diff --git "a/data/en003/text/00000027.txt" "b/data/en003/text/00000027.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en003/text/00000027.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,8764 @@ +s8lDXYvMZGU-00000-00000000-00000266 [ silence ] +s8lDXYvMZGU-00002-00003913-00004130 [ silence ] +s8lDXYvMZGU-00003-00004130-00004284 Greetings to you! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00004-00004284-00004454 My name is Felix – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00005-00004454-00004607 that’s all I really know about it – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00006-00004607-00004761 Just Felix. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00007-00004761-00004928 I live here in Boston, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00008-00004928-00005095 but until I am a free man, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00009-00005095-00005225 I truly have no home I may +s8lDXYvMZGU-00010-00005225-00005398 comfortably call my own. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00011-00005398-00005652 2 years ago it got really ugly here +s8lDXYvMZGU-00012-00005652-00005799 In Boston - +s8lDXYvMZGU-00013-00005799-00005965 5 men including a fellow black man +s8lDXYvMZGU-00014-00005965-00006076 named Crispus Attucks – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00015-00006076-00006282 were killed by some English Soldiers – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00016-00006282-00006543 and the cries for Independence from the King +s8lDXYvMZGU-00017-00006543-00006730 by these American Sons of Liberty +s8lDXYvMZGU-00018-00006733-00006950 have gotten even louder. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00019-00006950-00007150 Last year on March 5th +s8lDXYvMZGU-00020-00007150-00007370 They commemorated the first anniversary +s8lDXYvMZGU-00021-00007370-00007587 of that Bloody Massacre with a speech. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00022-00007587-00007877 It was given by a man named James Lovell. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00023-00007894-00008007 I heard it - +s8lDXYvMZGU-00024-00008007-00008131 it was a good speech – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00025-00008131-00008218 it was a good speech – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00026-00008218-00008491 mostly about standing armies being unwarranted, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00027-00008491-00008848 unnecessary, and unwelcome here in America. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00028-00008848-00009059 There was also plenty about the Americans +s8lDXYvMZGU-00029-00009059-00009379 claiming their place as English Freeholders – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00030-00009379-00009819 But I am not a citizen or a subject. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00031-00009819-00010160 Dr. Joseph Warren is going to give the Massacre Day Speech +s8lDXYvMZGU-00032-00010160-00010467 this year, March 5 1772. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00033-00010467-00010750 He is a good man Dr. Warren – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00034-00010750-00010944 he helps folks. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00035-00010944-00011141 Not just those that have money, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00036-00011141-00011378 but he also helps with doctoring the poor, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00037-00011378-00011731 the needy, and even the slaves. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00038-00011731-00012095 I am going to hear what he has to say this year – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00039-00012105-00012389 I heard some rumor that he may take up +s8lDXYvMZGU-00040-00012389-00012595 the cry for American Independence +s8lDXYvMZGU-00041-00012595-00012989 from what they call “Arbitrary” English rule – +s8lDXYvMZGU-00042-00012989-00013360 Maybe there will be something in it for me? +s8lDXYvMZGU-00043-00013360-00013850 [ silence ] +s8lDXYvMZGU-00044-00013850-00014060 they commemorated the first anniversary +s8lDXYvMZGU-00045-00014060-00015892 [ silence ] +s8lDXYvMZGU-00046-00015892-00016529 Friends, Bostonians, Americans, My Name is Joseph Warren. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00047-00016529-00016816 When we turn over the historic page, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00048-00016816-00017103 and trace the rise and fall of states and empires, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00049-00017103-00017357 the mighty revolutions which have so often +s8lDXYvMZGU-00050-00017357-00017557 varied the face of the world +s8lDXYvMZGU-00051-00017557-00017827 strike our minds and with solemn surprise, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00052-00017827-00018114 and we are naturally led to endeavour to search +s8lDXYvMZGU-00053-00018114-00018505 out the causes of such astonishing changes. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00054-00018505-00018868 That man is formed for social life, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00055-00018868-00019179 is an observation which, upon our first inquiry, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00056-00019179-00019479 presents itself immediately to our view, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00057-00019479-00019876 and our reason approves that wise and generous principle +s8lDXYvMZGU-00058-00019876-00020273 which actuated the first founders of civil government; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00059-00020273-00020640 an institution which hath its origin +s8lDXYvMZGU-00060-00020640-00020970 in the weakness of individuals, and hath for its end, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00061-00020970-00021264 the strength and security of all; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00062-00021264-00021831 and so long as the means of effecting this important end are thoroughly known, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00063-00021831-00022045 and religiously attended to, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00064-00022045-00022258 government is one of the richest blessings to mankind, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00065-00022258-00022525 and ought to be held in the highest veneration. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00066-00022525-00022816 In young and new formed communities, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00067-00022882-00023253 the grand design of this institution is most generally understood, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00068-00023253-00023476 and most strictly regarded; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00069-00023476-00023780 the motives which urged to the social compact, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00070-00023780-00024030 cannot be at once forgotten, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00071-00024030-00024310 and that equality which is remembered to have subsisted +s8lDXYvMZGU-00072-00024310-00024517 so lately among them, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00073-00024517-00024768 prevents those who are clothed with authority +s8lDXYvMZGU-00074-00024768-00025061 from attempting to invade the freedom of their brethern; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00075-00025061-00025288 or if such an attempt is made, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00076-00025288-00025608 it prevents the community from suffering the offender +s8lDXYvMZGU-00077-00025608-00025825 To go unpunished; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00078-00025825-00026042 every member feels it to be his interest, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00079-00026042-00026242 and knows it to be his duty, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00080-00026242-00026923 to preserve inviolate the constitution on which the public safely depends. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00081-00026923-00027300 It was this noble attachment to a free constitution, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00082-00027300-00027647 which raised ancient Rome from the smallest beginnings, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00083-00027647-00027927 to that bright summit of happiness and glory +s8lDXYvMZGU-00084-00027927-00028074 to which she arrived; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00085-00028074-00028605 and it was the loss of this which plunged her from that summit, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00086-00028605-00028975 into the black gulf of infamy and slavery. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00087-00028975-00029409 she stands to this day, the scorn and derision of nations, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00088-00029409-00029773 and a monument of this eternal truth, that +s8lDXYvMZGU-00089-00029773-00030527 PUBLIC HAPPINESS DEPENDS ON A VIRTUOUS AND UNSHAKEN ATTACHMENT TO A FREE CONSTITUTION. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00090-00030527-00030804 It was this attachment to a constitution, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00091-00030804-00031077 founded on free and benevolent principles, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00092-00031077-00031391 which inspired the first settlers of this country: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00093-00031391-00031764 they saw with grief the daring outrages committed +s8lDXYvMZGU-00094-00031764-00032062 on the free constitution of their native land; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00095-00032062-00032399 they knew that nothing but a civil war +s8lDXYvMZGU-00096-00032399-00032786 could at that time restore its pristine purity. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00097-00032786-00033173 So hard was it to resolve to embrue their hands +s8lDXYvMZGU-00098-00033173-00033436 in the blood of their brethern, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00099-00033436-00033663 that they choose rather to quit their fair possessions, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00100-00033663-00033967 and seek another habitation in a distant clime. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00101-00033967-00034170 When they came to this new world, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00102-00034170-00034397 which they fairly purchased of the Indian natives, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00103-00034397-00034627 the only rightful proprietors, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00104-00034627-00035035 they cultivated the then barren soil, by their incessant labour +s8lDXYvMZGU-00105-00035035-00035442 and defended their dear bought possessions with the fortitude of the Christian, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00106-00035442-00035632 and the bravery of the hero. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00107-00035632-00036082 After various struggles, which, during the tyrannic reigns of the House of Stuart, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00108-00036082-00036419 were constantly kept up between right and wrong, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00109-00036419-00036639 between liberty and slavery, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00110-00036639-00036923 the connection between Great Britain and this colony, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00111-00036923-00037323 was settled in the reign of King William and Queen Mary, by a compact, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00112-00037323-00037654 the conditions of which were expressed in a charter; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00113-00037654-00038358 by which all the liberties and immunities of British subjects, were confined to this province, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00114-00038358-00039025 as fully and as absolutely as they possibly could be by any human instrument which can be devised. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00115-00039025-00039602 And it is undeniably true, that the greatest and most important right of a British subject is, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00116-00039602-00040100 that he shall be governed by no laws but those to which he either in person +s8lDXYvMZGU-00117-00040100-00040510 or by his representative hath given his consent: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00118-00040510-00041024 and this I will venture to assert is the grand basis of British freedom; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00119-00041024-00041578 it is interwoven with the constitution; and whenever this is lost, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00120-00041578-00041908 the constitution must be destroyed. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00121-00041908-00042238 The British constitution (of which ours is a copy) +s8lDXYvMZGU-00122-00042238-00042569 is a happy compound of the three forms +s8lDXYvMZGU-00123-00042569-00043206 (under some of which all governments may be ranged) viz., monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00124-00043206-00043660 of these three the British Legislature is composed, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00125-00043660-00044137 and without the consent of each branch, nothing can carry with it the force of a law; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00126-00044137-00044414 but when a law is to be passed for raising a tax, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00127-00044414-00044804 that law can originate only in the democratic branch, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00128-00044804-00045218 which is the House of Commons in Britain, and the House of Representatives here. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00129-00045218-00045428 The reason is obvious: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00130-00045428-00045765 they and their constituents are to pay much the largest part of it; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00131-00045765-00046362 but as the aristocratic branch, which is in Britain, the house of lords, and in this province, the council, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00132-00046362-00046566 are also to pay some part, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00133-00046566-00046910 THEIR consent is necessary; and as the monarchic branch, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00134-00046910-00047253 which in Britain is the king, and with us, either the king in person, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00135-00047253-00047650 or the governor whom he shall be pleased to appoint to act in his stead, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00136-00047650-00048071 is supposed to have a just sense of his own interest, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00137-00048071-00048411 which is that of all the subjects in general. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00138-00048411-00048618 HIS consent is also necessary; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00139-00048618-00048918 and when the consent of these three branches is obtained, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00140-00048918-00049235 the taxation is most certainly legal. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00141-00049235-00049629 Let us now allow ourselves a few moments to examine +s8lDXYvMZGU-00142-00049629-00049989 the late acts of the British Parliament for taxing America. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00143-00049989-00050430 Let us with candour judge whether they are constitutionally binding upon us: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00144-00050430-00050777 if they are, IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE +s8lDXYvMZGU-00145-00050777-00051111 let us submit to them, without murmuring one word. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00146-00051111-00051538 First, I would ask whether the members of the British House of Commons +s8lDXYvMZGU-00147-00051538-00051738 are the democracy of this province? +s8lDXYvMZGU-00148-00051738-00052058 If they are, they are either the people of this province, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00149-00052058-00052545 or are elected by the people of this province, to represent them, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00150-00052545-00053086 and have therefore a constitutional right to originate a bill for taxing them: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00151-00053086-00053393 it is most certain they are neither; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00152-00053393-00053666 and therefore nothing done can be said to be done +s8lDXYvMZGU-00153-00053666-00053940 by the democratic branch of our constitution. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00154-00053940-00054471 I would next ask whether the Lords who compose the aristocratic branch of the legislature, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00155-00054471-00054681 are peers of America? +s8lDXYvMZGU-00156-00054681-00054968 I never heard it was (even in these extraordinary times) +s8lDXYvMZGU-00157-00054971-00055258 so much as pretended; and if they are not, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00158-00055258-00055842 certainly no act of theirs can be said to be the act of the aristocratic branch of our constitution. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00159-00055842-00056282 The power of the monarchic branch we with pleasure acknowledge, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00160-00056282-00056766 resides in the king, who may act either in person or by his representative. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00161-00056766-00057300 I am very much at a loss to know by what figure of rhetoric, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00162-00057300-00057801 the inhabitants of this province can be called FREE SUBJECTS, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00163-00057804-00058274 when they are obliged to obey implicitly such laws as are made for them +s8lDXYvMZGU-00164-00058274-00058668 by men three thousand miles off, whom they know not, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00165-00058668-00058982 and whom they never have empowered to act for them; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00166-00058982-00059245 or how they can be said to have PROPERTY +s8lDXYvMZGU-00167-00059245-00059582 when a body of men, over whom they have not the least control, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00168-00059582-00059919 and who are not in any way accountable to them, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00169-00059919-00060256 shall oblige them to deliver up any part, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00170-00060256-00060754 or the whole of their substance, without even asking their consent: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00171-00060754-00061234 And it can be no matter of wonder that the people quickly perceived, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00172-00061234-00061531 and seriously complained of the inroads +s8lDXYvMZGU-00173-00061531-00061855 which these acts must unavoidably make upon their liberty, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00174-00061855-00062295 and of the hazard to which their whole property is by them exposed; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00175-00062295-00062732 for, if they may be taxed without their consent, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00176-00062732-00063196 even in the smallest trifle, they may also, without their consent, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00177-00063196-00063603 be deprived of every thing they possess, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00178-00063603-00063873 Contrary to our just rights as possessing, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00179-00063873-00064144 or at least having a just title to possess, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00180-00064147-00064484 all the liberties and IMMUNITIES of British subjects, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00181-00064484-00064911 a standing army was established among us in a time of peace; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00182-00064911-00065338 and evidently for the purpose of effecting that, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00183-00065338-00065862 which it was one principal design of the founders of the constitution to prevent +s8lDXYvMZGU-00184-00065862-00066423 (when they declared a standing army in a time of peace to be AGAINST LAW) +s8lDXYvMZGU-00185-00066423-00066786 namely for the enforcement of obedience to acts which, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00186-00066786-00067280 upon fair examination, appeared to be unjust and unconstitutional. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00187-00067280-00067617 The ruinous consequences of standing armies to free communities, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00188-00067617-00068037 may be seen in the histories of SYRACUSE, ROME, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00189-00068037-00068291 and many other once flourishing states; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00190-00068291-00068571 some of which have now scarce a name! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00191-00068571-00068955 Their baneful influence is most suddenly felt, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00192-00068955-00069309 when they are placed in populous cities; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00193-00069309-00069569 for by a corruption of morals, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00194-00069569-00069866 the public happiness is immediately affected? +s8lDXYvMZGU-00195-00069866-00070423 and that this is one of the effects of quartering troops in a populous city, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00196-00070423-00070917 is a truth, to which many a mourning parent, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00197-00070917-00071621 many a lost, despairing child in this metropolis must bear a very melancholy testimony. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00198-00071621-00071991 Soldiers are also taught to consider arms as the only arbiters +s8lDXYvMZGU-00199-00071991-00072375 by which every dispute is to be decided between contending states; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00200-00072375-00072725 they are instructed implicitly to obey their commanders, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00201-00072725-00073113 without inquiring into the justice of the cause they are engaged to support: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00202-00073113-00073867 hence it is, that they are ever to be dreaded as the ready engines of tyranny and oppression. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00203-00073867-00074534 We, my fellow-citizens, have seen, we have felt the tragical effects! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00204-00074534-00074978 THE FATAL FIFTH OF MARCH, 1770, CAN NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00205-00074978-00075535 The horrors of THAT DREADFUL NIGHT are but too deeply impressed on our hearts. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00206-00075535-00075985 Language is too feeble to paint the emotions of our souls, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00207-00075985-00076296 when our streets were stained with the BLOOD OF OUR BRETHERN; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00208-00076296-00076653 when our ears were wounded by the groans of the dying, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00209-00076653-00077070 and our eyes were tormented with the sight of the mangled bodies of the dead. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00210-00077070-00077587 The immediate actors in the tragedy of THAT NIGHT were surrendered to justice. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00211-00077587-00077954 It is not mine to say how far they were guilty! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00212-00077954-00078318 They have been tried by the country and ACQUITTED of murder! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00213-00078318-00078671 and they are not to be again arraigned at an earthly bar: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00214-00078671-00079282 but surely the men who have promiscuously scattered death amidst the innocent inhabitants of a popular city, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00215-00079282-00079943 ought to see well to it that they be prepared to stand at the bar of an omniscient Judge! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00216-00079943-00080336 and all who contrived or encouraged the stationing of troops in this place, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00217-00080336-00080794 have reasons of eternal importance, to reflect with deep contrition, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00218-00080794-00080990 on their base designs, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00219-00080990-00081418 and humbly to repent of their impious machinations. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00220-00081418-00081785 The infatuation which hath seemed, for a number of years, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00221-00081785-00082345 to prevail in the British councils, with regard to us, is truly astonishing! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00222-00082345-00082972 what can be proposed by the [diminishing of] our freedom, I really cannot surmise; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00223-00082972-00083353 even leaving justice and humanity out of the question, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00224-00083353-00083817 I know not of any gains, which can be wrung from us by oppression, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00225-00083817-00084247 which they may not obtain from us by our own consent, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00226-00084247-00084494 in the smooth channel of commerce; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00227-00084494-00084794 we wish the wealth and prosperity of Britain; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00228-00084794-00085101 we contribute largely to both. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00229-00085101-00085401 The amazing increase of riches to Britain, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00230-00085401-00085728 the great rise of the value of her lands, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00231-00085728-00086069 the flourishing state of her navy are striking proofs +s8lDXYvMZGU-00232-00086069-00086603 of the advantages derived to her from her commerce with the colonies; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00233-00086603-00087066 and it is our earnest desire that she may still continue to enjoy +s8lDXYvMZGU-00234-00087066-00087564 the same emoluments, until her streets are paved with AMERICAN GOLD; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00235-00087564-00087974 only, let us have the pleasure of calling it our own, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00236-00087974-00088231 whilst it is in our hands; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00237-00088231-00088488 but this it seems is too great a favour: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00238-00088488-00088758 we are to be governed by the absolute commands of others; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00239-00088758-00089085 our property is to be taken away without our consent; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00240-00089085-00089446 if we complain, our complaints are treated with contempt; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00241-00089446-00089843 if we assert our rights, that assertion is deemed insolence; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00242-00089843-00090376 if we humbly offer to submit the matter to the imperial decision of reason, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00243-00090376-00090910 the sword is judged the most proper argument to silence our murmurs! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00244-00090910-00091227 Even in the dissolute reign of King Charles II +s8lDXYvMZGU-00245-00091227-00091701 when the House of Commons impeached the Earl of Clarendon of high treason, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00246-00091701-00092061 the first article on which they founded their accusation was, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00247-00092061-00092442 that “he had designed a standing army to be raised, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00248-00092442-00092786 and to govern the kingdom thereby.” +s8lDXYvMZGU-00249-00092786-00093099 And the eighth article was, that “he had introduced +s8lDXYvMZGU-00250-00093099-00093446 an arbitrary government into his majesty’s plantation.” +s8lDXYvMZGU-00251-00093446-00094000 A terrifying example to those who are now forging chains for this country. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00252-00094000-00094310 You have, my friends and countrymen, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00253-00094310-00094554 frustrated the designs of your enemies, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00254-00094554-00094824 by your unanimity and fortitude: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00255-00094824-00095038 it was your union and determined spirit +s8lDXYvMZGU-00256-00095038-00095435 which expelled those troops who polluted your streets with innocent blood. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00257-00095435-00095835 You have appointed this anniversary as a standing memorial +s8lDXYvMZGU-00258-00095835-00096349 of the bloody consequences of placing an armed force in a populous city, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00259-00096349-00096806 and of your deliverance from the dangers which then seemed to hang over your heads: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00260-00096806-00097287 and I am confident that you never will betray the least want of spirit +s8lDXYvMZGU-00261-00097287-00097574 when called upon to guard your freedom. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00262-00097574-00097877 None but they who set a just value +s8lDXYvMZGU-00263-00097877-00098278 upon the blessings of liberty are worthy to enjoy her; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00264-00098278-00098668 your illustrious fathers were her zealous votaries; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00265-00098668-00099072 when the blasting frowns of tyranny drove her from public view, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00266-00099072-00099312 they clasped her in their arms, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00267-00099312-00099642 they cherished her in their generous bosoms, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00268-00099642-00099939 they brought her safe over the rough ocean, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00269-00099939-00100326 and fixed her seat in this then dreary wilderness; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00270-00100326-00100787 they nursed her infant age with the most tender care; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00271-00100787-00101351 for her sake, they patiently bore the severest hardships; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00272-00101354-00101741 And as they left you this glorious legacy, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00273-00101741-00102235 they have undoubtedly transmitted to you some portion of their noble spirit, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00274-00102235-00102695 to inspire you with virtue to merit her, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00275-00102695-00102969 and courage to preserve her: +s8lDXYvMZGU-00276-00102969-00103363 you surely cannot, with such examples before our eyes, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00277-00103363-00103746 as every page of the history of this country affords, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00278-00103746-00104267 suffer your liberties to be ravished from you by lawless force, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00279-00104267-00104547 or cajoled away by flattery and fraud. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00280-00104547-00104971 The voice of your fathers’ blood cries to you from the ground; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00281-00104971-00105325 MY SONS SCORN TO BE SLAVES! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00282-00105325-00105588 Stain not the glory of your worthy ancestors; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00283-00105588-00105865 but like them resolve, never to part with your birthright; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00284-00105865-00106176 be wise in your deliberations, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00285-00106176-00106606 and determined in your exertions for the preservation of your liberties. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00286-00106606-00106853 Follow not the dictates of passion, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00287-00106853-00107190 but enlist yourselves under the sacred banner of reason; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00288-00107190-00107570 use every method in your power to secure your rights; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00289-00107570-00108184 at least prevent the curses of posterity from being heaped upon your memories. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00290-00108184-00108461 If you, with united zeal and fortitude, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00291-00108461-00108701 oppose the torrent of oppression; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00292-00108701-00109098 if you feel the true fire of patriotism burning in your breasts; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00293-00109098-00109355 if you, from your souls, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00294-00109355-00109699 despise the most gaudy dress that slavery can wear; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00295-00109699-00110093 if you really prefer the lonely cottage (whilst blest with liberty) +s8lDXYvMZGU-00296-00110093-00110517 to gilded palaces, surrounded with the ensigns of slavery, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00297-00110520-00110924 you may have the fullest assurance that tyranny, with her accursed train, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00298-00110924-00111327 will hide their hideous heads in confusion, shame and despair; +s8lDXYvMZGU-00299-00111327-00111878 if you perform your part, you must have the strongest confidence +s8lDXYvMZGU-00300-00111878-00112368 that THE SAME ALMIGHTY BEING who protected your pious and venerable forefathers, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00301-00112368-00112859 who enabled them to turn a barren wilderness into a fruitful field, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00302-00112862-00113353 who so often made bare his arms for their salvation, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00303-00113353-00113710 will still be mindful of you their offspring. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00304-00113710-00114230 May THIS ALMIGHTY BEING graciously preside in all our councils.– +s8lDXYvMZGU-00305-00114230-00114654 May he direct us to such measures as he himself shall approve, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00306-00114654-00114884 and be pleased to bless. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00307-00114884-00115165 May we ever be a people, favoured of GOD. +s8lDXYvMZGU-00308-00115165-00115425 May our land be a land of liberty, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00309-00115425-00115762 the seat of virtue, the asylum of the oppressed, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00310-00115762-00116025 a name and a praise in the whole earth, +s8lDXYvMZGU-00311-00116025-00116476 until the last shock of time shall bury the empires of the world +s8lDXYvMZGU-00312-00116476-00116853 in one common undistinguished ruin! +s8lDXYvMZGU-00313-00116853-00117036 [ silence ] +s8lDXYvMZGU-00314-00117036-00119162 [ music ] +s8lDXYvMZGU-00315-00119162-00119556 [ silence ] +ssap_vfVgtg-00000-00000054-00000484 ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY JUAN GARCIA DISCUSSED THE SHOOTING AT THE WASHINGTON NAVY +ssap_vfVgtg-00001-00000484-00000896 YARD AND THE COUNSELING RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. +ssap_vfVgtg-00002-00000896-00001187 "YESTERDAY WAS A HORRIFIC DAY. +ssap_vfVgtg-00003-00001187-00001778 A COWARDLY ACT THAT STRUCK AT THE HEART OF WHAT'S MOST PRECIOUS, IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL +ssap_vfVgtg-00004-00001778-00001973 TO OUR NAVY - OUR PEOPLE. +ssap_vfVgtg-00005-00001973-00002456 THE ENTIRE NAVY TEAM HAS PULLED TOGETHER TO PROVIDE AS MUCH SUPPORT AS POSSIBLE, BOTH +ssap_vfVgtg-00006-00002456-00002771 YESTERDAY, TODAY AND GOING FORWARD. +ssap_vfVgtg-00007-00002771-00003394 THOSE WHO FEEL THAT THEY WOULD BENEFIT FROM COUNSELING AND SUPPORT SERVICES SHOULD KNOW +ssap_vfVgtg-00008-00003394-00003971 THAT WE HAVE STOOD UP JOINT TASK FORCE FAMILY SUPPORT AT JBAB, JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING. +ssap_vfVgtg-00009-00003971-00004473 BUREAU OF NAVAL MEDICINE HAS BROUGHT IN SPRINT TEAMS THAT CONSIST OF PSYCHOLOGISTS, PSYCHIATRISTS, +ssap_vfVgtg-00010-00004473-00004976 CHAPLAINS, MEDICAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL TO HELP FOLKS THROUGH THIS PROCESS." +ssap_vfVgtg-00011-00004976-00005325 THE SHOCK FROM TRAUMATIC EVENTS MAY NOT SINK IN IMMEDIATELY. +ssap_vfVgtg-00012-00005325-00005660 SHORT AND LONG TERM COUNSELING SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE. +ssap_vfVgtg-00013-00005660-00006436 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE WARFIGHTER AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER (855) 677-1755. +ssap_vfVgtg-00014-00006436-00006745 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER BRANDIE WILLS. +sxDVg0MfMBM-00000-00000248-00000830 They're a blast come Independence Day for us but fireworks are frightening to many +sxDVg0MfMBM-00001-00000830-00001290 pets. Some ways you can take the stress out of your furry friends 4th of July +sxDVg0MfMBM-00002-00001290-00001604 celebrations coming up +sxDVg0MfMBM-00003-00001636-00002207 Are you prepared to protect your pets in case of a wildfire you need a plan even +sxDVg0MfMBM-00004-00002207-00002639 for the biggest of animals. Also coming up, triple digit temperatures and your +sxDVg0MfMBM-00005-00002639-00003128 pets. Health experts weigh-in with potential life-saving advice. It's a pet- +sxDVg0MfMBM-00006-00003128-00003575 a-palooza in this edition of Inside Look. +sxDVg0MfMBM-00007-00004010-00004494 Hello and welcome to another inside look I'm Shawn Boyd. If you like animals well +sxDVg0MfMBM-00008-00004494-00004976 this show is for you. triple digits are knocking on our door so it's about the +sxDVg0MfMBM-00009-00004976-00005321 right time to think about our furry members of the family and no I'm not +sxDVg0MfMBM-00010-00005321-00005723 talking about your uncle with the hairy back mm-hmm we're talking of course +sxDVg0MfMBM-00011-00005723-00006303 about your pets they have needs too. When they're exposed to summertime heat. Now +sxDVg0MfMBM-00012-00006303-00006809 we met up with the good people at the Sacramento SPCA for some advice we will +sxDVg0MfMBM-00013-00006809-00007284 take in about 13,500 animals this year homeless animals just here at the +sxDVg0MfMBM-00014-00007284-00007856 Sacramento SPCA alone we do adoptions we do dog training we have a free behavior +sxDVg0MfMBM-00015-00007856-00008442 helpline we run a series of summer camps which are going on right now a growing +sxDVg0MfMBM-00016-00008442-00008822 number of services for both humans and animals in the greater Sacramento region +sxDVg0MfMBM-00017-00008822-00009288 We're at the Sacramento SPCA on Florin Perkins Road in Sacramento. Things that +sxDVg0MfMBM-00018-00009288-00009666 people should be on the lookout for signs of heat exhaustion include if +sxDVg0MfMBM-00019-00009666-00010220 temperatures rise above say 103 that's a serious condition people should be on +sxDVg0MfMBM-00020-00010220-00010750 the lookout for animals with excessive panting, drooling, bright red gums, +sxDVg0MfMBM-00021-00010750-00011309 lethargy indicate that an animal could be experiencing heat stress. If you do +sxDVg0MfMBM-00022-00011309-00011736 suspect that your animal is experiencing heat stress we recommend that you cool +sxDVg0MfMBM-00023-00011736-00012506 that animal down not with ice-cold water but with cool water hose, a kiddy pool +sxDVg0MfMBM-00024-00012506-00012981 with some water in it. Immediately alert your veterinarian and get that animal in +sxDVg0MfMBM-00025-00012981-00013466 because even if the animal starts to show that they're feeling better there +sxDVg0MfMBM-00026-00013466-00013934 still could be lingering after-effects of that heat exhaustion. Five things that +sxDVg0MfMBM-00027-00013934-00014101 I think people should watch for in the summe,r +sxDVg0MfMBM-00028-00014101-00014688 first and foremost keep them out of the car, bring them in the house if they must +sxDVg0MfMBM-00029-00014688-00015316 be outside ,keep them cool, watch for fleas and ticks, watch for +sxDVg0MfMBM-00030-00015316-00015655 other people's animals, watch for those you know, watch for the animal in the +sxDVg0MfMBM-00031-00015655-00016116 parking lot keep an eagle eye out for animals that might be under underdress +sxDVg0MfMBM-00032-00016116-00016741 in a heated car and know the signs of heat stress. Know your animal well enough +sxDVg0MfMBM-00033-00016741-00017443 to know if they're showing symptoms of heat stress or heat exhaustion. Solid +sxDVg0MfMBM-00034-00017443-00017680 advice, now speaking of animals in hot weather +sxDVg0MfMBM-00035-00017680-00018103 Monica Vargas and Phoebe hanging out with us here in the Cal OES newsroom +sxDVg0MfMBM-00036-00018103-00018523 where it's nice and cool and all things are heating up outside, hey Phoebe hi +sxDVg0MfMBM-00037-00018523-00018952 Monica. Hey so yep it sure is warming up outside +sxDVg0MfMBM-00038-00018952-00019528 and Phoebe is loving being here in the air-conditioned Cal OES newsroom but +sxDVg0MfMBM-00039-00019528-00020047 have you ever wondered what animals do to stay cool once they are outside in +sxDVg0MfMBM-00040-00020047-00020548 the heat well we're about to tell you. Here are some fun facts in cool ways +sxDVg0MfMBM-00041-00020548-00021187 that animals keep cool. Dogs like Phoebe pant to cool down dissipating heat as +sxDVg0MfMBM-00042-00021187-00021811 water vapor, coyotes and foxes also use the same method, elephants like to cover +sxDVg0MfMBM-00043-00021811-00022249 themselves with dust or mud and tigers, they like to hang out and lie down in +sxDVg0MfMBM-00044-00022249-00022711 ponds and rivers Jackrabbits use their ginormous ears for temperature +sxDVg0MfMBM-00045-00022711-00023269 regulation and pigs well they like to roll in the mud and I can't say that I +sxDVg0MfMBM-00046-00023269-00023788 blame them. Hot weather is something that we have can anticipate with days notice +sxDVg0MfMBM-00047-00023788-00024181 but is your pet ready for something short notice like an emergency +sxDVg0MfMBM-00048-00024181-00024805 evacuation? Later on we'll give you tips on how you can prep your pet, Shawn? All +sxDVg0MfMBM-00049-00024805-00025339 right thanks Monica, Phoebe. All right so you've likely seen them in parking lots +sxDVg0MfMBM-00050-00025339-00025732 nearly everywhere you go lately firework stands there are a fourth of July +sxDVg0MfMBM-00051-00025732-00026137 tradition but it's one that can turn your Terrier into a terrified ball of +sxDVg0MfMBM-00052-00026137-00026569 fur if you don't take some steps to reduce their stress. Here's Jonathan +sxDVg0MfMBM-00053-00026569-00026917 Gudel. Have you bought your piccolo Petes? What about your family packs? +sxDVg0MfMBM-00054-00026917-00027331 Remember before you do that nearly 70% of firework related injuries occur +sxDVg0MfMBM-00055-00027331-00027693 within a month of the fourth of July +sxDVg0MfMBM-00056-00027710-00028125 it's easy to get lost in the beauty and pageantry of fireworks but they can also +sxDVg0MfMBM-00057-00028125-00028439 be dangerous to your health and a potential fire hazard to your property +sxDVg0MfMBM-00058-00028439-00028902 all legal fireworks must have the State Fire Marshal seal on it. If it goes up +sxDVg0MfMBM-00059-00028902-00029331 into the air or explodes it's clearly illegal. Nearly 700 people are injured by +sxDVg0MfMBM-00060-00029331-00029868 fireworks on the fourth of July alone and don't forget about your pets they +sxDVg0MfMBM-00061-00029868-00030189 need special care as well. The number one thing we encourage is make sure your pet +sxDVg0MfMBM-00062-00030189-00030539 is microchipped because if they do get out we can reunite you with them +sxDVg0MfMBM-00063-00030539-00031074 immediately. One of the biggest mistakes is not disposing the fireworks correctly. +sxDVg0MfMBM-00064-00031074-00031779 Never put hot fireworks in the garbage. Welcome to my little city or as I like to call +sxDVg0MfMBM-00065-00031779-00032333 it my Noah's Ark in the desert. Yeah we met that gentleman Mr. Dave Gross, the +sxDVg0MfMBM-00066-00032333-00032793 animals volunteer coordinator at San Bernardino County Fairgrounds animal +sxDVg0MfMBM-00067-00032793-00033273 shelter during the Blue Cut fire two years ago. Dave helped curb the crisis +sxDVg0MfMBM-00068-00033273-00033783 when a evacuees struggled to find shelters for their pets of all shapes and sizes. +sxDVg0MfMBM-00069-00033783-00034149 Now the shelter grew to house hundreds of animals in just a matter of two days +sxDVg0MfMBM-00070-00034149-00034563 luckily though they were able to accommodate them but many of the +sxDVg0MfMBM-00071-00034563-00035025 evacuees did not have a plan for their pets but I know one person who most +sxDVg0MfMBM-00072-00035025-00035445 likely does. Monica Vargas, she's back once again with more on this very +sxDVg0MfMBM-00073-00035445-00035985 important reminder, Monica? Yep we're back and you can bet that we sure do have our +sxDVg0MfMBM-00074-00035985-00036474 emergency plans and what about you are you ready for the next emergency and did +sxDVg0MfMBM-00075-00036474-00036900 you remember to prep your pet would you be ready to evacuate with your pets on a +sxDVg0MfMBM-00076-00036900-00037311 moment's notice? So let's not forget about our four-legged friends in those +sxDVg0MfMBM-00077-00037311-00037766 emergency plans. They're affected by disasters just like the rest of us. Here +sxDVg0MfMBM-00078-00037766-00038295 are some tips to get you started know your risks. Include your pet in your +sxDVg0MfMBM-00079-00038295-00038739 family emergency evacuation plan, have an emergency kit for your pet to +sxDVg0MfMBM-00080-00038739-00039303 include pet food water medications blankets and anything else they may need. +sxDVg0MfMBM-00081-00039303-00039951 Toys are a good thing to bring along too. Have an animal carrier and a leash, make +sxDVg0MfMBM-00082-00039951-00040404 sure your pet has tags with contact information be familiar with local +sxDVg0MfMBM-00083-00040404-00040935 shelters and if you have large animals such as horses preparing before a +sxDVg0MfMBM-00084-00040935-00041436 disaster is of most importance and it may require a little bit more planning. +sxDVg0MfMBM-00085-00041436-00042006 Start making those emergency plans today and to learn more about how to prep your +sxDVg0MfMBM-00086-00042006-00042459 pets whether they're big or small contact your local office of emergency +sxDVg0MfMBM-00087-00042459-00043032 services animal shelter or animal control office Shawn? All right thank you +sxDVg0MfMBM-00088-00043032-00043359 Monica, thank you Phoebe. Well that does it for us we hope you enjoyed this +sxDVg0MfMBM-00089-00043359-00043740 edition of Inside Look and we hoped you learned a little bit as well. For +sxDVg0MfMBM-00090-00043740-00044262 everyone here at Cal OES I'm Shaun Boyd thanks so much for watching. Visit our +sxDVg0MfMBM-00091-00044262-00044745 online newsroom at OES news.com to learn more about this program and get +sxDVg0MfMBM-00092-00044745-00045201 the latest news and information from our team. Don't miss our next video on your +sxDVg0MfMBM-00093-00045201-00045585 Facebook Timeline, like our page and you'll get the latest posts as they +sxDVg0MfMBM-00094-00045585-00045981 happen. If you're an Instagram user, you can see the latest snapshots by +sxDVg0MfMBM-00095-00045981-00046524 following our Cal OES Instagram account and Twitter users can get instant access +sxDVg0MfMBM-00096-00046524-00047057 to our tweets from across the state by following Cal OES +s-TZf9bxGTu-00000-00000178-00000434 Why does burning food turn black? +s-TZf9bxGTu-00001-00000434-00000972 When food gets hot for a long time the complex carbons in food react and break down enough +s-TZf9bxGTu-00002-00000972-00001249 to leave behind pure carbon, which is black. +s-TZf9bxGTu-00003-00001249-00001509 This will happen with pretty much any food. +s-TZf9bxGTu-00004-00001509-00002002 At lower temperatures, food will brown due to similar reactions. +s-TZf9bxGTu-00005-00002002-00002544 When this is done with sugar and proteins, such as the grilling of meat, it forms aroma +s-TZf9bxGTu-00006-00002544-00002924 and flavour compounds undergoing mallard reaction. +s-TZf9bxGTu-00007-00002924-00003854 If it is done with carbohydrates such as sugar, is called Caramelization. +sA3K8nqJWdA-00000-00000012-00000214 [Sean Kanan] what's up guys +sA3K8nqJWdA-00001-00000214-00000497 you wanted MikeBarnes back well guess what you got him +sA3K8nqJWdA-00002-00000497-00000866 now what if Dre Parker and Julie Pierce returnedto COBRA Kai? +sA3K8nqJWdA-00003-00000866-00001538 once again MacamTV aims to inspire everyone with a new realisticfan-made trailer for Cobra Kai +sA3K8nqJWdA-00004-00001538-00002102 subscribe to MacamTV for more and if you don't do it well guess what +sA3K8nqJWdA-00005-00002102-00002244 your karate is a joke +sA3K8nqJWdA-00006-00003847-00003947 [Music] +sA3K8nqJWdA-00007-00003947-00004069 [Johnny Lawrence] it's not easy +sA3K8nqJWdA-00008-00004069-00004163 [Daniel LaRusso] yeah +sA3K8nqJWdA-00009-00004163-00004365 [Johnny] thankfully we'regood buddies and friends and +sA3K8nqJWdA-00010-00004406-00004541 [Samantha LaRusso] say hi +sA3K8nqJWdA-00011-00004656-00004856 don't just stop talking I said say hi +sA3K8nqJWdA-00012-00004916-00005017 [Miguel Diaz] Hi +sA3K8nqJWdA-00013-00005078-00005178 [Music] +sA3K8nqJWdA-00014-00005642-00005770 [Johnny] we have a lot in common +sA3K8nqJWdA-00015-00006352-00006800 [News] breaking news Los Angeles Cobra Kai has a new owner +sA3K8nqJWdA-00016-00006800-00007092 and his name is Mike Barnes +sA3K8nqJWdA-00017-00007620-00008031 that's how we do it then we do it that's what karate is all about +sA3K8nqJWdA-00018-00008031-00008460 [Daniel] it's about avoiding getting hit and it's karatefor defense only and it wasn't about attack +sA3K8nqJWdA-00019-00009072-00009391 [Johnny] no baseball there's no Sports in the valley +sA3K8nqJWdA-00020-00009391-00009600 there's karate everywhere and pick a side +sA3K8nqJWdA-00021-00009666-00009768 [Julie Pearce] I can see that +sA3K8nqJWdA-00022-00010956-00011466 [Applause] [Music] +sA3K8nqJWdA-00023-00011466-00011516 [Music] +sA3K8nqJWdA-00024-00011608-00011752 [Samantha] Holy crap +sA3K8nqJWdA-00025-00013662-00014244 thanks for watching today's trailer made by MacamTV they are created +sA3K8nqJWdA-00026-00014244-00014760 to inspire fans writers actors and directors in hopes to increase its +sA3K8nqJWdA-00027-00014760-00015312 chance of coming true want more realistic fan-made trailers subscribe now and hit +sA3K8nqJWdA-00028-00015312-00015837 your notification Bell icon until next time never stop dreaming +sChZbQHqd-Y-00000-00000640-00001218 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels +sChZbQHqd-Y-00001-00001243-00002324 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war +sChZbQHqd-Y-00002-00002370-00002641 -What's your fullname? -Nikulenko Maxim Viktorovich +sChZbQHqd-Y-00003-00002685-00003089 -When were you born -First of September 1983 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00004-00003089-00003443 -Where are you from? -I was born in Donetsk +sChZbQHqd-Y-00005-00003463-00004000 -And you lived there? -No, when I was a kid, my father died in a car accident. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00006-00004000-00004886 It was a hard time and my family moved to Alchevsk. Our relatives lived there: our aunt, our sister +sChZbQHqd-Y-00007-00004903-00005640 -Do you have a family? -Officially, no. I live in a common-law marriage +sChZbQHqd-Y-00008-00005666-00006278 -Do you have children? -I have a son, he's six years old. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00009-00006370-00006798 When did you join the forces of the so-called DNR? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00010-00006857-00007581 On February 19, my boss called me and told me to go to the enlistment office to check in +sChZbQHqd-Y-00011-00007683-00008120 He didn't promise anything special. I just got my job back at the plant. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00012-00008147-00008755 The third or fourth of February. I thought it was some sort of an accounting formality +sChZbQHqd-Y-00013-00008755-00009175 Besides, it was Sunday. That's how I went... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00014-00009231-00009756 They didn't tell me anything about war or mobilization. They said it was just a drill. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00015-00009868-00010551 In addition, I was missing half my things: no duffel bag, helmet, or tent-coat. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00016-00010600-00010800 Like, they send me for three or four days. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00017-00010838-00011337 They took you right away, didn't they? You went to the enlistment office and... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00018-00011356-00011859 First I handed the girl at the front desk my passport and military ID +sChZbQHqd-Y-00019-00011880-00012642 She was surprised that I wasn't on the list. I asked what lists we were talking about. She said: let me check. And then she found my record card. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00020-00012719-00013131 She disappeared for a while, then came back and said, "It's okay, go up. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00021-00013183-00013849 I went upstairs, and there was already a whole corridor of people like me. They were changing into pixel uniforms. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00022-00014000-00014969 We had a live line... The girl had a list of positions +sChZbQHqd-Y-00023-00015103-00015482 I am naturally a private, a reservist rifleman +sChZbQHqd-Y-00024-00015515-00015935 There were openings. Rifleman, machine gunner, grenade launcher... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00025-00015968-00016367 I had an orderly instructor in front of me, I was just an orderly +sChZbQHqd-Y-00026-00016392-00016808 Although on my military card I have a specialty as a blacksmith. I've been in metallurgy all my life. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00027-00016855-00017304 That's how I became an orderly. Corpsman. Separate medical platoon, corpsman. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00028-00017360-00017905 I was told that it was just a formality for three or four days, for the drill +sChZbQHqd-Y-00029-00017932-00018302 How long was the drill? Three or four days? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00030-00018302-00018719 Well, we went to the range, on the night of the 24th we drove out +sChZbQHqd-Y-00031-00018818-00019242 And that's how we were up to 24, as medics +sChZbQHqd-Y-00032-00019283-00019549 -When were you taken prisoner? -May 31st +sChZbQHqd-Y-00033-00019623-00020031 -Where exactly? -Near Sievierodonetsk, near the village of Metiolkine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00034-00020118-00020509 Yes, there is such a village. And what tasks were set for you? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00035-00020580-00021420 We were on duty at positions in the woods. We dug our own trench with trench communication. And we were on duty at the positions +sChZbQHqd-Y-00036-00021473-00021801 I was as a medic, with a bag, with a stretcher +sChZbQHqd-Y-00037-00021840-00022040 How were you taken prisoner? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00038-00022108-00023236 We were moving to the positions left by the Ukrainians. And so we did. The company deputy commander was with me +sChZbQHqd-Y-00039-00023263-00023804 And there's another shooter. He took us to help him so he wouldn't have to walk through the woods alone +sChZbQHqd-Y-00040-00023900-00025000 He got a request on the radio to go out on the road. He took the two of us with him, and we went out on the road +sChZbQHqd-Y-00041-00025111-00025901 We were relaxed. And we were ambushed competently. A man with a PKM. It's a machine gun, 7.62 caliber. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00042-00025928-00026801 We found ourselves at gunpoint. That's it. Drop your weapons, put your hands on your head, get on your knees, get down on the ground +sChZbQHqd-Y-00043-00026861-00027951 We fell... We were told earlier that the place was clear, there were no enemies for a mile and a half. We can take positions +sChZbQHqd-Y-00044-00028000-00028312 That's how we got captured +sChZbQHqd-Y-00045-00028340-00028752 -What did you do before you went to war? -I worked in a factory +sChZbQHqd-Y-00046-00028791-00029066 -What was your job? -Iron castings chopper +sChZbQHqd-Y-00047-00029169-00029369 -I had a good paycheck. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00048-00029467-00030045 -How much? -Average, I called my wife, I get an average of 75,000 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00049-00030081-00030281 -Roubles? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00050-00030298-00030956 -How much were you promised when you went to war? - Private's salary - 76,800 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00051-00031017-00031312 -And more allowances? -No, this is the amount with combat pay +sChZbQHqd-Y-00052-00031312-00031961 -So you were getting the same money -Well, yeah. But at the risk of being killed +sChZbQHqd-Y-00053-00031961-00032307 -What were you doing before 2014? -Factory... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00054-00032307-00032641 -The same one? -I've been in metallurgy all my life. I graduated as a blacksmith +sChZbQHqd-Y-00055-00032641-00033156 and have been in metallurgy all my life. At the factory. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00056-00033156-00033356 And what was the salary then? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00057-00033480-00034038 Oh, I don't remember anymore. In hryvnias... Who wanted to make money - he made money +sChZbQHqd-Y-00058-00034244-00035000 Under Ukraine, I also earned good money. But I can't say specifically. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00059-00035000-00035595 75 thousand rubles now is almost 36 thousand hryvnias +sChZbQHqd-Y-00060-00035714-00035914 Were wages higher or lower under Ukraine? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00061-00036103-00036361 But the prices were different. No, lower. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00062-00036379-00036920 They recently raised wages at the plant. Alchevsk Metallurgical Complex +sChZbQHqd-Y-00063-00036920-00037707 There was an order... I just get a piecework wage. As much as I made, I got. I used to get up to 40,000 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00064-00037808-00038299 -This is half as much. That is about 20K in grivnas -Well, yeah. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00065-00038353-00038915 You don't remember how much you earned when these territories were under Ukrainian control +sChZbQHqd-Y-00066-00039045-00039582 It seems to be from 8 to 15K. In hryvnias +sChZbQHqd-Y-00067-00039766-00040070 Plus "hot seniority." I've worked on the hot seat. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00068-00040133-00040553 I find it hard to believe that you were making 8 to 15. The salaries were higher there. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00069-00040553-00041219 When I went to Donetsk in 2014, all the factory workers there had rather high salaries. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00070-00041251-00042091 It depends on the grade of the worker. Plus piece-rate pay. There are different sections +sChZbQHqd-Y-00071-00042113-00042313 What did your wife say when she found out you went to war? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00072-00042413-00042767 She was waiting for me to come home that day. She was in shock +sChZbQHqd-Y-00073-00042794-00043423 Oh, they took you right away. What about equipment of these so-called DNR troops? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00074-00043566-00044140 Zero equipment. Eight bulletproof vests were brought for 40 people +sChZbQHqd-Y-00075-00044140-00044760 Of these we collected three or four that had armor plates +sChZbQHqd-Y-00076-00044788-00045304 The trash was brought. I don't know if they were taken off someone or found somewhere +sChZbQHqd-Y-00077-00045546-00046000 -And the helmets? -Forty-one model helmets. These iron pots +sChZbQHqd-Y-00078-00046000-00046200 -From the Soviet Army -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00079-00046252-00047233 -Everything old, right? -Well, as a medic, I used to get medical bags. There were bandages from 1974 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00080-00047396-00047800 -And those red tourniquets, right? -Glass syringes with iron needles +sChZbQHqd-Y-00081-00047876-00048292 -Why were you made a medic? Do you know anything about it? -No +sChZbQHqd-Y-00082-00048292-00048745 -How come? -There was a waiting line. And she had a list. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00083-00048771-00049304 And it was like this: you're going to be a medic, and you're a commander... That's how commanders were appointed +sChZbQHqd-Y-00084-00049304-00049961 I had a regular electrician from the third coke plant as commander of the first company +sChZbQHqd-Y-00085-00050021-00050470 He didn't have a military specialty. He was just told he was going to be a commander +sChZbQHqd-Y-00086-00050505-00050980 -And what kind of commander is he? -I guess the same as electrician. Not at all +sChZbQHqd-Y-00087-00051037-00051595 A frightened man. He was already in his fifties. He was in shock. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00088-00051655-00052462 Did the troops of the so-called DNR interact with anyone? Russians or Wagner's mercenaries? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00089-00052462-00052882 Yes. Then it turned out that we were the third line of defense +sChZbQHqd-Y-00090-00052882-00053369 But mortar fire was regularly directed at us. A mortar is three to five kilometers +sChZbQHqd-Y-00091-00053393-00054067 -From the AFU side, right? -Well, yeah. I eventually started to get into those combat moments. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00092-00054151-00055079 A mortar shell flies three to five kilometers. And it was coming at us all the time. This is clearly not the third line of defense +sChZbQHqd-Y-00093-00055289-00056000 Let's go back to the origins of this whole story. It's 2014. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00094-00056079-00056287 Did you go to vote in the referendum? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00095-00056287-00056614 No, I don't participate in such events. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00096-00056614-00056814 -Why? -I don't see the point. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00097-00056814-00057513 -The so-called referendum, right? -There, everything is decided instead of us. Just like the election of all kinds of bosses, мэров +sChZbQHqd-Y-00098-00057538-00058246 -Have you ever voted in your life? You're from '83... -Yes, I'm turning 40 this year. Yes, I voted. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00099-00058303-00058906 -Who did you vote for in the presidential election? -For Poroshenko. Who was there in the last election... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00100-00058923-00059518 -Did you vote for Poroshenko? -Who was the last one we had? Or Yanukovych? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00101-00059594-00059860 -Before '14 it was Yanukovych -Here, I voted for Yanukovich. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00102-00059860-00060156 -What party? Regions? -Yes, for the Party of Regions +sChZbQHqd-Y-00103-00060156-00061000 -Why did you vote for them? -And it's some kind of herd instinct. Everyone votes for them, and so do I. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00104-00061104-00061229 They're kind of better +sChZbQHqd-Y-00105-00061229-00061774 Yanukovich ran first in 2004 and then in 2010. Did you vote for him both times? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00106-00061775-00061891 Right. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00107-00061915-00062472 -In Donbass they say: though a goat, it's ours. Is there such a thing? -It's the first time I've heard that. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00108-00062472-00062785 Всегда так говорили. Я с многими из Донбасса говорил +sChZbQHqd-Y-00109-00062802-00063459 What do you think about what happened in Donbass in 2014? What is your personal opinion? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00110-00063776-00064504 It didn't make sense. It could all be solved internally. This inner conflict +sChZbQHqd-Y-00111-00064531-00065068 -Internal is for Ukraine to decide for itself, right? -Of course. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00112-00065246-00065799 It was possible to give autonomy to the LNR and DNR, but for them to remain part of Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00113-00065799-00066373 It was possible to somehow coordinate so that the coal would remain in Ukraine, and the export routes... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00114-00066374-00066752 It could have been coordinated, all of it done +sChZbQHqd-Y-00115-00066856-00067455 What was wrong with it? Can you explain what the Donbass didn't like about 2014? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00116-00067455-00067738 I can't speak for all of Donbass +sChZbQHqd-Y-00117-00067738-00067963 Okay. Your personal opinion +sChZbQHqd-Y-00118-00068277-00068822 No, I can't answer that question. So globally: what didn't the Donbass like +sChZbQHqd-Y-00119-00068876-00069629 I was fine with everything. Whoever wanted to earn, both under Ukraine and under Russia, earned +sChZbQHqd-Y-00120-00069724-00070311 There was enough money for bread, cigarettes, vodka, and gasoline. I'm speaking figuratively. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00121-00070360-00070797 We used to live normally. Both under Ukraine and now in the LNR +sChZbQHqd-Y-00122-00070837-00071037 Who wants to make money - he lives +sChZbQHqd-Y-00123-00071074-00071395 -What are your passports? -I have three +sChZbQHqd-Y-00124-00071395-00071749 -Three passports? -Ukrainian, Russian and from the LNR +sChZbQHqd-Y-00125-00071806-00072201 -Why did you keep Ukrainian? -It's a document. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00126-00072342-00073116 Okay. From the LNR is the second document. And you also took a Russian one. And why? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00127-00073217-00073608 It's herd mentality all over again. Everybody got it, and I got it. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00128-00073648-00074364 Who do you feel you are? Are you Ukrainian or Russian? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00129-00074404-00074675 Well, all my life... I'm Russian I guess... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00130-00074675-00075262 -Russian, right? -Well, the LNR and DNR are considered Russian-speaking... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00131-00075291-00076123 Even now I watch Ukrainian TV, everything makes sense to me. Russians watching our TV - they don't understand half of it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00132-00076152-00077151 And I'm used to it. I understand the Ukrainian language, and I can speak it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00133-00077196-00077745 -But you say you feel Russian? -What does the term Russian mean? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00134-00077772-00078284 That's what I'm asking. You say you feel Russian. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00135-00078304-00078567 Maybe the Russian-speaking +sChZbQHqd-Y-00136-00078567-00079083 Look. Speaking Russian and feeling like a Russian are two different things +sChZbQHqd-Y-00137-00079107-00079548 I speak Russian now. But I feel like a Ukrainian. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00138-00079585-00080259 My native language is Ukrainian. I know a few other languages, but it doesn't change my essence +sChZbQHqd-Y-00139-00080315-00080906 I feel like a Ukrainian. Mentally, culturally, historically - I am Ukrainian. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00140-00080956-00081439 I understand this clearly. That's why I'm asking you - who do you feel you are? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00141-00081702-00081902 Probably Russian +sChZbQHqd-Y-00142-00081933-00082133 Why is that? Just explain. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00143-00082329-00082961 Probably because of the language. For me, it's kind of the main thing. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00144-00082962-00083594 So you define yourself by your language. And culturally, what is closer to you? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00145-00083754-00084020 -By culture. -I don't see the difference. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00146-00084021-00084354 -Between what? -Between Russia and Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00147-00084354-00084774 We were friends together, everything was the same. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00148-00084807-00085256 All holidays, February 23 and March 8... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00149-00085448-00086359 Both New Year's Eve and Christmas. In Ukraine you recently switched to December 25 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00150-00086359-00086958 -Christmas -Yes, only recently. But everything was the same. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00151-00087000-00087482 Carols, sowing, this kutya was worn... This culture +sChZbQHqd-Y-00152-00087649-00088285 It's the same here in Donbass. To have a man come into the house first in the morning +sChZbQHqd-Y-00153-00088463-00088663 Maybe it's different for you, I don't know. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00154-00088663-00089030 -Where, in western Ukraine? -Yes, these rituals. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00155-00089030-00089567 For example, we don't celebrate February 23 for a long time. A long time, I don't even remember. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00156-00089605-00089963 I don't think that was in my childhood anymore +sChZbQHqd-Y-00157-00089963-00090300 Didn't you celebrate Fatherland Defender's Day? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00158-00090300-00091211 -We have a holiday on October 14. Defender of Ukraine Day -Oh, Defender of Ukraine Day +sChZbQHqd-Y-00159-00091276-00091904 Because Fatherland Defender's Day is a Soviet holiday. Look, March 8 is also celebrated in the West +sChZbQHqd-Y-00160-00091937-00092644 I studied in Italy, they have it there, too. It's not such a big holiday there, but the Italians celebrate +sChZbQHqd-Y-00161-00092645-00092899 -It's International Women's Day -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00162-00092899-00093286 With other holidays, they just have a different ritual. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00163-00093286-00094193 But I'm not even talking about rituals and holidays. But purely mentally - I understand that you feel like a Russian. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00164-00094193-00094393 Right. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00165-00094579-00095432 Without Russian support - everything that happened in 2014 - was it real to do in Donbass or not? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00166-00095544-00096758 You should have communicated. I think it's real. You should have talked. You should have found someone with a better tongue. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00167-00096758-00097404 -Who was supposed to communicate? -Leaders, our higher ups +sChZbQHqd-Y-00168-00097404-00098000 -Who? -I can't say specifics +sChZbQHqd-Y-00169-00098108-00098811 Senior management of the republics, of L/DPR, like new and young republics +sChZbQHqd-Y-00170-00098969-00100000 Initially you should've figured out why it all happened, what's it for and is it worth doing, then find compromises +sChZbQHqd-Y-00171-00100152-00100767 -But those republics aren't recognized by the global community. How could you talk to them? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00172-00100934-00101732 And why did the Russian side always take part in the negotiations, if they're not involved in it? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00173-00101953-00102319 -Then that means the situation had some weight to it, if Russian side took part in it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00174-00102494-00103484 -Ok. Year 2022. Why did the full-scale invasion begin and you joined the Russians? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00175-00103596-00104000 What was the problem? -I joined fraudulently +sChZbQHqd-Y-00176-00104104-00104786 I mean what kind of a soldier am I, if I held a gun for the first time? At least they could've driven me to the polygon to shoot a few times +sChZbQHqd-Y-00177-00104786-00105497 -You understand that it all doesn't matter now? You have the status of a prisoner of war, de jure and de facto +sChZbQHqd-Y-00178-00105576-00105922 -Now I do -Whoever tricked you is in the past now +sChZbQHqd-Y-00179-00106037-00106141 -I understood that already +sChZbQHqd-Y-00180-00106237-00107206 -You say that you have been deceived, but at the same time you say that these people should speak in the name of some "Donbas", LPR or DPR +sChZbQHqd-Y-00181-00107302-00107972 Something doesn't match up here. They deceived you, but were supposed to talk with Ukrainian and other authorities, right? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00182-00108135-00108236 Where's the logic? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00183-00108344-00109479 -I mean these army moments, that when they drafted people, they should've given them training. As a medic, I saw that half were epileptics and had heart problems +sChZbQHqd-Y-00184-00109508-00109740 There was no medical checkup or training +sChZbQHqd-Y-00185-00109773-00110567 -So explain to me now. You were ready to fight, but you didn't like the fact that you weren't trained, because you said that there should've been some training +sChZbQHqd-Y-00186-00110567-00110822 -I wasn't ready to fight +sChZbQHqd-Y-00187-00110968-00112316 -That's why I'm asking. In 2022, you said that L/DPR could've realized all that by themselves, yes? All what happened +sChZbQHqd-Y-00188-00112316-00112382 -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00189-00112382-00112782 -Without Russia's support -I think they could, yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00190-00112811-00113348 -Then if Russia wasn't present there, why did she attack Ukraine? What's the gimmick? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00191-00113435-00114284 If there's an internal conflict as you imagine -Then that means that Russia needs that territory +sChZbQHqd-Y-00192-00114400-00115485 -Wait. In 2014, did L/DPR act as separate subjects, or subjects under Russia's control? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00193-00115643-00116201 -I think as separate subjects -When did Russia need L/DPR? And why? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00194-00116234-00116538 If it's separate subjects like you think? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00195-00116833-00117087 -I didn't understand wording of the question +sChZbQHqd-Y-00196-00117087-00117940 -You say that since 2014 L/DPR acted as separate subjects, completely -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00197-00117940-00118634 -Without Russia's support. Then why did Russia interfere into this movement in 2022? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00198-00118896-00119749 -Because Russian passports began to be given out and majority of people were Russians. Turns out like that? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00199-00119749-00119866 -Question again +sChZbQHqd-Y-00200-00120020-00120415 L/DPR are separate subjects -Why did Russia interfere? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00201-00120490-00120831 -You said Russia didn't interfere since 2014 -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00202-00120872-00121275 -Then why did they start giving away passports if Russia wasn't there since 2014? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00203-00121458-00121658 Is the question clear? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00204-00121748-00122047 So it's the decision of people -What people? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00205-00122092-00122450 -People of L/DPR -What decision? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00206-00122500-00122625 -To become Russians +sChZbQHqd-Y-00207-00122672-00122872 -Question again +sChZbQHqd-Y-00208-00123021-00124406 This is logic. L/DPR are completely separate governments, in your view, who were deciding their own fate without anyone else +sChZbQHqd-Y-00209-00124631-00124968 -I understood +sChZbQHqd-Y-00210-00125059-00125862 -It's like Ukraine that became independent, sovereign for almost 30 years +sChZbQHqd-Y-00211-00125899-00126357 No one gives away passports here, because it's violation of law +sChZbQHqd-Y-00212-00126474-00127393 Why did Russia start giving away passports back then and invaded Ukraine on a full-scale level in 2022? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00213-00127444-00127594 Is the question clear? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00214-00127893-00128205 -I don't know, I can't answer why Russia invaded +sChZbQHqd-Y-00215-00128613-00129607 -If Russia wasn't involved since 2014, then why did you go to fight? Why weren't there gathered as many people from Kherson? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00216-00129636-00129878 Russia wasn't there since 2014, right? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00217-00129944-00130523 -Kharkiv region was also partly occupied, right? But nobody there joined Russia -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00218-00130618-00130818 -Do you understand the question? -I do, yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00219-00130943-00131201 -Is it a good question? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00220-00131248-00131360 -I'm waiting for an answer +sChZbQHqd-Y-00221-00131626-00131851 -About why I went to fight? -No +sChZbQHqd-Y-00222-00132000-00132848 Explain to me, if there was no Russia there in 2014, why did she invade Ukraine in 2022? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00223-00133077-00133593 -I think because the time had come, they just decided to invade +sChZbQHqd-Y-00224-00133643-00133843 -Why? -I don't know +sChZbQHqd-Y-00225-00133868-00134020 -Why did you go to fight? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00226-00134286-00134686 -I initially went to training, then I found out that... -That's all nonsense +sChZbQHqd-Y-00227-00134711-00135102 De facto and de jure you're a prisoner of war -I agree +sChZbQHqd-Y-00228-00135144-00135344 -It's all nonsense what you thought and so on +sChZbQHqd-Y-00229-00135427-00136089 -I was told to grab a rifle, I did, I was told to go there, I did. Especially as a medic +sChZbQHqd-Y-00230-00136151-00136567 If there was real shelling, if there were real injuries, what would have I done? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00231-00136567-00137241 -First of all, crossing the border with a weapon is already a crime -I didn't cross the border anywhere +sChZbQHqd-Y-00232-00137241-00137462 -What do you mean? -Where did I cross it? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00233-00137728-00138024 How could I cross the border in Luhansk region? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00234-00138173-00138756 -That is well said. So you admit that Donetsk and Luhansk regions are Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00235-00138793-00138993 It's Ukraine, right? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00236-00139016-00139253 -Is Donetsk Ukraine? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00237-00139307-00139736 City of Severodonetsk is Luhansk region -Hold on +sChZbQHqd-Y-00238-00139802-00140002 Luhansk is Ukraine, right? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00239-00140227-00140502 Donetsk is Ukraine? Right? -Right +sChZbQHqd-Y-00240-00140502-00141192 -It's not LPR or DPR. Crimea is Ukraine -It is Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00241-00141354-00141870 -Severodonetsk... -Luhansk region +sChZbQHqd-Y-00242-00142399-00143800 Before 25th of June, Severodonetsk was under Ukrane's control. It wasn't under control of some L/DPR. And on 25th of June the city was fully under Russia's control +sChZbQHqd-Y-00243-00143917-00144175 25th of June, 2022 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00244-00144237-00145261 Ok, let's not call border of what was under control and not, it was a line of delimitations +sChZbQHqd-Y-00245-00145360-00145852 You entered Ukrainian territory that was under Ukrainian government's control - Severodonetsk +sChZbQHqd-Y-00246-00146321-00146758 -I was captured in a forest near Severodonetsk -What does that have to do with anything? It's all nuances +sChZbQHqd-Y-00247-00146758-00147341 -I heard. Yes. I was given 13 years with confiscation, I acknowledge that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00248-00147399-00147786 -In Ukraine? -Yes. I had a trial in January +sChZbQHqd-Y-00249-00147786-00148045 -So you understand why? -Of course, I acknowledge all of it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00250-00148128-00148698 I was sentenced before, I acknowledge all of it. Because I was jailed under 3 articles +sChZbQHqd-Y-00251-00148698-00149293 By absorbing more and less I was given 13 years with confiscation of property. I acknowledge it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00252-00149293-00149597 I committed a crime and for that I was given a punishment +sChZbQHqd-Y-00253-00149676-00149876 I understand, yes -For what? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00254-00149908-00150727 -For betrayal of my homeland, for crossing the border with a weapon and for betrayal of the country +sChZbQHqd-Y-00255-00150831-00151247 Right? That's how I understand it -I'm asking you that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00256-00151247-00151331 -I answered +sChZbQHqd-Y-00257-00151331-00151531 -So do you understand what you were given 13 years for? -Of course +sChZbQHqd-Y-00258-00151672-00152446 -Is it deserved? -Yes, according to the codex of Ukrainian +sChZbQHqd-Y-00259-00152564-00152976 -Returning back to the question, from the start +sChZbQHqd-Y-00260-00152976-00154000 Was there Russian support in 2014? You can say no again. I'm not trying to convince you +sChZbQHqd-Y-00261-00154000-00154299 -In 2014 there was people's militia, there was no Russian support +sChZbQHqd-Y-00262-00154441-00155032 -That's when miners protested -Miners, factory workers, laborers, yes, and then there was people's militia +sChZbQHqd-Y-00263-00155032-00155764 -What did it want? -Referendum and separation of republics from Ukraine and autonomy +sChZbQHqd-Y-00264-00155764-00156059 -Why? -People wanted that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00265-00156200-00156400 -Autonomy and separation are different things +sChZbQHqd-Y-00266-00156649-00157348 -I confused myself here. They wanted independence from Ukraine. They had enough +sChZbQHqd-Y-00267-00157431-00157972 -Enough of what? -They wanted L/DPR to exist separately +sChZbQHqd-Y-00268-00158351-00158551 Metallurgy, coal industry +sChZbQHqd-Y-00269-00158713-00159329 They could remain as part of Ukraine, but... -That's called autonomy, not independence +sChZbQHqd-Y-00270-00159329-00159529 -Could it be made autonomous? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00271-00159529-00160260 -Ok, explain to me why not the entire region wanted this, but only some parts. Let's just pretend it was like that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00272-00160334-00160963 -Maybe somewhere there was informational influence. Maybe they processed people +sChZbQHqd-Y-00273-00161164-00161925 -Processed people where? Those who wanted autonomy or "independence"? Or processed where Ukrainians were? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00274-00162000-00162287 -Those who wanted autonomy -Processed, right? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00275-00162287-00162700 -Yes -By whom? After all, you see that as a possibility. Processed by whom? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00276-00162866-00163299 -I don't know. Via rumors or masses, I don't know -From whose side? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00277-00163299-00163611 -From Russian Federation -From Russia's side +sChZbQHqd-Y-00278-00163682-00164655 So we conclude that one way or another Russia interfered in 2014. I'm not leading you on to anything. We came to such conclusion with logic +sChZbQHqd-Y-00279-00164680-00165142 So Russia was interested in the movement, right? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00280-00165268-00165535 -Why do I not hear arguments from you about bombing of Donbas? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00281-00165772-00166641 Most who are from L/DPR say that Russia invaded on February 24th of 2022, because they got tired of Donbas being bombed +sChZbQHqd-Y-00282-00166783-00166983 -There were strikes in Alchevsk and Luhansk +sChZbQHqd-Y-00283-00167054-00167828 I was without light for a long time and my acquaintance's houses were destroyed. What's the point in discussing that? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00284-00167902-00168298 -Who was guilty for it? -Those who bombed +sChZbQHqd-Y-00285-00168316-00169420 -Who bombed? -We couldn't bomb ourselves, so it was the Ukrainian side +sChZbQHqd-Y-00286-00169486-00170028 There was aviation and... -When did they bomb? Which years? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00287-00170028-00170311 -At the very start +sChZbQHqd-Y-00288-00170311-00171384 -We talk about 2022. I mean ok, 2014, it all began with Russia's support and AFU were defending their territories. I explain everything to you logically +sChZbQHqd-Y-00289-00171496-00172403 -My mom lives in Novolgradsk residential sector, where there are only 9-story buildings and a church. One shell hit a church, which didn't explode by a miracle +sChZbQHqd-Y-00290-00172474-00173223 and the second hit a residential building, a yard. Windows were shattered and I think a woman was injured +sChZbQHqd-Y-00291-00173327-00173572 There were no soldiers at that time +sChZbQHqd-Y-00292-00173772-00174600 I sometimes got to see the craters in the city. Where it flew from? I don't know, I'm not a military expert +sChZbQHqd-Y-00293-00174629-00175000 -Again. Is it territory of Ukraine? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00294-00175036-00175772 -Ukraine, seeing that such movement began with Russia's support, was she supposed to defend her lands? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00295-00175772-00175860 -Of course +sChZbQHqd-Y-00296-00175924-00176194 -Did she do the right thing by defending? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00297-00176252-00176942 -Ok... -But the shelling of Alchevsk were from where? From whose jets? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00298-00177104-00177562 -What do you mean from whose jets? -I mean that people's militia had no aviation at the time +sChZbQHqd-Y-00299-00177762-00178539 Those who stood up, they physically couldn't have it -Ok, list me what the so-called people's militia had from weapons +sChZbQHqd-Y-00300-00178697-00179550 -Rifles, anti-aircraft guns, there was ground equipment. I talked about bombing of the city via aviation +sChZbQHqd-Y-00301-00179621-00180178 You said that Ukraine defended civilian population, but there was shelling of the city centre with aviation +sChZbQHqd-Y-00302-00180457-00181376 I have a question, I'll say it again. Recalculate for me... I see that you're a weapons expert +sChZbQHqd-Y-00303-00181428-00181832 List what the so-called people's militia was armed with +sChZbQHqd-Y-00304-00182073-00182357 There were only small arms. I am not an expert on weapons +sChZbQHqd-Y-00305-00182357-00182607 So you're not an expert. Shall I tell you what happened? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00306-00182660-00183338 Look. Here was the border between Russia and Ukraine. Do you know where the f**k the Grads were hitting from? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00307-00183424-00183674 -From where? -From Russia. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00308-00183725-00184361 Near the border. This is proven by satellite images. There were "Grads" near the border on Russian territory +sChZbQHqd-Y-00309-00184465-00185193 And from there they were shooting at Zelenopillya, you know that settlement? That's Donbass. That's where they fired from. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00310-00185304-00185591 And you say that Russia was not involved +sChZbQHqd-Y-00311-00185779-00186145 -It's a fact -Now it's popping up that it was involved +sChZbQHqd-Y-00312-00186285-00187046 -Well, as a resident of Alchevsk, it's the center... -I'm just saying: if you're getting shot at... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00313-00187082-00187489 -Is Ukraine an independent country? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00314-00187548-00187918 -Wasn't it supposed to answer? -Certainly. For their territory +sChZbQHqd-Y-00315-00188000-00188532 -Right. The separatists, whom you call the people's militia -That's us... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00316-00188640-00189472 -But you say you haven't been... You didn't go to the referendum -But they call us all separatists +sChZbQHqd-Y-00317-00189472-00189672 But is this separatism? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00318-00189821-00190412 -De jure and de facto, what was happening in Donbass is separatism? -How do de jure and de facto translate? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00319-00190448-00190793 -Separatism? -No, I can't say. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00320-00190818-00191376 -Separare in Italian means to separate -Yeah. I don't know Italian +sChZbQHqd-Y-00321-00191396-00191596 Okay, let's see... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00322-00192235-00192543 -Translation of the word? -Yes, if you want to know +sChZbQHqd-Y-00323-00192610-00193259 Separatism: from the Latin separatus, separate. Yes, they are similar languages. So you wanted to separate +sChZbQHqd-Y-00324-00193331-00193473 Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00325-00193696-00194133 -But Ukraine had to defend its territories, right? -It had to, of course +sChZbQHqd-Y-00326-00194230-00194834 That's it. That makes sense. And now, if Russia intervened in '14... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00327-00195070-00195415 -Why didn't Russia take you in? -At once, right? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00328-00195415-00195796 -Yes, that's the question -I don't know, I can't answer that. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00329-00195796-00196557 -Then why attack in 2022? -Russia decided to take it, I guess. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00330-00196687-00197269 -What? -I don't know. Territories, lands... LNR and DNR +sChZbQHqd-Y-00331-00197322-00198188 -Invasion of Kyiv? -That's what shocks me. Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, all these cities... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00332-00198241-00198953 -Odesa. Russia wanted to take everything. -According to the fact that they threw there reservists, mobilized +sChZbQHqd-Y-00333-00199073-00199793 How long I've been a prisoner here, they all have the same story. They were abandoned +sChZbQHqd-Y-00334-00199860-00200850 They were left to cover the retreat - mobilized guys who still don't understand what was going on. 50 to 100 men +sChZbQHqd-Y-00335-00200906-00201476 With these weapons. He's still wet behind the ears, and they were left alone +sChZbQHqd-Y-00336-00201508-00202000 That is, the Russian troops retreated, and these half of them were shot and half were taken prisoner. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00337-00202074-00202685 The same stories of being captured everywhere +sChZbQHqd-Y-00338-00202759-00203620 "We were told: stay here, we'll be back soon." That's it, to put it crudely. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00339-00203620-00204360 -Do you know the statistics on deaths from '14 to '22? -No, how would I know it? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00340-00204361-00204939 The conflict had already subsided. Everyone says "bombed Donbass" and so on. But the conflict had subsided +sChZbQHqd-Y-00341-00204939-00205825 -Yes, it was quieting down... -Do you know how many deaths there were in 2020 and 2021? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00342-00205845-00206632 Among the civilian population. In '20 I think there were 15 deaths, in '21 there were seven. Almost nothing. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00343-00206734-00207121 -And probably some woodsman went into the woods and ran into a mine -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00344-00207144-00207768 -Then explain why all this action in 2022? -They have cleaned the population well. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00345-00207835-00208310 -Which one? -And the LNR and DNR, and mobilized from Russia +sChZbQHqd-Y-00346-00208310-00208510 -Who? -Apparently the Russian Federation +sChZbQHqd-Y-00347-00208622-00208822 Do you see what kind of contingent they're recruiting? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00348-00208868-00209188 -Oh, I can see that. -And so do I. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00349-00209274-00209753 Homeless, one-legged, one-armed, some students who shit under themselves +sChZbQHqd-Y-00350-00209848-00210406 How they were entrusted with weapons? But they are the first to be pulled out of captivity +sChZbQHqd-Y-00351-00210436-00211243 These convicts, I'm afraid to be in the same room with them. Some have double murder, some have triple murder. They've been released from prison +sChZbQHqd-Y-00352-00211282-00211561 They gave them weapons and said, "Go fight. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00353-00211683-00212078 -Where are you afraid, here or there? -Here. I'm afraid to be in the same room with them +sChZbQHqd-Y-00354-00212217-00213000 I just heard the story yesterday. I thought it was a harmless convict, but he was doing time for a double homicide +sChZbQHqd-Y-00355-00213031-00213563 -Yes, there are. -I refuse to give him a cigarette now, he'll stab me in the night. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00356-00213627-00214039 I don't know what he was doing all that time in prison, who he was +sChZbQHqd-Y-00357-00214171-00214487 This is not a prison. This is a POW camp. It's a different concept. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00358-00214607-00215128 It's like the army here. And most of the cons don't know where they're are yet. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00359-00215286-00215773 -They want to make their own rules here? -They still think they went from prison to prison +sChZbQHqd-Y-00360-00215862-00216432 They spent very little time in the war. They live by the prison code, speak prison slang +sChZbQHqd-Y-00361-00216709-00217462 Something doesn't suit them... The contingent is terrible. It turns out that there is no one to join the army in Russia. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00362-00217571-00218064 So do the guys from my town who got here. They say the town is empty. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00363-00218182-00218927 Everyone went to the front. As sad as it sounds, all the healthy men were taken to the war. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00364-00218927-00219202 And who is to blame for the fact that you are now in captivity with the convicts? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00365-00219427-00219856 Whoever called me to this war without my consent +sChZbQHqd-Y-00366-00219856-00220629 -Who's that? -Well, first of all, it's Pasechnik, who announced a general mobilization +sChZbQHqd-Y-00367-00220730-00221130 -He is primarily to blame. And who is the second to blame? -Apparently, the Russian Federation +sChZbQHqd-Y-00368-00221259-00221908 It wanted the whole operation... What do you call it? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00369-00221908-00222483 -They call it a special military operation. And for you, is this a war or an operation? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00370-00222483-00222708 It's a full-scale war! +sChZbQHqd-Y-00371-00222845-00223706 Maybe for someone who sits in an office this is an operation. And if you live in a dugout at 17 degrees of frost under shelling, it's war. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00372-00223821-00224540 And the person is completely untrained. And how to act in such a situation without any equipment at all? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00373-00224751-00224951 -Do you want to fgo for the exchange? -Of course. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00374-00225156-00225440 -Do you want to go back to Alchevsk? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00375-00225440-00225640 -You're not afraid to come back? -No +sChZbQHqd-Y-00376-00225648-00226555 -Why? What if they take you back into the army? -Let me be tried as a deserter. I'd rather be in jail, but on my own land. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00377-00226738-00227171 My answer is this. I don't want to go to war. I'm not in the military. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00378-00227171-00227812 I've never served in the army, I've never been to military training camps that were held in our republic. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00379-00227919-00228788 I got the machine gun in the 20th of February, and since then I've only cleaned it. Never fired a shot. I gave it the new +sChZbQHqd-Y-00380-00228816-00229261 It went to the National Guard of Ukraine, which took me prisoner +sChZbQHqd-Y-00381-00229576-00229826 They put me on my knee, tied me up with duct tape, and that was it. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00382-00229971-00230429 There is another option. To serve your sentence in Ukraine and stay here. Don't you want to? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00383-00230546-00230983 -13 years? -What if they give you 20 years for desertion? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00384-00231115-00232064 I grew up without a father, I was raised by my mother. I know what it is. I have a son, I have the continuation of my family. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00385-00232275-00232882 Mark Maksimovich Nedzelsky. I think with a name like that, he'll make it in the world. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00386-00232947-00233671 And the fact that he's going to grow up without a father... I think my wife can explain it to him. I don't know... I'm not going to... I'm 40 years old. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00387-00233788-00234258 I'm not going to serve that long. Thirteen years. No way. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00388-00234442-00235265 When I was taken prisoner I sometimes thought: It would have been better if I had been shot in the woods. I would have been mourned long ago. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00389-00235390-00235802 Now, considering how long I've been a prisoner, I'm already wondering if I'm going to hang myself. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00390-00235982-00236673 Why am I not needed? If there is a war, then please go and fight. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00391-00236730-00237395 And when it came to pulling me out of captivity, they don't. For some reason they pull out those who are not needed, or those who will be thrown back into the war. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00392-00237396-00238061 Wagner's mercenaries are pulled out, or mobilized, or some other criteria. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00393-00238119-00238777 But this is the tenth or eleventh batch of prisoners I'm escorting out of here. I came to this tabor on July 30th +sChZbQHqd-Y-00394-00238968-00239363 And now there will be people again, whom I will see off with a wave of my hand. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00395-00239441-00239937 Listen... Here's the real question +sChZbQHqd-Y-00396-00240000-00240532 -Maybe Russia doesn't give a f**k about LNR and DNR? -I can see that, yes. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00397-00240607-00241153 You all say you feel like Russians, but you're not f**g needed there. You're just cannon fodder. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00398-00241295-00242052 And I paid attention to this when I was taken prisoner. The details of being captured and how it happens +sChZbQHqd-Y-00399-00242163-00242737 People are being thrown straight into hell. There were people who were drafted in December +sChZbQHqd-Y-00400-00242851-00243671 He was taken prisoner on January 19, I talked to him in early February when I was on the phone +sChZbQHqd-Y-00401-00243672-00244021 We occasionally call home from here - IP telephony +sChZbQHqd-Y-00402-00244080-00244675 He was already crying and telling how bad he felt here. I think he was from Wagner. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00403-00244826-00245071 And so during the last exchange he went home from quarantine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00404-00245251-00245713 He went home without being properly captured +sChZbQHqd-Y-00405-00245869-00246406 Maybe all those cries of "Russia, Russia!" that you've had are all nonsense, and no one needs you? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00406-00246470-00247211 -And Ukraine was ready to fight for its territories. -I've already seen it here. How Russia needs us +sChZbQHqd-Y-00407-00247517-00248532 Just like the Russians... But there are very few of them. Just like Galkin Sergey. All of his guys are gone. And he is still a prisoner of war +sChZbQHqd-Y-00408-00248871-00249341 -How to end the war? -Go out to negotiate! +sChZbQHqd-Y-00409-00249514-00250176 Declare some kind of truce and go out to negotiate. Decide something. So many people have been killed +sChZbQHqd-Y-00410-00250346-00251245 All these deaths, all this destruction... It's scary. It's scary for the relatives +sChZbQHqd-Y-00411-00251512-00251712 This is the 21st century. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00412-00251852-00252388 Should Alchevsk be returned to Ukraine, or remain in some LNR or Russia? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00413-00252548-00252848 Oh, I don't know how to answer that question +sChZbQHqd-Y-00414-00253000-00253200 What do you think? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00415-00253695-00253895 It can come back to Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00416-00254113-00254642 -Do you say that because you are a prisoner of war and talking to a Ukrainian journalist, or do you really think so? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00417-00254642-00255196 I say that I lived normally both under Ukraine and under Russia, oops, LNR +sChZbQHqd-Y-00418-00255196-00255533 -Okay. Does the flag matter to you? -Absolutely not! +sChZbQHqd-Y-00419-00255533-00256000 -No? -I'm an ordinary factory worker. I have a job and a home +sChZbQHqd-Y-00420-00256057-00256702 Give me an opportunity to earn money and support my family. That's it. Who will be in power there, what will be the flag +sChZbQHqd-Y-00421-00256777-00257135 What license plates I have on my car - I don't care! +sChZbQHqd-Y-00422-00257225-00258024 I did my part, I had a child. I pay my utility bills and taxes on time. I earn, and I live. That's it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00423-00258163-00258708 I have an ordinary gray life. I don't aspire to anything, I don't get involved in politics +sChZbQHqd-Y-00424-00258801-00259155 I don't even watch TV at home. I have a heavy technical job. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00425-00259234-00259756 I'm thinking about how to work 10 years in a hot shop and what to do in retirement +sChZbQHqd-Y-00426-00259821-00260021 I'm a regular employee. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00427-00260192-00260641 -Look. You said you had a son, Mark Nedelsky. -Right +sChZbQHqd-Y-00428-00260717-00261454 You say with a name like that, he'll make it in the world. He'll be a smart guy, he will not think like a father. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00429-00261588-00261837 -Daddy doesn't care what flag -Well, yeah. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00430-00261937-00262761 Because it's important for Ukrainians who are at war. Do you understand? -Well, that's patriotism. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00431-00262761-00263339 Yes, patriotism. I understand that this territory doesn't really care, by and large. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00432-00263416-00264156 And he'll ask you when he's 20 or 25 years old. Maybe you'll be traded, you'll live... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00433-00264248-00264660 -It's already good luck that you can talk to me. -I survived -that's great luck. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00434-00264661-00264861 And he will ask: Daddy, what did you fight for here? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00435-00265451-00265651 I don't know what I can tell him. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00436-00265762-00266112 He might ask another question: Why did you go to war against your own people? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00437-00266299-00266499 I was stupid. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00438-00267360-00267606 At that point I would have already atoned for my sins +sChZbQHqd-Y-00439-00267724-00268169 Do you realize how important identity is? And that the flag matters? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00440-00268316-00268599 I'll repeat: everyone has an opinion +sChZbQHqd-Y-00441-00268636-00269384 -Look, for most Ukrainians flag has a meaning +sChZbQHqd-Y-00442-00269505-00270050 People in Kherson hid a flag -I saw on the news, yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00443-00270079-00270234 -It's important for them. It's important for this country +sChZbQHqd-Y-00444-00270342-00271569 It's my personal point of view. I'm this kind of a dumb*ss. It just so happened that I go with the flow of work +sChZbQHqd-Y-00445-00271802-00272284 Let me earn money, let me feed my family, f*ck off from me and let me live, that's it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00446-00272372-00273428 A bunch of people like me just can't have an effect on anything. If it's already planned in the higher ups: who will be a mayor, who will be the head of a republic +sChZbQHqd-Y-00447-00273428-00274726 Initially, as I remember, they wanted to make Novorossiya, right? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00448-00274726-00275305 -With Gubarev as the head of Novorossiya +sChZbQHqd-Y-00449-00275450-00275816 Was it like that? -I don't even remember the surname +sChZbQHqd-Y-00450-00275866-00276162 -It's Gubarev -I don't know him +sChZbQHqd-Y-00451-00276162-00276441 -He was supposed to become the head of Novorossiya +sChZbQHqd-Y-00452-00276441-00277963 -As a habitant, born in Donetsk, I think my godmother remained there, I don't know if she's alive, but we periodically visited her in Donetsk, to our old street where we lived +sChZbQHqd-Y-00453-00278000-00278794 Then I saw how they set up the customs, border. It was a shock to me. I mean the appearance of L/DPR +sChZbQHqd-Y-00454-00278936-00279422 That means the heads decided that on their own -Russians decided that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00455-00279501-00279901 There was an observer who watched after your region and so they decided like that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00456-00279922-00280276 But that's not important. Look, you said that you're a dumb*ss and you don't care about anything +sChZbQHqd-Y-00457-00280326-00280966 Here's another fact. Do you know why the West helps Ukraine so much? -Why? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00458-00281000-00281586 Because Ukraine asked for support -That's first, yes, but do you know the main reason? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00459-00281723-00282314 -What is it? -To all those people this flag is important +sChZbQHqd-Y-00460-00282614-00283230 From Chenrihiv to Kherson, from Lviv to Kharkiv -They want Ukraine to remain Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00461-00283260-00283705 -Yes. It's important to them. They want there to be only this flag +sChZbQHqd-Y-00462-00283805-00284545 And the West seeing that those people fight. Flag is a symbol, but people fight for freedom and independence +sChZbQHqd-Y-00463-00284716-00284837 Everyone understands that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00464-00284899-00285428 Do you know the phenomenon of this country in 21st century? -Which? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00465-00285498-00286534 -That from Lviv to Kharkiv, from Chernihiv to Kherson everyone lives with the same idea. Literally everyone, well, f*ck the Russians +sChZbQHqd-Y-00466-00286663-00287025 They want this country to be independent and be called "Ukraine" +sChZbQHqd-Y-00467-00287113-00287313 They understand that they're Ukrainians +sChZbQHqd-Y-00468-00287350-00288061 They're not f*cking Malorossians, not Banderites or anything else. All understand that they're Ukrainians and they stand for it +sChZbQHqd-Y-00469-00288178-00288424 And they're ready to die for this flag +sChZbQHqd-Y-00470-00288690-00288906 -Strong people -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00471-00288964-00289526 And you could've been among them, but you chose bullsh*t in this life +sChZbQHqd-Y-00472-00289979-00290091 -That's the way it is +sChZbQHqd-Y-00473-00290291-00290562 -There's always a way out in life. Do you know when there's no way out? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00474-00290645-00291000 When the lid of the coffin is slammed, then that's it -I know that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00475-00291141-00291341 -Wanna say anything to Ukrainians? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00476-00291690-00292082 -A strong nation. They're defending their land +sChZbQHqd-Y-00477-00292156-00292552 -I mean simply, what do you want to say to Ukrainians in general? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00478-00292884-00293600 -We have to find a compromise and negotiate. We have to decide. There have been enough deaths +sChZbQHqd-Y-00479-00293800-00294532 That's the main thing, there are lots of deaths from both sides. There's not enough cemeteries +sChZbQHqd-Y-00480-00294852-00295115 -Wanna say anything to Russians? -The same thing +sChZbQHqd-Y-00481-00295165-00295415 Stop this. This all needs to be ceased. +sChZbQHqd-Y-00482-00295489-00297236 We have to negotiate via Skype, WhatsApp, video conference, if they can't see each other, if there are no representatives. They need to negotiate peace +sChZbQHqd-Y-00483-00297290-00297740 Do they not see the amount of deaths on the statistic? So much destruction +sChZbQHqd-Y-00484-00297773-00299132 -You know, this is our discussion and I'm getting a deja vu from listening to you, from 2014 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00485-00299132-00299810 Do you know in what? I was in Crimea for a month when there was this pseudo-referendum in 2014 +sChZbQHqd-Y-00486-00299810-00300542 I was in Donbas and also saw all that mess. That was my first time in Crimea and Donbas +sChZbQHqd-Y-00487-00300592-00301395 I have such a deja vu from those words about negotiating, no deaths and so on. Do you know what the popular phrase was in Crimea and Donbas at those times? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00488-00301468-00301680 -What was it? -"Just don't let there be a war." +sChZbQHqd-Y-00489-00301726-00301830 -Yes -"Peace" +sChZbQHqd-Y-00490-00301922-00302242 And what do we have now? Russia still attacked +sChZbQHqd-Y-00491-00302288-00302609 I'll tell you this - that county should not exist +sChZbQHqd-Y-00492-00302720-00303581 -But the people that have been called in and which has already buried their sons, husbands, grandfathers now wants peace +sChZbQHqd-Y-00493-00303635-00303947 -What people? -Ukrainian and Russian people +sChZbQHqd-Y-00494-00304048-00304634 I see on the news that people are against mobilization and they don't want... -Who? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00495-00304740-00304885 -People -Which? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00496-00304915-00305273 -Who is of draft age, mothers and... -Where? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00497-00305310-00305934 -In Ukraine and Russia -Ukraine recruited new National Guard regiments in 2 - 3 weeks +sChZbQHqd-Y-00498-00305963-00306364 People are ready to go fight and f*ck up all that cannon fodder +sChZbQHqd-Y-00499-00306384-00307287 -Exactly, those are people who are ready to take weapons and defend their lands, but many are not ready +sChZbQHqd-Y-00500-00307320-00307570 -Like you? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00501-00307570-00308361 -Listen, I have a different variant, how about you all gather with rifles and f*ck up Pasechnikov? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00502-00308461-00308794 Do you understand what's Pasechnikov and what's AFU? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00503-00308844-00309172 AFU would clap you faster, right? -Of course +sChZbQHqd-Y-00504-00309172-00309592 -Maybe you'll change something with Pasechnikov? -Maybe +sChZbQHqd-Y-00505-00309592-00309936 -Is it a good idea? -Yes. Exchange me and we'll start exchanging +sChZbQHqd-Y-00506-00309936-00310273 -We'll act against Pasechnikov there, right? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00507-00310501-00311544 The question is do I have any weight on the situation? An ordinary mobilized reservist? Is it that hard to exchange me? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00508-00311577-00312116 -You can ask Vladimir Vladimitovich Putin. Would you like to? -Exchange for some AFU soldier +sChZbQHqd-Y-00509-00312136-00312376 -Ask Putin that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00510-00312435-00312635 -Putin doesn't decide in that +sChZbQHqd-Y-00511-00312884-00313142 -You all seem intimidated with Putin there +sChZbQHqd-Y-00512-00313246-00313512 Then who decides? -Where am I and where's Putin? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00513-00313512-00314398 -Who decides for that then? -I don't know, exchange fund +sChZbQHqd-Y-00514-00314489-00315113 I call home and from my side I'm told "You're in all lists, you're everywhere." +sChZbQHqd-Y-00515-00315113-00316176 Here is the same thing. Specialists work with me, operatives, SBU from different regions: Kyiv, Lviv. And I passed the polygraph multiple times +sChZbQHqd-Y-00516-00316213-00316875 And I am allegedly convicted. What's the pause? Is it that hard to exchange me? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00517-00317000-00317441 Exchange Nikulenko to some f*cking Ivanov Petrov Sidorov +sChZbQHqd-Y-00518-00317441-00318276 -But you don't want to address Putin, right? Are you afraid? -It's irrelevant to address Putin regarding exchanging +sChZbQHqd-Y-00519-00318276-00318550 -But Putin is responsible for Russia attacking Ukraine +sChZbQHqd-Y-00520-00318708-00319229 -Those... I don't know how to call them, who are heads of military affairs... +sChZbQHqd-Y-00521-00319229-00319678 -Supreme Commander in Chief, it's Putin -Who is it? Putin, yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00522-00319678-00319878 -So then he's to blame after all? +sChZbQHqd-Y-00523-00320000-00321039 -Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, let's stop this war, let's stop special operation and negotiate. Stop the deaths +sChZbQHqd-Y-00524-00321206-00321501 I see how it all happens and it's hard to look at +sChZbQHqd-Y-00525-00321767-00322633 The burial services will swim in gold, maybe and diggers +sChZbQHqd-Y-00526-00322633-00323020 -And those who produce black plastic bags? -I just worked in that sphere, so I know +sChZbQHqd-Y-00527-00323064-00323600 -So there's no use for bags? You can't even make money on bags? -There won't be enough forests for graveyards +sChZbQHqd-Y-00528-00323783-00324204 As funny as dark humor sounds, but seriously, there won't be enough forests for graves +sChZbQHqd-Y-00529-00324308-00324786 And there are situations where the alive ones envy the dead with such f*cking shelling +sChZbQHqd-Y-00530-00324890-00325140 Casualties are from your side and from our side +sChZbQHqd-Y-00531-00325190-00325669 -It's from a cartoon "The alive will envy the dead" Treasure Island, right? -Yes +sChZbQHqd-Y-00532-00325698-00325960 But the phrase is relevant -it is, but this is not a cartoon +sChZbQHqd-Y-00533-00325992-00326296 -It's far from a cartoon, it's reality +sDM4Du8pdpy-00000-00000024-00000384 life is not really long let's say the average person is 30 years old +sDM4Du8pdpy-00001-00000384-00000680 so you add up all you traveling and all your sleeping +sDM4Du8pdpy-00002-00000680-00000880 and all your school Add up all your +sDM4Du8pdpy-00003-00000880-00001216 entertainment you've probably been half of your life doing nothing so +sDM4Du8pdpy-00004-00001216-00001472 I'm 35 years old 30 more years +sDM4Du8pdpy-00005-00001472-00001800 i'll be 65! we don't have no more influence +sDM4Du8pdpy-00006-00001800-00002128 we can't do nothing much at 65 your wife will tell you that +sDM4Du8pdpy-00007-00002216-00002440 so what i'm saying when you're 65 +sDM4Du8pdpy-00008-00002520-00002688 ain't too much more to do +sDM4Du8pdpy-00009-00002688-00002960 in those 30 years i have to sleep 9 years +sDM4Du8pdpy-00010-00002960-00003256 i don't have 30 years of daylight i have to travel back +sDM4Du8pdpy-00011-00003256-00003592 to america take 6-7 hours all my traveling +sDM4Du8pdpy-00012-00003592-00003840 probably 4 years of traveling the next 30 years +sDM4Du8pdpy-00013-00003896-00004152 about 9 years of sleeping television +sDM4Du8pdpy-00014-00004152-00004296 movies entertainment about 3 years +sDM4Du8pdpy-00015-00004296-00004520 of entertainment out of 30 years +sDM4Du8pdpy-00016-00004520-00004880 i might have about 16 years to be productive +sECmJC_XWF4-00000-00000003-00000417 So when your instructor asks you to look for research material on a library database, +sECmJC_XWF4-00001-00000483-00001241 remember library databases are a collection of information resources that are organized for storage and retrieval by a computer. +sECmJC_XWF4-00002-00001312-00001538 Library databases can be accessed online, +sECmJC_XWF4-00003-00001594-00001747 24 hours a day +sECmJC_XWF4-00004-00001747-00002400 7 days a week, on the library website through the "Database A to Z" link or through your "Research Guides." +sECmJC_XWF4-00005-00002446-00003075 Using a library database to find research material will result in finding resources that are relevant and +sECmJC_XWF4-00006-00003106-00003543 scholarly. If you have more questions about library databases +sECmJC_XWF4-00007-00003573-00004268 please contact your campus library. Visit our website at niagaracollege.ca/library +sECmJC_XWF4-00008-00004312-00004536 for full contact information. +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00001-00001101-00001201 yalali +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00002-00001201-00001401 yalalo +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00004-00001651-00001851 yalale yalalo +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00007-00002527-00002627 pepe pe pepe pe +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00009-00003227-00003427 papa pa +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00012-00003894-00004094 ha +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00013-00004269-00004369 Vave vavo +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00014-00004983-00005083 ou u ou +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00016-00005298-00005482 manman +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00018-00005582-00005782 oh o +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00020-00005936-00006136 va pape e va pape +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00022-00006305-00006505 Eh eeeeee +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00025-00007185-00007385 No move +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00026-00007385-00007585 Inside home +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00027-00007660-00007760 ou uuuu +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00028-00008006-00008106 mate +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00029-00008177-00008290 mate o +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00031-00008490-00008690 Hmm! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00032-00008703-00008849 Muscles not in use, +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00033-00008898-00008998 get lost! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00034-00008998-00009198 he! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00035-00009228-00009328 Antagonist +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00036-00009339-00009438 Agonist +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00037-00009438-00009538 meet! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00038-00009593-00009693 Bones' destruction +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00039-00009693-00009893 Bones in loss +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00040-00009914-00010016 Bones'destruction +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00041-00010016-00010214 Loss in action +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00042-00010214-00010414 Weight bearing ! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00043-00010414-00010563 Commit! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00044-00010563-00010663 Heavy to move! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00045-00010680-00010980 Commit +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00047-00011180-00011290 Bones, no force, +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00048-00011290-00011533 Meaning loss +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00049-00011533-00011733 MYOSIN on Actin +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00050-00011733-00011826 building +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00051-00011826-00011926 binding! pulling +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00052-00011926-00012126 opponent watching! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00053-00012227-00012327 Opponent watching! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00054-00012379-00012566 TROPO-MYOSIN in +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00056-00012766-00012858 Electrical- +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00057-00012858-00013104 Calcium lacking +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00058-00013152-00013279 Actin finding +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00059-00013338-00013438 into moving! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00060-00013438-00013638 Stop Myosin, +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00061-00013638-00013821 No more binding, +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00062-00013821-00013921 Tropo-myosin +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00063-00013921-00014121 Kick-in! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00064-00014121-00014274 Muscles contract +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00065-00014274-00014374 Muscles relax +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00066-00014374-00014548 No to contract +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00067-00014548-00014674 If time to relax! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00068-00014674-00014874 Electrical-calcium coming +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00069-00014959-00015059 Myosin binding +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00070-00015059-00015259 into binding +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00071-00015259-00015434 Contracting +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00072-00015434-00015534 Strength building +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00073-00015534-00015734 Muscles in +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00074-00015778-00015922 Pull up, pull down +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00075-00015957-00016057 gravity in +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00076-00016121-00016221 Weak muscles +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00077-00016228-00016328 Weight bearing! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00078-00016412-00016512 Muscles move +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00079-00016541-00016641 pushing blood! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00080-00016641-00016817 More fascicles +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00081-00016817-00016978 found in muscles! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00082-00016978-00017178 More precision +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00083-00017180-00017280 in movement! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00084-00017280-00017480 At 50 +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00085-00017558-00017658 Women sick +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00086-00017742-00017842 Women risk +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00087-00017842-00017926 women risk +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00088-00017926-00018026 bones weak +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00089-00018026-00018226 Each 10-years, +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00090-00018226-00018426 Bones changing +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00091-00018457-00018557 Bones' risk +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00092-00018618-00018733 increasing! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00093-00018733-00018933 Bones' turnover! +sEX2qLz0Ah4-00094-00018933-00019133 No good! +sF1ryP3_l5u-00000-00001826-00002517 The New Knowledge EP06 - Ataturk - Mission "Bulgaria" +sF1ryP3_l5u-00001-00002544-00002970 What is the reason for the honorary attendance of a Bulgarian military company at the +sF1ryP3_l5u-00002-00002970-00003204 funeral of the father of the Turkish secular state? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00003-00003204-00003606 Why has Mustafa Ataturk resided in a special room at hotel 'Bulgaria' in Sofia +sF1ryP3_l5u-00004-00003606-00003906 and what was the power drawing him back to Bulgaria? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00005-00003906-00004472 The controversial thesis that Gazi Mustafa Kemal was born in the Albanian village Golo Brdo, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00006-00004472-00004933 in the family of Bulgarian Muslims has been in existence for hundred of years. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00007-00004933-00005361 Mustafa Kemal was a military attaché in Sofia and it is claimed that this appointment was made +sF1ryP3_l5u-00008-00005362-00005622 due to his native proficiency in Bulgarian language. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00009-00005622-00005969 But his mission was destined by the Providence. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00010-00005969-00006349 >From the ruins of the Ottoman Empire, Ataturk was able to build a modern state, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00011-00006349-00006759 which overcame the darkness of feudalism and the religious fanaticism. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00012-00006759-00007335 According to many, his year and a half residence in Bulgaria and his communication with his fellow +sF1ryP3_l5u-00013-00007343-00007862 enlightened companions led to the birth of the Turkish secular state philosophy. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00014-00008187-00008570 - Greetings, Mr. Nedkov. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00015-00008570-00009079 Is it true that Kemal Ataturk communicated with enlightened Bulgarian people +sF1ryP3_l5u-00016-00009079-00009457 and could we argue that such hypothesis is true? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00017-00009457-00010057 - I could give you a warning before we begin. - Of course. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00018-00010069-00011310 –- Even today, Article 38/11 of the Turkish Criminal Code states that anyone guilty of insulting Ataturk's memory, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00019-00011310-00011829 will be sentenced from one to three years in prison, Mr. Kerev. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00020-00011829-00012256 –- If that was the case, half of the Turkish government should be in jail right now. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00021-00012256-00012556 -– Be careful as we might go missing for year and a half. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00022-00012556-00013247 - Usually, our conversations result in our disappearance for long periods of time. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00023-00013250-00013671 -– How is your Turkish? -– Average. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00024-00013678-00014603 - 'Nutuk' what do you think it means in Turkish? - I have no idea. My Russian is better. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00025-00014614-00015226 -– It means ' The Speech'. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00026-00015226-00016189 This man held the longest speech in political history. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00027-00016203-00016955 36 hours and 31 minutes, and 600 pages long. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00028-00016955-00018084 - It is likely that the combined length of the speeches of all Bulgarian presidents will not exceed 100 pages. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00029-00018143-00018723 - Your question was about Ataturk and his relationship with Bulgaria? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00030-00018723-00018971 - That is right. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00031-00019135-00020587 - Turkish researchers and historians say that one of the best kept secrets is the origin +sF1ryP3_l5u-00032-00020647-00021310 of the father of the Turkey, Kemal Ataturk. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00033-00021310-00022415 - More and more scientists claim that he has a Bulgarian-Muslim origin, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00034-00022415-00022715 though he was born in Thessaloniki. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00035-00022715-00023224 - According to one version. According to another - in the village of Golo Brdo, Albania. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00036-00023277-00024705 -– Nevertheless, his life began and formed from his childhood and into his youth in Thessaloniki. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00037-00024717-00025215 - Back then every third citizen of Thessaloniki is Bulgarian. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00038-00025460-00025944 This is just one part of his relationship with Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00039-00025944-00026391 - He spoke Bulgarian and was very proficient indeed. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00040-00026391-00027072 Perhaps even better than most of today's Bulgarian politicians. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00041-00027072-00028375 The second reason and connection - it is both political and emotional connection to Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00042-00028566-00029500 - Enver Pasha, commander of the Turkish army, began to sense a real threat that the young Colonel, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00043-00029500-00030767 Mustafa Kemal, could become a future leader of the Turkish military. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00044-00030767-00031715 So in order to remove him from the rather turbulent political events in Turkey at the time, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00045-00031715-00032214 he sent him to Sofia as a military attache in 1912. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00046-00032214-00032611 That meant that he was a double military spy +sF1ryP3_l5u-00047-00032611-00033173 А Turkish spy in Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00048-00033173-00033790 Something like the current Lutfi Mestan. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00049-00033790-00034377 Arriving in Sofia ...– +sF1ryP3_l5u-00050-00034377-00035047 - The situation now and then is basically the same. Just like today, it was a time of turmoil and war... +sF1ryP3_l5u-00051-00035047-00035306 - Exactly! +sF1ryP3_l5u-00052-00035306-00036129 Later on I would like us to think about the situation then and the current situation. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00053-00036129-00036873 Having arrived in Sofia, Kemal feels like he is among his own people and he admits this fact multiple +sF1ryP3_l5u-00054-00036873-00037352 times in his notes, diaries, correspondences. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00055-00037352-00038061 Even then he says that Bulgaria is an extremely important country with which Turkey +sF1ryP3_l5u-00056-00038061-00038522 should have good а relationship. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00057-00038522-00039052 And then he says: "Whoever is against Bulgaria, is against Turkey too." +sF1ryP3_l5u-00058-00039321-00040223 The hidden part about the agent Ataturk in Turkey, however ... +sF1ryP3_l5u-00059-00040228-00041030 –- When you say "the agent Ataturk," you and I are a little bolder in our expression. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00060-00041143-00041690 Is Ataturk the creator of the modern Turkish secret services? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00061-00041699-00042393 -– Of course. And that is a very clear and precise fact. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00062-00042418-00043274 Today's Turkish secret services, are known as a powerful secret agency called MIT. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00063-00043345-00043884 They were always based on the foreign policy of Turkey. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00064-00043890-00044374 –- Urban legends say that currently there are over 3000 in Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00065-00044397-00044807 -– Those that are the known ones. -– Most likely. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00066-00044893-00046443 - Perhaps, these are the only special services in the world which will have their own political party. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00067-00046563-00047026 -– Do tell us more! We'll come back to Ataturk in a little while. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00068-00047066-00047867 -– What I mean is the current development in Bulgaria, involving the deteriorated +sF1ryP3_l5u-00069-00047867-00048380 image of the politician Lutfi Mestan. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00070-00048380-00048995 For me, personally, he surprisingly lost his initial image +sF1ryP3_l5u-00071-00048995-00050046 and I predict he will have a demonic role in the upcoming events in Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00072-00050046-00050682 –- You said that his party will be a Turkish secret services party. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00073-00050740-00050973 - Absolutely! +sF1ryP3_l5u-00074-00050973-00051339 For the first time ever, a model like this is proposed. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00075-00051339-00051847 Usually, the adopted practice since 19th and 20th century ... +sF1ryP3_l5u-00076-00051847-00052338 -– Then what kind of Bulgarian Court would register such a party based on what you are saying +sF1ryP3_l5u-00077-00052338-00052638 so openly and without any evidence, for example? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00078-00052638-00053168 - Given the current state of the judiciary system in Bulgaria, any Court could do that. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00079-00053411-00053985 The state of the Bulgarian judiciary system at the moment resembles a well known anecdote: +sF1ryP3_l5u-00080-00053985-00054753 "The Defendant, you have the right to one final request. The Defendant looks around and asks: How much?" +sF1ryP3_l5u-00081-00054828-00055145 But let’'s get back to Ataturk. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00082-00055225-00055494 He has a very interesting personality. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00083-00055544-00056221 In our previous discussion here, when we talked about Charles de Gaulle I also mentioned Ataturk. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00084-00056334-00057721 I think that what De Gaulle has contributed to the European political model after the Second World War, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00085-00057779-00058822 Ataturk had done the same for the European political model after the First World War. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00086-00059004-00060622 To be able to erase the status of the longest reigning empire in the world, 628 years, the Ottoman Empire. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00087-00060937-00062227 To take advantage of the international situation during and after the First World War +sF1ryP3_l5u-00088-00062443-00063406 and to build a new country on the border between the Arab Caliphate and European countries ... +sF1ryP3_l5u-00089-00063507-00063945 - You have to be a very special person to do that. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00090-00064004-00064807 -– And to be capable of describing and telling all of this in a 31-hour long speech, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00091-00064807-00065187 you need to have been touched by God. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00092-00065187-00066070 Just like you and I refer to some people from the history, who are related to science or politics. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00093-00066080-00066543 This person is touched by God. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00094-00066657-00067341 -– But I want you to tell us a little more about his relationship with the enlightened Bulgarians at that time in Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00095-00067434-00068151 - The relationship of Kemal Ataturk with the Masonic Societies during that time is proven. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00096-00068249-00069047 It first began while he was enrolled in military school in Thessaloniki. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00097-00069165-00069911 Back then Thessaloniki was something of an official residency of European Freemasonry. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00098-00070031-00071368 All of the great powers had operational lodges there and they had Bulgarians members in all of them. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00099-00071487-00072840 Later on, his arrival in Bulgaria was also at the most interesting time in the history of Bulgarian Masonry +sF1ryP3_l5u-00100-00072956-00073606 when it was given a significant role in Bulgaria's public affairs. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00101-00073680-00074746 At that time Kemal Ataturk is here and is communicating with these societies. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00102-00074789-00076554 Moreover, the father of Ataturk's greatest lover, Dimitrina Kovacheva, is General Stiliyan Kovachev +sF1ryP3_l5u-00103-00076554-00077007 who is one of the founders of Bulgarian Masonry. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00104-00077007-00078130 Such type of secret societies have a significant impact on the social map of Europe in 19th and 20th century. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00105-00078236-00078626 So this is one of Ataturk's relationships. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00106-00078687-00079603 Furthermore, when looking at the whole reform of Ataturk in the construction of a secular state +sF1ryP3_l5u-00107-00079670-00080992 its principles are copy-pasted from the secret esoteric teachings, which some consider +sF1ryP3_l5u-00108-00080992-00082227 as an evil and others as a very positive esoteric teaching. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00109-00082227-00083485 To be able to communicate with Lenin at that time and to have earned his trust ... +sF1ryP3_l5u-00110-00083529-00083967 -– Many researchers missed this fact. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00111-00084071-00085414 -– His relationships with Soviet Russia are crucial for his hugely successful reform. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00112-00085518-00086530 He even creates, for business purposes with the Commintern, a Turkish Communist party, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00113-00086530-00086830 which he then closes. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00114-00086830-00088344 But he needed a way of importing three million rifles from Russia with over 80 million cartridges, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00115-00088344-00089018 so that he can start his revolution. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00116-00089018-00090164 At the same time he had no illusions about the Bolshevik ideology and did not accept or allowed it. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00117-00090214-00091038 Basically, he had created an offshore Communist Party in Istanbul. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00118-00091145-00091900 - The fate of this Communist party is quite sad ... -– Yes, its fate is quite interesting after that. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00119-00091935-00092413 Another specific fact. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00120-00092629-00093558 Only those military strategists, who are deeply familiar with the manner of the British people, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00121-00093590-00094182 but also who understand the British through their secret societies +sF1ryP3_l5u-00122-00094182-00095116 we know that England is the origin of these societies, could defeat them in that important battle of Galopoli. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00123-00095116-00095753 - Is it possible that Bulgarian troops have also taken part in the battle against the English? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00124-00095758-00096015 - It is quite possible. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00125-00096022-00096820 - I want to show you something about Ataturk that we compiled in a few seconds and we will continue. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00126-00098245-00098468 In the early years of the last century, Ataturk has said: +sF1ryP3_l5u-00127-00098479-00098780 "I have been and always will be a friend of the Bulgarian people. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00128-00098780-00099435 Every Bulgarian misfortune causes me unspeakable pain. Whoever is against Bulgaria is against Turkey too."” +sF1ryP3_l5u-00129-00099435-00100256 In the 2234th issue of "Dzhumhyuriet" newspaper from 27th November in 1930, Ataturk has said: +sF1ryP3_l5u-00130-00100289-00100782 "Without doubt in the past, between Turkish and Bulgarians, existed causes for dissension, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00131-00100782-00101112 especially in the field of language and faith. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00132-00101112-00101658 But today, those motives are based on outdated and obsolete political trends, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00133-00101658-00102233 neither the Turks nor the Bulgarians give any importance." +sF1ryP3_l5u-00134-00102523-00102983 - This is the biggest change that Ataturk has managed to do. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00135-00103068-00104009 Some of the brave researchers say that he has specifically studied the work of Stefan Stambolov. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00136-00104175-00105305 Even the concept of the modern Turkish Railways, Ataturk finds as an example in Bulgaria. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00137-00105374-00106185 Is this one of the best examples in Europe at the time, or am I going too far? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00138-00106213-00107032 - There is a certain irony in terms of Ataturk's enlightenment. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00139-00107057-00107713 Going back to the theme of his enlightenment. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00140-00107892-00108555 For the most part he drew knowledge from one woman. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00141-00108655-00109399 In our previous talks we have said that there is no such thing as women not being related to secret societies. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00142-00109423-00110064 Just on the contrary. His only wife, Latifah, is known for +sF1ryP3_l5u-00143-00110111-00111151 taking an exceptional interest in mixed esoteric orders during her stay in France. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00144-00111216-00112812 During their short two-year cohabitation she makes, perhaps, the most significant impact Ataturk's thinking. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00145-00112884-00113820 With her brilliant doctorate in French law, with her knowledge of 8 languages, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00146-00113845-00114214 two of which are ancient dead languages and +sF1ryP3_l5u-00147-00114276-00114916 her research into the vast archives of the Ottoman Empire. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00148-00114962-00115877 It is no coincidence that before her death, Latifah, prohibits her descendants and +sF1ryP3_l5u-00149-00115908-00116608 relatives to talk about her relationship with Ataturk. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00150-00116634-00117466 Ataturk loved the bright women, from whom he can learn. The same case as with the Bulgarian woman. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00151-00117499-00118923 This Bulgarian woman is one of our first compatriots to receive higher education outside Bulgaria, in Switzerland. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00152-00118953-00119821 She studied law, history of arts, music arts, etc. and upon her return in Sofia she became +sF1ryP3_l5u-00153-00119853-00120573 the emblem of the modern intelligence in those times. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00154-00120613-00121170 -– I do not know why, but whenever we talk about the enlightened people and the education +sF1ryP3_l5u-00155-00121205-00122532 it makes me wonder how this erudition could simply disappear and evaporate. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00156-00122566-00123224 - Unfortunately, your statement is correct. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00157-00123255-00123889 -– Look at all the spirituality in Bulgaria in the early 20th century. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00158-00123956-00124820 What a huge mass of new knowledge. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00159-00124845-00125521 - And look at the mediocrity, Mr. Kerev, in the early 21st century. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00160-00125537-00125900 The same century we have mentioned, for which Andre Morlo has said that +sF1ryP3_l5u-00161-00125924-00126454 it will either be the century of faith or it won’'t be. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00162-00126807-00127964 The 20th century comprised of another type of human material with different type of "chips" inside their heads. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00163-00128013-00129769 In order to become and think like Kemal Ataturk, you had to read many "wagons" of books back then. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00164-00129821-00130791 Now such thing doesn't exist anymore and it turns out that our only source of knowledge +sF1ryP3_l5u-00165-00130842-00131814 is a very well-controlled and systematically censored system called Google. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00166-00131965-00132627 Basically, this is the only source of knowledge nowadays. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00167-00132650-00133181 -– Our discussion today is titled "Ataturk - Mission Bulgaria". +sF1ryP3_l5u-00168-00133210-00133814 We did this in order to hint and suggest +sF1ryP3_l5u-00169-00133836-00134769 that mission "Bulgaria" is a mission of new knowledge. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00170-00134979-00136401 - I approve your slogan, because the examples that we give with a person and a politician like Ataturk, +sF1ryP3_l5u-00171-00136439-00138398 in terms of his knowledge, proves the real need of the emergence of a new type of knowledge. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00172-00138466-00140210 I ask myself today, what if Ataturk had the opportunity to face the current Turkish president Erdogan. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00173-00140244-00140495 What would have happened? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00174-00140536-00140956 -– What an interesting meeting that would be, I'm listening. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00175-00140980-00141927 - Knowing Ataturk's character and his preference for Turkish brandy, we could only wonder +sF1ryP3_l5u-00176-00141950-00142625 what would have happened to Erdogan. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00177-00142697-00144156 What Erdogan is doing today, is destroying the inherited knowledge of Ataturk in the modern Turkish state. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00178-00144265-00145473 And I think Ataturk would not hold back, if he was to have such meeting with Erdogan today. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00179-00145505-00145980 - Is Ataturks's mission of modern Turkey really lost nowadays? +sF1ryP3_l5u-00180-00146010-00146854 - No, I think not, but it will have to be endured all over again. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00181-00146978-00148854 The author of Latifah's latest biography, was put to trial before the book was released for breaching the +sF1ryP3_l5u-00182-00148857-00149964 the Criminal Code for defamation of Ataturk's memory because of the following passage in her novel: +sF1ryP3_l5u-00183-00150227-00150818 "During one of the numerous attempts to assassinate and overthrow the power of Ataturk, surrounded by +sF1ryP3_l5u-00184-00150845-00152259 his wife Latifah in their home, Ataturk escapes dressed as a woman in the veil and headscarf of Latifah's sister." +sF1ryP3_l5u-00185-00152297-00152837 To which the Court says: - "That cannot be true. Ataturk can not do such a thing." +sF1ryP3_l5u-00186-00152862-00153801 - The author was then arrested but she was later released. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00187-00153801-00154268 This is happening in modern times! +sF1ryP3_l5u-00188-00154299-00155144 And when journalists asked the author: - "What would you like to have more in Turkey today?" +sF1ryP3_l5u-00189-00155161-00155495 She replied: - "Just one thing - Democracy." +sF1ryP3_l5u-00190-00155754-00156934 - We did not say much about the assassination attempts against Ataturk ... comparable to those of Castro. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00191-00156982-00157676 -– There were 31 assassination attempts, including the last one. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00192-00157704-00158839 Recently, it was said that new evidence was found, which convincingly points to the hypothesis +sF1ryP3_l5u-00193-00158861-00159162 that Ataturk had been poisoned. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00194-00159190-00159749 -– Yes, we didn'’t have time to talk about that, but I recommend to our inquisitive viewers +sF1ryP3_l5u-00195-00159775-00160031 to seek out more information. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00196-00160158-00160842 - Mission "Bulgaria" and Ataturk are inextricably linked in our time. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00197-00160914-00161306 Turkey would not make it without us, just as we would not make it without Turkey. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00198-00161325-00162126 Once, a very notable person, Consul of the former Republic of Yugoslavia, told me: +sF1ryP3_l5u-00199-00162156-00162573 "The most difficult task is to be a diplomat with the neighbours." +sF1ryP3_l5u-00200-00162650-00163408 -– Absolutely. It's like taking a daugther-in-law from your neighbour’s. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00201-00163431-00163866 -– Nice ending. Thank you for your participation. - Thank you too. +sF1ryP3_l5u-00202-00166600-00166900 Subtitles by the Amara.org community +sH9funp2qPo-00000-00000048-00000760 the video reached to the bar for extra support, and we'll get one more day of support while review +sH9funp2qPo-00001-00000760-00001592 numbers might be a lot slower than after the new links are left. our 80 views per hour on that video, +sH9funp2qPo-00002-00001592-00002464 which was contributing to along for our channel, and turned into only 20, which means it slowed down +sH9funp2qPo-00003-00002464-00003296 a lot. the new links from dash are still showing up there. i'm not sure what happened there, but +sH9funp2qPo-00004-00003296-00004072 this is okay. it can be like this, and it's happened many times, although it might not be anything wrong. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00000-00003239-00003939 How far up? It's a long way down. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00001-00004119-00004405 (horse sounds) +sKO_Cx_q06g-00003-00005280-00005757 restrain your animals can't you! +sKO_Cx_q06g-00004-00005757-00006007 My Animals is it? +sKO_Cx_q06g-00005-00006007-00006648 They be your animals as best I recall. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00006-00006779-00006928 C'mon lads! +sKO_Cx_q06g-00007-00006928-00007101 Make haste Gentlemen +sKO_Cx_q06g-00008-00007101-00007793 the demonstration is about to begin! +sKO_Cx_q06g-00009-00007793-00008020 What is our altitude? +sKO_Cx_q06g-00010-00008020-00008330 Precisely 100 miles about sea level, Sir Isaac! +sKO_Cx_q06g-00011-00008330-00009030 Excellent! The perfect height +sKO_Cx_q06g-00012-00009030-00009230 for a hypothetical mountain +sKO_Cx_q06g-00013-00009258-00009568 Greetings. I am your host, Isaac Newton. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00014-00009568-00009974 On behalf of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, welcome to +sKO_Cx_q06g-00015-00009974-00010355 Satellites and You. But first a - demonstration. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00016-00010355-00010789 To explain how a satellite might orbit the earth I proposed this +sKO_Cx_q06g-00017-00010789-00011114 experiment back in the seventeenth century. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00018-00011114-00011736 Here we are on top of a hypothetical mountain one hundred miles high. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00019-00011736-00011944 and here a great cannon +sKO_Cx_q06g-00020-00011944-00012414 of the finest manufacture pointing straight at the horizon. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00021-00012414-00013090 Usually. when you fire a cannon it falls to the ground-- sooner or later. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00022-00013090-00013534 but if we fire the cannonball fast enough to horizon a remarkable +sKO_Cx_q06g-00023-00013534-00014204 thing happens. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00024-00014204-00014529 We've propelled our cannonball +sKO_Cx_q06g-00025-00014529-00014678 to nearly 18000 miles per hour. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00026-00014678-00015062 At this great speed a strange event occurs. the cannonball begins to fall back +sKO_Cx_q06g-00027-00015062-00015193 toward the Earth. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00028-00015193-00015557 The earth is curved, a sphere, and the curve of the earth matches +sKO_Cx_q06g-00029-00015557-00015767 the curve of the cannon balls fall. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00030-00015767-00016104 The cannonball can't fall any faster +sKO_Cx_q06g-00031-00016104-00016318 and the ground continues to fall away under its path. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00032-00016318-00016740 Thus the cannon ball falls forever, going round and round. It's become a +sKO_Cx_q06g-00033-00016740-00017008 satellite of the Earth. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00034-00017008-00017502 Of course there is no one hundred mile high mountain and no such giant cannon. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00035-00017502-00017925 Instead we have these huge rocket vehicles to reach orbital height and +sKO_Cx_q06g-00036-00017925-00018498 velocity; Truly extraordinary machines +sKO_Cx_q06g-00037-00018498-00018959 Recently i was given the opportunity to see for myself satellites being +sKO_Cx_q06g-00038-00018959-00019062 constructed +sKO_Cx_q06g-00039-00019062-00019376 and prepare for orbit. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00040-00019376-00019593 I discovered that modern satellites +sKO_Cx_q06g-00041-00019593-00020169 are not mere cannonballs but ingenious devices that enhance our daily lives +sKO_Cx_q06g-00042-00020169-00020684 Looking down from a low earth orbit it's possible to do many things such as +sKO_Cx_q06g-00043-00020684-00020853 detecting mineral deposits +sKO_Cx_q06g-00044-00020853-00021387 finding fish in the middle of the ocean and even checking on crops grown all +sKO_Cx_q06g-00045-00021387-00021570 over the world +sKO_Cx_q06g-00046-00021570-00021985 In order to place the cameras as close to the earth as possible +sKO_Cx_q06g-00047-00021985-00022345 these observation satellites just skim the surface of the earth's +sKO_Cx_q06g-00048-00022345-00022838 atmosphere at altitudes between one hundred and five hundred +sKO_Cx_q06g-00049-00022838-00022922 miles above sea level +sKO_Cx_q06g-00050-00022922-00023276 This distance is less than a tenth the diameter of our planet +sKO_Cx_q06g-00051-00023276-00023713 But satellite in high orbit, twenty two thousand three hundred miles from +sKO_Cx_q06g-00052-00023713-00024176 the earth surface, nearly three times the planet's own diameter will seem to +sKO_Cx_q06g-00053-00024176-00024785 remain motionless overhead. A satellite in this geostationary orbit overhead +sKO_Cx_q06g-00054-00024785-00024908 Can Monitor and photograph +sKO_Cx_q06g-00055-00024908-00025409 weather producing these satellite photos +sKO_Cx_q06g-00056-00025409-00025866 that you see in your local news paper and on TV. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00057-00025866-00026138 satellites in geostationary orbit +sKO_Cx_q06g-00058-00026138-00026623 also provide nearly instantaneous telephone and television communication +sKO_Cx_q06g-00059-00026623-00027080 worldwide. From here at network ground control television signals are +sKO_Cx_q06g-00060-00027080-00027500 transmitted by these live parabolic antennas +sKO_Cx_q06g-00061-00027500-00027937 you see next to TV stations and on mobile trucks +sKO_Cx_q06g-00062-00027937-00028315 Television signals are relayed to Television satellites in high Earth Orbit . +sKO_Cx_q06g-00063-00028515-00029087 Satellites make it possible for us to cover news stories live anywhere on the +sKO_Cx_q06g-00064-00029087-00029530 planet. Stories that in my day took weeks or even months to reach us +sKO_Cx_q06g-00065-00029530-00029972 can now be seen and heard as they happen, around the nation +sKO_Cx_q06g-00066-00029972-00030624 or around the world. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00067-00030624-00030937 in the future will come the station station +sKO_Cx_q06g-00068-00030937-00031189 to provide either even greater progress +sKO_Cx_q06g-00069-00031189-00031447 toward understanding our universe. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00070-00031447-00031805 How I envy the men and women who will be working here... +sKO_Cx_q06g-00071-00031805-00032074 Think of the experiments i could perform! +sKO_Cx_q06g-00072-00032074-00032644 but i must leave these discoveries to younger wiser generations perhaps even +sKO_Cx_q06g-00073-00032644-00032805 one of you +sKO_Cx_q06g-00074-00032805-00033505 i've already taken too much time and the future is about to begin. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00075-00033561-00034012 My colleague informs me that my time is up. i sincerely hope these few minutes +sKO_Cx_q06g-00076-00034012-00034712 have helped you understand satellites and how they help us in our daily lives +sKO_Cx_q06g-00077-00034775-00035106 How was that -- did i make myself clear do you think? +sKO_Cx_q06g-00078-00035106-00035313 Relatively. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00079-00035313-00035859 On behalf of NASA this is Isaac Newton, reminding you what goes up does +sKO_Cx_q06g-00080-00035859-00036397 not always calm down -- unless of course it's job is done. +sKO_Cx_q06g-00081-00036397-00036678 Do you think they understand the gravity of the topic? +sLjHSthmWky-00000-00000071-00000535 Do you want to love where you work? We're looking for great people just like you. +sLjHSthmWky-00001-00000535-00001159 We offer competitive pay, great benefits, company growth and stability and +sLjHSthmWky-00002-00001159-00001664 a chance to advance in your job. Meet online with one of our Husky's hiring +sLjHSthmWky-00003-00001664-00002072 managers at our online job fair. I look forward to having you as part of +sLjHSthmWky-00004-00002072-00002664 our team. Join team Husky today! +sLs3G4yR2vk-00000-00000186-00000519 I’m Command Sergeant Major Alberto Delgado the 21st Theater Sustainment +sLs3G4yR2vk-00001-00000519-00000850 Command in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and I want to talk to you about the Not +sLs3G4yR2vk-00002-00000850-00000978 In My Squad initiative. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00003-00000978-00001401 Specifically, the positive impact a solid Not In My Squad campaign can have +sLs3G4yR2vk-00004-00001401-00001739 for Soldiers deployed or assigned overseas. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00005-00001739-00002066 Squad leaders are the unit’s strongest model of the Army profession. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00006-00002066-00002432 Not In My Squad empowers Soldiers to make the Army better. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00007-00002432-00002844 Serving in a foreign country, we rely on mutual trust and cohesion to keep +sLs3G4yR2vk-00008-00002844-00003066 us safe and accomplish our mission. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00009-00003066-00003504 Not In My Squad builds that from the lowest levels through Mission Command +sLs3G4yR2vk-00010-00003504-00003890 and creates and strong team that is ready to fight and win our nation’s +sLs3G4yR2vk-00011-00003890-00003990 wars. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00012-00003990-00004427 Not In My Squad allows junior Soldiers to improve their organization and the Army by +sLs3G4yR2vk-00013-00004427-00004973 helping them brainstorm achievable solution to unique challenges we face overseas. +sLs3G4yR2vk-00014-00004973-00005420 I challenge all leaders to dedicate time to engage and train their Soldiers to make their +sLs3G4yR2vk-00015-00005420-00005548 squads the best in the Army. +spqY8VfMxQk-00000-00001136-00001784 you know if you read the holy bible very carefully especially the books of the minor prophets +spqY8VfMxQk-00001-00001952-00002320 from the book of daniel right up to the book of malachi +spqY8VfMxQk-00002-00002480-00002760 they are called minor prophets not because they are +spqY8VfMxQk-00003-00002920-00003847 of any lesser importance but because the messages that they give are very short just like me short +spqY8VfMxQk-00004-00004272-00004808 my other respected men of god are much taller so +spqY8VfMxQk-00005-00004904-00005608 short messages but if you read them they will scare the daylights out of you +spqY8VfMxQk-00006-00005760-00006784 because from the book of jose right up to the book of malachi you don't find any +spqY8VfMxQk-00007-00006880-00007744 good messages there you'll only find words of warning and words of admonition +spqY8VfMxQk-00008-00007976-00008216 but you'll also find promises +spqY8VfMxQk-00009-00008504-00009632 spies here and there all throughout the books those promises of good blessings from god are +spqY8VfMxQk-00010-00009632-00010928 in answer to repentance or to a nation turning around to the living god so that was their task +spqY8VfMxQk-00011-00011072-00011768 and every prophet who ever appeared in the history of israel you'll always find them +spqY8VfMxQk-00012-00011888-00012296 bringing words of warning words of admonition +spqY8VfMxQk-00013-00012400-00013232 to stir a nation back to righteousness so that it will be in right standing with god +spqY8VfMxQk-00014-00013416-00014184 you know among all the prophets in the bible the one that most people like the most is isaiah +spqY8VfMxQk-00015-00014288-00015191 because the entire book of isaiah is full of loving kind words full of words of encouragement +spqY8VfMxQk-00016-00015256-00016144 full of words of consolation however if you read them very carefully especially the first +spqY8VfMxQk-00017-00016144-00017248 30 chapters or first 40 chapters they too are full of warnings full of admonition so likewise +spqY8VfMxQk-00018-00017464-00017544 i bring you +spqY8VfMxQk-00019-00017968-00018408 so by by now you should know what i'm going to speak +spqY8VfMxQk-00020-00018800-00019872 you know yesterday at about 11 30 at night as i was waiting on god when i bowed my knees +spqY8VfMxQk-00021-00019872-00020504 to pray i saw the lord jesus appear in my room and this was what he spoke +spqY8VfMxQk-00022-00020688-00021864 and i'm going to quote to you as exactly as how i receive it from the lord tell them that i will +spqY8VfMxQk-00023-00021864-00023984 visit them with an iron hand to judge and punish if the nation words for same-sex marriage bill +spqY8VfMxQk-00024-00024056-00024872 now i know that you are at a crossroad right in fact you are in a balance +spqY8VfMxQk-00025-00025008-00025752 you can tip for righteousness or you can tip for unrighteousness you can tip +spqY8VfMxQk-00026-00025752-00026439 either way you can swing either way that's where you are right now at a crossroads +spqY8VfMxQk-00027-00026688-00027312 and i have read something about that what the proposition that you are going to go for +spqY8VfMxQk-00028-00027376-00028672 but i've never paid much attention or delve deeply into what exactly is the issues in this nation +spqY8VfMxQk-00029-00028920-00029960 but this is what the lord said tell them i will visit them with an iron hand +spqY8VfMxQk-00030-00030088-00030983 to judge and punish if the nation woods for same-sex marriage bill +spqY8VfMxQk-00031-00031160-00031856 so which means it's not just the voting is the result of the word +spqY8VfMxQk-00032-00032144-00033552 if a large majority has voted for saying yes then it becomes a law right +spqY8VfMxQk-00033-00033648-00034448 your parliament will pass a bill saying now same-sex marriage act is a proof +spqY8VfMxQk-00034-00034688-00034776 and not only +spqY8VfMxQk-00035-00035000-00036144 the secular justices or marriage registrars are anxiously waiting to conduct same-sex marriage +spqY8VfMxQk-00036-00036224-00036928 there are some churches who are also very anxiously waiting to be the first person +spqY8VfMxQk-00037-00037000-00037416 to conduct or marry a same-sex partner +spqY8VfMxQk-00038-00037640-00038984 see that is a worse disgusting act that can be conducted or done in the name of the lord jesus +spqY8VfMxQk-00039-00039136-00040000 see when a minister conducts a wedding the couple stands before him he stands by the pulpit +spqY8VfMxQk-00040-00040072-00040648 and in the name of the triune god in the name of the lord jesus is going to pronounce them +spqY8VfMxQk-00041-00040720-00041424 man and wife that's what they usually do right now instead of a man and a wife there's going +spqY8VfMxQk-00042-00041424-00042136 to be a man and a man and a woman and a woman so he's going to stand here and say in the name +spqY8VfMxQk-00043-00042136-00043072 of the trying god i now bless you men and men a woman and woman that's what he's going to do +spqY8VfMxQk-00044-00043208-00044064 and in the name of the lord so you are going to take the name of the lord in vain +spqY8VfMxQk-00045-00044272-00044552 and you are going to pronounce a benediction +spqY8VfMxQk-00046-00044720-00045384 the blessings or the word of blessings that will come out of the lips of a minister +spqY8VfMxQk-00047-00045512-00046424 in it will be words of blessings if you read numbers chapter 6 verses 22 to 24 +spqY8VfMxQk-00048-00046600-00047360 the lord god through the prophet moses gave a command to aaron how he should bless +spqY8VfMxQk-00049-00047424-00048200 the children of israel and the command was as soon as aaron speaks those words +spqY8VfMxQk-00050-00048328-00049216 those blessings will come upon the children of israel so that is the vested authority +spqY8VfMxQk-00051-00049216-00050016 on the priests because of the anointing that is upon his life when he speaks a word of blessings +spqY8VfMxQk-00052-00050080-00050824 the word of blessings comes out of his mouth as the lord will bless a couple so here you have +spqY8VfMxQk-00053-00051112-00051864 a gay-hearted priest see a minister may not be a gay +spqY8VfMxQk-00054-00051976-00052808 externally but if you approve such a thing you are a gay in your heart +spqY8VfMxQk-00055-00053144-00053800 you are not a gay externally you may you may be a good husband with a good wife +spqY8VfMxQk-00056-00053952-00055312 but for you to say yes for you to say it's okay this is okay this is just an alternate lifestyle +spqY8VfMxQk-00057-00055400-00056312 if you say that your heart is a gay heart your mind is a gay mind +spqY8VfMxQk-00058-00056528-00057752 so as he thinketh in his heart so is he so as you think in your heart then you become a gay +spqY8VfMxQk-00059-00057888-00058640 you may not be physically but in the eyes of god when he looks at you he sees you as a gay person +spqY8VfMxQk-00060-00058936-00059800 you know when the lord jesus christ was so explicit to say if a man looks at a woman +spqY8VfMxQk-00061-00059976-00060832 and lusts after her in his heart this it's not just looking because when you walk +spqY8VfMxQk-00062-00060832-00061360 past by you are always looking even when i stand here i'm looking +spqY8VfMxQk-00063-00061576-00062391 looking is not the problem is what happens after the looking what is the result of the looking +spqY8VfMxQk-00064-00062512-00063424 when you lust in your heart you are an adulterer you may not have done it in the flesh +spqY8VfMxQk-00065-00063520-00064096 you don't need to commit adultery in the flesh you have already committed adultery in your heart +spqY8VfMxQk-00066-00064208-00064928 in the same manner when you lift up your hand to say yes and amen +spqY8VfMxQk-00067-00065096-00066400 to vote for same-sex marriage or gay rights then you have become a gay in your heart in your mind +spqY8VfMxQk-00068-00066624-00067368 now why did god destroy sodom and gomorrah among the many nations that have existed +spqY8VfMxQk-00069-00067368-00068048 in the face of this world the most famous nations for gays +spqY8VfMxQk-00070-00068160-00069304 we as we all know is sodom and gomorrah another word for homosexual people is a sodomite or the +spqY8VfMxQk-00071-00069456-00070184 the act of homosexuality is also called sort of being now where do we get all those words from +spqY8VfMxQk-00072-00070240-00071152 right from this twin cities of sodom and gomorrah so why did god destroy sodom and gomorrah if you +spqY8VfMxQk-00073-00071152-00072184 read genesis chapter 18 verse 20 the lord god said and the lord said because the outcry against sodom +spqY8VfMxQk-00074-00072184-00073240 and gomorrah is great and because their sin is very grave the cries that came from the land +spqY8VfMxQk-00075-00073344-00074104 was very great and grievous in the years of the lord now that's what god said +spqY8VfMxQk-00076-00074176-00074960 now when the two angels that was sent to spy out sodom and gomorrah when they came +spqY8VfMxQk-00077-00074960-00075944 into the land now this is what they said for we will destroy this place because the outcry +spqY8VfMxQk-00078-00076000-00077000 against them has grown great before the face of the lord and the lord has sent us to destroy it +spqY8VfMxQk-00079-00077136-00078064 the land has been crying out to god because of the grief grave and great sins in the land +spqY8VfMxQk-00080-00078232-00079264 now besides a a gay man having relationship with another gay man or +spqY8VfMxQk-00081-00079264-00080024 a lesbian woman having relationship with another lesbian woman what is so great or so grievous +spqY8VfMxQk-00082-00080024-00080888 about sodham and gomorrah is that innocent people were brutally raped +spqY8VfMxQk-00083-00081184-00081888 see if you look into genesis chapter 19 very carefully you will find that +spqY8VfMxQk-00084-00081960-00082640 not every single person in sodom and gomorrah were a gay there were some +spqY8VfMxQk-00085-00082744-00083464 straight people there were some innocent people a good example is the family of lord +spqY8VfMxQk-00086-00083592-00084488 we know that lord was a honest god-fearing man so was his wife not only that he had two +spqY8VfMxQk-00087-00084544-00085448 virgin daughters so they were unspotted they kept themselves clean from all the sexual defilement +spqY8VfMxQk-00088-00085520-00086512 in the land so just like them there were many many innocent people in sodom and gomorrah who were +spqY8VfMxQk-00089-00086664-00087480 brutally molested brutally raped and brutally taken advantage of +spqY8VfMxQk-00090-00087704-00088360 now this was a revelation from the lord but when i was looking to the scriptures +spqY8VfMxQk-00091-00088360-00089056 in different translations of the bible i was very surprised to find that it is also written in the +spqY8VfMxQk-00092-00089056-00090104 scriptures like that in genesis chapter 18 verses 20 and 21 in the the message translation of the +spqY8VfMxQk-00093-00090104-00091032 bible it says like this god continued the cries of the victims in sodom and gomorrah are deafening +spqY8VfMxQk-00094-00091120-00092176 the sin of those cities is immense i am going down to see for myself see if what they are doing is as +spqY8VfMxQk-00095-00092176-00093120 bad as it sounds then i'll know now look at the first sentence it says the cries of the victims +spqY8VfMxQk-00096-00093304-00094048 if they are all consenting partners they will not be victims everybody agrees +spqY8VfMxQk-00097-00094160-00095072 to be a victim you are not a consenting partner so your rights are violated +spqY8VfMxQk-00098-00095184-00096144 your physical body is violated so they were not only committing fornication among themselves they +spqY8VfMxQk-00099-00096144-00097168 were also brutally abusing the innocent they were brutally raping molesting even killing +spqY8VfMxQk-00100-00097504-00098696 you know today it is very common to read that when a young girl is raped many at times she is also +spqY8VfMxQk-00101-00098696-00099328 killed do you have that problem in your country we have that in india +spqY8VfMxQk-00102-00099536-00100120 i used to wonder why do this rapist kill these young girls +spqY8VfMxQk-00103-00100192-00101008 no they have already raped this girl at least they could have just leave them alone and as i pondered +spqY8VfMxQk-00104-00101008-00101672 this is the thought that came to my mind i may be right i may be wrong this is not a revelation +spqY8VfMxQk-00105-00101672-00102400 this is just my assumption could it be that these girls or these innocent +spqY8VfMxQk-00106-00102400-00103096 ones are killed so that they will not report or testify against their rapists +spqY8VfMxQk-00107-00103304-00104280 rapist wants to escape the law so to kill their victim is to silence the evidence +spqY8VfMxQk-00108-00104640-00105048 and now look at the attitudes of the people +spqY8VfMxQk-00109-00105048-00106008 in sodom and gomorrah genesis chapter 13 verse 13 says but the men of sodom were exceedingly +spqY8VfMxQk-00110-00106008-00106911 wicked and sinful against the lord so not only were they wicked they were also sinful +spqY8VfMxQk-00111-00107159-00107664 now i would like you to also take note of all these +spqY8VfMxQk-00112-00107808-00108592 all these pointers that i'm sharing with you and to check it against the society in australia +spqY8VfMxQk-00113-00108704-00109368 you want to check and see if there is a parallelism between what happened in +spqY8VfMxQk-00114-00109368-00109904 sodom and gomorrah to what is happening in australia you want to check them +spqY8VfMxQk-00115-00110016-00110888 if they all tell ease or majority of them tellies then you will know what is your fate +spqY8VfMxQk-00116-00110959-00111840 as it came upon sodom and gomorrah so they were very very filthy and wicked what does that mean +spqY8VfMxQk-00117-00111983-00112624 they were men was fornicating against men now that we know it's called in our +spqY8VfMxQk-00118-00112624-00113583 language today homosexuality not only that do you want do you want me to be very candid and +spqY8VfMxQk-00119-00113664-00114472 real or do you want me to just hide something so so as to appear politically correct +spqY8VfMxQk-00120-00114792-00115096 do you want me to lay it as it is all right +spqY8VfMxQk-00121-00115368-00116135 now i'm going to share with you very candidly what god showed me last night about the situation +spqY8VfMxQk-00122-00116135-00117304 in sodom and gomorrah why they were so wicked and evil in the sight of god so much so that he had to +spqY8VfMxQk-00123-00117368-00118216 destroy that entire people group they were fornicating men with men and women with women +spqY8VfMxQk-00124-00118440-00119183 and the gross sin you know i'm very very hesiting to share with you because +spqY8VfMxQk-00125-00119256-00120240 it is really really gross i not only heard this from the lord but in a vision i saw last night +spqY8VfMxQk-00126-00120335-00121224 these acts that the people in sodom and gomorrah beat it is too gross to even say it in public +spqY8VfMxQk-00127-00121352-00122504 they were eating and drinking the male semen and offered them as a drink offering to demons +spqY8VfMxQk-00128-00122783-00123152 you know this is something which is very very true +spqY8VfMxQk-00129-00123152-00124120 even in modern world today that the male seed and the female seed are important ingredients +spqY8VfMxQk-00130-00124183-00124976 in demon worship they are offered as a sacrifice to get powers from the demons +spqY8VfMxQk-00131-00125264-00126335 and many many got men of various other religions they became gut men with various powers +spqY8VfMxQk-00132-00126456-00127296 because of this act that they do most of them you'll find are always single +spqY8VfMxQk-00133-00127520-00128335 see it is forbidden for them to have a normal family life and then they offer their mail seat as +spqY8VfMxQk-00134-00128335-00129256 an offering unto these gods see there is life in the mail seat and there's life in the female seat +spqY8VfMxQk-00135-00129256-00130200 so you are taking that life and you are offering it it is like offering a baby as a sacrifice +spqY8VfMxQk-00136-00130335-00131032 the only difference in this case is that which comes out of the male body of female body +spqY8VfMxQk-00137-00131128-00131976 without mixing together with a male ovu or male sperm and a female of you it remains +spqY8VfMxQk-00138-00131976-00133032 pure on its own so that which is offered as a sacrifice to these demons are an undiluted +spqY8VfMxQk-00139-00133120-00134240 unadulterated sacrifice so it's a pure sacrifice of high power and that results in +spqY8VfMxQk-00140-00134456-00135624 the god men been endowed with powers from the evil one you know when when my father was a hindu +spqY8VfMxQk-00141-00135624-00136648 priest i remember i was very small at that time i used i used to remember seeing him that when he +spqY8VfMxQk-00142-00136648-00137384 came back home after his work he had a normal job as a mailman and all his spare time +spqY8VfMxQk-00143-00137440-00138352 he devoted himself as a priest he prayed very ardently every day for several hours every night +spqY8VfMxQk-00144-00138488-00139376 from about seven in the evening right up to about 12 or 1 or 2 in the morning i see him stand before +spqY8VfMxQk-00145-00139560-00140408 this box of our altar and before the idols and we'll just chant the prayers over and over again +spqY8VfMxQk-00146-00140408-00141120 for hours then after about 40 days he received what i would call today +spqY8VfMxQk-00147-00141176-00141816 the baptism of the evil spirits just like we received the baptism of the holy spirit +spqY8VfMxQk-00148-00141816-00142432 he received the baptism of the evil spirits and the spirits came upon him and endowed him +spqY8VfMxQk-00149-00142432-00143144 with the gift of prophecy with the gift of healings and the gifts of working miracles +spqY8VfMxQk-00150-00143280-00143976 and i was an eyewitness to all this now when demon possessed people those hindus those +spqY8VfMxQk-00151-00143976-00144448 muslims and the buddhists they come he will just lay his hands and cast those demons out +spqY8VfMxQk-00152-00144536-00145104 and when they are sick they come to him he lays his hands under the inspiration of those +spqY8VfMxQk-00153-00145104-00145736 evil spirits and they are healed and when they come with a problem to seek an answer from god +spqY8VfMxQk-00154-00145736-00146344 like seeking of the medium he'll go into these trunks and then speaks in strange language like +spqY8VfMxQk-00155-00146344-00146928 how he speaks in unknown tongues and then he gives them a word of wisdom or a word +spqY8VfMxQk-00156-00146928-00147608 of knowledge i have seen this with all my eyes let me give you one very good example +spqY8VfMxQk-00157-00147744-00148648 when i was 12 years old i prayed to the gods in our home i prayed that if i pass in my exams +spqY8VfMxQk-00158-00148744-00149664 i would fulfill a wow i made a vow to the gods now when i met a wow no one in our house knew about +spqY8VfMxQk-00159-00149664-00150648 it i never told anybody my wow was just between me and my god and after i passed my exams with flying +spqY8VfMxQk-00160-00150648-00151544 colors like all of us do today we make our vows to our the living god after the after god blesses us +spqY8VfMxQk-00161-00151680-00152240 most of us always do one thing we forget to keep our vows +spqY8VfMxQk-00162-00152336-00152920 amen everybody see you all are wonderful honest christians +spqY8VfMxQk-00163-00153208-00153416 so i forgot my wow +spqY8VfMxQk-00164-00153632-00154432 a few months later one day while there was a ceremony in our house the spirits +spqY8VfMxQk-00165-00154432-00155048 came upon my father and he was ministering to so many people and i was his assistant priest +spqY8VfMxQk-00166-00155432-00155936 see you have assistant pastor there is also an assistant priest +spqY8VfMxQk-00167-00156072-00156512 every priest has an assistant they don't do all the job by themselves +spqY8VfMxQk-00168-00156624-00157504 so i was his assistant and suddenly you see now he's under the full anointing of the evil spirits +spqY8VfMxQk-00169-00157504-00158184 he just turned to me and pointed the finger at me and reveal the wow that i made +spqY8VfMxQk-00170-00158328-00158816 now that is that is what we would call a gift of the word of knowledge +spqY8VfMxQk-00171-00158976-00160008 he revealed the wow and threatened me with dire consequences if i don't keep the wow so what would +spqY8VfMxQk-00172-00160008-00160984 you do naturally out of fear you want to keep the wow why christians don't keep their vows because +spqY8VfMxQk-00173-00160984-00161480 the living good god doesn't threaten you with dire consequences +spqY8VfMxQk-00174-00161744-00161792 isn't it +spqY8VfMxQk-00175-00162048-00162072 so +spqY8VfMxQk-00176-00162280-00163232 now the point is this when my father was been endowed with this powers and gifts from the +spqY8VfMxQk-00177-00163232-00164280 evil one they demanded a sacrifice from him in return for the powers that were given to him +spqY8VfMxQk-00178-00164392-00165216 so on the day that he was baptized every year he was required to offer +spqY8VfMxQk-00179-00165320-00165968 blood sacrifice so i remember the very first time that he went to offer the blood sacrifice +spqY8VfMxQk-00180-00166088-00166840 at 12 midnight he went to a cemetery and this is what he said he took he folded up his leaves +spqY8VfMxQk-00181-00166904-00167480 took a long knife and cut his hand from the wrist up to the elbow +spqY8VfMxQk-00182-00167656-00168552 a big cut and blood came out of his hand and he said to his great shock not a single drop of +spqY8VfMxQk-00183-00168552-00169288 blood fell to the ground they would come out of his hand and then they all disappear in mid air +spqY8VfMxQk-00184-00169504-00170400 i'm sure have heard of blood sucking demons he saw with his own eyes which proved them to be very +spqY8VfMxQk-00185-00170400-00171512 real so they drink blood not only blood but also this male seat and female seat now this same acts +spqY8VfMxQk-00186-00171512-00172688 were also done by the false prophets under jezebel if you read 1st kings chapter 16 verses 31 to 33 +spqY8VfMxQk-00187-00172776-00174152 and chapter 18 19 there were 850 false prophets under jezebel and among the 850 +spqY8VfMxQk-00188-00174232-00175336 450 of them were prophets of baal now this ball who demands such kinds of sacrifices +spqY8VfMxQk-00189-00175480-00176208 ball demands human sacrifice and bald demands these kinds of sexual +spqY8VfMxQk-00190-00176504-00177448 unclean sexual acts as sacrifices so there were temple prostitutes and there were gay priests +spqY8VfMxQk-00191-00177656-00178448 so these were all acts were done during the time of sudamin gomorrah and also done by the priestess +spqY8VfMxQk-00192-00178512-00179272 under jezebel and when you read first kings chapter 18 after the showdown that the prophet +spqY8VfMxQk-00193-00179272-00180472 elijah had with the false prophets among the 850 of them he only killed 450 prophets of +spqY8VfMxQk-00194-00180472-00181408 baal he did not kill the other oh sorry 450 he did not kill the other 400 false prophets +spqY8VfMxQk-00195-00181624-00182656 why only elijah knows the answer but he only killed 450 prophets of ball because i guess +spqY8VfMxQk-00196-00182728-00183656 they were the worse than the others because they are the ones who promoted lute +spqY8VfMxQk-00197-00183752-00184424 unclean demonic practices all over the land of israel +spqY8VfMxQk-00198-00184688-00185104 now as as the lord gave me this message i remembered +spqY8VfMxQk-00199-00185392-00186152 about a vision that i saw last year about this time during the conference so i checked my notes +spqY8VfMxQk-00200-00186240-00187136 and i looked at this vision that i saw in this vision i saw a scene that was taking place in +spqY8VfMxQk-00201-00187136-00188016 heaven you know you read in daniel chapter 7 that the books were opened and the court in heaven was +spqY8VfMxQk-00202-00188016-00188640 set and then in revelation chapter 20 you will read the books were opened and the court was set +spqY8VfMxQk-00203-00188760-00189480 and in jeremiah chapter 23 verse 18 you will read that a council in heaven was set and the +spqY8VfMxQk-00204-00189480-00190248 deliberations were made concerning affairs of the nations and in amos chapter 3 verse 7 you will +spqY8VfMxQk-00205-00190248-00191112 read that in the council the prophets are gathered there and god reveals his secrets to the prophets +spqY8VfMxQk-00206-00191168-00191720 and before he does anything he first shares with his prophets what he's going to do +spqY8VfMxQk-00207-00191888-00192720 in the same manner i saw in this vision the council in heaven and they were discussing about +spqY8VfMxQk-00208-00192784-00193704 the situation in australia a very particularly sydney so among the many representations that were +spqY8VfMxQk-00209-00193704-00194856 made i saw two angels who were called to testify in the council and this is what they said those +spqY8VfMxQk-00210-00194856-00195880 two angels when i saw them they were identified as the very two angels that was sent to spy sodom and +spqY8VfMxQk-00211-00195880-00196696 gomorrah so they stood there and this is what they said when we visited sodom and gomorrah +spqY8VfMxQk-00212-00196776-00197904 only men were engaged in gross sexual acts but here meaning this nation it is woman with woman +spqY8VfMxQk-00213-00198000-00198752 mankind with animals parents with children and some grandparents with their grandchildren +spqY8VfMxQk-00214-00198888-00199856 these parents engage in sexual perversions with their children as if they were husbands and wives +spqY8VfMxQk-00215-00200048-00200800 see that's the report that's been submitted in heaven that's their findings +spqY8VfMxQk-00216-00200912-00201784 when they went out all over the city all over the nation and they saw what was being done +spqY8VfMxQk-00217-00201880-00202360 the things that were done publicly and the things that were done in the secret +spqY8VfMxQk-00218-00202560-00203080 see don't ever think just because you are within close +spqY8VfMxQk-00219-00203080-00203856 doors close environments no one sees you a human being may not see you +spqY8VfMxQk-00220-00204168-00204848 a human eye may not see what your left hand is doing and your right hand is doing human eye +spqY8VfMxQk-00221-00204848-00205984 will not see but the eyes of god that goes out all over the world it sees everything +sprZSZp_wAy-00000-00000377-00001162 tell your neighbor I don't get what I wish for I get what I fight for and even +sprZSZp_wAy-00001-00001162-00001623 even Paul in the Bible says fight according to the promises spoken to your +sprZSZp_wAy-00002-00001623-00002160 life you know everybody's like oh yeah God wants me to to have this and that +sprZSZp_wAy-00003-00002160-00002793 fight fight for it fight for it begin to be a person that is not satisfied where +sprZSZp_wAy-00004-00002793-00003144 you are at began to stand on the promises of God you're not comparing +sprZSZp_wAy-00005-00003144-00003573 yourself to other ministries or to other people no we're standing and we are +sprZSZp_wAy-00006-00003573-00004039 comparing yourself to the promises that God has spoken to our life God said it +sprZSZp_wAy-00007-00004039-00004455 that means I need to have it not because he has it because God said that I should +sprZSZp_wAy-00008-00004455-00004792 have it me and my family will serve the Lord +sprZSZp_wAy-00009-00004792-00005214 yes God said it to me yes maybe my my son is not saved maybe my parents are +sprZSZp_wAy-00010-00005214-00005433 not saved God I'm fighting according to it +sprZSZp_wAy-00011-00005433-00005748 Satan let my family go Satan that my brother go +sprZSZp_wAy-00012-00005748-00006219 Satan let my sister go let my mother and my father go this is the promise I have +sprZSZp_wAy-00013-00006219-00006877 fight according to what God has given to you you will get what you fight for +sprZSZp_wAy-00014-00006877-00007354 it's the process of freedom as we receive our freedom God will begin to +sprZSZp_wAy-00015-00007354-00007837 put a spirit inside of you that is not satisfied where you see in your business +sprZSZp_wAy-00016-00007837-00008253 where things are not moving you said God everything my hand touches will prosper +sprZSZp_wAy-00017-00008253-00008608 something's not hapening something's not right I can't just sit back and relax +sprZSZp_wAy-00018-00008608-00009097 that's not what freedom brought into my life freedom brought me the power to begin to +sprZSZp_wAy-00019-00009097-00009523 fight against the enemy because he's lurking at your door but I have the +sprZSZp_wAy-00020-00009523-00009862 power of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on my command and I tell him to +sprZSZp_wAy-00021-00009862-00010726 go and he will go in Jesus name amen someone and the last one the purpose of +sprZSZp_wAy-00022-00010726-00011170 our freedom is reach the world around you +sprZSZp_wAy-00023-00011170-00011697 reach the world around you I believe our freedom is simply and a purpose is +sprZSZp_wAy-00024-00011697-00012454 towards that God wants you to reach your world it might not be Millions it might +sprZSZp_wAy-00025-00012454-00012796 not be on the stage where thousands of people I don't know I don't know what +sprZSZp_wAy-00026-00012796-00013536 journey holds but God says that somebody is out there waiting for your prayer +sprZSZp_wAy-00027-00013536-00014002 they're just waiting for your prayer if I come to your world +sprZSZp_wAy-00028-00014002-00014413 they might not hear me but if you come into your world they'll say you know what I know +sprZSZp_wAy-00029-00014413-00014836 this guy he used to be with me he used to do the same thing what's different about +sprZSZp_wAy-00030-00014836-00015226 his life and then you begin to save and you begin to deliver and you begin to +sprZSZp_wAy-00031-00015226-00015757 raise those people around you when God called Moses out of Egypt he didn't say +sprZSZp_wAy-00032-00015757-00016234 hey I just feel bad for you you're a murderer come on just coming to my bosom +sprZSZp_wAy-00033-00016234-00016723 and I just let's relax no Gods like Moses I'm gonna equip you so I can send +sprZSZp_wAy-00034-00016723-00017029 you right back to the people where you came from I'm gonna send you right back +sprZSZp_wAy-00035-00017029-00017464 to the place where you grew up your homies and your cronies the ones you used +sprZSZp_wAy-00036-00017464-00017794 to chill with you're gonna be the one preaching the gospel to them you're +sprZSZp_wAy-00037-00017794-00018157 gonna be the one delivering their lives because you have a purpose in your life +sprZSZp_wAy-00038-00018157-00018672 I brought freedom if you like so you can raise to deliver other people around you +sprZSZp_wAy-00039-00018672-00019068 I'm telling your life will be meaningless without that purpose you +sprZSZp_wAy-00040-00019068-00019426 won't some people get mistaken what is a +sprZSZp_wAy-00041-00019426-00019995 career and what is a calling in their life you still can do business but your +sprZSZp_wAy-00042-00019995-00020461 mission is always people you still can be a doctor but your mission will always +sprZSZp_wAy-00043-00020461-00021019 be people the lost you still can be a lawyer but your mission will be the loss +sprZSZp_wAy-00044-00021019-00021439 the people around you you can be a soccer so you can be an artist you can +sprZSZp_wAy-00045-00021439-00022078 be singer whatever it may be but your mission is always people +sprZSZp_wAy-00046-00022078-00022654 always be people there's somebody out there right now crying out and their +sprZSZp_wAy-00047-00022654-00023260 depression their suicidal thoughts say God send someone when when God comes to +sprZSZp_wAy-00048-00023260-00024184 Moses he says i heard the cry that's what it is I heard the cry God hears the cry of +sprZSZp_wAy-00049-00024184-00024847 your world God says you came to raised to deliver not by mistake +sprZSZp_wAy-00050-00024847-00025243 you got delivered yesterday you got delivered tonight today tomorrow not by +sprZSZp_wAy-00051-00025243-00025731 mistake I want to prepare you for something more than just yourself +sprZSZp_wAy-00052-00025731-00026410 God's heart hurts for people God's heart beats for people +sprZSZp_wAy-00053-00026410-00026727 as you're around them you might see them oh they're all fine in then God +sprZSZp_wAy-00054-00026727-00027202 says I hear the pain I hear their loneliness I hear there cry at night +sprZSZp_wAy-00055-00027202-00027682 nobody else sees it I'm preparing you for something greater this conference is +sprZSZp_wAy-00056-00027682-00028054 not so you could have a wonderful experience this conference is for your +sprZSZp_wAy-00057-00028054-00028558 equipment to go back into your church to go back into your schools to go back +sprZSZp_wAy-00058-00028558-00028995 into your family and know who you are in Christ Jesus know the position that God +sprZSZp_wAy-00059-00028995-00029581 has given you and say God has put me in a place of delivering yeah I might +sprZSZp_wAy-00060-00029581-00030043 not speak good I might not have a good track record I might have some felonies +sprZSZp_wAy-00061-00030043-00030333 I'm be a murderer but God can take a murderer +sprZSZp_wAy-00062-00030333-00030874 and make it a to deliver I might be unstable but God can take me and build a church +sprZSZp_wAy-00063-00030874-00031569 on me I might not have enough but God will use me to impact my generation +sprZSZp_wAy-00064-00031569-00032476 in Exodus 7 verses 1 to 2 God says this so the Lord said to Moses see I have +sprZSZp_wAy-00065-00032476-00033226 made you as a god to Pharaoh i believe God is telling you today I'm making you a +sprZSZp_wAy-00066-00033226-00033838 god to the people around you to those demons that are torment to your +sprZSZp_wAy-00067-00033838-00034171 life you're gonna be they're gonna bow when you begin to speak the name of +sprZSZp_wAy-00068-00034171-00034585 Jesus when you begin to open your mouth God's gonna put words in your mouth +sprZSZp_wAy-00069-00034585-00034978 they will begin to be like a double edged sword piercing through every demon and +sprZSZp_wAy-00070-00034978-00035401 every chain in their life and you're gonna say let my people go the people +sprZSZp_wAy-00071-00035401-00035821 will begin to come out of the darkness come out of their addiction come out of +sprZSZp_wAy-00072-00035821-00036202 this suicidal thoughts and they would say if not you I would have taken my +sprZSZp_wAy-00073-00036202-00036730 life if not cause your testimony I wouldn't be here today and this is the +sprZSZp_wAy-00074-00036730-00037120 point and the purpose of our freedom I want every single person to rise up on +sprZSZp_wAy-00075-00037120-00037537 your feet right now I want you begin to raise up your hands begin to say father +sprZSZp_wAy-00076-00037537-00037976 I thank you that you set me free God I thank you that you've given me a +sprZSZp_wAy-00077-00037976-00038393 purpose God I thank you that you're giving me a vision God I thank you that +sprZSZp_wAy-00078-00038393-00038855 you're equipping me to fight God I thank you that you've given me a +sprZSZp_wAy-00079-00038855-00039359 giving me a love that knows you that knows who I am in Christ Jesus God I'm +sprZSZp_wAy-00080-00039359-00039821 not satisfied where I am I know that you giving me a purpose God I know that +sprZSZp_wAy-00081-00039821-00040154 you're sending me to my own world come on beget you open up your lips +sprZSZp_wAy-00082-00040154-00040496 right now I begin to raise up your hands begin to say father I thank you for your +sprZSZp_wAy-00083-00040496-00040774 delivery power +sOziv4yOO-c-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to the 5th part of the User registration tutorial. +sOziv4yOO-c-00001-00000400-00001000 We are going to tidy up a few bits and pieces together in our registration login process. +sOziv4yOO-c-00002-00001100-00001300 Then we'll give a full test to see if it really works. +sOziv4yOO-c-00003-00001400-00001800 In the last part, you saw that I registered myself in this database. +sOziv4yOO-c-00004-00001900-00002300 Everything has worked out fine and I am at the login screen here. +sOziv4yOO-c-00005-00002400-00003300 Lets see if I can login. Let's say username is "alex" and my password is the password that I used. +sOziv4yOO-c-00006-00003400-00003900 I can see that when I click in login, again, "Incorrect password". +sOziv4yOO-c-00007-00004000-00004300 This doesn't mean that my username hasn't been found. +sOziv4yOO-c-00008-00004400-00004800 Let me type this in username and type in my password. +sOziv4yOO-c-00009-00004900-00005100 It will tell me that user doesn't exit. +sOziv4yOO-c-00010-00005200-00005700 But here, it is saying that my username does exist but my password is wrong. +sOziv4yOO-c-00011-00005800-00007000 Now, the reason my password is wrong is that my plain text password here is being compared to my "md5-encrypted" password inside my data base. +sOziv4yOO-c-00012-00007100-00008100 The way we do this is, we go back to our login page, which we covered in the previous tutorial - the userlogin tutorial. +sOziv4yOO-c-00013-00008200-00008800 At the part where we compare our passwords to check if they match. +sOziv4yOO-c-00014-00008900-00009400 That's checking our username there and this is checking our password. +sOziv4yOO-c-00015-00009500-00010500 We need to check our password. At the moment, let's say I typed in my password as "slicer u k 1". +sOziv4yOO-c-00016-00010600-00011200 So, this is the password I am typing in here. Its quite an odd one. +sOziv4yOO-c-00017-00011300-00012100 "slicer u k 1". Okay and this is checking this and this password here is equal to slicer u k1. +sOziv4yOO-c-00018-00012200-00012900 But this "password" is equal "dbpassword". So we are not getting the comparison. +sOziv4yOO-c-00019-00013000-00013400 We get to choose this when we encrypt our password. +sOziv4yOO-c-00020-00013500-00014500 So now this will actually be equal to this, so this is encrypted "slicer u k 1", which is equal to this "slicer u k 1". +sOziv4yOO-c-00021-00014600-00015400 So we are comparing an md5 encrypted password to an md5 encrypted password in our database. +sOziv4yOO-c-00022-00015500-00015800 Let me resubmit this form again Oh! error again! +sOziv4yOO-c-00023-00015900-00016400 Let me try again. Click on login. No, its not working. +sOziv4yOO-c-00024-00016500-00017500 Let's check this. "password" equals to "POST password" so md5 is the password. +sOziv4yOO-c-00025-00017600-00017900 Let me go back and refresh this. +sOziv4yOO-c-00026-00018000-00018500 I type my password. Al-right, I know what the problem is here. +sOziv4yOO-c-00027-00018600-00019800 The problem here is that our md5 password is absolutely correct but it is being compared to a password which is cut short in our database. +sOziv4yOO-c-00028-00019900-00021400 That's because if we go to our structure and go down to our password field here and edit this, we have currently got a length of 25 as its limit. +sOziv4yOO-c-00029-00021500-00021900 So we are going increase the limit for this to, say, 100. +sOziv4yOO-c-00030-00022000-00022900 I am not exactly sure how long an md5 string is, but I will say length value = 100. Save that. +sOziv4yOO-c-00031-00023000-00023700 I am going to browse our table and delete this value. Then I am going to go back and re-register. +sOziv4yOO-c-00032-00023800-00024100 So, register. Choose your username. +sOziv4yOO-c-00033-00024200-00025300 Let's say "alex", like I said before. Choose a password, let's say "slicer u k 1". And I will click "Register". +sOziv4yOO-c-00034-00025400-00025700 "You have been registered. Return to login page". +sOziv4yOO-c-00035-00025800-00026000 Now, let's check our database again. +sOziv4yOO-c-00036-00026100-00026600 This is looking longer already, it hasn't been cut short because I have changed the length of this. +sOziv4yOO-c-00037-00026700-00027300 So now when I try to log back in and let me type this properly. +sOziv4yOO-c-00038-00027400-00028000 We can login and we are in. Okay so check things like string length. +sOziv4yOO-c-00039-00028100-00028200 Hopefully you have got this. +sOziv4yOO-c-00040-00028300-00028700 If you want me to expand this tutorial please just let me know. +sOziv4yOO-c-00041-00028800-00028900 And that is user registration. +sOziv4yOO-c-00042-00029000-00029300 This is followed on from our user login tutorial. +sOziv4yOO-c-00043-00029400-00030100 So by putting these together, we have got a fully functional user register and login process. +sOziv4yOO-c-00044-00030200-00030600 I will be using this in a lot of my project work. Say for example. +sOziv4yOO-c-00045-00030700-00031500 I might create a project on something that uses a user login and user registration. So I will be using this a lot. +sOziv4yOO-c-00046-00031600-00032200 So check my projects on user login and registration for more information. +sOziv4yOO-c-00047-00032300-00032900 If you have any questions or would like me to expand on anything, please just let me know. +sOziv4yOO-c-00048-00033000-00033500 border=1 +sTh27hYghKy-00000-00000060-00000325 I'm John Mueller, a Search Advocate at Google. +sTh27hYghKy-00001-00000335-00000578 Part of my job is to help folks like you +sTh27hYghKy-00002-00000587-00000863 grow their web presence through the help of Google Search. +sTh27hYghKy-00003-00000962-00001283 In this session, we'll talk briefly about Google Images, +sTh27hYghKy-00004-00001307-00001527 other places where images are shown, +sTh27hYghKy-00005-00001536-00001806 and go through best practices for images. +sTh27hYghKy-00006-00001831-00002231 ♪ [music] ♪ +sTh27hYghKy-00007-00002393-00002674 Let's start by taking a look at Google Images. +sTh27hYghKy-00008-00002746-00003082 Google Images helps users to visually find webpages +sTh27hYghKy-00009-00003082-00003273 for a wide range of tasks. +sTh27hYghKy-00010-00003323-00003566 Whether it's kicking off a do-it-yourself project, +sTh27hYghKy-00011-00003566-00003783 cooking a meal, styling an outfit, +sTh27hYghKy-00012-00003783-00003983 or, as we've recently seen, +sTh27hYghKy-00013-00003983-00004359 learning how to cut your own hair at home during the quarantine, +sTh27hYghKy-00014-00004405-00004694 Google Images shows users the relevant images, +sTh27hYghKy-00015-00004694-00004911 and webpages from across the web, +sTh27hYghKy-00016-00004936-00005245 so it's as easy as possible to find what you are looking for. +sTh27hYghKy-00017-00005340-00005656 In the Google Images results, we show a preview image, +sTh27hYghKy-00018-00005656-00005911 attribution, and a headline from the page. +sTh27hYghKy-00019-00005969-00006340 Users can expand the preview to find out more about the image +sTh27hYghKy-00020-00006340-00006516 and the page's content. +sTh27hYghKy-00021-00006558-00006943 If a result is deemed to be a product, a recipe, or a video, +sTh27hYghKy-00022-00006943-00007178 which you can specify with structured data, +sTh27hYghKy-00023-00007178-00007387 we show that information to the user. +sTh27hYghKy-00024-00007439-00007670 Where appropriate, we give users information +sTh27hYghKy-00025-00007670-00007933 about an image licensing opportunity. +sTh27hYghKy-00026-00007988-00008333 And, of course, there's a big button to visit the page directly. +sTh27hYghKy-00027-00008399-00008614 There's more than just Google Images though. +sTh27hYghKy-00028-00008641-00009019 Image previews can also be shown for traditional web search results. +sTh27hYghKy-00029-00009051-00009269 They may be relevant to a user's query +sTh27hYghKy-00030-00009269-00009487 or representative of a webpage. +sTh27hYghKy-00031-00009528-00009811 For example, an image of a recipe might be shown. +sTh27hYghKy-00032-00009867-00010051 Additionally, there's Google Discover, +sTh27hYghKy-00033-00010051-00010322 a neat way for users to explore content +sTh27hYghKy-00034-00010322-00010530 about topics they're interested in. +sTh27hYghKy-00035-00010591-00010991 In Discover, a relevant preview image may be shown for your pages. +sTh27hYghKy-00036-00011046-00011455 In sum, preview images can be shown directly in Google Images, +sTh27hYghKy-00037-00011455-00011653 they can be shown as relevant results +sTh27hYghKy-00038-00011653-00012057 or as additional context for additional pages in Google Search, +sTh27hYghKy-00039-00012057-00012278 and as previews in Discover. +sTh27hYghKy-00040-00012434-00012670 Before we get too far, I'd like to encourage you +sTh27hYghKy-00041-00012670-00012918 to take a step back and think about +sTh27hYghKy-00042-00012918-00013150 what you would like to achieve with your images. +sTh27hYghKy-00043-00013177-00013450 Getting the images indexed is rarely the goal. +sTh27hYghKy-00044-00013493-00013715 For example, consider these questions: +sTh27hYghKy-00045-00013748-00014037 Do users search visually for your content? +sTh27hYghKy-00046-00014075-00014310 If so, how might they by searching? +sTh27hYghKy-00047-00014347-00014695 What preview of your site's content would they find compelling? +sTh27hYghKy-00048-00014781-00014939 Do your pages have an image +sTh27hYghKy-00049-00014939-00015181 that's particularly relevant for that page? +sTh27hYghKy-00050-00015254-00015521 It's useful to consider these questions from the start. +sTh27hYghKy-00051-00015542-00015845 They can help guide you to including your images in a way +sTh27hYghKy-00052-00015845-00016054 that's relevant to your site's goals. +sTh27hYghKy-00053-00016131-00016360 For example, if you publish your poetry +sTh27hYghKy-00054-00016360-00016652 and decorate it with generic floral clip art, +sTh27hYghKy-00055-00016676-00017057 it's unlikely that users would be searching for flower clip art +sTh27hYghKy-00056-00017057-00017243 in order to read your poetry. +sTh27hYghKy-00057-00017312-00017574 On the other hand, if you created those graphics +sTh27hYghKy-00058-00017574-00017777 and you want to provide them to others, +sTh27hYghKy-00059-00017777-00018042 then that might be a legitimate search query. +sTh27hYghKy-00060-00018117-00018476 In the end, it's up to you to determine if and how +sTh27hYghKy-00061-00018476-00018791 you would like content from your website to be shown in Google. +sTh27hYghKy-00062-00018833-00019121 You know your audience and your site's goals best. +sTh27hYghKy-00063-00019180-00019575 All right, let's take a look at our recommendations for images. +sTh27hYghKy-00064-00019610-00019811 Start by providing good context. +sTh27hYghKy-00065-00019833-00020233 Make sure that visual content is relevant to the topic of the page. +sTh27hYghKy-00066-00020288-00020588 We suggest using images where they add value to the page. +sTh27hYghKy-00067-00020643-00020995 Use appropriate page titles and headings to provide context. +sTh27hYghKy-00068-00021040-00021334 Remember your users and how they might be searching +sTh27hYghKy-00069-00021334-00021470 for your content visually. +sTh27hYghKy-00070-00021505-00021742 What are the words and phrases they might use, +sTh27hYghKy-00071-00021780-00022014 and are you using them on the right pages? +sTh27hYghKy-00072-00022068-00022286 Next, optimize image placement. +sTh27hYghKy-00073-00022327-00022620 Whenever possible, place images near relevant text, +sTh27hYghKy-00074-00022645-00022957 and ideally provide a caption close to the image. +sTh27hYghKy-00075-00023030-00023430 Consider placing the most important image near the top of the page. +sTh27hYghKy-00076-00023525-00023815 Don't embed important text inside of images, +sTh27hYghKy-00077-00023839-00024265 in particular, avoid doing that for page headings and menu items. +sTh27hYghKy-00078-00024316-00024697 Not all users and search engines can access text in images. +sTh27hYghKy-00079-00024721-00024929 Translation tools won't work on images, +sTh27hYghKy-00080-00024929-00025137 and often these images don't make +sTh27hYghKy-00081-00025137-00025384 particularly useful previews for your site. +sTh27hYghKy-00082-00025485-00025624 Use alt attributes. +sTh27hYghKy-00083-00025650-00025969 These alt attributes are a way to provide information +sTh27hYghKy-00084-00026011-00026317 about the image to users who can't see the images. +sTh27hYghKy-00085-00026363-00026694 This is good for accessibility, as well as for search engines. +sTh27hYghKy-00086-00026766-00026937 Use high-quality images. +sTh27hYghKy-00087-00026954-00027221 High-quality images appeal to users more +sTh27hYghKy-00088-00027221-00027495 than blurry, unclear, low-resolution images. +sTh27hYghKy-00089-00027552-00027925 Sharp images are often more appealing in the result thumbnail, +sTh27hYghKy-00090-00027958-00028248 and increase the likelihood of getting traffic from users. +sTh27hYghKy-00091-00028347-00028612 Create informative and high-quality sites. +sTh27hYghKy-00092-00028662-00028927 Good content on your pages is just as important +sTh27hYghKy-00093-00028927-00029156 as visual content for Google Images. +sTh27hYghKy-00094-00029195-00029620 It provides context and makes the results more actionable for users. +sTh27hYghKy-00095-00029661-00030037 Page content may be used to generate a text snippet for the image, +sTh27hYghKy-00096-00030037-00030446 and Google considers page content quality when ranking images. +sTh27hYghKy-00097-00030495-00030755 Create mobile and desktop-friendly sites. +sTh27hYghKy-00098-00030785-00031195 Users search on Google Images more from mobile than on desktop. +sTh27hYghKy-00099-00031227-00031494 It's important that you design your site +sTh27hYghKy-00100-00031494-00031697 for all device types and sizes. +sTh27hYghKy-00101-00031732-00032104 Use a mobile-friendly testing tool to test how well your pages work +sTh27hYghKy-00102-00032104-00032236 on mobile devices. +sTh27hYghKy-00103-00032276-00032619 Then, use a good URL structure for your image files. +sTh27hYghKy-00104-00032655-00032966 Google uses the URL path as well as the file name +sTh27hYghKy-00105-00032966-00033142 to help it understand your images. +sTh27hYghKy-00106-00033197-00033428 Consider organizing your image's contents +sTh27hYghKy-00107-00033428-00033698 so that URLs are constructed logically. +sTh27hYghKy-00108-00033738-00033960 Avoid changing your image URLs, +sTh27hYghKy-00109-00033960-00034312 and use 301 redirects when they do need to be changed. +sTh27hYghKy-00110-00034343-00034676 Images tend not to be crawled as frequently as webpages +sTh27hYghKy-00111-00034695-00035025 so it's important to use persistent URLs for them. +sTh27hYghKy-00112-00035080-00035253 And when it comes to URLs, +sTh27hYghKy-00113-00035253-00035561 make sure they're not blocked by robots.txt +sTh27hYghKy-00114-00035596-00035857 if you would like them used as previews on Google. +sTh27hYghKy-00115-00035955-00036187 Let's briefly talk about robots.txt. +sTh27hYghKy-00116-00036242-00036608 If you don't want images from your pages to be shown in search, +sTh27hYghKy-00117-00036647-00036954 a good way to do that is to disallow their crawling +sTh27hYghKy-00118-00036954-00037108 in the robots.txt file. +sTh27hYghKy-00119-00037148-00037530 This file needs to be in a specific machine-readable format, +sTh27hYghKy-00120-00037530-00037758 so it's good to double-check that you're blocking +sTh27hYghKy-00121-00037758-00038122 the appropriate URLs properly and not blocking too much. +sTh27hYghKy-00122-00038166-00038328 While we feel it's often useful +sTh27hYghKy-00123-00038328-00038633 to allow users to search visually for your content, +sTh27hYghKy-00124-00038633-00038911 this is ultimately your decision as a site owner. +sTh27hYghKy-00125-00038981-00039139 Oof, that's a lot! +sTh27hYghKy-00126-00039176-00039367 Following these general best practices +sTh27hYghKy-00127-00039367-00039539 will definitely help search engines +sTh27hYghKy-00128-00039539-00039822 to better understand your site's images already. +sTh27hYghKy-00129-00039846-00039971 If you want to go further, +sTh27hYghKy-00130-00039971-00040238 we also have some advanced techniques to consider. +sTh27hYghKy-00131-00040271-00040463 Add appropriate structured data markup. +sTh27hYghKy-00132-00040488-00040825 Structured data is a way of providing machine-readable information +sTh27hYghKy-00133-00040863-00041060 about your pages and their content. +sTh27hYghKy-00134-00041110-00041280 Depending on the type of page, +sTh27hYghKy-00135-00041280-00041528 you might use different kinds of structured data. +sTh27hYghKy-00136-00041585-00041992 For example, a recipe page may use Recipe structured data. +sTh27hYghKy-00137-00042028-00042346 A news article might use News Article structured data. +sTh27hYghKy-00138-00042369-00042718 And an e-commerce site might use Product structured data. +sTh27hYghKy-00139-00042764-00043034 We have information about all kinds of structured data +sTh27hYghKy-00140-00043034-00043200 in our developer documentation. +sTh27hYghKy-00141-00043223-00043505 Consider allowing large image previews. +sTh27hYghKy-00142-00043505-00043888 Including compelling, high-quality images in your content +sTh27hYghKy-00143-00043888-00044144 is more likely to generate visits from Discover. +sTh27hYghKy-00144-00044175-00044563 For large image previews, the images need to be appropriately sized +sTh27hYghKy-00145-00044563-00044786 and the feature needs to be enabled +sTh27hYghKy-00146-00044786-00045166 either with the max-image-preview:large robots meta tag +sTh27hYghKy-00147-00045166-00045326 or by using AMP. +sTh27hYghKy-00148-00045427-00045754 When providing images, add licensing information. +sTh27hYghKy-00149-00045772-00046172 This helps users to understand the opportunity to license images, +sTh27hYghKy-00150-00046204-00046363 shows appropriate image credits, +sTh27hYghKy-00151-00046363-00046762 and makes it easier for them to acquire a license for the image. +sTh27hYghKy-00152-00046812-00047057 This can be done with structured data on the page +sTh27hYghKy-00153-00047057-00047290 or metadata within the image. +sTh27hYghKy-00154-00047346-00047465 Consider speed. +sTh27hYghKy-00155-00047510-00047936 Images are often the largest contributor to the overall page size. +sTh27hYghKy-00156-00047985-00048429 We recommend applying image optimization using lazy-loading, +sTh27hYghKy-00157-00048429-00048624 and responsive image techniques +sTh27hYghKy-00158-00048624-00048945 to provide high-quality and fast user experiences. +sTh27hYghKy-00159-00048993-00049325 Depending on your website, AMP pages may also be an option +sTh27hYghKy-00160-00049325-00049497 for making fast-loading pages. +sTh27hYghKy-00161-00049542-00049907 That's quite a bit to keep in mind, but how do you get started? +sTh27hYghKy-00162-00049944-00050262 A good general approach when reviewing and improving a website +sTh27hYghKy-00163-00050262-00050628 is to pick a sample of pages from various parts of your website +sTh27hYghKy-00164-00050669-00050835 and to work on those first. +sTh27hYghKy-00165-00050891-00051247 Checking those pages regularly helps to double-check your progress. +sTh27hYghKy-00166-00051297-00051538 This will help you determine which changes to make, +sTh27hYghKy-00167-00051538-00051719 and how to best make them. +sTh27hYghKy-00168-00051745-00051963 Once you've worked it out for a few pages, +sTh27hYghKy-00169-00051963-00052218 it's often relatively easy to apply that +sTh27hYghKy-00170-00052218-00052361 to the rest of your website. +sTh27hYghKy-00171-00052504-00052861 Google Search Console can help you to recognize potential problems +sTh27hYghKy-00172-00052861-00053163 and opportunities, as well as giving you insights +sTh27hYghKy-00173-00053165-00053443 into how your pages are showing in search. +sTh27hYghKy-00174-00053499-00053762 For example, you can confirm that your structured data +sTh27hYghKy-00175-00053762-00053913 is recognized properly, +sTh27hYghKy-00176-00053930-00054309 check the site's speed, and track how its images are performing. +sTh27hYghKy-00177-00054356-00054678 Check out the videos on Search Console to find out more. +sTh27hYghKy-00178-00054800-00054954 The information from this talk +sTh27hYghKy-00179-00054954-00055232 is also available in our developer documentation. +sTh27hYghKy-00180-00055258-00055464 I'll add a link to the description below +sTh27hYghKy-00181-00055464-00055648 if you would like to follow up there. +sTh27hYghKy-00182-00055677-00055791 Thanks for watching. +sTh27hYghKy-00183-00055791-00056121 I hope you found this lightning talk useful and insightful. +sTh27hYghKy-00184-00056171-00056397 If you have any comments regarding this session +sTh27hYghKy-00185-00056398-00056729 or would like to help us to make these videos even better, +sTh27hYghKy-00186-00056729-00056948 please leave a comment here with the video. +sTh27hYghKy-00187-00056986-00057243 And, as always, if you have any questions, +sTh27hYghKy-00188-00057243-00057593 feel free to drop by our help forums to discuss with the experts, +sTh27hYghKy-00189-00057645-00057936 contact us on Twitter, or join us in one of our events. +sTh27hYghKy-00190-00057997-00058127 Bye, everyone! +sTh27hYghKy-00191-00058127-00058527 ♪ [music] ♪ +sUyx6VrQa7c-00000-00000089-00000473 Gangneung +sUyx6VrQa7c-00001-00000542-00000929 For 1 Night 2 Days +sUyx6VrQa7c-00002-00001265-00001577 With rough waves +sUyx6VrQa7c-00003-00001790-00002063 Uneasy weather +sUyx6VrQa7c-00004-00002070-00002567 Me watching these +sUyx6VrQa7c-00005-00002573-00002786 I'll start now +sUyx6VrQa7c-00006-00002883-00003472 If you take an intercity bus, you will arrive at Gangneung from Seoul for two and a half hours +sUyx6VrQa7c-00007-00003523-00003823 Arrived at 6 PM and came here for dinner +sUyx6VrQa7c-00008-00003855-00004265 Due to the rainy weather, I only waited 15 minutes even on the weekend +sUyx6VrQa7c-00009-00004279-00004818 Cockle Bibimbap +sUyx6VrQa7c-00010-00004855-00005428 It has a savory and spicy taste +sUyx6VrQa7c-00011-00005440-00005925 Raw meat +sUyx6VrQa7c-00012-00005958-00006371 Dip it in oil and eat this with the sweet and crispy pear +sUyx6VrQa7c-00013-00006400-00006742 Have a glass of soju +sUyx6VrQa7c-00014-00006790-00007120 A restaurant menu that I bought with my money +sUyx6VrQa7c-00015-00007187-00007533 Sea Sky Hotel +sUyx6VrQa7c-00016-00007600-00008178 It's a mountain view room +sUyx6VrQa7c-00017-00008489-00008961 View of Jumunjin Port~ +sUyx6VrQa7c-00018-00008993-00009429 Wearing these trendy sunglasses +sUyx6VrQa7c-00019-00009475-00009909 Even in heavy rain, I went to the rooftop pool +sUyx6VrQa7c-00020-00010016-00010457 I swim with the wonderful night view in the background +sUyx6VrQa7c-00021-00010493-00010869 I came out at the 11 o'clock deadline and came back to my room +sUyx6VrQa7c-00022-00010983-00011091 Ha~ +sUyx6VrQa7c-00023-00011131-00011461 For our beautiful future +sUyx6VrQa7c-00024-00011511-00011637 Cheers~ +sUyx6VrQa7c-00025-00011667-00011743 Hey guys +sUyx6VrQa7c-00026-00011807-00011937 Cheers~ +sUyx6VrQa7c-00027-00011946-00012105 lol +sUyx6VrQa7c-00028-00012174-00012383 I came to Jumunjin Beach early in the morning +sUyx6VrQa7c-00029-00012416-00012623 The weather is nice today +sUyx6VrQa7c-00030-00012663-00012886 Passing through the entrance that feels like Southeast Asia, +sUyx6VrQa7c-00031-00012898-00013133 The location where the BTS music video was filmed is listed +sUyx6VrQa7c-00032-00013637-00013954 There is also a small swing next to it +sUyx6VrQa7c-00033-00014024-00014389 It doesn’t push more well than I thought +sUyx6VrQa7c-00034-00014418-00014618 Let's go for lunch +sUyx6VrQa7c-00035-00014743-00015017 Looking at the blue sky, the place I arrived by taxi is... +sUyx6VrQa7c-00036-00015023-00015393 A shop where you can refill Jumunjin red crab unlimitedly +sUyx6VrQa7c-00037-00015434-00015710 The set of red crab for 2 people includes 3 crabs +sUyx6VrQa7c-00038-00015761-00016114 The owner of the store gave me 3 more as a service +sUyx6VrQa7c-00039-00016165-00016377 It's salty and savory +sUyx6VrQa7c-00040-00016440-00016653 It's really good +sUyx6VrQa7c-00041-00016715-00017317 It's easy to eat because the groomed crab comes out. +sUyx6VrQa7c-00042-00017352-00017659 I added crab shell rice +sUyx6VrQa7c-00043-00017690-00018029 If you mix the crab together... +sUyx6VrQa7c-00044-00018061-00018405 It's so delicious~ +sUyx6VrQa7c-00045-00018505-00018695 After eating full, +sUyx6VrQa7c-00046-00018730-00018955 I went to the Santorini Cafe on Anmok Beach +sUyx6VrQa7c-00047-00018980-00019165 Let's have a dessert +sUyx6VrQa7c-00048-00019211-00019531 End of the trip for 2 days and 1 night +sUyx6VrQa7c-00049-00019705-00019904 Hello +sUyx6VrQa7c-00050-00019905-00020017 Subscribe me +sUyx6VrQa7c-00051-00020017-00020192 click 'good' for this video +sUBq6SxQWcg-00000-00000000-00000200 List of Range in Google sheet +sUT-STq_4Xu-00000-00001444-00001722 Have you ever imagined for yourself that +sUT-STq_4Xu-00001-00001778-00001852 everything, +sUT-STq_4Xu-00002-00001942-00002172 that you knew before could be not real? +sUT-STq_4Xu-00003-00002364-00002564 I worry about it every night. +sUT-STq_4Xu-00004-00002572-00002772 Every. Day. +sUT-STq_4Xu-00005-00002896-00003022 And every time i woke up, +sUT-STq_4Xu-00006-00003092-00003402 I am constantly asking myself: is that exactly the thing, +sUT-STq_4Xu-00007-00003450-00003650 that we call the reality, or not? +sVvmV9ey4j8-00000-00000216-00000808 dear students namaste this is none other than an instructor prashanth raj rania +sVvmV9ey4j8-00001-00000864-00001664 welcoming you all very warmly to my newly established online coaching center that +sVvmV9ey4j8-00002-00001664-00002736 is prashiddha and sampada online cozy coaching center for you all i wish and i hope this online +sVvmV9ey4j8-00003-00002736-00003744 coaching center will be benefiting you a lot in the longer session of your study and hope that +sVvmV9ey4j8-00004-00003808-00005352 we will with full effort will be always taking pain to digest your problem related to your +sVvmV9ey4j8-00005-00005352-00006536 respective subjects and we offer you the twosome classes regularly for varieties of subjects +sfu8nxhF9so-00000-00000248-00000640 Hello, howzit. Uh.. welcome to the Raging Feminist. +sfu8nxhF9so-00001-00000919-00001832 Question of the day: why do you want botox? Botox. Why do you want it? +sfu8nxhF9so-00002-00002232-00002528 I'm going to tell you my reservations about botox. +sfu8nxhF9so-00003-00002992-00003679 Yes, it deadens the nerves in your forehead here. I guess it could also happen in other +sfu8nxhF9so-00004-00003679-00004160 nerve sections of your face too, but they largely focus on this section. So that you +sfu8nxhF9so-00005-00004160-00005176 don't get.. you don't get.. these lines, these lines, that one there. And that.. this lot here. +sfu8nxhF9so-00006-00005248-00006056 You're not supposed to have these. So these lines, and those lines, right? These wrinkles are +sfu8nxhF9so-00007-00006144-00007184 not fashionable. Women seem to think these are a no go. Some men too, I think. +sfu8nxhF9so-00008-00007568-00007888 I'm going to try and get into why I think this is so.