diff --git "a/data/en003/text/00000018.txt" "b/data/en003/text/00000018.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en003/text/00000018.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,7695 @@ +1BBS-HEf2jU-00000-00000321-00000795 U.S. Conducts Airstrikes in Syria in Response to Deadly UAV Attack. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00001-00000795-00000894 Earlier. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00002-00000894-00001504 on March 23rd, a U.S. contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional +1BBS-HEf2jU-00003-00001504-00001948 U.S. contractor were wounded after a one-way unmanned aerial vehicle struck a maintenance +1BBS-HEf2jU-00004-00001948-00002517 facility on a Coalition base near Hasakah in northeast Syria at approximately 1:38 p.m. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00005-00002517-00002706 local time. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00006-00002706-00003098 The intelligence community assess the UAV to be of Iranian origin. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00007-00003098-00003707 "At the direction of President Biden, I authorized U.S. Central Command forces to conduct precision +1BBS-HEf2jU-00008-00003707-00004136 airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against facilities used by groups affiliated with +1BBS-HEf2jU-00009-00004136-00004680 Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)," said Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00010-00004680-00004814 Austin III. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00011-00004814-00005221 "The airstrikes were conducted in response to today’s attack as well as a series of +1BBS-HEf2jU-00012-00005221-00005855 recent attacks against Coalition forces in Syria by groups affiliated with the IRGC." +1BBS-HEf2jU-00013-00005855-00006303 These precision strikes are intended to protect and defend U.S. personnel. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00014-00006303-00006778 The United States took proportionate and deliberate action intended to limit the risk of escalation +1BBS-HEf2jU-00015-00006778-00006952 and minimize casualties. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00016-00006952-00007452 "As President Biden has made clear, we will take all necessary measures to defend our +1BBS-HEf2jU-00017-00007452-00007969 people and will always respond at a time and place of our choosing," said Secretary Austin. +1BBS-HEf2jU-00018-00007969-00008250 "No group will strike our troops with impunity." +1BBS-HEf2jU-00019-00008250-00008709 "Our thoughts are with the family and colleagues of the contractor who was killed and with +1BBS-HEf2jU-00020-00008709-00009050 those who were wounded in the attack earlier today," said the Secretary. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00000-00000008-00000377 Newsflash - not all virgins are chaste and +1C6oBU3QRL4-00001-00000378-00000650 you don't have to be a virgin to practice chastity. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00002-00001356-00001638 Hey there, I’m Bianca with The Culture Project. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00003-00001638-00002014 There is this lie in our culture today that once someone has lost their virginity, +1C6oBU3QRL4-00004-00002014-00002188 they can no longer pursue purity. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00005-00002188-00002322 It’s no longer for them. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00006-00002322-00002848 But that's only if we continue to see through the lens that virginity and chastity are the same thing. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00007-00002848-00002978 Not the same thing. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00008-00002978-00003130 They're not synonymous for one another. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00009-00003130-00003332 And assuming so is actually very harmful. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00010-00003332-00003546 Now, this may come as a shock to some, +1C6oBU3QRL4-00011-00003546-00003872 but not all virgins are chaste and not all chaste people are virgins. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00012-00003872-00004294 Just because someone may be a virgin, that doesn’t mean that they are living out Chastity. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00013-00004294-00004528 Exhibit A: The Virgin Bachelor. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00014-00004528-00005038 He's a perfect example of someone who may be a virgin, but is certainty not living out chastity. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00015-00005038-00005182 Here, let me explain. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00016-00005182-00005484 Virginity is just a declaration of sexual history. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00017-00005484-00005784 Whereas chastity - chastity is about the whole person. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00018-00005784-00005946 Chastity isn’t about our past,. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00019-00005946-00006226 It’s about our present and it prepares us for our future. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00020-00006226-00006442 Chastity is a virtue, a lifestyle. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00021-00006442-00006856 While saving sex and all sexually intimates acts for marriage is a significant part of +1C6oBU3QRL4-00022-00006856-00007164 the virtue of chastity, it’s not all that it entails. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00023-00007164-00007409 Chastity doesn’t make judgement on our sexual history. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00024-00007409-00007778 Chastity is striving for purity in my thoughts, words and actions. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00025-00007778-00008082 It’s saying yes to love and all that it demands. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00026-00008082-00008426 It requires sacrifice, consistency, discipline. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00027-00008426-00008750 It is the proper integration of our passions and desires. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00028-00008750-00009124 Either we are the masters of our passions and desires, or we are ruled by them. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00029-00009124-00009522 Let me tell ya, this description does not fit the “virgin” bachelor. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00030-00009522-00009827 Who is more chaste, the man who is not a virgin +1C6oBU3QRL4-00031-00009828-00010242 but has recommitted himself to the virtue of chastity and is striving daily, +1C6oBU3QRL4-00032-00010242-00010726 ooor a man who just happens to have accidentally remained a virgin because of how busy he was +1C6oBU3QRL4-00033-00010727-00011182 and now wants to use that fact to make loads of money so he can become a reality tv star +1C6oBU3QRL4-00034-00011182-00011454 and lose his virginity in a very special episode? +1C6oBU3QRL4-00035-00011454-00011966 Look, maybe there’s something I don’t know, but between the multiple makeout sessions +1C6oBU3QRL4-00036-00011966-00012070 with the different girls +1C6oBU3QRL4-00037-00012070-00012450 and the not-so-subtle marketing, it’s certainly how the show is playing it. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00038-00012450-00012676 The bachelor is not a master of his desires. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00039-00012676-00012922 The end goal of Chastity isn’t sex. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00040-00012923-00013109 The end goal of Chastity is heaven. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00041-00013110-00013413 That's why married couples are still called to the virtue of chastity. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00042-00013413-00013922 We do a grave injustice in our culture today by belittling chastity to virginity. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00043-00013922-00014280 Chastity goes so much wider, deeper, and greater than just that. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00044-00014280-00014506 In fact, it’s the surest way to happiness. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00045-00014506-00014794 We will mess up, we will stumble and fall. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00046-00014794-00015008 Chastity isn’t a "perfect people only" club. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00047-00015008-00015388 But through it all we must never forget that we have a merciful God. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00048-00015388-00015884 A God who desires nothing more than to shower us in His never-ending love and mercy. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00049-00015884-00016184 So to the chaste person who isn’t a virgin +1C6oBU3QRL4-00050-00016184-00016468 and to the virgin who’s struggling to be chaste; +1C6oBU3QRL4-00051-00016468-00016922 Never give up, keep fighting and don’t cave to cultural pressures. +1C6oBU3QRL4-00052-00016922-00017398 You are deserving of so much more than what this culture tries to offer you. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00000-00000215-00000777 Here, we’re working with both linear and exponential decay. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00001-00000777-00001677 We’ve got the world’s population of tigers in 1980 +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00002-00001677-00002290 Call that the starting point, in 1980 we had 10,400 tigers +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00003-00002290-00004159 In 1990, 10 years later, we had just 7960 tigers. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00004-00004159-00004689 That gives us two data points. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00005-00004689-00005477 If the population declined linearly, what was its rate of decrease per decade? +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00006-00005477-00006200 So that means per 10 years. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00007-00006200-00007520 I have two points, (0,10400) and (1,7960) +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00008-00007520-00008391 1 because it asked “per decade” and there is one decade between 1980 and 1990. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00009-00008391-00008700 Now, I’m just after the slope. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00010-00008700-00010370 The slope is the change in y over the change in x. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00011-00010370-00012420 This gives us -2440, our slope is -2440. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00012-00012420-00013454 The wording on the question is: if the population declined linearly, what was its rate of decrease +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00013-00013454-00014131 The rate of decrease was 2440 tigers per decade. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00014-00014131-00015010 Next, it says: If the population declined exponentially, what was its decay factor per decade? +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00015-00015011-00015716 Again, I want per decade, so I’m going to use the same two data points over here, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00016-00015716-00016507 but now I have an exponential function. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00017-00016507-00017604 My initial population, or starting point, times my base raised to my exponent. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00018-00017604-00019190 My initial is when time is zero, so that is 10400 times my base. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00019-00019190-00020540 Here, I have my next data point, just one decade away, so exponent is 1 and left side is 7960. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00020-00020540-00021861 Here is my equation, and I can use it to find the base, which is 7960 divided by 10400 +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00021-00021861-00023789 Turn on my calculator, put in 7960 divide by 10400 gives me a decay factor of 0.765 +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00022-00023789-00024900 is says to report three digits so b = 0.765 it says at least three digits, which means +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00023-00024900-00026100 it says round to at least, which means they would accept more digits, but I must have b to at least 3 decimal places. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00024-00026100-00026373 So that’s my decay rate. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00025-00026373-00027152 Now it asks for “What was its percent decrease per decade?” +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00026-00027152-00027394 rounded to two decimal places. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00027-00027394-00028500 This is the decay factor, to get the decay rate I take 1-.765. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00028-00028500-00029505 Actually, it asks for two decimals so I know I’m going to need the 38 there and that’s +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00029-00029505-00031149 going to give me . . . .2346 it says to round to at least two decimals, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00030-00031149-00032441 the next number is a 1, so it wants a percent, so this is going to be 23.46 percent. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00031-00032441-00033213 I couldn’t use rounded to three decimals here, because I needed that 4th decimal here +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00032-00033213-00034361 to round the percent to two decimals. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00033-00034361-00035146 We find when working with exponential functions it is easiest to leave things in the calculator +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00034-00035146-00035810 until we need to round at the very end. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00035-00035910-00037053 That’s b, c is Predict the number of tigers in 2010 under each assumption, linear or exponential, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00036-00037053-00037357 rounded to two decimal places. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00037-00037357-00038012 Hmm, I don’t like rounding to two decimal places here because you can’t have a fraction of a tiger, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00038-00038012-00038860 however they didn’t give us that option. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00039-00038860-00040576 Linearly, I have a decay rate of 2440 per decade, I have three decades, so I have to +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00040-00040576-00041310 multiply by 3 2440 times 3 +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00041-00041310-00043470 so after 3 decades I’m going to have 7320 tigers less than I started with, and I started with 10400, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00042-00043470-00044333 so that gives me 3080 tigers after 3 decades. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00043-00044333-00046269 For my exponential one I have an exponential decay factor of 0.765, raised to the 3rd power, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00044-00046269-00047828 multiplied by my initial population, and I get 4656.05 tigers. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00045-00047828-00048910 I would, of course, say just 4656 because it is not possible to have a fraction of a tiger. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00046-00048913-00049628 Of course, this is only just an estimate. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00047-00049628-00051090 Then we want the function for the population of tigers, both linear and exponential. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00048-00051090-00052150 For a linear function we are going to have L(t), L of t (linear function of time) +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00049-00052150-00053489 equals initial population of 10400 minus our decrease or our slope, times our number of decades, +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00050-00053489-00053840 where t is the number of decades. +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00051-00053841-00054520 For our exponential function, E(t), E of t, is going to be +1ChRbK9S8Wk-00052-00054520-00055760 our initial population times our growth times our growth factor (0.765) raised to t. +1Erur4hoN58-00000-00000000-00000200 What's grandpa doing? +1Erur4hoN58-00001-00000200-00000400 Check! +1Erur4hoN58-00002-00000400-00000600 Street food +1EPsY0RzfOk-00000-00000139-00000654 Welcome to the Digital Bindery web series: Ebooks, How do they work. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00001-00000654-00001140 This video will discuss ebook file formats in a very simple way and how to get inside +1EPsY0RzfOk-00002-00001140-00001586 those files to begin the process of formatting your ebooks on your own terms. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00003-00001586-00001871 Slide 2: +1EPsY0RzfOk-00004-00001871-00002406 The two formats we will discuss today are EPUB and MOBI. These are the two most popular +1EPsY0RzfOk-00005-00002406-00003025 file formats for ebooks. Epub files can be read on the vast majority of ereading devices +1EPsY0RzfOk-00006-00003025-00003929 including the Nook, Kobo Reader, Ipad, Android tablet, the Sony Reader, smartphones, PCs +1EPsY0RzfOk-00007-00003929-00004650 and Macs. The Kindle is one very huge exception. The Kindle uses the MOBI format. The extension +1EPsY0RzfOk-00008-00004650-00005244 AZW is also used for Kindle books, but don't worry about that yet. I only mention it because +1EPsY0RzfOk-00009-00005244-00005680 if you get all of your information from Wikipedia, you might get confused or think I'm off my +1EPsY0RzfOk-00010-00005680-00005796 rocker. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00011-00005796-00006364 There are other file formats out there. These are just the two most widely used. For now. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00012-00006364-00006556 Slide 2b: +1EPsY0RzfOk-00013-00006556-00007152 EPUB and MOBI files are similar in many respects. Kind of like how a paperback and hardcover +1EPsY0RzfOk-00014-00007152-00007664 edition of a book are similar. They are both books and they both contain the same content, +1EPsY0RzfOk-00015-00007664-00008056 but the production process and the materials are different. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00016-00008056-00008570 You can also think of these two like a BETA versus VHS tape, if you're old enough. Or +1EPsY0RzfOk-00017-00008570-00009110 a Blue Ray versus an HD DVD if you're not. The outsides are very similar, but if you +1EPsY0RzfOk-00018-00009110-00009347 put it into the wrong machine, it won't work. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00019-00009347-00009488 Slide 3: +1EPsY0RzfOk-00020-00009488-00010127 Both EPUBs and MOBIs are compressed files. You're probably familiar with compressed or +1EPsY0RzfOk-00021-00010127-00010728 archived files with extensions like .zip or .tar The icons might look like a zippered +1EPsY0RzfOk-00022-00010728-00011279 file folder, a filing cabinet in a vice grip, or a cardboard box. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00023-00011279-00011797 Compression is a way of making your big bulky book into a small portable file. Think of +1EPsY0RzfOk-00024-00011797-00012432 it like the spacebags as seen on TV. You take a huge pile of bulky sweaters, which is your +1EPsY0RzfOk-00025-00012432-00013006 book, and suck out all the extra space so it will fit nicely into your suitcase. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00026-00013006-00013484 Compressing a file is slightly more complicated than sucking air out of a fancy ziplock bag +1EPsY0RzfOk-00027-00013484-00014040 with a vacuum hose, but the end result is simple. We end up with a smaller file that +1EPsY0RzfOk-00028-00014040-00014629 contains the book, and depending on how and what we compress, we have either an epub or +1EPsY0RzfOk-00029-00014629-00014801 a mobi file at the end. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00030-00014801-00015009 Slide 4: +1EPsY0RzfOk-00031-00015009-00015481 In order to work on an epub, to take it from the sloppy, painful state that results from +1EPsY0RzfOk-00032-00015481-00016040 automatic conversions, we need to unpack the file and really get at the root of the problem. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00033-00016040-00016662 Going back to our spacebag analogy, imagine you're going on a vacation. You plan on swimming, +1EPsY0RzfOk-00034-00016662-00017290 going to a cocktail party, rock climbing, and reading a lot. You tell your automatic-packing +1EPsY0RzfOk-00035-00017290-00017860 robot what you will be doing and she dutifully packs your clothes and puts them into a spacebag. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00036-00017860-00018223 You can see everything that's in the bag, but if you're going to trade out that awful +1EPsY0RzfOk-00037-00018223-00018731 golf shirt that hasn't fit you since 1997 for something more appropriate, you're going +1EPsY0RzfOk-00038-00018731-00018956 to need to unpack. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00039-00018956-00019462 Most computers recognize that the epub or mobi files are just a compressed archive. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00040-00019462-00020197 You can right-click for PC users, or Control-Click for Mac users and select Unzip, Extract, or +1EPsY0RzfOk-00041-00020197-00020433 Decompress from the menu, the computer will most likely decompress the archive for you. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00042-00020433-00021161 If all else fails, simple rename the file to .zip and do what you would normally do +1EPsY0RzfOk-00043-00021161-00021628 to open that kind of file. The computer may protest that you have changed the file extension +1EPsY0RzfOk-00044-00021628-00022108 and warn you that it may cause all kinds of problems, but it won't. No fear! +1EPsY0RzfOk-00045-00022108-00022484 Slide 5: +1EPsY0RzfOk-00046-00022484-00022984 When you open the file you will find three special prizes. There will be two directories, +1EPsY0RzfOk-00047-00022984-00023895 or folders, and one file. The folders will be named META-INF, and OEBPS. The file will +1EPsY0RzfOk-00048-00023895-00024423 be called mimetype. Feel free to explore. If you're brave, you could even see what happens +1EPsY0RzfOk-00049-00024423-00024606 when you change things. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00050-00024606-00025090 Stay tuned for the next episode of Digital Bindery's web series: Ebooks, How do they +1EPsY0RzfOk-00051-00025090-00025863 work. Inwhich we will examine such mysteries as mimetypes, metadata, and recompiling. +1EPsY0RzfOk-00052-00025863-00026332 If you have questions, or would like to suggest a future episode in this series, you can contact +1EPsY0RzfOk-00053-00026332-00026672 me, at amanda@digitalbindery.com +1GeKqP90ftg-00000-00000070-00000300 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم +1GeKqP90ftg-00001-00000300-00000668 نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أما بعد +1GeKqP90ftg-00002-00000800-00001014 We don't know if this may be our last Ramadhaan. +1GeKqP90ftg-00003-00001014-00001296 Allah (ﷻ) has give us the opportunity, the health +1GeKqP90ftg-00004-00001296-00001496 the wealth, the luxuries the comfort, +1GeKqP90ftg-00005-00001524-00001627 the Aafiyah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00006-00001689-00001891 This should be a moment and an occasion +1GeKqP90ftg-00007-00001892-00002105 to excel in Ibaadah and opportunity. +1GeKqP90ftg-00008-00002105-00002300 To capitalize for our Aakhirah, +1GeKqP90ftg-00009-00002336-00002521 while the water is calm, +1GeKqP90ftg-00010-00002544-00002964 while the waves are still normal, +1GeKqP90ftg-00011-00002964-00003208 we should be obeying Allah (ﷻ). +1GeKqP90ftg-00012-00003244-00003356 If ever there is a need, +1GeKqP90ftg-00013-00003356-00003656 then we shouldn't be like the Muthakarahs made circumstantial +1GeKqP90ftg-00014-00003704-00004059 and all this warnings and signs we mentioned before Qiyamah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00015-00004180-00004512 The coming of Dajjal, etc these are all minor signs, +1GeKqP90ftg-00016-00004512-00004712 for preparation for the big signs. +1GeKqP90ftg-00017-00004817-00005057 So it's been mentioned because a person needs to +1GeKqP90ftg-00018-00005057-00005385 re-correct and check that if I am engaged in any of these, +1GeKqP90ftg-00019-00005408-00005660 then when the big signs come what will happen. +1GeKqP90ftg-00020-00005660-00005894 If I am a sign of Qiyamah, what +1GeKqP90ftg-00021-00005894-00006180 answer will I give Allah (ﷻ) on the day of Qiyamah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00022-00006209-00006408 So these are small Fitan, +1GeKqP90ftg-00023-00006408-00006761 compare to the big Fitnah which is still to come +1GeKqP90ftg-00024-00006761-00006905 and that's why Nabi (ﷺ) said: +1GeKqP90ftg-00025-00006905-00007212 مثلي ومثلكم كمثل رجل أوقد ناراً +1GeKqP90ftg-00026-00007225-00007412 Like a person who has lit a fire, +1GeKqP90ftg-00027-00007423-00007620 فجعل الجنادب والفراش +1GeKqP90ftg-00028-00007631-00007881 all the insects are thronging +1GeKqP90ftg-00029-00007900-00008006 to the fire. +1GeKqP90ftg-00030-00008028-00008098 Like that, +1GeKqP90ftg-00031-00008098-00008334 وأنا آخذ بحجزكم عن النار +1GeKqP90ftg-00032-00008382-00008673 You are like those insects running to the fire. +1GeKqP90ftg-00033-00008673-00008942 I'm holding you by your waist I'm trying to pull you away. +1GeKqP90ftg-00034-00008942-00009185 It means my Quraan +1GeKqP90ftg-00035-00009185-00009297 and my Sunnah +1GeKqP90ftg-00036-00009318-00009702 is their to protect you from all this fires of this world. +1GeKqP90ftg-00037-00009702-00009902 The Fitnahs of this world, +1GeKqP90ftg-00038-00009902-00010102 the darkness of this world +1GeKqP90ftg-00039-00010102-00010369 and the bigger darkness, and the Fire of Aakhirah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00040-00010419-00010492 I am there +1GeKqP90ftg-00041-00010492-00010787 أنا آخذ بحجزكم عن النار +1GeKqP90ftg-00042-00010795-00010987 وَأَنا النذير الْعُرْيَان +1GeKqP90ftg-00043-00011019-00011187 In those days when there was +1GeKqP90ftg-00044-00011203-00011524 armies coming to attack a certain city, +1GeKqP90ftg-00045-00011536-00011692 there was an invasion +1GeKqP90ftg-00046-00011700-00011972 and the villagers that were on the outskirts, +1GeKqP90ftg-00047-00011972-00012145 seen the dust +1GeKqP90ftg-00048-00012160-00012321 and the horsemen coming. +1GeKqP90ftg-00049-00012321-00012574 They would go onto the nearest mountain peak, +1GeKqP90ftg-00050-00012574-00012891 remove their Kurta, their cloth +1GeKqP90ftg-00051-00012891-00013047 and wave it, +1GeKqP90ftg-00052-00013110-00013299 to warn, so everybody else that would see, +1GeKqP90ftg-00053-00013299-00013403 would do the same thing, +1GeKqP90ftg-00054-00013422-00013680 until the message would go to the entire tribe +1GeKqP90ftg-00055-00013688-00013921 and they will prepare for the invasion. +1GeKqP90ftg-00056-00013938-00014172 أَنا النذير الْعُرْيَان +1GeKqP90ftg-00057-00014180-00014372 The Baatil +1GeKqP90ftg-00058-00014372-00014556 and the Fitnahs of Dunya, +1GeKqP90ftg-00059-00014556-00014756 I am warning you for that. +1GeKqP90ftg-00060-00014776-00015097 So wise are the people who listen to the warning, +1GeKqP90ftg-00061-00015097-00015280 make preparation +1GeKqP90ftg-00062-00015280-00015563 and adequately prepare for engagement +1GeKqP90ftg-00063-00015563-00015777 for Dunya and Aakhirah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00064-00015796-00015977 Nabi (ﷺ) has come +1GeKqP90ftg-00065-00015977-00016203 for a mercy and a Rahma. +1GeKqP90ftg-00066-00016203-00016380 للعالمين +1GeKqP90ftg-00067-00016411-00016761 He is a benefit for our Dunya and our Aakhirah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00068-00016771-00016907 So we need to hold steadfast. +1GeKqP90ftg-00069-00016907-00017177 Why Allah has given us this opportunity. +1GeKqP90ftg-00070-00017177-00017348 We have done three signs previously. +1GeKqP90ftg-00071-00017348-00017918 Number 4: والَّذي نفسي بيدِه ، لا تقومُ السَّاعةُ حتَّى +1GeKqP90ftg-00072-00017993-00018248 يُكلِّمَ السِّباعُ الإنسَ +1GeKqP90ftg-00073-00018248-00018608 Until animals will speak, +1GeKqP90ftg-00074-00018689-00018841 animals will speak. +1GeKqP90ftg-00075-00018987-00019256 So commentators have went in detail +1GeKqP90ftg-00076-00019257-00019500 in the past where we have spoke etc etc, +1GeKqP90ftg-00077-00019500-00019667 which is one meaning: +1GeKqP90ftg-00078-00019726-00020136 The other meaning which is in todays time, which we can understand, +1GeKqP90ftg-00079-00020176-00020371 whether it is Disney +1GeKqP90ftg-00080-00020395-00020603 and they making animals speak +1GeKqP90ftg-00081-00020614-00020873 and mice speak and ducks speak +1GeKqP90ftg-00082-00020889-00021044 and turtles speak +1GeKqP90ftg-00083-00021054-00021273 or whether it's gaming or other worlds, +1GeKqP90ftg-00084-00021284-00021459 like the Pokemon etc +1GeKqP90ftg-00085-00021505-00021752 or whether it is cartoons or whatever else it is, +1GeKqP90ftg-00086-00021782-00021929 all these animals +1GeKqP90ftg-00087-00022030-00022168 are speaking. +1GeKqP90ftg-00088-00022230-00022404 If we have to just even just search +1GeKqP90ftg-00089-00022404-00022604 on Wikipedia, one eye creatures, +1GeKqP90ftg-00090-00022625-00022872 from Myth to science fiction, +1GeKqP90ftg-00091-00022872-00023134 to comics, to video games, +1GeKqP90ftg-00092-00023195-00023555 all of them have creatures forget animals alone +1GeKqP90ftg-00093-00023555-00023771 but animals that have one eye, +1GeKqP90ftg-00094-00023787-00024035 already preparation has been made. +1GeKqP90ftg-00095-00024035-00024235 Nabi (ﷺ) warned us +1GeKqP90ftg-00096-00024262-00024505 and we are seeing that but it is insignificant +1GeKqP90ftg-00097-00024505-00024705 because it has become so normal. +1GeKqP90ftg-00098-00024705-00024856 Like that person +1GeKqP90ftg-00099-00024910-00025099 who went to work for a tannery +1GeKqP90ftg-00100-00025099-00025398 and he complain to his wife the smell is very vile. +1GeKqP90ftg-00101-00025432-00025639 I can't handle this job I need to quit. +1GeKqP90ftg-00102-00025639-00025927 First day he complained, second day after five days, +1GeKqP90ftg-00103-00026004-00026183 the complains became less. +1GeKqP90ftg-00104-00026183-00026483 They say within a month he was happy with his job +1GeKqP90ftg-00105-00026516-00026783 because that smell became part of him. +1GeKqP90ftg-00106-00026798-00026992 Baatil, darkness, +1GeKqP90ftg-00107-00026992-00027256 Fitnah will become so common, +1GeKqP90ftg-00108-00027316-00027510 that it will be second nature. +1GeKqP90ftg-00109-00027580-00027763 Number four: Number five: +1GeKqP90ftg-00110-00027763-00028308 حتي تكلم الرجل عذبه سوطه +1GeKqP90ftg-00111-00028308-00028539 و شراك نعله +1GeKqP90ftg-00112-00028587-00028948 That a person's whip +1GeKqP90ftg-00113-00028977-00029148 and his shoelace, +1GeKqP90ftg-00114-00029258-00029406 will speak +1GeKqP90ftg-00115-00029552-00029864 again the Thaahir apparent meaning can be followed. +1GeKqP90ftg-00116-00029939-00030124 Ulama have also explained: +1GeKqP90ftg-00117-00030124-00030457 That in todays time it is very easy to understand +1GeKqP90ftg-00118-00030608-00030747 these things. +1GeKqP90ftg-00119-00030755-00031112 Obviously Nabi (ﷺ) was in a desert explaining to Sahabah, +1GeKqP90ftg-00120-00031112-00031388 1400 years ago, how do you explain tech. +1GeKqP90ftg-00121-00031448-00031667 So he used simple examples, +1GeKqP90ftg-00122-00031667-00031920 for people in the time when, it happens +1GeKqP90ftg-00123-00031920-00032058 they can related to it. +1GeKqP90ftg-00124-00032120-00032380 If we look today aerials, +1GeKqP90ftg-00125-00032477-00032681 a means of communication. +1GeKqP90ftg-00126-00032755-00033150 Those aerials are a means now we picking up the signal +1GeKqP90ftg-00127-00033273-00033436 and now our +1GeKqP90ftg-00128-00033436-00033604 technology, whether it's TV, +1GeKqP90ftg-00129-00033604-00033844 whether it's radios, wherever it is +1GeKqP90ftg-00130-00033864-00034009 his speaking, +1GeKqP90ftg-00131-00034030-00034184 in organic matter, +1GeKqP90ftg-00132-00034209-00034512 which will speak first we had animals speaking, +1GeKqP90ftg-00133-00034523-00034764 now in organic matter is speaking. +1GeKqP90ftg-00134-00034764-00035057 Speakers, it is dead it's metal, +1GeKqP90ftg-00135-00035057-00035422 it's speaking +1GeKqP90ftg-00136-00035520-00035678 and if you think deeper, +1GeKqP90ftg-00137-00035732-00035854 a whip +1GeKqP90ftg-00138-00035886-00035990 and a shoelace, +1GeKqP90ftg-00139-00035990-00036246 a shoelace is to tie something up. +1GeKqP90ftg-00140-00036256-00036428 These Fitnahs that will come, +1GeKqP90ftg-00141-00036428-00036628 that will be speaking, +1GeKqP90ftg-00142-00036640-00036780 will tie you up. +1GeKqP90ftg-00143-00036780-00036955 It will engage you it will make you +1GeKqP90ftg-00144-00036955-00037115 busy, it will trap you +1GeKqP90ftg-00145-00037123-00037428 and a whip is to control people. +1GeKqP90ftg-00146-00037433-00037712 Baatil, Dajjal, Shaytaan, +1GeKqP90ftg-00147-00037712-00037966 the forces of evil will come +1GeKqP90ftg-00148-00037966-00038238 and they will control you, +1GeKqP90ftg-00149-00038353-00038577 they will control you. +1GeKqP90ftg-00150-00038750-00038878 Number 6: +1GeKqP90ftg-00151-00038907-00039304 وتخبره بما أحدث أهله من بعده +1GeKqP90ftg-00152-00039352-00039504 and these things +1GeKqP90ftg-00153-00039536-00039654 will +1GeKqP90ftg-00154-00039699-00039870 speak to such an extent +1GeKqP90ftg-00155-00039870-00040105 وَتُخْبِرَهُ فَخِذُهُ +1GeKqP90ftg-00156-00040145-00040377 his thigh will speak. +1GeKqP90ftg-00157-00040593-00040787 So one is the real meaning: +1GeKqP90ftg-00158-00040787-00041076 One is, when you keep your cellphone in your pocket. +1GeKqP90ftg-00159-00041185-00041433 So Nabi (ﷺ) is saying it will even tell you +1GeKqP90ftg-00160-00041433-00041593 what's happening in your house, +1GeKqP90ftg-00161-00041593-00041793 with your wife, what your children are doing, +1GeKqP90ftg-00162-00041849-00042008 that cellphone when we take it out, +1GeKqP90ftg-00163-00042008-00042262 speak in real time we see what's happening +1GeKqP90ftg-00164-00042270-00042417 or a person connects +1GeKqP90ftg-00165-00042427-00042753 to CCTV camera he can see exactly whats happening +1GeKqP90ftg-00166-00042768-00043100 and Ajeeb (amazing point Nabi (ﷺ) said thigh, +1GeKqP90ftg-00167-00043220-00043652 computers, the small ones are called laptops. +1GeKqP90ftg-00168-00043691-00043888 Your lap is your thigh, +1GeKqP90ftg-00169-00043955-00044208 now you sitting with your laptop +1GeKqP90ftg-00170-00044252-00044452 and you seeing what is happening at home. +1GeKqP90ftg-00171-00044452-00044641 You seeing what is happening in the world. +1GeKqP90ftg-00172-00044641-00045003 You seeing the news of everything around you is happening. +1GeKqP90ftg-00173-00045220-00045675 So these are Fitan which Nabi (ﷺ) has warned us. +1GeKqP90ftg-00174-00045782-00046150 So as done previously we will be bombarded. +1GeKqP90ftg-00175-00046174-00046433 There will be a plethora of Fitnahs, +1GeKqP90ftg-00176-00046480-00046633 to such an extent, +1GeKqP90ftg-00177-00046633-00046856 that it will engulf you, +1GeKqP90ftg-00178-00046888-00047134 darkness will overpower you everywhere, +1GeKqP90ftg-00179-00047145-00047406 it will go even to the Ka'bah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00180-00047406-00047801 It will come to Masjid - un - Nabawi it will come into your houses, +1GeKqP90ftg-00181-00047825-00048126 this same Baatil of technology, +1GeKqP90ftg-00182-00048136-00048369 wherein front of the Baitullah, there is music +1GeKqP90ftg-00183-00048369-00048593 and there is Haraam blasting with those ringing tones. +1GeKqP90ftg-00184-00048627-00048945 Where people don't even give importance to Ibadaah +1GeKqP90ftg-00185-00048945-00049134 but they give importance to selfies +1GeKqP90ftg-00186-00049134-00049280 and taking pictures. +1GeKqP90ftg-00187-00049424-00049656 So that's become more than the A'mal. +1GeKqP90ftg-00188-00049712-00049960 That though that Fitnah has come to our houses, +1GeKqP90ftg-00189-00049960-00050233 our own children have become renegade, spouses +1GeKqP90ftg-00190-00050233-00050433 are having secret affairs. +1GeKqP90ftg-00191-00050467-00050721 Point 5, divorces are through facebook. +1GeKqP90ftg-00192-00050721-00050832 You hooked up with a friend, +1GeKqP90ftg-00193-00050832-00051032 an old acquintance a, b, c ,d, e, +1GeKqP90ftg-00194-00051032-00051232 swiped yes, no, +1GeKqP90ftg-00195-00051291-00051609 with a swipe of a finger today a person can commit Zina +1GeKqP90ftg-00196-00051649-00051809 and he can cover it up. +1GeKqP90ftg-00197-00051809-00052027 There are Apps made to cover up all of this. +1GeKqP90ftg-00198-00052027-00052264 There are organizations made to cover up all of this. +1GeKqP90ftg-00199-00052304-00052537 So that the Baatil can increase. +1GeKqP90ftg-00200-00052740-00052923 Husbands, we getting these cases, +1GeKqP90ftg-00201-00052924-00053042 this is not the place to mention it +1GeKqP90ftg-00202-00053042-00053242 but just to get an idea, +1GeKqP90ftg-00203-00053270-00053372 husbands +1GeKqP90ftg-00204-00053384-00053620 are forcing their wives to do +1GeKqP90ftg-00205-00053620-00053883 bizarre and barbaric actions, +1GeKqP90ftg-00206-00053888-00054192 that's because of their addiction with pornography, +1GeKqP90ftg-00207-00054262-00054408 threesomes etc. +1GeKqP90ftg-00208-00054444-00054571 We have had incidents, +1GeKqP90ftg-00209-00054571-00054924 where girls have been blackmailed to do the worst things +1GeKqP90ftg-00210-00055028-00055350 because she sent a picture of herself. +1GeKqP90ftg-00211-00055377-00055520 I'll expose you, +1GeKqP90ftg-00212-00055590-00056005 there are syndicates in our Midst. There are Muslim children +1GeKqP90ftg-00213-00056184-00056379 and they have a target +1GeKqP90ftg-00214-00056379-00056611 that who can get more intimate with a +1GeKqP90ftg-00215-00056611-00056811 girl and take a picture. +1GeKqP90ftg-00216-00056811-00056998 They will get a high ranking, +1GeKqP90ftg-00217-00057220-00057374 until we don't +1GeKqP90ftg-00218-00057400-00057748 hold on to the Quraan and Sunnah, +1GeKqP90ftg-00219-00057779-00058070 more than we hold onto the computer, +1GeKqP90ftg-00220-00058070-00058270 the laptop, the desktop, +1GeKqP90ftg-00221-00058310-00058641 the tablet, it's a medication, it's a tablet. +1GeKqP90ftg-00222-00058740-00059052 The medication of Shaytaan and Iblees. +1GeKqP90ftg-00223-00059113-00059344 We cannot see Khair happening. +1GeKqP90ftg-00224-00059411-00059592 Nabi (ﷺ) has warned us +1GeKqP90ftg-00225-00059744-00059862 and Zaroorat. (need) +1GeKqP90ftg-00226-00059862-00060091 We have to use it, no problem but +1GeKqP90ftg-00227-00060104-00060225 بقدر ضرورت +1GeKqP90ftg-00228-00060225-00060344 what's the necessity. +1GeKqP90ftg-00229-00060372-00060659 Like Moulana Yusuf (رحمة الله عليه) used to say: +1GeKqP90ftg-00230-00060689-00060966 Bayaan and Tableegh is like a hooter in the car +1GeKqP90ftg-00231-00060966-00061096 or a tongue in the body. +1GeKqP90ftg-00232-00061108-00061405 The hooter in the car you use it when there is a need, +1GeKqP90ftg-00233-00061414-00061605 where there is necessity. +1GeKqP90ftg-00234-00061730-00062032 Our children are our investment for generations. +1GeKqP90ftg-00235-00062080-00062264 Am I happy for them, +1GeKqP90ftg-00236-00062297-00062592 engaging so they can secure Dunya +1GeKqP90ftg-00237-00062616-00062838 and I am in the Qabr and I will suffer +1GeKqP90ftg-00238-00062849-00063073 or am I engaging my children +1GeKqP90ftg-00239-00063073-00063273 in A'maal, in Sunnah, +1GeKqP90ftg-00240-00063273-00063567 in Deen because you must remember it's not just your one child, +1GeKqP90ftg-00241-00063585-00063866 it's their child and their child, generations. +1GeKqP90ftg-00242-00063879-00064160 You are creating a foundation for future. +1GeKqP90ftg-00243-00064255-00064433 So that lies in our hands. +1GeKqP90ftg-00244-00064550-00064760 So the final goal of Iblees is +1GeKqP90ftg-00245-00064827-00064979 outwardly do what you want to +1GeKqP90ftg-00246-00064979-00065171 but inside I will control your heart. +1GeKqP90ftg-00247-00065171-00065371 Like Nuh (عليه السلام) was told by Shaytaan: +1GeKqP90ftg-00248-00065371-00065569 لأُصِيبَ قُلُوبَ أَصْحَابِكَ +1GeKqP90ftg-00249-00065569-00065740 Their hearts will be with you. +1GeKqP90ftg-00250-00065852-00066457 فَتَكُونُ قُلُوبُهُمْ مَعِي وَأَجسَادهُمْ مَعَكَ +1GeKqP90ftg-00251-00066483-00066640 That their hearts will be with me +1GeKqP90ftg-00252-00066640-00066830 but their bodies will be with you. +1GeKqP90ftg-00253-00066848-00067136 All the inhabitants are yours, but I want their hearts. +1GeKqP90ftg-00254-00067252-00067388 I will take their hearts so much, +1GeKqP90ftg-00255-00067388-00067576 يبيع دينه بعرض من الدنيا +1GeKqP90ftg-00256-00067576-00067721 He will sell his Deen, +1GeKqP90ftg-00257-00067777-00067921 make Hijrah for Dunya. +1GeKqP90ftg-00258-00067921-00068121 You are in the Mahol (enviroment) of Deen you in a place of Deen. +1GeKqP90ftg-00259-00068121-00068286 You in the Suhbat (company) of Ulama. +1GeKqP90ftg-00260-00068286-00068536 Go to places where there is no Deen no Masaajid, +1GeKqP90ftg-00261-00068536-00068784 that person eventually will sell his Deen. +1GeKqP90ftg-00262-00068784-00069062 In the mornng he is a Mu'min in the evening he is a Kaafir, +1GeKqP90ftg-00263-00069222-00069438 giving more importance to +1GeKqP90ftg-00264-00069454-00069670 Dunya knowledge than Deeni Knowledge. +1GeKqP90ftg-00265-00069678-00069904 How much Masaail of Deen do I know. +1GeKqP90ftg-00266-00070140-00070441 Importance and if the hearts are controlled +1GeKqP90ftg-00267-00070480-00070713 by the hollywood and bollywood stars, +1GeKqP90ftg-00268-00070713-00070897 are they in our hearts, +1GeKqP90ftg-00269-00070897-00071158 are the sport stars in our hearts, musicians, +1GeKqP90ftg-00270-00071302-00071526 the aerials outside our houses. +1GeKqP90ftg-00271-00071540-00071699 I make a sign, +1GeKqP90ftg-00272-00071699-00071857 No entry for Farishtas (Angels), +1GeKqP90ftg-00273-00071876-00072080 No entry for the Rahmat of Allah, +1GeKqP90ftg-00274-00072080-00072262 no entry for the mercy of Allah, +1GeKqP90ftg-00275-00072320-00072486 more than a billion arrows +1GeKqP90ftg-00276-00072496-00072892 peircing the heart of Nabi (ﷺ) are all these instruments +1GeKqP90ftg-00277-00072908-00073043 and our houses are +1GeKqP90ftg-00278-00073104-00073217 encouraging it. +1GeKqP90ftg-00279-00073548-00073833 The Shaytaan does not need the +1GeKqP90ftg-00280-00073833-00074153 physical idol but more the metaphorical idol. +1GeKqP90ftg-00281-00074203-00074488 Ibrahim (عليه السلام) when he came there were idols in the Baitullah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00282-00074635-00074889 So Shaytaan those days physically put the idols, +1GeKqP90ftg-00283-00074976-00075137 then they needed to do idol worship. +1GeKqP90ftg-00284-00075235-00075472 Nabi (ﷺ) there were idols in the Ka'bah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00285-00075508-00075713 People were making Sajdah making Ibadah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00286-00075828-00076204 Ambiyaa brought the effort of Hidayat the effort of Noor +1GeKqP90ftg-00287-00076227-00076369 to wipe out Baatil. +1GeKqP90ftg-00288-00076476-00076750 Now Shaytaan doesn't need to make ظاهري (apparent) effort. +1GeKqP90ftg-00289-00076803-00076998 He will make the باطني (internal) effort +1GeKqP90ftg-00290-00077166-00077417 and everything the plan is to +1GeKqP90ftg-00291-00077452-00077718 bring mankind onto his platform. +1GeKqP90ftg-00292-00077734-00077886 His wave length. +1GeKqP90ftg-00293-00077963-00078323 So to make everything electronic from whether it's your money, +1GeKqP90ftg-00294-00078323-00078468 Your currencies, +1GeKqP90ftg-00295-00078480-00078953 1971 when Nixon did away with the gold standard +1GeKqP90ftg-00296-00078953-00079118 and he suspended the system +1GeKqP90ftg-00297-00079136-00079411 and he applied the free floating. +1GeKqP90ftg-00298-00079411-00079528 He had currencies +1GeKqP90ftg-00299-00079643-00079812 to bring the world on to +1GeKqP90ftg-00300-00079824-00080065 an electronic system data. +1GeKqP90ftg-00301-00080076-00080208 So that they control people +1GeKqP90ftg-00302-00080208-00080444 because when you know somebody you control them. +1GeKqP90ftg-00303-00080544-00080790 People are worried about tracking and chips, forget the chips. +1GeKqP90ftg-00304-00080880-00080990 It's +1GeKqP90ftg-00305-00081054-00081345 an App that you downloading normally android system. +1GeKqP90ftg-00306-00081358-00081627 Apple system has already tracking Apps in them. +1GeKqP90ftg-00307-00081950-00082225 Then from the medical side, +1GeKqP90ftg-00308-00082302-00082555 when Dajjal will show people health and sickness. +1GeKqP90ftg-00309-00082555-00082720 Now we need to vaccinate you, +1GeKqP90ftg-00310-00082729-00082873 we have a cure +1GeKqP90ftg-00311-00082971-00083121 but ultimately +1GeKqP90ftg-00312-00083214-00083443 to put ingredients let us do some research. +1GeKqP90ftg-00313-00083443-00083732 There is pork derived products in vaccines. +1GeKqP90ftg-00314-00083744-00083896 Whether it's influenza for a male. +1GeKqP90ftg-00315-00083896-00084158 whether it is for measles, mumps, chickenpox, +1GeKqP90ftg-00316-00084214-00084395 all these vaccines +1GeKqP90ftg-00317-00084409-00084640 are there to put Haraam +1GeKqP90ftg-00318-00084683-00084918 into a believer, so he cannot obey Allah +1GeKqP90ftg-00319-00084918-00085097 and his Duas won't be accepted. +1GeKqP90ftg-00320-00085163-00085403 Eesa (عليه السلام) will come and kill pigs +1GeKqP90ftg-00321-00085449-00085603 but more than that, +1GeKqP90ftg-00322-00085732-00085876 all these +1GeKqP90ftg-00323-00085988-00086350 items of Baatil which have the Shaytaaniat +1GeKqP90ftg-00324-00086350-00086529 and the pork inside it, +1GeKqP90ftg-00325-00086564-00086792 like a simple thing like a vaccine +1GeKqP90ftg-00326-00086812-00087038 Eesa (عليه السلام) will wipe out all of these. +1GeKqP90ftg-00327-00087219-00087526 So these are all lessons for the people of Imaan. +1GeKqP90ftg-00328-00087593-00088156 That now a days more worse than Tobacco +1GeKqP90ftg-00329-00088180-00088384 and addictions if these people the +1GeKqP90ftg-00330-00088384-00088654 the BAT and Phillipe Morris of the world want +1GeKqP90ftg-00331-00088702-00088804 your lungs. +1GeKqP90ftg-00332-00088822-00089060 Then the Internet and social media want your Ruh (soul). +1GeKqP90ftg-00333-00089060-00089188 They want your soul. +1GeKqP90ftg-00334-00089188-00089452 It's the new crack, the cocaine, the new weed, +1GeKqP90ftg-00335-00089452-00089608 the new dopamine, +1GeKqP90ftg-00336-00089608-00089824 waiting for that likes, waiting for that replies, +1GeKqP90ftg-00337-00089824-00089956 waiting for that answers. +1GeKqP90ftg-00338-00089996-00090288 Bill Gates used to say the advance of technology +1GeKqP90ftg-00339-00090393-00090592 is based on what? making it fit. +1GeKqP90ftg-00340-00090592-00090726 So you don't even notice it, +1GeKqP90ftg-00341-00090726-00090888 it becomes part of your life, +1GeKqP90ftg-00342-00090899-00091049 it's your everyday thing. +1GeKqP90ftg-00343-00091123-00091395 They say 4,6 billion people are using the Internet. +1GeKqP90ftg-00344-00091395-00091625 3,7 billion on social media. +1GeKqP90ftg-00345-00091651-00091905 The average person spends 142 minutes on it. +1GeKqP90ftg-00346-00091931-00092204 40000 people are watching just E-Games, +1GeKqP90ftg-00347-00092204-00092404 Facebook has 2,5 billion users, +1GeKqP90ftg-00348-00092414-00092646 1,6 billion daily users, +1GeKqP90ftg-00349-00092652-00092846 Instagram, 1 billion users, +1GeKqP90ftg-00350-00092846-00093064 50 billion photos uploaded everyday, +1GeKqP90ftg-00351-00093064-00093264 100 million photos, +1GeKqP90ftg-00352-00093340-00093577 upload, 50 billion in total. +1GeKqP90ftg-00353-00093779-00093979 People have to put a sign board now, +1GeKqP90ftg-00354-00093998-00094150 incase of a fire, +1GeKqP90ftg-00355-00094150-00094412 exit the building first before tweeting +1GeKqP90ftg-00356-00094412-00094579 because this is the first thing everybody does. +1GeKqP90ftg-00357-00094769-00095040 A Muslim country Kuwait has the highest penetration +1GeKqP90ftg-00358-00095040-00095283 of internet users 99,6%. +1GeKqP90ftg-00359-00095344-00095659 In the U.S from the ages 18 - 29. +1GeKqP90ftg-00360-00095659-00095907 100% of the people use the internet, +1GeKqP90ftg-00361-00096020-00096356 an average user spends 6,5 hours daily online. +1GeKqP90ftg-00362-00096497-00096657 These are all darknesses. +1GeKqP90ftg-00363-00096692-00097038 These are all the plotting of Iblees and Shaytaan +1GeKqP90ftg-00364-00097038-00097227 and there is only one solution, +1GeKqP90ftg-00365-00097227-00097427 to turn to Allah and his Rasool (ﷺ) +1GeKqP90ftg-00366-00097427-00097614 May Allah (ﷻ) give us A'mal. +1GeKqP90ftg-00367-00097614-00097777 The A'mal for today +1GeKqP90ftg-00368-00097777-00098030 and the Dua to read which is connected +1GeKqP90ftg-00369-00098094-00098408 to this topic, is where +1GeKqP90ftg-00370-00098408-00098608 Hazrat Ibn Umar (رضي الله عنه) used to say: +1GeKqP90ftg-00371-00098608-00098812 Nabi (ﷺ) never left these words. +1GeKqP90ftg-00372-00098812-00099169 اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ +1GeKqP90ftg-00373-00099179-00099384 اللَّه��مَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ +1GeKqP90ftg-00374-00099384-00099614 فِي دِينِي وَدُنْيَايَ وَأَهْلِي، وَمَالِي +1GeKqP90ftg-00375-00099640-00099948 اللَّهُمَّ اسْتُرْ عَوْرَاتِي، وَآمِنْ رَوْعَاتِي +1GeKqP90ftg-00376-00099948-00100204 اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنِي مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيَّ +1GeKqP90ftg-00377-00100214-00100505 وَمِنْ خَلْفِي، وَعَنْ يَمِينِي، وَعَنْ شِمَالِي +1GeKqP90ftg-00378-00100510-00100644 وَمِنْ فَوْقِيْ وَ مِنْ تَحْتِيْ +1GeKqP90ftg-00379-00100646-00100934 وَأَعُوذُ بِعَظَمَتِكَ أَنْ أُغْتَالَ مِنْ تَحْتِي +1GeKqP90ftg-00380-00100971-00101283 This is the Dua which Nabi (ﷺ) made all the time very quickly. +1GeKqP90ftg-00381-00101302-00101608 The best Dua after Yaqeen is Aafiyah it includes Aafiyah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00382-00101632-00101940 Then Allah (ﷻ) conceal all my faults. +1GeKqP90ftg-00383-00101947-00102140 Ya Allah preserve +1GeKqP90ftg-00384-00102140-00102472 all fears and calamities that can come +1GeKqP90ftg-00385-00102472-00102707 to such an extent Oh Allah, protect me +1GeKqP90ftg-00386-00102707-00102907 from all directions, +1GeKqP90ftg-00387-00102911-00103139 even if there is a swallowing +1GeKqP90ftg-00388-00103158-00103377 or tremors +1GeKqP90ftg-00389-00103377-00103685 and other issues happening Ya Allah, or disgrace. +1GeKqP90ftg-00390-00103704-00103854 Ya Allah, protect me. +1GeKqP90ftg-00391-00103854-00104070 We need to make this Dua every day, +1GeKqP90ftg-00392-00104070-00104204 morning and evening +1GeKqP90ftg-00393-00104204-00104356 and the A'mal for today is +1GeKqP90ftg-00394-00104366-00104556 that reading Tahajjud Salaah +1GeKqP90ftg-00395-00104583-00104827 Allah (ﷻ) has explain in many Ayaat, +1GeKqP90ftg-00396-00104841-00104935 many Ahadeeth +1GeKqP90ftg-00397-00104935-00105309 إِنَّ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ سَاعَةً، لَا يُوَافِقُهَا َرجُلٌ مُسْلِمٌ +1GeKqP90ftg-00398-00105352-00105665 In the darkness of the night when you Dua and you ask Allah +1GeKqP90ftg-00399-00105665-00105848 إلا أعطاه إياه +1GeKqP90ftg-00400-00105872-00106120 Theres a certain time where your Duas are accepted +1GeKqP90ftg-00401-00106120-00106320 وذلك كل اليلة +1GeKqP90ftg-00402-00106332-00106520 This is the time to connect with Allah +1GeKqP90ftg-00403-00106539-00106776 and get that time of Qabuliyat (acceptance) +1GeKqP90ftg-00404-00106786-00107080 يحشر الناس فى صعيد واحد يوم القيامة +1GeKqP90ftg-00405-00107085-00107300 People will be gathered on one plain on the day of Qiyamah. +1GeKqP90ftg-00406-00107326-00107456 A proclaimer will say: +1GeKqP90ftg-00407-00107470-00107838 أَيْنَ الَّذيْنَ كانَتْ تَتَجَافَى جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ +1GeKqP90ftg-00408-00107849-00107959 Where are those people +1GeKqP90ftg-00409-00107959-00108222 who use to separate themselves from their beds +1GeKqP90ftg-00410-00108222-00108422 they stood up before Allah (ﷻ) +1GeKqP90ftg-00411-00108422-00108526 فيقومون +1GeKqP90ftg-00412-00108550-00108651 and they will stand up +1GeKqP90ftg-00413-00108651-00108753 وهم قليل +1GeKqP90ftg-00414-00108753-00108888 They will be very few. +1GeKqP90ftg-00415-00108888-00109203 فيدخلون الجنة بغير حساب +1GeKqP90ftg-00416-00109227-00109560 They will be told, go into Jannah, without Hisaab, Kitaab +1GeKqP90ftg-00417-00109560-00110160 و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين +1KDBj10j7Vu-00000-00000000-00000456 so I'm here to talk about Python and web dev and if you're here at django con +1KDBj10j7Vu-00001-00000456-00000803 then you're already familiar with django of course but there's lots of other +1KDBj10j7Vu-00002-00000803-00001257 Python web dev frameworks out there so django is actually influenced by several +1KDBj10j7Vu-00003-00001257-00001748 earlier frameworks like soap and plone and in turn it has inspired lots of other frameworks that came after it like +1KDBj10j7Vu-00004-00001980-00002532 pyramid turbo gears cherry pie bottle and web to pie but the one that I'm here +1KDBj10j7Vu-00005-00002532-00003051 to talk about is called flask now flask is a micro framework that has some +1KDBj10j7Vu-00006-00003051-00003464 surprising beginnings that actually started as an April Fool's joke if you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00007-00003464-00003870 can believe it the author of this framework had written two other +1KDBj10j7Vu-00008-00003870-00004398 frameworks called Vox ugh which is like a server framework and Jinja 2 which is a templating library and he figured it +1KDBj10j7Vu-00009-00004589-00004941 would be kind of fun to take these two libraries put them together into a zip file and then write this denied +1KDBj10j7Vu-00010-00005169-00005532 framework that when you ran it it would just automatically unzip these libraries +1KDBj10j7Vu-00011-00005532-00005894 onto your computer and run them and thought everyone would just laugh and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00012-00005894-00006369 instead everyone said this is fantastic we need to actually use this in +1KDBj10j7Vu-00013-00006369-00007056 production so he turned it into an actual production ready framework that +1KDBj10j7Vu-00014-00007056-00007542 has actually gotten surprisingly popular if you look on github today you will see +1KDBj10j7Vu-00015-00007542-00008043 that if you list all of the Python repositories Jenko and flask are both up +1KDBj10j7Vu-00016-00008043-00008547 there and flask actually has more stars than django does so if that's your measure of popularity than flask is more +1KDBj10j7Vu-00017-00008729-00009200 popular so you might be asking yourself why is flask so popular is it actually +1KDBj10j7Vu-00018-00009200-00009789 better than django and the answer as you might imagine is it depends django is +1KDBj10j7Vu-00019-00009789-00010211 large flask is small both of them are good you know we're a friendly community +1KDBj10j7Vu-00020-00010211-00010772 and we love each other so let me give you some examples to introduce what +1KDBj10j7Vu-00021-00010772-00011075 flask II is and how to use it I'm assuming that you have some familiar +1KDBj10j7Vu-00022-00011075-00011493 some familiarity with Django but that you know little to nothing about about +1KDBj10j7Vu-00023-00011493-00011886 flask so where do we start with programming we always start with hello world here is the hello world +1KDBj10j7Vu-00024-00012140-00012735 application in flask as you can see it is literally five lines of code and you run it by calling flask Run and setting +1KDBj10j7Vu-00025-00013059-00013368 an environment variable to let the flask command-line screen +1KDBj10j7Vu-00026-00013368-00013734 to know where to find your application so in this case I've taken these five +1KDBj10j7Vu-00027-00013734-00014081 lines of code and put it in a file called hello dot PI so I just say flask app equals hello dot PI flask run and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00028-00014325-00014787 that will start a local development server on port 5,000 and if you visit +1KDBj10j7Vu-00029-00014787-00015116 the root of that website you'll see the string hello world in your browser it is really that easy by contrast if you want +1KDBj10j7Vu-00030-00015509-00015903 to do hello world in Jango you start by installing Jango and then you do Django +1KDBj10j7Vu-00031-00015903-00016278 admin start project project you go in to your project you make your Hello app +1KDBj10j7Vu-00032-00016278-00016662 which then of course you have to put that into the settings PI then you write +1KDBj10j7Vu-00033-00016662-00017123 your hello view which requires importing this HTTP response thing and returning +1KDBj10j7Vu-00034-00017123-00017481 it and then you have to deal with URLs pi which means writing regular +1KDBj10j7Vu-00035-00017481-00017862 expressions which is always a pain especially for someone who is new to +1KDBj10j7Vu-00036-00017862-00018351 programming and doesn't necessarily know how to do regular expressions so I've +1KDBj10j7Vu-00037-00018351-00018821 actually found when talking with people who are new to web development in Python +1KDBj10j7Vu-00038-00018821-00019287 that Django is more intimidating to beginners than flask is Django has a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00039-00019287-00019584 steeper learning curve because you have to go over settings and regular +1KDBj10j7Vu-00040-00019584-00020012 expressions you have to understand the concepts of projects versus applications +1KDBj10j7Vu-00041-00020012-00020432 flask is much simpler to get started you can actually have your entire project in +1KDBj10j7Vu-00042-00020432-00021095 a single file and that works really well so by that account flask wins out with +1KDBj10j7Vu-00043-00021095-00021540 the simplicity factor for getting started but projects are generally more +1KDBj10j7Vu-00044-00021540-00021881 complicated than hello world typically you want to store some data in a database modify it and render that data +1KDBj10j7Vu-00045-00022148-00022688 on the front end so how do you do data modeling well let's start with Django +1KDBj10j7Vu-00046-00022688-00023229 this time well in Django we're gonna use the Django ORM so you do from Django DB import models and here I'm defining a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00047-00023372-00023829 very basic blog post model this is code that you've probably seen before to manipulate the data you just create an +1KDBj10j7Vu-00048-00024018-00024609 instance of it assign information on properties and do object dot Save and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00049-00024609-00025160 then you can query the database by doing blog post objects and you can do filters +1KDBj10j7Vu-00050-00025160-00025523 and you can do selects and all sorts of standard things that you can do with +1KDBj10j7Vu-00051-00025523-00025994 database query so how do you do the same sort of thing in flask well the answer +1KDBj10j7Vu-00052-00025994-00026370 is you don't so flask actually doesn't have data +1KDBj10j7Vu-00053-00026370-00026743 models now you're looking at this and you're wondering how can +1KDBj10j7Vu-00054-00026743-00027316 be how can a web framework not have a data model how can a webform with it's +1KDBj10j7Vu-00055-00027316-00027727 apparently more popular than Django and not have a data model well the answer is that J is that flask has a very +1KDBj10j7Vu-00056-00027945-00028494 different perspective and ideology from django django bundles everything +1KDBj10j7Vu-00057-00028494-00028993 altogether and flask is much more modular so here's an example of how you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00058-00028993-00029553 might handle data modeling in django versus flask you can see that the Django +1KDBj10j7Vu-00059-00029553-00029997 ORM is built into Django itself so you install Django and you've got it +1KDBj10j7Vu-00060-00029997-00030666 flask doesn't have that but flask has connections to other Python modules in +1KDBj10j7Vu-00061-00030666-00031111 the Python package index that will do data modeling for you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00062-00031111-00031531 for example the sequel alchemy ORM is a very popular one if you want to do +1KDBj10j7Vu-00063-00031531-00031920 non-relational databases with MongoDB you can use Mongo engine there's a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00064-00031920-00032338 smaller framework called pee-wee that's been getting some attention lately so +1KDBj10j7Vu-00065-00032338-00032925 the idea is that flask is very very minimalist it has almost nothing in +1KDBj10j7Vu-00066-00032925-00033319 there it has only the bare necessities for what you need in order to do a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00067-00033319-00033781 simple static website essentially it includes templating URL routing error +1KDBj10j7Vu-00068-00033781-00034321 handling and a debugger that is all however it is designed to be incredibly +1KDBj10j7Vu-00069-00034321-00034740 extensible so that you can plug and play and choose which components that you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00070-00034740-00035209 want to plug into your website and make it work exactly the way that you want so +1KDBj10j7Vu-00071-00035209-00035608 let me give you an example that shows you how you might do data modeling using +1KDBj10j7Vu-00072-00035608-00036118 sequel alchemy and flask so there's an extension called flask sequel alchemy +1KDBj10j7Vu-00073-00036118-00036478 which is designed to cleanly integrate these two different modules so you would just install that and that install seek +1KDBj10j7Vu-00074-00036637-00037084 welcome e itself as a dependency and then you do some basic setup to configure it so I'm gonna import that +1KDBj10j7Vu-00075-00037312-00037888 extension and I'm going to configure it on to my flask application and as you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00076-00037888-00038325 can see the flask application also has this dot config object where you can set +1KDBj10j7Vu-00077-00038325-00038841 information that your application or extensions can read and use so in this case I might say that I want my my +1KDBj10j7Vu-00078-00039100-00039571 database to be a sequel Lite database that uses the test DB file under the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00079-00039571-00040036 temp directory whatever the thing that's really important here is that you notice +1KDBj10j7Vu-00080-00040036-00040312 that yours importing the sequel alchemy class and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00081-00040312-00040825 you're creating a variable called DB that you you get by wrapping your +1KDBj10j7Vu-00082-00040825-00041404 application with sequel alchemy so now that you have this DB object you can do +1KDBj10j7Vu-00083-00041404-00041830 some very familiar things with it so here I'm defining a data model a blog +1KDBj10j7Vu-00084-00041830-00042250 post data model and you can see that it looks very familiar +1KDBj10j7Vu-00085-00042250-00042664 to the same sort of thing that you would do with the Django ORM in fact I'll take +1KDBj10j7Vu-00086-00042664-00042997 the previous example and I'll put it on the same slide so you can compare and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00087-00042997-00043450 contrast they're not identical but they're very similar to each other and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00088-00043450-00043936 if you've used the Django R M you can use sequel alchemy in almost the same +1KDBj10j7Vu-00089-00043936-00044518 way you can also manipulate data in very similar fashions so you can create an +1KDBj10j7Vu-00090-00044518-00045049 instance of a blog post an instance of the blog post class assign information +1KDBj10j7Vu-00091-00045049-00045445 to it and then instead of calling dot save on it you have to add it to the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00092-00045445-00045970 database session and commit the session it's the same basic concept sequel +1KDBj10j7Vu-00093-00045970-00046378 alchemy is just making you sort of be a little bit more explicit with how this +1KDBj10j7Vu-00094-00046378-00046846 database interaction works and you can query data in the same way so you do +1KDBj10j7Vu-00095-00046846-00047314 query instead of dot objects and you can do dot filter order filter by and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00096-00047314-00047803 there's a lot of the same basic things that you can do in Django and you can do +1KDBj10j7Vu-00097-00047803-00048160 the same sort of thing in sequel Kamiya in fact i'm of the opinion that sequel +1KDBj10j7Vu-00098-00048160-00048601 alchemy is a more powerful object relational mapper than Django or M but that's another topic for another time +1KDBj10j7Vu-00099-00048780-00049513 so so by comparison so to talk about data models here on the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00100-00049513-00049864 higher level Django's data models are easier to get started because they're +1KDBj10j7Vu-00101-00049864-00050329 built in so you don't need to import and install anything else to get started +1KDBj10j7Vu-00102-00050329-00050788 however flask allows you more flexibility to choose whatever you want +1KDBj10j7Vu-00103-00050788-00051220 to use django assumes that you're going to use a relational database flask you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00104-00051220-00051634 can use whatever you want you can use Mongo you can use Google App engines +1KDBj10j7Vu-00105-00051634-00052039 datastore you can use whatever it doesn't matter but of course the more +1KDBj10j7Vu-00106-00052039-00052354 options you have the more flexibility you have the more chance you have to +1KDBj10j7Vu-00107-00052353-00052783 screw something up so you know it's a trade-off there let's keep going +1KDBj10j7Vu-00108-00052783-00053205 most web applications have users and they also have an admin to be able to view information in your database and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00109-00053428-00053764 modify so how do these compare can you do this +1KDBj10j7Vu-00110-00053764-00054141 sort of thing with flasks well with Django we have your familiar Django dead +1KDBj10j7Vu-00111-00054141-00054469 contrib death it's built-in it's easy I'm sure you're +1KDBj10j7Vu-00112-00054469-00054804 all rather familiar with it if you need extra models if you need extra information for users you can swap out +1KDBj10j7Vu-00113-00054997-00055372 the user model it's a little complicated you can also make a user profile to +1KDBj10j7Vu-00114-00055372-00055633 attach to it that's also a little complicated but it works pretty well +1KDBj10j7Vu-00115-00055633-00056203 with the admin you have Django Tekonsha admin also built in an easy very customizable and there's a lot of +1KDBj10j7Vu-00116-00056391-00056662 documentation out there with a fine-grained permission system so that +1KDBj10j7Vu-00117-00056662-00057175 different admin users can get access to different objects to administer so how +1KDBj10j7Vu-00118-00057175-00057520 do we do it in flask well as you might imagine you don't have users built-in +1KDBj10j7Vu-00119-00057520-00057925 because you don't even have a data model built in but there is a very popular +1KDBj10j7Vu-00120-00057925-00058384 flask extension called flask login which is generic and works with just about any +1KDBj10j7Vu-00121-00058384-00058747 data model including sequel alchemy if you'd like so here's an example of how +1KDBj10j7Vu-00122-00058747-00059137 we might do that I'm going to define a user class and you can see I'm importing +1KDBj10j7Vu-00123-00059137-00059557 this user mixin from-from flask login that gives it a couple of extra little +1KDBj10j7Vu-00124-00059557-00059971 superpowers so that we have some standard usage that you can use across +1KDBj10j7Vu-00125-00059971-00060349 your framework regardless of whether you're using sequel alchemy or Mongo or +1KDBj10j7Vu-00126-00060349-00060901 whatever so for example in my route I might say if current user dot is +1KDBj10j7Vu-00127-00060901-00061266 anonymous now current user is something that's provided by flask login it's a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00128-00061266-00061669 pointer basically to whatever user is currently logged in and the is anonymous +1KDBj10j7Vu-00129-00061669-00061915 thing is provided by that user mixin that I showed you earlier so here's a simple view where I'm saying +1KDBj10j7Vu-00130-00062101-00062407 if you're anonymous just render the splash page otherwise show the user +1KDBj10j7Vu-00131-00062407-00062953 homepage flask login will also give you a login required decorator which you've probably seen from Jango as well so it's +1KDBj10j7Vu-00132-00063199-00063565 just a decorator that you apply to your view if the user tries to access the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00133-00063565-00063949 view and they're not logged in they'll get a 403 forbidden exception again very +1KDBj10j7Vu-00134-00063949-00064257 similar to Jango but the idea is that you build this piece by piece +1KDBj10j7Vu-00135-00064257-00064866 with user permissions you can also use the principle extension that has a very similar fine-grained permissioning +1KDBj10j7Vu-00136-00065014-00065611 system the same way that django django use it django contrib off models do so +1KDBj10j7Vu-00137-00065611-00065959 the idea is if you don't want a permissioning system you don't need to +1KDBj10j7Vu-00138-00065959-00066199 have it Django users have that built in by +1KDBj10j7Vu-00139-00066199-00066544 default and you have to sort of deal with it whether you want it or not with +1KDBj10j7Vu-00140-00066544-00066777 flask you can decide if you want to add that it or not and with the admin as you might expect +1KDBj10j7Vu-00141-00066981-00067419 there's a flask admin extension as well so you want to use that you install it +1KDBj10j7Vu-00142-00067419-00067845 you set it up and you decide which theme you want to use it has a couple of +1KDBj10j7Vu-00143-00067845-00068199 themes built in based on bootstrap or you can write your own and work with +1KDBj10j7Vu-00144-00068199-00068517 several different database backends including sequel alchemy and Mongo and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00145-00068517-00069057 Pewee and that's designed to work with or without any sort of other denny user +1KDBj10j7Vu-00146-00069057-00069393 extension that you want so it's very common to have it work with flask login and fly off last principle but it's not +1KDBj10j7Vu-00147-00069603-00070026 required here's some screenshots of how it looks here's the list view so you can +1KDBj10j7Vu-00148-00070026-00070368 see all of your users here's how you edit a user as you can see it's all +1KDBj10j7Vu-00149-00070368-00070842 standard bootstrap so it's pretty familiar and it's pretty powerful now +1KDBj10j7Vu-00150-00070842-00071187 there's a lot of different extensions that I've just gone over and having a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00151-00071187-00071640 user and admin system is pretty standard so there's actually an extension called +1KDBj10j7Vu-00152-00071640-00072075 flask security which all it does is it takes about five or six different flask +1KDBj10j7Vu-00153-00072075-00072465 extensions and bundles them all together into one package so they're already +1KDBj10j7Vu-00154-00072465-00072873 designed to hook up together properly so you can just install this one extension +1KDBj10j7Vu-00155-00072873-00073338 and bam you've got your users your permissions your admin it's all there +1KDBj10j7Vu-00156-00073338-00073743 it's great and of course it works with sequel alchemy Mongo engine or pee-wee's +1KDBj10j7Vu-00157-00073743-00074337 so you've got a lot of flexibility here so again django has a user a user +1KDBj10j7Vu-00158-00074337-00074868 framework and admin built in and they work very well they're not maybe they're +1KDBj10j7Vu-00159-00074868-00075171 not as flexible as personally I would like but for a lot of people they work +1KDBj10j7Vu-00160-00075171-00075585 great flask requires a lot of different extensions working together in concert +1KDBj10j7Vu-00161-00075585-00075954 which makes for a steeper learning curve but it means that you can define your user model and your permissioning system +1KDBj10j7Vu-00162-00076161-00076584 to work exactly the way that you want so it's basically a question of do you want +1KDBj10j7Vu-00163-00076584-00077052 off the shelf or do you want extensive customization there's also the idea of +1KDBj10j7Vu-00164-00077052-00077550 reusable apps so Jango has got this nailed with the whole django apps system +1KDBj10j7Vu-00165-00077550-00078060 that you have to have an app every time you create your project all code related +1KDBj10j7Vu-00166-00078060-00078333 to one concept lives in one place like for example you might have all the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00167-00078333-00078837 registration logic in one place how does that compare so with django you install +1KDBj10j7Vu-00168-00078837-00079338 your thing and you get it set up in the installed apps list in the settings you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00169-00079338-00079677 have the django packages website available which is fantastic and shows +1KDBj10j7Vu-00170-00079677-00080010 you a lot of good information about the packages available but it's a little +1KDBj10j7Vu-00171-00080010-00080352 hard to figure out which packages you actually one which ones are maintained +1KDBj10j7Vu-00172-00080352-00080785 with a higher quality and so on and of course if you're writing your own +1KDBj10j7Vu-00173-00080785-00081136 application it's very tempting to just stick everything into one app rather +1KDBj10j7Vu-00174-00081136-00081489 than organizing it into several it's sort of complicated to figure out how +1KDBj10j7Vu-00175-00081489-00081930 you want to move all those pieces around by contrast blue flask has something +1KDBj10j7Vu-00176-00081930-00082218 called blueprints which are not quite the same thing but they're pretty +1KDBj10j7Vu-00177-00082218-00082683 similar it's a way of organizing the views in your application so that you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00178-00082683-00083127 can again group logic together into similar places but it doesn't require that you move models into different +1KDBj10j7Vu-00179-00083299-00083664 places it doesn't require anything about migrations in different places it's +1KDBj10j7Vu-00180-00083664-00084010 basically just views so it's it's much smaller and much more lightweight which +1KDBj10j7Vu-00181-00084010-00084342 might be a good thing or bad thing depending on how on how you look at it +1KDBj10j7Vu-00182-00084342-00084813 it's also a very familiar syntax so let me go back to our basic hello world that +1KDBj10j7Vu-00183-00084813-00085236 we had before and I will take this application and I'll transform it into a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00184-00085236-00085719 blueprint just like this you can see the only things I had to change was turn the app variable into a blueprint variable +1KDBj10j7Vu-00185-00085977-00086508 and I can still do the same basic route decorator on top and now once I have +1KDBj10j7Vu-00186-00086508-00087067 this hello underscore BP blueprint I can attach it to an existing application just by importing it from the file where +1KDBj10j7Vu-00187-00087294-00087720 I have it defined and I can call app dot register blueprint of the blueprint that +1KDBj10j7Vu-00188-00087720-00088101 I've defined so it makes it much easier to take an application that was +1KDBj10j7Vu-00189-00088101-00088536 originally defined as one monolithic application and separated out into +1KDBj10j7Vu-00190-00088536-00088924 several different blueprints although you might do the same sort of thing with +1KDBj10j7Vu-00191-00088924-00089404 Jango apps so to compare Jango apps are more comprehensive there's a lot more of +1KDBj10j7Vu-00192-00089404-00089745 them out there especially if you check the Jango packages website but they're +1KDBj10j7Vu-00193-00089745-00090172 also more complex and sometimes it's hard to refactor your own application +1KDBj10j7Vu-00194-00090172-00090588 into Jango apps by contrast flask blueprints are simpler and they're easy +1KDBj10j7Vu-00195-00090588-00090967 to integrate with a project but maybe they don't provide the power that you're +1KDBj10j7Vu-00196-00090967-00091425 looking for again it's it's sort of a subjective thing another thing that a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00197-00091425-00091806 lot of websites need is api's they're increasingly common for babba +1KDBj10j7Vu-00198-00091806-00092242 for web applications and they have different user patterns compared to HTML +1KDBj10j7Vu-00199-00092242-00092763 web pages so how do these two compare well when you're dealing with Jango you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00200-00092763-00093168 want to use Django rest framework it's great I'm sure you've all heard tons and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00201-00093168-00093504 tons of praise from this framework over the past few days it's multi-layered +1KDBj10j7Vu-00202-00093504-00093844 abstract if multi-layered abstractions so you can +1KDBj10j7Vu-00203-00093844-00094227 choose which layer you want to go with it has tons of documentation and it works great so what about with flask +1KDBj10j7Vu-00204-00094492-00094833 well as you might imagine you want to use multiple different extensions +1KDBj10j7Vu-00205-00094833-00095220 working together to provide the experience that you're looking for with Django rest framework typically the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00206-00095376-00095818 thing that sort of forms the core of how your api is structured is the serializer +1KDBj10j7Vu-00207-00095818-00096379 and in flask you would probably want to use the marshmallow module which is as +1KDBj10j7Vu-00208-00096379-00096820 you might imagine a serializer framework and the ecosystem has integrations with +1KDBj10j7Vu-00209-00096820-00097158 flask with sequel alchemy with Mongo engine with a whole bunch of other +1KDBj10j7Vu-00210-00097158-00097504 things so no matter what sort of structure you've decided for your web app flat marshmallow will work properly +1KDBj10j7Vu-00211-00097774-00098289 with it so let me give you an example this is a fair amount of code but this +1KDBj10j7Vu-00212-00098289-00098976 is an application written in flask that returns a JSON based API endpoints to +1KDBj10j7Vu-00213-00098976-00099379 return information about the currently logged in user now annotate this a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00214-00099379-00099714 little bit you can see at the start I am importing a whole bunch of stuff and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00215-00099714-00100201 then I'm going to initialize the flask marshmallow extension and save it into a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00216-00100201-00100687 variable called MA then I'm going to define my schema which is basically the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00217-00100687-00101206 serializer Django rest framework uses the word serializer marshmallow uses the word schema it's the same basic thing +1KDBj10j7Vu-00218-00101364-00101761 and you can see I'm telling it to just find the fields defined on the user +1KDBj10j7Vu-00219-00101761-00102094 model and exclude the password field because we don't want that being +1KDBj10j7Vu-00220-00102094-00102656 displayed on our API and then in the actual API view I can just say +1KDBj10j7Vu-00221-00102656-00103399 initialize this user schema and take the current user and output it as JSON and I +1KDBj10j7Vu-00222-00103399-00103719 also have the log-in required decorator that I talked about earlier which will +1KDBj10j7Vu-00223-00103719-00104166 make sure that you can only access this API endpoint if you are currently logged +1KDBj10j7Vu-00224-00104166-00104811 in so this is one page you know this is maybe 15 lines of code and we have a basic API set up in such a way that you +1KDBj10j7Vu-00225-00105058-00105711 can understand every single piece of the puzzle of how its put together so django +1KDBj10j7Vu-00226-00105711-00106108 versus flask when it comes to api's Django rest framework is amazing I +1KDBj10j7Vu-00227-00106108-00106522 really wish that flask had something that was as well put together and as +1KDBj10j7Vu-00228-00106522-00106980 clean and as abstracted as Django rest framework we don't have that yet +1KDBj10j7Vu-00229-00106980-00107292 maybe someone will put that together the same way that people did that for flasks +1KDBj10j7Vu-00230-00107292-00107763 security but as it is you can still use all the extensions that you want to put together something just as powerful as +1KDBj10j7Vu-00231-00107944-00108450 DRF if not more so and you have more flexibility as well because you're not +1KDBj10j7Vu-00232-00108450-00108810 constrained to the constraints that jenga puts upon you you can use a non +1KDBj10j7Vu-00233-00108810-00109275 relational database if you want to you can use any sort of different components +1KDBj10j7Vu-00234-00109275-00109584 that you want to mix into your application to make it taste exactly the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00235-00109584-00110049 way that you want so the question you might be asking yourself is which one do +1KDBj10j7Vu-00236-00110049-00110511 I choose and of course it's up to you it depends on the project but let me give +1KDBj10j7Vu-00237-00110511-00110891 you a couple of brief bullet points so that you have an idea of which to go for +1KDBj10j7Vu-00238-00110891-00111321 you generally want to choose Jango when you're happy with all the choices that +1KDBj10j7Vu-00239-00111321-00111711 Jango makes for you so I've been talking about how Jango restricts you to using a relational database maybe you like using +1KDBj10j7Vu-00240-00111919-00112212 a relational database if that's the case go for it Jango makes you use Django templates +1KDBj10j7Vu-00241-00112398-00112698 although that's changed recently you can swap out different templating systems +1KDBj10j7Vu-00242-00112698-00113044 but general you want to go with the things that jenga provides for you the +1KDBj10j7Vu-00243-00113044-00113419 more that you do that the happier you'll be if you're not doing anything too +1KDBj10j7Vu-00244-00113419-00113770 unusual Jango will work great for you because the more that you try to fight +1KDBj10j7Vu-00245-00113770-00114273 the framework the more pain you'll experience and also Jango sort of sets +1KDBj10j7Vu-00246-00114273-00114597 up a whole bunch of different things for you you can peek under the covers and +1KDBj10j7Vu-00247-00114597-00114942 you can learn how the ORM works and how the templating system works and how all +1KDBj10j7Vu-00248-00114942-00115410 the different pieces fit together but you don't necessarily have to by contrast you might want to choose flask +1KDBj10j7Vu-00249-00115563-00115899 when you disagree with one of Django's choices and you want to do things +1KDBj10j7Vu-00250-00115899-00116211 differently if you want to use sequel alchemy instead of the jingo ORM for +1KDBj10j7Vu-00251-00116211-00116601 example or if you have unusual requirements like using a non relational +1KDBj10j7Vu-00252-00116601-00117021 database or doing something else that seems a little bit odd or unusual for a +1KDBj10j7Vu-00253-00117021-00117399 web framework Jango will fight you a little bit on this flask will say yeah +1KDBj10j7Vu-00254-00117399-00117852 do what you want great or it's great to use flask when you're doing a hobbyist +1KDBj10j7Vu-00255-00117852-00118212 side project and maybe you're less concerned with having a working project +1KDBj10j7Vu-00256-00118212-00118575 and more concerned with understanding all the different layers and how they +1KDBj10j7Vu-00257-00118575-00118947 work together it's great for really making you learn how all the pieces fit +1KDBj10j7Vu-00258-00118947-00119300 together and it'll make you a better programmer by having that understanding +1KDBj10j7Vu-00259-00119300-00119751 so I'm about out of time but that's all I have to say does anyone +1KDBj10j7Vu-00260-00119751-00120082 have any questions I only have a little bit of time to take questions and I will +1KDBj10j7Vu-00261-00120082-00120328 also say I'm sure there are people here with a lot +1KDBj10j7Vu-00262-00120328-00120810 of opinions so I'm going to be out in the lobby to host an argument session +1KDBj10j7Vu-00263-00120810-00121098 after this talk +1MWsccp0jVy-00000-00000006-00000270 how many shoes can a single person carry +1MWsccp0jVy-00001-00000390-00000864 oh yeah we got some more right here take that one in there all right let's see how +1MWsccp0jVy-00002-00000864-00001488 far you can go and he's off all right here he comes how many did you get 18. +1NVWBKzWrlY-00000-00000000-00000200 Get your cat Tee Shirts & mug in link below +1p6ueY6_U2A-00000-00000032-00000416 Hi everyone, my name is Kay Neary and I am your librarian for this class +1p6ueY6_U2A-00001-00000416-00000888 and I wanted to make a quick video to show you how to access the textbook +1p6ueY6_U2A-00002-00000888-00001288 from Canvas click on the link to textbook +1p6ueY6_U2A-00003-00001520-00001823 and then select Literature and the Writing process +1p6ueY6_U2A-00004-00001823-00002192 if you've had any trouble thus far remember that you have to be logged into +1p6ueY6_U2A-00005-00002192-00002672 your Massasoit gmail account in order to get access +1p6ueY6_U2A-00006-00002768-00003184 all of the documents in their names are preceded by a number that's that they +1p6ueY6_U2A-00007-00003184-00003455 appear in order so you don't have to worry about sorting +1p6ueY6_U2A-00008-00003455-00003832 them once you get to this page so after the number it will tell you +1p6ueY6_U2A-00009-00003832-00004320 what's contained in that document so document 1 has the table of contents +1p6ueY6_U2A-00010-00004320-00004703 document two has chapters one through two and so on +1p6ueY6_U2A-00011-00004703-00005152 if you're looking for specific page numbers the main trick is just to scroll +1p6ueY6_U2A-00012-00005152-00005455 down to find the pages that you need and you +1p6ueY6_U2A-00013-00005455-00005832 can also hit the control button with the letter f +1p6ueY6_U2A-00014-00005832-00006064 on your keyboard and you can do a search within the +1p6ueY6_U2A-00015-00006064-00006464 document i hope that helps a little bit and if you need help with anything +1p6ueY6_U2A-00016-00006464-00006808 related to the textbook or research please let me know and i'm happy to help +1p6ueY6_U2A-00017-00006808-00007072 you +1QPFu-914pc-00000-00001623-00002064 hello there welcome to my channel my name is doug and i'm back with another fountain pen review +1QPFu-914pc-00001-00002152-00002744 and today's review is of a fountain pen please forgive my sojourn into the world of pencils +1QPFu-914pc-00002-00002744-00003400 ballpoints and rollerballs last wednesday it won't happen again unless it does and for that +1QPFu-914pc-00003-00003400-00004104 i apologize all right all right i apologize you're really sorry i'm really really sorry i apologize +1QPFu-914pc-00004-00004104-00004736 unreservedly today i'm going to review a fountain pen i received way back last may but i've not +1QPFu-914pc-00005-00004736-00005272 been able to get to because people keep giving me [ __ ] stuff just to go over all this stuff +1QPFu-914pc-00006-00005272-00005896 request denied i think this will be the fifth hongdae and fountain pen i reviewed i was really +1QPFu-914pc-00007-00005896-00006495 impressed with the last one i reviewed here that was the hongdae in 1841 in fact it might make the +1QPFu-914pc-00008-00006495-00007184 best of 2021 list coming in a video this december just in time for the lucrative gift-giving season +1QPFu-914pc-00009-00007559-00008104 i know it's bad form to mention that holiday before we're done with halloween but i do have +1QPFu-914pc-00010-00008104-00008848 something special coming for saturday october 30th the day before halloween this skeleton fountain +1QPFu-914pc-00011-00008848-00009744 pen i will review this gold laban skeleton on the eve of halloween evening ween that's not afternoon +1QPFu-914pc-00012-00009744-00010208 that's pre-evening it better defines the ambiguous period between afternoon and evening +1QPFu-914pc-00013-00010296-00010688 evening so stay tuned for that scary review kiddies +1QPFu-914pc-00014-00011120-00011840 stay tuned this saturday night for monster chiller horror theater when we present at blood +1QPFu-914pc-00015-00011840-00012536 kirkland classic dr tom's 3d house of slave chicks but back to the world of the living +1QPFu-914pc-00016-00012624-00013080 and here is the hongdaen6016 i was intrigued by this fountain +1QPFu-914pc-00017-00013080-00014184 pen because it bears some similarities to the moon man p135 and the moon man m1000 +1QPFu-914pc-00018-00014328-00015047 oh there oh that's heavy now i have to put this moon man m1000 +1QPFu-914pc-00019-00015047-00015376 back where it belongs after this review as it keeps my +1QPFu-914pc-00020-00015376-00015863 door from slamming shut and let's see what these three pens have in common right now +1QPFu-914pc-00021-00016712-00017128 i really think there is something to this pen gravity theory of mine +1QPFu-914pc-00022-00017248-00017936 i mentioned before that even though i order things at many different times separately +1QPFu-914pc-00023-00018024-00018480 they all seem to converge on my mailbox at once more pens have arrived and i got to +1QPFu-914pc-00024-00018480-00019784 my mailbox i was expecting two and i got three packages and on to the next package +1QPFu-914pc-00025-00020296-00020744 interesting they didn't even put it in the sleeve just gave me the sleeve +1QPFu-914pc-00026-00020872-00021600 well i would have put it in the sleeve that's what she said oh some asmr cranky +1QPFu-914pc-00027-00022024-00022856 so this is the hondian 6016 and i got this it's a wooden shafted it's a wooden barreled pen but it +1QPFu-914pc-00028-00022856-00023752 looks so similar to the moon man p135 i will clean this one out and do a full review and a comparison +1QPFu-914pc-00029-00023752-00024304 with the p135 and what i'd like to do today is go over the parts and features of this pen +1QPFu-914pc-00030-00024360-00024968 show some size comparisons some measurements and then provide a writing sample and after +1QPFu-914pc-00031-00024968-00025448 the writing sample please stay tuned as i will talk about what i like and what i don't like so +1QPFu-914pc-00032-00025448-00026112 much about this fountain pen overall the pen is a medium-sized cigar shape here is the pen up +1QPFu-914pc-00033-00026112-00026792 against the ubiquitous omnipresent and totally overrated pilot metropolitan please excuse my +1QPFu-914pc-00034-00026792-00027527 failure to eschew obfuscation and circumlocution but words often fail me when addressing mediocrity +1QPFu-914pc-00035-00027527-00028144 my house is made of mediocrity the pen has a chromed metal cap and clip a wooden barrel and +1QPFu-914pc-00036-00028144-00028800 a bullet-shaped chrome metal and finial the cap is adorned with chinese characters pictograms +1QPFu-914pc-00037-00028800-00029360 and hieroglyphs depicting the symbols and animals representing the chinese years let's +1QPFu-914pc-00038-00029360-00030448 get up closer so we can see starting with the rat the ox the tiger the rabbit the dragon the snake +1QPFu-914pc-00039-00030448-00031288 the horse the sheep the monkey rooster dog and under the clip there somewhere is a pig +1QPFu-914pc-00040-00031664-00032016 so to write with this pen in the present tense of 2021 +1QPFu-914pc-00041-00032016-00032680 you must orient the cap with the ox facing up i think if you dial back to the year of the pig +1QPFu-914pc-00042-00032680-00033248 or 2019 you can totally avoid the plague year of the rat 2020. +1QPFu-914pc-00043-00033552-00034112 a time traveling fountain pen very cool it must be some kind of hot tub time machine +1QPFu-914pc-00044-00034384-00034968 the top of the cap is a bullet shape which tapers up to an end which has a raised +1QPFu-914pc-00045-00035080-00036208 ring and the words len tien hong dien and the model number 6016 stamped into the metal +1QPFu-914pc-00046-00036208-00036960 the clip is a very nice sleek shape and extends on what looks like a cantilever out of the cap +1QPFu-914pc-00047-00037032-00037528 it is however very very stiff i wish they would make these clips so they +1QPFu-914pc-00048-00037528-00038200 don't just look cantilevered but are in fact cantilevered and will function with one hand by +1QPFu-914pc-00049-00038256-00038592 squeezing the back end of the clip like this like a +1QPFu-914pc-00050-00039328-00039648 they had to clothespin millions to the abused church of steel +1QPFu-914pc-00051-00039648-00039984 so they could scream back in and make it kill edison +1QPFu-914pc-00052-00040280-00040832 there's a very small step down to the wooden barrel which tapers in a gentle curve all the +1QPFu-914pc-00053-00040832-00041632 way down to the bullet shaped chromed metal and finial the wood is very smooth to the touch and +1QPFu-914pc-00054-00041632-00042288 seems to be well sealed in matte polyurethane lacquer the end finial has a couple of grooves +1QPFu-914pc-00055-00042288-00043184 on it and this pen has some cyanoacrylate glue residue splashed on it or dripped on it +1QPFu-914pc-00056-00043256-00043904 right there so i assume the end finial is glued in with crazy glue the cap unscrews with one +1QPFu-914pc-00057-00044056-00044736 two and a half turns which is at least half a turn past my tolerance level +1QPFu-914pc-00058-00044808-00045608 to reveal a tapering chromed metal section and number six size steel nib the section is separated +1QPFu-914pc-00059-00045608-00046160 from the barrel with a bevel and then some very rounded cap threads and then the taper of the +1QPFu-914pc-00060-00046160-00046808 section there are seven rings on the section which really do help keep this metal section +1QPFu-914pc-00061-00046808-00047424 from being slippery i'm really pleased with that there's a small flare towards the nib as well +1QPFu-914pc-00062-00047584-00048088 let's get a closer look at this nib i appreciate the number six size nib here +1QPFu-914pc-00063-00048088-00048856 as usually these size chinese-made pens sport a number five uh and i like big nibs i cannot lie +1QPFu-914pc-00064-00048856-00049576 i like big butts and i cannot lie this one is chrome with some really nice scroll work +1QPFu-914pc-00065-00049640-00050568 around the border 1997 which is the incorporation year for hongdae and then the hongdian logo and +1QPFu-914pc-00066-00050568-00051632 the words lan tian li shui jejang jae jiang and an f for fine those words translated mean +1QPFu-914pc-00067-00051712-00052344 blue sky happiness and luck with fire i'm just kidding i have no idea what it means except +1QPFu-914pc-00068-00052344-00053000 that i think there are locations or districts in china where hongdae lives and there is the plastic +1QPFu-914pc-00069-00053000-00053552 feed the nib and feet are part of a collar assembly that unscrews easily for replacement +1QPFu-914pc-00070-00053552-00054408 maintenance or cleaning the section unscrews to reveal the included pen bbs size converter +1QPFu-914pc-00071-00054479-00054967 which has a reinforced nipple i'd like to try a slippery nipple +1QPFu-914pc-00072-00055544-00056055 okay you're cut off and you don't have to be kinky to like your nipples reinforced i'm petrified of +1QPFu-914pc-00073-00056055-00056720 nipple chafing once it starts it is a vicious circle being pen bbs size means this pen will +1QPFu-914pc-00074-00056720-00057296 take parker ink cartridges but only the short version the barrel is too short for the long ones +1QPFu-914pc-00075-00057296-00057879 or the long lamy cartridge and there is a silicone o-ring right here at the end of the threads of +1QPFu-914pc-00076-00057879-00058600 the section to keep the barrel from coming loose while you're writing keeps it nice and snug there +1QPFu-914pc-00077-00058600-00059184 the inside of the cap shows a plastic cap liner to seal the nib and keep it from drying out the +1QPFu-914pc-00078-00059184-00059936 cap posts deeply and securely and does unbalance the pen because of its 17 and a half gram weight +1QPFu-914pc-00079-00059936-00060496 unposted the pen is just long enough to write with and balances nicely in the hand +1QPFu-914pc-00080-00060584-00061200 the section as i said isn't slippery and this step down right here in these threads +1QPFu-914pc-00081-00061200-00061991 can hardly be felt they are so smooth if you post the pen you can shift your grip back +1QPFu-914pc-00082-00061991-00062664 a little bit further like this to balance it my thumb on the barrel and my fingers on the section +1QPFu-914pc-00083-00062664-00063136 are actually quite comfortable like this i bought this pen from the easy buy store +1QPFu-914pc-00084-00063136-00064167 on etsy for 17.99 u.s now let's look at some size comparisons and here is the hongdien-6016 +1QPFu-914pc-00085-00064304-00065984 with a moon man p135 a moon blanc m1000 a moon man m6 and the jinhao 9056 +1QPFu-914pc-00086-00066048-00066352 now let's look at them posted and here they are posted +1QPFu-914pc-00087-00066472-00066888 they're all number six size steel nibs except for the p135 +1QPFu-914pc-00088-00066944-00067760 which is a number five size steel nail and the door stop and i'm sorry the moon man m1000 +1QPFu-914pc-00089-00067864-00068784 doesn't post now let's look at some measurements and i'll be back with a writing sample +1QPFu-914pc-00090-00069776-00070496 and we're back with the writing portion of the review this is clairefontaine 90gsm paper and this +1QPFu-914pc-00091-00070768-00071584 is the hondian +1QPFu-914pc-00092-00071696-00072208 six zero one six and it has a number six size +1QPFu-914pc-00093-00072472-00072520 steel +1QPFu-914pc-00094-00072856-00072984 fine nib +1QPFu-914pc-00095-00073440-00073552 let's check the wetness +1QPFu-914pc-00096-00073928-00074904 this pen is nicely wet and for a fine nib it is wet and smooth +1QPFu-914pc-00097-00075064-00075824 i've done nothing to this out of the box and the nib is smooth with some feedback +1QPFu-914pc-00098-00076496-00076704 and that just means you can feel +1QPFu-914pc-00099-00076928-00077184 the paper under the nib and the ink today +1QPFu-914pc-00100-00077496-00077648 is je urban +1QPFu-914pc-00101-00078408-00078584 de sheep +1QPFu-914pc-00102-00078792-00079168 here are some close matches to this ink from inkswatch.com +1QPFu-914pc-00103-00079272-00079960 this ink has some really very cool shimmer to it the shimmer is in a copper color so in the light +1QPFu-914pc-00104-00079960-00080512 this reddish brown ink really has a nice shiny copper look to it +1QPFu-914pc-00105-00080600-00081592 i'll try to catch it here on this page maybe you can see that in the light some angles but uh with +1QPFu-914pc-00106-00081592-00082288 the reddish brown color of the ink and that copper sheen it really comes out looking like liquid +1QPFu-914pc-00107-00082288-00083040 copper and i was hesitant to put this shimmering ink in this pen because usually fine nib pens do +1QPFu-914pc-00108-00083040-00083632 not handle the shimmer well because of the reduced ink flow they tend to get clogged up now as with +1QPFu-914pc-00109-00083632-00084144 most shimmering inks you have to keep the ink flowing meaning you have to keep using the pen +1QPFu-914pc-00110-00084144-00084672 as long as you're filling it and writing with it regularly clogging isn't usually a big problem +1QPFu-914pc-00111-00084736-00085328 if you let it sit the particulate will dry up especially in the feed and clog the ink flow +1QPFu-914pc-00112-00085328-00086024 cleaning your shimmer ink pens also takes a little bit more diligence and sometimes a soft toothbrush +1QPFu-914pc-00113-00086024-00086536 or those little dental flossers can help dislodge the shimmer from your feed +1QPFu-914pc-00114-00086536-00087600 as to line variation well this is a very stiff chinese steel nib and so you're not going to get +1QPFu-914pc-00115-00087856-00087968 much flex out of it +1QPFu-914pc-00116-00088224-00088384 this line +1QPFu-914pc-00117-00088616-00089216 is .4 millimeters in thickness which makes it a western +1QPFu-914pc-00118-00089504-00089880 extra fine or a japanese +1QPFu-914pc-00119-00090224-00091184 fine and for our quote +1QPFu-914pc-00120-00092240-00092584 and some reverse writing +1QPFu-914pc-00121-00092880-00093984 it's a little bit thinner and much much drier but it is fairly smooth and some quick writing +1QPFu-914pc-00122-00094832-00095560 maybe you can hear the tooth the feedback that nib on the page but there's no flow issues whatsoever +1QPFu-914pc-00123-00095560-00096280 in fact the flow of this nib especially and fine is what's keeping that shimmer coming through this +1QPFu-914pc-00124-00096280-00096936 ink on this fine nib this is one of the first fine nibs i've had that actually allow a shimmer ink to +1QPFu-914pc-00125-00097032-00097600 to do its thing which is really quite cool so what do i like and what do i not like about this pen +1QPFu-914pc-00126-00097720-00098272 well visually the pen is wonderful the stamp patterns on the shiny cap are very attractive +1QPFu-914pc-00127-00098272-00098984 and interesting the wooden barrel is smooth and lovely i like that the cap posts securely even +1QPFu-914pc-00128-00098984-00099736 though it does unbalance the pen i like that it has a standard number six size nib the larger +1QPFu-914pc-00129-00099736-00100352 nib i think balances the pen nicely and can be swapped with other standard number six size nibs +1QPFu-914pc-00130-00100352-00101000 if you like the nib itself is very wet and smooth for a fine rider i like the upscale metal +1QPFu-914pc-00131-00101000-00101600 reinforced converter and that it can be replaced by a pen bbs converter and that you can use parker +1QPFu-914pc-00132-00101600-00102160 short cartridges and i like the silicone o-ring added to the threads on the section to keep it +1QPFu-914pc-00133-00102160-00102783 from coming loose while writing i like the fact that they added seven grooves uh to the metal +1QPFu-914pc-00134-00102783-00103408 section to keep it from being slippery and it's not i'm very surprised you hear that visconti make +1QPFu-914pc-00135-00103408-00104144 the visconti van gogh groovy and drop the price by 150 bucks and you have a deal oh did i say that or +1QPFu-914pc-00136-00104144-00104983 just take it i gotta think of a lie fast this pen is a really nice compromise between the smaller +1QPFu-914pc-00137-00105111-00106168 moon man p135 and the behemoth moon man m1000 and i like the price it's less than 20 u.s +1QPFu-914pc-00138-00106168-00106559 and for that you're getting a fairly nice functioning fountain pen and now for what +1QPFu-914pc-00139-00106559-00107176 i don't like so much well the clip even though it's elegantly shaped is almost useless it's +1QPFu-914pc-00140-00107176-00107735 so stiff that's what she said i don't like the slop of the crazy glue on the end of my barrel +1QPFu-914pc-00141-00107928-00108600 who does i know it's a bit much to expect superb quality control on a sub 20 chinese pen +1QPFu-914pc-00142-00108600-00109272 especially when you can't get it on a plus 200 italian fountain pen but it's a flaw +1QPFu-914pc-00143-00109272-00109896 nonetheless the cap is very heavy and does back weight the pen when it's posted i don't like the +1QPFu-914pc-00144-00110000-00110832 almost three rotations to get that cap off and on that borders on the tedious but overall this +1QPFu-914pc-00145-00110832-00111335 is a nice fountain pen that works well is attractive and a bargain at twice the price +1QPFu-914pc-00146-00111440-00112183 if you want wood this is one way to get it inexpensively now i have sheep i need wood +1QPFu-914pc-00147-00112304-00112656 and there you have it if you like this video please give it a thumbs up +1QPFu-914pc-00148-00112656-00113728 or down doesn't really matter but it really helps and that just leaves it for me to say thank you +1QPFu-914pc-00149-00114056-00114135 for watching +1QPFu-914pc-00150-00114640-00115464 and that's all she wrote i made this +1RJp8UEUzBc-00000-00000000-00000062 I bought a house +1RJp8UEUzBc-00001-00000062-00000166 Sir, how is that possible ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00002-00000166-00000229 you're 12 +1RJp8UEUzBc-00003-00000229-00000316 It's my money +1RJp8UEUzBc-00004-00000316-00000350 But like +1RJp8UEUzBc-00005-00000350-00000437 under my dad's name +1RJp8UEUzBc-00006-00000437-00000513 Did you just say +1RJp8UEUzBc-00007-00000513-00000608 you're laundering money +1RJp8UEUzBc-00008-00000608-00000667 for your father ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00009-00000667-00000746 Laundering money ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00010-00000746-00000859 I don't know if that's good or bad +1RJp8UEUzBc-00011-00000859-00000896 He says +1RJp8UEUzBc-00012-00000896-00001026 He puts his father's money +1RJp8UEUzBc-00013-00001026-00001105 in the laundry ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00014-00001105-00001134 Yeah ! +1RJp8UEUzBc-00015-00001134-00001230 Are you still in school ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00016-00001242-00001351 Yeah, i go to public schoolool +1RJp8UEUzBc-00017-00001351-00001426 That's crazy +1RJp8UEUzBc-00018-00001426-00001522 Let me ask you a question +1RJp8UEUzBc-00019-00001522-00001568 Yeah +1RJp8UEUzBc-00020-00001568-00001685 And i want you to be honest with me +1RJp8UEUzBc-00021-00001685-00001801 How much money have you made +1RJp8UEUzBc-00022-00001801-00001943 from youtube at 15 years old ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00023-00001976-00002060 Take a guess, i'll say +1RJp8UEUzBc-00024-00002060-00002118 higher or lower +1RJp8UEUzBc-00025-00002118-00002160 Okay, great +1RJp8UEUzBc-00026-00002160-00002293 Half a million dollars ? +1RJp8UEUzBc-00027-00002293-00002352 Higher +1RJp8UEUzBc-00028-00002352-00002435 You've made more then +1RJp8UEUzBc-00029-00002435-00002523 This 15 year old kid +1RJp8UEUzBc-00030-00002523-00002552 has made more... +1RJp8UEUzBc-00031-00002552-00002765 $882.000 +1RJp8UEUzBc-00032-00002765-00002911 A little higher +1RJp8UEUzBc-00033-00003249-00003319 Wow ! +1TciJmi9KkQ-00000-00000040-00000728 Hi everyone, I'm Albane Buriel, I'm the designer of the MOOC Arts, +1TciJmi9KkQ-00001-00000728-00001592 armed conflicts and humanitarian aid and I will present you briefly the description of the MOOC. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00002-00001992-00002688 So the MOOC Arts, armed conflict and humanitarian aid offers a four weeks training space dedicated +1TciJmi9KkQ-00003-00002688-00003352 to the different professionals of the humanitarian and the artistic field concerned by artistic +1TciJmi9KkQ-00004-00003352-00004120 practices in humanitarian emergencies. Here, you will be able to meet professionals with experience +1TciJmi9KkQ-00005-00004120-00005000 in the fields, learn with peers and share your experiences and be engaged in a world network of +1TciJmi9KkQ-00006-00005000-00005792 activists art facilitators and educators. The MOOC aims to bring theorical knowledge in humanitarian +1TciJmi9KkQ-00007-00005792-00006656 aid contexts through different topics and to link this knowledge with a more practical part allowing +1TciJmi9KkQ-00008-00006656-00007376 the participant to become aware of the real situations lived in the fields as well as bringing +1TciJmi9KkQ-00009-00007440-00008112 expertise and sharing experiences on real context of artistic practices +1TciJmi9KkQ-00010-00008112-00008704 in humanitarian emergency settings. It will also provide an overview of the different +1TciJmi9KkQ-00011-00008704-00009424 types of artistic practices in humanitarian context : testimonial from practitioners +1TciJmi9KkQ-00012-00009424-00010192 and also researchers and concrete tools for implementing projects of and reflexive approaches. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00013-00010712-00011528 Everyone who is implementing and working in humanitarian aid projects and artists, +1TciJmi9KkQ-00014-00011528-00012784 educators or anyone interested in arts who are working in in the humanitarian field. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00015-00012928-00013336 About the learning objectives, at the end of the course you will +1TciJmi9KkQ-00016-00013336-00013936 understand the concept of humanitarian emergency, develop critical approaches for humanitarian +1TciJmi9KkQ-00017-00013936-00014712 emergencies actions, also to know about different methodologies of arts for social transformation +1TciJmi9KkQ-00018-00014808-00015504 and to analyze specific artistic practices through health and cultural approaches and +1TciJmi9KkQ-00019-00015504-00016080 finally to understand evaluation strategies and assessment tools for art projects. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00020-00016632-00017008 About the duration, the course has four moduls, +1TciJmi9KkQ-00021-00017064-00017760 it is expected that participants spend one week to complete each model but participants +1TciJmi9KkQ-00022-00017760-00018384 can flip the task at their own rhythm so it could be four weeks approximately. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00023-00018856-00019512 About the evaluation, for each module there are three sessions with a multiple choice evaluation +1TciJmi9KkQ-00024-00019512-00020528 form like quizzes and there is a forum also after each modules allowing users to post comments +1TciJmi9KkQ-00025-00020528-00021184 and send long description in written and user form which will be evaluated papers. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00026-00021688-00022312 Yes, about the certification, at the end of this MOOC, after having looked at all the courses +1TciJmi9KkQ-00027-00022312-00022984 and answer to quizzes, browsed at all the videos and answer to different quizzes +1TciJmi9KkQ-00028-00022984-00023360 you will receive a certification regarding the participation of the MOOC. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00029-00023880-00024488 The MOOC outline is composed of five complementary modules and sessions. The +1TciJmi9KkQ-00030-00024488-00025120 module zero is an introduction of the MOOC then you will have introduction +1TciJmi9KkQ-00031-00025120-00025792 and background informations about humanitarian field, arts and arts in the humanitarian field. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00032-00025888-00026504 Then, the second module will be about artistic practices through health approach +1TciJmi9KkQ-00033-00026568-00027312 and you will discover art therapy but also mental health approach and then the +1TciJmi9KkQ-00034-00027312-00028112 psychosocial support. Then on the third module, it will be about artistic practices through +1TciJmi9KkQ-00035-00028112-00028752 an educational approach, a cultural approach also, it will be about non-formal education, +1TciJmi9KkQ-00036-00028752-00029688 socio emotional learning but also about awareness campaigns and DDR and peace keeping activities. +1TciJmi9KkQ-00037-00029792-00030983 And then, the last module will be about assessment and accountability of artistic projects. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00000-00000096-00000248 I am ready. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00001-00000248-00000664 Great, because Nineteen is about to become your CBS station. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00002-00000664-00000776 I am here. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00003-00000776-00000936 Not yet, but soon! +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00004-00000936-00001160 I am wondering where all my furniture is. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00005-00001160-00001400 Hey! We're moving it to Nineteen Jay! +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00006-00001464-00001632 I am thinking of a number... +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00007-00001632-00001784 That's right, Nineteen. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00008-00001839-00001976 I am a real homebody. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00009-00002032-00002216 Welcome to your new digs angela! +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00010-00002288-00002416 This is CBS. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00011-00002416-00002536 This is CBS. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00012-00002536-00002680 This is CBS. +1VPpRKDR6WQ-00013-00002768-00002984 Stay tuned. It will be. +1beAhRA7mNE-00000-00000112-00000838 Mother please , is just pick up the crossing between the fingers by turning it up ! +1bLimdoG4No-00000-00000000-00000495 are you somebody who is struggling really bad with anxiety on a day to day +1bLimdoG4No-00001-00000495-00001113 basis whether it's work stress family life children whatever it is well the +1bLimdoG4No-00002-00001113-00001484 great news is is that there's a brand new app and we're gonna be talking about +1bLimdoG4No-00003-00001484-00002043 it in this video so stay tuned what's up everybody this is Chris from the rewired +1bLimdoG4No-00004-00002043-00002625 soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution today we are going +1bLimdoG4No-00005-00002625-00003096 to be talking about the unwinding anxiety act and make sure that you stay +1bLimdoG4No-00006-00003096-00003596 tuned until this the end of this video because I'm going to give you a code so +1bLimdoG4No-00007-00003596-00004046 you can access this app so make sure that you finish this video all right so +1bLimdoG4No-00008-00004046-00004589 unwinding anxiety app let me start off by telling you why I'm trying to get you +1bLimdoG4No-00009-00004589-00005025 to download this app first I want to make it very very clear this is not a +1bLimdoG4No-00010-00005025-00005673 sponsored video I make zero dollars off of making this video but I am so +1bLimdoG4No-00011-00005673-00006216 passionate about the work that dr. Judson Brewer does and how has changed +1bLimdoG4No-00012-00006216-00006759 my life that I think all of you who are struggling with anxiety have to check +1bLimdoG4No-00013-00006759-00007236 this app out so dr. Judson Brewer I've talked about him a bunch on this channel +1bLimdoG4No-00014-00007236-00007683 if you check in the info card I did interview with him a while back about +1bLimdoG4No-00015-00007683-00008052 the book he wrote which I'll link in the description is called the craving mind +1bLimdoG4No-00016-00008052-00008517 but I don't have enough time in a video to talk about all of this man's +1bLimdoG4No-00017-00008517-00009120 accomplishments like we're talking you know he went to Ivy League schools he is +1bLimdoG4No-00018-00009120-00009579 the director of research at the Institute for mindfulness in +1bLimdoG4No-00019-00009579-00010110 Massachusetts he's also an adjunct professor at MIT like the dude knows +1bLimdoG4No-00020-00010110-00010575 what he's doing now why am I trying to get you to download this app and go +1bLimdoG4No-00021-00010575-00011121 through this program here's a couple selling points for you first off dr. +1bLimdoG4No-00022-00011121-00011714 Justin Brewer is the guy when it comes to the brain how it works and how we +1bLimdoG4No-00023-00011714-00012360 develop our habits his first venture was helping people quit smoking and the +1bLimdoG4No-00024-00012360-00012897 program that is the same for anxiety but geared towards anxiety he used this +1bLimdoG4No-00025-00012897-00013349 program for smoking and when he did this they found that it was worked twice as +1bLimdoG4No-00026-00013349-00014023 well as the gold standard from the American Lung Association keep that in +1bLimdoG4No-00027-00014023-00014537 mind now me personally because I am somebody who loves meditation and +1bLimdoG4No-00028-00014537-00014885 mindfulness and the way he puts it together I know how well it's worked for +1bLimdoG4No-00029-00014885-00015619 me I went through another program he has called eat right now and if it's a +1bLimdoG4No-00030-00015619-00015935 testament as to what his type of programs do +1bLimdoG4No-00031-00015935-00016550 I am personally down fifty pounds from his eat right now program which had +1bLimdoG4No-00032-00016550-00017033 absolutely nothing to do with dieting or exercise or anything like that it's +1bLimdoG4No-00033-00017033-00017564 about changing the relationship to food and that's exactly what he does with his +1bLimdoG4No-00034-00017564-00018083 program for unwinding anxiety the reason why mindfulness and meditation works so +1bLimdoG4No-00035-00018083-00018781 well for everything from addictions and habits you have to mental illness to +1bLimdoG4No-00036-00018781-00019154 chronic pain the reason why this works so well is because it's not about +1bLimdoG4No-00037-00019154-00019607 eliminating it it's about changing your relationship to it which is very +1bLimdoG4No-00038-00019607-00020381 beneficial so let's jump in to what this app is and how it can help you so first +1bLimdoG4No-00039-00020381-00020951 thing is this app one of the best things about it is you're going to go through a +1bLimdoG4No-00040-00020951-00021515 30 day course which is in very bite-sized pieces it's all right there +1bLimdoG4No-00041-00021515-00021923 in the palm of your hand on your cell phone and you're being taught by dr. +1bLimdoG4No-00042-00021923-00022415 Judson Brewer he goes through he explains exactly what anxiety is how it +1bLimdoG4No-00043-00022415-00022829 affects the brain how it affects the body where it comes from and then he +1bLimdoG4No-00044-00022829-00023273 teaches you a lot about the brain one of the reasons he does this in the analogy +1bLimdoG4No-00045-00023273-00023785 he makes that I love is he talks about how understanding your brain is like +1bLimdoG4No-00046-00023785-00024320 being a car mechanic like to everyday people having a problem with your car is +1bLimdoG4No-00047-00024320-00024757 a very stressful situation but to somebody who understands how that car +1bLimdoG4No-00048-00024757-00025175 works it's a lot less stressful and that's why he tries to teach you about +1bLimdoG4No-00049-00025175-00025568 neuroscience heck that's why I try to teach you about neuroscience here at the +1bLimdoG4No-00050-00025568-00025860 rewired soul so he really gives you an in-depth +1bLimdoG4No-00051-00025860-00026553 look at what's under the hood in this he gives you very practical easy practices +1bLimdoG4No-00052-00026553-00027096 to use which are made even easier through this app the first feature that +1bLimdoG4No-00053-00027096-00027645 we're gonna talk about is the stress test okay this is one way to cultivate +1bLimdoG4No-00054-00027645-00028018 mindfulness instead of being scatterbrained during an an anxiety +1bLimdoG4No-00055-00028018-00028416 attack or when you're stressed and overwhelmed you're taking a minute to +1bLimdoG4No-00056-00028416-00029005 actually gauge your stress and identify what was triggering it how bad is it and +1bLimdoG4No-00057-00029005-00029565 based on the information you put into the app it will give you a very quick +1bLimdoG4No-00058-00029565-00030052 practice that you can use this is something that I have used many many +1bLimdoG4No-00059-00030052-00030562 many times and it's very simple like sometimes it's just a few deep breaths +1bLimdoG4No-00060-00030562-00030975 sometimes it's about bringing awareness to a certain part of your body and all +1bLimdoG4No-00061-00030975-00031365 sorts of different things and then at the end of it it asks you do you feel +1bLimdoG4No-00062-00031365-00031906 better worse that's a duck duck now one of the best features about the app is +1bLimdoG4No-00063-00031906-00032745 being able to set up custom reminders this is amazing so anxiety is something +1bLimdoG4No-00064-00032745-00033244 that builds up a lot of the time on a subconscious level when you personalize +1bLimdoG4No-00065-00033244-00033609 your reminders you can have it remind you every hour three times a day +1bLimdoG4No-00066-00033609-00034191 whatever you decide and it helps you bring you back into the moment and will +1bLimdoG4No-00067-00034191-00034647 give you a very short simple practice that you can do and even though you +1bLimdoG4No-00068-00034647-00035088 might not see these huge results immediately as you continue to do them +1bLimdoG4No-00069-00035088-00035437 and what I've found by working through dr. Judson Brewers program is that you +1bLimdoG4No-00070-00035437-00035827 just start to do them more naturally and eventually like you might not even need +1bLimdoG4No-00071-00035827-00036315 those reminders because you just find yourself doing these practices so I love +1bLimdoG4No-00072-00036315-00036750 love love how it sets these reminders to check in with yourself +1bLimdoG4No-00073-00036750-00037221 alright so throughout this course every day he's teaching you something a little +1bLimdoG4No-00074-00037221-00037788 bit new and one of my favorite ones is on day one on day one he talks about the +1bLimdoG4No-00075-00037788-00038221 anxiety habit loops that have a loose or something that start with a trigger and +1bLimdoG4No-00076-00038221-00038625 then we do a behavior we get a reward and a lot of times when we're working +1bLimdoG4No-00077-00038625-00039003 with anxiety we do something to distract ourselves right we mess +1bLimdoG4No-00078-00039003-00039447 on social media we sit down and sewn out but that never really gets down to the +1bLimdoG4No-00079-00039447-00039824 root of the problem but one of the things I got from the first day was +1bLimdoG4No-00080-00039824-00040563 habit forming around anxiety thinking so we get anxiety then we think about the +1bLimdoG4No-00081-00040563-00040999 things that give us even more anxiety which starts to feed our anxiety and we +1bLimdoG4No-00082-00040999-00041364 start getting caught up into that that's what you're seeing from this video right +1bLimdoG4No-00083-00041364-00041943 now that's inside of the unwinding anxiety app and learning that and seeing +1bLimdoG4No-00084-00041943-00042477 how your brain is constantly feeding off the sangs idea creating more anxiety you +1bLimdoG4No-00085-00042477-00042903 start to learn how to step out of that rather than feeding into it which is +1bLimdoG4No-00086-00042903-00043440 purely amazing if any of you struggle with anxiety like I do alright so check +1bLimdoG4No-00087-00043440-00043762 this out when you download this app you get the +1bLimdoG4No-00088-00043762-00044294 first four days for free and I will tell you this it's one of my favorite quotes +1bLimdoG4No-00089-00044294-00045024 pain is inevitable suffering is optional download this app like if you have +1bLimdoG4No-00090-00045024-00045483 anxiety why aren't you doing something about it download this app and ask +1bLimdoG4No-00091-00045483-00045891 yourself like what do you have to lose what do you have to lose by just going +1bLimdoG4No-00092-00045891-00046488 through the first four days now if you would like you can sign up for the +1bLimdoG4No-00093-00046488-00047001 membership for this app and like I said this is not sponsored I don't get paid +1bLimdoG4No-00094-00047001-00047478 anything I just fully believe in it and since I am an acquaintance of dr. Judson +1bLimdoG4No-00095-00047478-00047946 Brewer he gave all of the viewers out there of the rewired soul a special +1bLimdoG4No-00096-00047946-00048468 coupon code which you will see right here this coupon code right here will +1bLimdoG4No-00097-00048468-00049030 give you 10% off it's literally only like 30 bucks a month so you'll save a +1bLimdoG4No-00098-00049030-00049711 few bucks on it once you get with this is you get the full course and then one +1bLimdoG4No-00099-00049711-00050115 of the best benefits is that you get access to the community that is probably +1bLimdoG4No-00100-00050115-00050550 what helped me out the most first off is on the online forum if you're ever +1bLimdoG4No-00101-00050550-00050974 running into issues or you're having very specific problems and you don't +1bLimdoG4No-00102-00050974-00051465 know how to overcome them dr. Judson Brewer has an entire team that is there +1bLimdoG4No-00103-00051465-00051927 to answer your questions like a professional will answer your questions +1bLimdoG4No-00104-00051927-00052339 like talk about like how much therapy costs on a weekly or monthly +1bLimdoG4No-00105-00052339-00052870 basis like this is something that you have access to 24/7 a day I'm not saying +1bLimdoG4No-00106-00052870-00053260 they'll reply to you immediately but there's something that you always have +1bLimdoG4No-00107-00053260-00053773 access to on top of that with the membership they do a weekly group call +1bLimdoG4No-00108-00053773-00054541 that is facilitated by the instructors like dr. Judson Brewer and this was +1bLimdoG4No-00109-00054541-00054934 great for me going through the eat right now program because I saw that I wasn't +1bLimdoG4No-00110-00054934-00055162 alone and I was able to learn from other +1bLimdoG4No-00111-00055162-00055566 people's experiences or sometimes somebody else would ask a question and +1bLimdoG4No-00112-00055566-00056152 then it would somehow benefit me so those weekly calls were just amazing +1bLimdoG4No-00113-00056152-00056590 in helping me on my weight-loss journey and they're very helpful for dealing +1bLimdoG4No-00114-00056590-00057196 with my anxiety as well so there are a lot of benefits to this now you can also +1bLimdoG4No-00115-00057196-00057634 get a discount if you sign up for an entire year of it which I recommend if +1bLimdoG4No-00116-00057634-00058126 you need ongoing support all right so like I said make sure you use the coupon +1bLimdoG4No-00117-00058126-00058774 code you a friends but like I said like it's literally free for the first four +1bLimdoG4No-00118-00058774-00059176 days its life you have nothing to lose like go download it do it for four days +1bLimdoG4No-00119-00059176-00059674 give it an honest try and if you don't like it stop using it but knowing what +1bLimdoG4No-00120-00059674-00060052 you're gonna learn from this program I highly doubt that that's the case all +1bLimdoG4No-00121-00060052-00060445 right so go ahead check out the description below it's gonna have all +1bLimdoG4No-00122-00060445-00060904 the information you need this thing is available right now so go download the +1bLimdoG4No-00123-00060904-00061308 unwinding anxiety out I will be doing more videos on this so make sure you +1bLimdoG4No-00124-00061308-00061726 subscribe to my channel alright but if you like this video give it a thumbs up +1bLimdoG4No-00125-00061726-00062101 and if you're new here like make sure that you keep coming back so I'm always +1bLimdoG4No-00126-00062101-00062557 making videos to help you out with your mental and emotional health I also do +1bLimdoG4No-00127-00062557-00062965 videos about addiction recovery also click a tap on one of the thumbnails +1bLimdoG4No-00128-00062965-00063262 right there because I have a ton of other videos on this content to help you +1bLimdoG4No-00129-00063262-00063750 out thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time +1ikuQdw75bM-00000-00000331-00000674 State of México +1ikuQdw75bM-00001-00001301-00001441 From 2005 to 2010, +1ikuQdw75bM-00002-00001448-00001649 with Enrique Peña Nieto as governor +1ikuQdw75bM-00003-00001655-00001882 922 women were murdered. +1ikuQdw75bM-00004-00002309-00002702 42 of those murders occurred in Chimalhuacán. +1ikuQdw75bM-00005-00003268-00003483 "Man. Woman. Don't be indifferent. +1ikuQdw75bM-00006-00003490-00003851 Women are being killed in front of everybody." +1ikuQdw75bM-00007-00004856-00005273 Do you know what it's like when someone you love is lost? +1ikuQdw75bM-00008-00005370-00005596 This is happening here in Chimalhuacán +1ikuQdw75bM-00009-00005625-00005858 and unfortunately the police themselves +1ikuQdw75bM-00010-00005879-00006056 are the murderers. +1ikuQdw75bM-00011-00006209-00006397 Unfortunately the authorities +1ikuQdw75bM-00012-00006442-00006730 in their eagerness to make money +1ikuQdw75bM-00013-00006859-00007167 are corrupt and leave our cases in impunity. +1ikuQdw75bM-00014-00007752-00007960 Why do we put the crosses in this place? +1ikuQdw75bM-00015-00007976-00008126 Because here in this channel, +1ikuQdw75bM-00016-00008133-00008326 many assassinated women have been thrown. +1ikuQdw75bM-00017-00008405-00008515 Fifteen days ago, +1ikuQdw75bM-00018-00008526-00008779 a burned woman appeared under the bridge. +1ikuQdw75bM-00019-00008843-00008952 Two blocks away, +1ikuQdw75bM-00020-00008959-00009114 another woman was shot dead. +1ikuQdw75bM-00021-00009130-00009248 This has not stopped, +1ikuQdw75bM-00022-00009265-00009452 this continues to rise. +1ikuQdw75bM-00023-00009579-00009761 We are still in risk +1ikuQdw75bM-00024-00009795-00009993 due to the state’s inaction. +1ikuQdw75bM-00025-00010138-00010947 They tore our crosses and planted our rage. +1ikuQdw75bM-00026-00011314-00011536 On May 29th 2016, women mobilized +1ikuQdw75bM-00027-00011572-00011815 to put the crosses that were removed by the mayor. +1ikuQdw75bM-00028-00012109-00012402 "It is not an isolated event, +1ikuQdw75bM-00029-00012413-00012674 femicides are crimes of state". +1ikuQdw75bM-00030-00012931-00013150 Here is the place where the crosses were removed, +1ikuQdw75bM-00031-00013181-00013411 but not because they are removed from here +1ikuQdw75bM-00032-00013478-00013702 it means they are removed from our minds. +1ikuQdw75bM-00033-00013741-00013952 Our daughters are always in our minds, +1ikuQdw75bM-00034-00014000-00014233 they are part of our lives. +1ikuQdw75bM-00035-00014383-00014553 They are part of our memory, +1ikuQdw75bM-00036-00014562-00014813 and the general law of victims mentions it too, +1ikuQdw75bM-00037-00014905-00015042 as damage reparation. +1ikuQdw75bM-00038-00015129-00015490 And the mayor should respect these symbols. +1ikuQdw75bM-00039-00015576-00015743 Because it is not her symbol, +1ikuQdw75bM-00040-00015758-00015911 neither did she placed them there. +1ikuQdw75bM-00041-00015931-00016075 Those symbols are ours +1ikuQdw75bM-00042-00016093-00016281 and they belong to our daughter’s memory, +1ikuQdw75bM-00043-00016298-00016566 murdered at the incompetence of the authorities. +1ikuQdw75bM-00044-00016586-00016880 And because of that, our cases are still unpunished. +1ikuQdw75bM-00045-00018479-00018600 From 2011 to 2013, +1ikuQdw75bM-00046-00018636-00018865 840 murders of women were registered, +1ikuQdw75bM-00047-00018885-00019187 only 145 of those murders were recorded as femicides. +1ikuQdw75bM-00048-00019254-00019538 According to the National Observatory Against Femicide, +1ikuQdw75bM-00049-00019546-00019782 only in 15% of cases there is a guilty verdict. +1ikuQdw75bM-00050-00020660-00021060 The took our crosses and planted our rage. +1jC7aqSuN6k-00000-00000000-00001999 Hi if you didn't know, this is not the 1995/07/29 build, this is called: Project Power 95 (DEMO) (game play on PJ64 1.6 +1lKqi1tQVKu-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing music +1mt9j4LmICA-00000-00000008-00000528 in just a few days joan of arc is going to be on the wheel of fortune here in rise of kingdoms so +1mt9j4LmICA-00001-00000528-00001176 everybody's asking is she a must-have commander do you need to expertise joan of arc so today that's +1mt9j4LmICA-00002-00001176-00001639 what we're gonna answer and this is especially important if you already have william and i think +1mt9j4LmICA-00003-00001639-00002104 the answer might surprise you so make sure you stay tuned if you enjoy rise of kingdoms content +1mt9j4LmICA-00004-00002104-00002464 like this make sure you drop a thumbs up on it real quick subscribe to the channel we're getting +1mt9j4LmICA-00005-00002464-00003008 so close to 40 000 and of course you can always unsubscribe later with that being said let's jump +1mt9j4LmICA-00006-00003008-00003504 right into the video now my initial thoughts on joan of arc if you watched that video was that she +1mt9j4LmICA-00007-00003504-00004120 was a little bit underwhelming right when we first took a look at somebody like nevsky for example he +1mt9j4LmICA-00008-00004120-00004768 was such an obvious no-brainer he was such an obvious cut above the rest of the commanders +1mt9j4LmICA-00009-00004768-00005448 in rise of kingdoms in part because he has so many stats he has 20 of attack he has 20 of health he +1mt9j4LmICA-00010-00005448-00006216 has 20 of defense and a massive single target nuke here as well as the huge defense reduction he was +1mt9j4LmICA-00011-00006216-00006840 just so obviously good and since nevsky came into the game we've seen Scipio we've seen boudica +1mt9j4LmICA-00012-00006840-00007408 we've seen commanders come into the game that are you know obviously very powerful and sort of +1mt9j4LmICA-00013-00007408-00007880 no-brainers from an investment perspective so when we got word that joan of arc was going to +1mt9j4LmICA-00014-00007880-00008392 come into the game we sort of expected her to be on the same level as boudica and on the same +1mt9j4LmICA-00015-00008392-00008960 level as Scipio and whether or not she is or not is going to depend on actual real world testing +1mt9j4LmICA-00016-00008960-00009360 which of course we don't have at the time of recording this i know that there are some people +1mt9j4LmICA-00017-00009360-00009880 on youtube who have you know simulated a joan of arc with the battle formula from rise of kingdoms +1mt9j4LmICA-00018-00009880-00010320 and i don't know exactly how much i would trust that data because there's a lot of things going +1mt9j4LmICA-00019-00010320-00010752 on on the back end especially here with the fourth skill that does proc and the duration +1mt9j4LmICA-00020-00010752-00011176 of this will be influenced on whether or not she's primary or secondary and just to be clear +1mt9j4LmICA-00021-00011176-00011584 it doesn't matter if she's primary secondary this skill will work it's just there's a little bit of +1mt9j4LmICA-00022-00011584-00012072 overlap in the timing if she is the secondary and so today i just wanted to kind of give you guys +1mt9j4LmICA-00023-00012072-00012536 an overview as to what i'm thinking about joan now that i've had a few days to really look at +1mt9j4LmICA-00024-00012536-00013008 her skills and understand what she is doing now really quick if you're a whale then obviously +1mt9j4LmICA-00025-00013008-00013584 joan of arc is a commander you definitely want to have she is mainly going to be an open field +1mt9j4LmICA-00026-00013584-00014256 monster okay absolute disgusting how good she is going to be in the open field i think she's very +1mt9j4LmICA-00027-00014256-00014856 similar to william and she excels in some ways even better than he does but she also falls short +1mt9j4LmICA-00028-00014856-00015176 in a couple of ways compared to william and again we're going to talk a lot about william in this +1mt9j4LmICA-00029-00015176-00015624 video so make sure you stay tuned for that but of course if you're well or even a mid-spender +1mt9j4LmICA-00030-00015624-00016216 or somebody who is going all in on cavs i think joan of arc is a no-brainer okay she is she's +1mt9j4LmICA-00031-00016216-00016736 exceptionally good if you look at these skills you will not regret investing in joan of arc is +1mt9j4LmICA-00032-00016736-00017368 she a little bit squishy yes is she more squishy than william it's actually kind of hard to say +1mt9j4LmICA-00033-00017368-00017808 because the health here is really good we'll get into that in a little bit but the real question is +1mt9j4LmICA-00034-00017808-00018320 if you're a free-to-play player right should you be investing in joan of arc is she on the same +1mt9j4LmICA-00035-00018320-00018992 caliber as commanders like Scipio and nevsky and maybe even Boudica honestly i don't know and if +1mt9j4LmICA-00036-00018992-00019576 you have william i think you run into a little bit of a conflict of interest here right because +1mt9j4LmICA-00037-00019576-00020080 if you're a free-to-play player then what you're looking to do especially if you are not a cavalry +1mt9j4LmICA-00038-00020080-00020576 main is you know you may have one cavalry march in the open field right and at this point it's going +1mt9j4LmICA-00039-00020576-00021184 to be nevsky with somebody if it's you know attila primary nevsky secondary great if it's nevsky with +1mt9j4LmICA-00040-00021184-00021664 william i would say probably even better for free-to-play players you could also do nevsky +1mt9j4LmICA-00041-00021664-00022192 with saladin or even men for example i mean those are all realistic pairs that you could try but at +1mt9j4LmICA-00042-00022192-00022744 the end of the day i think nevsky belongs in your one cavalry march so then the question is you know +1mt9j4LmICA-00043-00022744-00023192 if you're a free to play player and let's say you already have navsky do you have william that's +1mt9j4LmICA-00044-00023192-00023568 that's the next question that comes to mind right because if you look at what william does compared +1mt9j4LmICA-00045-00023568-00024128 to what joan of arc does i think they do very similar things they add aoe to nevsky's kit which +1mt9j4LmICA-00046-00024128-00024576 he his which he's desperately missing they're both giving you cavalry attack now william of +1mt9j4LmICA-00047-00024576-00025048 course is giving you a little bit more and william actually does have a little bit of defense for +1mt9j4LmICA-00048-00025048-00025608 three seconds here on the fourth skill however this is dependent on actually hitting a target +1mt9j4LmICA-00049-00025608-00026016 with the active skill so for example if you're you know if you're just fighting the open field and +1mt9j4LmICA-00050-00026016-00026368 you haven't had a skill shot from william yet you're not gonna get this increase in defense +1mt9j4LmICA-00051-00026368-00026848 and again it's only for three seconds solid buff but it's not up all the time whereas joan of arc +1mt9j4LmICA-00052-00026848-00027368 does actually have 10 of cavalry health that she gets all the time as long as she's on the map so +1mt9j4LmICA-00053-00027368-00027992 i would say that it's definitely better but again william has 40 of cavalry attack and 50 if he's +1mt9j4LmICA-00054-00027992-00028376 expertised which i think a lot of you maybe don't have expertise william you can correct me in the +1mt9j4LmICA-00055-00028376-00028744 comments section below but i think a lot of people who have william especially free to play have them +1mt9j4LmICA-00056-00028744-00029192 as five five five one that's what i have as well and i think that's a very good stopping point and +1mt9j4LmICA-00057-00029192-00029576 it's worth noting that joan of arc does not have that luxury right if you invest in her you have to +1mt9j4LmICA-00058-00029576-00030088 expertise because this last skill you definitely want this at four uh you need or i'm sorry at five +1mt9j4LmICA-00059-00030088-00030568 uh because the probability being a hundred is just so good it's instant value every time it +1mt9j4LmICA-00060-00030568-00031104 pops off it's so so good and of course you want the most amount of calorie health like absolutely +1mt9j4LmICA-00061-00031104-00031544 you want to maximize this so you really have to expertise joan whereas william you don't have +1mt9j4LmICA-00062-00031544-00031983 to and on top of that you know we have to take a look at the rage regeneration right because joan +1mt9j4LmICA-00063-00031983-00032536 of arc does give you 60 rage and she gives it to two other armies as well it says this commander's +1mt9j4LmICA-00064-00032536-00033168 troop and two surrounding friendly units so 60 rage times three units is great william on the +1mt9j4LmICA-00065-00033168-00033792 other hand uh he if he hits multiple targets with his active skill which is conditional then he will +1mt9j4LmICA-00066-00033792-00034536 give 150 rage to himself and this doesn't specify how many uh allies can get this i think the cap +1mt9j4LmICA-00067-00034536-00035224 is five so this actually is going to in general give way more rage to your allies and you know +1mt9j4LmICA-00068-00035224-00035800 realistically for you it's 150 rage compared to 60 with joan so realistically william is better +1mt9j4LmICA-00069-00035800-00036384 at regenerating your rage and the rage of your allies however again this is conditional he has to +1mt9j4LmICA-00070-00036384-00036792 hit at least two targets and if you're fighting in a murder ball that's pretty much guaranteed even +1mt9j4LmICA-00071-00036792-00037224 with the weird shape of william i think in general you're going to hit two targets pretty often with +1mt9j4LmICA-00072-00037224-00037752 his active skill in a murder ball but it is worth noting that for joan of arc she just has to pop +1mt9j4LmICA-00073-00037752-00038240 her active skill so whether she hits anyone one target two targets doesn't matter uh she's gonna +1mt9j4LmICA-00074-00038240-00038728 be regenerating uh your rage and on top of that she has her fourth skill where when this is at +1mt9j4LmICA-00075-00038728-00039336 five it is guaranteed that you will pop her second skill again which brings her total up to 120 rage +1mt9j4LmICA-00076-00039336-00039896 that she will be regenerating now this does have a 10 second cooldown which i think is definitely a +1mt9j4LmICA-00077-00039896-00040344 big downside for joan because you know with a fast skill cycle there's gonna be a lot of instances +1mt9j4LmICA-00078-00040344-00040824 where you miss the timing here and you know this is you're gonna have a very fast skill cycle with +1mt9j4LmICA-00079-00040824-00041328 joan of arc absolutely whether she's primary or secondary to nevsky who has the skill tree +1mt9j4LmICA-00080-00041328-00041832 her fourth skill triggering the active skill is going to trigger the talent in the skill tree here +1mt9j4LmICA-00081-00041832-00042384 called rejuvenate so what this says is you gain 60 rage when a skill is used so let's say you have a +1mt9j4LmICA-00082-00042384-00042944 nevsky primary joan secondary nevsky pops his active skill you get 60 rage turn of downtime joan +1mt9j4LmICA-00083-00042944-00043424 pops her active skill you get another 60 rage turn of downtime and then her fourth skill is triggered +1mt9j4LmICA-00084-00043424-00043872 assuming it's not on cooldown and she pops her octave skill again which gives you another 60 rage +1mt9j4LmICA-00085-00043872-00044464 so the rage engine for yourself at least for joan is going to be absolutely ridiculous and honestly +1mt9j4LmICA-00086-00044464-00045048 probably the same as william if not better despite william giving you more rage when you hit multiple +1mt9j4LmICA-00087-00045048-00045464 targets and it gets even crazier if joan of arc is the primary because the support tree gives you a +1mt9j4LmICA-00088-00045464-00045912 hundred and fifty rage every single time an active skill is used which means joan pops her active +1mt9j4LmICA-00089-00045912-00046392 skill you get 150 secondary pops are active skill you get another 150 then her octave skill pops +1mt9j4LmICA-00090-00046392-00047064 again so you get 450 rage just from rejuvenate alone for that one skill cycle which is ridiculous +1mt9j4LmICA-00091-00047064-00047528 on top of the rage you're going to be regenerating just from being in normal encounter attacks so +1mt9j4LmICA-00092-00047528-00047912 realistically by the time those three skill shots go off you're gonna be at least halfway +1mt9j4LmICA-00093-00047912-00048456 through your rage bar already instantly which is absolutely insane so again the rage engine on joan +1mt9j4LmICA-00094-00048456-00048912 is gonna be wild but the other thing we have to consider is how much damage is she really doing +1mt9j4LmICA-00095-00048912-00049440 here right because of course her active skill not only has a better aoe shape than william and of +1mt9j4LmICA-00096-00049440-00049968 course we don't know the shape in entirely because she's not in the game yet but assuming it's not +1mt9j4LmICA-00097-00049968-00050504 the shape of my med then she will have probably just your standard cone shape that's my assumption +1mt9j4LmICA-00098-00050504-00050888 even better if it's somebody like Aethelflaed but i don't think that will be the case i think +1mt9j4LmICA-00099-00050888-00051496 it'll probably be the standard cone and again if that is the case she has a better shaped aoe +1mt9j4LmICA-00100-00051496-00052008 than william meaning she will more the more likely hit targets that are maybe in the peripheral and +1mt9j4LmICA-00101-00052008-00052616 on top of that she deals more damage factor like straight up she deals 33 percent more skill damage +1mt9j4LmICA-00102-00052616-00053224 with her active skill and she's gonna fire it off more times with this sword skill so realistically +1mt9j4LmICA-00103-00053224-00053816 even though william has way more cavalry attack and even you know 20 cavalry defense with that +1mt9j4LmICA-00104-00053816-00054279 three second cooldown um on the fourth skill here if he hits multiple targets or even if he just +1mt9j4LmICA-00105-00054279-00054791 hits one he still gets that 20 it's only three seconds regardless her active skill deals way more +1mt9j4LmICA-00106-00054791-00055304 damage and you're gonna fire it off more often with a better range engine and i think the other +1mt9j4LmICA-00107-00055304-00055767 thing that makes joan of arc look underwhelming on the surface but when you break it down is actually +1mt9j4LmICA-00108-00055767-00056352 pretty good is where is her damage being coming from right because again william has straight +1mt9j4LmICA-00109-00056352-00056848 up more attack stats for cavalry so you would think that he's just gonna deal more damage in +1mt9j4LmICA-00110-00056848-00057304 general and that might be true and we'll have to wait and see but we have to take a look at where +1mt9j4LmICA-00111-00057304-00057784 there's some bonus damage hidden in pretty much every skill here for joan of arc so for example +1mt9j4LmICA-00112-00057784-00058272 not only is she dealing a massive aoe here she's also regenerating rage which we've talked about +1mt9j4LmICA-00113-00058272-00058896 but she gives you and two other units five percent all damage this is all damage this doesn't specify +1mt9j4LmICA-00114-00058896-00059312 cab damage or whatever and especially because it affects other units nearby this is five percent +1mt9j4LmICA-00115-00059312-00059688 all damage and that is not something that william has right so whereas william might +1mt9j4LmICA-00116-00059688-00060296 excel in the rage regeneration aspect for your allies and he does have more cavalry stats here +1mt9j4LmICA-00117-00060296-00060904 you're giving all damage to nearby allies which is incredibly good and again this is gonna pop twice +1mt9j4LmICA-00118-00060904-00061448 if you don't have it on cooldown so very solid stuff there if she's primary it's six seconds +1mt9j4LmICA-00119-00061448-00061991 of five percent all damage for you and your allies which is very nice love to see that buff on top +1mt9j4LmICA-00120-00061991-00062440 of that her second skill gives you five percent normal attack damage outside of territory which is +1mt9j4LmICA-00121-00062440-00063040 very good her third skill gives you five percent cav damage which if what we understand about this +1mt9j4LmICA-00122-00063040-00063520 is true and i think i heard about this in a legend Rhony video where he talked about Boudica and +1mt9j4LmICA-00123-00063520-00064152 gilgamesh cab damage here is only going to affect normal attack and counter attack damage this this +1mt9j4LmICA-00124-00064152-00064664 uh from what we know does not affect skill damage right so realistically you can look at this as +1mt9j4LmICA-00125-00064720-00065120 joan of arc assuming she's all cavalry which she will be you'll get five percent more normal attack +1mt9j4LmICA-00126-00065120-00065504 damage and five percent more counter attack damage that's my understanding of this again comment down +1mt9j4LmICA-00127-00065504-00066072 below if i'm wrong about this but that brings our total normal attack damage total up to 10 right so +1mt9j4LmICA-00128-00066072-00066608 she gets 10 more normal attack damage five percent more counter attack damage but on top of that +1mt9j4LmICA-00129-00066608-00067024 her expertise gives her five percent more counter attack damage so now we're looking at ten percent +1mt9j4LmICA-00130-00067024-00067592 counter attack damage as well total and she also has a 10 chance of instantly getting a +1mt9j4LmICA-00131-00067592-00068064 30 increase in normal attack damage for one second with a five second cooldown so really +1mt9j4LmICA-00132-00068064-00068600 that part of the skill is not great but it's also not nothing right especially because it's 30 +1mt9j4LmICA-00133-00068600-00069080 that's a solid buff to normal attack damage which we love to see but it doesn't end there because on +1mt9j4LmICA-00134-00069080-00069776 the expertise again we see five percent more all damage if the target is above 30 units remaining +1mt9j4LmICA-00135-00069776-00070312 which guys most of the time that will be the case it's very rare that people keep their units in the +1mt9j4LmICA-00136-00070312-00070696 open field when they're at 30 or below unless they're caught or they don't know what they're +1mt9j4LmICA-00137-00070696-00071152 doing uh so most of the time you're gonna get that five percent more damage now if we compare +1mt9j4LmICA-00138-00071152-00071528 this to william for example and i i know i'm comparing them a lot and i think that's because +1mt9j4LmICA-00139-00071528-00072112 these commanders are very very similar um if you look at william he gets 10 flat all damage bonus +1mt9j4LmICA-00140-00072112-00072584 if he's outside of alliance territory so with joan of arc there's a lot of conditions around these +1mt9j4LmICA-00141-00072584-00073048 various little uh bonuses bonuses to damage that are sprinkled across all of her different skills +1mt9j4LmICA-00142-00073048-00073632 here but in general she's gonna get 10 all damage which is a comp combination of her active skill +1mt9j4LmICA-00143-00073632-00074120 and her expertise assuming that they're above 30. now of course this does have a cooldown and +1mt9j4LmICA-00144-00074120-00074656 a timer so realistically it's probably more like seven or eight percent all damage right which is +1mt9j4LmICA-00145-00074656-00075208 still very very solid five percent of that is also shared she also gets about ten percent more normal +1mt9j4LmICA-00146-00075208-00075624 attack damage plus the random thirty percent one second proc i'm not even gonna calculate that +1mt9j4LmICA-00147-00075624-00076160 let's just call that an extra three percent she gets 10 more counter attack damage as well plus +1mt9j4LmICA-00148-00076160-00076728 the 20 attack and the 10 percent of health william on the other hand if he's expertised gives you 50 +1mt9j4LmICA-00149-00076728-00077336 of attack 20 of defense on a 3 second timer with a cool down basically cooldown being his active +1mt9j4LmICA-00150-00077336-00077968 skill shot and 10 all damage if he actually is outside of alliance territory so if he isn't then +1mt9j4LmICA-00151-00077968-00078448 that just you just don't get that bonus now it's also worth noting that william does prevent the +1mt9j4LmICA-00152-00078448-00078936 enemy troops extra skill damage buff from taking effect and slows them down which makes it easier +1mt9j4LmICA-00153-00078936-00079392 to swarm them so there's more stuff that william is doing that's not exactly you know lines up +1mt9j4LmICA-00154-00079392-00079952 perfectly with joan but again i think if we look at both of these after adding up everything it's +1mt9j4LmICA-00155-00079952-00080416 really hard to say which one is better without testing for joan but i think that joan overall +1mt9j4LmICA-00156-00080416-00080960 is going to be very very solid i think she's going to be very very solid and i think that looking at +1mt9j4LmICA-00157-00080960-00081520 her at first glance and you know just writing it off is not a really great strategy because again +1mt9j4LmICA-00158-00081520-00082008 on top of all that even though she has less stats her active skill damage is just so high and she's +1mt9j4LmICA-00159-00082008-00082496 gonna be dealing it more often with a great rage engine okay so with all that out of the way let's +1mt9j4LmICA-00160-00082496-00082920 open up the tear maker here because i think that this is going to help you guys understand whether +1mt9j4LmICA-00161-00082920-00083528 or not she is worth investing in if you already have william right or if you're comparing and +1mt9j4LmICA-00162-00083528-00083832 thinking should i get william or should i get joan right a lot of people entering season of +1mt9j4LmICA-00163-00083832-00084392 conquest are going to be asking that question um and you know they want to know is william sort of +1mt9j4LmICA-00164-00084392-00084792 power crypt out of the game at this point and i think what we understand so far if you've been +1mt9j4LmICA-00165-00084792-00085208 following that entire breakdown i just did is they're very similar and it's going to be hard +1mt9j4LmICA-00166-00085208-00085704 to say exactly but if you already have william this will be really interesting so here we have +1mt9j4LmICA-00167-00085704-00086152 all the legendary cavalry commanders and i think that right now cavs are in the best spot they've +1mt9j4LmICA-00168-00086152-00086640 ever been in right because of course we have attila takeda that's just tried and true classic +1mt9j4LmICA-00169-00086640-00087136 gives you a ton of extra kills and it's it's a very exceptional march that you get access to +1mt9j4LmICA-00170-00087136-00087680 and it's just it's it's just a match made in heaven basically of course we do have Jadwiga and +1mt9j4LmICA-00171-00087680-00088208 Jan Zizka which this i think in general be primary here uh this is gonna be a very interesting +1mt9j4LmICA-00172-00088208-00088744 garrison to see i think both these commanders you only want to invest in if you are a garrison +1mt9j4LmICA-00173-00088744-00089192 captain right if you have if you're maxing crystal tech this is going to be exceptionally good for a +1mt9j4LmICA-00174-00089192-00089624 cab garrison but otherwise really not something you're going to be interested in now of course +1mt9j4LmICA-00175-00089624-00090032 we already talked about nevsky right now we're talking about william who's exceptionally good +1mt9j4LmICA-00176-00090032-00090568 saladin is still a commander that a lot of players are using especially with william right like this +1mt9j4LmICA-00177-00090568-00091000 is kind of like the original budget build for cavalry that you know performed really really +1mt9j4LmICA-00178-00091000-00091624 well and now uh we have joan of arc in the mix okay um i know a lot of people love xy +1mt9j4LmICA-00179-00091624-00092048 and if you have him that's great i think free to play players probably should not invest in xy at +1mt9j4LmICA-00180-00092048-00092656 this point um he is very glass cannon yes the damage is through the roof but uh he is easily +1mt9j4LmICA-00181-00092656-00093064 swarmed down and i just feel like for free to play players that's gonna be difficult it's kind +1mt9j4LmICA-00182-00093064-00093512 of like a better version of khan but again you need that you you really need the equipment to be +1mt9j4LmICA-00183-00093512-00094024 so good here i don't know if you haven't already he's exceptionally good but i just think right now +1mt9j4LmICA-00184-00094024-00094416 i think the two pairs we're looking at right now are on the top here okay i think those are those +1mt9j4LmICA-00185-00094416-00094912 are the two pairs we're looking at the question is should you do a nevsky joan or should you do +1mt9j4LmICA-00186-00094912-00095408 a nevsky william right that's the real question here we know nevsky is the best cav commander +1mt9j4LmICA-00187-00095408-00095792 right now one of the best commanders in the entire game for that matter for me i have +1mt9j4LmICA-00188-00095792-00096544 a feeling that nevsky jones is going to perform better than nevsky william that is just in general +1mt9j4LmICA-00189-00096544-00097184 for big open field murder balls i think that the additional procs of the skills on joan are going +1mt9j4LmICA-00190-00097184-00097816 to compensate for the fact that william has more attack points and that he has that bonus defense +1mt9j4LmICA-00191-00097816-00098376 as well this is especially going to be true if you have not expertised william if you have map 5551 +1mt9j4LmICA-00192-00098376-00098888 i think an expertise joan is going to outperform in the open field with Nevsky pairing now +1mt9j4LmICA-00193-00098888-00099528 we have to see is joan powering better or is is nevsky pairing better i really have no idea +1mt9j4LmICA-00194-00099528-00100064 um i think that the overlapping of the timing for jones fourth skill if she's secondary is +1mt9j4LmICA-00195-00100064-00100600 definitely unfortunate you're missing out on one second of buff and rage but realistically the +1mt9j4LmICA-00196-00100600-00101144 skill tree on nevsky is very very good you gain extra damage to your to your uh active skills +1mt9j4LmICA-00197-00101144-00101616 and if you're gonna be popping active skills so frequently that's gonna be very very solid now of +1mt9j4LmICA-00198-00101616-00102168 course you gain more rage from the support tree uh and you have better timing on the buffs here but +1mt9j4LmICA-00199-00102224-00102576 we'll just have to test to see either way i think whichever one is primary i think is gonna be very +1mt9j4LmICA-00200-00102576-00103120 very solid no matter what but then the question becomes you know do you bring salad and william to +1mt9j4LmICA-00201-00103120-00103696 the open field right and i think the answer is yes i think right now having two uh cavalry pairs in +1mt9j4LmICA-00202-00103696-00104192 the game right now is very very good i think the cavs are in the best open field position they've +1mt9j4LmICA-00203-00104192-00104664 ever been in right now with these top two pairs if you have Attila takeda that's a bonus that's +1mt9j4LmICA-00204-00104664-00105304 basically free kill but here's the problem that i have with nevsky joan and why i might not actually +1mt9j4LmICA-00205-00105304-00105976 run this pair despite this probably being the best open field cavalry pair in the game right now +1mt9j4LmICA-00206-00105976-00106680 the reason for that is because nevsky and joan are going to be so good that it's going to be targeted +1mt9j4LmICA-00207-00106680-00107200 right and i know that i feel like i say that a lot especially when we talk about you know guan yu +1mt9j4LmICA-00208-00107200-00107648 he's going to be targeted Boudica she's going to be targeted song a going to be targeted we always +1mt9j4LmICA-00209-00107648-00108080 talk about that right and at what point do we say okay everything's a target which means nothing's +1mt9j4LmICA-00210-00108080-00108608 a target of course that's the case but what i want to understand here is that you know because +1mt9j4LmICA-00211-00108608-00109096 joan and william are so similar in a lot of what they do and i think that again at the end of the +1mt9j4LmICA-00212-00109096-00109544 day joan is probably the best player with nevsky but if you're gonna bring two marches to the +1mt9j4LmICA-00213-00109544-00110096 open fields and you have the salad and william already you probably want to split them up you +1mt9j4LmICA-00214-00110096-00110632 probably do because again at the end of the day these are still very similar commanders they're +1mt9j4LmICA-00215-00110632-00110959 similar commanders i think jones a little bit better uh we'll have to wait and see on the +1mt9j4LmICA-00216-00110959-00111520 testing there but because they're so similar uh with joan being maybe a little bit better +1mt9j4LmICA-00217-00111520-00112135 you probably want to save your joan and put her behind a tanky commander like salad now is that to +1mt9j4LmICA-00218-00112135-00112592 say that saladin is more tanky than nevsky i mean nevsky has more stats but you know at the end of +1mt9j4LmICA-00219-00112592-00113104 the day i think saladin is generally seen as more tanky whether that's true or not i i can't say for +1mt9j4LmICA-00220-00113104-00113640 sure but in general you know i think i think he probably is right with the support tree so oh he +1mt9j4LmICA-00221-00113640-00114024 also has buckler shield on the in the conquering tree yeah salad and i think it's probably a bit +1mt9j4LmICA-00222-00114024-00114440 more tanky at the end of the day i also think that if you see a nevsky in the open field and a seller +1mt9j4LmICA-00223-00114440-00114872 in the open field you're probably gonna go for the nevsky first because he is a more prime target +1mt9j4LmICA-00224-00114872-00115376 he is just a bigger threat right so realistically i think your saladin will be less targeted +1mt9j4LmICA-00225-00115376-00115816 so you would want the secondary to your saladin to be the more valuable secondary does that make +1mt9j4LmICA-00226-00115816-00116272 sense and the reason for that again is because joan is giving rage to your nearby allies which so +1mt9j4LmICA-00227-00116272-00116776 is william but she's also giving that five percent all damage buff which is going to extend to your +1mt9j4LmICA-00228-00116776-00117256 to your nevsky even if they're not in the same march as long as they're nearby each other there's +1mt9j4LmICA-00229-00117256-00117696 a high chance that that that your nevsky will get it now if you're running five march in the open +1mt9j4LmICA-00230-00117696-00118120 field then you know i actually don't know how the game calculates which the other two are gonna get +1mt9j4LmICA-00231-00118120-00118600 it and maybe it's proximity i have no idea but realistically if you have this if you already +1mt9j4LmICA-00232-00118600-00119159 have right when joan comes out if you have saladin william and nevsky you probably will want to do +1mt9j4LmICA-00233-00119159-00119488 this pairing right here and i'm just going to move until it decay out of the way so we're not getting +1mt9j4LmICA-00234-00119488-00120168 confused i think this is probably the play um but if you're only building one cavalry march and +1mt9j4LmICA-00235-00120168-00120848 you don't already have salad and william this is probably the play right here this is what i assume +1mt9j4LmICA-00236-00120848-00121480 will probably be the best performing cavalry open field march that's my assumption again this is +1mt9j4LmICA-00237-00121480-00121920 based on looking at the skills and understanding how these mechanics are going to work we have to +1mt9j4LmICA-00238-00121920-00122392 wait and see for the testing but at the end of the day there's advantages to william there's +1mt9j4LmICA-00239-00122392-00122840 advantages to joan one of the biggest advantages of william is that a lot of players already have +1mt9j4LmICA-00240-00122840-00123400 him and he cost way less sculptures at five five five one right it's just he's such a good +1mt9j4LmICA-00241-00123400-00123928 value i think so many people already have him for that reason so at that point it's like do you go +1mt9j4LmICA-00242-00123983-00124472 for the joan if you already have this pairing right let's say you don't even have salad in +1mt9j4LmICA-00243-00124472-00124928 let's see he's not someone you have do you go for the joan if you already have this pairing that is +1mt9j4LmICA-00244-00124928-00125576 going to be up to you um are you a cavalry main definitely consider it if you are not a cavalry +1mt9j4LmICA-00245-00125576-00126159 main you might actually want to skip joan and i know that might be controversial but right now +1mt9j4LmICA-00246-00126159-00126608 we just saw lilith skip the leadership cycle will that mean that the next cycle is going +1mt9j4LmICA-00247-00126608-00127040 to be leadership and then we'll resume the normal cycle after i don't know are we going to go right +1mt9j4LmICA-00248-00127040-00127696 into a an infantry uh cycle after this right like after cavalry usually comes infantry so +1mt9j4LmICA-00249-00127696-00128248 are we gonna see in three months from now a new infantry set are they gonna be game breaking like +1mt9j4LmICA-00250-00128248-00128759 we don't know what the next set of commanders is going to be but if you already have an expertise +1mt9j4LmICA-00251-00128759-00129280 nevsky with william and you're free to play like you might want to save the 690 sculptures for +1mt9j4LmICA-00252-00129280-00129935 from joan and see what the next uh infantry set is if again you're not a cavalry main player +1mt9j4LmICA-00253-00129935-00130400 that's just my recommendation also you know do you have two sets of good cav gear +1mt9j4LmICA-00254-00130400-00130832 that's another like huge question you have to ask yourself and do you want to run two cavs in the +1mt9j4LmICA-00255-00130832-00131440 open field right now or do you want to do three infantry and you know one archer one cav again +1mt9j4LmICA-00256-00131440-00131832 if we're talking free to play you're probably not running up five open field anyway so you +1mt9j4LmICA-00257-00131832-00132408 know if you're running two or three or four do you want two of them to be cavalry right probably not +1mt9j4LmICA-00258-00132408-00132904 but we're just gonna have to wait and see uh how these you know commanders play out when they come +1mt9j4LmICA-00259-00132904-00133472 into the game how big of a of a meta shift will joan bring i think probably relatively minor even +1mt9j4LmICA-00260-00133472-00133984 though i do think she will probably be part of the best open field cavalry uh march that you that you +1mt9j4LmICA-00261-00133984-00134352 could make i'm interested in hearing what you guys have to say in the comments section below are you +1mt9j4LmICA-00262-00134352-00134760 planning on investing in joan or do you think she's a little bit underwhelming and you're just +1mt9j4LmICA-00263-00134760-00135200 gonna keep using your budget build for william with that being said guys if you enjoyed the video +1mt9j4LmICA-00264-00135200-00135584 make sure you drop a thumbs up on it it takes one second and it really helps out the channel +1mt9j4LmICA-00265-00135584-00136000 a ton subscribe to the channel if you're new here and click the bell to be notified the next time +1mt9j4LmICA-00266-00136000-00136664 that i upload a rise of kingdoms video we're so close to 40 000 which is actually mind-blowing +1mt9j4LmICA-00267-00136664-00137184 so please go ahead and click that button some of you may think you're subscribed and you used to be +1mt9j4LmICA-00268-00137184-00137696 subscribed and then youtube unsubscribed you so go ahead and check there as well with that being said +1mt9j4LmICA-00269-00137696-00138088 thank you guys so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00000-00000541-00001832 all right let's get it let's go with let's go with I do let's go with no +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00001-00001832-00002270 ma'am hates too bad let's do nomad I'm cool with that and we +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00002-00002270-00002848 need 20 23 more headshots with this gun +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00003-00002880-00003826 only three more oh is that thing done so we'd do this +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00004-00003826-00004680 all right team let's go match let's do some work let's go baby times to XP +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00005-00004680-00006269 ain't nothing but a G thang right neutral eyes there we go there we go on +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00006-00006269-00007213 down come on come on +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00007-00007342-00008364 mesh mine ready to deploy every time dude every single time man let's go +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00008-00008571-00010442 what's that oh boy I got her oh boy that was close come on come on where are they +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00009-00010442-00010989 where are they playing the full squad where is everybody +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00010-00012357-00012772 kill headshot that dude just straight be seen look at them they're all just +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00011-00012772-00013884 corner sitting there all just corner saying dude no no why their corner +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00012-00013884-00015369 sitting but let's go bring in the hellström let's go baby that's a +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00013-00015369-00016542 four-piece let's freaking go move that help +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00014-00016669-00017450 well I gotta reload dang it where how is he in the corner +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00015-00017450-00018125 oh he just ran in their God Dagon mess my streak up God dang it that's alright +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00016-00018125-00018355 that's alright +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00017-00018991-00019738 they gotta be sitting out here somewhere breath oh let's go +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00018-00020364-00021537 come on man where y'all sitting where y'all sittin man Ling Medicaid will +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00019-00021537-00022648 clean this out all right on the other side now still sitting +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00020-00022648-00023901 there come on kill her come on killer come on +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00021-00023901-00024345 let go kill her go and get you some +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00022-00024393-00025001 Rainey to trap ready to trap again all right fair enough +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00023-00025186-00025579 come on man where y'all at +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00024-00026024-00026636 oh that's gonna be nasty that is gonna be an ass UAV up +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00025-00027224-00027752 not sure how he got me but damn my canine exited rich meaty last about +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00026-00027752-00029012 whole time right neutralized there's one more in there brother oh my god no no oh +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00027-00029012-00029651 my god dude what how did that happen +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00028-00029816-00030173 okay that was nutty +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00029-00030411-00031061 where are these dudes man Brielle sit +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00030-00031141-00032456 more UAV I see you I see you over here I see you over here bro headshot let's go +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00031-00032456-00035431 I like I kept knocking out my sorry I'm all hell's woman let's go to work +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00032-00035667-00036925 least another two or three well I'll do that guys glitchy oh my god oh my god +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00033-00036925-00037203 that dude is glitchy +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00034-00037252-00038121 do this super glitchy machine fire +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00035-00038280-00038644 oh my god that was so close +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00036-00039050-00040308 I'll flip back around there back in the middle come on dude where y'all at where +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00037-00040308-00040877 the heck is everybody all right I ran around the whole map just for somebody +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00038-00040877-00041933 to do like nothing to me that was crazy then I finally get like killed next to +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00039-00041933-00043112 mine now see that dude that guy is glued she wore that guy's glitchy man I'm not +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00040-00043112-00044828 digging that guy's glitchy there we go neutral oh dude that fire break I again +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00041-00044828-00045053 man that guy's a little glitchy fire break +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00042-00045053-00045621 he's on the bottom of their team okay come on come on Poochie come on kill her +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00043-00045621-00045916 let's go +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00044-00045928-00046614 I'm killers gonna get it killers gonna get it to sound oh yeah +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00045-00046614-00047767 killer is going to work son not sure how I get killed right there I don't know +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00046-00047767-00049243 how he beat me I'm not sure how they gotta beat me come on killer I got war +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00047-00049243-00049705 machine in that game baby forty six and nine let's pretty go chat across the +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00048-00049705-00050194 board let's freakin go now that's what I'm frickin talking about now that was a +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00049-00050194-00051040 good game I don't know how I'm not playing a game but oh oh no oh no that +1mNa-aOTQQ4-00050-00051040-00051605 was bad alright GG's DG's +1n2cPJPpley-00000-00000153-00000986 As for the thoughts of the day I have no things to think about but today I would like +1n2cPJPpley-00001-00000986-00002391 to wish a very happy name day to my maternal uncle Ciro and also to all those who +1n2cPJPpley-00002-00002391-00003281 they have this name, which is celebrated today and which is a very well known name here in +1n2cPJPpley-00003-00003281-00003381 Naples and +1n2cPJPpley-00004-00003381-00003481 in Campania. +1n2cPJPpley-00005-00003481-00003939 And there are many relatives of my maternal grandmother, first, second and relatives +1n2cPJPpley-00006-00003939-00004194 third degree that have this name. +1n2cPJPpley-00007-00004194-00004494 And I think that as I said in Naples and Campania +1n2cPJPpley-00008-00004494-00004609 is very well known. +1n2cPJPpley-00009-00004609-00005312 Then I don't know if it's also celebrated in other parts of the world, I know the variant +1n2cPJPpley-00010-00005312-00005412 Cyrus. +1n2cPJPpley-00011-00005412-00005832 In any case, I take this opportunity to congratulate everyone in Italy and in other parts of the +1n2cPJPpley-00012-00005832-00006282 world, if it were celebrated here too, which have this name. +1n2cPJPpley-00013-00006282-00006790 And then maybe later I'll post a preview from another piece from NonHoSonno (2001) +1n2cPJPpley-00014-00006790-00007079 which I played and which is called "Endless Love". +1n2cPJPpley-00015-00007079-00007377 I recommend the original track of the +1n2cPJPpley-00016-00007377-00007861 Goblin, but in any case on NonHoSonno I have already spoken in the previous days so +1n2cPJPpley-00017-00007861-00008340 I invite you to see the videos of recent days on thoughts on NonHoSonno because they are +1n2cPJPpley-00018-00008340-00008440 there +1n2cPJPpley-00019-00008440-00008540 was very comprehensive. +1n2cPJPpley-00020-00008540-00008633 Have a great day! +23kQGm4BgdA-00000-00000057-00000465 now, I'm basically reported the same place here, but I'm telling you that +23kQGm4BgdA-00001-00000465-00001005 for the very first time in over a month, one of those ads got my attention, and +23kQGm4BgdA-00002-00001005-00001569 well, I guess it clicked on it, which I immediately closed the tab responsible. +23kQGm4BgdA-00003-00001569-00002199 occasionally, I get a second tab. I wouldn't usually close them immediately behind the +23kQGm4BgdA-00004-00002199-00002943 way. and here, what happened was since it was useless, I just thought let's close this one. +26k1cniyKoA-00000-00004203-00004475 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-জাতীয়-বিদ্যুৎ/ ‎Da da da no, so I did all of this +26k1cniyKoA-00001-00006428-00006544 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-জাতীয়-বিদ্যুৎ/ ‎ +26k1cniyKoA-00002-00006544-00006750 Power and energy plays a pivotal role +26k1cniyKoA-00003-00006803-00007347 By empowering every sector from farming to industrials and to business +26k1cniyKoA-00004-00007420-00007620 http://sheersha.tv/video/ঝালকাঠিতে-জাতীয়-বিদ্যুৎ/ ‎ +26NPqzcQSM8-00000-00000079-00000343 Hey everybody i'm Peter from offroad electric from channel +26NPqzcQSM8-00001-00000343-00000929 That is about building 4-motor extreme monster truck and this is episode number 30 +26NPqzcQSM8-00002-00003584-00003911 Sponsored by wonderful patreon patrons who help us with this channel +26NPqzcQSM8-00003-00003920-00004383 We have two new patrons jakub pavlichek and lyle chapman +26NPqzcQSM8-00004-00004392-00004792 If you would like to become a part of our team, there is a link below +26NPqzcQSM8-00005-00004855-00005351 Last time we started to work on this second Tatra that we are going to use for our monster truck build +26NPqzcQSM8-00006-00005423-00005528 today +26NPqzcQSM8-00007-00005528-00006216 I really wanna start it up. So what you are going to do, we will disconnect these pipes that go +26NPqzcQSM8-00008-00006287-00006487 to the fuel tank +26NPqzcQSM8-00009-00006592-00007319 And put some diesel into this and we'll try to pump it up into the engine and finally start that sucker +26NPqzcQSM8-00010-00007431-00007631 wish me luck! +26NPqzcQSM8-00011-00008608-00009249 I will get some diesel directly to this glass so I don't have to pump that much +26NPqzcQSM8-00012-00010992-00011464 And I will lose the vent screw that is on injector pump +26NPqzcQSM8-00013-00011528-00011975 And then we will start to pump the fuel into the engine +26NPqzcQSM8-00014-00012047-00012247 Over here here is that vent +26NPqzcQSM8-00015-00012479-00012903 We will lose this screw this is the vent screw on the injector pump +26NPqzcQSM8-00016-00013400-00013695 Do you see that? Okay, you can see the air +26NPqzcQSM8-00017-00013831-00014031 there is a lot of air in the +26NPqzcQSM8-00018-00014134-00014367 System, okay, so let's start pumping +26NPqzcQSM8-00019-00014608-00014808 Look at that air over here +26NPqzcQSM8-00020-00015168-00015368 I've been pumping here for five minutes +26NPqzcQSM8-00021-00015544-00016007 It seems like nothing goes there and no diesel and no even air +26NPqzcQSM8-00022-00016208-00016408 Diesel should go +26NPqzcQSM8-00023-00016440-00016672 From there out while i'm pumping +26NPqzcQSM8-00024-00016792-00017351 So it's not working so far. I think uh, the this glass over here doesn't seal +26NPqzcQSM8-00025-00017437-00017887 Properly in this holder. Let's use the holder from first Tatra and we'll see +26NPqzcQSM8-00026-00018287-00018839 I think over here it somehow clicks inside which doesn't happen in that second holder +26NPqzcQSM8-00027-00019151-00019351 Do you feel the pain? +26NPqzcQSM8-00028-00019992-00020423 So and the glass is full it's starting working for some reason +26NPqzcQSM8-00029-00020495-00020865 Something changed here. Maybe we have some chance now +26NPqzcQSM8-00030-00021328-00021922 That's a lot of fun pump here it's like 30 outside celsius +26NPqzcQSM8-00031-00022144-00022344 And you pump like idiot +26NPqzcQSM8-00032-00022400-00023015 For 10 minutes 15 minutes. Maybe we'll make just the episode about pumping 15 minutes +26NPqzcQSM8-00033-00023528-00023961 Wow, it looks like the air is out......no +26NPqzcQSM8-00034-00024415-00024679 It somehow quit working for some reason +26NPqzcQSM8-00035-00025048-00025760 Even though it is not completely pumped up. We'll try to we'll try to start it up because I am +26NPqzcQSM8-00036-00025888-00026257 I've been pumping here how many how many minutes like 30 minutes? +26NPqzcQSM8-00037-00028319-00028519 This Tatra sucks +26NPqzcQSM8-00038-00028600-00028888 It stopped pumping, I don't know what else I +26NPqzcQSM8-00039-00028944-00029457 Can do with it. I am not interested in combustion engines and i'm trying to resuscitate +26NPqzcQSM8-00040-00029512-00029712 Here this fucker +26NPqzcQSM8-00041-00029736-00030375 I am tired of it in two hours two guys who work frequently on these engines will come here +26NPqzcQSM8-00042-00030408-00031168 And will make this engine running and after I am sure that the engine runs we'll remove it and get rid of it +26NPqzcQSM8-00043-00031256-00031672 This Tatra will be disassembled in a different way. Uh, you can see this +26NPqzcQSM8-00044-00031688-00032057 Uh, this cab is junk. This corrosion is everywhere +26NPqzcQSM8-00045-00032160-00032333 holes everywhere +26NPqzcQSM8-00046-00032333-00032656 so we will not need to +26NPqzcQSM8-00047-00032784-00033328 Take it off of the frame. We'll keep it together with the frame. And after the engine is out +26NPqzcQSM8-00048-00033408-00033632 We will disconnect the the frame +26NPqzcQSM8-00049-00033696-00034103 That auxiliary frame over here from the actual chassis +26NPqzcQSM8-00050-00034160-00034703 Then we'll lift it up with all the lines and air tanks and all that shit. I don't need +26NPqzcQSM8-00051-00034768-00034984 now we'll lift it up and +26NPqzcQSM8-00052-00035047-00035591 Pull the chassis from under it out and we will get it into the shop +26NPqzcQSM8-00053-00035656-00036256 Where I will disassemble just the chassis that means we will do a lot of work outside +26NPqzcQSM8-00054-00036272-00036673 But will probably save a lot of time a lot of episodes +26NPqzcQSM8-00055-00036768-00037072 Before the guys come here, I would like to have something done today +26NPqzcQSM8-00056-00037160-00037615 so we will take this wheel off lift it up because when they come here +26NPqzcQSM8-00057-00037624-00038057 We would like to move the Tatra and try if actually transmission is okay, too +26NPqzcQSM8-00058-00040184-00040384 The tire has about +26NPqzcQSM8-00059-00040384-00040584 I think like 96 +26NPqzcQSM8-00061-00040734-00040934 kilos over 200 pounds +26NPqzcQSM8-00062-00041024-00041231 And the wheel is a steel wheel +26NPqzcQSM8-00063-00041416-00041633 Somewhere also about 200 pounds +26NPqzcQSM8-00064-00042991-00043391 And now we will tie up this half axles to the wooden pole +26NPqzcQSM8-00065-00043480-00043575 so +26NPqzcQSM8-00066-00043575-00044105 When the engine starts then we can move the Tatra and check the transmission +26NPqzcQSM8-00067-00045080-00045368 I think we don't need any wood. This will serve the purpose +26NPqzcQSM8-00068-00046119-00046527 So it's about five centimeters above the ground so we put some air into these tires +26NPqzcQSM8-00069-00046696-00046913 I hope this tire will not explode +26NPqzcQSM8-00070-00047144-00047344 Look at the shape it is in +26NPqzcQSM8-00071-00047487-00047687 It's probably the worst one +26NPqzcQSM8-00072-00048312-00048607 We have some clearance here, this is all we have +26NPqzcQSM8-00073-00048808-00049313 That's crazy, let's get rid of these flaps because they block the access to the wheels +26NPqzcQSM8-00074-00050952-00051152 And the second side +26NPqzcQSM8-00075-00052055-00052544 It's way cleaner we can get everywhere now to those big bolts +26NPqzcQSM8-00076-00052600-00052889 There is nothing to say just look and laugh +26NPqzcQSM8-00077-00053967-00054577 An ingenious fuel tank with a lid. So no mess will fall in +26NPqzcQSM8-00078-00055791-00055991 Foreign +26NPqzcQSM8-00079-00056504-00056704 Yeah +26NPqzcQSM8-00081-00059951-00060151 So we managed to start it up but +26NPqzcQSM8-00082-00060288-00060938 There is the accelerator lever got stuck. So it got into the maximum rpms +26NPqzcQSM8-00083-00061048-00061167 then we +26NPqzcQSM8-00084-00061167-00061367 Tried to stop it, so +26NPqzcQSM8-00085-00061391-00061833 We let air into it and now we have to get air out of the system again +26NPqzcQSM8-00089-00067416-00068000 That's the fucked up day those two young guys they have a car repair shop +26NPqzcQSM8-00090-00068080-00068657 And it's still not fucking done and we have no idea why that engine doesn't start +26NPqzcQSM8-00091-00068856-00069056 See you tomorrow +26NPqzcQSM8-00092-00069088-00069377 So it's another day. I will try to get that sucker running +26NPqzcQSM8-00093-00071400-00071600 Still doesn't work +26NPqzcQSM8-00094-00076895-00077415 Okay, we finally cleaned up the system there was a lot of shit in the in the in the diesel +26NPqzcQSM8-00095-00077504-00077583 and +26NPqzcQSM8-00096-00077583-00078151 We have two news. One good one bad. The good news. Is that the engine seems perfect +26NPqzcQSM8-00097-00078183-00078743 There is no strange noises from it the bad news. Is that the injector pump +26NPqzcQSM8-00098-00078800-00078983 Needs to be cleaned +26NPqzcQSM8-00099-00078983-00079399 this truck has been sitting there for four or five years and +26NPqzcQSM8-00100-00079448-00079903 is simply you cannot control the rpms of the truck because +26NPqzcQSM8-00101-00079951-00080007 uh +26NPqzcQSM8-00102-00080007-00080327 Because that the control mechanism is simply not working now +26NPqzcQSM8-00103-00080376-00080799 So we will sell it the way it is for the price i'm going to get for it +26NPqzcQSM8-00104-00080895-00081103 Not much happy but better than nothing +26NPqzcQSM8-00105-00081207-00081663 We got a wonderful music from next door. It's like +26NPqzcQSM8-00106-00081742-00081942 175 years old +26NPqzcQSM8-00107-00081951-00082151 That's awesome +26NPqzcQSM8-00108-00082192-00082506 I guess this truck will not need these batteries anymore +26NPqzcQSM8-00109-00083624-00083824 So +26NPqzcQSM8-00110-00085262-00085462 Action I have no energy +26NPqzcQSM8-00111-00086216-00086456 We have to get this engine out of this vehicle +26NPqzcQSM8-00112-00086536-00086856 as soon as possible because working outside in this heat is +26NPqzcQSM8-00113-00086933-00087135 Horrible, so we'll start with this +26NPqzcQSM8-00114-00087344-00087697 This might be in the way when we lift it up so let's get rid of it +26NPqzcQSM8-00115-00089536-00089736 And now the exhaust pipes +26NPqzcQSM8-00116-00090672-00091242 It's so fucking hot. I wanna be in the shop under the roof +26NPqzcQSM8-00117-00092944-00093144 Okay +26NPqzcQSM8-00118-00095351-00095551 And now the drive shaft +26NPqzcQSM8-00119-00098024-00098618 And that's it I have no emotions today, I have no fucking energy +26NPqzcQSM8-00120-00099600-00099800 Main compressor line +26NPqzcQSM8-00121-00100600-00100865 And now disconnect the hydraulic clutch booster +26NPqzcQSM8-00122-00101663-00102129 We'll need the better access to the motor mounts so we'll get rid of the fenders +26NPqzcQSM8-00123-00104655-00104855 We'll get there much better now +26NPqzcQSM8-00126-00109791-00110465 There's a diesel in the tank for the heater heater is not there anymore, but there is somehow fuel in there +26NPqzcQSM8-00128-00112848-00113295 After all of this we managed to disconnect everything from the motor +26NPqzcQSM8-00129-00113352-00113887 Except the fuel lines if somebody would like to start up the engine before they buy it +26NPqzcQSM8-00130-00113952-00114169 and the motor mounts bolts +26NPqzcQSM8-00131-00114303-00114889 Everything else is disconnected and because it's getting late and mosquitoes are eating us alive +26NPqzcQSM8-00132-00114944-00115648 It will be a wrap for today stay tuned for the next episode because we are going to remove this engine and continue on this Tatra +26NPqzcQSM8-00133-00115720-00116329 And don't forget to like share and subscribe consider also to become our patreon patron +26NPqzcQSM8-00134-00116376-00116761 Because you can get a lot of benefits from it. See you next time +26NPqzcQSM8-00135-00119503-00119703 You +26SXZJiOlTy-00000-00000000-00000337 You teach a course where you normally lecture to students during class time. +26SXZJiOlTy-00001-00000339-00000641 They work on homework and group assignments during their own time. +26SXZJiOlTy-00002-00000643-00000969 What if there were a way to do the lectures outside of class time +26SXZJiOlTy-00003-00000972-00001280 so you could use class time to have students work on activities together? +26SXZJiOlTy-00004-00001341-00001590 Welcome to Flipping the Classroom Simply Speaking. +26SXZJiOlTy-00005-00001592-00001779 It's a pretty common course design. +26SXZJiOlTy-00006-00001780-00002097 Students gather in a classroom a few times a week to hear a lecture. +26SXZJiOlTy-00007-00002099-00002397 A faculty member may show slides, play a few videos, +26SXZJiOlTy-00008-00002399-00002680 demonstrate some concepts, or solve problems. +26SXZJiOlTy-00009-00002682-00003036 On their own time, students work on problems and arrange times to meet +26SXZJiOlTy-00010-00003038-00003231 to work on group projects. +26SXZJiOlTy-00011-00003233-00003563 Some faculty are finding ways to increase student engagement +26SXZJiOlTy-00012-00003565-00003822 and improve learning by flipping this design. +26SXZJiOlTy-00013-00003825-00004215 In the new model, students watch, listen to, and interact with content +26SXZJiOlTy-00014-00004217-00004620 on their own time and then use class time for engaging activities. +26SXZJiOlTy-00015-00004622-00004799 Heres how it works. +26SXZJiOlTy-00016-00004801-00004974 Say youre teaching a biology course. +26SXZJiOlTy-00017-00004976-00005395 One week, you talk about invasive animal species, such as the Asian Carp. +26SXZJiOlTy-00018-00005397-00005796 Instead of lecturing, you post a few YouTube videos about Asian Carp. +26SXZJiOlTy-00019-00005798-00006092 You also produce a video of your own in which you show some photographs +26SXZJiOlTy-00020-00006094-00006470 of other invasive species and talk about their origins. +26SXZJiOlTy-00021-00006473-00006706 You want to keep each video interesting, +26SXZJiOlTy-00022-00006708-00006931 so you keep them under 10 minutes each. +26SXZJiOlTy-00023-00006933-00007159 To help trigger discussion, you also include some questions +26SXZJiOlTy-00024-00007162-00007388 that you will be asking students to think and talk about +26SXZJiOlTy-00025-00007390-00007584 during your next class session. +26SXZJiOlTy-00026-00007586-00007845 Later in the semester, students can go back to these videos +26SXZJiOlTy-00027-00007847-00008106 to review key concepts to prepare for an exam +26SXZJiOlTy-00028-00008109-00008334 or to guide a project or paper. +26SXZJiOlTy-00029-00008336-00008564 Short videos are just one option. +26SXZJiOlTy-00030-00008566-00008928 Audio podcasts, VoiceThread, and and many types of interactive media +26SXZJiOlTy-00031-00008930-00009110 can be used as well. +26SXZJiOlTy-00032-00009112-00009454 The main idea is to capture your presence, thoughts, and guidance +26SXZJiOlTy-00033-00009456-00009746 that would normally take place in a classroom setting. +26SXZJiOlTy-00034-00009748-00010015 Now that the lecture is done outside the classroom, +26SXZJiOlTy-00035-00010017-00010247 what do your students do when they get together? +26SXZJiOlTy-00036-00010249-00010540 You can have students bring their laptops to class, work in groups, +26SXZJiOlTy-00037-00010542-00010839 and research one of the other invasive species that you discussed +26SXZJiOlTy-00038-00010841-00010967 in your video. +26SXZJiOlTy-00039-00010969-00011094 Where did they come from? +26SXZJiOlTy-00040-00011096-00011225 What impact are they having? +26SXZJiOlTy-00041-00011227-00011432 What is being done to control them? +26SXZJiOlTy-00042-00011434-00011661 Since they are doing this research during class time, +26SXZJiOlTy-00043-00011663-00011977 they can get your assistance in determining good sources of information +26SXZJiOlTy-00044-00011979-00012182 and how to interpret what they are seeing. +26SXZJiOlTy-00045-00012184-00012546 Also, youll get a better idea of which students are doing their fair share +26SXZJiOlTy-00046-00012548-00012711 of work in their groups. +26SXZJiOlTy-00047-00012713-00012947 There won't be any more excuses that students dont have time +26SXZJiOlTy-00048-00012950-00013144 to get together for group work. +26SXZJiOlTy-00049-00013147-00013321 If an interesting idea comes from one group, +26SXZJiOlTy-00050-00013322-00013700 you can get the attention of the class and have a spontaneous discussion. +26SXZJiOlTy-00051-00013702-00014044 In short, you can create a much more active environment. +26SXZJiOlTy-00052-00014047-00014324 There are many other activities you can do in the classroom. +26SXZJiOlTy-00053-00014326-00014650 Have students discuss course concepts or take different sides +26SXZJiOlTy-00054-00014652-00014878 of an issue and debate their merits. +26SXZJiOlTy-00055-00014880-00015112 Students could share drafts of papers that they are writing +26SXZJiOlTy-00056-00015113-00015363 and get feedback from you and other students. +26SXZJiOlTy-00057-00015366-00015660 Students can work on difficult problem sets, share solutions, +26SXZJiOlTy-00058-00015662-00015894 and ask for help when they get stuck. +26SXZJiOlTy-00059-00015896-00016263 Organize students into groups and have them answer questions about a case study. +26SXZJiOlTy-00060-00016266-00016628 Or they could write and practice a presentation about a topic of your choosing. +26SXZJiOlTy-00061-00016630-00017044 There are ways of using class time for activities involving any discipline. +26SXZJiOlTy-00062-00017046-00017444 The important thing is to get students to engage with the content of your course. +26SXZJiOlTy-00063-00017446-00017704 Flipping your classroom involves some serious thinking +26SXZJiOlTy-00064-00017706-00017970 about the way you are teaching and the way students learn, +26SXZJiOlTy-00065-00017972-00018338 so you may want to start with a single topic or week and see how it goes. +26SXZJiOlTy-00066-00018340-00018481 The results may surprise you. +26SXZJiOlTy-00068-00018641-00018865 This has been Flipping the Classroom Simply Speaking. +26SXZJiOlTy-00069-00018867-00019600 To get more information about this topic, visit tlt.its.psu.edu/flip +26SXZJiOlTy-00070-00019602-00019900 This video was produced by Penn State University +26SXZJiOlTy-00071-00019902-00020313 and is available for use under a Creative Commons license. +26XhnGGENbg-00000-00009356-00009406 Hello friends +26XhnGGENbg-00001-00009612-00009812 Today I share with you about how to cure colitis +26XhnGGENbg-00002-00009993-00010193 colitis disturbs digestion +26XhnGGENbg-00003-00010946-00011146 discomfort and want to go to the toilet constantly +26XhnGGENbg-00004-00013372-00013572 This leaf can cure inflammatory colitis +26XhnGGENbg-00005-00014169-00014369 it's called hairy plum leaf +26XhnGGENbg-00006-00017917-00018117 This is a folk remedy +26XhnGGENbg-00007-00020333-00020533 can chew this leaf alive +26XhnGGENbg-00008-00021316-00021516 I will show you an example +26XhnGGENbg-00009-00022933-00023133 acrid taste +26XhnGGENbg-00010-00029368-00029568 can also be processed into dishes +26XhnGGENbg-00011-00029789-00029989 chopped mixed with chicken eggs and then fried +26XhnGGENbg-00012-00033533-00033733 do so within 15 days +26XhnGGENbg-00013-00034287-00034487 the disease will be cured +26XhnGGENbg-00014-00039382-00039582 This video I would like to stop +26XhnGGENbg-00015-00040017-00040217 Wish you health and success +2uHhjqIR1LE-00000-00000059-00000221 We're asked to evaluate each polynomial +2uHhjqIR1LE-00001-00000221-00000416 for the given value of the variable. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00002-00000416-00000749 Number one, we have four x cubed minus five x +2uHhjqIR1LE-00003-00000749-00001055 plus seven for x equals negative two. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00004-00001055-00001361 The first step is to substitute negative two for x, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00005-00001361-00001752 so let's substitute negative two here and here. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00006-00001846-00002112 Performing this substitution, we would have four +2uHhjqIR1LE-00007-00002112-00002370 times the cube of negative two, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00008-00002623-00003043 minus five times negative two, plus seven. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00009-00003043-00003367 And now, we simplify, using the order of operations. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00010-00003367-00003697 So, for the next step, we simplify the exponents. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00011-00003697-00004023 Negative two cubed is equal to three factors +2uHhjqIR1LE-00012-00004023-00004398 of negative two, which equals negative eight. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00013-00004541-00004790 So, we have four times negative eight +2uHhjqIR1LE-00014-00004790-00005170 minus five times negative two plus seven. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00015-00005170-00005525 Next step, multiply four times negative eight +2uHhjqIR1LE-00016-00005525-00005885 equals negative 32, and then we have minus five +2uHhjqIR1LE-00017-00005885-00006191 times negative two is equal to negative 10. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00018-00006191-00006407 So we have minus negative 10, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00019-00006407-00006647 which is the same as plus positive 10. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00020-00006647-00006873 We can also view this as negative five times +2uHhjqIR1LE-00021-00006873-00007327 negative two, which is positive 10, and just write plus 10. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00022-00007327-00007531 And we still have plus seven. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00023-00007531-00007703 Let's go ahead and write minus negative 10 +2uHhjqIR1LE-00024-00007703-00008120 as plus 10, so we have negative 32, plus 10, plus seven. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00025-00008349-00008675 Adding from left to right, negative 32 plus 10 +2uHhjqIR1LE-00026-00008675-00009079 is equal to negative 22, and negative 22 plus seven +2uHhjqIR1LE-00027-00009079-00009279 is equal to negative 15. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00028-00009681-00009873 Number two, we want to evaluate +2uHhjqIR1LE-00029-00009873-00010126 the polynomial when y equals four. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00030-00010126-00010606 We begin by substituting four for y here and here. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00031-00010606-00010849 Performing the substitution we would have +2uHhjqIR1LE-00032-00010849-00011266 negative 3/4 times four raised to the fourth power, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00033-00011468-00011763 plus two times four squared, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00034-00011763-00011990 or four raised to the second power. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00035-00011990-00012130 And now we evaluate the expression +2uHhjqIR1LE-00036-00012130-00012316 using the order of operations. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00037-00012316-00012515 We first simplify the exponents. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00038-00012515-00012646 Four raised to the fourth power +2uHhjqIR1LE-00039-00012646-00013089 is equal to four factors of four, which equals 256. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00040-00013089-00013464 So we have negative 3/4 times 256, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00041-00013596-00013851 plus two times four squared is equal to +2uHhjqIR1LE-00042-00013851-00014159 two factors of four, which equals 16. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00043-00014272-00014479 Next, we multiply, but notice how here we can simplify +2uHhjqIR1LE-00044-00014479-00014828 before multiplying, because four and 256 share +2uHhjqIR1LE-00045-00014828-00015019 a common factor of four. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00046-00015019-00015366 As a fraction, 256 would have a denominator of one. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00047-00015366-00015741 There's one four in four and 64 fours in 256. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00048-00016007-00016330 So you have negative three times 64, +2uHhjqIR1LE-00049-00016330-00016747 which equals negative 192 plus two times 16 is equal to 32. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00050-00017086-00017369 And, finally, negative 192 plus 32 +2uHhjqIR1LE-00051-00017492-00017700 is equal to negative 160. +2uHhjqIR1LE-00052-00018114-00018364 I hope you found this helpful. +2wD_xqcXV38-00000-00000531-00000710 Hello and welcome back. +2wD_xqcXV38-00001-00000710-00001438 In this lecture we are going to continue our study on constructors in C++ programs. +2wD_xqcXV38-00002-00001438-00002088 Here is a quick recap of some of the topics, we have already studied and that are relevant to this lecture. +2wD_xqcXV38-00003-00002088-00002594 We have studied about Object oriented programming with structures and classes. +2wD_xqcXV38-00004-00002594-00003394 We have seen how data members and member functions can be written in structures and classes. +2wD_xqcXV38-00005-00003394-00003938 We have seen how to access these members and also how to control access to these members +2wD_xqcXV38-00006-00003938-00004700 and we have also studied about constructor and destructor functions for classes and similarly for structures. +2wD_xqcXV38-00007-00004700-00005176 In this lecture we are actually going to take a closer look at constructors +2wD_xqcXV38-00008-00005177-00005769 and we are going to study some example usage of constructors in C++ programs. +2wD_xqcXV38-00009-00005848-00006224 Much of this lecture is motivated by the treatment in the book +2wD_xqcXV38-00010-00006224-00006695 'An Introduction To Programming Through C++' by Abhiram G Ranade, +2wD_xqcXV38-00011-00006695-00007054 published by McGraw Hill Education in 2014. +2wD_xqcXV38-00012-00007054-00007788 All examples taken from this book are indicated in respective slides by the citation AGRBook. +2wD_xqcXV38-00013-00007945-00008370 Now recall, that in our study of constructors and destructors, +2wD_xqcXV38-00014-00008370-00009024 we have basically said that given a class, the constructor function for that class is going to get invoked +2wD_xqcXV38-00015-00009024-00009435 automatically whenever an object of the class is allocated. +2wD_xqcXV38-00016-00009435-00009746 In fact the object is going to be allocated first +2wD_xqcXV38-00017-00009746-00010149 and then the constructor is going to be invoked on that object +2wD_xqcXV38-00018-00010149-00010513 and we had also seen that this is actually a very convenient way to +2wD_xqcXV38-00019-00010513-00011003 initialize data members of an object of the class. +2wD_xqcXV38-00020-00011074-00011490 We had also studied that a destructor function of a class +2wD_xqcXV38-00021-00011490-00011957 gets invoked automatically whenever an object to the class is de-allocated. +2wD_xqcXV38-00022-00011957-00012335 In fact, the destructor function is first invoked on the object +2wD_xqcXV38-00023-00012335-00012981 and once the destructor function returns having completed its tasks than the object is de-allocated +2wD_xqcXV38-00024-00012981-00013434 and we had also studied that this can be a convenient way to do some book keeping +2wD_xqcXV38-00025-00013434-00013850 and cleaning up operations before actually de-allocating an object. +2wD_xqcXV38-00026-00013952-00014647 Here is an example of the constructors and destructor of the class V3 +2wD_xqcXV38-00027-00014648-00015274 for representing 3 dimensional vectors that we have already studied in the last few lectures. +2wD_xqcXV38-00028-00015274-00016036 So, the class V3 has 3 data members x, y and z each of type double and all of these are private, +2wD_xqcXV38-00029-00016036-00016436 it also has some private member functions and some public member functions. +2wD_xqcXV38-00030-00016436-00016890 Specifically we are interested in the two constructor functions +2wD_xqcXV38-00031-00016890-00017288 for the class V3 that we had studied in our last lecture +2wD_xqcXV38-00032-00017289-00017927 and also one destructor function for the class V3 that we had studied earlier. +2wD_xqcXV38-00033-00018170-00018526 Recall also that while studying about member functions, +2wD_xqcXV38-00034-00018526-00019112 we have said that if a member function of a class is public +2wD_xqcXV38-00035-00019112-00019562 then that member function can be invoked on a receiver object +2wD_xqcXV38-00036-00019562-00020209 of the same class anywhere inside the actual main program +2wD_xqcXV38-00037-00020209-00020565 or anywhere inside another function in your program. +2wD_xqcXV38-00038-00020565-00021164 For example, here is the class V3 and this has several public member functions. +2wD_xqcXV38-00039-00021164-00021575 Here I have shown just two such public member functions named print scale +2wD_xqcXV38-00040-00021575-00022337 and print length and here is our main program in which I am first allocating an object a +2wD_xqcXV38-00041-00022337-00022904 of class V3 and of course the constructor function for +2wD_xqcXV38-00042-00022904-00023640 V3 is going to be invoked on the receiver object a with the parameters 1, 2 and 3 as shown here +2wD_xqcXV38-00043-00023640-00024118 and then once I get that object a I am going to invoke +2wD_xqcXV38-00044-00024118-00024774 the member function scale on the receiver object a with the parameter 4.0 +2wD_xqcXV38-00045-00024774-00025149 and the resulting object is going to be stored +2wD_xqcXV38-00046-00025149-00025713 as object b of class V3 and then I am invoking the member function print length +2wD_xqcXV38-00047-00025714-00026136 on the receiver object b. Note that both scale and print length are +2wD_xqcXV38-00048-00026137-00026755 public member functions of the class V3 therefore I can freely invoke them in the +2wD_xqcXV38-00049-00026755-00027397 main program on receiver objects of the appropriate class wherever I want. +2wD_xqcXV38-00050-00027602-00028080 The question now is that since we have seen in the last lecture +2wD_xqcXV38-00051-00028080-00028586 that constructors and destructors are also public member functions of a class. +2wD_xqcXV38-00052-00028586-00028894 Can we do the same with constructors and destructors? +2wD_xqcXV38-00053-00028894-00029462 Can we invoke them explicitly in the main program or in some other function +2wD_xqcXV38-00054-00029462-00029769 just like other public member functions? +2wD_xqcXV38-00055-00029826-00030548 Well the answer to that is, in C++ it is usually an error to call a destructor explicitly in a program. +2wD_xqcXV38-00056-00030548-00030968 In fact the destructor must get automatically called +2wD_xqcXV38-00057-00030968-00031454 whenever you are trying to de-allocate an object of the class. +2wD_xqcXV38-00058-00031454-00031802 You cannot call it explicitly in your program. +2wD_xqcXV38-00059-00031802-00032383 On the other hand it's actually okay to call a constructor explicitly in a program. +2wD_xqcXV38-00060-00032383-00033246 For example here is a small program fragment where I have first allocated an object a of class V3 +2wD_xqcXV38-00061-00033246-00033538 and initialized it through its constructor +2wD_xqcXV38-00062-00033538-00034412 with the values 1.0, 1.0 and 1.0 and now I am calling the member function sum +2wD_xqcXV38-00063-00034412-00034997 on the receiver object a and as parameter to the member function sum +2wD_xqcXV38-00064-00034997-00035559 I am passing the result of invoking the constructor of +2wD_xqcXV38-00065-00035559-00036243 the class V3 explicitly with the parameters 2.0, 2.0 and 2.0. +2wD_xqcXV38-00066-00036244-00036660 So, this is an example of an explicit constructor invocation. +2wD_xqcXV38-00067-00036660-00037413 I was not trying to allocate a variable or object of class the V3 over here. +2wD_xqcXV38-00068-00037413-00038213 I directly invoked the constructor of the class V3 and passed it appropriate parameters +2wD_xqcXV38-00069-00038268-00038950 and I expect to get here a temporary object of class V3 +2wD_xqcXV38-00070-00038950-00039608 with its data members initialized appropriately by the constructor function. +2wD_xqcXV38-00071-00039608-00040038 So, if you look at this explicit constructor invocation over here +2wD_xqcXV38-00072-00040038-00040266 this looks just like any other normal function call. +2wD_xqcXV38-00073-00040266-00040640 I have a function name and I have the values of the parameters. +2wD_xqcXV38-00074-00040640-00041178 However in this case the name of the function is actually the name of the constructor function +2wD_xqcXV38-00075-00041178-00041584 and we have already studied that the name of a constructor function is really the same +2wD_xqcXV38-00076-00041584-00041912 as the name of the class of which it is a constructor. +2wD_xqcXV38-00077-00041912-00042628 So really this explicit constructor invocation happens by using the name of the class +2wD_xqcXV38-00078-00042628-00042887 of which this is a constructor and of course these +2wD_xqcXV38-00079-00042887-00043153 are the parameters passed to that constructor function. +2wD_xqcXV38-00080-00043153-00043787 And what this is going to do is, it's going to create a temporary object of class V3. +2wD_xqcXV38-00081-00043788-00044153 It is going to invoke the constructor on that object with these parameters +2wD_xqcXV38-00082-00044153-00044680 and whatever that constructor will initialize that object to be, +2wD_xqcXV38-00083-00044680-00045056 that resulting object will be now used as a parameter of the member function +2wD_xqcXV38-00084-00045056-00045620 sum called on the receiver, receiver object a. +2wD_xqcXV38-00085-00045620-00046282 Here is an interesting implementation of the member function sum +2wD_xqcXV38-00086-00046282-00046802 using an explicit constructor invocation in the class v3. +2wD_xqcXV38-00087-00046802-00047343 This example is taken from AGR book. So recall that in the class v3, +2wD_xqcXV38-00088-00047343-00047928 we also needed to define a public member function sum which +2wD_xqcXV38-00089-00047928-00048536 was supposed to add the x, y and z components of the object on which +2wD_xqcXV38-00090-00048536-00048998 it has been called to the x, y and z components of a v3 object +2wD_xqcXV38-00091-00048999-00049365 that we passed to the member function as a parameter. +2wD_xqcXV38-00092-00049365-00049880 So here is one interesting way of doing it. I first figure out what the x, y and z components +2wD_xqcXV38-00093-00049880-00050948 of the result v3 object should be; so that should be x + b.x, x being the x coordinate +2wD_xqcXV38-00094-00050948-00051460 of the receiver object on which this function is being called and b.x is the x coordinate +2wD_xqcXV38-00095-00051460-00052164 of the parameter b that has been passed to this function and similarly y+b.y and z+b.z. +2wD_xqcXV38-00096-00052164-00052767 So once I have figured out the x, y and z coordinates of the resulting sum, +2wD_xqcXV38-00097-00052767-00052884 what I am going to do is, +2wD_xqcXV38-00098-00052884-00053582 I am simply going to call the constructor function of the class v3 with these 3 as parameters. +2wD_xqcXV38-00099-00053582-00054205 What that is going to do is, it's going to allocate a temporary object of class v3, +2wD_xqcXV38-00100-00054207-00054682 invoke the constructor function on that temporary object with these 3 parameters +2wD_xqcXV38-00101-00054682-00055237 and therefore the temporary object will have its x, y and z coordinates initialized +2wD_xqcXV38-00102-00055237-00055855 to the desired x, y and z coordinates of the sum and that temporary object of class v3 +2wD_xqcXV38-00103-00055855-00056389 will be now returned by this member function sum. +2wD_xqcXV38-00104-00056616-00057338 Now in C++, you can also specify default values of parameters for constructors +2wD_xqcXV38-00105-00057338-00057794 and not only for constructors but also for other member functions, for example, +2wD_xqcXV38-00106-00057794-00058402 here is a constructor definition in which here is the constructor definition for class v3 +2wD_xqcXV38-00107-00058402-00058760 in which I have taken 3 double valued parameters +2wD_xqcXV38-00108-00058760-00059132 and for each of these double valued parameters, I have also specified +2wD_xqcXV38-00109-00059132-00059683 what the default value of that parameter is, so if in a particular invocation of the constructor +2wD_xqcXV38-00110-00059683-00060177 a particular parameter is not specified, I can use the default value for that parameter +2wD_xqcXV38-00111-00060178-00060816 and in the body of the constructor function, I basically assign the values of vx, vy and vz +2wD_xqcXV38-00112-00060816-00061450 to the data members x, y and z. Now with this constructor definition where default values are specified, +2wD_xqcXV38-00113-00061450-00062070 all of the following constructor calls are legitimate, are correct. +2wD_xqcXV38-00114-00062070-00062400 So in this constructor call V3 a, I have not +2wD_xqcXV38-00115-00062401-00063023 specified the value of any of the 3 parameters, so I can basically take the values of the +2wD_xqcXV38-00116-00063023-00063589 default parameters. So this is equivalent to v3 a(0.0, 1.0, 2.0). +2wD_xqcXV38-00117-00063589-00063995 In this case I have specified the value of only one parameter +2wD_xqcXV38-00118-00063995-00064377 so that will be taken to be the value of first parameter and values of 2nd +2wD_xqcXV38-00119-00064377-00064745 and 3rd parameters will be taken to be the default values so here +2wD_xqcXV38-00120-00064746-00065405 I am basically calling the constructor with parameters 1.2, 1.0 and 2.0 +2wD_xqcXV38-00121-00065405-00065782 and in the third case I have specified values of 2 parameters, +2wD_xqcXV38-00122-00065782-00066112 so these 2 parameters will get their values directly +2wD_xqcXV38-00123-00066112-00066607 while the 3rd parameter will get its default value 2.0 and in the final case of course +2wD_xqcXV38-00124-00066607-00067099 I have specified the values of all 3 parameters, so all the 3 parameters +2wD_xqcXV38-00125-00067099-00067655 will get their values directly from the parameters passed in this constructor invocation. +2wD_xqcXV38-00126-00067792-00068288 Now in C++, there is also another very interesting way by which you can specify +2wD_xqcXV38-00127-00068288-00068768 how different data members of the receiver object are going to be initialized +2wD_xqcXV38-00128-00068768-00069370 before the execution of constructor begins. For example, here is the class v3, once again +2wD_xqcXV38-00129-00069370-00069874 having 3 data members x, y and z. Here is my constructor function which takes +2wD_xqcXV38-00130-00069874-00070470 3 parameters vx, vy, vz and after that I have put a colon here and +2wD_xqcXV38-00131-00070470-00070838 then I have specified an initialization list here. +2wD_xqcXV38-00132-00070838-00071372 What does this initialization list look like? It specifies the name of a data member +2wD_xqcXV38-00133-00071372-00071883 and then within parenthesis it specifies what should be the initial value of that data +2wD_xqcXV38-00134-00071883-00072257 member in terms of the parameters passed as parameter to this constructor function. +2wD_xqcXV38-00135-00072257-00072662 So here it is saying that the initial value of x should be the value of vx passed +2wD_xqcXV38-00136-00072662-00073112 to this constructor function, the initial value of y should be the value of vy passed +2wD_xqcXV38-00137-00073112-00073654 to this constructor the initial value of z is the value of vz passed to this constructor +2wD_xqcXV38-00138-00073654-00074189 and indeed the values with which you are going to initialize the data members could be +2wD_xqcXV38-00139-00074189-00074605 any expressions in the parameters passed to the constructor function. +2wD_xqcXV38-00140-00074606-00075134 Here is a very interesting example of usage of initialization lists from AGR book. +2wD_xqcXV38-00141-00075134-00075606 Here I have a class Point which represents a point in 2 dimensional space, +2wD_xqcXV38-00142-00075607-00076295 so it has x and y coordinates and it also has a constructor function which takes in +2wD_xqcXV38-00143-00076295-00076894 2 double valued parameters and assigns them to x and y and then I have a class disk +2wD_xqcXV38-00144-00076894-00077518 which has a member named center of type Point and a member named radius of type double, +2wD_xqcXV38-00145-00077518-00078062 so the constructor function for disk can take in 3 parameters x, y and r, +2wD_xqcXV38-00146-00078062-00078762 all of which are double valued and then it can basically say that the data member center +2wD_xqcXV38-00147-00078766-00079270 is to be initialized with whatever the constructor function for point returns +2wD_xqcXV38-00148-00079270-00079880 when you invoke that constructor function with the values with the parameters x and y +2wD_xqcXV38-00149-00079880-00080358 of the constructor function for disk and similarly +2wD_xqcXV38-00150-00080358-00080992 the data member radius is going to be initialized with the parameter r passed to the constructor function for disk. +2wD_xqcXV38-00151-00081132-00081380 So here you can see that data member is initialized +2wD_xqcXV38-00152-00081381-00081763 with the result of another constructor function to which, +2wD_xqcXV38-00153-00081763-00082180 I am passing parameters straight away from the parameters for constructor function disk. +2wD_xqcXV38-00154-00082180-00082452 So in summary in this lecture we took a closer +2wD_xqcXV38-00155-00082452-00082993 look at constructor functions, we saw how to invoke them explicitly in a program, +2wD_xqcXV38-00156-00082994-00083498 we saw how to specify default values of parameters of constructor functions +2wD_xqcXV38-00157-00083498-00083833 and the same mechanism also works for specifying +2wD_xqcXV38-00158-00083833-00084369 default values of parameters of other member functions of classes. +2wD_xqcXV38-00159-00084369-00084770 And we also saw the usage of initialization lists to specify +2wD_xqcXV38-00160-00084770-00085236 initial values of different data members of objects +2wD_xqcXV38-00161-00085236-00085630 before the constructor function actually starts executing. +2wD_xqcXV38-00162-00085630-00085776 Thank you for your attention. +2zqTfQWAnty-00000-00000000-00001617 all right buddy gonna do a recap of our February stocks right here yeah you gotta do a recap on to +2zqTfQWAnty-00001-00001617-00002133 see how we're doing on this week trace stuck the remind to subscribe to my channel like this video +2zqTfQWAnty-00002-00002133-00002580 if you guys enjoy it and let's go over our swing trades huh subscribe if you're not a new member +2zqTfQWAnty-00003-00002580-00003027 yes we've made seven Swift trades of the month of February let's get right into it alrighty blt +2zqTfQWAnty-00004-00003027-00003606 tough built so we bought that one right here it's right around two dollars and 71 cents I would like +2zqTfQWAnty-00005-00003606-00004011 to see this willing trade get up to about four to five dollars it never did it just kept on dumping +2zqTfQWAnty-00006-00004011-00004383 off so I actually took a little bit of a loss on this one and I'm sure if you guys were in it you +2zqTfQWAnty-00007-00004383-00004893 did too so on this one I cut my losses read around 10% I wasn't very happy but you have to know when +2zqTfQWAnty-00008-00004893-00005304 to cut your losses and that's how I become a great trader is once you learn that so we're next swing +2zqTfQWAnty-00009-00005304-00005814 trader with ACB and this occurred on the 5th of February so I bought in on this dip right here it +2zqTfQWAnty-00010-00005814-00006276 was right around 7:40 and I'm still holding this stock as of right now and then this stock dipped +2zqTfQWAnty-00011-00006276-00006648 down pretty good right here into the sixes and I she bought more and I lowered my average down +2zqTfQWAnty-00012-00006648-00007083 to 722 and I'm probably gonna hold the stock to about thirteen fifteen dollars just had to keep an +2zqTfQWAnty-00013-00007083-00007629 eye on it alright our next one Z and GA Zynga and this one trade occurred on a 10th of February so I +2zqTfQWAnty-00014-00007629-00008019 bought it right here actually on a good time I had a nice pull back and it was a good time to get in +2zqTfQWAnty-00015-00008019-00008433 here right about at 482 and I'm actually gonna stay in this stock to the end of the year like +2zqTfQWAnty-00016-00008433-00008787 I was saying because they got some pretty serious games coming out so if you're still holding this +2zqTfQWAnty-00017-00008787-00009420 right now you got about a ten point forty percent gain on this that's still very good I know buddy +2zqTfQWAnty-00018-00009420-00009924 got an IO neo and I made this video on the 14th of February so I got it right here in a nice little +2zqTfQWAnty-00019-00009924-00010437 pullback about at 7:43 and actually sold the stock right before the earnings cuz I didn't want to be +2zqTfQWAnty-00020-00010437-00010947 in it which was a really good call I mean it could have went any way but I actually came out with see +2zqTfQWAnty-00021-00010947-00011313 a 38 percent increase for the swing trade and it's a good thing I got out of it because it +2zqTfQWAnty-00022-00011313-00011751 just dumped after their earnings after bad news but I'm actually watching it right now cuz I'm +2zqTfQWAnty-00023-00011751-00012381 probably gonna have another entry point into this alright our next one is OS TK overstock.com and I +2zqTfQWAnty-00024-00012381-00012861 did this video on a 20th of February zoom in here real quick so the 20th is right here if you can +2zqTfQWAnty-00025-00012861-00013241 see me moving it and as I said in the video I was gonna wait for a hard pull back on this to buy it +2zqTfQWAnty-00026-00013241-00013955 around 20 and sure enough I had a nice pullback here and I actually bought in red around 1838 it +2zqTfQWAnty-00027-00013955-00014315 was red around the 200 period I kind of figured it was gonna bounce off of that and it kind of +2zqTfQWAnty-00028-00014315-00014852 did but I am still in the swing trade right now and you see as of right now we're at about 11 +2zqTfQWAnty-00029-00014852-00015257 percent are going to keep an eye on this one though if it does break through the 200 period +2zqTfQWAnty-00030-00015257-00015740 I might just get out of this but this wink trade is still rolling right now our turn next one is +2zqTfQWAnty-00031-00015740-00016346 hex o h EXO and this is a marijuana company and I did this video on the 26th of February so at the +2zqTfQWAnty-00032-00016346-00016754 end of the month and so we don't really have that much time under this wing trade and zoom in right +2zqTfQWAnty-00033-00016754-00017255 here so for this one trade I actually wanted a buy in Iran 515 so I put her in a buy order on that +2zqTfQWAnty-00034-00017255-00017702 and I actually got it filled so it's very good and I'm still holding her right now so I got about an +2zqTfQWAnty-00035-00017702-00018155 18 percent profit on this so I'm getting close to getting rid of it but I'm just gonna hold on for +2zqTfQWAnty-00036-00018155-00018677 a little bit more longer alright or last one is on the 28th of February and this is Fitbit fi T +2zqTfQWAnty-00037-00018677-00019157 it's a ticker symbol and I was actually talking about this one trade on a big dump ahead right +2zqTfQWAnty-00038-00019157-00019586 here I never got in this actually because I didn't like what was playing out you can see +2zqTfQWAnty-00039-00019586-00020066 his bouncing off the 20-period and I just didn't like how it was looking so think we did pretty +2zqTfQWAnty-00040-00020066-00020534 good with these swing trades you know we had a loss here there but you know it's gonna happen +2zqTfQWAnty-00041-00020534-00020912 in the stock market but I think we did pretty good just like the reminders to subscribe to my channel +2zqTfQWAnty-00042-00020912-00021242 hit the bells to get a notification on swing trades and like this video if you guys enjoyed +2zqTfQWAnty-00043-00021242-00021620 it and who wants to make some money out there huh I just got out of the hot tub got crazy hair +2-r9qBRpHLI-00000-00000716-00000746 I went up to +2-r9qBRpHLI-00001-00000750-00000973 a home of two doctors that night. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00002-00000980-00001096 The next morning the doctor +2-r9qBRpHLI-00003-00001096-00001160 came into the room. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00004-00001160-00001243 He said, Tammy come and +2-r9qBRpHLI-00005-00001243-00001556 look at the television in the other room? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00006-00001563-00001680 That was the morning +2-r9qBRpHLI-00007-00001680-00001880 of September 11, 2001. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00008-00001886-00002093 So as the second plane plowed into the Twin +2-r9qBRpHLI-00009-00002100-00002246 Towers in New York City, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00010-00002253-00002506 my whole world was falling apart. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00011-00002513-00002603 Wow. - Right? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00012-00002610-00002666 So everything. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00013-00002666-00002863 And I think we can all say that +2-r9qBRpHLI-00014-00002870-00003053 we remember exactly where we were +2-r9qBRpHLI-00015-00003053-00003200 at that moment. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00016-00003206-00003416 And I will absolutely never forget +2-r9qBRpHLI-00017-00003526-00003646 and I think +2-r9qBRpHLI-00018-00003653-00003936 where healing really began for me +2-r9qBRpHLI-00019-00003993-00004176 as I started to try to put the pieces +2-r9qBRpHLI-00020-00004176-00004323 all together at that time. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00021-00004323-00004413 Even being stuck +2-r9qBRpHLI-00022-00004413-00004530 in Jamaica because all flights +2-r9qBRpHLI-00023-00004530-00004650 were grounded, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00024-00004720-00004856 I headed to Kingston, were Trent and I +2-r9qBRpHLI-00025-00004860-00004990 and were originally planning on going. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00026-00004990-00005146 Only now I walked into the same hotel +2-r9qBRpHLI-00027-00005146-00005230 with my father-in-law +2-r9qBRpHLI-00028-00005230-00005426 who had made it to me the night before. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00029-00005433-00005656 He was the only one that made it to me. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00030-00005663-00005783 So we got adjoining rooms +2-r9qBRpHLI-00031-00005783-00005920 and the next day he wanted to go back +2-r9qBRpHLI-00032-00005920-00006070 to the Blue Lagoon. And I couldn't go. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00033-00006073-00006153 I stayed behind. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00034-00006153-00006243 I just didn't have the strength. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00035-00006366-00006486 When I realized he was gone +2-r9qBRpHLI-00036-00006486-00006563 and I was alone, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00037-00006570-00006656 I found myself +2-r9qBRpHLI-00038-00006656-00006756 just weeping again +2-r9qBRpHLI-00039-00006756-00006846 in the bathroom saying, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00040-00006846-00007080 God, you see this girl? Do you hear me? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00041-00007086-00007233 If you're real, could you send me +2-r9qBRpHLI-00042-00007233-00007350 somebody that would hold me? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00043-00007350-00007590 I'm not asking for a hundred angels. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00044-00007596-00007643 A thousand. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00045-00007643-00007730 Just one angel +2-r9qBRpHLI-00046-00007730-00007863 that would just hold me and comfort me. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00047-00007866-00008113 Could you do that for me, God? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00048-00008120-00008233 And I remember feeling +2-r9qBRpHLI-00049-00008233-00008446 something like, ‘Get up and just move Tammy,’ +2-r9qBRpHLI-00050-00008460-00008553 Just move. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00051-00008583-00008746 Don't just stay in this bathroom. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00052-00008746-00008863 So I got up +2-r9qBRpHLI-00053-00008870-00009086 and I started to move through this room, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00054-00009093-00009163 and I could hear +2-r9qBRpHLI-00055-00009163-00009353 somebody in the adjoining room. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00056-00009360-00009536 And when I got there, I looked up +2-r9qBRpHLI-00057-00009536-00009646 and I saw this beautiful +2-r9qBRpHLI-00058-00009646-00009780 Jamaican woman standing there +2-r9qBRpHLI-00059-00009780-00009940 in a Hilton housekeeping outfit. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00060-00009940-00010040 And I looked at her and +2-r9qBRpHLI-00061-00010050-00010146 I said, ma’am.. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00062-00010193-00010263 I said, Could you +2-r9qBRpHLI-00063-00010263-00010460 come in and just make my bed? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00064-00010466-00010590 Could you just come in and make my bed? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00065-00010590-00010850 And she said, I can hear you crying. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00066-00010883-00011030 And I've been trying to get to you. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00067-00011033-00011220 She said, Could I just come in +2-r9qBRpHLI-00068-00011226-00011500 and hold you? +2-r9qBRpHLI-00069-00011506-00011736 I was like, Yes, I think I cried. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00070-00011743-00011830 I think I laughed. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00071-00011830-00011986 I was like, Yes. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00072-00012003-00012086 And she walked in. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00073-00012086-00012196 She wrapped her arms around me. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00074-00012196-00012346 She started praying for me. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00075-00012353-00012406 She didn't know +2-r9qBRpHLI-00076-00012406-00012630 what was going on in my life. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00077-00012636-00012780 She didn't know the details of it. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00078-00012780-00012903 I didn't know she was a believer. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00079-00012903-00013006 She didn't know I was one. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00080-00013006-00013180 But I sat there in that moment +2-r9qBRpHLI-00081-00013180-00013376 in that embrace, and I thought, Brenda, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00082-00013376-00013533 for the first time, I thought +2-r9qBRpHLI-00083-00013540-00013703 I had no idea +2-r9qBRpHLI-00084-00013710-00013823 angels wore Hilton +2-r9qBRpHLI-00085-00013823-00013913 house keeping outfits. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00086-00013919-00014116 I would have called her sooner. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00087-00014123-00014190 But that was where +2-r9qBRpHLI-00088-00014196-00014453 the healing.. that I know beyond a doubt +2-r9qBRpHLI-00089-00014460-00014743 was when the healing began, because I chose +2-r9qBRpHLI-00090-00014780-00014916 to receive it. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00091-00014923-00015153 I asked God for something specific. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00092-00015176-00015303 He showed up in the form of +2-r9qBRpHLI-00093-00015303-00015596 this woman saying, I'm here, and I felt it. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00094-00015603-00015710 And I knew that +2-r9qBRpHLI-00095-00015710-00015746 that was a +2-r9qBRpHLI-00096-00015746-00016036 pivotal moment for me to accept my healing +2-r9qBRpHLI-00097-00016043-00016113 and to walk in it. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00098-00016116-00016313 Now, it didn't happen overnight, +2-r9qBRpHLI-00099-00016313-00016500 but I knew that this was the beginning +2-r9qBRpHLI-00100-00016506-00016633 and it was going to be hard work +2-r9qBRpHLI-00101-00016640-00016820 and it was going to be a lot of sacrificing +2-r9qBRpHLI-00102-00016820-00016966 and surrendering and laying down +2-r9qBRpHLI-00103-00016966-00017130 and a lot of kicking and screaming. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00104-00017130-00017300 But the healing began. +2-r9qBRpHLI-00105-00017306-00017460 That journey began for me, right +2-r9qBRpHLI-00106-00017460-00017673 at that moment of choosing to allow God +2-r9qBRpHLI-00107-00017730-00017953 to rescue me. +2-NchnrM0GM-00000-00000624-00000968 How much does a sewer earn in Bangladesh for each Shirt? +2-NchnrM0GM-00001-00001026-00001328 Well, mine cost 50€, so I'd say 30€? +2-NchnrM0GM-00002-00001348-00001548 No, idea... +2-NchnrM0GM-00003-00001548-00001672 4€. +2-NchnrM0GM-00004-00001672-00001776 3€. +2-NchnrM0GM-00005-00001776-00001942 Maybe 1€. +2-NchnrM0GM-00006-00001942-00002034 50 cents? +2-NchnrM0GM-00007-00002034-00002118 No idea... +2-NchnrM0GM-00008-00002118-00002272 Maybe 50 cents. +2-NchnrM0GM-00009-00002272-00002426 30 or 40 cents. +2-NchnrM0GM-00010-00002426-00002512 25 cents. +2-NchnrM0GM-00011-00002512-00002606 12 cents. +2-NchnrM0GM-00012-00002606-00002718 12 cents. +2-NchnrM0GM-00013-00002718-00003084 Actually it's less than 3 cents for each shirt! +2-NchnrM0GM-00014-00003084-00003438 You buy more than you think! Think about the sewers! +2Bj8HB7gXgc-00000-00000000-00000200 or 1 people game under follow me and iam rip uder enter and hunting sound captuer ooo shit +2Bj8HB7gXgc-00001-00001000-00001200 Real time on Eluminate Searching city and game under rip .../sound // hunting and devil samble matching nooo tryy . this video 18+ people +2Bj8HB7gXgc-00002-00001347-00001547 but iam very artificial human +2BDMZwkM9OY-00000-00000057-00000186 FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU +2BDMZwkM9OY-00001-00000202-00000252 (RAGE QUIT) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00002-00000292-00000362 360noscopeHeadshot +2BDMZwkM9OY-00003-00000384-00000434 (#YOLO) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00004-00000468-00000518 Nope.avi +2BDMZwkM9OY-00005-00000664-00000714 Pootis +2BDMZwkM9OY-00006-00000872-00000976 WHAT THE... +2BDMZwkM9OY-00007-00001068-00001118 Weegee +2BDMZwkM9OY-00008-00001166-00001216 (OBEY WEEGEE) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00009-00001260-00001356 I am Gabe Newell +2BDMZwkM9OY-00010-00001368-00001418 (HL3 CONFIRMED???) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00011-00001466-00001516 WAT +2BDMZwkM9OY-00012-00001526-00001576 THE +2BDMZwkM9OY-00013-00001600-00001650 nope +2BDMZwkM9OY-00014-00001744-00001836 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +2BDMZwkM9OY-00015-00001846-00001896 (Nigra SHUT UP!!!) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00016-00002154-00002244 MIME FAIL!!!! +2BDMZwkM9OY-00017-00002264-00002314 (Smosh videos in My Channel???) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00018-00002418-00002468 ... +2BDMZwkM9OY-00019-00002758-00002808 (This Game is S U C C !!!!) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00020-00003356-00003436 Grand Dad +2BDMZwkM9OY-00021-00003678-00003782 FLEENSTONES?! +2BDMZwkM9OY-00022-00003846-00003906 OHHHHHHHHHHHHH +2BDMZwkM9OY-00023-00004014-00004134 Grand Dad?? +2BDMZwkM9OY-00024-00004206-00004294 GRAND DAD?!? +2BDMZwkM9OY-00025-00004430-00004526 WHAT THE FUCK? +2BDMZwkM9OY-00026-00004578-00004666 Grand Dad ??? +2BDMZwkM9OY-00027-00004740-00004828 GRAND DAD?!? +2BDMZwkM9OY-00028-00005326-00005424 WHAT THE SHIT?! +2BDMZwkM9OY-00029-00005462-00005566 Grand Dad??? +2BDMZwkM9OY-00030-00006156-00006214 (Fortran Jumping) +2BDMZwkM9OY-00031-00006276-00008178 "PUSH START TO RICH" +2CvUr6ns0LE-00000-00000639-00000957 [ Denis Gardner ] We're standing next to the Mississippi River in St. Paul, next to +2CvUr6ns0LE-00001-00000957-00001187 the St. Paul Municipal grain terminal. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00002-00001187-00001472 And there's two structures to this terminal, there's a head house which +2CvUr6ns0LE-00003-00001472-00001923 is that high vertical building that we're looking at, that's behind me. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00004-00001923-00002231 And then we have the sack house which is the horizontal building. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00005-00002231-00002764 Now, the head house was used to transfer bulk grain, grain in large +2CvUr6ns0LE-00006-00002764-00003227 quantities, from the head house to the barges on the Mississippi River. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00007-00003227-00003653 The sack house is the horizontal building and that's where sack grain +2CvUr6ns0LE-00008-00003653-00003951 was kept and the sack grain that was kept in the sack house was moved +2CvUr6ns0LE-00009-00003951-00004189 to barges on the Mississippi River. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00010-00004189-00004646 This facility was built in 1931, there was a time in Minnesota's history where all +2CvUr6ns0LE-00011-00004646-00005242 the grain in this state, before it was a state, was moved down river by barges. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00012-00005242-00005660 When the railroads got here, the railroad supplanted the river as the +2CvUr6ns0LE-00013-00005660-00006098 principle means for transferring grain from Minnesota to the Dakotas +2CvUr6ns0LE-00014-00006098-00006337 and Montana, to the East Coast. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00015-00006337-00006802 And the reason they did that is because they're more versatile than the river. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00016-00006802-00007023 Railroads could go anywhere, the river was here. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00017-00007023-00007439 You had to come here to transport the grain and railroads, they could go +2CvUr6ns0LE-00018-00007439-00007836 anywhere in the state of Minnesota and also during the winter time, during the +2CvUr6ns0LE-00019-00007836-00008317 cold months, the river froze, and if the river was frozen it wasn't navigable. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00020-00008317-00008859 But with trains, with railroads, you could keep running during the wintertime. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00021-00008859-00009338 When the railroads arrive in Minnesota, they started arriving in the 1860s, the +2CvUr6ns0LE-00022-00009338-00009804 railroads supplanted the river as the principle artery for transferring grain. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00023-00009804-00010207 and so they set a shipping rate, and this was a problem for farmers, because +2CvUr6ns0LE-00024-00010207-00010359 the shipping rates were pretty high. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00025-00010359-00010659 And the farmers wanted to get around those shipping rates. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00026-00010659-00010900 So they formed a cooperative called the Equity +2CvUr6ns0LE-00027-00010900-00011000 Co-operative Exchange. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00028-00011000-00011386 And the Equity Co-operative Exchange worked out a deal with the City of St. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00029-00011386-00011692 Paul to build some grain elevators behind me. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00030-00011692-00012059 But 1917, when they built the elevators, there was no +2CvUr6ns0LE-00031-00012059-00012311 traffic on the Mississippi River. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00032-00012311-00013061 So, the City of St. Paul and the Farmers Cooperative lobbied the government to +2CvUr6ns0LE-00033-00013061-00013569 improve the river to build dams, to make this river more navigable. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00034-00013569-00013983 And in 1931 they built this head house and this sack house, the City +2CvUr6ns0LE-00035-00013983-00014336 of St. Paul build a head house and sack house to convince the federal +2CvUr6ns0LE-00036-00014336-00014538 government to improve the river. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00037-00014538-00014729 Which they did, it worked. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00038-00014729-00015379 And by the 1950s, this grain elevator and this sack house, they became +2CvUr6ns0LE-00039-00015379-00015834 the primary transfer point for grain moving from railroads to the +2CvUr6ns0LE-00040-00015834-00016297 Mississippi River and then down to New Orleans and St. Louis. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00041-00016297-00016790 And by the 1980s, things had dropped off quite a bit. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00042-00016790-00017112 And so at that time the private property that +2CvUr6ns0LE-00043-00017112-00017480 was owned by the farmers co-operative was sold to the City of St. Paul. +2CvUr6ns0LE-00044-00017480-00017989 And those elevators were all raised and what's left is the head house +2CvUr6ns0LE-00045-00017989-00018140 and the warehouse, the sack house. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00000-00000026-00000377 Are you as obsessed with Bowsette and Peachette as I am? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00001-00000377-00000664 Judging by my Twitter feed, you probably are. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00002-00000664-00001174 Bowsette has gained a phenomenal fanbase very quickly, despite, let’s face it, not actually +2EFCBcaxWsA-00003-00001174-00001428 being an official Mario character. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00004-00001428-00001892 This all stems from Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe, a port of a Wii U game that’s heading +2EFCBcaxWsA-00005-00001892-00002178 to the Switch with some unique changes. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00006-00002178-00002651 Toadette is now a playable character, and by grabbing a crown power-up, she can transform +2EFCBcaxWsA-00007-00002651-00002919 herself into Princess Peach. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00008-00002919-00003319 I guess they don’t call her Princess Toadstool for nothing! +2EFCBcaxWsA-00009-00003319-00003636 Many of you have been trying to figure out how this works. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00010-00003636-00004126 How can a humble toad metamorphosize, or, in the words of Pokemon, “evolve” into +2EFCBcaxWsA-00011-00004126-00004370 the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00012-00004370-00004837 Is Peach herself a toad that reached her max level and morphed into her final form? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00013-00004837-00005192 Is this simply a title that’s passed from one Princess to another? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00014-00005192-00005562 Is Princess Peach basically Tim Allen from The Santa Clause? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00015-00005562-00005823 If something should happen to her, put on the suit, the mushrooms will know what to +2EFCBcaxWsA-00016-00005823-00005941 do? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00017-00005941-00006250 And if so, how do Daisy and Rosalina factor into all this? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00018-00006250-00006486 Or Baby Peach for that matter? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00019-00006486-00006878 Even more interesting, though, has been the question of what happens if other characters, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00020-00006878-00007120 specifically Bowser, were to grab the power-up. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00021-00007120-00007568 Hence, Bowsette, the internet’s latest and greatest obsession. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00022-00007568-00007939 An explanation to the working of all this seems unlikely. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00023-00007939-00008297 In a game series where green dinosaurs can swallow enemies before birthing them out as +2EFCBcaxWsA-00024-00008297-00008688 “eggs”, I don’t think we’ll ever get clarification on how Toadette will become +2EFCBcaxWsA-00025-00008688-00008788 Peachette. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00026-00008788-00008888 And, as Bowsette isn’t a Nintendo creation, I think it’s unlikely that the character +2EFCBcaxWsA-00027-00008888-00008988 will ever get an official nod in a game. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00028-00008988-00009142 Personally, I’m far more interested in the changes that Peachette will make to New Super +2EFCBcaxWsA-00029-00009142-00009296 Mario Bros U. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00030-00009296-00009652 This is a massive step forward for the series as a whole, and what looks like a bizarre +2EFCBcaxWsA-00031-00009652-00010003 addition to the game could actually fix one of the biggest problems with Nintendo’s +2EFCBcaxWsA-00032-00010003-00010250 2D multiplayer platformers. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00033-00010250-00010624 New Super Mario Bros U was the very first game I bought for the Wii U. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00034-00010624-00010846 I actually bought it before we got a Wii U. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00035-00010846-00011286 I was buying a 2DS in order to play Pokemon X, and New Super Mario Bros U was on sale +2EFCBcaxWsA-00036-00011286-00011692 for just £15, so I figured, why not? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00037-00011692-00012070 About a year later, when BretonStripes got a Wii U and Mariokart 8 for her birthday, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00038-00012070-00012271 we had a second game to play together. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00039-00012271-00012523 Except, BretonStripes didn’t really care for it. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00040-00012523-00012731 So I played New Super Mario Bros U by myself. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00041-00012731-00013205 And I have to say, it’s not exactly the most original game that Nintendo’s ever +2EFCBcaxWsA-00042-00013205-00013305 put out. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00043-00013305-00013687 Sure, there are some neat ideas in here, and some fun platforming mechanics that I enjoyed +2EFCBcaxWsA-00044-00013687-00013805 well enough at the time. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00045-00013805-00014246 I recognize Yoshiaki Koizumi’s trademark approach to inventive gameplay ideas, as each +2EFCBcaxWsA-00046-00014246-00014701 stage introduces a new concept, before making it increasingly difficult as the player is +2EFCBcaxWsA-00047-00014701-00014801 tested. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00048-00014801-00015107 But I can’t help but feel that New Super Mario Bros U is simply more of the same. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00049-00015107-00015500 By the time I got my hands on this game, I’d already played my fill of New Super Mario +2EFCBcaxWsA-00050-00015500-00015788 Bros on the DS, and New Super Mario Bros Wii. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00051-00015788-00016136 I consider both of those games to be fairly interchangeable. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00052-00016136-00016606 There’s not much to separate them in terms of world design, art style, or play mechanics. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00053-00016606-00016922 If you’ve seen one New Super Mario Bros game, you’ve seen them all. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00054-00016922-00017385 Except for New Super Mario Bros 2, which has the distinction of being simply filled with +2EFCBcaxWsA-00055-00017385-00017596 coins, and therefore, incredibly boring. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00056-00017596-00017989 It’s a good game for teaching the dangers of inflation, I suppose, as suddenly, all +2EFCBcaxWsA-00057-00017989-00018210 currency and extra lives are meaningless. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00058-00018210-00018699 If I had to try and pick something that makes New Super Mario Bros U different from the +2EFCBcaxWsA-00059-00018699-00019077 games that came before, it’s possibly the presence of Yoshi, although I can’t say +2EFCBcaxWsA-00060-00019077-00019348 I think the character adds all that much to gameplay. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00061-00019348-00019713 He might well have turned up in a previous title in the series and I simply didn’t +2EFCBcaxWsA-00062-00019713-00019813 notice. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00063-00019813-00020138 Even if New Super Mario Bros U is the first game in the series to feature Yoshi, it’s +2EFCBcaxWsA-00064-00020138-00020391 not like we haven’t seen Yoshi before. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00065-00020391-00020786 As I’ve already established, the eggy dinosaur is a staple of the series, and unless he’s +2EFCBcaxWsA-00066-00020786-00021247 hanging around at the top of Peach’s Castle in Mario 64, his presence in a game isn’t +2EFCBcaxWsA-00067-00021247-00021426 really all that noteworthy. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00068-00021426-00021834 Personally, I wonder why Nintendo would even bother bringing New Super Mario Bros U to +2EFCBcaxWsA-00069-00021834-00021934 the Switch. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00070-00021934-00022297 It seems like it would take just as much effort to bring Mario Maker to the platform, and +2EFCBcaxWsA-00071-00022297-00022587 that game actually offers something that players can’t get anywhere else. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00072-00022587-00023021 But, then comes Toadette, and we finally get something new. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00073-00023021-00023229 Obviously, Toadette isn’t new. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00074-00023229-00023651 She’s been showing up semi-regularly since her original debut in the best Mariokart game, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00075-00023651-00023751 Double Dash. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00076-00023751-00024015 She’s one of the best character in that game, by the way. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00077-00024015-00024354 She and Toad get the special king mushroom item that blasts you through the level, and +2EFCBcaxWsA-00078-00024354-00024507 nothing can beat it. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00079-00024507-00024813 Except maybe the Chain Chomp that Baby Mario and Luigi get. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00080-00024813-00025127 Wow, this game series feels strange sometimes. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00081-00025127-00025693 But by joining New Super Mario Bros U, Toadette brings a new character to a platforming series +2EFCBcaxWsA-00082-00025693-00025934 that is desperately in need of a shakeup. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00083-00025934-00026447 The character roster for the New Super Mario games has always been eye-rollingly uninspired. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00084-00026447-00026771 Nintendo needed four characters for the first game in this series. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00085-00026771-00027246 So, we got Mario and Luigi, naturally, and Toad, because sure, why not. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00086-00027246-00027456 And then, another Toad. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00087-00027456-00027556 Hmm. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00088-00027556-00027986 I’m not sure what caused Nintnedo to think that this was ever a good idea. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00089-00027986-00028350 Here we have a game where two of the characters are classic Mario characters that are well +2EFCBcaxWsA-00090-00028350-00028547 defined, with distinct personalities. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00091-00028547-00028987 And the other two are just randon NPCs, given a chance at the big leagues, but never actually +2EFCBcaxWsA-00092-00028987-00029087 even given their own names. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00093-00029087-00029303 They’re simply Yellow Toad and Blue Toad. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00094-00029303-00029619 Or, at least, they are to the casual observer, ie me. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00095-00029619-00030088 I’m sure they probable have a more extensive backstory for those who’ve been paying attention, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00096-00030088-00030462 but even at its most deep, the Mario series is hardly Fire Emblem. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00097-00030462-00030752 Perhaps that’s why Nintendo figured they could get away with simply throwing in two +2EFCBcaxWsA-00098-00030752-00031274 Toads for the third and fourth player charactesr in the game. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00099-00031274-00031818 Of course, the notably absent character in all this is Princess Peach herself. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00100-00031818-00032258 Traditionally, when four characters are needed for a Mario platformer, we get Mario, Luigi, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00101-00032258-00032399 Toad, and Peach. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00102-00032399-00032827 But this was a style of play that was chosen based on adapting another title, Doki Doki +2EFCBcaxWsA-00103-00032827-00032977 Panic, for a Western release. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00104-00032977-00033128 Nintendo has stuck to the decision and given Peach a floaty jumping power periodically, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00105-00033128-00033278 enabling some consistency, but she’s never been playable in a main series 2D Mario platformer. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00106-00033278-00033708 The Western Super Mario Bros 2 is an aberration, and not generally seen as part of the standard +2EFCBcaxWsA-00107-00033708-00033977 Mario gameplay canon. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00108-00033977-00034659 Originally, the New Super Mario Bros games were dreamed up as a return to the classic +2EFCBcaxWsA-00109-00034659-00035122 formula of Mario gameplay, and this meant making Peach the damsel in distress, locking +2EFCBcaxWsA-00110-00035122-00035480 her away in a cage while Mario and Luigi save the day. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00111-00035480-00035828 If you’ve seen some of our previous videos on Amy Rose in the Sonic franchise, you may +2EFCBcaxWsA-00112-00035828-00036156 be able to guess where my argument here is heading, but bear with me. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00113-00036156-00036572 But the New Super Mario Bros series doesn’t feel so new any more. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00114-00036572-00037055 What once was a nostalgia trip, novel in its retro charm, has now been revisited again +2EFCBcaxWsA-00115-00037055-00037228 and again and again. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00116-00037228-00037656 Princess Peach has been kidnapped in four New Super Mario Bros games, making this whole +2EFCBcaxWsA-00117-00037656-00037858 plot woefully predictable. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00118-00037858-00038084 But, Toadette changes this. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00119-00038084-00038463 First off, she adds another playable character to the lineup, so we’re not just dealing +2EFCBcaxWsA-00120-00038463-00038634 with two completely interchangeable Toads. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00121-00038634-00039018 There’s a bigger conversation to be had around the Token Female here, the often cited +2EFCBcaxWsA-00122-00039018-00039327 Smurfette Principle, but I’m going to leave that to one side for today. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00123-00039327-00039699 The other benefit to Toadette is that she gives Princess Peach a more hands-on, proactive +2EFCBcaxWsA-00124-00039699-00039866 role in the story. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00125-00039866-00040213 Peach is one of the most iconic, famous characters in video games. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00126-00040213-00040552 Her fame borders on that of Disney Princesses, which is saying a lot. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00127-00040552-00040788 Especially if you’ve ever seen the inside of my house. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00128-00040788-00041011 Princesses, princesses, everywhere. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00129-00041011-00041191 Such is life with a three-year-old. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00130-00041191-00041649 But in spite of her fame, Peach is more of an idea than a character, present for so very +2EFCBcaxWsA-00131-00041649-00041811 little of the story. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00132-00041811-00042284 She exists to be sought after, either by a large, tyrannical monster, or by an earnest, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00133-00042284-00042396 working-class hero. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00134-00042396-00042755 Peach’s role in the story is to give Mario something to strive for. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00135-00042755-00043113 In practical terms, the Damsel in Distress in an object that the hero and the villain +2EFCBcaxWsA-00136-00043113-00043237 fight over. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00137-00043237-00043628 For all her actual impact in these games, Peach could often be replaced by an inanimate +2EFCBcaxWsA-00138-00043628-00043813 object, and not much would change. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00139-00043813-00044255 She is a symbol of control over the kingdom, but one that has no agency of her own. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00140-00044255-00044647 Essentially, it’s not Peach that Mario and Bowser are fighting over, but rather, Peach’s +2EFCBcaxWsA-00141-00044647-00044771 royal status. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00142-00044771-00044928 Her crown. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00143-00044928-00045258 And what key item will Toadette use to transform into Peach? +2EFCBcaxWsA-00144-00045258-00045678 In conjuring up the appearance of the famous Princess, Nintendo is basically giving Peach +2EFCBcaxWsA-00145-00045678-00046105 agency of a sort, while also continuing to use her as the damsel of distress. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00146-00046105-00046634 Mario is still fighting to rescue the Princess, but Peach is also fighting rescue herself, +2EFCBcaxWsA-00147-00046634-00046840 albeit using Toadette as her avatar. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00148-00046840-00047068 Or maybe Toadette is using Peach as an avatar. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00149-00047068-00047168 None of this is clear. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00150-00047168-00047394 It’s a Cappy situation all over again. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00151-00047394-00047855 But what matters is that Peach gets to be involved, even symbolically, in her own rescue. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00152-00047855-00048253 Toadette’s inclusion in the story helps overcome some of the more dated, problematic +2EFCBcaxWsA-00153-00048253-00048672 elements of the traditional Mario formula, while simultaneously giving New Super Mario +2EFCBcaxWsA-00154-00048672-00049147 Bros U Deluxe a unique character with her own controls, that makes this game a lot more +2EFCBcaxWsA-00155-00049147-00049247 unique and interesting. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00156-00049247-00049684 This isn’t a perfect solution to the problems that the New Super Mario Bros games face. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00157-00049684-00050006 I’d still love to see a sequel to Super Princess Peach. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00158-00050006-00050522 Or, alternatively, some form of canonical character that resembles Bowsette. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00159-00050522-00050943 There certainly exists a fanbase for the idea of a female Bowser, in some form or other. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00160-00050943-00051308 The Mario franchise could do with a nuanced female villain. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00161-00051308-00051663 There’s something inherently potent about the Bowser-Peach hybrid that’s captures +2EFCBcaxWsA-00162-00051663-00052083 imaginations, and it would be wonderful to see some form of this appear in a game. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00163-00052083-00052683 It’s not entirely dissimilar to Nintendo fans’ constant calls for a WaPeach; people +2EFCBcaxWsA-00164-00052683-00053022 like the idea of seeing the darker side of gaming’s premier princess. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00165-00053022-00053148 Maybe one day we’ll get this in an official capacity. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00166-00053148-00053686 Until then, there’s plenty of, shall we say, varied fanart that depicts Bowsette. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00167-00053686-00054154 And, in the meantime, Peach will be far more active in Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe, if +2EFCBcaxWsA-00168-00054154-00054420 only because she’s lending her face to Toadette. +2EFCBcaxWsA-00169-00054420-00054735 This isn’t much, but it’s certainly a step forward. +2FMrvnULmJu-00000-00000200-00001152 africans are suffering everywhere when they come back home you still make them suffer why what did +2FMrvnULmJu-00001-00001152-00002048 this africans do to you let's protect one another let us be one thing let us love our continent let +2FMrvnULmJu-00002-00002048-00002936 us fight for our continent let africa one day realize his own freedom let africa one day stand +2FMrvnULmJu-00003-00002936-00003832 on his own feet and say i own my minerals i owe everything that belongs to this continent let +2FMrvnULmJu-00004-00003832-00004704 africa alone be able to say enough is enough away with colonialism away with the imperialists let +2FMrvnULmJu-00005-00004704-00005784 the unity of african people reach supreme in all of us let us stop xenophobia let us stop self-hate +2FMrvnULmJu-00006-00007128-00007736 but when an african is in south africa and it doesn't have papers you beat them +2FMrvnULmJu-00007-00007736-00008472 why because you hate yourself you don't love yourself you must see yourself in the zimbabwe +2FMrvnULmJu-00008-00008472-00009176 you must see yourself in a muslim beacon because that's who you are africa we are one there is +2FMrvnULmJu-00009-00009176-00011064 no one who must be allowed to divide africa our struggle is to liberate the role of africa papa +2Ha3OMYOBAQ-00000-00000831-00000931 bless monkey +2Ha3OMYOBAQ-00001-00000931-00000987 drdargo +2Ha3OMYOBAQ-00002-00000987-00001043 channel +2p5_VmT-qAc-00000-00000603-00000928 Peter Kananen: You know, as you're you guys are selling new clients on the +2p5_VmT-qAc-00001-00000928-00001376 platform, you're going out into the market, trying to acquire new clients. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00002-00001427-00001967 Um, how have your sales techniques changed over the last six to nine months +2p5_VmT-qAc-00003-00001967-00002105 as you've gone out to different clients? +2p5_VmT-qAc-00004-00002105-00002339 Cause I know you've, you've had some that were like a better +2p5_VmT-qAc-00005-00002339-00002471 fit for your model than others. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00006-00002540-00002753 So what's the sales process look like for them now. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00007-00002935-00003301 Luke Denny: That in, in, in full admission, we, I feel like we'll always +2p5_VmT-qAc-00008-00003301-00003880 be honing that, but we've what we've really succumbed to the fact that we are +2p5_VmT-qAc-00009-00003880-00004093 not as unique as we were three years ago. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00010-00004159-00004372 We're far more of a commodity now. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00011-00004438-00004825 Um, whether it be with other, you know, other competitors that are now in the +2p5_VmT-qAc-00012-00004826-00005026 space, because there's a plethora of them. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00013-00005095-00005461 Um, or the fact that we just realized, look, we offer a commodity it's delivery. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00014-00005464-00005623 It's like, it's like offering coffee. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00015-00005623-00005714 Everybody can give them. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00016-00005821-00006421 Um, so we're right now with our sales process, trying to hone in on a niche +2p5_VmT-qAc-00017-00006424-00006652 customer base because we're still small. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00018-00006721-00007168 And so while we're small, we have the flexibility to niche. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00019-00007226-00007660 So we're, we're really analyzing like our current customer base and +2p5_VmT-qAc-00020-00007687-00007852 who are we serving really well. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00021-00007852-00008257 And who would, if we left tomorrow, who would really feel that pain and +2p5_VmT-qAc-00022-00008257-00008710 what do we solve for them, but then not only what do we solve for them, but. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00023-00008827-00008965 Why do they use us? +2p5_VmT-qAc-00024-00008965-00009355 What, what is the end result with their customers that we're benefiting them from? +2p5_VmT-qAc-00025-00009355-00009517 And how can we enhance that? +2p5_VmT-qAc-00026-00009565-00010036 So in delivery, we have, you know, enterprise customers where our drivers +2p5_VmT-qAc-00027-00010036-00010291 are representing them to their customer. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00028-00010336-00010864 So how can we make our representation to their customer as best as we can make it? +2p5_VmT-qAc-00029-00010900-00011164 So the love to use us because we make their customers happy. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00030-00011242-00011272 Okay. +2p5_VmT-qAc-00031-00011275-00011689 Um, so we're trying to figure out that, that target audience, what we +2p5_VmT-qAc-00032-00011692-00012105 what's, the value prop we give them and sync or messaging towards that. +2pUAELxlUbu-00000-00000128-00000288 Hi, and welcome to Lesson Nine. +2pUAELxlUbu-00001-00000352-00000688 This lesson will be on a single-photon QKD, +2pUAELxlUbu-00002-00000688-00001256 and particularly on the first single-photon QKD protocol known as BB84. +2pUAELxlUbu-00003-00001464-00001936 So, Step One: what are the "Three Phases of Cryptographic Secure Communication"? +2pUAELxlUbu-00004-00002328-00003016 So secure communication proceeds roughly in the following three phases: first, the parties need to +2pUAELxlUbu-00005-00003016-00003584 authenticate each other, meaning that they identify to each other that they +2pUAELxlUbu-00006-00003584-00003992 are really the parties that they want to communicate with and not somebody else. +2pUAELxlUbu-00007-00004136-00004728 Then, they have to generate a key that they will use for encoding their message. +2pUAELxlUbu-00008-00004848-00005328 After the key is generated, they can get into encoding their message and encrypt their data, +2pUAELxlUbu-00009-00005384-00005784 send it to the other party where it will be decrypted. +2pUAELxlUbu-00010-00005904-00006456 So, authentication between Alice and Bob usually proceeds in the following way (see slides): +2pUAELxlUbu-00011-00006456-00007216 So first, Alice says that "I'm Alice" to Bob. Then Bob can say, "Okay, you're Alice, I'm Bob". Then +2pUAELxlUbu-00012-00007216-00007752 also, anybody could say that, so the question is: why should I believe you? Why should I trust you? +2pUAELxlUbu-00013-00007752-00008216 Why are you really the person that you're claiming to be? And Bob, of course, has the same question. +2pUAELxlUbu-00014-00008440-00009240 So generally, the message, and the procedure, how two parties can authenticate each other is who are +2pUAELxlUbu-00015-00009240-00009824 you, what do you have, and what do you know, and in particular the last one is quite important, +2pUAELxlUbu-00016-00009896-00010528 because you know that the party that you are trying to communicate knows something, for example +2pUAELxlUbu-00017-00010528-00011384 like a public key or a pre-shared search secret, and that can be used as an authentication device. +2pUAELxlUbu-00018-00011544-00012512 So after authentication, they have to generate a "key". Now the key will be subsequently used for +2pUAELxlUbu-00019-00012512-00013288 encrypting the message, and the key- for example there are many different ways of exchanging keys, +2pUAELxlUbu-00020-00013391-00013968 such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange is one such method, but the problem with the key is that once +2pUAELxlUbu-00021-00013968-00014536 it is generated, it can be used but it cannot be used forever. It always has to be changed and it +2pUAELxlUbu-00022-00014536-00015088 has to be changed frequently in order to ensure that the data is encrypted in a secure manner. +2pUAELxlUbu-00023-00015304-00016096 So, once the key is generated, Alice can encrypt her message with the key. She can send it to Bob, +2pUAELxlUbu-00024-00016096-00017024 where Bob will use his generated his part of the generated key to decrypt the message and read it. +2pUAELxlUbu-00025-00017024-00017784 And common forms are are the following: DES, 3-DES, AES. Less common one is one-time +2pUAELxlUbu-00026-00017784-00018384 pad (OTP) and we will describe what one-time pad is, sometimes it's known as the Vernam cipher. +2OwcvysBp2y-00000-00000800-00001200 [Julie] Hi I’m Ranger Julie and this is Ranger Annie. +2OwcvysBp2y-00001-00001200-00001600 and we’re at Mount Rainier National Park. We’re standing in front +2OwcvysBp2y-00002-00001600-00002000 of the Nisqually River bed, which is really rocky, and the +2OwcvysBp2y-00003-00002000-00002200 you can see Mount Rainier in the background +2OwcvysBp2y-00004-00002200-00002400 still covered in snow and ice. +2OwcvysBp2y-00005-00002400-00002800 We’re really excited that you are joining us here today to learn more +2OwcvysBp2y-00006-00002800-00003200 about science and to become a Junior Scientist yourself. +2OwcvysBp2y-00007-00003200-00003600 [Annie] There are many different kinds of scientists at Mount Rainier. +2OwcvysBp2y-00008-00003600-00004000 Some study plants. Others study animals, and some study rocks. +2OwcvysBp2y-00009-00004000-00004400 Today we’re going to focus on geologists, scientists that study +2OwcvysBp2y-00010-00004400-00004800 rocks. All scientists learn about the world around them +2OwcvysBp2y-00011-00004800-00005200 by making observations and asking questions. +2OwcvysBp2y-00012-00005200-00005600 An observation is something that you see, hear +2OwcvysBp2y-00013-00005600-00006000 smell, feel, or +2OwcvysBp2y-00014-00006000-00006400 taste. Geologists learn about what +2OwcvysBp2y-00015-00006400-00006800 happens in the past by making observations about rocks. Let’s +2OwcvysBp2y-00016-00006800-00007000 practice our geology skills by making observations +2OwcvysBp2y-00017-00007000-00007200 about rocks at Mount Rainier. +2OwcvysBp2y-00018-00007200-00007600 [Julie] Tell someone near you what you see +2OwcvysBp2y-00019-00007600-00008000 in this rock. How do you think it might feel? +2OwcvysBp2y-00020-00008000-00008400 Ranger Annie, +2OwcvysBp2y-00021-00008400-00008800 what does this rock remind you of? +2OwcvysBp2y-00022-00008800-00009200 [Annie] I think it looks kind of like a sponge with all the little holes. +2OwcvysBp2y-00023-00009200-00009600 [Julie] I wonder if this rock could float? +2OwcvysBp2y-00024-00009600-00010000 [Annie] I wonder if all the white specks in it are smaller rocks? +2OwcvysBp2y-00025-00010000-00010400 [Julie] What questions do you have about this rock? Share them +2OwcvysBp2y-00026-00010400-00010800 with someone near you. +2OwcvysBp2y-00027-00010800-00011000 The holes and minerals inside of this rock, +2OwcvysBp2y-00028-00011000-00011200 tell us that it cooled from melted +2OwcvysBp2y-00029-00011200-00011600 rock or lava, that cooled outside of a volcano. +2OwcvysBp2y-00030-00011600-00012000 Since we find these rocks here at Mount Rainier, they tell us +2OwcvysBp2y-00031-00012000-00012400 that Mount Rainier is in fact a volcano. +2OwcvysBp2y-00032-00012400-00012800 Layers of lava and ash +2OwcvysBp2y-00033-00012800-00013200 at Mount Rainier tell us that it has erupted many times in the past. +2OwcvysBp2y-00034-00013200-00013600 Since we know that there is a magma chamber +2OwcvysBp2y-00035-00013600-00014000 with melted rock underneath Mount Rainier, we know that it +2OwcvysBp2y-00036-00014000-00014400 is an active volcano that could erupt again in the future. Scientists +2OwcvysBp2y-00037-00014400-00014800 are not seeing signs that it will happen anytime soon, but +2OwcvysBp2y-00038-00014800-00015200 based on the past, we know some of the things that might occur +2OwcvysBp2y-00039-00015200-00015600 during an eruption. [Annie] We made a song to explore +2OwcvysBp2y-00040-00015600-00015800 the different parts of a volcanic eruption. Will you join us? +2OwcvysBp2y-00041-00015800-00016100 This is a repeat after me song. +2OwcvysBp2y-00042-00016100-00016400 [Yelling] A volcano! A volcano! +2OwcvysBp2y-00043-00016400-00016800 Some sticky, sticky lava! Some sticky, sticky lava! +2OwcvysBp2y-00044-00016800-00017200 Ash and gas and cinders! Ash and gas and cinders! +2OwcvysBp2y-00045-00017200-00017600 All the ground, all the ground is shaking! All the ground, all the ground is shaking! +2OwcvysBp2y-00046-00017600-00018000 That was really nothing! That was really nothing! +2OwcvysBp2y-00047-00018000-00018400 We can do it faster! We can do it faster! +2OwcvysBp2y-00048-00018400-00018800 A volcano! A volcano! Some sticky sticky lava! Some sticky sticky lava! +2OwcvysBp2y-00049-00018800-00019200 Ash and gas and cinders! Ash and gas and cinders! All the ground +2OwcvysBp2y-00050-00019200-00019600 all the ground is shaking! All the ground, all the ground is shaking! +2OwcvysBp2y-00051-00019600-00020000 [Annie] All right everybody thanks for joining us at Mount Rainier to +2OwcvysBp2y-00052-00020000-00020400 learn about rocks and volcanoes. [Julie] Visit our website to learn more +2OwcvysBp2y-00053-00020400-00020800 about volcanoes and create your own eruption at home. +2OwcvysBp2y-00054-00020800-00021200 Have a great day everyone! [Annie] Bye! +2R7K2GjC68A-00000-00000370-00000752 I don't think, you know, a lack of energy is a caffeine deficiency. +2R7K2GjC68A-00001-00000752-00001144 I think a lack of energy can be from various situations. +2R7K2GjC68A-00002-00001144-00001341 You know, you're sure your diet is involved in your exercise, of course. +2R7K2GjC68A-00003-00001341-00001569 And your sleep levels and all that stuff. +2R7K2GjC68A-00004-00001569-00001992 But your attitude and your perspective on things certainly affects your energy levels, +2R7K2GjC68A-00005-00001992-00002092 doesn't it? +2R7K2GjC68A-00006-00002092-00002334 I mean, likewise, if you're just about to take a nap because you're so tired, but all +2R7K2GjC68A-00007-00002334-00002648 of your best friends showed up at your door, I mean, you couldn't take a nap. +2R7K2GjC68A-00008-00002648-00002917 Then all of a sudden you had this new wave of energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00009-00002917-00003372 We call it the second wave or third wave if you keep pushing through your tired spells. +2R7K2GjC68A-00010-00003372-00003771 I think it kind of depends on how your attitude is for where you are, because that's what +2R7K2GjC68A-00011-00003771-00003871 your life is all about. +2R7K2GjC68A-00012-00003871-00003996 The emotions that you remember. +2R7K2GjC68A-00013-00003996-00004312 You may not remember what somebody said to you, but you do remember the engagement. +2R7K2GjC68A-00014-00004312-00004692 You do remember how you felt like if I were to say, hey, let's go watch this movie, and +2R7K2GjC68A-00015-00004692-00005011 even if you've seen it before, you may not be able to remember every single line of the +2R7K2GjC68A-00016-00005011-00005111 movie, but you're +2R7K2GjC68A-00017-00005111-00005258 going to remember how you felt. +2R7K2GjC68A-00018-00005258-00005358 Right. +2R7K2GjC68A-00019-00005358-00005776 Your mind is only going to hold on to the things that you held an emotional bond to. +2R7K2GjC68A-00020-00005776-00006249 That's why such tragic memories can be so vivid, are really, you know, emotions of ecstasy +2R7K2GjC68A-00021-00006249-00006570 of your past can be so vivid, like you had these happy memories in these not so happy +2R7K2GjC68A-00022-00006570-00006670 memories +2R7K2GjC68A-00023-00006670-00007023 . But you can recall them pretty vividly because there's this emotional energy there. +2R7K2GjC68A-00024-00007023-00007386 Now, whether or not you celebrate the holiday of Christmas, for example, I'm sure you can +2R7K2GjC68A-00025-00007386-00007857 recognize that there is a holiday time of year, like the supermarkets kind of changed. +2R7K2GjC68A-00026-00007857-00008210 A certain type of music keeps coming back every every year around the same time, you +2R7K2GjC68A-00027-00008210-00008675 know, of snowflakes and Christmas trees and these pine trees that are decorations that +2R7K2GjC68A-00028-00008675-00008889 are consistent every single year. +2R7K2GjC68A-00029-00008889-00009258 And a lot of people have happy feelings and memories attached to the Christmas time. +2R7K2GjC68A-00030-00009258-00009729 And with those smells and sights and sounds comes, you know, Christmas movies, for example. +2R7K2GjC68A-00031-00009729-00010038 And I'm somebody who doesn't like to watch the same movie twice like ever. +2R7K2GjC68A-00032-00010038-00010411 But every year I'll watch the same movies that I've seen before, at least one of them. +2R7K2GjC68A-00033-00010411-00010739 And some people make a marathon out of it, like to watch all the Christmas movies every +2R7K2GjC68A-00034-00010739-00011050 year, because that's part of their family tradition that they grew up with. +2R7K2GjC68A-00035-00011050-00011443 And I believe that that memory attachment, that bond is connected not just because the +2R7K2GjC68A-00036-00011443-00011861 movie itself was so impactful in your life, but the things that were happening around +2R7K2GjC68A-00037-00011861-00012207 the movie created this emotional attachment to the film. +2R7K2GjC68A-00038-00012207-00012621 I mean, I have emotional attachments every year to the holiday season with the Grinch +2R7K2GjC68A-00039-00012621-00012721 or Elf. +2R7K2GjC68A-00040-00012721-00012828 I like those two movies. +2R7K2GjC68A-00041-00012828-00013109 And I'm sure you have your favorite as well, are your favorites as well. +2R7K2GjC68A-00042-00013109-00013312 And you probably watch them every year. +2R7K2GjC68A-00043-00013312-00013721 And regardless of whatever holidays you celebrate, we're talking about an annual holiday versus +2R7K2GjC68A-00044-00013721-00014035 a daily holiday, meaning a routine or a tradition. +2R7K2GjC68A-00045-00014035-00014452 These very things can add or take away from your emotional energy, don't they? +2R7K2GjC68A-00046-00014452-00014760 Like if you miss your morning coffee, if you're a coffee drinker or you missed your TV show +2R7K2GjC68A-00047-00014760-00015129 at night or when you first get home from work and you know you're watching your show while +2R7K2GjC68A-00048-00015129-00015425 you're eating your dinner or whatever it is you do in your daily routine, I dare you to +2R7K2GjC68A-00049-00015425-00015574 skip it and see how you +2R7K2GjC68A-00050-00015574-00015916 feel like your mind is going to be focused on like, I got to do it. +2R7K2GjC68A-00051-00015916-00016026 There's something missing. +2R7K2GjC68A-00052-00016026-00016216 Your energy is going to be attached to that, too. +2R7K2GjC68A-00053-00016216-00016429 And to form a new habit, it takes work. +2R7K2GjC68A-00054-00016429-00016529 To break a habit. +2R7K2GjC68A-00055-00016529-00016629 It takes work. +2R7K2GjC68A-00056-00016629-00016940 I mean, just try to brush your teeth tonight with the other hand, because I'm guessing +2R7K2GjC68A-00057-00016940-00017444 you brush your teeth the same exact freaking way every time you dry yourself off from the +2R7K2GjC68A-00058-00017444-00017693 shower, every time the same exact way. +2R7K2GjC68A-00059-00017693-00018077 We are creatures of habit and the habit forms so that you don't have to think about it, +2R7K2GjC68A-00060-00018077-00018338 whether you decided to form it or not, it's there. +2R7K2GjC68A-00061-00018338-00018714 And these things that you don't think about have this weird control over your energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00062-00018714-00018814 It's crazy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00063-00018814-00019132 So likewise, you can become numb to these routines or seen the movie Click like that's +2R7K2GjC68A-00064-00019132-00019235 kind of what it was all about. +2R7K2GjC68A-00065-00019235-00019545 You're skipping over the stuff that's the mundane and redundant like we talked about. +2R7K2GjC68A-00066-00019545-00019927 How habits are 40 Percent of your day by Charles Duhigg. +2R7K2GjC68A-00067-00019927-00020045 He wrote a book called The Power of Habit. +2R7K2GjC68A-00068-00020045-00020306 He says that in the book, it's it's amazing. +2R7K2GjC68A-00069-00020306-00020727 And if you're looking for emotional energy like energy in your day and 40 percent of +2R7K2GjC68A-00070-00020727-00020993 your day is automatic, there's no energy there. +2R7K2GjC68A-00071-00020993-00021223 Like, do you remember how you got to work today? +2R7K2GjC68A-00072-00021223-00021357 I mean, think about it. +2R7K2GjC68A-00073-00021357-00021619 Do you remember driving to work today? +2R7K2GjC68A-00074-00021619-00022099 Because a lot of people make things are so automatic that all of a sudden you're at work +2R7K2GjC68A-00075-00022099-00022216 just just like the movie +2R7K2GjC68A-00076-00022216-00022587 Click! these little things that you're skipping over, like that's half your life. +2R7K2GjC68A-00077-00022587-00023054 And if you're trying to get energized and enthusiastic about stuff and really be involved +2R7K2GjC68A-00078-00023054-00023447 emotionally in your own life, like that's really tough when you're a robot. +2R7K2GjC68A-00079-00023447-00024017 OK, so you're just you're just beep boo boo pop bashing. +2R7K2GjC68A-00080-00024017-00024145 I don't care. +2R7K2GjC68A-00081-00024145-00024262 You don't care? +2R7K2GjC68A-00082-00024262-00024490 Why would you care if you had emotional energy? +2R7K2GjC68A-00083-00024490-00024591 You would freaking care. +2R7K2GjC68A-00084-00024591-00024707 You would pump your guts out at the gym, man. +2R7K2GjC68A-00085-00024707-00024916 And we would pump really hard to work out. +2R7K2GjC68A-00086-00024916-00025016 You burn off that fat. +2R7K2GjC68A-00087-00025016-00025329 You gain some muscle to be healthy and strong and have so much energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00088-00025329-00025429 Oh, my gosh. +2R7K2GjC68A-00089-00025429-00025529 It's amazing. +2R7K2GjC68A-00090-00025529-00025676 But people don't do that. +2R7K2GjC68A-00091-00025676-00025969 People just don't have that kind of energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00092-00025969-00026069 Why? +2R7K2GjC68A-00093-00026069-00026169 Why? +2R7K2GjC68A-00094-00026169-00026269 It's OK to have energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00095-00026269-00026565 Don't be embarrassed because all of a sudden you're smiling and they're like, oh, you're +2R7K2GjC68A-00096-00026565-00026702 just what were you smile today? +2R7K2GjC68A-00097-00026702-00026802 What's going on? +2R7K2GjC68A-00098-00026802-00026952 Man, tell me What's different about your life? +2R7K2GjC68A-00099-00026952-00027275 Like people are all of a sudden get curious as to why you're happy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00100-00027275-00027375 What are they on? +2R7K2GjC68A-00101-00027375-00027530 Like, why are they so energized? +2R7K2GjC68A-00102-00027530-00027922 And that's what we're talking about is a trick to help you with emotional energy, to have +2R7K2GjC68A-00103-00027922-00028156 that spark in your life in your regular daily routine. +2R7K2GjC68A-00104-00028156-00028258 So listen to some new music. +2R7K2GjC68A-00105-00028258-00028695 When you're working out, do something new, stimulate yourself, you know, and the right +2R7K2GjC68A-00106-00028695-00029118 way, but stimulate yourself, because if you don't, somebody else or something else is +2R7K2GjC68A-00107-00029118-00029484 going to make the attempt to stimulate you so that you'll buy something, you're going +2R7K2GjC68A-00108-00029484-00029605 to get sold on something. +2R7K2GjC68A-00109-00029605-00029734 And that's what scrolling is now, right? +2R7K2GjC68A-00110-00029734-00030022 I mean, you're scrolling through your social media feed and all of a sudden you see an +2R7K2GjC68A-00111-00030022-00030327 ad and then they're going to ask you to pay for something, something you won't see ads +2R7K2GjC68A-00112-00030327-00030499 and you get sold either way. +2R7K2GjC68A-00113-00030499-00030755 And that's exactly what the holiday season analogy was all about. +2R7K2GjC68A-00114-00030755-00030855 And I just looked it up. +2R7K2GjC68A-00115-00030855-00031255 The holiday season is a 766 billion dollar industry. +2R7K2GjC68A-00116-00031255-00031611 Last year during the pandemic, it's so automatic when you hear the music. +2R7K2GjC68A-00117-00031611-00031983 People want such happy times that they're willing to just fork over whatever for it +2R7K2GjC68A-00118-00031983-00032187 because they want it to feel +2R7K2GjC68A-00119-00032187-00032508 they want to buy their own emotional energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00120-00032508-00032728 And we're all guilty of it, aren't we? +2R7K2GjC68A-00121-00032728-00033084 I mean, if you're buying energy drinks, why are you doing that? +2R7K2GjC68A-00122-00033084-00033186 That's a chemical. +2R7K2GjC68A-00123-00033186-00033496 And you're getting a sensation even when you do Adobe and then you check it out of the +2R7K2GjC68A-00124-00033496-00033603 frickin store. +2R7K2GjC68A-00125-00033603-00033812 You have this sensation that you have it. +2R7K2GjC68A-00126-00033812-00034225 And I heard it at a seminar once that 80 percent of people will buy a program or an audio, +2R7K2GjC68A-00127-00034225-00034556 you know, that they got excited about it at a at a motivational seminar. +2R7K2GjC68A-00128-00034556-00034897 But then they won't even open it or read it because they already had that satisfaction +2R7K2GjC68A-00129-00034897-00035059 that they bought it. +2R7K2GjC68A-00130-00035059-00035215 So it's over, right. +2R7K2GjC68A-00131-00035215-00035503 In that sense, they sold themselves like they didn't even follow through with it. +2R7K2GjC68A-00132-00035503-00035877 Likewise, at the grocery store the Christmas time, the holiday season is so exploited, +2R7K2GjC68A-00133-00035877-00035977 like all of a sudden you smell the +2R7K2GjC68A-00134-00035977-00036363 pine cones and the pine trees and the pumpkins and you start seeing all this stuff with the +2R7K2GjC68A-00135-00036363-00036515 Santa hats and whatever the case. +2R7K2GjC68A-00136-00036515-00036850 And all of a sudden you're walking out of the frickin grocery store wearing a Santa +2R7K2GjC68A-00137-00036850-00037108 hat, and it's not even October yet. +2R7K2GjC68A-00138-00037108-00037494 Eric, talking to myself, talking to you, man. +2R7K2GjC68A-00139-00037494-00037672 That's right. +2R7K2GjC68A-00140-00037672-00038102 Jingle all the way, all the way for three more months. +2R7K2GjC68A-00141-00038102-00038343 They're doing it earlier and earlier every year. +2R7K2GjC68A-00142-00038343-00038452 They know what they're doing. +2R7K2GjC68A-00143-00038452-00038578 And I got sold. +2R7K2GjC68A-00144-00038578-00038868 And that's what we're talking about, is selling yourself or convincing yourself that your +2R7K2GjC68A-00145-00038868-00039090 dreams are worth it by attaching an emotional +2R7K2GjC68A-00146-00039090-00039247 energy to what you really want. +2R7K2GjC68A-00147-00039247-00039612 And if you make your dreams and goals feel like the Christmas time, you know, quote unquote, +2R7K2GjC68A-00148-00039612-00039856 then you would probably have a lot of excitement for them. +2R7K2GjC68A-00149-00039856-00039956 Right. +2R7K2GjC68A-00150-00039956-00040197 So what are some ways in which you can make your goals and dreams feel like a holiday? +2R7K2GjC68A-00151-00040197-00040412 I encourage you to find some ways to do that. +2R7K2GjC68A-00152-00040412-00040725 Play some epic music while you're looking at your vision board. +2R7K2GjC68A-00153-00040725-00040856 Attach an emotion to it. +2R7K2GjC68A-00154-00040856-00041093 Attach sound music because that's what it's for. +2R7K2GjC68A-00155-00041093-00041362 You know, chew some specific bubblegum flavor or whatever. +2R7K2GjC68A-00156-00041362-00041474 When you look at your vision board. +2R7K2GjC68A-00157-00041474-00041849 Make all these senses connected and go to the gym and use that power and get into your +2R7K2GjC68A-00158-00041849-00042147 workout, because now you're just you're all involved. +2R7K2GjC68A-00159-00042147-00042247 That's what I want for you. +2R7K2GjC68A-00160-00042247-00042455 I want you to have emotional energy. +2R7K2GjC68A-00161-00042455-00042707 And you'll shock yourself how fast your goals come to you. +2R7K2GjC68A-00162-00042707-00043056 You use this emotional energy tool to get what you want. +2R7K2GjC68A-00163-00043056-00043156 And I'm curious. +2R7K2GjC68A-00164-00043156-00043425 Feel free to put your ideas down below as far as what can spice things up for you or +2R7K2GjC68A-00165-00043425-00043525 somebody else. +2R7K2GjC68A-00166-00043525-00043636 I'm Eric Osmond, thanks for listening. +2R7K2GjC68A-00167-00043636-00043696 We'll catch you later. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00000-00000063-00000423 NARRATOR: Who are the members of the experiential learning team? +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00001-00000423-00000897 A team of invested individuals supports successful student outcomes in experiential learning +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00002-00000897-00001141 at the postsecondary level. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00003-00001141-00001589 EL activities are intentional and structured, requiring a common understanding and goal +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00004-00001589-00001985 within the contexts of both classroom and community. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00005-00001985-00002552 We can identify our main contributors as the student, the course director/instructor, the +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00006-00002552-00002958 institution, and the community/industry partner. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00007-00002958-00003500 This multifaceted team enables student learning and provides accountability for everyone within +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00008-00003500-00003997 their individual settings through commitment, collaboration and cooperative management of +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00009-00003997-00004311 their respective roles and responsibilities within the EL framework. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00010-00004311-00004876 MARK HARDWICK: So a large piece of the project has to do with the client relationships surrounding +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00011-00004876-00005064 the project and the project management. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00012-00005064-00005698 So, a large piece of it is me first setting up that relationship to ensure that the students +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00013-00005698-00006201 are getting a client that will respect the fact that they're a student, number one, and +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00014-00006201-00006631 respect the fact that they're still learning, knowing that they are almost ready to go out +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00015-00006631-00006731 the door. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00016-00006731-00007121 So there may be some bumps along the way but there's nothing that we can't resolve. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00017-00007121-00007711 I would say over the 6 years I've been doing this, haven't had any displeased clients. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00018-00007711-00008247 TRACY MITCHELL-ASHLEY: And certainly, here at Georgian, I couldn't just randomly toss +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00019-00008247-00008449 students into the community at all. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00020-00008449-00009010 Because for example, we have many students from here who are on co-op, or on field placement, +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00021-00009010-00009772 or already working with partners, and the last thing you want to do is overuse a partner +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00022-00009772-00009879 who's a solid partner. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00023-00009879-00010422 So you have to have good relationships with the folks who are organizing placements, for +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00024-00010422-00010621 example, and know where students are. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00025-00010621-00011246 You have to have those opportunities to know what else is going around you in the institution. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00026-00011246-00011736 So definitely, your background research and your pre-planning, are key. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00027-00011736-00012381 ALAN UNWIN: We spend a considerable amount of time fostering those relationships with +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00028-00012381-00012503 industry partners. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00029-00012503-00013084 We ask for them to come up with a tangible project that the students can work on throughout +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00030-00013084-00013243 the semester. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00031-00013243-00013687 The Project Management Course then, once it starts, the students then meet with their +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00032-00013687-00013994 internship industry partner. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00033-00013994-00014335 They work on a project overview statement in collaboration. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00034-00014335-00014718 There's a bit of a client/customer relationship that's built into that process. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00035-00014718-00015165 MEGAN BROWN: So in my third and my fourth year in my undergraduate program I did two +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00036-00015165-00015618 and a half credits that were leading up to my undergraduate thesis project. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00037-00015618-00015985 So I wrote my thesis on the work that I was doing with the healthcare system. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00038-00015985-00016443 So my work was on standardizing the preoperative process across Niagara Health. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00039-00016443-00016981 So working with a team of medical students, physicians, nurses, and their project, their +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00040-00016981-00017404 business manager of perioperative services to come up with a plan that best worked for +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00041-00017404-00017624 their system. +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00042-00017624-00018462 So through the courses that I took in my undergrad I was able to use the theory and apply it +2SRKaF5v9Hc-00043-00018462-00018790 to the real life quality improvement project in healthcare. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00000-00001143-00001343 Children, pay attention. I'll show you the number. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00001-00001400-00001760 I want you and your friend to first tell each other what number this is. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00002-00002276-00002496 - Aphelele, what is this number? - 340. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00003-00002551-00002876 - Aphelele says it's 340. Do we agree? - No, Miss. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00004-00002876-00003303 Why don't you agree? Tell us, Nqobile. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00005-00003503-00003764 Nqobile says it's 304. Let's look at it. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00006-00003764-00003960 - What is it? - 300. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00007-00003960-00004167 - And what number? - 4. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00008-00004167-00004356 I will call Oyama. Come, Oyama. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00009-00004439-00004515 Come here. Oyama. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00010-00004596-00004747 Come here, you too, Liminathi. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00011-00004820-00004971 Come here, you too, Honey. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00012-00005103-00005300 Hurry up, children. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00013-00005300-00005347 Okay. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00014-00005439-00005679 I will give 100s. You will pack out 100s. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00015-00005767-00006192 - What is our number? - 304. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00016-00006192-00006495 - Is it 400? - 304. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00017-00006495-00006620 300... +2SYp_0Zzrso-00018-00006712-00006859 and 4, okay. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00019-00006912-00007231 Let's get started. Who is packing out the 100s? Pack out the 100s. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00020-00007348-00007568 Who is packing out the 10s? Pack out the 10s, child. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00021-00007592-00007656 Pack out units. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00022-00007712-00007800 Where are your units? Here are your units. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00023-00007912-00008295 - There are no 10s. - Pardon, there are no... +2SYp_0Zzrso-00024-00008364-00008648 He says there are no 10s. Wait, we will hear from other people. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00025-00009831-00010120 - Honey says there are no 10s. Is he correct? - Yes. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00026-00010592-00010728 Children, you may now sit down. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00027-00010743-00011028 - What is our number? - 304. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00028-00011028-00011120 304. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00029-00011143-00011528 - How many 100s? - 3. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00030-00011528-00011856 - How many 10s. - There is no 10s. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00031-00011856-00012128 - How many units? - 4. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00032-00012223-00012315 I will choose another number. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00033-00012387-00012476 Talk to your friend. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00034-00012500-00012595 Talk to your friend. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00035-00012928-00013240 What number is this? +2SYp_0Zzrso-00036-00013396-00013584 - Anothando? - 340. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00037-00013612-00013831 Anothando says it's 340. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00038-00013871-00014063 - Do we agree? - Yes, Miss. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00039-00014063-00014152 Let's look at it. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00040-00014184-00014336 300... +2SYp_0Zzrso-00041-00014384-00014736 40... and 0. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00042-00014784-00015171 He says he is noticing 0s. Why do you say you notice 0s? +2SYp_0Zzrso-00043-00015331-00015396 And here? +2SYp_0Zzrso-00044-00015480-00016015 - They are the same. - Here is 304. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00045-00016015-00016284 - And here - 340. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00046-00016284-00016484 It's 304 and 340. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00047-00016487-00016752 - Are the 0s in the same place? - No. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00048-00016752-00017236 This tells us that there is nothing in the 10s. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00049-00017236-00017575 This tells us that there is nothing in the units. +2SYp_0Zzrso-00050-00017636-00017836 I will show you another number. +2X_qjH5zO-0-00000-00000032-00000416 hi everyone my name is owen kunhardt and today i'm going to talk about the effects of image +2X_qjH5zO-0-00001-00000416-00000896 distribution and tasks on adversarial robustness and this is a project in collaboration with dr +2X_qjH5zO-0-00002-00000896-00001360 arturo deza and professor tomaso poggio at the massachusetts institute of technology +2X_qjH5zO-0-00003-00001456-00002016 so what is an image distribution well it's a way of characterizing properties of an image data set +2X_qjH5zO-0-00004-00002016-00002608 for example we may look at a color histogram shape of the images or perform a fourier transform and +2X_qjH5zO-0-00005-00002608-00003384 look at the spectral properties of these images so the spectral properties of a digit an object +2X_qjH5zO-0-00006-00003488-00004024 a scene and a texture and these images appear different due to different spectral properties +2X_qjH5zO-0-00007-00004192-00004592 so the goal of this project is to understand the role that image distribution plays +2X_qjH5zO-0-00008-00004592-00005088 in the adversarial robustness of a model which is essentially a model's ability to resist images +2X_qjH5zO-0-00009-00005088-00005560 designed to cause the model to misclassify and these images designed to cause them +2X_qjH5zO-0-00010-00005560-00006040 all to misclassify are called adversarial images and often they look so similar to +2X_qjH5zO-0-00011-00006120-00006504 actual images that a human can't tell the difference yet the model will still get it wrong +2X_qjH5zO-0-00012-00006559-00007184 and this is widely cited as an example of the divergence between machine and human perception +2X_qjH5zO-0-00013-00007240-00007752 and so adversarial robustness can be measured as the rate at which accuracy changes is epsilon +2X_qjH5zO-0-00014-00007752-00008408 perturbation strength or how much we change that adversarial image in increases and so area under +2X_qjH5zO-0-00015-00008408-00008992 the curve of a function f of epsilon that outputs the adversarial accuracy or you know our accurate +2X_qjH5zO-0-00016-00008992-00009472 how our model performs on these adversarial images for some given perturbation strength can be +2X_qjH5zO-0-00017-00009568-00010120 over some interval perturbation strengths but this has a limitation and that is that models +2X_qjH5zO-0-00018-00010120-00010568 have different initial performance so regular area under the curve is a bias metric and this +2X_qjH5zO-0-00019-00010568-00011192 is because some tasks are more discriminable than others take for example resnet50 trained on cifar +2X_qjH5zO-0-00020-00011192-00011944 scenes texture or mnist mnist performs the best but are the differences in robustness by virtue +2X_qjH5zO-0-00021-00011944-00013224 because and learning digits is easier than say objects or is it actually more robust and so one +2X_qjH5zO-0-00022-00013224-00013863 solution is to normalize with respect to initial performance then take the area under the curve so +2X_qjH5zO-0-00023-00013863-00014647 for example here it's hard to tell if one model is more robust than the other by virtue of their +2X_qjH5zO-0-00024-00014647-00015152 offset but here when it's normalized we can clearly see that this blue model performs better +2X_qjH5zO-0-00025-00015280-00015672 and this is what you know with in terms of adversarial robustness and this is with +2X_qjH5zO-0-00026-00015672-00016176 respect to where it started so here's the metric this is the area under the curve this normalizes +2X_qjH5zO-0-00027-00016296-00016712 by our initial performance which again we're now looking at with how much we're changing +2X_qjH5zO-0-00028-00016712-00017112 with respect to where we started and then this normalizes with respect to our epsilon +2X_qjH5zO-0-00029-00017184-00017552 interval which is essentially our interval of perturbation strengths where epsilon zero is the +2X_qjH5zO-0-00030-00017552-00018208 lower bound and epsilon one is the upper bound and so our metric is in this left half open interval +2X_qjH5zO-0-00031-00018208-00018672 zero one and we have this constraint of for all epsilon greater than or equal to epsilon zero f of +2X_qjH5zO-0-00032-00018672-00019152 epsilon is less than or equal to f of epsilon zero and essentially this constraint is saying that +2X_qjH5zO-0-00033-00019328-00019952 as our perturbation strengths increases our accuracy decrease from where we started so we +2X_qjH5zO-0-00034-00019952-00020264 want this constraint to be satisfied because otherwise we wouldn't be a good adversary +2X_qjH5zO-0-00035-00020360-00020784 so experimental setup we use five data sets mnist which is digit +2X_qjH5zO-0-00036-00020784-00021424 cifar-10 which is object scenes data set texture and finally a fusion data set which is an alpha +2X_qjH5zO-0-00037-00021424-00022032 blending of these mnist and cifar-10 images and we use this to tease apart the cause and effects of +2X_qjH5zO-0-00038-00022032-00022520 adversarial robustness in a model and so here are more examples of these fusion images +2X_qjH5zO-0-00039-00022520-00022856 and so essentially the data set is fixed but the task varies by model +2X_qjH5zO-0-00040-00022912-00023592 the architectures are shallow fully connected net lenet resnet 50. and our method is we train +2X_qjH5zO-0-00041-00023592-00023984 a model for each architecture in each data set 20 times reaching about state-of-the-art performance +2X_qjH5zO-0-00042-00024104-00024544 and we attack each model using fast gradient sign method and this is a method to generate +2X_qjH5zO-0-00043-00024544-00025064 adversarial images and so here's how the procedure works we have some base images from our test +2X_qjH5zO-0-00044-00025232-00025824 set and then we carefully find noise that increases the loss we scale that +2X_qjH5zO-0-00045-00025952-00026432 usually so a human wouldn't notice a difference we add that to a base image and then that's how +2X_qjH5zO-0-00046-00026432-00026968 we get the adversarial image and so we get the accuracy of models on these adversarial +2X_qjH5zO-0-00047-00026968-00027495 images and from there compute the adversarial robustness so now let's finally look at the +2X_qjH5zO-0-00048-00027695-00028232 these performance curves for these different models and so here it is for fully connected +2X_qjH5zO-0-00049-00028232-00028695 net for cifar10 scenes texture and mnist and these are the normalized accuracies so you can get kind +2X_qjH5zO-0-00050-00028695-00029272 of some of the intuition or a sense of what the metric this adversary robustness metric might be +2X_qjH5zO-0-00051-00029272-00029856 it is from that and resnet50 and we can see that mnist models are clearly more robust +2X_qjH5zO-0-00052-00030056-00030583 and so now let's figure out whether it's the image distribution or task that is is causing +2X_qjH5zO-0-00053-00030583-00031376 this adversarial vulnerability or robustness and so we're going to use our fusion data set +2X_qjH5zO-0-00054-00031376-00031952 and compare it to cifar10 and mnist and so here's the plot for normalized accuracy this is the fcnet +2X_qjH5zO-0-00055-00032008-00032583 this is the lenet and this is resnet 50 comparing cifar10 and the fusion object we can see that +2X_qjH5zO-0-00056-00032583-00033208 cifar10 is more robust comparing mnist and fusion digit because that mnist is more robust because +2X_qjH5zO-0-00057-00033352-00033648 the the task is the same but the image distribution is different +2X_qjH5zO-0-00058-00033752-00034240 we know that the image distribution is contributing to robustness and then we compare +2X_qjH5zO-0-00059-00034240-00034704 fusion digit and fusion object we see that fusion digits more robust and because the data sets the +2X_qjH5zO-0-00060-00034704-00035184 same but the tasks are different we know that task is also contributing to adversarial robustness +2X_qjH5zO-0-00061-00035360-00035904 and so now let's actually compute the metric here's the robustness on those data sets for +2X_qjH5zO-0-00062-00035904-00036576 fully connected net for lenet and for resnet50 and we see that in general mnist models are +2X_qjH5zO-0-00063-00036576-00037240 the most robust scenes are generally the least robust at least for natural image distributions +2X_qjH5zO-0-00064-00037456-00038176 and we can actually see that architecture may also contribute to this from these plots so we learned +2X_qjH5zO-0-00065-00038176-00038576 that mnist models are the most adversarially robust and scenes are the least adversarially +2X_qjH5zO-0-00066-00038576-00039016 robust for the natural image distributions that we tested both the image distribution +2X_qjH5zO-0-00067-00039016-00039496 and tasks together or individually contribute to the adversarial robustness of a model and +2X_qjH5zO-0-00068-00039496-00040048 understanding the role image distribution and task play may actually inform learned image represented +2X_qjH5zO-0-00069-00040128-00040712 representations in humans which is why this is worth exploring for vision science more generally +2X_qjH5zO-0-00070-00040712-00041288 so here's some related work and for future work we'd like to investigate what specific +2X_qjH5zO-0-00071-00041288-00041880 factors of task and image distribution impact adversarial robustness now thank you for listening +2Z7FJQio66M-00000-00000314-00000938 In 2008 Graham and Kelly were connected on the voluntary register. At that time I +2Z7FJQio66M-00001-00000938-00001334 was a counsellor working for the Infertility Treatment Authority. +2Z7FJQio66M-00002-00001334-00001957 I'm still here 8 years later and now we're VARTA, the Victorian Assisted Reproductive +2Z7FJQio66M-00003-00001957-00002696 Treatment Authority so I helped Kelly and Graham connect and they've been in +2Z7FJQio66M-00004-00002696-00002916 contact ever since. +2Z7FJQio66M-00005-00003229-00003706 Well I've just recently had a baby and I was probably a little bit still hormonal +2Z7FJQio66M-00006-00003706-00003914 and I thought well what does that mean for me? +2Z7FJQio66M-00007-00003914-00004082 Who am I? Who's my baby? +2Z7FJQio66M-00008-00004082-00004466 It took me a while to come across the voluntary register, I did a +2Z7FJQio66M-00009-00004466-00005030 bit of looking around on the internet and found a couple of donor +2Z7FJQio66M-00010-00005030-00005424 conception support group and they spoke to me and then put me in contact +2Z7FJQio66M-00011-00005424-00006069 with them, how to get on the register, I did that, and then initially there was no +2Z7FJQio66M-00012-00006069-00006768 match. So I sort of, was disappointed but thought, oh well that's the end of it then. +2Z7FJQio66M-00013-00006768-00007431 And then four years later I received a letter. It's completely out of the blue +2Z7FJQio66M-00014-00007431-00007966 and I was just not expecting it and yeah I was told that there was a match. +2Z7FJQio66M-00015-00008018-00008690 I donated back in 1978 and at the time I was already married but we hadn't got +2Z7FJQio66M-00016-00008690-00009338 any children and didn't actually intend starting a family at that stage but +2Z7FJQio66M-00017-00009338-00009824 I was back at university full time and lost a salary because I wasn't working +2Z7FJQio66M-00018-00009825-00010493 so I was looking around for opportunities to get some additional revenue and I saw +2Z7FJQio66M-00019-00010493-00011103 this advert for donors to to come forward. So I spoke to my wife about it +2Z7FJQio66M-00020-00011103-00011670 and she said well, you know at that stage it was anonymous which was something +2Z7FJQio66M-00021-00011670-00012254 that we were conscious of and so I went along and donated at the Prince Henry +2Z7FJQio66M-00022-00012254-00012596 hospital for a period of time. For 30 years I never gave +2Z7FJQio66M-00023-00012596-00013441 it a thought but in 2007 I was travelling overseas to meet my wife actually and I +2Z7FJQio66M-00024-00013441-00014033 bought a newspaper at Brisbane Airport and in 27 hours of flying you read every +2Z7FJQio66M-00025-00014033-00014690 word and I read an advert in there from ITA it was then, asking for +2Z7FJQio66M-00026-00014690-00015252 people who had been donors, at the period of time that I was, +2Z7FJQio66M-00027-00015252-00015578 to get in contact with them to go on to a register. +2Z7FJQio66M-00028-00015578-00015819 When I found out that there was a match that +2Z7FJQio66M-00029-00015821-00016415 was quite a shock. Because when I was doing the donations I asked on +2Z7FJQio66M-00030-00016415-00016954 several occasions, well what do you do with the sperm? But I know it's a naive question to ask but +2Z7FJQio66M-00031-00016954-00017483 the things like IVF I wasn't very familiar with in those days so I wasn't +2Z7FJQio66M-00032-00017483-00017921 quite sure and I was given the answer that they use it for experiments which I +2Z7FJQio66M-00033-00017921-00018404 thought that was probably okay. So I'd never really considered that there would be +2Z7FJQio66M-00034-00018404-00019034 actually a child that would come out of it. So when I got the letter back saying +2Z7FJQio66M-00035-00019034-00019688 that there was a match that was really quite a uh, quite a shock, and been a bit of +2Z7FJQio66M-00036-00019688-00020279 excitement and a bit of a sort of, not trepidation but sort of concern of +2Z7FJQio66M-00037-00020279-00020456 well where do we go now? +2Z7FJQio66M-00038-00020456-00020662 The process of connecting with Graham past the +2Z7FJQio66M-00039-00020663-00021332 initial information being sent out, that there was a match, was a counselings +2Z7FJQio66M-00040-00021332-00022058 session with ITA and then letters were exchanged through them, where I wrote and +2Z7FJQio66M-00041-00022058-00022368 then my letters were forwarded on and vice versa. +2Z7FJQio66M-00042-00022368-00022808 My wife and I had been together for nearly over 30 years +2Z7FJQio66M-00043-00022808-00023288 no children at all and never really missing children +2Z7FJQio66M-00044-00023288-00023753 and then suddenly there was there was a child and that changed the +2Z7FJQio66M-00045-00023753-00024252 dynamics of the relationship slightly because I had a child; she didn't, +2Z7FJQio66M-00046-00024252-00024656 I think most people tend to be a little curious about one of their children would look like +2Z7FJQio66M-00047-00024656-00024904 but if neither of you got children you can, +2Z7FJQio66M-00048-00024904-00025362 you can just put that one aside. But when we found out, it was a case of +2Z7FJQio66M-00049-00025362-00025782 well you know, what do we do now? And I was always very conscious, because of the +2Z7FJQio66M-00050-00025782-00026311 original anonymity of the thing, that we didn't want to jeopardise any +2Z7FJQio66M-00051-00026311-00026847 relationship issues between myself and my wife. So she was a very important part +2Z7FJQio66M-00052-00026848-00027230 of the decision making as to how we progress and how he went forward. +2Z7FJQio66M-00053-00027230-00027710 I was told that the way the contact would be established would be that the +2Z7FJQio66M-00054-00027711-00028278 child would write me a letter and when we got the letter I have to say well my both +2Z7FJQio66M-00055-00028278-00028938 wife and I we scanned it very in great detail because we were trying to pick +2Z7FJQio66M-00056-00028938-00029443 up any signs of, you know anything little hints and little sort of suggestions +2Z7FJQio66M-00057-00029443-00029920 that we could from what was written that about what the character of Kelly was like +2Z7FJQio66M-00058-00029920-00030402 as we had we had no knowledge there. So it was a very well composed letter so we +2Z7FJQio66M-00059-00030402-00030793 got a lot of good feelings out of it because it was written in a very nice +2Z7FJQio66M-00060-00030793-00031344 way so we thought well sounds like she's a, she's a lovely person and then I had +2Z7FJQio66M-00061-00031344-00031906 to write back. Which I did, back to to the ITA and they passed later on and I think +2Z7FJQio66M-00062-00031906-00032391 there was another letter and then I think I sent a photograph in one of my +2Z7FJQio66M-00063-00032392-00032644 letters back to sort of say, what do I look like. +2Z7FJQio66M-00064-00032644-00032832 When I got one of Graham's letters, +2Z7FJQio66M-00065-00032833-00033307 the letter with the photo in it, he put the photo in his separate envelope that +2Z7FJQio66M-00066-00033307-00033744 was sealed so I didn't have to open it if I didn't want to and I remember +2Z7FJQio66M-00067-00033744-00034168 opening it and getting the letter out and then ripping the envelope open to +2Z7FJQio66M-00068-00034168-00034697 get the photo out first because I just was so desperate to see what he looked like +2Z7FJQio66M-00069-00034697-00035269 so and then reading the letter and finding out that he'd said I'll put in a +2Z7FJQio66M-00070-00035269-00035660 separate envelope in case you don't want to see. +2Z7FJQio66M-00071-00035722-00036106 And all the time we were being counselled by ITA +2Z7FJQio66M-00072-00036106-00036348 and both myself and my wife about how the process was going +2Z7FJQio66M-00073-00036348-00036672 and what was being done on the other side with Kelly +2Z7FJQio66M-00074-00036672-00037152 and on her side of things and we felt in very safe hands I have to say, +2Z7FJQio66M-00075-00037152-00037636 all the way through the process we were, we felt we were being considered, +2Z7FJQio66M-00076-00037636-00037930 especially my wife felt she was being considered and looked after +2Z7FJQio66M-00077-00037930-00038406 and anything that was and were worrying to her was being well handled +2Z7FJQio66M-00078-00038406-00038852 and explained, I felt very safe about where we were and where we were going. +2Z7FJQio66M-00079-00038888-00039498 The questions I had about my donor were probably not so many years when I +2Z7FJQio66M-00080-00039499-00040140 first found out, I had, you know just little things, were there traits that we +2Z7FJQio66M-00081-00040140-00040780 may have, the same or, I have funny toes and I thought I wonder if +2Z7FJQio66M-00082-00040780-00040918 where that's come from. +2Z7FJQio66M-00083-00040918-00041346 When I met Kelly, I couldn't see any physical resemblance +2Z7FJQio66M-00084-00041346-00041844 but then I was comforted by the fact that I couldn't see any physical +2Z7FJQio66M-00085-00041844-00042355 resemblance with her mother either so I thought well you know, presumably she is +2Z7FJQio66M-00086-00042355-00042878 definitely our child but then she said, you never guess what. She said, "I've got webbed feet." +2Z7FJQio66M-00087-00042890-00043320 and I said, "Well, so have I." and that is a genetic trait through our families I +2Z7FJQio66M-00088-00043320-00043732 suppose you're definitely the right girl. +2Z7FJQio66M-00089-00043732-00044094 So I said from my wife's point of view, +2Z7FJQio66M-00090-00044094-00044619 she recognised the fact that there were potentially issues in my medical +2Z7FJQio66M-00091-00044619-00045174 history from my family that Kelly should be aware of and at least know, +2Z7FJQio66M-00092-00045174-00045717 my mother died of breast cancer quite young and so that's a feature that would +2Z7FJQio66M-00093-00045718-00046168 be of interest to somebody that, yeah carries my genes. +2Z7FJQio66M-00094-00046168-00046404 We've now been in contact for 8 years. +2Z7FJQio66M-00095-00046404-00046950 We exchange emails and birthday cards and Christmas cards. +2Z7FJQio66M-00096-00046950-00047481 I know Graham's quite busy with his travelling, so we've caught up a few times +2Z7FJQio66M-00097-00047482-00047916 over the years for and all got together with my kids +2Z7FJQio66M-00098-00047916-00048228 and my husband and my parents as well. +2Z7FJQio66M-00099-00048284-00048550 I'd like to think that it a little bit of, +2Z7FJQio66M-00100-00048550-00049207 affection there, it was uh, it was wasn't, don't woodley to her word but we care about each +2Z7FJQio66M-00101-00049207-00049722 other a little bit and so I keep contact with her and her family and +2Z7FJQio66M-00102-00049722-00050248 children and Facebook's a fantastic thing you can keep a pretty good +2Z7FJQio66M-00103-00050248-00050584 track of people these days and we contact each other two or three times a +2Z7FJQio66M-00104-00050584-00051124 year and and if every so often if i'm down in Melvin we caught up for breakfast or say +2Z7FJQio66M-00105-00051124-00051570 hello to each other so it's a i think is a very pleasant position to have. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00000-00000213-00000768 I’m Darren Marlar and this is your Daily Dose of Weird News! +2ZrleB9hLd4-00001-00000768-00001138 Facebook is apparently testing a feature called Send A Wave. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00002-00001138-00001748 It allows people to send their nearby friends a waving hand emoji to say hello and help +2ZrleB9hLd4-00003-00001748-00001848 them meet up. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00004-00001848-00002355 ***And if you ignore your waving friend, they can poke you to get your attention. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00005-00002355-00002964 You'll like this one - two babies were born in a South Carolina hospital in rooms right +2ZrleB9hLd4-00006-00002964-00003093 next to each other. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00007-00003093-00003671 The parents of the respective babies had never met and their babies were born just 18 hours +2ZrleB9hLd4-00008-00003671-00003771 apart. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00009-00003771-00003926 The babies names? +2ZrleB9hLd4-00010-00003926-00004121 Romeo and Juliet. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00011-00004121-00004248 No kidding. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00012-00004248-00004791 Morgan and Edwin Hernandez welcomed Romeo into the room at 2.06pm on Sunday. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00013-00004791-00005410 Then, 18 hours and eight minutes later, Christiana and Allan Shifflett announced the delivery +2ZrleB9hLd4-00014-00005410-00005546 of Juliet. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00015-00005546-00006024 The baby's names had been chosen long before they were born but after the coincidence was +2ZrleB9hLd4-00016-00006024-00006473 realized the parents called a photographer to take pictures of the babies laying side +2ZrleB9hLd4-00017-00006473-00006615 by side. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00018-00006615-00007070 Romeo's mother told ABC news: "It's funny because we didn't even name him Romeo after +2ZrleB9hLd4-00019-00007070-00007170 Shakespeare. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00020-00007170-00007675 We named him after a singer named Romeo Santos that my husband and I both love." +2ZrleB9hLd4-00021-00007675-00008022 Juliet's mother said, "We had picked the name out months ago. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00022-00008022-00008414 We wanted a J name to go with our son's name, Jonas. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00023-00008414-00008858 We picked Juliet because we were watching the TV show 'Psych' and the character's name +2ZrleB9hLd4-00024-00008858-00008958 is Jules." +2ZrleB9hLd4-00025-00008958-00009061 (Metro) +2ZrleB9hLd4-00026-00009061-00009509 Sears and Kmart might not have enough money to stock their shelves. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00027-00009509-00010004 The company that operates the department store chain warned this week that it faces "substantial +2ZrleB9hLd4-00028-00010004-00010578 doubt" about its ability to stay in business unless it can borrow more and tap cash from +2ZrleB9hLd4-00029-00010578-00010779 more of its assets. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00030-00010779-00011275 ***They should just go to WALMART, buy a bunch of cheap stuff and stock their shelves with +2ZrleB9hLd4-00031-00011275-00011375 that! +2ZrleB9hLd4-00032-00011375-00011560 There ya go...problem solved!!! +2ZrleB9hLd4-00033-00011560-00012089 White House spokesman Sean Spicer's press conferences have become must-watch TV, with +2ZrleB9hLd4-00034-00012089-00012635 ratings that sometimes even beat soap operas like "The Bold and the Beautiful" and "General +2ZrleB9hLd4-00035-00012635-00012735 Hospital." +2ZrleB9hLd4-00036-00012735-00013191 ***Plus, the acting at the press conferences is a lot more believable. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00037-00013191-00013562 English teachers are shaking their heads in dismay. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00038-00013562-00014210 Only 43 percent of U.S. adults read at least one work of literature last year -- that is, +2ZrleB9hLd4-00039-00014210-00014849 novels, short stories, poetry or plays -- marking a three-decade low, according to a report +2ZrleB9hLd4-00040-00014849-00015069 from the National Endowment for the Arts. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00041-00015069-00015550 It is "the long, steady decline of literary reading," laments The Washington Post. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00042-00015550-00016141 The NEA has been tracking adult reading and arts participation since 1982, when the literature +2ZrleB9hLd4-00043-00016141-00016483 reading rate was an impressive 57 percent. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00044-00016483-00017003 The survey "counts" only those books read for pleasure and not because they were required +2ZrleB9hLd4-00045-00017003-00017212 for work or school. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00046-00017212-00017687 In an attempt to capture the broadest possible range of leisure reading, there was also no +2ZrleB9hLd4-00047-00017687-00018231 distinction made between physical books and books read on e-readers, such as the Amazon +2ZrleB9hLd4-00048-00018231-00018331 Kindle. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00049-00018331-00019049 ***We DO read tweets though – how about you create pretty pictures of “War And Peace” +2ZrleB9hLd4-00050-00019049-00019550 and send out the entire novel 140 characters at a time? +2ZrleB9hLd4-00051-00019550-00020033 Payless Shoe stores are said to be getting ready to file for bankruptcy as soon as next +2ZrleB9hLd4-00052-00020033-00020133 week. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00053-00020133-00020711 ***Perhaps allowing people to “Pay Less” isn’t such a great business strategy. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00054-00020711-00021067 If you want to be happier, cancel your Facebook account. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00055-00021067-00021591 That's the conclusion from a Danish think tank that insists quitting Facebook will not +2ZrleB9hLd4-00056-00021591-00022191 only make you happier, but also less angry, less sad and less worried. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00057-00022191-00022718 The Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, found that after only seven days +2ZrleB9hLd4-00058-00022718-00023393 away from Facebook, those users reported feeling happier, less sad, less worried, less angry +2ZrleB9hLd4-00059-00023393-00023529 and less depressed. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00060-00023529-00024045 ***For more information, you can read the whole article on my Facebook page. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00061-00024045-00024438 If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up – and be sure to subscribe if you want +2ZrleB9hLd4-00062-00024438-00024554 to see more! +2ZrleB9hLd4-00063-00024554-00025036 And click that little bell next to the subscribe button to be notified when I post new videos! +2ZrleB9hLd4-00064-00025036-00025331 This episode is made possible in part by my Patreon supporters. +2ZrleB9hLd4-00065-00025331-00025681 For DailyDoseOfWeirdNews.com, I’m Darren Marlar. +2ZOogvoMo88-00000-00000730-00001324 The Marine Corp began recruiting Navajo code talkers which were Navajo Native Americans who used obscure +2ZOogvoMo88-00001-00001324-00001916 languages as a means of secret communication during wartime between 1941 and 1942. +2ZOogvoMo88-00002-00001916-00002344 The Marines primary job was to use their knowledge of Native American languages as a +2ZOogvoMo88-00003-00002370-00002680 basis to transmit coded tactical messages. +2ZOogvoMo88-00004-00002680-00003322 Phillip Johnston was a World War one veteran who had heard about the successes of the Choctaw telephone +2ZOogvoMo88-00005-00003322-00003728 squad, which was a group of Choctaw Native Americans who pioneered the use of +2ZOogvoMo88-00006-00003728-00003990 Native American language as military code. +2ZOogvoMo88-00007-00004011-00004440 Johnston, although not Native American, had grown up on a Navajo reservation. +2ZOogvoMo88-00008-00004503-00005032 In 1942, he suggested to the Marine Corps that the Navajos and other tribes could be very helpful in +2ZOogvoMo88-00009-00005032-00005238 maintaining secret communications. +2ZOogvoMo88-00010-00005240-00005658 After viewing a demonstration messages sent in the Navajo language, +2ZOogvoMo88-00011-00005658-00006234 the Marine Corps was so impressed that they recruited 29 Navajos in two weeks to develop a code within their language. +2ZOogvoMo88-00012-00006292-00006845 Code words had to be short and easily learned and recalled. The men developed a two-part code. +2ZOogvoMo88-00013-00006898-00007726 A 26 letter phonetic alphabet used Navajo names for 18 animals or birds, plus the words ice, the letter I, nut, in +2ZOogvoMo88-00014-00007726-00008366 quiver, Q, Ute, U, Victor, V, cross, X, +2ZOogvoMo88-00015-00008431-00008739 yucca, Y, and zinc for Z. +2ZOogvoMo88-00016-00008797-00009299 The second part was a 211 word English vocabulary with Navajo synonyms. +2ZOogvoMo88-00017-00009367-00009947 Conventional Marine Corps codes involved lengthy encoding and deciphering procedures using sophisticated electronic equipment. +2ZOogvoMo88-00018-00009993-00010679 The Navajo code relying on the senders and the receivers brains, mouths and ears was much faster. +2ZOogvoMo88-00019-00010711-00011108 In training and in combat, code talkers proficiency erased general distrust. +2ZOogvoMo88-00020-00011176-00011640 After the Navajo code was developed, the Marine Corps established a code talking school. +2ZOogvoMo88-00021-00011640-00012140 As the war progressed, more than 400 Navajos were eventually recruited as code talkers. +2ZOogvoMo88-00022-00012190-00012388 The training was intense. +2ZOogvoMo88-00023-00012388-00012936 Following their basic training, the code talkers completed extensive training and communications and memorizing the code. +2ZOogvoMo88-00024-00012988-00013324 This secret unbreakable code language that was used to +2ZOogvoMo88-00025-00013336-00013808 send information on tactics, troop movements and orders over the radio and telephone was +2ZOogvoMo88-00026-00013812-00014334 indecipherable to the enemy and a key factor in the American military victories at Iwo Jima, +2ZOogvoMo88-00027-00014334-00014666 Saipan and several other major battles in the Pacific Theater. +2ZOogvoMo88-00028-00014708-00015291 The deployment of the Navajo code talkers continued through the Korean War and was ended early in the Vietnam War. +2ZOogvoMo88-00029-00015291-00015763 The Navajo code is the only spoken military code never to have been deciphered. +2bAcn5lsfqA-00000-00000000-00000200 My Friend Peppa Pig Pirate Adventures Part #5 Danny Dog`s Birthday +2f7jpvHGGKu-00000-00000000-00000146 - Cause it's hard to make something from scratch +2f7jpvHGGKu-00001-00000146-00000229 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00002-00000229-00000321 Trust me. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00003-00000321-00000480 Now did you know that colors actually have +2f7jpvHGGKu-00004-00000480-00000582 a hidden meaning? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00005-00000582-00000773 - I have a logo so, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00006-00000773-00000887 how often should I change it? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00007-00001896-00002010 Welcome to The Journey, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00008-00002010-00002232 today we're gonna cover tips to make a great logo +2f7jpvHGGKu-00009-00002232-00002431 that will empower your brand. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00010-00002431-00002646 All right Nealey, so, thinking about a logo, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00011-00002646-00002809 I know it brings me back to when I first started +2f7jpvHGGKu-00012-00002809-00003089 Coffee and Kickflips and thinking about +2f7jpvHGGKu-00013-00003089-00003246 what I wanted my logo to do, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00014-00003246-00003353 who I wanted to speak to, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00015-00003353-00003564 there was a lot of intent involved, right, purpose, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00016-00003564-00003716 but can you speak to that a little bit more? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00017-00003716-00003942 - Yes, your logo, it should be intentional, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00018-00003942-00004120 you shouldn't just create some random thing, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00019-00004120-00004289 like your Coffee and Kickflips, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00020-00004289-00004416 you don't want a picture of a rocket ship +2f7jpvHGGKu-00021-00004416-00004525 or something on it right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00022-00004525-00004775 - Yeah, it'd make no sense. - Your logo has to be about +2f7jpvHGGKu-00023-00004775-00004934 your brand and your business +2f7jpvHGGKu-00024-00004934-00005116 and it has to really represent you, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00025-00005116-00005362 so that's why it's super important to be intentional +2f7jpvHGGKu-00026-00005362-00005590 with what your logo is because, at the end of the day, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00027-00005590-00005774 that's what people will remember, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00028-00005774-00005973 like they see your logo somewhere like oh, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00029-00005973-00006179 it's Coffee and Kickflips, or oh that's Nike +2f7jpvHGGKu-00030-00006179-00006272 or oh that's Apple, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00031-00006272-00006588 they're iconic and they represent that brand. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00032-00006588-00006755 - All right Nealey so I know there are different types, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00033-00006755-00007094 different kinds of logos out there like with Apple +2f7jpvHGGKu-00034-00007094-00007495 it's just a logo, Google it's the words. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00035-00007495-00007578 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00036-00007578-00007661 - So what else is there? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00037-00007661-00007966 - So there are fundamentally three different types of logos +2f7jpvHGGKu-00038-00007966-00008084 that you can create, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00039-00008084-00008216 there's Lettermark, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00040-00008216-00008450 there's Wordmark and then there's Brandmark. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00041-00008450-00008724 Now what these actually mean, so, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00042-00008724-00008939 Wordmark that's like Google, like you brought up, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00043-00008939-00009201 that's literally just a word, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00044-00009201-00009388 And that's your logo itself. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00045-00009388-00009554 All right now the second option is +2f7jpvHGGKu-00046-00009554-00009674 a Lettermark. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00047-00009674-00009890 So think of just initials, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00048-00009890-00010141 So I know on your phone, do you have any icons +2f7jpvHGGKu-00049-00010141-00010337 or logos that are just initials? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00050-00010337-00010542 - Oh, Facebook, and Pinterest. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00051-00010542-00010632 - Perfect, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00052-00010632-00010850 All right, which brings me to the last one, the Brandmark. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00053-00010850-00011128 These are just icons or symbols +2f7jpvHGGKu-00054-00011128-00011313 like Apple like you brought up. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00055-00011313-00011568 What are some other things that are just iconic +2f7jpvHGGKu-00056-00011568-00011694 with just a symbol? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00057-00011694-00011829 - Oh, Instagram. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00058-00011829-00011912 Oh and Twitter. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00059-00011912-00012132 - Yeah, those are just little symbols, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00060-00012132-00012315 But they mean so much more. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00061-00012315-00012515 You see the Instagram logo, the Twitter logo, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00062-00012515-00012773 you don't just say, oh that's a bird, oh that's a camera. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00063-00012773-00013032 You go, that's Instagram, that's Twitter. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00064-00013032-00013115 - Right. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00065-00013115-00013478 - And then the fourth option, little bonus tip for you is, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00066-00013478-00013775 a combination, like I know you with Coffee and Kickflips, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00067-00013775-00013909 had a combination, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00068-00013909-00014006 - That's what we did. - Which ones did you use? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00069-00014006-00014276 - Uh we had the words, Coffee and Kickflips, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00070-00014276-00014442 then we came up with a logo as well. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00071-00014442-00014706 - Yeah and on your site you have both, right, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00072-00014706-00014869 that's super common to do, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00073-00014869-00015101 and you can use it interchangeably. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00074-00015101-00015378 - All right Nealey, so I know a lot of time was spent +2f7jpvHGGKu-00075-00015378-00015682 on design when I was coming up with Coffee and Kickflips, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00076-00015682-00015990 thinking a lot about color, and, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00077-00015990-00016197 I know there's more than that, there's more than just color +2f7jpvHGGKu-00078-00016197-00016347 what else should we be considering +2f7jpvHGGKu-00079-00016347-00016479 when coming up with design? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00080-00016479-00016713 - Yeah, so let's start off with kind of the basics +2f7jpvHGGKu-00081-00016713-00017194 of just framing, right, if you have a square box here, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00082-00017194-00017384 you don't want your logo to be in the entire box, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00083-00017384-00017596 you want a little bit of negative space in it, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00084-00017596-00017954 so it's not super overwhelming, and kind of look at +2f7jpvHGGKu-00085-00017954-00018077 the placement of the logo. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00086-00018077-00018264 Do you want it to be front and center, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00087-00018264-00018487 do you want it to follow kind of the rule of thirds +2f7jpvHGGKu-00088-00018487-00018740 where it's on the side of it and it has a little bit more +2f7jpvHGGKu-00089-00018740-00018991 negative space, makes it a little bit more appealing. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00090-00018991-00019152 - You know who changed it up recently? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00091-00019152-00019262 - Who is that? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00092-00019262-00019345 - Facebook. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00093-00019345-00019510 - Oh yeah, didn't they move it over slightly? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00094-00019510-00019643 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00095-00019643-00019863 You're all at home looking at your phones now right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00096-00019863-00019984 - Like oh gosh, it did change. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00097-00019984-00020077 - Oh, it did. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00098-00020077-00020249 - It's something that's not very noticeable +2f7jpvHGGKu-00099-00020249-00020587 but it's more of just a little bit of a brand change for 'em +2f7jpvHGGKu-00100-00020587-00020886 Now the next thing you wanna think about is +2f7jpvHGGKu-00101-00020886-00021189 does your logo look good at different sizes? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00102-00021189-00021272 Right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00103-00021272-00021583 Now what might look good super humongous blown up +2f7jpvHGGKu-00104-00021583-00021913 may not look good as maybe an app icon +2f7jpvHGGKu-00105-00021913-00022078 or a Favicon or something like that, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00106-00022078-00022232 so it's super important to think of-- +2f7jpvHGGKu-00107-00022232-00022462 - Or a logo on a t-shirt, or a hat. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00108-00022462-00022545 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00109-00022545-00022706 I know you talked about it earlier, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00110-00022706-00022929 with really figuring out the colors for your logo, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00111-00022929-00023135 what colors did you end up choosing for your logo? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00112-00023135-00023406 - So I went with red, for the skateboarder, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00113-00023406-00023646 and the coffee cup because it's energy, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00114-00023646-00023976 and then I went with espresso brown for the coffee theme +2f7jpvHGGKu-00115-00023976-00024221 so when I combined Coffee and Kickflips, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00116-00024221-00024381 it brought together the two. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00117-00024381-00024571 - Yeah, you were really intentional with your colors +2f7jpvHGGKu-00118-00024571-00024751 which is super important. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00119-00024751-00025035 Now did you know that colors actually have a hidden meaning? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00120-00025035-00025262 - I have heard that like, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00121-00025262-00025475 blue is supposed to be calming, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00122-00025475-00025693 - Yeah, exactly, which is super cool why you chose red +2f7jpvHGGKu-00123-00025693-00025916 especially having a skate park in the back, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00124-00025916-00026185 red is boldness and excitement and just out there. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00125-00026185-00026299 - Get amped. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00126-00026299-00026541 - And then brown, not only does it represent coffee, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00127-00026541-00026708 like it's a pretty normal color +2f7jpvHGGKu-00128-00026708-00026867 but it also represents comfort. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00129-00026867-00027102 Like when I'm in your coffee shop, I wanna be comfortable, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00130-00027102-00027347 'cause I'm chilling before I go out the back +2f7jpvHGGKu-00131-00027347-00027454 and start skating, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00132-00027454-00027698 - And coffee to me is a daily comfort, you know, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00133-00027698-00027883 it's the way I start my day every day. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00134-00027883-00028107 - Perfect and if you wanna really understand +2f7jpvHGGKu-00135-00028107-00028323 the different color theories just go to Google, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00136-00028323-00028535 go to just search color theory +2f7jpvHGGKu-00137-00028535-00028745 and look up what each color means +2f7jpvHGGKu-00138-00028745-00029050 because if your brand represents one thing +2f7jpvHGGKu-00139-00029050-00029174 and you're using a different color +2f7jpvHGGKu-00140-00029174-00029422 then it's going to throw off your audience, like wait, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00141-00029422-00029542 what are you all about? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00142-00029542-00029848 Cause even though we may not think about it right away +2f7jpvHGGKu-00143-00029848-00030155 there's a subconscious that just instinctively knows. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00144-00030155-00030332 All right and the last tip that I can give you +2f7jpvHGGKu-00145-00030332-00030498 with really making your logo +2f7jpvHGGKu-00146-00030498-00030780 is the font choices that you use. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00147-00030780-00031033 If you're a coffee shop and a skate park, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00148-00031033-00031214 you probably don't wanna use a font +2f7jpvHGGKu-00149-00031214-00031367 that's just rigid and boring, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00150-00031367-00031485 you want something kind of out there. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00151-00031485-00031677 - Bold. - Now if you're a bank, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00152-00031677-00031880 you probably don't wanna use comic sans +2f7jpvHGGKu-00153-00031880-00032183 cause that doesn't really build trust or dependability. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00154-00032183-00032445 Yet the font choice is everything. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00155-00032445-00032757 Google.com/fonts has a ton of options +2f7jpvHGGKu-00156-00032757-00033108 to really kind of look for, to see what might be right +2f7jpvHGGKu-00157-00033108-00033363 for your business cause there are plenty of fonts out there +2f7jpvHGGKu-00158-00033363-00033557 just make sure it represents you. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00159-00033557-00033640 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00160-00033732-00033856 - All right Emma, do you want me to show you +2f7jpvHGGKu-00161-00033856-00034217 some examples of how I make a logo super fast? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00162-00034217-00034331 - Absolutely. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00163-00034331-00034414 - Let's do it. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00164-00034576-00034741 - All right Nealey, so you obviously covered +2f7jpvHGGKu-00165-00034741-00035029 a ton of great tips on how to empower your brand, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00166-00035029-00035419 now I wanna see, you say you can design anything but, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00167-00035419-00035504 show me how it's done. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00168-00035504-00035879 - Right, so a lot of us aren't just graphic designers +2f7jpvHGGKu-00169-00035879-00036085 or we haven't been doing this a long time, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00170-00036085-00036263 we need something that's just easy and quick +2f7jpvHGGKu-00171-00036263-00036544 which is why time and time again I'll always say, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00172-00036544-00036942 checkout Canva, it's free to use for the most part and-- +2f7jpvHGGKu-00173-00036942-00037025 - I love free. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00174-00037025-00037168 - You could literally create anything, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00175-00037168-00037449 this is not an endorsement, I just love Canva that much. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00176-00037449-00037783 So on Canva here you can see there's "Create a Design". +2f7jpvHGGKu-00177-00037783-00037978 There's lots of different things we can use +2f7jpvHGGKu-00178-00037978-00038424 but we're making a logo so I of course wanna click logo. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00179-00038424-00038507 - [Emma] Got it, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00180-00038507-00038590 - [Nealey] It'll take me to-- - [Emma] Step one. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00181-00038590-00038688 - [Nealey] Step one. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00182-00038688-00039053 It'll take me to a new page and I have a blank canvas +2f7jpvHGGKu-00183-00039053-00039186 this is where my logo is gonna go. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00184-00039186-00039448 Now on the left-hand side, it's gonna give me templates +2f7jpvHGGKu-00185-00039448-00039600 which is gonna be super important +2f7jpvHGGKu-00186-00039600-00039758 cause it's hard to make something from scratch. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00187-00039758-00039911 - Yeah, trust me. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00188-00039911-00040081 - This makes it super easy. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00189-00040081-00040294 Now you can scroll down and kind of check out +2f7jpvHGGKu-00190-00040294-00040466 all the different templates they have +2f7jpvHGGKu-00191-00040466-00040728 and there's literally hundreds upon hundreds +2f7jpvHGGKu-00192-00040728-00040975 but, we're making a new one for Coffee and Kickflips, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00193-00040975-00041394 so we're gonna go ahead and just search coffee up here. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00194-00041394-00041540 Now you can do the same-- - [Emma] Oh, cool. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00195-00041540-00041642 - [Nealey] with your business +2f7jpvHGGKu-00196-00041642-00041931 and just put your industry or your vertical, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00197-00041931-00042141 your niche, however you wanna call it. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00198-00042141-00042456 Now what I can do is I can click on one of these, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00199-00042456-00042670 and boom, it's right there. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00200-00042670-00042885 And now editing it is even easier, so-- +2f7jpvHGGKu-00201-00042885-00043041 - [Emma] I like that font. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00202-00043041-00043529 - [Nealey] Clicking in here, Coffee and Kickflips. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00203-00043666-00043749 - [Emma] Okay. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00204-00043749-00043964 - [Nealey] So now if I wanna move things around I can click +2f7jpvHGGKu-00205-00043964-00044119 this coffee pot looking thing +2f7jpvHGGKu-00206-00044119-00044297 and click and drag it over here. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00207-00044297-00044380 - [Emma] Okay. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00208-00044380-00044470 - [Nealey] And if I wanna scratch this, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00209-00044470-00044666 I don't like it, I'll pick a different template. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00210-00044666-00044754 - [Emma] Let's scratch it. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00211-00044754-00044925 Okay, sorry, you did coffee, which I like, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00212-00044925-00045299 but can I add something, like we search skateboarding +2f7jpvHGGKu-00213-00045299-00045417 so then I can get-- +2f7jpvHGGKu-00214-00045417-00045536 - Yes. - And over +2f7jpvHGGKu-00215-00045536-00045619 okay. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00216-00045619-00045702 - So on the left-hand side +2f7jpvHGGKu-00217-00045702-00045882 you have all your different options. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00218-00045882-00046264 So photos you can get some pretty cool, just stock photos. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00219-00046264-00046424 - [Emma] And this is also free? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00220-00046424-00046507 - Most of it's free. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00221-00046507-00046590 - Okay, cool. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00222-00046590-00046718 - It's like freemium so some of their, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00223-00046718-00046893 like premium content they're gonna ask you +2f7jpvHGGKu-00224-00046893-00047154 to either pay for it, or they're gonna ask for you +2f7jpvHGGKu-00225-00047154-00047393 to pay for their subscription, it's how it exists, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00226-00047393-00047477 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00227-00047477-00047650 - But elements is where you wanna go. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00228-00047650-00047740 - [Emma] Elements, okay. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00229-00047740-00047869 - [Nealey] You search skateboard. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00230-00047869-00047952 - [Emma] Yeah let's see what they have. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00231-00047952-00048035 - [Nealey] So skateboard. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00232-00048035-00048218 - [Emma] Or we could just throw in some photos of us, but-- +2f7jpvHGGKu-00233-00048218-00048347 - [Nealey] That's it, and bam. - [Emma] Oh cool. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00234-00048347-00048553 - [Nealey] Look at all these skateboards, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00235-00048553-00048710 and you can kind of just scroll through +2f7jpvHGGKu-00236-00048710-00048793 and see what you want. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00237-00048793-00048922 - [Emma] Yeah, I want that, that's clean. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00238-00048922-00049005 How did you know? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00239-00049005-00049147 It's like you read my mind. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00240-00049147-00049230 - [Nealey] And then here. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00241-00049230-00049313 - [Emma] Yes. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00242-00049313-00049533 - [Nealey] Coffee and Kickflips. - [Emma] Oh this is crisp. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00243-00049767-00049984 - An alternative to this is Adobe Spark +2f7jpvHGGKu-00244-00049984-00050228 it's similar to Canva, or there's some other free +2f7jpvHGGKu-00245-00050228-00050420 logo makers out there as well, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00246-00050420-00050630 it's just the one that I recommend for most first time users +2f7jpvHGGKu-00247-00050630-00050772 to get started. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00248-00050772-00050855 - Yeah. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00249-00050855-00051027 All right Nealey so, I have a question +2f7jpvHGGKu-00250-00051027-00051258 that I'm sure a lot of you do at home. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00251-00051258-00051625 I have a logo, so, how often should I change it? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00252-00051625-00051948 - That makes sense, and if you really love your logo +2f7jpvHGGKu-00253-00051948-00052310 and it fits for you, probably potentially never, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00254-00052310-00052515 but if it's time to really modernize +2f7jpvHGGKu-00255-00052515-00052716 and maybe get a fresh look, that fresh coat of paint +2f7jpvHGGKu-00256-00052716-00052800 on the house, right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00257-00052800-00053101 It might be time to really rebrand. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00258-00053101-00053371 - All right so I know I did my own logo, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00259-00053371-00053461 it was quite fun. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00260-00053461-00053601 But what if you don't wanna do that +2f7jpvHGGKu-00261-00053601-00053802 and you don't find that to be fun? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00262-00053802-00054001 - Yeah, and it's okay right? +2f7jpvHGGKu-00263-00054001-00054184 Some of us are not visually creative +2f7jpvHGGKu-00264-00054184-00054578 they'd rather just hire a pro to make it look just amazing. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00265-00054578-00054791 So there are freelancers, there are agency +2f7jpvHGGKu-00266-00054791-00054996 there are designer firms, there are all sorts of people +2f7jpvHGGKu-00267-00054996-00055329 that can make you a logo that is you. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00268-00055329-00055701 Now, again with hiring anybody in the creative field, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00269-00055701-00055917 you wanna really look at their portfolio. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00270-00055917-00056144 Because every designer, every agency, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00271-00056144-00056461 has really their style, I would call it. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00272-00056461-00056546 - Totally. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00273-00056546-00056684 - The logos that they use. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00274-00056684-00056923 So their style may not be what you're looking for, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00275-00056923-00057111 'cause at the end of the day, this is your brand, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00276-00057111-00057450 your vision, you want your logo to really represent that +2f7jpvHGGKu-00277-00057450-00057539 and elevate it. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00278-00057624-00057780 All right so I hope you enjoyed these tips +2f7jpvHGGKu-00279-00057780-00058121 to make a great logo that will really empower your brand. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00280-00058121-00058344 And hey, let us know in the comments below, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00281-00058344-00058716 what was your favorite tip, or give us a link to the logo. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00282-00058716-00059063 - Oh, great idea, also, great idea, like this video +2f7jpvHGGKu-00283-00059063-00059290 and be sure to share it, spread the love. +2f7jpvHGGKu-00284-00059290-00059461 Also, subscribe to our channel, +2f7jpvHGGKu-00285-00059461-00059659 and be sure to ring that bell so you'll know +2f7jpvHGGKu-00286-00059659-00059949 about the next video, this is The Journey. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00000-00000000-00000103 - I'm Brian Sacawa. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00001-00000103-00000211 You're watching "He Spoke Style" +2fNS33Vjr8E-00002-00000211-00000300 and today we're talking +2fNS33Vjr8E-00003-00000300-00000706 about five great luxury watch alternatives to Rolex. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00004-00000706-00000964 (upbeat music) +2fNS33Vjr8E-00005-00001626-00001802 So just to clarify, in this video, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00006-00001802-00001991 I'm talking about preowned watches. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00007-00001991-00002179 Though, of course, all the picks I make +2fNS33Vjr8E-00008-00002179-00002337 are certainly great alternatives, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00009-00002337-00002579 whether you're talking new or preowned. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00010-00002579-00002874 Preowned is always a great option for that person +2fNS33Vjr8E-00011-00002874-00003136 who is looking to maybe get into luxury watches +2fNS33Vjr8E-00012-00003136-00003379 for the first time, or just generally anyone +2fNS33Vjr8E-00013-00003379-00003713 who is looking for a great value for their money. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00014-00003713-00003908 Today's video is sponsored by eBay. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00015-00003908-00004082 If you are thinking about +2fNS33Vjr8E-00016-00004082-00004381 buying a preowned luxury watch online, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00017-00004381-00004510 be sure to check out the offerings +2fNS33Vjr8E-00018-00004510-00004655 on the eBay Luxury Watch page. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00019-00004655-00004844 I'm not talking about regular eBay. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00020-00004844-00005216 I'm talking specifically about the Luxury Watch page. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00021-00005216-00005345 Tons of brands available. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00022-00005345-00005601 Honestly, any brand you'd be looking for, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00023-00005601-00005957 from Rolex to Lange to Omega to Cartier +2fNS33Vjr8E-00024-00005957-00006253 to IWC to, even, Richard Mille, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00025-00006253-00006445 if that happens to be your thing. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00026-00006445-00006720 Now I know if you haven't bought preowned online before, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00027-00006720-00006890 that it can kinda be a little bit +2fNS33Vjr8E-00028-00006890-00007147 of nerveracking experience, especially in terms of +2fNS33Vjr8E-00029-00007147-00007481 knowing whether what you are getting is authentic. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00030-00007481-00007590 If you're spending the money, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00031-00007590-00007781 you definitely don't wanna get ripped off. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00032-00007781-00008058 And eBay actually has an authenticate program +2fNS33Vjr8E-00033-00008058-00008204 that ensures that all the watches +2fNS33Vjr8E-00034-00008204-00008422 in that program are authentic +2fNS33Vjr8E-00035-00008422-00008677 and that you are not going to get burned. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00036-00008677-00008964 It's a great service linked to the eBay Luxury Watch page, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00037-00008964-00009197 down below in the description. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00038-00009197-00009491 All right, so alternatives to Rolex. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00039-00009491-00009744 Don't get me wrong, Rolex is an awesome brand. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00040-00009744-00009867 I love my Datejust, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00041-00009867-00010157 but I understand that there are a variety of reason +2fNS33Vjr8E-00042-00010157-00010432 as to why someone would not want to wear a Rolex, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00043-00010432-00010674 including that there are just so many out there +2fNS33Vjr8E-00044-00010674-00010854 and so many people wear them. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00045-00010854-00011009 I totally get it. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00046-00011009-00011313 The good news is that there are tons of brands out there +2fNS33Vjr8E-00047-00011313-00011481 that are fantastic alternatives, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00048-00011481-00011811 that you are also getting a lot of watch for your money. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00049-00011811-00012127 So, I've put together a list of five brands, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00050-00012127-00012304 along with some specific models +2fNS33Vjr8E-00051-00012304-00012580 that represent some really solid alternatives, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00052-00012580-00012821 as well as a great value proposition, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00053-00012821-00013054 all for under $3000. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00054-00013054-00013171 Let's check them out. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00055-00013171-00013393 My first pick is the Omega Seamaster. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00056-00013393-00013622 Omega, of course, amazing brand heritage. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00057-00013622-00014094 We all know the Speedmaster and the reference CK 2998, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00058-00014094-00014287 first Omega in space. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00059-00014287-00014501 I love the Speedmaster, but honestly, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00060-00014501-00014661 I really love the Seamaster as well, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00061-00014661-00014790 which is the watch that's been worn +2fNS33Vjr8E-00062-00014790-00015213 by the world's most famous spy, James Bond, since 1995. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00063-00015213-00015638 I have, actually, what is called a pre-Bond Omega Seamaster, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00064-00015638-00015935 so prior to 1995, that I did pick up on eBay +2fNS33Vjr8E-00065-00015935-00016168 for just around a thousand dollars. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00066-00016168-00016316 Such a cool watch. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00067-00016316-00016556 It has the submariner look to it. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00068-00016556-00016885 One thing I really like about this watch is the size. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00069-00016885-00017123 It's 36 millimeters, which may seem small +2fNS33Vjr8E-00070-00017123-00017309 by modern standards, where 40 millimeters +2fNS33Vjr8E-00071-00017309-00017544 is kind of the usual, but for me, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00072-00017544-00017866 it wears really well on my six and a half inch wrist, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00073-00017866-00018059 and it just feels a little more elegant, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00074-00018059-00018247 while still being sporty. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00075-00018247-00018553 It's got a date window at three o'clock. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00076-00018553-00018890 I love the look of the hour indices and the hands. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00077-00018890-00019222 It's a great watch for daily wear, very versatile, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00078-00019222-00019393 a great addition to any collection +2fNS33Vjr8E-00079-00019393-00019720 or a great way to start your collection. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00080-00019720-00020007 Want to move to a different Omega Seamaster now, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00081-00020007-00020270 and that is the Seamaster Deville. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00082-00020270-00020484 This is more of a vintage watch, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00083-00020484-00020716 so it's going to have a smaller case size, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00084-00020716-00020984 around 34 millimeters, so just be aware of that +2fNS33Vjr8E-00085-00020984-00021191 if you're looking for this particular model. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00086-00021191-00021378 It's called a Seamaster Deville, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00087-00021378-00021692 which is not to be confused with the Deville, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00088-00021692-00021964 which Omega introduced as a separate collection +2fNS33Vjr8E-00089-00021964-00022130 later on, down the road. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00090-00022130-00022371 The Seamaster Deville is a dressier option +2fNS33Vjr8E-00091-00022371-00022721 than the Seamaster, maybe a little bit more versatile +2fNS33Vjr8E-00092-00022721-00022926 because it is on a leather strap. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00093-00022926-00023205 You can find them in steel and gold, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00094-00023205-00023540 various dial colors, from silver or champagne colored +2fNS33Vjr8E-00095-00023540-00023858 to black, which is actually the watch that Don Draper wears, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00096-00023858-00024167 episode six of season five of "Mad Men." +2fNS33Vjr8E-00097-00024167-00024434 Prices range, but you should be able to find one, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00098-00024434-00024934 a decent example, between 750 and $1250. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00099-00024979-00025254 Next I want to turn to a German brand +2fNS33Vjr8E-00100-00025254-00025736 that is very highly regarded, and that is Nomos Glashutte. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00101-00025736-00026008 The brand itself was founded in 1990, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00102-00026008-00026329 just a couple months after the fall of the Berlin Wall. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00103-00026329-00026676 Their watches are known for their quality and affordability, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00104-00026676-00026989 but maybe more than anything else, their design. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00105-00026989-00027236 They're very simple and minimal +2fNS33Vjr8E-00106-00027236-00027543 and have a very clean and modern aesthetic. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00107-00027543-00027752 They have a really wide range of models, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00108-00027752-00028062 including the very popular Tangente, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00109-00028062-00028463 Ludwig, Orion, Zurich, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00110-00028463-00028701 Metro, which is a little funkier, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00111-00028701-00029036 and the Tetra, which is a square model. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00112-00029036-00029274 One thing that I really love about the brand +2fNS33Vjr8E-00113-00029274-00029539 is that I feel they're sort of under the radar. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00114-00029539-00029695 I would say for the average person +2fNS33Vjr8E-00115-00029695-00029885 looking to buy a first watch, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00116-00029885-00030236 that Nomos probably wouldn't be on the radar at all. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00117-00030236-00030381 But that's one of the things I really like +2fNS33Vjr8E-00118-00030381-00030595 about these watches, and then when you do +2fNS33Vjr8E-00119-00030595-00030824 see someone with one, you kind of look at him +2fNS33Vjr8E-00120-00030824-00031119 and know that he's someone who really did his research +2fNS33Vjr8E-00121-00031119-00031452 and picked a brand that is very, very interesting. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00122-00031452-00031673 Price for a preowned, depending on the model, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00123-00031673-00032100 you're talking somewhere between 2000 to $3000. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00124-00032100-00032267 Next we're talking about a brand +2fNS33Vjr8E-00125-00032267-00032519 that is often considered Rolex's little brother +2fNS33Vjr8E-00126-00032519-00032803 or cousin, and that is Tudor. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00127-00032803-00033026 The specific model I'm gonna be recommending here +2fNS33Vjr8E-00128-00033026-00033180 is the Black Bay. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00129-00033180-00033435 The Black Bay is more of that diving-style watch, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00130-00033435-00033726 like the Submariner, very cool, very sporty. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00131-00033726-00033953 I've not met anyone who doesn't really love the look +2fNS33Vjr8E-00132-00033953-00034119 and style of this watch. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00133-00034119-00034354 It's hard to quote, unquote compete with the Submariner, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00134-00034354-00034525 but the Black Bay is a model +2fNS33Vjr8E-00135-00034525-00034820 that has its own kind of diehard following. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00136-00034820-00035022 You can find them on metal bracelets, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00137-00035022-00035256 leather straps, and in my opinion, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00138-00035256-00035583 these look really, really good on a NATO strap. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00139-00035583-00035972 Preowned, you're looking at about the $2900 price range. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00140-00035972-00036159 Now if you want something that doesn't have +2fNS33Vjr8E-00141-00036159-00036400 that dive watch bezel and look, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00142-00036400-00036699 I would recommend looking into the Black Bay 41, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00143-00036699-00036885 Heritage Black Bay, which is more kind of +2fNS33Vjr8E-00144-00036885-00037113 in that style of the Rolex Explorer, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00145-00037113-00037304 where you have the plain bezel, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00146-00037304-00037539 instead of the dive-style look. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00147-00037539-00037727 I would say it's a more versatile choice, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00148-00037727-00037935 if you're looking to have just one watch. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00149-00037935-00038327 And price here is right around $2000. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00150-00038327-00038570 Moving on now to a brand that's kind of overlooked, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00151-00038570-00038803 in my opinion, and that is Zenith. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00152-00038803-00039097 Really great watches, very classy, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00153-00039097-00039331 and the particular model I wanna talk about here +2fNS33Vjr8E-00154-00039331-00039607 is the Zenith Elite Ultra Thin. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00155-00039607-00039837 It's a 40 millimeter case, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00156-00039837-00040024 available in gold and stainless steel, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00157-00040024-00040210 but we're gonna focus on the stainless steel here +2fNS33Vjr8E-00158-00040210-00040316 because that's gonna keep it +2fNS33Vjr8E-00159-00040316-00040617 under our $3000 cap for the video. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00160-00040617-00041024 It's a mechanical movement, really simplistic design, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00161-00041024-00041193 with kind of an interesting little flourish, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00162-00041193-00041577 with a sub-seconds dial at nine o'clock, leather strap. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00163-00041577-00041744 This is a very versatile watch. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00164-00041744-00042006 It's dressy, but it could definitely be worn +2fNS33Vjr8E-00165-00042006-00042210 with more casual outfits as well. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00166-00042210-00042403 This watch is very much like the Nomos watch, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00167-00042403-00042521 as we took a look at earlier, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00168-00042521-00042662 in that it's kind of unexpected +2fNS33Vjr8E-00169-00042662-00042763 when you see one in the wild, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00170-00042763-00042996 which for me, is not that often. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00171-00042996-00043296 But it's such an interesting watch and one, again, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00172-00043296-00043550 if you're looking for a one-watch collection, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00173-00043550-00043836 would fit the bill absolutely perfectly. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00174-00043836-00044104 Price for a preowned Zenith Elite Ultra Thin, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00175-00044104-00044429 you're looking at right around $2500. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00176-00044429-00044620 Finally, something super sporty, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00177-00044620-00045024 and that is the Tag Heuer Carerra Calibre 16 Chronograph. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00178-00045024-00045281 Some people love Chronographs, some people hate them. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00179-00045281-00045467 Personally, I happen to really like Chronographs. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00180-00045467-00045665 I use mine all the time. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00181-00045665-00045844 Anyway, getting off topic. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00182-00045844-00046128 The Tag Heuer Carerra Calibre 16 Chronograph. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00183-00046128-00046417 41 millimeters, stainless steel case, steel bracelet, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00184-00046417-00046877 though the Carerra Heritage Calibre 16 has a leather strap. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00185-00046877-00047121 It's an automatic movement. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00186-00047121-00047488 You've got your pushers at two and four, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00187-00047488-00047848 chronograph registers at 12 and six, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00188-00047848-00048063 running seconds at nine o'clock. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00189-00048063-00048190 It's a big watch. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00190-00048190-00048448 It's sporty, not as versatile, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00191-00048448-00048599 but if you're looking for a sport watch, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00192-00048599-00048792 I think it's a great option. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00193-00048792-00048947 Price kind of varies for these watches, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00194-00048947-00049044 but you can find them +2fNS33Vjr8E-00195-00049044-00049502 somewhere in the range of 1500 to $3000. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00196-00049502-00049653 So those are just five picks +2fNS33Vjr8E-00197-00049653-00049999 of solid alternatives to a Rolex, the Omega Seamaster, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00198-00049999-00050249 variety of watches from Nomos Glashutte, +2fNS33Vjr8E-00199-00050249-00050584 the Tutor Black Bay 41, the Zenith Elite Ultra Thin +2fNS33Vjr8E-00200-00050584-00050990 and the Tag Heuer Carerra Calibre 16 Chronograph. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00201-00050990-00051177 So what would you add to the list? +2fNS33Vjr8E-00202-00051177-00051404 Let me know down in the comments. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00203-00051404-00051695 Thanks again to eBay for sponsoring this video. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00204-00051695-00051942 And all the watches I mentioned in this video +2fNS33Vjr8E-00205-00051942-00052105 are available through eBay's +2fNS33Vjr8E-00206-00052105-00052372 authenticated Luxury Watch platform. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00207-00052372-00052653 Links to examples of each are down below in the description. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00208-00052653-00052877 Thumbs up, subscribe, hit the bell +2fNS33Vjr8E-00209-00052877-00053246 and until next time, thanks for watching and stay tailored. +2fNS33Vjr8E-00210-00053246-00053504 (upbeat music) +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00000-00002431-00002635 I came from a family of lawyers. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00001-00002654-00002832 My grandfather from my mother's side +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00002-00002850-00003150 was a judge, my uncle was a judge. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00003-00003172-00003484 So we are very much embedded... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00004-00003500-00003765 into the legal tradition. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00005-00004494-00004916 My father was a lawyer. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00006-00004916-00005130 He was quite a religious person. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00007-00005573-00005912 He firmly believed as a lawyer +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00008-00005912-00006140 in certain basic values, which are not +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00009-00006140-00006440 disconnected from his religious beliefs... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00010-00006726-00007154 fairness value, social solidarity, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00011-00007248-00007581 work ethics, you know all the +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00012-00007581-00007815 core secular values, if you like to call them +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00013-00007815-00007965 that we all live by, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00014-00007965-00008197 or would like to live by. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00015-00008282-00008466 He was head of the Bar Association +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00016-00008488-00008868 in Egypt. He started I think in 1958, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00017-00008868-00009032 and then on and off. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00018-00009052-00009290 But when he died in 1977, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00019-00009302-00009470 he was still President of the Bar Association. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00020-00009482-00009754 He was re-elected four times for that. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00021-00010118-00010316 This was some of the darkest time +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00022-00010316-00010466 of Egyptian history, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00023-00010476-00010714 when we had a very authoritarian, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00024-00010718-00010912 a very repressive regime. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00025-00012350-00012714 Nasser, started of course with a grand vision. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00026-00014576-00014788 On foreign policy he was, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00027-00014794-00014969 I think he was a pioneer +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00028-00014978-00015346 in terms of trying to establish Egypt's identity, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00029-00015347-00015520 its connection with the Arab world, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00030-00015520-00015814 with the African world, with the South, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00031-00015836-00016126 India, Yugoslavia, Indonesia, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00032-00016127-00016335 the major pillars of the South +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00033-00016722-00016945 He was, I think, instrumental +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00034-00016945-00017240 in the sort of awakening of the South, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00035-00017240-00017450 identifying the double standard +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00036-00017450-00017831 that had been applied by the West, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00037-00017831-00017997 versus the South, at that time... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00038-00018004-00018198 the whole question of colonialism, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00039-00018212-00018492 and the need to end colonialism and independence... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00040-00018502-00018620 and all that sort of thing. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00041-00022686-00022902 But, on the domestic front +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00042-00022912-00023032 he was a brutal dictator. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00043-00023032-00023318 There was never an ability to speak freely, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00044-00023344-00023476 there was no freedom of the press, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00045-00023484-00023616 there was no parliament, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00046-00023616-00023820 there was no (political) parties. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00047-00023832-00023962 And my father, as a lawyer you know +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00048-00023962-00024316 obviously realized that you cannot +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00049-00024316-00024775 really have a country that is +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00050-00024775-00025024 hoping to reinvent itself, if you like, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00051-00025024-00025284 without empowering its people. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00052-00025532-00025858 He came into major clashes at different times +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00053-00025858-00026127 with Nasser and (his Vice-President) Sadat +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00054-00026127-00026288 at that time also, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00055-00026520-00026850 In 1961 I remember he spoke on television... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00056-00026868-00027063 exactly about the kind of things +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00057-00027063-00027232 I am speaking about today... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00058-00027232-00027448 freedom of the press, freedom to establish parties, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00059-00027470-00027832 democracy, multi-party system... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00060-00028164-00028507 He was asked, in fact, to to leave the podium, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00061-00028526-00028832 and was never again recorded on television. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00062-00028837-00028977 He was quite ostracized by the regime. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00063-00028977-00029157 People were even scared to come and shake hands +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00064-00029174-00029454 with him at one point, or even go to him +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00065-00029455-00029713 to instruct them for their law cases. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00066-00029798-00030195 This was considered to be a defiance of the regime. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00067-00030218-00030633 So, I saw some of these kinds of episodes +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00068-00030639-00030904 with my father, but he was never shaken. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00069-00030922-00031116 He was never shaken in his belief +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00070-00031116-00031333 that this is the way to go. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00071-00031333-00031568 He was very low key, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00072-00031583-00031750 or a very modest person, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00073-00031750-00031980 a very soft spoken person, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00074-00032002-00032236 but he had actually, a will of steel, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00075-00032256-00032374 and I saw that. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00076-00032588-00032880 You know, he was a rallying point +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00077-00032904-00033118 for people who are looking for freedom... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00078-00033221-00033509 lawyers, judges, students. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00079-00033887-00034166 I had a lot of admiration for him of course, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00080-00034166-00034328 but I also more importantly understood +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00081-00034328-00034622 that, you know, you have to stand for your own beliefs. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00082-00034634-00034866 I doesn't matter whether you are alone, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00083-00034868-00035064 or a minority or a majority. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00084-00035088-00035284 You just have to follow your conscience, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00085-00035284-00035536 follow what you think is the right thing to do, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00086-00035639-00035867 and I still believe that this will prevail at the end. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00087-00035888-00036028 It might take you a long time, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00088-00036040-00036240 you have to be patient. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00089-00036842-00036950 Even if you're not able to achieve +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00090-00036950-00037157 what you want during your lifetime, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00091-00037157-00037571 At least, you know, put the seed for change... +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00092-00037571-00037745 and that's I think how, how I did. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00093-00037874-00038084 I'm thinking as I'm sitting here, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00094-00038102-00038396 maybe one of the things that has obviously motivated me, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00095-00038402-00038684 and continues to be with me +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00096-00038684-00038876 as I go through my life, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00097-00038884-00039264 is my father's unfinished business. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00098-00039362-00039600 He started a process, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00099-00039608-00039810 I know he was on the right track, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00100-00039822-00039976 he was not able to succeed, +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00101-00039978-00040174 and maybe I should build on that. +2fUY-3Hvxbc-00102-00040180-00040324 and others will do... +2nHMlglkzFk-00000-00000013-00000197 Hello world. +2nHMlglkzFk-00001-00000197-00000367 This is me. +2nHMlglkzFk-00002-00000367-00000473 Life can be. +2nHMlglkzFk-00003-00000473-00000893 Mmm, mmm... yeah, fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00004-00000893-00001209 Life is easy if you wear a smile. +2nHMlglkzFk-00005-00001209-00001534 Just be yourself, don't ever change your style. +2nHMlglkzFk-00006-00001534-00001907 You are you, I am me, we'll be free. +2nHMlglkzFk-00007-00001907-00002128 Hello world. +2nHMlglkzFk-00008-00002128-00002356 This is me. +2nHMlglkzFk-00009-00002356-00002494 Life should be... +2nHMlglkzFk-00010-00002494-00002977 Mmm, mmm... yeah, fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00011-00002977-00003160 Hello world. +2nHMlglkzFk-00012-00003160-00003424 Come and see. +2nHMlglkzFk-00013-00003424-00003872 Life can be fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00014-00003872-00004205 Come on baby, don't be afraid. +2nHMlglkzFk-00015-00004205-00004507 Come on baby, it's not too late. +2nHMlglkzFk-00016-00004507-00004896 Say you do... won't you open up this door? +2nHMlglkzFk-00017-00004896-00005129 Hello world! +2nHMlglkzFk-00018-00005129-00005351 This is me. +2nHMlglkzFk-00019-00005351-00005511 Life should be. +2nHMlglkzFk-00020-00005511-00005735 Mmm, mmm... yeah. +2nHMlglkzFk-00021-00005735-00005912 Fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00022-00005912-00006099 Hello world. +2nHMlglkzFk-00023-00006099-00006334 Come and see. +2nHMlglkzFk-00024-00006334-00006854 Life should be fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00025-00006854-00007220 Every now and then I'm insecure. +2nHMlglkzFk-00026-00007220-00007523 Let me show you, life can be so pure. +2nHMlglkzFk-00027-00007523-00007725 Seize the day. +2nHMlglkzFk-00028-00007725-00008065 Wear a big happy smile on your face. +2nHMlglkzFk-00029-00008065-00008271 Hello world. +2nHMlglkzFk-00030-00008271-00008472 This is me. +2nHMlglkzFk-00031-00008472-00008635 Life should be. +2nHMlglkzFk-00032-00008635-00009127 Mmm, mmm... yeah, fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00033-00009127-00009256 Fun for you? +2nHMlglkzFk-00034-00009256-00009356 Yeah. +2nHMlglkzFk-00035-00009356-00009475 Fun for me? +2nHMlglkzFk-00036-00009475-00009575 Yeah. +2nHMlglkzFk-00037-00009575-00009795 Fun for everyone. +2nHMlglkzFk-00038-00009795-00012608 Fun for everyone. +33oeWb_CaYc-00000-00001576-00002176 and toxic cuban fucking families can be like you know what i don't give a fuck sometimes you just +33oeWb_CaYc-00001-00002176-00002896 gotta tell your grandmother to shut the fuck up like this woman told me told me me that i'm +33oeWb_CaYc-00002-00002896-00003400 not responsible i've been taking care of myself since i was 18. i don't ask nobody for anything +33oeWb_CaYc-00003-00003400-00003960 i bust my ass working i put myself through college like how are you gonna tell me i'm not responsible +33oeWb_CaYc-00004-00003960-00004288 like you live with a man you don't love you sleep on the couch because you're a bitter +33oeWb_CaYc-00005-00004288-00004880 ass bitch you judge everybody you're racist as fuck you're you're just so fucking dense like how +33oeWb_CaYc-00006-00004960-00005544 why why do you want to tear your own family down why why don't you want to see your family succeed +33oeWb_CaYc-00007-00005544-00005976 why is it that every fucking chance you get you just have to put your fucking foot in your mouth +33oeWb_CaYc-00008-00005976-00006752 like no fuck that let's normalize telling your elders to go fuck off i don't give a fuck anymore +33oeWb_CaYc-00009-00006752-00008112 you don't respect me i don't respect you damn i mean bam she got a point um in a way she got +33oeWb_CaYc-00010-00008488-00008656 you kind of having me to say it so i'm like +33oeWb_CaYc-00011-00009152-00009976 okay so check in a way a lot of the parents and grandparents that were back in time don't +33oeWb_CaYc-00012-00009976-00010688 understand the way time is today so yes she is right there are some times you may have to tell or +33oeWb_CaYc-00013-00010688-00011224 may have to normalize telling these motherfuckers man look the world ain't operating like that no +33oeWb_CaYc-00014-00011224-00011736 more like we're able to take care of ourselves and she sounds like she's a very independent +33oeWb_CaYc-00015-00011800-00012568 strong masculine woman but it's okay it's okay you know um that's okay +33oeWb_CaYc-00016-00012648-00012991 because she's getting her shit she's getting her money and won't work she don't need nobody +33oeWb_CaYc-00017-00012991-00013712 to do shit for us oh cool you know what i mean and a lot of the parents maybe races and i've +33oeWb_CaYc-00018-00013712-00014208 gone through that you know what i mean not saying my parents or my foster parents were racist but +33oeWb_CaYc-00019-00014416-00014960 see it happens in a way where in a latino culture where that shit is prevalent +33oeWb_CaYc-00020-00014960-00015496 you know like that shit is prevalent like that's a big thing and black culture too +33oeWb_CaYc-00021-00015496-00015863 motherfucker your motherfucker be racist as a motherfucker too don't get me wrong +33oeWb_CaYc-00022-00015936-00016416 some people don't even bring bring home a white girl and then black dude be like really into black +33oeWb_CaYc-00023-00016416-00016984 uh white girls and he just would never bring it because mom ain't gonna accept it you know +33oeWb_CaYc-00024-00017096-00017808 so i got i'm i'm i'm with her you know sometimes you just have to tell them look let me do it bro +33oeWb_CaYc-00025-00017808-00018352 let me slide in there this game is quick this game is really really fast you know i just tell +33oeWb_CaYc-00026-00018352-00018896 my grandfather they're like man bro let me let me do this you know what i mean like i run a bunch +33oeWb_CaYc-00027-00018896-00019400 of stuff in the music shit and i'll be telling him like bro you don't have to do everything i got you +33oeWb_CaYc-00028-00019400-00020184 i know how to run this i'm responsible shit i mean you don't think so i mean when you're over the +33oeWb_CaYc-00029-00020184-00020848 age of being responsible like when you've gotten kids and they're great like have i proved myself +33oeWb_CaYc-00030-00020848-00021400 with my work but sometimes that's not enough to do so sometimes you just have to say like fuck it +33oeWb_CaYc-00031-00021400-00022000 girl i just gotta do me and it doesn't change the love i don't have like the love she may +33oeWb_CaYc-00032-00022000-00022472 have told your grandmother my love towards my grandfather is a whole lot different you know +33oeWb_CaYc-00033-00022472-00023112 i actually love the guy that's that's my dude that's my a1 guy you know i just feel that it just +33oeWb_CaYc-00034-00023112-00023656 really sometimes you have to really over prove yourself of who you are before they can accept you +33oeWb_CaYc-00035-00023656-00024000 you know what i mean unless you're accepted in the light of what they think is +33oeWb_CaYc-00036-00024136-00024680 you know sceneable or it's great you know so it's like a lot of them won't see it your way +33oeWb_CaYc-00037-00024872-00025336 it's kind of fucked up really thank you all for tuning in man +33oeWb_CaYc-00038-00025336-00025824 comment below what you thought it is do you ever tell your grandparents to shut the fuck up +33oeWb_CaYc-00039-00026512-00027200 i'm just saying man do you ever tell them yeah but uh comment below like this video please subscribe +33oeWb_CaYc-00040-00027288-00027664 click that bell notification so you can get more of this content +33oeWb_CaYc-00041-00027664-00028192 and um yeah man got smash drop check us out on fridays but we have the panel where we +33oeWb_CaYc-00042-00028192-00028848 discuss more deep depth into topics like this also go check out the music don't feel afraid +33oeWb_CaYc-00043-00028848-00029504 it's on dirty harvard it's on itunes it's on spotify dirty harvard i'm pretty sure if you +33oeWb_CaYc-00044-00029504-00030768 subscribe you've seen some videos so thank you all for tuning in i really appreciate your time +33CQ19u2Kvy-00000-00000564-00000897 Greetings and welcome to the Introduction to Astronomy. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00001-00000897-00001209 In this video, we are going to discuss the solar system +33CQ19u2Kvy-00002-00001209-00001607 models labs would look which looks at how we have understood +33CQ19u2Kvy-00003-00001607-00001893 the solar system from the geocentric model +33CQ19u2Kvy-00004-00001893-00002244 of ancient times to the heliocentric model. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00005-00002244-00002500 Now for the actual lab work that you're going to do. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00006-00002500-00002737 We're going to look at the heliocentric model. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00007-00002737-00002964 So you will need these sections here +33CQ19u2Kvy-00008-00002964-00003192 and will not need to worry about looking at those +33CQ19u2Kvy-00009-00003192-00003453 unless you have a desire to go back and look +33CQ19u2Kvy-00010-00003453-00003690 at how things were understood. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00011-00003690-00003820 So what we're going to look at. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00012-00003820-00004006 And you will need a couple of these +33CQ19u2Kvy-00013-00004006-00004194 you will need some of the background material +33CQ19u2Kvy-00014-00004194-00004395 for some of the earlier questions. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00015-00004395-00004677 And then the planetary configuration simulator +33CQ19u2Kvy-00016-00004677-00004993 is what we will be using for much of the lab. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00017-00004993-00005307 And that's, of course, what we want to take a look at here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00018-00005307-00005746 So let's go ahead and let that load and see what we have here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00019-00005746-00006061 And what we find is that like with many of the other labs, +33CQ19u2Kvy-00020-00006061-00006519 you will have a variety of different windows within it. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00021-00006519-00006861 And in fact, you'll have your diagram here showing the orbit. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00022-00006861-00007161 Here you're seeing the strip of the zodiac. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00023-00007161-00007548 So the constellations of the zodiac present and the location +33CQ19u2Kvy-00024-00007548-00007897 of the Sun and the planet under those here +33CQ19u2Kvy-00025-00007897-00008112 you can adjust the orbit size and you +33CQ19u2Kvy-00026-00008112-00008481 can use the presets to select specific planets. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00027-00008481-00008749 You can adjust the speed of the animation, +33CQ19u2Kvy-00028-00008749-00009063 and then you have some of the different configurations +33CQ19u2Kvy-00029-00009063-00009429 that we will look at things like opposition in conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00030-00009429-00009579 and quad richer. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00031-00009579-00009801 And here you can have them stopped. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00032-00009801-00009981 Now one interesting thing that you can do +33CQ19u2Kvy-00033-00009981-00010128 is that if you need to pause them +33CQ19u2Kvy-00034-00010128-00010266 if you're trying to look at times +33CQ19u2Kvy-00035-00010266-00010530 you can actually pause them for a number of seconds +33CQ19u2Kvy-00036-00010530-00010923 when those configurations occur so you don't miss them. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00037-00010923-00011176 So we can look at some of the examples here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00038-00011176-00011349 And let's look at an example that if we +33CQ19u2Kvy-00039-00011349-00011761 set this observing from the Earth and say, +33CQ19u2Kvy-00040-00011761-00011982 looking at the planet Mars. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00041-00011982-00012535 So now we are at Earth, which is the blue here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00042-00012535-00012751 And then Mars is this one. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00043-00012751-00013083 And then we can then let the controls go. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00044-00013083-00013431 And in fact, I will set this to just pause +33CQ19u2Kvy-00045-00013431-00014033 for a couple of seconds as it reaches each configuration. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00046-00014033-00014215 And when we start the animation, we +33CQ19u2Kvy-00047-00014215-00014711 will see right now we are at the configuration of opposition. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00048-00014711-00015334 So opposition is when the Earth here has the planet on one side +33CQ19u2Kvy-00049-00015334-00015486 and the Sun on the other. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00050-00015486-00015747 So the planet and the Sun are opposite to each other +33CQ19u2Kvy-00051-00015747-00015874 in the sky. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00052-00015874-00016375 That will show up here is being 180 degrees apart. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00053-00016375-00016896 Now if we run this forward a little bit, +33CQ19u2Kvy-00054-00016896-00017252 we can start the animation animation +33CQ19u2Kvy-00055-00017252-00017504 and now we're going to pause that there +33CQ19u2Kvy-00056-00017504-00017945 and we're at the position of quad richer +33CQ19u2Kvy-00057-00017945-00018257 now quadrature occurs when the planet is +33CQ19u2Kvy-00058-00018257-00018449 90 degrees away from the Sun. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00059-00018449-00018818 So from the Earth there is the Sun from the Earth. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00060-00018818-00018960 Here's the planet. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00061-00018960-00019245 And they are at a 90 degree or a right angle. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00062-00019245-00019517 And you will see that 90 degrees here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00063-00019517-00019700 And in this case, it will actually tell you +33CQ19u2Kvy-00064-00019700-00019958 that it is 90 degrees east. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00065-00019958-00020222 There is actually an eastern quad richer +33CQ19u2Kvy-00066-00020222-00020355 and previous to this. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00067-00020355-00020711 There was a Western quad richer depending on what part +33CQ19u2Kvy-00068-00020711-00021011 of the sky the planet is in. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00069-00021011-00021389 So in this case, if you were looking from the Earth +33CQ19u2Kvy-00070-00021389-00021887 the planet would be to the east of the Sun. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00071-00021887-00022372 Now we can go ahead and let it run forward again and find +33CQ19u2Kvy-00072-00022372-00022551 that we'll look for the next configuration. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00073-00022889-00023116 And now they're getting closer and closer together +33CQ19u2Kvy-00074-00023116-00023344 and we reach conjunction. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00075-00023344-00023632 Conjunction is when the two objects +33CQ19u2Kvy-00076-00023632-00023839 are in the same direction in the sky. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00077-00023839-00024468 So here's our Earth and the Sun is here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00078-00024468-00024645 And so is the planet. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00079-00024645-00024900 So they are in the same direction in the sky. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00080-00024900-00025351 That means the angle between them will be 0 degrees. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00081-00025351-00025569 And that allows you to then see them. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00082-00025569-00025752 You would not be able to see the planet. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00083-00025752-00026064 It would be in the same direction as the Sun. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00084-00026064-00026427 So it would be blotted out by the Sun's brightness. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00085-00026427-00026664 So we can see how they're moving around +33CQ19u2Kvy-00086-00026664-00026910 over the course of a year. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00087-00026910-00027243 Now this is for a superior a superior planet +33CQ19u2Kvy-00088-00027243-00027432 one further from the Earth. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00089-00027432-00027594 There it is slightly different. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00090-00027594-00027882 If you look at it, it will be call an inferior planet or one +33CQ19u2Kvy-00091-00027882-00028133 that is closer such as Mercury. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00092-00028133-00028641 And in fact, you'll see that the terminology is same as similar +33CQ19u2Kvy-00093-00028641-00029088 except there's a few is similar, but there are some things +33CQ19u2Kvy-00094-00029088-00029244 that do not match up. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00095-00029244-00029483 So for example, you now have conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00096-00029483-00029724 you can have inferior conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00097-00029724-00029943 or superior conjunction. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00098-00029943-00030342 There is no opposition for an inferior planet. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00099-00030342-00030576 We also do not have quadrature. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00100-00030576-00031056 We have a greatest elongation in the west and in the east. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00101-00031056-00031257 So there are other terminology that +33CQ19u2Kvy-00102-00031257-00031673 apply to an interior planet. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00103-00031673-00032137 And we can see those is superior conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00104-00032137-00032595 is when the Earth sees the planet on the other side +33CQ19u2Kvy-00105-00032595-00032911 of the Sun inferior conjunction would +33CQ19u2Kvy-00106-00032911-00033319 be when the planet was here in between the Earth and the Sun. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00107-00033319-00033835 So this would be the inferior conjunction location here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00108-00033835-00034048 So you're going to be able to run those and look +33CQ19u2Kvy-00109-00034048-00034381 at some of these different simulations over the course +33CQ19u2Kvy-00110-00034381-00034543 of the lab exercise. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00111-00034543-00034810 You'll also need this counter sometimes +33CQ19u2Kvy-00112-00034810-00035026 it'll ask you to count to determine +33CQ19u2Kvy-00113-00035026-00035402 the length of the year either the idea aerial or the synaptic +33CQ19u2Kvy-00114-00035402-00035452 here. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00115-00035452-00035701 There's two different ones we'll be looking at +33CQ19u2Kvy-00116-00035701-00035975 and what you'll do is run this, for example, +33CQ19u2Kvy-00117-00035975-00036373 from superior conjunction to superior conjunction again. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00118-00036373-00036637 So as we let the simulation run it +33CQ19u2Kvy-00119-00036637-00037033 will stop at each elongation then inferior conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00120-00037033-00037378 and then it will stop at the greatest western elongation. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00121-00037378-00037669 And then finally, it will get back to superior conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00122-00037669-00037723 again. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00123-00037723-00038104 And if we stop it, then we can find as an example +33CQ19u2Kvy-00124-00038104-00038684 here, what is the synaptic period of mercury, +33CQ19u2Kvy-00125-00038684-00039013 which is 117.6 days. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00126-00039013-00039235 That's how long it takes to get back +33CQ19u2Kvy-00127-00039235-00039592 to the same position relative to the Sun. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00128-00039592-00039871 So if you know where they were on the zodiac strip +33CQ19u2Kvy-00129-00039871-00040000 has changed. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00130-00040000-00040327 But where they are their configuration +33CQ19u2Kvy-00131-00040327-00040568 relative to the Sun is exactly the same. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00132-00040568-00040828 We are back to superior conjunction +33CQ19u2Kvy-00133-00040828-00041131 when the planet is on the opposite side of the Sun +33CQ19u2Kvy-00134-00041131-00041269 from the Earth. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00135-00041269-00041465 So there'll be a number of different exercises +33CQ19u2Kvy-00136-00041465-00041620 that will have you change the planets +33CQ19u2Kvy-00137-00041620-00041971 and measure the various periods there and answer +33CQ19u2Kvy-00138-00041971-00042121 some questions. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00139-00042121-00042706 So that concludes this video on the solar system models +33CQ19u2Kvy-00140-00042706-00043117 simulator and the planetary configuration simulator. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00141-00043117-00043282 We'll be back again next time to look +33CQ19u2Kvy-00142-00043282-00043534 another look at another one of these simulations. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00143-00043534-00043819 So until then, have a great day, everyone. +33CQ19u2Kvy-00144-00043819-00044124 And I will see you in class. +34flkkaqvS8-00000-00000698-00001438 1998 +34flkkaqvS8-00001-00001438-00001638 1998 +34flkkaqvS8-00002-00001638-00001796 1998 +34flkkaqvS8-00003-00001796-00002828 1998 +34flkkaqvS8-00004-00002846-00003234 1999 +34flkkaqvS8-00005-00003234-00005166 1999 +34flkkaqvS8-00008-00019446-00019872 2010 +34flkkaqvS8-00009-00019878-00020148 2010 +34flkkaqvS8-00010-00020158-00020720 2013 +34flkkaqvS8-00011-00020720-00020882 2013 +34flkkaqvS8-00012-00020892-00021476 2015 +34flkkaqvS8-00013-00021512-00022298 Like And Subscribe +37vyoCFHRQM-00000-00000816-00001441 NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND MARIANAS COMMANDING OFFICER CAPTAIN JOHN HECKMANN DISCUSSED +37vyoCFHRQM-00001-00001441-00001859 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND NAVY STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABILITY DURING THE UNIVERSITY OF +37vyoCFHRQM-00002-00001859-00002415 GUAM'S 2013 ISLAND SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCE AT THE HYATT REGENCY GUAM IN TOUMON. +37vyoCFHRQM-00003-00002415-00002885 "OUR DOD DEFENSIVE MISSION HAS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH SUSTAINABILITY." +37vyoCFHRQM-00004-00002885-00003265 THE THREE DAY CONFERENCE FEATURED VARIOUS SPEAKERS FROM THE NAVY, INCLUDED A TOUR OF +37vyoCFHRQM-00005-00003265-00003697 RENEWABLE ENERGY AT U.S. NAVAL BASE GUAM, AND COVERED A RANGE OF TOPICS FROM LOW COST +37vyoCFHRQM-00006-00003697-00003898 ENERGY INITIATIVES TO ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP. +37vyoCFHRQM-00007-00003898-00004475 "AND WE DON'T WANT TO END UP DEFENDING SOMETHING THAT IS GOING TO BE BARREN LAND, OR BARREN +37vyoCFHRQM-00008-00004475-00004675 SEAS IN THE LONG RUN. +37vyoCFHRQM-00009-00004675-00005059 WE WANT TO DEFEND SOMETHING THAT IS GOING TO BE SUSTAINABLE FOR FOLLOWING GENERATIONS." +37vyoCFHRQM-00010-00005059-00005512 FROM JOINT REGION MARIANAS I'M SHAINA MARIE SANTOS. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00000-00000010-00000063 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WAS HELD TODAY +37ew7OZ2fI4-00001-00000063-00000070 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WAS HELD TODAY +37ew7OZ2fI4-00002-00000070-00000136 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WAS HELD TODAY IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00003-00000136-00000143 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WAS HELD TODAY IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00004-00000143-00000250 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WAS HELD TODAY IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE CAPITOL IN SAINT PAUL. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00005-00000250-00000256 IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE CAPITOL IN SAINT PAUL. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00006-00000256-00000407 IN THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE CAPITOL IN SAINT PAUL. >>> A DRUG BUST IN THE CASS LAKE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00007-00000407-00000413 CAPITOL IN SAINT PAUL. >>> A DRUG BUST IN THE CASS LAKE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00008-00000413-00000583 CAPITOL IN SAINT PAUL. >>> A DRUG BUST IN THE CASS LAKE HAS RESULTED IN THE ARREST OF +37ew7OZ2fI4-00009-00000583-00000590 >>> A DRUG BUST IN THE CASS LAKE HAS RESULTED IN THE ARREST OF +37ew7OZ2fI4-00010-00000590-00000730 >>> A DRUG BUST IN THE CASS LAKE HAS RESULTED IN THE ARREST OF FIVE INDIVIDUALS AS WELL AS THE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00011-00000730-00000737 HAS RESULTED IN THE ARREST OF FIVE INDIVIDUALS AS WELL AS THE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00012-00000737-00000840 HAS RESULTED IN THE ARREST OF FIVE INDIVIDUALS AS WELL AS THE SEIZURE OF DRUGS, DRUG +37ew7OZ2fI4-00013-00000840-00000847 FIVE INDIVIDUALS AS WELL AS THE SEIZURE OF DRUGS, DRUG +37ew7OZ2fI4-00014-00000847-00001054 FIVE INDIVIDUALS AS WELL AS THE SEIZURE OF DRUGS, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA AND WEAPONS. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00015-00001054-00001061 SEIZURE OF DRUGS, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA AND WEAPONS. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00016-00001061-00001157 SEIZURE OF DRUGS, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA AND WEAPONS. THE LEACH LAKE TRIBAL POLICE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00017-00001157-00001164 PARAPHERNALIA AND WEAPONS. THE LEACH LAKE TRIBAL POLICE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00018-00001164-00001324 PARAPHERNALIA AND WEAPONS. THE LEACH LAKE TRIBAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SAYS IN A PRESS +37ew7OZ2fI4-00019-00001324-00001331 THE LEACH LAKE TRIBAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SAYS IN A PRESS +37ew7OZ2fI4-00020-00001331-00001481 THE LEACH LAKE TRIBAL POLICE DEPARTMENT SAYS IN A PRESS RELEASE THAT IT EXECUTED A +37ew7OZ2fI4-00021-00001481-00001488 DEPARTMENT SAYS IN A PRESS RELEASE THAT IT EXECUTED A +37ew7OZ2fI4-00022-00001488-00001698 DEPARTMENT SAYS IN A PRESS RELEASE THAT IT EXECUTED A SEARCH WARRANT ON MONDAY IN THE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00023-00001698-00001705 RELEASE THAT IT EXECUTED A SEARCH WARRANT ON MONDAY IN THE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00024-00001705-00001865 RELEASE THAT IT EXECUTED A SEARCH WARRANT ON MONDAY IN THE TRACT 33 AREA OF CASS LAKE AFTER +37ew7OZ2fI4-00025-00001865-00001871 SEARCH WARRANT ON MONDAY IN THE TRACT 33 AREA OF CASS LAKE AFTER +37ew7OZ2fI4-00026-00001871-00002075 SEARCH WARRANT ON MONDAY IN THE TRACT 33 AREA OF CASS LAKE AFTER ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INVOLVING +37ew7OZ2fI4-00027-00002075-00002082 TRACT 33 AREA OF CASS LAKE AFTER ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INVOLVING +37ew7OZ2fI4-00028-00002082-00002145 TRACT 33 AREA OF CASS LAKE AFTER ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INVOLVING WEAPONS OFFENSES AND ILLEGAL +37ew7OZ2fI4-00029-00002145-00002152 ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INVOLVING WEAPONS OFFENSES AND ILLEGAL +37ew7OZ2fI4-00030-00002152-00002338 ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INVOLVING WEAPONS OFFENSES AND ILLEGAL DRUG ACTIVITY. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00031-00002338-00002345 WEAPONS OFFENSES AND ILLEGAL DRUG ACTIVITY. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00032-00002345-00002452 WEAPONS OFFENSES AND ILLEGAL DRUG ACTIVITY. DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00033-00002452-00002459 DRUG ACTIVITY. DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE +37ew7OZ2fI4-00034-00002459-00002615 DRUG ACTIVITY. DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WARRANT, LAW ENFORCEMENT LOCATED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00035-00002615-00002622 DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WARRANT, LAW ENFORCEMENT LOCATED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00036-00002622-00002776 DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WARRANT, LAW ENFORCEMENT LOCATED METHAMPHETAMINE, HEROIN, +37ew7OZ2fI4-00037-00002776-00002782 WARRANT, LAW ENFORCEMENT LOCATED METHAMPHETAMINE, HEROIN, +37ew7OZ2fI4-00038-00002782-00003002 WARRANT, LAW ENFORCEMENT LOCATED METHAMPHETAMINE, HEROIN, MARIJUANA, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, +37ew7OZ2fI4-00039-00003002-00003009 METHAMPHETAMINE, HEROIN, MARIJUANA, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, +37ew7OZ2fI4-00040-00003009-00003113 METHAMPHETAMINE, HEROIN, MARIJUANA, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, AMMUNITION, AND A SHORT BARRELED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00041-00003113-00003119 MARIJUANA, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, AMMUNITION, AND A SHORT BARRELED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00042-00003119-00003323 MARIJUANA, DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, AMMUNITION, AND A SHORT BARRELED SHOTGUN INSIDE THE HOME. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00043-00003323-00003329 AMMUNITION, AND A SHORT BARRELED SHOTGUN INSIDE THE HOME. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00044-00003329-00003483 AMMUNITION, AND A SHORT BARRELED SHOTGUN INSIDE THE HOME. ANTHONY LAROSE WAS ARRESTED FOR +37ew7OZ2fI4-00045-00003483-00003490 SHOTGUN INSIDE THE HOME. ANTHONY LAROSE WAS ARRESTED FOR +37ew7OZ2fI4-00046-00003490-00003580 SHOTGUN INSIDE THE HOME. ANTHONY LAROSE WAS ARRESTED FOR POSSESSING ILLEGAL WEAPONS AND +37ew7OZ2fI4-00047-00003580-00003586 ANTHONY LAROSE WAS ARRESTED FOR POSSESSING ILLEGAL WEAPONS AND +37ew7OZ2fI4-00048-00003586-00003753 ANTHONY LAROSE WAS ARRESTED FOR POSSESSING ILLEGAL WEAPONS AND DRUGS. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00049-00003753-00003760 POSSESSING ILLEGAL WEAPONS AND DRUGS. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00050-00003760-00003900 POSSESSING ILLEGAL WEAPONS AND DRUGS. ZACHARY WHITE, CHARLES THOMPSON +37ew7OZ2fI4-00051-00003900-00003907 DRUGS. ZACHARY WHITE, CHARLES THOMPSON +37ew7OZ2fI4-00052-00003907-00004070 DRUGS. ZACHARY WHITE, CHARLES THOMPSON III AND CHARLES +37ew7OZ2fI4-00053-00004070-00004077 ZACHARY WHITE, CHARLES THOMPSON III AND CHARLES +37ew7OZ2fI4-00054-00004077-00004177 ZACHARY WHITE, CHARLES THOMPSON III AND CHARLES FAIRBANKS WERE ARRESTED FOR +37ew7OZ2fI4-00055-00004177-00004184 III AND CHARLES FAIRBANKS WERE ARRESTED FOR +37ew7OZ2fI4-00056-00004184-00004244 III AND CHARLES FAIRBANKS WERE ARRESTED FOR POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00057-00004244-00004250 FAIRBANKS WERE ARRESTED FOR POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00058-00004250-00004340 FAIRBANKS WERE ARRESTED FOR POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00059-00004340-00004347 POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. +37ew7OZ2fI4-00060-00004347-00004664 POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. ALEXIS RODRIGUEZ WAS ARRESTED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00061-00004664-00004671 SUBSTANCE. ALEXIS RODRIGUEZ WAS ARRESTED +37ew7OZ2fI4-00062-00004671-00004718 SUBSTANCE. ALEXIS RODRIGUEZ WAS ARRESTED FOR POSSESSION OF HYPODERMIC +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00000-00000016-00000544 what if i told you there was a way that you can get an unlimited number of barbarian kills for +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00001-00000544-00001208 free literally zero action point cost well great news for once Omniarch isn't click baiting let's +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00002-00001208-00002039 go what's going on guys cheers now before we jump into this exploit this little hack that you can do +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00003-00002039-00002488 in rise of kingdoms i do want to give a quick shout out to gamer subs as you guys know i've been +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00004-00002488-00002952 working with them for a couple of months now and they have been insanely generous and supportive +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00005-00002952-00003464 and it's been such a blessing working with those guys i hope you guys will use the link down below +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00006-00003464-00003911 use code omni and give them a try and if you're not ready to commit to an entire tub of waifu +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00007-00003911-00004344 candy at least try their sample packs i'm telling you man it's good you're gonna thank me anyway +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00008-00004344-00004872 back to rise of kingdoms we're gonna talk about a little barbarian summoning exploit that you can do +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00009-00004872-00005504 here on the map i wanna give credit to a youtuber by the name of the logic bank they make a lot of +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00010-00005504-00006008 actually really good free to play content videos for rise of kingdoms so i'll have their link in +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00011-00006008-00006480 the description below make sure you go over there and follow them they're only at 458 right now but +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00012-00006480-00006976 they posted a video that we're going to take a look at in just a second about how you can exploit +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00013-00006976-00007688 the barbarian summoning mechanic and the key to doing this is the location on the map okay so let +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00014-00007688-00008200 me show you a quick thing here if you are looking to kill a barbarian let's say you want to kill +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00015-00008200-00008720 i don't know a level 12 barbarian and there's none around it will spawn it right next to your city +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00016-00008720-00009344 however it spawns in a random location around your city that's unoccupied so for example it +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00017-00009344-00009880 was unable to spawn in panda's location obviously because he is a player that takes up space on the +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00018-00009880-00010432 map this barbarian also could not have spawned right where this level 25 barbarian is standing +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00019-00010432-00010880 either additionally to that it couldn't have spawned where this marauder fort is and so +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00020-00010880-00011600 on and so forth so where this barbarian spawns is limited to the available free space around you and +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00021-00011600-00012208 the good news is that there is a special location on every single map and this is on your map as +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00022-00012208-00012919 well on my map it's located at 10 34 and 712 you also can find an identical version of this +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00023-00012919-00013624 at 1094 and 713. what's special about these specific coordinates is their proximity to +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00024-00013624-00014191 guardians that are spawning out in the open field as well as being within this special +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00025-00014191-00014704 mountain range now if this marauder encampment wasn't taking up this space i could teleport +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00026-00014704-00015296 my city right in this little nook here and the reason that this is crucial is because if you +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00027-00015296-00015968 look around that location those red slashes that are where the mountain range is located that means +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00028-00015968-00016440 nothing can spawn where that mountain range is you can't get resource nodes there you won't see +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00029-00016440-00016848 any barbarian forts spawning there because it's mountains there's nothing that can be spawned +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00030-00016848-00017456 there so if your city is located perfectly in this little mountain range every single barbarian that +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00031-00017456-00018104 you spawn next to your city will show up in this area here the benefit of that is the location of +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00032-00018104-00018792 those barbarians to these guardians and as you guys know it costs 0 ap to kill these guardians +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00033-00018792-00019168 so i'm sure you know where we're going by now now again if that marauder encampment +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00034-00019168-00019520 wasn't right where i wanted to do i would have just shown you this in my own city so what the +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00035-00019520-00020032 logic bank shows in the video is that you can teleport exactly where i showed you before here +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00036-00020032-00020656 you see a guardian is right next to his city when he goes ahead and spawns some barbarians right +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00037-00020656-00021200 there you'll see that they all are spawning in a small cluster he then proceeds to send out an army +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00038-00021200-00021768 with Aethelflaed and Belisarius filled with tier 1 siege and as he's fighting this guardian you can +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00039-00021768-00022464 see that he positions his ethyl fled properly so that way when her aoe goes off her primary skill +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00040-00022464-00023040 it immediately kills those low-level barbarians and this was during the strategic reserve event +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00041-00023040-00023648 which means that he was able to get free strategic reserve boxes just by doing this method now +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00042-00023648-00024112 of course it would be better to use Yi Seong a because he has that circular aoe so you have to +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00043-00024112-00024656 be a little bit less precise and you can hit more of the barbarians nearby but if you're completely +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00044-00024656-00025096 free to play and you haven't maxed out Yi Seong yeah yet then go ahead and use Aethelflaed because +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00045-00025096-00025616 she does have the best aoe radius that you're gonna have access to and the best part about this +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00046-00025616-00026216 is that because they're using tier one siege he's actually not even killing this guardian he's just +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00047-00026216-00026752 walking away after he kills the barbarians and goes back to his city which means he's able to do +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00048-00026752-00027320 this over and over and over again as long as that guardian never dies then he's able to hit it with +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00049-00027320-00027888 the aoe kill the barbarians next to it and go back to the city and summon more barbarians and do it +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00050-00027888-00028368 over and over and over again and that's it that is the exploit now i know what you're thinking right +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00051-00028368-00028880 these low-level barbarians the the rewards that you get from them aren't super good right compared +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00052-00028880-00029439 to something like a level 25 barbarian which we see right here the probability that you get +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00053-00029439-00030000 more gems more errors of resistance is higher with the higher level barbarians but the rewards aren't +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00054-00030000-00030568 that much different right from a level one to a level 25 especially when you consider that you can +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00055-00030568-00030992 do this unlimited number of times over and over and over again and you just get it for free so +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00056-00030992-00031432 yeah it's actually pretty crazy but then you can consider the fact that what if you're actually in +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00057-00031432-00032032 the alliance that controls the sanctum with which you're doing this exploit that means you are able +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00058-00032032-00032727 to guarantee that something spawns on alliance territory so long as your city is close enough +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00059-00032727-00033296 to this border what does that mean that means for kurok ceremony you are guaranteeing that every +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00060-00033296-00033768 korok is going to spawn on alliance territory if you're talking about the arms training lohar event +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00061-00033768-00034368 you're able to guarantee that he spawns right next to you on alliance territory every single time +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00062-00034368-00034992 so there's a lot of advantage to being in this specific location on the map and honestly i'm sort +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00063-00034992-00035424 of afraid that lilith is gonna patch this i feel like they're gonna go in and every time there's a +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00064-00035424-00035880 mountain structure that forms like this they're gonna put red lines all across the center of it +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00065-00035880-00036408 the structure as well so you can't teleport in here which lilith please don't ruin our fun okay +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00066-00036408-00036928 please just let us have this one cute little tiny little exploit that we can use and give +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00067-00036928-00037280 value to free-to-play players okay and like he showed in the video this is going to help free +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00068-00037280-00037768 to play players compete a little bit more in this strategic reserve event but furthermore it's also +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00069-00037768-00038216 going to help you with low harsh trial right if you can get an unlimited number of low-level +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00070-00038216-00038744 barbarian kills by doing this specific method then you're gonna be able to get a ton of the lohar +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00071-00038744-00039280 bone necklace which actually gives you some really good rewards and it's gonna be a great way for you +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00072-00039280-00039784 to level up your lohar in the early game finally it's also worth noting that these barbarians even +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00073-00039784-00040392 at level 1 have a chance to drop gems which means this is an unlimited way for you to get free gems +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00074-00040456-00040952 i know the drop rate isn't great but seriously you're able to kill like three or four barbarians +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00075-00040952-00041304 in a single skill shot and you can do that over and over and over again it would be +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00076-00041304-00041784 really interesting to see just how far somebody could push this exploit and how much value they +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00077-00041784-00042312 can get out of it especially during events like lohar or strategic reserve so again these are +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00078-00042312-00042904 the two coordinates that i was able to find in my specific kingdom that you can do this at i'm sure +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00079-00042904-00043424 there are other mountain formations near sanctums that you can discover in your kingdom as well and +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00080-00043424-00043888 it may be slightly different than than here right if you type those coordinates in +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00081-00043888-00044408 in your own kingdom and you don't see it just zoom out a little bit until you see the nearest +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00082-00044408-00044824 sanctum and right next to it is where you're gonna be able to find this specific mountain +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00083-00044824-00045272 formation guys drop a thumbs up on the video if this helps you out a ton it really helps out the +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00084-00045272-00045632 channel and the youtube videos get in that algorithm so other rise of kingdoms players +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00085-00045632-00045952 might see it if you're new here subscribe to the channel and click that bell to be notified +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00086-00045952-00046360 the next time that i upload a rise of kingdoms video and of course subscribe to the logic bank +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00087-00046360-00046776 again his link will be in the description below thank you to him for letting me talk about this +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00088-00046776-00047176 method that i found through his video as always my social media links they're in the description +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00089-00047176-00047632 instagram twitter facebook and discord go ahead and check them out as well as gamer subs again +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00090-00047632-00048056 another shout out to those guys they've been super super helpful and with that being said guys +3r9zNaJ_mnU-00091-00048056-00048456 thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch i will talk to you guys again soon peace +3seEG87KyDc-00000-00000143-00000314 *the think of mind* +3seEG87KyDc-00001-00000354-00000554 dat kid looking pissed off |:( +3seEG87KyDc-00002-00000613-00000848 uuuuh' or is it. XDD +3seEG87KyDc-00003-00000898-00001027 wet ded eye du dez +3seEG87KyDc-00004-00001078-00001314 oh no *cringy noise* +3vV2LOCz9NM-00000-00001960-00002528 hello everybody welcome to an incredibly special episode of holly rental unfiltered you've been +3vV2LOCz9NM-00001-00002528-00003160 asking for this guest for a long time and i finally got her here you may remember her +3vV2LOCz9NM-00002-00003160-00003704 from bold and the beautiful white chicks a movie i've never seen which apparently is a big faux pas +3vV2LOCz9NM-00003-00003800-00004216 or her most iconic role as rachel mcguire on boy meets world +3vV2LOCz9NM-00004-00004216-00004680 she turned her love for acting and sexuality into an award-winning adult film career and just +3vV2LOCz9NM-00005-00004680-00005304 released her memoir rated x about how a former disney princess found her fairy tale in porn +3vV2LOCz9NM-00006-00005304-00005760 welcome maitlyn ward oh thank you so much that's so sweet your guests have asked for me for a long +3vV2LOCz9NM-00007-00005760-00006423 time oh no i've been getting requests for you for a long time oh that's sweet i'm trying it's busy +3vV2LOCz9NM-00008-00006423-00006823 well we did want to wait for the book and everything yeah so we got a lot of yeah of course +3vV2LOCz9NM-00009-00006823-00007423 i'm always like so grateful that anyone's willing to you know give me their time so oh yeah however +3vV2LOCz9NM-00010-00007423-00007880 long it takes miglin i will wait for you oh thank you it's okay well we're here now here we are +3vV2LOCz9NM-00011-00008008-00008560 so um i guess we'll start from the beginning okay how tell me a little bit about your early career +3vV2LOCz9NM-00012-00008560-00008984 and then how you transition to what you do now oh my gosh my early career well i started out when +3vV2LOCz9NM-00013-00008984-00009512 you know i was a teenager on a soap opera bold and beautiful as you mentioned um and it was it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00014-00009512-00010064 was such a fast thing it was on my second audition and i had really been such a like a fan of soaps +3vV2LOCz9NM-00015-00010064-00010568 and and acting in hollywood and to be like all of a sudden on the set with like people i had +3vV2LOCz9NM-00016-00010568-00011304 seen on tv before and like and to be in that world it was so it was wonderful it was wild and uh for +3vV2LOCz9NM-00017-00011304-00012008 the most part everybody was great except for a few people that i speak of but for most part everybody +3vV2LOCz9NM-00018-00012008-00012512 was really really great honorable and beautiful um so i started there so it was kind of like i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00019-00012512-00013184 had like my first years i was there and then not long after i got boy meets world after i left +3vV2LOCz9NM-00020-00013184-00013928 the show after i left the soap opera um so those early years i had a lot of success very early on +3vV2LOCz9NM-00021-00013928-00014640 so as you know i got kind of tag cast definitely got typecast as this kind of sweet girl next door +3vV2LOCz9NM-00022-00014640-00015191 character i was the flirty sexy one on on boy meets world but it was still within the disney +3vV2LOCz9NM-00023-00015191-00015808 confines and stuff so um so it was an interesting thing to transition to find myself as like a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00024-00015808-00016360 woman discovering her own sexuality in real life and like seeing who i wanted to be as a person +3vV2LOCz9NM-00025-00016360-00016912 and still being told you know you have to be a certain way you have to be the good girl be this +3vV2LOCz9NM-00026-00016912-00017680 innocent figure but also be sexy but not too sexy only sexy when we want you to be but then in your +3vV2LOCz9NM-00027-00017680-00018112 personal life you know you don't want to push any boundaries or anything and you needed to really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00028-00018112-00018832 toe the line with them with you know in that age and also in those early like 2000s and late 90s +3vV2LOCz9NM-00029-00018832-00019384 it was such a weird time it was really weird you had to be the virginal girl but also the sexy girl +3vV2LOCz9NM-00030-00019464-00019840 and that like britney and and jessica simpson and stuff really fell into that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00031-00019840-00020464 where they had to uh i'm a virgin but i i'm dancing sexy everywhere and stuff so yeah you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00032-00020464-00021024 it's it's a strange juxtaposition yeah so i had to cover up a lot of like anything +3vV2LOCz9NM-00033-00021024-00021624 i wanted to do with my sexuality or who i was i thought that it might it was bad or and i couldn't +3vV2LOCz9NM-00034-00021624-00022192 express myself so many many moons later that's where it led me to get into the adult business +3vV2LOCz9NM-00035-00022192-00022688 and a lot of it just by fate and happenstance because it wasn't something like a trajectory that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00036-00022688-00023208 i planned out it was never that it was always just this journey that i was taking on my own and then +3vV2LOCz9NM-00037-00023272-00023720 i discovered i had fans coming along for the ride especially with the rise of social media +3vV2LOCz9NM-00038-00023720-00024168 and stuff so i got a lot of followers and a lot of interest and then of course i you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00039-00024168-00024592 i started a patreon account and the rest is history hello patreon people +3vV2LOCz9NM-00040-00024784-00025432 so really patreon was the gateway drug oh yeah yes it was the gary truck yes um well +3vV2LOCz9NM-00041-00025432-00025920 it was funny because i was doing like sexy setups and photos like for years +3vV2LOCz9NM-00042-00026000-00026368 several years beforehand and then um i was getting kicked off of social media a lot +3vV2LOCz9NM-00043-00026448-00026808 and then you know just for my sexy pictures or you know they were taking things down +3vV2LOCz9NM-00044-00026808-00027408 and flagging me and stuff and so i um my fans were like why don't you just do +3vV2LOCz9NM-00045-00027488-00027895 content and i had no idea what content was at this time it was this was at the beginning of 2018 +3vV2LOCz9NM-00046-00027976-00028544 um so i was like i mean i kind of knew what it was but i wasn't really in that world yet and i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00047-00028544-00029095 i wanted to do sort of like playboy-esque type pictures or do i did a lot of sexy cosplay so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00048-00029095-00029672 i wanted to be able to like show my body and stuff because i had discovered i liked being +3vV2LOCz9NM-00049-00029672-00030224 an exhibitionist of sorts and shocking people and just having fun and being my own self and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00050-00030288-00030727 my social media following really responded to that and as soon as i like jumped out of the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00051-00030727-00031176 box of being like just the sitcom girl in the past which is a great thing to be but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00052-00031232-00031904 i had grown and developed as a woman and and you know found what i loved to do and stuff so uh so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00053-00031904-00032432 i so i said huh oh maybe somebody will buy a few pictures or something on my patreon i'll set one +3vV2LOCz9NM-00054-00032432-00032960 up i'll set an account up just one night and i did and i said but i was like forget it i don't +3vV2LOCz9NM-00055-00032960-00033304 i don't know if i'm gonna announce it so i didn't announce it the next day i had like 20 subscribers +3vV2LOCz9NM-00056-00033392-00033848 and by the when i did finally announce it on twitter and instagram and everything i had +3vV2LOCz9NM-00057-00033848-00034432 like 2800 by the end of the week and it was like i was the number one adult creator it was like wow +3vV2LOCz9NM-00058-00034432-00034896 people really want to you know see my stuff and they're like championing me on stuff so it was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00059-00034896-00035424 really really exciting um and i didn't think like people had told me you're never gonna get paid for +3vV2LOCz9NM-00060-00035424-00036088 being sexy and yet i mean i got told by publicists and stuff you know if you're not 25 and you're not +3vV2LOCz9NM-00061-00036088-00036504 the new thing you're not going to be you know considered sexy and i think that was a real +3vV2LOCz9NM-00062-00036560-00036936 turning point for me i know it was where i could say hey wait a minute they were wrong +3vV2LOCz9NM-00063-00036936-00037408 i did my own thing yeah i must success at it already so fast do you think that the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00064-00037408-00038136 adult industry is a little bit more accepting of people like of different ages and body types and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00065-00038136-00038504 look and stuff like that in the mainstream industry oh yeah absolutely yeah because +3vV2LOCz9NM-00066-00038504-00038976 the girls in in hollywood you have to be very skinny all the time and you have to be a certain +3vV2LOCz9NM-00067-00038976-00039432 look at least especially back when i was coming up like you really there were types that they wanted +3vV2LOCz9NM-00068-00039432-00040032 to have and and especially the disney girls they were very like strict about things and they but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00069-00040032-00040408 i think i definitely saw in the adult industry that people there's there's all different walks +3vV2LOCz9NM-00070-00040408-00040896 of life there's like all different types and that's really refreshing and i loved that that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00071-00040896-00041248 you know you could have different ages and different you know ethnicity different you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00072-00041248-00041752 whatever sexual interests and stuff so it was it was amazing to walk into that because i felt like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00073-00041752-00042416 i was accepted really by that like people accepting of me so interesting because there's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00074-00042416-00042888 been so many people that i've interviewed who you know came from a life where they felt like they +3vV2LOCz9NM-00075-00042888-00043312 weren't accepted for who they were and obviously you know these are people who usually fall into +3vV2LOCz9NM-00076-00043312-00043744 like the more sexually charged individuals and are ashamed for that um right and then +3vV2LOCz9NM-00077-00043744-00044192 they come into the adult industry you know this this industry that's supposed to be really like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00078-00044272-00044904 um shady and dangerous and all this kind of stuff and then you find that like yeah this this kind +3vV2LOCz9NM-00079-00044904-00045464 of like embrace embracement that you didn't get otherwise yeah oh that's very true i think it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00080-00045464-00045968 a safe haven for a lot of people because they they find acceptance and they and i was like that too i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00081-00045968-00046512 mean i i didn't think i'd be accepted like for who i was sexually or what i wanted to do like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00082-00046512-00047096 that in that way but um i finally found an outlet where i could really express myself and i loved it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00083-00047096-00047512 i love it still did you find that you had more personal autonomy in the adult industry +3vV2LOCz9NM-00084-00047640-00048232 i think i yes i mean i just it was just a different experience than being in hollywood +3vV2LOCz9NM-00085-00048232-00048816 just hollywood i was just always trying to fill roles that other people wanted me to play +3vV2LOCz9NM-00086-00048920-00049432 and i feel like in the adult industry i was i'm really able to carve out my +3vV2LOCz9NM-00087-00049432-00049928 own path and my own thing and and express myself as a human and a woman and everything +3vV2LOCz9NM-00088-00049928-00050608 um in a way that you know i would never be able to of course not in mainstream but in any way like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00089-00050680-00051072 people just you know want to keep you in a box just to keep you in that box forever +3vV2LOCz9NM-00090-00051072-00051664 yeah yeah so transition to so how did your contract with deeper come about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00091-00051736-00052184 well my contract with deeper is so interesting because uh i'd always heard whispers of kaiden +3vV2LOCz9NM-00092-00052184-00052679 along the way like and i didn't really know like about deeper i knew it was starting up she had +3vV2LOCz9NM-00093-00052679-00053336 one director of the year the first year that um i uh you know was starting in my patreon and doing +3vV2LOCz9NM-00094-00053336-00053967 all my stuff and then i realized that um and and she was going to start deeper but i still it was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00095-00053967-00054512 it was kind of like a parallel thing but vixen approached me to do black and that was a big +3vV2LOCz9NM-00096-00054512-00054960 deal to have to i was like thinking i'm going to do this big professional production this +3vV2LOCz9NM-00097-00054960-00055672 is this is it like everybody's going to see it well the day that my black scene came out like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00098-00055776-00056424 it went crazy bonkers the website crashed it was insane yeah it was like it broke all records +3vV2LOCz9NM-00099-00056424-00056767 and it hadn't even been out in the press yet this is i didn't make like press announcements it was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00100-00056767-00057328 really a viral kind of thing that rachel was gonna be in porn and she's gonna be on black and so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00101-00057328-00057888 that same saturday my scene came out cayden was filming drive she was filming the first +3vV2LOCz9NM-00102-00057888-00058432 scene of drive for which was the big feature film that was going to be that year and deeper it just +3vV2LOCz9NM-00103-00058432-00059000 really began four months earlier it launched four months earlier and she lost the co-star +3vV2LOCz9NM-00104-00059000-00059560 so to angela white angela white was the other lead and so she didn't she had such a time crunch +3vV2LOCz9NM-00105-00059640-00060240 um for like awards and stuff and so she uh didn't think that she was gonna be able to get it out in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00106-00060240-00060879 time and so she went on monday morning to vixen and said you know what i don't i don't know if +3vV2LOCz9NM-00107-00060879-00061272 we're going to be able to do this i lost the lead i what am i going to do i need somebody +3vV2LOCz9NM-00108-00061272-00061679 to have who can handle dialogue and everything and that's when vixen was like talk to maitland +3vV2LOCz9NM-00109-00061760-00062279 and that that afternoon we went to starbucks i'd read the script they sent it over and i was like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00110-00062279-00062688 wow this is exactly what i've been wanting to do like really scripted material that had a lot +3vV2LOCz9NM-00111-00062688-00063200 of good acting and i knew it'd be well directed and and it was just very exciting and so we met +3vV2LOCz9NM-00112-00063200-00063760 at starbucks and um we well the rest i didn't sign the contract right then we started working +3vV2LOCz9NM-00113-00063760-00064440 on drive but then drive blew up yeah drive was just another phenomenon yeah it was because that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00114-00064440-00065024 was announced to the direct that was announced to the press too so it was just going crazy the first +3vV2LOCz9NM-00115-00065024-00065479 days of drive when it was announced i beat bernie sanders heart attack so on google searches wow +3vV2LOCz9NM-00116-00065544-00066016 it was yeah it was a wild time and then shortly after that we really realized that we wanted to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00117-00066016-00066528 work together and do a lot of scripted material and i can't believe it's been three years since +3vV2LOCz9NM-00118-00066528-00067064 my contract yeah it's been wild but it's been wonderful and we've made some great projects +3vV2LOCz9NM-00119-00067064-00067544 and we have another feature project coming out so i'm that you know people can see right +3vV2LOCz9NM-00120-00067600-00067992 starting right now yeah yeah depending on the stairs i know they're announcing it tomorrow +3vV2LOCz9NM-00121-00067992-00068384 right yeah so we can't say whatever they can't really say a lot about it but i will say +3vV2LOCz9NM-00122-00068384-00068928 that it is like a metaphorical artistic sort of journey of my life it's like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00123-00069072-00069728 it's like natural born killers meets one division that's all i'll say wow yeah it's pretty cool +3vV2LOCz9NM-00124-00069728-00070272 it's pretty cool yeah so i guess let's back up a little bit um so you were doing sexy +3vV2LOCz9NM-00125-00070272-00070928 content on patreon yeah and i'm assuming just nude stuff well okay because first at first +3vV2LOCz9NM-00126-00070928-00071376 because patreon did change where they were like first you could put porn on there and then you +3vV2LOCz9NM-00127-00071376-00072112 could only put nude stuff on there yeah they did uh i i broke some rules back then i can say that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00128-00072176-00072648 but it was mostly yeah um because i started out just doing the nudes and stuff and that was all +3vV2LOCz9NM-00129-00072648-00073232 patreon and you know the sexy nude stuff and then i was like well girls i want to you know try stuff +3vV2LOCz9NM-00130-00073232-00073760 with girls and you know and do that and then so it was a progressive journey of like what who i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00131-00073760-00074216 was as a like a person who i was becoming in my sexuality and stuff and my husband was with me +3vV2LOCz9NM-00132-00074216-00074888 every step of the way in this we you know he was very supportive of everything um and we you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00133-00074888-00075424 it just eventually led to you know two men that i worked with in my content who were wonderful +3vV2LOCz9NM-00134-00075424-00076064 isaiah maxwell and danny mountain so so i was very lucky to get real professional yeah i mean right +3vV2LOCz9NM-00135-00076064-00076560 at the beginning because maybe if it hadn't gone as well and i hadn't had as much fun or i wasn't +3vV2LOCz9NM-00136-00076560-00077048 you know it was i felt very safe and comfortable and confident and stuff and i loved performing +3vV2LOCz9NM-00137-00077048-00077592 and i learned so much from them along the way so i really was you know lucky with that yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00138-00077592-00078296 so your first sex scene was with a girl yes and you know we have a mutual friend like el alexandra +3vV2LOCz9NM-00139-00078296-00079008 oh yeah she was okay she go go way back um before i was doing any porn or anything i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00140-00079008-00079496 doing setups i did international kiss a ginger day with her i was looking for somebody who i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00141-00079496-00080048 wanted to do a cute little yeah it is a day it's in january yeah but um so i was doing all those +3vV2LOCz9NM-00142-00080048-00080608 kind of setups for special days and stuff right but um somebody knew her i knew a producer that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00143-00080608-00081144 knew her and she was a fan of boy meets world and so we did the setup we did those cute pillow +3vV2LOCz9NM-00144-00081144-00081728 fights and little ginger by the end we were like doing super nude stuff and like we were getting +3vV2LOCz9NM-00145-00081728-00082304 like very hot and heavy in this stuff and she was like you know you are going to do something in the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00146-00082304-00082840 adult business one day and i was like oh i don't know i think this is just fun i was doing you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00147-00082840-00083432 photos and stuff but and then she was right and i did bring her back to do you know a scene or two +3vV2LOCz9NM-00148-00083432-00084064 a couple of scenes wow yeah and then i met people through her and i did some yeah so then i started +3vV2LOCz9NM-00149-00084064-00084592 doing like group girl and then you know kind of progressed like that and what was that wasn't your +3vV2LOCz9NM-00150-00084592-00085168 first time with a woman no no no on screen i mean yeah scream but yeah like yeah person no not with +3vV2LOCz9NM-00151-00085168-00085768 person no and that's something that's that was so great because i love women and and i've explored +3vV2LOCz9NM-00152-00085768-00086280 sexually with women and i finally felt like really accepted because every time like in my past i felt +3vV2LOCz9NM-00153-00086280-00086768 oh i have to hide like who i am sexually or i was uncomfortable with that and i shouldn't have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00154-00086768-00087264 been and actually now that i'm so out in the open with everything i'm finding that most people are +3vV2LOCz9NM-00155-00087264-00087936 really accepting and really supportive just of me living in my truth and so i think along the way +3vV2LOCz9NM-00156-00087936-00088456 it was silly to hide so much of myself yeah but yeah so that was that was really fun to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00157-00088456-00089016 you know just explore that way yeah yeah it feels like a common thread that we've seen with so many +3vV2LOCz9NM-00158-00089016-00089520 child stars especially that worked with disney that they you know yes that's true that's true +3vV2LOCz9NM-00159-00089520-00090080 you know in the public side like these overly sexualized women because they you know we always +3vV2LOCz9NM-00160-00090080-00090776 try to cast them as this you know innocent person right and um do you think that that's gonna change +3vV2LOCz9NM-00161-00090776-00091200 at all do you feel like it's different now i think it's different in other arenas i don't know about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00162-00091200-00091712 disney or disney channel i don't know if they're going to change really but i do see more um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00163-00091800-00092104 you know i do see people more people living in their truth and i think social media had a lot +3vV2LOCz9NM-00164-00092104-00092568 to do with that that people could really connect and like you see these people on tick tock and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00165-00092568-00093200 everything who just tell their truths and people accept them and and support them and i i feel that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00166-00093200-00093784 i feel that it is changing because i see so many younger people like in their 20s and 30s who are +3vV2LOCz9NM-00167-00093784-00094288 come up to me and women i'm always surprised with how many women come up and say i love your stuff +3vV2LOCz9NM-00168-00094344-00095032 i am so like ha you're you're an inspiration for like really expressing your sexuality and being so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00169-00095032-00095560 like proud of what you do and who you are and so i think that philosophy is changing it's the older +3vV2LOCz9NM-00170-00095656-00096272 set who generally is more shocked by it but you know i was i was talking to somebody because in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00171-00096272-00096736 the d back in the day they had to go into like back rooms to watch porn or get their +3vV2LOCz9NM-00172-00096736-00097384 dad's cassette whatever it was and so it was much more of a secretive thing and i think +3vV2LOCz9NM-00173-00097384-00098088 these generations have really grown up on the internet and having porn being so accepted and so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00174-00098088-00098608 i think it's just a normal thing for them which it is normal but um before it felt even more taboo +3vV2LOCz9NM-00175-00098608-00098952 yeah how do you think social media has helped in that sense like specifically i think people +3vV2LOCz9NM-00176-00098952-00099368 just connecting like i would not be anywhere if i did not have social media grown because +3vV2LOCz9NM-00177-00099368-00099896 i was told you cannot do certain things you're not going to be sexy nobody will pay for anything and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00178-00099896-00100312 it was it wasn't even just about paying for things i really didn't expect to make a lot of money or +3vV2LOCz9NM-00179-00100312-00100904 have such success i just wanted to express myself and finally be free so there was years that i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00180-00100904-00101432 not like you know benefiting financially a lot from this i mean i did comic cons and stuff but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00181-00101488-00102240 i really think just people being able to see someone as their authentic selves and you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00182-00102240-00102896 i think hollywood tries to separate us a lot from like they they want just certain kinds of people +3vV2LOCz9NM-00183-00102896-00103424 usually i mean that might be changing more now but they well people fit in like in certain types +3vV2LOCz9NM-00184-00103424-00103896 of roles but i think the audience is like they're interested in a lot more stuff than hollywood has +3vV2LOCz9NM-00185-00103896-00104528 to offer for them yeah i really saw that yeah i i definitely feel the same way it's like you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00186-00104528-00105024 before social media came along in the internet we were told by a small group of people in power +3vV2LOCz9NM-00187-00105024-00105440 that yeah exactly what i want to see yes that's exactly yeah and so that's what they put out and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00188-00105440-00105880 so that's what we see that's what yes we're like oh well this is what everybody wants because this +3vV2LOCz9NM-00189-00105880-00106520 is all i ever seen cosmopolitan's telling me that this is like what people want and then yeah when +3vV2LOCz9NM-00190-00106576-00107192 the internet came along um suddenly people could actually look and seek what they wanted to see +3vV2LOCz9NM-00191-00107192-00107696 right as opposed to like what they were just fed right and and then with social media people were +3vV2LOCz9NM-00192-00107696-00108200 able to interact directly and say like right i actually like this thing i don't necessarily like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00193-00108200-00108624 this thing even though we've been led to believe that you like this thing right like just like how +3vV2LOCz9NM-00194-00108624-00109159 the publicist told me you know no 25 year old only a 25 year old can be sexy and then he'll make him +3vV2LOCz9NM-00195-00109159-00109640 living at it and it's like they were wrong and so many of the most successful people in the adult +3vV2LOCz9NM-00196-00109640-00110216 industry are over the age of which is amazing too it's amazing it's so impressive yeah i mean for +3vV2LOCz9NM-00197-00110216-00110752 me i think it it speaks to you know women coming into their own and being comfortable in their own +3vV2LOCz9NM-00198-00110752-00111120 sexuality and i think the fans really respond to that yeah it usually doesn't happen for us +3vV2LOCz9NM-00199-00111120-00111511 until we're older i think yeah that's true you know comes along with like life experience and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00200-00111511-00111928 everything oh yeah yeah yeah and i really feel i couldn't have done it when i was younger i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00201-00111928-00112456 really needed to take a longer journey i was not confident enough of myself at all +3vV2LOCz9NM-00202-00112544-00113000 uh i had you know a lot of hang-ups i wasn't comfortable with my body or with you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00203-00113000-00113511 expressing myself like that even though i had desires for that i wasn't ready so i'm amazed that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00204-00113511-00113935 some young girls can come in and be so confident and like express themselves like that i would yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00205-00113935-00114528 i needed a lot of of years of discovery i guess yeah yeah now i can absolutely relate to that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00206-00114600-00115183 um so you were the only main cast member from boy meets world that did not appear on the 2014 +3vV2LOCz9NM-00207-00115183-00115600 spin-off girl meets world do you think your budding career in porn had something to do +3vV2LOCz9NM-00208-00115600-00116120 with that you know what i wasn't even doing porn at that time i was just doing my sexy pictures on +3vV2LOCz9NM-00209-00116120-00116592 instagram that were getting kicked off what do you think like it did absolutely did absolutely +3vV2LOCz9NM-00210-00116592-00116976 because you're saying the main cast members they had people that were like had little roles +3vV2LOCz9NM-00211-00116976-00117616 on the show come back yeah yeah and it was like um yeah it definitely they did not like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00212-00117616-00118183 that i had like this new sexy image and i was getting attention from it and i was getting a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00213-00118183-00118776 lot of press at the time a lot of press on like my red carpet appearances and uh the booby blogs +3vV2LOCz9NM-00214-00118776-00119264 were really big at that point and so i got a lot of attention from that and stuff and i was really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00215-00119264-00119792 having fun with that and i was wearing these sexy dresses and costumes my a lot of my cosplay stuff +3vV2LOCz9NM-00216-00119792-00120424 and uh yeah that just turned them the the wrong way they didn't like that yeah probably you would +3vV2LOCz9NM-00217-00120424-00120888 have taken away the spotlight from a lot of other people it could be and also in a in a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00218-00121016-00121432 i guess a more controversial way yeah in a way that they didn't want they didn't want yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00219-00121432-00122104 yeah but it's true yeah you wrote about growing up in a very um christian conservative household +3vV2LOCz9NM-00220-00122104-00122688 where sex was very much taboo do you think that that influenced how you viewed sex oh absolutely +3vV2LOCz9NM-00221-00122688-00123216 especially like my grandmother she was very conservative with her sexuality and christianity +3vV2LOCz9NM-00222-00123216-00123664 and everything like that i mean not to the point where some people have really conservative parents +3vV2LOCz9NM-00223-00123664-00124280 my parents they were very loving and and have become so open-minded and like so supportive of me +3vV2LOCz9NM-00224-00124280-00124735 and everything but i think everybody just wanted the best for me like i think there was a lot of +3vV2LOCz9NM-00225-00124735-00125128 people in hollywood who had bad intentions in that way to keep me in a box like that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00226-00125128-00125576 i think my parents just were so worried something would happen to me or and that i should you +3vV2LOCz9NM-00227-00125576-00125952 know follow a straight line and be good and like get you'll get everything you want and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00228-00125952-00126392 you know that kind of thing but um it definitely influenced me because i thought everything +3vV2LOCz9NM-00229-00126448-00126928 everything i thought about sex was like bad or it was like it was taboo it was naughty i can't +3vV2LOCz9NM-00230-00126928-00127583 you know do that but i also realized like as i went along i put a lot of that on myself +3vV2LOCz9NM-00231-00127583-00128080 like i would hear things of course my grandmother wouldn't want me to yeah she's in her grave now so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00232-00128256-00129000 but um uh i thought that people would react differently to me than they have when i'm when +3vV2LOCz9NM-00233-00129000-00129464 i express myself and how i you know wanted to be sexually and everything so i think i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00234-00129583-00130072 i came i came to terms that i was like responsible for a lot of like what i thought i just had such +3vV2LOCz9NM-00235-00130072-00130504 anxiety and hollywood put a lot on that too right so you were very surprised by +3vV2LOCz9NM-00236-00130504-00130880 the feedback that you got oh absolutely you expected people to like you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00237-00130935-00131320 be incredibly negative towards you all the things that you had heard from the people that you worked +3vV2LOCz9NM-00238-00131320-00131704 with in hollywood and then yeah the opposite was true yeah the opposite was true and i think that's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00239-00131704-00132144 true with a lot of things in life it doesn't just have to be porn or or hollywood or anything could +3vV2LOCz9NM-00240-00132144-00132632 you know people are especially women a lot are told you can't do something you can't be something +3vV2LOCz9NM-00241-00132632-00133064 no but people that are telling you no all the time don't want you to succeed +3vV2LOCz9NM-00242-00133064-00133768 or they would you know encourage you or help you you know but i did find a lot of people once i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00243-00133768-00134296 did speak that truth they were very accepting and supportive and they were interested you know i get +3vV2LOCz9NM-00244-00134296-00134872 a lot of people asking questions about porn and i think they feel i don't know they feel like not +3vV2LOCz9NM-00245-00134872-00135296 just my friends but are like fans and stuff like they feel like they know me a little better like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00246-00135296-00135688 i was in their living room and i've been in things that they know that are mainstream that aren't so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00247-00135744-00136240 you know scandalous but they're like i feel safe asking her certain questions and stuff so it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00248-00136240-00136592 it's cool i like when they do that that you know that's so true i've definitely gotten +3vV2LOCz9NM-00249-00136592-00137144 that feedback as well where people who grew up um you know with a lot of shame around sex when they +3vV2LOCz9NM-00250-00137200-00137656 they feel like they've connected someone to someone who works in the industry that it feels +3vV2LOCz9NM-00251-00137656-00138256 like a safe place to kind of talk about the things that yeah they're scared to talk about with other +3vV2LOCz9NM-00252-00138256-00138744 people right because everybody's kind of like if we would all just talk it wouldn't be so taboo and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00253-00138744-00139272 shameful and everything yeah in society but yeah and you talked about how like it's a safe haven +3vV2LOCz9NM-00254-00139272-00139776 for people to come that are that have different sexual interests or different just different than +3vV2LOCz9NM-00255-00139776-00140408 society would deem you you know um but i really do think it is it's it's the it's society +3vV2LOCz9NM-00256-00140408-00140888 that you know is is inflicting the pain and the taboo and and making people feel like they're +3vV2LOCz9NM-00257-00140888-00141360 other than or less than if they're in the adult industry and stuff yeah i've always said that i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00258-00141360-00141792 feel like the worst part the worst thing about the adult industry is the stigma that surrounds +3vV2LOCz9NM-00259-00141792-00142208 yeah that's what i mean that's exactly what i'm trying yeah yeah because it's it's like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00260-00142304-00142632 most i mean look everybody has different experiences in the adult industry some people have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00261-00142632-00143000 terrible experience oh yeah just like in hollywood yeah you get mixed up with the wrong people you +3vV2LOCz9NM-00262-00143000-00143504 can have awful experiences absolutely which is a terrible thing but i think you know so many people +3vV2LOCz9NM-00263-00143568-00144080 there are many people who have great experiences with the industry but the stigma that surrounds +3vV2LOCz9NM-00264-00144080-00144496 it makes it difficult for them to kind of like live their life outside right of the industry +3vV2LOCz9NM-00265-00144496-00145000 like difficulty dating their family disowns them they can't move on and get a different job +3vV2LOCz9NM-00266-00145000-00145544 yeah another like career were you afraid of any of those things when you got into porn +3vV2LOCz9NM-00267-00145544-00146032 uh you know what by the time i was doing it i was having success with my own content and stuff and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00268-00146032-00146528 it was kind of the patreon year and a half before i did anything professional porn was like a real +3vV2LOCz9NM-00269-00146528-00146888 training ground for me and it was kind of private i mean it was only the people that really followed +3vV2LOCz9NM-00270-00146888-00147368 me and there were a lot of them but you know as as opposed to like the vast society out there +3vV2LOCz9NM-00271-00147432-00148240 um so i i was a little worried but i think at that point in my life i had found success and i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00272-00148240-00148648 kind of like i had no [__] anymore when i was younger i would have been worried about stigmas +3vV2LOCz9NM-00273-00148648-00149096 and stuff you know somebody said to me wow you didn't even change your name and i was thinking +3vV2LOCz9NM-00274-00149096-00149504 that would have been worse for me can you imagine if somebody saw me on something and they were like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00275-00149504-00149984 she's going by some not your name now it's like everybody would be like i was hiding yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00276-00149984-00150480 that's true i mean that definitely speaks they'd especially think i was hiding like you know yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00277-00150480-00150864 because you're already out there you're in the public eye like you've been a celebrity and so you +3vV2LOCz9NM-00278-00150864-00151320 had to change your name yeah a little bit weird that would be weird and also i i thought it was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00279-00151320-00151832 really important that i did have my name and my persona out there especially by the time we did +3vV2LOCz9NM-00280-00151832-00152424 drive because i was so proud of like doing such a great feature film and having so much dialogue and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00281-00152424-00152984 this great role and stuff so i really uh you know i went to caden and i was like i want to announce +3vV2LOCz9NM-00282-00152984-00153440 this to the press it was oh but it's funny like everyone in mainstream and in hollywood was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00283-00153440-00153888 like people i knew from both places were like all in agreement that they were going to tear me apart +3vV2LOCz9NM-00284-00153888-00154352 in the press that was like are you sure you want to go to the press are you sure like you want to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00285-00154352-00154952 give interviews and stuff but i mean i had such a fortunate time with them like such supportive +3vV2LOCz9NM-00286-00154952-00155688 people and i was really really fortunate that um i knew a reporter at in touch and she wrote such a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00287-00155752-00156152 great headline like maitland is on her authentic journey i don't know exactly +3vV2LOCz9NM-00288-00156152-00156816 but it was like it was so amazing and that really kind of set the tone so interesting +3vV2LOCz9NM-00289-00156816-00157368 i just think about the way that journalism has changed over the years and the way that it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00290-00157368-00157840 you know i mean more so in the last few years than in the last few decades because +3vV2LOCz9NM-00291-00157840-00158304 you talk about that headline and how surprising that was to you that somebody from a mainstream +3vV2LOCz9NM-00292-00158304-00158720 publication would write about your journey in porn that you were discovering your authentic self +3vV2LOCz9NM-00293-00158720-00159248 rather than saying you're being victimized oh no young drugs or you know like whatever other +3vV2LOCz9NM-00294-00159248-00159896 nefarious thing that would be driving you towards that and i think about so um i was actually going +3vV2LOCz9NM-00295-00159896-00160344 through my mom's archival stuff from the 70s and i found all these old newspaper clippings +3vV2LOCz9NM-00296-00160344-00160680 when she was doing press about her book so she wrote a book oh my gosh +3vV2LOCz9NM-00297-00160776-00161600 yeah in 1976 i think is when it came out so like a couple years before i was born and just these +3vV2LOCz9NM-00298-00161600-00162400 newspaper uh headlines that i found like one of them was um the the lady behind those dirty skin +3vV2LOCz9NM-00299-00162400-00162984 mags what was it filthy skin mags and it was just and i was just like wow you know and this was like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00300-00163040-00163640 super common and and i just think about how there was just this automatic you know i mean god and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00301-00163640-00164168 some of the interviews she did they were so sexist oh god yeah oh my god the germans were just like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00302-00164232-00164776 what are your children going to think of you oh my god just and i just think about now how +3vV2LOCz9NM-00303-00164776-00165336 you can come out and you can like be celebrated i'm sure not by everybody because there's still +3vV2LOCz9NM-00304-00165336-00165896 people out there who think the porn industry is an evil place right i mean do you feel that maybe +3vV2LOCz9NM-00305-00165896-00166544 you're inspiring other people who have worked in mainstream to come out and express their authentic +3vV2LOCz9NM-00306-00166544-00166848 self if they might be interested in going down this path do you feel like you're maybe +3vV2LOCz9NM-00307-00166960-00167584 paving the way you know i i would hope so i it was funny i was talking to an a male actor +3vV2LOCz9NM-00308-00167584-00167968 uh the other week and he was saying well people say that you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00309-00168056-00168504 mainstream actors don't want to go into porn especially men because uh you know they don't +3vV2LOCz9NM-00310-00168504-00168800 want to be in the stigma of porn and all that he's like no we're just don't we're +3vV2LOCz9NM-00311-00168800-00169392 not confident in our dicks he's oh really we're the most unconfident people when it comes to our +3vV2LOCz9NM-00312-00169392-00169976 bodies like that so yeah it would take so i really think it takes a specific you know skill skill set +3vV2LOCz9NM-00313-00170104-00170736 and it's especially for the guys oh absolutely yeah for the guys yeah they don't yeah um but i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00314-00170736-00171408 would hope that more people are you know thinking about it i'm all for it here let's invite him in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00315-00171408-00171768 have you ever had and obviously not naming names have you ever had any mainstream celebrities +3vV2LOCz9NM-00316-00171768-00172184 come up to you and be like what's it like yes all the time thinking about it but like i'm +3vV2LOCz9NM-00317-00172184-00172720 too scared especially for only fans um not necessarily sight work although i did have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00318-00172776-00173264 one or two people women but talk about deeper stuff because they really liked +3vV2LOCz9NM-00319-00173264-00174008 and even maybe in non-sex roles too for for deeper but um yeah i i get a lot of people everyone wants +3vV2LOCz9NM-00320-00174008-00174464 to know like what is it like but only fans when that really blew up especially in the pandemic +3vV2LOCz9NM-00321-00174464-00174872 and everyone was doing it that's when i get questions from like random people like some +3vV2LOCz9NM-00322-00174872-00175248 mainstream like a couple that i knew like they wanna and they want to know what they could do +3vV2LOCz9NM-00323-00175248-00175776 without you know their faces or something and they they definitely wanted advice yeah yeah i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00324-00175776-00176160 know i get that a lot yeah oh i wanna do this but i don't wanna show my face yeah i'm kind of like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00325-00176232-00176712 i mean some people do that but ultimately if like if you're going to cash on the adult industry +3vV2LOCz9NM-00326-00176712-00177072 the stigma comes with it yeah and you got to like bear that burden +3vV2LOCz9NM-00327-00177072-00177496 yeah you know all right guys we're going to take a quick commercial break we're going to come back +3vV2LOCz9NM-00328-00177496-00177984 and of course we're going to talk about maitland's new book rated x so hang tight we'll be right back +3vV2LOCz9NM-00329-00178088-00178544 with all the bad news about prices these days it's nice to know that adam and eve is still offering +3vV2LOCz9NM-00330-00178544-00179280 the best deal out there adam and eve is your one stop shop for everything sexy it's got toys games +3vV2LOCz9NM-00331-00179280-00179912 movies and so much more whether you're single and looking to impress a new partner or you're +3vV2LOCz9NM-00332-00179912-00180472 in a relationship and you need to spice up your sex life adam and eve has what you need they've +3vV2LOCz9NM-00333-00180472-00180896 been at the top of the adult retail chain for decades and there's a reason for that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00334-00180960-00181400 now my listeners will get fifty percent off of any one item and that's not all +3vV2LOCz9NM-00335-00181400-00182040 you also get three bonus sexy items and six movies for free plus free shipping +3vV2LOCz9NM-00336-00182104-00182640 no matter what you choose from the privacy of your own home you can rest assured that it will +3vV2LOCz9NM-00337-00182640-00183544 be shipped to you in discrete packaging so go to adamandeve.com select any one item at 50 off plus +3vV2LOCz9NM-00338-00183544-00184248 enjoy three sexy gifts and free shipping with the code holly that's adamandeve.com and use +3vV2LOCz9NM-00339-00184248-00184872 code holly you have to use my code in order to get this special deal all right guys we are back +3vV2LOCz9NM-00340-00184872-00185616 so maitland you of course have just come out with your memoir rated x so what inspired you +3vV2LOCz9NM-00341-00185616-00186024 to write this book in the first place you know what i i'm not trying to say this to really like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00342-00186024-00186456 brag or anything but nobody really does have my story yeah and i really thought that it would be +3vV2LOCz9NM-00343-00186592-00187104 not only empowering for the adult industry which it is i believe um but also for anybody who's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00344-00187104-00187656 been told they can't do something in life or or they've been shamed for something and you know i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00345-00187656-00188080 just thought it could be a really empowering piece i didn't think i'd write it as quickly as i did i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00346-00188080-00188552 thought i would maybe start writing it around now or something because it was always in the future +3vV2LOCz9NM-00347-00188552-00189328 but i had actually done another podcast this was back in like the end of 2012 like when i first +3vV2LOCz9NM-00348-00189328-00189792 did this podcast and an agent heard me talk about how i love writing and i've been really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00349-00189792-00190296 into erotic writing in my past and i took two years of screenwriting at ucla and so i really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00350-00190296-00190840 was interested in that and i was interested in writing my story and so then she contacted me and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00351-00190840-00191592 we started like forming a proposal to put together and by like march of the 2021 uh that's when i got +3vV2LOCz9NM-00352-00191592-00192096 it so it's been a long process it's like coming out now but it's like wow i've been i've been at +3vV2LOCz9NM-00353-00192096-00192728 it since march of 2021 you know so did you start writing it before you got the deal no well yes +3vV2LOCz9NM-00354-00192728-00193200 and no i had a couple chapters that i that i yeah one was about anal sex which was a really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00355-00193272-00193736 which is in there but that was a real crowd pleaser amongst women they were like they loved it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00356-00193736-00194136 they were like loved hearing about that kind of stuff yeah i mean yeah i think anal sex is one +3vV2LOCz9NM-00357-00194136-00194552 of those things that people are so scared to try yeah but yeah it was just funny and i talked all +3vV2LOCz9NM-00358-00194552-00194992 about cleaning out and going stuff and they were just like this is fascinating yeah i mean there's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00359-00194992-00195384 a lot of preparation that goes into that people i think you know people don't realize it it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00360-00195384-00195896 like that movie magic right yeah like it's yeah there's there's behind the scenes going on here +3vV2LOCz9NM-00361-00195952-00196440 just you know step into the anal i mean some people do step into the anal step into the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00362-00196440-00196936 you know some people are ready for anal algae i found out i have less preparation time i have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00363-00197000-00197624 an expandable [__] really and i really discovered that yes it was funny i did my first +3vV2LOCz9NM-00364-00197624-00198264 on-screen anal with manuel he was so sweet he was like we're gonna take it slow we're gonna do this +3vV2LOCz9NM-00365-00198264-00198840 comfortable this way and it went in right away and just we didn't even stop the scene wow yeah yeah i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00366-00198840-00199224 know it was were you like proud of you i was so proud of myself afterwards i was like oh my god +3vV2LOCz9NM-00367-00199360-00199656 i was really worried ahead of time about yeah cleaning out and all that you know and then i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00368-00199656-00200224 found out i don't even need to clap that much i'm pretty good i can get it going i feel like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00369-00200224-00200664 some people just have an innate um talent for you i think it is no i think it's how you're +3vV2LOCz9NM-00370-00200664-00201208 shaped in there i really do it is because i did learn um that there are doctors who specialize +3vV2LOCz9NM-00371-00201208-00201864 in like ass surgery and you can literally get like your butthole so there's something about the anal +3vV2LOCz9NM-00372-00201864-00202384 cavity if you guys yeah there is like it's i heard this before yeah yeah um it's it can either go +3vV2LOCz9NM-00373-00202384-00202840 like depending on your body it might go straight back it might like go down it might right like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00374-00202840-00203288 whatever it does and then so people who obviously have a more kind of straight back thing it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00375-00203288-00203784 going to be more comfortable because the penis isn't going to like hit away right hit the wall +3vV2LOCz9NM-00376-00203784-00204296 everyone needs the visuals right here that's true no i think that's why some girls are just really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00377-00204296-00205008 good at animals yeah yeah and i guess i think also for i've heard from some women who prefer anal to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00378-00205008-00205688 vaginal that their their [__] definitely expands in a way um and is more malleable than their +3vV2LOCz9NM-00379-00205688-00206223 their vagina like their vagina can't really like accommodate girth and length the way that their +3vV2LOCz9NM-00380-00206223-00206736 their [__] can that's interesting yeah it's true i mean i've i've found i like it very much +3vV2LOCz9NM-00381-00206736-00207328 on camera so do you do more anal like did you discover that you enjoyed anal before you did oh +3vV2LOCz9NM-00382-00207328-00207944 yeah but i mean the porn dicks are like really big yeah yeah so it's a little different and you're on +3vV2LOCz9NM-00383-00207944-00208400 set with you you're worried if you're dirty or anything like that so you're like yeah so it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00384-00208400-00208960 um so that's what i was more worried about but now i'm yeah i've don't know they're always asking me +3vV2LOCz9NM-00385-00208960-00209464 to do anal on there i know that's the promise you do a good they're like super slope man literally +3vV2LOCz9NM-00386-00209784-00210288 so when you got the deal um did you like what was going through your head were you just like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00387-00210288-00210856 oh [__] i really have to write this now oh yeah yeah um yes no it came fast of course +3vV2LOCz9NM-00388-00210856-00211264 i wrote it over about four or five months five months maybe and then there was editing and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00389-00211264-00211919 stuff but it's been it's been pretty much in the can since the end of last year or whatever +3vV2LOCz9NM-00390-00211919-00212440 you know or no since the months ago let's just say because editing process took some +3vV2LOCz9NM-00391-00212440-00213032 time but yeah i kind of completed it around august of last year and then we edited it um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00392-00213032-00213616 but yeah and it's a weird experience a wonderful experience too but very cathartic and very uh +3vV2LOCz9NM-00393-00213760-00214184 you know it's just it's interesting to write about yourself that long ago too like yeah some of the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00394-00214184-00214704 porn stuff i felt i was i had more like it was right now so i could had it wasn't as hard to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00395-00214704-00215184 go back but like going back to my teen years and my childhood and remembering all of that in the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00396-00215184-00215840 boy meets world years and and just seeing who i was as a person and uh just things that i would +3vV2LOCz9NM-00397-00215840-00216400 have told myself back then like but then i was thinking i wouldn't have a story if i had told +3vV2LOCz9NM-00398-00216400-00216880 myself back then all the answers yeah so that is important for everyone to remember i think +3vV2LOCz9NM-00399-00216880-00217464 so were there like did you learn anything kind of new about yourself or were these like transcendent +3vV2LOCz9NM-00400-00217464-00218032 kind of moments did they come up writing it yeah and i also saw like certain relationships and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00401-00218032-00218696 um certain people in my life why i fell for them why i did certain things to please people it was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00402-00218696-00219223 and things relationships that i thought oh it was this way and then it was like wait no it was it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00403-00219223-00219736 was really this way it was kind of icky that where you know even on women's world i never +3vV2LOCz9NM-00404-00219736-00220312 like for for a good while i never realized how sexual my character was used on the show +3vV2LOCz9NM-00405-00220376-00220744 you know in a disney way of course it wasn't going to push the envelope too hard but i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00406-00220744-00221416 always like the butt of a sexual joke i mean one of my first episodes was a huge food fight with my +3vV2LOCz9NM-00407-00221416-00222023 feet on boy's faces and and throwing marinara sauce all over the floor and i'm looking back +3vV2LOCz9NM-00408-00222023-00222480 at him like whoever was in the office with this idea has a big fetish for food and feet +3vV2LOCz9NM-00409-00222616-00223064 i did not see it at the time but what was your uh writing process like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00410-00223136-00223632 um i went chapter by chapter and i definitely uh started out yeah i did it in order except for the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00411-00223632-00224112 couple chapters that i had written beforehand uh like about porn that i you know turned in with +3vV2LOCz9NM-00412-00224112-00224864 my proposals and stuff um it was i spent like four or five hours at a time like just really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00413-00224864-00225352 entrenched in this writing world but at the same time we were filming muse too last year +3vV2LOCz9NM-00414-00225416-00225904 so i was it was so at the end when i was getting it all finished to go i was filming and then i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00415-00225904-00226376 writing and then i was filming so it was like just a just crazy time like just getting everything out +3vV2LOCz9NM-00416-00226376-00227128 there but it really was exciting and it really motivated me deadlines motivate me so i listen +3vV2LOCz9NM-00417-00227128-00227584 yeah yeah deadlines are definitely very motivating they'll either make you like crawl under a rock +3vV2LOCz9NM-00418-00227584-00228008 and like never answer your phone or it'll make you get off your ass and actually do something yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00419-00228008-00228960 i think it works for me i like a deadline yeah um so you wrote a uh really interesting part about uh +3vV2LOCz9NM-00420-00228960-00229832 your yoni oh yeah with your husband which by the way i loved it um so tell us a little bit +3vV2LOCz9NM-00421-00229832-00230448 about that like what a yoni is for people that don't know just that we have vaginal and penis +3vV2LOCz9NM-00422-00230512-00230912 but it's not like a it's not a sexual thing it is but it's not it they're not like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00423-00231008-00231704 it's more like it's a yoga kind of thing and it's very tantric um so it's it's a very freeing +3vV2LOCz9NM-00424-00231704-00232280 process yeah i have to say you just you're open yourself up to so many emotions and so much +3vV2LOCz9NM-00425-00232384-00232912 it's it's stimulation but it's not the same as like having sex with somebody it just is it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00426-00232912-00233344 just a very interesting experience and i'm glad i had it i was very interested in tantric sex and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00427-00233344-00233960 stuff when i i did yoga teacher training okay yeah i've never taught but i really did it for myself +3vV2LOCz9NM-00428-00233960-00234616 and so i got really involved in like learning about tantric yeah and i was really interested in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00429-00234616-00235288 that so it was fun it was a good experience it is really interesting um you know how you how it does +3vV2LOCz9NM-00430-00235288-00236023 come across as a kind of like personal spiritual release right yes absolutely release absolutely +3vV2LOCz9NM-00431-00236023-00236488 so those two things can be but they find it yes yes that's why it's like more profound i guess +3vV2LOCz9NM-00432-00236544-00237096 and it's much more i believe personal to you it's it's more like a masturbation experience that's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00433-00237160-00237760 soulful except somebody's doing it right right and do you think that like maybe because you grew up +3vV2LOCz9NM-00434-00237760-00238208 in a conservative household and then like your years being a child actor +3vV2LOCz9NM-00435-00238208-00238760 you know with like disney and like being kind of having your sexuality suppressed for so many years +3vV2LOCz9NM-00436-00238760-00239119 do you think that maybe you had like a strong reaction i did just because of that i did +3vV2LOCz9NM-00437-00239119-00239616 i i had a much stronger reaction than my husband he had a good one but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00438-00239616-00240071 but that i had the spiritual like you know one but yeah that was actually true and i was finally +3vV2LOCz9NM-00439-00240071-00240680 i was finally really just able to enjoy this sexual experience of my own or with the person +3vV2LOCz9NM-00440-00240680-00241144 but uh that you know it just was so freeing and stuff so yeah and i love the like the kind of +3vV2LOCz9NM-00441-00241144-00241528 like back and forth between you and your husband you know just like kind of cracking jokes and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00442-00241528-00241912 also that he's like up that he didn't know what he was getting into no no no no i got him i get +3vV2LOCz9NM-00443-00241912-00242504 him involved in some things he's like what is this like but i'll try it yeah i have to say um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00444-00242504-00242967 my favorite line here was when he asked do you mean this girl is going to give me a happy ending +3vV2LOCz9NM-00445-00242967-00243416 and you said no i said this is yoga there are no happy endings just the journey +3vV2LOCz9NM-00446-00243480-00243976 just it's true but it's so true and i actually like that really made me think because +3vV2LOCz9NM-00447-00244040-00244536 you know every time i think i've reached some happy ending you know we're always like striving +3vV2LOCz9NM-00448-00244536-00244856 for something i don't know about you but sometimes i live in the future a little bit oh yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00449-00244856-00245312 yeah i'm like once i get this i'll be happy once and then you're happy then you're there and i'm +3vV2LOCz9NM-00450-00245312-00245823 like i'm not like feeling the way it was and then it was the next thing yeah and it and then but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00451-00245823-00246296 also too like when you take moments and reflect back which obviously you you did writing your book +3vV2LOCz9NM-00452-00246352-00246952 you see like you see the journey and the pers you know when you look back yeah wide angle zoom out +3vV2LOCz9NM-00453-00246952-00247432 yeah and you see the journey yes from perspective you're like it was like it was that whole process +3vV2LOCz9NM-00454-00247432-00247871 it was the whole thing it's that story so special yeah because i wouldn't be who i was today if +3vV2LOCz9NM-00455-00247952-00248416 all those things didn't happen you know so it was very special yeah and it's like you have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00456-00248416-00248808 like when you're young you think i need to do this i need to like you were saying i need to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00457-00248808-00249480 have these certain goals and get this job and this man or woman or whatever um but then along the way +3vV2LOCz9NM-00458-00249480-00250128 all the missteps and mishaps and things that went wrong and things you you know you did wrong and um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00459-00250128-00250696 mistakes that you made they all make your story and it makes it so much more fulfilling when you +3vV2LOCz9NM-00460-00250696-00251160 find success and you find yourself it really is yeah after those i've always found that like those +3vV2LOCz9NM-00461-00251160-00251760 low moments in my life set me up for some like really great achievement yeah it is it's the lower +3vV2LOCz9NM-00462-00251760-00252176 moments and i try to remember that when those low moments come yeah yeah this is hard to remember in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00463-00252176-00252792 the moment hard though it's so hard but you know if if you can i try to like see everything now +3vV2LOCz9NM-00464-00252792-00253152 as a challenge rather than a problem like okay this is a challenge or like a learning experience +3vV2LOCz9NM-00465-00253152-00253608 this is wonderful i get to solve this yeah i get to solve this problem this is a wonderful +3vV2LOCz9NM-00466-00253608-00254176 lesson in patience yeah stuff like that i think it's easier though when you're older you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00467-00254176-00254552 when you're young it's like you don't even know who you are in the world so everything is that's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00468-00254552-00254984 disappointing seems so heartbreaking that's what i'm saying tell younger people it's going to be +3vV2LOCz9NM-00469-00254984-00255471 your story if you hang in there and you just keep going you're on your journey yeah do you feel more +3vV2LOCz9NM-00470-00255471-00256056 comfortable with yourself now as an older woman oh yeah yeah i do i do too and yeah when i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00471-00256056-00256384 younger i thought it would be the worst thing in the world because hollywood told me that too +3vV2LOCz9NM-00472-00256440-00257032 i thought at 25 i had i was old like when on our 23 i was like aging no i guess after white chicks +3vV2LOCz9NM-00473-00257032-00257671 i really felt like um yeah so like in my later 20s i was like i'm done you know it's i'm over +3vV2LOCz9NM-00474-00257671-00258240 and i you know so but then now i feel like i'm so much more empowered yeah and stuff so yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00475-00258240-00258752 i definitely feel that way i you know i i work with a lot of young women yeah oh i'm sure and um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00476-00258752-00259288 you know they they feel old at 20 i remember i know whenever they say i know i'm just like but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00477-00259288-00259608 then i also think too when i'm like you're not old i'm old and i'm thinking about some +3vV2LOCz9NM-00478-00259608-00260048 six-year-old woman who's like [__] you're not old i'm all right right right it's all it's not +3vV2LOCz9NM-00479-00260048-00260464 it's perspective but i remember turning 25 and being like i'm a quarter century i know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00480-00260696-00261319 yeah and you know it's so funny because my 30th birthday was so hard for me because i remember +3vV2LOCz9NM-00481-00261319-00261823 being a kid so you know my mom was a photographer yeah and shot for playboy and penthouse and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00482-00261823-00262432 hustler and and sometimes when we would go shoot abroad um she would bring her family and of course +3vV2LOCz9NM-00483-00262432-00262760 she'd go shoot somewhere else she wouldn't shoot where we were staying but i'd stay with my dad +3vV2LOCz9NM-00484-00262816-00263600 and i remember being with like a couple of models um and i was maybe seven or eight at the time or +3vV2LOCz9NM-00485-00263600-00264016 something like that very young and the guy said to me one of the male models was like oh my +3vV2LOCz9NM-00486-00264016-00264640 god i'm so old and i'm like how old are you and he's like oh i'm 29. and me thinking that i was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00487-00264640-00265240 being so like giving by saying this i said it's okay 29's not old you're not old 30 that's when +3vV2LOCz9NM-00488-00265240-00265880 you're old he's like right have a year but in my mind i was like being so gracious by saying that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00489-00266080-00266720 closer i got to 30. i just feel like oh my god i am in the eyes of my younger self i know it's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00490-00266720-00267144 so that's funny i had a story like that on when i was on bowling beautiful a guy who's my great +3vV2LOCz9NM-00491-00267144-00267864 friend to this day he was like i was only 16 17 and he was uh i'll tell you he like said how old +3vV2LOCz9NM-00492-00267864-00268344 do i look and i was like the first time i met first time we were on a scene together +3vV2LOCz9NM-00493-00268344-00268936 and i was like i don't know like whatever i said i said a younger age i write i write it in the book +3vV2LOCz9NM-00494-00268936-00269496 but he's like oh that's great i'm 20 i'm turning 29. i don't want to look that old because i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00495-00269632-00269968 it was so funny now we look back on that and it's like oh my god i know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00496-00269968-00270584 right you were turning 29. i know it's just yeah i mean perspective is everything so um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00497-00270648-00271224 you write about uh your husband uh oh yes in the book of course um so tell us a little bit about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00498-00271224-00271656 your relationship because you guys have an open relationship no we don't have an open relationship +3vV2LOCz9NM-00499-00271656-00272216 okay yeah everybody thinks that that's what we were doing i fulfill all my sexual experiences +3vV2LOCz9NM-00500-00272216-00272640 on camera for the you know what i've had girls and stuff and he's very open with that but he +3vV2LOCz9NM-00501-00272704-00273416 he's monogamous and um this was so much about my wanting to not only go on a sexual journey but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00502-00273416-00273800 performing and stuff i just love it and i love doing it and it's it's really a safe +3vV2LOCz9NM-00503-00273800-00274248 outlet for me to you know experience all these things that i might not in a marital +3vV2LOCz9NM-00504-00274248-00274664 bedroom that you know because it's more normal and it's more intimate and stuff +3vV2LOCz9NM-00505-00274664-00275328 i'm you know swinging on the chandeliers and stuff yeah in the dungeons and all this you know um so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00506-00275328-00275912 that was a really important thing that we kind of started out doing this together like he was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00507-00275912-00276408 helping film for he was helping he did he's a good photographer too so he did a lot of my early +3vV2LOCz9NM-00508-00276408-00276800 you know instagram and snapchats and stuff with my sexy photos and you know things +3vV2LOCz9NM-00509-00276856-00277368 but he was there along the way when i started doing content shoots and and we really grew +3vV2LOCz9NM-00510-00277368-00277776 and this journey you know we took together i mean he doesn't go on the professional sets now +3vV2LOCz9NM-00511-00277856-00278464 but um but yeah it was important that he saw me in that environment and you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00512-00278568-00279112 sexually performing and everything and how much that i loved it but no we don't no we're pretty +3vV2LOCz9NM-00513-00279112-00279672 pretty normal in our regular lives can i read an excerpt from your book where you talk about um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00514-00279752-00280192 how you talk about how he's not a cuck because i'm sure that's probably something that yes you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00515-00280192-00280704 men are so like the idea of sharing their woman with other people is like so foreign to so many +3vV2LOCz9NM-00516-00280704-00281256 people um so you wrote my husband is not a cuck contrary to what the internet or you may believe +3vV2LOCz9NM-00517-00281256-00281616 not there's anything wrong with this particular kink and lifestyle but it is in ours +3vV2LOCz9NM-00518-00281672-00282088 the thing is especially insulting about the cuck assumption is that my sexual constitution +3vV2LOCz9NM-00519-00282088-00282504 is authored by my husband's desires that it would be impossible for a woman to do these +3vV2LOCz9NM-00520-00282504-00283032 things on her own and even more impossible that a husband who wasn't jerking off to it would let her +3vV2LOCz9NM-00521-00283032-00283480 even in the most open-minded circles the immediate assumption is that i wouldn't be doing any of it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00522-00283480-00283976 if my husband's [__] didn't benefit in some way that really takes power away from a woman's story +3vV2LOCz9NM-00523-00283976-00284464 yeah and that really when anybody makes that assumption i mean of course i i see +3vV2LOCz9NM-00524-00284464-00284792 why they do it because they don't know but uh when they make that assumption that's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00525-00284880-00285304 insulting to me because i'm this is my thing and this is what i love to do and i work +3vV2LOCz9NM-00526-00285304-00285832 really hard as a performer and uh and i've you know had the success all this time and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00527-00285928-00286328 you know it just because he wants to jerk off to it that's why i'm doing this that's why i'm taking +3vV2LOCz9NM-00528-00286328-00286760 this journey that's why i'm you know performing for deeper that's why i'm doing all this stuff +3vV2LOCz9NM-00529-00286760-00287168 that's that's what's insulting about it because i don't care if you're a cuck or whatever you want +3vV2LOCz9NM-00530-00287168-00287808 to do but it's that he would have to benefit in order for me to have success in the adult +3vV2LOCz9NM-00531-00287808-00288328 industry and stuff yeah that speaks so much to my frustration about the question that i so often get +3vV2LOCz9NM-00532-00288328-00288768 is isn't porn demeaning to women and i'm always like well how come you never ask about it being +3vV2LOCz9NM-00533-00288768-00289296 demeaning to men it's always the yeah and that assumption for me i feel like paints the women +3vV2LOCz9NM-00534-00289296-00289792 automatically as victims yeah they don't have their own agency um they couldn't possibly be +3vV2LOCz9NM-00535-00289792-00290400 sexual beings on of their own volitions yes they could possibly be exhibitionists they must have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00536-00290400-00291080 been forced into this position by a boyfriend or an agent or whatever right and i agree it really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00537-00291080-00291680 takes power away from women when you when you automatically like put us in that that that box of +3vV2LOCz9NM-00538-00291680-00292176 like you must be a victim you must be damaged like you must be all of these things because like women +3vV2LOCz9NM-00539-00292176-00292640 don't enjoy sex out in the open like that yeah i think it's changing more and more though i really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00540-00292640-00293104 see it with the younger people coming up there younger women who just like i said they come up to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00541-00293104-00293664 me and it's it's really empowering like i had such a nice girl lady she was she must have been about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00542-00293664-00294248 30 and she had she had a kid and a husband and she came up to me and she was um she said i'm such a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00543-00294248-00294816 fan of your work and i was like oh she must like boy meets world you know and she's like you and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00544-00294816-00295480 kayden are my favorites and her husband's like yep she loves you guys so i was like that is so cool +3vV2LOCz9NM-00545-00295568-00296000 i i completely thought it was a boy meets world thing yeah but she might have watched me there too +3vV2LOCz9NM-00546-00296000-00296424 i don't know but and it's kind of great though right to like yeah you have like a different +3vV2LOCz9NM-00547-00296424-00296864 evolving fan base now that didn't necessarily follow you that that doesn't necessarily there +3vV2LOCz9NM-00548-00296864-00297416 must be something rewarding about people who enjoy maitland ward as who you are now and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00549-00297416-00297864 the work you're making now not as opposed to somebody who was in boy meets world right and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00550-00297864-00298504 now is doing this yeah because sometimes i feel like i don't know i think it's cool when guys are +3vV2LOCz9NM-00551-00298560-00298976 mostly guys but there's some girls that they say you know they're happy they got my fleshlights and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00552-00298976-00299480 everything because they've been masturbating to me for all these decades i'm like that is a feat +3vV2LOCz9NM-00553-00299480-00300128 that is a success and they never thought they'd see me naked they love it um what i also too love +3vV2LOCz9NM-00554-00300128-00300536 about this this paragraph from your story about your relationship with your husband is that it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00555-00300536-00301064 also speaks to like so my parents were swingers but my mom is definitely like the more dominant +3vV2LOCz9NM-00556-00301064-00301736 um experimenter in the family and and it was she was definitely the one going out there more often +3vV2LOCz9NM-00557-00301736-00302480 and having sex with people and my dad was not yeah and um so yeah and and i think some people would +3vV2LOCz9NM-00558-00302480-00303080 see that as like oh you know my father is like submissive to her but like that that's not the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00559-00303080-00303640 case at all like the one of the only people that my mom listens to is my dad um and there's so much +3vV2LOCz9NM-00560-00303640-00304024 power that he holds like behind the scenes and she really like values his opinion and he's the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00561-00304024-00304464 one who built her business so i don't know i just saw like a parallel with my parents really yeah in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00562-00304464-00304904 there so i really liked that oh yeah he was so instrumental in building you know help with my +3vV2LOCz9NM-00563-00304904-00305216 brand and stuff and we didn't know what we were doing really in the beginning we were just like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00564-00305216-00305688 let's take fun photos and let's do it you know you know things that i just wanted to do and i showed +3vV2LOCz9NM-00565-00305688-00306200 just aspects of my personality in this and i loved being sexy and all that stuff and then it just +3vV2LOCz9NM-00566-00306200-00306752 sort of snowballed and evolved but we you know we really grew together with it yeah and i think +3vV2LOCz9NM-00567-00306752-00307248 it also says something i personally think it says a lot about a man contrary to like public opinion +3vV2LOCz9NM-00568-00307248-00307736 that who can feel comfortable with you having sex with other people and not be afraid that like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00569-00307736-00308208 he's gonna lose you too like because some you had sex with some guy with a huge dick like oh i'm so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00570-00308272-00308688 um you know insecure in my relationship that like my wife's gonna leave me because she had +3vV2LOCz9NM-00571-00308688-00309216 sex with this one guy because then it speaks to the idea that like a relationship is is only about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00572-00309216-00309760 yeah it's only but right there's so much more gosh all this stuff and yeah and it's not so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00573-00309760-00310248 i kind of see like yeah i don't know i see those relationships in the opposite yeah oh +3vV2LOCz9NM-00574-00310248-00310720 yeah i do too i do too and i'm you know i hope most more people see it like that so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00575-00310720-00311112 well i think coming out and like speaking openly about that is like so incredibly helpful yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00576-00311112-00311424 i really wanted to say that yeah i really wanted to get that across because so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00577-00311480-00312064 you know women can feel very sexually empowered in their own sexuality and not because of a man +3vV2LOCz9NM-00578-00312064-00312760 yeah yeah no i love that um so uh i want to talk a little bit more about uh your relationship +3vV2LOCz9NM-00579-00312760-00313384 with cayden and the work that you guys have been doing together so uh were you kind of +3vV2LOCz9NM-00580-00313520-00314256 so you know there's always this joke that porn and it's you know to be fair it's a legitimate joke +3vV2LOCz9NM-00581-00314256-00314752 most of the time is that porn is just like really bad acting and like the pizza guy with like oh +3vV2LOCz9NM-00582-00314752-00315160 yeah that's what i saw you know what i mean and it's like you can never make a good porn movie +3vV2LOCz9NM-00583-00315160-00315504 they're the acting's always terrible everything's always bad i know that's what they oh yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00584-00315504-00316144 and um i think that your work with cayden has shown that to not be true so were you really +3vV2LOCz9NM-00585-00316144-00316832 excited to be able to take this other talent that you've you know had yes and and apply it in your +3vV2LOCz9NM-00586-00316832-00317264 new career and did you think that that experience was ever going to come out no it came about very +3vV2LOCz9NM-00587-00317264-00317808 fast but uh i remember i was on the black set and i had a script on there and stuff and it was it +3vV2LOCz9NM-00588-00317808-00318200 was fun i hadn't really acted in a long time and i remember somebody on the set was like you're +3vV2LOCz9NM-00589-00318200-00318712 a really good actress and i was like oh thanks you're like i won't even do it no but i mean no +3vV2LOCz9NM-00590-00318712-00319136 but it was it was it was heartening to me it was like you know oh because i hadn't been told that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00591-00319136-00319720 in a long long time right and then to be swept up and drive and deeper it was so exciting i did not +3vV2LOCz9NM-00592-00319720-00320208 know that the features like that existed really well saying they didn't really exist oh yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00593-00320352-00321064 until recently i think cayden's really um oh yeah some some big headway oh definitely +3vV2LOCz9NM-00594-00321064-00321496 definitely but um yeah i so i didn't know that that was possible and just when i got +3vV2LOCz9NM-00595-00321496-00321976 her script on my desk that you know that monday morning after black i was just like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00596-00321976-00322432 wow this is full-on script this is exactly like like an independent film that i would read or a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00597-00322432-00322944 film script that you know for mainstream i mean um uh so it was really exciting and i was like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00598-00323024-00323552 so we were we've been able to make such like great lengthy projects i mean i have more lines in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00599-00323552-00323984 these projects than i like ever had on shows or movies or anything +3vV2LOCz9NM-00600-00324048-00324496 i mean i have three-page monologues at times you know she said she i remember her once saying that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00601-00324496-00324936 she sent you like a three-page monologue like the night before yeah yeah that was so but that was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00602-00324936-00325584 for secretary uh for a scene in mistress maitland the first one uh and it was on yes it was like i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00603-00325584-00326168 think it was valentine's night too and i was doing some cute little like web show or whatever or for +3vV2LOCz9NM-00604-00326168-00326696 camp soda or something like that or only fans but uh she yeah she gave it to me and she's like here +3vV2LOCz9NM-00605-00326696-00327280 it was like midnight she gave it to me i was like it was like yeah it was funny but i did it i did +3vV2LOCz9NM-00606-00327280-00327896 it and it was really good that was a really great scene were you surprised by what the movie looked +3vV2LOCz9NM-00607-00327896-00328504 like after it came out oh yes that's why it was so drive you mean or at the end yeah um i was so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00608-00328504-00329040 impressed and i saw the trailer for it and i was like i have to announce this i have to tell the +3vV2LOCz9NM-00609-00329040-00329576 process this is something that is monumental and has not been done before i've never seen anything +3vV2LOCz9NM-00610-00329576-00330152 like this yeah in this full-length feature that is just it's like a cinematic experience no i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00611-00330152-00330696 remember seeing the trailer and i was like okay i'm done forget it i'm done i quit i'm out of here +3vV2LOCz9NM-00612-00330856-00331384 yeah i know she's done some incredible work it's uh it's really impressive so um you have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00613-00331384-00332024 a new feature that's coming out it's going to be announced tomorrow sadly we can't right now but um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00614-00332024-00332696 do you have other projects in the works are you ever looking to do anything behind the camera are +3vV2LOCz9NM-00615-00332696-00333256 you interested i am yeah you know which i actually wrote several scenes and co-directed too okay not +3vV2LOCz9NM-00616-00333256-00333880 on deeper but it's on the other brands too okay um so yeah she's been very encouraging of me to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00617-00333880-00334336 do more directing so maybe this next year i'll be more writing and directing so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00618-00334336-00335024 yeah it's fun uh i i lean more like i'm a writer so i i feel that is like more of my passion but +3vV2LOCz9NM-00619-00335024-00335656 i i'm finding i really like to like how how it's set up and she shows me how to do shots and how to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00620-00335656-00336208 you know all the uh technical aspects and stuff so i would definitely like to uh work under +3vV2LOCz9NM-00621-00336208-00336888 her in that at first just to do more but yeah i did co-direct some some scenes but on the other +3vV2LOCz9NM-00622-00336888-00337408 brands and stuff for vixen did you find the most challenging thing about directing well i had help +3vV2LOCz9NM-00623-00337408-00337936 definitely from our cinematographer and also uh you know it's all about your crew man i mean yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00624-00337936-00338504 oh i know yeah and i realized that i was always scared like you have to do everything but right +3vV2LOCz9NM-00625-00338504-00339032 if you have a great crew we have an amazing crew yeah so that was really cool to like talk about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00626-00339032-00339480 like what shots i wanted and how i wanted it to be and it was so weird because i the first +3vV2LOCz9NM-00627-00339480-00339952 one that i did when i wrote out the script i was like it was so amazing to see it up on its feet +3vV2LOCz9NM-00628-00340024-00340384 and and everything so it was really cool it was really cool so yeah i'd like to do more of that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00629-00340488-00341096 um in 2020 you were invited to be a guest on tamron hall and uh from you're telling in the book +3vV2LOCz9NM-00630-00341096-00341496 the interview was supposed to be a sex positive interview about your journey from hollywood to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00631-00341496-00342008 porn but then last minute they took it in a very different direction with tamarind even mentioning +3vV2LOCz9NM-00632-00342008-00342704 sex trafficking yes i was shocked there and you know what i don't know if she was purposely trying +3vV2LOCz9NM-00633-00342704-00343144 to do anything to me she just i don't think she didn't understand yeah it wasn't like she +3vV2LOCz9NM-00634-00343144-00343696 hated me or she was mean to me or whatever and but the producers misled me on that and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00635-00343696-00344168 they made it like oh we love your story because it was after you know it was right after drive +3vV2LOCz9NM-00636-00344168-00344488 and everything and all the press that i had gotten so they wanted to have me on the show +3vV2LOCz9NM-00637-00344544-00344984 and then i just couldn't believe that like she was talking asking me if i'm worried to be sex +3vV2LOCz9NM-00638-00344984-00345584 trafficked on instagram or something and i was like what like and i but i handled it i handled +3vV2LOCz9NM-00639-00345584-00346088 it i knew in that moment i needed to be a champion for the sex industry and i even like nudged in +3vV2LOCz9NM-00640-00346088-00346480 there i'm like oh but the female directors are like some of the most award-winning and we have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00641-00346480-00346968 fooling scripts and we do and but then it was kept trying to be edged away from that to like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00642-00346968-00347416 but are you worried that if you take a picture online it's going to be you know +3vV2LOCz9NM-00643-00347480-00348024 used for bad purposes and i was thinking why is she asking me this because that would be kind of +3vV2LOCz9NM-00644-00348024-00348576 weird yeah like they're going to take my picture yeah and she was also asking like am i worried +3vV2LOCz9NM-00645-00348576-00349200 about like kids being you know taken i'm like what does this have to do with my story yeah i think +3vV2LOCz9NM-00646-00349200-00349672 yeah there's a lot of misunderstanding around like that's not legitimate porn that's no that's +3vV2LOCz9NM-00647-00349672-00350288 a whole other bad deal yeah and there's a lot of hysteria around it um and i mean they're they're +3vV2LOCz9NM-00648-00350288-00350856 and anybody who knows who works in this in the adult industry and who especially works +3vV2LOCz9NM-00649-00350856-00351512 in the mainstream channels that you do like we are not about sex trafficking oh it's strict +3vV2LOCz9NM-00650-00351576-00352168 are absolutely we dislike it as much as we can yeah we don't want it no no at all that's why +3vV2LOCz9NM-00651-00352168-00352656 it's so offensive yeah and i but i don't think she was trying to be totally offensive i think she was +3vV2LOCz9NM-00652-00352656-00353072 just she just didn't understand and uh you know and i hope to talk to her again about +3vV2LOCz9NM-00653-00353144-00353536 what we talked about like i just have a bigger conversation about it yeah i think the problem +3vV2LOCz9NM-00654-00353536-00354024 is that people like they see the porn industry and they lump everything into one yeah you know i mean +3vV2LOCz9NM-00655-00354024-00354520 there's there's nefarious sides of every industry i mean you come from hollywood i'm sure you've +3vV2LOCz9NM-00656-00354520-00355160 heard oh yeah horrible stories i've you know uh talked to girls who were fashion models and they +3vV2LOCz9NM-00657-00355160-00355688 said they were exploited and sexually harassed a lot of ways a lot of models by photographers +3vV2LOCz9NM-00658-00355688-00356176 and stuff yeah in the fashion industry that ever were an adult right but it's just like this whole +3vV2LOCz9NM-00659-00356176-00356736 misconception that like and again i think it comes down to the whole like yeah you must have been sex +3vV2LOCz9NM-00660-00356736-00357192 trafficked into this job because you couldn't possibly want to do it on your own right and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00661-00357192-00357728 yeah i just and i think that's really helpful for people like you to come into this industry to do +3vV2LOCz9NM-00662-00357728-00358136 the work that you do to show that like somebody you know because people would probably have +3vV2LOCz9NM-00663-00358136-00358688 probably said to you like you had options you had other things you could have done you chose this um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00664-00358688-00359288 and you did you chose yes and i think that that really gives power to the choice of like a woman +3vV2LOCz9NM-00665-00359288-00359776 wanting to be in the adult industry as a sexual creature so i guess i'm just trying to say i +3vV2LOCz9NM-00666-00359776-00360360 apologize oh thank you i really try not to i'm not ashamed but i never play into a shame card +3vV2LOCz9NM-00667-00360360-00360776 like and i think that stops them talking because if they say and they're just what are we going to +3vV2LOCz9NM-00668-00360776-00361184 do if she's not ashamed she's happy she's proud she's you know yeah all this stuff you should be +3vV2LOCz9NM-00669-00361184-00361808 ashamed something else in my notes about like a sexually empowered confident woman yeah it's like +3vV2LOCz9NM-00670-00362064-00362760 um anything else in uh the book that you're really excited about i'm excited i'm just excited people +3vV2LOCz9NM-00671-00362760-00363152 to read it and everything and i'm excited for them to see my journey in porn you know just +3vV2LOCz9NM-00672-00363152-00363632 how i got there and i think people had a lot of questions all along and um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00673-00363632-00364168 i think a lot of them all of them will be answered all of the questions will be answered in this book +3vV2LOCz9NM-00674-00364168-00364656 so and it's fun too it's not it's it's sexy and it's serious in parts but then it's fun +3vV2LOCz9NM-00675-00364712-00365208 it's a there's a lot of funny parts and things and all my you know how i got into the business and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00676-00365208-00365792 all these you know little mishaps and things it's cute i mean because ultimately you know i mean we +3vV2LOCz9NM-00677-00365792-00366216 we work a professional job and we're serious about work but like the porn industry is like kind of a +3vV2LOCz9NM-00678-00366216-00366800 funny place too it is like i know like i i just i have so much fun and like ridiculous [__] +3vV2LOCz9NM-00679-00366800-00367352 happens and it's hilarious yeah it was it is it's and i think people need to see that more yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00680-00367424-00367976 yeah um tell us about your you have an upcoming signing in new york yes correct +3vV2LOCz9NM-00681-00367976-00368648 yes and uh it's going to be on september 15th at um powerhouse in brooklyn so powerhouse arena +3vV2LOCz9NM-00682-00368648-00369096 so uh with cayden kaden will be there and she's been at my barnes and noble signing +3vV2LOCz9NM-00683-00369176-00369800 fantastic and um where can people uh will you be doing like a reading there will you be yeah i'm +3vV2LOCz9NM-00684-00369800-00370264 not exactly sure question and answer and people can definitely take pictures and you know i'll +3vV2LOCz9NM-00685-00370264-00370680 sign the books and meet people and everything so yeah it'll be and i think we're going to read some +3vV2LOCz9NM-00686-00370680-00371184 excerpts and you know she'll do the moderating question and answer thing so it'll be fun +3vV2LOCz9NM-00687-00371288-00371632 well thank you so much for coming on oh thank you so much it's wonderful +3vV2LOCz9NM-00688-00371632-00372224 yes um can you tell everyone where they can find you online maybe where they can buy your book well +3vV2LOCz9NM-00689-00372224-00372832 they can buy it anywhere like barnes noble amazon any book sailor and when it's out go to an ebook +3vV2LOCz9NM-00690-00372832-00373400 store and go get it but um yeah maitland ward my name is pretty much for everything +3vV2LOCz9NM-00691-00373400-00374040 all my social media and stuff so it's just at maitland yes yes you came in early i got that name +3vV2LOCz9NM-00692-00374040-00374592 yeah i actually had to write i had to get it back from somebody originally they had it so but on +3vV2LOCz9NM-00693-00374592-00375280 twitter i mean so i had to make it back through legal action yeah yeah a while back but yeah so +3vV2LOCz9NM-00694-00375280-00375768 that's easy so everybody can find you at maitland ward twitter instagram yeah are you on tick tock +3vV2LOCz9NM-00695-00375824-00376560 i am on tick tock i'm trying tik talk i i have a little i know i'm um i'm just i haven't announced +3vV2LOCz9NM-00696-00376560-00376960 it like fully but it's maitland talk maitland ward was taken there and i'm working on that +3vV2LOCz9NM-00697-00377120-00377688 but uh yeah so i'm just kind of trying it out it's it's such a different thing like it is +3vV2LOCz9NM-00698-00377688-00378168 making the videos and everything yeah yeah when i first got on tick tock and i was like i can't +3vV2LOCz9NM-00699-00378168-00378640 do this i'm not gonna do any stupid dances i know i i don't do that i know i it's like it's so hard +3vV2LOCz9NM-00700-00378824-00379232 it is um it is a huge platform though it is though i know that's why i'm kind of +3vV2LOCz9NM-00701-00379232-00379688 like trying to see i tried to i tried to i don't shake it off for a long time too +3vV2LOCz9NM-00702-00379760-00380144 yeah i'm too old for this [__] and i'm like [__] my tears there's so many people +3vV2LOCz9NM-00703-00380144-00380512 on there i know i know my tick tock's holly randall and filtered you can find me there +3vV2LOCz9NM-00704-00380608-00381120 yeah all right well again maitland thank you so much oh thank you so much it was so much fun +3vV2LOCz9NM-00705-00381120-00381688 yeah i know you're amazing um and of course you guys can find me at holly randle on instagram and +3vV2LOCz9NM-00706-00381688-00382272 on twitter and like i said my tick tock is holly randall unfiltered for now until they delete me um +3vV2LOCz9NM-00707-00382272-00382712 have you been deleted a couple times no but i get warnings off i was gonna say and they're like yeah +3vV2LOCz9NM-00708-00382712-00383248 your content violates community guidelines and i'm just like literally the girl was talking +3vV2LOCz9NM-00709-00383248-00383808 about being proud of her curves we didn't even talk about porn but oh my god um and of course +3vV2LOCz9NM-00710-00383808-00384360 if you want to support this podcast and watch these uh interviews live go to patreon.com holly +3vV2LOCz9NM-00711-00384360-00385384 randall unfiltered thank you guys so much for joining us we'll see you next week you +3BxKc31xBFM-00000-00000361-00000878 What is up guys karma medic here and welcome back to another dose we need to the channel hi +3BxKc31xBFM-00001-00000878-00001250 My name is Nasir and I'm now a third year medical student studying at King's College, London +3BxKc31xBFM-00002-00001258-00001922 Today's video is all about why I study in for our flocks and I'm not talking about four hours of half studying a little bit +3BxKc31xBFM-00003-00001923-00002475 Of procrastinating and chillin here and there I'm talking about four hours of productive efficient studying in a row now +3BxKc31xBFM-00004-00002475-00003044 Usually when people find out that I study in 4 hour blocks as opposed to 25 minutes or 1 hour 2 hour even 3 hour +3BxKc31xBFM-00005-00003044-00003575 Blocks most of them tell me that's not possible. There's no way you can stay focus for that long. You probably aren't efficient +3BxKc31xBFM-00006-00003576-00003779 You're probably wondering in your mind and things like that +3BxKc31xBFM-00007-00003786-00003870 but honestly +3BxKc31xBFM-00008-00003870-00004106 I genuinely study for 4 hours in a row, and I'm +3BxKc31xBFM-00009-00004117-00004533 Motivated and I'm productive and I'm efficient and I'm gonna explain all of that in today's video +3BxKc31xBFM-00010-00004532-00005114 I'm gonna explain two things one why I study in 4 hour blocks and 2 how I study in for our vlogs +3BxKc31xBFM-00011-00005114-00005597 so let's tackle the why first when I sit down on my desk over here or in the library in order to study +3BxKc31xBFM-00012-00005607-00006149 What is my goal my goal is to complete as much work as possible to be as productive and as efficient as possible +3BxKc31xBFM-00013-00006166-00006656 Now me personally when I get into the zone for studying, I don't want to leave that zone. I don't want to get up +3BxKc31xBFM-00014-00006656-00006706 I don't wanna +3BxKc31xBFM-00015-00006706-00007251 Procrastinate I don't want to change what it is that I'm doing because I've already done the most difficult part of sitting down to study +3BxKc31xBFM-00016-00007251-00007790 Which is to get into the studying mood and zone and the more breaks that I take or reasons I give myself to get up +3BxKc31xBFM-00017-00007790-00008282 And off of my desk, that's another opportunity for me to have to get back into the studying zone +3BxKc31xBFM-00018-00008283-00008600 Which I don't want to do so generally speaking when I'm studying for exams +3BxKc31xBFM-00019-00008600-00009005 I do two four-hour blocks in my day from 9 to 1 and from 3 to 7 +3BxKc31xBFM-00020-00009006-00009546 And that way I only have to enter the studying mood 2 times once at 9 a.m. And once at 1 p.m +3BxKc31xBFM-00021-00009546-00010086 Now this is the main reason that I personally don't use the Pomodoro timer because every 25 minutes +3BxKc31xBFM-00022-00010086-00010622 It's basically giving me an excuse and encouraging me to check my phone or to chill or to get up off my desk or whatever +3BxKc31xBFM-00023-00010632-00011111 Which is inevitably gonna lead to me procrastinating and doing something for longer than just 5 minutes +3BxKc31xBFM-00024-00011111-00011693 one thing that I really like about my method of doing to 4 hour blocks in my day is that I've done pretty much all +3BxKc31xBFM-00025-00011693-00011868 The work that I need to do by 7 p.m +3BxKc31xBFM-00026-00011868-00012437 Now I imagine doing eight hours of productive and useful work and also being done by 7 p.m +3BxKc31xBFM-00027-00012438-00012887 That leaves so much free time in order for you to do anything else that you want that can be exercised +3BxKc31xBFM-00028-00012916-00013539 socialising with friends playing video games making YouTube videos or basically anything you just give yourself a lot of free time and +3BxKc31xBFM-00029-00013559-00013816 Still do lots and lots of work during the day +3BxKc31xBFM-00030-00013831-00014328 Now I understand obviously different studying techniques and timetables and schedules and whatever work for different people +3BxKc31xBFM-00031-00014329-00014629 I'm just saying as far as maximizing efficiency +3BxKc31xBFM-00032-00014629-00014701 If you condense +3BxKc31xBFM-00033-00014701-00015151 All of the work that you have to do into the beginning part of the day that leaves a lot of hours at the end +3BxKc31xBFM-00034-00015151-00015316 Of the day for you to do whatever you want +3BxKc31xBFM-00035-00015316-00015795 All right. I think I've preached long enough now about why I really like my four-hour block method now +3BxKc31xBFM-00036-00015795-00016218 Let me tell you how it is that I can actually stay focused and work for four hours in a row +3BxKc31xBFM-00037-00016219-00016464 I'm gonna break this down into five key sections +3BxKc31xBFM-00038-00016465-00016963 the first is to plan the night before and what I mean by this is that when I wake up in the morning and I +3BxKc31xBFM-00039-00016963-00017557 Know that I'm gonna start studying at 9:00 a.m. I've already decided exactly what it is that I'm going to do at 9:00 a.m +3BxKc31xBFM-00040-00017557-00018033 Which means that there's no friction or no time wasted in trying to figure out what do I need to study? +3BxKc31xBFM-00041-00018034-00018361 What have I done enough of what is left for me to do etc, etc +3BxKc31xBFM-00042-00018361-00018841 I've already decided that unplanted the night before so when I sit down at 8:59 +3BxKc31xBFM-00043-00018841-00019269 I start exactly at 9:00 and I can get immediately into the studying zone +3BxKc31xBFM-00044-00019270-00019431 That is actually really really key +3BxKc31xBFM-00045-00019431-00020013 If you're struggling to get into the study zone have a predetermined plan of what it is that you're gonna do during that time +3BxKc31xBFM-00046-00020014-00020464 So for example tomorrow at 9 a.m. I'm going to study for the USMLE exam, which is here +3BxKc31xBFM-00047-00020464-00020641 So tonight before I go to sleep +3BxKc31xBFM-00048-00020641-00021007 I'm going to open this book to the page that I'm going to be starting on tomorrow +3BxKc31xBFM-00049-00021007-00021366 And I'm gonna put a pen inside of it that way tomorrow when I take this book +3BxKc31xBFM-00050-00021367-00021783 Which is already laying on my desk in a nice and convenient place for me to begin work +3BxKc31xBFM-00051-00021784-00022222 I can literally flip open to the page of exactly where I'm going to start on top of that +3BxKc31xBFM-00052-00022222-00022776 You can see on my desktop over here, but I'm already gonna go down to the video that I'm gonna watch tomorrow morning +3BxKc31xBFM-00053-00022776-00022932 I'm gonna open it and it's gonna be ready +3BxKc31xBFM-00054-00022932-00023310 Just waiting for me to sit down hit play and begin work section number two +3BxKc31xBFM-00055-00023310-00023781 Don't give yourself a reason to get up and away from your desk before I start work at 9:00 a.m +3BxKc31xBFM-00056-00023782-00023938 I've already made my cup of coffee +3BxKc31xBFM-00057-00023938-00024441 I've got in a couple of snacks and I've organized everything around me that I will possibly need in the next four hours +3BxKc31xBFM-00058-00024457-00024840 So that I can minimize the amount of times that I need to get up and out of my chair +3BxKc31xBFM-00059-00024841-00025251 The reason that I do this is because every time you get up and out of your chair, you're giving yourself +3BxKc31xBFM-00060-00025307-00025926 Opportunity for distraction and reason for procrastination for example, if I go to the kitchen, I'll make myself a snack or a drink +3BxKc31xBFM-00061-00025926-00026172 I'll knock on my sister's door and ask her what's going on +3BxKc31xBFM-00062-00026172-00026670 Let's have a chat every time I leave my room and I leave that studying zone and studying environment +3BxKc31xBFM-00063-00026686-00027256 I'm giving myself reasons and excuses and opportunities for procrastination. Now this is gonna be slightly controversial +3BxKc31xBFM-00064-00027256-00027876 I'm sure but I honestly don't allow myself to get up and out of my desk until I've done an hour of studying the thought +3BxKc31xBFM-00065-00027877-00028375 Process that I have in my mind is not if I haven't been able to sit down and do productive solid work for an hour +3BxKc31xBFM-00066-00028375-00028575 Do I really deserve to go take a break? +3BxKc31xBFM-00067-00028575-00029058 Do I really deserve to go for crostini and fill up my drink and get more snacks or take some time off? +3BxKc31xBFM-00068-00029081-00029131 No +3BxKc31xBFM-00069-00029131-00029643 I need to first do a bunch of productive work before I can even think about the idea of getting up and +3BxKc31xBFM-00070-00029671-00030003 procrastinating and usually when I push myself to stay that extra 15 minutes +3BxKc31xBFM-00071-00030005-00030633 I actually end up studying for another 30 minutes or 45 minutes or whatever before getting out of my chair because I want to finish +3BxKc31xBFM-00072-00030633-00030990 For example the video that I'm doing or the section that I'm doing or the page that I'm writing +3BxKc31xBFM-00073-00030990-00031524 I just give myself reasons to continue studying. You know, I'm almost done with this section. I'm almost done with this video +3BxKc31xBFM-00074-00031525-00032001 I'm almost done with blah blah blah blah blah and I just try my best to keep myself situated out my desk +3BxKc31xBFM-00075-00032002-00032358 You know what now that I say all of this out loud, I'm starting to sound a little bit crazy +3BxKc31xBFM-00076-00032359-00032922 but just stay with me here the point of section number two is to only get up and off of your desk when you really +3BxKc31xBFM-00077-00032922-00033345 Need to section number three is for the love of God. Just get rid of your phone +3BxKc31xBFM-00078-00033346-00033651 Your phone is your worst enemy when it comes to studying time +3BxKc31xBFM-00079-00033652-00033755 If you hear any +3BxKc31xBFM-00080-00033755-00034197 notification if you hear a buzzing if you even look at your phone or if you even think of your phone +3BxKc31xBFM-00081-00034197-00034617 You're so likely to just without even thinking reach over and grab it and check it +3BxKc31xBFM-00082-00034618-00034818 I'm guilty of doing this all the damn time +3BxKc31xBFM-00083-00034822-00035265 And because I'm a human and I'm prone to checking my phone and getting all of these addicting +3BxKc31xBFM-00084-00035296-00035937 Notifications and numbers and messages. I have two ways in order to completely eliminate my phone from my studying environment step +3BxKc31xBFM-00085-00035937-00036138 Number one is to put your phone out of sight +3BxKc31xBFM-00086-00036138-00036411 If you can't see your phone, you're less likely to think of it +3BxKc31xBFM-00087-00036412-00036969 you're less likely to notice it and you're just less likely to check it overall step number two is to put your phone out of +3BxKc31xBFM-00088-00036969-00037521 Reach that creates a huge barrier you have to now get up and move in order to get your phone +3BxKc31xBFM-00089-00037521-00037728 Which I know sounds kind of stupid you're probably like +3BxKc31xBFM-00090-00037728-00037947 Oh, it's just two steps away over there on the bed +3BxKc31xBFM-00091-00037952-00038565 But the truth is when you're sitting down any extra effort or friction you give yourself in order to go check your phone +3BxKc31xBFM-00092-00038569-00038769 You're gonna do it less often +3BxKc31xBFM-00093-00038825-00039025 Wow, I've been talking a lot this video +3BxKc31xBFM-00094-00039128-00039579 All right section number four is about giving yourself rewards while you're studying genuinely +3BxKc31xBFM-00095-00039580-00039844 No joke, probably what gets me through studying sessions +3BxKc31xBFM-00096-00039844-00039994 the most is the idea of +3BxKc31xBFM-00097-00039994-00040584 Rewarding myself with either something to drink or something to eat or going out with my friends or playing video games or whatever +3BxKc31xBFM-00098-00040584-00041175 Just having these rewards that I make for myself that I can only unlock once I've done a certain amount of studying +3BxKc31xBFM-00099-00041175-00041230 It's for example +3BxKc31xBFM-00100-00041230-00041784 Like I mentioned before I literally don't allow myself to go get a refill of my coffee or brew a tea or anything like that +3BxKc31xBFM-00101-00041797-00042312 Until I've done at least an hour of studying. It's just now an ingrained rule in my head like dude +3BxKc31xBFM-00102-00042313-00042624 You're not gonna have coffee or more tea unless you do more work +3BxKc31xBFM-00103-00042625-00042876 So you better get that done first if that's what you want to do +3BxKc31xBFM-00104-00042877-00043468 My mentality when it comes to doing for our blocks is very simple if I work from 0 till 2 hours +3BxKc31xBFM-00105-00043468-00043897 Well, then all I have to do is do the exact same thing that I just did one more time +3BxKc31xBFM-00106-00043897-00044071 And I'll be done with my four-hour block +3BxKc31xBFM-00107-00044071-00044604 It's the same thing like when I go for a 10k run if I run five kilometres in one direction away from my house +3BxKc31xBFM-00108-00044624-00044674 well +3BxKc31xBFM-00109-00044674-00045187 Then I kind of have to run the other five kilometres in the opposite direction to get back home and that way when I sit +3BxKc31xBFM-00110-00045187-00045355 down for a four-hour block of studying really +3BxKc31xBFM-00111-00045355-00045793 all I need to focus on is getting through the next two hours because once I've done two hours well +3BxKc31xBFM-00112-00045793-00046144 Then I just have to repeat what I've already done and I'll be done with four hours +3BxKc31xBFM-00113-00046144-00046365 I know it sounds really simple and it sounds kind of stupid +3BxKc31xBFM-00114-00046457-00046653 You guys probably think I'm crazy right now +3BxKc31xBFM-00115-00046653-00047076 But if I just do two hours of studying, then I can repeat what I've done and then I've reached my goal +3BxKc31xBFM-00116-00047077-00047518 Okay, and the fifth and final section is about setting standards for yourself for me personally +3BxKc31xBFM-00117-00047519-00047733 Once I've done a four-hour block of studying +3BxKc31xBFM-00118-00047734-00048270 I know that that is something that I am now capable of and so next time I come to studying if I if I study +3BxKc31xBFM-00119-00048271-00048648 For three hours or two hours then I'm like, well, this isn't really as best as I can +3BxKc31xBFM-00120-00048649-00048996 Do this isn't pushing myself to my maximum efficiency or capacity? +3BxKc31xBFM-00121-00048996-00049551 I've done a four hour book before that means that I'm capable of doing it again and I keep up that standard and I keep +3BxKc31xBFM-00122-00049552-00050002 Studying for our blocks because I know that I can reach that level of capacity and productivity +3BxKc31xBFM-00123-00050006-00050550 It's the same thing like once I've done a ten kilometer run. I know that I'm capable of running ten kilometres +3BxKc31xBFM-00124-00050550-00051054 And so I keep running ten kilometres every time because now that's my new baseline. That's what I'm capable of achieving +3BxKc31xBFM-00125-00051056-00051609 I don't like to give myself excuses or reasons to do something out of lesser level than what I've done before +3BxKc31xBFM-00126-00051609-00052083 I feel like I've done it once I'm capable of doing that and so I can keep up that standard now +3BxKc31xBFM-00127-00052083-00052548 Obviously, you can probably see with a slippery slope that comes along with this line of thinking. I'm not crazy +3BxKc31xBFM-00128-00052549-00052629 I'm a robot +3BxKc31xBFM-00129-00052629-00053085 I obviously have times when I can't study for 4 hours if I follow everything that I'm saying about +3BxKc31xBFM-00130-00053107-00053655 80% of the time then I'm doing a fantastic job because the other 20% is just real life things happen +3BxKc31xBFM-00131-00053689-00054114 Things come up you need to change and you need to be flexible, but this is my line of thinking +3BxKc31xBFM-00132-00054114-00054696 This is my philosophy. And this is when I try to upkeep as much as I possibly can. Okay, and that is it +3BxKc31xBFM-00133-00054697-00054961 I hope you guys have found this video useful. I hope you've enjoyed it +3BxKc31xBFM-00134-00054961-00055036 and if you did +3BxKc31xBFM-00135-00055036-00055201 please do leave a like on this video and +3BxKc31xBFM-00136-00055201-00055710 subscribe to my channel to see more content from me in the future if you have any tips for how you like to study or +3BxKc31xBFM-00137-00055711-00056070 Know something that works very well for you and would like to share with the rest of the community +3BxKc31xBFM-00138-00056070-00056270 Please do so in a comment down below +3BxKc31xBFM-00139-00056275-00056583 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and that is it for me +3BxKc31xBFM-00140-00056583-00056783 I will see you guys in the next video. Peace +3BxKc31xBFM-00141-00058237-00058437 You +3BxKc31xBFM-00142-00059558-00060127 What video are we doing to date why I study in for our blocks? Let's go +3BBfzJmxIn0-00000-00000012-00000380 It is a display of +3BBfzJmxIn0-00001-00000508-00000948 lack of understanding of the scope of this action. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00002-00000948-00001504 I think that Sweden is such country that doesn’t really understand +3BBfzJmxIn0-00003-00001636-00002186 how serious, such kind of register, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00004-00002258-00002476 particularly by the police, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00005-00002600-00003236 is seen from the perspectives of the most basic human rights norms, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00006-00003236-00003536 the most basic human rights. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00007-00008222-00008630 It is a contemporary time that is not a subject of my research as I am a historian. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00008-00008630-00009068 But because I have seen how the history looks like and how it develops, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00009-00009068-00009304 and follow it until today, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00010-00009372-00009928 what is it that generates a need at the Polis to create their own secret registers? +3BBfzJmxIn0-00011-00009964-00010262 Well one wants to keep this old categorization. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00012-00010404-00010674 We should also pay close attention to immigration +3BBfzJmxIn0-00013-00010674-00010962 to prevent the inferior individuals of foreign origin +3BBfzJmxIn0-00014-00010962-00011204 get the possibility to unrestrained immigrate and settle in the country. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00015-00011246-00011494 Mix between racial biologically high-ranked people, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00016-00011494-00011598 like the Scandinavian, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00017-00011598-00011848 and the other poorly qualified elements, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00018-00011848-00012268 such as Gypsies, Galicians, Russian Jews, and similar, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00019-00012268-00012430 should definitely be rejected. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00020-00012430-00012858 A state-controlled institution with the task of exploring and processing +3BBfzJmxIn0-00021-00012858-00013112 racial-biological and racial-hygienic issues, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00022-00013154-00013412 including, apart from genealogical and heredity research, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00023-00013412-00013618 social issues of all kinds, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00024-00013618-00013854 should be established and led by +3BBfzJmxIn0-00025-00013854-00014038 genealogical, medical-biological +3BBfzJmxIn0-00026-00014038-00014213 and socio-economic principles. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00027-00014324-00014890 The Institute for Racial Biology has many predecessors in other countries, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00028-00014891-00015124 especially Germany and the United States. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00029-00015182-00015763 Sweden was the first to provide state support to the Institute. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00030-00015763-00016369 When a group that looks in a certain way, behaves in a certain way, spreads, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00031-00016388-00016692 and a society loses control over it, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00032-00016692-00017326 that is when we need to find suitable ways +3BBfzJmxIn0-00033-00017326-00017582 to map this particular group of people. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00034-00017582-00018020 This is where the Institute for Racial Biology enters +3BBfzJmxIn0-00035-00018020-00018522 and pleads for sterilization in order to prevent +3BBfzJmxIn0-00036-00018620-00018794 an “infection of the society”. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00037-00018816-00019120 The good “People's home" welfare state was about to be formed, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00038-00019124-00019732 and this pushed things, when they began +3BBfzJmxIn0-00039-00019732-00020096 to cleanse among the people by +3BBfzJmxIn0-00040-00020104-00020932 sterilizing, lobotomizing, and forcibly depriving the children and putting them into institutions. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00041-00021002-00021282 When we begin with a lot of social reforms, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00042-00021300-00021868 we will pay child support, we will pay out different housing allowances, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00043-00021890-00022376 we want people to subsume into "the good society", +3BBfzJmxIn0-00044-00022496-00022652 and then they do not fit in. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00045-00022666-00023094 And then one begins to denominate them as “asocial” +3BBfzJmxIn0-00046-00023108-00023396 in order to facilitate sterilization. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00047-00023430-00023768 One was forced to embrace an anonymous lifestyle, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00048-00023858-00024192 stop using the Romani language, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00049-00024214-00024712 and stop expressing any kind of Roma culture, sort to speak. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00050-00024762-00025268 And for our group in Sweden it caused consequences similar to genocide. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00051-00025710-00026027 And it has affected us very much, that is, our life. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00052-00026076-00026374 While my dad did not want to tell us +3BBfzJmxIn0-00053-00026374-00026650 until now when he's 80 years old. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00054-00026706-00027232 I do not think one is aware how much this affects your own life today. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00055-00027342-00027708 Because, this mistrust of authorities, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00056-00027727-00028248 mistrust of police, and the like, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00057-00028262-00028777 it is something most have lived in their daily lives, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00058-00028777-00029232 both based on their own experiences, but also +3BBfzJmxIn0-00059-00029232-00029826 from their parents’ or grandparents’ ways to act or think. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00060-00029860-00030227 So one feel that now I'm so old that unless I tell it now it will be too late. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00061-00030304-00030704 And I think that it is something that is similar for many, many, older Roma, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00062-00030706-00031144 that they are getting so old that they feel that now I have to tell you - otherwise it's too late. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00063-00032258-00032550 Let us forget this now and let us look forward. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00064-00032589-00032960 Let us try to see how we will ensure that we can include everyone +3BBfzJmxIn0-00065-00032960-00033298 and that everyone can join the society the way we want. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00066-00033324-00033928 But it's easier for me to say this than to the person who has felt on his own skin +3BBfzJmxIn0-00067-00033970-00034200 this oppression in different ways. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00068-00034218-00034790 But then it is also so, that this group, whether it's Roma or some other group, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00069-00034790-00035378 that they themselves must of course want to work with it, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00070-00035398-00035640 and in some sense want to be included. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00071-00035690-00036216 Yes, it was a great luck for the journalist, that he discovered this. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00072-00036216-00036636 He called here in the evening and asked: Fred, do you know anything about this register? +3BBfzJmxIn0-00073-00036658-00037010 No, no idea what you're talking about, I do not know anything. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00074-00037022-00037200 Not until the next day, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00075-00037220-00037360 when the "bomb" fell. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00076-00037386-00037926 The police registers thousands of Roma +3BBfzJmxIn0-00077-00037970-00038178 I go up to the Civil Right Defenders +3BBfzJmxIn0-00078-00038192-00038578 and we talk about this, and I ask if they want to take the case. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00079-00038600-00039244 The fact that this type of register can be made even today +3BBfzJmxIn0-00080-00039244-00039790 has of course a background in something that has existed earlier, that is, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00081-00039802-00040202 an idea that it is good to keep an eye on Roma, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00082-00040202-00040436 that you can control that group. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00083-00040466-00040608 We decided +3BBfzJmxIn0-00084-00040684-00040868 to sue the state. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00085-00040900-00041260 I do not share the view that this is an ethnic register. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00086-00041288-00041616 This has been caused by recklessness, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00087-00041640-00041906 it is wrong according to the Swedish rules, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00088-00041936-00042272 but it is not that there has been a registration of the Roma. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00089-00042314-00043038 Someone must be held responsible for this register, once you have created a register of 4.000 people! +3BBfzJmxIn0-00090-00043052-00043426 It's not some individual police who does it. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00091-00043442-00043876 Because it takes more than a full-time work for a couple of years to make it. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00092-00043896-00044218 Accountability is lacking. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00093-00044244-00045174 Sweden is good at expressing itself nicely regarding work against racism, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00094-00045200-00045456 everybody's equal value, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00095-00045476-00045998 and not least internationally - we are very highly regarded for those issues. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00096-00046034-00046324 But when it comes to the country from within, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00097-00046344-00047040 to truly capture and eliminate that kind of expression for all future, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00098-00047076-00047342 then one is very, very, vague. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00099-00047416-00048174 To develop democracy, one must believe in it. We must believe that society is not an evil power. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00100-00048198-00048560 That I always say when I'm out speaking, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00101-00048584-00048926 I say that the state is not, the state is not here… +3BBfzJmxIn0-00102-00048946-00049110 no - the state is us! +3BBfzJmxIn0-00103-00049142-00049572 We at Radio Romano were forced to think about how we worked, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00104-00049572-00049844 because we were five out of seven in the Roma editorial board +3BBfzJmxIn0-00105-00049864-00050120 registered in the Police register. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00106-00050150-00050432 When you work in public service then you have to work professionally. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00107-00050454-00050674 That's another thing when you're private Radio. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00108-00050810-00050980 We are Swedish Radio +3BBfzJmxIn0-00109-00050990-00051224 even though our name is Radio Romano, so we are Swedish Radio, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00110-00051236-00051750 and then we must be independent and give credibility. You have to be! +3BBfzJmxIn0-00111-00051779-00051914 The little man, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00112-00051917-00052104 the little man +3BBfzJmxIn0-00113-00052129-00052452 has won a lawsuit over his state! +3BBfzJmxIn0-00114-00052529-00052684 That was huge! +3BBfzJmxIn0-00115-00053500-00053990 It was big. It was one of the major events in Sweden's history. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00116-00054054-00054544 I think it's very important, and it is where the Living History Forum is very important, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00117-00054576-00054998 in raising awareness, and the knowledge about this story, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00118-00055036-00055276 and understanding, in me, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00119-00055276-00055740 that the one I meet can have a different attitude towards the state than I have. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00120-00055904-00056138 I had the Roma themselves as educators +3BBfzJmxIn0-00121-00056138-00056638 who met students for two hours to actually talk about stereotypical concepts, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00122-00056682-00057002 prejudices and antiziganism. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00123-00057002-00057482 I think it's quite unique for many students to actually meet +3BBfzJmxIn0-00124-00057498-00057796 a person who himself has been forced to live in a tent, in Sweden, +3BBfzJmxIn0-00125-00057826-00058022 despite that they didn’t want to live in a tent. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00126-00058055-00058532 There was nothing nice about it, or lovely, or adventurous. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00127-00058554-00058926 It was just cold, as many said, and they wanted nothing but a regular home. +3BBfzJmxIn0-00128-00058936-00059100 And this is Sweden's history! +3IESJu4k-IA-00000-00000009-00000305 The Four Mainstays are a worldwide empowerment network +3IESJu4k-IA-00001-00000305-00000640 to bring open intelligence into your everyday life +3IESJu4k-IA-00002-00000640-00000912 unlocking your innate strengths, gifts and talents +3IESJu4k-IA-00003-00000913-00001310 and how you can contribute them to be of benefit to all. +3IESJu4k-IA-00004-00001528-00001666 Number One +3IESJu4k-IA-00005-00001667-00002029 The simple practice of short moments of open intelligence +3IESJu4k-IA-00006-00002029-00002516 repeated many times until obvious in each moment of everyday life. +3IESJu4k-IA-00007-00002608-00002716 Number Two +3IESJu4k-IA-00008-00002716-00002853 The Trainer +3IESJu4k-IA-00009-00002854-00002980 Experienced trainers +3IESJu4k-IA-00010-00002981-00003331 available 24/7 through email and live chat. +3IESJu4k-IA-00011-00003517-00003610 Number Three +3IESJu4k-IA-00012-00003610-00003723 The Training +3IESJu4k-IA-00013-00003723-00003892 Countless free media +3IESJu4k-IA-00014-00003892-00004123 video, audio and books for download +3IESJu4k-IA-00015-00004123-00004400 trainings in person and online. +3IESJu4k-IA-00016-00004496-00004607 Number Four +3IESJu4k-IA-00017-00004607-00004743 The Community +3IESJu4k-IA-00018-00004745-00005095 People all over the world thriving in their strengths, gifts and talents +3IESJu4k-IA-00019-00005095-00005398 and passionate about making powerful changes in the world +3IESJu4k-IA-00020-00005398-00005598 that are of benefit to all. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00000-00000000-00000288 This video will demonstrate how to create map +3JmvT9YkXSy-00001-00000288-00000714 boundaries not included in the standard boundary sets in CODAP. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00002-00000786-00001278 To do this, you will need a GeoJSON file for the boundaries you are interested in. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00003-00001356-00001446 To illustrate. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00004-00001446-00002022 Here is a data set with the names and populations of the provinces and territories in Canada. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00005-00002154-00002346 To create a map from this data set. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00006-00002346-00002988 I will need to first import a GeoJSON file with boundary info for the provinces and territories. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00007-00003132-00003811 I found this GeoJSON file by searching the web for Canadian provinces, GeoJSON. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00008-00003811-00004596 To add it to my CODAP document, I can simply drag the link to the GeoJSON file into CODAP. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00009-00005286-00005808 I also could have done this by using the import function from the main menu in CODAP. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00010-00005988-00006708 And here I could have imported the GeoJSON file from either the URL to the file or from +3JmvT9YkXSy-00011-00006708-00007422 a local directory on my computer, or I could just simply drag the file from my computer into CODAP. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00012-00007836-00008472 Now, if I try to drag the population from my original table onto the map of Canada, +3JmvT9YkXSy-00013-00008562-00008736 you will see that nothing happens. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00014-00008976-00009048 Why? +3JmvT9YkXSy-00015-00009132-00009408 Well note that there are two tables in CODAP. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00016-00009408-00009966 Now one with my original population data on the left and another with the +3JmvT9YkXSy-00017-00009966-00010368 geographic data I imported from the GeoJSON file on the right. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00018-00010500-00011190 In order to show the population data on the map, I will need to join these two tables together. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00019-00011316-00012120 You can join two tables in CODAP on an attribute with values shared by both tables. In the table +3JmvT9YkXSy-00020-00012120-00012762 on the right, I have the name attribute which contains identical information to +3JmvT9YkXSy-00021-00012762-00013236 the English province and territory names attribute in the table on the left. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00022-00013397-00013788 So I can join these two tables together on these two attributes. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00023-00013902-00014472 To do so, I will drag the province and territory name attribute from the table +3JmvT9YkXSy-00024-00014472-00014969 on the left and drop it on the name attribute in the table on the right. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00025-00015702-00016278 Note that it is best to join by taking an attribute from the original table and +3JmvT9YkXSy-00026-00016278-00016662 dropping it on an attribute in the new table created from the GeoJSON +3JmvT9YkXSy-00027-00016662-00017148 file as this can help avoid some issues with the maps that you create later on. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00028-00017388-00017766 Now, we can see that the information from the original table +3JmvT9YkXSy-00029-00017856-00018360 including the population of each province and territory as well as their French names +3JmvT9YkXSy-00030-00018450-00019098 have been added to the new table with the data imported from the GeoJSON on file. Note +3JmvT9YkXSy-00031-00019098-00019584 that the attributes that have been added from the original table are shaded in yellow in this table. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00032-00019668-00020160 Such shading indicates these are attributes that are linked to or calculated from the other table. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00033-00020334-00020868 Because there are attributes in this new table that are linked to the original table we should +3JmvT9YkXSy-00034-00020868-00021372 not delete the original table, but we can close the original table to get it out of the way. +3JmvT9YkXSy-00035-00022128-00022704 Now I can drag the population attribute from the table to the map and see the +3JmvT9YkXSy-00036-00022704-00023100 provinces and territories become color coded by their population size. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00000-00000000-00000430 There are a lot of reasons behind how the differences in survival rates of grafts occur. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00001-00000733-00000880 Hello, I’m Kim Jin-Oh, the director of NHI(New Hair Institute) +3Kh3V8rTalo-00002-00000880-00001255 Today I’ll answer questions I got through blog comments. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00003-00001255-00001789 Shli Nini asked me about the survival rate of grafts after getting a hair transplant. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00004-00001789-00002575 I heard that after about a year all the hairs that had been planted would have survived a 100%... So, is it really true that all my hairs will grow a 100% if I take good care of them? +3Kh3V8rTalo-00005-00002575-00002732 Or does it differ from patient to patient? +3Kh3V8rTalo-00006-00002732-00003683 A lot of people ask me if 10 grafts are transplanted if all 10 of them will grow, what percentage of survival would be considered a good result or common. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00007-00003683-00004066 It is said that a good hair transplant has a survival rate of more than 90 percent. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00008-00004066-00004950 Studies of the survival rate of grafts suggest that hair transplant with a survival rate of 90-95% is excellent. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00009-00004950-00005510 If the survival rate of grafts is 80% to 90%, it is said to be a good result. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00010-00005510-00005946 There are a lot of reasons behind how the differences in survival rates of grafts occur. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00011-00005946-00006706 The skills of the surgeon and the system of the surgery process are what is most important. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00012-00006706-00006842 The doctor has to perform the surgery well. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00013-00006842-00007159 No matter how well you hit a ball, it might not be a hit, right? +3Kh3V8rTalo-00014-00007159-00007964 However, just as players have to work hard to make good pitches, +3Kh3V8rTalo-00015-00007964-00009026 I’m always researching and working hard for example using long-term storage solutions or making holes in the scalp as regular as possible. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00016-00009085-00009469 However, just like how players may still be out no matter how hard they try, +3Kh3V8rTalo-00017-00009469-00010257 if the hair follicles are extremely vulnerable to stress, the survival rate of the grafts may drop. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00018-00010257-00010800 If your hair biologically consists of many components that are not good for the survival rate of grafts +3Kh3V8rTalo-00019-00010800-00011800 or if your wounds have slow recovery rates, in such cases the survival rate of graft may also drop. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00020-00011845-00012031 In addition this is why postoperative care also has some effect on the survival rate of grafts. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00021-00012031-00012821 It’s important to try to heal the wound as quickly as possible without external irritation for about 10 days after surgery. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00022-00012821-00013011 All in all, we can say that factors such as doctor’s skills, patient’s biological constitution, +3Kh3V8rTalo-00023-00013011-00013659 and postoperative care affect the survival rate of grafts. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00024-00013659-00013837 Did this answer your question? +3Kh3V8rTalo-00025-00013837-00014071 If you have any other good questions, I’ll answer them. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00026-00014071-00014200 Thank you for watching. +3Kh3V8rTalo-00027-00014219-00014832 If you have any questions, please leave a comment on my blog and I’ll answer them through a blog or YouTube. +3PEPfzJiPCy-00000-00000040-00000220 Приветствую Вас, дорогие друзья. +3PEPfzJiPCy-00001-00000242-00000638 представляю вашему вниманию, способ перемещения слоёв по фигурной траектории. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00000-00000145-00000781 You already know that the derivative of sine X is cosine X and the derivative of cosine +3PYrtkzrMqu-00001-00000781-00001500 is negative sine. We're going to use these and the quotient rule to find the derivatives +3PYrtkzrMqu-00002-00001500-00002083 of the other four trig functions. Now I've given you the formulas here, but we're going +3PYrtkzrMqu-00003-00002083-00002527 to prove them. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00004-00002527-00003389 Tangent is actually sine over cosine, so if we want to find the derivative of sine over +3PYrtkzrMqu-00005-00003389-00004328 cosine – we'll use the quotient rule. So the derivative is low, which is cosine X D; +3PYrtkzrMqu-00006-00004328-00005185 dee high, derivative of sine is cosine, minus high, which is sine X; dee low, the derivative +3PYrtkzrMqu-00007-00005185-00005877 of cosine, is negative sine X over low squared, which would be cosine +3PYrtkzrMqu-00008-00005877-00006961 X squared. Now if we rewrite the numerator, we'll see that it's cosine squared X – negative +3PYrtkzrMqu-00009-00006961-00007994 times a negative makes that plus sine squared X over cosine squared X, but the Pythagorean +3PYrtkzrMqu-00010-00007994-00008938 identity tells us that cosine squared X plus sine squared X equals 1 – and 1 over cosine +3PYrtkzrMqu-00011-00008938-00009922 is the same thing as secant, so 1 over cosine squared is equal to secant squared X. So the +3PYrtkzrMqu-00012-00009922-00010907 derivative of tangent is secant squared X. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00013-00010907-00012092 Similarly, we can rewrite secant as 1 over cosine – and use the quotient rule to find +3PYrtkzrMqu-00014-00012092-00013202 the derivative. So for this one I have low is cosine; dee high, the derivative of 1 is +3PYrtkzrMqu-00015-00013202-00014343 0 minus high, which is 1, times dee low – the derivative of cosine is negative sine X over +3PYrtkzrMqu-00016-00014343-00015216 low squared. So, of course, this first term goes to 0 – and we get a negative times +3PYrtkzrMqu-00017-00015216-00015926 a negative makes this positive sine X over cosine squared X, which I can rewrite that +3PYrtkzrMqu-00018-00015926-00017807 as 1 over cosine X times sine X over cosine X, which would be secant X times tangent X, +3PYrtkzrMqu-00019-00017807-00018660 which is the formula that we get for the derivative of secant X. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00020-00018660-00019615 Similarly, you could find the derivatives of cotangent and cosecant. It's the same process. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00021-00019615-00019945 Let's use these in more complicated functions. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00022-00019945-00020557 So if I want to find the derivative of X times secant X – well this is going to be a product +3PYrtkzrMqu-00023-00020557-00021289 rule, where my first function is X my second function is secant X. So my derivative is +3PYrtkzrMqu-00024-00021289-00022147 the derivative of the first times the second plus the first function times the derivative +3PYrtkzrMqu-00025-00022147-00023001 of the second function – and we now know that the derivative of secant is secant X +3PYrtkzrMqu-00026-00023001-00024076 tangent X. So my final answer is actually just secant +3PYrtkzrMqu-00027-00024076-00024665 X plus X times secant X tangent X. There are no like terms to combine, so that is my final +3PYrtkzrMqu-00028-00024665-00025032 simplified answer. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00029-00025032-00025920 Okay, now let's try another problem – 1 minus cosine X over sine X. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00030-00025920-00026583 Now I could use the quotient rule on this; however, when I look in the denominator, I +3PYrtkzrMqu-00031-00026583-00027331 see a single term. In this instance, I see two terms in the numerator, which means I +3PYrtkzrMqu-00032-00027331-00028308 can split this into separate fractions and this would be 1 over sine X minus cosine X +3PYrtkzrMqu-00033-00028308-00029395 over sine X – and the trig identities allow me to rewrite this as cosecant X minus cotangent +3PYrtkzrMqu-00034-00029395-00030313 X, and by doing that I won't have to use the quotient rule at all. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00035-00030313-00031058 So given the formula – as I gave you – or if you've derived them yourself, we see that +3PYrtkzrMqu-00036-00031058-00032193 this is just equal to negative cosecant X cotangent X minus the derivative of cotangent +3PYrtkzrMqu-00037-00032193-00033540 is negative cosecant squared X – and this turns into negative cosecant X times cotangent +3PYrtkzrMqu-00038-00033540-00034256 X plus cosecant squared X. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00039-00034256-00035682 Okay, now for this particular problem, I need to use the quotient rule on it. I do have +3PYrtkzrMqu-00040-00035682-00036253 a single term in the denominator, so that tells me it's probably going to simplify at +3PYrtkzrMqu-00041-00036253-00036803 the end – but I don't know for sure. However, there's nothing I can do to simplify before +3PYrtkzrMqu-00042-00036803-00037846 I get started. So using the quotient rule, I get low dee high, the derivative of secant +3PYrtkzrMqu-00043-00037846-00039774 X is secant X tangent X minus high; dee low would be 1 over low squared. So if I clean +3PYrtkzrMqu-00044-00039774-00041002 up my numerator, I see that there are no like terms to combine; there's no X to factor out +3PYrtkzrMqu-00045-00041002-00041519 to cancel anything. I could factor out a secant X, but it wouldn't it wouldn't simplify anything. +3PYrtkzrMqu-00046-00041519-00041756 So this is my final answer. +3ULhA5YsPty-00000-00000710-00000944 ROBYN GILLIES: Think about the way you prefer to learn. +3ULhA5YsPty-00001-00000944-00001505 Do you like to bounce ideas off other people and engage in conversation and debate, or +3ULhA5YsPty-00002-00001505-00001953 do you prefer to learn by yourself and seek help only when needed? +3ULhA5YsPty-00003-00001953-00002501 Our students need to be engaged in learning in a variety of ways, but collaborative learning +3ULhA5YsPty-00004-00002501-00003155 has been identified as a necessary skill for success in the 21st century and also an essential +3ULhA5YsPty-00005-00003155-00003454 component of deep learning. +3ULhA5YsPty-00006-00003454-00003971 Cooperative learning involves students working together to accomplish shared goals, and it +3ULhA5YsPty-00007-00003971-00004530 is this sense of interdependence that motivates group members to help and support each other. +3ULhA5YsPty-00008-00004530-00004998 When students work cooperatively they learn to listen to what others have to say, give +3ULhA5YsPty-00009-00004998-00005608 and receive help, reconcile differences, and resolve problems democratically. +3ULhA5YsPty-00010-00005608-00006118 However, placing students in small groups and telling them to work together does not +3ULhA5YsPty-00011-00006118-00006480 guarantee that they will work cooperatively. +3ULhA5YsPty-00012-00006480-00006951 Groups need to be structured to ensure that members will work interdependently if they +3ULhA5YsPty-00013-00006951-00007637 are to reap the academic and social benefits widely attributed to this approach to learning. +3ULhA5YsPty-00014-00007637-00008095 The role the teacher plays in establishing cooperative learning in the classroom is critically +3ULhA5YsPty-00015-00008095-00008305 important for its success. +3ULhA5YsPty-00016-00008305-00008767 This involves being aware of how to structure cooperative learning in groups, including +3ULhA5YsPty-00017-00008767-00009510 their size and composition the type of task set; expectations for student behavior; individual +3ULhA5YsPty-00018-00009510-00010084 and group responsibilities; and the teacher’s role in monitoring both the process and the +3ULhA5YsPty-00019-00010084-00010376 outcomes of the group experience. +3ULhA5YsPty-00020-00010376-00010799 The five key elements that are critically important for successful cooperative learning +3ULhA5YsPty-00021-00010799-00011070 include: Positive interdependence. +3ULhA5YsPty-00022-00011070-00011490 Positive interdependence exists when group members are linked together so that one cannot +3ULhA5YsPty-00023-00011490-00012065 success unless others do, so they must coordinate their efforts to ensure everyone completes +3ULhA5YsPty-00024-00012065-00012224 their specific task. +3ULhA5YsPty-00025-00012224-00012653 In effect, they sink or swim together. +3ULhA5YsPty-00026-00012653-00012888 Individual accountability. +3ULhA5YsPty-00027-00012888-00013329 Individual accountability involves group members accepting personal responsibility for their +3ULhA5YsPty-00028-00013329-00013665 contributions for completing the group goal. +3ULhA5YsPty-00029-00013665-00014174 This includes not only being responsible for completing one’s individual task but also +3ULhA5YsPty-00030-00014174-00014616 ensuring that others complete theirs. +3ULhA5YsPty-00031-00014616-00014907 Interpersonal and small group skills. +3ULhA5YsPty-00032-00014907-00015331 Placing students in groups and telling them they are to cooperate does not ensure that +3ULhA5YsPty-00033-00015331-00015909 they will unless they use the interpersonal and small group skills needed to work effectively +3ULhA5YsPty-00034-00015909-00016009 together. +3ULhA5YsPty-00035-00016009-00016562 The skills that are known to facilitate students’ interactions include: Actively listening to +3ULhA5YsPty-00036-00016562-00017406 each other, stating ideas freely, accepting, responsibility for one’s behaviour, providing +3ULhA5YsPty-00037-00017406-00018287 constructive comments, taking turns, sharing tasks, trying to understand the other person’s +3ULhA5YsPty-00038-00018287-00018815 perspective, clarifying differences, making decisions democratically. +3ULhA5YsPty-00039-00018815-00019096 Promotive interaction. +3ULhA5YsPty-00040-00019096-00019659 Promotive interaction involves students encouraging and facilitative each other’s efforts. +3ULhA5YsPty-00041-00019659-00020129 Students do this when they provide information and assistance, offer constructive feedback +3ULhA5YsPty-00042-00020129-00020696 to improve performance, and ensure that all members have access to the materials and resources +3ULhA5YsPty-00043-00020696-00020998 needed to complete tasks. +3ULhA5YsPty-00044-00020998-00021429 When students interact constructively with each other, they learn to use language to +3ULhA5YsPty-00045-00021429-00022105 explain their ideas and experiences, negotiate meaning around a task, and develop new ways +3ULhA5YsPty-00046-00022105-00022651 of thinking and behaving that they may not have considered previously. +3ULhA5YsPty-00047-00022651-00023140 Teachers can facilitate students’ interactions in groups by ensuring that they sit in close +3ULhA5YsPty-00048-00023140-00023768 proximity to other group members, so they can hear what is being said, see each other’s +3ULhA5YsPty-00049-00023768-00024252 faces, and participate in discussions with their peers. +3ULhA5YsPty-00050-00024252-00024446 Group processing. +3ULhA5YsPty-00051-00024446-00024918 Group processing is critically important for student learning as it allows members to discuss +3ULhA5YsPty-00052-00024918-00025534 how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships. +3ULhA5YsPty-00053-00025534-00026010 The opportunity that group processing provides to focus on metacognitive thinking has been +3ULhA5YsPty-00054-00026010-00026527 demonstrated to increase students’ abilities to achieve as well as gain insights into how +3ULhA5YsPty-00055-00026527-00027113 to interact appropriately with others, provide and receive constructive feedback, and celebrate +3ULhA5YsPty-00056-00027113-00027395 the success of the group. +3ULhA5YsPty-00057-00027395-00027911 Other issues to consider in establishing cooperative learning in classrooms include: determine +3ULhA5YsPty-00058-00027911-00028283 the size, ability and gender composition. +3ULhA5YsPty-00059-00028283-00028739 Generally, students work better in groups that are no larger than four members and are +3ULhA5YsPty-00060-00028739-00029397 of mixed ability and gender; ensure that the task that is set will allow the students to +3ULhA5YsPty-00061-00029397-00029508 interact together. +3ULhA5YsPty-00062-00029508-00030138 Tasks that are open and discovery-based where there is no right answer are ideal as students +3ULhA5YsPty-00063-00030138-00030708 need to interact with each other to resolve the problem they are working on; discuss expectations +3ULhA5YsPty-00064-00030758-00031100 for group behaviours before students begin working together. +3ULhA5YsPty-00065-00031100-00031444 What I've outlined in this video today, +3ULhA5YsPty-00066-00031444-00031812 is the five key elements that teachers need to incorporate in their classrooms, +3ULhA5YsPty-00067-00031812-00032189 in order for successful cooperative learning to take place +3ULhA5YsPty-00068-00032189-00032574 and to encourage deep learning for their students. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00000-00000035-00000175 Assalaam o alaykum. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00001-00000175-00000965 Invite endless blessings into your home please subscribe now click the button below +3ZH-l7C3xry-00002-00000965-00001291 A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.” +3ZH-l7C3xry-00003-00001291-00001684 Wa Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00004-00001684-00002250 ana abdukal 'ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl and but for the grace of +3ZH-l7C3xry-00005-00002250-00002533 Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00006-00002533-00003066 alhamdulilahi rabbil alameen, was salati was salaam Ashrafil Mursalin Sayyidina wa Mawlana +3ZH-l7C3xry-00007-00003066-00003501 Muhammad al Mustafa ﷺ bi madadukum wa nazarukum Ya Seyyidi Ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous +3ZH-l7C3xry-00008-00003501-00003721 Prophet), Madad Ya Seyyid Ya Sultanul Awliya Mawlana +3ZH-l7C3xry-00009-00003721-00004082 Shaykh Abdullah Dagestani, Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil alHaqqani, Mawlana +3ZH-l7C3xry-00010-00004082-00004511 Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Adil, Abdul Khaliq Ghujdawani, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00011-00004511-00004946 Sahibul Zaman Sayyidina Muhammadul Mahdi ('alayhis salaam), Ruhullah Sayyidina ‘Isa ('alayhis +3ZH-l7C3xry-00012-00004946-00005380 salaam), Sayfullah Sayyidina 'Ali ('alayhis salaam), Thumma Sayyidina Abu Bakr As-Siddiq +3ZH-l7C3xry-00013-00005380-00005905 (as), Sayyidina Umar (as), Sayyidina Uthman (as), Imam Hassan (as), Imam Hussain (as), +3ZH-l7C3xry-00014-00005905-00006459 Sayyidatina Fatima Zahra (as), wa sayiri wa sadatina ya rabbighfir warham anta khayrur +3ZH-l7C3xry-00015-00006459-00007123 rahimeen And a reminder for myself that I’m a weak +3ZH-l7C3xry-00016-00007123-00008493 servant completely reliant upon Allah’s (AJ) Might and Majesty and rahmah and mercy +3ZH-l7C3xry-00017-00008493-00008793 to dress us and to bless us. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00018-00008793-00009578 InshaAllah we talked about energy and we should stay on the subject of energy, many people +3ZH-l7C3xry-00019-00009578-00010317 agree that we shouldn't be bouncing around to too many different subjects and not completing +3ZH-l7C3xry-00020-00010317-00010703 the understanding of one particular issue. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00021-00010703-00012247 So, Alhamdulillah in line of energy and difficulty and sickness the realities for us to understand +3ZH-l7C3xry-00022-00012247-00012980 just some of the reality is not ‘the reality,’ everything is just a drop within the ocean +3ZH-l7C3xry-00023-00012980-00014213 of understandings; that for us to understand sicknesses and energy and physical influence. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00024-00014213-00014828 That in the physical world when they say these are things that are spiritually happening +3ZH-l7C3xry-00025-00014828-00015480 in this dunya (material world), material people don't seem to understand that and in the physical +3ZH-l7C3xry-00026-00015480-00016299 world when an opponent wants to fight you, you know trained fighters they look to where +3ZH-l7C3xry-00027-00016299-00016567 the weaknesses on you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00028-00016567-00016989 So they say, ‘Oh this one when he fights has a weak knee.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00029-00016989-00017516 And then you watch in this kickboxing the whole time he’s targeting the knee because +3ZH-l7C3xry-00030-00017516-00018392 the opponent wants to know where is the weakness in this person that I'm about to confront. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00031-00018392-00019030 And they target the weakness and keep hitting at that to bring the person down and then +3ZH-l7C3xry-00032-00019030-00019499 they make an attack, common sense in dunya. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00033-00019499-00020001 Then what do you think about the spiritual realm? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00034-00020001-00020530 That when we talk about negative energies because we don't want to name it because then +3ZH-l7C3xry-00035-00020530-00020890 lot of new people don't understand and say, ‘What you're talking about hocus-pocus.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00036-00020890-00021137 No, just negative energy. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00037-00021137-00021870 Negative energy by its nature is attracted to positive people so when we build ourselves +3ZH-l7C3xry-00038-00021870-00022410 and do our practices and they say now, ‘My desires are increasing shaykh since I made +3ZH-l7C3xry-00039-00022410-00022909 salawats (praisings) and I'm making all these zikrs (chantings) and all this negativity +3ZH-l7C3xry-00040-00022909-00023009 coming.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00041-00023009-00023506 But they want you to understand yes of course as soon as you start making your practices +3ZH-l7C3xry-00042-00023506-00024171 and building your light the nature of positivity is that negativity will begin to come to you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00043-00024171-00024599 Now how does negativity fight you? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00044-00024599-00025687 It looks for your weakness it looks for where you have a deficiency mind and body if it +3ZH-l7C3xry-00045-00025687-00026420 sees that you have a weakness in your mind the whole time it's attacking your mind, right, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00046-00026420-00026843 it's a fighter it knows how to fight you, its been here forever. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00047-00026843-00027527 Shayateen (devils) have been here forever they don't die that's why you don't stop your +3ZH-l7C3xry-00048-00027527-00027754 medicine. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00049-00027754-00028533 You have to keep your medical practices your medical prescriptions all that can bring you +3ZH-l7C3xry-00050-00028533-00029249 to a state of healing and then apply your spiritual practices but this is for the understanding +3ZH-l7C3xry-00051-00029249-00030058 of energy and the title of this is, ‘Understanding disease and combating evilness.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00052-00030058-00030785 When we understand this disease is a spiritual battle because it's ‘dis-ease’. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00053-00030785-00031468 These creatures want to cause a dis-ease to take away your ease and your comfort because +3ZH-l7C3xry-00054-00031468-00031861 when you're at ease you’re very strong. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00055-00031861-00032400 When you're healthy you can put up a good spiritual fight. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00056-00032400-00033095 When your mind is sound you can spiritually fight they're not going to fight you at that +3ZH-l7C3xry-00057-00033095-00034242 level they want to make you to be in a dis-ease, to bring down your ability to combat them. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00058-00034242-00034952 So then they’ll go for the mind they begin to try to influence the mind, whisper into +3ZH-l7C3xry-00059-00034952-00035670 the mind and try to find a deficiency in the mental process and that's why we training +3ZH-l7C3xry-00060-00035670-00036162 and that's why all of these spiritual trainings are for that. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00061-00036162-00036540 We said that when we're doing our meditation and our muraqabah (spiritual connection), +3ZH-l7C3xry-00062-00036540-00037137 you're learning to shut the process of your head off and that's why a lot of people can't +3ZH-l7C3xry-00063-00037137-00037870 meditate they just don't want to sit with themselves they don't really like themselves +3ZH-l7C3xry-00064-00037870-00038332 and if you don't love yourself how are you expecting other people to love you, to respect +3ZH-l7C3xry-00065-00038332-00038448 you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00066-00038448-00039170 So tafakkur and contemplation and spiritual fighting is that you trained to control the +3ZH-l7C3xry-00067-00039170-00039757 mind, it's the simplest tool that the devil is going to come into. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00068-00039757-00040353 So we talked in the khalwah (seclusion) sessions they sit in to meditate and contemplate and +3ZH-l7C3xry-00069-00040353-00040917 all sorts of whispers and waswases, every type of vision tries to come to them scare +3ZH-l7C3xry-00070-00040917-00041263 them spook them that, ‘Don’t sit like this.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00071-00041263-00041783 They get scared when they close their eyes, ‘Oh shaykh I see scary faces coming to me.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00072-00041783-00042391 Yeah of course you think they want you to sit and achieve your target so that you can +3ZH-l7C3xry-00073-00042391-00042673 get power and hit them back, no. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00074-00042673-00042918 You scared, you get back up. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00075-00042918-00043391 So then you control your mind, ‘There's nothing there's nothing I'm not seeing anything.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00076-00043391-00043939 You control your ears so that they're not whispering and you play your salawats. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00077-00043939-00044514 You put your headphones on play some salawats and nobody can whisper to you now. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00078-00044514-00044919 That keep your eyes closed don't think about seeing through your eyes that, ‘Nothing +3ZH-l7C3xry-00079-00044919-00045502 of this is of any importance in here I'm in Medina and I’m at Rauza Sharif (Holy burial +3ZH-l7C3xry-00080-00045502-00045873 chamber) and my whole focus Ya Rabbi is to be in Medinatul Munawwara in the presence +3ZH-l7C3xry-00081-00045873-00046155 of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00082-00046155-00046814 And they begin to train on how to control their head and their thought process and if +3ZH-l7C3xry-00083-00046814-00047346 there's a disease that Allah (AJ) has given to them in their head they have to take their +3ZH-l7C3xry-00084-00047346-00048524 medicine because Allah (AJ) gave everybody a deficit nobody's perfect, perfection is +3ZH-l7C3xry-00085-00048524-00049293 for Allah (AJ), but give you something wrong and see how you're able to battle with it, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00086-00049293-00049912 not about getting rid of it and curing yourself but how you're going to fight with it. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00087-00049912-00050477 Because Allah (AJ) is the victory and our life is the struggle. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00088-00050477-00051003 It's not about taking away sickness, it’s about I’ll live with it I take the medicine +3ZH-l7C3xry-00089-00051003-00051604 that I have to take with it and then I begin to use my tafakkur to control my mind to control +3ZH-l7C3xry-00090-00051604-00051711 my thought process. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00091-00051711-00052259 As soon as I can begin to control my mind and things begin to scare me I'm actually +3ZH-l7C3xry-00092-00052259-00052493 now learning how to control fear. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00093-00052493-00052693 What they gonna do? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00094-00052693-00052929 They going to jump out and slap you? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00095-00052929-00053505 No, they tickle you and play with your mind that, ‘We’re touching you now, we’re +3ZH-l7C3xry-00096-00053505-00053988 biting you now,’ and we said before that then you control your mind, No, no, these +3ZH-l7C3xry-00097-00053988-00054099 are angels. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00098-00054099-00054699 And with madad and support and all your training that begin to send an energy into your heart +3ZH-l7C3xry-00099-00054699-00055325 to control your thoughts control your mind, switched the narrative into positive. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00100-00055325-00055997 Shaitain (satan) always comes to your head to make everything negative, you flip it into +3ZH-l7C3xry-00101-00055997-00056387 positive. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00102-00056387-00056958 If they're not going into your mind and they say the mind is too rock solid on this person +3ZH-l7C3xry-00103-00056958-00057350 means they've learned to shut off and they're operating from their heart they are coming +3ZH-l7C3xry-00104-00057350-00057557 for the body also. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00105-00057557-00058295 So like a kickboxer is looking for where you have a deficit and that's why when spiritual +3ZH-l7C3xry-00106-00058295-00059170 people become subtle, as soon as they get a cut or wound they feel an agitation intensifying +3ZH-l7C3xry-00107-00059170-00059422 in that area, why? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00108-00059422-00060149 Because the negative force that's always coming towards you is looking for a deficiency. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00109-00060149-00060641 They see a wound they're coming all around the wound. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00110-00060641-00061477 So to understand negativity you put a piece of bread old bread out, negative energy in +3ZH-l7C3xry-00111-00061477-00061905 this world that also created of energy beings. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00112-00061905-00062679 They come around something and their sustenance is not like our sustenance their sustenance +3ZH-l7C3xry-00113-00062679-00063861 is through their breath they breathe in their food means you begin to see something decay +3ZH-l7C3xry-00114-00063861-00064277 that's them eating that. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00115-00064277-00065062 When they begin to eat that it begins to become mouldy and decaying they come around that +3ZH-l7C3xry-00116-00065062-00065830 decay their sustenance and the means of which Allah (AJ) gave them to sustain themselves. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00117-00065830-00066461 Not like us eating, they breathing that reality in and they’re killing and pulling that +3ZH-l7C3xry-00118-00066461-00066861 force out of it. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00119-00066861-00067376 And that's why we cover our food in spiritual understanding, cover your food so that they +3ZH-l7C3xry-00120-00067376-00067752 don't come to take from it and contaminate it. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00121-00067752-00068414 Cover your drink and your water don't leave it out overnight unattended many creatures +3ZH-l7C3xry-00122-00068414-00069264 are coming to take from its energy and poison it with badness and bad energy. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00123-00069264-00070014 All that Prophetﷺ gave to us of Islamic realities was for energy. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00124-00070014-00070550 So means that's their force coming you'll see them when you see something rotting. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00125-00070550-00071193 When they come around your feet you feel an itching and a burning, some people have their +3ZH-l7C3xry-00126-00071193-00071747 nails eaten up by it because of the immense amount of negative energy that is always coming +3ZH-l7C3xry-00127-00071747-00071885 around their feet. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00128-00071885-00072557 Because remember you walk with light in your heart but you walk on a satanic Kingdom of +3ZH-l7C3xry-00129-00072557-00072729 earth. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00130-00072729-00073357 When shaitan came onto this earth and has planted his Kingdom and when the truth and +3ZH-l7C3xry-00131-00073357-00074097 the falsehood they don't mix and as a result the truth is continuously pushing out the +3ZH-l7C3xry-00132-00074097-00074356 false and the false is trying to come back. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00133-00074356-00074981 But Allah (AJ), ‘The false is perishing,’ means you can fight it back. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00134-00074981-00075917 So means these signs are the understanding of disease they come to where there's a weakness +3ZH-l7C3xry-00135-00075917-00076130 and begin to attack. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00136-00076130-00076823 So last days when you understand that they come when there's a weakness and begin to +3ZH-l7C3xry-00137-00076823-00076923 attack. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00138-00076923-00077023 So in last days when you understand they come where there’s a weakness and that's how +3ZH-l7C3xry-00139-00077023-00077630 they fight you to bring you down then what happens in the last days, ‘Red death and +3ZH-l7C3xry-00140-00077630-00077852 white death.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00141-00077852-00078637 That before the arrival of the Sayyidina Mahdi (As) the hadith of red death and white death-sudden +3ZH-l7C3xry-00142-00078637-00078737 death. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00143-00078737-00079785 Said, red death was described as wars the battles, white death was described as pandemics +3ZH-l7C3xry-00144-00079785-00080311 and plagues-sudden death. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00145-00080311-00080549 Why? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00146-00080549-00081623 Because these creatures these negative energies we describe their benefit is to weaken you +3ZH-l7C3xry-00147-00081623-00081908 and they don't necessarily want to kill you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00148-00081908-00082992 All majority of them want to possess you because they want to use the faculty of your hearing +3ZH-l7C3xry-00149-00082992-00083408 you're seeing your movement you're like a car for them. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00150-00083408-00084286 Allah (AJ) created them powerful but yet very vulnerable they have no form so then they +3ZH-l7C3xry-00151-00084286-00085333 are exposed to elements and that's why they hide themselves within structures and different +3ZH-l7C3xry-00152-00085333-00085500 places. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00153-00085500-00086291 So when they want to occupy the victim in the last days they begin to inspire their +3ZH-l7C3xry-00154-00086291-00087260 human slaves that release sicknesses upon the earth when these sicknesses come it weakens +3ZH-l7C3xry-00155-00087260-00087811 the immune system weakens the natural defence for insan (mankind). +3ZH-l7C3xry-00156-00087811-00088566 So then this virus and these sicknesses enter within the being, weaken their ability to +3ZH-l7C3xry-00157-00088566-00089143 fight off any type of attack and then from the outside that spiritual being is coming. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00158-00089143-00089885 So they work together because oh, ‘You calling like this, you call like that,’ no, no this +3ZH-l7C3xry-00159-00089885-00090786 is a consorted effort on how to possess humans, and Mawlana Shaykh (Q) described most of humanity +3ZH-l7C3xry-00160-00090786-00091567 now are shayateen, they're not human anymore we’ll explain what that means. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00161-00091567-00092463 So if you're fighting they send to their opponent a sickness, the sickness enters in weakens +3ZH-l7C3xry-00162-00092463-00092573 their ability. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00163-00092573-00093210 SubhanAllah how Allah (AJ) shows you that it weakens their breath which is the tree +3ZH-l7C3xry-00164-00093210-00093870 of life nafas ur rahma (the Breath of Mercy) your whole powers on your breath. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00165-00093870-00094451 And that's why Allah (AJ) was teaching and Prophet ﷺ was teaching, ‘Don't smoke don't +3ZH-l7C3xry-00166-00094451-00094811 burn this tree of life sidratul munataha (The Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary) is within +3ZH-l7C3xry-00167-00094811-00094970 you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00168-00094970-00095929 If you harness that breath if you came and control yourself Allah (AJ) will open up qudratil +3ZH-l7C3xry-00169-00095929-00096612 Ilahiya, a Divinely Power comes through your nafas and your breath. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00170-00096612-00097306 And that's why shaitan’s first attack was make them to smoke make them to put cold smoke +3ZH-l7C3xry-00171-00097306-00097800 and that would go deep into their lungs and kill them even harder. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00172-00097800-00098288 And before this virus Allah (AJ) exposed the danger of that vaping. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00173-00098288-00099173 All of that is they’re all fighting for the lungs of mankind for the breath of mankind +3ZH-l7C3xry-00174-00099173-00099773 to take him out from reaching his reality for if one of them should reach their reality +3ZH-l7C3xry-00175-00099773-00100327 they have the power of 1000 men and even more than that because that's not even something +3ZH-l7C3xry-00176-00100327-00100969 understood if Allah (AJ) open for His servant what Allah (AJ) want to open from Allah’s +3ZH-l7C3xry-00177-00100969-00101393 (AJ) hearing from Allah’s (AJ) seeing, Allah’s (AJ) speech, Allah’s (AJ) hands. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00178-00101393-00101957 Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Breath will be upon that servant that can't even be described. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00179-00101957-00102440 Its limitations and its endless barakah and blessings can be limited. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00180-00102440-00102816 What Allah (AJ) gives to his servant when He wants to give hearing, nobody can say, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00181-00102816-00102949 ‘No it’s not possible.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00182-00102949-00103326 What are you talking about, how could you talk on behalf of Allah (AJ)? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00183-00103326-00104030 So the potential’s unlimited so you see they’re motivated to do that. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00184-00104030-00104749 So when they teach the haqqaiq (realities) of the sickness comes in weakens, as a result +3ZH-l7C3xry-00185-00104749-00105170 they can jump onto that insan. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00186-00105170-00106155 When they overtake an insan when they overtake the person means they enter into them, as +3ZH-l7C3xry-00187-00106155-00107160 a result these are very wicked creatures whom their food is the sustenance, their sustenance +3ZH-l7C3xry-00188-00107160-00107788 is the flesh and blood of mankind. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00189-00107788-00108711 The sustenance of these creatures is the flesh and blood of mankind; they eat humans. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00190-00108711-00109684 When you understand then they possess a human being we understand they weaken the system +3ZH-l7C3xry-00191-00109684-00109795 inside. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00192-00109795-00110454 They, their energy comes and overtakes that insan and enter into them. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00193-00110454-00111080 They take over the hearing, the seeing, the breathing, the speaking, the entire faculty +3ZH-l7C3xry-00194-00111080-00111719 of that human and they inspire the human to eat what they want to eat because the human +3ZH-l7C3xry-00195-00111719-00112223 diet makes them sick they're not interested in that. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00196-00112223-00112880 And completely begin to change that insan, but they're not eating anymore like human +3ZH-l7C3xry-00197-00112880-00113308 and that’s why Allah (AJ) showed us in Lord of the Rings (a movie), because everything +3ZH-l7C3xry-00198-00113308-00113717 is a Divine Marketing, Allah’s (AJ) not saying, ‘Only I'm saving Muslims who go +3ZH-l7C3xry-00199-00113717-00113817 to masjid.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00200-00113817-00114495 Allah (AJ) created all this creation with love and said, ‘Do you see it in your media, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00201-00114495-00115099 do you see the signs on the horizon and then He'll teach you about the signs within you.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00202-00115099-00115675 And on the horizon you didn't see how something so nice became like a Gollum. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00203-00115675-00116408 A Gollum was a flesh eating creature, ‘Gollum.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00204-00116408-00116677 What we call Ghulam is someone else. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00205-00116677-00117454 A ghoul, that old time ghoul they would conjure up creatures and the ghoul would eat human +3ZH-l7C3xry-00206-00117454-00117588 flesh. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00207-00117588-00118318 This’s all real, this is all the kingdom of shaitan that you have to believe in, angels, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00208-00118318-00118963 good and bad the destiny, you have to believe in all of these realms and all these realities +3ZH-l7C3xry-00209-00118963-00119526 otherwise you think it as something physical and look, ‘Oh it's just a coincidence that +3ZH-l7C3xry-00210-00119526-00119679 people are getting sick!’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00211-00119679-00119897 No it’s not a coincidence. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00212-00119897-00120448 The sickness is to go inside and weaken the defence of insan and they're already waiting +3ZH-l7C3xry-00213-00120448-00121124 on the outside to go onto them when they go on to them it becomes their diet. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00214-00121124-00121508 And that’s why all the horrific signs of last day. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00215-00121508-00122008 When the angels ask Allah (AJ) that, ‘They’re going to create bloodshed.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00216-00122008-00122294 It’s not these wars that we’re seeing. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00217-00122294-00122978 Prophet ﷺ described that, ‘A time is coming when this child of 7, his hair will turn grey +3ZH-l7C3xry-00218-00122978-00123563 of fear of what he's about to witness upon the earth, his hair turns grey.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00219-00123563-00124214 Doesn't turn grey from seeing battle, they’re all watching more graphic video games. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00220-00124214-00125129 What is it they're going to see that makes their hair turn grey, out of fear out of shock, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00221-00125129-00125597 these creatures and how they overtake insan. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00222-00125597-00126522 And how they feed off of mankind then we understand the barakah and the blessings of Allah (AJ) +3ZH-l7C3xry-00223-00126522-00126622 guiding us. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00224-00126622-00127338 When Allah (AJ) guides, He guides to these realities of energy. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00225-00127338-00127976 He guides to them that be with them they’ll give you a taweez. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00226-00127976-00128755 That they have a flag from Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ that Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah Dagestani +3ZH-l7C3xry-00227-00128755-00129400 (Q) got, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim (Q) got, confirmed it, Naqshbandi taweez. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00228-00129400-00129667 It's something to put on for this system. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00229-00129667-00130290 That you don't understand they're trying to do and that you mark yourself, mark your home, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00230-00130290-00130563 mark your properties. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00231-00130563-00131188 So when they try to cast that sickness and jump into the person maybe the sickness comes +3ZH-l7C3xry-00232-00131188-00131875 and Allah (AJ) takes the sickness away and their attack is a defeat. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00233-00131875-00132485 When Allah (AJ) grant His servant victory, it’s victory at many levels that the servant +3ZH-l7C3xry-00234-00132485-00133051 doesn't even understand how bad that attack was coming. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00235-00133051-00133553 When they watch and they hear what's happening on this sickness, they’re saying they’re +3ZH-l7C3xry-00236-00133553-00134151 like demonic possessions they felt demonic possessions they felt horrific energies they +3ZH-l7C3xry-00237-00134151-00134738 felt attacks as if something was entering into them. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00238-00134738-00135430 So then all these practices are a preparation for these days that are opening. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00239-00135430-00136012 So that when you practice and breathe and understand your madad we told before in the +3ZH-l7C3xry-00240-00136012-00136413 night before this madad (support) and these awrad (daily practices) that you do is your +3ZH-l7C3xry-00241-00136413-00136866 connection to an encrypted Wi-Fi. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00242-00136866-00137455 When you're doing the madad doing the awrad, as if you're being able to log onto an encrypted +3ZH-l7C3xry-00243-00137455-00138273 Wi-Fi, that it’s encrypted so that shayateen they can’t use it and as a result of using +3ZH-l7C3xry-00244-00138273-00138730 that awrads, using those practices Allah (AJ) is opening a faiz (downpouring blessings) +3ZH-l7C3xry-00245-00138730-00139448 into your heart and that is the secret of, “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'Aliyyul +3ZH-l7C3xry-00246-00139448-00139548 'Azim.” +3ZH-l7C3xry-00247-00139548-00140083 And in last days the believers whom they’re connected into those realities, they’ll +3ZH-l7C3xry-00248-00140083-00140619 begin to say “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'Aliyyul 'Azim,” and every time +3ZH-l7C3xry-00249-00140619-00141213 something is difficult Allah (AJ) at that moment will begin to send a flood of qudra +3ZH-l7C3xry-00250-00141213-00141779 (power) and energy to relieve them, hide them, take them whatever is necessary hawla (strength) +3ZH-l7C3xry-00251-00141779-00142277 and quwwa (power) will be flowing. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00252-00142277-00142916 So they merely say it and Allah (AJ) will make something that’s necessary to happen. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00253-00142916-00143373 Can't imagine whether it's moving through air or speed and time, whether it’s pushing +3ZH-l7C3xry-00254-00143373-00143899 away some sort of an attack because their whole system was to build this connection, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00255-00143899-00144555 to build this energy, to keep this idea and the reality of madad all around them. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00256-00144555-00145297 That we’re under a spiritual attack and you need spiritual support, nothing from this +3ZH-l7C3xry-00257-00145297-00145648 physical world going to help you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00258-00145648-00146336 When we understand then we say, ‘I understand what Allah (AJ) is giving to us, that sit +3ZH-l7C3xry-00259-00146336-00146554 with them they're going to train you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00260-00146554-00146777 Sit with them they’re going to build you. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00261-00146777-00147299 Sit with them they’re going to explain these realities so that this energy this reality +3ZH-l7C3xry-00262-00147299-00147995 this faiz all these taweez, all of these secure you your family and your community.’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00263-00147995-00148825 We pray that Allah (AJ) give us more and more understanding and that the significance of +3ZH-l7C3xry-00264-00148825-00149358 the awrad, significance of the meditation, tafakkur, contemplation. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00265-00149358-00149977 Significance of what's happening when these sicknesses are coming and our defence against +3ZH-l7C3xry-00266-00149977-00150696 these sicknesses, that the inside controls outside. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00267-00150696-00151812 The software is more important than the hardware, the software is called an operating system, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00268-00151812-00151912 operating system. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00269-00151912-00152315 Operating system; you can have the best computer in the world if it has the wrong operating +3ZH-l7C3xry-00270-00152315-00152526 system nothing is working. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00271-00152526-00153162 So Allah (AJ) is showing in our technology because we love the technology so much that +3ZH-l7C3xry-00272-00153162-00154009 if you don't understand you're inside controls outside and shaitan fooled people to play +3ZH-l7C3xry-00273-00154009-00154395 with their outside and fix nothing from inside. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00274-00154395-00154857 They’re busy with their salah (prayer), busy with their going for Hajj (pilgrimage), +3ZH-l7C3xry-00275-00154857-00155503 busy for every external action but they did nothing of internal action. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00276-00155503-00155986 And awliya (saints) come into our lives and teach that if you're not building inside not +3ZH-l7C3xry-00277-00155986-00156555 building your operating system and if you're not doing your awrad for your Wi-Fi and your +3ZH-l7C3xry-00278-00156555-00156901 encryption, how are you going to get your updates? +3ZH-l7C3xry-00279-00156901-00157561 If you understood this is an operating system it's been continuously updated on continuous +3ZH-l7C3xry-00280-00157561-00158141 for Allah (AJ) says, ‘At every moment is a new tajalli (manifestation) for Allah (AJ).’ +3ZH-l7C3xry-00281-00158141-00159120 It’s not that came like one year ago, and every moment Allah (AJ) is in a new tajalli. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00282-00159120-00159677 And by the awrad and by the connection and the faiz of this reality coming from the heart +3ZH-l7C3xry-00283-00159677-00160255 of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, he has been granted for us this ni’mat (blessing). +3ZH-l7C3xry-00284-00160255-00160827 Log onto the encrypted signal and begin to receive these faiz, begin to receive these +3ZH-l7C3xry-00285-00160827-00160927 lights. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00286-00160927-00161629 These lights will be deposited deep within the soul, the soul and the power; inside controls +3ZH-l7C3xry-00287-00161629-00161888 what's happening on the outside. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00288-00161888-00162772 If your inside is empty your outside is crushed already defeated but if your inside is strong +3ZH-l7C3xry-00289-00162772-00163636 and filled with lights that power if Allah (AJ) brings it out it can do many things, +3ZH-l7C3xry-00290-00163636-00164220 one will be to save you up upon many things that soul can do if Allah (AJ) brings out +3ZH-l7C3xry-00291-00164220-00164320 its realities +3ZH-l7C3xry-00292-00164320-00164912 Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi +3ZH-l7C3xry-00293-00164912-00165012 rabbil ‘aalameen. +3ZH-l7C3xry-00294-00165012-00165759 Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. +3a9hYDelNaI-00000-00000057-00000438 As a final step of “Statistics and Exploring Data”, I’m going to talk about something +3a9hYDelNaI-00001-00000438-00000909 that’s not usually exploring data but it is basic descriptive statistics. +3a9hYDelNaI-00002-00000909-00001109 I like to think of it this way. +3a9hYDelNaI-00003-00001109-00001444 You’ve got some data, and you are trying to tell a story. +3a9hYDelNaI-00004-00001444-00001789 More specifically, you’re trying to tell your data’s story. +3a9hYDelNaI-00005-00001789-00002380 And with descriptive statistics, you can think of it as trying to use a little data to stand +3a9hYDelNaI-00006-00002380-00002553 in for a lot of data. +3a9hYDelNaI-00007-00002553-00002910 Using a few numbers to stand in for a large collection of numbers. +3a9hYDelNaI-00008-00002910-00003283 And this is consistent with the advice we get from good ole Henry David Thoreau, who +3a9hYDelNaI-00009-00003283-00003638 told us Simplify, Simplify. +3a9hYDelNaI-00010-00003638-00004371 If you can tell your story with more carefully chosen and more informative data, go for it. +3a9hYDelNaI-00011-00004371-00004587 So there’s a few different procedures for doing this. +3a9hYDelNaI-00012-00004587-00005075 #1, you’ll want to describe the center of your distribution of data, that is if you’re +3a9hYDelNaI-00013-00005075-00005290 going to choose a single number, use that. +3a9hYDelNaI-00014-00005290-00005761 # 2, if you can give a second number give something about the spread or the dispersion +3a9hYDelNaI-00015-00005761-00005953 of the variability. +3a9hYDelNaI-00016-00005953-00006358 And #3, give something about the shape of the distribution. +3a9hYDelNaI-00017-00006358-00006579 Let me say more about each of these in turn. +3a9hYDelNaI-00018-00006579-00006747 First, let’s talk about center. +3a9hYDelNaI-00019-00006747-00007073 We have the center of our rings here. +3a9hYDelNaI-00020-00007073-00007664 Now there are a few very common measure of center or location or central tendency of +3a9hYDelNaI-00021-00007664-00007833 a distribution. +3a9hYDelNaI-00022-00007833-00008176 There’s the mode, the median and there’s the mean. +3a9hYDelNaI-00023-00008176-00008550 Now, there are many, many others but those are the ones that are going to get you most +3a9hYDelNaI-00024-00008550-00008650 of the way. +3a9hYDelNaI-00025-00008650-00008815 Let’s talk about the mode first. +3a9hYDelNaI-00026-00008815-00009298 Now, I’m going to create a little dataset here on a scale from 1 to 11, and I’m going +3a9hYDelNaI-00027-00009298-00009476 to put individual scores. +3a9hYDelNaI-00028-00009476-00009812 There’s a one, and another one, and another one and another one. +3a9hYDelNaI-00029-00009812-00010505 Then we have a two, two, then we have a score way over at 9 and another score over at 11. +3a9hYDelNaI-00030-00010505-00010766 So we have 8 scores, and this is the distribution. +3a9hYDelNaI-00031-00010766-00011038 This is actually a histogram of the dataset. +3a9hYDelNaI-00032-00011038-00011567 The mode is the most commonly occurring score or the most frequent score. +3a9hYDelNaI-00033-00011567-00012011 Well, if you look at how tall each of these go, we have more ones than anything else, +3a9hYDelNaI-00034-00012011-00012214 and so one is the mode. +3a9hYDelNaI-00035-00012214-00012644 Because it occurs 4 times and nothing else comes close to that. +3a9hYDelNaI-00036-00012644-00012822 The median is a little different. +3a9hYDelNaI-00037-00012822-00013244 The median is looking for the score that is at the center if you split it into two equal +3a9hYDelNaI-00038-00013244-00013344 groups. +3a9hYDelNaI-00039-00013344-00013825 We have 8 scores, so we have to get one group of 4, that’s down here, and the other group +3a9hYDelNaI-00040-00013825-00014287 of four, this really big one because it’s way out and the median is going to be the +3a9hYDelNaI-00041-00014287-00014616 place on the number line that splits those into two groups. +3a9hYDelNaI-00042-00014616-00015091 That’s going to be right here at one and a half. +3a9hYDelNaI-00043-00015091-00015394 Now the mean is going to be a little more complicated, even though people understand +3a9hYDelNaI-00044-00015394-00015494 means in general. +3a9hYDelNaI-00045-00015494-00015956 It’s the first one here that actually has a formula, where M for the mean is equal to +3a9hYDelNaI-00046-00015956-00016508 the sum of X (that’s our scores on the variable), divided by N (the number of scores). +3a9hYDelNaI-00047-00016508-00016875 You can also write it out with Greek notation if you want, like this where that’s sigma +3a9hYDelNaI-00048-00016875-00017512 - a capital sigma is the summation sign, sum of X divided by N. And with our little dataset, +3a9hYDelNaI-00049-00017512-00017940 that works out to this: one plus one plus one plus one plus two plus two plus nine plus +3a9hYDelNaI-00050-00017940-00018080 eleven. +3a9hYDelNaI-00051-00018080-00018378 Add those all up and divide by 8, because that’s how many scores there are. +3a9hYDelNaI-00052-00018378-00018844 Well that reduces to 28 divided by 8, which is equal to 3.5. +3a9hYDelNaI-00053-00018844-00019298 If you go back to our little chart here, 3.5 is right over here. +3a9hYDelNaI-00054-00019298-00019648 You’ll notice there aren’t any scores really exactly right there. +3a9hYDelNaI-00055-00019648-00020043 That’s because the mean tends to get very distorted by its outliers, it follows the +3a9hYDelNaI-00056-00020043-00020212 extreme scores. +3a9hYDelNaI-00057-00020212-00020736 But a really nice, I say it’s more than just a visual analogy, is that if this number +3a9hYDelNaI-00058-00020736-00021393 were a sea saw, then the mean is exactly where the balance point or the falkrum would be +3a9hYDelNaI-00059-00021393-00021500 for these to be equal. +3a9hYDelNaI-00060-00021500-00021640 People understand that. +3a9hYDelNaI-00061-00021640-00021995 If somebody weighs more they got to sit in closer to balance someone who less, who has +3a9hYDelNaI-00062-00021995-00022355 to sit further out, and that’s how the mean works. +3a9hYDelNaI-00063-00022355-00022680 Now, let me give a bit of the pros and cons of each of these. +3a9hYDelNaI-00064-00022680-00023046 Mode is easy to do, you just count how common it is. +3a9hYDelNaI-00065-00023046-00023626 On the other hand, it may not be close to what appears to be the center of the data. +3a9hYDelNaI-00066-00023626-00024065 The Median it splits the data into two same size groups, the same number of scores in +3a9hYDelNaI-00067-00024065-00024523 each and that’s pretty easy to deal with but unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to use +3a9hYDelNaI-00068-00024523-00024837 that information in any statistics after that. +3a9hYDelNaI-00069-00024837-00025259 And finally the mean, of these three it’s the least intuitive, it’s the most effective +3a9hYDelNaI-00070-00025259-00025779 by outliers and skewness and that really may strike against it, but it is the most useful +3a9hYDelNaI-00071-00025779-00026156 statistically and so it’s the one that gets used most often. +3a9hYDelNaI-00072-00026156-00026614 Next, there’s the issue of spread, spread your tail feathers. +3a9hYDelNaI-00073-00026614-00026927 And we have a few measures here that are pretty common also. +3a9hYDelNaI-00074-00026927-00027414 There’s the range, there are percentiles and interquartile range and there’s variance +3a9hYDelNaI-00075-00027414-00027518 and standard deviation. +3a9hYDelNaI-00076-00027518-00027718 I’ll talk about each of those. +3a9hYDelNaI-00077-00027718-00027837 First the Range. +3a9hYDelNaI-00078-00027837-00028406 The Range is simply the maximum score minus the minimum score, and in our case that’s +3a9hYDelNaI-00079-00028406-00028806 11 minus 1, which is equal to 10, so we have a range of 10. +3a9hYDelNaI-00080-00028806-00029019 I can show you that on our chart. +3a9hYDelNaI-00081-00029019-00029389 It’s just that line on the bottom from the 11 down to the one. +3a9hYDelNaI-00082-00029389-00029630 That’s a range of 10. +3a9hYDelNaI-00083-00029630-00030187 The interquartile range which is actually usually referred to simply as the IQR is the +3a9hYDelNaI-00084-00030187-00030652 distance between the Q3; which is the third quartile score and Q1; which is the first +3a9hYDelNaI-00085-00030652-00030799 quartile score. +3a9hYDelNaI-00086-00030799-00031286 If you're not familiar with quartiles, it’s the same the 75th percentile score and the +3a9hYDelNaI-00087-00031286-00031500 25th percentile score. +3a9hYDelNaI-00088-00031500-00031886 Really what it is, is you’re going to throw away some of the some of the data. +3a9hYDelNaI-00089-00031886-00032036 So let’s go to our distribution here. +3a9hYDelNaI-00090-00032036-00032433 First thing we are going to do, we are going to throw away the two highest scores, there +3a9hYDelNaI-00091-00032433-00032764 they are, they’re greyed out now, and then we are going to throw away two of the lowest +3a9hYDelNaI-00092-00032764-00032974 scores, their out there. +3a9hYDelNaI-00093-00032974-00033186 Then we are going to get the range for the remaining ones. +3a9hYDelNaI-00094-00033186-00033741 Now, this is complicated by the fact that I have this big gap between 2 and 9, and different +3a9hYDelNaI-00095-00033741-00034115 methods of calculating quartiles do something with that gap. +3a9hYDelNaI-00096-00034115-00034491 So if you use a spreadsheet it’s actually going to do an interpolation process and it +3a9hYDelNaI-00097-00034491-00034894 will give you a value of 3.75, I believe. +3a9hYDelNaI-00098-00034894-00035472 And then down to one for the first quartile, so not so intuitive with this graph but that +3a9hYDelNaI-00099-00035472-00035672 it is how it works usually. +3a9hYDelNaI-00100-00035672-00035949 If you want to write it out, you can do it like this. +3a9hYDelNaI-00101-00035949-00036468 The interquartile range is equal to Q3 minus Q1, and in our particular case that’s 3.75 +3a9hYDelNaI-00102-00036468-00036583 minus 1. +3a9hYDelNaI-00103-00036583-00037034 And that of course is equal to just 2.75 and there you have it. +3a9hYDelNaI-00104-00037034-00037611 Now our final measure of spread or variability or dispersion, is two related measures, the +3a9hYDelNaI-00105-00037611-00037872 variance and the standard deviation. +3a9hYDelNaI-00106-00037872-00038211 These are little harder to explain and a little harder to show. +3a9hYDelNaI-00107-00038211-00038790 But the variance, which is at least the easiest formula, is this: the variance is equal to +3a9hYDelNaI-00108-00038790-00039449 that’s the sum, the capital sigma that’s the sum, X minus M; that’s how far each +3a9hYDelNaI-00109-00039449-00040037 score is from the mean and then you take that deviation there and you square it, you add +3a9hYDelNaI-00110-00040037-00040296 up all the deviations, and then you divide by the number. +3a9hYDelNaI-00111-00040296-00040852 So the variance is, the average square deviation from the mean. +3a9hYDelNaI-00112-00040852-00041071 I’ll try to show you that graphically. +3a9hYDelNaI-00113-00041071-00041521 So here’s our dataset and there’s our mean right there at 3 and a half. +3a9hYDelNaI-00114-00041521-00041756 Let’s go to one of these twos. +3a9hYDelNaI-00115-00041756-00042296 We have a deviation there of 1.5 and if we make a square, that’s 1.5 points on each +3a9hYDelNaI-00116-00042296-00042528 side, well there it is. +3a9hYDelNaI-00117-00042528-00042800 We can do a similar square for the other score too. +3a9hYDelNaI-00118-00042800-00043343 If we are going down to one, then it’s going to be 2.5 squared and it’s going to be that +3a9hYDelNaI-00119-00043343-00043796 much bigger, and we can drawn one of these squares for each one of our 8 points. +3a9hYDelNaI-00120-00043796-00044206 The squares for the scores at 9 and 11 are going to be huge and go off the page, so I’m +3a9hYDelNaI-00121-00044206-00044377 not going to show them. +3a9hYDelNaI-00122-00044377-00044762 But once you have all those squares you add up the area and you get the variance. +3a9hYDelNaI-00123-00044762-00045261 So, this is the formula for the variance, but now let me show the standard deviation +3a9hYDelNaI-00124-00045261-00045399 which is also a very common measure. +3a9hYDelNaI-00125-00045399-00045874 It’s closely related to this, specifically it’s just the square root of the variance. +3a9hYDelNaI-00126-00045874-00046092 Now, there’s a catch here. +3a9hYDelNaI-00127-00046092-00046537 The formulas for the variance and the standard deviation are slightly different for populations +3a9hYDelNaI-00128-00046537-00046870 and samples in that they use different denominators. +3a9hYDelNaI-00129-00046870-00047394 But they give similar answers, not identical but similar if the sample is reasonably large, +3a9hYDelNaI-00130-00047394-00047953 say over 30 or 50, then it’s really going to be just a negligible difference. +3a9hYDelNaI-00131-00047953-00048187 So let’s do a little pro and con of these three things. +3a9hYDelNaI-00132-00048187-00048314 First, the Range. +3a9hYDelNaI-00133-00048314-00048800 It’s very easy to do, it only uses two numbers the high and the low, but it’s determined +3a9hYDelNaI-00134-00048800-00048956 entirely by those two numbers. +3a9hYDelNaI-00135-00048956-00049356 And if they’re outliers, then you’ve got really a bad situation. +3a9hYDelNaI-00136-00049356-00049768 The Interquartile Range the IQR, is really good for skewed data and that’s because +3a9hYDelNaI-00137-00049768-00050068 it ignores extremes on either end, so that’s nice. +3a9hYDelNaI-00138-00050068-00050516 And the variance and the standard deviation while they are the least intuitive and they +3a9hYDelNaI-00139-00050516-00050941 are the most affected by outliers, they are also generally the most useful because they +3a9hYDelNaI-00140-00050941-00051330 feed into so many other procedures that are used in data science. +3a9hYDelNaI-00141-00051330-00051795 Finally, let’s talk a little bit about the shape of the distribution. +3a9hYDelNaI-00142-00051795-00052288 You can have symmetrical or skew distribution, unimodal , uniform or u-shaped. +3a9hYDelNaI-00143-00052288-00052524 You can have outliers, there’s a lot of variations. +3a9hYDelNaI-00144-00052524-00052727 Let me show you a few of them. +3a9hYDelNaI-00145-00052727-00053014 First off is a symmetrical distribution, pretty easy. +3a9hYDelNaI-00146-00053014-00053260 They’re the same on the left and on the right. +3a9hYDelNaI-00147-00053260-00053696 And this little pyramid shape is an example of a symmetrical distribution. +3a9hYDelNaI-00148-00053696-00054141 There are also skewed distributions, where most of the scores are on one end and they +3a9hYDelNaI-00149-00054141-00054294 taper off. +3a9hYDelNaI-00150-00054294-00054658 This here is a positively skewed distribution where most of the scores are at the low end +3a9hYDelNaI-00151-00054658-00055111 and the outliers are on the high end. +3a9hYDelNaI-00152-00055111-00055342 This is unimodal, our same pyramid shape. +3a9hYDelNaI-00153-00055342-00055782 Unimodal means it has one mode, really kind of one hump in the data. +3a9hYDelNaI-00154-00055782-00056194 That’s contrasted for instance to bimodal where you have two modes, and that usually +3a9hYDelNaI-00155-00056194-00056483 happens when you have two distributions that got mixed together. +3a9hYDelNaI-00156-00056483-00057095 There is also uniform distribution where every response is equally common, there’s u-shaped +3a9hYDelNaI-00157-00057095-00057547 distributions where people tend to pile up at one end or the other and a big dip in the +3a9hYDelNaI-00158-00057547-00057647 middle. +3a9hYDelNaI-00159-00057647-00058125 And so there’s a lot of different variations, and you want to get those, the shape of the +3a9hYDelNaI-00160-00058125-00058638 distribution to help you understand and put the numerical summaries like the mean and +3a9hYDelNaI-00161-00058638-00058988 like the standard deviation and put those into context. +3a9hYDelNaI-00162-00058988-00059437 In sum, we can say this: when you use this script of statistics that allows you to be +3a9hYDelNaI-00163-00059437-00060008 concise with your data, tell the story and tell it succinctly. +3a9hYDelNaI-00164-00060008-00060370 You want to focus on things like the center of the data, the spread of the data, the shape +3a9hYDelNaI-00165-00060370-00060514 of the data. +3a9hYDelNaI-00166-00060514-00060951 And above all, watch out for anomalies, because they can exercise really undue influence on +3a9hYDelNaI-00167-00060951-00061433 your interpretations but this will help you better understand your data and prepare you +3a9hYDelNaI-00168-00061433-00061551 for the steps to follow. +3c4wl6WOHQE-00000-00000003-00000570 Okay, friends today we're going to learn about counting by tens. We're going to +3c4wl6WOHQE-00001-00000570-00001167 learn counting by tens with a ten-bar. What is this called? A ten-bar. How many unit +3c4wl6WOHQE-00002-00001167-00002735 beads are on a ten-bar? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. So, this is a ten-bar, and this is ten. What +3c4wl6WOHQE-00003-00002735-00003622 number comes after ten, if I'm counting by tens? Twenty. So, let me take another ten-bar. +3c4wl6WOHQE-00004-00003686-00004443 Ten, twenty. Now Nicolas, would you like to come to the next one for me, please? What number +3c4wl6WOHQE-00005-00004443-00005757 is the next one? Thirty, thirty. Very good. Okay, do thirty for me please. Let's count with him +3c4wl6WOHQE-00006-00005757-00006904 friends, ten, twenty, thirty. Very good. Ashton, would you like to come so forty, please? +3c4wl6WOHQE-00007-00007723-00008884 Ten, twenty, thirty, forty. Thank you. +3c4wl6WOHQE-00008-00009570-00010189 Thank you, Michelle. So, we got up to 100. So let's sing our nice song. I can count +3c4wl6WOHQE-00009-00010189-00011764 by tens, all to one-hundred.Ten, twenty, thirty. Forty, fifty, sixty. Seventy, eighty, ninety. One-hundred. +3c4wl6WOHQE-00010-00011764-00012888 Let's count with me. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one-hundred. +3c4wl6WOHQE-00011-00012888-00013634 So, now today we learned how to count by tens, using our ten-bar. And how many units again are wired on this +3c4wl6WOHQE-00012-00013634-00014422 bar? And ten units is a ten-bar. Thank you, friends. You did great. +3eabKyQs_t0-00000-00002959-00003620 Thank you, Dr. Peter Holmgren, for your kind introduction. +3eabKyQs_t0-00001-00003620-00004300 It motivates me to do more in the years to come to protect our forests and environment. +3eabKyQs_t0-00002-00004360-00005300 Bismillahirrahmannirrahim, Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. +3eabKyQs_t0-00003-00005320-00005700 Peace Be Upon Us All. +3eabKyQs_t0-00004-00005700-00006380 Your Honor, Dr. Peter Holmgren, Director General of CIFOR, +3eabKyQs_t0-00005-00006380-00006750 Excellencies Ministers and Ambassadors, +3eabKyQs_t0-00006-00006750-00007300 Heads of International Organizations, Distinguished Guests, +3eabKyQs_t0-00007-00007300-00008180 Ladies and Gentlemen. First of all, let me express my appreciation +3eabKyQs_t0-00008-00008180-00008880 to CIFOR—the Center for International Forestry Research—and the Indonesian Ministry of +3eabKyQs_t0-00009-00008928-00009940 Forestry for organizing this important summit. I am particularly pleased to learn that more +3eabKyQs_t0-00010-00009950-00010650 than one hundred youths are participating in this auspicious occasion. Your participation +3eabKyQs_t0-00011-00010725-00011425 shows that we do share similar dedication to preserve our natural environment. This +3eabKyQs_t0-00012-00011653-00012353 is a testament of your readiness to shoulder the noble goal of safe-guarding our tropical +3eabKyQs_t0-00013-00012564-00013264 forests. As I look around this room, I am glad to see +3eabKyQs_t0-00014-00013287-00013987 the comprehensiveness of participants. I notice that over the years, from one conference to +3eabKyQs_t0-00015-00014218-00014918 another—that I have the opportunity to address—the numbers of participants continue to grow. +3eabKyQs_t0-00016-00015041-00015741 I can see ministers and senior officials responsible for forestry. I also see development specialists, +3eabKyQs_t0-00017-00016095-00016795 researchers, and academics. And we have among us community representatives, and the private +3eabKyQs_t0-00018-00016845-00017545 sector. Truly, what brings us together is our passion and enthusiasm to protect our +3eabKyQs_t0-00019-00017881-00018412 environment. I am pleased that this enthusiasm is also +3eabKyQs_t0-00020-00018412-00019112 shared by peoples in Southeast Asia. More countries in the region are adopting sustainable +3eabKyQs_t0-00021-00019167-00019867 development and green investment practices. Pro-environment policies are increasingly +3eabKyQs_t0-00022-00019920-00020620 visible in governments' development strategy and private sector's plans. +3eabKyQs_t0-00023-00020643-00021343 In fact, pro-environment policies are part of Indonesia's four-prong development strategy +3eabKyQs_t0-00024-00021543-00022243 that includes pro-growth, pro-jobs, and pro-poor. With this strategy, we are striving to achieve +3eabKyQs_t0-00025-00022492-00023176 sustainable growth in line with a vision of a green economy. +3eabKyQs_t0-00026-00023176-00023876 And one of the new green policies in Indonesia is a nationwide program to reduce emissions +3eabKyQs_t0-00027-00023879-00024579 of greenhouse gases and to enhance our carbon stock. To that end, we are reforming our forest +3eabKyQs_t0-00028-00024760-00025460 manage-ment to a higher level of sustainability. We are also increasing the number of planted +3eabKyQs_t0-00029-00025642-00026342 trees and pro-hibiting the clearing of primary forests and lands. As a result, trees are +3eabKyQs_t0-00030-00026487-00027058 taking root. And forests are gaining more footholds. +3eabKyQs_t0-00031-00027058-00027758 In 2011, I signed a moratorium of new utili-zation and conversion licenses to protect more than +3eabKyQs_t0-00032-00028031-00028731 63 million hectares of primary forests and peat lands. This is an area larger than the +3eabKyQs_t0-00033-00028972-00029672 landmass of Malaysia and the Philippines combined. Last year, I extended the policy until 2015. +3eabKyQs_t0-00034-00030024-00030724 I hope my successor can prolong this moratorium. Through this, we have lowered our deforestation +3eabKyQs_t0-00035-00031230-00031930 rate from one point two million hectares per year between 2003 and 2006, into 450 and 600 +3eabKyQs_t0-00036-00032102-00032802 thousand hectares per year during the moratorium period in 2011 until 2013. And therefore, +3eabKyQs_t0-00037-00033128-00033828 we managed to reduce 211 million tons of CO2 equivalent per year from the business as usual +3eabKyQs_t0-00038-00034012-00034521 projection. In the last four years, we have planted more +3eabKyQs_t0-00039-00034521-00035221 than FOUR BILLION trees. If you have any doubt, I welcome you to start counting them, just +3eabKyQs_t0-00040-00035272-00035972 don't loose your counting track, so that you wouldn't have to start from the beginning +3eabKyQs_t0-00041-00036208-00036744 again. A success story in adopting a pro-environment +3eabKyQs_t0-00042-00036744-00037441 policy can also be seen in the village of Lonca, Central Sulawesi. For generations, +3eabKyQs_t0-00043-00037441-00038141 Lonca villagers practiced slash-and-burn land clearing. For many decades, this was the only +3eabKyQs_t0-00044-00038250-00038950 method they know. This practice stopped after the introduction of a community based program +3eabKyQs_t0-00045-00039027-00039699 to manage forest and watershed area. The community is now aware of the dangers +3eabKyQs_t0-00046-00039699-00040399 of slash-and-burn techniques. Besides releasing carbon into the atmosphere, it also destroys +3eabKyQs_t0-00047-00040481-00041181 habitats and threatens ecosystems. Furthermore, this technique may expose the villagers to +3eabKyQs_t0-00048-00041290-00041990 greater risk of starvation. And now, Lonca farmers plant on a permanent plot of land. +3eabKyQs_t0-00049-00042394-00043094 They know how to alternate between crops to ensure land fertility. +3eabKyQs_t0-00050-00043169-00043843 Similar stories can also be found throughout Indonesia. After joining a farmers union and +3eabKyQs_t0-00051-00043843-00044543 obtaining a community forest permit, hundreds of farmers from Gunung Kidul regency, in Yogyakarta, +3eabKyQs_t0-00052-00044683-00045383 are now managing 115 hectares of land in a sustainable manner. Among giant teak trees, +3eabKyQs_t0-00053-00045622-00046322 they plant medicinal plants and crops for animal feed. In Konawe Selatan, Southeast +3eabKyQs_t0-00054-00046356-00047056 Sulawesi, villagers formed a partnership with a global NGO to deliver internationally certified +3eabKyQs_t0-00055-00047153-00047853 forestry products. And they do this from plots of land they own and manage. +3eabKyQs_t0-00056-00047875-00048575 These communities and many other similar community-based organizations are now at the forefront of +3eabKyQs_t0-00057-00048584-00049284 sustainable forest management efforts. They are planting tree seedlings instead of cutting +3eabKyQs_t0-00058-00049336-00050036 trees down. They work on a plot of land instead of the unsustainable practices of recent past: +3eabKyQs_t0-00059-00050287-00050987 slash-and-burn-and-move. Alhamdulillah, these practices have been weeded out from those +3eabKyQs_t0-00060-00050993-00051586 communities and sustainable land use has now taken root. +3eabKyQs_t0-00061-00051586-00052228 Ladies and gentlemen, Despite those heartening achievements, more +3eabKyQs_t0-00062-00052228-00052879 remains to be done. There are still many cases of unsustainable land-use practices. Forests +3eabKyQs_t0-00063-00052879-00053579 and peat lands of Southeast Asia continue to decline and degrade. In Riau Province, +3eabKyQs_t0-00064-00053652-00054352 Sumatera, for instance, despite all preventive measures by the provincial stakeholders over +3eabKyQs_t0-00065-00054411-00055111 the years, forests fires still occur from time to time. I personally witnessed the forest +3eabKyQs_t0-00066-00055205-00055905 fires there and the devastating effects to the local people and neighboring provinces. +3eabKyQs_t0-00067-00055966-00056666 As the local government failed to mitigate the dire situation caused by the fires, I +3eabKyQs_t0-00068-00056787-00057487 took immediate steps. I deployed disaster relief mission in Riau, coupled by strong +3eabKyQs_t0-00069-00057565-00058196 law enforcement actions. The mission itself involved military and civilian personnel and +3eabKyQs_t0-00070-00058196-00058896 assets. Following these measures, over a hundred individuals and a dozen corporations are facing +3eabKyQs_t0-00071-00058959-00059659 court trials for forestry-related crimes. Crimes that cause HUMANITARIAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL +3eabKyQs_t0-00072-00059938-00060438 DISASTERS. This legal measure sends a firm message. Burning +3eabKyQs_t0-00073-00060438-00061138 land and forests, logging illegally, and farming on illegal plantations either by individuals +3eabKyQs_t0-00074-00061333-00062026 or companies will not be tolerated nor left unpunished. +3eabKyQs_t0-00075-00062026-00062669 Riau forest fires give us many lessons. It was a man-made disaster that disrupted the +3eabKyQs_t0-00076-00062669-00063369 lives and damaged the health of ordinary law-abiding villagers, town-folks and communities. The +3eabKyQs_t0-00077-00063605-00064305 haze paralyzed transportation and communications vital to daily lives and services that businesses +3eabKyQs_t0-00078-00064321-00065021 depend on. And it prevented children access to schools and education. +3eabKyQs_t0-00079-00065079-00065709 The two contrasting cases of the Lonca community and the Riau province, further convinced us +3eabKyQs_t0-00080-00065709-00066409 that forestry governance must be strengthened. This involves accurate forests mapping for +3eabKyQs_t0-00081-00066482-00067181 conservation and sustainable land use. Through this initiative, we will have a unified map +3eabKyQs_t0-00082-00067181-00067881 for Indonesia to help settle competing claims to land. At the same time, we will be able +3eabKyQs_t0-00083-00068072-00068772 to better reduce deforestation and improve the productivity of our natural landscapes. +3eabKyQs_t0-00084-00068803-00069503 Another effort to strengthen forestry governance is the recent establishment of the REDD+ Agency. +3eabKyQs_t0-00085-00069539-00070168 Ladies and gentlemen, Forest management is a cross-cutting issue, +3eabKyQs_t0-00086-00070168-00070829 and not only about keeping the trees. It is about striking a balance between the need +3eabKyQs_t0-00087-00070829-00071529 for conserving the environment, and guaranteeing the rights of local communities over their +3eabKyQs_t0-00088-00071602-00072302 customary forests. By doing so, we provide them with the means to improve their welfare +3eabKyQs_t0-00089-00072385-00073033 and economic progress. And this is indeed, in line with Indonesia's development strategy +3eabKyQs_t0-00090-00073033-00073733 of sustainable growth with equity. The central tenet of this strategy is about +3eabKyQs_t0-00091-00073780-00074480 creating prosperity for everyone, in a way that does not harm the natural environment +3eabKyQs_t0-00092-00074507-00075155 upon which we all depend. I am also pleased that the idea of 'sustainable +3eabKyQs_t0-00093-00075155-00075813 growth with equity' has been reflected in the final outcome document of the High-Level +3eabKyQs_t0-00094-00075813-00076513 Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. I do hope that upon the acceptance of the +3eabKyQs_t0-00095-00076532-00077211 report by the UN General Assembly, the idea will become part of development policies of +3eabKyQs_t0-00096-00077211-00077824 UN member countries. Starting next year, we will begin the discussion +3eabKyQs_t0-00097-00077824-00078524 of the post-Kyoto Protocol process. We will also see the beginning of the implementation +3eabKyQs_t0-00098-00078625-00079325 of the post-2015 development agenda. I believe sustainable forestry will become a critical +3eabKyQs_t0-00099-00079406-00080099 part of these two processes. Many hope that the post-Kyoto process will +3eabKyQs_t0-00100-00080099-00080799 recognize the true value and contribution of forest landscapes—their economic, social +3eabKyQs_t0-00101-00080973-00081673 and environ-mental values. In this regard, Indonesia and other Asian countries must ensure +3eabKyQs_t0-00102-00081714-00082382 that the upcoming climate negotiations in Lima, Peru, give particular attention to this +3eabKyQs_t0-00103-00082382-00082873 matter. With this in mind, I am convinced that our +3eabKyQs_t0-00104-00082873-00083573 gathering today is pertinent. As the theme makes it clear, we do need "Sustainable +3eabKyQs_t0-00105-00083730-00084430 landscapes for green growth in Southeast Asia". History has recorded sad stories of environmental +3eabKyQs_t0-00106-00084469-00085169 destructions from excessive exploitations of natural resources. Even some island countries +3eabKyQs_t0-00107-00085272-00085972 have lost a part of their territories due to unsustainable mining practices. +3eabKyQs_t0-00108-00086143-00086843 We must be mindful that in the rush to develop and to quickly reduce poverty, we often give +3eabKyQs_t0-00109-00086926-00087626 fewer considerations on sustainable development. It is no coincidence that in the drive for +3eabKyQs_t0-00110-00087633-00088279 industrializations, countries produced greenhouse gas emissions at a higher rate. +3eabKyQs_t0-00111-00088279-00088903 Even today, according to the recent Report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate +3eabKyQs_t0-00112-00088903-00089603 Change (IPCC), emissions of greenhouse gases are continuing to rise to an unprecedented +3eabKyQs_t0-00113-00089671-00090371 level. The report also underlines that the world has not done sufficient efforts to curb +3eabKyQs_t0-00114-00090508-00091208 emissions. In a broader context, we already see the adverse impact of climate change on +3eabKyQs_t0-00115-00091237-00091937 our life. From the killer heat waves in Europe, wildfires in Australia, deadly floods in Pakistan, +3eabKyQs_t0-00116-00092092-00092792 to fatal typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. In the case of Indonesia, more than two-thirds +3eabKyQs_t0-00117-00092812-00093512 of the country's GHG emissions come from deforestation, peat land fires and degradation. +3eabKyQs_t0-00118-00093730-00094430 And therefore, our commitment to fight deforestation and peat degradation is our significant contribution +3eabKyQs_t0-00119-00094461-00094907 to the global efforts in mitigating climate change. +3eabKyQs_t0-00120-00094907-00095431 Forests protect us against climate change. Indonesia has the world's second-longest +3eabKyQs_t0-00121-00095431-00096073 expanse of mangroves, and the largest area of tropical peat land that store enormous +3eabKyQs_t0-00122-00096073-00096773 amounts of carbon. Keeping them intact is essential for averting the worst impact of +3eabKyQs_t0-00123-00096970-00097467 climate change. But Indonesia cannot do it alone. +3eabKyQs_t0-00124-00097467-00098167 This is also the reason why Indonesia seeks international support, including to ensure +3eabKyQs_t0-00125-00098169-00098828 that we only trade certified forest products. Ladies and gentlemen, +3eabKyQs_t0-00126-00098828-00099440 Within the next fifteen years, the population of ASEAN member countries is projected to +3eabKyQs_t0-00127-00099440-00100140 increase by 84 million people. This means that there will be more demands for housings, +3eabKyQs_t0-00128-00100342-00101034 transportations, and of course foods, and energy. If left unchecked, this will put more +3eabKyQs_t0-00129-00101034-00101639 pressure on the environment. I believe, the citizens of ASEAN do not wish +3eabKyQs_t0-00130-00101639-00102339 to follow that self-destructing path of development. Therefore, I also call upon governments in +3eabKyQs_t0-00131-00102418-00103118 Southeast Asia to continue developing a regional strategy. A strategy to increase their adaptive +3eabKyQs_t0-00132-00103153-00103853 capacity and to promote a low-carbon economy. I also urge businesses across the ASEAN region +3eabKyQs_t0-00133-00104078-00104768 to commit to sustainable land-use and investment practices. This is the same call that I made +3eabKyQs_t0-00134-00104768-00105468 three years ago to Indonesian business leaders. At that time, I urged them to partner with +3eabKyQs_t0-00135-00105489-00106036 the government in enhancing environmental sustain-ability. +3eabKyQs_t0-00136-00106036-00106736 I call on the citizens, civil society organi-zations, research centers, think-tanks and academia +3eabKyQs_t0-00137-00106763-00107384 to strengthen and develop their partnership. A partnership to achieve a more sustainable +3eabKyQs_t0-00138-00107384-00108063 forests management practices. I invite our partner countries to continue +3eabKyQs_t0-00139-00108063-00108617 supporting Indonesia's REDD+ programs and go beyond carbon. +3eabKyQs_t0-00140-00108617-00109317 And to the youths, who will inherit our planet, let us continue working together. Let us ensure +3eabKyQs_t0-00141-00109397-00110097 that your generation as well as future generations enjoy a green and sustainable environment. +3eabKyQs_t0-00142-00110152-00110852 Before I conclude, I wish to leave you with a parting thought. What we do today is not +3eabKyQs_t0-00143-00111041-00111741 for our own benefit. It is more for the billions of people who will inherit our earth. Therefore, +3eabKyQs_t0-00144-00111972-00112672 the responsibility is upon us who live today, to protect and save our forests for our children's +3eabKyQs_t0-00145-00112789-00113489 children. Thank you. +3eabKyQs_t0-00146-00114009-00114309 Wassalamu'alaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh +3fy9ohXV7GQ-00002-00050349-00052037 history repeats itself sachem Kenya show +3fYyws0MRbU-00000-00000000-00000200 Transitions Templetes +3hOHMDxGDSg-00000-00009996-00010128 Alolita Sharma: hi folks I am. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00001-00010245-00010374 Alolita Sharma: I am welcome. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00002-00011016-00011070 Ian Bartholomew: Hello. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00003-00011574-00012030 Ian Bartholomew: I got a conflicting meeting for a long time and i'm just now able to join again. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00004-00012108-00012369 Ian Bartholomew: Oh that's fantastic I haven't been in here for long. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00005-00012375-00012600 Alolita Sharma: Did you did you have to move it. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00006-00012675-00012996 Ian Bartholomew: No, it just it just got canceled after a while so. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00007-00013065-00013176 Alolita Sharma: Okay okay good. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00008-00013335-00014199 Alolita Sharma: Yes, I mean the, this is the issue of having morning meetings from the Pacific on Pacific time it's like there are a lot of meetings. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00009-00014219-00014346 Alolita Sharma: yeah the project. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00010-00014352-00014441 So sellers. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00011-00014628-00014891 Alolita Sharma: cnc F readings and and work readings. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00012-00015222-00015422 Alolita Sharma: I Steve thanks for joining Iran. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00013-00015528-00015594 Steve Flanders: evokes. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00014-00015678-00015711 A. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00015-00015900-00016458 Alolita Sharma: We just waiting for a couple of you know more, some more folks to join in, and then we can get started with. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00016-00016581-00016743 Alolita Sharma: The presentation that. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00017-00016872-00017046 Alolita Sharma: We have today. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00018-00017280-00017346 Alolita Sharma: With even. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00019-00019833-00019992 Ryan Perry: yo what's going on everybody. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00020-00020100-00020166 Alolita Sharma: I run. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00021-00024348-00024642 Alolita Sharma: Maybe we can wait for just one more minute and then get started. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00022-00025056-00025647 Alolita Sharma: If anybody has any other agenda items, please feel free to join at the dock. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00023-00026730-00026913 Matt Young: So what I have is administer trivia. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00024-00027114-00027180 Alolita Sharma: Yes. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00025-00027306-00027381 Alolita Sharma: To stop dates. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00026-00027963-00028202 Matt Young: But we finally got our Google drive. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00027-00028479-00028647 Matt Young: I finally got I mean I am. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00028-00028656-00028893 Matt Young: Finally, pasting the link and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00029-00028938-00029505 Matt Young: cool created some time ago, it appears, so I will fall on us or not, that one. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00030-00029718-00029808 Alolita Sharma: At least we have it. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00031-00029838-00030144 Matt Young: yeah we have it, but Ryan, I put a. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00032-00030198-00031239 Matt Young: Put a link a link in total profiles, but there's a completely blank document there, the only thing there's a title that says like oh type vision document that we was was bandied about. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00033-00031473-00032319 Matt Young: And i'm a little out of order here, but for what it's worth is phones that it's on by like projects at cnc F so it's not a human it's the cnc F. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00034-00032352-00033042 Ryan Perry: yeah So if I if I move existing docs there the link stays the same right. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00035-00033066-00033606 Alolita Sharma: yeah the main stays the same you're just adding it as a entry in that folder. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00036-00033645-00033708 Ryan Perry: Alright cool. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00037-00033738-00034140 Alolita Sharma: I mean the the physical piloting stays the same cool. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00038-00034152-00034680 Ryan Perry: All right, yeah I can move over the docs that we already have, I think there's like two or three. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00039-00034848-00035796 Alolita Sharma: yeah great then we'll also start adding all the you know presentation decks that we've had from the bag. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00040-00035895-00037554 Alolita Sharma: There cool, as well as the the logo, which has been kind of showing the kids every, but we shall we we have a couple of final the final traces I think matt right, so we can take a Garland finish that. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00041-00037788-00037848 Alolita Sharma: For the logo. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00042-00038007-00039015 Matt Young: I mean you know given, given that many of the people that were most strongly opinionated are no longer here, I can write up something that's totally awesome about why owls make sense for. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00043-00039189-00039570 Matt Young: Reasons it's fascinating animal if you're into. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00044-00039855-00039945 Alolita Sharma: they're smart. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00045-00040032-00040164 Matt Young: Enough kids in your House you end up. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00046-00040191-00040245 Matt Young: hearing about. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00047-00040425-00040971 Matt Young: I can do for next week, should we cover like the quicken quick and easy stuff before we get into. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00048-00041118-00041274 Matt Young: Key value or you didn't. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00049-00041406-00041697 Alolita Sharma: yeah that sounds good it shouldn't take more than five minutes. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00050-00041775-00041817 sure. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00051-00041994-00042090 Matt Young: Do you want to drive a shot. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00052-00042105-00043137 Alolita Sharma: yeah I can I can do the quick administrative parts just wanted to give an update to everybody and have some discussions here are we had. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00053-00043242-00044394 Alolita Sharma: submitted a talk from the tag on the main dinners track for and typically you know most tags are invited to submit a talk so we did so. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00054-00044496-00045669 Alolita Sharma: And the good news is that our top did get accepted so we'll be you know planning to put together a presentation and, of course, sharing it with the everyone on the. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00055-00045762-00046734 Alolita Sharma: On the tag in order to kind of get feedback and any additions that we'd like to make basically presenting an update from the tag so that's good news. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00056-00046782-00048369 Alolita Sharma: The other part that we are starting to think about and it would be nice to be able to do this as to you know just a lot of folks plan to attend you've gone and typically, especially the the US one, for you know many of us who are based in the US. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00057-00048540-00049602 Alolita Sharma: And we'd love to kind of at least have a bar session of some sort we ran a figure out if there's any way to get some space from the cnc F, even if it is a. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00058-00049734-00050547 Alolita Sharma: room in the evening or you know just having a birds of a feather but if not, you know, maybe just having a dinner together, just to meet up and say hi in person. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00059-00050673-00051933 Alolita Sharma: So there's a come some of the areas were thinking of again that you everyone's welcome to provide you know, there is if you're coming to Detroit then definitely would be awesome to catch up and meet. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00060-00052239-00053085 Alolita Sharma: them the next topic, I think we had was the dlc update. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00061-00053211-00054264 Alolita Sharma: And I think that that's something that did you want to quickly talk about that we just provided an update from the prior hour to the juicy that. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00062-00054309-00054866 Matt Young: yeah sure we just had that meeting the tlc is it's synchronized with our meeting first and third. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00063-00055062-00055557 Matt Young: They saw our schedule and the tlc decided to align themselves with us that's how that happened. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00064-00055758-00057132 Matt Young: That joke, so I pasted in the slide we try to do one slide sometimes there's more, but today we're brief break and gone we just kind of covered what's happened in the last month roughly in these communities, the talk of the day is hotel profiling. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00065-00057305-00057588 Matt Young: And you can see the slide right there, so it was pretty quick. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00066-00057765-00058776 Matt Young: And you know there's movement, along with the graph stuff but I don't want to take up how about that there's there's a link there to current thinking and we've reached out to tag security is sort of the. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00067-00058935-00059847 Matt Young: The news in terms of tag the tag collaboration, so that they could provide input to the data model for packages and just provided TVs and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00068-00059850-00061079 Alolita Sharma: yeah and I think related to that there's an exciting opportunity to also work with the tag security group, because I mean, as many of you know, there are specific Sim. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00069-00061130-00062601 Alolita Sharma: and security use cases in observe ability that you know and typically our advanced use cases but would be good to kind of also have discussions around identifying. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00070-00062712-00063888 Alolita Sharma: What are the most popular use cases and how that can be supported in different projects odell has definitely discussed it, you know and in the past and as logging picks up. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00071-00064067-00065366 Alolita Sharma: steam in terms of implementation on odell same as definitely and security is definitely use cases that that need to be addressed, for most end users right so. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00072-00065492-00065739 Alolita Sharma: Again, another interesting area of collaboration. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00073-00065964-00067260 Alolita Sharma: Moving on to the next topic again just a call for you know speakers and topics, who for doing a speaker series in the observe ability. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00074-00067386-00067905 Alolita Sharma: tag again, please you know share this with your networks and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00075-00068046-00068709 Alolita Sharma: Will will maintain a Google Doc you know it's as simple as just adding recommendations for topics and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00076-00068832-00069609 Alolita Sharma: And speakers and it's really interesting to kind of invite even folks who are not attending on a regular basis to come and present you know what's happening in their. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00077-00069771-00071598 Alolita Sharma: neck of the woods on observe ability and what they're working on, there are a lot of topics that are you know adjacent such as edge networks and how do you, you know observe them and real time user amount and monitoring a bpm and work that's being done on profiling. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00078-00071700-00072429 Alolita Sharma: In a lot of Allied areas, if you will, which is, which is kind of nice to have intersection with the with the tech discussions. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00079-00072612-00073416 Alolita Sharma: So that said Liz found guns, who, many of you know, will be presenting on evolving and privatizing signal types. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00080-00073614-00074349 Alolita Sharma: On August 16 so you know, please do join in and, of course, please share with your networks of other folks can join them to listen. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00081-00074547-00074685 Alolita Sharma: The next item. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00082-00074865-00075666 Alolita Sharma: That I had was just you know calling out the the ability to support a pack timezones with. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00083-00075780-00076221 Alolita Sharma: Our tag meetings and some of the other tags are also starting to you know. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00084-00076323-00077907 Alolita Sharma: kind of support that today we support Europe and and the US, obviously with this time zone, and this time meeting meeting time but would love to kind of at least have one meeting on the apac time zone, which means about 4pm you know. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00085-00078027-00078357 Alolita Sharma: Specific time which is typically good for Asia. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00086-00078525-00079275 Alolita Sharma: And then just enabling you know many of our participants and contributors from Asia to join in so again. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00087-00079344-00080673 Alolita Sharma: I think it's nice to have that we can figure out, you know what makes sense from an periodicity point of view, if there is enough momentum, you know, maybe we can start with a once a quarter and then kind of go into once a month. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00088-00080856-00081105 Alolita Sharma: But curious to hear what other folks are. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00089-00081258-00081381 Alolita Sharma: You know, whatever folks think. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00090-00081810-00081888 Alolita Sharma: that's once. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00091-00081999-00083325 Alolita Sharma: I know the same time zone so to us, it would work out on on Pacific time it works out because you know it's either 8am in the morning at 4pm in the afternoon, but for the East coast and becomes a little later. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00092-00083529-00084306 Alolita Sharma: But anyway, it's it's nice to have folks joining joining in from you know different projects also being worked on our region. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00093-00084480-00086037 Alolita Sharma: And last but not least, we have the new Google drive folder finally and a link these book market, you know that will be our go to folder for all the different docs and presentations that we are working on including White Papers and anything else that we want to work on from the tag. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00094-00086178-00086406 Alolita Sharma: All right, I think that's all we had and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00095-00086544-00087099 Alolita Sharma: Again matt and Eden, I guess, we can turn it over to you. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00096-00087165-00087294 Matt Young: take it away so. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00097-00087357-00088869 Matt Young: even reach out to me, we could go, I want to say and said hey I made this new Apache to that's important is Apache to open source thing about observe ability i'd like you know how could you know, could I where where should I go to talk about it, and I said well. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00098-00088974-00089733 Matt Young: watch them here, so this is not, as the ncr project, this is an Apache to project but it's in our domain our area of. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00099-00089805-00090909 Matt Young: You know what's relevant, so it is in scope and I can't wait to hear about it, by the way, your github tag has to be one of the cooler github tags I think i've ever seen keep out so. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00100-00091176-00091767 Matt Young: And the size you're using up please feel free to drop them so that others watching later can can follow along. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00101-00091818-00092061 Alolita Sharma: yeah please share your screen if that's easy. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00102-00092142-00092208 Eden Federman: yeah sure. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00103-00092253-00092457 Matt Young: And thank you for reaching out. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00104-00092604-00093831 Eden Federman: yeah sure sure happy to do when it comes to hear what the scenes about today, this project so Smith said just last week I reuse this self install struggling with them to be a patchy and I want license. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00105-00093945-00094989 Eden Federman: homologous basically what we're trying to do with this project is to basically helped by doctors enjoy the entire trauma surgeons availability. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00106-00095046-00095643 Eden Federman: traces metrics and love and the ability to correlate that with one another, but without having to. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00107-00095727-00096747 Eden Federman: Basically, be very familiar with either open banana tree or vpn you don't have to know me API their SDK or know how to configure and collectibles. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00108-00096822-00097965 Eden Federman: And I think I will show you the DEMO will be really clear so, on the one hand, you know I can i'm demoing can definitely support. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00109-00098028-00098886 Eden Federman: Multiple vendors and the next version, the to hopefully come out to my will support many other Open Source then also before we. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00110-00098970-00099606 Eden Federman: So I have you an empty definitely comes in, I just created and on the other end, I have here at this cluster with. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00111-00099705-00101745 Eden Federman: His microservices DEMO example from Google equinox application, but for complete without and instrumentation called just regular applications, and I want to show you how we get into crisis metrics lives in a few steps, so I want to install our project plugins. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00112-00101991-00102090 Eden Federman: And then next. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00113-00102273-00102509 Eden Federman: Basically, go to our end user interface. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00114-00103041-00103764 Eden Federman: The can, and you can see now with audiences, depending on the rampart cluster and basically that's the problem, the language of. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00115-00103923-00105339 Eden Federman: Every application running and this is important because this is going to use their the best adventures during according to the programming language for every every bug so far I compiled languages Lego we are actually using. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00116-00105423-00106293 Eden Federman: An open source another Open Source project that we released an entrepreneurial growing up in summation based on the vpn which. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00117-00106350-00107952 Eden Federman: Finally, approved by the apple tree technical committee to be found on the project So hopefully soon it will be under a tree and that's for for other applications like a job or looking at I don't want to do the regular you know magnification. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00118-00108102-00108525 Eden Federman: And we haven't do multiple operations, you can choose either, about which will basically. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00119-00108618-00110097 Eden Federman: instrument older patients and automatically instrument any application with the same deployed into these communities cluster out into the theme mode which manually select which applications, we want things, so it is about. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00120-00110226-00110595 Eden Federman: and basically now I can choose whatever where I want to send a. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00121-00110735-00112041 Eden Federman: letter, which is consuming we can be supported for vendors, but hopefully tomorrow will be like a 4 million, mostly Open Source so just go ahead and grab. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00122-00112283-00112329 Eden Federman: It. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00123-00112674-00112698 From. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00124-00112835-00112926 Eden Federman: The region. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00125-00113036-00113550 Eden Federman: And now we rely on our staff that we can see our applications. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00126-00113724-00114693 Eden Federman: are going to be redeploying again with the with the right situation either even based on Level three days we give it a few seconds. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00127-00114833-00115920 Eden Federman: missing is the last step three months to do is basically just generating traffic click a few buttons and see all of our Observatory that automatically magically POPs into. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00128-00116217-00116358 Eden Federman: Do just yet. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00129-00117059-00118920 Eden Federman: yeah so this this question again committing regular it's a bulk example really now identity as is or API or whatever, and we can just click that once we have some data. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00130-00119268-00119483 Eden Federman: This should be our. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00131-00119664-00121632 Eden Federman: spooky we now have all of our traditional metrics and places people that out there again without having to attract it's abstracting away on the complexity of either ups which is really complex or up and everything which is a little bit nicer but still, you have to learn. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00132-00121752-00122757 Eden Federman: As the cave and api's and now how do I configure these collateral and really tracing metrics and the other vendors as well, so that allows. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00133-00122936-00123114 Eden Federman: And yeah that's basically. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00134-00123279-00123549 Eden Federman: Really curious to hear what. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00135-00123801-00123836 Matt Young: i'm. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00136-00124173-00125019 Matt Young: Sorry, there we go Thank you so much for doing a DEMO might you walk through what this is sort of below the ui. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00137-00125079-00126228 Matt Young: you've got a great in your docs you've got a reasonable architecture page, so perhaps you can kind of talk through your design for for how its implemented for those that might be looking at it, for the very first time. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00138-00126294-00127851 Matt Young: i've also dropped in a link to the cnc F project template it has a lot of good starter markdowns around like a contributor ladder, and you know just some of the boilerplate stuff that is good for any Open Source project cnc F or or otherwise. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00139-00128019-00128067 Eden Federman: Yes, i'm. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00140-00128175-00129369 Eden Federman: Looking at so the way we think about it sort of like a control plane power of the ability data at scale and integrated to either instrumentation on collector ones. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00141-00129489-00130644 Eden Federman: And the high level, it contains four different components, a Community say operators and instrumental scheduling of stellar and the user interface showed you. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00142-00130695-00132246 Eden Federman: Basically instrumental is the components are responsible to the tech every programming language and apply the derives from nation either open them to really be nice I will scale, this is the one that. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00143-00132357-00134484 Eden Federman: deploys the collector and configure them according to the users specified in the user interface that it's pretty basic will be hopefully will support more features, like a sampling and filtering which will make it on skin a little bit more complex and just react application that. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00144-00134592-00135210 Eden Federman: Let users walk in a nice user interface but possibly can look up. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00145-00135390-00136614 Eden Federman: The scheduler is just about the time is everything together under schedule between waiting for developers to come up and then we do instrumentation basically probably makes everything together. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00146-00136914-00137190 Eden Federman: yeah that's about the. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00147-00137304-00138786 Eden Federman: me some more documentation again it's a new project that we were just there last week, so you can see all the different data, you know how to help the same for the races with metrics that we have three types of metrics. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00148-00139032-00140493 Eden Federman: Like metrics that are based on the traces, which is something must have looking for magically we have like runtime metrics like a garbage collection and threads and the heat memory and we have. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00149-00140598-00141402 Eden Federman: Our infrastructure metrics like a hostile environments you a memory of these locations and closing oppressors loans. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00150-00141525-00142917 Eden Federman: As long as our President here and open country we are not able to correlate them efficiently to detractors and metrics in every product I think it's currently and mostly waltz for Java relation, but you can. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00151-00143025-00144231 Eden Federman: Get all of them thanks for hosting and then and also have you know other documentation about the different that custom resources that we're adding to the Net is in order to achieve. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00152-00144285-00145131 Eden Federman: And all this obstruction model training yeah and we have three types of destination and to disagree and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00153-00145287-00145851 Eden Federman: destination, whether you want to send the data into instrumental application basically. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00154-00146007-00146751 Eden Federman: it's additional fields on top of deployments our staple said that which programming languages which segmentation we should use. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00155-00146823-00148560 Eden Federman: Which collector we should talk to and political group is is a part of the collectors pipeline that responsible to achieve a common goal, either collect logs or metrics and send them as the gateway to one of the vandal. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00156-00148791-00148815 yeah. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00157-00149133-00149973 Ryan Perry: You, you mentioned that it uses a VIP APP as well, I guess, are there any limitations, as it sounds like you're kind of. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00158-00150009-00150798 Ryan Perry: Going two routes to get you know, for example, like faces, I think it says that you do you know either a vpn or hotel I guess. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00159-00150828-00152100 Ryan Perry: You know, sometimes it's hard to use a vpn I guess you know you have to be on the right, you know, like Linux version and stuff like that, I guess, are there any limitations that you currently kind of face with. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00160-00152169-00153063 Ryan Perry: You know, things that rely on a vpn if you know, for whatever reason, you know it's unable to run or it doesn't work for a particular language or something like that. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00161-00153144-00154491 Eden Federman: yeah so good question, so I think you said it right, this will depend on being on the Linux now, I think that we prepare for windows is counting development but i'm not really sure. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00162-00154572-00156060 Eden Federman: what's the status of this and whenever windows will supposed to be here for our automatic segmentation will be supported and we've also gotten killed her isn't it basically class cannon version for buying something. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00163-00156204-00156966 Eden Federman: But anyway, all day all the managed Cooper nettie software as a link on the popular now provide a. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00164-00157119-00158694 Eden Federman: hospital now luckily run command is I can make up time, all of them are currently supported them are and the recent enough channel, and so I guess there is some cases which we want to borrow. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00165-00158787-00160158 Eden Federman: Especially windows and like really all channels, but the, we are not using it very new recent features of a PDF which, basically, let us use a pretty although camels lovely. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00166-00160398-00160482 Ryan Perry: Alright cool thanks. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00167-00160662-00160698 Ryan Perry: um. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00168-00160740-00160776 Matt Young: I have a. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00169-00160788-00161079 Matt Young: I have a question, but I want to let anybody else has questions first. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00170-00161430-00162474 Matt Young: So, so this is this is neat it's clearly you know you're configuring open telemetry components directly that that's helpful and introducing. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00171-00162531-00163194 Matt Young: You know, operators and such, is there any record or artifact. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00172-00163293-00164622 Matt Young: In terms of what configuration has been generated and then sent to a server you know, such that that could be worked into a good OPS workflow and then sort of Similarly, but in a slightly different dimension, you know. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00173-00164688-00165972 Matt Young: If i'm running a if i'm suppose on a cluster operator right and i've got governance, and all this stuff down with deployment strategies and methodologies because i'm in regulated industry say and actually. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00174-00166074-00167283 Matt Young: like this is like real time instrument, you know, on the fly things which which are now producing a different result in binary or are you doing this via Internet container. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00175-00167361-00168150 Matt Young: yeah you know, and if so, like again for the same kind of thing like I realized too, by the way, this is not criticism, this is like I think you did this like. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00176-00168210-00169143 Matt Young: In a week or two like this, like very recent very new project so so take take the questions as as honest questions and not cloaked criticism, please, but you know. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00177-00169296-00170178 Matt Young: How might that be accounted for for an audit stream or something I mean it's clearly useful for it development context, but if I wanted to actually walk out walk up to a cluster. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00178-00170205-00171672 Matt Young: That a different team is having a problem with or on the cluster that i'm running some APP team has to play to a namespace and they want to you know use this or you know they want me the cluster operator to make it possible for them to use this. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00179-00171831-00172485 Matt Young: What might have to do, and if that's not what has already been kind of thought out or or scoped out. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00180-00172716-00174051 Eden Federman: as well, but yeah things like this, like the one of the main reasons why I made it up themselves, and one of the main reasons why I came to this meeting to show it to you that we want to be as open as possible about. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00181-00174114-00174339 Eden Federman: Whatever we do to cluster and the. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00182-00174345-00174564 Eden Federman: Specifically, yet which requires an. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00183-00174627-00174729 elevator the. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00184-00174843-00174933 Eden Federman: permissions. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00185-00175065-00175683 Eden Federman: And again, we hope that we have many users are using a pen That would be a little. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00186-00175845-00176982 Eden Federman: easier way to use of information, yes, well, I think about it, like more abstracted away, you know the cemetery operator project so it's a little bit like that, but. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00187-00177111-00178926 Eden Federman: Like map obstruction and Bobby and using the counties are not specifically often telemetry and and we got into like regulated clusters, are all valid points and stuff, we need to take into consideration there. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00188-00179097-00179346 Eden Federman: We choose to edit your roadmap and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00189-00179679-00180534 Matt Young: I guess cool, thank you for that and a follow on question if there's already the open temperature collector configured on summer other name spaces are. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00190-00180624-00181569 Matt Young: Your parts of the cluster of the whole cluster systemically or other open telemetry components that are already there and then a user walks up with with this and then uses it. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00191-00181710-00182070 Matt Young: Are you doing a merge of configuration, or is it. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00192-00182202-00182436 Matt Young: A known you know what I mean I. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00193-00182568-00183558 Matt Young: gotta i'm thinking if you're like operationally and what would happen there, how can I use this in a in a in it, in the case where i'm already using the telemetry. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00194-00183645-00185148 Eden Federman: yeah so companies that we just live side by side, you know that existing pipeline will existing application to already instrument and your collateral that you already configured and he will have like whatever we do automatically rotation. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00195-00185310-00185775 Eden Federman: connect those populations, and they would not like to. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00196-00185910-00187335 Eden Federman: touch one another and, hopefully, in the future we we really want to be able to walk to go to class tells that are already have been amateur up in some some way or another, and help them to take them to. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00197-00187461-00189036 Eden Federman: through to the next level and just yesterday, I think, wonderful useless to me, and that they had only respond with metrics and they use God he goes, and now they have distributed tracing and so that allows in your me. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00198-00189153-00190272 Eden Federman: without having to know, like any any legal they don't have to read any any article about how to instrument, and I do want we don't want the lemon tree, and of course now. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00199-00190488-00191043 Eden Federman: But your question, yes, something that purpose, I will not all once again okay. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00200-00191298-00191661 Matt Young: Thank you um I only have one last comment and one suggestion that I give. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00201-00191799-00192375 Matt Young: One one suggestion and one one final question that I get to all folks that present to the tag. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00202-00192516-00193293 Matt Young: From from wherever they come from, in terms of project, whether it's cnc F, or otherwise, but i'll start with the suggestion, if you haven't already. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00203-00193359-00194355 Matt Young: I strongly recommended and other folks on the call here Steve reality, and I can point you specifically where I don't I don't actually know offhand but where would the best place within the hotel. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00204-00194424-00195567 Matt Young: set of community groups and meetups and whatnot so these would be best suited to see this presentation as well, because you know, there might be similar efforts or it'd be. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00205-00195609-00196695 Matt Young: cool to have their feedback, and that was a suggestion than that the final question for me is if someone's watching this video next week or tomorrow or whenever. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00206-00196779-00198027 Matt Young: How should they best engage with the project if they wanted to contribute or build a topic, do you have meetings already or is that all to be deemed to be the glue how. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00207-00198165-00198225 Eden Federman: yeah yes, so we. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00208-00198363-00198642 Eden Federman: pull requests and we also have a slack community. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00209-00198756-00199083 Eden Federman: We plan to do with the missing the yeah. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00210-00199515-00200046 Alolita Sharma: yeah that's that's awesome because I mean being on github even I think it's easy to. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00211-00200154-00201105 Alolita Sharma: contribute and track the issues on the project itself but from an open telemetry perspective, I would recommend that again if you haven't already please. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00212-00201186-00202599 Alolita Sharma: You know, given that you're working with the NGO SDK definitely join into the goal steak and sig meetings which are weekly and present you know men overview of the project, as well as. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00213-00202713-00203274 Alolita Sharma: The typically the maintainer meeting also isn't another interesting. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00214-00203517-00204342 Alolita Sharma: i'm saying meeting to join in for just you know updating all the maintainer is that this is an component that you know could be also possibly. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00215-00204378-00205404 Alolita Sharma: used with other SDK is, for example, and and again instrumentation is always a very you know key topic for hotel. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00216-00205479-00207044 Alolita Sharma: contributors, because it's just you know instrumentation, the better the instrumentation the easier, you know, the adoption of the components becomes right so, and please feel free to Ping me or Steve on the on the cnc F. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00217-00207159-00207681 Alolita Sharma: slack channels, I have to do, invite you to come and present. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00218-00207819-00207846 Eden Federman: Should. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00219-00207873-00208056 Steve Flanders: Say mallory to convert very well thanks. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00220-00208326-00208458 Eden Federman: She will do. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00221-00208608-00209082 Alolita Sharma: awesome awesome and then the IT and again if you're on the cnc and slack which i'm sure you are. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00222-00209184-00209454 Alolita Sharma: Please, please Ping me and when we can. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00223-00209646-00209907 Alolita Sharma: cover this on the project that'd be awesome. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00224-00210044-00210078 Thank you. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00225-00210669-00211488 Alolita Sharma: cool I think i'm matt did you have any other closing topics, I think we can probably give back folks 10 minutes if we have. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00226-00211509-00211737 Matt Young: yeah I think I was on the agenda. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00227-00211844-00213483 Matt Young: If folks want to talk about that landscape graph project or other things related to it around supply chain, or some of the opportunities to work with tax security or any of the other stuff we've mentioned, please do reach out on slack or or directly but yeah that's all. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00228-00213591-00213692 Matt Young: Thank you and. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00229-00213804-00213960 Alolita Sharma: Did you want to share the slack. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00230-00213960-00214134 Alolita Sharma: channel for landscape graphs. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00231-00214134-00214442 Alolita Sharma: Specifically met or should we just. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00232-00214482-00214953 Matt Young: Use oh yeah it's in prior notes, I guess, I don't want to spend time on it, because i've already taken up some time. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00233-00214986-00215442 Matt Young: I think last week or the week before but yes it's just in cnc F slack it's just landscape craft. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00234-00215781-00215862 Matt Young: same thing on good. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00235-00216213-00216267 Alolita Sharma: awesome. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00236-00216432-00216885 Alolita Sharma: Ryan anything else from you and did you want to cover anything. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00237-00216981-00218991 Ryan Perry: And yeah nothing else from my side and from the hotel profiling stuff basically the next is just like a quick update in terms of the the quick update, there is a we are working on an official own tab. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00238-00219146-00220752 Ryan Perry: So basically an official proposal sort of like clarifying the High Level vision and then sharing that with everyone to make sure that both the Community is aware of the efforts that we're doing and agree that it is a. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00239-00220812-00222414 Ryan Perry: You know worthwhile endeavor before we kind of nail down more of the specifics so that's kind of what we're focusing on right now we got a second TC Member to sort of oversee things josh sore sore with. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00240-00222419-00222492 Alolita Sharma: swear okay. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00241-00222494-00222654 Alolita Sharma: Good gesture it's got some good. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00242-00222773-00223992 Ryan Perry: As well as tigran and then depth, so we meet every other week so not this week, but we will meet again next Thursday to talk about the proposal fantastic. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00243-00224025-00224048 Alolita Sharma: that's. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00244-00224148-00224883 Matt Young: You jog my memory, there was one thing in the tlc related to this, but when when talking about your just say hey there's this thing going on. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00245-00225017-00225569 Matt Young: I do strongly feel that we should we should once we have that hotel that's the initial kind of vision. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00246-00225633-00226698 Matt Young: Or, as early as possible, we should be engaging with communities that are open source communities, but perhaps not in the cnc F proper or perhaps or different Linux foundation landscape, you know, like. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00247-00226752-00227910 Matt Young: You know edge hardware manufacturers that are running soco to run Cooper daddy's you know or other other sorts of mobile mobile clients or mobile scenarios around. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00248-00228012-00228201 Matt Young: All manner of stuff so you know. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00249-00228333-00229488 Matt Young: I think that that's something that the tag can facilitate so again there's only a handful of people here, but there are hundreds hundreds of people on our slack channel and and people to download the YouTube videos and such so. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00250-00229560-00230544 Matt Young: If you know someone in your professional network or or have a have a Community or a group that is also interested in this topic around a standardized format for profiling. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00251-00230736-00231261 Matt Young: and ancillary topics, or whatever their feedback would be great, for example, i've also. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00252-00231363-00232335 Matt Young: reached out to tag security about this in particular there's a link in the in the slide from the tlc but you know continuous profiling from from systemic. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00253-00232410-00233379 Matt Young: settings like an entire cluster wide or or even a slide that that forms a very interesting signal for Threat Assessment you know for intrusion detection anomaly detection. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00254-00233562-00234501 Matt Young: You know all manner of security related workflows could benefit from continuous profiling, so you know it would behoove us I. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00255-00234569-00235517 Matt Young: would imagine to get feedback from them on what their use cases are and what's important to them because it's probably different than what's important to the folks that are already engaged in the conversation. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00256-00235551-00236346 Matt Young: And I think that's a good thing right, we can get all of these different scenarios together from that from the outset, I think we have a much better longer term. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00257-00236451-00236748 Matt Young: chance of really getting broad consensus. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00258-00236958-00237194 Matt Young: and support for hotels and endless. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00259-00237528-00238491 Matt Young: So i'll be doing that, but yeah if anyone reached out to Ryan, directly or to the profiles channel or or tennis court to myself, or whoever thanks. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00260-00238530-00238575 Alolita Sharma: sounds good. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00261-00238716-00238866 Matt Young: Ideally, the open channel actually. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00262-00239196-00239246 Alolita Sharma: Back then. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00263-00239676-00239819 Matt Young: I want to revise my statement thank. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00264-00239856-00239873 You. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00265-00239991-00240063 Alolita Sharma: Alright cool. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00266-00240186-00240990 Alolita Sharma: Thank you still give back five minutes to everybody so thanks everyone have a great day and we'll chat soon bye. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00267-00241071-00241116 Ian Bartholomew: Take care. +3hOHMDxGDSg-00268-00241164-00241206 Matt Young: Thank you. +3kCkIvF47wg-00000-00001189-00001684 Experience the past, yum ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00001-00001734-00002250 A runaway +3kCkIvF47wg-00002-00002250-00002979 Oh, you're ugly +3kCkIvF47wg-00003-00002979-00003935 Aran is kind. Out of 100, there is one mint. +3kCkIvF47wg-00004-00003944-00004444 More ruin from eating +3kCkIvF47wg-00005-00004490-00004969 Oh, the pain is not good +3kCkIvF47wg-00006-00005140-00005682 7 unkind words +3kCkIvF47wg-00007-00005682-00005991 Why are you saved +3kCkIvF47wg-00008-00006047-00006403 Oh why are you going to find it +3kCkIvF47wg-00009-00006647-00007233 Oh why can't I find anything ah yeah yeah +3kCkIvF47wg-00010-00007334-00008221 It's a [ __ ] shepherd is an unconditional love shepherd anime horn +3kCkIvF47wg-00011-00008232-00008633 The original author is going, right. +3kCkIvF47wg-00012-00008682-00009561 It’s the one who’s going to dress up, because I’ll run away again, but the ranch +3kCkIvF47wg-00013-00009561-00010392 Yes because Jesus Christ is the shepherd of the above conditional love +3kCkIvF47wg-00014-00010392-00011528 That’s why he’s lost and he’s bigger, so he’s talking to the shepherd +3kCkIvF47wg-00015-00011582-00012031 We seal dryah +3kCkIvF47wg-00016-00012128-00013255 We ran away, but to that Jesus, what happened to us? +3kCkIvF47wg-00017-00013299-00014644 Because I am self and I lose it, my string is good at Kacher. That's what you did on the cross at that time. +3kCkIvF47wg-00018-00014644-00015674 According to the idea, all humans are their own visit to Korea, but we run away +3kCkIvF47wg-00019-00015674-00016737 It was far lost to God. I hate it. The school gave me the name of God. +3kCkIvF47wg-00020-00016743-00017354 I lost my door, so how did I get married +3kCkIvF47wg-00021-00017372-00018315 That is the example principle of salvation. It is the original book for the support of unconditional love. +3kCkIvF47wg-00022-00018315-00018572 haha +3kCkIvF47wg-00023-00018581-00019057 Oh for us conditional +3kCkIvF47wg-00024-00019136-00019951 What is it to understand Um 1 Oh, then what does it mean? +3kCkIvF47wg-00025-00019951-00020773 When you think about what you have learned so far, +3kCkIvF47wg-00026-00020773-00021790 Oh, because I learned that thoroughly and approached, 2 unconditional people mostly settle in my mind +3kCkIvF47wg-00027-00021790-00022350 * I want the help of the Holy Spirit +3kCkIvF47wg-00028-00022384-00023069 Come on, ah we see the Bible as an approach to God +3kCkIvF47wg-00029-00023069-00023956 When you look at it, the sniffing incident +3kCkIvF47wg-00030-00023956-00024943 There are in Genesis What's the case That's the know-how moment There is no case +3kCkIvF47wg-00031-00024943-00025554 Then, because the people in the world of Cheon were sweet +3kCkIvF47wg-00032-00025554-00026677 One is just a good moa family, just Nanjing uh, how to get rid of the mugwort +3kCkIvF47wg-00033-00026677-00026880 Ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00034-00026948-00028038 I learned that way Yes, I also learned it like this. +3kCkIvF47wg-00035-00028125-00028453 Then hey +3kCkIvF47wg-00036-00028455-00029281 In the end, if you don't listen, how can anyone give 0 because God is that time? +3kCkIvF47wg-00037-00029295-00030764 I repeat over and over again, except for the fact that God kills us just because we have filled him a lot while suffering from something sexy +3kCkIvF47wg-00038-00030764-00031295 No is what we chose +3kCkIvF47wg-00039-00031295-00032831 Since we are writing apart from God, that is, the one who gives life, we are classmates of life. +3kCkIvF47wg-00040-00032840-00033791 Yes, so ah, the consequences of their lives were uh dead people +3kCkIvF47wg-00041-00033791-00034881 It’s cold, it’s like that, God, because these guys left me, I took a break and boiled the medicine quickly. +3kCkIvF47wg-00042-00034881-00035799 Then he’s not an active person. So today, even though I’ve been talking to you for twenty years, +3kCkIvF47wg-00043-00035799-00036481 The man who appeared in Genesis 2 chapter 6 +3kCkIvF47wg-00044-00036616-00038502 While talking about the flood, how can God's love be marred through this Flood, so unconditional love appears. +3kCkIvF47wg-00045-00038512-00039752 Everyone, see already in Genesis 4 Oh, as I said in the last time, after the murder of my brother +3kCkIvF47wg-00046-00039752-00040171 Oh, even God is +3kCkIvF47wg-00047-00040195-00040949 I don't know what to sponsor +3kCkIvF47wg-00048-00040967-00042043 God has never given up among stones Who says that God has little to see +3kCkIvF47wg-00049-00042150-00042805 What did Annie say? What did Pine say? +3kCkIvF47wg-00050-00042805-00043912 Uh, I must meet God. How God expelled me this year. I have seen this world in tongues. +3kCkIvF47wg-00051-00043912-00044253 Will try to kill them all +3kCkIvF47wg-00052-00044256-00044888 I meet God and do not let me do outdoor halla but it’s an absurd lemon +3kCkIvF47wg-00053-00045033-00045740 Why do you say yellow why do you say that +3kCkIvF47wg-00054-00045758-00047005 It makes God not to be rich in the big side. 5 So, the first part that has been made to report God in an accessible way +3kCkIvF47wg-00055-00047121-00047644 Mike, that's right, I don't. 4 You should. +3kCkIvF47wg-00056-00047644-00048684 Isn't it too much for the 4 God to give me such a big stone? +3kCkIvF47wg-00057-00048684-00049436 Oh nacho uh, what do you teach +3kCkIvF47wg-00058-00049489-00049968 What should I do after that +3kCkIvF47wg-00059-00050062-00050881 Because you are so afraid that everyone you meet tells me to kill you +3kCkIvF47wg-00060-00050881-00051652 Oh me * The protective expression is so good, so to you again +3kCkIvF47wg-00061-00051652-00052095 The cross has been new +3kCkIvF47wg-00062-00052323-00052600 [Applause] Where +3kCkIvF47wg-00063-00052600-00053592 Please, while I am alive 2 How do I receive this mark I gave to my heart? +3kCkIvF47wg-00064-00053592-00054902 And the star that did not have a young life interview in September this year is the expression of love in Genesis 4 +3kCkIvF47wg-00065-00054929-00055696 Now, you must remember this Cain. How does God come to save Cain? +3kCkIvF47wg-00066-00055696-00056499 That talkative story actually appeared of Noah's Flood +3kCkIvF47wg-00067-00056499-00057198 So, when you receive the Holy Spirit, you can wake up with simple words +3kCkIvF47wg-00068-00057198-00058088 Spirit-sama is the same as it is. If you look at the Bible, who wrote the Bible +3kCkIvF47wg-00069-00058088-00059056 The Holy Spirit Records 2 Genesis is what Moses received, even if what 3 recorded. +3kCkIvF47wg-00070-00059056-00060039 I received the Holy Spirit, so what was written as a spirit, yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00071-00060039-00061342 Knowing that I recorded it with the Holy Spirit, that is, with unconditional love, I started reading it with conditional self-confidence, like this +3kCkIvF47wg-00072-00061398-00062636 Despite having recorded this unconditional love with the Holy Spirit, I would love to see people reading this today. +3kCkIvF47wg-00073-00062636-00063429 When this happens, the true God always ordered me +3kCkIvF47wg-00074-00063429-00064635 Ah, ah, ah, a man, a man, a chang Zeng Chapter 6 * When a man begins to thrive on the earth +3kCkIvF47wg-00075-00064635-00065148 Go to them daughter or yes yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00076-00065278-00066042 Oh, when you say this person in the Bible, +3kCkIvF47wg-00077-00066042-00066524 Oh, that doesn't mean that good +3kCkIvF47wg-00078-00066543-00067067 No Yes why +3kCkIvF47wg-00079-00067138-00067807 Saddam with a lot of people. +3kCkIvF47wg-00080-00067807-00068788 Adam is not in the Bible No Adam is not a proper noun +3kCkIvF47wg-00081-00068857-00069724 God created people in the future, and yes, what is a bot person? +3kCkIvF47wg-00082-00069724-00070257 Yes so what is the person +3kCkIvF47wg-00083-00070257-00070557 Shedding +3kCkIvF47wg-00084-00070564-00071206 3 sweats made from that one tree +3kCkIvF47wg-00085-00071206-00072067 What can you put in the glue of the 2 vitality Spirit that breathed into you? +3kCkIvF47wg-00086-00072067-00072723 What was that sucker Adam +3kCkIvF47wg-00087-00072752-00073350 It became a living honey like this +3kCkIvF47wg-00088-00073350-00074030 Or they say that they have become alive, so ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00089-00074030-00075127 So that’s why Professor Horn Soul, who has a better English in English. +3kCkIvF47wg-00090-00075218-00075842 What is Living Soul Seoul +3kCkIvF47wg-00091-00075842-00076180 Sabai Nau +3kCkIvF47wg-00092-00076224-00076934 What does it mean to learn not to buy +3kCkIvF47wg-00093-00077008-00077349 Life together +3kCkIvF47wg-00094-00077907-00078398 What does it mean to have life +3kCkIvF47wg-00095-00078426-00079186 You have to come out steadily, the one who accepted God's unconditional love. +3kCkIvF47wg-00096-00079186-00079579 [Music] But a +3kCkIvF47wg-00097-00079620-00079929 Ugh +3kCkIvF47wg-00098-00079929-00081330 Uh, so the man who made it to sob who accepted the unconditional boasting life of this God +3kCkIvF47wg-00099-00081330-00082095 After that, tell me what will be veggies and become a marriage +3kCkIvF47wg-00100-00082361-00083439 So, when humans are with God, what is it only when the person who comes into God's life +3kCkIvF47wg-00101-00083439-00084234 A ghost you know, called Boolsu Honey, after lying down, it won't be above this year +3kCkIvF47wg-00102-00084234-00084834 All the concepts of the Bible are different. +3kCkIvF47wg-00103-00084834-00085797 While reading this, don’t lose the concept of the world as I knew it. +3kCkIvF47wg-00104-00085797-00087310 Yes, so I can’t think of a party called Lee Heun except for God. +3kCkIvF47wg-00105-00087310-00087859 Oh, let's check and go to theology +3kCkIvF47wg-00106-00087859-00088743 Put your hand in de ka tom moxibustion ah lie down what's the storm again +3kCkIvF47wg-00107-00088743-00089802 Who made it out of dust, rubbed and floated, fornication, cotton, etc. +3kCkIvF47wg-00108-00089802-00090413 That swearing is Adam. Exit. +3kCkIvF47wg-00109-00090507-00091266 He met the chloro of the earth and the fire breathed in. +3kCkIvF47wg-00110-00091266-00091901 Oh what to say +3kCkIvF47wg-00111-00091901-00092822 What's the rain km +3kCkIvF47wg-00112-00092822-00093730 What did a person become, a person living Souri ah? +3kCkIvF47wg-00113-00093730-00094510 You know, it’s not that we know the concept of donation, so you know +3kCkIvF47wg-00114-00094510-00095344 The Bible should be viewed as the Bible We keep thinking of the Bible as writing what we think +3kCkIvF47wg-00115-00095344-00095643 Cheonma has a horse +3kCkIvF47wg-00116-00095658-00096707 What's all we're thinking of +3kCkIvF47wg-00117-00096707-00097362 I dedicate conditional thoughts to the starting table for the first time +3kCkIvF47wg-00118-00097362-00098301 What does it we too Huh What conditions would be of little kittens that are, even if you lose what's that over there +3kCkIvF47wg-00119-00098301-00098994 You think you didn't know what to do +3kCkIvF47wg-00120-00098994-00100177 Because humans cannot have the spirit of God, they do not have the spirit of God. +3kCkIvF47wg-00121-00100187-00100513 See as a person +3kCkIvF47wg-00122-00100639-00101557 You know what you're talking about. +3kCkIvF47wg-00123-00101557-00102580 Then you will know that they are humans who do not have the Spirit of God yet. +3kCkIvF47wg-00124-00102580-00103220 So, until the age of 39, Dr. Sang-koo Lee +3kCkIvF47wg-00125-00103220-00103648 I was Korean +3kCkIvF47wg-00126-00103756-00105005 But when I was 39 years old alive, I met God, where I lived, that living soul, living cow +3kCkIvF47wg-00127-00105005-00106163 Example 1 The same word as Bing Soul is also called just living. +3kCkIvF47wg-00128-00106163-00107377 That is, living in English, clean living, you accept God's content, that is, unconditional love and life. +3kCkIvF47wg-00129-00107377-00107911 If you accept, what are you living? +3kCkIvF47wg-00130-00107911-00108557 Those who live once in Korean +3kCkIvF47wg-00131-00108557-00109558 The concept of the last time, the 3 characters, 3 characters, is living. +3kCkIvF47wg-00132-00109721-00111463 Uh, so if the person who still accepts the life of God is the wife, that person is not still alive. +3kCkIvF47wg-00133-00111463-00112219 So what's the death ego +3kCkIvF47wg-00134-00112219-00113153 2 What's a person made in installments before accepting the Spirit of God +3kCkIvF47wg-00135-00113523-00113975 It will be cleaned up soon. +3kCkIvF47wg-00136-00113991-00115058 Therefore, the world of Satan, where we speak English of the Bible and the Bible, and we use it in our daily life, is a conditional talent. +3kCkIvF47wg-00137-00115058-00116199 According to the meaning of versatility used in +3kCkIvF47wg-00138-00116199-00116699 Par 8 then the money is +3kCkIvF47wg-00139-00116699-00118055 I was unconditional love, and that life came and painted me. How did I accept the truth about flying? +3kCkIvF47wg-00140-00118055-00119044 Is this the answer you are studying, so you have become a living person and what are you +3kCkIvF47wg-00141-00119044-00119860 What is alive, alive living soul, living honey vs. no +3kCkIvF47wg-00142-00119860-00120919 So, if you are born in this world and die without receiving the Spirit of God, how does Living Soul +3kCkIvF47wg-00143-00120922-00121876 You don’t even see it then, so what do they go back to +3kCkIvF47wg-00144-00121876-00122111 Do +3kCkIvF47wg-00145-00122147-00122751 But what are we ah everyone's death is coming 5 5 +3kCkIvF47wg-00146-00122751-00123404 Look what's missing from the body. Oh, there is no previous story in the Bible. +3kCkIvF47wg-00147-00123404-00124147 This is why all the words of the soul appearing in the Bible will be like this +3kCkIvF47wg-00148-00124314-00125032 Yeah um so we even thought +3kCkIvF47wg-00149-00125032-00125944 Ah, animals also lived because God has less color blindness. So +3kCkIvF47wg-00150-00125944-00126533 The animals are also outside the marriage. Bokkyung Oh you know +3kCkIvF47wg-00151-00126533-00126867 Oh so uh +3kCkIvF47wg-00152-00126867-00127974 Uh, I’ll do this later if I have time to study alone. +3kCkIvF47wg-00153-00127974-00128342 What happened to the world +3kCkIvF47wg-00154-00128423-00129030 When love begins to nature on earth +3kCkIvF47wg-00155-00129041-00129658 Daughters from them +3kCkIvF47wg-00156-00130045-00130465 The sons of God +3kCkIvF47wg-00157-00130699-00131267 The beauty of man's daughters is hot +3kCkIvF47wg-00158-00131447-00131788 4 characters then +3kCkIvF47wg-00159-00131894-00132769 It’s delicious where the sons of God live here. +3kCkIvF47wg-00160-00132769-00133453 Living souls are those who have been trapped in the spirit of God +3kCkIvF47wg-00161-00133453-00134983 People who know God well and who know God's unconditional love well, so you know that God's children are not God's sons. +3kCkIvF47wg-00162-00134983-00135850 Wow, receive the Spirit of God and give the Holy Spirit two of God's +3kCkIvF47wg-00163-00135850-00136432 So I didn’t do it anymore Now so now +3kCkIvF47wg-00164-00136666-00137059 What was the fruit +3kCkIvF47wg-00165-00137118-00138269 There is no one. Someone dead, even if you have Aber and Abel on the line of cr. +3kCkIvF47wg-00166-00138269-00138886 Living Seoul is bad this year +3kCkIvF47wg-00167-00138886-00139748 Because I saw God conditionally, yes, I was in line. Yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00168-00139857-00140563 Now, however, Kangin and Kai were human +3kCkIvF47wg-00169-00140614-00141802 What was Abel? It’s Oliving Sori. What’s Gaia Pet in? Because God’s unconditional love +3kCkIvF47wg-00170-00141802-00142579 Abel was a living person because he was the one who accepted life +3kCkIvF47wg-00171-00142579-00143259 It becomes living sound, Yui, ya +3kCkIvF47wg-00172-00143280-00144009 It’s an amazing discovery. Yes, it’s a different way of thinking. +3kCkIvF47wg-00173-00144009-00144761 Okay so that’s why people’s so everyone +3kCkIvF47wg-00174-00144761-00145661 Now Adam and some are now weathering their children. Several children have also come. +3kCkIvF47wg-00175-00145661-00146658 Well, that's why people at that time lived more than 900 years. +3kCkIvF47wg-00176-00146658-00147477 So, because I started drinking babies in my 20s +3kCkIvF47wg-00177-00147477-00148296 How much is it low? So, if the app is a hundred years old, people will not be infested. +3kCkIvF47wg-00178-00148296-00149109 So what is the whole earth? +3kCkIvF47wg-00179-00149109-00149534 That was thriving +3kCkIvF47wg-00180-00149605-00150499 The wind is an example of whose descendants do not know God, such as those of Yaga the 2nd +3kCkIvF47wg-00181-00150499-00151344 Ah, even children who do not know God's unconditional love who have not received the Holy Spirit will +3kCkIvF47wg-00182-00151344-00152149 Ah, since I gave birth to children, people have no choice but to be on the ground +3kCkIvF47wg-00183-00152149-00152707 Numbers ah those people +3kCkIvF47wg-00184-00152707-00152907 Ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00185-00152913-00153704 Daughters are also better 2 Of course, Ao is so comfortable 5 My daughters like that +3kCkIvF47wg-00186-00153704-00155103 The sons of God saw the beauty of the daughters of men and served their wives as all the women they liked. +3kCkIvF47wg-00187-00155103-00155312 la +3kCkIvF47wg-00188-00155386-00155763 What do you mean for your forehead? +3kCkIvF47wg-00189-00155860-00156816 What happened to the people of God's people who know God well +3kCkIvF47wg-00190-00156819-00157628 It’s this taste that was burned, a woman who does not know God +3kCkIvF47wg-00191-00157628-00158414 Yes, that man's dead did harm to his daughters. +3kCkIvF47wg-00192-00158596-00159426 So what did you feel more attractive about? +3kCkIvF47wg-00193-00159501-00160083 Looking like this, in the hearts of those sexy girls +3kCkIvF47wg-00194-00160083-00161254 Even though I have an evil thought in May, what is it on the outside? What is that? +3kCkIvF47wg-00195-00161254-00162241 Therefore, even if you are the son of God, this sin is just a reference. +3kCkIvF47wg-00196-00162241-00163260 Will this be like this? +3kCkIvF47wg-00197-00163260-00164417 In this way, how did the children of God and the living +3kCkIvF47wg-00198-00164417-00165352 I said that I went infront of it. 2 At that time, the world was about this situation +3kCkIvF47wg-00199-00165570-00167402 So, how did even God's participation in the world begin to be sucked into the world with the worldly greed, its passions and pride? +3kCkIvF47wg-00200-00167402-00168100 Even the people of God +3kCkIvF47wg-00201-00168363-00168653 Ah ah ah ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00202-00168796-00170094 That’s why it started to collapse in line with those who lived in God’s egg living. +3kCkIvF47wg-00203-00170094-00170960 Oh, if it collapses, the 3rd party will reject something if the door is closed +3kCkIvF47wg-00204-00170960-00171764 It makes me reject the voice of the Holy Spirit, but that's me who doesn't go to the dissection app +3kCkIvF47wg-00205-00171764-00172150 Do you wish for a sentence +3kCkIvF47wg-00206-00172179-00173330 So these days, if you liberate the Holy Spirit, you can't get my forgiveness. +3kCkIvF47wg-00207-00173330-00174503 The Holy Spirit will come after sinning. Oh, that is, but it is unconditional love in your heart. +3kCkIvF47wg-00208-00174503-00175034 How do I pad my island when I go to robo +3kCkIvF47wg-00209-00175034-00176317 That's right, because you reject the Holy Spirit so much, I can't forgive you, so many of you, I can't bake. +3kCkIvF47wg-00210-00176317-00177332 I’m talking about the consequences of my choice. So I’m unconditional love +3kCkIvF47wg-00211-00177332-00178229 Salvation is saved only through unconditional love. Why is the law 20 life? +3kCkIvF47wg-00212-00178229-00179407 So, the unconditional love of the engagement must not leave all the sons of God ah [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00213-00179407-00180946 The sons of God kicked off the voice of God in them and the Holy Spirit of God, 2 through the temptation of their daughters into the world's first world. +3kCkIvF47wg-00214-00180946-00181884 What would the Holy Spirit do to the Son of God when he kept trying to get bruised? +3kCkIvF47wg-00215-00181887-00182966 Oh, it keeps sleeping Well, this doesn't matter now +3kCkIvF47wg-00216-00182966-00184128 Oh, it seems like you are connected. Oh, can it really help your religious life? Yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00217-00184128-00184698 But what is it ter ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00218-00184698-00185941 When you were in the river when you were eating, the last evening meal was very good. +3kCkIvF47wg-00219-00185948-00186783 I remember what it was. Yes, it tasted bitter with the mushrooms +3kCkIvF47wg-00220-00186783-00187500 Oh, the plague went right. I was so impressed that I was going to go to the door of the Kato crab +3kCkIvF47wg-00221-00187500-00188235 Uh, thank you for the defense food ticket. Uh, this is 0 +3kCkIvF47wg-00222-00188235-00189152 Don't get old, it's right, it's delicious, what are you gonna do with it? +3kCkIvF47wg-00223-00189303-00190149 But when I overeat, I just overeat because I was too sick. +3kCkIvF47wg-00224-00190179-00191340 It’s big, and now when I eat it in moderation, what will the Holy Spirit say to me? +3kCkIvF47wg-00225-00191340-00191595 18 +3kCkIvF47wg-00226-00191715-00192752 I'm doing 10 people so I'm really doing it. +3kCkIvF47wg-00227-00192802-00193462 What are humans or spirits with us? +3kCkIvF47wg-00228-00193462-00194300 It expresses quarrel. Yes, quarrel means that the tiles contain many spirits. +3kCkIvF47wg-00229-00194300-00195544 But our side keeps refusing to plant the file of the Holy Spirit. It's a fight. So here is the word +3kCkIvF47wg-00230-00195597-00195965 This is my god or a0 [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00231-00195965-00196947 I will send it to you, it's my spirit, it's always people and what +3kCkIvF47wg-00232-00196947-00197634 I won’t quarrel yes yeah I can’t blame this forever +3kCkIvF47wg-00233-00197634-00198735 Ah, in the end, the saying that humans will loosen everything with the Holy Spirit means that humans continue to use the Holy Spirit. +3kCkIvF47wg-00234-00198735-00199193 How do I repeat it twice +3kCkIvF47wg-00235-00199204-00199956 So everyone in that language denomination +3kCkIvF47wg-00236-00199956-00200837 It is taught that once you are saved, you can never be saved. +3kCkIvF47wg-00237-00200962-00202170 Gold and silver I can't be the same Why the Bible says how humans can restore the Holy Spirit +3kCkIvF47wg-00238-00202286-00203470 But ah, the denomination that taught me how? +3kCkIvF47wg-00239-00203470-00204319 You have the blessing. What is it? If you do this once by God, humans can’t move and follow. +3kCkIvF47wg-00240-00204319-00205048 Going, it’s not saying that God gives a choice +3kCkIvF47wg-00241-00205048-00206214 If you don't give it a choice, it's a sniping condition that you've never seen before. You don't like humans. So, ignore human choices completely. +3kCkIvF47wg-00242-00206214-00206975 Uh, make it irresistible. The words of God’s grace and grace are unconditional +3kCkIvF47wg-00243-00206975-00207433 But that is irresistible +3kCkIvF47wg-00244-00207642-00208311 If you tell me to listen to me, then what am I? +3kCkIvF47wg-00245-00208311-00209123 I am an unconditional person Unconditional love presupposes my net +3kCkIvF47wg-00246-00209123-00210389 So, that mind tells us how we humans’ choices are advanced +3kCkIvF47wg-00247-00210414-00211650 So what is it So how do you say no to me and how do you choose to abandon me? +3kCkIvF47wg-00248-00211650-00212442 Well, but if you don't like it all the way, then one I'll make your choice +3kCkIvF47wg-00249-00212442-00213402 I have to admit it, and as a result, how did I go back to black language? +3kCkIvF47wg-00250-00213402-00214067 Why is it the law to reject life, so I go back one step like this +3kCkIvF47wg-00251-00214067-00214340 Consonant +3kCkIvF47wg-00252-00214446-00215108 That’s why God says that my spirit +3kCkIvF47wg-00253-00215128-00216290 It's not a soul and something. I won't quarrel with a person, so what is he? +3kCkIvF47wg-00254-00216290-00217046 The word body is another uncomfortable message for the sovereign of the dead. +3kCkIvF47wg-00255-00217046-00218548 Oh, you know. Oh, until we met God, we were just flesh. So, in English, we're people who are verbal. +3kCkIvF47wg-00256-00218548-00219780 So, if we accept God's Spirit, we'd rather escape from the physical dimension and become wireless people and become a masterpiece. +3kCkIvF47wg-00257-00219780-00220755 So this fleshly man scepter flesh So the apostle Paul lived a lot of words +3kCkIvF47wg-00258-00220755-00221105 6 is ah on 6 theory +3kCkIvF47wg-00259-00221223-00222430 So, we are born again as 6, and the Holy Spirit comes in again, and we are reborn as the Holy Spirit. +3kCkIvF47wg-00260-00222430-00223092 At that time, from the body to why, from English to spiritual +3kCkIvF47wg-00261-00223092-00224275 Oh, I was born again So what people became, the words that would become fleshy cars became li what was there +3kCkIvF47wg-00262-00224275-00225146 What does that mean, the Holy Spirit is nailed 4 with a material premise that doesn't matter +3kCkIvF47wg-00263-00225269-00225719 Oh and it 2 +3kCkIvF47wg-00264-00225782-00227173 You have to look closely at the Bible, and you've been confined to this worldly hand kiss. +3kCkIvF47wg-00265-00227263-00228128 STDs say what to say +3kCkIvF47wg-00266-00228128-00229235 That’s why the body became a body, but still living Seoul +3kCkIvF47wg-00267-00229235-00230111 There are only beings who remain spiritual human beings who remain the sleep of the child's children. +3kCkIvF47wg-00268-00230111-00231316 Noah’s only easy and easy, everyone now talks like this, how can this world completely burn? +3kCkIvF47wg-00269-00231466-00232716 So, in Noah's family, all at that time, humans said how to walk unconditionally to God. +3kCkIvF47wg-00270-00232716-00233150 Ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00271-00233401-00234213 So, whatever humans did not get it in color blind language, they chose to go which way. +3kCkIvF47wg-00272-00234213-00235298 Abandon life, unconditional love, and approachable love +3kCkIvF47wg-00273-00235673-00236204 Everyone, you know, I answered this +3kCkIvF47wg-00274-00236204-00236903 Yeah now 2 3 4 yeah I can't be humor like this +3kCkIvF47wg-00275-00236903-00237586 As I’m talking about, the size is also parish Gum Lake +3kCkIvF47wg-00276-00237586-00238221 [Music] Those human beings, the country of America +3kCkIvF47wg-00277-00238221-00239098 It’s a great fly, why did you do this? +3kCkIvF47wg-00278-00239098-00239821 Probably or not, the total pagans enjoy Europe n Puritans we +3kCkIvF47wg-00279-00239821-00240734 All of these conditions, all of this, went to this new land, where we got together +3kCkIvF47wg-00280-00240734-00241456 From Europe to America +3kCkIvF47wg-00281-00241456-00242619 Well, it’s the country where people who came over to rest. So, until then, the whole world did not try to resolve equality. +3kCkIvF47wg-00282-00242619-00243484 I was presbyopic. Well, what was normal human being? +3kCkIvF47wg-00283-00243484-00244558 To whom humans belong to. We lived so freely that we were young and we forgot all the old days. +3kCkIvF47wg-00284-00244558-00245058 What are the people of the 2nd period? +3kCkIvF47wg-00285-00245116-00245514 100 emperor's +3kCkIvF47wg-00286-00245527-00246184 100 wins over the king of kings Who got our ownership +3kCkIvF47wg-00287-00246184-00247650 It’s the king, so if you’re a king, what are we? +3kCkIvF47wg-00288-00247693-00248710 Therefore, humans in this world are not equal, depending on which family they are born from. +3kCkIvF47wg-00289-00248710-00249601 [Music] Especially India. India still has that class. +3kCkIvF47wg-00290-00249601-00249804 2 +3kCkIvF47wg-00291-00249808-00251066 Daemyeong Cheonji is just the first yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00292-00251242-00251946 What is that still Best Gaegeum 2 What is it? +3kCkIvF47wg-00293-00252184-00253171 Everyone, if you only have that anxiety, you are the highest rank in Hinduism. +3kCkIvF47wg-00294-00253171-00253876 I wasn't born in any family +3kCkIvF47wg-00295-00254119-00254754 I fight every day and have something like this in India +3kCkIvF47wg-00296-00254754-00255855 That's why they just killed a person. Somehow, the presence of India could be arrested and executed. +3kCkIvF47wg-00297-00255855-00256778 When it comes to life imprisonment, +3kCkIvF47wg-00298-00256813-00257355 I was born a poem in a classy family +3kCkIvF47wg-00299-00257355-00257780 I know how you handled those times +3kCkIvF47wg-00300-00257781-00258448 Asylum Psalm 6 in 5 Ways in Korean +3kCkIvF47wg-00301-00258863-00259719 What do Indian people think of Korean people? I think of Minho +3kCkIvF47wg-00302-00259998-00260985 That's right, so that Jungmin scratches 2 2 More yes 2 What is the thug boss who made the over-sized +3kCkIvF47wg-00303-00260985-00261498 So, Korean and have a neck 10:00 +3kCkIvF47wg-00304-00261576-00262674 4 There is no ah very good in that patience that in Brahman table of contents +3kCkIvF47wg-00305-00262674-00262988 Korean well +3kCkIvF47wg-00306-00263077-00263519 So you finally turn back to India +3kCkIvF47wg-00307-00263519-00264235 Ah-nim also conveyed Ama-nim in a very touching story. +3kCkIvF47wg-00308-00264235-00264813 Uh, so uh +3kCkIvF47wg-00309-00264851-00266054 That's why my spirit always quarrels with people, the door that people say, what people say +3kCkIvF47wg-00310-00266054-00266895 It’s called this company. It’s just a chunk of meat. So now +3kCkIvF47wg-00311-00266920-00267367 It might be this world today +3kCkIvF47wg-00312-00267490-00268758 Well, everyone knows what room n is like. If you look at that, it means that all humans have become, so take a picture with the original camera +3kCkIvF47wg-00313-00268758-00269597 Take a dip and make a part of the woman, and this is the meat mass +3kCkIvF47wg-00314-00269618-00270281 You know, yes, what else is that distance digging ah ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00315-00270320-00270757 Those ancestors drooled and ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00316-00270757-00271846 That prosperity, that’s the greatest happiness for them. This is the flesh. +3kCkIvF47wg-00317-00271861-00272254 That the world has become +3kCkIvF47wg-00318-00272322-00273296 So, I hope you guys will be like your Gajo. +3kCkIvF47wg-00319-00273380-00274168 Oh, so, everyone +3kCkIvF47wg-00320-00274222-00275005 This is what God-made humans are supposed to do, haha +3kCkIvF47wg-00321-00275005-00276283 Think of God's feelings with that heart. You know, from here on, you know, these humans have become like this. +3kCkIvF47wg-00322-00276283-00277725 If you think about it, the teachings you receive from your flood about Noah's Flood are different depending on what you think. +3kCkIvF47wg-00323-00277863-00278759 The opposition thinks that God and phosphorus begin, all that will happen is garbage-like concentration. +3kCkIvF47wg-00324-00278767-00279190 Definitely add 5 seconds w +3kCkIvF47wg-00325-00279334-00279624 Take something +3kCkIvF47wg-00326-00279668-00279949 * Take it +3kCkIvF47wg-00327-00280041-00280619 Thinking and teaching like that +3kCkIvF47wg-00328-00280706-00281917 I can't be sorry for anything from God, so I thought that I was a little bit guilty +3kCkIvF47wg-00329-00281949-00282621 Such a life of faith is not a life of faith +3kCkIvF47wg-00330-00282621-00283341 It’s a life of faith, but it’s not like I’m ching, but it’s too gangster. +3kCkIvF47wg-00331-00283341-00284368 So we keep drawing the country of America and what is the American Declaration of Independence +3kCkIvF47wg-00332-00284368-00284954 2 America's Independence Shooting Door Will Evaluate the Whole World +3kCkIvF47wg-00333-00285235-00285889 I passed the compromise and learned this way, but I can’t learn it +3kCkIvF47wg-00334-00285889-00286549 What is the core of the Independence Gate? All human beings are awesome before God +3kCkIvF47wg-00335-00286549-00287590 Oh, this doesn't exist in this world. Does such a nuclear power plant live like a bomb? +3kCkIvF47wg-00336-00287590-00288726 Why did Americans become independent from the US Declaration of Independence That is why the East US became independent? +3kCkIvF47wg-00337-00288733-00289620 From that list, what kind of society does the UK do? +3kCkIvF47wg-00338-00289703-00290570 In the end, the United States, the United Kingdom, and ours are not able to pay taxes to you. +3kCkIvF47wg-00339-00290570-00291156 So start gradually, then this price will come +3kCkIvF47wg-00340-00291156-00292354 Oh this, now we no longer have this law of study King George What is a lifetime What is a 1st generation presbytery +3kCkIvF47wg-00341-00292354-00293518 No, our is not the race we receive at home in front of the king, what is it in front of God? +3kCkIvF47wg-00342-00293518-00294470 They’re great humans. There’s no interest in America. That’s where the value comes from. +3kCkIvF47wg-00343-00294470-00295211 The end to 7 is from the Bible +3kCkIvF47wg-00344-00295211-00296021 Yes, you are my participation 2c Oh, but who is the God who goes forward +3kCkIvF47wg-00345-00296021-00296897 He who gave life and lived unconditionally. +3kCkIvF47wg-00346-00296897-00297649 Yes, until then, our master is the king. +3kCkIvF47wg-00347-00297809-00298595 Jowon What is a lot of farming, a lot of ridicule, a lot of memories? +3kCkIvF47wg-00348-00298595-00300095 Nong is the first to laugh when the land is under $4 That's the land whose land is 5 won, so the king uh, put that land to anyone +3kCkIvF47wg-00349-00300095-00300782 Those enemies, uh, that's a nong condo +3kCkIvF47wg-00350-00300858-00301506 It’s about tenancy with the nobles’ belongings. +3kCkIvF47wg-00351-00301506-00302443 The king and then nobles and then what class +3kCkIvF47wg-00352-00302443-00302732 Priest practitioner +3kCkIvF47wg-00353-00302976-00303872 Is that the three ranks? 