-00010737-00010740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03579-00010740-00010743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5147,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03580-00010743-00010746 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03581-00010746-00010749 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03582-00010749-00010752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03583-00010752-00010755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03584-00010755-00010758 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03585-00010758-00010761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03586-00010761-00010764 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03587-00010764-00010767 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03588-00010767-00010770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03589-00010770-00010773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03590-00010773-00010776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03591-00010776-00010779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03592-00010779-00010782 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03593-00010782-00010785 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03594-00010785-00010788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03595-00010788-00010791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03596-00010791-00010794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03597-00010794-00010797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03598-00010797-00010800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03599-00010800-00010803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:52 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03600-00010803-00010806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03601-00010806-00010809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03602-00010809-00010812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03603-00010812-00010815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03604-00010815-00010818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03605-00010818-00010821 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03606-00010821-00010824 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03607-00010824-00010827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03608-00010827-00010830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03609-00010830-00010833 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03610-00010833-00010836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03611-00010836-00010839 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03612-00010839-00010842 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03613-00010842-00010845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03614-00010845-00010848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5146,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03615-00010848-00010851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03616-00010851-00010854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03617-00010854-00010857 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03618-00010857-00010860 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03619-00010860-00010863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03620-00010863-00010866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03621-00010866-00010869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03622-00010869-00010872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03623-00010872-00010875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03624-00010875-00010878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03625-00010878-00010881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03626-00010881-00010884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03627-00010884-00010887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03628-00010887-00010890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03629-00010890-00010893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03630-00010893-00010896 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03631-00010896-00010899 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03632-00010899-00010902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:53 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03633-00010902-00010905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03634-00010905-00010908 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03635-00010908-00010911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03636-00010911-00010914 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03637-00010914-00010917 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03638-00010917-00010920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03639-00010920-00010923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03640-00010923-00010926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03641-00010926-00010929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03642-00010929-00010932 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03643-00010932-00010935 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03644-00010935-00010938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03645-00010938-00010941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03646-00010941-00010944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03647-00010944-00010947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03648-00010947-00010950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03649-00010950-00010953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03650-00010953-00010956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03651-00010956-00010959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5145,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03652-00010959-00010962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03653-00010962-00010965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03654-00010965-00010968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03655-00010968-00010971 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03656-00010971-00010974 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03657-00010974-00010977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03658-00010977-00010980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03659-00010980-00010983 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03660-00010983-00010986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03661-00010986-00010989 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03662-00010989-00010992 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03663-00010992-00010995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03664-00010995-00010998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03665-00010998-00011001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03666-00011001-00011004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:54 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03667-00011004-00011007 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03668-00011007-00011010 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03669-00011010-00011013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03670-00011013-00011016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03671-00011016-00011019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03672-00011019-00011022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03673-00011022-00011025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03674-00011025-00011028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03675-00011028-00011031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03676-00011031-00011034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03677-00011034-00011037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03678-00011037-00011040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03679-00011040-00011043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03680-00011043-00011046 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03681-00011046-00011049 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03682-00011049-00011052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03683-00011052-00011055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03684-00011055-00011058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03685-00011058-00011061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03686-00011061-00011064 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03687-00011064-00011067 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03688-00011067-00011070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5144,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03689-00011070-00011073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03690-00011073-00011076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03691-00011076-00011079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03692-00011079-00011082 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03693-00011082-00011085 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03694-00011085-00011088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03695-00011088-00011091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03696-00011091-00011094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03697-00011094-00011097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03698-00011097-00011100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03699-00011100-00011103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:55 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03700-00011103-00011106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03701-00011106-00011109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03702-00011109-00011112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03703-00011112-00011115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03704-00011115-00011118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03705-00011118-00011121 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03706-00011121-00011124 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03707-00011124-00011127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03708-00011127-00011130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03709-00011130-00011133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03710-00011133-00011136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03711-00011136-00011139 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03712-00011139-00011142 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03713-00011142-00011145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03714-00011145-00011148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03715-00011148-00011151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03716-00011151-00011154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03717-00011154-00011157 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03718-00011157-00011160 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03719-00011160-00011163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03720-00011163-00011166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03721-00011166-00011169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03722-00011169-00011172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03723-00011172-00011175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03724-00011175-00011178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5143,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03725-00011178-00011181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03726-00011181-00011184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03727-00011184-00011187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03728-00011187-00011190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03729-00011190-00011193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03730-00011193-00011196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03731-00011196-00011199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03732-00011199-00011202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:56 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03733-00011202-00011205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03734-00011205-00011208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03735-00011208-00011211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03736-00011211-00011214 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03737-00011214-00011217 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03738-00011217-00011220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03739-00011220-00011223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03740-00011223-00011226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03741-00011226-00011229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03742-00011229-00011232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03743-00011232-00011235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03744-00011235-00011238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03745-00011238-00011241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03746-00011241-00011244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03747-00011244-00011247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03748-00011247-00011250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03749-00011250-00011253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03750-00011253-00011256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03751-00011256-00011259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03752-00011259-00011262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03753-00011262-00011265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03754-00011265-00011268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03755-00011268-00011271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03756-00011271-00011274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03757-00011274-00011277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03758-00011277-00011280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03759-00011280-00011283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03760-00011283-00011286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03761-00011286-00011289 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03762-00011289-00011292 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03763-00011292-00011295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5142,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03764-00011295-00011298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03765-00011298-00011301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03766-00011301-00011304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:57 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03767-00011304-00011307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03768-00011307-00011310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03769-00011310-00011313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03770-00011313-00011316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03771-00011316-00011319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03772-00011319-00011322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03773-00011322-00011325 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03774-00011325-00011328 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03775-00011328-00011331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03776-00011331-00011334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03777-00011334-00011337 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03778-00011337-00011340 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03779-00011340-00011343 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03780-00011343-00011346 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03781-00011346-00011349 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0292,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03782-00011349-00011352 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03783-00011352-00011355 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03784-00011355-00011358 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03785-00011358-00011361 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03786-00011361-00011364 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03787-00011364-00011367 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03788-00011367-00011370 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03789-00011370-00011373 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03790-00011373-00011376 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03791-00011376-00011379 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03792-00011379-00011382 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03793-00011382-00011385 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03794-00011385-00011388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03795-00011388-00011391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03796-00011391-00011394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03797-00011394-00011397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03798-00011397-00011400 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03799-00011400-00011403 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:58 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03800-00011403-00011406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03801-00011406-00011409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5141,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03802-00011409-00011412 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03803-00011412-00011415 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03804-00011415-00011418 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03805-00011418-00011421 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03806-00011421-00011424 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03807-00011424-00011427 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03808-00011427-00011430 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03809-00011430-00011433 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03810-00011433-00011436 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03811-00011436-00011439 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03812-00011439-00011442 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03813-00011442-00011445 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03814-00011445-00011448 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03815-00011448-00011451 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03816-00011451-00011454 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03817-00011454-00011457 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03818-00011457-00011460 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03819-00011460-00011463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03820-00011463-00011466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03821-00011466-00011469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03822-00011469-00011472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03823-00011472-00011475 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03824-00011475-00011478 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03825-00011478-00011481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03826-00011481-00011484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03827-00011484-00011487 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03828-00011487-00011490 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03829-00011490-00011493 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03830-00011493-00011496 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03831-00011496-00011499 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03832-00011499-00011502 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:26:59 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03833-00011502-00011505 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03834-00011505-00011508 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03835-00011508-00011511 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03836-00011511-00011514 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03837-00011514-00011517 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03838-00011517-00011520 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5140,14) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03839-00011520-00011523 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03840-00011523-00011526 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03841-00011526-00011529 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03842-00011529-00011532 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03843-00011532-00011535 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03844-00011535-00011538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03845-00011538-00011541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03846-00011541-00011544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03847-00011544-00011547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03848-00011547-00011550 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03849-00011550-00011553 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03850-00011553-00011556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03851-00011556-00011559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03852-00011559-00011562 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03853-00011562-00011565 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03854-00011565-00011568 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03855-00011568-00011571 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03856-00011571-00011574 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03857-00011574-00011577 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03858-00011577-00011580 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03859-00011580-00011583 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03860-00011583-00011586 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03861-00011586-00011589 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03862-00011589-00011592 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03863-00011592-00011595 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03864-00011595-00011598 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03865-00011598-00011601 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03866-00011601-00011604 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:00 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03867-00011604-00011607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03868-00011607-00011610 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03869-00011610-00011613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03870-00011613-00011616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03871-00011616-00011619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03872-00011619-00011622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03873-00011622-00011625 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03874-00011625-00011628 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5139,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03875-00011628-00011631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03876-00011631-00011634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03877-00011634-00011637 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03878-00011637-00011640 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03879-00011640-00011643 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03880-00011643-00011646 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03881-00011646-00011649 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03882-00011649-00011652 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03883-00011652-00011655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03884-00011655-00011658 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03885-00011658-00011661 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03886-00011661-00011664 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03887-00011664-00011667 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03888-00011667-00011670 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03889-00011670-00011673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03890-00011673-00011676 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03891-00011676-00011679 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03892-00011679-00011682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03893-00011682-00011685 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03894-00011685-00011688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03895-00011688-00011691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03896-00011691-00011694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03897-00011694-00011697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03898-00011697-00011700 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03899-00011700-00011703 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:01 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03900-00011703-00011706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03901-00011706-00011709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03902-00011709-00011712 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03903-00011712-00011715 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03904-00011715-00011718 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03905-00011718-00011721 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03906-00011721-00011724 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03907-00011724-00011727 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03908-00011727-00011730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03909-00011730-00011733 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03910-00011733-00011736 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03911-00011736-00011739 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03912-00011739-00011742 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03913-00011742-00011745 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03914-00011745-00011748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5138,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03915-00011748-00011751 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03916-00011751-00011754 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03917-00011754-00011757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03918-00011757-00011760 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03919-00011760-00011763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03920-00011763-00011766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03921-00011766-00011769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03922-00011769-00011772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03923-00011772-00011775 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03924-00011775-00011778 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03925-00011778-00011781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03926-00011781-00011784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03927-00011784-00011787 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03928-00011787-00011790 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03929-00011790-00011793 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03930-00011793-00011796 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03931-00011796-00011799 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03932-00011799-00011802 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:02 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03933-00011802-00011805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03934-00011805-00011808 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03935-00011808-00011811 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03936-00011811-00011814 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03937-00011814-00011817 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03938-00011817-00011820 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03939-00011820-00011823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03940-00011823-00011826 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03941-00011826-00011829 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03942-00011829-00011832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03943-00011832-00011835 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03944-00011835-00011838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03945-00011838-00011841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03946-00011841-00011844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03947-00011844-00011847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03948-00011847-00011850 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03949-00011850-00011853 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03950-00011853-00011856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03951-00011856-00011859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5137,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03952-00011859-00011862 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03953-00011862-00011865 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03954-00011865-00011868 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03955-00011868-00011871 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03956-00011871-00011874 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03957-00011874-00011877 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03958-00011877-00011880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03959-00011880-00011883 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03960-00011883-00011886 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03961-00011886-00011889 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03962-00011889-00011892 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03963-00011892-00011895 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03964-00011895-00011898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03965-00011898-00011901 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03966-00011901-00011904 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:03 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03967-00011904-00011907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03968-00011907-00011910 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03969-00011910-00011913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03970-00011913-00011916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03971-00011916-00011919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03972-00011919-00011922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03973-00011922-00011925 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03974-00011925-00011928 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03975-00011928-00011931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03976-00011931-00011934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03977-00011934-00011937 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03978-00011937-00011940 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03979-00011940-00011943 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03980-00011943-00011946 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03981-00011946-00011949 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03982-00011949-00011952 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03983-00011952-00011955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03984-00011955-00011958 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03985-00011958-00011961 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03986-00011961-00011964 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03987-00011964-00011967 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03988-00011967-00011970 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5136,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03989-00011970-00011973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03990-00011973-00011976 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03991-00011976-00011979 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03992-00011979-00011982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03993-00011982-00011985 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03994-00011985-00011988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03995-00011988-00011991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03996-00011991-00011994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03997-00011994-00011997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03998-00011997-00012000 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-03999-00012000-00012003 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:04 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04000-00012003-00012006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04001-00012006-00012009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04002-00012009-00012012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04003-00012012-00012015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04004-00012015-00012018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04005-00012018-00012021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04006-00012021-00012024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04007-00012024-00012027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04008-00012027-00012030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04009-00012030-00012033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04010-00012033-00012036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04011-00012036-00012039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04012-00012039-00012042 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04013-00012042-00012045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04014-00012045-00012048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04015-00012048-00012051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04016-00012051-00012054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04017-00012054-00012057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04018-00012057-00012060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04019-00012060-00012063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04020-00012063-00012066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04021-00012066-00012069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04022-00012069-00012072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04023-00012072-00012075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04024-00012075-00012078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5135,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04025-00012078-00012081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04026-00012081-00012084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04027-00012084-00012087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04028-00012087-00012090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04029-00012090-00012093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04030-00012093-00012096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04031-00012096-00012099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04032-00012099-00012102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:05 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04033-00012102-00012105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04034-00012105-00012108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0293,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04035-00012108-00012111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04036-00012111-00012114 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04037-00012114-00012117 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04038-00012117-00012120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04039-00012120-00012123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04040-00012123-00012126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04041-00012126-00012129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04042-00012129-00012132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04043-00012132-00012135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04044-00012135-00012138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04045-00012138-00012141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04046-00012141-00012144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04047-00012144-00012147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04048-00012147-00012150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04049-00012150-00012153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04050-00012153-00012156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04051-00012156-00012159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04052-00012159-00012162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04053-00012162-00012165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04054-00012165-00012168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04055-00012168-00012171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04056-00012171-00012174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04057-00012174-00012177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04058-00012177-00012180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04059-00012180-00012183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04060-00012183-00012186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04061-00012186-00012189 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04062-00012189-00012192 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04063-00012192-00012195 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04064-00012195-00012198 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5134,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04065-00012198-00012201 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04066-00012201-00012204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:06 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04067-00012204-00012207 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04068-00012207-00012210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04069-00012210-00012213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04070-00012213-00012216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04071-00012216-00012219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04072-00012219-00012222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04073-00012222-00012225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04074-00012225-00012228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04075-00012228-00012231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04076-00012231-00012234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04077-00012234-00012237 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04078-00012237-00012240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04079-00012240-00012243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04080-00012243-00012246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04081-00012246-00012249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04082-00012249-00012252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04083-00012252-00012255 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04084-00012255-00012258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04085-00012258-00012261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04086-00012261-00012264 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04087-00012264-00012267 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04088-00012267-00012270 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04089-00012270-00012273 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04090-00012273-00012276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04091-00012276-00012279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04092-00012279-00012282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04093-00012282-00012285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04094-00012285-00012288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04095-00012288-00012291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04096-00012291-00012294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04097-00012294-00012297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04098-00012297-00012300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04099-00012300-00012303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:07 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04100-00012303-00012306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04101-00012306-00012309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5133,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04102-00012309-00012312 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04103-00012312-00012315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04104-00012315-00012318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04105-00012318-00012321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04106-00012321-00012324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04107-00012324-00012327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04108-00012327-00012330 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04109-00012330-00012333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04110-00012333-00012336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04111-00012336-00012339 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04112-00012339-00012342 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04113-00012342-00012345 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04114-00012345-00012348 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04115-00012348-00012351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04116-00012351-00012354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04117-00012354-00012357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04118-00012357-00012360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04119-00012360-00012363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04120-00012363-00012366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04121-00012366-00012369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04122-00012369-00012372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04123-00012372-00012375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04124-00012375-00012378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04125-00012378-00012381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04126-00012381-00012384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04127-00012384-00012387 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04128-00012387-00012390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04129-00012390-00012393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04130-00012393-00012396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04131-00012396-00012399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04132-00012399-00012402 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:08 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04133-00012402-00012405 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04134-00012405-00012408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04135-00012408-00012411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04136-00012411-00012414 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04137-00012414-00012417 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04138-00012417-00012420 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5132,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04139-00012420-00012423 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04140-00012423-00012426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04141-00012426-00012429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04142-00012429-00012432 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04143-00012432-00012435 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04144-00012435-00012438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04145-00012438-00012441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04146-00012441-00012444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04147-00012444-00012447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04148-00012447-00012450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04149-00012450-00012453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04150-00012453-00012456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04151-00012456-00012459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04152-00012459-00012462 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04153-00012462-00012465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04154-00012465-00012468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04155-00012468-00012471 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04156-00012471-00012474 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04157-00012474-00012477 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04158-00012477-00012480 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04159-00012480-00012483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04160-00012483-00012486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04161-00012486-00012489 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04162-00012489-00012492 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04163-00012492-00012495 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04164-00012495-00012498 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04165-00012498-00012501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04166-00012501-00012504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:09 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04167-00012504-00012507 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04168-00012507-00012510 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04169-00012510-00012513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04170-00012513-00012516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04171-00012516-00012519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04172-00012519-00012522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04173-00012522-00012525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04174-00012525-00012528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5131,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04175-00012528-00012531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04176-00012531-00012534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04177-00012534-00012537 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04178-00012537-00012540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04179-00012540-00012543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04180-00012543-00012546 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04181-00012546-00012549 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04182-00012549-00012552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04183-00012552-00012555 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04184-00012555-00012558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04185-00012558-00012561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04186-00012561-00012564 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04187-00012564-00012567 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04188-00012567-00012570 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04189-00012570-00012573 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04190-00012573-00012576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04191-00012576-00012579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04192-00012579-00012582 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04193-00012582-00012585 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04194-00012585-00012588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04195-00012588-00012591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04196-00012591-00012594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04197-00012594-00012597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04198-00012597-00012600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04199-00012600-00012603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:10 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04200-00012603-00012606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04201-00012606-00012609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04202-00012609-00012612 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04203-00012612-00012615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04204-00012615-00012618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04205-00012618-00012621 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04206-00012621-00012624 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04207-00012624-00012627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04208-00012627-00012630 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04209-00012630-00012633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04210-00012633-00012636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04211-00012636-00012639 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5130,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04212-00012639-00012642 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04213-00012642-00012645 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04214-00012645-00012648 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04215-00012648-00012651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04216-00012651-00012654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04217-00012654-00012657 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04218-00012657-00012660 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04219-00012660-00012663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04220-00012663-00012666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04221-00012666-00012669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04222-00012669-00012672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04223-00012672-00012675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04224-00012675-00012678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04225-00012678-00012681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04226-00012681-00012684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04227-00012684-00012687 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04228-00012687-00012690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04229-00012690-00012693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04230-00012693-00012696 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04231-00012696-00012699 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04232-00012699-00012702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:11 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04233-00012702-00012705 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04234-00012705-00012708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04235-00012708-00012711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04236-00012711-00012714 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04237-00012714-00012717 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04238-00012717-00012720 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04239-00012720-00012723 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04240-00012723-00012726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04241-00012726-00012729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04242-00012729-00012732 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04243-00012732-00012735 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04244-00012735-00012738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04245-00012738-00012741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04246-00012741-00012744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04247-00012744-00012747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5129,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04248-00012747-00012750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04249-00012750-00012753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04250-00012753-00012756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04251-00012756-00012759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04252-00012759-00012762 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04253-00012762-00012765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04254-00012765-00012768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04255-00012768-00012771 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04256-00012771-00012774 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04257-00012774-00012777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04258-00012777-00012780 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04259-00012780-00012783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04260-00012783-00012786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04261-00012786-00012789 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04262-00012789-00012792 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04263-00012792-00012795 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04264-00012795-00012798 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04265-00012798-00012801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04266-00012801-00012804 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:12 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04267-00012804-00012807 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04268-00012807-00012810 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04269-00012810-00012813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04270-00012813-00012816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04271-00012816-00012819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04272-00012819-00012822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04273-00012822-00012825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04274-00012825-00012828 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04275-00012828-00012831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04276-00012831-00012834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04277-00012834-00012837 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04278-00012837-00012840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0294,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04279-00012840-00012843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04280-00012843-00012846 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04281-00012846-00012849 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04282-00012849-00012852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04283-00012852-00012855 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04284-00012855-00012858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5128,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04285-00012858-00012861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04286-00012861-00012863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04287-00012863-00012866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04288-00012866-00012869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04289-00012869-00012872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04290-00012872-00012876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04291-00012876-00012879 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04292-00012879-00012882 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04293-00012882-00012885 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04294-00012885-00012888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04295-00012888-00012891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04296-00012891-00012894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04297-00012894-00012897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04298-00012897-00012900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04299-00012900-00012903 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:13 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:240 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04300-00012903-00012906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04301-00012906-00012909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04302-00012909-00012912 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04303-00012912-00012915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04304-00012915-00012918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04305-00012918-00012921 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04306-00012921-00012924 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04307-00012924-00012927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04308-00012927-00012930 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04309-00012930-00012933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04310-00012933-00012936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04311-00012936-00012938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04312-00012938-00012941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04313-00012941-00012944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04314-00012944-00012947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04315-00012947-00012951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04316-00012951-00012954 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04317-00012954-00012957 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04318-00012957-00012960 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04319-00012960-00012963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04320-00012963-00012966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04321-00012966-00012969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5127,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04322-00012969-00012972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04323-00012972-00012975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04324-00012975-00012978 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.2 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04325-00012978-00012981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04326-00012981-00012984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04327-00012984-00012987 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04328-00012987-00012990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,14) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04329-00012990-00012993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04330-00012993-00012996 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04331-00012996-00012999 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04332-00012999-00013002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:14 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04333-00013002-00013005 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04334-00013005-00013008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04335-00013008-00013011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04336-00013011-00013013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04337-00013013-00013016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04338-00013016-00013019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04339-00013019-00013022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04340-00013022-00013026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04341-00013026-00013029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04342-00013029-00013032 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04343-00013032-00013035 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04344-00013035-00013038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04345-00013038-00013041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04346-00013041-00013044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04347-00013044-00013047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04348-00013047-00013050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04349-00013050-00013053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04350-00013053-00013056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04351-00013056-00013059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04352-00013059-00013062 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04353-00013062-00013065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04354-00013065-00013068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04355-00013068-00013071 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04356-00013071-00013074 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04357-00013074-00013077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04358-00013077-00013080 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5126,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04359-00013080-00013083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04360-00013083-00013086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04361-00013086-00013088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04362-00013088-00013091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04363-00013091-00013094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04364-00013094-00013097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04365-00013097-00013101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04366-00013101-00013104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:15 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04367-00013104-00013107 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04368-00013107-00013110 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,14) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04369-00013110-00013113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04370-00013113-00013116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04371-00013116-00013119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04372-00013119-00013122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04373-00013122-00013125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04374-00013125-00013128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04375-00013128-00013131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04376-00013131-00013134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04377-00013134-00013137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04378-00013137-00013140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04379-00013140-00013143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04380-00013143-00013146 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04381-00013146-00013149 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04382-00013149-00013152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04383-00013152-00013155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04384-00013155-00013158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04385-00013158-00013161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04386-00013161-00013163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04387-00013163-00013166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04388-00013166-00013169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04389-00013169-00013172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04390-00013172-00013176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04391-00013176-00013179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04392-00013179-00013182 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04393-00013182-00013185 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04394-00013185-00013188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04395-00013188-00013191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04396-00013191-00013194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04397-00013194-00013197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04398-00013197-00013200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5125,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04399-00013200-00013203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:16 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04400-00013203-00013206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04401-00013206-00013209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04402-00013209-00013212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04403-00013212-00013215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04404-00013215-00013218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04405-00013218-00013221 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04406-00013221-00013224 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04407-00013224-00013227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04408-00013227-00013230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04409-00013230-00013233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04410-00013233-00013236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04411-00013236-00013238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04412-00013238-00013241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04413-00013241-00013244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04414-00013244-00013247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04415-00013247-00013251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04416-00013251-00013254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04417-00013254-00013257 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04418-00013257-00013260 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04419-00013260-00013263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04420-00013263-00013266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04421-00013266-00013269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04422-00013269-00013272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04423-00013272-00013275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04424-00013275-00013278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04425-00013278-00013281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04426-00013281-00013284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04427-00013284-00013287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04428-00013287-00013290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04429-00013290-00013293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04430-00013293-00013296 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04431-00013296-00013299 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04432-00013299-00013302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04433-00013302-00013305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:17 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04434-00013305-00013308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5124,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04435-00013308-00013311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04436-00013311-00013313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04437-00013313-00013316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04438-00013316-00013319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.1 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04439-00013319-00013322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04440-00013322-00013326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04441-00013326-00013329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04442-00013329-00013332 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04443-00013332-00013335 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04444-00013335-00013338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04445-00013338-00013341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04446-00013341-00013344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04447-00013344-00013347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04448-00013347-00013350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04449-00013350-00013353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04450-00013353-00013356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04451-00013356-00013359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04452-00013359-00013362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04453-00013362-00013365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04454-00013365-00013368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04455-00013368-00013371 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04456-00013371-00013374 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04457-00013374-00013377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04458-00013377-00013380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04459-00013380-00013383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04460-00013383-00013386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04461-00013386-00013388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04462-00013388-00013391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04463-00013391-00013394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04464-00013394-00013397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04465-00013397-00013401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04466-00013401-00013404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:18 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04467-00013404-00013407 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04468-00013407-00013410 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04469-00013410-00013413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04470-00013413-00013416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04471-00013416-00013419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04472-00013419-00013422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04473-00013422-00013425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04474-00013425-00013428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5123,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04475-00013428-00013431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04476-00013431-00013434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04477-00013434-00013437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04478-00013437-00013440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04479-00013440-00013443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04480-00013443-00013446 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04481-00013446-00013449 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04482-00013449-00013452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04483-00013452-00013455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04484-00013455-00013458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04485-00013458-00013461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04486-00013461-00013463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04487-00013463-00013466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04488-00013466-00013469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04489-00013469-00013472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04490-00013472-00013476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04491-00013476-00013479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04492-00013479-00013482 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04493-00013482-00013485 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04494-00013485-00013488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04495-00013488-00013491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04496-00013491-00013494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04497-00013494-00013497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04498-00013497-00013500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04499-00013500-00013503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:19 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04500-00013503-00013506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04501-00013506-00013509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04502-00013509-00013512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04503-00013512-00013515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04504-00013515-00013518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04505-00013518-00013521 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04506-00013521-00013524 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04507-00013524-00013527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04508-00013527-00013530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04509-00013530-00013533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04510-00013533-00013536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04511-00013536-00013538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04512-00013538-00013541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04513-00013541-00013544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04514-00013544-00013547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04515-00013547-00013551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04516-00013551-00013554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04517-00013554-00013557 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04518-00013557-00013560 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04519-00013560-00013563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04520-00013563-00013566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04521-00013566-00013569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04522-00013569-00013572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04523-00013572-00013575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04524-00013575-00013578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04525-00013578-00013581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04526-00013581-00013584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04527-00013584-00013587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04528-00013587-00013590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04529-00013590-00013593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04530-00013593-00013596 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04531-00013596-00013599 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04532-00013599-00013602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04533-00013602-00013605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:20 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04534-00013605-00013608 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04535-00013608-00013611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04536-00013611-00013613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04537-00013613-00013616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04538-00013616-00013619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5122,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04539-00013619-00013622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04540-00013622-00013626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04541-00013626-00013629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04542-00013629-00013632 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04543-00013632-00013635 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04544-00013635-00013638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04545-00013638-00013641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04546-00013641-00013644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04547-00013644-00013647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04548-00013647-00013650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04549-00013650-00013653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04550-00013653-00013656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04551-00013656-00013659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:320 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04552-00013659-00013662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04553-00013662-00013665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04554-00013665-00013668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04555-00013668-00013671 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04556-00013671-00013674 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04557-00013674-00013677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04558-00013677-00013680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04559-00013680-00013683 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04560-00013683-00013686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04561-00013686-00013688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04562-00013688-00013691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04563-00013691-00013694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04564-00013694-00013697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04565-00013697-00013701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04566-00013701-00013704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:21 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04567-00013704-00013707 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04568-00013707-00013710 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04569-00013710-00013713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04570-00013713-00013716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04571-00013716-00013719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04572-00013719-00013722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04573-00013722-00013725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04574-00013725-00013728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:50.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04575-00013728-00013731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04576-00013731-00013734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04577-00013734-00013737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04578-00013737-00013740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04579-00013740-00013743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04580-00013743-00013746 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04581-00013746-00013749 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04582-00013749-00013752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04583-00013752-00013755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04584-00013755-00013758 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04585-00013758-00013761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04586-00013761-00013763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04587-00013763-00013766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04588-00013766-00013769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04589-00013769-00013772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04590-00013772-00013776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04591-00013776-00013779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04592-00013779-00013782 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04593-00013782-00013785 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04594-00013785-00013788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04595-00013788-00013791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04596-00013791-00013794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04597-00013794-00013797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04598-00013797-00013800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04599-00013800-00013803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:22 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04600-00013803-00013806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04601-00013806-00013809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04602-00013809-00013812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04603-00013812-00013815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04604-00013815-00013818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04605-00013818-00013821 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04606-00013821-00013824 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04607-00013824-00013827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04608-00013827-00013830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04609-00013830-00013833 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04610-00013833-00013836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04611-00013836-00013838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04612-00013838-00013841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04613-00013841-00013844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04614-00013844-00013847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04615-00013847-00013851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04616-00013851-00013854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04617-00013854-00013857 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04618-00013857-00013860 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04619-00013860-00013863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04620-00013863-00013866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04621-00013866-00013869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04622-00013869-00013872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04623-00013872-00013875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04624-00013875-00013878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04625-00013878-00013881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04626-00013881-00013884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04627-00013884-00013887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04628-00013887-00013890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04629-00013890-00013893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04630-00013893-00013896 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04631-00013896-00013899 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04632-00013899-00013902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04633-00013902-00013905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:23 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04634-00013905-00013908 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04635-00013908-00013911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04636-00013911-00013913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04637-00013913-00013916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04638-00013916-00013919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04639-00013919-00013922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04640-00013922-00013926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04641-00013926-00013929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04642-00013929-00013932 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04643-00013932-00013935 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04644-00013935-00013938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04645-00013938-00013941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04646-00013941-00013944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04647-00013944-00013947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04648-00013947-00013950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04649-00013950-00013953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04650-00013953-00013956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04651-00013956-00013959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04652-00013959-00013962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04653-00013962-00013965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04654-00013965-00013968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04655-00013968-00013971 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04656-00013971-00013974 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04657-00013974-00013977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04658-00013977-00013980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04659-00013980-00013983 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04660-00013983-00013986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04661-00013986-00013988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04662-00013988-00013991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04663-00013991-00013994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04664-00013994-00013997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04665-00013997-00014001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04666-00014001-00014004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:24 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04667-00014004-00014007 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04668-00014007-00014010 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04669-00014010-00014013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04670-00014013-00014016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04671-00014016-00014019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04672-00014019-00014022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04673-00014022-00014025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04674-00014025-00014028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04675-00014028-00014031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04676-00014031-00014034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04677-00014034-00014037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04678-00014037-00014040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04679-00014040-00014043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04680-00014043-00014046 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04681-00014046-00014049 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04682-00014049-00014052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04683-00014052-00014055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04684-00014055-00014058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04685-00014058-00014061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04686-00014061-00014063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04687-00014063-00014066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04688-00014066-00014069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04689-00014069-00014072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04690-00014072-00014076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04691-00014076-00014079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04692-00014079-00014082 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04693-00014082-00014085 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04694-00014085-00014088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04695-00014088-00014091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04696-00014091-00014094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04697-00014094-00014097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04698-00014097-00014100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04699-00014100-00014103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:25 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04700-00014103-00014106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04701-00014106-00014109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04702-00014109-00014112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04703-00014112-00014115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04704-00014115-00014118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04705-00014118-00014121 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04706-00014121-00014124 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04707-00014124-00014127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04708-00014127-00014130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04709-00014130-00014133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04710-00014133-00014136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04711-00014136-00014138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04712-00014138-00014141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04713-00014141-00014144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04714-00014144-00014147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04715-00014147-00014151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04716-00014151-00014154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04717-00014154-00014157 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04718-00014157-00014160 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04719-00014160-00014163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04720-00014163-00014166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04721-00014166-00014169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04722-00014169-00014172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04723-00014172-00014175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04724-00014175-00014178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04725-00014178-00014181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04726-00014181-00014184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04727-00014184-00014187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04728-00014187-00014190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04729-00014190-00014193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04730-00014193-00014196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04731-00014196-00014199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04732-00014199-00014202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04733-00014202-00014205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:26 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04734-00014205-00014208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04735-00014208-00014211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04736-00014211-00014213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04737-00014213-00014216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04738-00014216-00014219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04739-00014219-00014222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04740-00014222-00014226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04741-00014226-00014229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04742-00014229-00014232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04743-00014232-00014235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04744-00014235-00014238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04745-00014238-00014241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04746-00014241-00014244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04747-00014244-00014247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04748-00014247-00014250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04749-00014250-00014253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04750-00014253-00014256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04751-00014256-00014259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04752-00014259-00014262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04753-00014262-00014265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04754-00014265-00014268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04755-00014268-00014271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04756-00014271-00014274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04757-00014274-00014277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04758-00014277-00014280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04759-00014280-00014283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04760-00014283-00014286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04761-00014286-00014288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04762-00014288-00014291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04763-00014291-00014294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04764-00014294-00014297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04765-00014297-00014301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04766-00014301-00014304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:27 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04767-00014304-00014307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04768-00014307-00014310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04769-00014310-00014313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04770-00014313-00014316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04771-00014316-00014319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04772-00014319-00014322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04773-00014322-00014325 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04774-00014325-00014328 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04775-00014328-00014331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04776-00014331-00014334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04777-00014334-00014337 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04778-00014337-00014340 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04779-00014340-00014343 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04780-00014343-00014346 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04781-00014346-00014349 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04782-00014349-00014352 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04783-00014352-00014355 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04784-00014355-00014358 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04785-00014358-00014361 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04786-00014361-00014363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04787-00014363-00014366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04788-00014366-00014369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04789-00014369-00014372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04790-00014372-00014376 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04791-00014376-00014379 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04792-00014379-00014382 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04793-00014382-00014385 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04794-00014385-00014388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04795-00014388-00014391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04796-00014391-00014394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04797-00014394-00014397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04798-00014397-00014400 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04799-00014400-00014403 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:28 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04800-00014403-00014406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04801-00014406-00014409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04802-00014409-00014412 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04803-00014412-00014415 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04804-00014415-00014418 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04805-00014418-00014421 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04806-00014421-00014424 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04807-00014424-00014427 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04808-00014427-00014430 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04809-00014430-00014433 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04810-00014433-00014436 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04811-00014436-00014438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04812-00014438-00014441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04813-00014441-00014444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04814-00014444-00014447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04815-00014447-00014451 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04816-00014451-00014454 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04817-00014454-00014457 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04818-00014457-00014460 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04819-00014460-00014463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04820-00014463-00014466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04821-00014466-00014469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04822-00014469-00014472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04823-00014472-00014475 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04824-00014475-00014478 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04825-00014478-00014481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04826-00014481-00014484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04827-00014484-00014487 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04828-00014487-00014490 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04829-00014490-00014493 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04830-00014493-00014496 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04831-00014496-00014499 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04832-00014499-00014502 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04833-00014502-00014505 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:29 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04834-00014505-00014508 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:49.