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00009-00008168-00009064 insidious. So insidious. I was raised as a child to be very accommodating; +sfu8nxhF9so-00010-00009064-00009632 to be.. to always be polite, to always be accommodating, to be pleasant and to be polite. +sfu8nxhF9so-00011-00009832-00010216 I was.. I was allowed.. well, I was.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00012-00010272-00010816 it was acceptable for me to look happy and nice and have a smile on my face. +sfu8nxhF9so-00013-00011032-00011720 Probably the worst that I was sort of.. it was acceptable for me to look like was just serious. +sfu8nxhF9so-00014-00011816-00012456 I noticed going out.. not so much my parents, but I noticed going out in society, if you showed too +sfu8nxhF9so-00015-00012456-00013384 much of a serious face. Or a concerned face, or a face of consternation or.. or anger. +sfu8nxhF9so-00016-00013463-00014168 Or.. just stick to downright seriousness. People around me.. and I noticed this. It happened with +sfu8nxhF9so-00017-00014168-00014744 other girls and women too, if you're looking too much like that, people come up to you and go, +sfu8nxhF9so-00018-00014744-00015208 "Don't look so serious. Smile! You look pretty.. you look prettier when you smile." +sfu8nxhF9so-00019-00015552-00015896 You look prettier when you smile. You look prettier +sfu8nxhF9so-00020-00015976-00016592 when you don't have these.. these wrinkles screwed up on your face. Your facial muscles.. your +sfu8nxhF9so-00021-00016696-00016984 facial muscles are not contorting in different directions. +sfu8nxhF9so-00022-00017504-00018384 I notice that the same is not said for men and boys. So somehow there's a certain spectrum +sfu8nxhF9so-00023-00018480-00019032 of facial muscles and facial expressions that are generally acceptable from females, +sfu8nxhF9so-00024-00019272-00019792 and another lot for males or.. I.. I'm not sure too much about the males, but I just know from +sfu8nxhF9so-00025-00019792-00020696 my perspective that a female can look happy, she can look sweet, she can look accommodating, +sfu8nxhF9so-00026-00020696-00021328 she can look.. um.. basically anything along the.. the positive aesthetically pleasing looking +sfu8nxhF9so-00027-00021560-00022304 facial markers or expressions, but people.. men, women included, tend to.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00028-00022360-00022968 Women and girls have these facial markers that are acceptable, but there is definitely some +sfu8nxhF9so-00029-00023056-00023720 that in general society, even to other women create.. seem to create stress from others, +sfu8nxhF9so-00030-00023776-00024648 for example anger. If you think of the average thumbnail of a.. an angry feminist, an angry lefty +sfu8nxhF9so-00031-00024648-00025528 (leftist) with purple or.. or uh.. green hair out there, or um.. a Karen. A Karen? A Karen. Okay. +sfu8nxhF9so-00032-00025584-00026176 Think of the typical angry facial expressions that you'll see from some of these women, +sfu8nxhF9so-00033-00026368-00026783 and just think of how.. what emotions they make you feel. +sfu8nxhF9so-00034-00026839-00027248 They make you feel insecure, like what's going on with the world, like, +sfu8nxhF9so-00035-00027248-00028183 why are these women so unhinged? Why are they so angry? It's not even why are they so angry. +sfu8nxhF9so-00036-00028336-00028608 It.. It's not even that question really. It's more like the question of.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00037-00028983-00029608 why do they think they can show such anger? I think that's it. +sfu8nxhF9so-00038-00029727-00031072 Why do these women feel totally okay to show their ugliest selves or ugliest sides within the public. +sfu8nxhF9so-00039-00031295-00031583 I think a lot of women think this, like men.. men +sfu8nxhF9so-00040-00031639-00032000 seem to be sort of scared by this; they don't even want to approach. +sfu8nxhF9so-00041-00032000-00032480 But women, I think, seem to be asking the question, inside their heads, +sfu8nxhF9so-00042-00032672-00033448 "Why would she want to show her ugliest side? Why would she want to show her.. her worst face?" +sfu8nxhF9so-00043-00033704-00034016 And this comes down to the idea that +sfu8nxhF9so-00044-00034192-00035048 women are marked, graded, scored on their aesthetic value of what they bring to the +sfu8nxhF9so-00045-00035048-00035744 aesthetics of an environment. Men do this. But women themselves are also.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00046-00035984-00037096 extremely exacting on themselves and on other women too. What this is basically saying is, +sfu8nxhF9so-00047-00037232-00037888 women and girls, or females, you can look like you're feeling positive, but you.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00048-00037960-00038472 you're not really.. it's not okay to look negative. Sorry, I have fluff in my hair. +sfu8nxhF9so-00049-00038528-00039520 It's not okay to look negative. It's not okay to look angry, aggressive.. it's not okay to look +sfu8nxhF9so-00050-00039592-00040288 concerned about something. It's not okay to look worried. You must always be "a happy +sfu8nxhF9so-00051-00040288-00041152 little thing". You must always be sunshine-y and uh.. pleasant and sweet and accommodating. +sfu8nxhF9so-00052-00041360-00041888 And so society places this expectation on women. Basically, +sfu8nxhF9so-00053-00042032-00042432 by not being allowed to show these different facial expressions, +sfu8nxhF9so-00054-00042528-00043296 they're saying.. society's expectation is saying that you shouldn't be feeling this either. +sfu8nxhF9so-00055-00043416-00044336 Or you can feel it, you can feel it, but don't you dare show it. Feel it, but don't let us know that +sfu8nxhF9so-00056-00044336-00045128 stuff's bothering you. Feel it, but you keep it to yourself. Keep it to yourself. We don't want +sfu8nxhF9so-00057-00045128-00045688 to know about your problems, we don't want to know about your feelings however complicated or however +sfu8nxhF9so-00058-00045688-00046384 righteous you are in those feelings, we don't really want to know. So don't show them to us. +sfu8nxhF9so-00059-00046888-00047376 I've always felt like, okay yes, we live in a kind of like a "modern society", +sfu8nxhF9so-00060-00047472-00048088 but if we're still at this juncture where women cannot honestly show the whole spectrum of +sfu8nxhF9so-00061-00048088-00048592 range of emotions on their face - this is part of the basics of your communication. +sfu8nxhF9so-00062-00048808-00049376 Your face, your facial expressions, so much is carried forth from the face when you are +sfu8nxhF9so-00063-00049376-00050064 communicating with other people - so much. And if people are.. if society is saying, "You can only +sfu8nxhF9so-00064-00050064-00050760 show these expressions, but not these ones", they're basically curtailing or cutting short +sfu8nxhF9so-00065-00050760-00051448 whole sections.. whole sections of your expression range, or what you're allowed to express. +sfu8nxhF9so-00066-00051512-00052504 This is a form of censorship. This is a form of censorship. It's almost like facial expression +sfu8nxhF9so-00067-00052504-00053167 censorship. Facial expression curtailing. Like sort of.. you know, you're allowed to do this, +sfu8nxhF9so-00068-00053167-00053448 but you're not allowed to do that. We don't like that. We don't like to see that from you; +sfu8nxhF9so-00069-00053448-00053904 you need to look pretty. You need to look pretty. You need to look aesthetically pleasing, +sfu8nxhF9so-00070-00054000-00055112 not really like a human feeling being. Not really like a.. a real being with your own thoughts and +sfu8nxhF9so-00071-00055112-00055688 worries and concerns, and things that.. that that drive you nuts and you want to do something about. +sfu8nxhF9so-00072-00055848-00056408 This is still the case, and we live in this world, and you can see that this is still happening when +sfu8nxhF9so-00073-00056488-00057488 women themselves are going to botox clinics to basically cancel their own facial expressions. +sfu8nxhF9so-00074-00057567-00057855 To cancel their own facial expressions. +sfu8nxhF9so-00075-00057928-00058528 All these muscles, all these wrinkles, are part of a package of +sfu8nxhF9so-00076-00058648-00059328 forms of expression. It's a package of forms of expression. This seems like a lot of women +sfu8nxhF9so-00077-00059328-00059912 don't seem to want, maybe it's men too at a certain high level, but women don't +sfu8nxhF9so-00078-00059912-00060616 seem to want to allow the expressions that come along with the lines here, and the lines here. +sfu8nxhF9so-00079-00060760-00061216 What's that about? Let.. Let.. Let's analyse that. So all these muscles and the lines are +sfu8nxhF9so-00080-00061216-00061488 associated.. let.. let.. let's look at them. So if I do this.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00081-00061744-00062504 I look like maybe this is surprised. Surprised. Or maybe I'm doubting something. I'm surprised, +sfu8nxhF9so-00082-00062504-00062904 or I'm doubting something. Or I.. maybe I look skeptical. +sfu8nxhF9so-00083-00063000-00063520 These lines could show skepticism, right? Am I not allowed to look like a skeptic sometimes? +sfu8nxhF9so-00084-00063520-00064032 Am I not allowed to look critical about something? Oh yes! These lines are.. maybe +sfu8nxhF9so-00085-00064104-00064488 lines that appear before someone starts to criticise you about something, +sfu8nxhF9so-00086-00064488-00065024 right? Or.. or critically analyse something. Mmm, I wonder why that's the case. +sfu8nxhF9so-00087-00065272-00066056 Why.. why do we want to hide these lines? Why is it okay that men can have their whole range of +sfu8nxhF9so-00088-00066056-00066568 facial muscles in different directions with lines and wrinkles and everything, but women must look +sfu8nxhF9so-00089-00066568-00067272 like a.. like a doll with the makeup and the two spots of blush and like, just pretty pretty wide +sfu8nxhF9so-00090-00067272-00068000 eyed with no real range to work with. You can have the pleasant ones, but you can't have the.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00091-00068120-00068808 the deeper, more serious ones. Jeepers. Huhhh.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00092-00068808-00069248 We haven't come that far if we can't even show our facial expressions. This is what I'm +sfu8nxhF9so-00093-00069248-00069760 trying to say. We have not come far enough if we have to hide our facial expressions. +sfu8nxhF9so-00094-00069832-00070224 And these lines here.. these lines here, right? +sfu8nxhF9so-00095-00070280-00070952 These lines.. these lines of consternation or.. let.. I'm going to brainstorm what these +sfu8nxhF9so-00096-00071032-00071600 possibly are. These are, for me, I often notice I'm doing this in the mirror often, +sfu8nxhF9so-00097-00071600-00072152 and it's probably usually when I've been reading or something, or I'm.. I'm focusing my attention +sfu8nxhF9so-00098-00072152-00073008 on something. I'm focusing my attention on something, and I'm really concentrating. +sfu8nxhF9so-00099-00073008-00073408 It could be when I'm thinking deeply about something, and I'm puzzling through something. +sfu8nxhF9so-00100-00073472-00074120 Why.. Why can you not look like you're puzzling through something? Why can +sfu8nxhF9so-00101-00074120-00075064 you not look like you've been thinking through things? Why can you not look like a deep thinker? +sfu8nxhF9so-00102-00075336-00076160 Why is this a problem? Why is this a problem? I mean if you look at images of men, +sfu8nxhF9so-00103-00076264-00076600 there's almost always this, there's almost always this, and nobody gives them +sfu8nxhF9so-00104-00076664-00077072 aesthetic downgrading. They just go, "Well, that's his face." +sfu8nxhF9so-00105-00077072-00077560 That's just his face. We should be as accepting of our faces too because this is our.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00106-00077560-00078584 our range of expression right here - our visual expression of what we think and feel and say. +sfu8nxhF9so-00107-00078872-00079128 Anyway. So this is what I'm saying. Like +sfu8nxhF9so-00108-00079264-00079840 if you.. if you're thinking of going into botox, or going to get it done - okay, +sfu8nxhF9so-00109-00079840-00080264 essentially you're deadening the muscles that move this part of your face around. +sfu8nxhF9so-00110-00080320-00080776 But really think about what is your motivation for doing this. +sfu8nxhF9so-00111-00080960-00081480 What.. what's.. what's driving you? You.. you want a.. you want a clear little face that doesn't +sfu8nxhF9so-00112-00081480-00082248 really move much, show much criticism or focus or deep thinking or maybe worry? Maybe you've +sfu8nxhF9so-00113-00082248-00082936 been worried. Um.. yes! I get these lines when I worry about something - life is not easy. Life +sfu8nxhF9so-00114-00082936-00083464 has freakin' been ups and downs and, like.. almost not making it and.. you know? +sfu8nxhF9so-00115-00083464-00083648 This shows that you've been through that. +sfu8nxhF9so-00116-00083752-00084400 Why would you want to negate that? Why would you want to negate all that from your range here, +sfu8nxhF9so-00117-00084400-00084864 and what you show people that you've been through. You're a whole person. You're +sfu8nxhF9so-00118-00084864-00085352 due what you've.. you're due the marks of what you've been through. They're like the scars of +sfu8nxhF9so-00119-00085352-00085888 your life - something you can actually be proud of like, "Yes, I've made it this far, and I'm okay." +sfu8nxhF9so-00120-00085960-00086240 Here's the thing. If you are dating someone, +sfu8nxhF9so-00121-00086328-00086744 man or woman, I don't even care, man or woman you are dating them, and they're saying, +sfu8nxhF9so-00122-00086800-00087360 "Um.. I'm not sure how I feel about these lines on your head; maybe you can get some botox," +sfu8nxhF9so-00123-00087440-00088384 I think you seriously need to.. reassess both sides' value systems - their value system and +sfu8nxhF9so-00124-00088384-00088896 yours - and why would they want to erase that from you? That's part of you. That's part of you. +sfu8nxhF9so-00125-00088952-00089512 I do know that um.., especially in Asian culture, there's this idea that you want +sfu8nxhF9so-00126-00089512-00090072 to look young. You want to look young and fresh. Basically, you want to look like you haven't been +sfu8nxhF9so-00127-00090072-00090680 through the trials of life yet. You haven't been through the trials of life. Why? +sfu8nxhF9so-00128-00090992-00091576 You've.. you're a newb.. you're a newb, you're a greenhorn, you just rocked up here like.. like +sfu8nxhF9so-00129-00091576-00092120 a baby and you know nothing and everything has just been great and fine and wonderful. That's.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00130-00092408-00092872 That's the same as social media where everybody sees the very positive sides or the great parts +sfu8nxhF9so-00131-00092872-00093320 of everybody else's life, but they never see the dark sides or, and they never see +sfu8nxhF9so-00132-00093384-00093744 stressed sides or the sides of depression of people's lives where they haven't +sfu8nxhF9so-00133-00093744-00094016 been doing well at all. It's the.. kind of the same thing, you know. +sfu8nxhF9so-00134-00094016-00094448 Everything is just positive and lovely and nice, but you know what? We're all human.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00135-00094712-00095240 and I think, you know when I see a woman who's got like, the whole range here, it's just like that's +sfu8nxhF9so-00136-00095240-00095936 her. She's had a life. You're not like a clone with.. with.. with clear shiny skin coming right +sfu8nxhF9so-00137-00095936-00096488 out.. right out of a vat, and you've been sitting in collagen gel your whole life where life's.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00138-00096544-00097168 life has completely not touched you at all. Been living in bubble wrap. That's +sfu8nxhF9so-00139-00097168-00097456 not even good for the person you're supposed to be getting together with. +sfu8nxhF9so-00140-00097736-00098592 There is another thing about this. There's another thing about this. If, every time you do something +sfu8nxhF9so-00141-00098704-00099448 to.. to negate parts of yourself, every time you do something to negate parts of +sfu8nxhF9so-00142-00099448-00100136 yourself.. uh, whether it's facial expression, like your expressive ability, your.. I dunno, +sfu8nxhF9so-00143-00100136-00100864 maybe your..uh.. different things, you're sending a message to everyone around you that this is okay +sfu8nxhF9so-00144-00100864-00101600 with you to be doing this. You're sending a message to your partner and your family +sfu8nxhF9so-00145-00101600-00102304 that you're okay with negating whole parts of yourself. You're sending a message, a very clear +sfu8nxhF9so-00146-00102304-00103016 message to your children, to your children, that it's not okay to look a certain way. +sfu8nxhF9so-00147-00103080-00103872 Women are sending messages to their girl children that it's not okay to look angry or +sfu8nxhF9so-00148-00103872-00104559 sad or concerned about something, or angry. Basically, it's not okay... again, +sfu8nxhF9so-00149-00104559-00105376 you're passing on that message to your kids that it's only okay to look pleasant and friendly. +sfu8nxhF9so-00150-00105376-00106048 If you have anything else to say, keep quiet; do not show it on your face. Stow it inside, +sfu8nxhF9so-00151-00106048-00106583 and give yourself cancer later on because you couldn't.. you couldn't express your emotions. +sfu8nxhF9so-00152-00106688-00106928 We are sending messages to our children +sfu8nxhF9so-00153-00107032-00107520 that their facial.. their facial expressions that they're having, this facial expression, +sfu8nxhF9so-00154-00107520-00108024 this facial expression, is not allowed. Especially to the girls. We're sending messages time and time +sfu8nxhF9so-00155-00108024-00108583 again to all the girls saying, "This is not okay; you need to hide it or get some botox yourself." +sfu8nxhF9so-00156-00108583-00109128 Well think about it - maybe we're not actually saying it, but a girl child seeing her mom or +sfu8nxhF9so-00157-00109128-00109520 all the women around her getting that; she's just going to think, "Oh, that's the way it is supposed +sfu8nxhF9so-00158-00109520-00109976 to be. I'll..", and then they probably wind up doing the same thing after they're 18 or 19 too. +sfu8nxhF9so-00159-00110064-00110440 And there.. this is just part of normal society. Ah, we've just got to +sfu8nxhF9so-00160-00110440-00110952 hide all of this stuff - all our.. all our slightly negative things that we.. things +sfu8nxhF9so-00161-00110952-00111408 that we're worried or concerned about. Just.. just put it in the back. It's not there really. +sfu8nxhF9so-00162-00111520-00111744 What do you think this is doing to you psychologically? +sfu8nxhF9so-00163-00111952-00112183 And down the road, what will it do to them psychologically? +sfu8nxhF9so-00164-00112383-00112816 There's a few things that I've stopped doing. I mean, I don't wear that much makeup anymore, +sfu8nxhF9so-00165-00112816-00113352 but.. and I've got like so much grey and white hair that I've just let grow out. Actually don't +sfu8nxhF9so-00166-00113352-00113928 think it looks that bad. It looks, it actually looks um.. more awkward in the beginning. Like, +sfu8nxhF9so-00167-00113928-00114368 I used to dye my hair, and then you could see the white growing out. And that.. that was the part +sfu8nxhF9so-00168-00114368-00115016 that looked really weird and awkward, but when it all grows out, I think it looks okay actually. +sfu8nxhF9so-00169-00115016-00115583 And I've noticed. Like, I work at a school, and I've noticed some of the other women have kind of +sfu8nxhF9so-00170-00115583-00116152 commented to me sometimes like, "You know what? Your grey or your white hair is actually.. not +sfu8nxhF9so-00171-00116152-00116696 bad looking," and I'm like, "Thank you, honey. Feel free to do the same thing yourself". You +sfu8nxhF9so-00172-00116696-00117224 don't have to always be burning and bleaching your hair into a different colour. I'm not saying you +sfu8nxhF9so-00173-00117224-00117656 shouldn't do that because you feel like expressing yourself in one way or other - sure, go ahead. +sfu8nxhF9so-00174-00117656-00118120 But what I'm talking about is when you get to a stage where +sfu8nxhF9so-00175-00118120-00118672 your own.. your own colour coming.. or your own lack of colour coming out of your scalp +sfu8nxhF9so-00176-00118824-00119376 is sending, or you.. you feel like you can't even show your own coming through at any point. +sfu8nxhF9so-00177-00119376-00119928 Regrowth, whatever.. but, some people can't even see the smallest part of it - the smallest +sfu8nxhF9so-00178-00119928-00120280 part of themselves growing out there. They've got to go to the hairdresser; they've got to +sfu8nxhF9so-00179-00120280-00120704 cover that up. "I've got to get my hair done. I've got to get it covered", your whole life? +sfu8nxhF9so-00180-00120840-00121320 Your whole life growing your hair, and every time part of you grows out, +sfu8nxhF9so-00181-00121320-00121983 you've got to burn it down to a different colour, or you've got to cover it up with something else. +sfu8nxhF9so-00182-00122135-00122368 Self-acceptance is a beautiful thing, man. +sfu8nxhF9so-00183-00122672-00123152 It actually won't drive people away from you. What it will do is send a huge message of hope +sfu8nxhF9so-00184-00123232-00123872 to other women out there, other people, and the children. It will send a message of such +sfu8nxhF9so-00185-00123872-00124600 hope to the younger generation that they see, wow, there's this grown lady. She's working, +sfu8nxhF9so-00186-00124672-00125311 she's a positive influence in our soci.. in our community. She looks like she's +sfu8nxhF9so-00187-00125311-00126183 okay. She's healthy. She's a viable member, and she's totally growing her grey hair out. Cool. +sfu8nxhF9so-00188-00126240-00126735 I noticed my.. my students, I don't think they knew that I could.. that I could.. that I was +sfu8nxhF9so-00189-00126735-00127128 picking up that.. that they were talking about me because they were talking about me in Chinese. +sfu8nxhF9so-00190-00127192-00127648 And I.. I was sitting in front of them, and I was just.. I had my head down and I was busy +sfu8nxhF9so-00191-00127648-00128335 doing something, and I could see there were two girls just further off from me, like.. just.. they +sfu8nxhF9so-00192-00128335-00128711 were looking at each other and.. and they kept looking at my hair and then they were discussing +sfu8nxhF9so-00193-00128711-00129152 with each other, and basically what the thing was, they discussed it. "Oh yeah, it's unusual +sfu8nxhF9so-00194-00129152-00129576 like you know, not many people do that da da da." And then basically, they came to the conclusion, +sfu8nxhF9so-00195-00129576-00130000 the one girl said, "You know, it doesn't look bad," and the other one was like, "Yeah, right? +sfu8nxhF9so-00196-00130056-00130648 It doesn't look bad," and they were surprised by this. And they were surprised.. tsk, that it +sfu8nxhF9so-00197-00130648-00131032 didn't look bad. It doesn't have to look bad. It's just grey, white.. it's just a different colour. +sfu8nxhF9so-00198-00131136-00131648 Yes okay, I may be getting old, I'm 43, I don't care. Yes, I'm going.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00199-00131648-00132056 one day I'm going to be old and decrepit. But at this.. at the moment I have sort of +sfu8nxhF9so-00200-00132056-00132768 ash brown hair and I have a bit of grey and white, and I don't feel like it's a terribly bad thing. +sfu8nxhF9so-00201-00132768-00133192 I don't have a problem - yes, it shows that I'm getting old. I'm not a spring chicken; +sfu8nxhF9so-00202-00133192-00133720 I'm not 16 years old - I don't want to be. I think it's alright. No problems. +sfu8nxhF9so-00203-00133912-00134616 I'm kind of actually waiting for fatter streaks actually. You know, like um.. who's +sfu8nxhF9so-00204-00134616-00135376 that.. um.. woman in "The Adams Family", Morticia, with the fat streaks. I.. I think.. I don't think +sfu8nxhF9so-00205-00135376-00135872 streaks are bad, you know, there's quite a cool.. I've noticed if I put my hair back like this, +sfu8nxhF9so-00206-00135872-00136368 sort of half down, half up, at the back there's two streaks that come from behind my ears. +sfu8nxhF9so-00207-00136464-00136608 And that's quite cool - I like that. +sfu8nxhF9so-00208-00136736-00137408 Yes, it could be aging. Yes, it looks.. um, I'm definitely not looking young anymore, but +sfu8nxhF9so-00209-00137408-00138080 I don't care. I think I deserve my age. I've lived through stuff, I have experience, I know +sfu8nxhF9so-00210-00138080-00138616 things. I think I'm pretty wise about some stuff, not about everything, but I feel like I deserve +sfu8nxhF9so-00211-00138672-00139040 what I've got to and where I am and how I look. Okay, I'm not a.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00212-00139120-00139632 I'm not an 'Elle' model, I'm not.. you know, but so what. +sfu8nxhF9so-00213-00139632-00140152 And my thing is, if someone is going to judge me on that, if someone is going to, like, +sfu8nxhF9so-00214-00140152-00140936 crit me on that, fine. You.. you don't have to enter my life. That's the person that I don't want +sfu8nxhF9so-00215-00140936-00141416 in my life - the one who's judging me on the way I look and everything, whose picking me apart.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00216-00141520-00142000 Fine, do it. You are basically putting yourself in the category of people.. in the +sfu8nxhF9so-00217-00142000-00142616 category of people that I don't want and I don't need in my life. Thank you very much. +sfu8nxhF9so-00218-00142616-00143208 Someone even told me one day, "Gen, you.. your.. your hair is white. You're growing your hair +sfu8nxhF9so-00219-00143208-00143712 out white," and I'm like, "Yes" and they say, "Well, why?" and I'm like, "It's the best way +sfu8nxhF9so-00220-00143712-00144480 to scare away assholes. Or dickheads," hehe, and they were like, "Oh, yeah." +sfu8nxhF9so-00221-00144480-00144904 Well, it's kind of true, isn't it? I mean, you know, there is a lot of very shallow people +sfu8nxhF9so-00222-00144904-00145368 out there, and this kind of thing sort of knocks off a whole bunch of shallow people all at once. +sfu8nxhF9so-00223-00145504-00145840 Anyway um, now.. now what I'm saying is.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00224-00145912-00146320 like maybe you want to dye your hair blue because you know, you want to match your nail polish and +sfu8nxhF9so-00225-00146320-00146880 that kind of.. yeah, I totally.. I mean, I was different colours for years and years and years, +sfu8nxhF9so-00226-00146880-00147392 but what I'm talking about is when you.. when you.. you've tried all your experimentation, +sfu8nxhF9so-00227-00147392-00147888 and when you get to a lull of like just not colouring your hair in any particular way, +sfu8nxhF9so-00228-00147984-00148584 but when you do see your original colour coming through, don't be terrified. +sfu8nxhF9so-00229-00148680-00149208 It's got a bit of white in it, so what. You're human; you've aged a bit - there's +sfu8nxhF9so-00230-00149208-00149992 nothing wrong with that. You are fine. Accept yourself. You've done a lot, +sfu8nxhF9so-00231-00149992-00150680 you've been through so much. You've lived through things. You're just a human being. +sfu8nxhF9so-00232-00151104-00151896 It's funny how like, if you're born a man or male, you're seen as a person. You're seen as a person +sfu8nxhF9so-00233-00151896-00152280 first, and then you're seen as male. But if you're born as female, +sfu8nxhF9so-00234-00152336-00153368 you're seen as female first, and then as a human. You're seen as female first, and then as a human. +sfu8nxhF9so-00235-00153368-00153920 I'll give you an example. Think of it like this. Okay, uh.. blank your mind. +sfu8nxhF9so-00236-00153920-00154456 Blank your mind - just stop thinking things. I'm going to say one sentence, okay? +sfu8nxhF9so-00237-00154632-00155288 A person walks into a room. Okay? A person walks into a room. What gender is the person? +sfu8nxhF9so-00238-00155360-00155584 Are they male or female? +sfu8nxhF9so-00239-00155712-00156192 Right? Okay. In your mind.. even for me, when I did this the first time, +sfu8nxhF9so-00240-00156192-00156448 I was like, "A person walks into a room," +sfu8nxhF9so-00241-00156448-00157072 and I just pictured a male. A person walks into a room, a human walks into a room, in my mind, +sfu8nxhF9so-00242-00157072-00157664 just first off, it's a male. Then I had to think to myself, "Ah, but that can also be female too." +sfu8nxhF9so-00243-00157880-00158456 That can be female too. So she's also a person. I need to.. I need to correct myself on this. +sfu8nxhF9so-00244-00158552-00158768 So just.. just know that. Be aware of it. +sfu8nxhF9so-00245-00158968-00159160 And yes, back to botox. +sfu8nxhF9so-00246-00159352-00159840 You don't need it. And if anyone's going to be judging you for it, basically what +sfu8nxhF9so-00247-00159840-00160456 they're saying is they are not okay with whole sections of your life that you've been through. +sfu8nxhF9so-00248-00160456-00160976 They are not okay that you've lived through it and got through it, and survived, and been okay, +sfu8nxhF9so-00249-00161096-00161772 and worked through it on to the other side. They are not okay with you feeling your feelings - +sfu8nxhF9so-00250-00161888-00162728 they're not okay with that. Why on earth would you want someone in your life who totally wants you to +sfu8nxhF9so-00251-00162728-00163512 negate.. negate or cancel whole areas of your personality and character, and your experience. +sfu8nxhF9so-00252-00163752-00164048 Why would you want to be with a person like that? It's so.. +sfu8nxhF9so-00253-00164408-00164640 what's the word? It's really selfish. +sfu8nxhF9so-00254-00164824-00165208 Because I dunno, what I've noticed is, there's a lot of expectation +sfu8nxhF9so-00255-00165208-00165800 for one side to be perfect in a certain realm like this, but there's not much expectation on +sfu8nxhF9so-00256-00165800-00166304 the other side. Like, a man can look angry and concerned and consternated and serious, +sfu8nxhF9so-00257-00166376-00166848 and he's never judged for looking that way like that. He.. his.. his emotions, +sfu8nxhF9so-00258-00166848-00167312 his expression about it. The way he talks about it, it's all taken on board. It's fine. +sfu8nxhF9so-00259-00167800-00168624 I must admit though - I.. I do.. I am aware that men on the other spectrum are.. are also +sfu8nxhF9so-00260-00168624-00169304 judged and criticised for having certain emotional looks on their face. I think probably in the last +sfu8nxhF9so-00261-00169304-00169792 generation they were probably judged as being sissy boys or sissy or gay, or.. or.. whatever. +sfu8nxhF9so-00262-00169792-00170192 Like, but in like, the negative way, like the past negative way when it was not accepted. +sfu8nxhF9so-00263-00170328-00170952 A man couldn't.. a man couldn't and sometimes still cannot in many countries.. still cannot +sfu8nxhF9so-00264-00170952-00171632 show his full range of facial emotions. There's that. There definitely is - I understand that. +sfu8nxhF9so-00265-00172120-00172752 Anyway, I'm going to stop there. Know that you're okay in your own skin. And if someone +sfu8nxhF9so-00266-00172752-00173200 else is demanding for you to change it, maybe you need to look around or learn +sfu8nxhF9so-00267-00173200-00173992 to be happy on your own until things change, the terrain changes. Strengthen yourself up; +sfu8nxhF9so-00268-00173992-00174464 build yourself up. You don't need to change that much. You're fine. Your face is fine. +sfu8nxhF9so-00269-00174696-00175224 There's nothing wrong with you. It's a face - we all have them. +sfu8nxhF9so-00270-00175224-00175776 Live in it - you deserve it. You've been through struggles. +sfu8nxhF9so-00271-00175952-00176648 Show what you are, and if it scares people away, good. If it scares people away, good. +sfu8nxhF9so-00272-00176832-00177552 Anyway, stay strong, stay healthy, and all the best to you. If you have anything you'd like +sfu8nxhF9so-00273-00177552-00178224 to add or suggest please put down here in the comments section. Have a lovely day. See ya. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00000-00000149-00000405 Here you'll see that I have just opened Pages. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00001-00000405-00000726 By default, you'll see this window appear. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00002-00000726-00001130 You can choose any kind of template from this list on the left. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00003-00001130-00001836 I'll choose Flyers & Posters, and then choose this Lost & Found Flyer as a starting point +sfS-PMq9x2y-00004-00001836-00002066 for my poster. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00005-00002066-00002800 To customize the text, just double-click and then type your new content. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00006-00002800-00003207 If this were a real instructional video, I'd have much more to tell you about the steps +sfS-PMq9x2y-00007-00003207-00003836 needed, but to keep this short, I'm going to simply Save my file by going to the File +sfS-PMq9x2y-00008-00003836-00004147 menu, and then choosing Save. +sfS-PMq9x2y-00009-00004147-00004930 I'll give my flyer a name, and make sure I know where I saved it on my computer. +sgwXrgXOicy-00000-00000146-00000409 Falling time. +sgwXrgXOicy-00001-00000409-00001262 So for doing a straight-ahead animation of a ball drop, our first key is at the apex. +sgwXrgXOicy-00002-00001262-00002180 Well, we like to know, say for shooting on 2, 2 frames later where would the ball be? +sgwXrgXOicy-00003-00002180-00003022 Would it be here, or further down, probably not far down as this last one. +sgwXrgXOicy-00004-00003022-00003399 But maybe a few frames later, it would be down here. +sgwXrgXOicy-00005-00003399-00004145 So we want to have some idea as to how quickly things fall. +sgwXrgXOicy-00006-00004145-00004537 How much times is it take for something to fall? +sgwXrgXOicy-00007-00004537-00005689 Well, of course in physics, we can calculate these times, given the acceleration of gravity, +sgwXrgXOicy-00008-00005689-00006353 and here we have a table that shows up, after the first few frames how far something falls. +sgwXrgXOicy-00009-00006353-00007244 Now from the apex after just one frame, distance is very small, it’s only about a third of +sgwXrgXOicy-00010-00007244-00007975 an inch, which is a little bit larger than the width of a pencil. +sgwXrgXOicy-00011-00007975-00008652 After two frames, the distance is about one of the third inches, of course most animators +sgwXrgXOicy-00012-00008652-00009005 don't have be precise. +sgwXrgXOicy-00013-00009005-00009762 The ideas is that, approximately the width of two fingers after two frames. +sgwXrgXOicy-00014-00009762-00010485 So that's the distance something falls from an apex after a two frames. +sgwXrgXOicy-00015-00010485-00010901 And we can look at a few more of these values. +sgwXrgXOicy-00016-00010901-00011697 After 3 inches, it's roughly the width of your fingers. +sgwXrgXOicy-00017-00011697-00012431 After four frames, its about the width of a of a CD. +sgwXrgXOicy-00018-00012431-00013159 So these are probably some easy things you can remember if you want to have an idea how +sgwXrgXOicy-00019-00013159-00013634 far something falls after the first few frames. +sgwXrgXOicy-00020-00013634-00014663 So in a straight-ahead animation of a ball drop if we were shooting on twos, and the +sgwXrgXOicy-00021-00014663-00015562 first key drawing was the apex ,then two frames later the ball would be roughly here, which +sgwXrgXOicy-00022-00015562-00016495 is about both the width of two figures, happens to be about a third the diameter of this ball. +sgwXrgXOicy-00023-00016495-00017438 Now one thing which is actually convenient is that other distance that an object falls +sgwXrgXOicy-00024-00017438-00018146 does not depend on the objects weight as long as the force of air resistance is minimal. +sgwXrgXOicy-00025-00018146-00018977 So if I release of baseball, or softball, or cricket ball, and something much heavier +sgwXrgXOicy-00026-00018977-00019826 like a bowling ball, from the same height, then the two of them fall together as long +sgwXrgXOicy-00027-00019826-00020259 as there isn’t a significant air resistance. +sgwXrgXOicy-00028-00020259-00020903 For the first few frames of falling, that's almost always the case unless were talking +sgwXrgXOicy-00029-00020903-00021798 about something extremely light such as a feather, or a leaf, then in that case there +sgwXrgXOicy-00030-00021798-00022573 is a significant air resistance compared to say the weight of a leaf, and so is what exactly +sgwXrgXOicy-00031-00022573-00023543 applied, but for many, many objects at least for the first few of frames, the air resistance +sgwXrgXOicy-00032-00023543-00023933 is minimal and then these values apply. +sgwXrgXOicy-00033-00023933-00024920 Now you can use these results and the other table, which tells you the how much time it +sgwXrgXOicy-00034-00024920-00025689 takes for something to fall 1 inch, 2 inches, so on. +sgwXrgXOicy-00035-00025689-00026366 And one example, you could have a friend hold the ruler, releases it and then you try to +sgwXrgXOicy-00036-00026366-00027144 catch it, and usually because of your reaction time, you'll catch the ruler after it's falling +sgwXrgXOicy-00037-00027144-00027758 between 8 to 12 inches because for most people that's their typical reaction times, it’s +sgwXrgXOicy-00038-00027758-00028188 about a quarter second. +sgwXrgXOicy-00039-00028188-00028641 You should try that out, it's interesting to measure your reaction time. +sgwXrgXOicy-00040-00028641-00029456 Now I should mention that although you might suspect that this fact that you have a reaction +sgwXrgXOicy-00041-00029456-00030258 time that something like a quarter of a second that this would affect your measuring of time, +sgwXrgXOicy-00042-00030258-00030649 if you're planning the scene, and using a stopwatch. +sgwXrgXOicy-00043-00030649-00031387 But you actually don't have to worry about this because there is a reaction time in hitting +sgwXrgXOicy-00044-00031387-00031752 the start button, but also reaction time in hitting the stop button. +sgwXrgXOicy-00045-00031752-00032519 So about a quarter of a second delay of getting start compensated by the quarter second delay +sgwXrgXOicy-00046-00032519-00032866 hitting stops. +sgwXrgXOicy-00047-00032866-00034163 Now we can take the table of distance fallen, and go for longer times and so you see the +sgwXrgXOicy-00048-00034163-00034983 stable here, for example the after one second, which is about 24 frames, the distance fallen +sgwXrgXOicy-00049-00034983-00035621 from the apex, if there is negligible air resistance, is about of 16 fee. +sgwXrgXOicy-00050-00035621-00036365 And you can compute more values just using this formula: the distance in inches is the +sgwXrgXOicy-00051-00036365-00036857 number frames times number frames times a third of an inch. +sgwXrgXOicy-00052-00036857-00037641 Now a table like that, you can use for example for planning a scene. +sgwXrgXOicy-00053-00037641-00038356 So it tells you right away that if you have a ball that is released from a height of about +sgwXrgXOicy-00054-00038356-00039357 4 feet, that it takes about 12 frames to hit the ground if the falling motion has a believable +sgwXrgXOicy-00055-00039357-00039699 of realistic about timing. +sgwXrgXOicy-00056-00039699-00040337 I should mention that even though the spacings for falling motion are often done in a physically +sgwXrgXOicy-00057-00040337-00041215 believable fashion, the actual the actual timing is often sped up a bit just to make +sgwXrgXOicy-00058-00041215-00041378 the actual snappier. +sgwXrgXOicy-00059-00041378-00042313 So take these values as a guide, but if it that motion feels a little too sluggish for +sgwXrgXOicy-00060-00042313-00043213 the action, you should certainly vary that according to what you need. +sgwXrgXOicy-00061-00043213-00043769 So in summary, neglecting air resistance, everything falls at the same rate, and the +sgwXrgXOicy-00062-00043769-00044516 distance fallen from the apex after a few frames can be looked up in that tables that +sgwXrgXOicy-00063-00044516-00044681 was listed. +sgwXrgXOicy-00064-00044681-00045247 After one frame the distance is quite small, it’s only about the width of a pencil. +sgwXrgXOicy-00065-00045247-00046135 After two frames, the distance from the apex is about the width of two fingers. +sgwXrgXOicy-00066-00046135-00047059 And the table can be extended for evening a larger times and larger distances, and that's +sgwXrgXOicy-00067-00047059-00047419 useful for planning a scene. +sgwXrgXOicy-00068-00047419-00048100 So now that's this is a starting guide, in the next few tutorials will see even more +sgwXrgXOicy-00069-00048100-00049172 useful ways of creating believable falling without having to go to this detail of making +sgwXrgXOicy-00070-00049172-00049488 measurements about the actual distances. +sgwXrgXOicy-00071-00049488-00050324 In another word, looking at the rhythm of the following rather the mechanics. +sgwXrgXOicy-00072-00050324-00050391 So see you then. +shfRBbXRFVk-00000-00000424-00000856 Good morning mr. and master Lynch. +shfRBbXRFVk-00001-00001272-00002360 It's September 8, 2021 and it's a Wednesday. +shfRBbXRFVk-00002-00002472-00003592 Here in Naples 80 fahrenheit around 28 celsius and this means that +shfRBbXRFVk-00003-00003592-00004744 it's a hot day but not that very, very, very, very hot day like in these days and in this period. +shfRBbXRFVk-00004-00004892-00005408 And it's totally cloudy in this moment. +shfRBbXRFVk-00006-00038056-00039384 the undersignated. So it's my birthday! And I turn 26 years. +shfRBbXRFVk-00007-00039616-00040368 And it's incredible that in his series of "Today's number +shfRBbXRFVk-00008-00040488-00041296 is?" is out the 8 on Septmber 8th, that is also my birthday +shfRBbXRFVk-00009-00041296-00042208 and among other things also my name day is on 8th but on August 8th and so in a distance of a month +shfRBbXRFVk-00010-00042424-00042968 I turn the name day and also the birthday. +shfRBbXRFVk-00011-00043064-00043816 And I invite the audience to see this channel and +shfRBbXRFVk-00012-00043944-00044288 my main keyboard channel and the only lynchian keyboard channel. +shfRBbXRFVk-00013-00044584-00045280 I think that I write more informations in the description otherwise the video becomes too long. +shfRBbXRFVk-00014-00045560-00046896 And I think that also later or tomorrow I make a surprise video for him and I'll show him a thing +shfRBbXRFVk-00015-00047120-00047824 probably with also my music. But we'll see. +shfRBbXRFVk-00016-00047824-00048648 And I think that I add in the description the rest of most important pieces for +shfRBbXRFVk-00017-00048648-00049048 me (over those in this video) and the links of my interpretations of all these pieces. +shfRBbXRFVk-00018-00049048-00050248 And I also say that the video of the (ex) "Six best times of It's a Friday once +shfRBbXRFVk-00019-00050248-00050944 again"* (see the description for the asterisk) from my second channel is also a my video. +shfRBbXRFVk-00020-00051024-00052320 And it has a great success in this moment and I'm very happy of this. +shfRBbXRFVk-00021-00052320-00052664 So you all continuing to watch this video. +shfRBbXRFVk-00022-00052991-00053376 But from my main channel my most viewed video +shfRBbXRFVk-00023-00053376-00053808 is my instrumental version of The World Spins by Julee Cruise. +shfRBbXRFVk-00024-00053864-00054640 I invite the audience to see this version. And at the moment it is +shfRBbXRFVk-00025-00054640-00055424 at the third position in front of all the covers made on The World Spins. +shfRBbXRFVk-00026-00055704-00056328 Anyway as he can see from the mythical window with the coloured courtains +shfRBbXRFVk-00027-00056328-00056552 behind me and its green shooter +shfRBbXRFVk-00028-00056640-00057024 today we don't have those beautiful, beautiful blue skies and golden, +shfRBbXRFVk-00029-00057024-00057440 golden sunshine because as I said a moment ago +shfRBbXRFVk-00030-00057440-00058184 it's totally cloudy and I think that also tomorrow and in the next days it could rain. But we'll see. +shfRBbXRFVk-00031-00058360-00059048 So again, once again from the myhtical window with the coloured courtains and its green shooter +shfRBbXRFVk-00032-00059160-00059455 and finally from my mythical keyboard +shfRBbXRFVk-00033-00060167-00061048 have a great day him and everyone too! +shjJsUifGjA-00001-00004780-00005450 yeah [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00002-00005450-00007634 [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] +shjJsUifGjA-00003-00007634-00007843 [Music] [Applause] +shjJsUifGjA-00004-00007843-00008154 [Music] [Applause] [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00005-00008154-00008353 let's get over this table +shjJsUifGjA-00006-00008353-00009173 sure didn't it should be where's my case you heard that text no I'm all right let's start +shjJsUifGjA-00007-00009173-00009767 at the Rope you mix it with that bullet stole Tom Grant's letter from me I sure did and +shjJsUifGjA-00008-00009767-00010260 I've gotten it back if it hadn't been for those two sidekicks of his [Music] get out +shjJsUifGjA-00009-00010260-00010610 of here quick take the back stairway leading from the balcony to the street and keep under +shjJsUifGjA-00010-00010610-00011453 cover [Applause] [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00011-00011453-00012678 why do you reckon he wanted that letter he didn't want it for himself he stole it for +shjJsUifGjA-00012-00012678-00013480 somebody else who paid him a good price for it any idea who done it +shjJsUifGjA-00013-00013480-00013986 a mighty good idea which I'll be able to prove as soon as I meet up with Tom Grant and gold +shjJsUifGjA-00014-00013986-00014622 Creek boys takes Houston's getting too close to the truth this is me we got to do something +shjJsUifGjA-00015-00014622-00015053 to throw him off the trail such as what something that'll serve a double purpose remove any +shjJsUifGjA-00016-00015053-00015438 suspicion of my connection with you and get you fellas to Gold Creek ahead of the Wagon +shjJsUifGjA-00017-00015438-00015891 Train why do we have to get there first because I want Tom Grant out of the way before his +shjJsUifGjA-00018-00015891-00016442 sister gets there he's got hold of some information that can sure [__] us you sure of that +shjJsUifGjA-00019-00016442-00016875 positive you said so right in this letter don't worry when we get to gold Creek you +shjJsUifGjA-00020-00016875-00017333 won't write no more letters not so fast I gotta have him sign his claim over to me before +shjJsUifGjA-00021-00017333-00017929 anything happens to him and to remove any suspicion that Houston might have that I am +shjJsUifGjA-00022-00017929-00018506 backing in a play you feel as big we're gonna have a fight huh a fake fight dummy as always +shjJsUifGjA-00023-00018506-00019147 he can kick us out exactly and when you get to gold Creek the Ace dagger +shjJsUifGjA-00024-00019147-00019619 [Applause] faith is coming boys +shjJsUifGjA-00025-00019619-00021054 [Music] a Webster hello there Reynolds Webster what are you doing this neck of the woods +shjJsUifGjA-00026-00021054-00021325 on the way to Gold Creek want you to meet a friend of mine next Houston Mr Webster I'm +shjJsUifGjA-00027-00021325-00022135 glad to know you're welcome thank you what you have a seat thanks I was mistaken there +shjJsUifGjA-00028-00022135-00023006 was somebody on that stage that may interest us Andy Grant's death sorry to hear that he +shjJsUifGjA-00029-00023006-00023553 was a fine man all the grants to the Fine people if you ask me is going to strike young +shjJsUifGjA-00030-00023553-00024129 Tom grant money hard when I tell him his father's dead you know Tom struck it rich not expecting +shjJsUifGjA-00031-00024129-00024561 to handle his gold for him when I get off at a gold Creek hello Webster how are you +shjJsUifGjA-00032-00024561-00025009 marked oh you mind limit of your mind to leave Plainfield and go out the gold Creek eh yes +shjJsUifGjA-00033-00025009-00025395 expecting to be there tomorrow morning the stage Booker spring storm held up here a few +shjJsUifGjA-00034-00025395-00025939 hours oh why not come along with us I'll let you have one of my wagon not for me thanks +shjJsUifGjA-00035-00025939-00026417 stage makes as many miles in an hour as you fellas make all day what's the hurry well +shjJsUifGjA-00036-00026417-00026902 by the time you wagon folks get to the Diggins I'll have the Webster First National Bank +shjJsUifGjA-00037-00026902-00027444 of gold Creek ready for business sit down have a drink no thanks I got a little argument +shjJsUifGjA-00038-00027444-00028602 over my table I gotta settle first I'll see you fellas later +shjJsUifGjA-00039-00028602-00029036 can't afford to have him get the young Grand before we do needing another job for us exactly +shjJsUifGjA-00040-00029036-00029683 not me I took my last chance of that grand wagon job suppose I told you he's carrying +shjJsUifGjA-00041-00029683-00030358 20 or 30 000 in that bag how do you know that found out he's going to open a new bank at +shjJsUifGjA-00042-00030358-00030911 Gold Creek I satisfied myself he's got his cash Capital right in that bag he just thinks +shjJsUifGjA-00043-00030911-00031707 he's going to open a bank come on boys wasn't we gonna have a fight first I'm coming today +shjJsUifGjA-00044-00031707-00031838 those drivers are just party +shjJsUifGjA-00045-00031838-00032227 anyhow +shjJsUifGjA-00046-00032227-00034666 what was the trouble lord well I +shjJsUifGjA-00047-00034666-00035122 suspected them ever since we left Plainfield we don't want their kind with a train maybe +shjJsUifGjA-00048-00035122-00035646 you're right we sure did run into a lot of trouble I know I'm right now I'll have to +shjJsUifGjA-00049-00035646-00035847 get some new drivers man I can trust +shjJsUifGjA-00050-00035847-00037374 me I'm glad he finally realize those colors are no good strikes me that it took him a +shjJsUifGjA-00051-00037374-00037894 long time to find that out +shjJsUifGjA-00052-00037894-00038259 you could only let me help you forget +shjJsUifGjA-00053-00038259-00038799 I just want to be by my foot good night Mary good night +shjJsUifGjA-00054-00038799-00039484 well how about a drink your gentlemen will excuse me I've got a little business to attend +shjJsUifGjA-00055-00039484-00039804 to outside [Applause] +shjJsUifGjA-00056-00039804-00040061 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00057-00040061-00041578 did you get Tom's letter no Mary I didn't have much luck +shjJsUifGjA-00058-00041578-00041961 don't you worry that little head of yours everything is going to be all right when we +shjJsUifGjA-00059-00041961-00042206 get to go free and Tom +shjJsUifGjA-00061-00045887-00047113 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00064-00054037-00054137 foreign +shjJsUifGjA-00065-00054137-00054237 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00066-00054237-00054337 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00067-00054337-00054733 look at those arrows you have a lot to learn about Indians eating the first place they +shjJsUifGjA-00068-00054733-00055262 always Scout their victims not if they were frightened all by our wagons it wasn't Indians +shjJsUifGjA-00069-00055262-00055508 and they weren't frightened of +shjJsUifGjA-00070-00055508-00056301 then how do you account for this how do you what do you mean Indians don't leave traces +shjJsUifGjA-00071-00056301-00056741 white men aren't so careful +shjJsUifGjA-00072-00056741-00059145 better clean up this mess and get started again uh what are you gonna do I think I can +shjJsUifGjA-00074-00062639-00062989 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00075-00062989-00063688 thank you +shjJsUifGjA-00076-00063688-00064037 foreign +shjJsUifGjA-00077-00064037-00065085 [Music] [Applause] [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00078-00065085-00066832 [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you +shjJsUifGjA-00079-00066832-00067182 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00080-00067182-00067531 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00081-00067531-00068230 thank you +shjJsUifGjA-00082-00068230-00069230 Buffalo Bill what are you doing in this neck of the woods a gold Creek stage was a day +shjJsUifGjA-00083-00069230-00069885 overdue I was sent to find out why well I can tell you one reason Hawkins already told +shjJsUifGjA-00084-00069885-00070572 me at the wagon train you had the right hunch about white men burning the stage a friend +shjJsUifGjA-00085-00070572-00071178 Bart Eaton still claims it was Indians I'll pick up their Trail here you'll get back and +shjJsUifGjA-00086-00071178-00071852 ride heard on the wagon train they're kind of shaky thanks Bill let me know what you +shjJsUifGjA-00087-00071852-00072443 find out I looked you up at Gold Creek good [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00088-00072443-00073964 thank you [Music] for a party yeah lucky for me I was right busy with some Indians at the +shjJsUifGjA-00089-00073964-00074306 time you better speed up the Wagon train and stick to the Open Country right or stick them +shjJsUifGjA-00090-00074306-00075081 right up oh it was the Indians that attack the stagecoach no it wasn't Hill code is on +shjJsUifGjA-00091-00075081-00075389 the trail of the white men who did it and he'll sure run them down +shjJsUifGjA-00092-00075389-00076597 [Music] [Applause] +shjJsUifGjA-00093-00076597-00078786 well by this time tomorrow I'll be turning you over to your brother wonderful to see +shjJsUifGjA-00094-00078786-00079263 Tom again [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00095-00079263-00080529 [Music] thank you +shjJsUifGjA-00096-00080529-00081295 so Bob Eden sent you to me eh what for well it's like this Mr dagger I'll do the talking +shjJsUifGjA-00097-00081295-00081958 joke they're looking for a young fellow named Tom Grant I see Eden thinks he can move in +shjJsUifGjA-00098-00081958-00082616 on Tom Grant's claiming who said anything about jumping claims nobody but I know body +shjJsUifGjA-00099-00082616-00083248 you're gonna have a tough job about freaking Tom Green bloody smart we'll take care of +shjJsUifGjA-00100-00083248-00083869 that where is he you know where we can find him sure I'll send you right up to his dick +shjJsUifGjA-00101-00083869-00084602 Little Cottonwood Canyon just north of here It's Your Love thanks never mind your things +shjJsUifGjA-00102-00084602-00085091 I'm cutting myself in on this deal for 25 percent you'll have to settle that argument +shjJsUifGjA-00103-00085091-00085712 with broad Eaton yeah don't worry I intend to you know Tom Grant when you see him sure +shjJsUifGjA-00104-00085712-00087241 do come on boys +shjJsUifGjA-00105-00087241-00087623 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00106-00087623-00089151 [Music] thank you [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00107-00089151-00089917 foreign [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00108-00089917-00090149 Crosby when did you hit Gold Creek +shjJsUifGjA-00109-00090149-00091017 I heard you were on a gold screen sleeping citizen so I can get your autograph come on +shjJsUifGjA-00110-00091017-00092238 stop your fooling what's on your mind we ain't Cooling we're dead serious silence +shjJsUifGjA-00111-00092238-00093842 hey what in Thunder are you getting at this is a quick claim deed to my gold mine we know +shjJsUifGjA-00112-00093842-00095270 it sign it +shjJsUifGjA-00113-00095270-00095745 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00114-00095745-00096222 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00115-00096222-00096698 foreign +shjJsUifGjA-00117-00100193-00100920 [Music] come on Daddy +shjJsUifGjA-00118-00100920-00101282 thank you +shjJsUifGjA-00119-00101282-00102455 smart Grant he'll sign that while you're still able to +shjJsUifGjA-00120-00102455-00103104 take care of Amanda Joe and I get back where are we going to look over his mind maybe we +shjJsUifGjA-00121-00103104-00103911 can pick up a few nuggets for ourselves before Fort Eden drives them all +shjJsUifGjA-00122-00103911-00104182 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00123-00104182-00105375 if you don't like the idea of leaving our horses way down there in the brush and smarter +shjJsUifGjA-00124-00105375-00106134 to hide a minute come on in here +shjJsUifGjA-00125-00106134-00106447 [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00126-00106447-00107694 Tom where are you +shjJsUifGjA-00127-00107694-00108235 he's probably busy in that gold mine of his I'll go get it I'll go with you for both surprises +shjJsUifGjA-00128-00108235-00108621 it'll be a bigger surprise if you found what you're here waiting for him I'll be right +shjJsUifGjA-00129-00108621-00108778 back [Music] +shjJsUifGjA-00130-00108778-00110116 last one already said eh That's mighty thoughtful of Greg [Music] he ain't gonna set it off +shjJsUifGjA-00131-00110116-00110747 are you I sure am why we might blast enough gold out of here to fix us both for life you +shjJsUifGjA-00132-00110747-00110905 mean fixes for the Undertaker [Music] +t0eH2iDpHwc-00000-00000000-00000264 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00001-00000264-00000528 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00002-00000528-00000723 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00003-00000723-00000773 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00004-00000773-00000823 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00005-00000823-00000873 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00006-00000873-00001088 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00007-00001088-00001138 ভোলায় ১৬ জেল��র কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00008-00001138-00001402 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00009-00001402-00001555 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00010-00001555-00001605 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00011-00001605-00001655 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00012-00001655-00001705 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00013-00001705-00001755 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00014-00001755-00001805 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00015-00001805-00001881 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00016-00001881-00002096 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00017-00002096-00002146 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00018-00002146-00002410 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00019-00002480-00002587 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00020-00003587-00003687 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00021-00004705-00004805 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00022-00006250-00006350 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00023-00007369-00007485 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00024-00008201-00008301 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t0eH2iDpHwc-00025-00008637-00008737 ভোলায় ১৬ জেলের কারাদন্ড ও ২ জনের জরিমানা +t1B8d7CdlbY-00000-00000152-00000454 Regardless of whether blockchains can efficiently scale or not, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00001-00000470-00000798 it's now clear that smart contracts redefined fundraising +t1B8d7CdlbY-00002-00000798-00001124 and opened the doors of venture capitalism to everyone. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00003-00001142-00001644 Nevertheless, the high accessibility of ICOs, turned them into the medium of choice for scammers +t1B8d7CdlbY-00004-00001654-00002138 who leverage rating websites and social media to easily defraud inexperienced users. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00005-00002138-00002400 Such phenomenon is still widespread today +t1B8d7CdlbY-00006-00002416-00002796 with estimates as high as billions of stolen US dollars during the last year alone, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00007-00002810-00003044 accounting for more than half of the sales. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00008-00003120-00003460 In the traditional stock market this kind of problems have been addressed by +t1B8d7CdlbY-00009-00003460-00003732 establishing anti-manipulation mechanisms, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00010-00003752-00004024 reporting schedules and law enforcement agencies, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00011-00004040-00004452 and similarly cumbersome frameworks are being developed for crypto startups. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00012-00004494-00004982 The Just Upgradeable Smart Token aims to create a new improved standard for blockchain fundraising, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00013-00005000-00005352 providing the benefits of regulation but without the need to trust any lawyer, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00014-00005370-00005704 government agency or other centralized third parties. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00015-00005704-00005968 By leveraging the wealth of existing blockchain platforms, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00016-00005984-00006440 JUST makes any ICO token stable, fairly distributed and democratic, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00017-00006488-00006914 boosting the reputation of the adopting business and attracting a wider shareholder base. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00018-00006944-00007359 The platform provides an open source client to intuitively interface with the contract +t1B8d7CdlbY-00019-00007359-00007584 and most of all assets its authenticity +t1B8d7CdlbY-00020-00007604-00008246 Every ICO contract will be ranked by compliance levels, making it easy to spot and avoid suspicious campaigns. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00021-00008366-00008806 Overall, JUST aims to further lower the entrance barriers to the new centralized economy, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00022-00008828-00009198 by leaving delicate asset management to rigorous computer algorithms +t1B8d7CdlbY-00023-00009226-00009456 and minimizing human misconduct potential. +t1B8d7CdlbY-00024-00009456-00009704 If you also believe such a change is possible, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00025-00009704-00009916 or even want to have with the development of the platform, +t1B8d7CdlbY-00026-00009916-00010252 please reach us out at justoken.io +tur56XCIo3o-00000-00001412-00001773 Quinoa vegan meatballs +tur56XCIo3o-00001-00002306-00002392 Spelt flour +tur56XCIo3o-00002-00002392-00002490 Cooked beans +tur56XCIo3o-00003-00002490-00002584 Onion +tur56XCIo3o-00004-00002584-00002680 Cooked quinoa +tur56XCIo3o-00005-00002680-00002778 Parsley +tur56XCIo3o-00006-00002778-00002882 Garlic +tur56XCIo3o-00007-00003000-00003344 Flax seed flour, smoked paprika, khmeli-suneli, coriander, paprika, cumin +tur56XCIo3o-00008-00003608-00004180 Fry the onion until transparent +tur56XCIo3o-00009-00004186-00004386 Spices +tur56XCIo3o-00010-00004386-00004502 Garlic +tur56XCIo3o-00011-00004502-00004796 As soon as garlic and spices give smell, take of the heat +tur56XCIo3o-00012-00004810-00005258 Flax seed flour + water = "flax egg" +tur56XCIo3o-00013-00005430-00005816 Cooked beans +tur56XCIo3o-00014-00005998-00006388 Fried onion/spices/garlic mix +tur56XCIo3o-00015-00006404-00006794 Cooked quinoa +tur56XCIo3o-00016-00006806-00007194 "Flax egg" +tur56XCIo3o-00017-00007208-00007600 Parsley +tur56XCIo3o-00018-00007614-00007972 Spelt flour +tur56XCIo3o-00019-00007980-00008200 Salt +tur56XCIo3o-00020-00009244-00009598 Roll in spelt flour +tur56XCIo3o-00021-00009808-00010270 Fry at high heat until brown +tur56XCIo3o-00022-00010428-00010606 Sauce +tur56XCIo3o-00023-00010606-00010700 Tomato juice +tur56XCIo3o-00024-00010700-00010802 Canned tomatoes +tur56XCIo3o-00025-00010802-00010900 Salt +tur56XCIo3o-00026-00010900-00011002 Pepper +tur56XCIo3o-00027-00011002-00011104 Garlic +tur56XCIo3o-00028-00011104-00011208 Basil +tur56XCIo3o-00029-00011208-00011398 Garlic +tur56XCIo3o-00030-00011412-00011612 Canned tomatoes +tur56XCIo3o-00031-00011612-00011782 Tomato juice +tur56XCIo3o-00032-00011786-00011986 Let excess water boil out +tur56XCIo3o-00033-00011988-00012188 Basil +tur56XCIo3o-00034-00012194-00012394 Salt, pepper +tur56XCIo3o-00035-00012612-00012812 Leave for 5 minutes +tur56XCIo3o-00036-00015686-00016528 See our other vegan meatball recipes and don't forget to subscribe +tuBeddXXusE-00000-00001386-00001626 Hey! What are you doing still here? +tuBeddXXusE-00001-00001700-00001872 Feeling melancholic again? +tuBeddXXusE-00002-00001907-00002242 Come on, move, we’ve got to go and record the video, we’re waiting for you! +tuBeddXXusE-00005-00002752-00003080 Hello? I can’t see your face, but OK. +tuBeddXXusE-00006-00003104-00003244 My first day at the Pompeu? +tuBeddXXusE-00007-00003244-00003634 Well, the first day you're a bit nervous because you do not want to mess it up... +tuBeddXXusE-00008-00003646-00004032 I don’t remember my first day exactly because it was ten years ago. +tuBeddXXusE-00009-00004112-00004522 I remember I started walking down the Diagonal and I saw the Pompeu. +tuBeddXXusE-00010-00004728-00004922 Ahh... ok, where do I go? +tuBeddXXusE-00011-00004938-00005112 Finding classrooms is sometimes difficult, +tuBeddXXusE-00012-00005112-00005300 room 40.130... +tuBeddXXusE-00013-00005300-00005514 The numbering they have for the classes. +tuBeddXXusE-00014-00005514-00005664 You have no idea! +tuBeddXXusE-00015-00005664-00005828 What building is it? 40? 20? +tuBeddXXusE-00016-00005828-00005976 Then there was like an S. +tuBeddXXusE-00017-00005976-00006202 Corridor, corridor, I can't find the classroom, I can’t find the classroom. +tuBeddXXusE-00018-00006218-00006368 If it's floor number 2 it's 1. +tuBeddXXusE-00019-00006368-00006564 Uhm... I don’t know whoever invented it, +tuBeddXXusE-00020-00006573-00006731 uhm, they didn’t do a good job. +tuBeddXXusE-00021-00006808-00007145 If I had to define the Pompeu in a word, +tuBeddXXusE-00022-00007145-00007290 I think it’d be ‘ambitious’, +tuBeddXXusE-00023-00007290-00007386 ‘productivity’, +tuBeddXXusE-00024-00007386-00007438 ‘growth’, +tuBeddXXusE-00025-00007438-00007494 ‘knowledge’, +tuBeddXXusE-00026-00007504-00007602 ‘closeness’, +tuBeddXXusE-00027-00007602-00007686 ‘family’. +tuBeddXXusE-00028-00007686-00008170 I felt very supported and safe, in a very familiar environment, well known to me. +tuBeddXXusE-00029-00008176-00008226 'Different’, +tuBeddXXusE-00030-00008242-00008308 ‘constancy’, +tuBeddXXusE-00031-00008322-00008418 ‘strict’. +tuBeddXXusE-00032-00008442-00008526 Cafeteria. +tuBeddXXusE-00033-00008544-00008986 I think studying at the Pompeu is frantic, it’s the Pompeu pace. +tuBeddXXusE-00034-00009464-00009900 A normal day at the university, at 8 am on the dot, +tuBeddXXusE-00035-00009900-00010210 the lion in the zoo started roaring. +tuBeddXXusE-00036-00010210-00010430 You go to class, leave, have a coffee, +tuBeddXXusE-00037-00010430-00010644 it doesn’t affect me, caffeine doesn’t affect me. +tuBeddXXusE-00038-00010650-00010882 The sun starts shining in Gutenberg Square. +tuBeddXXusE-00039-00010882-00011136 You see people there, getting the sun, and you say, but what are you doing? +tuBeddXXusE-00040-00011136-00011278 You take the tupperware for lunch. +tuBeddXXusE-00041-00011278-00011378 Come on, shall we have a coffee? +tuBeddXXusE-00042-00011378-00011538 You go to the library for a while. +tuBeddXXusE-00043-00011550-00011760 It was full because at the university people are always studying. +tuBeddXXusE-00044-00011760-00011874 A coffee in the library. +tuBeddXXusE-00045-00011874-00011960 You go back to class. +tuBeddXXusE-00046-00011960-00012176 You’ll have a seminar just after the class. +tuBeddXXusE-00047-00012176-00012260 I love coffee. +tuBeddXXusE-00048-00012260-00012466 When you get tired, you go for a coffee. +tuBeddXXusE-00049-00012474-00012686 Me, as soon as class is over, I head home. +tuBeddXXusE-00050-00012686-00012918 Three coffees a day, every day is wonderful... +tuBeddXXusE-00051-00012918-00012996 Uhm... no. +tuBeddXXusE-00052-00013010-00013162 Coffee all the way. +tuBeddXXusE-00053-00013162-00013369 Take it easy, take it easy. +tuBeddXXusE-00054-00013369-00013668 In the ten years I’ve been at the Pompeu, you could say I’ve done two Erasmus. +tuBeddXXusE-00055-00013691-00014222 On top, I chose the place I went to for my Erasmus, in Bonn, for superacademic reasons, +tuBeddXXusE-00056-00014222-00014490 which was how pretty the university was, and I said ‘that one!’. +tuBeddXXusE-00057-00014510-00014769 I did my Erasmus in Istanbul, Turkey. +tuBeddXXusE-00058-00014769-00014952 Newcastle, which is in England +tuBeddXXusE-00059-00014952-00015012 Zürich. +tuBeddXXusE-00060-00015028-00015141 In the Lebanon, in Beirut. +tuBeddXXusE-00061-00015141-00015266 Tübingen, in Germany. +tuBeddXXusE-00062-00015278-00015494 I went to Amsterdam for my Erasmus. +tuBeddXXusE-00063-00015506-00015880 You’re going to study in Amsterdam? No one studies there. +tuBeddXXusE-00064-00015882-00016428 You go as one person and come back another, not only because you’re dead from so much partying. +tuBeddXXusE-00065-00016540-00016875 The Pompeu knows how to do certain things, I reckon parties are one of the things it can do best. +tuBeddXXusE-00066-00016876-00017082 The Pompeu binges are great! +tuBeddXXusE-00067-00017082-00017924 Bio Halloween, Bio Fake Christmas, the Bio Ski trip, Bio Gala the freshers’ bash, the end-of-year bash, Bio end-of-second term, Bio end-of-year. +tuBeddXXusE-00068-00017924-00018056 Everyone goes, everyone goes. +tuBeddXXusE-00069-00018056-00018296 ...the Bio autumn weekend and the Bio summer weekend. +tuBeddXXusE-00070-00018296-00018566 The Pompeu festival is... too much! +tuBeddXXusE-00071-00018566-00018940 You know what I have to say, that I only went to Poblenou to parties. +tuBeddXXusE-00072-00019116-00019524 Well, I reckon there’s a lot of rivalry between Poblenou and Ciutadella. +tuBeddXXusE-00073-00019538-00019732 All Poblenou has is Gutenberg Square. +tuBeddXXusE-00074-00019732-00019834 And the chimney. +tuBeddXXusE-00075-00019834-00019962 But where is our lawn? +tuBeddXXusE-00076-00019962-00020210 The Pompeu festival is held at Poblenou. +tuBeddXXusE-00077-00020232-00020340 That they should have given us something. +tuBeddXXusE-00078-00020340-00020514 Mar campus is definitely the best. +tuBeddXXusE-00079-00020514-00020716 We’ve got the beach, you can’t compete with the beach. +tuBeddXXusE-00080-00020732-00021108 We’ve got two squares, a bar with a terrace and without. +tuBeddXXusE-00081-00021136-00021384 And because it’s got a library like Hogwarts. +tuBeddXXusE-00083-00021560-00022104 The most beautiful library I've seen in my life, I took photos of it, I sent them to my mum and dad. +tuBeddXXusE-00084-00022104-00022294 What’s this madness? So beautiful! +tuBeddXXusE-00085-00022296-00022412 Where did I spent most hours? +tuBeddXXusE-00086-00022430-00023486 In class, I used to go into empty classrooms to be in peace with my mobile watching some video, I've even watched films on a computer belonging to the lecturer. +tuBeddXXusE-00087-00023568-00023746 Here, here, if I look here can you see me? +tuBeddXXusE-00088-00023800-00024210 OK, hi all, thing is I don’t know how to begin, this is a hassle. +tuBeddXXusE-00089-00024244-00024778 My message to the class of 2020 is to tell you all that these are difficult times. +tuBeddXXusE-00090-00024792-00025048 Of course, we’re the class of coronavirus, so... +tuBeddXXusE-00091-00025048-00025680 Being the first class to have a graduation party online... +tuBeddXXusE-00092-00025733-00026020 It’s horrible, it’s horrible... +tuBeddXXusE-00093-00026454-00026576 What can I say? +tuBeddXXusE-00094-00026648-00026838 I want a proper graduation in person. +tuBeddXXusE-00095-00026845-00027595 We felt really bad, but in the end the situation is what it is and you have to adapt, just as we are adapting to take classes, you have to adapt. +tuBeddXXusE-00096-00027616-00027936 With time I think it’s something that will be worth explaining, right? +tuBeddXXusE-00097-00027952-00028402 Who can say? Who can say they are graduating in lockdown, with a pandemic? +tuBeddXXusE-00098-00028427-00029198 You’ll tell your grandkids, "I graduated online", because that year we couldn’t leave the house for three months. +tuBeddXXusE-00099-00029210-00030160 We want to be remembered as the ‘class of the lockdown’, but also the one that managed to finish, despite everything we had against us. +tuBeddXXusE-00100-00030194-00030780 You mourn no longer being a student, no, I’m becoming adult, no, no, no, I'm still an alumni. +tuBeddXXusE-00101-00030802-00031356 The Alumni programme offers you lots of opportunities ‘cos in the end it’s been four years of life that you have marked you, +tuBeddXXusE-00102-00031356-00031706 it’s fine to continue to have a link and know what's happening. +tuBeddXXusE-00103-00031706-00032714 I must be sincere, when I say bye to the Pompeu, I’ll turn my head to look and, I’ll shed a couple of tears. +tuBeddXXusE-00104-00032762-00033262 Of this spirit of unity, of companionship, of I’m at home, right? +tuBeddXXusE-00105-00033410-00033734 If I was paid to study, I’d study forever. +tuBeddXXusE-00106-00033986-00034150 The Pompeu becomes your life. +tuBeddXXusE-00107-00034320-00034722 What I will miss most is friends. +tuBeddXXusE-00108-00034746-00035042 Well, I say, no, not friends because I'll keep seeing my friends. +tuBeddXXusE-00109-00035128-00035410 I feel that the best four years of my life are coming to an end. +tuBeddXXusE-00110-00035606-00036002 Classmates, we’ve made it, how exciting, I congratulate you all. +tuBeddXXusE-00111-00036018-00036148 I don’t know, was that rubbish? +tuBeddXXusE-00112-00036514-00036914 Wow, the question, how are you preparing for the future? +tuBeddXXusE-00113-00036928-00037090 Well, it strikes fear in you. +tuBeddXXusE-00114-00037112-00037366 Neither a master’s or anything because I’m up to here. +tuBeddXXusE-00115-00037500-00037640 Start a PhD. +tuBeddXXusE-00116-00037640-00037880 I’d say that all the doors in the world are open for me. +tuBeddXXusE-00117-00037880-00038028 Nothing can stop us. +tuBeddXXusE-00118-00038138-00038346 I wish you the best, and go for it! +tuBeddXXusE-00119-00038346-00038546 Thank you very much for always being there. +txeQSfXGy68-00000-00000000-00000069 <i></i> +txeQSfXGy68-00001-00000069-00000293 Hi I'm Jessica. +txeQSfXGy68-00002-00000318-00000776 And today I have to talk about something that I care so much about. +txeQSfXGy68-00003-00000801-00001430 It's my life changing practice that I just can't can't keep in anymore. +txeQSfXGy68-00004-00001455-00001793 It's the practice of falling in love with yourself. +txeQSfXGy68-00005-00001818-00002000 The concept might feel familiar. +txeQSfXGy68-00006-00002025-00002270 You know, self-love and self care. +txeQSfXGy68-00007-00002295-00002645 This is bigger than that I promise. +txeQSfXGy68-00008-00002670-00003681 I feel so strongly about it that I put the call out within my network to try this on - anyone anywhere - entertain what it feels like to tell +txeQSfXGy68-00009-00003681-00003917 yourself I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00010-00003942-00004224 I was blown away by the results. +txeQSfXGy68-00011-00004248-00005697 I got almost 40 videos from people ages 9 through 70 and wow, just to see this experience through their eyes just really was so moving for +txeQSfXGy68-00012-00005697-00007401 me so I've put them all together and I'm going to take you through my experience and what I saw in each of these videos I really love you +txeQSfXGy68-00013-00007401-00007478 man. +txeQSfXGy68-00014-00007503-00007661 I love you because I love me. +txeQSfXGy68-00015-00007686-00007775 I love me. +txeQSfXGy68-00016-00007800-00008015 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00017-00008040-00008243 J'taime! (French: I love you) I love ya. +txeQSfXGy68-00018-00008268-00008444 Oh oui, j'taime. (French: Oh yes, I love you) +txeQSfXGy68-00019-00008469-00008685 Dear self I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00020-00008709-00008878 Gihigugma tika. (Vasaya: I love you) +txeQSfXGy68-00021-00008903-00009272 That means I love you in Vasaya. Ik hou van jou (Dutch: I love you) +txeQSfXGy68-00022-00009297-00009398 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00023-00009423-00009746 I love me. +txeQSfXGy68-00024-00009771-00009899 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00025-00009924-00010049 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00026-00010074-00010160 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00027-00010185-00010909 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00028-00010934-00011209 When I started this practice, I wasn't in a good place. +txeQSfXGy68-00029-00011234-00011491 I guess that's why I started this practice. +txeQSfXGy68-00030-00011516-00011681 I was deep in a depression. +txeQSfXGy68-00031-00011690-00012259 I was in this like rut slump where nothing was going my way. +txeQSfXGy68-00032-00012284-00013443 When I tried this out and I was hearing I love you at first from someone I didn't even really like. +txeQSfXGy68-00033-00013468-00013787 It was pretty bad. +txeQSfXGy68-00034-00013812-00014086 It's a pretty rough part of life. +txeQSfXGy68-00035-00014111-00015288 I wasn't even sure if I wanted to stick around you know what I mean however within a month I started to see some really good results and +txeQSfXGy68-00036-00015313-00015697 it was worth it. +txeQSfXGy68-00037-00015722-00016716 I think maybe I'm so excited to share this practice because this is what made me choose life. +txeQSfXGy68-00038-00016741-00017896 It made me stick around and I'm glad I did that I can share it with anyone who might need it. +txeQSfXGy68-00039-00017921-00018079 It's not easy. +txeQSfXGy68-00040-00018104-00018622 I'm not saying it's easy just because I love you are three words. +txeQSfXGy68-00041-00018647-00018794 It can be tough to start. +txeQSfXGy68-00042-00018818-00019544 And I promise it gets easier and I promise that it's worth it. +txeQSfXGy68-00043-00019569-00020438 I've been much more conscious of giving it (love) to myself on a daily basis and changing my life. +txeQSfXGy68-00044-00020463-00021389 I'm much kinder to myself and noticing more of the little things that I do love about myself that I didn't before. +txeQSfXGy68-00045-00021414-00021497 I love you Rob. +txeQSfXGy68-00046-00021522-00021725 That's all I need to say. +txeQSfXGy68-00047-00021750-00022304 Self love is pretty hard. +txeQSfXGy68-00048-00022329-00022402 Why that is. +txeQSfXGy68-00049-00022404-00022625 I have some theories. +txeQSfXGy68-00050-00022650-00023249 I think it's a lot about trying to make sure I've taken myself down a peg so nobody else can. +txeQSfXGy68-00051-00023274-00024146 Yeah I think self-love is... like self love and self compassion are probably one of the hardest things for me to get a handle on. +txeQSfXGy68-00052-00024171-00024362 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00053-00024387-00024483 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00054-00024489-00024621 I appreciate you. +txeQSfXGy68-00055-00024639-00024839 I. +txeQSfXGy68-00056-00024864-00026139 I honor you for your strengths and your compassion and your intelligence, I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00057-00026148-00026420 I love you. I love you Neil, I love myself. +txeQSfXGy68-00058-00026445-00028086 I love you. I love you Bart it's it's getting easier to love myself every year as +txeQSfXGy68-00059-00028111-00028447 I see the fruits of my labors in the choices that I make. +txeQSfXGy68-00060-00028472-00028657 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00061-00028682-00029439 I'm here to tell you something. +txeQSfXGy68-00062-00029464-00029892 I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00063-00029917-00030726 And again I am so grateful and thank you so much to everyone who sent in a submission. +txeQSfXGy68-00064-00030751-00031930 They vary in length from four seconds up to almost four minutes and one of the things that really blew me away is how in some clips you +txeQSfXGy68-00065-00031930-00032745 can see a change come over in their eyes as well as their whole face softens. +txeQSfXGy68-00066-00032770-00034089 And my theory on this is that we're capturing what it's like to hear I love you from someone who really means it. +txeQSfXGy68-00067-00034089-00034329 Some people included other notes of encouragement for themselves. +txeQSfXGy68-00068-00034338-00035402 And I'd like to include some of those because why not, right? We can be a fan of ourselves to be encouraging. +txeQSfXGy68-00069-00035427-00036632 My theory is, is, like when we're in love and we just see that a person's potential and want them to be their best. +txeQSfXGy68-00070-00036657-00036902 So why not. +txeQSfXGy68-00071-00036927-00037305 Why don't want that as well for ourselves. +txeQSfXGy68-00072-00037330-00038013 I love you unconditionally Oanh I love you always and forever. +txeQSfXGy68-00073-00038038-00038445 I love you Whelm. +txeQSfXGy68-00074-00038470-00039940 I'm really really happy to be you and I really encourage you to strive to continue being the best person that you can be and to improve and +txeQSfXGy68-00075-00039955-00040964 to grow and to be gentle with yourself and to love. I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00076-00040989-00041190 I want to let you know that I love you and I'm proud of you, +txeQSfXGy68-00077-00041215-00041312 and I love you. +txeQSfXGy68-00078-00041337-00041451 Thanks. +txeQSfXGy68-00079-00041476-00042057 Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. +txeQSfXGy68-00080-00042082-00042456 I saved a specific clip for the end of this video. +txeQSfXGy68-00081-00042481-00042816 It's... it's funny. +txeQSfXGy68-00082-00042841-00043895 However, it's a dad who filmed it with his 9 year old daughter. Like, she's running the camera for him. +txeQSfXGy68-00083-00043920-00045505 So despite the kind of absurd hilarity of this clip, watch it knowing that they spent the afternoon getting dressed up and exploring how to express dad loving every aspect of his personality +txeQSfXGy68-00084-00045505-00046300 Hey I love you man. +txeQSfXGy68-00085-00046325-00046385 Thanks man. +txeQSfXGy68-00086-00046388-00046455 I love you too. +txeQSfXGy68-00087-00046461-00046561 Hey! +txeQSfXGy68-00088-00046586-00046687 What about me?! Do you love me? +txeQSfXGy68-00089-00046712-00046921 ... and me? +txeQSfXGy68-00090-00046946-00047093 Do you love me? +txeQSfXGy68-00091-00047108-00047503 And me, do you love me as well? +txeQSfXGy68-00092-00047528-00047707 I love all of you. +txeQSfXGy68-00093-00047732-00048084 I love all of me. +txeQSfXGy68-00094-00048109-00048429 So yeah that's my story. +txeQSfXGy68-00095-00048439-00048943 and, I am a little new to this. +txeQSfXGy68-00096-00048949-00050227 So if you liked this, know that this means a lot to me... a lot! It would mean a lot to me if you shared this and like or subscribe +txeQSfXGy68-00097-00050242-00050518 there will be more like this. +txeQSfXGy68-00098-00050521-00050961 I'm pretty sure so thank you again to everyone who participated. +txeQSfXGy68-00099-00050986-00052032 Whether you try it on telling yourself I love you or whether you sent me a video, I deeply appreciate the experience that it's been. +txeQSfXGy68-00100-00052057-00052285 And thank you for watching. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00000-00000050-00000803 [ Music ] +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00001-00000803-00000853 >> It's awesome. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00002-00000860-00000910 >> Fun. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00003-00000919-00000969 >> Exciting. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00004-00000980-00001030 >> Great. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00005-00001925-00001991 >> Hey guys. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00006-00001991-00002074 This is Perry Hall. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00007-00002074-00002270 This is our dorm building. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00008-00002270-00002637 It's a super fun, safe environment and it's really convenient because it's right +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00009-00002637-00002851 in the middle of everything so you can't miss a thing. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00010-00002851-00003406 [ Music ] +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00011-00003406-00003702 So, in the dorms, you have three floor plans to choose from. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00012-00003702-00003943 All are larger than you'd expect, and they're priced right. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00013-00003943-00004197 On top of that, you're right in the middle of everything. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00014-00004524-00004991 And as a bonus, you're feet away from the dining hall. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00015-00004991-00005364 The lounge is where residents come to hang together. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00016-00005364-00005728 If you don't have a TV in your room, you can come out here and hook +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00017-00005728-00005994 up your XBOX or you can watch some cable. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00018-00005994-00006286 So, residents, here's our kitchen for theme dinners, events. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00019-00006286-00006723 And if you don't have a microwave or a fridge of your own, you can go over there and use theirs. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00020-00006723-00007065 So, we have laundry rooms located on each floor. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00021-00007065-00007451 There's three washers, three dryers, it's free and simple to use. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00022-00007451-00009117 [ Music ] +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00023-00009117-00009391 Our campus is more than just buildings. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00024-00009391-00009504 We're about people. +tyw1ZxQkjQY-00025-00009504-00010253 The professors, coaches and staff are passionate, and they truly want us to succeed. +tz6vgyZsShY-00000-00000000-00000600 uttanu who we don't know too much about while number 149 at 23 years old is here shooting for +tz6vgyZsShY-00001-00000600-00001592 gold a win and you book your place in the final ping against agu and it's paying to shoot first +tz6vgyZsShY-00002-00001752-00002984 uh +tz6vgyZsShY-00003-00003784-00004384 really quick shot that second one just making that adjustment both high +tz6vgyZsShY-00004-00004712-00005784 okay +tz6vgyZsShY-00005-00006576-00007184 opportunity here +tz6vgyZsShY-00006-00007328-00007952 hits the nine to share the points 24 a piece uh at least and yesterday i think in the compound +tz6vgyZsShY-00007-00007952-00008656 we found that as well all square set number two of the recurve women's gold medal match +tz6vgyZsShY-00008-00008912-00009984 pink first arrow and the first 10 of this match +tz6vgyZsShY-00009-00010328-00011384 i think they both settled down a little bit shot good shot straight into the middle oh yeah +tz6vgyZsShY-00010-00012248-00012784 oh +tz6vgyZsShY-00011-00013440-00014184 oh pink puts it out of reach but that was a difficult six to watch +tz6vgyZsShY-00012-00014536-00015216 left again but the set points going to paying for a 3-1 lead here but that's six +tz6vgyZsShY-00013-00015319-00015632 this level it's never going to be enough really is it +tz6vgyZsShY-00014-00015632-00016128 no and you know again the coach pointed down the range but the shot we just saw there looks so calm +tz6vgyZsShY-00015-00016128-00016592 you know it doesn't look like there's anything going on or any reason for them to go left so +tz6vgyZsShY-00016-00016712-00017056 a right-handed recap archer going left is sometimes a bit of release +tz6vgyZsShY-00017-00017248-00018384 but again didn't see anything too different there either +tz6vgyZsShY-00018-00018968-00019224 just see that little bit of shaking can't we on the release i think maybe +tz6vgyZsShY-00019-00019224-00019560 it's just down to tension nerves i mean there's so much at stake here +tz6vgyZsShY-00020-00019560-00020000 the chance to get yourself a ticket to the finals it's hard to keep that out of your head +tz6vgyZsShY-00021-00020336-00020680 and uh bryony pittman won the first stage +tz6vgyZsShY-00022-00020856-00021656 we went to uh guangzhou in korea for the return of the koreans and choi the sun took that win +tz6vgyZsShY-00023-00021656-00022584 those two have put their place in the final and the winner of these two will join that pair +tz6vgyZsShY-00024-00023256-00023984 so i go into the nine at the start of the third +tz6vgyZsShY-00025-00025344-00025680 good to see her a little bit right at the target nearly all the air holes to the left +tz6vgyZsShY-00026-00026504-00027264 provisionally all level but peng could have that uh eight marked up important arrow for +tz6vgyZsShY-00027-00027264-00027912 agu and into the middle one left one right one slap bang in the middle for a 27 so +tz6vgyZsShY-00028-00029527-00029976 we have achieved our very best result here i think it's a debut +tz6vgyZsShY-00029-00030183-00030264 on the podium +tz6vgyZsShY-00030-00030608-00030727 start set number four +tz6vgyZsShY-00031-00032327-00032928 here's that look of concern again isn't that she just looks really really worried gotta attack it +tz6vgyZsShY-00032-00033376-00033784 solid and what is required +tz6vgyZsShY-00033-00034856-00035680 so nine to put this out of reach and draw things together it's a 10 for a 29 a very +tz6vgyZsShY-00034-00035680-00036600 good 29 and we're up 4-2 whatever happens at 4-4 i should say whatever happens here +tz6vgyZsShY-00035-00036600-00037280 the 10 and yet again we go into a final set here with the athletes all square +tz6vgyZsShY-00036-00037800-00038304 entertaining matches in this women's recurve division well they've always gone to the wire +tz6vgyZsShY-00037-00038304-00039384 haven't they which has been great to see in a real good competition up and down +tz6vgyZsShY-00038-00041288-00042016 well they're all preparing here fist bumps from the japanese coach we get a look at peng +tz6vgyZsShY-00039-00042016-00043032 talking with her coach as well there but a solid fourth set from agu all square up four apiece +tz6vgyZsShY-00040-00043032-00043744 in this recurve women's individual gold medal match agu versus japanese archer to shoot first +tz6vgyZsShY-00041-00043984-00044192 sorry my apologies it is the +tz6vgyZsShY-00042-00044288-00044984 i think from chinese taipei where they're all square shooting first and in to the nine +tz6vgyZsShY-00043-00046520-00047152 to me there's just completely different demeanors here the worried chinese taipei athlete struggling +tz6vgyZsShY-00044-00047280-00047784 whereas looks calm +tz6vgyZsShY-00045-00047896-00048568 oh this is getting better and better 29 in the last set a little bit of a smile this +tz6vgyZsShY-00046-00048568-00049520 isn't important now she needs to put it into the tenure field she does for a 28 but a nine +tz6vgyZsShY-00047-00049520-00050584 is enough for the win for the unknown japanese archer agu does it with a nine what a win for +tz6vgyZsShY-00048-00050808-00051616 an absolutely spectacular performance coming from 3-1 down after the second set 4-2 down after the +tz6vgyZsShY-00049-00051616-00052472 third goes on a back-to-back running streak to take this gold medal match 6'4 over ping chamow +tz6vgyZsShY-00050-00052472-00053016 and it does mean not only that she'll be on top of the podium here in paris with a big smile on her +tz6vgyZsShY-00051-00053016-00053888 face no doubt but it does mean that she will be at the world cup finals in mexico confirmation that +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00000-00000022-00000244 what's up guys and welcome. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00001-00000244-00000549 today i will show you a movie called the wretched. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00002-00000549-00000713 spoilers ahead. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00003-00000713-00000961 this movie starts off as a young guy named ben +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00004-00000961-00001321 goes to nebraska for the summer as his parents are getting divorced and want to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00005-00001321-00001537 spend time with his father. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00006-00001537-00001898 after he goes to nebraska he starts to work for his father at the marina to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00007-00001898-00002331 keep busy and there he meets a girl the same age named milari. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00008-00002331-00002658 meanwhile a mother and her son were taking a hike in the woods near the area +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00009-00002658-00002824 and get lost. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00010-00002824-00003132 while the mother was trying to take a pee break from all the walking, +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00011-00003132-00003469 the son wanders off and finds a strange symbol on a tree which he takes a +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00012-00003469-00003628 picture off. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00013-00003628-00003961 while doing that he hears his mother's voice with different emotions and tone +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00014-00003961-00004337 calling by his name from a tree with a big hole near it. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00015-00004337-00004629 watching the tree closely he sees a pale white fingers coming from +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00016-00004629-00004982 the hole and as soon as he sees that his real mother comes and grabs him telling +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00017-00004982-00005219 him not to go off on her like that. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00018-00005219-00005527 when arriving at home it is shown that the mother has another child and a +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00019-00005527-00005655 husband. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00020-00005655-00005923 she tells her husband that she has caught a deer on her way home +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00021-00005923-00006267 which she accidentally hit with her car and wants to show her older son how to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00022-00006267-00006431 gut an animal. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00023-00006431-00006763 but as soon as she is outside with her son showing him how to do it, +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00024-00006763-00007151 it is revealed that the deer in sides and guts is rotten and smelly. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00025-00007151-00007478 when the day was over at night ben is trying to play guitar outside but +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00026-00007478-00007938 couldn't do to his arm being in a cask. so as he is looking around he notices +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00027-00007938-00008221 the mother and her husband are on the other side of the house which lets him +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00028-00008221-00008441 know that they are his neighbors. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00029-00008441-00008762 then as the night goes by a creature comes out of the deer's gut which was +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00030-00008762-00008986 left on the mother's truck. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00031-00008986-00009343 while ben was sleeping he hears a noise coming from the roof so he decides to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00032-00009343-00009663 get up and check out where the noise was coming from. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00033-00009663-00010070 so he grabs his flashlight and goes outside and starts searching. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00034-00010070-00010390 while he was doing that he finds a big hole under his neighbor's porch which +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00035-00010390-00010589 made him suspicious. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00036-00010589-00011004 trying to figure out what the hole was doing there he sees a figure in the dark. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00037-00011004-00011333 when trying to figure out what it is a bright light shines right into his eyes +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00038-00011333-00011620 and turns out it is the husband of the house. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00039-00011620-00011956 he then proceeds to ask ben what he is doing there. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00040-00011956-00012243 he tells him that he is just searching for an animal and goes back to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00041-00012243-00012386 his house. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00042-00012386-00012739 in the morning when ben leaves for work with his dad he sees dylan playing with +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00043-00012739-00012970 a hole he found last night. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00044-00012970-00013300 ben then warns the child to stay away from the hole. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00045-00013300-00013511 while working ben finds out that malari has a +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00046-00013511-00013741 little sister named lily. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00047-00013741-00013977 meanwhile ben's neighbor is shown playing with her baby +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00048-00013977-00014197 while her husband is at work. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00049-00014197-00014443 she finds out that almost all her flowers are dead in +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00050-00014443-00014769 which she gets curious about but instantly forgets it due to her baby +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00051-00014769-00014934 diaper smelling. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00052-00014934-00015376 when it got dark ben goes to a party with malari to enjoy his free time. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00053-00015376-00015720 back at the neighbor's house it is seen that the mother is awake by her old son +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00054-00015720-00015994 and decides to check on her young baby. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00055-00015994-00016331 when she gets to her baby's room she sees that the baby has been replaced +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00056-00016331-00016693 with a bunch of tree branches which made her afraid instantly. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00057-00016693-00017017 while processing that emotion something grabbed her feet and dragged her under +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00058-00017017-00017141 the bed. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00059-00017141-00017484 when ben goes back to his house from the party he sees his the mother walking +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00060-00017484-00017665 towards the woods. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00061-00017665-00018016 in the morning dylan notices that his mother's acts different so he decides to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00062-00018016-00018287 go to ben's house because he got scared. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00063-00018287-00018687 when ben comes home he finds the kid sitting upstairs in his room. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00064-00018687-00019118 as ben questions him why he is here he starts to tell him everything. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00065-00019118-00019412 while they were talking the kids mother starts calling dylan and then ben +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00066-00019412-00019681 decides to go to talk with the mother. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00067-00019681-00020004 while talking to her he can also tell the mother is acting very weird and +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00068-00020004-00020322 right at that moment the mother's husband comes and interrupt the two +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00069-00020322-00020443 talking. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00070-00020443-00020777 filled with excitement dylan runs up to him and together they all leave ben's +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00071-00020777-00020890 house. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00072-00020890-00021203 ben then decides to spy on his neighbor's house. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00073-00021203-00021522 while spying he can see that the husband is clapping the cheeks of his wife +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00074-00021522-00021881 the next day ben is looking for dylan at the marina but couldn't find him so he +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00075-00021881-00022164 goes to his home to find out what happened. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00076-00022164-00022507 the father was home and when ben asks him where dylan as the father tells him +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00077-00022507-00022854 he doesn't have any children which leaves ben confused. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00078-00022854-00023220 before leaving the house of the neighbor ben finds a weird symbol under the mat +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00079-00023220-00023518 of the front door and he starts researching. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00080-00023518-00023834 he discovers that she can jump into people's skin and pretend to be them +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00081-00023834-00024035 and salt is her weakness. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00082-00024035-00024240 when ben was spying as usual he sees +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00083-00024240-00024637 the mother coming out of her cellar so he decides to go to the cellar. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00084-00024637-00024951 while there he finds a weird skull on top of a stacked tree branches +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00085-00024951-00025367 and a photo of the mothers and her family with their faces scratch off. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00086-00025367-00025732 he also sees a photo of milari and her sister which he instantly knew that they +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00087-00025732-00026073 were the next target so he decides to go after them. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00088-00026073-00026261 when calling malari to ask about her little +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00089-00026261-00026706 sister she tells him that she doesn't have any sister so he goes to the marina. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00090-00026706-00027111 when arriving he sees lily and the mother walking towards the forest. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00091-00027111-00027438 when running and arriving towards them he hears a screaming coming from a tree +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00092-00027438-00027782 and watches lily getting pulled inside a big hole. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00093-00027782-00028154 trying to pull her out of the hole he hits his head and gets knocked out. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00094-00028154-00028512 when he wakes up it was dark so he gets back to his house and he sees his dad +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00095-00028512-00028844 and his new girlfriend waiting on him with some cops. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00096-00028844-00029167 because the mother has told his dad about the cellar break-in and she has +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00097-00029167-00029499 called the cops. when his dad confronts him about it ben +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00098-00029499-00029708 tells him about the mother and what she has done +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00099-00029708-00030077 but the dad gets mad and decides take ben back home. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00100-00030077-00030432 while the dad is talking to the cop ben starts talking to his dad's girlfriend +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00101-00030432-00030752 and notices that the flower on the kitchen window is withering so he +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00102-00030752-00031123 immediately knew who it was and throws salt at her and he notices how her face +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00103-00031123-00031458 changes into a monster so he grabs a knife and injures her hand but the +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00104-00031458-00031875 creature face gets back to its human form and pretends to cry.the dad gets back +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00105-00031875-00032220 and sees what happens so the cops decide to take him in. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00106-00032220-00032573 while ben is sitting in the cop car he sees the creature whispering to the cop +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00107-00032573-00032939 so ben starts screaming to his dad for him to check out the cellar of the +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00108-00032939-00033045 neighbors. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00109-00033045-00033379 when ben was going to the station his dad decides to check the cellar as his +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00110-00033379-00033565 kid told him to. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00111-00033565-00033916 still in the car ben notices that the cop's ear is bleeding and they just pass +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00112-00033916-00034252 the cop station so he asked the cop where he is going but the cop just +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00113-00034252-00034546 drives and then stops in the middle of nowhere. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00114-00034546-00034997 he then drags ben outside and tries to drown him but got saved by the cop's dog. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00115-00034997-00035425 then the cop just shoots his own dog. when he knew he couldn't control +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00116-00035425-00035678 himself he shoots himself. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00117-00035678-00035977 ben then goes back to his dad with the cops gun. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00118-00035977-00036301 while the dad is checking the cellar he finds dead bodies and photos of his +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00119-00036301-00036581 family with scratches on their faces. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00120-00036581-00036845 out of nowhere his girlfriend stabs him in the back wearing that +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00121-00036845-00037032 weird-looking skull. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00122-00037032-00037434 the dad tries to escape but gets strangled by his girlfriend. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00123-00037434-00037623 during the struggle ben comes in and shoots her +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00124-00037623-00037898 multiple times and puts her down. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00125-00037898-00038262 then ben and his dad got in the car trying to leave the house. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00126-00038262-00038529 all of a sudden ben watches his cask and realizes +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00127-00038529-00038814 there is a name written on there which he now remembers that it is his +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00128-00038814-00039154 brother's name which he forgot about but now remembers. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00129-00039154-00039573 so ben decides to prepare and find out what happened to his brother.while preparing +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00130-00039573-00039800 malari comes in and asks him about her little sister +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00131-00039800-00040056 which he then explained what happened. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00132-00040056-00040421 during this time molari decides to go with ben and his father in the forest +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00133-00040421-00040785 where he saw lily last time to look for her sister too. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00134-00040785-00041170 when arriving in the forest ben sees a big hole near the tree and decides to +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00135-00041170-00041298 get in. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00136-00041298-00041602 while under there he finds out that the creature has nathan and lily in there +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00137-00041602-00041957 and that it needs children as a food to stay alive. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00138-00041957-00042299 ben shoots it multiple times again and then made sure his little brother and +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00139-00042299-00042526 lily got out but as soon as he got out the hole the +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00140-00042526-00042911 creature grabs him by the foot and tries to pull him inside. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00141-00042911-00043249 but out of nowhere ben's dad comes in driving full at speed and hits the +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00142-00043249-00043429 creature and killing it. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00143-00043429-00043765 after all that was over it's shown that ben and the gang had burned the tree in +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00144-00043765-00043895 the hole. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00145-00043895-00044215 now it was time for ben to go back to his hometown where he came from +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00146-00044215-00044717 so as he is saying goodbye to mallory. she gives him a flower as a reminder not +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00147-00044717-00044878 to forget her. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00148-00044878-00045283 then halfway on the road ben realizes that the flower is fake and ideas start +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00149-00045283-00045455 to run in his head. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00150-00045455-00045781 in the end it is shown that mallory is now on a boat in the middle of the ocean +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00151-00045781-00046111 with a bunch of children suggesting that the creature has taken the form of +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00152-00046111-00046240 malari. +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00153-00046240-00046683 the end! thank you guys for watching please like and subscribe as it means the +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00154-00046683-00046783 world to me! +tB3lXE1k5Fo-00155-00046783-00046798 Until the next time! +tB5udb4VWs4-00000-00000020-00000220 Hi. 'Top issue. +tB5udb4VWs4-00001-00000312-00000512 Do you often dream? +tB5udb4VWs4-00002-00000604-00001136 After dreaming, there are 6 kinds of dream elements that should not be ignored. +tB5udb4VWs4-00003-00001162-00001628 Let 's see if we can dream today and not ignore any dreams. +tB5udb4VWs4-00004-00002906-00003250 Do you know the lexical meaning of "hermon"? +tB5udb4VWs4-00005-00003347-00003982 If these things come out of your dreams, you should not go too far, no matter how unexpected you are. +tB5udb4VWs4-00006-00004100-00004650 From ancient times, dreams have played an important role in interpreting and interpreting, both East and West. +tB5udb4VWs4-00007-00004750-00005184 used dreams to gauge the current state and to look ahead to the future. +tB5udb4VWs4-00008-00005274-00005756 There are various kinds of dreams such as guillemot, guilmon, and cosmic dream. +tB5udb4VWs4-00009-00005836-00006700 Dream specialist, Mongmong The first of six elements in dreams related to your condition, which your son does not know, is hair. +tB5udb4VWs4-00010-00006838-00007423 If you have dreamed of coming out of your hair, you are in a situation where you want to break down obstacles and gain freedom. +tB5udb4VWs4-00011-00007526-00008072 If you go into more detail, your personality is related to the sexual aspect. +tB5udb4VWs4-00012-00008180-00008702 It also means that you want to know your location in relation to your family and friends. +tB5udb4VWs4-00013-00008776-00008956 The second is the box. +tB5udb4VWs4-00014-00009046-00009368 Box means secret, hidden, disappointment. +tB5udb4VWs4-00015-00009440-00010024 If a box appears in your dream, it means you are hiding something from your friends around you. +tB5udb4VWs4-00016-00010150-00010696 If you had a dream of opening a box, you are now ready to tell a secret. +tB5udb4VWs4-00017-00010778-00011482 But if you open the box and it's empty, it's a signal that you are currently experiencing something unsatisfactory. +tB5udb4VWs4-00018-00011546-00011768 The third dream is mud. +tB5udb4VWs4-00019-00011836-00012524 The fact that clay, which means growth and reincarnation, has come into your dreams means that you are at the crossroads of "choice." +tB5udb4VWs4-00020-00012624-00012910 In other words, it means direction and lost. +tB5udb4VWs4-00021-00012988-00013808 If you are not satisfied with your present life, keep in mind that you can start a new life as the flowers are dumped from the soil +tB5udb4VWs4-00022-00013874-00014074 The fourth is an ant. +tB5udb4VWs4-00023-00014128-00014791 If you see the ant walking around in your dreams, you mean that you have fallen into a blunt acquaintance these days. +tB5udb4VWs4-00024-00014847-00015330 It also means that you value your relationships with your friends and family. +tB5udb4VWs4-00025-00015400-00016166 It also means that you are unconsciously ready to work with people around you and are willing to work hard. +tB5udb4VWs4-00026-00016300-00016500 The fifth is nudity. +tB5udb4VWs4-00027-00016570-00017202 Nudity here refers to the body of Bone, not nobody, and the place must be a public place. +tB5udb4VWs4-00028-00017294-00018284 If you have a naked dream in a public place where other people go by, you are afraid of other judgments about yourself. +tB5udb4VWs4-00029-00018356-00018768 Maybe it's time to raise your love for yourself. +tB5udb4VWs4-00030-00018920-00019184 Finally, the sixth is the road. +tB5udb4VWs4-00031-00019266-00019550 Have you ever dreamed of a vast open road? +tB5udb4VWs4-00032-00019616-00020210 If so, then you are feeling stressed that something is "complicated" now. +tB5udb4VWs4-00033-00020346-00020886 You mean these days you want to get rid of all these complex things and live simple. +tB5udb4VWs4-00034-00020992-00021484 How do you have any of the same dreams you've ever dreamed of? +tB5udb4VWs4-00035-00021560-00021916 Or do you think there are some things that fit? +tB5udb4VWs4-00036-00021988-00022672 Sometimes something similar to what you see in your dreams happens in real life. +tB5udb4VWs4-00037-00022722-00023076 If dreams do not match, most people forget +tB5udb4VWs4-00038-00023088-00023832 If the dream is right, the impression is strong, and I think that I dreamed that it coincided with the fact. +tB5udb4VWs4-00039-00023882-00024448 I hope you have a good dream and a good day. +tB5udb4VWs4-00040-00024448-00024560 Then GOOD NIGHT! +tB5udb4VWs4-00041-00024624-00025116 To always have a fun and new issue, please click on the subscription and likes ^^ +tB5udb4VWs4-00042-00025178-00026322 And do not forget the alarm for the next video. If you have any questions or want to see the video below, please feel free to leave a comment below. +tB5udb4VWs4-00043-00026366-00026624 Thank you for watching! +tBaPVXTyny4-00000-00000231-00000580 Here we have a machine called the Micro-Tally. +tBaPVXTyny4-00001-00000672-00000878 It's quite a rare machine. +tBaPVXTyny4-00002-00001040-00001592 It was made by TechnidyneInc., in Livermore California. +tBaPVXTyny4-00003-00001688-00002020 It came on the market in 1970, +tBaPVXTyny4-00004-00002020-00002584 and lastedfor a little over a year, +tBaPVXTyny4-00005-00002736-00003248 Then it was displaced by cheap electronic calculators of course. +tBaPVXTyny4-00006-00003384-00003869 It's made from plastic or plastic casing. +tBaPVXTyny4-00007-00003904-00004319 All the buttons and this top part of the casing isjust +tBaPVXTyny4-00008-00004319-00004688 made from one piece of pressed plastic. +tBaPVXTyny4-00009-00004815-00005292 The inside does have a metal mechanism though. +tBaPVXTyny4-00010-00005408-00005715 You can press a button, +tBaPVXTyny4-00011-00005715-00006086 and the number gets added immediately +tBaPVXTyny4-00012-00006086-00006534 but you do then have topress Enter to finalize the addition. +tBaPVXTyny4-00013-00007312-00007699 If you enter something and change your mind +tBaPVXTyny4-00014-00007699-00008200 youcan press clear and it will undo that number. +tBaPVXTyny4-00015-00008264-00008620 The register will return to what it was before. +tBaPVXTyny4-00016-00009064-00009489 To clear the register you push down on thiswheel +tBaPVXTyny4-00017-00009489-00009872 and turn it until all the wheels are zero, +tBaPVXTyny4-00018-00009872-00010414 but you shouldn't really do that ifthere is an addition pending +tBaPVXTyny4-00019-00010414-00011048 because if you do that then pressing clear will confuse things very much. +tBaPVXTyny4-00020-00011144-00011965 So you have to press Clear or Enter before you really start clearing the dials. +tBaPVXTyny4-00021-00012104-00012264 You can also do subtraction. +tBaPVXTyny4-00022-00012552-00013041 If you switch this to the subtraction mode +tBaPVXTyny4-00023-00013041-00013447 theregister will drop down and reconnect itself +tBaPVXTyny4-00024-00013447-00013783 through an intermediategear or something like that, +tBaPVXTyny4-00025-00013800-00014184 and now you can enter thenumber you want to subtract, +tBaPVXTyny4-00026-00014568-00015017 and switch it back to additionto then read out the result. +tBaPVXTyny4-00027-00015376-00015584 So it's a very simple machine. +tBaPVXTyny4-00028-00015776-00015991 As i said it was made by Technidyne. +tBaPVXTyny4-00029-00016263-00016704 Technidyne Inc., from LivermoreCalifornia, and patent pending. +tBaPVXTyny4-00030-00016808-00017107 I haven't been able to find a patent, +tBaPVXTyny4-00031-00017107-00017432 soI don't know if it was ever patented or +tBaPVXTyny4-00032-00017592-00017842 if the application was abandoned +tBaPVXTyny4-00033-00017842-00018162 becausethe company didn't exist for very long. +tBaPVXTyny4-00034-00018208-00018545 This number here, that looks like a serial number +tBaPVXTyny4-00035-00018545-00018825 but it seemsthat all the machines have the same number. +tBaPVXTyny4-00036-00019536-00020328 So this was the Micro-Tally by Technidyne Inc. +tBaPVXTyny4-00037-00020520-00020714 Thank you for watching! +tHSTCttu3pE-00000-00000540-00000850 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] I think the whole genome association business needs +tHSTCttu3pE-00001-00000850-00001280 a whole lot more epidemiology population genomics input. +tHSTCttu3pE-00002-00001280-00001470 So I'd like to, maybe, illustrate some of +tHSTCttu3pE-00003-00001470-00001850 those opportunities for you. +tHSTCttu3pE-00004-00001850-00002240 I want to talk about the causes of heterogeneity of results in +tHSTCttu3pE-00005-00002240-00002560 gene association studies, as we've raised this issue +tHSTCttu3pE-00006-00002560-00002970 a couple of times; review the types and sources of bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00007-00002970-00003240 this'll be a review for you, but particularly relate +tHSTCttu3pE-00008-00003240-00003650 them to genomic research; look at examples from our +tHSTCttu3pE-00009-00003650-00003929 genome-wide association studies to illustrate some of these +tHSTCttu3pE-00010-00003929-00004160 bias, or perhaps the potential of the bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00011-00004160-00004430 really wherever the defects of the literature are, +tHSTCttu3pE-00012-00004430-00004900 and identify strategies to study design, data collection, +tHSTCttu3pE-00013-00004900-00005230 statistical analysis and interpretation that could +tHSTCttu3pE-00014-00005230-00005530 prevent or minimize bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00015-00005530-00006150 Now, rather than showing the "bummer of a birthmark" slide +tHSTCttu3pE-00016-00006150-00006480 again, the target audience of this is that there's at least +tHSTCttu3pE-00017-00006480-00006920 one editor in the room. +tHSTCttu3pE-00018-00006920-00007280 And some of this, I think, and I would say that your +tHSTCttu3pE-00019-00007280-00007550 particular journal is not at fault here -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00020-00007550-00007840 [laughter] +tHSTCttu3pE-00021-00007840-00007990 We've got everybody pointing fingers. +tHSTCttu3pE-00022-00007990-00008250 It's a good sign, Teri. +tHSTCttu3pE-00023-00008250-00008710 The point here is that some of this has to do with +tHSTCttu3pE-00024-00008710-00009020 editorial review, peer review of manuscripts, +tHSTCttu3pE-00025-00009020-00009320 and then the editorial review of that is also part of the +tHSTCttu3pE-00026-00009320-00009740 business here in terms of accepting papers. +tHSTCttu3pE-00027-00009740-00010110 Now, as you come from outside into this genome association +tHSTCttu3pE-00028-00010110-00010730 field, you're kind of struck by kind of a land rush +tHSTCttu3pE-00029-00010730-00010840 kind of thing. +tHSTCttu3pE-00030-00010840-00011120 Everyone wants to be the first fly on the beached +tHSTCttu3pE-00031-00011120-00011810 whale claiming dibs, a lot of interest in getting there, +tHSTCttu3pE-00032-00011810-00012100 making the first discovery, and then going on, +tHSTCttu3pE-00033-00012100-00012560 rather than kind of cleaning up the rest of the field +tHSTCttu3pE-00034-00012560-00013040 and understanding the biology and epidemiology involved. +tHSTCttu3pE-00035-00013040-00013360 Well, this has some shortcomings if things +tHSTCttu3pE-00036-00013360-00013610 aren't always reproducible. +tHSTCttu3pE-00037-00013610-00014080 This is John Ioannidis, he's actually published +tHSTCttu3pE-00038-00014080-00014360 several of these papers, but this is, perhaps, +tHSTCttu3pE-00039-00014360-00014560 one of the more inflammatory ones, "Why Most Published +tHSTCttu3pE-00040-00014560-00014800 Research Findings Are False." +tHSTCttu3pE-00041-00014800-00015140 This, obviously, hits small interest groups like the +tHSTCttu3pE-00042-00015140-00015619 U.S. Congress and other funding agencies including the +tHSTCttu3pE-00043-00015619-00016030 U.S. public, and, obviously, creates a lot of issues +tHSTCttu3pE-00044-00016030-00016190 for us in epidemiology. +tHSTCttu3pE-00045-00016190-00016580 And people are doing observational studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00046-00016580-00016890 And our media colleagues don't help much. +tHSTCttu3pE-00047-00016890-00017110 Here's the science writer for "The Wall Street Journal," +tHSTCttu3pE-00048-00017110-00017540 "Most science studies appear to be tainted by sloppy analysis." +tHSTCttu3pE-00049-00017540-00017730 So this really is our reputation. +tHSTCttu3pE-00050-00017730-00018220 And those of us, particularly in epidemiology, probably are the +tHSTCttu3pE-00051-00018220-00018580 keeper of the kingdom of proper analytic techniques relative +tHSTCttu3pE-00052-00018580-00018800 to population-wide data. +tHSTCttu3pE-00053-00018800-00019240 So this really is our business, to really understand the biases, +tHSTCttu3pE-00054-00019240-00019600 and when they occur, obviously, fix them, +tHSTCttu3pE-00055-00019600-00020150 and if when in the planning stage, perhaps, prevent them. +tHSTCttu3pE-00056-00020150-00020710 And this, I believe, both of those papers were based, +tHSTCttu3pE-00057-00020710-00021060 to some extent, on this Hirschhorn paper, +tHSTCttu3pE-00058-00021060-00021580 the study that Teri has shown before. +tHSTCttu3pE-00059-00021580-00022220 But really, out of 600 gene-disease association, +tHSTCttu3pE-00060-00022220-00022730 only greater than 75 of the -- only six of the 100, +tHSTCttu3pE-00061-00022730-00023100 1 percent that showed in greater than 75 percent of the studies +tHSTCttu3pE-00062-00023100-00023610 there to be this ability to be replicated in more than +tHSTCttu3pE-00063-00023610-00023750 75 percent of the studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00064-00023750-00024060 So most of the studies come up with a lot of issues, +tHSTCttu3pE-00065-00024060-00024260 a lot of inconsistencies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00066-00024260-00024510 And some are just downright non-reproducible. +tHSTCttu3pE-00067-00024510-00024890 So this, obviously, is a challenge to us, +tHSTCttu3pE-00068-00024890-00025210 and so we should try to understand within the +tHSTCttu3pE-00069-00025210-00025550 genome association studies what could be some of +tHSTCttu3pE-00070-00025550-00025689 the explanations. +tHSTCttu3pE-00071-00025689-00025960 Well, obviously, in epidemiology, +tHSTCttu3pE-00072-00025960-00026350 one of the first things you say there really could be the truth, +tHSTCttu3pE-00073-00026350-00026639 it could be really the biologic situation, +tHSTCttu3pE-00074-00026639-00026860 genetic heterogeneity. +tHSTCttu3pE-00075-00026860-00027260 Teri's just told us about some gene-gene interactions. +tHSTCttu3pE-00076-00027260-00027750 For example, that APOE4 gene, if you were to have a high +tHSTCttu3pE-00077-00027750-00028150 prevalence of that interacting gene versus a low prevalence +tHSTCttu3pE-00078-00028150-00028460 of that interacting gene, you are likely to find +tHSTCttu3pE-00079-00028460-00028750 a heterogeneity there, and, of course, +tHSTCttu3pE-00080-00028750-00028960 then the gene-environment interaction, so some of +tHSTCttu3pE-00081-00028960-00029150 this could be true. +tHSTCttu3pE-00082-00029150-00029460 And so we shouldn't just toss out the whole thing, +tHSTCttu3pE-00083-00029460-00029960 but say that this is also our job to sort these out. +tHSTCttu3pE-00084-00029960-00030389 But then there could be spurious mechanisms, as well. +tHSTCttu3pE-00085-00030389-00030860 Teri's just given you a lecture on genomic analysis quality. +tHSTCttu3pE-00086-00030860-00031189 And we shouldn't just, as we don't accept anything, +tHSTCttu3pE-00087-00031189-00031470 just take everything at face value, but look at the quality +tHSTCttu3pE-00088-00031470-00031920 of the genome analysis. +tHSTCttu3pE-00089-00031920-00032260 A type 1 error, obviously, is an enormous issue as we +tHSTCttu3pE-00090-00032260-00032510 come up with, essentially, a million chi squares +tHSTCttu3pE-00091-00032510-00032750 in some of these new chips. +tHSTCttu3pE-00092-00032750-00033160 Obviously, there's going to be type 1 error -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00093-00033160-00033460 a huge opportunity for type 1 error. +tHSTCttu3pE-00094-00033460-00033670 The limited sample size is in power, obviously, +tHSTCttu3pE-00095-00033670-00033820 in all of our studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00096-00033820-00034150 There's a variety of cohort age period effects, +tHSTCttu3pE-00097-00034150-00034620 and then I'm going to talk about bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00098-00034620-00035030 Well, you're all familiar with the definition of biases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00099-00035030-00035360 Here's one from David Sackett and one from Leon Gordis. +tHSTCttu3pE-00100-00035360-00035880 And, obviously, the two parts of this is that they can +tHSTCttu3pE-00101-00035880-00036200 really occur at any stage of inference, design conduct, +tHSTCttu3pE-00102-00036200-00036680 and analysis, and that they produce results or conclusions +tHSTCttu3pE-00103-00036680-00037090 which differ systematically from the truth give us +tHSTCttu3pE-00104-00037090-00037670 mistaken estimates of the exposures' effects on +tHSTCttu3pE-00105-00037670-00037920 not only disease but also on risk. +tHSTCttu3pE-00106-00037920-00038350 So those are some biases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00107-00038350-00038780 And just to point out that some of the effects of those biases +tHSTCttu3pE-00108-00038780-00039120 in the genome-wide association context could be +tHSTCttu3pE-00109-00039120-00039740 false negatives, a study which includes people with a gene +tHSTCttu3pE-00110-00039740-00040130 that could be important which is not identified, +tHSTCttu3pE-00111-00040130-00040320 could be false positive, which, of course, +tHSTCttu3pE-00112-00040320-00040800 is this type 1 error effect, and we've already seen +tHSTCttu3pE-00113-00040800-00040890 some examples. +tHSTCttu3pE-00114-00040890-00041140 And I think this is where a lot of the discussion arose. +tHSTCttu3pE-00115-00041140-00041340 I think there's been less discussion on inaccurate +tHSTCttu3pE-00116-00041340-00041880 effect sizes, in other words, rather than an odds ratio +tHSTCttu3pE-00117-00041880-00042250 of a size or perhaps across many genes, a number of odds ratios, +tHSTCttu3pE-00118-00042250-00042630 which would account for a substantial amount of +tHSTCttu3pE-00119-00042630-00042980 the heritability, you would have, say, +tHSTCttu3pE-00120-00042980-00043600 some of the biases deluding the odds ratios toward the null +tHSTCttu3pE-00121-00043600-00043980 and perhaps underestimating, although the possibility is +tHSTCttu3pE-00122-00043980-00044160 also for overestimate. +tHSTCttu3pE-00123-00044160-00044480 So these are the usual effects of bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00124-00044480-00044710 And just to point out that there is a problem with +tHSTCttu3pE-00125-00044710-00045590 false positives, here's a little slide on false +tHSTCttu3pE-00126-00045590-00045840 positive human beings. +tHSTCttu3pE-00127-00045840-00046320 Here is your ship loaded with manikins falling into -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00128-00046320-00046530 and the sharks are saying, "What is this, some kind +tHSTCttu3pE-00129-00046530-00046780 of a cruel hoax?" +tHSTCttu3pE-00130-00046780-00047220 The point here is that a false positive doesn't just go into +tHSTCttu3pE-00131-00047220-00047630 the literature and, kind of, disappear, but obviously +tHSTCttu3pE-00132-00047630-00048040 then stimulates a number of confirmatory studies whose +tHSTCttu3pE-00133-00048040-00048380 resources could otherwise have gone on to test other, +tHSTCttu3pE-00134-00048380-00048550 perhaps more important, hypotheses. +tHSTCttu3pE-00135-00048550-00048840 So this is not just, if you have a false +tHSTCttu3pE-00136-00048840-00049270 positive it obviously sets up a chain of inquiry that does +tHSTCttu3pE-00137-00049270-00049440 use resources. +tHSTCttu3pE-00138-00049440-00049720 So this is, obviously, something we need us +tHSTCttu3pE-00139-00049720-00050180 and our students to be very aware of and concerned about. +tHSTCttu3pE-00140-00050180-00050520 So just like everything else, the types of biases in genome +tHSTCttu3pE-00141-00050520-00050860 association studies include the selection of cases and controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00142-00050860-00051429 These are epidemiology studies in the end analysis. +tHSTCttu3pE-00143-00051429-00051779 Obviously, information on genotype or phenotype, +tHSTCttu3pE-00144-00051779-00052229 as Teri has already alluded to, oftentimes there are more +tHSTCttu3pE-00145-00052229-00052510 issues on the phenotype side of it than with our +tHSTCttu3pE-00146-00052510-00052679 current genotyping. +tHSTCttu3pE-00147-00052679-00052929 There's the analysis and presentation of results, +tHSTCttu3pE-00148-00052929-00053200 and then, finally, the interpretation of results +tHSTCttu3pE-00149-00053200-00053529 as issues. +tHSTCttu3pE-00150-00053529-00054210 So if you look at all the kinds of biases and, as I'll mention, +tHSTCttu3pE-00151-00054210-00054479 I'm doing a systematic review of this, +tHSTCttu3pE-00152-00054479-00054820 I think there's at least 20 kinds, probably many more, +tHSTCttu3pE-00153-00054820-00055079 but there's at least 20 kinds of biases, +tHSTCttu3pE-00154-00055079-00055510 potentially encountered in genome-wide association studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00155-00055510-00055820 And I have it listed here that the ones common to all +tHSTCttu3pE-00156-00055820-00056240 human observational studies, a response bias, et cetera, +tHSTCttu3pE-00157-00056240-00056550 although we will discuss them later, but there really are a +tHSTCttu3pE-00158-00056550-00056840 number that are unique or particularly especially +tHSTCttu3pE-00159-00056840-00057140 common in genome-wide association studies that +tHSTCttu3pE-00160-00057140-00057470 I wanted just to familiarize you with. +tHSTCttu3pE-00161-00057470-00057740 There's some that we call the super case or super control +tHSTCttu3pE-00162-00057740-00058060 biases that we'll mention. +tHSTCttu3pE-00163-00058060-00058450 There's this latent case bias, population stratification has +tHSTCttu3pE-00164-00058450-00058640 already been discussed. +tHSTCttu3pE-00165-00058640-00058860 I'm going to talk a little bit more about it. +tHSTCttu3pE-00166-00058860-00059060 The Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium, +tHSTCttu3pE-00167-00059060-00059610 which oftentimes talks about genome equality, +tHSTCttu3pE-00168-00059610-00060100 also genome equality bias in general affecting the +tHSTCttu3pE-00169-00060100-00060479 transmission disequilibrium test, and I am going to talk +tHSTCttu3pE-00170-00060479-00060910 a little bit about the winner's curse. +tHSTCttu3pE-00171-00060910-00061800 So in terms of my getting into this field and understanding it, +tHSTCttu3pE-00172-00061800-00062290 Teri and I decided that a systematic review of the +tHSTCttu3pE-00173-00062290-00062740 genome-wide association literature, now listed +tHSTCttu3pE-00174-00062740-00063279 in the catalog of the GWAS, would be a good thing to do, +tHSTCttu3pE-00175-00063279-00063610 particularly looking at in a kind of the epidemiology +tHSTCttu3pE-00176-00063610-00064170 of bias, if you will, the first 109 studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00177-00064170-00064479 So these go from March 2005 to March 2008. +tHSTCttu3pE-00178-00064479-00064629 I had to stop somewhere. +tHSTCttu3pE-00179-00064629-00064890 It's just like where to stop the tide from coming in, +tHSTCttu3pE-00180-00064890-00065140 because these are coming in literally every day. +tHSTCttu3pE-00181-00065140-00065580 So we cut this, and all of those that appear in this catalog +tHSTCttu3pE-00182-00065580-00065820 from these dates are in there. +tHSTCttu3pE-00183-00065820-00066380 So we believe we have a complete sample of the literature. +tHSTCttu3pE-00184-00066380-00066870 This catalog only included those with genotyping platforms +tHSTCttu3pE-00185-00066870-00067100 with density greater than 100,000 SNPs. +tHSTCttu3pE-00186-00067100-00067360 So there may be some other smaller studies that you're +tHSTCttu3pE-00187-00067360-00067850 aware of that aren't in there, but this was an +tHSTCttu3pE-00188-00067850-00067990 entry criteria. +tHSTCttu3pE-00189-00067990-00068260 We looked at each study for a study design description +tHSTCttu3pE-00190-00068260-00068480 of case in comparison groups, collection of genotype +tHSTCttu3pE-00191-00068480-00068720 and other risk factor data, particularly interested in +tHSTCttu3pE-00192-00068720-00069150 how results were presented and how they were interpreted. +tHSTCttu3pE-00193-00069150-00069520 And I'm going to share some of those preliminary results +tHSTCttu3pE-00194-00069520-00070000 of the systematic review with you here. +tHSTCttu3pE-00195-00070000-00070410 So when you're looking at the whole possibility of bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00196-00070410-00070900 obviously, within the whole genome-wide association +tHSTCttu3pE-00197-00070900-00071320 literature, there's quite a heterogeneity of variables, +tHSTCttu3pE-00198-00071320-00071780 and diseases and study designs. +tHSTCttu3pE-00199-00071780-00072180 In terms of the phenotypes, there were discrete outcomes +tHSTCttu3pE-00200-00072180-00072300 or traits. +tHSTCttu3pE-00201-00072300-00072620 There were about 91 of them in 83 studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00202-00072620-00073380 This is because a number of studies had measured +tHSTCttu3pE-00203-00073380-00073820 a multiple of phenotypes and traits, the Framingham study, +tHSTCttu3pE-00204-00073820-00074090 the Wellcome Trust study, for example. +tHSTCttu3pE-00205-00074090-00074600 And about 26 studies looked at 40 quantitative traits, +tHSTCttu3pE-00206-00074600-00074840 so this is really what we're talking about, +tHSTCttu3pE-00207-00074840-00075410 again, quite a number of different endpoints. +tHSTCttu3pE-00208-00075410-00075740 But one of the key points here is that when looking at bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00209-00075740-00076070 of course, the study design, which is most prone to some +tHSTCttu3pE-00210-00076070-00076690 biases of case and control selection, +tHSTCttu3pE-00211-00076690-00077220 and the collection of data, information data, +tHSTCttu3pE-00212-00077220-00077360 are the case-control studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00213-00077360-00077640 And over 70 percent of the current literature +tHSTCttu3pE-00214-00077640-00077880 in genome-wide association studies are of that +tHSTCttu3pE-00215-00077880-00078100 study design. +tHSTCttu3pE-00216-00078100-00078510 There are about 4 percent trios. +tHSTCttu3pE-00217-00078510-00078810 Interestingly, only about 4 percent are +tHSTCttu3pE-00218-00078810-00078960 nested case-controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00219-00078960-00079320 We would expect that to change as the genetic data are +tHSTCttu3pE-00220-00079320-00079570 collected, the cohorts are followed forward, +tHSTCttu3pE-00221-00079570-00079920 and this type of study design is going to be used a great +tHSTCttu3pE-00222-00079920-00080080 deal more. +tHSTCttu3pE-00223-00080080-00080330 And then there is a number of cross-sectional, +tHSTCttu3pE-00224-00080330-00080560 I call them cohort, they're basically the baseline +tHSTCttu3pE-00225-00080560-00081020 studies of cohorts which are forming. +tHSTCttu3pE-00226-00081020-00081280 And cross-sectional analyses were done, +tHSTCttu3pE-00227-00081280-00081520 particularly of quantitative traits looking at the genes +tHSTCttu3pE-00228-00081520-00082000 and the lipid values of the genes and the height, +tHSTCttu3pE-00229-00082000-00082570 et cetera, as cohorts are being formed. +tHSTCttu3pE-00230-00082570-00082850 But the point is is that the fact that over 70 percent of +tHSTCttu3pE-00231-00082850-00083200 these are case-control studies, obviously, does put your +tHSTCttu3pE-00232-00083200-00083520 antenna up about that this could, in fact, +tHSTCttu3pE-00233-00083520-00083760 have some issues with bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00234-00083760-00084120 So, as you know, the requirements +tHSTCttu3pE-00235-00084120-00084660 for a bias-free case-control study include minimization +tHSTCttu3pE-00236-00084660-00084970 of selection bias and information bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00237-00084970-00085400 There should be cases, should be representative of all those who +tHSTCttu3pE-00238-00085400-00085580 developed the disease being studied, +tHSTCttu3pE-00239-00085580-00085780 the control for representative of all those at risk for +tHSTCttu3pE-00240-00085780-00086020 developing the disease, I'm going to get back to +tHSTCttu3pE-00241-00086020-00086470 that in a minute, and eligible to become cases and be included +tHSTCttu3pE-00242-00086470-00086600 in the study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00243-00086600-00086780 And then there's this other one for GWAS, +tHSTCttu3pE-00244-00086780-00087100 ancestral geographic origins in predominant environmental +tHSTCttu3pE-00245-00087100-00087210 exposures of cases, and not different +tHSTCttu3pE-00246-00087210-00087410 dramatically from controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00247-00087410-00087680 And this is, of course, the whole population +tHSTCttu3pE-00248-00087680-00087920 stratification issue. +tHSTCttu3pE-00249-00087920-00088210 And then for information bias of the collection risk factor +tHSTCttu3pE-00250-00088210-00088430 and exposure information are the same for cases of control. +tHSTCttu3pE-00251-00088430-00088670 So this is, kind of, your basic epidemiology, +tHSTCttu3pE-00252-00088670-00088940 but just to remind you of that because these are some of the +tHSTCttu3pE-00253-00088940-00089310 issues that may or may not have been handled carefully in some +tHSTCttu3pE-00254-00089310-00089740 of the genome-wide association studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00255-00089740-00090090 So what we did was set down some criteria for classifying whether +tHSTCttu3pE-00256-00090090-00090490 or not these biases occurred, or could occur. +tHSTCttu3pE-00257-00090490-00090860 One of the problems was that the data simply weren't presented, +tHSTCttu3pE-00258-00090860-00091110 and so one couldn't, as a reader, +tHSTCttu3pE-00259-00091110-00091400 judge whether this bias occurred or not. +tHSTCttu3pE-00260-00091400-00091730 In our typical epidemiology papers, we're used to seeing +tHSTCttu3pE-00261-00091730-00092120 the tables and the analyses and things going along. +tHSTCttu3pE-00262-00092120-00092380 And I will tell you that this body of literature departs +tHSTCttu3pE-00263-00092380-00092810 from those standard forms substantially. +tHSTCttu3pE-00264-00092810-00093150 And so what we try to do is capture this by, for example, +tHSTCttu3pE-00265-00093150-00093510 for misclassification bias would be really the absence +tHSTCttu3pE-00266-00093510-00093780 of description or the use of adequate means to define +tHSTCttu3pE-00267-00093780-00093950 cases or controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00268-00093950-00094220 For example, as Teri said, the description of the +tHSTCttu3pE-00269-00094220-00094610 controls as being Belgian probably isn't enough for +tHSTCttu3pE-00270-00094610-00094890 me as an epidemiologist. +tHSTCttu3pE-00271-00094890-00095060 I'd like to know a little bit more. +tHSTCttu3pE-00272-00095060-00095370 Were they normal Belgians, or northern Belgians, +tHSTCttu3pE-00273-00095370-00095720 or southern Belgians, or whatever? +tHSTCttu3pE-00274-00095720-00095970 For non-response bias would be the absence of description of +tHSTCttu3pE-00275-00095970-00096140 rates of recruitment participation in +tHSTCttu3pE-00276-00096140-00096300 cases/controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00277-00096300-00096660 The prevalence incidence bias, many of these series come +tHSTCttu3pE-00278-00096660-00096870 from clinical case sets. +tHSTCttu3pE-00279-00096870-00097180 So, obviously, these use prevalent cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00280-00097180-00097520 And, of course, if these diseases are studied, +tHSTCttu3pE-00281-00097520-00097860 having sizable short-term case fatality rates or remission +tHSTCttu3pE-00282-00097860-00098280 rates, obviously, that's a setup for prevalence incidence bias +tHSTCttu3pE-00283-00098280-00098680 that we see in our case-control studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00284-00098680-00099080 Obviously there's a problem with misclassification: +tHSTCttu3pE-00285-00099080-00099230 "Now, calm down there, ma'am. +tHSTCttu3pE-00286-00099230-00099530 Your cat's going to be fine, just fine." +tHSTCttu3pE-00287-00099530-00099920 Obviously, the misclassification of this dog, as a pet owner, +tHSTCttu3pE-00288-00099920-00100190 has its ramifications. +tHSTCttu3pE-00289-00100190-00100950 The ramifications of case and controls are also an issue. +tHSTCttu3pE-00290-00100950-00101660 So the methods of selection recruitment are frequently +tHSTCttu3pE-00291-00101660-00101940 described in a supplement or other publication. +tHSTCttu3pE-00292-00101940-00102110 So you have your paper, you get it on PubMed. +tHSTCttu3pE-00293-00102110-00102580 You're reading along, and there are no descriptions of cases +tHSTCttu3pE-00294-00102580-00102700 and controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00295-00102700-00103120 And frequently, those are in another place, +tHSTCttu3pE-00296-00103120-00103330 in a supplement not published with that. +tHSTCttu3pE-00297-00103330-00103559 You have to go look it up. +tHSTCttu3pE-00298-00103559-00104030 I find this a real pain because I would expect there to be, +tHSTCttu3pE-00299-00104030-00104430 really, my ability to judge as I go along and read the rest +tHSTCttu3pE-00300-00104430-00104700 of that paper whether or not there are some real issues +tHSTCttu3pE-00301-00104700-00105000 that I need to look for. +tHSTCttu3pE-00302-00105000-00105320 So about three out of 10 of these really didn't have +tHSTCttu3pE-00303-00105320-00105809 the methods of recruitment and selection of these case +tHSTCttu3pE-00304-00105809-00106009 and control populations. +tHSTCttu3pE-00305-00106009-00106250 Now, there are a few baseline descriptors of cases +tHSTCttu3pE-00306-00106250-00106520 and controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00307-00106520-00106880 Only about a third had tables comparing cases and controls, +tHSTCttu3pE-00308-00106880-00107259 and I will tell you that I was incredibly liberal about any +tHSTCttu3pE-00309-00107259-00107630 old kind of, like, men and women, age, +tHSTCttu3pE-00310-00107630-00107909 they got a "yes." +tHSTCttu3pE-00311-00107909-00108190 Now, I also talked about partial and full kinds +tHSTCttu3pE-00312-00108190-00108359 of tables. +tHSTCttu3pE-00313-00108359-00108600 I would say the number of tables which I would say +tHSTCttu3pE-00314-00108600-00108909 would be adequate in terms of, say, a study of coronary disease +tHSTCttu3pE-00315-00108909-00109230 which was describing blood pressure, smoking +tHSTCttu3pE-00316-00109230-00109590 and diabetes, et cetera, those are probably only +tHSTCttu3pE-00317-00109590-00109709 around 10 percent. +tHSTCttu3pE-00318-00109709-00110059 I don't put those in the slide, but when getting down to the +tHSTCttu3pE-00319-00110059-00110380 statistical comparisons of whether cases or controls +tHSTCttu3pE-00320-00110380-00111040 were different, only about one in 33 papers had those +tHSTCttu3pE-00321-00111040-00111280 kinds of analysis so that I could say, +tHSTCttu3pE-00322-00111280-00111559 there should be a statistical adjustment for those variables +tHSTCttu3pE-00323-00111559-00111750 at the end of the study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00324-00111750-00112109 So really quite a different literature than we're used +tHSTCttu3pE-00325-00112109-00112430 to in epidemiology, and for which we would, as a reviewer +tHSTCttu3pE-00326-00112430-00112900 or an editor, bring into an epidemiology journal. +tHSTCttu3pE-00327-00112900-00113220 But this was not anywhere as near rare as the +tHSTCttu3pE-00328-00113220-00113390 participation rates. +tHSTCttu3pE-00329-00113390-00113959 Now, this was even more parsimonious. +tHSTCttu3pE-00330-00113959-00114280 About 9 percent had some comment about participation rates +tHSTCttu3pE-00331-00114280-00114659 in terms of how selective these populations were. +tHSTCttu3pE-00332-00114659-00114959 And in terms of comparing participants and +tHSTCttu3pE-00333-00114959-00115300 non-participants, there were literally only two papers +tHSTCttu3pE-00334-00115300-00115759 which really described if the people who chose to participate +tHSTCttu3pE-00335-00115759-00115880 or not. +tHSTCttu3pE-00336-00115880-00116359 So a lot of the things we look for in the selection of cases +tHSTCttu3pE-00337-00116359-00116700 and controls really didn't occur. +tHSTCttu3pE-00338-00116700-00117350 As I mentioned, two-thirds of the papers were prevalent +tHSTCttu3pE-00339-00117350-00117609 cases derived from clinical sources. +tHSTCttu3pE-00340-00117609-00117909 About one-third were population-based or +tHSTCttu3pE-00341-00117909-00118290 incident cases, and so certainly loads of opportunity for +tHSTCttu3pE-00342-00118290-00118630 prevalence, incidence bias, which really gets into the +tHSTCttu3pE-00343-00118630-00119340 question of what genes you're really studying. +tHSTCttu3pE-00344-00119340-00119800 A number of diseases would appear to have genes which +tHSTCttu3pE-00345-00119800-00120109 are associated with prognosis, with the aggressiveness +tHSTCttu3pE-00346-00120109-00120390 of prostate cancer, of the case fatality +tHSTCttu3pE-00347-00120390-00120650 rates of coronary -- of myocardial infarction. +tHSTCttu3pE-00348-00120650-00121190 And so when you're studying prevalent cases without the +tHSTCttu3pE-00349-00121190-00121650 ones who have died, et cetera, you may have a very +tHSTCttu3pE-00350-00121650-00121990 heterogeneous phenotype to some other cases in which you +tHSTCttu3pE-00351-00121990-00122600 included those individuals, so some issues there to talk about. +tHSTCttu3pE-00352-00122600-00123009 Let's just give you an example here of a case-control study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00353-00123009-00123450 This was a study of type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans. +tHSTCttu3pE-00354-00123450-00124120 Obviously, most of the data have been primarily in +tHSTCttu3pE-00355-00124120-00124650 European or European American populations, although many of +tHSTCttu3pE-00356-00124650-00125080 the subsequent replication -- other studies were in just +tHSTCttu3pE-00357-00125080-00125230 a wonderful array of studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00358-00125230-00125659 But, certainly, was good to see a GWAS in type 2 diabetes in a +tHSTCttu3pE-00359-00125659-00125930 population that we know is, obviously, very affected +tHSTCttu3pE-00360-00125930-00126009 by type 2 diabetes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00361-00126009-00126580 So 281 cases with diabetes defined by the usual +tHSTCttu3pE-00362-00126580-00126959 technique, and then there are 280 controls from a random +tHSTCttu3pE-00363-00126959-00127409 population without really their diabetes status ever +tHSTCttu3pE-00364-00127409-00127550 being checked. +tHSTCttu3pE-00365-00127550-00127759 There is no data. +tHSTCttu3pE-00366-00127759-00128230 They were just taken from a random sample, +tHSTCttu3pE-00367-00128230-00128870 and just from a bank rather than really even questioned +tHSTCttu3pE-00368-00128870-00128990 about this. +tHSTCttu3pE-00369-00128990-00129190 So over 100,000 SNPs were assayed. +tHSTCttu3pE-00370-00129190-00129370 Four genes were identified. +tHSTCttu3pE-00371-00129370-00129630 But the real question is, in terms of misclassification +tHSTCttu3pE-00372-00129630-00129950 here, obviously, is there should be a substantial prevalence, +tHSTCttu3pE-00373-00129950-00130230 we think 7 to 14 percent of the type 2 diabetes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00374-00130230-00130659 in the controls, just from what we know of the population. +tHSTCttu3pE-00375-00130659-00131080 And so an example then, obviously, as a reviewer, +tHSTCttu3pE-00376-00131080-00131360 I would've been very worried about there not even being +tHSTCttu3pE-00377-00131360-00131550 any clinical data about diabetes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00378-00131550-00132080 to say nothing about the same kinds of screening that we +tHSTCttu3pE-00379-00132080-00132680 had for the cases, so just kind of one of the issues +tHSTCttu3pE-00380-00132680-00132990 we've identified. +tHSTCttu3pE-00381-00132990-00133320 Now there are several other interesting biases here +tHSTCttu3pE-00382-00133320-00133820 in the collection of, and again, the goal here is to find the +tHSTCttu3pE-00383-00133820-00134140 signal for the gene; identify the gene +tHSTCttu3pE-00384-00134140-00134360 associated with the disease. +tHSTCttu3pE-00385-00134360-00134740 Maybe the magnitude of that association, the strength +tHSTCttu3pE-00386-00134740-00135020 of that association, may be a secondary +tHSTCttu3pE-00387-00135020-00135250 consideration sometimes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00388-00135250-00135770 And so oftentimes what you'll see is the use of super cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00389-00135770-00136020 These would be not only a person with the disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-00390-00136020-00136310 but additional criteria that increases the chance +tHSTCttu3pE-00391-00136310-00136510 of a genetic etiology, a case with a positive +tHSTCttu3pE-00392-00136510-00137000 family history, or multiple relatives with family history, +tHSTCttu3pE-00393-00137000-00137140 or an early onset. +tHSTCttu3pE-00394-00137140-00137620 These would be classic super cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00395-00137620-00138040 In terms of super controls, the flipside, the use of +tHSTCttu3pE-00396-00138040-00138390 additional criteria that decreases the chance of a +tHSTCttu3pE-00397-00138390-00138890 genetic etiology: older age, a negative family history. +tHSTCttu3pE-00398-00138890-00139230 My favorite is an older-age person with multiple +tHSTCttu3pE-00399-00139230-00139780 behavioral risk factors for that condition without the disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-00400-00139780-00140360 again, not exactly a sample of your general population who +tHSTCttu3pE-00401-00140360-00140780 could get the disease in terms of your case-control study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00402-00140780-00141090 The final bias to talk about would be the latent case bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00403-00141090-00141350 the inclusion of controls and persons who could never +tHSTCttu3pE-00404-00141350-00141700 develop the disease even if they carried the gene. +tHSTCttu3pE-00405-00141700-00141960 And there are some of those that are, for us, +tHSTCttu3pE-00406-00141960-00142520 at some point your deep-down, inside epidemiology gland +tHSTCttu3pE-00407-00142520-00143010 starts to pump out rage hormones at some point even though it +tHSTCttu3pE-00408-00143010-00143190 may not make any difference. +tHSTCttu3pE-00409-00143190-00143410 It just -- I don't know, I'll show you. +tHSTCttu3pE-00410-00143410-00143730 So here's the study of prostate cancer, +tHSTCttu3pE-00411-00143730-00144060 genome-wide association study of prostate cancer. +tHSTCttu3pE-00412-00144060-00144240 And this was the discovery study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00413-00144240-00144580 The first study out is called the discovery study, +tHSTCttu3pE-00414-00144580-00145060 1,854 cases, and, again, these were symptomatic -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00415-00145060-00145410 not just people -- found these were people who came in with, +tHSTCttu3pE-00416-00145410-00145860 obviously, aggressive tumors that were in the bone +tHSTCttu3pE-00417-00145860-00146410 or caused neurologic issues, not just one found at a +tHSTCttu3pE-00418-00146410-00146560 screening, et cetera. +tHSTCttu3pE-00419-00146560-00146920 They were all diagnosed at the age of less than 60 years, +tHSTCttu3pE-00420-00146920-00147280 or had a positive family history of prostate cancer, +tHSTCttu3pE-00421-00147280-00147870 so super cases, not a sample of all the cases that could come. +tHSTCttu3pE-00422-00147870-00148100 Similarly they used super controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00423-00148100-00148520 Again, 1,890 controls, again, you had to be older than the +tHSTCttu3pE-00424-00148520-00148790 age of 50 and with a normal PSA. +tHSTCttu3pE-00425-00148790-00149240 I don't have any problem with this, but the -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00426-00149240-00149680 one of the points, it's actually a very low PSA, +tHSTCttu3pE-00427-00149680-00149990 but what you ended up here with is actually +tHSTCttu3pE-00428-00149990-00150340 this group of cases being substantially younger than +tHSTCttu3pE-00429-00150340-00150520 this group of controls in addition to the other +tHSTCttu3pE-00430-00150520-00150740 super case definitions. +tHSTCttu3pE-00431-00150740-00151100 So they had about a half a million SNPs assayed. +tHSTCttu3pE-00432-00151100-00151490 They found 11 new SNPs associated 10 to the minus six, +tHSTCttu3pE-00433-00151490-00151790 and then went into a replication study +tHSTCttu3pE-00434-00151790-00152190 with 3,300 cases/controls, which were much more +tHSTCttu3pE-00435-00152190-00152800 generally defined: your typical case of prostate cancer, +tHSTCttu3pE-00436-00152800-00153060 your typical control. +tHSTCttu3pE-00437-00153060-00153370 They genotyped these 11 SNPs, they found seven to be +tHSTCttu3pE-00438-00153370-00153800 independently associated at the 10 to the minus seventh. +tHSTCttu3pE-00439-00153800-00154080 Well, here's what they found. +tHSTCttu3pE-00440-00154080-00154610 And if you look down your odds ratios, the ones that are +tHSTCttu3pE-00441-00154610-00154980 positively associated with prostate cancer in the +tHSTCttu3pE-00442-00154980-00155340 discovery study in every instance went toward +tHSTCttu3pE-00443-00155340-00155720 the null, okay? +tHSTCttu3pE-00444-00155720-00156240 In those which were negatively associated, again, migrated +tHSTCttu3pE-00445-00156240-00156420 toward the null. +tHSTCttu3pE-00446-00156420-00156900 Now I will give credit to the authors here. +tHSTCttu3pE-00447-00156900-00157260 They acknowledge the use of the super cases +tHSTCttu3pE-00448-00157260-00157590 and said that in future studies the real estimate of risk +tHSTCttu3pE-00449-00157590-00157920 should be these that was in the text as was appropriately +tHSTCttu3pE-00450-00157920-00158030 to do. +tHSTCttu3pE-00451-00158030-00158330 You don't always see that. +tHSTCttu3pE-00452-00158330-00158680 But you can see the issue here of, obviously, +tHSTCttu3pE-00453-00158680-00159020 putting out the net, finding some genes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00454-00159020-00159660 and then following it up with these studies in replication. +tHSTCttu3pE-00455-00159660-00159920 The danger comes in, of course, is when we make a risk +tHSTCttu3pE-00456-00159920-00160420 estimates with these as really having a population relevance, +tHSTCttu3pE-00457-00160420-00160690 rather than the unique characteristic that they +tHSTCttu3pE-00458-00160690-00161110 had, whereas these were probably the population. +tHSTCttu3pE-00459-00161110-00161460 As I'll mention later, the winner's curse is +tHSTCttu3pE-00460-00161460-00161950 when you do your study here, find these, and either have +tHSTCttu3pE-00461-00161950-00162260 regression to the mean, or even worse, +tHSTCttu3pE-00462-00162260-00162890 an exaggerated estimate of risk, and then use this for your +tHSTCttu3pE-00463-00162890-00163280 sample size calculations for your subsequent studies or +tHSTCttu3pE-00464-00163280-00163650 other investigators using those odds ratios for sample size +tHSTCttu3pE-00465-00163650-00164050 calculations in which they can't replicate these; +tHSTCttu3pE-00466-00164050-00164630 has to do with the super case and super control bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00467-00164630-00165140 And this is this issue of the latent cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00468-00165140-00165820 And here is a discovery study in Iceland, +tHSTCttu3pE-00469-00165820-00166880 1,890 cases of prostate cancer and over 20,000 controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00470-00166880-00167400 The problem is is that 60 percent of the controls +tHSTCttu3pE-00471-00167400-00167670 didn't have a prostate, or I don't think so. +tHSTCttu3pE-00472-00167670-00167940 I don't know everything about Iceland, but I would assume +tHSTCttu3pE-00473-00167940-00168280 that the women don't have prostates, +tHSTCttu3pE-00474-00168280-00168790 so that even if they had the gene, they couldn't express it. +tHSTCttu3pE-00475-00168790-00169290 So in terms of your minor allele frequency of your +tHSTCttu3pE-00476-00169290-00169900 cases and your controls, if 60 percent of your +tHSTCttu3pE-00477-00169900-00170370 controls really weren't at risk, it's going to minimize those +tHSTCttu3pE-00478-00170370-00170670 differences in minor allele frequencies, okay? +tHSTCttu3pE-00479-00170670-00171120 It's going to bring them to the null. +tHSTCttu3pE-00480-00171120-00171380 These were then replicated in this huge number. +tHSTCttu3pE-00481-00171380-00171980 This is Rochester, Minnesota, but you can see that in this, +tHSTCttu3pE-00482-00171980-00172440 you know, huge numbers of cases, huge numbers of controls, +tHSTCttu3pE-00483-00172440-00172720 and certainly some of them were women. +tHSTCttu3pE-00484-00172720-00173040 A couple of points here, I think in terms of these latent cases, +tHSTCttu3pE-00485-00173040-00173600 it turns out that these have been amazingly robust in +tHSTCttu3pE-00486-00173600-00174140 terms of finding associations, and doesn't seem to have made +tHSTCttu3pE-00487-00174140-00174650 a big impact. +tHSTCttu3pE-00488-00174650-00175300 This probably has to do with the fact that the prevalence +tHSTCttu3pE-00489-00175300-00175930 of some of the -- the prevalence of disease is -- I'm sorry, +tHSTCttu3pE-00490-00175930-00176260 the prevalence of the gene is relatively small, +tHSTCttu3pE-00491-00176260-00176600 and the difference in mean allele frequency is +tHSTCttu3pE-00492-00176600-00177210 relatively small so that you can -- if the prevalence of +tHSTCttu3pE-00493-00177210-00177860 the disease in the population would've added to -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00494-00177860-00178220 would've been in the males -- I'm not explaining this +tHSTCttu3pE-00495-00178220-00178550 particularly well -- but the prevalence of +tHSTCttu3pE-00496-00178550-00179340 the susceptibility gene in the males wasn't that much +tHSTCttu3pE-00497-00179340-00179580 different from the females, given the fact that the +tHSTCttu3pE-00498-00179580-00180110 low prevalence of disease occurring in the men. +tHSTCttu3pE-00499-00180110-00180700 So, but still, I think later on these are going to be issues +tHSTCttu3pE-00500-00180700-00180830 that we're going to have to deal with, +tHSTCttu3pE-00501-00180830-00181020 particularly if we're going to start looking at +tHSTCttu3pE-00502-00181020-00181320 gene-environment interactions, et cetera. +tHSTCttu3pE-00503-00181320-00181740 And I honestly don't understand why the investigators -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00504-00181740-00182210 it's not like they didn't have just male controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00505-00182210-00182580 I mean, it's not like they didn't have them. +tHSTCttu3pE-00506-00182580-00182820 Maybe if there were only women and all the men had prostate +tHSTCttu3pE-00507-00182820-00182990 cancer, maybe I could see that. +tHSTCttu3pE-00508-00182990-00183350 But so they really didn't ever just analyze these, +tHSTCttu3pE-00509-00183350-00183710 although some of the papers do describe analysis with +tHSTCttu3pE-00510-00183710-00184360 or without the women and saying that it didn't +tHSTCttu3pE-00511-00184360-00184580 make much difference. +tHSTCttu3pE-00512-00184580-00185160 You also find similar analyses of cases of breast cancer with +tHSTCttu3pE-00513-00185160-00185420 a substantial number of the controls being men. +tHSTCttu3pE-00514-00185420-00185650 That's a little bit of a harder issue since men can get +tHSTCttu3pE-00515-00185650-00186060 breast cancer, not frequently, but they can. +tHSTCttu3pE-00516-00186060-00186470 But so this is a situation of latent case bias and something +tHSTCttu3pE-00517-00186470-00186990 we need to ponder its use. +tHSTCttu3pE-00518-00186990-00187310 A few other selection biases, there's, of course, +tHSTCttu3pE-00519-00187310-00187570 membership bias, membership of the group being applied degree +tHSTCttu3pE-00520-00187570-00187740 of health, which differs systematically from +tHSTCttu3pE-00521-00187740-00187910 the truth. +tHSTCttu3pE-00522-00187910-00188340 Perhaps a kind of membership bias, and certainly a +tHSTCttu3pE-00523-00188340-00188750 confounding, is this population stratification that Teri has +tHSTCttu3pE-00524-00188750-00189020 introduced; I'm going to say a little bit more about. +tHSTCttu3pE-00525-00189020-00189340 And then there's this phenotypic variation bias in which you'll +tHSTCttu3pE-00526-00189340-00189740 have multiple replication studies, all of them +tHSTCttu3pE-00527-00189740-00190260 using potentially different definitions of the disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-00528-00190260-00190690 obviously setting you up for the possibility of differences +tHSTCttu3pE-00529-00190690-00191240 in the assessment of risk. +tHSTCttu3pE-00530-00191240-00191710 So here's the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium. +tHSTCttu3pE-00531-00191710-00192100 This has been alluded to several times. +tHSTCttu3pE-00532-00192100-00192520 This took a half a million SNPs. +tHSTCttu3pE-00533-00192520-00192870 And the design of this study used 2,000 persons from each +tHSTCttu3pE-00534-00192870-00193020 of seven diseases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00535-00193020-00193270 They targeted seven diseases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00536-00193270-00193780 And their controls were 3,000 persons without any disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-00537-00193780-00194210 1,500 in the 1958 British birth cohort, which was a population +tHSTCttu3pE-00538-00194210-00194590 cohort study, obviously, all of the same age, +tHSTCttu3pE-00539-00194590-00195300 and then 1,500 blood donors from the U.K. Blood Service. +tHSTCttu3pE-00540-00195300-00195580 So, obviously setting one up for a membership bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00541-00195580-00195870 an individual who goes in to donate blood, +tHSTCttu3pE-00542-00195870-00196130 at least in our hospital, is really quite different +tHSTCttu3pE-00543-00196130-00196400 than a random sample of the population. +tHSTCttu3pE-00544-00196400-00196700 And there's been, as Teri had mentioned, a lot of concern +tHSTCttu3pE-00545-00196700-00197180 about us just detecting genes associated with blood donation. +tHSTCttu3pE-00546-00197180-00198040 And so -- now having said that, also in this analysis, +tHSTCttu3pE-00547-00198040-00198270 sometimes they'll be the 3,000 controls used, +tHSTCttu3pE-00548-00198270-00198770 sometimes they'll use the 2,000 cases with, say, +tHSTCttu3pE-00549-00198770-00199250 one of these disorders, and the other 12,000 +tHSTCttu3pE-00550-00199250-00199490 cases will go into the control group with the +tHSTCttu3pE-00551-00199490-00199750 3,000 as controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00552-00199750-00200190 So they weren't random samples of the population either. +tHSTCttu3pE-00553-00200190-00200570 So a number of these had caused the classically trained +tHSTCttu3pE-00554-00200570-00200820 epidemiologist, at least this classically trained +tHSTCttu3pE-00555-00200820-00201360 epidemiologist, to wrinkle one's brow, but I'd have to say with +tHSTCttu3pE-00556-00201360-00201700 the Wellcome Trust being very successful in identifying a +tHSTCttu3pE-00557-00201700-00202110 number of gene associations, would appear to be amazingly +tHSTCttu3pE-00558-00202110-00202640 robust, but still issues of concern. +tHSTCttu3pE-00559-00202640-00203070 So I just want to give another example or so of this +tHSTCttu3pE-00560-00203070-00203610 population stratification, just to say that these +tHSTCttu3pE-00561-00203610-00204080 different allele frequencies, due to the diversity of +tHSTCttu3pE-00562-00204080-00204320 population of origins and unrelated, +tHSTCttu3pE-00563-00204320-00204560 is really a confounding. +tHSTCttu3pE-00564-00204560-00204770 There have to be differences in the disease prevalence +tHSTCttu3pE-00565-00204770-00204960 between populations. +tHSTCttu3pE-00566-00204960-00205300 There have to be differences in allele frequencies, +tHSTCttu3pE-00567-00205300-00205590 and therefore, with different admixtures you'll have your +tHSTCttu3pE-00568-00205590-00206010 classic confounding triad. +tHSTCttu3pE-00569-00206010-00206560 And so what you have here is coming out of the womb +tHSTCttu3pE-00570-00206560-00207080 of mankind in Africa, here, and then spreading across. +tHSTCttu3pE-00571-00207080-00207519 You have, obviously, most of the genes shared, +tHSTCttu3pE-00572-00207519-00207760 but Europeans having some separate ones, +tHSTCttu3pE-00573-00207760-00208030 and East Asians others, and Africans one. +tHSTCttu3pE-00574-00208030-00208340 And so the degree to which you're admixed around here +tHSTCttu3pE-00575-00208340-00208760 could lead to a situation in which a gene in a disease +tHSTCttu3pE-00576-00208760-00209530 which is seen more frequent in Africans in an admixed -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00577-00209530-00210030 a disease which is more frequent in Africans could be associated +tHSTCttu3pE-00578-00210030-00210410 with genes which are more frequent in Africans, +tHSTCttu3pE-00579-00210410-00210680 not on a causal basis, but on this population +tHSTCttu3pE-00580-00210680-00211040 stratification basis. +tHSTCttu3pE-00581-00211040-00211610 And the classic example of this is from Bill Knowler, +tHSTCttu3pE-00582-00211610-00211919 reported here in this "Lancet" paper looking +tHSTCttu3pE-00583-00211919-00212230 at Native Americans. +tHSTCttu3pE-00584-00212230-00213030 And there is this -- this diabetes gene. +tHSTCttu3pE-00585-00213030-00213569 It had a prevalence of 1 percent in African Americans, +tHSTCttu3pE-00586-00213569-00213900 and, obviously -- in Native Americans, +tHSTCttu3pE-00587-00213900-00214160 and obviously diabetes prevalence is very +tHSTCttu3pE-00588-00214160-00214380 high in this population. +tHSTCttu3pE-00589-00214380-00214669 And then you have this polymorphism, +tHSTCttu3pE-00590-00214669-00215000 which is very frequent in Caucasian Americans, +tHSTCttu3pE-00591-00215000-00215390 and, obviously, a lower prevalence of diabetes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00592-00215390-00215930 And when you put them all together into a study of, +tHSTCttu3pE-00593-00215930-00216530 say, a Native American population, you end up +tHSTCttu3pE-00594-00216530-00217419 with this kind of a two-by-two table showing the protective -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00595-00217419-00218140 suggestion of protection of this genotype here with those with +tHSTCttu3pE-00596-00218140-00218580 positive, obviously, having a very -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00597-00218580-00219330 relatively little diabetes compared to not with +tHSTCttu3pE-00598-00219330-00219610 diabetes and vice versa. +tHSTCttu3pE-00599-00219610-00220030 Then what you could do is stratify, essentially, +tHSTCttu3pE-00600-00220030-00220340 by this index of Indian heritage, similarly to +tHSTCttu3pE-00601-00220340-00220760 what we would do in the next slide describing a large +tHSTCttu3pE-00602-00220760-00221369 number of SNPs that classify population stratification, +tHSTCttu3pE-00603-00221369-00221869 here, just one index of Indian heritage stratifying from +tHSTCttu3pE-00604-00221869-00222050 low to high. +tHSTCttu3pE-00605-00222050-00222360 And then looking at the association across these +tHSTCttu3pE-00606-00222360-00222750 strata, and you can see very little association once this +tHSTCttu3pE-00607-00222750-00223010 stratification -- so, clearly, this association was +tHSTCttu3pE-00608-00223010-00223760 confounded by the degree of American Indian heritage, +tHSTCttu3pE-00609-00223760-00224010 which when taken into account showed no association with +tHSTCttu3pE-00610-00224010-00224710 the disease, so probably the classic description of +tHSTCttu3pE-00611-00224710-00225040 population stratification. +tHSTCttu3pE-00612-00225040-00225319 Now, what one can do is then use unlinked genetic markers +tHSTCttu3pE-00613-00225319-00225530 for this. +tHSTCttu3pE-00614-00225530-00226160 The -- obviously, the population stratification allows many +tHSTCttu3pE-00615-00226160-00226580 marker allele frequencies to vary between +tHSTCttu3pE-00616-00226580-00226840 population segments. +tHSTCttu3pE-00617-00226840-00227119 Any disease more prevalent in one subpopulation will +tHSTCttu3pE-00618-00227119-00227569 be associated with any alleles in high frequency in that +tHSTCttu3pE-00619-00227569-00227830 subpopulation when you look at the whole. +tHSTCttu3pE-00620-00227830-00228110 So this is the whole issue of population stratification. +tHSTCttu3pE-00621-00228110-00228560 But however, you can also use these multiple markers by +tHSTCttu3pE-00622-00228560-00228980 analyzing these unlinked markers and, essentially, +tHSTCttu3pE-00623-00228980-00229180 adjusting for them. +tHSTCttu3pE-00624-00229180-00229719 So what Sladek did in this study in France, +tHSTCttu3pE-00625-00229719-00230050 this was just a study within the country of France; +tHSTCttu3pE-00626-00230050-00230240 it was looking at type 2 diabetes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00627-00230240-00231100 660 cases, 614 controls, upwards of 400,000 SNPs. +tHSTCttu3pE-00628-00231100-00231960 And this SNP, 200 kilobases from a lactase gene +tHSTCttu3pE-00629-00231960-00232380 on chromosome 2, was one of the associated. +tHSTCttu3pE-00630-00232380-00232630 It was strongly associated with type 2 diabetes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00631-00232630-00233080 but it also was known to have a strong north-south prevalence +tHSTCttu3pE-00632-00233080-00233440 within the country of France, alone. +tHSTCttu3pE-00633-00233440-00233790 Now, we're not talking about Asia versus North America, +tHSTCttu3pE-00634-00233790-00233980 or, you know, big differences. +tHSTCttu3pE-00635-00233980-00234450 We're actually talking about within the country of France. +tHSTCttu3pE-00636-00234450-00234780 What they used then was adjusted for 20,000 plus SNPs that were +tHSTCttu3pE-00637-00234780-00235160 not related to type 2 diabetes as a measure of the population +tHSTCttu3pE-00638-00235160-00235500 stratification of the genetic heterogeneity across north +tHSTCttu3pE-00639-00235500-00235680 to south France. +tHSTCttu3pE-00640-00235680-00235850 And after adjustment for the stratification, +tHSTCttu3pE-00641-00235850-00236160 most of the association was removed. +tHSTCttu3pE-00642-00236160-00236680 So, again, another measure about how this could be important. +tHSTCttu3pE-00643-00236680-00237110 Lactase, you might think, should be associated north-south. +tHSTCttu3pE-00644-00237110-00237430 The milk drinkers in the north and the wine drinkers in the +tHSTCttu3pE-00645-00237430-00237830 south of France, obviously, you could see how that could +tHSTCttu3pE-00646-00237830-00238200 work on a genetic basis. +tHSTCttu3pE-00647-00238200-00238730 A phenotypic variation bias, obviously, is also an issue. +tHSTCttu3pE-00648-00238730-00239130 Here is a description of cases in a study of +tHSTCttu3pE-00649-00239130-00239290 atrial fibrillation. +tHSTCttu3pE-00650-00239290-00239819 The first sample, you had hospitalized patients with +tHSTCttu3pE-00651-00239819-00239960 atrial fibrillation. +tHSTCttu3pE-00652-00239960-00240290 The second sample, you had hospitalized patients, +tHSTCttu3pE-00653-00240290-00240650 hospitalized with ischemic stroke, or TIA, +tHSTCttu3pE-00654-00240650-00240840 with atrial fibrillation. +tHSTCttu3pE-00655-00240840-00241100 The third one was hospitalized patients, again, +tHSTCttu3pE-00656-00241100-00241260 with acute stroke. +tHSTCttu3pE-00657-00241260-00241569 And the fourth sample was lone atrial fibrillation +tHSTCttu3pE-00658-00241569-00241819 in patients with hypertension. +tHSTCttu3pE-00659-00241819-00242130 So what you have is all sorts of other things. +tHSTCttu3pE-00660-00242130-00242540 And I should think, if you studied this +tHSTCttu3pE-00661-00242540-00242780 compared to this, I would imagine you'd come up +tHSTCttu3pE-00662-00242780-00243180 with some genes that were associated with stroke here, +tHSTCttu3pE-00663-00243180-00243300 with hypertension. +tHSTCttu3pE-00664-00243300-00243560 Obviously, this heterogeneity of the definition of the +tHSTCttu3pE-00665-00243560-00244540 phenotype leads to possibilities of heterogeneity. +tHSTCttu3pE-00666-00244540-00245040 We talked a little bit about genotyping quality bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00667-00245040-00245380 Just to point out is that a number of papers did really +tHSTCttu3pE-00668-00245380-00245510 lack the genotyping control. +tHSTCttu3pE-00669-00245510-00246090 And, really, the quality control criteria that were used, +tHSTCttu3pE-00670-00246090-00246430 or what we call the call rate, the success rate, +tHSTCttu3pE-00671-00246430-00246769 we've also -- a number of papers did not test for +tHSTCttu3pE-00672-00246769-00247380 Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium as a measure of quality control. +tHSTCttu3pE-00673-00247380-00247800 And there were a number of examples of transmission +tHSTCttu3pE-00674-00247800-00248480 disequilibrium testing bias, some of them, I think, +tHSTCttu3pE-00675-00248480-00248800 caught, and some not, but some distortion of +tHSTCttu3pE-00676-00248800-00249480 the frequencies at the end of that time. +tHSTCttu3pE-00677-00249480-00249840 One of the other questions is, "Is DNA collected and handled +tHSTCttu3pE-00678-00249840-00250100 identically in cases and controls?" +tHSTCttu3pE-00679-00250100-00250919 This was from Clayton in this type 1 diabetes study, +tHSTCttu3pE-00680-00250919-00251819 the Grid Study, 1958 British birth cohort, +tHSTCttu3pE-00681-00251819-00252440 looking at the controls and examining a smaller number +tHSTCttu3pE-00682-00252440-00252850 of SNPs here, looking at lymphoma blastoid cell lines, +tHSTCttu3pE-00683-00252850-00253400 using the same protocol, but done at a couple +tHSTCttu3pE-00684-00253400-00253760 of different laboratories, is the point of this slide. +tHSTCttu3pE-00685-00253760-00254240 And despite randomly ordering them and masking them as +tHSTCttu3pE-00686-00254240-00254680 case-control status, there were a number of extreme associations +tHSTCttu3pE-00687-00254680-00255030 who really couldn't be repeated with the second genotyping, +tHSTCttu3pE-00688-00255030-00255410 probably having to do with different +tHSTCttu3pE-00689-00255410-00256140 laboratory techniques. +tHSTCttu3pE-00690-00256140-00256569 In terms of environmental exposure bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00691-00256569-00256880 information bias, frequently what we saw was lack of +tHSTCttu3pE-00692-00256880-00257130 collection or presentation of known environmental causes +tHSTCttu3pE-00693-00257130-00257480 of disease or comparison between cases and controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00694-00257480-00257680 These occurred very frequently. +tHSTCttu3pE-00695-00257680-00258040 Again, this had to do with this table 1 that was frequently +tHSTCttu3pE-00696-00258040-00258550 missing, and didn't really allow the reader to really judge +tHSTCttu3pE-00697-00258550-00258869 whether or not there should've been a further adjustment +tHSTCttu3pE-00698-00258869-00259019 or not. +tHSTCttu3pE-00699-00259019-00259260 Just further with this, the confounding control +tHSTCttu3pE-00700-00259260-00259560 bias was the lack of statistical adjustment for stratified +tHSTCttu3pE-00701-00259560-00259910 analysis in the presence of potential confounding. +tHSTCttu3pE-00702-00259910-00260340 And so even though there was -- were large differences +tHSTCttu3pE-00703-00260340-00260640 identified frequently, there was no statistical +tHSTCttu3pE-00704-00260640-00261350 test then to follow through and adjust for them. +tHSTCttu3pE-00705-00261350-00261719 So there were a few comparisons of these exposures between +tHSTCttu3pE-00706-00261719-00261910 cases and controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00707-00261910-00262180 In only about 36 percent, again, there were these +tHSTCttu3pE-00708-00262180-00262720 tables comparing the cases and controls in terms of what +tHSTCttu3pE-00709-00262720-00263150 important risk factors were known. +tHSTCttu3pE-00710-00263150-00263320 Again, the statistical comparison, then, +tHSTCttu3pE-00711-00263320-00263660 was really only at about 3.5 percent. +tHSTCttu3pE-00712-00263660-00264020 The statistical adjustment was only in about one out of six. +tHSTCttu3pE-00713-00264020-00264460 And only about one out of six were stratified by analysis, +tHSTCttu3pE-00714-00264460-00264710 by a potential confounder. +tHSTCttu3pE-00715-00264710-00264880 So in terms of the things we'd like to see, +tHSTCttu3pE-00716-00264880-00265330 perhaps in the analysis side of things or using -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00717-00265330-00265530 collecting the information, displaying it so we can +tHSTCttu3pE-00718-00265530-00265760 make a judgment, and then mathematically taking +tHSTCttu3pE-00719-00265760-00265980 into account some of these differences, +tHSTCttu3pE-00720-00265980-00266660 obviously, an area where we think the analysis could've +tHSTCttu3pE-00721-00266660-00266930 been better. +tHSTCttu3pE-00722-00266930-00267480 Now, this is a study on macular degeneration, +tHSTCttu3pE-00723-00267480-00268020 and this study was from Hong Kong. +tHSTCttu3pE-00724-00268020-00268380 But just to point out that this did have a table 1, +tHSTCttu3pE-00725-00268380-00268710 looking at cases and controls, I believe it was in a +tHSTCttu3pE-00726-00268710-00269280 supplement, and these are all risk factors for macular +tHSTCttu3pE-00727-00269280-00269800 degeneration: male sex, age, and being a smoker. +tHSTCttu3pE-00728-00269800-00270220 And so before the gene analysis was done, +tHSTCttu3pE-00729-00270220-00270620 this is the prevalence of men versus women in the +tHSTCttu3pE-00730-00270620-00271220 cases/controls, here, obviously, +tHSTCttu3pE-00731-00271220-00271570 beginning with great differences. +tHSTCttu3pE-00732-00271570-00272120 And the prevalence of smokers was also tremendously great. +tHSTCttu3pE-00733-00272120-00272330 I guess what I was trying to figure out from this paper +tHSTCttu3pE-00734-00272330-00272800 is how they just didn't identify the genes related to smoking +tHSTCttu3pE-00735-00272800-00273070 or perhaps male sex. +tHSTCttu3pE-00736-00273070-00273340 It would've been much better to try to stratify. +tHSTCttu3pE-00737-00273340-00273700 And there was one phrase in this paper saying they +tHSTCttu3pE-00738-00273700-00274020 adjusted for things and they still found these genes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00739-00274020-00274520 drove me a little crazy, and just to say is that +tHSTCttu3pE-00740-00274520-00274920 I think the study, to really try to look for the genes, +tHSTCttu3pE-00741-00274920-00275470 could've been much better done in which these known risk +tHSTCttu3pE-00742-00275470-00275880 factors were balanced in the two groups so you could really look +tHSTCttu3pE-00743-00275880-00276420 at the gene effects. +tHSTCttu3pE-00744-00276420-00276950 Confounding, I think, you're all very familiar with, +tHSTCttu3pE-00745-00276950-00277170 and we won't talk about that. +tHSTCttu3pE-00746-00277170-00277600 Obviously, you need something associated with exposure, +tHSTCttu3pE-00747-00277600-00278040 and associated with disease, and not an intermediate step. +tHSTCttu3pE-00748-00278040-00278390 So here you have your illustration of confounding, +tHSTCttu3pE-00749-00278390-00278730 the confounder related to exposure and disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-00750-00278730-00279160 and not just part of the causal pathway, which we see very +tHSTCttu3pE-00751-00279160-00279640 frequently in epidemiology. +tHSTCttu3pE-00752-00279640-00280570 And, certainly, I'll show you an example of this +tHSTCttu3pE-00753-00280570-00280840 kind of confounding. +tHSTCttu3pE-00754-00280840-00281500 So here is a study looking at this particular gene, +tHSTCttu3pE-00755-00281500-00282090 the FTO gene, and type 2 diabetes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00756-00282090-00282440 And here's your Wellcome Trust, and he had two studies, +tHSTCttu3pE-00757-00282440-00282690 each of which showed a statistically +tHSTCttu3pE-00758-00282690-00283170 highly significant odds ratio between the FTO gene variants +tHSTCttu3pE-00759-00283170-00283390 and diabetes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00760-00283390-00283970 A third study did not, just downright zero. +tHSTCttu3pE-00761-00283970-00284320 And we'll tell you that this study selected patients in +tHSTCttu3pE-00762-00284320-00284770 a very different way, particularly related +tHSTCttu3pE-00763-00284770-00285090 to bodyweight. +tHSTCttu3pE-00764-00285090-00285870 Well, as it further goes along, we can look at the variants, +tHSTCttu3pE-00765-00285870-00286560 the TTAT and AA variants of FTO in the cases and controls, +tHSTCttu3pE-00766-00286560-00287080 and show that these, obviously, the case/control groups for +tHSTCttu3pE-00767-00287080-00287540 diabetes were obviously very different in their bodyweights. +tHSTCttu3pE-00768-00287540-00288260 And there was also this difference in +tHSTCttu3pE-00769-00288260-00288500 gene frequency. +tHSTCttu3pE-00770-00288500-00289120 These are the BMIs, there was also this difference in gene +tHSTCttu3pE-00771-00289120-00289500 frequency and subsequent analyses, I believe it +tHSTCttu3pE-00772-00289500-00289910 was by Zeggini, in which this adjustment was done, +tHSTCttu3pE-00773-00289910-00290380 obviously, showed that the FTO gene is a better predictor +tHSTCttu3pE-00774-00290380-00290850 of BMI than it is of diabetes, which is shown here. +tHSTCttu3pE-00775-00290850-00291260 So here is the first part of the slide showing that the +tHSTCttu3pE-00776-00291260-00292240 FTO gene was related to BMI, and then when adjusting for +tHSTCttu3pE-00777-00292240-00292770 BMI, looking at the association between the FTO gene and +tHSTCttu3pE-00778-00292770-00293300 diabetes, these associations disappeared. +tHSTCttu3pE-00779-00293300-00293820 So, clearly, what you had was the FTO diabetes association +tHSTCttu3pE-00780-00293820-00294540 confounded by both of their -- its relationship to both +tHSTCttu3pE-00781-00294540-00295520 obesity -- by its relationship to obesity and BMI. +tHSTCttu3pE-00782-00295520-00296080 So I guess the point there is that we think of confounding +tHSTCttu3pE-00783-00296080-00296500 in terms of behaviors in some things. +tHSTCttu3pE-00784-00296500-00296830 It can also occur relative to genes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00785-00296830-00297170 The rules of confounding, that the confounder's related +tHSTCttu3pE-00786-00297170-00298070 to both exposure and to disease, still holds, and we need to look +tHSTCttu3pE-00787-00298070-00298700 out for those as we look at our multi -- as we look at our +tHSTCttu3pE-00788-00298700-00298970 gene-disease relationships. +tHSTCttu3pE-00789-00298970-00299440 I think you're all familiar with dealing with confounders, +tHSTCttu3pE-00790-00299440-00299730 just to say is that we don't have many genome-wide +tHSTCttu3pE-00791-00299730-00300060 associations studies with randomization. +tHSTCttu3pE-00792-00300060-00300370 There had been a number of ones with restrictions. +tHSTCttu3pE-00793-00300370-00300720 I think Teri had mentioned the one with APOE in which only +tHSTCttu3pE-00794-00300720-00301180 APOE-positive individuals were identified, +tHSTCttu3pE-00795-00301180-00301740 and then the genes, so this was restricted to one group, +tHSTCttu3pE-00796-00301740-00302060 not a lot of matching going on in terms of selecting +tHSTCttu3pE-00797-00302060-00302330 cases/controls, although that DeWan study would have been +tHSTCttu3pE-00798-00302330-00302450 a very good one. +tHSTCttu3pE-00799-00302450-00302710 It's a relatively small study, would have been a very good +tHSTCttu3pE-00800-00302710-00303050 study to match cases and controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00801-00303050-00303520 Again, in the analysis we're frequently missing certainly +tHSTCttu3pE-00802-00303520-00303940 standardization for age and gender, perhaps not as big +tHSTCttu3pE-00803-00303940-00304350 of an issue in genome-wide studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00804-00304350-00304700 In terms of stratification, sampling into sub-samples +tHSTCttu3pE-00805-00304700-00305110 according to criteria such as a genome, +tHSTCttu3pE-00806-00305110-00305360 one of the very good studies on Crohn's disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-00807-00305360-00305760 for example, stratified by Jewish and non-Jewish, +tHSTCttu3pE-00808-00305760-00306190 which could have very much provided a population +tHSTCttu3pE-00809-00306190-00306790 stratification kind of issue, and the authors there with +tHSTCttu3pE-00810-00306790-00307220 a higher prevalence in Ashkenazi Jewish populations stratified +tHSTCttu3pE-00811-00307220-00307520 by, of that population, did separate analyses. +tHSTCttu3pE-00812-00307520-00308060 And I thought that was very well indicated and obviously +tHSTCttu3pE-00813-00308060-00308220 added a lot to the study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00814-00308220-00308510 And then multivariate analyses, again, frequently are not done, +tHSTCttu3pE-00815-00308510-00308700 or certainly were not shown the analyses, +tHSTCttu3pE-00816-00308700-00309040 frequently saying multivariate adjustment showed no difference. +tHSTCttu3pE-00817-00309040-00309530 We're really often not shown this handling of +tHSTCttu3pE-00818-00309530-00309840 the confounding. +tHSTCttu3pE-00819-00309840-00310300 Finally, just a little bit about the analysis and presentation +tHSTCttu3pE-00820-00310300-00310910 of data, obviously the alpha error control bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00821-00310910-00311170 Teri talked about the Bonferroni corrections, et cetera. +tHSTCttu3pE-00822-00311170-00311570 There still are a few papers, particularly smaller studies, +tHSTCttu3pE-00823-00311570-00311890 even though using a large number of SNPs, et cetera, +tHSTCttu3pE-00824-00311890-00312240 which are not controlling at this level. +tHSTCttu3pE-00825-00312240-00312760 The data-dredging bias is an interesting one from Sackett. +tHSTCttu3pE-00826-00312760-00313020 It's the lack of replication studies testing hypotheses +tHSTCttu3pE-00827-00313020-00313540 identified in discovery study is our definition of it. +tHSTCttu3pE-00828-00313540-00313760 In other words, you would go and do your big study, +tHSTCttu3pE-00829-00313760-00313980 find something and leave it alone. +tHSTCttu3pE-00830-00313980-00314560 And, obviously, Teri's talk next after the break we're +tHSTCttu3pE-00831-00314560-00314840 going to talk about really the requirement for replication +tHSTCttu3pE-00832-00314840-00315300 studies to get away from this bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00833-00315300-00315520 And then, finally, the winner's curse I've already alluded to, +tHSTCttu3pE-00834-00315520-00315800 that's the overestimation of the effect size in the discovery +tHSTCttu3pE-00835-00315800-00316300 GWAS, and then inability to replicate the odds ratios +tHSTCttu3pE-00836-00316300-00316600 because of lack of power. +tHSTCttu3pE-00837-00316600-00317160 This is both a censuring kind of a regression to the mean issue, +tHSTCttu3pE-00838-00317160-00317580 as well as possibly the super case and super control issues. +tHSTCttu3pE-00839-00317580-00318050 But it does talk about the first one out of the box. +tHSTCttu3pE-00840-00318050-00318760 That first fly landing on the whale oftentimes hasn't had +tHSTCttu3pE-00841-00318760-00319200 replication success because of this effect. +tHSTCttu3pE-00842-00319200-00319650 And I've showed you this Eeles study again, +tHSTCttu3pE-00843-00319650-00319920 so if they tried to replicate this, +tHSTCttu3pE-00844-00319920-00320420 it would be tough sledding. +tHSTCttu3pE-00845-00320420-00320830 Finally, let's talk about the biases in interpretation. +tHSTCttu3pE-00846-00320830-00321050 And in reading this literature, you really get the idea that +tHSTCttu3pE-00847-00321050-00321300 you're flying along and saying, "What's a mountain goat doing +tHSTCttu3pE-00848-00321300-00321560 way up here in the cloudbank?" +tHSTCttu3pE-00849-00321560-00321880 You have an idea that something should be happening, +tHSTCttu3pE-00850-00321880-00322210 and when something doesn't happen you kind of +tHSTCttu3pE-00851-00322210-00322320 discount it. +tHSTCttu3pE-00852-00322320-00322640 The fact that he's about to run into a mountain is probably not +tHSTCttu3pE-00853-00322640-00323070 part of his hypothesis list, even though, obviously, +tHSTCttu3pE-00854-00323070-00323340 it should be. +tHSTCttu3pE-00855-00323340-00323820 And these were reviewed, these interpretation biases, +tHSTCttu3pE-00856-00323820-00324080 in this general review by Kaptchuk. +tHSTCttu3pE-00857-00324080-00324400 I think some of them that are to think about, +tHSTCttu3pE-00858-00324400-00324630 the confirmation bias, evaluating evidence that +tHSTCttu3pE-00859-00324630-00324930 supports one's preconceptions differently from evidence +tHSTCttu3pE-00860-00324930-00325010 that challenges these convictions. +tHSTCttu3pE-00861-00325010-00325410 For example, this whole idea of gene deserts, +tHSTCttu3pE-00862-00325410-00325650 the initial GWAS study, [unintelligible] +tHSTCttu3pE-00863-00325650-00325880 gene desert can't occur. +tHSTCttu3pE-00864-00325880-00326080 That's really a conviction bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-00865-00326080-00326380 You had to have a gene in an exon changing a protein +tHSTCttu3pE-00866-00326380-00326810 for this to work, and only until later when a number +tHSTCttu3pE-00867-00326810-00327080 of these kept on coming up, and within the same study +tHSTCttu3pE-00868-00327080-00327270 you have some in introns, and some in exons, +tHSTCttu3pE-00869-00327270-00327540 and some in regulatories, and gene deserts and all, +tHSTCttu3pE-00870-00327540-00327930 I think we got away from the preconception of +tHSTCttu3pE-00871-00327930-00328270 this gene protein requirement. +tHSTCttu3pE-00872-00328270-00328530 There's the rescue bias you still see in the discussion, +tHSTCttu3pE-00873-00328530-00328720 discounting data by finding selective faults in +tHSTCttu3pE-00874-00328720-00328880 the experiments. +tHSTCttu3pE-00875-00328880-00329140 And a lot of the discussion, [unintelligible] mechanism +tHSTCttu3pE-00876-00329140-00329600 bias, an interesting discussion is the investigators -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00877-00329600-00329810 and Teri's going to get into this in her next talk on +tHSTCttu3pE-00878-00329810-00330090 functional studies -- looking further and further away from +tHSTCttu3pE-00879-00330090-00330320 where the stick was, looking for any kind +tHSTCttu3pE-00880-00330320-00330770 of mechanism that would -- and despite the lack of +tHSTCttu3pE-00881-00330770-00331250 hypothesis generation in GWAS study, they're still -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00882-00331250-00331410 you end up with saying, "Well, if we find +tHSTCttu3pE-00883-00331410-00332040 something, we better find some underlying mechanism even +tHSTCttu3pE-00884-00332040-00332440 though the preconceptions of the whole GWAS study is agnostic," +tHSTCttu3pE-00885-00332440-00332880 so, and some little things to think about. +tHSTCttu3pE-00886-00332880-00333610 So Teri's going to talk about replicating, +tHSTCttu3pE-00887-00333610-00334150 and in that paper that I highly recommend, +tHSTCttu3pE-00888-00334150-00334560 I put in your handout all those things that we would recommend +tHSTCttu3pE-00889-00334560-00334840 in terms of minimizing bias -- I'm not going to go through +tHSTCttu3pE-00890-00334840-00335310 them because it's Epi 101, but just to say many of +tHSTCttu3pE-00891-00335310-00335910 these issues, if that Channick and Manolio paper were followed, +tHSTCttu3pE-00892-00335910-00336640 we wouldn't have, probably, less heterogeneity in the studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-00893-00336640-00337020 Okay, I think those are all in there. +tHSTCttu3pE-00894-00337020-00337540 So what we want to do is that when we find something -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00895-00337540-00337980 yep, it's a mammoth -- what we'd like to do is be able +tHSTCttu3pE-00896-00337980-00338530 to say we have an association and it was not a spurious one, +tHSTCttu3pE-00897-00338530-00338760 not due to something we can't account for, +tHSTCttu3pE-00898-00338760-00339330 but rather something that we can do confirmatory studies, +tHSTCttu3pE-00899-00339330-00339630 mechanistic studies, drug target studies, +tHSTCttu3pE-00900-00339630-00339960 obviously, and this deals with the information going into +tHSTCttu3pE-00901-00339960-00340320 that decision being credible. +tHSTCttu3pE-00902-00340320-00340450 Thank you. +tHSTCttu3pE-00903-00340450-00340930 Any questions? +tHSTCttu3pE-00904-00340930-00341250 Yes. +tHSTCttu3pE-00905-00341250-00341790 [Female Speaker] [Inaudible] +tHSTCttu3pE-00906-00341790-00342120 When you mention about a super case bias, +tHSTCttu3pE-00907-00342120-00342580 I think that sometimes how to do balance between a super +tHSTCttu3pE-00908-00342580-00343020 case bias and a true case recruitments, +tHSTCttu3pE-00909-00343020-00343440 because sometimes if we try to recruit a true or a extreme +tHSTCttu3pE-00910-00343440-00343870 case, just want to ensure they are true cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-00911-00343870-00344370 So how do you get balance between these two issues? +tHSTCttu3pE-00912-00344370-00344540 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] I think there is a way to get balance. +tHSTCttu3pE-00913-00344540-00345170 In other words, the stringently enforced preset criteria to +tHSTCttu3pE-00914-00345170-00345920 select cases representative of all the cases in the population +tHSTCttu3pE-00915-00345920-00346220 is doable. +tHSTCttu3pE-00916-00346220-00346640 The super case bias comes in is that when we put an additional +tHSTCttu3pE-00917-00346640-00347130 criteria which maximizes the chance that this is +tHSTCttu3pE-00918-00347130-00347570 a familial form of that, and then the bias comes in, +tHSTCttu3pE-00919-00347570-00347860 and so when we take the odds ratio associated with that +tHSTCttu3pE-00920-00347860-00348390 kind of case, we say it applies to everybody. +tHSTCttu3pE-00921-00348390-00348700 But I don't think that should keep us from, +tHSTCttu3pE-00922-00348700-00349100 if we want to really identify a representative case, +tHSTCttu3pE-00923-00349100-00349640 that has to do with setting down phenotypic definitions +tHSTCttu3pE-00924-00349640-00350010 that really cover all cases in the population. +tHSTCttu3pE-00925-00350010-00350470 If we do want to use super cases so that we would put +tHSTCttu3pE-00926-00350470-00351270 out a particular, specific net, if you will, to maximize the +tHSTCttu3pE-00927-00351270-00351720 odds ratio so we can detect them within the sample size we have, +tHSTCttu3pE-00928-00351720-00351960 I actually don't think that's a problem. +tHSTCttu3pE-00929-00351960-00352320 And I think Eeles is quite an attractive paper, +tHSTCttu3pE-00930-00352320-00352600 because in that paper, again, with the replication study, +tHSTCttu3pE-00931-00352600-00352910 then they did it in a more representative one, +tHSTCttu3pE-00932-00352910-00353200 in the smaller number of SNPs that they identified the +tHSTCttu3pE-00933-00353200-00353560 first time, and then say these are the odds ratios that we +tHSTCttu3pE-00934-00353560-00354040 think are representative -- really are the strength +tHSTCttu3pE-00935-00354040-00354360 of the association that we found. +tHSTCttu3pE-00936-00354360-00354740 But sometimes I think there are super cases and super controls, +tHSTCttu3pE-00937-00354740-00355320 and sometimes they're used throughout in replication +tHSTCttu3pE-00938-00355320-00355470 studies, as well. +tHSTCttu3pE-00939-00355470-00355710 Sometimes they're blended in. +tHSTCttu3pE-00940-00355710-00356130 All the data is analyzed together, and so I think +tHSTCttu3pE-00941-00356130-00356480 you will have that inflation of odds ratios sometimes because +tHSTCttu3pE-00942-00356480-00356910 of the use of super cases and super controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00943-00356910-00357610 I hope that answers your question. +tHSTCttu3pE-00944-00357930-00358450 [Female Speaker] So I just wonder whether you could give us some guidance +tHSTCttu3pE-00945-00358450-00358800 for epidemiologists when we look forward and would like to design +tHSTCttu3pE-00946-00358800-00359440 a GWA study in the future; is obvious to avoid and/or +tHSTCttu3pE-00947-00359440-00359690 to minimize all the potential confoundings, +tHSTCttu3pE-00948-00359690-00360110 something like that both you and Teri talked about, +tHSTCttu3pE-00949-00360110-00360320 replication extremely important. +tHSTCttu3pE-00950-00360320-00360700 I just wonder whether you have any ballpark suggestion +tHSTCttu3pE-00951-00360700-00361030 regarding for initial GWA study. +tHSTCttu3pE-00952-00361030-00361500 What is the minimum sample size in term of case-control +tHSTCttu3pE-00953-00361500-00361810 we are looking for, because that as obviously +tHSTCttu3pE-00954-00361810-00362120 the more the better, but what's the minimum +tHSTCttu3pE-00955-00362120-00362340 considered acceptable? +tHSTCttu3pE-00956-00362340-00362780 And then, what is the minimum sample size would be ideal +tHSTCttu3pE-00957-00362780-00363300 for at least consider adequate for the replication stage and +tHSTCttu3pE-00958-00363300-00363610 how we balance those two stages? +tHSTCttu3pE-00959-00363610-00363970 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] Well, I will bet the mortgage that Dr. Manolio has some +tHSTCttu3pE-00960-00363970-00364260 comments on this. +tHSTCttu3pE-00961-00364260-00364610 But this is really the interesting issue when +tHSTCttu3pE-00962-00364610-00364980 you come up with an agnostic study design. +tHSTCttu3pE-00963-00364980-00365150 There are no preconceptions. +tHSTCttu3pE-00964-00365150-00365630 You have a half a million little markers, +tHSTCttu3pE-00965-00365630-00366050 and you have no prior hypothesis as to how they relate to +tHSTCttu3pE-00966-00366050-00366570 the disease, up or down. +tHSTCttu3pE-00967-00366570-00367160 Therefore, your effect size and the whole sample size +tHSTCttu3pE-00968-00367160-00368020 calculation, obviously, is problematic, +tHSTCttu3pE-00969-00368020-00368440 so I think that's one of the issues is that the usual +tHSTCttu3pE-00970-00368440-00368840 prevalence estimates we go and look at, et cetera, +tHSTCttu3pE-00971-00368840-00369250 when you really don't know what the prevalence of the major +tHSTCttu3pE-00972-00369250-00369540 or minor alleles are going to be or the difference between +tHSTCttu3pE-00973-00369540-00369980 them is going to be, obviously, a quite different -- +tHSTCttu3pE-00974-00369980-00370330 you could say that we want to identify an odds ratio +tHSTCttu3pE-00975-00370330-00370690 of a certain level, I guess, and do it that way. +tHSTCttu3pE-00976-00370690-00371110 But I think what the rule of thumb has been, +tHSTCttu3pE-00977-00371110-00371510 has been kind of 1,000 cases and 1,000 controls. +tHSTCttu3pE-00978-00371510-00372020 But I think that is just kind of right out of the ether. +tHSTCttu3pE-00979-00372020-00372800 And, clearly, if you look at one of the other issues with +tHSTCttu3pE-00980-00372800-00372970 many of these diseases, like, for example, +tHSTCttu3pE-00981-00372970-00373280 macular degeneration, some of these diseases +tHSTCttu3pE-00982-00373280-00373610 you can't marshal thousands and thousands of them. +tHSTCttu3pE-00983-00373610-00373920 Some of them are quite unusual diseases, so you're going +tHSTCttu3pE-00984-00373920-00374530 to be left with, you know, 200 cases and 1,000 controls, +tHSTCttu3pE-00985-00374530-00374820 et cetera. +tHSTCttu3pE-00986-00374820-00375070 [Dr. Teri Manolio] So, I'm pulling up a slide here so keep talking. +tHSTCttu3pE-00987-00375070-00375310 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] Okay, so I think there's some issues there, as well. +tHSTCttu3pE-00988-00375310-00375630 But clearly the literature has quite a number of studies +tHSTCttu3pE-00989-00375630-00376060 with 200, or some of them you get very nervous when they're +tHSTCttu3pE-00990-00376060-00376780 down to the 50 or so -- there you go. +tHSTCttu3pE-00991-00376780-00377080 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Yeah, so this was a very nice question that was addressed +tHSTCttu3pE-00992-00377080-00377290 by the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium. +tHSTCttu3pE-00993-00377290-00377580 If you only read one paper in genome-wide association, +tHSTCttu3pE-00994-00377580-00377860 don't read Tom's and mine, don't read Channick's and +tHSTCttu3pE-00995-00377860-00378070 mine, read the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium. +tHSTCttu3pE-00996-00378070-00378260 It's a little long. +tHSTCttu3pE-00997-00378260-00378540 Yeah, it is big, but it's absolutely brilliant, +tHSTCttu3pE-00998-00378540-00378760 very, very clearly explained, especially the +tHSTCttu3pE-00999-00378760-00378900 supplementary methods. +tHSTCttu3pE-01000-00378900-00379130 But one of the nifty things that they did was they said, +tHSTCttu3pE-01001-00379130-00379550 "Okay, with the sample sizes that we had in our study, +tHSTCttu3pE-01002-00379550-00379860 what kind of power would we have had to detect the associations +tHSTCttu3pE-01003-00379860-00380210 that we found if we actually went with smaller sample sizes?" +tHSTCttu3pE-01004-00380210-00380530 And so, along the x-axis you can see here, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01005-00380530-00380750 what would the power be -- these are the various +tHSTCttu3pE-01006-00380750-00381040 associations that they found in their studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-01007-00381040-00381270 And they basically looked at, you know, if they had 500 +tHSTCttu3pE-01008-00381270-00381560 cases and 500 controls, they would only have found -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01009-00381560-00381750 actually, these are two that are superimposed. +tHSTCttu3pE-01010-00381750-00382020 So they would have found two of the 20-some that they +tHSTCttu3pE-01011-00382020-00382160 actually found. +tHSTCttu3pE-01012-00382160-00382430 With 1,000 cases and controls, I think it was about nine or +tHSTCttu3pE-01013-00382430-00382930 so -- oh, sorry, certain of them would be two, here at 1,000. +tHSTCttu3pE-01014-00382930-00383320 I think this one they only had 40 percent power to pick up +tHSTCttu3pE-01015-00383320-00383470 the two. +tHSTCttu3pE-01016-00383470-00383650 But here they would be certain to pick up two, +tHSTCttu3pE-01017-00383650-00383850 and expected might be about six if you go with an +tHSTCttu3pE-01018-00383850-00384210 80 percent power, but even in this range here, and then, +tHSTCttu3pE-01019-00384210-00384440 if they went with 1,500 controls, +tHSTCttu3pE-01020-00384440-00384660 expected about nine. +tHSTCttu3pE-01021-00384660-00384970 So they came up with some very nice estimates of these, +tHSTCttu3pE-01022-00384970-00385250 you know, being relatively modest odds ratios in the +tHSTCttu3pE-01023-00385250-00385710 1.3 range, the vast consensus as it is in any study is the +tHSTCttu3pE-01024-00385710-00385860 more the better. +tHSTCttu3pE-01025-00385860-00386160 And one big debate was would you be better off with more +tHSTCttu3pE-01026-00386160-00386370 people or more SNPs? +tHSTCttu3pE-01027-00386370-00386510 And the Wellcome Trust group also sort of showed that +tHSTCttu3pE-01028-00386510-00386790 really you're better off with more people, +tHSTCttu3pE-01029-00386790-00387080 you get more information from that than with more SNPs. +tHSTCttu3pE-01030-00387080-00387380 So sorry to leap in with that, but I thought it was -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01031-00387380-00387500 it seemed timely. +tHSTCttu3pE-01032-00387500-00387920 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] I thought you had that [inaudible]. +tHSTCttu3pE-01033-00387920-00388240 [Male Speaker] One more question about Korean studies. +tHSTCttu3pE-01034-00388240-00388660 In Korea, there are two kinds of genomic studies from government +tHSTCttu3pE-01035-00388660-00389070 funds, and one is their population study, +tHSTCttu3pE-01036-00389070-00389260 as I said yesterday. +tHSTCttu3pE-01037-00389260-00389610 Another one is their hospital-based +tHSTCttu3pE-01038-00389610-00389810 genome-wide study. +tHSTCttu3pE-01039-00389810-00390360 And [unintelligible] two kinds of different types providing +tHSTCttu3pE-01040-00390360-00391070 cases from hospital-based study, and collecting some contrasts +tHSTCttu3pE-01041-00391070-00391400 from the population-based study. +tHSTCttu3pE-01042-00391400-00391760 But we have some protocol to standardize the exposure +tHSTCttu3pE-01043-00391760-00392080 measurement among the population study, +tHSTCttu3pE-01044-00392080-00392310 but there is no standard [unintelligible] between +tHSTCttu3pE-01045-00392310-00392650 the population study and hospital-based study. +tHSTCttu3pE-01046-00392650-00393120 So is there any way or -- to overcome our limitation +tHSTCttu3pE-01047-00393120-00393930 to different measurement for doing some case-control studies? +tHSTCttu3pE-01048-00393930-00394160 [Dr. Thomas Pearson Well, I think there's a number of issues there. +tHSTCttu3pE-01049-00394160-00394450 Number one, the population controls, obviously, +tHSTCttu3pE-01050-00394450-00394750 you do want -- depending on what disease you're studying, +tHSTCttu3pE-01051-00394750-00395120 you want to make sure there's no contamination with cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-01052-00395120-00395620 So, for example, if you're doing a case-control study +tHSTCttu3pE-01053-00395620-00396050 of hospitalized patients with coronary disease, +tHSTCttu3pE-01054-00396050-00396350 you would want to make sure that 10 percent of your population +tHSTCttu3pE-01055-00396350-00396710 controls really hadn't carried that diagnosis. +tHSTCttu3pE-01056-00396710-00397000 There will be some, obviously, silent cases, as we all know. +tHSTCttu3pE-01057-00397000-00397620 But, obviously -- one of the other issues is -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01058-00397620-00397970 the second issue, obviously, is the genotyping. +tHSTCttu3pE-01059-00397970-00398380 You'll still see something that one population will have used +tHSTCttu3pE-01060-00398380-00398610 one platform or one method of handling, +tHSTCttu3pE-01061-00398610-00398880 and another one would have used another. +tHSTCttu3pE-01062-00398880-00399190 The platforms are getting better, and oftentimes +tHSTCttu3pE-01063-00399190-00399660 those studies will take 20 and do them by both and show +tHSTCttu3pE-01064-00399660-00399820 the concordance. +tHSTCttu3pE-01065-00399820-00400020 I think you show that in a slide. +tHSTCttu3pE-01066-00400020-00400210 So that's getting better. +tHSTCttu3pE-01067-00400210-00400580 Perhaps more of an issue would have to do with the processing +tHSTCttu3pE-01068-00400580-00400710 of those samples. +tHSTCttu3pE-01069-00400710-00400920 If you see a very low call rate, for example, +tHSTCttu3pE-01070-00400920-00401320 in your population control, and a very high call rate, +tHSTCttu3pE-01071-00401320-00401490 that's, obviously, an opportunity for +tHSTCttu3pE-01072-00401490-00401710 genotyping errors in which you're going to show +tHSTCttu3pE-01073-00401710-00401990 differences between case-control studies, +tHSTCttu3pE-01074-00401990-00402260 not because of the association with the gene, but because how +tHSTCttu3pE-01075-00402260-00402540 they were -- which genes were missing because of -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01076-00402540-00402980 or under-assessed because of the genotyping quality. +tHSTCttu3pE-01077-00402980-00403580 The third has to do -- which is oftentimes a problem, +tHSTCttu3pE-01078-00403580-00404030 are these other behavioral environmental issues that +tHSTCttu3pE-01079-00404030-00404590 you'd like to use for adjustment, +tHSTCttu3pE-01080-00404590-00404810 if not interaction. +tHSTCttu3pE-01081-00404810-00405180 Tobacco smoking, for example, would be a good example. +tHSTCttu3pE-01082-00405180-00405540 And it would be very nice if you could standardize the +tHSTCttu3pE-01083-00405540-00405890 behavior collection between your -- essentially use the +tHSTCttu3pE-01084-00405890-00406160 same questionnaire used in your population with those of your +tHSTCttu3pE-01085-00406160-00406560 hospitalized cases. +tHSTCttu3pE-01086-00406560-00406760 And frequently that's not done. +tHSTCttu3pE-01087-00406760-00407610 For example, I think the GWA study of Mexican Americans +tHSTCttu3pE-01088-00407610-00408160 with diabetes, obviously, that was a clinical group +tHSTCttu3pE-01089-00408160-00408720 of cases from a diabetes clinic, and a population study, +tHSTCttu3pE-01090-00408720-00408880 which was kind of just a general roster, +tHSTCttu3pE-01091-00408880-00409100 which didn't have the testing for diabetes. +tHSTCttu3pE-01092-00409100-00409750 So you had a variety of different informations, +tHSTCttu3pE-01093-00409750-00409960 and the possibility of information bias sneaking +tHSTCttu3pE-01094-00409960-00410120 in there. +tHSTCttu3pE-01095-00410120-00410539 So the recommendation in the Korean study would be to see +tHSTCttu3pE-01096-00410539-00411170 if one could standardize the information that you're using +tHSTCttu3pE-01097-00411170-00412100 in the population study with the institutional data. +tHSTCttu3pE-01098-00412100-00412270 [Male Speaker] Is it getting too late for a question? +tHSTCttu3pE-01099-00412270-00412410 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] No, I think we have -- we're about to take a break, +tHSTCttu3pE-01100-00412410-00412600 aren't we? +tHSTCttu3pE-01101-00412600-00412839 [Male Speaker] I guess the other side to the sample size question +tHSTCttu3pE-01102-00412839-00413080 is effect size. +tHSTCttu3pE-01103-00413080-00413460 You know, in the Eeles study, I'm seeing in the replications, +tHSTCttu3pE-01104-00413460-00413680 these really small effect sizes, and, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01105-00413680-00414010 how am I supposed to think about those if sort of -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01106-00414010-00414410 these additive genes playing with each other, +tHSTCttu3pE-01107-00414410-00414670 but the effect sizes are so small, I'm just not impressed. +tHSTCttu3pE-01108-00414670-00415339 And, you know, so can you talk about that a little bit? +tHSTCttu3pE-01109-00415339-00415650 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] I'm going to comment on that in my last talk -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01110-00415650-00415800 [Male Speaker] Okay, [inaudible]. +tHSTCttu3pE-01111-00415800-00416020 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] -- which has to do with applications, but that does, +tHSTCttu3pE-01112-00416020-00416489 you know, I mean, what did you learn in your first 15 minutes +tHSTCttu3pE-01113-00416489-00416760 of your case-control lecture? +tHSTCttu3pE-01114-00416760-00417339 You know, obviously, is odds ratio is in the size, +tHSTCttu3pE-01115-00417339-00417580 and we really have to be concerned about odds ratios +tHSTCttu3pE-01116-00417580-00418020 less than two as being due to confounding and a variety +tHSTCttu3pE-01117-00418020-00418150 of others. +tHSTCttu3pE-01118-00418150-00418480 And I'm sure you'll learn that the same way I learned that. +tHSTCttu3pE-01119-00418480-00418870 And so this is a bit of a paradigm shift. +tHSTCttu3pE-01120-00418870-00419250 And so, what I'm going to comment on in mine is the +tHSTCttu3pE-01121-00419250-00420039 consideration of the fact that what we might have done is +tHSTCttu3pE-01122-00420039-00420580 chopped up genetic risk into all these little SNPs, +tHSTCttu3pE-01123-00420580-00420950 and a variety of them we're not really talking about all the +tHSTCttu3pE-01124-00420950-00421400 genetic risk, because when we try to adjust and account for +tHSTCttu3pE-01125-00421400-00421800 the heritability, which we learned about yesterday, +tHSTCttu3pE-01126-00421800-00422220 or the familial risk, like in the risk +tHSTCttu3pE-01127-00422220-00422570 associated with a variable positive family history, +tHSTCttu3pE-01128-00422570-00423050 we come up with quite small proportions of those +tHSTCttu3pE-01129-00423050-00423400 accounted for mathematically. +tHSTCttu3pE-01130-00423400-00423689 And this is kind of -- you're thinking now, +tHSTCttu3pE-01131-00423689-00423910 "Well, then you get what you deserve because of the odds +tHSTCttu3pE-01132-00423910-00424210 ratio 1.3 probably isn't going to account for very much +tHSTCttu3pE-01133-00424210-00424520 unless it -- even if it's very prevalent." +tHSTCttu3pE-01134-00424520-00425220 And the point is, is that how many of those odds ratios +tHSTCttu3pE-01135-00425220-00425830 of 1.3 variance are out there, because we're only measuring +tHSTCttu3pE-01136-00425830-00426020 kind of clusters of the -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01137-00426020-00426170 [Male Speaker] How do you sum those up, right? +tHSTCttu3pE-01138-00426170-00426480 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] Exactly, and there have papers have been tried +tHSTCttu3pE-01139-00426480-00426650 and I don't know, Teri, if you want to comment +tHSTCttu3pE-01140-00426650-00427050 on the extent to which -- but it's -- it gets at this +tHSTCttu3pE-01141-00427050-00427350 question that I was beginning to ask, and I'm going to talk +tHSTCttu3pE-01142-00427350-00427589 a little bit about in my last talk, is when are you done? +tHSTCttu3pE-01143-00427589-00428010 When have you found all of the culprits? +tHSTCttu3pE-01144-00428010-00428710 And I don't think we have a gold standard for doing that +tHSTCttu3pE-01145-00428710-00429200 because we're not into copy number variance. +tHSTCttu3pE-01146-00429200-00429370 We're not into these regulatory -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01147-00429370-00429820 there's even on just the gene structure basis, +tHSTCttu3pE-01148-00429820-00430039 there's so much more out there. +tHSTCttu3pE-01149-00430039-00430210 So until we can show that we've accounted for all +tHSTCttu3pE-01150-00430210-00430620 the heritability, I think we're going to be left with odds +tHSTCttu3pE-01151-00430620-00430939 ratios of 1.3. +tHSTCttu3pE-01152-00430939-00431100 [Dr. Teri Manolio] Well, and I think it's important to recognize, +tHSTCttu3pE-01153-00431100-00431360 too, that the small odds ratios used to make us very nervous +tHSTCttu3pE-01154-00431360-00431600 in epidemiology because of uncontrolled confounding, +tHSTCttu3pE-01155-00431600-00431710 and measurement bias. +tHSTCttu3pE-01156-00431710-00431970 And the measurements here, as long as you get rid of +tHSTCttu3pE-01157-00431970-00432280 the genotyping error that you can pretty much control are +tHSTCttu3pE-01158-00432280-00432380 really pretty good. +tHSTCttu3pE-01159-00432380-00432839 And so, the 1.2s and 1.15s and that are probably believable. +tHSTCttu3pE-01160-00432839-00433060 The meaning of them is a big issue. +tHSTCttu3pE-01161-00433060-00433370 And Tom will go into that some, recognizing that some of these +tHSTCttu3pE-01162-00433370-00433610 may be pointing the way toward drug targets that might work +tHSTCttu3pE-01163-00433610-00433720 for everybody. +tHSTCttu3pE-01164-00433720-00433960 So, you know, familial hypercholesterolemia was +tHSTCttu3pE-01165-00433960-00434189 a very, very rare gene, if -- you probably couldn't even +tHSTCttu3pE-01166-00434189-00434400 pick it up in a genome-wide association study for +tHSTCttu3pE-01167-00434400-00434520 cholesterol levels. +tHSTCttu3pE-01168-00434520-00434730 And yet the drug works for everyone except, +tHSTCttu3pE-01169-00434730-00434980 ironically, the people who were homozygous for the variant or +tHSTCttu3pE-01170-00434980-00435250 who don't have the receptors for the drug to work on. +tHSTCttu3pE-01171-00435250-00435550 Another thing to think about is that as we're doing more, +tHSTCttu3pE-01172-00435550-00435750 and more and more of these studies, +tHSTCttu3pE-01173-00435750-00435980 the Wellcome Trust group, again, Peter Donnelly has come up with +tHSTCttu3pE-01174-00435980-00436289 some estimates of how many variants might there be +tHSTCttu3pE-01175-00436289-00436589 out there that actually, due to variation and +tHSTCttu3pE-01176-00436589-00436980 distance from the particular, you know, the actual causative +tHSTCttu3pE-01177-00436980-00437180 SNP on the platform, you're actually underestimating +tHSTCttu3pE-01178-00437180-00437289 the risk of. +tHSTCttu3pE-01179-00437289-00437439 So because you're a little ways away from it, +tHSTCttu3pE-01180-00437439-00437900 there might be a 1.5 or a 2.0 or even a 4.0 hiding there. +tHSTCttu3pE-01181-00437900-00438139 And if you do this for 100 diseases, +tHSTCttu3pE-01182-00438139-00438420 probably everybody is at risk for something. +tHSTCttu3pE-01183-00438420-00438750 You know, we're all going to die of something, except me. +tHSTCttu3pE-01184-00438750-00439100 And, you know, the diseases that we might be at risk for, +tHSTCttu3pE-01185-00439100-00439380 you can actually sort of estimate, gee, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01186-00439380-00439760 you'll find 90 percent of the population will be at risk +tHSTCttu3pE-01187-00439760-00440020 for at least one of these based on their genetic variance. +tHSTCttu3pE-01188-00440020-00440220 And if you could find that, that would be very useful, +tHSTCttu3pE-01189-00440220-00440470 and perhaps, you know, do some interventions on them. +tHSTCttu3pE-01190-00440470-00440660 So when you take them one at a time, you really have to +tHSTCttu3pE-01191-00440660-00440930 think genomically, you know, and one at a time, maybe not, +tHSTCttu3pE-01192-00440930-00441239 but together, probably. +tHSTCttu3pE-01193-00441239-00441450 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] And we haven't even touched this subject of +tHSTCttu3pE-01194-00441450-00441800 gene-gene interaction and gene-environment interaction, +tHSTCttu3pE-01195-00441800-00442220 which is another part of the whole. +tHSTCttu3pE-01196-00442220-00442430 Maybe just while -- before we're breaking, +tHSTCttu3pE-01197-00442430-00442920 maybe ask the editors in the group if we could have some +tHSTCttu3pE-01198-00442920-00443539 editorial comment about this issue of new genre, +tHSTCttu3pE-01199-00443539-00443900 new technologies, et cetera, lot of excitement that +tHSTCttu3pE-01200-00443900-00444370 deserves to be the scientific breakthrough of the year, +tHSTCttu3pE-01201-00444370-00444630 as it has been for a while. +tHSTCttu3pE-01202-00444630-00445289 On the other hand, it's kind of like getting a new sports +tHSTCttu3pE-01203-00445289-00445800 car and then forgetting about the rules of driving safely. +tHSTCttu3pE-01204-00445800-00446250 So Linda, or -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01205-00446250-00446650 [Phil] So I was going to ask you how to handle this, +tHSTCttu3pE-01206-00446650-00447510 because, being an editor of a general medicine journal, +tHSTCttu3pE-01207-00447510-00447770 the ones that we get are most likely the ones that have been +tHSTCttu3pE-01208-00447770-00448250 rejected by, you know, the genetics journals. +tHSTCttu3pE-01209-00448250-00448810 So, you know, we're aware of that. +tHSTCttu3pE-01210-00448810-00449020 I'd like to sort of have a checklist that says, +tHSTCttu3pE-01211-00449020-00449350 you know, put it back on the authors, +tHSTCttu3pE-01212-00449350-00449960 because finding reviewers who actually understand genetic +tHSTCttu3pE-01213-00449960-00450420 epidemiology well enough to be able to interpret the papers +tHSTCttu3pE-01214-00450420-00450660 is difficult. +tHSTCttu3pE-01215-00450660-00450980 And I mean I think this is an area where there's, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01216-00450980-00451220 you can probably think of 10 people off the top of your +tHSTCttu3pE-01217-00451220-00451480 head who could review these papers, and they're all +tHSTCttu3pE-01218-00451480-00451700 reviewing all of them, and they're busy. +tHSTCttu3pE-01219-00451700-00452039 And, you know, they're going to say -- I mean, most likely +tHSTCttu3pE-01220-00452039-00452270 thing is they're going to say, "I already reviewed this for +tHSTCttu3pE-01221-00452270-00452800 another journal and didn't like it." +tHSTCttu3pE-01222-00452800-00453400 And maybe, I mean, the question is for me a lot of the times, +tHSTCttu3pE-01223-00453400-00453980 do I want to be, you know, the first fly on the +tHSTCttu3pE-01224-00453980-00454250 whale, anyway? +tHSTCttu3pE-01225-00454250-00454489 If they're sending it to a general medicine journal +tHSTCttu3pE-01226-00454489-00455039 and that's where they think it belongs, it's probably bad. +tHSTCttu3pE-01227-00455039-00455180 So I don't know. +tHSTCttu3pE-01228-00455180-00455630 It's an area that I'm definitely struggling with. +tHSTCttu3pE-01229-00455630-00456110 You also wonder if it's a good idea to be, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01230-00456110-00456520 down the food chain and be the one publishing the negative +tHSTCttu3pE-01231-00456520-00457010 studies all the time, you know, how many of those are going +tHSTCttu3pE-01232-00457010-00457380 to get cited, et cetera. +tHSTCttu3pE-01233-00457380-00457670 So I find that it's just a complicated area. +tHSTCttu3pE-01234-00457670-00457980 And as you were giving your talk, I was wondering if +tHSTCttu3pE-01235-00457980-00458600 you could imagine having a checklist for the authors. +tHSTCttu3pE-01236-00458600-00458910 You know, does your paper qualify this way, this way, +tHSTCttu3pE-01237-00458910-00459050 this way? +tHSTCttu3pE-01238-00459050-00459230 And if they don't, you just reject it without even +tHSTCttu3pE-01239-00459230-00459560 reading the paper. +tHSTCttu3pE-01240-00459560-00459810 We had a talk last week that was kind of interesting that +tHSTCttu3pE-01241-00459810-00460239 showed that same paper that you did that -- +tHSTCttu3pE-01242-00460239-00460500 what's it called, "Most Published +tHSTCttu3pE-01243-00460500-00460639 Research Findings Are --" +tHSTCttu3pE-01244-00460639-00460810 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] "Are False," yeah, Ioannidis. +tHSTCttu3pE-01245-00460810-00461339 [Phil] Yeah, so the speaker there had an interesting suggestion, +tHSTCttu3pE-01246-00461339-00461710 is that maybe reviews should be two-phase. +tHSTCttu3pE-01247-00461710-00462070 So the first phase would be just look at the introduction +tHSTCttu3pE-01248-00462070-00462410 and the methods. +tHSTCttu3pE-01249-00462410-00462710 And if you're not satisfied with the introduction and +tHSTCttu3pE-01250-00462710-00463150 the methods, just reject it and don't even look at the data. +tHSTCttu3pE-01251-00463150-00463539 And that might actually be good, because then you would be even +tHSTCttu3pE-01252-00463539-00464200 more agnostic to the finding, right? +tHSTCttu3pE-01253-00464200-00464530 I'm thinking about whether we could actually do that as +tHSTCttu3pE-01254-00464530-00464789 an experiment. +tHSTCttu3pE-01255-00464789-00465080 You know, anyway. +tHSTCttu3pE-01256-00465080-00465239 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] Linda. +tHSTCttu3pE-01257-00465239-00465570 [Linda] All right, well, I was actually hesitating to talk about the +tHSTCttu3pE-01258-00465570-00465689 food chain. +tHSTCttu3pE-01259-00465689-00466020 You know, that is the nature of what we deal with every day. +tHSTCttu3pE-01260-00466020-00466339 And just the enormity of what you were telling us, +tHSTCttu3pE-01261-00466339-00466589 in terms of something like sensitivity of diet, +tHSTCttu3pE-01262-00466589-00466830 and, you know, the slides that you showed, Teri, +tHSTCttu3pE-01263-00466830-00467250 in regard to just dietary fat and its relationship to HDL, +tHSTCttu3pE-01264-00467250-00467630 you know, the implications for that are just enormous. +tHSTCttu3pE-01265-00467630-00468000 And in this mindset of designer diet -- and I must admit +tHSTCttu3pE-01266-00468000-00468260 I sort of skipped to the end to see if you were going to go back +tHSTCttu3pE-01267-00468260-00468539 and deal with some of this, and it looks like you are, +tHSTCttu3pE-01268-00468539-00468780 so that's why I didn't ask the question, +tHSTCttu3pE-01269-00468780-00469060 but I would agree with you, Phil, that, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01270-00469060-00469500 first and foremost, I think, in terms of methodologic issues, +tHSTCttu3pE-01271-00469500-00469839 you know, to ding a paper, so to speak, up front, +tHSTCttu3pE-01272-00469839-00470120 before you even get into it, I think that really is the only +tHSTCttu3pE-01273-00470120-00470470 way to do this in an efficient manner. +tHSTCttu3pE-01274-00470470-00470710 We just sort of tried to do that already in terms of just the +tHSTCttu3pE-01275-00470710-00471080 open gate keeping that we do in terms of the paper. +tHSTCttu3pE-01276-00471080-00471410 But, you know, as I say, in terms of our authorship +tHSTCttu3pE-01277-00471410-00471700 and what people are writing about, again, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01278-00471700-00472080 if we don't even get at some of these issues related to +tHSTCttu3pE-01279-00472080-00472480 genetic variation in terms of ability to respond to +tHSTCttu3pE-01280-00472480-00472970 a dietary intervention, I don't even know how to begin to, +tHSTCttu3pE-01281-00472970-00473270 you know, address those kinds of questions, really. +tHSTCttu3pE-01282-00473270-00473420 And I don't know if we're there yet. +tHSTCttu3pE-01283-00473420-00473639 I mean, on the basis of what you're describing, you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01284-00473639-00473839 do we have a public health model? +tHSTCttu3pE-01285-00473839-00474039 I mean, you know, from what I know about nutrition, +tHSTCttu3pE-01286-00474039-00474260 I know there are certain things we can say are good for +tHSTCttu3pE-01287-00474260-00474430 everyone, you know. +tHSTCttu3pE-01288-00474430-00474720 But in terms of things that would be better for people +tHSTCttu3pE-01289-00474720-00475460 who also had these genetically, you know, deviated approaches, +tHSTCttu3pE-01290-00475460-00475910 you know, responses to certain dietary interventions, +tHSTCttu3pE-01291-00475910-00476110 I mean that's where we want to go. +tHSTCttu3pE-01292-00476110-00476500 But I don't see how we're going to get there any time soon. +tHSTCttu3pE-01293-00476500-00476830 [Dr. Thomas Pearson] Yeah, I would just have a couple of comments. +tHSTCttu3pE-01294-00476830-00477530 Number one is that that was to some extent the backdrop +tHSTCttu3pE-01295-00477530-00477850 to the paper, "How to Interpret Genome-Wide +tHSTCttu3pE-01296-00477850-00477989 Association Studies." +tHSTCttu3pE-01297-00477989-00478460 That was essentially this issue, because it wasn't clear, +tHSTCttu3pE-01298-00478460-00478720 the readers, to say nothing about the reviewers, +tHSTCttu3pE-01299-00478720-00479000 to say nothing about the editors, +tHSTCttu3pE-01300-00479000-00479310 and that was kind of the thrust that we were pleased that the +tHSTCttu3pE-01301-00479310-00479889 JAMA leadership appreciated that issue as well. +tHSTCttu3pE-01302-00479889-00480130 The second is that's what this course is about, +tHSTCttu3pE-01303-00480130-00480400 because the only way we're going to get enough reviewers, +tHSTCttu3pE-01304-00480400-00480700 particularly, say, reviewers who the content experts +tHSTCttu3pE-01305-00480700-00481100 in diabetes, or in Crohn's disease, or whatever, +tHSTCttu3pE-01306-00481100-00481539 getting them up to speed in the whole genomic issues, +tHSTCttu3pE-01307-00481539-00481820 obviously, starts to marry the two sides of the things +tHSTCttu3pE-01308-00481820-00482100 we want so they can be a competent reviewer, +tHSTCttu3pE-01309-00482100-00482360 because there's all that disease content stuff that I would have +tHSTCttu3pE-01310-00482360-00482620 to say is given oftentimes kind of short shrift, +tHSTCttu3pE-01311-00482620-00482980 that any old case will do kind of idea. +tHSTCttu3pE-01312-00482980-00483410 So I think that's a very important part of this. +tHSTCttu3pE-01313-00483410-00483760 And I think the third point I would have is to encourage +tHSTCttu3pE-01314-00483760-00484220 epidemiologists to get even more involved in the design +tHSTCttu3pE-01315-00484220-00484760 and conduct of some of these studies as a co-investigator. +tHSTCttu3pE-01316-00484760-00484900 So they can [unintelligible], +tHSTCttu3pE-01317-00484900-00485110 "Well, if you put that as a -- if you don't put that disease +tHSTCttu3pE-01318-00485110-00485410 criteria on as an inclusion or exclusion criteria, +tHSTCttu3pE-01319-00485410-00485660 you know, you're going to have all kind of problems later." +tHSTCttu3pE-01320-00485660-00485950 And this is what your input -- and oftentimes will not be +tHSTCttu3pE-01321-00485950-00486150 added earlier. +tHSTCttu3pE-01322-00486150-00486550 So I think those are some of the messages from this. +tHSTCttu3pE-01323-00486550-00486710 Teri? +tHSTCttu3pE-01324-00486710-00487310 [Dr. Teri Manolio] I would agree [inaudible] big opportunities here +tHSTCttu3pE-01325-00487310-00487639 for epidemiology is actually to take the -- you know, +tHSTCttu3pE-01326-00487639-00487860 skim the genome-wide associations, +tHSTCttu3pE-01327-00487860-00488080 we have them listed in our catalog, and test them +tHSTCttu3pE-01328-00488080-00488339 in your cohorts, and then see where you have really good +tHSTCttu3pE-01329-00488339-00488480 dietary measures. +tHSTCttu3pE-01330-00488480-00488589 What are the interactions? +tHSTCttu3pE-01331-00488589-00488810 And what are the differences in the way people respond? +tHSTCttu3pE-01332-00488810-00488980 I mean, that's work that's just begging to be done. +tHSTCttu3pE-01333-00488980-00489070 And we can do it. +tKxfZfb6tFu-00000-00000002-00000236 BARK BARK BARK BARK +tKxfZfb6tFu-00001-00000354-00000630 HMMMM, There's no other meme here. +tKxfZfb6tFu-00002-00000718-00001248 Except Nyan Cat and Nyan Dog and that big bodybuilder guy. +tKxfZfb6tFu-00003-00001376-00001700 EH, oh well, I guess I'll just jump into the pool. +tKxfZfb6tFu-00004-00001712-00002007 Wii (XD Nintendo Easter egg) +tKxfZfb6tFu-00005-00002034-00003116 PEN-PINEAPPLE-APPLE-PEN Oh wait, I don't have a pen, a pineapple, a apple or a long pen. +tKxfZfb6tFu-00006-00003310-00003544 I guess this pool party is bad. :( +tKYzWiffs-U-00000-00000398-00000501 Present +tKYzWiffs-U-00001-00000841-00000943 You don't know the bad day I had +tKYzWiffs-U-00002-00000943-00001225 Finally, I had to throw a red paint can to the woman +tKYzWiffs-U-00003-00001225-00001347 Because she didn't leave me in peace +tKYzWiffs-U-00004-00001718-00001789 Well, Chuchi, I leave you +tKYzWiffs-U-00005-00001789-00001878 I have a lot of work +tKYzWiffs-U-00006-00001878-00001956 Call you later +tKYzWiffs-U-00007-00001956-00002053 Yes yes yes +tKYzWiffs-U-00008-00002110-00002232 Such a big poster you're carrying +tKYzWiffs-U-00009-00002232-00002385 So the message can be well read +tKYzWiffs-U-00010-00002385-00002496 Yes, because there's not much to cover +tKYzWiffs-U-00011-00002496-00002646 Look! Don't mess with my tits! +tKYzWiffs-U-00012-00002646-00002817 I just came from a meeting and you don't know the problem we had +tKYzWiffs-U-00013-00002817-00003045 Listen, you know if one of your friends has a panda? +tKYzWiffs-U-00014-00003045-00003231 Because with this politics of liberating animals... +tKYzWiffs-U-00015-00003255-00003321 Fuck you! +tKYzWiffs-U-00016-00003321-00003674 Hey, have animals ever asked you to be protected? +tKYzWiffs-U-00017-00003674-00003790 Do you know what day is today? +tKYzWiffs-U-00018-00003790-00003943 Today is your last training day +tKYzWiffs-U-00019-00004259-00004439 Please, leave me something to dress +tKYzWiffs-U-00020-00004439-00004620 Hey, nothing's happening +tKYzWiffs-U-00021-00004947-00005104 But where do I go with this? Don't you have anything else? +tKYzWiffs-U-00022-00005104-00005160 No +tKYzWiffs-U-00023-00005212-00005381 I don't understand how you come naked +tKYzWiffs-U-00024-00005381-00005504 All painted in red +tKYzWiffs-U-00025-00005559-00005760 Do you think they're gonna have any doubt on your presence here? +tKYzWiffs-U-00026-00005760-00005830 OK. I'm leaving +tKYzWiffs-U-00027-00005830-00006078 Where are you going, girl? They're listening to you +tKYzWiffs-U-00028-00006095-00006195 You can't go +tKYzWiffs-U-00029-00006763-00006919 Extension 69, speaking +tKYzWiffs-U-00030-00006955-00007081 How can I help you? +tKYzWiffs-U-00031-00007371-00007443 What? +tKYzWiffs-U-00032-00007471-00007799 You just left a meeting and a crazy wild girl assaulted you? +tKYzWiffs-U-00033-00007945-00008224 And she threw you a can of red paint +tKYzWiffs-U-00034-00008274-00008581 And of course you need a dry cleaner for furs +tKYzWiffs-U-00035-00008671-00008741 What? +tKYzWiffs-U-00036-00008779-00008892 Silver fox? +tKYzWiffs-U-00037-00009052-00009241 Russian steppe beaver? +tKYzWiffs-U-00038-00009353-00009523 Siberian ermine? +tKYzWiffs-U-00039-00009523-00009718 And don't you have anything with frog hair? +tKYzWiffs-U-00040-00009718-00009974 Or white Cambodian tiger feathers? +tKYzWiffs-U-00041-00010011-00010127 Lady! +tKYzWiffs-U-00042-00010127-00010405 Dry cleaners are not going to clean you the gloves +tKYzWiffs-U-00043-00010405-00010577 of Indian ass skin +tKYzWiffs-U-00044-00010577-00010907 nor the feathers of the lame pidgeon from Madrid! +tKYzWiffs-U-00045-00011663-00011933 The one who has to be skinned alive is you! +tKYzWiffs-U-00046-00011933-00012053 Seal! +tKYzWiffs-U-00047-00012053-00012254 What??? +tKYzWiffs-U-00048-00012254-00012421 Haven't you thrown a can of paint to an old woman? +tKYzWiffs-U-00049-00012421-00012539 Yes! What's going on? +tKYzWiffs-U-00050-00012566-00012681 She's entering through the aisle +tKYzWiffs-U-00051-00012939-00013076 It's Mrs Rodriguez +tKYzWiffs-U-00052-00013650-00013876 The telephone is ringing +tKYzWiffs-U-00053-00013876-00013981 I'm going to answer +tKYzWiffs-U-00054-00013981-00014014 Don't! +tKYzWiffs-U-00055-00014014-00014136 You're going to the street +tKYzWiffs-U-00056-00014136-00014211 No, please +tKYzWiffs-U-00057-00014211-00014313 You can do everything +tKYzWiffs-U-00058-00014313-00014477 Talk to Mr Rodriguez +tKYzWiffs-U-00059-00014480-00014685 Hmmm, He's a very good customer +tKYzWiffs-U-00060-00014742-00014833 No, I won't help you +tKYzWiffs-U-00061-00014861-00015023 The only thing to do is apologize +tKYzWiffs-U-00062-00015023-00015085 Or kneeling +tKYzWiffs-U-00063-00015085-00015205 And accept whatever happens +tKYzWiffs-U-00064-00015711-00015891 What am I going to do with no job? +tKYzWiffs-U-00065-00015891-00016159 My trip to Japan for stopping whale hunters +tKYzWiffs-U-00066-00016183-00016351 My Greenpeace installment +tKYzWiffs-U-00067-00016426-00016695 My foster kids in Peru +tKYzWiffs-U-00068-00016717-00016993 Well well, maybe you should think this is not your place +tKYzWiffs-U-00069-00016993-00017195 The call center world is very complicated +tKYzWiffs-U-00070-00017250-00017397 Look, I can get you a job +tKYzWiffs-U-00071-00017450-00017614 But you have to be open +tKYzWiffs-U-00072-00017642-00017844 I'll give you my friend Jennifer's phone +tKYzWiffs-U-00073-00017844-00018005 D'you remember? The "catechist"? +tKYzWiffs-U-00074-00018030-00018195 The one who made "favors" to Rodríguez? +tKYzWiffs-U-00075-00018823-00018902 Yes? +tKYzWiffs-U-00076-00018989-00019159 Yes, Mr Rodriguez +tKYzWiffs-U-00077-00019262-00019353 Of course +tKYzWiffs-U-00078-00019385-00019666 I didn't overcome the trial period And you have to let me go +tKYzWiffs-U-00079-00019666-00019749 Of course +tKYzWiffs-U-00080-00019773-00020169 Well, I have several ideas that I'd like to discuss with you +tKYzWiffs-U-00081-00020169-00020419 By the way, I have the number of a dry cleaner +tKYzWiffs-U-00082-00020419-00020503 "Jennifer" +tKYzWiffs-U-00083-00020536-00020641 Does it ring to you? +tKYzWiffs-U-00084-00020662-00020954 I think that your wife will be very interested on that +tKYzWiffs-U-00085-00020954-00021149 The dry cleaner, of course +tKYzWiffs-U-00086-00021361-00021623 What, a promotion? +tKYzWiffs-U-00087-00021675-00021812 Coordinator? +tKYzWiffs-U-00088-00021818-00022034 Of course, of course Mr Rodriguez +tKYzWiffs-U-00089-00022034-00022130 Yes yes +tKYzWiffs-U-00090-00022251-00022349 Sorry +tKYzWiffs-U-00091-00022349-00022436 Frank +tKYzWiffs-U-00092-00022481-00022620 Frankie, no? +tKYzWiffs-U-00093-00023297-00023488 D'you know what, boys? +tKYzWiffs-U-00094-00023568-00023711 What a relief! +tKYzWiffs-U-00095-00023711-00023999 Tomorrow, we begin with the audits +tM1YIPNgiFy-00000-00000024-00000222 When we think about going to the Moon, it +tM1YIPNgiFy-00001-00000222-00000452 all sounds so glamorous and exciting! But +tM1YIPNgiFy-00002-00000452-00000735 really, not all of it was... like the Apollo +tM1YIPNgiFy-00003-00000735-00000963 seaworthiness test that we're looking at +tM1YIPNgiFy-00004-00000963-00001791 today on Vintage Space. There were a lot +tM1YIPNgiFy-00005-00001791-00001964 of long-duration tests designed to make +tM1YIPNgiFy-00006-00001964-00002135 sure that the Apollo spacecraft could +tM1YIPNgiFy-00007-00002135-00002376 support three astronauts on a two-week +tM1YIPNgiFy-00008-00002376-00002583 long mission to the Moon. But going to +tM1YIPNgiFy-00009-00002583-00002753 the Moon and coming back from the Moon +tM1YIPNgiFy-00010-00002753-00002922 wasn't the only part of the mission +tM1YIPNgiFy-00011-00002922-00003123 where the astronauts relied on the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00012-00003123-00003294 Apollo spacecraft to keep them alive. +tM1YIPNgiFy-00013-00003294-00003554 There was also that pesky part of the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00014-00003554-00003753 mission between splashdown and recovery +tM1YIPNgiFy-00015-00003753-00003962 where the Apollo command module, a +tM1YIPNgiFy-00016-00003962-00004187 spacecraft, had to double as a boat. +tM1YIPNgiFy-00017-00004187-00004428 Between splashdown and recovery, Apollo +tM1YIPNgiFy-00018-00004428-00004575 astronauts would rely on the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00019-00004575-00004776 spacecraft's communications system, its +tM1YIPNgiFy-00020-00004776-00005025 location system, power and ventilation +tM1YIPNgiFy-00021-00005025-00005217 systems, to keep them alive while they +tM1YIPNgiFy-00022-00005217-00005451 floated in the ocean waiting for a crew +tM1YIPNgiFy-00023-00005451-00005612 to recover them and take them onto the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00024-00005612-00005751 deck of an aircraft carrier. +tM1YIPNgiFy-00025-00005751-00005976 Now, NASA wasn't leaving this whole thing +tM1YIPNgiFy-00026-00005976-00006144 up to chance; it wasn't like the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00027-00006144-00006303 astronauts were left just re-enter the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00028-00006303-00006447 atmosphere at any point hopefully +tM1YIPNgiFy-00029-00006447-00006618 splashed down the ocean and then be +tM1YIPNgiFy-00030-00006618-00006909 found by recovery crews. NASA calculated +tM1YIPNgiFy-00031-00006909-00007104 everything. Re-entry into the Earth's +tM1YIPNgiFy-00032-00007104-00007298 atmosphere was done at a specific point +tM1YIPNgiFy-00033-00007298-00007523 such that the landing area could be +tM1YIPNgiFy-00034-00007523-00007803 calculated to very a small region. That +tM1YIPNgiFy-00035-00007803-00007970 meant that recovery crews were on hand +tM1YIPNgiFy-00036-00007970-00008178 and ready to go as soon as a spacecraft +tM1YIPNgiFy-00037-00008178-00008421 landed. But if something went wrong and a +tM1YIPNgiFy-00038-00008421-00008610 crew had to land in secondary landing +tM1YIPNgiFy-00039-00008610-00008874 zone or even a contingency zone, NASA had +tM1YIPNgiFy-00040-00008874-00009021 to be sure that the Apollo spacecraft +tM1YIPNgiFy-00041-00009021-00009272 could keep them alive not only while the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00042-00009272-00009479 recovery crews located them but also while they +tM1YIPNgiFy-00043-00009479-00009699 traveled the distance from where they +tM1YIPNgiFy-00044-00009699-00009882 were stationed for the primary landing +tM1YIPNgiFy-00045-00009882-00010164 to the secondary, contingency, or even +tM1YIPNgiFy-00046-00010164-00010410 other areas in the oceans. And remember: +tM1YIPNgiFy-00047-00010410-00010652 the world's oceans are pretty big! And +tM1YIPNgiFy-00048-00010652-00010986 cue the 48-hour seaworthiness test done +tM1YIPNgiFy-00049-00010986-00011172 in spacecraft 007 in the Gulf of +tM1YIPNgiFy-00050-00011172-00011496 Mexico in 1967. There were two of these +tM1YIPNgiFy-00051-00011496-00011709 48 hours seaworthiness tests done and +tM1YIPNgiFy-00052-00011709-00011843 they both followed roughly the same +tM1YIPNgiFy-00053-00011843-00012089 format. After being lowered into the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00054-00012089-00012303 water, the spacecraft was flipped apex +tM1YIPNgiFy-00055-00012303-00012486 down into what is called the stable two +tM1YIPNgiFy-00056-00012486-00012740 position. NASA had to make sure that +tM1YIPNgiFy-00057-00012740-00012897 the straps holding the astronauts in +tM1YIPNgiFy-00058-00012897-00013088 their seats were strong enough to hold +tM1YIPNgiFy-00059-00013088-00013302 them upside down, but it was also +tM1YIPNgiFy-00060-00013302-00013372 really a test +tM1YIPNgiFy-00061-00013372-00013531 to make sure that the airbags could +tM1YIPNgiFy-00062-00013531-00013729 inflate underwater to right the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00063-00013729-00013927 spacecraft to its stable one position. +tM1YIPNgiFy-00064-00013927-00014169 And from there it was basically a +tM1YIPNgiFy-00065-00014169-00014374 waiting game, and not exactly a fun one. +tM1YIPNgiFy-00066-00014374-00014584 Because it was a test of the spacecraft +tM1YIPNgiFy-00067-00014584-00014818 integrity at sea, the tests stipulated +tM1YIPNgiFy-00068-00014818-00014977 that waves in the area had to be between +tM1YIPNgiFy-00069-00014977-00015219 3 and 4 feet high (0.9-1.2 meters). And even though the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00070-00015219-00015427 spacecraft was within sight and easy +tM1YIPNgiFy-00071-00015427-00015631 reach of the recovery carrier in case +tM1YIPNgiFy-00072-00015631-00015811 anything went wrong, the crew couldn't +tM1YIPNgiFy-00073-00015811-00015979 exactly stop the test because they got +tM1YIPNgiFy-00074-00015979-00016191 bored. They had to wait it out just like +tM1YIPNgiFy-00075-00016191-00016341 they would if they splashed down in the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00076-00016341-00016612 wrong area after a mission. Jim Lovell +tM1YIPNgiFy-00077-00016612-00016774 who flew to the moon on Apollo 8 and +tM1YIPNgiFy-00078-00016774-00016990 Apollo 13 did one of these seaworthiness +tM1YIPNgiFy-00079-00016990-00017176 tests, and I asked him about it the first +tM1YIPNgiFy-00080-00017176-00017416 time I met him. He leaned in, and in more +tM1YIPNgiFy-00081-00017416-00017683 colorful language said, "You know, I was a +tM1YIPNgiFy-00082-00017683-00017986 sailor. And that thing is no boat." If +tM1YIPNgiFy-00083-00017986-00018139 you're curious for more information +tM1YIPNgiFy-00084-00018139-00018310 about these tests, I've got more in the old +tM1YIPNgiFy-00085-00018310-00018562 blog post linked below. So what do you +tM1YIPNgiFy-00086-00018562-00018751 guys think of the seaworthiness test, and +tM1YIPNgiFy-00087-00018751-00019015 also this totally unglamorous part of +tM1YIPNgiFy-00088-00019015-00019222 being an astronaut? Would that kill the +tM1YIPNgiFy-00089-00019222-00019360 dream of going to the Moon for you or +tM1YIPNgiFy-00090-00019360-00019498 would you put up with two days of +tM1YIPNgiFy-00091-00019498-00019651 seasickness if you knew it meant maybe +tM1YIPNgiFy-00092-00019651-00019858 getting a flight to the Moon? Let me know +tM1YIPNgiFy-00093-00019858-00019969 your thoughts, and of course any +tM1YIPNgiFy-00094-00019969-00020125 questions you have in the comments below +tM1YIPNgiFy-00095-00020125-00020311 and things you would like to see covered +tM1YIPNgiFy-00096-00020311-00020518 in future episodes. Be sure to follow me +tM1YIPNgiFy-00097-00020518-00020689 on Twitter and Instagram for daily-ish +tM1YIPNgiFy-00098-00020689-00020895 Vintage Space-ish content, and with +tM1YIPNgiFy-00099-00020895-00021076 new videos going up right here every +tM1YIPNgiFy-00100-00021076-00021259 single week be sure to subscribe so you +tM1YIPNgiFy-00101-00021259-00021534 never miss an episode! :) +tNkVaMC5SrQ-00000-00006615-00009220 MSN +tNkVaMC5SrQ-00001-00009220-00011392 Savar +tNkVaMC5SrQ-00002-00011392-00011497 Oficial YouTube +tpVF0zH47b4-00000-00000093-00000384 So before we continue more with the math of +tpVF0zH47b4-00001-00000401-00000702 kinematics we're going to start by visualizing one +tpVF0zH47b4-00002-00000702-00001038 dimensional motion and one dimensional motion just +tpVF0zH47b4-00003-00001038-00001260 means that the object is moving only along a +tpVF0zH47b4-00004-00001260-00001655 single axis, like forward or back. So here I've +tpVF0zH47b4-00005-00001655-00001950 drawn a car next to a number line that we can use +tpVF0zH47b4-00006-00001950-00002370 as our axis. And we need to also define which +tpVF0zH47b4-00007-00002370-00002553 direction is positive and which direction is +tpVF0zH47b4-00008-00002553-00002823 negative. So here to the right is positive and to +tpVF0zH47b4-00009-00002823-00003129 the left is negative. So these quantities: the +tpVF0zH47b4-00010-00003132-00003414 position the velocity and the acceleration, they're +tpVF0zH47b4-00011-00003414-00003759 all vector quantities. That means that they have a +tpVF0zH47b4-00012-00003759-00004092 direction and magnitude. So the direction matters +tpVF0zH47b4-00013-00004092-00004530 basically. And we can draw the position as an +tpVF0zH47b4-00014-00004530-00004881 arrow coming from the origin. And here I've drawn +tpVF0zH47b4-00015-00004881-00005223 it as X because it's along the X direction and +tpVF0zH47b4-00016-00005223-00005436 then the velocity and acceleration are usually +tpVF0zH47b4-00017-00005436-00005796 drawn coming from the object itself. So here the +tpVF0zH47b4-00018-00005796-00006234 velocity of this car is to the right and the +tpVF0zH47b4-00019-00006234-00006639 acceleration is to the left. And the length of +tpVF0zH47b4-00020-00006639-00006984 these arrows are representing the magnitude. So +tpVF0zH47b4-00021-00006984-00007293 that means a longer arrow would be a larger value +tpVF0zH47b4-00022-00007293-00007767 for that quantity. So in this case the position X +tpVF0zH47b4-00023-00007773-00008151 is at plus one meters and the velocity is at +tpVF0zH47b4-00024-00008151-00008505 plus two meters per second because that arrow is +tpVF0zH47b4-00025-00008511-00008862 about two meters per second long. And the +tpVF0zH47b4-00026-00008862-00009078 acceleration here will be negative one meters per +tpVF0zH47b4-00027-00009078-00009342 second squared because the acceleration is in the +tpVF0zH47b4-00028-00009342-00009711 negative direction. So we can look at this one +tpVF0zH47b4-00029-00009711-00010032 second later and see that the car has now moved in +tpVF0zH47b4-00030-00010057-00010410 along the direction that the velocity was in and +tpVF0zH47b4-00031-00010449-00010944 the velocity has changed by the acceleration. So +tpVF0zH47b4-00032-00010974-00011286 the new position is now at plus two and a half +tpVF0zH47b4-00033-00011286-00011646 meters, and for now don't worry about how I got +tpVF0zH47b4-00034-00011646-00012099 that exact number. The velocity is at plus one +tpVF0zH47b4-00035-00012099-00012339 meters per second because the acceleration has +tpVF0zH47b4-00036-00012363-00012642 reduced that value and the acceleration is still +tpVF0zH47b4-00037-00012642-00012963 at negative one meter per second squared. So now +tpVF0zH47b4-00038-00012963-00013161 I'm going to define another term for you. I'm +tpVF0zH47b4-00039-00013161-00013452 going to define the speed and the speed is simply +tpVF0zH47b4-00040-00013455-00013763 equal to the magnitude of the velocity. In one +tpVF0zH47b4-00041-00013763-00013980 dimension you can think of it as the absolute +tpVF0zH47b4-00042-00013980-00014415 value of the velocity. So the variable is s, and +tpVF0zH47b4-00043-00014415-00014631 again the units are meters per second, just like +tpVF0zH47b4-00044-00014631-00014904 velocity. But the speed is equal to the absolute +tpVF0zH47b4-00045-00014904-00015108 value. So that means if you had a negative +tpVF0zH47b4-00046-00015108-00015341 velocity the speed would still be a positive +tpVF0zH47b4-00047-00015341-00015633 number. There are also a couple of things we can +tpVF0zH47b4-00048-00015633-00015903 talk about when it comes to how the position is +tpVF0zH47b4-00049-00015903-00016197 changing. So for example if we look at two +tpVF0zH47b4-00050-00016197-00016572 different moments in time we can think of either +tpVF0zH47b4-00051-00016629-00017034 how far the object has moved from its final +tpVF0zH47b4-00052-00017034-00017349 position to its initial position or we can also +tpVF0zH47b4-00053-00017349-00017625 think about the total distance it has moved as it +tpVF0zH47b4-00054-00017625-00017679 traveled. +tpVF0zH47b4-00055-00017883-00018054 Well basically one of those is called the +tpVF0zH47b4-00056-00018054-00018501 displacement. Displacement is simply the final +tpVF0zH47b4-00057-00018501-00018825 position minus the initial position, and the +tpVF0zH47b4-00058-00018825-00019242 variable for that is Delta X. And, for the total +tpVF0zH47b4-00059-00019242-00019659 distance traveled, the path matters. So if the +tpVF0zH47b4-00060-00019659-00019908 car goes back and forth the displacement might be +tpVF0zH47b4-00061-00019908-00020112 very small because the final position would be +tpVF0zH47b4-00062-00020112-00020430 almost the same as the initial position. But the +tpVF0zH47b4-00063-00020430-00020646 total distance traveled would be larger because +tpVF0zH47b4-00064-00020646-00020892 the car moved one direction and then it moved back. +tpVF0zH47b4-00065-00020967-00021147 In this case we can see that if the car moves +tpVF0zH47b4-00066-00021147-00021585 forward a bit and then moves back the displacement +tpVF0zH47b4-00067-00021585-00021819 in this case would be about negative three meters +tpVF0zH47b4-00068-00021825-00022140 because it started at plus one meters and it ended +tpVF0zH47b4-00069-00022140-00022365 at negative two meters. So we had negative two +tpVF0zH47b4-00070-00022365-00022740 minus one is equal to negative three meters and +tpVF0zH47b4-00071-00022740-00023013 the total distance traveled with the variable d +tpVF0zH47b4-00072-00023127-00023343 would be equal to two plus five in this case, +tpVF0zH47b4-00073-00023346-00023622 because it traveled two meters forward and then +tpVF0zH47b4-00074-00023622-00023883 five meters back. So we're adding up each +tpVF0zH47b4-00075-00023883-00024264 individual part of this car's travel. So the total +tpVF0zH47b4-00076-00024264-00024639 distance traveled then would be seven meters. And +tpVF0zH47b4-00077-00024639-00024945 we can use these terms to define some averages. +tpVF0zH47b4-00078-00025002-00025197 For example if we want to know the average +tpVF0zH47b4-00079-00025197-00025572 velocity which is given the variable V with a bar +tpVF0zH47b4-00080-00025572-00025887 over it, that would be equal to the displacement +tpVF0zH47b4-00081-00025893-00026243 over the amount of time it took. So Delta X over +tpVF0zH47b4-00082-00026244-00026724 Delta T where Delta T is the total amount of time. And +tpVF0zH47b4-00083-00026724-00026985 then the average speed which is s with a bar over +tpVF0zH47b4-00084-00026985-00027300 it, would be the total distance divided by the +tpVF0zH47b4-00085-00027300-00027392 amount of time it took. +tRyOdGF8Txu-00000-00000000-00000132 foreign +tRyOdGF8Txu-00001-00001038-00001548 if you follow me on Instagram you might have seen me wearing this gorgeous flower +tRyOdGF8Txu-00002-00001548-00002070 fairy costume by Fiori Couture it's worth three thousand dollars so definitely a luxury piece +tRyOdGF8Txu-00003-00002136-00002406 first up we have this gorgeous crown +tRyOdGF8Txu-00004-00002910-00003210 tails I love all the colors +tRyOdGF8Txu-00005-00003288-00003882 see this hidden beautiful butterfly I'm feeling very Tinkerbell right now trying this on with my +tRyOdGF8Txu-00006-00003882-00004386 hair up but the look that I have designed I'm gonna have big huge curly hair so I'm +tRyOdGF8Txu-00007-00004386-00004908 really excited to put it all together but let's just try on this Crown over my bed +tRyOdGF8Txu-00008-00005148-00005526 and you just wedge these in the back of the outfit I'm gonna have Tyler help me +tRyOdGF8Txu-00009-00005526-00005886 get ready when I'm actually filming this whole look but I wanted to try +tRyOdGF8Txu-00010-00005886-00006336 it on for you guys also I just want to wear it more than once foreign +tRyOdGF8Txu-00011-00006786-00007908 that I'm trying out the Nikon z30 there's me +tRyOdGF8Txu-00012-00008706-00009216 big mess all around but this is generally what happens when I'm filming Tyler got me +tRyOdGF8Txu-00013-00009216-00009984 a Starbucks I got the prettiest makeup from Gucci I bought this I'm not on their PR list +tRyOdGF8Txu-00014-00010566-00010998 so I have this vase makeup look on it's pretty but I think outside it's gonna get +tRyOdGF8Txu-00015-00010998-00011538 washed out so I decided to do like a fairy core Wing inspired look and as you can see +tRyOdGF8Txu-00016-00011538-00011970 this mural only covers a little bit of the wall because I'm gonna be shooting this way +tRyOdGF8Txu-00017-00011970-00012444 and I never get measurements right so I didn't know that it was going to be +tRyOdGF8Txu-00018-00012444-00012852 this tiny but it totally worked out and I actually have a photo in front of a mural +tRyOdGF8Txu-00019-00012852-00013319 just like this and I didn't even know that I bought the same one but I did and I love it +tRyOdGF8Txu-00020-00013632-00014160 foreign +tRyOdGF8Txu-00021-00014934-00015486 I accidentally deleted so many clips from the fairy shoot we only did it in like 10 minutes +tRyOdGF8Txu-00022-00015486-00016026 because there was so many bugs in the Spanish moss so if you want to do cute photos near that kind +tRyOdGF8Txu-00023-00016026-00016746 of tree maybe don't but anyways I wanted to get a haircut again and I thought I would do side bangs +tRyOdGF8Txu-00024-00016746-00017280 thinking kind of fluffy 80s Brook Shields inspired a little bit of mousy Vlog we'll +tRyOdGF8Txu-00025-00017280-00017658 see how this goes but this side of my hair as I always complain about is thinner so +tRyOdGF8Txu-00026-00017658-00018156 I don't know if I'll be able to get the like fluffiness to it that I want but hopefully we can +tRyOdGF8Txu-00027-00019302-00019878 I change my top to this very Massy ruffle top and I thought it would be fun to do a little +tRyOdGF8Txu-00028-00019878-00020448 hair reveal on Instagram so I curled it and I just love how the bangs look like it's really +tRyOdGF8Txu-00029-00020448-00020910 not that different to me anyway because I have had this haircut before but it's just a little +tRyOdGF8Txu-00030-00020910-00021468 extra fluffy and I'm so happy that I got it done shout out to Angela she's who cuts my hair and +tRyOdGF8Txu-00031-00021468-00021876 she's amazing I'll have her link down below if you're in the St Augustine or Jacksonville area +tRyOdGF8Txu-00032-00022104-00022668 put on my favorite fall fragrance I am so in love with this one I wanted to show you +tRyOdGF8Txu-00033-00022668-00023184 my new case this is the baby animals case but spooky version from velvet +tRyOdGF8Txu-00034-00023184-00023724 caviar and I got this for the Halloween season I also got a new um coffee please +tRyOdGF8Txu-00035-00023724-00024336 little thing and I've been having a great day listening to Taylor Swift on repeat of course +tRyOdGF8Txu-00036-00024504-00025032 Tyler and I are headed to St Augustine but first i'm shipping out a Poshmark package and +tRyOdGF8Txu-00037-00025032-00025584 I'm obsessed with these little cards from rifle Paper Co I got this for my birthday it's a little +tRyOdGF8Txu-00038-00025584-00026124 cartoon meme so I'm writing the card and then yeah we've been loving just trying new places to eat +tRyOdGF8Txu-00039-00026394-00027545 remember +tRyOdGF8Txu-00040-00027918-00028230 walking to Choco Latte is that we love to get a charcuterie board +tRyOdGF8Txu-00041-00028230-00028710 and some wine there and I just love being downtown I wish I went to Flagler College +tRyOdGF8Txu-00042-00028836-00029082 maybe I will one day go take up a class or something +tRyOdGF8Txu-00043-00029286-00029454 get all the fall decor +tRyOdGF8Txu-00044-00030006-00030552 the thing is huge +tRyOdGF8Txu-00045-00030552-00031392 it's on the black thing it flew in when I walked in yeah +tRyOdGF8Txu-00046-00031548-00031632 we're helping out +tRyOdGF8Txu-00047-00032166-00032610 okay now sip your wine it wasn't focused +tRyOdGF8Txu-00048-00032832-00032994 let's see if this is rxc or something +tRyOdGF8Txu-00049-00033186-00033690 can you see me through it I can see your eyes oh whoa that's crazy where are you stay there +tRyOdGF8Txu-00050-00034350-00034866 I know we'll do this next time +tRyOdGF8Txu-00051-00035124-00035790 I know I love them sandwiches cakes cheesecakes brownies um +tRyOdGF8Txu-00052-00036006-00036126 we're in a pet shop +tRyOdGF8Txu-00053-00036984-00037362 my parents just got a dog so I might pick one up for when they visit +tRyOdGF8Txu-00054-00038328-00038760 after some wine I got a coffee because I do have to pull an all-nighter for a +tRyOdGF8Txu-00055-00038760-00039240 video I made for necessary and I got compliments on my nails come on Focus +tRyOdGF8Txu-00056-00039426-00039984 come on these look so real but they are just glue on nails from Olive in June and then I +tRyOdGF8Txu-00057-00039984-00040692 painted them and they're lasting forever I keep switching the color so highly recommend good boy +tRyOdGF8Txu-00058-00040926-00041034 let's say a little bunny +tRyOdGF8Txu-00059-00041934-00042624 back with my bangs is my second day here I just have it in a claw clip and I've been doing some +tRyOdGF8Txu-00060-00042624-00043206 PR stories and this is the Buxom hot toddy collection I'm wearing it right now it smells +tRyOdGF8Txu-00061-00043206-00043896 so good it's very like cinnamon apple baked goods it's amazing I keep applying this gloss +tRyOdGF8Txu-00062-00043896-00044370 and it Tinkles but doesn't like hurt tingle it just feels kind of cooling clumping effect +tRyOdGF8Txu-00063-00044472-00045084 lots of birds and I wanted no I wanted to do something very fall in this Vlog so I'm gonna +tRyOdGF8Txu-00064-00045084-00045570 make some pumpkin cookies pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I never really bake by myself but +tRyOdGF8Txu-00065-00045570-00046440 I found this on Pinterest I have to try it made myself some peppermint tea and here is the recipe +tRyOdGF8Txu-00066-00046530-00047070 brown butter pumpkin chocolate chip cookies says the prep time is only 15 minutes which I like to +tRyOdGF8Txu-00067-00047070-00047616 hear and I pulled out a bunch of the ingredients let me make sure I have everything I need butter +tRyOdGF8Txu-00068-00047772-00048612 all-purpose white flour baking soda I just asked if baking soda was edibles +tRyOdGF8Txu-00069-00048738-00049326 the extra fall step and for chocolate a company called Miro hopefully I'm saying that right +tRyOdGF8Txu-00070-00049326-00049980 sent me a bunch of chocolate and this is all plant-based and delicious I haven't tried any +tRyOdGF8Txu-00071-00049980-00050502 of these but this it feels empty and it's open so I guess Tyler got into the peanut butter cups +tRyOdGF8Txu-00072-00050598-00051126 and they are non-GMO keto and vegan I'll have to do a taste test of this stuff +tRyOdGF8Txu-00073-00051755-00051852 for cramps right now +tRyOdGF8Txu-00074-00052086-00052734 so I will be eating a lot of these cookies when they're ready hi +tRyOdGF8Txu-00075-00053304-00053958 first up is Browning the butter but there isn't a video tutorial for this one so I I don't know a +tRyOdGF8Txu-00076-00053958-00054486 lot of like basic steps it says 10 tablespoons of butter but I can't like scoop hard butter +tRyOdGF8Txu-00077-00054702-00055332 their their lives on the bars oh my God +tRyOdGF8Txu-00078-00055488-00056105 there's like there's lines on the bar he can hear me in our room me +tRyOdGF8Txu-00079-00056105-00056478 attempting I was literally gonna take a spoon and like start scooping the hard +tRyOdGF8Txu-00080-00056478-00056867 butter never mind so I'm gonna melt this amount of butter that I cut it +tRyOdGF8Txu-00081-00057198-00057390 my saucepans on medium +tRyOdGF8Txu-00082-00057648-00057750 whoa +tRyOdGF8Txu-00083-00058140-00058902 Brown bit starts to form the bottom okay it's happening that's already happening do I already +tRyOdGF8Txu-00084-00058902-00059729 move it oh maybe oh it smells so yum I bought some mixing bowls to do this because I didn't have any +tRyOdGF8Txu-00085-00059838-00060762 medium mixing bowl pour this in add granulated sugar and brown sugar three fourths of a cup +tRyOdGF8Txu-00086-00060858-00061355 gotta use my kitty spatula +tRyOdGF8Txu-00087-00061590-00062436 I know my mom got me one but I can't locate it I'm gonna say that's about here +tRyOdGF8Txu-00088-00062891-00063048 the cramps are making me frantic +tRyOdGF8Txu-00089-00063329-00063540 I'm gonna mix it together +tRyOdGF8Txu-00090-00063786-00064014 it's pretty good +tRyOdGF8Txu-00091-00064320-00065160 oh I can wear my kitty apron my mom got me this and I'm gonna wear this as I bake +tRyOdGF8Txu-00092-00065322-00066042 cats in a small bowl whisk oh do I have a whisk +tRyOdGF8Txu-00093-00066480-00067002 So Soft 1 4 tablespoon I feel like that sad amount +tRyOdGF8Txu-00094-00067476-00067782 nutmeg 1 4. +tRyOdGF8Txu-00095-00068016-00068292 time for an egg yolk +tRyOdGF8Txu-00096-00068544-00068718 catch hard work +tRyOdGF8Txu-00097-00069144-00069612 a pumpkin in if you are looking for plant-based chocolate because they did send this over to me +tRyOdGF8Txu-00098-00069612-00070464 I have a code on screen for money off and let's add a bunch of these oh chocolatey and pumpkiny +tRyOdGF8Txu-00099-00070596-00070872 Okay add flour mixture in three batches +tRyOdGF8Txu-00100-00071448-00071514 coordination +tRyOdGF8Txu-00101-00072072-00072204 I think I did it right +tRyOdGF8Txu-00102-00072420-00072798 I will see you in 30 minutes I'm gonna let this chill in the fridge +tRyOdGF8Txu-00103-00073638-00074226 passed out so hard it is late it's dark outside um let's finish up these cookies +tRyOdGF8Txu-00104-00074406-00074616 oh my God I'm half asleep right now +tRyOdGF8Txu-00105-00075138-00075618 hi I have a question what okay I'm trying to make cookies +tRyOdGF8Txu-00106-00075726-00076206 is this is this parchment paper yeah is it okay that there's more than one +tRyOdGF8Txu-00107-00076470-00077010 okay yeah but nothing bad will happen if I simply don't you +tRyOdGF8Txu-00108-00077010-00077208 don't think they'll like smush together do ya +tRyOdGF8Txu-00109-00077490-00077874 I'm smart you're smart Okay bye bye +tRyOdGF8Txu-00110-00078252-00078312 ow +tRyOdGF8Txu-00111-00078768-00079128 there's like glass on the floor um +tRyOdGF8Txu-00112-00079386-00079986 so I did something wrong here with the paper but they look pretty good +tRyOdGF8Txu-00113-00080988-00081396 so here's my baking fail these are my first cookies okay but this is +tRyOdGF8Txu-00114-00081396-00081822 wax paper I think not parchment paper but I don't know the difference so yeah +tRyOdGF8Txu-00115-00081822-00082296 I'm scraping the cookie it's leaving quite a chunk behind but these look pretty good +tRyOdGF8Txu-00116-00082710-00083322 I just decorated this pretty vintage inspired plate with more of the Miro dark chocolate chips +tRyOdGF8Txu-00117-00083910-00084162 yeah this recipe is so good you should definitely try it +tRyOdGF8Txu-00118-00084162-00084534 I'll have it linked down below and I will see you guys in my next video +tVNl9-d7Z1k-00000-00000003-00000206 Hey want a vacation? +tVNl9-d7Z1k-00001-00000207-00000483 Send you mate somewherenice for a week.... +tVNl9-d7Z1k-00002-00000483-00000934 Funny hah.... +tVNl9-d7Z1k-00003-00001001-00001736 Hey bros and broats out there like what you are seeing? Click subscribe and like the video! +tVNl9-d7Z1k-00004-00001736-00002535 Applause on the background +tYwvPd669H4-00000-00000116-00000480 - OKAY. IF A HORMONE IS NOT A STEROID HORMONE, +tYwvPd669H4-00001-00000487-00000770 SO IT'S NOT DERIVED FROM CHOLESTEROL, +tYwvPd669H4-00002-00000777-00001007 AND IT'S NOT AN AMINO ACID HORMONE, +tYwvPd669H4-00003-00001014-00001294 SO IT'S NOT DERIVED FROM TRYPTOPHAN OR TYROSINE, +tYwvPd669H4-00004-00001301-00001651 THEN IT MUST BE A PEPTIDE HORMONE. +tYwvPd669H4-00005-00001658-00002071 AND THAT TRULY IS THE PROCESS OF ELIMINATION. +tYwvPd669H4-00006-00002078-00002342 EVERYTHING ELSE ARE PEPTIDE HORMONES. +tYwvPd669H4-00007-00002348-00002582 AND I'M GOING TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE MECHANISM. +tYwvPd669H4-00008-00002589-00003159 FIRST OF ALL, PEPTIDE HORMONES ARE LIKE ALL HORMONES. +tYwvPd669H4-00009-00003166-00003383 THEY START IN THE BLOOD. +tYwvPd669H4-00010-00003389-00003613 AND THEY ARE HYDROPHILIC. +tYwvPd669H4-00011-00003620-00003720 THEY'RE NOT-- +tYwvPd669H4-00012-00003727-00003850 THEY'RE MADE OUT OF PROTEINS, +tYwvPd669H4-00013-00003857-00004050 SO THEY'RE NOT GOING TO BE HYDROPHOBIC. +tYwvPd669H4-00014-00004057-00004180 AND, OH, MY GOSH, +tYwvPd669H4-00015-00004187-00004411 I'M HAVING A VERY HARD TIME DECIDING WHAT COLOR +tYwvPd669H4-00016-00004417-00004544 TO MAKE MY PEPTIDE HORMONE. +tYwvPd669H4-00017-00004551-00004798 I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT MY OTHER COLORS WERE. +tYwvPd669H4-00018-00004804-00005125 BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT HYDROPHOBIC, +tYwvPd669H4-00019-00005131-00005271 THEY'RE COOL WITH WATER. +tYwvPd669H4-00020-00005278-00005568 THEY'RE LIKE, 'WATER, HOMEY, LET'S HANG OUT." +tYwvPd669H4-00021-00005575-00005905 THEY DON'T NEED A CARRIER. +tYwvPd669H4-00022-00005912-00006332 SOMETIMES THEY LIKE TO BE IN A BOAT. +tYwvPd669H4-00023-00006339-00006476 SOMETIMES JUST-- +tYwvPd669H4-00024-00006483-00006759 AND I'M GOING TO PUT MY LITTLE FLAG ON THIS BOAT, +tYwvPd669H4-00025-00006766-00007040 JUST SO YOU REMEMBER IT'S A BOAT, AND NOT A RECEPTOR. +tYwvPd669H4-00026-00007046-00007370 SOMETIMES THEY LIKE THE PROTECTION OFFERED BY A BOAT, +tYwvPd669H4-00027-00007377-00007644 BUT THEY DON'T NEED A BOAT IN THE SAME WAY +tYwvPd669H4-00028-00007650-00007961 THAT A STEROID HORMONE WOULD. +tYwvPd669H4-00029-00007967-00008351 THE MECHANISM, THIS IS AWESOME, +tYwvPd669H4-00030-00008358-00009476 PEPTIDE HORMONES INITIATE A SECOND MESSENGER RESPONSE. +tYwvPd669H4-00031-00009482-00009816 AND THIS IS SOMETHING THAT WE WILL SEE AGAIN, +tYwvPd669H4-00032-00009823-00009966 AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, +tYwvPd669H4-00033-00009973-00010170 IN LOTS OF DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. +tYwvPd669H4-00034-00010176-00010276 PEPTIDE HORMONES. +tYwvPd669H4-00035-00010283-00010447 THIS IS HOW THEY-- +tYwvPd669H4-00036-00010453-00010984 THIS IS THE MECHANISM BY WHICH THEY GET A RESPONSE. +tYwvPd669H4-00037-00010990-00011117 OTHER SYSTEMS-- +tYwvPd669H4-00038-00011124-00011568 I BELIEVE SMELL INVOLVES A SECOND MESSENGER RESPONSE. +tYwvPd669H4-00039-00011574-00011948 AND SO THIS TECHNIQUE, THIS TOOL, THIS MECHANISM, +tYwvPd669H4-00040-00011955-00012148 CAN BE SEEN IN OTHER SYSTEMS. +tYwvPd669H4-00041-00012155-00012642 BUT LET'S DRAW OURSELVES A CELL, AND I'M GOING TO ILLUSTRATE +tYwvPd669H4-00042-00012649-00013279 FOR YOU WHAT A SECOND MESSENGER SYSTEM OR MECHANISM LOOKS LIKE. +tYwvPd669H4-00043-00013286-00014094 FIRST OF ALL, YOUR HORMONE IS YOUR FIRST MESSAGE. +tYwvPd669H4-00044-00014100-00014324 SO WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU RIGHT HERE? +tYwvPd669H4-00045-00014330-00014831 SOMEWHERE ALONG THE LINE WE'RE GOING TO GET A SECOND MESSAGE. +tYwvPd669H4-00046-00014838-00015015 AND HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: +tYwvPd669H4-00047-00015021-00015321 FIRST OF ALL, THE HORMONE BINDS TO THE RECEPTOR. +tYwvPd669H4-00048-00015328-00015802 THE RECEPTOR IS EMBEDDED IN THE CELL MEMBRANE. +tYwvPd669H4-00049-00015809-00016412 SO FIRST HORMONE BINDS, +tYwvPd669H4-00050-00016419-00016659 AND IT BINDS TO THE RECEPTOR. +tYwvPd669H4-00051-00016666-00017173 AND WE ALREADY KNOW THAT A KEY TOOL +tYwvPd669H4-00052-00017180-00017610 IN THE COMMUNICATION TOOLBOX IS THAT PROTEINS, +tYwvPd669H4-00053-00017617-00018178 WHEN THEY BIND TO THEIR PEOPLE, THEY CHANGE SHAPE. +tYwvPd669H4-00054-00018184-00018601 SO THE RECEPTOR, WHEN IT BINDS TO THE HORMONE, +tYwvPd669H4-00055-00018608-00018822 IT'S GOING TO CHANGE ITS SHAPE. +tYwvPd669H4-00056-00018828-00019853 AND THE ACT OF CHANGING SHAPE, RECEPTOR CHANGES SHAPE. +tYwvPd669H4-00057-00019859-00020230 THE TRIANGLE MEANS CHANGE IN WENDY-LAND. +tYwvPd669H4-00058-00020236-00020844 AND THE SHAPE CHANGE CAUSES A CASCADE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS. +tYwvPd669H4-00059-00020850-00021554 NOW, YOU CAN GO AND FIND OUT WHAT THE G PROTEIN +tYwvPd669H4-00060-00021561-00022148 AND ALL THE PROTEINS INVOLVED IN THE CASCADE, YOU CAN-- +tYwvPd669H4-00061-00022155-00022475 MOST OF THE TIME THESE THINGS ARE KNOWN. +tYwvPd669H4-00062-00022482-00022809 FOR THIS CLASS, ALL WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO DO IS KNOW THAT, +tYwvPd669H4-00063-00022816-00023039 YOU KNOW WHAT, IT'S GOING TO INITIATE A CASCADE +tYwvPd669H4-00064-00023046-00023636 OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS TO RESULT IN OUR SECOND MESSENGER. +tYwvPd669H4-00065-00023643-00024214 AND OUR SECOND MESSENGER, RECEPTOR CHANGES SHAPE, +tYwvPd669H4-00066-00024220-00025678 INITIATES A CASCADE OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS TO PRODUCE +tYwvPd669H4-00067-00025685-00026052 MY SECOND MESSAGE. +tYwvPd669H4-00068-00026059-00026563 AND IN MOST CASES, GUESS WHO MY SECOND MESSAGE IS? +tYwvPd669H4-00069-00026569-00026709 IF YOU KNOW ME, +tYwvPd669H4-00070-00026716-00027140 YOU KNOW THAT I PICK ORANGE FOR MY FAVORITE HIGH ENERGY THINGS, +tYwvPd669H4-00071-00027147-00027444 AND THIS IS RELATED TO MY VERY FAVORITE HIGH ENERGY THING, +tYwvPd669H4-00072-00027450-00027650 WHICH IS ATP. +tYwvPd669H4-00073-00027657-00027834 THIS IS SOMETHING CALLED +tYwvPd669H4-00074-00027841-00028144 CYCLIC ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE, OR CAMP. +tYwvPd669H4-00075-00028151-00028458 DO YOU WANT ME TO WRITE THAT DOWN FOR YOU? +tYwvPd669H4-00076-00028464-00028995 CYCLIC ADENOSINE, +tYwvPd669H4-00077-00029002-00029429 LIKE ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE, ATP, +tYwvPd669H4-00078-00029436-00030039 BUT IT'S ONLY MONOPHOSPHATE. FO SHO. +tYwvPd669H4-00079-00030046-00030390 CYCLIC ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE, CAMP. +tYwvPd669H4-00080-00030396-00030760 CAMP IS MY SECOND MESSAGE. +tYwvPd669H4-00081-00030767-00031311 NOW, CAMP, DEPENDING ON WHERE IT IS AND WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN, +tYwvPd669H4-00082-00031317-00031661 CAMP IS THE ENZYME OR THE-- +tYwvPd669H4-00083-00031668-00031935 CAMP ACTIVATES. +tYwvPd669H4-00084-00031941-00032782 CAMP IS THEN GOING TO ACTIVATE THE ENZYMES, +tYwvPd669H4-00085-00032789-00032936 OR WHATEVER NEEDS +tYwvPd669H4-00086-00032942-00033433 TO BE ACTIVATED TO MAKE AN ACTION HAPPEN. +tYwvPd669H4-00087-00033440-00033636 AND THEN SO NUMBER SIX, +tYwvPd669H4-00088-00033643-00033867 AND I WANTED TO DRAW, LIKE, A LITTLE ENZYME. +tYwvPd669H4-00089-00033873-00034013 OKAY. HERE I GO. READY? +tYwvPd669H4-00090-00034020-00034601 ENZYMES ALWAYS LOOK COOL, LIKE PAC-MANS, BUT WATCH THIS. +tYwvPd669H4-00091-00034607-00034824 THIS ENZYME ISN'T GOING TO WORK, +tYwvPd669H4-00092-00034831-00035385 UNLESS IT GETS SOME CAMP HOOKED UP IN THERE. +tYwvPd669H4-00093-00035391-00035668 SO WHEN CAMP HOOKS IN, +tYwvPd669H4-00094-00035675-00035979 THEN THAT ENZYME IS LIKE, "I'M A PAC-MAN." +tYwvPd669H4-00095-00035985-00036122 AND IT GOES AROUND, +tYwvPd669H4-00096-00036129-00036356 AND THIS IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS +tYwvPd669H4-00097-00036362-00036569 OF THE SECOND MESSENGER RESPONSE. +tYwvPd669H4-00098-00036576-00036880 ONE CAMP CAN GO AROUND +tYwvPd669H4-00099-00036886-00037237 AND ACTIVATE A WHOLE BUNCH OF ENZYMES. +tYwvPd669H4-00100-00037243-00037497 SO ACTUALLY, NOW THAT I'VE DRAWN IT LIKE THIS, +tYwvPd669H4-00101-00037504-00037667 IT MAKES ME THINK THAT NO, +tYwvPd669H4-00102-00037674-00037874 THAT'S NOT AN APPROPRIATE WAY TO DRAW IT, +tYwvPd669H4-00103-00037881-00038104 BECAUSE IT'S NOT LIKE THE CAMP GETS USED UP. +tYwvPd669H4-00104-00038111-00038344 THE CAMP CAN GO AROUND AND ACTIVATE, +tYwvPd669H4-00105-00038351-00038565 AND ACTIVATE, AND ACTIVATE, +tYwvPd669H4-00106-00038571-00038978 WHICH MEANS THAT A SECOND MESSENGER RESPONSE +tYwvPd669H4-00107-00038985-00039923 CAN BE AMPLIFIED. +tYwvPd669H4-00108-00039929-00040160 SO IT IS FAST. +tYwvPd669H4-00109-00040166-00040593 NOW, THAT MEANS ONE HORMONE CAN COME IN +tYwvPd669H4-00110-00040600-00041044 AND ACTIVATE 1,000 ENZYMES. +tYwvPd669H4-00111-00041050-00041354 TWO HORMONES CAN ACTIVATE 2,000 OR 5,000 +tYwvPd669H4-00112-00041361-00041654 OR 12,000 HORMONES OR ENZYMES. +tYwvPd669H4-00113-00041661-00041875 AND SO ESSENTIALLY, +tYwvPd669H4-00114-00041881-00042368 WHERE WITH THE STEROID HORMONES IF YOU WANTED ONE OUTCOME, +tYwvPd669H4-00115-00042375-00042635 YOU NEEDED TO PUT IN ONE HORMONE, +tYwvPd669H4-00116-00042642-00042792 HERE YOU PUT IN ONE HORMONE, +tYwvPd669H4-00117-00042799-00043146 AND YOU CAN GET WHOLLY MADNESS OF RESPONSE. +tYwvPd669H4-00118-00043153-00043369 AND THAT'S ONE OF THE REALLY UNIQUE THINGS. +tYwvPd669H4-00119-00043376-00043780 NOW, SINCE THE RESPONSE CAN BE AMPLIFIED, +tYwvPd669H4-00120-00043787-00044334 AND IT'S FAST, NOW THINK BACK TO THE AMINO ACID DERIVATIVES +tYwvPd669H4-00121-00044340-00044734 THAT HAD A PEPTIDE HORMONE-LIKE MECHANISM. +tYwvPd669H4-00122-00044741-00044964 THAT MEANS THAT YOUR ADRENALINE, +tYwvPd669H4-00123-00044971-00045211 YOUR EPINEPHRINE AND NOREPINEPHRINE, +tYwvPd669H4-00124-00045218-00046076 THESE GUYS HAVE A VERY FAST AND AMPLIFIABLE EFFECT ON THE CELL. +tYwvPd669H4-00125-00046082-00046332 DUDE, THAT-- PERFECT. +tYwvPd669H4-00126-00046339-00046546 THROW ONE HORMONE IN, ONE. +tYwvPd669H4-00127-00046553-00046753 I MEAN, DON'T YOU GET THAT FEELING? +tYwvPd669H4-00128-00046760-00047243 LIKE, NOW WE KNOW WHY WHEN YOU ALMOST GET INTO A CAR ACCIDENT, +tYwvPd669H4-00129-00047250-00047500 YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO BE IN THE CAR ACCIDENT. +tYwvPd669H4-00130-00047507-00047781 YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED, +tYwvPd669H4-00131-00047787-00048044 AND YOU HAVE THIS RUSH OF ADRENALINE, +tYwvPd669H4-00132-00048051-00048284 AND THE RESPONSE IS INSTANTANEOUS. +tYwvPd669H4-00133-00048291-00048518 YOUR HEART RATE INCREASES, YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE INCREASES, +tYwvPd669H4-00134-00048525-00048718 YOU START TO SWEAT, YOU START TO, LIKE, +tYwvPd669H4-00135-00048725-00048925 DILATE YOUR PUPILS TO LET MORE LIGHT IN. +tYwvPd669H4-00136-00048932-00049299 LIKE, THE RESPONSES ARE IMMEDIATE, +tYwvPd669H4-00137-00049305-00049616 AND YOU GET THAT FEELING LIKE THE STIMULUS COMES IN. +tYwvPd669H4-00138-00049622-00049829 HERE'S THE CAR ACCIDENT ABOUT TO HAPPEN, +tYwvPd669H4-00139-00049836-00050009 OR THE BEAR ABOUT TO CHASE ME, +tYwvPd669H4-00140-00050016-00050250 AND ALL OF A SUDDEN THE EFFECTERS ARE LIKE, +tYwvPd669H4-00141-00050256-00050373 "WHOA. SERIOUSLY?" +tYwvPd669H4-00142-00050380-00050590 LIKE, I DIDN'T EVEN PROCESS IN MY BRAIN +tYwvPd669H4-00143-00050597-00050870 THAT THERE WAS ACTUALLY A BEAR OVER THERE. +tYwvPd669H4-00144-00050877-00050987 AND YET EVERY-- +tYwvPd669H4-00145-00050994-00051181 ALL OF THIS ALREADY HAPPENED. +tYwvPd669H4-00146-00051187-00051401 EVIDENCE THAT THE SECOND MESSENGER +tYwvPd669H4-00147-00051408-00051634 RESPONSE IS NOT MESSING AROUND. +tYwvPd669H4-00148-00051641-00051925 THAT-- WHAT A GREAT STRATEGY. +tYwvPd669H4-00149-00051931-00052188 OKAY. WE'RE GOING TO TAKE-- +tYwvPd669H4-00150-00052195-00052382 YOU NOW HAVE SOME TOOLS. +tYwvPd669H4-00151-00052388-00052512 YOU HAVE SOME MECHANISMS +tYwvPd669H4-00152-00052519-00052732 TO UNDERSTAND DIFFERENT HORMONES AND HOW THEY ACT. +tYwvPd669H4-00153-00052739-00052976 AND WE'RE GOING TO LOOK AT SIMILAR MECHANISMS +tYwvPd669H4-00154-00052982-00053269 AND HORMONE ACTIONS ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE COURSE. +tYwvPd669H4-00155-00053276-00053510 MOST LIKELY, IN YOUR INTEGRATION PROJECT, +tYwvPd669H4-00156-00053516-00053827 YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME KIND OF HORMONAL THING GOING ON. +tYwvPd669H4-00157-00053833-00054127 SO YOU'RE PROBABLY GOING TO NEED TO BE AWARE OF, +tYwvPd669H4-00158-00054134-00054427 OR FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH, THESE PROCESSES. +tYwvPd669H4-00159-00054434-00054781 NOW WE'RE GOING TO LOOK AT, TAKE A STEP BACK, +tYwvPd669H4-00160-00054788-00055108 AND LOOK AT SOME OF THE ENDOCRINE ANATOMY, +tYwvPd669H4-00161-00055115-00055228 AND SOME SPECIFICS +tYwvPd669H4-00162-00055235-00055515 BETWEEN THE HYPOTHALAMUS AND THE PITUITARY. +tajtcHqDAAu-00000-00000236-00000512 I grew up rushing. +tajtcHqDAAu-00001-00000512-00000748 Running. +tajtcHqDAAu-00002-00000748-00001258 Thinking about college before I get to high school, planning my lifetime job +tajtcHqDAAu-00003-00001258-00001554 right after I graduate high school. +tajtcHqDAAu-00004-00001689-00002552 I had to be fast: finishing my studies, settling down on a stable job as quick as I can, so +tajtcHqDAAu-00005-00002552-00003010 that I’m not too late for, you know what. +tajtcHqDAAu-00006-00003361-00003925 Because let’s face it: I, am expiring. +tajtcHqDAAu-00007-00003925-00004217 My body is a ticking bomb. +tajtcHqDAAu-00008-00004217-00004706 I have to be defused, preferably by a perfect man, +tajtcHqDAAu-00009-00004744-00005704 because if it explodes, when it explodes, nobody will want to pick up the rubbles. +tajtcHqDAAu-00010-00006224-00006353 So I kept running. +tajtcHqDAAu-00011-00006353-00006658 Far, far away. +tajtcHqDAAu-00012-00006658-00007645 Until I am forced to stop because I had no idea where I was. +tajtcHqDAAu-00013-00009164-00010062 Thinking about it now, the ability to stop, I think is my survival tool. +tajtcHqDAAu-00014-00010502-00011193 When I stop for a moment, I can look more deeply to the experience that surrounds me, +tajtcHqDAAu-00015-00011193-00012054 rather than living my life merely as a response to anything that is thrown upon me. +tajtcHqDAAu-00016-00013034-00013958 When I stop, I can listen to myself and my body. +tajtcHqDAAu-00017-00014540-00015269 It also gives to me the agency of sight. +tajtcHqDAAu-00018-00015472-00016353 And being able to see, all that I cannot see when I’m running, +tajtcHqDAAu-00019-00016353-00017390 shows me who I am (I’m not a bomb), and where, deep in my heart, I need to be going. +tar0ppUyphU-00000-00000534-00000779 At Ellis Brigham we've been boot fitting for more than 80 years +tar0ppUyphU-00001-00000780-00001217 we pride ourselves on our expertise, professionalism and attention to detail +tar0ppUyphU-00002-00001218-00001480 we offer a huge range of the best outdoor footwear +tar0ppUyphU-00003-00001484-00001820 so wherever your destination +tar0ppUyphU-00004-00001820-00001984 whatever your mountain sport +tar0ppUyphU-00005-00001984-00002334 we're confident that you'll leave with the best footwear for you +tar0ppUyphU-00006-00002334-00002666 that's our SUREfit guarantee +tar0ppUyphU-00007-00002666-00003094 SUREfit is our in-house training program +tar0ppUyphU-00008-00003094-00003388 to ensure that we deliver the right footwear and the best fit for your outdoor adventures +tar0ppUyphU-00009-00003388-00003944 we always listen carefully to your requirements and love hearing about the adventures you're planning +tar0ppUyphU-00010-00003944-00004638 any information you give us helps us to assess which footwear is going to work best for you +tar0ppUyphU-00011-00004638-00005078 we take into account any discomfort that you've experienced with outdoor footwear in the past +tar0ppUyphU-00012-00005078-00005264 after an initial discussion +tar0ppUyphU-00013-00005264-00005758 we'll invite you to sit down and remove your shoes and socks +tar0ppUyphU-00014-00005758-00006304 measuring the feet helps us find the right size for you but it also gives us an opportunity +tar0ppUyphU-00015-00006314-00006658 to start assessing foot shape volume and stability +tar0ppUyphU-00016-00006658-00007262 looking from the back of the foot we check for any signs of instability such as excessive pronation or supination +tar0ppUyphU-00017-00007262-00007586 which could cause problems unless resolved +tar0ppUyphU-00018-00007586-00008104 supportive foot beds can make a big difference to the long-term comfort of any footwear +tar0ppUyphU-00019-00008104-00008702 reducing the risks of rubbing lower leg and knee pain and general fatigue +tar0ppUyphU-00020-00008702-00009044 it's important to wear the right sock +tar0ppUyphU-00021-00009044-00009332 outdoor socks come in a variety of thicknesses and height +tar0ppUyphU-00022-00009332-00009618 and we can recommend the optimal sock for your activity +tar0ppUyphU-00023-00009618-00009918 now that you're wearing the appropriate socks it's time to try on some boots +tar0ppUyphU-00024-00009918-00010448 we stock a wide range of models from industry leading brands offering a range of fit options +tar0ppUyphU-00025-00010448-00010850 we put together everything we've learned about the shape of your feet and the activity that you'll be doing +tar0ppUyphU-00026-00010850-00011398 to recommend boots for optimal comfort and performance +tar0ppUyphU-00027-00011398-00011854 then we encourage you to take the boots for a test walk around the store +tar0ppUyphU-00028-00011854-00012238 it's important to make sure that your foot +tar0ppUyphU-00029-00012238-00012978 is securely held within the boot with no heel slippage or toe banging +tar0ppUyphU-00030-00012978-00013650 we offer a range of boot cleaners and waxes to make sure that your group performs better and lasts longer +tc-ogPI9jko-00000-00000000-00000450 what is happening everybody we are back at the Daily Grind today with our Rough Rider +tc-ogPI9jko-00001-00000450-00000876 reserve one arm razor this thing's got more ways to open than I've got Ex-Wives +tc-ogPI9jko-00002-00000876-00001332 right there coming in with D2 tool steel on that beautiful razor blade right there +tc-ogPI9jko-00003-00001332-00001955 got G10 on the handles and carbon fiber nice anodized pivot color right there got +tc-ogPI9jko-00004-00001955-00002538 the lanyard Loop and a deep carry pocket clip liner lock again D2 on the blade steel coming +tc-ogPI9jko-00005-00002538-00003090 in at 64.99 you can pick these up in our store and on our website smkw.com [Music] +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00000-00000184-00000500 [Nicole Simonin talking] Hello everybody! +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00001-00000500-00000724 Welcome to the Shape It Up live show! +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00002-00000724-00001068 Today, we are talking about eating the wrong foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00003-00001068-00001560 Now, before you click off and think you know the answer to eating the wrong foods ... stay +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00004-00001560-00002020 with me, because you might be surprised at what I have to tell you. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00005-00002020-00002690 If anybody is on already, go ahead and click the like button or just let me know if you +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00006-00002690-00003218 can hear me loud and clear, ‘cause sometimes I don't know if anybody can hear me. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00007-00003218-00003804 Also, I apologize if I'm coughing at some point (I am human). +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00008-00003804-00003953 I think it's just allergies. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00009-00003953-00004546 If you live in New Jersey, there's a lot of pollen floating around, so sorry if I have +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00010-00004546-00004894 a coughing fit in the middle … hopefully not. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00011-00004894-00005257 Today we are talking about eating the wrong foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00012-00005257-00005919 If you have never met me before, or if you're new to Shape It Up, my name is Nicole Simonin, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00013-00005919-00006096 and I am a personal trainer. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00014-00006096-00006773 I started Shape It Up back in 2006, and before that I was a physical therapist assistant, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00015-00006773-00007398 and before that I was a professional ballet dancer. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00016-00007398-00008261 I have been helping women for the past 13 years get fit, change their lives, and keep +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00017-00008261-00008390 the weight off. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00018-00008390-00008953 What I provide is services to give you the tools you need to succeed, not just for now, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00019-00008953-00009159 but for the long-term. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00020-00009159-00009561 If you are interested in working with me, you can do so in two ways. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00021-00009561-00010188 I do online training; you can be online with me anywhere in the United States; as long +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00022-00010188-00010765 as you have an internet connection and an iPhone, you are good to go. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00023-00010765-00011375 I do have in-person training also in lovely South Jersey, but I am full on the in-person +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00024-00011375-00011925 right now ... but if you're interested in doing some online training, go to ShapeItUpFitness.com, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00025-00011925-00012267 and you can request a free consult. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00026-00012267-00012967 We can chit-chat for about 10 minutes and figure out what your goals are and if we are +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00027-00012967-00013067 a good fit. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00028-00013067-00013527 So we are going to get started on the topic today. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00029-00013527-00014000 We are talking about eating the wrong foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00030-00014000-00014453 You might be surprised because I am a personal trainer, but I don't think there are any right +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00031-00014453-00014616 or wrong foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00032-00014616-00015538 I do think there are better quality foods, but I think in this day and age it is challenging, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00033-00015538-00016240 unless you're growing your own food and know, if you're eating meat, if you have your own +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00034-00016240-00016821 way of getting meat (raising your own cattle ... raising your own chickens), the food is +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00035-00016821-00016921 processed. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00036-00016921-00017201 It's hard to get around it. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00037-00017201-00018046 But I feel you can eat pretty much anything and still have a healthy, fit body. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00038-00018046-00018854 Now there's a big “but” coming soon ... BUT you have to eat everything in moderation. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00039-00018854-00019757 If you just ate everything you desired like Twinkies and Ho Hos all day long, you're probably +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00040-00019757-00020095 not going to reach your goals ... and you're going to feel crappy because you're not getting +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00041-00020095-00020286 good quality food. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00042-00020286-00020686 It's like putting crappy gas in a Ferrari. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00043-00020686-00021415 You want to give that car the optimal fuel you need so it can run well. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00044-00021415-00022004 So calories do count, and the bottom line is if you overeat more than you’re burning +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00045-00022004-00022515 ... unless you have some sort of medical issue or if your thyroid is off ... you will lose +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00046-00022515-00023139 weight ... I'm sorry, if you overeat you will gain weight. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00047-00023139-00023530 If you eat less than you’re burning, you're going to lose weight. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00048-00023530-00024279 The problem comes in when you stop paying attention to your hunger and satiety signals, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00049-00024279-00024607 or your signals aren't firing correctly. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00050-00024607-00025026 Because our food is so processed, there are a lot of things in food that are messing with +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00051-00025026-00025650 our hormones, and they're not allowing our body to do what it's naturally supposed to +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00052-00025650-00025750 do. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00053-00025750-00026532 A little side note: back in 2010, a professor named Mark Haub ... I hope I'm pronouncing +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00054-00026532-00027091 his name correctly ... it’s H-A-U-B ... he was trying to prove a point to his class, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00055-00027091-00027485 and I believe he was an English professor or something, so it wasn't a fitness person +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00056-00027485-00028344 ... but he wanted to prove to students that calories-in versus calories-out was true. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00057-00028344-00029220 What Mr. Mark did was he ate every 3 hours, and what he ate were Twinkies ... Oreos ... and +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00058-00029220-00029438 Doritos. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00059-00029438-00030119 But he kept his caloric intake under what he was burning ... and guess what?? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00060-00030119-00030267 He lost weight. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00061-00030267-00030583 In two months, he lost 27 pounds. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00062-00030583-00031139 Now, do I recommend that you eat Twinkies, Oreos, and Doritos all day long?? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00063-00031139-00031349 No, I do not. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00064-00031349-00032160 I think the point of this is ... if you search anywhere on the internet, there are so many +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00065-00032160-00032953 different diets ... there are so many different ways to decrease your calories. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00066-00032953-00033495 I think everything is so hyped-up, and if you start diving into what's “available,” +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00067-00033495-00033979 you're going to drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what “should” you eat and +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00068-00033979-00034243 what “shouldn't” you eat. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00069-00034243-00034802 Unless you're training for a fitness competition ... or you’re training for an obstacle course +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00070-00034802-00035433 ... or a marathon or something like that ... for the average woman who just wants to lose some +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00071-00035433-00036031 inches, lose some body fat, and feel good in her own skin ... you can add in these “wrong” +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00072-00036031-00036687 foods here and there and still not have a problem. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00073-00036687-00037246 Here's what the real issue is with eating these wrong foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00074-00037246-00037802 Society has definitely made it very clear that there are bad foods and there are good +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00075-00037802-00037902 foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00076-00037902-00038541 Now again, I am not negating that per se, but I'm just saying there are definitely better-quality +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00077-00038541-00039122 foods, but it's not to say that you can't have cheese puffs every now and then if that's +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00078-00039122-00039312 what you want. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00079-00039312-00040049 Obviously, the more ideal foods are foods that contain one ingredient, which are like +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00080-00040049-00040878 chicken, apples, vegetables, broccoli ... they all have one ingredient … fish ... did I +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00081-00040878-00040978 say eggs?... +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00082-00040978-00041134 eggs is another one. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00083-00041134-00041683 Healthy fats ... avocados, nuts … now, that's an ideal situation. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00084-00041683-00042166 Unless you're growing your own vegetables and everything, you don't have that much control +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00085-00042166-00042583 over what winds up on your table. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00086-00042583-00043452 You can also do 5 or less ingredients, and that's also a good way to gauge that you're +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00087-00043452-00043932 getting more quality food. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00088-00043932-00044545 The buzzword that is around is “clean eating” … it’s kind of phasing out I think now +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00089-00044545-00045362 and it's more “whole foods,” but when you say you're eating “clean” ... a lot +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00090-00045362-00046042 of times when you say that ... it comes with a lot of emotion, and it comes up when you're +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00091-00046042-00046176 NOT eating clean. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00092-00046176-00046813 Say you are eating the “wrong foods,” then you start to feel bad ... you start to +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00093-00046813-00047313 feel guilty because you ate these foods that you had said you weren’t going to eat, and +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00094-00047313-00047552 then you start beating yourself up. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00095-00047552-00047830 That's not good either. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00096-00047830-00048553 The other thing is when you're trying to resist those “wrong foods” or those not-clean +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00097-00048553-00049377 foods or not-whole foods ... when you start resisting that's ... you only have so much +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00098-00049377-00050185 willpower, and it feels not good ... it feels pretty crappy, and when that happens and you +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00099-00050185-00050870 can't hold out any longer, and you cave because now you're eating these forbidden foods ... this +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00100-00050870-00051081 mental cycle starts going. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00101-00051081-00051374 And that’s not a good place to be in. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00102-00051374-00051786 I know, I have been there back in the day. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00103-00051786-00051951 It's very unsettling. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00104-00051951-00052475 You feel very out-of-control, and you just feel like there's something wrong with you. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00105-00052475-00053317 I hear you on this, and for the longest time, I would dig my heels in, because as a ballet +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00106-00053317-00054025 dancer, it was ingrained in us that you literally just don't eat, and then we would have our +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00107-00054025-00054592 show, and then after the show, we went out to eat, and you ate everything, you ordered +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00108-00054592-00055233 two appetizers, main meal, and dessert ... whatever ... drinks … and you went overboard ... and +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00109-00055233-00055761 then the following week, you would be back on that path where we just don't eat as much. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00110-00055761-00056207 I don't recommend that path. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00111-00056207-00056885 And if you know me well, you may hear me talk about doughnuts or Cinnabon rolls at some +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00112-00056885-00057054 point. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00113-00057054-00058080 Doughnuts and Cinnabons, they are like my kryptonite, that and vanilla cake. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00114-00058080-00058713 I'm much better now, but when you know your thing is doughnuts, and they're sitting in +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00115-00058713-00059300 front of you, and you just can't hold out any more ... a lot of times you just eat a +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00116-00059300-00059629 bunch of doughnuts, so that's not healthy either. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00117-00059629-00060624 It's better to eat one doughnut a day rather than eat six doughnuts in one shot. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00118-00060624-00061019 Certain foods do have a chemical response to our body. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00119-00061019-00061518 The two big ones are ... can you guess?? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00120-00061518-00061657 Flour and sugar. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00121-00061657-00062075 Which is in everything pretty much. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00122-00062075-00062797 They are disrupting our hormonal balance, especially us women, and a lot of the time, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00123-00062797-00063341 they're disrupting our hunger and satiety signals from those hormones. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00124-00063341-00064001 My recommendation is if you are just starting out on your weight loss goal or if you're +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00125-00064001-00064348 struggling, ditch the flour and sugar for about a month. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00126-00064348-00065033 It doesn't mean you can't have them ever again, but get rid of them for at least a month to +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00127-00065033-00065248 see how you feel. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00128-00065248-00065639 Then once you get where you want to be, or after a month, slowly add them in and see +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00129-00065639-00065887 what happens. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00130-00065887-00066481 The biggest reasons why I suggest this are you are eliminating sugar and flour, you’re +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00131-00066481-00066963 hopefully going to reset your hormones a little bit, so you can get those signals that you're +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00132-00066963-00067236 hungry and full. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00133-00067236-00067542 Your taste buds are also going to change. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00134-00067542-00068105 It's amazing how, when you change your food, your palate and your taste actually change +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00135-00068105-00068523 a lot ... so once you get rid of that sugar … I don't know if it'll happen in a month +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00136-00068523-00069423 for you ... but if you pull that out, you'll be amazed at how sweet things are, and how +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00137-00069423-00070072 overly sweet everything is once you take that out for a while. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00138-00070072-00070489 The biggest thing about cutting out sugar and flour ... and most of you probably as +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00139-00070489-00070964 soon as I said that you probably freaked out and were like, “I can't give up flour and +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00140-00070964-00071813 sugar!”, but when you do, be aware of what thoughts and emotions are coming up in your +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00141-00071813-00072536 head when you get rid of that, because a lot of us are very attached to sugar and flour +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00142-00072536-00073306 ... and a lot of times I think we gravitate towards it when you’re stressed, when you’re +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00143-00073306-00073723 bored, when you're having a good day, when you want to celebrate ... those kinds of things. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00144-00073723-00074567 That is definitely more emotional eating ... so understanding why you are mindlessly eating +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00145-00074567-00075089 on flour and sugar and why you're grabbing those certain foods … it's very eye-opening. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00146-00075089-00075760 If you do cut out sugar and flour, get a notebook and write down what thoughts come to mind +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00147-00075760-00076180 as you're going through that process. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00148-00076180-00076368 Is it hard to cut out sugar and flour?? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00149-00076368-00076497 Ahh -- yeah! +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00150-00076497-00076625 Very hard. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00151-00076625-00076970 I am definitely a recovering carboholic. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00152-00076970-00077641 Back when I was dancing ... and I didn't know what I know now ... my eating habits were +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00153-00077641-00077741 not good. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00154-00077741-00078093 I would eat tons and tons of bread. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00155-00078093-00078408 I don't think I knew what protein was. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00156-00078408-00078901 I had no concept of that. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00157-00078901-00080050 It's taken me a while ... like I said, I am very much a doughnut person, and when my husband +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00158-00080050-00080629 used to bring home a lot of doughnuts ... not just like a dozen, like A LOT of my favorite +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00159-00080629-00081176 doughnuts ... I swear to you those doughnuts would call to me in another room and say, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00160-00081176-00081355 “come eat me ... come eat me!” +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00161-00081355-00082020 Now, I'm at the point where, pretty much you can put a doughnut in front of me, and I can +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00162-00082020-00082242 choose whether I want to eat that or not. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00163-00082242-00082610 I don't feel like the doughnut is in control of me. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00164-00082610-00083161 I am in control of my choices of what I want to eat. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00165-00083161-00083599 So how do you fit in the wrong types of food? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00166-00083599-00084118 If you are just starting out on your fat loss journey ... say for instance you're eating +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00167-00084118-00084724 20 Oreos a night, what I would suggest is ... you can go cold turkey ... some people +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00168-00084724-00085091 are very good at that, but most people go cold turkey, and then they wind up bingeing +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00169-00085091-00085742 ... but you can start off with instead of 20 Oreos, come down to 15, and do that for +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00170-00085742-00086347 a week or even two ... whatever you're comfortable with … and then cut it down even more, so +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00171-00086347-00086762 then 10 Oreo cookies, and then keep cutting it down until maybe one a day … you’re +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00172-00086762-00087883 good with that. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00173-00087883-00088614 So I was talking to you about how eating ideally one ingredient like chicken and broccoli and +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00174-00088614-00089387 all that stuff is ideal ... back in the day, when I was little, my father owned a convenience +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00175-00089387-00090148 store like a Wawa is now, but we had video rentals and pizza and ice cream and all this +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00176-00090148-00090651 other stuff ... but he used to have Entenmann's doughnuts. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00177-00090651-00091093 I would eat the Entenmann's Pop'ems ... I think they're still around; I’m not sure +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00178-00091093-00091344 ... I used to eat them as a kid. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00179-00091344-00091824 Then many, many years later, I hadn't had them for a long time ... I'm talking in my +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00180-00091824-00092420 30s when I had learned about health and fitness and started eating better … for some reason, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00181-00092420-00092954 I had them or they were at a party or something, and I ate one, and it was the most disgusting +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00182-00092954-00093054 thing I've ever eaten. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00183-00093054-00093392 It felt like I'd had fur and chemicals on my tongue. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00184-00093392-00093794 So your taste buds do change when you change your palate. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00185-00093794-00093894 Stick with it. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00186-00093894-00093994 It may take some time. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00187-00093994-00094632 The things that you thought you liked, you may not like them in the future ... which +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00188-00094632-00094914 is a good thing. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00189-00094914-00095568 The other option you can do is … if you like burgers or cheesesteaks or something +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00190-00095568-00096431 like that, instead of having a regular-size, make sliders, cut down your portion size. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00191-00096431-00097414 And if you're eating vegetables and meats, you know that looks visually bigger like you're +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00192-00097414-00098188 eating more food than if you're eating a normal-size portion of a cheesesteak or a burger, so keep +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00193-00098188-00098849 that in mind when you do smaller portions … a way to fit in the wrong foods is to +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00194-00098849-00099736 do smaller portions of your favorite foods. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00195-00099736-00100530 I'm not debating that there's better food because, like I said, there are better quality +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00196-00100530-00101036 foods out there, but you can still lose inches, and you can still keep your favorite foods +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00197-00101036-00101648 in the picture, just maybe not as often as you are eating them now, or do smaller portions +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00198-00101648-00101794 of them. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00199-00101794-00102348 If you also have been following me for some time, you know that last year, it’s almost +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00200-00102348-00103110 been two years now, I have had a goal to do a fitness contest, and that is still on the +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00201-00103110-00103210 table. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00202-00103210-00103642 I'm still working towards it, but one of the things that I wanted to do last year was to +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00203-00103642-00104317 eat ice cream every night while I was on this fitness contest journey, and while I was on +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00204-00104317-00104700 it, I was losing weight, and I was eating ice cream every night, so there in itself, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00205-00104700-00105257 that means you can lose weight and still progress to your goals. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00206-00105257-00105647 The reason why I stopped was because I was having digestive issues and found out I was +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00207-00105647-00106008 lactose intolerant, so there went the ice cream. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00208-00106008-00106613 So the bottom line is that yes, there are better quality foods, but you can absolutely +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00209-00106613-00107384 fit in those wrong types of foods like your processed foods, and you can still keep progressing +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00210-00107384-00108200 onto your goals, as long as you're eating less than what you are burning. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00211-00108200-00108783 Does anybody have any questions? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00212-00108783-00109656 While I'm waiting for any questions, you can check out ShapeItUpFitness, so if you miss +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00213-00109656-00110151 this video, if you're catching it on the rebroadcast, or if you've missed another Shape It Up live +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00214-00110151-00110952 video, I broadcast them every Wednesday at noon Eastern time, and if you miss one, you +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00215-00110952-00111597 can definitely get on my email list … go to ShapeItUpFitness.com and request an eBook, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00216-00111597-00111896 and you'll get on the email list. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00217-00111896-00112645 You can also check out some of the older live videos either on the Facebook feed or on YouTube +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00218-00112645-00112923 or on ShapeItUpFitness. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00219-00112923-00113386 So I do not see any questions coming in. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00220-00113386-00114307 I see Kim is here, and Diane is here, and Vic is here, and Vic did it for a month-and-a-half +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00221-00114307-00114963 and felt great, and it was hard at first, but then it became easy to do. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00222-00114963-00115063 That's good. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00223-00115063-00115285 That's all good. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00224-00115285-00115399 I am going to wrap it up. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00225-00115399-00115917 If you do have any questions after this broadcast, you can feel free to put it in the comment +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00226-00115917-00116017 section. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00227-00116017-00116626 I do go back and answer any questions you have, or you can post it on the Facebook page +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00228-00116626-00117235 as well, and join me next week on Wednesday at noon for the next Shape It Up live video. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00229-00117235-00117633 Wait a second, we got somebody popping on. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00230-00117633-00118176 Suzanne: when you suggest eating a diet without sugar or flour, does that mean absolutely +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00231-00118176-00118458 no sugar or flour? +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00232-00118458-00119034 Yes, that includes gluten-free, ‘cause they are still flours. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00233-00119034-00119584 Anything that raises your blood sugar should be eliminated, and you're going to be surprised +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00234-00119584-00119945 because there are a lot of toothpastes out there that have sugar in them. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00235-00119945-00120108 Ketchup has sugar in it. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00236-00120108-00120473 Spaghetti sauce has sugar in it. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00237-00120473-00120915 There's lots and lots of sugar floating around. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00238-00120915-00121376 Before you ask about artificial sweeteners, I definitely think you shouldn't use those +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00239-00121376-00121476 either. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00240-00121476-00121605 They trigger the same response. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00241-00121605-00122052 Even though they say they don't raise the blood sugar, I think it's the taste that triggers +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00242-00122052-00122629 that … if you have a little bit of sugar, you're going to want more sugar, so that includes +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00243-00122629-00122753 Stevia. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00244-00122753-00122983 Splenda is in everything. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00245-00122983-00123846 If you look at your labels and you see “sucralose” with an “L,” that has Splenda in it. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00246-00123846-00124120 That is Splenda’s original name. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00247-00124120-00124591 If you see “sucrose” with no “L,” that's just table sugar. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00248-00124591-00125090 So Suzanne, no sugar, no flour. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00249-00125090-00125667 The other thing too is with fruit, if you're doing no sugar, no flour, I would eliminate +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00250-00125667-00125916 fruit for the month, too, because it's sugar. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00251-00125916-00126611 It's about keeping those blood sugar levels the same throughout the day and not spiking +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00252-00126611-00126717 them up. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00253-00126717-00126817 It's just for a month. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00254-00126817-00127388 I do think fruit has good minerals and vitamins and everything, and I don't think you should +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00255-00127388-00127488 NOT eat them. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00256-00127488-00127810 I just think we eat way too many. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00257-00127810-00128233 You should have one serving of fruit per day because of sugar. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00258-00128233-00128721 Suzanne, let me know if that answered your question completely. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00259-00128721-00129474 I know there's a slight delay on the video, so when I'm speaking and asking for questions, +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00260-00129474-00130059 sometimes it takes a while, so I'm going to give it another second, and if there are no +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00261-00130059-00130324 other questions, we will wrap it up. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00262-00130324-00130996 Like I said, if you do have a question later on, you can always hop onto the Facebook on +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00263-00130996-00131424 Shape It Up and ask. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00264-00131424-00131889 If you are liking the videos that I'm putting out, please let me know. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00265-00131889-00132805 Like the Shake it Up page, and make sure you share it with a friend if you were enjoying +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00266-00132805-00133116 the information. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00267-00133116-00133725 If you have a suggestion for a video, I know I posted a question a couple days ago, for +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00268-00133725-00134231 any topics like any struggles that you're having, feel free to send that to me as well. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00269-00134231-00134797 I am always open for suggestions and topics. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00270-00134797-00135225 I do not see any other questions coming in, so I'm going to wrap it up for today. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00271-00135225-00135690 Thank you guys so much for being here, and I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00272-00135690-00135892 see you next Wednesday at noon. +tdoJ8Tyxf7E-00273-00135892-00135982 Take care. +tfGhh94wFLU-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing Stress Relief Music +tglb6oYqlwE-00000-00000335-00000521 Intro +tglb6oYqlwE-00001-00000967-00001270 Verse 1 16 bars +tglb6oYqlwE-00002-00004717-00004917 Chorus +tglb6oYqlwE-00003-00006582-00006866 Verse 2 20 bars +tglb6oYqlwE-00004-00011292-00011572 Chorus +tglb6oYqlwE-00005-00013200-00013430 Verse 3 16 bars +tglb6oYqlwE-00006-00016955-00017285 Bridge +tglb6oYqlwE-00007-00018832-00019078 Last Chorus +tiCHUeVGQvu-00000-00000103-00000601 I'm going to keep this very brief. Interest in this topic is waning except for a few very +tiCHUeVGQvu-00001-00000601-00001065 specific people who seem to want to keep the debate alive. I've somehow gotten tangled +tiCHUeVGQvu-00002-00001065-00001278 up in this, and I want to make my position clear. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00003-00001278-00001795 Thunderf00t keeps coming under fire by people critical of how he chose to protest what I'm +tiCHUeVGQvu-00004-00001795-00002406 going to call "Islam-inspired censorship". Acts of violence around the world that have +tiCHUeVGQvu-00005-00002406-00002929 served to suppress the expression of any message that is offensive to Islam, or critical of +tiCHUeVGQvu-00006-00002929-00003029 Islam. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00007-00003029-00003129 Artists were killed in the aftermath of depictions of Mohammed. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00008-00003129-00003542 Cartoons in the US were prevented from being aired for fear of generating more such violence. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00009-00003542-00004119 A hick preacher in Florida burned a Qur'an and violence and rioting resulted in the deaths +tiCHUeVGQvu-00010-00004119-00004330 of innocents. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00011-00004330-00004973 This IS a real threat to free speech. Not that we'll be invaded, or that Islamic guerillas +tiCHUeVGQvu-00012-00004973-00005580 will storm the New York Times, but that we'll start to censor ourselves, to avoid topics +tiCHUeVGQvu-00013-00005580-00006201 controversial to Muslims because it might result in loss of innocent life. The moment +tiCHUeVGQvu-00014-00006201-00006700 we put limits on our expression because of the fear of violence, or even some sort of +tiCHUeVGQvu-00015-00006700-00007270 pragmatic concern of geopolitics, we've given up some of our freedom. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00016-00007270-00008109 Fear. Fear of violence. Fear of offense. Fear of being called racist. Fear of being associated +tiCHUeVGQvu-00017-00008109-00008797 with white supremacists. Fear of harming someone else's agenda. It's all based on an apprehension +tiCHUeVGQvu-00018-00008797-00009481 of some harm, something we ought not to do. I don't think free speech can suffer much +tiCHUeVGQvu-00019-00009481-00010215 abridgement of this sort. If it must be carefully prescribed, strategically withheld, it's simply +tiCHUeVGQvu-00020-00010215-00010486 not free anymore. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00021-00010486-00011096 I am not a racist, not that it matters since Islam is not a race. I am not anti-Muslim. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00022-00011096-00011809 What someone thinks or believes or chooses to observe is their business. I am not an +tiCHUeVGQvu-00023-00011809-00012293 anti-theist. I am not opposed to private religious beliefs. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00024-00012293-00012888 I am a member of a secular society. I believe that I have a right to live without others +tiCHUeVGQvu-00025-00012888-00013381 imposing their religious beliefs on me. If someone tells me that my free speech does +tiCHUeVGQvu-00026-00013381-00014125 not extend to include any message they find religiously offensive, I will politely disagree. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00027-00014125-00014754 If they threaten me to prevent my free exercise, I would hope I would have the courage to defy +tiCHUeVGQvu-00028-00014754-00015018 them openly. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00029-00015018-00015490 Some people are saying that drawing Mohammed is the wrong thing to do, because it advances +tiCHUeVGQvu-00030-00015490-00016190 a narrative used by instigators of Islam-inspired violence. They propose instead a sort of general +tiCHUeVGQvu-00031-00016190-00016901 exercise of free speech. This misses the point. One opposes censorship by defying what is +tiCHUeVGQvu-00032-00016901-00017473 prohibited. If someone tells you that you may not do a thing, the only protest with +tiCHUeVGQvu-00033-00017473-00017823 meaning is doing that thing. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00034-00017823-00018415 We don't have to fall for reverse psychology. We needn't allow ourselves to be manipulated, +tiCHUeVGQvu-00035-00018415-00019098 but I don't doubt the sincerity of the threats being made here. It is simply not okay for +tiCHUeVGQvu-00036-00019098-00019711 elements within Islam to prevent the world from drawing a picture and calling it Mohammed. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00037-00019711-00020294 They may not prevent me from saying or doing things which they find offensive. The moment +tiCHUeVGQvu-00038-00020294-00020718 their influence extends to the free world it is no longer free. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00039-00020718-00021445 I risk little or nothing by my participation in free speech protests on the Internet. I +tiCHUeVGQvu-00040-00021445-00021979 can't compare what I do to the much braver souls who came before me. People who passively +tiCHUeVGQvu-00041-00021979-00022468 resisted attempts to deny civil rights to a group of people. They put their lives, their +tiCHUeVGQvu-00042-00022468-00023040 bodies and their freedom on the line. I don't have that kind of bravery. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00043-00023040-00023670 These protests were not as I would have designed them. But the very least I can do is to participate, +tiCHUeVGQvu-00044-00023670-00024229 to add my voice to the thousands of other voices that attempt to speak out when injustice +tiCHUeVGQvu-00045-00024229-00024776 is being done, when artists live in fear, or are censored by well-meaning publishers +tiCHUeVGQvu-00046-00024776-00025006 of media. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00047-00025006-00025518 If I'm supporting a narrative that will be siezed upon by instigators of violence, I +tiCHUeVGQvu-00048-00025518-00026166 regret that, but I can't let that concern have a higher priority than my exercise of +tiCHUeVGQvu-00049-00026166-00027130 civil rights. Strategic silence is still silence. Strategic compliance is still compliance. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00050-00027130-00027802 Responding to threats with acquiescence only invites further threats. It is impossible +tiCHUeVGQvu-00051-00027802-00028547 for a diverse and free society to avoid giving offense to certain elements in Islam. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00052-00028547-00029188 It's true that what we are doing is inflammatory, provocative, and intentionally so, but what +tiCHUeVGQvu-00053-00029188-00029800 differentiates it from the words of a braggard or bully is that it is in response to a specific +tiCHUeVGQvu-00054-00029800-00030510 threat or prohibition. It is an act in defense of something under attack: our right to draw +tiCHUeVGQvu-00055-00030510-00030908 religious icons in a secular society. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00056-00030908-00031458 You cannot defend that right without drawing the prohibited items. Softer protests, like +tiCHUeVGQvu-00057-00031458-00032041 a general display of free speech, do not accomplish the same goal, as they aren't an exercise +tiCHUeVGQvu-00058-00032041-00032183 of the rights under attack. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00059-00032183-00032769 A lot of critics want to focus on the real reason for Islamic anger in the Middle East: +tiCHUeVGQvu-00060-00032769-00033424 frequent wars with the West, Western intervention in local affairs, economic and political unrest, +tiCHUeVGQvu-00061-00033424-00034097 social pollution, take your pick. I'm afraid that no matter how justified someone's strongly +tiCHUeVGQvu-00062-00034097-00034688 held views are, or their level of dissatisfaction, that doesn't change my commitment to free +tiCHUeVGQvu-00063-00034688-00035358 speech. I have a right not to live under Islamic law, even if my country is the cause of a +tiCHUeVGQvu-00064-00035358-00035458 lot of your suffering. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00065-00035458-00036265 I want to draw a simple parallel, flag-burning. I am very uncomfortable with the burning of +tiCHUeVGQvu-00066-00036265-00036888 the US flag, simply because it's loaded with some very powerful imagery for me, it seems +tiCHUeVGQvu-00067-00036888-00037484 offensive to the women and men who died defending the flag, and it's associated with anti-American +tiCHUeVGQvu-00068-00037484-00038052 sentiment. It makes me a little queasy to see someone setting a US flag on fire anywhere +tiCHUeVGQvu-00069-00038052-00038678 in the world, but I have to stop and remind myself that the right to burn a flag is key +tiCHUeVGQvu-00070-00038678-00039061 to what rights make the US worth defending. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00071-00039061-00039504 It could be that burning the flag will turn people against you, harm your cause, and get +tiCHUeVGQvu-00072-00039504-00040066 people angry enough to yell or throw things. You might be associated with anti-American +tiCHUeVGQvu-00073-00040066-00040647 elements. Does that mean we should just draw pictures of burning flags instead? Should +tiCHUeVGQvu-00074-00040647-00041075 we let these things separate us from our free expression? +tiCHUeVGQvu-00075-00041075-00041612 Another simple example: gay pride parades are sometimes criticized within the gay community +tiCHUeVGQvu-00076-00041612-00042106 as supporting a narrative harmful to the gay rights movement. Perhaps they should tone +tiCHUeVGQvu-00077-00042106-00042697 it down, critics say, so that gay people can be seen as more mainstream, more accepted. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00078-00042697-00043425 Certain parades are very offensive to community standards, or it's just too offensive or in-your-face. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00079-00043425-00044056 I disagree. I think pride parades are important to the soul of that movement, both in visibility +tiCHUeVGQvu-00080-00044056-00044613 to the community, and to the principles of what they are trying to accomplish. Refusing +tiCHUeVGQvu-00081-00044613-00045197 to tone down who and what they are, they are raising their visibility instead of diminishing +tiCHUeVGQvu-00082-00045197-00045850 it. They are confronting their opponents instead of remaining strategically in the background. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00083-00045850-00046481 I think we need a similar strategy in secular circles. We should be out and open about our +tiCHUeVGQvu-00084-00046481-00047059 opposition to censorship. We should celebrate what about secularity makes it worth defending. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00085-00047059-00047859 I certainly don't think this is a simple issue. I think free speech is worth defending. Islam +tiCHUeVGQvu-00086-00047859-00048390 is a particular threat to the culture I live in because it's influence is very active and +tiCHUeVGQvu-00087-00048390-00049068 in the news. China and North Korea are other big censors, but I can burn a Chinese flag +tiCHUeVGQvu-00088-00049068-00049744 or draw Chairman Mao without fear of consequence. Trey Parker and Matt Stone can make a movie +tiCHUeVGQvu-00089-00049744-00050371 mercilessly mocking Kim Jong Il. I can burn a hard drive with Bibles on it, or the Bagavad +tiCHUeVGQvu-00090-00050371-00051128 Ghita, or the writings of Confucious. No-one would bat an eye. It's not that Islam is somehow +tiCHUeVGQvu-00091-00051128-00051729 evil, it's that when I flip through the list of censored works, murdered artists and taboo +tiCHUeVGQvu-00092-00051729-00051972 subjects, it keeps coming up. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00093-00051972-00052602 If the Buddhists want to start some crap, I'll be all over Everybody Draw Buddha Day. +tiCHUeVGQvu-00094-00052602-00052748 Thanks for watching. +tiNj6c2nZR4-00000-00001294-00003924 Spicy Makhana Snacks - Healthy and Low calorie snack +tiNj6c2nZR4-00002-00014068-00015119 Sprinkle Pepper and Salt +tiNj6c2nZR4-00003-00015119-00016258 Spicy Makhana is ready and you can also add other nuts and spices to enhance the taste +tiNj6c2nZR4-00004-00016266-00017120 Now for Sweet Makhana +tiNj6c2nZR4-00006-00027558-00029616 Now in the same pan add 2 ladle of Brown Sugar / White Sugar / Jaggery and 1/4 cup water and mix well +tiNj6c2nZR4-00008-00036092-00036850 Add nuts of your choice. Here I added Pumpkin seeds +tiNj6c2nZR4-00009-00036850-00037366 Spicy Makhana and Sweet Makhana is ready. Tasty snack recipe +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00000-00004208-00005008 Welcome to Decocasual, today we present a very nice kitchen that I have loved since I think it has been a very elegant kitchen +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00001-00005008-00005208 First let's talk about the range of colors +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00002-00005208-00005480 After pavements, coatings and countertops +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00003-00005480-00005896 Appliances, and finally the auxiliary real estate +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00004-00005932-00006498 The range of colors since 2018 is completely white and is outdated +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00005-00006498-00007250 White is a very easy color to combine and it is still accepted as one more color of the kitchen +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00006-00007250-00007768 You can put a white piece of furniture, but always combining it with another color finish +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00007-00007823-00009076 In this case we have gone further, in the end it costs the same money to make an old-fashioned kitchen than a more fashionable one +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00008-00009120-00009888 In this kitchen we combine a smooth gray door with a bit of brown, and a door in toasted wood +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00009-00009928-00010980 The trend in smooth doors currently are dark tones, depending on how brave the client is, his kitchen will be more fashionable +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00010-00011016-00012596 In wood is no longer the best natural wood or blond wood that goes to the yellow, but it is much better a toasted wood chocolate tones, at least with 80% cocoa +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00011-00012919-00013541 So those two colors are the protagonists of this kitchen and the rest revolves around +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00012-00013541-00015884 The countertop is colored sand called "camel" smooth, very elegant because it has no drawing and is great when the kitchen is clean because in smooth finishes you can see dirt before +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00013-00015996-00017256 As for the flooring is a 60x60 tile in rectified porcelain with a tinted finish that allows us to have a very damaged floor since you do not see dirt quickly +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00014-00017256-00017936 The coating is seamless, continuous and without skirting +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00015-00017936-00019448 It has been made in tune with the range of colors for a perfect finish, it is the lightest color of all as it is very present in the kitchen +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00016-00019664-00019916 We also have to talk about the "Golas and Zocalos" +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00017-00019996-00021092 The "Gola" is the element placed on the furniture of the door to open it, both are in a very dark chocolate Italian color +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00018-00021092-00023304 For example if we put a "Gola" of this color in a white kitchen it will look black, but the detail that it has of brown helps us to fit perfectly with the rest of the kitchen +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00019-00023480-00025584 The legs of the auxiliary furniture are in black color which is the color that allows us to unite the rest of the kitchen elements such as the table, chairs, handles, ... +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00020-00026904-00028144 Regarding kitchen appliances, the black tap should be highlighted, just like the elements we have named before +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00021-00028327-00029316 The sink in sand tone lighter than the counter so that contrast, very nice without rim around the drain and the valve is hidden +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00022-00029544-00031568 They are synthetic sinks where the plastic material is minimal so it has a long useful life unlike the sinks with plastic materials that wear out and deteriorate before +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00023-00031652-00032388 The refrigerator is integrated, a combi with three drawers in the freezer +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00024-00032388-00032850 Note the oven, compact with microwave included +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00025-00032850-00033784 In the market they are called "microwave oven" to every appliance with a door like an oven +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00026-00033784-00034972 inside those appliances you can find very powerful microwaves and then an oven like this one that also has a microwave function +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00027-00035040-00035488 The difference is very important +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00028-00035488-00036926 this oven has no revolving base like any normal microwave and the oven does not have a "GRILL" function of 1700W above +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00029-00036926-00037306 but it has "convection", "grill", ... +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00030-00037306-00037608 So it has a good oven and a good microwave at the same time +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00031-00037756-00039152 It should be noted that the color is also black, has a somewhat higher cost than the standard version but is pure quality +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00032-00039152-00040368 What I like the most is its brushed steel handle as you can see and it's very pretty +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00033-00040532-00040724 The kitchen has a washing machine, a plate, ... +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00034-00040724-00041638 The washing machine is integrated 8Kg 1200rpm, 7Kg are already somewhat outdated +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00035-00041808-00042808 The hood is integrated with visor and good features since with the auxiliary furniture it is necessary that the hood has good extraction benefits +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00036-00042900-00044456 In the auxiliary furniture by "Barbed Selection", there are 3 very exclusive leather and leather finishing chairs that look great with the kitchen +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00037-00044504-00046750 The table is 90 in diameter with an oversized leg in the center to be very stable since the floor is porcelain and it would not be a good idea for the table to fall ... +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00038-00046788-00048470 It is better an excess of leg than the opposite, below It has 7 smaller legs with its individual regulation so that the table is perfectly straight +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00039-00048584-00049084 To finish we would have to talk about the lighting and the open decorative elements +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00040-00049084-00050096 in this kitchen these elements are not only decorative but they are practical since the client has decided to put the dishes there +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00041-00050096-00051367 It is not going to have problem to have dust and of course the crockery has been chosen according to the rest of the kitchen +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00042-00051716-00052928 The lighting is particular because there are only 2 sources of light, the lamp above the lamp gives light up and down +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00043-00052928-00053444 and an LED line that is under the tall furniture and inside the decorative elements +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00044-00053444-00054546 So to cook with the LEDs has a perfect light and to eat you have the suspended lamp +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00045-00054600-00055279 However in this kitchen there is not so good lighting inside the cabinets, the light always comes from rebound +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00046-00055279-00057102 it was a decision of the client who has that problem but also an advantage that at night with the color temperature is very beautiful when you are cooking +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00047-00057248-00058379 The color temperature has been designed according to the kitchen, in the market you can find generally white LEDs +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00048-00058379-00058840 and then you have this one that you can regulate the temperature of the color +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00049-00058932-00060422 This is already in the market for a long time, but the really special thing is that the bulb of the lamp is WIFI and you can regulate the temperature also with an App +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00050-00060496-00061696 When the lighting was installed in this kitchen, the first thing that was done was to set the color temperature according to the kitchen tones +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00051-00061696-00063190 So we did match the temperature of the LEDs with the bulb +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00052-00063190-00064076 So you have a perfect color temperature, and also matches the 2 light sources +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00053-00064096-00066100 What a beautiful and elegant kitchen! It costs the same to make a more modern kitchen, than one that has gone out of style 5 years ago ... It's a matter of taste +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00054-00066192-00066716 If you want to continue watching our videos, do not forget to subscribe to the channel and if you liked the kitchen click on the "Like" button +tj8qJv0w1Jk-00055-00066716-00066956 See you in the next kitchen, see you soon! +tjsILmhX9TY-00000-00000664-00001617 BREAKING: Trump Announces Men Who Will Pray at Inauguration� America LOVES It. +tjsILmhX9TY-00001-00001617-00002142 The Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, and Protestant evangelist Franklin +tjsILmhX9TY-00002-00002142-00002655 Graham have both agreed to read Scripture during President-elect Donald Trump�s inauguration +tjsILmhX9TY-00003-00002655-00002897 on Jan. 20. +tjsILmhX9TY-00004-00002897-00003375 The choice of Cardinal Dolan was especially interesting, considering that during the campaign +tjsILmhX9TY-00005-00003375-00004009 he prominently spoke out against Donald Trump�s comments about Syrian refugees, Mexicans and +tjsILmhX9TY-00006-00004009-00004112 Muslims. +tjsILmhX9TY-00007-00004112-00004580 Now he has stated that he will be honored to pray during the ceremony inaugurating Trump +tjsILmhX9TY-00008-00004580-00004811 as our nation�s 45th president. +tjsILmhX9TY-00009-00004811-00005405 �I am honored to have been asked to offer a reading from Scripture at the upcoming presidential +tjsILmhX9TY-00010-00005405-00005916 inauguration, and look forward to asking Almighty God to inspire and guide our new president +tjsILmhX9TY-00011-00005916-00006400 and to continue to bless our great nation,� Dolan said in a statement. +tjsILmhX9TY-00012-00006400-00006975 Various reports stated that in addition to Graham and Dolan, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of +tjsILmhX9TY-00013-00006975-00007500 the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and Pastor Paula White, a spiritual +tjsILmhX9TY-00014-00007500-00007904 adviser to Trump, were also slated to deliver readings. +tjsILmhX9TY-00015-00007904-00008537 Rabbi Marvin Heir, head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Bishop Wayne Jackson, whose predominately +tjsILmhX9TY-00016-00008537-00009095 black Detroit church was visited by Trump during the campaign, will also speak. +tjsILmhX9TY-00017-00009095-00009543 Graham will be delivering the benediction as well as some readings during the swearing-in +tjsILmhX9TY-00018-00009543-00009835 ceremony, Politico reported. +tjsILmhX9TY-00019-00009835-00010300 Faith plays an important role in the inauguration, and though it�s nothing like what Poland +tjsILmhX9TY-00020-00010300-00010738 has just done with their leadership, the symbol of religious guidance is not something to +tjsILmhX9TY-00021-00010738-00010879 be taken lightly. +tjsILmhX9TY-00022-00010879-00011389 �Since the first inaugural ceremony, our leaders have paid tribute to the blessings +tjsILmhX9TY-00023-00011389-00011886 of liberty that have been bestowed upon our country and its people,� Tom Barrack, head +tjsILmhX9TY-00024-00011886-00012159 of the Inaugural Committee, said in a statement. +tjsILmhX9TY-00025-00012159-00012617 �I am pleased to announce that a diverse set of faith leaders will offer readings and +tjsILmhX9TY-00026-00012617-00013110 prayers at the swearing-in of President-elect Trump and honor the vital role religious faith +tjsILmhX9TY-00027-00013110-00013483 plays in our multicultural, vibrant nation.� +tjsILmhX9TY-00028-00013483-00013922 The Inaugural Committee has said it was also planning a national prayer service at the +tjsILmhX9TY-00029-00013922-00014354 Washington National Cathedral on Jan. 21. +tjsILmhX9TY-00030-00014354-00014822 Share this story on Facebook and Twitter and be sure to add your thoughts and opinions +tjsILmhX9TY-00031-00014822-00015078 to the comment section below. +tjsILmhX9TY-00032-00015078-00015583 What do you think about the religious leaders slated to speak at Trump's inauguration? +tjsILmhX9TY-00033-00015583-00016759 Scroll down to comment below! +tkFkImjTNLM-00000-00000102-00000343 (rock music) +tkFkImjTNLM-00001-00000766-00000878 - How do you counter critics +tkFkImjTNLM-00002-00000878-00001129 from more traditional statistical backgrounds +tkFkImjTNLM-00003-00001129-00001476 that this is not the way that these data should be analyzed? +tkFkImjTNLM-00004-00001476-00001691 - Yeah, I think a good counter to that is that +tkFkImjTNLM-00005-00001691-00002191 we marry the statistical analysis techniques +tkFkImjTNLM-00006-00002225-00002434 with these new techniques. +tkFkImjTNLM-00007-00002434-00002815 And so a lot of the sentiment analysis that was done +tkFkImjTNLM-00008-00002920-00003157 10 years ago would just be focused +tkFkImjTNLM-00009-00003157-00003497 on a binary classification, positive or negative. +tkFkImjTNLM-00010-00003497-00003756 And in it, you know, it's one or the other. +tkFkImjTNLM-00011-00003756-00004084 And what we've done in our analysis is +tkFkImjTNLM-00012-00004084-00004457 we've actually created a numerical rating for the sentiment. +tkFkImjTNLM-00013-00004457-00004804 So it gives you a kind of a continuum value, +tkFkImjTNLM-00014-00004804-00005055 and it's normalized by the amount of words, +tkFkImjTNLM-00015-00005055-00005367 and it's using mathematical techniques and algorithms +tkFkImjTNLM-00016-00005367-00005660 to give us a number that we can use. +tkFkImjTNLM-00017-00005660-00006045 And the idea about this is the same idea with statistics. +tkFkImjTNLM-00018-00006045-00006255 Once we get a large enough sample, +tkFkImjTNLM-00019-00006255-00006509 once we get the power in our data, +tkFkImjTNLM-00020-00006509-00006695 we're able to apply that algorithm, +tkFkImjTNLM-00021-00006695-00006805 and look at those numbers +tkFkImjTNLM-00022-00006805-00007223 and create an average and a standard deviation +tkFkImjTNLM-00023-00007223-00007437 that accommodates for situations +tkFkImjTNLM-00024-00007437-00007891 where we have miscoded values, we have items of sarcasm, +tkFkImjTNLM-00025-00007891-00008114 or other things that might be outliers. +tkFkImjTNLM-00026-00008114-00008281 We have a large enough bulk of things +tkFkImjTNLM-00027-00008281-00008483 that are correctly coded, +tkFkImjTNLM-00028-00008483-00008727 and that are giving numerical values +tkFkImjTNLM-00029-00008727-00009165 that they outweigh those isolated incidents. +tkFkImjTNLM-00030-00009165-00009394 And if we lock in that algorithm, +tkFkImjTNLM-00031-00009394-00009604 we lock in that methodology, +tkFkImjTNLM-00032-00009604-00009894 and we're applying it consistently over time +tkFkImjTNLM-00033-00009894-00010069 as we get new results in, +tkFkImjTNLM-00034-00010069-00010321 we can still marry up our analyses +tkFkImjTNLM-00035-00010321-00010535 with traditional statistical techniques. +tkFkImjTNLM-00036-00010535-00010772 Like for example, an unbalanced ANOVA +tkFkImjTNLM-00037-00010772-00011045 where we can say, in general, +tkFkImjTNLM-00038-00011045-00011380 the sentiment score that we're receiving is 2.25 +tkFkImjTNLM-00039-00011380-00011683 out of a hundred thousand reviews that people have written. +tkFkImjTNLM-00040-00011786-00011940 Now we're making a change based on +tkFkImjTNLM-00041-00011940-00012174 what we've, you know, mined this data, +tkFkImjTNLM-00042-00012174-00012368 and we found that these are the things we could modify. +tkFkImjTNLM-00043-00012368-00012505 So as of this date, +tkFkImjTNLM-00044-00012505-00012806 we're implementing a change to our service or product. +tkFkImjTNLM-00045-00012806-00013146 Now, several months later we review the reviews, +tkFkImjTNLM-00046-00013146-00013325 we apply that same sentiment analysis, +tkFkImjTNLM-00047-00013325-00013449 that locked in algorithm, +tkFkImjTNLM-00048-00013449-00013716 and we find that we have a new average +tkFkImjTNLM-00049-00013716-00013837 and a new standard deviation, +tkFkImjTNLM-00050-00013837-00014074 and we compare that using analysis of variance +tkFkImjTNLM-00051-00014074-00014165 to the other one, +tkFkImjTNLM-00052-00014165-00014391 and we find out they're statistically different. +tkFkImjTNLM-00053-00014391-00014761 So I think there's been kind of an artificial conflict +tkFkImjTNLM-00054-00014761-00014966 that's been sowed over time +tkFkImjTNLM-00055-00014966-00015308 about the unstructured data analysis and big data techniques +tkFkImjTNLM-00056-00015308-00015691 versus traditional statistical methods. +tkFkImjTNLM-00057-00015691-00015904 I think it's not an either or, +tkFkImjTNLM-00058-00015904-00016161 it's an idea about marrying the two together +tkFkImjTNLM-00059-00016161-00016457 and still using the foundations of statistics, +tkFkImjTNLM-00060-00016457-00016703 but applying them to what we're taking +tkFkImjTNLM-00061-00016703-00017051 from unstructured data and turn it into quantitative data. +tkFkImjTNLM-00062-00017051-00017293 (rock music) +tkN3Olz2Uwu-00000-00000322-00001378 Fallujah Door Kickers +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00000-00000028-00000673 We know that opioid maintenance treatment holds many benefits for opioid dependent patients, +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00001-00000673-00001242 but we also know that these positive treatment effects are highly influenced by the way we +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00002-00001242-00001396 deliver treatment. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00003-00001396-00002179 In the field study we conducted, our aim was to identify areas of improvement across Europe +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00004-00002179-00002560 in current opioid maintenance treatment approaches. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00005-00002560-00003088 And for that purpose, we asked patients, who were currently in the treatment system for +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00006-00003088-00003707 their reasons for entering treatment, for treatment rules and also for things that would +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00007-00003707-00004004 make it easier for them to stay in treatment. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00008-00004004-00004576 On the other hand, we also asked active opioid users who are currently not in treatment for +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00009-00004576-00004883 their reasons for staying out of treatment. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00010-00004883-00005606 Our results clearly highlighted that patients are motivated to work towards recovery. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00011-00005606-00006101 The active opioid users on the other hand reported considerable concerns about their +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00012-00006101-00006687 own ability to adhere to the treatment rules and also to make it through treatment. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00013-00006687-00007221 When we looked at the rules and regulations pertaining to opioid maintenance treatment, +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00014-00007221-00007563 we saw large differences between the European countries. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00015-00007563-00008118 So that tells us: it is very important to attain a balance between an over-regulation +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00016-00008118-00008553 on the one hand and a laissez-faire attitude on the other hand. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00017-00008553-00009135 If we would make treatment settings more flexible and thus allow to tailor the treatment plans +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00018-00009135-00009418 to the actual patient needs. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00019-00009418-00010178 We might be able to encourage those who are worried about their own ability to make it +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00020-00010178-00010470 through treatment, to enter treatment. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00021-00010470-00011025 And second, we might also be able to increase the treatment retention rates. +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00022-00011025-00011511 But of course it is also very important to have a certain treatment structure in order +tkXgoHyKQ1U-00023-00011511-00011943 to support the patient in resolving their chaotic life style. +tmMFK80ZTP4-00000-00000105-00000745 hello everyone, where I will analyze in detail how to hide or open my subscriptions to the +tmMFK80ZTP4-00001-00000745-00001553 youtube tube, which will either not be displayed to other users who will visit your channel +tmMFK80ZTP4-00002-00001553-00002248 and see who this account is already subscribed to or not subscribed to, to begin with, we +tmMFK80ZTP4-00003-00002248-00002797 go to the browser, go to the youtube youtube tube here we see that we have a contributor +tmMFK80ZTP4-00004-00002797-00003174 the main video playlist and community and there is a channel tab and go to the channel +tmMFK80ZTP4-00005-00003174-00003646 tab and here we see all those channels that are subscriptions to which this account is +tmMFK80ZTP4-00006-00003646-00004064 subscribed if you do not want people coming to your channel to see who your account is +tmMFK80ZTP4-00007-00004064-00004786 subscribed to, that is, who you are subscribed to, you can basically turn off the display +tmMFK80ZTP4-00008-00004786-00005617 of subscriptions to other users as it is done here here on the left in the menu and on the +tmMFK80ZTP4-00009-00005617-00006581 left you have it or if there are no more then there are three dashes click on them nyushka +tmMFK80ZTP4-00010-00006581-00007102 opens here we have subscriptions and sulk down nice nice nice nice there is 1 pack of +tmMFK80ZTP4-00011-00007102-00008488 settings in the settings tab we already select privacy here click on this tab and accordingly +tmMFK80ZTP4-00012-00008488-00009127 here configure access to your content on youtube and playlists and subscriptions here are two +tmMFK80ZTP4-00013-00009127-00009497 sliders including which we we can, if enabled, not show information about saved playlists, +tmMFK80ZTP4-00014-00009497-00010552 that is, users other youtube users who will visit our channel will not see our saved playlists +tmMFK80ZTP4-00015-00010552-00011247 and here we have scraps not to show information about my subscriptions, that is, we turn on +tmMFK80ZTP4-00016-00011247-00012539 these two sliders for example and go back to the account on the yu tube, that's also +tmMFK80ZTP4-00017-00012539-00013017 my channel, and here we also have channels tabbed and there is nothing here, that is, +tmMFK80ZTP4-00018-00013017-00013660 people coming to your channel will not see who you are subscribed to, well, everything +tmMFK80ZTP4-00019-00013660-00014097 is quite simple and easy for everyone, thanks for watching everyone so far +u311D61Rk64-00000-00000808-00001083 Lindsey Kukunda - I am from Uganda +u311D61Rk64-00001-00001105-00001244 I am a radio presenter +u311D61Rk64-00002-00001267-00001582 Sanyu FM is an urban radio station +u311D61Rk64-00003-00001600-00002144 we play music for youth aged between say 18 and 35 +u311D61Rk64-00004-00002206-00002398 it's all about the music at Sanyu FM +u311D61Rk64-00005-00003809-00004015 Uganda is a very, very religious society +u311D61Rk64-00006-00004085-00004480 and it's very interesting how as long as you have a religion it's all good +u311D61Rk64-00007-00004500-00004850 Muslims will walk side by side with Christians +u311D61Rk64-00008-00004883-00005034 Christians have different denominations +u311D61Rk64-00009-00005079-00005268 there's Catholics, there's Anglicans +u311D61Rk64-00010-00005290-00005485 Uganda is a pot for religion +u311D61Rk64-00011-00005501-00005800 you have all these different Indian sects... +u311D61Rk64-00012-00006060-00006523 so I was a journalist for about three years with a magazine called the Kampala Dispatch +u311D61Rk64-00013-00006550-00006702 so one day my boss comes up to me and he's like: +u311D61Rk64-00014-00006758-00007073 "hey I hear there are these atheists who meet once a week or once a month" +u311D61Rk64-00015-00007104-00007445 "I'd like you to go there for one or two meetings and write a story about them" +u311D61Rk64-00016-00007450-00007881 so I went, with a friend of mine called Stella she was working with me back then +u311D61Rk64-00017-00007938-00008068 and we liked it +u311D61Rk64-00018-00008070-00008279 and we kept coming back and I kept coming back +u311D61Rk64-00019-00008281-00008474 I wrote the story; the story was a big hit +u311D61Rk64-00020-00008520-00008877 the more time I spent with this group: Freethought +u311D61Rk64-00021-00008931-00009208 the more I realized how illogical +u311D61Rk64-00022-00009261-00009555 were some of the things that I had been brought up to believe +u311D61Rk64-00023-00009560-00009908 so it was basically about being logical, I felt no pain it was easy +u311D61Rk64-00024-00009978-00010202 and one year later I was an atheist +u311D61Rk64-00025-00010230-00010466 Freethought itself is not just an organization +u311D61Rk64-00026-00010480-00010703 it becomes a family after a while +u311D61Rk64-00027-00010786-00011024 for a year now, a year and a half now +u311D61Rk64-00028-00011051-00011292 every Saturday I'm with my Freethought people +u311D61Rk64-00029-00011602-00011978 I have lot of extra time since I don't have to go to church +u311D61Rk64-00030-00012020-00012630 I don't have to have these religious meetings these religious gatherings with friends +u311D61Rk64-00031-00012675-00013010 I have more time to develop myself more time to read serious books +u311D61Rk64-00032-00013025-00013291 and more time to spend having logical discussions +u311D61Rk64-00033-00013351-00013451 there's The God Delusion +u311D61Rk64-00034-00013482-00013707 it was at the very beginning when I was like I'm going to do this +u311D61Rk64-00035-00013727-00013847 I'm going to start reading philosophical things +u311D61Rk64-00036-00013867-00014060 It's a very, very hard book to read and I stopped halfway through +u311D61Rk64-00037-00014124-00014599 but that's one of the books that helped me completely turn into an atheist +u311D61Rk64-00038-00014622-00014805 I was still kind of Catholic when I was reading that book +u311D61Rk64-00039-00014827-00015065 my self-esteem improved, so did my sense of power +u311D61Rk64-00040-00015085-00015444 it was wonderful to realize that my life was in my hands +u311D61Rk64-00041-00015451-00015621 and not in the hands of a being in the sky +u311D61Rk64-00042-00015665-00015977 to realize that you have all this stuff going on and you have to fix it yourself +u311D61Rk64-00043-00016000-00016225 you're not going to put your hands up and someone is going to help you +u311D61Rk64-00044-00016269-00016688 I felt a sense of power and I just begun reviewing my life +u311D61Rk64-00045-00016705-00017011 and taking positive steps to change what I did not like +u311D61Rk64-00046-00017074-00017540 at the age of 28, to enter into a business like being a radio presenter +u311D61Rk64-00047-00017561-00017850 where everyone starts quite young and they've been there for 13 years +u311D61Rk64-00048-00017925-00018477 it requires a lot of courage which I wouldn't have had before when I was religious +u311D61Rk64-00049-00018497-00018765 I would have stuck to standards and societal norms and been like +u311D61Rk64-00050-00018776-00019179 I've already been established in journalism, I can't switch careers, let me stay here +u311D61Rk64-00051-00019240-00019440 you cannot re-convert an atheist +u311D61Rk64-00052-00019470-00019697 you can't even begin to have that conversation +u311D61Rk64-00053-00019900-00020204 I don't find society very hostile to people who are not religious +u311D61Rk64-00054-00020235-00020593 they just naturally assume that you're going to get what you deserve which is hell +u311D61Rk64-00055-00020603-00020746 and they leave you to it +u311D61Rk64-00056-00020859-00021182 the morals we have because of religious beliefs are kind of breaking down +u311D61Rk64-00057-00021210-00021587 people are becoming more practical and I think that in about 20 to 30 years +u311D61Rk64-00058-00021640-00021903 we'll have a lot more skeptics in Uganda +u3mu1DK4iPU-00000-00000158-00000248 Hello everybody! +u3mu1DK4iPU-00001-00000292-00000874 Today, Im about to, Today welcome to my first video of Tanner's World! +u3mu1DK4iPU-00002-00018394-00018584 Ww +u3mu1DK4iPU-00003-00024623-00025042 The biggest tip +u3mu1DK4iPU-00004-00025591-00025884 One point, yeah you get one point +u3mu1DK4iPU-00005-00034873-00035073 - I guess +u3mu1DK4iPU-00006-00035308-00035678 For into a few minutes, okay +u3mu1DK4iPU-00007-00048771-00049377 Everybody will be with me. It's time for me by snow to Oh +u3mu1DK4iPU-00008-00063526-00063726 Or the spy +u3mu1DK4iPU-00009-00064405-00064692 Checking box below we're watching subscribe to +u3mu1DK4iPU-00010-00066005-00066205 The video +u3mu1DK4iPU-00011-00066953-00067153 Okay +u3mu1DK4iPU-00012-00069676-00069876 Okay +u3mu1DK4iPU-00013-00085208-00085864 With us. Okay, so I kissed both with +u3mu1DK4iPU-00014-00089434-00089660 We'll be back with us kamesh wick +u3mu1DK4iPU-00015-00089845-00089974 Hey guys +u3mu1DK4iPU-00016-00089974-00090222 Just make sure you subscribe to me anymore +u3mu1DK4iPU-00017-00090229-00090764 Leave a like on this video take my legs and show know every time it makes a new video. Okay? +u3mu1DK4iPU-00018-00091204-00091404 Bring a prize home +u3mu1DK4iPU-00019-00091663-00092117 Today mr. Bat boss with a defeat +u3oWp_rSpqM-00000-00000499-00001054 CNO ATTENDED THE WESTERN PACIFIC NAVAL SYMPOSIUM, OR WPNS, IN CHINA, APRIL 22ND. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00001-00001054-00001471 LEADERS VOTED TO ENDORSE THE CODE FOR UNPLANNED ENCOUNTERS AT SEA, OR CUES. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00002-00001471-00001911 CUES IS AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTICIPATING NATIONS FOR SAFETY PROCEDURES, BASIC COMMUNICATIONS +u3oWp_rSpqM-00003-00001911-00002180 AND MANEUVERING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHIPS AND AIRCRAFT. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00004-00002180-00002664 THIS SHOULD DECREASE THE CHANCE OF COLLISIONS AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS THAT COULD LEAD TO CONFLICT. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00005-00002664-00003111 NAVY VOLUNTARY EDUCATION CELEBRATES ITS BIRTHDAY MAY 14TH AND THE CENTER FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL +u3oWp_rSpqM-00006-00003111-00003336 DEVELOPMENT IS ASKING FOR YOUR HELP. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00007-00003336-00003720 DURING MAY, YOU CAN SUBMIT PHOTOS AND SUCCESS STORIES TO THEIR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER PAGES +u3oWp_rSpqM-00008-00003720-00004082 USING HASHTAGS NAVY VOLED OR MY FIVE WORDS. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00009-00004082-00004531 VOLED PROGRAMS INCLUDE TUITION ASSISTANCE, NAVY COLLEGE PROGRAM FOR AFLOAT COLLEGE EDUCATION +u3oWp_rSpqM-00010-00004531-00004797 AND U.S. MILITARY APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00011-00004797-00005160 FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CELEBRATION, CONTACT CPPD. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00012-00005160-00005317 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. +u3oWp_rSpqM-00013-00005317-00005509 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. +u4isvz18EJM-00000-00000032-00000830 and argue refreshed good now what good morning +u4isvz18EJM-00001-00000830-00002588 make yourself comfortable it's all right this big thing in my face okay we are good all is +u4isvz18EJM-00002-00002588-00003356 good I've been listening to you for 20 years you're a great advisor in my life I've been +u4isvz18EJM-00003-00003356-00003827 in this seat multiple times you actually usually choose me the first after segment of refreshment +u4isvz18EJM-00004-00003827-00004988 so that's where your expectation is and you were unavoidable yes so I have two questions first I +u4isvz18EJM-00005-00004988-00005498 am a powerful manifester I have manifested I can't even believe the things I'm at fest +u4isvz18EJM-00006-00005498-00005894 and I not an accurate statement because you didn't believe it you wouldn't manifest it +u4isvz18EJM-00007-00005894-00006608 so you can drop that phrase I again I'm gonna have to believe I manifest things beyond my +u4isvz18EJM-00008-00006608-00007550 imagination yeah because the vortex has more depth and breadth and detail and exponential +u4isvz18EJM-00009-00007550-00008978 attraction than the individual components that you've put into it explains get that and you +u4isvz18EJM-00010-00008978-00009581 talk about the designer so you used to say what Jerry you know if you buy me that Jaguar I'd be +u4isvz18EJM-00011-00009581-00010214 happy for a day right and then you go but then what and so I started taking out another Jaguar +u4isvz18EJM-00012-00010214-00010784 tomorrow all right right now that's just case hey I can keep coming up with stuff don't worry won't +u4isvz18EJM-00013-00010784-00011420 run out well but I started doing that I'm like oh so I could go have a house in Tahoe found a house +u4isvz18EJM-00014-00011420-00011897 made an offer and I thought yeah okay I'm kind of over it before they even accept it I'm like +u4isvz18EJM-00015-00011897-00012503 okay great so check that and then I started it because the more I started doing that the more +u4isvz18EJM-00016-00012503-00013085 things showed up the more I started to actually think about the manifestation have joy about the +u4isvz18EJM-00017-00013085-00013529 manifestation and then get over it before it even came in well someday we will be having +u4isvz18EJM-00018-00013529-00014735 seminars on D manifestation Abraham my ability to create has become a burden oh it's not a burden no +u4isvz18EJM-00019-00014735-00015674 complaints but that raises a question which is if I can literally fulfill that desire by going +u4isvz18EJM-00020-00015674-00016331 into the thought seeing myself there and then having that fulfillment and and kind of being +u4isvz18EJM-00021-00016331-00016889 over it before it shows up I start to run out of desires but while you are leaving out of this is +u4isvz18EJM-00022-00016889-00017681 that and this is new conversation that we're just having these days so you get the picture +u4isvz18EJM-00023-00017681-00018542 of the vortex of vibrational reality gestating and becoming and your awareness of it increasing +u4isvz18EJM-00024-00018542-00019106 and your vibrational alignment with it getting better and better and better that's why more +u4isvz18EJM-00025-00019106-00019706 of the things that you're asking for are coming more readily more easily more often it's because +u4isvz18EJM-00026-00019706-00020573 of your vibrational relationship with your already created vibrational reality so as this vibrational +u4isvz18EJM-00027-00020573-00021551 reality continues to gain momentum and you because you meditate and you stay happy and you focus +u4isvz18EJM-00028-00021551-00022160 on things that cause you to feel good and you steadily hold your vibration in a high-flying +u4isvz18EJM-00029-00022160-00022925 place then the transfer from the vortex into reality is just a steady stream for you but +u4isvz18EJM-00030-00022925-00023810 we want to point out how delicious that unfolding is on the way to the actual manifestation we like +u4isvz18EJM-00031-00023810-00024611 to call this the sweet spot of creation where you get to witness the cooperation of universal +u4isvz18EJM-00032-00024611-00025208 forces and other physical cooperative components that is the hands in the clay creation that you +u4isvz18EJM-00033-00025208-00025939 all came here for it would be like an artist who is really good at molding clay into magnificent +u4isvz18EJM-00034-00025939-00026756 things then saying I have too many statues around right now when what most artists who are molding +u4isvz18EJM-00035-00026756-00027652 would say instead is I just love the process of the becoming I just love the feeling of my hands +u4isvz18EJM-00036-00027652-00028388 in the clay I just love the ideas of flow even while I'm moving along I just love the becoming +u4isvz18EJM-00037-00028388-00028901 and getting to witness the becoming that's that sweet spot because you've been hearing this day +u4isvz18EJM-00038-00028901-00029549 for a long time it's not the destination it's the joy of the journey but this is really the journey +u4isvz18EJM-00039-00029549-00029969 that we're talking about because much of your journey you're sort of oblivious to and that's +u4isvz18EJM-00040-00029969-00030425 fine contrast is part of the journey and you're putting stuff in the vortex and that's all part +u4isvz18EJM-00041-00030425-00031019 of the journey life's just causing that to happen you don't have to work at asking life causes you +u4isvz18EJM-00042-00031019-00031607 to ask so that's not a very deliberate part of the creative process and Source Energy responding and +u4isvz18EJM-00043-00031607-00032245 law of attraction responding that's really not a deliberate thing for you to do either so it +u4isvz18EJM-00044-00032245-00032861 doesn't even start being deliberate until you understand that you must tune yourself to the +u4isvz18EJM-00045-00032861-00033539 essence of what you've created and once you begin deliberately changing the essence of how you feel +u4isvz18EJM-00046-00033539-00034211 once you show yourself that you can feel good no matter what once you show yourself that you +u4isvz18EJM-00047-00034211-00034787 aren't having knee-jerk responses to what's going on in what seems like a chaotic world but instead +u4isvz18EJM-00048-00034787-00035678 you're steady and happy then oh that sweet spot just surprises and delights you and soothes you +u4isvz18EJM-00049-00035678-00036353 and gives you conscious awareness of your personal empowerment in other words the association between +u4isvz18EJM-00050-00036353-00036938 what I saw and what I failed and when I practice thinking and therefore what I accomplished the +u4isvz18EJM-00051-00036938-00037547 feeling of and then the universal response to that you begin to feel invincible and there +u4isvz18EJM-00052-00037547-00038207 is no exhilaration greater than that worthy knowledge and that feeling of invincibility +u4isvz18EJM-00053-00038207-00038897 and so it doesn't matter what you manifested into as fast as you manifest it you can parlay it into +u4isvz18EJM-00054-00038897-00039668 something different something more manifesting is a delicious thing you are leading edge creators +u4isvz18EJM-00055-00039668-00040077 you know you're really good at it even when you are in the non-physical we are having a +u4isvz18EJM-00056-00040077-00041061 wonderful time playing our non-physical role but you said I want to go where the action is I want +u4isvz18EJM-00057-00041061-00041691 to be there on the leading edge I want to be there when thoughts turn to things when thoughts turn to +u4isvz18EJM-00058-00041691-00042423 experience when thoughts turn to tangible when thoughts turn to the reality because this is the +u4isvz18EJM-00059-00042423-00043044 leading edge so many people have that backwards they think oh this is material and therefore not +u4isvz18EJM-00060-00043044-00043563 as worthy and therefore not a spiritual and we say everything that its physical and everything that +u4isvz18EJM-00061-00043563-00044169 is tangible has a spiritual basis and what you want to call spirit is in on all of it and when +u4isvz18EJM-00062-00044169-00044868 you consciously let yourself in on it now and only now then and only then are you doing what +u4isvz18EJM-00063-00044868-00046056 you came for everything else is just practice on your way up to what the real deal is so sometimes +u4isvz18EJM-00064-00046056-00046782 you know how it is you're bored and so you focus and then things get really going and then you're +u4isvz18EJM-00065-00046782-00047268 overwhelmed and then you sort of back off and then you're bored and then you're overwhelmed +u4isvz18EJM-00066-00047268-00047940 and then you're bored and then you're overwhelmed well that contrast is what keeps you focusing when +u4isvz18EJM-00067-00047940-00048519 the energy is really moving strong and you're in alignment with it you don't get tired because this +u4isvz18EJM-00068-00048519-00049065 receptive mode that we're talking about is also the replenishing mode it's also the clarifying +u4isvz18EJM-00069-00049065-00049608 mode when you are really tapped in tune in turned on you have as much energy and vitality flowing +u4isvz18EJM-00070-00049608-00050241 through you as is necessary to support the ideas that you've hatched but if your tongue is hanging +u4isvz18EJM-00071-00050241-00050652 out then you have an idea but you're not quite up to speed with it but sometimes you are but +u4isvz18EJM-00072-00050652-00051078 sometimes you're not and sometimes yarn sometimes you're not and so you Evan flow with your energy +u4isvz18EJM-00073-00051078-00051692 level you say well it's all just part of the way you learn to navigate in this energy stream you're +u4isvz18EJM-00074-00051692-00052365 like sailors in an energy stream and sometimes you pivot sometimes you tack sometimes you know +u4isvz18EJM-00075-00052365-00052740 what you don't want sometimes you know what you do want but you intended for all of it to be +u4isvz18EJM-00076-00052740-00053175 pleasurable and it can all be pleasurable even what you call the contrast can be pleasurable +u4isvz18EJM-00077-00053241-00054064 because it's clarifying so so it's the hatching of the ideas the hatching of the idea or the +u4isvz18EJM-00078-00054064-00054838 awareness of the desire means that you're in the vicinity of what your vortex is doing and so it +u4isvz18EJM-00079-00054838-00055624 could move easily you know how we said earlier that you say to us sometimes okay Abraham we +u4isvz18EJM-00080-00055624-00056320 will accept your invisible premise of a vortex but just tell me how I get the money out of the +u4isvz18EJM-00081-00056320-00056817 vortex and into the bank so here's the thing I've done that I want more but that's how that happens +u4isvz18EJM-00082-00056817-00057451 that's how that idea hatches when you receive the idea it means you were in the vibrational vicinity +u4isvz18EJM-00083-00057451-00058237 of what's already done so that you got a whiff of the trail and when you're consistently there that +u4isvz18EJM-00084-00058237-00058684 you keep getting with with with with with with with which means it gives being fun fun fun fun +u4isvz18EJM-00085-00058684-00059263 fun fun fun and you see people in the world who are doing that but you often don't understand +u4isvz18EJM-00086-00059263-00059800 how it is that they are doing it that's how they don't contradict their own thoughts they don't +u4isvz18EJM-00087-00059800-00060516 contradict their own desires so I need to stay as a bloodhound staying there which is the same thing +u4isvz18EJM-00088-00060516-00061021 as saying be sensitive to your emotion and care about the way you feel but understanding that we +u4isvz18EJM-00089-00061021-00061432 don't want to give you the impression that we think that you should get on that high flying +u4isvz18EJM-00090-00061432-00062146 momentum and just stay there forever more because Evan flow is a good thing and sometimes there is +u4isvz18EJM-00091-00062146-00063091 something in your vortex that you have clearly asked for that you haven't had the life experience +u4isvz18EJM-00092-00063091-00063745 yet that clarifies it to the specifics so your own inner being will call you to and through +u4isvz18EJM-00093-00063745-00064444 contrast for that clarifying experience because there is a bigger thing that you want that this +u4isvz18EJM-00094-00064444-00065710 will clarify hmm that was good that was good yeah so it's about prioritizing it's about okay so I +u4isvz18EJM-00095-00065710-00066442 am it I love that so I know what's your highest priority in creation to feel good to be happy to +u4isvz18EJM-00096-00066442-00066997 be happy to get nothing is more important that I feel happy and I feel good and every morning +u4isvz18EJM-00097-00066997-00067777 I wake up whatever thought comes in goes out until I listen to the happy song and if I'm in a place +u4isvz18EJM-00098-00067777-00068188 where I don't feel good I get up and walk out and if somebody serve me something it doesn't taste +u4isvz18EJM-00099-00068188-00068812 good I politely ask for something that does taste good and if I'm miss a plane I think thank you +u4isvz18EJM-00100-00068812-00069556 God it means something else is coming and I've had four interesting job opportunities show up +u4isvz18EJM-00101-00069556-00070030 and I didn't fall in love with each one like one was really good I should have bought it's like a +u4isvz18EJM-00102-00070030-00070633 really good guy you know he looks good on paper great money but he he didn't make me laugh right +u4isvz18EJM-00103-00070633-00071311 that's why I'm saying the manifestation I even got a job offer from Magellan that's that sweet spot +u4isvz18EJM-00104-00071311-00071866 that we're talking about that's that sweet spot of hands in the clay so here's something that will +u4isvz18EJM-00105-00071866-00072670 help all of you if your desire feels bogged down to you that's not the time to get more specific +u4isvz18EJM-00106-00072670-00073120 because you've got a vibration going on that is full of resistance and that's why it's bogged down +u4isvz18EJM-00107-00073120-00073867 so if you get more specific you'll lock it down more so if it's going slow back off now that's +u4isvz18EJM-00108-00073867-00074419 counterintuitive isn't it that's when almost everybody else says you need to try harder but if +u4isvz18EJM-00109-00074419-00075100 it's going slow back off go look at something once you begin to feel momentum that's when you want to +u4isvz18EJM-00110-00075100-00075715 get more specific because it's so fun to guide it specifically that's when you really feel powerful +u4isvz18EJM-00111-00075715-00076708 in other words the universe is responding to you test it the universe is responding to you okay +u72Fqq4AUBE-00000-00000162-00001249 Question 1 of Topic 1. This problem is about a survey and it's about getting +u72Fqq4AUBE-00001-00001249-00001782 the answer to a mean. How many hours do you spend on a typical day? +u72Fqq4AUBE-00002-00001782-00002632 now notice an error that some people might make is to just say Oh +u72Fqq4AUBE-00003-00002632-00004120 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 & 8 & 9. Oh, there are hours 1 +u72Fqq4AUBE-00004-00004120-00004711 through 9 so if I add up 1 through 9 and divide by the 9 things I get 5 as an +u72Fqq4AUBE-00005-00004711-00005281 average right but that's just the average of the answers - sorry - +u72Fqq4AUBE-00006-00005281-00005743 the average of the options. There are a different number of people under each +u72Fqq4AUBE-00007-00005743-00006280 option. 5 would only be the answer if you had exactly the same number in each of +u72Fqq4AUBE-00008-00006280-00007453 those categories 1 through 9. That's why this wrong answer 5 is here.... And talking +u72Fqq4AUBE-00009-00007453-00007950 about how it's wrong helps with thinking about why how to get to the right answer. +u72Fqq4AUBE-00010-00007950-00008671 5 would only work if everything was equal. But they're not! So what you do +u72Fqq4AUBE-00011-00008671-00009193 is you have to realize that there are different.... Each category 1 through 9 has +u72Fqq4AUBE-00012-00009193-00009679 a different amount of influence on the result according to the weight the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00013-00009679-00010159 weight is just how many there are of each so that's exactly what we do we go +u72Fqq4AUBE-00014-00010159-00011107 3 said 1 hour so it's 3 times 1 that group contributed 3 hours total and then +u72Fqq4AUBE-00015-00011107-00012028 we add 5 said 2 hours that's the weight of 5 times the result of 2 so you can +u72Fqq4AUBE-00016-00012028-00012622 already see the 2s count more than the 3s, so even if it was just ones +u72Fqq4AUBE-00017-00012622-00013131 and twos it wouldn't be one and a half it would be 3 times 1 times 5 plus 5 +u72Fqq4AUBE-00018-00013131-00013651 times 2 right there's more 2s than 3s, so the average is gonna be +u72Fqq4AUBE-00019-00013651-00014168 moved over towards the two because two has more weight it's almost like a +u72Fqq4AUBE-00020-00014168-00014684 balance beam. Do all the multiplication.... +u72Fqq4AUBE-00021-00014684-00015229 I won't show the work I'm sure you can do that on your calculator or +u72Fqq4AUBE-00022-00015229-00015968 by hand. 1 times 9, I'll note that at the end. And of course there aren't five +u72Fqq4AUBE-00023-00015968-00016582 categories ,so we have to divide by all the sum of the weights, all the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00024-00016582-00017148 entries, and that's of course 90 respondents. That's called a weighted average +u72Fqq4AUBE-00025-00017148-00017651 it just means you don't have the same number of things as categories each +u72Fqq4AUBE-00026-00017651-00018194 category has a different amount so you "weight" the average by the amount in each +u72Fqq4AUBE-00027-00018194-00018731 category and of course you divide by the total amount, the 90, and that's why the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00028-00018731-00019838 answer the answer reduces to 40/9, +u72Fqq4AUBE-00029-00019838-00020504 after a reduction so it was 400 over 90 +u72Fqq4AUBE-00030-00020504-00021344 and that reduces to 40/9 which is 4 uits with 4 left over. So 4 and 4 ninths. 4.4444... +u72Fqq4AUBE-00031-00021344-00022028 repeating. Which rounds to 4.44, so that's the answer, I don't exactly know +u72Fqq4AUBE-00032-00022028-00022381 where 0.5 would come from. Maybe that's the standard deviation or +u72Fqq4AUBE-00033-00022381-00023281 the weighted standard deviation. But 4 is the median. 25 is the largest number +u72Fqq4AUBE-00034-00023281-00024016 in any category so 4 is the most common answer but that's not the mean that's +u72Fqq4AUBE-00035-00024016-00024584 the mode, so that's another wrong answer that's designed to be tricky it's +u72Fqq4AUBE-00036-00024584-00025043 distracting you like is the mean right if you've got the definitions of mean +u72Fqq4AUBE-00037-00025043-00025516 median and mode confused then you might have you might think 4 is the right +u72Fqq4AUBE-00038-00025516-00026041 answer there it is if you thought mean was median or median was mean sorry mode +u72Fqq4AUBE-00039-00026041-00026711 was mean then you say 4 you'd see a 4 on the list you take +u72Fqq4AUBE-00040-00026711-00027172 and then you'd move on thinking you did fine. For pactice you have to know +u72Fqq4AUBE-00041-00027172-00028104 exactly what's going on, it can't be approximate. +u72Fqq4AUBE-00042-00028577-00028842 This problem is asking for us +u72Fqq4AUBE-00043-00028862-00029536 to compute a median. Mode. Median. Mean. They're similar +u72Fqq4AUBE-00044-00029536-00029900 because they're all measures of center but they're all different +u72Fqq4AUBE-00045-00029900-00030445 so median means like literally the middle kind of like I think of the the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00046-00030445-00030850 lines that you see on a street that's called the medians right the median +u72Fqq4AUBE-00047-00030850-00031309 lines are the dotted lines, the solid lines to tell you whether it's safe to +u72Fqq4AUBE-00048-00031309-00031943 pass or not. That's the middle of a road, so middle of the data. So think about the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00049-00031943-00032500 nine. You want the one piece of data in the middle which means that +u72Fqq4AUBE-00050-00032500-00033031 there'd be eight left so on the so far to find the middle you'd need 4 over +u72Fqq4AUBE-00051-00033031-00033913 here 4 over here - 4 lower and 4 higher and 1 in the middle so if +u72Fqq4AUBE-00052-00033913-00034438 you're counting to the middle you'd count the 5th from the bottom also +u72Fqq4AUBE-00053-00034438-00034940 5th on the top, same thing, because you found the one in the middle. Now of +u72Fqq4AUBE-00054-00034940-00035408 course if you do that without reordering the data if you just look at the data +u72Fqq4AUBE-00055-00035408-00035911 and go oh let me figure out what the 5th one is, you'll get that (5) and +u72Fqq4AUBE-00056-00035911-00036378 of course you'll be wrong because you forgot to put them in order +u72Fqq4AUBE-00057-00036378-00036893 But notice how that wrong answer is there! You can't be sloppy, you've got +u72Fqq4AUBE-00058-00036893-00037511 to be careful, because on the Praxis things are designed so that if you're +u72Fqq4AUBE-00059-00037511-00038122 sort of in the vicinity of the answer, what you thought of as the answer will +u72Fqq4AUBE-00060-00038122-00038861 show up on the multiple choice list. It differentiates understanding "sort of, in +u72Fqq4AUBE-00061-00038861-00040026 the vicinity" from TRULY understanding. So you've got to push yourself to be truly understanding. +u72Fqq4AUBE-00062-00040248-00041114 okay so we have to put them in order that's a manual process so one I check +u72Fqq4AUBE-00063-00041114-00041527 them off as I write them and there's two fives +u72Fqq4AUBE-00064-00041815-00042788 then there's six then there's seven and I can stop there because that's the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00065-00042788-00043358 fifth one and I know the fifth one is the median when there's nine entries now +u72Fqq4AUBE-00066-00043358-00044027 I might want to just double check are there four left one two three four +u72Fqq4AUBE-00067-00044027-00044570 beautiful there are four left so seven is definitely the answer you +u72Fqq4AUBE-00068-00044570-00045082 might wonder why six point five and seven point five our distractors here +u72Fqq4AUBE-00069-00045082-00045575 that's because something weird happens when there's even amounts. If there were ten +u72Fqq4AUBE-00070-00045575-00046298 if there were ten instead - alternate scenario - then to be in the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00071-00046298-00046952 middle...the middle would need...well there is no middle. It's blank because +u72Fqq4AUBE-00072-00046952-00047947 there's 5 here and 5 here. To split it in half you have to be in +u72Fqq4AUBE-00073-00047947-00048391 between values. So this is the fifth +u72Fqq4AUBE-00074-00048424-00049412 counting up and this is the sixth right so the idea is that you take the average +u72Fqq4AUBE-00075-00049412-00049904 of those two that's the best you can do when you have no entry you just go +u72Fqq4AUBE-00076-00049904-00050777 halfway in between the two values that are closest to the to the middle. +u72Fqq4AUBE-00077-00050777-00051113 There's no one value that represents the middle so you take the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00078-00051113-00051742 average of the two closest. That's that's what's going on here... I think the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00079-00051742-00052296 6.5 and the 7.5, they might be the answers that you get if you +u72Fqq4AUBE-00080-00052296-00052792 accidentally think you've got to go halfway between. 6.5 is halfway +u72Fqq4AUBE-00081-00052792-00053328 between 6 and 7. That would be figuring it out +u72Fqq4AUBE-00082-00053328-00053757 I suppose the 7 and the 8, that's +u72Fqq4AUBE-00083-00053757-00054309 the next wrong one so those are the two wrong answers for being imbalanced - to going +u72Fqq4AUBE-00084-00054309-00054825 halfway when you don't need to. As you can see nine and ten are +u72Fqq4AUBE-00085-00054825-00055266 great examples. If it's odd then you can balance perfectly when you take away the +u72Fqq4AUBE-00086-00055266-00055884 median it's an even number left. Perfect split. If it's even, there's a perfect split +u72Fqq4AUBE-00087-00055884-00056352 perfect split to start with, so the middle has to be between two values so you can +u72Fqq4AUBE-00088-00056352-00056874 remember how to do that. You can even think of it as a formula. For nine +u72Fqq4AUBE-00089-00056874-00057375 you went fifth, for ten you went five and a half between the fifth and the six, so +u72Fqq4AUBE-00090-00057375-00058386 you can always add one to the size divide it by two and then go to +u72Fqq4AUBE-00091-00058386-00059094 that number.... I'll put "th" at the end (fifth, sixth, and so on) and that's +u72Fqq4AUBE-00092-00059094-00059883 your median. We eliminated this and that as plausible wrong answers if you +u72Fqq4AUBE-00093-00059883-00060209 get your evens and odds mixed +u8_99X4YaQQ-00000-00000000-00000200 oh hay +uq-2AtX6NtI-00000-00000050-00000700 The amount of things that you can do with a rhetoric degree is just absolutely fascinating to me. I think it's fantastic. +uq-2AtX6NtI-00001-00000720-00001040 <music> +uq-2AtX6NtI-00002-00001060-00001408 It's opened up all these ideas of maybe going to law school. +uq-2AtX6NtI-00003-00001442-00001789 I'm really interested in a not-for-profit organization. +uq-2AtX6NtI-00004-00001800-00002134 All of the research abilities that we've been kind of looking at and kind of +uq-2AtX6NtI-00005-00002155-00002702 perfecting through this major is what we're really going to be using if and when anyone goes to law school. +uq-2AtX6NtI-00006-00002727-00003113 Specifically, since I'm learning coding and programming language, I have found myself +uq-2AtX6NtI-00007-00003140-00003410 synthesizing different +uq-2AtX6NtI-00008-00003426-00003690 keywords and syntax that are used in coding. +uq-2AtX6NtI-00009-00003700-00004254 It's opened a lot of doors for me. And like I said, it taught me a lot about myself, and now I know what I want to do when I graduate in May. +uq-2AtX6NtI-00010-00004260-00004479 So, I'm ready. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00000-00000552-00000696 Hi, I'm Dr. Annie. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00001-00000696-00001103 Welcome to my channel where I help you stress less and smile more. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00002-00001103-00001341 Today we're gonna do a. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00003-00001341-00001796 Three minute meditation that will calm you down on the spot. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00004-00001796-00002358 If you start feeling stressed out or anxious or overwhelmed, just pop your earbuds in your +ur3kM5AU9jI-00005-00002358-00002839 ear and even go to the restroom and sneak away for three minutes and listen to this. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00006-00002839-00002939 It will really help you. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00007-00002939-00003303 Okay, I'm gonna set the timer so you know, it's just three minutes. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00008-00003303-00003403 Okay? +ur3kM5AU9jI-00009-00003403-00003639 And the music helps you calm down as well. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00010-00003639-00004248 It activates your delta brainwaves, which are your rest and relaxation brainwaves. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00011-00004248-00004466 If you wanna close your eyes, close your eyes, obviously not. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00012-00004466-00004834 If you're driving, close your eyes. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00013-00004834-00005580 Breathe in for count of five and out for count of five. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00014-00005580-00006314 I want you to imagine bright white light surrounding your entire body. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00015-00006314-00007048 You can imagine it just in a circle surrounding your body as you breathe in this. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00016-00007048-00007757 goes into your body, and everywhere that you're feeling stress or tension, it melts it on +ur3kM5AU9jI-00017-00007757-00007904 the spot. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00018-00007904-00008549 So let's breathe that white light into your body, +ur3kM5AU9jI-00019-00008549-00009456 and as you breathe it in, and as you breathe it out, feel yourself completely relax. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00020-00009456-00010124 On the out breath, that white light moves to places that are feeling tense. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00021-00010124-00010627 So if you tend to feel tense in your neck or your shoulders or your back or even your +ur3kM5AU9jI-00022-00010627-00011624 head knee, that white light moves to that spot and dissipates that tension immediately. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00023-00011624-00011742 Good. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00024-00011742-00012413 Keep doing your deep breathing all the way down to your lower belly. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00025-00012413-00012696 Excellent. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00026-00012696-00012836 Breathe in that. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00027-00012836-00013140 White relaxing light. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00028-00013140-00014091 It goes straight to the spots that need you to relax, +ur3kM5AU9jI-00029-00014091-00014511 and as you breathe in and out, you feel yourself. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00030-00014511-00014913 Relax completely. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00031-00014913-00015786 Breathe in that white light and feel completely safe. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00032-00015786-00016309 As you breathe in and out, know that that bright white light is disintegrating all of +ur3kM5AU9jI-00033-00016309-00016997 your worries, all of your tension, all of your stress, all of your anxiety. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00034-00016997-00017387 It's just gone good. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00035-00017387-00017843 Keep doing your deep breathing if you want. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00036-00017843-00018245 Have that bright light intensify. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00037-00018245-00018804 And you can have it surround your body and be inside your body at the same time. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00038-00018804-00020030 If you can't see it, just know that it's happening and feel your body completely relax. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00039-00020030-00020279 You are safe. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00040-00020279-00021116 You are in a cocoon of bright white healing, relaxing. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00041-00021116-00021216 Good. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00042-00021216-00021522 And that's the end of it for today. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00043-00021522-00021671 I hope that was helpful. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00044-00021671-00022344 I would love it if you subscribe and give it a thumbs up if it was helpful, and I will +ur3kM5AU9jI-00045-00022344-00022876 be bringing you more videos to help you stress less and smile more. +ur3kM5AU9jI-00046-00022876-00022965 Bye. +urGQCuGie0u-00000-00000000-00000675 In this video we will demonstrate how to assemble the NonaVonG-S by DynaVap. +urGQCuGie0u-00001-00000675-00001700 The NonaVonG-S consists of: +urGQCuGie0u-00002-00001710-00002410 4 rings on the tip and three o rings on the condenser. +urGQCuGie0u-00003-00002420-00002700 Please note that one condenser o-ring is slightly larger than the other 2. +urGQCuGie0u-00004-00002700-00003200 Place a small O ring on the end of the condenser. +urGQCuGie0u-00005-00003300-00003800 Next, slide the mouthpiece up against the small O ring. +urGQCuGie0u-00006-00003814-00004100 The small O ring will seat into the pocket of the mouthpiece. +urGQCuGie0u-00007-00004100-00004580 Place a larger O ring on the middle double groove of the condenser. +urGQCuGie0u-00008-00004652-00005326 Finally, place the second small O ring on the final double groove. +urGQCuGie0u-00009-00005346-00005978 Next, insert the condenser into the body with the larger ring sitting flush +urGQCuGie0u-00010-00005996-00006306 between the body and the mouthpiece. +urGQCuGie0u-00011-00006322-00006700 Now that your body condenser and mouthpiece are all together +urGQCuGie0u-00012-00006700-00007078 insert the tip into the body by twisting the tip +urGQCuGie0u-00013-00007202-00007662 we recommend using Dyna wax to lubricate the tip no rings during assembly +urGQCuGie0u-00014-00007708-00008270 finally place the cap on the tip +urGQCuGie0u-00015-00008270-00008712 if the cap is loose give it a squeeze so it remains on the tip without falling off +urGQCuGie0u-00016-00008712-00009112 to learn how to adjust your cap click on the video on the top right +urGQCuGie0u-00017-00009124-00009456 Now your NonaVonG-S is ready to be used +urGQCuGie0u-00018-00009456-00009962 Thanks for watching this quick video the NonaVonG-S assembly. +urGQCuGie0u-00019-00009972-00010244 check out our other videos for more information +urGQCuGie0u-00020-00010284-00011464 RESPECT THE CLICK! +urOn8O5tlD0-00000-00000043-00000330 We can do the same for the regions. +urOn8O5tlD0-00001-00000533-00000840 If we select "Region" instead of "District", +urOn8O5tlD0-00002-00000840-00001054 and 'Update' our table, +urOn8O5tlD0-00003-00001054-00001231 we can now see that the new values +urOn8O5tlD0-00004-00001231-00001504 reflect regional totals and percentages +urOn8O5tlD0-00005-00001504-00001825 rather than district totals and percentages. +urOn8O5tlD0-00006-00001825-00001988 This is because DHIS2 allows us +urOn8O5tlD0-00007-00001988-00002282 to take that individual data that we've entered +urOn8O5tlD0-00008-00002282-00002649 and create aggregated data outputs as required. +urOn8O5tlD0-00009-00002649-00003006 We can also analyze data from Tracker and Event programs +urOn8O5tlD0-00010-00003006-00003206 together with data that is submitted +urOn8O5tlD0-00011-00003206-00003436 through our routine aggregated processes. +urOn8O5tlD0-00012-00003616-00003897 We'll use the 'Data Visualizer' to demonstrate this concept. +urOn8O5tlD0-00013-00004354-00004671 If we go back to our "Indicators" selection, +urOn8O5tlD0-00014-00004672-00004961 and go back to the "SARA" indicator group, +urOn8O5tlD0-00015-00004962-00005292 let us select the "Facilities offering ANC rate". +urOn8O5tlD0-00016-00005398-00005504 We can then go back +urOn8O5tlD0-00017-00005505-00005905 and select the Antenatal Care indicator group ("ANC"). +urOn8O5tlD0-00018-00005905-00006259 These indicators are derived from our routine data. +urOn8O5tlD0-00019-00006259-00006690 If we look at one example, "ANC 4th visit coverage", +urOn8O5tlD0-00020-00006690-00006986 we can now compare data from our survey, +urOn8O5tlD0-00021-00006986-00007320 which allows us to calculate the percentage of facilities +urOn8O5tlD0-00022-00007320-00007517 that are offering antenatal care services +urOn8O5tlD0-00023-00007517-00007771 with the ANC fourth visit coverage. +urOn8O5tlD0-00024-00007771-00008198 This is taken from our routine data where we submit the total number +urOn8O5tlD0-00025-00008198-00008478 of ANC fourth visit consultations each month. +urOn8O5tlD0-00026-00008478-00008785 This particular indicator takes that as its numerator +urOn8O5tlD0-00027-00008785-00009159 and divides it by the estimated number of pregnancies for the year, +urOn8O5tlD0-00028-00009159-00009442 to provide us with this particular indicator value. +urOn8O5tlD0-00029-00009899-00010146 We can then go through the same selection, +urOn8O5tlD0-00030-00010146-00010527 selecting our periods and our organization units. +urOn8O5tlD0-00031-00010700-00011227 We'll modify the 'Layout', and click on 'Update'. +urOn8O5tlD0-00032-00011434-00011711 In this example, you can see we are now making a correlation +urOn8O5tlD0-00033-00011715-00012028 between the survey data that we collected +urOn8O5tlD0-00034-00012032-00012429 and the routine data that we submit through aggregate Data Entry. +urOn8O5tlD0-00035-00012432-00012936 DHIS2 allows us to bring in data from a variety of different sources. +urOn8O5tlD0-00036-00012939-00013229 It does not matter if it is aggregated data, +urOn8O5tlD0-00037-00013233-00013483 Event data, or Tracker data, +urOn8O5tlD0-00038-00013490-00013790 we can take all of that data and correlate it together +urOn8O5tlD0-00039-00013793-00014004 within our various analysis tools +urOn8O5tlD0-00040-00014007-00014391 through the use of both program indicators and combined indicators. +usqdV8srvRg-00000-00000152-00000401 Okay, my name is Tracie Parry +usqdV8srvRg-00001-00000420-00000770 and I'm here to talk about the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00002-00000770-00001054 a retrospective of the series, +usqdV8srvRg-00003-00001076-00001316 and an overview of fan communities, +usqdV8srvRg-00004-00001328-00001664 and how the books have influenced people's lives. +usqdV8srvRg-00005-00001702-00001910 So, um, disclaimer: +usqdV8srvRg-00006-00001910-00002145 I'm not a representative of Bandersnatch, +usqdV8srvRg-00007-00002178-00002478 or Team Jordan, or TarValon.Net, +usqdV8srvRg-00008-00002478-00002720 though I am a member of TarValon.Net. +usqdV8srvRg-00009-00002720-00002962 so they're the group I know the most about +usqdV8srvRg-00010-00002978-00003226 and will talk the most about. +usqdV8srvRg-00011-00003226-00003276 So. +usqdV8srvRg-00012-00003352-00003460 Here we go. +usqdV8srvRg-00013-00003460-00004010 So, what exactly is the Wheel of Time? +usqdV8srvRg-00014-00004072-00004352 It is categorized as high fantasy +usqdV8srvRg-00015-00004352-00004796 and high fantasy shares a lot of the same characteristics. +usqdV8srvRg-00016-00004796-00005182 The protagonist has to battle evil and save the world, +usqdV8srvRg-00017-00005182-00005472 it's often written as a coming of age tale, +usqdV8srvRg-00018-00005472-00005784 and some examples are Lord of the Rings, +usqdV8srvRg-00019-00005804-00006176 A Song of Ice and Fire, Sword of Truth, +usqdV8srvRg-00020-00006176-00006466 Chronicles of Narnia, Stormlight Archive, +usqdV8srvRg-00021-00006466-00006895 which is Brandon Sanderson's current epic fantasy +usqdV8srvRg-00022-00006900-00007245 that is going to be as epic as the Wheel of Time, he says. +usqdV8srvRg-00023-00007356-00007781 And because of these shared themes, +usqdV8srvRg-00024-00007781-00008170 a lot of these series sound very similar to each other. +usqdV8srvRg-00025-00008170-00008422 And the Wheel of Time, especially, +usqdV8srvRg-00026-00008422-00008878 is often accused of stealing from Lord of the Rings. +usqdV8srvRg-00027-00008878-00009386 And so Team Jordan, which is made up of, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00028-00009386-00009810 Harriet, Robert Jordan's widow; uh, his assistants, +usqdV8srvRg-00029-00009810-00010188 who are Alan and Maria, and Brandon Sanderson +usqdV8srvRg-00030-00010188-00010572 recently addressed this on Google+. +usqdV8srvRg-00031-00010632-00011040 Um, RJ - meaning Robert Jordan, that was our shorthand for him - +usqdV8srvRg-00032-00011040-00011546 has said many times in interviews that the beginning of The Eye of the World - the first book - +usqdV8srvRg-00033-00011546-00011846 was written as an homage to Tolkien +usqdV8srvRg-00034-00011846-00012048 but that it diverged from there. +usqdV8srvRg-00035-00012048-00012382 And diverge it did. +usqdV8srvRg-00036-00012382-00012518 But it's understandable +usqdV8srvRg-00037-00012518-00012792 that if you stop reading after the first chapter, +usqdV8srvRg-00038-00012792-00012974 you're gonna think it's a rip off. +usqdV8srvRg-00039-00013188-00013708 So this leads the New York Times in an early review +usqdV8srvRg-00040-00013708-00014000 to say that Robert Jordan has come to dominate +usqdV8srvRg-00041-00014000-00014396 the world that Tolkien began to reveal. +usqdV8srvRg-00042-00014484-00015104 He was, as far as I know, really the first, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00043-00015136-00015563 epic fantasy/high fantasy writer of a significant scope +usqdV8srvRg-00044-00015563-00015734 after Tolkien. +usqdV8srvRg-00045-00015762-00016110 And so what is the Wheel of Time about? +usqdV8srvRg-00046-00016210-00016534 Well, 3,000 years before the main story +usqdV8srvRg-00047-00016626-00016946 people accidentally break into the prison +usqdV8srvRg-00048-00016978-00017194 that contained the Dark One +usqdV8srvRg-00049-00017194-00017409 that the Creator made at the beginning of time, +usqdV8srvRg-00050-00017409-00017642 which lets the Dark One touch the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00051-00017682-00017754 Bad thing. +usqdV8srvRg-00052-00017814-00018098 And so then war ravages the land +usqdV8srvRg-00053-00018098-00018298 as some people swear to the Shadow, +usqdV8srvRg-00054-00018298-00018526 some people swear to the Light. +usqdV8srvRg-00055-00018526-00018914 And a group of men go out and, by channeling +usqdV8srvRg-00056-00018914-00019260 the One Power, which is the power that drives the universe, +usqdV8srvRg-00057-00019260-00019654 they put an imperfect seal on the hole +usqdV8srvRg-00058-00019654-00019910 that was made in the Dark One's prison. +usqdV8srvRg-00059-00019910-00020295 They're trying to save the world, they have the best of intentions... +usqdV8srvRg-00060-00020310-00020500 ...but it didn't go so well. +usqdV8srvRg-00061-00020542-00020932 So the patch stayed in place, for the most part, +usqdV8srvRg-00062-00020932-00021304 but the Dark One lashed out at the last moment, +usqdV8srvRg-00063-00021304-00021616 tainting the male half of the One Power. +usqdV8srvRg-00064-00021643-00021843 The men who sealed the Dark One +usqdV8srvRg-00065-00021844-00022024 instantly went mad. +usqdV8srvRg-00066-00022046-00022528 They drew on the tainted half of the One Power that males can use +usqdV8srvRg-00067-00022528-00022834 and they used it to level cities, +usqdV8srvRg-00068-00022834-00023136 they created mountains where there were desert and seas, +usqdV8srvRg-00069-00023136-00023396 and leveled mountains that already existed, +usqdV8srvRg-00070-00023396-00023692 leveled cities - destroyed everything. +usqdV8srvRg-00071-00023738-00024098 And in particular, the champion of the Light, +usqdV8srvRg-00072-00024098-00024490 Lews Therin Telemon, who was also called Dragon, +usqdV8srvRg-00073-00024542-00024890 killed every single one of his living relatives +usqdV8srvRg-00074-00024890-00025234 in his madness. No matter how distant they were. +usqdV8srvRg-00075-00025254-00025556 And eventually they called him Kinslayer. +usqdV8srvRg-00076-00025622-00026083 So that was the hundred men who sealed the Bore. +usqdV8srvRg-00077-00026135-00026447 Eventually all men who channeled the One Power +usqdV8srvRg-00078-00026447-00026612 were doomed to go insane, +usqdV8srvRg-00079-00026612-00026866 have their bodies rot while they were still alive, +usqdV8srvRg-00080-00026866-00027038 and then kill everyone around them. +usqdV8srvRg-00081-00027072-00027550 So, luckily, the women's half of the One Power was untainted, +usqdV8srvRg-00082-00027550-00027853 so women who could channel could cut those men off +usqdV8srvRg-00083-00027854-00028088 and stop them from doing this. +usqdV8srvRg-00084-00028114-00028452 And, failing that, men who could channel were +usqdV8srvRg-00085-00028452-00028908 often killed by a mob or other such vigilante justice. +usqdV8srvRg-00086-00028908-00029177 And so nothing in the world of the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00087-00029177-00029602 is feared more than a man who can channel the One Power. +usqdV8srvRg-00088-00029639-00029962 And due to the fact that a group made up of only men +usqdV8srvRg-00089-00029962-00030230 broke the world, among other factors, +usqdV8srvRg-00090-00030230-00030550 soon women, arguably, had more authority than men +usqdV8srvRg-00091-00030550-00030744 in many parts of the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00092-00030854-00031174 3,000 years later... +usqdV8srvRg-00093-00031227-00031527 A farmboy is told he's the Dragon Reborn +usqdV8srvRg-00094-00031527-00031747 and he's the savior of the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00095-00031802-00032058 And he has to channel the One Power, +usqdV8srvRg-00096-00032058-00032234 and he may have to destroy the world +usqdV8srvRg-00097-00032234-00032416 in order to save it from the Dark One. +usqdV8srvRg-00098-00032416-00032530 (Audience member) Yes! +usqdV8srvRg-00099-00032530-00032620 Yeah! +usqdV8srvRg-00100-00032760-00033266 His friends, male and female, have to help him, in order to succeed, +usqdV8srvRg-00101-00033267-00033600 and they're kind of scared of him at this point... +usqdV8srvRg-00102-00033600-00034057 And the Dark One can't be defeated unless men *and* women contribute. +usqdV8srvRg-00103-00034057-00034303 That was part of the problem the first time around. +usqdV8srvRg-00104-00034358-00035002 And so, with these themes, what Robert Jordan had to say +usqdV8srvRg-00105-00035030-00035414 was his first inspiration was the thought of what +usqdV8srvRg-00106-00035414-00035796 it was like to be tapped on the shoulder and told, +usqdV8srvRg-00107-00035796-00036060 "Hey! You're the savior of mankind." +usqdV8srvRg-00108-00036120-00036384 In a lot of books, someone... +usqdV8srvRg-00109-00036446-00036768 with...with someone who is the Chosen One, +usqdV8srvRg-00110-00036768-00037042 it's like people split +usqdV8srvRg-00111-00037042-00037332 into a group that supports the Chosen One +usqdV8srvRg-00112-00037332-00037542 and the bad guys. +usqdV8srvRg-00113-00037572-00037868 And it seemed to Robert Jordan that if someone is +usqdV8srvRg-00114-00037868-00038036 chosen to be the savior, +usqdV8srvRg-00115-00038036-00038276 there's going to be a good bit of resistance. +usqdV8srvRg-00116-00038294-00038612 Both "let this cup pass from me"-type thing, +usqdV8srvRg-00117-00038642-00039102 and a lot of people are not going to be happy to have a savior show up +usqdV8srvRg-00118-00039102-00039380 even if they would be on his side nominally, +usqdV8srvRg-00119-00039396-00039644 and he began to think about the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00120-00039686-00040138 And he said, quote, "What I'm trying to do here is rather complex. +usqdV8srvRg-00121-00040138-00040524 "The usual thing is to either tell a sweeping story that +usqdV8srvRg-00122-00040524-00040996 "is, in effect, the history of a nation or a people - or +usqdV8srvRg-00123-00040996-00041370 "to tell a tighter story that's very much in the heads +usqdV8srvRg-00124-00041370-00041546 "of individuals themselves. +usqdV8srvRg-00125-00041546-00041910 "I'm trying to do the stories of individual people, +usqdV8srvRg-00126-00041910-00042386 "a large number of them" - there are literally thousands of characters - +usqdV8srvRg-00127-00042386-00042738 "at the same time as I tell the story of a world. +usqdV8srvRg-00128-00042738-00042986 "I want to give readers" - you can go ahead and let them in - +usqdV8srvRg-00129-00043040-00043306 "the, an entire picture of this world, +usqdV8srvRg-00130-00043306-00043526 "not just its current history and situation +usqdV8srvRg-00131-00043526-00043698 "but its past as well. +usqdV8srvRg-00132-00043698-00044012 "That's hard to do at the same time +usqdV8srvRg-00133-00044012-00044377 "when we're so deeply involved with individual characters and +usqdV8srvRg-00134-00044377-00044732 "the complexity of that combination is one of the reasons that +usqdV8srvRg-00135-00044732-00044990 "the series went on as long as it has." +usqdV8srvRg-00136-00045174-00045446 So, a lot of the themes in the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00137-00045446-00045880 draw from Eastern philosophy, for example +usqdV8srvRg-00138-00045880-00046114 reincarnation - you have the Dragon Reborn - +usqdV8srvRg-00139-00046114-00046436 balance and duality, respect for nature. +usqdV8srvRg-00140-00046436-00046687 But also themes from Western philosophy. +usqdV8srvRg-00141-00046687-00046899 Like a good deity and an evil deity, +usqdV8srvRg-00142-00046958-00047082 a creation story, +usqdV8srvRg-00143-00047082-00047412 and a prophesied savior who has to save the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00144-00047458-00047956 And there's an emphasis, especially in the themes of good and evil, +usqdV8srvRg-00145-00047956-00048276 of recognizing what is good and what is evil +usqdV8srvRg-00146-00048276-00048456 and the difficulty of doing that. +usqdV8srvRg-00147-00048510-00048726 And there's also the difficulty, +usqdV8srvRg-00148-00048726-00049316 Robert Jordan said, in deciding how far you go in fighting evil. +usqdV8srvRg-00149-00049330-00049680 And he said, quote, "I like to think that as a scale, +usqdV8srvRg-00150-00049680-00049992 "at one end you purely hold to your own ideals, +usqdV8srvRg-00151-00049992-00050129 "no matter what the cost, +usqdV8srvRg-00152-00050129-00050332 "with the result that evil possibly wins, +usqdV8srvRg-00153-00050332-00050738 "and at the other end we do anything and everything to win, +usqdV8srvRg-00154-00050738-00051023 "with the result that maybe it doesn't make much difference +usqdV8srvRg-00155-00051024-00051272 "whether you've won or evil has won. +usqdV8srvRg-00156-00051272-00051570 "There has to be some sort of balance in the middle +usqdV8srvRg-00157-00051570-00051854 and it's very difficult to find." +usqdV8srvRg-00158-00052017-00052288 And so, more themes is, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00159-00052288-00052502 there's the mutability of knowledge. I... +usqdV8srvRg-00160-00052502-00052941 With that, basically no one knows everything. +usqdV8srvRg-00161-00052941-00053166 There's no technology, so there - +usqdV8srvRg-00162-00053166-00053317 well, there's limited technology. +usqdV8srvRg-00163-00053317-00053705 But you don't have audio recorders, video recorders, +usqdV8srvRg-00164-00053708-00054076 and so everyone's operating on incomplete knowledge. +usqdV8srvRg-00165-00054076-00054388 And they know they're operating on incomplete knowledge, +usqdV8srvRg-00166-00054388-00054667 and a lot of the time they'll make decisions +usqdV8srvRg-00167-00054667-00055020 that the reader knows are not the best, +usqdV8srvRg-00168-00055020-00055217 but they're doing the best they can +usqdV8srvRg-00169-00055217-00055532 with the knowledge that they have at that time. +usqdV8srvRg-00170-00055582-00056058 And so, that is something that is really interesting to see +usqdV8srvRg-00171-00056058-00056324 from a reader's perspective. +usqdV8srvRg-00172-00056366-00056854 And...then characters will see things in one way +usqdV8srvRg-00173-00056854-00057182 but as they grow and change and learn more +usqdV8srvRg-00174-00057182-00057516 we and they find out that sometimes what they knew +usqdV8srvRg-00175-00057516-00057790 as the truth wasn't necessarily the whole truth. +usqdV8srvRg-00176-00057790-00057956 Sometimes it's not the truth at all. +usqdV8srvRg-00177-00057956-00058432 For example, when Rand and the rest of the group first met Moiraine, +usqdV8srvRg-00178-00058432-00058626 they saw her as an Aes Sedai. +usqdV8srvRg-00179-00058626-00059029 They saw her as practically omnipotent. +usqdV8srvRg-00180-00059034-00059396 And it's only as they go along +usqdV8srvRg-00181-00059396-00059664 that they begin to find out that Aes Sedai are human. +usqdV8srvRg-00182-00059664-00059855 Aes Sedai have limits. +usqdV8srvRg-00183-00059891-00060222 And in the beginning, everybody says that +usqdV8srvRg-00184-00060222-00060504 the White Tower makes thrones dance +usqdV8srvRg-00185-00060504-00060792 and kings and queens play at their command, +usqdV8srvRg-00186-00060792-00060995 but the characters begin to find out +usqdV8srvRg-00187-00060995-00061361 the White Tower has manipulated a lot, but it's not all-powerful. +usqdV8srvRg-00188-00061361-00061708 Characters learn more about the truth as time goes on +usqdV8srvRg-00189-00061711-00061985 and sometimes find out what they knew before +usqdV8srvRg-00190-00061986-00062212 was only the first layer of the onion, +usqdV8srvRg-00191-00062212-00062570 which is a major theme, really, in the whole series. +usqdV8srvRg-00192-00062570-00062912 The changability, the way that something starts out +usqdV8srvRg-00193-00062912-00063094 seeming to be a single thing +usqdV8srvRg-00194-00063094-00063546 and is slowly revealed to have a number of very complex layers. +usqdV8srvRg-00195-00063596-00063871 But, for all the grand events, +usqdV8srvRg-00196-00063871-00064164 the things that really interested Robert Jordan +usqdV8srvRg-00197-00064164-00064486 more than anything else were the characters themselves. +usqdV8srvRg-00198-00064486-00064724 How they change, how they don't change, +usqdV8srvRg-00199-00064725-00064883 what makes them tick, +usqdV8srvRg-00200-00064883-00065083 how they relate to each other. +usqdV8srvRg-00201-00065084-00065282 The people fascinated him +usqdV8srvRg-00202-00065282-00065510 and, of course, there were things happening +usqdV8srvRg-00203-00065510-00065946 that the major characters didn't see but the reader did see. +usqdV8srvRg-00204-00065986-00066294 And there's stuff going on under the surface +usqdV8srvRg-00205-00066294-00066626 major characters just don't realize. +usqdV8srvRg-00206-00066670-00067002 So who was Robert Jordan? Because every - +usqdV8srvRg-00207-00067002-00067276 (Audience member) A dead man. Well, sorry. That's what he is. +usqdV8srvRg-00208-00067276-00067554 He, he is. But who was he? +usqdV8srvRg-00209-00067554-00068056 Because every author's work is colored by his life experience. +usqdV8srvRg-00210-00068060-00068316 Well, he was a decorated Army veteran. +usqdV8srvRg-00211-00068316-00068720 He served two tours in Vietnam. He was given - +usqdV8srvRg-00212-00068720-00069208 he earned, excuse me - the Distinguished Flying Cross with oak leaf cluster, +usqdV8srvRg-00213-00069208-00069698 the Bronze Star with "V" for Valor and oak leaf cluster, +usqdV8srvRg-00214-00069698-00069980 and two Vietnamese Gallantry crosses with palm. +usqdV8srvRg-00215-00069980-00070190 (Audience member) What do the oak leaf clusters represent? +usqdV8srvRg-00216-00070224-00070396 I wish I could tell you. +usqdV8srvRg-00217-00070396-00070640 I am not a military buff. +usqdV8srvRg-00218-00070640-00070908 I'm just going to go ahead and admit that right now. (Audience member) That's fine. +usqdV8srvRg-00219-00070908-00071413 Um. (Male audience member) It usually represents a repetition of the same award. +usqdV8srvRg-00220-00071585-00072049 Um, his military experience certainly influenced the Wheel of Time. +usqdV8srvRg-00221-00072050-00072444 There's a quote from an interview he gave in 1994. +usqdV8srvRg-00222-00072444-00072924 He said, "The only time I was really shaken in combat, +usqdV8srvRg-00223-00072924-00073094 "in shooting at somebody, +usqdV8srvRg-00224-00073094-00073380 "I was shooting back at some people on a sampan +usqdV8srvRg-00225-00073380-00073714 "and a woman came out and pulled up an AK-47 +usqdV8srvRg-00226-00073714-00073924 "and I didn't hesitate about shooting her. +usqdV8srvRg-00227-00073924-00074096 "But that stuck with me. +usqdV8srvRg-00228-00074096-00074450 "I was raised in a very old-fashioned sort of way. +usqdV8srvRg-00229-00074450-00074770 "You don't hurt women. You don't DO that. +usqdV8srvRg-00230-00074770-00075156 "That's the one thing that stuck with me for a very long time." +usqdV8srvRg-00231-00075204-00075492 And something else he said is, +usqdV8srvRg-00232-00075492-00075870 "How far can you go fighting evil before becoming like evil itself? +usqdV8srvRg-00233-00075870-00076176 "Or do you maintain your purity at the cost of evil's victory? +usqdV8srvRg-00234-00076176-00076485 "I'm fond of saying that if the answer is too easy +usqdV8srvRg-00235-00076485-00076728 "you've probably asked the wrong question." +usqdV8srvRg-00236-00076756-00077066 So you can see that this experience, which created +usqdV8srvRg-00237-00077066-00077260 this philosophy that he had, +usqdV8srvRg-00238-00077260-00077750 informed not only the good and evil duality in the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00239-00077750-00078244 but the fact that the main male characters just do not want to hurt women. +usqdV8srvRg-00240-00078244-00078584 Even if the women are trying to hurt them or kill them, +usqdV8srvRg-00241-00078584-00078910 even though women may have the power and authority. +usqdV8srvRg-00242-00079094-00079530 And so after he got out of the military he attended The Citadel, +usqdV8srvRg-00243-00079530-00079886 he got two bachelor's degrees - one in math, one in physics, +usqdV8srvRg-00244-00079886-00080520 and became a nuclear engineer for the US Navy, which he did for a long time. +usqdV8srvRg-00245-00080520-00080816 And so it's like, well, how do you get a writer out of that? +usqdV8srvRg-00246-00080914-00081164 And...