diff --git "a/data/en003/text/00000041.txt" "b/data/en003/text/00000041.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/en003/text/00000041.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,8832 @@ +511bprPQzwY-00000-00001486-00001780 We are the ones you didn’t see +511bprPQzwY-00001-00001914-00002246 We are the sisters of Yesterday +511bprPQzwY-00002-00002476-00002718 We are here, even if you can’t see us +511bprPQzwY-00003-00002744-00002978 We have nothing to fear +511bprPQzwY-00004-00002998-00003232 We have nothing to lose +511bprPQzwY-00005-00003306-00003629 Woman who sings what you don’t see +511bprPQzwY-00006-00003802-00004142 Woman who knows where her skin goes +511bprPQzwY-00007-00004324-00004418 Without forgetting +511bprPQzwY-00008-00004496-00004628 Without escaping +511bprPQzwY-00009-00004802-00004910 We have nothing to fear +511bprPQzwY-00010-00005036-00005192 We have nothing to lose +511bprPQzwY-00011-00005288-00005464 We have nothing to lose +511bprPQzwY-00012-00005772-00005918 We have nothing to lose +511bprPQzwY-00013-00006002-00006338 To see what we don't see +511bprPQzwY-00014-00006498-00006698 Men are willing to defy the mandates +511bprPQzwY-00015-00006876-00007023 [SERGIO KAUFMAN - ACCENTURE ARGENTINA CEO] +511bprPQzwY-00016-00007038-00007648 The issue of half of the population of the world ought to have equal opportunities is an ethical one. +511bprPQzwY-00017-00007656-00008106 It’s important to say equal opportunities because when you come in with a group of men +511bprPQzwY-00018-00008118-00008542 even with women, to try to create equality. +511bprPQzwY-00019-00008554-00008816 The concept to keep in mind is equal opportunities in life. Whatever one wants. +511bprPQzwY-00020-00008816-00009154 There’s nothing preconceived as to what each one should be in life. +511bprPQzwY-00021-00009206-00009426 You have to have equal opportunities to do it. +511bprPQzwY-00022-00009506-00009932 The first part of that dialogue among men is when we talk about equality, we talk about equal opportunities. +511bprPQzwY-00023-00009932-00010012 Ok. +511bprPQzwY-00024-00010100-00010260 Then there’s a second part to it that says +511bprPQzwY-00025-00010260-00010798 "Fine, we’re all equal in the eyes of the law. Who keeps you from…? My company and I have nothing against women" +511bprPQzwY-00026-00010838-00011236 So there’s a second part of that dialogue we have to have, which we are now starting to understand, +511bprPQzwY-00027-00011240-00011630 which says, yes, the laws are the same, there’s not law, generally speaking, +511bprPQzwY-00028-00011638-00012044 no company that prevents women from getting promoted, etc… +511bprPQzwY-00029-00012112-00012244 but the game is rigged. +511bprPQzwY-00030-00012316-00012444 the game is rigged. +511bprPQzwY-00031-00012643-00012966 [GASTON REMY - VISTAS CEO] We all are full of biases, +511bprPQzwY-00032-00012966-00013574 and maybe as I said before, I think that in order to advance and progress this agenda +511bprPQzwY-00033-00013612-00014219 we have to recognize those biases, be responsible for those biases, and work on them. +511bprPQzwY-00034-00014284-00014832 At least, that’s what I try to do, both at a personal level and in an organizational leadership. +511bprPQzwY-00035-00014880-00015524 To ignore them is, I think, a recipe to not change things and improve them. +511bprPQzwY-00036-00015574-00015926 If we don’t question our base assumptions, there’s no motivation to change. +511bprPQzwY-00037-00015926-00016156 Change has to be demanded. +511bprPQzwY-00038-00016156-00016394 Change doesn’t come from the top, change comes from the bottom, +511bprPQzwY-00039-00016394-00016570 as a function of what we want as a society. +511bprPQzwY-00040-00016600-00016800 Take the Foosball example. +511bprPQzwY-00041-00016810-00017212 Let’s play Foosball, but I know I’m going to win. +511bprPQzwY-00042-00017344-00017738 We each have 10 players, the little dolls. +511bprPQzwY-00043-00017756-00018334 The ball is round for both of us, the surface is flat, the goal posts are the same for both of us 10 cm width. +511bprPQzwY-00044-00018408-00018650 So, if I win, it’s all me. +511bprPQzwY-00045-00018658-00018754 But there’s a secret: +511bprPQzwY-00046-00018788-00019538 someone took a stack of books and put it under the table and inclined it so that you were at a disadvantage. +511bprPQzwY-00047-00019620-00019878 That is what it outside of the law, outside of companies, +511bprPQzwY-00048-00019942-00020998 which is basically the social context, mandates, outside unwritten conditioners. +511bprPQzwY-00049-00021080-00021608 If inequality could be solved by writing a book, or writing a law, then we’d all be set. +511bprPQzwY-00050-00021638-00021809 Humanity is much more complex than that. +511bprPQzwY-00051-00021810-00022252 [PABLO SANCHEZ - L'OREAL CMO] I come from that generation that blocks women, +511bprPQzwY-00052-00022260-00022856 that sees women as an object, pushes them aside. +511bprPQzwY-00053-00022870-00023530 Luckily, life put me in situations that allowed me to question paradigms +511bprPQzwY-00054-00023540-00023876 push boundaries, and open myself up to new outlooks. +511bprPQzwY-00055-00023876-00024106 The biggest obstacles are created by our biases. +511bprPQzwY-00056-00024138-00025076 This idea we have that, companies, schema, processes, are thought up from the male perspective, +511bprPQzwY-00057-00025096-00025392 which makes it difficult to change. +511bprPQzwY-00058-00025526-00026082 companies, schema, processes, are thought up from the male perspective, +511bprPQzwY-00059-00026362-00026880 One of the mandates men have is to be the provider and protector, etc. +511bprPQzwY-00060-00027064-00027494 There’s times when, even with the best intentions, while trying to be a woman’s or a partner’s protector, +511bprPQzwY-00061-00027504-00028076 we say "don’t worry, I’ll handle it" "you stay home, I’ll take care of it, I’ll be the one with the awful work schedule." +511bprPQzwY-00062-00028182-00028648 Maybe this can come from a good, legitimate intention to be a protector. +511bprPQzwY-00063-00028748-00028913 I noticed this with time. +511bprPQzwY-00064-00028914-00029494 All of this, I wish I had matured earlier, evidently in certain things I’ve evolved and made mistakes. +511bprPQzwY-00065-00029742-00029947 One doesn’t help by being a protector. +511bprPQzwY-00066-00029948-00030438 It’s counter-intuitive, because being a protector, that’s seen as a good thing. +511bprPQzwY-00067-00030500-00031038 And even the best intentions end up generating long-term negative effects. +511bprPQzwY-00068-00031100-00031550 Which is why the concept of 'good protector' has to evolve +511bprPQzwY-00069-00031580-00032045 and become a good mentor, a good support for your partner. +511bprPQzwY-00070-00032058-00032548 Gender, when it comes to the chores my wife and I do, has no importance. It's anecdotal. +511bprPQzwY-00071-00032548-00033106 We both wash, cook, change diapers, work. +511bprPQzwY-00072-00033106-00033256 We don’t draw distinctions. +511bprPQzwY-00073-00033256-00033494 If we have to do something, we do it. +511bprPQzwY-00074-00033494-00034194 I think that’s the way one really starts not to just think gender issues, but live them, +511bprPQzwY-00075-00034216-00034552 without preconceptions that things are a certain way. +511bprPQzwY-00076-00034596-00035002 Relationships are built, and as you build them, you can accept things or not. +511bprPQzwY-00077-00035018-00035690 But it’s great for one to be conscious that by accepting a certain nature of relationships, +511bprPQzwY-00078-00035732-00035956 one is also legitimizing everything behind it. +511bprPQzwY-00079-00035956-00036210 So, when one accepts to take a relegated position, +511bprPQzwY-00080-00036298-00036890 one is also accepting and legitimizing that view on women – particularly in this case – by society. +511bprPQzwY-00081-00036920-00037242 And when you don’t accept it, you’re teaching by example. +511bprPQzwY-00082-00037376-00038042 As you’ve said, we’re constantly building, and culture is built based on experiences, many times on what's not said. +511bprPQzwY-00083-00038068-00038576 [ALEC OXENFORD - OLX & LETGO FOUNDER] The way we change is by getting closer to others, to the other side. +511bprPQzwY-00084-00038616-00038980 And the only way to process that is to view a different reality. +511bprPQzwY-00085-00038988-00039402 And for me, since I’m a man, the clear difference is a woman. +511bprPQzwY-00086-00039426-00039810 After that, there’s different types of men, women, people. +511bprPQzwY-00087-00039996-00040798 But as times goes by, to really see and understand the different essence of others. +511bprPQzwY-00088-00040836-00041074 The good, the bad, the same. +511bprPQzwY-00089-00041092-00041528 I think that’s what helped me to evolve. +511bprPQzwY-00090-00041528-00042218 A typical discussion in a company of high technical specialization, with operating plants: +511bprPQzwY-00091-00042256-00042510 "no… this type of work is too hard for a woman." +511bprPQzwY-00092-00042526-00043076 Or "a woman won’t be able to handle constant rotating shifts", or "it’s very heavy work," +511bprPQzwY-00093-00043236-00043998 or when it comes to professional women, thinking its more of a man’s world +511bprPQzwY-00094-00044086-00044376 those are our biases at work +511bprPQzwY-00095-00044478-00045046 I think its fundamental to push, to force the system to change. +511bprPQzwY-00096-00045134-00045676 In general, I think it’s a process that becomes more natural with time, and that really helps. +511bprPQzwY-00097-00045726-00046420 Sometimes, what we don’t understand – and it’s difficult for a man to fully understand a woman – scares us. +511bprPQzwY-00098-00046534-00047022 And when we’re scared, we close ourselves off and isolate ourselves. +511bprPQzwY-00099-00047086-00047398 We just have to lose our fear. +511bprPQzwY-00100-00047398-00047574 It’s the opposite: it’s an opportunity. +511bprPQzwY-00101-00047590-00047916 To legitimize talks about equality is good. It’s a first step. +511bprPQzwY-00102-00047984-00048286 What happens next is we need to give it a practical correlation. +511bprPQzwY-00103-00048302-00049034 We have to live our diversity discourse, not just think about it as a nice idea, and pretend we’re open. +511bprPQzwY-00104-00049078-00049634 After that, we have to really be open and understand that giving rights doesn’t mean losing any. +511bprPQzwY-00105-00049634-00050122 That advancing women’s place in society does not put into question men’s place in society. +511bprPQzwY-00106-00050218-00050526 It’s simply giving more rights, everything that leads to giving more rights is positive. +511bprPQzwY-00107-00050576-00051300 When you start to frame it in those terms, you give rise to these doubts about consequences of diversity. +511bprPQzwY-00108-00051436-00051682 What happens when a woman makes as much money as I do? +511bprPQzwY-00109-00051728-00052400 What happens to man’s chance to keep a patriarchal system in which man is the head of the household? +511bprPQzwY-00110-00052474-00052655 What happens if suddenly the man isn’t the head of the household? +511bprPQzwY-00111-00052717-00053210 What happens if he can’t, through his financial resources, impose things over a woman? +511bprPQzwY-00112-00053272-00053905 Well, we have to be willing to live that: celebrate the fact that the woman can be +511bprPQzwY-00113-00053932-00054458 let’s not call them pater-families, or mater-families, but that they can have a horizontal relationship +511bprPQzwY-00114-00054458-00054788 which issues are consensual, talked through, +511bprPQzwY-00115-00054838-00055341 and it really doesn’t matter the influence that can be wielded through economic resources. +511bprPQzwY-00116-00055372-00055702 But for many men, this raises the question their own virility. +511bprPQzwY-00117-00055867-00056146 for many men, this raises the question their own virility +511bprPQzwY-00118-00056552-00056796 Gender Equality is good business. +511bprPQzwY-00119-00056962-00057198 Gender equality is very good business. +511bprPQzwY-00120-00057205-00058098 We spoke about it once, leaving aside philosophical issues, anthropological issues, equality, whatever. +511bprPQzwY-00121-00058132-00058552 Behind all of that, when you look at it through a business perspective, diversity is a great business. +511bprPQzwY-00122-00058570-00059276 Mrs. Betancourt was the one who accelerated the growth of this company. +511bprPQzwY-00123-00059422-00059916 She was a woman with a low profile, but the impact she had on the organization was huge +511bprPQzwY-00124-00059990-00060458 L'oreal started with 2 brands: Stass and L’oreal Paris, or L’oreal professionel. +511bprPQzwY-00125-00060490-00061062 Today is a group of close to 40 brands, in 130 countries, number one company in beauty and cosmetics, +511bprPQzwY-00126-00061096-00061372 that great acceleration was done by a woman. +511bprPQzwY-00127-00061396-00061666 You take countries like Australia, and look at their household income, +511bprPQzwY-00128-00061678-00061986 which has been increasing in the past 30 to 40 years. +511bprPQzwY-00129-00062079-00062462 There has been an increase in wages, but the biggest reason isn’t the increase of individual wages, +511bprPQzwY-00130-00062584-00062958 it’s the increase of total income per family, through women’s inclusion. +511bprPQzwY-00131-00062972-00063224 The woman who was at home, not earning a salary, is now earning a salary. +511bprPQzwY-00132-00063241-00063441 The family now has more money. +511bprPQzwY-00133-00063466-00063967 The family with more money led to an improvement in living standards for the whole ecosystem. +511bprPQzwY-00134-00064028-00064258 That leads to more jobs, more value added. +511bprPQzwY-00135-00064362-00064746 So, a great part of improvements in society come from the inclusion of women to the workplace. +511bprPQzwY-00136-00064791-00065322 It’s not just a cute idea. It’s a clear social improvement. +511bprPQzwY-00137-00065341-00065988 To embrace more women, to bring in more women to the decision-making process, +511bprPQzwY-00138-00066008-00066990 in positions of authority, in conversations, for brainstorms, in the generation of ideas, +511bprPQzwY-00139-00067018-00067776 and innovation, in the analysis of different perspectives, this enriches us. +511bprPQzwY-00140-00067950-00068118 There is no risk. +511bprPQzwY-00141-00068296-00068706 I think that there’s a misunderstanding. +511bprPQzwY-00142-00068866-00069424 When one realizes the misunderstanding, and relaxes, one sees all that he’s been missing. +511bprPQzwY-00143-00069424-00069544 He doesn’t have to miss anything else. +511bprPQzwY-00144-00069544-00070044 The main differences I see are in access to leadership position. +511bprPQzwY-00145-00070210-00071008 think that there, it’s just a matter of taking a picture of a cabinet, a board of directors, a business event, +511bprPQzwY-00146-00071056-00071514 and the answer is there, in the image. +511bprPQzwY-00147-00071726-00072146 the answer is there, in the image. +511bprPQzwY-00148-00072352-00072784 What can I learn from someone who is exactly like me? Nothing. +511bprPQzwY-00149-00072784-00072976 It’s like hanging out with a mirror all day. +511bprPQzwY-00150-00073056-00073576 But if I have diversity, if I have something complementary, different personalities, +511bprPQzwY-00151-00073588-00074326 different vocations, different styles, different energy levels, that’s really fun. +511bprPQzwY-00152-00074418-00074998 Behind that image, there’s a very profound issue we have to work on, no doubt. +511bprPQzwY-00153-00075054-00075528 All this that rigs the Foosball game is what we have to work on, so we have to become conscious +511bprPQzwY-00154-00075572-00076234 men especially, that it’s not enough that the laws say this or that. +511bprPQzwY-00155-00076290-00076764 And, this can be open for discussion, when there’s female quotas assigned, +511bprPQzwY-00156-00076848-00077282 that’s an attempt to even the playing field. +511bprPQzwY-00157-00077282-00077762 Because it’s not enough that ball is round for the both of us. +511bprPQzwY-00158-00077880-00078182 If we change our outlook, we'll change the world +511bprPQzwY-00159-00079250-00079414 We have nothing to lose +54fUlmtL39U-00000-00000296-00000796 (hissing and crashing intro sound effects) +54fUlmtL39U-00001-00000825-00000939 - (David) Hello everybody! +54fUlmtL39U-00002-00000939-00001154 This is David from goldstartool.com +54fUlmtL39U-00003-00001154-00001341 and today I'm going to introduce you +54fUlmtL39U-00004-00001341-00001723 to two new items that we just received +54fUlmtL39U-00005-00001723-00002143 for bagmakers, shoemakers, and pretty much, +54fUlmtL39U-00006-00002143-00002354 you could use it on anything you want. +54fUlmtL39U-00007-00002354-00002531 Number one, roller heel bar buckle, +54fUlmtL39U-00008-00002531-00002731 down the right hand side. +54fUlmtL39U-00009-00002891-00003126 These are a very, very popular item +54fUlmtL39U-00010-00003126-00003307 and they're called roller because +54fUlmtL39U-00011-00003307-00003461 you have this thing that rolls. +54fUlmtL39U-00012-00003564-00003659 I think that's what it is. +54fUlmtL39U-00013-00003659-00003817 There's no other reason for it. +54fUlmtL39U-00014-00003817-00003901 - (woman) It makes sense. +54fUlmtL39U-00015-00003901-00003984 - (David) It makes sense. +54fUlmtL39U-00016-00003984-00004244 So that thing rolls and, see, +54fUlmtL39U-00017-00004244-00004522 and you have only the pin from one side. +54fUlmtL39U-00018-00004608-00004765 Okay, so this is for straps, +54fUlmtL39U-00019-00004765-00005000 for bags, for shoes, for purses, +54fUlmtL39U-00020-00005000-00005342 for, you know, even for decoration. +54fUlmtL39U-00021-00005429-00005662 They come in three popular sizes, +54fUlmtL39U-00022-00005662-00006017 three quarter, one inch, and one and three quarter. +54fUlmtL39U-00023-00006017-00006372 And then, to the right hand side, +54fUlmtL39U-00024-00006372-00006812 we have the center bar pin buckles. +54fUlmtL39U-00025-00006812-00007020 And, they're so beautiful. +54fUlmtL39U-00026-00007113-00007544 So, you see, there's a center, a bar, pin, +54fUlmtL39U-00027-00007544-00007958 and that's also for making bags, purses, +54fUlmtL39U-00028-00008068-00008311 shoes, and also for decoration. +54fUlmtL39U-00029-00008311-00008640 They also come in three very popular size, +54fUlmtL39U-00030-00008640-00009062 three quarter, one inch, and one and one quarter. +54fUlmtL39U-00031-00009062-00009453 So, they're used for +54fUlmtL39U-00032-00009612-00009702 straps and stuff. +54fUlmtL39U-00033-00009702-00010083 So, the difference between two, beside the +54fUlmtL39U-00034-00010257-00010480 the style and the design between these two +54fUlmtL39U-00035-00010480-00010693 is that these are casted, +54fUlmtL39U-00036-00010693-00010925 meaning that we have our own cast for these. +54fUlmtL39U-00037-00010925-00011194 We design these things and they're casted. +54fUlmtL39U-00038-00011194-00011376 They cast and they come out of the machine +54fUlmtL39U-00039-00011376-00011607 and then they polish them and they go over the, +54fUlmtL39U-00040-00011607-00011919 all the finish. +54fUlmtL39U-00041-00011919-00012115 But these are not casted, +54fUlmtL39U-00042-00012115-00012443 these are just machine press. +54fUlmtL39U-00043-00012443-00012586 You know, you have the metal, +54fUlmtL39U-00044-00012586-00012770 and they square it, and then they put this in there +54fUlmtL39U-00045-00012770-00012963 and all of that stuff. +54fUlmtL39U-00046-00012963-00013297 So, that's very, very, +54fUlmtL39U-00047-00013297-00013487 both of them are very, very good quality, +54fUlmtL39U-00048-00013487-00013619 obviously. +54fUlmtL39U-00049-00013846-00014346 Nickel-covered, and those colors are gonna last +54fUlmtL39U-00050-00014446-00014607 for a lifetime. +54fUlmtL39U-00051-00014607-00014708 Those finishes, +54fUlmtL39U-00052-00014877-00015024 very, very good quality. +54fUlmtL39U-00053-00015024-00015432 Now, I think, by now, we pretty much have +54fUlmtL39U-00054-00015432-00015757 80 to 90 percent of bagmaking supplies +54fUlmtL39U-00055-00015757-00016044 between all the D-ring, and O-ring, and squares, +54fUlmtL39U-00056-00016044-00016254 and locks, and all that stuff, so, +54fUlmtL39U-00057-00016254-00016668 but I just wanted to go over these sizes with you. +54fUlmtL39U-00058-00016668-00016793 You could find them online. +54fUlmtL39U-00059-00016793-00016907 So this is three quarter, +54fUlmtL39U-00060-00016907-00017079 and when I tell you three quarter, see? +54fUlmtL39U-00061-00017079-00017326 From one end to one end is one inch. +54fUlmtL39U-00062-00017326-00017636 So, inside you have that room for +54fUlmtL39U-00063-00017636-00017853 three quarters to play with. +54fUlmtL39U-00064-00017853-00018176 From one end to one end is one inch, okay? +54fUlmtL39U-00065-00018176-00018310 So inside is three quarter. +54fUlmtL39U-00066-00018310-00018646 And right about right here is also one inch. +54fUlmtL39U-00067-00018646-00018948 So it's like a one-inch square. +54fUlmtL39U-00068-00018948-00019327 With the one inch, inside is one and a half, +54fUlmtL39U-00069-00019538-00019767 or one and one eighth, +54fUlmtL39U-00070-00019767-00020017 and across is one inch, right? +54fUlmtL39U-00071-00020125-00020330 With the one and one quarter, +54fUlmtL39U-00072-00020330-00020460 which is the biggest one that I have, +54fUlmtL39U-00073-00020460-00020718 I didn't think we need to get one and a half, +54fUlmtL39U-00074-00020718-00020832 and one and three quarter, +54fUlmtL39U-00075-00020832-00020939 and that's not the case. +54fUlmtL39U-00076-00020939-00021082 Please let me know what we could get also, +54fUlmtL39U-00077-00021082-00021201 the bigger sizes. +54fUlmtL39U-00078-00021201-00021428 So, one and a half, one and one quarter, +54fUlmtL39U-00079-00021428-00021801 is one and, actually, almost +54fUlmtL39U-00080-00021932-00022074 five eighth. +54fUlmtL39U-00081-00022074-00022157 Is it five eighths? +54fUlmtL39U-00082-00022157-00022398 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. +54fUlmtL39U-00083-00022398-00022596 Um... +54fUlmtL39U-00084-00022596-00022784 One, two, three. +54fUlmtL39U-00085-00022784-00022982 Yes, it's one and three eighth. +54fUlmtL39U-00086-00022982-00023102 One and three eighth. +54fUlmtL39U-00087-00023102-00023407 The one and one quarter, inside is one and three eighth, +54fUlmtL39U-00088-00023407-00023673 and across is one inch. +54fUlmtL39U-00089-00023673-00023892 So, all the cross is the same. +54fUlmtL39U-00090-00023892-00024007 These are the colors, +54fUlmtL39U-00091-00024007-00024267 we got 'em in gold, gunmetal, +54fUlmtL39U-00092-00024267-00024499 beautiful gunmetal! +54fUlmtL39U-00093-00024499-00024707 Antique brass, or some people call 'em bronze, +54fUlmtL39U-00094-00024707-00025166 and silver, as some people call it nickel. +54fUlmtL39U-00095-00025166-00025249 Right? +54fUlmtL39U-00096-00025249-00025332 - (woman) Yes. +54fUlmtL39U-00097-00025332-00025415 - (David) So, they're all nickel-plated. +54fUlmtL39U-00098-00025415-00025632 Now, to this one right here, +54fUlmtL39U-00099-00025808-00025904 the center - +54fUlmtL39U-00100-00025904-00026062 what did we call them? +54fUlmtL39U-00101-00026062-00026374 The center bar pin buckle. +54fUlmtL39U-00102-00026374-00026593 The three quarter, obviously, is, +54fUlmtL39U-00103-00026593-00026767 again, one inch. +54fUlmtL39U-00104-00026767-00026917 Do you have my hands in the way? +54fUlmtL39U-00105-00026917-00027000 - (woman) No, it's good. +54fUlmtL39U-00106-00027000-00027185 - (David) One inch, and then you have +54fUlmtL39U-00107-00027280-00027443 one inch across, too. +54fUlmtL39U-00108-00027443-00027620 For the three quarter, you have +54fUlmtL39U-00109-00027724-00028224 one and one quarter, and one and three eighth across. +54fUlmtL39U-00110-00028395-00028599 For the one and one quarter, +54fUlmtL39U-00111-00028599-00029099 you have one and a half, and one and a half across. +54fUlmtL39U-00112-00029100-00029220 Right? +54fUlmtL39U-00113-00029220-00029481 Again, these are casted, +54fUlmtL39U-00114-00029481-00029736 these are machine-made. +54fUlmtL39U-00115-00029736-00029882 And look how they just -- +54fUlmtL39U-00116-00030002-00030113 look at this beautiful +54fUlmtL39U-00117-00030307-00030468 color, right? +54fUlmtL39U-00118-00030468-00030780 The gold and the silver, +54fUlmtL39U-00119-00030780-00031176 and the bronze, and the gunmetal. +54fUlmtL39U-00120-00031176-00031525 And they just look beautiful, and they're fancy, +54fUlmtL39U-00121-00031525-00031706 and it matches up. +54fUlmtL39U-00122-00031706-00031827 One more thing that I wanna tell you, +54fUlmtL39U-00123-00031827-00032181 we're not just a company, just has, +54fUlmtL39U-00124-00032285-00032627 you know, some items. +54fUlmtL39U-00125-00032627-00032911 We have variety, beside the sewing machine, +54fUlmtL39U-00126-00032911-00033170 cutting machine, bling-bling, D-ring, O-ring. +54fUlmtL39U-00127-00033170-00033436 We have all this stuff that I have, +54fUlmtL39U-00128-00033436-00033622 that I just wanted to show you. +54fUlmtL39U-00129-00033622-00033735 When I bring in something, +54fUlmtL39U-00130-00033735-00033986 I make sure the colors match. +54fUlmtL39U-00131-00033986-00034172 We go through this, you know, +54fUlmtL39U-00132-00034172-00034566 we got all this O-ring and D-ring, and square ring, +54fUlmtL39U-00133-00034566-00034932 and buckle ring, and snap ring, and snaps, +54fUlmtL39U-00134-00035054-00035498 snap hoops, look at all of this stuff +54fUlmtL39U-00135-00035640-00035809 that we have. +54fUlmtL39U-00136-00035809-00036043 And, this is that I'm very proud of, +54fUlmtL39U-00137-00036043-00036216 because when you guys buy something, +54fUlmtL39U-00138-00036216-00036417 you could buy everything just from us too +54fUlmtL39U-00139-00036417-00036580 because the color match. +54fUlmtL39U-00140-00036580-00037020 We have this gunmetal right here, and this gunmetal. +54fUlmtL39U-00141-00037151-00037234 Same. +54fUlmtL39U-00142-00037234-00037375 And then this gunmetal. +54fUlmtL39U-00143-00037375-00037461 They're all the same. +54fUlmtL39U-00144-00037461-00037798 All the gold, all the silver. +54fUlmtL39U-00145-00037798-00038048 Everything is the same and we try to +54fUlmtL39U-00146-00038176-00038435 make sure when they come out of the factory, +54fUlmtL39U-00147-00038435-00038526 they're clean, +54fUlmtL39U-00148-00038526-00039026 they're perfect to go. +54fUlmtL39U-00149-00039026-00039260 Every single one we do a quality control +54fUlmtL39U-00150-00039260-00039451 one every single one of these items. +54fUlmtL39U-00151-00039451-00039803 Again, these are the two newest items, +54fUlmtL39U-00152-00039803-00039972 roller heel bar buckle, +54fUlmtL39U-00153-00039972-00040324 and center bar pin buckle for your straps. +54fUlmtL39U-00154-00040431-00040867 Three quarter, one inch, and one and one quarter. +54fUlmtL39U-00155-00040867-00041190 Please go on our website, goldstartool.com +54fUlmtL39U-00156-00041190-00041494 to the bagmaking section of the website +54fUlmtL39U-00157-00041494-00041673 and choose whatever you need. +54fUlmtL39U-00158-00041673-00041915 Watch our videos, like our YouTube channel, +54fUlmtL39U-00159-00041915-00042020 share 'em, +54fUlmtL39U-00160-00042020-00042256 and let us know what you want us to do next. +54fUlmtL39U-00161-00042256-00042427 Thank you for watching. +54fUlmtL39U-00162-00042427-00042768 (bouncy, electric music) +54fUlmtL39U-00163-00043904-00044354 (slow, emotional opera and orchestra) +54alP2IxFqA-00000-00000003-00001182 I think when I'm only when I'm 40 years old I start to know exactly what I want +54alP2IxFqA-00001-00001182-00001757 to do and never think in my life that I would be business people and I never +54alP2IxFqA-00002-00001757-00002052 thought I would be a teacher so I think I'm a teacher I never thought +54alP2IxFqA-00003-00002052-00002528 about it I've become an entrepreneur I never thought about it and all of the +54alP2IxFqA-00004-00002528-00002993 other that but I want to be a policeman reject it I want to be all the even want +54alP2IxFqA-00005-00002993-00003453 to be a waiter in the KFC were rejected but most of the dreams you may think +54alP2IxFqA-00006-00003453-00003950 about it but does not work out this is my by a device to the young people +54alP2IxFqA-00007-00003950-00004521 twenty-five years old make enough mistakes don't worry +54alP2IxFqA-00008-00004521-00005169 any mistake is an income is a wonderful revenue when you have 50 to 60 years old +54alP2IxFqA-00009-00005169-00005748 work for the young people because young people can do better than you what +54alP2IxFqA-00010-00005748-00006548 effect did it have being rejected I think we have to get used to it we're +54alP2IxFqA-00011-00006548-00006971 not that good even today we still have a lot of coverage +54alP2IxFqA-00012-00006971-00007664 I think God when I think that if graduate from universities and before +54alP2IxFqA-00013-00007664-00008199 you know for three years I tried to fill in the universities so I applied jobs or +54alP2IxFqA-00014-00008199-00008706 30 times got rejected I went for a police if you know you're +54alP2IxFqA-00015-00008706-00009402 not good I went to either even the KFC when KFC came to China come to I say you +54alP2IxFqA-00016-00009402-00010074 see 24 people went for the job 23 people accepted I was the only one +54alP2IxFqA-00017-00010074-00010677 guy and we went for please five people all of them accepted I was the only guy +54alP2IxFqA-00018-00010677-00011243 than aristocracy village so to me bein turned down rejected oh by the way I +54alP2IxFqA-00019-00011243-00011807 told you that I would I apply for Harvard for ten times rejected I know +54alP2IxFqA-00020-00011807-00012095 you're sorry +54alP2IxFqA-00021-00012187-00012972 don't worry any mistake is that income is a wonderful revenue for you so I +54alP2IxFqA-00022-00012972-00013697 taught myself and told my young people before 20 years old be a good student +54alP2IxFqA-00023-00013697-00014340 wait to entrepreneur just to learn some experience before 30 years old follow +54alP2IxFqA-00024-00014340-00014885 somebody go to a small company normally in a big company it is good to learn +54alP2IxFqA-00025-00014885-00015185 processing you are a part of a big machine +54alP2IxFqA-00026-00015185-00015748 but when go to small company you learn the passion you learn the dreams you +54alP2IxFqA-00027-00015748-00016362 learn how to do a lot of things as when one time so before 30 years old it's not +54alP2IxFqA-00028-00016362-00016863 which company you go it's which boss you follow it's very important a good boss +54alP2IxFqA-00029-00016863-00017472 teach you differently and be forced from 30 to 40 years old you have to think +54alP2IxFqA-00030-00017472-00018020 very clearly were you working for yourself if you really want to be +54alP2IxFqA-00031-00018020-00018612 entrepreneur when you're 40 to 50 years old you have to do all the things that +54alP2IxFqA-00032-00018612-00019095 you are good at don't try to jump into the new area it's too late you may be +54alP2IxFqA-00033-00019095-00019620 successful but there the rate of dying is too big so 40 to 50 +54alP2IxFqA-00034-00019620-00020319 think about how can focus on things that you are good at but when you have 50 +54alP2IxFqA-00035-00020319-00020922 to 16 years old work for the young people because young people can do +54alP2IxFqA-00036-00020922-00021264 better than you so rely on them invest on them making +54alP2IxFqA-00037-00021264-00021720 sure they're good so when you guys over sixty years old +54alP2IxFqA-00038-00021720-00022371 spend time for yourself on the beachside shine it's too late way to change +54alP2IxFqA-00039-00022371-00023091 normally but this is my my advice to the young people 25 years old make enough +54alP2IxFqA-00040-00023091-00023811 mistakes don't worry you fall you stand up your fall is them enjoy it I'm at 25 +54alP2IxFqA-00041-00023811-00024215 years old in joy the show enjoy the show +54alP2IxFqA-00042-00024875-00025081 you +56coTxW-hLA-00000-00000454-00000674 Of course starting the World Cup in first position +56coTxW-hLA-00001-00000784-00000884 in the history of World Cup +56coTxW-hLA-00002-00000968-00001112 what a good use of the handlebar +56coTxW-hLA-00003-00001148-00001328 in the world's elite for his own merits +56coTxW-hLA-00004-00001380-00001466 come on Tomi, go, go, go, go... +56coTxW-hLA-00005-00001542-00001744 Tomi Misser, Tomas Misser first victory +56coTxW-hLA-00006-00001818-00002020 Champion, European Champion, Tomas Misser +5rKxnh9AFsM-00000-00000106-00000423 (singing: To destroy the works of the evil one +5rKxnh9AFsM-00001-00000430-00000834 and the kingdom of darkness with light +5rKxnh9AFsM-00002-00000844-00001284 and to rescue men from the law of sin, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00003-00001294-00001664 this is The Gospel of Christ. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00004-00001674-00002035 To proclaim the news unto the poor) +5rKxnh9AFsM-00005-00002045-00002332 Narrator: The Gospel of Christ +5rKxnh9AFsM-00006-00002342-00002642 spreading the soul-saving message of Jesus. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00007-00002649-00002846 And now: Ben Bailey. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00008-00002852-00003173 (singing) This is The Gospel of Christ. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00009-00003233-00003516 Unless the Lord builds the house, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00010-00003526-00003853 they labor in vain who build it. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00011-00003863-00004114 Welcome to our study of "The Home +5rKxnh9AFsM-00012-00004124-00004407 as God Would Have It". +5rKxnh9AFsM-00013-00004417-00004731 As we think today about the home, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00014-00004741-00005178 we're thinking about preparation for marriage. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00015-00005188-00005422 Too many times I think people +5rKxnh9AFsM-00016-00005432-00005742 have an attraction maybe fall in love +5rKxnh9AFsM-00017-00005752-00005922 and they decide to get married. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00018-00005932-00006176 And a lot of plans are made: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00019-00006186-00006456 there's planning the wedding, there's deciding on the dress, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00020-00006466-00006623 there's deciding on the cake, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00021-00006633-00006850 there's a lot of factors that go in deciding +5rKxnh9AFsM-00022-00006860-00006990 where they'll go on the honeymoon. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00023-00007000-00007360 A lot of preparation is made for the wedding, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00024-00007370-00007504 but I wonder +5rKxnh9AFsM-00025-00007514-00007861 is the same amount of preparation really given +5rKxnh9AFsM-00026-00007871-00008234 to make the marriage a success. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00027-00008244-00008515 As always, we want to encourage you +5rKxnh9AFsM-00028-00008525-00008912 to visit our website: thegospelofChrist.com. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00029-00008922-00009159 Not only will you find a lot of information +5rKxnh9AFsM-00030-00009169-00009405 concerning today's lesson and the home, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00031-00009415-00009696 but you can also find a host of other +5rKxnh9AFsM-00032-00009706-00010049 Bible study materials that will no doubt benefit +5rKxnh9AFsM-00033-00010059-00010396 in your study of the Scripture. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00034-00010406-00010690 Also, if you have a Bible question +5rKxnh9AFsM-00035-00010700-00010924 or you'd like to study the Scripture further, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00036-00010934-00011164 please contact us at the gospel of Christ +5rKxnh9AFsM-00037-00011174-00011538 by visiting our website or the information given +5rKxnh9AFsM-00038-00011548-00011861 at the end of this lesson. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00039-00011871-00012095 When we think about preparation, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00040-00012105-00012429 preparation is a part of everyday life. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00041-00012439-00012619 You've got to make preparation in +5rKxnh9AFsM-00042-00012629-00012852 anything that you do. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00043-00012862-00013183 For example: if a person is going to buy a home, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00044-00013193-00013393 a lot of preparations have got to be made into that. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00045-00013403-00013560 If you're going to buy a car, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00046-00013570-00013757 you've got to decide the kind of car you want, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00047-00013766-00013973 the color of car, the size of it, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00048-00013983-00014150 you've got to look for the best price, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00049-00014160-00014314 you've got to factor in the insurance, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00050-00014324-00014537 you've got to make a lot of preparation to do that. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00051-00014547-00014761 For example: going on vacation, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00052-00014771-00014938 even something like that, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00053-00014944-00015125 you've got to make preparation for. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00054-00015131-00015482 What would it be like if, say a family. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00055-00015492-00015645 The father came home one day and said, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00056-00015655-00015745 "All right everybody, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00057-00015755-00015959 get in the car. We're going on vacation." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00058-00015969-00016229 No plans had been made, no bags had been packed +5rKxnh9AFsM-00059-00016239-00016443 and everybody just heads out to the car. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00060-00016453-00016623 You get in the car and you drive for a while +5rKxnh9AFsM-00061-00016633-00016780 and finally decide where you're going. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00062-00016790-00017033 You end up getting to a motel, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00063-00017043-00017307 nobody's got clothes, you aren't prepared, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00064-00017317-00017567 what kind of chaos would it be if just +5rKxnh9AFsM-00065-00017577-00017704 one day you up and got in the car +5rKxnh9AFsM-00066-00017714-00017837 and decided to go on vacation? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00067-00017847-00018057 Nobody would do that. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00068-00018067-00018281 Friend, like a vacation, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00069-00018291-00018551 like buying a car, like buying a home, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00070-00018561-00018928 preparation is absolutely essential +5rKxnh9AFsM-00071-00018938-00019189 for marriage to work. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00072-00019199-00019452 Let me give you some biblical examples of that, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00073-00019462-00019736 in Matthew 25, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00074-00019746-00019879 you've got a great example +5rKxnh9AFsM-00075-00019889-00020193 of how preparation is essential +5rKxnh9AFsM-00076-00020203-00020527 for success. The story of the 10 virgins: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00077-00020537-00020820 five had gotten ready ahead of time. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00078-00020830-00020957 They had their oil in their lamp, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00079-00020967-00021094 it was trimmed, it was ready. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00080-00021104-00021234 When the bridegroom came, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00081-00021244-00021444 they immediately went with him. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00082-00021454-00021684 The other five, when they saw him coming, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00083-00021694-00021865 they realized they weren't ready. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00084-00021875-00022035 They went to buy oil, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00085-00022045-00022338 the door was shut by the time they got back and +5rKxnh9AFsM-00086-00022348-00022529 they didn't get a chance to go. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00087-00022539-00022942 They missed out because of a lack of preparation +5rKxnh9AFsM-00088-00022952-00023199 Luke chapter 14 Jesus said, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00089-00023209-00023490 "Which of you does not first sit down and count +5rKxnh9AFsM-00090-00023500-00023797 the cost." Have we really counted the cost +5rKxnh9AFsM-00091-00023807-00024140 are you really prepared to enter into +5rKxnh9AFsM-00092-00024150-00024364 marriage. And so, in today's lesson +5rKxnh9AFsM-00093-00024374-00024711 for those who are thinking about marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00094-00024721-00025024 we hope to give some biblical guidelines +5rKxnh9AFsM-00095-00025034-00025308 that will really help one's marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00096-00025318-00025775 to be successful in preparation for the marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00097-00025785-00026156 and longtime affect of that on each individual. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00098-00026166-00026346 And so what's necessary +5rKxnh9AFsM-00099-00026356-00026629 to prepare for successful marriage? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00100-00026639-00026930 As we think about these essentials, the first is +5rKxnh9AFsM-00101-00026940-00027150 (and this is such an important factor today) +5rKxnh9AFsM-00102-00027160-00027670 don't just focus on beauty alone. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00103-00027680-00027947 Friend, there so many people +5rKxnh9AFsM-00104-00027957-00028374 who are attracted in a physical sense to someone else +5rKxnh9AFsM-00105-00028384-00028578 and they're attracted to them that way. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00106-00028588-00028935 And so, their whole marriage may be based on +5rKxnh9AFsM-00107-00028945-00029185 that attraction that lust. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00108-00029195-00029472 If that's what the marriage is built on, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00109-00029482-00029719 that's the preparation that's made, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00110-00029729-00029969 there's going to be a lot of problems in that. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00111-00029979-00030503 Proverbs chapter 31 verse number 30 says this, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00112-00030513-00030877 "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing +5rKxnh9AFsM-00113-00030887-00031317 but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00114-00031327-00031481 While there's no doubt +5rKxnh9AFsM-00115-00031491-00031771 that there has to be that physical attraction, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00116-00031781-00032095 friend, it should not be the major reason +5rKxnh9AFsM-00117-00032105-00032275 why you marry a person. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00118-00032285-00032515 Remember charm, that's deceitful. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00119-00032525-00032715 Everybody can put on a good face. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00120-00032725-00032992 Beauty is passing +5rKxnh9AFsM-00121-00033002-00033326 that appear, what about 20 what about 10 what about 20 +5rKxnh9AFsM-00122-00033336-00033723 what about 30 years down the road what about 40 years? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00123-00033733-00034033 If the marriage is just based +5rKxnh9AFsM-00124-00034043-00034374 on that physical attraction, that lustful desire, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00125-00034384-00034561 what about when that fades? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00126-00034571-00034971 What about when that's not as strong as it used to be? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00127-00034981-00035185 To really prepare for marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00128-00035195-00035478 you've got to look beyond the physical attraction +5rKxnh9AFsM-00129-00035488-00035819 you've got to see am I compatible with this person +5rKxnh9AFsM-00130-00035829-00036286 spiritually? Do we have the same values in life? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00131-00036296-00036583 Are our goals the same beyond just +5rKxnh9AFsM-00132-00036593-00036893 okay, we like each other we're attracted to each other, maybe +5rKxnh9AFsM-00133-00036903-00037260 there's even that sexual attraction decides that. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00134-00037270-00037634 What else is there that your marriage is based on? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00135-00037644-00037891 Are you marrying this person for reasons +5rKxnh9AFsM-00136-00037901-00038144 other than that? Because if, friend listen carefully, if +5rKxnh9AFsM-00137-00038154-00038588 you're not marrying based on other principles. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00138-00038598-00038842 If you haven't thought those out, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00139-00038852-00039005 you're in for a rude awakening. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00140-00039015-00039245 so yes there must be a physical attraction +5rKxnh9AFsM-00141-00039252-00039556 but it cannot be that alone. So the first principle, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00142-00039566-00039752 first preparation is: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00143-00039762-00040130 don't just focus on beauty; don't just focus on +5rKxnh9AFsM-00144-00040140-00040710 physical attraction alone; there's got to be more than that +5rKxnh9AFsM-00145-00040720-00041167 Secondly, as a preparation for marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00146-00041177-00041694 realize ahead of time, marriage is permanent. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00147-00041704-00042238 Once you say I do, friend, that settles the matter. That's it. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00148-00042248-00042492 You must stay with that individual +5rKxnh9AFsM-00149-00042502-00042735 for life. I want you to hear the words of Paul +5rKxnh9AFsM-00150-00042745-00043089 in Romans chapter 7 beginning in verse number two, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00151-00043099-00043520 as he speaks about the permanency of marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00152-00043530-00043703 for the woman who has a husband +5rKxnh9AFsM-00153-00043713-00044324 is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00154-00044334-00044584 but if the husband dies, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00155-00044594-00044884 she is released from the law of her husband. So then +5rKxnh9AFsM-00156-00044894-00045208 if while her husband lives, she marries another man, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00157-00045218-00045615 she'll be called an adulteress but if her husband dies, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00158-00045625-00045939 she is free from the law so that she's no adulteress +5rKxnh9AFsM-00159-00045949-00046339 though she's married another man. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00160-00046349-00046499 Paul makes those words, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00161-00046509-00046783 the Holy Spirit makes those words very clear. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00162-00046793-00047113 A woman, or we can put in there a man, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00163-00047123-00047707 is bound by law as long as her husband lives. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00164-00047717-00048094 Friend, let's realize that marriage is +5rKxnh9AFsM-00165-00048104-00048725 a sobering and a serious and a lifelong decision. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00166-00048735-00048988 When you decide to marry somebody, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00167-00048998-00049509 you're making a decision that will last until death. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00168-00049519-00049626 Let those words sink in. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00169-00049636-00049976 The person that you're thinking about marrying, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00170-00049986-00050233 is that the person you want to be with +5rKxnh9AFsM-00171-00050243-00050487 20, 30, 50 years from now? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00172-00050497-00050657 Have you really said to yourself +5rKxnh9AFsM-00173-00050667-00050794 and here's what people have got to say: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00174-00050804-00051094 if people are going to make marriage work, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00175-00051104-00051564 you've got to say to yourself, when we make this decision, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00176-00051574-00051868 regardless of the trials, regardless of the difficulties, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00177-00051878-00052122 regardless of what ever happens, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00178-00052132-00052625 this is for life. No ifs ands or buts. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00179-00052635-00052959 This is the decision, this is the person +5rKxnh9AFsM-00180-00052969-00053176 I'm going to spend life with +5rKxnh9AFsM-00181-00053186-00053593 no matter what comes in the situations that may arise +5rKxnh9AFsM-00182-00053603-00053770 for those people and so it is indeed +5rKxnh9AFsM-00183-00053780-00054147 a permanent decision. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00184-00054157-00054374 When we think about preparation for marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00185-00054384-00054914 let's also realize this: one has to say to themselves +5rKxnh9AFsM-00186-00054924-00055218 divorce is not a viable option +5rKxnh9AFsM-00187-00055228-00055668 you know, I think way too many times, people find an attraction +5rKxnh9AFsM-00188-00055678-00055899 they decide you know we probably ought to get married +5rKxnh9AFsM-00189-00055909-00056236 that society, that's what we ought to do according to society +5rKxnh9AFsM-00190-00056246-00056369 we'll probably make our families +5rKxnh9AFsM-00191-00056379-00056563 and we might be a little happier. And so, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00192-00056573-00056773 let's get married. If it doesn't work out, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00193-00056783-00056936 in the back of their mind, they may think, you know, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00194-00056946-00057240 we could just get divorced later. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00195-00057250-00057497 Friend, that's not at all an option. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00196-00057507-00057921 The Bible says marriage is for life +5rKxnh9AFsM-00197-00057931-00058111 Romans seven verses one through four. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00198-00058121-00058351 Is there a Scriptural reason for divorce? Absolutely! +5rKxnh9AFsM-00199-00058361-00058558 Jesus said, in Matthew 19:9, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00200-00058568-00059022 that one could divorce for fornication but realize this +5rKxnh9AFsM-00201-00059032-00059182 that's a violent act +5rKxnh9AFsM-00202-00059192-00059466 Malachi 2 verse 16 said God hates divorce +5rKxnh9AFsM-00203-00059476-00059786 because it covers one's garments with violence +5rKxnh9AFsM-00204-00059792-00060366 God hates divorce Luke 16:18 whoever divorces his wife +5rKxnh9AFsM-00205-00060376-00060577 commits adultery and will cause her +5rKxnh9AFsM-00206-00060587-00060827 to commit adultery Genesis 2:24 +5rKxnh9AFsM-00207-00060837-00061027 "Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00208-00061037-00061364 be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00209-00061374-00061728 what preparation do you need to make in your +5rKxnh9AFsM-00210-00061738-00062262 plans for successful marriage? Say to yourself ahead of time, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00211-00062272-00062639 I'm going to marry this person. It's going to be for life +5rKxnh9AFsM-00212-00062649-00062952 and divorce is not an option. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00213-00062962-00063313 You know, I think that's the way that, in generations past, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00214-00063323-00063493 people looked at marriage. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00215-00063503-00063850 And I think, during the hard times and difficulty, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00216-00063860-00064120 that's what made them stick together no matter what. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00217-00064130-00064310 They didn't look at divorce as an option. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00218-00064320-00064544 It wasn't even something they would consider +5rKxnh9AFsM-00219-00064554-00064791 and when hard times came +5rKxnh9AFsM-00220-00064801-00065154 when people had fights and every body has fights occasionally, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00221-00065165-00065588 when struggles arose that were maybe hard to deal with, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00222-00065598-00065902 they didn't say, you know what, let's just go get a divorce. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00223-00065912-00066122 They realized, hey, this is not an option. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00224-00066132-00066286 They thought about it that way +5rKxnh9AFsM-00225-00066296-00066589 and it made marriage last. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00226-00066599-00066793 Another preparation for marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00227-00066803-00067000 and this is such an important one: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00228-00067010-00067437 let's realize that as a preparation for marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00229-00067447-00067854 living together is not appropriate in God's sight, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00230-00067864-00068168 it is sinful +5rKxnh9AFsM-00231-00068174-00068364 I want to direct your attention +5rKxnh9AFsM-00232-00068374-00068792 to Hebrews chapter 13 verse number four. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00233-00068802-00069219 The Scripture records, "Marriage is honorable +5rKxnh9AFsM-00234-00069229-00069779 and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00235-00069789-00070116 God will judge." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00236-00070126-00070490 As we think about preparation for marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00237-00070500-00070870 please realize that living together, to see if it'll work, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00238-00070880-00071381 to try it out, that's sinful. That's not acceptable to God. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00239-00071391-00071608 I know, in today's day and age, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00240-00071618-00071788 that's what a lot of people are doing +5rKxnh9AFsM-00241-00071798-00071911 and people will say, you know, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00242-00071921-00072175 it'll save you from divorce later. Wait a minute now, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00243-00072185-00072365 if that's your thought, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00244-00072375-00072689 you haven't really prepared for marriage to begin with. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00245-00072699-00072939 Friend, living together is not the option +5rKxnh9AFsM-00246-00072949-00073333 the Bible says, "Marriage is honorable", that's a good thing, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00247-00073343-00073760 "the bed", indicative of, representing +5rKxnh9AFsM-00248-00073770-00074027 the relationship, sexual relation +5rKxnh9AFsM-00249-00074037-00074170 between husband and wife +5rKxnh9AFsM-00250-00074180-00074551 "undefiled." That's pure, that's holy, that's right, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00251-00074561-00074861 but what about two people living together before marriage? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00252-00074871-00075098 What about sexual actions before marriage? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00253-00075108-00075248 What about testing it out? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00254-00075258-00075705 That's not God's law. That's contrary to God's law. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00255-00075712-00075962 That's sinful action. Friend, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00256-00075972-00076316 you're only setting yourself up for failure. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00257-00076322-00076653 If you enter into it with that kind of attitude, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00258-00076663-00076786 there's going to be guilt. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00259-00076796-00077066 There's going, when you realize that that's not right, when +5rKxnh9AFsM-00260-00077076-00077367 there's going to be a lot of problems that you create +5rKxnh9AFsM-00261-00077377-00077754 by living together. That's not preparation for marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00262-00077764-00078077 that is appropriate in God's sight. Well, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00263-00078087-00078331 what kind of preparation then is appropriate? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00264-00078341-00078645 Here's another preparation we want to give: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00265-00078655-00079309 ask a whole lot of questions before you enter into marriage. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00266-00079319-00079492 For example: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00267-00079499-00079813 the first question you ought to ask about someone who +5rKxnh9AFsM-00268-00079823-00080083 you're looking at as a potential mate +5rKxnh9AFsM-00269-00080093-00080440 is: are they a faithful Christian? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00270-00080450-00080640 You know, I hear sometimes people say, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00271-00080650-00080920 are they a Christian? That's not what we're asking. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00272-00080930-00081334 We want to ask, are they a faithful Christian? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00273-00081344-00081751 More than in name only, more than just filling a pew, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00274-00081761-00082051 more than just wearing a title, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00275-00082061-00082392 are they a faithful Christian? Here's what we mean by that: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00276-00082402-00082759 Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 +5rKxnh9AFsM-00277-00082769-00083226 Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God +5rKxnh9AFsM-00278-00083236-00083620 and his righteousness and all these things +5rKxnh9AFsM-00279-00083630-00083953 shall be added unto you." Does the person +5rKxnh9AFsM-00280-00083963-00084274 who you are considering as a potential mate +5rKxnh9AFsM-00281-00084284-00084577 that you'll spend the entirety of your life with, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00282-00084587-00084914 does that person seek first God's kingdom? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00283-00084924-00085482 Does that person love God, love his church, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00284-00085492-00085912 more than they love you? Paul said in Galatians 2 verse 20 +5rKxnh9AFsM-00285-00085922-00086102 "I've been crucified with Christ, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00286-00086112-00086366 it's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00287-00086376-00086589 The life which I now live in the flesh, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00288-00086599-00086910 I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me +5rKxnh9AFsM-00289-00086920-00087220 and gave himself for me." Has that person really +5rKxnh9AFsM-00290-00087230-00087547 100% been crucified with Christ? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00291-00087557-00087974 Are they fully committed to God and his kingdom? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00292-00087984-00088178 We're not talking about again just filling a pew. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00293-00088188-00088398 We're not talking about somebody who +5rKxnh9AFsM-00294-00088408-00088795 occasionally does some things that a Christian might do. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00295-00088805-00089055 We're talking about somebody who's faithful +5rKxnh9AFsM-00296-00089065-00089369 to the Lord in every way. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00297-00089379-00089722 Friend, I cannot tell you the number of times +5rKxnh9AFsM-00298-00089732-00089863 I've seen people +5rKxnh9AFsM-00299-00089873-00090193 marry even people in the world or marry people who were just +5rKxnh9AFsM-00300-00090203-00090326 Christians in name only, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00301-00090336-00090607 who really weren't committed to the cause +5rKxnh9AFsM-00302-00090617-00090860 and the struggles, the difficulties, and the divorce, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00303-00090870-00091231 that sometimes occurs from that. And so, number one: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00304-00091241-00091611 are they a faithful Christian? Secondly, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00305-00091621-00091898 will they solve the problems of life +5rKxnh9AFsM-00306-00091908-00092172 together with me according to the Bible? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00307-00092182-00092689 Will this person let the Bible be the standard +5rKxnh9AFsM-00308-00092699-00093189 for our home, our marriage, and the decisions we make? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00309-00093199-00093426 There are a couple of passages that I often think of +5rKxnh9AFsM-00310-00093436-00093573 that are so fundamental +5rKxnh9AFsM-00311-00093583-00094107 to answering the questions, that arise in the home, God's way. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00312-00094117-00094477 Jeremiah 37 verse 17 +5rKxnh9AFsM-00313-00094487-00094664 an evil king asked, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00314-00094674-00094824 "Is there any word from the Lord?" +5rKxnh9AFsM-00315-00094834-00095201 and in Romans chapter 4 verse 3, Paul repeated that +5rKxnh9AFsM-00316-00095211-00095715 idea by saying, "What does the Scripture say?" +5rKxnh9AFsM-00317-00095722-00095932 If you're going to have a successful marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00318-00095942-00096092 you've got to ask yourself: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00319-00096102-00096466 will this person let the Bible be the guide +5rKxnh9AFsM-00320-00096476-00096990 when it comes to problems, when it comes to moral issues, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00321-00097000-00097253 when it comes to how we're going to raise children, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00322-00097260-00097687 when it comes to how we ought to live and dress and act, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00323-00097694-00098044 will they let the Bible make the final decision +5rKxnh9AFsM-00324-00098054-00098194 no matter what? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00325-00098204-00098454 A third question then, that ought to be asked, is: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00326-00098464-00098681 are they headed in the right direction +5rKxnh9AFsM-00327-00098691-00099032 spiritually? And by that we mean: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00328-00099042-00099599 is this a person who's growing and striving to be more +5rKxnh9AFsM-00329-00099609-00099836 and do more as a Christian every day. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00330-00099846-00100086 Paul said in Colossians 3 verses one through three, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00331-00100096-00100430 "If then you were raised with Christ, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00332-00100440-00100650 seek those things which are above." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00333-00100660-00100984 We are to grow in the grace and knowledge +5rKxnh9AFsM-00334-00100994-00101254 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00335-00101264-00101614 Don't marry somebody who's stagnant or not growing. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00336-00101624-00102035 Look for somebody who wants to grow, somebody who will +5rKxnh9AFsM-00337-00102045-00102315 exalt the Lord with you Psalm 34 verse three, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00338-00102325-00102572 somebody who will strive to +5rKxnh9AFsM-00339-00102582-00102972 encourage, and help, and motivate everybody in the family +5rKxnh9AFsM-00340-00102982-00103343 to grow as they ought to grow concerning Christianity. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00341-00103353-00103786 Fourth, ask this question: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00342-00103797-00104270 what does this person believe about values like God, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00343-00104280-00104731 the church, the Bible, salvation, immorality? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00344-00104741-00105128 Does this person have the correct view of God? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00345-00105138-00105291 Do they recognize, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00346-00105301-00105822 does this individual recognize that Jesus built the church, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00347-00105832-00106029 there is but one church, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00348-00106039-00106366 that denominationalism is contrary to God's plan, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00349-00106376-00106796 and that we've got to strive to be faithful in the church? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00350-00106806-00107006 What do they believe about the Bible? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00351-00107016-00107223 Do they believe it's the final authority +5rKxnh9AFsM-00352-00107233-00107357 that it's inspired of God +5rKxnh9AFsM-00353-00107367-00107667 and that we cannot go against it's teaching? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00354-00107677-00107907 What do they believe about salvation? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00355-00107917-00108107 Do they believe that one must be immersed +5rKxnh9AFsM-00356-00108117-00108261 for the remission of sins? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00357-00108271-00108525 Do they believe that one must repent of past lifestyle? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00358-00108534-00108898 What do they believe about those fundamental issues? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00359-00108908-00109072 What about morals? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00360-00109082-00109332 What do they believe about drinking and smoking, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00361-00109342-00109612 immorality and ungodliness and carousing and dancing +5rKxnh9AFsM-00362-00109622-00109873 and things of that nature? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00363-00109883-00110123 Friend, here's what we're trying to emphasize: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00364-00110133-00110557 if you marry somebody who has morals or beliefs that are +5rKxnh9AFsM-00365-00110567-00110883 different than what we find in Scripture, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00366-00110894-00111257 you're in for a hard, hard marriage and here's why +5rKxnh9AFsM-00367-00111267-00111541 if you marry somebody who has a different +5rKxnh9AFsM-00368-00111551-00111918 belief than what the Scripture teaches about the church, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00369-00111928-00112328 you may be able to teach them, you may encourage them. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00370-00112338-00112535 Friend, they may not be encouraged +5rKxnh9AFsM-00371-00112545-00112882 and they may actually discourage you in many ways +5rKxnh9AFsM-00372-00112892-00113159 if they have different views than you do about morals, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00373-00113169-00113613 and children come into that relationship, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00374-00113623-00113883 and you begin to teach your children one thing, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00375-00113893-00114164 and they don't teach, or teach them something different, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00376-00114174-00114604 and those children are getting opposing views on morality, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00377-00114614-00114881 you're again in for a hard, hard situation +5rKxnh9AFsM-00378-00114891-00115134 concerning that and so, look for someone +5rKxnh9AFsM-00379-00115144-00115451 who holds the same Biblical values +5rKxnh9AFsM-00380-00115461-00115812 that you do on fundamental issues. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00381-00115822-00116092 Then ask this question: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00382-00116102-00116306 how important is worship +5rKxnh9AFsM-00383-00116316-00116563 to the individual I'm thinking about marrying? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00384-00116573-00116960 You see, the Scripture teaches in Hebrews 10 verse 25 +5rKxnh9AFsM-00385-00116970-00117327 that we're not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together +5rKxnh9AFsM-00386-00117337-00117610 the psalmist said in Psalm 122 verse one, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00387-00117620-00117874 "I was glad when they said, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00388-00117884-00118148 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" +5rKxnh9AFsM-00389-00118158-00118391 How important is worship to the individual +5rKxnh9AFsM-00390-00118401-00118601 you're contemplating marrying? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00391-00118611-00118962 Do they attend just on Sunday morning for worship? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00392-00118972-00119369 Do they attend occasionally for Bible class? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00393-00119379-00119786 Do they come back on Sunday night and Wednesday night? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00394-00119796-00120056 Friend, if they're not attending regularly now, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00395-00120066-00120336 don't lie to yourself and say, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00396-00120346-00120480 "They'll do it when we get married +5rKxnh9AFsM-00397-00120490-00120727 or maybe I can get them to do that." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00398-00120737-00120850 You might encourage them to +5rKxnh9AFsM-00399-00120860-00121110 they might change, have a change of heart. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00400-00121120-00121254 Friend, if they're already in a habit +5rKxnh9AFsM-00401-00121264-00121524 and have a pattern established +5rKxnh9AFsM-00402-00121534-00121741 and you believe you ought to attend every service +5rKxnh9AFsM-00403-00121751-00122001 of the Lord's church as the Scripture teaches +5rKxnh9AFsM-00404-00122011-00122298 and they don't. They may drag you down +5rKxnh9AFsM-00405-00122308-00122655 or it may be an uphill battle the whole way. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00406-00122665-00122839 And so, be very careful +5rKxnh9AFsM-00407-00122849-00123373 about who you choose to marry. Then ask this question: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00408-00123383-00123913 How do they feel about bringing children into this marriage? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00409-00123923-00124210 Have you thought about children? Have you talked about it? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00410-00124220-00124380 Do they want to have children? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00411-00124390-00124764 What are their ideas on how we ought to raise children? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00412-00124774-00125004 How many children do you plan to have? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00413-00125014-00125158 Can you provide for them? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00414-00125168-00125375 Is there more that you need to do +5rKxnh9AFsM-00415-00125385-00125655 to prepare about raising them in a godly way. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00416-00125665-00125838 How do they feel about discipline? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00417-00125848-00126035 How do they feel about training those children? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00418-00126045-00126386 Will this individual be the godly leader +5rKxnh9AFsM-00419-00126396-00126793 to help our children be what God wants them to be? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00420-00126803-00127123 Here's an important question to ask: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00421-00127133-00127437 How does this person handle money? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00422-00127447-00127857 You know, one of the key reasons that people fight +5rKxnh9AFsM-00423-00127867-00128241 and that sometimes end up in divorce is over money. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00424-00128251-00128431 Let me illustrate it this way: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00425-00128441-00128688 let's say that you've got a very frugal person +5rKxnh9AFsM-00426-00128698-00128998 and then you've got a person that is a real spender. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00427-00129008-00129262 How do you think those two people are going to get along +5rKxnh9AFsM-00428-00129272-00129375 when they get married? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00429-00129385-00129522 Well, if one's a saver +5rKxnh9AFsM-00430-00129532-00129742 and one's just a blow and go spender, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00431-00129752-00129866 how's that going to work? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00432-00129876-00130196 Well, when the check comes in and you got bills to pay +5rKxnh9AFsM-00433-00130206-00130623 and one of the mates runs out and blows money on something, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00434-00130630-00130854 you can guarantee you're headed for a fight. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00435-00130864-00131171 And so, have you talked about finances, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00436-00131181-00131344 how you're going to handle your money? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00437-00131354-00131771 Have you talked about giving as a priority +5rKxnh9AFsM-00438-00131781-00132055 with your finances concerning what you'll give +5rKxnh9AFsM-00439-00132065-00132295 and what your finances are? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00440-00132305-00132462 Another question that ought to be asked +5rKxnh9AFsM-00441-00132472-00132825 about the individual you're contemplating marrying is: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00442-00132836-00133209 Does this person have a temper? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00443-00133219-00133686 Friend, sometimes, we see glimpses of something, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00444-00133696-00134063 maybe while we're dating or in the preparation stage, and +5rKxnh9AFsM-00445-00134073-00134290 we say, "You know, that was just really +5rKxnh9AFsM-00446-00134300-00134631 a freak thing. That's not going to happen." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00447-00134641-00134851 Those glimpses cannot be overlooked +5rKxnh9AFsM-00448-00134861-00135128 and especially as it relates to one's temper. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00449-00135138-00135491 If you see somebody who has a temper. If you see them blow up +5rKxnh9AFsM-00450-00135501-00135742 and they're doing that now while they're on guard, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00451-00135752-00135909 while they have their guard up, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00452-00135919-00136055 what about after they get married +5rKxnh9AFsM-00453-00136065-00136232 and they let their guard down? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00454-00136242-00136616 I can assure you that temper is only going to get worse. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00455-00136626-00136913 If someone has a temper problem, an anger problem, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00456-00136923-00137510 they can't control that, what about after the honeymoon? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00457-00137520-00137737 What about after the newness wears off? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00458-00137747-00138034 What about when they get angry at you? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00459-00138044-00138244 Will they take it out on you? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00460-00138254-00138474 Very likely the case. And so, if somebody has +5rKxnh9AFsM-00461-00138485-00138892 a temper problem now, don't say, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00462-00138902-00139222 "I can correct that. He'll do better. It'll work out." +5rKxnh9AFsM-00463-00139232-00139579 You've got to solve those issues and make another decision +5rKxnh9AFsM-00464-00139589-00139893 to better yourself in that area may, which may even include +5rKxnh9AFsM-00465-00139903-00140076 not marrying that person. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00466-00140086-00140280 Friend, in so doing you'll save yourself a +5rKxnh9AFsM-00467-00140290-00140590 whole lot of heartache. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00468-00140600-00140740 Another question to be asked is: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00469-00140750-00141184 Does this individual have a good work ethic? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00470-00141194-00141674 Is he a hard worker? Is he lazy? If somebody is lazy now, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00471-00141684-00141851 how do you expect that individual to +5rKxnh9AFsM-00472-00141861-00142078 fulfill their role, whether it be provider, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00473-00142088-00142278 whether it be keeper of the home, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00474-00142288-00142662 laziness causes a lot of problems in the home. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00475-00142672-00142862 You've got one individual who works very hard +5rKxnh9AFsM-00476-00142872-00143293 and one that's lazy, whether that be the husband or the wife, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00477-00143303-00143513 you've got people going in opposite directions +5rKxnh9AFsM-00478-00143523-00143800 and in marriage, you've got to be going down the same direction +5rKxnh9AFsM-00479-00143810-00143997 going down the same path. And so, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00480-00144007-00144257 will this person really be a good provider? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00481-00144267-00144484 will, if it's the wife, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00482-00144494-00144694 will she be a good keeper of the home? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00483-00144704-00145051 Don't enter into a relationship with somebody who's lazy +5rKxnh9AFsM-00484-00145061-00145465 because that's going to create more problems in the marriage. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00485-00145475-00145735 And then, we give this final preparation. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00486-00145745-00146189 Friend, realize the huge responsibility +5rKxnh9AFsM-00487-00146199-00146629 that is required of both parties in the marriage. Marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00488-00146639-00146940 is a serious responsibility. Genesis 2 verse 18, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00489-00146950-00147427 the Lord God saw, of all his creation, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00490-00147437-00147764 that none of it sufficed for Adam and so +5rKxnh9AFsM-00491-00147774-00148184 he made a helper for him, comparable to him, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00492-00148194-00148464 and he saw Eve and said it was good. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00493-00148474-00148711 Marriage is designed, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00494-00148721-00148888 we're designed, to help one another +5rKxnh9AFsM-00495-00148898-00149198 ultimately, in many ways, emotionally, spiritually, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00496-00149208-00149395 psychologically. We help one another. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00497-00149405-00149756 But we also are to help one another get to heaven. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00498-00149766-00150186 Men, we encourage you in this area, ask yourself: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00499-00150196-00150396 Will the person I'm thinking about marrying, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00500-00150406-00150720 will this woman make a good helper? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00501-00150730-00151057 Will she be submissive to me and the Lord? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00502-00151067-00151374 Will she strive every day to help me +5rKxnh9AFsM-00503-00151384-00151734 as we bring children into the relationship to get to heaven? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00504-00151744-00151975 And women, we ask you this question: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00505-00151985-00152191 The man that you're contemplating marrying +5rKxnh9AFsM-00506-00152201-00152665 will he be a good leader in our home? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00507-00152675-00153042 Spiritually, will he encourage me +5rKxnh9AFsM-00508-00153052-00153259 in the spiritual direction I need to go? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00509-00153269-00153486 Will he be a good encouragement to the children +5rKxnh9AFsM-00510-00153496-00153800 spiritually, to help them grow in the Lord? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00511-00153810-00154097 will he be a good leader as relates to +5rKxnh9AFsM-00512-00154107-00154350 providing for the home and taking care of us +5rKxnh9AFsM-00513-00154360-00154517 and protecting us? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00514-00154527-00154741 Are those things that he'll do, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00515-00154751-00154948 will the individual you're thinking about marrying, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00516-00154958-00155295 will they really keep their end of the bargain? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00517-00155305-00155562 And so, as we think about marriage, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00518-00155572-00155795 and as we think about the home, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00519-00155805-00156095 friend, marriage is a wonderful, listen carefully, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00520-00156105-00156536 marriage done right, followed according to the teaching of God +5rKxnh9AFsM-00521-00156546-00156956 is a wonderful wonderful plan that God set forth it's a +5rKxnh9AFsM-00522-00156966-00157430 wonderful relationship two people striving to get to heaven +5rKxnh9AFsM-00523-00157440-00157767 to help one another and help their children get there, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00524-00157777-00158218 is one of the greatest blessings God has given. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00525-00158228-00158565 But just as well, people who don't prepare +5rKxnh9AFsM-00526-00158575-00158825 and just up and decide to get married +5rKxnh9AFsM-00527-00158835-00159232 without any forethought can be one of the greatest heartaches, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00528-00159242-00159572 one of the greatest struggles in this life. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00529-00159582-00159892 Can preparation be made after marriage to make it work? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00530-00159903-00160226 Yes, but it is indeed an uphill battle. And so, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00531-00160236-00160563 we want to encourage you today +5rKxnh9AFsM-00532-00160570-00160924 to think seriously before you get married. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00533-00160934-00161264 Ask the questions that we've set forth today. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00534-00161274-00161554 Look at these preparations that we've given +5rKxnh9AFsM-00535-00161564-00161781 and don't just prepare for the wedding; +5rKxnh9AFsM-00536-00161791-00161898 don't just say, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00537-00161908-00162148 what color dress, what's the cake going to look like, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00538-00162158-00162395 who are the bridesmaids going to be? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00539-00162405-00162809 Friend, all of that's fickle compared to the preparation +5rKxnh9AFsM-00540-00162819-00163122 that needs to go into marriage. Are you really ready +5rKxnh9AFsM-00541-00163132-00163489 to marry this individual and ultimately +5rKxnh9AFsM-00542-00163499-00163873 will this, here's the main question, will this person +5rKxnh9AFsM-00543-00163883-00164257 help me and will I help them get to heaven? +5rKxnh9AFsM-00544-00164267-00164514 Friend, our hope and prayer today is that each individual, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00545-00164524-00164794 each individual will look at these guidelines +5rKxnh9AFsM-00546-00164804-00165044 put them to use and really strive +5rKxnh9AFsM-00547-00165054-00165231 to have a godly marriage +5rKxnh9AFsM-00548-00165241-00165428 that will uplift one another +5rKxnh9AFsM-00549-00165438-00165608 and help you get to heaven. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00550-00165672-00165989 Our motto is to take the whole gospel +5rKxnh9AFsM-00551-00165999-00166109 to the whole world. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00552-00166119-00166376 We believe in having a book, chapter, and verse, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00553-00166386-00166586 for everything we say and do. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00554-00166596-00166839 And unlike many religious groups today, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00555-00166849-00167200 we're concerned about lost souls, not your wallet. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00556-00167207-00167477 ♪ singing ♪ +5rKxnh9AFsM-00557-00167483-00167764 We encourage you to visit thegospelofChrist.com +5rKxnh9AFsM-00558-00167774-00167994 for a host of Bible study materials as well as +5rKxnh9AFsM-00559-00168004-00168264 audio and video copies of our lessons. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00560-00168274-00168451 If you would like to have a copy of today's lesson, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00561-00168461-00168588 please visit our website +5rKxnh9AFsM-00562-00168598-00168798 and fill out a media request form, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00563-00168808-00168905 or you can email us at: +5rKxnh9AFsM-00564-00168915-00169228 mail@thegospelofChrist.com, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00565-00169238-00169863 call us toll-free at 1-855-458-3905, +5rKxnh9AFsM-00566-00169873-00170583 or write to us at PO Box 788 McMinnville, TN 37111. +5rKxnh9AFsM-00567-00170583-00170950 ♪singing ♪ +5seTDxl_WYy-00000-00000091-00000350 Get On Board Day is basically like a student activities fair +5seTDxl_WYy-00001-00000350-00000663 where you get to find out about all the different on-campus organizations. +5seTDxl_WYy-00002-00000667-00001055 So all of the incoming freshmen and students at the university +5seTDxl_WYy-00003-00001055-00001263 can come and see all the different clubs that are offered +5seTDxl_WYy-00004-00001297-00001701 and kind of find their niche and where they want to fit in and make new friends. +5seTDxl_WYy-00005-00001701-00002077 And it's just an awesome thing to be able to get involved in the clubs on campus. +5seTDxl_WYy-00006-00002118-00002481 We have academic organizations, stuff that's just for fun. +5seTDxl_WYy-00007-00002498-00002560 You get to meet +5seTDxl_WYy-00008-00002560-00002857 a bunch of different people and see a lot of the things that people are into +5seTDxl_WYy-00009-00002857-00003169 and see a lot of different things that you didn't even know existed. +5seTDxl_WYy-00010-00003174-00003449 One thing that somebody told me was like, "Go to Get On Board Day +5seTDxl_WYy-00011-00003449-00003720 and find three things you want to do: Something to get out of your comfort zone, +5seTDxl_WYy-00012-00003720-00003866 something that you're really passionate about, +5seTDxl_WYy-00013-00003866-00004095 and something that you never thought you would do before." +5seTDxl_WYy-00014-00004095-00004429 I came out to Get On Board Day because in high school I was normally +5seTDxl_WYy-00015-00004429-00004813 playing sports and in clubs like FBLA and a whole bunch of other stuff. +5seTDxl_WYy-00016-00004813-00005030 So now that I'm here and I'm not playing sports, +5seTDxl_WYy-00017-00005030-00005305 I want to feel more involved in my community and with my class. +5seTDxl_WYy-00018-00005351-00005509 I'm just trying to meet more people. +5seTDxl_WYy-00019-00005509-00005801 I'm really into sports, golf, basketball. +5seTDxl_WYy-00020-00005801-00006139 So I'm really trying to find my group of people to have fun with. +5seTDxl_WYy-00021-00006168-00006485 So I'm new to UA, so I wanted to see, like, +5seTDxl_WYy-00022-00006485-00006806 what clubs and stuff that I can join because I'm a transfer student. +5seTDxl_WYy-00023-00006844-00007044 I want to, like, meet people and make connections. +5seTDxl_WYy-00024-00007044-00007482 At my last school it was very difficult to find ways to be involved, so. +5seTDxl_WYy-00025-00007482-00007807 An event like this is very helpful because there wasn't anything like this +5seTDxl_WYy-00026-00007807-00007899 at my last school. +5seTDxl_WYy-00027-00007899-00008283 I came to Get On Board Day to network myself to different organizations +5seTDxl_WYy-00028-00008295-00008466 just so I can put myself out there +5seTDxl_WYy-00029-00008466-00008725 and meet new people that can help me push myself forward. +5seTDxl_WYy-00030-00008775-00009188 Well, the biggest thing is obviously to find like-minded individuals. +5seTDxl_WYy-00031-00009196-00009455 People come to college, generally don't know anyone. +5seTDxl_WYy-00032-00009467-00009889 I came down here, didn't know anyone, so it's nice to find friends. +5seTDxl_WYy-00033-00009926-00010155 I feel like college is not the easiest thing. +5seTDxl_WYy-00034-00010176-00010468 I feel like you need people around you to push you and have a reason +5seTDxl_WYy-00035-00010468-00010810 more than just trying to get a degree and make friends along with it. +5seTDxl_WYy-00036-00010835-00011182 You're only in college for so long, and I think it's important to get +5seTDxl_WYy-00037-00011211-00011461 into something you like and be to in a group of people +5seTDxl_WYy-00038-00011498-00011703 that you can call lifelong friends one day. +5veQxF7JUgk-00000-00000497-00000723 That's the distinctive sound of radiation hitting +5veQxF7JUgk-00001-00000723-00001003 a Geiger counter. As a physics teacher you know +5veQxF7JUgk-00002-00001003-00001205 it's a Geiger-Müller tube, and that sound +5veQxF7JUgk-00003-00001205-00001642 is completely artificial, and I can turn it off. However, +5veQxF7JUgk-00004-00001642-00001850 those clicks are a useful safety measure. +5veQxF7JUgk-00005-00001850-00002135 They let us know that ionizing radiation is being detected, +5veQxF7JUgk-00006-00002135-00002315 and that's a useful consideration +5veQxF7JUgk-00007-00002315-00002513 for this practical, which is investigating +5veQxF7JUgk-00008-00002513-00002717 the inverse square law for gamma radiation. +5veQxF7JUgk-00009-00002780-00003011 This is one of the core A level physics practicals, +5veQxF7JUgk-00010-00003011-00003311 and it provides an opportunity to assess your students’ safe +5veQxF7JUgk-00011-00003311-00003575 handling of apparatus, which is the third of the common +5veQxF7JUgk-00012-00003575-00003827 practical assessment criteria or CPAC 3. +5veQxF7JUgk-00013-00003893-00004172 Schools should have a standard operating procedure for the safe +5veQxF7JUgk-00014-00004172-00004352 handling and storage of radioactive +5veQxF7JUgk-00015-00004352-00004610 materials by teachers, and handling by students. +5veQxF7JUgk-00016-00004610-00004811 And as a teacher, you should be familiar +5veQxF7JUgk-00017-00004811-00005010 with CLEAPSS document L93. +5veQxF7JUgk-00018-00005111-00005377 It's important to think about how you set this up in the lab. +5veQxF7JUgk-00019-00005377-00005594 The source should always be pointing away from students, +5veQxF7JUgk-00020-00005594-00005783 and they should avoid getting in front of it. +5veQxF7JUgk-00021-00005879-00006113 It might be a useful activity to get students to calculate +5veQxF7JUgk-00022-00006113-00006406 their exposure for the duration they use the apparatus. +5veQxF7JUgk-00023-00006503-00006820 Most schools will use cobalt-60, which has a half-life +5veQxF7JUgk-00024-00006820-00007045 of about five years, and if that's what you've got +5veQxF7JUgk-00025-00007045-00007295 it's worth getting it out of the cupboard and making sure +5veQxF7JUgk-00026-00007295-00007494 it's still active enough for the practical. +5veQxF7JUgk-00027-00007556-00007931 I'm using caesium-137 which has a half-life of 30 years +5veQxF7JUgk-00028-00007931-00008228 and a quoted activity of 74 kilobecquerels, +5veQxF7JUgk-00029-00008228-00008492 which makes it safe for use with students, and it also +5veQxF7JUgk-00030-00008492-00008807 happens to be a bit cheaper. I've got a Geiger-Müller tube +5veQxF7JUgk-00031-00008807-00009191 attached to a scaler timer, but you can buy one of these, +5veQxF7JUgk-00032-00009191-00009479 which is a self-contained unit, which are a lot more portable +5veQxF7JUgk-00033-00009479-00009596 and easier to operate. +5veQxF7JUgk-00034-00009852-00010059 You could give students a worksheet telling them how +5veQxF7JUgk-00035-00010059-00010305 to carry out this practical and do the data analysis, +5veQxF7JUgk-00036-00010305-00010611 but it is a year 13 practical. So you might want to think about +5veQxF7JUgk-00037-00010611-00010851 asking them to research this for themselves. +5veQxF7JUgk-00038-00010851-00011109 It all depends which other practical competencies +5veQxF7JUgk-00039-00011109-00011436 you want to assess. If like me you've only got one set +5veQxF7JUgk-00040-00011436-00011667 of this apparatus, it's important to think about +5veQxF7JUgk-00041-00011667-00011883 what students are doing while only some of them +5veQxF7JUgk-00042-00011883-00012075 are collecting data. You could give them +5veQxF7JUgk-00043-00012075-00012324 some written work, but I've got another practical which you can +5veQxF7JUgk-00044-00012324-00012600 do at the same time which reinforces the practical +5veQxF7JUgk-00045-00012600-00012828 skills and physics related to this. +5veQxF7JUgk-00046-00013431-00013531 I stumbled across this +5veQxF7JUgk-00047-00013531-00013840 on the Exploratorium’s website. It's a lovely way to demonstrate +5veQxF7JUgk-00048-00013840-00013984 the inverse square law for light. +5veQxF7JUgk-00049-00013984-00014316 All you need is a piece of card with a square centimetre cut +5veQxF7JUgk-00050-00014316-00014656 out of it, a lamp, and a bigger piece of card +5veQxF7JUgk-00051-00014656-00014941 with some graph paper on it. If you put the square centimetre +5veQxF7JUgk-00052-00014941-00015043 in front of the lamp, +5veQxF7JUgk-00053-00015193-00015385 what you get is a square of light shining +5veQxF7JUgk-00054-00015385-00015610 on the graph paper. And it only takes a couple +5veQxF7JUgk-00055-00015610-00015754 of minutes of playing around with this to see +5veQxF7JUgk-00056-00015754-00016041 that if you double the distance of this from the lamp, +5veQxF7JUgk-00057-00016194-00016390 you quadruple the area the light covers. +5veQxF7JUgk-00058-00016486-00016726 What's surprising about this is that you can use this very +5veQxF7JUgk-00059-00016726-00017035 equipment to collect data of a sufficiently high quality +5veQxF7JUgk-00060-00017035-00017266 to show the inverse square law graphically. +5veQxF7JUgk-00061-00017266-00017553 And I've done this myself. There are obviously some issues +5veQxF7JUgk-00062-00017553-00017778 around uncertainties with the precise area +5veQxF7JUgk-00063-00017778-00018067 that light covers, but you cna help reduce that by taking +5veQxF7JUgk-00064-00018067-00018265 a photograph with your phone, and looking at +5veQxF7JUgk-00065-00018265-00018580 a closeup on that. Now, this isn't a core practical, +5veQxF7JUgk-00066-00018580-00018829 but I'm looking forward to doing it with my students to help +5veQxF7JUgk-00067-00018829-00019129 deepen their understanding of a key principle in physics. +5veQxF7JUgk-00068-00019726-00019935 I hope you found that useful. In the description below you'll +5veQxF7JUgk-00069-00019935-00020196 find links to lots of other useful stuff like teachers' +5veQxF7JUgk-00070-00020196-00020409 notes and worksheets. And please don't forget +5veQxF7JUgk-00071-00020409-00020652 to subscribe so you can watch the other films in the series. +5veQxF7JUgk-00072-00021198-00021480 Okay, this doesn't feel weird at all. +5xTR7f1_wm0-00000-00006513-00006607 Yeah +5xTR7f1_wm0-00001-00006614-00006752 So sick. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00000-00000324-00000842 It didn't take long for Reach to fall. Our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00001-00000858-00001156 But they weren't nearly fast enough. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00002-00001210-00001538 For you had already passed the torch. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00003-00001576-00001884 And because of you, we found Halo, +5zhcbe6tkH8-00004-00001918-00002318 unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00005-00002354-00002740 Our victory - your victory - was so close… +5zhcbe6tkH8-00006-00002752-00003028 I wish you could have lived to see it. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00007-00003126-00003414 But you belong to Reach. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00008-00003436-00003952 Your body, your armor - all burned and turned to glass. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00009-00004188-00004362 Everything… +5zhcbe6tkH8-00010-00004378-00004606 except your courage. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00011-00004632-00004858 That, you gave to us. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00012-00004960-00005348 And with it, we can rebuild. +5zhcbe6tkH8-00013-00005546-00005994 AVAILABLE 12.03.19 +5_H1ApWYTIo-00000-00000263-00000403 >>> SEPTEMBER IS HUNGER ACTION +5_H1ApWYTIo-00001-00000403-00000410 >>> SEPTEMBER IS HUNGER ACTION +5_H1ApWYTIo-00002-00000410-00000510 >>> SEPTEMBER IS HUNGER ACTION MONTH, AND PEOPLE ACROSS THE +5_H1ApWYTIo-00003-00000510-00000517 >>> SEPTEMBER IS HUNGER ACTION MONTH, AND PEOPLE ACROSS THE +5_H1ApWYTIo-00004-00000517-00000720 >>> SEPTEMBER IS HUNGER ACTION MONTH, AND PEOPLE ACROSS THE COUNTRY ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE +5_H1ApWYTIo-00005-00000720-00000727 MONTH, AND PEOPLE ACROSS THE COUNTRY ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE +5_H1ApWYTIo-00006-00000727-00000827 MONTH, AND PEOPLE ACROSS THE COUNTRY ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST HUNGER AND SPREAD +5_H1ApWYTIo-00007-00000827-00000834 COUNTRY ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST HUNGER AND SPREAD +5_H1ApWYTIo-00008-00000834-00000994 COUNTRY ARE ENCOURAGED TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST HUNGER AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE ISSUE OF +5_H1ApWYTIo-00009-00000994-00001000 ACTION AGAINST HUNGER AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE ISSUE OF +5_H1ApWYTIo-00010-00001000-00001144 ACTION AGAINST HUNGER AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE ISSUE OF FOOD INSECURITY THAT SO MANY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00011-00001144-00001151 THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE ISSUE OF FOOD INSECURITY THAT SO MANY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00012-00001151-00001314 THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE ISSUE OF FOOD INSECURITY THAT SO MANY PEOPLE FACE. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00013-00001314-00001321 FOOD INSECURITY THAT SO MANY PEOPLE FACE. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00014-00001321-00001471 FOOD INSECURITY THAT SO MANY PEOPLE FACE. MORE THAN 12 MILLION CHILDREN IN +5_H1ApWYTIo-00015-00001471-00001478 PEOPLE FACE. MORE THAN 12 MILLION CHILDREN IN +5_H1ApWYTIo-00016-00001478-00001638 PEOPLE FACE. MORE THAN 12 MILLION CHILDREN IN THE U.S. FACE HUNGER IN THEIR +5_H1ApWYTIo-00017-00001638-00001644 MORE THAN 12 MILLION CHILDREN IN THE U.S. FACE HUNGER IN THEIR +5_H1ApWYTIo-00018-00001644-00001791 MORE THAN 12 MILLION CHILDREN IN THE U.S. FACE HUNGER IN THEIR DAY-TO-DAY LIVES AND ONE IN SIX +5_H1ApWYTIo-00019-00001791-00001798 THE U.S. FACE HUNGER IN THEIR DAY-TO-DAY LIVES AND ONE IN SIX +5_H1ApWYTIo-00020-00001798-00001951 THE U.S. FACE HUNGER IN THEIR DAY-TO-DAY LIVES AND ONE IN SIX DO NOT KNOW WHERE THEIR +5_H1ApWYTIo-00021-00001951-00001958 DAY-TO-DAY LIVES AND ONE IN SIX DO NOT KNOW WHERE THEIR +5_H1ApWYTIo-00022-00001958-00002112 DAY-TO-DAY LIVES AND ONE IN SIX DO NOT KNOW WHERE THEIR NEXT MEAL WILL COME FROM. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00023-00002112-00002118 DO NOT KNOW WHERE THEIR NEXT MEAL WILL COME FROM. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00024-00002118-00002275 DO NOT KNOW WHERE THEIR NEXT MEAL WILL COME FROM. ACCORDING TO THE BRAINERD +5_H1ApWYTIo-00025-00002275-00002282 NEXT MEAL WILL COME FROM. ACCORDING TO THE BRAINERD +5_H1ApWYTIo-00026-00002282-00002659 NEXT MEAL WILL COME FROM. ACCORDING TO THE BRAINERD SALVATION ARMY, FOOD INSECURITY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00027-00002659-00002665 ACCORDING TO THE BRAINERD SALVATION ARMY, FOOD INSECURITY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00028-00002665-00002766 ACCORDING TO THE BRAINERD SALVATION ARMY, FOOD INSECURITY IS A PROBLEM MANY FACE RIGHT +5_H1ApWYTIo-00029-00002766-00002772 SALVATION ARMY, FOOD INSECURITY IS A PROBLEM MANY FACE RIGHT +5_H1ApWYTIo-00030-00002772-00003676 SALVATION ARMY, FOOD INSECURITY IS A PROBLEM MANY FACE RIGHT HERE IN CROW WING COUNTY. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00031-00003676-00003683 IS A PROBLEM MANY FACE RIGHT HERE IN CROW WING COUNTY. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00032-00003683-00004074 IS A PROBLEM MANY FACE RIGHT HERE IN CROW WING COUNTY. >> AS A RESULT OUR CHILDREN ARE +5_H1ApWYTIo-00033-00004074-00004080 HERE IN CROW WING COUNTY. >> AS A RESULT OUR CHILDREN ARE +5_H1ApWYTIo-00034-00004080-00004157 HERE IN CROW WING COUNTY. >> AS A RESULT OUR CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING AT SCHOOL BECAUSE THEY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00035-00004157-00004164 >> AS A RESULT OUR CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING AT SCHOOL BECAUSE THEY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00036-00004164-00004250 >> AS A RESULT OUR CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING AT SCHOOL BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE NUTRITION THEY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00037-00004250-00004257 SUFFERING AT SCHOOL BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE NUTRITION THEY +5_H1ApWYTIo-00038-00004257-00004381 SUFFERING AT SCHOOL BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE NUTRITION THEY NEED TO REALLY BE ABLE TO THINK +5_H1ApWYTIo-00039-00004381-00004387 DON'T HAVE THE NUTRITION THEY NEED TO REALLY BE ABLE TO THINK +5_H1ApWYTIo-00040-00004387-00004621 DON'T HAVE THE NUTRITION THEY NEED TO REALLY BE ABLE TO THINK AND PROCESS AND DO THEIR SCHOOL +5_H1ApWYTIo-00041-00004621-00004627 NEED TO REALLY BE ABLE TO THINK AND PROCESS AND DO THEIR SCHOOL +5_H1ApWYTIo-00042-00004627-00004851 NEED TO REALLY BE ABLE TO THINK AND PROCESS AND DO THEIR SCHOOL WORK APPROPRIATELY. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00043-00004851-00004858 AND PROCESS AND DO THEIR SCHOOL WORK APPROPRIATELY. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00044-00004858-00005185 AND PROCESS AND DO THEIR SCHOOL WORK APPROPRIATELY. SO FOOD SCARCITY IS VERY SERIOUS +5_H1ApWYTIo-00045-00005185-00005191 WORK APPROPRIATELY. SO FOOD SCARCITY IS VERY SERIOUS +5_H1ApWYTIo-00046-00005191-00005341 WORK APPROPRIATELY. SO FOOD SCARCITY IS VERY SERIOUS DILEMMA AND PEOPLE MAY NOT +5_H1ApWYTIo-00047-00005341-00005348 SO FOOD SCARCITY IS VERY SERIOUS DILEMMA AND PEOPLE MAY NOT +5_H1ApWYTIo-00048-00005348-00005488 SO FOOD SCARCITY IS VERY SERIOUS DILEMMA AND PEOPLE MAY NOT REALIZE HOW SERIOUS IT IS IN +5_H1ApWYTIo-00049-00005488-00005495 DILEMMA AND PEOPLE MAY NOT REALIZE HOW SERIOUS IT IS IN +5_H1ApWYTIo-00050-00005495-00005712 DILEMMA AND PEOPLE MAY NOT REALIZE HOW SERIOUS IT IS IN BRAINERD, BUT IT IS. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00051-00005712-00005719 REALIZE HOW SERIOUS IT IS IN BRAINERD, BUT IT IS. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00052-00005719-00005789 REALIZE HOW SERIOUS IT IS IN BRAINERD, BUT IT IS. >> THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD SHELF +5_H1ApWYTIo-00053-00005789-00005795 BRAINERD, BUT IT IS. >> THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD SHELF +5_H1ApWYTIo-00054-00005795-00005885 BRAINERD, BUT IT IS. >> THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD SHELF IN BRAINERD HAS FACED A +5_H1ApWYTIo-00055-00005885-00005892 >> THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD SHELF IN BRAINERD HAS FACED A +5_H1ApWYTIo-00056-00005892-00005959 >> THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD SHELF IN BRAINERD HAS FACED A SHORTAGE OF DONATIONS IN RECENT +5_H1ApWYTIo-00057-00005959-00005965 IN BRAINERD HAS FACED A SHORTAGE OF DONATIONS IN RECENT +5_H1ApWYTIo-00058-00005965-00006092 IN BRAINERD HAS FACED A SHORTAGE OF DONATIONS IN RECENT MONTHS. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00059-00006092-00006099 SHORTAGE OF DONATIONS IN RECENT MONTHS. +5_H1ApWYTIo-00060-00006099-00006222 SHORTAGE OF DONATIONS IN RECENT MONTHS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE, ALL +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00000-00000000-00000172 You wanna climb there? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00001-00000405-00000520 climbing? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00002-00002680-00002876 Ghost Hotel, in Atibaia, brasil +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00003-00002898-00003110 This game has limited time. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00004-00003194-00003508 We have to defend our base for 30 minutes +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00005-00003542-00003844 It's free respawn for the 10 first minutes +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00006-00003924-00004232 The enemy starts here. Pretty close. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00007-00004232-00004498 And perform a front attack +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00008-00004498-00004766 He also can make a big flank movement +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00009-00004768-00004996 We can't let that happen +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00010-00005002-00005388 I will take position here at the game start to be able to see if the enemy tries to flank us. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00011-00006623-00006856 Nope. I don't see anything....Yes I see! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00012-00007240-00007476 enemy going throug! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00013-00008368-00008696 They are passing right. They are flanking! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00014-00008696-00008848 They'll come this way. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00015-00009180-00009574 hey. They'll try to pass this way. I saw two of them +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00016-00009598-00009730 I'll go upstairs at the bar... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00017-00009788-00009942 And I'll try to see tehm going +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00018-00009972-00010098 I'll shout to you +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00019-00012294-00012388 heeeeere!!!!! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00020-00012398-00012498 Here they are!!!!!!!!!! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00021-00012562-00012648 OUT! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00022-00013062-00013247 When I saw them passing backward +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00023-00013258-00013647 I was sure that they'll flank us to the back. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00024-00013754-00014110 My error was to push front without any protection +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00025-00014158-00014447 When I saw them It was too late +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00026-00014536-00014872 I tryed to shout out there position to my teammates +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00027-00015072-00015374 Now I must respawn as fast as possible +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00028-00015386-00015808 because if they Take the bar, they'll be at our back and it'll be over for us +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00029-00016236-00016404 On the other side +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00030-00016424-00016786 they killed me upstairs. I respawned....We have respawn isn't it? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00031-00016800-00016998 Ok, they are on the other side of that stuff +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00032-00019326-00019598 In the other game we could go over that barbed wire +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00033-00019726-00020156 There is a barbed wire here. And we don't know if it's allowed to pass it. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00034-00020592-00020692 man.... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00035-00020708-00020906 -You wanna go climbing? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00036-00021090-00021256 -climbing? -yes +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00037-00021806-00021996 I don't if it's allowed, but... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00038-00028860-00029010 daaaamned?! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00039-00029598-00029710 OUT! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00040-00029972-00030088 wait! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00041-00030095-00030230 Wait a sec'. Stay there +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00042-00030295-00030410 Wait +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00043-00030630-00030818 I climbed the wall here. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00044-00030856-00031210 I grabbed the window. I climbed...I can do that? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00045-00031244-00031395 -You can +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00046-00031608-00031818 -Ow thanks....and sorry +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00047-00031872-00032166 It was a minimum to ask if I could do this +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00048-00032206-00032544 If I couldn't, I would have let those two stay in the game. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00049-00032558-00032682 -You climbed? -Yes I climbed +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00050-00032688-00033034 The barbde wire; we can pass it? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00051-00033158-00033320 -You can. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00052-00033468-00033726 Oh! You can pass the barbed wire +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00053-00035618-00035954 Great! Man....I knifed that guy +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00054-00035974-00036324 Upstairs, we are more or less secured. You want to flank them? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00055-00036854-00036980 I cover you from here +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00056-00037080-00037268 There is an enemy deep there +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00057-00037352-00037452 you can go +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00058-00037984-00038178 That a beautifull mistake I am doing right now +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00059-00038214-00038498 When we decided to flank the enemy... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00060-00038536-00039058 I take a shot and reveal our position... Luckilly no one heard the shot +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00061-00043636-00043844 One more mistake I am doing there! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00062-00043862-00044240 Lucas want to go back and take tehm from behind +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00063-00044280-00044646 I decided to go straight on them on the side +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00064-00044676-00044960 Always. Always take them from behind! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00065-00046618-00046864 Ah!...Out!...Ouch +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00066-00046980-00047318 I understood that my Tipx had a problem. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00067-00047338-00047974 I discovered after the game that my stop ball was broken. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00068-00047992-00048324 So as I was walking, I was loosing munitions +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00069-00048342-00048938 I stood without munition in front of that guy while I should have had +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00070-00049038-00049506 Anyway. We were eliminated inside of the 10 first minutes, so we can respawn +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00071-00049594-00049728 There were two of them in the bar +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00072-00049802-00050056 We climbed the wall and got them. +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00073-00050208-00050520 What? -The shot hit the wall and splashed almost entirely +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00074-00050542-00050642 -aham +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00075-00050648-00050944 Ouch!! No no, We are respawning here +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00076-00050958-00051176 -It's our respawn here -yeah, It's our respawn here +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00077-00051390-00051641 Well, I suppose you can go......well..... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00078-00051644-00052029 Well I don't know..... Aaaaah you got me in the same place +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00079-00052410-00052712 One were inside our respawn... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00080-00052728-00053090 He got out. I thought : "poor guy, he was about to do a hell of a move.... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00081-00053258-00053486 He was about to do a hell of a move but.....he can't....." +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00082-00054076-00054279 Our base is being invaded +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00083-00054324-00054628 There has been a misunderstanding about the game +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00084-00054628-00054928 Our safety wasn't a safety. It just was a respawn point +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00085-00054950-00055138 We were sure.... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00086-00055179-00055472 That we were safe in our safety... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00087-00055472-00055705 wich wasn't a safety. They could attack us +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00088-00055767-00056172 Even them didn't know very well +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00089-00057738-00057838 Sorry! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00090-00057858-00057958 Oups +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00091-00057990-00058128 Sorry for both... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00092-00058304-00058402 OUT! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00093-00058767-00058896 Out! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00094-00059126-00059350 But you can't get eliminated inside a safety?! +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00095-00061432-00061555 Contact here +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00096-00061750-00062048 You're inside our safety there +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00097-00062134-00062474 This is it. I was sure this guy was on my team +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00098-00062488-00062878 He can only be.....It's my safety!.....But it wasn't a safety..... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00099-00062912-00063060 How can it be? -Cause he got there by the stairs +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00100-00063064-00063394 I understand but, it seems wrong....Inside I get my google off +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00101-00063438-00063576 -You took the google off? +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00102-00063596-00063936 -I do!....well I didn't but I could in a safety.... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00103-00064064-00064317 Anyway, Once more, in the hotel, a hell of a game +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00104-00064350-00064552 Great fair play +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00105-00064636-00064948 And that action..... +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00106-00064948-00065238 Climbing the wall.....I love it +5CJS7hoQ9yg-00107-00065291-00065391 ciao +5DAdXYphrPu-00000-00000282-00000440 I don’t know what I’m going to do. +5DAdXYphrPu-00001-00000448-00000715 5 children... Rent… food… +5DAdXYphrPu-00002-00000723-00000865 I don’t know what I’m going to do. +5DAdXYphrPu-00003-00000882-00001186 On World Day of Refugees, the UN announced that there are +5DAdXYphrPu-00004-00001198-00001636 70.8 million forcibly displaced people throughout the world. +5DAdXYphrPu-00005-00001652-00001832 Johannesburg in particular +5DAdXYphrPu-00006-00001852-00002336 is a real magnet for people who need to find a way to have +5DAdXYphrPu-00007-00002348-00002719 a safe life, and to care for themselves, and especially for their children. +5DAdXYphrPu-00008-00002740-00003115 Because living where they are becomes an untenable choice. +5DAdXYphrPu-00009-00003123-00003598 We have counted in 2011 approximately 2.1 million +5DAdXYphrPu-00010-00003615-00003852 foreign-born persons in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00011-00003873-00004173 The foreign-born population now stands at approximately +5DAdXYphrPu-00012-00004177-00004394 3.6 million persons, +5DAdXYphrPu-00013-00004402-00004744 and we can assume that the city of Johannesburg is probably +5DAdXYphrPu-00014-00004761-00004969 slightly over 600,000 +5DAdXYphrPu-00015-00004973-00005248 but most certainly less than 750,000. +5DAdXYphrPu-00016-00005269-00005648 This includes people who are documented and undocumented. +5DAdXYphrPu-00017-00005661-00005911 We are here not because it is a choice. +5DAdXYphrPu-00018-00005927-00006186 We are here because there is violence in our country. +5DAdXYphrPu-00019-00006215-00006386 When you see people running, you also go. +5DAdXYphrPu-00020-00006394-00006469 You follow. +5DAdXYphrPu-00021-00006469-00006569 You are scared! +5DAdXYphrPu-00022-00006569-00006748 No one wants to die in this world. +5DAdXYphrPu-00023-00006769-00007231 We came to South Africa knowing that things can get better than home. +5DAdXYphrPu-00024-00007231-00007756 And then you find yourself in another prison. +5DAdXYphrPu-00025-00007794-00008215 We are like trapped, we are like in jail, in prison here in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00026-00009065-00009515 Certainly any person fleeing his or her homeland +5DAdXYphrPu-00027-00009515-00009711 because of persecution, because of violence, +5DAdXYphrPu-00028-00009719-00009969 is a vulnerable person during that time. +5DAdXYphrPu-00029-00009998-00010361 Women’s vulnerabilities are often greater, are usually greater. +5DAdXYphrPu-00030-00010361-00010857 I think the fundamental thing that changes hearts and minds, however, +5DAdXYphrPu-00031-00010894-00011236 is actually coming to know a refugee. +5DAdXYphrPu-00032-00011273-00011507 Listening to her story, +5DAdXYphrPu-00033-00011586-00012015 understanding why she made the choice to sweep up her children +5DAdXYphrPu-00034-00012040-00012452 and oftentimes flee in the middle of the night looking for safety and shelter. +5DAdXYphrPu-00035-00012477-00012857 If I am going to go back again to Burundi they are going to kill me or something. +5DAdXYphrPu-00036-00012857-00013052 So I didn’t go back again. +5DAdXYphrPu-00037-00013052-00013240 Police killed my father. +5DAdXYphrPu-00038-00013244-00013536 They came to fetch him inside at night. +5DAdXYphrPu-00039-00013540-00013790 I didn’t see even the body for my father. +5DAdXYphrPu-00040-00013790-00014194 So I went with my mother, I jumped… I went to South Africa, +5DAdXYphrPu-00041-00014207-00014665 and I lost my mummy. +5DAdXYphrPu-00042-00014723-00015019 I’ve been here 10 years in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00043-00015040-00015332 My husband has gone to Burundi even now, +5DAdXYphrPu-00044-00015332-00015527 because his passport had expired. +5DAdXYphrPu-00045-00015536-00015673 Police fetched him to town. +5DAdXYphrPu-00046-00015719-00015977 They took him to Lindela and from Lindela to Burundi. +5DAdXYphrPu-00047-00016027-00016365 So even now my husband he doesn’t have money to come back again. +5DAdXYphrPu-00048-00016382-00016686 So I see life is not easy for me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00049-00016702-00017023 I was a political actor, +5DAdXYphrPu-00050-00017023-00017490 so I was not safe in Congo, that’s why I ran away from Congo +5DAdXYphrPu-00051-00017498-00017661 to come to South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00052-00017673-00018215 I came here on my own. I don't have any relatives or connections here. +5DAdXYphrPu-00053-00018223-00018519 In Congo I have a family. I have a wife and kids. +5DAdXYphrPu-00054-00018523-00018627 I left them there. +5DAdXYphrPu-00055-00018627-00019207 Emotionally, I was very down because my family is very far from me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00056-00019207-00019473 I nearly went into a depression. +5DAdXYphrPu-00057-00019482-00019952 When the war started in Congo, my mother sent me to the market. +5DAdXYphrPu-00058-00019957-00020311 I saw people running, soldiers were killing people. +5DAdXYphrPu-00059-00020332-00020636 At home there was no one. I didn’t find my parents. +5DAdXYphrPu-00060-00020661-00020823 So I also started running. +5DAdXYphrPu-00061-00020844-00021148 When we reached into Tanzania, it was not easy for a girl, +5DAdXYphrPu-00062-00021165-00021327 we didn’t know where to get food. +5DAdXYphrPu-00063-00021332-00021569 Some of them were selling their own bodies. +5DAdXYphrPu-00064-00021569-00021952 I found a sister (older woman). I used to work for her. +5DAdXYphrPu-00065-00021965-00022190 To be a refugee is not easy. +5DAdXYphrPu-00066-00022202-00022527 Me and the sister, we came to South Africa using a truck. +5DAdXYphrPu-00067-00022532-00022786 Like, we didn’t have a passport or anything. +5DAdXYphrPu-00068-00022802-00023261 When we reached in South Africa we went to Bienvenu Shelter. +5DAdXYphrPu-00069-00023269-00023540 There we stayed for 3 months. +5DAdXYphrPu-00070-00023615-00023936 We moved with the sister – the sister got a boyfriend. +5DAdXYphrPu-00071-00023936-00024344 I used to work for her, like selling sweets on the street +5DAdXYphrPu-00072-00024344-00024702 and when I asked for the sister, like I want to go to school, +5DAdXYphrPu-00073-00024727-00025111 she would tell me: I brought you here so that you can work for me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00074-00025148-00025327 Sometimes she can’t give me the food. +5DAdXYphrPu-00075-00025327-00025540 Sometimes she makes me sleep outside. +5DAdXYphrPu-00076-00025582-00025877 One day she chased me away. +5DAdXYphrPu-00077-00025902-00026048 I went to JRS. +5DAdXYphrPu-00078-00026077-00026507 I stayed there for 8 years, until when I finished my matric. +5DAdXYphrPu-00079-00026511-00026882 My dad had 33 wives and my mum is a fourth wife. +5DAdXYphrPu-00080-00026882-00027194 I was forced into a marriage when I was 14 years old. +5DAdXYphrPu-00081-00027198-00027544 The man I was forced to marry was 38. +5DAdXYphrPu-00082-00027552-00027973 He fought me, he beat me, he raped me, and I fell pregnant +5DAdXYphrPu-00083-00028007-00028219 and I gave birth to a girl +5DAdXYphrPu-00084-00028223-00028419 and they took away the baby, without... +5DAdXYphrPu-00085-00028427-00028573 I never breastfed the baby. +5DAdXYphrPu-00086-00028619-00028819 And then they were abusing me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00087-00028857-00029219 I tried to talk with my dad that I didn’t want to be in the marriage, but +5DAdXYphrPu-00088-00029257-00029402 he never listened to me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00089-00029402-00029694 Said that he would kill me or do anything to me +5DAdXYphrPu-00090-00029694-00029982 if I tried to run away from the marriage. +5DAdXYphrPu-00091-00030007-00030327 He kept on raping me, beating me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00092-00030344-00031048 Sometimes I think that if I die, I think it would be better. <Sobs> +5DAdXYphrPu-00093-00031057-00031298 Then I attempted to poison myself. +5DAdXYphrPu-00094-00031327-00031607 They took me to the hospital. +5DAdXYphrPu-00095-00031657-00031948 So then I tried again. I wanted to kill myself. +5DAdXYphrPu-00096-00031957-00032202 I took the rope that I was going to hang myself, +5DAdXYphrPu-00097-00032257-00032402 but they saved me again. +5DAdXYphrPu-00098-00032423-00032632 So I came to South Africa with my dad, +5DAdXYphrPu-00099-00032640-00032894 We went to Pretoria, went to the doctor, +5DAdXYphrPu-00100-00032894-00033190 and then I decided to run away. +5DAdXYphrPu-00101-00033190-00033502 When I was out of cash I didn’t know where to go. +5DAdXYphrPu-00102-00033552-00033973 I was an observer of the elections in DRC. +5DAdXYphrPu-00103-00033994-00034236 I ran away because they were arresting +5DAdXYphrPu-00104-00034261-00034598 all the people who were observing the elections. +5DAdXYphrPu-00105-00034632-00034861 So I came here, only with my passport. +5DAdXYphrPu-00106-00034869-00035211 I didn’t have clothes to change. +5DAdXYphrPu-00107-00035265-00035394 I didn’t have money. +5DAdXYphrPu-00108-00035402-00035569 I can‘t go home. +5DAdXYphrPu-00109-00035573-00035886 And because I know that they will arrest me at the airport. +5DAdXYphrPu-00110-00035894-00036398 I can‘t go to see my father, and I am the only son of my father. +5DAdXYphrPu-00111-00036411-00036627 He’s sick, but I can’t go there. +5DAdXYphrPu-00112-00036648-00036782 I’m just like trapped. +5DAdXYphrPu-00113-00036832-00037057 This is paining me every day! +5DAdXYphrPu-00114-00037057-00037427 When I think about it… +5DAdXYphrPu-00115-00037523-00037823 No but, it’s so painful. +5DAdXYphrPu-00116-00037836-00037965 It’s so painful. +5DAdXYphrPu-00117-00037982-00038573 I came to South Africa in 2004 and by that time I was 14 years old. +5DAdXYphrPu-00118-00038602-00039027 There was a war, so I don’t even know where my father went, +5DAdXYphrPu-00119-00039027-00039419 and I have siblings but I do not know where they are. +5DAdXYphrPu-00120-00039423-00039836 I don’t even know whether they are alive or if they have passed away. +5DAdXYphrPu-00121-00039852-00040227 I choose South Africa because I see South Africa is safe. +5DAdXYphrPu-00122-00040248-00040623 In the DRC my mother and my father passed away. +5DAdXYphrPu-00123-00040623-00040948 My brothers passed away. +5DAdXYphrPu-00124-00040957-00041165 The husband also passed away. +5DAdXYphrPu-00125-00041165-00041536 When I come here in South Africa in 2004, +5DAdXYphrPu-00126-00041536-00041790 they say no, you are coming with the truck. +5DAdXYphrPu-00127-00041794-00042411 they put me inside, on top, for three days I was there inside that truck. +5DAdXYphrPu-00128-00042432-00042886 We crossed the border and we came here to South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00129-00042907-00043369 And when I came here I see the challenges are very, very, difficult. +5DAdXYphrPu-00130-00043386-00043723 But I was able to work hard. +5DAdXYphrPu-00131-00043740-00043965 Now it’s become difficult for me. +5DAdXYphrPu-00132-00043977-00044127 It comes with the stress. +5DAdXYphrPu-00133-00044152-00044465 I came to South Africa 16 years ago. +5DAdXYphrPu-00134-00044473-00044602 My life was a target. +5DAdXYphrPu-00135-00044607-00045073 I worked for CNN and BBC as well as Time Magazine at that time. +5DAdXYphrPu-00136-00045073-00045273 My house got bombed. +5DAdXYphrPu-00137-00045273-00045794 So what I did actually was start preparing my exit of that country. +5DAdXYphrPu-00138-00045815-00046127 The soldiers came and took me with my child. +5DAdXYphrPu-00139-00046144-00046261 The girl one. +5DAdXYphrPu-00140-00046307-00046569 And they put me in the truck. +5DAdXYphrPu-00141-00046586-00046861 And they go with me too far. +5DAdXYphrPu-00142-00046873-00047052 I didn’t know the place. +5DAdXYphrPu-00143-00047073-00047519 In this room, we were many women. +5DAdXYphrPu-00144-00047548-00047832 I stayed there for a long time. +5DAdXYphrPu-00145-00047852-00048044 Every day, the soldiers came. +5DAdXYphrPu-00146-00048115-00048719 And they [raped] me and [raped] me every time. +5DAdXYphrPu-00147-00048911-00049277 And different soldiers come like this. +5DAdXYphrPu-00148-00049286-00049827 If I want something, the water, they won’t give you. +5DAdXYphrPu-00149-00049848-00050048 You can‘t eat nicely. +5DAdXYphrPu-00150-00050065-00050223 You can‘t wash. +5DAdXYphrPu-00151-00050252-00050777 If I’m alone, I cry and cry, if I see the soldiers, +5DAdXYphrPu-00152-00050790-00051319 I just keep quiet because I don’t like them to kill my child. +5DAdXYphrPu-00153-00051327-00051561 One day one soldier comes. +5DAdXYphrPu-00154-00051582-00052215 He tells me ‘I know your father, I can help you, but just keep quiet’. +5DAdXYphrPu-00155-00052227-00052623 He took me, and we go, we go, I didn’t know where. +5DAdXYphrPu-00156-00052644-00052944 He told me ‘here you are free’. +5DAdXYphrPu-00157-00052965-00053190 And I was pregnant for 4 months. +5DAdXYphrPu-00158-00053211-00053490 And we go, we come untill here. +5DAdXYphrPu-00159-00053511-00053857 The majority of migrant and refugee women and their children, +5DAdXYphrPu-00160-00053865-00054098 once they’re settled they +5DAdXYphrPu-00161-00054111-00054748 tend to have these flashbacks and all the trauma is revisited again. +5DAdXYphrPu-00162-00054769-00055169 We then, have to really work with their mental well-being. +5DAdXYphrPu-00163-00055186-00055415 This also can take many months. +5DAdXYphrPu-00164-00055427-00055757 It’s a combination of attending to those particular needs, +5DAdXYphrPu-00165-00055765-00055940 post-traumatic stress syndrome, +5DAdXYphrPu-00166-00055957-00056190 but I think also very critically, +5DAdXYphrPu-00167-00056223-00056515 is helping those same women have a future, +5DAdXYphrPu-00168-00056527-00057015 an opportunity for a way to support themselves and to support their families. +5DAdXYphrPu-00169-00057036-00057219 They are almost always with families. +5DAdXYphrPu-00170-00057232-00057573 The decision to come to South Africa isn’t taken lightly. +5DAdXYphrPu-00171-00057573-00058007 People come here because they are fleeing horrible, horrible, circumstances, +5DAdXYphrPu-00172-00058015-00058390 and most of them are just trying to eke out an honest living. +5DAdXYphrPu-00173-00058402-00058561 We struggle hard, you see that. +5DAdXYphrPu-00174-00058569-00058869 Because we don’t have even a job or work, +5DAdXYphrPu-00175-00058882-00059077 so we’re hustling hard. +5DAdXYphrPu-00176-00059094-00059511 Yeah me, I’m selling sweets and cigarettes around town. +5DAdXYphrPu-00177-00059523-00059894 Now I’m trying to work. It’s not easy for me to get a job. +5DAdXYphrPu-00178-00059907-00060319 So that’s why I decide to get married so I can get a place to stay +5DAdXYphrPu-00179-00060327-00060607 and food to eat, +5DAdXYphrPu-00180-00060607-00060890 because in South Africa life is very hard. +5DAdXYphrPu-00181-00060894-00061173 Life now is too much hard. +5DAdXYphrPu-00182-00061190-00061627 Sometime I get something small, I can eat. +5DAdXYphrPu-00183-00061632-00062173 You cannot but be moved by young people, strong, +5DAdXYphrPu-00184-00062182-00062423 who could be making a contribution, +5DAdXYphrPu-00185-00062448-00062940 and yet prisoners of their own situation. +5DAdXYphrPu-00186-00062944-00063236 Not of their own making, but of society’s. +5DAdXYphrPu-00187-00063244-00063711 I went to university, I got my degree in accounting science. +5DAdXYphrPu-00188-00063769-00064152 But finding a job is not easy with these (asylum) papers. +5DAdXYphrPu-00189-00064165-00064590 Every time you go, you can apply, you fulfil the requirements, +5DAdXYphrPu-00190-00064611-00065111 but at the end of the day, they will ask you to be a South African citizen. +5DAdXYphrPu-00191-00065140-00065552 When it comes to a job, it is really a challenge because +5DAdXYphrPu-00192-00065577-00065898 you will see all the requirements for a job, a proper job, +5DAdXYphrPu-00193-00065915-00066352 they will say that they don’t need people with asylum or refugee status. +5DAdXYphrPu-00194-00066357-00066736 I am invisible in South Africa actually. +5DAdXYphrPu-00195-00066761-00067215 Because everytime you show that kind of paper, then everyone… +5DAdXYphrPu-00196-00067219-00067465 someone will just ask you a question ‘what is this?’ +5DAdXYphrPu-00197-00067465-00067715 I think I don’t have a hope, actually. +5DAdXYphrPu-00198-00067732-00067869 I lose hope. +5DAdXYphrPu-00199-00067894-00068102 Who am I? A nobody! +5DAdXYphrPu-00200-00068219-00068332 A nobody. +5DAdXYphrPu-00201-00068348-00068836 It was hard to get enrolled in the school, because the school, they need +5DAdXYphrPu-00202-00068848-00069069 a report from where you come from. +5DAdXYphrPu-00203-00069077-00069423 And they need an asylum paper for you to start schooling. +5DAdXYphrPu-00204-00069440-00069777 When you run from war, you don’t carry your passport +5DAdXYphrPu-00205-00069786-00070165 or your report from the school, so I didn’t have anything. +5DAdXYphrPu-00206-00070169-00070340 I didn’t know how to start. +5DAdXYphrPu-00207-00070357-00070573 In DRC I was a businessman. +5DAdXYphrPu-00208-00070586-00071019 Sometimes when you are looking for a job, it’s not very… it’s not easy for you +5DAdXYphrPu-00209-00071036-00071332 as a foreigner to find a job here in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00210-00071340-00071515 I’ve lost a lot of things. +5DAdXYphrPu-00211-00071540-00071915 By the time they come out of that situation, if they do, +5DAdXYphrPu-00212-00071927-00072127 they will be extremely damaged. +5DAdXYphrPu-00213-00072144-00072490 And we always speak in the Church about human dignity, +5DAdXYphrPu-00214-00072502-00072911 and yet we are unable to help them back onto their feet. +5DAdXYphrPu-00215-00072923-00073169 We are destroying part of ourselves. +5DAdXYphrPu-00216-00073194-00073632 Comparing our foreign-born population to other countries, +5DAdXYphrPu-00217-00073640-00073932 South Africa’s foreign-born population is actually very low. +5DAdXYphrPu-00218-00073940-00074290 There’s been a lot of confusion and misunderstanding +5DAdXYphrPu-00219-00074290-00074640 about migration figures in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00220-00074652-00074973 There seems to be a perception that a lot of the statistics +5DAdXYphrPu-00221-00074990-00075298 are only looking at people who have some kind of permit, +5DAdXYphrPu-00222-00075319-00075552 who are in the country legally, +5DAdXYphrPu-00223-00075569-00075915 and that they are not including undocumented, +5DAdXYphrPu-00224-00075923-00076286 and this undocumented is a huge group, which it absolutely is not! +5DAdXYphrPu-00225-00076294-00076740 Unfortunately this has led to a lot of the violence that we see on the streets. +5DAdXYphrPu-00226-00076748-00077248 One of the misperceptions is that foreign nationals are committing crime, +5DAdXYphrPu-00227-00077257-00077440 that foreign-nationals are taking jobs. +5DAdXYphrPu-00228-00077448-00077665 Studies in many parts around the world +5DAdXYphrPu-00229-00077673-00077915 have actually found that these perceptions are incorrect, +5DAdXYphrPu-00230-00077923-00078452 and that actually local people are usually more responsible +5DAdXYphrPu-00231-00078452-00078907 for a lot of the crime, especially violent crime, +5DAdXYphrPu-00232-00078919-00079269 where there is a significant amount of a foreign-born population. +5DAdXYphrPu-00233-00079294-00079690 For every one foreign-born employed person, +5DAdXYphrPu-00234-00079698-00080048 he or she creates employment for two South Africans. +5DAdXYphrPu-00235-00080086-00080361 I see xenophobia as a form of scapegoating, +5DAdXYphrPu-00236-00080407-00080769 and I think unfortunately scapegoating is part of the human condition. +5DAdXYphrPu-00237-00080786-00081107 There are always a number of challenges, a number of problems, +5DAdXYphrPu-00238-00081119-00081382 often exacerbated by poor leadership +5DAdXYphrPu-00239-00081427-00081869 which has led to poor economic opportunities for many people. +5DAdXYphrPu-00240-00081882-00082148 People are afraid, and understandably. +5DAdXYphrPu-00241-00082148-00082411 Certain political leaders realise they can +5DAdXYphrPu-00242-00082432-00082790 take advantage of the situation by fuelling those flames, +5DAdXYphrPu-00243-00082807-00083286 and that sort of anxiety I think fuels a lot of disruptive, and frankly, +5DAdXYphrPu-00244-00083290-00083432 evil behaviour. +5DAdXYphrPu-00245-00083448-00083790 There might be a social problem but the person to blame is the migrant, +5DAdXYphrPu-00246-00083798-00084123 the person to blame is the refugee who has started a business, +5DAdXYphrPu-00247-00084140-00084365 who doesn't speak the language that I speak. +5DAdXYphrPu-00248-00084386-00084732 Migrants and refugees come to the Church in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00249-00084757-00085515 They bring the reality of diversity that enriches the local African Church. +5DAdXYphrPu-00250-00085544-00086202 Unfortunately that beautiful experience is marred, disturbed and +5DAdXYphrPu-00251-00086236-00086698 soiled by this whole conflict of xenophobia. +5DAdXYphrPu-00252-00086723-00087048 I think at times we rightly criticize the media +5DAdXYphrPu-00253-00087057-00087427 for the type of coverage they give to issues around refugees and migrants. +5DAdXYphrPu-00254-00087444-00087607 Nothing sells like bad news! +5DAdXYphrPu-00255-00087623-00088165 So to create a narrative, inconsistent as it might be, that blames the stranger +5DAdXYphrPu-00256-00088207-00088319 it’s a very good strategy, +5DAdXYphrPu-00257-00088319-00088652 it’s a very good political strategy, even in terms of trying to get votes. +5DAdXYphrPu-00258-00088661-00088957 Because a lot of times the media gets their information from people +5DAdXYphrPu-00259-00088961-00089248 who want those negative stories out. +5DAdXYphrPu-00260-00089265-00089586 The media has contributed to these perceptions by +5DAdXYphrPu-00261-00089586-00089902 publicizing statements without actually +5DAdXYphrPu-00262-00089927-00090202 confronting them and interrogating these statements. +5DAdXYphrPu-00263-00090227-00090457 The media can and should do a lot more +5DAdXYphrPu-00264-00090469-00091040 in terms of reporting on migrants and working towards social cohesion. +5DAdXYphrPu-00265-00091052-00091473 In Johannesburg we’ve seen very violent xenophobic attacks. +5DAdXYphrPu-00266-00091494-00091827 But in the run-up to these attacks, for months, politicians, +5DAdXYphrPu-00267-00091836-00092227 other public officials have been making extremely xenophobic statements. +5DAdXYphrPu-00268-00092232-00092552 When you do that, you encourage people to loot, +5DAdXYphrPu-00269-00092557-00092773 to destroy other people’s property. +5DAdXYphrPu-00270-00092823-00093515 I don’t think that our government has been playing a critical role +5DAdXYphrPu-00271-00093532-00094219 in trying to quell, in trying to reduce, dampen, the levels of conflict. +5DAdXYphrPu-00272-00094232-00094715 South Africans use migrants as an excuse +5DAdXYphrPu-00273-00094736-00095065 for the shortcomings of their own society, +5DAdXYphrPu-00274-00095069-00095432 their own municipality, their own national government. +5DAdXYphrPu-00275-00095448-00095652 Some of these people are no longer outsiders. +5DAdXYphrPu-00276-00095661-00096015 They’ve been here since 1994, more than 20 years! +5DAdXYphrPu-00277-00096036-00096244 We have been so privileged +5DAdXYphrPu-00278-00096265-00096611 and yet we seem to have forgotten all that in this city. +5DAdXYphrPu-00279-00096627-00097077 There is no will from South African government to... +5DAdXYphrPu-00280-00097098-00097490 to integrate refugees in South African society. +5DAdXYphrPu-00281-00097519-00097865 Everything that they are doing is to oppose +5DAdXYphrPu-00282-00097873-00098369 the migrant, refugee and asylum seeker communities to the locals. +5DAdXYphrPu-00283-00098386-00098790 Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, they are abandoned by themselves. +5DAdXYphrPu-00284-00098819-00099232 We are attacked by the citizens of South Africa. So we are not safe. +5DAdXYphrPu-00285-00099244-00099565 They’re burning the cars - you see - the shops... +5DAdXYphrPu-00286-00099602-00099827 It’s not good what they do here. +5DAdXYphrPu-00287-00099873-00100102 Many people, they don’t have hope in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00288-00100115-00100232 They are not safe anymore. +5DAdXYphrPu-00289-00100265-00100344 Even myself, +5DAdXYphrPu-00290-00100357-00100857 I’m no longer thinking it’s better to live in South Africa. +5DAdXYphrPu-00291-00100877-00101340 When they see that you are foreigners, they can treat you anyhow, +5DAdXYphrPu-00292-00101352-00101723 because I cannot speak the language you know that I’m a foreigner, +5DAdXYphrPu-00293-00101723-00101957 so you can treat me this way. +5DAdXYphrPu-00294-00101986-00102140 They just treat you – they say ‘Uh-uh'... +5DAdXYphrPu-00295-00102161-00102473 'Makwerekwere'! you are just a foreigner – this is not your country’. +5DAdXYphrPu-00296-00102486-00102873 It’s what we go through every single day. +5DAdXYphrPu-00297-00102894-00103023 We are scared to death. +5DAdXYphrPu-00298-00103036-00103390 They say we steal ladies, we steal jobs, we bring drugs. +5DAdXYphrPu-00299-00103402-00103732 The migrants that are here, that have got spaza shops, +5DAdXYphrPu-00300-00103761-00103982 where is the jobs that she has stolen? +5DAdXYphrPu-00301-00103982-00104107 She has created! +5DAdXYphrPu-00302-00104115-00104736 Xenophobia, Afrophobia, is really a disgrace to us as humanity. +5DAdXYphrPu-00303-00104782-00105157 It’s not just about the migrants, but it’s about all of us. +5DAdXYphrPu-00304-00105198-00105711 When they arrive here, what are we doing to welcome these people? +5DAdXYphrPu-00305-00105727-00106073 We need to look at individuals as people. +5DAdXYphrPu-00306-00106111-00106261 Not about a number. +5DAdXYphrPu-00307-00106282-00106498 Not about where they’ve come from. +5DAdXYphrPu-00308-00106502-00106777 The political rhetoric about refugees +5DAdXYphrPu-00309-00106777-00107094 and forcibly displaced peoples these days isn’t positive. +5DAdXYphrPu-00310-00107186-00107611 If we get caught up in that…, if I get caught up in that…, it’s pretty depressing. +5DAdXYphrPu-00311-00107657-00108023 The Church has had a lot to do in terms of responding to this, +5DAdXYphrPu-00312-00108032-00108332 and the response has definitely started with Pope Francis. +5DAdXYphrPu-00313-00108377-00108898 He has been a tireless spokesperson on behalf of migrants and refugees, +5DAdXYphrPu-00314-00108915-00109290 internally displaced people, and trafficked people, especially young women. +5DAdXYphrPu-00315-00109373-00109652 I do not think there’s been anybody who has been more consistent +5DAdXYphrPu-00316-00109682-00109973 in his saying that we are part of the human family, +5DAdXYphrPu-00317-00109998-00110261 and how we treat migrants and refugees +5DAdXYphrPu-00318-00110273-00110515 very much says what kind of a people we are. +5DAdXYphrPu-00319-00110536-00111077 What the Church seeks to do is to offer some kind of minimal relief. +5DAdXYphrPu-00320-00111119-00111482 First, at the practical level, in terms of charity, +5DAdXYphrPu-00321-00111494-00111844 providing food and at times even providing clothing. +5DAdXYphrPu-00322-00111927-00112369 On the other hand, because of the oppressive nature of the conditions +5DAdXYphrPu-00323-00112394-00112577 under which those people find themselves, +5DAdXYphrPu-00324-00112602-00112986 spiritual support is also important, +5DAdXYphrPu-00325-00113002-00113448 they receive counselling simply to keep afloat as human beings. +5DAdXYphrPu-00326-00113469-00113965 We hope that in each parish we will have a desk for migrants and refugees. +5DAdXYphrPu-00327-00113998-00114307 Essentially, we seek to conscientize +5DAdXYphrPu-00328-00114319-00114782 local communities, that they ought to become welcoming communities. +5DAdXYphrPu-00329-00114782-00115219 And you can only do that when you already demonstrate the ability +5DAdXYphrPu-00330-00115236-00115623 to work together with people who come from outside your city. +5DAdXYphrPu-00331-00115673-00115852 There is no quick solution. +5DAdXYphrPu-00332-00115865-00116061 The challenges are huge and complex. +5DAdXYphrPu-00333-00116069-00116361 It’s not necessarily a problem that needs to be solved, +5DAdXYphrPu-00334-00116369-00116619 but rather an opportunity that needs to be managed. +5DAdXYphrPu-00335-00116632-00116982 Being an asylum seeker for 13 years, it’s not just easy. +5DAdXYphrPu-00336-00116998-00117427 There is still hope for us, to bring change in Africa, +5DAdXYphrPu-00337-00117436-00117665 and South Africa has a big role to play. +5DAdXYphrPu-00338-00117682-00117998 We are all Africans, we are all human beings. +5DAdXYphrPu-00339-00118019-00118432 This is like my home, I grew up here in South Africa in Johannesburg. +5DAdXYphrPu-00340-00118461-00118615 I don't know what I’m going to do, +5DAdXYphrPu-00341-00118615-00118911 but I say thank you to God because I’m still alive, +5DAdXYphrPu-00342-00118944-00119111 and my sons, my children are still alive. +5DAdXYphrPu-00343-00119119-00119227 I say thank you to God. +5DAdXYphrPu-00344-00119248-00119748 The only thing that is left to you is hope, and a dream for a better life. +5IVYTOnmNZy-00000-00001501-00002098 SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL FOR NEXT VIDEO +5K9iGv7y_Mg-00000-00000010-00003010 is +5K_68HuiBdM-00000-00002686-00002844 Hello and welcome back again +5K_68HuiBdM-00001-00002912-00003104 SP is stubborn. +5K_68HuiBdM-00002-00003105-00003554 He continues to fantasize about enriching Teresa’s daughter: “I’ll put her on +5K_68HuiBdM-00003-00003554-00004167 a pedestal and under a canopy for you and up in a drawing room with more velvet shams +5K_68HuiBdM-00004-00004167-00004723 than there were Moors in the line of the Almohashams of Morroco.” +5K_68HuiBdM-00005-00004723-00005242 The pun here is on the word almohadas, meaning “pillows,” but SP’s error alludes to +5K_68HuiBdM-00006-00005242-00005760 the Moorish almohades who conquered Andalucía in the twelfth century. +5K_68HuiBdM-00007-00005760-00006144 Note also how the presence of Moors complicates the issue of lineage. +5K_68HuiBdM-00008-00006144-00006770 Racial identity is also highlighted by SP’s allusion to Fernando de Rojas’s La Celestina, +5K_68HuiBdM-00009-00006770-00007270 which revolves around prohibitions against marriage between Old Christians and Jewish +5K_68HuiBdM-00010-00007270-00007370 conversos. +5K_68HuiBdM-00011-00007370-00008015 When SP says that his wife is being unreasonable, as if he were asking that Sanchica “throw +5K_68HuiBdM-00012-00008016-00008560 herself from a tower,” he refers to the suicide of Melibea in Rojas’s novel. +5K_68HuiBdM-00013-00010938-00011578 Still trying to convince his wife to let Sanchica marry above her station, SP now deploys a +5K_68HuiBdM-00014-00011579-00012086 sophisticated philosophical argument, which again causes the narrator to cite the translator’s +5K_68HuiBdM-00015-00012086-00012186 skepticism. +5K_68HuiBdM-00016-00012186-00012950 SP becomes a Neoplatonist, arguing that what a person becomes in life trumps what she might +5K_68HuiBdM-00017-00012950-00013546 have been in the past: “all things which are present before our eyes appear, are, and +5K_68HuiBdM-00018-00013546-00014100 remain in our memory much more clearly and powerfully than things in the past... +5K_68HuiBdM-00019-00014100-00014693 This gives rise to the fact that when we see a person who is well dressed and with fine +5K_68HuiBdM-00020-00014693-00015304 vestments and with a train of servants, it seems that some force moves and induces us +5K_68HuiBdM-00021-00015304-00015961 to have respect for him, even though in that instant our memory recalls for us some lowliness +5K_68HuiBdM-00022-00015961-00016551 in which we once saw that person; and that disgrace, whether it be of poverty or lineage, +5K_68HuiBdM-00023-00016551-00017320 since it is in the past, is no longer and what exists is only that which we see before +5K_68HuiBdM-00024-00017320-00017534 us in the present.” +5K_68HuiBdM-00025-00017534-00018405 This complex discourse on what defines a person’s identity from a man who mispronounces “persona” +5K_68HuiBdM-00026-00018405-00018720 as “presona.” +5K_68HuiBdM-00027-00018720-00019500 Note that SP’s moral point is that one’s racial heritage should not matter. +5K_68HuiBdM-00028-00019500-00019948 Only “envious people” care about lineage, and who can avoid being envied? +5K_68HuiBdM-00029-00022536-00022812 The chapter concludes comically and ironically. +5K_68HuiBdM-00030-00022812-00023176 Sage SP now corrects his wife’s pronunciation. +5K_68HuiBdM-00031-00023176-00023726 Then, sounding corrupt again, and alluding to Spain’s fiscal problems under the Habsburgs, +5K_68HuiBdM-00032-00023726-00024297 he promises to send money as soon as he’s a governor: “I’ll send you money, which +5K_68HuiBdM-00033-00024297-00024819 I will have plenty of, because governors always have someone to lend it to them when they +5K_68HuiBdM-00034-00024819-00025042 don’t have any.” +5K_68HuiBdM-00035-00025042-00025638 When Teresa erupts in tears, saying that the day she sees her daughter become a countess +5K_68HuiBdM-00036-00025638-00026255 will be the day her daughter dies, the narrator reports SP’s absurdly stubborn response: +5K_68HuiBdM-00037-00026255-00026813 “Sancho consoled her by saying that even though he had to make her a countess, he would +5K_68HuiBdM-00038-00026813-00026992 wait as long possible to do it.” +5K_68HuiBdM-00039-00026992-00027857 Teresa surrenders, but her last comment contains a feminist jab: “we women are born with +5K_68HuiBdM-00040-00027857-00028441 the obligation to obey our husbands even if they are idiots.” +5K_68HuiBdM-00041-00028441-00028983 This is all ridiculous, of course: both parents are counting their olives and they don’t +5K_68HuiBdM-00042-00028983-00029127 even have an orchard. +5K_68HuiBdM-00043-00029220-00029472 That´s all for now, we´ll see each other in our next video +5NAKfRc7l_0-00000-00001533-00002072 In this lecture, we are going to talk about some ligands, which are based on phosphorous +5NAKfRc7l_0-00001-00002072-00002347 in the oxidation state 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00002-00002347-00003168 We talk about it as phosphorous 3 ligands in many instances. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00003-00003168-00003772 Organometallic chemistry is associated with a metal carbon bond and that is correct. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00004-00003772-00004581 You also need some other ligands to support the metal carbon chemistry that is going on. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00005-00004581-00005278 In general there are a variety of ligands which are useful in organometallic chemistry. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00006-00005278-00005607 The most common ligands of course, are the ones +5NAKfRc7l_0-00007-00005607-00005979 which have the carbon metal bond. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00008-00005979-00006462 That can be carbon monoxide which is what we have already discussed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00009-00006462-00006884 We can also talk about carbene ligands and carbyne ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00010-00006884-00007423 These are all having a single carbon attached to the metal center. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00011-00007423-00008232 On the other hand, there are several ancillary ligands which also support organometallic +5NAKfRc7l_0-00012-00008232-00008388 chemistry. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00013-00008388-00008657 These do not have a metal carbon bond. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00014-00008657-00009002 Today we are going to talk about one such ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00015-00009002-00009992 That is the phosphorous 3 chemistry metal hydride, chemistry metal nitrosyls. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00016-00009992-00010578 Metal dinitrogen chemistry and metal halides are all important in organometallic chemistry. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00017-00010578-00011184 Although the chemistry may not happen at the metal carbon center these are good supporting +5NAKfRc7l_0-00018-00011184-00011284 ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00019-00011284-00011617 So, I am calling it as those ligands that support organometallics. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00020-00011617-00012081 So, today we will talk about phosphorous 3 ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00021-00012081-00012667 There are some distinct advantages to phosphorous 3 ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00022-00012667-00012881 We will consider them one by one. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00023-00012881-00013465 First of all it is a good sigma donating ligand because phosphorous is in the oxidation state +5NAKfRc7l_0-00024-00013465-00013747 3 a pair of electrons on phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00025-00013747-00014028 This can be donated to the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00026-00014028-00014947 The phosphorous 3 ligands can be varied extensively contrary to carbon monoxide, where carbon +5NAKfRc7l_0-00027-00014947-00015163 monoxide cannot be changed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00028-00015163-00015909 You can only change the oxygen to sulphur or to selenium, but in the case of P 3 ligands +5NAKfRc7l_0-00029-00015909-00016481 you can change the R group which is attached to the phosphorous extensively. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00030-00016481-00016978 So you can react this molecule PX three usually it is the halogen. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00031-00016978-00017526 This is usually the effects, stands for halogen. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00032-00017526-00018161 You can change the halogen to an R group using a reaction with grignard reagent, you can +5NAKfRc7l_0-00033-00018161-00018650 make the PR 3 molecules, these PR 3 molecules. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00034-00018650-00019389 It can also be varied; you can change the R group to R1, R2, and R3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00035-00019389-00019581 This synthesis is relatively easy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00036-00019581-00020531 This has been shown in a stepwise fashion. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00037-00020531-00021143 The other great advantage of phosphorous 3 ligands is a fact that x-rays crystallography +5NAKfRc7l_0-00038-00021143-00021765 of especially PPh 3, PPh 3 complexes becomes very easy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00039-00021765-00022440 This is because of some super molecular interactions that are there in triphenyl phosphene. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00040-00022440-00023128 So, whenever you have PPh 3 as an ancillary ligand, the orgaometallic complex is easy +5NAKfRc7l_0-00041-00023128-00023283 to crystallize. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00042-00023283-00023788 If it crystallizes as a single crystal one can do the crystallography of this molecule +5NAKfRc7l_0-00043-00023788-00024557 and study the solid state structure very readily and extremely accurately. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00044-00024557-00025226 It can also carry out phosphorous 31 MNR spectroscopy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00045-00025226-00026037 This is again a very useful technique because no other element in the molecule might interfere +5NAKfRc7l_0-00046-00026037-00026167 in this spectrum. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00047-00026167-00026570 Only the ligand is visible in the NMR spectrum. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00048-00026570-00026947 So this becomes an extremely useful tool because of non interference. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00049-00026947-00027329 Only the active species is visible infrared spectroscopy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00050-00027329-00027808 Unfortunately, this is of not much value in this instance. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00051-00027808-00028462 This is because of the metal phosphorus bonds, metal phosphorus bonds are single bonds. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00052-00028462-00028963 They are possible; it is possible to absorb them in the infrared spectrum in the very +5NAKfRc7l_0-00053-00028963-00029506 low energy regions like 300 to 400 centimeter minus 1. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00054-00029506-00029788 This region is 300 to 400 and is quite crowded. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00055-00029788-00030739 It is very often not useful as a tool to analyze the phosphorous 3 organometallic chemistry +5NAKfRc7l_0-00056-00030739-00031239 that goes on. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00057-00031239-00031562 Let me say a few words about 31 P NMR. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00058-00031562-00032099 It is an extremely useful technique, but unfortunately it is an empirical tool. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00059-00032099-00033159 When you call it an empirical tool it only means that it is based on prior evidence that +5NAKfRc7l_0-00060-00033159-00033547 you have. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00061-00033547-00034430 You can in fact use this empirical tool based on prior evidence. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00062-00034430-00035100 If you have a crystallographically characterized molecule one can use the 31 P NMR usefully. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00063-00035100-00035613 As one assumes the solid state structure and the solution NMR have to be related +5NAKfRc7l_0-00064-00035613-00035747 coordination to the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00065-00035747-00035990 This usually shifts the ligand signals up-field. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00066-00035990-00036425 Now this is what happens, the coordination of the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00067-00036425-00036677 It shifts the ligand signals up-field. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00068-00036677-00037415 But the 31 P signals can also be shifted down-field by up to 30 NMR. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00069-00037415-00038212 The usefulness of this tool is significantly affected because of this empirical nature. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00070-00038212-00039066 The fact that the signals are in unusual regions with respect to the free ligands, there is +5NAKfRc7l_0-00071-00039066-00039444 another erratic behavior of phosphorous 31 signals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00072-00039444-00039856 That is the fact, that if you have a chelated molecule. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00073-00039856-00040447 Let me write down a chelate, an example of a chelate molecule. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00074-00040447-00041178 If you have bisdiphenyl phosphene of ethane which is this ligand, now this ligand is capable +5NAKfRc7l_0-00075-00041178-00041502 of coordinating to the metal through 2 phosphorous centers. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00076-00041502-00042059 So, a chelate ring will be formed depending on the chelate ring in this particular case. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00077-00042059-00042522 What I have written is a 5 membered ring 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00078-00042522-00043256 This 5 membered ring is formed and then the shift can be a plus 20 PPM. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00079-00043256-00043993 If you have a single carbon then the shift is minus 20 PPM because of this erratic behavior +5NAKfRc7l_0-00080-00043993-00044677 of the chemical shift sometimes it becomes difficult to interpret the NMR spectrum of +5NAKfRc7l_0-00081-00044677-00044938 these phosphorous metal complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00082-00044938-00045587 But otherwise if you have prior knowledge about the way the chemical shift changes on +5NAKfRc7l_0-00083-00045587-00046019 chelation it turns out to be an extremely useful tool. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00084-00046019-00046961 Based on these, based on the information that we have so far we can see that phosphorous +5NAKfRc7l_0-00085-00046961-00047231 3 ligands can be readily synthesized. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00086-00047231-00047810 They can be synthesized in a variety of R groups having variety of R groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00087-00047810-00048346 Now the question arises that what kind of a ligand is this PR three. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00088-00048346-00048537 The PR 3 group is a good donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00089-00048537-00049030 It is a good sigma donor or is it a pi donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00090-00049030-00049581 One can also ask the question if it is a pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00091-00049581-00050328 If you look at the complexes formed by triphenyl phosphine or trialkyl phosphines then one +5NAKfRc7l_0-00092-00050328-00050728 can understand based on the structure and the spectroscopy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00093-00050728-00051484 We do, we can figure out what kind of a donor we are dealing with. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00094-00051484-00052526 So let us take a look at a little bit of the chemistry that is there in this molecules. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00095-00052526-00053048 First let me give you an example on how one can synthesize these triphenyl phosphine complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00096-00053048-00053413 This will illustrate the chemistry that I am talking about. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00097-00053413-00053721 Let us take a molybdenum hexacarbonyl complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00098-00053721-00054388 This is a molybdenum hexacarbonyl complex I treat that with 2 equivalents of triphenyl +5NAKfRc7l_0-00099-00054388-00054494 phosphene. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00100-00054494-00055182 This appears to be a general way of synthesizing phosphorous containing molecules. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00101-00055182-00055655 You can take any labile ligand in this particular case carbon monoxide and transfer it to be +5NAKfRc7l_0-00102-00055655-00055755 useful. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00103-00055755-00056344 This is because carbon monoxide will escape into the reaction medium, away from the reaction +5NAKfRc7l_0-00104-00056344-00056682 medium and you will be left with a complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00105-00056682-00057307 You would expect the treatment of moco 6 with 2 equivalents of triphenyl phosphene will +5NAKfRc7l_0-00106-00057307-00057576 result in the formation of a trans complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00107-00057576-00057944 It can also result in the formation of a cis complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00108-00057944-00058513 It turns out that exclusively the cis octahedral complex is formed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00109-00058513-00058973 Only the cis octahedral complex isolated from this reaction mixture. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00110-00058973-00059566 If you look at the complex it, itself you can very easily see that carbon monoxide has +5NAKfRc7l_0-00111-00059566-00059757 no great steric influence. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00112-00059757-00060236 It is only the phosphorous containing ligand which has got some steric influence. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00113-00060236-00061033 So, if you want to pack 2 ligands 2 phosphorous containing ligands around the molybdenum it +5NAKfRc7l_0-00114-00061033-00061240 would be best to have the trans geometry. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00115-00061240-00061870 This is because the 2 l groups are far away from each other but, surprisingly it is the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00116-00061870-00062195 sis ligand which is sis complex which is formed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00117-00062195-00062845 The trans complex is not formed so there must be an electronic reason for this particular +5NAKfRc7l_0-00118-00062845-00063001 preference. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00119-00063001-00063101 Very often +5NAKfRc7l_0-00120-00063101-00063970 it is good to form a particular opinion by looking at a variety of complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00121-00063970-00064566 This has been done in the case of phosphene complexes both trans and a cis. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00122-00064566-00065029 These have been attempted preparations of these, have been attempted and almost always +5NAKfRc7l_0-00123-00065029-00065309 the cis complex is what is observed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00124-00065309-00066154 In many metals and with many carbon monoxide geometries one forms only the cis complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00125-00066154-00067103 Now, one can also make the tris coordinated complex the tris tri alkyl phosphene complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00126-00067103-00067685 They have been synthesized and here again you can have 2 particular geometries. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00127-00067685-00068361 One is called the mer geometry where the 3 ligands are placed in a meridonal plane. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00128-00068361-00068839 The 3 ligands are placed in a meridonal plane then it is called a mer complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00129-00068839-00069302 Then you can also have a fac complex, and a fac complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00130-00069302-00069943 You have a facial geometry so one face of the octahedron is occupied by the 3 ligands +5NAKfRc7l_0-00131-00069943-00070207 which are the phosphorous three ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00132-00070207-00071053 So between these two geometries you will notice that the fac complex always has one l trans +5NAKfRc7l_0-00133-00071053-00071353 to a carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00134-00071353-00072293 You have 1 carbon monoxide trans to an l group so all 3 l groups have got a trans carbon +5NAKfRc7l_0-00135-00072293-00072466 monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00136-00072466-00073129 You will notice that each of these l groups has got a trans carbon monoxide, but in the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00137-00073129-00073534 meridonal geometry you do not have that particular situation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00138-00073534-00074302 In one case which is this particular l group you do have a trans carbon monoxide but, the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00139-00074302-00074761 other 2 l groups do not have a carbon monoxide opposite them. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00140-00074761-00075377 Now, it turns out that you can distinguish these two species very easily using the carbon +5NAKfRc7l_0-00141-00075377-00075530 monoxide stretching frequency. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00142-00075530-00076130 This is because that depends on the trans ligand so based on carbon monoxide stretching +5NAKfRc7l_0-00143-00076130-00076230 frequency. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00144-00076230-00076697 Hence, you can find out that it is only the fac isomer which is formed and their mer isomer +5NAKfRc7l_0-00145-00076697-00076799 is not formed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00146-00076799-00077424 So we have two situations now both in the disubstituted case and in the trisubstituted +5NAKfRc7l_0-00147-00077424-00077524 case. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00148-00077524-00078099 We can see a clear preference for the ligand l to be trans to a carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00149-00078099-00078723 This electronic preference is to be explained in order for us to understand why exactly +5NAKfRc7l_0-00150-00078723-00079427 l prefers this geometry and what the electronic reason is for the same. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00151-00079427-00079803 Let us now look at the traditional explanation which was available. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00152-00079803-00080323 Until the mid nineteen eighties people normally gave this explanation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00153-00080323-00080774 We will discuss this first because; it illustrates an important scientific principle. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00154-00080774-00081582 Whenever there is an argument or a discussion regarding a concept one achieves a better +5NAKfRc7l_0-00155-00081582-00081937 explanation at the end of the discussion. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00156-00081937-00082249 Here is the explanation that was given originally. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00157-00082249-00082944 People thought that PR 3 groups are pi acceptors and this pi accepting property arose from +5NAKfRc7l_0-00158-00082944-00083078 the 3 d orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00159-00083078-00083916 This is empty because the phosphorous is a element which has got the valence electrons +5NAKfRc7l_0-00160-00083916-00084125 in the three s and three p. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00161-00084125-00084580 So remember 3 s and three p are the valence electrons. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00162-00084580-00085401 These are the ones which are having the 5 electrons which are there on phosphorous and +5NAKfRc7l_0-00163-00085401-00085619 the 3 d is usually empty. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00164-00085619-00086308 As the 3 d is empty, people thought that the acceptor strength, the acceptor strength of +5NAKfRc7l_0-00165-00086308-00086636 the PR 3 group comes from the 3 d orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00166-00086636-00087039 As they have the right symmetry to overlap with metal orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00167-00087039-00087530 So, let us take a look at what we are discussing here. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00168-00087530-00088053 Here is the molybdenum centre interacting with the phosphorous 3 molecules. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00169-00088053-00088809 The 3 molecules, the 3 arms of the phosphorous where the R groups are present will be distributed +5NAKfRc7l_0-00170-00088809-00088909 just like ammonia. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00171-00088909-00089205 This is done in an umbrella like fashion. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00172-00089205-00089728 The lone pair on the phosphorous is now pointed towards the metal atom. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00173-00089728-00090189 It has got 2 electrons and this lone pair is going to be donated to the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00174-00090189-00090914 So, this is the electron density flow in the sigma orbital that we are talking about. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00175-00090914-00091831 If the phosphorous atom has got a 3 d orbital, it has got a 3 d orbital then the 3 d orbital +5NAKfRc7l_0-00176-00091831-00092525 can interact with the metals 3 d orbital, if this is empty and if this is filled. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00177-00092525-00093537 So, you have a filled metal orbital and you have an empty p orbital phosphorous orbital +5NAKfRc7l_0-00178-00093537-00094203 which is a 3 d system then you have electron density flowing in this direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00179-00094203-00095223 This kind of an electron density flow will result in a pi acceptor behavior. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00180-00095223-00095634 People thought that phosphorous ligands are good pi acceptors. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00181-00095634-00096363 This is because electron density flow going from the metal d orbital into the empty d +5NAKfRc7l_0-00182-00096363-00096979 orbital on the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00183-00096979-00097544 How does this help us to explain the geometrical preferences that we observed earlier? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00184-00097544-00098116 As the carbon monoxide is an excellent pi acceptor, carbon monoxide is one of the best +5NAKfRc7l_0-00185-00098116-00098573 pi acceptors that we know of. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00186-00098573-00099349 This is a best pi acceptor that we know it is natural that carbon monoxide would like +5NAKfRc7l_0-00187-00099349-00099712 to have a poor pi acceptor in the trans position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00188-00099712-00100269 Now, you might ask why is this situation, why should it be in the trans position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00189-00100269-00100873 That is because this d orbital that is there on the molybdenum centre. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00190-00100873-00101134 This is the d orbital that is there on the molybdenum centre. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00191-00101134-00101606 I have drawn it slightly pushed away from the centre so that you can understand the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00192-00101606-00101780 overlaps. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00193-00101780-00102576 You can see that the d orbital that is involved in this d pi d pi d pi interaction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00194-00102576-00103114 This interaction that we are talking about is on the same axis as this carbon monoxide +5NAKfRc7l_0-00195-00103114-00103332 in the trans position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00196-00103332-00103751 It is the same orbital which will have to donate electron density in both directions. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00197-00103751-00104258 It will have to donate electron density from the metal d to the phosphorous d. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00198-00104258-00105067 It will have to give electron density from the metal d to the pi star of the carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00199-00105067-00105286 This is the interaction that we are talking about. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00200-00105286-00106165 There is a competition between the phosphorous empty d and the carbon monoxide pi star. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00201-00106165-00106975 This is the pi star and you can draw the second set of orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00202-00106975-00107327 Also this would be shared and this would be empty. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00203-00107327-00107842 This is the pi star orbital and the electron density has to flow into the pi star of the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00204-00107842-00107963 carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00205-00107963-00108528 That is what usually one observes in all the complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00206-00108528-00109130 So, because carbon monoxide is such a good pi acceptor the phosphorous is a poorer pi +5NAKfRc7l_0-00207-00109130-00109763 acceptor, so by putting 3 phosphorous ligands trans to carbon monoxide the carbon monoxide +5NAKfRc7l_0-00208-00109763-00109953 ligands are kept happy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00209-00109953-00110493 They will have enough electron density moving in this direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00210-00110493-00111411 If you have the phosphorous ligands all in the meridonal position or in the trans position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00211-00111411-00111882 You will notice that the carbon monoxides also have to be trans if the carbon monoxide +5NAKfRc7l_0-00212-00111882-00112119 is trans 1 carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00213-00112119-00112566 It competes with another carbon monoxide for the same d orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00214-00112566-00112919 That is an unhappy situation for the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00215-00112919-00113180 It does not prefer that situation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00216-00113180-00113727 It likes to have a phosphorous which is a poor pi acceptor opposite carbon monoxide +5NAKfRc7l_0-00217-00113727-00113934 which is a strong pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00218-00113934-00114594 Now, how do we know that whatever we have said so far is true? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00219-00114594-00115071 Look at carbon monoxide stretching frequencies in the fac complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00220-00115071-00115236 Here is a fac complex that I have. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00221-00115236-00116085 We are talking about this is a fac complex because the 3 ligands, the substituents are +5NAKfRc7l_0-00222-00116085-00116508 in the facial position of an octahedron. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00223-00116508-00116883 Then the carbon monoxides are on the opposite face. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00224-00116883-00117419 You can look at the symmetric stretching this is a symmetric stretching. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00225-00117419-00117871 The anti-symmetric stretching of the carbon monoxide, you will find that if you have a +5NAKfRc7l_0-00226-00117871-00118408 very good donor, on the face or on this face. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00227-00118408-00118938 For example, if you have a very good donor then the carbon monoxide stretching frequency +5NAKfRc7l_0-00228-00118938-00119304 reduces quite significantly. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00229-00119304-00120030 You will notice that in moco 6 that is a molybdenum hexacarbonyls where carbon monoxide is trans +5NAKfRc7l_0-00230-00120030-00120258 to another carbon monoxide always. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00231-00120258-00121039 So, this is the observation for moco 6. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00232-00121039-00121771 Then you have a stretching frequency of 2004 centimeter minus 1 adding a ligand like dien. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00233-00121771-00122230 This has got 3 nitrogen donors in the facial position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00234-00122230-00122742 This results in a very low stretching frequency for the carbon monoxide ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00235-00122742-00123203 This is because electron density flows from the nitrogen to the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00236-00123203-00123594 It then flows from the metal to the carbon monoxide very effectively. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00237-00123594-00124484 This stretching frequency goes down the moment you start adding a ligand which can compete +5NAKfRc7l_0-00238-00124484-00124880 with the carbon monoxide for electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00239-00124880-00125265 Then the frequency of the carbon monoxide slowly keeps going up. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00240-00125265-00125744 You have triethyl phosphite for example. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00241-00125744-00126811 In this case, it is poet thrice if you have, poet thrice then the triethyl phosphite happens +5NAKfRc7l_0-00242-00126811-00128041 to be a better pi acceptor than triethyl phosphates, a triethyl phosphene pet 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00243-00128041-00128661 This is a poor pi acceptor, so poor pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00244-00128661-00128909 This is a good pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00245-00128909-00129392 If you have a good pi acceptor trans to the carbon monoxide then the stretching frequency +5NAKfRc7l_0-00246-00129392-00129535 is higher. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00247-00129535-00130269 You can see that as this stretching frequency of the 3 carbonyl ligands go up. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00248-00130269-00130704 You can see that the electron density on the metal has gone down. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00249-00130704-00131266 This is because the phosphorous atom is also competing for the electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00250-00131266-00131947 That is the reason why you have this competition between the d pi d pi interaction between +5NAKfRc7l_0-00251-00131947-00132125 the phosphorous and the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00252-00132125-00132630 The d pi pi star interaction on the carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00253-00132630-00132866 These two compete with one another. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00254-00132866-00133459 It is better to have the phosphorous ligands in the trans position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00255-00133459-00133999 One can look at this graphically, to understand it and appreciate it better. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00256-00133999-00134839 Here is an example, where you have the 3 carbon monoxide ligands having two stretches in a +5NAKfRc7l_0-00257-00134839-00134946 symmetric stretch. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00258-00134946-00135398 An asymmetric stretch both of them are plotted in a series. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00259-00135398-00136007 You find that the metal carbonyl complex the pure metal carbonyl complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00260-00136007-00136527 This is marked here as moco 6. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00261-00136527-00137419 It has got the higher stretching frequency, but if you put good donors on the trans position, +5NAKfRc7l_0-00262-00137419-00138049 the best donor that is the nitrogen donor has a very low stretching frequency. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00263-00138049-00138570 As you increase the pi accepting nature of the phosphorous ligand the stretching frequency +5NAKfRc7l_0-00264-00138570-00138769 keeps increasing. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00265-00138769-00139194 The electron donating power of the trans ligand keeps increasing in this direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00266-00139194-00139844 It keeps increasing in this direction and the trans carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00267-00139844-00140266 The stretching frequency keeps increasing in the opposite direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00268-00140266-00140863 This is a very clear indication of the fact that the trans ligand competes for the same +5NAKfRc7l_0-00269-00140863-00141805 d orbital for d electron density for pi donations. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00270-00141805-00142314 This explanation, this traditional explanation was quite satisfactory. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00271-00142314-00142617 It was used in the text books for a very long time. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00272-00142617-00143304 In more recent text books you might find that it is being disputed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00273-00143304-00144085 People found by computational methods that 3 d orbitals are actually not available or +5NAKfRc7l_0-00274-00144085-00144425 accessible for the metal d orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00275-00144425-00144957 The metal d orbitals are in one particular energy level. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00276-00144957-00145294 The 3 d orbitals are much higher in energy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00277-00145294-00146305 So if one has to represent this graphically, one can say that these are the metal d orbitals +5NAKfRc7l_0-00278-00146305-00147275 and the phosphorous d orbitals are much higher in energy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00279-00147275-00147927 The interaction between these 2 orbitals will be very poor because the energy matching is +5NAKfRc7l_0-00280-00147927-00148500 important for forming em bonding and anti bonding molecular orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00281-00148500-00149063 Hence, because of this controversy people have abandoned this explanation that the d +5NAKfRc7l_0-00282-00149063-00149909 orbitals on phosphorous are actually involved in d pi d pi pi interactions. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00283-00149909-00150669 This gap that is large has resulted in abandoning of this explanation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00284-00150669-00151336 One also notes the fact that you cannot measure the energy of empty orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00285-00151336-00151974 So it is difficult to disprove or prove this particular point that we are talking about +5NAKfRc7l_0-00286-00151974-00152074 as a result. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00287-00152074-00152609 There was an alternative explanation that was built around what is called a sigma only +5NAKfRc7l_0-00288-00152609-00152709 theory. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00289-00152709-00153128 That means, phosphorous ligands are only good sigma donors. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00290-00153128-00153478 There is no pi interaction that is present. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00291-00153478-00154178 This particular theory was able to explain a few of the observations that are present. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00292-00154178-00154824 Let us just take a look at some of the explanations that could be made using the sigma only theory, +5NAKfRc7l_0-00293-00154824-00155102 or the no pi bond theory. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00294-00155102-00155621 The decrease in the Mu CO is proportional to the electron density on the metal atom +5NAKfRc7l_0-00295-00155621-00155978 if the PY 3 ligand is a good donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00296-00155978-00156528 If PY 3 is a good donor then metal has got greater electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00297-00156528-00157032 If the metal has greater electron density CO has less stretching frequency. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00298-00157032-00157382 The pi star orbitals are populated to a better extent. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00299-00157382-00158278 If PY 3 is a weak or it is a weak sigma donor then the Mu CO is higher this explanation +5NAKfRc7l_0-00300-00158278-00158774 also seem to be. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00301-00158774-00159322 The type of electron donation that we are talking about is an electron donation from +5NAKfRc7l_0-00302-00159322-00160095 the 3 sp hybrid on the phosphorous to the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00303-00160095-00160813 This is the d if this is x and this is y this is dx squared minus y squared accepts electron +5NAKfRc7l_0-00304-00160813-00160986 density from the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00305-00160986-00161608 It is the dxz on the phosphorous on the metal which is interacting with the pi star on the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00306-00161608-00161763 carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00307-00161763-00162607 So, this type of an interaction would be sufficient to explain the type of electron density changes +5NAKfRc7l_0-00308-00162607-00163230 that are happening on the carbon monoxide, subsequently the carbon monoxide stretching +5NAKfRc7l_0-00309-00163230-00163517 its frequencies. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00310-00163517-00164152 One way in which people tried to explain these changes, is to look at the ionization potential +5NAKfRc7l_0-00311-00164152-00164430 of the phosphorous atom. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00312-00164430-00164992 The electron density that is being donated from the phosphorous is on the hybrid orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00313-00164992-00165614 The lone pair on the phosphorous, if you do ionization of the phosphene the electron is +5NAKfRc7l_0-00314-00165614-00166054 coming out from the phosphorous hybrid orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00315-00166054-00166723 The extent to which the phosphorous is able to donate a pair of electrons to the metal +5NAKfRc7l_0-00316-00166723-00167033 must depend on the ionization potential. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00317-00167033-00167733 If the ionization potential is low then this is a good donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00318-00167733-00168528 If the ionization potential is very poor, as in the case of PF 3, this would be a poor +5NAKfRc7l_0-00319-00168528-00169146 donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00320-00169146-00169548 As you increase the ionization potential, the donor ability of the phosphorous will +5NAKfRc7l_0-00321-00169548-00169683 come down. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00322-00169683-00170277 A second way to look at this is to also look at the ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00323-00170277-00171178 The PKA means the easiness with which you can remove a proton from the protonated phosphene. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00324-00171178-00172446 The extent to which you can give the electron +5NAKfRc7l_0-00325-00172446-00173552 density on the phosphorous to the proton is dependent on this particular equation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00326-00173552-00173877 This is obviously equilibrium. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00327-00173877-00174766 If you have a very high value of PKA, then that means that the proton is not easily dissociated. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00328-00174766-00175384 That means, that this is a good donor of electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00329-00175384-00176119 If you have a very small value as in the case of PPh 2 ome then this is a poor electron +5NAKfRc7l_0-00330-00176119-00176265 donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00331-00176265-00176650 This can also be correlated with the stretching frequencies. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00332-00176650-00177239 It was indeed possible to analyze the type of changes that you have with electron density +5NAKfRc7l_0-00333-00177239-00177339 donation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00334-00177339-00177858 This is done from the phosphene to the metal and the frequency changes that are there in +5NAKfRc7l_0-00335-00177858-00178013 fac complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00336-00178013-00178648 So, this explains all the observed results from the infra red stretching frequencies. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00337-00178648-00179333 One can almost confidently say that there were no pi effects in the interaction of PX +5NAKfRc7l_0-00338-00179333-00179523 3 with the metal atom. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00339-00179523-00179958 PX 3 is a sigma donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00340-00179958-00180167 There is no pi interaction at all. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00341-00180167-00181234 However, it is possible for us to explain the stretching frequencies, but not the bond +5NAKfRc7l_0-00342-00181234-00181499 distances. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00343-00181499-00182049 Look at the bond distances that are there between the phosphorous and the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00344-00182049-00182841 One can see that you would one can expect longer phosphorous metal bonds due to poor +5NAKfRc7l_0-00345-00182841-00183420 phosphorous to metal bonding in the sigma manifold. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00346-00183420-00184029 If you have electron donation from the phosphorous to the metal, you have a poor sigma donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00347-00184029-00184341 You should have longer bonds. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00348-00184341-00184973 If you have a strong sigma donation you should expect stronger or shorter bonds. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00349-00184973-00185158 This is what you can expect. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00350-00185158-00185940 But what is observed is something else here is where the no pi bond theory fails. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00351-00185940-00186170 Let us take two examples. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00352-00186170-00186633 One example is the case of PPs 3 with Cr CO 5. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00353-00186633-00187228 Here we have a mono substituted carbon carbon new complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00354-00187228-00187924 You have Cr CO 6, where only 1 phosphorous ligand has been added. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00355-00187924-00188771 You can also compare it with the triphenyl phosphite complex which is given. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00356-00188771-00189372 We can now look at the phosphorous chromium bond distances that are there in these metal +5NAKfRc7l_0-00357-00189372-00189517 complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00358-00189517-00190447 Suppose, you have a P-Cr distance of two point four two two angstroms, this is in the case +5NAKfRc7l_0-00359-00190447-00190762 of the triphenyl phospene complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00360-00190762-00191450 This is an instance where the POPh complex will have less electron density to donate. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00361-00191450-00192153 You would expect a longer bond distance for this particular complex where you have a weak +5NAKfRc7l_0-00362-00192153-00192253 donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00363-00192253-00192795 So, POPh thrice is a weak donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00364-00192795-00193478 This is a weak donor, this is a better. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00365-00193478-00194323 So, the better donor should have the shorter distance, but we find that this is exactly +5NAKfRc7l_0-00366-00194323-00194774 the opposite of what you would expect. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00367-00194774-00195396 You have a shorter bond distance for the triphenyl phosphite complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00368-00195396-00196085 What is interesting is that you would expect for the same reasons that we have discussed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00369-00196085-00197198 If you have good sigma donation the trans carbonyl should have the longer bond distance. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00370-00197198-00197394 This is also in the opposite direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00371-00197394-00198126 So, it is very clear that the no pi bond theory or the sigma bond only theory is not sufficient +5NAKfRc7l_0-00372-00198126-00198591 to explain all the data that we have in terms of crystallography. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00373-00198591-00199598 Hence, you expect something else other than the sigma bonds to explain these bonding interactions. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00374-00199598-00200223 One of course, knows that POPs 3 if it, if because it is a better electron withdrawing +5NAKfRc7l_0-00375-00200223-00200809 groups this would form better pi bonds between the phosphorous and the chromium. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00376-00200809-00201344 If this forms better bonds between phosphorous and chromium the pi bonding is there then +5NAKfRc7l_0-00377-00201344-00201601 this is exactly what one would expect. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00378-00201601-00201927 The phosphorous chromium bonding would be short. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00379-00201927-00202409 The phosphorous chromium bonding in this case where there is poorer pi interaction would +5NAKfRc7l_0-00380-00202409-00202523 be longer. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00381-00202523-00203009 The pi bond theory is able to explain the bond distance changes in these cases. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00382-00203009-00203602 Whereas, the sigma bond only theory is not able to explain this changes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00383-00203602-00204150 I will give you one more example, where this has been conclusively shown. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00384-00204150-00204823 If I take an example where the two phosphorous metal distances are in the same complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00385-00204823-00205462 This is always a good way to make comparisons because there are many factors that go into +5NAKfRc7l_0-00386-00205462-00205860 a metal ligand bond distance. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00387-00205860-00206756 Here is a case where you have PPh 2 which is a good electron donor compared to P-Cf +5NAKfRc7l_0-00388-00206756-00206856 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00389-00206856-00207148 Cf 3 is an electron withdrawing group. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00390-00207148-00208469 This would be a poor donor and a better acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00391-00208469-00209481 This is a good donor relative to this phosphorous, relative to this phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00392-00209481-00209880 One can see that this phosphorous is a better donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00393-00209880-00210428 If this is a better donor one would have expected based on sigma bond only theory this should +5NAKfRc7l_0-00394-00210428-00210548 have a short distance. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00395-00210548-00210831 Whereas, we find that this distance is longer. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00396-00210831-00211144 So, clearly there are some pi effects in the x plane. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00397-00211144-00211676 This shows the need for this, in order to explain the short bond distance that is observed +5NAKfRc7l_0-00398-00211676-00212431 2.17 for this phosphorous platinum bond. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00399-00212431-00212952 This bond distance is 2.24 Angstroms. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00400-00212952-00213492 So, one can explain these bond distance changes using the pi effects. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00401-00213492-00213763 This is a better pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00402-00213763-00214198 You have multiple bonding between the phosphorous and the platinum. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00403-00214198-00214298 You have multiple bonding. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00404-00214298-00214700 So, this bond distance is reduced from what you expect. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00405-00214700-00215481 A similar explanation can be offered for these complexes when you put 2 triphenyl phosphines +5NAKfRc7l_0-00406-00215481-00215626 trans to each other. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00407-00215626-00216035 You are competing for the same d orbital electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00408-00216035-00217077 When you have a chloride trans to a triphenyl phosphine then you have a pi donor trans to +5NAKfRc7l_0-00409-00217077-00217265 the triphenyl phosphene. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00410-00217265-00217801 If there is a pi effect then the electron density can flow from the chlorine to the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00411-00217801-00218211 rhodium and from the rhodium to the triphenyl phosphene. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00412-00218211-00218967 As the pi bonding is reinforced the pi bond in the phosphorous trans to the chlorine is +5NAKfRc7l_0-00413-00218967-00219460 reinforced by electron density being donated from the chlorine to the rhodium. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00414-00219460-00220044 From the rhodium to the phosphorous this pi bond is in fact making this bond distance +5NAKfRc7l_0-00415-00220044-00220144 shorter. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00416-00220144-00220938 It is 2.22 angstroms about 0.1 Angstroms less than, what you expect for this triphenyl phosphene. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00417-00220938-00221165 This is present in this complex. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00418-00221165-00221802 You have a same complex two complexes that are being compared in both complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00419-00221802-00222271 You compare the bond distances within them we are not comparing the 2.24. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00420-00222271-00222796 Here with the 2.32 here rather we compare it within this system. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00421-00222796-00223213 Within the platinum complex you compare two phosphorous platinum distances. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00422-00223213-00223856 Within the rhodium complex, you compare this phosphorous rhodium distance with the rhodium +5NAKfRc7l_0-00423-00223856-00224485 phosphorous distance which is along this direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00424-00224485-00225338 The pi bond theory is able to explain why the triphenyl phosphite has got a short distance. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00425-00225338-00225912 2.309 This is the triphenyl phosphine which has got the longer distance. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00426-00225912-00226371 That is because of the pi bond which is there between the phosphorous and chromium. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00427-00226371-00227088 This is more effective in the case of the electron withdrawing phosphite which is present +5NAKfRc7l_0-00428-00227088-00227207 here. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00429-00227207-00228221 Now, if we cannot explain the pi bonding using the d orbitals, how can we explain the pi +5NAKfRc7l_0-00430-00228221-00228321 bonding? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00431-00228321-00229022 To do this, the theory the computational chemists came up with the idea. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00432-00229022-00229804 You can have what is called negative hyper conjugation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00433-00229804-00230565 Negative hyper conjugation or donation of metals filled d orbitals to the sigma star +5NAKfRc7l_0-00434-00230565-00230842 orbitals of the PX group. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00435-00230842-00231894 So, if you have a PX bond and the PX will have a sigma bond or a sigma orbital corresponding +5NAKfRc7l_0-00436-00231894-00232146 to the sigma bond and a sigma star orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00437-00232146-00232879 The sigma star orbital on the phosphorous is capable of accepting electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00438-00232879-00233544 Then one can say that there is negative hyper conjugation from the metal to the phosphorous +5NAKfRc7l_0-00439-00233544-00233734 PX sigma star. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00440-00233734-00234212 Now, can these PX sigma star orbitals accept electron density? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00441-00234212-00234729 Can they accept electron density, and if so what is their shape and symmetry? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00442-00234729-00235464 So, depending on this shape and symmetry you can expect them to behave as good pi acceptors. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00443-00235464-00235875 This is what we are going to see in the next section. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00444-00235875-00236679 Here I have for you the molecular orbitals of a hypothetical phosphine which is Ph 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00445-00236679-00237040 Ph 3 is arranged according to the energy. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00446-00237040-00237564 Look at the 3, the 3 sigma bonds or the Ph sigma bonds. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00447-00237564-00237991 They form a set of molecular orbitals bonding molecular orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00448-00237991-00238892 All of these are filled these are filled molecular orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00449-00238892-00239292 These are filled molecular orbitals and then there we have the traditional lone pair which +5NAKfRc7l_0-00450-00239292-00239426 is sitting on the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00451-00239426-00239971 This is pointed away from the three groups which are there on the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00452-00239971-00240498 This is if you want to talk about the metal interacting with the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00453-00240498-00241136 Then this would be the direction in which we are orienting the phosphorous ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00454-00241136-00241710 The phosphorous has got a large lone pair which is sitting on the face opposite the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00455-00241710-00241882 3 hydrogens. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00456-00241882-00242486 It is pointed in such a way that can be now donated to the metal atom that is your sigma +5NAKfRc7l_0-00457-00242486-00242700 bond between the phosphorous and the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00458-00242700-00243460 Now, the pi acceptor orbitals are actually coming from the sigma star orbitals which +5NAKfRc7l_0-00459-00243460-00243865 are the sigma star orbitals of the Ph bonds. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00460-00243865-00244906 The sigma star orbitals are primarily phosphorous Px and Py if this is the z axis. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00461-00244906-00245798 If this is my z axis then the Px and the Py x and y. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00462-00245798-00246281 This Px and Py orbitals are what you see here. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00463-00246281-00247308 This is my Px and this is a perpendicular Py direction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00464-00247308-00247811 The Px and the Py orbitals are the empty orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00465-00247811-00248878 These are empty and they can accept electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00466-00248878-00249514 This is how the phosphorous atom is able to accept electron density from the metal, from +5NAKfRc7l_0-00467-00249514-00249630 the metal. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00468-00249630-00250448 Electron density flows into the sigma star orbitals of the phosphorous x bond the Px +5NAKfRc7l_0-00469-00250448-00250548 sigma star. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00470-00250548-00250823 It is capable of accepting electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00471-00250823-00251395 It turns out that it has the same shape and the right symmetry to overlap with the metal +5NAKfRc7l_0-00472-00251395-00251559 orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00473-00251559-00252381 So, phosphorous is a good pi acceptor not because of the empty d orbital, but because +5NAKfRc7l_0-00474-00252381-00252688 you have the sigma star orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00475-00252688-00253277 That sigma star orbital has got greater contribution from the phosphorous, greater contribution +5NAKfRc7l_0-00476-00253277-00253448 from the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00477-00253448-00253894 It is primarily the P orbitals which are present on phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00478-00253894-00254282 They contribute maximum to the sigma star orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00479-00254282-00254961 It is able to accept electron density from the filled orbital of the metal arsenic x +5NAKfRc7l_0-00480-00254961-00255455 3 arsenic, arsenic y 3 and antimony y 3 groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00481-00255455-00256002 These should also be good as they are also less electronegative than r groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00482-00256002-00256965 They have a good option of accepting electron density into the sigma star orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00483-00256965-00257805 One can also ask the question, why it is that amines or NR 3 groups are not good pi acceptors? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00484-00257805-00258421 This is surprising because in the same periodic, in the periodic table we find in the same +5NAKfRc7l_0-00485-00258421-00258817 group NR 3 is only a sigma donor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00486-00258817-00260048 These are only sigma donors and not pi acceptors. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00487-00260048-00260466 One can in fact categorically say that these are not pi acceptors. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00488-00260466-00260906 So, why is it that they are good sigma donors and not pi acceptors nitrogen? +5NAKfRc7l_0-00489-00260906-00261402 This is in fact more electronegative than other groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00490-00261402-00261988 In the case of ammonia for example, it is definitely more electro nitrogen is more electronegative +5NAKfRc7l_0-00491-00261988-00262132 than hydrogen. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00492-00262132-00262836 So nitrogen has got good contribution to the bonding molecular orbital, but the sigma star +5NAKfRc7l_0-00493-00262836-00263087 has most of the contribution from hydrogen. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00494-00263087-00263720 I will show you the molecular orbitals of NH 3 as an example. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00495-00263720-00264452 Here you can see that the nitrogen contribution to the bonding molecular orbitals is significant. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00496-00264452-00264552 These are all filled. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00497-00264552-00264987 Now you have filled molecular orbitals here. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00498-00264987-00265443 This is the lone pair and so that again it is a good donor orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00499-00265443-00266540 You can see that the sigma star orbitals where you have this 3 sigma star orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00500-00266540-00266925 These are the sigma star orbitals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00501-00266925-00267494 You can see that the contribution of hydrogen is significantly greater compared to what +5NAKfRc7l_0-00502-00267494-00267940 you had in the case of triphenyl or trialkyl phosphines. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00503-00267940-00268592 Here phosphorous, because of it is lesser electro negativity compared to nitrogen contributes +5NAKfRc7l_0-00504-00268592-00268842 more to the sigma star orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00505-00268842-00269424 So, one can say that the electro negativity between A and H in 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00506-00269424-00270223 It is responsible for the sigma star orbital being capable of accepting electron density, +5NAKfRc7l_0-00507-00270223-00270421 if A is less electro electronegative. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00508-00270421-00270974 Then it will be a good sigma star pi accepting ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00509-00270974-00271589 In the case of phosphorous arsenic and antimony their good sigma star orbitals capable of +5NAKfRc7l_0-00510-00271589-00271742 accepting electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00511-00271742-00272378 Now we can go back to this figure and see if the pi donation to the sigma star orbitals +5NAKfRc7l_0-00512-00272378-00273089 is capable of explaining the carbon monoxide stretching frequencies that you have observed. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00513-00273089-00273435 First let us take a look at what we saw earlier. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00514-00273435-00274054 If you have Oet groups, which is strongly electron withdrawing. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00515-00274054-00274820 We find that the frequency of the trans carbon monoxide is in fact higher. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00516-00274820-00275365 So the frequency is in fact increasing in this direction when, a when the group was +5NAKfRc7l_0-00517-00275365-00275562 a phenyl group. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00518-00275562-00276331 Then it was not as good a pi acceptor, but when we have Oet it is a very good pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00519-00276331-00277194 You find that relative to moco 6 which was listed here. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00520-00277194-00277844 The Oet has got the trans carbon monoxide stretching frequencies closest to moco 6. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00521-00277844-00278669 So, poet thrice is a very good pi accepting ligand, so poet thrice is a very good pi accepting +5NAKfRc7l_0-00522-00278669-00278907 ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00523-00278907-00279228 Let us now look forward. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00524-00279228-00279796 We see that suppose we had chlorine and phosphorous in the previous diagram. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00525-00279796-00280064 We did not have the PCl 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00526-00280064-00280609 The PF 3 ligands suppose we add the PCl 3 and the PF 3 ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00527-00280609-00281324 We find that these complexes have got stretching frequencies which are even higher than what +5NAKfRc7l_0-00528-00281324-00281685 you expect for PR 3 groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00529-00281685-00282462 Here we go moco 6, had the stretching frequency 2004 centimeter minus 1. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00530-00282462-00283102 In the case of PCl 3 and PF 3 the stretching frequencies are even higher they are at 2040 +5NAKfRc7l_0-00531-00283102-00283416 and 2090 centimeter minus 1. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00532-00283416-00284356 So, clearly you have a situation where the trans ligand is capable of attracting pi electron +5NAKfRc7l_0-00533-00284356-00284767 density as much as carbon monoxide PCl 3 and PF 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00534-00284767-00285269 They are able to compete with the trans carbon monoxide for pi electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00535-00285269-00285931 So, the trans carbon monoxide stretching frequency has increased beyond what you have for moco +5NAKfRc7l_0-00536-00285931-00286038 6. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00537-00286038-00286934 This explanation is again something that could not have been given by the sigma only theory. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00538-00286934-00287479 In fac compounds carbon monoxide is competing against the poor pi acceptor. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00539-00287479-00287965 That is why it is a situation which leads to greater stability. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00540-00287965-00288435 So, fac compounds are more stable than mer isomers. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00541-00288435-00289139 It is also true that the carbon monoxide stretching frequency is changing in the way in which +5NAKfRc7l_0-00542-00289139-00289816 changes for a series of complexes based on the trans ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00543-00289816-00290309 The trends are reversed in the case of PCl 3 and PF 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00544-00290309-00291318 When you have PCl 3 and PF 3 you have a situation where the trans carbon monoxide has greater +5NAKfRc7l_0-00545-00291318-00291948 stretching frequencies than moco 6 where the trans ligand is carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00546-00291948-00292764 Now, based on these factors Tolman in fact devised what is called Tolmans electronic +5NAKfRc7l_0-00547-00292764-00292934 parameter. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00548-00292934-00293877 Tolmans electronic parameter measures the extent to which the complex nico 3 l has two +5NAKfRc7l_0-00549-00293877-00294208 stretching frequencies for the system. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00550-00294208-00294578 This is pictured here. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00551-00294578-00295040 The reason for choosing this nickel complex is a fact that you can readily make it by +5NAKfRc7l_0-00552-00295040-00295244 reacting nico 4. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00553-00295244-00295957 You can make react nico 4 with any ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00554-00295957-00296293 It will readily form nico 3 l. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00555-00296293-00296699 You can readily measure the infrared spectrum. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00556-00296699-00297951 You can see that as you substitute a good carbon monoxide with a phosphorous ligand +5NAKfRc7l_0-00557-00297951-00298556 the stretching frequency of the trans carbon monoxides are lower than, what you expect +5NAKfRc7l_0-00558-00298556-00298731 for nico 4. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00559-00298731-00299787 But, as you substitute the trans ligand you tend to have an increase in the stretching +5NAKfRc7l_0-00560-00299787-00299887 frequency. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00561-00299887-00300598 It increases so much that in the case of PF 3, the stretching frequency is close to that +5NAKfRc7l_0-00562-00300598-00300766 of free carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00563-00300766-00301762 In other words there is very little pi star electron density on the carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00564-00301762-00302458 When you substitute the ligand with l equals PF 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00565-00302458-00303245 There is very little electron density that flows into the carbon monoxide ligands the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00566-00303245-00303409 pi star orbital. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00567-00303409-00303890 The stretching frequency is close to what you expect for free carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00568-00303890-00304464 This is the reason why you end up with a good pi acceptor in the trans position. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00569-00304464-00305048 It is always competing for the carbon monoxide electron density. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00570-00305048-00305776 So, you have poor pi acceptors in the trans positions. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00571-00305776-00306363 If you have a good pi acceptor like PF 3, then the stretching frequency of carbon monoxide +5NAKfRc7l_0-00572-00306363-00306771 is close to the free carbon monoxide stretching frequency. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00573-00306771-00307624 So, pi effects alone may not be sufficient to explain many of the interactions that we +5NAKfRc7l_0-00574-00307624-00307748 have described. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00575-00307748-00308072 The charge induced on the metal also plays a role. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00576-00308072-00308559 This is something which we have not discussed in this lecture, but we will discuss it in +5NAKfRc7l_0-00577-00308559-00308790 a lecture on carbon monoxide. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00578-00308790-00309238 One should also remember that bonding is dependent on steric effects. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00579-00309238-00309874 This is again a factor which we will explain in a future lecture. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00580-00309874-00310380 Now, discussed so far, what we are going to do is to look at a diagram. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00581-00310380-00310932 This which will tell us what we have discussed so far in a diagrammatic fashion. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00582-00310932-00311236 We first looked at phosphorous ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00583-00311236-00312039 We looked at P 3 ligands and how it is easy to synthesize P 3 ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00584-00312039-00312236 We can make this in a stepwise fashion. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00585-00312236-00313023 We are able to make PR 2 x, PR x 2, and PR 3. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00586-00313023-00313320 Through stepwise formation is possible. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00587-00313320-00314004 We can make ligands which are got three different ligands or three different r groups on the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00588-00314004-00314131 phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00589-00314131-00314651 This is a very useful tool because if three R groups that are present. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00590-00314651-00314958 The phosphorous becomes a chiral species. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00591-00314958-00315632 After we looked at synthesis of phosphorous 3 ligands we also looked at how one can make +5NAKfRc7l_0-00592-00315632-00315849 phosphorous 3 complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00593-00315849-00316255 This is done by a simple substitution reaction. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00594-00316255-00316866 Having looked at these complexes we looked at some of the spectroscopic factors that +5NAKfRc7l_0-00595-00316866-00317198 are useful in these systems. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00596-00317198-00317970 One noted that the fact, one noted the fact that phosphorous 31 NMR is extremely useful. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00597-00317970-00318139 It is an empirical tool. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00598-00318139-00318975 It is an empirical tool because phosphorous 31 signals are readily absorbed in these complexes. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00599-00318975-00319396 It is possible to use them effectively. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00600-00319396-00320055 Then we looked at phosphorous bonding to the metals. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00601-00320055-00320397 Initially people thought that there was a double bond character. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00602-00320397-00320886 This is due to the presence of d orbitals on the phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00603-00320886-00321602 Then it was realized that it was not just the d orbitals on phosphorous. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00604-00321602-00322309 It is possible to have electron donation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00605-00322309-00323150 The electron donation to the sigma star orbitals on the phosphorous is due to negative hyper +5NAKfRc7l_0-00606-00323150-00323309 conjugation. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00607-00323309-00324198 The alternative suggestion is that electron densities flowing into the PX sigma star. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00608-00324198-00324788 It is quite sufficient to explain all the factors which we have observed in the case +5NAKfRc7l_0-00609-00324788-00325228 of metal phosphorous bonding. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00610-00325228-00325914 Finally, we looked at characterization of phosphorous 3 ligands. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00611-00325914-00326234 We looked at the Tolmans electronic parameter. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00612-00326234-00326914 The Tolmans electronic parameter is extremely useful, extremely useful to understand the +5NAKfRc7l_0-00613-00326914-00327527 type of bonding that is there between the metal and the phosphorous ligand. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00614-00327527-00328065 In future classes, we will look at Tolmans cone angle and the buried volume concept. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00615-00328065-00328618 These are also useful for explaining the phosphorous metal bonding. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00616-00328618-00329596 So, if you look at the range of complexes that are formed by phosphorous ligands interacting +5NAKfRc7l_0-00617-00329596-00330054 with metals, one finds that it is truly a remarkable range. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00618-00330054-00330551 One can use a variety of R groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00619-00330551-00330812 One can use a variety of R groups. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00620-00330812-00331520 One can use a variety of metals and a truly amazing number of molecules can be made using +5NAKfRc7l_0-00621-00331520-00331678 phosphorous chemistry. +5NAKfRc7l_0-00622-00331678-00332689 This turns out to be a very rich field which is being actively pursued even today. +5NbY7pya1fo-00000-00000000-00000420 The law of quantum mechanics: it's a fundamental law of nature that describes +5NbY7pya1fo-00001-00000420-00000780 the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level. +5NbY7pya1fo-00002-00000864-00001356 It involves the principles of wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement, +5NbY7pya1fo-00003-00001356-00001955 and has many practical applications in fields such as electronics, cryptography, and computing. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00000-00001462-00001875 Take the example of someone who's built a store +5QMBYi6U6eE-00001-00001875-00002324 and brand that's essentially selling branded apparel, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00002-00002326-00002588 maybe some print-on-demand stuff, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00003-00002588-00003019 maybe a hybrid of also selling some other products as well. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00004-00003136-00003427 Not necessarily building a singular company, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00005-00003427-00003551 like SkinnyMe Tea +5QMBYi6U6eE-00006-00003553-00003800 because a lot of our audience are still in that process +5QMBYi6U6eE-00007-00003800-00003998 of testing a lot of different products. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00008-00004023-00004214 What's an influencer strategy? +5QMBYi6U6eE-00009-00004299-00004467 Say you find a product that works +5QMBYi6U6eE-00010-00004467-00004930 and you're building a brand sort of around a niche +5QMBYi6U6eE-00011-00004930-00005239 that you're selling this product in your brand associated with it. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00012-00005246-00005518 What's a good first step for people at that stage +5QMBYi6U6eE-00013-00005518-00005835 to do a really valuable test for influencer marketing? +5QMBYi6U6eE-00014-00005894-00006316 I think even before that stage, while they're still in the testing stage +5QMBYi6U6eE-00015-00006320-00006563 a few of the companies that I've been working with +5QMBYi6U6eE-00016-00006563-00006715 have been in this testing stage, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00017-00006717-00007116 have just been potentially still just drop shipping a product +5QMBYi6U6eE-00018-00007116-00007616 before they look at that is worth pursuing and then getting manufactured themselves. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00019-00007645-00007991 It's been an amazing way for them to be able to create a native platform, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00020-00007991-00008178 native content at scale. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00021-00008262-00008700 They've used influencer marketing more so as a content generation machine. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00022-00008702-00009183 So, rather than paying a photographer to do a shoot +5QMBYi6U6eE-00023-00009183-00009739 or just getting your friends to create video content for your brand or something, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00024-00009743-00010015 influencers are really, really skilled content creators +5QMBYi6U6eE-00025-00010015-00010302 and one way that you can do it-- +5QMBYi6U6eE-00026-00010302-00010648 at least, a few of them that have been using Hey to do it +5QMBYi6U6eE-00027-00010651-00011030 they've been creating just product for content post. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00028-00011030-00011259 So, rather than a product for post +5QMBYi6U6eE-00029-00011259-00011709 where we give the influencer your product and they post on it in return +5QMBYi6U6eE-00030-00011718-00012045 you give the influencer the product that you're testing out +5QMBYi6U6eE-00031-00012045-00012281 and then they create whatever type of content. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00032-00012281-00012627 Like, say, whether that's video content or still imagery, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00033-00012627-00012821 whatever, gifs, memes, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00034-00012823-00013055 whatever you want created for your brand. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00035-00013123-00013439 And, because they are recognizable figures as well +5QMBYi6U6eE-00036-00013439-00013553 at the same time, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00037-00013556-00013948 that social proof element is able to really, really help +5QMBYi6U6eE-00038-00013948-00014254 in kind of that content creation stage as well, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00039-00014256-00014526 being able tag the influences in, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00040-00014707-00015120 whether you do end up paying them to promote that to their audience as well, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00041-00015123-00015382 and being able to kind of, at least, on Facebook, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00042-00015382-00015572 where you target to that audience, too. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00043-00015652-00015796 There's a lot of different ways +5QMBYi6U6eE-00044-00015798-00016177 and I think that it can start at that testing stage in terms of content. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00045-00016278-00016503 And then, you're able to move into-- +5QMBYi6U6eE-00046-00016513-00017075 as soon as you do have a brand or you do have that focus, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00047-00017134-00017629 probably, a campaign that I would think of starting out would be-- +5QMBYi6U6eE-00048-00017681-00018225 well, to me, at least on Hey, we say that the four kind of main goals +5QMBYi6U6eE-00049-00018228-00018429 that most brands have an influencer marketing +5QMBYi6U6eE-00050-00018429-00018739 when they're starting out are brand awareness, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00051-00018739-00019121 driving sales, obviously, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00052-00019121-00019464 increasing your social following and content. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00053-00019560-00019859 If you think about those goals +5QMBYi6U6eE-00054-00019859-00020266 and you think about the campaigns that you're able to run to work backward +5QMBYi6U6eE-00055-00020270-00020577 or reverse-engineer from those goals to achieve success +5QMBYi6U6eE-00056-00020577-00020761 is just like in any marketing, I guess. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00057-00020762-00020971 -Yeah. -If you think about the goal +5QMBYi6U6eE-00058-00020971-00021227 and work backward from that goal to form a strategy, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00059-00021227-00021381 then you're able to kind of see +5QMBYi6U6eE-00060-00021381-00021590 the different types of campaigns that you can run. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00061-00021590-00021789 So, for brand awareness campaign +5QMBYi6U6eE-00062-00021789-00022094 which is often a really good starting point for a brand +5QMBYi6U6eE-00063-00022104-00022562 it could be sending out product at scale for gifting to influencers +5QMBYi6U6eE-00064-00022562-00022974 and literally just a product for post campaign. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00065-00022974-00023332 With content like we just spoke about, it could be product for content. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00066-00023353-00023533 And they don't have to post it all, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00067-00023533-00023728 although, sometimes because they've created +5QMBYi6U6eE-00068-00023730-00023861 great content for your brand +5QMBYi6U6eE-00069-00023863-00024022 and if around the content they've created, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00070-00024022-00024176 they end up posting it anyway, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00071-00024176-00024391 so it's kind of a double win there sometimes. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00072-00024492-00024719 With growing a social following, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00073-00024719-00025109 giveaways are usually the best kind of way to drive that +5QMBYi6U6eE-00074-00025110-00025416 because they have very clear call to actions in the campaigns. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00075-00025416-00025777 Again, call to actions in any of these campaign styles +5QMBYi6U6eE-00076-00025777-00026301 they're going to drive results a lot more than not having one. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00077-00026437-00026725 So, giveaway maybe like a tag to win competition +5QMBYi6U6eE-00078-00026725-00027016 is another really good way to start on that platform. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00079-00027019-00027376 You might want to be getting into influencer marketing +5QMBYi6U6eE-00080-00027379-00027685 and into Instagram marketing at a similar time, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00081-00027693-00027915 so you could use your influencer marketing campaign +5QMBYi6U6eE-00082-00027916-00028375 to kind of explode the initial growth of your account. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00083-00028375-00028733 For example, one of my friend's brands recently launched-- +5QMBYi6U6eE-00084-00028830-00029064 it's called Bambi Boutique in New Zealand, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00085-00029181-00029535 and they grew from-- +5QMBYi6U6eE-00086-00029535-00030022 they gave away three beauty packs worth $2,500 each, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00087-00030022-00030383 and they worked with three different macro, very macro influencers, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00088-00030384-00030574 like around a million followers each... +5QMBYi6U6eE-00089-00030578-00030956 -Okay. -But that is a large campaign. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00090-00030973-00031773 However, they grew from 4,000 to 168,000 followers in one week. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00091-00031857-00032227 So, they grew 150,000 followers in a week. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00092-00032239-00032466 I mean, people are worried about Instagram +5QMBYi6U6eE-00093-00032466-00032803 thinking you're not able to achieve the same results +5QMBYi6U6eE-00094-00032804-00033009 as you used to wherever else. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00095-00033009-00033172 Like these examples, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00096-00033172-00033495 while they're not always all that easy to replicate +5QMBYi6U6eE-00097-00033495-00033731 are an incredible example of the way +5QMBYi6U6eE-00098-00033731-00034044 that you still can explode your growth and it is possible. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00099-00034048-00034326 So, if you know something is possible like, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00100-00034326-00034629 of course, much more likely to push to achieve it. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00101-00034629-00035111 Then with sales generation campaign, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00102-00035111-00035288 a really good way to just test out +5QMBYi6U6eE-00103-00035288-00035523 whether influencer marketing is working for you +5QMBYi6U6eE-00104-00035523-00036010 and testings like diminishing returns if you're purchasing multiple posts +5QMBYi6U6eE-00105-00036105-00036443 is just creating unique personalized discount codes +5QMBYi6U6eE-00106-00036443-00036702 for the influencers to use with their followers. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00107-00036702-00036975 Then, if you can see that it is generating sales +5QMBYi6U6eE-00108-00036975-00037324 and they are bringing in revenue for your company +5QMBYi6U6eE-00109-00037324-00037515 you can say that that's worth reinvesting in. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00110-00037518-00037621 Very cool. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00111-00037626-00037964 Now, to track this you're mainly using UTM parameters +5QMBYi6U6eE-00112-00037964-00038188 in the links in the bio, is that accurate? +5QMBYi6U6eE-00113-00038262-00038538 Yeah. So, there's a few different tracking techniques. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00114-00038540-00038895 I mean, obviously, the discount codes are one way that you can track. +5QMBYi6U6eE-00115-00038921-00039208 I would say that each one of those that we just spoke about, +5QMBYi6U6eE-00116-00039208-00039495 so for each goals, so content following-- +5VRAYZwmjby-00000-00001124-00001244 Halo, I am a fishy. +5VRAYZwmjby-00001-00001398-00001514 Oh wait, fishies cant talk +5VRAYZwmjby-00002-00001655-00001762 Adios +5WdkrVNLCdU-00000-00000550-00000960 Treasury Stock is not a third kind of stock. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00001-00000960-00001473 It is a company’s own common stock that it has reacquired. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00002-00001473-00001976 There are a number of reasons why a company might repurchase its own common stock. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00003-00001976-00002286 A few reasons are listed here on the slide +5WdkrVNLCdU-00004-00002286-00002863 and include signaling the market that they think the stock is a good value; +5WdkrVNLCdU-00005-00002863-00003303 or they might need shares of stock for employee compensation plans; +5WdkrVNLCdU-00006-00003303-00003799 and potentially to try to prevent takeover bids from corporate raiders. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00007-00003800-00004200 Treasury Stock is not an asset account. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00008-00004200-00004456 It is a contra-equity account. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00009-00004456-00005019 It has a normal debit balance and its companion account is usually Common Stock. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00010-00005020-00005420 Because it has a debit balance, it reduces equity. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00011-00005420-00005820 In order to see how treasury stock impacts equity, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00012-00005820-00006123 Let’s look at this example from Mumford & Son’s. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00013-00006123-00006723 You can see the company’s Paid-in Capital amounts as well as Retained Earnings. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00014-00006723-00007329 Let's see how these change with the purchase and resale of treasury stock. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00015-00007330-00007943 In this example, Mumford & Son’s purchases 10,000 shares of its common stock +5WdkrVNLCdU-00016-00007943-00008233 for $10 per share. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00017-00008233-00008793 So we would debit Treasury Stock and credit Cash for $100,000. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00018-00008793-00009143 Treasury Stock is always accounted for at its cost, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00019-00009143-00009649 so the cost of these shares is now $10 per share. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00020-00009650-00010050 The Stockholders’ Equity section, after the purchase, looks like this. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00021-00010050-00010776 Notice Treasury Stock is listed after Retained Earnings and is a reduction in equity. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00022-00010776-00011253 When Mumford & Son’s reissues its stock back to the market, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00023-00011253-00012176 there are three possible outcomes: it can sell at cost, above cost, or below cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00024-00012176-00012576 Let’s look at an example of each. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00025-00012576-00013059 In this example, Mumford & Son’s reissues 2,000 shares of its treasury stock +5WdkrVNLCdU-00026-00013060-00013383 at $10 per share-its cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00027-00013383-00013949 So we would debit Cash and credit Treasury Stock for $20,000. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00028-00013950-00014369 The Stockholders’ Equity section after the reissuance looks like this. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00029-00014369-00014683 Notice that Treasury Stock is now $20,000 less, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00030-00014683-00015166 and equity has increased by $20,000 because of it. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00031-00015166-00015419 In this example, Mumford & Son’s +5WdkrVNLCdU-00032-00015419-00015913 reissues 4,000 shares of its treasury stock at $12 per share, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00033-00015913-00016189 which is above cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00034-00016190-00016563 So we would debit Cash for 48,000 +5WdkrVNLCdU-00035-00016563-00017019 and credit Treasury Stock for $40,000, its cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00036-00017020-00017600 We also credit Paid-In Capital for Treasury Stock for $8,000. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00037-00017600-00018000 This is the amount we reissued the stock for above its cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00038-00018000-00018516 The Stockholders’ Equity section after the reissuance looks like this. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00039-00018516-00019129 Notice that Paid-in Capital for Treasury Stock is listed in the Paid-In Capital section +5WdkrVNLCdU-00040-00019130-00019550 and Treasury Stock has been reduced by another $40,000, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00041-00019550-00020083 and equity has increased by $48,000. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00042-00020083-00020666 Finally, Treasury Stock can be reissued below cost if a company needs cash +5WdkrVNLCdU-00043-00020666-00021033 or thinks the stock price will drop even further. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00044-00021033-00021609 In this extreme example, Mumford & Son’s reissues 4,000 shares of its treasury stock +5WdkrVNLCdU-00045-00021610-00022123 for $5 per share, which is $5 below its cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00046-00022123-00022563 So I want to show you the journal entry is stages. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00047-00022563-00023389 We would debit Cash for $20,000 and credit Treasury Stock for $40,000, its cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00048-00023390-00023796 This leaves us missing $20,000 of debits. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00049-00023796-00024499 When this happens, the first account we reduce is Paid-In Capital for Treasury Stock. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00050-00024500-00025283 However, we can only debit this account for its available balance, which in this case is $8,000. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00051-00025283-00025806 When there isn’t enough balance available in the Paid-In Capital for Treasury Stock account, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00052-00025806-00026256 the remaining amount needs to come from Retained Earnings. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00053-00026256-00026903 So Retained Earnings needs to be debited $12,000 to make the journal entry balance. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00054-00026903-00027373 The Stockholders’ Equity section after all of these transactions is shown here. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00055-00027373-00027746 Treasury Stock is gone because all the stock was reissued. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00056-00027746-00028009 Paid-In Capital for Treasury Stock is gone, +5WdkrVNLCdU-00057-00028010-00028476 because we used that available balance when we sold stock below cost. +5WdkrVNLCdU-00058-00028476-00028829 Finally, Retained Earnings has decreased by $12,000 +5WdkrVNLCdU-00059-00028830-00029310 to cover the amount needed when the stock was sold below cost. +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00000-00000000-00000401 I'm David kleeman I'm the senior vice president of global trends for a British +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00001-00000401-00000803 company called Dubbit. That's a research and strategy consultancy and a Metaverse studio. +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00002-00001068-00001620 Right now if you ask someone what's the Metaverse you will get 10 times more answers than you ask +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00003-00001620-00002100 people. Everyone has a different concept of what it is. There are some very good +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00004-00002100-00002562 descriptions from people like Matthew Ball who's one of the great strategists of it who +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00005-00002562-00003342 talks about it as persistent. And global. And always the ability to house huge numbers of +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00006-00003342-00003815 people in one place and have them interacting with each other in a way that feels immersive. +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00007-00003815-00004284 I try to reduce it especially when I'm talking to other people who make content for children +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00008-00004284-00005094 to the simplest possible idea which is which is reducing the friction points the frustrations +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00009-00005094-00005652 that young people feel when they go into digital environments reducing the frustrations when they +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00010-00005652-00006132 play games when they try to socialize when they communicate with each other when they +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00011-00006132-00006714 explore when they learn and doing that by making immersive environments making making +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00012-00006714-00007302 places where they can explore on their own where there's not someone constantly telling them what +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00013-00007302-00007973 direction to go or telling them what what they should be thinking about but allowing them to +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00014-00007973-00008442 to make the worlds their own and and often to create the worlds that they're playing in +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00015-00008646-00009138 a couple things about that about using the metaverse to to provide reliable information +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00016-00009138-00009900 to avoid fake news first of all it has to go well beyond that we need comprehensive media literacy +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00017-00009900-00010518 education across the curriculum from the youngest ages right now we teach young people to read text +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00018-00010518-00011142 to read print there is no reason we shouldn't be teaching from the earliest years how to read +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00019-00011142-00011790 screens how to read audio how do you know all the different inputs that come to to young people now +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00020-00011868-00012708 I am most interested from a news and information perspective for the metaverse in two of the +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00021-00012708-00013278 platforms that um are not game platforms necessarily and that's virtual reality and +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00022-00013278-00013968 augmented reality virtual reality I think about from the perspective of the news consumer we +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00023-00013968-00014754 know that there are ways to create empathy for someone's situation by immersing another person +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00024-00014754-00015582 in that world I've been through a VR experience where I looked in a in what looked like a mirror +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00025-00015582-00016247 while I was inside virtual reality and I thought saw myself and then they asked me to kind of duck +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00026-00016247-00016920 down and come back up and when I came back up I was a black woman and instantly things started +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00027-00016920-00017502 happening in the virtual space around me that could happen to a black woman how she was being +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00028-00017502-00018210 treated the race racist comments the ways people looked at her the ways people interacted with her +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00029-00018270-00019110 and it was very quick that I bought into this and and started to feel fear feel anger feel anxiety +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00030-00019230-00019698 um and the question that we still haven't answered is when you come out of that how long does that +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00031-00019698-00020250 last and does it transfer to the real world but there's some evidence that that it does +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00032-00020316-00020844 so in terms of immersing people in someone else's situation getting them to care which +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00033-00020844-00021402 is the first step in getting them to act I think virtual reality can be incredibly powerful +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00034-00021474-00022140 augmented reality I see as a way of tagging the world with information so that as I'm walking +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00035-00022140-00022818 around the world I my phone maybe you know we all carry an augmented reality device in our pockets +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00036-00022818-00023598 right now a smartphone and as I'm walking around my phone might tell me something happened here and +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00037-00023598-00024354 I will be able to get an image or text or audio of something important that happened on that spot +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00038-00024354-00025056 how do we help children understand news doesn't happen just far away news doesn't happen just to +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00039-00025056-00025824 other people news happens in my community news happens to people I know news influences how I +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00040-00025824-00026526 live my life and if you can show them very very substantially the things that happen in their +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00041-00026526-00027126 community in their neighborhood and get them to participate in that as well when they know about +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00042-00027126-00027702 something that's happened they can create their own spots for augmented reality I think that's the +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00043-00027702-00028248 way we we start to use use news for authenticity they're used metaverse for authenticity +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00044-00028518-00029112 I think young people will be uh a key part of gathering information gathering the news +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00045-00029112-00029676 around them they see the world from a different perspective than the older people around them +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00046-00029676-00030282 and if we can start to respect that and look at their ability to create I think that's that's +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00047-00030282-00030888 the key right now is we think of young people as consumers of media more and more they are +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00048-00030888-00031739 creators of media and we need to learn how to incorporate that into what we as adults what we +5WrBFqS4t2Q-00049-00031739-00032304 as decision makers around the world consume and the perspectives that that we take in +5Y81y3uwLVc-00000-00000064-00000760 so let's start from the very beginning. What are wetalking about when we say self-harm or self-injury? +5Y81y3uwLVc-00001-00000760-00001088 because that's something that we get asked a lot in our training courses, you know, what is +5Y81y3uwLVc-00002-00001088-00001728 it exactly? are we talking about cutting? or, what is it? I like to keep it simple because +5Y81y3uwLVc-00003-00001728-00002288 there are many definitions out there but the one that I've developed over the 20 years is that 'it's +5Y81y3uwLVc-00004-00002288-00003024 the intentional infliction of harm on one's body.' Usually for emotional reasons; and, so there reallyis +5Y81y3uwLVc-00005-00003120-00003879 the 'intentional aspect'. It's not an accident, it's not 'oh oops! I goofed!'. +5Y81y3uwLVc-00006-00003879-00004848 I mean, it's a conscious decision of 'I know I'm about to create harm on my body.' Emi: Right, right, and +5Y81y3uwLVc-00007-00004904-00005400 another question we often get is, 'what's the relationship with suicide? does it mean that +5Y81y3uwLVc-00008-00005400-00006128 the person is intendingto end their life? or how does that work? what's +5Y81y3uwLVc-00009-00006128-00006712 the relationship? Lori: it's a great question becausethat is a really important thing to differentiate +5Y81y3uwLVc-00010-00006792-00007495 so while self-injury is not a suicide attempt there's a very strong correlation between the two. +5Y81y3uwLVc-00011-00007576-00008184 As a matter of fact, at least 60 maybe even up to 70 per cent of people that self-harm +5Y81y3uwLVc-00012-00008184-00009048 do have some type of suicidal ideation and over the years I've tracked over 530 individuals. So +5Y81y3uwLVc-00013-00009048-00009712 that's one of the things I look at. And I will tell you - yes, at least 60 per cent either had the +5Y81y3uwLVc-00014-00009712-00010448 ideation or they've actually attempted; but of course, the behavior itself does not mean +5Y81y3uwLVc-00015-00010448-00011352 it's an intent or attempt. That's where you have to ask the intent question, 'so, what was your +5Y81y3uwLVc-00016-00011352-00011816 aim in doing this? Hi I'm Emi Golding, Director of Psychology for the WMHI +5Y81y3uwLVc-00017-00011816-00012296 We hope you liked the video. If you did, make sure to give it a thumbs up. We have more +5Y81y3uwLVc-00018-00012296-00012728 and more videos being released each week so whenyou subscribe you'll get a notification letting +5Y81y3uwLVc-00019-00012728-00013160 you know when a new one's just been published. So make sure to hit that subscribe button and +5Y81y3uwLVc-00020-00013216-00013712 don't miss out on this vital information for yourself, your colleagues, and your loved ones +5YU4UT6QKny-00000-00000339-00000874 If you do have to go outside minimize your time outside. +5YU4UT6QKny-00001-00000874-00001332 Work rest cycles are important if you do have to be outside. +5YU4UT6QKny-00002-00001332-00001939 Again the temperature really dictates how long you can be out versus coming back in +5YU4UT6QKny-00003-00001939-00002137 and how long you should be inside to rewarm. +5YU4UT6QKny-00004-00002137-00002653 If you’re exposed to cold weather too long without proper layers and conditions then +5YU4UT6QKny-00005-00002653-00003182 your temperature gets so low that your organs basically start to shut down. +5YU4UT6QKny-00006-00003182-00003501 You lose circulation, you lose it first in your extremities so that’s why frostbite +5YU4UT6QKny-00007-00003501-00003729 tends to happen on your fingers and toes. +5YU4UT6QKny-00008-00003729-00004132 To prevent hypothermia or frostbite in cold weather obviously you want to wear layers. +5YU4UT6QKny-00009-00004132-00004639 You want to wear gloves, hats, earmuffs, facemasks, lots of layers of clothing, and extra socks. +5YU4UT6QKny-00010-00004639-00005222 If you have hypothermia the best thing to do is to try to get warm as fast as you can. +5YU4UT6QKny-00011-00005222-00005662 Obviously remove yourself from the cold area is always the first thing you want to do. +5YU4UT6QKny-00012-00005662-00006059 You can drink warm liquids and put on as many layers as you can. +5YU4UT6QKny-00013-00006059-00006335 You never want to try to treat the frostbite yourself. +5YU4UT6QKny-00014-00006335-00006693 You don’t want to try to rub that affected extremity because you can make it actually +5YU4UT6QKny-00015-00006693-00006793 fall off. +5YU4UT6QKny-00016-00006793-00007142 You just want to get into the warm area as soon as possible, don’t touch the extremities +5YU4UT6QKny-00017-00007142-00007348 and don’t run them under cold or warm water. +5YU4UT6QKny-00018-00007348-00007706 You just want to get near a source of heat and blankets. +5YU4UT6QKny-00019-00007706-00008199 The most common incidents we see here on the base are slips and falls from people just +5YU4UT6QKny-00020-00008199-00008426 being careless and not paying attention to their surroundings. +5YU4UT6QKny-00021-00008426-00008886 So make sure that you always put salt down, make sure you shovel the snow and put the +5YU4UT6QKny-00022-00008886-00008986 salt down. +5YU4UT6QKny-00023-00008986-00009297 If you’re walking and you see that there’s some slippery area just toss some salt down. +5YU4UT6QKny-00024-00009297-00009705 And make sure you wear YakTrax so you won’t fall. +5YU4UT6QKny-00025-00009705-00010129 In case you ever get stranded I would say to make sure you have a blanket and a flashlight. +5YU4UT6QKny-00026-00010129-00010599 Make sure you have your cell phone charger, or an extra charger, to charge your phone. +5YU4UT6QKny-00027-00010599-00011079 Make sure you have snacks if need be and anything that can help you during the time that you’re +5YU4UT6QKny-00028-00011079-00011161 out there more than thirty minutes. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00000-00000008-00000400 You’re only in Barcelona for so many days and you want to make the most out of your time here. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00001-00000400-00000688 In this video, I’m taking you inside the Miró Foundation so +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00002-00000688-00001592 you can decide if it's worth it on your next trip to Barcelona. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00003-00001896-00002416 What’s up guys? Patrick here, tour guide and your guide to Barcelona. One of the questions +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00004-00002416-00002936 I most often get by tourists in the city is “Is it worth it?” My channel is all about answering +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00005-00002936-00003344 that question so you can see for yourselves and be better prepared for your next trip +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00006-00003344-00003824 to Barcelona. So hit subscribe to see other ideas and other videos on things you can do +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00007-00003824-00004384 in this amazing city and make sure you hit that like button so others can know as well. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00008-00004544-00005016 The Miró Foundation is the place in Barcelona to come and see the works of the Barcelona-born +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00009-00005016-00005488 artist Joan Miró and get an overview of the various stages of his life and work. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00010-00005488-00005808 Those who want to see one of the 20th century's most famous artists, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00011-00005808-00006240 need to come here, you’ll find over 200 paintings, almost as many sculptures, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00012-00006240-00007184 and various other works by Miró, as well as varying exhibits of contemporary art. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00013-00007552-00007959 Unlike many of the other museums in Barcelona, the Miró Foundation was specifically built +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00014-00007959-00008488 for Joan Miro’s work. Designed by Miró and his good friend Josep Lluis Sert, it is built in a +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00015-00008488-00008936 rationalist style while representing a traditional mediterranean house with a roof you have to visit. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00016-00008992-00009376 It sits up atop Montjuic and gives you some spectacular views of the city. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00017-00009432-00009704 It is a bit of a journey, but was purposefully placed here to +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00018-00009704-00010056 combine the study of contemporary art, with architecture and the surrounding +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00019-00010056-00010520 landscape. While public transport makes it easy and leaves you at the front door, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00020-00010520-00011384 it is recommended to take one of numerous paths through the mountain to get the full experience. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00021-00011960-00012264 Once you’re there, admission is 13€, but if you live here, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00022-00012264-00012600 it might be more worth it to pay the extra euro for the annual pass. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00023-00012600-00013016 Art lovers will be glad to know that the Miró Foundation is another one of the 6 museums +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00024-00013016-00014184 offered as part of the Articket. A 35€ passport for incredible savings on the city’s best art. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00025-00014496-00014944 Miró’s work is unconventional, but easily recognized. Most visitors to Barcelona are +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00026-00014944-00015408 familiar with his iconic mural on Las Ramblas, and those that have flown in out of Terminal 2 +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00027-00015408-00015928 will have seen his mural as well. Personally, I have always been a fan and think of Miro’s +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00028-00015928-00016496 work as very playful and expressive. It is, however, difficult to describe or classify, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00029-00016496-00017032 sometime’s only being able to say “oh, that’s a Miró”. And that’s what you’ll see on display here. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00030-00018248-00018632 His early work has many landscapes from the Catalan countryside and in fact one +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00031-00018632-00019096 of his most famous paintings, The Farm was purchased by Ernest Hemingway. He later +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00032-00019096-00019600 dabbled in various styles, like Surrealism, although he rejected the title. Overall, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00033-00019600-00019944 Miró didn’t want to be defined by the conventional ideals, something you +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00034-00019944-00020568 might notice as the styles change as you move around and definitely within his Anti-painting, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00035-00020568-00021032 which I think really shocks you as a visitor. As part of his assassination of painting, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00036-00021032-00022584 you will see destoyed canvases that might spark some interestign conversations. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00037-00022584-00022607 One of my favorite parts of the museum is the mercury fountain on +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00038-00022607-00022634 display designed by American Alexander Calder because of the story behind it. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00039-00022634-00022660 The fountain was originally designed for the Spanish Pavillion in 1937 at +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00040-00022660-00022690 the International Exposition in Paris as a way for the Spanish Republican Government to +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00041-00022690-00022721 gain support during the Spanish Civil War. Calder was the only non-Spaniard on display +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00042-00022721-00022749 in the pavilion, and was alongside The Reaper by Miró and Picasso’s Guernica. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00043-00022749-00022776 Interestingly enough, the building was designed by the same architect, Sert, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00044-00022776-00022808 who created the building we are currently in. The mercury was used to call attention to the +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00045-00022808-00022839 siege of the town of Almaden and its mercury mine by Francoist troops. Spain accounted for +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00046-00022839-00022868 60 percent of the world’s mercury at the time making this a strategic take over +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00047-00022868-00022897 The fountain like the other famous pieces called attention to the atrocities of the +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00048-00022897-00022928 Civil War. Don’t worry, unlike at the Expo, the fountain is kept behind a glass case. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00049-00022928-00023336 Along the way you’ll find the mercury fountain by Alexander Calder, originally designed for +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00050-00023336-00023808 the Spanish Pavillion during the Paris Expo in 1937. The only non-Spaniard, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00051-00023808-00024288 Calder’s work was on display along Miró’s the Reaper and Picasso’s Guernica. Like the rest +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00052-00024288-00024744 of the work in the Pavillion, the fountain called attention to the Spanish Civil War, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00053-00024744-00025280 specifically the rebel troops’ attack on the mercury mine in the Spanish town of Almaden. Spain +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00054-00025280-00025768 accounted for 60% of the mercury in the world at the time making this a big blow to the Republican +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00055-00025768-00026783 Spanish Government. Don’t worry, unlike at the Expo the fountain is kept behind a glass case. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00056-00028448-00028848 After you venture around the museum for a little bit, you get up to the roof terrace. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00057-00028848-00029383 Which doesn't have a lot up here, a few different sculptures by Miró, but what you do get are some +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00058-00029383-00029864 awesome views out to the Collserola and Tibidabo mountains and just into the city in general. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00059-00030744-00031176 Miró has been a huge influence on many other artists, including Antoni Tàpies +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00060-00031176-00031560 who has his own museum in the city, but you’ll also be able to catch all sorts of +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00061-00031560-00031952 different exhibits for other artists in the museum as well. Make sure you check out the +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00062-00031952-00032383 website before your visit so you’ll be up to date on the latest announcements. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00063-00033288-00033552 We’re now in the gardens on the outside of the the Miró Foundation, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00064-00033552-00033920 and now that you’ve seen the inside, let me know what you think. Leave a comment below and let me +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00065-00033920-00034368 know if you’ll be stopping by on your next trip over to Barcelona and if you’ve already been, +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00066-00034368-00034784 let everybody else know what you thought of your experience. As one of Barcelona’s most known +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00067-00034784-00035248 artists it’s a really great experience, it’s a really great chance to see all of his work, get +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00068-00035248-00035600 incredible views of the city, and if you’re over on Montjüic and planning on spending some time +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00069-00035600-00036088 here, it’s something that I always recommend that you do. Remember, that for only 35 euros is one of +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00070-00036088-00036528 the 6 museums that’s included in that Articket, I’ll leave a link in the description below. +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00071-00036528-00036952 Check out some other videos, hit subscribe if you haven’t done so already so that you can find out +5ZnmN7PmdGM-00072-00036952-00037704 more about what you can do in Barcelona. Thank you for watching and I’ll see you next time. +5arh1DN--KM-00000-00000302-00000719 Hi, my name is Paul Atkins. I'm the team leader of uh... Passenger Compliance. We +5arh1DN--KM-00001-00000719-00001249 look after the taxis, hire cars and private buses and chauffeured vehicles +5arh1DN--KM-00002-00001249-00001444 that run around the city. +5arh1DN--KM-00003-00001444-00001844 Our main objective is to make sure that the taxis are safe for the traveling public; +5arh1DN--KM-00004-00001844-00002158 that the drivers are who they are driving the vehicles; +5arh1DN--KM-00005-00002158-00002597 and that ah... the passengers are safe for traveling from point A to B in the +5arh1DN--KM-00006-00002597-00003060 uh... taxis; especially the metropolitan ones. When we're out doing our compliance checks +5arh1DN--KM-00007-00003060-00003301 we're looking for the drivers are licensed, +5arh1DN--KM-00008-00003301-00003682 that they are accredited, that the accreditation matches the photo identification +5arh1DN--KM-00009-00003682-00004046 on a taxi; that they're logged into the system under their own +5arh1DN--KM-00010-00004046-00004487 PIN and that the GPS is working on the vehicle and that it's all logged in as +5arh1DN--KM-00011-00004487-00004665 well so that, uh... +5arh1DN--KM-00012-00004665-00005069 people in South Australia have confidence in using a metropolitan taxi; +5arh1DN--KM-00013-00005069-00005395 that all the safety features are working, including the camera system +5arh1DN--KM-00014-00005395-00005714 for safety of the passenger and of the driver. +5arh1DN--KM-00015-00005714-00006262 We uh... turn up to uh... taxi ranks uh... around the city and metropolitan area. +5arh1DN--KM-00016-00006262-00006702 Uh... we turn up at major events, we do intercepts on roads of all the vehicles +5arh1DN--KM-00017-00006702-00006926 like I mentioned before; that we check. +5arh1DN--KM-00018-00006926-00007436 We do uh... blitzes on road worthiness, uniforms and standard. We don't +5arh1DN--KM-00019-00007436-00007784 want people getting into a dirty cab, cause a lot of time at the airport +5arh1DN--KM-00020-00007784-00008156 they're the first face of uh... South Australia and we want them to have a good +5arh1DN--KM-00021-00008156-00008633 experience, not a bad experience, so they uh... we require a high standard of cleanliness +5arh1DN--KM-00022-00008633-00009000 which is in the Act and drivers to be well presented and polite to ah... +5arh1DN--KM-00023-00009000-00009082 people. +5fnxv8HIO-I-00000-00000006-00000516 What's up guys Jason worktop here in in today's video. I'm going to show you exactly what I'm doing to get my first +5fnxv8HIO-I-00001-00000571-00000771 1000 Instagram followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00002-00000861-00000926 alright guys +5fnxv8HIO-I-00003-00000926-00001484 so if you guys been following my channel you know that I have gone through and I'm working on some personal branding stuff I have +5fnxv8HIO-I-00004-00001484-00001847 Gone through and built my business primarily in 2017 on Facebook +5fnxv8HIO-I-00005-00001848-00002157 And now I'm branched off onto YouTube as you guys are right here on my youtube channel +5fnxv8HIO-I-00006-00002157-00002819 and then I'm also going through and leveraging Instagram to get more followers to come to my youtube channel and to +5fnxv8HIO-I-00007-00002853-00003296 Basically get more exposure and more personal branding now. I've done some miss Graham stuff in the past +5fnxv8HIO-I-00008-00003296-00003890 I hope my brother grew up to 10,000 followers on Instagram in just 90 days helped another friend get +5fnxv8HIO-I-00009-00003954-00004550 2,000 followers in the first I think 3 weeks it was it was crazy on his third post he got over +5fnxv8HIO-I-00010-00004600-00004836 2,000 likes by using some of these different strategies +5fnxv8HIO-I-00011-00004900-00005427 of using hashtags and tagging people and all that stuff which I want to show you guys in today's video and +5fnxv8HIO-I-00012-00005476-00005919 Some free or these are all 100% free organic methods to go get your first +5fnxv8HIO-I-00013-00005962-00006615 1,000 Instagram followers right now guys remember that the important thing to remember is it's not all about the the followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00014-00006615-00007043 It's not that vanity metric because I actually have a lot of friends with over a hundred thousand followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00015-00007045-00007775 And they are not necessarily making the type of money that somebody with 5,000 or even 10,000 subscribers or followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00016-00007797-00007888 Have right +5fnxv8HIO-I-00017-00007888-00008543 it's more about the business model and the structure of how you go through and structure all of your back end products and what your +5fnxv8HIO-I-00018-00008545-00008868 offerings are so we'll hit that we'll cover that in another video but +5fnxv8HIO-I-00019-00008929-00009197 As far as today as far as getting started with your first +5fnxv8HIO-I-00020-00009250-00009378 1000 Instagram followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00021-00009378-00009944 Let me jump onto my phone because I want to show you guys the exact app I use it's a hundred percent free and what? +5fnxv8HIO-I-00022-00009945-00010353 I'm doing to go through and organically get those initial followers alright +5fnxv8HIO-I-00023-00010353-00010524 So you guys can see I'm right here on my phone +5fnxv8HIO-I-00024-00010524-00010968 So let me just show you really quick my Instagram account so I've got about 675 followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00025-00010968-00011387 You can see right here, and so one second. I want to show you guys this captivate app +5fnxv8HIO-I-00026-00011389-00011771 This is exactly what I uses a hundred percent free so I'll click on the search +5fnxv8HIO-I-00027-00011771-00012182 And I'll type a name like Gary Vee and I'll click on in and then what I'm gonna do is +5fnxv8HIO-I-00028-00012182-00012647 I'm gonna go and copy all of his followers. You can see he's got 2.8. Million followers hit actions +5fnxv8HIO-I-00029-00012647-00013178 I hit copy user followers, and then a process it's gonna pull about 150 to 200 people and +5fnxv8HIO-I-00030-00013244-00013794 I want to follow these people because he's similar to what I'm building my brand with so I'm gonna hit select +5fnxv8HIO-I-00031-00013819-00014430 Non following, so I'm not already following these people you see it says selected 177 then what I'm gonna +5fnxv8HIO-I-00032-00014430-00015026 Do is come over here to the Settings section, and I'm just gonna click on actions and execute locally all right? +5fnxv8HIO-I-00033-00015026-00015317 So now I want to show you guys a quick tagging and posting technique +5fnxv8HIO-I-00034-00015318-00015672 That's really helpful, so if you go in here and let's just select any one of these posts +5fnxv8HIO-I-00035-00015672-00015778 Let's just select a random one +5fnxv8HIO-I-00036-00015778-00015978 We're gonna click Next and then +5fnxv8HIO-I-00037-00015981-00016538 What we want to do here is we're going through and building out the post is we want to go and we want to tag +5fnxv8HIO-I-00038-00016539-00017204 People so we want to tag the top influencers in our niche that we want to go build our following rounds like get grant cardone +5fnxv8HIO-I-00039-00017242-00017576 At I Lopez at tony robbins lewis howes +5fnxv8HIO-I-00040-00017631-00017903 gary vaynerchuk all these different top influencers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00041-00017970-00018617 So that people that follow these influencers when they go to the explore tab our post is gonna show up right now another one +5fnxv8HIO-I-00042-00018618-00019194 That's really key is going through and doing different tags so we can go through and type in like entrepreneur life entrepreneur +5fnxv8HIO-I-00043-00019257-00019502 technology or tech and just different hashtags +5fnxv8HIO-I-00044-00019540-00020112 That are also going to allow us to pop up in the explore section of other people that are following people +5fnxv8HIO-I-00045-00020131-00020388 Related to the people that we want to follow alright +5fnxv8HIO-I-00046-00020388-00020657 This strategy right here is what we use you'll get over +5fnxv8HIO-I-00047-00020692-00021257 2,000 likes on the third pulse of a brand new Instagram account alright guys so there you have it right there the +5fnxv8HIO-I-00048-00021268-00021926 Captivate app go through find the top influencers in your niche, and then go through and copy all of their followers +5fnxv8HIO-I-00049-00021926-00022601 And then go through and slowly follow them over time now just quick recap typically what we see is about 10% of people +5fnxv8HIO-I-00050-00022623-00023000 Are gonna actually follow us back of those that we go through and follow all right? +5fnxv8HIO-I-00051-00023001-00023373 And then as we go through and we're making a consistent posts each day +5fnxv8HIO-I-00052-00023373-00024020 And we're getting likes and Facebook and Instagram because Instagram is actually owned by Facebook as their see we're getting engagement +5fnxv8HIO-I-00053-00024020-00024221 We're getting likes. We're getting comments on our posts +5fnxv8HIO-I-00054-00024222-00024977 They're gonna show our posts in the explore tab more than some other posts right then also if we're going and tagging other top +5fnxv8HIO-I-00055-00025003-00025191 influencers in our niche in the post +5fnxv8HIO-I-00056-00025191-00025700 Then it's going to say okay people that are following ty Loeb has a PEZ or Gary Vaynerchuk or Grant Cardone +5fnxv8HIO-I-00057-00025747-00026354 These people just because they're tagging this post they're probably going to want to see a post similar this or because they're using similar +5fnxv8HIO-I-00058-00026376-00026506 Hashtags or something like that +5fnxv8HIO-I-00059-00026506-00026991 Then they're also going to show that more often in the explore page right so that's gonna get you more exposure +5fnxv8HIO-I-00060-00027019-00027602 and then now when people go and click to your Instagram profile because you're doing some of these following techniques with the +5fnxv8HIO-I-00061-00027622-00027814 captivate app so it's just +5fnxv8HIO-I-00062-00027814-00028343 Capt IV 8ee and go search that it's a hundred percent free in the App Store and +5fnxv8HIO-I-00063-00028357-00028784 Because you're doing some of these techniques with that and you're getting a little bit of a following +5fnxv8HIO-I-00064-00028792-00029225 then people are actually going to go through and follow you because if you think about it like if you have a great post and +5fnxv8HIO-I-00065-00029226-00029777 They click to your page, and you've only got like you know 50 followers or 100 followers. It's it's gonna +5fnxv8HIO-I-00066-00029777-00030117 Be hard for people actually go through and follow you because we're like it's a brand new account +5fnxv8HIO-I-00067-00030117-00030470 I don't know if they're gonna keep on posting or I don't know what type of content +5fnxv8HIO-I-00068-00030470-00030986 they've got or all that stuff so you want to be able to go through and have a decent following and +5fnxv8HIO-I-00069-00031006-00031449 One last thing that I want to share with you guys if you're starting a brand new account completely from scratch +5fnxv8HIO-I-00070-00031510-00031964 Before you go start doing some of these techniques go make about 12 to 15 posts +5fnxv8HIO-I-00071-00032014-00032327 There are the types of posts that you want to be able to have +5fnxv8HIO-I-00072-00032368-00032934 Continuing on so if somebody goes through and clicks to your page then they see those 12 to 15 posts and like oh +5fnxv8HIO-I-00073-00032934-00033281 I like this style of post they're more likely to follow you as opposed to +5fnxv8HIO-I-00074-00033289-00033566 If you just start your account doing these different techniques +5fnxv8HIO-I-00075-00033567-00033670 And they go to your account +5fnxv8HIO-I-00076-00033670-00034152 And there's absolutely no post and they're gonna be like oh this person doesn't post I'm not really gonna go follow them so +5fnxv8HIO-I-00077-00034162-00034722 Make sure you have some posts in there and then try to post at least one time every single day +5fnxv8HIO-I-00078-00034735-00035076 Which you just go through map out your week and plant it out and get some good +5fnxv8HIO-I-00079-00035083-00035666 Content for the whole week then they just make that one post per day make sure you're doing the tagging strategies the hashtag +5fnxv8HIO-I-00080-00035674-00036231 Strategies and then keep up with captivate and you should be able to get to a thousand followers in no time alright guys +5fnxv8HIO-I-00081-00036231-00036669 So hopefully this video was helpful on how to get your first 1000 followers on Instagram in +5fnxv8HIO-I-00082-00036721-00037286 2018 if you guys found this video helpful go ahead and like the video also make sure you subscribe the channel if you guys like +5fnxv8HIO-I-00083-00037287-00037742 Videos like this where I launched a new video every single day of how to go through grow your following +5fnxv8HIO-I-00084-00037765-00038357 Generate more leads make more money and grow your business right so thanks so much guys for watching today, and we'll see you all tomorrow +5g7bh-L3jW4-00000-00000616-00000899 This is our restaurant's famous, special char siu. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00001-00001020-00001604 Thanks to this, we have customers who live more than 100,000 light-years away. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00002-00001816-00002324 its fragrance, color, and sheen... Ah, excellent! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00003-00002333-00002587 After all, we do use Special Space Coal to make this! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00004-00002587-00002837 "Special Space Coal"? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00005-00002883-00002987 This. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00006-00003158-00003358 Looks nasty... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00007-00003408-00003712 it's not food! we use this to cook the meat! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00008-00004016-00004145 we put this in the stove and open the lid to set the temperature. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00009-00004145-00004233 we put this in the stove and open the lid to set the temperature. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00010-00004233-00004562 We put this in the stove and open the lid to set the temperature. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00011-00004620-00004799 Then, you push this to light the fire! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00012-00004802-00004985 Initiating the Hot-hot Wave. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00013-00004987-00005187 See? This is how we cook it. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00014-00005412-00005591 What?! What are you planning to do with that?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00015-00005595-00005737 Help You! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00016-00005737-00005829 YOU idiot!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00017-00015100-00015295 That was scary. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00018-00015354-00015504 How dare you?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00019-00015504-00015858 The Special Space Coal is all gone!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00020-00015858-00015983 I'm sorry... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00021-00016133-00016266 What's this? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00022-00016312-00016491 it's from a nearby supermarket. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00023-00016508-00016862 That won't do at all! The taste is totally different. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00024-00016925-00017074 They look the same. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00025-00017075-00017233 No, they're not!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00026-00017283-00017345 What? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00027-00017345-00017458 watch! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00028-00017945-00018070 Does it taste different? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00029-00018487-00018704 I can't taste the difference... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00030-00018712-00018895 I really think they're the same. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00031-00018895-00018966 I really think they're the same. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00032-00019116-00019383 It'S TOTALLY different! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00033-00019383-00019895 It's as different as the moon is from a soft-shelled turtle! No, as the Cancer Nebula is from the Cygnus Loop! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00034-00019950-00020095 Which one is better? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00035-00020133-00020208 What...? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00036-00020416-00020599 Which one is better? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00037-00020770-00021304 Now then, our next feature is the "Planetary Frontline News", which presents the hottest trends from various planets. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00038-00021504-00021749 Today we are having a live broadcast from Planet Kurodaiya. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00039-00021966-00022079 Good morning. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00040-00022083-00022304 I am your reporter, Arnold. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00041-00022333-00022499 This person here is Moguu-san. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00042-00022500-00022566 Yo. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00043-00022600-00023041 Moguu-san, you're digging for coal all by yourself on this planet, right? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00044-00023066-00023408 Yeah, though l had many co-workers in the past... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00045-00023408-00023987 Oh, but as long as there are people who use Special Space Coal, l will dig until l die. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00046-00023987-00024216 But isn't it difficult to be doing all of this by yourself? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00047-00024216-00024554 So, I am recruiting part-time helpers! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00048-00024554-00024995 So, I am recruiting part-time helpers! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00049-00025033-00025329 Contact me here, here, here! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00050-00025512-00025712 No experience necessary! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00051-00025720-00025870 I'm looking forward to hearing from you! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00052-00025962-00026220 Jetterz! we must go to Planet Kurodaiya! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00053-00026237-00026341 What...? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00054-00026375-00026566 Shirobom, you'll be the one working, okay? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00055-00026566-00026808 What?! Jeez... Why?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00056-00026808-00027137 This is all because you burned the coal! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00057-00027150-00027312 Take responsibility! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00058-00027508-00027958 Last time, you were going on and on about me launching the Cosmo Jetter without permission... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00059-00028083-00028362 I grant you permission to embark on a mission to mine for coal on Planet Kurodaiya. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00060-00028500-00028566 Victory! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00061-00028666-00028891 I'm going to tell Grandma... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00062-00028891-00029387 Underground, Go! Go! Go! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00063-00030983-00031187 Mama... it was a failure once again. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00064-00031195-00031433 Don't feel so down about it, Mujyou-chan. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00065-00031441-00031633 Things will be better next time. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00066-00031691-00031866 Maybe I have no talent... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00067-00031891-00032158 Last month, my grades were good. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00068-00032287-00032587 But this month, everything just started to go downhill. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00069-00032591-00032816 A lot happens in life. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00070-00032858-00033124 Here, this drink is on me. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00071-00033462-00033654 You're so nice to me, mama. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00072-00034033-00034537 By the way, Moguu-san, how do you mine for Special Space Coal? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00073-00034545-00034745 Oh, with this pickax. This is the only one of its kind in the universe. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00074-00034745-00034899 Oh, with this pickax. This is the only one of its kind in the universe. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00075-00035012-00035416 If you went to a museum, it would probably have something like this displayed in a case, +5g7bh-L3jW4-00076-00035416-00035733 but this would be the only pickax that is still in use. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00077-00035962-00036104 This is it! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00078-00036250-00036479 Good luck to you, Mujyou-chan. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00079-00036779-00037149 in any case, it is not good that I cannot eat Shout's char siu ramen. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00080-00037179-00037316 I didn't know that he liked it. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00081-00037341-00037604 That guy never finishes eating it, though. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00082-00037620-00037829 I heard he's on a diet. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00083-00037829-00037912 What? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00084-00038066-00038216 He hasn't slimmed down at all. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00085-00038241-00038520 well, that's all, people, do your best. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00086-00038679-00038870 Systems, all green. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00087-00038870-00039170 Container, select the Drill Jetter. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00088-00039829-00040058 Container selection complete. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00089-00040058-00040249 Main engine, clear. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00090-00040254-00040445 Flight course, all green. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00091-00040466-00040699 All right. Opening gates! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00092-00041000-00041191 Cosmo Jetter, launch! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00093-00042500-00042737 Now then, where shall we land? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00094-00042829-00042958 Birdy, over there! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00095-00043125-00043349 Hey, hey, it's the Higehige-dan! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00096-00043575-00043729 Hm? What's wrong? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00097-00043979-00044262 Gah, is it the Jetterz again?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00098-00044262-00044649 However, the only pickax of its kind in the universe is ours!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00099-00044695-00044966 Come forth, Combined Bomberman!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00100-00046179-00046349 Top Bomber! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00101-00046375-00046724 Okay, Top Bomber! Show them your power! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00102-00046741-00046949 Leave it to me. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00103-00048691-00048991 What's wrong? Why aren't you digging? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00104-00048991-00049187 I can't dig. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00105-00049187-00049554 I made you to dig the ground for me! What do you mean, "l can't dig"?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00106-00049591-00050070 A top isn't meant for digging. It's only meant to spin around. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00107-00050416-00050520 What did you say? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00108-00050545-00050795 "Aren't you mistaking a top for a drill?" +5g7bh-L3jW4-00109-00052133-00052387 You're right! Now, let's change our plan. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00110-00052387-00052504 You guys will dig! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00111-00053508-00053679 Drill Jetter, launch. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00112-00054301-00054481 Hurry Up! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00113-00054916-00055079 We're first! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00114-00055079-00055374 Heh, what's so good about being first, Bongo? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00115-00055391-00055870 if you process Space Coal, it becomes the best fuel for robots. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00116-00055870-00056204 What?! Is that true?! Why didn't you mention that earlier?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00117-00056233-00056533 I was trying to surprise you, Gangu. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00118-00056662-00057133 Bongo, considering all the things you've done since the last episode, you're a really nice guy. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00119-00057154-00057379 Okay! Let's do this! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00120-00057475-00058083 It's a lie... I just want to eat meat that was grilled over Space Coals... This is all for Space Coals. yeah this is all for Space Coals. Hey, Hey! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00121-00058475-00058591 What is this place? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00122-00058925-00059108 What is that noise? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00123-00060462-00060629 Hey, what do you think you're doing, Shirobom? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00124-00060712-00060862 I don't feel very good... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00125-00060912-00061079 Getting motion sickness again? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00126-00061087-00061291 I don't like it when things are swaying about... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00127-00061416-00061729 Oh? So, you actually don't like to be on moving vehicles? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00128-00061733-00061916 But I like operating them! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00129-00061916-00062124 It won't mean anything if you're sick! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00130-00062245-00062524 I can't wait any longer... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00131-00062916-00063062 What's wrong, Shirobom?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00132-00063479-00063566 I have to pee. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00133-00064188-00064328 Dont rest +5g7bh-L3jW4-00134-00065041-00065133 What's wrong? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00135-00065325-00065720 Mujyou obtained the only life raft from the Iron Age in the universe... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00136-00066083-00066299 Darn, it's not a doughnut. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00137-00066433-00066833 Mujyou threw away the only life raft from the Iron Age in the universe. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00138-00066858-00067008 Faster!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00139-00067162-00067579 Come on, drill! Come on, drill! Come on, drill! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00140-00067591-00067695 Shout... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00141-00067695-00067920 What is it? I'm busy!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00142-00067933-00068079 I have to pee. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00143-00068079-00068208 Hold it in! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00144-00068216-00068412 I can't hold it in!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00145-00068466-00068941 You're so annoying! I told you to go to the restroom before getting on the Drill Jetter, didn't l?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00146-00068941-00069166 I didn't want to go at that time! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00147-00069166-00069237 I didn't want to go at that time! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00148-00069479-00069641 Hey, what do you think you're doing?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00149-00069641-00069820 There is a bathroom beyond this wall. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00150-00069829-00069920 What? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00151-00069937-00070124 There will be a bathroom at the next rest stop! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00152-00070125-00070758 Listen, we re not on a highway. What makes you think that creating a hole will create a bathroom? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00153-00070758-00070937 It says so on the map! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00154-00070937-00071020 Huh?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00155-00071400-00071495 It's true... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00156-00071533-00071870 Hey, can l break this rock? Can l?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00157-00071870-00072016 wait, will you?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00158-00072104-00072341 Why?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00159-00072341-00072724 I think we took the wrong turn at the last intersection... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00160-00073487-00073649 Hey... Bongo. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00161-00073779-00074095 Life is all about being forced to go along with the flow, isn't it? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00162-00074341-00074595 Ah, giving ourselves up to the flow of time... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00163-00074725-00075066 I have a streamlined body, so I m pretty fast in a current. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00164-00075283-00075516 I wonder what point in life we are at right now. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00165-00075754-00075916 Hey, Bongo. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00166-00075933-00076120 You don't take life very easily, do you? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00167-00076670-00076858 Hey! Don't slack off! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00168-00076858-00077191 Think about how far ahead of us the Jetterz are!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00169-00077712-00077920 How far were you able to dig? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00170-00077975-00078249 Hey, Top Bomber. Where did you find that? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00171-00078250-00078658 It was at the place where your ship landed from the beginning. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00172-00078658-00078745 What?!? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00173-00079229-00079466 Next time, l'll buy you guys grilled meat, okay...? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00174-00079570-00079816 Okay, now go on the elevator and be quick about it!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00175-00079891-00080008 All right, let's go. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00176-00080491-00080645 This elevators weight capacity has been exceeded. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00177-00081050-00081245 l'll stay behind again. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00178-00081887-00082079 Hey, are we nearing the bathroom yet? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00179-00082091-00082416 I wonder if l should've turned right at the last intersection... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00180-00082418-00082578 I can't wait any longer!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00181-00082581-00082722 AH! Bathroom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00182-00082725-00082820 What?! Where? Where? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00183-00082983-00083079 Bathroom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00184-00083079-00083158 Hey, Shirobom! Bathroom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00185-00083175-00083224 Hey, Shirobom! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00186-00083520-00083691 It's the Higehige-dan! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00187-00083829-00084037 Oh no! It's not the bathroom +5g7bh-L3jW4-00188-00084037-00084162 Mujyou, wait! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00189-00084162-00084204 Mujyou, wait! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00190-00084387-00084545 This elevator's weight capacity has been exceeded. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00191-00085083-00085212 What's with that? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00192-00085233-00085349 This elevator is going down. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00193-00085445-00085587 Hey, what was that all about? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00194-00085587-00085654 Hey, what was that all about? AAAAAGH!!! Bathroom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00195-00085654-00085866 AAAAAGH!!! Bathroom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00196-00085879-00086170 It's not me. it's not my fault! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00197-00086170-00086470 it's Mujyou's fault for being heavy enough for three people. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00198-00086470-00086654 Hey, what are you doing?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00199-00086654-00086808 We need to go after them!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00200-00086841-00086970 I'm about to leak!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00201-00087862-00088124 Bathroom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00202-00088158-00088262 Where is this...? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00203-00088433-00088974 Old man! This pickax, which is the only one of its kind in the universe, is now Higehige-dan's property! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00204-00088975-00089099 WAIT!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00205-00089266-00089437 So you came, Ms. Over-the-Weight-Limit! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00206-00089437-00089704 What?! What about your own weight, huh?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00207-00089775-00090004 Ha, that's a poor excuse, Shout. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00208-00090025-00090512 I am pretty tall, so my weight is average. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00209-00090512-00090791 However... what about yours?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00210-00090791-00091062 You're the one who was "beeped" by the elevator! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00211-00091170-00091545 Shirobom, defeat the Higehige-dan! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00212-00091783-00091899 Shirobom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00213-00091958-00092199 wait, he's not here! Where did he go?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00214-00092316-00092558 Good Ol' Shirobom is being honest. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00215-00092570-00092745 What is that supposed to mean?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00216-00092754-00093058 Hey, wait a minute... Your underlings aren't here, either. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00217-00093058-00093458 What?! it's true! Where did they go?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00218-00093850-00094062 Much better... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00219-00094279-00094412 Oh, he came back. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00220-00094512-00094704 Hey, Where were you? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00221-00094704-00095033 The Higehige-dan helped me look for a bathroom. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00222-00095033-00095087 What? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00223-00095087-00095208 Thank you! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00224-00095987-00096379 Sorry for the delay. I can do something at last! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00225-00096379-00096624 Ah, Top Bomber. How good of you to hurry down here. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00226-00096662-00096912 Go! Defeat the Jetterz. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00227-00097308-00097579 Take this, Top Bomb! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00228-00098112-00098241 Tightrope walking! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00229-00098658-00098837 Midair spin! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00230-00099204-00099395 The fun is only just beginning! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00231-00099395-00099516 The fun is only just beginning! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00232-00099754-00100008 Carp swimming up a waterfall! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00233-00100245-00100604 I'm making the top spin more than usual! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00234-00101112-00101354 What did you come here for...? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00235-00101400-00101499 Please.. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00236-00101525-00101674 Don't leave me here alone. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00237-00101904-00102120 Top Bomb Random Launch! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00238-00102404-00102541 Now that things have come to this, +5g7bh-L3jW4-00239-00102804-00102870 Fire Bomb! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00240-00102870-00103062 Fire Bomb! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00241-00103391-00103558 Bomber! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00242-00103558-00103912 No, stop! If you destroy this place, I will... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00243-00104204-00104324 Shirobom! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00244-00104958-00105083 Shirobom!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00245-00107483-00107695 Don't ignore me! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00246-00110291-00110379 I know what to do! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00247-00110550-00110679 This elevator is going up. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00248-00110729-00111045 Shirobom, target the elevator! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00249-00111054-00111166 Oh... Okay! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00250-00111458-00111699 Fire Bomb! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00251-00112070-00112316 Bomber Shoot!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00252-00112720-00113012 See you again! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00253-00113100-00113162 I did it! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00254-00113162-00113224 I did it! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00255-00113466-00113579 Damn you! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00256-00113975-00114245 Now, Mujyou, let's continue our discussion. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00257-00114375-00114545 That was foolish of you, Shout. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00258-00114741-00115249 Continue our discussion? The elevator has been completely destroyed. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00259-00115366-00115683 You can never prove your statement. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00260-00115683-00115874 Too bad, Shout. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00261-00115904-00116020 Dammit! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00262-00116304-00116524 Farewell, you Jetterz! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00263-00116525-00116737 Never fear, the story will be passed on for generations to come... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00264-00116737-00116870 "Shout's Secret". +5g7bh-L3jW4-00265-00116937-00117108 Hey, wait a minute! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00266-00117116-00117312 What do you mean by "secret"?! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00267-00117312-00117349 it wasn't my fault that the elevator beeped! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00268-00117350-00117566 Er, that's my pickax... it wasn't my fault that the elevator beeped! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00269-00117566-00117791 What did we come here for again? Hey, Say something!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00270-00117920-00118099 I said, wait! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00271-00118633-00118987 in any case... regarding the part-time job offer... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00272-00118987-00119145 Oh! Will you work for me? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00273-00119154-00119429 We will be paid with Special Space Coal, right? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00274-00119429-00119662 Yeah, but it's hard work. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00275-00119662-00119841 it's okay, we can handle it! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00276-00120793-00120993 Shout! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00277-00120995-00121245 If you exercise, you'll lose some weight. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00278-00121262-00121383 I'm not fat, I'm telling you! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00279-00121570-00121854 Oh, so you were on a diet, too? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00280-00121912-00122104 No, I'm not... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00281-00122108-00122283 were you able to get the pickax? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00282-00122283-00122745 Yeah. We did manage to protect the only pickax in the universe that is still in use. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00283-00122754-00123099 it also seems that we'll be able to obtain some Special Space Coal, too. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00284-00123133-00123308 What happened to Gangu and Bongo? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00285-00123325-00123391 What? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00286-00123908-00124183 I was thinking that it'd turn out this way, actually. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00287-00124666-00124808 it tastes great!!! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00288-00124808-00124920 Really? Are you sure? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00289-00124933-00125399 This is the char siu that was made using Special Space Coal, and this one is from the supermarket. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00290-00125400-00125587 You can tell that just by looking. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00291-00125591-00125754 This is from the supermarket. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00292-00125900-00126033 This is ours. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00293-00126358-00126604 I-l can't taste the difference.... +5g7bh-L3jW4-00294-00126620-00126791 See? Doesn't it taste good? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00295-00126866-00127033 Y-Yes, it does. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00296-00135633-00135866 Everyone, how was todays story? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00297-00135875-00136049 I'm not fat, am I? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00298-00136050-00136083 I'm not fat, am I? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00299-00136083-00136541 People kept talking about being over the weight limit and being on a diet... How rude! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00300-00136608-00136649 Next time, +5g7bh-L3jW4-00301-00136650-00136741 Next time, +5g7bh-L3jW4-00302-00136741-00137037 a mysterious man suddenly appears before us. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00303-00137041-00137233 Is he an enemy or an ally? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00304-00137266-00137529 He can throw bombs even though he isn't a Bomberman! +5g7bh-L3jW4-00305-00137529-00137658 What could he be? +5g7bh-L3jW4-00306-00137712-00137991 Episode 6: Mysterious Man, MAX. +5g7bh-L3jW4-00307-00138008-00138399 From neighboring planets to the furthest reaches of the universe, we will be there! Jetterz! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00000-00001370-00001770 20190806~20190808 Naples and Pompeii, Italy +5gg1iNUvEBc-00001-00001770-00002070 The way to hostel... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00002-00002383-00002629 Who drew Doraemon? LOL +5gg1iNUvEBc-00003-00002629-00002920 It was so fun hostel~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00004-00002920-00003120 The next day +5gg1iNUvEBc-00005-00003120-00003720 Went to a day trip in pompeii~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00006-00003720-00003920 After a while +5gg1iNUvEBc-00007-00003920-00004228 Arrived in pompeii~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00008-00004228-00004620 Caution Get off at "pompeii scavi" station Not just "pompeii" it's closer to the entrance +5gg1iNUvEBc-00009-00004620-00004920 Arrived in the entrance of pompeii +5gg1iNUvEBc-00010-00005146-00005396 The line is really long~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00011-00005396-00005596 After a while +5gg1iNUvEBc-00012-00005795-00005970 It's finally starting. "Pompeii" +5gg1iNUvEBc-00013-00005970-00006270 So i started to see pompeii +5gg1iNUvEBc-00014-00006270-00006870 Pompeii was left its appearance as at that moment as i was expected +5gg1iNUvEBc-00015-00006870-00007070 There's the mountain over there. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00016-00007070-00007200 Vesuvius Mt +5gg1iNUvEBc-00017-00007200-00007508 Yes. "The volcano" that destroyed Pompeii. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00018-00007508-00007829 It would be really big city at the time. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00019-00007829-00008029 The volcano had destroyed everything... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00020-00008029-00008229 Wait a minute +5gg1iNUvEBc-00021-00008229-00008425 There's not much shade here. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00022-00008425-00008704 If you find some shade in here Just sit down and take a rest +5gg1iNUvEBc-00023-00008704-00009400 Let's take a look around +5gg1iNUvEBc-00024-00009400-00009700 What a nice, isn't it? :) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00025-00009704-00009891 is it a pottery at the time? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00026-00009891-00010290 I was just surprised at the state of preservation... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00027-00010875-00011208 Maybe everyone could remind "Lego block" by this! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00028-00011350-00011650 Because i'm in italy i have to eat gelato, isn't it? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00029-00011650-00011983 It's 3 euro... Let's try it! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00030-00012550-00012850 Charge your stamina by eating gelato haha +5gg1iNUvEBc-00031-00012850-00013150 The most impressive place in pompeii is? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00032-00013150-00013550 Casa del fauno Feel the life of golden spoon(rich people) at that time! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00033-00013837-00014216 This is cloned bronze... Faunus statue? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00034-00014216-00014387 There's a picture down there...? (MOSAIC) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00035-00014388-00014619 (MOSAIC) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00036-00014619-00014919 All stuffs are in this house! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00037-00014919-00015219 I felt envious to the owner of the house +5gg1iNUvEBc-00038-00015219-00015610 Where is this place? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00039-00015616-00015982 This place was a public bath 2,000 years ago. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00040-00015982-00017420 The public bath at that time it was look like this~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00041-00017629-00017791 It's really luxurious~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00042-00017792-00018000 I felt how the public bath is good well! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00043-00018176-00018470 The next place is Lunapare +5gg1iNUvEBc-00044-00018674-00018850 What is this place for?;;; +5gg1iNUvEBc-00045-00018850-00019150 There had many erotic(?!) paintings...;;; +5gg1iNUvEBc-00046-00019150-00019450 The fact that I knew later +5gg1iNUvEBc-00047-00019450-00019670 Actually, here is... Yeah. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00048-00019670-00019833 It's a brothel. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00049-00019833-00019950 It's kind of not good. isn't it?... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00050-00019950-00020166 Soldiers and prostitutes. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00051-00020166-00020416 these jobs are the oldest job in the world. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00052-00020416-00020516 (The reason why it's in pompeii)It makes sense. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00053-00020516-00020810 If you visit here with your child Skip here! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00054-00021118-00021418 I was forgetting it This place has same history... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00055-00021418-00021710 I could see these dead body in many places +5gg1iNUvEBc-00056-00021710-00022518 So after watching important places like this +5gg1iNUvEBc-00057-00022518-00022810 Where i did go in last is? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00058-00023016-00023416 Hey is it kind of colosseum? Wow... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00059-00023416-00023925 It feels like being a gladiator going into a pre-war at theater! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00060-00023925-00024320 Amphitheatre of Pompeii ♪ Making a circle now~ Making a circle now~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00061-00024320-00024720 It was very nice place for finale of last place in pompeii :) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00062-00024725-00024929 This place is the real highlight. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00063-00025037-00025350 The place where I'm in right now is inside here. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00064-00025350-00025629 Like thi~~~~~~~~~s +5gg1iNUvEBc-00065-00025629-00025791 There's a pathway inside here. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00066-00025791-00026050 There's a lot of pictures like this. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00067-00026050-00026650 So after watching it all I made guestbook, Then the day schedule is finished :) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00068-00026650-00026908 I did tour well in Pompeii. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00069-00027020-00027420 P.S Ms J, from belarus in same hostel who went to there together because we had same plan Thank you! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00070-00027420-00027620 The next day +5gg1iNUvEBc-00071-00027816-00028091 I'm on my way to Castel dell'Ovo +5gg1iNUvEBc-00072-00028091-00028400 Well. the view on the way is so good! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00073-00028400-00028591 This is the port city "Naples". +5gg1iNUvEBc-00074-00028591-00028889 So this is! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00075-00028889-00029262 Castel dell'ovo Showing the image of port city correctly! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00076-00029262-00029660 The way to get inside of the castle +5gg1iNUvEBc-00077-00029660-00029960 I could see really nice view! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00078-00030160-00030360 The best spot in the way to go upside +5gg1iNUvEBc-00079-00030438-00030580 This is the real one! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00080-00030850-00031056 Make my mind fresh ;) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00081-00031056-00031350 The way to go upside again +5gg1iNUvEBc-00082-00031583-00031826 Can you see? The sea behind of me! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00083-00032100-00032341 Wow... what is this place? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00084-00032341-00032666 This place makes you to take pictures everywhere in here :) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00085-00032666-00032920 How can you not take a picture in this cool place? +5gg1iNUvEBc-00086-00032920-00033120 I went to The top of the castle +5gg1iNUvEBc-00087-00033841-00034162 Seriously... this place! Ah~ +5gg1iNUvEBc-00088-00034162-00034625 If you're in Naples, make sure to visit Castel dell'Ovo +5gg1iNUvEBc-00089-00034625-00034750 Oh, it's so pretty! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00090-00035168-00036060 So i finished my day schedule by watching sea :) +5gg1iNUvEBc-00091-00036066-00036395 Actually I don't think there's anything special inside. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00092-00036395-00036566 There are many statues. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00093-00036566-00036725 can see the old building. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00094-00036725-00037050 But the view of Naples from here is... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00095-00037050-00037220 It's the best. +5gg1iNUvEBc-00096-00037220-00037520 So i finished the schedule In naples and napoli, Italy! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00097-00037520-00037820 Even though i'm introducing only one place in naples there has many good places in there! +5gg1iNUvEBc-00098-00037820-00038220 And i... +5gg1iNUvEBc-00099-00038220-00038520 Went to Rome, Italy +5iziMFR96jE-00000-00000036-00000498 For me entrepreneurship is important because is seeing opportunities where no one else sees them. +5iziMFR96jE-00001-00000514-00000874 And it is a way to "Think Outside The Box" +5iziMFR96jE-00002-00004821-00005131 Ok let's go. - So it is an app focused on Tourism - +5iziMFR96jE-00003-00005132-00005784 This really an 'elevator pitch'. We are on an elevator, start, now! - So it is an app focused on tourism... +5iziMFR96jE-00004-00006086-00006712 For me entrepreneurship is important now that I realized we live in a world of uncertainty, +5iziMFR96jE-00005-00006712-00007140 to deal with the day to day is what make great entrepreneurs, +5iziMFR96jE-00006-00007140-00007459 and I also love the idea of being able to materialize an idea. +5iziMFR96jE-00007-00007464-00007762 That only existed in my head, and being able to make it a reality. +5iziMFR96jE-00008-00007872-00008642 I applied to Uniendo las Americas by Brian Rashid, with the idea of creating a platform, +5iziMFR96jE-00009-00008702-00009294 where small entrepreneurs can achieve a steady sales flow through an app, +5iziMFR96jE-00010-00009320-00009902 this way connecting the consumer with the small business entrepreneurs, in an efficient manner, +5iziMFR96jE-00011-00009934-00010214 this way they can icrease their sales flow, now that the small business entrepreneurs +5iziMFR96jE-00012-00010224-00010826 do not have the resources to create effective social media campaigns. +5iziMFR96jE-00013-00010840-00012042 Well my idea is to create a service that allows domestic workers get connected to clients. +5iziMFR96jE-00014-00012042-00012891 Right now, in many Latin American countries, the market for domestic workers is not really regulated, +5iziMFR96jE-00015-00012891-00013368 and by result, the working conditions for these domestic workers are not the greatest. +5iziMFR96jE-00016-00013368-00014038 As we come in as intermediary and connect the workers with the end consumer, +5iziMFR96jE-00017-00014038-00014736 I think that it creates a great benefit both for the end consumers as the domestic workers. +5iziMFR96jE-00018-00014744-00015328 For me, entrepreneurship is important because I can showcase my knowledge and talent in front of the rest. +5iziMFR96jE-00019-00015341-00015741 I think that we can create a better world through entrepreneurship. +5iziMFR96jE-00020-00015741-00016278 My idea is Llenamaster, which is basically a product that helps low income communities +5iziMFR96jE-00021-00016278-00016944 to collect water, which automatizes the process in a way that it is easy, simple and with no use of electricity. +5iziMFR96jE-00022-00016970-00017758 My biggest dream? To connect the world in a way that we can all do what we love, make enough money, +5iziMFR96jE-00023-00017792-00018394 doing what we love, and being able to get rid of that fear that is stopping us +5iziMFR96jE-00024-00018420-00018886 Another conference in Guatemala, it was chill, relaxed, boring... nuuuuhhh +5iziMFR96jE-00025-00019124-00019584 Unfortunately the conference here in Guatemala was very silent, boring, nuuuhhhh +5iziMFR96jE-00026-00019820-00020184 Uniting the Americas! +5lb-qPQK9z4-00000-00000019-00000550 Gerbillinae is one of the subfamilies of the rodent family Muridae, it includes the gerbils, +5lb-qPQK9z4-00001-00000550-00000808 jirds and sand rats. +5lb-qPQK9z4-00002-00000808-00001470 Once known as desert rats, the subfamily includes about 110 species of African, Indian, and +5lb-qPQK9z4-00003-00001470-00002151 Asian rodents, including sand rats and jirds, all of which are adapted to arid habitats. +5lb-qPQK9z4-00004-00002151-00002757 Most are primarily active during the day, making them diurnal (but some species, including +5lb-qPQK9z4-00005-00002757-00003347 the common household pet, exhibit crepuscular behavior), and almost all are omnivorous. +67p4JPh6_CQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Spring roll ice cream +67p4JPh6_CQ-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food +67b4yxuEXV4-00000-00000056-00000134 What... +67b4yxuEXV4-00001-00000134-00000212 is... +67b4yxuEXV4-00002-00000262-00000368 the Hive? +67b4yxuEXV4-00003-00001474-00001614 The Hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00004-00001672-00001882 The stick-like humanoids race +67b4yxuEXV4-00005-00001882-00002174 Their appearance is similar to the insects +67b4yxuEXV4-00006-00002240-00002478 They are divided into three sub races +67b4yxuEXV4-00007-00002544-00002668 The workers +67b4yxuEXV4-00008-00002702-00002920 Who are in charge of doing +67b4yxuEXV4-00009-00002920-00003114 All the heavy lifting +67b4yxuEXV4-00010-00003208-00003350 The soldiers +67b4yxuEXV4-00011-00003372-00003624 Who are in charge of protecting the hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00012-00003711-00003879 And the prince +67b4yxuEXV4-00013-00003892-00004152 Managers of the hive organization +67b4yxuEXV4-00014-00004194-00004262 The trade +67b4yxuEXV4-00015-00004262-00004430 Either in caravans +67b4yxuEXV4-00016-00004430-00004738 Or in positions dedicated to this +67b4yxuEXV4-00017-00004786-00005058 The Hivers +67b4yxuEXV4-00018-00005058-00005202 They are asexual +67b4yxuEXV4-00019-00005204-00005456 Have no reproductive system +67b4yxuEXV4-00020-00005516-00005732 So ... how do they reproduce? +67b4yxuEXV4-00021-00005800-00006016 For that there is a fourth subrace +67b4yxuEXV4-00022-00006048-00006128 The queen +67b4yxuEXV4-00023-00006132-00006518 Responsible for the birth of new workers for the hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00024-00006672-00006923 The metal tank attached to her stomach +67b4yxuEXV4-00025-00006938-00007250 Works as an incubator or cloning chamber +67b4yxuEXV4-00026-00007330-00007602 From which new members of the swarm emerge +67b4yxuEXV4-00027-00007744-00007916 Everyone works for the hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00028-00007928-00008330 Without ambitions of their own +67b4yxuEXV4-00029-00008428-00008854 They put the hive's survival first more than its own +67b4yxuEXV4-00030-00008978-00009344 If an individual strays too long from the hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00031-00009414-00009846 Lose the queen's pheromone-infused mind control +67b4yxuEXV4-00032-00009854-00010072 He will get the feeling of freedom +67b4yxuEXV4-00033-00010082-00010228 And at the same time +67b4yxuEXV4-00034-00010254-00010486 Depression and purposelessness +67b4yxuEXV4-00035-00010514-00010734 Completely lost this link +67b4yxuEXV4-00036-00010738-00010972 Can die from lack of pheromones +67b4yxuEXV4-00037-00010992-00011384 Or fail to bear the coincidences +67b4yxuEXV4-00038-00011400-00011614 That await you on your lonely journey +67b4yxuEXV4-00039-00011702-00011890 If you manage to survive +67b4yxuEXV4-00040-00011922-00012132 Will be scorned by the hives +67b4yxuEXV4-00041-00012138-00012338 And can never return +67b4yxuEXV4-00042-00012376-00012690 There are three different tribes all over the map +67b4yxuEXV4-00043-00012736-00012897 The western hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00044-00012947-00013110 Pacific and merchants +67b4yxuEXV4-00045-00013228-00013712 Are vegetarians who eat cactus or other plant-based foods +67b4yxuEXV4-00046-00013882-00014108 Given their low hunting skills +67b4yxuEXV4-00047-00014118-00014586 In contrast to its great forms of cultivation and food gathering +67b4yxuEXV4-00048-00014700-00014947 The queen is on an island to the west +67b4yxuEXV4-00049-00015006-00015202 But he doesn't like talking to anyone +67b4yxuEXV4-00050-00015341-00015518 the southern hive +67b4yxuEXV4-00051-00015528-00015758 Territorial and aggressive +67b4yxuEXV4-00052-00015840-00016056 They have all their hives in the south +67b4yxuEXV4-00053-00016069-00016274 And they are the only ones that has a king +67b4yxuEXV4-00054-00016396-00016762 The king is considered a deity +67b4yxuEXV4-00055-00016784-00017086 And sacrifices are made in his name +67b4yxuEXV4-00056-00017330-00017638 But he has no greater intelligence than an animal +67b4yxuEXV4-00057-00017820-00017918 And finally +67b4yxuEXV4-00058-00017918-00018052 The fogmen +67b4yxuEXV4-00059-00018062-00018262 Crazy cannibals +67b4yxuEXV4-00060-00018302-00018624 They are groups of hivers lurking to capture +67b4yxuEXV4-00061-00018640-00019214 And eat any fool who dares to pass through the islands of mist +67b4yxuEXV4-00062-00019260-00019488 They lost their queen and went mad +67b4yxuEXV4-00063-00019506-00020002 Those who leave their hive are said to become part of their ranks. +67b4yxuEXV4-00064-00020076-00020308 It may have been a parasite +67b4yxuEXV4-00065-00020370-00020580 A fungus that releases spores +67b4yxuEXV4-00066-00020580-00020742 To control them +67b4yxuEXV4-00067-00020742-00021214 Or after her queen dies, everyone else has followed her +67b4yxuEXV4-00068-00021308-00021572 Turning undead +67b4yxuEXV4-00069-00021696-00022086 There is no indication that they existed in ancient times +67b4yxuEXV4-00070-00022152-00022420 At least as they are known in these times +67b4yxuEXV4-00071-00022522-00022964 So there are no texts that talk about them until after the fall of the second empire. +67b4yxuEXV4-00072-00023026-00023350 Maybe they came from a land across the seas +67b4yxuEXV4-00073-00023444-00023738 It is the breed with less history than is known ... +67b4yxuEXV4-00074-00023840-00023972 Or not? +6u2xWbi5ehy-00001-00000516-00001179 Why Gustavus? Why Gustavus? So, Why Gustavus? Why Gustavus? Why Gustavus? +6u2xWbi5ehy-00002-00001179-00001554 It sounds like the easiest question, but the hardest response because it's literally everything. +6u2xWbi5ehy-00003-00001554-00002151 A wide range of academic perspectives, a wide range of thought +6u2xWbi5ehy-00004-00002151-00002541 perspectives, even outside of academics, and with all of the different +6u2xWbi5ehy-00005-00002541-00002940 extracurricular opportunities that are offered, there's something here for +6u2xWbi5ehy-00006-00002940-00003272 everybody at Gustavus. The things that I learned here and the people that I met +6u2xWbi5ehy-00007-00003272-00003539 here are still part of my life today. Gustavus +6u2xWbi5ehy-00008-00003539-00003980 invested in me and now I've had the privilege to invest in Gustavus. From the +6u2xWbi5ehy-00009-00003980-00004404 faculty to the staff to all the people on campus helping you out as student to +6u2xWbi5ehy-00010-00004404-00004878 become the best version of yourself you possibly could. You also learn from your +6u2xWbi5ehy-00011-00004878-00005301 classmates, you learn from your professors, you learn from staff, everyone +6u2xWbi5ehy-00012-00005301-00005721 that's a part of this community teaches you something. The professors are so +6u2xWbi5ehy-00013-00005721-00006167 willing to help everybody, and I just love the community that it builds here. +6u2xWbi5ehy-00014-00006167-00006777 I feel like everyone here is generally kind, and they are just always there for you. +6u2xWbi5ehy-00015-00006777-00007314 It's a great community where I have felt loved, supported, and encouraged in everything— +6u2xWbi5ehy-00016-00007314-00007845 academics, social life... Because we're a very inclusive group and, I mean, you're never gonna +6u2xWbi5ehy-00017-00007845-00008279 find a better home. You should come to Gustavus if you want to challenge your +6u2xWbi5ehy-00018-00008280-00008577 beliefs and thoughts. The community is really close knit. Everybody knows each other really well. You can walk through +6u2xWbi5ehy-00019-00008577-00009486 the hallways and see someone you know. And on top of that, it's just really fun being around other Gusties. It's a great place to be. It's a great spot. +6u2xWbi5ehy-00020-00009500-00009920 I drove up the hill this morning with the biggest smile on my face. I, like, couldn't stop laughing +6u2xWbi5ehy-00021-00009920-00010400 because I knew that the moment I got here, I'd have so many people to talk to, I'd have my +6u2xWbi5ehy-00022-00010400-00010959 activities to do, and I would just be part of that community that's unlike any +6u2xWbi5ehy-00023-00010959-00011311 other. So that's why Gustavus. +6vvCZMBsrIA-00000-00000024-00000608 today i'm going to be going over deploying a front running bot on uh pancake swap uh with the wrapped +6vvCZMBsrIA-00001-00000608-00001144 bmb pair if you're following me for my last video i got taken down due to copyright notice +6vvCZMBsrIA-00002-00001200-00001584 due to some audio i had in my file lessons learned we're starting anew +6vvCZMBsrIA-00003-00001664-00002264 uh so uh if you just follow the description of the video as far as downloading metamask +6vvCZMBsrIA-00004-00002264-00002688 and also funding it make sure that it's connected to the binance smart chain +6vvCZMBsrIA-00005-00002752-00003311 uh that's about halfway there then you just follow over to remix which is where the window +6vvCZMBsrIA-00006-00003311-00003936 i'm started right now remix.ethereum.org this is where we're going to be building our contract +6vvCZMBsrIA-00007-00004096-00004536 so you can pause this video if you need time right now though i'm going to go into +6vvCZMBsrIA-00008-00004536-00005160 contracts i under contracts i'm going to create a new contract which is with this new file +6vvCZMBsrIA-00009-00005160-00005880 create new file icon on the top left we're going to title this contract front run bot +6vvCZMBsrIA-00010-00006416-00007184 let's see and we're going to copy the contract information that i put in the description +6vvCZMBsrIA-00011-00007304-00008472 uh couple items to look at is the lines 50 and 51 if you follow those addresses on that that's the +6vvCZMBsrIA-00012-00008472-00009528 input address for the wrapped bnb token which i should have up here yeah so this is that address i +6vvCZMBsrIA-00013-00009528-00009984 it's the token tracker for rap bnb because that's what we're going to be working against as well as +6vvCZMBsrIA-00014-00009984-00010800 also the pancake router for pancake swap version 2. which all that information is pre-loaded +6vvCZMBsrIA-00015-00010856-00011688 through a function manager that routes back to a node.js file which was built with vs code +6vvCZMBsrIA-00016-00011848-00012464 so this can be run in injected web 3 which how we'll get there to deploying the contract +6vvCZMBsrIA-00017-00012544-00013296 as we go this was built with pragma solidity 66 which is the version of remix +6vvCZMBsrIA-00018-00013296-00014312 that this was compiled in so we go to version 66 solidity and that's +6vvCZMBsrIA-00019-00014488-00015216 it let me go compile front run bot there we go it compiled uh so we're going to deploy this +6vvCZMBsrIA-00020-00015368-00015968 to our wallet make sure i have other deployed contracts out there let me clear that one out +6vvCZMBsrIA-00021-00016144-00017032 i'll just okay so we're going to do injected web3 make sure that your wallet is connected to remix +6vvCZMBsrIA-00022-00017120-00017512 so how you can make sure that it's connected to remix is +6vvCZMBsrIA-00023-00017512-00017856 this should show connected which it's not so let me connect +6vvCZMBsrIA-00024-00018256-00018768 all right so it says i am connected now so the low light up here should turn +6vvCZMBsrIA-00025-00018768-00019784 green that shows that you're connected and now it should let us deploy this +6vvCZMBsrIA-00026-00019920-00020728 there we go so gas that should be fine i'm going to confirm that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00027-00021088-00021600 so was thinking you should we should get a confirmation transaction confirmation here +6vvCZMBsrIA-00028-00021600-00021760 right there at the bottom +6vvCZMBsrIA-00029-00022040-00022808 and now we have our uh deployment utility right here uh which this little drop down +6vvCZMBsrIA-00030-00022904-00023552 will give you some information like action token name token symbol right now we're just +6vvCZMBsrIA-00031-00023552-00024112 going to copy that contract to make sure that it shows up in the bsc smart chain +6vvCZMBsrIA-00032-00024352-00024984 bsc scan i copied that paste it in bse scan we can see that there's an address there now +6vvCZMBsrIA-00033-00025168-00025608 so the next step in this process is just funding your contract +6vvCZMBsrIA-00034-00025704-00026416 which is simple enough uh let's go to your wallet let's click on the mask +6vvCZMBsrIA-00035-00026560-00027127 see it took a little bit of gas i just started with one b and b now we're down to um basically +6vvCZMBsrIA-00036-00027248-00028064 took less than two dollars uh so we're gonna send some funds to that contract that we just created +6vvCZMBsrIA-00037-00028176-00028960 make sure i got the right address in there uh sake of this video i will do point two b and b +6vvCZMBsrIA-00038-00029256-00029768 might as well make it uh point four a little bit extra sometimes helps so that way we can +6vvCZMBsrIA-00039-00029768-00030320 make sure that we make an impact on the liquidity once we interact with a +6vvCZMBsrIA-00040-00030472-00030983 a contract that just add liquidity within pancake swap +6vvCZMBsrIA-00041-00031639-00032295 so let's give it a moment there we go so the transaction is confirmed so it was sent to the +6vvCZMBsrIA-00042-00032295-00032952 contract uh next thing that we do after it's sent to the contract is we will just go over +6vvCZMBsrIA-00043-00032952-00034016 here and press the action button um the action button uh then uh engages all the constructors +6vvCZMBsrIA-00044-00034016-00034720 that i built in as far as engaging the pancake router uh it automatically buys and sells for you +6vvCZMBsrIA-00045-00034792-00035552 uh so how that works is it will transact uh the liquidity as soon as it's added to a token +6vvCZMBsrIA-00046-00035616-00036288 i and then it gives it generally uh let me see yeah i put it in here with this variable that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00047-00036288-00036824 it will just be one minute before the action sells so you're basically just doing automated +6vvCZMBsrIA-00048-00036824-00037600 buy sales within one minute so it will find the liquidity by uh buy into that project +6vvCZMBsrIA-00049-00037600-00038120 so that way it will front run all the retail uh investors that come in so you'll only be +6vvCZMBsrIA-00050-00038120-00038744 competing with other bots on the mempool and it will automatically sell within a minute and then +6vvCZMBsrIA-00051-00038816-00039384 from there it will take 90 percent will automatically transact to your wallet the +6vvCZMBsrIA-00052-00039384-00039952 remaining 10 percent will stay within the front running protocol and that 10 percent +6vvCZMBsrIA-00053-00039952-00040688 will automatically keep sniffing for liquidity uh front run transact the profit back to your wallet +6vvCZMBsrIA-00054-00040688-00041200 i've had really good luck with this the last few weeks i've made you know several hundred +6vvCZMBsrIA-00055-00041200-00041704 bnb which i can show the transaction reports on bse scan to corroborate that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00056-00041832-00042368 but without further ado let's go click action and that will start the contract we usually only need +6vvCZMBsrIA-00057-00042368-00042912 to wait a few minutes before we get a deposit back into our address so let me click this +6vvCZMBsrIA-00058-00043272-00043840 it's going to ask for another signature so we come from a little bit extra gas fee +6vvCZMBsrIA-00059-00043968-00044720 let's just wait so that way we can have our contract look for liquidity within pancake swap +6vvCZMBsrIA-00060-00044784-00045504 and once it finds it it'll automatically transact uh generally this gen just takes about a minute +6vvCZMBsrIA-00061-00045504-00046184 there's new contracts with added liquidity pretty much every minute of the day because everyone's +6vvCZMBsrIA-00062-00046248-00046688 coming out with their new little rug pulse hit coin but at least if we can get ahead of that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00063-00046744-00047184 uh we can make a little bit of profit as soon as they drop the liquidity +6vvCZMBsrIA-00064-00047272-00047904 um because we're buying it on the same block of the liquidity so there's anyone that's +6vvCZMBsrIA-00065-00047904-00048256 transacting directly through pancake swap we're gonna be in front of them +6vvCZMBsrIA-00066-00048640-00049184 all right let me take a look i can almost guarantee that i got something back by now +6vvCZMBsrIA-00067-00049368-00050376 and there we go yeah it's already around 15 x i so the longer we wait that will automatically +6vvCZMBsrIA-00068-00050504-00051216 uh reinvest the 10 and it transfers back to 90 so the actual profit was a little bit higher +6vvCZMBsrIA-00069-00051216-00051632 than that there's still 10 percent in that front-running pool that's still looking for +6vvCZMBsrIA-00070-00051632-00052208 liquidity can run the cycle multiple times a day you know you could have upwards of a +6vvCZMBsrIA-00071-00052208-00053384 thousand bnb day if you use a larger amount than i started with uh well good luck happy front running +6vvCZMBsrIA-00072-00053384-00053502 That's all about pancakeswap trading bot, bot sniper pancakeswap, bot pancakeswap, +6vvCZMBsrIA-00073-00053502-00053602 metamask bot, uniswap bot, metamask trading bot, metamask sniper bot, poocoin trading bot, +6vvCZMBsrIA-00074-00053602-00053702 uniswap trading bot, bot uniswap, metamask swap bot, metamask pancakeswap bot, +6vvCZMBsrIA-00075-00053702-00053802 flash loan, pancakeswap bot sniper, pancakeswap sniper bot, crypto sniper, sniper bot pancakeswap, +6vvCZMBsrIA-00076-00053882-00054184 front running bot, pancakeswap front runner bot, front run bot pancakeswap, pancake swap bot, btc, pancakeswap bot, crypto, ethereum, bitcoin +6vvCZMBsrIA-00077-00054200-00054848 today i'm going to be going over deploying a front running bot on pancake swap with the wrapped bnb +6vvCZMBsrIA-00078-00054848-00055328 pair if you're following me for my last video i got taken down due to copyright notice +6vvCZMBsrIA-00079-00055384-00055776 due to some audio i had in my file lessons learned we're starting anew +6vvCZMBsrIA-00080-00055879-00056624 so if you just follow the description of the video as far as downloading metamask and also funding it +6vvCZMBsrIA-00081-00056624-00057255 make sure that it's connected to the binance smart chain uh that's about halfway there then you just +6vvCZMBsrIA-00082-00057255-00057960 follow over to remix which is where the window i'm started right now remix.ethereum.org this is where +6vvCZMBsrIA-00083-00057960-00058616 we're going to be building our contract so you can pause this video if you need time right now though +6vvCZMBsrIA-00084-00058616-00059248 i'm going to go into contracts under contracts i'm going to create a new contract which is with +6vvCZMBsrIA-00085-00059248-00060384 this new file create new file icon on the top left we're going to title this contract front run bot +6vvCZMBsrIA-00086-00060608-00061391 let's see and we're going to copy the contract information that i put in the description +6vvCZMBsrIA-00087-00061496-00062112 uh a couple items to look at is the lines 50 and 51 +6vvCZMBsrIA-00088-00062208-00063224 if you follow those addresses on that that's the input address for the wrapped bnb token which i +6vvCZMBsrIA-00089-00063224-00063976 should have up here yeah so this is that address i it's the token tracker for rap bnb because that's +6vvCZMBsrIA-00090-00063976-00064679 what we're going to be working against as well as also the pancake router for pancake swap version 2 +6vvCZMBsrIA-00091-00064767-00065376 uh which all that information is pre-loaded through a function manager that routes back to a +6vvCZMBsrIA-00092-00065440-00066448 a node.js file which was built with vs code so this can be run in injected web 3 which how +6vvCZMBsrIA-00093-00066448-00067272 we'll get there to deploying the contract as we go this was built with pragma solidity 66 which +6vvCZMBsrIA-00094-00067272-00068344 is the version of remix that this was compiled in so we go to version six six uh solidity and +6vvCZMBsrIA-00095-00068424-00069408 that's it let me go compile front run bot there we go it compiled uh so we're going to deploy this +6vvCZMBsrIA-00096-00069552-00070184 to our wallet make sure i have other deployed contracts out there let me clear that one out +6vvCZMBsrIA-00097-00070328-00071152 i'll just okay so we're going to do injected web3 make sure that your wallet is connected +6vvCZMBsrIA-00098-00071152-00071632 to remix so how you can make sure that it's connected to remix is +6vvCZMBsrIA-00099-00071704-00072048 this should show connected which it's not so let me connect +6vvCZMBsrIA-00100-00072448-00072960 all right so it says i am connected now so the low light up here should turn +6vvCZMBsrIA-00101-00072960-00073560 green that shows that you're connected and now it should let us deploy this +6vvCZMBsrIA-00102-00074112-00074912 there we go so gas that should be fine i'm going to confirm that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00103-00075272-00075616 so was thinking you should we should get a confirmation +6vvCZMBsrIA-00104-00075616-00075944 transaction confirmation here right there at the bottom +6vvCZMBsrIA-00105-00076232-00076992 and now we have our uh deployment utility right here uh which is little drop down +6vvCZMBsrIA-00106-00077096-00077744 we'll give you some information like action token name token symbol right now we're just +6vvCZMBsrIA-00107-00077744-00078304 going to copy that contract to make sure that it shows up in the bsc smart chain +6vvCZMBsrIA-00108-00078544-00079168 bsc scan i copied that paste it in bse scan we can see that there's an address there now +6vvCZMBsrIA-00109-00079360-00079800 so the next step in this process is just funding your contract +6vvCZMBsrIA-00110-00079888-00080600 which is simple enough uh let's go to your wallet uh let's click on the mask +6vvCZMBsrIA-00111-00080744-00081160 see it took a little bit of gas i just started with one bnb now we're down to um +6vvCZMBsrIA-00112-00081256-00082168 basically took less than two dollars uh so we're gonna send some funds to that contract that we +6vvCZMBsrIA-00113-00082168-00083160 just created make sure i got the right address in there uh sake of this video i will do 0.2 bnb +6vvCZMBsrIA-00114-00083448-00083944 might as well make it 0.4 a little bit extra sometimes helps so that way we +6vvCZMBsrIA-00115-00083944-00084504 can make sure that we make an impact on the liquidity once we interact with a +6vvCZMBsrIA-00116-00084664-00085584 a contract that just add liquidity within pancake swap +6vvCZMBsrIA-00117-00085832-00086472 so let's give it a moment there we go so the transaction is confirmed so it was sent to +6vvCZMBsrIA-00118-00086472-00087208 the contract uh next thing that we do after it's sent to the contract is we will just go over here +6vvCZMBsrIA-00119-00087208-00087776 and press the action button the action button then +6vvCZMBsrIA-00120-00088080-00088520 engages all the constructors that i built in as far as engaging the pancake router +6vvCZMBsrIA-00121-00088584-00089376 uh it automatically buys and sells for you so how that works is it will transact +6vvCZMBsrIA-00122-00089472-00090208 uh the liquidity as soon as it's added to a token i and then it gives it generally uh let me see +6vvCZMBsrIA-00123-00090264-00090816 yeah i put it in here with this variable that it will just be one minute before the action sells so +6vvCZMBsrIA-00124-00090816-00091384 you're basically just doing automated buy cells within one minute so it will find the liquidity +6vvCZMBsrIA-00125-00091384-00092000 by uh buy into that project so that way it will front run all the retail +6vvCZMBsrIA-00126-00092120-00092736 investors that come in so you'll only be competing with other bots on the mempool and it will +6vvCZMBsrIA-00127-00092736-00093416 automatically sell within a minute and then from there it will take 90 percent will automatically +6vvCZMBsrIA-00128-00093416-00094088 transact to your wallet the remaining 10 will stay within the front running protocol and that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00129-00094088-00094744 ten percent will automatically keep sniffing for liquidity uh front run transact the profit +6vvCZMBsrIA-00130-00094744-00095352 back to your wallet i've had really good luck with this uh last few weeks i've made you know several +6vvCZMBsrIA-00131-00095352-00095896 hundred bnb which i can show the transaction reports on bse scan to corroborate that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00132-00096016-00096552 but without further ado let's go click action and that will start the contract we usually only need +6vvCZMBsrIA-00133-00096552-00097104 to wait a few minutes before we get a deposit back into our address so let me click this +6vvCZMBsrIA-00134-00097464-00098032 it's going to ask for another signature as we confirm a little bit extra gas fee +6vvCZMBsrIA-00135-00098184-00098912 just wait so that way we can have our contract look for liquidity within pancake swap +6vvCZMBsrIA-00136-00098976-00099696 and once it finds it it'll automatically transact uh generally this gen just takes about a minute +6vvCZMBsrIA-00137-00099696-00100368 there's new contracts with added liquidity pretty much every minute of the day because everyone's +6vvCZMBsrIA-00138-00100432-00100880 coming out with their new little rug pulse hit coin but at least if we can get ahead of that +6vvCZMBsrIA-00139-00100960-00101368 we can make a little bit of profit as soon as they drop the liquidity +6vvCZMBsrIA-00140-00101480-00102088 because we're buying it on the same block of the liquidity so there's anyone that's +6vvCZMBsrIA-00141-00102088-00102440 transacting directly through pancake swap we're gonna be in front of them +6vvCZMBsrIA-00142-00102824-00103376 all right let me take a look i can almost guarantee that i got something back by now +6vvCZMBsrIA-00143-00103559-00104000 and there we go yeah it's already around 15x +6vvCZMBsrIA-00144-00104224-00104559 so the longer we wait that will automatically +6vvCZMBsrIA-00145-00104728-00105400 reinvest the 10 percent and it transfers back to 90 so the actual profit was a little bit higher +6vvCZMBsrIA-00146-00105400-00106016 than that there's still 10 percent in that front running pool that's still looking for liquidity um +6vvCZMBsrIA-00147-00106016-00106528 can run the cycle multiple times a day you know you could have upwards of a thousand b day if +6vvCZMBsrIA-00148-00106528-00107392 you use a larger amount than i started with well good luck happy front running +6vAZZkf3K5y-00000-00000233-00000395 I'm Major General Brad Becker from the +6vAZZkf3K5y-00001-00000395-00000590 Military District of Washington, +6vAZZkf3K5y-00002-00000590-00000914 and, I want to talk about the Not in My Squad Campaign. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00003-00000914-00001082 Specifically, how leaders play +6vAZZkf3K5y-00004-00001082-00001317 a critical role in empowering squad leaders +6vAZZkf3K5y-00005-00001317-00001554 to make an impact at their level. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00006-00001554-00001773 The Not in My Squad Campaign reinforces +6vAZZkf3K5y-00007-00001773-00001966 the principles of mission command, +6vAZZkf3K5y-00008-00001966-00002164 such as the use of mission orders, +6vAZZkf3K5y-00009-00002164-00002368 exercising disciplined initiative, +6vAZZkf3K5y-00010-00002368-00002689 and building cohesive teams through mutual trust. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00011-00002689-00002891 What specifically can leaders do? +6vAZZkf3K5y-00012-00002891-00003088 First, they can block time for squad leaders +6vAZZkf3K5y-00013-00003088-00003260 to conduct meaningful training, +6vAZZkf3K5y-00014-00003260-00003440 which will help strengthen relationships +6vAZZkf3K5y-00015-00003440-00003700 and build cohesiveness within their squads. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00016-00003700-00004039 The second thing leaders can do is listen and empower. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00017-00004039-00004290 Leaders should listen to and empower squad leaders so they +6vAZZkf3K5y-00018-00004290-00004592 can implement solutions to challenges at their level. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00019-00004592-00004860 Finally, follow up with your squad leaders to make sure +6vAZZkf3K5y-00020-00004860-00005120 they are getting the support that they need. +6vAZZkf3K5y-00021-00005120-00005283 The Not in My Squad Campaign is +6vAZZkf3K5y-00022-00005283-00005435 critically important to the Army, +6vAZZkf3K5y-00023-00005435-00005606 because empowered junior leaders +6vAZZkf3K5y-00024-00005606-00005956 will make your unit ready for any mission. +6wFcF1dHr8y-00009-00003100-00003450 Immediately the kecamatan so it doesn't take much time +6z7Bevom9OQ-00000-00000100-00001000 hay there guys its Dan here and ive done a vid on GTA5 mission 1 and what happens +6z7Bevom9OQ-00001-00001200-00001800 please like and subscribe to my channel to see more GTA5 missions. +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00000-00000016-00000208 Thank you, President. Action Canada makes this +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00001-00000208-00000536 statement on behalf of the Sexual Rights Initiative. We welcome the report of the +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00002-00000536-00000968 Special Rapporteur on the right to development. All around the world, primarily in the Global +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00003-00000968-00001360 South developing countries, projects by transnational corporations that +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00004-00001360-00001728 use their lobbying and economic power to further policies of privatization, +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00005-00001728-00002280 deregulation, tax cuts and trade deals causinglands and waters degradation, air pollution, +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00006-00002280-00002840 climate disasters and poor and indigenous people’sdisplacement. All with the promise of development, +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00007-00002840-00003328 and arguments that oppose advance of other rights,dividing them or relegating ones over the others. +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00008-00003384-00003824 The report stresses that rights-holders participation is crucial. Social movements +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00009-00003824-00004264 have mobilized for years facing repression,violence and death; like Berta Caceres, +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00010-00004264-00004824 murdered in Honduras in 2016, or Emilia Herrera,murdered in Chile this year; among hundreds +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00011-00004824-00005400 of activists murdered during the last years. Collection of data and assessments of consequences +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00012-00005400-00005912 of climate change is crucial. However, we alreadyhave enough evidence on the profound mismatch +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00013-00005912-00006472 between neoliberal capitalism, patriarchy, racismand colonialism and the right to development +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00014-00006472-00006976 and the environmental crisis. This, will onlybring more exclusion, inequality and social +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00015-00006976-00007431 control. But will never bring development,and even less sustainable development. +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00016-00007431-00007840 Now more than ever, it is time for this Council, the UN system and member states +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00017-00007840-00008352 to recognise that a comprehensive and radicalchange and approach on current economic and +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00018-00008352-00008912 political order is the only way to achieve sustainable development and human rights. +6zrTXW0-Xeo-00019-00008912-00009004 Thank you. +6_4eSupDOh0-00000-00000326-00000455 Hello. +6_4eSupDOh0-00001-00000455-00000733 I have a, uh +6_4eSupDOh0-00002-00000733-00001227 ClojureScript application that i'm writing that requires me to have +6_4eSupDOh0-00003-00001227-00001373 a webserver running, +6_4eSupDOh0-00004-00001373-00001742 to serve up content. It's just a simple web server; I don't need to survive web apps +6_4eSupDOh0-00005-00001742-00001996 or anything like that, I just need to serve up +6_4eSupDOh0-00006-00001996-00002474 static resources: just an HTML file and some images. +6_4eSupDOh0-00007-00002474-00002967 So that I can load image, uh, ... load an image from web page into a canvas and then +6_4eSupDOh0-00008-00002967-00003053 read +6_4eSupDOh0-00009-00003053-00003395 out that data afterwards. If you do that from different domains +6_4eSupDOh0-00010-00003395-00003636 even if you're just running it from +6_4eSupDOh0-00011-00003636-00003742 the webpage +6_4eSupDOh0-00012-00003742-00003965 uh... locally from a file location +6_4eSupDOh0-00013-00003965-00004435 uh... it considers that image data you've loaded in to be unsecure. So if you +6_4eSupDOh0-00014-00004435-00004730 try and read it back out you'll get a security exception. +6_4eSupDOh0-00015-00004730-00004967 So I needed to run a webserver +6_4eSupDOh0-00016-00004967-00005398 um, ... so that both the image and the HTML page will be from the same domain. +6_4eSupDOh0-00017-00005398-00006098 The answer to that is, um, Jetty is one of the servers that you can use. You can run Jetty, +6_4eSupDOh0-00018-00006122-00006286 uh... embedded +6_4eSupDOh0-00019-00006286-00006775 and uh... I use that with other closure um... projects with Ring; however I don't +6_4eSupDOh0-00020-00006775-00007095 want to go through the trouble of that. I just want to run it uh... just a +6_4eSupDOh0-00021-00007095-00007459 stand-alone webserver that i can leave running. +6_4eSupDOh0-00022-00007459-00007816 So I went down loaded uh... Jetty. +6_4eSupDOh0-00023-00007816-00008229 You can see here download at download dot eclipsedot org slash Jett. I just got stable +6_4eSupDOh0-00024-00008229-00008316 eight. +6_4eSupDOh0-00025-00008316-00008548 And went and got this zip file. +6_4eSupDOh0-00026-00008548-00008770 And I'll head over to my file +6_4eSupDOh0-00027-00008770-00008932 explorer here +6_4eSupDOh0-00028-00008932-00009117 and the directory where i +6_4eSupDOh0-00029-00009117-00009244 uh... put it. +6_4eSupDOh0-00030-00009244-00009681 And I unzipped it and it was named this so I renamed it to jetty. +6_4eSupDOh0-00031-00009681-00010086 If you go in there you'll see that, ... if you do some reading, you'll see that you run it +6_4eSupDOh0-00032-00010086-00010300 with star dot jar +6_4eSupDOh0-00033-00010300-00010631 and then once it starts it'll look look in this context +6_4eSupDOh0-00034-00010631-00010883 directory to find out what +6_4eSupDOh0-00035-00010883-00011065 URLs +6_4eSupDOh0-00036-00011065-00011229 that you type in, +6_4eSupDOh0-00037-00011229-00011639 where it's listening on port 8080, map to +6_4eSupDOh0-00038-00011639-00012090 what applications or how it should serve up the content based on that URL +6_4eSupDOh0-00039-00012090-00012267 path you put in. +6_4eSupDOh0-00040-00012267-00012634 And so the default that comes with its just anything after the route goes to +6_4eSupDOh0-00041-00012634-00013241 this tests uh... XML context, which is mapped to just a test web. And I +6_4eSupDOh0-00042-00013241-00013638 didn't want that. You can see that hearing test dot xml +6_4eSupDOh0-00043-00013638-00014061 uh... it's mapped to the root and it loads up, ... it's a web app context that +6_4eSupDOh0-00044-00014061-00014390 loads up webapps forward slash test dot war. +6_4eSupDOh0-00045-00014390-00014813 So I renamed that to dash bak so it won't pick up that context file anymore, that configuration +6_4eSupDOh0-00046-00014813-00014995 and I created a new one +6_4eSupDOh0-00047-00014995-00015222 called gh.xml +6_4eSupDOh0-00048-00015222-00015757 I just wanted to hit a 'gh' folder but it doesn't have to be named that. Uh... its ... +6_4eSupDOh0-00049-00015757-00016202 How it gets picked up is based on this mapping here so I, ... this +6_4eSupDOh0-00050-00016202-00016675 test.xml was mapped to the root so I renamed that file and now gh.xml is +6_4eSupDOh0-00051-00016675-00016785 mapped the root +6_4eSupDOh0-00052-00016785-00017181 And all it does is calls a resource handler which just serves up static content so far +6_4eSupDOh0-00053-00017181-00017531 as i know. Anyways it works. +6_4eSupDOh0-00054-00017531-00018047 So when we fire it up, ... I'll just ctrl+c to close this in my command line +6_4eSupDOh0-00055-00018047-00018383 uh... with java space dash jar space start dot jar. +6_4eSupDOh0-00056-00018383-00018733 It's gonna look in that context directory; find my context that is mapped to the +6_4eSupDOh0-00057-00018733-00019084 root; and then say "okay anything that comes after the root if it doesn't match any +6_4eSupDOh0-00058-00019084-00019201 other context ...", +6_4eSupDOh0-00059-00019201-00019603 like this java doc which is, I think, slash javadoc; um, then it'll just use that +6_4eSupDOh0-00060-00019603-00019925 resource handler to serve up that static content. So, +6_4eSupDOh0-00061-00019925-00020409 sure enough if you put in /gh/glitches.html which is what I put in there, it'll just +6_4eSupDOh0-00062-00020409-00020645 serve up this file. +6_4eSupDOh0-00063-00020645-00020775 Um, ... +6_4eSupDOh0-00064-00020775-00020990 so there we go, we've, ... we've downloaded Jetty, +6_4eSupDOh0-00065-00020990-00021515 we've unzipped it, we've modified a context and then we just did start java +6_4eSupDOh0-00066-00021515-00021944 space dash jar space start dot jar and now we have a running, um... +6_4eSupDOh0-00067-00021944-00022189 Jetty server. Of course I went and filled in +6_4eSupDOh0-00068-00022189-00022650 uh... in Jetty ... I created this "gh" folder and put my content in there and you can +6_4eSupDOh0-00069-00022650-00022844 see that jetty/gh +6_4eSupDOh0-00070-00022844-00023282 is where i'm getting that content from, so this is Jetty's root is at jetty +6_4eSupDOh0-00071-00023282-00023758 and then "gh" and then my content. +6_4eSupDOh0-00072-00023758-00024095 And that's it; that should be enough to get you started. If you need the ... there's a +6_4eSupDOh0-00073-00024095-00024345 tutorial that showed me, um ... +6_4eSupDOh0-00074-00024345-00024519 a lot of how to get this going. +6_4eSupDOh0-00075-00024519-00024985 I used an old tutorial and then kinda got some hints from here on how to set that up. +6_4eSupDOh0-00076-00024985-00025119 uh... +6_4eSupDOh0-00077-00025119-00025390 and that's here wiki dot eclipse dot org +6_4eSupDOh0-00078-00025390-00025687 jetty tutorial; you can just pause and get that URL. +6_4eSupDOh0-00079-00025687-00025971 And that should be enough to get you going so that you can run your own little +6_4eSupDOh0-00080-00025971-00026152 webserver. It's free +6_4eSupDOh0-00081-00026152-00026416 and at relatively easy to setup. +6_4eSupDOh0-00082-00026416-00026582 and uh... +6_4eSupDOh0-00083-00026582-00026655 That'll get ya goin' +6EBVz723O1g-00000-00000000-00000200 WHAT YOU OWN-OWNS YOU +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00000-00000393-00000685 Hello, I'm Colin and here are today's headlines live from London with Pinksixty. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00001-00000685-00001207 The Pussy Riot court case is dividing Russia and attracting worldwide attention. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00002-00001207-00001605 It's seen as a test case for how far Putin will go to silence his critics as the three +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00003-00001605-00001892 women face up to seven years in jail. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00004-00001892-00002258 A gay couple in Italy has sued a newspaper for outing them in an article about their +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00005-00002258-00002392 relationship. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00006-00002392-00002826 The Corte di Cassazione declared the outing an invasion of privacy and not in the public +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00007-00002826-00002973 interest. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00008-00002973-00003289 New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key, has declared his support for gay marriage. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00009-00003289-00003685 He said, "my view has been that if two gay people want to get married, then I can't see +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00010-00003685-00004005 why that would undermine my marriage to Bronagh." +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00011-00004005-00004342 The US AIDS quilt has gone online after growing to mammoth proportions. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00012-00004342-00004881 The 1.3 million square foot memorial includes the names of over 94 thousand people have +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00013-00004881-00005067 died over the last 25 years. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00014-00005067-00005528 And finally, a new biography of Marilyn Monroe claims she had a string of lesbian affairs +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00015-00005528-00005703 with other actresses. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00016-00005703-00006101 The book quotes her as saying, "whatever your sexual preference is, it means nothing. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00017-00006101-00006246 Love is love." +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00018-00006246-00006373 That's all from us today. +6Fyw13DjrIQ-00019-00006373-00006471 Join us again tomorrow. +6GnvahhhYz8-00000-00004803-00005664 they became compromised essentially recently put in a 210 ton of water per genus and we +6GnvahhhYz8-00001-00005664-00006243 determined now that we've been through a cycle for the season that were only +6GnvahhhYz8-00002-00006243-00007409 used about 2,500 that's what we call the guests which is this about heated space +6GnvahhhYz8-00003-00007409-00010080 so we're using about five times a software program so that people can adequately size +6GnvahhhYz8-00004-00013491-00015069 across time set up a concrete face types of interiors done rail system seen acting +6GnvahhhYz8-00005-00015069-00015640 outside the wall and to reinforce you to it your cage you have a lot of steel a +6GnvahhhYz8-00006-00015640-00016228 little bit warmer to I guess with what we're looking at there this happen to be the expec +6GnvahhhYz8-00007-00016228-00017908 to being shown here it's all the light weights that's plastic aluminum vertical +6GnvahhhYz8-00008-00017908-00018769 strong backs and win the prize reach wrap bracelet this jackal t which is all parts +6GnvahhhYz8-00009-00037775-00038216 it hit the dumpster pop straight up +6HifRQvNRx8-00000-00000269-00000700 Andrew Krystal with you, this is Sirius XM while money does talk +6HifRQvNRx8-00001-00000788-00001555 Facebook down 18 percent over a hundred billion dollars off the books and what will Trump's tariffs mean to an already? +6HifRQvNRx8-00002-00001621-00002250 Volatile marketplace. Well, the number one day trader in America. Jon Morgan is here to tell all +6HifRQvNRx8-00003-00002924-00003259 Mr. M is with Forex Lens and +6HifRQvNRx8-00004-00003368-00003948 They do a lot in terms of educating folks on the marketplace and what the hell's going on love that for excellence +6HifRQvNRx8-00005-00004130-00004734 Dr. Morgan, how are you? Brother? I'm well, thank you. And where did we reach you today? +6HifRQvNRx8-00006-00005117-00005737 Beautiful loves that South Dakota keep those missile silos warm, we're gonna need them so brother +6HifRQvNRx8-00007-00005971-00006462 So Jon Morgan, I'm shocked at Facebook lost so much off the books +6HifRQvNRx8-00008-00006709-00007389 That that's what's going on and let's talk about volatility Trump tariffs and how they affect things. What does this mean for +6HifRQvNRx8-00009-00007447-00007647 Consumers, what does this mean for investors? +6HifRQvNRx8-00010-00007768-00008286 Well yesterday was it was kind of a fun day to trade because they're the very end of the day +6HifRQvNRx8-00011-00008359-00008500 when +6HifRQvNRx8-00012-00008500-00008778 jean-claude juncker and Trump came out they talked about +6HifRQvNRx8-00013-00008872-00009072 you know getting a lot of the +6HifRQvNRx8-00014-00009206-00009579 Eliminating that like the u.s. Is not going to the 25% tariff on European cars +6HifRQvNRx8-00015-00009634-00010047 They're gonna continue negotiate over steel aluminum care a lot of bullishness felt +6HifRQvNRx8-00016-00010109-00010404 With that because that's a really big deal less +6HifRQvNRx8-00017-00010456-00010645 negative rhetoric +6HifRQvNRx8-00018-00010645-00011277 Markets really like that. Then we have mexico's trade delegates. Here's and minuchin wants to get a +6HifRQvNRx8-00019-00011554-00011853 Trade deal here pretty soon. So I mean +6HifRQvNRx8-00020-00011929-00012294 This was an odd summer for trading because usually it's not this volatile +6HifRQvNRx8-00021-00012295-00012912 Usually there's not a lot of volume but one day you have no volume and a lot of activity. It's it's been pretty wild +6HifRQvNRx8-00022-00012912-00013377 That's for sure and when people are especially in this country in Canada's to pay +6HifRQvNRx8-00023-00013418-00014143 More because of tariffs affecting food costs grocery chains are saying food prices are gonna go up that also affects +6HifRQvNRx8-00024-00014188-00014782 Trading it also affects how people approach the marketplace. It also affects the markets themselves because it hits people +6HifRQvNRx8-00025-00014849-00015049 Psychologically not just in the pocket. Oh +6HifRQvNRx8-00026-00015188-00015277 Yeah in that +6HifRQvNRx8-00027-00015277-00015332 You know +6HifRQvNRx8-00028-00015332-00015401 here +6HifRQvNRx8-00029-00015401-00015987 there's I live in a very conservative state a lot of Trump supporters in this state and there's a lot of soybean farmers and they +6HifRQvNRx8-00030-00015988-00016299 Have not been happy because soybean futures have taken a significant hit +6HifRQvNRx8-00031-00016391-00016614 but now that's rallied somewhat because +6HifRQvNRx8-00032-00016700-00017094 he was agreed to by a lot of the soybeans now we also +6HifRQvNRx8-00033-00017153-00017742 About the euro and the US and Trump and euchre really like slapped Russia's economy pretty hard +6HifRQvNRx8-00034-00017834-00017977 By saying that the u.s +6HifRQvNRx8-00035-00017977-00018582 Is going to send a lot more and the hero's gonna buy a lot more natural gas from the US and that pretty much +6HifRQvNRx8-00036-00018656-00018991 Eliminates the only bargaining chip that Russia has with the European markets +6HifRQvNRx8-00037-00019028-00019699 Well that good for Trump though that he's saying to the Europeans. Why are you buying so much from Russia? +6HifRQvNRx8-00038-00019772-00019898 when +6HifRQvNRx8-00039-00019898-00020223 Americans have to spend so much to defend Europe against Russia +6HifRQvNRx8-00040-00020323-00020820 European countries don't spending nearly enough and here they're tossing their dollars over to Russia +6HifRQvNRx8-00041-00020939-00021148 Who is an existential threat to Europe? +6HifRQvNRx8-00042-00021260-00021855 Right. Yeah. It's like I don't know when the two parties diversión thought well, why are we gonna? +6HifRQvNRx8-00043-00021941-00022326 Like trump is right when some Trump is right on some of these things. Oh +6HifRQvNRx8-00044-00022403-00022603 Yeah, definitely. Yeah, yeah +6HifRQvNRx8-00045-00022616-00023004 There's no doubt about it. He is right on some things and I don't know +6HifRQvNRx8-00046-00023005-00023517 I mean this guy's plays a long game when he negotiates and I think a lot of people forget that the guy's a +6HifRQvNRx8-00047-00023534-00023964 businessman first and a politician second, and he's +6HifRQvNRx8-00048-00024053-00024253 He's also got you now +6HifRQvNRx8-00049-00024266-00024867 But one of the other things that they talked about was that they're gonna work together stronger to get a hold of China's +6HifRQvNRx8-00050-00024887-00025387 Intellectual property stealing. You've got the EU block your hand-in-hand with the u.s. Now +6HifRQvNRx8-00051-00025457-00026121 going after China that that's a big deal because now they're going to be on the same page and China can't really +6HifRQvNRx8-00052-00026156-00026356 Pick the two of us against each other anymore +6HifRQvNRx8-00053-00026420-00026762 That's a good thing. I was pleased to you that so +6HifRQvNRx8-00054-00026820-00026922 tell-tell +6HifRQvNRx8-00055-00026922-00027425 Canadians and Americans what they should be looking at what they should tell their broker to do what they should do themselves +6HifRQvNRx8-00056-00027425-00027860 I want to hear a bit about Forex lends itself as an education opportunity +6HifRQvNRx8-00057-00027955-00028253 Tell us what's going on what we should do. Give us some tips here +6HifRQvNRx8-00058-00028362-00028937 Sure. Well as far as what you should do. I mean, I'm sure a lot of brokers are are confused as heck - I mean +6HifRQvNRx8-00059-00029019-00029567 Yesterday at the close with with regarding Facebook. I mean Facebook took are greater than 20 percent drop +6HifRQvNRx8-00060-00029568-00030158 It's still hovering around that 18 percent now that drug down the Nasdaq significantly, which is still down +6HifRQvNRx8-00061-00030158-00030839 but the other two averages are are kind of floating around the Dow still up but the es there's +6HifRQvNRx8-00062-00030915-00031259 Some pls down your broker is probably having a heck of a time +6HifRQvNRx8-00063-00031549-00031940 Brokers have two kinds of ideas on what to do a sit tight or +6HifRQvNRx8-00064-00032052-00032318 Or trying to figure out how to get more money from you +6HifRQvNRx8-00065-00032319-00032897 But I don't think sitting tight though with the Trump tariff world is the way to go you say +6HifRQvNRx8-00066-00033184-00033384 Varies I mean +6HifRQvNRx8-00067-00033522-00033728 You know, I'm not I'm not an investor +6HifRQvNRx8-00068-00033728-00034322 I'm a I trade what's in front of me over a weekly or daily or hourly period I mean, it's +6HifRQvNRx8-00069-00034396-00034610 It's hard to say certainly tariffs are +6HifRQvNRx8-00070-00034699-00035190 are going to cause a significant amount of uncertainty with anything involving like the futures prices or +6HifRQvNRx8-00071-00035247-00035386 speculation but +6HifRQvNRx8-00072-00035386-00035996 it's hard to say how long what kind of long-term effect is any of this going to have and and probably little if +6HifRQvNRx8-00073-00036031-00036332 They all go away and everything's back to OB Katie +6HifRQvNRx8-00074-00036469-00037142 Okay, so the Trump tariffs with China, how does this shakeout? Let's get your crystal balls on the table here +6HifRQvNRx8-00075-00037308-00037517 Well, I'll tell you what China +6HifRQvNRx8-00076-00037575-00037955 Did a pretty good move by going after our agricultural stuff? +6HifRQvNRx8-00077-00037956-00038363 Because not only does that hit the farmers here, but that hits Trump's base +6HifRQvNRx8-00078-00038363-00038999 I think that was more of a shot aimed at Trump as a person as opposed to the US in general and +6HifRQvNRx8-00079-00039130-00039330 the China is +6HifRQvNRx8-00080-00039349-00039663 They require a lot of soybean a lot of other +6HifRQvNRx8-00081-00039730-00040327 Imported AG because they raise a lot of hogs, but they cannot produce enough to feed their hogs +6HifRQvNRx8-00082-00040388-00040588 They are extremely +6HifRQvNRx8-00083-00040637-00040969 reliant on foreign meal to feed and +6HifRQvNRx8-00084-00041297-00041604 We can outlast them longer than they could outlast us +6HifRQvNRx8-00085-00041783-00042474 So you think that America can win this trade war oh, yeah, certainly I mean that's that's not really a +6HifRQvNRx8-00086-00042650-00042764 China +6HifRQvNRx8-00087-00042764-00043140 Is is really important, but it's not like the u.s +6HifRQvNRx8-00088-00043141-00043666 Couldn't and China couldn't each suffer some short-term mid-term economic pain while the u.s +6HifRQvNRx8-00089-00043685-00044076 shifts their their positive trade policies to +6HifRQvNRx8-00090-00044168-00044689 countries around China that don't like China like like Vietnam and India +6HifRQvNRx8-00091-00044777-00044977 there's a those two countries would +6HifRQvNRx8-00092-00045086-00045328 Who knows this is a lot of speculation +6HifRQvNRx8-00093-00045518-00045804 How do you feel about things are you drinking more John? +6HifRQvNRx8-00094-00045920-00046374 No, I'm pretty positive. Actually. I like all this stuff that's good. This is all happening in the summer +6HifRQvNRx8-00095-00046436-00046804 This is good. This has all happened - no, I'm not pourquoi pourquoi +6HifRQvNRx8-00096-00046913-00047113 one +6HifRQvNRx8-00097-00047138-00047754 Well summers are usually this is where it's kind of one of the unsung benefits or things you like or hate about +6HifRQvNRx8-00098-00047783-00047969 being a trader is that +6HifRQvNRx8-00099-00047969-00048134 summers are usually +6HifRQvNRx8-00100-00048134-00048679 Slower, there's not a lot of market activity because it's nice out people like to go on vacations people like to relax +6HifRQvNRx8-00101-00048679-00048915 there's just summers generally kind of a +6HifRQvNRx8-00102-00048974-00049082 low +6HifRQvNRx8-00103-00049082-00049302 If you're a trader and you love to trade that sucks +6HifRQvNRx8-00104-00049328-00049845 If you are like a professional works for somebody for a firm you probably like it +6HifRQvNRx8-00105-00049919-00050105 but as far as +6HifRQvNRx8-00106-00050105-00050689 You know people being concerned about stuff when they're working at their jobs over in the fall in the winter and spring this +6HifRQvNRx8-00107-00050771-00051129 Sentiment wise I think this is a pretty good country this to all be happening +6HifRQvNRx8-00108-00051233-00051433 ok, so +6HifRQvNRx8-00109-00051449-00052087 One of the farmers sing in South Dakota where we have reached you today. John Morgan with Forex lens +6HifRQvNRx8-00110-00052139-00052608 What what are the farmers saying about how the Trump tariffs have taken them? +6HifRQvNRx8-00111-00052737-00053177 Well, I was actually just talking with a buddy. Who's a who's a farmer +6HifRQvNRx8-00112-00053187-00053480 we were at a it was at a wedding a couple weekends ago and +6HifRQvNRx8-00113-00053572-00054129 You know, we had we hadn't talked for a little bit, but he doesn't say much other than he was really mad +6HifRQvNRx8-00114-00054249-00054863 He was really happy. He said, you know, I understand why this is happening, but I don't understand how we're supposed to feel +6HifRQvNRx8-00115-00054985-00055629 Patriotic when you know, we can't make a gain on our and our contracts +6HifRQvNRx8-00116-00055698-00055925 So how sustainable is this long-term? +6HifRQvNRx8-00117-00055925-00056645 I know there's a 12 billion dollar bailout in the books Trump wants to put towards a compensating farmers for their losses +6HifRQvNRx8-00118-00056706-00056999 Many say that that's a band-aid on a broken leg you say +6HifRQvNRx8-00119-00057291-00057491 And that's actually I +6HifRQvNRx8-00120-00057516-00057776 I get the idea of why you would do it +6HifRQvNRx8-00121-00057779-00058151 I mean farmers are are kind of hit because +6HifRQvNRx8-00122-00058186-00058679 Of some other things and it's like okay I get why they would want to you know +6HifRQvNRx8-00123-00058812-00059378 Give them some money for their problems, but there was just a guy on one of the other Market Market +6HifRQvNRx8-00124-00059517-00059840 Stations today he was saying that farmers don't want that +6HifRQvNRx8-00125-00059841-00060273 They don't it's like they're making a buck from the government and getting a paycheck. That's not what they want +6HifRQvNRx8-00126-00060273-00060863 they want to be able to operate in a free open market and these prices they're gonna get shocked with anything like this when you +6HifRQvNRx8-00127-00060863-00061142 Talk to this talk about tariffs you talk about +6HifRQvNRx8-00128-00061368-00061820 Affecting some industries that haven't had to suffer this kind of news stuff in a long time +6HifRQvNRx8-00129-00061836-00062291 you're gonna get these massive fluctuations and prices and +6HifRQvNRx8-00130-00062355-00063140 It's freaky sure but you got to let things right out and and things eventually find an equilibrium, you know things +6HifRQvNRx8-00131-00063243-00063443 oftentimes travel back to where they were +6HifRQvNRx8-00132-00063513-00063932 There's a lot of people freaked out in the short term, but that's normal +6HifRQvNRx8-00133-00064092-00064250 Well, I lost a lot of money +6HifRQvNRx8-00134-00064250-00064580 I put a ton of dough into an electric car dealership in the Middle East +6HifRQvNRx8-00135-00064601-00064958 Sea-monkeys a novelty pajamas that glow in the dark. So what do I know? +6HifRQvNRx8-00136-00065112-00065312 Not good investments +6HifRQvNRx8-00137-00065341-00065485 John Morgan +6HifRQvNRx8-00138-00065485-00066160 Is America's number one day traders with for excellence tell us about forex loans quickly before I want to do a plug for you +6HifRQvNRx8-00139-00066254-00066454 sir for Excel and comm is a +6HifRQvNRx8-00140-00066545-00066713 educational site first +6HifRQvNRx8-00141-00066713-00067068 we we strive to provide quality good education for +6HifRQvNRx8-00142-00067115-00067494 Understanding how to trade look at technical analysis because a lot of stuff out there is crap +6HifRQvNRx8-00143-00067495-00067864 I want to make sure that people are getting good quality information +6HifRQvNRx8-00144-00067913-00068647 Based on on the current industry standards. Hey don't underestimate the value of glow-in-the-dark. Pijamas is an investment other +6HifRQvNRx8-00145-00068861-00069174 Sea-monkeys because when they died they make a great protein drink +6HifRQvNRx8-00146-00069359-00070030 Thank you John Morgan you could tweet me at Andrew crystal with a K. This is crystal nation see you folks next week +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00000-00000006-00000617 Hello everyone, and welcome to the second video in this summer’s genealogy series! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00001-00000617-00001208 This is the quickest and simplest video in the series - all about building a family tree +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00002-00001208-00001677 Today we’re going to talk about the record-keeping tools available on Ancestry library - they +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00003-00001677-00002086 have a lot of templates and such that you can print and use to help you keep organized +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00004-00002086-00002857 - as well as some digital tools to help you do that without having to print. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00005-00002857-00004288 I am putting a quick reminder here - genealogy is a very recent interest of mine. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00006-00004288-00004753 I help people do their research, but this is a “learn as you go” experience for +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00007-00004753-00004853 me. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00008-00004853-00005346 If you know better than me, I’d love you to shoot me an email or leave it in the comments! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00009-00005346-00005812 That said - let’s get going with building our own family trees +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00010-00005812-00006254 If you’re looking for information about how to get started with finding info - check +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00011-00006254-00006820 out the first video in this series! - however, I am providing some of the most important +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00012-00006820-00007395 tips for getting started, just to keep everything in one place +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00013-00007395-00007630 The most important thing is to start with you. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00014-00007630-00007984 Write down everything you know about your family and organize all the documents that +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00015-00007984-00008498 you have like birth and marriage records, old family records like family bibles, and +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00016-00008498-00008674 old photos you have. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00017-00008674-00009171 Then, you can talk to your oldest living relatives to fill in gaps. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00018-00009171-00009606 Ask about people and important dates, and ask for their stories. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00019-00009606-00009971 You’re going to get a lot of information! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00020-00009971-00010667 There are charts called pedigree charts or family group records to organize everything. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00021-00010667-00011577 You’ll also have to start getting picky - choose one line to begin with, to avoid +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00022-00011577-00011945 being overwhelmed and getting disorganized +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00023-00011945-00012189 The real issue here is organizational. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00024-00012189-00012657 Let’s take a quick look at the tools that are available on Ancestry Library, since it’s +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00025-00012657-00013291 our most powerful research database. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00026-00013291-00013684 As we discussed in the last class, there are a lot of resources on Ancestry Library that +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00027-00013684-00013956 go beyond just information about families. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00028-00013956-00014390 They have tools to help you learn how to use things, and message boards to connect with +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00029-00014390-00015032 other people, and - the important part today is charts and forms that you can use to organize +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00030-00015032-00015132 your research. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00031-00015132-00015760 I want to take a moment to briefly go over each form they have. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00032-00015760-00016215 The first 2 forms are really useful, and everyone should probably have some version of them +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00033-00016215-00016399 to help organize their research. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00034-00016399-00016833 I mentioned both of these in my overview, and this is what they look like. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00035-00016833-00017259 First is an ancestral chart, which is also often called a pedigree chart. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00036-00017259-00017897 The pedigree chart looks like what you’ll probably think of for genealogy stuff - it’s +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00037-00017897-00018065 a traditional family tree. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00038-00018065-00018643 It shows a person’s immediate ancestors, and allows you to note that the primary person +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00039-00018643-00019326 on each chart fits in on other pages, so you can have as many or as few sheets as you want +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00040-00019326-00019456 for your focus. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00041-00019456-00020237 It’s a quick way to see who you have info about and where you have gaps. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00042-00020237-00020970 A Family Group sheet shows all the info that relates to an entire family group at once. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00043-00020970-00021451 “Family group” refers to a family that were likely to have lived together at some +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00044-00021451-00021798 point in their lives - a married couple and their children. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00045-00021798-00022601 You can take notes on the couple, including all their important dates and where they lived, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00046-00022601-00022912 their parents names, and their children’s names and important dates. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00047-00022912-00023537 The rest of the forms they have on Ancestry Library are useful, but not nearly as important. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00048-00023537-00024093 A Research Calendar is a way to track what sources you have used and what information +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00049-00024093-00024309 you’ve found in them. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00050-00024309-00024862 Whenever you sit down with a database or at a library, you can write down all the different +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00051-00024862-00025289 sources you ended up searching in, whether it was useful to your research, and how. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00052-00025289-00026051 A research extract is a way to keep information about different sources that you use to research, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00053-00026051-00026527 so if you see something and your notes aren’t good enough, or you didn’t know you’d +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00054-00026527-00027141 need it but now you think you do - you have a way to find the exact place you originally +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00055-00027141-00027649 came across someone or something. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00056-00027649-00028681 A correspondence record allows you to track everyone you have written to about your research. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00057-00028681-00029599 And a source summary is a quick reference of the sources you’ve used - the most basic +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00058-00029599-00030095 details from your research extract, but all in one place. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00059-00030095-00030824 Now, having been through these resources, you can see how thorough they are! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00060-00030824-00031439 They provide great guidelines for new researchers, and a tried-and-tested organizational method +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00061-00031439-00031634 for genealogy research. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00062-00031634-00032130 However, they also force you to maintain handwritten, paper documents. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00063-00032130-00032500 If that doesn’t appeal to you - whether it’s because you have bad handwriting, or +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00064-00032500-00033011 you worry about paper documents getting lost or damaged, or any other reason - there are +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00065-00033011-00033872 digital tools that can help you as well. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00066-00033872-00034537 If you like the style of all those forms at ancestry library - the National Genealogical +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00067-00034537-00035534 Society has them, too, and they allow you to fill them out on a computer. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00068-00035534-00036024 This means you can keep the same sorts of files that researchers have done for years, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00069-00036024-00036166 but have them online. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00070-00036166-00036829 You can even save them in a cloud service like Google Drive, One Drive, or iCloud, so +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00071-00036829-00037308 that if anything happens to your computer, your files are still fine. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00072-00037308-00037912 If you are a visual thinker, or you just want to get fancy, my favorite family tree tool +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00073-00037912-00038050 is called Family Echo. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00074-00038050-00038453 It’s free, and available at familyecho.com. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00075-00038453-00038934 It lets you build an extremely detailed family tree and share it with other people in your +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00076-00038934-00039249 family who do research. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00077-00039249-00039772 On this slide, I am showing a simplified version of my family tree with just first names of +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00078-00039772-00040166 me and my wife, my parents and their siblings, and my grandparents. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00079-00040166-00040652 The site defaults to showing men in blue and women in pink, living people in black text +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00080-00040652-00041256 and dead people in grey - but you can alter that however you like. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00081-00041256-00041737 For each person on the tree, there is a column to the left side of the tree where you can +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00082-00041737-00042244 put in as many details about them as you want - their full name, including maiden name, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00083-00042244-00042827 gender, birth date, death date, information about their partners, siblings, children, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00084-00042827-00043355 and parents, contact information, and whatever details of their life you want to include, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00085-00043355-00043547 as well as a photo. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00086-00043547-00044137 There’s a lot of very dense information in this side panel, and it’s worth looking +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00087-00044137-00044283 at! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00088-00044283-00044899 Everything is simple and intuitive - you can click around between different people and +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00089-00044899-00045275 add as much information as you have. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00090-00045275-00045908 You can also share it with others, so for example if you have an aunt or uncle who is +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00091-00045908-00046996 way into family history, they can directly input the stuff that they know. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00092-00046996-00047686 The best part about it is that it’s free, and it has excellent plain-language terms +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00093-00047686-00048416 of service and privacy rules that you can look into. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00094-00048416-00048925 Another important tool for your research is a site called Archives.gov - they have tons +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00095-00048925-00049376 of records and resources, and they also have a lot of educational material, so if you’re +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00096-00049376-00049591 stuck, they probably have advice. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00097-00049591-00050001 They also have a YouTube channel - if you’re watching this, I’m going to hazard a guess +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00098-00050001-00050569 that you like video education, so if you check out their YouTube, you can learn way more +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00099-00050569-00051009 about how to do research and the details of different kinds of records that you can use +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00100-00051009-00051132 in your research. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00101-00051132-00051512 And really, that’s it! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00102-00051512-00051862 This is a short one, because really I have a simple purpose here: I just want to drive +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00103-00051862-00052327 home the importance of organization, and the fact that there’s absolutely no reason to +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00104-00052327-00052441 start from zero. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00105-00052441-00052960 There are a lot of tools available and information to access - you just need to get out there +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00106-00052960-00053427 and grab it all. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00107-00053427-00053862 Here is a page of important links, which will be available in the description box - for +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00108-00053862-00054450 the National Genealogical Society, Ancestry Library, Genealogy Bank, and some additional +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00109-00054450-00054876 Family Tree tools if you don’t like Family Echo. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00110-00054876-00055362 If you want to learn more - we have a video on genealogy basics already available on this +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00111-00055362-00055462 channel! +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00112-00055462-00056161 There is also one more video coming out next week on July 20th about how to preserve your +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00113-00056161-00056414 info and documents. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00114-00056414-00056991 If you have questions about anything we have discussed, there are Q&A sessions on July +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00115-00056991-00057373 20th and 27th at 6pm. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00116-00057373-00057859 If you’re interested in sharing the stories you find, I’m booking oral history appointments, +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00117-00057859-00058027 the first week in August. +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00118-00058027-00058464 You can write up what you find to post on our website or podcast feed, and we’ll be +6JBG2G9a6Nc-00119-00058464-00058992 saving them in the archive for future researchers. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00000-00009363-00010463 Today I would like to wish a very, very, very, very, very happy +6NkVlhEI8MU-00001-00010463-00011918 Gennaro name day to everyone, to all the Gennaro, this very +6NkVlhEI8MU-00002-00011918-00012329 well known name here in Italy but in particular here in +6NkVlhEI8MU-00003-00012329-00012537 Campania, Naples. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00004-00012537-00012804 So happy Gennaro day to all the Gennaro +6NkVlhEI8MU-00005-00012804-00013251 that I met. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00006-00013251-00013754 In particular to Gennaro Esposito, but also all the +6NkVlhEI8MU-00007-00013754-00014148 other Gennaro in Campania and in Italy. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00008-00014148-00014456 I don't know if this +6NkVlhEI8MU-00009-00014456-00014790 name is celebrated in other parts of the world too. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00010-00014790-00014890 However, +6NkVlhEI8MU-00011-00014890-00015451 the good wishes are also valid for the other Gennaro in the +6NkVlhEI8MU-00012-00015451-00015551 world. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00013-00015551-00015965 Then we say that to this name, to this saint in reality (I +6NkVlhEI8MU-00014-00015965-00016467 do not say San Gennaro because at this moment for some +6NkVlhEI8MU-00015-00016467-00017113 time I have not been a believer, as some may know, I am an +6NkVlhEI8MU-00016-00017113-00017329 agnostic at this moment, essentially a middle ground, a +6NkVlhEI8MU-00017-00017329-00017846 position that in substance was also the same as Immanuel Kant +6NkVlhEI8MU-00018-00017846-00018133 Kant, that is, I am not saying that God does not exist but that it +6NkVlhEI8MU-00019-00018133-00018660 is not possible to know him), however I said in general a +6NkVlhEI8MU-00020-00018660-00018757 miracle is associated with this Saint, the miracle of San +6NkVlhEI8MU-00021-00018757-00019027 Gennaro in fact, among other things, is precisely the patron +6NkVlhEI8MU-00022-00019126-00019696 saint of Naples, is the saint of Naples and it is said that the +6NkVlhEI8MU-00023-00019696-00020750 miracle occurs if his blood dissolves in the ampoule. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00024-00020750-00021226 I don't know if today it will rock but I wanted to joke that today my +6NkVlhEI8MU-00025-00021226-00021703 miracle of San Gennaro is the fact that on my third keyboard +6NkVlhEI8MU-00026-00021703-00022233 channel, the one with the least subscribers, that my video of +6NkVlhEI8MU-00027-00022233-00022746 the interpretation of Lascia ch'io pianga by Handel's Rinaldo, a +6NkVlhEI8MU-00028-00022846-00023313 video dedicated in that case to Lars von Trier's 66th birthday, +6NkVlhEI8MU-00029-00023413-00023565 in fact the video is from April 30th, the birthday of the great Danis director +6NkVlhEI8MU-00030-00023565-00023843 However, I said just today that video has reached and even +6NkVlhEI8MU-00031-00023843-00023926 And this is because that aria is the musical theme of Antichrist (2009), one of his great films. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00032-00023926-00024026 exceeded 10,000 views. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00033-00024026-00024200 It never happened for my +6NkVlhEI8MU-00034-00024200-00024450 But which Lars von Trier movie isn't a great movie? +6NkVlhEI8MU-00035-00024450-00025200 But however, I said, the video really on this day reached and also passed the 10000 views. Never happened this for a my +6NkVlhEI8MU-00036-00025200-00025570 interpretation on the keyboard but above all it never happened +6NkVlhEI8MU-00037-00025570-00025916 that in such a short time it reached a number of that type +6NkVlhEI8MU-00038-00026016-00026223 It's just an honor for me that I'm nobody. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00039-00026223-00026566 As I always say "I am nobody, I am a nullity, I just try". +6NkVlhEI8MU-00040-00026596-00026960 Yes, but it's an honor because there are videos that for the same piece have +6NkVlhEI8MU-00041-00026960-00027406 reached the same views but after 4-5 years. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00042-00027456-00027883 So for me it's absolutely an honor, in fact I don't even know how it got to that +6NkVlhEI8MU-00043-00027883-00028250 number because for me the piece was not even performed very well but in any case we have to do. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00044-00028339-00028793 Can't I be happy? +6NkVlhEI8MU-00045-00028793-00029220 And then I also consider another miracle the fact that two days ago +6NkVlhEI8MU-00046-00029220-00029686 I reached 200 subscribers on the main keyboard channel. So, yes. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00047-00029686-00030073 Just as it would be another miracle if also this channel reached the 40th subscribers. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00048-00030073-00030493 However, the real miracle is that video of 10000 views +6NkVlhEI8MU-00049-00030493-00031045 In fact if you've seen a preview it's in honor of this event and +6NkVlhEI8MU-00050-00031045-00031250 complete video as always is always in the description. +6NkVlhEI8MU-00051-00031250-00031616 Have a great day again! +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00000-00002946-00003603 hey I'm londonwesty, and I'm lyriclass, for Cache Canada and we're here for an island adventure on +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00001-00003603-00004215 Toronto Island or Toronto Island Toronto Island and it's an island oasis just off +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00002-00004215-00004626 the harbour from the downtown run and you can see the skyline from the back +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00003-00004626-00005014 side of the island and where we are Lake Ontario but we're here for some +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00004-00005014-00005485 adventure and hopefully we can get some caches hopefully maybe not +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00005-00005485-00005967 we might not but we're gonna have lots of fun and we're here with our family +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00006-00005967-00006462 our two children and we're going to do some canoeing biking and caching maybe +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00007-00006462-00006853 and hiking and we'll have fun so come along for an adventure with us it's a +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00008-00006853-00007346 great place it's a awesome place to see let's go take a look +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00009-00009831-00010219 if you were lost and needed to know where to go tell you +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00010-00010219-00010894 right here Santa Claus is that way and it's only 4521 kilometers so you +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00011-00010894-00011151 better get walking +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00012-00020364-00020797 well there's Toronto it's way over there and we're over here on the island +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00013-00020797-00021340 canoeing to get some caches unfortunately there's a dragon boat race +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00014-00021340-00021735 this weekend and we can't get to half the caches and the one cache that we +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00015-00021735-00022168 could get to on the water it's moved there was a redirect coordinates but +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00016-00022168-00022665 unfortunately we just couldn't see it so we put in a call to somebody that found +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00017-00022665-00023076 it yesterday and unfortunately they didn't get back so we're gonna run a +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00018-00023076-00023640 bike and we're gonna go try some other things and get some more caches +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00019-00024639-00025231 well what do you think it's I've never before it's just a fabulous +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00020-00025231-00025873 place to bring your family there's a day there was so much to do and see and you +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00021-00025873-00026126 might actually be able to do some geocaching although we haven't found +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00022-00026126-00026651 anything yet but there is something that Lyra class really likes to do and it +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00023-00026651-00027241 involves plants in a puzzle form it's a maze a maze there's a maze here we're +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00024-00027241-00027824 just going to check it out now amazing and yeah there so let's go see if we can +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00025-00027824-00028312 get lost or get out of the maze and maybe find a cache +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00026-00028348-00029188 willing a meanie maze I don't know who he is but he's a real meaning +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00027-00029755-00030541 eighteen meters we're getting closer I don't for lost yet we might get lost you +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00028-00030541-00031224 never know we're lost we're lost and we can't find the cash no +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00029-00031224-00031670 we're not having good luck just can't find it +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00030-00031670-00031966 and it's hot +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00031-00032216-00032831 do you know where the cash yes well we found the center of the maze but we were +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00032-00032831-00033310 trying to find the exit so this is where the cash should be and it's not here and +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00033-00033310-00034037 we have no idea how to get out so far we have a phone one cash won't have fun +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00034-00034037-00034258 though +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00035-00034825-00035522 today was not a good day to cash on Toronto and the next cash we're after is +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00036-00035522-00036107 just it's a two two and a half pretty simple but it's right in there and the +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00037-00036107-00036719 Dragon Boat team just came back and have all their stuff there and I just don't +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00038-00036719-00037397 feel like asking them for help in finding a kid so we're just gonna die +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00039-00037397-00037859 chalk it up as another DNF but we're having fun and we're just not finding +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00040-00037859-00038095 any cash +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00041-00039896-00040343 so we thought we were in luck because there's Noth cashier at the Lighthouse +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00042-00040343-00040727 but it turns out when you go to the coordinates to the lighthouse and if you +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00043-00040727-00041135 read the description before you go there it's actually the earth cash is not at +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00044-00041135-00041494 the lighthouse it's out on the beach down at the lake you have to take a +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00045-00041494-00041900 distance and bearing to do other some other observations not at the lighthouse +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00046-00041900-00042388 so we're going to check to see another cache first before we go to the lake +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00047-00042388-00042872 we might get a cache yet you never know that might just happen who knows some +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00048-00042872-00043247 adventures don't work out the way you want them to and some do but we haven't +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00049-00043247-00043697 still having a good time this is an amazing island a good destination to +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00050-00043697-00044188 come if you want to get away from city life maybe now if you want to go caching +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00051-00044188-00045241 but hey we're having a good time +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00052-00045375-00045860 wait we found a cache finally we had to find +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00053-00045860-00046397 this one it was a one in what one and a half one there we go okay we're good we +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00054-00046397-00046994 we don't have to call this DNF island okay we're good now now we can go we +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00055-00046994-00047537 found a cache that's it we're good I feel like I don't know what is +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00056-00047537-00047993 I feel like geocaching Katie today the episode she had where she couldn't find +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00057-00047993-00048436 anything well we got one +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00058-00049947-00050450 if you can't find some caches you could try +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00059-00050450-00051526 optional beach but we're not gonna go that way well that was a fun adventure +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00060-00051526-00051994 not exactly what we had intended yeah the caching we just didn't get the +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00061-00051994-00052380 cash no it just wasn't our day but you know that happens yeah +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00062-00052380-00052770 what we had fun we dropped off some tracks wheels up to one place yeah and +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00063-00052770-00053245 we were out with the kids and that's more important is family time with the +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00064-00053245-00053851 kids and they tolerated our caching anyway don't forget to Like share and +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00065-00053851-00054160 subscribe and we'll be sure to have some more adventures where we're actually +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00066-00054160-00054450 finding some cash +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00067-00055310-00055788 we got another one we couldn't get on the ferry without finding this last one +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00068-00055788-00056459 we know we knew we had to get this one there was not a fat no miss and I don't +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00069-00056459-00057137 for you baseball fans this is the place where Babe Ruth hit his only his only +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00070-00057137-00057675 home run in the minor leagues right here in Toronto on Toronto Island or posting +6NEYbR4_Ksg-00071-00057675-00058279 here yeah I just wanted to share that with you in case you want one of them +6p_WnP-XfUA-00000-00000304-00000440 Do you have a moment? -Of course. +6p_WnP-XfUA-00001-00000950-00001234 Could it be possible to have one extra day off? +6p_WnP-XfUA-00002-00001352-00001558 Do you have any reason for it? +6p_WnP-XfUA-00003-00001622-00002010 Yeah, my brother will have a wedding 23 of June +6p_WnP-XfUA-00004-00002010-00002340 Let's see... +6p_WnP-XfUA-00005-00002866-00003066 So it will be Saturday then... +6p_WnP-XfUA-00006-00003112-00003396 Could it be possible to have...? +6p_WnP-XfUA-00007-00003508-00003747 We'll have a inventory then... +6p_WnP-XfUA-00008-00003818-00004018 Oh I forgot about it... +6p_WnP-XfUA-00009-00004140-00004388 Okay, you can have extra day off then. +6p_WnP-XfUA-00010-00004412-00004548 Oh thank you so much! +6p_WnP-XfUA-00011-00004592-00005030 Can you sign this so everything's alright then. -Okay +6p_WnP-XfUA-00012-00005636-00005768 Okay. +6p_WnP-XfUA-00013-00006356-00006673 Thank you so much and have a nice day. +6p_WnP-XfUA-00014-00006673-00006778 Thanks, you too! +6p_WnP-XfUA-00015-00006818-00006922 Byebye. (both) +6R0o0ERqCSc-00000-00000481-00000632 Is the cloud complicated? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00001-00000638-00000774 The cloud is complicated, yes. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00002-00000788-00000968 Because the cloud is infrastructure, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00003-00000976-00001116 of the network, it's machinery. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00004-00001124-00001252 It's also a lot of software. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00005-00001260-00001488 These are things that all companies try to internalize. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00006-00001506-00001736 Digital transformation is not just about tools, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00007-00001744-00001932 or where do you get your servers from... +6R0o0ERqCSc-00008-00001939-00002120 How do you appropriate this culture? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00009-00002132-00002252 What are your practices behind it? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00010-00002272-00002480 If these are indeed unsuitable, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00011-00002488-00002684 you'll find yourself with the same problems +6R0o0ERqCSc-00012-00002704-00002892 which is found in every other company +6R0o0ERqCSc-00013-00002912-00003192 who are trying to make the transition to digital transformation. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00014-00003212-00003368 Clever Cloud, what is it? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00015-00003379-00003536 So Clever Cloud, it's a service +6R0o0ERqCSc-00016-00003536-00003732 which allows you to abstract the whole infrastructure part. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00017-00003742-00003892 It'll allow you to concentrate +6R0o0ERqCSc-00018-00003895-00004112 on your business to deploy your digital services. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00019-00004114-00004338 And you're gonna do it a lot faster. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00020-00004347-00004548 What is so clever about Clever Cloud? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00021-00004548-00004708 We take care of the infrastructure. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00022-00004716-00005000 We are capable of having infrastructures that are elastic, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00023-00005006-00005156 that will adapt to your needs. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00024-00005176-00005364 We also take care of security. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00025-00005384-00005660 Whether it's hardware security or software security. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00026-00005668-00005888 We save you some of the brain time you have available +6R0o0ERqCSc-00027-00005908-00006104 for your teams, to focus on added value. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00028-00006108-00006451 In practice, it allows customers to go eight times faster for half the price. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00029-00006471-00006675 Can I use Clever Cloud in my company? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00030-00006676-00006988 We support 95% of the technologies and standards on the market. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00031-00006988-00007150 So yeah, there's no problem. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00032-00007170-00007327 Where is Clever Cloud based? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00033-00007331-00007520 Clever Cloud is a French company +6R0o0ERqCSc-00034-00007520-00007731 therefore of European law that respects the GDPR. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00035-00007732-00008070 with points of presence in Europe, Asia and North America. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00036-00008090-00008262 Are you subject to the cloud act? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00037-00008272-00008327 No. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00038-00008328-00008678 At Clever Cloud, we are precisely structured to avoid the Cloud Act. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00039-00008698-00008907 Private cloud or public cloud? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00040-00008908-00009140 Both, sir! Clever Cloud works "on premises", +6R0o0ERqCSc-00041-00009144-00009316 so we're able to make the public cloud +6R0o0ERqCSc-00042-00009316-00009452 we're able to make the cloud private, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00043-00009460-00009604 we're capable of multi cloud, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00044-00009624-00009820 we're able to make a hybrid cloud. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00045-00009840-00010005 Digital or digital? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00046-00010008-00010141 Digital. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00047-00010552-00010736 Well then, this VM... Yeah... +6R0o0ERqCSc-00048-00010739-00010960 she's not doing too well. What about this one? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00049-00010980-00011260 Right. Ah! Damn it! +6R0o0ERqCSc-00050-00011280-00011468 My applications are blocked! +6R0o0ERqCSc-00051-00011488-00011640 Wrong DNS... +6R0o0ERqCSc-00052-00011660-00011920 Fucking cloud not working! Shit! +6R0o0ERqCSc-00053-00011940-00012192 Never again does the CIO decide! +6R0o0ERqCSc-00054-00012212-00012299 Shit! +6R0o0ERqCSc-00055-00012347-00012630 Otherwise, there's Clever Cloud. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00056-00013268-00013419 Julien Durillon, Hello. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00057-00013440-00013756 We receive you as part of a channel called Thinkercloud. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00058-00013776-00013936 We're not live. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00059-00013956-00014188 Can you briefly introduce yourself. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00060-00014208-00014419 I'm co-founder of Clever Cloud, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00061-00014440-00014704 on a daily basis, I'm a developer +6R0o0ERqCSc-00062-00014724-00014880 and I run machines. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00063-00014900-00015228 And as soon as I get tired of running a machine manually, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00064-00015247-00015484 I try to automate my work as much as possible. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00065-00015504-00015696 Thank you, we'll get started. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00066-00015716-00016019 Clever Cloud is hosting, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00067-00016040-00016296 What is this? Is this One & One for the pros? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00068-00016304-00016476 It's a little more subtle than that. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00069-00016496-00016892 A traditional host will provide you with a virtual machine +6R0o0ERqCSc-00070-00016912-00017012 with an OS on it. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00071-00017032-00017384 We automate everything between this OS and your application. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00072-00017404-00017520 and everything around it. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00073-00017540-00017960 That is to say that a user is a developer +6R0o0ERqCSc-00074-00017960-00018144 who's going to write his application, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00075-00018164-00018368 send the source code to the platform +6R0o0ERqCSc-00076-00018388-00018664 which will automatically allocate resources, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00077-00018684-00018884 compile the application, test it +6R0o0ERqCSc-00078-00018892-00019164 and then deal with the fact that she's still in production. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00079-00019184-00019548 Prod, prod, you're doing the prod, what does that mean? The prod? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00080-00019568-00019936 So, the prod, it's not just keeping a virtual machine up and running, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00081-00019956-00020144 because in the end, what we're interested in, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00082-00020164-00020356 it's not so much that a virtual machine is running. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00083-00020364-00020452 What we're interested in, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00084-00020472-00020736 is that customer service continues to respond +6R0o0ERqCSc-00085-00020756-00021084 H24, as long as possible. To do all this, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00086-00021104-00021696 we manage: monitoring of the famous machines, the application... +6R0o0ERqCSc-00087-00021716-00022020 We'll automatically do the scalability, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00088-00022040-00022336 we're gonna take the machines out of the application +6R0o0ERqCSc-00089-00022356-00022572 everything from logs, metrics, etc. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00090-00022588-00022924 In order to be able to give all the information back to the users afterwards, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00091-00022944-00023340 so they can make choices about the future of the application. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00092-00023360-00023712 Our job is not so much to guarantee the uptime of a machine, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00093-00023732-00023900 but of a global application. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00094-00023920-00024268 But it's got to cost a shitload of money, right? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00095-00024288-00024372 Then no. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00096-00024392-00024812 Because since we've automated this whole thing, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00097-00024832-00025212 where your applications are, to run, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00098-00025232-00025812 need to have a Red Hat license with the contract that goes with it, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00099-00025832-00026012 to use a whole bunch of tools... +6R0o0ERqCSc-00100-00026032-00026360 We provide a minimum and consistent service +6R0o0ERqCSc-00101-00026380-00026708 of all these tools here for the price of a VM. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00102-00026727-00026924 Because behind it, let's be honest, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00103-00026944-00027248 we run virtual machines like other hosting providers. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00104-00027260-00027400 And what you're being charged, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00105-00027420-00027704 is the use and uptime of these machines. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00106-00027724-00027952 To provide a service, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00107-00027972-00028244 a company doesn't just need an application +6R0o0ERqCSc-00108-00028264-00028488 running on a virtual machine, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00109-00028508-00028908 she needs a whole bunch of services around, tools, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00110-00028927-00029280 for example, she needs to go read her logs +6R0o0ERqCSc-00111-00029300-00029683 and maybe interpret them, interpret the metrics, etc. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00112-00029692-00030008 Traditionally, it's done by going out and buying service contracts +6R0o0ERqCSc-00113-00030027-00030568 or support licenses, etc. At Red Hat, JFrog, Data Dog, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00114-00030588-00031064 we're just providing a minimal service of it. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00115-00031083-00031427 That is, if we take each unit service, necessarily, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00116-00031448-00031872 we're not gonna do as well and as good with so many features. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00117-00031892-00032300 than each of the services I just mentioned. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00118-00032320-00032632 But we provide a consistent minimum service +6R0o0ERqCSc-00119-00032652-00033128 for ultimately just the price you would have paid for the infrastructure, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00120-00033148-00033308 that you could pay next door, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00121-00033316-00033464 without you having all the extra costs +6R0o0ERqCSc-00122-00033484-00033760 and all the teams to manage them day and night. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00123-00033780-00033972 All teams to manage day and night, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00124-00033992-00034480 does that mean my guys don't need them anymore? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00125-00034500-00034732 So, developers, you always need it. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00126-00034752-00035316 They are the ones who create value in your business. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00127-00035336-00035572 And once the app is running, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00128-00035592-00036012 developers don't need to go to a machine to connect +6R0o0ERqCSc-00129-00036032-00036268 or five machines to go and update +6R0o0ERqCSc-00130-00036268-00036528 the new version of the application they're releasing. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00131-00036548-00036768 They just have to do a git-push, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00132-00036776-00036876 to send the source code. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00133-00036896-00037252 And then they can go back to work on the application +6R0o0ERqCSc-00134-00037272-00037492 and continue to innovate in your business. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00135-00037512-00038052 Okay, that's clear, we'll look into community issues. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00136-00038072-00038420 Clever Cloud, what's that? That's Santa's other name, right? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00137-00038440-00038600 Sounds too good to be true. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00138-00038620-00038836 So it's not exactly Santa Claus. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00139-00038856-00039200 Because Santa Claus isn't here until December 25th, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00140-00039220-00039408 Clever Cloud is here all year round. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00141-00039428-00039768 And your applications on Clever Cloud will run all year round. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00142-00039788-00040184 By default, we have about 4-9 availability. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00143-00040204-00040364 And Santa can't say the same thing. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00144-00040384-00040880 The cloud, we mainly hear about American clouds. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00145-00040900-00041208 Are we gonna get busted by the Yankee again? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00146-00041228-00041436 No, not exactly. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00147-00041456-00041824 There have been statements recently that we lost the war. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00148-00041844-00042216 In fact, the cloud market is huge, especially in Europe. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00149-00042236-00042556 We've barely even started to scratch the cake. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00150-00042576-00042852 So there's plenty left to do. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00151-00042872-00043264 Clever Cloud is hosted on French servers. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00152-00043284-00043488 that belong to Clever Cloud, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00153-00043508-00043980 with no undercover infomanager, American or foreign. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00154-00044000-00044376 And therefore, we can guarantee the sovereignty of your data. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00155-00044396-00044992 and compliance with European laws on data storage and data security. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00156-00045012-00045148 No Cloud Act? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00157-00045168-00045296 No Cloud Act. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00158-00045316-00045456 Julien Durillon, thank you. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00159-00045476-00045652 Thank you. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00160-00046160-00046544 Clever Cloud! +6R0o0ERqCSc-00161-00047295-00047471 What is a FAAS? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00162-00047472-00047720 A FAAS is an As A Service Function. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00163-00047740-00048078 It responds to a technical problem which is the scale to zero... +6R0o0ERqCSc-00164-00048098-00048299 What is scale to zero? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00165-00048300-00048712 The scale to zero is to consume the resource when you need it. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00166-00048732-00048872 That is to say, not to consume it, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00167-00048880-00049144 not having anything to turn on, not having the infrastructure running +6R0o0ERqCSc-00168-00049164-00049438 and not spend money when you don't need it anymore. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00169-00049458-00049671 What are the cases of use? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00170-00049680-00050076 A first use case, it can be used for the content of a static site. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00171-00050096-00050508 like what you can do with AWS, S3 and Cloudfront. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00172-00050520-00050640 At Clever Cloud we know how to do that too. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00173-00050660-00050872 and we may need to energize these things. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00174-00050892-00051060 using for example: functions. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00175-00051080-00051328 It could be to manage user identification, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00176-00051348-00051679 can be to maintain the form post, for example. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00177-00051700-00052095 Second case of use is ETL : Extract Transform Load. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00178-00052124-00052400 An ETL is a big pipe through which data is passed, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00179-00052412-00052640 on which you're going to apply transformations, therefore functions. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00180-00052660-00052932 And you don't need a server running all the time. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00181-00052952-00053396 You just need to execute code as the data comes in and goes out. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00182-00053416-00053591 Third use case the CRON. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00183-00053612-00053924 You might want to schedule a function at a specific time. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00184-00053936-00054212 It can be once a year, once a month, once a day, once an hour, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00185-00054216-00054436 per minutes, several times an hour if you want. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00186-00054448-00054796 In the fourth case, one can think of separating a micro service application +6R0o0ERqCSc-00187-00054816-00055116 into several apps that have slightly different traffic patterns. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00188-00055136-00055412 For example, the authetification of a service at a given time, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00189-00055432-00055696 because all the users will log on at the same time. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00190-00055708-00055820 For that, a function is great. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00191-00055828-00056008 Conversely, there may be a part of the +6R0o0ERqCSc-00192-00056008-00056216 application that will not have seasonality, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00193-00056236-00056452 that will always have regular traffic. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00194-00056472-00056672 In which case you can use a VM +6R0o0ERqCSc-00195-00056691-00056995 which is basically the same size all the time +6R0o0ERqCSc-00196-00057045-00057224 How does it work? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00197-00057228-00057355 We need something that starts fast. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00198-00057376-00057748 The developers started with two quite similar solutions. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00199-00057767-00058024 There are people who went on Dokker, on the containerization. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00200-00058041-00058272 What makes Dokker great is that it starts fast. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00201-00058284-00058528 It's also what makes it complicated to use in production. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00202-00058548-00058812 because several components are going to share the same Linux kernel. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00203-00058832-00059224 Sharing a kernel is like sharing a guacamole dip. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00204-00059244-00059564 I mean, we're not comfortable with everyone when we do this. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00205-00059584-00059912 It's also something that can be found on Web Assembly. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00206-00059932-00060260 using a similar memory address space. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00207-00060260-00060712 I.e. sharing the same machine with different memory spaces. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00208-00060732-00060879 It can be very dangerous, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00209-00060900-00061167 because eventually, people have access to the same machine +6R0o0ERqCSc-00210-00061188-00061364 and there are security concerns. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00211-00061384-00061755 We're back to problems of mutualization and sharing a bowl of guacamole. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00212-00061776-00062004 At Clever Cloud, we took a different approach. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00213-00062024-00062376 Let's start with: transforming existing code into a Web Assembly +6R0o0ERqCSc-00214-00062396-00062584 to run it directly into micro VMs. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00215-00062604-00062988 You benefit from all the technological advances in terms of security +6R0o0ERqCSc-00216-00063008-00063455 that the VTX instructions of your Intel processors, for example, offer you. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00217-00063476-00063684 We assure you that you don't share anything. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00218-00063704-00063908 There's no sharing a bowl of guacamole. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00219-00063975-00064148 What is the Clever Cloud FAAS based on? +6R0o0ERqCSc-00220-00064160-00064260 The good news is, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00221-00064272-00064712 is that the wonderful people at Intel have developed a project called rust-vmm +6R0o0ERqCSc-00222-00064722-00064991 which is literally what we started doing in our corner. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00223-00065000-00065264 Except that they're the ones who make it their business to be our infrastructure +6R0o0ERqCSc-00224-00065284-00065552 and thus the As A Service Clever Cloud Function +6R0o0ERqCSc-00225-00065552-00065728 is based on Intel's rust-vmm hypervisor. +6R0o0ERqCSc-00226-00065748-00066012 so we can launch your virtual machines, +6R0o0ERqCSc-00227-00066032-00066376 your micro VMs that perform your functions securely. +6Ri5aikcKXu-00000-00000000-00000200 benzo +6RLXOCGRHmc-00000-00000000-00000458 hello and welcome to another video in the series on applied regression +6RLXOCGRHmc-00001-00000458-00000942 analysis or methods of regression we're going to another simple linear +6RLXOCGRHmc-00002-00000942-00001475 regression this time we're going to use the JMP software from the SAS institute +6RLXOCGRHmc-00003-00001475-00001896 we have this data set from some experiment there were four observations +6RLXOCGRHmc-00004-00001896-00002367 for X equal 1 through 4 each and some responses accordingly +6RLXOCGRHmc-00005-00002891-00003446 to first start with a scatterplot the Analyze menu is I think the best way to +6RLXOCGRHmc-00006-00003446-00003818 get an easy one because this comes directly into doing the linear +6RLXOCGRHmc-00007-00003818-00004277 regression itself we can also use the graph graph builder or the scatterplot +6RLXOCGRHmc-00008-00004277-00004873 matrix to get a scatter plot for our variables but that doesn't lead quite so +6RLXOCGRHmc-00009-00004873-00005216 easily to doing a linear regression i'll go ahead and show how that works +6RLXOCGRHmc-00010-00005216-00005804 so the scatterplot comes out thusly we we see our data there and this +6RLXOCGRHmc-00011-00005804-00006223 actually does fit a line if we want to and that's gonna nice but that's the +6RLXOCGRHmc-00012-00006223-00006800 only thing it does is sort of like what Excel does. For a lot more functionality +6RLXOCGRHmc-00013-00006800-00007430 the Analyze - Fitting Y by X menu gives us more functionality. We put our +6RLXOCGRHmc-00014-00007430-00008023 response variable and our predictor variable and it starts off +6RLXOCGRHmc-00015-00008023-00008693 once again by showing us a bivariate fit of Y by X but now we can fit the line +6RLXOCGRHmc-00016-00008693-00009230 and gives us not only a display graphically of the line but it tells us +6RLXOCGRHmc-00017-00009230-00009736 the equation for the line and things like r squared and the significance test +6RLXOCGRHmc-00018-00009736-00010355 for the line. A nice feature with jmp is that it is very easy to fit a polynomial +6RLXOCGRHmc-00019-00010355-00010817 regression just as it is an Excel. We can simply say fit a polynomial a +6RLXOCGRHmc-00020-00010817-00011372 second degree polynomial and there we can see how it comes out. The reason for this curvature +6RLXOCGRHmc-00021-00011372-00011861 that is actually several points here and here respectively +6RLXOCGRHmc-00022-00011950-00012278 so although this looks like it's a linear relationship is actually more +6RLXOCGRHmc-00023-00012278-00012889 points along this curved line so we'll explore that more using jitter in the +6RLXOCGRHmc-00024-00012889-00012986 R environment +6T5rZZLnv1k-00000-00000016-00000432 So why is it that many cyclists out there struggle to lose weight with +6T5rZZLnv1k-00001-00000432-00000968 cycling as their predominant physical activity we'll be answering that question in this video +6T5rZZLnv1k-00002-00000968-00001512 and a lot more with expert sports dietitian steph cronin i'll link to her details below +6T5rZZLnv1k-00003-00001512-00001952 as we get into the 17th edition of the rca training tip show +6T5rZZLnv1k-00004-00002648-00003200 why do cyclists a lot of cyclists not really lose much weight when they start cycling +6T5rZZLnv1k-00005-00003296-00003744 could be a million one different things i'll rattle off a couple of examples so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00006-00003864-00004392 generally when people start exercising they get hungry so typically what you'll find is someone +6T5rZZLnv1k-00007-00004392-00004936 starts exercising they'll start cycling um but they'll actually increase their energy intake as +6T5rZZLnv1k-00008-00004936-00005568 well so um there's a social aspect of cycling obviously so they go out for a long saturday +6T5rZZLnv1k-00009-00005568-00006056 morning or a sunday morning ride stop and have a coffee with that coffee you might turn on a +6T5rZZLnv1k-00010-00006056-00006456 muffin it might you know be a sausage roll whatever it might be so all of a sudden +6T5rZZLnv1k-00011-00006456-00007040 the extra calories that are being burnt cycling um you know it's just human nature to say well +6T5rZZLnv1k-00012-00007040-00007584 i've burnt all this energy therefore i kind of deserve to go and eat and this happens kind of +6T5rZZLnv1k-00013-00007584-00008023 subconsciously as people aren't actively going out saying i'm going to eat more because i'm cycling +6T5rZZLnv1k-00014-00008023-00008480 it just kind of happens you get hungry you're in a social aspect you typically will eat more after +6T5rZZLnv1k-00015-00008480-00009080 that training session so your energy intake is usually increased when you start doing +6T5rZZLnv1k-00016-00009080-00009776 extra training as well yes so that's one side of it the other side is that if depending on the +6T5rZZLnv1k-00017-00009776-00010392 intensity so lower intensity cycling even though you might be going for a number of hours doesn't +6T5rZZLnv1k-00018-00010392-00011064 actually use a large amount of of energy so it can do but for most people it's it's not an extra +6T5rZZLnv1k-00019-00011120-00011544 couple of thousand kilojoules or anything like that a day so all calories a day okay +6T5rZZLnv1k-00020-00011544-00012160 um so isn't lower intensity though the optimal fat burning zone that everyone talks about but the key +6T5rZZLnv1k-00021-00012160-00012576 um you know the key thing to know about weight loss is you need to be in a calorie deficit +6T5rZZLnv1k-00022-00012576-00013104 okay so even though we talk about fat burning zones and and um zones of training which are going +6T5rZZLnv1k-00023-00013104-00013688 to use more carbohydrates and more fat and things like that yes it's totally separate to weight loss +6T5rZZLnv1k-00024-00013688-00014128 okay so we talk that's what this what your body is being fueled at during that +6T5rZZLnv1k-00025-00014128-00014832 zone however for overall weight loss we are just looking for a calorie deficit which will then um +6T5rZZLnv1k-00026-00014888-00015463 could mean that you're losing muscle mass as well as um body fat but to lose weight +6T5rZZLnv1k-00027-00015576-00016040 well you've got to plan it out very very strategically um so it's important to be in +6T5rZZLnv1k-00028-00016040-00016496 a calorie deficit number one how you get in that calorie deficit depends on um you know +6T5rZZLnv1k-00029-00016496-00017104 70 of what you're eating okay 30 exercise so if you're jumping on the bike that's going to be 30 +6T5rZZLnv1k-00030-00017104-00017600 of your weight loss journey as such if you're not looking in nutrition at the same time um you know +6T5rZZLnv1k-00031-00017600-00018120 you're not even halfway there right so is that a common mistake people make when they start cycling +6T5rZZLnv1k-00032-00018120-00018648 they think that by cycling they're going to lose weight and that's only 30 of the pie 70 percent +6T5rZZLnv1k-00033-00018648-00019112 is the nutrition so they're not actually focusing on what they eat off the bike so should they be +6T5rZZLnv1k-00034-00019112-00019584 calorie counting then is that what they should be doing it's a slippery slope so um that can +6T5rZZLnv1k-00035-00019584-00020008 work well what's important to understand about calorie accounting is that there's a million and +6T5rZZLnv1k-00036-00020008-00020656 one different apps out there um there's still an estimation okay um so it's still based on averages +6T5rZZLnv1k-00037-00020656-00021248 of food so you know you put in an apple it's still based on an average calorie of that apple okay um +6T5rZZLnv1k-00038-00021248-00021968 so you know the data suggests that tracking via calorie apps can be up to 30 to 50 percent um out +6T5rZZLnv1k-00039-00021968-00022456 of what you actually need okay so that also needs to take into consideration if if someone's doing +6T5rZZLnv1k-00040-00022456-00023040 it accurately so when you're calorie counting for it to be accurate you've got to include absolutely +6T5rZZLnv1k-00041-00023040-00023576 every single thing that you're eating all the oils that you might cook with the sauces any other +6T5rZZLnv1k-00042-00023576-00024224 fluids other than water so it does get very very draining and i think going down that road you've +6T5rZZLnv1k-00043-00024224-00024680 got to be very committed but you've also got to be mindful that it takes out the the um the fun side +6T5rZZLnv1k-00044-00024680-00025248 of eating as well sometimes so it is a slippery slope um i don't encourage it all the time there +6T5rZZLnv1k-00045-00025248-00025695 are certain clients that i'll specifically ask to do that and there's other people that i will get +6T5rZZLnv1k-00046-00025695-00026200 to um basically just keep a record of what they're eating so written record what they've been eating +6T5rZZLnv1k-00047-00026200-00026600 when they're training how they're feeling and if you start writing that on paper and having a +6T5rZZLnv1k-00048-00026600-00026983 look at that each day or each week that's going to give you a really good idea of what you're +6T5rZZLnv1k-00049-00026983-00027432 doing you know when are you over consuming on sugar when you're over consuming on alcohol +6T5rZZLnv1k-00050-00027432-00028024 or you know different things like that um i would always encourage someone to to seek a professional +6T5rZZLnv1k-00051-00028136-00028527 to seek advice from a professional particularly a sports dietitian if they're going to +6T5rZZLnv1k-00052-00028527-00028936 be doing a lot of exercise because at least then they can look through the nitty-gritty +6T5rZZLnv1k-00053-00028936-00029432 um because there's another you know they might be eating too little and training too much yes +6T5rZZLnv1k-00054-00029432-00030039 and that can actually lead to to the body um essentially being resistant to body fat changes +6T5rZZLnv1k-00055-00030039-00030504 yes okay interesting the other side of that is what p how people are judging if they're +6T5rZZLnv1k-00056-00030504-00031032 losing weight as well so if they're relying purely on the scales it's not a very accurate +6T5rZZLnv1k-00057-00031032-00031495 representation of body fat as such um if people are doing cycling they're doing a +6T5rZZLnv1k-00058-00031495-00031920 lot of resistance um training with that as well so if they're doing a lot of heals and things +6T5rZZLnv1k-00059-00031920-00032264 like that they're probably you know building a little bit of lean muscle at the same time +6T5rZZLnv1k-00060-00032344-00032872 which if they're increasing lean muscle but losing body fat the scales might be staying exactly the +6T5rZZLnv1k-00061-00032872-00033392 same yeah and that's going to be um you know leading to them thinking that they're not losing +6T5rZZLnv1k-00062-00033392-00033856 weight when actually they are losing body fat it's just not scale weight as such okay interesting +6T5rZZLnv1k-00063-00033856-00034328 yeah so what's some steps that people can make let's just say they're not prepared to go see an +6T5rZZLnv1k-00064-00034328-00034904 expert yet but they want to lose some weight what are the top three five things they can do with +6T5rZZLnv1k-00065-00034904-00035536 say protein and carbohydrate intake and all those things so number one definitely protein okay um so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00066-00035640-00036032 essential for maintaining lean muscle as well because i guess when most people are trying to +6T5rZZLnv1k-00067-00036032-00036496 lose weight they're probably referring to body fat as opposed to weight as such okay not many +6T5rZZLnv1k-00068-00036496-00037016 people come in saying i need to lose muscle okay particularly for cyclists who who still want to +6T5rZZLnv1k-00069-00037088-00037624 keep that sort of power aspect of cycling so when you're trying to lose body fat super +6T5rZZLnv1k-00070-00037624-00038160 super important that you're having enough protein throughout the day so we've got a protein target +6T5rZZLnv1k-00071-00038160-00038640 but we also need to look at the type of protein you're eating how it's distributed over the day +6T5rZZLnv1k-00072-00038640-00039240 how often you're eating as well i can't have the musashi bar cookie and cream 50 gram protein in +6T5rZZLnv1k-00073-00039240-00039736 one here it wouldn't be my first choice um look with supplements again as i say protein most +6T5rZZLnv1k-00074-00039736-00040240 people straightaway jump to i need a protein supplement whether it be a bar or a powder +6T5rZZLnv1k-00075-00040240-00040776 yes they're convenient but it's not essential so ideally we're trying to still use whole foods +6T5rZZLnv1k-00076-00040776-00041488 because there's going to be other you know amino acids there's going to be other nutrients and and +6T5rZZLnv1k-00077-00041488-00041896 minerals that are going to come with those whole foods plus they taste a lot nicer than always +6T5rZZLnv1k-00078-00041896-00042424 relying on a bar or powder those are convenient so they can definitely be included it's just it +6T5rZZLnv1k-00079-00042424-00042880 you know that kind of the the last step that we'd look at is using the supplements okay um but so as +6T5rZZLnv1k-00080-00042880-00043408 an 80 kilogram rider myself like how much protein should i have a day so again it really depends on +6T5rZZLnv1k-00081-00043408-00044136 on a number of different things but as a guide i would say 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram +6T5rZZLnv1k-00082-00044136-00044576 of body weight okay so that's up to 160 grams of protein spread sort of evenly throughout the day +6T5rZZLnv1k-00083-00044576-00045040 so your body can only absorb so much at once we know that that number's about 30 grams of protein +6T5rZZLnv1k-00084-00045104-00045592 depends on the size of the athlete as well so you want to drip feed that really consistently +6T5rZZLnv1k-00085-00045592-00046024 over the day it's going to help maintain lean muscle but it's also going to help you feel +6T5rZZLnv1k-00086-00046024-00046704 full over the day as well yeah okay so what about carbs then so i would say um the next important +6T5rZZLnv1k-00087-00046704-00047128 thing prior to looking at carbohydrates is making sure that we've got vegetables and salad in there +6T5rZZLnv1k-00088-00047128-00047528 so that would be the second so first priority is making sure we've got enough protein in the diet +6T5rZZLnv1k-00089-00047528-00047984 second priority is making sure we've got enough fiber from fruit and vegetables and salad +6T5rZZLnv1k-00090-00047984-00048472 predominantly veggies and salads that's going to help with the total health immune system all that +6T5rZZLnv1k-00091-00048472-00049016 sort of stuff as well but it's going to fill you up so people underestimate how much vegetables and +6T5rZZLnv1k-00092-00049016-00049600 salad do fill you up if you eat enough protein and vegetables then we add the carbohydrates in +6T5rZZLnv1k-00093-00049600-00050152 and the carbohydrates are very strategically planned out and it's not that carbs are bad it's +6T5rZZLnv1k-00094-00050152-00050672 not that you have to cut carbs to lose weight or anything like that it's just that it's the easiest +6T5rZZLnv1k-00095-00050672-00051472 macronutrient that we can target to um reduce or at least um be quite strategic how we eat them +6T5rZZLnv1k-00096-00051472-00051976 when we eat than the types we eat of um types of carbohydrates that we eat as well so we look at +6T5rZZLnv1k-00097-00051976-00052496 the typical sort of westernized diet it's very high in refined carbs so we can definitely get +6T5rZZLnv1k-00098-00052496-00052960 rid of most of those sorts of things when you're trying to lose weight yes complex carbohydrates +6T5rZZLnv1k-00099-00052960-00053336 good quality carbohydrates so we're talking certain vegetables we're talking fruits we're +6T5rZZLnv1k-00100-00053336-00053896 talking whole grains legumes lentils those sorts of things good quality bread good quality rice +6T5rZZLnv1k-00101-00054008-00054408 good quality pasta even those are the sorts of things that can be included but we're being quite +6T5rZZLnv1k-00102-00054408-00054984 strategic where they are and what i mean by that is if you're a morning trainer we want to give you +6T5rZZLnv1k-00103-00054984-00055528 most of your carbohydrates in the morning and then we would slowly back off those carbs as the day +6T5rZZLnv1k-00104-00055528-00056008 goes on if you're not training in the afternoon right so we're concentrating the carbohydrate +6T5rZZLnv1k-00105-00056008-00056416 intake surrounding the training session yep so carbohydrate periodization it's called so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00106-00056520-00056855 wherever your hard sessions are particularly so if you've got an easy session we can be +6T5rZZLnv1k-00107-00056855-00057279 a little bit lighter on the carbs as i said it's not about eliminating them all together +6T5rZZLnv1k-00108-00057279-00057728 because it's important to understand that um you know carbohydrates are still really important for +6T5rZZLnv1k-00109-00057728-00058120 cognitive function still important for your immune system um and there's still +6T5rZZLnv1k-00110-00058120-00058455 you know loads of different minerals and vitamins that are going to come with those +6T5rZZLnv1k-00111-00058455-00059064 not to mention they're super tasty and they you know are still to be included okay and what about +6T5rZZLnv1k-00112-00059064-00059479 fats and things like that so that makes up the rest of it so very important um that you still +6T5rZZLnv1k-00113-00059479-00060088 include fats and we're looking at good quality unsaturated fats mickey d's not mickey d so the +6T5rZZLnv1k-00114-00060088-00060872 other side of that is that um those unhealthy type fats basically will contribute to inflammation so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00115-00060872-00061320 if you've done a really hard session you drive through macky d's on the way home you get a +6T5rZZLnv1k-00116-00061320-00061912 thick shake and a quarter pounder meal with some chips a lot of saturated fat a lot of um you know +6T5rZZLnv1k-00117-00062048-00062479 highly refined oils in there what that does is you know your body's already in a state +6T5rZZLnv1k-00118-00062479-00062904 of inflammation after you've trained and you're adding extra inflammation to that by eating those +6T5rZZLnv1k-00119-00062904-00063360 types of fats okay so on the other side of that we you know we really want to encourage eating things +6T5rZZLnv1k-00120-00063360-00063991 like good quality oily fish so salmon mackerel sardines tuna that sort of stuff um you know using +6T5rZZLnv1k-00121-00063991-00064536 nuts and seeds using pesto using avocado using extra virgin olive oil for cooking and things like +6T5rZZLnv1k-00122-00064536-00065040 that um and making sure that those sort of fats are included in the diet yes they're going to be +6T5rZZLnv1k-00123-00065040-00065520 higher in calories but again it's it's it's small amounts throughout the diet percentage-wise of +6T5rZZLnv1k-00124-00065520-00066144 the diet again it really depends on the individual there's no you know 10 20 30 goal for every single +6T5rZZLnv1k-00125-00066144-00066616 person um it really depends on the individual okay those sort of things those fats will help +6T5rZZLnv1k-00126-00066616-00066976 reduce inflammation and they're going to help you recover quicker so you can get back to your +6T5rZZLnv1k-00127-00066976-00067512 next training session quicker so if you implement those three aspects that you talk about without +6T5rZZLnv1k-00128-00067512-00068040 calorie counting and without really training the way changing the way you train you should be +6T5rZZLnv1k-00129-00068040-00068544 going a long way to improving your body fat don't get me wrong you have to be in a calorie deficit +6T5rZZLnv1k-00130-00068544-00069120 so calorie counting is still important it's just not essential so it depends on the individual if +6T5rZZLnv1k-00131-00069120-00069648 you love numbers it's definitely something that's um good to know great education but +6T5rZZLnv1k-00132-00069648-00070056 it's not something that i'd encourage you to do 365 days of the year because it's quite draining +6T5rZZLnv1k-00133-00070128-00070776 but what calorie target you need um is you know there's a different sort of equations +6T5rZZLnv1k-00134-00070776-00071184 out there there's different um you know blogs and things like that that will tell you to hit +6T5rZZLnv1k-00135-00071184-00071744 these different calorie targets and there's no exact number for that we can use equations but +6T5rZZLnv1k-00136-00071744-00072272 we've still got to keep in mind um how much you're burning throughout a training session as well so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00137-00072272-00072736 um and how much calories you're using for everyday activities so you know washing the dishes making +6T5rZZLnv1k-00138-00072736-00073408 the bed um just doing everyday sort of activities it still requires energy um so we do need to make +6T5rZZLnv1k-00139-00073408-00073944 sure that we're looking after your your metabolic or your resting metabolic rate which is the number +6T5rZZLnv1k-00140-00073944-00074520 of calories it takes for you to stay alive at rest okay to keep your bodily functions working so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00141-00074520-00074880 you know your heart pumping well your brain working well your liver functioning etc +6T5rZZLnv1k-00142-00074880-00075368 okay that's the minimum number that number you know often we'll hear about these 1200 +6T5rZZLnv1k-00143-00075368-00075904 and 1500 calorie diets that's generally where most people's resting metabolic rates sit +6T5rZZLnv1k-00144-00075904-00076352 okay so if you're only eating at that you're not giving yourself the energy to then do your +6T5rZZLnv1k-00145-00076352-00076856 everyday activities and then you're not leaving giving yourself the energy to train well as well +6T5rZZLnv1k-00146-00076856-00077424 that can have some really long term serious um effects so that could compromise bone density +6T5rZZLnv1k-00147-00077424-00078136 it could compromise um heart function menstrual function for women um you know immune system so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00148-00078136-00078464 you might be getting sick you could be getting injuries and those sorts of things as well so +6T5rZZLnv1k-00149-00078464-00078976 it's not less calories is better it's just you know that's why i would always encourage +6T5rZZLnv1k-00150-00078976-00079488 someone to seek a professional um if they're not ready to see a professional that's okay it's +6T5rZZLnv1k-00151-00079488-00079984 worthwhile just you know um being very mindful that less calories is not always better okay +6ViedefiGs0-00000-00000048-00000576 when i use the new ipad the lighting, might be better because the camera is better, +6ViedefiGs0-00001-00000640-00001064 although i'm still not sure, let's try it when it's night time, +6ViedefiGs0-00002-00001064-00001904 and when it's sunrise, we'll try. if i miss it, i would wait for it. okay. +6YbYSM-7d40-00002-00006451-00006551 foreign +6YbYSM-7d40-00003-00006551-00006797 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00004-00006797-00007518 [Music] that's the consequence +6YbYSM-7d40-00005-00007518-00009382 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00009-00030388-00030636 [Music] that's okay +6YbYSM-7d40-00010-00030636-00030736 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00011-00030736-00030883 thank you +6YbYSM-7d40-00012-00030883-00030983 foreign +6YbYSM-7d40-00013-00030983-00031083 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00014-00031083-00031183 foreign +6YbYSM-7d40-00015-00031183-00031283 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00016-00031283-00031383 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00017-00031383-00031483 yeah [__] +6YbYSM-7d40-00018-00031483-00031583 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00020-00039865-00041775 date I fell in love you +6YbYSM-7d40-00021-00041775-00042313 look back at the good stuff +6YbYSM-7d40-00022-00042313-00042841 [Music] foreign [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00023-00042841-00043017 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00024-00043017-00043191 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00025-00043191-00043719 [Music] sometimes [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00026-00043719-00043819 foreign [Music] [Applause] +6YbYSM-7d40-00027-00043819-00043919 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00028-00043919-00044019 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00029-00044019-00044216 that I wanted to be famous +6YbYSM-7d40-00030-00044216-00044328 Taking Chances +6YbYSM-7d40-00031-00044328-00044428 [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00032-00044428-00044528 [Applause] [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00033-00044528-00045407 get to the charts [Music] +6YbYSM-7d40-00034-00045407-00046191 killing spree +6YbYSM-7d40-00035-00046191-00047368 [Music] killing spree +6YbYSM-7d40-00036-00047368-00048152 [Music] yeah +6YbYSM-7d40-00037-00048152-00050897 I don't plan on dying anytime soon +6YbYSM-7d40-00038-00050897-00051289 [Music] +6cNdgund290-00000-00004442-00004542 hi . my friends +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00000-00000054-00000258 Welcome back. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00001-00000324-00000861 This week it is part two talking about ethical treatment of +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00002-00000861-00001410 Autistic and NeuroDivergent humans, not medical treatment. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00003-00001440-00001842 We're talking about the treatment we receive from society. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00004-00002037-00002460 If you did not catch part one, you can go back and catch that. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00005-00002460-00002759 I will try to remember to put a link below. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00006-00002902-00003277 Although, I think these videos, if you want to watch them out of +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00007-00003277-00003757 order, you should be fine; but I do recommend, and ask, that you please +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00008-00003757-00003934 watch both videos in this series. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00009-00003934-00004072 I think you'll find them both helpful. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00010-00004158-00004220 Let's dive in. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00011-00008080-00008581 Part one of this series, was talking about the need for NeuroDivergent +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00012-00008581-00009099 People to be able to live an authentic NeuroDivergent lifestlye. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00013-00009231-00010123 Part two, diving in deeper, I want to talk about the need from society to accept +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00014-00010123-00010732 us, and allow us to be ourselves and live openly and authentically; because, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00015-00010732-00011386 the reality is, though we need what I talked about in part one of this series, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00016-00011527-00011902 it's not always safe for us to be open. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00017-00012060-00012878 It can make us vulnerable, to have people realize that our minds work differently. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00018-00012990-00013407 Let's talk about society's implications, and what we need +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00019-00013413-00013662 from a society, this week... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00020-00013722-00014169 to help us get to what I mentioned in the video from last week. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00021-00014304-00015171 The first thing that NeuroDivergent People need, is something every human needs. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00022-00015336-00016169 That is to be able to be authentic, and be able to be accepted for their who they +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00023-00016169-00016989 are as a person, and not have pressure to mask, camouflage, and blend yourself in. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00024-00017124-00017499 There's a Brené Brown quote I really like, and I'm going to quote it wrong, cause +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00025-00017499-00017633 I'm doing it off the top of my head... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00026-00017683-00018517 but basically the idea is that belonging is being able to be your authentic self, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00027-00018526-00019519 and exist, and be accepted by the people around you, and conforming is that state +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00028-00019519-00020293 of constantly assessing your situation, assessing yourself, and adapting, and +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00029-00020293-00020455 changing yourself to the situation. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00030-00020695-00021052 When I do trainings with organizations, I have a question +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00031-00021052-00021331 that I like to ask, especially when I'm in a room full of people... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00032-00021361-00021493 and I'm going to ask it to you now. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00033-00021550-00022567 Drop a comment in the video and let me know if people need and expect you +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00034-00022663-00023130 to be someone, or something you're not, whether you're NeuroDivergent or +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00035-00023151-00023441 NeuroTypical: does that make you misrable? +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00036-00023502-00023781 Does being expected to pretend to be someone, or something, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00037-00023781-00023916 you're not make you miserable? +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00038-00024123-00024501 Every time I've asked this question in a room full of people, or in a virtual +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00039-00024501-00025323 space where hands can raise, I still have yet to ask this question, and not +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00040-00025323-00025889 have every single hand in the room go up: NeuroTypical, NeuroDivergent... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00041-00025889-00025964 regardless. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00042-00026032-00026670 That is because we have a very human needs to be able to be ourselves, the whole +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00043-00026670-00027402 person, be accepted as we are: strengths, weaknesses, disability, status, et cetera. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00044-00027468-00028004 Autistic and NeuroDivergent People are no different, despite pressure +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00045-00028007-00028558 from society constantly to conform, and mask, and camouflage, and be +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00046-00028558-00028717 someone or something we aren't. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00047-00028943-00029436 We also need to be allowed to have a sense of self worth and +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00048-00029436-00030192 purpose, versus feeling worthless, or like a burden on other people. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00049-00030435-00031344 Because, unfortunately, many of us are not able to believe in our own skills and +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00050-00031380-00032481 abilities, because we are so often forced to focus on our perceived weaknesses and +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00051-00032484-00033177 the areas in which we do not measure up, when compared to NeuroTypical People, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00052-00033177-00033729 because NeuroTypical People are always used as the baseline for success, to +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00053-00033729-00033951 which NeuroDivergence are held against... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00054-00033951-00034089 which is really not fair. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00055-00034116-00034302 It's like asking a fish to climb a tree. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00056-00034371-00034941 Being forced to focus on your weaknesses all the time makes it really +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00057-00034941-00035184 hard to appreciate your strengths. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00058-00035292-00036021 I remember being at a point in my life, where I was so overly focused on my +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00059-00036021-00036558 weaknesses and the things I couldn't do, those things became so big in my +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00060-00036558-00036858 mind that I couldn't believe in myself. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00061-00036969-00037266 I didn't know I was capable of anything. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00062-00037326-00037599 All I could think about was how I wasn't good enough. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00063-00037674-00038151 Those things, that I wanted to improve on, or felt weren't good enough, when +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00064-00038151-00038766 compared to other people around me, became the main focus, taking away +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00065-00038769-00039150 from all of the things that were actually kind of awesome about me. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00066-00039255-00039922 The other thing is growing up, and constantly being told what you are +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00067-00039962-00040670 uncapable of, can become like a self fulfilling prophecy, because people +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00068-00040670-00040970 from the outside are constantly telling you all of the things you +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00069-00040970-00041191 can't do, we'll never be able to do. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00070-00041276-00041803 If you believe those prophecies that are put on you by other people, you +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00071-00041803-00042285 may never try to do things, because you've been told your whole life, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00072-00042322-00042571 you won't ever be able to do things. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00073-00042571-00043195 So you don't try, because everyone's told you you'll never be able to do this. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00074-00043249-00043414 Why even bother? +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00075-00043591-00044423 We need people to believe in us, and help us believe in ourselves, help us see how +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00076-00044423-00045177 wonderful and amazing we actually are, and not tell us all the ways that we fall +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00077-00045177-00045536 short, when compared to other people. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00078-00045702-00045968 It's funny, they tell NeuroTypicals, "don't compare +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00079-00045968-00046095 yourselves to other people". +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00080-00046176-00046973 Everyone has their own individual version of success and pace, but by default, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00081-00047024-00047560 NeuroDivergent People are asked to compare ourselves to, and hold ourselves to +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00082-00047566-00047806 the standards of, NeuroTypical People. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00083-00047881-00048049 We've got to let these double standards go. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00084-00048049-00048154 This is not fair. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00085-00048298-00048904 We also need help from the trauma that comes from living in a world +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00086-00048952-00049708 where we are not supported, where we are often ostracized, and constantly +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00087-00049744-00050475 scolded, misunderstood, gaslit, and punished, for being different. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00088-00050816-00051588 The harm that comes from not being accepted, and feeling like +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00089-00051590-00051924 you are a lesser type of person. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00090-00052160-00052976 I, in addition to being Autistic, ADHD, et cetera, have a social anxiety diagnosis. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00091-00053142-00053425 I'm going to tell you right now, I'm not socially anxious by nature. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00092-00053500-00054309 I am socially anxious by experience of repeated social failures, and the +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00093-00054309-00054850 traumas that come from misreading and misinterpreting social situations, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00094-00054850-00055635 and being manipulated by people around me, because I cannot read the +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00095-00055635-00056756 non-spoken social cues, and because my tone comes off wrong to people. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00096-00056799-00057165 Sometimes people tell me my tone is too harsh. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00097-00057171-00057324 My tone is too direct. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00098-00057390-00057783 My tone isn't soft enough. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00099-00057786-00058707 I need to soften myself, and it's not fair to ask me to change myself, to +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00100-00058707-00058893 be more palatable to other people. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00101-00058947-00059262 That's telling me that who I am, naturally, isn't good enough. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00102-00059383-00059527 That's a special kind of trauma. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00103-00059596-00059923 All of that is a special kind of trauma, that I need help with. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00104-00059926-00060727 A lot of us need help with, but we don't have this help, because mental health +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00105-00060727-00061264 professionals, and those in the medical field, often look at health problems, that +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00106-00061264-00061851 are common with NeuroDivergent People, as just part of being NeuroDivergent. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00107-00061936-00062445 When this happens, and we don't look at these other issues, and health +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00108-00062445-00062832 problems, and mental health issues, that happen in NeuroDivergent People... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00109-00062832-00063129 and we just say, "oh, that's part of being Autistic" "That's part of +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00110-00063129-00063450 ADHD" that "anxiety is natural for Autistic People" that "anxiety is +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00111-00063455-00063594 natural for the people with ADHD". +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00112-00063594-00063641 NO! +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00113-00063744-00063927 that is not natural for us. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00114-00063948-00064304 You are dismissing our mental health issues, because we are Autistic, or +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00115-00064304-00065103 using being NeuroDivergent as an excuse not to help us with our co-occurring, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00116-00065151-00065829 separate from our NeuroType, health issues, mental or physical health issues. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00117-00065883-00066234 Similarly, "Oh, can't help you with insomnia. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00118-00066234-00066394 All Autistic People have insomnia." +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00119-00066428-00066476 No! +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00120-00066535-00066562 BS!!! +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00121-00066605-00066768 "Can't help you with your IBS. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00122-00066771-00066924 It's just part of being Autistic." +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00123-00066933-00067065 No, sorry. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00124-00067083-00067164 Unacceptable. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00125-00067209-00067347 "Can't help you with your anxiety... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00126-00067347-00067485 Autistic People are just angry." +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00127-00067511-00067566 Angry? +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00128-00067599-00067623 Yeah. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00129-00067623-00067695 I'm angry right now. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00130-00067743-00067833 "Just anxious." +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00131-00067878-00068196 It is unacceptable, and yes, it makes me angry. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00132-00068232-00068898 It really does make me angry, because Autistic People's needs are often +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00133-00068913-00069744 ignored, and when we struggle, we are often punished for it, instead of helped. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00134-00069889-00070249 That brings me to the last thing that NeuroDivergent People need +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00135-00070249-00071077 from society, is for you to quit breaking us down to our behaviors. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00136-00071077-00071491 "Behaviors, behaviors, Autistic behaviors, ADHD behaviors. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00137-00071491-00071644 We need to get rid of these behaviors." +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00138-00071854-00072311 My behavior means something. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00139-00072501-00073022 When I was a young person, growing up in elementary school, not knowing +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00140-00073022-00073673 that I was NeuroDivergent, and struggling to air quotes, "behave" the +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00141-00073673-00074363 way other kids in the classroom did, it was not because I was a bad kid. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00142-00074612-00075128 I could not sit still and stay in my seat, and was constantly moving, and +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00143-00075128-00075500 flapping, and singing to myself, and verbally stimming, and physically +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00144-00075500-00075854 stimming, and getting up, and jumping around, and climbing under my desk, and +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00145-00075854-00076478 doing all of these "behaviors" because I had needs that weren't being met. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00146-00076622-00077036 One: hiding under my desk, because the light was too bright, and was +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00147-00077036-00077557 giving me headaches, and because being in a classroom with 20 to 30 +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00148-00077557-00077797 other kids, was sensory overwhelm. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00149-00077813-00078185 I was trying to control my environment, and go to a quiet, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00150-00078185-00078662 dark space, where I could still listen and hear the teacher talking. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00151-00078755-00079076 Ooh, but climbing under my desk, when the teacher was talking, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00152-00079076-00079211 got me in a lot of trouble. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00153-00079346-00079733 Kicking and moving my feet under the desk, which led to my feet, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00154-00079733-00080594 being tied to a chair, was because I needed more physical activity. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00155-00080709-00081300 Usually this need for more physical activity, led to my "undesirable +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00156-00081300-00081726 behavior" because I was punished for this behavior, instead of thinking about +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00157-00081726-00082329 why I had the behavior: recess taken away, restricted my movement, even more. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00158-00082329-00082671 When I needed more movement, the punishment for needing more +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00159-00082671-00083343 movement was less movement, which made the problem worse. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00160-00083398-00083665 "Go out into the hallway, go out into the hallway, go to the principal's office. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00161-00083665-00083749 You can't stay in your seat. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00162-00083749-00083809 Go go." +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00163-00084046-00084388 If you would've just let me sit on the floor, or lay on the floor, or +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00164-00084388-00084823 move around the room while listening, I could have actually participated in +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00165-00084823-00085835 the education, but because my listening didn't look like NeuroTypical listening. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00166-00085910-00086366 I was punished for it, because it was labeled "bad behavior" when +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00167-00086366-00086504 compared to NeuroTypical children. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00168-00086660-00087335 Being anxious and having anxiety was often labeled bad behavior, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00169-00087347-00087833 when that would manifest as things I would do: refusing to do things, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00170-00087848-00088118 being overwhelmed, "bad behavior". +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00171-00088265-00088685 When we're broken down to our behaviors, we aren't seen as fully +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00172-00088685-00088964 human people and our needs are ignored. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00173-00089054-00089453 I, really, need society to stop doing this to NeuroDivergent People. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00174-00089498-00089816 It happens with ADHD a lot too, not just Autistic People. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00175-00089847-00090436 Being combined type, ADHD one and two, and being Autistic meant that, especially +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00176-00090438-00090867 without having those labels growing up, many of the issues I struggled +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00177-00090867-00091215 with were growing up were labeled as "behavioral issues" instead of +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00178-00091215-00091404 addressing the underlying needs I had. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00179-00091527-00091845 Thank you for sticking around for part two of this video series, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00180-00091872-00092379 in treating NeuroDivergent People equitably in society. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00181-00092430-00092703 If you didn't catch part one, remember go back and watch that +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00182-00092703-00093066 part one, talking about living an authentic NeuroDivergent lifestyle, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00183-00093066-00093243 and the need to be able to do that... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00184-00093327-00093915 and this work, that we need from society, in order to be able to live full, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00185-00093930-00094191 happy, healthy, NeuroDivergent lives. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00186-00094257-00094600 If you have anything that you want to add, that we need. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00187-00094640-00094790 Drop that in the comments below. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00188-00094817-00095114 Thank you, everyone who gives your comments, gives your feedback, gives +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00189-00095114-00095345 you your video suggestions, drop those if you have them as well. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00190-00095345-00095558 What do you want to hear about more in the future? +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00191-00095597-00095717 I make these videos for you. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00192-00095759-00095849 I'm really grateful. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00193-00095885-00095981 I couldn't do it without you. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00194-00095993-00096497 Also, as I always do say, thanks to the Patreon supporters, Facebook subscribers, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00195-00096503-00096809 and YouTube channel members, who do the little, little bit of monetary +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00196-00096809-00097049 subscription, to help fund this blog. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00197-00097079-00097439 It is made possible from the support of viewers like you. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00198-00097513-00097813 If you subscribe on Patreon, it's the most affordable way to subscribe. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00199-00097816-00098185 It starts at as little as a dollar a month, and you get a discount, +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00200-00098251-00098539 where it's less than a dollar a month, if you subscribe annually... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00201-00098560-00098695 so it's super cheap. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00202-00098759-00098891 I know how many of us are broke. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00203-00098930-00099158 I don't want money to be an issue. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00204-00099161-00099605 If you want to subscribe on Patreon, that is the most affordable way to go, and you +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00205-00099605-00099902 get access to videos like these early. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00206-00099907-00100261 Today I am shooting this video, and the one before it, on January +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00207-00100261-00100768 27th, and this video is likely to come out in mid to late March. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00208-00100825-00101281 So that's way more than a month early, just as a little way to say +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00209-00101281-00101806 thank you for those viewers who help with this blog, I'm grateful for +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00210-00101806-00102106 every one of you, in any capacity... +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00211-00102115-00102427 just your presence being here right now. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00212-00102526-00102580 Thank you. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00213-00102673-00102787 I will see you all next week. +6dDCkbwuRlQ-00214-00102841-00102868 Bye! +6e35qJ8nD20-00000-00000095-00000410 Don't be numb to crazy. +6e35qJ8nD20-00001-00000410-00000795 People who drive people crazy are probably crazy people. +6e35qJ8nD20-00002-00000795-00001234 Review the personality disorders and a handful of the top complexes. +6e35qJ8nD20-00003-00001234-00001895 "Mental health" means living a productive life, maintaining happy friendships, ability +6e35qJ8nD20-00004-00001895-00002502 to adapt, and being able to deal with adversity—not melting down or throwing a tantrum because +6e35qJ8nD20-00005-00002502-00002708 of an opponent. +6e35qJ8nD20-00006-00002708-00003450 One of the sure signs that someone needs professional intervention is an inability to take responsibility +6e35qJ8nD20-00007-00003450-00003922 and be a Good Samaritan when circumstance obviously dictates. +6e35qJ8nD20-00008-00003922-00004159 Anyone can learn about mental health. +6e35qJ8nD20-00009-00004159-00004895 When you see crazy, don't fret and snowball your angry, recommend professional help. +6e35qJ8nD20-00010-00004895-00005117 And, that is The Point. +6e35qJ8nD20-00011-00005117-00005382 I'm Jesse Steele, jessesteele.com. +6fT82pga8-0-00000-00000064-00000720 Jesus is not helping you. He helped. He sat down now we walk with the Holy Ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00001-00000720-00001592 as god in the earth today. When you get that straight you can have all of his help. +6fT82pga8-0-00002-00002080-00002592 the holy ghost is god in the earth today can you welcome him by saying words my name is +6fT82pga8-0-00003-00002592-00003104 andrew hemstrot thank you for joining us if this is your first time here make sure you subscribe +6fT82pga8-0-00004-00003200-00003504 if this isn't your first time here and these messages are blessing you +6fT82pga8-0-00005-00003568-00004376 then consider becoming a partner with us i'm here to sell you on a relationship +6fT82pga8-0-00006-00004376-00004968 with the holy ghost but personal relationship with the holy ghost a lot of people have never heard +6fT82pga8-0-00007-00004968-00005952 that before but they're hearing it now when i say that the holy ghost is god in the earth today and +6fT82pga8-0-00008-00005952-00006776 you walk with him by saying words that's exactly what i mean you are in a relationship +6fT82pga8-0-00009-00006831-00007623 with the holy ghost second corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14 the grace of the lord jesus christ +6fT82pga8-0-00010-00007623-00008336 the love of god and the communion of the holy ghost be with you all +6fT82pga8-0-00011-00008424-00009024 well the communion means fellowship and it's the most personal intimate kind of fellowship daily +6fT82pga8-0-00012-00009104-00009816 living your communion or your personal daily fellowship and relationship is with +6fT82pga8-0-00013-00009816-00010536 the holy ghost and we've been talking here message after message on the way that you walk with the +6fT82pga8-0-00014-00010536-00011440 holy ghost is by speaking in agreement with him and with his words saying words is his method of +6fT82pga8-0-00015-00011440-00012304 walking with you it's your method of walking with him and we're not without words to say let's just +6fT82pga8-0-00016-00012304-00013080 look at a couple of these go to psalms psalms 91 verse 1 he that dwells in the secret place of +6fT82pga8-0-00017-00013080-00014184 the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty verse 2 i will say i will say of the lord +6fT82pga8-0-00018-00014240-00015256 he is something he's something well he is my refuge and my fortress my god say my god +6fT82pga8-0-00019-00015328-00016160 my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee here we see that you are saying something +6fT82pga8-0-00020-00016160-00016952 about him here gives you something specific to say i will say of the lord he is my refuge and +6fT82pga8-0-00021-00016952-00017784 my fortress and my god when i boldly declare that he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will +6fT82pga8-0-00022-00017784-00018600 i trust he becomes my refuge and my fortress he becomes that to you all right so we're not +6fT82pga8-0-00023-00018600-00019072 without words to say i just showed you one we we know that there's a plethora of them in here +6fT82pga8-0-00024-00019168-00019864 some of the things that i'm going to say tonight people are going to say that i'm perverting or +6fT82pga8-0-00025-00019864-00020504 twisting the scriptures i know it because i know what i'm about ready to say they're +6fT82pga8-0-00026-00020504-00020952 going to say i'm perverting or twisting the strip scriptures but you've already done that +6fT82pga8-0-00027-00021008-00021416 you've already twisted them so much so that when i start to straighten them out +6fT82pga8-0-00028-00021504-00021880 it's going to look like i'm twisting them to you from your perspective +6fT82pga8-0-00029-00021968-00022600 i'm not twisting them i'm straightening them out that which was already twisted well hold on people +6fT82pga8-0-00030-00022600-00023136 don't always get it the first time they don't get it the second time i didn't get it the first time +6fT82pga8-0-00031-00023136-00023736 i didn't get it the second time sometimes it takes a period of time of the word washing over you and +6fT82pga8-0-00032-00023736-00024392 washing over you and washing over you until you get your thinking straight hebrews chapter 13 +6fT82pga8-0-00033-00024392-00025424 and verse 5 for he hath said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say +6fT82pga8-0-00034-00025528-00026392 so here again we have a scripture that's telling us what we should boldly say we should be boldly +6fT82pga8-0-00035-00026472-00027424 boldly saying this he have said that we may boldly say he said something so that we can +6fT82pga8-0-00036-00027480-00027952 say something in agreement with what he's already said what do you think we're doing if we do that +6fT82pga8-0-00037-00028080-00029304 we're walking with him in the earth so that we may boldly say verse 6 the lord is my helper so if we +6fT82pga8-0-00038-00029304-00030424 say that the lord is my helper that's what he is he is that that's what he is to me the lord is +6fT82pga8-0-00039-00030639-00031320 whatever comes after that would be his name or part of his name or his title is what he is he is +6fT82pga8-0-00040-00031320-00032432 that say he is that so the lord is that the lord is my helper what if i say the lord is my helper +6fT82pga8-0-00041-00032495-00033144 what does the lord become to me a helper to me so who is the helper +6fT82pga8-0-00042-00033312-00033952 the helper is the lord are you seeing this i'm going to go slow enough finding you're going so +6fT82pga8-0-00043-00033952-00034688 slow i'm going slow enough so that you can't twist this because believe me it's way twisted and when +6fT82pga8-0-00044-00034688-00035440 i begin to straighten it out you might not like it the lord is my helper so my helper is who +6fT82pga8-0-00045-00035440-00036384 is my helper my helper is the lord so then let's look at who the helper is because we have plenty +6fT82pga8-0-00046-00036384-00037168 of scriptures that talk about who the helper is so he's called the helper you ever heard of that +6fT82pga8-0-00047-00037272-00037776 the holy ghost being called the helper yeah let's just look at a few things here let's get this +6fT82pga8-0-00048-00037776-00038360 settled first corinthians chapter 12 let's look at verse one now concerning spiritual things or +6fT82pga8-0-00049-00038360-00038896 spiritual gifts brethren i would not have you ignorant verse six there are diversities of +6fT82pga8-0-00050-00038896-00039688 operations but it is the same god which works all in all say the same god which works all in all and +6fT82pga8-0-00051-00039688-00040320 then he goes down in beginning of verse eight he begins to list all the gifts of the spirit four to +6fT82pga8-0-00052-00040320-00040856 one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit +6fT82pga8-0-00053-00040856-00041528 so who who's giving these it'd be the same spirit that gave the other one right the same spirit +6fT82pga8-0-00054-00041528-00042544 verse 11 but all these worketh that one and the spirit dividing to every man severally as +6fT82pga8-0-00055-00042608-00043464 he say he he will who's the he we're talking about here has to be the holy ghost it's the spirit of +6fT82pga8-0-00056-00043464-00044320 god or the spirit god right and he's doing all of these but all of these worketh that one and self +6fT82pga8-0-00057-00044384-00045248 same spirit as he wills so let me ask you a question would a gift of the spirit help you +6fT82pga8-0-00058-00045400-00045840 would that be a help now i can go on and prove that it's the holy ghost who's doing +6fT82pga8-0-00059-00045840-00046312 all of these things it says all these worketh that one in selfsame spirit so he's the one +6fT82pga8-0-00060-00046312-00047168 doing the work he's the one workething it would a gift of the spirit help you would that be a +6fT82pga8-0-00061-00047168-00047592 help you needed something you needed a healing you needed a word of wisdom you needed something +6fT82pga8-0-00062-00047696-00048776 and he gave it to you would that of qualified as being a help yes so who's the helper here +6fT82pga8-0-00063-00048864-00049576 who helped you through that method that would have been the spirit of god the self-same spirit +6fT82pga8-0-00064-00049704-00049984 what if i boldly say the lord is my helper +6fT82pga8-0-00065-00050088-00051040 my helper here is the holy ghost if i say the lord is my helper the help came from the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00066-00051208-00051824 many of you wouldn't have a problem saying that that my helper is the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00067-00051952-00052791 try it my helper is the holy ghost and you can boldly say that that my helper is the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00068-00052791-00053576 but as soon as i start saying i boldly say the lord is my helper people begin having a problem +6fT82pga8-0-00069-00053576-00054567 with it yet the lord is my helper now again these things are going to seem like i'm trying to twist +6fT82pga8-0-00070-00054567-00055088 it but i'm not twisting it i'm straightening it out you had a twisted idea of what was going on +6fT82pga8-0-00071-00055088-00055616 here and when i straightened it out it starts to look different than what you've seen it before +6fT82pga8-0-00072-00055752-00056488 so we boldly say that we take it step by step by step my helper is the holy ghost say that +6fT82pga8-0-00073-00056488-00057272 my helper is the holy ghost so i can boldly say that confidently assuredly i'm trying to help +6fT82pga8-0-00074-00057272-00057784 you out here tonight sometimes you got to slow down you got to walk people through these things +6fT82pga8-0-00075-00057872-00058272 but i'm telling you the holy ghost is god in europe today and we need to learn how to walk +6fT82pga8-0-00076-00058272-00058760 with him he's the only part of godhead in the earth today and if you don't know how to walk +6fT82pga8-0-00077-00058760-00059367 with him then you're not walking with god you're walking with your old religious ideas +6fT82pga8-0-00078-00059496-00060184 and failing john chapter 14 verse 16 and i will pray the father who's who's saying this +6fT82pga8-0-00079-00060272-00060904 red letters jesus saying i will pray the father and he shall give you another +6fT82pga8-0-00080-00060991-00061496 comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth who's the spirit of +6fT82pga8-0-00081-00061496-00061944 truth that'd be the holy ghost when's jesus going to do this praying he's going to do it +6fT82pga8-0-00082-00061944-00062336 when he's with the father he's basically going to ask the father and they're going to send +6fT82pga8-0-00083-00062336-00062936 another comforter the word comforter in the most basic form of that word means helper +6fT82pga8-0-00084-00062936-00063512 and if you look up other translations a lot of them will say helper so who picture this +6fT82pga8-0-00085-00063512-00064200 jesus is is gone into heaven is seated at the right hand of the father and they send another +6fT82pga8-0-00086-00064391-00065152 helper he's god he's in the earth and he is a helper that's part of his name +6fT82pga8-0-00087-00065152-00065520 you can see that there you could say oh he's the comforter but comforter means helper +6fT82pga8-0-00088-00065680-00066176 you all right with us okay he says i will pray the father he will give you another comforter that he +6fT82pga8-0-00089-00066240-00067032 say he so he's a person he may abide with you forever well how long's that well that's +6fT82pga8-0-00090-00067032-00067992 at least as long as here on the earth it says he will abide with live with say with +6fT82pga8-0-00091-00068072-00068856 with you forever meaning he won't depart from you he will be with you he will be with you who +6fT82pga8-0-00092-00068856-00069536 who where's jesus at this time he's going to be in heaven with the father sending thee another +6fT82pga8-0-00093-00069536-00070472 the helper say the helper to be with you so at that time it would be the holy ghost with you +6fT82pga8-0-00094-00070608-00071584 and abiding with you and not departing from you hebrews chapter 13 again verse 5 for he hath said +6fT82pga8-0-00095-00071752-00072584 i will never leave thee nor forsake thee if you ask 99.9 of the christians on the face of +6fT82pga8-0-00096-00072584-00073448 this earth right now you would ask who said that and they would say why jesus said that +6fT82pga8-0-00097-00073448-00073904 but if you look down here i have a red letter bible and notice they're not even in red letters +6fT82pga8-0-00098-00073976-00074640 and we don't have any recording of jesus ever saying that in matthew mark luke john orax +6fT82pga8-0-00099-00074792-00075424 jesus didn't say that in fact i'm going to prove to you through the scriptures tonight that's part +6fT82pga8-0-00100-00075424-00076016 of why we're going around this this mountain is that jesus didn't say that and it would be +6fT82pga8-0-00101-00076016-00076992 he couldn't have said that because he did depart he did leave them who will not leave or forsake +6fT82pga8-0-00102-00076992-00077624 them we just found out that they're going to send the holy ghost and he would abide with +6fT82pga8-0-00103-00077624-00078600 you forever sounds an awful lot like he hath said that he hath said i will never leave thee +6fT82pga8-0-00104-00078600-00079256 or forsake thee and i got news for you if it's a scripture at all the holy ghost was the one +6fT82pga8-0-00105-00079256-00079984 that said it who is never going to leave you or forsake you once you receive him the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00106-00080160-00080760 so we may boldly say the lord is my comforter +6fT82pga8-0-00107-00080904-00081632 the lord is the one jesus sent the lord is my helper is this hurting your head yet +6fT82pga8-0-00108-00081632-00082376 i hope so because he's the one who said he'd never leave you or forsake you and he's the one we're +6fT82pga8-0-00109-00082376-00083120 talking about tonight and a lot of people don't know him as the spirit lord if i put spirit of the +6fT82pga8-0-00110-00083120-00083704 lord in there then you know they go oh he's like you know the force of the lord he's the +6fT82pga8-0-00111-00083704-00084368 he's something of the no he is the spirit lord in the earth and you need to get to know him +6fT82pga8-0-00112-00084544-00084984 he likes this message by the way he likes me preaching this message +6fT82pga8-0-00113-00085088-00085696 a lot of people don't like me preaching this message because it irritates them okay so who +6fT82pga8-0-00114-00085696-00086440 never leaves or forsakes we know it has to be the holy ghost who is my helper the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00115-00086552-00087312 so by inference here we say the lord is the holy ghost right if that's too fast for you i'm going +6fT82pga8-0-00116-00087312-00087896 to keep i'm going to keep going around this as many ways as possible so the lord is my helper +6fT82pga8-0-00117-00087896-00089000 who did jesus call the helper the holy ghost is it possible that you have not yet met the spirit lord +6fT82pga8-0-00118-00089104-00089808 is that possible or you've not yet acknowledged him as the spirit lord the one jesus sent into +6fT82pga8-0-00119-00089808-00090648 the earth who does all of the things that are in the earth all these worketh that one because for +6fT82pga8-0-00120-00090648-00091352 some reason you're you're scared of calling him lord or the spirit lord oh i think it's more than +6fT82pga8-0-00121-00091352-00092328 possible it's probably very likely because when i say lord you automatically think jesus right +6fT82pga8-0-00122-00092432-00093088 i know uh this is how i came up it takes even time it took me time to wrap my head around this +6fT82pga8-0-00123-00093192-00093656 and it's okay that when you're thinking lord you think jesus +6fT82pga8-0-00124-00093712-00094464 but you're not taking it nearly far enough because he is the lord jesus and he sent another +6fT82pga8-0-00125-00094464-00095136 to be with you well if he's the lord and he sent another what did he send another another lord you +6fT82pga8-0-00126-00095136-00095672 know why you're having such a hard time with this is because your religious doctrine won't let you +6fT82pga8-0-00127-00095672-00096240 go here you've never heard it preached in fact you've probably heard preached the opposite of it +6fT82pga8-0-00128-00096368-00096944 but if that's all you've heard because that's all that's preached you've been blocked by your +6fT82pga8-0-00129-00096944-00097968 religious doctrine from going here here can you imagine that your religious doctrine blocking you +6fT82pga8-0-00130-00097968-00098624 from going to where the scriptures are actually telling you should be and live i'm not saying that +6fT82pga8-0-00131-00098624-00099656 jesus isn't lord in the way and capacity that he is lord surely he hath born our sicknesses +6fT82pga8-0-00132-00099656-00100576 surely he hath borne our sins surely he hath but half indicates he's not going to do it again +6fT82pga8-0-00133-00100680-00101424 he's done with bearing your sins and iniquities and sickness it's it's over he sat down so he +6fT82pga8-0-00134-00101424-00102448 hath borne it he was they was was raised from the dead these are all things we believe he is +6fT82pga8-0-00135-00102520-00103200 say is seated at the right hand of the father in heaven and shall return +6fT82pga8-0-00136-00103264-00104056 shall return means he's not here and has sent another and the another is the holy +6fT82pga8-0-00137-00104056-00104440 ghost who's the only part of the godhead in the earth today this isn't that difficult +6fT82pga8-0-00138-00104608-00105311 and i believe those things we believe on the things that jesus did that's how you get saved +6fT82pga8-0-00139-00105432-00106135 he is lord in that capacity and that will never change it's it's an indisputable fact that jesus +6fT82pga8-0-00140-00106135-00106935 is lord but he's not the holy ghost he's not the spirit of the lord he's not the spirit lord +6fT82pga8-0-00141-00107008-00107735 he never turned into magically the holy ghost in all of those things that i said about jesus +6fT82pga8-0-00142-00107735-00108496 that's how he is lord but he's finished he's finished with all the stuff he's not going to do +6fT82pga8-0-00143-00108496-00109088 anything else in the earth today he does nothing he's not going to do anything for you what more +6fT82pga8-0-00144-00109088-00109664 do you want him to do back off in fact in romans chapter 10 it says we're not supposed +6fT82pga8-0-00145-00109664-00110544 to ask him to come down and do anything he has done with it and sent another who would be with +6fT82pga8-0-00146-00110544-00111159 you forever and so when we read that verse of scripture i can boldly say the lord is my helper +6fT82pga8-0-00147-00111496-00112432 jesus is not your helper did he help oh yeah without his help and what he did +6fT82pga8-0-00148-00112488-00113376 we would we would be toast but he's not presently your helper he helped past tense he bore sat down +6fT82pga8-0-00149-00113520-00113848 jesus is not your helper the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00150-00113848-00114559 is your helper so when i say the lord is my helper is can't be talking about jesus +6fT82pga8-0-00151-00114744-00115472 see that's fun right i won't even have you say it but i can boldly say that jesus is not my helper +6fT82pga8-0-00152-00115640-00116472 he helped he did help and sat down and he is lord in that capacity and that will never be +6fT82pga8-0-00153-00116472-00117432 taken away from him he will always be that but now he's not the helper are you getting this +6fT82pga8-0-00154-00117680-00118528 so jesus is not the helper jesus is not the holy ghost you know i find it almost insulting that i +6fT82pga8-0-00155-00118528-00119440 have to say these things because it's so obvious but it's been so built religiously into the church +6fT82pga8-0-00156-00119535-00119848 that when i say it they think i'm twisting the scriptures +6fT82pga8-0-00157-00119848-00120768 no they're they're completely twisted jesus is not the helper jesus is not the holy ghost so he +6fT82pga8-0-00158-00120832-00121568 is not lord in the sense that the spirit is lord or that the spirit of the lord is lord +6fT82pga8-0-00159-00121816-00122464 he's not doing any of the gifts of the spirit he's not helping you jesus is not helping you he helped +6fT82pga8-0-00160-00122464-00123168 he sat down now we walk with the holy ghost as god in the earth today when you get that straight you +6fT82pga8-0-00161-00123168-00123744 can have all of his help because now you're saying the lord is my helper the spirit lord +6fT82pga8-0-00162-00123744-00124544 is my helper i hope i'm getting this across so we believe on jesus what he did that's what the +6fT82pga8-0-00163-00124544-00125232 word says words always says believe on jesus and then it says to receive the holy ghost believe +6fT82pga8-0-00164-00125232-00126335 on what he did and receive the holy ghost we're not receiving jesus we believe on his lordship we +6fT82pga8-0-00165-00126335-00127208 receive the holy ghost his lordship is this making sense all right let's look at uh hebrews 13 again +6fT82pga8-0-00166-00127440-00128400 hebrews chapter 13 let's read verse 5 for he hath said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee +6fT82pga8-0-00167-00128576-00129640 could this possibly be talking about jesus where is jesus right now my friend he hath left thee so +6fT82pga8-0-00168-00129744-00130552 if he said i will never is this english you getting this i will never leave thee +6fT82pga8-0-00169-00130656-00131336 it can't be talking about jesus even though that's what you've been thinking for the +6fT82pga8-0-00170-00131336-00132168 entirety of your christian life and then it goes on to say that we may boldly say about the lord +6fT82pga8-0-00171-00132280-00133032 which can't be talking about jesus because he's not your helper the holy has to be talking about +6fT82pga8-0-00172-00133032-00133480 the holy ghost you know i'll just i'll just throw this out to you as as i was +6fT82pga8-0-00173-00133624-00134224 i pray a lot in the spirit you know and i read the word a lot and as i was reading +6fT82pga8-0-00174-00134224-00134704 this verse of scripture i was kind of taken aback just because you know i have religious +6fT82pga8-0-00175-00134704-00135344 prejudices like everybody else and as i read that the lord is my helper the holy ghost said +6fT82pga8-0-00176-00135400-00136040 as clear as i think i've ever heard him say anything i am the and i was like +6fT82pga8-0-00177-00136200-00136872 thank you good night he is the lord the holy ghost is the lord god in the earth +6fT82pga8-0-00178-00137040-00137416 so another proof that this verse can't be talking +6fT82pga8-0-00179-00137416-00138152 about jesus is the fact that it says i will never leave thee go to acts chapter 1. +6fT82pga8-0-00180-00138408-00138904 if you stick with me i'll help you out i know who the real jesus is i know who the real holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00181-00138904-00139872 is and your religious traditions don't bother me acts chapter 1 did i say that verse 9 and when +6fT82pga8-0-00182-00139872-00140448 he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up in a cloud received him out of +6fT82pga8-0-00183-00140448-00141072 their sight and while they looked steadfastly towards heaven he went up and behold two men +6fT82pga8-0-00184-00141072-00141784 stood by them in white apparel which said you men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven +6fT82pga8-0-00185-00141784-00142504 this same jesus say this same jesus is that the real jesus yeah that's that's the real one +6fT82pga8-0-00186-00142584-00143664 this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven he said i will never leave thee then +6fT82pga8-0-00187-00143664-00144896 what is this all about he was taken up from them meaning from away from into heaven shall so come +6fT82pga8-0-00188-00144896-00145368 in like manner as you've seen him go into heaven which means okay he's in heaven and then he's +6fT82pga8-0-00189-00145368-00146264 gonna come back from heaven when he's in heaven he he left you and when he comes back from heaven +6fT82pga8-0-00190-00146264-00146856 he'll be with you has jesus come back has jesus returned in the same way in which he went up +6fT82pga8-0-00191-00146976-00148072 i would say no so where is he he's still away from you i will never leave thee couldn't be what jesus +6fT82pga8-0-00192-00148072-00148704 was saying i hope you're getting this and let it wash over you it'll change your thinking you'll +6fT82pga8-0-00193-00148704-00149272 be able to walk in a deeper relationship with the holy ghost who's the one you are supposed +6fT82pga8-0-00194-00149272-00150192 to be walking with he is the lord he is god john 16 verse 7 nevertheless jesus is saying +6fT82pga8-0-00195-00150192-00150856 here nevertheless i tell you the truth it's expedient for you that i will never leave you +6fT82pga8-0-00196-00151056-00151488 wait a minute i'm reading this completely wrong it is expedient for you that i +6fT82pga8-0-00197-00151560-00152376 go away it's expedient for you that he leaves that he goes away because if he doesn't go away +6fT82pga8-0-00198-00152376-00153248 he can't send the comforter or the helper to you but if he does depart he will send him +6fT82pga8-0-00199-00153248-00154576 unto you so if this happened who is with you him the comforter the helper who is the helper +6fT82pga8-0-00200-00154576-00155264 the lord is the helper yeah yeah yeah yeah but i but i just have a problem calling the spirit lord +6fT82pga8-0-00201-00155464-00156576 get over it the bible calls him lord do this take your bible and go the bible calls the spirit lord +6fT82pga8-0-00202-00156680-00157488 now if the bible calls the spirit lord then what's your problem get over it +6fT82pga8-0-00203-00157608-00158192 so who is the one that helps we're just going slow here who is the one that helps who's the helper +6fT82pga8-0-00204-00158192-00159016 the holy ghost who's the one that never leaves or forsakes the holy ghost so when we have i will +6fT82pga8-0-00205-00159016-00159792 never leave you forsake you that we may boldly say the lord holy ghost is my helper are you getting +6fT82pga8-0-00206-00159792-00160552 this yes but i've never believed that before i know that's why you haven't had enough help +6fT82pga8-0-00207-00160768-00161456 so this is the lord we are talking about i can boldly say the lord is my helper and when i say +6fT82pga8-0-00208-00161536-00161840 the lord is my helper i know what i'm talking about +6fT82pga8-0-00209-00161968-00162408 you still might know not know what you're talking about but i know what i'm talking about +6fT82pga8-0-00210-00162408-00163432 he's the spirit lord he's the holy ghost we can boldly say we can boldly say the lord is my +6fT82pga8-0-00211-00163528-00164680 helper the lord is my helper right romans chapter 8 verse 26 likewise the spirit also helpeth our +6fT82pga8-0-00212-00164928-00165688 if he's helping our he's helping my who does it say here is helping my +6fT82pga8-0-00213-00165824-00166520 the spirit likewise the spirit also helpeth my infirmities +6fT82pga8-0-00214-00166520-00167512 who's helping me who's the one helping the spirit helpeth can i by this scripture say +6fT82pga8-0-00215-00167600-00168304 the spirit is my helper who's my helper the holy ghost here it says likewise the spirit helps +6fT82pga8-0-00216-00168472-00168976 but that other verse of scripture says the lord is my helper how are we going to connect them how are +6fT82pga8-0-00217-00168976-00169888 we going to do it so i can boldly say my helper is the holy ghost can you boldly say that my helper +6fT82pga8-0-00218-00169888-00170704 is the holy ghost the spirit also helpeth if jesus is the lord that we've been talking about here in +6fT82pga8-0-00219-00170704-00171704 hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 he would have had to have changed into the holy ghost he didn't change +6fT82pga8-0-00220-00171704-00172480 into the holy ghost he sent another to be with you forever is this making sense and if you could hear +6fT82pga8-0-00221-00172480-00173024 these i'm going to just say a couple things that the holy ghost said to me he said i am the lord +6fT82pga8-0-00222-00173152-00173848 jesus brought you to me hear that i am the lord jesus brought you +6fT82pga8-0-00223-00173904-00174888 to me do you understand that what jesus did made you available to be with the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00224-00174976-00175392 and made the holy ghost available to be with you without jesus remember he said he wouldn't come +6fT82pga8-0-00225-00175560-00176432 i am the lord jesus brought you to me are you getting this i hope you can hear it +6fT82pga8-0-00226-00176432-00177008 the holy ghost is god in the earth today what jesus did was bring you and make it +6fT82pga8-0-00227-00177008-00177472 available for you to come to the holy ghost and him to come to you +6fT82pga8-0-00228-00177664-00177984 and that's where you should be today in the earth you should be very thankful +6fT82pga8-0-00229-00178040-00178824 that you can walk with the holy ghost the lord your helper in the earth he is the one i know +6fT82pga8-0-00230-00179008-00179576 he the holy ghost is the one i know he's the one i have personal intimate fellowship with +6fT82pga8-0-00231-00179672-00180312 he's the one that helps me he is the lord god that's with you +6fT82pga8-0-00232-00180488-00181192 say he's the lord god that's with me when he speaks it's him i'll put it in the way he said +6fT82pga8-0-00233-00181192-00182264 when i speak it's me listen the holy ghost when i speak it's me when i do things and help it's me +6fT82pga8-0-00234-00182264-00182992 who's doing the help it's him the holy ghost when he speaks to you it's him when he blesses +6fT82pga8-0-00235-00183072-00184176 it's him when i bless it's me he says who is it it's him it's me he says ii corinthians chapter 3 +6fT82pga8-0-00236-00184232-00184632 verse 16 nevertheless when it shall turn to the lord the veil shall be taken away +6fT82pga8-0-00237-00184728-00185488 verse 17 now the lord is veil taken away it's like you're pulling back curtain now the lord is +6fT82pga8-0-00238-00185688-00186408 that spirit is this in your bible now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord +6fT82pga8-0-00239-00186408-00186840 is or where the spirit is lord there is liberty and i'm telling you listen +6fT82pga8-0-00240-00186840-00187360 there's a different kind of liberty in having the lordship of the holy ghost in your life +6fT82pga8-0-00241-00187360-00187976 than you can have in any other religious way where the spirit is lord there's liberty +6fT82pga8-0-00242-00188064-00188440 verse 18 but we all with open face beholding as in a glass +6fT82pga8-0-00243-00188440-00189184 the glory of the lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit +6fT82pga8-0-00244-00189248-00189920 of the lord in those words of the are not in there it literally says by the spirit lord +6fT82pga8-0-00245-00189920-00190632 i looked up several other translations and most of the other ones say that all these come to pass +6fT82pga8-0-00246-00190784-00191984 by the lord who is the spirit say the lord who is the spirit your bible calls the holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00247-00192120-00192760 lord you shouldn't have a problem with it we can boldly say the lord is the spirit +6fT82pga8-0-00248-00192960-00193400 i know you have a problem with it you're going to have to get that down on the inside of you if +6fT82pga8-0-00249-00193400-00194360 you want to walk with the spirit lord the holy ghost i can boldly call him lord we can boldly +6fT82pga8-0-00250-00194416-00195272 say the lord is my helper say this say the lord is my helper let me bless you holy ghost to thank you +6fT82pga8-0-00251-00195272-00195992 for these people i thank you that you have helped them today come to know you in a new and living +6fT82pga8-0-00252-00195992-00196568 way and we give you glory and praise and i thank you the people are going to begin walking with you +6fT82pga8-0-00253-00196656-00197352 as god in the earth like they've never done before we thank you for it holy ghost in jesus name +6fT82pga8-0-00254-00197352-00197976 amen if you have a tithe or an offering hold it in your hand say this after me holy ghost +6fT82pga8-0-00255-00198040-00198784 i worship you i thank you that i am blessed that i'm abundantly provided for god and that you are +6fT82pga8-0-00256-00198784-00199480 my helper you help me financially i thank you that the angels go out and cause all things to work +6fT82pga8-0-00257-00199536-00200136 on my behalf in favor of god blessed and prospered in jesus +6fT82pga8-0-00258-00200352-00201480 have name jesus at his right hand holy ghost your god in the earth today +6kABPikwRRg-00000-00000396-00000667 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00001-00000683-00000733 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00002-00000733-00000783 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00003-00000783-00000833 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00004-00000833-00000883 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00005-00000928-00001128 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00006-00001128-00001178 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00007-00001178-00001228 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00008-00001237-00001287 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00009-00001287-00001337 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00010-00001420-00001620 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00011-00001620-00001670 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00012-00001737-00001787 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00013-00001787-00001837 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00014-00001837-00001887 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00015-00001924-00002124 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00016-00002124-00002174 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00017-00002211-00002411 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00018-00002411-00002461 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00019-00002461-00002511 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00020-00002549-00002749 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00021-00002749-00002799 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00022-00002838-00002888 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00023-00002888-00002938 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00024-00003053-00003253 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00025-00003253-00003303 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00026-00003465-00003515 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00027-00003515-00003565 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00028-00003565-00003615 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00029-00003615-00003665 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00030-00003729-00003779 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00031-00003779-00003829 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00032-00003960-00004160 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00033-00004160-00004210 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00034-00004249-00004449 Rave Party Truth 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+6kABPikwRRg-00053-00006723-00006773 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00054-00006899-00007099 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00055-00007099-00007149 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00056-00007158-00007208 Rave Party TruthRave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00057-00007208-00007258 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00058-00007258-00007308 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00059-00007401-00007451 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00060-00007451-00007501 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00061-00007501-00007551 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00062-00007551-00007601 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00063-00007632-00007832 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00064-00007832-00007882 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00065-00007930-00008130 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00066-00008130-00008180 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00067-00008231-00008431 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00068-00008431-00008481 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00069-00008492-00008692 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00070-00008692-00008742 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00071-00008781-00008831 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00072-00008831-00008881 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00073-00008964-00009164 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00074-00009164-00009214 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00075-00009263-00009313 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00076-00009313-00009363 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00077-00009363-00009413 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00078-00009413-00009463 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00079-00009586-00009786 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00080-00009786-00009836 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00081-00009872-00009922 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00082-00009922-00009972 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00084-00010022-00010072 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00085-00010112-00010312 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00086-00010312-00010362 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00087-00010362-00010412 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00088-00010450-00010650 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00089-00010650-00010700 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00090-00010700-00010750 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00091-00010789-00010989 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00092-00010989-00011039 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00093-00011154-00011354 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00094-00011354-00011404 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00095-00011458-00011658 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00096-00011658-00011708 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00097-00011723-00011923 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00098-00011923-00011973 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00099-00011973-00012023 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00100-00012026-00012226 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00101-00012226-00012276 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00102-00012286-00012486 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00103-00012486-00012536 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00104-00012575-00012775 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00105-00012775-00012825 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00106-00012867-00012917 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00107-00012917-00012967 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00108-00013026-00013076 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00109-00013076-00013126 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00110-00013126-00013176 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00111-00013176-00013226 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00112-00013272-00013472 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00113-00013472-00013522 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00114-00013659-00013859 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00115-00013859-00013909 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00116-00013947-00014147 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00117-00014147-00014197 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00118-00014239-00014439 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00119-00014439-00014489 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00120-00014489-00014539 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00121-00014556-00014756 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00122-00014756-00014806 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00123-00014840-00014890 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00124-00014890-00014940 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00125-00014940-00014990 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00126-00015065-00015265 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00127-00015265-00015315 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00128-00015315-00015365 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00129-00015380-00015430 Rave Party Truth +6kABPikwRRg-00130-00015430-00015480 Rave Party Truth +7ox0iRhpZHc-00000-00000077-00000504 Let's recap the main ideas from section 1.7 in active calculus on limits, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00001-00000504-00000754 continuity and differentiability. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00002-00000754-00000972 So, as the title of this section suggests, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00003-00000972-00001311 we have three interconnected ideas at work here in section 1.7. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00004-00001311-00001685 The first has to do with limits, and we haven't seen these in a few sections. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00005-00001685-00002070 In this section we're defining the concept of what's called a one-sided limit. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00006-00002070-00002445 We're going to say that the function f has a limit l1 +7ox0iRhpZHc-00007-00002445-00002697 as x approaches a from the left. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00008-00002697-00003174 I'm gonna write this notation here, if we can make the value of f of x as close to +7ox0iRhpZHc-00009-00003174-00003751 l1 as we like by taking x sufficiently close to a, while keeping x less than a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00010-00003751-00004060 Now, here the little minus sign in the notation means that +7ox0iRhpZHc-00011-00004060-00004381 we're approaching a only from the left of a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00012-00004381-00004776 Informally this will mean that as the values of x approach a from the left, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00013-00004776-00005069 the values of f are getting closer and closer to l1, and +7ox0iRhpZHc-00014-00005069-00005522 we're not concerning ourselves with what happens if we approach a from the right. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00015-00005522-00006019 Likewise, we're going to say that f has a limit l2 as x approaches a from the right +7ox0iRhpZHc-00016-00006019-00006447 and we're going to write this notation, if we can make the value of f of x as close +7ox0iRhpZHc-00017-00006447-00007086 to l2 as we like by taking x sufficiently close to a while having x bigger than a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00018-00007086-00007439 And here the little plus sign in the limit notation means that we're approaching +7ox0iRhpZHc-00019-00007439-00007690 a only from the right of a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00020-00007690-00008151 Informally, this limit would mean that as the values of x approach a from the right +7ox0iRhpZHc-00021-00008151-00008527 only, then the values of f are getting closer and closer to l2, and +7ox0iRhpZHc-00022-00008527-00008990 we do not think or consider what is happening as x approaches a from the left. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00023-00008990-00009408 So these two one-sided limits are actually just the two halves of the process of +7ox0iRhpZHc-00024-00009408-00009789 finding just a limit that we saw very early on in the course. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00025-00009789-00010261 In fact, we saw this fact in the new section, that a function f has a limit +7ox0iRhpZHc-00026-00010261-00010723 as x approaches a if and only if the limit as x approaches a from the left and +7ox0iRhpZHc-00027-00010723-00011042 the limit as x approaches a from the right both exist and +7ox0iRhpZHc-00028-00011042-00011305 both equal each other, namely the number l. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00029-00011305-00011751 Now, this idea of the one-sided limit is related to the second big idea in this +7ox0iRhpZHc-00030-00011751-00012127 section, namely, that of a function being continuous. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00031-00012127-00012546 The idea of a continuity is that we'd like to distinguish functions whose graphs can +7ox0iRhpZHc-00032-00012546-00012971 be drawn in a single unbroken stroke without having to stop at any point. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00033-00012971-00013349 This kind of stoppage could happen for instance if there's a hole in the graph or +7ox0iRhpZHc-00034-00013349-00013512 a jump in the graph. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00035-00013512-00013862 More precisely, we're going to define a function f to be continuous +7ox0iRhpZHc-00036-00013862-00014152 if three criteria are met simultaneously. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00037-00014152-00014495 First, f must have a limit as x approaches a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00038-00014495-00014827 Second, f must be defined at x equals a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00039-00014827-00015066 And third, to bring those two pieces together, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00040-00015066-00015568 the limit as x approaches a of f of x has to actually equal f of a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00041-00015568-00015845 So, in another words, the function has to be defined at this point, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00042-00015845-00016249 x equals a, so there's no hole on the graph there. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00043-00016249-00016663 The function f has to approach a single value as x approaches a, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00044-00016663-00017061 both from left and from the right and this value +7ox0iRhpZHc-00045-00017061-00017580 equals the value that f actually takes on when we reach x equals a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00046-00017580-00017930 So the third and final big idea in this section is differentiability. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00047-00017930-00018338 We define a function f to be differentiable at a point x equals a if +7ox0iRhpZHc-00048-00018338-00018826 f prime of a exists, which means that the graph of f of x must have a tangent +7ox0iRhpZHc-00049-00018826-00019113 line at x equals a, with a well defined slope. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00050-00019113-00019331 So how could differentiability fail? +7ox0iRhpZHc-00051-00019331-00019770 Well, if f of x had no tangent line at x equals a, it could mean, for example, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00052-00019770-00020158 that the graph of f is not locally linear at x equals a. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00053-00020158-00020376 That means if you zoomed in on the graph at this point, +7ox0iRhpZHc-00054-00020376-00020794 it will look like something besides a line with a well defined slope. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00055-00020794-00021215 This could happen for instance if f has a sharp corner that would remain sharp and +7ox0iRhpZHc-00056-00021215-00021487 non-linear no matter how closely on it we zoomed. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00057-00021487-00021661 There could be other ways for +7ox0iRhpZHc-00058-00021661-00021979 f to fail differentiability which we'll explore in upcoming examples, but +7ox0iRhpZHc-00059-00021979-00022451 the idea of being locally linear is central to all such failures. +7ox0iRhpZHc-00060-00022451-00022765 These linked ideas of limits, continuity and differentiability set up +7ox0iRhpZHc-00061-00022765-00023018 the frame work for more advanced study of derivatives that +7ox0iRhpZHc-00062-00023018-00024141 we're about to undertake and carry out throughout the remainder of the course. +739D9LWdzRQ-00000-00005510-00005810 This is what happens when the game is not played right, +739D9LWdzRQ-00001-00005810-00006046 This is what happens when we don't unite, +739D9LWdzRQ-00002-00006046-00006378 When through our differences we don't cease to fight, +739D9LWdzRQ-00003-00006378-00006690 When we choose to lose and decide to do whats wrong, +739D9LWdzRQ-00004-00006690-00007044 Regardless of us knowing the consequences all along, +739D9LWdzRQ-00005-00007044-00007328 Our true intentions are revealed, +739D9LWdzRQ-00006-00007328-00007792 The hatred and thoughts behind our actions no longer concealed, +75-rHPXPISA-00000-00000184-00001376 hey guys um so it's official I am a business owner Awkward Rube is now an llc I am so excited about +75-rHPXPISA-00001-00001376-00002272 that um like it's a real official business um so I have a lot of big plans for it that will +75-rHPXPISA-00002-00002272-00002864 be unfolding over the next few weeks and months working on my next podcast trying to come up with +75-rHPXPISA-00003-00002864-00003752 a topic um there's a topic I really want to talk about but I can't because it involves my ongoing +75-rHPXPISA-00004-00003752-00004552 case so legally that would probably not be a good idea if I'm being totally honest uh my mental +75-rHPXPISA-00005-00004552-00005272 health has not been doing very well over the last couple weeks um and I am working on that I uh +75-rHPXPISA-00006-00005480-00006192 so I have a new therapist she's awesome um we usually have our sessions on Tuesdays but I have +75-rHPXPISA-00007-00006192-00006784 to work during session time tomorrow but she got me or she recommended this awesome book the Self +75-rHPXPISA-00008-00006784-00007544 Love Workbook and I've been working in that and that has been helping a lot um but I think um +75-rHPXPISA-00009-00007544-00008408 honestly I've probably been overextending myself between my jobs, school, kids, and my business, +75-rHPXPISA-00010-00008408-00009192 and everything i just i have no energy recently and I just feel like crap I um +75-rHPXPISA-00011-00009400-00010304 so but I'm trying and I'm still posting at least twice a week I'm still um trying +75-rHPXPISA-00012-00010304-00010872 to come up with good content because this is my this is my baby this is my +75-rHPXPISA-00013-00010928-00011632 my journey um and I want to share it with you all i am the good and the bad which is why i'm +75-rHPXPISA-00014-00011632-00011968 sharing what i'm going on right what's going on with me right now um +75-rHPXPISA-00015-00012208-00012768 so um there's that um but yeah i'm getting through this um i have a lot of good things +75-rHPXPISA-00016-00012768-00013768 going on i'm just so tired so um that's it for today's update have a great Monday everyone +77EKvuyg0OE-00000-00000004-00000636 This is how to say "Pineapple" in "Fudge Language." +77EKvuyg0OE-00001-00000636-00001368 "Fudges" (or pineapples) live in FudgeTown. +77EKvuyg0OE-00002-00001368-00001792 FudgeTown is not a country; it's a planet. +77EKvuyg0OE-00003-00001810-00002102 Here is a Fudge! +77EKvuyg0OE-00004-00002150-00002808 In FudgeTown some things are the same (as on earth) but some things are different. +77EKvuyg0OE-00005-00002858-00003358 This Fudge already has Pineapple babies. +77EKvuyg0OE-00006-00003379-00004110 So I'll tell you something different from FudgeTown and earth. +77EKvuyg0OE-00007-00004110-00004694 The pineapple's home is in ruins. +77EKvuyg0OE-00008-00004694-00004874 But look! +77EKvuyg0OE-00009-00004902-00005142 A tornado comes. +77EKvuyg0OE-00010-00005142-00005571 In FudgeTown, tornados BUILD houses. +77EKvuyg0OE-00011-00005571-00005987 Now the Fudge family has a nice good home. +77EKvuyg0OE-00012-00006062-00006286 FudgeMudgeCrudge +77EKvuyg0OE-00013-00006352-00006773 In Fudge Language, that means "The End." +78HSeIbtU08-00000-00001552-00001880 hey guys welcome back to my channel welcome back to your favorite girl on the internet +78HSeIbtU08-00001-00001960-00002384 that's me by the way if you're new here my name is jasmine rosette and today's video +78HSeIbtU08-00002-00002384-00003168 is the cosbox now known as altru spring subscription ethical sustainable review +78HSeIbtU08-00003-00003415-00003920 i feel like none of that made sense but it's going to make sense because i'm just doing a all true +78HSeIbtU08-00004-00003984-00004704 cosbox review of all the products that i picked out which i have here right now and +78HSeIbtU08-00005-00004704-00005000 i've actually since i'm currently filming this while i'm on vacation +78HSeIbtU08-00006-00005088-00005680 i've been using a lot of these and so i have some direct feedback for you so if you want +78HSeIbtU08-00007-00005680-00006232 to know what i think of the products that i got this month just stay tuned and keep on watching +78HSeIbtU08-00008-00006288-00006720 but before we get into today's video i would ask you give this video a thumbs up if you like any +78HSeIbtU08-00009-00006720-00007112 part of this video subscribe so you can keep up to date with me and all things that i am doing +78HSeIbtU08-00010-00007112-00007720 and comment down below say hi i say hi back and without any further ado let's get into this video +78HSeIbtU08-00011-00007792-00008432 so cosbox recently rebranded and they're not and they're now known as altru which is very +78HSeIbtU08-00012-00008432-00008984 very exciting and yeah we're just going to get into some of the products that i chose +78HSeIbtU08-00013-00008984-00009488 before i go into the products that i chose though i'm going to show you the process of me choosing +78HSeIbtU08-00014-00009488-00010208 everything so i will show that to you now so it is that time to customize my spring cause box +78HSeIbtU08-00015-00010320-00011408 so the first option is to choose the color of the canvas market tote from feed projects i do +78HSeIbtU08-00016-00011408-00012152 love the gray the gracial the glacial gray tote bag but i feel like that would get really dirty +78HSeIbtU08-00017-00012280-00012880 and the coastal stripe is just a little bit too busy for me and i feel like it would be hard to +78HSeIbtU08-00018-00013032-00013688 coordinate with other things like outfits and stuff so i'm going to choose the c blue although +78HSeIbtU08-00019-00013688-00014272 i really do love you know i'm just going to go with the glacial gray because i love it +78HSeIbtU08-00020-00014272-00014976 and who cares if it's too light the next option is to choose from the charger +78HSeIbtU08-00021-00015063-00015904 portable charger the upcycled napkins or the blue light glasses i am going to choose the set of +78HSeIbtU08-00022-00015904-00016592 four upcycled napkins because i've been actually wanting to get napkins like this that are reusable +78HSeIbtU08-00023-00016656-00017240 and i already have a portable charger and all my glasses that i wear are blue light even though i'm +78HSeIbtU08-00024-00017240-00017992 currently not wearing them right now looking at the screen the next options to choose from +78HSeIbtU08-00025-00017992-00018960 are the tech organizer or the stojo cup which is collapsible um and it's in the shade eucalyptus +78HSeIbtU08-00026-00018960-00019648 or the stretch and exercise bands i already have stretch exercise bands i don't really +78HSeIbtU08-00027-00019648-00020296 need a tech organizer so i'm going to choose the classical cup because it's really cute +78HSeIbtU08-00028-00020552-00021264 the next option is between the nail care duo or the pink clay con coniac sponge +78HSeIbtU08-00029-00021440-00021968 now i've heard of this sponge and i hear this specific one is meant for dry +78HSeIbtU08-00030-00022056-00022880 skin which is something that i do not have so i'm going to choose the nail care duo just because +78HSeIbtU08-00031-00022880-00023328 i don't want to use something that is not going to go with my skin and i have combination oily skin +78HSeIbtU08-00032-00023424-00024144 and i don't want to get dried out even further if i use this and so yeah +78HSeIbtU08-00033-00024248-00025080 the next option is the lip kit or the per setting spray it's an illuminate illuminating +78HSeIbtU08-00034-00025080-00026304 setting spray or the regenerating exfoliator and resurfacing mask or mask i don't know i said max i +78HSeIbtU08-00035-00026600-00026783 think i'm gonna go with +78HSeIbtU08-00036-00026992-00027792 the regenerate regenerating exfoliator and resurfacing mask because i love a mask i +78HSeIbtU08-00037-00027792-00028312 don't really need lip treatments because i just use a lip scrub and a setting spray +78HSeIbtU08-00038-00028312-00029112 that's illuminating i have oily skin as i said so that will just not work for me and i'm going to +78HSeIbtU08-00039-00029327-00029583 save +78HSeIbtU08-00040-00034560-00035184 so +78HSeIbtU08-00041-00037568-00038144 all right so i've chosen everything and some of these products i have used some of them i +78HSeIbtU08-00042-00038144-00038768 have not and i will make sure i put um i'll make sure i explain the products that i have used and +78HSeIbtU08-00043-00038768-00039344 haven't used like as we go through but anyways first things first we're going to start with the +78HSeIbtU08-00044-00039344-00039968 feed canvas bag and i just have like this little booklet that cosbox which is now known as altru +78HSeIbtU08-00045-00040024-00040792 sends you so i'll just kind of read off when i do the close-ups of the products so the feed +78HSeIbtU08-00046-00040904-00041536 um projects canvas tote i've been using this all week and i got the one in +78HSeIbtU08-00047-00041536-00042184 glacial gray right glacial gray and it has a value of a hundred and eight dollars +78HSeIbtU08-00048-00042320-00043072 and honestly it has so many pockets it's so roomy i love this purse and it is gonna be my +78HSeIbtU08-00049-00043072-00043504 go-to and it like i've always wanted a canvas purse and i was thinking of purchasing one +78HSeIbtU08-00050-00043504-00044424 so when this came up as a selection for the spring cosbox subscription i was just like yeah i am for +78HSeIbtU08-00051-00044424-00045040 sure so excited that this is in here because i've been wanting a canvas tote bag for a while and +78HSeIbtU08-00052-00045040-00045768 i think it's just really perfect for spring summer it has so many pockets um and i mean if you get +78HSeIbtU08-00053-00045768-00046216 it wet you can just use a hair dryer to dry it if you want to or just put it out in the sun +78HSeIbtU08-00054-00046216-00046576 if needed because i've taken this to the pool with me several times while i've been out here +78HSeIbtU08-00055-00046576-00047352 on vacation and it holds a lot of stuff like my grandma travels with a lot of stuff and i put two +78HSeIbtU08-00056-00047352-00048088 like swim towels in here my camera equipment big water bottles that holds like 24 ounces of water +78HSeIbtU08-00057-00048248-00048696 it holds a lot and it's like lightweight when there's nothing in there it doesn't feel like +78HSeIbtU08-00058-00048696-00049496 anything but the color is beautiful it also has some like gold brassy details um as well +78HSeIbtU08-00059-00049496-00049976 and the straps are nice and they're really comfortable i really like this +78HSeIbtU08-00060-00049976-00050584 bag and it is very roomy and i highly highly recommend but yeah i'm gonna read off the +78HSeIbtU08-00061-00050808-00051448 i'm going to read off like who feed project is and i'm also going to provide some close-ups +78HSeIbtU08-00062-00051448-00052120 of the bag sophie projects canvas market tote so for them hunger is a daily reality of 795 +78HSeIbtU08-00063-00052120-00052560 million people around the world with this tote you are part of the solution by helping to provide +78HSeIbtU08-00064-00052560-00053112 school meals to kids in need feed creates good products that help feed children around the world +78HSeIbtU08-00065-00053112-00053624 today feed has given over 100 million meals through their non-profit partners through this +78HSeIbtU08-00066-00053624-00054296 partnership with all altru they have donated 900 000 meals and counting in an average year hunger +78HSeIbtU08-00067-00054296-00055032 is a daily reality for 795 million people however 2020 was anything but average a feeding america +78HSeIbtU08-00068-00055032-00055496 stated that one in six americans may face hunger this year if we focus specifically +78HSeIbtU08-00069-00055496-00056032 on children that risk could only increase one in four children in america are experiencing food +78HSeIbtU08-00070-00056032-00056591 insecurity compared to one in seven pre-pandemic through their partnership with no kids hungry +78HSeIbtU08-00071-00056591-00057008 feed continues to help provide school meals to children across the country with every purchase +78HSeIbtU08-00072-00057008-00057624 with many schools closed in 2020 the regularly distributed school lunches were disrupted to +78HSeIbtU08-00073-00057624-00058128 solve for this no kids hungry helped facilitate pickup locations at community centers and built +78HSeIbtU08-00074-00058128-00058600 a free meal finder on their website they focus on supporting school meal programs because it +78HSeIbtU08-00075-00058600-00058984 is not only a proven way to fight hunger but it encourages and supports education +78HSeIbtU08-00076-00059104-00059496 the future is brighter when kids are not only well fed and well nourished but also given the +78HSeIbtU08-00077-00059496-00060120 opportunity to live up to their potential so that is really really cool that by purchasing this bag +78HSeIbtU08-00078-00060120-00060800 you can see the direct impact you are making with your purchase and like feeding kids +78HSeIbtU08-00079-00060800-00061440 and supporting them so the next item is one that i have not used and it is the palm and perkins +78HSeIbtU08-00080-00061536-00062264 set of four upcycled napkins so you see these are pretty like cool toned napkins and they come in +78HSeIbtU08-00081-00062264-00062848 these patterns and i'll open one up for you guys so you can see how big they are they're pretty big +78HSeIbtU08-00082-00062960-00063352 and they have like a really nice thickness to them and feel like such good quality +78HSeIbtU08-00083-00063352-00063744 same thing with the canvas tote um i forgot to mention that earlier but the canvas tool also +78HSeIbtU08-00084-00063744-00064255 feels like really good quality and plus i've been using it for a week so i really like it +78HSeIbtU08-00085-00064255-00064896 but yeah let me read to you what the palm and perkins napkins are about so they are +78HSeIbtU08-00086-00064896-00065384 complimentary patterns and cool tones made from upcycled cotton and recycled water bottles +78HSeIbtU08-00087-00065384-00065888 these palm and perkins napkins are perfect for your next picnic or family dinner night they come +78HSeIbtU08-00088-00065888-00066672 to a 38 value over 51 000 pounds of waste were diverted from a landfill over 35 000 pounds of co2 +78HSeIbtU08-00089-00066672-00067568 are saved or 46 million gallons of water saved and employed 190 artisans at fair trade rates so +78HSeIbtU08-00090-00067568-00068072 palm and perkins is a thoughtfully curated general store located in the heart of berkeley california +78HSeIbtU08-00091-00068072-00068640 nurturing a slow and thoughtful lifestyle paul and perkins creates high quality goods from makers +78HSeIbtU08-00092-00068640-00069240 across the country and around the world it is founded by jenna and julia in 2017 and was built +78HSeIbtU08-00093-00069240-00069752 on a common passion for transforming the consumer goods industry specializing in timeless home and +78HSeIbtU08-00094-00069752-00070312 lifestyle goods that meld traditional techniques with modern designs rooted in community this +78HSeIbtU08-00095-00070312-00070752 conscious lifestyle shop embodies how things should be made with transparency and healthy +78HSeIbtU08-00096-00070752-00071200 partnerships before they commit to carrying any product they take the time to thoroughly vet +78HSeIbtU08-00097-00071200-00071776 every brand diving deep into their production processes and impact commitments so yeah that +78HSeIbtU08-00098-00071776-00072424 is a little bit about the palm and perkins napkins i'm really excited to use these because honestly +78HSeIbtU08-00099-00072480-00072968 i know i said this about the canvas tote bag of me wanting a canvas tote bag for really long time and +78HSeIbtU08-00100-00072968-00073640 being really glad when it came onto the site when this spring selection came for choosing the items +78HSeIbtU08-00101-00073640-00074120 in our cosbox i was really excited because a canvas tote bag is something that i've +78HSeIbtU08-00102-00074120-00074648 been really really wanting for a long time along with like recyclable reusable +78HSeIbtU08-00103-00074720-00075320 napkins and like paper towels and stuff like that and the fact that i came in this season's cost +78HSeIbtU08-00104-00075320-00076040 box was just perfect because i've been thinking about trying to find some reusable sustainable +78HSeIbtU08-00105-00076040-00076392 napkins and like paper towels because i'm just trying to make those switches +78HSeIbtU08-00106-00076392-00077104 and i also was really wanting a canvas tote bag because i just really been liking the look of them +78HSeIbtU08-00107-00077104-00077552 and the fact that i was able to choose them in this season's cause box was just +78HSeIbtU08-00108-00077552-00078096 perfect timing like literally it was so great so the next one that i have here is the this +78HSeIbtU08-00109-00078096-00078608 works it's a stress check and sleep spray it is fast acting vegan sleep spray with lavender +78HSeIbtU08-00110-00078608-00079408 and chamomile essential oils so you get like a two and a half ounce fluid ounce of this sleep spray +78HSeIbtU08-00111-00079408-00079968 i've been using it this week a couple times i will say the smell of lavender is not too potent so +78HSeIbtU08-00112-00079968-00080504 it's not going to throw you off also because i've been spraying this on my pillow i have not gotten +78HSeIbtU08-00113-00080504-00081176 any breakouts in my skin at all but i will preface this and say i don't have sensitive skin so that's +78HSeIbtU08-00114-00081176-00081704 never really an issue for me but yeah this didn't cause me to break out whatsoever and it smells +78HSeIbtU08-00115-00081704-00082216 really nice like it wasn't like in a smell that i was just like oh that's too much lavender like +78HSeIbtU08-00116-00082216-00082816 they put the right amount of lavender in this sleep spray and i definitely felt stress-free +78HSeIbtU08-00117-00082896-00083584 in my sleeps because it has been a stressful season indeed but i really do like this and i've +78HSeIbtU08-00118-00083584-00084144 always wanted to try stuff from this works i've heard amazing amazing things from the brand so +78HSeIbtU08-00119-00084144-00084800 i'm glad that it was included but yeah so let's go into this works so it says put your stress and +78HSeIbtU08-00120-00084800-00085296 anxiety to bed and it's made with 100 natural essential oils you spritz your pillow with the +78HSeIbtU08-00121-00085296-00085792 sleep spray and enjoy its naturally calming and relaxing effects it is cruelty free and +78HSeIbtU08-00122-00085792-00086448 vegan and all packaging is fully recyclable and biodegradable so the key ingredients +78HSeIbtU08-00123-00086448-00087232 are lavender lemon balm moroccan chamomile and patachouli so lemon can really bring a cleansing +78HSeIbtU08-00124-00087232-00087816 burst of brightness and joy and patachouli it helps get your brain out of the fast lane +78HSeIbtU08-00125-00087816-00088272 so it is a really grounding essential oil that slows even the speediest of minds +78HSeIbtU08-00126-00088272-00089128 and lavender is refreshing soothing scents and it helps reduce insomnia and soothes nerves +78HSeIbtU08-00127-00089232-00090000 and the moroccan chamomile it brings all of the relaxation and then some so it really is +78HSeIbtU08-00128-00090000-00090640 pretty well balanced with all the ingredients that are in this sleep spray and honestly i +78HSeIbtU08-00129-00090640-00091088 have been liking it and really really enjoying it this past week that i've been on vacation +78HSeIbtU08-00130-00091088-00091512 just using it at night i haven't used it every single night but i've used it most nights and +78HSeIbtU08-00131-00091584-00092112 it's been really great i really like it next is the stojo collapsible cup so you can see +78HSeIbtU08-00132-00092184-00093032 comes with this little thing out the bottom and then you just un wrap it and then you +78HSeIbtU08-00133-00093208-00093944 pull that out and it comes with a straw which i have so i just have to like pop this little thing +78HSeIbtU08-00134-00093944-00094640 open on top and then i can put the straw inside and then this is like a little +78HSeIbtU08-00135-00094840-00095552 like hugger i guess for your cup but yeah i haven't used this so far this week because +78HSeIbtU08-00136-00095552-00096176 i've just been drinking a lot of water this week to be honest and but i am really excited +78HSeIbtU08-00137-00096176-00096672 about this i've always wanted to use like one of these collapsible cups i know i keep saying +78HSeIbtU08-00138-00096672-00097232 it like i've always wanted to try like all these products but seriously like this season's cost box +78HSeIbtU08-00139-00097232-00097880 is everything that i've always wanted to try and so truly like i'm just loving every single thing +78HSeIbtU08-00140-00097880-00098480 that is in this cost box but yeah i've seen this all over instagram and would always be like oh +78HSeIbtU08-00141-00098480-00098928 i really want to try this along with the keep cup that's another thing that i really want to +78HSeIbtU08-00142-00098928-00099424 get my hands on is the peep cup because i just really like the aesthetic of that cup and like +78HSeIbtU08-00143-00099424-00099912 that you can like see the glass and i think it'd be perfect with matcha but this i feel like would +78HSeIbtU08-00144-00099912-00100536 be perfect for like you know hot or cold drinks maybe cold drinks i think i would use this more so +78HSeIbtU08-00145-00100536-00101136 for smoothies and stuff because it is like spring summer and i typically have more smoothies in the +78HSeIbtU08-00146-00101136-00101960 spring and summer months so yeah and i really love the color it's like very calming like blue greens +78HSeIbtU08-00147-00102088-00102559 also teal is like one of my favorite colors so yeah i really like this i'll give you the beats +78HSeIbtU08-00148-00102559-00103135 on stojo as new york city dads the founders of stojo know a thing or two about living on the go +78HSeIbtU08-00149-00103135-00103608 think strollers on the subway this cup makes bring your own way more convenient with its innovative +78HSeIbtU08-00150-00103608-00104224 classical design it is made from the world's safest silicone bpa free mercury free lead free +78HSeIbtU08-00151-00104224-00104824 free of all california prop 65 substances swapping out a stojo for a daily disposable cup saves 16 +78HSeIbtU08-00152-00104824-00105504 pounds of solid waste 23 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions and 281 gallons of water dojo set out to +78HSeIbtU08-00153-00105504-00105928 make doing the right thing for the environment easier with a leak-proof collapsible dishwasher +78HSeIbtU08-00154-00105928-00106440 safe design that makes bringing your own cup much more convenient people are going to be blown away +78HSeIbtU08-00155-00106440-00106976 when they see what's coming for stojo in 2021 they're committed to making incremental progress +78HSeIbtU08-00156-00106976-00107511 on all these fronts over time changing the world and making progress are long-term endeavors that +78HSeIbtU08-00157-00107511-00108040 make that take focus intention and creative thinking it's a marathon not a sprint just +78HSeIbtU08-00158-00108040-00108472 commit to make a little bit of progress every day and you'll be amazed at the magic that can be +78HSeIbtU08-00159-00108472-00109111 created that is really really cool so yeah you can definitely use this for hot beverages and +78HSeIbtU08-00160-00109176-00109680 i will say like they mentioned in their interview in the book which when you get a cause box they +78HSeIbtU08-00161-00109680-00110135 give you a little book so you can get all the in intel on all the products that you're using +78HSeIbtU08-00162-00110135-00110688 and who is behind the company and what they stand for like what their ethos is and they mentioned in +78HSeIbtU08-00163-00110688-00111376 their interview with stojo um co-founder is that it is like very convenient to put in any like car +78HSeIbtU08-00164-00111440-00112152 like cup holder which it's true it kind of has this like nice little shape here um tapered shape +78HSeIbtU08-00165-00112152-00112688 which i appreciate because my cup holders are pretty big but my grandmother's cup holders and +78HSeIbtU08-00166-00112688-00113216 her car are not big so she wanted to use this or if i was in her car i could easily put it in and +78HSeIbtU08-00167-00113216-00113808 not have like any difficulty and also the fact that it like snaps like this portion like snaps +78HSeIbtU08-00168-00113808-00114568 closed so you don't have to worry about like truly like spillage or leakage and stuff like that so +78HSeIbtU08-00169-00114624-00115192 i'm excited to use this and the quality like the feel of it is really nice +78HSeIbtU08-00170-00115392-00115880 also sorry about like the outside noise if you can hear anything like we're in your pool we're +78HSeIbtU08-00171-00115880-00116400 at like a little apartment situation type of thing so like there's other people here +78HSeIbtU08-00172-00116400-00117008 besides me so hopefully that's okay so the next item is the province apothecary regenerating +78HSeIbtU08-00173-00117008-00117880 exfoliator and resurfacing mask so this is what it looks like and it has a value of 35 +78HSeIbtU08-00174-00118104-00118632 and it is the lavender and green tea like scent it's also made for all skin types i +78HSeIbtU08-00175-00118632-00119135 have not used this by the way i will say i don't have sensitive skin so like i don't think i'm +78HSeIbtU08-00176-00119135-00119656 gonna have a reaction at all to this but i'm very excited it says the directions here are to combine +78HSeIbtU08-00177-00119656-00120248 one teaspoon of exfoliator with half a teaspoon of water or three pumps moisturizing oil cleanser and +78HSeIbtU08-00178-00120248-00120688 makeup remover you apply it to the face and neck with gentle pressure you leave on for five minutes +78HSeIbtU08-00179-00120688-00121328 of using it as a mask and you remove with a damp cloth and use every three days and you shake well +78HSeIbtU08-00180-00121328-00121952 before use and for customized recipes you can refer to their website so it gently exfoliates to +78HSeIbtU08-00181-00121952-00122528 reveal smooth luminous skin powerful whole plant ingredients effectively calm nourish and hydrate +78HSeIbtU08-00182-00122600-00123296 so it exfoliates manually with massage or used as a hydrating mask and packaging is compostable +78HSeIbtU08-00183-00123296-00124272 so it's cruelty free it's vegan certified organic and yeah the ingredients are really natural it has +78HSeIbtU08-00184-00124272-00125088 oat flour lentil flour lavender flour flaxseed green tea leaves which sounds really great to me +78HSeIbtU08-00185-00125088-00125616 and it comes with like there's two ounces in this this versatile vixen of a skincare product can be +78HSeIbtU08-00186-00125616-00126032 used in many different ways leaving skin refreshed and rejuvenated it's cruelty free and vegan made +78HSeIbtU08-00187-00126032-00126472 from ingredients sourced in canada which is really cool and a portion of their profits +78HSeIbtU08-00188-00126472-00127120 are donated to support various local causes so the founder who is julie clark it says here that she's +78HSeIbtU08-00189-00127120-00127672 dealt with allergies her whole entire life which means she's extra considerate of what she puts +78HSeIbtU08-00190-00127672-00128440 on and in her body so i would say like you can if you have a lot of sensitivities you may want to +78HSeIbtU08-00191-00128440-00129072 try this because it seems as though the person who created julie clark this brand and this product +78HSeIbtU08-00192-00129072-00129600 also has a lot of sensitivities and so it's really mindful of that with a lot of their products so +78HSeIbtU08-00193-00129600-00130224 i have not tried this yet but i'm very excited to test this out the next and final product the +78HSeIbtU08-00194-00130224-00130808 a dust power couple nail duo so this is what it looks like in the packaging here +78HSeIbtU08-00195-00130904-00131568 so you get a cuticle oil as well as a nail growth optimizer now i have used this and i will say +78HSeIbtU08-00196-00131568-00132088 before i get into like all the things i would say like it is nice but the nail +78HSeIbtU08-00197-00132088-00132792 growth portion definitely like i've noticed it lifts and i only use like one coat of it i don't +78HSeIbtU08-00198-00132792-00133344 put like i don't use like multiple coats of this i just put one coat so maybe i'm just using it wrong +78HSeIbtU08-00199-00133344-00133768 or something like that i'm not entirely sure but also the sense of this is a little bit medicinal +78HSeIbtU08-00200-00133768-00134376 for me so the odessa new york power couple nail care duo has a value of 36 dollars this custom for +78HSeIbtU08-00201-00134376-00134912 cosbox dynamic duo will strengthen dry brittle nails and keep your criticals in tip-top shape +78HSeIbtU08-00202-00134912-00135456 it is free from the top 12 toxic chemicals most often using nail polish products and is sleeping +78HSeIbtU08-00203-00135456-00136432 bunny certified cruelty free and vegan so that is all for the spring cosbox subscription and the +78HSeIbtU08-00204-00136432-00136936 review of the products honestly i like a lot of the products that are in here and i've used a lot +78HSeIbtU08-00205-00136936-00137576 of them and i'm really excited to get to use the ones that i haven't tried out so far but yeah i'm +78HSeIbtU08-00206-00137576-00138152 really really liking this i'm excited for the next uh coz box that's coming out the summer one +78HSeIbtU08-00207-00138224-00138688 and yeah i think i'm also gonna do a like round up of all of them to show like what +78HSeIbtU08-00208-00138688-00139112 i've used what i haven't used what i've liked what i have not liked but yeah if you liked +78HSeIbtU08-00209-00139112-00139504 any part of this video please do give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to keep up +78HSeIbtU08-00210-00139504-00140016 to date with me and all things that i'm doing and comment down below say hi i say hi back and +78HSeIbtU08-00211-00140016-00141584 don't forget to stay kind stay true and stay laughing and i'll see you in the next one bye +799Zf5YxxmE-00000-00000000-00000786 Yay! We get to finally talk about my favorite part of the evidence-based practice process- searching. We've already completed step one +799Zf5YxxmE-00001-00000786-00001556 which is developing a well built clinical question by using PICO and now it's time to search for what we need. +799Zf5YxxmE-00002-00001556-00002036 There are all kinds of ways to search and so many places to find information +799Zf5YxxmE-00003-00002036-00002953 You can start off with a basic search in Google. We all do it- even librarians! You will find stuff but you're not going to find everything +799Zf5YxxmE-00004-00002953-00003409 And, there's the issue of reliability and the quality of what you find +799Zf5YxxmE-00005-00003410-00004360 So, the next place to try is a database. For nurses, CINAHL is one of the best. This is slightly more advanced than Google but not too +799Zf5YxxmE-00006-00004360-00004633 scary. Now if you want to go really crazy +799Zf5YxxmE-00007-00004633-00004873 try searching something like this in PubMed +799Zf5YxxmE-00008-00004873-00005409 Don't let this freak you out- most of us will never need to go into this level of detail +799Zf5YxxmE-00009-00005410-00006230 Okay, wait, wait, wait- we're not quite ready to jump into the searching yet. I know! I promise we'll get there soon. Remember this little +799Zf5YxxmE-00010-00006230-00006776 table from the first step of the evidence-based practice process? We want to figure out what our +799Zf5YxxmE-00011-00006776-00007323 question type is so we know the best sort a study that will help us. These are the four biggies +799Zf5YxxmE-00012-00007323-00007996 Therapy or treatment, diagnosis, prognosis, and harm +799Zf5YxxmE-00013-00007996-00008559 it's all very good to list the types but it doesn't make a lot of sense, at least to me, until we +799Zf5YxxmE-00014-00008560-00009123 actually give concrete examples of each question type. So the first one we're talking about +799Zf5YxxmE-00015-00009123-00009339 what are the ways that smokers can quit smoking? +799Zf5YxxmE-00016-00009340-00010190 That's pretty easy and actually has a right there in the title. It's a therapy question Now the next one- we're looking at what happens +799Zf5YxxmE-00017-00010190-00010940 to premature babies once they're school aged. And how does being born premature influence their learning? That is prognosis. +799Zf5YxxmE-00018-00010940-00011440 In the third one, we're looking to compare CT scans with other clinical findings +799Zf5YxxmE-00019-00011440-00011693 in diagnosing intracranial hemorrhage +799Zf5YxxmE-00020-00011693-00012089 Again, that was right there in the title- diagnosis +799Zf5YxxmE-00021-00012090-00013050 And the final one- In adults does cell phone use increase the risk of brain cancer? that is harm or etiology. Now not all questions are going +799Zf5YxxmE-00022-00013050-00013526 to fit tidy in each question type. But these are at least the big areas. +799Zf5YxxmE-00023-00013526-00014199 Once you know where you question best fits-that is, what type of question it is- then you can figure out +799Zf5YxxmE-00024-00014200-00014613 what studies can provide the best evidence. This kind of table is really helpful for that +799Zf5YxxmE-00025-00014613-00015403 You can see your question types on the left hand side here and your study types on the right side. The list starts with the strongest type +799Zf5YxxmE-00026-00015403-00015796 of study and then moves down to research that's not as helpful for providing strong evidence. +799Zf5YxxmE-00027-00015796-00016193 So, for an example the majority of healthcare questions +799Zf5YxxmE-00028-00016193-00016983 tend to fall in the therapy category. These are best answered by randomized control trials. If you can't find any of those +799Zf5YxxmE-00029-00016983-00017736 then you move down to cohort studies. If there are none of those either, then you move down to case control and so on. Let's go into some +799Zf5YxxmE-00030-00017736-00018493 detail about each of the study types. We're going to start with the weakest in terms of evidence-based practice and end with the +799Zf5YxxmE-00031-00018493-00019186 strongest. So, case reports and case series are articles written about one patient or a series of patients with the same issue. +799Zf5YxxmE-00032-00019186-00019533 These are great for rare diseases, disorders, or reactions +799Zf5YxxmE-00033-00019533-00019979 but not always the best evidence mainly because it's not generalizable because we're only talking about a few +799Zf5YxxmE-00034-00019980-00020803 people. But, sometimes this is all you can find. When I was a hospital librarian there were patients coming in to the hospital with +799Zf5YxxmE-00035-00020803-00021576 pulmonary embolism and a host of other really strange complications. The doctors finally discovered that these patients had been +799Zf5YxxmE-00036-00021576-00022249 to what were called injection parties where unauthorized people were injecting silicone into their bodies- a sort of cheap and illegal +799Zf5YxxmE-00037-00022250-00022770 form of cosmetic surgery. There was absolutely no high level evidence out there on +799Zf5YxxmE-00038-00022770-00023290 this sort of a topic but there were some case reports +799Zf5YxxmE-00039-00023290-00024033 Case control studies look a group of patients who have a disease, a condition, or exposure- these are known as the cases- with those who +799Zf5YxxmE-00040-00024033-00024776 don't have the same disease or exposure. They're known as the controls. This looks backwards in time +799Zf5YxxmE-00041-00024776-00025666 also known as retrospective. Sometimes this is the only ethical way to do a study. One of those recognizable examples of case control research +799Zf5YxxmE-00042-00025666-00026263 is the thalidomide babies. Doctors were seeing alarming number of severe birth defects +799Zf5YxxmE-00043-00026263-00026603 so they compared those babies without the defects +799Zf5YxxmE-00044-00026603-00027183 and found that those with defects had mothers who took thalidomide while pregnant. There was already a high degree of suspicion that +799Zf5YxxmE-00045-00027183-00027739 thalidomide was causing these defects. But doctors could not randomly assigned some +799Zf5YxxmE-00046-00027739-00027956 expectant moms to take the drugs while others didn't +799Zf5YxxmE-00047-00027956-00028496 because totally uncool. So they had to look back in time. You will see these in a lot of the harm +799Zf5YxxmE-00048-00028496-00029039 or etiology type of questions because of these ethical issues +799Zf5YxxmE-00049-00029039-00029886 A cohort study follows groups (known as cohorts) that are linked in some way and it follows them overtime to see the effect of +799Zf5YxxmE-00050-00029886-00030733 something. It is going forward in time- also known as prospective. Many of the well known cohort studies go on for a very long time +799Zf5YxxmE-00051-00030733-00031403 In some cases the original researchers and participants have died and they're moving on to a second or third generation. An example of +799Zf5YxxmE-00052-00031403-00031849 this is the Framingham heart study it started in 1948 +799Zf5YxxmE-00053-00031850-00032589 that first followed about 5000 residents of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts looking for those who develop heart disease and those +799Zf5YxxmE-00054-00032589-00033333 who didn't and they wanted to see what was different between the two. This is the study were rediscovered a ton of really important +799Zf5YxxmE-00055-00033333-00034229 connections between lifestyle choices like smoking and diet and cardiovascular disease. This is still going on where the researchers are +799Zf5YxxmE-00056-00034230-00034573 following the children and grandchildren of the original participants +799Zf5YxxmE-00057-00034573-00035323 A prospective blind comparison to a gold standard is how many new diagnostic tools are tested. It compares the new tool to what is +799Zf5YxxmE-00058-00035323-00036073 currently considered the gold standard. This is a controlled trial the looks of patients with varying degrees of an illness and administers both the +799Zf5YxxmE-00059-00036073-00036573 new and the gold standard diagnostic tests. An example of this is finding easier cheaper and +799Zf5YxxmE-00060-00036573-00037076 faster methods to diagnose strep throat in children +799Zf5YxxmE-00061-00037076-00037726 A randomized control trial is a study that assigns participants into a control group or into an experimental group. Obviously there is +799Zf5YxxmE-00062-00037726-00038163 way more to it than that but that's the two cent explanation +799Zf5YxxmE-00063-00038163-00038596 This type of study is truly the backbone of health sciences research +799Zf5YxxmE-00064-00038596-00038886 It's not an easy type of research to do +799Zf5YxxmE-00065-00038886-00039449 and it can be expensive in terms of both dollars and time. But, a well done randomized control +799Zf5YxxmE-00066-00039450-00040013 trial can control for differences in the participants and bias at many levels +799Zf5YxxmE-00067-00040013-00040773 If you throw a rock in PubMed, you're probably going to hit a randomized controlled trial. They are everywhere! When it comes to +799Zf5YxxmE-00068-00040773-00041533 finding evidence-based information this is one of the biggies. Though a good randomized control trial can be a great source too especially +799Zf5YxxmE-00069-00041533-00042296 if there's no systematic reviews on your area of interest. A systematic review is usually written by a group of researchers who provide an +799Zf5YxxmE-00070-00042296-00042806 unbiased, comprehensive review of all relevant studies on a particular clinical +799Zf5YxxmE-00071-00042806-00043566 or health related topic or question. They're supposed to review all the information from published studies and unpublished studies +799Zf5YxxmE-00072-00043566-00044453 focusing on clinical trials or similar treatment. So the whole 'all the information' should give your pause. Seriously, who is going to review all the +799Zf5YxxmE-00073-00044453-00045343 research on topic? Well, these groups do. That's why it can take years to complete. It's important to distinguish a literature review from +799Zf5YxxmE-00074-00045343-00045936 a systematic review. You'll generally see literature reviews in the intro section of articles +799Zf5YxxmE-00075-00045936-00046666 It lets you know that the authors reviewed some other research related to their topic. You may even have to do a literature review yourself. +799Zf5YxxmE-00076-00046666-00047326 Unless you're pulling all the research there is, you are not doing a systematic review and really that's okay +799Zf5YxxmE-00077-00047326-00047756 Now, you'll generally see the words 'systematic review' in the title +799Zf5YxxmE-00078-00047756-00048129 of these articles just because it's so hard to do they wanna make sure everyone knows that's what it is. +799Zf5YxxmE-00079-00048130-00048620 In the bottom example you won't see the word systematic review in the title +799Zf5YxxmE-00080-00048620-00049443 but if you look at where it's coming from- its coming from a database called the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Pretty much +799Zf5YxxmE-00081-00049443-00050266 everything in there is a systematic review. So, if you see Cochrane as the author or the source it's a good bet that it's a systematic review a +799Zf5YxxmE-00082-00050266-00050816 Meta analysis is a subset of the systematic review. It's kind of like a super systematic review +799Zf5YxxmE-00083-00050816-00051446 It takes a systematic review process one step further by applying statistical analyses +799Zf5YxxmE-00084-00051446-00052209 to evaluate all the different studies as if they were one. So, with a systematic review you can look it 10 separate studies on smoking +799Zf5YxxmE-00085-00052210-00053040 cessation to draw a conclusion about effective treatment. With a meta-analysis you treat the studies as one after a lot of really complicated +799Zf5YxxmE-00086-00053040-00053490 statistics. So you could be looking at total number or an 'N' +799Zf5YxxmE-00087-00053490-00054283 in the tens or even hundreds of thousands. I've heard meta-analysis compared to creating rope. Just one strand is not very strong but when you +799Zf5YxxmE-00088-00054283-00054816 combine many strands to have something you could rely on. A meta-analysis is considered +799Zf5YxxmE-00089-00054816-00055346 the best of the best when it comes to evidence-based information. So how do you know what type of +799Zf5YxxmE-00090-00055346-00055879 study a research article falls into? A lot of the times it will tell you right there in the title +799Zf5YxxmE-00091-00055879-00056050 very convenient +799Zf5YxxmE-00092-00056050-00056823 If it doesn't say so in the title, look in the abstract. If it doesn't say so in the abstract pull the full article (if you have access to it) and look +799Zf5YxxmE-00093-00056823-00057339 in the method section. Now that we know a little more about what each of the studies actually +799Zf5YxxmE-00094-00057340-00057856 entail, let's think about why the studies appear where they do on this chart +799Zf5YxxmE-00095-00057856-00058633 Randomized controlled trials are pretty much the gold standard but you can't always find one. In some instances it would be extremely +799Zf5YxxmE-00096-00058633-00059413 unethical and probably illegal. So you move on to a cohort. If you can find a systematic review of randomized controlled trials +799Zf5YxxmE-00097-00059413-00059933 on your topic, well, do a little dance because someone has done all the heavy lifting for you +799Zf5YxxmE-00098-00059933-00060803 Okay- summing up. You should have a pretty good feel for what the main question types are which are therapy, prognosis, diagnosis, and +799Zf5YxxmE-00099-00060803-00061386 harm. And you should also have an understanding of what each study type entails. Next we'll talk +799Zf5YxxmE-00100-00061386-00061969 about the varying levels of evidence and how we can use the libraries resources +799Zf5YxxmE-00101-00061970-00062343 to find great evidence-based information +799Zf5YxxmE-00102-00062343-00063089 To reward you for making it through a less than exciting lecture here's an adorable baby pig! +7qM6cFMORhI-00000-00000006-00000678 Isn't it tough? Being a business means being a leader in an unknown path. You make critical +7qM6cFMORhI-00001-00000678-00001368 decisions every day that involves other people and you may face overwhelm. Even at your best there's +7qM6cFMORhI-00002-00001368-00001884 bound to be something that doesn't work out and if your mental health suffers things could really +7qM6cFMORhI-00003-00001884-00002604 unravel into survival mode. I know that pain. Four years ago I was just starting out as a business +7qM6cFMORhI-00004-00002604-00003354 owner. Not only was I super stressed out, I was beating myself up too. Some weeks I felt almost +7qM6cFMORhI-00005-00003354-00003954 okay but then something didn't work out a project fell through and I was devastated over and over +7qM6cFMORhI-00006-00003954-00004722 again. My business and my health were at risk and I was afraid my depression would come back. So how +7qM6cFMORhI-00007-00004722-00005400 did I manage my depressive emotions and uplift my self-talk and be confident in my business? +7qM6cFMORhI-00008-00005496-00005952 Well it came down to the practices from mindfulness and Dance Movement therapy. +7sTyLEVl7o4-00000-00000029-00000453 affixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00001-00000165-00000557 so a root is the core meaning of the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00002-00000453-00000861 word +7sTyLEVl7o4-00003-00000557-00000949 and the affix adds a certain grammatical +7sTyLEVl7o4-00004-00000861-00001109 dimension +7sTyLEVl7o4-00005-00000949-00001277 or maybe changes the meaning a little +7sTyLEVl7o4-00006-00001109-00001493 bit +7sTyLEVl7o4-00007-00001277-00001629 in this video we're going to take a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00008-00001493-00001917 detailed look at +7sTyLEVl7o4-00009-00001629-00002053 affixes and what is the relationship is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00010-00001917-00002341 between affixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00011-00002053-00002525 and roots so we're going to describe +7sTyLEVl7o4-00012-00002341-00002709 affixes by their position +7sTyLEVl7o4-00013-00002525-00002893 relative to the root we're going to call +7sTyLEVl7o4-00014-00002709-00002981 them prefixes if they come before the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00015-00002893-00003213 root +7sTyLEVl7o4-00016-00002981-00003301 suffix if they come afterwards a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00017-00003213-00003621 circumfix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00018-00003301-00003733 if they are around the root both before +7sTyLEVl7o4-00019-00003621-00003869 and after +7sTyLEVl7o4-00020-00003733-00004101 and we're going to call them +7sTyLEVl7o4-00021-00003869-00004413 an infix if they break into the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00022-00004101-00004605 root and sort of nestle in the middle +7sTyLEVl7o4-00023-00004413-00004733 we're also going to describe how +7sTyLEVl7o4-00024-00004605-00004925 languages combine +7sTyLEVl7o4-00025-00004733-00005085 morphemes in their words there's +7sTyLEVl7o4-00026-00004925-00005245 languages that are called isolating +7sTyLEVl7o4-00027-00005085-00005509 because they keep +7sTyLEVl7o4-00028-00005245-00005685 one morpheme in one word and their +7sTyLEVl7o4-00029-00005509-00005829 words are generally just one morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00030-00005685-00005957 per word +7sTyLEVl7o4-00031-00005829-00006157 there's languages that are called +7sTyLEVl7o4-00032-00005957-00006477 fusional where a single morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00033-00006157-00006605 can pack a lot of meanings inside of one +7sTyLEVl7o4-00034-00006477-00006829 morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00035-00006605-00007021 there's languages that are agglutinative +7sTyLEVl7o4-00036-00006829-00007077 where each morpheme tends to have one +7sTyLEVl7o4-00037-00007021-00007245 meaning +7sTyLEVl7o4-00038-00007077-00007517 but morphemes can still be stuck +7sTyLEVl7o4-00039-00007245-00007661 together like little lego pieces +7sTyLEVl7o4-00040-00007517-00007909 and we're going to look at +7sTyLEVl7o4-00041-00007661-00008157 examples of polysynthetic languages +7sTyLEVl7o4-00042-00007909-00008325 which have words that can have several +7sTyLEVl7o4-00043-00008157-00008741 roots and several affixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00044-00008325-00009029 combined alright +7sTyLEVl7o4-00045-00008741-00009061 you know English English has prefixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00046-00009029-00009429 and +7sTyLEVl7o4-00047-00009061-00009733 suffixes for example in "cats" there is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00048-00009429-00010037 an affix here that's a suffix because +7sTyLEVl7o4-00049-00009733-00010349 it comes after the root in +7sTyLEVl7o4-00050-00010037-00010485 "unbreakable" we have one prefix that +7sTyLEVl7o4-00051-00010349-00010789 comes before the root +7sTyLEVl7o4-00052-00010485-00011181 and one suffix "able" which comes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00053-00010789-00011405 after the root +7sTyLEVl7o4-00054-00011181-00011557 suffixes and prefixes are used for +7sTyLEVl7o4-00055-00011405-00011869 verbal conjugations in +7sTyLEVl7o4-00056-00011557-00012197 many languages for example in Spanish +7sTyLEVl7o4-00057-00011869-00012501 we use suffixes to conjugate verbs +7sTyLEVl7o4-00058-00012197-00012709 you can have a word like "toco" as in "I +7sTyLEVl7o4-00059-00012501-00013021 play a musical instrument" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00060-00012709-00013117 or "tocas" "you play" like a musical +7sTyLEVl7o4-00061-00013021-00013357 instrument +7sTyLEVl7o4-00062-00013117-00013421 so we have the very stable root "toc" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00063-00013357-00013661 right here +7sTyLEVl7o4-00064-00013421-00013773 and we have two suffixes one that means +7sTyLEVl7o4-00065-00013661-00014085 first person +7sTyLEVl7o4-00066-00013773-00014341 present and the other one second person +7sTyLEVl7o4-00067-00014085-00014453 present so these suffixes conjugate the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00068-00014341-00014701 verb +7sTyLEVl7o4-00069-00014453-00014837 in Navajo Navajo does the same thing +7sTyLEVl7o4-00070-00014701-00015189 with prefixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00071-00014837-00015541 so we have these words "naashne" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00072-00015189-00015781 "naanine" they mean "I am playing +7sTyLEVl7o4-00073-00015541-00015949 a musical instrument" "you are playing a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00074-00015781-00016445 musical instrument" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00075-00015949-00016805 "ne" is the root it means "to play" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00076-00016445-00016949 "naa" is a prefix an inflectional prefix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00077-00016805-00017141 that tells you that something is a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00078-00016949-00017493 continuous aspect that something is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00079-00017141-00017597 happening continuously and then these +7sTyLEVl7o4-00080-00017493-00017797 prefixes here +7sTyLEVl7o4-00081-00017597-00017957 "sh" and "ne" tell you that the verb is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00082-00017797-00018277 being done by the first person +7sTyLEVl7o4-00083-00017957-00018581 "I" or the second person "you" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00084-00018277-00018821 so Spanish uses suffixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00085-00018581-00019053 for verbal conjugation Navajo uses +7sTyLEVl7o4-00086-00018821-00019229 prefixes for verbal conjugation +7sTyLEVl7o4-00087-00019053-00019397 and by the way you remember that Swahili +7sTyLEVl7o4-00088-00019229-00019637 uses prefixes too +7sTyLEVl7o4-00089-00019397-00019821 to tell you who the first or the second +7sTyLEVl7o4-00090-00019637-00020045 person are +7sTyLEVl7o4-00091-00019821-00020205 so we have prefixes and suffixes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00092-00020045-00020493 languages can have +7sTyLEVl7o4-00093-00020205-00020693 circumfixes which are essentially both a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00094-00020493-00021013 prefix and a suffix at the same time +7sTyLEVl7o4-00095-00020693-00021117 they go around the root so in Malay we +7sTyLEVl7o4-00096-00021013-00021477 have roots like +7sTyLEVl7o4-00097-00021117-00021717 "raja" "king" and if you put +7sTyLEVl7o4-00098-00021477-00021957 this circumfix around it which is used +7sTyLEVl7o4-00099-00021717-00022349 for expressing abstract qualities +7sTyLEVl7o4-00100-00021957-00022349 we get words like "kerajaan" 'kingdom' from "banyak," 'many' we can make "kebanyakan" 'majority' "gelisah" 'anxious' we can make "kegelisahan" 'anxiety' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00101-00023637-00024453 the circumfix "me(m)-...