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04835-00014508-00014511 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04836-00014511-00014513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04837-00014513-00014516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04838-00014516-00014519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04839-00014519-00014522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04840-00014522-00014526 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04841-00014526-00014529 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:48.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04842-00014529-00014532 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04843-00014532-00014535 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04844-00014535-00014538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04845-00014538-00014541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04846-00014541-00014544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04847-00014544-00014547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04848-00014547-00014550 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04849-00014550-00014553 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04850-00014553-00014556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04851-00014556-00014559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04852-00014559-00014562 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04853-00014562-00014565 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04854-00014565-00014568 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04855-00014568-00014571 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04856-00014571-00014574 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04857-00014574-00014577 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04858-00014577-00014580 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:48.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04859-00014580-00014583 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04860-00014583-00014586 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04861-00014586-00014588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04862-00014588-00014591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04863-00014591-00014594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04864-00014594-00014597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04865-00014597-00014601 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04866-00014601-00014604 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:30 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04867-00014604-00014607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04868-00014607-00014610 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04869-00014610-00014613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04870-00014613-00014616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04871-00014616-00014619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:47.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04872-00014619-00014622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04873-00014622-00014625 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04874-00014625-00014628 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04875-00014628-00014631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04876-00014631-00014634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04877-00014634-00014637 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04878-00014637-00014640 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04879-00014640-00014643 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04880-00014643-00014646 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04881-00014646-00014649 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04882-00014649-00014652 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04883-00014652-00014655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04884-00014655-00014658 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:46.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04885-00014658-00014661 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04886-00014661-00014663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04887-00014663-00014666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04888-00014666-00014669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0295,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04889-00014669-00014672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04890-00014672-00014676 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04891-00014676-00014679 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04892-00014679-00014682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04893-00014682-00014685 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04894-00014685-00014688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04895-00014688-00014691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04896-00014691-00014694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04897-00014694-00014697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04898-00014697-00014700 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:45.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04899-00014700-00014703 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:31 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04900-00014703-00014706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04901-00014706-00014709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04902-00014709-00014712 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04903-00014712-00014715 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04904-00014715-00014718 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04905-00014718-00014721 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04906-00014721-00014724 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04907-00014724-00014727 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04908-00014727-00014730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:44.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04909-00014730-00014733 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04910-00014733-00014736 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04911-00014736-00014738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04912-00014738-00014741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04913-00014741-00014744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04914-00014744-00014747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04915-00014747-00014751 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04916-00014751-00014754 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04917-00014754-00014757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04918-00014757-00014760 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04919-00014760-00014763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04920-00014763-00014766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04921-00014766-00014769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:43.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04922-00014769-00014772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04923-00014772-00014775 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04924-00014775-00014778 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04925-00014778-00014781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04926-00014781-00014784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04927-00014784-00014787 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04928-00014787-00014790 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04929-00014790-00014793 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04930-00014793-00014796 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04931-00014796-00014799 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:42.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04932-00014799-00014802 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04933-00014802-00014805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:32 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04934-00014805-00014808 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04935-00014808-00014811 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04936-00014811-00014813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04937-00014813-00014816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04938-00014816-00014819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04939-00014819-00014822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04940-00014822-00014826 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04941-00014826-00014829 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:41.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04942-00014829-00014832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04943-00014832-00014835 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04944-00014835-00014838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04945-00014838-00014841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04946-00014841-00014844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04947-00014844-00014847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04948-00014847-00014850 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04949-00014850-00014853 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04950-00014853-00014856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04951-00014856-00014859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04952-00014859-00014862 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04953-00014862-00014865 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04954-00014865-00014868 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:40.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04955-00014868-00014871 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04956-00014871-00014874 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04957-00014874-00014877 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04958-00014877-00014880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04959-00014880-00014883 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04960-00014883-00014886 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04961-00014886-00014888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04962-00014888-00014891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04963-00014891-00014894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04964-00014894-00014897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:39.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04965-00014897-00014901 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04966-00014901-00014904 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:33 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04967-00014904-00014907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04968-00014907-00014910 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04969-00014910-00014913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04970-00014913-00014916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04971-00014916-00014919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04972-00014919-00014922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04973-00014922-00014925 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04974-00014925-00014928 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:38.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04975-00014928-00014931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04976-00014931-00014934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04977-00014934-00014937 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04978-00014937-00014940 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04979-00014940-00014943 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04980-00014943-00014946 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04981-00014946-00014949 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04982-00014949-00014952 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04983-00014952-00014955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04984-00014955-00014958 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04985-00014958-00014961 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04986-00014961-00014963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04987-00014963-00014966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04988-00014966-00014969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:37.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04989-00014969-00014972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04990-00014972-00014976 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04991-00014976-00014979 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04992-00014979-00014982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04993-00014982-00014985 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04994-00014985-00014988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04995-00014988-00014991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04996-00014991-00014994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04997-00014994-00014997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04998-00014997-00015000 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:36.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-04999-00015000-00015003 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:34 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05000-00015003-00015006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05001-00015006-00015009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05002-00015009-00015012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05003-00015012-00015015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05004-00015015-00015018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05005-00015018-00015021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05006-00015021-00015024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05007-00015024-00015027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05008-00015027-00015030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05009-00015030-00015033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05010-00015033-00015036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05011-00015036-00015038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:35.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05012-00015038-00015041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05013-00015041-00015044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05014-00015044-00015047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05015-00015047-00015051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05016-00015051-00015054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05017-00015054-00015057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05018-00015057-00015060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05019-00015060-00015063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05020-00015063-00015066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05021-00015066-00015069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05022-00015069-00015072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05023-00015072-00015075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05024-00015075-00015078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:34.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05025-00015078-00015081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05026-00015081-00015084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05027-00015084-00015087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05028-00015087-00015090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05029-00015090-00015093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05030-00015093-00015096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05031-00015096-00015099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05032-00015099-00015102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05033-00015102-00015105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:35 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05034-00015105-00015108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05035-00015108-00015111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05036-00015111-00015113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05037-00015113-00015116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05038-00015116-00015119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05039-00015119-00015122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05040-00015122-00015126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05041-00015126-00015129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05042-00015129-00015132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05043-00015132-00015135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05044-00015135-00015138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05045-00015138-00015141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05046-00015141-00015144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05047-00015144-00015147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:33.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05048-00015147-00015150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:32.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05049-00015150-00015153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05050-00015153-00015156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05051-00015156-00015159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:32.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05052-00015159-00015162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05053-00015162-00015165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05054-00015165-00015168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05055-00015168-00015171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05056-00015171-00015174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05057-00015174-00015177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05058-00015177-00015180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05059-00015180-00015183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05060-00015183-00015186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05061-00015186-00015188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05062-00015188-00015191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05063-00015191-00015194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05064-00015194-00015197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:31.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05065-00015197-00015201 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05066-00015201-00015204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:36 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05067-00015204-00015207 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05068-00015207-00015210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05069-00015210-00015213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05070-00015213-00015216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05071-00015216-00015219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05072-00015219-00015222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05073-00015222-00015225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05074-00015225-00015228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05075-00015228-00015231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05076-00015231-00015234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05077-00015234-00015237 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05078-00015237-00015240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05079-00015240-00015243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:30.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05080-00015243-00015246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05081-00015246-00015249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05082-00015249-00015252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05083-00015252-00015255 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05084-00015255-00015258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05085-00015258-00015261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05086-00015261-00015263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05087-00015263-00015266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05088-00015266-00015269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05089-00015269-00015272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05090-00015272-00015276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05091-00015276-00015279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05092-00015279-00015282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05093-00015282-00015285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05094-00015285-00015288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05095-00015288-00015291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:29.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05096-00015291-00015294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:29.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05097-00015294-00015297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:29.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05098-00015297-00015300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:29.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05099-00015300-00015303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:37 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:29.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05100-00015303-00015306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:28.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05101-00015306-00015309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:28.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05102-00015309-00015312 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05103-00015312-00015315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05104-00015315-00015318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05105-00015318-00015321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05106-00015321-00015324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05107-00015324-00015327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05108-00015327-00015330 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05109-00015330-00015333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05110-00015333-00015336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05111-00015336-00015338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:28.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05112-00015338-00015341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05113-00015341-00015344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05114-00015344-00015347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05115-00015347-00015351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05116-00015351-00015354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05117-00015354-00015357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05118-00015357-00015360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05119-00015360-00015363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05120-00015363-00015366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05121-00015366-00015369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05122-00015369-00015372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05123-00015372-00015375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05124-00015375-00015378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:27.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05125-00015378-00015381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05126-00015381-00015384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05127-00015384-00015387 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05128-00015387-00015390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05129-00015390-00015393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05130-00015393-00015396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05131-00015396-00015399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05132-00015399-00015402 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05133-00015402-00015405 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:38 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05134-00015405-00015408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05135-00015408-00015411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05136-00015411-00015413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05137-00015413-00015416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05138-00015416-00015419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05139-00015419-00015422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05140-00015422-00015426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05141-00015426-00015429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:26.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05142-00015429-00015432 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05143-00015432-00015435 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05144-00015435-00015438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05145-00015438-00015441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05146-00015441-00015444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05147-00015444-00015447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05148-00015447-00015450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05149-00015450-00015453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05150-00015453-00015456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05151-00015456-00015459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05152-00015459-00015462 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05153-00015462-00015465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05154-00015465-00015468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05155-00015468-00015471 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05156-00015471-00015474 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05157-00015474-00015477 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05158-00015477-00015480 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:25.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05159-00015480-00015483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05160-00015483-00015486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05161-00015486-00015488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05162-00015488-00015491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05163-00015491-00015494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05164-00015494-00015497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05165-00015497-00015501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05166-00015501-00015504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:39 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05167-00015504-00015507 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05168-00015507-00015510 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05169-00015510-00015513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05170-00015513-00015516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05171-00015516-00015519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05172-00015519-00015522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05173-00015522-00015525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05174-00015525-00015528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05175-00015528-00015531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:24.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05176-00015531-00015534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05177-00015534-00015537 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05178-00015537-00015540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05179-00015540-00015543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05180-00015543-00015546 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05181-00015546-00015549 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05182-00015549-00015552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05183-00015552-00015555 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05184-00015555-00015558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05185-00015558-00015561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05186-00015561-00015563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05187-00015563-00015566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05188-00015566-00015569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05189-00015569-00015572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05190-00015572-00015576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05191-00015576-00015579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:23.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05192-00015579-00015582 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05193-00015582-00015585 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05194-00015585-00015588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05195-00015588-00015591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05196-00015591-00015594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05197-00015594-00015597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05198-00015597-00015600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05199-00015600-00015603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:40 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05200-00015603-00015606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05201-00015606-00015609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05202-00015609-00015612 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05203-00015612-00015615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05204-00015615-00015618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05205-00015618-00015621 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05206-00015621-00015624 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05207-00015624-00015627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05208-00015627-00015630 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05209-00015630-00015633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05210-00015633-00015636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05211-00015636-00015638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:22.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05212-00015638-00015641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05213-00015641-00015644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05214-00015644-00015647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05215-00015647-00015651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05216-00015651-00015654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05217-00015654-00015657 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05218-00015657-00015660 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05219-00015660-00015663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05220-00015663-00015666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05221-00015666-00015669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05222-00015669-00015672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05223-00015672-00015675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05224-00015675-00015678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05225-00015678-00015681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05226-00015681-00015684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05227-00015684-00015687 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05228-00015687-00015690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05229-00015690-00015693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05230-00015693-00015696 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05231-00015696-00015699 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:21.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05232-00015699-00015702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05233-00015702-00015705 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:41 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05234-00015705-00015708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05235-00015708-00015711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05236-00015711-00015713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05237-00015713-00015716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05238-00015716-00015719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05239-00015719-00015722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05240-00015722-00015726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05241-00015726-00015729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05242-00015729-00015732 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05243-00015732-00015735 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05244-00015735-00015738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05245-00015738-00015741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05246-00015741-00015744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05247-00015744-00015747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05248-00015747-00015750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05249-00015750-00015753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05250-00015753-00015756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05251-00015756-00015759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:20.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05252-00015759-00015762 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05253-00015762-00015765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05254-00015765-00015768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05255-00015768-00015771 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05256-00015771-00015774 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05257-00015774-00015777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05258-00015777-00015780 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05259-00015780-00015783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05260-00015783-00015786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05261-00015786-00015788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05262-00015788-00015791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05263-00015791-00015794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05264-00015794-00015797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05265-00015797-00015801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05266-00015801-00015804 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:42 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05267-00015804-00015807 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05268-00015807-00015810 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05269-00015810-00015813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05270-00015813-00015816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05271-00015816-00015819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05272-00015819-00015822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05273-00015822-00015825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05274-00015825-00015828 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05275-00015828-00015831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:19.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05276-00015831-00015834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05277-00015834-00015837 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05278-00015837-00015840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05279-00015840-00015843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05280-00015843-00015846 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05281-00015846-00015849 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05282-00015849-00015852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05283-00015852-00015855 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05284-00015855-00015858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05285-00015858-00015861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05286-00015861-00015863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05287-00015863-00015866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05288-00015866-00015869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05289-00015869-00015872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05290-00015872-00015876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05291-00015876-00015879 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05292-00015879-00015882 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05293-00015882-00015885 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05294-00015885-00015888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05295-00015888-00015891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05296-00015891-00015894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05297-00015894-00015897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05298-00015897-00015900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:18.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05299-00015900-00015903 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:43 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05300-00015903-00015906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05301-00015906-00015909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05302-00015909-00015912 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05303-00015912-00015915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05304-00015915-00015918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05305-00015918-00015921 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05306-00015921-00015924 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05307-00015924-00015927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05308-00015927-00015930 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05309-00015930-00015933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05310-00015933-00015936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05311-00015936-00015938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05312-00015938-00015941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05313-00015941-00015944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05314-00015944-00015947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05315-00015947-00015951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05316-00015951-00015954 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05317-00015954-00015957 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05318-00015957-00015960 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:17.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05319-00015960-00015963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05320-00015963-00015966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05321-00015966-00015969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05322-00015969-00015972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05323-00015972-00015975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05324-00015975-00015978 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05325-00015978-00015981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05326-00015981-00015984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05327-00015984-00015987 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05328-00015987-00015990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05329-00015990-00015993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05330-00015993-00015996 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05331-00015996-00015999 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05332-00015999-00016002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05333-00016002-00016005 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:44 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05334-00016005-00016008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05335-00016008-00016011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05336-00016011-00016013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05337-00016013-00016016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05338-00016016-00016019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05339-00016019-00016022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05340-00016022-00016026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05341-00016026-00016029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:16.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05342-00016029-00016032 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05343-00016032-00016035 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05344-00016035-00016038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05345-00016038-00016041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05346-00016041-00016044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05347-00016044-00016047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05348-00016047-00016050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05349-00016050-00016053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05350-00016053-00016056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05351-00016056-00016059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05352-00016059-00016062 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05353-00016062-00016065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05354-00016065-00016068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05355-00016068-00016071 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05356-00016071-00016074 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05357-00016074-00016077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05358-00016077-00016080 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05359-00016080-00016083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05360-00016083-00016086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05361-00016086-00016088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05362-00016088-00016091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05363-00016091-00016094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05364-00016094-00016097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05365-00016097-00016101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05366-00016101-00016104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:45 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05367-00016104-00016107 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:15.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05368-00016107-00016110 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05369-00016110-00016113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05370-00016113-00016116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05371-00016116-00016119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05372-00016119-00016122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05373-00016122-00016125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05374-00016125-00016128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05375-00016128-00016131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05376-00016131-00016134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05377-00016134-00016137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05378-00016137-00016140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05379-00016140-00016143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05380-00016143-00016146 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05381-00016146-00016149 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05382-00016149-00016152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05383-00016152-00016155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05384-00016155-00016158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05385-00016158-00016161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05386-00016161-00016163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05387-00016163-00016166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05388-00016166-00016169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05389-00016169-00016172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05390-00016172-00016176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05391-00016176-00016179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:14.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05392-00016179-00016182 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05393-00016182-00016185 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05394-00016185-00016188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05395-00016188-00016191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05396-00016191-00016194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05397-00016194-00016197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05398-00016197-00016200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05399-00016200-00016203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:46 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05400-00016203-00016206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05401-00016206-00016209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05402-00016209-00016212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05403-00016212-00016215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05404-00016215-00016218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05405-00016218-00016221 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05406-00016221-00016224 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05407-00016224-00016227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05408-00016227-00016230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05409-00016230-00016233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05410-00016233-00016236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05411-00016236-00016238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05412-00016238-00016241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05413-00016241-00016244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05414-00016244-00016247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05415-00016247-00016251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:13.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05416-00016251-00016254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05417-00016254-00016257 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05418-00016257-00016260 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05419-00016260-00016263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05420-00016263-00016266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.8 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05421-00016266-00016269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.8 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05422-00016269-00016272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05423-00016272-00016275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05424-00016275-00016278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05425-00016278-00016281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.7 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05426-00016281-00016284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05427-00016284-00016287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05428-00016287-00016290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05429-00016290-00016293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05430-00016293-00016296 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05431-00016296-00016299 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05432-00016299-00016302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05433-00016302-00016305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:47 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05434-00016305-00016308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05435-00016308-00016311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05436-00016311-00016313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05437-00016313-00016316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05438-00016316-00016319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05439-00016319-00016322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05440-00016322-00016326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05441-00016326-00016329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:12.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05442-00016329-00016332 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05443-00016332-00016335 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05444-00016335-00016338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05445-00016338-00016341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05446-00016341-00016344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.8 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05447-00016344-00016347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.8 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05448-00016347-00016350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.8 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05449-00016350-00016353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05450-00016353-00016356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05451-00016356-00016359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.6 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05452-00016359-00016362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05453-00016362-00016365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05454-00016365-00016368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05455-00016368-00016371 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.5 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05456-00016371-00016374 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05457-00016374-00016377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05458-00016377-00016380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.4 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05459-00016380-00016383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05460-00016383-00016386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05461-00016386-00016389 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05462-00016389-00016392 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05463-00016392-00016395 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05464-00016395-00016398 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05465-00016398-00016401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.1 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05466-00016401-00016404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:48 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05467-00016404-00016407 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05468-00016407-00016410 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:11.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05469-00016410-00016413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05470-00016413-00016416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.9 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05471-00016416-00016419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05472-00016419-00016422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05473-00016422-00016425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05474-00016425-00016428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05475-00016428-00016431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05476-00016431-00016434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05477-00016434-00016437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05478-00016437-00016440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05479-00016440-00016443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05480-00016443-00016446 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05481-00016446-00016449 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05482-00016449-00016452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05483-00016452-00016455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05484-00016455-00016458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05485-00016458-00016461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05486-00016461-00016464 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05487-00016464-00016467 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05488-00016467-00016470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05489-00016470-00016473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05490-00016473-00016476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05491-00016476-00016479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05492-00016479-00016482 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05493-00016482-00016485 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05494-00016485-00016488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:10.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05495-00016488-00016491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05496-00016491-00016494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05497-00016494-00016497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05498-00016497-00016500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05499-00016500-00016503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:49 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05500-00016503-00016506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05501-00016506-00016509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05502-00016509-00016512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05503-00016512-00016515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05504-00016515-00016518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05505-00016518-00016521 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05506-00016521-00016524 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05507-00016524-00016527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05508-00016527-00016530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05509-00016530-00016533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05510-00016533-00016536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05511-00016536-00016539 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05512-00016539-00016542 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05513-00016542-00016545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05514-00016545-00016548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05515-00016548-00016551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05516-00016551-00016554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05517-00016554-00016557 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05518-00016557-00016560 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05519-00016560-00016563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05520-00016563-00016566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05521-00016566-00016569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05522-00016569-00016572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05523-00016572-00016575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05524-00016575-00016578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:9.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05525-00016578-00016581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05526-00016581-00016584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05527-00016584-00016587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05528-00016587-00016590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05529-00016590-00016593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05530-00016593-00016596 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05531-00016596-00016599 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05532-00016599-00016602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05533-00016602-00016605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:50 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05534-00016605-00016608 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05535-00016608-00016611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05536-00016611-00016614 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05537-00016614-00016617 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05538-00016617-00016620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05539-00016620-00016623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05540-00016623-00016626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05541-00016626-00016629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05542-00016629-00016632 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05543-00016632-00016635 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05544-00016635-00016638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05545-00016638-00016641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05546-00016641-00016644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05547-00016644-00016647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05548-00016647-00016650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05549-00016650-00016653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05550-00016653-00016656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05551-00016656-00016659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05552-00016659-00016662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05553-00016662-00016665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05554-00016665-00016668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05555-00016668-00016671 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05556-00016671-00016674 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05557-00016674-00016677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05558-00016677-00016680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:8.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05559-00016680-00016683 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05560-00016683-00016686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05561-00016686-00016689 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05562-00016689-00016692 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05563-00016692-00016695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05564-00016695-00016698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05565-00016698-00016701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05566-00016701-00016704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:51 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05567-00016704-00016707 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05568-00016707-00016710 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05569-00016710-00016713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05570-00016713-00016716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05571-00016716-00016719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05572-00016719-00016722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05573-00016722-00016725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05574-00016725-00016728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05575-00016728-00016731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05576-00016731-00016734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05577-00016734-00016737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05578-00016737-00016740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05579-00016740-00016743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05580-00016743-00016746 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05581-00016746-00016749 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05582-00016749-00016752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05583-00016752-00016755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05584-00016755-00016758 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05585-00016758-00016761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05586-00016761-00016764 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05587-00016764-00016767 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05588-00016767-00016770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05589-00016770-00016773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05590-00016773-00016776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05591-00016776-00016779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:7.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05592-00016779-00016782 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05593-00016782-00016785 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05594-00016785-00016788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05595-00016788-00016791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05596-00016791-00016794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05597-00016794-00016797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05598-00016797-00016800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05599-00016800-00016803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:52 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05600-00016803-00016806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05601-00016806-00016809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05602-00016809-00016812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05603-00016812-00016815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05604-00016815-00016818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05605-00016818-00016821 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05606-00016821-00016824 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05607-00016824-00016827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05608-00016827-00016830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05609-00016830-00016833 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05610-00016833-00016836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05611-00016836-00016839 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05612-00016839-00016842 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05613-00016842-00016845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05614-00016845-00016848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05615-00016848-00016851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05616-00016851-00016854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05617-00016854-00016857 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05618-00016857-00016860 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05619-00016860-00016863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05620-00016863-00016866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05621-00016866-00016869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05622-00016869-00016872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05623-00016872-00016875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05624-00016875-00016878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05625-00016878-00016881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05626-00016881-00016884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05627-00016884-00016887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05628-00016887-00016890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:6.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05629-00016890-00016893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05630-00016893-00016896 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05631-00016896-00016899 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05632-00016899-00016902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05633-00016902-00016905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:53 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05634-00016905-00016908 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05635-00016908-00016911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05636-00016911-00016914 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05637-00016914-00016917 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05638-00016917-00016920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05639-00016920-00016923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05640-00016923-00016926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05641-00016926-00016929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05642-00016929-00016932 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05643-00016932-00016935 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05644-00016935-00016938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05645-00016938-00016941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05646-00016941-00016944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05647-00016944-00016947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05648-00016947-00016950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05649-00016950-00016953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05650-00016953-00016956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05651-00016956-00016959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05652-00016959-00016962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05653-00016962-00016965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05654-00016965-00016968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05655-00016968-00016971 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05656-00016971-00016974 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05657-00016974-00016977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05658-00016977-00016980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05659-00016980-00016983 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05660-00016983-00016986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05661-00016986-00016989 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05662-00016989-00016992 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05663-00016992-00016995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05664-00016995-00016998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:5.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05665-00016998-00017001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05666-00017001-00017004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:54 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05667-00017004-00017007 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05668-00017007-00017010 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05669-00017010-00017013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05670-00017013-00017016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05671-00017016-00017019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05672-00017019-00017022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05673-00017022-00017025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05674-00017025-00017028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05675-00017028-00017031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05676-00017031-00017034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05677-00017034-00017037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05678-00017037-00017040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05679-00017040-00017043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05680-00017043-00017046 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05681-00017046-00017049 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05682-00017049-00017052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05683-00017052-00017055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05684-00017055-00017058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05685-00017058-00017061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05686-00017061-00017064 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05687-00017064-00017067 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05688-00017067-00017070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05689-00017070-00017073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05690-00017073-00017076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05691-00017076-00017079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05692-00017079-00017082 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05693-00017082-00017085 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05694-00017085-00017088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05695-00017088-00017091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05696-00017091-00017094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05697-00017094-00017097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05698-00017097-00017100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05699-00017100-00017103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:55 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05700-00017103-00017106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05701-00017106-00017109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05702-00017109-00017112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05703-00017112-00017115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05704-00017115-00017118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05705-00017118-00017121 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05706-00017121-00017124 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05707-00017124-00017127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05708-00017127-00017130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:4.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05709-00017130-00017133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05710-00017133-00017136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05711-00017136-00017139 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05712-00017139-00017142 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05713-00017142-00017145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05714-00017145-00017148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05715-00017148-00017151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05716-00017151-00017154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05717-00017154-00017157 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05718-00017157-00017160 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05719-00017160-00017163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05720-00017163-00017166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05721-00017166-00017169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05722-00017169-00017172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05723-00017172-00017175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05724-00017175-00017178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05725-00017178-00017181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05726-00017181-00017184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05727-00017184-00017187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05728-00017187-00017190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05729-00017190-00017193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05730-00017193-00017196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05731-00017196-00017199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05732-00017199-00017202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05733-00017202-00017205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:56 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05734-00017205-00017208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05735-00017208-00017211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05736-00017211-00017214 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05737-00017214-00017217 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05738-00017217-00017220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05739-00017220-00017223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05740-00017223-00017226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05741-00017226-00017229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05742-00017229-00017232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05743-00017232-00017235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05744-00017235-00017238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05745-00017238-00017241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05746-00017241-00017244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05747-00017244-00017247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05748-00017247-00017250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05749-00017250-00017253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05750-00017253-00017256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05751-00017256-00017259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05752-00017259-00017262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05753-00017262-00017265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05754-00017265-00017268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05755-00017268-00017271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05756-00017271-00017274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05757-00017274-00017277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05758-00017277-00017280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05759-00017280-00017283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05760-00017283-00017286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05761-00017286-00017289 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05762-00017289-00017292 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05763-00017292-00017295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05764-00017295-00017298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05765-00017298-00017301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05766-00017301-00017304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:57 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05767-00017304-00017307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05768-00017307-00017310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05769-00017310-00017313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05770-00017313-00017316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05771-00017316-00017319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05772-00017319-00017322 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05773-00017322-00017325 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05774-00017325-00017328 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05775-00017328-00017331 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05776-00017331-00017334 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05777-00017334-00017337 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05778-00017337-00017340 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05779-00017340-00017343 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05780-00017343-00017346 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05781-00017346-00017349 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05782-00017349-00017352 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05783-00017352-00017355 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05784-00017355-00017358 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05785-00017358-00017361 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05786-00017361-00017364 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05787-00017364-00017367 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05788-00017367-00017370 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:3.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05789-00017370-00017373 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05790-00017373-00017376 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05791-00017376-00017379 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05792-00017379-00017382 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05793-00017382-00017385 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05794-00017385-00017388 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05795-00017388-00017391 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05796-00017391-00017394 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05797-00017394-00017397 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05798-00017397-00017400 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:3.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05799-00017400-00017403 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:58 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05800-00017403-00017406 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05801-00017406-00017409 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05802-00017409-00017412 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05803-00017412-00017415 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05804-00017415-00017418 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05805-00017418-00017421 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05806-00017421-00017424 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05807-00017424-00017427 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05808-00017427-00017430 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05809-00017430-00017433 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05810-00017433-00017436 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05811-00017436-00017439 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05812-00017439-00017442 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05813-00017442-00017445 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05814-00017445-00017448 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05815-00017448-00017451 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05816-00017451-00017454 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05817-00017454-00017457 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05818-00017457-00017460 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05819-00017460-00017463 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05820-00017463-00017466 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05821-00017466-00017469 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05822-00017469-00017472 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05823-00017472-00017475 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05824-00017475-00017478 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05825-00017478-00017481 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05826-00017481-00017484 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05827-00017484-00017487 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05828-00017487-00017490 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05829-00017490-00017493 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05830-00017493-00017496 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05831-00017496-00017499 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05832-00017499-00017502 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05833-00017502-00017505 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:27:59 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05834-00017505-00017508 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05835-00017508-00017511 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05836-00017511-00017514 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05837-00017514-00017517 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05838-00017517-00017520 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05839-00017520-00017523 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05840-00017523-00017526 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05841-00017526-00017529 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05842-00017529-00017532 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05843-00017532-00017535 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05844-00017535-00017538 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05845-00017538-00017541 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05846-00017541-00017544 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05847-00017544-00017547 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05848-00017547-00017550 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05849-00017550-00017553 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05850-00017553-00017556 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05851-00017556-00017559 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05852-00017559-00017562 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05853-00017562-00017565 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05854-00017565-00017568 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05855-00017568-00017571 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05856-00017571-00017574 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05857-00017574-00017577 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05858-00017577-00017580 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.4 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05859-00017580-00017583 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05860-00017583-00017586 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05861-00017586-00017589 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05862-00017589-00017592 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05863-00017592-00017595 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05864-00017595-00017598 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05865-00017598-00017601 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.3 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05866-00017601-00017604 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:00 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05867-00017604-00017607 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05868-00017607-00017610 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05869-00017610-00017613 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05870-00017613-00017616 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05871-00017616-00017619 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05872-00017619-00017622 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05873-00017622-00017625 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05874-00017625-00017628 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05875-00017628-00017631 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05876-00017631-00017634 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05877-00017634-00017637 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05878-00017637-00017640 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05879-00017640-00017643 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05880-00017643-00017646 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05881-00017646-00017649 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.2 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05882-00017649-00017652 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05883-00017652-00017655 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05884-00017655-00017658 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05885-00017658-00017661 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05886-00017661-00017664 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05887-00017664-00017667 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05888-00017667-00017670 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05889-00017670-00017673 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05890-00017673-00017676 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05891-00017676-00017679 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05892-00017679-00017682 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05893-00017682-00017685 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05894-00017685-00017688 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05895-00017688-00017691 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05896-00017691-00017694 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05897-00017694-00017697 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05898-00017697-00017700 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.1 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05899-00017700-00017703 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:01 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05900-00017703-00017706 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05901-00017706-00017709 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05902-00017709-00017712 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05903-00017712-00017715 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05904-00017715-00017718 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05905-00017718-00017721 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05906-00017721-00017724 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05907-00017724-00017727 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05908-00017727-00017730 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05909-00017730-00017733 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05910-00017733-00017736 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05911-00017736-00017739 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05912-00017739-00017742 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05913-00017742-00017745 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05914-00017745-00017748 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05915-00017748-00017751 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:2.0 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05916-00017751-00017754 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05917-00017754-00017757 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05918-00017757-00017760 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05919-00017760-00017763 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05920-00017763-00017766 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05921-00017766-00017769 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05922-00017769-00017772 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05923-00017772-00017775 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05924-00017775-00017778 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05925-00017778-00017781 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05926-00017781-00017784 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05927-00017784-00017787 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05928-00017787-00017790 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05929-00017790-00017793 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05930-00017793-00017796 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05931-00017796-00017799 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.9 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05932-00017799-00017802 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05933-00017802-00017805 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:02 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05934-00017805-00017808 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05935-00017808-00017811 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05936-00017811-00017814 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05937-00017814-00017817 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05938-00017817-00017820 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05939-00017820-00017823 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05940-00017823-00017826 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05941-00017826-00017829 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05942-00017829-00017832 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05943-00017832-00017835 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05944-00017835-00017838 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05945-00017838-00017841 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05946-00017841-00017844 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05947-00017844-00017847 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05948-00017847-00017850 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.8 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05949-00017850-00017853 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05950-00017853-00017856 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05951-00017856-00017859 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05952-00017859-00017862 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05953-00017862-00017865 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05954-00017865-00017868 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05955-00017868-00017871 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05956-00017871-00017874 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05957-00017874-00017877 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05958-00017877-00017880 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05959-00017880-00017883 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05960-00017883-00017886 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05961-00017886-00017889 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05962-00017889-00017892 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05963-00017892-00017895 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05964-00017895-00017898 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05965-00017898-00017901 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.7 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05966-00017901-00017904 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:03 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05967-00017904-00017907 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05968-00017907-00017910 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05969-00017910-00017913 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05970-00017913-00017916 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05971-00017916-00017919 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05972-00017919-00017922 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05973-00017922-00017925 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05974-00017925-00017928 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05975-00017928-00017931 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05976-00017931-00017934 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05977-00017934-00017937 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05978-00017937-00017940 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05979-00017940-00017943 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05980-00017943-00017946 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05981-00017946-00017949 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05982-00017949-00017952 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.6 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05983-00017952-00017955 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05984-00017955-00017958 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05985-00017958-00017961 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05986-00017961-00017964 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05987-00017964-00017967 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05988-00017967-00017970 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05989-00017970-00017973 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05990-00017973-00017976 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05991-00017976-00017979 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05992-00017979-00017982 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05993-00017982-00017985 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05994-00017985-00017988 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05995-00017988-00017991 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05996-00017991-00017994 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05997-00017994-00017997 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05998-00017997-00018000 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-05999-00018000-00018003 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:04 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06000-00018003-00018006 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:400 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06001-00018006-00018009 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06002-00018009-00018012 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06003-00018012-00018015 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06004-00018015-00018018 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06005-00018018-00018021 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06006-00018021-00018024 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06007-00018024-00018027 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06008-00018027-00018030 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06009-00018030-00018033 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06010-00018033-00018036 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06011-00018036-00018039 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06012-00018039-00018042 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06013-00018042-00018045 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06014-00018045-00018048 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06015-00018048-00018051 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06016-00018051-00018054 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06017-00018054-00018057 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06018-00018057-00018060 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06019-00018060-00018063 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06020-00018063-00018066 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06021-00018066-00018069 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06022-00018069-00018072 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06023-00018072-00018075 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06024-00018075-00018078 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06025-00018078-00018081 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06026-00018081-00018084 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06027-00018084-00018087 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06028-00018087-00018090 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06029-00018090-00018093 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06030-00018093-00018096 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06031-00018096-00018099 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06032-00018099-00018102 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06033-00018102-00018105 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:05 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06034-00018105-00018108 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06035-00018108-00018111 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:1.