(laughter) +usqdV8srvRg-00247-00081164-00081442 He, um, this is a quote, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00248-00081442-00081711 "I had always said, 'One day I will write.' +usqdV8srvRg-00249-00081711-00082057 "Then when I was 30 I was walking back from a dry dock to my office +usqdV8srvRg-00250-00082058-00082389 "and I had a fall and tore up my knee very severely. +usqdV8srvRg-00251-00082389-00082703 "There were complications in the surgery. I nearly died. +usqdV8srvRg-00252-00082704-00082928 "I spent a month in the hospital, +usqdV8srvRg-00253-00082928-00083244 "and I spent 3 1/2 months recuperating before +usqdV8srvRg-00254-00083244-00083508 "I could walk well enough to go back to the office. +usqdV8srvRg-00255-00083508-00083774 "During that time I reached a burnout in reading. +usqdV8srvRg-00256-00083774-00084077 "I remember picking up a book by an author I knew I liked, +usqdV8srvRg-00257-00084077-00084239 "reading a few paragraphs, +usqdV8srvRg-00258-00084239-00084399 "and tossing it across the room +usqdV8srvRg-00259-00084399-00084700 "and saying 'Oh God, I can do better than that!' +usqdV8srvRg-00260-00084700-00085091 "And then I thought, 'alright, son, it's time to put up or shut up.'" +usqdV8srvRg-00261-00085309-00085661 And so he finished The Eye of the World in 3 1/2 months. +usqdV8srvRg-00262-00085662-00086072 He wrote it longhand on legal yellow pads. +usqdV8srvRg-00263-00086072-00086468 And when he went back to work he typed it up in the evenings, +usqdV8srvRg-00264-00086468-00086710 made edits, sent it to a publisher, +usqdV8srvRg-00265-00086710-00086968 and the best he was hoping for was, you know, +usqdV8srvRg-00266-00086968-00087382 "Good, but not quite good enough, keep trying, you'll get there..." +usqdV8srvRg-00267-00087382-00087708 "I was very surprised to get an enthusiastic letter +usqdV8srvRg-00268-00087708-00087912 "back offering to buy the novel, +usqdV8srvRg-00269-00087912-00088285 "and when I tried to negotiate some minor points of the contract +usqdV8srvRg-00270-00088285-00088503 "I didn't have an agent and was equally shocked +usqdV8srvRg-00271-00088506-00088802 "to get a letter back withdrawing the offer." +usqdV8srvRg-00272-00088802-00089105 Because they thought he shouldn't quibble as a new writer. +usqdV8srvRg-00273-00089105-00089330 "It didn't matter because I decided +usqdV8srvRg-00274-00089330-00089467 "I would ignore the second letter, +usqdV8srvRg-00275-00089467-00089614 "the first letter said I could write. +usqdV8srvRg-00276-00089614-00089954 "So, there were things happening at work I found very irritating. +usqdV8srvRg-00277-00089954-00090378 "I cleared my desk, I completed every project in the pipeline. +usqdV8srvRg-00278-00090378-00090614 "and I laid down my resignation." +usqdV8srvRg-00279-00090614-00090872 And his boss said, "You can't go!" +usqdV8srvRg-00280-00090872-00091057 And he said, "Read the resignation, I'm going." +usqdV8srvRg-00281-00091057-00091646 And his boss said, "If you do this, you will never work for the United States government again." +usqdV8srvRg-00282-00091646-00092148 And Robert Jordan said, "Can I have that in writing?" +usqdV8srvRg-00283-00092148-00092352 And he said his wife once said to him, +usqdV8srvRg-00284-00092352-00092592 when he'd been writing for 10 or 15 years, +usqdV8srvRg-00285-00092592-00092930 that he could always go back to being a nuclear engineer. +usqdV8srvRg-00286-00092930-00093094 And he said to her, +usqdV8srvRg-00287-00093094-00093329 "Harriet, would you let someone who quit his job +usqdV8srvRg-00288-00093329-00093644 "to go write fantasy anywhere near your nuclear reactor? +usqdV8srvRg-00289-00093644-00093764 (laughter) "'Cause I wouldn't!" +usqdV8srvRg-00290-00094056-00094294 So, he's writing these books, +usqdV8srvRg-00291-00094294-00094550 he's publishing them, they become successful. +usqdV8srvRg-00292-00094580-00094854 And all but the first 2 books +usqdV8srvRg-00293-00094854-00095314 appeared on the New York Times' best-sellers list. +usqdV8srvRg-00294-00095314-00095770 Each book since the eighth debuted at number one. +usqdV8srvRg-00295-00095780-00096084 And then online fan communities were formed. +usqdV8srvRg-00296-00096084-00096354 Because people went online, wanted to talk about the books. +usqdV8srvRg-00297-00096354-00096726 There's Dragonmount.com, founded in 1998, +usqdV8srvRg-00298-00096726-00097004 Theoryland.com, founded in 2000, +usqdV8srvRg-00299-00097004-00097344 And TarValon.Net in 2001. +usqdV8srvRg-00300-00097582-00097822 And DragonCon, which is the largest +usqdV8srvRg-00301-00097822-00098118 science-fiction and fantasy convention in North America, +usqdV8srvRg-00302-00098118-00098564 created a Wheel of Time-dedicated track. +usqdV8srvRg-00303-00098567-00098943 Fans gathered in "real life" and held costume contests, +usqdV8srvRg-00304-00098943-00099353 panels, and debates about what would happen next in the books. +usqdV8srvRg-00305-00099583-00099905 And I was, um, I was actually fortunate enough +usqdV8srvRg-00306-00099906-00100356 to go to 2 signings and met Robert Jordan. +usqdV8srvRg-00307-00100374-00100720 And he was a very nice man. +usqdV8srvRg-00308-00100764-00101526 And at, um, at the signing in San Diego for Knife of Dreams +usqdV8srvRg-00309-00101526-00101960 there were a...a lot of men in the room, of course. +usqdV8srvRg-00310-00101960-00102158 But there were some women. +usqdV8srvRg-00311-00102158-00102348 And he was answering some questions +usqdV8srvRg-00312-00102348-00102525 And finally he says, +usqdV8srvRg-00313-00102525-00102894 "Women! I know you're not here to carry your boyfriends' books! +usqdV8srvRg-00314-00102894-00103190 I want a question from a woman!" +usqdV8srvRg-00315-00103222-00103514 So...I asked a question. +usqdV8srvRg-00316-00103514-00103780 And he told me, "Read and find out." +usqdV8srvRg-00317-00103780-00103859 (Laughter) +usqdV8srvRg-00318-00103859-00104065 (Audience member) What question did you ask? +usqdV8srvRg-00319-00104096-00104424 I asked, "How long does it take to ride from +usqdV8srvRg-00320-00104424-00104611 World's End to Tarwin's Gap?" +usqdV8srvRg-00321-00104805-00105091 Which, um, probably doesn't make sense to you yet, +usqdV8srvRg-00322-00105091-00105385 (to another audience member) but I know it makes sense to you. +usqdV8srvRg-00323-00105461-00106098 So, um, during this time, Robert Jordan did certainly live. +usqdV8srvRg-00324-00106098-00106592 In 2002 he said, "I just see my life continuing +usqdV8srvRg-00325-00106592-00107030 "until it ends. I intend to live. Most people exist. +usqdV8srvRg-00326-00107030-00107380 "They simply do the job, go home, go to sleep, get up, +usqdV8srvRg-00327-00107380-00107588 "go to work, go home, go to to sleep, +usqdV8srvRg-00328-00107588-00107912 "and it's understandable if you have a factory job. +usqdV8srvRg-00329-00107912-00108164 "You can get very tired and you don't want to live. +usqdV8srvRg-00330-00108164-00108328 "I'm lucky. +usqdV8srvRg-00331-00108328-00108598 "I know my life is going to end. +usqdV8srvRg-00332-00108598-00109056 "When I was 19, I realized I was going to die for sure. +usqdV8srvRg-00333-00109056-00109266 "On my first tour in Vietnam, +usqdV8srvRg-00334-00109266-00109659 "the helicopter I was in blew up and threw me into the jungle. +usqdV8srvRg-00335-00109663-00109967 "I got up and ran through the lines of an ambush - +usqdV8srvRg-00336-00109967-00110199 "I didn't know it was there, I just knew +usqdV8srvRg-00337-00110199-00110421 "the other chopper was in that direction. +usqdV8srvRg-00338-00110454-00110786 "And this knowledge changes your view of the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00339-00110786-00111015 "I think it gives you a certain maturity. +usqdV8srvRg-00340-00111035-00111302 "Perhaps maturity is the knowledge that +usqdV8srvRg-00341-00111302-00111464 "everything is going to change, +usqdV8srvRg-00342-00111464-00111752 "and that neither you nor anything you see +usqdV8srvRg-00343-00111752-00111942 "is going to go on forever." +usqdV8srvRg-00344-00111961-00112183 And he said that years before +usqdV8srvRg-00345-00112183-00112591 he was diagnosed with amyloidosis. +usqdV8srvRg-00346-00112664-00113028 So, um, here are some fans in costumes. +usqdV8srvRg-00347-00113028-00113252 Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. +usqdV8srvRg-00348-00113424-00113861 This is a panel from this year's JordanCon. +usqdV8srvRg-00349-00113861-00114248 It was, it is a yearly convention +usqdV8srvRg-00350-00114248-00114505 held in Georgia, dedicated +usqdV8srvRg-00351-00114505-00114695 to Robert Jordan's writings. +usqdV8srvRg-00352-00114794-00115146 And there's even a lot of professional-grade fan art +usqdV8srvRg-00353-00115146-00115409 created. Um, here you see Mat. +usqdV8srvRg-00354-00115409-00115698 And I really like this one. +usqdV8srvRg-00355-00115894-00116258 And then he made the announcement that +usqdV8srvRg-00356-00116258-00116528 he had amyloidosis, +usqdV8srvRg-00357-00116528-00116885 which is an extremely rare blood disease. +usqdV8srvRg-00358-00116914-00117342 It only affects 8 people out of a million every year. +usqdV8srvRg-00359-00117342-00117600 And those 8 million [sic] are divided among +usqdV8srvRg-00360-00117600-00117996 22 distinct forms of the disease. +usqdV8srvRg-00361-00117996-00118232 Some of the forms have no treatment at all. +usqdV8srvRg-00362-00118232-00118608 Some treatment that works on one will have no effect +usqdV8srvRg-00363-00118608-00118909 whatsoever on the next person. +usqdV8srvRg-00364-00118909-00119250 And what he had was called +usqdV8srvRg-00365-00119250-00119616 primary amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy. +usqdV8srvRg-00366-00119616-00120032 Which meant that about 5% of his bone marrow +usqdV8srvRg-00367-00120032-00120230 was producing amyloids, +usqdV8srvRg-00368-00120230-00120470 which were depositing into the wall of his heart, +usqdV8srvRg-00369-00120470-00120609 stiffening it. +usqdV8srvRg-00370-00120609-00121011 And so, untreated it would make his heart +usqdV8srvRg-00371-00121011-00121278 unable to function any longer, +usqdV8srvRg-00372-00121278-00121496 and he would have a median life expectancy +usqdV8srvRg-00373-00121496-00121608 of one year. +usqdV8srvRg-00374-00121608-00121945 And he said, "But fortunately, I am set up for treatment, +usqdV8srvRg-00375-00121946-00122306 "which expands my median life expectancy to 4 years. +usqdV8srvRg-00376-00122306-00122527 "This does not mean I have 4 years to live. +usqdV8srvRg-00377-00122527-00122766 "For those who have forgotten their freshman +usqdV8srvRg-00378-00122766-00122928 "or pre-freshman math, +usqdV8srvRg-00379-00122928-00123132 "a median means half the numbers +usqdV8srvRg-00380-00123132-00123326 "fall above that and half fall below. +usqdV8srvRg-00381-00123328-00123508 "It's not an average. +usqdV8srvRg-00382-00123508-00123859 "In any case, I intend to live considerably +usqdV8srvRg-00383-00123859-00123992 "longer than that. +usqdV8srvRg-00384-00123992-00124248 "Everybody knows or has heard of someone +usqdV8srvRg-00385-00124248-00124446 "who was told they had 5 years to live, +usqdV8srvRg-00386-00124446-00124638 "only that was 20 years ago +usqdV8srvRg-00387-00124638-00124716 "and here the guy is, +usqdV8srvRg-00388-00124716-00124871 "still around and kicking. +usqdV8srvRg-00389-00124872-00125078 "I mean to beat him. +usqdV8srvRg-00390-00125078-00125284 "I sat down and figured out how long +usqdV8srvRg-00391-00125284-00125468 "it would take me to write all the books +usqdV8srvRg-00392-00125468-00125627 "I currently have in mind, +usqdV8srvRg-00393-00125628-00125872 "without adding anything new, +usqdV8srvRg-00394-00125872-00126168 "and without trying to rush anything." +usqdV8srvRg-00395-00126168-00126620 And the figure he came up with was 30 years. +usqdV8srvRg-00396-00126620-00126952 And he was 57, so anyone at that age +usqdV8srvRg-00397-00126952-00127142 hoping for another 30 years is asking +usqdV8srvRg-00398-00127142-00127256 for a fair bit. +usqdV8srvRg-00399-00127256-00127430 "But I don't care. That's my minimum goal. +usqdV8srvRg-00400-00127430-00127580 "I'm going to finish these books. +usqdV8srvRg-00401-00127580-00127653 "All of them. +usqdV8srvRg-00402-00127654-00127850 "And that is that. +usqdV8srvRg-00403-00127850-00128118 "If I get less than full remission, my doctor already +usqdV8srvRg-00404-00128118-00128371 "she says, has several therapies in mind, +usqdV8srvRg-00405-00128371-00128596 "though I expect we will be heading into +usqdV8srvRg-00406-00128596-00128758 "experimental territory. +usqdV8srvRg-00407-00128758-00128908 "And if that's where it takes me, +usqdV8srvRg-00408-00128908-00129006 "however so be it, +usqdV8srvRg-00409-00129006-00129194 "I have 30 more years +usqdV8srvRg-00410-00129194-00129400 "left of books to write, +usqdV8srvRg-00411-00129400-00129644 "even if I can keep from thinking of any more. +usqdV8srvRg-00412-00129644-00129829 "And I don't intend to let this thing +usqdV8srvRg-00413-00129829-00130055 "get in my way." +usqdV8srvRg-00414-00130196-00130466 So, he continued to plan and write +usqdV8srvRg-00415-00130466-00130643 as he went through chemotherapy, +usqdV8srvRg-00416-00130644-00130802 They decided to, +usqdV8srvRg-00417-00130802-00130986 um, if I understand correctly, +usqdV8srvRg-00418-00130986-00131232 kill the bad bone marrow, +usqdV8srvRg-00419-00131232-00131464 so to speak, harvest the good bone marrow, +usqdV8srvRg-00420-00131464-00131892 grow it, and do that as part of the therapy. +usqdV8srvRg-00421-00131892-00132288 And he already had tons of notes about the series. +usqdV8srvRg-00422-00132288-00132688 And so, he expanded the notes that he already had, +usqdV8srvRg-00423-00132688-00132974 and he wrote scenes +usqdV8srvRg-00424-00132974-00133268 from, from books that would be coming out +usqdV8srvRg-00425-00133268-00133666 and other passages in between the scenes, etc. +usqdV8srvRg-00426-00133770-00134148 And then he passed away. +usqdV8srvRg-00427-00134148-00134419 (Audience member) I remember when I found out +usqdV8srvRg-00428-00134419-00134574 (coughing) when he died. +usqdV8srvRg-00429-00134574-00134831 I have a friend who has bad cerebral palsy. +usqdV8srvRg-00430-00134831-00134971 And she's in a wheelchair. +usqdV8srvRg-00431-00134971-00135223 And we were walking through the library, +usqdV8srvRg-00432-00135233-00135465 and she told me Robert Jordan died. +usqdV8srvRg-00433-00135465-00135816 And I stopped so fast she almost fell out of her wheelchair. +usqdV8srvRg-00434-00135874-00136118 Yeah. It was a big thing. +usqdV8srvRg-00435-00136184-00136480 It was covered by USA Today, the New York Times, +usqdV8srvRg-00436-00136480-00136690 the LA Times, and the BBC. +usqdV8srvRg-00437-00136872-00137414 And, of course, you know, all the fans were grieving. +usqdV8srvRg-00438-00137414-00137514 (Audience member) NO!! +usqdV8srvRg-00439-00137514-00137812 It was, it was, he was a great man and he died. +usqdV8srvRg-00440-00137812-00138086 But the question in the back of our minds, +usqdV8srvRg-00441-00138086-00138442 was, would the series be finished? +usqdV8srvRg-00442-00138442-00138802 Not that anybody wanted to say that out loud at first. +usqdV8srvRg-00443-00138802-00138856 But. +usqdV8srvRg-00444-00138856-00138912 (Audience member) I know. +usqdV8srvRg-00445-00138974-00139300 And so, a young writer named Brandon Sanderson +usqdV8srvRg-00446-00139300-00139624 wrote a eulogy for Robert Jordan on his website. +usqdV8srvRg-00447-00139678-00139890 And it reads, in part, +usqdV8srvRg-00448-00139890-00140070 "Now he's gone. +usqdV8srvRg-00449-00140070-00140394 "And I'm sure many see this as an opportunity, +usqdV8srvRg-00450-00140394-00140562 "not a tragedy. +usqdV8srvRg-00451-00140562-00140729 "Who is the heir apparent? +usqdV8srvRg-00452-00140730-00140936 "I wonder how many authors +usqdV8srvRg-00453-00140936-00141092 "emailed their editors Monday, +usqdV8srvRg-00454-00141092-00141338 "asking them if anyone +usqdV8srvRg-00455-00141338-00141654 "was needed to finish the Eye of the World series. +usqdV8srvRg-00456-00141654-00141912 "Even if none of them are chosen for the task, +usqdV8srvRg-00457-00141912-00142141 "there will be a feeling that the publisher needs +usqdV8srvRg-00458-00142141-00142311 "to push somebody to fill +usqdV8srvRg-00459-00142311-00142451 "the hole in their line-up. +usqdV8srvRg-00460-00142462-00142710 "And yet, I sit here thinking +usqdV8srvRg-00461-00142710-00142938 "that something has changed, +usqdV8srvRg-00462-00142939-00143099 "something is missing. +usqdV8srvRg-00463-00143099-00143255 "Some hated you, Mr. Jordan, +usqdV8srvRg-00464-00143256-00143496 "claiming you represented all that is terrible +usqdV8srvRg-00465-00143496-00143678 "about popular fantasy. +usqdV8srvRg-00466-00143678-00143897 "Others revered you as the only one +usqdV8srvRg-00467-00143898-00144044 "who got it right. +usqdV8srvRg-00468-00144044-00144396 "Personally, I simply feel indebted to you. +usqdV8srvRg-00469-00144396-00144706 "You showed me what it was to have vision and scope +usqdV8srvRg-00470-00144706-00144837 "in a fantasy series. +usqdV8srvRg-00471-00144838-00145062 "You showed me what could be done. +usqdV8srvRg-00472-00145062-00145298 "I still believe that without your success, +usqdV8srvRg-00473-00145298-00145502 "many younger authors like myself +usqdV8srvRg-00474-00145502-00145663 "would have never had a chance +usqdV8srvRg-00475-00145663-00145847 "at publishing their dreams. +usqdV8srvRg-00476-00145847-00146176 "You go quietly, but leave us trembling." +usqdV8srvRg-00477-00146424-00146582 So then... +usqdV8srvRg-00478-00146742-00147058 this is from Harriet, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00479-00147058-00147368 who is Robert Jordan's widow and editor +usqdV8srvRg-00480-00147368-00147498 and Brandon Sanderson. +usqdV8srvRg-00481-00147498-00147864 This explains how she ended up choosing him +usqdV8srvRg-00482-00147864-00148044 to finish the series. +usqdV8srvRg-00483-00148044-00148452 Harriet: I had not heard of Brandon until it was the week +usqdV8srvRg-00484-00148452-00148664 of my husband's death. +usqdV8srvRg-00485-00148700-00148858 A friend was visiting, +usqdV8srvRg-00486-00148858-00149184 she put in front of me a printout +usqdV8srvRg-00487-00149184-00149524 and it was the eulogy for Robert Jordan +usqdV8srvRg-00488-00149524-00149836 that Brandon had posted on his website. +usqdV8srvRg-00489-00149836-00150322 Brandon's eulogy was really beautiful and very loving. +usqdV8srvRg-00490-00150346-00150696 And I thought, "Gosh, this guy, he knows what, +usqdV8srvRg-00491-00150696-00150904 what the series is all about. +usqdV8srvRg-00492-00150938-00151272 And I got on the phone, called Tom Doherty and said, +usqdV8srvRg-00493-00151272-00151505 "Send me one of Sanderson's books." +usqdV8srvRg-00494-00151506-00151832 And he's a bit darker than Robert Jordan, +usqdV8srvRg-00495-00151832-00152064 but the series, as everyone knows, +usqdV8srvRg-00496-00152064-00152320 is heading towards Tarmon Gai'don, +usqdV8srvRg-00497-00152320-00152501 which is the battle with the Dark One +usqdV8srvRg-00498-00152501-00152698 that will decide the fate of the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00499-00152698-00152898 Tom said, "Okay. I'll go for that. +usqdV8srvRg-00500-00152898-00153110 "We will, we'll go for Brandon." +usqdV8srvRg-00501-00153110-00153316 You made it clear that you would love +usqdV8srvRg-00502-00153316-00153420 to do this. +usqdV8srvRg-00503-00153443-00153603 And that was wonderful. +usqdV8srvRg-00504-00153603-00153763 That's what I needed to hear. +usqdV8srvRg-00505-00153763-00154013 Brandon: The next thing was for me to fly to Charleston. +usqdV8srvRg-00506-00154013-00154148 Harriet drives me to her house, +usqdV8srvRg-00507-00154148-00154367 and I'm still, I'm fanboying all of this. +usqdV8srvRg-00508-00154368-00154458 And you had said, +usqdV8srvRg-00509-00154458-00154566 "Do you want some dinner?" +usqdV8srvRg-00510-00154566-00154666 And my response was, +usqdV8srvRg-00511-00154666-00154814 "No, I want the ending!" +usqdV8srvRg-00512-00154814-00154945 (Both laughing.) +usqdV8srvRg-00513-00154945-00155073 "I want, I want the ending, +usqdV8srvRg-00514-00155073-00155238 "and I want to know who killed Asmodean." +usqdV8srvRg-00515-00155238-00155470 Um, anyway. "Oh, alright, well here it is," +usqdV8srvRg-00516-00155470-00155656 and you handed me that and you kind of waved me into +usqdV8srvRg-00517-00155656-00155936 the, the den, I guess it is, a sitting room, +usqdV8srvRg-00518-00155936-00156160 "head over there, go ahead, go for it." +usqdV8srvRg-00519-00156160-00156348 And so I was over there, poring over the materials, +usqdV8srvRg-00520-00156348-00156593 and I flipped way, right to the ending and read because +usqdV8srvRg-00521-00156593-00156733 Robert Jordan had always said, +usqdV8srvRg-00522-00156733-00156889 "I have the ending in mind." +usqdV8srvRg-00523-00156889-00157146 And all the readers, all the fans had known this. +usqdV8srvRg-00524-00157146-00157384 And we'd listened to interviews and he'd been saying for years, +usqdV8srvRg-00525-00157384-00157531 he'd been saying, "I know the ending. +usqdV8srvRg-00526-00157531-00157677 "The last scene is in my head." +usqdV8srvRg-00527-00157678-00157912 And so I got to read that last scene, +usqdV8srvRg-00528-00157912-00158104 um, before dinner. +usqdV8srvRg-00529-00158104-00158280 Then I retreated to my cave - +usqdV8srvRg-00530-00158292-00158404 Yes, he did. +usqdV8srvRg-00531-00158404-00158508 And crawled in - +usqdV8srvRg-00532-00158508-00158719 And put up a "do not disturb" sign - +usqdV8srvRg-00533-00158719-00158959 And wrote furiously for a number of months. +usqdV8srvRg-00534-00158959-00159115 This book had taken shape, +usqdV8srvRg-00535-00159116-00159320 particularly for Brandon, +usqdV8srvRg-00536-00159320-00159458 and he said in a conference call, +usqdV8srvRg-00537-00159458-00159629 "Look. Here's what we're going to do." +usqdV8srvRg-00538-00159651-00159827 And it made perfect sense. +usqdV8srvRg-00539-00159827-00160060 The amount of material he left behind +usqdV8srvRg-00540-00160060-00160312 is what makes this book possible. +usqdV8srvRg-00541-00160854-00161224 And Brandon, as you know, lives in American Fork, +usqdV8srvRg-00542-00161226-00161583 so it's pretty easy to get stuff signed. +usqdV8srvRg-00543-00161584-00161796 which is always pretty nice. +usqdV8srvRg-00544-00161912-00162304 So, Brandon, um, competed the series, +usqdV8srvRg-00545-00162304-00162574 but as he wrote, the book literally +usqdV8srvRg-00546-00162574-00162876 grew too large to bind. +usqdV8srvRg-00547-00162876-00163290 Robert Jordan said at that San Diego signing I went to, +usqdV8srvRg-00548-00163290-00163516 "The last book will be one book +usqdV8srvRg-00549-00163516-00163734 "if they have to sell a luggage cart +usqdV8srvRg-00550-00163734-00163860 "to go with it." +usqdV8srvRg-00551-00163902-00164560 But you can only physically bind so many pages. +usqdV8srvRg-00552-00164598-00164772 (Laughter.) +usqdV8srvRg-00553-00164786-00164910 And Brandon said, +usqdV8srvRg-00554-00164910-00165078 "I'm writing it the length +usqdV8srvRg-00555-00165078-00165266 "it's supposed to be. The length +usqdV8srvRg-00556-00165266-00165498 "he said that it would be." +usqdV8srvRg-00557-00165524-00165808 So, they split it into 3 parts: +usqdV8srvRg-00558-00165808-00166122 The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, +usqdV8srvRg-00559-00166122-00166340 and A Memory of Light. +usqdV8srvRg-00560-00166401-00166769 And he incorporated the finished scenes into the books, +usqdV8srvRg-00561-00166770-00167086 he adapted his writing style to fit the series, +usqdV8srvRg-00562-00167086-00167480 and where there weren't scenes he built up +usqdV8srvRg-00563-00167480-00167782 what he needed to from the notes. +usqdV8srvRg-00564-00167899-00168243 So, people always want to talk about what they love. +usqdV8srvRg-00565-00168243-00168522 And with so many people that enjoy the Wheel of Time, +usqdV8srvRg-00566-00168522-00168882 it should be no surprise that it has sparked many fan communities. +usqdV8srvRg-00567-00168908-00169216 I mentioned Dragonmount, founded in 1998; +usqdV8srvRg-00568-00169264-00169464 Theoryland, founded in 2000; +usqdV8srvRg-00569-00169464-00169830 and TarValon.Net, founded in 2001. +usqdV8srvRg-00570-00169864-00170246 Um, for the sake of time, these are the 3 communities +usqdV8srvRg-00571-00170246-00170365 I'm going to talk about. +usqdV8srvRg-00572-00170365-00170529 They're the oldest and most prominent. +usqdV8srvRg-00573-00170530-00170866 And I'm not a member of Dragonmount or Theoryland, +usqdV8srvRg-00574-00170866-00171088 so I'm going to do my best talking about them. +usqdV8srvRg-00575-00171088-00171338 I am a member of TarValon.Net, +usqdV8srvRg-00576-00171338-00171606 so I have a little bit of favoritism. +usqdV8srvRg-00577-00171606-00171698 (Audience member) So? +usqdV8srvRg-00578-00171698-00171790 So, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00579-00171790-00171856 (Laughter.) +usqdV8srvRg-00580-00171856-00171988 I have attempted to contain it. +usqdV8srvRg-00581-00171988-00172268 But yeah, I'm not very good at that. +usqdV8srvRg-00582-00172358-00172600 So Dragonmount was founded in 1998 +usqdV8srvRg-00583-00172600-00172952 by Jason Denzel, who now has a book deal. +usqdV8srvRg-00584-00172952-00173280 And his first book will be coming out soon. +usqdV8srvRg-00585-00173280-00173508 I'm not sure exactly when. +usqdV8srvRg-00586-00173508-00173832 And Dragonmount actually maintains Robert Jordan's blog, +usqdV8srvRg-00587-00173832-00174284 because RJ was a frequent visitor to Dragonmount. +usqdV8srvRg-00588-00174284-00174636 Um, so RJ wrote the blog and his friends and family +usqdV8srvRg-00589-00174636-00174854 still occasionally contribute to it. +usqdV8srvRg-00590-00174854-00175278 And Dragonmount has a significant presence at JordanCon. +usqdV8srvRg-00591-00175340-00175654 They exist as a community to foster friendships +usqdV8srvRg-00592-00175654-00175892 among fellow Wheel of Time fans. +usqdV8srvRg-00593-00175892-00176204 They have news, forums, social media, +usqdV8srvRg-00594-00176205-00176464 a podcast and role playing. +usqdV8srvRg-00595-00176802-00176914 And Theoryland. +usqdV8srvRg-00596-00176989-00177301 Um, they specialize in, as far as I understand, +usqdV8srvRg-00597-00177302-00177622 discussing the finer points of the series. +usqdV8srvRg-00598-00177622-00177808 Such as, who killed Asmodean? +usqdV8srvRg-00599-00177882-00178344 Um. So, why things happened, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00600-00178344-00178552 the way they did, or what will happen in the +usqdV8srvRg-00601-00178552-00178784 future world of the Wheel of Time. +usqdV8srvRg-00602-00178828-00179194 Um, they have debates and interpretations, +usqdV8srvRg-00603-00179194-00179438 and they talk about symbolism. +usqdV8srvRg-00604-00179438-00179700 And they host the largest and searchable +usqdV8srvRg-00605-00179700-00179968 datbase of interviews with Robert Jordan +usqdV8srvRg-00606-00179968-00180096 and related people. +usqdV8srvRg-00607-00180096-00180307 I could not have made this presentation +usqdV8srvRg-00608-00180307-00180444 without their database. +usqdV8srvRg-00609-00180444-00180762 It is an epic thing. +usqdV8srvRg-00610-00180838-00181046 So, they're awesome. +usqdV8srvRg-00611-00181078-00181402 And they also have a forum where +usqdV8srvRg-00612-00181402-00181758 they, of course, talk about the books +usqdV8srvRg-00613-00181758-00182009 and talk with each other, debate and such. +usqdV8srvRg-00614-00182078-00182288 And then TarValon.Net. +usqdV8srvRg-00615-00182320-00182644 It's a, unlike the other communities +usqdV8srvRg-00616-00182644-00182982 we're more focused on real life. +usqdV8srvRg-00617-00183029-00183397 And we're structured after the White Tower of the books. +usqdV8srvRg-00618-00183398-00183724 We have 7 Ajahs for the Aes Sedai, +usqdV8srvRg-00619-00183724-00184054 and 4 Companies, which are Ajah-equivalent groups +usqdV8srvRg-00620-00184054-00184220 for Warders. +usqdV8srvRg-00621-00184220-00184500 Um. We wanted to give them a sense of identity +usqdV8srvRg-00622-00184500-00184755 other than just being bonded to someone. +usqdV8srvRg-00623-00184755-00184989 Which, they don't have to be bonded to anyone. +usqdV8srvRg-00624-00185061-00185405 Various ranks are available regardless of gender, +usqdV8srvRg-00625-00185405-00185546 which is a recent change. +usqdV8srvRg-00626-00185546-00185740 You can be a Citizen of the City, +usqdV8srvRg-00627-00185740-00186040 then after entering the Tower you can go what we call +usqdV8srvRg-00628-00186040-00186380 the Aes Sedai path; Novice, Accepted, Aes Sedai; +usqdV8srvRg-00629-00186380-00186890 or the Gaidin path; Recruit, Soldier, Gaidin, or Warder if you are bonded. +usqdV8srvRg-00630-00187028-00187372 Um, it's a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization +usqdV8srvRg-00631-00187372-00187660 because what we try to do is focus +usqdV8srvRg-00632-00187660-00187937 on community service through the concept +usqdV8srvRg-00633-00187956-00188204 of Aes Sedai being Servants of All... +usqdV8srvRg-00634-00188204-00188515 something that the Aes Sedai seem to have forgotten +usqdV8srvRg-00635-00188515-00188696 in the Third Age. +usqdV8srvRg-00636-00188696-00188991 That their name literally means "Servant of All." +usqdV8srvRg-00637-00189018-00189498 We raised $45,000 for Heifer International a few years ago; +usqdV8srvRg-00638-00189544-00189872 and we hold an annual international blood drive. +usqdV8srvRg-00639-00189872-00190240 Last year, we donated 41 pints of blood +usqdV8srvRg-00640-00190240-00190394 in 8 countries. +usqdV8srvRg-00641-00190419-00190723 We also award an annual college scholarship. +usqdV8srvRg-00642-00190724-00191042 It's small. But we do it. +usqdV8srvRg-00643-00191135-00191319 And we hold annual parties. +usqdV8srvRg-00644-00191344-00191642 Um, Anniversary Party in North America, +usqdV8srvRg-00645-00191692-00191920 Britain & Ireland Party, Euro Party, +usqdV8srvRg-00646-00191920-00192276 and we have a significant presence at JordanCon. +usqdV8srvRg-00647-00192334-00192672 So the existence of these communities +usqdV8srvRg-00648-00192672-00193162 shows the power that the series has on its fans. +usqdV8srvRg-00649-00193162-00193472 And a lot of them have stories to tell +usqdV8srvRg-00650-00193472-00193760 about how the series has affected them. +usqdV8srvRg-00651-00193764-00194028 So, um, I've got some of those. +usqdV8srvRg-00652-00194070-00194548 This is from (redacted), a fan in (redacted): +usqdV8srvRg-00653-00194559-00194791 "The Wheel of Time changed my life. +usqdV8srvRg-00654-00194791-00195059 "I was 16 and really in a downward spiral. +usqdV8srvRg-00655-00195075-00195413 "My reputation got so bad that I landed in juvenile hall +usqdV8srvRg-00656-00195413-00195605 "for something I didn't do +usqdV8srvRg-00657-00195605-00195768 "simply because someone decided +usqdV8srvRg-00658-00195768-00195970 "I was a good scapegoat. +usqdV8srvRg-00659-00195970-00196192 "That's where I picked up the Wheel of Time. +usqdV8srvRg-00660-00196193-00196473 "It was a real light in the darkness for me. +usqdV8srvRg-00661-00196473-00196748 "The characters' determination and growth that they +usqdV8srvRg-00662-00196748-00197018 "experienced really influenced me. +usqdV8srvRg-00663-00197018-00197322 "It made me feel as though I was growing with them. +usqdV8srvRg-00664-00197322-00197718 "They battled the Darkness while I fought my own battle. +usqdV8srvRg-00665-00197718-00198076 "Most of all, the Wheel of Time was an escape. +usqdV8srvRg-00666-00198076-00198309 "I was able to escape my circumstances +usqdV8srvRg-00667-00198310-00198548 "by immersing myself in the books. +usqdV8srvRg-00668-00198548-00198764 "I wasn't locked in a cell... +usqdV8srvRg-00669-00198963-00199043 "In my mind" +usqdV8srvRg-00670-00199112-00199418 Readers will definitely be familiar with this. +usqdV8srvRg-00671-00199418-00199682 And there was this one line, and I'm going to paraphrase it, +usqdV8srvRg-00672-00199682-00199862 "and I'm sure I'm going to slaughter it, but +usqdV8srvRg-00673-00199870-00200190 um, where one of the main characters says, +usqdV8srvRg-00674-00200254-00200570 "Weep for Manetheren. Weep for what is lost." +usqdV8srvRg-00675-00200570-00200770 And I can remember him shutting the book +usqdV8srvRg-00676-00200770-00200978 at that exact line and said, +usqdV8srvRg-00677-00200978-00201193 "Well, that's all we're going to read for today." +usqdV8srvRg-00678-00201194-00201314 (Laughter.) And I was like "NO!" +usqdV8srvRg-00679-00201314-00201444 "You can't stop there!" +usqdV8srvRg-00680-00201444-00201727 I, I suddenly, I had, had chills from the top of my head +usqdV8srvRg-00681-00201728-00201946 to the tips of my toes. +usqdV8srvRg-00682-00201946-00202214 And I was like...this is amazing. +usqdV8srvRg-00683-00202214-00202426 I, I knew from that moment on +usqdV8srvRg-00684-00202426-00202604 I was going to be a fan of the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00685-00202604-00202800 for the rest of my life. +usqdV8srvRg-00686-00202835-00202995 Interestingly enough, +usqdV8srvRg-00687-00202996-00203315 um, my husband and I finished reading +usqdV8srvRg-00688-00203315-00203454 the entire book series +usqdV8srvRg-00689-00203454-00203702 out loud to each other. +usqdV8srvRg-00690-00203702-00203824 And now we read it +usqdV8srvRg-00691-00203824-00203977 to our 6-year-old little girl. +usqdV8srvRg-00692-00204080-00204296 What has the Wheel of Time meant to me? +usqdV8srvRg-00693-00204296-00204621 Well, um, after reading, I think, Eye of the World, +usqdV8srvRg-00694-00204621-00204839 I went online looking for more information +usqdV8srvRg-00695-00204840-00205021 like a lot of people do. +usqdV8srvRg-00696-00205046-00205556 And I came across a website, I think the first one was Silk Lantern. +usqdV8srvRg-00697-00205590-00205828 And I realized, oh my gosh. +usqdV8srvRg-00698-00205828-00206243 People actually role play the characters from Jordan's world. +usqdV8srvRg-00699-00206243-00206389 Maybe not exactly the ones from the books, +usqdV8srvRg-00700-00206390-00206486 but they make their own. +usqdV8srvRg-00701-00206486-00206682 And oh my gosh, they write fan fiction +usqdV8srvRg-00702-00206682-00206938 about this. And I, I'd never been introduced +usqdV8srvRg-00703-00206938-00207132 to fan fiction before this. But once I saw it, +usqdV8srvRg-00704-00207132-00207332 I was like, "I have to do that!" +usqdV8srvRg-00705-00207332-00207536 Um. As an aspiring author myself, +usqdV8srvRg-00706-00207536-00207819 it was a thrill to know that +usqdV8srvRg-00707-00207819-00208021 someone kind of gave us a thumbs up, +usqdV8srvRg-00708-00208021-00208278 it's okay, you can, you can take this world +usqdV8srvRg-00709-00208278-00208412 and you can write about it. +usqdV8srvRg-00710-00208412-00208674 And you can explore your own imagination. +usqdV8srvRg-00711-00208674-00208847 And you can work on your craft. +usqdV8srvRg-00712-00208847-00209009 And you can entertain others. +usqdV8srvRg-00713-00209009-00209265 And suddenly, the book series +usqdV8srvRg-00714-00209265-00209434 went from something being, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00715-00209434-00209760 something that my husband and I loved behind closed doors +usqdV8srvRg-00716-00209760-00209946 to being something that connected me to other people. +usqdV8srvRg-00717-00209946-00210178 And, and not just people in the United States. +usqdV8srvRg-00718-00210178-00210395 I connected with people from all over the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00719-00210396-00210676 In fact, I have a dear, dear friend who lives in Finland +usqdV8srvRg-00720-00210676-00210897 who has flown here to the United States several times +usqdV8srvRg-00721-00210898-00211108 just to come visit our family. +usqdV8srvRg-00722-00211108-00211436 And, um, in a lot of ways I consider her a sister. +usqdV8srvRg-00723-00211436-00211673 I, I have brothers and sisters now +usqdV8srvRg-00724-00211673-00211793 thanks to the fandom. +usqdV8srvRg-00725-00211794-00211936 All across the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00726-00211936-00212250 I've been on sites and a member of sites actively, +usqdV8srvRg-00727-00212250-00212594 um, from Dragonmount.com to TarValon.Net, +usqdV8srvRg-00728-00212594-00212930 and, um, I don't regret a moment of it. +usqdV8srvRg-00729-00212930-00213236 Because Wheel of Time is like a Rosetta Stone. +usqdV8srvRg-00730-00213236-00213476 It really does break down cultural barriers, +usqdV8srvRg-00731-00213476-00213639 it speaks a common language. +usqdV8srvRg-00732-00213640-00213923 It talks about heroes and light and darkness +usqdV8srvRg-00733-00213923-00214062 and the state of humanity +usqdV8srvRg-00734-00214062-00214310 and what it means to be, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00735-00214310-00214492 who we are as people. +usqdV8srvRg-00736-00214492-00214852 That's not something that is unique to the United States. +usqdV8srvRg-00737-00214852-00215140 It's not unique to any culture. +usqdV8srvRg-00738-00215140-00215428 It draws off, Robert Jordan draws off +usqdV8srvRg-00739-00215428-00215711 many mythos, um, from different cultures. +usqdV8srvRg-00740-00215767-00216167 It's, um, it's more of a tale about the human spirit. +usqdV8srvRg-00741-00216167-00216490 And enduring and finding your strength +usqdV8srvRg-00742-00216490-00216802 and overcoming what would be easier +usqdV8srvRg-00743-00216802-00217016 and what would be your weaknesses. +usqdV8srvRg-00744-00217016-00217258 And that's just something we all understand. +usqdV8srvRg-00745-00217258-00217490 Definitely, Robert Jordan's books +usqdV8srvRg-00746-00217490-00217798 have changed a lot of lives. +usqdV8srvRg-00747-00217798-00218016 Um. I've been fortunate enough to +usqdV8srvRg-00748-00218016-00218382 know several people who the books +usqdV8srvRg-00749-00218382-00218575 literally saved their lives. +usqdV8srvRg-00750-00218576-00218996 I don't know if people have come to Harriet or +usqdV8srvRg-00751-00218996-00219242 to Brandon or to even Robert, +usqdV8srvRg-00752-00219242-00219457 before he passed, and told them that. +usqdV8srvRg-00753-00219458-00219769 But I have talked to some young teens, +usqdV8srvRg-00754-00219769-00220182 um, who have told me that before the fandom +usqdV8srvRg-00755-00220182-00220380 they didn't have anyone. +usqdV8srvRg-00756-00220380-00220690 And literally thought they were alone in the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00757-00220734-00221094 And the stories that the books presented, +usqdV8srvRg-00758-00221094-00221396 and the opportunities they found in the fandom to make friends +usqdV8srvRg-00759-00221396-00221719 and to find people who had common interests to them... +usqdV8srvRg-00760-00221767-00221884 quite possibly, +usqdV8srvRg-00761-00221884-00222151 and in some cases, they claim, in fact did +usqdV8srvRg-00762-00222151-00222291 save their lives. +usqdV8srvRg-00763-00222360-00222856 I cannot think of a, a more amazing thing to hear +usqdV8srvRg-00764-00222856-00223192 if I were an author, or just anyone, than +usqdV8srvRg-00765-00223192-00223478 your words had that deep of an impact +usqdV8srvRg-00766-00223478-00223716 on another person. And I hope that they know that. +usqdV8srvRg-00767-00223750-00224010 I really pray that they understand +usqdV8srvRg-00768-00224132-00224534 the truly amazing thing that is the Wheel of Time. +usqdV8srvRg-00769-00224812-00225116 So I actually got to talk with, um, +usqdV8srvRg-00770-00225116-00225588 Maria from Team Jordan, and, um, I asked her +usqdV8srvRg-00771-00225588-00225828 what the Wheel of Time meant for her. +usqdV8srvRg-00772-00225828-00226192 And she said that it was a real life-changer for her +usqdV8srvRg-00773-00226192-00226471 and that it didn't start out that way. +usqdV8srvRg-00774-00226471-00226616 When she started reading, +usqdV8srvRg-00775-00226616-00226969 in 1991, it was just another fantastic series +usqdV8srvRg-00776-00226969-00227228 to look forward to as each book came out. +usqdV8srvRg-00777-00227228-00227398 "That changed 5 years later when I +usqdV8srvRg-00778-00227398-00227717 "scored a part-time job helping Harriet and Jim, +usqdV8srvRg-00779-00227717-00227856 "also known as Robert Jordan, +usqdV8srvRg-00780-00227856-00228082 "with fan mail and filing. +usqdV8srvRg-00781-00228082-00228200 "It started small. +usqdV8srvRg-00782-00228200-00228384 "There were times that I was worried I would +usqdV8srvRg-00783-00228384-00228634 "finish my tasks and be out of a job. +usqdV8srvRg-00784-00228634-00228882 "But before too long passed, I was full-time +usqdV8srvRg-00785-00228882-00229162 "and actually helping with the books. +usqdV8srvRg-00786-00229162-00229344 "It was a great ride. +usqdV8srvRg-00787-00229344-00229638 "I had the best bosses in the universe, +usqdV8srvRg-00788-00229638-00229940 "great co-workers, and a job that I loved. +usqdV8srvRg-00789-00229940-00230236 "The Wheel of Time became a central part of my life, +usqdV8srvRg-00790-00230236-00230414 "waking and sleeping. +usqdV8srvRg-00791-00230414-00230717 "In my dreams, Padan Fain stole my groceries +usqdV8srvRg-00792-00230717-00230980 "and Benji Dalfor called my house. +usqdV8srvRg-00793-00230996-00231384 "When Jim died, I was grief-stricken. +usqdV8srvRg-00794-00231384-00231538 "But Harriet led us onward +usqdV8srvRg-00795-00231538-00231871 "and found Brandon to complete Jim's vision. +usqdV8srvRg-00796-00231871-00232219 "Jennifer Liang started JordanCon; +usqdV8srvRg-00797-00232219-00232464 "I met so many wonderful people there +usqdV8srvRg-00798-00232464-00232762 "and learned to speak in public without panic. +usqdV8srvRg-00799-00232762-00233067 "I also went to Provo, Chicago, +usqdV8srvRg-00800-00233067-00233330 "New York, and London because of the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00801-00233330-00233508 "and met even more great folks. +usqdV8srvRg-00802-00233508-00233719 "And to top it all off, +usqdV8srvRg-00803-00233719-00233994 "later this year a book that I helped write, +usqdV8srvRg-00804-00233994-00234276 "The Wheel of Time Companion, will be released. +usqdV8srvRg-00805-00234276-00234444 "Some days I can hardly +usqdV8srvRg-00806-00234444-00234641 "believe how lucky I've been. +usqdV8srvRg-00807-00234642-00234964 "But the Wheel of Time made it all possible." +usqdV8srvRg-00808-00235184-00235432 And, um, this is from Ida, +usqdV8srvRg-00809-00235432-00235717 who lives in Oslo, Norway: +usqdV8srvRg-00810-00235717-00236026 "I was first introduced to the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00811-00236026-00236294 "by a good friend. She said I had to read it +usqdV8srvRg-00812-00236294-00236596 "and by the first chapters I was hooked. +usqdV8srvRg-00813-00236596-00236954 "And I continued to love it as I read it. +usqdV8srvRg-00814-00236954-00237244 "When I travel, I always have at least one +usqdV8srvRg-00815-00237244-00237430 "Wheel of Time book with me. +usqdV8srvRg-00816-00237430-00237694 "The same friend who introduced me to the series +usqdV8srvRg-00817-00237694-00237912 "also made me join this fan website. +usqdV8srvRg-00818-00237912-00238224 "I was skeptical at first, but I got dragged into +usqdV8srvRg-00819-00238224-00238526 "the fantastic world of online friendship. +usqdV8srvRg-00820-00238526-00238822 "At TarValon.net, I have met some of the persons +usqdV8srvRg-00821-00238822-00239004 "that mean the most to me. +usqdV8srvRg-00822-00239004-00239298 "I know that I have friends there that care for me +usqdV8srvRg-00823-00239298-00239536 "and who will be there for me no matter what. +usqdV8srvRg-00824-00239536-00239809 "When I finally met some of them in real life, +usqdV8srvRg-00825-00239810-00240054 "it was not like meeting new people. +usqdV8srvRg-00826-00240054-00240333 "It was like meeting old friends. +usqdV8srvRg-00827-00240333-00240553 "The Wheel of Time and TarValon.net have also +usqdV8srvRg-00828-00240554-00240869 "enabled me to travel to other places of the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00829-00240869-00241114 "I have twice traveled to the States, +usqdV8srvRg-00830-00241114-00241421 "and also traveled to the UK and the Netherlands +usqdV8srvRg-00831-00241421-00241702 "simply to meet friends from TarValon.net. +usqdV8srvRg-00832-00241702-00241921 "That is something I never thought I would do +usqdV8srvRg-00833-00241921-00242284 "and it's been a life-changing experience." +usqdV8srvRg-00834-00242284-00242605 When she landed in the hospital at one of our parties, +usqdV8srvRg-00835-00242606-00242921 um, we made sure that she was never alone. +usqdV8srvRg-00836-00243171-00243614 Um, this is from Jon in Rio Rancho, New Mexico: +usqdV8srvRg-00837-00243614-00243912 "The Wheel of Time taught me grammar and punctuation +usqdV8srvRg-00838-00243912-00244240 "and spelling better than my English teachers ever did. +usqdV8srvRg-00839-00244242-00244474 "It taught me to use my imagination, +usqdV8srvRg-00840-00244474-00244794 "it taught me the possibilities of having friends on other continents, +usqdV8srvRg-00841-00244794-00245006 "people I've only met online +usqdV8srvRg-00842-00245006-00245146 "but continue to be friends with +usqdV8srvRg-00843-00245146-00245344 "throughout the past 12 years. +usqdV8srvRg-00844-00245344-00245614 "It taught me how to grow up and be a responsible adult +usqdV8srvRg-00845-00245614-00246012 "instead of reacting with anger or insults." +usqdV8srvRg-00846-00246130-00246294 This is Rita. +usqdV8srvRg-00847-00246294-00246478 She is 81 years old. +usqdV8srvRg-00848-00246478-00246764 She lives in St. George, Utah, where I went to college. +usqdV8srvRg-00849-00246764-00247023 I actually met her on TarValon.Net +usqdV8srvRg-00850-00247023-00247278 and we realized we lived in the same town. +usqdV8srvRg-00851-00247278-00247494 And she became one of my best friends. +usqdV8srvRg-00852-00247573-00247825 And she said, "My granddaughter introduced me +usqdV8srvRg-00853-00247825-00248067 "to the Wheel of Time books some years ago. +usqdV8srvRg-00854-00248067-00248219 "Before I knew it, I was +usqdV8srvRg-00855-00248219-00248508 "signed and delivered to the White Tower. +usqdV8srvRg-00856-00248508-00248841 "I've had a professional career before I retired, +usqdV8srvRg-00857-00248841-00249127 "but it had been some time since I was in school, +usqdV8srvRg-00858-00249127-00249370 "and I did not grow up using computers. +usqdV8srvRg-00859-00249370-00249618 "Thus, my first benefit of reading the books +usqdV8srvRg-00860-00249618-00249728 "and joining the community +usqdV8srvRg-00861-00249728-00250098 "was in being more familiar in using the computer. +usqdV8srvRg-00862-00250098-00250376 "A second benefit was I had to study +usqdV8srvRg-00863-00250376-00250612 "if I expected to pass the tests +usqdV8srvRg-00864-00250612-00250866 "to become Accepted and Aes Sedai. +usqdV8srvRg-00865-00250866-00251217 "I looked forward so much to becoming Aes Sedai. +usqdV8srvRg-00866-00251217-00251456 "The biggest thrill was to be raised +usqdV8srvRg-00867-00251456-00251682 "to Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in person +usqdV8srvRg-00868-00251682-00252084 "at TarValon.Net's 10th anniversary party. +usqdV8srvRg-00869-00252119-00252384 "The most rewarding experience +usqdV8srvRg-00870-00252384-00252614 "is forming some wonderful friendships +usqdV8srvRg-00871-00252614-00252876 "and meeting so many nice, nice people. +usqdV8srvRg-00872-00252876-00253214 "It's so gratifying to be accepted by women and girls +usqdV8srvRg-00873-00253214-00253469 "so much younger than me, and the guys as well. +usqdV8srvRg-00874-00253469-00253773 "It's been great meeting people from all over the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00875-00253773-00253966 "Whether they're 16 years old or 30, +usqdV8srvRg-00876-00253966-00254167 "we have a common ground. +usqdV8srvRg-00877-00254167-00254367 "I really think that when you have the opportunity +usqdV8srvRg-00878-00254367-00254719 "to talk to people across so many walks of life, +usqdV8srvRg-00879-00254719-00254964 "it keeps you young. What fun I've had. +usqdV8srvRg-00880-00254964-00255319 "Tar Valon adds a great deal to my life." +usqdV8srvRg-00881-00255556-00255984 And let's see. I'm running low on time. +usqdV8srvRg-00882-00257390-00257517 (Coughing.) +usqdV8srvRg-00883-00257833-00258261 Okay, this is from Susan in Frederick, Maryland: +usqdV8srvRg-00884-00258261-00258475 "I had started the Wheel of Time books +usqdV8srvRg-00885-00258476-00258740 "several times in the past but never managed +usqdV8srvRg-00886-00258740-00258917 "to get very far because of the size +usqdV8srvRg-00887-00258917-00259169 "and lack of time to focus on reading them. +usqdV8srvRg-00888-00259169-00259432 "That changed when my gallbladder nearly ruptured +usqdV8srvRg-00889-00259432-00259692 "and I spent the better part of a year in bed +usqdV8srvRg-00890-00259692-00259976 "recovering from a major abdominal incision. +usqdV8srvRg-00891-00259976-00260340 "It was difficult to walk while it healed, and I was pretty weak +usqdV8srvRg-00892-00260340-00260662 "from post-op infections and other complications. +usqdV8srvRg-00893-00260662-00261017 "About the only thing I could do for a few months was read. +usqdV8srvRg-00894-00261017-00261236 "My husband got tired of me constantly asking for +usqdV8srvRg-00895-00261236-00261415 "a new book from the other room, +usqdV8srvRg-00896-00261416-00261623 "so he picked up the Eye of the World and said, +usqdV8srvRg-00897-00261623-00261864 "'Here. This should keep you busy for a while.' +usqdV8srvRg-00898-00261864-00261942 (Laughter.) +usqdV8srvRg-00899-00261942-00262224 "I spent the next few months completely engaged +usqdV8srvRg-00900-00262224-00262474 "in the Wheel of Time. It was nice to escape +usqdV8srvRg-00901-00262474-00262712 "from my problems through the world. +usqdV8srvRg-00902-00262712-00262972 "By the time I finished all the books my husband owned, +usqdV8srvRg-00903-00262972-00263206 "Winter's Heart had just been released. +usqdV8srvRg-00904-00263206-00263422 "I was up and on my feet by that time, +usqdV8srvRg-00905-00263422-00263642 "so I went out and bought it. +usqdV8srvRg-00906-00263642-00263826 "This is the first book in the series +usqdV8srvRg-00907-00263826-00263991 "I purchased for myself. +usqdV8srvRg-00908-00263992-00264322 "What I really, when - I needed someone to talk to +usqdV8srvRg-00909-00264322-00264762 "about this world, but my husband hadn't read Winter's Heart +usqdV8srvRg-00910-00264762-00265084 "and I wasn't - and he wasn't inclined to talk as much as I wanted, +usqdV8srvRg-00911-00265084-00265391 "so I got online and searched for the Wheel of Time. +usqdV8srvRg-00912-00265392-00265624 "And I found TarValon.net. +usqdV8srvRg-00913-00265624-00266012 "What started as a place to discuss the series with fans +usqdV8srvRg-00914-00266012-00266316 "quickly became one of my main social outlets. +usqdV8srvRg-00915-00266316-00266572 "I've lived with social anxiety most of my life, +usqdV8srvRg-00916-00266572-00266745 "and the health issues I had +usqdV8srvRg-00917-00266745-00266951 "and the world issues surrounding 9/11 +usqdV8srvRg-00918-00266952-00267292 "had intensified my fear of the world around me. +usqdV8srvRg-00919-00267292-00267600 "Tar Valon gave me a place I could interact with people +usqdV8srvRg-00920-00267600-00267800 "without my anxiety getting in the way. +usqdV8srvRg-00921-00267800-00268030 "So when I found out they were holding their second +usqdV8srvRg-00922-00268030-00268248 "anniversary party a few hours' drive away, +usqdV8srvRg-00923-00268248-00268422 "I decided to go. +usqdV8srvRg-00924-00268422-00268580 "And I found a group of people that I +usqdV8srvRg-00925-00268580-00268792 "felt comfortable being around. +usqdV8srvRg-00926-00268792-00269066 "After the party, I was more involved than before. +usqdV8srvRg-00927-00269066-00269336 "I became more confident in myself and my abilities. +usqdV8srvRg-00928-00269336-00269676 "I started attending DragonCon, where I became involved +usqdV8srvRg-00929-00269676-00269926 "with the Wheel of Time track; +usqdV8srvRg-00930-00269926-00270236 "I helped on panels, for a few years I worked with staff; +usqdV8srvRg-00931-00270236-00270558 "When the director of the Wheel of Time track started JordanCon, +usqdV8srvRg-00932-00270558-00270834 "she asked me to help out the first year. +usqdV8srvRg-00933-00270834-00271008 "Through my involvement in JordanCon, +usqdV8srvRg-00934-00271008-00271260 "I learned so much and I've become so much more confident +usqdV8srvRg-00935-00271260-00271508 "in myself and what I'm capable of. +usqdV8srvRg-00936-00271508-00271776 "And this year I actually used my experience +usqdV8srvRg-00937-00271776-00272072 "in JordanCon and at TarValon.net +usqdV8srvRg-00938-00272072-00272254 "to help me get a new position +usqdV8srvRg-00939-00272254-00272442 "at the company I work for." +usqdV8srvRg-00940-00272978-00273360 I'm still running out of time...so... +usqdV8srvRg-00941-00273470-00273782 This is from Ashley in Durham, North Carolina: +usqdV8srvRg-00942-00273782-00273942 "I started reading the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00943-00273942-00274214 "when I was a senior in high school. +usqdV8srvRg-00944-00274258-00274410 "When I went to college +usqdV8srvRg-00945-00274410-00274600 "and had a tiny dorm room to share, +usqdV8srvRg-00946-00274600-00274851 "the Wheel of Time were some of the books I took. +usqdV8srvRg-00947-00274851-00275069 "In 2002, during my freshman year, +usqdV8srvRg-00948-00275070-00275304 "I found the TarValon.Net community. +usqdV8srvRg-00949-00275304-00275577 "I've traveled all over the country for our events. +usqdV8srvRg-00950-00275577-00275903 "I learned wiki editing to edit the library. +usqdV8srvRg-00951-00276040-00276352 "I served as editor of our newsletter, +usqdV8srvRg-00952-00276352-00276692 "Red Head of Ajah, and gained valuable skills +usqdV8srvRg-00953-00276692-00276852 "for my real life career. +usqdV8srvRg-00954-00276852-00276950 "On top of that, +usqdV8srvRg-00955-00276950-00277154 "I made friends from around the world, +usqdV8srvRg-00956-00277154-00277484 "and I know that pretty much wherever I travel around the world, +usqdV8srvRg-00957-00277484-00277674 "I'll have a couch to sleep on +usqdV8srvRg-00958-00277674-00277870 "or someone to meet for lunch. +usqdV8srvRg-00959-00277870-00278012 "In the last year, +usqdV8srvRg-00960-00278012-00278382 "I've become Amyrlin/CEO of TarValon.Net, +usqdV8srvRg-00961-00278382-00278584 "one of the most challenging +usqdV8srvRg-00962-00278584-00278822 "and awarding positions I've ever held. +usqdV8srvRg-00963-00278822-00279110 "As I lead a re-read with the community, +usqdV8srvRg-00964-00279110-00279276 "I find that I love the Wheel of Time +usqdV8srvRg-00965-00279276-00279434 "as much now as I did +usqdV8srvRg-00966-00279434-00279742 "when I first read them some 15 years ago." +usqdV8srvRg-00967-00280622-00280808 Hi. My name is Cait. +usqdV8srvRg-00968-00280808-00280952 I'm just going to talk to you guys a little bit +usqdV8srvRg-00969-00280952-00281162 about how it's influenced my life. +usqdV8srvRg-00970-00281162-00281456 Um. So when I was a young girl, I was lucky enough +usqdV8srvRg-00971-00281456-00281672 to have the essentials readily available +usqdV8srvRg-00972-00281672-00281808 for my development. +usqdV8srvRg-00973-00281808-00281963 I was raised in an environment that +usqdV8srvRg-00974-00281963-00282300 nurtured and valued learning from the day I was born. +usqdV8srvRg-00975-00282300-00282678 I grew up with reading as a major foundation of my life. +usqdV8srvRg-00976-00282678-00282894 Um, and my father was always reading. +usqdV8srvRg-00977-00282894-00283056 He was the type of man you could count on +usqdV8srvRg-00978-00283056-00283219 to hold your spot in line +usqdV8srvRg-00979-00283219-00283450 because he always was prepared with a book. +usqdV8srvRg-00980-00283450-00283780 Camping overnight for a good spot at the 4th of July parade, +usqdV8srvRg-00981-00283780-00283953 waiting for a table at a restaurant, +usqdV8srvRg-00982-00283954-00284246 or waiting in line at opening night for a movie - +usqdV8srvRg-00983-00284246-00284402 back before reserved seating - +usqdV8srvRg-00984-00284402-00284760 um, he was, he was the man with a book in his hand +usqdV8srvRg-00985-00284760-00284982 just waiting in line for us. +usqdV8srvRg-00986-00284982-00285305 Growing up, he read to me before bedtime like many children. +usqdV8srvRg-00987-00285305-00285567 I would lie on his belly and slowly fall asleep +usqdV8srvRg-00988-00285568-00285766 while he read me tales of adventure +usqdV8srvRg-00989-00285766-00285944 with quirky characters in lands +usqdV8srvRg-00990-00285944-00286180 that will always exist in my heart and mind. +usqdV8srvRg-00991-00286180-00286454 He did different voices for all of the characters +usqdV8srvRg-00992-00286454-00286678 and, thinking back, I know he enjoyed it as much +usqdV8srvRg-00993-00286678-00286938 if not more than me at the time. +usqdV8srvRg-00994-00286938-00287177 He would be aware that I'd fallen asleep, +usqdV8srvRg-00995-00287177-00287346 but would continue reading. +usqdV8srvRg-00996-00287348-00287572 My first introduction to fantasy was +usqdV8srvRg-00997-00287572-00287828 a popular children's series published in 1996, +usqdV8srvRg-00998-00287828-00288136 The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. +usqdV8srvRg-00999-00288136-00288359 My mother wanted me to read with her as well, +usqdV8srvRg-01000-00288359-00288611 um, but she wanted to read mystery novels. +usqdV8srvRg-01001-00288611-00288861 And Nancy Drew seemed a little bit bland +usqdV8srvRg-01002-00288861-00289200 compared to the universes that I experienced in fantasy. +usqdV8srvRg-01003-00289200-00289481 When I was 7, my father developed migraines. +usqdV8srvRg-01004-00289482-00289806 A year after that his body started to break down. +usqdV8srvRg-01005-00289806-00289994 He was nauseous 24/7, +usqdV8srvRg-01006-00289994-00290212 keeping him away from his family that he loved +usqdV8srvRg-01007-00290212-00290439 and work that he devoted himself to. +usqdV8srvRg-01008-00290439-00290695 He spent more and more time in bed for 2 years +usqdV8srvRg-01009-00290695-00290914 until his job was reaching a breaking point. +usqdV8srvRg-01010-00290914-00291073 He attempted many solutions: +usqdV8srvRg-01011-00291074-00291372 lifestyle changes, medication, psychiatrists, +usqdV8srvRg-01012-00291372-00291729 even an inpatient study in the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota +usqdV8srvRg-01013-00291730-00291902 with no solutions. +usqdV8srvRg-01014-00291902-00292126 Throughout all of this, he had his books. +usqdV8srvRg-01015-00292126-00292510 His favorite series was The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. +usqdV8srvRg-01016-00292510-00292716 I specifically remember being a child +usqdV8srvRg-01017-00292718-00293038 and seeing the Wheel, um, within his nightstand +usqdV8srvRg-01018-00293038-00293206 collection of books, +usqdV8srvRg-01019-00293206-00293374 and I wondered when I would be smart enough +usqdV8srvRg-01020-00293374-00293564 to read a big book like that. +usqdV8srvRg-01021-00293564-00293738 He owned every book, +usqdV8srvRg-01022-00293738-00293974 um, and he bought the hardback copy +usqdV8srvRg-01023-00293974-00294318 of the books he had read cover to cover until they fell apart. +usqdV8srvRg-01024-00294318-00294504 The last book of the series my father read +usqdV8srvRg-01025-00294504-00294850 was Crossroads of Twilight, the 10th book in the series. +usqdV8srvRg-01026-00294850-00295140 It was released in January 2003. +usqdV8srvRg-01027-00295140-00295418 When I was 10 years old, my father committed suicide +usqdV8srvRg-01028-00295418-00295590 in July of 2003. +usqdV8srvRg-01029-00295590-00295820 It wasn't until high school that I actually +usqdV8srvRg-01030-00295820-00296052 picked up a copy of one of his books +usqdV8srvRg-01031-00296052-00296296 from my father's beloved collection. +usqdV8srvRg-01032-00296296-00296566 Over the next 2 years, I took them everywhere with me +usqdV8srvRg-01033-00296566-00296810 and read in every spare moment I had. +usqdV8srvRg-01034-00296810-00297065 I spent my lunches at school reading them in the hallways, +usqdV8srvRg-01035-00297065-00297276 I got in trouble at school for preferring the +usqdV8srvRg-01036-00297276-00297485 intense saga over whatever the teacher +usqdV8srvRg-01037-00297486-00297756 decided to drone on about that day. +usqdV8srvRg-01038-00297784-00297966 As I ended the 10th book, +usqdV8srvRg-01039-00297966-00298312 I found a quote in the epilogue said by Lews Therin: +usqdV8srvRg-01040-00298312-00298738 "Sometimes, pain is all that lets you know you're alive." +usqdV8srvRg-01041-00298738-00298884 I continued reading the series +usqdV8srvRg-01042-00298884-00299096 as the seals broke on the Dark One's prison +usqdV8srvRg-01043-00299096-00299284 and I related to, to a sense +usqdV8srvRg-01044-00299284-00299658 of seemingly complete loss of hope and devastation. +usqdV8srvRg-01045-00299658-00299958 I thought back to where my father stopped in the series, +usqdV8srvRg-01046-00299958-00300173 thought back to the turmoil and conflict that was +usqdV8srvRg-01047-00300174-00300378 outlined so well that even those +usqdV8srvRg-01048-00300378-00300520 who have not experienced +usqdV8srvRg-01049-00300520-00300727 could feel what it would be like. +usqdV8srvRg-01050-00300727-00300975 I continued to read the series and felt as though +usqdV8srvRg-01051-00300975-00301204 I was being given a sense of closure +usqdV8srvRg-01052-00301204-00301530 by the themes covered in the books as they unfolded. +usqdV8srvRg-01053-00301530-00301805 In The Gathering Storm, the 12th book in the series, +usqdV8srvRg-01054-00301805-00301971 Rand - spoiler alert! (laughter) - +usqdV8srvRg-01055-00301972-00302206 Rand confronts Lews Therin. +usqdV8srvRg-01056-00302206-00302522 Um, the confrontation is reflective of the Light within +usqdV8srvRg-01057-00302522-00302782 him overpowering the Dark. +usqdV8srvRg-01058-00302782-00303080 This, to me, symbolically summed up the conflict +usqdV8srvRg-01059-00303080-00303308 that I continue to believe is paramount +usqdV8srvRg-01060-00303308-00303458 to the human existence. +usqdV8srvRg-01061-00303458-00303626 Rand's willingness to fight the Dark +usqdV8srvRg-01062-00303626-00303830 comes following the realization +usqdV8srvRg-01063-00303831-00303975 of the point of it all: +usqdV8srvRg-01064-00303976-00304080 Love. +usqdV8srvRg-01065-00304080-00304310 It's cliché because it's real. +usqdV8srvRg-01066-00304310-00304496 My father was not with us long enough +usqdV8srvRg-01067-00304496-00304744 to have his own life-altering epiphany. +usqdV8srvRg-01068-00304744-00304916 I, on the other hand, +usqdV8srvRg-01069-00304916-00305145 allowed my experiences and my connection +usqdV8srvRg-01070-00305145-00305355 to this moment in the book to highlight +usqdV8srvRg-01071-00305355-00305591 a turning point in my perspective of life. +usqdV8srvRg-01072-00305591-00305817 I could go on and on about every little aspect of the +usqdV8srvRg-01073-00305817-00306089 Wheel of Time series that made a difference in my life +usqdV8srvRg-01074-00306090-00306378 as I grew and developed into the woman I am today. +usqdV8srvRg-01075-00306380-00306668 But let's be honest. We've got places to be. +usqdV8srvRg-01076-00306672-00307040 I am so grateful to have been given the influence of this +usqdV8srvRg-01077-00307040-00307252 amazing story throughout my life: +usqdV8srvRg-01078-00307252-00307458 a place to escape in hard times, +usqdV8srvRg-01079-00307458-00307686 a place where my imagination reigns, +usqdV8srvRg-01080-00307686-00307966 a place with complex themes seem, that seem to +usqdV8srvRg-01081-00307966-00308269 simplify life and highlight what's important. +usqdV8srvRg-01082-00308269-00308571 I hope that somehow it's possible my father was +usqdV8srvRg-01083-00308571-00308788 able to experience the conclusion with me +usqdV8srvRg-01084-00308788-00309062 as well as feel the love we will always have for him. +usqdV8srvRg-01085-00309570-00309780 (Applause.) +uwgRVZRSZhg-00000-00000198-00000625 yeah hello hello Balam Devon McDonald um Ibarra +uwgRVZRSZhg-00001-00000625-00001298 Ann Arbor haricot dick demential isla holbox al-hasan Bakula's hula monkey +uwgRVZRSZhg-00002-00001298-00001772 Nina metallic humble kid I'm a gamer in a half equality of dementia reckon evil +uwgRVZRSZhg-00003-00001772-00002366 Mokpo ma am at lagoon kanata phil was with the help the Dominic hotel item +uwgRVZRSZhg-00004-00002366-00002888 shop ly t saying a demo hysteric hysteric without like 5 euro September +uwgRVZRSZhg-00005-00002888-00003471 at Euro select college I did motto well alaikum I'm sure I don't +uwgRVZRSZhg-00006-00014203-00014538 again again +uwgRVZRSZhg-00008-00020710-00021706 and so Holly you're like a technocratic Messiah puree America Tanya +uwgRVZRSZhg-00009-00022294-00022973 all right my more than ox the symbol of talking +uwgRVZRSZhg-00010-00022973-00023560 about hiding it have to love yourself play an ally a car tomorrow +uwgRVZRSZhg-00011-00024544-00025240 vogue apology to the public nothing and +uwgRVZRSZhg-00012-00025240-00025612 hands of a copter +uwgRVZRSZhg-00013-00030338-00030888 I skinned it +uwgRVZRSZhg-00014-00030981-00031541 nice man +uwgRVZRSZhg-00015-00032343-00032672 I both can get +uwgRVZRSZhg-00016-00033416-00033974 and another back in Allegan allegory +uwgRVZRSZhg-00017-00040577-00040918 when the targets visible ash +uwgRVZRSZhg-00018-00041161-00041506 yeah I'm the target +uwgRVZRSZhg-00019-00043897-00044197 okay +uwgRVZRSZhg-00020-00045099-00045918 come buddy see I really W ain't [ __ ] +uwgRVZRSZhg-00021-00046863-00047679 aha ending in the cool look and then +uwgRVZRSZhg-00023-00056160-00057347 but I'm from me like for again just that much mad mad man +uwgRVZRSZhg-00025-00062153-00063508 Laurentian Yong nee pora careful +uCcsrYSknm4-00000-00000000-00000495 Can you please tell him thatI love him very much and that Iwant to meet him in person? +uCcsrYSknm4-00001-00000495-00001000 Next fight you're going to fight for the title. Lightweight belt. +uCcsrYSknm4-00002-00001007-00001421 congratulations. Hey, you're the the next champion. +uCcsrYSknm4-00003-00001421-00001672 The Qur'anly app. Subscription +uCcsrYSknm4-00004-00001672-00002336 cheaper than Netflix, encouraging Qur'an reading. Modern, engaging and fun. Download it today. +uCcsrYSknm4-00005-00002384-00002898 Asalaamu alaikum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile 2 Jannah. +uCcsrYSknm4-00006-00003208-00003928 I cannot believe that I missed this story. No not Boris Johnson standing under an umbrella +uCcsrYSknm4-00007-00003928-00004536 and still managing to get wet. I mean we... we just don't have the time to unpack that yeah. +uCcsrYSknm4-00008-00004536-00005144 Even if Einstein himself was here, he'd have to rethink his whole theory to be honest. So a few +uCcsrYSknm4-00009-00005144-00006088 weeks ago, a 66 year old superfan, stood out in the blazing heat yeah for hours ,holding up a placard, +uCcsrYSknm4-00010-00006088-00006736 requesting that she gets an autograph of the legend, Khabib Nurmagomedov. +uCcsrYSknm4-00011-00006848-00007208 This lady since like in the morning- since the morning wait here and she's like +uCcsrYSknm4-00012-00007229-00007659 -Tell him I'll wait as long as he wants me to. -We gonna come latertonight +uCcsrYSknm4-00013-00007659-00007968 -okay I'll wait -Now Habib of course wasn't +uCcsrYSknm4-00014-00007968-00008720 around yeah otherwise knowing him he'd probably come out straight away. But his protégé/his student +uCcsrYSknm4-00015-00008720-00009187 Islam Makhachev, he saw what was going on and came out. +uCcsrYSknm4-00016-00009238-00009546 Habib not gonna come today +uCcsrYSknm4-00017-00009624-00010360 Yes, he's not gonna come today. He's also an MMA athlete, grew up with Habib and is now +uCcsrYSknm4-00018-00010360-00011232 his main student. So he arranged for some merch to be signed for her. And the guys had to take an hour +uCcsrYSknm4-00019-00011232-00011792 round trip just to make it happen because Habib wasn't in the area. If you wanna +uCcsrYSknm4-00020-00011792-00012368 find me please, just send me location. All of this kerfuffle then caught the attention of +uCcsrYSknm4-00021-00012368-00013016 Dana White who's the president of the UFC, who organized for her to meet with Habib and also +uCcsrYSknm4-00022-00013080-00013653 watch Islam Makhachev fight live, which she also wanted as well. +uCcsrYSknm4-00023-00013653-00014344 okay okay now we talk. Habib Nurmagomedov fan? +uCcsrYSknm4-00024-00014344-00014832 Now these guys yeah went above and beyond for her, why? +uCcsrYSknm4-00025-00014832-00015202 You have to give respect to old people +uCcsrYSknm4-00026-00015352-00016160 because you know how hot now, she stayed two hours here. Yes that's right, because she's an old lady, +uCcsrYSknm4-00027-00016160-00017144 and in Islam- and by Islam- we're taught to respect our elders. I know what you guys are thinking- it's +uCcsrYSknm4-00028-00017144-00018136 common sense we know this- are you serious? Yes I am because the people that dislike Habib, like +uCcsrYSknm4-00029-00018136-00018880 Conor McGregor yeah and Conor McGregor- might I remind you- punched an old man in a pub whilst +uCcsrYSknm4-00030-00018880-00019520 drinking his whiskey. The same whiskey that he offered Habib knowing that he's a Muslim. And +uCcsrYSknm4-00031-00019520-00020592 yes the same whiskey that he admits drinking prior to getting smashed or "smeshed" by Habib during that +uCcsrYSknm4-00032-00020592-00021280 legendary fight. Like my plan is make him flat. So on the one hand you've got Conor McGregor; +uCcsrYSknm4-00033-00021280-00022096 he puts out tweets in which he mocks the dead father of Habib, he calls the wife of his latest opponent, +uCcsrYSknm4-00034-00022096-00022672 a hoe and threatens to murder him in the ring. I mean this guy is desperate to stay relevant. +uCcsrYSknm4-00035-00022672-00023184 In fact his latest fight with Dustin Poirier he said he's he's going to send him out in a +uCcsrYSknm4-00036-00023184-00023984 stretcher "KO out on a stretcher"... and what was ironic was Conor broke his leg +uCcsrYSknm4-00037-00024072-00024728 in the ring and had to get carried out in a stretcher yeah even now he's giving it all that, +uCcsrYSknm4-00038-00024728-00025384 and he's attracting other vultures like him; Jake Paul, who is mocking him as well. He's got a pendant +uCcsrYSknm4-00039-00025464-00026136 in which Conor's on the floor looking pathetic which is ironically taken from his +uCcsrYSknm4-00040-00026136-00026695 getting demolished by Habib. And then of course on the other hand you've got Habib Nurmagomedov +uCcsrYSknm4-00041-00026695-00027327 who is willing to go that extra mile for an old lady and might I add a Christian +uCcsrYSknm4-00042-00027327-00028072 old lady she's a Christian because look- look how she reacted when she finally got what she wanted. +uCcsrYSknm4-00043-00028072-00028624 Yeah look she's making the cross sign. And he also gave up his career because of a promise +uCcsrYSknm4-00044-00028624-00029495 that he made to his mother and now he spends his day training up his protégé, his apprentice Islam +uCcsrYSknm4-00045-00029495-00030376 Makhachev. So guys there's a lot to learn from the legend who still continues to go on inspiring +uCcsrYSknm4-00046-00030376-00031168 despite him being retired and he's made it clear that he's not making a comeback yeah. May Allah +uCcsrYSknm4-00047-00031168-00031944 bless Habib even more and may Allah in this time of fitnah and fasaad (trials and tribulations). +uCcsrYSknm4-00048-00031944-00032608 May Allah make us a beacon yeah- that light in the dark room yeah even if it's one light and +uCcsrYSknm4-00049-00032608-00033376 it's a big room and that one light stays lit it offers hope for all the inhabitants of that room. +uCcsrYSknm4-00050-00033376-00034080 Everybody in that room benefits from that one light no matter how small it is. Let's not become +uCcsrYSknm4-00051-00034080-00034976 sheep let's become shepherds. All right guys let's leave it there until next time, Asalaamu Alaikum. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00000-00000039-00000454 Would you like to learn how to make these abstract shapes mixed with Multi-Color Gradients? +uIFiJh2bHzA-00001-00000457-00000643 All done in Photoshop. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00002-00000643-00000868 Just stay in this video because I'm gonna teach you how. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00003-00000871-00001033 We're going to start by creating a new file. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00004-00001033-00001320 This file is going to be 1920px by 1080px. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00005-00001324-00001787 Let's call it abstract Shapes Multi Color Gradients. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00006-00001789-00002018 OK, let's click create and we're going to have +uIFiJh2bHzA-00007-00002051-00002296 something like this transparent, which is tottaly fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00008-00002296-00002514 We're going to start by creating a new layer. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00009-00002516-00002655 It's going to be a solid layer. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00010-00002655-00003106 And then we're going to just within the color #eeeeee six times. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00011-00003106-00003197 It's a creamy white. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00012-00003197-00003475 And then on top of this layer, we're going to create a circle +uIFiJh2bHzA-00013-00003475-00003791 in the middle of the canvas, we're going to press (Cmd+A) +uIFiJh2bHzA-00014-00003791-00004185 and we're going to try to align it in the center of the composition. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00015-00004187-00004590 I want to remove this stroke of the circle used to feel in black selected +uIFiJh2bHzA-00016-00004590-00004634 the circle. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00017-00004634-00004930 We're going to select the curvature pin tool or just press P, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00018-00004939-00005119 we're going to select the edge of the circle, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00019-00005119-00005453 and we're going to deform the circle a little bit to the right. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00020-00005468-00005606 I guess it's going to ask us. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00021-00005606-00005893 This operation will turn your life shape into a regular path. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00022-00005909-00006171 You just click, yes, you're going to take the top one +uIFiJh2bHzA-00023-00006171-00006356 and we're going to just bend it down a little bit. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00024-00006356-00006596 We're trying to create some sort of an abstract shape. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00025-00006596-00006975 And then just taking this side up a little bit like that, maybe like +uIFiJh2bHzA-00026-00006975-00007204 this will be fine. I may try to reduce it here. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00027-00007208-00007444 After selecting our path, we're going to go to Filter, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00028-00007453-00007804 we're going to select Blur, and we're going to go with the radial blur +uIFiJh2bHzA-00029-00007808-00007982 we're going to convert it to a smart object, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00030-00007982-00008129 and then we're just going to go with +uIFiJh2bHzA-00031-00008129-00008392 let's go with 67 just to make it look really cool. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00032-00008398-00008818 Now click OK and it's going to give us this crazy shape, which is fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00033-00008818-00009172 Let me alter just and reduce it a little bit, maybe to 60, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00034-00009197-00009350 just to make it look kind of cool. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00035-00009350-00009779 And then I'm going to select this part of the layer, which is the smart filter. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00036-00009779-00010216 I'm going to select the brush and by press in option and control. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00037-00010216-00010309 The same time, I'm +uIFiJh2bHzA-00038-00010309-00010654 just going to drag it to the side just to change the size of the brush. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00039-00010654-00010867 And I'm just going to make something like this. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00040-00010867-00011150 After setting the black color as the foreground color, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00041-00011150-00011464 we're just going to click at the bottom of the shape, just one click +uIFiJh2bHzA-00042-00011468-00011815 just to make this shape a little bit more pronounced right at the bottom. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00043-00011815-00012046 We're going to take this layer and we're going to convert it +uIFiJh2bHzA-00044-00012046-00012257 to a smart object, and then we're going to go to filter, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00045-00012260-00012358 we're going to go to Blur, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00046-00012358-00012745 and then we're going to go with a Gaussian Blur is going to be really subtle. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00047-00012745-00012805 I'm just going to +uIFiJh2bHzA-00048-00012805-00013181 just to subtle this edge that I have that is really rough over there. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00049-00013181-00013405 And maybe something like that will be fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00050-00013408-00013639 OK, now we need to create a gradient +uIFiJh2bHzA-00051-00013648-00013852 where we're going to do is we're going to create a new layer +uIFiJh2bHzA-00052-00013864-00014119 and this layer, we're going to make it converted to a smart object. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00053-00014119-00014206 We're going to double click it. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00054-00014206-00014725 It's going to give us a new canvas and here I'm gonna insert a solid color. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00055-00014725-00014800 It's going to be the same. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00056-00014800-00015029 Creamy white #eeeeee six times. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00057-00015029-00015392 And then I'm going to make some circles, one circle here and remove the stroke. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00058-00015392-00015485 I'm going to go to the fill +uIFiJh2bHzA-00059-00015485-00015841 I'm gonna select like a yellow color, and I'm going to take this same circle, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00060-00015848-00015959 drag it to the side +uIFiJh2bHzA-00061-00015959-00016313 using the same technique that I told you guys of taking the pencil +uIFiJh2bHzA-00062-00016313-00016624 and just deforming a little bit the shape just to create a different path. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00063-00016624-00016853 And that looks it looks kind of OK. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00064-00016858-00017071 The second ellipse is going to be like a pink color. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00065-00017074-00017332 Let me just try to get a pink color real quickly. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00066-00017332-00017554 Something like that will be fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00067-00017554-00017924 And then I'm going to duplicate that layer spacing command J. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00068-00017926-00018231 And I'm just going to take this other ellipse +uIFiJh2bHzA-00069-00018231-00018566 and put it right at the bottom, and I'm just going to select it again. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00070-00018568-00018856 Let's make this one red and let's just duplicate this layer again. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00071-00018856-00019189 (Cmd+J) I'm gonna Press (Cmd+T) just to drag it to the other side. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00072-00019193-00019391 I'm just going to send it all the way to the back +uIFiJh2bHzA-00073-00019391-00019738 and I'm going to select this red and the next color will be, let's select +uIFiJh2bHzA-00074-00019741-00020110 a purple and just go with a purple, dark purple color like that. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00075-00020117-00020417 OK, after we have this purple shape, we're going to select the purple shape +uIFiJh2bHzA-00076-00020417-00020617 and we're going to go to convert to Smart Object. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00077-00020622-00020806 We're going to go to filter, we're going to go to Blur. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00078-00020806-00021002 I'm going to add a motion blur. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00079-00021002-00021320 This one has to be maybe like 83 pixels will be fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00080-00021373-00021398 I'm going +uIFiJh2bHzA-00081-00021398-00021725 to convert all of them to smart objects, and then I'm going to select this motion +uIFiJh2bHzA-00082-00021725-00021887 blur by pressing option. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00083-00021887-00022328 I'm just going to be able to duplicate the same style to the other layers +uIFiJh2bHzA-00084-00022328-00022633 in a way that I don't make the adjust to be so pronounce. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00085-00022633-00022711 And that's fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00086-00022711-00022942 I'm going to take all these layers and are group them. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00087-00022942-00023258 I'm going to create a smart object, and then we're going to filter, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00088-00023258-00023500 going to go to Blur, and we're going to add Gaussian Blur. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00089-00023500-00023725 And this blur is going to be a little bit higher this time. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00090-00023725-00024001 Something like that will be fine. I'm just going to duplicate this layer. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00091-00024001-00024328 I'm going to go to Filter Blur, I'm going to go with a Radial Blur, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00092-00024328-00024535 and then this one is going to be like a 90% +uIFiJh2bHzA-00093-00024535-00024724 just to make it a little bit more pronounced. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00094-00024724-00025022 And I'm going to select this layer and change it to multiply. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00095-00025024-00025320 I'm just going to press (Cmd+T) to just change the size of it, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00096-00025320-00025580 just make it a little bit bigger than the one that is underneath it. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00097-00025580-00025756 And we're going to just save this. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00098-00025756-00025945 We're going to have our smart object right here. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00099-00025945-00026185 The next step will be to take this layer. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00100-00026185-00026474 And you see in this page, in the bottom of the layer, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00101-00026474-00026897 if I press option or alt in windows, you're going to get this arrow +uIFiJh2bHzA-00102-00026897-00027293 that is going to allow you to mask the element that is within that layer. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00103-00027302-00027406 This is really useful +uIFiJh2bHzA-00104-00027406-00027598 we're just going to click it and it's going to create +uIFiJh2bHzA-00105-00027598-00027811 this wonderful layer that we have right here. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00106-00027811-00028261 I'm going to select again the layer that is being using this as a mask, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00107-00028261-00028432 and I'm going to just reduce it a little bit +uIFiJh2bHzA-00108-00028432-00028732 just to make sure that it fits within the edges. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00109-00028732-00028837 It looks really good. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00110-00028837-00029079 When I select this ellipse, I'm going to press (Cmd+T), +uIFiJh2bHzA-00111-00029081-00029333 and I'm just going to make it a little bit bigger. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00112-00029333-00029584 I think it looks better, and I select the layer again. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00113-00029584-00029789 I'm just going to resize everything a little bit more. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00114-00029800-00029965 We're just going to take both together. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00115-00029965-00030339 We're going to press (Cmd+T), OK, we're going to make them way bigger. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00116-00030339-00030421 That looks fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00117-00030421-00030725 We're going to go now to the same layer we are gonna press +uIFiJh2bHzA-00118-00030752-00031053 (Cmd+C)(Cmd+V) and we're going to put it on top of everything. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00119-00031053-00031355 We're going to change the blend mode to hard light and we're going to reduce +uIFiJh2bHzA-00120-00031355-00031688 the feel to maybe like like a 15%. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00121-00031700-00031996 Let's create a new solid color layer on top of everything. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00122-00031996-00032380 And it's going to be #eeeeee the creamy white color that we were talking about. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00123-00032380-00032614 We're going to go to filters, I'm going to go to the filter gallery. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00124-00032614-00032843 We're going to convert it to a smart object and the filters. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00125-00032843-00033188 We're going to go to the texture section and we're going to select Texturizer +uIFiJh2bHzA-00126-00033188-00033664 with the texture of a canvas and we're going to change the scaling to maybe 97%. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00127-00033664-00033739 that will be fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00128-00033739-00033857 We're going to click OK. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00129-00033857-00034165 We're going to have this wonderful texture that we have on top of it. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00130-00034165-00034276 We're going to go to Filter now. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00131-00034276-00034549 We're going to go to Noise and we're going to add some noise. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00132-00034549-00034758 Let's just try to make noise like that. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00133-00034758-00034934 I like at 23% will be fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00134-00034934-00035039 We're going to take the layer +uIFiJh2bHzA-00135-00035039-00035335 we're going to reduce to fill like we were talking about a little bit, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00136-00035339-00035713 OK, we're going to change the blend to multiply and let's reduce +uIFiJh2bHzA-00137-00035713-00036020 a little bit of the filling just to make sure that it looks cool. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00138-00036022-00036191 OK, that is looking better. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00139-00036191-00036440 And it has some sort of texture on top of everything. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00140-00036440-00036574 Let's just take the texture +uIFiJh2bHzA-00141-00036574-00036965 and we're going to just type gradients by selecting the text line. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00142-00036965-00037330 And in the center you're just compress (Cmd+A) I'm gonna select the select tool. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00143-00037330-00037606 And then I'm just going to try to align it all the way to the center. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00144-00037606-00037739 Let me press (Cmd+T) again +uIFiJh2bHzA-00145-00037739-00038008 and try to make it a little bit smaller just to make it look cool. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00146-00038035-00038315 We're going to double click the color and I'm going to change the color +uIFiJh2bHzA-00147-00038315-00038698 to #222222 is going to give us a dark color. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00148-00038698-00038894 Now let's add some blur effects of the text. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00149-00038894-00039089 We're going to go to filter, we're going to go to Blur, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00150-00039089-00039388 we're going to create some motion blur and we're going to convert +uIFiJh2bHzA-00151-00039388-00039661 to the smart object. And this motion blur should be really solid. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00152-00039661-00039990 Like a maybe like a four will be fine just to make the adjust. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00153-00039991-00040126 Not too perfect. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00154-00040126-00040417 Let's add now some noise we're going to go to Filter Anchor Noise. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00155-00040417-00040711 We're going to add some noise to the text, but it should be subtle. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00156-00040711-00041080 It should be like a maybe like 11.86% Maybe ten will be fine. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00157-00041080-00041368 Yeah, they'll look good, really good. And here we have our final design. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00158-00041368-00041665 He was really fun to do and you can use it in many of your projects, +uIFiJh2bHzA-00159-00041672-00041779 but now is your turn. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00160-00041779-00042111 Use this techniques that I teach you today and try different shapes +uIFiJh2bHzA-00161-00042111-00042240 and different iterations. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00162-00042240-00042529 Of these same design technique and try to apply it in your project. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00163-00042529-00042733 I promise you it's going to look really, really good. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00164-00042733-00043023 If you feel like you learn something new, just give a Like to the video. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00165-00043023-00043129 That will help me a lot. +uIFiJh2bHzA-00166-00043129-00043456 Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again in the next video. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00000-00000010-00000063 REFINERY AND PRODUCES GASOLINE, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00001-00000063-00000070 REFINERY AND PRODUCES GASOLINE, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00002-00000070-00000366 REFINERY AND PRODUCES GASOLINE, ASPHALT AND OTHER PRODUCTS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00003-00000366-00000373 REFINERY AND PRODUCES GASOLINE, ASPHALT AND OTHER PRODUCTS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00004-00000373-00000473 REFINERY AND PRODUCES GASOLINE, ASPHALT AND OTHER PRODUCTS. >> DENNIS: WITH THE RECENT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00005-00000473-00000480 ASPHALT AND OTHER PRODUCTS. >> DENNIS: WITH THE RECENT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00006-00000480-00000643 ASPHALT AND OTHER PRODUCTS. >> DENNIS: WITH THE RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF ALL HERBERGER +uJZF5MO0JOA-00007-00000643-00000650 >> DENNIS: WITH THE RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF ALL HERBERGER +uJZF5MO0JOA-00008-00000650-00000790 >> DENNIS: WITH THE RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT OF ALL HERBERGER STORES CLOSING, A CHANGE IS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00009-00000790-00000797 ANNOUNCEMENT OF ALL HERBERGER STORES CLOSING, A CHANGE IS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00010-00000797-00000974 ANNOUNCEMENT OF ALL HERBERGER STORES CLOSING, A CHANGE IS COMING FOR MANY FORMER RETAIL +uJZF5MO0JOA-00011-00000974-00000980 STORES CLOSING, A CHANGE IS COMING FOR MANY FORMER RETAIL +uJZF5MO0JOA-00012-00000980-00001081 STORES CLOSING, A CHANGE IS COMING FOR MANY FORMER RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00013-00001081-00001087 COMING FOR MANY FORMER RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00014-00001087-00001214 COMING FOR MANY FORMER RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. OUR JOSH CHRISTENSEN SHOWS US +uJZF5MO0JOA-00015-00001214-00001221 ESTABLISHMENTS. OUR JOSH CHRISTENSEN SHOWS US +uJZF5MO0JOA-00016-00001221-00001384 ESTABLISHMENTS. OUR JOSH CHRISTENSEN SHOWS US HOW RETAIL REPORTS IN BEMIDJI +uJZF5MO0JOA-00017-00001384-00001391 OUR JOSH CHRISTENSEN SHOWS US HOW RETAIL REPORTS IN BEMIDJI +uJZF5MO0JOA-00018-00001391-00001521 OUR JOSH CHRISTENSEN SHOWS US HOW RETAIL REPORTS IN BEMIDJI ARE BOUNCING BACK. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00019-00001521-00001528 HOW RETAIL REPORTS IN BEMIDJI ARE BOUNCING BACK. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00020-00001528-00001674 HOW RETAIL REPORTS IN BEMIDJI ARE BOUNCING BACK. >> IT'S A SIGN OF THE TIMES. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00021-00001674-00001681 ARE BOUNCING BACK. >> IT'S A SIGN OF THE TIMES. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00022-00001681-00001808 ARE BOUNCING BACK. >> IT'S A SIGN OF THE TIMES. WALK AROUND JUST ABOUT ANY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00023-00001808-00001815 >> IT'S A SIGN OF THE TIMES. WALK AROUND JUST ABOUT ANY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00024-00001815-00001968 >> IT'S A SIGN OF THE TIMES. WALK AROUND JUST ABOUT ANY DOWNTOWN AND SIGNS OF A CHANGING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00025-00001968-00001975 WALK AROUND JUST ABOUT ANY DOWNTOWN AND SIGNS OF A CHANGING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00026-00001975-00002278 WALK AROUND JUST ABOUT ANY DOWNTOWN AND SIGNS OF A CHANGING ECONOMY ARE EVERYWHERE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00027-00002278-00002285 DOWNTOWN AND SIGNS OF A CHANGING ECONOMY ARE EVERYWHERE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00028-00002285-00002399 DOWNTOWN AND SIGNS OF A CHANGING ECONOMY ARE EVERYWHERE. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, MOVING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00029-00002399-00002405 ECONOMY ARE EVERYWHERE. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, MOVING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00030-00002405-00002535 ECONOMY ARE EVERYWHERE. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, MOVING SALE OR LIQUIDATION SIGNS ARE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00031-00002535-00002542 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, MOVING SALE OR LIQUIDATION SIGNS ARE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00032-00002542-00002692 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, MOVING SALE OR LIQUIDATION SIGNS ARE JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00033-00002692-00002699 SALE OR LIQUIDATION SIGNS ARE JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00034-00002699-00002882 SALE OR LIQUIDATION SIGNS ARE JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. YET IN BEMIDJI, SOME SEE THIS AS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00035-00002882-00002889 JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. YET IN BEMIDJI, SOME SEE THIS AS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00036-00002889-00003129 JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK. YET IN BEMIDJI, SOME SEE THIS AS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00037-00003129-00003136 YET IN BEMIDJI, SOME SEE THIS AS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00038-00003136-00003289 YET IN BEMIDJI, SOME SEE THIS AS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. >> TO A LOT OF THE PLACES THAT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00039-00003289-00003296 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. >> TO A LOT OF THE PLACES THAT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00040-00003296-00003403 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. >> TO A LOT OF THE PLACES THAT YOU'VE SEEN THAT ARE CLOSING NOW +uJZF5MO0JOA-00041-00003403-00003410 >> TO A LOT OF THE PLACES THAT YOU'VE SEEN THAT ARE CLOSING NOW +uJZF5MO0JOA-00042-00003410-00003576 >> TO A LOT OF THE PLACES THAT YOU'VE SEEN THAT ARE CLOSING NOW OR HAVE CLOSED OVER THE WINTER, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00043-00003576-00003583 YOU'VE SEEN THAT ARE CLOSING NOW OR HAVE CLOSED OVER THE WINTER, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00044-00003583-00003783 YOU'VE SEEN THAT ARE CLOSING NOW OR HAVE CLOSED OVER THE WINTER, WE SEE NEW THINGS THAT ARE GOING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00045-00003783-00003790 OR HAVE CLOSED OVER THE WINTER, WE SEE NEW THINGS THAT ARE GOING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00046-00003790-00003900 OR HAVE CLOSED OVER THE WINTER, WE SEE NEW THINGS THAT ARE GOING TO BE COMING INTO THAT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00047-00003900-00003907 WE SEE NEW THINGS THAT ARE GOING TO BE COMING INTO THAT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00048-00003907-00004107 WE SEE NEW THINGS THAT ARE GOING TO BE COMING INTO THAT. WE KNOW A NUMBER OF THOSE SPACES +uJZF5MO0JOA-00049-00004107-00004114 TO BE COMING INTO THAT. WE KNOW A NUMBER OF THOSE SPACES +uJZF5MO0JOA-00050-00004114-00004254 TO BE COMING INTO THAT. WE KNOW A NUMBER OF THOSE SPACES ARE ALREADY SPOKEN FOR. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00051-00004254-00004260 WE KNOW A NUMBER OF THOSE SPACES ARE ALREADY SPOKEN FOR. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00052-00004260-00004367 WE KNOW A NUMBER OF THOSE SPACES ARE ALREADY SPOKEN FOR. >> IT'S NOT JUST THE SMALL MOM +uJZF5MO0JOA-00053-00004367-00004374 ARE ALREADY SPOKEN FOR. >> IT'S NOT JUST THE SMALL MOM +uJZF5MO0JOA-00054-00004374-00004524 ARE ALREADY SPOKEN FOR. >> IT'S NOT JUST THE SMALL MOM AND POP SHOPS CLOSING. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00055-00004524-00004531 >> IT'S NOT JUST THE SMALL MOM AND POP SHOPS CLOSING. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00056-00004531-00004681 >> IT'S NOT JUST THE SMALL MOM AND POP SHOPS CLOSING. RETAILERS ACROSS THE AREA ARE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00057-00004681-00004688 AND POP SHOPS CLOSING. RETAILERS ACROSS THE AREA ARE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00058-00004688-00004964 AND POP SHOPS CLOSING. RETAILERS ACROSS THE AREA ARE EXPERIENCING A CHANGE AS WELL. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00059-00004964-00004971 RETAILERS ACROSS THE AREA ARE EXPERIENCING A CHANGE AS WELL. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00060-00004971-00005108 RETAILERS ACROSS THE AREA ARE EXPERIENCING A CHANGE AS WELL. MANY MINNESOTA SHOPPING CENTERS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00061-00005108-00005115 EXPERIENCING A CHANGE AS WELL. MANY MINNESOTA SHOPPING CENTERS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00062-00005115-00005515 EXPERIENCING A CHANGE AS WELL. MANY MINNESOTA SHOPPING CENTERS WILL BE LOSING AN ACRE TENANT, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00063-00005515-00005522 MANY MINNESOTA SHOPPING CENTERS WILL BE LOSING AN ACRE TENANT, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00064-00005522-00005628 MANY MINNESOTA SHOPPING CENTERS WILL BE LOSING AN ACRE TENANT, CREATING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR +uJZF5MO0JOA-00065-00005628-00005635 WILL BE LOSING AN ACRE TENANT, CREATING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR +uJZF5MO0JOA-00066-00005635-00005775 WILL BE LOSING AN ACRE TENANT, CREATING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SHOPPING MALLS TO GET CREATIVE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00067-00005775-00005782 CREATING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SHOPPING MALLS TO GET CREATIVE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00068-00005782-00005895 CREATING AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SHOPPING MALLS TO GET CREATIVE. >> WE HAVE TO EVOLVE AND +uJZF5MO0JOA-00069-00005895-00005902 SHOPPING MALLS TO GET CREATIVE. >> WE HAVE TO EVOLVE AND +uJZF5MO0JOA-00070-00005902-00005972 SHOPPING MALLS TO GET CREATIVE. >> WE HAVE TO EVOLVE AND CONTINUE TO CHANGE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00071-00005972-00005979 >> WE HAVE TO EVOLVE AND CONTINUE TO CHANGE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00072-00005979-00006126 >> WE HAVE TO EVOLVE AND CONTINUE TO CHANGE. WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'RE PUTTING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00073-00006126-00006132 CONTINUE TO CHANGE. WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'RE PUTTING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00074-00006132-00006266 CONTINUE TO CHANGE. WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'RE PUTTING HOCKEY ARENAS IN. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00075-00006266-00006272 WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'RE PUTTING HOCKEY ARENAS IN. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00076-00006272-00006499 WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'RE PUTTING HOCKEY ARENAS IN. WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'VE PUT IN +uJZF5MO0JOA-00077-00006499-00006506 HOCKEY ARENAS IN. WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'VE PUT IN +uJZF5MO0JOA-00078-00006506-00006626 HOCKEY ARENAS IN. WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'VE PUT IN TECH SCHOOLS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00079-00006626-00006633 WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'VE PUT IN TECH SCHOOLS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00080-00006633-00006786 WE'VE GOT MALLS WE'VE PUT IN TECH SCHOOLS. WE'VE GOT FITNESS CENTERS COMING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00081-00006786-00006793 TECH SCHOOLS. WE'VE GOT FITNESS CENTERS COMING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00082-00006793-00006850 TECH SCHOOLS. WE'VE GOT FITNESS CENTERS COMING IN. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00083-00006850-00006856 WE'VE GOT FITNESS CENTERS COMING IN. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00084-00006856-00006970 WE'VE GOT FITNESS CENTERS COMING IN. A LOT OF SERVICES ARE GOING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00085-00006970-00006976 IN. A LOT OF SERVICES ARE GOING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00086-00006976-00007133 IN. A LOT OF SERVICES ARE GOING TO -- IT'S GOING TO SWITCH FROM +uJZF5MO0JOA-00087-00007133-00007140 A LOT OF SERVICES ARE GOING TO -- IT'S GOING TO SWITCH FROM +uJZF5MO0JOA-00088-00007140-00007297 A LOT OF SERVICES ARE GOING TO -- IT'S GOING TO SWITCH FROM RETAIL FOR SERVICES. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00089-00007297-00007303 TO -- IT'S GOING TO SWITCH FROM RETAIL FOR SERVICES. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00090-00007303-00007434 TO -- IT'S GOING TO SWITCH FROM RETAIL FOR SERVICES. >> FOR PAUL BUNYAN MALL IT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00091-00007434-00007440 RETAIL FOR SERVICES. >> FOR PAUL BUNYAN MALL IT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00092-00007440-00007627 RETAIL FOR SERVICES. >> FOR PAUL BUNYAN MALL IT APPEARS THE SPACE CURRENTLY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00093-00007627-00007634 >> FOR PAUL BUNYAN MALL IT APPEARS THE SPACE CURRENTLY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00094-00007634-00007831 >> FOR PAUL BUNYAN MALL IT APPEARS THE SPACE CURRENTLY OCCUPIED BY HERBERGERS WON'T SIT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00095-00007831-00007837 APPEARS THE SPACE CURRENTLY OCCUPIED BY HERBERGERS WON'T SIT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00096-00007837-00007967 APPEARS THE SPACE CURRENTLY OCCUPIED BY HERBERGERS WON'T SIT EMPTY FOR LONG. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00097-00007967-00007974 OCCUPIED BY HERBERGERS WON'T SIT EMPTY FOR LONG. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00098-00007974-00008088 OCCUPIED BY HERBERGERS WON'T SIT EMPTY FOR LONG. LEXINGTON REALTY SAYS THEY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00099-00008088-00008094 EMPTY FOR LONG. LEXINGTON REALTY SAYS THEY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00100-00008094-00008254 EMPTY FOR LONG. LEXINGTON REALTY SAYS THEY ALREADY HAVE A POTENTIAL NEW +uJZF5MO0JOA-00101-00008254-00008261 LEXINGTON REALTY SAYS THEY ALREADY HAVE A POTENTIAL NEW +uJZF5MO0JOA-00102-00008261-00008341 LEXINGTON REALTY SAYS THEY ALREADY HAVE A POTENTIAL NEW TENANT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00103-00008341-00008348 ALREADY HAVE A POTENTIAL NEW TENANT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00104-00008348-00008451 ALREADY HAVE A POTENTIAL NEW TENANT. >> LEXINGTON WHO MANAGES MANY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00105-00008451-00008458 TENANT. >> LEXINGTON WHO MANAGES MANY +uJZF5MO0JOA-00106-00008458-00008581 TENANT. >> LEXINGTON WHO MANAGES MANY MINNESOTA MALLS HAS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00107-00008581-00008588 >> LEXINGTON WHO MANAGES MANY MINNESOTA MALLS HAS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00108-00008588-00008715 >> LEXINGTON WHO MANAGES MANY MINNESOTA MALLS HAS RELATIONSHIPS IN PLACE WITH +uJZF5MO0JOA-00109-00008715-00008722 MINNESOTA MALLS HAS RELATIONSHIPS IN PLACE WITH +uJZF5MO0JOA-00110-00008722-00008852 MINNESOTA MALLS HAS RELATIONSHIPS IN PLACE WITH OTHER DEPARTMENT STORES THAT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00111-00008852-00008858 RELATIONSHIPS IN PLACE WITH OTHER DEPARTMENT STORES THAT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00112-00008858-00008998 RELATIONSHIPS IN PLACE WITH OTHER DEPARTMENT STORES THAT ALREADY OCCUPY VARIOUS SHOPPING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00113-00008998-00009005 OTHER DEPARTMENT STORES THAT ALREADY OCCUPY VARIOUS SHOPPING +uJZF5MO0JOA-00114-00009005-00009125 OTHER DEPARTMENT STORES THAT ALREADY OCCUPY VARIOUS SHOPPING CENTERS ACROSS THE STATE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00115-00009125-00009132 ALREADY OCCUPY VARIOUS SHOPPING CENTERS ACROSS THE STATE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00116-00009132-00009392 ALREADY OCCUPY VARIOUS SHOPPING CENTERS ACROSS THE STATE. ONE RETAILER LIKELY TO FILL THE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00117-00009392-00009399 CENTERS ACROSS THE STATE. ONE RETAILER LIKELY TO FILL THE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00118-00009399-00009933 CENTERS ACROSS THE STATE. ONE RETAILER LIKELY TO FILL THE VOID IN BEMIDJI COULD BE DUNUM +uJZF5MO0JOA-00119-00009933-00009939 ONE RETAILER LIKELY TO FILL THE VOID IN BEMIDJI COULD BE DUNUM +uJZF5MO0JOA-00120-00009939-00010003 ONE RETAILER LIKELY TO FILL THE VOID IN BEMIDJI COULD BE DUNUM SPORTS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00121-00010003-00010009 VOID IN BEMIDJI COULD BE DUNUM SPORTS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00122-00010009-00010090 VOID IN BEMIDJI COULD BE DUNUM SPORTS. >> YOU'RE CORRECT TO POINT OUT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00123-00010090-00010096 SPORTS. >> YOU'RE CORRECT TO POINT OUT +uJZF5MO0JOA-00124-00010096-00010393 SPORTS. >> YOU'RE CORRECT TO POINT OUT THAT WE HAVE A REALLY GOOD +uJZF5MO0JOA-00125-00010393-00010400 >> YOU'RE CORRECT TO POINT OUT THAT WE HAVE A REALLY GOOD +uJZF5MO0JOA-00126-00010400-00010460 >> YOU'RE CORRECT TO POINT OUT THAT WE HAVE A REALLY GOOD RELATIONSHIP. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00127-00010460-00010467 THAT WE HAVE A REALLY GOOD RELATIONSHIP. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00128-00010467-00010547 THAT WE HAVE A REALLY GOOD RELATIONSHIP. AND THE OTHER THING I WOULD +uJZF5MO0JOA-00129-00010547-00010553 RELATIONSHIP. AND THE OTHER THING I WOULD +uJZF5MO0JOA-00130-00010553-00010740 RELATIONSHIP. AND THE OTHER THING I WOULD POINT OUT IS EVERYONE KNOWS IN +uJZF5MO0JOA-00131-00010740-00010747 AND THE OTHER THING I WOULD POINT OUT IS EVERYONE KNOWS IN +uJZF5MO0JOA-00132-00010747-00010884 AND THE OTHER THING I WOULD POINT OUT IS EVERYONE KNOWS IN BEMIDJI YOU DON'T HAVE A SPORTS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00133-00010884-00010890 POINT OUT IS EVERYONE KNOWS IN BEMIDJI YOU DON'T HAVE A SPORTS +uJZF5MO0JOA-00134-00010890-00010994 POINT OUT IS EVERYONE KNOWS IN BEMIDJI YOU DON'T HAVE A SPORTS STORE AT THIS POINT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00135-00010994-00011000 BEMIDJI YOU DON'T HAVE A SPORTS STORE AT THIS POINT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00136-00011000-00011151 BEMIDJI YOU DON'T HAVE A SPORTS STORE AT THIS POINT. >> NO MATTER WHO YOU LOOK AT IT, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00137-00011151-00011157 STORE AT THIS POINT. >> NO MATTER WHO YOU LOOK AT IT, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00138-00011157-00011277 STORE AT THIS POINT. >> NO MATTER WHO YOU LOOK AT IT, WITH BEMIDJI CONTINUING TO GROW +uJZF5MO0JOA-00139-00011277-00011284 >> NO MATTER WHO YOU LOOK AT IT, WITH BEMIDJI CONTINUING TO GROW +uJZF5MO0JOA-00140-00011284-00011544 >> NO MATTER WHO YOU LOOK AT IT, WITH BEMIDJI CONTINUING TO GROW AS A REGIONAL CENTER, THE FUTURE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00141-00011544-00011551 WITH BEMIDJI CONTINUING TO GROW AS A REGIONAL CENTER, THE FUTURE +uJZF5MO0JOA-00142-00011551-00011688 WITH BEMIDJI CONTINUING TO GROW AS A REGIONAL CENTER, THE FUTURE IS SET TO BE BRIGHT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00143-00011688-00011695 AS A REGIONAL CENTER, THE FUTURE IS SET TO BE BRIGHT. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00144-00011695-00011848 AS A REGIONAL CENTER, THE FUTURE IS SET TO BE BRIGHT. >> IT'S LIKE THE SEASONS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00145-00011848-00011855 IS SET TO BE BRIGHT. >> IT'S LIKE THE SEASONS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00146-00011855-00011981 IS SET TO BE BRIGHT. >> IT'S LIKE THE SEASONS. IT CONTINUES TO CHANGE AND +uJZF5MO0JOA-00147-00011981-00011988 >> IT'S LIKE THE SEASONS. IT CONTINUES TO CHANGE AND +uJZF5MO0JOA-00148-00011988-00012158 >> IT'S LIKE THE SEASONS. IT CONTINUES TO CHANGE AND ALWAYS OFFERS SOMETHING FOR +uJZF5MO0JOA-00149-00012158-00012165 IT CONTINUES TO CHANGE AND ALWAYS OFFERS SOMETHING FOR +uJZF5MO0JOA-00150-00012165-00012208 IT CONTINUES TO CHANGE AND ALWAYS OFFERS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00151-00012208-00012215 ALWAYS OFFERS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00152-00012215-00012452 ALWAYS OFFERS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00153-00012452-00012459 EVERYONE. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, +uJZF5MO0JOA-00154-00012459-00012645 EVERYONE. >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00155-00012645-00012652 >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. +uJZF5MO0JOA-00156-00012652-00012772 >> IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: PAUL BUNYAN MALL +uJZF5MO0JOA-00157-00012772-00012779 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: PAUL BUNYAN MALL +uJZF5MO0JOA-00158-00012779-00012822 LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: PAUL BUNYAN MALL MANAGER SCOT SNITKER TELLS +uKOBwq_TYq8-00000-00000004-00000413 G Major 16+Water Major +uKOBwq_TYq8-00001-00000413-00003292 It Is G Major 5.0 (NSWIDT+G Major 16) Spilt Weird G Major 16 (Weird Code+G Major 16) +uM-mazs3AQu-00000-00000892-00001086 MOST PEOPLE REMEMBER THE WIZARD OF OZ +uM-mazs3AQu-00001-00001120-00001272 AS A BELOVED CHILDREN’S FILM +uM-mazs3AQu-00002-00001272-00001452 ABOUT THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP +uM-mazs3AQu-00003-00001452-00001623 AND THE COURAGE TO STAND UP TO EVIL. +uM-mazs3AQu-00004-00001655-00002076 BUT THE TRUTH IS THAT OZ IS MORE SINISTER THAN WESTEROS. +uM-mazs3AQu-00005-00002156-00002512 GLINDA THE GOOD WITCH MAY BE MORE CORRUPT THAN CERSEI +uM-mazs3AQu-00006-00002584-00002772 AND DOROTHY IS JUST A PAWN +uM-mazs3AQu-00007-00002784-00003032 IN HER QUEST TO SEIZE POWER OVER OZ FOR HERSELF. +uM-mazs3AQu-00008-00003076-00003224 WHEN DOROTHY ARRIVES, +uM-mazs3AQu-00009-00003224-00003424 OZ IS RULED BY FOUR POWERFUL FIGURES: +uM-mazs3AQu-00010-00003572-00003702 THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST, +uM-mazs3AQu-00011-00003732-00003868 THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST, +uM-mazs3AQu-00012-00003888-00003992 THE WIZARD OF OZ +uM-mazs3AQu-00013-00004004-00004132 AND GLINDA HERSELF. +uM-mazs3AQu-00014-00004204-00004348 DOROTHY KILLS THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST +uM-mazs3AQu-00015-00004348-00004552 WHEN HER HOUSE LANDS ON TOP OF HER. +uM-mazs3AQu-00016-00004592-00004788 SO, THAT’S ONE DOWN. +uM-mazs3AQu-00017-00004824-00004920 AT THIS POINT, +uM-mazs3AQu-00018-00004920-00005104 GLINDA COULD EASILY TELL DOROTHY +uM-mazs3AQu-00019-00005104-00005304 TO USE THE RUBY SLIPPERS TO GO HOME +uM-mazs3AQu-00020-00005316-00005484 BUT SHE REALIZES THAT SHE CAN +uM-mazs3AQu-00021-00005484-00005644 TRICK DOROTHY INTO BECOMING +uM-mazs3AQu-00022-00005644-00005804 HER OWN PERSONAL ASSASSIN. +uM-mazs3AQu-00023-00005864-00006088 BY PUTTING THE RUBY SLIPPERS ON DOROTHY’S FEET, +uM-mazs3AQu-00024-00006104-00006304 GLINDA PUTS DOROTHY IN DIRECT +uM-mazs3AQu-00025-00006304-00006484 CONFLICT WITH THE WICKED WITCH. +uM-mazs3AQu-00026-00006484-00006668 SHE THEN TELLS DOROTHY THAT +uM-mazs3AQu-00027-00006668-00006848 THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN HELP HER +uM-mazs3AQu-00028-00006880-00007000 IS THE WIZARD OF OZ +uM-mazs3AQu-00029-00007000-00007116 WHICH IS ANOTHER LIE. +uM-mazs3AQu-00030-00007116-00007288 AFTER A DANGEROUS JOURNEY +uM-mazs3AQu-00031-00007288-00007448 DOWN THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD TO OZ, +uM-mazs3AQu-00032-00007448-00007612 THE WIZARD TELLS DOROTHY THAT +uM-mazs3AQu-00033-00007612-00007728 HE’LL ONLY HELP HER +uM-mazs3AQu-00034-00007728-00007931 IF SHE BRINGS BACK THE WICKED WITCH’S BROOMSTICK +uM-mazs3AQu-00035-00007984-00008152 WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO +uM-mazs3AQu-00036-00008152-00008268 WITHOUT KILLING HER. +uM-mazs3AQu-00037-00008268-00008460 AFTER KILLING THE WITCH OF THE WEST +uM-mazs3AQu-00038-00008460-00008604 AND TAKING HER BROOM, +uM-mazs3AQu-00039-00008604-00008832 DOROTHY EXPOSES THE WIZARD OF OZ AS A +uM-mazs3AQu-00040-00008860-00009052 FAKE AND HE IS FORCED TO FLEE. +uM-mazs3AQu-00041-00009068-00009228 IN A MATTER OF A FEW DAYS, +uM-mazs3AQu-00042-00009228-00009512 DOROTHY TOOK OUT GLINDA’S THREE MAIN RIVALS FOR POWER +uM-mazs3AQu-00043-00009544-00009696 AND ALL GLINDA HAD TO DO +uM-mazs3AQu-00044-00009704-00009832 WAS PLAY PUPPETEER +uM-mazs3AQu-00045-00009836-00010052 TO A NAIVE FARM GIRL FROM KANSAS. +uM-mazs3AQu-00046-00010092-00010284 THE REAL STORY OF WIZARD OF OZ +uM-mazs3AQu-00047-00010292-00010484 IS ABOUT A TREACHEROUS WITCH +uM-mazs3AQu-00048-00010484-00010772 USING AN INNOCENT GIRL TO ELIMINATE ALL OF HER RIVALS. +uM-mazs3AQu-00049-00010772-00011112 THE LANNISTERS ARE LUCKY THAT GLINDA ISN’T IN WESTEROS, +uM-mazs3AQu-00050-00011176-00011556 OR SHE’D BE SITTING ON THE IRON THRONE. +uMN87uSoCTM-00000-00002760-00003010 I'm in love with your eyes +uMN87uSoCTM-00001-00003020-00003290 So take off your glasses when you kiss me. +uMN87uSoCTM-00002-00003300-00003550 - Okay, but... +uMN87uSoCTM-00003-00003560-00003812 You take off your bra. +uMN87uSoCTM-00004-00004758-00005020 - Why do you stay with him if you know that he'll cheat on you? +uMN87uSoCTM-00005-00005030-00005260 - So I have an excuse to get back at him. +uMN87uSoCTM-00006-00005270-00005420 - Hmm. Makes sense. +uMN87uSoCTM-00007-00005430-00005950 - Yeah, well, I don't want to date a guy whose only interest is fucking me. +uMN87uSoCTM-00008-00005960-00006306 - Good luck finding one, maybe on Mars. +uMN87uSoCTM-00009-00006582-00006941 - You're acting weird. Is something up? +uMN87uSoCTM-00010-00007060-00007300 - I don't know how to tell you this, but... +uMN87uSoCTM-00011-00007309-00007730 I'm seeing another guy. Well, not actually seeing... he always takes me from behind. +uMN87uSoCTM-00012-00008661-00009001 - Actually... I'm kind of glad that he's suffering for me. +uMN87uSoCTM-00013-00009116-00009570 - I see, this way you can feel of some use. +uMN87uSoCTM-00014-00009986-00010166 - I love you so much. +uMN87uSoCTM-00015-00010302-00010453 - Fuck. +uMN87uSoCTM-00016-00010680-00010899 I'm sorry. +uMN87uSoCTM-00017-00011264-00011550 - Well? How was it with the guy you met at the exhibition? +uMN87uSoCTM-00018-00011560-00011860 - Awesome. But it took him almost an hour to come. +uMN87uSoCTM-00019-00011870-00012120 Besides, he kept talking about Duchamp when we fucked. +uMN87uSoCTM-00020-00012130-00012210 - Did you come too? +uMN87uSoCTM-00021-00012220-00012490 - No, but I learned a lot about surrealism. +uMN87uSoCTM-00022-00012500-00012636 - Oh, okay, then... +uMN87uSoCTM-00023-00012823-00013178 - It's always like this: every time we're talking about her, you change the subject. +uMN87uSoCTM-00024-00013178-00013275 - Not true. +uMN87uSoCTM-00025-00013285-00013530 - Yes, it is. Talking about her will do you good. +uMN87uSoCTM-00026-00013540-00013660 - I'm trying to read. +uMN87uSoCTM-00027-00013669-00014140 - Oh, come on, tell me the truth. How long will this go on? Huh? +uMN87uSoCTM-00028-00014169-00014380 - Just two more chapters. +upA33EbeOGI-00000-00000000-00000200 like +uSLz39EvZ_4-00000-00000184-00000680 It's the feud that no one saw coming. Except, perhaps, for Amy Roloff. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00001-00000680-00001112 Just over a week ago, Matt Roloff put a portion of his Oregon farm up for sale... +uSLz39EvZ_4-00002-00001112-00001632 doing so a few months after failing to reach any sort of agreement with either of his twin sons, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00003-00001632-00001928 both of whom had expressed interest in taking over for their dad. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00004-00002000-00002424 This was Matt's decision to make, of course. However, the father of four then went ahead +uSLz39EvZ_4-00005-00002424-00002920 and explained to Instagram followers why the property was NOT handed down to Zach or Jeremy. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00006-00002976-00003424 "Both of them (along with their growing families) had moved on to other interests and investments," +uSLz39EvZ_4-00007-00003424-00003911 Matt claimed online, adding a few days ago: "and even tho a substantial family discount +uSLz39EvZ_4-00008-00003911-00004368 and a “gift of equity” was offered by both Amy and I….(and I still owe Amy a bundle +uSLz39EvZ_4-00009-00004368-00004744 of money) ..they decided individually that the timing was not right for them +uSLz39EvZ_4-00010-00004744-00005296 to purchase a part of the farm at this time." This message did not sit well with Zach. AT ALL. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00011-00005360-00005800 In a shocking rebuke, Zach tagged his dad in the Comments section and wrote: +uSLz39EvZ_4-00012-00005800-00006240 "This post is extremely misguided and false. My dad is manipulating the narrative right +uSLz39EvZ_4-00013-00006240-00006656 now before the season comes out." How very Un-Roloff-like, right? +uSLz39EvZ_4-00014-00006656-00006944 To air such dirty laundry in such a public manner? +uSLz39EvZ_4-00015-00007031-00007384 Zach wasn't even done, either, concluding his remarks as follows: +uSLz39EvZ_4-00016-00007440-00007656 Once again like he has for most of his life +uSLz39EvZ_4-00017-00007656-00008023 not taking responsibility for his own actions and blaming others. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00018-00008023-00008376 Dragging the family drama that he created and then manipulate the fan +uSLz39EvZ_4-00019-00008376-00008768 base to make himself come out okay. This post his a new shocking low of +uSLz39EvZ_4-00020-00008768-00009104 cowardice and manipulation of his family and kids for his own gain. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00021-00009168-00009600 In her initial response to this shocking rivalry, Amy blamed Matt for stirring up +uSLz39EvZ_4-00022-00009600-00010056 tension and for not giving his son at least some special treatment amid farm negotiations. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00023-00010112-00010408 Now, meanwhile, the Little People, Big World star has expounded on +uSLz39EvZ_4-00024-00010408-00010896 her stance in a chat with Us Weekly. "It was hard for me to watch,” Amy told +uSLz39EvZ_4-00025-00010896-00011360 this tabloid on May 25 of the back-and-forth between her son and ex-husband, adding: +uSLz39EvZ_4-00026-00011360-00011752 “I don’t know a lot of the details of the negotiation that went on between Matt and Zach +uSLz39EvZ_4-00027-00011752-00012256 [but] I’ve heard little bits here and there.” Continued the long-time TLC personality: +uSLz39EvZ_4-00028-00012256-00012616 "I’m just sad that it’s come to this. "Parts of me [are] not exactly [surprised] +uSLz39EvZ_4-00029-00012616-00013024 because I’ve dealt with Matt over the years and he can be tough, he can be grinding, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00030-00013024-00013472 but I also think whatever the expectations were from both of them, they went out the window +uSLz39EvZ_4-00031-00013472-00013872 [and] they obviously did not sync up. "I’ve said it in the episodes before, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00032-00013872-00014336 Matt is still the father, he is still ‘the adult.’ I don’t care how old your kids are. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00033-00014336-00014688 "Sometimes there are things that they may need to learn, but … as a father, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00034-00014688-00015224 you may have to take the higher road." Matt purchased Amy's share of the farm in 2019, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00035-00015224-00015672 about three years after the couple split. They still star on Little People, Big Worldd, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00036-00015672-00015928 of course, which kicked off a new season last Tuesday. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00037-00016000-00016496 "Change happens," Roloff concluded to Us. "It’s not always good; it’s not always happy, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00038-00016496-00016920 but eventually, maybe this [will] be a step where we can all move forward and see how we +uSLz39EvZ_4-00039-00016920-00017256 can all come back together." Zach, meanwhile, previously +uSLz39EvZ_4-00040-00017256-00017720 told Entertainment Tonight that "the ship has sailed" on his family ever running the farm. +uSLz39EvZ_4-00041-00017720-00018072 "I think it was a mistake to put it on social media, but I think I made +uSLz39EvZ_4-00042-00018072-00018544 my thoughts pretty clear," the father of three said of placing his dad on very public blast, +uSLz39EvZ_4-00043-00018544-00018968 adding that he and his wife Tori "are moving on" and stating earlier this week: +uSLz39EvZ_4-00044-00018968-00019136 "It's all good. "We're all family." +uSQv9sGEljI-00000-00000000-00000636 the town where it is, the town is on the street asking for dignity +uSQv9sGEljI-00001-00000666-00001438 the town where it is, the town is on the street asking for dignity +uSQv9sGEljI-00002-00004754-00005062 millions the last days we have said loud and clear +uSQv9sGEljI-00003-00005096-00005324 what we want to decide what we do with our savings +uSQv9sGEljI-00004-00005364-00005906 we get tired of seeing our grandparents and parents, after having worked 30 40 years +uSQv9sGEljI-00005-00005932-00006186 reversing completely miserable pensions +uSQv9sGEljI-00006-00006224-00006686 In Chile, women who are retired receive an average of 109,000 pesos per month ($ 140 USD per month) +uSQv9sGEljI-00007-00006704-00006984 money that is not enough +uSQv9sGEljI-00008-00007004-00007268 with that reality is that we want to end +uSQv9sGEljI-00009-00007290-00007600 the government and businessmen get ready to attack us +uSQv9sGEljI-00010-00007626-00008172 They are buying cars, throwing water and strengthening the police and military with shotguns +uSQv9sGEljI-00011-00008228-00008598 today it is more necessary than ever to end the business of pension fund insurers +uSQv9sGEljI-00012-00008624-00008970 that we are the workers and retirees who decide what to do with our savings +uSQv9sGEljI-00013-00008996-00009420 through a tripartite system, solidary and guaranteed by the state +uSQv9sGEljI-00014-00009440-00009740 we also have to face the attacks of this government +uSQv9sGEljI-00015-00009772-00010160 raising a great mobilization to overturn layoffs and work suspension +uSQv9sGEljI-00016-00010192-00010392 because today our lives do matter +uSQv9sGEljI-00017-00011950-00012158 hello, we are in the Victoria population +uSQv9sGEljI-00018-00012158-00012434 near the thermoelectric in the commune of renca +uSQv9sGEljI-00019-00012514-00012646 we are with the neighbors protesting +uSQv9sGEljI-00020-00012670-00013160 we want to be heard loud and clear, that the protest reaches the congress +uSQv9sGEljI-00021-00013205-00013427 we want to get our 10% +uSQv9sGEljI-00022-00013468-00013654 we want to be able to choose for the first time +uSQv9sGEljI-00023-00013676-00013958 what we need is also the collective solidarity fund +uSQv9sGEljI-00024-00013980-00014290 we need it is reform is approved +uSQv9sGEljI-00025-00014290-00014447 we need a little dignity for ourselves +uSQv9sGEljI-00026-00014484-00014946 and to all the deputies and senators who wanted to take advantage of the moment +uSQv9sGEljI-00027-00014990-00015308 this is the gateway to bring down the system +uSQv9sGEljI-00028-00015308-00015631 we want to say loud and clear that yes +uSQv9sGEljI-00029-00015632-00016041 because we don't want them to continue robbing us as they have for so many years +uSQv9sGEljI-00030-00016069-00016291 serving our older adults +uSQv9sGEljI-00031-00016332-00016624 making them live lives of misery, with retirement you don't play +uSQv9sGEljI-00032-00016654-00016876 that's what we wanted to say, loud and clear +uSQv9sGEljI-00033-00016902-00017190 in October the town woke up and will not shut up again +uSQv9sGEljI-00034-00017220-00017522 and if they thought that with the pandemic we were going to remain silent, they are very wrong +uSQv9sGEljI-00035-00017558-00018008 because here we are, with a mask and everything will continue to show our faces +uSQv9sGEljI-00036-00018072-00018290 Until the day this really ends +uSQv9sGEljI-00037-00018322-00018590 until the day the pension fund associations really run out +uSQv9sGEljI-00038-00018602-00018811 for a decent retirement for our old men and women +uSQv9sGEljI-00039-00021632-00021934 good night, companions and companions +uSQv9sGEljI-00040-00022032-00022222 broadcasting for radio plaza de la dignidad +uSQv9sGEljI-00041-00022256-00022502 we are in the commune of pudahuel +uSQv9sGEljI-00042-00022546-00022722 in San Pablo with Errázuriz +uSQv9sGEljI-00043-00022748-00022980 and the people are manifesting again +uSQv9sGEljI-00044-00023122-00023260 evidence your annoyance +uSQv9sGEljI-00045-00023286-00023492 facing the new approaches of this government +uSQv9sGEljI-00046-00023680-00023884 and we meet again on the street +uSQv9sGEljI-00047-00023980-00024490 to be manifest of our sorrow, of our discomfort +uSQv9sGEljI-00048-00024524-00024910 and demanding the minimum rights that we deserve as citizens +uSQv9sGEljI-00049-00035276-00035388 piñera, suck penis +uSQv9sGEljI-00050-00042792-00043058 the yungay population is demonstrating +uSQv9sGEljI-00051-00048960-00050070 he who does not jump is a police officer +uSXmaU70fic-00000-00009482-00009855 I hope this is the last time I have to face such a lack of success. +uSXmaU70fic-00001-00009951-00010265 Just saying, you'll have to work with each other +uSXmaU70fic-00002-00010265-00010622 to provide my safety during the press conference of this afternoon. +uSXmaU70fic-00003-00010717-00010951 Is all about the new project of our company. +uSXmaU70fic-00004-00011175-00011408 It's a very big deal. +uSXmaU70fic-00005-00012524-00012777 - It's the opportunity we were waiting for! - Are you sure? +uSXmaU70fic-00006-00012777-00013055 The president is vulnerable, and we provide his safety. +uSXmaU70fic-00007-00013055-00013241 It's a great opportunity, we can't miss it. +uSXmaU70fic-00008-00013241-00013556 He hasn't been holding a press conference for 4 months. +uSXmaU70fic-00009-00013556-00013696 The crowded place will help. +uSXmaU70fic-00010-00013696-00013925 - Okay, I'm in. - You have to. +uSXmaU70fic-00011-00016194-00016391 This may seem inappropriate, but +uSXmaU70fic-00012-00016500-00016957 when I saw you dancing this morning, it makes me realise you can have feelings too. +uSXmaU70fic-00013-00017194-00017546 The way you became one with the movements you made. +uSXmaU70fic-00014-00024928-00025263 (You think it turns me into a murerer?) +uSXmaU70fic-00015-00025263-00025471 (This is not the way we break the law.) +uSXmaU70fic-00016-00025541-00025979 (It can't be a crime. At least, not in the ethical meaning.) +uSXmaU70fic-00017-00025980-00026162 (Why would it be wrong?) +uSXmaU70fic-00018-00026162-00026458 (Why should we consider something that opens our mind as illegal?) +uSXmaU70fic-00019-00026557-00026962 (It can't be a crime. At least, not in the ethical meaning.) +uSXmaU70fic-00020-00029134-00029348 So, we gonna stick to the plan? +uSXmaU70fic-00021-00029348-00029567 I'll wait for a sign from you and then I shoot. +uSXmaU70fic-00022-00029568-00029929 - Where will you be? - I'll be in the opposite building. +uSXmaU70fic-00023-00032957-00033371 - Sir, I just printed out your speech. - Thank you. +uSXmaU70fic-00024-00036733-00037120 Hello everybody, Thank you for coming. +uSXmaU70fic-00025-00037230-00037899 It's a real pleasure to see you all here. I have to share with you something very important. +uSXmaU70fic-00026-00037957-00038325 For 20 years, we have been going through an important economic crisis. +uSXmaU70fic-00027-00038424-00038984 if I have such a big smile on my face, it's because I have finally found a way out. +uSXmaU70fic-00028-00038984-00039313 An economic and ecological solution. +uSXmaU70fic-00029-00039367-00040262 The anwser is a supermarket chain, that would provideonly from regional manufactures. +uSXmaU70fic-00030-00040262-00041337 Ladies and Gentleman, our new supermarket named HOM Store will open its doors in only two weeks! +uSXmaU70fic-00031-00041337-00041443 - Florent ? +uSXmaU70fic-00032-00041443-00041983 - Gathering all the employees of our state, that will help to keep their jobs. +uSXmaU70fic-00033-00041983-00042604 They are so many habits we need to get used to. There is an all-new way of thinking that HOM will develop. +uSXmaU70fic-00034-00042644-00043142 They are so many unemployed citizens who wish they could find a job. +uSXmaU70fic-00035-00043215-00043394 I am talking to you in this room, +uSXmaU70fic-00036-00043394-00043689 and ladies and gentleman watching us. +uSXmaU70fic-00037-00043786-00043954 Help me with my project. +uSXmaU70fic-00038-00044038-00044634 Take part of our wish to be all egal, by choosing and buying from us. +uSXmaU70fic-00039-00044634-00044983 We need to be the players of our purchasing power. +uSXmaU70fic-00040-00044983-00045586 We need to stop the globalisation, that provided so many family with an insecure situation. +uSXmaU70fic-00041-00045740-00045996 Think about you. Think about what tomorrow might be. +uSXmaU70fic-00042-00046007-00046200 Think about your children. Think... +uTT0LDMajtM-00000-00000000-00002972 🎧FREE LOVV66 x BUSHIDO ZHO x GLO Type Beat - HALLOWEEN +uVwJ01xyH14-00000-00000017-00000766 Caesar, a biased source of course, described Vercingetorix as a man of boundless energy +uVwJ01xyH14-00001-00000766-00001297 and stoic disicpline, yet this was mixed with a brutal streak. +uVwJ01xyH14-00002-00001297-00001595 Vercingetorix was from an interesting family. +uVwJ01xyH14-00003-00001595-00002311 His powerful father, Celtillus, had been killed by his fellow Gauls after trying to declare +uVwJ01xyH14-00004-00002311-00002624 himself king of all of Gaul. +uVwJ01xyH14-00005-00002624-00003292 Vercingetorix soon raised an army however, using strict discipline to maintain order. +uVwJ01xyH14-00006-00003292-00004030 According to Caesar, Vercingetorix punished disloyalty by torture and death, and was even +uVwJ01xyH14-00007-00004030-00004748 said to cut his troops ears off, or gouge out one of their eyes, to maintain discipline. +uVwJ01xyH14-00008-00004748-00005442 In his campaign against the occupying Roman force, Vercingetorix employed scorched earth +uVwJ01xyH14-00009-00005442-00005542 tactics. +uVwJ01xyH14-00010-00005542-00006286 In a council of war in 52 BC, Vercingetorix told his fellow Celts that “we must strive +uVwJ01xyH14-00011-00006286-00006907 by every means to prevent the Romans from obtaining forage and supplies… +uVwJ01xyH14-00012-00006907-00007498 Along the enemies line of march we must burn all the villages and farms within the radius +uVwJ01xyH14-00013-00007498-00007767 that their foragers could cover.” +uVwJ01xyH14-00014-00007767-00008497 His soldiers duly obliged, burning as many as 20 towns in one day along the Roman line. +uVwJ01xyH14-00015-00008497-00009075 This stratgey worked relatively well for a period, as the Gauls managed to make Caesar’s +uVwJ01xyH14-00016-00009075-00009461 campaign arduous for a time. +uVwJ01xyH14-00017-00009461-00010038 Vercingetorix was further emboldened after his forces successfully managed to defend +uVwJ01xyH14-00018-00010038-00010806 Gergovia, an important foritfied town of the Arveni tribe, against a Roman seige. +uVwJ01xyH14-00019-00010806-00011606 Caesar himself estimated that 700 Roman soldiers, including 46 centurions, were killed at the +uVwJ01xyH14-00020-00011606-00012152 Battle of Gergovia, but the actual figure is likely in the thousands. +uVwJ01xyH14-00021-00012152-00012881 Caesar was eventually forced to retreat, and he was pursued by Vercingetorix’s forces. +uVwJ01xyH14-00022-00012881-00013736 This pursuate did not last long, with Vercingetorix soon forced to retreat to the town of Alesia. +uVwJ01xyH14-00023-00013736-00014303 The Gallic force was estimated to number around 80,000 soldiers. +uVwJ01xyH14-00024-00014303-00014954 Caesar soon arrived in Alesia, and decided that the best tactic was to encircle the town +uVwJ01xyH14-00025-00014954-00015547 with a series of fortifications, aiming to deprive the Gauls of supplies. +uVwJ01xyH14-00026-00015547-00016213 This is one interesting aspect of Roman soliers, they appeared to be half-soldiers, half-construction +uVwJ01xyH14-00027-00016213-00016868 workers, as they routinely managed to complete large construction projects with seemingly +uVwJ01xyH14-00028-00016868-00017008 little effort. +uVwJ01xyH14-00029-00017008-00017866 It is estimated that the Romans built 16.7 km of fortifications around Alesia. +uVwJ01xyH14-00030-00017866-00018475 Caesar’s strategy to starve the Gauls out from Alesia was correct, as Vercingetorix +uVwJ01xyH14-00031-00018475-00018942 only had around 30 days of rations for his men. +uVwJ01xyH14-00032-00018942-00019620 The Celtic leader soon sent word for a Gallic relief army to be sent from surrounding areas. +uVwJ01xyH14-00033-00019620-00020245 When Caesar learned of the plan for a Gallic releif army, the Roman general instructed +uVwJ01xyH14-00034-00020245-00020984 his forces to build a second circle of defenses, this time to protect the Romans from the relief +uVwJ01xyH14-00035-00020984-00021112 army. +uVwJ01xyH14-00036-00021112-00021737 His troops duly obliged, building yet more fortifications around their position. +uVwJ01xyH14-00037-00021737-00022416 Shortly after, the massive Gallic releif army arrived, totally around 250,000 men. +uVwJ01xyH14-00038-00022416-00023101 In the following days, the Gauls attacked the Romans from both directions, and just +uVwJ01xyH14-00039-00023101-00023412 about found a weak spot in the Roman fortifications. +uVwJ01xyH14-00040-00023412-00024229 There was a gap in the outer Roman fortifications due to a steep hill, and the Gauls took advantage, +uVwJ01xyH14-00041-00024229-00024595 concetrating massive numbers at this point. +uVwJ01xyH14-00042-00024595-00025190 Despite some initial Gallic success, Caesar actly swiftly when realizing this strategic +uVwJ01xyH14-00043-00025190-00025570 vulnerability, and managed to patch this up. +uVwJ01xyH14-00044-00025570-00026113 After stabilising, the Romans soon routed the Gauls, leading many to flee. +uVwJ01xyH14-00045-00026113-00026425 This was a devastating defeat for Gallic independece. +uVwJ01xyH14-00046-00026425-00027200 The following day, the Gallic leaders inside Alesia met to discuss their position. +uVwJ01xyH14-00047-00027200-00027672 According to Caesar, Vercingetorix addressed the meeting. +uVwJ01xyH14-00048-00027672-00028308 He said that he “had not undertaken the war for private ends, but for national liberty. +uVwJ01xyH14-00049-00028308-00028888 And since I must now accept my fate, I place myself at your disposal. +uVwJ01xyH14-00050-00028888-00029514 Make amends to the Romans by kiling me or surrender me alive as you think best.” +uVwJ01xyH14-00051-00029514-00030161 They decided to hand Vercingetorix over to Caesar and to surrender. +uVwJ01xyH14-00052-00030161-00030595 Vercingetorix was placed in Roman chains and imprisoned. +uVwJ01xyH14-00053-00030595-00031507 Years later, between 49 and 46 BC, Vercingetorix was paraded through the streets of Rome duirng +uVwJ01xyH14-00054-00031507-00031923 one of Caesar’s triumphs, and was then beheaded. +uVwJ01xyH14-00055-00031923-00032568 Despite his death and defeat, Vercingetorix remains a symbol of national liberty throughout +uVwJ01xyH14-00056-00032568-00032698 France and the world. +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00000-00000248-00000792 welcome welcome everyone welcome to the bridge builders of diversity today's topic's going to be +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00001-00000792-00001768 um kind of like a two-fold like um who my greatest teacher was um and you know roberta would more +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00002-00001768-00002464 say her students maybe might be her greatest teacher absolutely and what people who are +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00003-00002576-00003352 perceived to be in the margins or on the fringes or perceived to be a burden or disabled +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00004-00003440-00004256 what they can teach us and the authentic lessons that they can teach us about life about +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00005-00004256-00005064 spirituality about ourselves but i'm gonna kick it over to sheri because she has a great first person +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00006-00005064-00005736 experience as a mom of a son with down syndrome all right well everyone first of all thanks +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00007-00005736-00006360 for joining us on our video and stopping by i'm shari i'm a mother of a child with down syndrome +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00008-00006360-00007152 and i'm going to go over a few things on my list of um nathan being my greatest teacher when he was +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00009-00007152-00007808 born i never realized that having a son being born with down syndrome i would learn so much from him +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00010-00007808-00008784 and he truly has been my greatest teacher out of you know any academics any life lesson +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00011-00008848-00009736 he is the golden apple um and you know having a child with special needs the first one on my list +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00012-00009736-00010264 is patience and they're not necessarily ordered in any specific order but that's the first one +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00013-00010264-00011080 that had come to my mind and learning patience um because it's really on their terms not yours +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00014-00011248-00011992 um nope so i've had to learn patience um and that things are on his time and not mine +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00015-00012064-00012432 and if i want to go somewhere i know i need to stop prompting him +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00016-00012432-00013000 about 20 minutes ahead of time when he was younger maybe even longer to get his shoes and socks on +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00017-00013000-00013640 or i would just have to put him on myself so he could go right right right well that's one of the +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00018-00013640-00014519 great lessons that i learned from my students all the time is patience and following their agenda +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00019-00014519-00015232 not my own i know what the iep says and i know what the curriculum standards are but +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00020-00015319-00016312 they don't and they don't care about my agenda or they need what they need and they they will learn +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00021-00016408-00017104 in their time and it really really taught me how to be in the moment and appreciate +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00022-00017176-00018416 the moment the and in in like always be ready for um that window to open right and being authentic +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00023-00018416-00019232 because they live in an authentic self all the time and it's every moment yeah every moment it's +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00024-00019232-00020288 amazing to watch that yes it's so liberating to be with um especially as outside of my teacher role +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00025-00020288-00020952 but i i also have relationships that are more friendly based relationships with people +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00026-00020952-00022040 with disabilities and it's such a it's such a liberating way to be they are authentically happy +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00027-00022040-00022800 they love you for who you are not what you can do for them not they don't care about your car +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00028-00022800-00023848 your house how much money you have not at all what what they do care if you're inside you right if +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00029-00023848-00024496 you're a good person or not right even if you're a bad person too i mean there's there's been some +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00030-00024496-00025424 people that are pretty selfish i've seen who um receive the gift of love from somebody who's +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00031-00025424-00025976 again i'm going to say perceive to be disabled because they have abilities +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00032-00026168-00026895 that we don't because we're we're moving we're in the hamster wheel earning money we're carrying we +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00033-00026895-00027616 you know we have to care about like appearances and and what other people think it's so +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00034-00027688-00028552 it's such a burden to be typical and liberating to be uh to be different and to be perceived as +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00035-00028552-00029216 different because you can and you can laugh as loud as you want you can dance like a wild maniac +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00036-00029392-00030039 and and really enjoy the moment and i i can't stress enough how +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00037-00030039-00030512 people with disabilities have taught me to live in the moment and stop worrying about +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00038-00030632-00031344 tomorrow even the next hour just be here now i i notice one of the things i always forget to +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00039-00031344-00031848 do when i'm with my friends with disabilities is take pictures you know why because i'm not worried +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00040-00031848-00032680 about looking back on the moment i am in it right right there at that moment authentically enjoying +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00041-00032680-00033384 dancing singing laughing as loud as we need to absolutely and another thing that i've learned +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00042-00033496-00034136 in having a son with down syndrome is they are so much more than we are told they are +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00043-00034208-00034760 meaning you know here i am having a son with down syndrome people are like oh i'm sorry you had a +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00044-00034760-00035368 child with down syndrome all this this stuff and it's really been one of the greatest gifts +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00045-00035368-00036304 of my life um i've heard it called the lucky few it's a lucky few what a blessing to be gifted +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00046-00036368-00037096 a child with disabilities um and and all of the lessons that come with that if you're +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00047-00037096-00037848 it you just all you have to do is be open to it and be still for a moment and stop worrying +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00048-00037848-00038528 about the outside world and turn inward um that's another thing that i've noticed about people again +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00049-00038528-00039168 who are perceived to be disabled and i hate people do air quotes and look what i just did um oh well +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00050-00039352-00039872 i'm being authentic um is that they're far more spiritual than we give them +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00051-00039872-00040632 credit for and a great example of that is my friend an adult woman with down syndrome +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00052-00040760-00041536 she has a very very personal relationship with her god and i'll ask her hey what were you doing +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00053-00041536-00042552 and she'll say i was talking to jesus he stopped by to have a dance party my son has similar um +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00054-00042616-00043360 things like that even when he was super young and would have no reference to that very personal very +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00055-00043432-00044144 i i'm going to use that word again authentic yeah it's not manufactured or dictated by any dogma +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00056-00044144-00044904 or any specific religion it is purely a spiritual connection um i don't think they can live in any +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00057-00044904-00045568 type of dogma no no and you know i sometimes got frustrated with religion because they sort of +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00058-00045880-00046416 maybe not every church but i've sort of seen um people with disabilities sort of like pushed off +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00059-00046416-00047008 to the side or marginalized or pushed into the corner when really they live there they can teach +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00060-00047008-00047760 us how to live a spiritual life and have they have taught me my +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00061-00047760-00048240 my relationships with people with adults with disabilities have taught me to be +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00062-00048424-00048984 more spiritual and more open to spirituality and it has enhanced my +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00063-00049056-00049776 my my spiritual walk through this world um so what have we learned we've learned patience +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00064-00049776-00050336 we've learned to be authentic and not care what other people think and we've learned +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00065-00050336-00051391 to be spiritual and to tune into whatever your belief system is is okay because it's yours and +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00066-00051560-00052167 and you're you're oh and the other thing is living in the moment you're not worried about i'm not +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00067-00052167-00052632 worried about tomorrow i'm not worried about next week i'm here right now i'm laughing if +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00068-00052632-00053264 i want to know i'm crying if i want to dancing if i want to i'm i'm hugging the people that i love +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00069-00053264-00054208 without reserve or or care well i heard a great quote and i don't know who owns the quote but +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00070-00054272-00055391 um be you because everybody else is taken i've heard that attributed to um dr seuss oh okay i'm +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00071-00055391-00056184 not sure who said it but i know it was set up my son's graduation and i was this is not oscar wilde +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00072-00056264-00056952 yourself everyone else is taken right yeah and and one other because there's already a sharing +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00073-00057064-00057720 sorry sometimes with the zooming i can't always hear when you're ending um that's okay um +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00074-00057791-00058455 and the other takeaway um in being a mother um i don't know if this is true in being a teacher but +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00075-00058552-00058984 i learned who i was made out of having a child with special needs +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00076-00059288-00059904 and i don't know if that's true from a teacher perspective it is on another level +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00077-00060064-00060848 i find myself unpacking things it attributes to myself that i'd packed away i put those +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00078-00060848-00061464 things away because they weren't useful to myself but they definitely definitely inform +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00079-00061464-00062016 my teaching practice when i'm when i'm dealing with students especially the students who are +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00080-00062088-00062688 um we call them parfaits because they have layers and layers and layers of of +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00081-00062864-00063591 difference and um i'm not going to say need but they have layers and layers of difference that +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00082-00063591-00064304 you just keep uncovering the things that they can do and the things that they know and the +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00083-00064304-00065008 insights that they have so many times especially i you know i look deep into the eyes of a child +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00084-00065008-00065720 who's non-verbal i'm like what do you know yes because i know that you know things that i don't +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00085-00065824-00066376 because the world doesn't think you're there yeah it's because you can't speak and interact +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00086-00066376-00066992 they don't think you're there so they're gonna like they're gonna reveal things that they hide +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00087-00067136-00067736 yeah there was a physical therapist or an occupational therapist that nathan went to when he +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00088-00067736-00068440 was younger and she was amazed how him and i could communicate without saying word but she didn't +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00089-00068440-00069128 know that i had hearing loss as a child so i lived in a very silent world for the first 10 11 years +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00090-00069128-00069936 of my life so i can communicate on that level um with my son without having to say anything +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00091-00069936-00070728 and she was like amazed by it but that was so much is communicating number believe you know +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00092-00070728-00071200 again if you just slow yourself down for a moment and be present +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00093-00071424-00071832 the information is there the connections are there it might not be what you +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00094-00071832-00072456 expect it might be just like a moment playing on the floor or um you know um +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00095-00072688-00073368 eye contact and a giggle the communication is there because we're all human beings and we all +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00096-00073368-00074104 have something to contribute and we all have some kind of spirit whatever you believe in +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00097-00074104-00074520 that makes us human it makes us alive so um +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00098-00074728-00075112 keep those ears and eyes open keep that heart open and you'll absolutely +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00099-00075168-00075728 you will learn these with that we've been blessed especially sherry we because she gets to +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00100-00075808-00076272 be with her son all the time i have to after a while say goodbye to my students +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00101-00076344-00076832 and turn them over to someone else it's right now it's the end of the school year for me so i'm +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00102-00076832-00077456 feeling kind of wistful because i'm i'm releasing my my precious students to another teacher and +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00103-00077456-00078000 trying to communicate to them all that they are and all the wonderful things that they have +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00104-00078056-00078776 to teach and you if you just just open up your heart open up your spirit for a moment and and +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00105-00078776-00079392 be in that moment with them and you'll you will you'll learn yeah and just be open to getting +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00106-00079392-00079984 to know people with disabilities because you will learn so much just just be present +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00107-00080104-00080904 and and you won't regret it not for an instant all right so if you like our content please like share +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00108-00080904-00081680 and subscribe hit that like button help us get out into the youtube universe i will put a link down +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00109-00081680-00082248 in the video roberto and i also did a ted talk which we will put that link in our video +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00110-00082248-00082808 description so everybody can watch that but please help us get out into that youtube burn +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00111-00082808-00083512 universe by hitting that like button bell notifications we do weekly videos on saturdays +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00112-00083512-00084072 is there anything you want to hear about yeah please comment down below don't be shy about +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00113-00084072-00084736 dropping those comments we would love to dig deep into another topic that you that you're interested +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00114-00084736-00085256 in so that you can tell all your friends that bridge builders of diversity clued me in +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00115-00085360-00086016 and hashtag greatest teacher absolutely hashtag greatness teacher no it's not me +uVG4Y3Hm3Vu-00116-00086240-00086984 close all right thank you everyone we appreciate you and thanks for coming bye +uZKuirA0W5U-00000-00000003-00000533 a short story of creation as told by a wondrous man's earthly evolutionary +uZKuirA0W5U-00001-00000533-00001088 travel into a world of Wonderland by Renee Nadeau. we find ourselves in an era +uZKuirA0W5U-00002-00001088-00001505 where no one has much time to read books so I've made this a short but powerful +uZKuirA0W5U-00003-00001505-00002010 often with great tribulation account of my life's educational journey I hope my +uZKuirA0W5U-00004-00002010-00002453 story will successfully demonstrate how I as well as the reader from shortly +uZKuirA0W5U-00005-00002453-00002850 after our arrival on earth have been deceived if you may be looking to +uZKuirA0W5U-00006-00002850-00003305 determine just how the wool was pulled over all of our eyes as goes the cliche +uZKuirA0W5U-00007-00003305-00003792 be careful what you look for as you just may find it this could possibly be the +uZKuirA0W5U-00008-00003792-00004254 most important story you will ever read at any point in your lifetime in a world +uZKuirA0W5U-00009-00004254-00004692 we've been so conditioned to trust and accept without exception most if not all +uZKuirA0W5U-00010-00004692-00005130 might believe that this could ever happen to anyone let alone that it may +uZKuirA0W5U-00011-00005130-00005586 have unknowingly happened to them if you decide to begin this ride I would please +uZKuirA0W5U-00012-00005586-00005978 ask that you take it all the way to the end mind opening information is inside +uZKuirA0W5U-00013-00005978-00006450 that your life depends upon and it's not anything you'd expect okay +uZKuirA0W5U-00014-00006450-00006903 let's begin this ride into that beautiful sunset on the horizon chapter +uZKuirA0W5U-00015-00006903-00007479 1 dreaming in Wonderland I was tucked into my bed on this warm June night very +uZKuirA0W5U-00016-00007479-00008058 relaxed AC on high with my feet as most always resting on a hot-water bottle +uZKuirA0W5U-00017-00008058-00008499 anyone who hasn't tried this is truly missing out it was pretty much a normal +uZKuirA0W5U-00018-00008499-00008970 night but for some reason this night my mind began to wander reflecting upon +uZKuirA0W5U-00019-00008970-00009390 what I've learned over my lifetime on earth thinking back on just how I had +uZKuirA0W5U-00020-00009390-00009756 received and processed all that information attempting to make some +uZKuirA0W5U-00021-00009756-00010278 sense and purpose of it all as I drifted off into dreamland as my mind reflected +uZKuirA0W5U-00022-00010278-00010731 back I became more relaxed I recalled that in the beginning learning it's +uZKuirA0W5U-00023-00010731-00011259 theorized somewhere around 14 billion years ago the universe was created by a +uZKuirA0W5U-00024-00011259-00011802 big bang event apparently a whole lot of nothing somehow came together becoming +uZKuirA0W5U-00025-00011802-00012254 so dense reportedly it could fit on the head of a pin and with this convergence +uZKuirA0W5U-00026-00012254-00012686 causing so much pressure or energy that it exploded everything into existence +uZKuirA0W5U-00027-00012686-00013231 with a big bang creating our ever expanding and still evolving universe +uZKuirA0W5U-00028-00013231-00013687 there's a TV sitcom called the Big Bang Theory where I've witnessed a whole lot +uZKuirA0W5U-00029-00013687-00014215 of nothing coming together creating this TV program school-educated me that we +uZKuirA0W5U-00030-00014215-00014665 live on planet Earth the third planet from the Sun with Earth's age estimated +uZKuirA0W5U-00031-00014665-00015184 at four billion years old there's also a TV program sitcom third rock named for +uZKuirA0W5U-00032-00015184-00015595 our planet and that our planet is still forming with its seven continents +uZKuirA0W5U-00033-00015595-00016109 continuously shifting on tectonic plates floating on beds of molten rock with +uZKuirA0W5U-00034-00016109-00016576 Earth's core believed to be a huge round ball of molten nickel with oceans +uZKuirA0W5U-00035-00016576-00017051 created by giant comets impacting the earth over billions of years delivering +uZKuirA0W5U-00036-00017051-00017557 trillions of gallons of water and filling the seas from as early as I can +uZKuirA0W5U-00037-00017557-00018007 recall I took great interest in all history especially yearning for answers +uZKuirA0W5U-00038-00018007-00018437 of just how we all came into being school educated me that dinosaurs +uZKuirA0W5U-00039-00018437-00018826 reportedly roamed our planet earth long ago and were believed to have become +uZKuirA0W5U-00040-00018826-00019243 extinct about 60 million years ago through some kind of cataclysmic +uZKuirA0W5U-00041-00019243-00019684 catastrophe possibly a large asteroid colliding with earth somewhere near the +uZKuirA0W5U-00042-00019684-00020134 Gulf of Mexico drastically changing Earth's environment the resulting +uZKuirA0W5U-00043-00020134-00020515 climate change then made way for humans to evolve from small warm-blooded +uZKuirA0W5U-00044-00020515-00021022 mammals or rodents that brought about our closest ancestors estimated to have +uZKuirA0W5U-00045-00021022-00021456 appeared about six million years ago preceding to evolve into modern humans +uZKuirA0W5U-00046-00021456-00021988 200,000 years ago I recall in science class learning about Charles Darwin who +uZKuirA0W5U-00047-00021988-00022441 wrote a book at that time a very controversial look in the 1850s called +uZKuirA0W5U-00048-00022441-00022976 Origin of Species where his studies of nature led him to conclude all life had +uZKuirA0W5U-00049-00022976-00023393 evolved by way of natural selection adapting and evolving in order to +uZKuirA0W5U-00050-00023393-00023740 survive in their ever-changing environments or else become extinct +uZKuirA0W5U-00051-00023740-00024223 through his theory of evolution Darwin theorized that humans had evolved +uZKuirA0W5U-00052-00024223-00024616 possibly from one celled organisms all the way up the evolutionary ladder +uZKuirA0W5U-00053-00024616-00025129 taking millions of years with primates being our most recent ancestors slowly +uZKuirA0W5U-00054-00025129-00025473 evolving and even still evolving into who we are today +uZKuirA0W5U-00055-00025473-00026051 this evolution theory combined with the Big Bang Theory was instrumental in my +uZKuirA0W5U-00056-00026051-00026525 now being led to believe men evolved from primates with the universe created +uZKuirA0W5U-00057-00026525-00026822 by some kind of random BIGBANG event creating +uZKuirA0W5U-00058-00026822-00027281 everything I was raised Catholic attending church services with my +uZKuirA0W5U-00059-00027281-00027665 parents each and every Sunday I would often make extra efforts to pay +uZKuirA0W5U-00060-00027665-00028115 attention but never recall anything making any real sense also in not +uZKuirA0W5U-00061-00028115-00028556 finding any credibility in the Adam and Eve creation story I was left in search +uZKuirA0W5U-00062-00028556-00029087 of answers in the absence of any better explanation as time passed all this +uZKuirA0W5U-00063-00029087-00029502 information assisted me in forming my understanding of the creation of life +uZKuirA0W5U-00064-00029502-00029963 leading me to my core beliefs as a devout atheist to the point that if +uZKuirA0W5U-00065-00029963-00030375 anyone even suggested there's a creator or a god they were believing in fairy +uZKuirA0W5U-00066-00030375-00030890 tales in my early youth I recall always craving to be informed of world events +uZKuirA0W5U-00067-00030890-00031295 with very few black and white TV channels broadcasting our family +uZKuirA0W5U-00068-00031295-00031743 religiously watched the six o'clock network news programs newspapers and my +uZKuirA0W5U-00069-00031743-00032219 favorite magazine National Geographic were always at my fingertips the space +uZKuirA0W5U-00070-00032219-00032663 race was constantly in the news I recall oftentimes our news networks would +uZKuirA0W5U-00071-00032663-00033065 report that we couldn't trust Russia's state-controlled news media highlighting +uZKuirA0W5U-00072-00033065-00033513 that USA news reporting was unlike foreign news outlets being our news +uZKuirA0W5U-00073-00033513-00033993 media was free honest and truthful we learned to have faith and trust in our +uZKuirA0W5U-00074-00033993-00034524 Free Press always reporting truth even if and when us test Rockets exploded on +uZKuirA0W5U-00075-00034524-00034946 their launch pads I have a memory of being in first grade as the teacher +uZKuirA0W5U-00076-00034946-00035502 wheeled in a huge black-and-white TV having a TV in school was a big deal not +uZKuirA0W5U-00077-00035502-00035943 something I'd ever seen in school before I still recall my teacher explaining to +uZKuirA0W5U-00078-00035943-00036341 another teacher just how important it was for our class to witness our first +uZKuirA0W5U-00079-00036341-00036840 astronaut John Glenn's historic Cape Canaveral live liftoff intent on +uZKuirA0W5U-00080-00036840-00037427 orbiting earth for the very first time I recall being 8 years old in 1962 +uZKuirA0W5U-00081-00037427-00037850 watching JFK announce our national goal of landing a man on the moon by the end +uZKuirA0W5U-00082-00037850-00038271 of the decade my dad and I would often speculate on just how NASA could +uZKuirA0W5U-00083-00038271-00038702 accomplish this monumental moon landing feat by constantly following national +uZKuirA0W5U-00084-00038702-00039188 nightly news TV programs we learned ever more details of the plan including the +uZKuirA0W5U-00085-00039188-00039687 most important and dangerous NASA outer space capsule dockings I recall as a +uZKuirA0W5U-00086-00039687-00039924 child of and looking up in the night sky +uZKuirA0W5U-00087-00039924-00040428 wondering what was out there thinking we can't be alone there just has to be life +uZKuirA0W5U-00088-00040428-00040802 on other planets and wondering what I couldn't see of this vast and +uZKuirA0W5U-00089-00040802-00041468 ever-expanding universe above me on to chapter two more learning chapter two +uZKuirA0W5U-00090-00041468-00041825 living the dream more schooling with men walking on the +uZKuirA0W5U-00091-00041825-00042344 moon looking back some of our first lessons learned where her ABCs and basic +uZKuirA0W5U-00092-00042344-00042740 math also in every classroom there was a globe where we learned +uZKuirA0W5U-00093-00042740-00043169 geography and the location of continents that our Earth orbits the Sun well +uZKuirA0W5U-00094-00043169-00043775 tilted spinning on its axis allowing for night day and our four seasons like most +uZKuirA0W5U-00095-00043775-00044237 students we were seated in rows facing the teacher instructed not to talk with +uZKuirA0W5U-00096-00044237-00044702 our neighbor and to obey all of the rules then to listen very carefully and +uZKuirA0W5U-00097-00044702-00045134 hopefully impress our teacher boss seated at the front of the classroom by +uZKuirA0W5U-00098-00045134-00045584 demonstrating just how smart we were sometimes we even earned stickers or +uZKuirA0W5U-00099-00045584-00045962 gold stars on quizzes and tests reinforcing our sense of accomplishment +uZKuirA0W5U-00100-00045962-00046513 now educated and ready for more learning we were promoted to the next grade I +uZKuirA0W5U-00101-00046513-00047102 recall one of my first history lessons in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the +uZKuirA0W5U-00102-00047102-00047577 ocean blue with all educated people of that era knowing they lived on a sphere +uZKuirA0W5U-00103-00047577-00048033 it was Christopher Columbus's arduous task prior to leaving on his new world +uZKuirA0W5U-00104-00048033-00048500 quest to convince all of his ignorant crew that it was impossible to fall off +uZKuirA0W5U-00105-00048500-00048983 Earth's edge because the earth was indeed round as they sailed on for weeks +uZKuirA0W5U-00106-00048983-00049415 not seeing any land his crew became Restless and worried but before they +uZKuirA0W5U-00107-00049415-00049836 threw him overboard and sailed back to Spain land was spotted Columbus +uZKuirA0W5U-00108-00049836-00050321 believing he'd found India referred to the natives as Indians this new world +uZKuirA0W5U-00109-00050321-00050858 discovery earned him the honour of a holiday Columbus Day fast forward four +uZKuirA0W5U-00110-00050858-00051383 hundred and seventy seven years man takes his first steps on the moon the +uZKuirA0W5U-00111-00051383-00051912 way I recall it at age 15 presumably the most-watched TV program of that era +uZKuirA0W5U-00112-00051912-00052374 nearly everyone alive viewed black and white video beamed back live from two +uZKuirA0W5U-00113-00052374-00052794 hundred and eighty-seven thousand miles I recall exactly where I was sitting +uZKuirA0W5U-00114-00052794-00053324 with my dad in utter amazement also now far enough from Planet Earth we were +uZKuirA0W5U-00115-00053324-00053789 shown an image of our home floating in space as a perfectly round blue sphere +uZKuirA0W5U-00116-00053789-00054362 laced in white swirling clouds an absolutely unbelievable epic sight on +uZKuirA0W5U-00117-00054362-00054796 subsequent missions astronauts even hit a golf ball and drove a lunar rover +uZKuirA0W5U-00118-00054796-00055279 wildly over the moon scape leaving me with a sense of wonderment believing +uZKuirA0W5U-00119-00055279-00055997 anything was now possible fast-forward again this time 48 years to 2016 much +uZKuirA0W5U-00120-00055997-00056483 has changed and progressed I had never in my wildest dreams ever doubted the +uZKuirA0W5U-00121-00056483-00057008 authenticity of the moon landings after all I'd watched them live on TV network +uZKuirA0W5U-00122-00057008-00057587 news broadcast programs what often got me thinking was what I hadn't seen after +uZKuirA0W5U-00123-00057587-00058064 reportedly having men travel an unbelievable 287 thousand miles +uZKuirA0W5U-00124-00058064-00058460 apparently with far less computer power than you and I hold in our hands today +uZKuirA0W5U-00125-00058460-00058921 even with our vastly improved technology we still hadn't been back to the moon +uZKuirA0W5U-00126-00058921-00059444 manned space travel had not progressed but in fact had regressed to reportedly +uZKuirA0W5U-00127-00059444-00059966 an International Space Station a mere 200 miles high up in Earth's orbit so +uZKuirA0W5U-00128-00059966-00060485 after nearly 50 years men was staying ever closer to Earth not exploring outer +uZKuirA0W5U-00129-00060485-00060965 space as you'd reasonably expect progress would dictate with these moon +uZKuirA0W5U-00130-00060965-00061391 missions vital to my core foundational beliefs from Earth to the entire +uZKuirA0W5U-00131-00061391-00061934 universe I just wanted the simple truth did we in fact go to and land on the +uZKuirA0W5U-00132-00061934-00062282 moon true or false I so wanted it to be true +uZKuirA0W5U-00133-00062282-00062729 I finally took the time to extensively research the topic though there's +uZKuirA0W5U-00134-00062729-00063182 considerably more evidence for this story I've included the following NASA +uZKuirA0W5U-00135-00063182-00063566 needs us to believe that all the moon missions traveled safely through deadly +uZKuirA0W5U-00136-00063566-00064169 Van Allen radiation belts unscathed in late 2015 NASA posted a video on their +uZKuirA0W5U-00137-00064169-00064637 official website regarding testing of the new Orion spacecraft reportedly +uZKuirA0W5U-00138-00064637-00065183 attempting to reach 3,600 miles away from Earth the NASA engineer went on to +uZKuirA0W5U-00139-00065183-00065627 surprisingly and proudly explained that this test flight would travel higher up +uZKuirA0W5U-00140-00065627-00066080 into space than we have ever been before with Orion's shielding being put to the +uZKuirA0W5U-00141-00066080-00066647 test to protect delicate electronics and systems and more importantly stressing +uZKuirA0W5U-00142-00066647-00067148 before they send humans this far up into space wasn't this shielding problem +uZKuirA0W5U-00143-00067148-00067586 solve nearly half a century ago or maybe NASA doesn't remember they'd solved this +uZKuirA0W5U-00144-00067586-00068063 problem seeing as they've confessed to losing all 14,000 reels of telemetry +uZKuirA0W5U-00145-00068063-00068501 data including blueprints in all original videos for all the Apollo +uZKuirA0W5U-00146-00068501-00069119 missions so nASA has not just misplaced but has lost forever all documentation +uZKuirA0W5U-00147-00069119-00069512 evidence and physical proof of what's been referred to as the greatest +uZKuirA0W5U-00148-00069512-00069971 accomplishment in all human history how can something so vital to our national +uZKuirA0W5U-00149-00069971-00070343 security in history that you'd expect to be stored in the National Air and Space +uZKuirA0W5U-00150-00070343-00070877 Museum or even possibly Fort Knox be lost forever well unless this +uZKuirA0W5U-00151-00070877-00071312 documentation was intentionally lost destroyed or maybe it never even existed +uZKuirA0W5U-00152-00071312-00071825 at all as a side note last fall I witnessed presidential candidate Bernie +uZKuirA0W5U-00153-00071825-00072154 Sanders in a debate response in order to make a point +uZKuirA0W5U-00154-00072154-00072635 accentuating the impossible said it's like they're going to go to the moon it +uZKuirA0W5U-00155-00072635-00073130 just ain't going to happen also telling when viewing astronauts Buzz Aldrin and +uZKuirA0W5U-00156-00073130-00073577 Neil Armstrong's moon mission interviews their body language appears not at all +uZKuirA0W5U-00157-00073577-00074009 consistent with truth-telling I'm no expert but I believe I've developed a +uZKuirA0W5U-00158-00074009-00074486 good feel to know if someone is telling the truth the bottom line in the absence +uZKuirA0W5U-00159-00074486-00074908 of any physical proof expected space exploration progress including +uZKuirA0W5U-00160-00074908-00075473 overwhelming and NASA admitted obstacles the only reasonable conclusion is the +uZKuirA0W5U-00161-00075473-00075995 moon missions were apparently staged cold war propaganda stunts reported by +uZKuirA0W5U-00162-00075995-00076400 our trusted news media as actually happening rumored to have been produced +uZKuirA0W5U-00163-00076400-00077018 by the famed director of the 1968 movie 2001 a Space Odyssey the late Stanley +uZKuirA0W5U-00164-00077018-00077471 Kubrick if it were at all possible to travel to the moon after nearly half a +uZKuirA0W5U-00165-00077471-00077975 century NASA would surely have a simple HD camera positioned on the moon aimed +uZKuirA0W5U-00166-00077975-00078548 back at our earth or even moon bases by now showing planet earth spinning 24/7 +uZKuirA0W5U-00167-00078548-00079031 in real time they could even sell advertising on it I know I like many +uZKuirA0W5U-00168-00079031-00079432 would have a dedicated screen on constantly for our spinning planet Earth +uZKuirA0W5U-00169-00079432-00079804 we led to believe we have seen photos of +uZKuirA0W5U-00170-00079804-00080392 the Earth from space the opposite truth is there are no actual photos and/or +uZKuirA0W5U-00171-00080392-00081007 real time real videos of Earth each year NASA publishes new earth CGI special +uZKuirA0W5U-00172-00081007-00081550 effect images remarkably with the continents drastically changing size and +uZKuirA0W5U-00173-00081550-00082042 location from year to year reasonable expectations suggest doodles of real +uZKuirA0W5U-00174-00082042-00082588 time actual videos and selfie photos of planet Earth being available again it's +uZKuirA0W5U-00175-00082588-00083017 so often what we don't see that's so important to begin finding the truth if +uZKuirA0W5U-00176-00083017-00083508 you take the time to look there's so much more evidence indicating our moon +uZKuirA0W5U-00177-00083508-00083982 missions were no more than a Hollywood science fiction production what I found +uZKuirA0W5U-00178-00083982-00084517 shook the very ground I stand on and this unprecedented deception is just the +uZKuirA0W5U-00179-00084517-00085006 tip of the iceberg of revelations to follow on to the next extremely cold +uZKuirA0W5U-00180-00085006-00085532 chapter 3 chapter 3 from the moon to Antarctica and beyond +uZKuirA0W5U-00181-00085532-00085969 so now feeling disillusioned and betrayed and discovering our moon +uZKuirA0W5U-00182-00085969-00086382 missions were all staged but shown live on TV network news programmes as +uZKuirA0W5U-00183-00086382-00086764 actually happening I began to wonder what else might need to be looked at +uZKuirA0W5U-00184-00086764-00087232 more closely knowing very little about Antarctica I decided to research it +uZKuirA0W5U-00185-00087232-00087760 we've been led to believe Antarctica is a massive frozen continent covered in +uZKuirA0W5U-00186-00087760-00088227 ice located at the very bottom of our planet Earth of no real interest except +uZKuirA0W5U-00187-00088227-00088752 for a few scientific outposts the opposite truth is the apparent reason we +uZKuirA0W5U-00188-00088752-00089164 don't hear much about Antarctica is because of its very great interest and +uZKuirA0W5U-00189-00089164-00089707 cordoned off similar to area 51 my research turned up that highly respected +uZKuirA0W5U-00190-00089707-00090219 explorer Admiral Richard e Byrd visited Antarctica several times his last two +uZKuirA0W5U-00191-00090219-00090757 expeditions were codenamed operation Highjump in 1946 and operation deep +uZKuirA0W5U-00192-00090757-00091381 freeze in 1955 and 56 the details of which remained classified upon his +uZKuirA0W5U-00193-00091381-00091891 return in 1956 he happened to do a live television interview presumably under +uZKuirA0W5U-00194-00091891-00092356 national security restrictions and briefly went on to say Antarctica was +uZKuirA0W5U-00195-00092356-00092905 the last great bastion of untouched natural resources such as coal oil and +uZKuirA0W5U-00196-00092905-00093196 other valuable elements he indicated they had +uZKuirA0W5U-00197-00093196-00093667 discovered a 10,000 foot high mountain range as well as unexplored land beyond +uZKuirA0W5U-00198-00093667-00094156 the South Pole not covered by ice the size of North America these discoveries +uZKuirA0W5U-00199-00094156-00094681 were quite astonishing Admiral Byrd died at his Beacon Hill Massachusetts home of +uZKuirA0W5U-00200-00094681-00095200 a reported heart ailment in 1957 somewhat mysteriously Antarctic +uZKuirA0W5U-00201-00095200-00095760 exploration reports there are none no further publicized Antarctic expeditions +uZKuirA0W5U-00202-00095760-00096204 Antarctica became restricted to only those with national security clearances +uZKuirA0W5U-00203-00096204-00096832 next the United Nations Antarctica treaty signed June 1961 that won't even +uZKuirA0W5U-00204-00096832-00097363 come up for discussion until 2040 a treaty no country has ever broken or +uZKuirA0W5U-00205-00097363-00097855 fought over making Antarctica off-limits to everyone and patrolled by the UN +uZKuirA0W5U-00206-00097855-00098455 international military keeping out all unauthorized personnel after schools and +uZKuirA0W5U-00207-00098455-00098875 media this time became nearly completely silent about Antarctica including the +uZKuirA0W5U-00208-00098875-00099334 reported discovery of new land on earth I began to wonder more about what they +uZKuirA0W5U-00209-00099334-00099751 may not be telling us leading me to begin questioning and researching other +uZKuirA0W5U-00210-00099751-00100222 information learned in school what I found shocked me we have been led to +uZKuirA0W5U-00211-00100222-00100711 believe the earth is a perfectly round blue sphere with water sticking to it +uZKuirA0W5U-00212-00100711-00101257 spinning at a thousand miles per hour in orbit around the Sun traveling 67,000 +uZKuirA0W5U-00213-00101257-00101560 miles per hour with our entire solar system traveling +uZKuirA0W5U-00214-00101560-00102064 at 500,000 miles per hour around the galaxy and the entire galaxy hurtling +uZKuirA0W5U-00215-00102064-00102486 through space resulting from the ever-expanding Big Bang created universe +uZKuirA0W5U-00216-00102486-00103083 the opposite truth is better make sure you're sitting down shockingly the earth +uZKuirA0W5U-00217-00103083-00103573 is flat and stationary potentially covered by a solid dome firmament as +uZKuirA0W5U-00218-00103573-00104034 described in the Bible our Flat Earth appears to be surrounded by an ice wall +uZKuirA0W5U-00219-00104034-00104581 estimated at 200 feet plus in height encircling the entire flat earth plane I +uZKuirA0W5U-00220-00104581-00105060 know I know that may bring about the question why hasn't someone just gone +uZKuirA0W5U-00221-00105060-00105514 over the 200-foot ice wall to take a photo of the dome well because the +uZKuirA0W5U-00222-00105514-00106027 international military will stop you thanks to the 1961 UN Antarctic treaties +uZKuirA0W5U-00223-00106027-00106347 no fly and no sales owns firmly in place to +uZKuirA0W5U-00224-00106347-00106896 protect this earthly secret so before you say what you may be thinking I know +uZKuirA0W5U-00225-00106896-00107457 earth can't be flat I trust I live on a blue spinning sphere it has to be true +uZKuirA0W5U-00226-00107457-00107964 why would they lie or hide this which is exactly how they've programmed you to +uZKuirA0W5U-00227-00107964-00108353 react stop please step back and critically +uZKuirA0W5U-00228-00108353-00108990 think for a moment the question isn't why would they lie the question is why +uZKuirA0W5U-00229-00108990-00109572 would they tell us the truth if land and knowledge are wealth and power why would +uZKuirA0W5U-00230-00109572-00110033 the elites and governments share it with the peons slave masses who they openly +uZKuirA0W5U-00231-00110033-00110625 state they want to depopulate one of the hardest if not the hardest psychological +uZKuirA0W5U-00232-00110625-00111059 undertakings anyone will ever attempt in their lifetime is to have an open enough +uZKuirA0W5U-00233-00111059-00111541 mind to consider new information contrary to their unquestionable beliefs +uZKuirA0W5U-00234-00111541-00112020 then to become self-aware enough to recognize the need for and the +uZKuirA0W5U-00235-00112020-00112398 importance of questioning their foundational understandings of the earth +uZKuirA0W5U-00236-00112398-00112977 why because this foundational lie is locked into our psyches at the onset of +uZKuirA0W5U-00237-00112977-00113223 our instinctual childhood thirst for information +uZKuirA0W5U-00238-00113223-00113636 you're as sure of where you live on planet Earth the third Rock orbiting the +uZKuirA0W5U-00239-00113636-00114035 Sun is a speck in the vast universe as where your house is located in your +uZKuirA0W5U-00240-00114035-00114549 neighborhood or the noses on your face now in your mind like I once believed +uZKuirA0W5U-00241-00114549-00114980 there's no need to question it with schools educating us that the earth is +uZKuirA0W5U-00242-00114980-00115482 beyond any doubt a spinning blue sphere as determined by geniuses over 500 years +uZKuirA0W5U-00243-00115482-00116025 ago along with Christopher Columbus proving earth as round yes earth is +uZKuirA0W5U-00244-00116025-00116463 thought to be round but round like a dinner plate with a 200 foot high ice +uZKuirA0W5U-00245-00116463-00116960 wall holding in the oceans in essence we have all unknowingly been made members +uZKuirA0W5U-00246-00116960-00117426 of a worldwide fundamentalist cult religion our minds controlled since near +uZKuirA0W5U-00247-00117426-00117884 birth by the high priests within NASA and media we are educated into believing +uZKuirA0W5U-00248-00117884-00118328 this is an unquestionably true fact more than just about any other fact of life +uZKuirA0W5U-00249-00118328-00118983 that our earth is absolutely positively a spinning round globe and trained also +uZKuirA0W5U-00250-00118983-00119457 to know that anyone questioning this unquestionable truth is a total fool for +uZKuirA0W5U-00251-00119457-00119874 dismissing the obvious we've been led to believe when someone breaks with the +uZKuirA0W5U-00252-00119874-00120329 program they're often referred to as a conspiracy theorist a code word for +uZKuirA0W5U-00253-00120329-00120726 those under mind-control triggering the discrediting of anything and everything +uZKuirA0W5U-00254-00120726-00121328 the person now a nutjob in your mind may question suggest and/or uncover that +uZKuirA0W5U-00255-00121328-00121721 goes against the official programming and story provided by the system the +uZKuirA0W5U-00256-00121721-00122330 opposite truth is we have all been lied to please just for a moment attempt to +uZKuirA0W5U-00257-00122330-00122786 put aside all of what you believe you know about Earth just for starters ask +uZKuirA0W5U-00258-00122786-00123236 yourself these two questions what proof do I really have that I live on a +uZKuirA0W5U-00259-00123236-00123669 ball-shaped spinning planet Earth according to NASA earth is spinning at a +uZKuirA0W5U-00260-00123669-00124130 thousand miles per hour while traveling 67,000 miles per hour the speed of a +uZKuirA0W5U-00261-00124130-00124583 bullet in orbit around the Sun and hurling through space at 500,000 miles +uZKuirA0W5U-00262-00124583-00125073 per hour all from the Big Bang rely upon your senses NASA tells us we are +uZKuirA0W5U-00263-00125073-00125555 spinning but our experience is we feel no movement at all do you know when +uZKuirA0W5U-00264-00125555-00126072 you're spinning or moving to again why isn't there a simple HD camera +uZKuirA0W5U-00265-00126072-00126464 positioned on the moon showing a selfie of planet Earth spinning in real time +uZKuirA0W5U-00266-00126464-00127010 for all to see after nearly 50 years ask your Congressman to answer as God as his +uZKuirA0W5U-00267-00127010-00127439 or her witness if we truly went to the moon see if you get that deer in the +uZKuirA0W5U-00268-00127439-00127886 headlights look and why in 2016 there's no HD camera on +uZKuirA0W5U-00269-00127886-00128376 the moon aimed back at Planet Earth we reportedly have a rover on Mars with a +uZKuirA0W5U-00270-00128376-00128796 camera sending pictures back to earth daily of the Mars landscape when even +uZKuirA0W5U-00271-00128796-00129242 NASA admits they can't go safely higher than 400 miles into space I guess we +uZKuirA0W5U-00272-00129242-00129732 landed on the moon and have this Rover on Mars by magic also Earth is +uZKuirA0W5U-00273-00129732-00130263 reportedly covered by 70% water always finding its lowest point there's a +uZKuirA0W5U-00274-00130263-00130851 reason why the ocean is called sea level and not sea curvature imagine yourself +uZKuirA0W5U-00275-00130851-00131310 on a cruise ship sailing up and down huge hills of water in the middle of the +uZKuirA0W5U-00276-00131310-00131941 ocean imagine a hump of water hundreds of miles high between Hawaii and LA +uZKuirA0W5U-00277-00131941-00132391 imagine people in Australia standing upside down in the rain +uZKuirA0W5U-00278-00132391-00132913 imagine rivers flowing uphill check out the Sun as it heats the tops +uZKuirA0W5U-00279-00132913-00133380 of the clouds or when sunbeams shine through them does the Sun really appear +uZKuirA0W5U-00280-00133380-00134041 and feel 93 million miles away have you ever seen the curvature I know how hard +uZKuirA0W5U-00281-00134041-00134518 this is because I once believed and fully trusted I was educated I had no +uZKuirA0W5U-00282-00134518-00134872 reason not to believe the earthly facts I was taught by the system we're +uZKuirA0W5U-00283-00134872-00135349 anything but true I know for sure at one time in my life I'd surely have chuckled +uZKuirA0W5U-00284-00135349-00135724 at any suggestion by anyone that earth was anything but what you and I were +uZKuirA0W5U-00285-00135724-00136180 programmed to believe as children another thought you may have is what +uZKuirA0W5U-00286-00136180-00136609 good does it do to me to know that the earth is flat and not a spinning ball if +uZKuirA0W5U-00287-00136609-00137047 you keep reading you'll find out just how extremely important it is for you to +uZKuirA0W5U-00288-00137047-00137448 know where you live and why this secret is so important that it remains a secret +uZKuirA0W5U-00289-00137448-00138115 unto chapter 4 my mental illness identified chapter 4 global mental +uZKuirA0W5U-00290-00138115-00138616 illness I've recently and proudly been able to self diagnose one of my mental +uZKuirA0W5U-00291-00138616-00139057 illnesses and I'm happy to report with self therapy I'm on my way to a full +uZKuirA0W5U-00292-00139057-00139455 recovery flat vs. spherical earth I believe is a +uZKuirA0W5U-00293-00139455-00139921 form of widespread global mental illness contributing to declines in everyone's +uZKuirA0W5U-00294-00139921-00140401 overall health as an ordinary critical thinking human being I have come to the +uZKuirA0W5U-00295-00140401-00140866 conclusion that this mental illness should be identified as round earth tot +uZKuirA0W5U-00296-00140866-00141466 anal retention disorder syndrome or simply retards as determined by evidence +uZKuirA0W5U-00297-00141466-00141880 that retarded my own eyes preventing me from seeing the plain truth on the +uZKuirA0W5U-00298-00141880-00142333 horizon victimized by indoctrination experiences that all student inmates +uZKuirA0W5U-00299-00142333-00142774 have been subjected to if you feel the urge to dismiss what I've suggested +uZKuirA0W5U-00300-00142774-00143266 about earth please keep in mind that it may be you believing you're so educated +uZKuirA0W5U-00301-00143266-00143671 that it is you claiming to know everything relying solely upon what the +uZKuirA0W5U-00302-00143671-00144151 system that controls us told us as indicated in my introduction most if not +uZKuirA0W5U-00303-00144151-00144589 all may not believe that this could ever happen to anyone let alone that it +uZKuirA0W5U-00304-00144589-00145102 unknowingly happened to them but it surely did it happened to all of us you +uZKuirA0W5U-00305-00145102-00145552 may be shaking your head thinking that I must have lost my mind the opposite +uZKuirA0W5U-00306-00145552-00146077 truth is I've recently recovered my mind after unknowingly suffering foredeck +uZKuirA0W5U-00307-00146077-00146539 from full-blown retards after putting trust back into my own senses and +uZKuirA0W5U-00308-00146539-00147049 remaining critical thinking skills symptoms of full-blown retards may +uZKuirA0W5U-00309-00147049-00147607 include dumb down indoctrinated consumer debt slave brainwashed defending the +uZKuirA0W5U-00310-00147607-00148003 very system of lies embedded in their minds since near birth that enslaves +uZKuirA0W5U-00311-00148003-00148504 them programmed to blindly trust all facts reported from a presumed trusted +uZKuirA0W5U-00312-00148504-00148963 source as unquestionable truth conditioned to ignore new information +uZKuirA0W5U-00313-00148963-00149389 suggested by anyone that goes against their programming even to go so far as +uZKuirA0W5U-00314-00149389-00149815 ridiculing and ostracizing them so comfortable and trusting of the system +uZKuirA0W5U-00315-00149815-00150268 they are unable to see any reason to seek out the truth about earth the +uZKuirA0W5U-00316-00150268-00150748 bottom line the retards in recovery is recovering from believing in fairy tales +uZKuirA0W5U-00317-00150748-00151186 much akin to a child in denial after finding out their parents were lying +uZKuirA0W5U-00318-00151186-00151522 about Santa Claus these early in formative years are +uZKuirA0W5U-00319-00151522-00151963 crucial stages and understanding just how the world works but now the child is +uZKuirA0W5U-00320-00151963-00152389 forced to face the reality that their trusted parents lied to them it's very +uZKuirA0W5U-00321-00152389-00152815 traumatic and not easy at any age when needing to reconsider a once believed +uZKuirA0W5U-00322-00152815-00153232 undeniable foundational fact I recall being in the first and second grades +uZKuirA0W5U-00323-00153232-00153703 witnessing children arguing about Santa Claus being real the children who knew +uZKuirA0W5U-00324-00153703-00154087 the truth would most always fail to convince others how they were being lied +uZKuirA0W5U-00325-00154087-00154531 to the children remaining unconvinced dependent upon their parents for truth +uZKuirA0W5U-00326-00154531-00154987 with unwavering parental trust would defend their parents and would no way +uZKuirA0W5U-00327-00154987-00155329 believe those explaining to them their discovery that Santa was fake +uZKuirA0W5U-00328-00155329-00155809 most children I suspect when first realizing the truth were resistant to +uZKuirA0W5U-00329-00155809-00156187 accepting that they were being lied to by their trusted parents thinking why +uZKuirA0W5U-00330-00156187-00156643 would they lie you may even recall similar childhood experiences in regards +uZKuirA0W5U-00331-00156643-00157150 to Santa deceptions sadly the vast majority continuing to suffer from +uZKuirA0W5U-00332-00157150-00157606 full-blown retards are programmed so completely that they will refuse to even +uZKuirA0W5U-00333-00157606-00158002 consider attempting to prove to themselves that earth is truly a round +uZKuirA0W5U-00334-00158002-00158449 spinning ball remaining in disbelief as to why schools and media would ever lie +uZKuirA0W5U-00335-00158449-00158878 to everyone about Earth well for some of the same reasons your parents did +uZKuirA0W5U-00336-00158878-00159406 regarding Santa as a means of behavioral mind-control including other irrational +uZKuirA0W5U-00337-00159406-00159868 motives with a lie being a lie no matter what the motive or how good intentioned +uZKuirA0W5U-00338-00159868-00160360 it's not your fault as we've all been subjected to many widespread successful +uZKuirA0W5U-00339-00160360-00161023 psyops in history on to Chapter five schools double down Chapter five schools +uZKuirA0W5U-00340-00161023-00161488 double down on destruction of the nuclear family education is not +uZKuirA0W5U-00341-00161488-00161938 education but indoctrination that has been so artfully administered from near +uZKuirA0W5U-00342-00161938-00162409 birth to nearly everyone we are then kept distracted trusting and dependent +uZKuirA0W5U-00343-00162409-00162811 so that in essence we are all bowing down to worship big government and +uZKuirA0W5U-00344-00162811-00163324 corporations as our God and Savior our free public education school system +uZKuirA0W5U-00345-00163324-00163780 creates an illusion of caring about your children's health and well-being but in +uZKuirA0W5U-00346-00163780-00164239 essence continues working towards dismantling the family dynamic but why +uZKuirA0W5U-00347-00164239-00164881 you may ask that seems crazy brief recap once everyone is believing we live on a +uZKuirA0W5U-00348-00164881-00165304 spinning ball shooting through space at near lightning speeds next is to teach +uZKuirA0W5U-00349-00165304-00165808 children their existence is a result of a random Big Bang accident created from +uZKuirA0W5U-00350-00165808-00166276 nothing into something and by sheer luck over millions of years to evolve into a +uZKuirA0W5U-00351-00166276-00166801 chimp a chimp who one day came down from an African tree learned to walk upright +uZKuirA0W5U-00352-00166801-00167281 made tools lived in caves then after more evolutionary changes and +uZKuirA0W5U-00353-00167281-00167767 social tribulation led us to our human civilization of today you have been led +uZKuirA0W5U-00354-00167767-00168304 to believe you are nothing special after all your ancestors are mere chimps owing +uZKuirA0W5U-00355-00168304-00168742 your very existence to an all-knowing system who medicates vaccinates and +uZKuirA0W5U-00356-00168742-00169300 educates you about living on a spinning ball the opposite truth is earth is of +uZKuirA0W5U-00357-00169300-00169744 intelligent design with each and every human an incredibly valuable creation +uZKuirA0W5U-00358-00169744-00170146 living on a flat earth plane human beings are absorbers of +uZKuirA0W5U-00359-00170146-00170566 information that becomes a part of us there's an ancient spiritual truth +uZKuirA0W5U-00360-00170566-00171103 called samsara where it's believed that everything you hear think say or do is +uZKuirA0W5U-00361-00171103-00171577 also stored in your heart becoming part of your internal makeup when attending +uZKuirA0W5U-00362-00171577-00172078 schools watching TV and movies videos and Internet you are absorbing that data +uZKuirA0W5U-00363-00172078-00172510 into your internal system similar to a computer harddrive with everything +uZKuirA0W5U-00364-00172510-00172795 entering into your heart especially young children +uZKuirA0W5U-00365-00172795-00173161 who are in even more of an absorbing mode learning what it's like to be a +uZKuirA0W5U-00366-00173161-00173632 human being the school system is installing another virus mental illness +uZKuirA0W5U-00367-00173632-00174088 onto your children's hearts you have been led to believe we are no longer +uZKuirA0W5U-00368-00174088-00174629 just males and females but now gender fluid now we have little boys and girls +uZKuirA0W5U-00369-00174629-00175219 questioning if they truly are little boys and girls the opposite truth is men +uZKuirA0W5U-00370-00175219-00175779 and women are men and women you just don't wake up one day looking to explore +uZKuirA0W5U-00371-00175779-00176296 the opposite gender sexuality and now numerous gender identities - then all +uZKuirA0W5U-00372-00176296-00176782 grow up to have healthy heterosexual relationships and stable families also +uZKuirA0W5U-00373-00176782-00177199 using celebrities you have been led to believe that nearly everyone in +uZKuirA0W5U-00374-00177199-00177796 Hollywood is implied to be either gay or gender fluid etc encouraging exploration +uZKuirA0W5U-00375-00177796-00178270 of individual sexuality that in order to be a fully functioning human being you +uZKuirA0W5U-00376-00178270-00178680 need to explore your feminine side if you're a man or your masculine side if +uZKuirA0W5U-00377-00178680-00179059 you're a woman sending the message that everyone's no longer just a stable +uZKuirA0W5U-00378-00179059-00179500 heterosexual person but that we are actually here by luck living on a +uZKuirA0W5U-00379-00179500-00179923 spinning globe without boundaries discipline duty or order the opposite +uZKuirA0W5U-00380-00179923-00180400 truth is this socially engineered mental illness is being perpetrated upon your +uZKuirA0W5U-00381-00180400-00180835 children with the intent of ushering in more chaos to male and female relations +uZKuirA0W5U-00382-00180835-00181413 and future family formation by the system teaching women can be men and men +uZKuirA0W5U-00383-00181413-00181938 can be women with everything equal women are duped into not wanting to be +uZKuirA0W5U-00384-00181938-00182415 bothered with being mothers anymore and to act more like men feminism is not a +uZKuirA0W5U-00385-00182415-00182865 grassroots movement but started by the powers that be a system in order to +uZKuirA0W5U-00386-00182865-00183313 brainwash not to help but to eliminate women leading women to believe they were +uZKuirA0W5U-00387-00183313-00183588 oppressed when in fact the opposite is true +uZKuirA0W5U-00388-00183588-00184075 and they were the most privileged class in all of recorded history not having to +uZKuirA0W5U-00389-00184075-00184488 work outside the home they were able to partake in the most rewarding job of all +uZKuirA0W5U-00390-00184488-00184945 raising their children in the safety of suburbs with their husbands having full +uZKuirA0W5U-00391-00184945-00185269 job security now stay-at-home moms raising children +uZKuirA0W5U-00392-00185269-00185746 are nearly extinct with others often shaming them into getting jobs tricked +uZKuirA0W5U-00393-00185746-00186113 by the system into believing they were oppressed these women must now +uZKuirA0W5U-00394-00186113-00186494 even harder for a system screwing them out of the natural order of family and +uZKuirA0W5U-00395-00186494-00186953 life's renewal in its place working heartless empty corporate wage +uZKuirA0W5U-00396-00186953-00187466 slave jobs burdened with student loan debt and often raising a child no longer +uZKuirA0W5U-00397-00187466-00187841 needing a male role model with the assistance of the system often finding +uZKuirA0W5U-00398-00187841-00188258 themselves alone or with cats in place of children and family believing this +uZKuirA0W5U-00399-00188258-00188564 was all their own idea they have no clue what hit them +uZKuirA0W5U-00400-00188564-00189011 but will defend the very system that now enslaves them as their fertility expires +uZKuirA0W5U-00401-00189011-00189569 often ending up lonely highly educated brainwashed highly medicated highly in +uZKuirA0W5U-00402-00189569-00190082 debt depressed expiring cat owners with litter boxes to clean duped again that +uZKuirA0W5U-00403-00190082-00190390 they can do anything only to find themselves having to do everything +uZKuirA0W5U-00404-00190390-00190928 ending up with nothing but cats rubbing against them and dogs humping their legs +uZKuirA0W5U-00405-00190928-00191489 sagging fading tattoos and a lifetime of rainbows of unnatural hair dye the likes +uZKuirA0W5U-00406-00191489-00191996 of scary circus clowns of blue green red and orange unattractive to men and more +uZKuirA0W5U-00407-00191996-00192464 dates with Ben and Jerry including dr. feelgood in order to distract them from +uZKuirA0W5U-00408-00192464-00192923 the reality of failure with all these created movements of fat acceptance debt +uZKuirA0W5U-00409-00192923-00193355 acceptance STD acceptance abortion acceptance birth control acceptance age +uZKuirA0W5U-00410-00193355-00193814 acceptance poor health acceptance diabetes acceptance etc it all boils +uZKuirA0W5U-00411-00193814-00194255 down to death acceptance women are being liberated right out of existence with +uZKuirA0W5U-00412-00194255-00194627 the system knowing the way to control anyone's mind is to lead them to believe +uZKuirA0W5U-00413-00194627-00195070 they're free and liberated when they're not and thereby reducing the population +uZKuirA0W5U-00414-00195070-00195563 sadly women are no longer in control of their minds and failing to see the +uZKuirA0W5U-00415-00195563-00196070 obvious on the horizon men are being conditioned that masculinity is no +uZKuirA0W5U-00416-00196070-00196481 longer a desirable trait with everyone equal and encouraged to act more like +uZKuirA0W5U-00417-00196481-00196943 women trending towards being conditioned to live more of a metrosexual lifestyle +uZKuirA0W5U-00418-00196943-00197453 even taught by the system and media that they can grow up to be women in its wake +uZKuirA0W5U-00419-00197453-00197894 such men are becoming less and less attractive to women women acting like +uZKuirA0W5U-00420-00197894-00198254 women are increasingly evermore difficult to meet instead acting more +uZKuirA0W5U-00421-00198254-00198626 like drag queens causing increased rejection from men's attempts to meet +uZKuirA0W5U-00422-00198626-00199061 them this along with most of the good-paying manufacturing jobs gone +uZKuirA0W5U-00423-00199061-00199525 forever that gave men agency has men's instinctual drive to provide and +uZKuirA0W5U-00424-00199525-00199972 protect to greatly diminish and for them to no longer have resources and/or +uZKuirA0W5U-00425-00199972-00200427 status to attract a woman the men that do have resources are in ever greater +uZKuirA0W5U-00426-00200427-00200833 numbers unwilling to enter into marriage contracts or even relationships with +uZKuirA0W5U-00427-00200833-00201210 women as that leaves them vulnerable to financial and emotional destruction +uZKuirA0W5U-00428-00201210-00201714 women are also in ever greater numbers becoming no longer attractive to men the +uZKuirA0W5U-00429-00201714-00202111 fat acceptance movement has tricked women that poor health tattoos and +uZKuirA0W5U-00430-00202111-00202542 circus clown appearances is the new sexy and that it's all men's fault in not +uZKuirA0W5U-00431-00202542-00202999 finding them attractive it has been insanely vocalized in media that men +uZKuirA0W5U-00432-00202999-00203401 should love every inch of an obese woman's unhealthy body this would be +uZKuirA0W5U-00433-00203401-00203761 like having a male bum sitting on a street corner holding a sign up +uZKuirA0W5U-00434-00203761-00204189 attempting to attract women saying you should love me for every penny I have +uZKuirA0W5U-00435-00204189-00204666 marriage has been made unsafe ground and a recipe for total financial and +uZKuirA0W5U-00436-00204666-00205180 emotional destruction no-fault divorce laws have given preference to women in a +uZKuirA0W5U-00437-00205180-00205630 life's contract including family courts are most always in favor of women while +uZKuirA0W5U-00438-00205630-00206091 enriching lawyers and judges where on a whim a woman can toss a man out of his +uZKuirA0W5U-00439-00206091-00206523 own house have his children taken away and then be forced to pay child support +uZKuirA0W5U-00440-00206523-00206977 men are conditioned that relationships with women are now to be avoided with +uZKuirA0W5U-00441-00206977-00207400 movements encouraging them to just go their own way the ones that do choose to +uZKuirA0W5U-00442-00207400-00207832 swim with the sharks practicing catch and release many men now never leave +uZKuirA0W5U-00443-00207832-00208219 home watching internet porn and playing video games in their parents basements +uZKuirA0W5U-00444-00208219-00208519 family life is put on hold or never happens +uZKuirA0W5U-00445-00208519-00208876 leading to failure to be able to pair bond with women to produce the next +uZKuirA0W5U-00446-00208876-00209326 generation this leads to death and failure as a result of both men and +uZKuirA0W5U-00447-00209326-00209844 women being unable to see the obvious on the horizon the system is hell-bent on +uZKuirA0W5U-00448-00209844-00210273 destroying the nuclear family increasingly exerting ever more control +uZKuirA0W5U-00449-00210273-00210642 over a population they intend to greatly reduce by controlling their minds +uZKuirA0W5U-00450-00210642-00211063 dividing and conquering us in ways we never saw coming and we still don't see +uZKuirA0W5U-00451-00211063-00211473 happening the u.s. population continues steadily falling below replacement +uZKuirA0W5U-00452-00211473-00211966 levels with fertility rates at all-time lows and single mothers giving birth to +uZKuirA0W5U-00453-00211966-00212421 40% of all babies born do you hear the system ringing any alarm bells to +uZKuirA0W5U-00454-00212421-00212621 promote increased birth rates and marriages +uZKuirA0W5U-00455-00212621-00213138 no but you may hear champagne bottles popping in the elite circles celebrating +uZKuirA0W5U-00456-00213138-00213560 success of peons unknowingly educated brainwashed right out of existence +uZKuirA0W5U-00457-00213560-00213959 check the falling fertility rates for yourselves better yet look around you +uZKuirA0W5U-00458-00213959-00214535 how many of your children versions of you do you see nanny the intended result +uZKuirA0W5U-00459-00214535-00214881 make men and women less and less attracted to each other +uZKuirA0W5U-00460-00214881-00215289 accelerate the total destruction of two-parent nuclear families godlike +uZKuirA0W5U-00461-00215289-00215710 ability to create and nurture new life and healthy Family Values by example +uZKuirA0W5U-00462-00215710-00216180 socially engineer away a mother's job of teaching children how the love and a +uZKuirA0W5U-00463-00216180-00216588 father's job of teaching them how to become adults it is being dismantled in +uZKuirA0W5U-00464-00216588-00216944 front of our eyes by a system molding children's thoughts and beliefs with +uZKuirA0W5U-00465-00216944-00217419 insanely confusing messages and foundational lies on to chapter 6 +uZKuirA0W5U-00466-00217419-00218106 schools making us ill chapter 6 schools promote a lifetime of debt making us ill +uZKuirA0W5U-00467-00218106-00218573 and more schools are often criticized for their inadequacies but on the +uZKuirA0W5U-00468-00218573-00219021 contrary schools have achieved remarkable success parents products of +uZKuirA0W5U-00469-00219021-00219410 the system are so conditioned that they seek out perceived better schools for +uZKuirA0W5U-00470-00219410-00219785 their children to help ensure they'll receive even more enhanced mind control +uZKuirA0W5U-00471-00219785-00220257 conditioning illusions of truth trust and facts are all built upon the +uZKuirA0W5U-00472-00220257-00220683 foundation of the globe myth making way for any misinformation to follow easily +uZKuirA0W5U-00473-00220683-00221175 accepted by an unquestioning mind controlled population fully transformed +uZKuirA0W5U-00474-00221175-00221544 into unquestionably believing everything and anything disseminated from the +uZKuirA0W5U-00475-00221544-00222000 perceived trusted corporate media source now instinctually conditioned to dismiss +uZKuirA0W5U-00476-00222000-00222465 anything contrary to any official story reported in the news media so even if +uZKuirA0W5U-00477-00222465-00222935 someone says hey that just doesn't look right did that event really happen the +uZKuirA0W5U-00478-00222935-00223358 correct answer always has to be well of course it did we saw that reported on a +uZKuirA0W5U-00479-00223358-00223721 TV news program what's the matter with you anyway you moron +uZKuirA0W5U-00480-00223721-00224181 get with the program trusting in the system students are also taught to +uZKuirA0W5U-00481-00224181-00224660 eagerly go deeply into student loan debt in bondage for decades for what they +uZKuirA0W5U-00482-00224660-00225075 perceive as vital higher education all in the absence of any guarantee of +uZKuirA0W5U-00483-00225075-00225453 finding well-paying jobs oftentimes ending up deeply in debt +uZKuirA0W5U-00484-00225453-00226017 working at low-wage jobs as feudal slaves now with even fewer resources to +uZKuirA0W5U-00485-00226017-00226467 start families and have children the consumerism slave graduate learned like +uZKuirA0W5U-00486-00226467-00227073 it you don't just want it you need it go ahead buy it buy it now can't afford it +uZKuirA0W5U-00487-00227073-00227519 here's your credit line enjoy yourself life is short have fun you are all +uZKuirA0W5U-00488-00227519-00227909 that's important now after being proficiently programmed on how to be a +uZKuirA0W5U-00489-00227909-00228303 good member of our consumer society students are led to also believing +uZKuirA0W5U-00490-00228303-00228648 pharmaceutical medications are the answer to just about anything and +uZKuirA0W5U-00491-00228648-00229073 everything don't worry if material goods don't make you happy there's a pill for +uZKuirA0W5U-00492-00229073-00229508 that eat drink and be merry we have a number of pills for that and some +uZKuirA0W5U-00493-00229508-00229961 insulin as well can't find a job paying a living wage or a husband or wife +uZKuirA0W5U-00494-00229961-00230417 we have pills for that can't get it up man do we have pills for that again +uZKuirA0W5U-00495-00230417-00230819 don't worry you no longer need or want the responsibility and burden of having +uZKuirA0W5U-00496-00230819-00231303 and raising a family explore your sexuality today a man tomorrow a woman +uZKuirA0W5U-00497-00231303-00231794 next day maybe both gender is just a social construct choose the public +uZKuirA0W5U-00498-00231794-00232254 restroom that fits your mindset for today you only live once live for your +uZKuirA0W5U-00499-00232254-00232760 enjoyment take selfies all day it's all about you we'll take care of you when +uZKuirA0W5U-00500-00232760-00233186 you get sick and old no need for an extended family or any family at all the +uZKuirA0W5U-00501-00233186-00233688 systems here just for you the message promoting gluttonous narcissistic +uZKuirA0W5U-00502-00233688-00234075 irrational consumerism debt and Confused sexuality +uZKuirA0W5U-00503-00234075-00234606 led to believed to be happy is to be distracted medicated and surrounded with +uZKuirA0W5U-00504-00234606-00234998 material goods to neither care nor realize you've been rendered a mindless +uZKuirA0W5U-00505-00234998-00235530 slave the opposite truth is now rendered too distracted to even think about the +uZKuirA0W5U-00506-00235530-00235944 absolute most important challenging and fulfilling part of life creating and +uZKuirA0W5U-00507-00235944-00236481 nurturing new life back to the earth your success your legacy result any +uZKuirA0W5U-00508-00236481-00236826 children that happen to be born are destined to become even more controlled +uZKuirA0W5U-00509-00236826-00237321 by the system the population continues falling unknowingly placed under a spell +uZKuirA0W5U-00510-00237321-00237765 of free public education and media no longer in control of their own minds +uZKuirA0W5U-00511-00237765-00238196 unable to see the obvious they've eliminated you forever by controlling +uZKuirA0W5U-00512-00238196-00238658 your mind in the minds of your children they've made it all about you and it all +uZKuirA0W5U-00513-00238658-00239060 ends with you chapter 6.1 +uZKuirA0W5U-00514-00239060-00239603 our economy today as we age since we manufacture very little here in the USA +uZKuirA0W5U-00515-00239603-00240023 anymore something needs to drive our economy it might as well be health care +uZKuirA0W5U-00516-00240023-00240519 for ailments resulting from consuming poor and/or GMO diets and who knows what +uZKuirA0W5U-00517-00240519-00240939 else under the illusion of health doctors trained by the system are now +uZKuirA0W5U-00518-00240939-00241379 looked upon as gods or high priests of the system there to provide you a longer +uZKuirA0W5U-00519-00241379-00241821 life as they proceed to prescribe poison pharmaceuticals and vaccinations that +uZKuirA0W5U-00520-00241821-00242319 may affect you who knows how badly from liver damage memory loss to cancer with +uZKuirA0W5U-00521-00242319-00242825 endless possible side effects etc meanwhile the food industry encouraging +uZKuirA0W5U-00522-00242825-00243213 mass consumption resulting in obesity and being hooked on food that destroys +uZKuirA0W5U-00523-00243213-00243690 your body's ability to make insulin only to end up with diabetes knowing the +uZKuirA0W5U-00524-00243690-00244188 inevitable pharmaceutical God's mouths are watering set up to care for all +uZKuirA0W5U-00525-00244188-00244631 those brainwashed consumers who won't be able to live without them similar to a +uZKuirA0W5U-00526-00244631-00245064 corner drug dealer of the past there to sell you what you can now no longer live +uZKuirA0W5U-00527-00245064-00245585 without the system again just for you is searching for cancer cures not for +uZKuirA0W5U-00528-00245585-00246015 prevention and knowing in advance there will be an ever-increasing demand keeps +uZKuirA0W5U-00529-00246015-00246366 cancer treatment centers popping up everywhere to meet the upcoming known +uZKuirA0W5U-00530-00246366-00246875 demands only a society given all the opportunities and encouragement to make +uZKuirA0W5U-00531-00246875-00247376 itself ill in every way needs a massive health care system again the system +uZKuirA0W5U-00532-00247376-00247794 caring about you is an illusion we are being lied to on a scale that's off the +uZKuirA0W5U-00533-00247794-00248324 charts the bottom line is for their bottom line and also to put you through +uZKuirA0W5U-00534-00248324-00248750 the agony of barbaric treatment with high-priced powerful chemicals for as +uZKuirA0W5U-00535-00248750-00249167 long as possible before you die they've even made giving birth unnatural +uZKuirA0W5U-00536-00249167-00249663 oftentimes becoming an ever more risky and profitable and ghoulish prospect +uZKuirA0W5U-00537-00249663-00250119 with c-sections ordered by your trusted doctor becoming ever more common for +uZKuirA0W5U-00538-00250119-00250592 those who do live a long life the end of life often times finds a way to again be +uZKuirA0W5U-00539-00250592-00251073 unnatural sedated with pharmaceuticals starved and dehydrated to your last +uZKuirA0W5U-00540-00251073-00251585 struggling death breath the message again don't have children because this +uZKuirA0W5U-00541-00251585-00251981 is a horrible painful meaningless consumer-driven debt burdened life from +uZKuirA0W5U-00542-00251981-00252411 beginning to end and just not worth it on to chapter 7 +uZKuirA0W5U-00543-00252411-00252900 seventh-inning stretch and so much more okay I know there's been rules of +uZKuirA0W5U-00544-00252900-00253373 earth-shattering information put forward please stand up and stretch take a deep +uZKuirA0W5U-00545-00253373-00253758 breath because what I'm about to share with you may even be more shocking than +uZKuirA0W5U-00546-00253758-00254280 learning of our Flat Earth chapter eight top of the eighth inning batter up +uZKuirA0W5U-00547-00254280-00254794 here's the windup and the pitch and once saw this on a bumper sticker long ago +uZKuirA0W5U-00548-00254794-00255408 the brainwashed never wonder and I didn't exactly know or realize what it +uZKuirA0W5U-00549-00255408-00255900 meant back then believe it or not and like it or not as you now know it has +uZKuirA0W5U-00550-00255900-00256373 become apparent to me we're all confined here in a totally enclosed biospheric +uZKuirA0W5U-00551-00256373-00256898 system planetarium earth of unknown size and shape created by intelligent design +uZKuirA0W5U-00552-00256898-00257409 kind of like why would schools teach a curriculum of theory of evolution versus +uZKuirA0W5U-00553-00257409-00257846 creationism why not both because creationism is not part of the +uZKuirA0W5U-00554-00257846-00258240 programming contradicting students indoctrination of a spinning ball earth +uZKuirA0W5U-00555-00258240-00258794 rocketing through space and time with them monkeys uncles as passengers now +uZKuirA0W5U-00556-00258794-00259194 assigned a set destination with no children of their own ride with them +uZKuirA0W5U-00557-00259194-00259617 being when the ride you believe you're spinning on while taking selfies is over +uZKuirA0W5U-00558-00259617-00259941 you exit the ride by stepping off gone from Earth +uZKuirA0W5U-00559-00259941-00260385 next stop hell it's similar to misinforming people seated in an +uZKuirA0W5U-00560-00260385-00260817 amusement park ride set up and appearing to rapidly spin separately while +uZKuirA0W5U-00561-00260817-00261198 whirling around at super speeds even though they experience and feel nothing +uZKuirA0W5U-00562-00261198-00261627 are told that the ride has actually been underway since they arrived and they +uZKuirA0W5U-00563-00261627-00262092 just hadn't realized it I like you was convinced for the better part of my life +uZKuirA0W5U-00564-00262092-00262542 that this was true this foundational belief that we all live on a spinning +uZKuirA0W5U-00565-00262542-00262887 ball earth makes way for our big government God to be worshipped as a +uZKuirA0W5U-00566-00262887-00263298 false idol then forced into paying tribute to that very system that keeps +uZKuirA0W5U-00567-00263298-00263820 us all unknowingly brainwashed led to believe from schools that intelligence +uZKuirA0W5U-00568-00263820-00264239 rests upon accepting absorbing and regurgitating information presented +uZKuirA0W5U-00569-00264239-00264753 confirming successful programming installation so brainwashed trusting and +uZKuirA0W5U-00570-00264753-00265176 dependent upon our educational systems parents being products of that same +uZKuirA0W5U-00571-00265176-00265632 system eagerly offer up their children's minds for programming shortly after +uZKuirA0W5U-00572-00265632-00265995 their arrival on earth with the message to resist is +uZKuirA0W5U-00573-00265995-00266436 not only futile but insane the population is harshly punished into +uZKuirA0W5U-00574-00266436-00266859 submission until accepting the programming one way or the other the +uZKuirA0W5U-00575-00266859-00267357 opposite truth is you're left with two choices you can be true to yourself ask +uZKuirA0W5U-00576-00267357-00267828 questions find real answers and break free from your programming spread the +uZKuirA0W5U-00577-00267828-00268278 truth about earth far and wide at the risk of being ostracized knowing that +uZKuirA0W5U-00578-00268278-00268632 when attempts to expose the Flat Earth to programmed controlled Minds are made +uZKuirA0W5U-00579-00268632-00269082 they'll vehemently resist programmed so well to know what they think they know +uZKuirA0W5U-00580-00269082-00269523 as undeniable truth about the Earth Moon Stars and Sun that even if they could +uZKuirA0W5U-00581-00269523-00269883 question their programming they're unable to see any benefit for them to do +uZKuirA0W5U-00582-00269883-00270303 so because they're perfectly happy in experiencing comfort and contentment +uZKuirA0W5U-00583-00270303-00270849 while unknowingly on a path to extinction or - you can be true to +uZKuirA0W5U-00584-00270849-00271314 yourself ask questions find real answers and break free from your programming +uZKuirA0W5U-00585-00271314-00271809 seek out truth and meaning of our existence for yourself only sharing with +uZKuirA0W5U-00586-00271809-00272211 a select few that may be ready and or deserving enough to begin to be +uZKuirA0W5U-00587-00272211-00272682 deprogrammed knowing that those who walk amongst you are mostly hopelessly +uZKuirA0W5U-00588-00272682-00273138 brainwashed with many doomed to ultimate life's failure and living your life +uZKuirA0W5U-00589-00273138-00273561 continuing to seek paths to the truth about our earth and creator while being +uZKuirA0W5U-00590-00273561-00273960 a creator yourself by having as many children as you can support teaching +uZKuirA0W5U-00591-00273960-00274350 them to rise above all the lies distractions and temptations of consumer +uZKuirA0W5U-00592-00274350-00274821 gluttony I guess one of the biggest dilemmas is what when and how do you +uZKuirA0W5U-00593-00274821-00275202 tell your children when and if you hopefully seek out the truth about the +uZKuirA0W5U-00594-00275202-00275607 very ground we walk on do you tell your children all of what they're learning in +uZKuirA0W5U-00595-00275607-00276057 school is BS and while attending school to do it in a mode of suspension of +uZKuirA0W5U-00596-00276057-00276504 disbelief do you withdraw them from school to home school them knowing it +uZKuirA0W5U-00597-00276504-00276909 will not prepare them for the world of deception we live in do you advise them +uZKuirA0W5U-00598-00276909-00277284 to listen even more carefully in absorbing the programming entirely and +uZKuirA0W5U-00599-00277284-00277724 maybe just maybe they can become an astronaut if they have the right stuff +uZKuirA0W5U-00600-00277724-00278211 selected for a possible upcoming mission to Mars for a starring acting role +uZKuirA0W5U-00601-00278211-00278688 playing the part of a pathological liar do you flat out tell them the flat-out +uZKuirA0W5U-00602-00278688-00279120 truth about our flattered and that they have been undermined control with +uZKuirA0W5U-00603-00279120-00279453 everything they have been told have learned and will be taught our lies +uZKuirA0W5U-00604-00279453-00279921 intent on keeping them from reproducing will they even believe you that my +uZKuirA0W5U-00605-00279921-00280359 friends is all up to you to handle and figure out it brings tears to my eyes +uZKuirA0W5U-00606-00280359-00280788 that life is nothing like we have been led to believe those in control of our +uZKuirA0W5U-00607-00280788-00281265 minds have convinced us that we all live on a painting of a spinning ball it's +uZKuirA0W5U-00608-00281265-00281652 been said the bigger the lie the easier it is to believe +uZKuirA0W5U-00609-00281652-00282087 sadly believing the biggest lie ever told in all of human history has +uZKuirA0W5U-00610-00282087-00282540 resulted in the masses total loss of control of their mind body and spirit a +uZKuirA0W5U-00611-00282540-00283065 loss so complete that many will never even realize they have lost it on to the +uZKuirA0W5U-00612-00283065-00283545 ninth final thoughts chapter 9 some final thoughts bottom of +uZKuirA0W5U-00613-00283545-00284040 the ninth inning sadly as I confessed in Chapter 1 I was led into becoming a +uZKuirA0W5U-00614-00284040-00284547 devout atheist zombie troglodyte victim of my schooling indoctrination +uZKuirA0W5U-00615-00284547-00285177 reinforced by media educated with BS and false earthly facts somehow breaking +uZKuirA0W5U-00616-00285177-00285537 free from the master programming that stuck just enough keeping me in the dark +uZKuirA0W5U-00617-00285537-00285822 for decades leaving me embarrassed that I didn't +uZKuirA0W5U-00618-00285822-00286389 question I learned basic earthly facts I was led to believe sooner for my entire +uZKuirA0W5U-00619-00286389-00286797 lifetime I always considered myself open-minded but knowing if anyone +uZKuirA0W5U-00620-00286797-00287130 approached me two years ago and just mentioned the earth might be flat I +uZKuirA0W5U-00621-00287130-00287520 would have instantly determined that a retarded moron was in front of me +uZKuirA0W5U-00622-00287520-00287976 because I like you believed I was educated with all I needed to know and +uZKuirA0W5U-00623-00287976-00288510 fully able to spot a retarded moron when I saw one I always attempted to live my +uZKuirA0W5U-00624-00288510-00288969 life in that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof when +uZKuirA0W5U-00625-00288969-00289413 presented with any claim appearing as wild or outlandish this strategy served +uZKuirA0W5U-00626-00289413-00289809 me well in keeping me from believing what wasn't the truth but I must confess +uZKuirA0W5U-00627-00289809-00290241 to you right here right now flaws and errors in employing this foundational +uZKuirA0W5U-00628-00290241-00290748 philosophy for this to work as intended it needs to be all-inclusive of any and +uZKuirA0W5U-00629-00290748-00291165 all sources or it can't be dependent upon to serve you my mind was +uZKuirA0W5U-00630-00291165-00291594 unknowingly being controlled just as yours is reading this right now into +uZKuirA0W5U-00631-00291594-00292035 trusting our educational system and news media to provide and disseminate +uZKuirA0W5U-00632-00292035-00292572 truthful information causing me not to what turns out to be the extraordinary +uZKuirA0W5U-00633-00292572-00293022 claims actually being made about our earth being a globe all in the absence +uZKuirA0W5U-00634-00293022-00293424 of any real proof you were all wholeheartedly trained into putting +uZKuirA0W5U-00635-00293424-00293931 blind faith and trust in what we've all been taught in school and or shown on TV +uZKuirA0W5U-00636-00293931-00294516 news just as I was even above our own senses but if you like you can call me a +uZKuirA0W5U-00637-00294516-00294915 retarded moron for questioning my programming and or for just sharing my +uZKuirA0W5U-00638-00294915-00295395 discoveries the opposite truth is it's you that unknowingly suffer from +uZKuirA0W5U-00639-00295395-00295827 full-blown retards that childhood induced mental illness known as around +uZKuirA0W5U-00640-00295827-00296289 Earth taught anal retention disorder syndrome with school systems and media +uZKuirA0W5U-00641-00296289-00296706 apparently doing even a better job on you than they did on me trusting as I +uZKuirA0W5U-00642-00296706-00297114 did that the system provided all the true facts needed to be known as +uZKuirA0W5U-00643-00297114-00297519 indicated in Chapter two my journey began with just needing the truth +uZKuirA0W5U-00644-00297519-00297903 regarding our moon missions again reported as being the greatest +uZKuirA0W5U-00645-00297903-00298377 achievement of all humankind in finding them to be fabricated then I +uZKuirA0W5U-00646-00298377-00298824 discovered the secrecy surrounding Antarctica and lastly evidence +uZKuirA0W5U-00647-00298824-00299304 exceedingly well explained by Eric Dubay his YouTube videos demonstrating proof +uZKuirA0W5U-00648-00299304-00299730 positive the utter impossibility that we're living on a perfectly round +uZKuirA0W5U-00649-00299730-00300228 spinning blue marble hurtling through space the more you desire and dig for +uZKuirA0W5U-00650-00300228-00300635 the roots of your very existence and why we find ourselves in this game of life +uZKuirA0W5U-00651-00300635-00301035 the more you'll be amazed being there's much more to this life than we've been +uZKuirA0W5U-00652-00301035-00301482 led to believe and sadly this desire is constantly and unknowingly being +uZKuirA0W5U-00653-00301482-00301902 programmed out of everyone big government and news media has even made +uZKuirA0W5U-00654-00301902-00302376 the word truth politically incorrect now anyone no longer under there mind +uZKuirA0W5U-00655-00302376-00302832 controlled programming are identified as truthers truth is not something anyone +uZKuirA0W5U-00656-00302832-00303171 should be seeking as in get with the program you moron +uZKuirA0W5U-00657-00303171-00303560 only a moron would question the program's honesty and integrity there's +uZKuirA0W5U-00658-00303560-00304131 a notable quote in George Orwell's book 1984 in a time of universal deceit +uZKuirA0W5U-00659-00304131-00304677 telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act governments have no +uZKuirA0W5U-00660-00304677-00305067 fear and no reason to fear any mass awakening due to their overwhelming +uZKuirA0W5U-00661-00305067-00305577 programming successes with generations of programming so hardwired even if a +uZKuirA0W5U-00662-00305577-00305868 prominent government official happen to appear on live TV +uZKuirA0W5U-00663-00305868-00306315 announcing the earth as being truly flat overwhelmingly the masses would +uZKuirA0W5U-00664-00306315-00306825 unquestionably know this retarded moron had lost his freaking mind I've written +uZKuirA0W5U-00665-00306825-00307254 my story for those with gut feelings that something's wrong but are unable to +uZKuirA0W5U-00666-00307254-00307674 put their finger on it hopefully now intrigued enough to investigate it for +uZKuirA0W5U-00667-00307674-00307977 themselves I would hope you'd agree that the only +uZKuirA0W5U-00668-00307977-00308313 one anyone can truly rely upon and trust is yourself +uZKuirA0W5U-00669-00308313-00308745 there's a saying often heard when people are talking with one another I suspect +uZKuirA0W5U-00670-00308745-00309108 to ensure that they aren't being led to believe and or left feeling gullible +uZKuirA0W5U-00671-00309108-00309645 having believed something made up it's are you serious now that I've shared +uZKuirA0W5U-00672-00309645-00310128 with you what I've discovered are you seriously not going to stop and think +uZKuirA0W5U-00673-00310128-00310560 about it all for a moment when you are told you are something you're not and +uZKuirA0W5U-00674-00310560-00311073 you believe it you are living somewhere you aren't and you believe it you are +uZKuirA0W5U-00675-00311073-00311529 flying spinning when you aren't and you believe it you can be told anything +uZKuirA0W5U-00676-00311529-00312051 after and you will not disbelieve it resulting in now believing you are a +uZKuirA0W5U-00677-00312051-00312591 monkey's uncle living on a spinning ball rocketing through endless space sounds +uZKuirA0W5U-00678-00312591-00313044 crazy but that's what we've all been led to believe those who are educating you +uZKuirA0W5U-00679-00313044-00313518 with foundational lies have motives for doing so they are treating you similar +uZKuirA0W5U-00680-00313518-00313980 to a farmer caring for his livestock feeding them what he chooses keeping +uZKuirA0W5U-00681-00313980-00314414 them content comfortable and distracted until they live out their usefulness +uZKuirA0W5U-00682-00314414-00314880 Charles Darwin got one thing right through his observations he concluded +uZKuirA0W5U-00683-00314880-00315336 survival of the fittest as being the key to life with only the smartest most +uZKuirA0W5U-00684-00315336-00315753 healthy and especially those with the ability to adapt giving birth to and +uZKuirA0W5U-00685-00315753-00316182 nurturing the next generation where else experienced the cruel reality of +uZKuirA0W5U-00686-00316182-00316710 unceremonious extinction wiped from the face of the earth human survival of the +uZKuirA0W5U-00687-00316710-00317115 fittest will be only for those who can adapt by discovering the foundational +uZKuirA0W5U-00688-00317115-00317571 lies we have insultingly been led to believe first by realizing they are +uZKuirA0W5U-00689-00317571-00317946 being lied to then the hows and whys then adapting and +uZKuirA0W5U-00690-00317946-00318390 taking steps to begin recovery in coming to realize that we are of intelligent +uZKuirA0W5U-00691-00318390-00318834 design with true success measured by the unity of a strong family with as many +uZKuirA0W5U-00692-00318834-00319257 children as you can care for wait a second I think I just woke up +uZKuirA0W5U-00693-00319257-00319845 nope maybe not a my dream writing still dreaming did I just say the earth is +uZKuirA0W5U-00694-00319845-00320448 flat or is it round it just has to be did we land on the moon is Antarctica a +uZKuirA0W5U-00695-00320448-00321036 continent maybe hmm so tired groggy just my head is spinning +uZKuirA0W5U-00696-00321036-00321533 but I'm not getting comfortable again on my side feet back on my hot water bottle +uZKuirA0W5U-00697-00321533-00322026 thank you for completing my story about a regular guy believing he was educated +uZKuirA0W5U-00698-00322026-00322416 attending school he learned basic earthly facts including those of the +uZKuirA0W5U-00699-00322416-00322860 creation of life in the universe upon graduating he experienced a great sense +uZKuirA0W5U-00700-00322860-00323328 of accomplishment believing he along with everyone else was also now educated +uZKuirA0W5U-00701-00323328-00323823 only as a result of a dream did he later come to realize he truly knew nearly +uZKuirA0W5U-00702-00323823-00324267 nothing about most everything he had trusted that our news media would keep +uZKuirA0W5U-00703-00324267-00324693 everyone honestly informed with real news and other important information but +uZKuirA0W5U-00704-00324693-00325128 as time passed found the opposite had taken place with countless presumed +uZKuirA0W5U-00705-00325128-00325620 actual news reports being staged government propaganda later to end up in +uZKuirA0W5U-00706-00325620-00326073 history textbooks as actually happening ironically those pulling the strings +uZKuirA0W5U-00707-00326073-00326580 have scientists building machines that can think critically AI while school +uZKuirA0W5U-00708-00326580-00327156 teachers are programming our children not to think no intelligence and I one +uZKuirA0W5U-00709-00327156-00327666 day soon presumably replaced with manufactured soulless robots allowing +uZKuirA0W5U-00710-00327666-00328167 for even more control by those in control big government can't be trusted +uZKuirA0W5U-00711-00328167-00328566 with their greatest fear being a populace of well-informed enlightened +uZKuirA0W5U-00712-00328566-00328980 strong spiritual souls uniting fearing this unity of all the people on earth +uZKuirA0W5U-00713-00328980-00329510 will end their power they have over us to control us with lies again the powers +uZKuirA0W5U-00714-00329510-00329952 that be absolutely do not want us peons to have their same level of earthly +uZKuirA0W5U-00715-00329952-00330381 knowledge able to see the big picture they influence our minds to bring about +uZKuirA0W5U-00716-00330381-00330873 their desired population reduction I'll say it again for those who missed it the +uZKuirA0W5U-00717-00330873-00331284 system is providing you everything you need while making you comfortable for +uZKuirA0W5U-00718-00331284-00331851 you to end your own legacy you may ask but why I don't understand why well +uZKuirA0W5U-00719-00331851-00332223 because you're no longer needed the progressive and rapidly approaching +uZKuirA0W5U-00720-00332223-00332551 robot revolution is a us making the programmed and now +uZKuirA0W5U-00721-00332551-00333057 significantly less intelligent human peon obsolete slowly being programmed to +uZKuirA0W5U-00722-00333057-00333424 eliminate themselves in order to save the planet they think they know they +uZKuirA0W5U-00723-00333424-00333964 live on replaced with man-made soulless AI robots slaving for the elite much +uZKuirA0W5U-00724-00333964-00334342 more efficiently controlled surely to surpass human intelligence and most +uZKuirA0W5U-00725-00334342-00334731 definitely able to determine whether or not they're spinning on a ball seventy +uZKuirA0W5U-00726-00334731-00335176 thousand miles per hour that humans could never figure out in the end only +uZKuirA0W5U-00727-00335176-00335610 kindness matters so please be nice to everyone especially those who dare to +uZKuirA0W5U-00728-00335610-00336070 begin attempting to unravel years of deceptive programming hopefully finding +uZKuirA0W5U-00729-00336070-00336466 a path to the meaning and purpose of their existence while being creators and +uZKuirA0W5U-00730-00336466-00336901 nurturers of renewed life adapting to become one of the ancestors of a human +uZKuirA0W5U-00731-00336901-00337380 survivor of the fittest and possible chance for spiritual recycling living on +uZKuirA0W5U-00732-00337380-00337897 in some other form the Creator within moved me to share my evolutionary travel +uZKuirA0W5U-00733-00337897-00338350 into Wonderland with those directed to find it because you weren't created by +uZKuirA0W5U-00734-00338350-00338866 accident I didn't create this by accident you didn't find this by +uZKuirA0W5U-00735-00338866-00339506 accident until we meet again in my dreams unless I wake up