10 How about letting King Hanul do that? +3kCkIvF47wg-00354-00304120-00305080 So what I did was saying that Luther, who was blocked, wasn't the Reformation +3kCkIvF47wg-00355-00305080-00306175 In the case of a clogged typo in the 1500s and 50s, it wasn't his name +3kCkIvF47wg-00356-00306175-00307075 I think to live with the independence of America so all human beings are free +3kCkIvF47wg-00357-00307075-00307341 Yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00358-00307376-00308159 So, now, then, the British are getting closer to France and the US +3kCkIvF47wg-00359-00308159-00309167 Yes Research Cargo What is France? It’s not the enemy’s enemies. It’s always fighting. So, now Pohang Shuk Ah, now the US +3kCkIvF47wg-00360-00309167-00309731 What did you send me to be independent from the United States because I was not on my back? +3kCkIvF47wg-00361-00309731-00310973 Freedom 64 America has let go of freedom God is free is what is just premised on freedom +3kCkIvF47wg-00362-00310973-00311440 Are you unconditional love +3kCkIvF47wg-00363-00311453-00312179 That’s why Jesus is the person. The truth is that the love of God is unconditional love. +3kCkIvF47wg-00364-00312179-00313154 You know the truth, and that unconditional love is conditional that the truth will set you free +3kCkIvF47wg-00365-00313154-00314138 So, until then, until the Declaration of Independence of the United States was declared, what was the whole world? +3kCkIvF47wg-00366-00314313-00314644 The American lump sum +3kCkIvF47wg-00367-00314651-00315073 If you know that it will stop [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00368-00315073-00316366 It’s very scary. In the end, this is not what humans do. Satan can’t do it in this world right now. +3kCkIvF47wg-00369-00316366-00317050 That’s the bottom line that appeared this time on Jupiter. +3kCkIvF47wg-00370-00317050-00317623 So, even Bai and the like don't know what Ji is doing, and they don't know that proof of poems are being pursued. +3kCkIvF47wg-00371-00317623-00318570 What is the mud drum tone? Oh, this is what caught the feeling 2 It's a big deal +3kCkIvF47wg-00372-00318738-00319019 Why is this +3kCkIvF47wg-00373-00319214-00320398 It’s getting confused to live well. Oh, so what’s the gap between the rich and the poor? +3kCkIvF47wg-00374-00320398-00320604 uh +3kCkIvF47wg-00375-00320633-00321040 It's like this, so Jill +3kCkIvF47wg-00376-00321065-00321886 But this is not this child. +3kCkIvF47wg-00377-00321886-00322571 Everything has to be changed so this human freedom composure +3kCkIvF47wg-00378-00322571-00323225 2 Gaze Because it is a biblical concept, what is it now? +3kCkIvF47wg-00379-00323225-00323945 People who believe in the Bible What is homosexuality? God told me not to do it +3kCkIvF47wg-00380-00323945-00324763 Oh, well, there are things like this. Let's shut up and destroy them, you know what it is. +3kCkIvF47wg-00381-00324829-00325300 Now, because America will ride like that +3kCkIvF47wg-00382-00325309-00326203 That’s why the whole world is now. +3kCkIvF47wg-00383-00326203-00326482 Yes [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00384-00326482-00327286 The nose is transformed into a league like that, and there is no art. +3kCkIvF47wg-00385-00327286-00328295 This is then the 1st division's forces 2 +3kCkIvF47wg-00386-00328295-00328578 A book +3kCkIvF47wg-00387-00328911-00329695 I was kind of like that ah ah ah ah it will be amazing ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00388-00329695-00330538 So we ng must be a trade car +3kCkIvF47wg-00389-00330538-00330889 Eventually [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00390-00330889-00332083 The Bible says that Satan will be holy. How the sun goes down and how people are in the days of Noah +3kCkIvF47wg-00391-00332083-00333088 Conditionally, I will leave unity. So no matter how much God saves, +3kCkIvF47wg-00392-00333088-00333356 Can be saved +3kCkIvF47wg-00393-00333389-00334292 So that people in the world did this one day. +3kCkIvF47wg-00394-00334292-00335333 Everything goes like this. You know, so if you look at the Bible study all the time, the world is like this. +3kCkIvF47wg-00395-00335333-00336011 You can express it like this or it can be tricked out +3kCkIvF47wg-00396-00336011-00336535 The Bible is an important book +3kCkIvF47wg-00397-00336568-00336849 Party 4 2 +3kCkIvF47wg-00398-00337009-00338115 Now it was, and there were giants in the land at that time +3kCkIvF47wg-00399-00338135-00339145 The sons of God came in when the daughters of men came in, and she almost gave birth to them. +3kCkIvF47wg-00400-00339145-00339774 They have people who once used to be warriors +3kCkIvF47wg-00401-00339797-00340661 Yes, so you can’t do anything anymore, you’re thinking that there are too many people who are good at national treasures +3kCkIvF47wg-00402-00340661-00341436 Do you know the human leadership, come on, and the book begins +3kCkIvF47wg-00403-00341436-00342672 In other words, God planted man’s wickedness into the window of the world, and the thoughts and thoughts of his heart +3kCkIvF47wg-00404-00342672-00343314 How to keep going +3kCkIvF47wg-00405-00343428-00344624 The thought of Cheonan, the thought of unconditional love, has disappeared. +3kCkIvF47wg-00406-00344947-00345489 Now if you use another expression here +3kCkIvF47wg-00407-00345563-00346340 Jehovah expressed that man’s iniquity is what is crowned in the world +3kCkIvF47wg-00408-00346340-00346741 What do you mean by tube type? +3kCkIvF47wg-00409-00346892-00347530 When you collect 2 cups of water, how will the cup +3kCkIvF47wg-00410-00347530-00347972 It's overflowing +3kCkIvF47wg-00411-00347972-00348359 Ego +3kCkIvF47wg-00412-00348545-00349234 If there is a cup here now, if it’s in front of the cleat +3kCkIvF47wg-00413-00349234-00349845 Now let’s say that the person is a sin when you pour this water +3kCkIvF47wg-00414-00349845-00351006 I keep filling up. Yes, then I should keep filling up in the hearts of the sons of God. But what is this tree part? +3kCkIvF47wg-00415-00351006-00352101 It's the Holy Spirit. How do I keep getting it? In the end, the Holy Spirit has no place to do it. +3kCkIvF47wg-00416-00352101-00353168 This means that the Holy Spirit has been rejected or the Holy Spirit has extinguished. +3kCkIvF47wg-00417-00353168-00353761 So, uh, then this person is +3kCkIvF47wg-00418-00353761-00354712 What are you filling up with? My loca car is thrown away I can no longer forget the foundation of the Holy Spirit +3kCkIvF47wg-00419-00354712-00355429 Becoming a man and now have the voice of the Holy Spirit go and go +3kCkIvF47wg-00420-00355429-00355743 Oh that's it +3kCkIvF47wg-00421-00355859-00356818 Now, this very Korean translation of the Bible has been translated very emotionally +3kCkIvF47wg-00422-00356818-00357574 [Music] So how do I make my creator +3kCkIvF47wg-00423-00357574-00358177 We'll start our neck with this +3kCkIvF47wg-00424-00358177-00358993 I see it as the correct translation, so I’m happy to keep Silverley on it. +3kCkIvF47wg-00425-00358993-00359526 Gentlemen, what kind of thug is that God +3kCkIvF47wg-00426-00359533-00360240 It was treated like that. Oh, but now. +3kCkIvF47wg-00427-00360240-00361298 According to the recent translation, how to destroy the vehicle I created by predicting the burden +3kCkIvF47wg-00428-00361501-00362031 Or in English, it’s not a cold chicken. +3kCkIvF47wg-00429-00362212-00362935 iom wow uco is completely destroyed +3kCkIvF47wg-00430-00362935-00363625 Uh, but everyone, I talk about it several times +3kCkIvF47wg-00431-00363625-00364671 Even if I ran away to the God-in, how did God get up? +3kCkIvF47wg-00432-00364671-00366093 How do you lose yourself and take responsibility for what you did wrong? +3kCkIvF47wg-00433-00366093-00366792 If you tell him that he ran away because of a person, you will see a love that breaks. +3kCkIvF47wg-00434-00366792-00368207 Even if it's a runaway, how ah am I ah? +3kCkIvF47wg-00435-00368207-00369584 And he is also a sign of love for me because he is responsible for the cloak net. So God wants to express that love. +3kCkIvF47wg-00436-00369584-00370438 I told them to destroy and follow them. Why? +3kCkIvF47wg-00437-00370472-00371445 Whoever chooses to perish, who will be able to do it Humans will be able to make people become this body +3kCkIvF47wg-00438-00371445-00372398 So how is that ending, my ending, my result, what is the prospect without sacrifice? +3kCkIvF47wg-00439-00372471-00373509 Even though the destruction is where they invite themselves, God is what I was before. +3kCkIvF47wg-00440-00373509-00374205 What do I have to feel to shoot the words to make me intimidate +3kCkIvF47wg-00441-00374205-00374609 This means you have to feel people +3kCkIvF47wg-00442-00374641-00375949 So this is also an emotional expression of love that I can say with no love, if I will eventually let them go +3kCkIvF47wg-00443-00375949-00377031 Okay, then only now comes the basis for me to argue that +3kCkIvF47wg-00444-00377468-00378368 If I strike the man whom I have created, I will be destroyed 2 that is, man and beast, and every function and every bird of the air. +3kCkIvF47wg-00445-00378368-00379201 This is how I regret writing them +3kCkIvF47wg-00446-00379405-00380468 We regret this zeal and sometimes translate it as another 1st episode of integrity. +3kCkIvF47wg-00447-00380468-00380686 character +3kCkIvF47wg-00448-00381058-00382080 4 you hey how do i write it? +3kCkIvF47wg-00449-00382257-00382816 Let’s see what they say in English +3kCkIvF47wg-00450-00382854-00383435 U have to say pen t regret +3kCkIvF47wg-00451-00383785-00383991 Ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00452-00384297-00385353 You don't have two ancestors Probably what's your very easy choice Oh I already know +3kCkIvF47wg-00453-00385353-00386101 The floor ah, Inomu's tableware is sloppy & sprouted +3kCkIvF47wg-00454-00386226-00387201 This is about the kind of God that you are actually teaching and holding +3kCkIvF47wg-00455-00387201-00387897 I think it’s okay. Now that I’m looking at the boogers, they have to earn the theory of numbers without a shop +3kCkIvF47wg-00456-00387897-00388280 I want leisurely accumulated leisurely +3kCkIvF47wg-00457-00388490-00389085 But later, I read the trajectory +3kCkIvF47wg-00458-00389110-00389577 It's a good translation, what's part 1 +3kCkIvF47wg-00459-00389592-00389792 Ah +3kCkIvF47wg-00460-00389858-00390158 Part 1 is +3kCkIvF47wg-00461-00390195-00390818 You can think of it like this +3kCkIvF47wg-00462-00391068-00391962 4 If I love, how do I keep my children from being distressed? +3kCkIvF47wg-00463-00391962-00393090 How can these children be brought down by a gangster? +3kCkIvF47wg-00464-00393090-00393855 What's that for your father? How does your heart feel when you leave? +3kCkIvF47wg-00465-00393855-00395493 How can you say that beauty can leave when there is too much pain? This is not part 1 Oh yes, and why it is so painful +3kCkIvF47wg-00466-00395493-00396269 It’s painful only when I’m in love, I’m breathing, I want to leave, it’s itchy +3kCkIvF47wg-00467-00396269-00397727 What do you do uh how do you say it was not there +3kCkIvF47wg-00468-00397727-00399000 I don’t have cancer. Yeah, it’s so painful. If I didn’t show this decoration, wouldn’t it be a good idea? +3kCkIvF47wg-00469-00399000-00399737 Don’t be like that because of love +3kCkIvF47wg-00470-00399737-00400637 That's why God rests in love, so what is in God's words +3kCkIvF47wg-00471-00400637-00401750 When you are thoroughly convinced and hold on to that cow that contains love, otherwise it will fly away for your ears. +3kCkIvF47wg-00472-00401750-00402218 Not elegant then just like this yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00473-00402218-00402475 So +3kCkIvF47wg-00474-00402616-00402828 Yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00475-00402960-00403974 So, what did these self-made humans choose? They chose death. +3kCkIvF47wg-00476-00403974-00404916 And because I was cargo to death, they're sorry for them, so my wife bangs. +3kCkIvF47wg-00477-00404916-00405832 Oh, I'm going to die with 10 songs that will become evil +3kCkIvF47wg-00478-00405832-00406615 Uh, why can't it be unconditional love? +3kCkIvF47wg-00479-00406615-00407774 That’s right, that’s why it’s like that. +3kCkIvF47wg-00480-00407927-00409006 But here, you know what you are wearing is a chicken. +3kCkIvF47wg-00481-00409006-00410172 Oh, you've jumped over the word. Oh, you've made the first episode of the people of the earth. What is in God's heart? +3kCkIvF47wg-00482-00410172-00411860 Because I'm worried and I'm worried about this, the very bad guy is that gangster +3kCkIvF47wg-00483-00412044-00413154 That 2 means nothing about the hits and then rest and then they go away from God. +3kCkIvF47wg-00484-00413155-00414171 So what's in God's heart, I mean, this writing died on fire? What is this picture? +3kCkIvF47wg-00485-00414171-00414418 do you know +3kCkIvF47wg-00486-00414609-00414943 Uh yeah +3kCkIvF47wg-00487-00414943-00415566 What do you say and miss our Korean language for the sweet taste +3kCkIvF47wg-00488-00415567-00416279 How can your loved one go beyond me +3kCkIvF47wg-00489-00416318-00417377 What was it? First graduation ceremony before me, but that we, we +3kCkIvF47wg-00490-00417377-00417671 Why 3002 +3kCkIvF47wg-00491-00417725-00418206 But the couple died and the couple +3kCkIvF47wg-00492-00418206-00418514 [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00493-00418522-00419667 The part where we liked each other's fasting, so I'll wish this 3002 toolbar. +3kCkIvF47wg-00494-00419741-00420400 What is that? +3kCkIvF47wg-00495-00420400-00420989 Then 2 more straight brush bottles +3kCkIvF47wg-00496-00421037-00421664 Oh, I miss that. +3kCkIvF47wg-00497-00421664-00422560 I inhale my husband so much. +3kCkIvF47wg-00498-00422609-00423926 So, when I was awake with Joe, the couple was already competing and having fun. +3kCkIvF47wg-00499-00423926-00424988 So why do we have 3000 degrees of intention, so we don’t make money +3kCkIvF47wg-00500-00424988-00425638 You can call it Daenggi and what to do with this guide Uno is a fun life +3kCkIvF47wg-00501-00425823-00426714 But I miss that husband so much. +3kCkIvF47wg-00502-00426714-00427373 My wife, Thermo, who will be building up with me +3kCkIvF47wg-00503-00427610-00428600 So I took off my makeup teeth How or when I laughed so much when I wrote that love on the cream +3kCkIvF47wg-00504-00428600-00430268 Pain, this lamentation, and the living is that I can't see God still die for those humans who fell into sin +3kCkIvF47wg-00505-00430268-00431354 That’s all, I’m talking about this +3kCkIvF47wg-00506-00431354-00432493 At that time, the expression says that God was pissed off because those humans said that he was burned. +3kCkIvF47wg-00507-00432799-00433884 But what do we think we have received God's 10? +3kCkIvF47wg-00508-00433884-00434558 That much is what we are spiritually changed +3kCkIvF47wg-00509-00434558-00435224 You know, it’s easy to slay God in a big shock. +3kCkIvF47wg-00510-00435224-00435602 What is [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00511-00435775-00436755 Now, that’s why you use the word before +3kCkIvF47wg-00512-00437089-00437760 I got a big break, and I wrote to that friend in my heart c and ah [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00513-00437760-00438782 Yes then i will laugh at it uh 1 tania lamentation and size fortune 0 +3kCkIvF47wg-00514-00438833-00439089 Ah yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00515-00439350-00440447 The God of God who felt pain because he loved them. +3kCkIvF47wg-00516-00440447-00441407 I loved it so much, but it’s possible to leave me as Arthur keeps going +3kCkIvF47wg-00517-00441803-00442647 Now, God who says such a word +3kCkIvF47wg-00518-00442887-00443747 Noah saw God's face as a pad Thai +3kCkIvF47wg-00519-00443747-00444732 Folks this is a very bad send approach, the most obvious time of translation +3kCkIvF47wg-00520-00444732-00445871 Uh, but what do you find in the eyes of God? +3kCkIvF47wg-00521-00445946-00446960 This day is correct. Yes, they return to English but presbyopia +3kCkIvF47wg-00522-00446960-00447929 I found the pound, found it, and did what I did according to it. +3kCkIvF47wg-00523-00447929-00448864 Where is from the dice in the eyes of god in the eyes of god +3kCkIvF47wg-00524-00448864-00449860 It was like that in Sue's eyes. When I let go of the grace, I saw the child. +3kCkIvF47wg-00525-00449860-00450642 Yeah oh but uh everyone +3kCkIvF47wg-00526-00450683-00451141 2 years old translated script +3kCkIvF47wg-00527-00451141-00451434 Oh yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00528-00451508-00451768 Now how +3kCkIvF47wg-00529-00452001-00453152 So let's lift one stick like this, it would buffer the trap 2 names in many God's hearts +3kCkIvF47wg-00530-00453191-00453742 People in the world hate it like that +3kCkIvF47wg-00531-00453780-00454428 It’s presbyopia. Well, I’m okay. +3kCkIvF47wg-00532-00454428-00454865 Uh, but everyone +3kCkIvF47wg-00533-00454865-00456217 However, No. 1 How did you see grace in God's field. This is exactly Homme, but it shows God's unconditional love. +3kCkIvF47wg-00534-00456217-00457132 We wrote it like that, but what happened to the Holy Spirit because we translated it with a human approach, or thought. +3kCkIvF47wg-00535-00457132-00458189 Noah put on a lot and put a lot of God on it. +3kCkIvF47wg-00536-00458403-00459335 But let go, so what is it that there are many Lords? +3kCkIvF47wg-00537-00459335-00460210 How do you wipe out other guys +3kCkIvF47wg-00538-00460422-00461205 [Music] Now everyone +3kCkIvF47wg-00539-00461205-00462912 2 When you find unconditional love in the Bible, what is it with the English Bible, Noah loves that way ic 555 +3kCkIvF47wg-00540-00462912-00463589 What does Noah mean, God's eyes already +3kCkIvF47wg-00541-00463589-00464355 To say that they saw their love for the celebrities and saw grace +3kCkIvF47wg-00542-00464355-00465268 Noah said that he saw something in the eyes of God too +3kCkIvF47wg-00543-00465289-00465905 Because you suffered and left the poem, it's very polar. +3kCkIvF47wg-00544-00465905-00466292 [Music] 16 +3kCkIvF47wg-00545-00466292-00466872 So this Noah’s flood sprouts +3kCkIvF47wg-00546-00466891-00467746 This year, God's unconditional love has power. +3kCkIvF47wg-00547-00467746-00468481 Talking about the rest of the bonds will continue at 5 dinner time +3kCkIvF47wg-00548-00468481-00469487 r10 But this is a very important part Oh yes yes +3kCkIvF47wg-00549-00469487-00471292 Excited, yes, it’s clogged up Yes, I haven’t been moving for a year +3kCkIvF47wg-00550-00471322-00472199 But now, unconditional love enters +3kCkIvF47wg-00551-00472199-00473043 Because the executive threw away his head, now it's gone +3kCkIvF47wg-00552-00473109-00473979 Do you receive life from the Word like this? +3kCkIvF47wg-00553-00473979-00474902 I hope you don’t forget that the most important thing for you is when you fill your martial arts. +3kCkIvF47wg-00554-00475160-00476063 Since it is a true one-ion Bible, no one step is to ask a man about sin. +3kCkIvF47wg-00555-00476063-00476782 That conditional thought that I killed +3kCkIvF47wg-00556-00476838-00478317 If you put it deeply, the story will not be in this flood. +3kCkIvF47wg-00557-00478317-00479455 With every word ah, there are a lot of words, a word that really overflows with unconditional love +3kCkIvF47wg-00558-00479455-00479873 Despite these expressions, +3kCkIvF47wg-00559-00479885-00481065 We are committing a great sin that already reads the heart according to our conditional prejudices. +3kCkIvF47wg-00560-00481076-00481935 The human body, so that when we read the Bible one by one, one by one, +3kCkIvF47wg-00561-00481957-00483059 Praying to the Holy Spirit, that is, asking for help to find unconditional love in the Word. +3kCkIvF47wg-00562-00483059-00483958 It’s absolutely necessary to pray because you find that unconditional love +3kCkIvF47wg-00563-00483958-00484947 After the size of the stone, the joy came and moved to life in that unconditional love. +3kCkIvF47wg-00564-00484947-00486013 Let us be healed Anam 0 Let us pray and come to us more +3kCkIvF47wg-00565-00486013-00486706 Heal me 4 Jesus prays without knowing his name +3kCkIvF47wg-00566-00486706-00487536 Next time [music] +3kCkIvF47wg-00567-00487536-00488067 Ugh +3kCkIvF47wg-00568-00488242-00488677 [music] +3l0-xMN_asY-00000-00000000-00000434 in this video we'll discuss the definition of communication and a few of +3l0-xMN_asY-00001-00000434-00000863 the fundamental characteristics of communication will also explore it three +3l0-xMN_asY-00002-00000863-00001386 models of the communication process first let's address the question what is +3l0-xMN_asY-00003-00001386-00001545 communication +3l0-xMN_asY-00004-00001545-00001842 well the short answer is that communication is the process through +3l0-xMN_asY-00005-00001842-00002193 which we attempt to make meaning by sending and receiving messages +3l0-xMN_asY-00006-00002193-00002742 communication can take on a variety of forms first we use both verbal and +3l0-xMN_asY-00007-00002742-00003225 nonverbal channels to communicate verbal communication refers exclusively to the +3l0-xMN_asY-00008-00003225-00003722 words that we choose most languages are incredibly broad and diverse offering a +3l0-xMN_asY-00009-00003722-00004191 breadth of options in attempting to share an idea verbal communication is about +3l0-xMN_asY-00010-00004191-00004757 choosing the word that best communicates that idea everything else gestures +3l0-xMN_asY-00011-00004757-00005235 appearance vocal inflection the notion of personal space facial expressions +3l0-xMN_asY-00012-00005235-00005661 would all fall under the category of nonverbal communication +3l0-xMN_asY-00013-00005661-00006039 another important factor is whether the communication is taking place +3l0-xMN_asY-00014-00006039-00006618 face-to-face or via an electronically mediated channel face-to-face +3l0-xMN_asY-00015-00006618-00007029 communication is very channel rich meaning we can usually make use of all +3l0-xMN_asY-00016-00007029-00007481 kinds of verbal and nonverbal cues electronically mediated communication +3l0-xMN_asY-00017-00007481-00008100 like text messages email and social media however are more channel lean your +3l0-xMN_asY-00018-00008100-00008481 somewhat limited in that you can't see facial expressions or hear the person's +3l0-xMN_asY-00019-00008481-00009042 tone of voice in the way the you can in face-to-face communication one more +3l0-xMN_asY-00020-00009042-00009492 thing to keep in mind is that communication is irreversible once +3l0-xMN_asY-00021-00009492-00009954 something is expressed and received it cannot simply be erased or taken back +3l0-xMN_asY-00022-00009954-00010382 never had a comment slip out unintentionally or said something you +3l0-xMN_asY-00023-00010382-00010896 immediately wish you could take back while an apology or correction is nice +3l0-xMN_asY-00024-00010896-00011304 it doesn't wipe away the original comment or expression once it's out +3l0-xMN_asY-00025-00011304-00011553 there it's out there for good +3l0-xMN_asY-00026-00011553-00011970 nowhere is this principle related more absurdly than in the court of law +3l0-xMN_asY-00027-00012032-00012396 have you ever watched a TV show or movie where an attorney says something +3l0-xMN_asY-00028-00012396-00012816 prejudicial and inflammatory followed by the judge instructing the jury to +3l0-xMN_asY-00029-00012816-00013319 disregard the comment no such thing as possible and everyone there know +3l0-xMN_asY-00030-00013319-00013763 is it these explanations just begin to scratch the surface of understanding +3l0-xMN_asY-00031-00013763-00014222 communication will dig deeper over the course of this video and even further in +3l0-xMN_asY-00032-00014222-00014766 other videos over the years the study of communications developed through three +3l0-xMN_asY-00033-00014766-00015183 basic models of the communication process will take a look at each of +3l0-xMN_asY-00034-00015183-00015566 these models and see how our understanding of communication has +3l0-xMN_asY-00035-00015566-00016122 changed with each one the first model of communication that was developed was the +3l0-xMN_asY-00036-00016122-00016604 action model the action model of communication portrays communication as +3l0-xMN_asY-00037-00016604-00017115 a one-way process communication is something that one person does too or at +3l0-xMN_asY-00038-00017115-00017576 another person when the other person has a response the whole process flips +3l0-xMN_asY-00039-00017576-00018036 around and starts a new in the action model communication begins with the +3l0-xMN_asY-00040-00018036-00018429 sender quite simply the center is the person who has something they're +3l0-xMN_asY-00041-00018429-00019023 attempting to express the center and codes or packages a message using verbal +3l0-xMN_asY-00042-00019023-00019716 and or nonverbal communication to send it to a receiver the message refers to +3l0-xMN_asY-00043-00019716-00020132 what it is they are trying to communicate the message can be +3l0-xMN_asY-00044-00020132-00020619 communicated verbally non-verbally or a combination of both the message can also +3l0-xMN_asY-00045-00020619-00021156 be communicated intentionally or unintentionally the method through which +3l0-xMN_asY-00046-00021156-00021690 the message is communicated is called the channel if a message is the what +3l0-xMN_asY-00047-00021690-00022010 then the channel is the how +3l0-xMN_asY-00048-00022010-00022431 what are some channels that you use to communicate imagine you use your voice +3l0-xMN_asY-00049-00022431-00023025 and communicating face-to-face do you talk on the phone text post and social +3l0-xMN_asY-00050-00023025-00023535 media email write it on posted notes use smoke signals tap on the wall for morse +3l0-xMN_asY-00051-00023535-00024150 code all of these would represent a channel of communication when we +3l0-xMN_asY-00052-00024150-00024713 communicate we direct communication at a person or persons the person for whom +3l0-xMN_asY-00053-00024713-00025206 the communication is meant is called the receiver which is the fourth element in +3l0-xMN_asY-00054-00025206-00025395 the action model of communication +3l0-xMN_asY-00055-00025395-00025895 it is the responsibility of the receiver to decode the message that the center is +3l0-xMN_asY-00056-00025895-00026175 encoded and attempt to make sense of it +3l0-xMN_asY-00057-00026175-00026658 the fifth and final element in the action model is noise +3l0-xMN_asY-00058-00026658-00027156 noise refers to anything that interferes with the sending or receiving of a +3l0-xMN_asY-00059-00027156-00027600 message there are three basic categories of noise +3l0-xMN_asY-00060-00027600-00027947 the first is physical noise which refers to interference from the surrounding +3l0-xMN_asY-00061-00027947-00028386 environment physical noise could be audible such as loud or distracting +3l0-xMN_asY-00062-00028386-00028688 sounds that keep you from clearly hearing or paying attention to the +3l0-xMN_asY-00063-00028688-00029150 message physical noise could also come from other sources though such as a +3l0-xMN_asY-00064-00029150-00029550 room being too hot or too cold things flashing by the window and drawing your +3l0-xMN_asY-00065-00029550-00030108 attention elsewhere or having to sit in an uncomfortable chair another type of +3l0-xMN_asY-00066-00030108-00030552 noise is psychological noise those of you who are mentally making your grocery +3l0-xMN_asY-00067-00030552-00030900 list or thinking of other things you need to get done today instead of fully +3l0-xMN_asY-00068-00030900-00031319 paying attention to this lesson for example are experiencing psychological +3l0-xMN_asY-00069-00031319-00031400 noise +3l0-xMN_asY-00070-00031400-00031778 anytime that were daydreaming or mind is simply elsewhere while someone is +3l0-xMN_asY-00071-00031778-00032294 speaking to us we experienced psychological noise physiological noise +3l0-xMN_asY-00072-00032294-00032831 is the final category of noise as the name would suggest physiological noise +3l0-xMN_asY-00073-00032831-00033275 has to do with your body you ever have trouble paying attention when you're +3l0-xMN_asY-00074-00033275-00033609 hungry how about when you're sick or you have a headache +3l0-xMN_asY-00075-00033609-00034052 those are common sources of physiological noise hearing loss can be +3l0-xMN_asY-00076-00034052-00034700 another source of physiological noise so those five elements sender message +3l0-xMN_asY-00077-00034700-00035306 channel receiver and noise make up the action model of communication as +3l0-xMN_asY-00078-00035306-00035756 scholars continue to study communication in greater depth and detail however they +3l0-xMN_asY-00079-00035756-00036171 discovered that the action model didn't paint the full picture of what happens +3l0-xMN_asY-00080-00036171-00036696 during the communication process as a result they developed a new model the +3l0-xMN_asY-00081-00036696-00037218 interaction model the interaction model keeps all five of those original +3l0-xMN_asY-00082-00037218-00037869 elements center message channel receiver and noise and adds two more feedback and +3l0-xMN_asY-00083-00037869-00038459 context feedback as the response of the receiver to the message feedback can be +3l0-xMN_asY-00084-00038459-00038963 verbal or nonverbal intentional or unintentional and creates a sort of loop +3l0-xMN_asY-00085-00038963-00039156 within the communication process +3l0-xMN_asY-00086-00039156-00039596 where's the action model is a one-way street the recognition of feedback +3l0-xMN_asY-00087-00039596-00039831 creates a two-way process +3l0-xMN_asY-00088-00039831-00040317 think of it like a ping-pong game where the ball goes back and forth one player +3l0-xMN_asY-00089-00040317-00040785 sends the ball in this case the message across the net to the receiver the +3l0-xMN_asY-00090-00040785-00041232 receiver then sends the ball now in the form of feedback back across the net to +3l0-xMN_asY-00091-00041232-00041709 the first person the element of feedback allows all of this to happen as part of +3l0-xMN_asY-00092-00041709-00042261 one inclusive process the other new element in the interaction model is +3l0-xMN_asY-00093-00042261-00042891 context context sometimes called the environment or the situation refers to +3l0-xMN_asY-00094-00042891-00043332 the physical and psychological circumstances in which the communication +3l0-xMN_asY-00095-00043332-00043842 takes place communication does not take place in a vacuum it happens somewhere +3l0-xMN_asY-00096-00043842-00044322 it sometime between someone's you don't have the same conversation in the +3l0-xMN_asY-00097-00044322-00044721 produce section of the grocery store that you do overall mantic candlelight +3l0-xMN_asY-00098-00044721-00044847 dinner right +3l0-xMN_asY-00099-00044847-00045285 the topics are different the tone is different the volume is different +3l0-xMN_asY-00100-00045285-00045630 these things also very when you're having a conversation with your best +3l0-xMN_asY-00101-00045630-00045888 friend or someone you hardly know it all +3l0-xMN_asY-00102-00045888-00046380 this is the impact of context knowing what is appropriate in that situation +3l0-xMN_asY-00103-00046380-00047022 and with that person as you can see with the addition of feedback in context the +3l0-xMN_asY-00104-00047022-00047367 interaction model represents a leap forward in our understanding of the +3l0-xMN_asY-00105-00047367-00047883 communication process it was still really a work in progress though as +3l0-xMN_asY-00106-00047883-00048291 you'll see in the most current model of the communication process the +3l0-xMN_asY-00107-00048291-00048798 transactional model the transactional model of communication doesn't really +3l0-xMN_asY-00108-00048798-00049068 add or subtract any significant elements +3l0-xMN_asY-00109-00049068-00049509 it does however modify those elements to more accurately reflect the +3l0-xMN_asY-00110-00049509-00049956 communication process the first modification recognizes that there's not +3l0-xMN_asY-00111-00049956-00050457 just one Center and one receiver in the process rather the communicator on each +3l0-xMN_asY-00112-00050457-00050922 side of the process is both the sender and receiver as a result the +3l0-xMN_asY-00113-00050922-00051479 transactional model changes those labels from sender and receiver to communicator +3l0-xMN_asY-00114-00051479-00052215 a and communicator be both of whom send messages and feedback the other update +3l0-xMN_asY-00115-00052215-00052719 in the transactional model is the change from simple feedback to simultaneous +3l0-xMN_asY-00116-00052719-00053157 feedback communicators don't wait for the completion of the message to send +3l0-xMN_asY-00117-00053157-00053192 feed +3l0-xMN_asY-00118-00053192-00053622 back we signal all kinds of things while the message is still being sent +3l0-xMN_asY-00119-00053622-00054108 sometimes this is nonverbal such as facial expressions signaling shock anger +3l0-xMN_asY-00120-00054108-00054414 happiness disagreement or boredom +3l0-xMN_asY-00121-00054414-00054849 we also provide simultaneous verbal feedback when we interrupt someone who's +3l0-xMN_asY-00122-00054849-00055512 speaking or prompt them by saying things like uh huh and go on the essence of +3l0-xMN_asY-00123-00055512-00055962 both of these modifications changes our perception of communication +3l0-xMN_asY-00124-00056091-00056454 I compared the interaction model to a traditional ping-pong game where you +3l0-xMN_asY-00125-00056454-00056795 have one ball going back and forth so that one person is waiting for the other +3l0-xMN_asY-00126-00056795-00057314 to finish before sending feedback the transactional model however is more like +3l0-xMN_asY-00127-00057314-00057704 a ping-pong game where a hundred different ping-pong balls are going back +3l0-xMN_asY-00128-00057704-00058098 and forth all at once as we're constantly sending and receiving +3l0-xMN_asY-00129-00058098-00058563 messages so how does all of this applies specifically to public speaking +3l0-xMN_asY-00130-00058626-00059079 well you tell me take a moment to consider which of these models best +3l0-xMN_asY-00131-00059079-00059640 illustrates the communication between a speaker and his or her audience why is +3l0-xMN_asY-00132-00059640-00059745 that +3l0-xMN_asY-00133-00059745-00060083 give me your explanation go ahead I'll give you a moment +3l0-xMN_asY-00134-00062972-00063400 if you need more time to answer those questions feel free to pause the video +3l0-xMN_asY-00135-00063400-00064022 now otherwise let's continue in this video we discussed the definition of +3l0-xMN_asY-00136-00064022-00064306 communication and a few of the fundamental characteristics of +3l0-xMN_asY-00137-00064306-00064708 communication we also explored three models of the communication process +3l0-xMN_asY-00138-00064708-00065297 check out some of our other videos for more insight into the public speaking +3l0-xMN_asY-00139-00065297-00065354 process +3mGkH9bWj50-00000-00000024-00000441 Hey everyone it's Apostle Michelle Peterson and today I have a really +3mGkH9bWj50-00001-00000441-00000936 special message that the Lord actually just gave it to me is something that he +3mGkH9bWj50-00002-00000936-00001473 wants the people to know about him and so I just wrote everything down he just +3mGkH9bWj50-00003-00001473-00001898 gave it to me so I'm just gonna share it with you really really quick what it is +3mGkH9bWj50-00004-00001898-00002457 about is coming to God he wants us to know how to come to him this is what he +3mGkH9bWj50-00005-00002457-00003128 said he said I want them to know how to come to me and he gave me three three +3mGkH9bWj50-00006-00003128-00003704 things basically that we have to do in order to come to him you know there +3mGkH9bWj50-00007-00003704-00004221 there is a way there is an order that we come before the Lord and so the first +3mGkH9bWj50-00008-00004221-00004730 thing that he actually said this one is really really powerful he said they have +3mGkH9bWj50-00009-00004730-00005537 to believe me they have to believe me and and and then what he was saying +3mGkH9bWj50-00010-00005537-00006305 after that he said to me that he lost us to believe he exists he wants us to +3mGkH9bWj50-00011-00006305-00006792 believe that he exists he said the people don't believe in me +3mGkH9bWj50-00012-00006792-00007458 they don't believe I exist it hurts my heart because I want the people to +3mGkH9bWj50-00013-00007458-00008048 believe that I exist so he was saying that it hurts his heart because people +3mGkH9bWj50-00014-00008048-00008634 don't even believe that he exists and I used to be in that category before I +3mGkH9bWj50-00015-00008634-00009168 became a Christian I used to be a atheist I remember the enemy actually +3mGkH9bWj50-00016-00009168-00009840 told me that there was no God and I do honestly believe that that is a plan the +3mGkH9bWj50-00017-00009840-00010692 enemy to to make us believe that God doesn't exist even being a Christian you +3mGkH9bWj50-00018-00010692-00011295 know we can get to the place that we're in situations that were like God where +3mGkH9bWj50-00019-00011295-00011882 are you are you there you know and then we get into a mindset that he doesn't +3mGkH9bWj50-00020-00011882-00012427 exist or he's not with us 24 hours a day he's not there and +3mGkH9bWj50-00021-00012427-00012994 we kind of get into this mindset that maybe God isn't real you know we're not +3mGkH9bWj50-00022-00012994-00013456 seeing things we're not seeing prayers answered the enemy will say little +3mGkH9bWj50-00023-00013456-00013848 things like that you know God's not real you know that's +3mGkH9bWj50-00024-00013848-00014520 why you know whatever is going on but whenever we actually come before God and +3mGkH9bWj50-00025-00014520-00015253 we really don't believe that he exists where we don't really believe in him you +3mGkH9bWj50-00026-00015253-00015961 know it hurts his heart for us to not believe it believe that he doesn't exist +3mGkH9bWj50-00027-00015961-00016417 and so in Hebrews 11 and I was just going through the different scriptures +3mGkH9bWj50-00028-00016417-00017095 I'll read someone to some of them to you guys but in Hebrews 11:6 it says but +3mGkH9bWj50-00029-00017095-00017788 without faith it is impossible to please him meaning God for he that cometh to +3mGkH9bWj50-00030-00017788-00018741 God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently +3mGkH9bWj50-00031-00018741-00019165 seek Him this one right here is really really powerful because it's saying +3mGkH9bWj50-00032-00019165-00019710 basically the same thing the Lord wants to share with us today is how to come to +3mGkH9bWj50-00033-00019710-00020347 him he's saying here that we must believe that he is but he exists in +3mGkH9bWj50-00034-00020347-00020875 order to come to him and then I looked up the definition what does the +3mGkH9bWj50-00035-00020875-00021679 definition what does exist mean in our definition it means to continue to be or +3mGkH9bWj50-00036-00021679-00022663 live to have life to live to have actual being to be and you know we sing the +3mGkH9bWj50-00037-00022663-00023251 songs about he lives he lives he lives you know that the Lord Jesus actually is +3mGkH9bWj50-00038-00023251-00023716 alive our God is alive the Living God you know we serve the Living God he is +3mGkH9bWj50-00039-00023716-00024763 alive and he exists and for the Lord to say here that people he said people +3mGkH9bWj50-00040-00024763-00025498 don't believe in me they don't believe I exist +3mGkH9bWj50-00041-00025498-00026044 and and a lot of times you know we're natural beings and we're looking around +3mGkH9bWj50-00042-00026044-00026677 and we don't see God in the natural realm and you know we're going to buy +3mGkH9bWj50-00043-00026677-00027275 our lives about our lives and stuff and so a lot of times we can get into this +3mGkH9bWj50-00044-00027275-00027814 place where we don't actually believe God is there but he is and he said this +3mGkH9bWj50-00045-00027814-00028258 hearses heart so this really really touched me when I was um and he said +3mGkH9bWj50-00046-00028258-00028622 this to me because I mean it took me some time to get out of the place that I +3mGkH9bWj50-00047-00028622-00029258 was just like thinking and thinking you know about what he said but here are +3mGkH9bWj50-00048-00029258-00030166 some scriptures I was just doing a little bit of studying about just how +3mGkH9bWj50-00049-00030166-00030887 God you know feels about just going through the Bible and issues with just +3mGkH9bWj50-00050-00030887-00031487 people believing in him and numbers 14 11 I was reading it says and the Lord +3mGkH9bWj50-00051-00031487-00032122 said unto Moses how long will this people provoke me and how long will it +3mGkH9bWj50-00052-00032122-00032876 be earth they believe me for all the signs which I have showed unto them and +3mGkH9bWj50-00053-00032876-00033388 so what he's saying now like how long will they not believe me not believe in +3mGkH9bWj50-00054-00033388-00033755 him after all the signs and wonders and everything that he's done +3mGkH9bWj50-00055-00033755-00034403 you know the people the children of Israel still didn't believe in him still +3mGkH9bWj50-00056-00034403-00034778 didn't believe in him he was doing all these miracles and all of these things +3mGkH9bWj50-00057-00034778-00035234 and and they still didn't believe in him they still didn't trust him and it hurt +3mGkH9bWj50-00058-00035234-00035768 him it hurt him but if you right after that that's when you know everything +3mGkH9bWj50-00059-00035768-00036284 when they wasn't able to go into the Promised Land because of this and then +3mGkH9bWj50-00060-00036284-00037244 also in numbers 2012 the Lord is saying here also and the Lord spake unto Moses +3mGkH9bWj50-00061-00037244-00037844 and Aaron because ye believe me not to sanctify me in the eyes of the children +3mGkH9bWj50-00062-00037844-00038407 of Israel therefore ye shall not bring generation into the land which I have +3mGkH9bWj50-00063-00038407-00038839 given them so even Moses and Aaron got into the place where they didn't even +3mGkH9bWj50-00064-00038839-00039592 believe God you know for whatever time period they didn't believe him but this +3mGkH9bWj50-00065-00039592-00040159 is what he's saying to them also throughout the Bible even in Psalms +3mGkH9bWj50-00066-00040159-00041005 Psalm 78 22 here saying here because they believe not in God and trusted not +3mGkH9bWj50-00067-00041005-00041989 in his salvation and in Psalm 78 32 if there's for all of this they sin still +3mGkH9bWj50-00068-00041989-00042745 and believe not for his wondrous works it's so many scriptures in the Bible it +3mGkH9bWj50-00069-00042745-00043318 talks about us not believing in God you know and you know and and how that hurts +3mGkH9bWj50-00070-00043318-00043918 God and you know and how important that is to him is to believe in him believe +3mGkH9bWj50-00071-00043918-00044511 that he exists and to trust him okay so he wants us to believe that he exists +3mGkH9bWj50-00072-00044511-00045079 and one of the things that I wanted to share when a little was telling me this +3mGkH9bWj50-00073-00045079-00045622 like what it makes me think about I don't know if you guys saw Gabrielle +3mGkH9bWj50-00074-00045622-00046273 Douglas her movie how she actually came up but there's a part in her movie she +3mGkH9bWj50-00075-00046273-00046939 had her first coach and our first coach like he just you know she didn't she +3mGkH9bWj50-00076-00046939-00047314 wanted to try all these hard things but he just wouldn't basically let her do +3mGkH9bWj50-00077-00047314-00047809 anything and he didn't believe in her he didn't believe in her he didn't believe +3mGkH9bWj50-00078-00047809-00048565 that she can do what she did I guess but when she got the coach Ling chow +3mGkH9bWj50-00079-00048565-00049048 when she got her new coach one of the things that she said to him when she +3mGkH9bWj50-00080-00049048-00049477 went there and you know she was saying she's willing to do whatever it takes +3mGkH9bWj50-00081-00049477-00050020 she's willing to do whatever it takes but she said to him she said I just need +3mGkH9bWj50-00082-00050020-00050718 you to believe in me I just need you to me and it was so powerful because you +3mGkH9bWj50-00083-00050718-00051312 know just having someone to believe in you that's that's something that you +3mGkH9bWj50-00084-00051312-00051830 know it's powerful because we want someone to believe in us and God does +3mGkH9bWj50-00085-00051830-00052401 too he wants us you know his creation to believe that he exists +3mGkH9bWj50-00086-00052401-00053100 he created us now how hurtful is that to believe not even believing the person +3mGkH9bWj50-00087-00053100-00053799 who created you and but it's it's really important for us to have someone to +3mGkH9bWj50-00088-00053799-00054501 believe in us and God loves us to believe that he exists okay so the next +3mGkH9bWj50-00089-00054501-00054894 thing when it comes to coming to God the next thing that we have to do the Lord +3mGkH9bWj50-00090-00054894-00055476 said here you have to honor me and I have a I have a message of teaching that +3mGkH9bWj50-00091-00055476-00055949 I'm going to link right here about honoring God and you can check that out +3mGkH9bWj50-00092-00055949-00056598 about honoring God but that's really important to him honoring him and you +3mGkH9bWj50-00093-00056598-00057060 know we have to be able to honor him to come into his presence that come to him +3mGkH9bWj50-00094-00057060-00057498 you know that's really important so you can check out that video and so the next +3mGkH9bWj50-00095-00057498-00057912 one that the Lord says coming to him he wants people to know how to come to him +3mGkH9bWj50-00096-00057912-00058494 so that they can come to and right and the next thing he says you have to love +3mGkH9bWj50-00097-00058494-00059115 me you have to love me and he certainly have to love him we have to love him to +3mGkH9bWj50-00098-00059115-00059700 come to him you know of course this I feel like this is pretty easy for us to +3mGkH9bWj50-00099-00059700-00060476 do because you know what the Lord said here the way we love him is he said you +3mGkH9bWj50-00100-00060476-00061308 allowed me to be a part of your day and every time and he says this allowed him +3mGkH9bWj50-00101-00061308-00062016 it really touches my heart because we have to allow God to be a part of our +3mGkH9bWj50-00102-00062016-00062790 day he doesn't force it but he wants us to allow him and so here he said you +3mGkH9bWj50-00103-00062790-00063288 have you we have to allow him to be a part of our day best how we show him we +3mGkH9bWj50-00104-00063288-00063929 love him just simply by inviting him into our day to be a part of everything +3mGkH9bWj50-00105-00063929-00064493 that we have to do just him being with us you know allowing him to be with us +3mGkH9bWj50-00106-00064493-00065036 and to be a part of it remembering that he's there acknowledging him that he's +3mGkH9bWj50-00107-00065036-00065651 there and you know so that's something really really simple that you can do +3mGkH9bWj50-00108-00065651-00065930 every day just invite the Lord to be a part of things that you have to do +3mGkH9bWj50-00109-00065930-00066332 during the day and for him to walk with you and be with you that whole day so I +3mGkH9bWj50-00110-00066332-00066800 wanted to share these three things with you that the Lord said because this is +3mGkH9bWj50-00111-00066800-00067311 something that he said to me a while back he said that he wants the people to +3mGkH9bWj50-00112-00067311-00067862 know how to come to him so I wanted to get these instructions from him today +3mGkH9bWj50-00113-00067862-00068373 and share it with you guys so you'll know exactly how to come to God so I +3mGkH9bWj50-00114-00068373-00069023 hope you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next teaching god bless +3nosgaDEatg-00000-00000000-00001100 Hello, and welcome to the next video. Today, I'm going to teach you about a very difficult, +3nosgaDEatg-00001-00001104-00002300 confusing, fun, maybe, grammar point called "articles". Really? Yeah. Articles are confusing. +3nosgaDEatg-00002-00002300-00003196 There are many, many rules in English about articles. I do not have the time, the energy +3nosgaDEatg-00003-00003200-00003696 to teach you all of them, but I'll do my best. Okay? +3nosgaDEatg-00004-00003700-00004696 What are articles, first of all? Articles are "a", "an", and "the". Articles come before +3nosgaDEatg-00005-00004696-00006092 a noun. A noun is a person, a place, or a thing. So I'm going to generalize here and +3nosgaDEatg-00006-00006096-00006892 say that before most nouns in English, you have to use an article. Of course, there are +3nosgaDEatg-00007-00006895-00007592 millions of exceptions to what I've just said. Sometimes, we do not use an article with a +3nosgaDEatg-00008-00007592-00008188 noun. That's a whole other lesson, a whole other time warp for your brain. +3nosgaDEatg-00009-00008192-00008888 We're going to stick to these ones. When to use "a", "an", and "the" before a noun in +3nosgaDEatg-00010-00008892-00009588 a proper English sentence. We use these when we speak, when we write, and they're very +3nosgaDEatg-00011-00009592-00010288 important in grammar. So there's no way to avoid these. I'll help you. Don't worry. +3nosgaDEatg-00012-00010288-00010984 The first one is "an". "An" is easy. It's the easiest. We'll do this one first. "An" +3nosgaDEatg-00013-00010988-00011984 is a singular noun. It's used in a singular noun. It's an article. We use it before the +3nosgaDEatg-00014-00011988-00012684 noun that starts with a vowel. Now, the pronunciation of this word sounds +3nosgaDEatg-00015-00012684-00014180 like "vowel". The vowels in English, we have five vowels in English. They are "a", "e", +3nosgaDEatg-00016-00014184-00015280 "i", "u", and "u". Now, everyone who speaks Spanish, Portuguese, +3nosgaDEatg-00017-00015280-00015976 Italian, any of our Latin American friends or our Latin language speakers, you're going +3nosgaDEatg-00018-00015980-00016476 to mix up these two vowels, "e" and "i". Let me teach you one thing that'll help you. +3nosgaDEatg-00019-00016480-00017276 If you can remember that you have to dot your "i", you're going to get the pronunciation +3nosgaDEatg-00020-00017280-00017876 of this word. So this word or this letter -- sorry. When you write this letter, you +3nosgaDEatg-00021-00017876-00018572 always have to put a dot in the middle of a word. So you're going to remember that this +3nosgaDEatg-00022-00018576-00019372 "i", you can make a nice little "i" here to help you. So "i". When you write this word +3nosgaDEatg-00023-00019376-00019872 by itself, you have to use a capital. So this would only be in the middle of a word. But +3nosgaDEatg-00024-00019872-00020868 the pronunciation is the same. "i". So if you have a vowel -- "a", "e", "i", "o", "u" -- that +3nosgaDEatg-00025-00020872-00022468 begins the noun, you have to use "an". For example, "i". We have to say "an i" because +3nosgaDEatg-00026-00022468-00023164 the word "i" begins with a vowel. If the word begins with this letter "i" -- for example, +3nosgaDEatg-00027-00023168-00024264 "ice cream". We have to say, "I'd like an ice cream." Do you like ice cream? Or if the +3nosgaDEatg-00028-00024268-00024964 word begins with a vowel sound. What is a vowel sound, Ronnie? A vowel sound is usually +3nosgaDEatg-00029-00024964-00025960 always the letter "h". For example, the word "hour". We do not even say the "h" word. It +3nosgaDEatg-00030-00025964-00026760 sounds like we're saying "hour". So because this word "hour" sounds like a vowel, because +3nosgaDEatg-00031-00026760-00027956 the "h" is silent, we have to say "an hour". Okay? You got it? You with me? "An hour". So +3nosgaDEatg-00032-00027960-00029056 "an" we use before a vowel or before a vowel sound, usually a noun that begins with an +3nosgaDEatg-00033-00029056-00030452 "h". The next one is "a", the very first letter of our alphabet. "A" is a vowel. Don't let +3nosgaDEatg-00034-00030456-00031152 that confuse you. "A" we use for, again, a singular noun. All of these are going to be +3nosgaDEatg-00035-00031156-00031852 used with singular nouns. If the noun is plural, if the noun has an "s", do not use an article. +3nosgaDEatg-00036-00031852-00033248 So "a" we use for a singular noun in a general form. You can think of this easier as replacing +3nosgaDEatg-00037-00033252-00034248 it with the word "any". So if you go to a coffee shop and they have five muffins, and +3nosgaDEatg-00038-00034252-00034748 they're all the same muffin, you're going to say to the person that works at the coffee +3nosgaDEatg-00039-00034748-00036044 shop, "Hello, I'd like a muffin." You do not get to choose or pick what muffin you get. +3nosgaDEatg-00040-00036048-00036544 You can choose the flavor, but you cannot specifically choose which muffin you would +3nosgaDEatg-00041-00036548-00037444 like. It's the same as saying "any". It's like saying, "I'd like any muffin. Just give +3nosgaDEatg-00042-00037444-00038140 me a muffin. I want a muffin." "I'd like anything. Just give me something." It's used for when +3nosgaDEatg-00043-00038144-00038540 you don't care which one it is. You just want one of something. +3nosgaDEatg-00044-00038544-00039240 "A". If my nose was stuffy and I had to blow my nose, I would ask someone, "Do you have +3nosgaDEatg-00045-00039244-00040140 a Kleenex? I don't have to go through the box of Kleenexes." "No, I don't want that +3nosgaDEatg-00046-00040140-00040736 one." "Yes, this -- no." You're just going to get a Kleenex, and you're going to blow +3nosgaDEatg-00047-00040740-00041736 your nose. So "a" and "an", the only difference is "an" you use before a vowel. +3nosgaDEatg-00048-00041736-00043232 As an example, you can say, "I'd like a cookie." I was going to write "coffee". Maybe I want +3nosgaDEatg-00049-00043236-00043932 a coffee right now. But I would definitely rather have a cookie. I don't care which cookie +3nosgaDEatg-00050-00043936-00044532 you give me. Just give me a cookie. I'm a cookie monster. Okay? So "I'd like a cookie. +3nosgaDEatg-00051-00044532-00045428 I'd like any cookie." The next is "the". The next is "the". "The" +3nosgaDEatg-00052-00045432-00046228 is opposite to "a". "The" means something very, very, very specific. General and specific +3nosgaDEatg-00053-00046232-00047128 are opposites. This means you actually choose which one you are going to get. Think about +3nosgaDEatg-00054-00047128-00047924 this when you go shopping. You do not walk into a store and go, "Hi. Could I have a shirt? +3nosgaDEatg-00055-00047928-00048524 I don't care what it looks like. I don't care how much it is. Just give me a shirt." This +3nosgaDEatg-00056-00048528-00049224 never happens. Ladies, when you go shopping for shoes, you just don't go into the shoe +3nosgaDEatg-00057-00049228-00049924 store and say, "Just a pair of shoes, please. Just a pair of shoes. Don't care. Size 8, +3nosgaDEatg-00058-00049924-00050420 fine, anything." No. We want to go through all of the shoes. We want to try them all +3nosgaDEatg-00059-00050424-00051120 on. We want to get a handbag and match them with our shoes and choose the shoes of our +3nosgaDEatg-00060-00051124-00052120 dreams. So you're going to not say "a pair of shoes". You're going to say "the shoes". +3nosgaDEatg-00061-00052120-00053316 Another very confusing thing about "the" is the second time you talk about the same noun +3nosgaDEatg-00062-00053320-00054316 in a phrase, you have to put the second noun with "the". For example, this is a little +3nosgaDEatg-00063-00054316-00055412 more difficult. "I bought some fruit." "Fruit" is an uncountable noun. If the noun is uncountable, +3nosgaDEatg-00064-00055416-00056412 we do not use an article. "I bought some fruit. The fruit was bad." "But Ronnie, you just +3nosgaDEatg-00065-00056416-00057112 said if it's an uncountable noun, we don't use an article. What are you doing? Have you +3nosgaDEatg-00066-00057112-00057808 lost your mind?" No. This is a grammar rule. The first time I talk about the fruit, I use +3nosgaDEatg-00067-00057812-00058608 no article because it's uncountable. But the second time I'm talking about the same noun, +3nosgaDEatg-00068-00058612-00059408 I have to. I don't know why. I just have to. It's a rule. So I have to say "the fruit". +3nosgaDEatg-00069-00059408-00060604 "The fruit was bad." +3nosgaDEatg-00070-00060608-00061204 The third point when we use the article "the" -- the article "the" -- I'm using articles +3nosgaDEatg-00071-00061208-00061904 all the time -- is when the speaker and the listener or the reader -- whatever, if you're +3nosgaDEatg-00072-00061904-00062700 reading or listening -- know -- they both know -- which noun you are talking about. +3nosgaDEatg-00073-00062704-00063600 For example, if you and your friend go to the same school, you have to say "the school". +3nosgaDEatg-00074-00063604-00064200 If I was talking to my friend on the phone, and I said, "Hey, yeah. Oh, I left my book +3nosgaDEatg-00075-00064200-00064996 at the school." My friend and I both know what school I am talking about. In my city, +3nosgaDEatg-00076-00065000-00065796 there are 2.5 million schools. There's a lot of schools in Toronto. There are 2.5 million +3nosgaDEatg-00077-00065800-00066396 people. And a lot of people go to different schools. But because my friend and I go to +3nosgaDEatg-00078-00066396-00067392 the same school, I have to say "the school". "I'm going to go to the school tomorrow." +3nosgaDEatg-00079-00067396-00067892 You and I both know we're talking about the same one. +3nosgaDEatg-00080-00067896-00068692 The next one is we use with countries, but only 1% of the countries of the world. So +3nosgaDEatg-00081-00068692-00069488 I ask you, "What country are you from?" "I am from Canada." We have listeners from all +3nosgaDEatg-00082-00069492-00070288 over the world. I would guarantee that 99% of you would not use an article with your +3nosgaDEatg-00083-00070292-00070888 country name. "I come from Canada." Below Canada, there's a country -- it's a big country +3nosgaDEatg-00084-00070888-00071784 called -- anyone know? Below Canada? Geography time. The United States of America or, shorter, +3nosgaDEatg-00085-00071788-00072784 the USA. A lot of people, their ancestors in Canada came from a country or group of +3nosgaDEatg-00086-00072788-00073484 countries called the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom. There's a country in the Middle East +3nosgaDEatg-00087-00073484-00074180 called the United Arab Emirates. Is anyone from there? I went there once in an airplane. +3nosgaDEatg-00088-00074184-00075080 It's cool. The United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates. All of these three +3nosgaDEatg-00089-00075084-00076080 countries, we have to use "the" because there is the word "united" in the title of the country. +3nosgaDEatg-00090-00076080-00076676 I do not say "the" Canada. I do not say "the" Japan. If the word has "united" in it, I say +3nosgaDEatg-00091-00076680-00077576 "the". The second one is if the country has more than two words in the name, you're going +3nosgaDEatg-00092-00077580-00078176 to say "the". For example, New Zealand. New Zealand only has two words. I do not say "the" +3nosgaDEatg-00093-00078180-00078776 New Zealand. If it has more than two words, I have to put "the" in front of the country. +3nosgaDEatg-00094-00078776-00079272 The last one is the most difficult. If you are like me and did not do well in geography +3nosgaDEatg-00095-00079276-00080172 class -- this one's hard -- we have to use "the" if the country is comprised of tiny +3nosgaDEatg-00096-00080176-00080872 or small islands. I do not expect everyone in the world to know which countries are made +3nosgaDEatg-00097-00080876-00081472 of small islands, but to help you out, off the top of my head, the Philippines. If you +3nosgaDEatg-00098-00081472-00082068 look on a map, the Philippines has many tiny little islands that make one country. Another +3nosgaDEatg-00099-00082072-00082868 example would be the West Indies, the Canary Islands. These are all places that have small +3nosgaDEatg-00100-00082872-00083668 islands that form one country. So if you look at Japan, for example, Japan has maybe five +3nosgaDEatg-00101-00083672-00084168 or more islands, but they're quite large, so we cannot use this as "the" Japan. They +3nosgaDEatg-00102-00084168-00084964 have to be very small islands. I hope you understand this. If you have a question, please +3nosgaDEatg-00103-00084964-00087364 leave me a comment. If you need more help with this, please ask me. Bye. +4oYJVVjIcgk-00000-00000672-00001265 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such +4oYJVVjIcgk-00001-00001265-00001873 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. +4oYJVVjIcgk-00002-00001873-00002441 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage +4oYJVVjIcgk-00003-00002441-00002565 restoration repair company. +4oYJVVjIcgk-00004-00002565-00002776 You've come to the right place. +4oYJVVjIcgk-00005-00002776-00003227 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer +4oYJVVjIcgk-00006-00003227-00003547 satisfaction is our #1 priority. +4oYJVVjIcgk-00007-00003547-00003889 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair +4oYJVVjIcgk-00008-00003889-00004472 specialists have years of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. +4oYJVVjIcgk-00009-00004472-00006262 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. +40J9HqjY7zg-00000-00000816-00001205 Hello dear subscribers and guests of this channel. My name is Rodion. +40J9HqjY7zg-00001-00001243-00001718 In this video, I'm going to show you how to create a ribbon chart in a report and dashboard. +40J9HqjY7zg-00002-00001750-00002085 First of all, you should add a ribbon chart to a report. +40J9HqjY7zg-00003-00002133-00002262 Go to the Insert tab. +40J9HqjY7zg-00004-00002282-00002757 Click the Chart menu and select the Ribbon item from the Histogramm category. +40J9HqjY7zg-00005-00002800-00003143 Next, you should place the component on the report page. +40J9HqjY7zg-00006-00003188-00003470 After that, the Chart editor will be displayed. +40J9HqjY7zg-00007-00003552-00004296 For example, if you click the More options button, you go to the advanced mode. But you can use simply mode of the editor. +40J9HqjY7zg-00008-00004364-00004570 Add a series of your ribbon chart. +40J9HqjY7zg-00009-00004984-00005309 Define value data column and argument data column. +40J9HqjY7zg-00010-00006556-00006919 In addition, I'm adding data filtration by first quarter. +40J9HqjY7zg-00011-00007286-00007620 Add another series to show data of the second quarter. +40J9HqjY7zg-00012-00009770-00009977 Click the Preview to show your report. +40J9HqjY7zg-00013-00010078-00010714 As you can see, the Ribbon chart has been displayed and now you can visualize and interpret your data. +40J9HqjY7zg-00014-00011136-00011328 Add a new dashboard to the template. +40J9HqjY7zg-00015-00011386-00011698 Drag and drop the Chart element to your dashboard. +40J9HqjY7zg-00016-00012156-00013053 Drag and Drop data columns into values, arguments and series. +40J9HqjY7zg-00017-00013215-00013700 Change the chart type and select the Ribbon from the Histogramm Category. +40J9HqjY7zg-00018-00013961-00015490 Also, you can customize your chart. For example, now I have selected Position, Style and customized Value Format of my chart. +40J9HqjY7zg-00019-00015533-00015759 Click Ok button in the editor. +40J9HqjY7zg-00020-00015767-00016005 Click the Preview to show your dashboard. +40J9HqjY7zg-00021-00016185-00016446 Now you can analyze your data. +40J9HqjY7zg-00022-00016483-00017030 Thanks for watching. Follow news on our social networks and subscribe to the video channel. +40J9HqjY7zg-00023-00017054-00017678 If you still have any questions, leave your comments below or send us a request to support@stimulsoft.com +40J9HqjY7zg-00024-00017714-00017914 Have a good one. All the best to you. +44vK4OSTqeu-00000-00000681-00001109 Today we are reacting to the Turkish war of Independence +44vK4OSTqeu-00001-00001136-00002063 I know a bit about this..." In the principles of Ataturk" (In school) +44vK4OSTqeu-00002-00002312-00003345 This is a reminder for us...or maybe there are things we might have missed in class +44vK4OSTqeu-00003-00003345-00003624 Or there may be someone that may not know about this +44vK4OSTqeu-00004-00003624-00004232 Not a Turkish person of course... +44vK4OSTqeu-00005-00004232-00004704 I don't pay much attention in History class +44vK4OSTqeu-00006-00004776-00005224 I might have definitely missed a lot +44vK4OSTqeu-00007-00005224-00005624 Please like the video, share the video, comment something nice, follow us on Instagram +44vK4OSTqeu-00008-00005680-00005832 and let's get into the video +44vK4OSTqeu-00009-00007815-00008015 Did the Ottoman Empire collapse +44vK4OSTqeu-00010-00008016-00008400 Or did they separate? +44vK4OSTqeu-00011-00008400-00008912 That means the Ottoman Empire were not completely Turks +44vK4OSTqeu-00012-00008912-00009217 The Turks were part of the Ottoman Empire +44vK4OSTqeu-00013-00009280-00009908 I think the Turks were the major part of the Ottoman Empire +44vK4OSTqeu-00014-00009908-00010048 Who were the other people? +44vK4OSTqeu-00015-00011447-00011901 Are the background clips real? +44vK4OSTqeu-00016-00014891-00015391 So these three countries seized 3 different places in Turkey? +44vK4OSTqeu-00017-00018542-00018742 With the Armenians? +44vK4OSTqeu-00018-00018863-00019200 The Armenians and the French army +44vK4OSTqeu-00019-00019893-00020093 That means Cukurum is a part of Turkey? +44vK4OSTqeu-00020-00022712-00023085 Ah! Wow! Why?! +44vK4OSTqeu-00021-00023085-00023514 Why was Turkey the main target at that time? +44vK4OSTqeu-00022-00023600-00025012 All these countries occupied these different places in Turkey +44vK4OSTqeu-00023-00025761-00026688 Wait! Did they occupy this place too? That's a part of Cyprus...The Greek people +44vK4OSTqeu-00024-00026688-00027757 This is the Northern part of Cyprus +44vK4OSTqeu-00025-00030189-00031222 Okay so the people became angry when they occupied Izmir, one of the biggest cities in Turkey +44vK4OSTqeu-00026-00033468-00033858 Turkey was defeated in the first world war? or what? +44vK4OSTqeu-00027-00033858-00034120 The narrator said something like that +44vK4OSTqeu-00028-00037744-00038416 Sorry, I have a question, Ataturk is from Izmir, right? +44vK4OSTqeu-00029-00038416-00039384 Could it be that he got really angry because of Izmir? +44vK4OSTqeu-00030-00045108-00045308 The British people? +44vK4OSTqeu-00031-00045308-00045899 How did they have that much power? +44vK4OSTqeu-00032-00045936-00047088 What's wrong with them...They just go to people's lands and act like they are "god" +44vK4OSTqeu-00033-00047216-00047560 That's really bad of them, they did worse in Nigeria +44vK4OSTqeu-00034-00048000-00048528 Wait, the Italians actually occupied Antalya +44vK4OSTqeu-00035-00051556-00052092 Okay, so all the traveling he was doing was just to come up with a plan +44vK4OSTqeu-00036-00052769-00053457 He will have to travel on a horse +44vK4OSTqeu-00037-00057881-00058693 Oh, so when the army started fighting, then they started occupying the space +44vK4OSTqeu-00038-00062220-00062724 When they first occupied Izmir, they said it was going to be temporary +44vK4OSTqeu-00039-00062724-00063031 That's what they always say +44vK4OSTqeu-00040-00067136-00067872 Sorry, just a change in commander changed the whole story? so just like a commander changed the whole story +44vK4OSTqeu-00041-00067872-00068519 What kind of courage did he put in the mind of those people? +44vK4OSTqeu-00042-00068544-00069136 They taught us that he always says "You must be ready to die, Just as I am ready" +44vK4OSTqeu-00043-00069136-00069520 There's a way he said it, but I can't remember +44vK4OSTqeu-00044-00069664-00070064 He was different from commanders that will just tell you "Be ready to die" +44vK4OSTqeu-00045-00070128-00070423 But he will also be ready to die with yoy +44vK4OSTqeu-00046-00070423-00070912 So you mean there was no increase in the number of armies? No, I think it's just about the mind +44vK4OSTqeu-00047-00070968-00071440 no, I'm guessing, of course, they will reinforceafter retreating, of course +44vK4OSTqeu-00048-00071440-00072088 You cannot go back with the same number of soldiers or the same tactic...But I am sure it's not a big difference in number +44vK4OSTqeu-00049-00074617-00075424 This time Ankara was the main capital? No Istanbul was the capital before +44vK4OSTqeu-00050-00075611-00076431 I think because Ankara was the middle, that's why they were targeting Ankara +44vK4OSTqeu-00051-00076431-00076640 Are you sure Ankara was not the capital? +44vK4OSTqeu-00052-00077722-00078167 Why are they saying their territory? I don't understand +44vK4OSTqeu-00053-00079216-00079312 did they prepare for a year? +44vK4OSTqeu-00054-00082021-00082901 This is when they said Ataturk threw the Greek soldiers into the sea +44vK4OSTqeu-00055-00083063-00083421 They make this joke that Greek people can swim +44vK4OSTqeu-00056-00084669-00084800 Britain is still there +44vK4OSTqeu-00057-00085286-00087240 These guys push you, they are not as brave as people think they are +44vK4OSTqeu-00058-00087240-00087696 They hide behind people +44vK4OSTqeu-00059-00087696-00088124 They do things with their brains +44vK4OSTqeu-00060-00088124-00088421 They don't fight to occupy your land +44vK4OSTqeu-00061-00088433-00088885 They noticed the Greek soldiers have been defeated so they agreed to a cease-fire +44vK4OSTqeu-00062-00088928-00089024 They are very smart +44vK4OSTqeu-00063-00090463-00091480 I have a question, the Italians occupied Antalya? Are there still Italians there? +44vK4OSTqeu-00064-00091480-00091840 I think there should be Italians there +44vK4OSTqeu-00065-00091840-00092202 Or at least Mixed Italian-Turkish people +44vK4OSTqeu-00066-00092202-00093237 There are some Greek people in Izmir, and maybe Edirne...I need to go to Edirne +44vK4OSTqeu-00067-00094183-00094383 I don't think there are French people in this part +44vK4OSTqeu-00068-00095677-00095997 Did you hear the Izmir Marsi at the end? +44vK4OSTqeu-00069-00097000-00097488 I think we have a bad habit of stopping the video too early +44vK4OSTqeu-00070-00097847-00098335 Okay, that was educating +44vK4OSTqeu-00071-00098335-00098582 5 countries +44vK4OSTqeu-00072-00098796-00098996 It felt like a movie +44vK4OSTqeu-00073-00099000-00099467 I like this guy's narration +44vK4OSTqeu-00074-00099569-00099857 I am still surprised +44vK4OSTqeu-00075-00099872-00100384 a change in commander change the story +44vK4OSTqeu-00076-00100384-00101493 They were losing at some point and everything changed +44vK4OSTqeu-00077-00101544-00101920 wow, that's brilliant +44vK4OSTqeu-00078-00102300-00103611 There is something about Ataturk...He doesn't just fight with his strength and courage +44vK4OSTqeu-00079-00103611-00103926 He is very smart +44vK4OSTqeu-00080-00103959-00104632 Even when he was young and still in school +44vK4OSTqeu-00081-00104632-00105432 That played a big part in his victory, his tactics +44vK4OSTqeu-00082-00105589-00106125 I think sometimes, strength is not enough +44vK4OSTqeu-00083-00106125-00106977 it's not just about beingcourageous, courage kills you sometimes +44vK4OSTqeu-00084-00106977-00107647 You have to retreat and fight back, live to fight another day +44vK4OSTqeu-00085-00107787-00107987 I am sure many troops have lost battles because of that +44vK4OSTqeu-00086-00109018-00109674 If you enjoyed this one and you want more, please comment down below +44vK4OSTqeu-00087-00109674-00109909 We will react to it and learn more +44vK4OSTqeu-00088-00109920-00110496 and also smash the subscribe button, like the video, comment something nice +44vK4OSTqeu-00089-00110552-00111200 follow us on Instagram, join the membershipplatform and till we see next time...peace +45rA5R7xjac-00000-00001106-00001419 Every Green Bike starts off as a normal bicycle. +45rA5R7xjac-00001-00001419-00001804 Bicycles that have been retrieved by Campus Safety from abandonement or have been donated +45rA5R7xjac-00002-00001804-00002034 make up the Green Bikes fleet. +45rA5R7xjac-00003-00002034-00002404 Every bike is brought into the bike shop where it will be repaired or scrapped for parts. +45rA5R7xjac-00004-00002404-00002706 If a bike can be fixed it will be repaired by a mechanic. +45rA5R7xjac-00005-00002706-00003095 If it cannot, it will be stripped of all useful parts which are sorted to be used to repair +45rA5R7xjac-00006-00003095-00003506 other bicycles in the future. Anything that cannot be used it sent off for recycling. +45rA5R7xjac-00007-00003506-00004079 Once a bike is in good repair it is ready to be painted. This serves several purposes. +45rA5R7xjac-00008-00004079-00004578 It not only prevents rust, it anonymizes the bike and makes it easily identifiable as part +45rA5R7xjac-00009-00004578-00004962 of the Green Bikes program, not to mention easily identifiable in the event of theft +45rA5R7xjac-00010-00004962-00005360 or abandonment. While the bikes may be of all shapes and sizes, +45rA5R7xjac-00011-00005360-00005873 the color provides a uniform feel and also lets the bikes truly live up to their name. +45rA5R7xjac-00012-00005873-00006292 After the bikes are painted they each are given an identification number. Each number +45rA5R7xjac-00013-00006292-00006775 corresponds to a folder in the program registry. This folder contains the history of the bikes +45rA5R7xjac-00014-00006775-00007179 origins, repairs and any recovery information related to theft or abandonment. +45rA5R7xjac-00015-00007179-00007699 So there you have it. Once given a number, the bike is ready to become part of the program +45rA5R7xjac-00016-00007699-00008139 and be used by students. Green Bikes can be checked out free of charge from the library +45rA5R7xjac-00017-00008139-00008343 or the Green Bikes shop beneath campus safety. +4sggrcrdYXM-00000-00000000-00000200 Whether we are using CAD tools, +4sggrcrdYXM-00001-00000200-00000512 playing the latest games, or rendering videos, +4sggrcrdYXM-00002-00000512-00000728 we need our computers to run fast. +4sggrcrdYXM-00003-00000728-00001064 While more money will always buy more performance +4sggrcrdYXM-00004-00001064-00001492 we would also like to maximize our money use since computing hardware is expensive. +4sggrcrdYXM-00005-00001492-00002030 Those of us who can not spend extensive time with a machine before making a purchasing decision +4sggrcrdYXM-00006-00002068-00002660 often rely on benchmarks and specifications to tell us just how fast the hardware will be. +4sggrcrdYXM-00007-00002660-00003086 Our job is made no easier by marketing departments from different companies +4sggrcrdYXM-00008-00003086-00003544 trying to steer us towards their products with buzz words and invented terms. +4sggrcrdYXM-00009-00003602-00003810 It's not all rubbish, however, +4sggrcrdYXM-00010-00003810-00004132 and companies do publish some useful information. +4sggrcrdYXM-00011-00004132-00004508 Some of the most common specifications, when it comes to processors, +4sggrcrdYXM-00012-00004534-00004710 are core and thread count. +4sggrcrdYXM-00013-00004736-00004832 In this video, +4sggrcrdYXM-00014-00004832-00005310 we explore hardware level details of how core and thread count affect performance. +4sggrcrdYXM-00015-00005340-00005516 To explore these details, +4sggrcrdYXM-00016-00005516-00005980 we first need to know a little about how processor cores run programs. +4sggrcrdYXM-00017-00005980-00006604 A basic program is essentially a serial list of instructions that must be completed in order. +4sggrcrdYXM-00018-00006604-00007228 This is necessary because a lot of instructions rely on results from previous instructions. +4sggrcrdYXM-00019-00007228-00007566 If one instruction computes A+B=C +4sggrcrdYXM-00020-00007602-00007994 and the next instruction computes C+D=E +4sggrcrdYXM-00021-00008031-00008644 we need to wait for the first instruction to compute C before we can use the C value. +4sggrcrdYXM-00022-00008724-00009288 However, all programs have parts that are completely independent of each other. +4sggrcrdYXM-00023-00009354-00009578 For example, when sorting a list, +4sggrcrdYXM-00024-00009578-00010178 one can sort several parts of the list at the same time so they can be put together very quickly later. +4sggrcrdYXM-00025-00010190-00010366 When rendering a picture, +4sggrcrdYXM-00026-00010366-00010950 each individual pixel can be rendered almost completely independently of every other pixel. +4sggrcrdYXM-00027-00010950-00011434 Programmers can specify chunks of their program that can run independently, +4sggrcrdYXM-00028-00011434-00011818 and each independent part of a program is called a thread. +4sggrcrdYXM-00029-00011858-00012442 In memory, the program is stored as a list of instructions that do very specific things. +4sggrcrdYXM-00030-00012672-00013341 For example, this x86 ADD instruction tells the processor to add the values stored in EAX and EBX, +4sggrcrdYXM-00031-00013341-00013541 and store them in EAX. +4sggrcrdYXM-00032-00013560-00013728 In a physical processor, +4sggrcrdYXM-00033-00013734-00014358 EAX and EBX are super-fast temporary memory locations called REGISTERS. +4sggrcrdYXM-00034-00014408-00014952 They are usually located close to the actual processing units for maximum speed. +4sggrcrdYXM-00035-00014990-00015469 In this example, the processing unit would be an Arithmetic Logic Unit, +4sggrcrdYXM-00036-00015469-00016078 which takes two integer inputs and performs a range of arithmetic and logical operations. +4sggrcrdYXM-00037-00016091-00016468 Modern processors will also have floating point units, +4sggrcrdYXM-00038-00016468-00017048 which process non-integer values such as 2.25, 1/6, or pi. +4sggrcrdYXM-00039-00017048-00017608 Most times, the floating point units will have access to their own set of registers, +4sggrcrdYXM-00040-00017610-00017922 used exclusively for floating point numbers. +4sggrcrdYXM-00041-00017974-00018662 In most modern processors, including the x86 processors used in the majority of desktops and servers, +4sggrcrdYXM-00042-00018672-00019372 there are different machine code instructions that tell the processor to perform either an integer or a floating point operation. +4sggrcrdYXM-00043-00019456-00020156 A simple, single core, single threaded processor would have just these components hooked up to a memory interface. +4sggrcrdYXM-00044-00020156-00020724 Through the interface, the instruction decoder can take instructions from memory. +4sggrcrdYXM-00045-00020724-00021086 Data that is required by the execution units, +4sggrcrdYXM-00046-00021134-00021366 the ALU or the floating point unit, +4sggrcrdYXM-00047-00021406-00021924 would be fetched from and written to memory by the memory interface. +4sggrcrdYXM-00048-00021924-00022452 To be able to run multiple threads or programs at once quickly and efficiently, +4sggrcrdYXM-00049-00022452-00023062 two important techniques called multi-core processing and simultaneous multithreading are widely used. +4sggrcrdYXM-00050-00023138-00023602 Multi-core processing, as the name implies, simply adds more cores, +4sggrcrdYXM-00051-00023602-00023922 which can process two programs independently. +4sggrcrdYXM-00052-00023922-00024418 Simultaneous multithreading is a conceptually more complex technique. +4sggrcrdYXM-00053-00024418-00025026 Let's say we are sorting a list of people by age while running a fluid-dynamics simulation. +4sggrcrdYXM-00054-00025026-00025242 Both are easily multi threaded, +4sggrcrdYXM-00055-00025242-00025584 but age sorting uses mainly the integer arithmetic logic unit, +4sggrcrdYXM-00056-00025584-00026088 while the fluid-dynamics simulation mainly uses the floating point unit. +4sggrcrdYXM-00057-00026088-00026327 If we run them on two separate cores, +4sggrcrdYXM-00058-00026327-00026695 one core will have a severely under-utilized floating point unit, +4sggrcrdYXM-00059-00026695-00027198 while the other will have a severely under-utilized integer arithmetic logic unit. +4sggrcrdYXM-00060-00027198-00027454 To make the processor more efficient, +4sggrcrdYXM-00061-00027454-00027994 simultaneous multithreading pushes threads from both programs through the same processor core +4sggrcrdYXM-00062-00027994-00028410 so that no part of the core is just sitting there doing nothing. +4sggrcrdYXM-00063-00028410-00028794 What happens at the hardware level to make this possible? +4sggrcrdYXM-00064-00028794-00029082 To achieve simultaneous multithreading, +4sggrcrdYXM-00065-00029082-00029362 processor state hardware is duplicated, +4sggrcrdYXM-00066-00029362-00029589 and some additional control logic is added. +4sggrcrdYXM-00067-00029589-00030176 Part of the added hardware is extra registers not visible to the programmer. +4sggrcrdYXM-00068-00030222-00030638 The new hardware elements add a thread ID to each instruction, +4sggrcrdYXM-00069-00030638-00031158 and remaps each instruction's registers to these real, physical registers. +4sggrcrdYXM-00070-00031177-00031514 As each instruction moves through the processor, +4sggrcrdYXM-00071-00031514-00031948 the processor keeps track of which thread the instruction belongs to, +4sggrcrdYXM-00072-00031948-00032268 and which registers are assigned to the thread. +4sggrcrdYXM-00073-00032268-00032556 When the instruction finishes executing, +4sggrcrdYXM-00074-00032556-00033256 this information is used to determine which set of registers the instruction's results are written into. +4sggrcrdYXM-00075-00033256-00033824 The additional hardware also does some more complicated things that are beyond the scope of this video. +4sggrcrdYXM-00076-00033866-00034170 This way, the integer-heavy sorting program +4sggrcrdYXM-00077-00034170-00034486 and the floating-point-heavy fluid-dynamics simulation +4sggrcrdYXM-00078-00034486-00034698 can efficiently share a processor core +4sggrcrdYXM-00079-00034698-00035158 to make the most out of execution units that would otherwise have been sitting idle. +4sggrcrdYXM-00080-00035238-00035794 Multi-core and simultaneous multithreading are not the only techniques to make processors more efficient. +4sggrcrdYXM-00081-00035794-00036202 Other important concepts include out-of-order execution, +4sggrcrdYXM-00082-00036202-00036490 pipelining, and superscalar processing. +4sggrcrdYXM-00083-00036490-00036960 All of these techniques are implemented in modern desktop and server processors, +4sggrcrdYXM-00084-00036960-00037384 and each technique works best in a different work environment. +4sggrcrdYXM-00085-00037384-00037910 Virtually all modern processors, ffrom micro-controllers to server processors, +4sggrcrdYXM-00086-00037910-00038072 run multiple cores. +4sggrcrdYXM-00087-00038116-00038680 It's relatively simple and scales very well in many industrial and enterprise workloads. +4sggrcrdYXM-00088-00038738-00039088 For example, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, +4sggrcrdYXM-00089-00039088-00039374 to be used in the next generation of smart phones, +4sggrcrdYXM-00090-00039374-00039518 will have four cores. +4sggrcrdYXM-00091-00039518-00039910 The top-of-the-line server processors from Intel and AMD +4sggrcrdYXM-00092-00039910-00040246 squeeze up to 18 cores onto a single processor die. +4sggrcrdYXM-00093-00040350-00041080 Intel brands their implementation of simultaneous multithreading as Intel Hyper-Threading Technology. +4sggrcrdYXM-00094-00041182-00041466 AMD has, up until now, +4sggrcrdYXM-00095-00041466-00041738 used a different type of multi-threading technology +4sggrcrdYXM-00096-00041740-00041988 called clustered multi-threading +4sggrcrdYXM-00097-00041988-00042220 in their Bulldozer architecture. +4sggrcrdYXM-00098-00042256-00042462 In the AMD implementation, +4sggrcrdYXM-00099-00042462-00042958 each processor core is broken into integer and floating point "clusters" +4sggrcrdYXM-00100-00042958-00043462 Two integer clusters and a floating point cluster combine to for a "module" +4sggrcrdYXM-00101-00043526-00043702 In VERY simplistic terms, +4sggrcrdYXM-00102-00043724-00044188 each module is equivalent to a core that can run two integer "threads" +4sggrcrdYXM-00103-00044230-00044478 but only one floating point "thread" +4sggrcrdYXM-00104-00044522-00044850 There are, of course, limitations and drawbacks +4sggrcrdYXM-00105-00044850-00045118 to multi-core processing and multithreading. +4sggrcrdYXM-00106-00045118-00045370 We already know that (purely) multi-core processing +4sggrcrdYXM-00107-00045370-00045762 is not always efficient at using all processor resources, +4sggrcrdYXM-00108-00045762-00046106 and there needs to be additional hardware to ensure +4sggrcrdYXM-00109-00046106-00046396 that two cores do not mess up each other's parts of memory. +4sggrcrdYXM-00110-00046492-00046932 Simultaneous multithreading is not as powerful at multitasking +4sggrcrdYXM-00111-00046932-00047188 as having two actual, physical cores, +4sggrcrdYXM-00112-00047188-00047500 and scaling is heavily dependent on workload. +4sggrcrdYXM-00113-00047500-00047804 Simultaneous multithreading also requires +4sggrcrdYXM-00114-00047804-00047984 a lot of control hardware to make sure that +4sggrcrdYXM-00115-00047984-00048312 the two threads don't interfere with each other. +4sggrcrdYXM-00116-00048366-00048664 Implementing any sort of multitasking is +4sggrcrdYXM-00117-00048664-00049032 a complex task that requires a lot of engineering hours +4sggrcrdYXM-00118-00049032-00049368 and verification to make sure nothing goes wrong. +4sggrcrdYXM-00119-00049386-00049764 Today, core and thread count are just two of a vast +4sggrcrdYXM-00120-00049764-00050108 number of specifications constantly being thrown +4sggrcrdYXM-00121-00050108-00050316 around in the computing world. +4sggrcrdYXM-00122-00050316-00050660 Understanding what each spec really means is key to +4sggrcrdYXM-00123-00050660-00051004 to getting the most processing power for your buck. +4t-aimdM71M-00000-00000335-00000699 hey everyone this is a young permissive voice thanks for stopping by and +4t-aimdM71M-00001-00000699-00001026 watching my video blog if you could take a second can you please subscribe to my +4t-aimdM71M-00002-00001026-00001524 channel I'd really appreciate it thanks a lot what today's video is on is an +4t-aimdM71M-00003-00001524-00002025 autumn product that I discovered about four to six weeks it's been around for a +4t-aimdM71M-00004-00002025-00002426 long time you need more likely you've heard about it but wouldn't treat me to +4t-aimdM71M-00005-00002426-00002847 do this video is the results I got from this product I suffered from osteo +4t-aimdM71M-00006-00002847-00003288 arthritis in my neck I have a mild form of it it's been verified through an MRI +4t-aimdM71M-00007-00003288-00003738 through my doctor and a specialist so there's no doubt I have it and what that +4t-aimdM71M-00008-00003738-00004182 is it's basically deterioration of the bone where the joint is so you get a +4t-aimdM71M-00009-00004182-00004593 little bit of rub going on there and you get some pain my get pain and a lot of +4t-aimdM71M-00010-00004593-00005087 stiffness it affects my personal life it affects my sleep life and my work life +4t-aimdM71M-00011-00005087-00005487 it's been going on for about eight years I was in the grocery store the other day +4t-aimdM71M-00012-00005487-00006003 and I was going through the grocery store for some reason a commercial but I +4t-aimdM71M-00013-00006003-00006417 used to listen to on the radio on the way to work early morning came to my +4t-aimdM71M-00014-00006417-00006929 mind and it was about who close to me and said on that commercial that +4t-aimdM71M-00015-00006929-00007511 Poquoson being could improve your joint health a great for arthritis rheumatoid +4t-aimdM71M-00016-00007511-00008079 arthritis just general joint health in your body for any age who Cole sameen +4t-aimdM71M-00017-00008079-00008778 could improve that so I said to myself after using chiropractor massage physiol +4t-aimdM71M-00018-00008778-00009365 occup unction why do I give it a try so I went up to the pharmacist and I asked +4t-aimdM71M-00019-00009365-00009872 that person what would he recommend and he recommended me a product that was on +4t-aimdM71M-00020-00009872-00010397 the Shelf right there that was the Cadillac version of natural remedy for +4t-aimdM71M-00021-00010397-00010925 what ailed me when it came to us wise in my neck and what that was was cuoco +4t-aimdM71M-00022-00010925-00011782 sameen petroleum with MSM by Weber's natural I've been taking this +4t-aimdM71M-00023-00011782-00012386 product for about four to six weeks now and I've gotten great results it has 500 +4t-aimdM71M-00024-00012386-00013106 milligrams of glucosamine and 400 milligrams of control iam which are both +4t-aimdM71M-00025-00013106-00013772 cartilage and healthy joint inhibitors and they also the petroleum will draw +4t-aimdM71M-00026-00013772-00014411 your natural vitamins and nutrients from your body to that joint to help with +4t-aimdM71M-00027-00014411-00014959 with pain with lubricant and help with the cartilage for the cartridge doesn't +4t-aimdM71M-00028-00014959-00015587 degenerate anymore and it also comes with M SM and you might be asking +4t-aimdM71M-00029-00015587-00016156 yourself what the heck is that and what that is is a natural pain reliever and +4t-aimdM71M-00030-00016156-00016754 entity inflammatory and you know something this product really really +4t-aimdM71M-00031-00016754-00017320 works I took this product for about one week seven days as instructed and you +4t-aimdM71M-00032-00017320-00017954 know some I got some great great results from it it says take three tablets of +4t-aimdM71M-00033-00017954-00018539 this each and every day I did that and I got some great results from my neck +4t-aimdM71M-00034-00018539-00019226 feels looser I have less pain stiffness in my shoulder I have more movement in +4t-aimdM71M-00035-00019226-00019610 my neck I just feel overall a lot better the +4t-aimdM71M-00036-00019610-00019948 pain used to be about an 8 a 1 to 10 about an 8 +4t-aimdM71M-00037-00019948-00020567 now it's about a 2 or 3 in some days I don't even think about my neck anymore +4t-aimdM71M-00038-00020567-00021203 and that itself it's great progress it really really is the downsides to it is +4t-aimdM71M-00039-00021203-00021845 that three tablets may give you diarrhea that's one of the side effects of this +4t-aimdM71M-00040-00021845-00022331 and that's one of the side effects that affected me taking this gave me the runs +4t-aimdM71M-00041-00022331-00022784 so if you're gonna take three to start off with three tablets recommended +4t-aimdM71M-00042-00022784-00023250 tablets each day you might want to just hanging around the house a little bit or +4t-aimdM71M-00043-00023250-00023756 go somewhere we have easy access to the washroom because it may cause the same +4t-aimdM71M-00044-00023756-00024386 side effect in you that it didn't mean another downside to this product is that +4t-aimdM71M-00045-00024386-00024932 the pill itself that you take it is relatively large you get three great +4t-aimdM71M-00046-00024932-00025443 ingredients in them so in the one of the pillows so large but it's so hard to +4t-aimdM71M-00047-00025443-00026031 digest if you're not used to taking medication or large vitamin pills so if +4t-aimdM71M-00048-00026031-00026580 you take this pill you might want not might I would strongly suggest take it +4t-aimdM71M-00049-00026580-00027077 with a lot of water and it goes down easier or you can break it in half it +4t-aimdM71M-00050-00027077-00027612 has a line in it that you can break it in half and take it half at a time which +4t-aimdM71M-00051-00027612-00028056 is much easier too but the problem is is that once you break the pill you get +4t-aimdM71M-00052-00028056-00028362 that inside of the pillow case I don't know if you know what I'm talking about +4t-aimdM71M-00053-00028362-00028847 but whatever you do make sure you drink it with a lot of water there's other +4t-aimdM71M-00054-00028847-00029241 side effects related to this I'm going to list them all down below I'm gonna +4t-aimdM71M-00055-00029241-00029969 list some stuff about control Ian and glucosamine and MSM I sometimes have a +4t-aimdM71M-00056-00029969-00030336 hard time pronouncing all that I'm going to list it all the more you can have a +4t-aimdM71M-00057-00030336-00030906 better read about it but this product actually works over the years it's been +4t-aimdM71M-00058-00030906-00031538 controversial and on the Mayo Clinic they back it up there's a lot of studies +4t-aimdM71M-00059-00031538-00032076 out there that say Koko sameen and Control Ian really really help inhibit +4t-aimdM71M-00060-00032076-00032655 or enhance cartilage growth and lubricant at that joint and you know +4t-aimdM71M-00061-00032655-00033072 something it's really worked very well for me I don't review products I don't +4t-aimdM71M-00062-00033072-00033488 recommend products normally only when I come across something that's really +4t-aimdM71M-00063-00033488-00033890 effective it works for me you might think that this product is for people +4t-aimdM71M-00064-00033890-00034380 like me like I'm only fun 56 and you might think it's for older people but if +4t-aimdM71M-00065-00034380-00034665 you're if you're active in the gym lifting +4t-aimdM71M-00066-00034665-00035169 weights or if you're a runner if you're doing anything a maybe a walker if +4t-aimdM71M-00067-00035169-00035823 you're very active person go close to me and get Rodian will make your joints +4t-aimdM71M-00068-00035823-00036207 more healthier and when you get older you'll have a healthier joints more +4t-aimdM71M-00069-00036207-00036762 flexible joints generally speaking this product really works the cost of this +4t-aimdM71M-00070-00036762-00037224 product was about 23 dollars Canadian I'm sure you can get it cheaper in the +4t-aimdM71M-00071-00037224-00037710 United States or other or online but if you want to buy this online I put a link +4t-aimdM71M-00072-00037710-00038127 below for Amazon and if you purchase it through Amazon I get a little bit of a +4t-aimdM71M-00073-00038127-00038658 kickback to help me with finance my channel okay if you have any questions +4t-aimdM71M-00074-00038658-00039141 about this product how long it takes to work oh yeah one thing I forgot to say +4t-aimdM71M-00075-00039141-00039609 the recommended time to wait for this product to work is 30 days I've heard +4t-aimdM71M-00076-00039609-00040089 people get results after 3 days of these in this product not two not three days +4t-aimdM71M-00077-00040089-00040599 after using this product right now I take one pill each day for a maintenance +4t-aimdM71M-00078-00040599-00041091 program and is still working great I feel the difference every day in my life +4t-aimdM71M-00079-00041091-00041493 I just want to say before I stop this video I'll finish before I finish the +4t-aimdM71M-00080-00041493-00042179 video is that any medication anything you take over-the-counter advil tylenol +4t-aimdM71M-00081-00042179-00042924 Metamucil glucosamine petroleum whatever it may be it is still classified as a +4t-aimdM71M-00082-00042924-00043374 medication so if you're on any other medications or you have any health +4t-aimdM71M-00083-00043374-00043920 issues or concerns about taking this product I would strongly suggest you go +4t-aimdM71M-00084-00043920-00044388 see your medical doctor especially if you are taking other medications because +4t-aimdM71M-00085-00044388-00045084 this may affect you in a negative negative way so be aware that anything +4t-aimdM71M-00086-00045084-00045534 that you take over vitamins whatever it may be is still a medication it really +4t-aimdM71M-00087-00045534-00046056 is so go and see your doctor let's be cautious about taking anything long-term +4t-aimdM71M-00088-00046056-00046476 over-the-counter and you know something that's what you should do go and see +4t-aimdM71M-00089-00046476-00046824 your doctor I want to thank you all for watching my video if you have any +4t-aimdM71M-00090-00046824-00047268 comments good or bad please leave them in the comments below but if you can all +4t-aimdM71M-00091-00047268-00047724 join my channel subscribe to my channel I'd really appreciate it this is the +4t-aimdM71M-00092-00047724-00048261 untwisted voice of Terry G and as usual look out for yourself because it shows +4t-aimdM71M-00093-00048261-00049425 have a great day and I'll see you next time see you +4ulVit08z3c-00000-00000006-00000448 Hi there, welcome to episode 5 of * I'm creating a graphic resume with Photoshop *. +4ulVit08z3c-00001-00000450-00001126 If you are looking for a job in any creative profession and you want to stand out from other candidates with a CV that is both aesthetic and well organized +4ulVit08z3c-00002-00001136-00001270 then this video is for you! +4ulVit08z3c-00003-00001288-00001842 You can download and use the source file of the CV to modify it, the link will appear at the end of the video. +4ulVit08z3c-00004-00001850-00002270 It will be between 300 and 800kb depending on the options you choose, or less than 1mo +4ulVit08z3c-00005-00002280-00002734 your text can be editable, in addition the links to your site and your email address will be work ! +4ulVit08z3c-00006-00002744-00002814 Magic, isn't it? +4ulVit08z3c-00007-00002828-00002950 let's go! +4ulVit08z3c-00008-00003576-00004011 Let's talk about creative research! Why make it for the realization of a CV? +4ulVit08z3c-00009-00004034-00004566 Like a logo, a motion design or any graphic project, we will get into the creation phase. +4ulVit08z3c-00010-00004588-00005106 It is important to determine a graphic line to adopt. What colors will I choose? What typographies? What graphic forms? +4ulVit08z3c-00011-00005120-00005614 It's also a great way to learn about current graphic trends, popular creative resumes. +4ulVit08z3c-00012-00005626-00005942 All in order to analyze and understand why they are functional. +4ulVit08z3c-00013-00005966-00006250 It will guide you on the dos and don'ts. +4ulVit08z3c-00014-00006270-00007020 I won't go into these creative processes in detail, because I already talked about them in the previous tutorial, which you can find by clicking on the card at the top of the video. +4ulVit08z3c-00015-00007038-00007712 First, I do a simple search on Behance. Know that for more results, do your research in English. CV in translates to RESUME +4ulVit08z3c-00016-00007726-00007972 I record visuals that look interesting to me. +4ulVit08z3c-00017-00007986-00008640 Very quickly, my mood board fills up and I can analyze that the CVs that work best are the very clean ones, with a minimalist style. +4ulVit08z3c-00018-00008656-00008924 In fact that's good, because I love this artistic trend. +4ulVit08z3c-00019-00008924-00009586 I then do some research on typography, as well as geometric shapes, as they fit very well with this style. +4ulVit08z3c-00020-00009602-00010566 Don't hesitate to take your time. The more images you record, the more ideas you will have. As a reminder, I record on average between 30 and 50 images. Sometimes I even record a lot more. +4ulVit08z3c-00021-00010584-00011306 So there you have it, at this point my creative research is done. I will now select my favorite visuals for the creation of my moodboard. +4ulVit08z3c-00022-00011440-00012606 I display on this board everything that I think most closely matches the minimalist style. Indeed, these 2 CVs reflect the universe I had in mind. Sleek, unadorned graphics, as well as information that goes straight to the point. +4ulVit08z3c-00023-00012630-00013532 When I think of minimalist graphics, I necessarily think of the bauhaus, this artistic movement synonymous with simplicity and sobriety with very geometric and abstract shapes. +4ulVit08z3c-00024-00013552-00013986 You will notice that I inserted some in the background of this moodboard. Indeed, they go hand in hand with this theme. +4ulVit08z3c-00025-00014000-00014588 I also added 2 images: one image with Helvetica font, and the other with Gotham font. +4ulVit08z3c-00026-00014608-00015047 These 2 typos are closely linked to the Bauhaus because they are at the same time simple, graphic and contemporary. +4ulVit08z3c-00027-00015062-00015686 So there you have it, this board will now be my inspiration to create my CV, let's move on to creating a color palette. +4ulVit08z3c-00028-00015826-00016294 If we analyze the colors of the moodboard, we can see that there is a dominant of blue / purple and red. +4ulVit08z3c-00029-00016310-00016884 As we saw in the previous tutorial, I use the color wheel from Adobe Color. Here I am using the square chromatic harmony rule. +4ulVit08z3c-00030-00016900-00017508 This rule offers a lot of variation and works best if you let one color dominate. +4ulVit08z3c-00031-00017524-00018134 For me the dominant will be blue and the tonic will be red. It will serve to emphasize important elements of the CV. +4ulVit08z3c-00032-00018292-00018603 Let's talk about alternative fonts. Mathieu asked me: +4ulVit08z3c-00033-00018604-00019026 Hi Damien, how can we get fonts equivalent to paid typographies? Thank you in advance. +4ulVit08z3c-00034-00019046-00019468 To answer you Mathieu, there are many alternative typographies to paid ones. +4ulVit08z3c-00035-00019468-00019904 For example, you can do a search on the site https://www.whatfontis.com/> similar font section +4ulVit08z3c-00036-00019920-00020502 If I type gotham in bold, the site offers me free alternatives to download, for example: +4ulVit08z3c-00037-00020518-00020788 Montserrat: which for me is closest to Gotham +4ulVit08z3c-00038-00020802-00021044 The Raleway: is also a very good alternative +4ulVit08z3c-00039-00021064-00021688 These 2 typographies can also be downloaded directly from google font with more styles of different weights. +4ulVit08z3c-00040-00021696-00022184 In addition, the web fonts are optimized and will considerably reduce the weight of your final file. +4ulVit08z3c-00041-00022204-00022492 I now let you download and install the typography of your choice! +4ulVit08z3c-00042-00022504-00023050 In my case, I will use the Montserrat for the realization of the CV. +4ulVit08z3c-00043-00023242-00023624 Now let's try to find some graphic elements to illustrate our CV. +4ulVit08z3c-00044-00023644-00024166 To do this you can easily find it on Freepik by typing as a keyword: geometric background. +4ulVit08z3c-00045-00024184-00024554 Personally I have found some pretty cool ones that illustrate the theme of minimalism well. +4ulVit08z3c-00046-00024566-00024966 I have also entered the correct color code for all the graphic elements. +4ulVit08z3c-00047-00024980-00025464 These shapes are obviously available in the sources of the tutorial. You can also look for others if you want! +4ulVit08z3c-00048-00025480-00025738 So that's it! I think you have what it takes to create a great CV now. +4ulVit08z3c-00049-00025745-00025926 Now let's go to Photoshop! +4ulVit08z3c-00050-00025950-00026566 1472/5000 I will create a new A4 document with a resolution of 300 dpi in order to optimize the CV for printing. +4ulVit08z3c-00051-00026566-00027427 I just enter my margins by clicking on display> new layout of marks and I indicate that I want 2 columns with a 15mm gutter and also 15mm margins. +4ulVit08z3c-00052-00027445-00028798 At this point I can define my color swatches. Namely a blue which has the hexadecimal value: # 1200b6, a red of value # ff4b4c and a cream for the background color of value # f2eee6. +4ulVit08z3c-00053-00028824-00029894 Then I create my header by clicking on view> new horizontal guide at 70mm because I want a header of 55px, so I take my top margin of 15px into consideration. +4ulVit08z3c-00054-00029912-00030748 Regarding the photo, I will start with a false biochromy. After having cropped the silhouette and hiding the background of the photo, I add a blue layer with an overlay blending mode. +4ulVit08z3c-00055-00030766-00031208 I just copy the image and paste in my A4 size with a Multiply merge mode. +4ulVit08z3c-00056-00031226-00032210 I add the cream color to the background of my document and I modify the levels of my image by shifting the white arrow to the left which will aim to hide the background of the photo due to its mode of fusion. +4ulVit08z3c-00057-00032226-00032764 I create an ellipse and apply a mask of its selection on the photo to create a rounded image. +4ulVit08z3c-00058-00032782-00033456 I apply a horizontal symmetry to it, I reduce its size a little and I hold it at the top left at the level of the previously created marks. +4ulVit08z3c-00059-00033470-00034172 Recruiters remain quite attached to the CV photo because it gives an overview of your personality. So avoid too personal photos. +4ulVit08z3c-00060-00034190-00034922 I add my last name, first name with the Montserrat typo, right justified on my gutter, in ultra fat with a size and leading of 30.5 pt. +4ulVit08z3c-00061-00034942-00035764 Then I fill in my position as artistic director in bold and in size 10.5pt below to inform the employer that I am not applying by chance. +4ulVit08z3c-00062-00035780-00036338 I'm removing the area of the photo that goes inside the * O * to make it easier to read the last name. +4ulVit08z3c-00063-00036356-00037140 Then I put my left justified contact information in the column next to it with 11.6pt size and 15.6pt leading. +4ulVit08z3c-00064-00037158-00037368 I grease all the titles and chevrons in bold. +4ulVit08z3c-00065-00037386-00038240 At this level, it is important to enter an email address with the @ sign and the www of my website in order to make the pdf url and I align the bottom of my text block with the last name. +4ulVit08z3c-00066-00038240-00039264 It is essential to display this information at the top of the CV! If the recruiter does not find them, he will surely move on to the next CV! +4ulVit08z3c-00067-00039280-00040310 I just got 4 blue ellipses in my Illustrator file and I paste them into Photoshop as a dynamic object in order to keep the vectorial and I position them above the first name, in relation to the guides. +4ulVit08z3c-00068-00040324-00041464 At this point, my header block is complete. I am now dealing with my professional experiences. I will retrieve the 3D square in my Illustrator file, I resize it to 13mm and I come to fix it on my reference mark. +4ulVit08z3c-00069-00041480-00042068 I add a left justified text block, the width of my right column, and I come to fill in my professional experiences. +4ulVit08z3c-00070-00042068-00042780 For information, my title at a size of 18.5pt in extrabold fat. In fact, all the bold elements of the text have this weight. +4ulVit08z3c-00071-00042792-00043394 If you are a student and don't have too much business experience, don't make the mistake of putting your academic background at the top of your CV. +4ulVit08z3c-00072-00043412-00044282 What interests the company is your professional experience. So if you have done internships or other things related to a professional activity, you must fill in this information here. +4ulVit08z3c-00073-00044288-00044684 The person in charge of recruiting wants to know if you will be operational from day one. +4ulVit08z3c-00074-00044698-00045510 Here, I try to keep a consistency of size for all the texts of the CV. Namely a size of 11.6pt and a leading of 15.6. +4ulVit08z3c-00075-00045528-00045832 Remember to bold important words on your resume if they are useful to you. +4ulVit08z3c-00076-00045852-00046170 A CV with large blocks of text is not very pleasant to read. +4ulVit08z3c-00077-00046184-00046852 Remember to space the paragraphs well and use bulleted lists, it will increase the readability of your CV. +4ulVit08z3c-00078-00046864-00047194 You will notice that I have detailed the nature of my positions held. +4ulVit08z3c-00079-00047196-00047868 Most applicants simply list their duties and tasks performed but do not mention their results and awards. +4ulVit08z3c-00080-00047880-00048452 This is arguably the most common mistake. Yet this is what interests recruiters the most to convince them of your skills. +4ulVit08z3c-00081-00048458-00049222 For example if I had just written that from 2011 to 2012, I was posted to the Notabl3 agency for visual website creation, it would have had less impact than saying: +4ulVit08z3c-00082-00049242-00050150 I was at Notabl3, I participated in 30 projects and in addition I renegotiated 10 contracts which saved the company 25,000 euros more. +4ulVit08z3c-00083-00050158-00051208 Along the same lines as the experiences, I take this opportunity to inform my professional training, being careful to leave the same gap present between my 2 upper blocks in order to keep the spacing consistent. +4ulVit08z3c-00084-00051222-00051950 I just got 3 ellipses from my illustrator file, and I paste them in order to dress my titles a little more and I reduce them to 33mm. +4ulVit08z3c-00085-00051962-00052446 I repeat the operation at the top, applying a symmetry, in order to balance the visual a little more. +4ulVit08z3c-00086-00052464-00053394 I insert a small editorial in the left column related to the position I want. I justify it on the right and hold it on my mark as well as at the same level as the 1st paragraph: my professional experiences. +4ulVit08z3c-00087-00053416-00053898 The fact of positioning everything well in relation to the other paragraphs, it generates a natural balance of the document. +4ulVit08z3c-00088-00053898-00054038 Now it's time for skills. +4ulVit08z3c-00089-00054041-00055238 I collect the small waves from Illustrator, taking care to remove the last red line, and increase their size in Photoshop so that their height is equal to the height of the second paragraph of my professional experiences. +4ulVit08z3c-00090-00055258-00055778 I hold these shapes on my left marker, I duplicate them, and this time position them on the right. +4ulVit08z3c-00091-00055778-00056220 I insert my software skills by keeping the same title size as the previous ones. +4ulVit08z3c-00092-00056220-00057044 I try to center the title as well as possible between the 2 waves. Now I increase the typography of the text a bit to 12pt so that it is slightly more visible. +4ulVit08z3c-00093-00057052-00058232 I place my skill pads about 4mm in diameter created using Photoshop's ellipse tool, taking care to lower the opacity of some to 50%. I space them out about 1.5mm. +4ulVit08z3c-00094-00058244-00058972 And finally, I end with a * miscellaneous * block where * interests * call it what you want, where I just insert the things that are close to my heart. +4ulVit08z3c-00095-00058982-00059394 I hold it at the same level as my training block, always with the idea of aligning things with each other. +4ulVit08z3c-00096-00059404-00060166 For the final touch, I duplicate the ellipses in the title of my training, and I apply symmetry to them in order to balance my visual. +4ulVit08z3c-00097-00060184-00060617 The 3D square pictograms are only present in the experiments and training blocks. +4ulVit08z3c-00098-00060624-00060890 The square symbolizes order and thoroughness. +4ulVit08z3c-00099-00060902-00061864 The waves, symbol of freedom and movement, are there to bring a little more lightness, less rigidity to the visual, and come to illustrate my creative skills. +4ulVit08z3c-00100-00061882-00062540 This is how I made this graphic CV. If you liked the way I work, don’t hesitate to put a little blue thumb, it’s always nice! +4ulVit08z3c-00101-00062555-00062836 Now let's move on to exporting the CV to PDF. +4ulVit08z3c-00102-00063010-00063716 I often get messages that the Photoshop file is way too large when exporting to PDF. This is the case with mimi who asks me: +4ulVit08z3c-00103-00063732-00064726 Hi, when I sent my CV in PDF format online they told me that the file was too big, so I wanted to know if there is a solution to be able to use it online while being less heavy? Thank you in advance. +4ulVit08z3c-00104-00064750-00065862 So indeed, I created the CV with a resolution of 300 dpi. If I save directly to PDF, my file may be quite large. By doing the test, my PDF here weighs 8mo! It's actually way too big! +4ulVit08z3c-00105-00065884-00066618 My technique is to save a PSD copy of the CV. Then I select all my layers that have text, and I place them at the top of the layers of my tab. +4ulVit08z3c-00106-00066628-00067132 I then merge all my other image layers, including the background, and save as PDF. An options window appears. +4ulVit08z3c-00107-00067146-00068030 In the general tab, you must absolutely uncheck preserve Photoshop's editing functions, otherwise it will keep Photoshop data, layers, alpha channels, spot colors, etc. +4ulVit08z3c-00108-00068042-00069072 In the compression tab, you must select not to downsample if you want to print the CV with high resolution. Downsampling refers to the reduction in the number of pixels in an image. +4ulVit08z3c-00109-00069096-00069934 So be careful with the usage of your file. Also, the compression option determines the type of compression to use. So for printing don't use it! +4ulVit08z3c-00110-00069958-00070678 If I decide to send this file by email, I must select Bicubic downsampling to which allows a higher level of compression +4ulVit08z3c-00111-00070692-00071496 Here, we will tell Photoshop to compress all the images in our CV at 250 dpi for those above 299 dpi. +4ulVit08z3c-00112-00071506-00072278 Well yes because my file was created in 300 dpi. So I will be sure that all the images below 300 dpi will be compressed a little without loss of data. +4ulVit08z3c-00113-00072296-00072956 Below, in terms of compression, you can use ZIP, this type of compression is suitable for images that have areas of solid colors or repeated patterns. +4ulVit08z3c-00114-00072964-00073604 This is exactly what I have for the image on my CV. In addition, ZIP compression is performed without data loss. So we can test ... +4ulVit08z3c-00115-00073620-00073940 if I now look at the size of my file, I can see that it is only 1mb! +4ulVit08z3c-00116-00073962-00074458 If I open it, the quality is fine! I can zoom to 400% it does not pixelate! magic isn't it? +4ulVit08z3c-00117-00074474-00074976 Another compression option is to use high JPG compression, this will further reduce the size of your CV. +4ulVit08z3c-00118-00074992-00075216 On the other hand you will have a small loss of the data of your image. +4ulVit08z3c-00119-00075216-00075514 So I reassure you, with this type of high compression it will not be seen! +4ulVit08z3c-00120-00075514-00076352 If I validate and look at the size of my CV, it is now 875kb. If I zoom to 400% it's still super good quality! +4ulVit08z3c-00121-00076362-00077336 You will notice that the fact of not having flattened on Photoshop all of my image, the text remains editable, moreover, if I click on the email address, the latter is well recognized as such, +4ulVit08z3c-00122-00077354-00077822 likewise for the website, which of course cannot be found in this example because the domain does not exist! +4ulVit08z3c-00123-00077842-00078600 I hope you will find these tips useful for your future PDF exports. If you have anything to add, feel free to drop us a line in the comments. +4ulVit08z3c-00124-00078798-00079376 That's it, it's over, I really wanted to record this video, because yes it is possible to optimize a CV with Photoshop, +4ulVit08z3c-00125-00079410-00079722 whether it is for printing or sending by email. +4ulVit08z3c-00126-00079722-00079924 I hope you liked this video, +4ulVit08z3c-00127-00079948-00080220 If you want to help us, you can support us in different ways: +4ulVit08z3c-00128-00080236-00080758 By liking and sharing the video on your networks. This will give us more visibility. +4ulVit08z3c-00129-00080760-00081370 By subscribing to the channel and activating the bell to be notified of our new releases. Lots of new tutorials are coming soon! +4ulVit08z3c-00130-00081400-00081878 By supporting us on tipeee it's brand new, exclusive content is coming +4ulVit08z3c-00131-00081896-00082708 And if you want to improve your graphics and motion design, our premium training catalog is available as a link in the description of the video. +4ulVit08z3c-00132-00082722-00083176 It was Damien from the team8 collective, we'll see you very soon in a next video! +4ulVit08z3c-00133-00083194-00083294 cya!