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06036-00018111-00018114 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06037-00018114-00018117 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06038-00018117-00018120 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06039-00018120-00018123 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06040-00018123-00018126 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06041-00018126-00018129 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06042-00018129-00018132 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06043-00018132-00018135 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06044-00018135-00018138 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06045-00018138-00018141 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06046-00018141-00018144 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06047-00018144-00018147 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06048-00018147-00018150 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06049-00018150-00018153 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06050-00018153-00018156 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06051-00018156-00018159 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06052-00018159-00018162 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06053-00018162-00018165 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06054-00018165-00018168 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06055-00018168-00018171 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06056-00018171-00018174 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06057-00018174-00018177 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06058-00018177-00018180 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06059-00018180-00018183 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06060-00018183-00018186 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06061-00018186-00018189 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06062-00018189-00018192 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06063-00018192-00018195 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06064-00018195-00018198 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06065-00018198-00018201 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06066-00018201-00018204 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:06 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06067-00018204-00018207 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06068-00018207-00018210 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06069-00018210-00018213 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06070-00018213-00018216 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06071-00018216-00018219 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06072-00018219-00018222 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06073-00018222-00018225 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06074-00018225-00018228 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06075-00018228-00018231 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06076-00018231-00018234 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06077-00018234-00018237 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06078-00018237-00018240 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06079-00018240-00018243 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06080-00018243-00018246 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06081-00018246-00018249 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06082-00018249-00018252 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06083-00018252-00018255 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06084-00018255-00018258 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06085-00018258-00018261 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06086-00018261-00018264 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06087-00018264-00018267 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06088-00018267-00018270 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06089-00018270-00018273 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:1.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06090-00018273-00018276 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06091-00018276-00018279 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06092-00018279-00018282 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06093-00018282-00018285 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06094-00018285-00018288 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06095-00018288-00018291 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06096-00018291-00018294 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06097-00018294-00018297 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06098-00018297-00018300 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06099-00018300-00018303 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:07 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06100-00018303-00018306 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06101-00018306-00018309 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06102-00018309-00018312 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06103-00018312-00018315 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06104-00018315-00018318 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06105-00018318-00018321 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.9 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06106-00018321-00018324 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06107-00018324-00018327 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06108-00018327-00018330 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06109-00018330-00018333 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06110-00018333-00018336 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06111-00018336-00018339 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06112-00018339-00018342 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06113-00018342-00018345 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06114-00018345-00018348 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06115-00018348-00018351 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06116-00018351-00018354 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06117-00018354-00018357 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06118-00018357-00018360 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06119-00018360-00018363 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06120-00018363-00018366 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06121-00018366-00018369 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.8 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06122-00018369-00018372 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06123-00018372-00018375 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06124-00018375-00018378 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06125-00018378-00018381 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06126-00018381-00018384 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06127-00018384-00018387 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06128-00018387-00018390 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06129-00018390-00018393 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06130-00018393-00018396 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06131-00018396-00018399 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06132-00018399-00018402 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06133-00018402-00018405 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:08 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06134-00018405-00018408 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06135-00018408-00018411 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06136-00018411-00018414 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06137-00018414-00018417 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06138-00018417-00018420 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.7 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06139-00018420-00018423 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06140-00018423-00018426 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06141-00018426-00018429 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06142-00018429-00018432 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06143-00018432-00018435 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06144-00018435-00018438 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06145-00018438-00018441 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06146-00018441-00018444 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06147-00018444-00018447 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06148-00018447-00018450 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06149-00018450-00018453 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06150-00018453-00018456 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06151-00018456-00018459 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.6 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06152-00018459-00018462 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06153-00018462-00018465 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06154-00018465-00018468 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06155-00018468-00018471 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06156-00018471-00018474 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06157-00018474-00018477 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06158-00018477-00018480 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06159-00018480-00018483 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06160-00018483-00018486 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06161-00018486-00018489 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06162-00018489-00018492 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06163-00018492-00018495 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06164-00018495-00018498 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06165-00018498-00018501 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.5 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06166-00018501-00018504 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:09 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06167-00018504-00018507 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06168-00018507-00018510 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,15) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06169-00018510-00018513 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06170-00018513-00018516 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06171-00018516-00018519 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06172-00018519-00018522 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06173-00018522-00018525 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06174-00018525-00018528 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06175-00018528-00018531 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.4 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06176-00018531-00018534 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06177-00018534-00018537 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06178-00018537-00018540 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06179-00018540-00018543 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06180-00018543-00018546 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06181-00018546-00018549 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06182-00018549-00018552 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06183-00018552-00018555 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06184-00018555-00018558 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06185-00018558-00018561 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06186-00018561-00018564 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06187-00018564-00018567 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06188-00018567-00018570 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.3 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06189-00018570-00018573 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06190-00018573-00018576 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06191-00018576-00018579 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06192-00018579-00018582 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06193-00018582-00018585 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06194-00018585-00018588 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06195-00018588-00018591 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06196-00018591-00018594 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06197-00018594-00018597 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06198-00018597-00018600 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06199-00018600-00018603 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:10 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06200-00018603-00018606 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06201-00018606-00018609 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06202-00018609-00018612 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06203-00018612-00018615 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06204-00018615-00018618 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06205-00018618-00018621 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06206-00018621-00018624 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06207-00018624-00018627 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06208-00018627-00018630 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06209-00018630-00018633 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06210-00018633-00018636 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06211-00018636-00018639 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06212-00018639-00018642 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06213-00018642-00018645 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06214-00018645-00018648 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06215-00018648-00018651 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06216-00018651-00018654 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06217-00018654-00018657 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06218-00018657-00018660 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06219-00018660-00018663 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06220-00018663-00018666 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06221-00018666-00018669 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06222-00018669-00018672 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06223-00018672-00018675 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06224-00018675-00018678 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06225-00018678-00018681 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06226-00018681-00018684 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06227-00018684-00018687 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06228-00018687-00018690 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06229-00018690-00018693 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06230-00018693-00018696 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06231-00018696-00018699 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06232-00018699-00018702 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06233-00018702-00018705 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:11 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06234-00018705-00018708 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06235-00018708-00018711 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06236-00018711-00018714 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06237-00018714-00018717 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06238-00018717-00018720 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06239-00018720-00018723 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06240-00018723-00018726 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06241-00018726-00018729 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06242-00018729-00018732 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06243-00018732-00018735 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:640 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06244-00018735-00018738 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06245-00018738-00018741 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06246-00018741-00018744 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06247-00018744-00018747 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06248-00018747-00018750 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06249-00018750-00018753 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06250-00018753-00018756 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06251-00018756-00018759 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06252-00018759-00018762 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06253-00018762-00018765 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06254-00018765-00018768 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06255-00018768-00018771 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06256-00018771-00018774 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06257-00018774-00018777 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06258-00018777-00018780 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06259-00018780-00018783 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06260-00018783-00018786 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06261-00018786-00018789 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06262-00018789-00018792 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06263-00018792-00018795 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06264-00018795-00018798 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06265-00018798-00018801 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06266-00018801-00018804 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:12 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06267-00018804-00018807 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06268-00018807-00018810 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06269-00018810-00018813 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06270-00018813-00018816 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06271-00018816-00018819 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06272-00018819-00018822 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06273-00018822-00018825 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06274-00018825-00018828 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06275-00018828-00018831 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06276-00018831-00018834 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06277-00018834-00018837 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06278-00018837-00018840 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06279-00018840-00018843 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06280-00018843-00018846 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06281-00018846-00018849 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06282-00018849-00018852 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06283-00018852-00018855 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06284-00018855-00018858 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06285-00018858-00018861 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06286-00018861-00018864 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06287-00018864-00018867 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06288-00018867-00018870 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06289-00018870-00018873 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06290-00018873-00018876 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06291-00018876-00018879 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06292-00018879-00018882 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06293-00018882-00018885 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06294-00018885-00018888 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06295-00018888-00018891 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06296-00018891-00018894 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06297-00018894-00018897 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06298-00018897-00018900 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06299-00018900-00018903 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:13 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06300-00018903-00018906 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06301-00018906-00018909 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06302-00018909-00018912 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06303-00018912-00018915 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06304-00018915-00018918 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06305-00018918-00018921 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06306-00018921-00018924 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06307-00018924-00018927 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06308-00018927-00018930 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06309-00018930-00018933 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06310-00018933-00018936 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06311-00018936-00018939 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06312-00018939-00018942 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06313-00018942-00018945 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06314-00018945-00018948 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06315-00018948-00018951 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06316-00018951-00018954 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06317-00018954-00018957 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06318-00018957-00018960 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06319-00018960-00018963 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06320-00018963-00018966 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06321-00018966-00018969 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06322-00018969-00018972 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06323-00018972-00018975 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06324-00018975-00018978 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06325-00018978-00018981 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06326-00018981-00018984 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06327-00018984-00018987 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06328-00018987-00018990 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06329-00018990-00018993 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06330-00018993-00018996 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06331-00018996-00018999 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06332-00018999-00019002 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06333-00019002-00019005 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:14 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06334-00019005-00019008 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06335-00019008-00019011 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06336-00019011-00019014 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06337-00019014-00019017 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06338-00019017-00019020 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06339-00019020-00019023 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06340-00019023-00019026 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06341-00019026-00019029 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06342-00019029-00019032 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06343-00019032-00019035 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06344-00019035-00019038 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06345-00019038-00019041 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06346-00019041-00019044 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06347-00019044-00019047 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06348-00019047-00019050 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06349-00019050-00019053 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06350-00019053-00019056 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06351-00019056-00019059 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06352-00019059-00019062 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06353-00019062-00019065 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06354-00019065-00019068 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06355-00019068-00019071 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06356-00019071-00019074 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06357-00019074-00019077 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06358-00019077-00019080 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06359-00019080-00019083 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06360-00019083-00019086 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06361-00019086-00019089 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06362-00019089-00019092 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06363-00019092-00019095 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06364-00019095-00019098 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06365-00019098-00019101 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06366-00019101-00019104 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:15 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06367-00019104-00019107 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06368-00019107-00019110 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06369-00019110-00019113 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06370-00019113-00019116 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06371-00019116-00019119 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06372-00019119-00019122 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06373-00019122-00019125 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06374-00019125-00019128 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06375-00019128-00019131 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06376-00019131-00019134 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06377-00019134-00019137 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06378-00019137-00019140 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06379-00019140-00019143 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06380-00019143-00019146 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06381-00019146-00019149 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06382-00019149-00019152 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06383-00019152-00019155 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06384-00019155-00019158 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06385-00019158-00019161 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06386-00019161-00019164 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06387-00019164-00019167 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06388-00019167-00019170 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06389-00019170-00019173 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06390-00019173-00019176 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06391-00019176-00019179 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06392-00019179-00019182 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06393-00019182-00019185 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06394-00019185-00019188 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06395-00019188-00019191 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06396-00019191-00019194 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06397-00019194-00019197 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06398-00019197-00019200 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06399-00019200-00019203 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:16 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06400-00019203-00019206 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06401-00019206-00019209 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06402-00019209-00019212 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06403-00019212-00019215 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06404-00019215-00019218 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06405-00019218-00019221 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06406-00019221-00019224 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06407-00019224-00019227 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06408-00019227-00019230 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06409-00019230-00019233 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06410-00019233-00019236 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06411-00019236-00019239 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06412-00019239-00019242 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06413-00019242-00019245 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06414-00019245-00019248 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06415-00019248-00019251 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06416-00019251-00019254 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06417-00019254-00019257 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06418-00019257-00019260 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06419-00019260-00019263 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06420-00019263-00019266 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06421-00019266-00019269 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06422-00019269-00019272 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06423-00019272-00019275 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06424-00019275-00019278 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06425-00019278-00019281 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06426-00019281-00019284 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06427-00019284-00019287 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06428-00019287-00019290 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06429-00019290-00019293 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06430-00019293-00019296 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06431-00019296-00019299 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06432-00019299-00019302 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06433-00019302-00019305 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:17 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06434-00019305-00019308 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06435-00019308-00019311 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06436-00019311-00019314 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06437-00019314-00019317 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06438-00019317-00019320 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06439-00019320-00019323 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06440-00019323-00019326 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06441-00019326-00019329 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06442-00019329-00019332 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06443-00019332-00019335 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06444-00019335-00019338 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06445-00019338-00019341 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06446-00019341-00019344 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06447-00019344-00019347 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06448-00019347-00019350 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06449-00019350-00019353 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06450-00019353-00019356 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06451-00019356-00019359 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06452-00019359-00019362 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06453-00019362-00019365 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06454-00019365-00019368 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06455-00019368-00019371 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06456-00019371-00019374 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06457-00019374-00019377 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06458-00019377-00019380 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06459-00019380-00019383 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06460-00019383-00019386 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06461-00019386-00019389 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06462-00019389-00019392 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06463-00019392-00019395 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06464-00019395-00019398 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06465-00019398-00019401 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06466-00019401-00019404 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:18 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06467-00019404-00019407 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06468-00019407-00019410 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06469-00019410-00019413 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06470-00019413-00019416 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06471-00019416-00019419 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06472-00019419-00019422 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06473-00019422-00019425 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06474-00019425-00019428 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06475-00019428-00019431 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06476-00019431-00019434 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06477-00019434-00019437 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06478-00019437-00019440 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06479-00019440-00019443 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06480-00019443-00019446 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06481-00019446-00019449 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06482-00019449-00019452 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06483-00019452-00019455 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06484-00019455-00019458 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06485-00019458-00019461 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06486-00019461-00019464 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06487-00019464-00019467 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06488-00019467-00019470 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06489-00019470-00019473 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06490-00019473-00019476 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06491-00019476-00019479 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06492-00019479-00019482 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06493-00019482-00019485 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06494-00019485-00019488 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06495-00019488-00019491 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06496-00019491-00019494 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06497-00019494-00019497 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06498-00019497-00019500 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06499-00019500-00019503 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:19 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06500-00019503-00019506 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06501-00019506-00019509 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06502-00019509-00019512 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06503-00019512-00019515 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06504-00019515-00019518 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06505-00019518-00019521 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06506-00019521-00019524 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06507-00019524-00019527 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06508-00019527-00019530 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06509-00019530-00019533 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06510-00019533-00019536 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06511-00019536-00019539 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06512-00019539-00019542 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06513-00019542-00019545 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06514-00019545-00019548 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06515-00019548-00019551 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06516-00019551-00019554 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06517-00019554-00019557 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06518-00019557-00019560 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06519-00019560-00019563 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06520-00019563-00019566 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06521-00019566-00019569 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06522-00019569-00019572 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06523-00019572-00019575 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06524-00019575-00019578 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06525-00019578-00019581 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06526-00019581-00019584 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06527-00019584-00019587 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06528-00019587-00019590 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06529-00019590-00019593 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06530-00019593-00019596 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06531-00019596-00019599 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06532-00019599-00019602 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06533-00019602-00019605 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:20 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06534-00019605-00019608 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06535-00019608-00019611 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06536-00019611-00019614 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06537-00019614-00019617 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06538-00019617-00019620 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06539-00019620-00019623 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06540-00019623-00019626 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06541-00019626-00019629 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06542-00019629-00019632 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06543-00019632-00019635 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06544-00019635-00019638 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06545-00019638-00019641 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06546-00019641-00019644 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06547-00019644-00019647 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06548-00019647-00019650 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06549-00019650-00019653 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06550-00019653-00019656 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06551-00019656-00019659 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06552-00019659-00019662 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06553-00019662-00019665 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06554-00019665-00019668 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06555-00019668-00019671 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06556-00019671-00019674 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06557-00019674-00019677 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06558-00019677-00019680 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06559-00019680-00019683 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06560-00019683-00019686 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06561-00019686-00019689 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06562-00019689-00019692 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06563-00019692-00019695 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06564-00019695-00019698 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06565-00019698-00019701 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06566-00019701-00019704 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:21 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06567-00019704-00019707 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06568-00019707-00019710 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06569-00019710-00019713 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06570-00019713-00019716 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06571-00019716-00019719 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06572-00019719-00019722 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06573-00019722-00019725 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06574-00019725-00019728 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06575-00019728-00019731 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06576-00019731-00019734 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06577-00019734-00019737 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06578-00019737-00019740 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06579-00019740-00019743 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06580-00019743-00019746 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06581-00019746-00019749 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06582-00019749-00019752 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06583-00019752-00019755 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06584-00019755-00019758 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06585-00019758-00019761 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06586-00019761-00019764 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06587-00019764-00019767 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06588-00019767-00019770 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06589-00019770-00019773 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06590-00019773-00019776 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06591-00019776-00019779 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06592-00019779-00019782 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06593-00019782-00019785 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06594-00019785-00019788 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06595-00019788-00019791 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06596-00019791-00019794 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06597-00019794-00019797 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06598-00019797-00019800 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06599-00019800-00019803 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:22 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06600-00019803-00019806 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06601-00019806-00019809 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06602-00019809-00019812 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06603-00019812-00019815 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06604-00019815-00019818 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06605-00019818-00019821 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06606-00019821-00019824 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06607-00019824-00019827 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06608-00019827-00019830 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06609-00019830-00019833 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06610-00019833-00019836 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06611-00019836-00019839 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06612-00019839-00019842 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06613-00019842-00019845 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06614-00019845-00019848 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06615-00019848-00019851 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06616-00019851-00019854 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06617-00019854-00019857 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06618-00019857-00019860 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06619-00019860-00019863 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06620-00019863-00019866 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06621-00019866-00019869 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06622-00019869-00019872 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06623-00019872-00019875 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06624-00019875-00019878 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06625-00019878-00019881 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06626-00019881-00019884 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06627-00019884-00019887 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06628-00019887-00019890 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06629-00019890-00019893 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06630-00019893-00019896 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06631-00019896-00019899 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06632-00019899-00019902 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06633-00019902-00019905 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:23 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06634-00019905-00019908 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06635-00019908-00019911 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06636-00019911-00019914 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06637-00019914-00019917 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06638-00019917-00019920 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06639-00019920-00019923 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06640-00019923-00019926 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06641-00019926-00019929 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06642-00019929-00019932 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06643-00019932-00019935 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06644-00019935-00019938 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06645-00019938-00019941 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06646-00019941-00019944 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06647-00019944-00019947 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06648-00019947-00019950 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06649-00019950-00019953 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06650-00019953-00019956 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06651-00019956-00019959 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06652-00019959-00019962 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06653-00019962-00019965 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06654-00019965-00019968 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06655-00019968-00019971 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06656-00019971-00019974 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06657-00019974-00019977 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06658-00019977-00019980 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06659-00019980-00019983 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06660-00019983-00019986 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06661-00019986-00019989 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06662-00019989-00019992 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06663-00019992-00019995 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06664-00019995-00019998 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06665-00019998-00020001 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06666-00020001-00020004 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:24 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06667-00020004-00020007 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06668-00020007-00020010 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06669-00020010-00020013 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06670-00020013-00020016 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06671-00020016-00020019 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06672-00020019-00020022 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06673-00020022-00020025 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06674-00020025-00020028 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06675-00020028-00020031 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06676-00020031-00020034 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06677-00020034-00020037 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06678-00020037-00020040 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06679-00020040-00020043 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06680-00020043-00020046 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06681-00020046-00020049 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06682-00020049-00020052 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06683-00020052-00020055 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06684-00020055-00020058 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06685-00020058-00020061 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06686-00020061-00020064 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06687-00020064-00020067 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06688-00020067-00020070 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06689-00020070-00020073 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06690-00020073-00020076 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06691-00020076-00020079 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06692-00020079-00020082 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06693-00020082-00020085 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06694-00020085-00020088 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06695-00020088-00020091 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,14) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06696-00020091-00020094 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06697-00020094-00020097 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06698-00020097-00020100 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06699-00020100-00020103 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:25 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06700-00020103-00020106 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06701-00020106-00020109 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06702-00020109-00020112 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06703-00020112-00020115 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06704-00020115-00020118 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06705-00020118-00020121 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06706-00020121-00020124 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06707-00020124-00020127 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06708-00020127-00020130 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06709-00020130-00020133 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06710-00020133-00020136 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06711-00020136-00020139 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06712-00020139-00020142 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06713-00020142-00020145 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06714-00020145-00020148 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06715-00020148-00020151 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06716-00020151-00020154 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06717-00020154-00020157 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06718-00020157-00020160 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06719-00020160-00020163 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06720-00020163-00020166 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06721-00020166-00020169 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06722-00020169-00020172 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06723-00020172-00020175 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06724-00020175-00020178 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06725-00020178-00020181 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06726-00020181-00020184 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06727-00020184-00020187 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06728-00020187-00020190 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06729-00020190-00020193 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06730-00020193-00020196 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06731-00020196-00020199 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06732-00020199-00020202 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06733-00020202-00020205 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:26 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06734-00020205-00020208 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06735-00020208-00020211 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06736-00020211-00020214 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06737-00020214-00020217 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06738-00020217-00020220 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06739-00020220-00020223 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06740-00020223-00020226 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06741-00020226-00020229 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06742-00020229-00020232 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06743-00020232-00020235 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06744-00020235-00020238 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06745-00020238-00020241 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06746-00020241-00020244 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06747-00020244-00020247 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06748-00020247-00020250 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06749-00020250-00020253 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06750-00020253-00020256 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06751-00020256-00020259 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06752-00020259-00020262 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06753-00020262-00020265 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06754-00020265-00020268 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06755-00020268-00020271 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06756-00020271-00020274 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06757-00020274-00020277 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.0 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06758-00020277-00020280 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06759-00020280-00020283 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06760-00020283-00020286 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.1 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06761-00020286-00020289 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06762-00020289-00020292 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06763-00020292-00020295 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06764-00020295-00020298 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06765-00020298-00020301 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06766-00020301-00020304 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:27 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06767-00020304-00020307 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06768-00020307-00020310 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06769-00020310-00020313 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06770-00020313-00020316 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +s8CDJ0WmDRM-06771-00020316-00020319 HOME(-128.0295,50.5121) 2017.06.17 16:28:28 GPS(-128.0296,50.5121,13) BAROMETER:0.2 ISO:100 Shutter:500 EV: 0 Fnum:F2.2 +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00000-00000028-00000255 Which resources or initiatives +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00001-00000255-00000519 ICT women have access right now? +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00002-00000548-00000791 The Dona TIC Awards is an initiative +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00003-00000791-00001094 which is born with the aim of making the presence of women visible +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00004-00001094-00001325 in technology and engineering careers, +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00005-00001326-00001546 and foster STEM vocations. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00006-00001604-00001907 These awards are part of the Dona TIC Plan +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00007-00001921-00002195 driven by the Department of Digital Policies +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00008-00002196-00002459 Aid line of 500,000 euros +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00009-00002460-00002730 by technology-led companies led by women +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00010-00002730-00003006 driven by the Department of Digital Policies +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00011-00003006-00003204 and Public Administration. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00012-00003224-00003465 The Stem Women Congress Barcelona +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00013-00003476-00003682 raises a joint action plan +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00014-00003682-00003945 among all Institutions, organizations +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00015-00003945-00004252 and companies that support women’s talent +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00016-00004252-00004395 in the STEM field. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00017-00004494-00004805 Women in Mobile wants to attract, retain, +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00018-00004805-00005099 make visible and advancing the #WomeninTech industry +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00019-00005106-00005382 through strengthening, education and leadership. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00020-00005486-00005758 Donestech is a group that researches and intervenes +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00021-00005758-00006035 in the field of women and new technologies. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00022-00006035-00006327 It has become key to understanding research +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00023-00006327-00006652 and cyberfeminist action, especially in the Latin world +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00024-00006652-00006946 feminist and in activist settings. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00025-00007030-00007362 Digital Fems is an organization that defends gender diversity +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00026-00007362-00007578 in the tech industry. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00027-00007598-00007880 Especially in Big Data and Data Gender environments, +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00028-00007902-00008254 in order to evidence and measure with science +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00029-00008254-00008442 of data gender inequalities. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00030-00008511-00008737 Technovation Challenge is a contest +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00031-00008770-00009064 encourages technological vocations among girls +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00032-00009064-00009308 through a contest from a mobile app +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00033-00009326-00009544 to troubleshoot a nearby environment problem. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00034-00009688-00009966 Amical wikimedia is also encouraged +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00035-00009966-00010313 the technological vocations with groups of women who edit Wikipedia. +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00036-00010527-00010840 There are also other initiatives such as +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00037-00010840-00011137 Women it awards, Women4Tech, Fem Talent +sqzJqy-Z-i0-00038-00011137-00011487 Bitbot, Young IT Girls, CodeOp and many more. +sry8VVx9elu-00000-00001973-00002145 This is about a very +sry8VVx9elu-00001-00002149-00002409 positive cooperation with +sry8VVx9elu-00002-00002421-00002606 researchers from +sry8VVx9elu-00003-00002618-00002773 Graz, from Austria. +sry8VVx9elu-00004-00002916-00003099 They had an idea to +sry8VVx9elu-00005-00003156-00003416 organize some experiements, +sry8VVx9elu-00006-00003428-00003633 in the open, to showcase +sry8VVx9elu-00007-00003645-00003804 their work and +sry8VVx9elu-00008-00003816-00003977 science in a more fun way. +sry8VVx9elu-00009-00004105-00004246 So we joined +sry8VVx9elu-00010-00004258-00004511 with already established +sry8VVx9elu-00011-00004567-00004765 Out of the Box events. +sry8VVx9elu-00012-00004812-00005001 So together we, +sry8VVx9elu-00013-00005013-00005134 in the House of Science, +sry8VVx9elu-00014-00005146-00005300 which is also a co-organizer +sry8VVx9elu-00015-00005336-00005500 organized this event. +sry8VVx9elu-00016-00007496-00007644 Our goal is to present +sry8VVx9elu-00017-00007737-00007856 science, +sry8VVx9elu-00018-00007946-00008131 to the public in a more +sry8VVx9elu-00019-00008143-00008337 lets say, fun way. +sry8VVx9elu-00020-00008374-00008530 Not just with some +sry8VVx9elu-00021-00008542-00008691 tiresome equations, +sry8VVx9elu-00022-00008703-00008864 or in a lab with +sry8VVx9elu-00023-00008876-00009000 some very very +sry8VVx9elu-00024-00009012-00009170 complicated experiments. +sry8VVx9elu-00025-00013750-00013911 Very very +sry8VVx9elu-00026-00013923-00014142 surprising attendance +sry8VVx9elu-00027-00014154-00014325 is here today. +sry8VVx9elu-00028-00014369-00014602 Taking into account +sry8VVx9elu-00029-00014631-00014749 it's the holidays, +sry8VVx9elu-00030-00014761-00014876 that school is out. +sry8VVx9elu-00031-00015018-00015212 We were kinda afraid +sry8VVx9elu-00032-00015224-00015361 that people will be +sry8VVx9elu-00033-00015373-00015514 away from the city. +sry8VVx9elu-00034-00015607-00015682 But yes, +sry8VVx9elu-00035-00015694-00015831 in terms of the +sry8VVx9elu-00036-00015869-00015963 short time frame +sry8VVx9elu-00037-00015976-00016114 we had to organize this event +sry8VVx9elu-00038-00016126-00016225 here in the House of Science. +sry8VVx9elu-00039-00016284-00016385 We are very +sry8VVx9elu-00040-00016397-00016507 happy with the attendance. +sry8VVx9elu-00041-00016519-00016703 I welcome today's event, +sry8VVx9elu-00042-00016715-00016811 for the University +sry8VVx9elu-00043-00016823-00016902 of Maribor this is +sry8VVx9elu-00044-00016914-00016998 a nice opportunity +sry8VVx9elu-00045-00017010-00017152 to show what young +sry8VVx9elu-00046-00017164-00017321 scientists do in labolatories. +sry8VVx9elu-00047-00017349-00017470 And that chemistry +sry8VVx9elu-00048-00017482-00017635 surrounds us in everyday life. +sry8VVx9elu-00049-00017671-00017829 Now I wait fo them +sry8VVx9elu-00050-00017841-00017938 to prepare the ice cream. +sry8VVx9elu-00051-00017967-00018055 They ran out of +sry8VVx9elu-00052-00018067-00018129 liquid notrogen, +sry8VVx9elu-00053-00018141-00018214 and I hope they +sry8VVx9elu-00054-00018226-00018349 quickly get more +sry8VVx9elu-00055-00018361-00018517 so I get my portion. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00000-00000730-00000780 OBVIOUSLY WE'RE GOING TO HAVE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00001-00000780-00000787 OBVIOUSLY WE'RE GOING TO HAVE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00002-00000787-00001134 OBVIOUSLY WE'RE GOING TO HAVE ONE IN THE CONSOLATION TITLE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00003-00001134-00001141 OBVIOUSLY WE'RE GOING TO HAVE ONE IN THE CONSOLATION TITLE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00004-00001141-00001251 OBVIOUSLY WE'RE GOING TO HAVE ONE IN THE CONSOLATION TITLE. >>Josh: ABSOLUTELY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00005-00001251-00001257 ONE IN THE CONSOLATION TITLE. >>Josh: ABSOLUTELY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00006-00001257-00001367 ONE IN THE CONSOLATION TITLE. >>Josh: ABSOLUTELY. THANKS, JUSTIN. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00007-00001367-00001374 >>Josh: ABSOLUTELY. THANKS, JUSTIN. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00008-00001374-00001448 >>Josh: ABSOLUTELY. THANKS, JUSTIN. >>> YOU DON'T NEED ANY MUSIC TO +srS4VhW2XDQ-00009-00001448-00001454 THANKS, JUSTIN. >>> YOU DON'T NEED ANY MUSIC TO +srS4VhW2XDQ-00010-00001454-00001501 THANKS, JUSTIN. >>> YOU DON'T NEED ANY MUSIC TO HIT THE RIGHT NOTES. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00011-00001501-00001508 >>> YOU DON'T NEED ANY MUSIC TO HIT THE RIGHT NOTES. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00012-00001508-00001588 >>> YOU DON'T NEED ANY MUSIC TO HIT THE RIGHT NOTES. A CAPPELLA MUSIC GROUP SIX +srS4VhW2XDQ-00013-00001588-00001594 HIT THE RIGHT NOTES. A CAPPELLA MUSIC GROUP SIX +srS4VhW2XDQ-00014-00001594-00001664 HIT THE RIGHT NOTES. A CAPPELLA MUSIC GROUP SIX APPEAL STOPPED BY BEMIDJI MIDDLE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00015-00001664-00001671 A CAPPELLA MUSIC GROUP SIX APPEAL STOPPED BY BEMIDJI MIDDLE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00016-00001671-00001731 A CAPPELLA MUSIC GROUP SIX APPEAL STOPPED BY BEMIDJI MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE SHOW CHOIR'S +srS4VhW2XDQ-00017-00001731-00001738 APPEAL STOPPED BY BEMIDJI MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE SHOW CHOIR'S +srS4VhW2XDQ-00018-00001738-00001811 APPEAL STOPPED BY BEMIDJI MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR THE SHOW CHOIR'S FUNDRAISER. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00019-00001811-00001818 SCHOOL FOR THE SHOW CHOIR'S FUNDRAISER. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00020-00001818-00001931 SCHOOL FOR THE SHOW CHOIR'S FUNDRAISER. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, +srS4VhW2XDQ-00021-00001931-00001938 FUNDRAISER. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, +srS4VhW2XDQ-00022-00001938-00002001 FUNDRAISER. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW +srS4VhW2XDQ-00023-00002001-00002008 FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW +srS4VhW2XDQ-00024-00002008-00002115 FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW STUDENTS AND THEIR A CAPPELLA +srS4VhW2XDQ-00025-00002115-00002122 HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW STUDENTS AND THEIR A CAPPELLA +srS4VhW2XDQ-00026-00002122-00002542 HAYDEE CLOTTER TELLS US HOW STUDENTS AND THEIR A CAPPELLA SKILLS TAKE CENTER STAGE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00027-00002542-00002549 STUDENTS AND THEIR A CAPPELLA SKILLS TAKE CENTER STAGE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00028-00002549-00002669 STUDENTS AND THEIR A CAPPELLA SKILLS TAKE CENTER STAGE. >> Reporter: THE BEMIDJI MIDDLE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00029-00002669-00002675 SKILLS TAKE CENTER STAGE. >> Reporter: THE BEMIDJI MIDDLE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00030-00002675-00002972 SKILLS TAKE CENTER STAGE. >> Reporter: THE BEMIDJI MIDDLE SCHOOL WAS GROOVING TO THE BEAT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00031-00002972-00002979 >> Reporter: THE BEMIDJI MIDDLE SCHOOL WAS GROOVING TO THE BEAT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00032-00002979-00003123 >> Reporter: THE BEMIDJI MIDDLE SCHOOL WAS GROOVING TO THE BEAT COURTESY OF THE MUSIC PROVIDED +srS4VhW2XDQ-00033-00003123-00003129 SCHOOL WAS GROOVING TO THE BEAT COURTESY OF THE MUSIC PROVIDED +srS4VhW2XDQ-00034-00003129-00003353 SCHOOL WAS GROOVING TO THE BEAT COURTESY OF THE MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE A CAPPELLA GROUP. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00035-00003353-00003360 COURTESY OF THE MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE A CAPPELLA GROUP. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00036-00003360-00003530 COURTESY OF THE MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE A CAPPELLA GROUP. THE FUNDS GO BACK INTO THE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00037-00003530-00003536 BY THE A CAPPELLA GROUP. THE FUNDS GO BACK INTO THE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00038-00003536-00003993 BY THE A CAPPELLA GROUP. THE FUNDS GO BACK INTO THE PROGRAM. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00039-00003993-00004000 THE FUNDS GO BACK INTO THE PROGRAM. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00040-00004000-00004127 THE FUNDS GO BACK INTO THE PROGRAM. STUDENTS APPRECIATE THE ROLE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00041-00004127-00004134 PROGRAM. STUDENTS APPRECIATE THE ROLE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00042-00004134-00004237 PROGRAM. STUDENTS APPRECIATE THE ROLE MUSIC PLAYS IN HER LIFE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00043-00004237-00004244 STUDENTS APPRECIATE THE ROLE MUSIC PLAYS IN HER LIFE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00044-00004244-00004671 STUDENTS APPRECIATE THE ROLE MUSIC PLAYS IN HER LIFE. SHE SAYS BY WATCHING GROUPS LIKE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00045-00004671-00004677 MUSIC PLAYS IN HER LIFE. SHE SAYS BY WATCHING GROUPS LIKE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00046-00004677-00004888 MUSIC PLAYS IN HER LIFE. SHE SAYS BY WATCHING GROUPS LIKE SEX APPEAL, THEY CAN SEE HOW FAR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00047-00004888-00004894 SHE SAYS BY WATCHING GROUPS LIKE SEX APPEAL, THEY CAN SEE HOW FAR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00048-00004894-00005068 SHE SAYS BY WATCHING GROUPS LIKE SEX APPEAL, THEY CAN SEE HOW FAR THEY CAN GO. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00049-00005068-00005075 SEX APPEAL, THEY CAN SEE HOW FAR THEY CAN GO. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00050-00005075-00005271 SEX APPEAL, THEY CAN SEE HOW FAR THEY CAN GO. >> YOU GET TO SING, DANCE AND +srS4VhW2XDQ-00051-00005271-00005278 THEY CAN GO. >> YOU GET TO SING, DANCE AND +srS4VhW2XDQ-00052-00005278-00005455 THEY CAN GO. >> YOU GET TO SING, DANCE AND EVEN MEET SO GREAT PEOPLE THAT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00053-00005455-00005462 >> YOU GET TO SING, DANCE AND EVEN MEET SO GREAT PEOPLE THAT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00054-00005462-00005655 >> YOU GET TO SING, DANCE AND EVEN MEET SO GREAT PEOPLE THAT HAVE SO MUCH TALENT, YOU KNOW. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00055-00005655-00005662 EVEN MEET SO GREAT PEOPLE THAT HAVE SO MUCH TALENT, YOU KNOW. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00056-00005662-00005855 EVEN MEET SO GREAT PEOPLE THAT HAVE SO MUCH TALENT, YOU KNOW. AND THEY CAN MAKE IT BIG ONE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00057-00005855-00005862 HAVE SO MUCH TALENT, YOU KNOW. AND THEY CAN MAKE IT BIG ONE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00058-00005862-00005929 HAVE SO MUCH TALENT, YOU KNOW. AND THEY CAN MAKE IT BIG ONE DAY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00059-00005929-00005935 AND THEY CAN MAKE IT BIG ONE DAY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00060-00005935-00006012 AND THEY CAN MAKE IT BIG ONE DAY. >> Reporter: SIX APPEAL MEMBERS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00061-00006012-00006019 DAY. >> Reporter: SIX APPEAL MEMBERS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00062-00006019-00006152 DAY. >> Reporter: SIX APPEAL MEMBERS SAY ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF +srS4VhW2XDQ-00063-00006152-00006159 >> Reporter: SIX APPEAL MEMBERS SAY ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF +srS4VhW2XDQ-00064-00006159-00006252 >> Reporter: SIX APPEAL MEMBERS SAY ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF STUDENTS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00065-00006252-00006259 SAY ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF STUDENTS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00066-00006259-00006423 SAY ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF STUDENTS IS SHOWING THEM SOMETHING +srS4VhW2XDQ-00067-00006423-00006429 PERFORMING IN FRONT OF STUDENTS IS SHOWING THEM SOMETHING +srS4VhW2XDQ-00068-00006429-00006603 PERFORMING IN FRONT OF STUDENTS IS SHOWING THEM SOMETHING THEY'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00069-00006603-00006609 IS SHOWING THEM SOMETHING THEY'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00070-00006609-00006773 IS SHOWING THEM SOMETHING THEY'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. >> IT'S REALLY COOL TO GET IN +srS4VhW2XDQ-00071-00006773-00006780 THEY'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. >> IT'S REALLY COOL TO GET IN +srS4VhW2XDQ-00072-00006780-00006966 THEY'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. >> IT'S REALLY COOL TO GET IN FRONT OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND SHARE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00073-00006966-00006973 >> IT'S REALLY COOL TO GET IN FRONT OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND SHARE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00074-00006973-00007123 >> IT'S REALLY COOL TO GET IN FRONT OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND SHARE WHAT WE DO AND HAVE AN +srS4VhW2XDQ-00075-00007123-00007130 FRONT OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND SHARE WHAT WE DO AND HAVE AN +srS4VhW2XDQ-00076-00007130-00007267 FRONT OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND SHARE WHAT WE DO AND HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THE ART +srS4VhW2XDQ-00077-00007267-00007273 WHAT WE DO AND HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THE ART +srS4VhW2XDQ-00078-00007273-00007477 WHAT WE DO AND HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THE ART FORM. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00079-00007477-00007484 OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THE ART FORM. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00080-00007484-00007660 OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS THE ART FORM. >> I LIKE THE BEAT BOXING. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00081-00007660-00007667 FORM. >> I LIKE THE BEAT BOXING. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00082-00007667-00007821 FORM. >> I LIKE THE BEAT BOXING. >> Reporter: STUDENTS ALSO PUT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00083-00007821-00007827 >> I LIKE THE BEAT BOXING. >> Reporter: STUDENTS ALSO PUT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00084-00007827-00008007 >> I LIKE THE BEAT BOXING. >> Reporter: STUDENTS ALSO PUT THOSE SKILLS ON DISPLAY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00085-00008007-00008014 >> Reporter: STUDENTS ALSO PUT THOSE SKILLS ON DISPLAY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00086-00008014-00008114 >> Reporter: STUDENTS ALSO PUT THOSE SKILLS ON DISPLAY. NEARLY 150 MIDDLE SCHOOL +srS4VhW2XDQ-00087-00008114-00008121 THOSE SKILLS ON DISPLAY. NEARLY 150 MIDDLE SCHOOL +srS4VhW2XDQ-00088-00008121-00008301 THOSE SKILLS ON DISPLAY. NEARLY 150 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00089-00008301-00008308 NEARLY 150 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00090-00008308-00008451 NEARLY 150 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE SCHOOL'S SHOW CHOIR. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00091-00008451-00008458 STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE SCHOOL'S SHOW CHOIR. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00092-00008458-00008748 STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE SCHOOL'S SHOW CHOIR. THE DIRECTOR CONSIDERS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00093-00008748-00008755 SCHOOL'S SHOW CHOIR. THE DIRECTOR CONSIDERS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00094-00008755-00009235 SCHOOL'S SHOW CHOIR. THE DIRECTOR CONSIDERS A CAPPELLA PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00095-00009235-00009242 THE DIRECTOR CONSIDERS A CAPPELLA PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00096-00009242-00009349 THE DIRECTOR CONSIDERS A CAPPELLA PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR TO OTHER MUSIC. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00097-00009349-00009356 A CAPPELLA PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR TO OTHER MUSIC. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00098-00009356-00009526 A CAPPELLA PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR TO OTHER MUSIC. >> THEY'RE SUPER TALENTED. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00099-00009526-00009532 TO OTHER MUSIC. >> THEY'RE SUPER TALENTED. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00100-00009532-00009702 TO OTHER MUSIC. >> THEY'RE SUPER TALENTED. AGAIN, I THINK OUR STUDENTS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00101-00009702-00009709 >> THEY'RE SUPER TALENTED. AGAIN, I THINK OUR STUDENTS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00102-00009709-00009843 >> THEY'RE SUPER TALENTED. AGAIN, I THINK OUR STUDENTS ASPIRE TO EVENTUALLY BE ABLE TO +srS4VhW2XDQ-00103-00009843-00009849 AGAIN, I THINK OUR STUDENTS ASPIRE TO EVENTUALLY BE ABLE TO +srS4VhW2XDQ-00104-00009849-00010043 AGAIN, I THINK OUR STUDENTS ASPIRE TO EVENTUALLY BE ABLE TO DO WHAT THEY DO. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00105-00010043-00010050 ASPIRE TO EVENTUALLY BE ABLE TO DO WHAT THEY DO. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00106-00010050-00010203 ASPIRE TO EVENTUALLY BE ABLE TO DO WHAT THEY DO. >> Reporter: BETHANY HAS BEEN A +srS4VhW2XDQ-00107-00010203-00010210 DO WHAT THEY DO. >> Reporter: BETHANY HAS BEEN A +srS4VhW2XDQ-00108-00010210-00010366 DO WHAT THEY DO. >> Reporter: BETHANY HAS BEEN A PART OF SHOW CHOIR FOR TWO YEARS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00109-00010366-00010373 >> Reporter: BETHANY HAS BEEN A PART OF SHOW CHOIR FOR TWO YEARS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00110-00010373-00010493 >> Reporter: BETHANY HAS BEEN A PART OF SHOW CHOIR FOR TWO YEARS AND HOPES TO CONTINUE THROUGHOUT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00111-00010493-00010500 PART OF SHOW CHOIR FOR TWO YEARS AND HOPES TO CONTINUE THROUGHOUT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00112-00010500-00010587 PART OF SHOW CHOIR FOR TWO YEARS AND HOPES TO CONTINUE THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00113-00010587-00010593 AND HOPES TO CONTINUE THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00114-00010593-00010730 AND HOPES TO CONTINUE THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL. SHE SAYS MUSIC INFLUENCES HER IN +srS4VhW2XDQ-00115-00010730-00010737 HIGH SCHOOL. SHE SAYS MUSIC INFLUENCES HER IN +srS4VhW2XDQ-00116-00010737-00010970 HIGH SCHOOL. SHE SAYS MUSIC INFLUENCES HER IN A MAJOR WAY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00117-00010970-00010977 SHE SAYS MUSIC INFLUENCES HER IN A MAJOR WAY. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00118-00010977-00011134 SHE SAYS MUSIC INFLUENCES HER IN A MAJOR WAY. >> IT'S A CHANCE TO GET IN FRONT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00119-00011134-00011141 A MAJOR WAY. >> IT'S A CHANCE TO GET IN FRONT +srS4VhW2XDQ-00120-00011141-00011347 A MAJOR WAY. >> IT'S A CHANCE TO GET IN FRONT OF THE CROWD AND LIKE, IT HELPS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00121-00011347-00011354 >> IT'S A CHANCE TO GET IN FRONT OF THE CROWD AND LIKE, IT HELPS +srS4VhW2XDQ-00122-00011354-00011651 >> IT'S A CHANCE TO GET IN FRONT OF THE CROWD AND LIKE, IT HELPS ME LIKE GET OVER LIKE ANY LIKE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00123-00011651-00011658 OF THE CROWD AND LIKE, IT HELPS ME LIKE GET OVER LIKE ANY LIKE +srS4VhW2XDQ-00124-00011658-00011771 OF THE CROWD AND LIKE, IT HELPS ME LIKE GET OVER LIKE ANY LIKE FEAR I MIGHT HAVE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00125-00011771-00011778 ME LIKE GET OVER LIKE ANY LIKE FEAR I MIGHT HAVE. +srS4VhW2XDQ-00126-00011778-00011868 ME LIKE GET OVER LIKE ANY LIKE FEAR I MIGHT HAVE. >> Reporter: THE SHOW CHOIR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00127-00011868-00011875 FEAR I MIGHT HAVE. >> Reporter: THE SHOW CHOIR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00128-00011875-00012058 FEAR I MIGHT HAVE. >> Reporter: THE SHOW CHOIR WILL ALSO BE THE OPENING ACT FOR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00129-00012058-00012065 >> Reporter: THE SHOW CHOIR WILL ALSO BE THE OPENING ACT FOR +srS4VhW2XDQ-00130-00012065-00012265 >> Reporter: THE SHOW CHOIR WILL ALSO BE THE OPENING ACT FOR SIX APPEAL ON THEIR CONCERTS ON +srS4VhW2XDQ-00131-00012265-00012272 WILL ALSO BE THE OPENING ACT FOR SIX APPEAL ON THEIR CONCERTS ON +srS4VhW2XDQ-00132-00012272-00012305 WILL ALSO BE THE OPENING ACT FOR SIX APPEAL ON THEIR CONCERTS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. +ssu3sd3uthk-00000-00000031-00000429 Hi everyone and welcome to happiness isn't brain surgery with Doc Snipes. +ssu3sd3uthk-00001-00000429-00000924 Practical tools to improve your mood and quality of life. This is module three of +ssu3sd3uthk-00002-00000924-00001400 a four module series on problem-solving. The first two modules were recorded in +ssu3sd3uthk-00003-00001400-00001853 our Facebook group happiness isn't brain surgery so if you want to be able to +ssu3sd3uthk-00004-00001853-00002622 access all of the modules, feel free to join that group. In this section we're +ssu3sd3uthk-00005-00002622-00003194 going to identify your problem solving options and explore methods for solving +ssu3sd3uthk-00006-00003194-00003872 those problems. Like we talked about earlier, once you've identified the goal, +ssu3sd3uthk-00007-00003872-00004434 you have the option to either stay miserable which is what you is it's +ssu3sd3uthk-00008-00004434-00004928 definitely a viable option you can tolerate the distress because sometimes +ssu3sd3uthk-00009-00004928-00005489 things can't be changed if you're having to ice your hand because you heard it +ssu3sd3uthk-00010-00005489-00006182 it doesn't lessen to ice it but you can tolerate that distress sometimes you may +ssu3sd3uthk-00011-00006182-00006525 be oh if you go to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned and you don't like +ssu3sd3uthk-00012-00006525-00007014 that which I don't think most of us really love having our teeth cleaned you +ssu3sd3uthk-00013-00007014-00007404 do it because it's gonna help you achieve your goals of staying healthy +ssu3sd3uthk-00014-00007404-00008136 and having a good smile and everything but you tolerate the distress you can +ssu3sd3uthk-00015-00008136-00008574 feel better about the situation change your thoughts and feelings to focus on +ssu3sd3uthk-00016-00008574-00009215 the positive or focus on the fact it will end it's not never-ending or you +ssu3sd3uthk-00017-00009215-00009632 could just change the situation completely by solving it you know if we +ssu3sd3uthk-00018-00009632-00010017 want to talk about getting our teeth cleaned well you could opt to not get +ssu3sd3uthk-00019-00010017-00010470 your teeth cleaned now that may not help you achieve your long-term goals but it +ssu3sd3uthk-00020-00010470-00011154 would definitely provide less distress right now so basically you've got two +ssu3sd3uthk-00021-00011154-00011592 options when you're presented with a situation you only have so much energy +ssu3sd3uthk-00022-00011592-00012146 you're either going to choose the option that helps you move toward your ultimate +ssu3sd3uthk-00023-00012146-00012542 goals of being happy and healthy and content and all those wonderful things +ssu3sd3uthk-00024-00012542-00013244 or you're going to choose something that may solve your distress in the present +ssu3sd3uthk-00025-00013244-00013574 moment but it's not going to move your movie +ssu3sd3uthk-00026-00013574-00014033 towards your goals so you're gonna feel stuck and I'm liking that too thrashing +ssu3sd3uthk-00027-00014033-00014621 around in quicksand when you're in quicksand you may think that the best +ssu3sd3uthk-00028-00014621-00014988 thing to do is to thrash around and try to get out because you want to survive +ssu3sd3uthk-00029-00014988-00015437 it's acting in your emotional mind you're trying to relieve the immediate +ssu3sd3uthk-00030-00015437-00016052 problem without stopping to think about okay how do I do this this is a really +ssu3sd3uthk-00031-00016052-00016610 bad situation what is the next right step to do so when you're acting in your +ssu3sd3uthk-00032-00016610-00017198 emotional mind when you're focusing on making distress emotional unpleasant and +ssu3sd3uthk-00033-00017198-00017618 stop sometimes you don't choose the best behaviors they just end up wasting a +ssu3sd3uthk-00034-00017618-00018308 bunch of energy and keeping you stuck so you want to start brainstorming +ssu3sd3uthk-00035-00018308-00018707 solutions in the first two segments we talked about describing the situation +ssu3sd3uthk-00036-00018707-00019375 and really getting out of your own head and stepping back and describing it as +ssu3sd3uthk-00037-00019375-00020051 an investigator describing it as somebody who wasn't involved in the +ssu3sd3uthk-00038-00020051-00020660 situation who's just an observer so you can get more perspective not only on +ssu3sd3uthk-00039-00020660-00021295 your contributions to the situation but on everything else that's going on once +ssu3sd3uthk-00040-00021295-00021662 you've described it all you've got it down on paper you've identified kind of +ssu3sd3uthk-00041-00021662-00022118 how you got to this place today you know we're not talking about every time but +ssu3sd3uthk-00042-00022118-00022672 what happened that got me to this place today then you can brainstorm solutions +ssu3sd3uthk-00043-00022672-00023245 distress tolerance is like we talked about accepting that the situation is +ssu3sd3uthk-00044-00023245-00023927 unpleasant but things will change you don't have to stay miserable now the +ssu3sd3uthk-00045-00023927-00024524 acronyms improve and except we've gone through multiple times basically our +ssu3sd3uthk-00046-00024524-00025013 ways to help you change the next moment this is unpleasant right now so what can +ssu3sd3uthk-00047-00025013-00025505 you do in the next moment to either kind of change your reality maybe you take a +ssu3sd3uthk-00048-00025505-00026191 mental vacation or you do something that is that will make you happy reading +ssu3sd3uthk-00049-00026191-00026674 knock-knock jokes finding funny memes something like that +ssu3sd3uthk-00050-00026685-00027180 volunteering contributing there's a lot of different things you can do to take +ssu3sd3uthk-00051-00027180-00027744 your focus off the current situation if it can't be changed sometimes you just +ssu3sd3uthk-00052-00027744-00028563 need to take your focus off of it until you can move on emotion regulation you +ssu3sd3uthk-00053-00028563-00029114 address your vulnerabilities sometimes things seem really really overwhelming +ssu3sd3uthk-00054-00029114-00029594 and you realize that one of your vulnerabilities is that you're exhausted +ssu3sd3uthk-00055-00029594-00030162 so one way to address that vulnerability is to go to bed get some good sleep wake +ssu3sd3uthk-00056-00030162-00030579 up tomorrow and reassess the situation then so if you can address your +ssu3sd3uthk-00057-00030579-00031197 vulnerabilities sometimes you can turn down the intensity level of the +ssu3sd3uthk-00058-00031197-00031680 unpleasant feelings and you can get a clearer head sometimes you just need to +ssu3sd3uthk-00059-00031680-00032129 take a step away if you've ever tried to solve a problem and you've sat there for +ssu3sd3uthk-00060-00032129-00032580 30 minutes or an hour trying to solve a problem or trying to get something done +ssu3sd3uthk-00061-00032580-00033048 and you're just stuck sometimes if you take a break from it and do something +ssu3sd3uthk-00062-00033048-00033714 completely different for 10-15 minutes maybe an hour and you come back to it +ssu3sd3uthk-00063-00033714-00034404 all of a sudden you'll see options that you didn't think we're there you can +ssu3sd3uthk-00064-00034404-00034875 change your thoughts walking the middle path means focusing on the positive not +ssu3sd3uthk-00065-00034875-00035226 just the negative so when you have a negative thought about how horrible this +ssu3sd3uthk-00066-00035226-00035982 is have the positive thought that it won't last forever if there's something +ssu3sd3uthk-00067-00035982-00036522 that you need to change you may for example if you don't want to go back to +ssu3sd3uthk-00068-00036522-00036999 using alcohol or you don't want to go back to a relationship that was just +ssu3sd3uthk-00069-00036999-00037452 unhealthy sometimes you need focus on the negative because when you're in +ssu3sd3uthk-00070-00037452-00037986 you're upset period you're remembering and romanticizing all the good things +ssu3sd3uthk-00071-00037986-00038583 because whatever this changes hurts so you start thinking about how it really +ssu3sd3uthk-00072-00038583-00039015 wasn't so bad so sometimes you got to change your thoughts don't romanticize +ssu3sd3uthk-00073-00039015-00039585 something that was really unhealthy or unhelpful and this will help force your +ssu3sd3uthk-00074-00039585-00040205 behavior change if you remember the bad stuff have cheerleading thoughts +ssu3sd3uthk-00075-00040205-00040800 sometimes you can do this by having a SMS message scheduler you can actually +ssu3sd3uthk-00076-00040800-00041523 schedule your own SMS messages to yourself which is you know can be kind +ssu3sd3uthk-00077-00041523-00042072 of cool you get a message every morning at 8 a.m. there's just some positive +ssu3sd3uthk-00078-00042072-00042480 thought for the day there are a bunch of free ones for the Android and for the +ssu3sd3uthk-00079-00042480-00042996 iPhone and it starts your day off well that's something that you can do to +ssu3sd3uthk-00080-00042996-00043509 prevent distress relax prevention and purposeful action +ssu3sd3uthk-00081-00043509-00044115 means changing your thoughts and really focusing on what can I do to prevent +ssu3sd3uthk-00082-00044115-00044637 this from getting any worse or having any more negative effects sometimes you +ssu3sd3uthk-00083-00044637-00045069 can't prevent whatever this is but you can prevent it from being a huge problem +ssu3sd3uthk-00084-00045069-00045657 you get a cut on your arm you know it's there you can't just magically will it +ssu3sd3uthk-00085-00045657-00046143 to go away you've got a cut but if you take care of it you can prevent it from +ssu3sd3uthk-00086-00046143-00046877 getting infected and becoming septic and all that kind of other nasty stuff so +ssu3sd3uthk-00087-00046877-00047448 planning and purposeful action thinking to yourself this is the situation right +ssu3sd3uthk-00088-00047448-00048018 now this is where I want to go these are my ultimate goals how do I get there +ssu3sd3uthk-00089-00048018-00048572 what do I need to do to prevent this situation from holding me back and +ssu3sd3uthk-00090-00048572-00049554 identify alternate possibilities you can also work on just changing your feelings +ssu3sd3uthk-00091-00049554-00050022 sometimes the situation can't be changed when father was diagnosed with cancer +ssu3sd3uthk-00092-00050022-00050598 that really was a devastating couple of years there was nothing I could do to +ssu3sd3uthk-00093-00050598-00051096 change it so when I would start thinking about it I would have to start focusing +ssu3sd3uthk-00094-00051096-00051777 on things that helped me be happy and having an attitude of gratitude of for +ssu3sd3uthk-00095-00051777-00052338 the fact that he was around to see the birth of our first child and to see that +ssu3sd3uthk-00096-00052338-00052721 how long I did have him in my life compared to what some other people +ssu3sd3uthk-00097-00052721-00053087 didn't have focusing on things that made me happy +ssu3sd3uthk-00098-00053087-00053501 and when we were together focusing on appreciating the moment and how awesome +ssu3sd3uthk-00099-00053501-00054097 it was instead of the fact that you know in six months from now he won't be here +ssu3sd3uthk-00100-00054097-00054722 so focus on the positive identify and preferably do this ahead of time because +ssu3sd3uthk-00101-00054722-00054991 when you're in a bad mood it's hard to think about all right what's gonna make +ssu3sd3uthk-00102-00054991-00055673 me happy identify what makes you happy if it is my daughter loves going on +ssu3sd3uthk-00103-00055673-00056246 YouTube and finding videos of raccoons eating fruit she just thinks it's so +ssu3sd3uthk-00104-00056246-00056573 cute to watch them use their little hands and eat their fruit I have to put +ssu3sd3uthk-00105-00056573-00056975 it put it on mute because they make this horrible smacking sound when they eat +ssu3sd3uthk-00106-00056975-00057619 but whatever makes you happy keep a list of like five or six different things +ssu3sd3uthk-00107-00057619-00058166 keep if you've got a mobile phone which most people do anymore keep a particular +ssu3sd3uthk-00108-00058166-00058682 album a memes and pictures and other things that make you happy so if you're +ssu3sd3uthk-00109-00058682-00059266 having a bad moment you can go to that and go and remember the good things +ssu3sd3uthk-00110-00059266-00059842 sometimes you need to change the situation because and you can change the +ssu3sd3uthk-00111-00059842-00060410 situation if you're in a job that you really hate and things happen and you +ssu3sd3uthk-00112-00060410-00060920 seem to be angry all the time you can change that situation you can look for a +ssu3sd3uthk-00113-00060920-00061439 different job or you can change how you feel about the situation at least for +ssu3sd3uthk-00114-00061439-00062041 the present time until you can find another job sometimes a job is just that +ssu3sd3uthk-00115-00062041-00062690 it's not a career it's a means to an end when I was in undergraduate I knew I +ssu3sd3uthk-00116-00062690-00063077 wasn't gonna be working in retail all my life and it really wasn't my favorite +ssu3sd3uthk-00117-00063077-00063725 thing to do however it was a means to an end so I could you know eat while I was +ssu3sd3uthk-00118-00063725-00064046 goin to school so if you're changing the situation +ssu3sd3uthk-00119-00064046-00064583 remove or eliminate whatever's causing your distress if you can use +ssu3sd3uthk-00120-00064583-00064991 interpersonal effectiveness skills to address the situation if it's a +ssu3sd3uthk-00121-00064991-00065441 situation with another person you may need to be able to assert what your +ssu3sd3uthk-00122-00065441-00066092 needs are and create a win-win but to create a win-win you have to understand +ssu3sd3uthk-00123-00066092-00066432 what the other person's needs are as well +ssu3sd3uthk-00124-00066432-00066897 which goes back to module 1 when we were talking about describing the whole +ssu3sd3uthk-00125-00066897-00067439 situation and what not only you bring to the situation but what the other person +ssu3sd3uthk-00126-00067439-00067992 brings you know maybe they have had a god-awful morning and they are in an +ssu3sd3uthk-00127-00067992-00068574 awful mood and they just come in and bite your head off and you know you can +ssu3sd3uthk-00128-00068574-00069036 assert all you want that that's not how I would like to be treated but that's +ssu3sd3uthk-00129-00069036-00069650 not what they need right now right now they are struggling they are frustrated +ssu3sd3uthk-00130-00069650-00070575 they are angry so creating a win/win you can talk to them let them know that +ssu3sd3uthk-00131-00070575-00071019 yikes you know you seem like you're feeling really angry today +ssu3sd3uthk-00132-00071019-00071764 you know noticing how angry that they're feeling and asking if you could help +ssu3sd3uthk-00133-00071764-00072233 creating a win-win situation reaching out because that'll bring it to their +ssu3sd3uthk-00134-00072233-00072833 attention that they're you know kind of being a little cranky but it also offers +ssu3sd3uthk-00135-00072833-00073380 to help their situation other times or other ways you create a win-win is by +ssu3sd3uthk-00136-00073380-00073856 saying basically if you let me know ahead of time that we're gonna have to +ssu3sd3uthk-00137-00073856-00074580 do this it wouldn't cause me as much stress and around our house you know I'm +ssu3sd3uthk-00138-00074580-00075206 a structured person I am kind of rigid and so it reduces stress for everybody +ssu3sd3uthk-00139-00075206-00075693 in the house if mom knows ahead of time that we've got company coming over on +ssu3sd3uthk-00140-00075693-00076386 Saturday afternoon so the kids know it's gonna be more rewarding for them and +ssu3sd3uthk-00141-00076386-00076994 much more relaxing and pleasant if they let me know ahead of time and I find it +ssu3sd3uthk-00142-00076994-00077523 helps me because I can plan you know also add something to alter the +ssu3sd3uthk-00143-00077523-00078056 situation sometimes it's not stepping away from the situation is bringing +ssu3sd3uthk-00144-00078056-00078543 something to it and that can be compassion that can be you know maybe if +ssu3sd3uthk-00145-00078543-00079019 you're feeling lonely sometimes it's not escaping a situation but actually adding +ssu3sd3uthk-00146-00079019-00079551 to it and saying let me add a friend let me figure something else new to add to +ssu3sd3uthk-00147-00079551-00079947 this situation so I don't feel isolated anymore I mean bring somebody +ssu3sd3uthk-00148-00079947-00080700 into it one way you can start analyzing your options is called the force field +ssu3sd3uthk-00149-00080700-00081252 analysis so for each option you have you want to look at your enabling and +ssu3sd3uthk-00150-00081252-00081833 motivating forces to change and your constraining or resisting forces to +ssu3sd3uthk-00151-00081833-00082668 change so two examples if you are in an argument with your friend or your friend +ssu3sd3uthk-00152-00082668-00083077 doesn't respond when you text them or you call them and leave them a message +ssu3sd3uthk-00153-00083077-00083595 you can set up a lunch to talk that's one option so using the force field +ssu3sd3uthk-00154-00083595-00084057 analysis you want to look over what are the motivating forces the benefits to +ssu3sd3uthk-00155-00084057-00084621 doing that well emotionally it may make you feel a little bit more empowered and +ssu3sd3uthk-00156-00084621-00085181 a little bit more hopeful that you can get something worked out mentally it +ssu3sd3uthk-00157-00085181-00086052 will enable you to kind of let it go and not be constantly dwelling on what was +ssu3sd3uthk-00158-00086052-00086427 it that I said what did I do you can maybe table it and say all right +ssu3sd3uthk-00159-00086427-00086741 I'm gonna figure all that out when we have lunch +ssu3sd3uthk-00160-00086741-00087306 physically what are the benefits well if you are not all upset and if you're able +ssu3sd3uthk-00161-00087306-00087752 to put aside those thoughts so they're not bombarding you all the time +ssu3sd3uthk-00162-00087752-00088295 you're probably gonna have less physical symptoms of stress and sleep better +ssu3sd3uthk-00163-00088295-00088752 interpersonally you know it's probably going to make it easier for you to be in +ssu3sd3uthk-00164-00088752-00089205 a good mood and want to associate with people if you feel like you you're +ssu3sd3uthk-00165-00089205-00089724 headed towards some sort of resolution it may not affect your job and it may +ssu3sd3uthk-00166-00089724-00090294 not affect your own environment what are constraining forces well emotionally if +ssu3sd3uthk-00167-00090294-00090687 you call and you set up a meeting to talk you also might be scared that +ssu3sd3uthk-00168-00090687-00091266 you're gonna get an answer that you really don't want to hear mentally you +ssu3sd3uthk-00169-00091266-00091950 may end up playing and rehearsing this lunch over and over in your head until +ssu3sd3uthk-00170-00091950-00092445 it happens so your act you actually get stuck there which may cause additional +ssu3sd3uthk-00171-00092445-00093000 physical symptoms of stress and may impact your relationships even further +ssu3sd3uthk-00172-00093000-00093336 Oh you don't know why your friend didn't +ssu3sd3uthk-00173-00093336-00093975 respond so you're trying to figure that out the question is what do you need to +ssu3sd3uthk-00174-00093975-00094427 do not everybody can say all right I've got a meeting scheduled with this person +ssu3sd3uthk-00175-00094427-00094854 we'll deal with it then I'm going to put it on a table I'm going to put it on the +ssu3sd3uthk-00176-00094854-00095289 back burner until until at that point some people can't let it go that easily +ssu3sd3uthk-00177-00095289-00095774 so figuring out what works for you +ssu3sd3uthk-00178-00096406-00096902 you the other example is when you're feeling +ssu3sd3uthk-00179-00096902-00097473 lonely and isolated one solution could be making new friends so again going +ssu3sd3uthk-00180-00097473-00097919 through the motivating forces emotionally it could be really exciting +ssu3sd3uthk-00181-00097919-00098436 the drawback emotionally it could be really intimidating if you have low +ssu3sd3uthk-00182-00098436-00099083 self-esteem or social anxiety mentally making new friends some people would +ssu3sd3uthk-00183-00099083-00099506 view it as extremely exciting and stimulating to get to know other people +ssu3sd3uthk-00184-00099506-00100272 and experience that other people might find it mentally exhausting because +ssu3sd3uthk-00185-00100272-00100868 they've already got enough going on they just want to hang out and all of our +ssu3sd3uthk-00186-00100868-00101523 stress and all of our thoughts and all that stuff come out physically one way +ssu3sd3uthk-00187-00101523-00101955 or another they either drain our energy or enhance our energy so you want to +ssu3sd3uthk-00188-00101955-00102494 look at you know how is this particular solution to this situation going to +ssu3sd3uthk-00189-00102494-00103173 impact you I have a friend right now who is feeling kind of lonely but he's an +ssu3sd3uthk-00190-00103173-00103674 introvert so getting out around large groups of people is extremely stressful +ssu3sd3uthk-00191-00103674-00104240 to him so when he thinks about making new friends it really quickly gets +ssu3sd3uthk-00192-00104240-00104700 overwhelming so figuring out ways he can make new friends where it's just two +ssu3sd3uthk-00193-00104700-00105158 four people at a time it's not totally overwhelming and it's for short periods +ssu3sd3uthk-00194-00105158-00105839 where he doesn't feel like he's kind of stuck is one option one way to change +ssu3sd3uthk-00195-00105839-00106302 that solution so making new friends yes that's what we want to do but how are +ssu3sd3uthk-00196-00106302-00106805 you going to do it in a way that is more motivating and enabling you to achieve +ssu3sd3uthk-00197-00106805-00107472 goals and takes care of or eliminates any of the constraining forces or the +ssu3sd3uthk-00198-00107472-00107728 drawbacks +ssu3sd3uthk-00199-00108071-00108514 choose the best option you're gonna go through several especially if it's a big +ssu3sd3uthk-00200-00108514-00109070 issue that you're you're looking at choose best option for you that is +ssu3sd3uthk-00201-00109070-00109673 effective at helping you move closer to your long-term goals this is not about +ssu3sd3uthk-00202-00109673-00110116 anybody else this is about you achieving your long-term goals and staying true to +ssu3sd3uthk-00203-00110116-00110611 your values in a way that's realistic you know there are a lot of things I can +ssu3sd3uthk-00204-00110611-00110975 come up with when I'm brainstorming solutions that are kind of pie in the +ssu3sd3uthk-00205-00110975-00111788 sky I guess so what is realistic for you and you need to be honest with yourself +ssu3sd3uthk-00206-00111788-00112199 about how much time you have how much energy you're willing to devote to it +ssu3sd3uthk-00207-00112199-00112838 and how motivated you are the best option usually integrates the logical +ssu3sd3uthk-00208-00112838-00113288 mind all of the benefits and drawbacks and chooses the thing that is most +ssu3sd3uthk-00209-00113288-00113849 beneficial but also the emotional mind so you may have three things that rank +ssu3sd3uthk-00210-00113849-00114389 up there with highly beneficial but don't all make you as happy so you're +ssu3sd3uthk-00211-00114389-00114988 gonna choose the one that is most beneficial and makes you the happiest a +ssu3sd3uthk-00212-00115048-00115459 lot of times people get stuck because they know what needs to be done but +ssu3sd3uthk-00213-00115459-00116104 don't even know where to start um sometimes well even just with a house +ssu3sd3uthk-00214-00116104-00116594 you know during the week things get done but imagine a teenager's room you walk +ssu3sd3uthk-00215-00116594-00117064 into the middle of it you're just like oh my gosh I I don't even know where to +ssu3sd3uthk-00216-00117064-00117401 start there's laundry there's stuff on the floor it needs to be vacuumed +ssu3sd3uthk-00217-00117401-00118025 nothing can fit in those drawers you can get overwhelmed really easily at our +ssu3sd3uthk-00218-00118025-00118358 house what we do is we just take everything and we put it in the center +ssu3sd3uthk-00219-00118358-00118816 of the room and start from there you know because then the bed can be made +ssu3sd3uthk-00220-00118816-00119339 and you can move on from there but nothing has to be done once you put +ssu3sd3uthk-00221-00119339-00119689 everything in the center of the room how to get an idea of all the things that +ssu3sd3uthk-00222-00119689-00120233 need to be done just start whittling away at the pile it's not necessarily +ssu3sd3uthk-00223-00120233-00120971 something that has to be done in a particular sequential order if it is or +ssu3sd3uthk-00224-00120971-00121414 if you need to have some sort of order identify the steps you need to take to +ssu3sd3uthk-00225-00121414-00121905 solve the problem first I need to start somewhere +ssu3sd3uthk-00226-00121905-00122441 then I need to you know maybe the first thing you would do is dump out all the +ssu3sd3uthk-00227-00122441-00122791 drawers refold the clothes so you can make room to put away new clothes +ssu3sd3uthk-00228-00122791-00123374 whatever it is that you want to do I find with the pile method in terms of +ssu3sd3uthk-00229-00123374-00123878 cleaning and kind of in terms of life guests you put everything in a pile and +ssu3sd3uthk-00230-00123878-00124376 you start whittling away at it then eventually everything gets done and it's +ssu3sd3uthk-00231-00124376-00124751 not you don't waste as much time going all right now what makes sense to do +ssu3sd3uthk-00232-00124751-00125258 next you just do something and before you know it the pile is gone the room is +ssu3sd3uthk-00233-00125258-00126050 clean your to-do list is empty whatever the case may be once you start the +ssu3sd3uthk-00234-00126050-00126482 process it's important to continually evaluate though sometimes you're gonna +ssu3sd3uthk-00235-00126482-00126971 have to stop back stop back stop and drop back and change course a +ssu3sd3uthk-00236-00126971-00127340 little bit because you realize that what you thought was gonna work isn't working +ssu3sd3uthk-00237-00127340-00127901 as well as you had expected okay so adjust you don't have to be +ssu3sd3uthk-00238-00127901-00128633 right you just want progress once you know what the problem is you can start +ssu3sd3uthk-00239-00128633-00129188 brainstorming solutions and get outside the box you know some people here my +ssu3sd3uthk-00240-00129188-00129551 pile story and they're just aghast they're like oh my gosh I can't imagine +ssu3sd3uthk-00241-00129551-00130036 just putting everything in a pile it works for us it may not work for you +ssu3sd3uthk-00242-00130036-00130448 so get outside the box and figure out what may work to help you solve this +ssu3sd3uthk-00243-00130448-00130982 particular situation with my friend when we were talking when I was talking about +ssu3sd3uthk-00244-00130982-00131732 making new friends just going to a party or going to a social gathering or +ssu3sd3uthk-00245-00131732-00132260 something was just way overwhelming so we started brainstorming getting outside +ssu3sd3uthk-00246-00132260-00132841 the box talking about neat ups talking about going out with some of his +ssu3sd3uthk-00247-00132841-00133484 roommates in order to meet other people but be with a small group that he felt +ssu3sd3uthk-00248-00133484-00133990 comfortable with and we brainstormed a whole bunch of other opportunities and +ssu3sd3uthk-00249-00133990-00134735 options like community education classes where he might be able to not be sort of +ssu3sd3uthk-00250-00134735-00135128 the center of attention but he's around other people that he can +ssu3sd3uthk-00251-00135128-00135656 potentially make friends with so get outside the box then consider the +ssu3sd3uthk-00252-00135656-00136025 alternatives and choose the option that's most effective at helping you +ssu3sd3uthk-00253-00136025-00136493 achieve your long-term goals what is it it's going to help me feel accomplished +ssu3sd3uthk-00254-00136493-00137096 what is it that's going to help me feel nurture the friendships that I have +ssu3sd3uthk-00255-00137096-00137867 right now or develop new friendships whatever your long-term goals are you +ssu3sd3uthk-00256-00137867-00138269 can subscribe to the podcast on any podcast player you can join our Facebook +ssu3sd3uthk-00257-00138269-00138719 group at Doc's nights comm slash Facebook subscribe to our youtube +ssu3sd3uthk-00258-00138719-00139343 channel at youtube.com slash all CEUs education or join our community at Doc +ssu3sd3uthk-00259-00139343-00139633 Snipes comm +st1Hyl3vkhA-00000-00000008-00001178 after greetings, where we will consider this to a laptop and to 75 v from asus, God bought +st1Hyl3vkhA-00001-00001178-00001930 this in August 2014, they never changed the thermal paste and did not lubricate the cooling +st1Hyl3vkhA-00002-00001930-00002865 system on the shark, what can I say for this laptop and for all laptops, I will immediately +st1Hyl3vkhA-00003-00002865-00003469 tell everyone the main mistake about buying a laptop when you buy a case with a mount +st1Hyl3vkhA-00004-00003469-00004079 like this, never take it because if you get it dirty and in principle something so sticky +st1Hyl3vkhA-00005-00004079-00004692 in this case, it was white duct tape, and I do duct tape questions, someone glued their +st1Hyl3vkhA-00006-00004692-00005221 hand hoh for takeoff, and this is that's all clear in general principle unreal rot no powerful +st1Hyl3vkhA-00007-00005221-00005907 tool no solvent nothing at all on this planet, it will not clean the only thing you can clean +st1Hyl3vkhA-00008-00005907-00006120 it with is just a couple, unfasten the lid to remove and disassemble the laptop, take +st1Hyl3vkhA-00009-00006120-00006564 off this lid here you carry lebanon and steamer this is all the things to steam and wash off +st1Hyl3vkhA-00010-00006564-00007140 the whole thing carefully trying not to get on the display and not to overheat anything +st1Hyl3vkhA-00011-00007140-00007698 here, this is the only way it is possible part of it is the only option on this planet +st1Hyl3vkhA-00012-00007698-00008264 so far that at the moment on cleaning what can be said for this laptop, the leg came +st1Hyl3vkhA-00013-00008264-00009049 off here when you you move so that after three years, I advise you to tear off all these +st1Hyl3vkhA-00014-00009049-00009657 legs here, that is, the glue dries out here, and in general on all laptops in general that +st1Hyl3vkhA-00015-00009657-00010231 exist that are produced by the manufacturer after three years, it is necessary to tear +st1Hyl3vkhA-00016-00010231-00011047 off the legs and glue them again, that is, this is the usual prevention, no one does +st1Hyl3vkhA-00017-00011047-00011985 this, no one does this, and then wonders why he does not have one leg on the laptop or +st1Hyl3vkhA-00018-00011985-00012663 all where they sat right vacuum cleaner, they flew away and you rushed to the trash also +st1Hyl3vkhA-00019-00012663-00013440 that you can still notice the battery was immediately noticeable in this laptop, why +st1Hyl3vkhA-00020-00013440-00014234 not the battery in asus laptops die in one and a half to two years, this is the usual +st1Hyl3vkhA-00021-00014234-00015043 consumables and needs to be changed in one and a half to two years, also what can we +st1Hyl3vkhA-00022-00015043-00015779 say about the power supply unit maxim lives with asus laptops for all models or a maximum +st1Hyl3vkhA-00023-00015779-00016419 of three years if you have lived longer, you are a specific lucky guy, you are really lucky, +st1Hyl3vkhA-00024-00016419-00016889 it is almost unrealistic and unattainable increased in 3 years when the power supply +st1Hyl3vkhA-00025-00016889-00017654 unit can live and more just lucky someone made a mistake at the factory means that we +st1Hyl3vkhA-00026-00017654-00018268 will do the very first thing we need to remove the keyboard and under the keyboard we have +st1Hyl3vkhA-00027-00018268-00018932 several bolts which need to be unscrewed there is a bolt that also unscrews our drive, I +st1Hyl3vkhA-00028-00018932-00019379 serviced this laptop, so the keyboard does not unscrew here for now, I will not, since +st1Hyl3vkhA-00029-00019379-00019580 this bolt has already been disconnected and throw it away so that no one climbs under +st1Hyl3vkhA-00030-00019580-00019904 the keyboard anymore, the keyboard was glued +st1Hyl3vkhA-00031-00019904-00020579 we turn to the back of the laptop and here we also have several bolts that also need +st1Hyl3vkhA-00032-00020579-00021270 to be unscrewed, these bolts also need to be unscrewed and most importantly, if you +st1Hyl3vkhA-00033-00021270-00021838 have some other laptop not this laptop, then in new laptops buns are both small and large +st1Hyl3vkhA-00034-00021838-00022256 long and short naturally with long and short threads and so remember which balchik was +st1Hyl3vkhA-00035-00022256-00022865 unscrewed from where to make all the markings so as not to confuse and not to stretch your +st1Hyl3vkhA-00036-00022865-00023701 motherboard by twisting this bolt to the wrong place naturally and not to break on your laptop, +st1Hyl3vkhA-00037-00023701-00023801 including +st1Hyl3vkhA-00038-00023801-00024054 with what to disassemble our laptop, I suggest to start by looking at its characteristics +st1Hyl3vkhA-00039-00024054-00024686 before we disassemble it and they can immediately see the temperature of our video card, we +st1Hyl3vkhA-00040-00024686-00025552 have a board on it, we have 43 degrees the maximum temperature of the cards we have rises +st1Hyl3vkhA-00041-00025552-00026243 to 46 degrees, this is in surfing mode when we surf the Internet, we watch any movies +st1Hyl3vkhA-00042-00026243-00026843 or we work word excel and so on, we open many pages in the browser we can look at this card, +st1Hyl3vkhA-00043-00026843-00027601 you can pause and see the characteristics of this video card, this nvidia geforce 720m +st1Hyl3vkhA-00044-00027601-00028177 for 2 gigabytes of video memory gddr 3 here all the characteristics of this card are indicated +st1Hyl3vkhA-00045-00028177-00028966 in that we can also view, we will also go to the section son with the salt of our cpu-z +st1Hyl3vkhA-00046-00028966-00029773 and we can see that the temperature of our CPU is pouring out now we have up to 50-54 +st1Hyl3vkhA-00047-00029773-00030610 degrees, but in fact if we open a very, very many tabs, then the temperature of our type +st1Hyl3vkhA-00048-00030610-00031119 may increase significantly quite well, for example, we will open the diset pictures further +st1Hyl3vkhA-00049-00031119-00031824 than we can with ebay, letting there many many many things facebook, we will open what +st1Hyl3vkhA-00050-00031824-00033869 we have here and yandex still have here, we will open the pan open many pages of stamps +st1Hyl3vkhA-00051-00033869-00034590 open in in a natural browser, briefly, there are a lot of browser pages and shows on the +st1Hyl3vkhA-00052-00034590-00036456 loading of our CPU on the loading of RAM and on the loading of video memory that we can +st1Hyl3vkhA-00053-00036456-00037552 observe, respectively, by downloads, let's see how +st1Hyl3vkhA-00054-00037552-00039628 the temperature has increased the temperature of our CPU to 6 6 to 11 +st1Hyl3vkhA-00055-00039628-00040847 video cards or we can watch the temperature already 47 degrees, and +st1Hyl3vkhA-00056-00040847-00041663 the laptop worked for two and a half hours before I make this video now so that the characteristics +st1Hyl3vkhA-00057-00041663-00042525 of me are more visual and after a more or less long time, of course, according to our +st1Hyl3vkhA-00058-00042525-00044012 survey here you can watch it with us and +st1Hyl3vkhA-00059-00044012-00045710 the standard core i5 processor has two cores four threads, of course, it has the maximum +st1Hyl3vkhA-00061-00052647-00054616 the maximum overclocking rate that can be obtained here at this percentage level for +st1Hyl3vkhA-00062-00054616-00056434 yourself so +st1Hyl3vkhA-00063-00056434-00058321 that the waterfall works out is three and a half gigahertz, but then you will need a +st1Hyl3vkhA-00064-00058321-00059285 specially cooling stand for this percentage, respectively, according to the characteristics, +st1Hyl3vkhA-00065-00059285-00060541 you can walk here to see memory we have only on our motherboard of our laptop here two +st1Hyl3vkhA-00067-00065459-00067147 798 is shown by multiplying by 2 and we get 1600 this frequency of our RAM and RAM, respectively, +st1Hyl3vkhA-00068-00067147-00068871 we have ddr3 tracks to pause, let's see, by the way, we have a small load on the video +st1Hyl3vkhA-00069-00068871-00069836 card here now, so 43 46 degrees is maximum because the built-in intel graphics are taking +st1Hyl3vkhA-00070-00069836-00070994 the main load on themselves soon again, why yes, because the video core of intel is running +st1Hyl3vkhA-00071-00070994-00072661 first, more precisely, and to save electricity and less heating, but also so that we have +st1Hyl3vkhA-00072-00072661-00073864 less battery power consumed, which at our moment in this laptop is not for this graphic +st1Hyl3vkhA-00073-00073864-00075731 they are true in the we use initially, you can see here here we see here they were given +st1Hyl3vkhA-00075-00078796-00081531 graphics just happens +st1Hyl3vkhA-00076-00081531-00083324 when +st1Hyl3vkhA-00079-00092178-00093688 it is not used for games well, to know for sure +st1Hyl3vkhA-00080-00093688-00095905 that mass effect 1 2 goes to the maximum on ultra and 3 mass effect +st1Hyl3vkhA-00081-00095905-00098889 goes to medium-high settings, respectively, many here they are run at medium and high +svHSGL9kg-k-00000-00000707-00000747 >> Professor Perez: Hey! +svHSGL9kg-k-00001-00000817-00001182 This is Professor Perez from Saddleback College, again. +svHSGL9kg-k-00002-00001220-00001666 Today, we're going to do division with fractions, but of course, we can't get started +svHSGL9kg-k-00003-00001666-00001946 without our student of the semester, and that's Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00004-00001964-00002320 He better be ready to go! +svHSGL9kg-k-00005-00002344-00002458 Hey, Charlie, you ready to go? +svHSGL9kg-k-00006-00002465-00002479 >> Charlie: Yeah! +svHSGL9kg-k-00007-00002588-00003063 >> Professor Perez: We're doing division with fractions, so, let's get started right there! +svHSGL9kg-k-00008-00003123-00003278 All right, Charlie, you see that 2 up there? +svHSGL9kg-k-00009-00003312-00003324 >> Charlie: Yeah. +svHSGL9kg-k-00010-00003358-00003530 >> Professor Perez: We're going to take that 2 and we're going +svHSGL9kg-k-00011-00003530-00003839 to divide it by 1 third, that's right. +svHSGL9kg-k-00012-00003912-00004514 If we want to use the division symbol we can write this as 2 divided by 1 third, there it is. +svHSGL9kg-k-00013-00004661-00005135 Now, what we are being asked here, is how many 1 thirds go into a 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00014-00005135-00005636 And, we have a little arithmetic procedure to do this. +svHSGL9kg-k-00015-00005675-00005996 But, we're going to show it first visually on a number line. +svHSGL9kg-k-00016-00006110-00006401 Yeah, I know, some people just say, just show me how to do it, Mr. Perez! +svHSGL9kg-k-00017-00006401-00006416 >> Charlie: Yeah! +svHSGL9kg-k-00018-00006447-00006613 >> Professor Perez: Well, let me show my number lines first. +svHSGL9kg-k-00019-00006640-00006807 Anyway, here we go, Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00020-00006807-00007125 Let's put up a couple of number lines there, 0 to 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00021-00007185-00007596 And remember, we want to see how many 1 thirds does it take to make up a 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00022-00007610-00008315 So let's go, 1 third, 2 thirds, 3 thirds, now Charlie, +svHSGL9kg-k-00023-00008333-00008581 how many 1 thirds does it take to make up a 1? +svHSGL9kg-k-00024-00008635-00008660 >> Charlie: 3. +svHSGL9kg-k-00025-00008660-00008748 >> Professor Perez: 3 of them. +svHSGL9kg-k-00026-00008748-00009007 Okay, keep that in mind. +svHSGL9kg-k-00027-00009007-00009525 Now, with this problem, we want to see how many 1 thirds go into a 2, so let's keep going here. +svHSGL9kg-k-00028-00009588-00009999 There's 4 thirds, 5 thirds, 6 thirds. +svHSGL9kg-k-00029-00010038-00010532 Okay, Charlie, so to answer this question, how many 1 thirds goes into a 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00030-00010572-00010630 >> Charlie: 6. +svHSGL9kg-k-00031-00010658-00010739 >> Professor Perez: 6 of them, right? +svHSGL9kg-k-00032-00010739-00010866 It's right there on the number line. +svHSGL9kg-k-00033-00010951-00011196 Okay, so let's look at the arithmetic procedure. +svHSGL9kg-k-00034-00011235-00011744 What we do, is we bring our 2 down, and we're going to change division to multiplication? +svHSGL9kg-k-00035-00011744-00011985 And then what do we do next, Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00036-00011985-00012207 >> Charlie: Do the reciprocal? +svHSGL9kg-k-00037-00012268-00012396 >> Professor Perez: Do the reciprocal. +svHSGL9kg-k-00038-00012405-00012549 Well, why do we do that? +svHSGL9kg-k-00039-00012549-00012732 Well, that's what we're going to try to explain here. +svHSGL9kg-k-00040-00012901-00013392 Well, we change division to multiplication, and now, we have to take the reciprocal of 1 third. +svHSGL9kg-k-00041-00013424-00013646 Now, Charlie, what's the reciprocal of 1 thirds? +svHSGL9kg-k-00042-00013682-00013753 >> Charlie: 3 over 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00043-00013799-00013959 >> Professor Perez: 3 over 1, which is 3. +svHSGL9kg-k-00044-00014028-00014645 Now, a reciprocal means, you are actually taking the fraction, for instance 1 third here, +svHSGL9kg-k-00045-00014669-00014892 and seeing how many times it goes into 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00046-00014924-00015529 So the reciprocal of 1 third is 3 because it takes 3 of those 1 thirds to go into a 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00047-00015529-00016234 And if it takes 3 1 thirds to go into a 1, obviously, 3 times 2 which is 6, +svHSGL9kg-k-00048-00016254-00016495 tell us how many 1 thirds goes into a 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00049-00016535-00016613 So, that's it. +svHSGL9kg-k-00050-00016657-00017150 That's why when you change division to multiplication, you take the reciprocal +svHSGL9kg-k-00051-00017150-00017499 because you're basically saying how many of those 1 thirds go into a 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00052-00017499-00017909 Now, it's a little bit tough for us to understand at this pre-algebra level, but, +svHSGL9kg-k-00053-00017933-00018504 if you think about it, it may come to you later this semester, or maybe in beginning algebra, +svHSGL9kg-k-00054-00018504-00018815 but, anyway, let's go ahead and finish this problem. +svHSGL9kg-k-00055-00018854-00019084 2 times 3 is 6, and that's our answer there. +svHSGL9kg-k-00056-00019132-00019319 So, let's move on now. +svHSGL9kg-k-00057-00019360-00019762 Okay, Charlie, this time we're going to take 7 thirds, Charlie, +svHSGL9kg-k-00058-00019794-00019959 and we're going to divide it by 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00059-00020023-00020483 If we write it with a division symbol, it's 7 thirds divided by 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00060-00020550-00020768 Okay, Charlie, what does it mean to divide by 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00061-00020841-00020970 >> Charlie: Cut it in half. +svHSGL9kg-k-00062-00020980-00021106 >> Professor Perez: To take half of it, right? +svHSGL9kg-k-00063-00021121-00021330 Okay. Yeah, I know, just show me how to do it. +svHSGL9kg-k-00064-00021330-00021524 Well, I'm going to do my number lines one more time. +svHSGL9kg-k-00065-00021532-00021808 So, let me put my number line up there. +svHSGL9kg-k-00066-00021840-00022267 0 to 7 thirds, and Charlie said let's take half of it +svHSGL9kg-k-00067-00022267-00022602 so that red arrow is showing us where the middle is. +svHSGL9kg-k-00068-00022617-00023143 Well, to help you out, I'm going to bring another line just below, broken up into sixths, +svHSGL9kg-k-00069-00023183-00023386 so Charlie can see where the middle is. +svHSGL9kg-k-00070-00023394-00023470 Charlie, where is it? +svHSGL9kg-k-00071-00023527-00023600 >> Charlie: 7 sixths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00072-00023600-00023715 >> Professor Perez: At 7 sixths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00073-00023753-00024276 Notice, 14 sixths is the same as 7 thirds, so right in the middle should be that 7 sixths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00074-00024327-00024773 Okay, Charlie, let's go over 7 sixths, right, +svHSGL9kg-k-00075-00024787-00025108 and another 7 sixths obviously gives us 14 sixths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00076-00025134-00025403 So the middle is 7 sixths, which is our answer. +svHSGL9kg-k-00077-00025489-00025742 Half of 7 thirds should be 7 sixths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00078-00025821-00025995 Well, what do we do, Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00079-00026088-00026502 Bring down our 7 thirds, change our division to multiplication, and now, +svHSGL9kg-k-00080-00026555-00026691 how do you write 2 as a fraction? +svHSGL9kg-k-00081-00026716-00026782 >> Charlie: 2 over 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00082-00026850-00027087 >> Professor Perez: That's right, and when you take the reciprocal, what do you get? +svHSGL9kg-k-00083-00027130-00027174 >> Charlie: 1 over 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00084-00027174-00027283 >> Professor Perez: 1 half, that's right. +svHSGL9kg-k-00085-00027335-00027946 So again, the reciprocal of 2 is 1 half, because how many 2's go into a 1? +svHSGL9kg-k-00086-00027991-00028271 It's a half of a 2, that's why it's a half, okay? +svHSGL9kg-k-00087-00028286-00028482 So, I know, let's just go ahead and do it. +svHSGL9kg-k-00088-00028527-00028583 All right. +svHSGL9kg-k-00089-00028694-00028973 Okay, Charlie, how do we multiply fractions? +svHSGL9kg-k-00090-00028973-00029153 >> Charlie: straight across the top and straight across the bottom! +svHSGL9kg-k-00091-00029189-00029320 >> Professor Perez: That's right, and so what's our answer? +svHSGL9kg-k-00092-00029320-00029361 >> Charlie: 7 over 6. +svHSGL9kg-k-00093-00029423-00029594 >> Professor Perez: 7 over 6, very nice there. +svHSGL9kg-k-00094-00029594-00029898 Okay, let's move on and just do some problems here now. +svHSGL9kg-k-00095-00029898-00030112 All right, here we go Charlie, we should be warmed up. +svHSGL9kg-k-00096-00030112-00030339 7 fourths divided by 3 eighths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00097-00030339-00030437 What do we do, Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00098-00030511-00030726 >> Charlie: Change division to multiplication, take the reciprocal. +svHSGL9kg-k-00099-00030877-00030941 3 eighths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00100-00030941-00031218 >> Professor Perez: Okay, very nice, now, do we want to multiply? +svHSGL9kg-k-00101-00031374-00031726 No, we'd like to reduce first, so remember, we pick a number from the top +svHSGL9kg-k-00102-00031726-00032085 and the bottom, the 8 and the 4 will reduce. +svHSGL9kg-k-00103-00032109-00032285 Some people call this cross cancelling. +svHSGL9kg-k-00104-00032335-00032679 We want the greatest number that divides evenly into a 4 and an 8, +svHSGL9kg-k-00105-00032679-00032839 and that would be a 4, right Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00106-00032884-00032896 >> Charlie: Yeah. +svHSGL9kg-k-00107-00032921-00033120 >> Professor Perez: So we'll divide both of those numbers by 4. +svHSGL9kg-k-00108-00033175-00033385 Okay, Charlie, what's 8 divided by 4? +svHSGL9kg-k-00109-00033414-00033449 >> Charlie: 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00110-00033506-00033643 >> Professor Perez: And 4 divided by 4? +svHSGL9kg-k-00111-00033682-00033713 >> Charlie: 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00112-00033767-00033858 >> Professor Perez: And what's our answer? +svHSGL9kg-k-00113-00033916-00034200 14 over 3, and no problem there. +svHSGL9kg-k-00114-00034287-00034509 So, let's continue on, Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00115-00034598-00034791 11 sixths divided by 10 thirds. +svHSGL9kg-k-00116-00034840-00035049 Don't get scared, here we go, Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00117-00035073-00035124 What do we do? +svHSGL9kg-k-00118-00035173-00035473 >> Charlie: Change division to multiplication and take the reciprocal. +svHSGL9kg-k-00119-00035638-00035933 >> Professor Perez: Very nice, now can we reduce anything? +svHSGL9kg-k-00120-00035992-00036026 >> Charlie: Yes. +svHSGL9kg-k-00121-00036110-00036406 >> Professor Perez: That's right, we can divide the 3 and the 6 by 3, +svHSGL9kg-k-00122-00036502-00036678 and what's 3 divided by 3, Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00123-00036725-00036752 >> Charlie: 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00124-00036811-00036933 >> Professor Perez: And 6 divided by 3? +svHSGL9kg-k-00125-00036975-00037016 >> Charlie: 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00126-00037049-00037197 >> Professor Perez: Very nice, there Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00127-00037233-00037433 And what's our answer, bring us home! +svHSGL9kg-k-00128-00037457-00037558 >> Charlie: 11 over 20. +svHSGL9kg-k-00129-00037558-00037702 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there Charlie! +svHSGL9kg-k-00130-00037702-00038169 So, this should all be review once we change that division to multiplication, right? +svHSGL9kg-k-00131-00038169-00038486 Okay, Charlie, let's step it up a bit, now don't get scared. +svHSGL9kg-k-00132-00038486-00038938 We have 11 sixths divided by 22 over 3 divided by 10 ninths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00133-00039010-00039186 Okay, let me walk you through this one, Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00134-00039290-00039421 Bring down your 11 sixths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00135-00039421-00040044 And notice again, we're going to change the division to multiplication, and we go to the 22 +svHSGL9kg-k-00136-00040044-00040419 over 3 and we take the reciprocal, which is 3 over 22. +svHSGL9kg-k-00137-00040419-00040755 Notice, we don't change the next one and we don't change the 11 over 6, right? +svHSGL9kg-k-00138-00040796-00041352 We change division to multiplication, and the next fraction, we take the reciprocal of it. +svHSGL9kg-k-00139-00041385-00041573 Now we move to the divided by 10 ninths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00140-00041581-00042190 We change the division to multiplication and 10 ninths, take the reciprocal which 9 tenths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00141-00042235-00042318 There we go, Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00142-00042318-00042547 Now, we look for things we can reduce. +svHSGL9kg-k-00143-00042621-00042791 What can we reduce, Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00144-00042861-00042951 >> Charlie: 11 and 22. +svHSGL9kg-k-00145-00042998-00043117 >> Professor Perez: 11 over 22. +svHSGL9kg-k-00146-00043117-00043269 Those are divisible by 11. +svHSGL9kg-k-00147-00043308-00043382 Anything else? +svHSGL9kg-k-00148-00043455-00043536 >> Charlie: 3 and a 6. +svHSGL9kg-k-00149-00043551-00043877 >> Professor Perez: Yes, the 3 and the 6, but we prefer to use that 9 +svHSGL9kg-k-00150-00043877-00044052 on top because it's the larger number. +svHSGL9kg-k-00151-00044052-00044246 We want to reduce the larger numbers down. +svHSGL9kg-k-00152-00044246-00044668 So, we'll do the 9 and the 6 which are each divisible by 3's, right? +svHSGL9kg-k-00153-00044742-00044861 Okay, so let's do the work. +svHSGL9kg-k-00154-00044861-00044987 What's 11 divided by 11? +svHSGL9kg-k-00155-00045013-00045047 >> Charlie: 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00156-00045087-00045213 >> Professor Perez: 22 divided by 11? +svHSGL9kg-k-00157-00045244-00045288 >> Charlie: 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00158-00045376-00045501 >> Professor Perez: 9 divided by 3? +svHSGL9kg-k-00159-00045532-00045585 >> Charlie: 3. +svHSGL9kg-k-00160-00045634-00045764 >> Professor Perez: And 6 divided by 3? +svHSGL9kg-k-00161-00045804-00045839 >> Charlie: 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00162-00045866-00045899 >> Professor Perez: 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00163-00045899-00046160 All right, now, what's on top Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00164-00046237-00046253 >> Charlie: 9. +svHSGL9kg-k-00165-00046253-00046349 >> Professor Perez: And the bottom? +svHSGL9kg-k-00166-00046387-00046409 >> Charlie: 40. +svHSGL9kg-k-00167-00046409-00046503 >> Professor Perez: It's 9 fortieths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00168-00046506-00046682 Don't forget to circle or box your answer. +svHSGL9kg-k-00169-00046730-00047006 Okay, here we go, Charlie, let's do another one, don't get scared! +svHSGL9kg-k-00170-00047152-00047465 12 fifths divided by 3 divided by 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00171-00047495-00047983 Again, Charlie, bring down your 12 fifths, and now, we're going to change that division +svHSGL9kg-k-00172-00048021-00048269 into multiplication and here we go. +svHSGL9kg-k-00173-00048269-00048417 We've got to take the reciprocal of 3. +svHSGL9kg-k-00174-00048417-00048587 How do you write 3 as a fraction? +svHSGL9kg-k-00175-00048631-00048688 >> Charlie: 3 over 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00176-00048749-00048953 >> Professor Perez: Very nice, and what's the reciprocal of that? +svHSGL9kg-k-00177-00049014-00049068 >> Charlie: 1 over 3. +svHSGL9kg-k-00178-00049110-00049171 >> Professor Perez: That's right. +svHSGL9kg-k-00179-00049171-00049405 That's because how many 3's go into a 1? +svHSGL9kg-k-00180-00049434-00049636 Well, 1 third of it. +svHSGL9kg-k-00181-00049642-00049881 Anyway, now, we go to the next one. +svHSGL9kg-k-00182-00049923-00050519 Take the division, change it to multiplication, and the 2, how do you write the reciprocal of 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00183-00050565-00050617 >> Charlie: 1 over 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00184-00050617-00050686 >> Professor Perez: 1 over 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00185-00050686-00050821 Very nice there Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00186-00050858-00051128 Okay, now, is there anything that can reduce? +svHSGL9kg-k-00187-00051179-00051246 >> Charlie: 12 and the 3. +svHSGL9kg-k-00188-00051326-00051554 >> Professor Perez: The 12 and the 3, those are divisible by 3's. +svHSGL9kg-k-00189-00051612-00051811 So, what's 12 divided by 3 Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00190-00051851-00051881 >> Charlie: 4. +svHSGL9kg-k-00191-00051917-00052033 >> Professor Perez: And 3 divided by 3? +svHSGL9kg-k-00192-00052075-00052103 >> Charlie: 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00193-00052133-00052177 >> Professor Perez: 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00194-00052177-00052298 Very nice there Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00195-00052341-00052656 Now, we can multiply, but we can still reduce. +svHSGL9kg-k-00196-00052656-00052774 What reduces, Charlie? +svHSGL9kg-k-00197-00052803-00052876 >> Charlie: The 4 and the 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00198-00052977-00053194 >> Professor Perez: That's right, they're both divisible by 2's. +svHSGL9kg-k-00199-00053257-00053456 And now, what's 4 divided by 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00200-00053492-00053525 >> Charlie: 2. +svHSGL9kg-k-00201-00053548-00053670 >> Professor Perez: And 2 divided by 2? +svHSGL9kg-k-00202-00053692-00053716 >> Charlie: 1. +svHSGL9kg-k-00203-00053786-00053907 >> Professor Perez: Very nice there Charlie. +svHSGL9kg-k-00204-00053907-00054304 So notice, we have 2 fifths times 1 times 1 times 1, +svHSGL9kg-k-00205-00054304-00054554 and so what is 2 fifths times 1 times 1 times 1? +svHSGL9kg-k-00206-00054554-00054594 >> Charlie: 2 fifths. +svHSGL9kg-k-00207-00054594-00054704 >> Professor Perez: 2 fifths, that's right. +svHSGL9kg-k-00208-00054752-00055303 Don't forget to circle or box your answer, and that is it for division with fractions, so, +svHSGL9kg-k-00209-00055322-00055857 we're done for today so we'll see you all again soon. +svbJOuL58s4-00000-00000482-00001174 I am here with one of my best friends Quentin who's been following us since the beginning of the adventures two years ago and +svbJOuL58s4-00001-00001174-00001388 He will explain you where we are. +svbJOuL58s4-00002-00001400-00001776 Hello guys. So now we are in one of our drying rooms +svbJOuL58s4-00003-00001776-00002544 It's kept with the atmosphere controller and behind me you can watch the beautiful Dinamed Kush from Dinafem Seeds +svbJOuL58s4-00004-00002586-00002984 The plants will be staying here for 10 to 14 days until they are +svbJOuL58s4-00005-00003016-00003274 Perfectly dried for the hand trimming. +svbJOuL58s4-00006-00003274-00003363 See you later +svbJOuL58s4-00007-00004211-00004325 In our company +svbJOuL58s4-00008-00004325-00005095 We trim everything by hand, which allows a full control of every single buds and lower Leafs on the final product +svcOmAs_9ag-00000-00000164-00000264 Hey, Keith. +svcOmAs_9ag-00001-00000264-00000402 Uh, thanks again for reaching out. +svcOmAs_9ag-00002-00000402-00000896 I'm going to in this video answer, the second question that you asked in your email, which +svcOmAs_9ag-00003-00000896-00001018 is a fantastic question. +svcOmAs_9ag-00004-00001018-00001530 It's a question that a lot of guys will have in some shape or form, or another little bit +svcOmAs_9ag-00005-00001530-00001885 of context for the viewer watching this, who doesn't know your story. +svcOmAs_9ag-00006-00001885-00002491 You're kind of trying to repair a fragile, delicate relationship, uh, with the, with +svcOmAs_9ag-00007-00002491-00002975 your wife who you're, you know, you're having some, some distance there. +svcOmAs_9ag-00008-00002975-00003411 There's some conflict there and you're trying to kind of figure out what's next. +svcOmAs_9ag-00009-00003411-00003911 So just for the guy watch and no divorce yet, no separation, anything like this, but this +svcOmAs_9ag-00010-00003911-00004479 is living in the same house, but also really not feeling in a functional marriage at the +svcOmAs_9ag-00011-00004479-00004626 same time. +svcOmAs_9ag-00012-00004626-00004726 So here's your question. +svcOmAs_9ag-00013-00004726-00004925 I'm going to have to look over here to read it a little bit. +svcOmAs_9ag-00014-00004925-00005396 You said my wife and I just spoke about what my intentions are and doing. +svcOmAs_9ag-00015-00005396-00005726 Self-improvement I delay the conversation with those Sunday because you didn't really +svcOmAs_9ag-00016-00005726-00006199 want to stir up some things, but, um, to come back to that, she said, she believes that +svcOmAs_9ag-00017-00006199-00006555 all my improvements are for my benefit and not her. +svcOmAs_9ag-00018-00006555-00007011 I want to improve to be the best version of myself individually, in relationship as a +svcOmAs_9ag-00019-00007011-00007572 provider and as a dad, should I tell her this or keep it to myself? +svcOmAs_9ag-00020-00007572-00008236 First of all, I hope that the words of your wife are a hundred percent spot on because +svcOmAs_9ag-00021-00008236-00009032 in my experience to do self-improvement for the benefit of anyone, but self would be a +svcOmAs_9ag-00022-00009032-00009529 mistake, meaning, um, you're the only person that you actually live within your experience +svcOmAs_9ag-00023-00009529-00009798 of the universe is within yourself. +svcOmAs_9ag-00024-00009798-00010208 My version of the universe and the, the life I'm living. +svcOmAs_9ag-00025-00010208-00010520 I'm only living inside of myself. +svcOmAs_9ag-00026-00010520-00011061 Now there's a lot of confusion in the world because we have the idea of selfishness, which +svcOmAs_9ag-00027-00011061-00011472 it means just being completely disconcerned with other people. +svcOmAs_9ag-00028-00011472-00012035 But it doesn't mean then to understand that your experience of life is really happening +svcOmAs_9ag-00029-00012035-00012252 in you is a bad thing. +svcOmAs_9ag-00030-00012252-00012352 It's not right. +svcOmAs_9ag-00031-00012352-00013056 The only thing that you actually have control over in your life is you, meaning you have +svcOmAs_9ag-00032-00013056-00013156 the capacity. +svcOmAs_9ag-00033-00013156-00014016 I have the capacity to experience life differently, but only within the con confines of self. +svcOmAs_9ag-00034-00014016-00014761 So any effort to do any kind of journey of improvement that leaves self and tries to +svcOmAs_9ag-00035-00014761-00015297 persuade a change in someone else actually has a little bit of elements of narcissism +svcOmAs_9ag-00036-00015297-00015656 in it because we don't have control over other people. +svcOmAs_9ag-00037-00015656-00016170 And it's unhealthy to think that if I do this that'll happen in them. +svcOmAs_9ag-00038-00016170-00016809 That's actually a recipe for, uh, being disgruntled, being angry, being bitter, or being resentful. +svcOmAs_9ag-00039-00016809-00017490 And so I'm really glad your wife is saying this, and I hope internally that your responses, +svcOmAs_9ag-00040-00017490-00017652 hell yeah, I'm doing it for me. +svcOmAs_9ag-00041-00017652-00017939 Who else would I be doing it for now? +svcOmAs_9ag-00042-00017939-00018512 There's to be some emotion related to the statement and your wife has, right. +svcOmAs_9ag-00043-00018512-00018873 Um, but I wouldn't worry about the words too much. +svcOmAs_9ag-00044-00018873-00019297 I would get very curious about, oh, that's interesting. +svcOmAs_9ag-00045-00019297-00019801 She seems to feel something by her statement and what I would suggest he's feeling is a +svcOmAs_9ag-00046-00019801-00020375 little lack of security that if you change and grow, that she's going to see the benefit. +svcOmAs_9ag-00047-00020375-00020783 And this is not uncommon when men are on a personal development journey, that there's +svcOmAs_9ag-00048-00020783-00021206 a little bit of anxiety in the woman that if you grow into a better man, that you'll +svcOmAs_9ag-00049-00021206-00021429 move on away from her. +svcOmAs_9ag-00050-00021429-00021776 This is just a woman's form of insecurity herself, right? +svcOmAs_9ag-00051-00021776-00021993 She's a human she's going to be insecure. +svcOmAs_9ag-00052-00021993-00022111 We're men we're insecure. +svcOmAs_9ag-00053-00022111-00022648 And so this is just, I believe, sounds like an expression of her insecurity about where +svcOmAs_9ag-00054-00022648-00022911 you may be going on your journey. +svcOmAs_9ag-00055-00022911-00023549 And so instead of answering the content of her word, uh, or the content of her statement, +svcOmAs_9ag-00056-00023549-00024125 I would instead try to address the content of her heart, which is, are you feeling insecure? +svcOmAs_9ag-00057-00024125-00024572 Are you feeling uncertain about the direction I'm headed? +svcOmAs_9ag-00058-00024572-00024672 Right. +svcOmAs_9ag-00059-00024672-00024945 And then just sit quietly for a minute, ask her, right. +svcOmAs_9ag-00060-00024945-00025243 And maybe she, she says yes or no or whatnot. +svcOmAs_9ag-00061-00025243-00025459 And just ask her to tell you a little bit more about that. +svcOmAs_9ag-00062-00025459-00025679 I'd love to know more about how you're feeling. +svcOmAs_9ag-00063-00025679-00025883 Is there anything you need from me? +svcOmAs_9ag-00064-00025883-00026342 It doesn't really require an action on your part or a change in your direction because +svcOmAs_9ag-00065-00026342-00026723 you're headed in a really good direction if you're headed in a direction of improving +svcOmAs_9ag-00066-00026723-00026898 yourself. +svcOmAs_9ag-00067-00026898-00027369 But it doesn't mean that you won't have an opportunity to talk about some insecurities +svcOmAs_9ag-00068-00027369-00027539 that your wife might have. +svcOmAs_9ag-00069-00027539-00028289 Now we know that when we improve ourselves as men, we are a better lover. +svcOmAs_9ag-00070-00028289-00028472 We're a better in relationship. +svcOmAs_9ag-00071-00028472-00028623 We're better as providers. +svcOmAs_9ag-00072-00028623-00029257 We're better as husbands and fathers were better as members of a neighborhood and community, +svcOmAs_9ag-00073-00029257-00029849 state, and nation and the world right to improve yourself is to improve the planet. +svcOmAs_9ag-00074-00029849-00030092 And yet not everybody will see it that way. +svcOmAs_9ag-00075-00030092-00030639 We live in a society that essentially makes a virtue out of codependency by telling us +svcOmAs_9ag-00076-00030639-00031260 in really kind of dumb ways that we're somehow entangled and integrated with one another +svcOmAs_9ag-00077-00031260-00031670 in ways that really lead to nothing but victimization. +svcOmAs_9ag-00078-00031670-00031973 So I hope this helps Keith. +svcOmAs_9ag-00079-00031973-00032192 I think you're headed in a fantastic direction. +svcOmAs_9ag-00080-00032192-00032767 I think if you just empathize with this insecurities, your wife might have over your journey, then +svcOmAs_9ag-00081-00032767-00032985 you can just keep going on your journey. +svcOmAs_9ag-00082-00032985-00033620 You don't often need to explain to anyone really, um, why you're doing anything, right. +svcOmAs_9ag-00083-00033620-00034038 Um, that's up to you if you choose to do that, but really your wife is not asking you for +svcOmAs_9ag-00084-00034038-00034162 data. +svcOmAs_9ag-00085-00034162-00034310 She's asking you for connections. +svcOmAs_9ag-00086-00034310-00034775 She's asking you for reassurance that you still love her, that you're still for her, +svcOmAs_9ag-00087-00034775-00035302 that you're still for your relationship and that even if you grow that, that you're not +svcOmAs_9ag-00088-00035302-00035588 growing so that you can go somewhere else. +svcOmAs_9ag-00089-00035588-00036170 I think if, if that's what's and You address that, I think what you'll see is it can turn +svcOmAs_9ag-00090-00036170-00036437 into a real connecting moment for both of you. +svcOmAs_9ag-00091-00036437-00036568 So again, thanks for reaching out. +svcOmAs_9ag-00092-00036568-00036994 I look forward to talking to you in our next conversation and I'll talk to you soon, brother, +svcOmAs_9ag-00093-00036994-00037023 take care. +sxbGfB65ls0-00000-00000964-00001267 Lakeland Public Television presents Common Ground made possible +sxbGfB65ls0-00001-00001267-00001574 by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund and the +sxbGfB65ls0-00002-00001574-00001875 citizens of Minnesota. Production funding of Common +sxbGfB65ls0-00003-00001875-00002185 Ground is made possible in part by First National Bank +sxbGfB65ls0-00004-00002185-00002472 Bemidji. Continuing their second century of service +sxbGfB65ls0-00005-00002472-00002782 to the community, a partnership for generations. +sxbGfB65ls0-00006-00002782-00003086 Member FDIC. +sxbGfB65ls0-00007-00003086-00003393 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00008-00003393-00003700 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00009-00003700-00004010 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00010-00004010-00004310 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00011-00004310-00004611 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00012-00004611-00004911 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00013-00004911-00005211 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00014-00005211-00005512 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00015-00005512-00005832 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00016-00005832-00006142 ♪ Welcome to Common Ground +sxbGfB65ls0-00017-00006142-00006446 I'm your host, Scott Knudson. In this +sxbGfB65ls0-00018-00006446-00006756 episode Curtis Olson of Bemidji uses high +sxbGfB65ls0-00019-00006756-00007067 tech steel to create a classic hunting +sxbGfB65ls0-00020-00007067-00007373 knife. +sxbGfB65ls0-00021-00007373-00007680 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00022-00007680-00007957 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00023-00008288-00008611 Hi, I'm Curtis Olson +sxbGfB65ls0-00024-00008611-00008878 welcome to my workshop. I make knives and I'm happy to show you what I do. +sxbGfB65ls0-00025-00008878-00009212 Basically I make custom hunting knives. +sxbGfB65ls0-00026-00009212-00009522 Drop point hunters, maybe three and three quarter inch, four inch blades. +sxbGfB65ls0-00027-00009522-00009806 And this one happens to be CPM 154 steel +sxbGfB65ls0-00028-00009806-00010140 it's stainless steel with a high molybdenum content. +sxbGfB65ls0-00029-00010140-00010437 And it's a great carbide. The steels that I +sxbGfB65ls0-00030-00010437-00010744 use are some of the best steels ever designed +sxbGfB65ls0-00031-00010744-00011034 by human kind. And part of it is +sxbGfB65ls0-00032-00011034-00011371 technology, part of it is knowledge, part of it is ability to +sxbGfB65ls0-00033-00011371-00011671 heat treat it. But steel I really like to use is CPM +sxbGfB65ls0-00034-00011671-00011978 154 or CTS HXP. Both of those steels +sxbGfB65ls0-00035-00011978-00012268 are particle metallurgy steel. And one's made by +sxbGfB65ls0-00036-00012268-00012579 crucible steel one's made by carpenter steel. But the +sxbGfB65ls0-00037-00012579-00012886 particle metallurgy differs from regular steel +sxbGfB65ls0-00038-00012886-00013186 in that regular steel is hot rolled and they +sxbGfB65ls0-00039-00013186-00013486 form it into bars and then they let it cool. +sxbGfB65ls0-00040-00013486-00013800 CPM technology is they take the molten steel, the molten alloy, +sxbGfB65ls0-00041-00013800-00014107 and they run it through a very fine nozzle and +sxbGfB65ls0-00042-00014107-00014404 they blast it with argon and they make it dust. +sxbGfB65ls0-00043-00014404-00014727 And they carbide the chromium, the carbon is +sxbGfB65ls0-00044-00014727-00015014 all evenly distributed throughout the blade, throughout the steel. +sxbGfB65ls0-00045-00015014-00015325 And that's what CPM technology is. I make the sheaf +sxbGfB65ls0-00046-00015325-00015625 to fit each knife. This one happens to be +sxbGfB65ls0-00047-00015625-00015915 stabilized walnut and the finish on the outside is super +sxbGfB65ls0-00048-00015915-00016232 glue finish. I begin making a knife by purchasing +sxbGfB65ls0-00049-00016232-00016546 the steel and I get that from knife supply +sxbGfB65ls0-00050-00016546-00016860 houses. Also specialty steel supply +sxbGfB65ls0-00051-00016860-00017157 houses. I buy it in six foot bars. I'll show you +sxbGfB65ls0-00052-00017157-00017454 that. This is what a six foot bar of +sxbGfB65ls0-00053-00017454-00017754 CPM 154 looks like. +sxbGfB65ls0-00054-00017754-00018081 It looks like that. +sxbGfB65ls0-00055-00018081-00018381 And then the first thing I do is I paint it with Dykem, +sxbGfB65ls0-00056-00018381-00018688 which is layout dye. Then make it look blue so if I +sxbGfB65ls0-00057-00018688-00018972 scratch on it with a carbide scratch I can see what I'm doing. +sxbGfB65ls0-00058-00018972-00019295 And I take one of my patterns +sxbGfB65ls0-00059-00019295-00019592 and see my patterns are over here, I got some patterns over there. I paint +sxbGfB65ls0-00060-00019592-00019896 them red if I use them quite often. I take this pattern +sxbGfB65ls0-00061-00019896-00020193 or whatever pattern I'm using and I put it on the steel with +sxbGfB65ls0-00062-00020193-00020513 the Dykem on it and I clamp it down... +sxbGfB65ls0-00063-00020513-00020790 and I push pretty hard. And I take the carbide scribe and just +sxbGfB65ls0-00064-00020790-00021114 scribe around the top, the blade, +sxbGfB65ls0-00065-00021114-00021391 the handle, the back end and then it's scribed. +sxbGfB65ls0-00066-00022031-00022318 Then I take that six foot bar and I cut it out and it looks like +sxbGfB65ls0-00067-00022318-00022649 this. Using a cut off wheel you can see the slag on +sxbGfB65ls0-00068-00022649-00022946 the side. And I have to remove that and get closer to +sxbGfB65ls0-00069-00022946-00023239 the lines, you can see the lines are there. So you can see the line is not +sxbGfB65ls0-00070-00023239-00023550 very close, I do that on purpose so I can be more accurate with a +sxbGfB65ls0-00071-00023550-00023860 grinder rather than a cut off wheel. So that's it with +sxbGfB65ls0-00072-00023860-00024157 the slag on it. Rough cut. +sxbGfB65ls0-00073-00024157-00024457 Next step is to get rid of that +sxbGfB65ls0-00074-00024457-00024768 slag. And here I've gotten rid of the slag, it looks a lot smoother +sxbGfB65ls0-00075-00024768-00025071 on the edges, it won't cut you. And the lines are cut very much +sxbGfB65ls0-00076-00025071-00025391 closer to what they should be. +sxbGfB65ls0-00077-00025391-00025695 And also, once I get the slag off and I get +sxbGfB65ls0-00078-00025695-00026005 really down to the line, I will then set up my +sxbGfB65ls0-00079-00026005-00026306 grinder to be very accurate at the 90 degree +sxbGfB65ls0-00080-00026306-00026609 angle from here to there. And then I'll make it +sxbGfB65ls0-00081-00026609-00026903 you know as perfect as I can get it all the way around. Cause I +sxbGfB65ls0-00082-00026903-00027207 like to start with as perfect as I can get it +sxbGfB65ls0-00083-00027207-00027500 90 degree everywhere. That's what it looks like +sxbGfB65ls0-00084-00027500-00027794 with the slag removed. The next step is to square everything +sxbGfB65ls0-00085-00027794-00028118 off. I...want to get everything as +sxbGfB65ls0-00086-00028118-00028414 accurate as possible so I set my machine up +sxbGfB65ls0-00087-00028414-00028715 with right angles and really get them very accurate. +sxbGfB65ls0-00088-00028715-00029035 And I make the right angle here, at all the edges. +sxbGfB65ls0-00089-00029035-00029329 So I know both sides are the same. And I've done that with this one. +sxbGfB65ls0-00090-00029329-00029616 So this ones already done, so it's pretty accurate. +sxbGfB65ls0-00091-00029616-00029929 The next step that I do +sxbGfB65ls0-00092-00029929-00030230 and this might be necessary, it might not be. But I like to make it +sxbGfB65ls0-00093-00030230-00030530 very clean. I surface grind +sxbGfB65ls0-00094-00030530-00030847 the flats so they're dead flat. So you can see what it +sxbGfB65ls0-00095-00030847-00031154 looks like, how the...shiny there. +sxbGfB65ls0-00096-00031154-00031448 But it's dead flat from top to bottom from front +sxbGfB65ls0-00097-00031448-00031745 to back. So now when I grind it I know that +sxbGfB65ls0-00098-00031745-00032058 if I mess it up it's my fault it's not the blade. [laughs] +sxbGfB65ls0-00099-00032058-00032358 The next step after surface ground +sxbGfB65ls0-00100-00032358-00032669 is to put lines, ascribe lines +sxbGfB65ls0-00101-00032669-00032969 very acute lines, where you're going to grind the blade. +sxbGfB65ls0-00102-00032969-00033276 And because I taper all the tangs of my hunting knives +sxbGfB65ls0-00103-00033276-00033583 I also have to put these very clear lines on the +sxbGfB65ls0-00104-00033583-00033890 back end of it, on the tang part. I put the lines here, +sxbGfB65ls0-00105-00033890-00034194 here and on the blade where I grind it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00106-00034194-00034491 And these lines are between 20 and 30 thousandths apart. +sxbGfB65ls0-00107-00034491-00034784 And I use a granite surface plate that keeps +sxbGfB65ls0-00108-00034784-00035098 it dead flat and dead straight. +sxbGfB65ls0-00109-00035098-00035401 [loud clank] The next +sxbGfB65ls0-00110-00035401-00035715 step is to plan the handle. The handle holes. You +sxbGfB65ls0-00111-00035715-00036022 can't drill the handle holes once you harden the steel. You have to +sxbGfB65ls0-00112-00036022-00036322 plan it out beforehand. So, the next step is to take that +sxbGfB65ls0-00113-00036322-00036623 piece that has scribe lines on it and paint the back end of it +sxbGfB65ls0-00114-00036623-00036943 with Dykem, layout dye. And mark it. I use +sxbGfB65ls0-00115-00036943-00037243 a caliper to mark it, to make clear lines on either side of +sxbGfB65ls0-00116-00037243-00037544 it so they're very even from top to bottom. And then I +sxbGfB65ls0-00117-00037544-00037837 take a center punch and I punch over here +sxbGfB65ls0-00118-00037837-00038164 and I punch in the back. And then I take my caliper +sxbGfB65ls0-00119-00038164-00038451 again to find out where the middle is and I just scribe a line there +sxbGfB65ls0-00120-00038451-00038771 there, flip it over...and then +sxbGfB65ls0-00121-00038771-00039058 put the center hole right there. And that thing is ready to drill. +sxbGfB65ls0-00122-00039058-00039365 [loud clank] The next step +sxbGfB65ls0-00123-00039365-00039666 is drilling it. And that's nothing +sxbGfB65ls0-00124-00039666-00039993 nothing new, you just drill holes. This is a different pattern. +sxbGfB65ls0-00125-00039993-00040296 But the holes here are for Loveless bolts +sxbGfB65ls0-00126-00040296-00040587 and for a stainless steel line thong hole. +sxbGfB65ls0-00127-00040587-00040904 So the next thing I'll do, I'll show you how I grind the blade. +sxbGfB65ls0-00128-00040904-00041214 But first I need to put my respirator on because +sxbGfB65ls0-00129-00041214-00041491 knife making is a dangerous activity. +sxbGfB65ls0-00130-00041491-00041815 And breathing is one of the +sxbGfB65ls0-00131-00041815-00042115 fundamental things that we humans do. +sxbGfB65ls0-00132-00042115-00042428 And I don't want to breath steel dust for too long. +sxbGfB65ls0-00133-00042428-00042732 So I put my respirator on. +sxbGfB65ls0-00134-00042732-00043039 Safety glasses +sxbGfB65ls0-00135-00043039-00043339 and I'll go +sxbGfB65ls0-00136-00043339-00043620 start to grind. +sxbGfB65ls0-00137-00044554-00044868 [switch] +sxbGfB65ls0-00138-00044868-00045191 [motor running] +sxbGfB65ls0-00139-00045191-00045512 [motor running] +sxbGfB65ls0-00140-00045512-00045815 [loud screeching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00141-00045815-00046119 [loud screeching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00142-00046119-00046423 [loud screeching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00143-00046423-00046719 [loud screeching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00144-00046719-00047026 [motor whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00145-00047026-00047337 [motor whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00146-00047337-00047647 [motor whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00147-00047647-00047947 [loud screeching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00148-00047947-00048251 [loud screeching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00149-00048251-00048558 [loud screeching] This grinder is a grinder that was +sxbGfB65ls0-00150-00048558-00048878 designed and patented and made +sxbGfB65ls0-00151-00048878-00049172 by Mike Leech. Mike Leech was my teacher in Michigan who showed me +sxbGfB65ls0-00152-00049172-00049482 how to make knives. He was also a tool maker for GM +sxbGfB65ls0-00153-00049482-00049776 in Flint. So he had all the abilities and all the +sxbGfB65ls0-00154-00049776-00050086 tools at hand. So he designed this machine. He's made +sxbGfB65ls0-00155-00050086-00050376 seven of them. There's only seven of them in the world, and I have one of them. +sxbGfB65ls0-00156-00050376-00050703 And to make a knife you have to have some way to +sxbGfB65ls0-00157-00050703-00050997 put a grind in the blade. And then he said, this is what you have to do. You have to get +sxbGfB65ls0-00158-00050997-00051317 something to grind the blade and this is probably the +sxbGfB65ls0-00159-00051317-00051618 one of the better ways to do it. For a flat grind. +sxbGfB65ls0-00160-00051618-00051921 Now this is what it will look like +sxbGfB65ls0-00161-00051921-00052218 when it gets ground. This is a flat ground blade. +sxbGfB65ls0-00162-00052218-00052529 And you can see it right here..... +sxbGfB65ls0-00163-00052529-00052832 flat ground on both sides. The next step +sxbGfB65ls0-00164-00052832-00053123 is to taper the tang. So what I'm gonna do is +sxbGfB65ls0-00165-00053123-00053436 first cut down to the lines here +sxbGfB65ls0-00166-00053436-00053766 that I've scribed 30 thousandth inches apart +sxbGfB65ls0-00167-00053766-00054074 just make a little cut there. And then I'll +sxbGfB65ls0-00168-00054074-00054374 go ahead and hollow grind both sides. And then +sxbGfB65ls0-00169-00054374-00054677 taper it from there. +sxbGfB65ls0-00170-00054677-00054974 [loud clank] +sxbGfB65ls0-00171-00054974-00055278 [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00172-00055278-00055578 [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00173-00055578-00055879 [tool clank] +sxbGfB65ls0-00174-00055879-00056206 [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00175-00056206-00056523 [tool sliding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00176-00056523-00056823 [machine running] +sxbGfB65ls0-00177-00056823-00057127 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00178-00057127-00057434 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00179-00057434-00057737 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00180-00057737-00058044 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00181-00058044-00058348 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00182-00058348-00058648 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00183-00058648-00058955 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00184-00058955-00059262 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00185-00059262-00059562 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00186-00059562-00059866 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00187-00059866-00060170 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00188-00060170-00060473 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00189-00060473-00060790 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00190-00060790-00061084 [loud whirring and grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00191-00061084-00061384 [loud grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00192-00061384-00061684 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00193-00061684-00061995 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00194-00061995-00062295 [whirring softer] +sxbGfB65ls0-00195-00062295-00062595 [whirring softer] +sxbGfB65ls0-00196-00062595-00062922 [whirring softer] +sxbGfB65ls0-00197-00062922-00063229 [whirring softer] +sxbGfB65ls0-00198-00063229-00063536 [whirring softer] [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00199-00063536-00063840 [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00200-00063840-00064157 [motor running] +sxbGfB65ls0-00201-00064157-00064461 [motor running] +sxbGfB65ls0-00202-00064461-00064771 [loud whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00203-00064771-00065084 [whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00204-00065084-00065385 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00205-00065385-00065685 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00206-00065685-00065985 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00207-00065985-00066286 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00208-00066286-00066586 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00209-00066586-00066886 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00210-00066886-00067187 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00211-00067187-00067490 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00212-00067490-00067791 [motor stopping] +sxbGfB65ls0-00213-00067791-00068134 [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00214-00068134-00068445 [rustling] +sxbGfB65ls0-00215-00068445-00068748 [puff of breath] +sxbGfB65ls0-00216-00068748-00069065 Next thing we'll do is +sxbGfB65ls0-00217-00069065-00069382 to sand these course scratches off cause I don't +sxbGfB65ls0-00218-00069382-00069686 want to have a hardened steel blade with that course scratchin +sxbGfB65ls0-00219-00069686-00069973 it's hard to get the scratches out of a hard blade. Much easier now. +sxbGfB65ls0-00220-00069973-00070283 And I'll sand it at 320 grit on this flat +sxbGfB65ls0-00221-00070283-00070583 wheel that was made in the GM brake +sxbGfB65ls0-00222-00070583-00070887 lathe. +sxbGfB65ls0-00223-00070887-00071191 [motor running] [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00224-00071191-00071491 [smooth whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00225-00071491-00071795 [smooth whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00226-00071795-00072105 [smooth whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00227-00072105-00072415 [smooth whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00228-00072415-00072715 So what I'm trying to do, these scratches here +sxbGfB65ls0-00229-00072715-00073032 are 120 grit scratches, they're pretty course. +sxbGfB65ls0-00230-00073032-00073323 I want to take those out and I also want to flatten this part over +sxbGfB65ls0-00231-00073323-00073643 here, take those scratches out. So, I have the scratches out on +sxbGfB65ls0-00232-00073643-00073937 this flat part here. Now I'm trying to take out the scratches on the +sxbGfB65ls0-00233-00073937-00074240 blade itself. And replace the 120 grit +sxbGfB65ls0-00234-00074240-00074554 scratches with 320 grit scratches. +sxbGfB65ls0-00235-00074554-00074861 And also make the plunge cut a little bit smoother. +sxbGfB65ls0-00236-00074861-00075158 Cause it gets pretty square on the machine over there +sxbGfB65ls0-00237-00075158-00075465 I round it off a little bit. +sxbGfB65ls0-00238-00075465-00075772 [smooth whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00239-00075772-00076082 [smooth whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00240-00076082-00076366 [smooth whirring] [switch off] +sxbGfB65ls0-00241-00076366-00076703 So, the scratches are now out. And it's kinda +sxbGfB65ls0-00242-00076703-00077000 warm there so I'm not gonna touch it. But it's ready for heat treat. +sxbGfB65ls0-00243-00077000-00077307 So I will take this +sxbGfB65ls0-00244-00077307-00077614 309 stainless steel foil and I've already +sxbGfB65ls0-00245-00077614-00077924 pre-cut it to 12 inches by 6 inches. It comes in 50 foot +sxbGfB65ls0-00246-00077924-00078214 rolls, 3 feet long. And you take the steel +sxbGfB65ls0-00247-00078214-00078531 that you want to put in there. This is a knife that's been ground +sxbGfB65ls0-00248-00078531-00078832 taper tanged, holes drilled, blades sanded +sxbGfB65ls0-00249-00078832-00079145 and the holes chamfered so they don't crack in the heat treat. +sxbGfB65ls0-00250-00079145-00079442 But also you put in the piece of brown +sxbGfB65ls0-00251-00079442-00079759 paper, doesn't matter if it's brown or white doesn't matter. But you put it in there +sxbGfB65ls0-00252-00079759-00080063 so when you heat it up to the temperature this +sxbGfB65ls0-00253-00080063-00080370 will be sealed. And the burning consuming that +sxbGfB65ls0-00254-00080370-00080680 sucks the oxygen out of there. And that will burn it you know, much +sxbGfB65ls0-00255-00080680-00080954 lower temperature than the quenching is. I'll start wrapping this +sxbGfB65ls0-00256-00080954-00081277 up and what I do is I just do this.... +sxbGfB65ls0-00257-00081277-00081601 I fold it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00258-00081601-00081891 And I also mark it. I want to mark what +sxbGfB65ls0-00259-00081891-00082188 steel it is so I don't get it messed up. But I also aim +sxbGfB65ls0-00260-00082188-00082492 I put an arrow on here, so I know which goes in first. +sxbGfB65ls0-00261-00082492-00082822 Because +sxbGfB65ls0-00262-00082822-00083123 when it gets hot enough to...quench +sxbGfB65ls0-00263-00083123-00083426 the steel gets almost fluid, it gets soft. +sxbGfB65ls0-00264-00083426-00083740 If you grab it by the point you can bend it real easily. So the back end is +sxbGfB65ls0-00265-00083740-00084033 here. I always put it in point first so the pinchers +sxbGfB65ls0-00266-00084033-00084347 that I take it out of will grab the back end which is thicker. +sxbGfB65ls0-00267-00084347-00084667 Anyway, that's...what it looks like. +sxbGfB65ls0-00268-00084667-00084954 And then I fold it up and here's where you have to be careful because this +sxbGfB65ls0-00269-00084954-00085251 stuff is so sharp it will cut you a good one. +sxbGfB65ls0-00270-00085251-00085552 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00271-00085552-00085859 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00272-00085859-00086169 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00273-00086169-00086479 [crinkle] +sxbGfB65ls0-00274-00086479-00086793 [crinkle] +sxbGfB65ls0-00275-00086793-00087093 [crinkle] +sxbGfB65ls0-00276-00087093-00087393 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00277-00087393-00087700 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00278-00087700-00088007 [loud pounding] That's a double seal on that end on that side. +sxbGfB65ls0-00279-00088007-00088311 [crinkle] +sxbGfB65ls0-00280-00088311-00088611 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00281-00088611-00088912 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00282-00088912-00089235 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00283-00089235-00089542 [crinkle] +sxbGfB65ls0-00284-00089542-00089836 [crinkle] +sxbGfB65ls0-00285-00089836-00090146 [crinkle] [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00286-00090146-00090460 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00287-00090460-00090757 [loud pounding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00288-00090757-00091047 [loud pounding] And this packet is +sxbGfB65ls0-00289-00091047-00091351 now ready to go into the furnace. +sxbGfB65ls0-00290-00091688-00092001 This is my furnace. It's an even heat oven made +sxbGfB65ls0-00291-00092001-00092302 in Michigan. And it has places inside +sxbGfB65ls0-00292-00092302-00092615 to put +sxbGfB65ls0-00293-00092615-00092912 six or seven blades so they're vertical. +sxbGfB65ls0-00294-00092912-00093223 So the heat acts on the steel evenly. So I put +sxbGfB65ls0-00295-00093223-00093523 here's the arrow, I know where the point is +sxbGfB65ls0-00296-00093523-00093827 it goes in this way. So the thickest part of the blade +sxbGfB65ls0-00297-00093827-00094130 when it's so hot it'll be almost fluid +sxbGfB65ls0-00298-00094130-00094420 I will grab that and it won't bend the point. +sxbGfB65ls0-00299-00094420-00094744 There's that. +sxbGfB65ls0-00300-00094744-00095051 Ok here's the +sxbGfB65ls0-00301-00095051-00095331 numbers. I turn it on [beeps] this is a computer controlled +sxbGfB65ls0-00302-00095331-00095645 furnace. And....[beeps] +sxbGfB65ls0-00303-00095645-00095969 it has four sets. I'm using +sxbGfB65ls0-00304-00095969-00096266 the first set. There's +sxbGfB65ls0-00305-00096266-00096576 two segments to this heat treat. +sxbGfB65ls0-00306-00096576-00096886 I ramp full on the first segment +sxbGfB65ls0-00307-00096886-00097197 I ramp full to +sxbGfB65ls0-00308-00097197-00097500 1450 degrees. And I will hold it +sxbGfB65ls0-00309-00097500-00097801 for seven minutes while it equalizes in temperature. +sxbGfB65ls0-00310-00097801-00098097 And then it'll ramp full up +sxbGfB65ls0-00311-00098097-00098414 to 1950 degrees which is the +sxbGfB65ls0-00312-00098414-00098705 austenitizing temperature, that's the quenching temperature. +sxbGfB65ls0-00313-00098705-00099008 And we'll hold that for 25 minutes. +sxbGfB65ls0-00314-00099008-00099305 [beeps] And it's ready and +sxbGfB65ls0-00315-00099305-00099622 it's on. +sxbGfB65ls0-00316-00099622-00099939 Time to take the blade out of the oven and +sxbGfB65ls0-00317-00099939-00100243 quench it. So I take the tongs and +sxbGfB65ls0-00318-00100243-00100547 I take it out and I make sure to hold that blade vertically +sxbGfB65ls0-00319-00100547-00100857 if you hold it, if you tip it sideways, it's so soft +sxbGfB65ls0-00320-00100857-00101161 that it will bend. So you hold it vertically. You take it out +sxbGfB65ls0-00321-00101161-00101464 and set it on the plate, the aluminum plate vertically. And then you +sxbGfB65ls0-00322-00101464-00101775 flip it down sideways so it's always touching the +sxbGfB65ls0-00323-00101775-00102061 spine of the blade. And then you put the other aluminum plate on top of it +sxbGfB65ls0-00324-00102061-00102372 and put some tension on it. Let it cool +sxbGfB65ls0-00325-00102372-00102675 and you can feel the plates are warm. So the blade's getting +sxbGfB65ls0-00326-00102675-00102956 cooled nicely. +sxbGfB65ls0-00327-00103293-00103610 [heavy slide] +sxbGfB65ls0-00328-00103610-00103907 [metal pop] +sxbGfB65ls0-00329-00103907-00104217 [tools clanking] +sxbGfB65ls0-00330-00104217-00104524 [metal pop] +sxbGfB65ls0-00331-00104524-00104824 [clunking around] +sxbGfB65ls0-00332-00104824-00105125 Still warm. +sxbGfB65ls0-00333-00105125-00105431 But not bad. +sxbGfB65ls0-00334-00105431-00105738 [metal crunching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00335-00105738-00106039 [metal crunching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00336-00106039-00106356 [metal crunching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00337-00106356-00106673 [tools clanking] +sxbGfB65ls0-00338-00106673-00106993 [metal bang] +sxbGfB65ls0-00339-00106993-00107290 Here's what it looks like when it comes out +sxbGfB65ls0-00340-00107290-00107570 all those colors. +sxbGfB65ls0-00341-00107891-00108214 Now what I do, is I will +sxbGfB65ls0-00342-00108214-00108515 take my Rockwell hardness tester, Aimes +sxbGfB65ls0-00343-00108515-00108805 hardness tester. And what it does is it will +sxbGfB65ls0-00344-00108805-00109122 measure the distance that this diamond penetrator +sxbGfB65ls0-00345-00109122-00109422 goes into the steel at +sxbGfB65ls0-00346-00109422-00109739 150 kilogram pressure. +sxbGfB65ls0-00347-00109739-00110033 So I put it on there, I'm finding a good flat spot, +sxbGfB65ls0-00348-00110033-00110320 I put it in there. +sxbGfB65ls0-00349-00110320-00110650 I get... +sxbGfB65ls0-00350-00110650-00110940 right to a set mark which is zero. +sxbGfB65ls0-00351-00110940-00111247 Right there. I move this +sxbGfB65ls0-00352-00111247-00111551 wheel to the acrylic +sxbGfB65ls0-00353-00111551-00111865 and then I put the 150 kilogram force on it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00354-00111865-00112168 There's 150 +sxbGfB65ls0-00355-00112168-00112475 kilograms. Now I back it off, back +sxbGfB65ls0-00356-00112475-00112775 to the set mark to the zero mark. +sxbGfB65ls0-00357-00112775-00113076 And I read directly +sxbGfB65ls0-00358-00113076-00113363 right on 60. +sxbGfB65ls0-00359-00113363-00113693 A lot of factory knives are 55. +sxbGfB65ls0-00360-00113693-00113993 Custom knives are usually 60-62. Some steels can +sxbGfB65ls0-00361-00113993-00114280 go 62 but files are usually +sxbGfB65ls0-00362-00114280-00114597 about 59 or 60 so this will not be +sxbGfB65ls0-00363-00114597-00114921 cut by a file. It'll skate right over it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00364-00114921-00115228 Now, I will quench this in liquid nitrogen +sxbGfB65ls0-00365-00115228-00115518 and I let that soak for over night. +sxbGfB65ls0-00366-00115518-00115852 And I expect the numbers +sxbGfB65ls0-00367-00115852-00116155 to go up maybe two. So this is right now 60 +sxbGfB65ls0-00368-00116155-00116449 hopefully when it gets done, cyrogenically being treated +sxbGfB65ls0-00369-00116449-00116763 it will be about 62. It completes the austenite +sxbGfB65ls0-00370-00116763-00117073 to the martin site transformation and it does all kinds of +sxbGfB65ls0-00371-00117073-00117380 other good things. Stress relieves it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00372-00117380-00117680 And grain structure the whole thing. It benefits the steel in many +sxbGfB65ls0-00373-00117680-00117961 ways. +sxbGfB65ls0-00374-00118298-00118571 [tank sliding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00375-00118905-00119215 [clanking] +sxbGfB65ls0-00376-00119215-00119515 [clanking] +sxbGfB65ls0-00377-00119515-00119793 [clanking] +sxbGfB65ls0-00378-00120123-00120433 [metal sliding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00379-00120433-00120743 [metal sliding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00380-00120743-00121050 [muffled whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00381-00121050-00121334 [muffled whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00382-00121658-00121965 [metal sliding down] +sxbGfB65ls0-00383-00121965-00122258 [shuts lid] And there it is. +sxbGfB65ls0-00384-00122258-00122595 So now it comes from +sxbGfB65ls0-00385-00122595-00122892 the cryo and I temper them twice. Every knife has to +sxbGfB65ls0-00386-00122892-00123203 be tempered twice to make them not brittle. +sxbGfB65ls0-00387-00123203-00123523 To make them resilient to make them tough to make +sxbGfB65ls0-00388-00123523-00123820 them more resistant. And I temper each of them twice for two hours. +sxbGfB65ls0-00389-00123820-00124093 After that it's time to polish it. Here's what it looks like +sxbGfB65ls0-00390-00124093-00124414 when I start off, when it comes from +sxbGfB65ls0-00391-00124414-00124721 all the tempering and the cyro and the whole +sxbGfB65ls0-00392-00124721-00125021 quenching thing. And I'll show you what it looks like when I get it polished up a little bit. +sxbGfB65ls0-00393-00125021-00125325 [motor whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00394-00125325-00125632 [motor whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00395-00125632-00125942 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00396-00125942-00126242 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00397-00126242-00126543 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00398-00126543-00126846 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00399-00126846-00127147 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00400-00127147-00127453 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00401-00127453-00127730 [soft whirring] [switch off] +sxbGfB65ls0-00402-00128071-00128368 So there it is at 320 grit. +sxbGfB65ls0-00403-00128368-00128668 Now what I typically do is I'll go to 600 grit. +sxbGfB65ls0-00404-00128668-00128968 [sandpaper smoothing] +sxbGfB65ls0-00405-00128968-00129285 [sandpaper smoothing] +sxbGfB65ls0-00406-00129285-00129586 [machine turns on] +sxbGfB65ls0-00407-00129586-00129899 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00408-00129899-00130203 [soft whirring] [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00409-00130203-00130497 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00410-00130497-00130813 [soft whirring] +sxbGfB65ls0-00411-00130813-00131114 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00412-00131114-00131421 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00413-00131421-00131711 [grinding] +sxbGfB65ls0-00414-00131711-00132015 [grinding] [switch off] +sxbGfB65ls0-00415-00132015-00132322 And there it is +sxbGfB65ls0-00416-00132322-00132635 to 600 grit. You might not be +sxbGfB65ls0-00417-00132635-00132929 able to see much of a difference, but there is. I go back +sxbGfB65ls0-00418-00132929-00133246 to 400 grit and I go this way. +sxbGfB65ls0-00419-00133246-00133550 To make sure all the scratches at 320 grit are gone. And then I go +sxbGfB65ls0-00420-00133550-00133857 to 600 again and then I go to 800 +sxbGfB65ls0-00421-00133857-00134157 and then I go to 1000. I want to make sure all the scratches are this way. +sxbGfB65ls0-00422-00134157-00134460 And then I buff it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00423-00134460-00134761 Next thing is to polish this with +sxbGfB65ls0-00424-00134761-00135068 a flat block. +sxbGfB65ls0-00425-00135068-00135371 I always sand with a block. +sxbGfB65ls0-00426-00135371-00135675 So you keep things flat. And I use, I start...I go back +sxbGfB65ls0-00427-00135675-00135982 this is 600 grit now. I go back to 400 grit to +sxbGfB65ls0-00428-00135982-00136276 make sure there's nothing in there that's going to surprise me later on. +sxbGfB65ls0-00429-00136276-00136599 [scratching] And this +sxbGfB65ls0-00430-00136599-00136903 probably takes more time than anything. +sxbGfB65ls0-00431-00136903-00137207 In my thinking, if you want to make a highly polished knife +sxbGfB65ls0-00432-00137207-00137503 this is how to do it. [laughs] And you just have +sxbGfB65ls0-00433-00137503-00137807 to sand it until, sand it and look... +sxbGfB65ls0-00434-00137807-00138124 and be honest with the +sxbGfB65ls0-00435-00138124-00138414 the scratches that you see in there. Sometimes I +sxbGfB65ls0-00436-00138414-00138741 wish them gone so I don't see them. +sxbGfB65ls0-00437-00138741-00139035 They'll come and bite you later on. Guarantee. Soon as you get to the next +sxbGfB65ls0-00438-00139035-00139342 finer grit, they're there. +sxbGfB65ls0-00439-00139342-00139649 [scratching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00440-00139649-00139959 [scratching] +sxbGfB65ls0-00441-00139959-00140266 [scratching] The next step +sxbGfB65ls0-00442-00140266-00140563 would be to take 600 grit +sxbGfB65ls0-00443-00140563-00140884 and ok, so I'm making everything go this way because I'm +sxbGfB65ls0-00444-00140884-00141171 taking more of the scratches out and this is more of an inspection thing. +sxbGfB65ls0-00445-00141171-00141467 600 grit would be then this way.... +sxbGfB65ls0-00446-00141467-00141791 800 grit would +sxbGfB65ls0-00447-00141791-00142088 be then this way...90 degrees to what you just did. +sxbGfB65ls0-00448-00142088-00142388 1000 grit would be this way... +sxbGfB65ls0-00449-00142388-00142709 again. So you can see exactly +sxbGfB65ls0-00450-00142709-00143016 what you're doing. If you go parallel you +sxbGfB65ls0-00451-00143016-00143289 can't really tell anything but if you go opposite you can tell everything. +sxbGfB65ls0-00452-00143626-00143923 Well this is a completed knife right here +sxbGfB65ls0-00453-00143923-00144244 and you can see that +sxbGfB65ls0-00454-00144244-00144531 starts out in this piece of steel. +sxbGfB65ls0-00455-00144531-00144851 And we grind it, we drill it, we plan it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00456-00144851-00145168 Shape it. Heat treat it. Polish it. Put a +sxbGfB65ls0-00457-00145168-00145481 handle on it. And this one has bolsters on it. These are stainless steel bolsters +sxbGfB65ls0-00458-00145481-00145778 and it has Loveless bolts on it. +sxbGfB65ls0-00459-00145778-00146095 Which are basically brass nuts and a stainless +sxbGfB65ls0-00460-00146095-00146402 steel screw. So this handle is glued +sxbGfB65ls0-00461-00146402-00146699 on there but it's also mechanically held on with those bolts. +sxbGfB65ls0-00462-00146699-00147003 Tapered tang and the red line +sxbGfB65ls0-00463-00147003-00147307 spacer that Bob Loveless so loved. Bob Loveless was +sxbGfB65ls0-00464-00147307-00147607 one of the premier knife makers in the world. +sxbGfB65ls0-00465-00147607-00147917 He lived in California for many years and he +sxbGfB65ls0-00466-00147917-00148224 championed the use of high alloy +sxbGfB65ls0-00467-00148224-00148525 stainless steels. This is actually a +sxbGfB65ls0-00468-00148525-00148831 copy of Bob Loveless improved model. +sxbGfB65ls0-00469-00148831-00149152 It doesn't have a guard that sticks out much but it has this +sxbGfB65ls0-00470-00149152-00149435 curve here and has this finger groove right here and it feels really +sxbGfB65ls0-00471-00149435-00149736 good in the hand. When I make a knife I try to +sxbGfB65ls0-00472-00149736-00150063 first pick the best steel I can possibly find +sxbGfB65ls0-00473-00150063-00150366 on the planet. And I try to heat treat it +sxbGfB65ls0-00474-00150366-00150680 the very best I can. And then when I grind it I try to make +sxbGfB65ls0-00475-00150680-00150977 every line exact as I can. I try +sxbGfB65ls0-00476-00150977-00151301 to make the plunge cuts absolutely even. I +sxbGfB65ls0-00477-00151301-00151608 want to put the handles on I try to make the fit perfect. +sxbGfB65ls0-00478-00151608-00151915 And I try to make the handles whether they're wood +sxbGfB65ls0-00479-00151915-00152225 antler or micarta I want those handles to last a long +sxbGfB65ls0-00480-00152225-00152525 time with heavy abuse. So I try to treat them +sxbGfB65ls0-00481-00152525-00152825 with stabilization and super glue. +sxbGfB65ls0-00482-00152825-00153132 And I like to see my knives in the field being used and +sxbGfB65ls0-00483-00153132-00153439 roughly. [laughs] +sxbGfB65ls0-00484-00153439-00153743 Thank you for watching +sxbGfB65ls0-00485-00153743-00154063 join us again on Common Ground. +sxbGfB65ls0-00486-00154063-00154374 If you have an idea for Common Ground in north central Minnesota +sxbGfB65ls0-00487-00154374-00154661 email us. +sxbGfB65ls0-00488-00154661-00154961 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00489-00154961-00155285 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00490-00155285-00155595 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00491-00155595-00155895 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00492-00155895-00156206 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00493-00156206-00156519 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00494-00156519-00156823 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00495-00156823-00157130 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00496-00157130-00157440 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00497-00157440-00157740 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00498-00157740-00158047 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00499-00158047-00158358 Production funding of Common +sxbGfB65ls0-00500-00158358-00158668 Ground was made possible in part by First National Bank +sxbGfB65ls0-00501-00158668-00158955 Bemidji. Continuing their second century of service to the +sxbGfB65ls0-00502-00158955-00159265 community. A partnership for generations. Member +sxbGfB65ls0-00503-00159265-00159566 FDIC. +sxbGfB65ls0-00504-00159566-00159866 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00505-00159866-00160166 ♪ +sxbGfB65ls0-00506-00160166-00160173 ♪ +szbWusOnMWY-00000-00000264-00001136 are you using the right microphone oh uh it's cracking time no way yeah oh my god +szbWusOnMWY-00001-00001288-00001768 well they do say that once someone finishes an event the cracks spawn something so um +szbWusOnMWY-00002-00002032-00002120 i guess that's awesome +szbWusOnMWY-00003-00002360-00002896 yeah you broke riddles i do not feel safe in this war not gonna lie get +szbWusOnMWY-00004-00005424-00005896 i cannot i could barely like not reach oh nice the kraken just made it so i could reach one +szbWusOnMWY-00005-00005896-00006616 of his tentacles that's very nice of it it just slapped us i can hit absolutely nothing from here +szbWusOnMWY-00006-00006888-00007184 turn +szbWusOnMWY-00007-00007472-00008216 i'm gonna need someone taking water hold on i'm defeating attention all right well someone +szbWusOnMWY-00008-00008216-00008920 else take one of them i'm coming fixing we got absolutely slept from behind and not in a good way +szbWusOnMWY-00009-00009176-00009552 is it a good way being slapped i mean depends on what you're into +szbWusOnMWY-00010-00009816-00010192 i guess they're not doing that right +szbWusOnMWY-00011-00010280-00010640 that's why i always say i'm just trying to barrel out when there's no water +szbWusOnMWY-00012-00010848-00011296 nice needles there was one trying to struggle but +szbWusOnMWY-00013-00012496-00012784 we do not like this sock +szbWusOnMWY-00014-00014024-00014360 as well does that do anything cool yeah it does okay +szbWusOnMWY-00015-00014656-00015176 do you need to be hit a couple of times yeah and even more whoa that's close goddamn +szbWusOnMWY-00016-00015408-00015584 was close oh yeah would you look at that +szbWusOnMWY-00017-00015808-00016319 i'm on it i'm on it i'm on water duty don't you worry about it come on +szbWusOnMWY-00018-00016624-00017368 god [ __ ] damn it is blasting my ears not gonna lie i've got something way too high +szbWusOnMWY-00019-00018144-00018544 oh i ran out of flames give me a second i feel like i have a focus change right now +szbWusOnMWY-00020-00018896-00019696 yeah that thing just made a hell of a [ __ ] gigaslope oh my we have +szbWusOnMWY-00021-00020968-00021552 i just FLOWER fixed it well start over do you think i am +szbWusOnMWY-00022-00021680-00022304 who the [ __ ] do you think i am bob the builder yes that's exactly what you are right now mate +szbWusOnMWY-00023-00022376-00023112 i feel slaggers let's stay of this model and i'm stephen the shuffler wait where's our ammo +szbWusOnMWY-00024-00023112-00023984 no that's armory that's normal where's our armor box on this ship there right down the stairs what +szbWusOnMWY-00025-00024280-00024560 i'm just sniping one of them behind us oh +szbWusOnMWY-00026-00024864-00025384 oh well you guys you guys got this nice i'm just here for moral support i guess +szbWusOnMWY-00027-00025720-00026783 i need cannonballs it's doing the suck get down get down mr president in the face in the face +szbWusOnMWY-00028-00027232-00027648 i swear i need more bullets on this thing five is not enough +szbWusOnMWY-00029-00027648-00028072 we have an ammo crate right here with unlimited ammo +szbWusOnMWY-00030-00029448-00029720 just somebody just pour water i think it left +szbWusOnMWY-00031-00030000-00030416 me we didn't even kill it ladies and gentlemen we FLOWER got this is what you do you basically +szbWusOnMWY-00032-00030416-00030880 just slap it as hard as you can for as long as you can until it leaves - oh well +szbWusOnMWY-00033-00030880-00031576 i just got cracking so yeah congratulations my boy on hunting your first kraken i'm proud of You +s_VkdL2FwBU-00000-00000809-00001225 The one mistake most employees make and regret later +s_VkdL2FwBU-00001-00001340-00001993 When I was growing up my views about life was leave the exact way. You want to leave or don't leave +s_VkdL2FwBU-00002-00002086-00002382 Do the exact job you love to do or do nothing? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00003-00002452-00002985 Be who you want to be or don't leave because life is one and short +s_VkdL2FwBU-00004-00002986-00003336 I think it's not worth living it and doing what you hate +s_VkdL2FwBU-00005-00003419-00003619 according to the Gallup poll +s_VkdL2FwBU-00006-00003640-00004108 85% of employees worldwide hate their jobs. This is a terrible situation +s_VkdL2FwBU-00007-00004166-00004770 Because our work is the single most important thing in our life. That's why we spend 40 hours each week +s_VkdL2FwBU-00008-00004823-00005299 To hate money to hate Monday to Friday is to hate the entire life +s_VkdL2FwBU-00009-00005339-00006031 Yet instead of people to fight for a better life. Most employees make the one mistake. I'll discuss with you in this video +s_VkdL2FwBU-00010-00006086-00006615 If you are new here consider subscribing, so you won't miss other interesting videos like this +s_VkdL2FwBU-00011-00006682-00007341 Now here's the thing what most employees look for in their jobs is in fulfillment by bigger paycheck +s_VkdL2FwBU-00012-00007418-00007905 Somehow these people believe that if they can have some raise your life will be better +s_VkdL2FwBU-00013-00007958-00008406 What I think people should look for isn't a raise but resignation +s_VkdL2FwBU-00014-00008462-00008931 The biggest mistake you can make as an employee is to wish for a raise in a job. You don't like +s_VkdL2FwBU-00015-00009020-00009690 Let me explain this you have a single short life to leave and to leave that life very well. You need two +s_VkdL2FwBU-00016-00009764-00009966 non-negotiable things money and +s_VkdL2FwBU-00017-00010022-00010653 Fulfillment you don't only have to get paid well for your job your job shouldn't be a job in the first place +s_VkdL2FwBU-00018-00010829-00011029 Playing for a living +s_VkdL2FwBU-00019-00011072-00011463 In the days of our ancestors when humans were hunters and gatherers +s_VkdL2FwBU-00020-00011528-00012294 Our fathers did a great job of combining the play the learning and working into a single Pleasant heart to differentiate +s_VkdL2FwBU-00021-00012332-00012942 Activity in your time. You learn by plane and you work by plane in the real sense of it +s_VkdL2FwBU-00022-00012963-00013512 They had no job. You shouldn't have a job to Monday should be your best day +s_VkdL2FwBU-00023-00013559-00013899 You should hate Sundays because no work is done on Sunday +s_VkdL2FwBU-00024-00013962-00014336 He showed his on Friday because it marks the end of working days +s_VkdL2FwBU-00025-00014387-00015016 Your Monday to Friday should be the best days of your life if truly you have life that's worth living now +s_VkdL2FwBU-00026-00015095-00015763 How can you achieve this you can only achieve this by doing what you truly love what actually looks like play to you +s_VkdL2FwBU-00027-00015984-00016390 Life with our hobbies at the time of making this video +s_VkdL2FwBU-00028-00016390-00016990 I mean my meet 30 and I've lived almost all my adult life without any significant hobby +s_VkdL2FwBU-00029-00017034-00017257 Not much play gives me joy like work +s_VkdL2FwBU-00030-00017279-00017581 The only thing that makes me high is doing what I'm doing +s_VkdL2FwBU-00031-00017631-00018100 Even though I don't have any master or employer who tells me when and how to work +s_VkdL2FwBU-00032-00018104-00018559 I sometimes resume to my office by 3:00 in the morning because I don't have a job +s_VkdL2FwBU-00033-00018573-00018781 I'm simply playing for a living +s_VkdL2FwBU-00034-00018804-00019273 The biggest mistake you can make as an employee is to wish for a bigger paycheck in a job +s_VkdL2FwBU-00035-00019273-00019900 You don't like your life is 1 and short don't leave it working. Leave your life claim +s_VkdL2FwBU-00036-00019962-00020420 Now you may ask me so how can I do this? How can I play for a living? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00037-00020526-00020726 knowing who you are +s_VkdL2FwBU-00038-00020807-00021007 Socrates said know thyself +s_VkdL2FwBU-00039-00021029-00021622 The very first thing you ought to do when you become an adult is to know who you are +s_VkdL2FwBU-00040-00021687-00021857 Who are you? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00041-00021857-00022057 What are your strengths and weaknesses? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00042-00022131-00022756 What do you have? Which others don't what do you lack? Which others have your life is like a machine? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00043-00022826-00023212 Anyone who wishes to operate a machine must first know what the machine is +s_VkdL2FwBU-00044-00023231-00023671 You have to know who you are if you truly want to leave a meaningful life +s_VkdL2FwBU-00045-00023885-00024085 Resurrect yourself +s_VkdL2FwBU-00046-00024116-00024499 After knowing who you are, then you need to resurrect yourself +s_VkdL2FwBU-00047-00024554-00024874 You see most of us are dead dead to the crowd +s_VkdL2FwBU-00048-00024926-00025065 right from the childhood +s_VkdL2FwBU-00049-00025065-00025714 Everyone around us has been influencing the way we think what is right and what the society thinks is the best jobs +s_VkdL2FwBU-00050-00025760-00026215 These best jobs are often judged by how much they pay you in my country +s_VkdL2FwBU-00051-00026262-00026707 everyone agrees that working for a bank is a great job and every parent prays and +s_VkdL2FwBU-00052-00026724-00027176 influences their children to work in a bank as a doctor a lawyer or +s_VkdL2FwBU-00053-00027233-00027372 as an engineer +s_VkdL2FwBU-00054-00027372-00027775 The problem about that is though some of these industries may pay +s_VkdL2FwBU-00055-00027775-00027818 well +s_VkdL2FwBU-00056-00027818-00028294 Not everyone can be fulfilled working in a bank or a doctor or even a lawyer +s_VkdL2FwBU-00057-00028328-00028960 Because our society has often brainwashed and castrated us into believing the high paying jobs and the best jobs +s_VkdL2FwBU-00058-00028974-00029756 We are usually dead before we are 25 we are dead because we've lost our first love we are dead because we've lost our originality +s_VkdL2FwBU-00059-00029802-00030172 We are dead because we've allowed everyone to tell us what is good for us +s_VkdL2FwBU-00060-00030227-00030802 The way to live is the way of resurrection and that means you must start thinking for yourself +s_VkdL2FwBU-00061-00030866-00031189 You have to start looking inwards to discover what it is +s_VkdL2FwBU-00062-00031189-00031735 You actually love to do with your life after you've discovered this half of the battle is won +s_VkdL2FwBU-00063-00031827-00032233 Then decide to think by yourself decide to pursue a career +s_VkdL2FwBU-00064-00032233-00032675 You truly love not what your parents or society wants you to pursue +s_VkdL2FwBU-00065-00032856-00033056 Look back at your childhood +s_VkdL2FwBU-00066-00033125-00033721 If you ask me, how can I know what I love to do? My answer may be look at your childhood? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00067-00033803-00034387 Usually before the world succeeded at killing us. We tend to show the signs of Independence and individuality +s_VkdL2FwBU-00068-00034461-00034865 We tend to talk about what we want and how much we love such a thing +s_VkdL2FwBU-00069-00034922-00035122 Those years are usually our teenage years +s_VkdL2FwBU-00070-00035171-00035407 Before we fully entered the kalos world +s_VkdL2FwBU-00071-00035469-00035950 What you loved and dreamed of doing as a teen may be the answer to your true passion +s_VkdL2FwBU-00072-00035994-00036262 In my own case as a boy of 14 +s_VkdL2FwBU-00073-00036262-00036898 I would leave my parents home on the weekend sit in a lonely place and start writing. It was my food +s_VkdL2FwBU-00074-00036899-00037118 I loved joining words together +s_VkdL2FwBU-00075-00037175-00037450 Writing was never work for me today +s_VkdL2FwBU-00076-00037450-00037900 I make more money from my writing skill than from any other thing +s_VkdL2FwBU-00077-00037940-00038641 So look back at your life and see what you love doing as a team. Maybe that's what you ought to be doing now +s_VkdL2FwBU-00078-00038775-00038975 the head that wears the crown +s_VkdL2FwBU-00079-00039038-00039388 Now after you've discovered where exactly you love to do with your life +s_VkdL2FwBU-00080-00039405-00039697 Do not make another mistake by thinking that it ought to be easy +s_VkdL2FwBU-00081-00039725-00039858 in fact +s_VkdL2FwBU-00082-00039858-00040469 what the world wants you to do is going to be much easier for you to do than what you want to do because the +s_VkdL2FwBU-00083-00040469-00040967 World has spent many decades perfecting the system for what it wants you to do +s_VkdL2FwBU-00084-00041034-00041528 Let me give you some examples here. My parents wanted me to have all the degrees most people +s_VkdL2FwBU-00085-00041528-00042028 Have they then wanted me to work as an accountant? That's pretty straightforward, right? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00086-00042084-00042391 Being an accountant already has a tested route +s_VkdL2FwBU-00087-00042468-00042907 Study very hard in school have two or three degrees and get a job in a big company +s_VkdL2FwBU-00088-00042978-00043429 That's a straight road. All you have to do is to follow the road judiciously +s_VkdL2FwBU-00089-00043464-00044018 But that wasn't what I wanted to do instead. I wanted to be an entrepreneur and a writer +s_VkdL2FwBU-00090-00044106-00044314 How do you become a successful entrepreneur? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00091-00044400-00044600 How do you become a writer? +s_VkdL2FwBU-00092-00044616-00045025 Nobody knows because there's no predictable path into those two worlds +s_VkdL2FwBU-00093-00045075-00045500 You can do all you know how to do and still feel as an intrapreneur +s_VkdL2FwBU-00094-00045594-00045883 Nobody promises you that you'll get financed for your business +s_VkdL2FwBU-00095-00045936-00046222 Nobody promises you that the markets will accept your products +s_VkdL2FwBU-00096-00046278-00046531 Nobody promises you that your books will be popular +s_VkdL2FwBU-00097-00046599-00047101 Nobody promises you anything so you have to figure them out one after the other +s_VkdL2FwBU-00098-00047130-00047762 It was a tough journey. It took me eight years of hard hustle before I had my first breakthrough +s_VkdL2FwBU-00099-00047844-00048344 So don't ever think that following your dreams will be easy. One thing I can guarantee you +s_VkdL2FwBU-00100-00048344-00048986 Is that after you achieve your dream? You'll no longer live in the realm of men. You'll be in heaven +s_VkdL2FwBU-00101-00049050-00049711 It's heaven because you'll be the happiest person on earth you wake up to play while everyone else wakes up to work +s_VkdL2FwBU-00102-00049776-00050033 Here are my final words as an employee +s_VkdL2FwBU-00103-00050033-00050800 if you are among the 85% who hates their jobs don't deceive yourself by thinking that bigger paycheck will solve your problem for +s_VkdL2FwBU-00104-00050829-00051083 You to have money and fulfillment together +s_VkdL2FwBU-00105-00051093-00051742 You have to figure out who you are and what exactly you want out of life after figuring out these things +s_VkdL2FwBU-00106-00051755-00052226 You must be willing to pay the price to get from where you are to where you want to be +s_VkdL2FwBU-00107-00052229-00052891 You may start your side hustle while you have the job you hate this may take time before you see any significant result +s_VkdL2FwBU-00108-00052902-00053167 But if you stay stubborn you win big +s_VkdL2FwBU-00109-00053340-00053526 Thank you so much for watching our videos +s_VkdL2FwBU-00110-00053526-00054037 Are you between the ages of 15 and 40 then we invite you to join new channel +s_VkdL2FwBU-00111-00054038-00054580 Which was specially created to share with you inspiration and life's lessons to succeed in life +s_VkdL2FwBU-00112-00054597-00055313 We call it under 40 TV currently look at the description box to join the under 40 TV. We love you +sAzNI7180tE-00000-00000035-00000493 AUJOURD'HUI LE 8 MARS 2023, LES FORCES ARMÉE DE LA FÉDÉRATION DE RUSSIE POURSUIT SON +sAzNI7180tE-00001-00000493-00000708 OPÉRATION MILITAIRE SPÉCIALE EN UKRAINE. +sAzNI7180tE-00002-00000708-00001205 Dans la direction de Kupyansky, à la suite de frappes d'assaut et d'aviation de l'armée, +sAzNI7180tE-00003-00001205-00001637 des tirs d'artillerie du groupe de forces occidental, de la main-d'œuvre et de l'équipement +sAzNI7180tE-00004-00001637-00002118 ennemis ont été vaincus dans les zones des colonies de Berestovoe, Sinkovka, Krakhmalnoye +sAzNI7180tE-00005-00002118-00002401 de la région de Kharkov et Rozovka de la République populaire de Louhansk. +sAzNI7180tE-00006-00002401-00003017 En outre, dans les zones des colonies de Tabaevka, Gryanikovka, Olshana de la région de Kharkiv, +sAzNI7180tE-00007-00003017-00003535 Artemovka, Novoselovskoye et Stelmakhovka de la République populaire de Lougansk, les +sAzNI7180tE-00008-00003535-00003964 actions de dix groupes de sabotage et de reconnaissance des forces armées ukrainiennes ont été +sAzNI7180tE-00009-00003964-00004064 réprimées. +sAzNI7180tE-00010-00004064-00004487 Au cours de la journée, jusqu'à 60 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules de combat blindés, +sAzNI7180tE-00011-00004487-00004939 trois véhicules, ainsi qu'un obusier automoteur Akatsiya ont été détruits dans cette direction. +sAzNI7180tE-00012-00004939-00005483 Dans la direction Krasno-Limansky, des frappes aériennes, des tirs d'artillerie et des systèmes +sAzNI7180tE-00013-00005483-00005782 de lance-flammes lourds du groupe de troupes (forces) "Centre" ont frappé des unités +sAzNI7180tE-00014-00005782-00006207 des Forces armées ukrainiennes dans les zones des colonies de Nevskoye, Novolyubovka, Chervonopopovka, +sAzNI7180tE-00015-00006207-00006778 Chervonaya Dibrova de la République populaire de Louhansk et Grigorovka de la République +sAzNI7180tE-00016-00006778-00006983 populaire de Donetsk. +sAzNI7180tE-00017-00006983-00007368 Les pertes totales de l'ennemi dans cette direction par jour se sont élevées à 130 +sAzNI7180tE-00018-00007368-00007678 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules de combat d'infanterie, trois véhicules de combat +sAzNI7180tE-00019-00007678-00008037 blindés, trois véhicules et un obusier automoteur Gvozdika. +sAzNI7180tE-00020-00008037-00008397 Dans la direction de Donetsk, à la suite des actions actives des unités du groupe +sAzNI7180tE-00021-00008397-00008838 de troupes "Sud", des frappes opérationnelles-tactiques, de l'aviation de l'armée et des tirs d'artillerie, +sAzNI7180tE-00022-00008838-00009543 plus de 180 militaires ukrainiens, deux chars, trois véhicules de combat d'infanterie , cinq +sAzNI7180tE-00023-00009543-00009977 véhicules, l'obusier automoteur "Acacia" ont été détruits en une journée et l'obusier +sAzNI7180tE-00024-00009977-00010077 automoteur "Gvozdika". +sAzNI7180tE-00025-00010077-00010601 Dans les directions sud-Donetsk et Zaporozhye, l'aviation militaire et l'artillerie opérationnelles +sAzNI7180tE-00026-00010601-00010939 et tactiques du groupe de forces Vostok ont ​​vaincu les unités ennemies dans les +sAzNI7180tE-00027-00010939-00011459 zones des colonies d'Ugledar, Pavlovka, Novoselka de la République populaire de Donetsk et +sAzNI7180tE-00028-00011459-00011732 Novodanilovka de la région de Zaporozhye. +sAzNI7180tE-00029-00011732-00012247 Au cours de la journée, jusqu'à 65 militaires ukrainiens, un char, deux véhicules de combat +sAzNI7180tE-00030-00012247-00012703 blindés, trois camionnettes, ainsi que l'obusier Msta-B ont été détruits dans ces zones. +sAzNI7180tE-00031-00012703-00013193 Dans la direction de Kherson, à la suite de tirs d'artillerie, plus de 50 militaires +sAzNI7180tE-00032-00013193-00013469 ukrainiens, deux voitures et un obusier D-30 ont été détruits en une journée. +sAzNI7180tE-00033-00013469-00013863 L'aviation opérationnelle et tactique et militaire, les forces de missiles et l'artillerie +sAzNI7180tE-00034-00013863-00014315 de groupes de troupes (forces) des Forces armées de la Fédération de Russie ont vaincu +sAzNI7180tE-00035-00014315-00014926 87 unités d'artillerie en positions de tir, en effectifs et en équipement dans 207 districts. +sAzNI7180tE-00036-00014926-00015281 Une station radar ukrainienne de détection de cibles aériennes volant à basse altitude +sAzNI7180tE-00037-00015281-00015732 36D6 a été détruite dans la zone de la colonie de Novoaleksandrivka dans la République +sAzNI7180tE-00038-00015732-00015832 populaire de Donetsk. +sAzNI7180tE-00039-00015832-00016450 De plus, dans la région du village de Memrik de la République populaire de Donetsk, le +sAzNI7180tE-00040-00016450-00016914 quartier général de la 59e brigade d'infanterie motorisée des Forces armées ukrainiennes +sAzNI7180tE-00041-00016914-00017029 a été touché. +sAzNI7180tE-00042-00017029-00017453 Au cours de la journée, les systèmes de défense aérienne ont abattu quatre roquettes +sAzNI7180tE-00043-00017453-00017803 du système de lance-roquettes multiples HIMARS et détruit cinq véhicules aériens sans +sAzNI7180tE-00044-00017803-00018597 pilote ukrainiens dans les zones des colonies de Novaya Kakhovka, Nikolaevka, région de +sAzNI7180tE-00045-00018597-00019034 Kherson, Chervonoarmeyskoye, région de Zaporozhye, Nikolskoye, République populaire de Donetsk +sAzNI7180tE-00046-00019034-00019276 , et Shipilovka, République populaire de Lougansk. +sAzNI7180tE-00047-00019276-00020198 Au total, depuis le début de l'opération militaire spéciale, ont été détruits : 398 +sAzNI7180tE-00048-00020198-00020547 avions, 217 hélicoptères, 3 361 véhicules aériens sans pilote, 410 systèmes de missiles +sAzNI7180tE-00049-00020547-00021054 antiaériens, 8 222 chars et autres véhicules blindés de combat, 1 055 véhicules de combat +sAzNI7180tE-00050-00021054-00021467 à lancement multiple systèmes de roquettes, 4 300 canons et mortiers d'artillerie de campagne, +sAzNI7180tE-00051-00021467-00021805 ainsi que 8 798 unités de véhicules militaires spéciaux. +sC27zG7dxmQ-00000-00000648-00001112 WELCOME TO ARTESANÍA PARA TODOS +sC27zG7dxmQ-00001-00001300-00001777 MANDALA BRACELET WITH POLYMER CLAY AND MACRAME +sC27zG7dxmQ-00002-00001918-00002418 MATERIAL LIST DOWN IN THE DESCRIPTION +sC27zG7dxmQ-00003-00002587-00003482 Attach a 50cm thread to the work base +sC27zG7dxmQ-00004-00003672-00004126 Add a 27 40cm threads with a lark’s head knot +sC27zG7dxmQ-00005-00008916-00009165 27 threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00006-00009356-00009804 Place all the threads in the center +sC27zG7dxmQ-00007-00011897-00012225 Link the polymeric clay piece +sC27zG7dxmQ-00008-00013183-00013615 Close with two knots +sC27zG7dxmQ-00009-00015716-00016070 Place it around the polymer clay piece +sC27zG7dxmQ-00010-00017312-00017726 Add a 50cm thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00011-00020000-00020460 Make a horizontal double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00012-00025139-00025493 Turn the piece and do the same job on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00013-00029894-00030342 Make 6 bundles of 10 strands each +sC27zG7dxmQ-00014-00030861-00031255 Make 6 alternate knots +sC27zG7dxmQ-00015-00034881-00035335 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00016-00036805-00037243 Make 6 alternate knots +sC27zG7dxmQ-00017-00040129-00040573 Make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00018-00043229-00043676 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00019-00045938-00046737 Cross the two central threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00020-00046960-00047417 Add a 35cm thread with a lark’s head knot with half hitches +sC27zG7dxmQ-00021-00052469-00052923 Make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00022-00057966-00058429 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00023-00062093-00062432 Two knots to the right +sC27zG7dxmQ-00024-00063254-00063502 A knot to the left +sC27zG7dxmQ-00025-00063922-00064264 Two knots to the right +sC27zG7dxmQ-00026-00067876-00068430 Make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00027-00075664-00075864 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00028-00075943-00076190 Two knots to the left +sC27zG7dxmQ-00029-00076622-00076857 A knot to the right +sC27zG7dxmQ-00030-00077000-00077241 Two knots to the left +sC27zG7dxmQ-00031-00088203-00088512 Separa los dos hilos del centro, los utilizarás más tarde +sC27zG7dxmQ-00032-00089283-00089837 With the first thread, make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00033-00096177-00096448 Pull the thread apart +sC27zG7dxmQ-00034-00096638-00096976 With the second thread, make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00035-00100951-00101151 Pull the thread apart +sC27zG7dxmQ-00036-00101360-00101820 With the third thread, make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00037-00104973-00105218 Pull the thread apart +sC27zG7dxmQ-00038-00105402-00105869 With the fourth thread, make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00039-00107490-00107690 Pull the thread apart +sC27zG7dxmQ-00040-00107772-00108133 With the fifth thread, make a double half hitch knot with the last thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00041-00109089-00109534 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00042-00118520-00118977 With the two threads in the center, make 10 alternating knots +sC27zG7dxmQ-00043-00124510-00124943 Make a double half hitch knot on each side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00044-00129000-00129763 Separate the two center threads, you will not need them anymore +sC27zG7dxmQ-00045-00129971-00130518 Make a double half hitch knot with each of the threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00046-00136467-00136925 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00047-00139474-00139870 Make 6 alternate knots +sC27zG7dxmQ-00048-00143465-00143926 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00049-00145320-00145681 Make a double half hitch knot +sC27zG7dxmQ-00050-00146768-00147016 Repeat over the entire circumference +sC27zG7dxmQ-00051-00147601-00148020 Add a 70cm thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00052-00150050-00150504 Make a vertical double half hitch knot to the right in the other thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00053-00151859-00152307 Pass the thread underneath and make a vertical double half hitch knot to the left in the same thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00054-00154293-00154750 Make a vertical double half hitch knot to the left in the other thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00055-00156257-00156599 Continue until you have a 3.8cm strip +sC27zG7dxmQ-00056-00159144-00159602 Make a double half hitch knot in the two threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00057-00161285-00161723 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00058-00164311-00164768 Cut and burn the leftover threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00059-00173539-00173964 Add a 15cm thread +sC27zG7dxmQ-00060-00177579-00178107 Make two alternating knots on each side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00061-00185717-00186158 Close with a double half hitch knot +sC27zG7dxmQ-00062-00188274-00188725 Cut and burn the leftover threads +sC27zG7dxmQ-00063-00190958-00191200 Repeat on the other side +sC27zG7dxmQ-00064-00192680-00193134 With the 18cm thread, make a slip knot with a square knot +sC27zG7dxmQ-00065-00204352-00204829 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THE VIDEO +sC27zG7dxmQ-00066-00204965-00205470 IF YOU LIKE IT AND YOU WANT TO LEARN, +sC27zG7dxmQ-00067-00205611-00206103 SUSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL +sC27zG7dxmQ-00068-00206262-00206730 AND DON´T FORGET TO HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL SO YOU WON´T MISS ANY VIDEO! +sGfnm31iHqM-00000-00000048-00000640 what i have noticed is that one of my short videos seems to have found the right audience, +sGfnm31iHqM-00001-00000640-00001264 and saw a big spike in traffic, which also then causes the same to happen to my channel, +sGfnm31iHqM-00002-00001352-00002023 and without it, my channel wouldn't have seen it. instead, it might have seen a dip instead, which +sGfnm31iHqM-00003-00002023-00002704 meant that, wow, my channel now gets more views from that short, and that's why i continued +sGfnm31iHqM-00004-00002760-00003344 to make a couple of shorts every week, and never fully stopped. even when i thought i would quit, +sGfnm31iHqM-00005-00003400-00004047 and that's because a few of those might see drums like what's happened today, i haven't ever seen +sGfnm31iHqM-00006-00004047-00004752 this because i've noticed something right now with the shorts i've made. before i barely made anything. +sGunaMnj7bu-00000-00001060-00001214 How do you bust a myth? +sGunaMnj7bu-00001-00001214-00001634 The key to debunking myths doesn’t come from the Mythbusters, sadly. +sGunaMnj7bu-00002-00001635-00001845 Instead, the answer comes from psychology. +sGunaMnj7bu-00003-00001845-00002386 Scientists have been researching the psychology of debunking for many years, exploring how +sGunaMnj7bu-00004-00002386-00002606 to effectively respond to misinformation. +sGunaMnj7bu-00005-00002606-00003048 They’ve identified the key elements to an effective debunking. +sGunaMnj7bu-00006-00003048-00003514 And sorry to Mythbusters fans but it doesn’t include blowing stuff up. +sGunaMnj7bu-00007-00003514-00004084 A debunking has to present both the correction information and explain why the misinformation +sGunaMnj7bu-00008-00004084-00004184 is incorrect. +sGunaMnj7bu-00009-00004184-00004612 But you also need to be careful not to give the myth too much attention. +sGunaMnj7bu-00010-00004612-00005136 Unfortunately, most of the times you see a debunking, the emphasis is on the myth. +sGunaMnj7bu-00011-00005136-00005790 Here’s an example from the Skeptical Science website in 2007, where the myth gets prime prominence. +sGunaMnj7bu-00012-00005792-00006409 The risk with this type of format is you can end up reinforcing the myth rather than refuting it. +sGunaMnj7bu-00013-00006409-00006995 To avoid this problem, the psychological research points to a specific structure to debunk myths: +sGunaMnj7bu-00014-00006995-00007250 Fact - Myth - Fallacy. +sGunaMnj7bu-00015-00007250-00007606 You want people to remember your facts, not the myth. +sGunaMnj7bu-00016-00007606-00008108 So an effective debunking emphasises that key fact you want to communicate. +sGunaMnj7bu-00017-00008108-00008670 While you don’t want to put too much emphasis on the myth, you still do need to mention it. +sGunaMnj7bu-00018-00008670-00009064 To avoid reinforcing the myth, warn people before you mention it. +sGunaMnj7bu-00019-00009064-00009640 This puts people on guard so they’re less likely to be influenced by the myth. +sGunaMnj7bu-00020-00009640-00010201 Now when you present a fact, and a myth about that fact, you’re presenting two conflicting +sGunaMnj7bu-00021-00010201-00010394 pieces of information. +sGunaMnj7bu-00022-00010394-00010974 You help people reconcile that conflict by explaining the fallacy that the myth uses +sGunaMnj7bu-00023-00010974-00011150 to distort the science. +sGunaMnj7bu-00024-00011150-00011721 A useful framework for explaining the fallacies commonly seen in climate misinformation is +sGunaMnj7bu-00025-00011721-00012170 the 5 characteristics of science denial, summarised with the acronym FLICC. +sGunaMnj7bu-00026-00012170-00012894 This stands for fake experts, logical fallacies, impossible expectations, cherry picking and +sGunaMnj7bu-00027-00012894-00013147 conspiracy theories. +sGunaMnj7bu-00028-00013147-00013701 Throughout our Denial101x course, we debunk many of the most common myths that cast doubt +sGunaMnj7bu-00029-00013701-00014197 on whether global warming is happening, humanity’s role in causing climate change and the impacts +sGunaMnj7bu-00030-00014197-00014322 of global warming. +sGunaMnj7bu-00031-00014322-00014822 You’ll see the Fact-Myth-Fallacy structure as we explain the science then examine how +sGunaMnj7bu-00032-00014822-00015062 that science can get distorted. +sGunaMnj7bu-00033-00015062-00015718 Each week, we’ll also release a short summary, listing the fact, myth and fallacy of each debunking. +sGunaMnj7bu-00034-00015718-00016321 At the end of Denial101x, we’ll dive deeper into the psychological research on debunking. +sGunaMnj7bu-00035-00016321-00016704 Can you change the mind of someone who rejects climate science? +sGunaMnj7bu-00036-00016704-00017031 What is the most effective response to climate science denial? +sGunaMnj7bu-00037-00017031-00017520 But for the moment, you now know about the fact-myth-fallacy structure. +sGunaMnj7bu-00038-00017520-00017776 Look for it in the rest of our course! +sKDUPwIAmDU-00000-00001159-00001646 (MUSIC) INTRODUCING THE NAVY'S NEWEST WARSHIP, +sKDUPwIAmDU-00001-00001646-00001923 NAMED FOR AN AMERICAN HERO. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00002-00001923-00002308 AN IMMIGRANT WHO BECAME A MARINE. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00003-00002308-00002765 A BROTHER-IN-ARMS WHO PUT OTHERS BEFORE HIMSELF, SGT. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00004-00002765-00003244 PERALTA GAVE HIS LIFE IN FALLUJAH SAVING HIS FELLOW MARINES FROM A GRENADE +sKDUPwIAmDU-00005-00003244-00003597 BY ABSORBING THE BLAST WITH HIS BODY. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00006-00003597-00003901 SELFLESS DEDICATED +sKDUPwIAmDU-00007-00003901-00004105 COMMITTED TO HONOR. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00008-00004105-00004432 READY TO FACE ANY FIGHT. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00009-00004432-00004805 COURAGEOUS TO THE END. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00010-00004805-00005274 THE 65TH ARLEIGH BURKE-CLASS DESTROYER, USS RAFAEL PERALTA (DDG 115). +sKDUPwIAmDU-00011-00005274-00005413 WELCOME TO THE FLEET. +sKDUPwIAmDU-00012-00005413-00005414 (MUSIC) +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00000-00000048-00000287 Hello guys, welcome back +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00001-00000415-00000669 This channel, today I want to +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00002-00000801-00001445 make a react video for the new game trailer which is Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and without wasting your time +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00003-00001513-00001713 let's begin +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00005-00003782-00004023 This is like era of Viking +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00007-00004628-00005025 Like the movie "How to train your Dragon" +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00008-00005228-00005428 This must be a Hero of this game +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00016-00009614-00009814 Part "In Language" kinda funny +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00018-00012568-00012787 He's made a mistake +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00019-00013766-00013966 Whoo +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00020-00015277-00015487 His friend died +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00021-00015978-00016202 Right now, I don't know the name of the hero +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00022-00019010-00019370 Odin? Oh, Thor's Father? haha +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00023-00020272-00020472 This like almost to the Climax +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00024-00023070-00023310 Is that Hidden Blade? +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00025-00024160-00024660 I didn't expect that he has a hidden blade that time +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00026-00025110-00025270 Ok Nice +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00027-00025375-00025670 Good Job for Ubisoft +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00028-00025839-00026200 But I really didn't expect part of when he using his hidden blade +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00029-00026200-00026400 Didn't know He has it +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00030-00026806-00027006 But he put +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00032-00027202-00027568 from the upper side, usually from the bottom side +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00033-00027588-00027942 and I think it's nice for now +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00034-00028133-00028350 Wait for other +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00035-00028441-00028859 that Ubisoft will publish for Assassin's Creed, another trailer or something else +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00036-00028944-00029144 Overall, It is okay +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00037-00029312-00029472 Ok, Thank You +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00038-00029598-00029744 for spending your time +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00039-00029822-00030030 PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00040-00030030-00030354 This channel for more video +sL_TxI5jpJQ-00041-00030354-00030522 Alright, Thank You +sMmjToWHL2c-00000-00000084-00002732 Music Playing +sNvMxP626ny-00000-00000212-00000787 In this video I’ll show you how to use Fabfilter Saturn 2 on drums going from this +sNvMxP626ny-00001-00000882-00000982 to this: +sNvMxP626ny-00002-00001105-00001352 I'm Marlon, and this is the White Noise Studio +sNvMxP626ny-00003-00001369-00001622 This video will be about the total drumsound +sNvMxP626ny-00004-00001630-00002035 I covered how to use F abfilter Saturn 2 on snaredrum in part 01 +sNvMxP626ny-00005-00002047-00002327 and in Part 02 I showed how to use it on bassdrum. +sNvMxP626ny-00006-00002337-00002677 Check those videos if you haven't done so already. +sNvMxP626ny-00007-00002683-00002950 Don't forget to subscribe to this channel so you won't miss out on any video. +sNvMxP626ny-00008-00002953-00003228 Here's the drumpart I recorded for this tutorial. +sNvMxP626ny-00009-00003566-00004140 Saturn 2 is the plugin I use because it has a few very handy features like a gate / compressor dial +sNvMxP626ny-00010-00004193-00004327 a feedback knob, +sNvMxP626ny-00011-00004336-00004499 mix wet controls, +sNvMxP626ny-00012-00004511-00005251 and of course multiple frequency bands with controls of various independent saturation and distortion types. +sNvMxP626ny-00013-00005265-00005531 I’ll go over the individual elements of the drumkit which I haven’t done yet. +sNvMxP626ny-00014-00005640-00005736 Toms are first. +sNvMxP626ny-00015-00005756-00005982 I’ll loop a part with toms. +sNvMxP626ny-00016-00006333-00006557 Both toms are somewhat on the short side. +sNvMxP626ny-00017-00006568-00006694 Here's the low tom. +sNvMxP626ny-00018-00006919-00007218 I want to increase the thickness and make it sound bigger. +sNvMxP626ny-00019-00007222-00007530 I can do that by adding low end and high end , +sNvMxP626ny-00020-00007535-00007845 but I’ll first reduce the lower mid range, +sNvMxP626ny-00021-00007923-00008606 from 300 hz to around 900hz +sNvMxP626ny-00022-00008609-00009236 because that is what can make toms sound boxy and I use the gate to make it tighter. +sNvMxP626ny-00023-00010505-00010794 This already improves the sound a lot. +sNvMxP626ny-00024-00010941-00012094 The low end I’ll compress a bit and increase the hi end and gate that. +sNvMxP626ny-00025-00012549-00012841 I’ll use the tone knobs to fine tune the sound. +sNvMxP626ny-00026-00012901-00013426 I basically created a smiley eq curve for the floortom, with some extra control. +sNvMxP626ny-00027-00013541-00013681 Here's the high tom. +sNvMxP626ny-00028-00013704-00014177 For tom1 I simply copy the settings of the low tom, +sNvMxP626ny-00029-00014594-00015003 I can do it from scratch, but these toms have a similar character. +sNvMxP626ny-00030-00015019-00015146 Let me finetune it. +sNvMxP626ny-00031-00016422-00016686 And here's a room mic. +sNvMxP626ny-00032-00016764-00017088 The room mic is nice to have somewhat squashed. +sNvMxP626ny-00033-00017120-00017480 First I will roll off some of the low end. +sNvMxP626ny-00034-00017719-00017927 And i will use a warm tube for the rest. +sNvMxP626ny-00035-00019027-00019494 This will make the cymbal a little bit nasty, so adding a band over here +sNvMxP626ny-00036-00019677-00020183 and dial down the drive and also the volume +sNvMxP626ny-00037-00020194-00020514 and even use the toneknobs to reduce the hi end. +sNvMxP626ny-00038-00021002-00021559 I want these two bands to blend more into eachother so I will adjust it to 6dB per octave. +sNvMxP626ny-00039-00021736-00021856 And tweak the band +sNvMxP626ny-00040-00022449-00022615 Let me compress it a bit. +sNvMxP626ny-00041-00022767-00022974 And let's hear it in the mix. +sNvMxP626ny-00042-00023566-00023831 I need to lower the level of it, of the entire plugin. +sNvMxP626ny-00043-00024092-00024522 So now the saturation is focussed on the body of the drums and not on the cymbals. +sNvMxP626ny-00044-00024536-00024754 I’m not touching the hihats now, they sound fine +sNvMxP626ny-00045-00024767-00025065 So now let’s use Saturn 2 on the drumbus. +sNvMxP626ny-00046-00025189-00025787 Saturn 2 can also serve as a parallel drums bus saturator / compressor thanks to it's mix dial. +sNvMxP626ny-00047-00025793-00026345 And, depending on the type of music and vibe you’re after you can play around a lot with the types of saturation. +sNvMxP626ny-00048-00026356-00026483 LEt me show you. +sNvMxP626ny-00049-00026491-00026631 It has warm tape now. +sNvMxP626ny-00050-00026853-00027073 And let me dial back the mix knob +sNvMxP626ny-00051-00027695-00027989 You canhear the drum mix fattening up a bit. +sNvMxP626ny-00052-00028308-00028500 Let's check out gentle saturation +sNvMxP626ny-00053-00029158-00029504 I can use the toneknobs to skulpt the sound a bit +sNvMxP626ny-00054-00030200-00030481 And let's try warm transformer. +sNvMxP626ny-00055-00030656-00031156 Ypu notice the low end is impacting the saturated sound a lot +sNvMxP626ny-00056-00031171-00031637 So let's reduce that one by adding a band +sNvMxP626ny-00057-00031651-00032122 and i will turn down the mixknob and even turn off the entire band. +sNvMxP626ny-00058-00033139-00033475 Now it get's really squashed but the low end stays intact. +sNvMxP626ny-00059-00035070-00035560 Let's adda band to reduce the hi end in the mix +sNvMxP626ny-00060-00036778-00036965 I will tweak the bands a bit +sNvMxP626ny-00061-00037342-00037773 and make this 12dB's per octave to get a little more blend between the bands. +sNvMxP626ny-00062-00040704-00041040 It really adds a lot of beef to the drum sound. +sNvMxP626ny-00063-00041065-00041193 Let's do a before and after. +sNvMxP626ny-00064-00041204-00041368 This is before. +sNvMxP626ny-00065-00041859-00042247 And this is with all Fabfilter Saturn 2 plugins enabled. +sNvMxP626ny-00066-00042558-00042658 And disabled +sNvMxP626ny-00067-00044194-00044624 What sound to much now with only drums can be perfect in a complete mix. +sNvMxP626ny-00068-00044658-00045046 This concludes part 03 of the series mixing drums with fabfilter Saturn 2. +sNvMxP626ny-00069-00045057-00045303 Check out the entire playlist here. +sNvMxP626ny-00070-00045317-00045746 Thak you for watching, don't forget to sunscribe and i'll see you in the next one.Bye! +sp0K6uTOUcA-00000-00000591-00000691 Hello everybody! +sp0K6uTOUcA-00001-00000691-00001137 In today’s video, I’ll show you how to temporarily disable or permanently remove +sp0K6uTOUcA-00002-00001137-00001621 an Instagram account from a browser on your computer or from its mobile app. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00003-00001621-00002164 For so many users, Instagram has become an ever-present element of their lives, where +sp0K6uTOUcA-00004-00002164-00002677 they can share freshly taken photos, apply filters to previous photos, find friends and +sp0K6uTOUcA-00005-00002677-00002834 even start a business. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00006-00002834-00003304 However, quite a number of people are willing to remove their Instagram accounts now. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00007-00003304-00003864 For some users, the reason is too much advertising, while others are fed up with all kinds of +sp0K6uTOUcA-00008-00003864-00003964 bots. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00009-00003964-00004354 In order to deactivate your account, you may waste a lot of time searching the settings, +sp0K6uTOUcA-00010-00004354-00004868 but if you really want to get rid of your page in Instagram, this video is the shortcut +sp0K6uTOUcA-00011-00004868-00004968 to your goal. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00012-00004968-00005449 That’s because we will show you how to disable an account for some time only, and how to +sp0K6uTOUcA-00013-00005449-00007134 remove it completely. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00014-00007134-00009303 So, let’s begin. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00015-00009303-00009767 There are two ways to deactivate an account, the first is deactivating it temporarily, +sp0K6uTOUcA-00016-00009767-00009985 and the other suggests removing it for good. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00017-00009985-00010120 How to disable an Instagram account temporarily from PC +sp0K6uTOUcA-00018-00010120-00010532 First of all, let’s see how to disable an Instagram account temporarily. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00019-00010532-00011027 The easiest way to do it is from a computer. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00020-00011027-00011596 Open your page and click “Edit profile,” Then click the line “Temporarily disable +sp0K6uTOUcA-00021-00011596-00011836 my account” below. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00022-00011836-00012267 In the next window, you will have to give the reason why you decided to disable your +sp0K6uTOUcA-00023-00012267-00012822 account, and then enter the account password to confirm the start of the blocking process. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00024-00012822-00013225 Finally, click the button “Temporarily disable account.” +sp0K6uTOUcA-00025-00013225-00013775 A serious advantage of this method is that the account gets enabled again as soon as +sp0K6uTOUcA-00026-00013775-00013953 you sign in from the app. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00027-00013953-00014360 In addition to temporarily disabling, there is one more way which can help you remove +sp0K6uTOUcA-00028-00014360-00014516 your page for good. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00029-00014516-00014988 Removing an Instagram account is an irreversible process, and as soon as you do it, you’re +sp0K6uTOUcA-00030-00014988-00015528 going to lose all of your photos, videos and other information, including your followers. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00031-00015528-00016003 So my advice is to begin with temporary disabling your account, and in that case, you’ll be +sp0K6uTOUcA-00032-00016003-00016147 able to restore it. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00033-00016147-00016729 However, if you have made a decision to remove your account forever, - well, then let’s +sp0K6uTOUcA-00034-00016729-00016942 see how it can be done. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00035-00016942-00017390 After deleting the account, you cannot sign up again with the same username or add such +sp0K6uTOUcA-00036-00017390-00017556 user name to another account. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00037-00017556-00017811 How to download a copy of your Instagram data Before deleting your account let’s find +sp0K6uTOUcA-00038-00017811-00018204 out how to download a copy of all your information. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00039-00018204-00018681 In Instagram, you can a copy of all the stuff you have posted. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00040-00018681-00019142 You can do it both from a PC-based browser and a mobile app. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00041-00019142-00019653 If you’re using a browser: Go to your account and open settings. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00042-00019653-00019934 Select Privacy and security. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00043-00019934-00020516 Scroll down until you see Data Download and click Request download. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00044-00020516-00020868 Give the email address where you’d like to receive the link for downloading data, +sp0K6uTOUcA-00045-00020868-00021493 and your Instagram account password. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00046-00021493-00021881 After some time, check the mailbox you have given for an email containing the link to +sp0K6uTOUcA-00047-00021881-00022031 your data. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00048-00022031-00022591 Click Download data and follow the wizard directions to download all your information. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00049-00022591-00024092 As you can see, collecting your data can take up to 48 hours. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00050-00024092-00024499 If you’re using a mobile app: Go to your account and tap on the three-lines’ +sp0K6uTOUcA-00051-00024499-00024683 button. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00052-00024683-00025105 Then open Settings by tapping on the gear-shaped icon below. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00053-00025105-00025524 Then Security - Download data. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00054-00025524-00026224 Give the email address where the link should be sent, and then tap Request Download. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00055-00026224-00026607 Enter the account password, And soon you will receive a message to your +sp0K6uTOUcA-00056-00026607-00026827 email address. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00057-00026827-00028007 Click Download data and follow the wizard directions to download all your information. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00058-00028007-00029000 How to remove Instagram forever To remove an account completely you will need +sp0K6uTOUcA-00059-00029000-00029520 to follow the direct link Given in the description below this video. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00060-00029520-00029841 If you haven’t signed in to Instagram yet, do it. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00061-00029841-00030394 The removal is only possible by using a browser from PC, and it’s impossible to remove your +sp0K6uTOUcA-00062-00030394-00030612 account from the Instagram app on your phone. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00063-00030612-00031038 A bit later in today’s video, you’ll see how to delete an Instagram account from a +sp0K6uTOUcA-00064-00031038-00031283 smartphone. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00065-00031283-00031652 After following the link, you will see an account removal window, asking you for the +sp0K6uTOUcA-00066-00031652-00032081 reasons why you decided to remove your Instagram account. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00067-00032081-00032514 Select an item from the list and enter the password to confirm it. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00068-00032514-00033094 Now all you have to do is to click on this button to have your account removed forever, +sp0K6uTOUcA-00069-00033094-00033304 and your account will be gone for good. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00070-00033304-00033659 How to remove Instagram from a smartphone Recently, the tab containing the option to +sp0K6uTOUcA-00071-00033659-00034000 delete an Instagram profile from a smartphone was removed. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00072-00034000-00034469 The app is updated constantly, in an attempt to keep the users’ attention as long as +sp0K6uTOUcA-00073-00034469-00035046 possible; after all, most of its functions to take, upload and modify pictures is available +sp0K6uTOUcA-00074-00035046-00035263 in the mobile version. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00075-00035263-00035754 In order to remove Instagram from your phone, run the app, open the settings, and browse +sp0K6uTOUcA-00076-00035754-00036071 to Help - Help Center. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00077-00036071-00036524 You can change language options below, if necessary. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00078-00036524-00037068 Click on “Managing your account,” and then “Delete your account.” +sp0K6uTOUcA-00079-00037068-00037542 In the next page, select “How do I delete my account?” and then click the link “Go +sp0K6uTOUcA-00080-00037542-00037773 to the Delete your account page.” +sp0K6uTOUcA-00081-00037773-00038515 At this stage, you should select which you’d like to use, the browser or the app. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00082-00038515-00039002 Give the reason for removing Instagram, and click “Permanently delete my account” +sp0K6uTOUcA-00083-00039002-00039279 to confirm your decision. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00084-00039279-00039702 As a result, your Instagram account will be removed completely, and you won’t be able +sp0K6uTOUcA-00085-00039702-00039924 to sign in. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00086-00039924-00040308 If you need to remove the application itself from a smartphone, watch another video in +sp0K6uTOUcA-00087-00040308-00040735 our channel, and the link is in the description as usual. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00088-00040735-00041233 If you try to sign in after the account was deleted, you will see this message: “The +sp0K6uTOUcA-00089-00041233-00041457 username you entered doesn't belong to an account. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00090-00041457-00041662 Please check your username and try again. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00091-00041662-00041762 Please check your username and try again.” +sp0K6uTOUcA-00092-00041762-00042144 It means the account is gone and can’t be recovered. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00093-00042144-00042593 That is why you should always consider the possible consequences before removing your +sp0K6uTOUcA-00094-00042593-00042882 account - what if you want it back someday? +sp0K6uTOUcA-00095-00042882-00042982 That is all for now! +sp0K6uTOUcA-00096-00042982-00043191 Hopefully, this video was useful. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00097-00043191-00043486 Remember to click the Like button and subscribe to our channel. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00098-00043486-00043858 Hit the bell button to receive notifications and never miss new videos. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00099-00043858-00044015 Leave comments to ask questions. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00100-00044015-00044131 Thank you for watching. +sp0K6uTOUcA-00101-00044131-00044195 Good luck. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00000-00000131-00000554 Hi everyone, Darrell Lagace here, Instructional Designer for HACC. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00001-00000554-00001018 This video will show you how to turn on automatic live captions for all your Zoom meetings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00002-00001018-00001437 It’s a new feature in Zoom that we just gained access to. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00003-00001437-00001827 This means students and colleagues can see everyone’s words as text, if they choose +sUfd8Km3AXy-00004-00001827-00001959 to. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00005-00001959-00002366 This is especially helpful if someone in your class or meeting is hard of hearing or Deaf, +sUfd8Km3AXy-00006-00002366-00002869 but it is also helpful if you record these classes or meetings and share them later. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00007-00002869-00003368 Research shows that 15 to 20 percent of all users turn captions on, even though most of +sUfd8Km3AXy-00008-00003368-00003647 them are not hard of hearing in any way. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00009-00003647-00003970 Giving the options of captions helps everyone. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00010-00003970-00004364 And while these automatically created captions are not perfect, they are quite accurate, +sUfd8Km3AXy-00011-00004364-00004476 and far better than nothing. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00012-00004476-00004910 They are also quite a bit better than YouTube’s automatic captions, and you can edit them +sUfd8Km3AXy-00013-00004910-00005362 for accuracy after the meeting if you plan to share the recording. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00014-00005362-00005776 The first step is to log in to MyHACC. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00015-00005776-00006592 Then, click on “Zoom Video Conferencing” on the left and choose “Zoom Login.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00016-00006592-00006952 At the Zoom page, click “Sign in using your HACC account.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00017-00006952-00007345 It should bring you automatically to the Zoom settings since you are already logged in through +sUfd8Km3AXy-00018-00007345-00007554 MyHACC. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00019-00007554-00007947 Click on “Settings” in the list at the left side. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00020-00007947-00008350 Click on “In Meeting (Advanced)” in the middle of the page and it will bring you to +sUfd8Km3AXy-00021-00008350-00008617 the advanced meeting settings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00022-00008617-00008909 You should see a setting called “Closed Captioning.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00023-00008909-00009310 You may need to scroll down a little if it isn’t visible right away. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00024-00009310-00009638 That button is probably turned off, so you’ll need to turn it on. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00025-00009638-00010220 A warning may pop up indicating that other settings may change because of this. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00026-00010220-00010567 Choose “Enable” and it should turn those on, also. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00027-00010567-00011011 If the setting “Enable live transcription service to show transcript on the side panel +sUfd8Km3AXy-00028-00011011-00011531 in-meeting” is not automatically turned on, click the box to turn it on. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00029-00011531-00011970 You also may need to click the box under “Save Captions” if that isn’t automatically +sUfd8Km3AXy-00030-00011970-00012070 on. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00031-00012070-00012427 That’s all you need to do for you and your students or colleagues to see captions in +sUfd8Km3AXy-00032-00012427-00012624 real time. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00033-00012624-00013003 Now let’s look at how it works in Zoom. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00034-00013003-00013501 Go to the “Meetings” tab on the left and hover over one of your Upcoming or Recurring +sUfd8Km3AXy-00035-00013501-00013601 meetings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00036-00013601-00013794 Click “Start.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00037-00013794-00014478 You should see a new button on the bottom of your Zoom window that says “CC Live Transcript.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00038-00014478-00014731 Click it and several options will open. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00039-00014731-00015257 You want the bottom one, “Enable Auto-Transcription” under Live Transcript. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00040-00015257-00015732 Now, when you or anyone else in the meeting speaks, captions will appear at the bottom +sUfd8Km3AXy-00041-00015732-00016041 of the screen. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00042-00016041-00017495 Let's look at some examples. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00043-00017495-00017722 They move pretty quickly, however. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00044-00017722-00018095 Click the small up arrow next to the Live Transcript button. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00045-00018095-00018664 The top option lets you hide the subtitles, which can be useful if they are distracting. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00046-00018664-00019090 Note that this only hides your captions, not all the other participants’ captions. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00047-00019090-00019562 If you want to stop their captions, you’ll need to click the Live Caption button again +sUfd8Km3AXy-00048-00019562-00020064 and choose to disable the Auto-Transcription that we previously enabled. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00049-00020064-00020509 The second option under that arrow says “View full transcript.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00050-00020509-00020901 Clicking this button lets you see the transcript for the entire meeting, since you turned on +sUfd8Km3AXy-00051-00020901-00021117 the Live Captions. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00052-00021117-00021531 It shows who said what and is searchable in the window at the top. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00053-00021531-00022018 You can also save the transcript as a text file using the button at the bottom. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00054-00022018-00022446 If you want the entire transcript, make sure to save it before you turn off Live Captions +sUfd8Km3AXy-00055-00022446-00022617 or end the meeting. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00056-00022617-00023027 If you want to close the transcript, you can either go back to the arrow and choose “close +sUfd8Km3AXy-00057-00023027-00023475 full transcript,” or just click the arrow at the top of the transcript window and choose +sUfd8Km3AXy-00058-00023475-00023618 “Close.” +sUfd8Km3AXy-00059-00023618-00023993 Once you have turned on Live Captions, all the other participants can also choose to +sUfd8Km3AXy-00060-00023993-00024540 show or hide the subtitles and the full transcript, and they can also save the transcript. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00061-00024540-00024876 For this reason, you may want to turn off Live Captions if you are going to discuss +sUfd8Km3AXy-00062-00024876-00025331 information that you don’t want easily shared outside of the class, like answers to quiz +sUfd8Km3AXy-00063-00025331-00025744 questions that other classes haven’t yet taken. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00064-00025744-00026207 If you click the arrow on the Live Captions button one more time, you will see the “Subtitle +sUfd8Km3AXy-00065-00026207-00026458 Settings” option at the bottom. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00066-00026458-00027113 Click that and it will let you change the size of the captions. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00067-00027113-00027481 You may want to explain to participants how to hide the subtitles and how to view the +sUfd8Km3AXy-00068-00027481-00027831 full transcript if they haven’t used this function before. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00069-00027831-00028129 Or give them the link to this video! +sUfd8Km3AXy-00070-00028129-00028561 If you recorded your meeting, Zoom can also create a transcript for you. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00071-00028561-00029082 Make sure you have enabled either local recording or cloud recording (or both) in your Zoom +sUfd8Km3AXy-00072-00029082-00029347 settings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00073-00029347-00029719 Cloud recording is a better choice, because it won't take up room on your computer and +sUfd8Km3AXy-00074-00029719-00030118 you don't need to worry about the VPN slowing the conversion time. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00075-00030118-00030513 The college has a large amount of storage space, so that shouldn't be a problem. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00076-00030513-00031083 However, the cloud recordings are auto-deleted after 60 days, so you need to upload to YouTube +sUfd8Km3AXy-00077-00031083-00031300 before then. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00078-00031300-00031744 If you really want to record locally, you should save to your Downloads folder. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00079-00031744-00032274 That's one of the few places that is truly local and doesn't redirect through the VPN. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00080-00032274-00032700 Saving somewhere else will result in very long conversion times. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00081-00032700-00033136 If you do record locally, the file won't be backed up anywhere, so you should also upload +sUfd8Km3AXy-00082-00033136-00033602 to YouTube as soon as possible just in case. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00083-00033602-00034228 If you plan to use cloud recording, make sure to check the box that says "Audio transcript." +sUfd8Km3AXy-00084-00034228-00034719 Now, whether you record locally or to the cloud, it will create a text file that has +sUfd8Km3AXy-00085-00034719-00034898 the transcript. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00086-00034898-00035301 Go to your "Recordings" tab in your Zoom settings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00087-00035301-00035715 If you recorded to the cloud, there should be several files that you can download, depending +sUfd8Km3AXy-00088-00035715-00035941 on your recording settings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00089-00035941-00036434 If you click on them, it shows a video file and a transcript, and an audio file also if +sUfd8Km3AXy-00090-00036434-00036688 you chose that option. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00091-00036688-00037099 If you click on the audio transcript, it will probably ask what program you want to open +sUfd8Km3AXy-00092-00037099-00037233 it with. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00093-00037233-00037791 The file format is .vtt, which stands for video text track. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00094-00037791-00038211 You'll likely need a text only program like Notepad to see it, so choose a program like +sUfd8Km3AXy-00095-00038211-00038422 this. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00096-00038422-00038872 You'll see it is a text file and also has the timings built in. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00097-00038872-00039388 If you upload your video to YouTube, you can now upload this vtt file and it will automatically +sUfd8Km3AXy-00098-00039388-00039612 sync with your video. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00099-00039612-00040077 You can either edit it before uploading or after, in order to ensure words and spelling +sUfd8Km3AXy-00100-00040077-00040230 are correct. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00101-00040230-00040772 If you saved locally, you'll need to click on "Local Recordings" in your Zoom settings. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00102-00040772-00041297 If you click "Open," it will open the folder on your computer where those files are saved. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00103-00041297-00041600 Like the cloud recording, you'll see several files. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00104-00041600-00042041 The MP4 is the full video file with audio, though it doesn't show the subtitles over +sUfd8Km3AXy-00105-00042041-00042141 your video. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00106-00042141-00042458 The .txt file is the caption file. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00107-00042458-00042934 Unlike the cloud recording vtt file, this can be opened in Word and almost every other +sUfd8Km3AXy-00108-00042934-00043125 word processing program. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00109-00043125-00043630 Again, you can edit it before uploading to YouTube or after. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00110-00043630-00043987 Please share this information and this video so that everyone can take advantage of this +sUfd8Km3AXy-00111-00043987-00044131 new feature. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00112-00044131-00044641 Remember that it will help all your students, not just those who are hard of hearing. +sUfd8Km3AXy-00113-00044641-00045100 Thanks for watching, and if you have any questions, contact me or someone else on the CDI team. +sXq4oKD4usI-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video +sXq4oKD4usI-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view +sXq4oKD4usI-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. +sXq4oKD4usI-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00006-00001324-00001474 I am a dad with my beloved wife +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00007-00001480-00001800 brining up a pretty daughter. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00008-00001876-00002084 You've got a baby now. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00009-00002092-00002452 Questions that women might be curious abou +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00010-00002452-00002766 I'm gonna ask you those questions instead. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00011-00002780-00002866 Okay +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00013-00003026-00003450 The first time I said I was pregnant, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00014-00003450-00003604 How did you feel? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00016-00003727-00004028 When I first saw the picture of ultrasound, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00017-00004028-00004202 looked like a short arm octopus +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00018-00004368-00004580 I couldn't believe anything. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00019-00004596-00004866 I think it was the most surprising moment +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00020-00004866-00004990 the most +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00021-00005026-00005426 Maybe it was more amazing than the moment our baby was born. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00022-00005426-00005724 I was so moved that I cried in the car. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00023-00005734-00005834 Right +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00024-00005834-00006032 I was speechless, this is our... +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00025-00006128-00006530 Oh, I thought 'this was destiny'. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00026-00006544-00006802 You were holding my hand while I was in pain. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00027-00006998-00007240 What did you think of then? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00028-00007240-00007618 I felt so sorry for you. I was so sorry +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00029-00007618-00007822 You really hurt. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00030-00007834-00008206 But I can't share that physical pain. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00031-00008248-00008524 I was very sorry about that. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00032-00008564-00008930 You were overwhelmed with pain +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00033-00008972-00009258 I can't be hurt for you. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00034-00009318-00009846 I could do this kind of measuring (pain) period by your side. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00035-00009882-00010144 I was sorry. I was so sorry. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00036-00010172-00010360 I felt so sorry for you +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00037-00010390-00010572 You did? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00038-00010572-00010704 I felt sad for you +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00039-00010734-00011342 There's a saying that when a husband sees his wife having a baby, he gets a trauma. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00040-00011368-00011730 What was it like when you actually saw it? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00041-00011760-00011950 A trauma is like.. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00042-00011950-00012152 And of course, down here like this +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00043-00012156-00012452 watching a baby come out +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00044-00012608-00012808 It'll be a little creepy watching that. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00045-00012828-00012959 Of course I did come out too. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00046-00012960-00013410 Baby comes out with a lot of blood. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00047-00013419-00013790 if you see that, hat could cause to trauma. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00048-00013894-00014126 But it's not like that. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00049-00014140-00014312 I saw that from the bedside of head +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00050-00014344-00014662 Besides I was told to turn my head away, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00051-00014682-00014919 I had been looking away +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00052-00014919-00015096 You didn't even know she was coming out. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00053-00015096-00015216 I couldn't see well. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00054-00015226-00015776 Do you want to recommend your husbands stay next to wife? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00055-00015784-00015958 I think it's better to stay next to wife. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00056-00015969-00016498 I think you'd be too nervous to wait outside. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00057-00016498-00016630 Could be fretful? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00058-00016630-00016690 Yeah +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00059-00016696-00016902 I don't know what's going on. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00060-00016908-00017172 You are doing inside like "Ahhhhhh" +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00061-00017198-00017372 I did like 'when is it coming out?’ +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00062-00017398-00017566 I don't think so. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00063-00017620-00017838 I think you'd better stay with wife. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00064-00017868-00018068 How did you feel when cutting the umbilical cord +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00065-00018088-00018274 at the very moment of a baby coming out +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00066-00018278-00018526 The moment I cut the umbilical cord, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00067-00018526-00018892 It's described very impressively +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00068-00018926-00019130 I just don't think it's really +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00069-00019138-00019518 'This is the umbilical cord.' I just cut it. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00070-00019518-00019736 I think I just cut it out of mind. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00071-00019794-00019994 When did you realize you are a father? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00072-00019994-00020138 When I first hugged her. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00073-00020138-00020254 When you first hugged her? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00074-00020254-00020454 The first I hugged her +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00075-00020460-00020676 It was amazing. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00076-00020688-00020840 Right. I can see it from your face. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00077-00020908-00021240 It's like you're my daughter. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00078-00021256-00021518 I think you feel it when you hug a baby. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00079-00021766-00022030 She is doing like +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00080-00022030-00022166 I hold her in my arm thinking +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00081-00022166-00022472 how to raise her well. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00082-00022598-00022790 It was amazing. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00083-00022842-00023256 What was your biggest concern before having a baby +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00084-00023256-00023452 It's hard for me to live alone. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00085-00023476-00023714 How can I raise a baby? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00086-00023776-00024292 In fact, just because I don't have a baby, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00087-00024292-00024588 my life was not always good and comfortable +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00088-00024604-00024926 I have a hard time at work. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00089-00024926-00025106 difficulty with relationship +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00090-00025114-00025304 I'm having a hard time alone. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00091-00025312-00025812 in spite of these difficulties, baby coming out and raising it? Can you handle it? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00092-00025812-00026027 What's the hardest thing about having a baby? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00093-00026033-00026333 The hardest thing is that the baby keeps crying. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00094-00026344-00026727 I have to keep crying and whining and soothing her. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00095-00026727-00026968 It's hard when things don't work out my way. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00096-00026983-00027260 I changed a diaper, fed her milk, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00097-00027260-00027536 She is not sleeping, she cannot be soothed. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00098-00027656-00027756 It's too tough. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00099-00027798-00028045 You know, she's crying so loudly like this +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00100-00028048-00028264 When she cries like I'm going to be deaf.. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00101-00028589-00028780 When is the prettiest time? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00102-00028794-00028986 In her sleep +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00103-00028989-00029215 Especially in the morning +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00104-00029216-00029545 We wake up with the sound of baby crying in the morning. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00105-00029545-00029818 When I woke up and the baby was still asleep, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00106-00029826-00030000 She looked so pretty +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00107-00030060-00030368 Is the company hard? Is it hard to raise a baby? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00108-00030460-00030936 Well, this is a really big question. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00109-00030960-00031212 I think the hard point is totally different. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00110-00031212-00031572 Is climbing difficult? Are you having a hard time getting scolded? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00111-00031648-00031842 Is it about mentally and physically? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00112-00031842-00032032 I think so. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00113-00032048-00032288 The baby needs help from me. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00114-00032322-00032814 Baby shouts like 'Help me out.' 'Change the diapers.' +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00115-00032828-00033072 But company said 'Hey, don't you change diapers? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00116-00033096-00033446 You have to support my neck from the back +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00117-00033446-00033586 It's uncomfortable. Huh? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00118-00033600-00033766 Do it right. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00119-00033766-00034034 And Huggies is uncomfortable. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00120-00034034-00034180 Change to Bosomi diaper +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00121-00034186-00034538 Go out quickly and get some Bosomi diaper +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00122-00034684-00034896 If a baby does, it will be very annoying. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00123-00034896-00035126 What do you think it would be like to raise a baby alone? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00124-00035126-00035389 We can't do anything about the baby. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00125-00035390-00035802 Baby always needs help in some way +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00126-00035850-00036168 If you think you should do it all alone, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00127-00036176-00036440 I don't think this is going to end. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00128-00036478-00036730 But that doesn't mean baby's smiling back. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00129-00036730-00036920 There's no reward. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00130-00036920-00037067 There's no reward for raising a baby +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00131-00037068-00037302 Housework? There's no payoff +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00132-00037318-00037490 It's just that. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00133-00037502-00037850 But you can't do that without anyone helping you. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00134-00037852-00038024 Raising baby alone? / Right +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00135-00038044-00038344 But when you go to work, at least you have a team member. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00136-00038344-00038538 I have a colleague too. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00137-00038544-00038736 There's a vacation. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00138-00038758-00039032 But the baby caring doesn't offer a vacation. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00139-00039044-00039288 I have to do all this alone. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00140-00039288-00039568 In that situation, the biggest thing +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00141-00039584-00040036 I have hard time with the raising baby and housework +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00142-00040050-00040340 If my wife or husband doesn't know about that, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00143-00040340-00040592 I think I'm gonna cry, really. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00144-00040658-00041118 You need someone to empathize with or work with +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00145-00041132-00041344 Then I think this is going to be okay. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00146-00041416-00041648 There's something different after having a baby? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00147-00041654-00041846 Not going out often +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00148-00041860-00042126 It's only natural that I can't meet friends. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00149-00042136-00042364 I can't read books +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00150-00042382-00042576 Reading books / It's extravagant. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00151-00042590-00042904 Oh, I've done a lot of YouTube. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00152-00042904-00043022 Watching a lot +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00153-00043026-00043190 Not getting enough sleep +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00154-00043190-00043412 I don't need an alarm. / Right. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00155-00043436-00043636 What do you think of your wife having birth? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00156-00043652-00044100 You used to be my lover. Right now you are the mother of one child. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00157-00044104-00044598 When I see you nursing the baby and taking care of the baby +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00158-00044632-00044788 You are really a mother of one child. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00159-00044842-00045064 I see a new look. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00160-00045064-00045334 And I think it's so surprising +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00161-00045344-00045522 When our baby is breast-fed, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00162-00045528-00046244 There's breast milk in woman's body that saves life. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00163-00046254-00046642 I think it's so beautiful. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00164-00046642-00046869 It's great. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00165-00046870-00047268 You can't squeeze anything out of a man's body. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00166-00047268-00047532 The breast milk coming from woman's body +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00167-00047532-00047916 that can raise life. It's amazing. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00168-00047916-00048122 It's great. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00169-00048230-00048510 Being unable to have sex +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00170-00048536-00048774 I think I can shoot a fireball soon +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00171-00048830-00049186 It's like cultivating my moral sense +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00172-00049276-00049468 When can we do it? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00173-00049670-00049874 The last thing you want to say +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00174-00049884-00050084 It's there. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00175-00050084-00050524 When a baby is born, the family becomes very wealthy. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00176-00050530-00050794 There could happen the opposite. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00177-00050794-00051036 I understand the opposite. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00178-00051050-00051356 Because raising a baby isn't easy +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00179-00051356-00051640 You have to see a baby when baby comes. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00180-00051666-00051957 You can't take care of wife and husband each other. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00181-00051957-00052250 You don't have time to look at something else. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00182-00052268-00052385 You can't afford it. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00183-00052448-00052826 The more times you do that, I think you need to talk a lot. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00184-00052855-00053350 It's not like we're given our own time we used to be together. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00185-00053358-00053634 When baby is in sleep +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00186-00053644-00053904 try to make a little bit of time +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00187-00053904-00054122 we need to talk about +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00188-00054122-00054476 whether you have hard time, I want you do this way. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00189-00054476-00054912 You have to keep talking about that. Then husband and wife can get along well. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00190-00054912-00055190 And if there's the key? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00191-00055196-00055366 I think we talk a lot. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00192-00055374-00055654 We talk a lot. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00193-00055782-00055998 Is there anything you want to say to your wife? +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00194-00056005-00056090 I love you +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00195-00056090-00056210 Love you so much +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00196-00056220-00056388 You are beautiful. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00197-00056388-00056502 Thank you. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00198-00056504-00056686 It's there. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00199-00056686-00056939 After giving birth, +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00200-00056939-00057076 you are bare face. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00201-00057078-00057372 I think you are so pretty with that bare face. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00202-00057476-00057576 I like it. +sXZCxGUHSGQ-00203-00057614-00057798 Thanks a lot. +sYRk7QhJkr0-00000-00000066-00000266 ENERGY ACTION MONTH IS HERE AND IT IS AN +sYRk7QhJkr0-00001-00000266-00000503 OPPORTUNITY TO REINFORCE HOW CRITICAL ENERGY IS TO +sYRk7QhJkr0-00002-00000503-00000607 ACCOMPLISHING OUR MISSION. +sYRk7QhJkr0-00003-00000607-00000807 IT IS A CHANCE TO ENCOURAGE SAILORS AND +sYRk7QhJkr0-00004-00000807-00001007 MARINES TO LOOK FOR WAYS TO OPTIMIZE THEIR ENERGY +sYRk7QhJkr0-00005-00001007-00001207 USE TO BOOST OUR WARFIGHTING CAPABILITIES. +sYRk7QhJkr0-00006-00001207-00001531 PEARL HARBOR HAS PUT TO USE ONE OF THE BEST +sYRk7QhJkr0-00007-00001531-00001735 RESOURCES IT HAS AVAILABLE, THE SUN. +sYRk7QhJkr0-00008-00001735-00001938 NEARLY EVERY HOUSE OR BUILDING ON BASE HAS SOLAR +sYRk7QhJkr0-00009-00001938-00002158 PANELS THAT HELP FEED RENEWABLE ENERGY INTO THE +sYRk7QhJkr0-00010-00002158-00002459 POWER GRID WHILE REDUCING ENERGY COSTS ACROSS THE +sYRk7QhJkr0-00011-00002459-00002559 BASE. +sYRk7QhJkr0-00012-00002559-00002759 "ESSENTIALLY WE LOOK AT ALL THE ENERGY +sYRk7QhJkr0-00013-00002759-00003149 CONSERVATION PROJECTS IN HAWAII FOR NAVFAC HAWAII +sYRk7QhJkr0-00014-00003149-00003510 AND WE AND WE ESSENTIALLY SELECT THOSE ONES WITH THE +sYRk7QhJkr0-00015-00003510-00004124 QUICK PAYBACK AND ABLE TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE TAX +sYRk7QhJkr0-00016-00004124-00004187 PAYERS AND THE NAVY." +sYRk7QhJkr0-00017-00004287-00004397 TO FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HOW YOU +sYRk7QhJkr0-00018-00004397-00004564 CAN CONTRIBUTE TO ENERGY CONSERVATION VISIT +sYRk7QhJkr0-00019-00004564-00004908 GREENFLEET DOT DOD LIVE.MIL. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00000-00001074-00001199 Item #: SCP-102 +sZYpfgI8DVg-00001-00001199-00001424 Object Class: Euclid +sZYpfgI8DVg-00002-00001424-00001932 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-102 is currently in the possession of Marshall, Carter, +sZYpfgI8DVg-00003-00001932-00002054 and Dark Ltd. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00004-00002054-00002709 Because "ownership" appears to be a binding, deed-based legalistic agreement independent +sZYpfgI8DVg-00005-00002709-00003050 of eminent domain, SCP-102 cannot be transferred to Foundation control in the foreseeable future. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00006-00003050-00003744 Description: SCP-102 is a pair of stand-alone condominium-style beach houses located at +sZYpfgI8DVg-00007-00003744-00003920 ██ █████ ████, ██████████, currently owned by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. through +sZYpfgI8DVg-00008-00003920-00004494 the use of a dummy corporation known as Ghieser Housing Associates, and rented to MC&D members +sZYpfgI8DVg-00009-00004494-00004994 as a "vacation home for those with discerning taste in the eclectic adventures of privileged +sZYpfgI8DVg-00010-00004994-00005122 life". +sZYpfgI8DVg-00011-00005122-00005274 The two share similar properties, although [DATA EXPUNGED]. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00012-00005274-00005764 SCP-102-1 is the house on the left, number █. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00013-00005764-00006307 When a person whose name is not on the lease for SCP-102-1 enters the building, its interior +sZYpfgI8DVg-00014-00006307-00006731 appears as that of a crumbling empty house, with the prone body of the current leaseholder +sZYpfgI8DVg-00015-00006731-00007068 just inside the doorway if the house is occupied. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00016-00007068-00007453 Forensics tests on materials recovered from within the house show it to have been abandoned +sZYpfgI8DVg-00017-00007453-00007653 since the mid-to-late seventies. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00018-00007653-00008153 All photographs taken within SCP-102-1 corroborate this, regardless of the lease status of the +sZYpfgI8DVg-00019-00008153-00008253 photographer. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00020-00008253-00008777 However, when the leaseholder of the house enters via the front door, they find themselves +sZYpfgI8DVg-00021-00008777-00009156 in a fairly normal and well-kept condominium decorated with a nautical theme. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00022-00009156-00009704 Often, they report a sensation of dizziness upon entering, which fades within a few seconds. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00023-00009704-00010179 When the leaseholder of SCP-102-1 exits the building, they become what is to all intents +sZYpfgI8DVg-00024-00010179-00010734 and purposes an incorporeal spiritual manifestation, capable of willful invisibility and moving +sZYpfgI8DVg-00025-00010734-00010904 through solid objects unimpeded. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00026-00010904-00011343 They enter and remain in this state each time they leave the house for the duration of the +sZYpfgI8DVg-00027-00011343-00011443 lease. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00028-00011443-00011778 At the conclusion of their lease, or at any time they willfully break the terms of said +sZYpfgI8DVg-00029-00011778-00012329 lease, they fall briefly unconscious and awaken on the floor at the front entrance of SCP-102-1, +sZYpfgI8DVg-00030-00012329-00012686 which appears to them as it does to any non-leaseholder. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00031-00012686-00012978 No bodies have been observed being removed from the house prematurely. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00032-00012978-00013404 SCP-102-2 is the house on the right, number █. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00033-00013404-00013878 At first glance, the effect of SCP-102-2 is identical to SCP-102-1. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00034-00013878-00014366 However, [DATA EXPUNGED] advanced decay, followed by [DATA EXPUNGED]. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00035-00014366-00014816 Leaseholders of SCP-102-2 who do not exit the building promptly at the cessation of +sZYpfgI8DVg-00036-00014816-00015253 their contract are to be declared "missing, presumed dead" thirty days following the end +sZYpfgI8DVg-00037-00015253-00015386 of their lease. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00038-00015386-00015715 Leaseholders who do exit the building are to be administered a regimen of steroid-based +sZYpfgI8DVg-00039-00015715-00016395 enhancers to counter the [DATA EXPUNGED]itored constantly for signs of psychological aberration. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00040-00016395-00016887 Addendum: All information in this report is unverified, though details are consistent +sZYpfgI8DVg-00041-00016887-00017011 from multiple sources. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00042-00017011-00017480 The content of this report was taken from interviews with D-Class personnel numbers +sZYpfgI8DVg-00043-00017480-00018402 1070869 (death sentence: rape, murder), 1033654 (life without parole: aggravated sexual assault +sZYpfgI8DVg-00044-00018402-00019086 on a minor), and 3370633 (death sentence: [REDACTED]), all of whom were frequent tenants +sZYpfgI8DVg-00045-00019086-00019371 of SCP-102-1 prior to incarceration. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00046-00019371-00020198 It is theorized that D-1033654 made use of SCP-102-1's effect to commit [DATA EXPUNGED]. +sZYpfgI8DVg-00047-00020198-00020743 See interview logs 102-1/2/3 for full transcripts. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00000-00000320-00000456 Hi! I'm Karl Stutzman, +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00001-00000456-00000840 director of library services here at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00002-00000927-00001584 And I'm Andios Santoso - I'm a student in Master of Arts in Theology and Peace Studies. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00003-00001584-00001904 We just want to welcome you here to the AMBS library. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00004-00001904-00002216 This is the premier Anabaptist Theological library; +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00005-00002216-00002776 it's also the first theological library that was built to the green building standards +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00006-00002776-00003184 of the U.S. Green Building Council achieving the LEED Gold certification. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00007-00003240-00003744 We're proud that our environmental commitments are reflected in our space. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00008-00003744-00004160 Our main collection here consists of about a hundred thousand volumes +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00009-00004160-00004800 in biblical studies, theology, and ministry with an accent on Anabaptist perspectives. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00010-00004872-00005512 Over here we have a display of our newest items in the collection; these have been +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00011-00005512-00006104 chosen by our faculty to be tailored to the needs of our students in their programs. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00012-00006344-00006776 If you'll follow me, we'll go up to the north wing and see some more of the library. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00013-00007095-00007423 Here in our north wing we have the main library collection. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00014-00007423-00007920 We have a variety of seating in this area: study tables. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00015-00007992-00008904 And up here we have our north reading area; this area has soft seating, exercise balls, +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00016-00008904-00009560 a hammock, and bike desks. And we have views of our rain gardens +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00017-00009560-00010240 and restored native prairie, so this is a really nice variety of places for you to read and enjoy. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00018-00010312-00010712 Our library takes very seriously the needs of students at a distance. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00019-00010776-00011424 We scan from our print collections. We also have extensive digital collections +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00020-00011424-00011904 that are available from our website. In fact, the number of books and journals that +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00021-00011904-00012576 we have available online has exceeded the numbers that we have available here in the building. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00022-00012576-00012960 I'm going to take you on back to show you some more features of the library. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00023-00013016-00013560 Here we have one of our group study rooms; this is available to be reserved by students. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00024-00013872-00014352 Students are able to reserve these carols for the block of the semester, +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00025-00014352-00014784 enabling them to read, write, and research here in the library in their own space. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00026-00015088-00015712 Back here, we have some special collections available from our Bible collection +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00027-00015816-00016008 and more views outside. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00028-00016640-00017072 I'm just going to take you over to Andios who is going to complete the tour. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00029-00017384-00017928 And here is the center of the library where you can find many Bible commentaries, +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00030-00018080-00018576 and here is the place where you can find help if you need any assistance. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00031-00018648-00019496 There is also library offices for writing service with our talented and professional full-timers. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00032-00019568-00020072 We are ready here to serve you. And I'm going to take you to the bookstore. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00033-00020432-00021160 This is a small bookstore. There is some snacks and apparel and also +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00034-00021160-00021832 there's a cards and this is some of the new books published by Anabaptist and Mennonite publishers. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00035-00022016-00022840 And here is the library computers, where you can find a spot to work +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00036-00022840-00023264 if you don't have your own computer you can use these library computers. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00037-00023352-00023984 And here is the collections of the periodicals from many different places. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00038-00024120-00024800 And I'm going to show you the group study room. This is the place where you can maximize your +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00039-00024800-00025608 time with your friends to study together. And here is the collections of video also audio. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00040-00025872-00026239 And now I'm going to show you the special collections. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00041-00026295-00027048 This is the special and rare collections where you can find many old Bibles and many other +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00042-00027048-00027664 books from various years and then also from around the world. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00043-00027800-00028000 So this is our library. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00044-00028072-00028936 If you have any questions with AMBS library, you can go to ambs.edu/library. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00045-00029032-00029583 And if you're interested to be student here, we welcome you to go to ambs.edu, +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00046-00029736-00029904 and we hope to see you soon. +sa0a7NFcv6Y-00047-00029968-00030688 Thank you! +sfL-wPyQTS8-00000-00000050-00000934 Hi Friends ! I created this Square Chain from my head , it is a very strong chain , inserting +sfL-wPyQTS8-00001-00000934-00002624 the hook and pulling trought the loop , pulling the slack out of the loops , to make +sfL-wPyQTS8-00002-00002624-00003544 it more compact , pulling the hook out turning the work , pay atention the cord to be pulled +sfL-wPyQTS8-00003-00003544-00004462 must be at top of the cord that stays in the center of the chain , inserting the hook and +sfL-wPyQTS8-00004-00004462-00005766 pulling throught ! The beginning I will do it in the next video ! +sjdoiW76Xsc-00000-00000084-00000508 General Science Full Text provides articles about science topics including +sjdoiW76Xsc-00001-00000508-00000602 biology, +sjdoiW76Xsc-00002-00000602-00001030 chemistry, conservation, physiology, physics, and zoology. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00003-00001030-00001380 The best method for searching in this database +sjdoiW76Xsc-00004-00001380-00001898 is to use the Advanced Search option. To make sure you retrieve only viewable +sjdoiW76Xsc-00005-00001898-00002251 results, click the Full Text box before searching. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00006-00002251-00002711 The Advanced Search has multiple search bars so you can enter more than one term +sjdoiW76Xsc-00007-00002711-00002822 at a time. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00008-00002822-00003522 Note that single terms or phrases, +sjdoiW76Xsc-00009-00003639-00003964 not sentences, work best in databases. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00010-00003964-00004523 The number of search results are shown before the list of articles. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00011-00004523-00004980 There are multiple ways in this database to narrow the results down. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00012-00004980-00005462 You can choose to view only articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00013-00005462-00005878 You can also select results that are from a particular source types like +sjdoiW76Xsc-00014-00005878-00006169 magazines, newspapers, journals, or books. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00015-00006169-00006609 You can choose a publication date range by typing in the years +sjdoiW76Xsc-00016-00006609-00007084 or using the slider bar. This is helpful to narrow to historic or current +sjdoiW76Xsc-00017-00007084-00007222 information. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00018-00007222-00007850 Notice that the number of search results was reduced by adjusting the date range. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00019-00007850-00008311 The source type of each article is represented by a graphic. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00020-00008311-00008729 Periodicals are another name for magazines in this database. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00021-00008729-00009364 To view an article, click on the title. On the description page, +sjdoiW76Xsc-00022-00009364-00009674 you will find the citation information including title, +sjdoiW76Xsc-00023-00009674-00010207 author, and source information. Subject Terms are standardized terms that +sjdoiW76Xsc-00024-00010207-00010427 describe the content of the article. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00025-00010427-00010857 This is a great place to find additional keywords and search terms. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00026-00010857-00011190 The abstract provides a summary of the article +sjdoiW76Xsc-00027-00011190-00011607 and can help you decide whether this article is relevant to your search. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00028-00011607-00011943 Full text options for articles can include +sjdoiW76Xsc-00029-00011943-00012529 HTML or PDF versions. PDFs are a scan of the original article +sjdoiW76Xsc-00030-00012529-00012895 and contain page numbers to help with in-text citations. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00031-00012895-00013197 To send yourself a copy of the article +sjdoiW76Xsc-00032-00013197-00013501 and the citation, click on the E-Mail link. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00033-00013501-00013815 From here, enter the name of your preferred +sjdoiW76Xsc-00034-00013815-00014515 email provider. Don't forget to choose a citation style as well. +sjdoiW76Xsc-00035-00014528-00015215 Just make sure to check the database-generated citations against an official +sjdoiW76Xsc-00036-00015215-00015345 guide for accuracy. +skdbVfNqHPA-00000-00000014-00000441 Hello and welcome to #MondayMaterials where I'm going to give you a quick +skdbVfNqHPA-00001-00000441-00000750 suggestion or something that I use throughout the week to be more +skdbVfNqHPA-00002-00000750-00001469 successful and today it's all about back support. Lumbar support to be particular. +skdbVfNqHPA-00003-00001469-00002046 Nothing is more distracting than having a painful back and you also want to make +skdbVfNqHPA-00004-00002046-00002468 sure that you're having the best posture possible when you're on the computer and +skdbVfNqHPA-00005-00002468-00002907 so unless you want to spend a couple hundred dollars on a really nice chair +skdbVfNqHPA-00006-00002907-00003365 that's not only comfortable, but also has lumbar support, I highly suggest that you +skdbVfNqHPA-00007-00003365-00003870 just go ahead and purchase that cushion for the lumbar support. This cushion was +skdbVfNqHPA-00008-00003870-00004398 maybe twenty dollars, this chair I had gotten was twenty dollars so for forty +skdbVfNqHPA-00009-00004398-00004839 dollars I have a pretty comfy chair and I actually have one other addition to my +skdbVfNqHPA-00010-00004839-00005328 chair which I'll mention next week on our #MaterialsMaterials so #MondayMaterials +skdbVfNqHPA-00011-00005328-00005709 we post on Facebook and YouTube and please subscribe to our YouTube channel +skdbVfNqHPA-00012-00005709-00006269 so every Friday at 5 p.m. Arizona time you can learn a new tip about how to do +skdbVfNqHPA-00013-00006269-00006745 video marketing on your own until next time. +skR9_Wi3sPI-00000-00001136-00001592 hey carl johnson cj come on over here son +skR9_Wi3sPI-00001-00002384-00003279 move over let him sit down [ __ ] so you finally found time to drop back +skR9_Wi3sPI-00002-00003279-00003568 man i've been busy i've been burying my mom's man +skR9_Wi3sPI-00003-00003568-00004024 sounds like a [ __ ] excuse to me officer pulaski thinks you're trying to screw with us carl +skR9_Wi3sPI-00004-00004232-00004976 now you get this straight we own you you're ours we can [ __ ] on you from such a height +skR9_Wi3sPI-00005-00004976-00005296 you'll think god himself is crapped on you you understand +skR9_Wi3sPI-00006-00005400-00006072 he better [ __ ] understand yeah he better had time to go to work cj and earn your +skR9_Wi3sPI-00007-00006072-00006672 freedom there's a guy hold up across town you got that address pulaski another gang +skR9_Wi3sPI-00008-00006672-00007336 banging drug pushing cop killing [ __ ] just like you we don't like him and he don't like us +skR9_Wi3sPI-00009-00007592-00008584 now you make sure he never leaves the neighborhood not even in a box get the [ __ ] out of here +skR9_Wi3sPI-00010-00009168-00009984 three +skR9_Wi3sPI-00011-00011152-00012784 i'm so over this money makes money +skR9_Wi3sPI-00012-00014712-00015584 he's trying to kill me +skR9_Wi3sPI-00013-00017352-00018384 uh +skR9_Wi3sPI-00014-00019024-00019784 now stay cool +skR9_Wi3sPI-00015-00023288-00023984 you want this huh +skR9_Wi3sPI-00016-00024656-00025384 issues +skR9_Wi3sPI-00017-00027536-00028183 the smoke is joking me +skR9_Wi3sPI-00018-00029120-00029583 hold tight girl i'm coming +skR9_Wi3sPI-00019-00029648-00030983 ugh +skR9_Wi3sPI-00020-00031920-00032664 stand back put it out oh god i'm so scared +skR9_Wi3sPI-00021-00033008-00033264 oh my god what was that hey the building's starting to +skR9_Wi3sPI-00022-00033264-00033784 collapse we got to get out of here fast +skR9_Wi3sPI-00023-00034296-00034416 stand back i got it +skR9_Wi3sPI-00024-00035152-00036584 hold on we nearly there +skR9_Wi3sPI-00025-00037192-00037984 hurry up put it out +skR9_Wi3sPI-00026-00038808-00039384 stand back i got it +skR9_Wi3sPI-00027-00040312-00040784 hey man i owe you my life +skR9_Wi3sPI-00028-00041056-00042184 i was nearly dead there for sure +skR9_Wi3sPI-00029-00042528-00043584 uh +skR9_Wi3sPI-00030-00043792-00045424 19. this is my play hey what's your name denise denise robinson +skR9_Wi3sPI-00031-00045424-00046384 give me a call sometime we should go out on something yeah i'd like that +skR9_Wi3sPI-00032-00047440-00047784 okay i'll catch you later cj +skR9_Wi3sPI-00033-00048896-00049184 hey +skR9_Wi3sPI-00034-00050208-00050672 what who check this out he's been buying [ __ ] over in glen park he know the hood is +skR9_Wi3sPI-00035-00050672-00051160 talking and he's hiding out with his new ball of friends [ __ ] man how we gonna get to him +skR9_Wi3sPI-00036-00051160-00051600 it's time for you to announce your return cj you [ __ ] up glenn park and that turned cold +skR9_Wi3sPI-00037-00051600-00052064 [ __ ] ass [ __ ] gonna lose nerve and make a break for it okay imma come pick you up +skR9_Wi3sPI-00038-00052064-00052600 hell no this is your gig cj you need some stripes get over the hammer nation and get a +skR9_Wi3sPI-00039-00052600-00053560 heater you +tojh4gwPDrA-00000-00000000-00000128 ok there is a tornado here for a reason +t2pTHUEr-VE-00000-00000087-00000324 I am Jim Smyrna topless and this is MedPix +t2pTHUEr-VE-00001-00000324-00000941 Case of the week number 753. Our patient is a 69-year-old man who presents with +t2pTHUEr-VE-00002-00000941-00001117 lower back pain and neck pain +t2pTHUEr-VE-00003-00001117-00001617 He had a total prostatectomy two years earlier. Postoperatively his PSA +t2pTHUEr-VE-00004-00001617-00001775 dropped to seventeen. +t2pTHUEr-VE-00005-00001775-00002230 But two months after surgery his PSA had risen to a level 39 +t2pTHUEr-VE-00006-00002230-00002761 In this AP lumbar spine we see some mild degenerative joint changes but we also +t2pTHUEr-VE-00007-00002761-00002933 recognize several areas of +t2pTHUEr-VE-00008-00002933-00003371 abnormally increased density or sclerosis within multiple lumbar +t2pTHUEr-VE-00009-00003371-00003493 vertebral bodies +t2pTHUEr-VE-00010-00003493-00003812 we can also see surgical clips in the pelvic brim +t2pTHUEr-VE-00011-00003812-00004175 consistent with the previous lymph node dissection for the prostatectomy +t2pTHUEr-VE-00012-00004175-00004614 the lateral view confirms the presence of several sclerotic lesions involving +t2pTHUEr-VE-00013-00004614-00004811 the lumbar vertebral bodies +t2pTHUEr-VE-00014-00004811-00005212 these lesions most prominent lumber levels 2, 3 +t2pTHUEr-VE-00015-00005212-00005684 and 5 Looking at the frontal and lateral views of the cervical spine +t2pTHUEr-VE-00016-00005684-00006005 we can also see once again several areas +t2pTHUEr-VE-00017-00006005-00006515 abnormally increased density or opacity suggesting sclerosis of several of the +t2pTHUEr-VE-00018-00006515-00006675 cervical vertebral bodies +t2pTHUEr-VE-00019-00006675-00007081 we can also see here again bony spurring consistent with degenerative +t2pTHUEr-VE-00020-00007081-00007213 osteoarthritis +t2pTHUEr-VE-00021-00007213-00007588 The open mouth view is interesting in this patient because of asymmetric +t2pTHUEr-VE-00022-00007588-00007952 widening of the joint space between the odontoid and the lateral masses of C1. +t2pTHUEr-VE-00023-00007952-00008384 Once again, applying numbers to the cervical spine film, we can see the most +t2pTHUEr-VE-00024-00008384-00008559 prominent sclerotic lesions +t2pTHUEr-VE-00025-00008559-00008872 are its C3, 5 and 6 levels. +t2pTHUEr-VE-00026-00008872-00009245 So in summary we have a patient with signs of previous surgery, +t2pTHUEr-VE-00027-00009245-00009713 clinical history of prostatectomy, and degenerative osteoarthritis +t2pTHUEr-VE-00028-00009713-00010056 and multiple levels of abnormally dense +t2pTHUEr-VE-00029-00010056-00010472 opacity this is suggestng blastic mestastasis. +t2pTHUEr-VE-00030-00010472-00010786 in a woman, breast cancer would be the most common +t2pTHUEr-VE-00031-00010786-00011225 possibility. For in a man, prostate cancer is the notorious for producing plastic +t2pTHUEr-VE-00032-00011225-00011363 blastic bone metastasis. +t2pTHUEr-VE-00033-00011363-00011689 in addition lymphoma, especially treated lymphoma, +t2pTHUEr-VE-00034-00011689-00012157 carcinoid and other neuroectodermal and neuroendocrine tumors, +t2pTHUEr-VE-00035-00012157-00012635 and, rarely, PNET such as medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma +t2pTHUEr-VE-00036-00012635-00013088 primarily presenting in a child could also cause blastic metastasis. +t2pTHUEr-VE-00037-00013088-00013565 In this patient we clearly have metastatic prostate cancer with multiple +t2pTHUEr-VE-00038-00013565-00014005 plastics erotic lesions bombing the serbs and the lumbar spine +t2pTHUEr-VE-00039-00014005-00014469 again there are multiple a lesions of increased opacity involving multiple +t2pTHUEr-VE-00040-00014469-00014813 virtual bodies consistent with metastatic prostate cancer +t2pTHUEr-VE-00041-00014813-00015168 to cervical spine and also to the lumbar spine +t2pTHUEr-VE-00042-00015168-00015505 the small red heroes highlight the surgical clips +t2pTHUEr-VE-00043-00015505-00015919 in the pelvis in the location the iliac lymph nodes +t2pTHUEr-VE-00044-00015919-00016439 i'm jim Smyrna topless and I'd like to remind you that metastatic deposits do +t2pTHUEr-VE-00045-00016439-00016673 not directly destroying or produce bone +t2pTHUEr-VE-00046-00016673-00017011 instead they alter the normal dynamic physiology of +t2pTHUEr-VE-00047-00017011-00017491 bone production and reabsorption. Blasting bone lesions occur when the balance is +t2pTHUEr-VE-00048-00017491-00017588 tipped towards +t2pTHUEr-VE-00049-00017588-00018150 the osteoblasts and bone production. Lytic bone lesions occur with a shift is +t2pTHUEr-VE-00050-00018150-00018367 favoring the osteoclasts and bone +t2pTHUEr-VE-00051-00018367-00018708 reabsorption. Remember that nothing can remove bone +t2pTHUEr-VE-00052-00018708-00019140 except for osteoclasts & Surgeons. I'm jim's hernia topless +t2pTHUEr-VE-00053-00019140-00019481 and I thank you for your attention to this MedPix case of +t2pTHUEr-VE-00054-00019481-00019509 the week +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00000-00000936-00001006 Hey everyone! +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00001-00001010-00001398 Today I have more of my favorite sort of tech- automation! +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00002-00001414-00001934 I guess it's a little weird to be a DIY and an automation fanatic at the same time. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00003-00001973-00002412 To both want to do things yourself and also want machines to do it for you +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00004-00002446-00002786 but of course it depends what kind of things need doing. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00005-00002830-00003446 Like most Chinese I hang my clothes to dry, and don't really see the point in a clothes dryer +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00006-00003446-00003600 and wouldn't really use one. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00007-00003626-00004234 On the other hand I don't like fast or microwaved food, so the automatic cooker that stir-fried +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00008-00004240-00004638 fresh ingredients in the right order that I reviewed a while back? +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00009-00004670-00004860 That was really interesting to me. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00010-00004888-00005162 Oh I can hear the oil splashing. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00011-00005220-00005358 Sizzling I would say. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00012-00005526-00005884 First layer the oil goes in, and then the garlic. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00013-00005932-00006276 Even though I like cooking I don't always have the time. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00014-00006276-00006930 I guess everyone has their own mix of household chores they really hate and would love automated, +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00015-00006959-00007195 and others that are no big deal. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00016-00007222-00007862 One person's home automation dream is going to seem like a completely ridiculous waste to someone else. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00017-00007864-00008450 Today I'm going to check out this automated trash can and see if it's an answer to my +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00018-00008450-00008700 completely ridiculous home automation needs. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00019-00008754-00009467 I hate bagging up the kitchen garbage, it's gross and somehow I always get eggshells or +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00020-00009467-00009758 slimy chicken bones touching my hands. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00021-00009796-00010246 I know, I'm weird- you know you have your thing, this is mine. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00022-00010250-00010886 So the TowNew smart trash can is supposed to make all my trash bagging problems go away. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00023-00010908-00011098 Lets open it up and take a look. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00024-00013606-00013932 Here's the instructions, and it's all in Chinese. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00025-00014128-00014318 I don't think you need to download an app for this. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00026-00014769-00014980 Ok the motion sensor is pretty common. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00027-00014990-00015274 Let's throw some trash in and see how it works. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00028-00017530-00017664 Oh cool! +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00029-00017740-00017790 Look! +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00030-00017810-00018078 Oh..so what now? +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00031-00018124-00018336 There will be another? +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00032-00018434-00018484 Ok. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00033-00019296-00019424 Ok let's do it again. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00034-00021810-00021860 Ok. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00035-00022270-00022388 Huh cool. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00036-00022898-00023138 So that's pretty interesting. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00037-00023138-00023756 I thought it's going to tie it in the trash can but actually it has a heating element +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00038-00023756-00024118 inside and then it seals it by melting it. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00039-00024278-00024726 So even if I have water inside I think it's won't leak. It's pretty solid. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00040-00024730-00024804 I like it. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00041-00024956-00025280 It's too cool, lets try it out one more time for the camera. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00042-00029118-00029692 So it's not like some crazy app enabled IOT thing- but I don't think anyone wants that. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00043-00029714-00030202 It does one job- bag garbage, and if that's your thing, it's great. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00044-00030212-00030977 It does require proprietary bag refills, but those are about $11 for 180 bags so not too bad. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00045-00030986-00031560 I don't see any sort of DRM so I think like a lot of these things if the device catches on +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00046-00031580-00031864 there will be cheaper third party refills available. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00047-00031894-00032332 Ok as far as I know this is not available outside of China yet. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00048-00032362-00032906 I'll put the link in the description box so you can tell them to start selling it overseas if you want. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00049-00032946-00033370 If you'd like to see more unusual products from China please subscribe. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00050-00033380-00034000 Having a lot of subscribers is the only way I can convince local companies to send me review units. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00051-00034042-00034626 It's one click for you but makes a big difference for me so I really appreciate it. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00052-00034640-00035168 That's it for today, I'll see you all next time and remember- if I can do it, anyone can do it. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00053-00035272-00035400 What is my purpose? +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00054-00035400-00035506 You bag garbage. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00055-00035708-00035806 Oh my god. +t3PkcqIqxsQ-00056-00035824-00036062 Yeah welcome to the club pal. +t3akM0EZdtQ-00000-00000000-00000640 J-Hope's sensitivity leads to the warmest place on Earth +t3akM0EZdtQ-00001-00000640-00001100 "I go towards my future, I believe in that blue sea and my hertz" +t3akM0EZdtQ-00002-00001100-00001540 just by listening to that lyric warms my heart +t3akM0EZdtQ-00003-00001540-00002000 I'm scared that you, who I sometimes thought was the closest to us +t3akM0EZdtQ-00004-00002000-00002620 are going to fly away so far that we can no longer touch your hands +t3akM0EZdtQ-00005-00002620-00003120 But whenever we felt that way, you guys comforted us by saying "Army's BTS" +t3akM0EZdtQ-00006-00003120-00003460 Of course you can't be a boy forever +t3akM0EZdtQ-00007-00003460-00003810 and there will come a time when you no longer shine +t3akM0EZdtQ-00008-00003810-00004380 But like what you said, BTS is going to be able to overcome it +t3akM0EZdtQ-00009-00004380-00004810 Whether that is a start to a new Most Beautiful Moment in Life +t3akM0EZdtQ-00010-00004810-00005300 Or a new start of another phase of happiness +t3akM0EZdtQ-00011-00005300-00005870 HoSeok, BTS, and Army will be together always +t3akM0EZdtQ-00012-00005870-00006280 I will gift you your youth for your wanting to be a boy +t3akM0EZdtQ-00013-00006280-00006730 We will make sure that our happiness combined will make the most beautiful and happiest time in your life +t3akM0EZdtQ-00014-00006730-00006980 Now that we look back at the word HYYH (The most beautiful moment in life), I wonder who brought it up +t3akM0EZdtQ-00015-00006980-00007359 It is a word that suits you guys so well +t3akM0EZdtQ-00016-00007359-00007609 With your sensitivity, your thoughts, your mind +t3akM0EZdtQ-00017-00007609-00007880 unravel it just the way it is in your music +t3akM0EZdtQ-00018-00007880-00008230 that is probably the way that all Army's feel +t3akM0EZdtQ-00019-00008230-00008580 Dear a boy who is slowly flying towards the sky +t3akM0EZdtQ-00020-00008580-00008910 Let's fly straight up without looking back +t3akM0EZdtQ-00021-00008910-00009280 We will always be behind you incase you miss a step +t3akM0EZdtQ-00022-00009280-00009680 With the S added onto WING, now we have the completed WINGS +t3akM0EZdtQ-00023-00009680-00009930 Now all that's left is to takeoff, +t3akM0EZdtQ-00024-00009930-00010430 It's okay if we can't touch hands, so please fly away higher +t3akM0EZdtQ-00025-00010430-00011000 We love you always HoSeok #HappyJHOPEday +t4Sw25yM7RY-00000-00000050-00000244 Explore UN Documents +t4Sw25yM7RY-00001-00000244-00000424 Voting Data +t4Sw25yM7RY-00002-00000424-00000578 Speeches +t4Sw25yM7RY-00003-00000578-00000760 Open Access Publications +t4Sw25yM7RY-00004-00000760-00000944 and more! +t4Sw25yM7RY-00005-00000992-00001310 United Nations Digital Library +t4Sw25yM7RY-00006-00001310-00001607 https://digitallibrary.un.org +t7e1QvFPGCk-00000-00000608-00001855 I think for some people - for me - I'm always worried about if I'm leading a group +t7e1QvFPGCk-00001-00001952-00002416 or you know especially if I'm suddenly the ad-hoc leader of a group or leader +t7e1QvFPGCk-00002-00002416-00003048 of a discussion, how well I will be able to do that... Whether or not I'll be able +t7e1QvFPGCk-00003-00003048-00003647 to encourage other people to participate and share. On that day when I +t7e1QvFPGCk-00004-00003647-00004096 was certainly in that position, when I didn't necessarily expect to be in that position +t7e1QvFPGCk-00005-00004152-00004896 it went really well and you know tapping into people's enthusiasm +t7e1QvFPGCk-00006-00004896-00005640 and their own resources and what they had to to bring... yeah I was initially +t7e1QvFPGCk-00007-00005640-00006223 very nervous but you know my nerves soon went so that was really nice. That was a really rewarding experience. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00000-00000000-00000770 Kyla: Hi, everybody, and welcome to Making the Most of Your Microsoft Software Donation. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00001-00000770-00001320 Just a little bit about ReadyTalk which is the webinar platform we'll be using today. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00002-00001330-00001760 You'll all be muted throughout this conference, so if you have any questions, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00003-00001760-00002120 whether or not it's about the content or about how to use ReadyTalk, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00004-00002120-00002500 go ahead and you can chat those questions into your chat pane. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00005-00002500-00002990 If you do lose your Internet connection, you can reconnect using that same link +t8j4vBIZhXE-00006-00003000-00003690 that you used to connect the first time. And if you do need any additional assistance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00007-00003690-00004320 you can contact ReadyTalk support at 800-843-9166. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00008-00004320-00004730 This is a reminder. If you do need to leave the conference early today, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00009-00004740-00005250 or if you just want to review the content later, we are recording this webinar. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00010-00005250-00005950 We will be emailing the recording out to all registrants later today, along with the slide deck +t8j4vBIZhXE-00011-00005960-00006520 and any additional resources that you may need, and we will also be posting that +t8j4vBIZhXE-00012-00006520-00006990 on the TechSoup website at a later point. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00013-00006990-00007480 So again, welcome to Making the Most of Your Microsoft Software Donation. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00014-00007480-00008009 I want to go ahead and get started by thanking Microsoft for all of their wonderful assistance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00015-00008009-00008750 both with this webinar and with their participation in the Microsoft Software Donation program. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00016-00008750-00009500 You can learn a little bit more about that by going to techsoup.org/Microsoft. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00017-00009510-00010120 A little bit about who we are. My name is Kyla Hunt. I'm going to be your facilitator today. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00018-00010120-00010800 With us today is Alexandria Lewis and Carlos Bergfeld, both from TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00019-00010810-00011340 You'll also see in the chat box the names Julie Navejas and Becky. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00020-00011340-00011820 They are both from TechSoup and will be assisting in the chat as well. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00021-00011820-00012420 And so just a little bit about what we will be covering today. We're going to start off +t8j4vBIZhXE-00022-00012430-00012919 with talking a little bit about eligibility and products, talking about rules and restrictions, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00023-00012919-00013460 the Get Genuine program, and then we will probably look at a few questions. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00024-00013460-00013960 Some questions that will be coming in the chat pane, at that point, I will be reading them aloud +t8j4vBIZhXE-00025-00013960-00014350 to the presenters who will be able to answer that audibly. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00026-00014350-00014769 We're then going to be talking about the Volume Licensing Service Center, Software Assurance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00027-00014769-00015119 and some additional resources. Then we will close out the hour +t8j4vBIZhXE-00028-00015130-00015519 by handling some additional questions. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00029-00015519-00015990 With that, I did want to go ahead and hand over the reins to Alexandria Lewis, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00030-00015990-00016450 who will be getting us started today. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00031-00016450-00016840 Alexandria: Hello, everyone. This is Alexandria Lewis with TechSoup Global, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00032-00016840-00017590 and I am going to go over the eligibility of organizations to request Microsoft +t8j4vBIZhXE-00033-00017590-00018070 through TechSoup, at least through this portion, and then we'll continue on through other portions. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00034-00018070-00018840 When you go to our website, www.techsoup.org, we would prefer that you log into your account. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00035-00018850-00019690 If you have not created a member account, you can click the Join TechSoup information +t8j4vBIZhXE-00036-00019690-00020820 and complete that dropdown information that we're looking for there. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00037-00020830-00021770 Once you are joined and logged in, go to the TechSoup.org/EligibilityQuiz to check your eligibility +t8j4vBIZhXE-00038-00021770-00022710 for Microsoft products. On the Eligibility Quiz page, you'll see the Select Organization dropdown. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00039-00022720-00023270 Go ahead and select your organization's name. If you are associated +t8j4vBIZhXE-00040-00023270-00023640 to more than one organization account, they'll all be listed there and there'll be an additional +t8j4vBIZhXE-00041-00023650-00024780 New Organization if you have another additional organization that you want to add. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00042-00024780-00025739 This is a general overview of the eligibility check for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations +t8j4vBIZhXE-00043-00025750-00026589 with TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00044-00026589-00027310 You can then hover over the Browse by Donor section and click on the Microsoft link +t8j4vBIZhXE-00045-00027310-00028010 which will take you to the Microsoft donation program page. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00046-00028010-00028380 This will give you an overview of the Microsoft Software Donation program +t8j4vBIZhXE-00047-00028380-00029550 including volume licensing, eligibility, etc. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00048-00029550-00030010 The Program Rules and Restrictions: An organization's allotment of Microsoft software +t8j4vBIZhXE-00049-00030020-00030780 is reset every two years. It used to be, once upon a time, that the information was reset +t8j4vBIZhXE-00050-00030780-00031560 in a two-year cycle that was renewed every time somebody placed an order in the two-year cycle. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00051-00031560-00032430 Now it is a one-time date after July 27, 2011. The cycle is reset +t8j4vBIZhXE-00052-00032439-00032980 so that once you place a Microsoft request, a new cycle begins and your anniversary date +t8j4vBIZhXE-00053-00032980-00033850 will always be the date of your first Microsoft request after the July 27, 2011 date. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00054-00033860-00034710 There is no limit on the number of separate requests the organization can make +t8j4vBIZhXE-00055-00034710-00035470 and no minimum quantity requirement, as there once was. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00056-00035480-00036030 During a two-year ordering cycle, an organization can request products for up to ten title groups. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00057-00036030-00036560 For title groups that contain applications that run on the individual computer, like a deskto +t8j4vBIZhXE-00058-00036570-00037320 or laptop PC, there is a 50-license maximum. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00059-00037320-00037990 For title groups that contain client access licenses or other licenses that provide for connection to +t8j4vBIZhXE-00060-00037990-00038530 or management of a server, there is also a 50-license maximum. For server products, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00061-00038540-00039180 there is a five-product maximum, regardless of title group. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00062-00039180-00040190 In order to find the title groups for the Microsoft program, you'll go back to that overview +t8j4vBIZhXE-00063-00040190-00041020 of the Microsoft Software Donation program, and you'll see All MS Title Group PDFs. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00064-00041030-00041620 Here's a quick look at the beginning of that list. You can see from the example that, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00065-00041620-00042480 for the Core CAL Suite, you have Core Device CAL Suite and Core User CAL Suite. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00066-00042480-00043280 You can have up to 50 of those combined titles in a two-year time period. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00067-00043290-00043780 Each title counts as a title towards your ten-title maximum, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00068-00043780-00045140 but the products will be included together in the title group for a 50 maximum. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00069-00045140-00045840 Get Genuine products are also available for Microsoft existing PC hardware only. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00070-00045840-00046220 They are full operating systems and they are not upgrades. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00071-00046220-00046820 They are available to correct these scenarios. A couple of highlights would be counterfeit, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00072-00046820-00047370 pirated, or otherwise illegally or improperly licensed Windows operating systems; +t8j4vBIZhXE-00073-00047380-00048050 the standard edition of Windows 8; Home Premium or Home Basic or Starter editions of Windows 7 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00074-00048050-00048630 or Windows Vista; Home or Starter editions of Windows XP; and Linux, FreeDOS, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00075-00048630-00049450 or other operating systems. Eligible organizations may place one request ever +t8j4vBIZhXE-00076-00049450-00049810 for the Microsoft Get Genuine Windows operating system products. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00077-00049820-00050820 This is a program that Microsoft is attempting to get all of the licensing for nonprofit organizations +t8j4vBIZhXE-00078-00050820-00051960 to a genuine license. If you require an upgrade of an existing Microsoft product, operating system, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00079-00051960-00052590 you can use the upgrade product which does not have the once ever restriction. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00080-00052590-00053070 Administrative Fees: our administrative fees partially subsidize our donation programs +t8j4vBIZhXE-00081-00053070-00053479 and ensure that TechSoup can continue to offer donated and discounted technology products +t8j4vBIZhXE-00082-00053479-00054220 as efficiently as possible, at the lowest possible cost. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00083-00054220-00054829 Our Microsoft donation program has gone green. It used to be that you could request media +t8j4vBIZhXE-00084-00054829-00055720 for your Microsoft products. Microsoft has taken that program and gone green with its technology. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00085-00055720-00056100 Software media kits may be requested directly from Microsoft +t8j4vBIZhXE-00086-00056100-00056810 through the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) for a nominal charge. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00087-00056810-00057260 Kyla: Okay, at this point I want to go ahead and take a couple of questions that have come in. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00088-00057260-00058070 We had one question that was wondering if this is tied at all to Microsoft licensing keys, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00089-00058070-00058529 volume licensing keys. I don't know if you could speak to that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00090-00058529-00059050 Alexandria: Absolutely. So the Microsoft volume licensing key service +t8j4vBIZhXE-00091-00059050-00059479 is exactly how we fulfill all of our Microsoft products. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00092-00059479-00059900 You would go to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center +t8j4vBIZhXE-00093-00059910-00060450 and there you would receive your MAK or KMS keys. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00094-00060450-00061160 Kyla: Okay, fabulous. And we did have a couple of requests that people wanting you to go +t8j4vBIZhXE-00095-00061160-00061579 over the definition of a title group again. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00096-00061590-00062040 Alexandria: Of course. That's a little confusing, so the title group, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00097-00062040-00063620 if you go back to the Title Groups screen, you'll see that there is Additional Information section. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00098-00063620-00064840 If you click on that See All MS Title Groups (PDF), it will load the title groups PDF, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00099-00064840-00065429 and then you'll see in bold, for example, Access is the title group and the product that's listed +t8j4vBIZhXE-00100-00065429-00066010 under Access is Access 2013. If you go down a couple more and you see Core CAL Suite, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00101-00066020-00066490 you'll see that there are two products listed in the Core CAL Suite title group. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00102-00066490-00067140 When you are requesting products through Microsoft, you can have ten titles +t8j4vBIZhXE-00103-00067140-00067950 with up to 50 licenses in a title group. SO if you needed Core Device CAL licenses +t8j4vBIZhXE-00104-00067950-00068710 and Core User CAL licenses, you could request a total of 50 device and user CALs +t8j4vBIZhXE-00105-00068720-00069580 in a two-year time period. However, because the Core Device CAL and the Core User CAL +t8j4vBIZhXE-00106-00069580-00070210 are different titles, they would count as two titles against your ten titles for the two-year time period +t8j4vBIZhXE-00107-00070210-00071040 but you could only request a total of 50 of them for your two-year allotment. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00108-00071040-00071510 Kyla: Okay, great. We did have a question that just came in that was wondering +t8j4vBIZhXE-00109-00071520-00071840 what the definition of a CAL is. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00110-00071840-00072230 Alexandria: Another good question. A CAL is a Client Access License, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00111-00072230-00073170 which is used for the purposes of getting licensing to the individual end users to the server. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00112-00073180-00073810 We'll go over more of that when we continue with the explanations. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00113-00073810-00074330 Kyla: Okay, awesome. We have just a ton of questions, but we have a lot of time +t8j4vBIZhXE-00114-00074330-00074930 so I just want to go ahead and cover a little bit more. Andy was wondering, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00115-00074930-00075660 so there are no MAC OS products available? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00116-00075660-00075900 Is that correct? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00117-00075900-00076430 Alexandria: We are not currently offering any MAC OS products. That's correct. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00118-00076440-00076810 Kyla: And then Rose was wondering, beyond Get Genuine, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00119-00076810-00077230 is there another way to get an operating system? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00120-00077230-00077880 Alexandria: Yes. So Microsoft allows us to offer both the Get Genuine licensing +t8j4vBIZhXE-00121-00077880-00078520 for the operating systems, and the upgrade product for the licensing of the operating systems. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00122-00078520-00079130 If you have an existing Microsoft operating system, say an XP or Vista, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00123-00079140-00079740 and you want to upgrade to Windows 8 or 7, those upgrade products are available +t8j4vBIZhXE-00124-00079740-00080080 in the title groups list. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00125-00080080-00081150 Kyla: We also had a question wondering what is the difference between the two types of keys. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00126-00081150-00081620 Alexandria: You mean between the MAK and the KMS? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00127-00081630-00081990 Kyla: I believe so, yes. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00128-00081990-00082900 Alexandria: I believe we're going to go over that further. It's basically a difference — +t8j4vBIZhXE-00129-00082900-00083700 absolutely, but it's basically a difference between whether, it depends on the size of the end users +t8j4vBIZhXE-00130-00083700-00084530 that you have accessing the server. If you have more than 50, it's recommended that you use the, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00131-00084530-00085230 I believe it's the MAK, the management tool, and then if you have less than 50 users +t8j4vBIZhXE-00132-00085230-00085840 then you should use the KMS tool. Oh, I'm sorry. It's the other way around. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00133-00085840-00086300 So I you have 50, more than 50 accessing, you should use the KMS, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00134-00086300-00086930 and if you are having less than 50 access the server, then you should use the MAK. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00135-00086930-00087270 Kyla: Okay. And as a follow-up, the person who asked that was just saying +t8j4vBIZhXE-00136-00087280-00087730 that those types show up when they log in, so they were confused about which one. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00137-00087730-00088150 Alexandria. Right. When you do log into the Volume Licensing Service Center, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00138-00088150-00088710 they will both show up because some organizations need to have access to one or the other, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00139-00088710-00089200 and it's easier for Microsoft to just list them both so that they don't have to figure out +t8j4vBIZhXE-00140-00089200-00089550 what each individual organization's needs are. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00141-00089550-00089960 Kyla: Okay, great, and there are a lot of questions, just so everybody knows +t8j4vBIZhXE-00142-00089960-00090250 there are a lot of questions. I see a lot of questions about volume licensing, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00143-00090260-00090580 and we are going to be covering that in just a few moments, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00144-00090580-00091180 so I'll probably hold most of those questions until after that. But there are just a few other questions. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00145-00091180-00091630 Rich was wondering if we receive ten computers that were completely wiped +t8j4vBIZhXE-00146-00091640-00092140 and do not have an OS, would they purchase ten full Windows Oss +t8j4vBIZhXE-00147-00092140-00092510 or just one and then buy nine upgrades. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00148-00092510-00092960 Alexandria: That's a great question. So you actually have to have a full operating system +t8j4vBIZhXE-00149-00092960-00093900 for each of the end points, so each of the computers with the wiped OS needs a full license. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00150-00093900-00094430 They would have to get the Get Genuine. Sometimes when organizations call in +t8j4vBIZhXE-00151-00094430-00095140 to our Client Services area for our client services phone assistance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00152-00095150-00095640 we recommend that they consider how many donated computers they think they will get +t8j4vBIZhXE-00153-00095640-00096160 in the next couple of years, and then consider potentially requesting a couple of additional +t8j4vBIZhXE-00154-00096170-00096810 full operating system licenses because with the Get Genuine program it is a one time ever use +t8j4vBIZhXE-00155-00096810-00097270 of the product. So if you think that you have ten computers, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00156-00097270-00097630 but you think you might get a couple more donated over the next couple of years, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00157-00097630-00098320 the licensing price is at such a good admin fee that we recommend that you consider +t8j4vBIZhXE-00158-00098330-00099100 getting a couple of additional licenses. Even if those licenses end up being upgraded +t8j4vBIZhXE-00159-00099100-00099570 if Microsoft comes up with a newer version in the next couple of years, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00160-00099570-00100280 they're still eligible for the Software Assurance, which we will go over in a little bit, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00161-00100290-00100790 and/or once you have the full operating system, even if it's an older system, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00162-00100790-00101230 you can then later come back and use the upgrade products +t8j4vBIZhXE-00163-00101230-00101900 to upgrade the then-expired or older version to a newer version. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00164-00101900-00102430 Kyla: Okay, got it. And taking a look at other questions that have come in +t8j4vBIZhXE-00165-00102430-00102680 because people are just asking a ton of questions, which is great. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00166-00102680-00103459 I really hope that people keep submitting all these questions. Let's see. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00167-00103459-00103950 One person was wondering they have a couple of users that have desktops and laptops. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00168-00103950-00104540 Do they need to purchase one or two for, you know, for each specific purpose. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00169-00104540-00104870 Alexandria: So each end point, each computer, each desktop, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00170-00104870-00105409 each laptop needs to have its own licensing. So if you are going to have an operating system +t8j4vBIZhXE-00171-00105409-00105859 on each computer, then you need to request the licensing for each computer. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00172-00105870-00106609 If you need to have a license of the Office suite for example, you need to have one licensed copy +t8j4vBIZhXE-00173-00106609-00106840 for each of the computers as well. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00174-00106850-00107440 Kyla: Okay, great. And here's a great question. Bekka was wondering once she applies +t8j4vBIZhXE-00175-00107440-00108130 for a donation, what is the time frame before it gets approved and they can download the product. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00176-00108130-00108759 Alexandria: That's another great question. So the way that TechSou +t8j4vBIZhXE-00177-00108770-00109409 runs the software donation program is you sign up as a member through TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00178-00109409-00109820 Once you've signed up as a member, then you create an organization account. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00179-00109820-00110180 The organization account goes through a qualification process +t8j4vBIZhXE-00180-00110180-00111140 to make sure that you are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which can oftentimes be completed internally. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00181-00111140-00111430 We don't necessarily need any additional information from you. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00182-00111430-00111840 If we request additional information, it can take three to five business days +t8j4vBIZhXE-00183-00111840-00112390 to get your organization qualified. Once you have actually created the organization account, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00184-00112390-00112890 you can go through and place a donation request and when your organization is qualified +t8j4vBIZhXE-00185-00112890-00113409 as a nonprofit organization through us, then it's a two to three business day turnaround +t8j4vBIZhXE-00186-00113409-00113959 from the day that your organization has either placed the request and/or is qualified +t8j4vBIZhXE-00187-00113959-00114490 for donations through TechSoup so that you can receive the download information +t8j4vBIZhXE-00188-00114490-00115200 to get the Microsoft product. From there, it's however long you want to take doing the install. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00189-00115209-00115640 Kyla: Okay, got it. And we have a couple of questions about upgrades and downgrades. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00190-00115640-00116209 The one question about downgrades is wondering, this person wants to order +t8j4vBIZhXE-00191-00116220-00116690 SharePoint Server 2010, but since only 2013 is available they're wondering if they can +t8j4vBIZhXE-00192-00116690-00117180 order a 2013 but downgrade to the 2010 version. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00193-00117180-00117670 Alexandria: Yes. Almost all of the Microsoft products that are listed on our website +t8j4vBIZhXE-00194-00117680-00118020 are also downgradable. They're upgradable and downgradable, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00195-00118020-00118470 so those products should be available on the Volume Licensing Service Center. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00196-00118470-00119170 You can look for older version of the same product when you go to do your install. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00197-00119170-00119800 Kyla: Okay, got it. On the same kind of upgrade idea, Renell was wondering +t8j4vBIZhXE-00198-00119809-00120140 since you cannot upgrade from XP or Vista directly to Windows 8, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00199-00120140-00120770 how does that upgrade process work? Would it then be in fact the full product? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00200-00120770-00121220 Alexandria: Okay, so if you have — I'm sorry. Ask me that again. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00201-00121230-00121790 Kyla: Since you cannot upgrade from XP or Vista directly to Windows 8, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00202-00121790-00122350 how would that upgrade process work? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00203-00122350-00122850 Carlos: I can answer. This is Carlos. That's more of an installation issue +t8j4vBIZhXE-00204-00122850-00123340 because you can, the upgrade license doesn't have anything to do with what version of Windows +t8j4vBIZhXE-00205-00123340-00123740 you have, so you can have XP or Vista and request the upgrade product. That's fine. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00206-00123740-00124200 I think he's referring to the fact that you have to do a clean install when you get Windows 8 or 7 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00207-00124200-00124800 from either of those products, which is fine. The version that you get of the Windows, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00208-00124800-00125270 the upgrade product, is a full software product. It's just you're not eligible to request it +t8j4vBIZhXE-00209-00125270-00125770 unless you have a prior version of Windows. It's only for licensing purposes. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00210-00125770-00126459 So you'll be fine requesting the full product as long as you have a prior, eligible version of Windows. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00211-00126459-00126909 The process will be a little more complicated and you will have to do a clean install, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00212-00126909-00127309 as opposed to an in-place upgrade where you can just put in the disk +t8j4vBIZhXE-00213-00127309-00127720 and have it guide you through the installation process on the desktop. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00214-00127720-00128280 Kyla: Okay, great. Thank you, Carlos. And then I just want to cover a couple more questions +t8j4vBIZhXE-00215-00128280-00128840 before we get to Carlos' section. Then everything else we will handle at the end of that section. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00216-00128840-00129740 Wayne was wondering if it's possible to get Windows 7 Professional through TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00217-00129740-00130240 Alexandria: Yes, we do have that in our list of products. You can either do a search for it +t8j4vBIZhXE-00218-00130240-00131240 in the search tool on any of the TechSoup Global pages, or you can go back to the PDF documents +t8j4vBIZhXE-00219-00131240-00131680 and find it in the list of title groups listed alphabetically. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00220-00131680-00132500 Kyla: Okay, great. And Luelle was wondering in January they purchased a single Windows 7 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00221-00132510-00133150 license for their executive director. Does that mean they can no longer order Windows 7 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00222-00133150-00133460 for the rest of their PCs? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00223-00133460-00134060 Alexandria: That is incorrect. As long as they have requested no more than 50 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00224-00134060-00134690 of the Windows 7 licensing in a two-year time period, then they're fine. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00225-00134690-00135380 And because, I think this is actually more of a question of we made a request in January +t8j4vBIZhXE-00226-00135380-00135960 and are we not going to be eligible again until next January, and Microsoft did used to have +t8j4vBIZhXE-00227-00135970-00136500 a restriction where you could only make one Microsoft request per year, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00228-00136500-00136930 but they've done away with that and you can request as often as you need to, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00229-00136930-00137670 provided that you don't go over the ten title and 50 license per title group maximum +t8j4vBIZhXE-00230-00137670-00137900 in the two-year time period. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00231-00137900-00138490 Kyla: Got it. And I think that we should probably just go ahead and get to Carlos' section, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00232-00138500-00138880 and so any other questions that have come in, we will handle at the end, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00233-00138880-00139530 if we have not actually covered that topic during Carlos' section anyway, but thank you, Alex, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00234-00139530-00140090 for that wonderful rundown, and Carlos, you can take it away. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00235-00140090-00140430 Carlos: Okay, great. This is Carlos Bergfeld. I'm the lead web content developer +t8j4vBIZhXE-00236-00140440-00141290 for TechSoup Global. I'll skip ahead. I think we went back in the slides here. There you go. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00237-00141290-00141830 So we've been talking a lot about volume licensing and the Volume Licensing Service Center. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00238-00141830-00142220 Well, if you don't know anything about it, that's fine. We actually give you instructions +t8j4vBIZhXE-00239-00142220-00142570 on how to access the Volume Licensing Service Center as soon as you request +t8j4vBIZhXE-00240-00142570-00142980 your first Microsoft donation or any subsequent donations. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00241-00142990-00143470 So you'll get an email that tells you how to log in and how to access your license keys. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00242-00143470-00143940 This next slide just shows an image of the Volume Licensing Service Center. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00243-00143940-00144310 It might be familiar to some of you but, if not, this is what it looks like. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00244-00144320-00144810 This is where you go to sign in and access your keys and a lot of your other benefits +t8j4vBIZhXE-00245-00144810-00145650 for product training and things like that. I'm actually going to the next slide there. Does that work? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00246-00145650-00146280 Kyla: Yeah, you're showing, right now I seeing the slide that has a red square around the top. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00247-00146290-00146780 Carlos: Okay, great. It wasn't highlighted in my ReadyTalk. Okay. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00248-00146780-00147240 Here's an image of the license keys, just to show you what that looks like. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00249-00147250-00147670 There's a few product keys there, and it says the type, KMS or MAK. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00250-00147670-00148060 We were talking about that earlier, but they'll all be listed on this page. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00251-00148060-00148490 Something that's cool about the Volume Licensing Service Center +t8j4vBIZhXE-00252-00148500-00148900 and Microsoft donations through TechSoup in general is that they include Software Assurance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00253-00148900-00149500 which we've already discussed a little bit. But in general, if new versions of the products +t8j4vBIZhXE-00254-00149500-00150160 that you request comes out within two years, so if you requested Windows 7 a year and a half ago +t8j4vBIZhXE-00255-00150160-00150680 and now you want Windows 8, you can access it without even requesting it again, for free. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00256-00150690-00151070 Or, you know, any of the Office products or any of the Microsoft products. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00257-00151070-00151570 And you get all that through the Volume Licensing Service Center. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00258-00151570-00152330 Just go in and get your downloads there. There's also e-learning courses, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00259-00152330-00152890 so you can go through self-paced courses for you and your staff to learn about Office applications. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00260-00152890-00153410 And there's something called the Home Use Program which allows you +t8j4vBIZhXE-00261-00153410-00154210 to download Microsoft Office for Windows or MAC for ten bucks, and there's a special page for that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00262-00154210-00154620 We have more information about that on our website as well. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00263-00154620-00155200 Here, I wanted to show you, since I'm the content developer, I wrote a lot of the support resources +t8j4vBIZhXE-00264-00155200-00155670 we have for the Microsoft program, and I think a lot of people might not know they exist +t8j4vBIZhXE-00265-00155680-00156000 because if you go to the Microsoft Software Donation program page, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00266-00156000-00156530 if you go to the Product Donor menu and click on Microsoft, at the top of the page, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00267-00156530-00156910 it has the overview and then you can browse for products, but if you keep scrolling down, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00268-00156920-00157410 you'll see there's a couple of panel boxes that describe the Volume Licensing Service Center +t8j4vBIZhXE-00269-00157410-00157820 and some Microsoft server products and how they're licensed. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00270-00157820-00158240 All of these boxes have little summaries about how to get your software +t8j4vBIZhXE-00271-00158240-00158560 from the Volume Licensing Service Center, what are product keys, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00272-00158560-00158940 the difference between all the product keys, what's included in Software Assurance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00273-00158940-00159420 how to manage your account in the VLSC, and how volume licensing products are different +t8j4vBIZhXE-00274-00159420-00159990 from retail products. Below that there's the server panel box which has guides +t8j4vBIZhXE-00275-00160000-00160460 for specific server licensing. A lot of the server products are sort of complex, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00276-00160460-00161050 so we have guides for those, and most of these boxes are just summaries of the information, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00277-00161050-00161770 and you'll click. There's a link in the little panel that allows you to click and go and view +t8j4vBIZhXE-00278-00161770-00162320 in depth more information about that. So here's an example of the VLSC Guide we have. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00279-00162330-00162670 This is the Getting Started page, so it basically describes what the VLSC is +t8j4vBIZhXE-00280-00162670-00163220 and what you can do there. From there you can browse through the other topics +t8j4vBIZhXE-00281-00163220-00163560 that were on the previous page as well, like downloading your keys +t8j4vBIZhXE-00282-00163560-00163810 and the difference between licenses. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00283-00163810-00164100 Here's an example of one of the server licensing guides. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00284-00164110-00164530 This is just an introduction to Microsoft server licensing which actually answers a few +t8j4vBIZhXE-00285-00164530-00165040 of the questions that we had already, talking about what CALs are, when you need CALs, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00286-00165040-00165320 the different types of licensing for different server products. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00287-00165320-00165770 Some of them are licensed differently. Some don't require CALs and some do. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00288-00165770-00166430 Another support resource we have for Microsoft is, if you go to the menu at the to +t8j4vBIZhXE-00289-00166430-00166890 and click Support and scroll down and click Using Your Donation, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00290-00166890-00167590 that will take you to the Using Your Donation page. This exists for a lot of our donors. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00291-00167590-00168290 We have links to support pages. By default, the Microsoft page is actually already linked there, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00292-00168300-00168880 so it says See TechSoup's More Information About Microsoft Support Resources, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00293-00168880-00169640 and if you click on that it will take you to this page that has several resources for Microsoft donations. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00294-00169640-00170160 You can browse the Microsoft products from here. There are a lot of links to Microsoft's page, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00295-00170160-00170670 if you want to look at their resources as well because they have pretty in-depth resources +t8j4vBIZhXE-00296-00170680-00171260 about upgrading and the Volume Licensing Service Center and different products. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00297-00171260-00171850 Here are a few links that we just included here that, for some of the pages we've already gone over. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00298-00171850-00172320 The Volume Licensing Service Center was the page where I showed you originally +t8j4vBIZhXE-00299-00172320-00172850 where you could sign in. Microsoft has some information about Software Assurance there, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00300-00172850-00173260 and there are some helpful videos, too, that we've linked that describe the benefits, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00301-00173260-00173710 and the Guide to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center +t8j4vBIZhXE-00302-00173710-00174140 is what I showed you before that was linked from the Microsoft Donor page +t8j4vBIZhXE-00303-00174140-00174710 in those little panel boxes. I mean that's just the Getting Started article, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00304-00174710-00175140 which links to all the rest about how to obtain your license keys and that sort of thing. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00305-00175140-00175860 Then we also have an FAQ that's a blog post on TechSoup's site. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00306-00175860-00176600 Let's see. Here is the MS Help Line number where you can call +t8j4vBIZhXE-00307-00176600-00177260 if you have specific volume licensing support questions that TechSoup can't answer, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00308-00177260-00177570 and there's an email address there, too. If you want to learn more +t8j4vBIZhXE-00309-00177580-00178020 about Microsoft's nonprofit programs, they actually have more than just the donation program +t8j4vBIZhXE-00310-00178020-00178690 through TechSoup. If for some reason you need to go to a reseller to get charity pricing +t8j4vBIZhXE-00311-00178700-00179110 or discounts or something like that, you can go there to obtain additional licenses +t8j4vBIZhXE-00312-00179110-00179430 beyond what you've already obtained through TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00313-00179430-00179960 And I think that's my last slide, so probably go get some more questions now. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00314-00179960-00180270 Kyla: Yeah, we have a ton of questions that have come in. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00315-00180270-00180440 Carlos: Great. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00316-00180440-00180870 Kyla: So on volume licensing, Debbie was wondering +t8j4vBIZhXE-00317-00180880-00181710 with the upgrades are you still limited to 50 with the volume license. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00318-00181710-00182070 Carlos: Yes, you are. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00319-00182070-00182810 Kyla: All right, and Carlton was wondering is it possible to renew the Microsoft license +t8j4vBIZhXE-00320-00182810-00183380 on your site when your Software Assurance runs out. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00321-00183390-00183780 Carlos: Oh, yes, absolutely. But if your Software Assurance has lapsed, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00322-00183780-00184360 you would just request another upgrade product through TechSoup or another license +t8j4vBIZhXE-00323-00184360-00184720 through TechSoup. Upgrade would be in the case of Windows or standard license +t8j4vBIZhXE-00324-00184720-00184940 for any other desktop product. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00325-00184950-00185400 Kyla: All right, got it. And we had a request wondering if you could explain +t8j4vBIZhXE-00326-00185400-00186010 the Software Assurance program just a little bit more. This person ordered Project 2010 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00327-00186010-00186360 less than a year ago, then they were wondering if that means when they go +t8j4vBIZhXE-00328-00186370-00186840 and download the software now, does it automatically give them 2013 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00329-00186840-00187270 or do they actually need to download 2013. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00330-00187280-00187710 Carlos: You would need to download the product. Is the question whether your product +t8j4vBIZhXE-00331-00187710-00187890 would upgrade on its own? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00332-00187900-00188020 Kyla: Yeah, I think so. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00333-00188020-00188530 Carlos: Oh, okay. Yeah, you'd have to download the product. Windows or any of the products +t8j4vBIZhXE-00334-00188530-00189350 don't have automatic software updates beyond maybe a minimal update while the software +t8j4vBIZhXE-00335-00189350-00189840 is in its current version. You know how whatever software you have, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00336-00189840-00190130 it will download automatically updates for, you know, the 2010 version, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00337-00190140-00190500 but it's not going to cycle automatically to 2103 with Software Assurance. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00338-00190500-00190950 That would be neat, but, no, you have to download 'cause it is a new product +t8j4vBIZhXE-00339-00190950-00191510 and it has different software system requirements, and I need to touch this point +t8j4vBIZhXE-00340-00191510-00191900 from the last question, too. You actually can renew your Software Assurance +t8j4vBIZhXE-00341-00191910-00192390 through the Volume Licensing Service Center. It is a different process, though, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00342-00192390-00192910 and it might be more cost-effective to request the upgrade product through TechSoup anyway. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00343-00192910-00193230 So we usually advise that, or just to request the license again +t8j4vBIZhXE-00344-00193240-00193680 because Software Assurance is a benefit that not only nonprofits have. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00345-00193680-00194060 It's for all Microsoft volume licensing. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00346-00194060-00194810 Kyla: Okay, got it. And we did have a couple of questions pertaining to whether or not +t8j4vBIZhXE-00347-00194810-00195180 Office 365 was available through TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00348-00195180-00195770 Carlos: It is not. We have an offer from one of our partners, called Tech Impact, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00349-00195780-00196550 that is a consulting offer that they will look at your organization and tell you +t8j4vBIZhXE-00350-00196550-00197290 if Office 365 seems like a good fit for you. The offer is called NPOffice, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00351-00197290-00197920 and I think the full name on our site is NPOffice Office 365 consulting. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00352-00197920-00198910 I can actually pull that up. I'll share my desktop. Can you see that here? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00353-00198920-00199100 Kyla: Yes, I can. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00354-00199100-00199250 Carlos: All right, great. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00355-00199250-00199670 Kyla: And I can also see all your Skype stuff uploads. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00356-00199670-00200270 Carlos: Okay, I will close that, all my friends. Anyway, so the product donor here +t8j4vBIZhXE-00357-00200270-00200720 will be Tech Impact or you can just search here for NP Office, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00358-00200720-00201220 and we have it here. NPOffice Office 365 Assessment. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00359-00201220-00201770 Again, they assess your organization and your infrastructure and see whether or not +t8j4vBIZhXE-00360-00201770-00202760 you could support this deployment for Office 365. And they'll actually help you decide +t8j4vBIZhXE-00361-00202760-00203600 if you want to do this or not. They also might be able to give you access to discounted rates +t8j4vBIZhXE-00362-00203600-00204160 for Office 365 depending on your organization. We say here that they don't guarantee +t8j4vBIZhXE-00363-00204160-00204630 that Microsoft will approve a discount for the organization as a result of the consultation, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00364-00204630-00205280 which is true. So it just depends, but that is the closest thing we offer to Office 365 on our site. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00365-00205280-00205819 Kyla: Okay, awesome. And just so everybody knows, any of the links we talk about today, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00366-00205819-00206410 I'll be sending out in the follow-up email, so don't worry about jotting down exactly where +t8j4vBIZhXE-00367-00206410-00207110 we're talking about, 'cause I will send those links out. Also, Roberta was wondering, just to clarify, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00368-00207110-00207460 may public libraries get software from TechSoup for staff computers? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00369-00207460-00207850 Carlos: Yes, they can. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00370-00207850-00208030 Kyla: Awesome. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00371-00208030-00208330 Carlos: It depends on the program. It sounds like she's asking, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00372-00208330-00208819 it didn't sound like she was asking specifically for Microsoft. But a lot of programs are, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00373-00208819-00209450 libraries are eligible depending on the program, and we have a special page for them. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00374-00209450-00210419 I might just show you that here. Let's see. Wait. If you go under Organization Type right here, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00375-00210419-00211060 and go to Libraries, or you could always just use the eligibility check to check your eligibility, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00376-00211060-00211690 but it lists some of the top donation programs for libraries, from the newer donation programs +t8j4vBIZhXE-00377-00211700-00212230 to additional program you might be eligible for. It is not covered that comprehensively. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00378-00212230-00213250 Some donor partners don't allow libraries to receive donations, but it's a pretty broad selection. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00379-00213250-00213900 Kyla: Okay, awesome. Thank you. Bobby was wondering can you tell us more +t8j4vBIZhXE-00380-00213900-00214440 about the Home Use Program, or tell us where we can access the information +t8j4vBIZhXE-00381-00214440-00214710 on TechSoup.org about it. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00382-00214710-00215500 Carlos: I can. This is the actual — I had it already up. It's www.microsofthup.com +t8j4vBIZhXE-00383-00215500-00216360 and it's a pretty basic website actually. It might ask you to select your region or something like that, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00384-00216360-00216990 but it tells you right here you can take Office home for $9.95. There's Professional Plus +t8j4vBIZhXE-00385-00216990-00217690 and Home & Business. You have to enter your work email or program code +t8j4vBIZhXE-00386-00217690-00218060 to see if you're eligible. You might have to contact Microsoft for that program code +t8j4vBIZhXE-00387-00218060-00218850 if your work email doesn't work, but that's the basic information. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00388-00218850-00219560 Kyla: Okay, awesome. Tom was wondering, he says he still has several XP machines. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00389-00219569-00220330 If he purchases Office 2013 today but installs Office 2007 on those old machines, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00390-00220330-00221250 can they reinstall 2013 on a newer machine when each old XP machine is retired? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00391-00221260-00222019 Carlos: I'm not sure you can get Office 2007 through volume licensing still. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00392-00222019-00222900 If you go to the volume licensing website, it's not every prior version of the product that's available. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00393-00222910-00223650 It's usually just one previous version, so right now it's probably just Office 2010 and 2013 +t8j4vBIZhXE-00394-00223650-00224150 that are available in the VLSC so you wouldn't be able to get Office 2007, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00395-00224150-00224700 but also the other part of the question was he was wondering if he got a different machine, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00396-00224700-00225100 if he could move Office over to that other machine. Is that — +t8j4vBIZhXE-00397-00225100-00225740 Kyla: Yeah, so once, yeah, 'cause they have all those old XP machines. Once each one is retired, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00398-00225750-00226460 if they can reinstall Office 2013 on each one individually. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00399-00226460-00227219 Carlos: I guess, well, since he couldn't get — let's say it was 2010, then yeah, he could install, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00400-00227219-00227940 if his computers could support 2010, since 2007 isn't available. He could do that with 2010, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00401-00227940-00228600 I think but I guess it would depend if these are different computers that he's buying +t8j4vBIZhXE-00402-00228600-00229430 and he wants to take the Office license over there? It seems like it would be fine. I'd have to confirm, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00403-00229440-00229840 but I think that would be fine as long as he wasn't simultaneously using those licenses, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00404-00229840-00230180 you know, using it on the old machine and the new machine. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00405-00230190-00231230 Kyla: Okay, got it. We have several more questions. Renell was wondering, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00406-00231230-00231919 this is a corrected question, I believe, from before, wondering if you have to have the license key +t8j4vBIZhXE-00407-00231919-00232660 for the original XP or Vista OS when doing the clean install for Windows 8. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00408-00232660-00233019 They were just wondering if the original license key was needed +t8j4vBIZhXE-00409-00233019-00233490 to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00410-00233490-00234110 Carlos: I don't think you do. I mean it would depend if he's talking about something +t8j4vBIZhXE-00411-00234119-00234450 that — it would depend what — +t8j4vBIZhXE-00412-00234450-00235060 Kyla: He's talking about the upgrading from XP or Vista OS to Windows 8. That question. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00413-00235060-00235419 Carlos: Right. I mean, it would depend. As long as he's talking about a resale product, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00414-00235419-00235930 because if you had requested the product through TechSoup you wouldn't have lost that key +t8j4vBIZhXE-00415-00235940-00236319 or anything, and it wouldn't matter. It would be on the Volume Licensing Service Center anyway, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00416-00236319-00236690 so I think he's talking about when you are upgrading — I know what he means. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00417-00236690-00236990 You look on the bottom of your computer and sometimes there's a sticker that has the key, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00418-00236990-00237510 or on the old disk, there's a key there, or something like that, and people may have lost that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00419-00237519-00237930 No, I don't think you need those, especially since we provide a new license. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00420-00237930-00238460 There's a new key anyway. It's not the license key, but Microsoft doesn't actually require you +t8j4vBIZhXE-00421-00238469-00238780 to present that as long as you have the installation running on the computer, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00422-00238780-00239019 you should be able to install the upgrade product. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00423-00239019-00239710 Kyla: All right, got it. And Robert was wondering one of the titles that they see +t8j4vBIZhXE-00424-00239710-00240390 is the single-user TechNet subscription, and he's saying that he has subscribed to TechNet +t8j4vBIZhXE-00425-00240400-00240969 for several years outside of the TechSoup program and was wondering if that TechNet subscription +t8j4vBIZhXE-00426-00240969-00241660 was the same thing through TechSoup or not through TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00427-00241660-00242240 Carlos: So he subscribed to TechNet through — how did he get his original subscription? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00428-00242240-00242830 Kyla: I'm not sure. He doesn't say, and Robert, if you want to go ahead and type a clarification. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00429-00242830-00243190 It says that he had subscribed to TechNet for several years +t8j4vBIZhXE-00430-00243190-00243440 outside the TechSoup program, about four years. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00431-00243440-00243819 Carlos: So he's wondering if our TechNet product is the same? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00432-00243819-00244350 Kyla: Exactly. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00433-00244350-00244940 Carlos: Apparently it's not quite the same. It's more limited than the full version, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00434-00244940-00246380 and that's described on our product page. So you could go to — I'll search for it. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00435-00246380-00248040 So we have a product offered called TechNet Plus Single-User Subscriptions for two years. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00436-00248040-00249050 Let's see. I don't see exactly how it's limited here, but it's not quite identical. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00437-00249060-00249980 But if you look at the description, it seems like it will serve your purposes. It should be fine. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00438-00249980-00250719 Kyla: Okay. And Carlton was chiming in to say that they currently have — they use TechNet Plus +t8j4vBIZhXE-00439-00250719-00250919 and it seems approximately the same. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00440-00250930-00251250 Carlos: Okay. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00441-00251250-00251740 Kyla: Wayne was wondering if you could elaborate a little bit more on Software Assurance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00442-00251740-00252069 so if you want to go ahead and just give another reca +t8j4vBIZhXE-00443-00252069-00252380 on exactly what Software Assurance provides. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00444-00252380-00252890 Carlos: Sure. Actually, I'll show them where they could find it themselves and also go over it. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00445-00252890-00254269 I have that open still, there you go, oops. Too many tabs. Here you go. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00446-00254269-00254810 So we have a section of our Volume Licensing Service Center Guide +t8j4vBIZhXE-00447-00254810-00255310 called Software Assurance Benefits. It's actually pretty lengthy because there are a lot of benefits, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00448-00255319-00256110 but the basic one that we've already talked about were the software upgrades that you're eligible for +t8j4vBIZhXE-00449-00256110-00256719 if a new version comes out within two years after the release, or two years after +t8j4vBIZhXE-00450-00256719-00257690 you request your product, rather. Let's see. You can get Office Multi-Language Packs at no cost +t8j4vBIZhXE-00451-00257690-00258250 if you have a license for an Office suite, so those are add-in products that allow you to display +t8j4vBIZhXE-00452-00258250-00258890 the interface in a lot of different languages which are helpful, too. There's the Home Use Program, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00453-00258900-00259350 which we were talking about earlier and I gave the link for. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00454-00259350-00260090 There's some more information about that here. There's also something that I don't know +t8j4vBIZhXE-00455-00260090-00260419 if it's part of Software Assurance but Alexandria answered a question earlier, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00456-00260430-00261019 about using your software on a notebook, that I wanted to add something to. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00457-00261019-00261700 If you have a copy of a Microsoft desktop application and you use it at home +t8j4vBIZhXE-00458-00261710-00262270 and you have a desktop at work, and for some reason you can't take the laptop home, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00459-00262270-00262890 the Microsoft licensing does allow you to install that product on your work computer +t8j4vBIZhXE-00460-00262890-00263460 and on a mobile device which includes a laptop. The key is that you're not supposed +t8j4vBIZhXE-00461-00263460-00263990 to use those at the same time. So you have one license. You're only supposed to use it one +t8j4vBIZhXE-00462-00263990-00264540 at a time, but you can, if you have Office or Map Point or something like that installed +t8j4vBIZhXE-00463-00264540-00265080 on your work computer and on a laptop, but you can only use it for work purposes +t8j4vBIZhXE-00464-00265090-00265650 and you're only suppose to use it one or the other, not at the same time. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00465-00265650-00266410 There's the e-learning courses that I touched on earlier. There are a lot of courses available, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00466-00266420-00266860 and there are instructions on this page on how to view, specifically which ones are there, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00467-00266860-00267410 but there are courses for server applications and Office applications, all that kind of stuff. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00468-00267420-00268070 This Guide is good because it gives you a step-by-step. You can see all the numbers here, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00469-00268070-00268460 but it tells you exactly where to click and what to do to access the benefits. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00470-00268460-00269450 You can go — here's the TechNet benefit as well, a little bit about that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00471-00269450-00270810 This is different from the TechNet product we were talking about. There's also, I'm trying to summarize +t8j4vBIZhXE-00472-00270810-00271740 all the rest here. A lot of these probably don't apply to many orgs, but there Roaming Use Rights +t8j4vBIZhXE-00473-00271740-00272860 which relates to remotely accessing your software. Windows Thin PC which is a smaller, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00474-00272860-00273590 sort of a more minimal version of the Windows operating system that you can use on end points. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00475-00273600-00274510 An example might be at a computer lab where you have user stations who all they need to do +t8j4vBIZhXE-00476-00274510-00274940 is access the web, or something like that, so you have these low footprint end points +t8j4vBIZhXE-00477-00274950-00275430 that aren't very powerful machines that are running Windows Thin PC. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00478-00275430-00276180 This is saying here that you have access to that, so if you request a version of Windows 7, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00479-00276190-00276850 or probably Windows 8 right now, I don't know, you would have access to Windows Thin PC. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00480-00276850-00277520 Kyla: Okay, awesome. And we had a couple of questions about e-learning. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00481-00277530-00278010 There's a question wondering if there's e-learning available for Windows 8, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00482-00278010-00278450 and if you could point out if you knew where that was. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00483-00278450-00278940 Carlos: You know, I haven't checked specifically but I would assume that there is. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00484-00278950-00279420 Kyla: Yeah, and Becky chimed in in the chat saying that she thought it had just become available. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00485-00279420-00280210 Carlos: Yeah. Oh really? But anyway, on this page again, viewing a list of courses, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00486-00280210-00280600 so to view the current list of e-learning courses, you can go to this page. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00487-00280600-00281110 There's a link here. I'm not going to do it 'cause I think I have to log in. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00488-00281120-00282320 Oh, actually, it looks like you don't so we can actually see if the search works. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00489-00282320-00283210 Hmm, that didn't work very well. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00490-00283210-00283680 And I have 640 results to look through. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00491-00283680-00284130 Okay, I might have to do a better search, but I believe what Becky said. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00492-00284140-00284740 Kyla: That's great, and I'll take a look and I'll try to send out what I can find. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00493-00284740-00285210 Then the same person was wondering if e-learning would be available +t8j4vBIZhXE-00494-00285210-00285670 for their library users on public machines. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00495-00285670-00286710 Carlos: Let's see. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00496-00286710-00287100 I don't know the answer to that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00497-00287100-00287430 Kyla: I'll take a look afterward. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00498-00287430-00288030 Carlos: Yeah, I'm trying to look here. E-learning course assignment, management, license — +t8j4vBIZhXE-00499-00288040-00288920 yeah, you might have to, direct under Microsoft, to view more information on that, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00500-00288920-00289700 but I would think so. But it's possible it's not. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00501-00289700-00290300 Kyla: And Anne was wondering is there help available via either chat or email or phone +t8j4vBIZhXE-00502-00290310-00290720 to help her with information on a possible upgrade to Office 2013, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00503-00290720-00291630 so whether or not that would be available through TechSoup or through Microsoft themselves. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00504-00291640-00292470 Alexandria: I can address that. The products that are available on our website, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00505-00292470-00293090 you can always post questions to our forums and blogs, but you can always call +t8j4vBIZhXE-00506-00293090-00293700 the Client Services Department for assistance, and if it's a very basic question, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00507-00293700-00294080 there's always information in the product description page. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00508-00294080-00294740 So you can look there to see if you think the information for the products that you have +t8j4vBIZhXE-00509-00294740-00295270 on your computer currently are going to be compatible with the system requirements +t8j4vBIZhXE-00510-00295270-00296080 for the program that you're looking to install. Additionally, if you are a small nonprofit +t8j4vBIZhXE-00511-00296090-00296720 and you don't necessarily have your own IT infrastructure, there is likely somebody +t8j4vBIZhXE-00512-00296720-00297270 on your Board who knows somebody who is IT-savvy and/or you could go +t8j4vBIZhXE-00513-00297270-00297750 to your local community college and see if they have people that are willing to assist you +t8j4vBIZhXE-00514-00297760-00298950 with your IT questions. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00515-00298950-00299330 Does that help? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00516-00299330-00300000 Kyla: Yes, sorry. I accidentally muted my line. It does. Thank you very much, Alex. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00517-00300000-00300670 I really appreciate that. I was just going to say some of the questions that I'm seeing in chat +t8j4vBIZhXE-00518-00300680-00301210 are pretty specific, and if they have not been addressed in the chat pane or audibly, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00519-00301210-00301600 I'll be sending them for follow-up, so we will get your questions answered. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00520-00301600-00302170 I just wanted to let everybody know that we are seeing a lot of questions come in. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00521-00302170-00303180 And Gretchen was confirming that, yes, for Windows 8 e-learning is available to employees, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00522-00303180-00303480 so you can find more information on e-learning and all that +t8j4vBIZhXE-00523-00303480-00303850 through the Volume Licensing Service Center. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00524-00303850-00304280 I want to go ahead and take us back to the slides as I wait for any additional questions +t8j4vBIZhXE-00525-00304280-00304580 to come through. If anybody does have any additional questions, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00526-00304580-00305160 you can go ahead and type those into the chat pane. I do want to just talk briefly a little bit +t8j4vBIZhXE-00527-00305170-00305640 about TechSoup. We are, again, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00528-00305640-00306310 just like so many of you out there. We are striving to work towards the day +t8j4vBIZhXE-00529-00306320-00306670 when every nonprofit, library, and social benefit organization on the planet +t8j4vBIZhXE-00530-00306670-00307230 has the technology, knowledge, and resources they need to operate at their full potential. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00531-00307230-00307970 I'm still watching that chat pane. I do want to take a moment to thank both of our presenters, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00532-00307970-00308600 Alex and Carlos, plus my chat volunteers, Becky and Julie on the back end, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00533-00308610-00309130 and I do want to thank everybody for attending today, and of course I want to thank Microsoft. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00534-00309130-00309860 I am just taking a look to see if there are any chat questions that I have seen come through. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00535-00309860-00310320 Tammy was wondering are e-learning classes available +t8j4vBIZhXE-00536-00310320-00310950 if our organization is not eligible for Microsoft products. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00537-00310950-00311260 Alexandria: I'm sorry. Could you repeat that question? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00538-00311260-00312070 Kyla: Sure. Is the e-learning available even if their organization is not eligible for Microsoft products? +t8j4vBIZhXE-00539-00312070-00312520 Carlos: No. E-learning is a benefit of Software Assurance, so it comes through that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00540-00312520-00313010 I mean, there are plenty of free Windows 8 videos and training and things like that online. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00541-00313010-00313450 Even I'm sure Microsoft has posted some tutorials that aren't part of the official e-learning +t8j4vBIZhXE-00542-00313450-00313860 but they're not going to be the structured e-learning course. It would just be an overview +t8j4vBIZhXE-00543-00313870-00314220 or something like that. But e-learning is a benefit of Software Assurance, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00544-00314220-00314620 so that's something that comes with the software you request through TechSoup. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00545-00314620-00315330 Kyla: Okay, got it. Jamie was wondering, so she installed the new Office 2013 package +t8j4vBIZhXE-00546-00315340-00315860 on a few computers around the office, but they were never prompted to enter a MAK key, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00547-00315860-00316390 and wondering if this was a known problem or if there was something that there +t8j4vBIZhXE-00548-00316390-00316700 is a known solution for. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00549-00316700-00317420 Carlos: Is the software not functioning? Or is it working well? I guess either way. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00550-00317420-00318190 If it's working well, then it probably doesn't really matter. It might be embedded in the software +t8j4vBIZhXE-00551-00318200-00318700 or something, but if it was not working, that would be a problem, I guess. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00552-00318700-00319130 Kyla: I would assume that it was working because it was ended with "Is this a problem?" +t8j4vBIZhXE-00553-00319130-00319450 in the question. I would assume the software is working. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00554-00319460-00319810 Carlos: No, as long as they requested the right amount of licenses +t8j4vBIZhXE-00555-00319810-00320120 and they're only using that number of licenses, then it's fine. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00556-00320130-00320290 Kyla: Okay, great. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00557-00320290-00320760 Alexandria: Can I add further to that? Jamie, you may find that in a couple of months +t8j4vBIZhXE-00558-00320760-00321180 you'll get a pop-up because Microsoft does offer a trial period when you are doing +t8j4vBIZhXE-00559-00321180-00321560 your initial installation of your product, especially from a disc. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00560-00321560-00322100 So if you did not enter your license key information and it was not embedded, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00561-00322100-00322680 you may get a pop-up in a month or two saying "Could you please get a genuine license +t8j4vBIZhXE-00562-00322680-00323150 of this product now that you have tried our trial version?" at which point +t8j4vBIZhXE-00563-00323150-00323370 you would go to the Volume Licensing Service Center, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00564-00323370-00323920 collect your key, and install with the license key at that time. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00565-00323920-00324290 Kyla: Okay, great. And we just have one question that was wondering +t8j4vBIZhXE-00566-00324290-00324940 if somebody has requested Office Professional Plus 2010 but because there was no disc +t8j4vBIZhXE-00567-00324940-00325460 and they hadn't figured out how to get the setup key, and I was just wondering if either of you +t8j4vBIZhXE-00568-00325460-00326340 had a tip for what to do in that situation. They did not know how to get their setup key. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00569-00326340-00326710 Carlos: It sounds like they just need to go to the Volume Licensing Service Center +t8j4vBIZhXE-00570-00326710-00327040 to get that key, so that was the page I showed earlier. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00571-00327040-00327740 Yeah, Alexandria was just telling me that she would've gotten that fulfillment, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00572-00327740-00328120 the link to the Volume Licensing Service Center in their fulfillment email, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00573-00328130-00328550 but it's also all over our website. So if they've lost the email for some reason, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00574-00328550-00329250 they could go to the Microsoft page on TechSoup and see exactly how to retrieve their product key. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00575-00329250-00329620 We have a section specifically about that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00576-00329620-00330150 Kyla: Okay, got it. Jason was wondering what happens if you run out of MAK keys +t8j4vBIZhXE-00577-00330160-00330380 but you need more. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00578-00330380-00330860 Alexandria: That pulls together a bit more of a complicated question. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00579-00330860-00331640 Most nonprofit organizations get, well, all nonprofit organizations get only 50 license +t8j4vBIZhXE-00580-00331650-00331980 of Microsoft products through TechSoup in a two-year time period. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00581-00331980-00332590 Some nonprofit organizations may be eligible to register more than one branch location, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00582-00332590-00333040 but that is a conversation that needs to be had separately. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00583-00333040-00333860 We can address that offline. Jason, I will contact you about that. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00584-00333860-00334570 Kyla: Okay, great. Thank you, Alex. With that, I want to go ahead I think and just wrap things u +t8j4vBIZhXE-00585-00334570-00335150 a little bit. Again, thank you both, Alex and Carlos, for both your great presentations +t8j4vBIZhXE-00586-00335160-00335500 as well as the great follow-up with all these questions, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00587-00335500-00335910 and I really want to thank all our audience members for submitting +t8j4vBIZhXE-00588-00335910-00336460 all of these great questions because it really does help for making a dynamic webinar. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00589-00336460-00336960 So, again, thank you, Carlos. Thank you, Alex. Thank you, Becky. Thank you, Julie. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00590-00336960-00337270 And, of course, thank you, Microsoft. And again, thank you, ReadyTalk, +t8j4vBIZhXE-00591-00337270-00337650 who's our webinar sponsor who does provide this webinar platform for us. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00592-00337660-00338450 When you all leave the webinar today, you will see a pop-up asking you to complete a survey. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00593-00338450-00338990 If you could please do that, because it does help us in creating better webinars in the future. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00594-00338990-00339500 Again, we will be sending out the recording as well as resources later on today. +t8j4vBIZhXE-00595-00339500-00340050 So again, thank you, everybody, for attending and I hope you all have a great day. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00000-00000584-00000872 The accordion fold is used in many book structures. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00001-00000927-00001592 Here are some tips to make better accordion folds +t8jTlOpnfKc-00002-00001664-00002144 Take a piece of paper and bend it in each direction. If it bends easily, like this +t8jTlOpnfKc-00003-00002144-00002816 one, the grain is parallel to the long side. If it's difficult, like this one, it's perpendicular. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00004-00002912-00003152 So the grain on this one runs the long way. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00005-00003608-00003960 Make sure the ends of your paper are square using a triangle +t8jTlOpnfKc-00006-00004200-00004384 or a clear quilter's ruler +t8jTlOpnfKc-00007-00005248-00005784 Use a bone folder to make crisper folds. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00008-00007223-00007808 After folding your paper in half, make sure that you fold all subsequent folds towards that initial +t8jTlOpnfKc-00009-00007808-00008496 fold because a fold will always be a straight line. That top fold is called a mountain fold, +t8jTlOpnfKc-00010-00008496-00009984 and the inside is a valley fold. Make sure your sides are straight, too. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00011-00011024-00011384 Don't forget to use you bone folder for a crisper fold. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00012-00012576-00012976 If you want to make your accordion longer, make another accordion like the first. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00013-00013552-00014184 Trim the end piece to a quarter of an inch. +t8jTlOpnfKc-00014-00015336-00015584 Glue and attach +t8jTlOpnfKc-00015-00017896-00018160 Put wax paper between the surrounding pages, +t8jTlOpnfKc-00016-00018160-00019784 and press under a brick or a weight like a stack of books. +t8tNJU86-_u-00000-00000016-00000203 Hey guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel! +t8tNJU86-_u-00001-00000210-00000410 This Daniel Rosehill here +t8tNJU86-_u-00002-00000417-00000653 Today another video about Kdenlive +t8tNJU86-_u-00003-00000660-00000934 The open source cross platform video editor +t8tNJU86-_u-00004-00000937-00001224 Beloved by many, sometimes buggy +t8tNJU86-_u-00005-00001234-00001424 Recently getting less buggy +t8tNJU86-_u-00006-00001434-00001738 But constantly advancing - which is what's important +t8tNJU86-_u-00007-00001741-00002015 is that the project is not static +t8tNJU86-_u-00008-00002022-00002205 it's moving forward regularly +t8tNJU86-_u-00009-00002349-00002726 One of the recent additions in the recent releases of Kdenlive +t8tNJU86-_u-00010-00002742-00003203 has been the ability to format subtitles - which is very useful +t8tNJU86-_u-00011-00003226-00003693 Now for some reason I've done a lot of videos about subtitles on this YouTube channel recently +t8tNJU86-_u-00012-00003697-00003970 I covered one which I think is more important than others +t8tNJU86-_u-00013-00003987-00004367 Regarding the pros and cons of hard subtitling +t8tNJU86-_u-00014-00004374-00004874 In other words of adding your subtitles into the actual video file +t8tNJU86-_u-00015-00005038-00005305 Versus uploading subtitles if you're distributing video +t8tNJU86-_u-00016-00005311-00005618 through YouTube as SRT files +t8tNJU86-_u-00017-00005628-00005889 so that people can turn on and turn off the captions +t8tNJU86-_u-00018-00005895-00006219 As I explained, there are pros and cons to both approaches +t8tNJU86-_u-00019-00006232-00006626 Really the biggest con of hard subtitling +t8tNJU86-_u-00020-00006633-00006956 is that at the moment they're mostly not machine readable +t8tNJU86-_u-00021-00006966-00007270 So you've got an SEO advantage for using embedded subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00022-00007277-00007624 Obviously you can turn them on and off - embedded subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00023-00007627-00007994 so if people don't need the subtitles then they don't need to have them clutter up the screen +t8tNJU86-_u-00024-00008024-00008294 And there's more as well +t8tNJU86-_u-00025-00008338-00008932 Basically for most people I think it's better practice not to use hard-coded subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00026-00008952-00009496 if you use embedded subtitles you allow people the ability to translate the subtitles automatically +t8tNJU86-_u-00027-00009509-00009976 And that's going to become, as I predicted in that video, more and more of a thing +t8tNJU86-_u-00028-00009976-00010597 as YouTube continues to increase language support for its automatic subtitle translation +t8tNJU86-_u-00029-00010627-00011231 Now, what I wanted to show in today's video is how you can use this new feature in Kdenlive subtitling +t8tNJU86-_u-00030-00011251-00011751 To kind of approximate the type of subtitles that you may be used to seeing on YouTube +t8tNJU86-_u-00031-00011761-00012142 So what I did here is I loaded up a random documentary on YouTube +t8tNJU86-_u-00032-00012152-00012759 That has subtitles. And I'm going to turn them on now by clicking on the subtitle icon. +t8tNJU86-_u-00033-00012772-00013256 Now this is what most people are familiar with when it comes to subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00034-00013259-00013356 on YouTube +t8tNJU86-_u-00035-00013369-00013747 So let's just have a look with what they're doing with those subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00036-00013757-00014257 So it's white subtitles ... it's a sans serif font of some kind or another +t8tNJU86-_u-00037-00014267-00014764 And it's on a black background with no opacity +t8tNJU86-_u-00038-00014784-00015098 As far as I can see - at least on my one - it's totally black +t8tNJU86-_u-00039-00015188-00015688 So you've got good optical contrast which actually makes them pretty easy to read +t8tNJU86-_u-00040-00015719-00016346 Now what some folks may not have realized is that you can actually change how the subtitles appear on YouTube +t8tNJU86-_u-00041-00016363-00016730 By clicking into the settings cogwheel +t8tNJU86-_u-00042-00016736-00016990 Then go into the subtitles menu +t8tNJU86-_u-00043-00017003-00017203 Then you've got a little button here for options +t8tNJU86-_u-00044-00017220-00017794 And this will allow us to see how the subtitles in YouTube are configured +t8tNJU86-_u-00045-00017797-00018151 And then to get YouTube-like subtitles in Kdenlive +t8tNJU86-_u-00046-00018201-00018608 we just need to do a copying operation here +t8tNJU86-_u-00047-00018621-00018932 So the font we're using here is Proportional Sans Serif +t8tNJU86-_u-00048-00018938-00019182 Font color is white, font size is 100 +t8tNJU86-_u-00049-00019185-00019592 Background color is black - and I was wrong about the opacity +t8tNJU86-_u-00050-00019592-00019716 it's actually 75% +t8tNJU86-_u-00051-00019726-00019986 And it's laid out on the bottom +t8tNJU86-_u-00052-00020020-00020300 Those are the main credentials if you will of those subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00053-00020330-00020627 So what I'm going to do now is drag over Kdenlive +t8tNJU86-_u-00054-00020630-00020810 And this is just a random video +t8tNJU86-_u-00055-00020957-00021294 Of me cooking molokhiyeh. I don't actually know exactly what I said. +t8tNJU86-_u-00056-00021304-00021604 At this second. So I'm just going to add like a junk subtitle. +t8tNJU86-_u-00057-00021634-00022135 "And then we're going to take the bulgur out of the instant pot" +t8tNJU86-_u-00058-00022429-00022685 I've already done a little bit of playing around +t8tNJU86-_u-00059-00022685-00022839 with the subtitle options +t8tNJU86-_u-00060-00022846-00023123 Now, subtitling has been in Kdenlive for a while +t8tNJU86-_u-00061-00023146-00023516 So if you're using Kdenlive for subtitling then this probably isn't new to you +t8tNJU86-_u-00062-00023536-00023817 Where this new(ish) feature is located is this little button +t8tNJU86-_u-00063-00024320-00024718 It's just to the right of the update subtitle text version +t8tNJU86-_u-00064-00024741-00025021 So if I click into that we're going to get our options now +t8tNJU86-_u-00065-00025031-00025341 And we can have a look at the way these subtitles are appearing +t8tNJU86-_u-00066-00025365-00025795 To me they could use a bit of improvement here +t8tNJU86-_u-00067-00025819-00026389 So for font .. I'm not sure proportional sans serif is the name of a font +t8tNJU86-_u-00068-00026409-00026596 You can scroll through the fonts +t8tNJU86-_u-00069-00026883-00027243 But let's just go for something like this ... Peddana +t8tNJU86-_u-00070-00027257-00027610 And now for custom font size you can just bring it up to a size that looks big enough +t8tNJU86-_u-00071-00027674-00027977 And as you can see the subtitle is appearing here +t8tNJU86-_u-00072-00027997-00028321 Now for opaque background we're going to have +t8tNJU86-_u-00073-00028341-00028842 a black background. And we can also set a custom font color +t8tNJU86-_u-00074-00028852-00029205 As well as a custom outline and a custom shadow +t8tNJU86-_u-00075-00029232-00029869 And I can add a bit of shadow to the text so that it's easier to make sense of +t8tNJU86-_u-00076-00029889-00030300 Now we also have a custom position option ... so we can do bottom center +t8tNJU86-_u-00077-00030316-00030744 For example if we wanted our subtitles to be at the top we could do top center +t8tNJU86-_u-00078-00030760-00031120 And now you can see our subtitles up there ... personally that looks a bit weird +t8tNJU86-_u-00079-00031124-00031588 So in terms of the granularity of the options here +t8tNJU86-_u-00080-00031594-00031848 I would say that we are still lacking some +t8tNJU86-_u-00081-00031858-00032262 For instance being able to control the percentage of opacity +t8tNJU86-_u-00082-00032265-00032469 As you can in YouTube +t8tNJU86-_u-00083-00032479-00032675 would have been a very useful option +t8tNJU86-_u-00084-00032695-00033139 As well as that changing the color of the background +t8tNJU86-_u-00085-00033156-00033433 You can (only) either toggle on or off the opaque background +t8tNJU86-_u-00086-00033440-00033710 So again these are very little things +t8tNJU86-_u-00087-00033733-00033963 Most people are going to want a black background +t8tNJU86-_u-00088-00033977-00034381 You're probably not going to want to put an orange background to your subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00089-00034397-00035021 But maybe those little extra styling options will become available in future updates to Kdenlive +t8tNJU86-_u-00090-00035028-00035305 So for the moment this is definitely an improvement +t8tNJU86-_u-00091-00035311-00035789 I think the main subtitling formatting edits that most people are going to want to make in terms of options +t8tNJU86-_u-00092-00035792-00035975 Is adding that black background +t8tNJU86-_u-00093-00035979-00036479 playing around with the subtitle font size until you've got something that makes sense for your video +t8tNJU86-_u-00094-00036483-00036906 And playing around with the font until you've got something you're happy with and that's very nice +t8tNJU86-_u-00095-00036916-00037477 And readable. And I think that it's going to be pretty rare that people are going to want to have subtitles +t8tNJU86-_u-00096-00037484-00037767 other than the bottom of the screen +t8tNJU86-_u-00097-00037777-00038385 But if you did want to run your subtitles along the top, you could do that using these new features on Kdenlive +t8tNJU86-_u-00098-00038395-00038758 Hope that video was useful. If you do want to get more videos from me please feel free to subscribe. +t8tNJU86-_u-00099-00038768-00039062 to this YouTube channel. Thank you for watching! +t9cpgrsySEM-00000-00001019-00001380 Accept the quest, "As the Smoke Rises," from 'Kalaam,' at 69, 21. +t9cpgrsySEM-00001-00002238-00002790 Exit Fort Wrynn, to the east, and follow the paved path south to coordinates 73, 38. +t9cpgrsySEM-00002-00005291-00005712 Turn in the quest to 'Crystal Shaper Barum,' and accept "Burning Sky" and "Pieces of Us." +t9cpgrsySEM-00003-00006570-00006909 Follow the path southeast, to coordinates 76,42, +t9cpgrsySEM-00004-00006909-00007300 killing 12 'Adherent Invaders,' while completing quests in this area. +t9cpgrsySEM-00005-00008395-00008774 Accept the quest, "Barum's Notes" from a book, on the ground, at 76, 42. +t9cpgrsySEM-00006-00012277-00012424 Enter the building whose entrance +t9cpgrsySEM-00007-00012424-00012743 is 75, 43 and click on the 'Harmonic Crystal,' on the ground, +t9cpgrsySEM-00008-00012743-00013066 and then 'Annals of Aruuna,' to the back of the room. +t9cpgrsySEM-00009-00013540-00013984 Exit that building at then click on the 'Honed Crystal' located at 76, 44. +t9cpgrsySEM-00010-00017720-00018089 Travel to coordinates 77, 41 and click the 'Polished Crystal' +t9cpgrsySEM-00011-00018089-00018389 and the 'Crystal Shaper's Tools,' located on a table. +t9cpgrsySEM-00012-00019470-00019726 Travel up a set of stairs at 77, 42. +t9cpgrsySEM-00013-00022525-00022905 Click on 'Melani's Doll,' located on a chair at coordinates 78, 43. +t9cpgrsySEM-00014-00023512-00023768 Speak to 'Raksi' [coords: 77.7, 43.9], and accept "Pyrophobia." +t9cpgrsySEM-00015-00024144-00024460 Enter the building by 'Raksi' and defeat 'Sun-Sage Kairyx.' +t9cpgrsySEM-00016-00026019-00026139 Turn this quest in to 'Raksi,' +t9cpgrsySEM-00017-00026139-00026347 and accept "What the Draenei Found." +t9cpgrsySEM-00018-00027160-00027527 Travel down the steps and following the railroad tracks, at 77, 41 +t9cpgrsySEM-00019-00027528-00028063 to Aruuna Crystal Mine whose entrance is located at coordinates 78, 35. +t9cpgrsySEM-00020-00030106-00030364 Travel to the back of the mine, and click the 'Ancient Prism,' +t9cpgrsySEM-00021-00030364-00030589 located at 82, 37. +t9cpgrsySEM-00022-00031402-00031700 'Raksi' will show up, transform "herself" into 'Shadow-Sage +t9cpgrsySEM-00023-00031700-00032031 Iskar,' and transport you to Terokkar Refuge. +t9cpgrsySEM-00024-00036794-00037280 Travel east, across the water, to coordinates 76, 55 and turn in +t9cpgrsySEM-00025-00037281-00037775 "Pieces of Us," "Burning Sky," and "Barum's Notes" to 'Crystal Shaper Barum.' +t9cpgrsySEM-00026-00039786-00040004 If you like this video, thumbs up and subscribe. +tukcsDMRTM0-00000-00002664-00003120 The Bassac River is a distributary +tukcsDMRTM0-00001-00004138-00004572 of the Tonlé Sap and Mekong River. +tukcsDMRTM0-00002-00004642-00005084 The river starts in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, +tukcsDMRTM0-00003-00005158-00005562 and flows southerly, crossing the border into Vietnam +tukcsDMRTM0-00004-00005672-00006148 In Vietnam it is known as the Hậu River +tukcsDMRTM0-00005-00006252-00006516 (Sông Hậu or Hậu Giang in Vietnamese). +tukcsDMRTM0-00006-00006600-00006922 The Bassac River is an important +tukcsDMRTM0-00007-00007028-00007518 transportation corridor between Cambodia and Vietnam, +tukcsDMRTM0-00008-00007648-00008158 A city of the same name was once the west-bank +tukcsDMRTM0-00009-00008260-00008824 capital of the Kingdom of Champasak. +tukcsDMRTM0-00010-00008952-00009420 a recommissioned repair ship originally +tukcsDMRTM0-00011-00009564-00010038 built for the United States Navy during World War II, +tukcsDMRTM0-00012-00010106-00010500 served on the Bassac River during +tukcsDMRTM0-00013-00010568-00010854 the Second Indochina War +tukcsDMRTM0-00014-00010960-00011312 Three bridges span the Bassac: +tukcsDMRTM0-00015-00011378-00011710 the Monivong and Takhmao bridges +tukcsDMRTM0-00016-00011774-00012086 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia Approximately +tukcsDMRTM0-00017-00012162-00012546 8.5 kilometers to prey basak +tukcsDMRTM0-00018-00012602-00012960 lies an old ancient temple and +tukcsDMRTM0-00019-00013032-00013358 the Cần Thơ Bridge in Cần Thơ in Vietnam. +tukcsDMRTM0-00020-00013426-00013754 ruins Prasat Prey Basak which +tukcsDMRTM0-00021-00013828-00014162 was destroyed during the Vietnam war +tukcsDMRTM0-00022-00014228-00014622 due to heavy bombing from the United States military. +tukcsDMRTM0-00023-00014696-00014986 Prasat Prey Basak Temple was built +tukcsDMRTM0-00024-00015058-00015460 during the Funan empire during +tukcsDMRTM0-00025-00015534-00015812 the 2nd and 3rd centuries. +tukcsDMRTM0-00026-00015884-00016197 The temple is dated between +tukcsDMRTM0-00027-00016258-00016582 1900-2000 years old. +tukcsDMRTM0-00028-00016658-00017016 It is considered to be the oldest +tukcsDMRTM0-00029-00017088-00017382 Prasat in Cambodia +tukcsDMRTM0-00030-00017482-00017770 since it was dated back before +tukcsDMRTM0-00031-00017872-00018184 Chenla during the Funan era. +tukcsDMRTM0-00032-00018290-00018614 Tonle Bassac is located on the western +tukcsDMRTM0-00033-00018692-00019004 the shore of the Bassac River, +tukcsDMRTM0-00034-00019078-00019406 from which it takes its name (Tonle is Khmer for ‘river’). +tukcsDMRTM0-00035-00019488-00019916 Contained by the river to the east, Sihanouk Boulevard +tukcsDMRTM0-00036-00019996-00020338 to the north and Norodom Boulevard +tukcsDMRTM0-00037-00020424-00020758 to the west, Tonle Bassac hooks westward ... +tukcsDMRTM0-00038-00020832-00021184 Retrieved April 2, 2013. Bassac +tukcsDMRTM0-00039-00021284-00021600 was an important economic center, +tukcsDMRTM0-00040-00021686-00022020 for it was the outlet for the trade +tukcsDMRTM0-00041-00022090-00022500 from the east bank of the Mekong, +tukcsDMRTM0-00042-00022586-00022986 including the Bolovens Plateau, Sara vane, Attopeu, +tukcsDMRTM0-00043-00023096-00023464 and Kontum Plateau regions. From Bassac, +tukcsDMRTM0-00044-00023604-00024112 trade in cardamon, rubber, wax, resin, skins, horns, +tukcsDMRTM0-00045-00024216-00024648 and slaves were conducted +tukcsDMRTM0-00046-00024746-00025240 with Ubon, Khorat, and Bangkok." +tukcsDMRTM0-00047-00025328-00025788 "The ARL-23 in Vietnam Operations Map" +tukcsDMRTM0-00048-00025916-00026356 The ARL-23 in Vietnam. usssatyr.com. September 24, 2013. +tukcsDMRTM0-00049-00026482-00026886 Archived from the original on September 14, 2013. +tukcsDMRTM0-00050-00027000-00027380 Retrieved October 27, 2013. +tuy0qb-TyHA-00000-00000000-00000630 Everyone, it's Agnes and I'm gonna do the pre paving YouTube that I mentioned in +tuy0qb-TyHA-00001-00000630-00001515 the last YouTube. So I want to talk about this because it saves a lot of just emotional angst, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00002-00001515-00002463 emotional difficulty after you meet somebody in this case a specific person, a boss, an ex, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00003-00002463-00003249 someone you're attracted to that's new that you're getting to know. Now it's a pre paving technique, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00004-00003249-00003927 so what you do is rather than just going into these meetings or these get-togethers or you +tuy0qb-TyHA-00005-00003927-00004842 know hanging out with someone and you've got all this anxiety, or fear, or some kind of even +tuy0qb-TyHA-00006-00004842-00005565 anger towards them, whatever you've got going on what you do is you can sit quietly for a +tuy0qb-TyHA-00007-00005565-00006231 few minutes - say 5 or 10 minutes, close your eyes, and what you do is you actually go into +tuy0qb-TyHA-00008-00006231-00007017 that scene in advance. So you go into it before okay. Revision is about cleaning up stuff that +tuy0qb-TyHA-00009-00007017-00007556 hasn't worked and that you've still got emotional baggage around and that you're still upset about, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00010-00007556-00008196 hurt about, angry about, fearful about, you go back and you revise the past. So you're going from +tuy0qb-TyHA-00011-00008196-00008763 the present going back to the past cleaning up your energy. Pre paving is going from the present +tuy0qb-TyHA-00012-00008763-00009444 into the future and cleaning it up, pre paving it before you get there, so that means you don't have +tuy0qb-TyHA-00013-00009444-00009915 to go back and fix up a lot of negative stuff you can go and enjoy the thing and it creates +tuy0qb-TyHA-00014-00009915-00010755 itself the way you launched it. Okay, so let's say you want to go and have a coffee or a meal with +tuy0qb-TyHA-00015-00010755-00011352 someone and you feel anxious and nervous, so what you do is you close your eyes and you say: I love +tuy0qb-TyHA-00016-00011352-00012114 how this couple of hours goes so well with this person; I love how we just talk freely and easily; +tuy0qb-TyHA-00017-00012114-00012765 I love that I feel confident and I feel relaxed and I bring the best of me to this conversation, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00018-00012765-00013726 the best of me to this get-together; I love how I feel just so at peace, I feel joy, I feel fun, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00019-00013726-00014466 I feel relaxed, I'm chilled out; I bring the fun to this; I give something to this +tuy0qb-TyHA-00020-00014466-00014947 rather than freaking out about not knowing what's going to come; I bring joy to this; +tuy0qb-TyHA-00021-00014947-00015591 I bring my energy to this; I bring my best self to this; this is how this is going to go; +tuy0qb-TyHA-00022-00015591-00016132 this is how it's going to be; it is done. And then you just imagine - so that's all +tuy0qb-TyHA-00023-00016132-00016678 kind of done with words okay, so you close your eyes and you kind of script it in a way +tuy0qb-TyHA-00024-00016678-00017470 in a pre-painting way. You can also while you're doing that if you're a little bit more advanced, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00025-00017470-00018373 imagine you sitting opposite them and you're doing that while you're seeing the pictures. So you +tuy0qb-TyHA-00026-00018373-00018907 talk the words you see the pictures - if it's too hard for you do it separately - 5 minutes on one, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00027-00018907-00019444 5 minutes on the other. So in the next scene you would imagine sitting opposite - you see +tuy0qb-TyHA-00028-00019444-00020140 yourself well you're in yourself looking out through your eyes seeing them smiling at you, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00029-00020140-00020626 laughing at what you've said, you're looking down at the food and you're going yum this tastes good +tuy0qb-TyHA-00030-00020626-00021310 so glad we came here, I've always wanted to come here. And you bring that joy to the scenes okay. +tuy0qb-TyHA-00031-00021310-00022042 And then you see the person hugging you, you see them saying let's catch up again soon, and you +tuy0qb-TyHA-00032-00022042-00022594 imagine it how you want it to be okay. So it's quite a simple technique but honestly a lot of +tuy0qb-TyHA-00033-00022594-00023008 people forget to do it and then they have to all these little messy situations and things going on +tuy0qb-TyHA-00034-00023008-00023476 and you go uurrgh, and then you're gonna do a 100 self love meditations to get yourself back up and +tuy0qb-TyHA-00035-00023476-00024061 lots of affirmations. So you can avoid all that, prepaid before you go and then you go in and wow, +tuy0qb-TyHA-00036-00024061-00024715 it opens up and it becomes the reflection of you which is you who has line up your energy and is +tuy0qb-TyHA-00037-00024715-00025453 feeling good about yourself today. Okay, woohoo. That's it, that's it, that's it. +tuB-AbTiV68-00000-00000000-00000200 منحه دراسيه في استراليا مموله بالكامل براتب شهري +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00000-00000057-00000290 Hello, welcome to my channel! +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00001-00000290-00000654 SysLangue helps you learn languages systematically. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00002-00000654-00001186 This is the first video of my channel which aims at making your language learning systematic +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00003-00001186-00001509 and thus more efficient for adults to learn languages. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00004-00001509-00001971 Although I have a big plan for my channel, I would like to start with something from +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00005-00001971-00002303 my daily life now since I am learning Dutch. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00006-00002303-00002822 And I hope I will have the time to build up my channel to gradually cover more languages. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00007-00002822-00003164 This video will be about the comparison between the Dutch and the German +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00008-00003164-00003435 languages on orthography. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00009-00003435-00003967 Dutch and German belong to the west branch of the Germanic language family, and they +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00010-00003967-00004223 are particularly close to each other. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00011-00004223-00004750 It is very easy for a speaker or a learner of one language to notice the common features +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00012-00004750-00004975 shared by the other language. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00013-00004975-00005544 But as a main aspect of their distinction, there is different logic in their orthographies. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00014-00005544-00005976 First of all, what is orthography? +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00015-00005976-00006638 You can understand it as basically how to spell the language, but it also contains hyphenation, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00016-00006638-00007030 capitalization, punctuation etc. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00017-00007030-00007469 The orthography always originates from the sound of the language. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00018-00007469-00008250 For example, you hear the word “Nederland” You know it should be written like this in Dutch. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00019-00008251-00008673 The orthography tells you that you cannot write the word like these. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00020-00008673-00009256 And there are several rules in the orthography that govern the logic to spell the words. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00021-00009256-00009822 Please note that I’m discussing in the direction of how to write down a sound, not the opposite +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00022-00009822-00010249 direction of how you should pronounce a written form of a language. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00023-00010249-00010828 The first aspect I would like to talk about is how long and short vowels are reflected +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00024-00010828-00010944 in both languages. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00025-00010944-00011477 Let’s start with the concepts of an open syllable and a closed syllable. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00026-00011477-00012084 An open syllable ends with a vowel, the X denotes anything before the vowel, it can +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00027-00012084-00012399 be nothing, another vowel or a consonant. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00028-00012399-00012947 A closed syllable contains a vowel but it has to end with consonants. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00029-00012947-00013762 For example, the Dutch words zij is an open syllable and zijn is a closed syllable. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00030-00013762-00014283 Based on these, syllabification means how you can split a word into multiple syllables, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00031-00014283-00014969 like for the Dutch word aantrekken, You can split it into 3 syllables, note that +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00032-00014969-00015581 you need to give one k to the previous syllable and another k to the last syllable, as in +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00033-00015581-00016036 Dutch a syllable shouldn’t start with doubling the same consonant. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00034-00016036-00016569 Like many Germanic languages, Dutch distinguishes long vowels and short vowels. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00035-00016569-00017173 The word ja has a long vowel and doesn’t have a consonant after it, so we only write +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00036-00017173-00017354 the vowel once. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00037-00017354-00017973 The word taal has a long vowel and ends with a consonant, in the spelling the vowel is +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00038-00017973-00018342 written twice to represent the long vowel. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00039-00018342-00019012 And the word tas has a short vowel and ends with a consonant, it is written as a normal +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00040-00019012-00019331 closed syllable to show the vowel should be short. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00041-00019331-00019702 Now let’s change the forms of these words. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00042-00019702-00020350 The plural form of taal is talen, it becomes two syllables and the first one ends with +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00043-00020350-00020685 a vowel now, so it doesn’t need to be doubled. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00044-00020685-00021430 However, the plural form of tas, tassen, you have to double the consonant, thus after the +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00045-00021430-00021886 syllabification you will find the first syllable is still closed. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00046-00021886-00022417 Otherwire, the first syllable would become open and the vowel would change. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00047-00022417-00023090 So we can summarize the rule as, when there is an open syllable, the vowel is naturally long. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00048-00023094-00023700 If the syllable is closed but you still want to write a long vowel, you need to double the vowel. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00049-00023706-00024328 And when there is a closed syllable, the vowel is naturally short, and you have to consider +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00050-00024328-00024990 if you need to double the following consonant to create a closed environment for the short vowel. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00051-00024998-00025524 Now, as an example, let’s try to change the form of praten. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00052-00025524-00025965 Its present tense 1st person singular form should be praat, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00053-00025965-00026212 and a is doubled according to the rule. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00054-00026212-00026752 But, its past tense 1st person singular form is praatte, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00055-00026752-00027337 which in principle should be reduce to this form (prate), but this is an exception, because +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00056-00027337-00027836 the second t is the past tense ending while the first t belongs to the stem. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00057-00027836-00028029 Then let’s look at German. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00058-00028029-00028691 Firstly, German has multiple ways to write a long vowel, such as adding an h in Fahrt, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00059-00028691-00028987 or doubling the vowel in Haar. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00060-00028987-00029650 But in order to compare with Dutch, let’s consider what if there is a single-written vowel. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00061-00029659-00030258 If there is no consonant or only one consonant after the vowel, the vowel is long, such as +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00062-00030258-00030468 da, gut. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00063-00030468-00031310 If there are two consonants or even more after the vowel, the vowel is short, such as Bett, selbst. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00064-00031315-00031778 In the framework of this spelling design, you don’t need to change the word stem when +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00065-00031778-00031962 changing its form. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00066-00031962-00032628 When you add endings to these words, such as gute, Betten, the vowel length is kept +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00067-00032628-00032897 and doesn’t break the rules. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00068-00032897-00033675 Now we can simply summarize the rules, a vowel is long when it’s followed by 0 or 1 consonant, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00069-00033675-00034134 and is short when it’s followed by 2 or more than 2 consonants. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00070-00034134-00034838 Let’s take a look at another phenomenon, this is a German verb legen, it’s present +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00071-00034838-00035216 tense 3rd person singular is legt. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00072-00035216-00035831 The form seems to reflect a short vowel, but it is actually still a long vowel. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00073-00035831-00036247 This is an exception and it breaks the rules. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00074-00036247-00036690 You can only pronounce it correctly if you recognise how it is derived. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00075-00036690-00037181 Let’s now put the Dutch rules and the German rules side by side. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00076-00037181-00037775 The Dutch orthography maintains the consistency of spelling and pronunciation, while in German +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00077-00037775-00038356 it has consistency for most cases but the rules are broken in exceptions. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00078-00038356-00038924 However, the Dutch orthography makes the word stems not consistent, while in German the +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00079-00038924-00039446 stems are always kept the same, and you don’t need to consider the syllabification to decide +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00080-00039446-00039658 how to spell. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00081-00039658-00040121 In the second part of the video I would like to talk about umlaut in German. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00082-00040121-00040466 Umlaut literally means sound change. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00083-00040466-00041180 In German it means the most distinct feature of German scripts – the double dots on several vowels. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00084-00041188-00042259 I advice that you should treat the letters ä, ö, ü as sound changes of a, o, u rather +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00085-00042259-00042511 than independent letters. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00086-00042511-00043163 Umlaut shows the relation between a front vowel and its counterpart back in the mouth, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00087-00043163-00043774 as you can see the two groups in the vowel chart that we often use in phonetics. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00088-00043774-00044472 Umlaut has influence on a lot of word changes in German, for example, a single-syllable-stemmed +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00089-00044472-00044943 noun Fuß becomes Füße as plural. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00090-00044943-00045530 And most importantly, it happens to considerable amounts of irregular verbs. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00091-00045530-00046174 Here I give an example of the verb tragen, whose present tense 3rd person singular form +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00092-00046174-00046375 is trägt. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00093-00046376-00047054 The past tense 1st person singular form is trug, but when you need to derive other forms based +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00094-00047054-00047740 on this past stem, for example the second subjunctive 1st person singular form, an umlaut +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00095-00047740-00048165 is required, and it becomes trüge. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00096-00048165-00048963 Umlaut also happens to other cases, alt becomes älter as the comparative form, and Tag becomes +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00097-00048963-00049174 täglich as the adjective. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00098-00049174-00049683 When you learn German, I think this is one of the most iconic, fascinating phenomena +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00099-00049683-00049903 in the German inflexion. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00100-00049903-00050345 However, Dutch doesn’t have such iconic vowel changes. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00101-00050345-00050980 Like many other Germanic languages, Dutch shares some vowel changes in a set of irregular +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00102-00050980-00051080 verbs. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00103-00051080-00051534 When you see such an irregular verb, it’s highly probable that it’s also irregular +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00104-00051534-00051750 in German and English. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00105-00051750-00052346 For example the word for speak, spreken in Dutch and sprechen in German, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00106-00052346-00053315 Their past tense are sprak, sprach and spoke; past participles are gesproken, gesprochen +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00107-00053315-00053488 and spoken. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00108-00053488-00054038 And in German you still need to remember another form, the present tense 3rd person singular, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00109-00054038-00054163 spricht. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00110-00054163-00054495 These sound changes often come from the Proto-Germanic language. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00111-00054495-00055146 But I’m not denying that some of these changes were generated by the mutations equivalent +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00112-00055146-00055340 to the German umlaut. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00113-00055340-00056049 However, In German the umlaut is so particularly apparent that it makes sense to design a special +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00114-00056049-00056503 system to notate it, while it is not necessary for the Dutch orthography. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00115-00056503-00057210 In the third part I will list some vowel combinations in both languages. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00116-00057210-00057952 Some combinations can denote single vowels, such as the Dutch /iː/, /u/, /øː/, and +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00117-00057952-00058601 /aː/ only in historical spelling, and the German combinations for /iː/. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00118-00058601-00059205 And some combinations denote diphthongs, because there are quite a few diphthongs in Germanic +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00119-00059205-00060041 languages, such as the Dutch /ɛi/ and the letter combination ij is very unique for Dutch, +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00120-00060041-00060800 others like /ɔu/, /œy/, /iu/, /ui/, /yu/, /aːi/, /eːu/, /oːi/. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00121-00060800-00061451 And German has three diphthongs, /ai/, /au/ and /ɔʏ/. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00122-00061451-00061984 In the fourth part, I would like to discuss a consonant group in Dutch and German. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00123-00061984-00062903 In Dutch, s is /s/ and z is /z/, they are a pair of voiced and voiceless counterparts. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00124-00062903-00063511 There is the tendency in some regions in the Netherlands to pronounce some voiced fricatives +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00125-00063511-00064133 like /z/ in a voiceless way, but here for the discussion of orthography, we definitely +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00126-00064133-00064554 need to treat /z/ and /s/ as different phonemes. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00127-00064554-00065500 While in German, s has a /z/ sound, for the /s/ sound you have to write either ß or double s. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00128-00065502-00066237 Well, single s can have a /s/ sound when it’s at an ending position, but I would rather +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00129-00066237-00066942 treat it as obeying the rule of devocalization of voiced ending consonant. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00130-00066942-00067340 And the letter z is used for another sound /ts/. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00131-00067340-00067960 The /ts/ sound is quite iconic in German which is a consequence of the high German language +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00132-00067960-00068650 undergoing the second Germanic consonant shift, which I will surely talk about in another video. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00133-00068656-00069278 The Dutch word zenden and the German word senden have the same pronunciation, but you +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00134-00069278-00070057 have to use z and s for the initial consonant in Dutch and German, respectively. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00135-00070057-00070769 As for the German ß or double s, the rule on the number of consonants applies also here. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00136-00070769-00071401 For example, Fuß, you want the vowel to be long so you are only allowed to use one consonant +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00137-00071401-00071794 after it, so it is ß. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00138-00071794-00072363 Another example, schließen, after a vowel combination you don’t need to double the +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00139-00072363-00073041 consonant, so you use a ß, while in the past participle, geschlossen, you want the vowel +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00140-00073041-00073800 to be short so you have to use at least two consonants after it, in this case it has to be double s. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00141-00073804-00074123 Thank you for watching this video! +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00142-00074123-00074344 Please subscribe if you like my video! +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00143-00074344-00074692 Please comment below if you want me to talk about other themes of languages. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00144-00074692-00075274 I’m a native speaker of Chinese mandarin, please let me know if you want to see a series +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00145-00075274-00075430 on the Chinese language. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00146-00075430-00075920 I hope I will put more things into my channel and make it more useful for you all. +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00147-00075920-00076361 Languages are systematic and I will help you learn languages systematically! +tvPxjoVwRYQ-00148-00076361-00076429 See you next time! +twQGABNKHik-00000-00000131-00000855 In this example we're going to create a simple bar graph. We have the amount of +twQGABNKHik-00001-00000855-00001596 money spent in a certain household grouped by category. We're going to enter +twQGABNKHik-00002-00001596-00002935 the category names in column A: food, housing, utility bills, medical, +twQGABNKHik-00003-00002935-00004371 transportation, other. In column B we're going to enter the dollar amounts: four +twQGABNKHik-00004-00004371-00005507 hundred, seven fifty, one fifty, one hundred, one hundred, two hundred and +twQGABNKHik-00005-00005507-00005994 twenty five. And we'd like to see these formatted as dollar amounts. So we can +twQGABNKHik-00006-00005994-00006747 use the currency format shortcut up here or we could right click bring up this +twQGABNKHik-00007-00006747-00007302 context menu. Choose format cells and find our full range of formatting +twQGABNKHik-00008-00007302-00008093 options there. Now what we want to do is insert a bar graph and there are a +twQGABNKHik-00009-00008093-00008832 couple different ways we could do that and the exact menu layout and sequence +twQGABNKHik-00010-00008832-00009347 that you use will vary according to which version of Excel you're using. In +twQGABNKHik-00011-00009347-00009918 this current version of Excel I can highlight both the category names and +twQGABNKHik-00012-00009918-00010579 the dollar amounts and I'm looking for "insert". We've switched to the insert tab +twQGABNKHik-00013-00010579-00011615 and then "charts" and we are going to go for the first bar graph 2d column option. +twQGABNKHik-00014-00011615-00012621 We're going to select that and it pops up there and that looks pretty good. We +twQGABNKHik-00015-00012621-00013350 may just need to resize it just a little bit so it fits in our screen and we can +twQGABNKHik-00016-00013350-00013637 see that the category labels look basically correct. +twQGABNKHik-00017-00013637-00014393 The vertical axis labels with dollar amounts there look correct. There is +twQGABNKHik-00018-00014393-00015084 one problem, which is that the title given here, default title of chart +twQGABNKHik-00019-00015084-00015597 title should be changed to something more descriptive. It should never be left +twQGABNKHik-00020-00015597-00016106 as chart title. It might be that you don't want it there at all or you want +twQGABNKHik-00021-00016106-00017340 to change it to something suitable. We'll say monthly budget and that looks +twQGABNKHik-00022-00017340-00017798 pretty good. If we want to make further changes we can come over here while I've +twQGABNKHik-00023-00017798-00018457 clicked on the chart, add chart element menu option up here at the top left, +twQGABNKHik-00024-00018457-00019137 gives you further provisions for changing those axis labels. If I wanted +twQGABNKHik-00025-00019137-00019626 to give a title to those axes so maybe we want a vertical axis title this could +twQGABNKHik-00026-00019626-00021031 be, say, spending level is what those represent. +twQGABNKHik-00027-00021918-00022784 And then that looks reasonably good. Now depending on what +twQGABNKHik-00028-00022784-00023454 version of Excel you're using you may have better luck by highlighting simply +twQGABNKHik-00029-00023454-00024228 that data values, still looking for the option to insert chart, insert a 2d +twQGABNKHik-00030-00024228-00024765 column chart, that will bring up something that looks approximately +twQGABNKHik-00031-00024765-00025451 correct, but now in this case lacks the correct horizontal axis category labels. +twQGABNKHik-00032-00025451-00026003 So if you need to add those manually what we could do here is right click on +twQGABNKHik-00033-00026003-00026841 one of those bars, brings up a context menu, and we want to go to the Select +twQGABNKHik-00034-00026841-00027558 Data option and what we're looking to change is the horizontal category axis +twQGABNKHik-00035-00027558-00028032 labels. And so I'm going to come over here and I'm going to edit that and I'm +twQGABNKHik-00036-00028032-00028656 going to come out here into my worksheet and highlight those cells that contain +twQGABNKHik-00037-00028656-00029528 the axis labels I want to use. They're now popping up there and that has added them +twQGABNKHik-00038-00029528-00030255 to my chart. So, you may find it necessary to do that. So you know things to keep in +twQGABNKHik-00039-00030255-00031202 mind: highlight the data, look for the option for insert chart, look for the +twQGABNKHik-00040-00031202-00031797 options under this add chart element tab, and keep in mind that a right-click on +twQGABNKHik-00041-00031797-00032313 one of the bars will bring up a context menu that gives you this option to +twQGABNKHik-00042-00032313-00033306 select data and make other changes to the display of your chart. +twQGABNKHik-00043-00033306-00033656 The other questions that appeared here are to +twQGABNKHik-00044-00034088-00034791 calculate the total amount of spending for the month and determine what percent +twQGABNKHik-00045-00034791-00035406 of the total monthly spending is accounted for by the transportation +twQGABNKHik-00046-00035406-00035934 category. So let's get quick answers to those questions. We'll put total spending +twQGABNKHik-00047-00035934-00036571 here. These are numeric questions. Total spending can be calculated using a SUM +twQGABNKHik-00048-00036571-00037338 function, so we're typing equals sum and highlight that range of values, close +twQGABNKHik-00049-00037338-00038409 that parentheses, hit enter and we can see the total spending was 1725. The +twQGABNKHik-00050-00038409-00039240 percentage of our spending that was on transportation we could now calculate as +twQGABNKHik-00051-00039240-00040537 a percentage by the absolute amount $100 divided by that total amount 1725. As a +twQGABNKHik-00052-00040537-00041071 decimal we have zero point zero five seven nine seven one. Format that as a +twQGABNKHik-00053-00041071-00041658 percentage, here using the shortcut up here on that home screen toolbar. About +twQGABNKHik-00054-00041658-00042174 six percent, or we may want to increase the number of decimals displayed here +twQGABNKHik-00055-00042174-00043028 and we see it as five point eight to one decimal place. +tx4q__pAfF0-00000-00000336-00000511 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00001-00001096-00001284 Rob +tx4q__pAfF0-00002-00001838-00002021 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00003-00002564-00002752 Don +tx4q__pAfF0-00004-00003322-00003510 Jan +tx4q__pAfF0-00005-00004059-00004246 Ben +tx4q__pAfF0-00006-00004769-00004952 Ty +tx4q__pAfF0-00007-00005480-00005662 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00008-00006206-00006376 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00009-00006950-00007133 Bob +tx4q__pAfF0-00010-00007671-00007846 Ed +tx4q__pAfF0-00011-00008348-00008518 Art +tx4q__pAfF0-00012-00009040-00009215 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00013-00009779-00009962 Roy +tx4q__pAfF0-00014-00010537-00010712 Deb +tx4q__pAfF0-00015-00011234-00011409 Ted +tx4q__pAfF0-00016-00011958-00012133 Lou +tx4q__pAfF0-00017-00012723-00012911 Rodg +tx4q__pAfF0-00018-00013470-00013653 Ann +tx4q__pAfF0-00019-00014196-00014385 Liv +tx4q__pAfF0-00020-00014917-00015101 Al +tx4q__pAfF0-00021-00015638-00015832 Liz +tx4q__pAfF0-00022-00016375-00016563 Sue +tx4q__pAfF0-00023-00017101-00017284 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00024-00017864-00018052 Jon +tx4q__pAfF0-00025-00018637-00018826 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00026-00019400-00019588 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00027-00020158-00020346 Tom +tx4q__pAfF0-00028-00020899-00021083 Bev +tx4q__pAfF0-00029-00021636-00021798 Dot +tx4q__pAfF0-00030-00022352-00022535 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00031-00023073-00023256 Nan +tx4q__pAfF0-00032-00023804-00023998 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00033-00024551-00024734 Dan +tx4q__pAfF0-00034-00025293-00025482 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00035-00026040-00026234 Sam +tx4q__pAfF0-00036-00026787-00026970 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00037-00027534-00027723 Hal +tx4q__pAfF0-00038-00028266-00028454 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00039-00028992-00029181 Jen +tx4q__pAfF0-00040-00029724-00029907 Dan +tx4q__pAfF0-00041-00030465-00030654 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00042-00031202-00031385 Ty +tx4q__pAfF0-00043-00031918-00032088 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00044-00032647-00032840 Liz +tx4q__pAfF0-00045-00033399-00033582 Bev +tx4q__pAfF0-00046-00034141-00034334 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00047-00034899-00035087 Liv +tx4q__pAfF0-00048-00035651-00035839 Jan +tx4q__pAfF0-00049-00036388-00036570 Nan +tx4q__pAfF0-00050-00037098-00037268 Art +tx4q__pAfF0-00051-00037795-00037984 Ben +tx4q__pAfF0-00052-00038537-00038726 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00053-00039295-00039457 Dot +tx4q__pAfF0-00054-00040005-00040199 Sam +tx4q__pAfF0-00055-00040732-00040915 Ann +tx4q__pAfF0-00056-00041473-00041648 Lou +tx4q__pAfF0-00057-00042223-00042406 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00058-00042986-00043169 Bob +tx4q__pAfF0-00059-00043765-00043952 Rodg +tx4q__pAfF0-00060-00044538-00044713 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00061-00045287-00045470 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00062-00046014-00046189 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00063-00046685-00046860 Ed +tx4q__pAfF0-00064-00047356-00047545 Sue +tx4q__pAfF0-00065-00048082-00048271 Tom +tx4q__pAfF0-00066-00048819-00048994 Deb +tx4q__pAfF0-00067-00049527-00049715 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00068-00050248-00050431 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00069-00050974-00051157 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00070-00051716-00051904 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00071-00052495-00052677 Roy +tx4q__pAfF0-00072-00053242-00053424 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00073-00053958-00054145 Jen +tx4q__pAfF0-00074-00054705-00054892 Don +tx4q__pAfF0-00075-00055431-00055606 Ted +tx4q__pAfF0-00076-00056154-00056343 Rob +tx4q__pAfF0-00077-00056891-00057074 Al +tx4q__pAfF0-00078-00057607-00057795 Hal +tx4q__pAfF0-00079-00058375-00058563 Jon +tx4q__pAfF0-00080-00059137-00059307 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00081-00059861-00060044 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00082-00060593-00060768 Deb +tx4q__pAfF0-00083-00061321-00061504 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00084-00062074-00062262 Don +tx4q__pAfF0-00085-00062815-00062999 Dan +tx4q__pAfF0-00086-00063568-00063751 Bob +tx4q__pAfF0-00087-00064315-00064503 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00088-00065046-00065209 Dot +tx4q__pAfF0-00089-00065746-00065930 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00090-00066488-00066677 Jon +tx4q__pAfF0-00091-00067262-00067450 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00092-00068019-00068207 Jan +tx4q__pAfF0-00093-00068750-00068926 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00094-00069448-00069631 Ann +tx4q__pAfF0-00095-00070190-00070365 Lou +tx4q__pAfF0-00096-00070940-00071128 Liv +tx4q__pAfF0-00097-00071671-00071859 Ben +tx4q__pAfF0-00098-00072397-00072586 Jen +tx4q__pAfF0-00099-00073155-00073343 Rodg +tx4q__pAfF0-00100-00073902-00074072 Art +tx4q__pAfF0-00101-00074573-00074749 Ed +tx4q__pAfF0-00102-00075271-00075464 Liz +tx4q__pAfF0-00103-00076007-00076196 Sue +tx4q__pAfF0-00104-00076734-00076922 Hal +tx4q__pAfF0-00105-00077491-00077679 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00106-00078259-00078447 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00107-00078996-00079179 Ty +tx4q__pAfF0-00108-00079727-00079902 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00109-00080446-00080621 Ted +tx4q__pAfF0-00110-00081148-00081331 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00111-00081890-00082084 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00112-00082637-00082831 Sam +tx4q__pAfF0-00113-00083369-00083552 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00114-00084074-00084257 Al +tx4q__pAfF0-00115-00084790-00084978 Tom +tx4q__pAfF0-00116-00085552-00085741 Rob +tx4q__pAfF0-00117-00086310-00086493 Bev +tx4q__pAfF0-00118-00087031-00087214 Nan +tx4q__pAfF0-00119-00087783-00087966 Roy +tx4q__pAfF0-00120-00088551-00088734 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00121-00089272-00089447 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00122-00089986-00090174 Liv +tx4q__pAfF0-00123-00090748-00090936 Rodg +tx4q__pAfF0-00124-00091496-00091683 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00125-00092206-00092389 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00126-00092911-00093094 Nan +tx4q__pAfF0-00127-00093617-00093799 Ty +tx4q__pAfF0-00128-00094343-00094526 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00129-00095080-00095262 Dan +tx4q__pAfF0-00130-00095821-00095997 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00131-00096576-00096765 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00132-00097339-00097533 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00133-00098086-00098269 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00134-00098802-00098985 Ann +tx4q__pAfF0-00135-00099538-00099727 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00136-00100296-00100484 Hal +tx4q__pAfF0-00137-00101038-00101208 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00138-00101767-00101955 Don 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+tx4q__pAfF0-00403-00296564-00296748 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00404-00297317-00297510 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00405-00298079-00298273 Liz +tx4q__pAfF0-00406-00298837-00299020 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00407-00299574-00299757 Bev +tx4q__pAfF0-00408-00300289-00300473 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00409-00301005-00301188 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00410-00301747-00301935 Jan +tx4q__pAfF0-00411-00302505-00302693 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00412-00303231-00303414 Al +tx4q__pAfF0-00413-00303967-00304151 Bob +tx4q__pAfF0-00414-00304725-00304895 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00415-00305459-00305647 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00416-00306217-00306379 Dot +tx4q__pAfF0-00417-00306916-00307092 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00418-00307640-00307815 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00419-00308375-00308557 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00420-00309127-00309315 Jon +tx4q__pAfF0-00421-00309911-00310098 Rob +tx4q__pAfF0-00422-00310658-00310828 Art +tx4q__pAfF0-00423-00311329-00311504 Ed +tx4q__pAfF0-00424-00312006-00312193 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00425-00312748-00312935 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00426-00313505-00313693 Liv 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+tx4q__pAfF0-00715-00525980-00526150 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00716-00526693-00526876 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00717-00527435-00527623 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00718-00528187-00528370 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00719-00528929-00529117 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00720-00529686-00529880 Liz +tx4q__pAfF0-00721-00530433-00530608 Deb +tx4q__pAfF0-00722-00531142-00531329 Ben +tx4q__pAfF0-00723-00531899-00532082 Roy +tx4q__pAfF0-00724-00532657-00532850 Sam +tx4q__pAfF0-00725-00533409-00533584 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00726-00534158-00534347 Don +tx4q__pAfF0-00727-00534895-00535084 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00728-00535606-00535781 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00729-00536314-00536484 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00730-00537032-00537220 Jen +tx4q__pAfF0-00731-00537769-00537952 Bev +tx4q__pAfF0-00732-00538490-00538673 Nan +tx4q__pAfF0-00733-00539195-00539383 Sue +tx4q__pAfF0-00734-00539937-00540125 Rob +tx4q__pAfF0-00735-00540715-00540904 Rodg +tx4q__pAfF0-00736-00541468-00541651 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00737-00542204-00542393 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00738-00542957-00543145 Liv +tx4q__pAfF0-00739-00543709-00543897 Jan +tx4q__pAfF0-00740-00544472-00544660 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00741-00545203-00545386 Al +tx4q__pAfF0-00742-00545924-00546118 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00743-00546682-00546870 Hal +tx4q__pAfF0-00744-00547408-00547591 Ty +tx4q__pAfF0-00745-00548113-00548283 Art +tx4q__pAfF0-00746-00548806-00548988 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00747-00549521-00549704 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00748-00550216-00550391 Ed +tx4q__pAfF0-00749-00550882-00551057 Ted +tx4q__pAfF0-00750-00551601-00551789 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00751-00552379-00552562 Bob +tx4q__pAfF0-00752-00553147-00553330 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00753-00553910-00554085 Lou +tx4q__pAfF0-00754-00554680-00554869 Jon +tx4q__pAfF0-00755-00555448-00555637 Tom +tx4q__pAfF0-00756-00556195-00556379 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00757-00556922-00557105 Ann +tx4q__pAfF0-00758-00557637-00557821 Dan +tx4q__pAfF0-00759-00558369-00558531 Dot +tx4q__pAfF0-00760-00559069-00559244 Nat +tx4q__pAfF0-00761-00559777-00559960 Bev +tx4q__pAfF0-00762-00560524-00560712 Ray +tx4q__pAfF0-00763-00561287-00561475 Don +tx4q__pAfF0-00764-00562050-00562238 Amy +tx4q__pAfF0-00765-00562812-00563000 Jan +tx4q__pAfF0-00766-00563554-00563747 Sam +tx4q__pAfF0-00767-00564312-00564500 Rodg +tx4q__pAfF0-00768-00565096-00565283 Jon +tx4q__pAfF0-00769-00565837-00566012 Ted +tx4q__pAfF0-00770-00566540-00566728 Jen +tx4q__pAfF0-00771-00567266-00567436 Art +tx4q__pAfF0-00772-00567964-00568152 Ben +tx4q__pAfF0-00773-00568680-00568862 Nan +tx4q__pAfF0-00774-00569411-00569604 Liz +tx4q__pAfF0-00775-00570169-00570351 Peg +tx4q__pAfF0-00776-00570910-00571098 Tom +tx4q__pAfF0-00777-00571673-00571848 Lou +tx4q__pAfF0-00778-00572402-00572585 Tim +tx4q__pAfF0-00779-00573128-00573311 Jim +tx4q__pAfF0-00780-00573854-00574043 Sue +tx4q__pAfF0-00781-00574539-00574714 Ed +tx4q__pAfF0-00782-00575231-00575393 Dot +tx4q__pAfF0-00783-00575963-00576138 Joe +tx4q__pAfF0-00784-00576712-00576900 Pam +tx4q__pAfF0-00785-00577490-00577674 Roy +tx4q__pAfF0-00786-00578264-00578457 Ron +tx4q__pAfF0-00787-00579011-00579194 Meg +tx4q__pAfF0-00788-00579726-00579915 Ken +tx4q__pAfF0-00789-00580458-00580646 Hal +tx4q__pAfF0-00790-00581179-00581362 Al +tx4q__pAfF0-00791-00581916-00582099 Bob +tx4q__pAfF0-00792-00582668-00582851 Dan +tx4q__pAfF0-00793-00583415-00583603 Rob +tx4q__pAfF0-00794-00584173-00584342 Pat +tx4q__pAfF0-00795-00584881-00585063 Ann +tx4q__pAfF0-00796-00585602-00585784 Kim +tx4q__pAfF0-00797-00586328-00586503 Deb +tx4q__pAfF0-00798-00587051-00587240 Liv +tx4q__pAfF0-00799-00587777-00587961 Ty +tzrACWkvPSU-00000-00000000-00000200 UNISOFT / DEVIKA BRAND SAFFFLOWER DECORTICATOR, +tzrACWkvPSU-00001-00000200-00000305 FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT US ON +91-98253 89070,+91-97129 89070, +91-97149 89070 +t_9dyt2WlVy-00000-00000070-00000451 Who is downstairs, take out that shooter for me? 12 hours in the house +t_9dyt2WlVy-00001-00000660-00000844 You take out that shooter for me? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00002-00000906-00001068 positive, I go +t_9dyt2WlVy-00003-00001692-00001742 you're dead +t_9dyt2WlVy-00004-00002230-00002694 Ow! Sniper upstairs, don't shoot when they get out. We got back to let them out their base +t_9dyt2WlVy-00005-00002890-00003090 I didn't copy frenchy, sorry. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00006-00003154-00003647 Don't shoot them when they get out. We got back to let them play a bit or else that's f**ked +t_9dyt2WlVy-00007-00003768-00004072 Ok. Leave it to me, I let them get out +t_9dyt2WlVy-00008-00004294-00004496 Hi, +t_9dyt2WlVy-00009-00004586-00004926 I'am playing at "adrena cantareira 1" +t_9dyt2WlVy-00010-00004946-00005304 With the delta squad, Turetas team. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00011-00005326-00005806 As you heard, we were playin' a team deathmatch with respawns +t_9dyt2WlVy-00012-00005820-00006356 against a team that did not get out of there base when we were running like crazy +t_9dyt2WlVy-00013-00006528-00006836 so we had lots of advantage +t_9dyt2WlVy-00014-00006950-00007550 so we decided to go back to make the game a bit more fun +t_9dyt2WlVy-00015-00007908-00007958 I saw +t_9dyt2WlVy-00016-00007970-00008170 12 hours, contact +t_9dyt2WlVy-00017-00008370-00008840 Hudson is upstairs, giving enemy's positions +t_9dyt2WlVy-00018-00009542-00009674 He's ours +t_9dyt2WlVy-00019-00009674-00009798 He's not dead? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00020-00009966-00010330 I thought one of our died upstairs +t_9dyt2WlVy-00021-00010330-00010526 Gustavo died +t_9dyt2WlVy-00022-00012592-00012947 Who is downstairs, take out that shooter for me? 12 hours in the house +t_9dyt2WlVy-00023-00013154-00013280 You take out that shooter for me? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00024-00013378-00013513 Positive, I go +t_9dyt2WlVy-00025-00013874-00014074 He's all exposed +t_9dyt2WlVy-00026-00016252-00016452 You'r dead +t_9dyt2WlVy-00027-00016872-00017072 I am dead already ahah +t_9dyt2WlVy-00028-00018836-00019026 I ain't received nothing but.... +t_9dyt2WlVy-00029-00019026-00019076 -but? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00030-00019490-00019690 did not shoot... +t_9dyt2WlVy-00031-00019858-00020054 Let me stab you +t_9dyt2WlVy-00032-00021858-00021964 OUT! +t_9dyt2WlVy-00033-00025064-00025292 positive, team over here +t_9dyt2WlVy-00034-00025764-00025868 2 knifed +t_9dyt2WlVy-00035-00026012-00026238 team. First floor's our +t_9dyt2WlVy-00036-00026683-00026788 downstairs +t_9dyt2WlVy-00037-00026889-00027089 there's a lot downstairs +t_9dyt2WlVy-00038-00027489-00027739 in the small house with the small window +t_9dyt2WlVy-00039-00027950-00028150 here, here, you got him over here. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00040-00028164-00028488 He's inside the small dark window +t_9dyt2WlVy-00041-00029039-00029202 you'r shooting there +t_9dyt2WlVy-00042-00029454-00029654 I am gonna show myself to him. I am gonna shoot at him. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00043-00031454-00031620 friendly, friendly +t_9dyt2WlVy-00044-00031952-00032036 let me see? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00045-00032970-00033046 got him, got him +t_9dyt2WlVy-00046-00033298-00033454 I think I got him....normaly... +t_9dyt2WlVy-00047-00033454-00033600 -He's out, you got him +t_9dyt2WlVy-00048-00033806-00034022 beautifull shoot -they are all in the jungle +t_9dyt2WlVy-00049-00034022-00034108 watch out +t_9dyt2WlVy-00050-00034254-00034354 where is he Jap? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00051-00034702-00034882 In the house, there +t_9dyt2WlVy-00052-00034906-00035240 I got one there. Japa! I got one in that house +t_9dyt2WlVy-00053-00035258-00035458 that house is our already +t_9dyt2WlVy-00054-00035470-00035740 the lower house, I got him. The one with the small window +t_9dyt2WlVy-00055-00036110-00036234 Is he ours on the other side? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00056-00036642-00036842 JAPA! Is it team behind? +t_9dyt2WlVy-00057-00036984-00037280 TEAM! -It's ours. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00058-00037360-00037492 wait, I am gonna take my stuffs +t_9dyt2WlVy-00059-00037540-00037922 He's in the same house. -He got back, they don't have a lot of options. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00060-00038002-00038202 opa! You're walking on my....eita! +t_9dyt2WlVy-00061-00038232-00038642 Sorry. I haven't see -It's me. I have left them on the ground +t_9dyt2WlVy-00062-00038854-00039292 This is it. It was a closed game of the delta squad +t_9dyt2WlVy-00063-00039308-00039650 It's been a while since I have a pleasefull small game like this. +t_9dyt2WlVy-00064-00039716-00040044 I had a really good time and I discovered that camp +t_9dyt2WlVy-00065-00040078-00040402 and, really. Great game. I loved it +t_9dyt2WlVy-00066-00040510-00041056 Carlos TURETA, you certainly know his canal, made a video of the same game +t_9dyt2WlVy-00067-00041068-00041548 You can see it. And also, I'll edit another game of that day +tCaRIekzD9Q-00000-00000000-00001182 Coconut 1/2 Cup +tCaRIekzD9Q-00001-00001182-00001673 Fried Gram 2 Tbsp +tCaRIekzD9Q-00002-00001673-00002126 Green Chilli 1 and Coriander Leaves +tCaRIekzD9Q-00003-00002126-00002384 Oil +tCaRIekzD9Q-00004-00002384-00004568 Mustard 1/2 Tsp, Jeera 1/4 Tsp, Urad Dal 1 Tsp, Red Chilli 1, Curry Leaves, Hing, Salt +tCaRIekzD9Q-00005-00004568-00004886 Water as needed +tCaRIekzD9Q-00007-00008506-00008770 Heat small pan and add Oil +tCaRIekzD9Q-00009-00014032-00014626 Add Curry Leaves, Red Chilli and Hing +tCaRIekzD9Q-00010-00014644-00015866 Add this Tempering to the prepared Chutney +tCaRIekzD9Q-00011-00015866-00016358 Coconut Fried Gram Chutney is ready to serve with Idli, Dosa, Pongal and other South Indian Breakfast +tCaRIekzD9Q-00012-00016358-00016860 Thanks for Watching. Subscribe for more Recipes +tIhRCmrsbmk-00000-00000045-00000276 - 10% over asking isn't enough? +tIhRCmrsbmk-00001-00000276-00000455 Hi, I'm Jeff Chubb with eXp Realty, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00002-00000455-00000688 and this is a crazy market that we're in. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00003-00000688-00000900 There is little doubt on that fact. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00004-00000900-00001147 We're seeing shortages in all walks of our life. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00005-00001147-00001346 So I guess it's not a surprise that, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00006-00001346-00001594 well, quite frankly, housing is no different. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00007-00001594-00001941 But is now offering 10% or more not enough +tIhRCmrsbmk-00008-00001941-00002134 in order to get your offer accepted? +tIhRCmrsbmk-00009-00002134-00002462 This past weekend, we wrote four offers for our clients. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00010-00002462-00002614 They were great offers. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00011-00002614-00002835 All of them were 10% above asking price, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00012-00002835-00003029 at least 10% above asking price, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00013-00003029-00003239 with relaxed home inspection contingencies, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00014-00003239-00003494 between 5,000 to $7,500, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00015-00003494-00003724 flexible closing dates, suitable housing clauses. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00016-00003724-00004029 I mean, these were great, great offers. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00017-00004029-00004374 One offer, we went 20% over asking. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00018-00004374-00004746 On this house, there were 69 other competing offers, 69! +tIhRCmrsbmk-00019-00004746-00005000 70 offers in total. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00020-00005000-00005130 We didn't get that one. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00021-00005130-00005365 At that point, the offer that was accepted, most likely, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00022-00005365-00005530 was all cash with no contingencies. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00023-00005530-00005794 Heck, they might even be naming their first child +tIhRCmrsbmk-00024-00005794-00005934 after the sellers. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00025-00005934-00006180 Another offer we wrote was a little over 10% +tIhRCmrsbmk-00026-00006180-00006284 above asking price, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00027-00006284-00006540 all-cash offer with flexible closing dates, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00028-00006540-00006797 $7,500 home inspection threshold. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00029-00006797-00006948 But here's the kicker, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00030-00006948-00007273 that house was right next door to a sewage treatment plant. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00031-00007273-00007433 Literally right next door. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00032-00007433-00007693 We lovingly referred to this house as the Poo House. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00033-00007693-00007893 We confirmed there were no health issues +tIhRCmrsbmk-00034-00007893-00008062 living next to a sewage treatment plant. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00035-00008062-00008331 And our client, she had no issues with the environment +tIhRCmrsbmk-00036-00008331-00008594 and was excited to present an offer to the seller. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00037-00008594-00008787 She loved the house. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00038-00008787-00009070 We thought we had this one in the bag! +tIhRCmrsbmk-00039-00009070-00009270 But no, that wasn't even enough +tIhRCmrsbmk-00040-00009270-00009514 in order to win a Poo House bid. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00041-00009514-00009684 And we didn't get the other two either. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00042-00009684-00009878 We went zero for four +tIhRCmrsbmk-00043-00009878-00010215 with all offers being at least 10% above asking price +tIhRCmrsbmk-00044-00010215-00010453 and extremely competitive terms. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00045-00010453-00010684 And, as a side note, we did, later in the week, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00046-00010684-00010847 get one of those offers accepted, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00047-00010847-00011068 or, I should say, one of those clients accepted. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00048-00011068-00011255 She called because she fell in love +tIhRCmrsbmk-00049-00011255-00011468 with a house that had just come on the market. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00050-00011468-00011573 She just fell in love +tIhRCmrsbmk-00051-00011573-00011830 with all the beautiful pictures, perfect location, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00052-00011830-00012180 and she asked if she could do a sight-unseen offer. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00053-00012180-00012282 We offered cash +tIhRCmrsbmk-00054-00012282-00012606 with a $7,500 home inspection threshold contingency, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00055-00012606-00012838 and literally a blank closing date. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00056-00012838-00012990 We sent it over to the sellers and said, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00057-00012990-00013209 "Fill in whatever closing date you want." +tIhRCmrsbmk-00058-00013209-00013402 The sellers accepted. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00059-00013402-00013722 It's not something that we can really recommend doing, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00060-00013722-00013937 doing a sight-unseen offer. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00061-00013937-00014411 It's a good example of how crazy hot this market is. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00062-00014411-00014571 So, why these stories? +tIhRCmrsbmk-00063-00014571-00014736 Because I think it's really important +tIhRCmrsbmk-00064-00014736-00015031 to really hear the realities of the current marketplace, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00065-00015031-00015383 and, ultimately, set your expectations accordingly. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00066-00015383-00015666 A buyer today, they need to be ultra competitive +tIhRCmrsbmk-00067-00015666-00015775 in the marketplace. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00068-00015775-00016027 There are no quote-unquote deals out there, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00069-00016027-00016235 the deal is the cheap interest rates +tIhRCmrsbmk-00070-00016235-00016562 where we're locked in for the next 30 years. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00071-00016562-00016717 If a house has multiple offers, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00072-00016717-00016964 don't waste yours or the seller's, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00073-00016964-00017245 or the agent's time coming in below asking price. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00074-00017245-00017415 It's not gonna happen. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00075-00017415-00017583 We actually have this bull's eye chart, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00076-00017583-00017882 which is really helpful for our clients in determining, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00077-00017882-00018101 "Hey, how much do I need to offer?" +tIhRCmrsbmk-00078-00018101-00018322 If a house is above your price range +tIhRCmrsbmk-00079-00018322-00018516 or even at the top of your price range, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00080-00018516-00018743 then maybe don't go and view it right away. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00081-00018743-00019017 Maybe wait until after that initial weekend, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00082-00019017-00019169 that's when you take a look. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00083-00019169-00019252 What this will do +tIhRCmrsbmk-00084-00019252-00019483 is ultimately end up saving you a lot of time, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00085-00019483-00019731 and, ultimately, a lot of heartbreak in the end. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00086-00019731-00019881 Now, I got this $1,000, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00087-00019881-00020087 because once we hit 1,000 subscribers, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00088-00020087-00020367 we're gonna give this $1,000 to the ASPCA. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00089-00020367-00020620 So be sure you drop a hammer on that subscribe button below +tIhRCmrsbmk-00090-00020620-00020788 if you found this information helpful +tIhRCmrsbmk-00091-00020788-00021038 and you want to help save some cats and dogs. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00092-00021038-00021194 I'm Jeff Chubb with eXp Realty. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00093-00021194-00021360 Should you need me or have any questions, +tIhRCmrsbmk-00094-00021360-00021806 best numbers to get me at is 617-480-2600 +tIhRCmrsbmk-00095-00021806-00022026 or online at Boston2.com. +tIhRCmrsbmk-00096-00022026-00022128 Thanks for watching. +tI-xDQxMB3U-00000-00000058-00000567 Hello, this is Jesse with GoProto. Just wanted to show some parts and printed in +tI-xDQxMB3U-00001-00000567-00001125 Multi Jet Fusion that have been coated with white Cerakote and also to be able +tI-xDQxMB3U-00002-00001125-00001419 to show the surface finish as well as the color. So, here's a plain white sheet +tI-xDQxMB3U-00003-00001419-00001794 of paper we're in a white photo booth and then here are two parts that are +tI-xDQxMB3U-00004-00001794-00002265 printed in Multi Jet Fusion the one on the left does not have primer applied to +tI-xDQxMB3U-00005-00002265-00002739 the part prior to the Cerakote application where this part does so you +tI-xDQxMB3U-00006-00002739-00003209 can see here on the side printed very nicely but you can see some graininess +tI-xDQxMB3U-00007-00003209-00003744 there and some of the build layering same with up here on the top some of the +tI-xDQxMB3U-00008-00003744-00004157 stair-stepping in this little button but you can see that the resolution of the +tI-xDQxMB3U-00009-00004157-00004707 graphics for the HP love are very clean and then this is a paint application so +tI-xDQxMB3U-00010-00004707-00005019 the paint is applied onto this surface in the backside it's not painted so you +tI-xDQxMB3U-00011-00005019-00005505 can see what the raw part looks like and then here is a fire with primer so you +tI-xDQxMB3U-00012-00005505-00005994 can see that the surface finish is very clean it does fill in the build lines +tI-xDQxMB3U-00013-00005994-00006431 much better it does add a little paint thickness here and fills this a little +tI-xDQxMB3U-00014-00006431-00006813 bit though you still can't see some layering and it's got a nice kind of +tI-xDQxMB3U-00015-00006813-00007609 matte almost kind of eggshell sort of surface finish on it thanks. +tIQQR8sF6vo-00000-00000003-00001296 So we're going to be doing a Halo treatment on Chelsea today, that's one of our lasers +tIQQR8sF6vo-00001-00001296-00001739 that we have here at Azura. Then we're going to be using the Halo, which is made by the +tIQQR8sF6vo-00002-00001791-00002220 Sciton Joule. So with the Halo we have an ablative and nonablative wavelengths, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00003-00002220-00002763 so there's two lasers shooting off at the same time, so we can get fantastic, superior results +tIQQR8sF6vo-00004-00002763-00003282 for your skin. With the Halo, what we're going to be treating is some discoloration, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00005-00003282-00003828 some sun damage that is superficial, and even some of the deeper sun damage that we really can't see, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00006-00003828-00004446 the visible signs of aging with the fine lines and the wrinkles. This will help to make your pores +tIQQR8sF6vo-00007-00004446-00004902 look minimize and it's going to significantly help with the texture of your skin. So we +tIQQR8sF6vo-00008-00004902-00005406 applied a topical numbing for about 60 minutes so that we can get you nice and comfortable, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00009-00005406-00005814 and we just cleaned that off so she's a little bit pink and we're gonna go ahead and get started. +tIQQR8sF6vo-00010-00006258-00008664 Okay we just finished our first Halo with Chelsea. How are you feeling? A little tingly, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00011-00008664-00009132 a little a little warm, but. Yeah so, pretty normal, we just finished your treatment, your face +tIQQR8sF6vo-00012-00009132-00009582 is a little bit red and it actually looks kind of a little bit white right now from the treatment. +tIQQR8sF6vo-00013-00009582-00010167 It should feel pretty warm, little burny even though with that topical numbing that's keeping +tIQQR8sF6vo-00014-00010167-00010881 it a little muted right now which is good. Over the next 24 hours you may get a little more pink, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00015-00010881-00011493 you're gonna get a little swollen, and then some of this white area, looks white now, is gonna turn +tIQQR8sF6vo-00016-00011493-00011970 into a little kind of dirty brown color. Okay. So you may have these little spots kind of that form +tIQQR8sF6vo-00017-00011970-00012591 all over the skin like we had talked about prior. And that's just gonna kind of get a little darker +tIQQR8sF6vo-00018-00012591-00013050 over the next two to three days, and you're just gonna use your skincare that we talked about, +tIQQR8sF6vo-00019-00013050-00013547 using the gentle cleansers that-- you're going to be using the Azura gentle cleanser, but you can +tIQQR8sF6vo-00020-00013547-00013983 also use things like CeraVe over-the-counter. We're gonna make sure that you use your zinc +tIQQR8sF6vo-00021-00013983-00014496 sunscreen, you've got your Elta MD, and we're also going to have you use just a really light +tIQQR8sF6vo-00022-00014496-00015015 moisturizer. We don't use the heavy petroleum Vaseline type things for the Halo procedure +tIQQR8sF6vo-00023-00015015-00015558 because it's too inclusive. We want that epidermal turnover, we want the skin to start repairing. +tPLFAvaUarY-00000-00000017-00000303 Have you ever wondered, "What is Evangelism" before? +tPLFAvaUarY-00001-00000303-00000685 You've probably heard the term thrown around a lot at Church lately, but what exactly is +tPLFAvaUarY-00002-00000685-00000785 it? +tPLFAvaUarY-00003-00000785-00001113 Stay tuned, because in this video, we talk about "What is Evangelism?" +tPLFAvaUarY-00004-00001113-00001330 Check it out! +tPLFAvaUarY-00005-00001330-00001957 Hi guys, my name is Justin and I want to welcome you to another episode of "That Christian +tPLFAvaUarY-00006-00001957-00002349 Vlogger" a place where you get to come and join me and experience "faith in the first +tPLFAvaUarY-00007-00002349-00002450 person." +tPLFAvaUarY-00008-00002450-00002869 Evangelism is a tricky subject for many people, and if we're honest, it can be pretty scary +tPLFAvaUarY-00009-00002869-00002969 at times. +tPLFAvaUarY-00010-00002969-00003109 "What if I don't have the right answer?" +tPLFAvaUarY-00011-00003109-00003274 "What if I say something wrong?" +tPLFAvaUarY-00012-00003274-00003769 The doubts that plague our minds often times stop us from even getting out of the gates. +tPLFAvaUarY-00013-00003769-00004139 But in today's video, I want to share with you a lesson that a Pastor in Orange County, +tPLFAvaUarY-00014-00004139-00004271 CA taught me. +tPLFAvaUarY-00015-00004271-00004745 In defining evangelism, this Pastor told me that every single person is on a scale ranging +tPLFAvaUarY-00016-00004745-00004979 all the way from a 1 to a 10. +tPLFAvaUarY-00017-00004979-00005400 Some people might have a complete ignorance about God or maybe even open hostility towards +tPLFAvaUarY-00018-00005400-00005631 God due to a bad experience in the past. +tPLFAvaUarY-00019-00005631-00006048 These people generally speaking are on the left side of the spectrum more towards number +tPLFAvaUarY-00020-00006048-00006148 1. +tPLFAvaUarY-00021-00006148-00006417 Towards the middle of the spectrum, is where people are pretty neutral about God. +tPLFAvaUarY-00022-00006417-00006754 They wouldn't consider themselves deeply committed against God, nor would they consider themselves +tPLFAvaUarY-00023-00006754-00006854 deeply committed to God. +tPLFAvaUarY-00024-00006854-00006981 They would be around the number 5. +tPLFAvaUarY-00025-00006981-00007154 Other people are really committed to God. +tPLFAvaUarY-00026-00007154-00007570 They sing in the choir, they maybe teach the bible study each weekend, and they even return +tPLFAvaUarY-00027-00007570-00007695 a faithful tithe. +tPLFAvaUarY-00028-00007695-00007956 These people are more towards the number 10 end of the spectrum. +tPLFAvaUarY-00029-00007956-00008442 Shameless plug- I did do a video on tithe, if you want to check it out, click right here. +tPLFAvaUarY-00030-00008442-00008796 Every individual, depending upon their personal experiences is on a different part of the +tPLFAvaUarY-00031-00008796-00008896 spectrum. +tPLFAvaUarY-00032-00008896-00009218 But as we move more towards the right side of the spectrum, this is where we are more +tPLFAvaUarY-00033-00009218-00009465 closely following God's Will for our lives. +tPLFAvaUarY-00034-00009465-00009899 Now many times, we as Christians make the mistake of thinking that evangelism only takes +tPLFAvaUarY-00035-00009899-00010265 place when a person goes all the way from a 1 to a 10. +tPLFAvaUarY-00036-00010265-00010835 e hold events, we share books, we’re praying earnestly for our friends and unless they’re +tPLFAvaUarY-00037-00010835-00011256 answering altar calls and getting baptized, we feel as though we have failed! +tPLFAvaUarY-00038-00011256-00011636 But this model of evangelism demonstrates that as long as someone is moving towards +tPLFAvaUarY-00039-00011636-00012000 the right side of the spectrum, growth still is taking place. +tPLFAvaUarY-00040-00012000-00012708 While some people have that a very dramatic thundering voice from the sky type of conversion, +tPLFAvaUarY-00041-00012708-00013013 most of the times this process is more gradual. +tPLFAvaUarY-00042-00013013-00013554 Scholars call this long process, this day by day influence on the soul, the process +tPLFAvaUarY-00043-00013554-00013654 of Sanctification. +tPLFAvaUarY-00044-00013654-00013944 Sanctification to use the language of this scale here is simply describing what takes +tPLFAvaUarY-00045-00013944-00014893 place as we move along this scale from the left side to the right side. +tPLFAvaUarY-00046-00014893-00015151 Some of you were over achievers and went straight from 1 to 10 “passing go” and collecting +tPLFAvaUarY-00047-00015151-00015626 $200 in the process and it was quick! +tPLFAvaUarY-00048-00015626-00016009 But the rest of us, to be honest, are just too hard headed. +tPLFAvaUarY-00049-00016009-00016470 I mean we were really stubborn- for me it was like God had to hit me over the head with +tPLFAvaUarY-00050-00016470-00016720 a 2x4 just to get my attention… but I digress.. +tPLFAvaUarY-00051-00016720-00017286 The truth is though, is that achieving that #10 is somewhat of a myth . There are no Christians +tPLFAvaUarY-00052-00017286-00017637 other than Jesus who have achieved that perfect 10 score. +tPLFAvaUarY-00053-00017637-00018183 Not Mother Teresa, not Billy Graham, and sorry to break it to you, not your pastor is a perfect +tPLFAvaUarY-00054-00018183-00018283 10 on this scale. +tPLFAvaUarY-00055-00018283-00018634 What I'm trying to say is that every Christian, no matter who they are and what experience +tPLFAvaUarY-00056-00018634-00019001 they've gone through, every Christian has room to grow. +tPLFAvaUarY-00057-00019001-00019476 Wether you need to be more patient, more kind, more generous, more loving... every single +tPLFAvaUarY-00058-00019476-00019833 one of us, myself especially has somewhere to grow. +tPLFAvaUarY-00059-00019833-00020268 And if you see a particular area in your life that you want growth in, it's ok! +tPLFAvaUarY-00060-00020268-00020729 You don't have to discouraged about not arriving to that perfect 10 yet. +tPLFAvaUarY-00061-00020729-00020983 So What is Evangelism? +tPLFAvaUarY-00062-00020983-00021398 Evangelism takes place when God uses you to help someone shift from the left side of the +tPLFAvaUarY-00063-00021398-00021648 spectrum towards the right side. +tPLFAvaUarY-00064-00021648-00022090 It doesn’t always mean that someone in that moment has to pray the sinners prayer and +tPLFAvaUarY-00065-00022090-00022645 accept Christ into their life for the first time… but it does mean that they are moving +tPLFAvaUarY-00066-00022645-00022837 closer towards the right direction. +tPLFAvaUarY-00067-00022837-00023315 And the good news is that under this definition of evangelism, God can use everyone! +tPLFAvaUarY-00068-00023315-00023818 Yes, even if you don't have training in Theology, maybe you're not a trained pastor, or you +tPLFAvaUarY-00069-00023818-00024173 don't quite know your Bible like you know you ought to. +tPLFAvaUarY-00070-00024173-00024617 Every single one of us can in fact be a kind and courteous neighbor. +tPLFAvaUarY-00071-00024617-00025015 Every single one of us wether through our prayers or encouragements- through how we +tPLFAvaUarY-00072-00025015-00025537 show our love to those around us, can help shift someone towards that ideal 10. +tPLFAvaUarY-00073-00025537-00025908 Well that’s it for today- What do you think about this definition of Evangelism? +tPLFAvaUarY-00074-00025908-00026095 Do you agree, do you disagree? +tPLFAvaUarY-00075-00026095-00026263 Let me know in the comment section below. +tPLFAvaUarY-00076-00026263-00026773 And If you would like more practical tips on how to share your faith be sure to hit +tPLFAvaUarY-00077-00026773-00027170 that subscribe button below because in a future video, I’ll be giving you a few easy to +tPLFAvaUarY-00078-00027170-00027579 apply tips on how you can share your faith with the people you love around you. +tPLFAvaUarY-00079-00027579-00027958 Until next time, I’m That Christian Vlogger and I want to encourage you to experience +tPLFAvaUarY-00080-00027958-00028466 faith in the first person- God bless! +tPLFAvaUarY-00081-00028466-00028650 Are you looking for great Christian Youtubers? +tPLFAvaUarY-00082-00028650-00029061 In this video, I share with you 5 of the top Christian Youtube Channels. +tPLFAvaUarY-00083-00029061-00029085 Check it out! +tRSt1U0p26Q-00000-00000540-00000953 Listen, we are still continuing to look for other words, +tRSt1U0p26Q-00001-00000953-00001103 and rare phrases, +tRSt1U0p26Q-00002-00001104-00001350 that are not used in everyday conversations. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00003-00001350-00001746 This story has some of these phrases. Let's look at it. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00004-00001854-00002164 We will see these words, these phrases. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00005-00002164-00002312 'Abambe ongezantsi' (shocked). +tRSt1U0p26Q-00006-00002440-00002716 'Ebambe ongezantsi' (shocked) do you know what does that means? +tRSt1U0p26Q-00007-00002748-00002839 No. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00008-00002840-00003112 When you are shocked, the old people would say 'Yho!' +tRSt1U0p26Q-00009-00003172-00003411 The person was left shocked. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00010-00003479-00003586 Doing this. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00011-00003586-00003692 Holding their mouth. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00012-00003804-00004096 The person was shocked! +tRSt1U0p26Q-00013-00004290-00004364 Here is another one, right? +tRSt1U0p26Q-00014-00004466-00004848 You must remember this word when we come across with it. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00015-00005076-00005724 'Wababeleka abasicwatyana' (the person ran away). +tRSt1U0p26Q-00016-00005852-00006196 'Wababeleka abasicatyana' +tRSt1U0p26Q-00017-00006228-00006468 Right, what does that mean? +tRSt1U0p26Q-00018-00006468-00006595 We do not know. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00019-00006595-00006692 What does it mean? +tRSt1U0p26Q-00020-00006748-00007134 Listen, you will not know it because it was used in the olden days. It means, +tRSt1U0p26Q-00021-00007134-00007423 to run away very fast, am I right? +tRSt1U0p26Q-00022-00007480-00007620 - Yes. - You are running away from someone, right? +tRSt1U0p26Q-00023-00007673-00007840 Or you may be running away from a dog. +tRSt1U0p26Q-00024-00007880-00008276 They will say 'Uyababeleka abasicatyana' (You are running as fast as you can). +tS2as-3Ot-c-00000-00000978-00001189 - Welcome back to week five. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00001-00001189-00001343 In this second segment +tS2as-3Ot-c-00002-00001343-00001555 related to the right to be forgotten, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00003-00001555-00002039 I will present the arguments from both side of the debate. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00004-00002039-00002300 Those that support or oppose such a right, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00005-00002300-00002545 or it's global implementation. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00006-00002545-00002809 I will end with some general conclusions +tS2as-3Ot-c-00007-00002809-00003109 regarding the right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00008-00003268-00003410 Much has been written +tS2as-3Ot-c-00009-00003410-00003822 on the impact of the open court of justice ruling +tS2as-3Ot-c-00010-00003822-00004122 on the freedom of expression online. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00011-00004209-00004360 I will identify here +tS2as-3Ot-c-00012-00004360-00004718 a few arguments on both side of the debate. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00013-00004831-00004984 There are now two debates. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00014-00004984-00005463 Whether the right to be de-listed, constitute a valid right, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00015-00005463-00005880 or a violation to the right of freedom of expression. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00016-00005880-00006317 Secondly, whether global implementation of de-listing +tS2as-3Ot-c-00017-00006317-00006617 is particularly damaging and dangerous +tS2as-3Ot-c-00018-00006617-00006943 for global freedom of expression. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00019-00006943-00007161 Let's first consider the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00020-00007161-00007320 questions regarding +tS2as-3Ot-c-00021-00007442-00007630 the existence, or not, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00022-00007630-00007916 of a right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00023-00007916-00008328 Arguments against a right to be forgotten +tS2as-3Ot-c-00024-00008328-00008536 have been well circulated +tS2as-3Ot-c-00025-00008708-00008934 around the online community. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00026-00008934-00009300 The right to be forgotten centers around the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00027-00009497-00009985 individual's ownership over data that may have +tS2as-3Ot-c-00028-00009985-00010472 a public interest and that go beyond the individual, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00029-00010472-00010630 himself or herself. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00030-00010741-00010917 For example, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00031-00010917-00011362 the fact that a particular individual was declared bankrupt +tS2as-3Ot-c-00032-00011362-00011508 10 years ago, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00033-00011508-00011876 is not simply information about that person. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00034-00011876-00012247 It also involve his or her debtors. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00035-00012247-00012622 It also involves a decision in an open court. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00036-00012757-00013171 The idea that it is the individual who should retain +tS2as-3Ot-c-00037-00013171-00013598 ultimate control over that particular information, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00038-00013598-00013969 ignores the broader right of the public +tS2as-3Ot-c-00039-00013969-00014286 to share and receive materials that is +tS2as-3Ot-c-00040-00014415-00014698 legitimately in the public domain. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00041-00014807-00015128 The threshold proposed by the open court of justice +tS2as-3Ot-c-00042-00015128-00015282 is unclear, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00043-00015282-00015450 according to many commentators and I +tS2as-3Ot-c-00044-00015450-00015734 will have to agree with them. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00045-00015734-00016092 It could result in issues of public interest +tS2as-3Ot-c-00046-00016092-00016381 to be deleted, or forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00047-00016381-00016690 Insofar as the information is already +tS2as-3Ot-c-00048-00016794-00016877 public, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00049-00016877-00017062 is already in the public domain, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00050-00017062-00017390 there is a strong interest in preserving it, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00051-00017390-00017800 and in it remaining easily accessible for research, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00052-00017800-00017926 archiving, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00053-00017926-00018143 or due diligence purposes. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00054-00018284-00018569 These are some of the arguments against +tS2as-3Ot-c-00055-00018569-00018961 the idea that there is a right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00056-00019055-00019196 On the other hand, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00057-00019196-00019471 there are a number of arguments in favor +tS2as-3Ot-c-00058-00019471-00019800 of the right to be forgotten or de-listed +tS2as-3Ot-c-00059-00019800-00019963 in the digital world. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00060-00019963-00020235 We'll spend a little bit more time on those +tS2as-3Ot-c-00061-00020235-00020518 arguments because they tend to be less well-known +tS2as-3Ot-c-00062-00020518-00020759 by the free speech community. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00063-00020868-00021174 A range of arguments are linked to +tS2as-3Ot-c-00064-00021174-00021418 the right to a personality, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00065-00021418-00021757 including the right to privacy and data protections. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00066-00021757-00022156 Rights that have been mostly developed and adjudicated in +tS2as-3Ot-c-00067-00022156-00022379 continental Europe. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00068-00022379-00022807 Essentially, the argument for right to be forgotten is +tS2as-3Ot-c-00069-00022807-00023036 predicated on the concept +tS2as-3Ot-c-00070-00023036-00023343 that individuals should be able to decide +tS2as-3Ot-c-00071-00023343-00023673 on the possible use of their own data. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00072-00023673-00023991 With reference to their own autonomy and right +tS2as-3Ot-c-00073-00023991-00024198 to personal development. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00074-00024198-00024552 Two concept, which we have discussed in the first week +tS2as-3Ot-c-00075-00024552-00024694 of this course. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00076-00024694-00025084 And two concept which are, interestingly enough, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00077-00025084-00025184 at the heart +tS2as-3Ot-c-00078-00025306-00025656 of the concept of freedom of expression. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00079-00025656-00026015 Such a right may be particularly invoked in cases +tS2as-3Ot-c-00080-00026015-00026216 of old criminal records, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00081-00026216-00026387 which are no longer relevant +tS2as-3Ot-c-00082-00026387-00026607 or carry no public interest, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00083-00026607-00026837 but which may impact negatively +tS2as-3Ot-c-00084-00026837-00027181 on an individual's ability to work, for instance. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00085-00027181-00027566 Or hamper their ability to obtain the credit they need or, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00086-00027566-00027969 simply prevent them from living their lives with dignity. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00087-00027969-00028136 Such a right to have +tS2as-3Ot-c-00088-00028243-00028500 old criminal records revoked, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00089-00028500-00028882 is actually already in place in many countries, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00090-00028882-00029094 in the offline world. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00091-00029094-00029201 Why? +tS2as-3Ot-c-00092-00029201-00029511 So, the argument goes, could not be exported +tS2as-3Ot-c-00093-00029511-00029694 into the online world. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00094-00029826-00029954 For some years now, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00095-00029954-00030219 grassroot social movement in Europe, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00096-00030219-00030493 have called for a right to be forgotten, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00097-00030493-00030910 alarmed by the lasting consequences of online posting. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00098-00030997-00031274 For instance, in France, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00099-00031274-00031437 in 2010, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00100-00031437-00031600 as a result of pressure +tS2as-3Ot-c-00101-00031600-00031902 emanating from an association of parents, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00102-00031902-00032110 as well as children rights, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00103-00032110-00032293 and Catholic organizations, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00104-00032293-00032587 the French government adopted two charters +tS2as-3Ot-c-00105-00032587-00032950 related to the right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00106-00032950-00033349 To a large extent, the European Court of Justice +tS2as-3Ot-c-00107-00033349-00033784 decision was very much in keeping with a strong +tS2as-3Ot-c-00108-00033784-00033996 social demand, in Europe, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00109-00033996-00034124 in particular, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00110-00034124-00034274 regarding privacy. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00111-00034376-00034750 Even in the United States, there is some, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00112-00034750-00034956 probably far lighter, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00113-00034956-00035330 movement towards recognition of a right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00114-00035330-00035552 In September 2013, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00115-00035552-00036044 California passed the so-called California Eraser Statute. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00116-00036044-00036238 Requiring the operator +tS2as-3Ot-c-00117-00036238-00036587 of an Internet website online service, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00118-00036587-00036911 online application, or mobile application +tS2as-3Ot-c-00119-00036911-00037138 to permit a minor, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00120-00037138-00037554 who is a registered user of the operator's website, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00121-00037729-00037924 to obtain a removal, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00122-00037924-00038341 or to request and obtain removal of certain content +tS2as-3Ot-c-00123-00038471-00038719 or information posted. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00124-00038719-00038930 While it is far narrower +tS2as-3Ot-c-00125-00038930-00039347 in terms of the scope and the audience concerned than +tS2as-3Ot-c-00126-00039347-00039822 the European Court for Justice right to be delete decision. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00127-00039822-00040204 The California Eraser Statute does underscore +tS2as-3Ot-c-00128-00040204-00040511 social anxieties and pressure, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00129-00040511-00040874 and the determination of the political and legislative +tS2as-3Ot-c-00130-00040874-00041217 sectors to draw some boundaries, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00131-00041217-00041634 and to draw on the law to establish those boundaries. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00132-00041827-00042085 Again, in the United States as well, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00133-00042085-00042452 there has been a number of legal initiatives to address +tS2as-3Ot-c-00134-00042452-00042817 and curtail so-called revenge porn websites, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00135-00042817-00043012 mugshot website, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00136-00043012-00043200 all of these testify +tS2as-3Ot-c-00137-00043200-00043583 to the increasing conflict over the reach +tS2as-3Ot-c-00138-00043583-00043822 and use of internet in +tS2as-3Ot-c-00139-00043822-00044006 a time perspective. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00140-00044006-00044339 Not just, in a geographical perspective. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00141-00044500-00044653 The most arguments +tS2as-3Ot-c-00142-00044653-00045070 in favor, or that support the right to be forgotten +tS2as-3Ot-c-00143-00045171-00045302 indirectly, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00144-00045302-00045764 are those related to the way Google has implemented +tS2as-3Ot-c-00145-00045764-00045888 the decisions, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00146-00045888-00046273 and what that decision shows when implemented. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00147-00046273-00046708 Individuals whose removal requests are denied, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00148-00046708-00047137 have the opportunity to appeal Google's decision +tS2as-3Ot-c-00149-00047137-00047514 to their national data protection authorities. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00150-00047514-00047614 Data so far, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00151-00047703-00047892 indicate that less than +tS2as-3Ot-c-00152-00047892-00048332 1% of Google's decisions are appealed. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00153-00048332-00048679 Whenever Google agree or do not agree, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00154-00048679-00048874 to de-list a content, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00155-00048874-00049163 only 1% of those decisions are appeal, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00156-00049163-00049613 and I think this is very revealing of the process +tS2as-3Ot-c-00157-00049613-00050005 and of people's relationship with the decision. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00158-00050114-00050247 As of June 2016, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00159-00050403-00050617 Google had evaluated +tS2as-3Ot-c-00160-00050617-00050834 something like 1.5 million +tS2as-3Ot-c-00161-00050945-00051057 URL, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00162-00051057-00051407 rising from the European implementation of +tS2as-3Ot-c-00163-00051538-00051790 the right to privacy. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00164-00051790-00052007 They had approved 57% +tS2as-3Ot-c-00165-00052146-00052309 for removal. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00166-00052309-00052413 Though they had done so +tS2as-3Ot-c-00167-00052413-00052496 of their +tS2as-3Ot-c-00168-00052645-00052803 own accord. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00169-00052803-00052977 There are other arguments +tS2as-3Ot-c-00170-00052977-00053310 regarding the right to be forgotten and, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00171-00053476-00053760 why it is not posing the threat to +tS2as-3Ot-c-00172-00053878-00054059 the right to information +tS2as-3Ot-c-00173-00054059-00054342 that some had envisaged initially. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00174-00054450-00054826 Contrary to initial fears regarding the misuse +tS2as-3Ot-c-00175-00054826-00055025 of the right to be forgotten, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00176-00055025-00055219 and the risk it posed +tS2as-3Ot-c-00177-00055219-00055474 for the right to access information, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00178-00055474-00055937 the vast majority of the requests made to Google +tS2as-3Ot-c-00179-00055937-00056079 for de-listing +tS2as-3Ot-c-00180-00056079-00056391 originate from members of the public. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00181-00056391-00056475 95% +tS2as-3Ot-c-00182-00056604-00056763 of those demands +tS2as-3Ot-c-00183-00056763-00056958 originate from members of the public +tS2as-3Ot-c-00184-00056958-00057382 while seeking to protect their private information. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00185-00057382-00057734 Less than 5% came from criminals, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00186-00057734-00058000 politicians, or public figures. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00187-00058000-00058250 Though that's a very revealing +tS2as-3Ot-c-00188-00058372-00058555 demonstration I think, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00189-00058555-00058972 of the way the right to be forgotten is understood, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00190-00059058-00059141 and is +tS2as-3Ot-c-00191-00059303-00059448 being approached +tS2as-3Ot-c-00192-00059448-00059744 from the public standpoint. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00193-00059744-00060227 Secondly, individuals whose removal requests are denied, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00194-00060227-00060575 have the opportunity to appeal Google's decision +tS2as-3Ot-c-00195-00060575-00060887 to their national data protection. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00196-00060887-00060980 So far, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00197-00060980-00061424 only 1% of Google's decisions have been appealed, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00198-00061424-00061807 according to the data available at the time of +tS2as-3Ot-c-00199-00061907-00062138 writing this segment. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00200-00062138-00062246 1% only. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00201-00062365-00062739 As of June 2016, Google had evaluated +tS2as-3Ot-c-00202-00062739-00062939 1.5 million URL +tS2as-3Ot-c-00203-00062939-00063306 arising from the European implementation, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00204-00063306-00063462 of the right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00205-00063462-00063872 And they had approved 57% for removal. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00206-00063872-00064064 Again, very interesting +tS2as-3Ot-c-00207-00064271-00064383 figures. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00208-00064383-00064523 Of those +tS2as-3Ot-c-00209-00064523-00064606 57, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00210-00064699-00064996 of all of those decisions made by Google, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00211-00064996-00065261 only 1% had been appealed. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00212-00065261-00065703 Altogether, the implementation of the right to be forgotten +tS2as-3Ot-c-00213-00065703-00065983 at least, at national level, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00214-00065983-00066341 does indicate that it can be put in place +tS2as-3Ot-c-00215-00066341-00066660 without major implications for +tS2as-3Ot-c-00216-00066660-00066916 the right to access information, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00217-00066916-00067149 and for the public interest. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00218-00067266-00067507 That is for the first debate. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00219-00067606-00067844 The second debate concern +tS2as-3Ot-c-00220-00067844-00068309 the global versus restricted implementation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00221-00068309-00068573 of the right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00222-00068573-00068895 Here, there are many arguments against +tS2as-3Ot-c-00223-00068895-00069086 a global implementation, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00224-00069086-00069311 which I am gonna highlight. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00225-00069402-00069838 First, it is disproportionate and unnecessary +tS2as-3Ot-c-00226-00069838-00070255 given that the overwhelming majority of internet users +tS2as-3Ot-c-00227-00070398-00070811 access a European version of Google search engine. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00228-00070811-00071228 Here I'm talking from the standpoint of a European user. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00229-00071511-00071743 If you live in France, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00230-00071743-00071893 97% of French +tS2as-3Ot-c-00231-00072061-00072212 internet users, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00232-00072212-00072412 will work with Google.fr +tS2as-3Ot-c-00233-00072556-00072826 rather than Google.com. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00234-00072826-00073196 In and by itself, this testified to the fact that +tS2as-3Ot-c-00235-00073196-00073592 restricting the implementation of the right to be forgotten +tS2as-3Ot-c-00236-00073592-00073876 to Google.fr is largely sufficient +tS2as-3Ot-c-00237-00074097-00074250 to ensure +tS2as-3Ot-c-00238-00074250-00074634 that the vast majority of the French cities and student +tS2as-3Ot-c-00239-00074634-00074984 have access to the problematic de-listing. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00240-00075092-00075203 Second, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00241-00075203-00075586 a second argument against the global +tS2as-3Ot-c-00242-00075586-00075724 reach of the right +tS2as-3Ot-c-00243-00075724-00076110 that it will have a chilling effect, if enforced. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00244-00076110-00076418 According to Google, and I'm quoting from them here, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00245-00076418-00076871 "We will find ourself in a race to the bottom. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00246-00076871-00077267 In the end, the internet would only be as free as the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00247-00077267-00077548 world's least free place." +tS2as-3Ot-c-00248-00077548-00077977 Every country in the world could ask for a global de-listing +tS2as-3Ot-c-00249-00077977-00078154 of something, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00250-00078154-00078600 resulting in a very restricted and shrinking +tS2as-3Ot-c-00251-00078600-00078842 online space for information. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00252-00078950-00079346 Google Chief Privacy Officer points out, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00253-00079346-00079570 in particular that, and I quote, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00254-00079570-00079894 "There are innumerable examples around the world +tS2as-3Ot-c-00255-00079894-00080214 where content that is declared illegal +tS2as-3Ot-c-00256-00080214-00080420 under the laws of one country, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00257-00080420-00080699 would be deemed legal in others." +tS2as-3Ot-c-00258-00080699-00081174 Thailand criminalizes speech that is critical of its King. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00259-00081174-00081473 Turkey criminalizes some speech +tS2as-3Ot-c-00260-00081473-00081703 that is critical of Ataturk. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00261-00081703-00082124 Russia outlawed some speech that is deemed to be +tS2as-3Ot-c-00262-00082124-00082302 gay propaganda. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00263-00082302-00082413 What are we gonna do? +tS2as-3Ot-c-00264-00082413-00082702 If all of these governments request +tS2as-3Ot-c-00265-00082702-00083060 for those content to be de-listed globally? +tS2as-3Ot-c-00266-00083222-00083428 Finally, Google believe that, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00267-00083428-00083544 and I quote, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00268-00083544-00083944 "No one country should have the authority to control +tS2as-3Ot-c-00269-00083944-00084118 what content someone, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00270-00084118-00084493 in a second country, can access." +tS2as-3Ot-c-00271-00084493-00084699 In a follow-up argument, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00272-00084699-00085075 Google argued that if the French law +tS2as-3Ot-c-00273-00085075-00085258 applied globally. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00274-00085258-00085436 That the French decision. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00275-00085436-00085734 How long will it be until other countries, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00276-00085734-00085971 perhaps less open and democratic, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00277-00085971-00086408 start demanding that their laws regulating information, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00278-00086408-00086558 have global reach. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00279-00086643-00086856 That, I think argument, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00280-00086856-00087048 is a very solid, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00281-00087048-00087479 and a very important argument regarding the risk +tS2as-3Ot-c-00282-00087479-00087696 that global implementation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00283-00087809-00088007 of the right to be de-listed +tS2as-3Ot-c-00284-00088007-00088325 will have on freedom of expression. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00285-00088325-00088556 When every government, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00286-00088556-00088684 why not, after all, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00287-00088684-00089032 make similar demands as the French government has, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00288-00089032-00089315 or as the Canadian court has made. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00289-00089424-00089616 What are the arguments +tS2as-3Ot-c-00290-00089616-00089716 that support +tS2as-3Ot-c-00291-00089867-00090051 the global implementation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00292-00090051-00090292 of the right to be forgotten? +tS2as-3Ot-c-00293-00090396-00090512 The first one, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00294-00090512-00090738 and it is an important one to remember, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00295-00090738-00091080 because I think we tend to forget it. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00296-00091080-00091221 The de-listing of +tS2as-3Ot-c-00297-00091380-00091495 an extension +tS2as-3Ot-c-00298-00091495-00091578 in Google +tS2as-3Ot-c-00299-00091695-00091784 in particular, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00300-00091784-00091993 or another search engine, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00301-00092185-00092400 does not limit freedom of expression +tS2as-3Ot-c-00302-00092400-00092778 because it does not involve the removal of content +tS2as-3Ot-c-00303-00092778-00092911 on the internet. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00304-00093001-00093434 It only withdraws the link from a Google search +tS2as-3Ot-c-00305-00093434-00093810 based on the first and last name of a person +tS2as-3Ot-c-00306-00093810-00094239 complaining and wishing for their right to be forgotten. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00307-00094239-00094432 Asking for such a right. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00308-00094432-00094827 However, those pages remain accessible +tS2as-3Ot-c-00309-00094827-00095002 when a search is made +tS2as-3Ot-c-00310-00095158-00095308 using other words. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00311-00095506-00095894 The content is never deleted from internet, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00312-00095894-00096285 just the way to access that content is limited. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00313-00096484-00096941 Also, the people who support a global implementation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00314-00096941-00097282 point out that Google has been implementing +tS2as-3Ot-c-00315-00097282-00097682 such a global de-listing for years. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00316-00097682-00098140 To implement the American Copyright law. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00317-00098140-00098332 If it can abide by U.S. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00318-00098442-00098588 Copyright law +tS2as-3Ot-c-00319-00098588-00098708 globally, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00320-00098708-00099123 why can't it do it and apply European privacy law +tS2as-3Ot-c-00321-00099123-00099255 internationally? +tS2as-3Ot-c-00322-00099255-00099507 So does the argument go. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00323-00099507-00099784 There are far more removal request +tS2as-3Ot-c-00324-00099784-00100003 due to copyright concern, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00325-00100003-00100161 than privacy issue. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00326-00100292-00100609 Quoting from a Google report themself. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00327-00100700-00101068 In one month only, Google says it has received +tS2as-3Ot-c-00328-00101068-00101218 88 million request +tS2as-3Ot-c-00329-00101357-00101532 to remove URL +tS2as-3Ot-c-00330-00101532-00101849 due to alleged copyright infringement. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00331-00101946-00102130 These are all governed by the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00332-00102130-00102480 American Digital Millennium Copyright Act. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00333-00102596-00102696 By contrast, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00334-00102831-00103030 Google has assessed +tS2as-3Ot-c-00335-00103030-00103326 1.5 million requests for removal +tS2as-3Ot-c-00336-00103326-00103552 due to the right to be forgotten +tS2as-3Ot-c-00337-00103552-00103852 in the entire period since May 2014. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00338-00103991-00104074 88 million +tS2as-3Ot-c-00339-00104207-00104359 in one month +tS2as-3Ot-c-00340-00104359-00104451 for removal +tS2as-3Ot-c-00341-00104594-00104776 of copyright product, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00342-00104776-00104926 versus 1.5 million +tS2as-3Ot-c-00343-00105182-00105496 removals over more than a year. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00344-00105496-00105579 I think +tS2as-3Ot-c-00345-00105834-00106224 these kind of arguments highlight possibly some of the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00346-00106224-00106307 biases in +tS2as-3Ot-c-00347-00106487-00106846 the way Google and other search engines are +tS2as-3Ot-c-00348-00107000-00107454 interacting with some of the content and some of the demands +tS2as-3Ot-c-00349-00107454-00107576 for removal. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00350-00107576-00108042 Putting far more emphasis on the copyright aspect +tS2as-3Ot-c-00351-00108042-00108249 than on the privacy issue. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00352-00108249-00108723 Here we're going into a possible conflict of norms +tS2as-3Ot-c-00353-00108723-00109031 between Europe and the United States. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00354-00109124-00109482 With Europe having placed far more emphasis +tS2as-3Ot-c-00355-00109574-00109675 and focus +tS2as-3Ot-c-00356-00109675-00109867 on the right to privacy +tS2as-3Ot-c-00357-00110088-00110315 than does the American system. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00358-00110315-00110628 So far, only one country, France, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00359-00110628-00110979 seems to have insisted on a global de-listing, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00360-00110979-00111194 while only one court +tS2as-3Ot-c-00361-00111194-00111599 has upheld the extraterritorial approach. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00362-00111599-00111773 Google, as I have mentioned, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00363-00111773-00112008 is looking for a technical solution +tS2as-3Ot-c-00364-00112008-00112412 through the use of geolocation signals which, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00365-00112412-00112748 I think is a reasonable approach even though +tS2as-3Ot-c-00366-00112748-00113016 it has been so far rejected by the French +tS2as-3Ot-c-00367-00113016-00113222 administrative entity. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00368-00113222-00113574 We will have to wait for the decisions by +tS2as-3Ot-c-00369-00113574-00113817 the French Conseil d'Etat +tS2as-3Ot-c-00370-00113817-00114200 to see how the extraterritorial implementation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00371-00114290-00114625 of the right to be forgotten will be implemented, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00372-00114625-00114975 at least when the demand come from France. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00373-00115107-00115305 In conclusion, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00374-00115305-00115739 the right to be forgotten, de-listed or de-indexed +tS2as-3Ot-c-00375-00115739-00115889 raises many issues +tS2as-3Ot-c-00376-00116010-00116179 and questions, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00377-00116179-00116544 which are bound to generate further interpretation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00378-00116544-00116906 and different rulings around the world. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00379-00116906-00117231 First, the extent to which courts +tS2as-3Ot-c-00380-00117336-00117574 cite legal interpretation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00381-00117574-00117820 by other jurisdictions +tS2as-3Ot-c-00382-00117820-00118099 of new legal and technical issues +tS2as-3Ot-c-00383-00118099-00118397 they are being asked to adjudicate. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00384-00118397-00118599 The way in which they do so, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00385-00118599-00118958 and what it means for the emergence of global norms +tS2as-3Ot-c-00386-00118958-00119180 and freedom of expression, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00387-00119180-00119363 this body of issues is +tS2as-3Ot-c-00388-00119606-00119915 very much exemplified by the way +tS2as-3Ot-c-00389-00119915-00120270 the right to be forgotten is being handled and treated +tS2as-3Ot-c-00390-00120270-00120476 by courts around the world +tS2as-3Ot-c-00391-00120476-00120802 who rely on each other's decisions +tS2as-3Ot-c-00392-00120802-00121089 because they are dealing with such a new issue, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00393-00121089-00121279 and a difficult one. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00394-00121279-00121420 Both technically, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00395-00121420-00121595 but also normatively. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00396-00121830-00122213 Second, the extent to which there is +tS2as-3Ot-c-00397-00122213-00122558 a universal right to be forgotten, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00398-00122558-00122855 and what this mean for the online world. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00399-00122855-00123218 The conditions under which this may be permissible, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00400-00123218-00123633 and the responsibilities and duty bears the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00401-00123633-00123983 implementation of this right is generating. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00402-00123983-00124327 This is a second set of questions which is +tS2as-3Ot-c-00403-00124327-00124658 at the heart of many of the normative debates, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00404-00124658-00124866 particularly opposing the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00405-00125122-00125299 tradition in Europe, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00406-00125299-00125637 around the importance of the right to privacy, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00407-00125637-00125930 and that of the United States where, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00408-00125930-00126346 such rights has generally not been recognized +tS2as-3Ot-c-00409-00126346-00126565 to the same extent. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00410-00126565-00126790 The third body of questions +tS2as-3Ot-c-00411-00126891-00126983 concern the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00412-00127236-00127659 implications of adopting a global interpretation +tS2as-3Ot-c-00413-00127659-00127919 of the right to be de-indexed, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00414-00127919-00128382 and what it means in terms of the extraterritorial reach +tS2as-3Ot-c-00415-00128382-00128566 of a particular state +tS2as-3Ot-c-00416-00128566-00129011 outside the boundaries of their national jurisdictions. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00417-00129011-00129409 This is a third set of challenge raised +tS2as-3Ot-c-00418-00129409-00129582 by the right to be forgotten, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00419-00129582-00129790 and a very important one. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00420-00129896-00130105 With regard to this last point, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00421-00130105-00130571 I have argued in one article included in your readings, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00422-00130571-00130997 that approaching de-indexation from the standpoint +tS2as-3Ot-c-00423-00130997-00131224 of the concept of comity, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00424-00131224-00131616 raises many interesting issues and possibility. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00425-00131766-00132146 The Canadian ruling hints to an approach to the question +tS2as-3Ot-c-00426-00132146-00132548 of de-indexing based on a case-by-case approach, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00427-00132548-00132882 and a review of nuanced criteria, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00428-00132882-00133080 which could include, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00429-00133080-00133198 for instance, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00430-00133198-00133523 the nature of the expression or information concerned +tS2as-3Ot-c-00431-00133523-00133685 with the de-listing, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00432-00133685-00133995 the value from a freedom of expression standpoint +tS2as-3Ot-c-00433-00133995-00134242 based on international standard, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00434-00134242-00134630 the position of de-listing that the Google search generates +tS2as-3Ot-c-00435-00134630-00134898 nationally and regionally. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00436-00134898-00135073 These are some of the +tS2as-3Ot-c-00437-00135256-00135471 criteria that could be used +tS2as-3Ot-c-00438-00135471-00135873 to determine whether a de-listing should become global +tS2as-3Ot-c-00439-00135873-00135980 or not. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00440-00135980-00136122 Unlike the French +tS2as-3Ot-c-00441-00136258-00136359 decisions, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00442-00136359-00136486 I am not arguing +tS2as-3Ot-c-00443-00136486-00136854 that every de-listing should be made global, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00444-00136854-00136970 but on the other hand, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00445-00136970-00137168 it does not mean that some of them +tS2as-3Ot-c-00446-00137168-00137395 could not be made global. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00447-00137395-00137696 In a recently published policy brief, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00448-00137696-00138081 Article 19 suggests a seven-part test +tS2as-3Ot-c-00449-00138081-00138364 to balance the right to be forgotten +tS2as-3Ot-c-00450-00138364-00138698 with the right to freedom of expression. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00451-00138802-00138979 Globally speaking, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00452-00138979-00139202 data regarding court cases +tS2as-3Ot-c-00453-00139202-00139580 indicates that the right to be forgotten has become +tS2as-3Ot-c-00454-00139580-00139797 largely accepted by users, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00455-00139908-00140176 by national administration, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00456-00140176-00140593 including privacy or data protection commissions and court. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00457-00140742-00140933 The main challenge ahead, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00458-00140933-00141198 will thus be first and foremost, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00459-00141198-00141585 whether it can be implemented beyond the country from +tS2as-3Ot-c-00460-00141585-00141819 where the demand came from. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00461-00141819-00142190 It may be expected that on this issue as well, +tS2as-3Ot-c-00462-00142190-00142606 national courts will make the final determination. +tS2as-3Ot-c-00463-00142793-00142960 Thank you very much. +tTV3rMStIt0-00000-00000000-00000200 Best place in Jaipur so far, +tTV3rMStIt0-00001-00000200-00000400 Found a gem on my trip to Jaipur, +tTV3rMStIt0-00002-00000400-00000582 A hidden gem, must visit, +tTV3rMStIt0-00003-00000582-00000734 Architecture of Mughals, +tTV3rMStIt0-00004-00000734-00000979 An absolute vibe and fabulous taste, +tTV3rMStIt0-00005-00000979-00001192 Hands down, the best Galawati Kebab, +tTV3rMStIt0-00006-00001192-00001420 Only review I have is - Tempting. +tTV3rMStIt0-00007-00001441-00001599 These are just a few reviews, +tTV3rMStIt0-00008-00001599-00002166 after watching today's video, you too are going to say something similar about this restaurant. +tTV3rMStIt0-00009-00002185-00002553 So, let's indulge in a truly royal feast. +tTV3rMStIt0-00010-00003513-00003750 Smile, you are in Lucknow. +tTV3rMStIt0-00011-00003750-00004204 I'm here today to bring the taste of Lucknow to you while sitting in Jaipur. +tTV3rMStIt0-00012-00004230-00004741 Now you might be wondering how I can deliver the essence of Lucknow to you while sitting in Jaipur? +tTV3rMStIt0-00013-00004778-00004858 Yes! +tTV3rMStIt0-00014-00004858-00005255 The place I've brought you today is... +tTV3rMStIt0-00015-00005255-00005439 House On Fire. +tTV3rMStIt0-00016-00005455-00005899 House On Fire is situated in Evershine Tower of Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. +tTV3rMStIt0-00017-00005937-00006156 As you step inside, +tTV3rMStIt0-00018-00006156-00006815 you are immediately transported to an era of Nawabs and royal grandeur. +tTV3rMStIt0-00019-00007224-00007566 So guys, this is House On Fire. +tTV3rMStIt0-00020-00007566-00007951 Here, you'll get authentic Lucknowi taste. +tTV3rMStIt0-00021-00007951-00008413 Before I tell you about the taste of the food, let me show you the decor of this place. +tTV3rMStIt0-00022-00008453-00009182 Walls here are showcasing Rajasthani flavor alongwith the traditional Mughal motifs and paintings. +tTV3rMStIt0-00023-00009914-00010399 House On Fire is open from 12:00 PM to 1:30 AM. +tTV3rMStIt0-00024-00010428-00010785 This place has a seating capacity of more than 50 people. +tTV3rMStIt0-00025-00011710-00012123 The ceilings are embellished with delicate chandeliers. +tTV3rMStIt0-00026-00012134-00012647 The overall ambiance is regal and inviting, +tTV3rMStIt0-00027-00012656-00013061 making it the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. +tTV3rMStIt0-00028-00014847-00015336 I must say, the staff here is well-versed in the art of hospitality, +tTV3rMStIt0-00029-00015378-00015654 ensuring that guests are well taken care of. +tTV3rMStIt0-00030-00015654-00016010 Their knowledge of the menu and willingness to cater to individual preferences... +tTV3rMStIt0-00031-00016038-00016442 adds a personalized touch for each visitor, +tTV3rMStIt0-00032-00016442-00016642 which I liked the most. +tTV3rMStIt0-00033-00016695-00017012 I've already shown you the aesthetic interior of this place, +tTV3rMStIt0-00034-00017012-00017410 now, I'm more excited about... +tTV3rMStIt0-00035-00017410-00018118 I had heard that from succulent Kebabs and aromatic Biryanis to velvety Kormas are served here. +tTV3rMStIt0-00036-00018118-00018521 Means, every dish is crafted with passion and authenticity. +tTV3rMStIt0-00037-00018521-00018853 So, I was really very excited for the food. +tTV3rMStIt0-00038-00018877-00019232 This is Non-veg Platter, +tTV3rMStIt0-00039-00019232-00019527 in which I was served Chicken Malai Tikka, +tTV3rMStIt0-00040-00019527-00019679 Tandoori Chicken, +tTV3rMStIt0-00041-00019756-00019889 Fish Tikka, +tTV3rMStIt0-00042-00019972-00020139 Mutton Shami Kebab, +tTV3rMStIt0-00043-00020204-00020343 Chapli Kebab, +tTV3rMStIt0-00044-00020420-00020607 Mutton Galouti Kebab, +tTV3rMStIt0-00045-00020763-00020846 Biryani, +tTV3rMStIt0-00046-00020920-00021140 and Tawa Mutton Boti Kebab. +tTV3rMStIt0-00047-00021172-00021496 The price of this platter is Rs.1000. +tTV3rMStIt0-00048-00021547-00021954 Because it was Monday, and on Mondays, I don't eat non-veg food, +tTV3rMStIt0-00049-00021954-00022248 so I couldn't try the non-veg platter, +tTV3rMStIt0-00050-00022248-00022313 but... +tTV3rMStIt0-00051-00022341-00022758 the fragrance coming from it was irresistible. +tTV3rMStIt0-00052-00022758-00023360 I guess, the Chefs are well-versed in the art of Awadhi cuisine, +tTV3rMStIt0-00053-00023383-00023692 flavorful spices and cooking techniques. +tTV3rMStIt0-00054-00023715-00024065 This is the veg platter in which I was served Shami Kebabs, +tTV3rMStIt0-00055-00024065-00024254 Paneer Malai Tikka, +tTV3rMStIt0-00056-00024254-00024393 Veg Galouti, +tTV3rMStIt0-00057-00024393-00024521 Paneer Tikka, +tTV3rMStIt0-00058-00024521-00024730 and veg Biryani. +tTV3rMStIt0-00059-00024730-00025002 Soya Chaap was missing on this platter. +tTV3rMStIt0-00060-00025035-00025358 The price of this platter is Rs.690. +tTV3rMStIt0-00061-00025409-00025884 Each dish is a celebration of flavors, +tTV3rMStIt0-00062-00025884-00025997 textures, +tTV3rMStIt0-00063-00025997-00026115 and aromas, +tTV3rMStIt0-00064-00026135-00026681 reflecting the royal heritage and cultural richness of Lucknow. +tTV3rMStIt0-00065-00026681-00026990 I also tried Paneer Butter Masala. +tTV3rMStIt0-00066-00026990-00027218 Its price is Rs.350 +tTV3rMStIt0-00067-00027218-00027474 Look at the rich gravy, +tTV3rMStIt0-00068-00027474-00027588 and its color, +tTV3rMStIt0-00069-00027659-00028278 If it were possible for me to convey the aroma & taste of it to you through video, I would have definitely made it happen. +tTV3rMStIt0-00070-00028278-00028397 seriously! +tTV3rMStIt0-00071-00028440-00028652 I tried Dal Makhani. +tTV3rMStIt0-00072-00028652-00028942 The price of it was also Rs.350. +tTV3rMStIt0-00073-00028979-00029479 OMG, even while giving the voiceover in the video, my mouth is watering. +tTV3rMStIt0-00074-00029479-00029647 You definitely have to visit here. +tTV3rMStIt0-00075-00029647-00030043 I've given the location link in the description, hurry up and taste the food here. +tTV3rMStIt0-00076-00030089-00030387 I also tried Mughlai Parantha. +tTV3rMStIt0-00077-00030387-00030587 Its price is Rs.60. +tTV3rMStIt0-00078-00030648-00031145 This parantha was literally melting in my mouth, +tTV3rMStIt0-00079-00031145-00031568 It is crunchy on one side and soft on the other side, +tTV3rMStIt0-00080-00031568-00032063 it was an absolutely amazing combination with Mughlai Paratha, along with all these dishes. +tTV3rMStIt0-00081-00032155-00032724 Biryani at House On Fire is made with fragrant long-grain basmati rice, +tTV3rMStIt0-00082-00032724-00033064 tender meat and a blend of aromatic spices. +tTV3rMStIt0-00083-00033135-00033647 The biryani is cooked using the traditional "Dum Pukht" method. +tTV3rMStIt0-00084-00033664-00034052 Kebabs here are just melt-in-your-mouth kebabs. +tTV3rMStIt0-00085-00034052-00035010 House On Fire offers a delightful blend of aesthetics and flavors that capture the spirit of Lucknow in all its glory. +tTV3rMStIt0-00086-00035308-00035508 So guys, this was my today's vlog. +tTV3rMStIt0-00087-00035606-00035806 I've brought you to House On Fire, +tTV3rMStIt0-00088-00035902-00036102 And food here is.... +tTV3rMStIt0-00089-00036162-00036617 as I had heard, it is even more delicious than I expected. +tTV3rMStIt0-00090-00036706-00036767 And... +tTV3rMStIt0-00091-00036888-00037151 my today's recommendation is, +tTV3rMStIt0-00092-00037151-00037597 I won't recommend just one dish, you should try all the dishes here. +tTV3rMStIt0-00093-00037597-00037883 Everything is so so delicious. +tTV3rMStIt0-00094-00037926-00038211 They've brought the taste of Lucknow all the way to Jaipur. +tTV3rMStIt0-00095-00038211-00038595 Literally, everything is super yummy. +tTV3rMStIt0-00096-00038735-00038921 I don't want to be baised at all, +tTV3rMStIt0-00097-00038921-00039197 you should try every dish here, +tTV3rMStIt0-00098-00039197-00039300 their veg platter, +tTV3rMStIt0-00099-00039300-00039405 non-veg platter, +tTV3rMStIt0-00100-00039405-00039503 dal makhani, +tTV3rMStIt0-00101-00039503-00039590 paneer dishes, +tTV3rMStIt0-00102-00039590-00039872 everything is so yummy. +tTV3rMStIt0-00103-00039945-00040099 I'll see now on next Tuesday. +tTV3rMStIt0-00104-00040120-00040393 Will bring something new, something very interesting. +tTV3rMStIt0-00105-00040422-00040483 Till then, +tTV3rMStIt0-00106-00040522-00040722 stay safe and keep asking your life, +tTV3rMStIt0-00107-00040732-00040859 OKAY! NOW WHAT? +tWp8l7PNfhg-00000-00000128-00000368 Tori Roloff is pregnant with her third child. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00001-00000368-00000672 This much we know for certain. And this much simply makes us +tWp8l7PNfhg-00002-00000672-00001024 smile a mile and a half wife. But there is one thing we don't know +tWp8l7PNfhg-00003-00001024-00001476 about Tori's pregnancy; or, to be more specific and accurate, one thing we don't know about Tori +tWp8l7PNfhg-00004-00001476-00001816 and husband Zach's impending baby: Will it be a little person? +tWp8l7PNfhg-00005-00002336-00002560 This is a sensitive and personal topic, of course. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00006-00002560-00002920 But it's also a natural one for fans to wonder about, considering the Roloffs +tWp8l7PNfhg-00007-00002920-00003288 put their lives on full display as the main element of their profession. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00008-00003288-00003679 We mean... they star on a show called Little People, Big World and they talked openly in +tWp8l7PNfhg-00009-00003679-00004136 the past about son Jackson and daughter Lilah having been bored with Achondroplasia -- just +tWp8l7PNfhg-00010-00004136-00004584 like their dad and their paternal grandparents. "Do you want to know if this baby is a dwarf +tWp8l7PNfhg-00011-00004584-00004968 or let it be?” a fan asked Tori on Instagram late last week, to which +tWp8l7PNfhg-00012-00004968-00005400 the excited mother-of-three-to-be replied: “I wish this could be a surprise too but when +tWp8l7PNfhg-00013-00005400-00005816 [doctors] tell me I need a [C-section] it makes it sort of obvious,” Roloff said, +tWp8l7PNfhg-00014-00005816-00006192 after she also told followers that she wants the gender to be a surprise. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00015-00006192-00006423 Wait a second, though. Was Tori saying here that she +tWp8l7PNfhg-00016-00006423-00006968 already knows the boy or girl will be a dwarf? No. She quickly jumped back online to clarify. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00017-00007023-00007472 “We won’t know if he or she is a dwarf until further into pregnancy. And with dwarves it’s +tWp8l7PNfhg-00018-00007472-00007864 encouraged to have a [C-section] because of bigger head size,” Tori elaborated. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00019-00007920-00008352 “I was saying, I’d love to not know but IF my [doctor] says I need a [C-section,] +tWp8l7PNfhg-00020-00008352-00008736 it would be obvious to us." Ah, okay. That makes more sense +tWp8l7PNfhg-00021-00008792-00009080 Tori and Zach made the huge announcement that they were expecting +tWp8l7PNfhg-00022-00009080-00009608 their third kid on Wednesday, November 17. We are so excited!” Tori shared, writing this +tWp8l7PNfhg-00023-00009608-00010024 as a caption to a photo of the current family of four -- with son Jackson, 4, holding a sign +tWp8l7PNfhg-00024-00010024-00010496 reading that his new little brother or sister will be arriving in Spring 2022. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00025-00010496-00010952 “Baby Roloff will be joining us this spring and we are so grateful to God for this sweet gift!” +tWp8l7PNfhg-00026-00011040-00011272 Tori, of course, suffered a miscarriage in March and +tWp8l7PNfhg-00027-00011272-00011560 later admitted that she and Zach were having trouble conceiving. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00028-00011624-00012088 Just two weeks ago, meanwhile, Audrey Roloff gave birth to a son named Radley. +tWp8l7PNfhg-00029-00012088-00012432 Relatedly, literally, Isabel Roloff and Jacob Roloff are expecting their very +tWp8l7PNfhg-00030-00012432-00012792 first child almost any day now. What an excited and blessed time +tWp8l7PNfhg-00031-00012792-00013047 to be a Roloff, huh?!? Congratulations all around! +tWMkhDv4U_0-00000-00000053-00000525 In this video let’s look at how to add a rubric to an assignment in Canvas. We start +tWMkhDv4U_0-00001-00000525-00000999 at the Assignments link, and let’s say we want to add a rubric to the Getting Started +tWMkhDv4U_0-00002-00000999-00001529 Assignment. We start by clicking on the link to that Assignment. Upon doing so, we’ll +tWMkhDv4U_0-00003-00001529-00002196 get the assignment information, and we’ll see the Add Rubric button displayed underneath +tWMkhDv4U_0-00004-00002196-00002699 the corresponding assignment information. No, it’s not up in the gear icon where we +tWMkhDv4U_0-00005-00002699-00003279 find it for discussions. So we click the Add Rubric button underneath the corresponding +tWMkhDv4U_0-00006-00003279-00003788 assignment, and we find the rubric that we want to add. We’ve also got the option to +tWMkhDv4U_0-00007-00003788-00004422 create our rubric for this assignment here. In this case I’ll click Find a Rubric, I’ll +tWMkhDv4U_0-00008-00004422-00004965 find the rubric that I want to use, and once I have it highlighted I use the “Use this +tWMkhDv4U_0-00009-00004965-00005616 Rubric” button to select the rubric. That’s adding a rubric to an assignment in Canvas. +tYZ3cTJQAxE-00000-00000000-00000200 mumbasa raha tu +tZgRSAHZY8u-00000-00000057-00000683 In the European Parliament we work a lot on internet policy and there are some really +tZgRSAHZY8u-00001-00000683-00001266 bad proposals being discussed right now that could threaten the internet as we know it. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00002-00001266-00001777 I am here with Julia Reda who is leading the fight against these bad proposals. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00003-00001777-00001877 Hi. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00004-00001877-00001977 Hello. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00005-00001977-00002557 Julia I am hearing a lot about the need to save the link. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00006-00002557-00002939 And you are one of the leaders on Save the link campaign. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00007-00002939-00003105 Why are links under threat? +tZgRSAHZY8u-00008-00003105-00003415 What is the problem and why does the link have to be saved? +tZgRSAHZY8u-00009-00003415-00004061 So the European commission has proposed that publishers should get a new right to forbid or +tZgRSAHZY8u-00010-00004061-00004255 allow people from linking to their articles. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00011-00004255-00004860 and we are talking here about articles that the publishers have voluntarily put online themselves +tZgRSAHZY8u-00012-00004860-00005016 for everyone to see. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00013-00005016-00005362 So this is really an attack on the way that the internet works. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00014-00005362-00006032 Because if I want to learn about the world from many different news sources I use social media, +tZgRSAHZY8u-00015-00006032-00006620 I use news aggregators and I want to be able to see what my friends might be sharing and +tZgRSAHZY8u-00016-00006620-00006784 what they find interesting. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00017-00006784-00007297 So if they need permission or need to pay in order to link to news articles that means +tZgRSAHZY8u-00018-00007297-00007522 that nobody will do it anymore. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00019-00007522-00008158 So this is a proposal coming mostly from the biggest publishers, German publishers who +tZgRSAHZY8u-00020-00008158-00008688 want people to go directly to their homepage and not read news from different sources anymore. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00021-00008688-00009185 But I think for media pluralism, for the freedom of the internet this is a terrible idea. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00022-00009185-00009889 You're from Germany so you already know what this thing work like in practice. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00023-00009889-00010531 Yeah so in Germany the publishers successfully lobbied for this link tax in 2013, it's law +tZgRSAHZY8u-00024-00010531-00011127 since then and they promised that this way there would be a lot of new money for the +tZgRSAHZY8u-00025-00011127-00011437 news industry and there would be quality journalism. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00026-00011437-00011537 Great! +tZgRSAHZY8u-00027-00011537-00012336 What actually happened is that they are creating revenues of roughly 5000 euros per year on +tZgRSAHZY8u-00028-00012336-00012858 the income side but on the spending side they are spending millions and millions on court +tZgRSAHZY8u-00029-00012858-00013505 cases about how exactly many words from an article you're allowed to use in a link and these +tZgRSAHZY8u-00030-00013505-00013913 court cases have been going on for years and there is no solution. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00031-00013913-00014469 So basically the publishers who lobbied for this law have been loosing money as a consequence +tZgRSAHZY8u-00032-00014469-00014933 of it and at the same time small start-ups were sued by other businesses. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00033-00014933-00015619 That does not sound great at all.No all the experts in Germany are saying this was a mistake +tZgRSAHZY8u-00034-00015619-00016108 so I think it would be absurd to now extend it to a European level. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00035-00016108-00016297 Let's try to stop this. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00036-00016297-00016419 Definitely. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00037-00016419-00017326 Another thing I hear a lot worrying is bad is upload filters. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00038-00017326-00017458 You're against that too. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00039-00017458-00018131 Yes, the upload filter filter proposal is also part of this commission proposal on copyright +tZgRSAHZY8u-00040-00018131-00018978 and originally the reason for it was to make sure that Youtube pays the music industry. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00041-00018978-00019513 But nobody has been able to explain to me how an obligation to use automatic filters +tZgRSAHZY8u-00042-00019513-00019998 to prevent copyright infringement would somehow lead to more payment to authors. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00043-00019998-00020527 I mean most of the authors, yes they want to paid, but they also want their content +tZgRSAHZY8u-00044-00020527-00020667 to be visible online. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00045-00020667-00021216 And wherever we see these filters in practice they don't work and they end up deleting a +tZgRSAHZY8u-00046-00021216-00021752 lot of legal content because they are just not able to make the very difficult decisions +tZgRSAHZY8u-00047-00021753-00022305 about what is a copyright infringement and what is maybe a legal quotation or a parody. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00048-00022305-00022495 So when in doubt they just delete everything. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00049-00022495-00023039 So you mean that artificial intelligence isn't really up to the task of finding out what is a legal quotation +tZgRSAHZY8u-00050-00023042-00023314 and what is parody? +tZgRSAHZY8u-00051-00023314-00023854 Yeah it is really bizzare that on the one hand we say, you know, big platforms like Youtube +tZgRSAHZY8u-00052-00023854-00024614 and Facebook they have too much power using the algorithms to control our societies +tZgRSAHZY8u-00053-00024615-00024758 instead of the law. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00054-00024758-00025276 And then the solution that is presented is that the algorithms should decide what can +tZgRSAHZY8u-00055-00025276-00025620 be put online and what can't instead of the law. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00056-00025620-00025785 And this is completely absurd. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00057-00025785-00026583 Yesterday a journalist asked me the artists are saying they want upload filtering because +tZgRSAHZY8u-00058-00026583-00027055 Youtube isn't paying them enough so everyone should use upload filtering. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00059-00027055-00027282 What would you answer that? +tZgRSAHZY8u-00060-00027282-00027879 Well first of all a lot of artist use Youtube in particular have become victims of upload +tZgRSAHZY8u-00061-00027879-00027979 filters. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00062-00027979-00028522 Youtube already have a filter for music, called Content ID, and very often it deletes the +tZgRSAHZY8u-00063-00028522-00028762 original work of independent artists. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00064-00028762-00029307 For example, there was a feminist collective that made a music video in Germany, they presented +tZgRSAHZY8u-00065-00029307-00029933 it on television and afterwards the television channel had their show registered with Content +tZgRSAHZY8u-00066-00029933-00030358 ID and the original was deleted and it was a big blow to the campaign. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00067-00030358-00030497 This happens quite a lot. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00068-00030497-00031064 I understand perfectly that people want to be paid for their creations but the filters +tZgRSAHZY8u-00069-00031064-00031280 don't actually lead to more payment. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00070-00031280-00031780 So what we should be talking about is how do we make sure that Youtube makes fair agreements +tZgRSAHZY8u-00071-00031780-00031962 with the music industry. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00072-00031962-00032464 But these filtering proposals don't just apply to Youtube, they also apply to platforms that +tZgRSAHZY8u-00073-00032464-00033108 don't exploit creators in any way, for example Wikipedia where people upload Creative Commons +tZgRSAHZY8u-00074-00033108-00033667 licensed content or even things like GitHub that software developers use every day +tZgRSAHZY8u-00075-00033667-00033833 as part of their professional activity. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00076-00033833-00034467 So the commission is proposing things that could really harm small platforms and the +tZgRSAHZY8u-00077-00034467-00034886 internet community and development of new progress. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00078-00034886-00035114 That's right. Why are they doing this? +tZgRSAHZY8u-00079-00035114-00035638 I think to a large extent they have never even thought about these platforms when they +tZgRSAHZY8u-00080-00035638-00035740 made the proposal. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00081-00035740-00036138 They were lobbied very heavily by the music industry. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00082-00036138-00036515 On the one hand you have Youtube lobbying, you know, they don't want to pay but they have +tZgRSAHZY8u-00083-00036515-00036815 no problem with the filtering obligation. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00084-00036815-00037450 So basically the big platforms are saying filters maybe but please don't make us pay. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00085-00037450-00037948 And so we end up with the worst of both worlds were the authors are not getting anything +tZgRSAHZY8u-00086-00037948-00038186 the largest platforms get a new business model +tZgRSAHZY8u-00087-00038192-00038332 they will be able to sell their +tZgRSAHZY8u-00088-00038332-00038886 filters to the small platforms in the future and the only ones losing out is innovation and +tZgRSAHZY8u-00089-00038886-00039356 the users of the internet who want to have also small platforms, non-commercial platforms to +tZgRSAHZY8u-00090-00039356-00039556 be able to succeed. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00091-00039556-00039959 Right, what can people who watches this video do to stop it? +tZgRSAHZY8u-00092-00039959-00040413 We are going to vote on this in the European Parliament committee that is responsible on +tZgRSAHZY8u-00093-00040413-00041033 the 21 June and until then you have time to contact your representatives especially the +tZgRSAHZY8u-00094-00041033-00041484 members of the legal affairs committee but also any member of the European Parliament +tZgRSAHZY8u-00095-00041484-00041813 that is responsible for your region, for your country. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00096-00041813-00042245 Let them know that you don't want the link tax and you don't want upload filters and +tZgRSAHZY8u-00097-00042245-00042496 that it's their responsibility to stop it. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00098-00042496-00042624 Let's do this. +tZgRSAHZY8u-00099-00042954-00043004 Alright.