-kan" is to cause something so "bersih" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00102-00024013-00024765 is the adjective 'to be clean' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00103-00024453-00024933 "membersihkan" means 'to cause to be clean' 'to clean +7sTyLEVl7o4-00104-00024765-00025261 something up' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00105-00024933-00025581 "bangun" for someone 'to be awake' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00106-00025261-00025645 or 'to wake up' "membangunkan" means 'for +7sTyLEVl7o4-00107-00025581-00025861 someone to +7sTyLEVl7o4-00108-00025645-00025989 wake up somebody else to cause them to +7sTyLEVl7o4-00109-00025861-00026229 be awake' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00110-00025989-00026309 and finally we have the circumference "me-...-i" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00111-00026229-00026541 which is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00112-00026309-00026637 means to add something so we have the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00113-00026541-00027013 root "warna" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00114-00026637-00027197 'color' "mewarnai" means 'to add color to something' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00115-00027013-00027557 'to color' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00116-00027197-00027949 so circumferences go around the root +7sTyLEVl7o4-00117-00027557-00028229 infixes break into a root and yeah just +7sTyLEVl7o4-00118-00027949-00028357 vessel in there so the language Tagalog +7sTyLEVl7o4-00119-00028229-00028709 from the Philippines uses +7sTyLEVl7o4-00120-00028357-00029069 infixes to conjugate its verbs the infix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00121-00028709-00029141 "um" means past tense and that the verb is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00122-00029069-00029357 focusing +7sTyLEVl7o4-00123-00029141-00029581 on the subject and whoever's doing the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00124-00029357-00029581 verb so "bumasa aka ng libro" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00125-00029765-00030437 means 'I read a book' the root is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00126-00030125-00030685 "basa" 'to read' or it could be "sulat" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00127-00030437-00030893 'to write' and the "um" goes right in the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00128-00030685-00030893 middle "bumasa" "sumulat" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00129-00031045-00031517 there's another infix "in" which also +7sTyLEVl7o4-00130-00031301-00031637 means past tense but that the focus of +7sTyLEVl7o4-00131-00031517-00031949 the action is in the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00132-00031637-00032309 object "binasa ko ang libro" means +7sTyLEVl7o4-00133-00031949-00032453 "I read the book" and again we have roots +7sTyLEVl7o4-00134-00032309-00032933 like "basa" and "sulat" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00135-00032453-00032933 and then the "in" breaks right in "binasa" "sinulat" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00136-00032949-00033365 so we can describe morphemes by their +7sTyLEVl7o4-00137-00033181-00033533 relationship to the root they can come +7sTyLEVl7o4-00138-00033365-00033781 before as a prefix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00139-00033533-00033861 after as a suffix around it like a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00140-00033781-00034181 circumfix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00141-00033861-00034421 or inside as an infix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00142-00034181-00034629 we can also describe a language by how +7sTyLEVl7o4-00143-00034421-00034773 it clusters its morphemes morphemes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00144-00034629-00035109 together +7sTyLEVl7o4-00145-00034773-00035501 so in isolating languages one +7sTyLEVl7o4-00146-00035109-00035765 word tends to have one morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00147-00035501-00035909 Vietnamese is like that we can have a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00148-00035765-00036237 word like +7sTyLEVl7o4-00149-00035909-00036533 "họa sĩ" 'draw expert' which means +7sTyLEVl7o4-00150-00036237-00036621 'artist' so this means draw this means +7sTyLEVl7o4-00151-00036533-00036813 expert +7sTyLEVl7o4-00152-00036621-00036973 and they're two separate words in +7sTyLEVl7o4-00153-00036813-00037405 English "art-ist" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00154-00036973-00037789 is two morphemes in a single word 164 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:36,800' likewise "phi nghĩa" 'not righteous' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00155-00037789-00038109 'not righteous' we have one word per +7sTyLEVl7o4-00156-00037989-00038373 morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00157-00038109-00038445 in English we have three morphemes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00158-00038373-00038749 "un-ethic-al" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00159-00038445-00039053 the root prefix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00160-00038749-00039285 and a suffix and in Vietnamese even the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00161-00039053-00039653 verbal conjugations are their own words +7sTyLEVl7o4-00162-00039285-00039901 so "tôi đã ăn" 'I ate' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00163-00039653-00039989 in this sentence the past tense is the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00164-00039901-00040333 word +7sTyLEVl7o4-00165-00039989-00040597 "dã"" it's own little word it does not +7sTyLEVl7o4-00166-00040333-00040797 it is not like a part or an +7sTyLEVl7o4-00167-00040597-00041013 alteration of the verb "to eat" as it +7sTyLEVl7o4-00168-00040797-00041317 would be in English where we say +7sTyLEVl7o4-00169-00041013-00041565 "eats or ate" so these are isolating +7sTyLEVl7o4-00170-00041317-00041565 languages +7sTyLEVl7o4-00171-00041613-00041941 many languages you have studied are +7sTyLEVl7o4-00172-00041805-00042341 fusional languages +7sTyLEVl7o4-00173-00041941-00042621 this is Spanish, English, French, Latin +7sTyLEVl7o4-00174-00042341-00042685 most European languages in fusional +7sTyLEVl7o4-00175-00042621-00042965 languages +7sTyLEVl7o4-00176-00042685-00043193 you have one morpheme and then you stick +7sTyLEVl7o4-00177-00042965-00043333 a lot of meanings inside of that one +7sTyLEVl7o4-00178-00043193-00043509 morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00179-00043333-00043717 for example in Spanish we have the root +7sTyLEVl7o4-00180-00043509-00043989 "com" and then this little morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00181-00043717-00044093 "o" and this morpheme means that it's the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00182-00043989-00044421 first person +7sTyLEVl7o4-00183-00044093-00044677 it's singular it's the present and that +7sTyLEVl7o4-00184-00044421-00044837 the verb is in fact happening it is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00185-00044677-00045141 called indicative +7sTyLEVl7o4-00186-00044837-00045309 so this means 'I eat' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00187-00045141-00045485 and this little "o" is doing a lot of +7sTyLEVl7o4-00188-00045309-00045549 heavy lifting it has all these four +7sTyLEVl7o4-00189-00045485-00045901 meanings +7sTyLEVl7o4-00190-00045549-00046117 meaning stuck into it the word "comi" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00191-00045901-00046261 also has one little morpheme that's +7sTyLEVl7o4-00192-00046117-00046581 doing a lot of work +7sTyLEVl7o4-00193-00046261-00046741 "i" means that it's first singular past +7sTyLEVl7o4-00194-00046581-00046965 that it's perfect so the action is +7sTyLEVl7o4-00195-00046741-00047093 complete and that it's indicative so it +7sTyLEVl7o4-00196-00046965-00047533 did happen +7sTyLEVl7o4-00197-00047093-00047725 'I ate' "comi" so one morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00198-00047533-00048085 lots of meanings stuck +7sTyLEVl7o4-00199-00047725-00048085 inside that one little morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00200-00048101-00048485 in agglutinative languages meanings +7sTyLEVl7o4-00201-00048365-00048685 are spread apart +7sTyLEVl7o4-00202-00048485-00048789 so each morpheme tends to have one bit +7sTyLEVl7o4-00203-00048685-00049021 of meaning +7sTyLEVl7o4-00204-00048789-00049189 but the morphemes still stick together +7sTyLEVl7o4-00205-00049021-00049381 like lego pieces +7sTyLEVl7o4-00206-00049189-00049533 Turkish and Swahili are examples of +7sTyLEVl7o4-00207-00049381-00049861 agglutinative languages +7sTyLEVl7o4-00208-00049533-00050189 so for example in Turkish "yerim" means +7sTyLEVl7o4-00209-00049861-00050341 'I eat' "yedim" means 'I ate' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00210-00050189-00050557 and you can see that there's a piece +7sTyLEVl7o4-00211-00050341-00050805 here that means the present tense +7sTyLEVl7o4-00212-00050557-00050901 and a bit here that means the past tense +7sTyLEVl7o4-00213-00050805-00051173 and a separate +7sTyLEVl7o4-00214-00050901-00051381 bit that means "I" in both of them and the +7sTyLEVl7o4-00215-00051173-00051573 tense and the person are separated in +7sTyLEVl7o4-00216-00051381-00051765 their own little morpheme +7sTyLEVl7o4-00217-00051573-00051949 so agglutinative languages tend to +7sTyLEVl7o4-00218-00051765-00052061 have one meaning per morpheme and then +7sTyLEVl7o4-00219-00051949-00052301 to bunch those +7sTyLEVl7o4-00220-00052061-00052477 morphemes up together Swahili is like +7sTyLEVl7o4-00221-00052301-00052741 that "nilikula" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00222-00052477-00053117 has one morpheme for the past tense and +7sTyLEVl7o4-00223-00052741-00053317 one morpheme for the person +7sTyLEVl7o4-00224-00053117-00053437 finally in polysynthetic languages you +7sTyLEVl7o4-00225-00053317-00053773 can have many roots +7sTyLEVl7o4-00226-00053437-00054149 and affixes smushed into a single word +7sTyLEVl7o4-00227-00053773-00054501 so in Nahuatl you can have a word like +7sTyLEVl7o4-00228-00054149-00054669 "nitaxkahchijua" 'I tortilla make' and that would +7sTyLEVl7o4-00229-00054501-00054909 be a single word where you have mixed +7sTyLEVl7o4-00230-00054669-00055229 the direct object and the verb +7sTyLEVl7o4-00231-00054909-00055293 this word "nitonalkochi" means 'I sleep +7sTyLEVl7o4-00232-00055229-00055469 all day' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00233-00055293-00055621 but it would literally be something like +7sTyLEVl7o4-00234-00055469-00055853 'I day sleep' +7sTyLEVl7o4-00235-00055621-00056005 which again "day sleep" would be a single +7sTyLEVl7o4-00236-00055853-00056197 compound word +7sTyLEVl7o4-00237-00056005-00056325 we call these languages polysynthetic +7sTyLEVl7o4-00238-00056197-00056557 languages +7sTyLEVl7o4-00239-00056325-00056789 the language Tiwi from Australia +7sTyLEVl7o4-00240-00056557-00056877 is very polysynthetic you can have a +7sTyLEVl7o4-00241-00056789-00057221 word like +7sTyLEVl7o4-00242-00056877-00057581 "pitiwuliyondjirrurlimpirrani" +7sTyLEVl7o4-00243-00057221-00057837 which means 'they it the dead wallaby +7sTyLEVl7o4-00244-00057581-00057989 carry on their shoulders' in the past +7sTyLEVl7o4-00245-00057837-00058133 'they would carry the dead wallaby +7sTyLEVl7o4-00246-00057989-00058525 on their shoulders' and this is just +7sTyLEVl7o4-00247-00058133-00059077 one word with as you can see both roots +7sTyLEVl7o4-00248-00058525-00059077 and affixes in a single word +7sTyLEVl7o4-00249-00059093-00059429 so in summary there's many ways to +7sTyLEVl7o4-00250-00059245-00059701 classify morphemes you can classify them +7sTyLEVl7o4-00251-00059429-00060061 by their position relative to the root +7sTyLEVl7o4-00252-00059701-00060445 before as in a prefix after suffix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00253-00060061-00060613 around circumfix inside infix +7sTyLEVl7o4-00254-00060445-00060813 you can also describe a language by how +7sTyLEVl7o4-00255-00060613-00061037 it clusters at morphemes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00256-00060813-00061125 an isolating language tends to have +7sTyLEVl7o4-00257-00061037-00061445 one +7sTyLEVl7o4-00258-00061125-00061509 word per morpheme a fusional language +7sTyLEVl7o4-00259-00061445-00061725 has +7sTyLEVl7o4-00260-00061509-00061925 many morphemes in a word but those +7sTyLEVl7o4-00261-00061725-00062037 morphemes have a lot of meanings inside +7sTyLEVl7o4-00262-00061925-00062317 of them +7sTyLEVl7o4-00263-00062037-00062405 agglutinative languages have many +7sTyLEVl7o4-00264-00062317-00062589 morphemes +7sTyLEVl7o4-00265-00062405-00062845 and each morpheme tends to have a single +7sTyLEVl7o4-00266-00062589-00063101 meaning and they're like lego pieces +7sTyLEVl7o4-00267-00062845-00063149 and polysynthetic languages tend to have +7sTyLEVl7o4-00268-00063101-00063685 several +7sTyLEVl7o4-00269-00063149-00063685 roots and affixes in a single word +7zqZSJuhmBy-00000-00000080-00000760 all right today is july 21st 2021 i'm Dr. Keith Currie in conway arkansas at my clinic currie +7zqZSJuhmBy-00001-00000760-00001480 health and wellness diagnostic center and this is my patient mark and mark why did you come to +7zqZSJuhmBy-00002-00001480-00002424 my clinic okay well let me give you a little history um about 15 years ago i had problems +7zqZSJuhmBy-00003-00002424-00003232 with my lower back and it was to the point where i could hardly walk when i did walk i was walking +7zqZSJuhmBy-00004-00003384-00004192 hunched over to one side because it hurt so much and i i went like that for several months i had +7zqZSJuhmBy-00005-00004192-00004648 gone to physical therapy and chiropractor and gotten a little relief but not a lot +7zqZSJuhmBy-00006-00004736-00005392 it was still hurting so i don't know how i found dr curry's office +7zqZSJuhmBy-00007-00005600-00005840 and i came here and uh +7zqZSJuhmBy-00008-00006008-00006968 my first treatment i felt much better right the pain was a lot less just after one treatment +7zqZSJuhmBy-00009-00007144-00007831 and so i finished that uh 15 years ago um i still have a few flare-ups every now and then +7zqZSJuhmBy-00010-00007831-00008616 with my with my back but most of the time uh i feel really good um so why am i here today +7zqZSJuhmBy-00011-00008616-00009312 is this 15 years later i started having problems um with my neck one morning i woke up +7zqZSJuhmBy-00012-00009408-00010296 and i had this excruciating pain in my shoulder didn't know what happened um anyway then the pain +7zqZSJuhmBy-00013-00010352-00011016 went from my it was in my shoulder but then i also would get it in my shoulder blades +7zqZSJuhmBy-00014-00011072-00011992 my arm and my chest um i went to my doctor um we thought it was my shoulder at first +7zqZSJuhmBy-00015-00012224-00012863 but found out i guess a few days later that it was just a pinched nose a pinched nerve +7zqZSJuhmBy-00016-00013008-00013328 i didn't know it at the time but it causes those kind of symptoms +7zqZSJuhmBy-00017-00013608-00014240 so we did some steroids some steroid injections steroid shots we did some muscle relaxers +7zqZSJuhmBy-00018-00014296-00014704 and my doctor told me you know nerve injuries take a while to heal +7zqZSJuhmBy-00019-00014840-00015712 so um about six weeks passed and i'm like i'm just tired of hurting all the time um +7zqZSJuhmBy-00020-00015784-00016648 just simple daily activities like um you know sitting you know like sitting in church driving +7zqZSJuhmBy-00021-00016648-00017320 a car you know there was pain you know trying to sleep at night my shoulder was always hurting +7zqZSJuhmBy-00022-00017448-00017856 and you couldn't find a comfortable position and so it was hard to get sleep +7zqZSJuhmBy-00023-00017944-00018552 and i remembered from 15 years ago when i was getting my treatments for my back at dr curry's +7zqZSJuhmBy-00024-00018552-00019384 that there were patients of his that were getting treated for their neck and so i called dr curry +7zqZSJuhmBy-00025-00019384-00020152 again and um you know he called me back and he said i can get you in for a consultation the +7zqZSJuhmBy-00026-00020152-00020864 next day and i was like yeah yeah because i want something done and uh so we had this consultation +7zqZSJuhmBy-00027-00020960-00021568 and i will say in the consultation you know dr curry listens to what your symptoms you describe +7zqZSJuhmBy-00028-00021568-00022240 your symptoms to him and um and not only does he listens he's watching you i know at one point +7zqZSJuhmBy-00029-00022336-00023008 he said i've noticed you doing this several times and dr curry has a name for it +7zqZSJuhmBy-00030-00023104-00023776 uh i don't know what it is but when i put my hand above my head it gives me relief from the pinched +7zqZSJuhmBy-00031-00023776-00024712 nerve or did at the time um so you know after we talked for probably 15 minutes or so and i +7zqZSJuhmBy-00032-00024712-00025528 explained what my symptoms were he said yes i can help you and we got my treatment the first day +7zqZSJuhmBy-00033-00025727-00026695 um the after i got my first treatment you know i was a little better uh it wasn't uh as dramatic +7zqZSJuhmBy-00034-00026695-00027536 as it was for my back but i could tell that i was improved and uh when we started out work you know +7zqZSJuhmBy-00035-00027536-00028183 and dr curry you know agreed you know it's a pinched nerve my first treatments were on my c5 +7zqZSJuhmBy-00036-00028327-00029232 region and is that the vertebrae c5 and i said i could tell i was better and this went on for a +7zqZSJuhmBy-00037-00029232-00029744 couple of weeks um and i was slowly getting better but you know i still had some pain +7zqZSJuhmBy-00038-00029832-00030488 and then um jenny in the office that you know maybe we should work on another disc and let's +7zqZSJuhmBy-00039-00030488-00031295 work on the c7 and so my last treatments have now been on the c7 and and i continue to improve +7zqZSJuhmBy-00040-00031416-00032192 um when dr curry talked about the treatments you know it was 12 uh 12 treatments and so you +7zqZSJuhmBy-00041-00032192-00032848 know they're three times a week i will say that you know the treatments are painless +7zqZSJuhmBy-00042-00032912-00033680 it's very relaxing um you're laying on a table and just the machine does the work basically +7zqZSJuhmBy-00043-00033680-00034432 and a lot of times i'll just fall asleep while i'm getting my treatment but i will say you know +7zqZSJuhmBy-00044-00034640-00035376 it was a little slower getting better but you know today i i feel very little pain i still +7zqZSJuhmBy-00045-00035376-00036024 have a little bit of tingling in my arm but it is getting better but the pain in my shoulder +7zqZSJuhmBy-00046-00036024-00037032 the pain in my shoulder blades pain in my chest is gone um and um oh that to you know dr curry and +7zqZSJuhmBy-00047-00037032-00037664 his staff who've been wonderful thank you man i really appreciate you what a great testimony +7zqZSJuhmBy-00048-00037664-00037984 you did an awesome job thanks man all right thank you you're welcome +7_IetzaqCjg-00001-00002519-00002569 Sweety, Sweety Yes, Mommy +7_IetzaqCjg-00002-00002569-00002695 Did you eat chocolate No, mommy +7_IetzaqCjg-00003-00008888-00009352 Show me your hands. No thank you. +7KtbR1QZFcI-00000-00000120-00000703 [music] +7KtbR1QZFcI-00001-00002504-00002636 The Following is a Paid Advert- +7KtbR1QZFcI-00002-00003303-00003716 Hi x16 +7KtbR1QZFcI-00003-00004294-00004403 It's Really Fun I Just Put The Belts On +7KtbR1QZFcI-00004-00004505-00004603 For About... +7KtbR1QZFcI-00005-00004872-00005003 And already there is a... +7LXEPvoHO0y-00000-00000000-00000200 Type Beat - Brazil | Rap Instrumental | Type Beat 2023 +7Uj86dhdduc-00000-00000000-00000780 Hey Chabot! Najla Abrao here. Your favorite/ only VP of the Academic/Faculty Senate. +7Uj86dhdduc-00001-00000784-00001304 I wanted to take a moment and show you how you can access the survey that we have. +7Uj86dhdduc-00002-00001304-00001828 Go ahead, log into ClassWeb, and then click on the 'Faculty and Staff' tab. +7Uj86dhdduc-00003-00001828-00002392 You want toscroll all the way to the bottom. So, as i scroll - you gotta go all the way - and then +7Uj86dhdduc-00004-00002392-00003000 there's a tab that says 'Election/Student and Staff Survey'. So go ahead and click on that. +7Uj86dhdduc-00005-00003000-00003568 And when you do that, you'll see our survey pop-up. And if you want to see a draft of the constitution +7Uj86dhdduc-00006-00003568-00003911 that you're going to be voting on, you can go ahead and click that link. Or, if you want to go +7Uj86dhdduc-00007-00003911-00004400 right to your ballot, go ahead and click here. And then you can opt for a 'Yes' or'No'. +7Uj86dhdduc-00008-00004400-00005136 A 'Yes' vote would amend the Academic/Faculty Constitution to the more updated draft. +7Uj86dhdduc-00009-00005136-00005648 And then a 'No' vote would leave it as it is. And you can see we last updated it in 2003. +7Uj86dhdduc-00010-00005704-00006324 So, opt for 'Yes' or 'No'. And then whenever you're done with that make sure that you hit 'Survey Complete'. +7Uj86dhdduc-00011-00006324-00006728 Go ahead and click on that so that your vote is recorded. And if you have any questions, +7Uj86dhdduc-00012-00006728-00007384 just let either myself or Miguel know, and we will get back to you. All right. Thanks so much! Bye! +7VYQvjCGlT8-00000-00000182-00000472 Hello everyone, you are on the Game channel of Lonelon. +7VYQvjCGlT8-00002-00000626-00000940 Today I will show you and tell you how to download Minecraft! +7VYQvjCGlT8-00005-00001484-00001703 I showed you how to download minecraft when I already had it installed, but it is not available now. +7VYQvjCGlT8-00007-00002123-00002257 Go to Google +7VYQvjCGlT8-00009-00002962-00003192 And write +7VYQvjCGlT8-00010-00003251-00003357 The link in the description +7VYQvjCGlT8-00014-00004684-00004975 I repeat the link to the site: what I leave in the description +7VYQvjCGlT8-00017-00006565-00006665 Go to the Menu +7VYQvjCGlT8-00018-00006798-00006917 Click on download Minecraft +7VYQvjCGlT8-00019-00007402-00007583 There will be an ad here but you can skip it. +7VYQvjCGlT8-00020-00007938-00008232 We choose what we want, and I will choose the latest version. +7VYQvjCGlT8-00023-00008806-00009123 Then I will show you and tell you how to download hacked Minecraft ( This will not happen ) +7VYQvjCGlT8-00032-00012009-00012302 Now I'll show you the installation instructions +7VYQvjCGlT8-00034-00012572-00012852 Easy instructions +7VYQvjCGlT8-00035-00012852-00013201 You will need one app ( not currently available ) +7VYQvjCGlT8-00037-00013534-00013704 This is Լucky Patcher +7VYQvjCGlT8-00042-00015929-00016245 Minecraft has already been downloaded +7VYQvjCGlT8-00043-00016323-00016573 That's not all +7VYQvjCGlT8-00044-00016640-00016826 Click Next, Then Install +7VYQvjCGlT8-00045-00017624-00017756 Waiting (Sorry they didn't delete this item, I didn't know about the montage yet ) +7VYQvjCGlT8-00056-00022012-00022305 If you open it it will not go into the game +7VYQvjCGlT8-00057-00022315-00022650 Go to Lucky Patcher +7VYQvjCGlT8-00058-00024046-00024320 Click on the Minecraft +7VYQvjCGlT8-00059-00024320-00024475 Then in the Patch Menu +7VYQvjCGlT8-00061-00024963-00025312 Choose the second +7VYQvjCGlT8-00065-00026625-00026952 I waited a long time +7VYQvjCGlT8-00068-00027571-00027748 Click on Go to File and select (Delete and Install changes to the APK +7VYQvjCGlT8-00073-00028803-00028975 Click delete Minecraft +7VYQvjCGlT8-00074-00029389-00029556 And click install +7VYQvjCGlT8-00089-00032682-00032894 Click on open +7VYQvjCGlT8-00109-00040398-00040498 All until and until new meetings +7VYQvjCGlT8-00110-00040565-00040697 All until and until new meetings +7ai7CYODf1I-00000-00000003-00000306 YouTube Poop +7ai7CYODf1I-00001-00002497-00002697 Get Off My Lawn!!!!! (What The Hell Does A Disney Movie Appear?) Hello Woody Is It Exiting. +7ai7CYODf1I-00002-00003150-00003350 I’ll Be Back. Aaaaaaaaah! +7ai7CYODf1I-00003-00003840-00004082 Stay Tuned for more videos of me! +7bj6r6rdhhg-00000-00002605-00002858 John Jameson was an artist. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00001-00002858-00003424 Born in 1842, he was a professional pianist in New York by the time he was a teenager. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00002-00003424-00003988 The great American landscape painter, Frederc Church discovered Jameson painting abilities +7bj6r6rdhhg-00003-00003988-00004598 and by 1859 Jameson was enrolled in the National Academy of Design. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00004-00004598-00005144 When asked where Jameson's future lie, his piano instructor, the renowned composer William +7bj6r6rdhhg-00005-00005144-00005711 Mason replied, "I was not competent to judge his ability as a painter, but it seemed to +7bj6r6rdhhg-00006-00005711-00006066 me that I had never met a finer musical talent. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00007-00006066-00006790 Mr. Church expressed a nearly similar opinion regarding his talent for painting. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00008-00006790-00007294 When the Civil War broke out Jameson wanted to enlist, but was talked out of it by his +7bj6r6rdhhg-00009-00007294-00007404 friends and colleagues. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00010-00007404-00007961 He spent the first two years of the war travelling in upstate New York, painting landscapes, +7bj6r6rdhhg-00011-00007961-00008330 and performing in New York's finest music halls. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00012-00008330-00008854 His paintings captured the essense of the Hudson River school of painting, and his patron, +7bj6r6rdhhg-00013-00008854-00009443 Frederic Church, felt he was destined for greatness. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00014-00009443-00009746 But the call to serve was too strong. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00015-00009746-00010445 John Jameson enlisted on January 2, 1864, telling his friends, "I should be ashamed +7bj6r6rdhhg-00016-00010445-00010896 to be staying at home at my ease, while other were off fighting at the front." +7bj6r6rdhhg-00017-00010896-00011614 He joined the 1st CT Cavalry, and served as a QM Sgt, although, ever the musician, he +7bj6r6rdhhg-00018-00011614-00011874 frequently led his comrades in camp music. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00019-00011874-00012545 He was captured on June 29, 1864, and sent to Andersonville. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00020-00012545-00013078 Almost as soon as he arrived, he was admitted to the prison hospital with diarrhea, where +7bj6r6rdhhg-00021-00013078-00013591 he died on August 31, 1864. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00022-00013591-00014293 He was buried in grave 7, 365, but this stone is no longer there. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00023-00014293-00014948 Jameson's friend and patron, Frederic Church, arranged to have him exhumed in 1866 and reinterred +7bj6r6rdhhg-00024-00014948-00015159 in Hartford, CT. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00025-00015159-00015757 This gap in a sea of headstones represents the lost potential of John Jameson, and the +7bj6r6rdhhg-00026-00015757-00016175 thousands who gave their lives in defense of our country. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00027-00016175-00016637 His best work died with him, unpaitned for eternity. +7bj6r6rdhhg-00028-00016637-00017269 His future did not lie with exhibitions in the Met, or the Louvre, or more Broadway performances, +7bj6r6rdhhg-00029-00017269-00019234 but rather, in an empty grave, in rural Georgia. +7gm41QOa0iM-00000-00000039-00000531 You can only set a goal according to your present level of understanding and knowledge, isn’t it? +7gm41QOa0iM-00001-00000531-00000814 You think you’ve reached a point where you know everything in the universe? +7gm41QOa0iM-00002-00000814-00001156 So if you set a goal, what kind of goal will you set? +7gm41QOa0iM-00003-00001156-00001330 A very meager goal. +7gm41QOa0iM-00004-00001330-00001654 I would tell the young people, “Don’t set a goal”. +7gm41QOa0iM-00005-00001654-00002134 If you have absolute devotion to what you’re doing right now, +7gm41QOa0iM-00006-00002134-00002596 depending upon the times and the opportunities, we will go as far as we go. +7gm41QOa0iM-00007-00002596-00002916 But if you are always concerned about the finish line. +7gm41QOa0iM-00008-00002916-00003461 If you get to the goal, you will be disappointed, if you don’t get there, you will be broken. +7gm41QOa0iM-00009-00003461-00004162 Most successful people on the planet - How many of them are joyfully driving their BMW? +7gm41QOa0iM-00010-00004162-00004800 Only those who are absolutely devoted to what they are doing, they have done significant things on this planet, +7gm41QOa0iM-00011-00004800-00004970 and that’s what you must do. +7gm41QOa0iM-00012-00004970-00005408 Superscript: Goal Devotion +7gm41QOa0iM-00013-00005408-00006026 Speaker: Sadhguru, all of us sitting in this hall have some goals, +7gm41QOa0iM-00014-00006026-00006666 and as most of us are students, our goals are at the maximum level. +7gm41QOa0iM-00015-00006666-00007344 We would like to know, we are very eager to know, when you were of our age, +7gm41QOa0iM-00016-00007344-00007690 what did… what was that thing which you wanted to become? +7gm41QOa0iM-00017-00007690-00008006 What was your goal? +7gm41QOa0iM-00018-00008006-00008244 Sadhguru: Oh (Laughs), +7gm41QOa0iM-00019-00008244-00008824 this is beginning like an interrogation (Laughter). +7gm41QOa0iM-00020-00008824-00009544 Well, frankly, I had no goal of any kind +7gm41QOa0iM-00021-00009544-00010428 to such a point that my father used to (Gestures)… +7gm41QOa0iM-00022-00010428-00011026 “What will this boy do? He’s not interested in anything.” +7gm41QOa0iM-00023-00011026-00011568 Well, it was completely wrong, because I was interested in so many things. +7gm41QOa0iM-00024-00011568-00011870 I was not interested in the things that he was interested (Laughs). +7gm41QOa0iM-00025-00011870-00012242 I was absolutely interested in many, many things. +7gm41QOa0iM-00026-00012242-00013116 See when we say “goals,” we must understand this, from where you are, if you set a goal for your life, +7gm41QOa0iM-00027-00013116-00013752 you can only set a goal according to your present level of understanding and knowledge, isn’t it? +7gm41QOa0iM-00028-00013752-00014208 You think you’ve reached a point where you know everything in the universe? +7gm41QOa0iM-00029-00014208-00014524 So if you set a goal, what kind of goal will you set? +7gm41QOa0iM-00030-00014524-00014791 A very meager goal. +7gm41QOa0iM-00031-00014791-00015334 And if you grow rapidly, you’ll be terribly disappointed with your own goal. +7gm41QOa0iM-00032-00015334-00016032 But this has been taught to you in the recent years, that you must be “goal oriented.” +7gm41QOa0iM-00033-00016032-00016174 If you… +7gm41QOa0iM-00034-00016174-00016568 Let’s say you want mangoes in your house – +7gm41QOa0iM-00035-00016568-00016996 if you want mangoes, you don’t have to think of mangoes. +7gm41QOa0iM-00036-00016996-00017640 You have to think of soil, you have to think of manure, you have to think of water, you have to think of sunlight. +7gm41QOa0iM-00037-00017640-00018064 None of them look or taste like mangoes. +7gm41QOa0iM-00038-00018064-00018422 But if you take care of those things, mangoes will come. +7gm41QOa0iM-00039-00018422-00018756 But suppose you have a strong desire for mango, +7gm41QOa0iM-00040-00018756-00019676 but you did nothing about growing a mango tree in your home, you will want to steal it from him, if he has. +7gm41QOa0iM-00041-00019676-00019882 Yes or no? +7gm41QOa0iM-00042-00019882-00020518 So if you have goals – what you’re calling as “goals” is just your desires, +7gm41QOa0iM-00043-00020518-00021100 and your desires are just an outcome of the kind of thought process that you have right now. +7gm41QOa0iM-00044-00021100-00021666 The kind of thought process that you have right now is only dependent upon +7gm41QOa0iM-00045-00021666-00022034 the sort of data that you have collected right now. +7gm41QOa0iM-00046-00022034-00022900 In twenty years’ time of life, what kind of data do you believe you have gathered to set a goal for life? +7gm41QOa0iM-00047-00022900-00023144 Not necessary. +7gm41QOa0iM-00048-00023144-00023496 So this is something that I’m bringing about. +7gm41QOa0iM-00049-00023496-00024370 Recently… every year we have this business… we have a business event in the month of November. +7gm41QOa0iM-00050-00024370-00024600 Many business leaders come… +7gm41QOa0iM-00051-00024600-00024830 All the top business leaders have been there. +7gm41QOa0iM-00052-00024830-00025272 Two-hundred CEOs come every year to train with us for four days. +7gm41QOa0iM-00053-00025272-00025802 So last year, one of them was asking me, who is running a major multi-national company, +7gm41QOa0iM-00054-00025802-00026344 “Sadhguru, we pick the best from the IITs and IIMs +7gm41QOa0iM-00055-00026344-00027016 and we keep paying them more and more and they keep asking for more and more. +7gm41QOa0iM-00056-00027016-00027577 But when I look at your organization, you pay nothing to any of them, +7gm41QOa0iM-00057-00027577-00028039 and it seems to function many times better than our corporation. +7gm41QOa0iM-00058-00028039-00028245 What is the secret?” +7gm41QOa0iM-00059-00028245-00029089 I said, “See, this is all it is – we are devoted to the process, we are not concerned about the goal. +7gm41QOa0iM-00060-00029089-00029400 We are absolutely devoted to the process.” +7gm41QOa0iM-00061-00029400-00029752 Because our devotion to the process of what we’re doing right now… +7gm41QOa0iM-00062-00029752-00030444 If you do not do what you’re doing right now well, your goal is just going to be a fancy desire, isn’t it? +7gm41QOa0iM-00063-00030444-00030494 Participants: Yes. +7gm41QOa0iM-00064-00030494-00030722 Sadhguru: Hello? +7gm41QOa0iM-00065-00030722-00030864 Yes or no? Hello? +7gm41QOa0iM-00066-00030864-00030932 Participants: Yes. +7gm41QOa0iM-00067-00030932-00031450 Sadhguru: Your goal is going to be just a fanciful desire that you’ve made up in your mind, +7gm41QOa0iM-00068-00031450-00031936 and that is not even yours, your goals are all borrowed from ten other people. +7gm41QOa0iM-00069-00031936-00032320 Whatever is the trend today, that is your goal, isn’t it? +7gm41QOa0iM-00070-00032320-00032648 I would tell the young people, “Don’t set a goal”. +7gm41QOa0iM-00071-00032648-00033105 If you have absolute devotion to what you’re doing right now, +7gm41QOa0iM-00072-00033106-00033694 depending upon the times and the opportunities, we will go as far as we go. +7gm41QOa0iM-00073-00033694-00034002 But if you are always concerned about the finish line +7gm41QOa0iM-00074-00034002-00034610 and not the step that you’re taking right now, you will fall flat on your face, most probably. +7gm41QOa0iM-00075-00034610-00035278 If you get to the goal, you will be disappointed, if you don’t get there, you will be broken. +7gm41QOa0iM-00076-00035278-00035514 Most successful people on the planet… +7gm41QOa0iM-00077-00035514-00036278 I want you to just look at it, don’t… don’t just go by what I say, just go on the street and watch people. +7gm41QOa0iM-00078-00036278-00036616 Leave the people who are driving bullock cart and this and that. +7gm41QOa0iM-00079-00036616-00037192 Just watch those people who are driving BMWs, Mercedes and whatever else, okay? +7gm41QOa0iM-00080-00037192-00037558 Successful people, just carefully watch them. +7gm41QOa0iM-00081-00037558-00038070 How many of them are joyfully driving their BMW? +7gm41QOa0iM-00082-00038070-00038214 Hello? +7gm41QOa0iM-00083-00038214-00038746 How many of them are joyfully driving their dream car that they worked for? +7gm41QOa0iM-00084-00038746-00039902 You will see hardly anybody… hardly anybody unless it’s a stolen car (Laughter/Applause). +7gm41QOa0iM-00085-00039902-00040376 So those who have gotten to their goals are disappointed, +7gm41QOa0iM-00086-00040376-00040762 those who cannot… could not get there are broken and frustrated. +7gm41QOa0iM-00087-00040762-00041042 What’s the point of a life like this? +7gm41QOa0iM-00088-00041042-00041396 Your ability to do things is enhanced only +7gm41QOa0iM-00089-00041396-00041988 when you’re absolutely, absolutely devoted to the process in which you’re involved. +7gm41QOa0iM-00090-00041988-00042666 I’m using the word devotion intentionally, because people think devotion means going to the temple. +7gm41QOa0iM-00091-00042666-00043126 You tell me, in any field, any arena of life – +7gm41QOa0iM-00092-00043126-00043784 sport, art, music, politics, spirituality, you name it whatever you want, academics – +7gm41QOa0iM-00093-00043784-00044286 has anybody reached any significant levels of achievement +7gm41QOa0iM-00094-00044286-00044652 without being devoted to what they are doing? +7gm41QOa0iM-00095-00044652-00044726 Hello? +7gm41QOa0iM-00096-00044726-00044778 Participants: No. +7gm41QOa0iM-00097-00044778-00044998 Sadhguru: Has anybody reached? +7gm41QOa0iM-00098-00044998-00045244 Mediocre things they’ve done. +7gm41QOa0iM-00099-00045244-00045894 Only those who are absolutely devoted to what they are doing, they have done significant things on this planet, +7gm41QOa0iM-00100-00045894-00046436 and that’s what you must do (Applause) +7gm41QOa0iM-00101-00046436-00047006 Moderator (Praneet): Sadhguru, so as you told us that goals… those who achieve the goals +7gm41QOa0iM-00102-00047006-00047380 (Sadhguru Gestures) are… aren’t that happy, and those who don’t have… +7gm41QOa0iM-00103-00047380-00047774 Sadhguru: I thought I’ll just scare you a little bit (Laughter). +7gm41QOa0iM-00104-00047774-00048248 Moderator (Praneet): And those who don’t have goals are also not happy, +7gm41QOa0iM-00105-00048248-00048512 but goals are the starting point, but a lot… +7gm41QOa0iM-00106-00048512-00048769 Sadhguru: No, no, no. Please, let me correct this. +7gm41QOa0iM-00107-00048770-00049584 Is goal a starting point or a finishing line? Please (Laughter). Which is it? +7gm41QOa0iM-00108-00049584-00049724 Moderator (Praneet): It’s both ways (Laughs). +7gm41QOa0iM-00109-00049724-00049812 Sadhguru: How is that? +7gm41QOa0iM-00110-00049812-00050268 How is goal a starting point? Is goal a finishing line or a starting point? +7gm41QOa0iM-00111-00050268-00050520 Please, please you must tell me. +7gm41QOa0iM-00112-00050520-00050946 All of you, is goal a starting line or a finishing line? +7gm41QOa0iM-00113-00050947-00051136 Participants: Finishing Line. +7gm41QOa0iM-00114-00051136-00051387 Sadhguru: What is this? +7gm41QOa0iM-00115-00051387-00052185 Moderator (Praneet): But like if… goal is something that motivates us to like… once we think of a goal in mind… +7gm41QOa0iM-00116-00052185-00052474 Sadhguru: You’re coming to the point now. +7gm41QOa0iM-00117-00052474-00053374 So, you have been trained like a circus monkey (Laughter), you know? +7gm41QOa0iM-00118-00053374-00053791 Circus monkeys are like this, if you want them to do a trick, +7gm41QOa0iM-00119-00053791-00054241 you have to give them a sweet (Gestures like circus monkey) (Laughter). +7gm41QOa0iM-00120-00054241-00054822 Otherwise, “I won’t do it.” One more little sweet. (Gestures like circus monkey) +7gm41QOa0iM-00121-00054822-00055298 Don’t be a circus monkey. I thought we evolved out of being monkeys long time ago. +7gm41QOa0iM-00122-00055298-00055555 Hello? +7gm41QOa0iM-00123-00055555-00056214 So you are only working – “What will I get? What will I get? What will I get?” +7gm41QOa0iM-00124-00056214-00056394 What the hell will you get? +7gm41QOa0iM-00125-00056394-00056946 You’ll die one day, that’s all. (Laughter/Applause) +7gm41QOa0iM-00126-00056946-00057170 You think you’re going to get something in the end? +7gm41QOa0iM-00127-00057170-00057405 No, you’re just going to die one day. +7gm41QOa0iM-00128-00057405-00058041 The question is only how beautiful, and significant, and intense of a life that you lived. +7gm41QOa0iM-00129-00058041-00058176 That’s all there is. +7gm41QOa0iM-00130-00058176-00058617 What will you get in the end? Goal is the end point, isn’t it? +7gm41QOa0iM-00131-00058617-00058866 What do you think you’ll get at the end of your life? +7gm41QOa0iM-00132-00058866-00059522 I want you to visit old age homes, hospices, where people are reaching the end of their life. +7gm41QOa0iM-00133-00059522-00059824 Just look at them and see, what do you think they’ve gotten? +7gm41QOa0iM-00134-00059824-00059912 Nothing. +7gm41QOa0iM-00135-00059912-00060384 Either they lived a profound life or they did not, that’s all there is (Applause). +7i4mTugajhU-00000-00000078-00000372 Ghamasan.com +7jKAuEWqlwI-00000-00000158-00000662 >> SiliconANGLE Media presents theCUBE! +7jKAuEWqlwI-00001-00000811-00001124 Covering AlibabaCloud's annual conference. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00002-00001302-00001546 Brought to you by Intel. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00003-00001639-00001980 Now, here's John Furrier... +7jKAuEWqlwI-00004-00002262-00002651 >> Hello everyone, I'm John Furrier, the co-founder of SiliconANGLE, Wikibon, and theCUBE, for +7jKAuEWqlwI-00005-00002651-00003209 our exclusive coverage in Hangzhou, China for Alibaba Cloud Conference here, it's a +7jKAuEWqlwI-00006-00003209-00003310 Cloud Computing Conference. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00007-00003310-00003504 The entire city is a cloud. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00008-00003504-00003990 We're here at the Intel booth with Peter Chen, who's the general manager of Products and +7jKAuEWqlwI-00009-00003990-00004318 Technology, for Data Center Group Sales of Intel Corporation. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00010-00004318-00004789 Peter, AI is the hottest topic, IoT, Alibaba Cloud, I mean, a huge event here mixing, kind +7jKAuEWqlwI-00011-00004789-00005498 of a cultural shift, generational shift, young developers. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00012-00005498-00005803 >> Definitely lots of crowd, you can see people surrounding us, right? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00013-00005803-00006314 So, artificial intelligence is definitely a hot word here in China for the past 12 months. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00014-00006314-00006632 Everybody's trying to figure it out, what's going on, how they can really use them, so +7jKAuEWqlwI-00015-00006632-00007068 we're very excited as well to really partner with Alibaba to really explore some of the +7jKAuEWqlwI-00016-00007068-00007204 potentials. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00017-00007204-00007556 >> I had a chance to speak with some of the Alibaba executives, and obviously, a strategic +7jKAuEWqlwI-00018-00007556-00008061 partnership with Intel, pretty strategic, and it matters what's inside the Cloud. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00019-00008061-00008389 But it's not an Intel inside like a PC. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00020-00008389-00008922 The AI is showing that there's a little bit of Intel on everything, from IoT, industrial +7jKAuEWqlwI-00021-00008922-00009197 IoT to data center. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00022-00009197-00009678 It's a range of technology that's powering a new kind of software. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00023-00009678-00009789 This is where AI is shining. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00024-00009789-00010250 We're seeing that with machine learning and as data driven technology. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00025-00010250-00010361 So, I got to ask you. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00026-00010361-00010606 What is the view from Intel on AI? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00027-00010606-00010964 Obviously, we see the commercials, we see the technology from Intel. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00028-00010964-00011187 How does that translate to your view on AI? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00029-00011187-00011314 What's that view? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00030-00011314-00011760 >> So, essentially today's AI, artificial intelligence, is powered by three factors, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00031-00011760-00012309 the amount of data, the new algorithms, and lastly the compute power. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00032-00012309-00012709 And Intel has historically been the leader of create and compute. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00033-00012709-00013236 So, for the past many years, we has always been generating new compute powers into the +7jKAuEWqlwI-00034-00013236-00013440 cloud and data centers as well as PCs. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00035-00013440-00013995 But going forward as we look at applying AI to different usages like autonomous driving, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00036-00013995-00014534 for example, you cannot expect everything to be done just in the cloud because we need +7jKAuEWqlwI-00037-00014534-00015090 the real data to be inputted from a car, for instance, all the cameras, all the sensors. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00038-00015090-00015665 So, we do definitely see a need of actually faster processors at the edge as well to constantly +7jKAuEWqlwI-00039-00015665-00016228 bring in the data back into the cloud, so they have an autonomous feedback loop, make +7jKAuEWqlwI-00040-00016228-00016376 sure there will be right decision making. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00041-00016376-00016525 >> Yeah, so Cloud drives this, right? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00042-00016525-00016776 So, it's not just Cloud though, it's software. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00043-00016776-00017170 There's exponential growth in open source software that's causing a Renaissance in the +7jKAuEWqlwI-00044-00017170-00017270 developer community. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00045-00017270-00017681 You're seeing it here in China, a lot of young demographics here. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00046-00017681-00017920 Software and data's tsunami going on. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00047-00017920-00018087 You need compute power. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00048-00018087-00018187 >> Yes, yes. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00049-00018187-00018640 I think, everybody knows Intel is a hardware company, but we do have a very large effort +7jKAuEWqlwI-00050-00018640-00018806 on engaging a software ecosystem. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00051-00018806-00019276 From the old days on engaging Linux, the cloud different software stack, and working with +7jKAuEWqlwI-00052-00019276-00019834 CSPs like Alibaba in China to really make sure they can create and write the new latest +7jKAuEWqlwI-00053-00019834-00020353 software AI framework and taking the most advantage of our hardware platform as well. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00054-00020353-00020543 So, that's something that we've been very focusing on. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00055-00020543-00020835 >> And one of the themes here is the IoT for traffic in China. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00056-00020835-00021081 Obviously, if you've been here, you know it's kind of congested. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00057-00021081-00021656 But Alibaba is giving a lot of talks on how they're using data in this cloud city for +7jKAuEWqlwI-00058-00021656-00022285 traffic, which is an example of IoT, Internet of Things, but applied to the real world. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00059-00022285-00022481 That's where the AI kind of connects with the data. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00060-00022481-00022612 Is that kind of where it's going? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00061-00022612-00023023 >> Yeah, so I think this is a great application, as you just mentioned. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00062-00023023-00023204 And Alibaba calls it City Brain. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00063-00023204-00023866 So, essentially, imagine a normal city like in China, can easily go five million, 10 million +7jKAuEWqlwI-00064-00023866-00023966 people. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00065-00023966-00024243 The amount of people and the amount of traffic that goes on the road every day. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00066-00024243-00024812 So, if the city is able to utilize all these videos' stream of data, feedback from different +7jKAuEWqlwI-00067-00024812-00025456 traffic intersections, and be able to direct traffics and control the traffic lights dynamically, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00068-00025456-00025963 using artificial intelligence, you'd actually solve a lot of the city's congestion problem. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00069-00025963-00026391 So, I think this is where we are seeing a lot of application being explored in China, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00070-00026391-00026697 they're using very innovative, different ways by Alibaba. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00071-00026697-00026988 >> Peter, I've got to ask you because one of the things we're seeing in theCUBE and +7jKAuEWqlwI-00072-00026988-00027427 Wikibon Research is the growth of new kinds of ecosystems. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00073-00027427-00027801 Karen Liu, who runs the America's, general manages for America's Alibaba, said to me +7jKAuEWqlwI-00074-00027801-00028116 that ecosystem is super important for Alibaba as an example. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00075-00028116-00028327 But a new kind of ecosystem is developing. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00076-00028327-00028933 Cloud service providers are becoming a new hot growth area because the specialty of building +7jKAuEWqlwI-00077-00028933-00029381 applications in the cloud is not like it was kind of in the old days. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00078-00029381-00029869 You got to have a little bit of a cloud native mindset, but yet, domain expertise, whether +7jKAuEWqlwI-00079-00029869-00030127 it's traffic or a certain vertical solution. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00080-00030127-00030341 So, it's a little bit of both. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00081-00030341-00030588 Always often scalable, yet specialism. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00082-00030588-00030976 This is going to create a lot of opportunities for cloud service providers. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00083-00030976-00031152 What's your view on that from Intel's perspective? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00084-00031152-00031359 How are you guys seeing that market? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00085-00031359-00031463 Do you agree? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00086-00031463-00031718 And what are you guys looking at, at that market? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00087-00031718-00032356 >> So, obviously cloud service provider, the likes of Alibaba or Amazon, are one of our +7jKAuEWqlwI-00088-00032356-00032633 fastest growing customer base over the past five years. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00089-00032633-00033186 And in the near future, we expect this trend to continue to grow. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00090-00033186-00033784 We definitely see CSPs as a leading edge of driving innovation because they are not just +7jKAuEWqlwI-00091-00033784-00034402 the leading edge of driving consumer usages but they also, like the City Brain project, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00092-00034402-00034805 they've been really close on solving the enterprise problem as well with public cloud. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00093-00034805-00035272 So, I think we're very excited to have the opportunity to be a close partner with a CSP +7jKAuEWqlwI-00094-00035272-00035769 like Alibaba to really help them, providing our latest hardware technology to allow them +7jKAuEWqlwI-00095-00035769-00036262 to drive innovation on top of this offer and with the programs and the algorithms. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00096-00036262-00036628 >> How are they, how are those big cloud service providers, or CSPs like Alibaba, they're a +7jKAuEWqlwI-00097-00036628-00037113 big one, they're the fourth cloud in the world, enabling their CSPs? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00098-00037113-00037553 Because I was just talking to someone on the floor here, an ISV in the old world, who was +7jKAuEWqlwI-00099-00037553-00038247 telling me that he's now a cloud service provider, so you have now this nice balance in the ecosystem +7jKAuEWqlwI-00100-00038247-00038399 developing. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00101-00038399-00038499 You guys see the same thing? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00102-00038499-00038599 How do you guys, looking at that? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00103-00038599-00038844 >> So, this is what we call a hybrid situation. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00104-00038844-00039396 So, while the big CSPs like Alibaba, they have a lot of competency and they have a lot +7jKAuEWqlwI-00105-00039396-00039810 of internal engineering, it may not make sense for them to create every single application +7jKAuEWqlwI-00106-00039810-00039910 in the world. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00107-00039910-00040493 So, there may be some legacy enterprise application, for instance, a CRM software in China, maybe +7jKAuEWqlwI-00108-00040493-00041009 it was really popular, for them to forge a collaboration with the leading company Alibaba +7jKAuEWqlwI-00109-00041009-00041515 to translate their on-prem software stack into a cloud solution. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00110-00041515-00041878 So, I think we definitely see a lot of that collaboration happening, to take the best +7jKAuEWqlwI-00111-00041878-00042334 of the best from the legacy as well as the new public cloud environment to really make +7jKAuEWqlwI-00112-00042334-00042637 the better service for the companies and the customers. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00113-00042637-00042737 >> Create ecosystem opportunity. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00114-00042737-00042909 Okay, so I got to ask. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00115-00042909-00043421 What is the Intel relationship that you guys are doing on your end with Alibaba Cloud? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00116-00043421-00043687 Obviously, they're taking names, they're kicking butt. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00117-00043687-00043787 They're doing well. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00118-00043787-00043887 They're going global. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00119-00043887-00043987 They're not just in China. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00120-00043987-00044312 They're the first cloud provider here in China to go outside the mainland. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00121-00044312-00044711 Obviously, they're in the US, they're in Silicon Valley, our backyard. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00122-00044711-00044819 What's the collaboration? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00123-00044819-00044919 Share the relationship. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00124-00044919-00045056 >> We work very closely with Alibaba. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00125-00045056-00045475 Like you said, they're now the leading cloud service provider in China. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00126-00045475-00045690 They're starting going abroad. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00127-00045690-00046124 And we as an ingredient, knowledge provider perspective, we have a very close collaboration +7jKAuEWqlwI-00128-00046124-00046612 with them, sharing with them our technologies on hardware roadmap as well as software enabling +7jKAuEWqlwI-00129-00046612-00046838 to make sure they can take full advantage of it. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00130-00046838-00047303 So, we're very excited to see the growth of Alibaba over the past few years, and we look +7jKAuEWqlwI-00131-00047303-00047681 forward to seeing them continue to expand their business together with us. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00132-00047681-00047784 >> Yeah, great company. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00133-00047784-00048141 So, I got to ask you, one of the collaborations that got my attention was the, I don't want +7jKAuEWqlwI-00134-00048141-00048534 to say hack-a-thon, it was a competition, it was the AI competition called Tianchi that +7jKAuEWqlwI-00135-00048534-00048706 you guys were a part of with Alibaba. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00136-00048706-00048896 What was Intel's role in that? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00137-00048896-00049053 I saw some of the winners earlier. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00138-00049053-00049484 I didn't get a chance to get the specifics, but take me through this AI competition that +7jKAuEWqlwI-00139-00049484-00049690 Alibaba did with these entrepreneurs. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00140-00049690-00049850 >> So, I'm very, actually very excited. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00141-00049850-00050165 I just talked to one of the winning team just now. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00142-00050165-00050719 So, what happened is, when we talk about artificial intelligence, today it's a lot about image +7jKAuEWqlwI-00143-00050719-00051111 recognition, voice recognition but that's just pure technology. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00144-00051111-00051680 So, what Alibaba decide to do, which in terms of partner, is we created a medical image +7jKAuEWqlwI-00145-00051680-00051780 contest. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00146-00051780-00052694 So, we pick a particular subject, for instance, lung cancer and we invited 16 local hospitals +7jKAuEWqlwI-00147-00052694-00053316 to provide some of the image data of the patients anonymously, and then we opened it up for +7jKAuEWqlwI-00148-00053316-00053789 the software ecosystem, the academia, professors, the schools, and say, hey, why don't you come +7jKAuEWqlwI-00149-00053789-00054394 in and try to compete on the image recognition accuracy based on those X-ray images, using +7jKAuEWqlwI-00150-00054394-00054494 these images? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00151-00054494-00054846 So, it takes about six, we have overwhelming turnout. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00152-00054846-00055490 We have about 3,000 teams from 20 different countries applying to join in the contest, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00153-00055490-00055910 and then we just select the winner yesterday. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00154-00055910-00056404 So, basically, the three winning teams, two of them are from the best universities here +7jKAuEWqlwI-00155-00056404-00056708 in China, one of them is from overseas. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00156-00056708-00057075 And again, Intel's role in this is we provide a lot of consultation help. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00157-00057075-00057544 First of all, we provide the hardware system based on our Xeon Phi clusters, and on top +7jKAuEWqlwI-00158-00057544-00057941 of that, we provide a lot of the software tools, Caffe, image recognition libraries, +7jKAuEWqlwI-00159-00057941-00058579 Intel material libraries to really help the contestant to be able to use the Intel hardware +7jKAuEWqlwI-00160-00058579-00058799 for the maximum to drive the best performance. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00161-00058799-00059232 >> And so, you guys provided the technology, Alibaba the Cloud, and let these guys just +7jKAuEWqlwI-00162-00059232-00059332 take. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00163-00059332-00059432 What was the results? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00164-00059432-00059557 Was there any success? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00165-00059557-00059657 Was there a winner? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00166-00059657-00059757 >> There was a winner. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00167-00059757-00059922 I think the big winner was Beijing University. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00168-00059922-00060397 But I think overall, we are not just excited just because of this specific winners but +7jKAuEWqlwI-00169-00060397-00060501 really the larger intent. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00170-00060501-00061164 If you can imagine in a country like China, there's a lot of people, meaning there's a +7jKAuEWqlwI-00171-00061164-00061779 lot of patients at different part of the country, and not every tier two, tier three city have +7jKAuEWqlwI-00172-00061779-00062091 the same resource or access of the best doctors. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00173-00062091-00062714 If we're able to simplify the lung cancer image recognition to be able to provide this +7jKAuEWqlwI-00174-00062714-00063379 as a tool for all the tier two, tier three cities of China, imagine how much this will +7jKAuEWqlwI-00175-00063379-00063479 change. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00176-00063479-00063592 >> It's a societal impact. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00177-00063592-00063692 >> Definitely. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00178-00063692-00063817 >> And you've got a collective intelligence. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00179-00063817-00064186 It's almost like an open source kind of thing, where the more people doing it. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00180-00064186-00064367 >> It gets better, it gets better. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00181-00064367-00064494 >> The fly wheel. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00182-00064494-00064816 >> And then, we have definitely a lot of hospitals who want to really take advantage of this +7jKAuEWqlwI-00183-00064816-00064916 as well. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00184-00064916-00065352 So, we're really glad on the results of this first round, and I think Alibaba will do a +7jKAuEWqlwI-00185-00065352-00065662 next round with a different subject as well, and we're looking forward to partnering with +7jKAuEWqlwI-00186-00065662-00065762 them again. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00187-00065762-00065862 >> That's inspirational. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00188-00065862-00065962 Okay, great to have you on. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00189-00065962-00066062 Thanks for the commentary. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00190-00066062-00066162 Exclusive coverage. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00191-00066162-00066410 Final thought, what's your thoughts on the event? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00192-00066410-00066510 Where's AI going? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00193-00066510-00066981 Where do you see this trajectory of Alibaba and Intel going? +7jKAuEWqlwI-00194-00066981-00067216 >> So, definitely the event's wonderful and great. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00195-00067216-00067322 This is my third year here. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00196-00067322-00067582 It gets just bigger and bigger every time. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00197-00067582-00067961 So, I'm looking forward to come back for the next couple of years again. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00198-00067961-00068275 Our collaboration with Alibaba has been very close. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00199-00068275-00068823 We work with each other deeply, with our engineers' collaboration, and I look forward to continuing +7jKAuEWqlwI-00200-00068823-00068986 to bring out more successful projects. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00201-00068986-00069336 >> And they're really bringing together, not just science and developers, but artists. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00202-00069336-00069929 You've got a music festival here, feels like South by Southwest meets a developer conference. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00203-00069929-00070387 Societal impact, traffic, solving problems, lung cancer, big data, and data is changing +7jKAuEWqlwI-00204-00070387-00070487 the world. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00205-00070487-00070668 Now, you need the compute power, you need the analytics. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00206-00070668-00071104 Of course, you need SiliconANGLE and theCUBE and Wikibon, exclusive coverage here in China +7jKAuEWqlwI-00207-00071104-00071365 of the Alibaba Cloud Conference. +7jKAuEWqlwI-00208-00071365-00071627 Thanks for watching. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00000-00000060-00000286 TO HELP SAILORS AND THEIR FAMILIES GET INTO THE +7nb4gbyRPpM-00001-00000286-00000593 HOLIDAY SPIRIT YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE'S MWR FITNESS +7nb4gbyRPpM-00002-00000593-00000747 HOSTED A UNIQUE EVENT. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00003-00000747-00000947 PETTY OFFICER BROOKS WAS THERE FOR THE SPLASHING +7nb4gbyRPpM-00004-00000947-00001057 GOOD TIME. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00005-00001057-00001314 YOKOSUKA'S PURDY GYM NATATORIUM IS BUZZING WITH +7nb4gbyRPpM-00006-00001314-00001514 THE SOUNDS OF CHILDREN PLAYING AND SPLASHING +7nb4gbyRPpM-00007-00001514-00001624 AROUND. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00008-00001624-00001831 BUT THAT'S NOT THE ONLY REASON WHY THEY'RE HERE. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00009-00001831-00002048 THEY'RE ALSO HERE TO SWIM WITH THE JOLLY MAN +7nb4gbyRPpM-00010-00002048-00002372 HIMSELF, SANTA, AS THEY JOIN HIM AND MRS. CLAUS +7nb4gbyRPpM-00011-00002372-00002572 FOR THE FOURTH ANNUAL SWIM WITH SANTA. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00012-00002602-00002809 I THINK IT'S JUST REALLY IMPORTANT TO HAVE EVENTS +7nb4gbyRPpM-00013-00002809-00003049 WHERE CAN COME AND HANG OUT AND SPEND TIME +7nb4gbyRPpM-00014-00003049-00003159 TOGETHER. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00015-00003159-00003393 SO BEING ABLE TO PROVIDE THAT FOR OUR COMMUNITY IS +7nb4gbyRPpM-00016-00003393-00003503 VERY IMPORTANT. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00017-00003503-00003740 THIS EVENT GIVES KIDS AND THEIR PARENTS THE CHANCE +7nb4gbyRPpM-00018-00003740-00004054 TO DECORATE A CHRISTMAS TREE IN A VERY UNIQUE WAY +7nb4gbyRPpM-00019-00004054-00004274 WHILE TESTING THEIR SWIMMING SKILLS AND THEIR +7nb4gbyRPpM-00020-00004274-00004527 ABILITY TO HANG ORNAMENTS AT THE SAME TIME. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00021-00004527-00004811 THESE KIDS WENT TO WORK HANGING MORE THAN A +7nb4gbyRPpM-00022-00004811-00005075 HUNDRED ORNAMENTS BETWEEN THE TWO TREES AND REALLY +7nb4gbyRPpM-00023-00005075-00005305 SHOWED THEIR DEDICATION TO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00024-00005305-00005435 PETTY OFFICER BRIAN M. +7nb4gbyRPpM-00025-00005435-00005935 BROOKS YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE JAPAN. +81JNUw6hHwo-00000-00000080-00000662 Along a Tennessee River Bank lies a field of Secrets. The late prehistory and +81JNUw6hHwo-00001-00000662-00001212 proto history is very rich and very unknown at this point. We probably have +81JNUw6hHwo-00002-00001212-00001809 15 to 20 houses. Join the East Tennessee State University archaeology team as +81JNUw6hHwo-00003-00001809-00002265 they uncover the mysteries beneath our feet and unlock the Secrets of the Nolichucky River. +82zzHElzEAE-00000-00000010-00000053 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH +82zzHElzEAE-00001-00000053-00000060 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH +82zzHElzEAE-00002-00000060-00000240 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. +82zzHElzEAE-00003-00000240-00000246 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. +82zzHElzEAE-00004-00000246-00000330 >>> AND NOW MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >> DENNIS: LAKELAND PUBLIC +82zzHElzEAE-00005-00000330-00000336 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> DENNIS: LAKELAND PUBLIC +82zzHElzEAE-00006-00000336-00000533 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> DENNIS: LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION IS LOOKING FOR YOUR +82zzHElzEAE-00007-00000533-00000540 >> DENNIS: LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION IS LOOKING FOR YOUR +82zzHElzEAE-00008-00000540-00000734 >> DENNIS: LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION IS LOOKING FOR YOUR FEEDBACK ABOUT CLOSED CAPTIONING +82zzHElzEAE-00009-00000734-00000740 TELEVISION IS LOOKING FOR YOUR FEEDBACK ABOUT CLOSED CAPTIONING +82zzHElzEAE-00010-00000740-00000824 TELEVISION IS LOOKING FOR YOUR FEEDBACK ABOUT CLOSED CAPTIONING SERVICES. +82zzHElzEAE-00011-00000824-00000830 FEEDBACK ABOUT CLOSED CAPTIONING SERVICES. +82zzHElzEAE-00012-00000830-00000924 FEEDBACK ABOUT CLOSED CAPTIONING SERVICES. LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION +82zzHElzEAE-00013-00000924-00000930 SERVICES. LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION +82zzHElzEAE-00014-00000930-00001107 SERVICES. LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION PROVIDES REAL TIME CLOSED +82zzHElzEAE-00015-00001107-00001114 LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION PROVIDES REAL TIME CLOSED +82zzHElzEAE-00016-00001114-00001287 LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION PROVIDES REAL TIME CLOSED CAPTIONING OF LAKELAND NEWS. +82zzHElzEAE-00017-00001287-00001294 PROVIDES REAL TIME CLOSED CAPTIONING OF LAKELAND NEWS. +82zzHElzEAE-00018-00001294-00001421 PROVIDES REAL TIME CLOSED CAPTIONING OF LAKELAND NEWS. THIS SERVICE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY +82zzHElzEAE-00019-00001421-00001428 CAPTIONING OF LAKELAND NEWS. THIS SERVICE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY +82zzHElzEAE-00020-00001428-00001524 CAPTIONING OF LAKELAND NEWS. THIS SERVICE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE MINNESOTA +82zzHElzEAE-00021-00001524-00001531 THIS SERVICE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE MINNESOTA +82zzHElzEAE-00022-00001531-00001684 THIS SERVICE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, +82zzHElzEAE-00023-00001684-00001691 A GRANT FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, +82zzHElzEAE-00024-00001691-00001841 A GRANT FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DEAF AND HARD-OF-HEARING +82zzHElzEAE-00025-00001841-00001848 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DEAF AND HARD-OF-HEARING +82zzHElzEAE-00026-00001848-00001935 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DEAF AND HARD-OF-HEARING SERVICES DIVISION. +82zzHElzEAE-00027-00001935-00001941 DEAF AND HARD-OF-HEARING SERVICES DIVISION. +82zzHElzEAE-00028-00001941-00002092 DEAF AND HARD-OF-HEARING SERVICES DIVISION. YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY PUSHING THE +82zzHElzEAE-00029-00002092-00002098 SERVICES DIVISION. YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY PUSHING THE +82zzHElzEAE-00030-00002098-00002308 SERVICES DIVISION. YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY PUSHING THE CC BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE OR BY +82zzHElzEAE-00031-00002308-00002315 YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY PUSHING THE CC BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE OR BY +82zzHElzEAE-00032-00002315-00002489 YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY PUSHING THE CC BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE OR BY CLICKING ON THE MENU BUTTON OF +82zzHElzEAE-00033-00002489-00002495 CC BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE OR BY CLICKING ON THE MENU BUTTON OF +82zzHElzEAE-00034-00002495-00002549 CC BUTTON ON YOUR REMOTE OR BY CLICKING ON THE MENU BUTTON OF YOUR REMOTE. +82zzHElzEAE-00035-00002549-00002555 CLICKING ON THE MENU BUTTON OF YOUR REMOTE. +82zzHElzEAE-00036-00002555-00002709 CLICKING ON THE MENU BUTTON OF YOUR REMOTE. IF YOU'RE HAVING DIFFICULTIES +82zzHElzEAE-00037-00002709-00002716 YOUR REMOTE. IF YOU'RE HAVING DIFFICULTIES +82zzHElzEAE-00038-00002716-00002839 YOUR REMOTE. IF YOU'RE HAVING DIFFICULTIES ACCESSING THIS FEATURE, YOU CAN +82zzHElzEAE-00039-00002839-00002846 IF YOU'RE HAVING DIFFICULTIES ACCESSING THIS FEATURE, YOU CAN +82zzHElzEAE-00040-00002846-00002946 IF YOU'RE HAVING DIFFICULTIES ACCESSING THIS FEATURE, YOU CAN CONTACT OUR ENGINEERING TEAM +82zzHElzEAE-00041-00002946-00002952 ACCESSING THIS FEATURE, YOU CAN CONTACT OUR ENGINEERING TEAM +82zzHElzEAE-00042-00002952-00003386 ACCESSING THIS FEATURE, YOU CAN CONTACT OUR ENGINEERING TEAM HERE AT (218)333-3001. +82zzHElzEAE-00043-00003386-00003393 CONTACT OUR ENGINEERING TEAM HERE AT (218)333-3001. +82zzHElzEAE-00044-00003393-00003506 CONTACT OUR ENGINEERING TEAM HERE AT (218)333-3001. NOW, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR +82zzHElzEAE-00045-00003506-00003513 HERE AT (218)333-3001. NOW, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR +82zzHElzEAE-00046-00003513-00003646 HERE AT (218)333-3001. NOW, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR OPINION ABOUT OUR CAPTIONING +82zzHElzEAE-00047-00003646-00003653 NOW, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR OPINION ABOUT OUR CAPTIONING +82zzHElzEAE-00048-00003653-00003703 NOW, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR OPINION ABOUT OUR CAPTIONING SERVICE. +82zzHElzEAE-00049-00003703-00003710 OPINION ABOUT OUR CAPTIONING SERVICE. +82zzHElzEAE-00050-00003710-00003853 OPINION ABOUT OUR CAPTIONING SERVICE. WE'VE SET UP A SHORT SURVEY ON +82zzHElzEAE-00051-00003853-00003860 SERVICE. WE'VE SET UP A SHORT SURVEY ON +82zzHElzEAE-00052-00003860-00003980 SERVICE. WE'VE SET UP A SHORT SURVEY ON OUR WEBSITE THAT SHOULDN'T TAKE +82zzHElzEAE-00053-00003980-00003987 WE'VE SET UP A SHORT SURVEY ON OUR WEBSITE THAT SHOULDN'T TAKE +82zzHElzEAE-00054-00003987-00004194 WE'VE SET UP A SHORT SURVEY ON OUR WEBSITE THAT SHOULDN'T TAKE MORE THAN ABOUT A MINUTE TO +82zzHElzEAE-00055-00004194-00004200 OUR WEBSITE THAT SHOULDN'T TAKE MORE THAN ABOUT A MINUTE TO +82zzHElzEAE-00056-00004200-00004254 OUR WEBSITE THAT SHOULDN'T TAKE MORE THAN ABOUT A MINUTE TO COMPLETE. +82zzHElzEAE-00057-00004254-00004260 MORE THAN ABOUT A MINUTE TO COMPLETE. +82zzHElzEAE-00058-00004260-00004391 MORE THAN ABOUT A MINUTE TO COMPLETE. YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY FOLLOWING +82zzHElzEAE-00059-00004391-00004397 COMPLETE. YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY FOLLOWING +82zzHElzEAE-00060-00004397-00004821 COMPLETE. YOU CAN ACCESS IT BY FOLLOWING THE LINK UP SEE ON THE SCREEN. +8q2nYHz9SeA-00000-00000000-00000324 He has taken all the house furniture. +8q2nYHz9SeA-00001-00000336-00000508 You think he cares? +8q2nYHz9SeA-00002-00000528-00000684 What? +8q2nYHz9SeA-00003-00001548-00001736 You’ve even lost your honor! +8q2nYHz9SeA-00004-00001736-00001928 You’re putting me on trial... +8q2nYHz9SeA-00005-00001984-00002148 and you have already issued the sentence. +8q2nYHz9SeA-00006-00002148-00002400 You’ve created a monstrous image of me for this kid, haven’t you? +8q2nYHz9SeA-00007-00002400-00002588 What has my sister told you? +8q2nYHz9SeA-00008-00002588-00002740 You think I shot the forester? +8q2nYHz9SeA-00009-00002740-00003136 The prey in the mountains isn't enough? Now you’ve come for us! Ahmad, the... +8q2nYHz9SeA-00010-00003315-00003432 I'll take Navid with me. +8q2nYHz9SeA-00011-00004208-00004276 Open the door. +8q2nYHz9SeA-00012-00004276-00004452 Navid I'm talking to you. Open the door. +8q2nYHz9SeA-00013-00004644-00004724 Navid! +8sUGH_eguRu-00000-00000010-00000063 TO NUMBER TWO RANKED CLARKSON +8sUGH_eguRu-00001-00000063-00000070 TO NUMBER TWO RANKED CLARKSON +8sUGH_eguRu-00002-00000070-00000270 TO NUMBER TWO RANKED CLARKSON 2-NOTHING. +8sUGH_eguRu-00003-00000270-00000276 TO NUMBER TWO RANKED CLARKSON 2-NOTHING. +8sUGH_eguRu-00004-00000276-00000400 TO NUMBER TWO RANKED CLARKSON 2-NOTHING. >>> BSU FOOTBALL BACK THE HOME +8sUGH_eguRu-00005-00000400-00000407 2-NOTHING. >>> BSU FOOTBALL BACK THE HOME +8sUGH_eguRu-00006-00000407-00000573 2-NOTHING. >>> BSU FOOTBALL BACK THE HOME TOMORROW AFTERNOON HOSTING U OF +8sUGH_eguRu-00007-00000573-00000580 >>> BSU FOOTBALL BACK THE HOME TOMORROW AFTERNOON HOSTING U OF +8sUGH_eguRu-00008-00000580-00000663 >>> BSU FOOTBALL BACK THE HOME TOMORROW AFTERNOON HOSTING U OF MARY. +8sUGH_eguRu-00009-00000663-00000670 TOMORROW AFTERNOON HOSTING U OF MARY. +8sUGH_eguRu-00010-00000670-00000794 TOMORROW AFTERNOON HOSTING U OF MARY. BEAVERS COMING OFF THEIR FIRST +8sUGH_eguRu-00011-00000794-00000800 MARY. BEAVERS COMING OFF THEIR FIRST +8sUGH_eguRu-00012-00000800-00000914 MARY. BEAVERS COMING OFF THEIR FIRST SHUTOUT WIN SINCE 2012. +8sUGH_eguRu-00013-00000914-00000920 BEAVERS COMING OFF THEIR FIRST SHUTOUT WIN SINCE 2012. +8sUGH_eguRu-00014-00000920-00001107 BEAVERS COMING OFF THEIR FIRST SHUTOUT WIN SINCE 2012. NOW THEY GET READY TO PREPARE +8sUGH_eguRu-00015-00001107-00001114 SHUTOUT WIN SINCE 2012. NOW THEY GET READY TO PREPARE +8sUGH_eguRu-00016-00001114-00001357 SHUTOUT WIN SINCE 2012. NOW THEY GET READY TO PREPARE FOR THE TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE +8sUGH_eguRu-00017-00001357-00001364 NOW THEY GET READY TO PREPARE FOR THE TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE +8sUGH_eguRu-00018-00001364-00001494 NOW THEY GET READY TO PREPARE FOR THE TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE RAN BY THE MARAUDERS WHICH RANKS +8sUGH_eguRu-00019-00001494-00001501 FOR THE TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE RAN BY THE MARAUDERS WHICH RANKS +8sUGH_eguRu-00020-00001501-00001668 FOR THE TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE RAN BY THE MARAUDERS WHICH RANKS THIRD IN THE NSIC WITH 225 YARDS +8sUGH_eguRu-00021-00001668-00001674 RAN BY THE MARAUDERS WHICH RANKS THIRD IN THE NSIC WITH 225 YARDS +8sUGH_eguRu-00022-00001674-00001945 RAN BY THE MARAUDERS WHICH RANKS THIRD IN THE NSIC WITH 225 YARDS RUSHING PER GAME. +8sUGH_eguRu-00023-00001945-00001951 THIRD IN THE NSIC WITH 225 YARDS RUSHING PER GAME. +8sUGH_eguRu-00024-00001951-00002001 THIRD IN THE NSIC WITH 225 YARDS RUSHING PER GAME. OF THE +8sUGH_eguRu-00025-00002001-00002008 RUSHING PER GAME. OF THE +8sUGH_eguRu-00026-00002008-00002178 RUSHING PER GAME. OF THE >> THIS IS KIND OF LIKE A +8sUGH_eguRu-00027-00002178-00002185 OF THE >> THIS IS KIND OF LIKE A +8sUGH_eguRu-00028-00002185-00002312 OF THE >> THIS IS KIND OF LIKE A FLASHBACK TO THE 60s. +8sUGH_eguRu-00029-00002312-00002318 >> THIS IS KIND OF LIKE A FLASHBACK TO THE 60s. +8sUGH_eguRu-00030-00002318-00002405 >> THIS IS KIND OF LIKE A FLASHBACK TO THE 60s. I PLAYED AGAINST THIS IN +8sUGH_eguRu-00031-00002405-00002412 FLASHBACK TO THE 60s. I PLAYED AGAINST THIS IN +8sUGH_eguRu-00032-00002412-00002449 FLASHBACK TO THE 60s. I PLAYED AGAINST THIS IN COLLEGE. +8sUGH_eguRu-00033-00002449-00002455 I PLAYED AGAINST THIS IN COLLEGE. +8sUGH_eguRu-00034-00002455-00002635 I PLAYED AGAINST THIS IN COLLEGE. THIS IS WHAT OUR OFFENSIVE +8sUGH_eguRu-00035-00002635-00002642 COLLEGE. THIS IS WHAT OUR OFFENSIVE +8sUGH_eguRu-00036-00002642-00002729 COLLEGE. THIS IS WHAT OUR OFFENSIVE CORNELL RAN. +8sUGH_eguRu-00037-00002729-00002736 THIS IS WHAT OUR OFFENSIVE CORNELL RAN. +8sUGH_eguRu-00038-00002736-00002919 THIS IS WHAT OUR OFFENSIVE CORNELL RAN. I ACTUALLY ENJOY IT. +8sUGH_eguRu-00039-00002919-00002926 CORNELL RAN. I ACTUALLY ENJOY IT. +8sUGH_eguRu-00040-00002926-00003196 CORNELL RAN. I ACTUALLY ENJOY IT. I LIKE SEEING TRIPLE OPTION +8sUGH_eguRu-00041-00003196-00003203 I ACTUALLY ENJOY IT. I LIKE SEEING TRIPLE OPTION +8sUGH_eguRu-00042-00003203-00003283 I ACTUALLY ENJOY IT. I LIKE SEEING TRIPLE OPTION FOOTBALL. +8sUGH_eguRu-00043-00003283-00003289 I LIKE SEEING TRIPLE OPTION FOOTBALL. +8sUGH_eguRu-00044-00003289-00003460 I LIKE SEEING TRIPLE OPTION FOOTBALL. WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE VERY MANY +8sUGH_eguRu-00045-00003460-00003466 FOOTBALL. WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE VERY MANY +8sUGH_eguRu-00046-00003466-00003513 FOOTBALL. WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE VERY MANY -- [INAUDIBLE]. +8sUGH_eguRu-00047-00003513-00003520 WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE VERY MANY -- [INAUDIBLE]. +8sUGH_eguRu-00048-00003520-00003633 WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE VERY MANY -- [INAUDIBLE]. >> WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE. +8sUGH_eguRu-00049-00003633-00003640 -- [INAUDIBLE]. >> WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE. +8sUGH_eguRu-00050-00003640-00003830 -- [INAUDIBLE]. >> WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE. WE'VE SEEN IT ON FILM, OTHER +8sUGH_eguRu-00051-00003830-00003837 >> WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE. WE'VE SEEN IT ON FILM, OTHER +8sUGH_eguRu-00052-00003837-00004007 >> WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE. WE'VE SEEN IT ON FILM, OTHER DEFENSIVE BACKS FALLING ASLEEP +8sUGH_eguRu-00053-00004007-00004014 WE'VE SEEN IT ON FILM, OTHER DEFENSIVE BACKS FALLING ASLEEP +8sUGH_eguRu-00054-00004014-00004214 WE'VE SEEN IT ON FILM, OTHER DEFENSIVE BACKS FALLING ASLEEP BECAUSE RUN, RUN, RUN, OPTION, +8sUGH_eguRu-00055-00004214-00004220 DEFENSIVE BACKS FALLING ASLEEP BECAUSE RUN, RUN, RUN, OPTION, +8sUGH_eguRu-00056-00004220-00004264 DEFENSIVE BACKS FALLING ASLEEP BECAUSE RUN, RUN, RUN, OPTION, RUN. +8sUGH_eguRu-00057-00004264-00004270 BECAUSE RUN, RUN, RUN, OPTION, RUN. +8sUGH_eguRu-00058-00004270-00004417 BECAUSE RUN, RUN, RUN, OPTION, RUN. AND THEY GET HIT ON THE DEEP +8sUGH_eguRu-00059-00004417-00004424 RUN. AND THEY GET HIT ON THE DEEP +8sUGH_eguRu-00060-00004424-00004457 RUN. AND THEY GET HIT ON THE DEEP BALL. +8sUGH_eguRu-00061-00004457-00004464 AND THEY GET HIT ON THE DEEP BALL. +8sUGH_eguRu-00062-00004464-00004631 AND THEY GET HIT ON THE DEEP BALL. WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE, ALERT AND +8sUGH_eguRu-00063-00004631-00004637 BALL. WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE, ALERT AND +8sUGH_eguRu-00064-00004637-00004888 BALL. WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE, ALERT AND BE THERE TO HELP OUT THE FRONT +8sUGH_eguRu-00065-00004888-00004894 WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE, ALERT AND BE THERE TO HELP OUT THE FRONT +8sUGH_eguRu-00066-00004894-00004944 WE HAVE TO STAY AWAKE, ALERT AND BE THERE TO HELP OUT THE FRONT 7. +8sUGH_eguRu-00067-00004944-00004951 BE THERE TO HELP OUT THE FRONT 7. +8sUGH_eguRu-00068-00004951-00005118 BE THERE TO HELP OUT THE FRONT 7. >>Collin: I'M SURE YOU'VE SEEN +8sUGH_eguRu-00069-00005118-00005125 7. >>Collin: I'M SURE YOU'VE SEEN +8sUGH_eguRu-00070-00005125-00005281 7. >>Collin: I'M SURE YOU'VE SEEN TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE IN YOUR +8sUGH_eguRu-00071-00005281-00005288 >>Collin: I'M SURE YOU'VE SEEN TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE IN YOUR +8sUGH_eguRu-00072-00005288-00005462 >>Collin: I'M SURE YOU'VE SEEN TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE IN YOUR HISTORY IN FOOTBALL. +8sUGH_eguRu-00073-00005462-00005468 TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE IN YOUR HISTORY IN FOOTBALL. +8sUGH_eguRu-00074-00005468-00005715 TRIPLE OPTION OFFENSE IN YOUR HISTORY IN FOOTBALL. >>Dennis: NOT TOO MUCH. +8sUGH_eguRu-00075-00005715-00005722 HISTORY IN FOOTBALL. >>Dennis: NOT TOO MUCH. +8sUGH_eguRu-00076-00005722-00005959 HISTORY IN FOOTBALL. >>Dennis: NOT TOO MUCH. THERE CERTAINLY WAS RUN. +8sUGH_eguRu-00077-00005959-00005965 >>Dennis: NOT TOO MUCH. THERE CERTAINLY WAS RUN. +8sUGH_eguRu-00078-00005965-00006172 >>Dennis: NOT TOO MUCH. THERE CERTAINLY WAS RUN. IT WILL BE DIFFERENT IN THE +8sUGH_eguRu-00079-00006172-00006179 THERE CERTAINLY WAS RUN. IT WILL BE DIFFERENT IN THE +8sUGH_eguRu-00080-00006179-00006232 THERE CERTAINLY WAS RUN. IT WILL BE DIFFERENT IN THE CONFERENCE NOW WITH THE UP TEMPO +8tAH_BtA-7y-00000-00000000-00000193 Jakkang recording a Roblox game +8tAH_BtA-7y-00001-00000193-00000393 Trying to create a new layer... +8tAH_BtA-7y-00002-00000393-00000546 There is no response due to lag +8tAH_BtA-7y-00003-00000546-00000662 Jakkang : Oh..? +8tAH_BtA-7y-00004-00000662-00000847 Jakkang : Oh!?!?!?!!?!??? +8tAH_BtA-7y-00005-00000847-00000908 Jakkang : Hey..! +8tAH_BtA-7y-00006-00000908-00000981 Jakkang : wait.. +8tAH_BtA-7y-00007-00000981-00001181 Jakkang : (scream) +8tAH_BtA-7y-00008-00001181-00001317 Jakkang : Hey stop... +8tAH_BtA-7y-00009-00001317-00001465 Jakkang : please don't do this for a second +8tAH_BtA-7y-00010-00001465-00001574 Jakkang : wait +8tAH_BtA-7y-00011-00001574-00001718 What did I do wrong!? +8tAH_BtA-7y-00012-00001718-00001832 This crap game!! +8tAH_BtA-7y-00013-00001832-00002032 Curious about the full version? see link in comments +8uCWWGsZbxk-00000-00000202-00000897 in college we often talk about good and bad sources fake news traditional +8uCWWGsZbxk-00001-00000897-00001512 journalism clickbait peer-review advertising opinion and editorial the +8uCWWGsZbxk-00002-00001512-00002018 truth is we encounter an overwhelming amount of information every day this +8uCWWGsZbxk-00003-00002018-00002402 video will outline how some of the information you encounter every day is +8uCWWGsZbxk-00004-00002402-00002927 created not to help you decide whether it's good or bad but to think about the +8uCWWGsZbxk-00005-00002927-00003420 relative value of a tweet versus a book one way to think about the spectrum of +8uCWWGsZbxk-00006-00003420-00003828 information is to understand the publication processes for different +8uCWWGsZbxk-00007-00003828-00004298 sources and how this creates a sort of timeline we call this timeline the +8uCWWGsZbxk-00008-00004298-00004823 information cycle when an event happens different sources social media websites +8uCWWGsZbxk-00009-00004823-00005346 newspapers magazines academic journals books will tell the story of that event +8uCWWGsZbxk-00010-00005346-00005778 at different points in time let's look at an example +8uCWWGsZbxk-00011-00005778-00006291 April 25th 2014 the city of Flint Michigan switched the city's drinking +8uCWWGsZbxk-00012-00006291-00006792 water from Detroit's water supply to the local Flint River at first city +8uCWWGsZbxk-00013-00006792-00007308 officials denied it was unsafe but by August 2014 the city issued boil +8uCWWGsZbxk-00014-00007308-00007856 warnings because of unsafe levels of bacteria and in 2015 the EPA found +8uCWWGsZbxk-00015-00007856-00008436 unsafe levels of lead in the water by January 2016 the president had declared +8uCWWGsZbxk-00016-00008436-00008879 a state of emergency in Flint in the surrounding areas because residents were +8uCWWGsZbxk-00017-00008879-00009404 left without safe water to drink or even bathe in this by the way is still the +8uCWWGsZbxk-00018-00009404-00009897 case as of spring 2018 local print journalists reported on the story as it +8uCWWGsZbxk-00019-00009897-00010190 happened reporting on the water supply switch and +8uCWWGsZbxk-00020-00010190-00010557 then on citizen complaints and eventually on the investigation of the +8uCWWGsZbxk-00021-00010557-00011114 water quality and the crisis that followed news sources often report on an +8uCWWGsZbxk-00022-00011114-00011718 issue within hours or days of the event especially local news news stories are +8uCWWGsZbxk-00023-00011718-00012161 reported by professional journalists must meet editorial standards for that +8uCWWGsZbxk-00024-00012161-00012636 publication or outlet and are usually vetted by fact-checkers editors +8uCWWGsZbxk-00025-00012636-00013191 producers and publishers however given the immediacy of their reporting news +8uCWWGsZbxk-00026-00013191-00013626 stories will always evolve over time and sometimes initial reporting will be +8uCWWGsZbxk-00027-00013626-00014072 wrong but stories of the Flint water crisis also started showing up early on +8uCWWGsZbxk-00028-00014072-00014559 in social media and blogs social media and personal accounts online aren't +8uCWWGsZbxk-00029-00014559-00014931 often considered sources for research but their sources of information we +8uCWWGsZbxk-00030-00014931-00015315 encounter every day and they have an important place in the information cycle +8uCWWGsZbxk-00031-00015315-00015768 these sources are written by the general public sometimes include eyewitness +8uCWWGsZbxk-00032-00015768-00016368 accounts or stories from people who are living the event they are subjective and +8uCWWGsZbxk-00033-00016368-00016704 don't usually have any prescribed editing fact-checking or publication +8uCWWGsZbxk-00034-00016704-00017181 process however sometimes a story or an account comes up on social media or +8uCWWGsZbxk-00035-00017181-00017681 blogs that goes unreported or ignored elsewhere as some Flint residents have +8uCWWGsZbxk-00036-00017681-00018087 felt their story has been weeks and months after the story of the Flint +8uCWWGsZbxk-00037-00018087-00018495 water crisis filtered through social media and news media long-form +8uCWWGsZbxk-00038-00018495-00019001 publications and magazines produced in-depth articles on the crisis magazine +8uCWWGsZbxk-00039-00019001-00019359 articles are usually written by journalists of professional writers and +8uCWWGsZbxk-00040-00019359-00019923 most magazines have publishing standards and processes similar to newspapers with +8uCWWGsZbxk-00041-00019923-00020367 editors and fact checkers who are accountable for what's written these +8uCWWGsZbxk-00042-00020367-00020751 longer articles provide a bigger picture about an event weeks or months +8uCWWGsZbxk-00043-00020751-00021168 afterwards magazine articles often feature interviews and profiles that +8uCWWGsZbxk-00044-00021168-00021645 provides subjective but insightful perspectives and can be more stylized +8uCWWGsZbxk-00045-00021645-00022044 rather than the straightforward writing found in newspapers the first academic +8uCWWGsZbxk-00046-00022044-00022406 journal articles documenting the environmental health crisis in Flint +8uCWWGsZbxk-00047-00022406-00022985 were not published until 2016 nearly two years after the crisis began in February +8uCWWGsZbxk-00048-00022985-00023406 2016 an article in the American Journal of Public Health concluded that a +8uCWWGsZbxk-00049-00023406-00023873 statistically significant number of children in Flint had elevated unsafe +8uCWWGsZbxk-00050-00023873-00024366 levels of lead in their blood especially children from economically disadvantaged +8uCWWGsZbxk-00051-00024366-00024831 areas academic journals are written by scholars or researchers within a +8uCWWGsZbxk-00052-00024831-00025266 particular discipline like psychology communications or medicine and are +8uCWWGsZbxk-00053-00025266-00025664 reviewed by a panel of scholars with expertise in the field for validity and +8uCWWGsZbxk-00054-00025664-00026169 quality before publication but research studies often take time months or even +8uCWWGsZbxk-00055-00026169-00026682 years so an event like the Flint water crisis can take years to make it into an +8uCWWGsZbxk-00056-00026682-00026927 academic journal these journals published original +8uCWWGsZbxk-00057-00026927-00027314 peer-reviewed research with transparent methods and results and thorough +8uCWWGsZbxk-00058-00027314-00027642 citations however academic journals are not +8uCWWGsZbxk-00059-00027642-00028033 written for the general public and can be dense with jargon and analyses +8uCWWGsZbxk-00060-00028033-00028461 finally a topic like the Flint water crisis can take years to make it into a +8uCWWGsZbxk-00061-00028461-00028877 published book although by that time the bigger picture that wasn't visible in +8uCWWGsZbxk-00062-00028877-00029327 the early days or weeks after the event has become clear nonfiction books are +8uCWWGsZbxk-00063-00029327-00029787 usually written by professional writers scholars or journalists most publishers +8uCWWGsZbxk-00064-00029787-00030183 have editorial standards that a book must meet before it's published +8uCWWGsZbxk-00065-00030183-00030762 mostly because publishing a print book is a costly investment book manuscripts +8uCWWGsZbxk-00066-00030762-00031095 are usually reviewed by an editor and fact checkers before they can be +8uCWWGsZbxk-00067-00031095-00031577 published a book is the source most likely to provide the widest scope on a +8uCWWGsZbxk-00068-00031577-00032067 controversial topic however the time it takes to write edit publish and print +8uCWWGsZbxk-00069-00032067-00032391 the book can mean that it will be slightly out of date by the time it's +8uCWWGsZbxk-00070-00032391-00032925 released a story like Flint's water crisis ripples back and forth through +8uCWWGsZbxk-00071-00032925-00033351 social media to news and academic writing as we all tried to make sense of +8uCWWGsZbxk-00072-00033351-00033903 it but knowing the purpose publishing process and authors of the sources you +8uCWWGsZbxk-00073-00033903-00034278 encounter can help you make informed decisions about what sources make sense +8uCWWGsZbxk-00074-00034278-00034611 for the question you're answering or the problem you're trying to solve and +8uCWWGsZbxk-00075-00034611-00035028 remember if you have a question about any kind of research you can ask a +8uCWWGsZbxk-00076-00035028-00035600 librarian +8wMwPzVjPY8-00000-00000782-00001773 Nobbut God by Norman Nicholson First on There was silence. And God said: 'Let there +8wMwPzVjPY8-00001-00001773-00002550 be clatter.' The wind, unclenching, Runs its thumbs Along dry bristles of Yorkshire +8wMwPzVjPY8-00002-00002550-00003342 fog. The mountain ousel Oboes its one note. After rain Water lobelia Drips like +8wMwPzVjPY8-00003-00003342-00004061 a tap On the tarn's tight surface-tension. But louder, And every second +8wMwPzVjPY8-00004-00004061-00004628 nearer, Like chain explosions From furthest nebulae Light-yearing across +8wMwPzVjPY8-00005-00004628-00005023 space: The thudding of my own blood. +8wMwPzVjPY8-00006-00005023-00005477 'It's nobbut me,'' Says God. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00000-00000704-00001164 I mean, I've even worked with students for years and then a point comes of panic. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00001-00001164-00001866 And it's just like, now they're sliding down the mountain, and, suddenly, they're just gonna kick into reverse. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00002-00001948-00002124 And it's like, "Whoa!" +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00003-00002204-00002392 And that doesn't work, either. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00004-00002392-00002992 You know, the gears are not meant for a reverse in that position, you know. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00005-00003068-00003206 It's just grinding. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00006-00003344-00003510 Emotionally, it feels that way. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00007-00003565-00004180 So, you start to see again, more and more, the value of the exposing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00008-00004300-00004850 We were going through that today, and Anna just came and said, "Oh, I got these crazy thoughts," +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00009-00004850-00005262 and we just joined together in it and it was quite freeing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00010-00005262-00005732 It was quite a freeing experience where it was like, it was just this, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00011-00005788-00006490 it becomes more, you see it more as the value in and of healing with the exposing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00012-00006542-00006822 It doesn't seem that way at the beginning; it seems like it's torture. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00013-00006868-00007144 Like it's gonna come back, like, "Oh, this is bad stuff." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00014-00007150-00007430 "It's gonna come back and hit me from all sides." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00015-00007508-00008272 It's just more like, "Oh yeah, this is great. It shows everybody how dark and unworthy and rotten I am." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00016-00008330-00008760 You know, and it feels like that's just gonna come back on me big time. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00017-00008794-00009086 But, actually, it's the beginning of true healing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00018-00009086-00009634 It's like the very cusp; it's the cusp of true healing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00019-00009634-00010092 And it gets, more the momentum grows, you get more comfortable with it. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00020-00010160-00010350 And there will come a point where you'll think, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00021-00010350-00011018 "Huh, how could I have ever conceived of holding anything back or holding on to anything?" +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00022-00011054-00011468 It will get to that point, but it's just the most difficult at the beginning. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00023-00011534-00011696 Yeah (audience member speaks). It's the most difficult. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00024-00011928-00013074 (Audience member comments) I don't know that it's got redeeming value commensurate with the suffering. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00025-00013422-00013950 Yeah, if you put it into context though, it's like, there came a point with all the drinking and everything, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00026-00013950-00014954 where you might say that, that, you know, spiritually, you've reached a point where you began to outgrow it. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00027-00015141-00015436 With maturity, spiritual maturity, or so on and so forth. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00028-00015519-00016040 And, not that the thoughts don't come back, like you said, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00029-00016040-00016312 but you seem to have turned a corner, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00030-00016402-00016600 and you are starting to see that with everything; +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00031-00016680-00016756 it wouldn't be anything. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00032-00016756-00017564 I mean, you wouldn't necessarily, you know, if you heard about a mystic or saint that just fasted, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00033-00017588-00018094 and then fasted longer for a period, and then fasted longer, and then just quit eating, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00034-00018154-00018604 it's not that you would say, "I really admire that, you know. That's for me." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00035-00018666-00019122 You know, it would have to be something that you begin to experience more. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00036-00019130-00019798 As I call, like an outgrowing, rather than just taking some kind of a stance for or against something, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00037-00019812-00020108 or making a behavioral change; +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00038-00020176-00020316 you can't lead with the form. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00039-00020456-00020894 The form, the behavior, always has to follow the state of mind, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00040-00020894-00021248 so there's a sense of congruity, a sense of alignment there, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00041-00021248-00021488 otherwise, it'll just pop out. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00042-00021502-00021592 The same with the drinking, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00043-00021592-00022054 you probably know people, including yourself, you might have even said the words, "I'm gonna stop drinking," +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00044-00022126-00022586 before you, actually, were able to kind of outgrow it. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00045-00022678-00023292 So, it's that thing as well, it could be tempting to just take stands for or against things, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00046-00023378-00023946 but as you open up into purpose, as you open up into exposing and clearing, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00047-00023946-00024408 and direct, open, honest communication and everything, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00048-00024430-00024856 it seems very new, almost like startling, at the beginning, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00049-00024856-00025472 but, then, as you practice it and practice it and practice it, it is part of that outgrowing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00050-00025524-00026333 And, the things that seemed to be tormenting before, or vices, or struggles, or difficulties, they become more and more peripheral; +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00051-00026380-00026682 you do literally outgrow them, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00052-00026804-00027154 and you just have to be willing to continue to take the steps, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00053-00027244-00027642 both intuitively feel things out and also to share things. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00054-00027642-00028162 Like, "Well, here's what I'm thinking," or "I did this and this and this." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00055-00028162-00028276 "Well, why did you do this?" +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00056-00028276-00028588 "Well, it just seemed like the thing to do." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00057-00028664-00029006 You know, maybe on reflection, it wasn't the best thing to do, but, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00058-00029066-00029866 but, at the time, there was no big red flag or warning or no, "Stop now!" +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00059-00029914-00030650 So, it's just, you know, you do have to be gentle on yourself and just take it step-by-step with that, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00060-00030780-00031020 and that's what these Devotionals are for. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00061-00031100-00031644 It sounds like, like maybe you were dealing with some emotions around a few things, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00062-00031644-00032300 and now, just when the whole idea of relationships starts to come up and get questioned, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00063-00032394-00032652 it can get really overwhelming. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00064-00032652-00033130 Like, "Oh man! You know, I thought I was on some inroads with a few things. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00065-00033130-00033782 But, that's not something that I had on my plate or was really ready [for]." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00066-00033876-00034310 And that's where this talking it through and talking it through, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00067-00034326-00034692 you know, feeling it out, is helpful. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00068-00034720-00034852 Nothing is yanked away from you, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00069-00034852-00035228 it's not like the Spirit is gonna just yank all the concepts away at once; +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00070-00035272-00035802 it's more of like an outgrowing, an outgrowing occurs, a little more outgrowing, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00071-00035802-00036186 and that's the way that it continues. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00072-00036478-00036624 (Audience member comments) Thank you, David. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00073-00037014-00037184 Thanks for your openness. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00074-00037344-00037470 It's really refreshing. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00075-00037746-00038064 Jenny: Releasing jealousy, the way to God. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00076-00038664-00039014 That was extreme when I was a teenager, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00077-00039014-00039240 and discovered how extremely jealous I was. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00078-00039362-00039682 Then I went to a psychic woman and she said, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00079-00039728-00040242 "Yeah, you've been a nun for hundreds of years, or for lifetimes, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00080-00040242-00040854 and you're being, basically, married to Jesus and God. And they were so faithful, you know. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00081-00040854-00041042 You never needed to be worried. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00082-00041124-00041674 But now you're dealing with humans, seemingly, in this lifetime, and jealousy is there." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00083-00041716-00042274 And it was like, I discovered it was my pathway, you know, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00084-00042324-00042836 when I could release those terrible, dark feelings. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00085-00042870-00043050 It's called, "Black sickness" in Swedish. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00086-00043076-00043380 (laughter) +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00087-00043444-00044070 There was really, it was really, you know, very, very vulnerable, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00088-00044082-00044988 but it was truly the way to freedom, to dare to be in relationships and look at it, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00089-00045040-00045184 to not run away. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00090-00045268-00045764 (Audience member speaking) Is there any releasing that without letting go of the specialness? +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00091-00045798-00046434 I mean, I can't see how you can let go of jealousy without letting go of the specialness. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00092-00046626-00046754 David: Yes, it's synonymous, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00093-00046754-00047176 but that's one form that it takes, is jealousy. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00094-00047384-00047852 Jenny and I were working a number of years ago, and that came up, and it was identified. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00095-00047874-00048484 It was like, well, it was a life pattern, but it was like being jealous of your sister, you know, it was just that. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00096-00048552-00049308 So it was kind of identified like, "Wow! This will be my pathway to God, it's through the release of it." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00097-00049504-00049802 And, sometimes it's a conscious pattern, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00098-00049864-00050610 you know, it's conscious; and then, other times, it's just kind of quite unconscious, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00099-00050620-00051126 and then, it just emerges, almost in a shocking way. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00100-00051172-00051738 When Kirsten and I went down, the first time to South America, we stayed with a friend of mine, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00101-00051738-00052254 and, in worldly terms she was very beautiful, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00102-00052254-00052916 she was kind of like a Miss World, in terms of figure and so on and so forth, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00103-00052916-00053128 and had been in movies and different things. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00104-00053128-00054436 And she was always just very open and flirting and just jumping on my lap, and then, Kirsten said she got in touch with jealousy. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00105-00054436-00054872 But she had kind of almost prided herself that she just was not a jealous person, +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00106-00054954-00055616 and had thirty years of evidence to prove it, "I don't get jealous." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00107-00055766-00056176 You know, if the boyfriend wants to do something, I just chop the boyfriend off. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00108-00056176-00056491 (audience laughs loudly) +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00109-00056528-00056810 I'm not gonna get into jealousy. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00110-00056810-00056994 She just never had gone that way. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00111-00057017-00057626 And yet, with this woman, Lily, it was just she said it's like a green monster. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00112-00057626-00057954 It was just all that was needed to really begin the process. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00113-00057954-00058222 Like, "Okay, I can start to take a look at this." +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00114-00058266-00058496 It was just so intense, it was wildly intense. +8D8JtLnvQrQ-00115-00058496-00059405 (Audience member comments) Yeah, it's very, it's insanity, you know, at a very primal level. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00000-00000006-00000519 We will next cover a couple of basic statistical concepts that are related to data. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00001-00000576-00001128 Descriptive statistics are some things, some numbers that we calculate from our +8FmBJWJCWlI-00002-00001128-00001734 data. They are like summaries of our data. To understand this basic concept is important, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00003-00001734-00002373 because quite often our more complicated models try to explain differences in mean, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00004-00002373-00003033 or try to explain variation assume something about the variances, and so on. To understand +8FmBJWJCWlI-00005-00003033-00003720 what these more complicated things do we have to understand the basics. And this is partly high +8FmBJWJCWlI-00006-00003720-00004305 school mathematics, but it's useful to revise it now before we go into more complicated things. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00007-00004305-00005229 The first important thing to know is the concept of central tendency and dispersion. These are +8FmBJWJCWlI-00008-00005229-00005895 data about three thousand one hundred seventy-one working-aged males from the +8FmBJWJCWlI-00009-00005895-00006639 United States. We have data on their heights. This shows the distribution of the heights, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00010-00006639-00007203 so we have some people that are very short we have some people that are very tall, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00011-00007203-00007788 and most people fall into these bins somewhere in the middle. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00012-00007788-00008667 The bar here presents a group of people, how many people fall into the category or for example 170 +8FmBJWJCWlI-00013-00008667-00009291 to 175 centimeters of height. So the bar presents the number of people. And this is a histogram, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00014-00009291-00010101 it presents how these heights are distributed. Then we have there the Kernel density plot of the +8FmBJWJCWlI-00015-00010101-00010779 same data. The Kernel density plot shows us the distribution in another way. We just have a line, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00016-00010779-00011562 and this is the probability density function, that's what it is called formally, and the height +8FmBJWJCWlI-00017-00011562-00012213 here tells what is the relative probability of observing a person here, versus a person here for +8FmBJWJCWlI-00018-00012213-00012966 example. The area under the curve is always one, so if this is a scale here, that is in the tens, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00019-00012966-00013881 then the scale here must be 0.0 or something. So that shows us that most of the people are +8FmBJWJCWlI-00020-00013881-00014337 on in the middle, and then there are a few small short people and a few tall people. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00021-00014337-00015159 Now the concept of central tendency tells us where this distribution is +8FmBJWJCWlI-00022-00015159-00015863 located at. Are the people roughly distributed around 175 centimeters, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00023-00015863-00016848 or are they perhaps about 160 centimeters or 180 centimeters? So it tells us what is the +8FmBJWJCWlI-00024-00016848-00017523 location, and that's another commonly used term for where this distribution +8FmBJWJCWlI-00025-00017523-00018285 is actually at on the axis. We have two measures of central tendency that are the most important. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00026-00018285-00018909 The mean is the most commonly used. Mean is just the average . You take the sum of all +8FmBJWJCWlI-00027-00018909-00019647 these people's heights and you divide them by the number of people. Then if you have median, which +8FmBJWJCWlI-00028-00019647-00020316 is the height of a typical person. The median is calculated by putting these people in a line +8FmBJWJCWlI-00029-00020316-00020946 so that the shortest person is in front and then the tallest person is in the back, and everyone, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00030-00020946-00021438 there is ordered based on their height, and then you take the person who is right in the middle. So +8FmBJWJCWlI-00031-00021438-00022344 it's the value of the mid-most observation. Median is a useful statistic for quantifying what is a +8FmBJWJCWlI-00032-00022344-00023046 typical person like in the population because it's not sensitive to some people that were very tall +8FmBJWJCWlI-00033-00023046-00023628 or very short. For example, if we had a person here that was 1 million centimeters tall, which +8FmBJWJCWlI-00034-00023628-00024264 of course is impossible. Then the mean would be affected but the median wouldn't. Mean and median +8FmBJWJCWlI-00035-00024264-00024876 tell us what is that a typical person or the typical company or whatever you're studying like. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00036-00024876-00025773 The other important concept is dispersion. Dispersion tells us how wide this distribution +8FmBJWJCWlI-00037-00025773-00026451 is. If everyone is about the same size, or is everyone between 174 and 176 centimeters, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00038-00026451-00027285 or are people between 150 centimeters and 2 meters. Dispersion tells how widely these +8FmBJWJCWlI-00039-00027285-00028062 persons are separated. The most common or the used measure of dispersion is the standard deviation. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00040-00028062-00028524 I'm not going to present you the definition, but it's important to know that one standard +8FmBJWJCWlI-00041-00028524-00029307 deviation is about plus or minus one standard deviation cover about two-thirds of the data, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00042-00029394-00030141 and plus or minus two standard deviations cover about 95% of the data. These green lines show +8FmBJWJCWlI-00043-00030141-00031257 the two standard deviations and then 95% of the people about fit into this area. If the standard +8FmBJWJCWlI-00044-00031257-00032067 deviation was larger: here it's about seven point four centimeters, and if it was 10 centimeters it +8FmBJWJCWlI-00045-00032067-00032697 would mean that these two standard deviations would be about a bit less than 2 meters, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00046-00032697-00033348 and this minus 2 standard deviation would be a bit more than 150 centimeters. So it would +8FmBJWJCWlI-00047-00033348-00034101 tell us that people's heights vary more. Standard deviation tells how much the observations vary. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00048-00034101-00034884 There is this joke about why standard deviation is important: There are two statisticians and one +8FmBJWJCWlI-00049-00034884-00035709 is 150 centimeters tall one is 160 centimeters tall, and they are crossing a river that has +8FmBJWJCWlI-00050-00035709-00036342 a mean depth of 120 centimeters, and they're debating on whether they should cross or not. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00051-00036531-00037239 They decide not to because the mean doesn't tell what is the deepest part. So we have to understand +8FmBJWJCWlI-00052-00037239-00037791 also how much the depth of the river varies instead of just knowing what is the average +8FmBJWJCWlI-00053-00037791-00038331 depth of the river. Standard deviation tells us how many variations there is in the observations. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00054-00038331-00039207 Then there's the concept of standardization that is also important. Standardization can be useful, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00055-00039207-00039780 and it can be harmful depending on the context. But it's important to understand +8FmBJWJCWlI-00056-00039780-00040254 why we standardize and when. For example, correlation, which I have mentioned before, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00057-00040254-00040758 is a standardized measure, so it applies standardization. The idea +8FmBJWJCWlI-00058-00040758-00041298 of standardization, that is that you take the observations that are distributed like that, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00059-00041298-00042339 and the mean is at 175, with standard deviation is about seven centimeters. You subtract the mean +8FmBJWJCWlI-00060-00042339-00042942 from every observation, and you divide it by the standard deviation. That gives you a new variable +8FmBJWJCWlI-00061-00042942-00043713 that has a mean of zero, and standard deviation of exactly one. We are basically throwing away +8FmBJWJCWlI-00062-00043713-00044604 the data about the location and dispersion. And we are just retaining the data on where +8FmBJWJCWlI-00063-00044604-00045192 each individual is located related to other individuals, and we also retain the overall +8FmBJWJCWlI-00064-00045192-00045993 shape of the distribution. This can sometimes make things easier to interpret. For example, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00065-00045993-00046944 if I say that I'm 176 centimeters tall, it may tell you something about my height, if you know +8FmBJWJCWlI-00066-00046944-00047541 what the height of other heights of the population is. If I would say that my height is at the mean, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00067-00047541-00048495 then everyone understands that typical Finnish males are about 50% of the time they're taller +8FmBJWJCWlI-00068-00048495-00049101 me and 50% of the time they're shorter than me so I'm average height. Standardization can make +8FmBJWJCWlI-00069-00049101-00049554 things easier to interpret, but it can also make things harder to interpret depending on +8FmBJWJCWlI-00070-00049554-00050076 the context. Standardization destroys information by eliminating information +8FmBJWJCWlI-00071-00050076-00050649 about where they are the central tendency, or the location and the dispersion from the data. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00072-00050649-00051162 Then there's also variance, which is another measure of dispersion, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00073-00051162-00051954 and variance is related to standard deviation. It's used because it's more convenient for some +8FmBJWJCWlI-00074-00051954-00052491 computations and sometimes variance is easier to interpret. For example, in regression analysis, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00075-00052491-00053070 we assess how much of the variance the model explains the variation of the dependent +8FmBJWJCWlI-00076-00053070-00053709 variable. We don't do that in standard deviation metric- we do it in variance metric. The standard +8FmBJWJCWlI-00077-00053709-00054179 deviation has the same unit as the original variable. So if a standard deviation is seven, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00078-00054179-00055077 then we know that these bars are 7 centimeters from the mean, and if we multiply this variance +8FmBJWJCWlI-00079-00055077-00055926 variable by 2 then the standard deviation doubles, so that's convenient. The variance measures the +8FmBJWJCWlI-00080-00055926-00056397 same thing, it measures dispersion as well but on a different metric. And variance is +8FmBJWJCWlI-00081-00056397-00056874 defined as the mean of square differences from the mean. We take its observation we subtract +8FmBJWJCWlI-00082-00056874-00057363 the mean and we take a square or raised to the second power, and then we take a mean +8FmBJWJCWlI-00083-00057363-00058113 of those squares. That gives us the variance. Variance and standard deviations are related, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00084-00058113-00058608 so that the standard deviation of the data is the square root of the variance, and variance +8FmBJWJCWlI-00085-00058608-00059466 is the square of the standard deviation. We work with typically, if you just want to interpret how +8FmBJWJCWlI-00086-00059466-00060155 a variable is distributed we look at the standard deviation because it is in a metric that is easier +8FmBJWJCWlI-00087-00060155-00061055 to understand. If the standard deviation is 7 centimeters we can immediately say that 60% +8FmBJWJCWlI-00088-00061055-00061839 and something of the people are between 170 and 185. That's how standard deviations are +8FmBJWJCWlI-00089-00061839-00062511 interpreted. Variance is 54.79, so that doesn't really tell us where people are located at. But +8FmBJWJCWlI-00090-00062511-00063096 variance is useful for some other purposes and particularly in more complicated models we use +8FmBJWJCWlI-00091-00063096-00063903 variances. Sometimes you report both so that's possible as well. The concept of variance is +8FmBJWJCWlI-00092-00063903-00064626 important to understand the concept of covariance. The idea of variance was that it is the mean +8FmBJWJCWlI-00093-00064626-00065199 of the differences of each observation from the mean observation to the second power. So +8FmBJWJCWlI-00094-00065199-00065754 it's the same as a difference from the mean multiplied by the difference from the mean. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00095-00065754-00066468 Then we have another statistic called covariance. Here we have data on height and +8FmBJWJCWlI-00096-00066468-00067396 weight. The covariance tells us how strongly a person's height is related to the person's +8FmBJWJCWlI-00097-00067396-00067975 weight. We can see here that those people who tend to be taller tend to also be heavier, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00098-00067975-00068629 so there's a covariance here. The covariance measures how much two variables vary together, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00099-00068629-00069448 and it's defined similarly to variance. Except that you don't multiply one variable with +8FmBJWJCWlI-00100-00069448-00070045 itself. Instead, you multiply one variable with another and you take a mean of that. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00101-00070045-00070828 Then the concept of correlation, which many of you probably know, is just the +8FmBJWJCWlI-00102-00070828-00071458 covariance between standardized variables and correlation varies between minus 1 and plus 1. +8FmBJWJCWlI-00103-00071458-00072253 So correlation is a standardized measure of a linear association. When correlation is 1 then +8FmBJWJCWlI-00104-00072253-00072724 you know that two things are perfectly related, when it's minus 1 you know that two things are +8FmBJWJCWlI-00105-00072724-00073570 perfectly negatively related. When it's zero then they are linearly unrelated. So correlation is a +8FmBJWJCWlI-00106-00073570-00074449 measure of linear association. That means that it measures how strongly observations +8FmBJWJCWlI-00107-00074449-00075328 are clustered in line. This is a scatter plot of two observations and one is a line. 0.8 is +8FmBJWJCWlI-00108-00075328-00076096 the observations are very closely clustered on the line, then 0.4 is something that we observe with +8FmBJWJCWlI-00109-00076096-00076954 the plain eye. Zero means that there is no linear relationship, and then negative correlations mean +8FmBJWJCWlI-00110-00076954-00077698 that when one variable increases, then another one decreases. So that's the same except the +8FmBJWJCWlI-00111-00077698-00078406 directions opposite. The correlation doesn't tell us what is the magnitude of the change, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00112-00078406-00079210 so we can say that this is the correlation of 1. There is a huge effect of the X variable on +8FmBJWJCWlI-00113-00079210-00079726 the Y variable. This is the correlation of 1 as well there is a small effect of X variable +8FmBJWJCWlI-00114-00079726-00080365 on the Y variable. Here the Y variable doesn't increase as strongly with X variable as here, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00115-00080365-00080995 so correlation doesn't tell us about the magnitude of the effect. It just tells us +8FmBJWJCWlI-00116-00080995-00081583 how strong the association is. And this is a zero correlation because the Y variable doesn't vary, +8FmBJWJCWlI-00117-00081583-00082321 and then we have the negative correlations here. Importantly, correlation is a measure of linear +8FmBJWJCWlI-00118-00082321-00083161 association. Here we have two variables that are clearly associated. So there's a clear pattern but +8FmBJWJCWlI-00119-00083161-00083761 it's nonlinear. Here is another pattern that's nonlinear and these are this is a weak positive +8FmBJWJCWlI-00120-00083761-00084676 correlation and this is a clear association but it's nonlinear. So correlation only tells us if +8FmBJWJCWlI-00121-00084676-00085192 we can describe the data with a line. There could be some other kinds of relationships +8FmBJWJCWlI-00122-00085192-00085993 as well. So saying that two variables are uncorrelated doesn't mean that they are not +8FmBJWJCWlI-00123-00085993-00086680 related statistically, just means that the relationship cannot be expressed as a line. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00000-00000293-00000596 This is fun, isn’t it? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00001-00000869-00001150 Oh, yeah… Desperado... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00002-00001163-00002006 I’ll have a great surprise present for you, tomorrow. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00003-00002243-00002493 Please, get excited for it. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00004-00002503-00002676 Bye bye. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00005-00003046-00003476 Where did the ‘Crusher Tetsuya’ go? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00006-00003686-00004350 My treasure… Please clam down for now… I still have to fight, tomorrow. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00007-00004353-00004436 I’m sorry. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00008-00004443-00004796 I’ll talk to Tetsuya in person. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00009-00004900-00005226 What am I looking forward to, tomorrow? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00010-00005263-00005740 I have an agreement with the chairman. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00011-00005743-00006393 He promised me that he would consider playing that song before the match… The one that goes... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00012-00006633-00006890 And the video, that shows all the champions. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00013-00006896-00007480 I like it. It creates suspense. He promised me that he'll consider it for the Juniors. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00014-00007483-00007830 I guess I'll see tomorrow, right? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00015-00007836-00008030 That’s what I’m looking forward to, the most. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00016-00008030-00008293 Also... Desperado... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00017-00008296-00008730 Please receive my present properly, okay? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00018-00009133-00009846 I know… That I lost to Chris Jericho at Osaka-Jo Hall. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00019-00009853-00010586 Even though it was a low blow that took me out, I heard the decisive 3 counts. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00020-00010736-00011183 He’s past his peak, isn’t he? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00021-00011216-00012020 He’s a world-wide star, however, he’s past his peak. It’s humiliating to lose to him. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00022-00012110-00012913 I’ll get my revenge on Chris Jericho, no matter if he has the belt or not. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00023-00012976-00013183 Also... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00024-00013250-00013560 At Osaka-Jo Hall, +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00025-00013630-00014556 I heard the new IWGP Champion criticizing us, Japanese wrestlers... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00026-00014566-00015060 You say the Japanese wrestlers are getting too comfortable because we travel less, huh? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00027-00015069-00015356 Hey, hey, don't make me laugh... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00028-00015363-00015890 Not only are you not here today, but you’re not anywhere on this tour. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00029-00015896-00016333 Who are you to speak? Cabron. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00030-00016600-00016860 We have a rematch, coming up. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00031-00016880-00017460 EVIL and SANADA elevated the titles. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00032-00017493-00018540 Once again, under our control, we will elevate them to the same level as the main title. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00033-00018680-00019820 The champion of the IWGP which should be the highest, among all other titles, +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00034-00019836-00020220 But it's not here today. Tomorrow, neither. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00035-00020583-00021003 You know that this is New Japan, right here? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00036-00021026-00021406 And you claim to be the leader of New Japan? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00037-00021410-00021803 You say that we are too comfortable and complacent? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00038-00021806-00022143 Who in the hell do you think you are? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00039-00022283-00022736 Your words mean nothing to me. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00040-00022780-00023273 And that's why we'll have that belt under our control. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00041-00023280-00024106 I will be the one to conquer G1 climax this time. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00042-00024110-00024386 Then I'll turn the world upside down. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00043-00024390-00024826 You should remember… +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00044-00025043-00025363 This is EVIL. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00045-00025370-00025770 Everything is EVIL. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00046-00025776-00025923 All of it. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00047-00026239-00026403 EVIL! +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00048-00026676-00026896 It’s you again, bastard? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00049-00027086-00027436 That’s how it is. Is this your fault? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00050-00027446-00027803 It’s you again, huh? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00051-00027810-00028039 I guess that’s how it is, right? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00052-00028039-00028220 You are okay with that? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00053-00028446-00028703 I should just stay like this? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00054-00028776-00029060 You… Okay, then… +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00055-00029086-00029513 I will crash everything. Everything. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00056-00029516-00029986 I will do it, definitely. Don’t get it confused, bastard. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00057-00030220-00030760 I guess to you guys, we are just always lazing around. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00058-00030766-00031373 But those who really watch us closely know this is part of our tactics. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00059-00031389-00031813 You lit us up. I don’t care about what else happens. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00060-00031839-00032293 Well… He’ll do what he needs to. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00061-00032306-00032800 He’s like a big brother to me. Whatever. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00062-00032820-00033260 Hiromu… What’s this present about? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00063-00033266-00034066 I said it many other times, even on Twitter and in the backstage comments... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00064-00034080-00034570 2 things… There are only two things I want... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00065-00034666-00035353 One is the title that you hold, the IWGP Junior singles title. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00066-00035356-00035676 That’s one. The other is... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00067-00035680-00036356 Even you offer it to me, I have to go get it on my own... +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00068-00036500-00037083 It's the fear that you will never be able to beat me, one on one. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00069-00037253-00038160 There's something beautiful in the faces of people who are scared or in danger. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00070-00038163-00038793 That’s when people light up the most. I want see that in you. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00071-00038903-00039353 Tomorrow, you will present me with the belt. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00072-00039356-00040070 But that other thing, I'll get that on my own. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00073-00040080-00040810 By the way, have you ever defeated me in a singles match? +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00074-00040900-00041420 What? We’ve only had one singles match? That’s right. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00075-00041450-00041933 But I did win that time. +8G2D3ARgrpQ-00076-00041940-00042400 Looking forward to it. I will have two new treasures, tomorrow. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00000-00000132-00000332 Hello, I am Kwon Tae Sung, a cartoonist. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00001-00000424-00000846 Today's video is a re-creation of a 2003 cartoon about my mother. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00002-00000934-00001312 This is a cartoon based on what happened when I was in elementary +8GM8CzOfYxM-00003-00001482-00001807 It's in my book [Memory pencil]. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00004-00001980-00002382 Looking back, I'm not very good at it, but I remember the time when I worked hard thinking about my mother. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00005-00002500-00002780 Then let's get started. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00006-00002850-00003004 [Kwon Tae-sung(overkwon)'s cartoon]Mother who was stronger than anyone else +8GM8CzOfYxM-00007-00003062-00003490 I was often sick when I was in elementary school. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00008-00003565-00003984 When I was in the first grade, that day was sick because of me lying on my desk. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00009-00004072-00004456 My homeroom teacher called my mother +8GM8CzOfYxM-00010-00004628-00005032 My mother ran to school. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00011-00005110-00005458 When my mother came out with me on her back +8GM8CzOfYxM-00012-00005522-00006028 I couldn't stand it. I threw up in the hallway +8GM8CzOfYxM-00013-00006088-00006623 The children were frightened when they came out after class. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00014-00006730-00007209 But my mother wasn't embarrassed at all, and she quickly took off my coat. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00015-00007290-00007764 She sat down and skillfully removed my vomit. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00016-00007831-00008342 I thought my mother would definitely scold me. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00017-00008446-00008892 After cleaning all my vomit, my mother asked me as she carried me on her back. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00018-00008958-00009378 'Are you all right?' +8GM8CzOfYxM-00019-00009474-00009888 'Yes..mom..' +8GM8CzOfYxM-00020-00009968-00010366 With one word, my mother didn't say a word until she got home. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00021-00010452-00010862 My mother's back was so comfortable. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00022-00010952-00011350 More than anything else, my own warm shield. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00023-00011424-00011868 My mother's back, which I can no longer find anywhere else, is buried in my deep memories. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00024-00011914-00012076 The yellow boots my mother bought me.. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00025-00012192-00012432 The shoe pocket with the robot on it.. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00026-00012520-00012778 My mother's warm touch.. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00027-00012888-00013206 And most of all, it's an unforgettable +8GM8CzOfYxM-00028-00013278-00013482 My mother's back was so warm.. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00029-00013630-00013950 Mother... +8GM8CzOfYxM-00030-00014008-00014232 A mother who was wiser and stronger than anyone else. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00031-00014302-00014536 I don't know if I can meet someone like that again.. +8GM8CzOfYxM-00032-00014650-00014950 If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and button +8GM8CzOfYxM-00033-00015058-00015247 Thank you. +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00000-00001889-00002486 what's happening YouTube peeps the MCU has given us some interesting stories +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00001-00002486-00002985 some great characters and some even better villains this is gonna be a +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00002-00002985-00003440 review from the homegirl Marvel Girl where she put together her list of the +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00003-00003440-00003872 top 12 most powerful MCU characters we're gonna review it and see if you +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00004-00003872-00004355 guys are Greek with what she has to say and we'll jump into it right now if +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00005-00004355-00004682 you're fighting me for the first time please subscribe to the channel be sure +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00006-00004682-00005100 to turn on notifications so when I drop videos you get them follow me on all my +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00007-00005100-00005532 social media links and for those of you that think kill monger made this list +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00008-00005532-00005964 sorry ladies and gentlemen he ain't on this list and he don't deserve to be on +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00009-00005964-00007267 this list here we go +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00010-00007267-00007877 so that was abomination from the hope movie in 2008 that's a destroyer from +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00011-00007877-00008533 the first Thor movie and they got them pretty low I don't know about that +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00012-00008533-00009647 that's the dude from Thor curse he was in store to cold ops ideon y'all know he +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00013-00009647-00010078 was from the infinity war with a nose +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00014-00010168-00010883 okay collages with his magic yeah he's pretty powerful so I mean I might be hit +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00015-00010883-00011654 with that evany mom with his telekinesis man he he was a problem he was +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00016-00011654-00012481 definitely a problem hello she's up there she's definitely up there +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00017-00012484-00013016 to remind you I'm in search or excuse me a little bit more powerful than hell I +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00018-00013016-00013685 have to agree with that now I don't know about Ronan with the or +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00019-00013685-00014326 being more powerful than certain y'all that I mean I don't know ego he's +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00020-00014326-00014941 definitely one of the most powerful he was celestial he could fight Thanos okay +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00021-00014941-00015298 yeah yeah yeah I can agree with that so fan knows with the Infinity Gauntlet +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00022-00015298-00015862 he should probably be more powerful who they got more powerful than Thanos +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00023-00015888-00016460 Dormammu is more powerful than Thanos with the government but in my opinion I +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00024-00016460-00017104 would say Surtur is just as powerful as Dormammu I would rate him up there with +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00025-00017104-00017519 Thanos if I had to take any opposition to the list it was a good list for what +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00026-00017519-00018143 MCU has in their cinematic movie universe but I guess I'm just taking +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00027-00018143-00018607 some of my information from comics and transition it to what we see in the +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00028-00018607-00019175 movies and what they have shown us in the movies I feel like this list kind of +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00029-00019175-00019541 coincides with it pretty well and I don't have a problem with it but I want +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00030-00019541-00019814 to hear from you guys what do you think about the list who would you take +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00031-00019814-00020261 opposition to being the most powerful as she had +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00032-00020261-00020660 durmond who was the most powerful and I would say he is powerful but I would say +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00033-00020660-00021242 just as equally as powerful would be short-term and ego and Thanos but that +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00034-00021242-00021656 knows a little bit more powerful than ego with the Infinity Gauntlet that's +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00035-00021656-00021986 gonna do it for this video don't forget to like my video please comment +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00036-00021986-00022553 subscribe go get yourself that life game to that net sexy as hell review video +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00037-00022553-00022888 I'll see you +8HS4ZGxvoNU-00038-00023697-00023903 you +8KGxu0zrGcU-00004-00002400-00002650 Mayawati +8KGxu0zrGcU-00008-00003559-00003832 BSP +8KGxu0zrGcU-00011-00004409-00004685 Uttar Pradesh +8KGxu0zrGcU-00016-00005931-00006194 Lucknow +8LY990CRoSQ-00000-00000014-00000714 welcome to this video about how to create free thumbnails using your shot +8LY990CRoSQ-00001-00000714-00001398 cut video editor so the first thing I wanted to show you is that if you come +8LY990CRoSQ-00002-00001398-00002271 over here to YouTube and you do a search for make free thumbnail you will see +8LY990CRoSQ-00003-00002271-00003026 that you will get tons and tons of videos come up about how to make free +8LY990CRoSQ-00004-00003026-00003714 thumbnails and the majority of them will be about how to make thumbnails online +8LY990CRoSQ-00005-00003714-00004448 or on your phone the top four are about how to make thumbnails for your videos +8LY990CRoSQ-00006-00004448-00004860 online this guy here shows you how to do it +8LY990CRoSQ-00007-00004860-00005435 with Photopea this guy here shows you three of the top online graphic websites +8LY990CRoSQ-00008-00005435-00006117 this guy here show you how to do it with Canva and this guy here also show you how to +8LY990CRoSQ-00009-00006117-00006419 do it with Canva +8LY990CRoSQ-00010-00006419-00007136 so there's lots and lots of 'em there's not that many that show you how to create a +8LY990CRoSQ-00011-00007136-00007614 thumbnail with your video editor there are some but you gotta keep scrolling +8LY990CRoSQ-00012-00007614-00008192 and scrolling and scrolling until you find one unless you search for it +8LY990CRoSQ-00013-00008192-00008799 specifically now the only one that I could find that was about how to create +8LY990CRoSQ-00014-00008799-00009428 a thumbnail using Shotcut was not that easy to understand so that's why I +8LY990CRoSQ-00015-00009428-00010245 created this video about how to make a free thumb now using your Shotcut video +8LY990CRoSQ-00016-00010245-00011525 editor so let's go over to Shotcut right now okay so let's go to our search and there +8LY990CRoSQ-00017-00011525-00012245 we go there's Shotcut right there let's open up Shotcut and here we go +8LY990CRoSQ-00018-00012245-00012743 Shotcut now the first thing I want to let you know is that you can create a +8LY990CRoSQ-00019-00012743-00013472 thumbnail in just about any video editor that can take a still shot or save to +8LY990CRoSQ-00020-00013472-00014447 a picture file like a JPEG or a PNG in Shotcut you can export to video but you +8LY990CRoSQ-00021-00014447-00015122 can also export a still frame and I think the default is to export to a PNG +8LY990CRoSQ-00022-00015122-00015804 and so that's how we're going to be able to create our thumbnail in Shotcut now +8LY990CRoSQ-00023-00015804-00016532 you can import a video that you've recorded and pause the video wherever +8LY990CRoSQ-00024-00016532-00017181 you want to do your thumbnail or you can snap a picture of yourself on your phone +8LY990CRoSQ-00025-00017181-00017670 and create your thumbnail that way or you can do like what we are gonna do and +8LY990CRoSQ-00026-00017670-00018315 you can create your own little video to work with from right here within shot +8LY990CRoSQ-00027-00018315-00018913 cut and the way that you do that is you're going to create a video clip and +8LY990CRoSQ-00028-00018913-00019509 we're gonna start with just a basic color video clip so you go over here you +8LY990CRoSQ-00029-00019509-00020012 click on open other and then click right here on color and +8LY990CRoSQ-00030-00020012-00020540 it's gonna open up the color window and you see that right now the preset is set +8LY990CRoSQ-00031-00020540-00021265 to transparent so we're gonna click on color and then we choose a color now I +8LY990CRoSQ-00032-00021265-00021760 like to choose something bright that stands out like yellow or red or orange +8LY990CRoSQ-00033-00021760-00022376 or something like that that really catches the eye but since we're doing a +8LY990CRoSQ-00034-00022376-00023248 YouTube video about YouTube thumbnails I decided to go with red so you click OK +8LY990CRoSQ-00035-00023248-00023795 and you see that our color has changed to red so you click OK again and it will +8LY990CRoSQ-00036-00023795-00024368 import the clip into our player and you see that that timer went right there and +8LY990CRoSQ-00037-00024368-00025375 the default is a three second video clip so when we drag this clip into our +8LY990CRoSQ-00038-00025375-00026059 timeline onto a it will create a video track for us and it's kind of small +8LY990CRoSQ-00039-00026059-00026576 because it's only a three second video clip so we're gonna zoom that out a +8LY990CRoSQ-00040-00026576-00027152 little bit where we can see it pretty good and if I play that clip right now +8LY990CRoSQ-00041-00027152-00027530 I'm just gonna push the spacebar and play the clip you see it'll play our +8LY990CRoSQ-00042-00027530-00027932 video for three seconds so it's just a simple +8LY990CRoSQ-00043-00027932-00028489 color video clip 3 second clip that we've created and this is going to be +8LY990CRoSQ-00044-00028489-00029059 our background so what we want to do is we want to add something on top of our +8LY990CRoSQ-00045-00029059-00029475 background we want to add another layer so we're gonna go over here and click +8LY990CRoSQ-00046-00029475-00030233 right here and we're gonna add another video track on top of the background +8LY990CRoSQ-00047-00030233-00030838 track that we already have to add another layer and in this next layer +8LY990CRoSQ-00048-00030838-00031620 we're going to open a layer of text so you go open other and you click text and +8LY990CRoSQ-00049-00031620-00032299 the text that we are going to type in is going to say +8LY990CRoSQ-00050-00032299-00033071 make free and we're gonna put free in all caps and then I'm gonna hit enter +8LY990CRoSQ-00051-00033071-00034061 and then I'm going to put thumbnails exclamation point and then I'm gonna hit +8LY990CRoSQ-00052-00034061-00035021 enter again and then I'm gonna type with : and that's gonna be our text and we're +8LY990CRoSQ-00053-00035021-00035734 gonna click OK and that brings us to our text right here so that's our layer and +8LY990CRoSQ-00054-00035734-00037015 our next step is to take our layer and drag it down into our second video track +8LY990CRoSQ-00055-00037015-00037738 and so now that we do that we see that we have some new text on top of our +8LY990CRoSQ-00056-00037738-00038336 background but we don't want it right there at the bottom and we can move it +8LY990CRoSQ-00057-00038336-00038827 around here but we also don't want that color either so we want to make some +8LY990CRoSQ-00058-00038827-00039775 changes to this text and what we want to do here is first of all we want to not +8LY990CRoSQ-00059-00039775-00040456 use the font size let's move this up a little bit we want to change our colors +8LY990CRoSQ-00060-00040456-00040993 now on a red background I like to use a color of a font that stands out that +8LY990CRoSQ-00061-00040993-00041494 kind of contrasts it so I'm gonna use yellow and that's gonna change our font +8LY990CRoSQ-00062-00041494-00042103 to a yellow color and then I like to do an outline on my font that makes the +8LY990CRoSQ-00063-00042103-00042899 font stand out so I'm gonna choose this blue color and you can make the +8LY990CRoSQ-00064-00042899-00043363 thickness of the outline I like to make mine very high the highest that you can +8LY990CRoSQ-00065-00043363-00043819 make it is 30 but I don't like to go all the way to 30 I have to go down to about +8LY990CRoSQ-00066-00043819-00044716 25 and you can't see it really good now but when we get ready to make the font +8LY990CRoSQ-00067-00044716-00045200 bigger and the way that we do that is we add a filter so you go over here and you +8LY990CRoSQ-00068-00045200-00045618 click on the plus sign and then go down here to size and +8LY990CRoSQ-00069-00045618-00046215 position click on size and position now if you try to size in position right now +8LY990CRoSQ-00070-00046215-00046833 with this big window here you'll find out that when you try to resize the text +8LY990CRoSQ-00071-00046833-00047418 it's gonna make it very difficult to work with so rather than doing that I'm +8LY990CRoSQ-00072-00047418-00047826 gonna set everything back to the defaults on that that sets it back to +8LY990CRoSQ-00073-00047826-00048456 the defaults rather than that add your size and position filter in but then go +8LY990CRoSQ-00074-00048456-00049191 back to text size and position from the text window and that'll make it easier +8LY990CRoSQ-00075-00049191-00049739 to do easier to work with now we can +8LY990CRoSQ-00076-00049745-00050421 make it bigger now you'll notice that it's bigger now you can see the blue +8LY990CRoSQ-00077-00050421-00050850 outline a lot easier with the text bigger and the reason we want to make +8LY990CRoSQ-00078-00050850-00051297 the text bigger is because not only is the blue outline easier to see but the +8LY990CRoSQ-00079-00051297-00051762 whole thing is easier to see from people when they're viewing your thumbnail from +8LY990CRoSQ-00080-00051762-00052500 a phone so something else here is you'll notice that over here everything is +8LY990CRoSQ-00081-00052500-00052979 justified to the left while everything is centered in the middle on the player +8LY990CRoSQ-00082-00052979-00053823 and the way that I fix that is I go down here and where it says horizontal +8LY990CRoSQ-00083-00053823-00054300 fit it's placed in the center I'm gonna click on left and that justifies +8LY990CRoSQ-00084-00054300-00054864 everything to the left and I can bring that over here and Center it this way +8LY990CRoSQ-00085-00054864-00055425 and I can still resize my text if I want to there we go but I want to choose +8LY990CRoSQ-00086-00055425-00056030 a different font and what you can do when you're choosing your fonts to make +8LY990CRoSQ-00087-00056030-00056757 it easier to choose your font is click right here on the font button and click +8LY990CRoSQ-00088-00056757-00057225 on this top of this window and hold your mouse button down and kind of move this +8LY990CRoSQ-00089-00057225-00057720 window out of the way and then when you are choosing your fonts you'll be able +8LY990CRoSQ-00090-00057720-00058329 to see it on this side so I'm gonna click on this font here and as you you +8LY990CRoSQ-00091-00058329-00058889 can just use your up and down arrows your keyboard and you can kind of scroll +8LY990CRoSQ-00092-00058889-00059516 through all of these fonts and you can see that the different fonts make quite +8LY990CRoSQ-00093-00059516-00060529 a bit of difference in how it looks on your video and now I want to resize it +8LY990CRoSQ-00094-00060529-00061030 some more I want to make it as large as I possibly can so that it shows up +8LY990CRoSQ-00095-00061030-00061625 really well on mobile phones but more importantly I want to make these I want +8LY990CRoSQ-00096-00061625-00062411 to make these words really very readable because this looks good now but whenever +8LY990CRoSQ-00097-00062411-00063026 you get mm-hmm whenever you get it down to a thumbnail on YouTube it's gonna be +8LY990CRoSQ-00098-00063026-00063529 really small so the bigger you make it now the better it'll look on YouTube so +8LY990CRoSQ-00099-00063529-00064255 I think that's gonna be about right right there okay so now I've got some +8LY990CRoSQ-00100-00064255-00064784 empty spaces to fill I think I want to put a YouTube symbol right here so the +8LY990CRoSQ-00101-00064784-00065309 way I do that is I'm gonna add a picture so I'm gonna add another video track +8LY990CRoSQ-00102-00065309-00066067 which will add a layer where I can add another picture so I go to open file and +8LY990CRoSQ-00103-00066067-00066926 I'm gonna go to pictures save pictures YouTube and there's the one I chose +8LY990CRoSQ-00104-00066926-00067628 right there so drag that picture down into your next layer your next track and +8LY990CRoSQ-00105-00067628-00068171 then you see that that's rather large so you add that size and position filter +8LY990CRoSQ-00106-00068171-00069173 again that one's gonna come in very handy and then you just take and resize +8LY990CRoSQ-00107-00069173-00069746 that picture so it'll fit up there in that corner so now instead of saying +8LY990CRoSQ-00108-00069746-00070283 make free thumbnails it'll say make free YouTube thumbnails it's okay if it goes +8LY990CRoSQ-00109-00070283-00070718 off the screen a little bit because I want the words to kind of line up with +8LY990CRoSQ-00110-00070718-00071348 the text so make free YouTube thumbnails with Shotcut is what we want it to say +8LY990CRoSQ-00111-00071348-00071719 but I'm gonna say it with a picture instead of words because +8LY990CRoSQ-00112-00071719-00072589 as a picture is worth a thousand words so I'm gonna add another video track to +8LY990CRoSQ-00113-00072589-00073531 add another layer so I can add another picture and where is my Shotcut oh +8LY990CRoSQ-00114-00073531-00074092 there it is Shotcut logo first we need to drag that track on we're gonna need +8LY990CRoSQ-00115-00074092-00074719 to drag that clip onto our track okay great now we can add our filter and go +8LY990CRoSQ-00116-00074719-00075187 down to size and position so we're gonna resize that we want it to be as big as +8LY990CRoSQ-00117-00075187-00075697 possible so that that Shotcut will be readable actually I want it to be even +8LY990CRoSQ-00118-00075697-00076069 bigger so I'm gonna I'm gonna make the bottom go off of the screen a little bit +8LY990CRoSQ-00119-00076069-00076501 cuz I want that to be bigger so that the Shotcut will be readable okay I think +8LY990CRoSQ-00120-00076501-00077029 that looks pretty good right there and I think I want this YouTube to be a little +8LY990CRoSQ-00121-00077029-00077719 bit bigger so you see the Shotcut track is highlighted right now so to go back +8LY990CRoSQ-00122-00077719-00078346 and adjust this YouTube picture I just click on my YouTube track to highlight +8LY990CRoSQ-00123-00078346-00079126 it and now I can go back and I can make my YouTube adjustment to my YouTube +8LY990CRoSQ-00124-00079126-00079459 picture so that's how you make adjustments you have to highlight the +8LY990CRoSQ-00125-00079459-00079870 track that you want to make adjustments to and you can make adjustments to it +8LY990CRoSQ-00126-00079870-00080347 that way okay so now we see that we've got a pretty +8LY990CRoSQ-00127-00080347-00080902 good thumbnail going right here but we have some empty space here and we have +8LY990CRoSQ-00128-00080902-00081418 some empty space here so I think what I'm gonna do to fill this empty space +8LY990CRoSQ-00129-00081418-00082099 here is I'm gonna add a subliminal message for people to like my video so +8LY990CRoSQ-00130-00082099-00082921 I'm gonna add another picture there I'm gonna add a video track and I'm gonna go +8LY990CRoSQ-00131-00082921-00083413 and I'm gonna I'm gonna go to my like pictures this blue thumb has a +8LY990CRoSQ-00132-00083413-00083932 rectangular kind of shape that looks like it might fit pretty good there this +8LY990CRoSQ-00133-00083932-00084406 green thumb does too but I like the blue color I think it'll work pretty good +8LY990CRoSQ-00134-00084406-00084907 there and I'm gonna drag that clip down onto that track +8LY990CRoSQ-00135-00084907-00085438 and again that's gonna be another filter that we need to add to resize that and +8LY990CRoSQ-00136-00085438-00085972 position it so click on size and position okay great so now we're gonna +8LY990CRoSQ-00137-00085972-00086611 resize that to fit and fill that space so people can get the hint to give me a +8LY990CRoSQ-00138-00086611-00087172 thumbs up and like my video that fit just about perfect right there +8LY990CRoSQ-00139-00087172-00087559 so that fills that space pretty good now we got another empty space here so I'm +8LY990CRoSQ-00140-00087559-00088021 gonna give people a little hint to subscribe to my channel so I'm gonna +8LY990CRoSQ-00141-00088021-00088576 open file and I'm gonna choose this one right here and I'm gonna add another +8LY990CRoSQ-00142-00088576-00089241 video track and then I'm gonna drag this picture down to that video track and +8LY990CRoSQ-00143-00089241-00089731 then I'm gonna go to my size and reposition one real quick thing before I +8LY990CRoSQ-00144-00089731-00090163 size and reposition this one of the filters that I want to show you that is +8LY990CRoSQ-00145-00090163-00090703 pretty cool there's a lot of filters that you can that you can explore and +8LY990CRoSQ-00146-00090703-00091303 play with but one that I want to show you is this rotate and scale so if you +8LY990CRoSQ-00147-00091303-00091840 add this filter rotate and scale you'll notice that there's this rotation thing +8LY990CRoSQ-00148-00091840-00092614 here and if you see that as I move it I can rotate the picture so if you were +8LY990CRoSQ-00149-00092614-00093235 ever wondering how people do that with their thumbnails well that's how they do +8LY990CRoSQ-00150-00093235-00093607 it all right so I'm gonna remove that filter the way you do that is you just +8LY990CRoSQ-00151-00093607-00094192 click the minus sign and I'm gonna go and I'm gonna click the Add button and +8LY990CRoSQ-00152-00094192-00094831 add that size and reposition and I'm just gonna size this down to that corner +8LY990CRoSQ-00153-00094831-00095232 right there to fill that blank space that looks pretty good right there okay +8LY990CRoSQ-00154-00095232-00095686 so now that you have your thumbnail looking just how you want it you're +8LY990CRoSQ-00155-00095686-00096613 gonna go over here to file click on export frame and I'm gonna save it as +8LY990CRoSQ-00156-00096613-00097276 this one right here Shotcut PNG it says that one already exists you want to +8LY990CRoSQ-00157-00097276-00098088 replace it I'm gonna say yes okay so now if we go to that folder and +8LY990CRoSQ-00158-00098088-00098641 we open up that file in our pictures we'll see the finished product listen if +8LY990CRoSQ-00159-00098641-00099288 this video helped you out then go ahead and give me a thumbs up right here and +8LY990CRoSQ-00160-00099288-00100020 like the video and I don't do videos all the time but I am gonna be doing them +8LY990CRoSQ-00161-00100020-00100473 more often if you want to get updates then click the subscribe button and +8LY990CRoSQ-00162-00100473-00100876 subscribe to my channel so that you can get updates and thank you for watching +8LY990CRoSQ-00163-00100876-00101112 the video! +8MGf_xamXic-00000-00000000-00000200 Lucki Type beat,Lucki Type beat 2022,chasethemoney type beat,chasethemoney type beat 2021,dark trap instrumental,dark type beat,dark type beat 2021,dark type beat free,dark type beat free for profit,dark type beat hard,free type beat,free type beat 2021,free valee type beat 2021,hard type beat,hard type beat 2021,lil yachty type beat hard,lucki,sologoinbrazy,trap type beat free,trap type beat hard,type beat 2021,valee type beat,valee type beat 2021 +8MVEKZnyjEy-00000-00000000-00000498 after cleaning up his hoarder lifestyle Garret Watts made a commitment everybody +8MVEKZnyjEy-00001-00000498-00000990 on YouTube as well as social media he was gonna be back making videos but not +8MVEKZnyjEy-00002-00000990-00001329 only has he not really been making videos but he hasn't really been present +8MVEKZnyjEy-00003-00001329-00001778 on social media either so I can actually really really relate to what Garrett's +8MVEKZnyjEy-00004-00001778-00002109 going through so in this video we're gonna be talking about why I'm worried +8MVEKZnyjEy-00005-00002109-00003332 about Garrett watts what is up everybody this is Chris fucking rewired so we're +8MVEKZnyjEy-00006-00003332-00003665 we talked about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my +8MVEKZnyjEy-00007-00003665-00003969 channel my channel is all about mental health and what I like to do is pull +8MVEKZnyjEy-00008-00003969-00004269 different topics from the YouTube community try to teach you how to +8MVEKZnyjEy-00009-00004269-00004545 improve your mental and emotional well-being so if the end of that stuff +8MVEKZnyjEy-00010-00004545-00005046 makes you subscribe and bring that notification bow so real quick we are so +8MVEKZnyjEy-00011-00005046-00005475 close we are so close to 10,000 followers on Instagram I could taste it +8MVEKZnyjEy-00012-00005475-00005903 like as of recording this video we are only a hundred away don't you want to be +8MVEKZnyjEy-00013-00005903-00006348 my 10,000 follower over on Instagram don't you want that don't you want that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00014-00006348-00006815 memory to share with me huh so go over on instagram at the rewiring +8MVEKZnyjEy-00015-00006815-00007170 soul make sure you're following me we are so close and pretty soon we'll have +8MVEKZnyjEy-00016-00007170-00007533 that stupid little swipe of the future which will make both of our lives a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00017-00007533-00007934 whole lot easier but also follow me on Twitter it's fun stuff I talk to a lot +8MVEKZnyjEy-00018-00007934-00008217 of you like oh why don't you ask like what the best way to get a hold of me is +8MVEKZnyjEy-00019-00008217-00008709 Twitter I have my DMS on private but I will have conversations with a lot of +8MVEKZnyjEy-00020-00008709-00009120 you if I'm around halftime so anyways follow me on Twitter same tag active +8MVEKZnyjEy-00021-00009120-00009882 rewind so anyways it was oh this dude this dude I made videos about him and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00022-00009882-00010509 Shane Dawson and Ryland and Adams and Morgan and Andrew Sawicki like going over and helping +8MVEKZnyjEy-00023-00010509-00010850 them clean up this hoarder lifestyle and I was so proud of them I made like a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00024-00010850-00011472 30-minute long video I was so happy so proud of Garrett to be doing this so he +8MVEKZnyjEy-00025-00011472-00011921 basically said that one of the reasons that he wasn't filming as much was +8MVEKZnyjEy-00026-00011921-00012236 because of his house is house being dirty and all +8MVEKZnyjEy-00027-00012236-00012704 and I made a video I don't know around this time he post his last video about +8MVEKZnyjEy-00028-00012704-00013079 eating his ears pierced now how I was proud of Garrett Watts because he talked +8MVEKZnyjEy-00029-00013079-00013441 about his small success of you know keeping his house clean even if it was +8MVEKZnyjEy-00030-00013441-00013790 for a month beautiful beautiful beautiful but we're talking like it's +8MVEKZnyjEy-00031-00013790-00014276 been like three or four months and Garrett actually commented on my video +8MVEKZnyjEy-00032-00014276-00014624 because I said I was setting a a calendar date to see if Garret actually +8MVEKZnyjEy-00033-00014624-00015062 started making videos right and he actually commented and said hey +8MVEKZnyjEy-00034-00015062-00015497 I'm setting my calendar too but what we've all seen is that Garrett is a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00035-00015497-00016016 posting any new videos he is on social media either and what I want to do is +8MVEKZnyjEy-00036-00016016-00016553 kind of explain my thoughts and my experience as to why that is so although +8MVEKZnyjEy-00037-00016553-00016829 I don't know Garrett I feel like I can relate and what I'm always trying to +8MVEKZnyjEy-00038-00016829-00017300 teach all of you is to try to relate to what you're watching on YouTube or +8MVEKZnyjEy-00039-00017300-00017702 what's going on in the community and hopefully I can provide you with some +8MVEKZnyjEy-00040-00017702-00018182 suggestions and some tips because I used to be a huge people pleaser I still kind +8MVEKZnyjEy-00041-00018182-00018575 of am but there's a way to turn that into a benefit but we're alternately +8MVEKZnyjEy-00042-00018575-00019120 talking about in this video the beautiful topic of avoidance and anxiety +8MVEKZnyjEy-00043-00019120-00019495 and all that stuff so for those of you who don't know I'm a drug addict and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00044-00019495-00019898 alcoholic and recovery I have about six-and-a-half years clean and alcohol +8MVEKZnyjEy-00045-00019898-00020243 and drugs you know completely you know took over my life ruined my +8MVEKZnyjEy-00046-00020243-00020675 relationships you know with friends with family members jobs career money all +8MVEKZnyjEy-00047-00020675-00021314 that stuff right so the first time I got clean I was able to stay clean for about +8MVEKZnyjEy-00048-00021314-00021632 three months I went through the 12-step program I thought it was some crazy +8MVEKZnyjEy-00049-00021632-00022007 religious cult so I didn't pay attention I was like y'all brainwashing me right +8MVEKZnyjEy-00050-00022007-00022436 and I relapsed a few months later and things got progressively worse so after +8MVEKZnyjEy-00051-00022436-00022760 that last relapse you know for the next I don't even remember how long it was +8MVEKZnyjEy-00052-00022760-00023339 for six months to a year things got worse you know I lost a job my kids +8MVEKZnyjEy-00053-00023339-00023741 mother and I and my son we had to move back to Las Vegas I got a new job she +8MVEKZnyjEy-00054-00023741-00024206 ended up leaving me because of my addiction my addiction got worse and I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00055-00024206-00024566 was living with a roommate and my life was just spiraling out of +8MVEKZnyjEy-00056-00024566-00025034 control and I remember I had a job for maybe a week or two and I got fired +8MVEKZnyjEy-00057-00025034-00025412 right because I drink a ton the night before I showed up I was late for work +8MVEKZnyjEy-00058-00025412-00025662 they I mean I remember calling my mom on the +8MVEKZnyjEy-00059-00025662-00026217 way home just like sobbing just crying right I'm looks like mom I can't live +8MVEKZnyjEy-00060-00026217-00026694 like this anymore I need help right and my mom you know she was silver as well +8MVEKZnyjEy-00061-00026694-00027054 and she had been sober for years at this point and she dropped everything that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00062-00027054-00027441 she was doing came down to Las Vegas just to drive me across town to a detox +8MVEKZnyjEy-00063-00027441-00027926 center but it's not only was I abusing alcohol but I was also abusing pills so +8MVEKZnyjEy-00064-00027926-00028287 when it comes to improving our mental health whether it's addiction or mental +8MVEKZnyjEy-00065-00028287-00028644 health or anything like that a lot of us lack accountability right +8MVEKZnyjEy-00066-00028644-00029205 and I had the self-awareness to know that I lacked accountability so what I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00067-00029205-00029639 decided to do was before I went into that detox center like a lot of people +8MVEKZnyjEy-00068-00029639-00029955 you know knew I like to drink and party and stuff like that but a lot of people +8MVEKZnyjEy-00069-00029955-00030393 didn't know how bad it was so what I did was I went on Facebook and I posted it I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00070-00030393-00030774 publicly posted it I say hey everybody I have a problem with drugs and alcohol +8MVEKZnyjEy-00071-00030774-00031319 I'm going into a detox center right so what I did was I was outed myself +8MVEKZnyjEy-00072-00031319-00031812 publicly as a way to keep myself accountable because I thought that if I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00073-00031812-00032154 let the whole world know what I was struggling with and what my goals were +8MVEKZnyjEy-00074-00032154-00032570 and my intentions were maybe that would help keep me on the right path after I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00075-00032570-00033069 got out of that detox center so I can relate to Garrett watts and his very you +8MVEKZnyjEy-00076-00033069-00033684 know public vulnerable videos about his you know hoarder lifestyle and the +8MVEKZnyjEy-00077-00033684-00034008 reasons why he wasn't making videos and you know trying to get things back on +8MVEKZnyjEy-00078-00034008-00034422 track you know part of that was for accountability you know what I mean so +8MVEKZnyjEy-00079-00034422-00034902 everybody knew what his intentions were right so I went into that detox center I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00080-00034902-00035313 think it was like a four or five day detox and that's a whole nother story +8MVEKZnyjEy-00081-00035313-00035823 about what I experienced in there that's one of the reasons why I try to teach +8MVEKZnyjEy-00082-00035823-00036162 you guys not to think you're so unique and stuff because that's actually what +8MVEKZnyjEy-00083-00036162-00036600 led to my relapse but anyways I stayed sober for a few months against there was +8MVEKZnyjEy-00084-00036600-00036903 something up with me where I could I can get three months clean and then I would +8MVEKZnyjEy-00085-00036903-00037218 relapse three months realize three months relapse right but during that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00086-00037218-00037461 three months life started getting better right +8MVEKZnyjEy-00087-00037461-00038010 I started killing it at my job I got a raise I got a promotion you know things +8MVEKZnyjEy-00088-00038010-00038388 were starting to get better between my son's mom and I even though we were +8MVEKZnyjEy-00089-00038388-00038790 split up at this point things are getting better with my son if you had an +8MVEKZnyjEy-00090-00038790-00039165 expensive drug habit like me like that's a instant pay raise I had a lot more +8MVEKZnyjEy-00091-00039165-00039669 money in the bank things were going so so so well right and what ended up +8MVEKZnyjEy-00092-00039669-00040140 happening was I injured my shoulder and I went to the emergency room and my drug +8MVEKZnyjEy-00093-00040140-00040534 of choice was prescription painkillers right and I was in the hospital because +8MVEKZnyjEy-00094-00040534-00040831 I was working out and stuff and I hurt my shoulder it's actually something I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00095-00040831-00041137 still deal with actually went to the doctor last week but I don't let him +8MVEKZnyjEy-00096-00041137-00041509 give me pain meds anymore but anyways they prescribed me a bottle of vicodin +8MVEKZnyjEy-00097-00041509-00041871 and I remember going home and the pain was already gone but I remember going +8MVEKZnyjEy-00098-00041871-00042302 home without bottle of pills and staring at it at what seemed like an eternity +8MVEKZnyjEy-00099-00042302-00042684 right and I had you know you know those old cartoons where you had like the +8MVEKZnyjEy-00100-00042684-00043119 devil and the angel right so like little angel dudes like saying like Chris these +8MVEKZnyjEy-00101-00043119-00043411 pills you have a problem with them you have a major problem of these pills +8MVEKZnyjEy-00102-00043411-00043809 don't take them you're not even in pain just throw them away just get rid of +8MVEKZnyjEy-00103-00043809-00044206 them right I'm like yeah you know you're right but then my addiction my disease +8MVEKZnyjEy-00104-00044206-00044496 in my head and for you that might be your depression might be your anxiety +8MVEKZnyjEy-00105-00044496-00044881 might be your trauma whatever it is the other one was like Chris it's just one +8MVEKZnyjEy-00106-00044881-00045211 pain pill it's only five milligrams what's that gonna do to you right and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00107-00045211-00045727 this voice my addiction voice is a hell of a lot louder than the good voice +8MVEKZnyjEy-00108-00045727-00046215 right so I ended up taking that one pain pill and I'm not even kidding you within +8MVEKZnyjEy-00109-00046215-00046630 within seconds before a pill even has its chance to dissolve and do whatever +8MVEKZnyjEy-00110-00046630-00047005 it needs to within you like I immediately thought this pill is not +8MVEKZnyjEy-00111-00047005-00047397 gonna do anything for you and I ended up taking three or four more right next +8MVEKZnyjEy-00112-00047397-00047775 thing you knew the next morning that entire bottle was gone and I was calling +8MVEKZnyjEy-00113-00047775-00048165 my drug dealer again and that was my last relapse which lasted about a year +8MVEKZnyjEy-00114-00048165-00048891 and a half but because I made this thing so public I felt so much guilt I felt so +8MVEKZnyjEy-00115-00048891-00049408 much shame I felt stupid I felt like I let everybody down I let my son's mom +8MVEKZnyjEy-00116-00049408-00049852 down I let my son down I like my friends my family down I let myself down how +8MVEKZnyjEy-00117-00049852-00050394 could I do this again after I made it so public so what happened was was I just +8MVEKZnyjEy-00118-00050394-00050725 sort of being more secretive about it right I didn't want to tell anybody I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00119-00050725-00051136 didn't want anybody know because I was so embarrassed all right so when I look +8MVEKZnyjEy-00120-00051136-00051546 at Garrett wass situation I see how he hasn't been active on +8MVEKZnyjEy-00121-00051546-00051964 social media you know my concern is is that he made this very public +8MVEKZnyjEy-00122-00051964-00052264 announcement that he was gonna start making videos again to be more active +8MVEKZnyjEy-00123-00052264-00052708 and I know he's made appearances in like jeffree star videos Shane Dawson videos +8MVEKZnyjEy-00124-00052708-00053233 he was just in awhile and Adams video and all of that but he hasn't really +8MVEKZnyjEy-00125-00053233-00053611 been on Twitter or Instagram as much because when he does he gets a bunch of +8MVEKZnyjEy-00126-00053611-00053989 comments saying hey when's the next video and all that so I would imagine +8MVEKZnyjEy-00127-00053989-00054264 like obviously I'm not inside of Garrett's head but I would imagine +8MVEKZnyjEy-00128-00054264-00054622 there's some guilt some shame some embarrassment the same type that I feel +8MVEKZnyjEy-00129-00054622-00055048 and here's the thing like real quick sidenote I'm always trying to teach you +8MVEKZnyjEy-00130-00055048-00055486 guys to look for the similarities rather than differences like Garrett his thing +8MVEKZnyjEy-00131-00055486-00055951 is like making YouTube videos my thing was addiction but I can still relate to +8MVEKZnyjEy-00132-00055951-00056395 him okay like so many of us are going through the same things but we think +8MVEKZnyjEy-00133-00056395-00056791 like oh my situation is different I can't relate to you so I'm trying to +8MVEKZnyjEy-00134-00056791-00057172 train all of you to learn how to find the similarities even if somebody's +8MVEKZnyjEy-00135-00057172-00057769 problem seems completely different so what's the solution what's the solution +8MVEKZnyjEy-00136-00057769-00058222 that I found alright so anyways you know that year-and-a-half one relapse that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00137-00058222-00058594 almost killed me six and a half years ago I had a 10% chance of living i +8MVEKZnyjEy-00138-00058594-00058957 congestive heart failure good news just went to the doctor to go over my +8MVEKZnyjEy-00139-00058957-00059377 echocardiogram results she said she's like surprised she's like wow your heart +8MVEKZnyjEy-00140-00059377-00059914 is doing amazing it's not perfect so she gave me some medications I just started +8MVEKZnyjEy-00141-00059914-00060274 going back to the gym again I've been vegetarian for over a year so don't you +8MVEKZnyjEy-00142-00060274-00060679 worry about me baby girl I'm doing good anyways after that relapse when I got +8MVEKZnyjEy-00143-00060679-00061126 sober this time I knew something had to change so for me for me in the realm of +8MVEKZnyjEy-00144-00061126-00061537 addiction recovery there was a couple foods that I did one of them was that I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00145-00061537-00061870 got a service commitment right I got a commitment and a meeting where I had to +8MVEKZnyjEy-00146-00061870-00062205 show up every single week and open up the meeting I had keys to a place which +8MVEKZnyjEy-00147-00062205-00062560 is crazy like you're gonna give a drug addict alcoholic keys to this place like +8MVEKZnyjEy-00148-00062560-00062926 I might be crazy right but I also like had to bring all the stuff to the +8MVEKZnyjEy-00149-00062926-00063279 meeting and all this and I'd even have a car so every week I was taking like a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00150-00063279-00063619 thirty minute bus ride with this crate full of stuff with like coffee and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00151-00063619-00064116 literature and all that but I had to do it I think what helped me out with that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00152-00064116-00064650 accountability was knowing that other relied on me but like people couldn't +8MVEKZnyjEy-00153-00064650-00065141 attend that meeting if I didn't show up so that helped me even more with +8MVEKZnyjEy-00154-00065141-00065576 accountability knowing that other people were relying on me so in the context of +8MVEKZnyjEy-00155-00065576-00066024 like Garrett Watts and YouTube or even you watching this like with work right +8MVEKZnyjEy-00156-00066024-00066350 like think about think about the days you wake up for work and you just don't +8MVEKZnyjEy-00157-00066350-00066875 want to go right I'm gonna call and I'm so sick I can't make it in don't think +8MVEKZnyjEy-00158-00066875-00067169 about the employer in that situation think about your coworkers think about +8MVEKZnyjEy-00159-00067169-00067548 the other people who would have to take over your task and do those things like +8MVEKZnyjEy-00160-00067548-00067895 do it for them alright like this is something that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00161-00067895-00068256 helped train me and and quit thinking about myself so much those of you who +8MVEKZnyjEy-00162-00068256-00068535 have been subscribed for a while you know how I talk about the default +8MVEKZnyjEy-00163-00068535-00068957 Network the posterior cingulate cortex our default is to be selfish and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00164-00068957-00069192 self-centred so what helps me with more +8MVEKZnyjEy-00165-00069192-00069498 accountability is to think about other people's like why do I make so many +8MVEKZnyjEy-00166-00069498-00069936 videos why do I make so many videos cuz it's not about me when I put out content +8MVEKZnyjEy-00167-00069936-00070526 is for you so that was one of the things the other thing is I knew I was a people +8MVEKZnyjEy-00168-00070526-00070950 pleaser and I hated letting people down so I turned that into a strength so I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00169-00070950-00071318 started working with a sponsor for those of you who don't know what that is it's +8MVEKZnyjEy-00170-00071318-00071724 kind of like a recovery mentor all right I suggest that you find a mentor whether +8MVEKZnyjEy-00171-00071724-00072018 you're dealing with you know any form of mental illness whether it's borderline +8MVEKZnyjEy-00172-00072018-00072602 personality disorder depression anxiety bipolar disorder PTSD whatever it is +8MVEKZnyjEy-00173-00072602-00073068 find somebody who's been working on themselves for years now and have them +8MVEKZnyjEy-00174-00073068-00073404 be a mentor for you talk to them about your struggles their your pitfalls like +8MVEKZnyjEy-00175-00073404-00073755 the best thing we can ever do is find somebody who's overcome the obstacle +8MVEKZnyjEy-00176-00073755-00074079 that we're working on right now and learn from them and walk in their +8MVEKZnyjEy-00177-00074079-00074463 footsteps right but anyways this guy gave me homework and things like writing +8MVEKZnyjEy-00178-00074463-00074829 assignments and you know I had to meet up with him and I had to call him once a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00179-00074829-00075216 day and all these other things and on all the days when I didn't want to do +8MVEKZnyjEy-00180-00075216-00075752 that like since I'm a people-pleaser I didn't want to let this guy down I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00181-00075752-00076149 didn't want to let him down I let so many people down in my life I was like I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00182-00076149-00076599 just don't want to let this one dude down and in reality like my sponsor was +8MVEKZnyjEy-00183-00076599-00076988 dope and like you didn't care he was you know it was a good sponsor but in my +8MVEKZnyjEy-00184-00076988-00077239 brain I didn't want to let this guy down well +8MVEKZnyjEy-00185-00077239-00077762 and that helped push me forward right so again I was getting out of myself and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00186-00077762-00078287 thinking about other people so you know in Garrett's situation a lot of it like +8MVEKZnyjEy-00187-00078287-00078619 Garrett brings smiles and joy there's so many people if you're watching this +8MVEKZnyjEy-00188-00078619-00079024 video you're probably a Garrett wants fan like I love that dude and like I +8MVEKZnyjEy-00189-00079024-00079523 wish that Garrett Watts knew like if he just like started vlogging like once a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00190-00079523-00079892 week and just recorded his silly life and just talked to the camera +8MVEKZnyjEy-00191-00079892-00080275 people would absolutely love it absolutely love it +8MVEKZnyjEy-00192-00080275-00080626 I know Garrett you know loves to edit and do all sorts of stuff with his +8MVEKZnyjEy-00193-00080626-00081055 videos and this production value is great but if Garrett was my friend I'd +8MVEKZnyjEy-00194-00081055-00081368 be talking to my dude baby steps just so with this I knew you liked the high +8MVEKZnyjEy-00195-00081368-00081874 production value and all this but I just talked to the camera so if I were +8MVEKZnyjEy-00196-00081874-00082282 Garrett's friend or if I was you know talking to him what I would say is like +8MVEKZnyjEy-00197-00082282-00082756 think about the joy you bring to other people just by posting right and what it +8MVEKZnyjEy-00198-00082756-00083273 does again is it helps us get out of here and it helps other people so how +8MVEKZnyjEy-00199-00083273-00083770 does this relate to you so for example I sent an email out on my email list last +8MVEKZnyjEy-00200-00083770-00084197 week I think and it was like just listen right if you if you're the face of a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00201-00084197-00084508 group on the discord server or if you're afraid to go in there just sit back and +8MVEKZnyjEy-00202-00084508-00084907 listen but what I want you to think about is to is to understand that +8MVEKZnyjEy-00203-00084907-00085420 sharing your experience and sharing your story can help other people why like +8MVEKZnyjEy-00204-00085420-00085774 look at Ely mation I look like what illy Mason did with her seriously +8MVEKZnyjEy-00205-00085774-00086261 her sharing that story has helped so so many young women and young men out there +8MVEKZnyjEy-00206-00086261-00086758 right so we have to stop thinking about ourselves so much of what we don't want +8MVEKZnyjEy-00207-00086758-00087127 to do right we in order to get out of that we need to think about how it +8MVEKZnyjEy-00208-00087127-00087692 benefits others okay but anyways I hope you know I hope Garrett Watts is doing +8MVEKZnyjEy-00209-00087692-00088069 all right I hope he starts making content again and all of that and I hope +8MVEKZnyjEy-00210-00088069-00088460 me sharing a little bit of my experience can help you understand what you might +8MVEKZnyjEy-00211-00088460-00088693 be going through when it comes to avoidance when it comes to +8MVEKZnyjEy-00212-00088693-00089038 procrastinating when it comes to accountability and all that stuff if you +8MVEKZnyjEy-00213-00089038-00089467 need some accountability make sure you join the rewired soul you know Facebook +8MVEKZnyjEy-00214-00089467-00089774 group and or the discord servers are always linked down in the description +8MVEKZnyjEy-00215-00089774-00090122 below all right well let me know down in the comments can you relate to this can +8MVEKZnyjEy-00216-00090122-00090386 you relate to you know making a public announcement +8MVEKZnyjEy-00217-00090386-00090716 then you know the feeling of letting people down that you start avoiding it +8MVEKZnyjEy-00218-00090716-00091016 altogether let's have the conversation down in the comments below alright +8MVEKZnyjEy-00219-00091016-00091370 anyways that's all I got with this video if you like this video please give it a +8MVEKZnyjEy-00220-00091370-00091631 thumbs up you can do make sure you subscribe and ring that notification +8MVEKZnyjEy-00221-00091631-00091973 bell because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge thank you to everybody +8MVEKZnyjEy-00222-00091973-00092300 supporting this pic channel over on patreon you are all amazing and if you +8MVEKZnyjEy-00223-00092300-00092582 would like to become a patron and get some exclusive content join our group +8MVEKZnyjEy-00224-00092582-00092900 calls or have one on once as me and all that stuff at the top on the patreon +8MVEKZnyjEy-00225-00092900-00093430 icon right there all right thanks so much for watching I'll see you next time +8OwenI-79x0-00000-00000000-00000366 *epic music starts* +8OwenI-79x0-00001-00000366-00000466 *gun sound* +8OwenI-79x0-00002-00000466-00000504 *epic music is still playing* +8OwenI-79x0-00003-00000504-00000604 Fuck you +8OwenI-79x0-00004-00000604-00000687 *epic music continues even though it didn't end* +8OwenI-79x0-00005-00000687-00000804 *gunshots* +8OwenI-79x0-00006-00000807-00001591 *epic music is on* +8OwenI-79x0-00007-00001591-00001791 Text: FUCK YOU (epic music playing in the background btw) +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00000-00000000-00000413 on Friday the 13th Netflix launched a brand new original series called mind +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00001-00000413-00000774 hunter which is about serial killers and today we're gonna dive a little bit +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00002-00000774-00001188 deeper into the psychology about it and if you haven't seen it yet don't worry +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00003-00001188-00001635 because this is going to be spoiler free so stick around psychopaths are +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00004-00001635-00001928 convinced that there's nothing wrong with them so these men are virtually +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00005-00001928-00002331 impossible to study yet you have found a way in near perfect laboratory +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00006-00002331-00002775 conditions hello ladies that's what makes this so exciting and potentially +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00007-00002775-00003254 so far-reaching what's up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00008-00003254-00003740 talk about the problem but focus on the solution and yes today we are going to +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00009-00003740-00004278 be talking about the new original series mind hunter on Netflix so if you have +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00010-00004278-00004905 not heard about this show or haven't watched it it is about some FBI agents +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00011-00004905-00005403 back in the 1970s it takes place around in 1977 and it's when they first start +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00012-00005403-00005930 using criminal psychology to try to get into the minds of serial killers to +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00013-00005930-00006470 prevent more serial killers from killing more people to track down serial killers +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00014-00006470-00006867 and all that kind of stuff so a lot of it is them interviewing different serial +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00015-00006867-00007152 killers who have already been locked up trying to get in their heads see how +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00016-00007152-00007520 they think see what motivates them and all that kind of stuff I've always been +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00017-00007520-00007895 fascinated by these serial killer stories and I think mainly because of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00018-00007895-00008325 what this show does I just want to know what the heck is going on in their head +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00019-00008325-00008685 I'll be brutally honest with you I have not finished the series yet and that's +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00020-00008685-00009029 one of the reasons why there's gonna be no spoilers here but everything I've +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00021-00009029-00009497 watched so far is amazing so check it out it's definitely awesome but what I +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00022-00009497-00010038 want to talk about today is some of the psychology behind the series this won't +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00023-00010038-00010467 really spoil anything and it shouldn't be a surprise to many people but a lot +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00024-00010467-00010886 of the serial killers who are based on real people real serial killers a lot of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00025-00010886-00011307 them had a lot of childhood trauma and I just want to talk about that for a +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00026-00011307-00011864 little bit because in most cases like 99.9% of cases people who suffer from +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00027-00011864-00012264 childhood trauma are not going to become serial killers this is just the way +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00028-00012264-00012729 their trauma manifests in there's a bunch of other factors in +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00029-00012729-00013509 there but it's important to realize how much childhood trauma affects us later +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00030-00013509-00013931 in life it stays with us forever and this is something that I just really +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00031-00013931-00014328 wanted to talk about and this show does a great job talking about it because so +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00032-00014328-00014984 many adults walking around the earth today do not realize how much their life +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00033-00014984-00015555 as a kid affected how they are now so I'll use myself as an example first and +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00034-00015555-00015923 foremost I am the child of an alcoholic mother some of you have seen me do live +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00035-00015923-00016290 streams with her I love my mom we have an amazing relationship today partially +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00036-00016290-00016737 because she got sober about 12 years ago I got sober a little over five years ago +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00037-00016737-00017187 and our relationship is awesome but something that was really +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00038-00017187-00017643 eye-opening to me was when I picked up a book called adult children of alcoholics +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00039-00017643-00018225 if you are the child of an alcoholic even if you were adopted I highly +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00040-00018225-00018567 recommend that you pick up this book I'll put a link in the description down +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00041-00018567-00019082 below but this book completely just opened up my eyes to so many patterns +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00042-00019082-00019673 and I was getting into as an adult he started explaining to me why I had so +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00043-00019673-00020163 many trust issues why I had issues at work why I dated the women that I dated +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00044-00020163-00020787 all of these things were attributed to my childhood and also explained to me +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00045-00020787-00021176 why I used to be a habitual liar one of the symptoms of adult children of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00046-00021176-00021522 alcoholics is that we lie even though it would have been easier to tell the truth +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00047-00021522-00021972 and we don't know why we do it and so much of that is explained and I started +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00048-00021972-00022454 to see how all of these traits were carrying on in my life even though it +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00049-00022454-00022935 was 30 years ago when it happened this book adult children of alcoholics not +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00050-00022935-00023345 only do I highly recommend that any child of an alcoholic or addict read it +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00051-00023345-00023838 I always tell my clients that if they have children they should read the book +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00052-00023838-00024407 to to look out for potential signs that may arise because real quick statistic a +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00053-00024407-00024969 child of an alcoholic or addict has an 80% chance of becoming an addict +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00054-00024969-00025443 themselves but pretty much a hundred percent of them well let's say closer to +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00055-00025443-00025723 90% of them will develop these symptoms and +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00056-00025723-00026029 they'll have issues with relationships later on in life the interesting thing +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00057-00026029-00026452 about this book - the author Janet Watts she actually wrote another book because +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00058-00026452-00027033 children who were sexually abused they also had similar symptoms to adult +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00059-00027033-00027376 children as alcoholics so I'll put a link to that in the description below as +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00060-00027376-00027769 well if you want to check that out this these are things that are happening on +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00061-00027769-00028267 this very subconscious level that so many people refuse to address a lot of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00062-00028267-00028630 it has to do with trust issues a lot of it has to do with relationships there +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00063-00028630-00029032 are people who keep getting into toxic relationship after tastic relationship +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00064-00029032-00029419 and they don't realize a lot of that stems from the childhood eventually my +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00065-00029419-00029829 mother and I are going to put up a course at the rewired soul comm +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00066-00029829-00030247 discussing different relationship patterns and why a lot of people keep +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00067-00030247-00030667 getting into these bad relationships or they are having trouble in a very +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00068-00030667-00031063 healthy relationship for example with me my parents split up when I was four +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00069-00031063-00031614 years old both of my parents have very unhealthy relationships so growing up I +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00070-00031614-00032080 never had a good example of what a healthy relationship looks like what I +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00071-00032080-00032524 saw as a loving relationship was not loving at all +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00072-00032524-00032998 my mother had issues with my stepdad my father he had issues with the women he +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00073-00032998-00033559 dated and that is what I saw so children who grow up in a house where the not +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00074-00033559-00033796 necessarily the parents stay together but they have a good relationship +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00075-00033796-00034279 together they're less likely to get into toxic relationships later so a lot of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00076-00034279-00034735 stuff for me that came up that I saw these patterns later in life were +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00077-00034735-00035155 happening to me still came from an inventory a personal inventory that I +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00078-00035155-00035671 did and pretty soon I'm going to give you all a worksheet where you can start +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00079-00035671-00036066 doing this and diving deep into your past and seeing what kind of traits that +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00080-00036066-00036526 you have based on your childhood but again this is the rebar so we talked +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00081-00036526-00036868 about the problem but focus on the solution so if you are having any +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00082-00036868-00037432 difficulties or struggles in life be sure to reach out to somebody seek out +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00083-00037432-00037831 therapy seek out support groups read some of the books that I've recommended +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00084-00037831-00038104 that are in the description below because they're going to enlighten you +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00085-00038104-00038428 and open up your eyes and then once we acknowledge that there +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00086-00038428-00038800 is a problem we can start working towards the solution there's a lot of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00087-00038800-00039184 people neglect it and they refuse to look at that stuff and they continue on +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00088-00039184-00039588 this pattern of destruction or getting into toxic relationships or having +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00089-00039588-00040012 issues at work or having issues with friends and you know the point of life +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00090-00040012-00040738 is to you know find our old version of happiness regardless of what we have so +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00091-00040738-00041169 I highly recommend that you check out some of these books the links in the +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00092-00041169-00041559 description they are affiliate links so what that means is that they do not cost +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00093-00041559-00041986 you anything extra but they help support this channel so I can make more videos +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00094-00041986-00042421 like this so if you have Netflix check out this show mind hunters especially if +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00095-00042421-00042730 you're interested in serial killers and all that kind of stuff or even +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00096-00042730-00043125 psychology check it out I might do some more videos on this series if you want +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00097-00043125-00043584 me to put comments down below or give this video a thumbs up but anyways thank +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00098-00043584-00043897 you so much for watching and if you haven't yet make sure you click the +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00099-00043897-00044281 little brown subscribe button right below this box and also to the left of +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00100-00044281-00044622 me there are some thumbnails click or tap on them check out some more videos +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00101-00044622-00045031 on this channel I have over a hundred mental health and addiction videos for +8Qi1WyYt2vg-00102-00045031-00045515 you to watch so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00000-00000082-00000623 hey guys today I'm showing you my recreation of a Ciri hairstyle from the witcher season 2 +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00002-00000738-00001287 It mainly involves braiding waves in my hair and then doing a waterfall crown braid. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00003-00001287-00001726 So I'm going to start the night before and put my hair in 4 dutch braid while it's still +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00004-00001726-00001992 slightly damp from my shower. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00005-00001992-00002951 This will create the wave pattern that I'm going for. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00006-00003532-00003854 Now it's the next morning, and I'm taking out my braids. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00007-00003876-00004434 I try to be gentle to not create too much frizz, but honestly this is kind of a messy +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00008-00004444-00004661 hairstyle so a bit of frizz won't hurt. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00009-00005385-00005809 As you can see I have a full head of waves right now and it looks pretty similar to the +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00010-00005809-00005987 way that Ciri wears (her hair). +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00011-00006000-00006271 Next we are going to do a waterfall braid. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00012-00006271-00006884 So grab a very tiny section at the front of our head and split it into 3 sections. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00013-00006884-00007396 Then cross the top section over the middle, and then the lower section over the middle, +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00014-00007396-00007606 to create one stitch. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00015-00007606-00008359 Now the waterfall braid starts. (repositioning my hands so you guys can see what I'm doing) +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00016-00008359-00009135 Grab a tiny bit of hair to add to your top section, then cross it over to the middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00017-00009135-00009560 Now we are going to drop our lower section and I Iike to keep it in place by just putting +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00018-00009560-00009949 it in my mouth but you can also just put it over your shoulder. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00019-00009949-00010529 Then you grab a new section of hair to replace your lower section and place that over the +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00020-00010529-00010629 middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00021-00010629-00011121 Now we are back at the start, so add a tiny bit of hair to your top section, cross it +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00022-00011121-00011720 over the middle, drop your lower section, grab a new lower section, and cross that over +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00023-00011720-00011847 the middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00024-00011847-00012435 And repeat these steps until you get to the back of your head. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00025-00012435-00013116 Now in the series someone has braided that hair, which is honestly probably a wig, but +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00026-00013116-00013241 maybe not! +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00027-00013241-00013863 Eeeumm with very very tiny sections and when you do this on someone else that might be +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00028-00013863-00014649 doable but I found when doing this on myself these are about the tiniest section that I can take. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00030-00015831-00016253 Now when I get to the end of my first half braid, I'm just going to braid it to keep +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00031-00016253-00016591 it in place, but we'll undo that braid later on. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00032-00016591-00016910 Now let's do the same on the other side. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00033-00016910-00017228 Grab a tiny piece of hair at the front of our face. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00034-00017228-00017618 Split it into three sections. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00035-00017618-00017834 Top section over the middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00036-00017834-00018433 Lower section over the middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00037-00018433-00018999 Now add a piece of hair to our top section and once again over the middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00038-00018999-00019230 Then drop our lower section. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00039-00019230-00019658 Grab a new lower section and pass that over the middle. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00040-00019658-00020283 And just keep doing that until we reach once again the back of our head. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00041-00021742-00022185 Now once we reached the back of our head we can grab our other braid and just tie them +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00042-00022185-00022509 both of with one elastic. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00043-00022509-00022951 Afterwards I'll undo the braid that I did to keep my first braid in place. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00044-00022951-00023160 And we are basically done! +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00045-00023160-00023695 All that's left to do is to tug a bit on my braids to cover up any spots that we don't +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00046-00023695-00024153 like and maybe loosen it a bit to give it a bit more definition. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00047-00024153-00024632 But in general after just playing around with it for a bit I'm done! +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00048-00025500-00025907 And there we go, this hairstyle is done. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00049-00025907-00026313 Like I said this is my attempt at doing Ciri's hairstyle from the Witcher. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00050-00026313-00026813 If you'd like me to try and recreate any other hairstyles from the Witcher let me know and +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00051-00026813-00026976 I'll definitely give it a try. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00052-00026976-00027239 I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you next time. +8Rj5MCyDWNE-00053-00027239-00027300 Bye! +8UfLYHwWio4-00000-00000032-00000361 - The United States plays a very significant role +8UfLYHwWio4-00001-00000361-00000569 in advancing global health. +8UfLYHwWio4-00002-00000569-00000881 We live in an interconnected world. +8UfLYHwWio4-00003-00000881-00001183 Senator Boozman sees we need each other +8UfLYHwWio4-00004-00001183-00001401 to be able to advance health for all. +8UfLYHwWio4-00005-00001401-00001600 - Malaria kills approximately... +8UfLYHwWio4-00006-00001600-00001821 - People all around the world are counting on us. +8UfLYHwWio4-00007-00001821-00002084 John Boozman believes that we have to respond. +8UfLYHwWio4-00008-00002084-00002269 - We've got the CDC involved... +8UfLYHwWio4-00009-00002269-00002422 - [Karen] He's the founder and co-chair of +8UfLYHwWio4-00010-00002422-00002792 the Congressional Malaria Caucus when he was in the House, +8UfLYHwWio4-00011-00002792-00003272 and he's been very active in the Senate's malaria caucus. +8UfLYHwWio4-00012-00003272-00003500 - John's leadership with the malaria caucus +8UfLYHwWio4-00013-00003500-00003797 has affected millions of lives around the world. +8UfLYHwWio4-00014-00003797-00003969 - You go to Western Africa, when you go... +8UfLYHwWio4-00015-00003969-00004258 - [Mark] John Boozman is on the Senate Appropriations +8UfLYHwWio4-00016-00004258-00004482 Subcommittee for Foreign Operations. +8UfLYHwWio4-00017-00004482-00004824 - He exemplifies what it means to be a champion. +8UfLYHwWio4-00018-00004824-00005151 That's evidenced by his vocal support for funding +8UfLYHwWio4-00019-00005151-00005415 for PEPFAR, the President's Malaria Initiative, +8UfLYHwWio4-00020-00005415-00005817 as well as other initiatives related to NTDs. +8UfLYHwWio4-00021-00005817-00006117 - [Karen] Recently, when the malaria vaccine research +8UfLYHwWio4-00022-00006117-00006445 funding at the DoD was threatened, Senator Boozman +8UfLYHwWio4-00023-00006445-00006740 engaged his colleagues behind the scenes +8UfLYHwWio4-00024-00006740-00007087 in support for DoD's malaria research. +8UfLYHwWio4-00025-00007087-00007242 - When you ask John Boozman for help, +8UfLYHwWio4-00026-00007242-00007597 he puts it into action, taps his colleagues, Republicans and +8UfLYHwWio4-00027-00007597-00008022 Democrats, and builds a coalition to supply answers. +8UfLYHwWio4-00028-00008022-00008238 That is incredibly important. +8UfLYHwWio4-00029-00008238-00008534 - I was honored to personally thank frontline workers. +8UfLYHwWio4-00030-00008534-00008773 - Senator Boozman in the midst of this pandemic +8UfLYHwWio4-00031-00008773-00009036 has risen to the challenge once again. +8UfLYHwWio4-00032-00009036-00009289 He believes in international cooperation +8UfLYHwWio4-00033-00009289-00009525 and understands that the United States +8UfLYHwWio4-00034-00009525-00009810 needs to retain its membership in WHO. +8UfLYHwWio4-00035-00009924-00010275 - And we as a community are incredibly appreciative. +8UfLYHwWio4-00036-00010275-00010438 Only by coming together can we +8UfLYHwWio4-00037-00010438-00010653 truly beat back this pandemic. +8UfLYHwWio4-00038-00010774-00010933 - [Karen] Senator Boozman has indeed +8UfLYHwWio4-00039-00010933-00011233 been a champion for these issues. +8UfLYHwWio4-00040-00011233-00011535 - For years, he's been bringing people together, +8UfLYHwWio4-00041-00011535-00011755 he's been applying American leadership, +8UfLYHwWio4-00042-00011755-00012107 he's been doing that sort of hard work that's irreplaceable +8UfLYHwWio4-00043-00012107-00012399 to making progress on global health challenges. +8UfLYHwWio4-00044-00012399-00012722 - He exemplifies what it means to be a champion, +8UfLYHwWio4-00045-00012827-00013094 and we're grateful for him being willing +8UfLYHwWio4-00046-00013094-00013330 to stand alongside us in this fight. +8UfLYHwWio4-00047-00013330-00013589 (gentle music) +8USDmkYoMd4-00000-00000000-00000575 Alright, today we're going to demonstrate filleting a fish. We have Spanish mackerel +8USDmkYoMd4-00001-00000575-00001061 we also have some black sea bass. The idea behind filleting a fish is you're +8USDmkYoMd4-00002-00001061-00001716 making a skinless boneless product that a lot of people prefer. To fillet a fish you +8USDmkYoMd4-00003-00001716-00001923 want to bring the pectoral fin +8USDmkYoMd4-00004-00001923-00002441 forward and start with the knife just behind the pectoral fin and make an +8USDmkYoMd4-00005-00002441-00003039 incision down to when you feel the back bone, then get your knife inside here +8USDmkYoMd4-00006-00003039-00004076 up against the back bone and start drawing the knife back, like this. If you run into +8USDmkYoMd4-00007-00004076-00004657 the backbone, you will feel the knife begin to stop, so you're just a little +8USDmkYoMd4-00008-00004657-00005048 bit too deep. When you get back to the tail of the fin, rather than going all the +8USDmkYoMd4-00009-00005048-00005764 way through, stop there and fold the fillet back. Then start with the knife at a +8USDmkYoMd4-00010-00005764-00006335 very shallow angle and try to stay on the skin without going through the skin. +8USDmkYoMd4-00011-00006335-00007051 A mackerel has very thin skin so it's pretty easy to accidentally go through the skin. And +8USDmkYoMd4-00012-00007051-00007670 that will remove the fillet from the skin. I cut through the rib bones so there's +8USDmkYoMd4-00013-00007670-00008073 still a few rib bones right here so you want to come back and take these ribs +8USDmkYoMd4-00014-00008073-00008850 bones out. And you have a boneless fillet. This product is excellent. +8USDmkYoMd4-00015-00008850-00009532 You can put this in a plastic bag. One thing you want to avoid as a lot of +8USDmkYoMd4-00016-00009532-00010161 unnecessary rinsing. Water will destroy the texture of the fish over time. I +8USDmkYoMd4-00017-00010161-00010527 don't like to do a lot of excessive rinsing. If you have to do a little bit to +8USDmkYoMd4-00018-00010527-00010675 remove slime that's fine. +8USDmkYoMd4-00019-00010675-00011486 Simply place the fillets into a plastic ziplock bag, remove as much air as +8USDmkYoMd4-00020-00011486-00011755 possible, +8USDmkYoMd4-00021-00011755-00012328 seal the bag and then I like to place this sealed bag into a plastic bowl, +8USDmkYoMd4-00022-00012328-00012777 place it in the bottom of your refrigerator, the coldest place and then +8USDmkYoMd4-00023-00012777-00013203 bury the bag in ice and that will keep this product at near freezing +8USDmkYoMd4-00024-00013203-00013736 temperature without freezing the fish and it'll be good quality for the next +8USDmkYoMd4-00025-00013736-00013786 several days. +8We4olkaG0U-00000-00000025-00000078 today +8We4olkaG0U-00001-00000090-00000226 looking to the computer screen +8We4olkaG0U-00002-00000309-00000388 I felt lost +8We4olkaG0U-00003-00000420-00000620 Actually, I'm studying digital games +8We4olkaG0U-00004-00000621-00000657 but +8We4olkaG0U-00005-00000665-00000865 but programming is not my strongest point +8We4olkaG0U-00006-00000865-00001006 I look to the codes +8We4olkaG0U-00007-00001013-00001147 the codes look back to me +8We4olkaG0U-00008-00001168-00001281 and my brain reacts +8We4olkaG0U-00009-00001310-00001564 "How many countries fit on the moons surface?" +8We4olkaG0U-00010-00001571-00001621 "like" +8We4olkaG0U-00011-00001629-00001908 "is it as big as Africa?" +8We4olkaG0U-00012-00001932-00002050 "Lives are in danger!" +8We4olkaG0U-00013-00002058-00002172 "you need search that" +8We4olkaG0U-00014-00002224-00002312 "forget the code" +8We4olkaG0U-00015-00002596-00002726 Thats how my brain works +8We4olkaG0U-00016-00002735-00003005 I think thats a reason I like art so much +8We4olkaG0U-00017-00003029-00003090 however +8We4olkaG0U-00018-00003099-00003221 that let me leaves +8We4olkaG0U-00019-00003246-00003338 without a north +8We4olkaG0U-00020-00003364-00003495 like a broken compass +8We4olkaG0U-00021-00003518-00003778 I have worked in an office for a while +8We4olkaG0U-00022-00003794-00003959 organizing spreadsheets +8We4olkaG0U-00023-00003971-00004166 the result was insomnia +8We4olkaG0U-00024-00004184-00004270 weight loss +8We4olkaG0U-00025-00004287-00004505 for to pass more than 5 hours +8We4olkaG0U-00026-00004519-00004723 without eating or drinking anything +8We4olkaG0U-00027-00004775-00004925 that can sound silly +8We4olkaG0U-00028-00004936-00005246 but I I had disgust from the workplace +8We4olkaG0U-00029-00005306-00005460 I had my motivations +8We4olkaG0U-00030-00005498-00005820 and I was unbearably angry. +8We4olkaG0U-00031-00005835-00005951 like really angry +8We4olkaG0U-00032-00005958-00006020 After that +8We4olkaG0U-00033-00006031-00006173 I pass a time jobless +8We4olkaG0U-00034-00006186-00006254 so you say +8We4olkaG0U-00035-00006263-00006493 right now you can improve your portfolio, right? +8We4olkaG0U-00036-00006526-00006659 start an animation project... +8We4olkaG0U-00037-00006664-00006849 Create a lot of Minecraft builds... +8We4olkaG0U-00038-00006955-00007239 But I'm a professional procrastinator +8We4olkaG0U-00039-00007269-00007481 now will complete 3 months from that +8We4olkaG0U-00040-00007518-00007684 and I finished... +8We4olkaG0U-00041-00007706-00007810 let me see +8We4olkaG0U-00042-00007868-00008106 3% of my projects +8We4olkaG0U-00043-00008153-00008257 yeee xD (dead inside) +8We4olkaG0U-00044-00008431-00008723 I don't know if I cry or if I laught about that +8We4olkaG0U-00045-00008788-00009092 I think I need to find a way to out from here +8We4olkaG0U-00046-00009133-00009239 I'm really deep +8We4olkaG0U-00047-00009283-00009600 My expectations to get 41,000 dollars +8We4olkaG0U-00048-00009624-00009919 until the June of 2022 +8We4olkaG0U-00049-00009942-00010100 for study out of my country +8We4olkaG0U-00050-00010124-00010281 went to space +8We4olkaG0U-00051-00010300-00010462 I have two alternatives now +8We4olkaG0U-00052-00010474-00010645 one is play the lottery +8We4olkaG0U-00053-00010665-00010784 And the other +8We4olkaG0U-00054-00010808-00010947 I prefer don't say +8We4olkaG0U-00055-00010976-00011064 Sometimes +8We4olkaG0U-00056-00011103-00011408 I think the better solution for my problems +8We4olkaG0U-00057-00011421-00011655 is to talk with myself +8We4olkaG0U-00058-00011676-00011800 that looks madness? +8We4olkaG0U-00059-00011892-00012000 The best part of that +8We4olkaG0U-00060-00012045-00012434 is I can create videos with this inside conversation +8We4olkaG0U-00061-00012464-00012851 maybe in the future when I feel lost again +8We4olkaG0U-00062-00012897-00013077 I can just back to this video +8We4olkaG0U-00063-00013087-00013137 and +8We4olkaG0U-00064-00013185-00013400 I will configure an answer +8We4olkaG0U-00065-00013449-00013811 maybe I can help another person to feel better +8We4olkaG0U-00066-00013872-00013946 who knows? +8We4olkaG0U-00067-00013993-00014211 the future is crazy and... +8We4olkaG0U-00068-00014294-00014449 we don't know what can happen +8We4olkaG0U-00069-00014482-00014546 so +8We4olkaG0U-00070-00014546-00014670 Gustavo from the future +8We4olkaG0U-00071-00014707-00014774 remember +8We4olkaG0U-00072-00014782-00015133 you will have fun while you try to find an answer +8We4olkaG0U-00073-00015145-00015269 for your questions +8We4olkaG0U-00074-00015338-00015615 abstract thoughts is your passion +8We4olkaG0U-00075-00015682-00015769 just go ahead +8We4olkaG0U-00076-00015838-00016043 or like the Roadrunner says +8We4olkaG0U-00077-00016089-00016169 "Meep, meep!" +8We4olkaG0U-00078-00016218-00016315 thanks for +8We4olkaG0U-00079-00016353-00016498 watching this video and... +8We4olkaG0U-00080-00016522-00016614 my madnees +8We4olkaG0U-00081-00016705-00016827 I hope you enjoyed and +8We4olkaG0U-00082-00016842-00017042 please, click in the subscribe button +8We4olkaG0U-00083-00017078-00017351 and share with your friends if you like that +8We4olkaG0U-00084-00017376-00017587 I hope see you soon in the next video +8Z52eNE-X0g-00000-00000000-00000545 Origami Cherry Blossom +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00000-00000003-00000803 I fucking hate pitchers okay they never fucking work here let's have +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00001-00000803-00001254 a nice cup of coffee in the morning fuck fuck fuck fuck some people have told me +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00002-00001254-00001809 Michael you need to do it faster okay here's faster fuck alright some +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00003-00001809-00002448 people have said to me you need to pour it slower no no no if even a drop spills +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00004-00002448-00002826 it fucking annoys me somebody out there by the way is gonna send me some life +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00005-00002826-00003183 hacking thing don't life hacking is nothing here are two things that are +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00006-00003183-00003572 nothing life hacking and entrepreneurs if you do or say any of those things +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00007-00003572-00004089 your life is nothing some credible sources in the industry of pouring shit +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00008-00004089-00004470 have told me that by pouring from a higher height there's less of a risk +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00009-00004470-00004767 that the stream will go different places well let's try it out +8ZFbJcEWEUc-00010-00004767-00005516 I tried to do it out the window I miss +8bGghDMvHao-00002-00002774-00003237 Hear the sky when it speaks +8bGghDMvHao-00003-00003283-00003682 Language of light, distant rumor +8bGghDMvHao-00004-00003979-00004296 Not decrypted warnings +8bGghDMvHao-00005-00004364-00004693 A steam travels quickly +8bGghDMvHao-00006-00005931-00006182 People ignore the infecting mist +8bGghDMvHao-00007-00006182-00006464 that reaches everything +8bGghDMvHao-00008-00006464-00006702 that everything ends +8bGghDMvHao-00009-00006773-00007375 The cry of heaven wants to prevent doom from overflowing the Earth +8bGghDMvHao-00010-00007375-00007660 Baikonur Kazakhstan, near the cosmodrome +8bGghDMvHao-00011-00007688-00008000 A countdown starts +8bGghDMvHao-00012-00008020-00008710 (The voice from heaven decoded): "... CONFINE YOURSELF !! ..." "... DO NOT POLLUTE THE SPACE ..." "... DO NOT LEAVE THE EARTH ATMOSPHERE ..." +8bGghDMvHao-00013-00008710-00009059 Some Cosmonauts move away from the Planet +8bGghDMvHao-00014-00009085-00009360 Humans, unconscious virus carriers +8bGghDMvHao-00015-00009398-00009615 "accomplices" of infectious star travel +8bGghDMvHao-00016-00009676-00009990 And the voice from heaven, useless, is already silent +8bGghDMvHao-00017-00010079-00010328 to sleep in eternal oblivion +8bGghDMvHao-00018-00010411-00010578 Humans, an "expert" species in +8bGghDMvHao-00019-00010578-00010742 sacrifices. +8bGghDMvHao-00021-00010875-00010949 SILENCE IN HEAVEN +8bGghDMvHao-00022-00010949-00011127 SILENCE ON EARTH +8bGghDMvHao-00024-00011621-00012000 From the sky: Noise, chilling rumble +8bGghDMvHao-00025-00012000-00012213 ... Years ago it has been heard in different places on the planet +8bGghDMvHao-00026-00012283-00012555 ... Phenomenon not fully explainable at present +8bGghDMvHao-00027-00012642-00012719 During the PANDEMIC? +8bGghDMvHao-00028-00012719-00013007 April 9, 2020 Rocket launch from KAZAKSTAN +8bGghDMvHao-00029-00013118-00013356 VIRUS? Virion: viral particle, infectious, inert, crystallizable +8bGghDMvHao-00030-00013356-00013929 Conservation: Thousands of years +8bGghDMvHao-00031-00014000-00014316 THEY CAN TRAVEL THROUGH SPACE +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00000-00000021-00000577 Andres Metspalu: So, I want -- so, good, let's say, morning +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00001-00000577-00000677 or afternoon, whatever. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00002-00000677-00001180 But I'm really happy to talk and continue another small country. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00003-00001180-00001430 So it's a small country [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00004-00001430-00001835 So I have to, first of all, I want to make sure that you all know where Estonia is; it's +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00005-00001835-00002396 a small country here, because otherwise, you know, sometimes you are here and sometime +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00006-00002396-00002496 here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00007-00002496-00002596 [laughter] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00008-00002596-00003155 But this is three Baltic -- small Baltic countries, and we have a northern one close to the Finland, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00009-00003155-00003303 which over here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00010-00003303-00003994 So health care -- we have one medical university, one single payer for health care, and our +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00011-00003994-00004532 budget is about €1 million, 1 million, and pays for health care. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00012-00004532-00004839 No other [spelled phonetically] location, no research. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00013-00004839-00005374 From last week, January 1st, exome sequencing is reimbursed by this system. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00014-00005374-00005878 And in order to get your testing through the system, you have to apply in January, now, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00015-00005878-00006559 and it takes a year for them to evaluate it, and then you'll get your code and price. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00016-00006559-00007243 And price in our case is €1,500 per genome -- per exome -- and they accept three years +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00017-00007243-00007343 also. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00018-00007343-00007703 If you're one patient and parents, they pay all three. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00019-00007703-00008090 So this is -- think about exome sequencing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00020-00008090-00008611 So what I'm talking is that medical genetics, this is a newborn screening, micro array, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00021-00008611-00008965 this is going on, and, you know, exome sequencing most recently, so I'll call it. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00022-00008965-00009572 But I'm going to talk about some medical genomics. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00023-00009572-00009820 And this is a common and complex disease. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00024-00009820-00010574 So, first of all, we started about 14 years ago, year 2000, biobank was adopted in Estonia, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00025-00010574-00010729 and they started a biobank. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00026-00010729-00010910 It took many years. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00027-00010910-00011521 You know, 2010, we had a biobank; 5 percent of Estonian people were in the biobank, and +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00028-00011521-00011739 we used this for research. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00029-00011739-00011878 We are publishing this small place. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00030-00011878-00012218 We have a biocenter -- our genome center has 40 people. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00031-00012218-00012667 And they are publishing like 30, 40 papers per year now because we have this resource. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00032-00012667-00013327 And, of course, in addition to the Biobank, we build up sequencing and genotyping, and +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00033-00013327-00013888 also have a good team of bioinformaticians that teach us. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00034-00013888-00014497 So, main thing is that we have Estonian Biobanking, Estonian Human Genes Research Act, which is +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00035-00014497-00014597 a law. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00036-00014597-00015219 And it tells that we have to use results in order to improve the public health. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00037-00015219-00015610 So it's by law we have to do it. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00038-00015610-00015836 So this is how people are actually reacting. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00039-00015836-00016304 When we started the biobank, you know, we had lots of people who didn't know anything, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00040-00016304-00016564 and so still don't know too much about biobanking. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00041-00016564-00017219 But, you know, there are lots of people who actually support genomic medicine, support +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00042-00017219-00017418 biobanking, and genetic research. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00043-00017418-00017828 All these people who basically are against it. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00044-00017828-00018034 And this is also normal, you know. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00045-00018034-00018558 I know that some people you offer color TV and they refuse. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00046-00018558-00018658 [laughter] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00047-00018658-00019140 So this is -- we did like everybody else in Europe did, a PC [spelled phonetically] map, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00048-00019140-00019356 and so, you know, Estonians are over here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00049-00019356-00019885 So next to Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, and Russians from northwestern part. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00050-00019885-00020439 Fins are over here, and Pusuma [spelled phonetically] which is famous [unintelligible] is over here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00051-00020439-00020800 The rest of Europe is -- Swedes are here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00052-00020800-00021444 So this is -- tells us that we are pretty close to rest of Europe but still have to +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00053-00021444-00021672 look some specific alleles. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00054-00021672-00022094 Not so many like in Finland; we know that Fins have their own diseases here which we +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00055-00022094-00022270 don't have. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00056-00022270-00022922 So then just to tell that our biobank is available for research. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00057-00022922-00023037 Everybody can get access. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00058-00023037-00023461 You have to go through -- to get it you have to go through Ethical Committee and [unintelligible] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00059-00023461-00024044 Committee, and we can send samples and papers, if approved. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00060-00024044-00024507 And -- okay, so it tells that -- so, next thing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00061-00024507-00024617 Now we have a biobank. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00062-00024617-00024717 We can do research. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00063-00024717-00025150 We know a little bit already about the population and we know what is going on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00064-00025150-00025739 So next thing, what is kind of needed in order to do genomic medicine for complex diseases, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00065-00025739-00026166 which is for the full population, we need e-health solutions. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00066-00026166-00026868 And everybody has, in our country, so-called ID card. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00067-00026868-00027533 And as you see, we have active cards 1.2 million, and we have about 70,000 people don't still +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00068-00027533-00027798 have this card for different reasons. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00069-00027798-00028318 And this is now -- in addition to this one, we have also mobile ID. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00070-00028318-00028691 So from my mobile phone, I can do all what is needed. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00071-00028691-00028850 I can do bank transfer. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00072-00028850-00029156 I can go to my health records. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00073-00029156-00029259 But there you can do. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00074-00029259-00029462 You can use your mobile ID also. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00075-00029462-00030018 So it tells you that in Estonia we have all databases, like here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00076-00030018-00030516 So, prescription database -- all prescription [unintelligible] all are recorded. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00077-00030516-00030865 So we have national health information system. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00078-00030865-00031182 We have digital images on everybody. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00079-00031182-00031416 And you can access this database from everywhere. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00080-00031416-00032136 So everything is connected, so-called X-road, which is secure way to connect different databases, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00081-00032136-00032512 and even Fins now actually took this over. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00082-00032512-00032816 And everything is [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00083-00032816-00033131 It's really shame to accept something from Estonia. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00084-00033131-00033743 But it's nothing to do because they have been doing it for so long and still can do better. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00085-00033743-00034425 So we're -- so national with the personal key infrastructure, which means that everyone +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00086-00034425-00035127 can access and give a digital signature, which is legally binding, using your phone or ID +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00087-00035127-00035227 card. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00088-00035227-00035594 And what is good is that over 10 years, nothing happened. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00089-00035594-00035719 No misuse. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00090-00035719-00036449 And people are very trustful, and using this, banks are closing offices because nobody's +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00091-00036449-00036588 going to bank anymore. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00092-00036588-00037216 So, this is a national patient portal, which everybody can access. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00093-00037216-00037528 And, you know, this is, of course, Estonia here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00094-00037528-00037702 But this is my data. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00095-00037702-00037886 And here you can sign. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00096-00037886-00038387 If you have accidents, you can donate your organs, so you can make obligation here, vaccination, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00097-00038387-00038487 so on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00098-00038487-00039113 Here I just would like to add one box, which is just genetic data. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00099-00039113-00039326 And I tell you what -- how we are going to get this data. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00100-00039326-00039797 This is website telling that -- the OACD. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00101-00039797-00040296 Estonians are really good putting health information into the Internet. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00102-00040296-00040949 But what this missing this is decision support, which is very small here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00103-00040949-00041516 And this almost everyone could see small because what we need is we need the diagnostic support +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00104-00041516-00041689 software -- decision support software. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00105-00041689-00042240 So do we have enough information? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00106-00042240-00042912 So we -- I don't have to explain, you know, what's GWAS, but combining several markers, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00107-00042912-00043552 I still believe that we can do some -- can use this information in some useful way. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00108-00043552-00044108 So let's take this -- all information here is coming from Biobank. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00109-00044108-00044530 We have a child that -- let's say Type 2 diabetes patients here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00110-00044530-00044999 And we have 20,000 arrays, so we have information. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00111-00044999-00045613 And you see that these were just lots of patients according to the genetic risk. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00112-00045613-00046218 So you see this second number of patients have a higher risk than others. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00113-00046218-00047046 And if you just take it's more simple way, you'll see that actually it's -- of course, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00114-00047046-00047221 BMI is important. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00115-00047221-00047431 But genetic information is also important. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00116-00047431-00047590 You'll see how much risk is increasing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00117-00047590-00048083 You have a high genetic risk, let's say, the top 20 percent. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00118-00048083-00048615 So I guess this is the most telling figure. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00119-00048615-00049353 So if you are young, let's say 25 or 30, and your BMI is 25, and you are not in service +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00120-00049353-00050027 group because in our country, if you are 40 years old and your BMI is 25, above 25, then +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00121-00050027-00050388 you are in risk group and GP should do something. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00122-00050388-00050978 But say can't do because there's too many of them, and as they have tons of other things +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00123-00050978-00051125 to do also. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00124-00051125-00051663 So this type of analogy actually can [unintelligible] number or they can focus. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00125-00051663-00052215 And if they focus for 20 percent, it's already probably preventive measures are more kind +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00126-00052215-00052458 of fruitful also. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00127-00052458-00053189 So if you are young here and you are high risk, so your BMI goes up or your test keep +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00128-00053189-00053455 it low, you'll get it here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00129-00053455-00053882 So it probably five times difference in this. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00130-00053882-00054413 And so if you're young, I tell you, it's much easier to keep your BMI lower than to reduce +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00131-00054413-00054864 it, than to have it already 35 or close to 35 like I do. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00132-00054864-00055416 So I tell you, this is something useful what we can do. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00133-00055416-00055996 Okay, the [unintelligible] don't tell you much also because you -- they are almost the +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00134-00055996-00056357 same, but still better if you use the genetic information. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00135-00056357-00056644 But, again, genetic information is known already day number 1. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00136-00056644-00057016 So BMI is going -- when you are already going on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00137-00057016-00057337 Of course relevant [spelled phonetically] test is already too late. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00138-00057337-00057554 You already have the disease. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00139-00057554-00058234 So this is now slide I borrowed from Markus Perola, and you see if you just take some +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00140-00058234-00058919 myocardial infarction, and usually, say you have certain numbers of 20 percent risk, they +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00141-00058919-00059182 will say you will be treated like normal. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00142-00059182-00059762 But then the ones, which below screen here, if you are [unintelligible] extra genetically, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00143-00059762-00060222 you'll still find out certain number of patients which can be treated. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00144-00060222-00060582 And according to the Finnish data, which is coming from Fin risk [spelled phonetically], +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00145-00060582-00060829 so they can prevent 130 deaths in 10 years. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00146-00060829-00061469 So per year, it's 13 but this is only 400,000. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00147-00061469-00061753 In Estonia, have 1.2 million. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00148-00061753-00062252 So almost every third day, somebody's dying from myocardial infarction because they are +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00149-00062252-00062357 not tested. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00150-00062357-00062840 So these are not [unintelligible], this is Finnish data. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00151-00062840-00063702 So what I proposed to the government plan that how to use a resource, what we have, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00152-00063702-00064584 and the information from the biobank [unintelligible] really use genetics in public health. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00153-00064584-00064754 It's always telling. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00154-00064754-00065108 You have to use information in order to improve [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00155-00065108-00065633 So I thought that let's do the bio project first and sequence 5,000 people in order to +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00156-00065633-00066400 get those haplotypes and variants up to -- down to 0.1 percent, and then use this information +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00157-00066400-00067232 to build a new array, which Illumina, let's say up to 100,000 markers to the existing +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00158-00067232-00067698 700 snp/ChIP and to everybody on the Biobank. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00159-00067698-00068055 We know this information, health information on these people in the Biobank. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00160-00068055-00068533 We know all events, what happened after they were recruited because we got all the information +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00161-00068533-00068925 back from the different databases, including hospital databases. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00162-00068925-00069584 So we can actually analyze that data, what we see from the arrays and what are the actual +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00163-00069584-00070126 real clinical picture, and put everything into this here system and physicians, GPs +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00164-00070126-00070676 can use it over there, can access their -- patients owns the data and now we're going to patients +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00165-00070676-00070814 owns of it. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00166-00070814-00071239 And they can tell who can actually get access. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00167-00071239-00071614 And they also can make access or research. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00168-00071614-00072286 So if this would be -- of course we discussed it through many organizations, including the +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00169-00072286-00073000 parliamental social committee, but then they decided let's do this part first and put everything +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00170-00073000-00073170 into health center people are using. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00171-00073170-00073817 And then main project would go -- we offer this test to everybody 35 to 65, and we did +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00172-00073817-00074294 that survey, and about 75 to 80 percent would like to have it. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00173-00074294-00075010 And so we have like 500,000 people in the database, so it's e-health database but this +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00174-00075010-00075150 only database. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00175-00075150-00075578 And basically we have child types, we have a family structure, and we have prescription +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00176-00075578-00075754 database, we have images. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00177-00075754-00076191 And it's updated daily, basically, hourly. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00178-00076191-00076373 And so now can you imagine? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00179-00076373-00076545 We have a database half a million people. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00180-00076545-00076749 You'll see somebody's getting drug. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00181-00076749-00077013 And after one month, he finds the same drug. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00182-00077013-00077493 Or, actually, after one week, happened to be [unintelligible] and so on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00183-00077493-00077978 You can something -- you can see like from the airplane on town, you can actually follow +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00184-00077978-00078078 the system. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00185-00078078-00078903 This can be used, I guess, both for research and also for the real prediction. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00186-00078903-00079104 So, type 2 diabetes or glaucoma -- glaucoma's pretty easy. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00187-00079104-00079641 With few markers you can get the risk and just send to the eye doctor the image of your +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00188-00079641-00079741 eyeball pressure. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00189-00079741-00080182 We have 28,000 people blind because of glaucoma, so on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00190-00080182-00080880 So, basically, this is most important thing because we have only 10 medical geneticists +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00191-00080880-00080980 in [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00192-00080980-00081282 There's no way that we can offer genetic counseling for everyone. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00193-00081282-00081841 So physicians and GP, primary care provider, have to learn a little bit more. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00194-00081841-00082382 But basically, we have to do everything, the ChIP analyst has to be in automatic [unintelligible] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00195-00082382-00082546 in this software. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00196-00082546-00083161 And when GP is opening the computer, just the probably three lengths. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00197-00083161-00083396 If glaucoma risk is high, go to eye doctor. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00198-00083396-00083626 Your warfarin risk is -- warfarin level is very low. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00199-00083626-00084360 You just have to go into certain -- basically it has to go into the prescription database +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00200-00084360-00084671 and doctors are prescribing [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00201-00084671-00084996 They have to look what are those, and so on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00202-00084996-00085230 Not so many things and not very complicated. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00203-00085230-00085633 And then computer can land the plane in the -- with 400 people in the [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00204-00085633-00086160 So computer can also help GP doing his decision. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00205-00086160-00086635 Okay, so basically what happens, we have a kind of circle. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00206-00086635-00087175 And we just improve the database, learn or just makes the data better, we get better +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00207-00087175-00087801 results, and this is a circle, some of you were showing it before. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00208-00087801-00088136 I guess Dr. Robin [spelled phonetically]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00209-00088136-00088595 So survey of PC is actually a very interested in this and patients are -- actually it's +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00210-00088595-00088928 a main [unintelligible] because patients are even more interested in this. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00211-00088928-00089138 So they would like to. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00212-00089138-00089349 Of course we have challenges. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00213-00089349-00089751 Hospital directors are against it because they have to change their life, so not -- they +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00214-00089751-00090378 have to follow probably thousand of these pre-diabetic patients instead of doing some +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00215-00090378-00090478 [unintelligible]. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00216-00090478-00090997 And of course we don't have enough knowledge but we always learn and lots of things to +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00217-00090997-00091443 do, but in small country like Estonia, this can be a deficit because we need a one positive +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00218-00091443-00091811 case, one positive example how things can work. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00219-00091811-00092197 And with this 1 million people, I guess we can't do it. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00220-00092197-00092549 So I guess also [unintelligible] in place. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00221-00092549-00093198 And the government decided basically to add some more location part and of course some +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00222-00093198-00093319 business part. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00223-00093319-00094117 But this is mostly approved, and we have to come up with more detailed plan in -- by summer +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00224-00094117-00094555 and fall when you finally will be open. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00225-00094555-00094909 We are ready to move on. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00226-00094909-00095238 So, thank you very much. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00227-00095238-00095338 [unintelligible] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00228-00095338-00095438 [applause] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00229-00095438-00095572 Reed Pyeritz:That was very nice. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00230-00095572-00095672 Reed Pyeritz. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00231-00095672-00096088 We were talking amongst ourselves and wanted to suggest to you that you market your electronic +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00232-00096088-00096405 health record system to the rest of the world. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00233-00096405-00097084 My question has to do with the histogram of type 2 diabetes risk that you showed to the +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00234-00097084-00097367 tail of high risk. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00235-00097367-00097766 How many of those individuals would be detected by family history alone? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00236-00097766-00097928 Do you have those data? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00237-00097928-00098200 Andres Metspalu: No, I don't have it here. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00238-00098200-00099411 And from the biobank, family history, I don't know the data now from my heart. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00239-00099411-00099585 It's a problem here is. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00240-00099585-00099722 So I tell you what the problem is. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00241-00099722-00100124 Now the problem is that 50 percent of kids are born are single parent. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00242-00100124-00100281 So father's side is gone. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00243-00100281-00100462 This is one thing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00244-00100462-00101340 And basically I don't think that family history are so good that we can really -- I believe +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00245-00101340-00101693 that this is much better because half of family in many cases gone. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00246-00101693-00101793 Yes? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00247-00101793-00102001 Marco Abramowicz: Yes, Marco Abramowicz, Brussels. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00248-00102001-00102301 I understand the beautiful opportunity to have a nationwide database. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00249-00102301-00102961 But I have a question about the Estonian gene ChIP that you devised with 1 million ChIPs. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00250-00102961-00103470 I'd like to know how many of these are validated for clinical use? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00251-00103470-00103962 How do you intend to use them when you mentioned applications for the patients? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00252-00103962-00104208 Andres Metspalu: We are going to validate to [unintelligible] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00253-00104208-00104370 pilot phase. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00254-00104370-00104670 Marc Williams: Marc Williams, Geisinger. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00255-00104670-00105044 A comment on the family history question that Reed brought up, and then a question. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00256-00105044-00105571 The comment is, is that, you know, given the infrastructure that you have developed, I +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00257-00105571-00106186 think you have the opportunity to systematically collect family history and have that persist +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00258-00106186-00106714 in your system, which would allow, actually, linkage to develop over time so that you wouldn't +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00259-00106714-00107139 necessarily have to rely each time on the patient, you know, providing that information. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00260-00107139-00107698 That could be actually systematically collected and updated as some have proposed, not the +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00261-00107698-00108079 least of which Dr. Ginsberg and the work that he's been doing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00262-00108079-00108690 The question I had related to the clinical decision support, which I think is elegant, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00263-00108690-00109391 what I wanted to know is do you have, then, a centralized clinical decision support group +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00264-00109391-00109974 that when something is submitted that is approved, that -- is that then automatically pushed +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00265-00109974-00110280 out across the entire country, or how is that adjudicated? +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00266-00110280-00110659 Andres Metspalu: Yeah, there is a kind of a task force that's +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00267-00110659-00110759 being discussed. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00268-00110759-00111324 This will be just one place, and like sequencing or genotyping that going to be in one place. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00269-00111324-00111694 And we'll have a genetic testing this one place in hospital [unintelligible] something. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00270-00111694-00111920 You know, a small place, you know. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00271-00111920-00112166 Everything -- we don't have to divide everything by two, you know. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00272-00112166-00112408 It's just one. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00273-00112408-00112530 [laughter] +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00274-00112530-00112951 But coming back to this family thing, you know, doctors are using family information +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00275-00112951-00113268 -- all information about we can use to date. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00276-00113268-00113709 But number -- the percent of type 2 diabetes is increasing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00277-00113709-00114104 So why it's not reducing before, which [unintelligible] instruments what we have. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00278-00114104-00114735 I believe that we need something additional in order to put the ceiling on this. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00279-00114735-00114852 And I tell you one more thing. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00280-00114852-00115403 If you are just give this personal information to people -- so people are more likely to +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00281-00115403-00116001 change their lifestyle than just put a poster up and lose faith around more, or eat what +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00282-00116001-00116379 they're -- so if you tell personally, then it's different. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00283-00116379-00116746 And we did a survey and not it published but Dr. Sing [spelled phonetically] is published, +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00284-00116746-00116917 but it was interesting. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00285-00116917-00117296 Of course, it's easy to put that box -- a tick in the box. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00286-00117296-00117519 But after [unintelligible] go to run. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00287-00117519-00117986 But I still -- there are also data also showing that people are willing to change something +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00288-00117986-00118086 if they're told personally. +8bZqSYvT-3Y-00289-00118086-00118139 Male Speaker: Thanks. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00000-00000021-00001065 ‘Reality Check’ Scorches Anti-ICE Protesters Who Built A Wall Around Their Encampment +8eTH4xqYKOc-00001-00001065-00001326 Now, this is epic. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00002-00001326-00001827 And it goes to show just how confused the extreme left in this country really is. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00003-00001827-00002210 Left-wing protesters in Portland Oregon have finally been removed from outside the city’s +8eTH4xqYKOc-00004-00002210-00002598 immigration headquarters after holding up for five weeks and throwing a hissy fit which +8eTH4xqYKOc-00005-00002598-00003061 would be the envy of any 2-year-old, all because of illegal immigration. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00006-00003061-00003409 But what’s perhaps even more eye-opening is how they reacted to the fact that officers +8eTH4xqYKOc-00007-00003409-00003592 were trying to remove them. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00008-00003592-00003736 They actually built a wall. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00009-00003736-00004151 Yup, they built a wall of trash around the encampment, with guards and everything to +8eTH4xqYKOc-00010-00004151-00004369 keep out those they don’t agree with. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00011-00004369-00004605 You just can’t make this stuff up! +8eTH4xqYKOc-00012-00004605-00004917 Here is Brittany Hughes’ epic takedown via The Daily Wire: +8eTH4xqYKOc-00013-00004917-00005344 “After five weeks of putting up with this particular liberal temper tantrum, the city +8eTH4xqYKOc-00014-00005344-00005792 of Portland finally wised up and gave the boot to a bunch of pro-illegal alien protesters +8eTH4xqYKOc-00015-00005792-00006153 who’d set up camp outside of a local ICE building in mid-June. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00016-00006153-00006563 This is the same uber-progressive group that got caught hurling racial slurs at federal +8eTH4xqYKOc-00017-00006563-00006663 cops. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00018-00006663-00007063 One black police officer said that he had been called the n-word, an Uncle Tom, and +8eTH4xqYKOc-00019-00007063-00007163 a blood traitor. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00020-00007163-00007654 A female Hispanic cop reported being called racist names and labeled a weak woman. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00021-00007654-00007878 So much for loving Latinos, right? +8eTH4xqYKOc-00022-00007878-00008367 Other officers said that protesters called them rapists, murderers, and nazis, and said +8eTH4xqYKOc-00023-00008367-00008618 that they hope their families d*e. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00024-00008618-00008795 But now here’s the best part. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00025-00008795-00009224 When federal police finally showed up to evict the mob from federal property, protesters +8eTH4xqYKOc-00026-00009224-00009646 built a wall around their encampment to protect their group and keep out people they didn’t +8eTH4xqYKOc-00027-00009646-00009746 like. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00028-00009746-00010103 Now, let me say that again for those who are just a little slower on the uptake. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00029-00010103-00010589 A group of anti-border toddlers who throw a hissy fit any time someone mentions enforcing +8eTH4xqYKOc-00030-00010589-00011025 our immigration laws actually built a physical wall around their little area to defend themselves +8eTH4xqYKOc-00031-00011025-00011243 and keep out unwanted visitors. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00032-00011243-00011767 It was a crappy one made out of, like, tarps and furniture and random junk, but still, +8eTH4xqYKOc-00033-00011767-00012060 if that is not just the very definition of irony. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00034-00012060-00012455 In fact, they even posted their own version of guards around the perimeter and refused +8eTH4xqYKOc-00035-00012455-00012765 to let photographers take pictures inside their camp. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00036-00012765-00013201 And of course, the tree-hugging, planet loving anti-Trump support group couldn’t even be +8eTH4xqYKOc-00037-00013201-00013608 bothered to clean up after themselves before hightailing it out of town. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00038-00013608-00014201 They left behind piles of garbage, dirty mattresses, used clothing, and homemade porta-potties. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00039-00014201-00014741 When they finally got inside, police found nails, dirty needles, and feces. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00040-00014741-00015132 The garbage problem was so bad that local authorities had to declare it a biohazard +8eTH4xqYKOc-00041-00015132-00015513 site and hire an outside contractor to come in and clean it all out. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00042-00015513-00015953 But as the regressive Left was insulting black cops and wallowing in their own filth, here’s +8eTH4xqYKOc-00043-00015953-00016091 what ICE was doing. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00044-00016091-00016479 They arrested an illegal alien sex offender in North Carolina who’d been convicted of +8eTH4xqYKOc-00045-00016479-00016884 two counts of sexual battery of a preteen girl and released after local authorities +8eTH4xqYKOc-00046-00016884-00017130 refused to honor an ICE detainer. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00047-00017130-00017687 They arrested 64 criminal aliens in Long Island, including a known cocaine trafficker. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00048-00017687-00018237 They nabbed another 132 illegal aliens in Virginia and D.C., including an MS-13 leader +8eTH4xqYKOc-00049-00018237-00018617 and a Bolivian guy who’d raped a girl under the age of 13. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00050-00018617-00019018 While leftists were stomping through their own feces and holding cardboard signs calling +8eTH4xqYKOc-00051-00019018-00019481 them Nazis, border agents in Texas were rescuing a three-year-old girl who had been abandoned +8eTH4xqYKOc-00052-00019481-00019581 in the river. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00053-00019581-00019801 She’s okay, by the way. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00054-00019801-00020413 The week before that, Arizona agents saved 64 illegal aliens locked in tractor trailers. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00055-00020413-00020574 So that’s what we’ve got here. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00056-00020574-00021090 On the one hand, we have law enforcement officers who risk their lives every day to arrest criminals, +8eTH4xqYKOc-00057-00021090-00021662 capture child molesters, stop drug trafficking, and save babies from drowning — literally. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00058-00021662-00022087 And on the other, we have left-wing hypocrites who parade around calling people racist names +8eTH4xqYKOc-00059-00022087-00022376 and leaving behind piles of their own waste. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00060-00022376-00022743 And if you still don’t know which side of that particular wall you fall on, I’m not +8eTH4xqYKOc-00061-00022743-00023012 sure there’s a power on earth that can help you.” +8eTH4xqYKOc-00062-00023012-00023389 The irony in this is just so off the chart that I don’t know where to start. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00063-00023389-00023833 These people hold up camp illegally for 5 weeks outside an ICE office to protest against +8eTH4xqYKOc-00064-00023833-00024178 a wall to keep people out of our nation who don’t belong here but they build a wall +8eTH4xqYKOc-00065-00024178-00024410 to keep those out which don’t agree with. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00066-00024410-00024775 How is this even logical in any shape matter or form? +8eTH4xqYKOc-00067-00024775-00025066 Border Patrol doesn’t only deport illegal aliens. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00068-00025066-00025522 They also protect those who are crossing the border illegally from cartels and criminals. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00069-00025522-00025896 And most importantly they protect us American Citizens from what is less than desirable +8eTH4xqYKOc-00070-00025896-00026315 people making their way across the border, people like the man who killed Kate Steinle +8eTH4xqYKOc-00071-00026315-00026733 in San Francisco and was acquitted of the crime by a “jury of his peers.” +8eTH4xqYKOc-00072-00026733-00026927 This nonsense needs to stop. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00073-00026927-00027194 A nation can not survive without borders. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00074-00027194-00027593 We know most of those who come here illegally are just looking for a better life, and they +8eTH4xqYKOc-00075-00027593-00027959 are welcomed to, but it has to be legally and through the front door. +8eTH4xqYKOc-00076-00027959-00028306 If you don’t respect a nation enough to follow her laws, then you have no business +8eTH4xqYKOc-00077-00028306-00029466 being here to begin with. +8h7sWfNlCFy-00000-00000187-00000672 scania KMB single deck +8h7sWfNlCFy-00001-00000672-00001120 ENVIRO500 double deck +8h7sWfNlCFy-00002-00001120-00001415 Ley BUS double deck +8hweRdE8DjY-00000-00000389-00000729 It's a masterpiece; there's just not a page you would take +8hweRdE8DjY-00001-00000729-00001236 out of it. It's perfectly paced. It'll be an incredible spectacle, so it's not +8hweRdE8DjY-00002-00001236-00001743 something we get to do every day. You're coming to see students, and to hear what they +8hweRdE8DjY-00003-00001743-00002046 are capable of doing – the audience is in for a real treat. +8hweRdE8DjY-00004-00002046-00002751 I really believe that. It's teaching us all new things: playing with a massive +8hweRdE8DjY-00005-00002751-00003323 ensemble, having to work with a choir, and just trying to do the work justice. +8hweRdE8DjY-00006-00003323-00003746 It's a massive learning experience. This is an excellent opportunity for our +8hweRdE8DjY-00007-00003746-00004101 students to work in a real-life environment with these great companies +8hweRdE8DjY-00008-00004101-00004521 with whom we have partnerships, with the Bleach* Festival and with Opera Queensland. I +8hweRdE8DjY-00009-00004521-00004920 think this is a testament to everyone's love and passion for music and how +8hweRdE8DjY-00010-00004920-00005364 willing we are to do the hard yards and to put in the time and effort necessary +8hweRdE8DjY-00011-00005364-00005777 to pull off such an amazing and difficult work. +8iAjgJg-VtI-00000-00000000-00000567 Hey everybody, James Evan Pilato for MediaMonarchy.com. We recently celebrated +8iAjgJg-VtI-00001-00000567-00001051 our tenth anniversary of independent, commercial-free, online news and culture. +8iAjgJg-VtI-00002-00001051-00001494 And in honor of that... I quit my commercial radio day job because I want to make +8iAjgJg-VtI-00003-00001494-00001964 Media Monarchy full-time. ~ We've been busy behind the scenes, setting up server space +8iAjgJg-VtI-00004-00001964-00002360 and moving all the blogs and consolidating them into one new and +8iAjgJg-VtI-00005-00002360-00002815 mighty MediaMonarchy.com. ~ We're also getting new audio and video equipment, +8iAjgJg-VtI-00006-00002815-00003152 because in addition to #NewWorldNextWeek and @PumpUpThaVolume, +8iAjgJg-VtI-00007-00003152-00003482 we want to start making #FoodWorldOrder episodes from the kitchen, with all the +8iAjgJg-VtI-00008-00003482-00003867 food health and environment news - and pass on some of the ways I've learned +8iAjgJg-VtI-00009-00003867-00004267 about just living simple and healthy. ~ As a spinoff from #NewWorldNextWeek, we're gonna +8iAjgJg-VtI-00010-00004267-00004657 make a series of out of #GoodNewsNextWeek where we celebrate the ways that we are winning. +8iAjgJg-VtI-00011-00004657-00005039 We make @PumpUpThaVolume episodes for your ears but we want to make +8iAjgJg-VtI-00012-00005039-00005385 #NavigatingNetflix episodes for your eyes and your heart. +8iAjgJg-VtI-00013-00005385-00005766 #NavigatingNetflix was created by the gang at Tragedy &Hope, but I wanna +8iAjgJg-VtI-00014-00005766-00006226 take it and run with it - where we talk about films and shows that matter. +8iAjgJg-VtI-00015-00006226-00006689 There's #CyberSpaceWar,#HolyHexes, #Geopolitiks and all the other areas that Media Monarchy +8iAjgJg-VtI-00016-00006689-00007103 has been covering for ten years. ~ We've got so much more planned for the future of +8iAjgJg-VtI-00017-00007103-00007545 Media Monarchy, but I'm gonna need your support. If you believe in what Media Monarchy's +8iAjgJg-VtI-00018-00007545-00008000 given you over ten years, I hope you'll sign up for a recurring monthly donation of +8iAjgJg-VtI-00019-00008000-00008481 any amount. That's the only way this is gonna work is if I work for you - and you +8iAjgJg-VtI-00020-00008481-00008947 support me. Go to MediaMonarchy.com/Support and sign up for a monthly +8iAjgJg-VtI-00021-00008947-00009082 donation through PayPal. +8iAjgJg-VtI-00022-00009082-00009588 We're also on Patreon where you can pay per episode. Our bitcoin address is there +8iAjgJg-VtI-00023-00009588-00010015 and we even take snail mail where you can just "send us your cash", homemade +8iAjgJg-VtI-00024-00010015-00010763 cookies or vinyl records. It's all at MediaMonarchy.com/Support +8iAjgJg-VtI-00025-00010763-00011024 I can even try and bribe you with cute pictures of cats. +8jzibasJYlE-00000-00000318-00000663 So I'm designing a zipline, and I want to-- I'm first +8jzibasJYlE-00001-00000663-00000993 going to need to find the tension in the actual zipline. +8jzibasJYlE-00002-00000993-00001144 So this is my model. +8jzibasJYlE-00003-00001144-00001449 It's got a 100-meter span, but I'm putting a person. +8jzibasJYlE-00004-00001449-00001678 I'm going to assume that the person weighs 750 newtons +8jzibasJYlE-00005-00001678-00001998 in the middle as the critical location. +8jzibasJYlE-00006-00001998-00002386 I've got two different angles in this scenario, so in my previous examples, +8jzibasJYlE-00007-00002386-00002579 all the angles have been the same. +8jzibasJYlE-00008-00002579-00002785 But because of the way the zipline is configured, +8jzibasJYlE-00009-00002785-00003124 so it starts at 10 meters on one tree, and then it drops in elevation by five +8jzibasJYlE-00010-00003124-00003463 meters, and then there's-- I put in a five meter sag as well. +8jzibasJYlE-00011-00003463-00003656 So that's what gives me this geometry. +8jzibasJYlE-00012-00003656-00003954 So my first step is I'm going to try to figure out these angles, +8jzibasJYlE-00013-00003954-00004405 so I should be able to use geometry to figure out these angles. +8jzibasJYlE-00014-00004405-00004851 So I can take the inverse tangent of, in this case, +8jzibasJYlE-00015-00004851-00005387 it would be 10 meters over 50 meters. +8jzibasJYlE-00016-00005387-00005925 And I find that that angle, theta 1, is 11.3 degrees. +8jzibasJYlE-00017-00005925-00006262 So that is this angle, and that was just based on geometry. +8jzibasJYlE-00018-00006262-00006750 And my second angle, similarly, I will take +8jzibasJYlE-00019-00006750-00007259 the inverse tangent of, in this case, 5 meters over the 50 meters. +8jzibasJYlE-00020-00007259-00007764 And that one is 5.7. +8jzibasJYlE-00021-00007764-00007881 That's 5.7. +8jzibasJYlE-00022-00007881-00008052 So that geometry is just going to help me +8jzibasJYlE-00023-00008052-00008432 when I do my equilibrium, which is what I'm going to do next. +8jzibasJYlE-00024-00008432-00008715 So first I'm going to do horizontal equilibrium. +8jzibasJYlE-00025-00008715-00008891 In some of the previous examples, we found +8jzibasJYlE-00026-00008891-00009111 that the tension force on either side was the same. +8jzibasJYlE-00027-00009111-00009297 That was when the angles were the same. +8jzibasJYlE-00028-00009297-00009513 In this case, we have two different angles, +8jzibasJYlE-00029-00009513-00010017 so I will use that and do horizontal equilibrium +8jzibasJYlE-00030-00010017-00010144 and maintain the two angles. +8jzibasJYlE-00031-00010144-00010554 So I have T1 acting to the right. [? Our ?] [? T ?] will start with T2 +8jzibasJYlE-00032-00010554-00010824 times the cosine of that smaller angle. +8jzibasJYlE-00033-00010824-00011436 5.7 degrees minus T1, times the cosine of 11.3 degrees. +8jzibasJYlE-00034-00011436-00011659 That's all that's acting horizontally. +8jzibasJYlE-00035-00011659-00011834 And that equals 0. +8jzibasJYlE-00036-00011834-00012148 So I can't solve for any one directly, but I'm +8jzibasJYlE-00037-00012148-00012342 going to put one in terms of the other. +8jzibasJYlE-00038-00012342-00012697 I'm going to solve for T1, since that happens to be the bigger one. +8jzibasJYlE-00039-00012697-00013290 And that's T2 cos 5.7 degrees, over cosine +8jzibasJYlE-00040-00013290-00013544 of 11.3 to solving this equation. +8jzibasJYlE-00041-00013544-00013978 And that turns out to be 1.015 times T2. +8jzibasJYlE-00042-00013978-00014203 So they're very close, but they're slightly different, +8jzibasJYlE-00043-00014203-00014382 and I will take that into consideration. +8jzibasJYlE-00044-00014382-00014701 So I have T1 in terms of T2, and now I'm going +8jzibasJYlE-00045-00014701-00015016 to move on and do vertical equilibrium. +8jzibasJYlE-00046-00015016-00015209 So I will sum my forces in the y direction. +8jzibasJYlE-00047-00015478-00015899 And I have T1 and T2, the sine components acting vertically. +8jzibasJYlE-00048-00015899-00017201 So T1 sine of 11.3 degrees, plus T2 sine of 5.7 degrees, +8jzibasJYlE-00049-00017201-00017772 and then acting downward is a 750 newtons. +8jzibasJYlE-00050-00017772-00018154 That's all we have, and set that equal to 0. +8jzibasJYlE-00051-00018154-00018721 I have two unknowns currently, but I can substitute in for T1 +8jzibasJYlE-00052-00018721-00018977 this T2 quantity, what I did before. +8jzibasJYlE-00053-00018977-00019138 Yep, T1. +8jzibasJYlE-00054-00019138-00019242 And I can actually solve. +8jzibasJYlE-00055-00019507-00019855 And I'm going to solve this actually for T1. +8jzibasJYlE-00056-00019855-00020353 T1 is going to be 2525 newtons. +8jzibasJYlE-00057-00020353-00020558 The way I have it set up, I'd solve for T2 first, +8jzibasJYlE-00058-00020558-00020795 and then plug it back in and get T1. +8jzibasJYlE-00059-00020795-00021094 And I'm not showing that exact step. +8jzibasJYlE-00060-00021094-00021495 But it's an algebraic equation that I can solve for T1. +8jzibasJYlE-00061-00021495-00021719 T1 happens to be to the larger of these forces, +8jzibasJYlE-00062-00021719-00021986 so I'm going to refer to that as my critical force. +8jzibasJYlE-00063-00021986-00022284 And that is what I'm going to use moving forward. +8jzibasJYlE-00064-00022284-00022662 So I have a force, but my goal was to actually design this cable. +8jzibasJYlE-00065-00022662-00023199 So I'm going to move on and design the cable. +8jzibasJYlE-00066-00023199-00023465 Now by designing, in this case, I mean I want +8jzibasJYlE-00067-00023465-00023915 to come up with the diameter of the cable that I want to use. +8jzibasJYlE-00068-00023915-00024224 I'm going need some information about the cable. +8jzibasJYlE-00069-00024224-00024553 That's just something a designer gets to choose-- what material they +8jzibasJYlE-00070-00024553-00024723 want to use and what strength. +8jzibasJYlE-00071-00024723-00025136 I'm going to assume that I'm using a steel with an allowable stress, +8jzibasJYlE-00072-00025136-00025305 a certain allowable stress. +8jzibasJYlE-00073-00025305-00025542 I'm going to choose fairly high allowable stress, +8jzibasJYlE-00074-00025542-00025947 150,000 kilonewtons per meter squared. +8jzibasJYlE-00075-00025947-00026268 A fairly common allowable stress for steel. +8jzibasJYlE-00076-00026268-00026451 That's my allowable stress. +8jzibasJYlE-00077-00026451-00026949 And I know I want to keep my stress in the cable, so in this case, it's T1. +8jzibasJYlE-00078-00026949-00027343 If I want to compute stress, when I have a tension force, +8jzibasJYlE-00079-00027343-00027711 I just take the tension force-- in this case, T1-- and divide +8jzibasJYlE-00080-00027711-00027848 by the cross-sectional area. +8jzibasJYlE-00081-00027848-00028102 That'll give me the stress in the cable. +8jzibasJYlE-00082-00028102-00028643 I know I want to keep that less than my allowable stress, which is steel, +8jzibasJYlE-00083-00028643-00028911 in this case. +8jzibasJYlE-00084-00028911-00029404 So I could take this value, substitute it in for the allowable stress, +8jzibasJYlE-00085-00029404-00029677 and take T1, and substitute it in there. +8jzibasJYlE-00086-00029677-00029949 Then my only unknown is the cross-sectional area, +8jzibasJYlE-00087-00029949-00030176 so I can solve for the cross-sectional area. +8jzibasJYlE-00088-00030176-00030467 Move that up to the other side and the allowable stress down. +8jzibasJYlE-00089-00030467-00031277 I get that the area has to be greater than this T1 over the allowable stress. +8jzibasJYlE-00090-00031277-00031580 T1 was 2,525 newtons. +8jzibasJYlE-00091-00031580-00032206 I'm going to change that to kilonewtons, 2.525 kilonewtons divided +8jzibasJYlE-00092-00032206-00032839 by the allowable stress of 150,000 kilonewtons per meter squared. +8jzibasJYlE-00093-00032839-00033636 That tells me that the area has to be greater than 16.83 millimeters squared. +8jzibasJYlE-00094-00033636-00033925 I'm using a round cable out of steel. +8jzibasJYlE-00095-00033925-00034095 That's my assumption. +8jzibasJYlE-00096-00034095-00034639 So I know that is equal to the-- across the area of a circle is pi r squared, +8jzibasJYlE-00097-00034639-00034799 where r is the radius. +8jzibasJYlE-00098-00034799-00035158 So I could solve for the radius, and the radius we find +8jzibasJYlE-00099-00035158-00036172 is 2.3 millimeters, which means that my diameter is 4.6 millimeters. +8jzibasJYlE-00100-00036172-00036417 This is the minimum required diameter. +8jzibasJYlE-00101-00036417-00036689 I would probably put a factor of safety on this for ziplines. +8jzibasJYlE-00102-00036689-00037133 It's fairly common to use a factor of safety of 3, which +8jzibasJYlE-00103-00037133-00037525 means I would multiply this value by 3, and my design +8jzibasJYlE-00104-00037525-00038199 would be for a diameter that was 3 times 4.6, or 13.8 millimeters. +8jzibasJYlE-00105-00038199-00038382 That's a fairly, fairly big cable. +8jzibasJYlE-00106-00038382-00038758 If I wanted to reduce that cable, there's different things I could do. +8jzibasJYlE-00107-00038758-00039048 Probably the easiest to use a higher strength steel, +8jzibasJYlE-00108-00039048-00039315 but those are the different things an engineer would play around +8jzibasJYlE-00109-00039315-00039500 in this design. +8keXWbBhsG0-00000-00000371-00000471 Yuri +8keXWbBhsG0-00001-00000503-00000803 You have led your kin through the mountain pass +8keXWbBhsG0-00002-00000951-00001639 Once more the light of Kislev shines in the darkness of the chaos wastes +8keXWbBhsG0-00003-00001755-00002035 Our comrades fear this land +8keXWbBhsG0-00004-00002102-00002302 their doubt cannot stop us. +8keXWbBhsG0-00005-00002346-00002704 We fight those who worship blood and fire +8keXWbBhsG0-00006-00002855-00003055 Match their rage with our own +8keXWbBhsG0-00007-00003406-00003829 The fears of lesser men must not sway you from the righteous path +8keXWbBhsG0-00008-00004025-00004159 Offer no mercy. +8keXWbBhsG0-00009-00004420-00004720 End his reign of bloodshed +8keXWbBhsG0-00010-00004747-00005103 You hold sin in your hand +8keXWbBhsG0-00011-00005103-00005402 I hold strength in my hand +8keXWbBhsG0-00012-00005502-00005703 Our journey has just begun +8keXWbBhsG0-00013-00005837-00006342 Together we will roar to melt the snows +8keXWbBhsG0-00014-00006402-00006745 Together we free Kislev of this winter +8keXWbBhsG0-00015-00007202-00007343 Are you still my brother? +8keXWbBhsG0-00016-00007623-00007673 Yuri +8keXWbBhsG0-00017-00007752-00008227 Dont be a fool Gerik, does he not guide me? +8keXWbBhsG0-00018-00009050-00009414 Find me son of Kislev +8kPUYSbmAKE-00000-00000140-00000420 I’m a 2022 graduate with NSW Government. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00001-00000420-00000732 My background is in civil engineering and commerce. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00002-00000732-00000984 I’m in my first placement with project services +8kPUYSbmAKE-00003-00000984-00001144 in Transport for NSW. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00004-00001144-00001564 We look after the road and bridge assets in the southern region. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00005-00001564-00001892 The NSW Government Graduate Program is quite different +8kPUYSbmAKE-00006-00001892-00002172 from the private sector in that you get the ability to +8kPUYSbmAKE-00007-00002172-00002524 actually rotate across different organisations or agencies +8kPUYSbmAKE-00008-00002524-00002708 My current placement is with project services +8kPUYSbmAKE-00009-00002708-00002876 for Transport for NSW. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00010-00002876-00003144 The team endeavours to make our road network +8kPUYSbmAKE-00011-00003144-00003376 safe for the public and to ensure that +8kPUYSbmAKE-00012-00003376-00003628 communities are accessible and connected. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00013-00003628-00003924 The placement team I was put in, they’re really supportive, +8kPUYSbmAKE-00014-00003924-00004312 they really guide me along the career path I want to be. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00015-00004312-00004544 They’ve showed me what kind of opportunities +8kPUYSbmAKE-00016-00004544-00004724 I can get out this graduate program +8kPUYSbmAKE-00017-00004724-00005044 so that’s been really helpful in me deciding +8kPUYSbmAKE-00018-00005044-00005256 how I want to develop my own skills. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00019-00005256-00005540 I’ve always wanted my work to have a story +8kPUYSbmAKE-00020-00005540-00005888 that I could tell, for future generations. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00021-00005888-00006348 I could drive by a road or a bridge and say ‘I’ve worked on that’, +8kPUYSbmAKE-00022-00006348-00006636 and I felt that government was the best way to have +8kPUYSbmAKE-00023-00006636-00007004 a direct impact on the communities in the state. +8kPUYSbmAKE-00024-00007004-00007308 I’m Tony Thai and I work for the NSW Government. +911wbBoWhDk-00000-00000426-00000637 One club right now, in the Philippines, +911wbBoWhDk-00001-00000637-00000878 is considering helping us buy trucks. +911wbBoWhDk-00002-00000878-00001477 Trucks are the way we move into new areas to protect people. +911wbBoWhDk-00003-00001477-00001713 Without those truck, we can't go there. +911wbBoWhDk-00004-00001713-00002296 In fact, we took the local police with us in South Sudan. +911wbBoWhDk-00005-00002296-00002701 Somebody called us. People were killing each other with axes and rocks. +911wbBoWhDk-00006-00002701-00003180 They all ended up at the local hospital. We stopped at the police department and said, +911wbBoWhDk-00007-00003180-00003617 Have you heard anything about that? Yeah, they said, but we don't have a truck. +911wbBoWhDk-00008-00003722-00003830 We said, Hop in. +911wbBoWhDk-00009-00003830-00004377 And they agreed to leave their weapons - that really made it safer for everybody. +911wbBoWhDk-00010-00004377-00004874 And so, we were able to go there when even the local police were not. +911wbBoWhDk-00011-00004874-00005276 So, every new vehicle we have is another community served. +911wbBoWhDk-00012-00005276-00005846 I think right now there's probably a project underway to provide a truck +911wbBoWhDk-00013-00005846-00006063 -another truck- for the Philippines team. +911wbBoWhDk-00014-00006063-00006417 And it could be other types of equipment like cell phones. +911wbBoWhDk-00015-00006417-00006691 Cell phones are communication - when there's a fight in the field, +911wbBoWhDk-00016-00006691-00007116 we're on the phone. First to one commander, then the other commander. +911wbBoWhDk-00017-00007116-00007356 And we treat them with equal respect. +911wbBoWhDk-00018-00007356-00007733 And ask them, May we know what's going on? +911wbBoWhDk-00019-00007733-00008314 And, by the way, we're in our truck coming out to see what's going on and protect civilians. +911wbBoWhDk-00020-00008428-00009218 Sometimes they tell us, We're just passing through here and no problem. +911wbBoWhDk-00021-00009218-00009419 Sometimes they decide not to fight. +911wbBoWhDk-00022-00009419-00009748 But, in any case, if they do fight, +911wbBoWhDk-00023-00009748-00010308 we argue for safe quarters. And, again, we go with civilians to do that. +911wbBoWhDk-00024-00010308-00010868 But, it's only possible - Trucks and cellphones - are the heart of our work. +922HmvjRAKc-00000-00000082-00000396 Ok, we're back, we now have the new components, +922HmvjRAKc-00001-00000416-00000718 here we have, for example, the chain guides, +922HmvjRAKc-00002-00000730-00001022 the old and new one. +922HmvjRAKc-00003-00001114-00001400 Here's the broken one. +922HmvjRAKc-00004-00001436-00001744 Just look how damaged this one is, +922HmvjRAKc-00005-00001744-00002048 how the new one looks like, +922HmvjRAKc-00006-00002048-00002232 and here's the missing piece. +922HmvjRAKc-00007-00002262-00002420 It broke from here. +922HmvjRAKc-00008-00002470-00002680 The camshaft assy, +922HmvjRAKc-00009-00002750-00002870 The same... +922HmvjRAKc-00010-00002938-00003060 Take a look at them... +922HmvjRAKc-00011-00003315-00003450 The swing arms... +922HmvjRAKc-00012-00003832-00004046 The piston rings, +922HmvjRAKc-00013-00004100-00004368 Jiangshe, Yamaha... +922HmvjRAKc-00014-00004368-00004608 the gaskets, +922HmvjRAKc-00015-00004608-00004896 I've also cleaned the cylinder head, +922HmvjRAKc-00016-00004896-00005174 I've cleaned the seats, replaced the oil seals, +922HmvjRAKc-00017-00005202-00005510 we can now get to work. +922HmvjRAKc-00018-00005590-00006058 I'll start the assembling from the inside out, +922HmvjRAKc-00019-00006102-00006394 firstly I'm going to install the chain guide, the chain, +922HmvjRAKc-00020-00006398-00006645 the bendix, the flywheel, +922HmvjRAKc-00021-00006645-00006894 and so on until we reach for the outer components, +922HmvjRAKc-00022-00006894-00007138 then the cylinder and all the rest. +922HmvjRAKc-00023-00007286-00007573 Ok, I've cleaned the crankcase, +922HmvjRAKc-00024-00007573-00007876 also the gasket, +922HmvjRAKc-00025-00007876-00008298 let's start the assembling from the backside, let's install the chain guide. +922HmvjRAKc-00026-00008430-00008726 I'll fix it with these two screws. +922HmvjRAKc-00028-00010260-00010462 Make sure you fix it well. +922HmvjRAKc-00029-00012008-00012224 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00030-00012224-00012368 next comes the chain. +922HmvjRAKc-00031-00014269-00014584 I'm going to install the chain... +922HmvjRAKc-00032-00015158-00015590 I'll fix it with a stud. +922HmvjRAKc-00033-00015640-00016052 I have here a nut and a wire. +922HmvjRAKc-00034-00016154-00016356 A small piece of wire. +922HmvjRAKc-00035-00016726-00016956 You'll see you'll need +922HmvjRAKc-00036-00017000-00017248 to hang the chain from above. +922HmvjRAKc-00037-00017504-00017972 Let's move on with the assembling. +922HmvjRAKc-00038-00018010-00018424 Let's install the sprocket from the bendix. +922HmvjRAKc-00039-00018510-00018744 This one right here. +922HmvjRAKc-00040-00018754-00019016 next on, we have the flywheel key. +922HmvjRAKc-00041-00019176-00019472 I've adjusted the flywheel key. +922HmvjRAKc-00042-00019622-00019964 Next, I'm going to install the flywheel. +922HmvjRAKc-00043-00020026-00020186 Slowly... +922HmvjRAKc-00044-00020838-00021080 Make sure you fit it on the flywheel key. +922HmvjRAKc-00045-00021486-00021802 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00046-00021802-00022098 Slowly with the chain, you don't want to drop that one. +922HmvjRAKc-00047-00022282-00022382 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00048-00022414-00022736 Everything's just fine... +922HmvjRAKc-00049-00022744-00022934 All is well. +922HmvjRAKc-00050-00022972-00023422 Next we have the sprocket +922HmvjRAKc-00051-00023510-00023788 from the starting engine. +922HmvjRAKc-00052-00024826-00024956 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00053-00025066-00025572 The bendix should rotate to one side without any kind of problems, +922HmvjRAKc-00054-00025606-00025954 and should block while rotating to the other side. +922HmvjRAKc-00055-00026083-00026360 So, it moves easily this way, +922HmvjRAKc-00056-00026360-00026502 and then blocks. +922HmvjRAKc-00057-00026516-00026750 The bendix works properly. +922HmvjRAKc-00058-00026836-00027104 We have another washer right here. +922HmvjRAKc-00059-00027122-00027395 Then, we have the gasket. +922HmvjRAKc-00060-00027712-00027812 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00061-00027880-00028170 It will come here... +922HmvjRAKc-00062-00028170-00028386 we can install it either on the cover or here. +922HmvjRAKc-00063-00028416-00028700 Here we have the cover, +922HmvjRAKc-00064-00028706-00029226 I've cleaned it, isolated a wire. +922HmvjRAKc-00065-00029302-00029510 It's ready to be installed. +922HmvjRAKc-00066-00029672-00029789 The cover... +922HmvjRAKc-00067-00029933-00030033 slowly... +922HmvjRAKc-00068-00030582-00030958 Make sure you adjust the gasket without pinching it. +922HmvjRAKc-00069-00031095-00031294 Ok, it's on. +922HmvjRAKc-00070-00031445-00031616 Now for the screws. +922HmvjRAKc-00071-00035804-00036098 All screws are there, +922HmvjRAKc-00072-00036328-00036506 the starter coupling... +922HmvjRAKc-00073-00036710-00036826 slowly with that one... +922HmvjRAKc-00074-00037758-00037858 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00075-00037920-00038064 Next on, +922HmvjRAKc-00076-00038504-00038604 the screw... +922HmvjRAKc-00077-00040876-00041128 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00078-00041188-00041528 now, you can either block the piston, +922HmvjRAKc-00079-00041528-00041658 or +922HmvjRAKc-00080-00041738-00042060 you can tighten it by using a pneumatic piston. +922HmvjRAKc-00081-00042350-00042768 Or you can leave this part for later on. +922HmvjRAKc-00082-00042830-00043068 We're going to use the pneumatic piston. +922HmvjRAKc-00083-00043848-00044174 I'm going to install the cover next. +922HmvjRAKc-00084-00044318-00044588 Next, we have the piston rings, +922HmvjRAKc-00085-00044588-00045202 to do that, I'll have to divide the piston into three parts. +922HmvjRAKc-00086-00045324-00045850 You can either use your imagination or make some marks on it, +922HmvjRAKc-00087-00045850-00046116 there's no kind of problem. +922HmvjRAKc-00088-00046122-00046644 This one being the old piston, +922HmvjRAKc-00089-00046644-00046952 make sure you clean the groove thoroughly, +922HmvjRAKc-00090-00046952-00047354 I'm going to rub some oil on it next. +922HmvjRAKc-00092-00047588-00047888 Use the engile oil you have, +922HmvjRAKc-00093-00047888-00048092 the one you're going to use for your ATV. +922HmvjRAKc-00094-00048154-00048504 Rub oil on the groove. +922HmvjRAKc-00095-00048684-00048998 Let's now install the oil piston ring. +922HmvjRAKc-00096-00049306-00049744 One of the oil rings... +922HmvjRAKc-00097-00051774-00052052 Let's place this one below, +922HmvjRAKc-00098-00052174-00052426 then the other one will be placed above. +922HmvjRAKc-00099-00054329-00054750 Make sure they don't align. +922HmvjRAKc-00100-00056450-00056617 Now, the other one... +922HmvjRAKc-00101-00056860-00057116 Check the spots where you have the gaps, +922HmvjRAKc-00102-00057166-00057266 ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00103-00058234-00058510 Don't put too much pressure on the piston rings, +922HmvjRAKc-00104-00058564-00058838 you don't want to break them. +922HmvjRAKc-00105-00058974-00059410 Just take things slowly. +922HmvjRAKc-00106-00059514-00059766 Don't pull it too harshly. +922HmvjRAKc-00107-00062040-00062332 We're done with the oil piston ring. +922HmvjRAKc-00108-00062394-00062634 Next one we have +922HmvjRAKc-00109-00062786-00062932 the compression piston ring. +922HmvjRAKc-00110-00063072-00063516 Pay attention to the mark, +922HmvjRAKc-00111-00063546-00063778 it should be upwards. +922HmvjRAKc-00112-00066854-00067180 Now, the wiper ring. +922HmvjRAKc-00113-00067518-00067734 I've shown you +922HmvjRAKc-00114-00067958-00068444 that there's something written on these, +922HmvjRAKc-00115-00068514-00069012 something like a die, +922HmvjRAKc-00116-00069030-00069318 there's a die on it. +922HmvjRAKc-00117-00069392-00069574 All of them have +922HmvjRAKc-00118-00069748-00069880 a mark on them. +922HmvjRAKc-00119-00069880-00070120 Make sure it's placed upwards. +922HmvjRAKc-00120-00070236-00070576 It doesn't matter if its a die or the mark is painted. +922HmvjRAKc-00121-00071698-00071956 I'm done with the piston rings, +922HmvjRAKc-00122-00071994-00072348 Make sure they... +922HmvjRAKc-00123-00072434-00072850 go deep inside the piston, +922HmvjRAKc-00124-00072850-00073142 but not too further deep, +922HmvjRAKc-00125-00073158-00073596 if you feel they go a bit too deep, the piston's grooves might be worn out. +922HmvjRAKc-00126-00073596-00073920 This one's ok, we've checked it already. +922HmvjRAKc-00127-00073954-00074248 As I've told you, +922HmvjRAKc-00128-00074248-00074558 pay attention to how you've divided the piston, +922HmvjRAKc-00129-00074558-00074804 and install the piston rings... +922HmvjRAKc-00130-00074804-00075390 Also, make sure the closing gaps don't align with the piston pin. +922HmvjRAKc-00131-00075466-00075778 You should take into account that aspect. +922HmvjRAKc-00132-00075858-00076148 Next, we have the cylinder, +922HmvjRAKc-00133-00076150-00076438 I'm going to install the gasket, +922HmvjRAKc-00134-00076438-00076598 the one from the cylinder. +922HmvjRAKc-00135-00076668-00076858 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00136-00076858-00077430 I'm going to fit the cylinder on the studs next. +922HmvjRAKc-00137-00077472-00077746 Be careful with the timing chain, +922HmvjRAKc-00138-00077746-00077998 pull it aside, +922HmvjRAKc-00139-00078020-00078270 you don't want it to drop inside the engine. +922HmvjRAKc-00140-00078302-00078606 Also, you want it to remain on the sprocket. +922HmvjRAKc-00141-00078606-00079144 You could still make some adjustments even if it fell from the crankshaft, +922HmvjRAKc-00142-00079190-00079780 but it would be very difficult to do so if you've installed the cylinder and cylinder head already. +922HmvjRAKc-00143-00080020-00080592 Constantly check it, so it remains on the crankshaft. +922HmvjRAKc-00144-00080730-00080944 The cylinder will come next. +922HmvjRAKc-00145-00080986-00081358 I'm going to rub some oil on the piston next. +922HmvjRAKc-00146-00081482-00081618 ...the cylinder... +922HmvjRAKc-00147-00082880-00083226 This helps the piston rings to fit in easier. +922HmvjRAKc-00148-00083380-00083686 We already have the piston rings.. +922HmvjRAKc-00149-00084008-00084532 I'll install the cylinder from here above. +922HmvjRAKc-00150-00085234-00085616 I'll slowly lower the cylinder.. +922HmvjRAKc-00151-00085870-00086346 I'll keep the piston rings pressed with the help of my hand. +922HmvjRAKc-00152-00086662-00086872 And with my other hand +922HmvjRAKc-00153-00086920-00087148 I'll slowly move the cylinder. +922HmvjRAKc-00154-00087518-00087684 Just to make sure it fits +922HmvjRAKc-00155-00087876-00087996 around the piston. +922HmvjRAKc-00156-00088794-00089218 Make sure you move it left and right, +922HmvjRAKc-00157-00089234-00089484 both the cylinder and piston, +922HmvjRAKc-00158-00089518-00089780 also, check around them. +922HmvjRAKc-00159-00089952-00090084 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00160-00090362-00090594 It should slowly lower itself... +922HmvjRAKc-00161-00091924-00092302 Now for the timing chain... +922HmvjRAKc-00162-00092424-00092698 Let's lift this one a bit, I've lowered it too much. +922HmvjRAKc-00163-00093026-00093358 I'll slowly pull the timing chain, +922HmvjRAKc-00164-00093428-00093658 you'll need some wire for this. +922HmvjRAKc-00165-00093658-00093804 Using a wire, +922HmvjRAKc-00166-00093868-00094130 pull the timing chain upwards. +922HmvjRAKc-00167-00094534-00095246 Make sure you do this, you don't want to drop it. +922HmvjRAKc-00168-00096280-00096522 This should go smoothly. +922HmvjRAKc-00169-00096792-00097126 The cylinder is installed. +922HmvjRAKc-00170-00097256-00097428 Everything's ok. +922HmvjRAKc-00171-00097818-00098260 Next, let' s fix the two screws from the cylinder. +922HmvjRAKc-00172-00100514-00100704 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00173-00100704-00100900 Now, I have here the chain guide... +922HmvjRAKc-00174-00100948-00101112 and the other one... +922HmvjRAKc-00175-00101824-00102144 Be careful with the sprocket, for it not too fall +922HmvjRAKc-00176-00102316-00102435 from the sprocket. +922HmvjRAKc-00177-00102530-00102638 Always +922HmvjRAKc-00178-00102674-00102828 fix it well. +922HmvjRAKc-00179-00103244-00103370 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00180-00103394-00103758 Let's get to the cylinder head. +922HmvjRAKc-00181-00103876-00104154 I'll rub some oil on it. +922HmvjRAKc-00182-00104388-00104609 Install the camshaft assy... +922HmvjRAKc-00183-00104678-00104856 rub oil in it as well... +922HmvjRAKc-00184-00106696-00106898 Ok, I've made the adjustments, +922HmvjRAKc-00185-00107014-00107298 using a tubular wrench, kick it slowly. +922HmvjRAKc-00186-00107508-00107944 It should fit in easily, if this doesn't happen +922HmvjRAKc-00187-00108088-00108556 you can tell there's a bit of a problem around there. +922HmvjRAKc-00188-00108556-00108870 Make sure everything's alright after installing it. +922HmvjRAKc-00189-00108870-00109174 It looks ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00190-00109174-00109472 I'm going to install the swing arms next. +922HmvjRAKc-00191-00109540-00109858 Slowly with the swing arms... +922HmvjRAKc-00192-00110814-00111408 Also, slowly with the bolt, +922HmvjRAKc-00193-00111408-00111788 pay attention, because there's a longer one and then a shorter one. +922HmvjRAKc-00194-00111882-00112342 The longer one has this cut +922HmvjRAKc-00195-00112424-00112976 that fits on the stud, in this position. +922HmvjRAKc-00196-00113109-00113626 If not correctly placed, the stud won't fit in. +922HmvjRAKc-00197-00113646-00113959 It's the same thing when removing it, +922HmvjRAKc-00198-00113959-00114220 if it's placed on one side, +922HmvjRAKc-00199-00114220-00114498 you could have problems when removing it. +922HmvjRAKc-00200-00114498-00114704 Be careful when installing this bolt. +922HmvjRAKc-00201-00114811-00115098 Make sure it's well-placed. +922HmvjRAKc-00202-00115598-00115900 It should fit in easily. +922HmvjRAKc-00204-00117870-00118035 Ok, it's in. +922HmvjRAKc-00205-00118085-00118564 You could look down the hole to check, +922HmvjRAKc-00206-00118638-00118894 you could also use a screw +922HmvjRAKc-00207-00118894-00119211 or, use a screwdriver +922HmvjRAKc-00208-00119259-00119588 and twist it. +922HmvjRAKc-00209-00119668-00120194 Twist it in such a manner that the stud could pass through. +922HmvjRAKc-00210-00120354-00120564 I'll do the same with the other one. +922HmvjRAKc-00211-00121435-00121744 I'll slowly install the upper bolt. +922HmvjRAKc-00212-00122568-00122978 Everything's ok, I'll put the circlip next. +922HmvjRAKc-00213-00123135-00123235 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00214-00123374-00123535 then this metal sheet... +922HmvjRAKc-00215-00123806-00124082 Ok, I'll fix it with the two screws. +922HmvjRAKc-00216-00124661-00124966 Make sure you tighten them well. +922HmvjRAKc-00217-00126483-00126928 I'm going to bend this circlip a bit. +922HmvjRAKc-00218-00128882-00129188 Next, I'll install the guides, +922HmvjRAKc-00219-00129470-00130000 This guide has some sort of an o-ring on it. +922HmvjRAKc-00220-00130308-00130654 I have here the cylinder head gasket. +922HmvjRAKc-00221-00131994-00132432 I'll install the cylinder head next. +922HmvjRAKc-00222-00132816-00133132 Make sure you don't drop the chain, +922HmvjRAKc-00223-00133132-00133548 ccheck it constantly, +922HmvjRAKc-00224-00134048-00134358 Slowly pull the chain upwards, +922HmvjRAKc-00225-00135698-00136032 Slowly with it, +922HmvjRAKc-00226-00136080-00136364 with the chain guides as well. +922HmvjRAKc-00227-00137964-00138112 Everything's ok. +922HmvjRAKc-00228-00138188-00138528 The chain guides are in their place. +922HmvjRAKc-00229-00138602-00138744 The chain... +922HmvjRAKc-00230-00138806-00139108 I'm going to install the washers, +922HmvjRAKc-00231-00139292-00139598 let's get done with them as well. +922HmvjRAKc-00232-00141934-00142034 The screws... +922HmvjRAKc-00233-00142346-00142484 from the front... +922HmvjRAKc-00234-00144166-00144370 The nuts... +922HmvjRAKc-00235-00146210-00146450 I'll fix them next, +922HmvjRAKc-00236-00146488-00146736 It's a good thing to use a torque wrench +922HmvjRAKc-00237-00146832-00147120 when it comes to the bigger engines. +922HmvjRAKc-00238-00147244-00147938 I'll tighten these at thirty newtons, that's enough. +922HmvjRAKc-00239-00148752-00148948 Let's get them close to one another first. +922HmvjRAKc-00240-00150962-00151250 I'm going to do the following: +922HmvjRAKc-00241-00151250-00151574 One, two, three, four. +922HmvjRAKc-00243-00159906-00160016 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00244-00160068-00160474 That's enough, now for those on the side... +922HmvjRAKc-00245-00160858-00161176 You can use a torque wrench for these, +922HmvjRAKc-00246-00161206-00161450 the most important are those four. +922HmvjRAKc-00247-00161616-00161858 It doesn't really matter. +922HmvjRAKc-00248-00161858-00162268 Now let's see the transmission. +922HmvjRAKc-00249-00162278-00162562 First things first, let's adjust the flywheel, +922HmvjRAKc-00250-00162562-00162842 we have this mark on it, +922HmvjRAKc-00251-00162842-00163146 it's a T, +922HmvjRAKc-00252-00163146-00163490 and another mark, +922HmvjRAKc-00253-00163532-00163862 that should align with this one right here, +922HmvjRAKc-00254-00163866-00164150 so, that small lign should align to it. +922HmvjRAKc-00255-00164186-00164464 These two are ok. +922HmvjRAKc-00256-00164464-00164730 Next, +922HmvjRAKc-00257-00164812-00165110 I'm going to install the timing sprocket, +922HmvjRAKc-00258-00165110-00165458 it also has a mark, +922HmvjRAKc-00259-00165476-00165704 that should align +922HmvjRAKc-00260-00165704-00165994 with this one on the cylinder head. +922HmvjRAKc-00261-00166004-00166438 I'm going to install the chain in such a manner that the sprocket will stay like this. +922HmvjRAKc-00262-00166598-00166862 The mark on the flywheel is ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00263-00169220-00169518 Just one more tooth... +922HmvjRAKc-00264-00169594-00169734 only one... +922HmvjRAKc-00265-00170714-00171366 These marks right here are aligned, let's check for the one on the flywheel once more. +922HmvjRAKc-00266-00171404-00171726 I'll move on if everything's ok. +922HmvjRAKc-00267-00172144-00172538 The mark is where it should be. +922HmvjRAKc-00268-00172660-00172998 Everything's ok, +922HmvjRAKc-00269-00173040-00173184 let's put this screw +922HmvjRAKc-00270-00173238-00173376 back on. +922HmvjRAKc-00271-00173568-00173768 I'll screw it by hand. +922HmvjRAKc-00272-00173884-00174102 I'll use a wrench now. +922HmvjRAKc-00273-00174318-00174760 I'm going to take a hold on the starter next, +922HmvjRAKc-00274-00174840-00175308 and, using a torque wrench, +922HmvjRAKc-00275-00175336-00175750 I'll fix it at 60 newtons. +922HmvjRAKc-00276-00177062-00177354 Ok, it's on. +922HmvjRAKc-00277-00177398-00177576 Now, +922HmvjRAKc-00278-00177578-00177860 let's check once more if it's well-placed, +922HmvjRAKc-00279-00177872-00178374 next, I'm goincg to check the swing arms. +922HmvjRAKc-00280-00178626-00178958 Let's remove the screw from the tensioner, +922HmvjRAKc-00281-00179000-00179328 I'll fix it using a screw. +922HmvjRAKc-00282-00179406-00179802 Make sure you hold it like this. +922HmvjRAKc-00283-00179890-00180116 I'm going to... +922HmvjRAKc-00284-00180216-00180378 install it... +922HmvjRAKc-00285-00180410-00180688 by using these two screws. +922HmvjRAKc-00286-00183008-00183214 Screw them... +922HmvjRAKc-00287-00187030-00187314 I'm going to leave it a bit, +922HmvjRAKc-00288-00187314-00187526 and then fix +922HmvjRAKc-00289-00187592-00187736 the outer screw. +922HmvjRAKc-00290-00188606-00188942 We're done with the tensioner, +922HmvjRAKc-00291-00188944-00189244 I'll check the valves next. +922HmvjRAKc-00292-00189512-00189820 The marks are ok, +922HmvjRAKc-00293-00189820-00190136 I'll remove the counter-nut, +922HmvjRAKc-00294-00190174-00190324 and then fix +922HmvjRAKc-00295-00190416-00190534 the screw. +922HmvjRAKc-00296-00191634-00191874 Ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00297-00191874-00192266 this one's the intake, I'm going to make it a 0.07... +922HmvjRAKc-00298-00192620-00192900 I'm going to place it here, +922HmvjRAKc-00299-00193006-00193238 I'll loosen up the counter-nut a bit more... +922HmvjRAKc-00300-00194096-00194264 A bit more... +922HmvjRAKc-00301-00194950-00195338 I've tightened it a bit too much, I think... +922HmvjRAKc-00302-00195694-00195868 That's perfect! +922HmvjRAKc-00303-00195940-00196208 Let's keep it in this position +922HmvjRAKc-00304-00196240-00196432 and fix it with a wrench. +922HmvjRAKc-00305-00198762-00199062 Let's check once more... +922HmvjRAKc-00306-00199532-00199760 Everything's ok. +922HmvjRAKc-00307-00200016-00200618 Now for the exhaust system, I'm going to make it a 0.10, +922HmvjRAKc-00308-00200630-00200842 maybe a bit more, +922HmvjRAKc-00309-00200842-00201254 you could make it a 0.11, it depends on the engine. +922HmvjRAKc-00310-00204564-00204742 Let's check once more, +922HmvjRAKc-00311-00204858-00205042 it looks ok... +922HmvjRAKc-00312-00205130-00205467 That was it with the swing arms. +922HmvjRAKc-00313-00205578-00205906 I can now install the swing arms' covers. +922HmvjRAKc-00314-00206352-00206612 We're done here. +922HmvjRAKc-00315-00214336-00214716 Next on, I'm going to install the cover from the axle. +922HmvjRAKc-00316-00218554-00218678 The starter... +922HmvjRAKc-00317-00225648-00225764 Ok +922HmvjRAKc-00318-00225817-00226166 That was it, I'll put the oil next, +922HmvjRAKc-00319-00226182-00226512 put it back on the ATV, and give it a try. +922HmvjRAKc-00320-00226658-00227214 I'n going to put the engine back on the frame, +922HmvjRAKc-00321-00227238-00227508 I'll do the reverse to when I've removed it. +922HmvjRAKc-00322-00227508-00228071 That is, from this point towards the ATV's backside. +922HmvjRAKc-00323-00228102-00228594 This way, I'll be done with the cardan coupling as well. +922HmvjRAKc-00324-00228836-00229134 ...and then fix it on the supports. +922HmvjRAKc-00325-00229134-00229454 Ok, everything's installed, at least for now. +922HmvjRAKc-00326-00229462-00229956 I'm going to start it directly from the start relay +922HmvjRAKc-00327-00229992-00230264 because we're not done yet with the installation. +922HmvjRAKc-00328-00230264-00230658 We've checked if there's a spark before hand, and now let's give it a try. +922HmvjRAKc-00329-00235850-00236264 That's pretty much it, I still have some adjustments to make, +922HmvjRAKc-00330-00236554-00236860 and finish with the electrical system. +922HmvjRAKc-00331-00236860-00237092 Ok, so after a lot of work, and a lot of removed wires, +922HmvjRAKc-00332-00237288-00237502 This is how the installation looks like. +922HmvjRAKc-00333-00237658-00237926 Everything's just fine, +922HmvjRAKc-00334-00237952-00238136 I've installed a new contact. +922HmvjRAKc-00335-00238310-00238571 Let's turn it on. +922HmvjRAKc-00336-00239476-00239673 Let's stop it. +922HmvjRAKc-00337-00239769-00240200 Everything's ok, we just new two terminals. +922HmvjRAKc-00338-00240434-00240796 This is how the installation should look like. +922HmvjRAKc-00339-00240969-00241164 Not what we've seen before. +922HmvjRAKc-00340-00241496-00241756 That's about it. +922HmvjRAKc-00341-00241778-00242286 Thanks for watching, stay tuned for some future tutorials! +953GL1iTZLY-00000-00000030-00000462 hello hello Queens welcome and welcome back to my channel I am Kanisha Kirsty +953GL1iTZLY-00001-00000462-00000936 Queen budgets in today's video I will be cash stuffing my bills +953GL1iTZLY-00002-00000936-00001330 if that is something that you're interested in stay tuned [Music] +953GL1iTZLY-00003-00002328-00002898 okay guys so I really appreciate you for stopping by if you don't mind go ahead and +953GL1iTZLY-00004-00002898-00003497 hit that like And subscribe button and hit the notification Bell leave me a comment as well +953GL1iTZLY-00005-00003570-00004164 and we are going to jump right into this video it's not going to be a long one I just wanted to +953GL1iTZLY-00006-00004230-00004644 just jump on here just to kind of Chit Chat and see what you guys have been up +953GL1iTZLY-00007-00004644-00005334 to oh I left this on my desk these are just some placeholders guys I had to get me some Canadian +953GL1iTZLY-00008-00005334-00006558 money because I was running um Sam's playlist from Sam's budgeting corner and guys I loved +953GL1iTZLY-00009-00006558-00007500 that Canadian money I sing some Australian money that I like as well as some um was it Euro money +953GL1iTZLY-00010-00007578-00008316 I can't remember but it was all colorful and y'all I'm just gonna be collecting placeholders +953GL1iTZLY-00011-00008316-00008862 and of course I bought these just because of the colors so I'm just gonna put those back there +953GL1iTZLY-00012-00008862-00009360 until I get them in my envelope they've been sitting there since I got them um but we are +953GL1iTZLY-00013-00009360-00009930 going to jump into getting these bills done I am going to get everything situated here +953GL1iTZLY-00014-00010194-00011286 I went ahead and did my um my budget off camera and I should have jumped on camera because that +953GL1iTZLY-00015-00011286-00011862 could have been an extra little video that I could have added but this is gonna be a +953GL1iTZLY-00016-00011862-00012414 quick one I don't have like that many bills stuff or that many envelopes to stuff so +953GL1iTZLY-00017-00012966-00013806 um it wouldn't have been a long video anyway but I am going to get this money counted +953GL1iTZLY-00018-00014034-00014760 um I just went to the bank and I grabbed a few dollars and we are going to count that money +953GL1iTZLY-00019-00014940-00015234 and this is just money that I have to take back to the bank +953GL1iTZLY-00020-00015516-00016062 all right so I have 20 40 60 80. +953GL1iTZLY-00021-00016260-00017202 1 20 46 82 2400 +953GL1iTZLY-00022-00017514-00017880 20 40 60 81 20. +953GL1iTZLY-00023-00018084-00018858 6 20 30 40 50 60 660. 65 and 70. +953GL1iTZLY-00024-00019008-00020202 670 dollars what I will be stuffing in my bills um so I am using my digital planner and I am +953GL1iTZLY-00025-00020202-00020934 going to jump right to the right page and I am thinking about doing this different and putting +953GL1iTZLY-00026-00021054-00021888 um the hyperlinks planner in because I actually like the hyperlinks better so not sure if you guys +953GL1iTZLY-00027-00021888-00023082 can see this but I do have everything written down that I will be stuffing so I am going to first +953GL1iTZLY-00028-00023316-00023442 start with +953GL1iTZLY-00029-00023646-00023784 my tots +953GL1iTZLY-00030-00024210-00024432 and that will be getting 20 dollars +953GL1iTZLY-00031-00025356-00025848 the next thing I'm going to do is car note and we're going to do 150. +953GL1iTZLY-00032-00025848-00026382 so that is 20 40 60 81 20 40. +953GL1iTZLY-00033-00026658-00026789 and 50. +953GL1iTZLY-00034-00027498-00028116 how have you guys been doing y'all it seemed like it's been a long long time +953GL1iTZLY-00035-00028260-00029112 since I did a video I've been doing a lot here lately I've been you know busy with orders and +953GL1iTZLY-00036-00029112-00030000 of course I decided to redo my bathroom and um both bathrooms I've been working on redoing those +953GL1iTZLY-00037-00030077-00030504 just a little DIYs around the house you know using some extra things that +953GL1iTZLY-00038-00030504-00030966 I had and just switching everything out I decided to get rid of a lot of +953GL1iTZLY-00039-00030966-00031842 um the dark colors in my house I always had dark colors but I decided to like lighten it up like +953GL1iTZLY-00040-00031956-00032550 and it feels so much better in my home for some reason I'm not sure why but yeah all the +953GL1iTZLY-00041-00032550-00033252 dark colors are I'm weeding all of those out the next thing I would do is my living room and um +953GL1iTZLY-00042-00033450-00033972 and that will be last because I think that's going to be a bigger project that's going to require a +953GL1iTZLY-00043-00033972-00034542 little bit more funds to get everything switched out in there then I have to figure out what kind +953GL1iTZLY-00044-00034542-00035220 of DIYs I want to do for my uh front room to go with my furniture because my furniture is um like +953GL1iTZLY-00045-00035220-00035922 a cognac color it's a cognac leather and I'm not sure what colors I actually want to go to match +953GL1iTZLY-00046-00036012-00036354 that cognac leather without having to get rid of it +953GL1iTZLY-00047-00036432-00037146 but yeah I don't want to get rid of it because I just I don't know but yeah if y'all know some +953GL1iTZLY-00048-00037146-00037890 good colors that I can just throw in with some cognac furniture just drop down in the comments +953GL1iTZLY-00049-00037890-00038430 and let me know I know it's not what this video is supposed to be about but as we're talking about +953GL1iTZLY-00050-00038430-00039474 it um but my insurance we are going to do 100 dollars so I'm going to do 20 40 60 80 in 100. +953GL1iTZLY-00051-00039900-00039990 and +953GL1iTZLY-00052-00040572-00040672 um +953GL1iTZLY-00053-00040986-00041124 let's see +953GL1iTZLY-00054-00042018-00042828 all right so for the next envelope is our cell phone and cell phone I'm going to do +953GL1iTZLY-00055-00042936-00043248 100 and 70 dollars +953GL1iTZLY-00056-00043458-00044640 20 40 60 80. 81 20 40 60. that's just 160 because I don't have any extra 10 so we're +953GL1iTZLY-00057-00044640-00045204 just gonna do 160. y'all know what I'm gonna do with them 10s I'm gonna put those in my Savage +953GL1iTZLY-00058-00045204-00045786 challenges because I have not D I don't think I did any savings challenge videos for the month +953GL1iTZLY-00059-00045882-00046164 and then it just goes to show how busy I've been +953GL1iTZLY-00060-00046248-00046776 so I guess I'm just gonna have to wait till the end of the month or um +953GL1iTZLY-00061-00046980-00047844 to or the end of the week next week I guess to do the whole statements challenges and +953GL1iTZLY-00062-00047844-00048294 just do them all in one video instead of doing them in two videos or did I do +953GL1iTZLY-00063-00048294-00048690 a statement challenge video yeah I don't know I'm not I haven't been keeping up with it but +953GL1iTZLY-00064-00048912-00049572 um what's going on around here that's sad I'm sorry out but here so that's how much I've been +953GL1iTZLY-00065-00049572-00050448 like going and going and going going get my um so I'm ready for prom and also my daughter is going +953GL1iTZLY-00066-00050448-00051114 to a prom they're having prom at their school as well so we kind of been running around trying to +953GL1iTZLY-00067-00051114-00051900 find outfits and getting fitted for you know their their problems I'm so excited I'm so excited and +953GL1iTZLY-00068-00051900-00052512 then I have to look forward to my son graduating in May and so it's it's been a lot going on so +953GL1iTZLY-00069-00052512-00053184 that's why I've kind of like haven't did any videos and yeah working on other projects as +953GL1iTZLY-00070-00053184-00054138 well so utilities is going to get 150 probably 160 and 140. let's see what we have 20 40 50 81. +953GL1iTZLY-00071-00054216-00055086 20 40. yeah it's gonna get 140 because I'm not using those tins I need those for my +953GL1iTZLY-00072-00055205-00055794 one dollar savings challenge I mean my ten dollar savings challenges um rent isn't getting anything +953GL1iTZLY-00073-00055998-00057498 until your next paycheck okay so that is all for my bills and the reminding is +953GL1iTZLY-00074-00057648-00058554 I have 20 40 60 70 80 90 95 100 and this is going to go into my savings challenge +953GL1iTZLY-00075-00058554-00059460 binder let me grab that really quick so there's this one just got like this to the side here +953GL1iTZLY-00076-00061602-00061686 all right +953GL1iTZLY-00077-00062136-00062622 so we're gonna put that there can we have quite a few teens +953GL1iTZLY-00078-00062622-00062874 even if I'm just going to get on there and just do +953GL1iTZLY-00079-00063102-00063564 those get those tents in there so I can +953GL1iTZLY-00080-00063648-00064488 work towards getting those at ten dollar savings challenge done um but +953GL1iTZLY-00081-00064746-00065279 start on this I think this is 270. I was two hundred and eleven dollars +953GL1iTZLY-00082-00065279-00065754 I thought it was 270 something but I probably do all of this on one video +953GL1iTZLY-00083-00065892-00066280 oh yeah look at them Nails isn't that cute [Applause] +953GL1iTZLY-00084-00067008-00067398 man that is all for this video y'all it is going +953GL1iTZLY-00085-00067398-00067980 to be such a short one I don't remember the last time I did a video this short +953GL1iTZLY-00086-00068208-00069072 um but I do need to write down that I have a hundred dollars for my savings challenges +953GL1iTZLY-00087-00069522-00069702 so let's write that +953GL1iTZLY-00088-00070884-00071634 y'all and I'm gonna tell y'all this y'all know I love my planners but this digital planner is like +953GL1iTZLY-00089-00071730-00071880 oh my God child +953GL1iTZLY-00090-00072090-00072186 I love it +953GL1iTZLY-00091-00072582-00073626 so I did 100 this week I'm like I'm so in love with it I've never used good notes but +953GL1iTZLY-00092-00073740-00074640 I'm so in love with it and I think I'm going to do a video on this digital um version of +953GL1iTZLY-00093-00074640-00075330 this book and how I created some stickers and added stickers in here and zazz up my +953GL1iTZLY-00094-00075330-00075888 plan on seeing everything y'all if y'all are interested in seeing how I set up my digital +953GL1iTZLY-00095-00075888-00076386 planner as well as my physical planner because y'all know I'm not getting rid of those either +953GL1iTZLY-00096-00076482-00076830 um just because I got this digital digital it's like it's more convenient I don't have +953GL1iTZLY-00097-00076830-00077640 to worry about carrying all of my planners with me I can just carry everything on my my um iPad +953GL1iTZLY-00098-00077640-00078360 here which was a gift from my my lovely babies for Valentine's Day y'all they got me a little +953GL1iTZLY-00099-00078360-00079062 iPad they know I'm gonna um I'm an Android girl I'm Android but they want me to be +953GL1iTZLY-00100-00079134-00079728 apples so bad don't want me to switch over but I'm thinking I'm sticking with my Android but I love +953GL1iTZLY-00101-00079728-00080436 this iPad I do love it and I also have a Lenovo iPad which is also an Android but I use this +953GL1iTZLY-00102-00080514-00081378 I said a Lenovo iPad a Lenovo tablet but I think I use this iPad more because I love +953GL1iTZLY-00103-00081492-00082104 um good notes hands down I think this is the best application that I've ever used as far +953GL1iTZLY-00104-00082104-00082890 as the digital stuff now it is some more I know this is not about cat stuffing guys +953GL1iTZLY-00105-00082890-00083568 but I'm trying to try to make this video at least 15 minutes it is some more um some more +953GL1iTZLY-00106-00083718-00084552 apps that you can use with your digital planners but I have not tried those out and I think I will +953GL1iTZLY-00107-00084552-00085416 probably try to use those but for now look at this it's just blinging for now I'm just going to +953GL1iTZLY-00108-00085536-00085974 use good notes and then we'll do a tutorial on good notes because I've gotten familiar with +953GL1iTZLY-00109-00086040-00086916 this over the past few days and I love it so guys that is it and that is all um for this +953GL1iTZLY-00110-00086916-00087402 video I really appreciate you guys for stopping by thank you for those who have subscribed y'all +953GL1iTZLY-00111-00087402-00088320 we are getting so much more closer to my goal thank you thank you thank you but until +953GL1iTZLY-00112-00088320-00089148 next time guys you know I want you to hustle hard budget hard and pray harder bye queenies +95iIzDkrUA0-00000-00000039-00000319 Hello, my name is Susan Carroll. +95iIzDkrUA0-00001-00000319-00000930 I am assistant professor of Math at Georgia Highlands College Today we're going to talk +95iIzDkrUA0-00002-00000930-00001689 about section 2.5, solving quadratic equations, using the square root principle at first. +95iIzDkrUA0-00003-00001689-00002301 Now the square root principle says that if X squared equals some number K, then X equals +95iIzDkrUA0-00004-00002301-00002607 plus or minus the square root of that K. +95iIzDkrUA0-00005-00002607-00003811 So for example, if I have X squared equal 100, then X is going to be plus or minus the +95iIzDkrUA0-00006-00003811-00004507 square root of 100, which of course plus the square root of 100 is 10; so we get X equal +95iIzDkrUA0-00007-00004507-00004687 plus or minus 10. +95iIzDkrUA0-00008-00004687-00005196 Now the plus or minus – it's just a short way of writing two answers at once. +95iIzDkrUA0-00009-00005196-00005658 So we have X equal negative 10 and X equal positive 10. +95iIzDkrUA0-00010-00005658-00006981 Now if your square term is not isolated – say for example, we have 3X squared minus 36 equals +95iIzDkrUA0-00011-00006981-00007568 0 – the square root principle requires that the squared term be by itself. +95iIzDkrUA0-00012-00007568-00008125 So we're going to have to, for this problem, we're going to move our 36 over. +95iIzDkrUA0-00013-00008125-00008773 So we're going to add it to both sides and then we're going to divide it by the 3 and +95iIzDkrUA0-00014-00008773-00009068 we get X squared equal 12. +95iIzDkrUA0-00015-00009068-00009280 Now we can apply the square root principle. +95iIzDkrUA0-00016-00009280-00009889 So we get X is plus or minus the square root of 12, which is a simplify-able radical, so +95iIzDkrUA0-00017-00009889-00010765 we're going to have to do that – 12 has a square root factor 4, so we're going to +95iIzDkrUA0-00018-00010765-00011357 rewrite that as plus or minus the square root of 4 times 3 – and then that's going to +95iIzDkrUA0-00019-00011357-00011951 become plus or minus the square root of 4 times square root of 3. +95iIzDkrUA0-00020-00011951-00012738 So we finally get X equals square root of 4 is 2 – so plus or minus 2 square root +95iIzDkrUA0-00021-00012738-00012894 of 3. +95iIzDkrUA0-00022-00012894-00014101 Now let's look at an example where your square term is an algebraic expression instead of +95iIzDkrUA0-00023-00014101-00014329 a variable. +95iIzDkrUA0-00024-00014329-00015629 So if we had 2 times X plus 5 squared plus 50 equals 0 – well we still have to isolate +95iIzDkrUA0-00025-00015629-00016310 our square term, so we're going to subtract 50 from both sides, so 2X plus 5 squared equals +95iIzDkrUA0-00026-00016310-00016496 negative 50. +95iIzDkrUA0-00027-00016496-00017140 We're going to divide them by 2, so we get X plus 5 – all squared – equal negative +95iIzDkrUA0-00028-00017140-00018057 25, and now we can apply the square root principle and we'll get X plus 5 equals plus or minus +95iIzDkrUA0-00029-00018057-00018395 the square root of negative 25. +95iIzDkrUA0-00030-00018395-00019155 Now we're allowed to use complex numbers in this section, so we will continue – X plus +95iIzDkrUA0-00031-00019155-00020162 5 is equal to plus or minus the square root of negative 25 is 5I – and so we finally +95iIzDkrUA0-00032-00020162-00020920 get X equals, subtract the 5 from both sides, negative 5 plus or minus 5I. +95iIzDkrUA0-00033-00020920-00021923 Now don't forget that means X equals negative 5 minus 5I, and X equal negative 5 plus 5I. +95iIzDkrUA0-00034-00021923-00022179 Please note – those are complex conjugates. +95iIzDkrUA0-00035-00022179-00022449 That happens quite a bit. +95iIzDkrUA0-00036-00022449-00022993 Now the next thing we're going to talk about is completing the square, and we're going +95iIzDkrUA0-00037-00022993-00024023 to be completing the square on your generic quadratic equation – AX squared plus BX +95iIzDkrUA0-00038-00024023-00024598 plus C equals some 0, okay. +95iIzDkrUA0-00039-00024598-00024888 Now most look at two cases. +95iIzDkrUA0-00040-00024888-00025827 Our first case is going to be where our leading coefficient is a nice positive 1. +95iIzDkrUA0-00041-00025827-00026450 So X squared minus 6X plus 4 equals 0. +95iIzDkrUA0-00042-00026450-00027027 If you have a leading coefficient of nice positive 1, then you can jump straight into +95iIzDkrUA0-00043-00027027-00027738 completing the square by moving your constant over to the right side. +95iIzDkrUA0-00044-00027738-00028514 So I'm going to subtract 4 from both sides, and then I'm going to take 1/2 times the coefficient +95iIzDkrUA0-00045-00028514-00029333 of X over here in my little scratch work area of my page, and I get negative 3 – and then +95iIzDkrUA0-00046-00029333-00029920 you take that number and square it, including the negative, so it becomes positive 9. +95iIzDkrUA0-00047-00029920-00030544 We are going to add the 9 to both sides of the equation. +95iIzDkrUA0-00048-00030544-00031133 As long as you do it to both sides, you haven't really changed your equation. +95iIzDkrUA0-00049-00031133-00031708 And now, the left side of this equation is a perfect square trinomial, which means it +95iIzDkrUA0-00050-00031708-00032050 is extremely factorable. +95iIzDkrUA0-00051-00032050-00032718 You get X minus 3 all squared – and over here of course, you get 5 and you use the +95iIzDkrUA0-00052-00032718-00033373 square root principle – X minus 3 equals plus or minus the square root of 5 – and +95iIzDkrUA0-00053-00033373-00034265 add 3 to both sides and you get X equals 3 plus or minus the square root of 5. +95iIzDkrUA0-00054-00034265-00035140 Now let's look at an example where our coefficient is not a nice positive1. +95iIzDkrUA0-00055-00035140-00035919 So 4X squared plus 8X plus 3 equals 0. +95iIzDkrUA0-00056-00035919-00036490 Now I suggest you just go ahead and divide through by the coefficient of X squared. +95iIzDkrUA0-00057-00036490-00037128 So we're going to divide everything by 4 – and I do mean everything on both sides of the +95iIzDkrUA0-00058-00037128-00038175 equation – and you're going to get X squared plus 2X plus 3/4 equals 0. +95iIzDkrUA0-00059-00038175-00038456 And now you proceed as you did in the previous example. +95iIzDkrUA0-00060-00038456-00039159 You're going to move the 3/4 over and that will become negative 3/4 because we subtracted +95iIzDkrUA0-00061-00039159-00039719 it, and then you're going to take – I'll do it down here this time – 1/2 the coefficient +95iIzDkrUA0-00062-00039719-00040315 of X, so 1/2 times 2 is 1, and 1 squared 1. +95iIzDkrUA0-00063-00040315-00041249 And then we're going to add that to both sides of the equation – +95iIzDkrUA0-00064-00041249-00041924 and over here on the left side, we factor that as X plus 1 all squared – and over +95iIzDkrUA0-00065-00041924-00042397 here negative 3/4 plus 1 is positive 1/4. +95iIzDkrUA0-00066-00042397-00043171 Use the square root principle, X plus 1 is – oops – equal to, I almost forgot the +95iIzDkrUA0-00067-00043171-00043281 square root. +95iIzDkrUA0-00068-00043281-00043521 Well, I'm going to scribble that out. +95iIzDkrUA0-00069-00043521-00044153 Square root of 1/4 – that's supposed to be a plus and minus, it just kind of got a +95iIzDkrUA0-00070-00044153-00044404 little bit confused there. +95iIzDkrUA0-00071-00044404-00045137 And so we're going to have X plus 1 equals plus or minus the square root of 1/4 is 1/2. +95iIzDkrUA0-00072-00045137-00046127 So X plus 1 equals negative 1/2 and X plus 1 equals positive 1/2. +95iIzDkrUA0-00073-00046127-00046633 So we're going to subtract 1 from both sides, so this will become negative 3/2 and this +95iIzDkrUA0-00074-00046633-00047229 would become positive – oops – negative, excuse me, negative 1/2. +95iIzDkrUA0-00075-00047229-00047741 Okay, now if you have any questions, feel free to email me. +95iIzDkrUA0-00076-00047741-00048025 I'm going to kind of write it out diagonal here. +95iIzDkrUA0-00077-00048025-00048644 My email address is scarroll@highlands.edu +95iIzDkrUA0-00078-00048644-00049540 I hope I can get that in and you have a good day. +9qXK-js-rl4-00000-00000000-00001293 Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля, Šče ne vmerla Ukrajiny, ni slava, ni volja, Ukraine has not yet died, nor her glory, nor her freedom, +9qXK-js-rl4-00001-00001297-00002402 Ще нам, браття-українці, усміхнеться доля. Šče nam, brattja ukrajinci, usmichnetjsja dolja. Upon us, fellow Ukrainians, fate shall smile once more. +9qXK-js-rl4-00002-00002402-00003669 Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці, Zhynutj naši voroženjky, jak rosa na sonci, Our enemies will vanish, like the dew in the sun, +9qXK-js-rl4-00003-00003669-00004825 Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці. Zapanujem i my, brattja, u svojij storonci. And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own. +9qXK-js-rl4-00004-00004825-00006165 Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу, Dušu j tilo my položym za našu svobodu, Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom, +9qXK-js-rl4-00005-00006165-00007315 І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду! I pokažem, ščo my, brattja, kozacjkoho rodu! And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation! +9qXK-js-rl4-00006-00007417-00008648 Станем браття, в бій кривавий, від Сяну до Дону Stanem brattja, v bij kryvavyj, vid Sjanu do Donu We'll stand, brothers, in bloody battle, from the Sian to the Don, +9qXK-js-rl4-00007-00008679-00009778 В ріднім краю панувати не дамо нікому. V ridnim kraju panuvaty ne damo nikomu. We will not allow others to rule in our motherland. +9qXK-js-rl4-00008-00009949-00011051 Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє, Čorne more šče vsmichnetjsja, did Dnipro zradije, The Black Sea will smile and our grandfather, the Dnipro will rejoice, +9qXK-js-rl4-00009-00011116-00012414 Ще на нашій Україні д��ленька наспіє. Šče na našij Ukrajini dolenjka naspije. For in our own Ukraine, fortune shall shine again. +9qXK-js-rl4-00010-00012447-00013657 Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу, Dušu j tilo my položym za našu svobodu, Souls and bodies we'll lay down, all for our freedom, +9qXK-js-rl4-00011-00013658-00015557 І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду! I pokažem, ščo my, brattja, kozacjkoho rodu! And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation! +9r5oEEiwPS0-00000-00000003-00000779 So, what I wanted to point out is that gaining this emotional knowledge during the +9r5oEEiwPS0-00001-00000779-00001482 final stages, gave me even more power to have the self-discipline and have the control +9r5oEEiwPS0-00002-00001482-00002018 and the knowledge to say "I don't actually want to do this" and "I don't +9r5oEEiwPS0-00003-00002018-00002585 want to use this unhealthy coping skill" and then I managed to have like longer +9r5oEEiwPS0-00004-00002585-00003185 breaks. I managed like half a year without going with porn, which was very +9r5oEEiwPS0-00005-00003185-00003702 long. This worked and then I had like a relapse and then I had another break +9r5oEEiwPS0-00006-00003702-00004607 which was also maybe half a year or so and then I did actually meet someone and +9r5oEEiwPS0-00007-00004607-00005348 fell in love and started a romantic relationship. And with this, of course, it +9r5oEEiwPS0-00008-00005348-00006153 disappeared for now. So that's why I really can't say - I'm definitely not +9r5oEEiwPS0-00009-00006153-00006651 addicted any more or I don't have this problem anymore. I think +9r5oEEiwPS0-00010-00006651-00007239 I'd say I'm not really addicted anymore, because during the final stages, when I +9r5oEEiwPS0-00011-00007239-00007800 managed to have these longer breaks and when I had all this knowledge, I think it +9r5oEEiwPS0-00012-00007800-00008543 shifted away from a classic addiction and shifted more towards this compulsion +9r5oEEiwPS0-00013-00008543-00009215 and coping skill thing and I think this is something I definitely probably still +9r5oEEiwPS0-00014-00009215-00009831 have. So, if there was like a big drama and I had like depressive thoughts +9r5oEEiwPS0-00015-00009831-00010397 again or something happened or maybe the relationship broke up, I could imagine +9r5oEEiwPS0-00016-00010397-00010939 that I would have a relapse maybe and use this coping skill again, because I +9r5oEEiwPS0-00017-00010939-00011352 didn't really get to that point in recovery, as you would say +9r5oEEiwPS0-00018-00011352-00011925 professionally, because I was not really in a classic recovery and not through +9r5oEEiwPS0-00019-00011925-00012617 recovery. So, I think I would still have this compulsion in me +9r5oEEiwPS0-00020-00012617-00013456 and so I need to stay vigilant and stay aware that this is a danger in me, that I +9r5oEEiwPS0-00021-00013456-00014336 could go back to this coping skill. So to sum up what I want to +9r5oEEiwPS0-00022-00014336-00015041 say as a message with this video and talking about it is that I wanted to +9r5oEEiwPS0-00023-00015041-00015857 share my story and want to show that there are consequences to even such +9r5oEEiwPS0-00024-00015857-00016694 "harmless" addictions and coping skills and coping behavior, because I've seen so +9r5oEEiwPS0-00025-00016694-00017534 much porn and so much sex in that kind of world or system, because I didn't have +9r5oEEiwPS0-00026-00017534-00018290 many gay relationships or other sexual encounters, this sort of dominated my +9r5oEEiwPS0-00027-00018290-00019136 view on sex and the sexual relationship and brought in a lot of - not really ideas +9r5oEEiwPS0-00028-00019136-00019862 but more like maybe - concepts that up until now sort of taint +9r5oEEiwPS0-00029-00019862-00020978 my sex life, because in porn there's a lot of focus on achieving a +9r5oEEiwPS0-00030-00020978-00021959 certain goal while having sex and performing well in a certain way and +9r5oEEiwPS0-00031-00021959-00022792 maybe using certain techniques or being skilled at using certain techniques. And +9r5oEEiwPS0-00032-00022792-00023792 all these kinds of, sort of images of like a perfect simple, quick sexual +9r5oEEiwPS0-00033-00023792-00024401 intercourse are not realistic in the same way that a certain body type is not +9r5oEEiwPS0-00034-00024401-00025211 realistic for every human being. And these kinds of concepts or +9r5oEEiwPS0-00035-00025211-00026394 imaginations of sex, I took with me and then they sort of seep through into your idea of sex. So +9r5oEEiwPS0-00036-00026394-00026874 even if you're watching this and you're intelligent and you know that this is +9r5oEEiwPS0-00037-00026874-00027780 not how sex in reality works or how it happens or how easy it is or +9r5oEEiwPS0-00038-00027780-00028374 whatever or how long it takes or quick it is, whichever porn it is you're +9r5oEEiwPS0-00039-00028374-00029379 watching, that these kinds of ideas still seep into you and if you watch so much +9r5oEEiwPS0-00040-00029379-00030022 of it, it's hard to not take on some of it and have your ideas be tainted by +9r5oEEiwPS0-00041-00030022-00030711 these unrealistic images. So this is something for example that I will take +9r5oEEiwPS0-00042-00030711-00031380 with me for many years, because it's just in in my thoughts and it's just sort of +9r5oEEiwPS0-00043-00031380-00031986 what I got used to seeing and what I learned what the experience should be +9r5oEEiwPS0-00044-00031986-00032666 like or what normal sex would be like or could be like. Yeah, so there are still +9r5oEEiwPS0-00045-00032666-00033440 consequences you take with you and disadvantages you have even after such +9r5oEEiwPS0-00046-00033440-00034352 a supposedly "harmless" addiction. So I also wanted to raise a bit of awareness about +9r5oEEiwPS0-00047-00034352-00035082 the dangers, if you want to call it that, of porn. So, if you could relate in some +9r5oEEiwPS0-00048-00035082-00035672 way to my story or have some thoughts about this, I'd be very happy to hear +9r5oEEiwPS0-00049-00035672-00036564 from you in the comments below or via a video response - old school - and I'll +9r5oEEiwPS0-00050-00036564-00037176 probably make some more videos about some aspects or about my other mental +9r5oEEiwPS0-00051-00037176-00037830 disease tendencies and, yeah, if you're interested in that stick around or let +9r5oEEiwPS0-00052-00037830-00038234 me know if there are any aspects you would be interested in. So, +9r5oEEiwPS0-00053-00038234-00038617 until the next time, bye.